HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-03 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping NewsI " ' I I • . - ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' : r :< • • I J • l 'l • -I • ' I 'll'EDNUDAT. iA'I<. I, 1U1 \.OLUMJ; 1-NtTMllER 11 ri---R555---~---i5!!i!!i!~!i!!i!i6~-~:Qo!>· <li!i!!i!i5'J![Mesa Mari11e I Aircraft Observen I IMissin9 in Korea ~to Hold Important - \ 1, AD .·LIB I • • • • • • •. BY KAR ·o ' . I. DC"partn1enl nf DefPnM C•~U•lt~· I MeetinCJ .kin 9 ,l!;lJI laat Y.'t'C!'k r•portt>d the df!&\h I • <1f a tormf"r El Toro !\'l:a.rm,. in J Th""' ,,·1n hp a Dltt'tlna tt.f tJw- 1 Korea a.nft d it>!'los\ d Lhat anothPr cronltd 0~'"'9 rorpa a tlw IW•• ml&•uni;:. 1n al·t1on ' :SPU'pqrt ltf':ach dty'hall at• t:IO Ropnrtt'd k illt>d y.·aic '!\·ch. :-i•'l., p.m., 1'n....,;lay,• "•111•')· t. CoL ... ''"•nrer Bi Gat..,. uaoufteof:'ld t._ I Hu~h F. Xf'\\"ell! V:O.IJi' ·323. ,Li~le!'d I 1la~-. ('ol. (i:&IH la ('hl#or abwn?r u l'lll1'11in~ in ac tion ,,·aii: ('~pt. 1 for lhf" 11"'•1 aln'raft n·at11.ln1 1Jt•rry E . A. ~'li1lt'r .• \r"A1F'·311 , 231 ' t'f'nlf't oft J.frto (!t ..... 1 Roche.11ter St.. Co11ta :O.te111a . It u. url't':d tllia t all Obioer•·.,,... Capl. :O.t1 ller'is "·ift>. J o Ann, Rrt·J ' ln-t·h•rCf' and ohM>r\'""' two p,...... ~I t_hf'1r 2·yf'ar·olrt daughlf'r, DiRllR j Pn t. Plan,. ,¥111 t... db<'uhl"d rot M+> • •1§•'6§!t§•X >J&• c•-hv~ Bl l h,.! C'Ol!l l.A :\!NA Adr1rt'31'". 1 lhf" full t1tnto op..ralion or ,.,._ --~· - --I. MJC -...,. • w .. -~ --·-...,.I, ..... -•• -.-, ••• w.sy..ssss I.-. §6iY·• ......... v.zz 'WW· . 0 d rtail i-\\',.re :-epor ted on tlnn F'n~ ~uaar n 1or ttuo "'""" • H O W TO STRETCH YOUR DOUGH OR \\'HAT HAPPF.:'\"ED TO RA DIO GOOD }.f ORSING. ALL vot..• CHARMING LA DIES! GlRL · • So on you r toea and TalJy·ho COAST BL\'O .. CORONA DEL ~f."-R. • • to the l ':-.."lQ liE SHOP . HARBOR Oi8l·J . • TH~ BALBOA 6 6 10 A!"NOL':'-;('ES A SALF..: ~F' 01>0~ .4.S1• t;sos 1 ~09 f'ilht'r \far1nr. 1 of ilanuar~ I& to ?O l•r.lu11h·~ ---·------------ ill LI Coa st H 1 ~h \\·1:t.\". ~l'\\µti t l l:WHt·h. The~· are open rro1n 5 a. rn. to ."> p n1. "\"f'T",\" rl~\· Pn•/" \\"Ul .. ht' o ~n from 4 "· m. to 5 p. m on Su n dn~·.~. I :-lP¥Al-:lllj: ,If 100.L JI you l'llt l•ne or those 1lf'r1'nnl'. y,.·ho JikPA horne 1111'.0e b11tt.-rn1il k Hot Ca ke" 1h at fa irly n1elt 1n your mouth .. \T 1 t PRl<'t ;: th 1.. A'.'\''HOR [ AND SHOPPING ,, NEWS ..No.,,.·. No.,,.·. don 't monkey y,.·1t h the d11\.l11. g1rl1. tor In a moment Plenty Cruitt P ie-Doui-h Company. ~1a hzlng in nolhln& b11t upper cr1u1t "'iii bring you another glorious A&ga 1n tbe life of riear. old Aunt Putey! But befor• "'" ~gin. -.ttle back and rel;ur "·hile v.·e tell )'Otl 11.bout PLll:NTY CRUST'S a ma.&in< new lY.'O·\va,· d.i11· • • co\.·ery! ~ '. BY MERELY atlcklng a com mon household pin tn our Thi• . 1 I "n '"" · '-111 thf' p acf' to i;o. \"nu 'JI al~n ~,.t A n1An 'a 111U1 . fa bulou" ato1t: o f a m1lhon or so f11fft1t>nt Hfl'rna 1,. di ~-p1e<f" o r ha n: \Vhen vou ord~r han1 and l'C8 l e-a"tern pu•-pork po.t11ng ·or OOd · · · " oorl i ~m l!' · pot!' anct p&n.s. g lasll·\\'Are. pottery. lan1p.shadf'.•. I u.u118ge Rnd bacon that i,; so '""lY and pul11 forth ~uch a de hciou1 g _P C't uie rra n1~s. con tainln~ p1rtu1·•" or \'iC"tor ).fature, Dlln I a 1nf\1R ~·ou C"an ionif'll 1t ror hBlf a block. Th"y also ~r,·e a dellcioua Dil lie.\· Abd Jane \\ .vinanJ ""hich .•011 1nay •liM:l!.rd of C'Olll"'llt'. Rn d 1 ~· I r olll/Jle-te lunth for 6~c-. 1nt:lt1ding )"'llJ' 01· s.11l a d :'\°Q\\' hf!re·a an iOea. lain th• franie. 1;1.nt1 "'hat h&\'f" }ou 7 T hu1 l11.11t phra 11~ 1ue:a ning. 1 \\"(' ;:i,Jl g-et short betort' pa ,\·day MJ be' "'i ~ a nd buv " n1eal tickl!':l. Ji:'t n\·er t o the B~!&oa S & 10 i1.nd rondle ~111 e or the"' ~ood J,'tOO "·ort h of 111eal11 fo r Si.~O pl11 11 tAx. ThC'n you ·kRO\\" ~·ou ,,·on't b,111.rgR ln.'I Th~rl!' s no tl!':ll i n~ "·J1at ,\'Ou ml&'ht find on Mi le there st.Ar\'f' Ir ,\·011 f'R t out oftt-n. br1n~ your ra n111~· in fo1· ft good f1in.ner. Pwblhh..t at nu llalba. lloaleftl'll ~ewpon B•ch, OlliforalA _ Telephoae: llartlor 18111 . lij;ht 11.lry ple·doug-h and lf'ttlnt all t he 11 lr out. ,~011 r11 n ha'"" instant t orttllal!I ! Surpri&e your fam ily at the dinner tabl e !onl~hl "'ilh a big blo>A··out : Now thankA for ll!lot!"nin~ la rhe.". Bnd v.••'!l ht-back to morrO\\' with n1oreo about tha t IO\'ft..blf' olrl ~ & ~. Aunl P11.11te v .. Aunt Pastev "''ho"a 1nfluencM so n1a.n v 11,·1..11 \".'llh hrr ho1n elv ·!11.c.- and p hiloMPhy . so1·ry fol ka. hut '''e're'"' illtl• 11<i•. but cton'l 'rorr"t "·hen 5J>t!aklng of t ruat ... SQA\V,k . \\'H a11 H : ! ~ Boys' Club Tecims Win Toumoment Cotta ~frea '11 Bo~·,;' C'lub ....,,.