HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-02 - Newport Harbor News PressLOCAL MAN'S FLOAT TAKES FIRST PLACE City of Gl~dale'• Easter Basket, ahowing animated Bunny which tumed head at duckllnp, plua beautiful Euter flowers, was fi rst place winner of Its class at today'• Tournament of Roses. Float was designed by Newport Harbor'• veteran fioat creator, Lewia Stanley. Armed Bandit Duo Suspects Nabbed HARIOI WEATHER T-peral•NI UM PM& w~k la tN Harbor an-e •·@n: Hip Mond•y, Dec. 28 -··. &2 TIJHdlly, Dec. 27 • &0 W~dnuday. O.C. 28 ... 80 Thuniday, O.c. 29 ••• :,1 F'riday, Dec. 30 ..... Ml Saturday. De<:. 31 -·-r>9 8u.nda y, Jan. 1 .. -···· 67 41 40 Name Caprons in Anaheim 9 Minutes after Newport Beach Job. Pair Caught Nine minutes after an armed rob~ry was committed in Newport B<'ach Friday night, Huntington Beach police had t he two suspects in custody. Stopped In a car rontalnlnR" a mo'nry, nr• ro1n11." C-11t<'03 quotl'<t 3:1 <'Ill. 1 r volver a.nd $70 In bllla <.:ruxell ,,. lelll11g him. wlllrh h.ad 111lt gf'dly JI.I.It been The i;t\.lnm11n tuuk l h4' lull• Ch,.. ta.lltn 111 fl.In point fium \..'arl "<>" hs11dt'tl him 11111 ortll'n•I lhe vktlnl tu thr rt'a r "r thu elorC'. Jamu Ch<'c-r1a, proprlelnr o{ l ht t:u111om~r Rlrhlll tl f•lt'ld1rr J.'N'K Suultvard Liquor Store •l U i of Norwalk l'nlPrrd \hf' liquor Newport Blvd., were dnver of lb• •tore u Cmxell rnn out tht 1toor •ul1,, Ot>nnla J\.ou Eftn•, H . o( and WU a bl• 10 C1Ve lnYNtlCAl• lnit otflceni a dt11rr1111111n of the H Isa S •t 222 8lh SL, H unllnrton ~•rh. l'IK'•JM' rar anti ll.t1 tlrlY•r. U nee UI O a.nadt.• Oale R Croull. 2fS, of South I _ Checo. m u n v,.h1I• IJOl hMa 1un ChKoa wa.a taken 10 Hunllnf · and ran out a1<ll'. f11 Ing al thr Ct>l· S ANTA ANA tOCNSI -A ton ~ach Friday nlJ hl "''ht're he away vehlrle u I\ <It'd nnr\h on «implalnl for abatemtnl of nula-, 1tl•nllfled CroxelJ u Ule JUnm an 1'ewport Uh I.I A X t'"''porl Hf'•< h a.net, rulralnln1 of lreapa.1111. aJ>t'<· who held him up at 7·03 pm Che· patrol car In l h«' \'IC ln1ty l<"'l the lrtc performance, dama.gH and ro• aald hf' flrf'd th~ 11mu "IUI auto u II • 111 n(( t'nu t J11,1th\U)'. quirt lltl• waa fllt'd In Supt'nor 1h.•a..o"''n gun u th• robbt'r• were lhrouich HtMllf Hoepll.a.I an•I "I' Court be re Frida y, by t.he own era 1Jn •·1ng from lhl' IK't'nt . TY.•o bul· Pl"<'"""" A\" ln \'lrtnri11 and of Ole Foa Th.al re buUdlnl Ill ll't hulu wue localed In E vlll\ll' ar rotU lh" nver·bullnm lo Hur'll· Anahtlm. I' ar by 1n\f•tot1g"at1ng ortlc en1 aftt'r tng ton R<-at h Wendt.II H. Payne arrd wire. l ht' a1111~t. "l'rf' boJOkfd In Nt'W· PIC-K~ 1·r ......... :C'T~ EUa bet.h A. Paynr, brought thf''porl l kouh J"•I. I Orflttr J at"k Bulh•r ••t Hunt· action afAll\.lt Ct'Oqr:e Capmn a n•J fnlPrmgal1nn of o,,. 111 .. l""C'la lnitlon T\#arh, •·n 1ernr ri.I r•a11 .. 1 Edna. R Capron, wrllkno\\ n :-:, w· by •I"'"' t1vr" rlln nP<'lMI trlf'rn "'"I th rt'< r1vr•I thf' 11n11r•I r nblY ry l1r•,,.rl· port Harbor proj)('rl)' own40n I'"' rrll Jnh• pullf'<i In Mlrtway City rut r111111 ~,.,.. p<>rt A••.irh nn•I .A t'<'Ordlnr .to the romrllunt th" I"'"' Compl<>n r11 kt•I "" fhghl .. r l hr , .. 1,1 .. r \' defandanl• ocr up rrof"'i ly · 11.,. \ 'Kt:u FOR (,ROO ru , 1l11pp1n11 IL In llunl inl(lon Jace.nt 10 the plaJn{lft on th" l!IOlllh <"hr-•••• .s"''' Cm""<rll t nltrf'd the n~11•·h w11 .. rl' omr .. r ~·,. .. .i n p ... '"'• plalntlft a llt'Jtf!• lht ,1,.r .. n-i •I•,,. """ · n•kt<l ror 11 boll Ir of \\ 111 nu1 .. tr<1 him U1 a ahakt<lo\\n CS.nl hu ronatrurtl'd a or v,.11111 :i '" hl•ky \\ 111111 < 'ht«111 111m rl.l \\•Ith or 1 hr A11to fttl overh"nglnir; lhet l•lntitr thr \\hU1ky. ('rn'Crll 11 .. 111 1\ bl11"'1I Anl'lllflf lh11 .,111~tio w1u11na1I• property. Thi.II obllf'IH'l.11 :;,,. fr ,.,. •1...,1 '"''"h"r on him "Gi\"f' me 111t 7 11 p m 1-'rl•l•Y UH or th,. plalnl\rt holJ1ng~. lhr complalnL a.uert11. The dda:1d&llb alao 11re a r• uioMI ot m akln« four •ir \ ""~ tn a w1tll without the plalnurr foni•rnt Furthermore. tha pll\1nt1!C,. al· lf'll:r lbf' dr rend•nlro h..a•,. l>M'n ,,,.. llll' t. J1aAJ1afflllVAY 1•r l hfl J'lalnlltr property without C'Onatnl New Sands Soll Mr. lVld Mn. ~tanlry Sam•• 111 ~1 .. \\" Balboa Rh-.J :-;,. ... ,...,1 S..Ch, •rt lhf ,,.r,.nt • nf 11 '"":\ bom f¥C' 13 In llnll,t lfo,.p11al Bissonnette Pleads Innocent on McConnell Burglary Count '\ \ , 1 K ·=-s • rnunts f I ""·""" •"'' 11nind lhrft \\f'rl' I .. IV• •I 11;: ''" t l'o•118l1J J Bt•· ~ llll•tl" lt c•' l>r"n~ .. rl•IAY B1»-0n• llt Jan JO on lhf r"· 11 \ anti grnn•I 111 .. tt • 1111nt.11 an " uriic1:ia l 1nlutrr1At1cin br< II 1 11 '""I lh" f "·~ 111nn h11 I .t • l t' ~. S 1n11n f"r\\ < ~ • q t "-l" 'n " f1' • ' f "' • ' ,. 1 • ,,, ,,.,.,.1,1n£ a• l•n p• •fM"'f"\" r' Unl •• 1'n··•nt "' ;lif' 1J1•f•nLl1nt • 111· ,.,,. '•'tt: ~·"'I .. ''' Ur1•h lh,.11 I•••!• ,.,, "'•t"'"'"' J . .tt~,. ~l '•Jt J'1 tt,. I • Jury tt\ ti '\ru ,,,. *" •' II'• I r' t '';'""I .... "l"' ro11nl n lt;r 1, tt;i:l •rV 1tt :-;.: 1 .. 1 • ' •~I II r hur-\' I'. n• II • ht\ln" " ll,1Jlna BRUINS SAIL TO VICTORY Regardl<'u of who \\'ing the.-g-reat gridiron C'lnl'i<IC'. th.~ l T LA Bruins wnn the t raditional Ros<' R"gatta l't\tlinj! i;«ril'S 0\'1.'r thr1r ~I uh 1g1rn ~~t:ite ad\'e1 sa rtC'tt bv a 41-point mar~in . Hostt'\1 by 1'\·wport Hi rbor Yacht \lub. 1 hrcc two-m:rn c-r~ws from uch c-ollcj:<' ss al<'d 11ix raceR an Lehman lnll'rdub dm~h1r!I la11t F m l:iy for tht' Ira P. Fulmor 1wrpctunl trophy. T h<' w1nn111~ 'Bnnn lT<'W shown h<'r<' in<'lndl's II to r ) Captain Jnck Taylor and crew Dick Wi lbur -whn wrre a h;o inclh•idun l hi-point winnera : Paul Hen free anu Karen Fluick . and Dick Wheaton anu Pete Abbe*.. -Becnw PJaoto -.!..-------· BARBO~ • PR SSS 48tb YEAR -NUMBER Ut NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1M6 PHONE HARBOR 1&18 FIVE CENTS YEAR'S -FIRST $7000 F. BA~ ~~to ~!~: tha • • I re New Year •t Hoac :ahmor1&1 Hoqltal wu a strl Uld juat Ilk• a Slrl ahe took ber own time in anivUIC. L c The child, ~ter ot Mr. and Jira. John Blecker, 21 H K onrovi& Ave., eo.t.a Me.ea, oss • I r didn't arrive unW l :t O ye.ter· :~:=~ :y.i:::; ~,~ I I and Mra. Jam .. Preuon, 12t7 ;:;;:~~~Boats Burn FIFTY GOLDEN YEARS SEAL Modlficstton of City of Newport Bea.ch lea! appeani above. lt prodairna clly'a (Olden annlHrNry, dua In September. The 11ea.J will be ava.llable for UH on 1taUonery, envelope• lo carry N ewpon. Beach !writ.ace far &nd wide. in Avalanche A U.S. Army clvtll&n employee from N ewpert Beach, John A. Droe.ge, 33, of 300 FernluJ Ave .. narrowly eacaped dt a U\ In an A l· pine 1 avalanche which Saturday clalmetd the llvu of rour per11on8 in a New Year'• Eve 1kllng party. One SOuthem C&!Jfomlan, Rirh- ard J&e\(lon, 34, of Palm Sprtng1. wu among tho .. "''ho perished In t.he a valanche near Davoa, Swlt· z.torland. Leavitt Garage in Bay Shores Gutted by Blaze A garage in the Bay Shores diatrict containing a new car, two boats and power tools was entirely deatroyed by fire early yesterday morning with damage eatimated at $7000. I 11hocks of my lite," Leavitt .,._ The fire In lite g1U"&4re belong1ng cl~d. 10 1. \\' 1,..R,'tl t J r .. 2i~2 <'r l'~l-1 Aael11t.a,nt Fire Chief P hil Hay- Droeee ll lilted In the city <llrtr-v1tw l>riv!", twg-an a.bout 1 :•J a. m. dr n, who had char1e of flthllnir tory u a civil engineer a nd hi" while NC'W Yetlr's Eve parllell were the l lr ... 11&1d cau" of Lhe btaa. wife, Karollne Dr~ge, 11 lltt"l 111111 irotng on haa not ~tn dttermlned. 1-vlll at tbe aame addre•. tie la c-m· It wu pe hape fortunate for M.ld Uw garai:" door had been t.tt ployed by lhe t:.S, Anny In :Mun-1 r partly ovm and lhe fire may b&ve lch lht l.<-&\'111~ that p•·rionns In the . art a Wl'r" 11llll a.wa.k• al lhal befn at.art<'d by a match toe.wd Oroel'• and another CaJirom lan. hour bf't"aU.~t' ~nothtr Jr:"lll"llJe next by a n "w yur·" reveler 'nlla la Daniel !khiavone, 21, Manhattan d0t>r WM ,.l,.rllng to catch 11~ lhC' M'<'ond b11d fire 1n thl• ~ Beach. wue dur out of the anow Md UI• ir own h"u"• "'~ c-ndan· In the pa.l't ~•it monU11t, the n n alld!'. Al the lime ot the tragl"<ly , i:••rtd whtn ntlghbur• n.tahf!d out ,s.-pa rt~~,.n~ 111111.I. alx peraona In the party wue llk l· and beg!Ul puu mg waltr from !li E" CAil CHAaRED Ing-O\'tr newly faJlen anow on thl' itanlen hc>ll"• on the tlamt'a. Some. I Ltavltl aald hl11 lo .. ro1U1h1ttd ot famOWI Paat.n Run. 0 116 rallf'd lhe flri• dl'partmt'Dl. I\ 11156 auto mobllf', a 17 .fl. motor· S<:htavone'a hand w&a bedly r,.; Bt:O AS t.r.EP bl•a\. ~ H bol M llboal, outboard fro1tbillen but he ""d Jlr<>fltl' • ' • motor, a nd powtr toolJI, 1n addl· were unha.rmtd ~cepl for ihol:k Leavlll and hi• twnlly had s one 11011 lo Ull' lf&l'a1e alrur lure en · to ~ ~tu ly a.nd all\Ce Lhl'Y alttp tll"t'ly ""'troyrd. Jl'lrrm•n .. td In thr fronl part of the boUM a.bout $60 ps1nt dam"-f" wu dOna lheoy did not know about lhti fire I lo th•• nell(hboMn1 ("aract. CAPTUllED-Shortly after a Newport Beach liquor store robbery, Friday DJ(bt, Huntington Beach police apprehended ..Denn.i9 R. Evana, left, and Gale Roy Croxwell. They await trial oo the c.h&rsa -St&U Photo CLAIM TOUBY ARREST SOLVES 12 BURGLARIES Hilgren Claims Innocence as Mesans Investigators look 2 Dy RfLL PHILl..IP8 a ppro1tlm&ttly S3000: burgtu1u Of Searchf'ra du&' Into more than l~ ftt\ of anow recc>vf'Mf\f: thft body ot a.nothf'r American llnd two F rencJ1 a)<lers. Droe.re (T&duat.ed front Newport H&rbor Union H ll'b School In J940 where he played t oot.bell, He WM • life rue.rd on the Corona drl Ma.r m&1n bM.ch. R ia p.renll lived hare bul w"re native of ~rmany. °"°M•'• tat.htT ~ently died here. 10,000 More Costa Mesa Notes Huge P-ostal Gain Coate. MeAa PoetmM lt'r Mr" Hurl Clll tod•y IUIJIClUncM a I •In ot $21,71!1 In p<Mrtlll ,...C1'1p~ l11r Ill" over 19:i4 The 11111°1 t111111 a.mounLed lo $167,ISM.31, M n1 c;111 "'J><lrt.ed, rompal"t'd to tfJM'• s u r,,- 971 31. n unng the Mua Chri11tlll\la nah, Mr.ro. QIU n!Vfaled 424,2911 lrlll'nl WI'• e dltpel<'hed rro111 Ll"f 12-2:1. a n a vt nage or 32.638 ltlln ,,..,. d11y. Thla WU 10.QOO m••rl' DILi'• l t\'f'8 1wr dRy lhan °"'"' f' hlln•ll•·•I In lllM's Yulf'lltlf' blll& 111 .. i•••I· m&attr NJd. C:roofl"'"'l•\'P work by Oranre j IJI• Meaa C1u.b, Bav&r1an Inn, Bob'• C.>unty Shr11Cr • ortlce a nd New· 8porUn( OOoda. two ftlllnr; •~· I•'' L Br•• h 11nd Coata Mua de· Uoru at 17lh Sl. and TwllJn, 11 11\ •. h••I t•Mla y clt'lr~ up a • ChAmberl.aln Ftnr" ('o . lha •fe· 8 1CKUI day lhll °Chn•t m<H •fla· I 7• 11 h•ll ~ ,.,, ... IUld nnf' J>"llY l"ra.dctnf al Courln"Y A Ltaltr and 8tln wu °"" 19 ,,..h .. n mor,. than l h• ll 1n thr Harbor a rt'a Th!' Jlf'tlY t.hrit of a H~ ~ue drill &4 000 l'lltn1 w•~e d1•p11rhN1 '''" '1i;111 n r.-•ultrd in Ro~rt antt bit from pickup of Jt.m!'a from t.ht Mpaa poat ofth ,. ~:.O•h II••" .11 1 Toub\. 23. ,,t CMta Mn.a GaJlachrr at 2027 Plac<"nUa Ave 1"l~r Ul.at r;ot>• l.hrouirh lhfl I""' J:I' 1r-i; hln •rtr 11p to the Stitt 1rc a i...et June. otn<-e hu In M h1nt1i.-.1 from four ·r ..... 1 ht h ~"'ff t• • .............. T I to fly~ l imn . Mra GIU nntr-1 " •• • , '"'"" "'' n11: on a c a rlf1' • v-.. v..,.,....,.,.. r vm• 1 ri·b~rv ur ~f'<r"l Har• Saltra.nk all C'dl h dJed lh r -rom ~. 12 l o f>t-1 27 1h10 1 or 1 ·,i. ,., I led to arrral of l h ··--" 1 tg 'I h A.QC e YulUdr. M.-.. Ctll rf'portt.J ::i ;; · ore .....,., o o~n l " ourln•Y ba.... f pa 1 \l •'\ \I ••Im lhtitrl'n, 2•. •llln ar 6 Leater aalt ~er Touby broke •-o rcr post \\.,,."'"'"I '" ,:. • i "" au"f'u'ton oC arm· '" and dl~ovrrtd h• couJ11 not do and <1"1lv"rtd b \• LhC' ;\I"•' I"' ' , hi•" \ µ .. t h m"n a rr tci6ay t.he .)ob a.lont-$.tJ!11U1k ha.t aJJIO ofr,ce w hile 212fS bag .. ur r"'' 1 • .... ,\. n il I ~ ,_.. ... ... roat. ~" dlllpa.lrtw--1 t fflm (" .. ,., n COl\ru'C .-u w1 .. , u1e J.1ua Mt M from De<:. 7 111 Llei z . :o-t • k ~.\l,.'RASK Club. Bavana.n Jnn and J>f'ltY theft A ·1 •I• p1u tmtnh "'rr e today )nb•. a1 "'"fll u .aoml' T ouby hu A:t torrn.111J1er to '"' '' • "'' ••, k 1 .: .. 11 .. 1 hl"r 11u•r.-.:l 1m;illr11. t · 1 admlttrd t o In Nf'wp<>rl S..ach. troWlh "' tile C'o•ls M""' I'" 1 , 1 1n "'"'tlll of lhf' b11ri:1u1r11 Jn N~r1. 8"11Ch, Touby hu office durintr Ul e Nt w \. "' · I 11 'h '"' I>\· J \I""' A. S•1fr1t.11k bren connf'<'teod with burg''U')' ot ground "'"&3 brokc.n for a '"'w "! .. \\ 1• I 11<t f,f'ard ot In thr •r proll.lmalt'ly llOO from WHtem po11taJ l!lructurf' f'riday. Con81n11 • I r• n, 111 • 1 &nd ,bo llt'Vt ll rtlurn· Cannery, lhr(l or a n ,.m pty aart lion i. r xpf'r lfd ti> &•L u.nurrwi.y II I ' I h .1111(1' ( tllllll v from Chri111.&n'11 Hut burgle.ry or Lhl• W t'l"k. llfrl. Oall ll&ld :-'•·I f i, "1 '")llnm. <'M•lll M•llA a.n 1ddlnic maih\ne' IUld chtck ----- 11 •···•111.11•1 ' ~r1111 T1uibr . who 19 wrllflr from Maren C:nrp. In Irvine I '" ·• •··: • r H11 h11r<l J\•sn Tn11by. I Tf'rl'M'e, and lhr Irr crtam parlor I 1 '" n ~· 11tr 1u111<•n on a felon'' brf'flk ·ln. ' 11r' 11 •' 11 •bi.rt1~.r 10 "1J:hl H1t.11dlln1t the 1nvt10llp llon are 1 :'\, I I"'' l II ' ... IO• luillni;-\hP r• .. 0.1nny Rios and l:Jyrl aatl,lle Of ' ';i 1 "'"'\'I'' 111 kin1t , Jnh "1 lhet Rh.,rlf("1 (lfflcP. Pollom ot ~. '"':.otri Tir1f' 1 :,''hnpa~n•· ro,\a Ml''!\, Mr M&ll llt'llcl &nd Oet. I ·'I '' "\' "n' 1.,1 .-t s-I.A' J .. _ f "' • "" ,. ... ttl" lhrl l "'"'" lul a'" h roy o ..... .eon or newport f'U. •I • ·• f t ,. I :'If\" Me nira l nt rt n~a<h Mt<! T"Ub)' ad· I UCLA • I fnur buq:l11r ... • h,.r ... lirit· .... I. .; It I • ( ., rrnx1rnftlr ly I $' • ' \•,·, !:ht"• "'" Cn-am R 1.. • I , ·11~1 11 •• hw .. v ose t I. \l \f' I :'\ "''l<'F.;\( Y. I! l '., b • I ft·Jutf\.,..r~ hr WAI Wins Regatta 1nr• •,. • I ,. ,. "fl~rn"""n "·tot'' t'Cl,.A '• t.l'hman tllni:t.y aklp· T • '" '• • "• r 1 • R <'Rn h1u1~.i pf'r~ wo n F'rld11v'1 R11~t Rtl(alUl 11 •: ~ '' I J.,.h·• ·I 1 ·.~,r) !-'•1prr "" ll:r"' rort l\:n ll"!'l'rding tn r1 t c·1 •I.\ ~1r4tt, hu:l l' nt tRC"t' nf (tt 1a11 a l ~·,.\\rn. t H arbnr b 'h , I I ,.. • • l'nllr 111 '"T'' r tf'd vn~ht ("lub Top ~ .. l J r• r for U\r II •. I on • h\'•lnt' I llpf'r""'""''"IV Mrutn v nm "" J111 K T11ylor. 40 $1 ':t · r 1'1• ~1."" ur"·c-rarl1ln1t pnlnt~. rollowl'tl hy h18 , l•f'&~f'•. rr" •'· \ •JJ I • " \l<'n o~ •Joi < n1n• r aul Rtnr r~". 3!1 pelnll• and Pete l11kor1 :1• I n o•b ll 1',-.nrl lnJ( C"Nk l Abboll. 22 VOlnta T .. 11h\ h11<krd lfll1iun·~ ~lory tha t 1i11ch1i;nn ijtnte'1 1klpfl"rt wtre u11ttl lht')' huru lh<' commotion Newport police ofrk er• Ro.,.rt out.aide. Brocklt-and R<\t>ert Jrlcrn1k y atood ''IL WU one ot Ula rreatelll by to sa.al•l wlt.h l MlHlr t"OOt rOI. Gala Opening of Mew Bank Set in Costa Mesa Tuesday Oprnlng ot the n"' US. Na· tlona.1 Bank bWI~ In ColJla M.,. A&. 1'\Jp8d1y, lM M'h~uled lo b<!! a K'&.la a ftalr, aC'cord.lnr to Pa1ll Creltbton. bank mana~rr. ,.,,e n•w. modf'm bu1ll.ln1t bulldlnr. l'Ol\Al rll(l('(J by Lhe South Cout (·onatrtJrtlnn ('1l undtr Jlf'"'Onal A1Pf'rv181''" 'lf Walttr Mtlloll, lll .. 1d lo nft•r 8'1rn f' ot lh.i moi l mit<JtVITftlll:' blln~ t~ tn <'n11ta M" lllnd lht h11rbor a~ JI 1 .. loc-a l"•I 11l Nt'•'f!Ol't A''"· and illl 1 b<•r HlvtJ II 14 I h,. fm•I bank In lht J.ta r· b<Jr IH"ll '" """' dnve-ln w1n.lt1w tinnk1n1: ""' \'1• t Thi~ wlntluw aer· \If I' '"IJ"' rnt to lhl' 100 r&r 1'"'"'11 I'"' kinic Int in f""r o( bank A. 1•11.:1• '"••' ""lrllnl"f', In ••ldl· lion 111 lh• n111m fllllllll<'~. pro· \lllr~ •'ll"Y 111" •• lu tht b>lnk (1 11111 t h t 1'11 1 kllll( IM flt T"T \' 0 1:-.0 • t:ATl"Rt:~ 11111 .. , 1>u1,.t11n11!n11 f .. 111urr• 111 h 111.. ";II ll'I • "'Ull rarp..i1n~ • ' I I rut Ollllllll • In lnun,l!• .. I \' r . l1>1lh)' c11mJ'lrlf' ,.!W row df'ptlri· '•nt ft ••· ''•J:r•t ·•·r~·"•\••ry 1Ar1· I 111•" ..,,(,. dt f''••lt 'J• p·u If' r.,r frl'f' ll·t • lor <II lnm"r 'r"""•rtlll· t~I ( h•1 k• ftlf 7.z•H\ "" fltvsr for .,, 1 t ,, . ._ 111an.,::,.. itn·' t•11nfPrttn<"' • • .,., · •l.1\h(t-I l11thlln.1! ,., .• ,.,m d t ft•I "' t,.J._, "r• ••n nl l•tl\'f· ·In w1n1l1.w b<tnklns: IW'r· ' ~ t i"• t·f'4 ''",. t • • !" • .. ,, .. n. n-fKlllON will provide a H>m· plete ba.nklnr ~rvlc• and autrl· clmt trained J14!r80nnel to handle aJJ wrvtcf'I dur1n1 the new bank· llllt houra"', Mid Chu. 1'Wln kle. mm.,.r of the board of U.S . N a· llona.J Bank an.d ehllrman ot UM CO.ta MHt. branc h adYlllOI"')' ecim· m illet Mr. T,W1nkle Is one ot eo.ita MN&'• M-adl111 cl-rio ftc• tfT'i"9 He I• a ,,..t postmut.er, tlrwt m a)'Or. a monr..,. num~ <IUUnrllon•. He hu ~n a ,..... tlrn\ ot Co•ta MM& for S~ ,..,., Sl:R \'lCI: POLICY "The t: S Sll!IQn•I Bulk M.e alway11 pn1m(1tt-1I tnrormalllJ' la •Jt'all111e with bank r llent1. We ~ J1•ve tl\e ~114'("1•1 dr•llf'I and ,.,.. n"hlnl(A of I h• n11w bank bulld• •l'ltc 1rulv r"flf'< t the Informa l ,.,.. \ 11·" p<'ll!rv or nur ur1t1nlaallon" • .. "''' M " \\'11..,•n. h•nk prr•I• d t' n l Th" hllll k ha.a ITVW1l fro. $tJ "'' I . I\ ,,, "·" ~ 1n I r•nUl'C'f'I to "'"r $4.'I mllltnn doU.,.. In Ju1C & I•" , .. ,.,. IL "'"' 11.bll'•I 1-•~" i:•rl• r •r th,. l11tJ1u and mrn hlUI bttn pllllnnf'od tor Lh« opal• 1n~ ""'" Srw-11.a.t purae tubfoa ol I . ,. Ill ' An ·I lu1 ky .. h .. 1..-l'lh•" t c.ontAlnlnlf a new pea,• n~ " II llf' •J1,.l 11tt11l"'I 8 u 1dee br •nl hr• In l,11A A "6:"1"" •nd Saa f 11ri;11 I' 1unll• •. t • S Satlonlll bu ,, br ""' h in F ullflrtnn I • ' t \ 1·• I ul" ... n • ,.. In uur lorrow•d G-f -LH t.,,,.. 1 ''''' 111ut \\ ,. R u .. • ••• .. '" I \I " rr"•·drnl H( l h" C'n•t • Thf'ft of a g un ft'Qm thr re&r \lf1 lu .. n•h r '•" I 11 I 11'~ hr>llf'I (,.r th" ~~.·~ ~r\ hit!#~;~ ';l~l';f'i;;~:s.:; ,. ' .• ~t,.·~ ....... h 111 ••• ... "'I) qn· I•\' 1)11\'ld I l'nolhrtm or 3120 Broad • 1111 • I II\ II t .. ,,, I 'I• '1"" !'>I l'rlflh•m llAid It WU • ~mine· "1lh "I"'""'" t hr """" h1lllohnK • '" 22 a11tom111 Ir rlrl• which he 1 " 1 •' 11 ' 1" '" • ""I 1"' f 1 ""' 11~·1 IY>r ~, .... ._, fr<1m owner ,.rllll\I I II ,\ ~S Io ;1 I' M · M1>nill\ VI I Ill Mon oC 376 16th St • Collla 111 .t11(h Thur~•l1n• ~1111 r, .. ,,. JO M"Slt A o\t 10 fl I' M "" ••i-1t111y~ "Our __ ------------- 1 H11~11· n wn~ 11111 ln\'11lwd c,,.,, Rr11xlr r. :ZQ poinl1<, Tony Wu· I .. 11 "1 • '1 I T"uhy with J•k. 21 JX1lnl11 anol M11ry K llntt..r. b•l'~ll\r\· <>f I h" \\'11~nn \\'h""' I"' rn1111~ A me~. fS lo 7 knot l"al t', wh• re Ule llW!Pf'Ct adrn llrd Lrt' i~ mal!" aathnr; ple&Jl&lll. n1poa.11bWt.7 t~ .....,_ ..t a t I~ ._..,.UMllla repor\ed. NEW t r. S. NATIONAL BA~ -This t1hows exterior o! new Cotta Mesa bra.ncla o f U . S. National Bank of San D1i-go which will be open t omorrow for bua.in.. at i'8 new JocaUon. .Newport Ave. and Harbor Blvd. ---------- r DEBUTA.NTES OF '54 were hostesaes on the morn- Inc ot the Debutante Ball to Debs of '55 at an in- formal brunch In the Alva Newland home, 213 Via Udo Nord. Left to right are Mi.88e8 Sally Newland with Twt. the poodle; Cora Peters and Suu.n Betz, this year'a Debe; Nancy Tritt and Mra. Gene Patter- son (Jane Nunan). -Staff Photo THA'l' NIGHT THEY WORE ~ but in the morn!ng informality wu the key- note u Debe of '54 and '55 were entertained at a get-acquainted party at the ot Miu Sally Newland. Lef to right a.re Miaaea Shirley Stahler, Newland, Taja Tohill and Sally Pfiater. -Staff Photo. -· Episcopal Church and Mission Will Hold Annual Meetings Saint Margaret's Guild to Serve Both Dinners Tbe fir11t annual dinner of the Costa Mesa Episcopal Miaaion will be held Thursday at 6 p. m. in St. James parilh hall It wW be a pot-lucl< dinner for all members and their f&mil'.lee, followed by a short buaineaa meeting and •Ion's building fund. Mr8. Thf'O- dorc J uhnHOll &nil M r11. Ho•tlry Eeeley are co-ch&Jrmen for the dinner. Their commlttH mrmbPra a re lhe Mml'!I. J ohn Donnelly llnd F loyd Hubbard. Guild membt•r11 ore 11elllng va- nilla 11nd aham1wo In order to •am two cottee pots for lit•• ml1111011. ot·rLU t:u:rrs El~cllon or officers wu con- c-~r1 11 1n r .. nrr,. n1 .. 1 .. l't'tf' nret rf~ 111 .1~1 If...' rt\\ or J.luUI~ Sh•~l• In ISM. u'COrdlnr to the Na Uooal Automul>i'• Club. JuUe Rum Lau.renoe Harvey Sbellf.y Wlaten la "I Am A Camera" (Sot R~ for CM..,_) -Phu - Kalht1rinfl Hf'pbura ROllUllo Bramd "Summertime" THE OROA..°" \'OU OA.N l'l.Al' "T ONCE : ~-... rtW- HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN The \\'bole ramu, 0- ... .,. It \\'ltllc>Ul '-•I SEALARKING BJ GINNY (1188. EDW.UD LESn:B) 8MITll .A.BO.AJU> TYPEIC1 A. Happy, " benefit; all her ha rd work a nd Happy New Tear, and may 19~ tha t ot lier committee for m any bftns all your dnam. .pluhlnr mon th.I put. really J>llld of( In thr'oUlfl! tha t l.hle pRrty wae the lo vllul NEWPORT HARBOR election of officers. at. .li&rpnl'• Guil4 &. ln charce ot the dinner. The com11'11llff ch&!rman, &aU th.al anyone not 900tact.ed Mou.Id br11lr a bot dlah. ~ or deMert and lhelr own dlallee and allverN&re. The d\ll· clren wlU be rand for durtnr Ute bualnea m.et.lnr . For further ln· ducted at the lJo•ceml>e¥ mtttlng fonnatlon on the dlnner contact of St. Margarel'" Cutld. held in I the co-chaim1f'n ror the dlnn,.r. the home or Mn< f'luyd Hubbarrf. M rs. WIUlant l-'t.sher, U 8·J2 Ji or 12i Santa Ana A\'•• Nanll'<J wt're· U ra. Robert Miiier. LI 8·6624. I' ha1rniun. Mrs. John Oonnelly. cn- l "OR ST. JAME~ .Jla1m1an, Mrs. John Teagle. iwr- The women or St. Margaret'• a re retary. Mrs. Howard o.-,kurd. 11.lso m&klng pla.n1 lo <'Utc-r the tre1n1urn, Mr11. C\lftl)rd Thomu. SL J amu IU\llU&I dlnnl'r on Jan. pubhclly, MrA. Robfft Miller. Now t ~o Net!Ct '° TaJte ,_.. CBJU81'Kil REOATI'A. w t end amootheat running ever .•. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'• Editor Moaday broutht out a&llora ga-everything went o(( like C'l<><'k· Jor. •.. aldrUna t be neet a1 ob· work . . . Debe looked radiant. Mrt'On .... 1potted t ti.t tun lov· 1 their Cruh yo_ung ~ .. uty set otr p GE 2 p RT I NE\.f../D"'lltT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS N tal Fete for Snr yacht MJchlran: Four Qu~en• tly th~lr nowlng white. rull A • A -... ~ a JI from Minnetonka ; Tyra Linda. lengt.h bouffant JtOWllJJ tCahlll or·1 MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1956 M" k • h D L. A.: DoMa and Cal Smith on lf1nal1 aeemed most popular) . . --------------------------1r OVIC UO Marinero (w I l h t iny lighted MY F ORD IR VINE pruent('(l Chrtitmu tru h.fgh atop the the debutAntea1; Ehza~th Bec:k. TUDOR CHRISTMAS DRAWS mut); Dollie and Howard Ah · Su311Jl Bl!'tz. Jeanne C'i.utenilyl·k, maruon dnlng 11<1me "Sir!. u1 aall· Ann C:lb3on. Mar~art'l Hirth, Ell· LQCALITES TO YQSEMI""'E ,. tni;" (lhPlr 10 meter 1l110 h ad uibeth Howell, ( aasanura lioyt, l bf'tn a dOrnl'd wllh a llJthtffi tr,.e Mellnd& Lelt hold. Denise ~llt11. h igh on t hC' mlill\ \ 'l"ll\1t1ba; Mac· Cora Pt!lers. Sally Pfister, Clare k• a nd Owl'n <:111 ll'r crublng out Smith and TaJa Tohill . t h• harbor abnl.lrd Enchantrr . · · ENJ OYING the e vt!nlng .•. 1 \1 wa\<'hlnfl! lhr nit b11t1t"r" pn-Bobble and Bob Carll!On. Marcele form. :"olhini: like a •IHY in lht a.nd Wa y ne Ferrell, Dorothy Bay. I Coun.el.ln&n wJlh Andy Kirk, t"ANNJp; AND AL CLOUD Wanda (HenderJ10n ) a rt d Bill ,.·111 hol<I a n vp<'n h•)ll"" to<1ay ffol&hauaer. Harll'tl and Ceorce fC'a lu1 lnl' lhe U.C.L..A ·Mlcb.lgan I PCl.eiu, Hariell and J oe HaJI. l!tate Ro~e Bowl Came 1 VII\ lhf' M1ldrrd and Bill CarllC'fl, Ruth air wavu l a t \hetr •tunning new a.nd Hut:h \\'e.Uacr . Kathryn a n<\ hom e. Roa Cut~ndy<k (whoae lov111y V A C A. T JON I NC Dorothy J auihtcr Jt"a.noe wu pr~nl~ •.1 lt wu wtlh antlclpat:on or 1pendinr Chrlatmu at A,hwanM Lo<lice. Yo-.imlll'. that lllra. J ullelt.e MJlllken of Udo Lale •ntl Mu Hl'll'n R.a.n<lall nC Corona del M&T left l'lere J.ut week Jl I.hey 11rrlv4'tl lh••Y art poe.elbly 1UU t.bere for roada lnt.o tht park l\a~• ~n cLoMd 1tnc• lb• atorm. Th~ Hert>or tJuo looked rorward lo ~ lnldtUona.I T\ador EnKh•h Chrtatmu •• obaervt'd et Ult Altwanee, complete with yule lof, rou ted bn!tr and paacodr. ptr90illftll In autht nh< ro1tumn Thty put In their naerval\ona two )'Mnt ago. were nollfted lut July lh•l lhtY could rome. Thl'y had ea peeled ·lo 'lllt (rtend• In SIU\ P'nLn<'t.co a.f~r leaY1nf A double n&t&I party Wednu- day nl&hl celebra ted lhe bir th· . • I day• or RJchArd and f htlllp Mr· koYich. lU Roche.tier St., Coal& Mua, on Jan. 3 and II n apectlvt- Jy. Tb• party wu held early lhl• y-.r• u lba boy• left for colleae Sunday. l\lch&fd \a a tTUhman at Occi- dent.al and Ph.llltp a 90phomore al f'r.nd State. Both were l•l· t.nMft tn """1 .,,on.a at Har- bor Rish. Jl'ormer Harbor Rtgh frlenda on band to belp celebral~ were Jimy Mr t.fll\&n. L o n r O.ach 15tate College. Tod WbJt,. !O'Hara) and Hank L1m ney. IUld 1-~a.nnlt a n1I Al ClouJ .... lht H. --------------------------- a.nd Oltn TboJ1MU. OcddenlaJ. azid o.ora• Ma_bff. H nlor a t Harbor Hlc h. Marian and Burr ).