~pl th~ Clai. C s nd F; c-h a n1pion~hip ot Long B...ach'11 inv1ta rional bu· ketball tournamtnt \Vf'dn"11da~· n ight. Th• c·, \\'htpped Lon• Beach 63-~8 . .,...ith Jne Lester and Paul Sch ultt pac1:ig t h• scoring With 22 a nd 20 potnti. re11pecli\'ely . The E '11 trimm1>d Sa n Pedro 28·1 3 .. F r ank :-;ava rro '"' lh• wav w ith 10 poin L'I. Co~ta ~{es-.n·.s droppf'd a 3~·32 decl11ion lo Long Beat h. . <t.\S(JLIXE THEl'I G. E. Edga r, Grnrral Sht>et Metal Shop 1 Villa \\'ay 1 :-;e .... :port Bf'SC'h, rtopor tPci tn polH.:e Thurs· day th theft of f(a.s-0l1ne !Ton1 two trutks pa r ked 1n rront of t he shop every n ight la st Wtl'k. DIRECTORY ' l , _. A. Becker, D. D. 8. DmnuTRT 1 T'6 Newport BlTd.., Oo.ia M- lllldl<&I Bide. -·TQ • llOI .. Sq .a...., - -ll'T.J WELDON W •. SCHORG _,. Dr:N°h8T l • • U4 E. llkb Street. Ca.ta M- Phoae -· 5Hll . V. &. &OEP81£4 0 . D. OPTOMETRIST Eftlalap by AppolDllllMI ,I ll' W, Nowport 11mL J(t11rp0rt a.ell llartlol' lllill ' BE SURE -INSURE '!I .. 11.&UUI: llTANLST ·-0a17 ,,_..,_,n, -ll•rlM ..... ..... ..... w. Stuart Foote OlllNl!:RAL INSURANCI: Courteau• l>if<>.,:.,,,ati<m N .. pwt. .BwJa PL Ha.r., U 1111 IWI! 'T BIN. China & Glassware )'I.it OUr 1"'e• Depa.rcmeat For Gt.rt. 'Md Horne Warw HOUSE 41 GARDEN Ill C.-t ~W7· Ne..-port. a..c11 LIVE IN LAOUNAf J • DlAL LAOUN'A ,_.211 Por Adve~ WarmaUoa ..... Dlapla.y RalM ·IN TRIS PAPER Super Markets Agree · to Hold Price Line • Super markf't o p •ra to r11 t hroughout• the. coun t T'y have pledged th r1 r 11upport (o Prf'111ldt'llt Truman Rnd tht' gov('rn~nt In a n effort to iy:>ld the pr1te line a ccord· ng to thr' atand a rd3 11.nnounc ~ r ecently by lhe economic atah1ll· zation a.gpncy, a ccording to Dick R ichard of R!fhard·11 Lido Market. ' ' "~tf'nlhr rs of thr Super Mar- ket In11titu lt'. an assocla t1on repr P- iientinl{ the Opt"rators of 4.500 ll U· pf'r m arket11. hav" pll'dg-ed thf'it ,·holeheart('() and lo) al 8Upport to he r residrnt a nd lo t he gov•rn· nlent in lh1a time of gr11. ve eml"r· g rncy," sa id R!C'ha rd. "A11 An1t'r1- ca n citii ena firat. and ~' O<'Prymf'n second, \l.'f' \\'ill ho:d tht' price Hne accord in~ to lhe rult'I .la.Id <lov.•n by g over nment authorities." t l Richa rd "xpla lncd t ha t supf'T n1arkf't Opt"ralor11---as r"ta il i,111· ributors-have no eontrol OVf'r price!! a.nd bec•U.Sf' of their low nia rJ:in or P'toftt hav" no cho1c" but to paS!'l on pr1C'£' inc rea&t"a to hf' con11uming public '''h£'n they occur a t 1nanu(11 ct uring a nd v.·holesal1ng lf'vf'i.,, In an advrr- i.ii"mf'nt ptintf"d elaewhr re In to- day'a pap~r. R icharrt cite• a.n ex.- ample of how eve-ry dollar apent n Rlchard'a 1uper market Lt di· Vided. nv""'~' •ho•· that onJy I t I I ~·"'cent.a of f'V•ry d"Ollar 1pent on to l')et profit. I City is Asked to Provide 600 Pints of Blood A dHpt>ralf' appt>al (nr hl<WNt u~a" !~Uf'tl tn ' th" P'f"HPlf' nf ~,.,,·~rt 84-a.rh toda1· .,, thf' RPd cro~" announ1· .. d that at th" np:i..t \'hilt of th" Bloodmohll" hf'rr. Thundav, Jan, 18, fhf' qusta h&M bffn trlplf'rl from ?00 plnta lo a hucr 800 plnta. Thf'rf' &.,. no "ub"tltu" ror "'holf" blood •. \In. (:arl 7.an1IO<'k nf fhp loc'&I offlN> 11ald, anti a majority of It "-111 bro no,•·n utoa• th" Pacific ()cean "'lthln a '"''' da~·a to thfo troo~ In Korf'&. Sh" Pmphul-r.f'd that II \\'Ill not all go tn Korf'& u •ome "'Ill JO to Ota.nl"f' C'OUDf\' hmi- pltal"I, l'f'plrnl"hln~ tbfl ·auppiy hf'tf". I I I . I Thr Bloudmobllf' ,,·111 bro al bl' (iirl Scnul Hou-at 1700 \\'. Balboa Bl1·d:. Thu"'9a,\', Jan. 18. rnm S to 'I p. m . For an ap-- pnlnlmf'nl, c-all lh" Rf'd ('ro"'• ofO!'t-In BaJboa. Harbor 1855. ,\ppolntmf'nl~ at'f'n't ar('f'•ur1· bul ar" prf'ff'rttd, ~ln. ~. l)('k Mid. Death . Takes Frank Jwitchell • • • I \\'JS H ·ro RE MJ l\'D YOl' F'O R1.H\\"ITH THAT \'ERA \VILLIA~1 S, VOICE TEACHER JS F OR...'\UN G A :'\E'V GROUP SINGING C LA SS FOR TEE:-." ,\(;£ GIRLS AT HER PATIO STU DIO. BALBOA ISLAND. This cl aa11 \\'ill be prima rily de\·ot~ to old~ English, Jt a.h an and French ~ng1. ~tr11. \\'1\llam.s ·11 a conc,.rt.. 11ng•r of note. 1f you'll pardon m y pun. snct hu •pe.nt n1anr ?-·eAJ·.s al'! tea th~r. a1na:er. and lAif!nt 5C'OUt in Europe and the U.S .A. \\liile In Hollyv.·ood, !'lhfl ga ve n,an v ~'Uung ~p l~ the1r opportunltlea in radio 11.nd motion pictures. T hiA •e"' cla 11.s \\'Ill give you hlKh· achoo\ girlA a chance to brush up on your French Rnd It ali an. Thi! cb.a rmlng cl&l'lll "'ill Also provide rou "·!th a n1ce quain t repertoire ln t>Ae )"OU:rf' tnvltC'd to .tlnfi: at tile La.die" AkJ or iwn,ep lacP. T h" f irst rla.s~ "'iii 1n ttt . ThurM18y ~ven1ng fro m 1 p. m. to ~:30 p. m. \'~!'"-\\'llllama' PATIO STUDIO Is a t 31311 MARINE A\'E .. BAL· BO A ISLAND. HARBOR 2641-J , .. • • • GET A\VA)." FRO!\{ THAT PIN·Jt,..LI~ 1'1ACHINE. ~1JSTER. J 11onrl t he PACIFIC ;'l.;'ELREif CO.,CARE TO HF.LP YOl '. Here/ the a n<;I' Thi" 1'"elren1 proce-"l'I r aii remove the olr1 r a in l, 11hell ,_e, vRrn111h or enRn1el !tom your bol\t in a hurry and at IO\V CO-"l. I.Al "'f! refrf'sh your n1 f'n1ory &n t1 tf'll ?-·ou tha t this new nH><~•rn chl!'m· iatry mi r"rh~ \\'A"fies paint a\1•ay hkt1 ma,lt a.nd i.s Abtolutely pfp to u.11e. Another thing. If )"0111· "'1fe ~~Pll 11q11a"·k int a t you about h pr old furn1tur•. Mo"· t he ILtt!e "'on1 An th i.'1 ad. The PaC'1fic Nelrem Co. rt'n10\·f' .... paint R.nd va rnu1h. from ant1que11. beds. dre~O'•. o r nio11t anything-T hey'll pick up. and f1 e h\~T' your f11rn1tur~ "II re11.d~· for your fin a l rell n 1~h1n g touch. G•t 8 11111.rt Today Call PACIFIC :\"ELRE,_t CO. HAR. 2960. 2811 LAF'A YETTE. NE\\'PORT. . . . . ' DR ERYOOOD IS :\OT A ,_(AN: T O HID E HIS LlGHTS L'NOER A BUSHEL. \Ye ll hardly ! A u C"ontra1re. He Is the l vpe "''ho goea out and get.'! 11. ~00 "'a lt bulb and C'OnneC"ta. it 1n his front wtndo""''. This \\"e~k th~ bul b l.'1 ga m n1a·rR ying on a fron t \\'l ndo"· full of DRAPERY FABRICS at 98(' A YARD -Jt I know Dr. Erwoorl. he p robably paid a ,lot more tha.n that for the~ ma.teria.l.'I. The .fabrics are expen.sive looking and .d.Morator dealrnedl Thia ahy. retiring fellow hu aJllO put pottery, rla.· ware. &nd heaven lcnow• what •IM on a kt'·" ~ !•bl• ln Ute wlndov.•. Thia tab~ I• ' na14-...... · lar p l)b.a.l af/&Ir -W"fttt evtrytb:lar: at HALI' PRlCY... PROin;T'! LOSS'!' Dr. Erwood chooMti to "'"'" A.bove It a ll! Go 11p;.r on t,!m in hill 0•111 lltt1t world wh.iC:b I.I at i 07 I!:. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. ERWOOD'S. LOtlCJ\S' ' . . . I ., ' "'A'fCH SALE DRASTIC REDL"CTIONS II\'" • Q('Al.IT'f \''RIST\\'ATC HES F'"OR lo.CF.'.\' A '.':D \\'Olo.fF::\' JF.\~·ELRY. 1788 XE\\'PORT BLVD .. • • • • COSTA MESA HO\\r n1any of you ha,·e heA rrt the f'Xp rf'.l'ttcin . "If the 11hoe fit s ~·· Th11t'~ fine . , , no\\' put dO\\'n ~·011r handl! M t1 li Atf'n to t he relit of the 11tor.\•, l( t he "ti°" fit.•. it rafTlf' fro1\1 RARBER'S BOOTERY tn ('oslM. Ml'l\8.! ~'I r. Ha rry Bar b•r snd h~9 chA rn1lng u.·1fe n11.med. J.t rs, BAr ber ft l'f! r11n n ing-a bii: 'A'f'll 11tOC'kPd ahoe i1tore. The\''ve got sh~" for f'\'f'rvbody in lhf> fnmily, \\'hlC'h n11.lural111.· inrlurtf'9 n1pn "·on1en 11 nd children. \\'ork·shot'~. boots. rubi>flr1. f,1ay·s.h oes. derk 11ho~A. B"llerlna11, l<'lafers. SHOES -See ? Air. Ba rber hll9 be~n in I the shoe bt111ines.s for iO Y""r!I and h,111.11 t'l ooe orthopt"d iC" \\'"O rk au O\'Pr the ro11ntry. :'\"obody ret." a ha n11ner·tQoll \\•ho buy.'! lllhOC!'!I here. If t"e .oiho• f10@~n 't fit, yo11 c111 n't have It ' ~ ror good 111ht)4"• 111i\t1 k i:-oort (!l at m0tter11.le priCl!'A. dtrf'~t your fee t to the BARBER'S S OOTER Y 1 79~ N~·port BJ,·d .. Co11ta MeSll.. • • • • • Qli ARTERL'F.C K announce11 IN,'F.l\'TOR Y SA LE Open S unday 11 830 Couit Hiv.•a y Be.aeon ~2'48 NEWPORT BEACH • Frank E. ~'tlcht-0, 78, 9 Beacon Dl .~~A Bay, Nev,.port BPa ch, d ied Sa tur· NO\\' the huntren prepAr e• her•elf uatfully fnr th11 fra;v. Sh• d• Y in Santa Ana Con1 mu1'11 ty hos -Mnd·paptor11, hf!r fingertip• to a ttaJn -a kttn sen11it ivt1 touch. She ta! aftf'r •n il!nf'M of 11evt ra! flit• hi!:r talon na.i11 to & sharp point in caae of challengf! b;v 11.nother a nt.ha duration. lie 'A'&S born Iii female. She lacf'• on •Lout "'"alklnJC 1h0f'~ for grtt.ter endur ance and p; m p ennay lvan:a and was a r t t lre>d t · • •-d I · 1· .. • &),ng powt-r. .... ""a y, 11pet"11 at ~·e g~:'lm ·~'.tl!I her •:re. Alter· oil gl?'O Jrogist. lotovinR: to Ntwport nately aha.ken by onloma.nta.• and tolle de toucher• she gn.bt her un(ler th~ he"r11ng of ugeful or ornl'ltnf'n lft l. Thi".\" cR n offer you il g?Od \'ft 11Ply 11t rf'ns6nl'tbte price~. '£njo~· life.. BALBOA 5 & 10 Eal out n1ore often Rl t he A:'\"CHOR C AFE. 300 MAIN • ST BALBOA. • • • ' • • I I AR t--: \"Oli A SQU ARE II'" THF. SOCIAL C IRC LF: '.' .o\r• \'OU l/lP 1-ri·ond fA l'e tn lhl!' \'ital;s a rt .... ? \\ f'll 1t"t. not m\· fault : Ur Ruth"ll BC'aut ~· ·shop'11 ·ra ult e1th t>r : ?', . ._ toltl you t1rne ;i n d ttm• ai;ain ttll t \\·onif'n or all ~ople h,111. , . ._ 10 be "·ell·f:;roorpe<l to ge-t any plar e t hese day_,~ R UTH'S BEAL'T\' SHOP 1n Co rona de t ~fa r u1 1n LOl'.CKS' \\'ATC H BALE DRASTIC REDL'"CT JO NS IX Q L' ALIT\' \\'RlST\\"ATl'Ht-;6 F OR '-[!--:~ A :'\'"D \VO).fF::'\'" J E\\"E LRt. l i.ll6 :'\'"E\\'PORT BL\"f> .. 1• COST A ,_{Jr.SA • • • ~ . .