(a pie aro dul' Payne Thay•r• c Elea nor ..... , Deb home any da y r1ow rrom a rly\ng l h&lrman and did a territlc Jobi SALMAGUNDI Dual Celebration at Beclcett Home 12 to turther au~t the M LI· --- Pre-ball Party for Debutante :t.fr. and Mra. Stanlt'y 8,. ta honored their dau&hter Suaon. a Chlltlren'a Home Sudety debu· lante and htr u corl, Dona.J>I H oskin, al a prt>-ba ll party in their home r•n LIJo •~~ Thi' ft1· tJvc deeor waa carrll'tl out In pink. The (,\Ital llal lncludl'd lhe hon· oree·1 11l1l~r Karin. brulhl'r lilu· ut, i;r•ndparent. J.f r. and Mrs. H . 0 . Albf't('hl anrt Eui:~ne C ~t.z C1om Michigan. •Ito Mr IUld Mra D. D A nrtl'rl'IOn. Mr a n I l>ln. R. T . Olnw1ddle a.nd Mr anJ Mrr. Jchn It. Davlu AAUW Book Group Mrs. Harold W tl41<>n. 3 13:! Bay- 1lr1e Drive. ""111 be ho1teaa Jan. 4 at T ·30 p.m. LO mul'l~IJI Cl! Lhc boolt l'<>Ulld table ot A 111,. n ra.n A•· aoclallon or l 'nlvt r1Hy Wonitn. Sant.a Ana branch. Mrt Rllbf'rt Horn or Corona del Mar ""Ill ~ aul1lltlg ho.tC'.,.. PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY Fumau l7 OraueJ Cbapel LIDO sHoPs APPLIA.NCl'.:8 -RoaMbold Paru -Ut'a.ler -Servi~ .. UDO r:t.r.CTRJC u.:. \'la U4e -&not ..,,, 4 UTOMOBILE DEALEBS N,.w and lla.ed Can 1',CllEll"l'Z MTt;DDAJl.EJl haJN !Wn l$)f! l'uta Nii\ Ne•-port Bl\'CL -Bar. 110 BA1''K.S trip t.o Guatemala wh,.r.. lhl')' .. 11.ng-11o.t. lh! Ed Warm1ni;· a~nt Cbrbllnu • . . 1lao due lon~. lhe D1l'k R1c h•r<l•. Bev a nd hom• a.re Phyllis a nd Bob Taylor Bob Barnt••. )layor Dora H1llJ w!llo b&ve been ltl Lon<!on . • ·I and Etl&ar Hill, J\9lx'rl..t.-l IAll"l Clowft Palm Sprlnp way, have "ht> a tlracllvel. Tom McDoui;all, been Dona and Dir k 1't nrHllUA. Ml\ry and Jim Hnyt . danrini:. BIJI &lid Toby Wllcoa •n•I Hob \\ 1n1 and El Martin Ginny a n•I and Bobble Carlaon Art \\'llllllll\$. r 11t llnd E mf'I y Panhellenie Party Fun Despite 'Ceiling Zero' Th• annual <'Omblned Christ· mu and birthday celebraUon din· ner of the nav·e Bf'ckelt fam ily. C 0 C K P I T 8CUTTt...Y.8l TT 1 lfftn-rn, Anti 1tl><>\1t 600 olhv11 I A rut111t rut~· nf l hC' hnllliay 214 E. 2111 SL. Co.la J.teaa. wu ------------- um!'• wtre hueband1 Bl'rt F..1t-hel 1 al the BKltrll 'home the r 111 u, Wllllam Grundy .. Rciy Hall-1 Su~<lay bdore Chrl11tmu. C11th· IX'rit. Welter Hatrh a ntl J o h nJ .,-td for °'" occulon were Mr Ca1110n The-Ir w1ve11. 11lded by j 1.11d Mrll. Lc!roy N•lll and dauith· M1 -I~ utl,.. C1111111her. wtre ho•-t.er Lenice oC Lynwood. Mr. and tr~•"i1 rur the 1party anll manared I Mra Dick Myen. a nd Marie. alllO <turlnst thf' tn11rp.r nf \h" ev,.nlni ot Lynw()()(l: lhe Diii Schooler. l•l l't'f\'e 1 t'(rtahmt:nlll 10 rvrry-o( Dana Point 11nd Mn Loh1 onl' I We.lsat<' or l.A('Una S#ar h On Bank of Amt'rka !'o'T a l'A 1444 \ la Lido -llart.or M M You ahouJd ~e eanlll' ··sta Sh•ll O VF:R A:-:O Ot'T · · 1 l"ll~nn w1111 "nJn\·pf'I by mc-mh~r• C hri s tm as Trtl'" J 111 k Oray ---- - -111r ll•r bor l 'unrll~mc 111111 thrlr d.tsned ror O C1 r o 1 hy t Mn• CARE C d ht11ban•\• whrn thfy JtRthnf>ll 1n Oeorr1J Ya rdl<'Y ... llnvf' )OU rusa e 1 lh,. Art ('i-ntH nf Or&.11111' t'o)ll•l b.ard a bout l..ldl) ll'lf' • · llvb" 1 '<ill"lt" (rir an 1nrom111l C:h r11••· Hop" Jan 21'~ Al th• hf'lm 11' Is Cont1·nu1·ng ma• ,.nlmnauncl\ Jlllf\\• Th4! Col Matt Ober J r .•.. antolht>r · wralh,.r 11111n • tl0Jlt n 1tl'd b\' t•ir· U do benefit-run pa'."y r11mang 11r C'Atu:·. campalj(n 1., l't'nd l' R n1~h1r11 n bl11nk"l nf toi: of 111,. la \he U do Lale \\om•n·1 Club• 1;,.1,.10"'""' "UIJ''"" ''""J 10 hun· "ce1hn.: Z"nf' "arll'\\• in •pile progrt •alv• d1nner·d11nrt' JJn l 1 "'.,. 1,,..,111, 10 ?l""u'" .. 1 f'I\~ h' .. 1. 1 11f "hi• h ,, 1111 I:" ""''"' ""ntured Wilb Mr.. Hobrr-l T~mhlrv n\ ,,,,~~ v tll , .,ntinu~ bf') un•I thl' Cor U1 t .. r en "' ""'"~ uf run At the ~nrt of the party w hen Chrtatm•• day Mr and Mrs. lhe last prlu had be"n award~ Bed<f'll wne 1!\nnrr ll'U"•t• of 1 .rnd th<' la.11t ca rol 1ung. tht i roup Mr11 Wiima Lf'dln of Sl'luth •h"J'f'rilM 1n10 the tot onn morl' the helm ... lld!'11 l\n•I ll•nr) h• hdo \ • F: I\• ard J F l\ nn, "f'•l A hul111A\ ,,,., ••r wa11 cnrnC'd Kelao declt1td that th" h,.•I ('l&rl' , m ,.,,. rtur "nnmmro•d 1001.,\ nut bv l hl "' a hf'l\ll\1fulh• h1tl\t· to ~nd l'f'W Yl'l'lf " E\I' wn• t'11nlnbut111na1 1n .. n\· """'tint 1111 1 e I (~I l•tm11• trf'" lnan,.d bv lhe M A a.round lhl'lr OiAn (11r•ltl!' l'hN" IW! ""nt to t'AllF:. "i.·.~1 ~ RrnlltJ rnlltj!e tor lh!' n<ra1w1n 11nol ithl· esans ttend MWr& Udo lall' nrti:hbo•t ~ J n "111 V ·• An1:r1<·-lt'l IM~ orn1U11,.n\& m••I" hy l h f' .d them lo lf'I' th" ~c-w \ r1r •n H"IJlh M•• hrl .. n ra1 11\ ,, ... m a 1 ... 1 Yul p rt• BALBO A DAY Cl.t"B "'" CA Rt: 8 r ••l<S i·ruuil• I• M ntl· lht' \\•111111 11n I "1 .,. .111•rt'n•ll'•l 1 e a Jes never mnr11 bt-au11ru1 tl\ftn \\',.I lnK 27 lb11 of milk. bllltl'r i n.i T •· r h , hl'P•r abro••I a l lh!' 1,.1,. nC :n fr<,rt lhC' • 4'1hng h• vlUI" IJ l I' ntMay n l .. hl "h,.n tt 1,,.,kr·I 'lk" 1 ,. \\ 11, rilr hi~!\ "1th "If'• A 1erie• or Chri.lma• """tb,.r· " l'""n•b fur S I ur '.220 lb~ I• r · !' ~ " ' ,.- Gate.1 Frosts at Ojai Mr. and Mra. J amt'.a F-F'Tost and '°"' Jofartln 11nd Oa.rl. :.39 Cata.Una Drive. 1pe,11l Chnatmu with lhe •nior Ja.mu F'roat fain· lly In Ojai. a pink rlo U•\ h" I fl •Ill• I 111 tu S 10 lhe r ....... s ~·.e~ t" rrtui:: ... · hr .. 1111~ t f• r lhr n• e-·IY of t he 1nga tw-cupied Mr IUld Mr, Al-1 fOnR • baC'k1rount1 for 13 of :-. ....... • .-.. n.n111n1l 1· bt'rt F.: Johnaon Cf( Coat a Mella 8nund Judptnt maku • a.a.Ce port'• lovllr't n1.11 lr11.o '" 11.Rkf' 1•111111' • •ll•piarv.I P"1"'in11 1 hr f:.lli;r•n,.rnni;: th f , H1l'ly 11C tlunn• th" holltl k A A drlvn, •«ol"dlng to lh• National Uutir tonnal bc'>w~ 1 .. OI\( 1rl\' 11'"""" • "n '1 n""''Y 1" "'11n' "' ay Wte f'nu. l A utomobile Club. VlROlNIA 1 Mr• Tr>d 1 (h·111tt. l"'r1" nf F.ur<•f"' ttn•I Alltll Tl'lf' Pa.Aarll'na Saturt1ay, the John10n1 J'T..adrnl t•( lhl' ~""J'lllrl ll•rbt>r flltljf'•l .ol&flf'•I ., .. II C'hll•\mll• Texas Bride IHTt g\ll',Jlll or Mr1. Oeor.:e Bra.n-1 AWdllAl'Y. of 111,. l'llll•ltrr,. llotTll' f""l:'"m lint.I w1l1 • •nlln•" whllr I ~ lk , .... 11 14 1 11 , d•I Going l o Loi An(ell'• In the 8oclely. l0t1kll'1l I• \'!'I\' '" " firth •.•• ...... '" \' • I.. ,., rr11 u1n11: t.aned bclufC11nl hall i;:nwn .... ~h1• lu F lrnn for John Fry l'Venfn.( lbl'y wer e f11nner ., .... 1. irreetef1 th,. i:11,.;i111 ,.1 lhl' ""' · \\ 1lh lht h;lr or Am rr lrl\n of the A. A J ohn!!IOn11, "''Ith a trance or Hi,. U1w Cluh h11ll lonor ... Cl< RF; "'II irrt th18 1111r-, John F.1 n"•' F rv .onn oC Mr group Of frlendto. DO YOU NEED MORE INCOME? WE D,.,.CR SCLECTCO 18T MDRTOAOC LOANS WITH SERVICE C'h1lrmM. l'l\ll\ 1 ~1 .. \\'111111.11" i>lu• fl'OCI lo lh01tC' -..ho l\l"C'f1 It :-Olu F t: Ft\ uf 2112 (l111ni:I' On Sun<111y thry alttndf'd a.noth· C.'urlell.. rrl'll \' .... l'Vf!r, ....... th .. mnl\t .. F h nn "A I J "Ch1hll rn A Vf' '.,,.,II '""" II 11r11tl111JI .. n( ,.r ftnnunl dlnntr &nd Chrfetm11s ,,,. ..... c NO rc:•ea .... " e0\.1ettn1a ... wm,.•t VIP 1 ha v,. """r ...,.,.n 11t .1brll&ol tHe 1JUHP11nl( f1nn1 m11I · Ntwp<1rl llllrb"r Hiirh S.-hnol ,.,.l,.brat1nn 11l the J o11tph M T•UST occo• •ouoHT ANO aoLO nutnllnn, homtlr"" f1tm1hu 11r" wa~ m1trrlf"fl r,...l"ntlv In thl" for· Mtyer home in 1.,rmg Bf'llt h. Af· Legion Groups at VA Hospital Amer!ran lAflon Post " n d UnJt. %91 . •O 8 a nd8 40 or :'\e""'- port S.arh ,,..,.nl to \ ht1 Vina Beach Vrtr rana At1mln1.t1tr1llon H09pltal Sunday night (ror tilt' WM . I . HOLT loo!DltTOAOI •ANl(INCJ ••NCI. 1•>0 1n llrJ:l'nt ntt'<1 11nrl ln•t1tutlon~ mer RA1ma o,.an Griffith of Sh,.r· tf'r vtalhn~ lhe F'. W l..rLur 11 Mv" lnaufflcl•nt runrl~ In pr n-m an. Tu1111. In 1 ht' hnmt or 1 hr numf' In .:"o rlh Lnng Buch, a ''Hit adrqua\e (0()(1 fnr otph&n• flrt•ldlr1r: mln1.111,.r Eltlf'r J. H finftl ,tnp wa11 m ad .. Ill lhl' An· anrl tht aged We •hall <'onlfn11,. C'hl•m. <:hun h or <;ht 181 mtni1tet nu"I optn hf"u at pthl'rlnit at th' •llFtrlbullnl' 11 on lhf' bUI• nf in l'lhcrma n home ot ltiarda Sned!'n, Lone 1410f H aUSM ST•ffT. SA"fTA AMA,C-'llf. nr r.1 only and rtg11rdl"M or r!ll'l' Tht hrH'l t' rh<1u a chart'nal Borh r.IMIUIY J.11 11 cr•lnr or creed ·· JTf" •ult "''h "hlle atn!'Mrlf'11 Flynn pointed out lhllL ma ny for her wrdl\ln« and waio allf'n'1· nl I ..-orld countrlu obs,.rve \ht l'ri by Mii•• R1111 t~uham HaroM hl'hd•~'' thro,,gh Twtlflh :-:1at11 Brtg1t11. '"''"' 1ng with thr 1tTOOn1 a nti that 1urplus tootl pen·~•• u · 11 t Perrin f'l,.111 A F'R Ttau. wa~ ChrUtmu party plannM for lh4" riving a.. late u J2 d•y• 11 tln be•l man :llr and Mn Fry ar,. patJent.a. The pro~ w~ by 1 Chrl!!tmu ~ay 1ll\I bf'C'ome 1 nnw al hnm• 111 l~Oi ~o Clel't· Bob Croeby lht BobC'ata and I part or lool ctlebr1llona. land Sl . Sherman Rf CHARD CHARLES CRINGLE Certifiro Public Accountant •·lll.odem a lra··. Wlnnlnr the htarU -::;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;:::::;;::::;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::::::::::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;;;. of all pa llenu wu K athy. Ute 131 )'eU'-Old dauc-hter or Cro11by. PaU.nt• In Iron lung• wnr brouslll to U1a rtieru llon ha ll lo ellJo)o the party a nd rrfreahmtnt1 M_.bere or th• 40 s w""" buty 1 pul!Ulf out fn1lt tn patient, In Ute warda w ho vt••re una ble to a t- tend t111 party. Tboee rrom N twporl ..-t r ,. Commander Jl'rAnk n. Moore Jr .• , Mr. and Mn. Ro~rt BrlgJ8, Mr. and Mr•. R nbr1t Ch111 )111n !\Ir and .Ml"t. L A. R 1"mr. Robert 8 cbwamb. W hit Hem,, a.nd a fU•t.. Xllll Beret& Abel. --""' .. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN• S IAllU SHOP Announces Th&l he hu moved to new offices at 1828 Fullerton Avenue Costa (Between MHa, California 18th end Broadway) Liberty 8-3320 - -·-· SAVE SAFELY At Oren9• County's Institution LHdin9 Home Lending CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Eern From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION IH 0-A•MIM Pll-: RY t-1117 • LAGUNA BEACH I.JOO ~HA\"l~U MTO In llldwtl1'11 $(tore for Mrn SUll \ la Udo -Harbor U 8'> UUO l'IAIAI~ Ot' 8t:AIT1' UU Npl. Bh·d. -0.1'. U11 BOOKS BOOK CASE M If \la lJdo -Harbor 4404 CAMERAS ~ SuppllH \ l ="'l"F.ST 1.JOO UfffGl' J M I \la IJdo -fla.rtM>r JOOS I CARPL"TS ~ DRAPERIES llH K MA< tU:.K U :?O \.la Ud-11.arbor U ta CATERL~G I RICHARD'~ UDO MARJU:'T • ' S4S3 ' la Udo -II.arbor %8!:8 Clothlng·Clilldttna ~ IDfut. .u;Rt'M or UDO 8'03 Sewport Blvd. CLOTIIL~O -llea'a RetaO DID" ELL'~ !SHOP t"OR MEN Nill \'la Udo -Harbor oe43 CLOJ'HINO-Womm'• Retail I.A Rt:IXF. 600 \'&a M&lac._....,..r '310 1.100 FA~HIOXll Ult Npi.. Jlh·d. -Harbor lnl 8HA OOOCK•s '41% \'la Udo -llalbor M1l \'AGABO.SO HOt:Hr: lmporud Sport~H&t' U U , ... Udo -llubor t OOC DAI\CINO -Ballroom Kl.SO 8 Tl'OIOS U4t \1a Oport~r 10.U DRUG STORES '\.L"'ICE!l.TH UDO DRt"OS ..-1 Via Udo -Ba.rt»o' S001 ELECTRIC C01''TRACTOR8 UDO ELr.C'rKIO MU n. Udo -llarlioor Utl FLOWERS Rl<.:HARV'lll LIDO MAJlKr:T CorH gt -Tabl• Arrangement.I U31 \'la U6o -Harbor %823 FOt.;NTAIN, GRILL \'INO:.ST'8 UDO DRt..'08 utl \'la Udo -Halhr JOOI FRAMES et ALBUMS I OF.KHA.ROT 8T\..DIOS Niil \"la Udo -RMbor .... Come In and Prove It to YOWMlf \\'• &IN t•vtte yuu to come la alld ll')' ,... '"'" .......... Splad Or111e-.Nu• A vaA&aWI DANZ· SCHMIDT BIO PLASO • ORGAS 8TOU: tlt"adquart .. re for All ModMI Hammoad Oraaaa '" i-,,' '° 5!0 S o. NaJ• CLASSIFllD DIRECTORY FURNITURE DICK MAt'kl:R I U O \'la Udu -11.altN>r tna Glf'T SHOP RJC'llARU.14 UDO .. AUET UU \"le U. -ltsrMt IDI lNSURANCE AOf:NTS \\'. O. BU .IL. ISC. ~..00 \ la Udu -llanor "" L\'TERIOR DEVOBATOIUI Bl.A.SC-HE P'lil..aEf&lllON A.1.0. H If \la U do -H..-r ... Oil K MAc..·11.r;R lM.%0 \ la Udo -Hartlor ..,. IN>S < Rt;WtfTON A. I. D. M..Ja&a lmport1 GOO \ la Mai-.a -Harber US1 MARKETS IUUI \ll U':OC I.JOO MAJUU;'I' S•SI \ I.a Udo -H&r~r UU Rt:AL t.l;TATE J•. A. l'AL"-F.K ISO. U&'J 'la Udo -llartlor IMt \U41t.I. < OMl'AS l' Hit \la Udo -Harbor '9'71 ft.\\' A~ U ftJ:AO I Rf;AL TY \la Ui..lo Ur1d.1 • Offl~ II It 1.,.a•·ay~tle -Manor IMJ UDO RF.AJ,T \' M4~1.ATU l.ldn 8aJu • Kent.a.t. "'"°\I.a Ude -...,...., .... SA\'1.NOS ll WAN ASSOCIATIONS 1''J;Wl'OllT BALBOA 9AVD(0. • LOAN AMOCIADOl'f A 8&1'1nl• lnatJluUon ~ T•rm H ome Loula , ......... _...,.....,.. SERVICE 8TATION8 UDO AJOID'IELD Ml.I Newport BIYd.-llar. t11t SDOES-Mea'1 NDWZLL'9 wrou roa IUN .... , ... a.Ne_...,._..., SHOES, WOMEN KCl..E'8 OP CAUn>allflA 1'10 ,.la Ud-8.A ... l'KEATRES LIDO 1'1mATJLS Conwlt IJl\a paper f« prosraa Via Udo at N_,.... ~ ~11 .. l'Ol'S UDO TOTI.4lfl) 1441\'t.U..-........ t1lA VU AOENOID BA&aO• T&AVD. AGDICI' NllN~ ...... -.... CPHOLSTERINO DIC& HAC'Ua auo ,.la Udo -..,__ma WATCH REPAJJI \"f~(."E.S'r,. W4TClll ._.A.la 1.100 UK'-"0 1.t Hll \'la Udo WL"liOOW OOVDUNG TUI; IOI A I) f. IOIO I' · l'\e•t to Pn11t Offl-Har. " _ .. NEWPORT HA-IOR NEWS.PRESS ~ PART I -PAGE 3 MONDAY. JANUARY 2. 1956 Pasadena Girl to be Bride of Newport Youth Crun1ley-Turner Nuptial Date Set for June 30 Jlosu ng-n Christmas open house Dec. 28. Mr. and Mr11. I Geor..:." \ i!!wtt Tumrr u( Pa.sadt>na announced the eniagc-1 ment '' th• ir dau~htt>r. Mis.<1 Katherine \.ilea Turner, to K l'nlll t It \\"m den C...'rumley. tiOn of Mrs. Ed warden Crumley, 210 \ '111 JI /IY". t\lld ll.~ 1;11• .Mt . Cn.imlt'y Wt:DOl:-0.1.l 10:1.t ~'i Whitt> wi-cJd1ng bl'll>i on th\• i;ulu- en C.'tlrltot mu '"·'' (l;,,d os..d lo clO"t' f rh•ntls Jun,. 30 a.• pl.inned d11tt> of lhr ~·,.tiding. t1•r or the lat<• Mr. and Mrs. Jl'red \\ <\ller Huml•lul\ 11.nu U1<! late Mr. .l1l l M1·11. Gt•Ol"b<' Albl'rl Tur1w r, or l"'"' An>:;olu Mr crumlt'v la a 1 third gene1 a lion Californian and is lhf' grun<bun ur \.he la.le Mr. 1 anc1 Mrs Horace J ohn T'rince ot Loa Ang.•lee. 1 You Save 10~0 -011 )'bur Prescriptions at PRINGLES Free Film! \\'It II ~•rh roll of bla<'k and "'hltf', 11lz.rt1 l :n, H U, 818, 1)0, lit ... ,, .. 1u. ... '"' '"''"l•pfiac UM! prlntlnir. ",.. "Ill lflYt' ynu a roll ut t he aa.me a.tu nu:r:.. Mast.er llUUt Prlnl• at. No Extra Olla.rs"• H HOl'll 80\'ICE Tho• l'Ollplt> mo·l while ,1tlt'ndlng t he u n1ver11lty o! 8oulhern 1.:all· fornla wh,•re lhl' br11l~·t'l\"\:l 1s a mrmbN o! Alpha C'hl Omega llOM\fll)i amt M r. C'rumlry wa11 afflhaLed with Si~1a A I p h a Ep11lon. ASOELEN08 Miu Tumrr IA the grll.llddllu(h· Jrunes Hogan Third in Line HARBOR AREA BUSINESS GUIDE ENJOYING THEMSELVES at one of the teen .,. dance. in the Balboa Bay Club'• Bay Window room are Susan Muatelt and Earl Clark. -Terry Bon. Photo KATHERINE GILES TURNER -.CUrt.11 Studio. TRI-HI-Y CLUB GIRLS GIVE HOLIDAY BASKETS Cb1·MU·Et.a. Trl-BJ·Y club of the Onnce Cout y .M.C.A., colleoled and dMllrlbut-1 bukeu of food and (l!u to nMdy tamW. for th• CluUtmu holiday•. Tbe club 1t..vted col- lecUor canned fooda on ll&Uow~n. Juat belo,.. Christmu they broutbt Uie1r frat\ fru!ta, m.Mt.a aAcl cook!• t.o th• home of tbelr advt.eol', Mra Lordon Sml~ Calendar of Events .Jan. S FUCHSIA SOCIETY -tnat&lla- tlon 7 :30 p. m. Re.i. School. SO R OPTIM.IS T -8 a.m. Howard'• Rutaura.nl. Mr. and Mra. Jamee A. Hogan. 219~ Manne Ave., welcomed Uielr tlr1t llOll Dec. 21 1.n tloaJ Ho"p1lli·t I le weigh~'<! Ln at 7 lb1., 6 o~. a d bu been nuned Jamta h:dwln · alt.ma Hog11.11- AJ lbougb Ullrd In Ule !amlly t.o carry the Mm• Janw•. then u no ·Jr:· tor lM palt·m t.1 irrand· falher i. Jam u C. Hor aA. The baby·• molher 13 the former An- nie Jotan U•vl.a, <laug hter Of M11. J<>M>Ph Jay Oav1• o! K11 Uua, Oa· hu. 1•1t·~u1lly ot s~n J-'nrnchco. )temb\'.r oC • prornlnenl Hawal· Ion 1-.mlly, ahe la an authority oo rhAnl-. an!! bul& da.ncea. Al/TO UPAIJU Compl.-te ColllaJoa Work Auto Pabl*& PATCH'S IODY Ir PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH y,., c E1t1malt:a r,., v, "r~t 1N. WN& 11Ul SL CMta M ..... ('allf, U _1-'Jlot COSTA MESA MOTORS Complete Aulomouve S ervice ni.1 ftlled and 4-eorated the bMk.U wtth fOld cello- phane and Larr• red boWe. 1be Jirlt, a.I& j\ln.ION In Newport Rai1>or UnJoo HI~ School, lncluo. JwS7 Booe abNon Brl('P, Joan Ep.n. Mary Lee Ha)"dm. 1fuic19 Hennln,.. Barbara Jewett. De Anne IAadS, Karil.ya va'"eoa. Betty Piper, Jwtoa Robert•, 0 11.11a awanaon. Pat Shltlde, Judy 8auter, Beth Stanley, Wanda Trsuhireta, Jo Anne VIJ\cmt, Un4a Wll.l.My, Marl&nlle WU- UamNo uid TY'llftne Warab. EBi:LL TR.A VEL ~lLon -8 p. m. ·£bell clubhouac. , ... , Ridgways Entertain Body • Pa.Int I.>epartment Brak• Shop ;tr1. Robert DemlnJ u 11oua TOWINO BT. ANDREW'S P'ellowahlp 12:30 p. m. at church. Ckea.n Blvcl, ,,._ "A.A.A." APPROVED coolly tnll'rla1n al dinner Mr. LlbertJ l ·t!a 11.nd .Mn.. L. E . Coffman oC Sher• lHO :Se"JH>rt Boulf'nrd man Olllc.a. Th• lllller couple are Coet.a ae,...... CaltloraJ.a Mn. Rldgway'• mot.hn and •tep-------------- ST. ELIZA.BETH'S Oull4-12 :3() p. m. 3U LarkJlpur Av•. 'lbe1 are DOW -~ 1n a food &nd clothJ.ns drive tor ta.. ~ CaWlon&a tlood YicUma. CATBOU C Women'• Council- 12 ·30 p. m. P&r111h hall fatJ:i.r. Mr. Ccirtman I.II a n Ured aLUITY ~or FILM SHOW, AW ARDS Festive Eve for Mesa Cub Pack arrow: Hank RevMle, b('U badif' One y.ta.r 1crvice ata.r.a wart ~ to B iil Ru1t. Eu~ene AJn.worth, Biily MillJI and Tel'T)' St&nhope ,..... 6 PELL CLUB -12:30 p m. Lepo Hall a • rw-e 46 p m 1'HYC. J OB'S DAUGHTERS -7:30 p. m. F AC ha..11. , ..... UNITED CH-URCH Women l 2 30 p. m. CDM Ctiun-h. F AC BOOK Sfetloo n .30 p m. ClubhOUJ!e- Breakers Club Yule Party Se&r• group rtanacer. McMillan Guests ChrlJllma.a dinner l"JH LI al J . D. McMillan Jr. home, 3t.O Red- 111.ll<a Ave., won Mr11: and M.ra. l)&n Mt M1ll&o and k alhy, MJ.M G1n1er (.)uok of Lasuu Beach and M n 11ml M rs R. J. Dohl• of El Se(Wldo. Harbor Rest Memorial Park ~lak,_., 0.,...., Cenwmy ~at Gltllf'T JloualnJ CMen led by CUbmU· _\Ir Jack nrtc:llAI' .--1 Ula o.. cunber mMlinf ot Cub 8CO'llt Pacll 1M oft to a pod lltart at 1l&rl*' lei-&. CoM& Mee&. Den • opened lM proceedinp which tnch~ eommUJtlty 1lnf· Inc Of auutmu IO'Gp led by Mn. Art Neeb and aooompanled a t the plano b7 llll• Candace Brown. al1ter 0( Cub Scout Ro-rer Brown J im my Jf'nl<11, who hJU compl,.t- 4!<1 th~ ycar11 of ~rv1ce. wa. ac· Club we1e entA!I t~Une..I on Ctubl· "--------------' cotiled a weblo blldlf• and prA"l' I mu e\·e at lh• home of Mr. 11.11d tar bla acbln•m,.l'llAI aa a Cub Mn1 Port M 11lrr, J:;ut &y Ave. "BACK STAGE" at Marilyn'• abop in Cotta M ... Vlri?inia WAe-lry 11how~ 11 Tina Le~r gown at a ""Guy11 Rnd ))nils" fashion cocktaiJ party. -Sta.If Phot o ~OTID.U R lfb.llPt ot Ule ~ waa U.. pl&ctn.1 ot ,in. for Ule 11-Sy benea<h the C'brlnmu tree. z.c.b den added llt otferlng1 a pproprl• ately &1ft wrapped. Th• ~lrlbu· tlol\ ot e&11dy can• delllbt.d each Cub Scout uid Aftry child tn th• audlenc:.. A nport oo th• ncet ns drl" aboW'.d a retun ot N O.al>. Scout Cut'st. lnclu1IC!'l.I a.tears. and 8EF. nU.8 )Jm 111. H&rr)' ft.01.h. Albcirl 8chm1dl. Ray, ll't.m3W1>r\h, Roy Slrot.s M d Jdra. ELbt'I U'll.&r&. A deli.ht· Cul dlruur wu t'n)<lyed by lh• croup. pr~edetl by Ul• uchan.se P ack mf'mber11 and JtUt'flA pre- 11mt en)O)'ed t wo aUent film•: "The Chue" at.arrtnr w. C Jl'tel<11 and ·"t>en\llll"t Aa1111\&nt ' w1U\ CM..rUe Chaplin BpedaJ attraction ot the meet· tnr wu l.h• dt•play of pktul"M and lllellfh• UH tN try "1lrlolll den membeni. Attendance rheck l\Onon went woa by Om ri. Den l t.ttmtnated the m4'f'ttnr . of Cb~tmu tttl\.a. A &ho~ busln.-m"un1 W1LI called by Ule prraJdent. )ln 8clun1tlt, at v. tllch ume Mn . Ul· llan Roth a.nd ,\lni. O'Hara were admitted u n <'w mamben . The next mtttln« will be held at Ul• home ot Mr. anr1 Mn 8 trou. ·Tan1ing the Forty-niner' Reviewed by Haarstad Durtai the ......a1A( • Wtef ,..... 11W11• wu stwn or a ~ neid tnp to M.u1JMl.Ud. larportaat teablre ,,.. \M lt1- ductlon ot two new Bobcat.. Neb· anS Wh.lt.t and acou Ba-U.. Lazarich Party at Legion Hut BALTZ MORTUARIES K ut AW.A.ADii Catherin( at the Legion In Newport ~•<'II tor lMlr an-Wiiliam H a 11 r • 1 a d. Orani e •r~•r1.11c. In num~rw unUJ a 11~ Colll'Jt' llbnar1an r,.view1 Jood du l of 11.AbUUl&tJon becam• ramtn~ lllf F'orty-nlnt'r by F:h· paramount In the rold .,...._ Un· A~ tor Ule moatla .. en nual Chr11lmu dinner llnd -;;m'. 1 obelh >h1ri;o •lit the a.rrtval of women, the AZ'-Pl'eMllteCI u folio.-.: ~· lly J:l't-tor eUier Sunday. 28 ml'm· The mvu\on of California In l(OnAUl• threw thematl•ff body Am...ort.ll. -11 lle.dre. Cold and !Mrs of the CAaMr Lazarlch farn· 1 '11 n e 1840 ~ by r old·IC'l'ktnf Ar,ro-and .cul Into a vlolant and color-aUver wolf ..,,,,....; Gary Ooff. Uy held opni hornre 11nd .lrfl'l'ltd 1 . ,, 111ll Is wtll k nown in hlAtory Cul l<'Clal wbirl cha.ract.tris4d by bear ba41•: Jim Batt.r, bear many old friend~ during thl' af- h1o0l<• produced •ln<"t' lh&t mt'mor· S•turday • nlJbt ••ce.Ha. WMll· ti.ctre; IUcllard UM. llon bad(•; ternoon. Mnr &nil M n . L&znr1rh .tthle 1pt1odc In our natlon11.I df'vl'I• lonir hlnre. In San Jl'ranc\.IOO, and Bnace "-4, rold tie-., arrow, Uoll wer& ttJttld~t• uf Newport 8..a<'b .. pment. Lilll•. howevtr. hu bttn r amblln& and drlnX.lnr bout.I of ~·: Alben KeU1. rold bear for m any year• bfofor• mov1n1t to 11 "rillen of Ule aoclal life of th• extended nature. Santa Barbara. Mo•t or th e I r Ttilnen t n thi• tnteruunr; work Some un ique pullmH wtn In· Catholic Council ch!Mtf'n 11n11 1h1>lr ta m lli"• li''e ! ~llu Mar,.o prut'nl.t • ru ctnat· dutied I.ti by th• miD•l'9.. "ram.... In Orar.ae <.:<>unty I ,.,, plctutt or llO<'lal 11r. enjoyed • u c h aa 't'idowi bull·and-M&r Session Wednesday PTuent at thl' a f Ca1r were •fr. tw the mlnen In the vt.rtou1 fl&ht1, ctuela. a prlmlUYe k1Dd of o.nd J.fr 1. J oe IAU&fllh and """ 'II ' 1mpa throurhoul the Mother thtater, wUd f a.nd&nroe-(a min· The CathoUo W011*1'1 Coun<'ll C.uer of Santa Rou.111 . &Ji< I 1 J.1Hlr . ,.,. with a pe tcb -ed to UM M&t of Our Lady ot )(aunt Carmel C.Utornla: Mr• and Mr11. Frank 1 j When the tlr11t wave or pro11-of hi• pant.e wa. a woman), and P&-rl•t\ will meet W.-..s&y at Laa&rtcl., Tom an<J Dnn, Mr. anJ I rO<'tor• hit thf' f l'lltl fl,.ld•. 1a·om4!n hanrlnr1 (a very popular dlnr-12:30 p. m ln the paNb hall. Mu. Vincent l.au.rl• h &111! An-I ""re noticeable by lhelr abllenre. 1lon1. • Mnt. Harold......., •• ~ ltU· tolnell•; thl' •~11Ulk Bl'lmonl•. \\"om en dtd not bf'~n to m1l<e an With the comlnr of t.be fairer denU. tbe .. UlU. ToU", .. l 11 Mr. and 1'1 r• R. R ~fa' Dol'llt hi ii ---------an In numbera, lh,.'For t)'-Ntnen preetllt a 110ftC alMI daDce pro-Ronnie and Da ve, Mr 11.nd Mrs w,.r• tam4!<1 to a d•P M In thelr (Tllal. Mn. Jolla oa... ~di Ule John MacOoo&IJ 11nu Su.Ao. Mr IO<'lal pracUcn , yel many of lbt lr ll&DCIMoe canm&tta. A boa rd and M r•· Ed\o.snl M u kuv11.h.1 'II 1d•t.9 ln the eoc1at Vf ln rem&tn mettJac .-tU preeede UI• Jun.. R1cb&rd and l'h•lltp. ?.tra. Heltn wlll1 II!' to th• pN'•tnt da y In Ca· cheoft. Perkin.I. BUI anu &b 1 1;1 l\fllmla. 1iiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~g§§~~~~§~ The eulhor ha.a Wl'ltten hl•l4ry 1f1 -I I !II 1 s t nol !II 1 • \\" 1lhnm !.)•on.a w1tb a h.l Jhly en1a(1ng Ulerary -111 I I •~d >oon lt1< h.t1.I. Uay.1Je Pla~t. I •l)'lt th11 t 1hould appeal to the DID YOU KNOW .,,1 t "'"'"'' ol• I !\!.", uro· hav1n.i: & i:eneral reedrr who often abla l\un•t-=!ul lHll!' •t 1 .. 