\Lt:! ~Al~t:: \\·J.:LL T H E GOOD OL D STFo:ADY· GOl:\G PO LI~\' APPAREL CARES TO G I\'J.; \rOt: A J ERSE\' BLOt:SE SALE '. This fait hful ,,·01nen',11 .'!tore \\'llnt."t lo gf!l in on t he bargain (i\i.ng. Poll~· .\ppR.rel isn't going to let you li t ti~ rnnl h ~ bat again"L h~r "·indow r • ' b11.oi1nf'!!~ Jlllll to keep y~u polL1'herl a.nJ-"'-\ula r. HARJVET DOP\"F.RA lllL over there no\\' ,...,,pecullly to fve you & y,·onderful per1na n.en 1 or bleac. or d ye Jdh. She i.'I very C"om~tent a.nd experiencPd Miong t helfe lin•~. ~lrn1Anrnts h~r• •tart fl t $8. A rteluxe job --t he Rsyet te. Penl!':lr~n11 \\·11.,·e for 'A'll ~ul. "·anton lwu r !11 only $12.~V. Th111. includes ha111 tr1111. 01! re11torat 1o n t1·eatn1ent a.nd the \\'Ol'k!I. 'So .vou .·"ef'. \\'e'i·•I a ll tr:.·ing lo bel1> ,vou, Jt 'a .up to y ou n o''" gir l. RU"tiH 'S BEA L'tt'Y SHOP 338 l'oineettla.. Cor:_ona del ).far. HAi·bor 2901. i l ' • p.<lne . Poll,\' Apparel does,n'l \\'llnt .\'O\l little b8 1•g11 in rif·t'·(hes, din1ming- you r lig ht., Rnrt burst/n~ ~·.ou r bulb.'l- Con1f' on 1n you n1Qth11, I he bllr(ains · I e • ~ e I 1 iit fine' Gi l a1=own -11talY.'&rl b&C"k to 8 () '-1"A:\'"\' LOVELY \\'0Ji.1E:'\ J.IA\'F; \\\i\~H T l'B iHAXDS tht' \1.il1 i" "· ·r> rt>gula r 11tock J f!l'-"f'.v Blouse.<1 Rt ti·e11.t reductions- rea l l~· J!ood on('S n othit1g hf' lrnportf''1 (1·om \\'11.tl" or Cornpton JW8l fo r thi.• ""eat. Rlou.<ie \"jlh1f"s tha t' rorn1erlv 1t0ld roi-R.5 muc.ll as S7 .95 no\~: $2.95 to $~.95 HE HAS LO\'F.LY . QUALITY DRESSES ON 'SA LF:. TOO 14 lo 1 :l off you'll thank n1 e later 1f you t11.k11 advRnt"~" or th1 11 kt>en 11ale At POLI~\· APPAREL.. 1835 ~""E\\"PORT A '"E .. COST A :O.tE SA. BEA CO!' 53~3. I C'r~· a little because thf'ir g·o,,·ns sa_\', .. Ball·l'oon1 Belle" \'et. tht1r l1llle \\'K l'Pf':d fingera .'lpf'll "\\'1111 h \\'oman." J. the Anl\' Lo .... ·('[] of th• ba rgain ba"enienl .'1, plt'Ad ,,·ith vou Gi\•e \lP t h1~ n18d~t .... .11. SE:'\O YOUR LAU:'\"DR\' T O T HE \\'ASHERF.TTE'. 1 'l;'he \\'a.;herttfe n1Akf'~ y~ur la undry "''hitf'. and rlean and foldt>d. j !The \\.1t"ht.ett e ill a friend lnfleed to u!'I nature'it noble·\\'On1f!n : sln1p1:.· tRkf' a M l;k or dl(IV li nen to th111 big C'lt:11.n "·a~h a tor1um snd •l e8 \'~ it lhPre. The\· I:::=============================• do all thf> \\'Ork. 1.-av111g ~·ou t1n:I!': for fltudy Bnp ~elf C'11 lt11 1·e. Cloth~i'I . • THIS WEEK'S COUPON ant '\\'R!lhl)ff h~l"e lndividul!.11)' in .lia n itP-r~· ptn·e:\ed-tJ.Ji>s. He1·e 11.J.oio you can h11.\'e old rh ·a'perif's. slip C'O\'f'ri;, 1·u~!l, ~tr. ti ntex~~ into nP\\' bi·!ght rolor.oi. Thl11 18 t he >A'a"Y lo Sf'lf reahz.at ion. ladies. F.rn Bnri· patlon \/I". ri ~ht 11 round t h~ C'o rner a t the \\'ASiiERETTE. 404 Coast . .\l,J.-~1'tf;RICA'.'\' GOLD R.4.0 81\•d.. Corona del ~far. Harbor 2~6.\\'. j COFFEE ~~· 69f • • '. ··' t 60 '-lP:THING !';F,\\' HAS BEF:~· ADDEU '·Bv GLAD~ O H. 1 I J.lml! '! pound~ 1'rlth thl• Coupon onl,._ · J ' GRt:.~Tt:H 1\J.J..,..AMt:RIC'AX MAJIKE, TS forgot yon don't k nO'A' Gl a.d. !-\he 11nd ~e Rre f\he t"•o gal11 \\"ho ~ \Oo"ill JTht you and be gl"d to Mrve you a.t thf! ~NCHO C AF'E-l--------~-·-"---""-'Nl<' __ •_•_h_•_•_d_<_:_._'°_"_•_•_•_•.M_•_' _______ ., -~D ·OF YEAR .. ~LEAHNC!": 1-J.\ ,.r.~f 'O R T l'phol!'tf'tf'fl U\ Prr.lmmon \11!h rnld ft&t'k ('h ln~f' Y.hiln~· TPaky,·ood~ Kf'l(UIRr 209.9~. '."\ O\\' r 1 .... 9~ 1-<'l.1'8 ('HAIR ('hlnf"M" Y.hnn~· TPak\\ootl. up· holttf>rMI in Turquoi~ \\"Hh Pf'Nllmmon rlrurt>. Rrr. 99.9:'1. ~-"" 19.9A 1-0<'C'Al"}OS:\L C'HAJH. · C'hlnf'M" •;bnn:r T"""'"·ood. Up- hol•tf'rNI In Turquol-n·tth g.nld f1f'c-k. R"rular 88.9;), ~·O'A' 4'1.9~ 1-LOt 'X°(~t; ('HAIR ('hlnf'M'J F.hon~· T f'akM oud, up- hnl~i.f'rf'd In ("r~~· \\'Ith iold F1f'rk. Rf',r, · M.9~. Sow Sl.9:i 1-<'0:STOl'R CHAJ~F. LOl'SGY. -('bin_,. t:hnnl' T"ak1\·nod. rphnl"tf'N"d In llmt- R"l"· R9.9~. ::\'o\\' 61.B:i 1--C.'HE~l:. 3-dta\\'f't, bf"autlfully ml4dt> ot ('hlnf"!W' 1: h n n y Tr:R.k'' ood . RP:;. l 19.95. :'li o\,. . &49~ 1-<~ARl :SJo;T ('&n • bf\ nM"'ll ""' f'Xlf'ntlnn of ( 'hMlt aho''"· ('hln~ Ebony Tf'ak"·ood. Rf',rt1la r 13-1.9~. . Sn\\· . 89.96 1-<:Ql-TF.f: TA Bl~F. Mlldf' of ('hlnf'IW' f:bon\· Tf'&k· I\ ood "'Ith thf' top tl.ri i•hf'fl In M•<"Ra"ltr f:bony. Rf'r;. 99.95, :s 0\\' . il.9~ '?-LAMP TARI.ES '.\fadfo of ('hlnf'tM' t:hon\' T .. a.k· \\'and \\'Ith IOP" flnl~~ In :"lfa.c.auar Ebony f'aC'h. Rei. l9..t~ f'a., ::SOM' ...... SI.I ,\ 1-DI::\~ TABl.F. i I 1 $25,000 STO~K FLOOR SAt.f PLlS I '. -f'_Jl\,'E !!!>D ~ ..!;"D RATTA X _F~~~!~.!'1'E ~~+:i:_u.~s e: E D U C E D U P T 0 ·5· O~-0io j CAl'iH ~OSLl' AT THF.~r: PRICES -SO TF.RM8 :'\'O RF.FJ'~-08 ' I f~•; it•ll'I i11 o,. 1!0•• i1 •I lo,. ci11•i.llJ coa1tr11c.tio11 -rn.rt ol ~· wploo hlel•d pie<.