11 uu11 H otel away from hl1tory wntten tn a I I Hawaiian Santa for Lyons Trio l111n11-~l.1lll 1n lhu Jl1rna11an ts-"hMVV .. manner. Ht1hty rttam-tllat ,.. cm ..., • ..,.,._,. V-8, Plaza, I I . I •~n.ta Tlwy h,., e t...-1•n 1nJrf1ni'. mend~. ,a__ ..a__ Mll0n11.,. ~" 11un11nii:. pltnlclng 'l'Vm' Wlllllllilllll" .... , •lhered Ill Newport Ht ,: I .,~h~t<'('oO)' ~11·1 11.hopµln~ ll•A .__ -llftte .-A 6'f C__.. BAI' d? I 1 Han1 ~ l 1111lill11nfll 88nla a.niv-MESA ...... ... ....... r ..... pw II '" '"''"' 1'a11wtkl Hill d lld m ti-(Aftd LM INCi doesa't pllt his halMI Oft the •l·,~'.< •. rhitl"he1k111t. 111".rr Im and a • UPHOLSTDING IC .. ll alltier) i 11'1 1 COST A )tr.SA CH.A.PEL 17U 8\lpenor Avenue Co•t.a Men. Calif. Pbone Llbf'rt_v 1'·2121 Exceptional Now ..• CRArEL BY THE SE.A ~() E. Cout Blvd. Corona det Mar, Cl.UL Phone Harbor 42 Dry CleaninCJ Service ••• t.Ach pmw·nt or hom~ fabric 1tds l.n· dtvldual, ~ntlflc r\:pf'r1 t reatmf'at .. ...... , w~s-. !ip&rkllng .LOd 8 p I e n d I d I y P"°''lfd. * Ot"R < 0 '\1PU.1T. l"P:RV1C'F. 2 C"onHni.-.nt l "°'"'atloni. In New-port ~b J.aundry, n,,. ""'11ntnr. Moth t'r<>onnr. a111J t "ur O"ilnln#( Ir ~tnraa'" are a \'aJla.hl" to 8fot1A'r !"f'n-.. l'ou. * Balboa ••land "''""' ~1 6 Marin,. Ml. Har. 10 1100 \\". c·n.i._•t mr11•·•'' ~ro.. trom ftalbc>a aa,-c lub ,,._,.,,. C-hra) • Pl\ ..... lnll Pl e11enL~ to l"pltot.tf'ft .. a I>,.,.,., I • !I lh t.vl l'I i;:ut~l~ L11 11.. Rich· ts.~ ~w)»t. Bh-.., c .... .._ LOU aaD A A.-ocM'l'D car,.ief'. Pl,..oetll a l111ptftal • I I ' n;v) ell ~('fin&; a HAwallan ... "· 0... ..... , u .... rt, 8-MN I M nl • LI:Mnt MTll ·······••BE!!~~~~~~~~~ 11 • aln ,,..flee %601 So. Main ~t.. a--'"'-•--~·n•.• 1._ __________ _. I ·-----------------CllMI __ .. __ ,... __ _, ------·-._-.., _ - ----L....__ --- MARINE llAUTY · SALON ·~ llt~UH9 -l'-oplft/I PenJV"" .. 1. -'T"' t 11111 tlul" r riard l>y Violet in M~ An .. -Hattlor t~1 t\alboa bland CAil WASH 3 Miutes LUSTERWASH .A .. tumatlc r 11r 14'tt.•lllltq ,,, u, """" H.44 w. c._, H.•rh-r ~ '"' 1><•rl '"'•rh, ("allf. Pho""' l.lbf'rty ~Ill! (A""""" l"rnm l'ort OruJf') - _____ co_N_T,!'.!9_ou. ___ _ CHAMIERLAIN & SON ~ C0tttrorlor1 C.om.nwrf'l&I -~ldHltlaJ •'Mcl.D& -l'MIM 3M r.-t I TUI St. C09la Mt'M I.I A-4301 MAX W. POPE, lttc . Gr"' r 11 t"rmt rnrtnr~ CommerclaJ ~ Residentla.I lodiutrtal -1 ~t. 40'1 8'-ol ... LI 11-ttal ~~-----!?,~!~--~~' CRAWFORD t•Rt~~Rll'TIOS PllARHAc r 11'&4 X r ..-por1 fth·d. l'l\11n1• l.lhc-rt~ 11-t H ! t u•ta M.--, c·..uf, f'OOO LOCK t. IU -Hiiioi-t.i(A?-cci.' Ha"'6r f'rnu n fo'ond '""'""r j r r1-" Ooolc• Mutt 0.1, •I I Whotr•..&. fn,.-• LM l,.·r Rtonhl• (v •t OM SM••lftl <u••"•· Wt••••••· Ar•••• I Cu• .. ~ .... o .. 1n1 f 1•h. 1wr1ii~,•. Chfc lt•ft• 1 •Ill -llOlh :0.1. Ha rbo r Oil II PVll "'rnnu: n M ~ 111 '1~ '"" -;-~--, FURNrTURE I FINISHING A "llrt )' E llwxrrth. ,.,, ..... , •'°4 0.11 ..... ., s..~ ... f trrt••f-•h !OH Pl-nH W I · "INI RM. LI MMS o-a.~ HE41UNQ AIDS The J;l:Deflt lo Heartq C.•,l•t•IP l•.Wlole lett.1..:11•• a..-.tee4 MAICO AUDIVOJC W Eli T1!.R.N £l.£CT IUC ~ Ralff'rtm Co .... .411 MakN H. DALE RAI'llEB "R tan"fJ Ontt4!T'' 809 S . Ma.ln !iaata .A.a Kl S-6610 MOVINC 2 Sktll!'d, l n1urf'd a J'ut MOVl"-RS only 18.M hour Fnoe Z.UmalN oa l>tlJtalNl9 Sta• or Natto• Wide LOWEIJT P.u .c . RATEa NEWMAN Traasfer & Storac)e l.lMrtJ l-U'6 Of' l-IOM Pl.UCOS WOODWORTH ,..._ c-.,.,.,. •.i••"' ,.. ........ o,,..,. c ... ,i.1. s1 .. 1a u .... l"l•••• .... o., ... 1-eJ .. -........ -S...•k • MIO I:. C'oul llWJ. Hu. Nat ('urollA dfol Mar PLUMM'.ll.t y..,~·"-'-"~ H. H. HOUIOOK 8t11Co 1130 l"RF.r: r:"TIM.4ft8 !l!Ot "". 8a.lbo• nh4. Har. ta• ~··\\ por1 a....c-h GILLMAN Phlmbh19 Co. c ......... ,.,., -.,. .......... . ...... .-u •• -w .... , .... t .. ·• WaU U••t"• -n.w Puf"ftet •• 61 0 • lht I'll. K&n>or MU ll-. IU 6-a8" ;\-f'\OJW'r1. BrAl'h PO l.HtY HALL'S RANCH CO. • R.anrll l r.-.h Y.111t• e P ,.....b Ur~ r·""""' !!~ Uar"°~ N't'd. l.tho-tl,.' 11 •• ;31.\ ('-t.. M....., Calif. _'J!!!'5~_s.!~!.!.!?.!';;.'--­ IA YSHORE RICHFIELD SERVICE Fr" p,,11 .. ., • D•ll"l"P BILL l\ Rln ll r. n 1rtt#T '!110 \\ r'I ( ,..,, It" 1• l'h. l.H.,•11,r 11-11141\ ,.," fHJrt l~u· h, • ttllf. ~~~-r_v_~~~<..u~~~-­ ' uur l oUA"'ftl-ci TY and APPUANCI "4-n I•,. 1 •• AU f t P'' f'tf r•fl¥hf-.a •n4 M•r••1 w ... , "f h•1.1 .. A.-1t\••1tt.•• Ph. Liberty 8·l4J7 11111.l ti:\ rb''' fllwl., f ·n~ta MM!& YACHT '4Ll:t ·-----------------------CLARK SWEET 1 llLO 11><.Ht."< It. I A .... ••tel l '.,.hl l'l•I••' -I ha,-1- 0t•rn-ral htaa,...n t flpr• "11t;ln? Ill l/11r1•11t 1Mura..ce H~tl.St ..... - r f (}ovem.menl JJ'" f:xcepl PA&E 4 • PART I NEWPOlT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 2. 1956 "Goer qrant U1 the Mf'Mity to Kc.ept the tftings we cannot chenge: the courege to chenge the thinqs we can and the witcbn to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS New Year LOOks Bright You See Local Progress as In wiahinc you a Happy N .. Yeu. accompulied : by heartfelt d•lrte that tt be a proeperoua one for you, the Nen-Prem today calla attention to the .ucceMful, conllnuln&' n.e in Newport Beach buainecs. Tbi8 ii ma.t evident when you look at the monthly, · aix-month and ye&rly dty Mlee tu receipta of the • 1-oent Jevy. on taxable ~. To .how you the : continuinf n.e of buain-. ben, we append the follow- . inf table lncludinf by 8ia-month and year totala. Year's News Events Show Harbor Area Had Busy Time Ali alwaya. th.lap were poppblf through the Harbor ara durtnc the y-.r jun concluded. The Nen-Pre.a today pn.enta a detailed account of l~ new• highlight.a, month-by-month. IAJ07A.llY, 1111 apia pubu.Jlea a ''UM>otlnr u - The moaUt llepa wtUt talk Of tR" u William Allred, a tran•I· a mersw Wweea Oaet& 11-. •t. ~ Ule Udo late alMI Newport llM.ch. TM Paclfte ~ at Ala Oeer, ahot Ottloer i-.lepbon• and TtJesrapJs Co. WUliam Talbott, then 111.1rrend· ma.de the optlrni.tJc but ~ w.d. A.NI TMt Pilot Georp lNI ate &JUIOWIC.n•t that J1anor BmlUt, who balled from bla jet .---------------------------a.cbans-pbOn• would ti. coo-at TTT mph Ill hbn&.ar)'. le&vM lttf 1900 1111 1112 1961 1164 ~ 1 11• 7• ~ to dial ~ etarttna Boac 11o9p1taJ. 11..Ul J 10,llJ UQ2 1,148 11.M& u .u.1 10.MO .,. a.404 a.sea 11,llM 11 .... 1',Ma 15,211 M ,.7t2 3.~ t.,OGO '·* t ,Ml 1,200 I.ta late Ill lt151. (How do JOU Wl• n.. blJaDee ot April ~w more le.All th•m TI K-. aanaaUonll, tll• mpecl&I 11, 711 Then city police miubed a j\l-MMU1 fOr N.wport Beach and A ,,163 ..... T,•&9 13,ITO 13,IU 15,UO M A,'40 t .8&3 15,408 13,273 17,168 111,181 _____________________ ..;_ __ 1_1_.aa_ nali. dope rtq wttll a nJd ~ o..la K._ pt nad7 to .t.art. N ... tin&' .. ._ JO'llM la a N.-port AJlll the race wu J 11,780 t ,U7 •.ooe 7,3&0 '·'" 10,ee>T No Rdi for tht Weary-Taxpayu • ...... '6,IM.I .. ... -------------------------llomt. And taie Ba1 1l1ud llbMt· 01' TO ElfONADA IUll ...... , ..... 11,lll J 14,0.0 12,804 11,Ji& 22,208 13.HO 11,09' A 14,H2 16,Ht 18,7119 11,033 21,308 24,722 M, 711 lnr Uveeed Uttnr• up. Aa Kay nutted out Jler wtllte 11,lll Mu11iclp&ll7 lpealllnr tile city cloudl clllpplins blue lllll• It wu .NO COMMENT 8 7,077 1,18& t,l<le 10,ltll 15,UI 15,192 • N.wport • ZJUllDada race week, IO,ftl charter wu rauned i., U.. 11tat. M.a7 '· Aod Bob Dalt.on daclOMd By ~AMES W. DOUTllA.T H.llT Hnat•. Kaune ltalde7 wu .a.a-plall9 for h1a 4\1U'ttr-mlllloa dol· -------------------------- 0 17,001 lt..t30 It.TH S0,717 30,UI 30,810 N 10,llM H ,Ht U .2M 13,ltl llS,112 lt,2t'T D 3.883 4,llta 4,007 7,70I 7,732 7.100 t.Hl ted prelMlent or Use H..,.ort l&r Lido Wharf reetaurant lm-Hanor Cb&mMr ot Ccaunerce ~t. Tben the Meaa called WASHINGTON -0 et t Ing approachu, &"fvee point to a re- cent ob.tervallon by Charlee IC. WU.On, the Secretary of Defenaoe. JU,631 110,811 Ut,906 156.00I llt,Ma lN,Tlll llt.116 ui<1 now ll•'• ClO«npoelnr am ...... Newport•• an.neuUon hand and comptitent bu•lneaamen to leave 110nr probably tor Mrly 11 • • t launched &Nla&tion ot a mUe their Jobll wilb lndunry and come moaUt u IM tuna U.. W.. ....., lllrtp ot land barrlcadlns thla to V\'aahln(ton to work for the to a .ucctAOr. dty'e aparalon nortllw~ ot the Government ~ulru ...-1 pe~u•· Phone Solicitors Bilking----- Public on Subscriptions A ,roup of telephone eoUciton of the mo.t lrre- eponaible type have been bombard.inc re9identa of th• Newport Harbor area. .eeking •ubecriptiona for out- ot-town nnnpapers. The •oliciton have made sroee miarepreeentationa that tend to m&ke local re.identa think they are aubecrlblnc to a community MWWJ>Aper ill thia are&. nu. .. not true. The eolictton ai.o &llep that part of the prooeeda of thetr eamp&ip wW ro "to the Soya' Cub.'' Tbey have no connection with the Harbor Area Soya• Oub, nor, eo far u wt can ucertaia, witll any Boys' Cub anywhere. A check with the papen Ill tbia porUon of Oranp County bu affirmed t.bat ncme of them. II conduct.ins phon• .olicitatJona for .ullecriptJom. SubecrfptJona to the Newport~ N .... PN99 may be entered ~ ca1Uq Barbor 1818 or ooata.cUar the local canier boy OD )'OUJ' f'OQta. Fanner McCabe Writes ... A lot of re,uona have been civen for the incnue In Juvenile Delinquency, but none of em make aa mucb e.mM u the one an old DoctoI pve ~ &be. other day. He uy1 the rea.I ru~n !or Juvenile Delinquency II that "too many parent.a farm their youncuna out while they work trying to get enough to retire in ten yean with a Cadillac and a Swlmmlnr Pool" ... I think he'• purty cloee to ncht. too. Fanner McCabe Grass Roots Opinion RUNGE. TEX., NEWS: "Given time and a lot January •w tnuch n...a ID the cit}' di.po.at f1"0Ullda. Wlll'I thla, live J>OWV• and uaU&Jly an •P· way ot CO.ta X-Mr anaaa-an~ could happen and did, peaJ to patriotism. lien dMl•. new lhopplnr emt.r u calitoni.Ja n~per publWI· lt really la one of Uie moat dlt· developmmt and UM like Won .,.. beld a quarterly CNP A ••· n cult tult1 confrontlnr whatever It doted wtll'I 1116 BID 9oMIH .,._ eloe tn N.wport Beach, Jett con· AdrnllllatraUon la ln power. Thia la&' ta...ond by UM K--..Pne9-vtaced Ull.e la nn: place. 11 tru. •1t the EiMMower Ad· epon.ored 0ran,.. County Ntw'I Unpl...-nt Uilnp occurred u mlnletrallon. It al90 wu true or aemce Np<>n.t', Pat Mldlaa&e ot a 1t-yea.r-old mot.her and a man the Tnun-.n Admtnlatra tlon and the suta Ana OCNI llhlrMu. R• -" booked on chu1• of nar· RooHve~·· &11d Hoover'• and round what no C&llfonlla 11_ couc. po,....ion. Then M,... Al-CooUdre • and on beck. peper had IMtea .we to *-Boe-beri Delph1no reported t.o police 8o charJ•• by · antl-bualn~u elll. anooymoua pbon• can. threaten-criUce that bualneamen leap at nD1JA.llT OPICMI 11\1 II« bome Wlth bombtn1 . .Aa· the opportunity t.o set Govern- ot.Mr lllad ot aho wu ti r • d rnent Jobe ju.st don't rtnr true. -'• ~br\lal'J dawned UM ColltA wt>en N-COWldl tan-4 to 1 ..... City ,..__. -·• __ .. _ _ .. _.. --.,.,. • t '-allered. or eouree, by the ....,..n.,.. --a -·· receln word ot lb• 111.1-m.orr t erboard play ror UM ttl-lot Hale-,___ r-er Uce that Ule bu.ineNm•n uae crest eubdJY\1lon and Rldltleld p .... to take onr Newport Her· their Wuh.lnrton connecUona to otl ~•-A ...,,. bor. Tiit. reaulted ln dl.lm1Ma1 of obl&ln lnalde. tntormaUon which ~-.., .-oeat ot tM nter&n city clerk, C. K .PrlMt. I __ .. t t .. -t It 1-~ ....... la tnn.mlttAd .ecreUy back to ..... o ... cywu ---n...~N .. tor~ l 1 ...... __ ...... .__ --t their comp&nl• eo that lhey can • ..,. .............. _ ....... w. ....... -"'~-~-u-•-. .._ .. __, ot Barllor The lie.a put! 11oar4 -w1 ..,__ -....,.. -"""'" profit financially trem lnfonna-. I>Wtrlct t?\Ult-and Karrt.on Uon not available to thel.r <lOm· of direct.ore ulfed ~ ap-lanbora rMtped out ot • y m· ..-•tore.. pro'ftl of a 'T -acre )l&rll •t.e pur-....,. cha.. trw Pl,000 oa tM ed... ol paUt.y. r • ,_ 01-r;••N,.... ... ta AA& IU,,.. at Victoria at. WO)(S!f"I JfKWll -v •'" r r ... ., '• .Aad ~ __ .,._ --. ta w--·· aew1 took th• Kay Th• ractt, ot courff. are quite trw more ...._ ,.._ U. oa.111· epoWpt aa Kn. WIDU'red Bar· dlrterenL .Ul<Je from their reluc- orala H.......,., ~ .._ lire recetftd tint place awud• larice to come to Wuhincton ln eoctaUoe, wtarllll& ..-., ~·et for tM N..,.._P..-ta t.be Na-the flnt plac~ you wt.II find th&t ..._. "'°'° dUJtee • ....-.U.. uoaaJ J'ederaUOll or p,_ wo-bualJ\Memen are juet u moral ~. IMei mat ,..... w..ell"-9 -·• '1le9C -·· ~ent .. Ju.Ill u law abld!nr. jual aa' patr\~ and aa llollonW. ••U.. ,_.. awuda. OUc u any other lf'OUp or r>Ple. eta.I eaeen..e.. TIMa "'-" pft appt'OYal to But an Intensive elfort ta be· Mr. Wlleon. u you know, hu become, Ulro~h th• Khool of ex- perience, one of lh• naUon'1 fore- moet a uthoritJu on '"Attacka Made on Bu1ine .. men In Govern- ment.:• But throuch It au he bu re- tained hie NnH of humor, which undoubtedJy aaal.ted him ln atl· tlnr up the followinc quallfk a- Uon1 for • top poldtlon In the De- pert.ment of Delenae: "l l ) The official mu1t be a.n boneet man. "lil He ..muat know 10mrthln,t about the work he wtll do and be lntere.ted In learnlnJ more. "(3) He muat not Ulln.k be I• alck when he irweata. "(4 ) He must have ttood hab- it.I -not ,et drunk at the wronr Um.e. "(!IJ He mU1t be a damned fool -olhtrwlN ht' would not oona1der tak Lnr the Job." It the at\.a,cka on bUlllnh.1mtn In ()()vernment are carrtect much farther you wlU tlnd It even mn,.. dtfftcult tha.n In the paat to 1tt qualilled bualneum,.n to accept Oovumnent position•. Tbl• really would ~ N rlOUI . tor their knowledfe and know- how are -nu11 to t.he naUon'• welt&H. 81:RVJCE8 !'"ZEDED In far t, tn theee d&ya of atom· lc-b)"drogen m1r1dea, tt .. only belnr reall~tlc to wam tha t lh" •rv1<:•• or t'Ompl'tent bu111nu11· err "1n ~ernmenl arr l'Pentlal for tl'le nittlon'• 1Urvlval Th~ needonl ~ z... tM ~ hip ecbool tu ~ ~ made at lhe pr-nt time, _,.. elf ODlta K.. wu ~ ride. • 1 et t I on lrniu&anUf\ and tt h&I bMn ping 011 for an- to pro~ ,....... tOI' taa .._11_ ~ followed. Balboa i.iand eral montlu, to convtnce th,. pub- and llM lt&t.e ~1 eo--•• Po9t Ottlc. became a .uai.tauon Uc thet Bir Bual.neee la n.rnn1n.: 8'on ytelded to Me. ,Ntella .._ of Newport Beacb P oll Office the Oovtmment In Wuhinaton layed the N.wport rn.wa,' -aad Ul'l*' Nrwporl ~ offtdaL 1~ U.. bell.tilt o1 ~ Baaand8. ,.ar. Alld t.JMn eeme an old tune: ly became part of the city. TbJa campaign la Intended to N.wport'1 cJt>-oouad1 pS....CS Then Na"' Y a ( • f ft "'°" the help the New Du.It~ recapt.un So, the peaplt Whn are dolnit coademnauca of Paclfte l:leatl1c W•tem l!prtnt. Cbamplonahlp al tJle White Houw and . rel&ln con-e-verythlnr poulble tn pr.nnt lelidtl and tedllU.. W..... M~ the Harbor'• cnw ,....u.a and trol Of Conrrua In the election dedicated, hontllt and p1trl0Uc port and Balboa Bl ... 11..t IOth l!t&nlord lloeed out Wuhlncton nnl N ovembu. buldnf'umtn from aerv1nr t.htlr St. and Mchdden Place. ften tor a wrpnae MCOnd. And all ot RE.NZU:D Cll\18A.Dlt country a. Government otflclala U~r Bay anneaatlon Mtru, ...e-a ~a ll wu .lwle and Tille fnmaled cru.eade ap.ln.lt are ntrtlng w1Ui dl&aater and cfllded Ill .,,1te ot )( .. and eoun-<XMn'A 11.UA nJJR ,...,. bwdn .... which you can be sure their action• Allould be condemn· ty prot..U. Ooodwtll'e t•t.e wu TM annu&I Mua P'1Alll r ry will be lnl-1.fled ae the tlec.Uon ed by every rt(ht-thlnklnt perllOn. In doubt w1th the ecltoonfto on dnw 70,000 ,,erelM\a, a nrure Mt· _____________ _:_ _ _:_ __ .:__.:_ ___ __::....:.. __ rocka at Cedl"OI lelaad. And a t....S by N.wp<>rt Buch l!Jemftl· tlalnr Newport Buch'• golden mlllloe-dollu addJUoa to "Hoec leJ'y lkbool Ollrll'lct'1 r •cord annlve,,_ry y .. r upcoming. Hoepltal wa1 eoupt. lltlll b. MU, 1&1 blldp. And th• di. Tuu w .. ,.. "u t & centa by Ebell l•unchtd It.I clly clra n·up pla.n and lhe u1nu•I Lobltter 8 11 ke and T rruure Day11 t'l'lf'br•tlnn drl!W thoUM.nds. made 12()()(1 for the youth center below Harbor VI-School. Th411 ae twe locaJ .,.,., -m. trtct'1 ABC report card •ysltm Nrwport city ('C)UnC'll, Monterey P. A. Palmer an• Wl.ftlar Baell. wae ~prov~ Then ce.me human lNll Newport No. 7. lh hoped- tllf'd .ul t.I aralnll 9&<11 .U,ft", a tlfU,..., With Newport'• popula-for bonenaa which nner came ta lltUe latn B&lboe. Bay C 1 u b tlt'n rMChlnr 18.b41 and C-Oet• pau . .A mlllor t•m--t denlo......, tock w • lT att ---'•' .--~ The legal battle opened ov~r • wu ~l by ,._UI T~ -• • u .......-t.clenl wh1n the Karbormuter. follow-ComUtutJonallty of the city Ea• C'OOl'l Clint 'N. Murd\lacm ~ coocluded. JW1• U wu tnr •~te la••. r~tuffd to let un-ter holiday "nlAI or<1ln1nce. Ro- TBEl'f C4JllS llAIK8 fra"f1lt With ludl or dl8Ut• u ll~naed oulboar11.1 Into Upper ven·Sp•rgrl Cn allnwtJ ll10 op- 9atlle u... ..._ ~.,. ~ a.. Ra Reeba. Joca.J ~tor. narrow· Bay. Uon on teo a.at• ror ' h o m • cc-unt1 to oppoee Newport'• VJ>-ly eecaped deatll by runMot in And th• 'am • Johnny and ln('t •·ellt of Harbor Re3t Me- BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL .,. BOBACEPAWKD (M, Not. -nle .._. ., ....... Parbr wt11 ......... tllioa HW.-kao._._ ... torklal r.et. lie ... dl"tldpd ap la 11111 __,, utpa lato tllioa lllaac:JI _.t17 ta ,_. FMN.) Rex Brandt, noted California watercoloriat, bu In ht. earlier works a painting I've long admired. Ra like my- aelf, haa wandered over the bruah country hlghwaya and byways. Hia bold and aure etrokell of the bruah have caught in color ecenee I try to partially catch in wordta. Althou(h l haven't llflt!n th• palnUnc In eome yean the 1Ce.ne ll portrayed Is vividly ln my mind. A mall bolt. a curving TOIM1 tnlo a r1rmye.rd, a creaking wind· ram. and commandlnf thla rural 19oulbem C•lltomla ecene la • burdened field or barley-rtpe for tl'le hunfl'")' cut of the harvuter . It le UUed. "On lbe hl1hway to l9an Jacinto.'' but for aorne reuon rny tlrst reaction wu "painted In the Winchester country.'' and It wu. Rtit had cau1ht the 8Celle on the hlchway nmnlng lhrourfl .the h1l111 of Auld, Alamoe, Dom· neronl Valley and Wlnc:heater be· tween Temecula and Hcmtt. Thl• la the home or the dry land tann- er and t.he rolllnc hllla of p-aln- a tru.ly bounlltul palnllnir of h-· •¥· he.ded barley. Plotl8 UP BENNIS f or neerly a dee ad•. 1 woftd..-.4 wbalher eome ot lheN t t e I d 1 were "over • planted" In ptepar· aUon tor aparse m ol11ture. A n d •-ouJd th.-e heevlly planted tteld1 btnd oYer and "locfre" ln almOlt unharnetabl• rank l1"0WlJll If Ult "ralne came ? " Wbat etubbom bopee l'O Into the plowlna. th• dl1elnr. har- Towtng, and ttnally drtlllnr Med on the• .. ml-and hilt.. Al~a, It eeema. there are ntrem ... either ttnr~roded htll.tde1. or wmmer-baked eoU with a eparee. briaUy beard ot und•rdenloped pin. Too many yean the mea- rer crowth "' frued ")th cattle or c<>VeJ"ed w1lh a wooly blanket t •heep, tryU\S' In dMp&r&Uoa to NOOUp 80me Cl( Ule *'l laboc aad money. Today In the clear mldmomJnr But the dry land farmer Ilk• a eun 1 drove from Temecula to true ,.mbler with the d18appolnt. Hemet to pick up m y old "bruah ment of th• ba"'9St 111&9Dn be· buddy" Kul Bennie who h&d hind bJ.m caUa tor "e&rd8'' and J11T>rnt " 111 ot •·• 1 ..... "· ... • •• a "new deal" In the tall. P9rclled pllal. It WU December and lb• 11n hia tract.or he melTU)t pull• multkolu1o·u o. "·II . .i... v. 1· • .: the ploW'I behind. Ttll1 w1D ti. a molllt and colorful with aeed btda w•l year, he opUmlatlully bopea. either freehly h&rrowed or dnll· Again the hllla writhe and come ed. Som,. ot the unplanted flelde to llfe wHh th• plow pattern•. J reall&ed were tardy, bec•UM u Unrerulated r&Jn le hi• N•n- my d1c1-ln-law, wily rarme~ nr 111. too mur h or too lltUe i. dUI· Rlvrra:lde County 1tatea, "'Alwaye utrou.. He drtun9 ot IOft. Mrttl• h•ve your barley tn b •to re qu•nchl.ns drl..._ at j\a.t t II e Thank1g1vfng-." And llOll artlat right Ume. n. '-VJ' ~ that he I•. he has alwaya !>Mn the bri(hl unclouded ~. and able to look •t a trHbly plow~ the bot W1nde from otf the d- or "drUled" tteld and tell you uu .,.. the a:trern• he dN&d1. just how 'OOtt a farmer la farm-UnconaclCIUllly h • prayvf\llly lnr lt. le th• Med bed 110ft and trtH to regulatA theftl lilt• tum- well prepared f Are the plow pet· In.: the handlee on a fhOlltly tenw ,.rular and weU planned'? ahower bath. Aa I droft I noted the plow pattenu on the wrtthlns-hilla ot Wlnch•ter. Some were rood. 110mt ti.d. and othera were juat lndlffel'Wlt. be9pealrlnc the akUI of their malcer. For a time each fall th-pettern1 &"fv• an l.ndl· V1duallty to eec:h Mp&Tate h 1 11 and ll'lf¥ live with their own par- Ucular per11>na.llty. YEAll or IAJK)K ft«a'1 pa1ntin&' lllu1trated the culmination of tbe year'• labor. full and bountlf\11. le lh11 to be • bountiful yHr. or al'f' the Taina once asaln to hold their .. 11 -Im- portant wat~,.. !Tom the "dry la.nd farmer1'' or Raveralde ~un· ly T "111 ra.lna we have mlaaed PalZE WINNR Thle flne palnltn&' ot 1Wll'1, like the farmer'• drouth burnt field• hu l>ffn relept~ t.o t.M ITU· inf cattle and lhMp. Tba ~t­ ln1 that won many prlM1 an ct l'lung In the Ntw T ortr Wo r Id Fair ot 1919 and Use 8ul Tran· clllCO World hir ln l HO bad t.h• tottom badly cMW'~ by an arl· d1-rn.1nr Boxer doe damapir to llOme at.ent lha onr-all bill· ance Of the picture. But We. lb• dry l1o11d farmer, Ro 1"ll h I 1 bruah and with the C!Olon he llandlt>• ao '"IL lie chflrlully n owa Into anotb«r wtitte lllleet of p11per whlcb he allo bopae le &n• Olbrr bounUtul ~ RE.1' BRANDT PA.Iz..'TING -"On the biPW&Y to Sa.n Jacinto" "shows graphic.a.Uy the heavy b&r'ftlllt ln the Wincheeter country. -Horace Parker Phot.o9 of it, even a Government eventually le~ a thinr or two. For ~ample, the U. S. Government plana to buy •uri:>lu. pork, but inatead of placing it i.n storage, It will •upply 1t lo ecbool children and needy ~nona." ,,., Bay annaat:fca . .And the tush hill Oc:e&n J"'roflt Hotel Tomll\Y Hac-nnui Day in Coat• I morlaJ h rlc to l11pae. And AC'· achool truetH' uked for • 66-And It WU aw1rd time apln. M-. &ba.nke to Orange County in.. Jane Wl~ni _... wtd to • ~nl ta.a nn ,.rldr tlecUoa to balld U. H-PNM wtnn~ It.I top-Newi Service repori.r. Pat Ml· K"1th Er"'lr 10 mile• at •ea, a nrw hlih achoo! Oii t .. ~ meet Of l"-year -"IH•t UM chula dU.Oovuln1 nelth~r he nor lollowLnr a blai; ~eptlon a t the 0~ SAAAB •It•. ot ~1''. nnt place. Na· hll!1 brother h11 d tl•d a r••I birth-RQJtt CUT1run~· Ba i.land CLEVELAND, MISS .. NEWS·ENTERPRISE: "One or the atranreat notfon1 that ct.n pervade a people ill that the state ha.a money of ill own -and nowheTe, perbaf>9, la that noUon more firmly flxed than in the United St.alee. Th.le ia in face of the fact that it I• very clearly evident to anyone who will just stop a moment and think that there le no •ucb thing .. .'' . •. , av The f"11d JUrT, In • ft'POi't. Uonal ltdllorlal .U.,Clatlon an-day pe.rty since ~omln' lnval-tlome. 1 1 mtldud eo.ta Ke ea Mala nual cont.eet. A• June endf'd, the ldJI What" prrty ' Violence fl•~.., a OCC U.Ch· School tor CTOW!da of deaalln.-frand Jury recommended the CA."1'; T1fE Hf'.AT tr and a Co.ta M,.1111 wom•n bu1 l•rr•ly tn~ -u.. -__.._ count7 clerk handle ecbooi •lee-•-•• ..... bl 1 hot .,, •• , P''.,.,.. .,..,p...,m.,.,r f!W n on driver were lnvolYed In a.n alltr· l•m. And mid . llarG •• H tlona. Wntern Cannere acql.llrl'd _, d .... Id w ,,..___ ... ,.._ -·n • u ti rttord h11•t w • v e cation ovtr her dt.-1pllnln• or hit candldat~1 teekln• N--··· ..... o. Ht .......-~ P•r..,n1t "''" _ .. d t.. r t ld th .. ,. • ·-....-• ..,.,.... d ~ rawi,,.. ta ,. I) un n ou•t1n•18 IOll. S he flied a de.mare a.cllon. cit Jobi und«r Ole n-_ .. ___ • an .... ewport Bead! Poll Ortlct t hi .. d d II .. ...... ..,.. l-..ct o c Catn• a.n o ar1 to t.ht'lr XOl'"ZMaER M"OU" Th• wl.nnere •Ull 8't at UM eoun• property a t Rlnnilde Avr. OW'lltrt. Th<' MtSA plAJ1nlnsr rom- cll tAble. and Avon 8t. f or the new poll mlMlnn flnl•hl'd the rlty"t1 masttr The late autumn monU1 o~nf'd Inter _.__I d'ff t oatce '!With C1>11ta MeN bulldln• nf'r-·-nuv • •T'lltC• "'"· 0 nl11n •111'1 Nf'Wl>Orl Bearh C!!lt· • '' o....o -'tl'I n-...-,.