•1 h••• rwbb•ria•d M ;r <.~1hl9111 -o•lr h••d•o•O• II••• be•~ w••d 1hro"'Clho11t •~d ,••• rubb•d lo l!'lirror 9 lou 0•• 1•t• 1Hk •1 l•r• I~ "'"~' c1"" b'/"' lod•' 1 w!.ol•••I• p•ic•~ ,_.,,. s .. ~DE I R N F .~~F~} !,~~ E f ('Otl'.'\"t;R Tlt:R t .'\BLt: In bl~qur flnl!'h. Sl" x ~I". ! Rf'autltu l parquf'tf'd\ top In Rri:-. ~.9~. '."\0\1· l9.9~ ,-.1 .. a'"hr' 1 blr('h. R"r: 9.9.">. 1-01,·A:\" "."\n1'' , 8'Z.93 I Tphol11trrp1~ In bro\\ n and 1-'?ll "x -H" \\•hltf'. RnC'M '.\1 mi' \\"Ith tlmlH'r <'<X'K·'f . .\ll. T . .\Rl.1': flnl'h lt>,.c-•. Rt>l{UIRr . !l'I.00. \\"llh Pa rqu;.t<"cl top In hlt>~C'h· S on· 179.93 I'd hlr<"h . '"~· 69.9.\, :-.;01\: t 2.9S t-.\R:tt ('HAIR I 1-D,..\ \·t :SPORT t jphoh1tf'rf'd In blttf'Nl\\"f't"I fl)('k mO-"lt naturRI hlf'R!'hrd lf"(L RPg. l.\'I.9.'S. ~lo,~· 89.9~ 1-DROP·.o\.RM l 'HAJI< l 'phol!'ff'rf"tl In ,mod.;rnlRtlt· prtn1. Rrl. 99.00. '."\oy,· ... 6~.9A 1-LO\'E ~t..:AT1 In kf'lp irrrrn. r1to· 111lk bi"'" qu"' flnl"h lf'r•. R•r· 189.~0. ' :\"O\l' ... 118.83 Rattan Furniture '!-L.l.\.fP .xABLt:~ ' 1'pho)!lltr rNI In hrn\\·n tOC'k \\'Ith their.' Parqu"t~ lop In m f,...11. AmlM>r flnil'h lf'("I. R"E:· hlr-1tt'hed blrl"h . tf'I{. 1 4.'\.9~. ~l .• lO. Xn\\' .. 18.9S !·STICK HATT . .\~· 1.0\'E Xo"· . ~ . . ! · S!.9.~ 1--COFt"Y.t; TARLJ: ~EAT-Prrt1 .... 1 df'"il"n, uphnl- !--.••TEI' EN"D T • .\BI~t;s ;\m1?"r !lnl111h. '?I" x 47". ll,fl· \ •tf'N"d ln &N"rn n·lth . Af'S·-"b"ll \\'Ith p11rquf'tf'd top11 ~n hl~~c-h· ~4.9a, '.\o\\' 42.9~ , df'..,l('ft. llf'l"t 11't9.9:i. :""O\\' 89.95 Ml hlrc-h. Rf'(. 4'1 .9$. t-0(:('1\~IO:\.o\I. ("H.4.11\ l RAT'f.4.~· STt:P F.XD TABLF. ~O\\' I , 34.0S 1'pholtllf'rf'd In t"n, fi("Un>d I' Rlr<"h or mah n.Cft.D~· f()p. J-('('R\T.li t :PHOl..fTY.RF.D ,,·Ith t'nral. . .\mlM>r lf'l{Jl. RP(.! \\'11~ 'Z4.M>, :\'on· ... 19.93 01\'AX 8-&.9;1, ~·o,,· ~9.95 -R .,rl'A~' 1~01 .~Gt; C'"HA1R- (;omplf'f~ly£nd tH-au,ifull)' up--.2-f:~·o TABLt:s ~·11tlrk . pn>t~ .. 1 dMllp. t ·phol- hnlaterey l Hibt. --~,. ra11· .o\mbf'r finish In matc-h abo\'f', "'terf'd h\ t'holrf' of any rnl'h· 111llk. llf'lt 19.96, S,, ... 188.95 Rf"Jt. 39.91\. ~·O\\' .. S:?.93• ·1on1 ln "tnl"k. \\'a" 57'.9.'\, !-LO\T. ~~"TS 1-DA\'EXl'OHT CID:ST X<V,. · · -'8.9l 1'phol•teN"d In llrh! j.Jtf'." ta\\' FlnlshNI In J:tf'Y \\'Ith thrf'f' R .,TTA~· O('(':\:-iJOSAJ. !'Uk . flf'(. 4.9;'\, '.\'Cti"' . 99.9~ dra\\·en to hf'< u-d at f'nd of CHAJR--\'f'~· ''omfortablf'. up- L-CE.STE_ SECTIO..'° IKlfR. Rf',r. '19.9;\, So"· .!'i2.9S hol•t•M'd In bro,\·n If'&( pat- 1·phol8if't't'"d In Ilg-ht f,rrc-y raw 1-T\\·o Pif'f't> CO~"'TOl .R lf'tD. \\'ll!' 4!.~0. :'\nu· .:?9.96 •Ilk. Ca.n ti.;-u!W>d ,,·fth ('un·l'<I. SffAPt:o DA \:E~ PORT RA 'M'.\..X FICKS.REED \\T.R-- dl\'Bn or fol1e !lf'atll. Jt .. r . R4.9!i. l 'phollltf'r'Nt In l'f'f".r-hlu" allk BE D CHAIRS-<l l"f'f'n ~ f'har- :Sn,,· . . . .... . ... ·i .... 64.ta llarn&llk. eompletf'. Rf'J. 349.60. ff'MI~ wd>blnir. Rl!plar fll.9:l. 1-.\R!tLE~S (:RAJ" :So,\-'?49.96 "'.\"O\l' ...................... ~ · · ..... !9.9:l To matc-h ap.o'"· C..aa bf" ullled 1-SOf'A SE:\T RA'M'AX EXD TABLES- u f'l:t.f'nsfo~ .of "°'• or .,.pa-1'phol•tf't'f'd In Um" M"ll mol'a !4 '" IS. maho("&ny lop. Rf'it. rate.ly. l 'pl*>ll'lf'rl"d tnmf' mR-\\1th {N"en Sf'• mnu ·bol•tPr ll.ft:l . :Sow ............... _ .. '7.SO ~;!:I• ·.~ .. r '"'.. ~~~~ ... ~:.~:~ ~:;ll~ ~~:. ~~=fi."~:~:~.113~;~ ~j::~~~,. ~:~Ex T~;; 1-COFFEE TAB:r: ' 1-<..'0•·•-EE T . .\RLE !4.9,, So,,· . . ·-....... 15.9:'\ Ft'H'lorm ·h•pt!d. . r blr<-h. !'able flni8b ,,·Ith "·rorht Iron ~lid O.k ~ CX.:C,\SIO:SAL CHAIRS I -AR~ r• CHA 'arlou!' -eOlnr Wf'bb flC"&t-. :in......., !-KSD TABLE~ J 8 •• X 19 t • '\ • . ' ( -. I Beach four years ago to n1a.kr pur-.. 1 · s .home "''ith his snn·ln·law and SHE IS READY ! READY F OR TllE_.1.A~Y-S'ALES ! hi '1adf" of ChlDHf' T.-.Ony Trak· \\'ood. Dlvid~ and top 111Upe forward. Can bf-111M"d aa buf- '"t "·Ith aDf' 111lde up. Re-r. 108.~. Sow . .. .. 11.13 I OnJ..v-LAMP TABLf; Re,. 79.tS~"G"' .... _ ...... 61.1~ ler"· R"&"· 44.95. :'\°OM' ... S.&.9~ ' I. k.lp w , -w 'Ik bl~... I lf'(. ~ ·"'" . o,,. ... . ........ • ~ .. ·-aa ..,..., Sable flnl.sh \\'l ib "·rourht r un ·::i~:nL.l---flnl!ih le... .an bf'. UIM"¢. with I R ••• , h. Blf'ft.('hf'd MAltO(B .... V Dl ... ~ I .. , •. r.r. , .•. f'at' B r d 4 ~·~0 ' ··"WHERE IN THE WOltLll I WOULD vou G-Ot I ... OJIAJPAJ'l:J'Z HOLUNSHEAO I "'"" .~ ... ··~llf•flM '• ••• ' ~LAHl1 • SHIH • RA ILS • HOTiU ' l Mihal 1'.M ... • Tk•et A .. oqo rmcint's tme1 ainau I I HMMr .IW I "'O. Mt. W....U,.." '1M•11t'1 Uct. o.,.., ' ' I I ypEWRJTD . I I I . --Of9-....... -RAW da ughll'r, Mt. and Mra. l!:arJ \V. • dt'slre to make wnteleM purchaua: I tanley or the horn(' addreas Mr •a mania ror handllnc all object.a wilhin reach. 'T'wi~chell pre\.·iowily had llv~ \~ ~ s &lifornJa. prtnclpally In Pa.sa· The above treatiff WM ln-i>ltt'd by a l(i~tiflc tour lhru' major nt, for -t4 yeani. department sto~s In a larre city. All I rot out of th.la reae&reh c de M M Surviving art' hla wife, ~I~. "'" fa.lien arches, v.·atery •y ea, &.nd a a\ncere conviction that ,·ou yrUe Twitchl'll: one daughtl'r. and C \\ill do m uch better to &hop ,!or .ie b&rgaln• r1cht ln ihl1 Ml. Earl v.·. Sta.nlt'y ; Ont" Ii.Ster, a rN.! Our thop.a here are reducing' _})r\Cf'8 on qua.llty, recutar •toek Mr&. Mary Da.Je Or A:zuu: two n1e:Tha.ndiff' For the mo.st part, ltt@ big 1torea blW up a lot or gT&nddaughten, Mra. R.-x Albrtle apecl&l Junk and ('ry, "C\earance Btah: Blah, Blah." The.n. they al)d Mr.s. ·;oa('ph Gallant. both of throw 1t out rar you to npt ovtt •. All rtght. all re•dJ•. Jea.ve u1i; N ewport Beach. · n~ flr;ht v.ilh atran,rera .•. Lel'a • ~e 'vilh triende over lbe reaJ Private funeral llK'rvlcea u.·f'n:i aa.I• b&rp.ina rtght here at,home! CltARGE I ! I ,,. Id at 10:30 a. m . today ITues· • ' 1 • • • • y) in the &Jb. mortuary, Co-HEY YOU! C"Ji(il:RE. GOT loMETHING JC:() TELL YOU, ll& dtl Mar with Ute Rev. Thom· Th• ~IQUE SHOP ii bavin& a qENKRAL .~CE SALE Gibson ottktaUn1. Entomb-of ~ atock dri.uu. ~ney ~ 11Ultl. aad wuldt&. U you·re cl& rp .. ea.t~'"WU tn Fomt Lawn mau.9o-ca.ff:)'. yo\.i11 run ln a bwlf and t&tcb oh to a Heni-y Roeenteld suit ie:m4 Frienda wttt uked tu rnukr.I doW1t ttom $40.00 to S27.00 Qmte a nut an1.n.( on neat m p! 'Tilh 11\mp and !'hadf" att&<-.llf'd. In <"'tffff'l't'" F.hony Tf'&Jn1·nod. Rf'tall M .00. ~-.,,. ... . .. %:5.00, I ' 1001 ODDS & ENDS LAMPS· TABU~ -PADS rtCT"UR.E8 • CVSRIOSS Rr:DUCED UP TO ~ nr '"lthout 101·.t!!I aeat. Rf'r. -' -9:-i TA Lr~ an .... ~, :'\°OM', f"l\('h . --.;.;:r. • 4A" .... I d .... 69 96 :'\" l. 4" Ill C fR.111. ....,, X " , PX: f'n " to X · •. • 0"' f ··· ...... -. ····· ·· ~· " ! Onl\·-Dihlnc SlDF. HA 81't"'. Chai,.. upbolstf'rM In tur:-- 1--C,Lt B C~ J In CillnNf' .E})on..,v Tf'a.kn·ood.. I k I ' . lk bl l "phoh1tf'tf"d la a bf'auttful rf'd qnolltf". l'f"I"· S01.$B, !'iio"· 199 . .'SO n ·e P .C"f'ef' • raw 111que 0 ---h•"ood DIN, ·1~...,.. C"" •1.R~ fln.IAh lep.. .u M ~ p f'X· aod whllf' 111trtl>f'd RfK'"k MO*• ~-.. •u ~ lf'n.tob ot lot"e t. Rf'r. r brt R . 54 9:i f'RC'h Pura• M"At• lb f'hOlCf' ot-Colon tM.9~. ::Sow ........ 87.50 ;o"··c. f'a(';r· ... · ...... '. ... '.U.95 1'1odPnrl•tlc d~lp. N"l!M' . .t.93 33} OF,F LARGE STOCK • FL~XTEX -neRE and SJSA.L ' GRASS SCj)UARES LOORt: 8Ql!AR£" SEW 'f'REM \'OUlUlELF 1• 15f each HOU$. No GARDE·" ~t !1°'~ and ln.tead to sulta. \Voul!n't you •Y? You'U ~ hlg;bly at.yl4d dreAU tn wool, ma.ke coat.r.bul!Ma to the BM.g crepe, ta.We. ttlftt.ttf. etc. Alto llJ>me very a.b..U-p .~ blouae• 1 ' Pttlbytaian.. Memorial . ho«plt&I aldrU., a.nd" 1 .-lts t:ha.l an ·priced tor a tut it:l-awaf~ NOW 18 I r .01'11.'li': E \'E:N 'ti8 I: 8{j~'DA \'8 DtJlll.St;, 8.AU~ J XlllWPORT BEACH ' """'" -' •. t.lle TQIE,)JM UNIQUl:~8~H~O~P~,w~Ule~~P~LA~~rnil~-~oa~d.YO~U"Rl:~~·~THE~~==========·=·::::::=::'.::!~=:;:===:-~"""!:i:r.-'~-t--:~'.'.'Z:::::::~:::::::::::::-".'.'"~....;;"::'~~~"!'.'.:::::;::::::::;::::::~ .Netnton. ~ B.af · Pas·.f· ~ largest Carculation /in · ~ "* ~. ~ Mort -~~ f 16, ·· Copie~-~re ' ~i~ered ~~Y ·.·:r .-~1 :1 1' " 1. -I': , .. ' I I • ' . ' ' • ' • ' .. • • ' -. I • • • -.. .. • ' . . -.. ' .. ' . • ' rl!''.TI :;--..-I . . , ' I I ' • , \ • . -. -' . ----------·-------------------·----------------· ----- j C,._A_BRICB· I , SKIRTS BLOUSES • CORDUROYS SUITS JACKETS SWEATERS Fun Fash.ions 1305 Co•st Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR e~· ORESSES 1k to more tflc111· % off JERSEYS GABARDINES -CREPES Fontman Woolens ·were 59 ,95 Now 39.95 Half Size Dresses-25°/o off 5.9.'I BLOUSES 8.96 BLOUSES 8.~ BLOUSF..S BLOUSES ·········--···-·····--·-··--···-Now --···--···-······-····················-No"M' _ ......... ------·------------------Now S.85 4.8S ~.86 llecJulatiOll navy blue hi9h tcltool SKllt1'S 25°/o off ' . . 81.ACKS-SIURTS-SWEA TERS--.IACJl.E111 '!'Id Mloce-• 1-. priced lo clear. 521 Cou* Hlgh..ay WOMEN'S .BLoUSES ' DRESSES SKIRTS JACKETS WES KITS MEN'S SHIRT .JACKETS PAJAMAS SOX TIES • • AND MANY OTHER ITEMS .eo ....... del Mar • ' To I "Mtll.OW FELl..CM"' j . ,, _.. oa1 ... u .. i':'!Jvd. J!ALBOA Qaroor 1~ • DRESSES! ' PR .ICE ·! au; IM • •••• P n n a In 2 ftz! ~-7 IE . ..,.,. --,•. ~ t o.a ..... ·•-a.. ; .......... .... . , Katherinei Ache¥ to be June Bride I . •t I • Hoffrriari Baby Born We~nesday Miu Katherine Achey, daugh-. Tlpplnc the ac&lea at tl&ht ttr of Mr. and Mra. Art.bur Ache)· pounds, eltvtn ounct• 9.'