__ • --.fTRTll OP' ll" v ,. m lta tnpplnir; the million dt>llar r----· VT ... ,. ~ Coll•re rv .,, brat~d Ila •D~h l)lrthd1y. Then aaktnr Ute blp Rllool to •ow ne "lndependMc~" month op· the atmll8phe"" fllll'd w1th foot· mark fnr lt1• third •lr•lttht lta propoeed lilt. trem al~de 911.S W1th a banai; for the Nf'W1'• hal111 llnd ()CC"1 TIC!W 11tadlum WU mnnth. And Edward C'mwlt'y Jr ttle eoll•s-to a.MU.. JocaUon °" Prue whlrh «lebrated by •li1rt· <1tdlrlltf'tl wu n11mfl<t prellldent of Balboa Newport 81Yd. bffauel ol tut.,. tnr th• Clortnu11 P"ounh wr•k j All lh" hr11t Wll"" llbAl4'1'1 a ~-Bay Club. 'Mien Newport police cll.clpltM ~ Ho dice. with ltto current lhnr" wt~lcly nnl' 6fi0-11rr" fnnt """l"r 11toragt' amubed tile OOW1ty-w1de bur«l•ry Jn1 .. Co. ~ PIAN to publlrallon. Other t'Kpan111on llAW lakf' on lht' f'A.11t 111!1" nf Mac-rln1t 1"1'8f>Onelble f()r lontln1t Ui.. cit'"'° IO 1Mt 112 11 j McConnell home and a 1100.000 p Ur. -... !r"'8e a ml Ion C"'ostll M""" 11utxh· Arthur Blvd w1111 •UJt'tt'11trt1 by demare action Yudlct wu ,.. Terrace ... A.._. 4,.... fer 'l!Ulon d"al frl~ with the Coitta lrvlnt Co 10 !\"rwJlOrl'11 rnunrll ,....~ ..... rlty clerk hr Allr110n Hon•r Mnr,. pl&n11 wrr" l11tr1 fnr the turned •rain.It t,be Bay Club. la· A.ftlL ._ M.Ka Co. a nd Roven • Spl.-ul Co Loa rnv·~ .:oMtn i.nnt'"•rUr\' the fol· ler lo M nnrtled by tht Judai;• . .AIMS M ~,nJ 1tr1tea.1 11 er AArelH. Then Sla1rho11ncl, Nf'W• IO\o> lnll( ~f'Jltl'll'lb"r . M.ld·m<>Jltb MW Dnclald l!nellC'I .. t.INt u 8u•1 a..~ II& UN••'*"'-ta M-.-t---. "1111np. ......... .._. o,.ed fOrt Harb(n Yuhl Club entry. C.ty Park ('hi .. r w (' Mac· charge hla father, Horace. veter· ~ --... Aat ., ~ I. UTI.. for llliulMl!e ...a ta.. ~ toolr f1nt placr In t.hr Tranio·P•· Donald tonk a brlrf walk return-a.n &ocaJ educator, wlUI lncompe• mp ft'4 ....... ._ ... ._. dlle ract to Honolulu. Yacht. ed to bla poit later. Trapd'y lellce. The p&nftt wu defended on la u.. Mauo.al °"9c'a ....., mn ,.,.,.. aaddened by the puit-atruck u two pen1<>n• wtte ltilled bf hi• eourwel who ran him •Ult M&WW M.-0-~ OOlllPAICY elU. JMllac .. '-l. bw el Oommodon Claude O. In a colll11lon ~twttn the IChooo· mental and mmiory teate. 411 llll ............ M&Wi'Ga't •MW. o.u.lr. ,.._ ....... 1.. ....... WMll .... la ... ,._. "P\it" J"\itaam 8r. of lfHTC, Ole er ICecapade U and a 20-rt. ~ hour. lon, parade tllroo(tl New· r 11° I~ ....... ,w,-..2-.1112111 .. r _. .,._., .. .. .....,, .,,......., .._ el -~ artJllt. boat Ill Ute ocffJI. port 8-cll Vetnan1 Day w a a ..-no I .......... .._......__, Mswll t el M m.te \M _. wepi tll7 •X ._ Ae July waned th• N.,.,.Preu Ctty co unoll Ulreat~ned to etq9d b7 local ....u wtthoUt city ., .,.._.,. ........ Olis\.,.~ 0.. a....._ Xe. A..aH9 ~ n,tit el .._. -..ecUoa ....._ jownallltJo and clno hJe-bl"Mk Darwin ,...le'• leue on a.Id. The Eul er bollda.y rental t.r onr • .....,.... na*Uoaa. tory wltb It. pin bell "pay otf" labln 8-cb beceuM ot dl-U. law wu found lllep.l And IA W , Oii? , _..?!!!.z•• p D?C e A.m1all• U. ......... MW .... lilt. WM nclullv.t.o ~Y· n.n violence facUon wllb t.h• opentlon. An au· IVlaerneylnfw, •lattsrtot.o~ oefOWIPder:,illtl'yl M t •-W 7'111 A 1 *"•• ~ "-, .. &ad lltU ~ W .... front u RJchard dlt wu ordered u lb• m onUI end· ~ .,. •- W 0 ., ..... o..17 ..... -.n... tw U.. 11'6 •WMe J1mt ,_ '° P•rrett. 21. Loe An~ele" •tudent. ed. hptembtr ended wtth rwlr· of man.alav,pt«. WJIUAM A. MOU", Mt# CllUIQRI>-.--& ~ AdTwt.Ulal Dlndor cw•••• A. AAMmo-. ~ •...-mt.tMmt ' " .,.. Mat A~ WU au.,..dly mlain b7 Rotlert II. n•Uon of K. T . Kendall, founder· <llDU8'l'IU.8 9HOPPUfO ...... 9moeJ111C1 t 111 late Laven., San OabrieJ contractor. head of B&lboa Bay Club, u Mu· ~· DH«nbtr and the Ward 8m1Ua' Sd lllcCoenelJ'1 bcml OYW AUGUft 8NOWBDtD8 chlMm boug'ht h im out. 8,.tenl WU ~ lnt '° Ht ror a ttt.TOO Jaaul ta ~ and TMn came p1.anter tlm• u OCl'OBE.a OPl:.NS . ~ AINal~ 9at1 ltaalq .,,_. ta.. annual nlpt ot the &now· WIUl Octokr Ulld4'rwa y a new Veteran 0wta K.. Ooandl• ed JIU ~ ftPl to •t.law ...,. waa won l>y Slrlpper Lenny Colt& Mtn aru tnduatrlat 1lte man Charle• TeWlnkle ,....._, ottaboft al.I well .,....... *tDlllir 0.. Ud N...,,ort Rarwr Ea· .... announced an d tieUtlon.1 B •'• luc:c:eeded flnallJ 'tirilh ap- rrom 8ulta Ana lllftr ... u. to plolw Bcoute ~ Ill.tr iood· ,...,.. nted for the tte«1lly 90ted· potntment ot Artbur H. N.yen, UI• border. wlQ tour •croe. t.l'le nallon to UI• dOW!I Ward Syltem to elect New-1notl'ler hard • worklnr M-d · ltX'"'A' T II e ,.,..,, • ..,_ Oana41aa ecout jamboree. ad,oer-port council member. J un I o r 'llC lf'9'1er. And Ooei. 111-Un10fl _ .... " . PLOW PA.TTER~S -These flowing liD.ee an common tight on Milt oC the Wlncbeeter oounU,. thowing skill oC individual farmer. School Ol11trtct acc,.pt. an Upprr H11rry home wina -~ Bay p•rel from lhl' lrvlnl' <'o 1111t.r• In th" cit{• rh•m~r-trpon· at $20()<) per ane I "''""I <"hrl•lmu ll1tlllln1t <"oni..eil. Then police dlllCOV4'rf'd • Ho•it Anti lh•·n •a m,. t h1~ """"k'• n._ HOllpltal 1llentlant wllh rtruits "'" whl< h ••w more N_,.._,...,._ - him. And mld·Df'Ctmb<'r lht' r 11111 1 '"''~"', >111• h "" th.. I.Inda 1111• loral bank burglary 11aw 'Nl'W· I proJf'<'t 1>1•1111: •1111llNI by Howard port Harbor 8&nk'11 nl1thl dttf>l•~ll Ahm11n,.,m 111,. pr.•m lllfl of a box rtned to pS'Nf'nl 111 "' ''l·un· '™"'"""'lo: ""J>"rvhnr\111 tnqulry of llOIVl'd CAM!. Al!tO. the h 1ich tl<'hM I 111v .. nll• h~ll r·onrl1llC1n11 when UI• boa.rd •ppro•~d p,...llmlnary p111n~ \ ,.,., ... ,,.J hnll•lny rin111h,..11, Noth• tor a 14-claaaroom r lllf lN! •t th~ lnj( h11~ • hU")' Yt'U fllr Nl!WpOT't preeent e101. lh11 h<ir with rr•11Tlll'" or m n r • BP&OLARV .. kAl'BM 111 11fln in t h" t1ay• ah••d. da A rub of 14 bura1art• {l>llow· whlt'h wlU .,._ 1"4 New11•.,_. td \N bank "haul". Th•~-H ... uaual Uri\ wtU. \.l'le IMeM. 1 Ora1re Co11ty leads 17 Stites i1 l1tional · lailding Boom Cou1ty Clerk's Retirement NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-nW -'AlT I • ,A81 I MONDAY. JANUARY 2, ltl6 8ACRA.KE1'"TO. DEC 29. tan 11u la accounUnr for over SANTA ANA, aOCNSI _ The (ti P ) .. r-nt survey of rt--halt of th• homebulldln• In th• • • -A ~ • county clerk'• empl<1yeea held a po .... of .n•-l aue11·•• have •late ot Callfom!a and for a tar· •... ~n .. "' · farewell pa My for rc-tarani County abown tM tremendo11.1 propor· ~t'r total than any .Ute other Cink B. J . Smith, Nf'v.·port 8.,ar h. UOGa of the bomebwldln~ boom lh•n Callfomta. Wt'dnuday In the clf'rk'• otrkc-at 1n ca11fornla over tha paal year The aouthern half of California the coutt hc>Uat' and a half, espe<-lally In the t It <"t•untleal, with ~rmat• for aoutbem a~a. Orange County ab<>ut IM,000 dwalllng un\t• In Smlth"s co·workt'r• pre.!W'11tt'<I bolda a top spot. the f1nt ahc. monU\I of 19~~. hu him with a v.·rlat watc-h. Homebulldinc hlfhllchta from anountrd for more than 70 pt't The party _. an open hou~ report. of the ftureau of L&bOr <.cnt 01 the state total. 8tallaUca and the ReM>arc.h De-with a mullltude ot counly t'm- partment ot !'lt'curlty P1r•t Na-------------ploytea. Thoee oulalde county aer• Uollal S.nk of Loa Angel• ln· MAIL BOX TAKEN vice came to •hake Smith'• h&nd I elude: and wlsl\ him well In the days 1. California la the leading FROM AREA HOME ahead. I Smith hall apent :n ytara Lii 1m Mr. ud Mre. l:dwtp Andtnaa. 336 Pauline Place, eo.t& M..., an the pannlf of a boy ~ bOn. Dec. 15 in Haq Ho11pU.&1. l'ts "Wirth" ff! If It's ''Wlrtta" hcn"la9I • • SllverplatlllCJ "'9-t.e In the nation In homebulld· The po~t otflc-e department Orang" County rmployee. He In&'· wtlll a volume more th a n wu noUfled l'e<l&llUy when BY doTourbkl.• that of ~ond-place New II bo I will br repklct'd by hll rhlt'f dep-SIL..__,...._ ....... a ma x wu 1110 en from uty, Lynn B. Wallace on Jan. 1. IYww -•• 1ID t>Mi home of R. E. M.-.r. 2. Loa Angeltt County b f.X· 21120 Cliff Dr., Newport Po-,..__.__ ceerled by only two alatn-Call!-Jlct reported. W ATF.R RJ:A1T.R~ • "--. ornl& and New York. IC~ A id the l&r&e en· s ... us SU¥ICl •A" "'AIU • e llaftbla TaAIL8 It 8TA'l'Z8 cloeed box WU prled otf Ila J n It 11 a. Orange county 11 exceeded poet In the front yard 80me-OePVL.;)t· . .!'-f_/JN~U O{d e LMqaedq by only 11 atates. time between S.t urday and ....... , 4. San Bernardino county I• u -Tueedy. TllMI, 10 '" CIHT OOWN <lopper ••• BraM ceeded 1n volume of homebuild· "'"-• H••"-UM a11... CONCUTI Satiiaction POUi IT THI IAIY • WAY AND SAVI. e • •· e: Ide by onJy 24 atatll!. c1.-....a..--c ---------DUVef' a P9wtrr I. Kem county, lbe elghlh ~ ufs E WI: OU.A.&ANTEE llANDCCFFED IN ~AIL -Robert Touby, 2S, left and Mu-Martin Hilgl"en, 24, ranking county ln ~uthem C&lit-Two convertible car topa were B SURE -INSURE C-..... ~ ~ both f ,.. __ ta~ booked eel b""-. d '·i ed be ornla. exceeds el&ht italee In eluhed early Wednuday by & cu MA'"RJ~llll8T"'N"" •y • ~. •5 • o ~ -eea. were on arm ro ~ry an 1u.ep~ on of arm rob ry homebuJldinc volume. cJouter who oblalned only an • · "'., " '..-. nm 1 n BAYT here J'rttay In connect.ion with dozen burgiarie. and eome robbery eount., climax-1· The Loa Angelu lletrapoll-empty wallet. m e&rdl, a book of p~~~"' ing joblt probe of loc-1. Meu police &nd Sberifr1 office. Capt. V. L )(c)(anl-', tan area la account1nc f or n:ore blank non-penonal type check.a 1115 E. CG.at R~lilwa1 lclyslde Plalllit Co. 6.. new dwelllnc unlta than any oUI-and one hub c&p for hl• trouble, Ooroea del Mar UH ..,.. Blv4. 7J I W. 17111 It. Newport Beach, t&lb to pair from right. Hilgren &nd Touby both pleaded Hllgren'1 er metropolitan arn In the Unit· Newport Beach police reported. ";;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:=;;;;~~;;;;~ o..ea ._ -U 1-1611 innocence. -SW ! Photo ed sutu. In the first bait ot lt~~ The victim• wer. Patricia Rob-iii ";;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~;;;;5;5~:5!;! OOftA~ ------------------------------------Ulo~~g~eaaru~d~o~ e~.-~l~~~y Av~from NA~~ ~ pl.M:e New York -Northeutem wboee car Ule &tema were taken. Boata -Bomea -Trailen MAXW.POPllllC.- SPITE BACKFIRES FOR COSTA MESA BOY IN JERSIES' THEFT A 12-yeu-old Coela K 1&a boy wu on volWllary proba- Uon wl~ Coil& Mea PoUce Department todaf e.tter JM ad· mit\td talctns 100 Hubor Boy1' Club Jertiea from C-t& ac .. Pv'i locker room t.o .-ptle authorllle• at t.he Boy1' Club. Pollcf Cblet Art McKmsle Mid the boy broke tnto Ule loeker room beneath the ball park b&e&chere to take th• Jerel&1 two wee.U ~· !Ater, be dwnped th• jeMNH on the front porch ot the A. B. 8pencer home.At 2l20 Riveralde Drive, police 11&.id, t.hlnklnr that wu th• homa of Albert DURING 1955 Fullerton~ in Ph•menal Cty Growth l'ULLICRTON (0CN8 ) -1'Ul· lert.on'• ~oD*l&J crowt.h ctur- 111& Hoa II abOWn 1.n.a ao.111 per 8 pence.r, executive dln!ct.or of Barbor Boye' Club. ------------------------cant lncreue In popW&Uon and a volume Of bulldlnJ pumill wll.lcll Judge Irked by Antics In Newporters' Divorce Trial . SANTA. A.NA. {OC'M81 -Irked nla In 1161 from Kenn•lll SclunJdt. by the aJ~·-of proceadlnp. The latter eot a "quickie" divorce Supertor Court Jude• Franklin from t.he preMnt Mr1. Smith ln Wu t Thundaf a.ttamoon aualled Mexico. attom•Y• &nd wttn-In the con· However, evtdenc• hu dlaclOMd teated divorce trt&l of Mlrtam 8. Oat Ml"I.. Smith married her cur- 8mith and Robt'rt W. Smlt.la of rent mate be/Ore her mandatory Newa><>rt Beach. yea.r walling period waa up. 'that The Ju«s.1 lndlceled Smith. a la lbe requirement under Callfor· rontractor and aubdl¥\der. wu nla Law. "evu lvc!°" In b1a an-•rl to quee-Scllmldt remarried. .TtJ• Smltha t1onln,; by both hi• attorney and were wed In Enaenada, Mex. J.fr• Smtlh'• attorney. Mr1. Smith cla.lm1 Mr Np&rated "T he record wlll ahow that a l h111band la Indebted to ber for a p- no time In Ule MtUn( of Ulla prollimalely llOO(). She ... rl.I hi cue waa It Mtlmat~ at more than pro.ml.ect lo repay her the money. one day dura \lon," Juc1&11 West Ke deny1 th• borrowma of auch conimen~I. "Now we have already money • aont' •l"I or ae•·en daya. J did not Smith . .,.ho helped develop Har- &ntlclpate •uc-h length. C'ou11n l bor Park EAtatee and Harbor Park c-ould have anticipated the tr1aJ ffomll, cont«nd8 bl.a mate ow• w~~ ~01n11: to run long. um money. He aaye he acted u \\ e hav~ bttn 1atnf up lime c-ontract or tor the buUdl~ ot the w1\h technical que.eUon.a. So tar Smith home a l ~7 Via Udo Soud Iha '"'ltn~N t8mlth1 hu not &till· Udo tale. ' were<! " quu tlon. It I• poaalble that monry mearui ao lltUe to him tha t he ranno( remf'mber fhr a~ l&JI•. but It I• not probable. It I• the court"• duty to comm .. nt that lnatead of k"tllnr a l the tacta, rart11 are ~Ing avoid~. ·· An1wtn CQntlnu.Jly of '1 don"t know,' I don"t rtr all i nd J r an't r11mf'mt)er. a nd 1 don't ha,·e 1 he •lt11:hlf'al ldu. arr ha rdly ar· r eptable when 999 ptr1nn.t1 out of a 1000 could r ive a der1n1t11 ans· w•r. l would like to vcprdlte Ulla trl11I u q11lckly u poA•lble. J udi{• Wut r.c-ea the t rial late Thurllday until lO a m. next f·rjday. lMuee up for dttl11lon an lht validity of the Smith marr la,;e and mon•y c-omrl•lnt• E:.rh hu a monfy complaJnt ag&Jl\lt the other. Mn Smith obtain~ an Inter· locutory dlvorte t1t'<'~e In Callfor- 'OBN 8 TONE'8 Mesa Allto Wreckers C"llM Aato Part• ..... ~ 2073 Placentia Ave. ~rty 8-7111 C•&a 11 ... Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL The Smit.ha were married June llNM eM -..pareted Oet. 31, 111114. They have no children. A third a mended complaint by the pla.lnU/t cbargN Smith with kffplnf "open and notorloua rom- pany" with Mni. CamJll• LaSbelle w1te of Arthur LaSh•lle, N~rt Beach rutaurant owner. DIBT-- COLUCTIONI AOOOOll111 -N.._ -a.a.. of U y kllld Of ~Ille.re la A-riea. .. Ne cell«doe. -Ne ,_. w ........... _... CREDIT llUUAV el \\'eelenl Oraac-Coat1 ,.,....., er.ill• ....... , Ne.,ort ~ ~ a..dl a.M C.ta-- "' .. ._..An...P.O. ..... !\'EWl'OllT BUCH. C AJ..OI'. Build Your Own Boat We Have SEVEN Dlfhrewt ...... FREE •• doubled 19M. The official c.A1Ue np,. com· piled in October P" rullert.an a popUllUon ot 38,011. a l ain ~ M70 over tM lt6t e«IUIUI Of IT.- Ml. BuUdJns permJLI t or lllM total J41,tM,S8~. alm<>1t double the 1964 ftpre o.t f 26,807,731. Rapid inCTW&M ln popUllUoa W1\.h reeult&Jlt heavy acbool en- rollment forced city llclloola to undertake a tremendo111 exp&111lon prorram. Lut March I. votel'I ap- proved t lve ecbool tl.n&nce .__ totallnC 111.100.000. But the clunoolft llbortq'e hun't been eolved. Vot._ra wU1 1 0 to the polla a.faln next ~h l to vote on a 53.600,000 atAt.e loan tor a ddlUonal elementary llChool t...WU... Read'J Mixed CfJncrele WELCH'S , aEADY MIXED CONCRETE lll ~War 008TA MU.A U a-6111 ~•Bw-,•4fl,_ a • ....._.._ I.AL Ml• CA~__,­ COMMBCIAL SICUllTY PATIOL WARD I HARRINGTON Kl 2-7027 LUM•R CO. 3300 W. Coast HkJ•way -Newport leach . PROMPT SERVICE-:FREE DELIVERY Uberty 1-3411 New Jweey metropolitan •!•a u d her roonunate, Bacbara J . lrreplu 8laafM by m ore t.b&ll 12 per cent: more 8 t.ephenaon, no io.. ~ported. Po-Ube-8_1108 t.b&ll doub&ed the total cndlted to u~ aald the -·-· made f t-.. " UM Cbleqo metrapolttan area; _,,..... a oo CJQSTA MESA llA'ITllE8S 00, Ul4 WU nearly triple tM total ~ 1n ead\ top ln order to IUO Ne•'POrt Blvd. ~the Detroit Ketropolitan ;:::·=doWn==an=d=open=:Ul;·:•:doo=r=1.=============: UN'UnNTB CllDC'DAL ouan ..-. "We ..l.n'Mp n ..... ..... All a... o.._. T. Tbe San s.manllno -Rlwr· lllle me~Ut.an ..,.. bl lN' ranked 10th amonc alJ lb• metr~ poUt.an a.nu l.n the nation bl v JI· wn• of home~. ROBERT FORBES uamJCNn.U. • oo••w:•cu .. L • ~ .. .., 4.0'7 Bolla Ave. M• ... .... a. nae Loe .A.Jl«el• metropoll-PROSE HA.&aOa 11 .. Jua& etf Npt.. llh-d. at lMla ..... ... The Friendly Bank that has grown f asfl!r because it serves you better, cordially invites you to the opening.<Jf a · NEW KIND OF. -. BANKING SERVICE . Fill camlN OPOlll DAY . ,. RI TH£ m Each man resent will ~ receive a ~clcy .. horse 1hoe ltey chain contain- •• .1 Ing a oew penny. *( •• :t-··· , IM• WllDOW SOWICE Now for the 6nt time fn the harbor area, you will be able to drive up to our JerVlce window, at rear of building and make your d eposits. ~nother modern bwinC H rvlce. munusovm FIUP .... lOT Paved pe.rldng facilities have bttn provided for 100 can adjoining our rear bank entrance. Night deoasitory • Penonallzied full~ checb • DrM-tn window banking • Benk- by-mad (pottap-fne) • Lars• palking lot . IEWPOIT AYE. AT HAllOI ILYD. ml OOIAllCl FUTlll Spedoua rear entrance for customer oonvemence from our large, fne pukiDa uea. in COSTA MESA • TUESDAY,. JANUARY 3rd r-'" ...... Truly the bulk of twaaow.~dt-4 to better serve you tn a frlmdly, "1M and cooperative manner, ID a WI 17 P 9' .. penonaliz.ed.. atmolphlN ........ "' uperieDce wi ~ Hpts .. during OVfll ..0 ye&n of IUC a 111fal ~ lng MrVice. The hilndly bull ._ II thorouJb)y equtpped to rends .... • plete banking servtc. tncl11dm1 M deposit boxes, MCrOW ucl trait. Jota with UI in the OpeDUll of OU ... bank buildm&. 1\afeclay. J•nrsay Ill' 10 A.Ma to 8 P.K ' UIDll HOllS: 10 A. M. IO a P. ~ M -f r tbroup Tbunda1 ... 10 A. M. to e P. M. on rrtdar-- 21 INTtRUT OM IAVllll lDterelt .. tamed frOl8 tbe Int - depodll mlde tbrouP J_, &06..' ,---------• • • • I I I I I • THISIS mt wtllnlMll tabllllllt ---,------~ MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANC£ CORPORATION • ID8EI FtDWL MS8M • • ' Y/ed~Hday Scrap CAGE SLATE AT HARBOR BOYS' CLUB GETS UNDERWAY TUESDAY fte IDtrununl bUUti.11 acbedlale at Hanor Bofll' OU W'U tod117 annouaced by AUaleUool>tnctor Rod MacMt!!ten TOlllOft"OW troaa a:ao p. m. to 1:11, u.. *lll lftd9n p1a7. ftOm f :IO p. m. to 9:SO t.omclnoW, .&ptll .,..S.ra perform. JV SAILORS ROMP OVER PILOT FIVE HAllOI to~ A pelr ol aiddle-&cbl COft• le"'*-MtU. oe ~ horn a..... ~ &a Wedneed&y D!Pt'• ~t. ~ at T p. 1n. ft 0 0 ll 7 eutellaal., .... naai.e No. &. 111..C. 0... (~) ....... WedDelrda.1 alt«aooll, ~ at l :IO, lt'U be ti. fttUl ps.derw. nat ~t •t&rtlna at t :ao, came u.. hiata acbool e.cera. l'rtidq, atarllftl' al I P• DI., tJdtd and foartla rnd9r1 ll&n at IL N.U Monday, ~ at 1:30 p. m., It'll be tbe ...-nth rnd•N. "All Hartlor' ..,... bo)'ll WIM> want to be ptac.d Clll tMl'U ban Only to repQrt aceotdlns to \be ICbedul•," MacM.illl&n aMOWtced. H• -14 Hor.c» 1:na1p mtb and ..,..th rnd· en would 1M picked \Ip by H&rtK>r Bo)'1I' Club bl&f but would baH to fu.m1lh Uietr own t.rauportatlon home from th• Soya' Club. ~ 1ffllf'7 s...,... Md .. v~ llMPUla u.. eorc11 mp- pq, tbe Nwpcwt ll.UtlOl' HIP junJor TU'.tt7 8ador-41U1at.t .. -----.... _--------------- bced lllloel*M"• sva *"1 1a PAS& 6 • PART I -NEWPORT HARIOl NEWS-IRES$ tv am rr14a7 mpt. x.n,_ MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1'56 u4 YWcrua dad )OcUl frlt W~h eoon !IODC11'9 wttb 11 J10ADt1 --.--------.-------------- --:. JllllSor Tan ..... ·~~ lallor l's F1nlly ~r;op ~ !:·~t"' the~:..:= =. ~ le1~J11ke~ Fr1y Fri~1y. liPt SALVAGE JOI AHEAD !!411~~~ .. m:! c.a -.y Killer'• N.wport =..at \WO~ .-i. by 11m final cento, ooaoectlq t. 1f llutlor RIP B q\lint.et dropped a ~ womad-up eecood to lb· Tar New Year Resolution C'OUllt-. to the rt..W etpt. Uo4il trq to ·~lllllW'• llPl· eell6or"• QI.a Pa.pa tor ,..-. VWafnna !lit tw .. fteld ~ 1a tu 8a1lol' .,_ J'rldA7 btp ~ · ldtUas tw l T mai'll· Made U E I ~ .,::i-~•:f ;!. 0: 111&11& an. a .. u... ftlbtJns ~ :.irw ~ ~ to pset Ice Slor Nest ~ euUJ1S fW tM I.tie a .. Cloelled _.. la tu Ua. I ; ~ PalafuTt. 18; 9'ld ,fualor ftl'lllty ..... bl U.. aua-8MI Mii. 'n. Tar ._ W M-n.am,_.. '-MCI l>lcll ......_ _ ... _... ' Mt LMpe ~ la 8aUor CJlll • at .. at die Udr4 .....,. -.. • ON A NIW 'II .IOHNION SIA•MOllll YovoW~ll wortlil ... ,,1 Lft'1 talk .. .,.., ...... 1parklla1 ••• •t• JOb .. oa.NIM..-.. 4•1•, ' .. ,,. ••• SOlltll Coast Co. n.t.anntned to eaJnc-on• vtc· d_....,.. for nmneNJ ~ at th an.moo. Of Jan. 10 -.UMt jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tory out ot a lhNe-pme Mri• H -.ch. ...ta AM'I 8Uat& Remainder ot th• TU .:oms: which baa deftloped with the po-Pope. two soa.J.I, on• sttt toee. e: ~ Nndowla ,_ tu Tan JAMii D. Newport Blvd. at Ul'4 8t. lluMr .. 6ener•I Contractor & Builder tlDt Jlllcel"°" PUo• ODM:h Julee KabM. three roe.la. t : Bouetoa. ap1ut lbcel .. ~ rnda7: •on CJac'e end bia Newport HarbOr one rtft. 1; Harper, two ro&ll, t ; Babbe, tbne a.Id ~ I ; Jadl Bish 8aJ1or quintet were to4&7 Da•• Tamura. four &1ftl, t:, ... U.. four ~ toeea t: .Jim .. C.... ....._ Joh11.,.011 ... ~.'.~ .... plott!nc aa up.et wM8 they Up Onien, lhree s<>ala. two stfia. I ; a.to. ftft IQUI. 10, Uld 0.. OOllOKA Dao 11&11 off ..,.an.t the PUota at 6:30 aod o.nl•la. two l'0&1' '-lballberd. oaa ..... I. toa DlflNDAllllfT . JIP-IN TATTOO FOR TARS a.._ a.et i.cllet on the rebound la Rich Palaterr1 ot COIM:b 11ma7 Jp)W• H""'°rt H&rtlor HJrll Sailor B qutnt.eL Pala· I.wt'• ...a JMi'ale helped down Pue.mount 81·34 here t .. t ....... IUdl a»Nd 16 marker11 -cal~ Excttlalor Friday nlrht ...._ tM loeal 11'1 &olt ~2·41 -St.aft Photo HARBOR BOYS' ClUB COPS 5 FROM RIVALS p. m. Wedneed&J ln tll• annual Compton toumarnent. They cune clOM enoup In Tar l'Y11l l"rtday nl&bt to at leut hand JCxcelalor'e ttxcellent five a IC&r• before the local l a d • knuckled under 63-411. Jn lb• Hunlln(lon a.&ch toum&ment. th• Pilot.I tumbled th• Tare to a ~43 def .. t. dumplnr the a...- JUY• lnto a third place flnl.lb. nA8llY llTA&T For awhile, In early mree ot the contut Friday nl1ht. the G<>b• thrutened to T'\m off ano hide from the Piiot.i. plllnJ up an 11·~ lead In lh• tlnit quarter. Their ahlfUnr defena wu out· etandinl' u t.ti. 8allore kept tb• rlvala from penetraunr beneath the bucket i nd Paul Lorentzen -. poppln& lh• pelota lhrouch the hoop wltb machln•·iun rapid· ~ .,,... Club buketball t-• copped t!ft conteata from Lecuna ~ 8o71' Club oppoel· lion In Oo11ta Meaa Thur!lday af· lty. Wilt Andenon, Milder, Ankeny temoon and night In Orance In the eecond period the Pilot.a County i...,ue play. 1t1rttn1 bltUJ\c with lonr ahou The local hlch achool AA quln· from the oul.Jllde and ltllceJalor'a tel wo11 43·20; t he HBC A equad Brown t ook the play away rrom wu 'rictorloua 23·15: the elchlh long Tom Holl.9lon ot the Tar• (Tade congnpUon triumphed •7· beneath th• backboarrle. But 1Ull 22; for t.he ffVenth rf'adere t.he Loren\Mn, Oeors• Mabel' and win ca.me 43-'. and the abtth Roy Danl~t• 11eored enouah to ind• outfit puah~ over the riv· keep the Tan ahead 26·21 et Hie M I ala &1·28. halftime . .. 1me1 11l4I Hel'bor atta'11 aeventh and RAJlPU ABLE . •l(hth grader• play Ho.-.ce l!lrl· Beonnr on the Ullrd atan.u. up- Jlm lb1cllr wttll U eoa.-c:uUve atrn Tburltd&y. the IOQJ hlJh off play. E1u.•elalor 1ur,1ed lnl-0 a fl'M Ulrow9. Walt ~ w\th achool A and AA learn• t&ke on 5•30 , __ .. , ~~ H ... _ '74 ~ ta hN ~ and -·u ,,. ...... ..._.,, afl>er ....,,an r u erton ThurllClay nlcbt, and comlnr up wtth the ~bounda and CofU. A.air-.,, wttb 14 1'Ull upe the alxtb, aettnth and eighth tipped 111 • pa.Ir under the baaket -" 11.arboc' lloJW' Oub OY'lra1' (l"dera go •Kalnat FUiierton to orf·Ht Lh• bll boob ~an cll&lnpe 1a U... ea~ tn U.• then Saturday, It wu anncNDOeCI Nsu MW. WfUI f w u.. PUot& aupermaa -~Mid dwinl' the by AthleUc Director Rod Macll11· At end of ~ Ullrd canto u.e Cll!Utmu ....... """'· • Top ._, __ a. Ute eom--Bo • ~ .. b b Pilot. cl~ to a IT·M edp. . r-)'& "-"' 8COl'tnK Y U&ml 8qrwn. DGnarl and ~ of lJU., ~ ta ~· Tblrd 'nlunday: AA -Don P iere. I. tb9 l.n'laden conUnued their r...aa -i..cr.. Ordliud. I pullup1. Bill Lamb 10, Gil Sharp I , Bob ot KO""-11 polJlle pu "'8rttr ~. -rr.nJt Durut.e, 4 free Walker 12. Don Dolbtt 9. tn u.. fl.Ml~ and jw'aped tn· hroWa, Jim aipmM. 10 pu.Uu,. A -Larry Sh.radu '· Cari to a u-11 1-d with four mlllut..a MMl )J ......_ '1ttll -Chuck Berpron 5. Walt Andenon U . len IA Ule pme. 0.1'• Miit hll XaMa. ' "-\hrow9 ud ~ i.e... E1&htll Jradl' -Jerry Hehn ~ •-ll.U; .,. 81lh •• 10 -""u,__ Brl , .. 1.. .,.. ff a.' cbaJT9 .. to a t\.111 court pre•. -..--.--&11 ..