&a tht ot Huntingt.ort &ach announced on aon which arrived on W tdneiiday, Chrtatmu ~e her enppment to Dec. 27 to Mr. and Mni. Albert Corporal Harry Caae, _.n of Mr. Hoffman. 380 T\aUn Court. New- and Mrs. T . 'V. Cue of Octtn pcirt ftetgbla. He wa.a born 1n St. View. JCMeph.I howpltal. MIN Achty I.a dauchter of tht ------ t reuuttr at St. Jame• EplacopAI church. 81'• Will be 1raduattd from Whittler coUtge In .4unt. Her fl.net', p-adualt ot Fullert,pn Jun- ior collt'"r" i.a atatlont-d at" Camp Cooke with lhe 40th Divl•ion. Lee O'Kellys Join Group at Placentia Mr. and Mr•. CA~ O'Kf'lly of Balboa wrre mrm~r11 of a.n Inti- mate group which apent Chrtat- maa day at the home of Mr. and Mr•. John Tuffrtt, P1acf'ntta. Others preunt Wf're Mr. and Mn: Waldo O'Kelly of Fullerton. # _ ... _. • - N,w Granddau9hter for Warren Bradfords . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bradford of Balboa and Placentia recelvf'd onf' Chrt.tmu .-in which could not k topPf'd. It wu a gn.nd- daught f'r, born to lbelr daughter and ton·ln -l&w, Mr. and Mn. Vt'ay- l&nd Aurur .of Ta.fl. Born Dec. 22 at Fullerton Cot- t.aae hoapltal, the baby wu namt;<t Diane Elip.~t..h. I CAllNm nln: FUBNJTURE MADI: IN OUR OWN 8BOPS FU•HITUll llllFfNISHID eot;sz a OAKDEN 611 COAST MWY. NIWP'OlT &UCON UT7 ' . • ·.1 .I • • EBWOOD'S ' JANUARY S~ .. · • Any fabric ln window tk yd. val,uea to je.oo 5180.00 --:-e piece Breakfa•t Set. eoltd Oa.k ··fr······-·· .oo $110.00 Bed Di\'an, drop leaf ends ..................... L-·-······ .00 1 Rat'e 2S piece Chinese Tea Set ·······----·········-····~···:···-····-·-lb.50 Hundrt:d• ot other thlnca at leu than"' CoaL I Frequently 1 am asked if I 1lUI love Ba.I~ the ~'!' Ye1. More of the ea.me. 1 PARADISE ITSELF \\'ERE DIM AND LONELY WIT TREE. BELOVED BALBOA Dr. Boward Erw Furniture -Gltta -Art. Open evening'I -Sunday1 . FUN ~zo~ OPEN EYJltY FRIDAY, SATUiDAY I and -• SUNDAY BAUOA ' \ .. • l " \ ' ,.,. . ,. • . . THE .NEW ,HAMMOND '. CHOR.D . · ORCAN · ; . ' You Can Play 1 licli Orqan Tones .at Once WJTllOtJT KNOWING A SINGLE SOT!: ' OF MU810 Come Rear Md Try Ulla woaderfUI N'"'i Orpa YOUIW!lt DANZ--SCHMIDT PIANO , CO. 5~0 No. Main, Cor. of 6th SANTA ANA ' -Phone KL 2-5140 - S uw'• 1hf' timf' t• Wkt' your ow• &.._ Rod -Gfot a SILA·FLEX GIA~M JlOD IUT ('ompJ.W 8f-Wict&o• OUI IUYIU HA YI JUST llTUINID PI 0 M ANOTHll YPY ·sucCISSPUL IUYIN• SPlR IN TMI I A ST. THI' STOCK IOOM IS IUISTIN• W I T H a,t.IGAINS. HAND NI W, Ul'-TO-THI· MINUTI M.ITI· II.IL$, JUST WHAT YOU All LOOKING POI NOWI ALL .IT THI LOWIST NIC• IN YUIS. SPECl ·AIL URCHASE of SALT WATER KITS SPORTING GOODS XPWport BJ\·tl. a& 17th SL C08TA MESA 88com; Hl1 -& Lo .. or FREE PAR&INO (Fore .. d Aft) JANUARY e~ Dr HMS Alpert'• Rfts". 11 .• f'N WALi (;ORDUROY r.tJ ltiolt-. aJI ft,..1 4U&fftJ'. A .... ,.fJ or 1o •• ,.,. t • l 1 aha.dM. p&HifJ' er p&ate)a. tnn for It ab T e&othM. 8A \""F,.: SA \"I:: 15,000 ·YARDS • < ' All ful bolts, all fine quality CJoOdS, timed perf.actly for . yow ~n9 Wardtobe . · • PrtlltMI h•lltl1.. • ,,... •••llcl1ti9 • Pi• DIMltlos e C!o-••p • e rt.w• Pl .. ii. • PWtf •f•1t I • Weffle Pkt... l • 1111•• cletlts j • L'ri•te4 S.er111ken • CeiaM ';>rl•••ei VALUES TO 98c . ...._ • u- • .....,, May ""-....... , .... --YARD 1 ~up SlO values to 29.95 Other groupa, DRESSES 29.95 valueo ............ 19:95 24 .96 · value• ............ 17.95 1.37 ~ ou'll thrill to the wonderful uloction of lino,'. oxp1n1iv,e febric1, ~nd priced ,0 low, Como oerfy for ;ho be~t uloc· t1on.,, doors open at 9:30. I 19.95 values ........... 12.95 Blouaee Ir Sheets Reduced Milinery Greatly Reduced e..,..Jio 8;9•'-· 00\fXS a SPORTS ~·r;AR 1411 So. Cout Blvd. l..ap- "ln lhe Art C'.ftntftr .. WHY GO l'ABTllER! -· ... _, e 11u -etlU e tlU WALLPAPDS All New lNI Pll- c..t..., t. Per..... I D.c.-.... BOUU &. o.uiotN tti Cwt BW]'. N~ - WELCH'S Ihm Ya .. .,..., ----kEO. 11 .sa. ., .. MONKS CLOTH VALUES TO $2.98 j , FINE RA YON FABRICS I · A wnad.-rful r ab r Ir for d,.lh or f~r th.- ~ t'ntt '-I''-t or • p&J, run bolt•. a11 nnt quality. Door.• OIW'ft &t t :H . \"911.M"<i ., a l o re., t'rou(bout th@ •to"'. 97' Sllppet satins, bengalln .. , trid .. <ent to' .. ~ fetas, puckered troff.tot, fancy fo""°f ~ ... fabrics, Metolliu, 1uftln9 gabardines. Half o hvndr~ bottar fobria oloshod 1.., Y"" to ta••· VALUES TO $4.98[ kEO. $1 .41 EYER GLAZE CHINTZ . ~~~~y~~~~~:: FA~RIC P"Ull bolt-. &II t I r • t qucltty. Lo\"f'ly pat tNna. •·tfkh add Ml mMh to thto bNl.room •or ldt<"bf>L \\'ull&blf' • O~U!'M', &ad ••bat a M\1•l'· Doors 6ptn .. t :SO. REG: Tie WAMSunA ORGANDY Fu.II boll&, ell perma- • Df'l8t lta.i.b 8 •• "·' wlltltf'I ror aurtalm or apre-., Qaaatlt :"' llml tf'd. ptea.. COIDC" Mrly, dMn OpHI •' • t:M. \'al-plott, t.llroupoqt • tM a&:ott!'