-c.. "om uber ror a Um• It -.med Uk• t.bat atstll -'l\:Bln1 Bryan. O rrw Tommy Sandoval 2, Bob 8 1qal mlpl do lb• lr1ck o.r-., t ,..Uupe; 8rlaa Lewt1, 8. Stne R<lb!Non 3, J im Otal)t Guard Ge.ry O~n chlmed ltl II ~ 8neDUl -Ru.ell :r. Pete Fealhenil-On 3 th pulMUn I ba 1'afp. • rr.. t.b.rvw9. •1 bukrta: Seftllth rradr -Neu McKll· :UJ ~ntAn ~:° ~m ~ ---............. ~ l:tstitti---ru ro. Jlm ~atlel"llOn .. Dtclr and th• 8&1lort pulled t o' 41-4~ 9rtaa LIMiaa. 6 tr.. lh.rowa. 7l Butterworth 8. John Hug"• o. Bill and lll·d In \be ttnal mommt.e ......._., P9t. J"eatberaton. 10 Scott 4, RuNell Rapp 2, Glenn but no cl<Mtl'r ' pulhlp& Oardner 2, Tom AIJ~n ll. Butch PAUL _,,_ ,.._ Nla~-IUcllArd 8cbllc1'enma1· Vineyard 4. .-v.-., ..... Lorent.a.en wu h!(I\ polnl pro-d~cer with 17 Ot\ el(bt field c<>&ll and one con.1MC:tlon t:rom lhe fouJ lltte. Brown and ~mare of the P iiot. n ch t:lted Mnn l'o&t. to er, 10 free throwa; Ronnie Wood· Slxlh rntdf' -Br1An ~ 18, .._ 6' ..._k.U. Hlah 8t hool -De""'• C~nttr 10. T om Bryan 80I ~ 12 bukela; J.1ulder, 8. Jed Houston •. Rodi!er W•llofl 11 frM u.rowa; .Allclereon, H bu· t , Dick Pettit 3. Due Ro..o 3, 11:4U; ~. 14 puJlupa. Hob Norrie 2, Eddie Hiatt 2. OCC TEAMS SHOW QUINm OF TIRES IN CONFERENCE the Richard Beeson Company Ha ...... w ..... IPOBT8 CAB CENTEJ& • --.. •o. Alta a-._.. 8-l7. A--.. llorrle ............ aw GUI 11.U.&a. SE.a,'Je& • Cl.&AN UUD CA.Ra blporWd 6 DomMUa ooeTA 111:841 MNTA ANA ....._....i Ut-e'I• --•••&..._ L..chcape DeskJa a•d C011St111etion CORONA DEL MA& PHONIC HAAJIO& l M RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LA.ROE OR SMALL SIO IOtla St.. Newport a.eJa Barbor 1511 .. • -MONEY GROWING ONT ES"· .,.1cr1•I ....... ,M•ll a&.o•l•llT aa••p.wan fl 2 AA..nl8 P.A. MUlla WM .. l."1t• C. •· flWSllN&a IAllRLA.Mna ~ Aewe .. MIBBIT ....... ~ 1 .... -are.ate•• ,_,,,_, ... ~ ,Y&A ..... 11 ......., ............ c 0 ... "9111111Uln .... 009ier .............. ............. ,..,.... ......... Vli:AI 1, 1 ...... OS9ler 1lis is wt.t ttoalds ~ utisfied people in 48 states and W\ many larllft p.u ., lllclllt ~ their W.111 to WOf\ with us. ,..,,. ....... to "SM SlfelJ ... SM'I PIJS.. Tour snoney ii lom*' by us for t.'ldinl of homeS kl Orange County, a.e flstlst 11owin1 na in the West-the safest of sate loans. . And nery dais of ,,.rs up to $10,m> is insured by ., aaencJ of "8 lnted States Gowemment. Besides your savings are withdrawable in tun. alwaJs at Pl'. Rtprdless of your motiw -Future Secsily, Children's Education. Tmel, Study°' pd old New fn&land Tiwift -start an acmllt with Newport Balbol Sevinp. As little as SS does il Sawiftls received " to ~ 10 en flllft JnafJ 1 ... ~~~°"'' dn a'#WOn ot ·"' ~ W. ... ...a.ohft record ol clM1"4tel1f°'20 ,.an we •r• cwrrenlly paying of tlte OlttWOf role of CH•mtJ 10 o•• •••1c11•T 110•1 l's I ...... cJ4 efficiency wt.t I c:ustDMr is ICCOfded fist• ... la. tritndlJ ... ,.. ............. A,..le Cull ...... ,....._ C1ltdtaM S.-. o.,a.» V..et S.wlor.~:!....~ Prtw ... ~ ..... u ~ c-t........... "---.. ..., ...... Cat ..... ~ Setvicle -··· •••• MeNJ~ ... , ..... AeaMY ............ ,,...,.Qa •• NEWPORT BALBOA SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 3366 YIA UDO • NIWPOllT lllACH, CALIFORNIA 'llUllllOlll ......... COH•A DB U• OfflCI • M07 UIT COAIT MellWAY • __...... llABOll l2M .. \ , ,. • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1956 PART TWO, PAGE ONE CIOU8TllA8 CA.BOl..8 -A choral group of youngsters from Chriat Church by-the-Sea aboft, drawa attention o! children ~ Roy Youratone, president of Newport Harbor ICtwania Cl1lb at annual club Chrutmaa party held Dec. 22 in Villa Marina Reataurant. Man than 100 ~attended. SANT A AND TOTS -Proud mother at left beams as youngsters at right re<:cive sift. from Sant.a in front of Cbrutmu tree at annual Kiwanis Club party. 1m1n TABLE -Entertalntng the children at llmeai-an Klwanlau, from lelt around table, PoUt. • Chief John Up80n, Lee BoUn, standlng and Carl Tbomu. Carl Boewell stand.a to left of Bolin. - TREK TO TREE -Children gufllta ~ Kiwanian. above were part of long line which marched to Christ.- mu tr.I wbln tMz ncetwd P,rll-. from Saota • . Claua. E. S. Rosa, a Kiwanian, atanda \• ·h':1d SMta. Staff Pbotoa by Leonard Sargeant . AIWANlANS VISIT SANTA -Some top officers of Kiwanis alao visited Santa, mainly to watch the children get gifts. In rear from left . Jo hn Albarian. incoming pr<'Hi'1cnt J oe Guerin and President Roy Yountone. ' dEAD TABLE -President Roy Yountooe, left., talk• with young female guest eeated between him and Jack Nel.on, chairman of OuUtmu party chil· ~------ dren'a committee. At right LI Frank T. O'Br ien. club pianist. Nel8on wu in chuge of day'a festiv- itiea. , • ,. __ 1. .. PAGE 2 -P/'.~T 11 -NEV/PORT I !ARIOR NEWS-PRESS 7 '42 MILLION PIAN -Dark lines on thi.t map indi- cate the drainage channels which would be built under a flood control plan proposed by the Orange County Board of Supervtaora. A $-U,e.20,000 bond iaaue for the plan will be voted on at the nsuW' election next June. One of th• lonpet channela would be the Santa Ana River, atendinc aero. the middle of the map. Thia would run 20 mil•, from the outlet-at t he ocean at Newport Beach to the lAONDA Y, JANUARY 2. 1956 r ' Placentia-Yorba bridge. Emptying ~to the river channel would be the Carbon Canyon Creek diver- aion channel, running into the river from a dam site approximately 8830 fllt north of the intersect ion of Imperial BJrbW&7 and ROM Ave. An extension of th.la cb•nDel allo would at.ad westerly into the ..t-centnl MCt.lon ot the county. Mos t of the pro- poeed dnlDap . cbannela ·are ID the wntem and cmtnl eectiou of the coUDty. j change Student Gets to CaU Mother in Bremen 'fte iiplrtt of ~ utend- ecl 8Cl'Ol9 \be ... crnr lhe hoU- ...,. wba Deft7 Nop. ucl\&Qge atudmt at Newport ll&Tbor Un- i• Jl1p 8chool, telephoned hl• moth• Jin. J'rt9da Nota In Bre· ma, Off'many. The phone call WU paid (01' by \be Newport B&l1lor atudent eacb&nge com· mJU.. f or Ule .Amencan Fltld lenlc:e. T"9 An wu at.arted In 1914 bJ acn. Americana In Pana lo fllnl1llll ambulancee and driven fol' UM ~.ch Army In the tin t World War Md wu \Aken over by u.. u.a. Arm7 when thl• couatry mt.end tha war. ln lh• _MCCIDd WDrld WM tUA..FS ~&in rumtahed ambW&nc .. &nd d.r1vera but for n.rtou am»• Tll.\NKS COr.1:.taf .·EE-Derry Noga, Newport Be.ch'• ycbange 1tudent from Cc·rmany. thanl:s members of Newport Harbor Student Exchange committee for thr 1r gt'il<'r<•slty in arranging a Chrt.tmae telephone for him to hi.A mother, Mr11. Fril'<la Noi.;:i. in Hrt'me'n. The committee, le.ft to right, Mrw. Philip Burton, .Mr1. Krnnt'lh Coolin,:: and ChRinnan Mni. Leona.rd Graves. -SWf Photo RIGHT TO WORK CITED. BY WEl~A 4 N IN GRAND JURY 'BRIBE' PROBE B\" PAT Mlf'HA£1 l "gn companlu , Welman 1lattd: SANTA A':"A tOCNSl "Thlll "J worked for 1everal people Ill a cue of whelhtr a county em· a rt!'r my worldnf boun for the plO)'M hu a rt1hl to work for county. Th• fact that their bual· olller oriranl&at1on1 after he la nene• were compaUble with my throurh with hi• working ho11ra," work of lnts>«tlnc ·~· lt -na Clarence w,1man. M . ot Lone' lo mt . l• none of lh• county'• b\J.11· e.&ch told OCNS ThUMlday . nt91. A man hu a n.hl to hold Welm&n wu MhNlulf'd to be 1own more than one job -and what D11tr1ct Allorn«"y·1 ornce 10 ofter hla fl"ff time '!rvlcea to lnve1Ufatora dt1l'ribeCI u "th• whomever he wanta to. principa l wtlneu" In the CT&nd Weiman n..ld be had bMn In UI• jury's probe ot the a.llt'f td bill-Army ~rpe ot JCn(l.neen for 10 board i candal In Oranr• County. ytu a. I worked for many other or1antaatlon1 while In th• Mr· AW C'MON, SANTY, QUICHER FOO LIN ' l At leut ona yowipter In the Harbor area wtlt Wnk Sant& Claua I• a.n lndlan flV• ~r unlua a fln enJlll• a. re· turned. Mra. Pat Or i• of t U Am· elhy1t Ave., Thurllelay tn· fonn9d police ot poulbl• theft from her born• of a pedal car. ft1'9 enrtna red wt Ut a bell on the aid-. Tba pruent pl"Of1'1U'll of brlns · tnr fortJrn atudent.I t.o thla coun· try tor one 8Chool 1•r to llve In prhrate bom• d&Ua from 1947. ms llN~ AUOt T8T Derry hu been llv1n1t In the J . B. Stoddard home. 2928 Ocean Blvd .. alnce AUf . 8. He arnv~ ln thla country J une 2!\ and had a lh?'ff • 1¥f'l!k trip throU(h "" Slalea bfcfore landlnlr In Newport The l&·ytar-old ~rman youth al.lo wu able lo •peak to hi• brother. Peter, dunnr the tran .. AUanUc phone call wblcl\ wu .,... ran.red for tn a ma tter of m1n· utu by tbe &oeaJ ottlca of Paclflc Telephone and Telqnpb Co. 1ba a.ctual phona ca1J w-. not put Ulrou(t\. UlouJh, WIUl 1:20 L m.. Saturday -1111\lch u about 12 noon tn 0.Tm&nJ . Derry AJd he wu able to bear hlli mot.bar and brotheT n ry cleuly and e&r· r1ed on hia m d of lba conftna• Uoo to a normal lona of ...olca. CRJU8TllA8 orrr Th• pbon• call wu Derry'• Chrlatmu rtft-Bul ann mor. Im portant to him tn t.M lut alJI mollt.U bu baan Ule contnbuUon of members of Ula N.wport Htr- boT atudent ex.cll&n,.. In brlnrtJil him lo lhla COUii try. ff ead.l.nJ thll commJtt.a a. Xta. L •o n • rd Welman wu lnlervlewed u he vice," he added.~ nobody av• Ml out.ide the Department On• complained." CJambe.r• where the 19M fT'&Dd W elman wu adledWed to follow --------------------------Qrayee. jury u lntervlewtnJ • battery ot a &'">UP ol •l&'D contra.cton1 wbo Wstn .... before UM 111r7 Wed· wltn.... In th• current tnvaaU-lu tltled before the juron today . nead.a.J aid they .,.,. lntenoc-t- p Uon. He eat In a cha.Ir, clutch· Several otn cla.la appeared befo ed prior l9 the Jury .-ton by ID· lftS Ula aubpena which had 1um· lhe Jury wltb oompan)' boolu and vetUpton1 u to w1Mlber they moned him t>tror• the Yll\IH . He payroll• _ which they •Id. had had paid ''brtbel" to alloW llil"D WM walt.lq to t.auty. been called for by UM S?Ud jury. eract.loa ln 0,...,. Oo\&at7. a&Tt..!IES ~'"SWEil SLEL"Tllll ANNOYED 'Iba county,....... omcuaSd A.akad U be _,.. atil.l emplo7ed Dtetrict Attomey'a otnce tn-Wednaed&T Wllm&D WM einpk>J· u a bll.lld.lnr ln.spectoiln char,.. of veaUp to?9 u prMMd obv1oua lr-ed In tha bWlcll:ftS bwpector'e of· bWboa.rda and atrna. Welman r.-rttau on OYer tha lnt•m-ba-flee lut Karell H. TM ,..annet r\.leed t.o auwer. "l e&n•t •1 any-tw .. n OCN8 and Walman. lnv .. u-ottlca, bftN'IW, bad DO r.cOf'Cl ot thins lllle that." Ula tall. rn1. ptor Joel Hay .. paced back and b.la a.Uapcl dlent're' dlatinJUll1.led -looktns ln.lpector forth "1t.h!D MZ"-&hot ot tha Inter-NO'IWIKO TO lllDll 'llaled. 'TVI conferHCS with an at· v11W ecene. and at one Ume, Ola· t tomay ln Lons S.c.b and ha told trtct Attomey Robert Xn"l&nd, "I llAY• not.b.lq to hide," W1J· .. not to ae.1 ~." tllmHll, appeared outlllde lha jury man -.Id JMterd&J about hle • Wedneada.J lbe chief of th• room to Jlallc. at the lnl«'Yt-forthoomlq tniwn-befor. tha lnlpector'a otrlo. 1tatad beinC made. A. q\llck budd.le wu fT'1lll4 jury. ''I'm JOlllC to la,7 the Weiman wu ~ 1ut mada betwaan the lhl'M men and tacta oo t.M table. a man bu a for niuon.a whJch oould not then Ha.y.. 1'9Umed bu patrol. rtrhl to ... It out.Ida •mploymet ......aed. "J turned that lntor-attar tint uabvtn• almblt all after wor1ttna boun. onr t() the rrud j11r7," ot.bar witn.... lnalde 8uper1or Welman etatecl be would not uee lupector C'barl• Dona!lue Court 0.putmenl Ona. the ntth amendm.-it before ~rand OCN& . ·~ wu auppoeed to be nne jury, but would ''ttU them the Th• JocaJ achan.. com.rnJtt .. wu formed ont7 l.ut 8pr1n•· Th• anrac-con of bri.nt1n• a •tu· dant t.o thlll COW1try for ona 7eJU. they t ol.ID4, wu ~. Ttle7 bad to rai• th,.._IOW'Ula of tha east. Ule AJ'8 tha balance, ~n• to Kra. Ora..._ Now tha commlt- taa a. well oa Ila way to ttnan~ an .Amer1eaa ltlad.aat f oT a por- Uoa of Im coata f Of' t1r0 moet.b.I ~ ta tha Nmmer. l.&AAH naft-llA.ND Tba objacUft of Uie at udent nc:Js&n,.. i. not to proY\de a for- mal education for Al' auadent.a. Tbey are bt'ourbt onr tor the purpoee of acqulrtns a tlnlt·baad knowledre ot thla eow1try. ~t• lh•J retum to their own coun· t.rt• and diuamtnata th• nnt.• hand know11<1,.. they ban plnecl ot th• tTn.ltad 8tat-. - SCARE BASELESS: RABID DOG CANINE GUARDS DEAD SPANIEL A. rabid do& acart' In ~01t1 Mua provl'd bllMI-Wtd· ntl<I•)' whtn It turnr<I out a J or thoucht to have killed c&11lne w u mfl't'ly proltclln& body of Ill frtenll, Poundm11.1nfl' l"'red Du1cnrort revt>aled. Ml"I. Dorothy Morgan of 10\3 Arbor Ave. N'portl'd ·1he ag1rtea1ve monvel pr-oltclln& 1u dt ad buddy In rear yard al lha t addreN. Oavt>nport obl11.lnf'q lhf' body and di•· rovered · lht' mixed blond cocker "'panlel h•d appar.nlly bt'en fatally Injured by a •hol In lht' 11h'tulclt'1 Mr1. Mor1an reported g-un ahota had been ht'&rll In lht' dump area nearby. Christmas Falls to Remove Scars from JuvenUe Hall OCHS Reporter Finds Overcrowded Condltlo"'· Inadequate FacRlta.. By Ht:Ll:X ('OSI.IS 1 nl,rht until II o'rlO<'k In the morn· As Chrl1tmu rame lo JllVenil,. 1ni: hall In Santa A OR, tl b1ou .. hl Stver11I .ruerd11 &rt! rupontlble somt' warmth anJ 1tlltltr but nnt f1'r lhe 1><1y11 l'tt'll<•n 11nd there 111 t>nmigh to remove lhf' "111 ~ or c'"" lt'Rrhrr who is In rhvire or tht overcrow<IPd 1·on llllonA 11nd the 11hor wht re boy11 lea rn me<'h· lnadequelt> f&l'lhll .. a whlt'h 16.· 11nlcs •nd ot her tra<lu. main In thla Orange Counly In· lkhool fa<•lllllu for lhose un· itlluUon. • Ider 10 years of •ltt are provided The afternoon thl• OC:'IJS re· by lhe Oranite C'ounly •<'hool de· porler paid an unannounred v1111 partmenl Thert are two run. lo juvenile hall a Chrl1lm11 par· time tta<'heu 11nd one it•rt-llme ly tor 110me '40 to ~O boy• anc1 home f'<'Onomlc:a lta<'htr. TheH girls In the 11rhool therl!, was mu1t 1t1tf lhe M"hool which taku 11pon11orfd by the atart. care ot about :10 rhfldrtn. The party was t.dd In a fairly "The county achoo! department. modem. light anJ airy clauroom. which prbvldt11 thl11 ~tart would one of the later addition• lo the be' wllllng lo provide anol htr old hall. tucher tn lake cart or this num- However, the other quarter11 of ber "' rhlldr.-n If we had more juvenile hall are not 10 brlghl 1c:hoot t1cllltle11,'' B~rnard main· &lJd <'hterrul a11 thl1 <'11u•1room. lalned. Sl .• F.f:P ON yj,()()R ' The 1uperlntendent claim~ The ,rlrl!' dormitory, 1illl1Rtec1 that more cl11..aroom 11pace 11 ur- beyond the rlaasroom11, Is not ~11r-gPnlly rie<'dt'd rte lent. to hollll!" the yount( In· "But." he continued, "everyone malea properly. Bl'l'&U~e nf 1 hr fc•C'ls lh11l too much money haa tack of beds and floor ~111tc·I', llt'v· ulr<>11dy b<'l'n pul Into lhla old l'ral i:1rl!I 01•· fnrrt>tl tv til""I' on hullc11ni: 8(1 m a ny lhln1t11 mu11t matlreaaea on lhe <'old corridor cun1tantly be rt'placed &11d r1&ht rioor•. now we are 1nsllllhng a new l'"I· Cecil Bernard. juvenile hall I'll· pl'nlllve heauni: pl1l111." prrlntendt'nt, who mRlnll\tns the S EW JU'ILDIN(l ~l'l'F. hall haa oul~rn\\ n lhe flit 111 f11n l1· "\\'C!' 1111 f Pel that 1f we bad a 11e-s. 1tlso M HI th1tl R frw yC'nr11 nrw a1te with a new bullJlng, we 11gO lhe hall WI.Cl lj(I fl\f'ffttlWIJPcl 111111<1 prOflt by lhP l'X~rl• ftl'l'll Of lhat many b<lys hari lo ~l<'tp nn otht>t 1 in hit\'tn){ class A fenlll1u the cement Ooor of an oultJ001 11.1 other 111s111ut1ona hllVt' \\'t> bultetl>aU court durlnr th• win· would then be able lo p rovide lt'r. better rehabllltaUon malhoda too. ThJa year before the holiday• • nd five more per1e>nal a ttenUon lhe hall bad a populaUon ot llO lo every boy and g1.rL" boy11 and alrla, Today there ar, Bernard menlloned It ha.a baen 711, but Bem&l'd expect• Ulla num· recommended that 1uch an I.MU- iler lo tncrcue by lha end of lht tullon provide one 1laft cnUJ119lor wllt'k. Nineteen g1rl11 are preaent-Cor every 12 children. ly houeed In their dormitory. And "But," Bernard added. "I do In the boya eect.lon there are 4 7 not think ll 11 poulble to atalf older boy• and 14 younittr one.. th11 plat e Uke that. I do not To care for lh~ g1rl1 there are think the t.axpayent would " In two matron• on duty during the favor or a &realer t.ax burden pu t day and one matron from mid· on by addlnr: more counaelora.'' DIATH NOTICI A :\TOS t'HAO Sen•lcM for Antoa ~. p6o- nrer fla ht'rman Ta. ol JllO OoMa •~ro11t. who died Wedneeday. at Oranaf' County Hoapll&l .nu aa Utl"ntl"'1 lllntN , w1U M ll • l. Tu .. day 111 2 30 p m. In Pu"-9 Rtdley !.101111ary Chapel wtUl U.. Rev. Chiule• P'. Hand oMelal• Inf Jnt•rment wl~ be In ~ Rut Memorial Cematery. H~ hu n,, known 1urvlvor9 llut 1 hoel or h'ltnd• to mourn hla p1111111nir A n ative of Au1lr1a. he r amt to Ca li fornia In ltlO. Cllh• ing out or ll>f'wport end llan Ped• ro tor i O yt11r11 on hie n_.,, bOat. The aatt burned thrte )'MN ap ani1 Mr. l 'hAc retlrec1 from active fl~hlng lhen HI• lllneu followed. He be<'ame • <'lllaen ot tha Unittd Stale• In 190. MR8. ORAC't ORAST M r• Or&<'• Allen Grant. 71, of 211 \'la E ooll, died Otc. 30 at Mr home after a ltnf lhy llln-. ahe wu 11. natlv' or New York and hMI lived In C'allfomla for 12 y.,._ She 11 1urvlvtd by 11. IOn, AU. Ormebret' of U do Ille a.nd a llapo dau_ghttr. Mra. Pr11cllla MorelloUM of Muaachu1elt1; a &later, KN. Otrtrude Ktnr of New York . Servtcu will " held l41110M'OW at 2 p.m. In Balta Coat& W.. Cha pel with the Rev. Jam• L Sle.,.,•a rt ortlclatlnf . Jntarm•t wU& be In Wu tmln1tn Memort.al Putl. KIND OF SHOCK Mn. W11hbur11 Finds Sting on Ear Pellet Even when you nnd out what • happened lWO day1 later, It aUU comu 111 aomet lW'f of a ahock lo find you're vtcllma ot an &ppaAft\ 11hoo11n1:. t hC' Country W&1hbum ea or 1378:: t:. Paularlno, Santa Ana Ht11ht.1, tll1covered 1.ut we.k. Fin•h.ng ta hole In lhe cloth t op of hi• car followln1 a Tueeday night drive wtlh hi• wtft, Wu h· bume 1le<:tili-.I lo at'arrh hi• Y•· hide \\'htn he found a ptlltt In lhf' auto and hJJI wife arrived at tbe oonc:Ju&M>n that what •h• lhoU(ht wu an ln•~·t blta behind har au bad actuaUy been the pellet at.rlk.lq her. the Wuh- bum• nottfled pohce of the in- cident at l :IO p.m. )'H terday. Tbe Wubburnu .. id the •hoot · 1116 appannUy took ptare al ap- pl'Olllmalely I p.m. 'f)1tllday while I.hey wve driving on Bay1ld~ OrtVI naar th• Rlchard10n Yacht landlftS. When lh• flrtd flt'llel 1truck Mn. Wuhbume, lht y aald, It 1Ur ht1y bro.ke the akin. r11 -A11ua CUI IE NT EARNINGS A.-ed rt b• had betn qu•tlOJled °' tlleae hU8h·huab deiil•." a di•· racta." Tha ooriat.ltutlonal a.mend- Olltrtct AttomtJ'• ottlce In· lr1ct a ttom aJ'• offl<'I! Informant rncnl alloW9 wttll ..... to refUH .U,.tor1 on fT&luHlt• recelvtd told oc:-.:s. "Nobody wo ~urpo11td lo an.nver qU..Uona on lbt fl ound1 'ffl' b&~ m::effl~ur!ra an!1to kn~w a bout It." !of ~·ID$1f''!!-tla. At p~•ftlt. Uiere ara 8~ AP'B atadeta In the U.S. repruent1n1 2• 111&Uon1. L&.!l 11umm,.r 803 Am- er1CM.a Wfnt In E11ro~ ror UI• 328 AMERICAN AYE. Ph. -HEmlock 7·1203 - I . , . ' FARM EXPERT POINTS FALLACIES IN SUPERVISOR BOND · ISSUE PLAN ORANC:E <O<'!I:~ 1 Purrhou • "T h,. AfWI" l'lffl~lsl1 have In· o! MellOJ'Olltan Wutcr Dlat1 lrt WI· !ol'Olt'<I U)I lhl'I by 197~ they wlU ter 111 not ,.h,ap"r tlrnn 111" '.,~1 ,,, .,,. 1111vu1 ting uml 111.11ng •II or the plannlnK un con11f'I'\ atlon v ( !loo.I wfitt'r fn">tn thf' r;olurado Rt\'er to waterll 1n Orang .. (;uunty. u lcller w htrll they tu-r now entitle<! lt• the 1Joa1d of supe""""''"ll •hatg· ·'T his 11mu1tnt . at1 allocated r d We<ln.e.llday by tht' P11eblu <'ompa r t. dtpt<nll• The lf'lt~r w ni. ~lgne•I Ly C:o•o•R" 11µ011 the 11u1c11111f' of lhe Collow- Kellogg uf Yw ha l.ln1!11, rh111t · 1ni: man or a sub .. 11m1111lt•'" "' th.. ··1 I f th,. t 'nllt'tl Statc.11 of watf'r reeuurcea clt>partmf'nt "'the ' ~t .. x11 o "'"'" n<.)t get ar1y C1111)1 .. r OrlUlge <.:1111nt)' fo'sr111 Hu I .. , .. : I ullo .. 1ttlun,, or Wlllrr (1 um Ulll' A 11tutly riC a rr"J><•:i .. <I ~1:1 111 I· 1111t 10nat i;•>Vl"mment ; am1 the lion fl~t 1·untrol plan wlt1• h \\'rll ;\l1"<J• an of(1t·t&l:s have 1tlr.-11dy rf- be voled on tn J 1111e, was 1n~11,. hy q•11'!ll• d 1uorr water. the 1ubc01n11ollt•11, and tlw ( .. u111y ··1 tr lh,. Still<' c.r Arizona farm bureau r1•<'1;m111f'ntl•»I h11 th"' <1111 ""' i:"t a i:-rf'at.-r 1tlloi·atrun atudy nf th .. ""'"ll"li: 11l..i11 '-''"' th~ll thttl i:ran\t'd 11t P•1ebl11 , 1md re.r~1v1rt..: f h,; 11tUh1·0101Jt1lf•'•'" Jt'• lll••\U"t' 1-. nr~\.\•lwf<4't• lh~:OJJHt:Olf' port . • u111 t ul lh.-1111l1u11. The ll'ltr•r 1"1 1<n nlltg1ciw1h •If ('0~CiKl':l"S fUt.r.!il that •lu<ly, and i"•ll<1gg ll••k IM· ··~ 11 tne upp.tr lia11ln sr11te.1 aue wlth the :<ta tr,1111'11t. \\Ill• h 11, 01•· 1101 ullci\\cJ to lllke th .. purt•st 1tlldb1tl .. 8 lol 't<'l 111111 l''°lll!l.1' or-,1ntl hi•"I WUtt'I' (10111 the 111Jpt'r f1 cial.8" th8l i:< 11 <'h .. ap••r '" pur-1,.,,.11.-1< oJf th•· Colorado and Iron ,.. <'ha.te water !ro111 M WI 1 fit $.R to p•i•·t It t 11 111,. 1•1111tern ,.h1pe nr the $10 per l\\'I<' luot 1111111 1•1 J1llll1 1Hl /iuo "'"'"· 311<1 tht•l't' ltrl' nOW !lt'V• con11ervat1on nf flood w.it .. 1 s. 1 .. 1111 hlllll 111 1·<•ngru11 to do Jlll!l w1u1.t: IT LASTS ll\111 He a d1l1<, ·"thll! 1 .. a rorrect 11ta t f'-1 ... If nttl11r" 111 k ind enough lo l'IWnt ant.I >1s>111111rt111n pruv1ollt1K \\'t' rt•l111 n to 11 WP1 •·yd.-~o that the <'outd C'o1111n11e ti• purdm•e 1111 of Lulal tluw 11( Lhl' C'olor11do River t he wato•r \\•et oll'!111red from the may be somewhat near what tt M\.\'D nr from any ot hl'r 11011r<•e wuii N1t1 mnl NI to ~ at I he time at i<uch a prll'••" I th•• Pueblo Compact waa egrt>ed Kellorr ai.o c.ha,..-ed that the co.t of U.tlnr or '8 to $10 per acre foot for MWD water I• not a true atatement. The Orang-• County Munic ipa l W ater Dlalrlct had lo be formed Lu purchue I.he waler, and 111 a d · Jltlon to the per acre foot price. L11xpnyer~ tn the dlatrlcl last yea r putt! $1.373.316 vt. he at aled . With l&-"!s on top or Ufr.7C-t COllt. pH acr.. root price re•r.hed ssa.21. Kellon· 11tate1. LEGAL NOTICE <'P::RTIJl1CATE OF Br~UNF•"'" FIRM NAME Tiw u11dera1i;ned Joes her~by l'l'rtlfy that ht' ts com.Jul'\init a gl'nnlll 11hlp yard bu&1.nl'IMI at 8211 Bay111de Orlw. Newport B"'w h, C\.Ulfotnlo, under the ·firm nRme and 1tyle of BASIN SHIP Y ARU, lllld lhal 11&.id firm ls composed of lhe following ~raon. to wit: SPENCER OOWNF.Y and t hat the aforeaald Spencer Downey realdu at 418 'S1gnul Ro&d, Newport Beach, California. Wilnes• my algnature this :list day of December , 1911!1 SPEN CER DOWNEY ST .A. TE OF CALIFORNIA I DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Barbor Newa·Preu la guaranteed. Canier boys will deliver their papent be- fore 6 p.m. on ltond'\y, Wedneaday. and Friday. U your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbox .J616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified .. ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesclay and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER - Wednesdays Coa.aca.t Shopper Ad• run In the WedDC!llday ~e" ... p,_ 4 Unef& 1 ln~rtion $1.00 add'L line& .25 ea. 4 Llnf'lt 2 lnk rtlon!l 1.50 add'L lines .2.5 M. 4 Unf"'4 3 ln!tertion" 2.00 add'I. U.ne. .25 ea. 4 Unes 4 ln!it'rtions 2.50 add'l. Unes .25 ea. Situation \\'anftod Atl" wlll N·t·t'h 'o 163 dl~count. ('Mb In ad\·an1."C! unly. MIS L'Wl'M AD Jli ' LIXF.S ·"'II 0 11& .. ICled Ad• mud bo pa.Id tor Ca11b ln ad\'llllce ot pubUc.atlu.n. The publishers will not be responsible tor more than one Incorrect in.serlion ot an ad, rcst'rve the r1f{hl lo correctly clns1ilfy any a nd all al.ls and to rt'Jcct any aJ not conforming to rulu and rl'•"Ulationl!. DEADLINES for placing or c&ntelltng acts are : For Monday P ubltrawon -Friday S p .m . F or Wednesday Publtcations -Tut's<lay l p.m. For l<'ri<lay PubUeauon -Thur1W1ay 1 p rn. l\Ot;Wl'OICT UAXUOR P VHUSH.L'\"O 00. 2211 8&.lboa Blvd., ?\ewport Beadl, CallfenaJ&. Th,. p11rdl8.'I(' fll'll'P or Wlltl'r is \lfl<Jn .. COUNTY or OR.A.NOE 1 ss. Special Notkles $11 durini: winter months nnol ~w 1 ~:v1•n i f all the><e a n' tlttlded On this 2lat day of December , durln~. the summer. "1r \\e ~·an 1 ri.vurably lO <.:aHrornla , MWD l9M, before me a Notary Public get It, he l'nntlnttP~. anol 1'Xf'la1ns an1! the Ornnge County Waler In and for the aloruald county "Last Y•'ar thl' t•ounty WRt<'r 'I D1strkt. the <'ntlre !low to which and Stat~ peraonaUy appeared y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meet• every Thursday 8 p.m. Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a specialty Superfluous Hair Permanently nmcwed h'om face al"IU, lep. IC).....,.. alld Mir ltne lhaped-No IDOft tweelllnl'- llLLIC.N I. BRYANT R. JC. Lado'• 8aloD ot Beaut)' Bar. 2071 , tie LOST, ldentUlcatlOQ -oontaaa- lnc cnd1l earda -llll'WARD. T. E. THAL, 783 South Har- vard m.,.cS.. I. .A. or call Liberty 8-6779. 60c62 LOST-Yellow Parak .. t Dea. 28, vtclnJty Signal Rolld., Ctttt Haven LI 1-7391. Gl~ China Painting Day and Eventnc a..... Ordel'9 Talsen Naw Phone Uberty 8-6148 HUc EARLY AMERICAN STENClLINO and gold leat on I ~ays. bo>tl'S and furniture. Re- rrauuclng or l'ftlorlng oririnaJ pal terns. OA Y or evening classe11. Mra. F . J. WOOD. Har. 0878-W t9<.'32b Tl'TORrNG In reacltng lllld spt'll· ing for elementary lbrough H igh Sthool agea. Alter 1c'hool or Saturdays. State cre<lent1&1Jll teacher. Har. 1587-M eve11. & weekends. !12c:H 02cfl• 2R-Sltuattou Wantlld Swedish Massage Ladlell. -by a ppointment 1ll NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE l MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1956 JANUARY SPECIAL WILL HAND BRAID (your pattern) WOOL RUGS (I fumish all material) ( 1 per cuatomer) AT $2.50 SQ. FT. Mention this ad for special consideration The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow l 113 SO. MAIN ST., CORONA CORONA. TIS WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE 2~Relp Wanted ARE YOU TIRED OF -FIGHTING 'rRA.l'FlC CROSS -TOW~ -ROUTINE INSIDE W ORK -LOSS OF PAY FOR VACA- TIONS -NO CHA."ICE F OR ADVANCE- MENT Apply 1030 E. F irst SL S&nta Ana, M on. to Fri , 8 :30 ti. Ill, t (I 4 :(IO IJ. Ill. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. -HM lntcre11ting out -ot • doors jobs for high schonl g,-aiJust~a 18·4:S With 801111' tnl'Ch&nlt'&l aptitude, 5-day, 40 hr. w eek . !12e M S0-M!scelluflOU8 KATEY DOANE Nearly New Apparel for wome n a11d .. hthlrt!.n. We du all ktnt.111 uf alleraUon,.. 2i'.ll E <"out 131vd, Kincl1•lt" P"tlo, ('ornna ll<'l M11r •lk~3 Fresh Hea ring Aid BATTERIF.S We Give S•H Orl't'n Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Balboa Blv1l .. Balboa Harbor MS. ll8tfc t'llslrl<'I rcqu.-:1ted a total 11f 7:l.lll)(1 M\\'n will bn Pnl1Ue11 will be Im· Spencer ~ney known t o me to a cre·fe••l, b11t the wa ter wu s)1ut p<>rlell 11n<J uaed by J9'TO. Kellogg , be lhe peraon whNe name 111 aub- off bt>('!ll111e of the low levd 11< I 1&<Wco. acrlbt'd to the wlUnn tnstrumrnl Lake Matt he""' Rn•l the unwrnal The11 Orange Co11.nty wall have I and a.cknowledced lo me that he Via Oporto -Cent ral Ave. W ater heaters on l trne pa ymenta 2819 Newport Blvd.. .:-;ewport BeaC'h. Har. ~380. Re11. Har. 4367-J. 47c60H. your home. WOMEN: Off1"e JOl)s, factory and S IOl 'X JNllf I\ N rmw::;, flt'llt'e plp<'S, hrA.letl lltm•"'"""~ p111"11C'll, hrOC'l'it'lll. l1•11t ht•I' pllt "'"· (lo•lfl gls1111es: l flnllt>ol woll'e11, hu1'11'11t >1, he111·~. 1111nk. rnon, 111>.. ottrr, 1i .. av<-r. 1\11\'llJ<• hl~nkl't!I, bN1r lt !Ip~. I 1<11•tdlr. rr1t1~. f'lll<'hC.• & jl'un11. R111·k~l:tn lrullRn 11q11111Y <1rr8" """" Ill'' I.,.,. :t114 F; 181 h St , t •o,.t.1 M '~" ll:?p.'14 Newport Beach Albert H. Matthew•, Exalted Ruler dc•m11nrt for "at1•1· Cnr thr .-11 i.•s to ton I< t" ot hrr sn11rC'es for wa-1 rxecuted the aame. during lhl' 1111111111,,r. w1lh t111: rt'-ter to ,. .. rvt> the cvt'r-lncrea11ln1 In Willies. W'he~f 1 have llcl ~•Ill that we only n1Jta1n•~I 4' oon 1 populallun. ht< potntt1 out, a nd my hand and affixed my official '"'le frt>t, or two thJrlls or what 11slJ1 prohll'm~ In those "other aw the day and year ln this Cer-&-Funeral Directors "'<' 11tok1·d Cor, at 11 ""'~t of ~ourr"~" urrcat.e fll'llt above wrlllen i 42:1.000" r t 10t·sTtf::o4 OF ORWI S . ' Hl•qucsl r11r the coming yto11r 111 1 Tl1i:~e tnduJ1· lhe Feather River TOM W . HE~ERSON f,,,. 67.11011 arrc fo'c t. from ~IWfJ, fll'<iJcl·I, whtt'h bv 197:S o r luter Notllry Public tn and for the l111l t h111 d1•rrn•l11 upon .. ,, !<I<'• •••1ul1l 11 .. 111·1 r 1111 ~ugmenll'd water County o f Orance. Slate of 11•1 l'I In Lake ~latlhews. lll'll..'lonft. I 1111pply ul an eJJltrnaled co11t or Ca lifornia. '""'" aml <1Aman'1 lor srrVlc 1•11 by $!'111 \<) S~!'I per arre foot. Kellogg No. 641 , c 1111•A ll<'h1ng1ng to J>f\YD," Ket-, ~111<.1. provrJc•<i that N ewa-P'ru.s 12, 26, 196;, l111;i;:-Add•'•I "The legi11lat11re 1•an 11tra1ghten 112 • 9, l&. l968 'r\\ 0 TlllHOS OSl.Y out the 'cuuntie11 ot origfa' prob· ~()TICE OF ~TE.."\DEO SAU•: Th<' 47 tHlll ll<'r!' Ct-rt fl•!'PiV,.rt lem. MOTIELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 Bolaa-Jwit west •1r Wo'Sl· mlnater Memorl!J f'11rk. All Orange C'ounly lnsl1lut1on Serving f1UT11hcs <•f all r111lhs Telephonl' (Toll 1--ree J ZEnlth 0231 I 1lll ~··11r two thtrllll o f th" 11.111111ml I "C<>ntlntlllltll lttll'll to txCf'l!I NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVE!li: 11'11"''"''''1. was 11t1ll H pr>r rent C>( wi.tn 111 KIVc•n to southern Call· That Wll.LlAM C . MOO RE and No one evn t urned i.way because t h•• ••11111 " 1tmounl or wa "r 1m-rrunlit aERNlCE J . MOORE, husblUld of lack ol fund.>!. I'',,'"" rrnm thr Colorado Rtv«'r by ·vl'he peoplf' of Snuthrrn CAii· a.nd wife, Vendo ra, whoae addre111 ~l\\'I•, nr twice the a mount th" fom ta itulhortt.e ~n<l volt' a n i. 4011 South Heaperlan Street, In 10--BIUU G id ''""''>' ""'"" d111tr11·t wn11lol h1w,. h1tlwn tinn•I ll'll•ll•' ror con11trun ton lhe City or Santa Ana, Count y of . DCS8_~_u __ e ____ _ twru f'nl1tlNI to h11d th('re l'!<-t>n I o r lhe ay!ltf'm. Orance, Stale of California. In· " n1•r tJUtlty rm• p r-oration <Jf water, "Th,. 111 .... ha 111l'11J •i«tall• are not tend11 to aell lo LUCY E. Mac<.:AR· hi' 11111d lnaurmountablt• ., TER , a married woman. Vend!'e. wboee addrua ta 930 Oopood COAST OFFJCE Et,11.:1r~u:.-.;T T)'pewrJlera Add1n11 ma(·hmes OupUc1<1ura-Suppltca Formerly masseuse at Arrowht>ad dome11l k. MALE arcountllllt . Springs Hotel. 11everal eng'lneer1 Ac othen. New Please call Harbor '796 or Harbor jnhs d11lly. CARPENTRY i O. •0~8 JUNE FARR.AR EMP•t... AG'C Y. MINOR REPAIR WORK CLE.A.NI.NG It IRONING by t.he 402~·32nd St .. N!'wporl NO J OB TOO SMALL day. Ex~rlt'nced. Balboa Island A l'WSll from C~y Jlall __ H. O . .A.ncerson preferred. Kl 3-6096. U YOUNG Real Jo;stale Saleaman JOH l!l. Balboa Blvd., Balboa HANDY MAN, m111ntenanco A for active ofClee Hasve a proven Harbor 2400 83lfc -"'In E rt>palr or what? Har. 4064-\.V, ay11tem f<ir m.... ~ 1mlnl!y . X· ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM C tn11tall the Above cheaper than most. A !110 sell TUe lk Linoleum. Non-unton, 2:i yenrs experience. Compare anfl lll'C - BILL COKER Har. 479!5 or Lons- Heach 7 ·~973. 89trc FOR RENT Skill Saws, Elec. Orlll1, Poll.$era, &il typea ot Sander&, Whee.lbar· rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 40tCc cellenl opportunity for a wurk · Roy's Maintenance H ouse cleaning-Floor waJunc Wall wallhing-wlndow cleanlnf Venetian bllnds. Uphobttery Insured. Free E11Umate11 Liberty 8-1332. ltfc RELIABLE JAPANESE- AM ER I C AN W..ANTS GARDENING IN HAR- BOR AR.EA BY WEEK OR .MONTH. HY A TT 4-M 71 er. Wa wlll tnin you. H1u bor 0106. 1111 re EXPERJ.ENCED cock tail It: !<111d wiulre-M. Alllo want dillhwashl'r H ENRY'S, ~30 CO&l!t Hlrhway ONLY EXPERIENCED NF:~:r> APPLY. Ml'l>2 WO.VA.'\ book -krepet, machine l'xper lenro requ1rrd. O day wtl'k. 'Excellent w or kt n g condition. G I v e complete qualJ!lcations. .Apply P . 0. Box 388 Nev.1>0rt Beach, Call!. Olc53 LOCAL VETS PRESENT Street. In the City of COsta Men . <.:ounly o( Orange. Stale of Call· rorula, the roHowlng de.crlbed per11emal property, to-wit. SALES RENTALS 193S Hasrbor Blvtl . 2830 W. COAST HJGHW.A.Y COill& l\teaa LllJerly 8-779• J.Jberty 8-3UO, Newport Bcb 28t!c 6lp64 Experienced Gardener LANDSCAPING Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency YULE PARTY AT TB WARD All at.ock In trade. flxluru. equipment and Cood wUJ of a cer- taJn tra.ller aalea and auppllea busl- n-. known •• Harbor Trailer ~·1rt1"'" 1 htltlrt•n In the t11beN'11· fir«' <'On fined t ht're Cor year&. On Supply, and located a t 2Hl7 Har- t hr 1•ontrn1 y, th<'Y Jump about t;or Ao11levard 1n thl' C.."lly of Co~ta thl'tr tw•I" <-xrllttlly when any-Mua, CC>unty of Orang«' Slut!' or thlttl!' 111<1• 11 p11tty I~ going on. Ca llfornla and tha t a salt, lrane- )n.M~ "llrtl H( ()r11nge (°ounty 111111- J 1 t.nl h1t•l a happtet I "hr1•t anu ll»V b I' C 11 It II I' of th(' C'>rnni:e 1 '11unt ,. \'01t111 (' 40 rt 11, A rn"rat'asn L<'14Mn. CEMENT & BUILDING All Ktnc1' FREE ESTIM.A TES Uberty 8-6109 29lf Painting, Decorating Paper Hangir.g GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTRAC..'TOR 878 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-8628 \ r11mmtt1 ..... or thr ''l'llltrrl' .... ,.,1. r •I 1 v Whit lh•lm". 3:i1n \\', 1>1•1•kn 'rh,. vottur,,. ""'l~tivora lo Me ff'r a nd u1lgnment or lhl' Mme I hat piu tl1•" hllpf"'" there prflly I will be mad" and t ht' con11hlrratl0n t>fl~n. Every thtn1 P'rl<IA.Y Of f'&l'll I lhf'reft1re wlll be p&Jd Ill JO 00 p · tin & p h · 1111111th. In Cart. With :m rxlra Jlfl'll• o·clock fl.m. rm lb<I 17th rlAY or General Contractor am g aper anging 1•11l rur t he youngsto>r who 111 1· .. r~ January, 1904S, at the ucrow de-We do the work ourselves. .. ~,, • .,,. ~t,•,.;.t-d & c•hlttl,. tfrrnrl\ I! ~ 1·h11,.111111~ p•rtv f<I Ill .. Ill < t '"'""' 111111n1ni: r)t:ht 111 lll" T it \,11111 ll•Al•ni: a hrrtlli..llly p&rlml'llt or Bank of Amertra WCENSEO 'li\tll~r.,.. t.r::~t> AID /ltatton111 T 11u1t nnd 8Av1ng:1 AA· New Work -Remodeling l>N"OTl\lt•)IUI rur thp <.:hnatma• ~Ol"laltfJn Al Newport lil'lll"h, In J . MlLTON McKENZIE ~l\nt., r·111i.11 H11t1 Pf't•1 11 f111111 1,11 , ~unct i1 Y .,..,., .. 1,,.,v1tl!'d 'lh<' <.:tty or Nl'wport Bca1h, Coun-Harbor 6399.w 5Stfc •111.1111 "'"" u...... Ill 11111111lnct t h\ [II 1ny tlll!'rt'Jlll"tl ~T<>ltps "'Ith ty ot Oran.-!'. Stall' or <.:alt!ornta. -- "" 1•n1~ 111 thi> kl•hll•·~ 111111:1ni: Mni nu from !':I Tom itoins;' tlu I DatNI [)t'<.ember 30, 191>tl 30 years experien ce L tceOMd & Insured. Saua!&cUc.n ~arante<!d. Esurnate11 free. Call Johnnie, Ll 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81t!c and CLEAN UPS Llbc.rty 8-1659 CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenanee Three yean erxf)llrlence Utl1 locality. Call LI 8-3759 44l!c General Housecleaning IW ·rwo YOUNO W U.MEN. $1.flO hr. eArh. Harbor 0802. 6l pM NO FEE collected from appllcartt U3·31at Newport Beacb NEW C AR HEATER -Uffd 8 weeb, sold ca.r. s~JI cbeap. Ph. Harbor 2789-J evu. (8tfc SELL ON TERlTS 8FT. DELICATESSEN cue, $150. ONE 6 ft. rt'Crlgerator ···--· $:>0. ONE large corruntrc. r efrttt. $70. 1 SCALES. $65. l GONDOLA $25. Call owner IA s-ena moming11 or a.tter 6 p.m. • 9t.fc !0-8-A J!PllanCH MARQt;ETTE A11· \\'"lt.h!1·. !new t !I hp Air ("11111p1 Puo1, 220 Vflll 11tnr;le phlll'" St·P lit PATCH'S 17th St •l Plarrntta. L I 8-U111 . 211 r BAMBOO DRAPES CUSTOM M A DI': A NY SlZJl: P rk••;i i<t.111 llni: 'Ill :!1.-A sq Ct. Bt-aulll ul i\ e\\ \Vovro Patll'rns l-'01· /I II lJ{'• or• Kll"BCh CU1'tuln & T111v .. r11e R 0ob See '1'111'111 • 111 lll11pl1•Y In Our S111rtt SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. S \:'<;T A ANA 1626 S. Ma111, 1\1 :?•:1!'1 1~ .Knitters WELCOME lo my nt w shop. Come In and hrlp me· build lawal"fl your net'l111 for net'tllcnafl. Sit N' Knit 313 E Balboa Blvd, &lhOa 32tfo 1956 WORLD BOOK TH.£ ONLY GRADED ENCYCl~­ PF.OJA. 1Rf'<'on11nrnc1r1I bv f'rlu· <'alonil. EDUCATIONAL COUNSELOR llA;f,J-;t, lll~JIOP 723 Hickory. S.A. Kl 2-3302 lf 30·8-App~-----I ~J:f' rrn111 ll IW'lnlh• t n ltt \'«".tr• I·~ l4nrk of putllni: up th,. JN'0 · 1 WILLIAM f" M00Rf:, Vtn•lnr Y.,.. I> .r1it I r.·11·111111 Ill l•'"l'l t wn r.itll>n x ,,1,11511\' th<'I•' Wll1t 1 BERNICE J. M OORE. Ve.ndnr ~•fl•, lll'llll• llitltl. r•lu~ 1·111toh· -l.u.t.K.it.!:hri.Lluu lrc<t.. L.UCY. £.. Jol.MlCARTF.Rr, \/f!ft(I~ CARPENTER -Repair Work P-AINTiNG GARDENING and CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LIBERTY 8-b 139 . I --VSEE> -APPlJANGE BY¥ ""'"·Irr 11rr\IT1 111111 uthrr j.:•1<~1· No 842 Newa·Prt• 1 121~ jrK ... 1 •of( IW II rror•r I j•rtll(lltln .S11r I• thf' rrlnrt N•n<•nf'd lo lht ,,1 l11lhtloy 1111; .. 11 hr 111.-n Mr" t;1r11!)"11 !o'rl~ :"IOTIC"E Of" IS-Tr.:\110:\" TO\, I OR 1\.\1\\. • ht!'f nur>!<' In rh11rgr or pt'dlatrt<'•. TO ("JIATIT.I~ ~ORTUA(lF. Ooee Your Homtt N<"d RtpaJrtntc or · Remodt'hng 1 Call f.~rank, Ll t>er~y 8-89S.. All Work (.;ul\111nlcet.1 Hue 1 hr hl\hY 11•1•1•1\ ••ii ,1 111tt1~ i111•f 8 ""'''" 111 "'1 111 th<' '" "'n,,.m,.nt• !'linllC'f' Mi h ertby gl,·<'n p111-.u11nt Al<nllnl \' 1•1h1 .. r .... 11 11 .... 1"11<1 .. •IHI"'"'' lof \ff•(lllr" ml'mbf'ra. to thl' pro\•lllloru or S~llron 3410 PAINTING llldrr .,;otl11 "'''I•' """" ,. •lull llUth "" .l•nnlf ll••lrn1< oC the Ch•lf Code of the Stale-o C , .. n 1 ltw li••I'• 1• ,,,,11 k ""11,. ••I A bout 10 1 .. 111t11 1t1,. .. tnembl'ra Callfomla. that EO\\'ARL> V M. W. ROSS L rct-nac•l Ll 8:33'..!l 2Sfl \voca\l<J, Coata Mr'"' blll.!C PAINTING ~'2tfc 29-Drlp Wantf"d ·~·--~~-~~ Carrier Wanted thf \ot1an1:•lt·r• "' '" i.., 11 h HIOI< f• I• t tlo•• Ill huy 11~ pHllC'nl• SAUTORE. o( 401 Eat<t 4 th St., l ;\"Tf:HlllH EXT.l';RJOR ho ,11.,. ttll'.\' "'~ "" ,11 ,.,.l'.J 1,1 111111 Cl\4' i;rrl.~. 1ndut11ng C:hrf-\Je· Santa An1, C'lohf , nwnC"r •if ftl(· PAPERHANGING Al.SU ~IAIUJ'F; l';\l;\'1'1;\'v l•t•K BAl~BOA ISL.AND Rtll.TE, 11,.,. lh,.•t lll"l'I' 1,, "" ,11 , hlnw•ni.: 1: .. ,. i'ro 11 «11111• ,.,,,. 11f Brtol'l and ture1< ~nJ t'qutµ111t>nl. and lor11tl'\l L ICt::"Sl<;P l~~t·1:i.:t> uue ruul•• <'""l'fli A lllt'lhp•t. I 11 ... ,_.11 1 'l11rf·1lo··Tr11n1 '°'"" g,.~.,.vl'~ of al t OJ Eut 4\h Str!'f'l. Sf\J'1t11 A•1•. S & N II Glenn Johnston Ap<Jhma. t.:o•aJ. ~applu~ and """''" I l1u 11 111.1n .. , '111111 \HI· T lll•tln I C&llf .. 1nt~•nl11 lO pllll !' .. rhntl .. I ymoson 0 ar ... th .. o~ th R .,. 1 v /::x ~IOI • 31•1 :St !1.'rwport Bl'a<·h ,,nr 11n .. ·~·" ")I rrr111 8 '"'"(o r t hr \1111111•• "'"I 1 1l101.?·I • Tltr yo11n1:~te111 l11<>k ft.t.-....,•NI morllt'8'f" upon fl.at1111"' "'l111fl• Ul'tot .xprii•n•·r.t \\'t11l<n••n lllHl••i :ll7tl 4!•llc h('twr 1•t1l111·•"1<t1rll't1< f r \111\ •o rt /l /114\,. I;.''" i: \ lllg l'l\j:• rh '" 111" f>ArlleA Hf'lmi. MIU. menl . rruichlnery .,,.1 g1>4.)<lll lrn·RtN1 H11r ?4114 •If 1 "IR; ·rt -------MH l'Alth'.ER. HA HH0R lf.111 th""''• h11 '"·'" 1.111 <~ 111 1111• 7h Ju.q '" 111Al<1• "'"" """ 12->· .. ar· .. ld at Lhe above 11"""'1 P111"" .. r h11111• tt COMPLETE PAI1'1rr.ING - wruoJ r .. r 11111 l'""l t"" )""•" Tl"' i.;arl , .. hn \\1t11 fitM'haritr•t <mm the ne.a" CIHI-" - I• the ""' nn•I ·'""' 11, '""' 1,..111 ,,, "'M•I lhr•··· .,.,•ekll illlr" won't be 4 Flat top offlcC' o1t111<"' & Pap<'r Hangmg Service EARN MORE Qn 11 "'""Pf'I""'''"' Hf'lm8 , nm m itt et 1 wooden 4 drawn fllf' c~b1n1·t I Co11rlN>H8 :"1•w•·f'tr"" CIRS~lftN\ ! Jo:UGE:\'E u. ~AC:-;DERS THAN EYER BEFORE! Thfll vouna"•~·a .,,, n11t M°""' 11.,, Mill ht r " pie,...nl, tuu. a t 1 at,.el 4 llraw .. r f tl<' 11\htnl'\ Atl·Ta.ker11 an 1ramf'l'I lo wr1t1• r.oo 31.st Street, !'\rwport Benell e1o k IY, h.-!laid •lth .. ui;h nu.ny t ,..1 """'" I lnl~rt)'I'"' :1-<'•m !I 16JJ eCCKttve aiJ11 I Harbor !!Oil\ or Hnr, H 16. lfc Our """"· lllltnl"r s\lu Uni?' WAge 1 l nt,.rlyfW' C-4-2~·M :: tl!l72 I -I n11d frNtt1••11t In• rt-11•r11 Jrh'r" ''""I 111 Cull maga~tne. and mau . l Custom tM~ or11ort11n11y. <>1'en111~11 n .. w 9 'rllt mn.s:A11tnrJ1 nn•t null• I Througn l<o11g fl<f''ll• Fil'" •ntl a fur 8 lr'lv• of n•;\l~ jll'lltll. r t th"r"lll:h lllld• t •llH1dlll~ "' "d\1'f· CABINET WORK l lt>tnb wr '""rut ~·1111r "Art' into "'-n,. <Jn nrAnai•r• TELE PHONE OPERATORS1 nl'Wll pron( f'rf'°"'• 1 '" " ' ~ I full r>:1Jlr \'1<n•lr11• .... k r·nrr P •·ords lh11 l Jlt't action X11 Joh ,,,,, l!ffi8ll Rm ('ylrnolt'r prrint rrr•• l'h1an11 Kl :t-:l.H" hand fu•UM' llllll'rtO,, m1t<'lltne I vt ll• h••lfl ~"·U !ll:'lt ---------- hand lt1ll<t i.n11 .. 111111 ultt1 TOOLS l l-l'PrsoDal!I •lnglr IVpP IAhlnl'I .......... 1 -------- frr•na•1 \\Ith 24 «8.~"11 or I\ f"' 2 t!o11hle tqw • nl•lOl'l'I l•t ••d frnrnr I With !HI f'ltllf'• Of typr l'ort rab111rt 2 Mllll'r ~nch ••w" 7 •''"' C'o•nr•11B1n6:: tnbl.-• :Z ruU l>lllt'" loll l\n-tlr• I hf'1<\)' dul\' •"t/<1~>1 111nt l<•llf"l P I•/\ BOATS F1JRNITl'RE AJcohol.l<.s Anonymous Write P. 0 . BM 381 Nr Y.-port B<>sch. CaJ1C. Phone Rat bor 4 79S tto Bt.;SL"JESSES CARS & TRt.:Cl.\S HOUSEHOLD ARTlCLF.S l MU81CAL IN~nu;M t::.NTS 1 ~~~ Y n_11_r _C_a_r ___ _ "'·11 well ti 11n Y'•ll anol Y•"t'll rr:· C• 1\'8 n111ny 11thrr b!'nrfll~ Apptv - !.l~ 1, Nn M 11n Slr<-1>l, Rm. 211. ~-tnl•• An" 9 nil ln • r111 v m P ACIFJC TELEPHONE vo1·:-:·~ I 1•1\ ... .1.. 'lo 1<nm11 n1u1ninll!• ~11rn ll h"lo•I J• .. rm"n· I "I t \\ "' k H 11 r 6U!'I :, llJ<' \.\"Ill f l" .-11111:011 I• •I•• h1 II•" w urk •Vl'IY \\t'<I, ~ ••\l>'l:V ot her S1111- GAFFERS & S A TILER table top ga.o:; range . . $49.50 GAFFERS & SATTI .. E R white tnblP top gas rang" with oven control . . S79.:'i0 WESTERN HOLLY gas range w1lh oven control very clear! . .. .. . . . .' .. .. .. -7!).50 KELVJNATOR Hefrigerator 6 cu. fl. . ............. S59.50 G IB~ON 6 <'U. ft. RE'frig<•rator S&t.50 WESTINGHOUSE 7 ct1. ft . RC'frigC'rator S!>9.50 SERVEL Refrigc:-ator ~t :.: t·u . ft., ll'ft hand d nM •. ~H 50 KELVTNATOR R cu. fl. dl•luxr Rrfrigr·rttlnr $!19.flO KENMORE wringer waB lwr d1·luxr $1fl.()() EASY SPIN DRlER, df'l uxc mmkl S59.50 WESTINGHOUSE electric rang<'. l;itr· modl'l L & H electric range, delux<' mudt•I ALL i.l.ARA:"'TI:F:l1 99.50 S00.50 WA~H!N<.; MACH l:-;~~H. AVTO:.fATl<-A;'l;P WHl:"GER TYVP:!I SEVER.AL TO st.:L.f;('T i;·1!0~I ALL l~F:A.."ONARl .v PRl<.:El.> l:HT•r.ET n :RM!' ... ltf:I'. DELfV. KNOX HARDWARE 4 20 Ea~l 4th f;t. Santa Ana ------- 30-~Aprliaaces -------------~--- Clearance Special! LARG~ 14 Pr. REFRIG- FHEEZf:R COMBINATION REG. ~ELLS FOH. $579.05 Lnu: NEW NOW ~185 co. Kl 2-2336 2 f•1ll P9tl' \'lr•d111 •lOHhtn l mal knife •nd bench • \\'A :\'T rt de tn S:rn ta A n~• or A 111 .. h"llll h} 8 .1 11• (1 r H •Jo:h ~. 11'>' .1 1;11 I I •4ll ll..r t1:l:1!! ~I l"\'1'!11 t•r Kl !ti .!11 ''"t '..!1.16 '111~• l.,I)' 1111• 17t ~1c:,:i DELCXE GAS DRYER & f(,.(rtgrrat11r J{'!\11 Phllro l>,.11111., 1111 II;•! f1'tn.ly ,./r. lll.'Jlfll'I<• ""'''I hn" Jtt rt.:•' t nl11rr•I \ t'~rl 111.11,. t rl~· prr. Shelvra In 11111 Uom & 1111 r•xtr&A. 6 YT· s-u11.r11nt ,.,. -n<othlnll' 111 pay rlnwn tr ••••Ill •i K t.v Ullllk. ll<t p11 y111e1:1 ut JI. &3 <1ui1 tn 46 t!Aya. IJ11I """ 1~ S1A1 R4 81•.. 11nyllme f 111y 111 .. :, •· 111 IHI \\' Ch1111msn 1It111o1:•· l"kll t•ull<"L 1<1-: II :11117. UTT MAKES PUBLIC REPORT A rf'r""rl 111 hl•m~frlkc WA• 11 .. w ("on~r .. 11..•mlln Jam u n. Utt p rd\Jt td hl1 !Jilk I"• ,I l1·n" Of ''l'lllll(t• l'o untv lflllhr'rf'tl In lhto Jtccn>a li"n )li\ll or lh.-UlrJ1~rrl ~n, r l\tnf'nl flrlltx•I In \Vf'et- mlll•l••r l•"t ""<'k. i ••\\n folk \\<'ll' ln111Nl to attend tht rune· llon b) membrr• or Lll• Kn11otht~ M Cul11mbu.e, hoa\JI l'C lh"' f'Venln(r r•1rtUT"1I llh,.\r trl1m IPft llJI l.:ll WU dl'llVt'fe<i the Jl:llVl'I Cor thr O!rt>I inc "' • F r R11hl'rt R OM, ~~tnr (If th• Bltsaed S"rn1mr111 C'hurrh . R<>IW'rt M1ddlPbrook. G ntnd Knlfhl ot the St. C'•'lumban • C"ounc1I, K. (.:, and Congreuman Jamea UtL -St.alt olo I •tt>l'I lop full 11! IYJI" '"''""'I I 1111! pa11r rlwl 1A,.l1n11 t,.r• I l'l ~rvlYJ"' u v. OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER I 1)11(1 lb nitta.1 JlC1t I ~I rrtil "P" '""l~1 I Thr11e ~ew~-l'rr•• Clu11111f1r<I Ad· 6101) I~ of !:il1n11lq>e 1111'10.I I Taker!! Rre rxp<'rt~ and th• .v 11tl' a l T ht ITIOl'\JfAlf'f' of lht' •at I prop· your IUVICc. Ju~t pll••llll trl '!' (Jll I 1 I l.ong 8 1'1tr h Fe<l1'11t I S11vln11~ &> 1..,1a 11 A•snrt111on •'.i • Lout• M Jul•~ 11nd lf'nnl,. Juli'~ Of 3:ZI A merlC'An A ,.,.n11e Long Bl'•<'h, <"11ltf. The M id mottjp\Jt" "'Ill b" l'Xf'· 1•11lt 1I •nc1 lht' t'nn•ld1•1 ~tlun lh<'r•o. for wlll bfo paid nn Wf'dnf'J11ol8y tht' 1 llh d•v or Januu ·y. 19111\ at 1 hr hour of lJ ·OO o'rark AM . •t 3311 Eu t 4th St Lonr BH~h. (".a llt Datl'd DN-tmbf'r 30th, lllM I •' JtOWARD Y. ~ALTTORE ~Ort.g'IJOr L()l" IS M. .rn.Es /a' JENNIE Jt;LES Mort,-ac• No. et3 Nf"IVS·Pn. 1;2/M HARBOR l6tG News-Press Clasaificu Ads HARBOR 1616 Most ReaJ E.~lale C'lassi!ied Ads The News -P t ••aa publishes Ill"\._ er&l ttmrs as mnuy .... 1 olel" Clasiuflcd Aus a., 1&1! uth• r luwl p&J>U• combin ed. HARBOR 1616 wc1MAN 'l~1 tn •r• tu urrnn1:,.1111-1 AUTOMATIC WAS HER p<11ntin• 111,. <mly ;-;,, ~rtt1n1: WO ULIJ SELL NEW for $600 :..11l11r:v /I, or """"""''"'HI )1l11H , .1r 1111· w111w .. & 1 •• ,.11.. ~tr RE-BUILT, AS GOOD :-;1111 t11 11:11 :.!'•1't·.l 3 to d r>,,, A S NEW .. $180.95 16--Trnnsportatloo 62pr>• F L Y l:'\l.\IED1AT1': opening t1l ()rMge l >C'-6 :\'U N-HT OJ• ( '(Jl:llll Cullcgu fur lnl.,rmetllatv :-.; Y <..: s,.11• 1111•no·rh:1 k Ml&rtlng 1<8lur·y $2:)2 ('Hll:A<J(J Sll\.I }l••r mu. Spill tihtft hottra from I 0 Hu11ml i ·11p Unlr I tu u 1• 111 sniJ 6 30 to 1n 3•J Fr1•e L1mu11 .. 1ne to All port I' JI r11. Mo,n. 1h111 Thura. 8 to I\ Box 1,11111 h•'"· 1-'t'<'O T io kft l•~llvnv I'm ~ n<luy A !•NY If\ P•'r!ltm n l WASHINt:Tl l:"'. l•t" •.. $11: lmJOllH'IU•.,ffllt'OrCollrgeJn.A.J· Pllll.A LIF.Ll'HJA $~X lll1n1,•1.tl'"" Ul..J;; !52r:)4 !JAi.i.AS ............... -SO• WI ti v;-i;--f l , .. :TRO IT $71! - . If' l"r y1111 l!r.. U~Lnel<S or ALSO ~ELECTION OF GOOD USED REFR.IG'S FROM $49.95 & UP. TERMS TO SUIT JAKE'S APPLIANCES 11<37 Harbtir utvd Ll 8·669' Ca.tA Mwa 11Qc62 H< >:"'CJL\ ·r,t. 1 1 ()9 your!V'lt or wurk fur l!Qmi•nn,. else, NEW Yl)RK • ···-$k8 you C'M Ul8 Ui. clas111rted &Cl• t-o REW A.HU $6().00 for IJ\1 WUhl'r c1--11r ,u:o .. ·-····· $IHI I your llUVIUll~!' l.n i!W'll your ""· on pure hue ot a new R&mllton AIJ ~·llrr,. I '.'~ Ta,.·· , vtrr11, produre nr ml'~handlllt'. 1111lorn1ttlc waAh,.r, pluA e nf'W t ------c h aln dr1,•en trlkt' No •lnwt1 124 W. Ocean Blvd., L. B. -M or" end morl' aavertJaers 1tre l :-O:o payment UI 19:16. H.E 2·6'15 :"£1·. 6-463~ I rtn<llng It profltablr to tae NEWS-TH RONSON'8 1816 !'\11wport A vr Sa.nl• Ana. l 17 E . 3r'1 Kl 3-83611 PRESS c l&slll!fed e.da. <.:o~t a M"u tf 19l'l~EIOHT Cl'Bll; IT '"fn i:. g 11<>1I crm•lltlon S611 llfl.ll S Hi<v ""ronl e>r JilU'. tiUl7, :.ii.t12 Small Roney's Appliance Repairing Iron., toMtf'l'tl, cot.CM ma.Jl~n. et•·. 2232 Newport Blvd~ COlltA M"-~ .. 11 •1r, ••f VJctori& • :'\pl. Hlvot J LI S.-60i9. 4 1• Mh O'KEEFE .. MERR11'T nnr•. '65 tnf)<Jrl. Lamp .. clock wltb ove" tlmPr . rhrnrnl' g"Mll !Jroller , aJld lh•l lift up lJ•fl t·~,.., nne month. $149 8ll r 111!1h, •ir pty 18 p"r mo. HI\ W, \h11pnt11 n, Or•nitt J<f': 8-M t 7 ll • ' ---. • --.. a-:.lf!!? ED! PAGE 4 ·PART 11-NEWPOJtT~ARIOR NEWS-PRESS "-AL*: a a-.. for 8eltt '8-Apta. a Roaeee for Reid. MONDAY, JANUA"Y 2, 1956 55-11~ .. (AU - - WHDU.POOL .aomauc ,... dryer wttla autolll&Uc lplUon. R.c'· prtce Ult.II. We price llM.90. ,..._ tut-.ll&Uoa. No down. 2.•t ,_ •"-No payment unW 190t. TllJWNBON'8 1116 Newport An . c.c.t& K..a. tt .. ............. PHILCO 13 cu. n . ret rt1erator. ST lb. aerou top treeur. Exclualve Philco two-way door, 20 below frMmnc temperature 1339.95. No down payment. 2.M per wk. WE WISM YOU A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TBl\ONBON'I 11111 Newport Ave. Coeta ~ea&. tf O'Kaete 6: Merritt SU ran1e ltM Oeluae toldl~·top model bu all chrome Criddle on top. lamp 6 cloc:lt with oven timer, o.hrome rrill broiler. Uaed only 3 montlui. Betftl' transferred Eut, take over my contract with the Sank 6: pay oft the bal. ot IU7.et. Only pay $7.112 per month. No cuh nMded. My equity tree, •ff any· Ume Day or Eve. at HO W. Chapm&n, Or&J\l'e. WE HOPE TO MAKE IT MORE ENJOYABLE BY Call Collect K.11: 11-61117. ~tare for Sale BEDROOM 81:1'8 I 6 t DR.A WER drteMr, mirror, bookcue h•dboa.rd, from $08.60 TWIN Maple bed wtth matt.r.a 6: box 1prl~. only ........ 169.60 ea. I • t DR.A WER maple d~r. wit.la mtrror, from ......... ITt.50 Living Room Seta Modern It Maple A.I NICll ·A LJNll u you woUld ttnd &n1Wllen. Wlt.b our low overhead 70U'U be wrplUed bow mucll we CM aave you. Pleue tak1 a look. It wtll pe.y you. OOOD Tl:IUU. ftl7l' .A.IL J'UJlWlTUJ\ll BROKERS Ope.a J"rid&7 Sn. Kl l-2UI Int al 8~ l&nta Ana 60t.tc LAJt.OS MA.PUii 2 c\l.lhlon chalr, maple rock• 6 maple lhlpa WMel mirror. Har. Nll-W. 62clU OOMPL&"l"m nanauure and tum. tor 2 bdrm. hoUM lnclUdlJlc Cold9pot elect. refl'ic., ... ,..,.... J'\M Upholet.ered cU1n and d a• e D po r L 1>NMJ alshboy, d,.... A mirror, dle9t 6 m ake up table wtUl mirror, lllP tw1la .... wttla box ~· • ~ Talllee, rup, lunpa • mi.c. p&ee9. A.ll ID pod condl· Uoa. Ml.wt .U. IOl A.met.byat, B&lboa blaad. IOc62 A.Tr: • !rx Antique Ownen I Repair CliUNA., OLAN 6 lllUC·A·BllAC PUTTING YOU IN A 19f>6 BUICK COME IN -SEE & DRIVE CHECK OUR DEAL We Take Pride in Best Buick Selling Yet the TERRY BUICK 5TH AND WALNUT, HUNTINGTON BEACH LEXINGTON MM8 YEAR END CLEAN UP SALE. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE REAL MONEY ON A USED TRUCK. FROM i TONS TO I 0 WHEELERS, PICK- UPS, PANELS, STAK- ES AND DUMPS, ALL MAKES. NO REA- SONABLE OFFER REFUSED AS WE MUST CLEAN UP THE LOT. W .W . WOODS GMC DEALER Hausken-Watson SPORT CAR CENTER JAGUAR, M.O. AUSTJN-HJ:AU:Y MORJUS, AUSTIN AU'A RONIX> RENAU&,T N-car Sal•• lenlce o... u..d't:en, A.I.I MU•, Im· ported &Ad Dom•Uc. 2201 10. MAlN IT. IANTA ANA Kl l-o'T51 JtU HAIUIOI\ BLVD. 008T A XEIA LI l-6061 Motor Overhaul t1 NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * Eleuor O'lteete l&H Walllw 116-lt IC. Uh Bl., l&nta Ana e ey1a. ___ us.es 8 Cyla. -·-··-·-· ·-·--$58.88 JAcruo. T-nn cnin-ti Truck b•dquarter. tor Oran1e Co. Knowlton EJect.ronJca TV ANTENNAS (Clar Beam -HJ O&ln) lNST A.U.ICD complete to your Mt. $9.95 LI 1-&JOI!. ltt.tc Piano Refinishina Quali~ won onJ; A.MKRUM PI.ANO S"J::RYJCE ID I· TSIO. O tte I PIN IE T 8, SPINln'I. Mveral ~ natti ntum. like new. -. ..._ liltJ»le, Blond Oak, ""-di ~. Save 19(). t.o tia TWIU ~ lilt• rent -~ DANZ ·ICHlCDT, NI N. M.&&11. lallta An&. .YEAR END ORGAN SPECIAL ! ~r model Conn Minuet .,..._ Of'l'&A. Ulte new. Save Pl6. Ubera1 tnadt . ~•enlent --at ' IB..U'l:R .• { llnce l to7) Ul-dl N. Sycamore. Santa A1M1 l'tMloe KJmberly 2-ot72 0ruc-eoun~·a Oiyan Hdqtra. YEAR END SPECIAL! 0.. Oflb', minor type u.prt,-ht I t a n o • tn perfect t"OndlllOll 'hnm, 128 dow1t A JI! per mo. at BBAFEl\'8 (8lnce 1to7) •n-6JI N. Sycamo,., Sana AJ:ia .F'tloM K.J mberly 2 ..oen Knowlton Electronic.a TV REPAIR r4'r llll:RVJCE. REASONABLE. .. m ce C'alle 1111 9 p m. LI 11·6206 l t DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl BUILD YO\ "R OWN HJ • "1 phonorraph, ualn1 Newcomb • Htrmon·Kardon AM-F"M tuners, ampllf1era. 11peakpr11 A record playera. Come In anrt '"' them. We will help yo11 uHmble It DAVIS-BROWN 111116 Harbor 8 1\'d Colt& M ... -Ll ~-3'37 &2c-&4 ... FOUR DR.. 12 CADILLAC. new paint. WW tar.a. upholller· laS •cepUonallJ ci..n, nuw ..... •1• ......_ llartlor TOI. CADILLAC '6~J lledtn, power ateert"', Window lll'Ui, radto- he&ttlr $ut6. Ll 1-1214. lllp&4 111 P'ORD 2 Cir. W1Ul P'ordomauc. Very clean. Drive It a.nd you will buy tl. 270 E. Palmer, C.M. U 1·78U llkH Grant W. Musick Your Hudaon_ Deeler SALES and SERVICE 253 N. Loe Angelee KE~ 7278 Anaheim U t.tc HAPPY LrM'LIC 66 PLYMOUTH Belveden V-t club eedan 1port tr1m, c:tual mutnera. l"M11o, aqua • while two lon•. LOW Mu.&· ACE 12100. Prtvate owner Kl II· H41 momlnp 6 evenlnp. 41lfc lt 61 CHJ:VRoih, I dr eed&n. Shaved 6 lowered. RAdlo and plpea llM Ucel\H paid MOO. Harbor 2'02. 6ld3 --'61 J'OIU> cuat.om 2 dr. R 6 H 6 overdrive MOO. Har. 02U·W :llc63 19M MERCURY Montclalre, two tonf' crH m. 4 dr . power br•kH . R6 H, Unled glue. W8 W tub· lt'M. 3.000 m1lea. Coal $404t. J uat brolten tn Utt~ U I·~. 60c&2 at•T BUICK. 2 dr ffdan. 1ood condition. cheap Ou Station, norUlweat corner I 7th 6 Coa.el Hlchway Ll 11·4A1&. &Oc&2 19311 C ADlu..AC t2 Sedan. Man· dU\ rtd, praC'llcally nev.·. 4000 mllf'll. utnu. JUO() Owner Mr. Batty, W 8·2211 O tte -·49 STUDEBAKER. Beat buy Y•l' U9ed only u "2nd rer •· Call Mr.. Orr at Her. 3930. l'>tc!)S New and U.ed TRUCK AND P•uen9er TIRES 8-Hour Recapping .. Service Complete Brake Service AND Front End AUp.menl ROAD S&RVICIC F'ln•tonf' Bud1et Pla11 \'oura for the A«kl.n1 HOWARD RYAN 801 • 808 w. Lat St. IANTA ANA IU a...... 0 atfe .:.-.~~~~~~~~~-~-~------ ln~• botlt IAbor and part.a. New rtna1. wn.t plna. Y&.lva p1A4. fllU•• ot male UNI rod beeJ"lll1e. ll:apert motor twse up. 90-d.,, or •.000 mile l'lltrantee. (NO MONET DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP to U MONTHS TO PAY- ltullt In our own factory by d!Wed machln.lat.e. Don't contend wit.la UM tnlddle man. Boy dlrtct. REBUILT and INSTAIJ.£D J 8li0.k'I'.. BLOCK FORD •..... ······--·--·· Sl.Jt.00 CH.SVROLl:T -·····---·-Sl4t.OO PLYM. 6 DOOOIC ... l lM CHRIS. 6: DIC 80TO ---1170 STUDEBAKER -····· -·--$170 OLDS 6 PONn.AC I -·-Sl70 BUICK ·····--··--··-·····-11711 BUDBON -··-·-··-···· ·~···-·· 11711 Loan Car Free T OWlDI NEW CAR OUARANTEI!: BIOclc muat meet our al&Jlderd1 Pl111 l&AH, 1uket1 and oil Opell Sunday 10 a.m. lo 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Opt'\ DallJ I to 7 8 tate Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 Eut 3rd St. BANTA ANA * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Coast Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-U20 ~2-16' Happy Home ~116 M·l:I' Travt l .. ae SA~ lie· l8 K~nJ111l rtrn-brakf111 SJW'f' M ·U ' Paramount, Rig 01,.count v.·e • nf'etl clean u.•ed tre1lf'·lna, PAN AMERJCAN ' Paramo11nt·Ken1klll • Travelue·Terry 8.')tft '1-\\aated to Rent . Rent•l1 Wanted w, nrM apts 1111ol h1111se.11 In !lll •eel 1on1 to1 b.ilh \,Inter and yea r·., l1111.11t Fu1 n nr unturn It you h•v" a "'"'anc-y, pho11t today The Vogel Co. 320 1 W C•I Hu/. ~ .. wp<u t Bch Phonl' IAlhtorty 11·34"1 l <>A Ma1 l11e Btoll oa b land Phont H.~1 hor H• 284i E Coaat tlr . l..'oruna 11t l Mar Phonf' Hill bor IHI Lulo Uffl<t, 3418 Via Lillo Harbor 4971 1102 Newport Blvd . C.:oat1 Meaa Wberty t ·&Gt7 ttc A 'l'TR.A.CTIVK 1 ancl I bdrm. tum. UUUU• pUd. 1 or 2 chlldrm. Laundry room. It L U IC T 0 P A.PT. MOTEL tOl K...-por\ ••d. Jf~~~ ...... u,. ~ fttfll Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bcb. OJTERB DellchUul 'llving. Apt.-Oabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht alip accomodation.e. • Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. l'or appt. or reaenration, Call Har. 2992. Mttc 18--Apta. a Romee MONEY! t1 Fest Action t1 Low Rates Loans 2nd and 1st We Serve All Oran1e County Service In Your Home We Buy Trust Oeeda Top prlceti paid-Cub now! Royal Mortgage Co. 2I02 Newport Blvd., Nprt. BclL Harbor 1549 f' 41cMH Choice Wmter P..entala on Balboa lala.nd It Lido lale Small A easy ur tars-6: daluu '76 to llOO mCllltb ------------HA VII $1000 TO INVEST In amall VOGEL CO. 20I Manne 4" .. Balboa laltDd Pll. Rarbor U4 or Harbor 2161 Ru. Ber. lTM-R or H~. 30[}9-M tntc '8-A-Apta. for Beat TWO BWRM. APT. tum .. gar Winter rental. See atter 8 p. m. "LlDO ISL!:, :S bedroom1, 21..ii bath home, on annual ba.ala. Slip for 40 n . boat. UN oc 111 ft. Viking runabout power boat, 2 car ,-ar., ~aulltully turnlah· ~. ahruba. $700 per m onth. lnqulre a l H Balboa CovM. Newport." Httc 576 MO. Two bdr m. hou.te tum. 2009 Miramar Dr., Penlnaula Point -Winter rent.a.l - C. G. BEARDSLEE, 72• Luton Dr. GlendaJ• &-Ph. Cltrua l-63UI. 32Uc 131--Uth St.. Newport Beach. BALBOA lSUND, 2 bdrm. turn. -------,------4_1_tt_c hoWle $8& mo. UU J une 16. In· * * * ENJOY L.JVINO on the Ocean Front. Kltcbenett.e apta. 6: nn.1. with private bath. Maid 1ervlce. TV. 23ot W•t Oceq Frollt. Harbor 8091. * * * FOR SALB: and FOR RENT. Du· plex tum, l bdrm. apt. aval.lable. Oara1e. Excellent location. Own· er paye water. $82.&0-CALL Liberty 11-Uot. &lt!c CHANNEL front tum . YEARLY RENT ALB. One blk. U> bu1 A Udo 8hop1. Studio $60, two bdrm. JI!& or SllO unturn. Alao •xtra larce 1 'bdrm. apt. modem now r9decoraUng. 1110. leH tor wtnter. Dock available. 811'>- Mth St. Newport Buch. 6lp63 YEARLY RENTAL 1 bdrm. turn. apt. 1'7.60 mo. Water paid. Neaz bUI • bualneea dl1t. Lido Har. ltll2·M. 6lc63 BALBOA. J8LIC. yearly. lovely clean •Incle ' a pt. Nicely tum. Rnponalble 1<>ber adult . SM. uUI. pd. A Tia n tic 1 ·03&6 or wrtle 1121 Loi'aln Rd., San M&rlno. !St p63 TWO BDRM. Modtm unfum. dup&.a. 700 Acac-la, Corona cfel Mllr. Har. 209-W. ~lc~3 q111re at property 219 Amethy•l or Harbor 64.11. 60cll2 BRAND NEW duplex, (unturn.I. 2 bedrm• $76. West aid• Coat& \lea&. IJ&rbor 0376-J. 60c62 BALBOA ISLAND, nice turn. hom~ on Apolena. 2 bdrm., 2 bath•. fireplace. Reuonable to rl(ht party. No pet.a. Ll 1-7624. lllcOS HAWAIIAN modem tum. 1 bed· room houee. Mahog. kitchen. dlapoaal. Walled tropical patio $00 mo. unUI June 16 or $1~ yrly. Har. 602, evea 280l·R r>lcM BALBOA ISLAND tum. •ttrac· tlve 8 bednn., 2 bllth home, complttely carpeted. TheT"mo heat, ;lrt'plaoe, lovely tropical patio. ll~ mo. winter-water pa.id or 1250 month, yearly. Har. 602, evu 230e·R 61c~ UNFURNISHED ont bltrm. cot· ta1e, very private, 11mall yard. Stove. relrlgerat.or 6: bre&ktaat H t tu m ., 34.8 Eut 19th SL T el. L1 A-4008. 11Jp63 L.JVABLE 6: roomy. Un.tum. % bdrm. home on Newport B.lvd. Cl'n•er ot Co1ta Meaa Laree yard, car. To be redecorated. Harbor tll:wl. 61ttc SINOLll Cotta,ge -atlrac!Uve, modem 6: clean. Fully tum. 1tall abowu . ba.r kitchen. ten· cfd yard . Yrly. lnclud.. iu A wat•r 540 mo. Avail. Jan. 1 '13 ·~ Ji:. Bay Ave., Balboa. Har. 1087-W. Olc63 DELUXE apt. for 8 mo1. or yrly. le&H. Nicely furn. Small ~­ room 6: bath down atalr1. Laree llv1n1 room. Doubt• bfod room etc., over doubl,. sar age. With tine view ot Bay OoC'k prlvltg· ta fllt ra To quiet atlulla wtlh· out pet.a '12& 104' South S.y J'ront. BaJ~ lal&nd. Ku. lTH 61c6e 3 BICDRM. ROUSE. unturn. alee. LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one A two bdrm. apt.a. 8bc.rt term and 1early. ALSO, Lido BomN t.nd 84')' Front Hom• ud a partment.a. LIDO REAL TY A.uociatea HOO Via Udo, Htrbor U.U llltfc 1 .s~!D~eJ!L~~. APTI. To pr•ftrrf'd t tn&nta. $1111 6 up, uUI. lnd . 12'0 W. Balboa Blvd.. Newport Beach 39c.&2h LIDO ARMS APTS. & Marina VrRY NEW Wall to wall rarpellnr • <1rape1. O E. Rf'rr1,-. dtluu atOvN. Each Apt. h._. prlva lf 1a ras e Tenant.I have t "'" Ctlll tor •llpe. One l\aJf blk to bu•neaa center. 2•0l·12·18 • 20 Via Oporto Office Har. 1002 after ii p m. W 8·21TI atov-. TV ant. .ti wattr Incl Encl. yard $90 mo. Ll 8-2435, 2124 Nau. Ave., Coeta Meaa - 62p64 BALBOA Jal.A.ND, f\U''ll. hOUM 2 bdrm. ll 1mall) ,._A. heat, car . .t patio. Very cheerfuJ, nr ahopt~· a re.ti barptn $7& mo.~ter. ttar. ~ttt-M. &2ttc SMALL CABIN furn u o yearly. lncl. uUI Har, 746·W. &2c&• 1 BDRM. HOUSE wtt h double car. F urn. or unfum. D4'ar Bay and ahopplnc dl•t rtt't, BaJboa. WUI r~f'rorale for d,..lrabl• ltnanl. Glen R. Patton, P 0 . Box 39e. Chino, Calif. LYt'Omlnl' 11·1847. 112p6• VNf'trRN two bedrm~ beth, ll\'tn1 room. kltchf'n with J11.rbele '1lllp car ~ear ~uh. avaJlabl• Jan. 1& Har. 0849-W. &.tttc .. ··-,_ ... l..AD T alone tlM rvocn In nice bu.tin-or lnoo~ In Orani- County. Whal htve you! LI 8-8207 mom.lop. ~2 LOANS for Homes 6% -20 yr. Loana Construction loans 8EJC BOB SA Tl'LER 1616 EAST COAST.BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 38811 Rep. POIRJER MORTGAOJI.: CO. Metro We IN. F'unda Kl 3·&1116 U lfc LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROVZ. BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REFINANCE We Buy Truat Detdl Nl!:WPORT BALBOA SAVJN08 6 LOAN ASSOCIATION 8868 Vlt Udo Ph. Hu. '200 ttc NO COMMISSION No .Appra.iaal Fee IALll8 -RJ:l'INANC. OONSTRUCTION Oall for J'ree Fut Commitment. OD Relidencea aad Unlll onlJ Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th SL 008TA Kl:SA LI 1-65' 1 1.J 1~2 CASH • • • FOR TRUST DEEDS WK. B. HOLT MORTOAGE BANKlNO 8INCl!l '1930. 1809 N. BUSH SANTA ANA K.DCBERL r s-11111 Today's Trade 8 UNITS PENINSULA Oroae y_,ly Income $8400. with permanent yea1 around tma.nta No aummer rentala. All unit• irpa.cloua. n.early 10.000 feet. 2 >ota. J..oul now $32,000 at $300. mU:lly. 6~90. Wlll trade equity ot $30,&00. for; CLl!!A.R HOlllE TO 130,000 OR SM.A.LLER HOME AND CASH, OR WHAT HAV~ YOU? "THIS IS HOT! !" Gordon L. Andrew, Rltr. 1.J 1-6627 Eve. Har. 1273·J • &Oc~2 CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL? HOW ABOUT A TRADP.:. tor man. acer OJ>j'r1Ued Clear lncomf' prop· ert.y weal end of t.o. Angrlu Valued at SM.000 with over 110.000 a y t1ar lnl'Ome 6 l<Jw e11~ruie. Am n•tlnni 6 am In· ttr•ted l.n Bay Front pro~rly Will tra.d4 up or Jown. U"'ncr WEbeter. '69el or wnte 290i Bout.h Coch"11 A••t , Loe An· ~elee It. BROKll:RS INVITED •3trc &llfc OCEAN VI EW delux .. I btdrnom rurn. a pt 220 MarJUtrll~ C.JI O'll'ntr Harbor 4 7 home for emplo)·.-d lady L.I MY EQUITY y-tl. -""' 29Uc rJ'll l .AGl 'NA UEAC"H roomln1t DELUXE F\.:Rl" APTS 81nJ1U 6 dbla $30 m(l end up. 104 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa Harbor 6344. Alic hou~ A•klnc $22 11()1) wllh potttnllAI 1n.,qme of a ppmx JlOO rn<1nthly Pm~rty u on 3 lnl• • NEW QfRCES I Wll h fronl•I~ on ~11na <"llll· , yon R.t:l4c1 • IDEAL FOR PROFES- SIONAL or BUSINESS USE. Belboa Bay Properties Lnc:ated in _ 1•i0.-. w tMlboa Oh·•r. RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Etlna Cra 11r H u 61lUI or 12111-J Harbor Invefimenl Co. Bide. fllrb3 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 M11rlne AH 30th Ir Newport Bh•d. Har. 1600 f\\O 1·;-.;1T ho1111e •nd g•nll"" Ji'or U bouae up or down or 101 u fin Balboa l11land. H•r Ulil 72lfC' -------------p11ymf'nl 243 E . l20th fl! . LA Cbarmmg Harbor Haven Apartme.nta • Patios NJCW 4 ROOM. st rut level Near echool11. •hopping dletrlct. Qull'L plea1UU1t. eX('IU•l\'f' r. .. 1>t11e dt.· po11al. laum1ry. 1tol llllC1 rooma. ~ar&lle. $82.~ up Occuplee m · lire atrl'tt Gorod 1upervl11lon M1r. 1&01 H•vf'n Place 1 Block South of Hllfh Srhool ALSO FlfRNJSH ED AJ'TS. WINTER RA TES :)trc LAROE delux e unfum 2 bdrm 2 bath apt. Stove A refn it fur· n11hed 7091-. M•rr \Jerltl'. C•ll owner H•r 41 ~"L'Rl'. STUDIO APT 202 • 7th St . Balboa SM YH rl)' L"tll pd. Har 84M ur H11 r 222 1.J . &2r64 ;-.;EW 81...DO. 1000 ft. 11pac" 11vallabl• In N EW CJF'F"I C E BlllLDJNO 11128 t,ull,.rlon Avtnue. (.;oata t.te1111 WMrly 1·3320. IUc:i.J COr. 19th 6 Placentia C. M. F"OR Rf~!l."'T two bdnn. home - !llo"• 6 refrlg. fum I l.ncludea atore room • two office apace.a, U OO month. OR wlll rent '"pa· ralely 1 otrlce al 176 and J at "° monlh. Al.llo amaU ltore U OO mo. Call owntr U berty 8-6223 momln1• or alter ) p.m. N e ------- HARBOR BLVD. FRONTAOI!: Two Different Locatlona Ont with Office, one with Bunga- low McM$Jlu.9 19" Hllrbor W IH\333 OUc ~URUNA UEL MAR. I bf'drm __ _ a pt tum .. $&& lnrl. ulll 1 bdrm Sf'ARKu;-.;c clean • rm ofrlct a pt rurn $76 lnC'I 11t11 • 1 plua parklnc • advertiaanc 1tud10 •rt tum ~:'I tori ulll •r-c-e on buay 1'ewp<•rt Blvd LJ 8·2038 or Har 1371 :12p:i• <.;oitt a Mua Har. 61~ :i1tfr TtU\EE ROOM F't.;R:-.1 APT. Will I . W - U <'l'pt 8Qme hou11tworlc a• part Rt STlC RICD OOD 8 1..DO 12 hy payment. Har 8111& attar s pm I~ wllh parkln(. Good 8&.lboa 62c6• Blvd. loca tion Cloee to ntw Pl.. 6·0211. 62p64 ~ L!~~R~~~~n~AL~rtx, SOt:D. O~•irable for home <1r nicomt Own"r Hllr. OllH nr Har. 8 H>e. &2c&&h FOR SALJD BT OWNER.--4 bed· room home. l" bathe. land· ecaped • fen<'ed. PHA loan Frt!edom hrome area. C111l Ubfrty 11-4223 mom 1n,1 or alter !) p . n'I. tettc COZY 6 WARM WATERFRONT N~rt I.ale bWlJalow. ONLY '19,000, ttrm1. HARUOR JNV£8TMJ:NT CO. Har. 1800 E vf'a. Har. 434-4-J 6lc63 BY OWNER l...ES8 THAN ON IC YR.. Ot.D - 3 bed rm , 2 . blalh home, hwd, floors. l car la.Mii"•· 112.~ 824 Kn~U P L. Collla Mua, LI l-81Jt O c64 LIDO R .. 3 BALBOA ISLAND eo rr. BAY FRONT AGE. On Little Ialand, pier, noat, formal • bdrm. bome. The land nlue ia cloee to the uting price. ATI'RACTIVE 4 bed.rm., 2~ bath•, n.r. So. Ba1. Owner will take amall down. Aaking "2,eo<>. GOOD F~Y HOME. Near So. Bay. Lp. ,.ant. 3 bed.rm. 11 " bat.ha. $26,!W>O About 200 tt. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn. is hed home. Submit down. $25,000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INOOME. Larp lot. :S bdrm. 31 :! bath bouae plwi unuaual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car gt.rage. Both unlta newly tu.rulabed. QUALITY STREET. Waterfront at lta beet. J'tne J>ier and float. Lge. lawn It patio. 3 tlne BRa and 2 bath11, maid's or guest rm. Ir bath. Out.aide shower rm., f. a. heat. Gia.seed lo la.na!. Aaklnc $73,500. Good term• lo qualified buyer. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith M&r00n HYatt .-em John Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand NON-VETS OR VETS $295 impounds moves you in new 3 bedrm. 1 '..: bath. Back Bay area home Now. . Taxea paid to Dec. 1956. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Rlvd. Costa 1'1('68 LI 8-1632 E ves LI 8-H OO CORONA DEL MAR Channing rual1c 2 bdrm. homt> tlt"l among tall pnH trees. 15 x 24 ft. living nn. w ith lg<' b&\' window, fireplace, book shelves. Tile 1n k 1l. & bnth. Front pch., cedar roof. Nice t'<lwJ. fc11c<·<.l ynnl. ~ 1tr garage & laundry. The homes nn ent h t11Je are aet back ao t here la Iota nf room. Only $1 1.500 Mo. pym~ $75. The Vogel Co. 2667 E . Cst. Hwy .. Co rona dcl Mnr H Hii ti Oi57 Harbor Highlands ··C ' THO~t /\S "("" THOM A~ 1942 \'1vian Way BEST NE W 4 ~oom1. Zt... b14tlla lUA1 romplrt~ Rf'lloly tn 11'"'" .... ""'" u n.oov ...... I EXCLUSIVES Costa Mesa • 1.1H 11\\I-~ 1 """' ""•I· 276 Maicn11l11• 1 .. n1 , "' 11 , .. ,, u & ooo 2 nr 3 b•"1•fl'lnl' t.Hll" hnnr 1 ·1,11 I II \\ F;: 1 110111 ir111 ' two-I· fl)(•Ot llf"PA••tr •J nit I: r i .. '' ~,,.. 1 111 .. •1• , I th :,ftll m•11l~r11 k1l<h•n ''" : lol• • ~·n11l trN'll \\ 111 ~·II "'1th r,lflflll •• •H• ,, \ I •I.I. '.I \ H t10"'" p1tiyn1ttnl 11r putt hnti• • •f tri.1·1 Duncan Hardesty Hl·:ALTOH 11 ,.. l'H t1•t1,. ... ,, $2:-t ..... I'\ I 1111 \ I'-\' H l'l'°T t. h t , t \ 2802 Ntwpnrl 111"1 H11r t~ I>. 1 ~ I \ ~ I H• ,. I ~ '~1 I PP"• HAPPY NEW YEAR Bnc·k Bay 3 Rlt '• II• 1t fto fllll} hun r \Ir\\ JClnt t••onll1t1011 111A) 1 .. ,.,.,. "''lh opl irm '" hu) i i., r,:, .. I Hit I '•ltt • 1•1,t -t I( •"it" '4 fll I HI 1-"Q 11\Yl'lt•>HF'< \\\"I I Ii 1-IU•'I · J',~t "' •llJ , ' .,. ,, ... ,, , .. 1'f • t, 1 " • .. J ·ft· &:. r ' r ··~ ro "' Ht • It I ~ ' t • 11 $1).'I >tilt) "C" THOMAS, Rltr /...• A S:'(X.'I ATI':..'-' 1 HR Jtuho11 lll•l11 1 ... 11 1t y $1;7•111 'H \\ ,.,.,,1 llo-.M\ f,11\~27 Vlf'W lot• S.litt>ll. J~M111 5111••1 up J :-.~" f'"rt 11••111 h 2 ACRl':S f'll(NI R111111 "("" THOMAS "C"' THOMAS l:OSTA M l':~A M I hMll 2001'1 "<l fl "1'11 .. , '"""' Claire Van Horn IU:Al.TOH Corona Highlands Panoramic Ocean View LI 11·•2i7 BrtA:-O:t1 NJ<:W dttplex, t1f'llllll' ron- 111111rt1on In tll•ll<' moo" n R...a lh••" 2 hr•ut homu fullv car- Attention· Investors ! PR!Cf: REOt'rEll For qulc-k &<(Ion nn thl• bu•lnt'NI proJWlrt)'. l m ... 1..,m bulltllnJr• on 63" 11 137' lot tll11t 11hn11lfl l,.A,.,. or r c-nt for " tdtaJ of at lf'-..t U 60 J>"r month. Plenty of room tor upanalon. Adequal• Jl"rk· In(. Located In th~ t utut a-row1nc pert of Co&ta Mu a . rtrht ln the hurt of 11 1Ar1tl'. new libopptn1 center. When U111 i. ione ••. thet'1 It! Appr"ll U l,000 ce.ah down r.qulff'd. Ca U owner 1.J~rty ll-t223 morn!ng• or after I p. m. Uc PENINSULA ' 4 unit apt • 4 r•r . ~ Y• 11 old, 1._ hlock t.o bay. 134 :.00 F:uy terma. A t.a Nl:W· PORT HY.IOHTS 3 bdrm. bome. 3 yra. old, Y.'W rarpel.UIJ fl,.._ place dbl r•r. J>lu• JJ!'J.~ E&.y terma. Own11r. 4CMJ Jllvtr· aide Dr. LI 11·:13:411 41~ 1" l"•I htH .. l'lt'<t11r ovl'nll a nt1 1tr1ll11 lnrnm.. J.'111•11) f)f'r \'N r. 1-· f'. s:n.~<11• 471i M11rntnJ Can· yon ll~tl llat 3H2·J 6lrt•h BF:RT Rl'Y Corona del Mar duple.x. Moiltm 3 br, 2 bath home • Rf'parate I br and b&lh a pt. ()nly Jiii.~. ltrma HARHOR l'NV1:8T)(l:NT 00. Har. 16'l0 f:V8 . Har. •ru..J &lct>I $9,400 OW'NF:R TRAN8YE1Utl:O, I tw!· ~11111. well IAlld.araJ>t'd, fl'nc.'..S. ra q >l!llnlf. draf)f'tlta, S MO() dn., low mo ptiymcnlJI l llfl() • ••lftral. r..-ta M t-. U 8-27111 l'M~3 O~E -1%0 n.. • tw~ ft. all adjoining S..Ck Bay arn <~Id be four lot.a-Sell all or ..-pco- rat• -f'uh or l .. rm.. ClwneT want.I acLaon. Bu. a:Jtl aPtro WA TERYR.ONT DUPl..£X. Lower 2 br~ 1'-t tMlth-l:pp«r l bT and CUnr HA VEN \'llW apt . J bdrm turn PO. yrly. •-leu WI ........ 2 11 IL AnchT•• Road. M...-port BeacL UaM City Tralltr Park. R•IDnable rml Ideal for otncl', b4arber ahop etc or will remO<HI to •ult ten· ant. S.. at tt>O W . ll&lboa Blvd Harbor 4072. UcM 2 -30 ft. lou on So. B&1 Front. blath. Home 6: Income ON'L Y BT OWN'l!:R &Oal%6 n lot ar rou tmm moat ellt• 11ropotrty In Coat& M"JllL C<.,.>'1 f or •r-. Mm" Ill SMOO U t>-orty "..!)1113. S.l l,!>00 ~•ell. Call T. D. ftorera. U6.Geo Har. 161&-W, or RTan 1..02t. HARBOR rN\'Jl:Kf)ff;:\'T CO. lltto1Htr. UIOO Cvte Hu. 4.~ 6lc~ ·~lit I I I f .- •• '~1 • VOGEL VALUES SEEING IS BELIEVING A\ T BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS - 2 BR. home plua 2 BR. apt. over large garage. Near South Bay with brick patio and nicely fumhihed. Listed $3:5,000. Move right in $10,000 dn. IT'S A BEAUTY -Nearly new thick shake roof, ranch style home with 18 x 25 ft. Living room. large open beam ceiling, an4 panelled walls. Complete electric kitchen with thermador oven, dishwa.sher. brick tiled eink, and cork floor. Giant size fireplacf', and furnace heat. Two bedrooms, one is king ai.tt with wudrobea and drawers. Full bathroom, garage, & laundry room. Fine drapes, curtain•, wall to wall carpet . Priced $28,500 and well worth the money. Call oow for appointment. Harbor 444 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue. Balboa Island Next door to the Poet Office Har. 444 Evea Har. 1229-R Har. 4248-R v v ~st Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIFFS, Ocean view homes, several exclu- •ive liatinp with ua. 2. DUPLEX -One bedrm. each, cor. lot --··· $17,500 3. DUPLEX-2 bdmu. ea. cor. lot. Exclusive $22.500 4. CORONA IDGHLANDS -Juat Uated ocean view, immaculate 2 bdrm. & den, 2 bathB. Only $28,000 :5. OCEAN VIEW, 3 UNITS -4~' lot . A ateal at $38,500. Only few feet t o ocean front & China Cove. SEE US ll'IRST for better b uys in homea & build· ing t itee in Corona del l.tar. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTJON, Realtor 3«7 E . Cout Hwy., Corona dt-1 Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona dt-1 Mar Banlc) REALTORS From Balboa, Balboa Island, Corona del Alar, Coata Mesa a.nd Newport Beach I Exttnd our heartrcat tbanka to you for the privilege of aervlng you in 195:). Our aim ln 19~ i• t o cont.mue to m<'nt your confidence ! Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport. Blvd. 1'e wport. Beach -------! ST ART THE NEW YEAR RIGHT With one of lbetie first clau Balbo& bJanJ J?ropc rt1r11 Uouually nice Monte~y home, 4 bcdrm!'l.- dinlnr room. forced IJr heat plua attract1\'e :? bedrm. apt. with flrtplace . S38. 000 le rm.a. Little l.ala..nd spacious home -largt> h\·mg room, garden room It dining room alJ &dJmning patio Three .unny BR.. u~t&1r11, ample cloS<'l & atoragC' apace $M,OOO terms. Owner anx.loua to M'll-<:ute 2 bcdnn home with larre aunny patio. Room to build apt. o\·er the range. $18,•50 low down paymenl WM. W. STANLEY )\SANFORD -Realtors -l . Park Ave. at .Manne. BaJboa Island HADFIELD Hsrbor 2462 ) • SELECTED LISTINGS ! BALBOA CO\.ES:-Watcrfront. pier & ehp Owner bu moved to thr \'all ry and can"t u11e his boat, ao It goe. with thia fine 3 bedroom 2 batn homt' UDO ISLE :-A chOl<'t' wide )(\t at !12.000 ! BA YSHORES ·-Extra' Extra ! V•f)· fine large 4 bdrm homc--0wner v;1ll trade for amaller one-story Home. CORONA HIGHLAND~,.-Bargain in R-2 lot. COSTA ME..~A :-Out nf the ordinary tnplex. all rented -R<'al good tt>rms. SOL'TH LAGUNA :-In ThrH Arch Bay - one of the finet1t oct>an front bomea in Southern Cal1forn1a. Out-<>f-thlA-wnrld Yirw ! Owner in M<'X ic(\ and we bave t.h e kc-y KILLION real Htate IM1 Jf_,.,n &ml. Barbell' 60()5 .. BAY AND BEACH REAL TY, INC. OWNER • REALTOruJ -William P. Yeager, Anne Yearer J. Leonard sm;,~,A~s;~Je;•ndall F. ~. Extend " Best Wishes for the New Year NEWPORT-BALBOA LIDO CORONA DEL MAR Gloden M. Fay. Mgr. Katherine Olson Marj orie Chase f:. B. Chase R. C. Grt'er, Mgr. Worthington Lee Dick Norton Helen Baum Tbomu Campbell. Mgr. Doria Walker Charles Hamilton Ruth Telfer, Sec. Ann Hutchinaon, Sec. 1450 W. BALBOA BLVD. 3112 LAFAYETTE 3530 E. OOAST IDGHW AY HARBOR 5249 HARBOR 1261 HARBOR 3M3 -COSTA MESA OFFICES R. F . ~dea, Mgr Robert Gooaaen Mary Bell. See. 1875 HARBOR BLVD LIBERTY i -7714 Arthur Tieu, Msr. Gillette Bailey Bobbie DeFir 1696 NEWPORT BLVD. LIBERTY 8-1161 p . a . p a I m e r i n ·c o r p o r a t e d developers Lido Bayf ront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upet•i.re with decka. 2 bedrm. 1 ba th downstairs with enclosed patio. Both 14 pl.B. huve forced air tu~ace, fireplace. car· pctmg, dr&JX'S, r(•fr1gcrator, stove. Unbelirvably priced al only ~7.000. $1 2,000 down. 2 be<Jrm , hCJUBe plua alteping rOom and 1 ~ bath attached to garagt•. N~ly decorated It only 22.500 New 3 bdrln. 2 bath home with full furnace. mu· slvc f1rtplac<'. walled and planted. $26.500 NC'w 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with all extru on Via Or\'1elo~ This 1s a fine house in an excellent location $32,500 1() x 110 BA Y\1EW lot acrou from community beach on Lido Soud. SH.000 p. a. palmer, incorporated olc hanson co., sales management 3333 v11t Udo, barbor 1500 ef Lido Isle Happy H oliday• will be yours fo~ver In t.hJa cute 3 BR. 2 bath home located on Klnp Rd. Harbor View, 2 patioe. Room for a pool -$24,500. HAPPY NEW YEAR -Bill Farmworth New H ome. New Year all the ea.me tJme. You and your family can start the New Year Jn your new home on Lido. It will be completed just Jn time tor yo11 to celebrate -3 BR. 2 bath., fireplace, alldinJ doon to the Patio -$32,:SOO HAPPY NEW YEAR -Dave O.burn Year Yem, a ooe year old bome on beauU!ul Udo I.ale .• Gally decorated thruout.-3 la.rp bdrma., 3 beauu.tul b&throoma, and one of the ID1&l"test powder rooma you will ever .ee, family room. utru galore. HAPPY NEW YEAR -Joe Klne&Jd p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway-liberty ~73 LOOK AHEAD TO nu: NEW YE AR .•. Houston Values HELP US LOSE SOME MONEY! t~l')f•V 11'1, pr HI' fl( OIA'T\lnft ynur ''" n homr ~!'._, Tn !'• •: tl'lr 7 h• •lrn1 hnrno I ''" '"" f•,.n111• 1la I'• nl tr·•m St!'li<.'11• tn J li~ all r•1m1111"'1 I 1tr. I ,;1..-._.I t,.r 11 One of our chC'nlA Just boucht a home, then had a change of plan• -can't uae lt -mutt tell it. 2 BR'l5. large din rm , c-ute kit .. huge liv. nn. Wltb fireplace. lnwly pu1 10, Houae carpeted wall to wall. A rt'MOnAblc duwn pmnl and a.uume f of all lblnga) Full Price $7500 NEAT 2 BDRM . 211 yn . old, c~ment bill t~nce, on M w t r Only U &OO dn 0-ntr uudoua. C-2 Newport Blvd. If ' r 11' 1.11, t Ttl t -.1a \ • I"'" In I h C' l1hr 111 > ., h•lt••ll ar•I """'to '",. lb\' ,,. ~ "' thfrtll Ir JI Z f "" I• J 17 0<.CI IF \ • •l" PIU :• ~H n t .. n ,. with j a G. J loan will gt•t you lo. Beat location - Only , 15.2.50, bct~r hurry. R. L. STRICKLER. Realtor 0000 2 BDRM • on &4'1x)()O )l)t Exel. prop Only $12 600. 1ood tuna . Only $1500 Down NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA6& I~ MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1956 EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor MILDRED STANLEY STAFF and ASSOCIATES Join in Extending HAPPY HOUDAY GREETINGS and BEST WISHES lor a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR PANORAMIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HOME Large family view home, 8 bedrooms, 5 1 'J batha ud a alip out front for your boat. Thi.a aound. older home in a prime Lido location will offer a wonderful way of lite tor every member of that large family of youn -you too, Dad. Full price $74,500. Submit your term.a.. By the way, the owner will trade ror good income or bualneee p~rty In L. A. or Oranse County. UDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Lido R~3. Strada corner lot 4-0 x 11~. Price $20,000. Your lut chance to d~elop your own 11\come on ncluaive Udo lale. NEW LIDO THREE BEDROOM With 2~ bathe. Hug• carptted muter bedroom with privat. sun deck. Thia atrttt to atreet Udo hoDWI bu many luxury featun!9 auch u built-in 1tove and oven, dillhwuher -loada of cloeett - Uled brick tittplace ..,d &n utra largt laundry and atorap room.. Price $31,7!W> with euy terma. F or the.e and many other u clualve littinp on Udo l•le call LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES W.l<EMPrON GENE VREELAND 3400 Vla Udo J . H. GROHllAN VIRGINIA MANSON Harbor '4.f4 (Acrou from Rlcb.ani'• Market E ntrance) 2 BDRM. flr~rl n n 6«xl93 lot VOGEL VALUES -COSTA MESA £Z lume on b&Jam·f, only 6 I•• ~ tl"W') v-• t '""",. th•""' tr""' $I• 7~ I hl Ul.~>(1;1 R B HODGE, Aaaociate 3622 E. Coul Hwy. Corona dcl Mar Har. 2774 W Y•W t't A \'P, CHP.Rll'tff:f"I th• I .1 .. , .. to <>""" .. i.., fr •nl nnme --------------------- "',. ~."VC" " v. I " ·"' 11 " ., • 'I ,,.,,.,.d ""1 S'•'-. h•t 1•h J rt\1111• l•f'A• I! J'l"f n11IH• •n<I •ool)f t f ~ f'Arl nl•I IT "11.1 . 111, A. rt~Jo~A st ·n r:; tt1r 1 tlll• l<"'l' "'' ~ tih~h,.•I ftrrn 1n ,_,_,,t \t•U P1 A'I"' lln,.! "-hi.n1f' In 19JI, HAl'PY NF:W YEAR: Balboa Realty Co. l 'J r •'l,I' f!1~k n( l'o,,.•rlr A It "• Gr<t'f!')" ,.. I 1.-j A l 1 r11rl1 ,. l .. ••rrt11n,. \\ t'bb 7••1 I' lia lbn& Rlvcl flall>"a I h.,,, Hur ho r :1:277 Balboa 01 "l'l.EX, rurnlllhi-I J It ~Q Two :: !><Irr 1 apt.t All on onr n "'r I \\ •lk 1ng 111~t ll11'"' 1 .. 11u" nln.,.n U.1lb"A She.,.,111t R<><»I lnrnmt S 11bm 1l on l erm• 1 Ocean Front A prowperoua and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all DORIS BRAY, Realtor MIDGE ~ncK JlM RLODCETT CLARENCE LAKE 216 Marine. Balboa Island Har. 20 or 64 BILL'S BEST BUY NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION NEW-3 and 4 bedroom homes with 2 batllroonu At low u $395 down and $75 a month llany Modern Convenience& .•. e\len Sidewalk• ONLY A FEW LEFT -SEE US NOW! •·you'll like our friendly eervice" )'M r• old. I * 1tt * -Choice M-1 Excellent C-2 Development Opportunity 70"127 O!'\LY '7300 n •r,i. rrua; 1.4 acrea one block off Newport Blvd .. leea than ~ 3 br. -100x300 lot JtntlOO -oocm TER~fs the property developed w ith monthly income of ' $215. A 330' x l~' parcel or land cloee to Colt& Men Oty Center, ripe tor d~eloplnr. $5000 down. Houston Realty Co. $4000 down-Corona del Mar-Permanent ovean riew. .. A.8SOCIA TES Few steps to beachea. 4 bdrma. See thll ! 609 Cf'nl" St . Coat• MfM Full price $24,600 w 8-6911 • u ll· 77154 LYTLE -Ev,. l'h U ll·2lH.2 PETITTE -E\·e Ph LI 8·:1487 SEYMOl'R -g , .. rh Ila 6288\\' Bay Shores 2!)i2 Clrrlr Drh-• Open O.lly 1 ·t 3ll 1'0 W PRJCF:fl TO f\t:L.L S bdnnq l ' balh. f rpl , F. A. $8000 Buy• nice 2 bdrm. home two block.I from ahoppin1 diet.rid~ Room to build for lncome. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty 8·5597 Cost.a Meea Eveninp Liberty 8-7'67 hr,.l. all el~ k tlchf'n !{p9ck>u• ---------------------pall!> -hu1Jl In liBQ (lventH garllatl'. ffnfM>Ull alor"ll" RALPH P. MASKEY LAGUNA ROOMING HOUSE RE ALTCJR 34 l l NtWJlMt Rh"! . Xrt Bell. Harbor •02 U !'I 1MIQ 1:()0[) TEHM8 3 hf dml olJer home parllallv tt1m l3ht<I. <"·I v.nt Hf'arl "( Balt)l'la 7 rar ic•u •cto ~!rfll""'' for •rt a bov• W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor ' TWO-BOIUrl. ROl:SP.:, harOwOO'f Full price only $22,000 with monthly iooome ot approx. $.100. Property lie oo 3 Jot.a wlth Lqu.D& Canyon Road froatqe. Owner will oomider exchanre for local property. Coast Properties 30 I E &nio. 81'"4.. Balboa Harbor HM, •T an4 6'00. EXCLUSIVE AGENT 400 E. 17th SL, Coeta Mee& UbtrtJ a..U38 !loon.. r"dtcorat~ ln1ld• a.nd out. •10. 760. .. "°9w l'IL. eo.t.a ar... Pborle Lrbn'ty a.TIO'F 11111 BALBOA BAY PROP.ERTi ES 1808 W. 8albo6 Bml Bar. 81.M or Har. 1218-.1 .,,., __ . '·· a.et ... fl 8Wd &aelt wtUi I tien. Relda I aldrt. ....... ·69c lM .. Tier II.tel Skirt llaclc ................... ltc .._ Tne. wttll 1wtnl anna for I blou-••••• ·69c ti y...._ ....... Set. for a pain ••.••••••••• ·4Sc .. W--'• lhol ll&ek.for 9 paiirm ............ 1.7t LN l1ille lack f.r U pain of wo-n'a 1hou ••• 1.7t 'la ...... fort pain el ~n'a ahou ..... t.15 ti DtKS 0 ... Bap. JllJllbo aiH, clear i>lutic .... 91c ti ... fll Tw ...... Baca. With Zlppen .••••. 91c ti .. ., r... s..._ a.,.. e11nlope •t11e .••• 91c aa '-M -81ubt Bact. Held two ........ llc .. a .... C.... for -....•1 praenta .••• 4/$1 ...... ., c.... fctr -·· pruMDte ....... J/S1 .. .. • .... , .... clrw ai.se ........... 1.91 IA& DI.-_. m.a. Jlueera in plutic .... 11nc .,. ,,__ ..... s...,.. rill clipa •••••••• 41nc . . ,... Me .... ,_...... ... l....&eletb1, yard ••••.. J7c ..... M.IDM•AWININTI. A loYelJ ....-. ., ·-•twit eottou .......... s7c IM .. UI ........ Woo&. Wada. E11coUHt ak'1t ........................................... 1.11 Ut Ca-line..,.._ F1awJ. enth reaiatant .. ··1.17 1.H Wut ,.,..._ U.... Tailon baautitully •••••• 1.67 Gifta -4 a...,. UI 1apnW er)'ltal Jaa er eondlrnent Jan ...... st H.N ll'MI t.apa la ' 11;1 .... Antique or bronM -fin· ll!L. .,_. ..... tall ........................... t .99 IJIPOllTZD CUPS AND SAUCEllS for the col- *'-· A CW. el 11 alaapea. a wide nrlft)' of ..ao.-. ........................... 4 for l .n f' Y'8hl EH8Mtai A.rMa Bl• Grw "'Jane Guanhnn h&IMI lotieL 16 ca., with di91>«T1Mr .......... 1.1s· Eliabot-b Arda a--. hand lotion with dl.penMr .. st· Arclllll Famou Fl..-Wt lot.Ion. S6 •i-plu1 a lifl J1ks. el Spedal &ai..-041 OM Pe..-fM~ c-$5' uo 1i.r, a--c,.. Bod1 ................. 1.so· l'a._.. Dorot.bJ Gray buuty alda, epaclaUy prktd. !.JI Dry Skb lltttun S1 • '2 o,.., Skin Lollon S1 • ft Drr Ilda Illa tn• uo UonnoM Bd. Cr. 1.ts• ti C..U.-8tJmo-Cream ......... · · • · · · · · · t .SO • ..... Aw. ~ PrlllCO Ma~IU : ta DwMm et Tork Colosn•· ................... sp p !>-'-16 Tm Colom•· •••••••••••••••.• 1.so· ti Vahle Duca.a Soap ....................... ·1.ts 1.11 Val• J.Mao bat.Ii eapsulu .••••••••.••..•.. S1 • a--.~ Cna• tl*ialJ: .. Valw ~ Bonnono Crtam and Hormone oo ....................................... J.so· ~te Berl89M Crum. rer. 3.50; Ronnont oil 1.501 SUit T-Special wiU. Homcmn. r.•ir. '3. Mt -•a. a" ..JDO ••••••••.•.•••.••.•....••. ss· fl Wrialq Soap. J're11elt-t11iUed, Elsht cakt.t .... 1. 91 Tu.? IJIOClala; fl Wlad and W•t.bcr Lotion .................. s0c• ti Wbld ud w .. o. Lol1011 ................... S1• .. llud CrMJll .... s1. 1.76 Cl"Mlll Shampoo .... S1 (.JO Ciro Toilet Wat.or, Nn r Horisona, Sur~11t!H. Dnrer. lteftuiona. or Ricotbet .....•••.•.... 1.ts• ly Jecqueline Cochran : I. 7' Loticm Quick Clu.nMr ................... 1. SO• SS Vat tnlon Aquamarlno Lotion. Double aiu 1.ts• aa Value &of.Set No-IAe. $2 titot ohu 11 ti ll or Ori· Miot deodorant. Both •....••....•..........• st• ti BoMe s.u Pbu 30 cre1111 ................. t .so• SI Value Boublrant Hand Lotion plua dtapenser 1.so• 1.76 Oubarry Ne• Lotion Su~ri:,. ..•......... 1.10" 1.75 Richard Hudnut Cl"lme Rhu.e .••.•...•... 1.10' !.&O Endocnrne Clt,anainc Crum ............. 1.ts• 15 Lucien LoLonr Colom •. Balalaika, lnt!11n•t• 2.so• !.50 Colnnial Oamt1 all pu rpoH tream •.••... ·1.25" 1.50 Colonl1J D•m .. 'ktn fN!Jhtnl!r .......••..... S1 • SAVE OM TISSUE 29c f'luJh f'1d 1I Tinue, 300 1incle shteb or 100 3·ply. Wbil.o, ,...ch. blue, trTMll. }'tllow S 1$1 21k f'luft1 Toiltt Ti~1ut, ~ 2·nl1 thfft.11. far1al type. \X'hlt1. peach. blue. irreen, T.Uow. Cue n{ 100 rolb ..••..........•...•...••......• s10 HoAerchieh a1 Women'• Linen Ranlri" In print.I. I~" aize ..•• Ste $1 w-·· Swiae Ba~a with embroidery ..••. Ste a1 W011MB'1 Whit. eml>roidef'ed lladflra banklu .. stc fl II•'• Une11 htitiala. tt" 11M. Bond .•••.. 6/l..IS IOe llu'1 Lino Ba~ Aleo wblt.o eorda 17c. 4/S1 save . --; MORE , on everything for yourself • • • yoLr fama1y • • ~ your home • JANUARY SALE brings you quality WHITE NEEDS at the lowest prices in townl Shl·ch a nd Be dding •MOHA WKu MUSLIN SHEETS- 130 Count 2.49-7211108" or twin tot> or bottom 1be1Ui.M !:19-81S108" or double top or bottom 1heet.1, ... 690--4211.H .. pill--· •.....•....... ea.· .. ~~ Utica Hoavy lrhalln Shoeta-UO count: 2.79--7211108~ or twin top or bottom •h•te· .oa. l.4t 2.99 8llll08" or doublo top or bottom 1heota •• oa. 1.69 69c--421131" pillow~ ....................... Ste Mohawk Percale Sbffta, bleached •nowy whit.I. 2.99-72:x108" or twin top or bottom 1heeta •• ea. l.6t 3.2&--8111108" or double top or bottom 1hoot.1 •• ea. l.H U9-90d08" extra width 1hoeta ............ -. J.19 3.119-72lrll0'" atra lone twta 1lao •••••••••• oa. l .n 3.99-8hllZO" utra lone double aillo •••••••• oa. J.lt 5.95--tOO''xl!O''kinc or qu•n 1l1e 1heota ....... S.49 79c-421138 ~ pillow cuu .......•........... -. 6h Mohawk Percale Sheota, ta ,.now, roae, bl"' rr-. pink. 3.69-72xl08" or twin •IM bottom •bette ....• oa. I." 3.99-8lx108,. or double bottom abellta .••.•• ·•· J.lf ' 89c--421138 ~ i>illow eua ••••••••.••... · .... aa. 7fc Pequot "plus-aervice" mu•lin 1h..U. E11tra lonr. 2.!W-7bl1 S'", rneralblo b_. .............. aa. I .St 3.lt-8Jxll3", nvenlblo bau .............. -. l.7t a!lc--42136" plllow cu11 •............•..•... ee. 4tc Wa1111u tt.a "Supereale" u t ra fino abootl. &.9r-12111os-•. oa. 4.45 1ur-1oe11122·~ 1.8~111108" •. u . S.JI t.80--42"11311., ca!!.~1:ll 7.4r-90x108" ..... S.95 1.6f>-..4h36" eue1 .. :IJ Wamautt.a hemstitched "Supncal•" quality ahetta. ur-1211108" ..... 4.IS 1.2&-&111108"' .. ea. S.7S 7.80-8011108" 1heet1 •.............••.•.•••• oa. 6.JS l.8f>-421138~ .. pillow CUM ••••••••••••••••• ea.1.ff 1 .• 90--461138%" iiillow caM.a ................ ea. • U~ Puron PU1opa by Purofled. Srnthotic filllna 4.9 10.96 Bountz lOO'T. soooo down pUJow, 16-. wt. t .t lttnwood'• Lrnn" 1007'> wool blanket., rayon 1&tl11 blndln•· WIU. ll--11ar moth-proof suarant.ee ! n .9r-T ... 1n bed •lao •• , ••••.•.•••...•••.•..• ·B·fj 19.96-J>ouhlt bed 1U........... ... .. . . .. . . . . . , 211.9!> 'lllxJthl .. klnr tiH..................... . "HJ AT IW'UMS'I NIW lOW ,,tlCIS OH GINIUl fllC:HfC AUJOMAflC IUN«lfl Sa•e 110 oa the GE Ll~l.sht Automatltl Newly lifblw~ht for eMy ,.-11hlnc and hand· lin•. SleesrGuard tontrol for Jt1r 1'0Und comfol'\. Mothproof, of toune. RON pink or turqool"- rer. tt.H Twin Bed,_.-eoritro1 ......... 1f..fS f'tll, ll4.D6 Double Bod. OM co11tTOI ........ u .ts "·" P'•f2' IOOM SlU AUHfOH ltuO IY MOHUOf . V1-and nylon .................. , .. J4.n ~'.~~':°~~.,. ~'.~t··g: ll~be@" •• ·j~ ll.60--aut&" . . . . . 10.96--4111' • • • • • • 4.9~71148" • . • . • 112.9'-'ltt' • • • • • ;:it::~::.···.::::.: ...... ~~~~~~~:.::: . 1.&0 Lid Covers to -tell the AJJortoa 1111'1• • CAUAWAf "IOfAlrY" RUY fOWIU. Yarn d1ed. 1&1.in-wu.,.. herd•"-Aboorbaa.bod fw tut dryinit. 1.93--2h48" b•th tiH ..•••...•.••.••••••• 11fi 911t--l6.130"' hand 11u •.•.•••.••••• , ••••••• 39c-13x13" face dotb1............ .... ... . :mc-Fin~rt.1 o to••I• .........••••.•.••••. Mutreu Pada. boll aij&cbod. wi!JI ~ f.iller. 3.60 Tw111 ii.Ill ..•• 1.ts uo Doable u.. .... J.ts ~snfori:ied Maura.a l'ad1 with doublo boir ltitcblr . U G Twin alr.e .... J .95 6.96 Double lilo.... . '8 II& Klnir 1lu ••...•••.•••••••••••••••• • ••.•.• 111 n,cron-FUltd Mattna1 Pad• with dooblo boll rtltch '!.C: A !I& Twin me .. 4 tS 8.96 Double .a.. .... 6.9J lO.f/5 Hnry Chenilfe Btd•r~•da with rounded cornera at lhe fO"L l':IM ct1loro. 1nrlut!tn1: whiw ...•• ·l .tJ --- · Sav(· on H ou\C ~a r e <- GIGANTIC SALi OF ILUE DESCOWAll Tlla wo11dorf11l aat troa eookware poreelalnbecl 111 colorful Dl1ft bl• ••• bud ~ted wtUl claep blue petal cJm"'9. You'll -r apbi .. ndl urinp on thll Poi>alar -"I U0-1~ pt. eonnd •-pu ........... J.47 1.70--a pt. eoTal'9d l&ucrp&ll· •••••••••••• 4.J7 9.,5--t~· ~ 11dltet ............... ·6.17 12.90-11" co'IV9ll altlllet ••••••••••••••••• 1.57 ur-.114 pt. COftnd roud CUMJ'Olo .... J.17 7.16-1 pt. rood_..... _ ......... J .17 t.16-S Qt.. oftl CIO'fWM CUIU'Qle •••••••• ·•.'7 lU0--6~ qt. l'IMJad _..... -· ....... 6.'7 4.50 Bau.r -it.er ......... •• ...... • • • .1,97 lUI U·po. OMlda Stale .... St.Oil Jl'latwan, Senico fw t. lad...S.. • pl8ea Mtiap of Dtllalf hlfe, Dta- aer l'erlr. Salad Pork. Boa, 8po911. Ttupoo11 plwl I Ta~ Vam aad Parada pattioru ..... "'·" 1,.91 Procter i..-.. lloud fw atMlowm ~·'·" Dl .. uaao l111porte4 cw..~ ti ad ............ Rn• iet for 1.11 A ..-w fuelYM. Pwr..--•• Jt.tS Alt N .......... , YorM lie 111...towspaa Tam bJ a.mat. Th1"9oplJ, ao,-. nJ'- loa, '°" W"OOL Ailtl-1llrlllk. !O eolon ...... oa. SJc He Colu111bla Jilillena .. Mont.ny• ~ W'am. All wool, nabby tJpe. roan.a eokln .......... o.. 6fc lie Bomat'• Noodlpomt Ta,..try Tan. tO ,.. 0 l9c •.N 'MfC'f IOfA M&OWI. tbtl aolf..J.l\ ftJ'le, upok au-. c....... ·ta l'onuu • '-ele I. ti l.tl-UI 1 ........ N..a.,otat Chai1' P'-. Udt'" • l.H Stamped Unee TUledotU, ~tcai or )Uf clabiJ. 3.t l-ftll'TO" ...•• -1.H U~10" ...... J.tl 88e Bernat'• Nylo O.nnantown Yara, '·PIJ. IO'Jfo n1· \oa, IO,_ 'WOOL I OL. a.Wa ••••••••••••••••• •• ,7Jc SPECIAL PURCHASE Of UMlllLLAS ....... " .. '·" t .99 A l"IA1 clowapour of aaortJ\1'9 ! Doro are the cre&t.- •t llJllbnlla fublona, all b1 a famoua dtlla'Mr. Cll.._ froe loq lluclled .. .U..Jhu," e&M bdlel. W'&!kiq nick R?l-. A l'OOcl con.etioa of eMeb. pie.Ida, eolid oolon. and ~lor eemblu . Uona. •111 llOW for • ra.laJ daJ 1 .... Jll Blbi., ~ J ... VlrlioL With m1NnCO and -cord&-P1nla Ko~ tdMlq ••••••••• ·S6 I .. =·~·~·~· .. ~-~.~~.~,: I Utt» Qoldn ... Utde W...., Boob. a.ntr. M991' UN of t1Ma. .... .u,Mly --........... ·I/St sa '°" Afth Boeh. 0.1, ................ 1tc.11S1 'UGIHOll CASIMIHf ClOTH HAW ~US -_. _, .a _. -I ,, Ct Ill ...., -"'-" -la 1J .__ - en•""••• -In ...., -.4e lo 11 oJ ... le II!~_,., .......... c--.. ........,_. ......... - --. "~ The "81-Sise Chart" for ·Fuginoil Draperies: Width .1 '5 .. 67r. fOr. 111 .. us .. I rn .. 1311 .. . , .. ns .. --""'· 70 "'-"iA. m ... ,,, .... '""' llliA. JI/ ..... 2.Jhs. ----- J6"j 16.;9° .,. 14.JS I If. IT.SO lft U .H 'tt.JUS ·a"'" 'lo'"'' au ..... "ff.tr l-.•h 1." 4.st t .st .. ·" .It ·" --- 45"1 a-r. lt.f.-1,._ • ..,. I 'Ii ... u io"·" '1o...,. ~ u ... ., ''° I ·1 11.00 '?. •. ,. lo.,.th ·" ).4t 6.4t H S.t9 I .n .19 .tt I ·" --"l .... 10.JS -, •14 ,,.,, 'tt u ... IUtt.M 'r."·" .,.. 41.lt 'te.1" -i.•u• 71n.u lo.,.th 54 '·" 4." 1.49 .69 .19 ·" ·" ·" LN9fl\ -6J"I ho9.ttl --·-'fl"'·" ·i· "·'· 'to J4.1.I ~ ..... '1i If.JI 'fl 4UI ..,. .. .u 'f1 ••.• 6.4t .H r _,19 1.19 1.n t.tf . t .4t J.n -72"' ... -iiiO 9f1 .. .u '?i ..... 'fj M .J.S I 'A ..... •77 Jt.U 'ftZUI -n•us '14.:14' l0"9fh 10.6' ·" .tt ·" '·" s.n '"I ·" --- lMeth 14" ·rc u .n o." -;i· ll.JO t .n •r..lt.71 ·" ·r..·;: .. 4J.ff .It 'ta.;; ·1 ..... 1.00 '1 " .. '·" "is" ... ·" L-...h 90" ~· IS.ff '·" 'J· a•.n 0.4t ,..,.u .19 'r. 41.JJ ·" -i.v '1i.".4' 'f1W 'Z' ... I." ,. ...... ·" '--"' "" lf'j IUS J." '1' u .n .4t '1fji' 'fdt" '11.ft -r.ir 7i ., ... I.ft '1t .'it' I 'ft.Jr . i:· 1u• I 0 aa.u .. ~ .. 'ft;; ....,, -r...;r .,. YUi '11"-" .,. ..... l--"' 1 OI" 4." "' ·" t ... ... ............ ,.,..... ..... ,., C•ttol••· D,.P.riet ta.76 Furtnoll CueSMnt Cloth Draw Draperi11. Sl1a '7:18'". Silk and acet.at.o nubby weave. 8" other •'-on tho chart .....•... ·.· •.. •·.······ .10." Flnoat Whit. Fiborrlaa curtain•. They launder in ju1t •nn 111l11ut.oe. _, need lronin•· Made In dainty, but durable marquimett.o WOiff. No"' at low•t priC'M in our hi1tory. Prlaclllu: 1.n pr.-9tl11111 ..... ·J·H 9.95 pr.-96•63~ .•• 1.0 8.71 pr.--Hxc5". .. • • 10.96 pr.-96:181" .•.• I .SO pr.-HxM".... , 21.9& pr.-18'-1181" 1 , 83.~5 pr.--270ll'81" ........................ •·I . Dutch Stylo: 3.96 pr.~d6" •••• t.9t UO pr.-IUIO'',,. ·l·U ::: ,X~·~:i:; i~; o~~i; ·~~ci ·P~i1~:::::: ::'11: Panela: 2.116 ea. '21181'' .... • .. • .. • • ~ • ·N· • • • • • • • b. • • • • • .1.g 1.511 Nylon Panela. 1IM '2x8l'. ow. aac ...... t. T.W. U.... Q11aler i.e. Tabledotb1, ftn1 qualit.r. 1.H-641:'71" •••••• s.ts ur.-12ri0" •••.•.• 6.tt>--64zU" ••.••• 4. 9S 8.9~3r8t " •••••• t·11 12.16-72irl08" ••.•••....•.....•....•.••••••• 1 . 1MIJOlino DAMAS« SITS. Embuq p a t t o r " 111 white, t>lnk. irold. rrwn.. or irray ra1on and cotton damaak.. 10.~71" with fl aapklna ••.•••.•... ·f·H IJ~" with. t-~kln1............ . H.tl--M:xtO'" wida 11 napldna .•••..••• 1 . California 8aacl Print Tabloclotlu In th• bea utiful apu raJOll aed eo«on 0.1 Kar d oth. u~· ...... 1.11 6.Pll-64ll72" .••... J.77 lie JCondal Diab To .. ll ln red, eold, lffl.ll, blue bordtA SOc Cutom maclo ahuninum luulat.od T1blft Padt In brown almulat.od leather with bl'OW'll felt backinr. or ivory with tan. !g:~;:::::::::::: 1f:!I Laa'?:rtic~r Inch. 46:1M" ............ d.fl Loavea, up to 12" .• 1.ts TI .. U.., 17.Jewal 8wlao w1tcho8 tor !Mii and WOO'l«tl. St.alnloe• 1-1 •l>Ort •tJlot, ••t.llri>roof and 1hockproof. Ah•o '°"',-d'l'Ha ••tci-...................... tt.ts· llaa'1 Autol1latie 17-Je-I 11lf·wlndinir watch .. tf.tS • 0 Plu1 Ff!dtral tu lwy .,._ wetdt ... IUFFUMS' TIME CLUI PLAN NO DOWN PAYMINT NO INTIUST ............ yMr .. ,..,. Trado In rour old wat.rltj Wt rtw a liberal allo•· ·~ ••• .,....~ o( eondTtion. - !Nti1Hry • 711c alld ll Stationery and not.o b7 famou1 nam"8, in· cl11din• Montq. All bolled •••.•••.•.. ,. •.••• l /S1 fJ llAfHll lllJIOtOS IY' IAltOHff, b.ura1na at even tb•ir former prtco. All rold t.oolad or n•ll *4 atudded. Red. pink, aYOado, turquoise, }'!I· low, bluo ...•...•....... ·•. · .. ,, ... •·•·1.69° Opn •tock ltatloMry and OftYOlopoa. Br Mo11 ..... llllldo foT Bulruma'. 80 1beeta airline paper 111 white or blot. 20 lined 111nlopo1 .•...• Paper, l lS1 : Env., l /SOc ll 8011 ot All-Oeculon Carda. now ••••• ·l boa.• S1 12 Quilted Plu ttc card tablo conn , 3 nyl~• .•.. 1.St Box of 12 CandJtt. <>Tie eolor. or an uootUNl'lt. 1.&<1 bo11 10 .. candles .•.....•.••..•••.••••. · •. 1.17 1-80 boll 12" e&.11dlea ......................... 1.sJ !.10 bol' IC." candln ......................... 1.71 .., ~' '""' .. ,,... ...i"r ........ lwf ... IUfFUMS' SILVER (;LUI PLAN NO DOWN PAYMINT, NO CAUYINO CHAIOI Flatware or hollowart: OnlJ f5 per month for purchaee• up ~ 1120 Only 7 50 iier month fnr pu-rchun u11 to I'""' Only 110 tMr month for nun:h111to u1> to 2411 Jnt.en111~iur.al S1lve ~o. AmHtcan RoN Patwrn 12UC 4-Pie(-o Tea and Coffee i:iet .. • •. • .... 90.16 54.10 20 .. Waiwr .......•.........•.• • ... · -40.N 31.U Double Vt~tablo DIAh .............. tt.7J 115 Brud Tray . . .......• ·. • • • • .. • • • •. • • 11.46 15.00 11" Round Tray ................. • • ·1111 19.55 Ill" Round Tray...................... , 22.73 Jf>'' Rnun1t Tray...................... . St.e<rllnr Stiver t 'latware. By America'• ftnut all"tr· •mtth~. 2 patltl"M J .11mhf>th 1'1 Allflr, Cunterb1J ry 1~11. 150.88 32·Pc. S.rvlce for 8 In no-tarni1h cbn t.n ·ti 18.86 •·Pier• Pia~ ~ttlnll'• .••• , ..•..•.•• , •• j ..,. 27.60 fl..Pi"<'i! Plate !'11t1nir ..........••....... ·~ H11!lowaro bJ Holma and Edwardl: 17.60 Covef'ed Ve.,.tahle Di•h· .........•.... · 11·11 l t.O Ont ~trTinir Dish •••..•......•...••..••.. 17.60 P!.tt.er ... 11 .,~ 22.60 Platt.er ..••.. t . 110 Brt'ad Tn1 .. 4 13.6-0 Gravy s~t . . . . , 22.50 Well and Tf'ft0 alter .......•........• 1 .9 3.95 Gl&N Butkr Dl1h with Silver·Plaud Co•u . Jn all the 18'7 Rocen pattern•.· .....•..•... ······ St AU ,,...Wt p/u f•tltJrn( I~ Wollec• Sil•er C..pe1t1'1 .. J .... "' ....... ry'~ lpeciol An lrnp,..IH SJLV!!lt PlECP! GlVEN FREE wlda .JOU potthaN of JT'OUf!I nf odd pl~ In voa r Wal lace pa ttelll I Wit.a.~· purchaae, fr• callo breakor With • ptafthaa, tat..,....., With 1°'• po..U.., l-1>ioco at.ult Mt • -· ,nee .,,.,.. ..... ..-a.n .. Bo t h stores open 9:30 to 5:30 ; Fri4ays 12 noon t o 9-Toll Free phon es: l o nq 81 .. oc h HE 6-984 1, ZE 9841 : San t o Ana t<I 2-6262, ZE 2626