. ....... '---.----1 VAl.1191° "' .. l.conoN PllNU -oylom, ----..., "-"" i. -.... ""' prlco4 •• fnlctlM of IMlt""""-YAllD 54" WOOLENS VALUES TO 4.95 ........... Values tci $1 .98 TISSUE FAILLES . ' tla.ltl·ftlunent ettpe&. llQl't!'f'I' fabrles. tanq "'7•••; .U eoton. mo.t 45* wkk. Value I.MM. §otrte l•at'"' Ht ~ l•r llol.-_ e&e. Values to $1.69 ' Fine 'Printed and Nov..Y Ray'0ns • I I ~_ ....... Ural leg. $1.19 , ;;:_::;{' F •• -· 1 ~ :;ii ii I 'I ·~ $a~fialoo ;.,._,.,.. i • ... . .:!';'; '1 f . ' 1 $·· ,_ __ , ..... .-1 ·•~t· -............................. -....... ...... , .......... llot I I• oMj.W. - ' ·------..... -.c:.ax ' , , J'-~ nlUI VAµJll IKlal .U _,....., ___ .., ..... ' yd. I· d. ' • • VALl.1Y.S TO $1:39 WOVEN GIN Adv•IK'f' pettf't'iii!I . 1 nationally ad\•f'rtt.ed 1961 •prlnJ" llnP. lf'n«f"tt.. all pnfnrliPd. and 4!" wldf'. · plorP throu~ut t-ht atore. I OUTING FLANNEL FttJf bolt11. "·hJlf', plok. or bluf'. f 'or dlaprn nr alee.Pf'"'· Thi8 ls In~ .& ,·atuf', and you'll thrill to thf' sa,·lnp to bP, found at ALPERT'S B'C K FRO!\f THE )L-\RKET SALE. \.ARD BEG. 69c PRIXTED OUTING FLANNEL Cbecr,s, 11trt(>f"8 and. 'no,·pfilH. t"'a!llt color, prP· , I llhntnk, and prlc-NI •} al?Do11t half of thf'lr normal wUlnc prk-r, ' 1· ARI) BIRDSEYE DIAPERS Full Zl" ,.quart', !!If ft, abAorbP.at, a ,·aluf' lndrt>d. Thl.9 IJ. 8Uch a ~·onderful '°''t for th" mothf"r lo tw, and you'll thrtll t~ ~ a&\1A... 000"9 opru at 9;30, quaatlty Uml • OOZES ' . VALCES. TO $1.S9 --f "DA:S Rl\.ER" • DRESS FABRICS p,.._packapct for y~ur con\'t'Dlt'ncP. Y ftu'IJ find ftJH> rf.n ........ f'Xpt118l\·e lrldMct'nl sultlnp, nn,. er:'Af' flalsb. n.,·ons. YARD !", !') • and S'" wtdth:A. Spttlal purchuot of Df'". .ovelty f')"f"lf't edp.ap. Perfect for trtmmln1. 8av•: Sa,·e! s.a\·t'! sa,·e ! ' v·o. VA,LUES TO Ito I EYELET EQGING ·Ail brand •lf"W ,,..terns. All fl'P111h stoc-k 1or 8prbl •• l" and I V,· w1dtbL For trl.Jnml .. .u,.. pwu aad eo mu otller pntetlcal u--. Y~. • • • ~ . 19c: . ' . . . . ''''* I OOftAI-• ~..-.... -· Rta ••· -~AUDATED iAUIO 'PlUs · -I 1· I l • ' 'ANT~ ANA ,. . . . ' J -' " , • .. '. • .1 . ' -' , • I I I I ~ • I ' • • 1· .. ' ' • I • SURPRISE \·]SIT to '.°'if"\\·port U.rbor 1..oclS"f" or Elk1' "·ai. pllld IA"I "H'k by .I. Jo'Atpr '.\t&.teMI, 1ranJI llf'etttar·r of th,. national fralf'rnlty. ~IMlf'~ '" \\Altlnc lhr ,,._, j'O••t and •pt'ndlnl' the 1\"lrilt>r brrf' .,,,..,. ,..;,m hi~ honw and office ta Cbl('a(1..1. Pl<'t urNt ,,·Ith lhf' Grand Lodi" offl<'l"t In front of thfo local 1oc11,. altar an-, Hr lnz. K&l.!M"r, trmfff of S r\\·port Harhor 1.A>d il"; 0M"ar Hrylnr. r-111 E.xalted RW..r of .4.nahf'lm LodJ('f'; '.\l&slf'r!ll; Tom Sort o~, l.f"adlnr Knl.-ht of :\°P\l"purt Harbor Lodce and "tut1e }~rank Llnnf'll. \"l<'t"-pr-idf'nt of the California Staff" ElkA AA.of1.H•latlon. 1:\e'ol.·l!l-T in1eJ1 Pholo) ' . I Sewer Program May Collapse Unless · '. Directors Take Immediate Action l Dir<'Clors of Ult' county-voide sanitation system '-''f'rf' "·arnf'd o( th~ ln1minent collap11e of the pro~ram due to continual drlayg \\'hru S J>«i&l Counsf'I E . J . J.ls.rks 0 \\.edn~ay night !lubmitterl a rPport on legal d<-vt'lopn1ent.111 whic h ha\·e snarled the prog ra.m during the nrarly tv,;o yt:ars !ince ·$8.308,000 in bonds \\'t'fe voted. ;\1&.rks !!&id that tt'jt' !'leveral pur-. ..------------ cia11e agrel'mrnt!I, ~y \\.'hLC'h thP IR 0 Long Family county 11anitat1o n cli!ltricts y,·ould I • • take ov~r th!' Oranii:e Count\' I at Ho l"1day Fete Joint Outfall SeY.'er SystitoRi. aP-• . JX'•r to be "hoprlrs!ri)' rntangled.". ~Ir. and ~lrs. Robt-rt 0 . Long Unlrls a ll pact.! are a pprwvro and daughter Barbara of -42.-1 All!!n bv Feb. 1, thr sanltati'en-districts St.. l\'e\vport H eight.~. ,,·erf> r ntPr· I ~ill I08e $~3.00() In state aid.· of-tained rf'cently at a holiday ret1>. ft'red the dL!tricts by the board of gi"·e-n in Long Beach by Mr . anJ t 11upervi.l'lors some mon~h.s before Mrs. J.l illard Creii;:~ton. I . the bonds Y.'P re approved. ~l s.rks • . I warned tbat thQ co11nty sanit&-C t M WCTU BRIDl:-F.l~t:('T ESG.-'Gt:o lion dh1tr iclll "can•t be financN OS a esa i'.\llA!I Mary K . Bar-nH. dauih· ., I w ithout lhl.s n1oney," wh~h w as M t J 12 t,.r Dt jr. and ltn. J . E. I to ·pay engineering COl!!lS and ee s an. RamN or Oran~h.u Mt datf' ~ partially pay some construction The hdtne o! J.-lre. Elmer Cla rk, of ~tar. 11 to ~m" lhf! brtdf" ; COl'lt&. 2<1,2; Orangl' . .o\ve., \\'ill bE' the o f Rhftf' J:. Fo11111t . .Jr .. MJn ur The b-Oud of supcr\,sor.s \\'hich h hi ~Ir. a nd Mra. Rhu tr.. 1'011at of meet ing place for l e mont y M.S· 11et t he Frb. 1 clea dilne fo r ag-rel'· sion of t hP Co"ta Mrsa \\'CTU on c·ocona dt>I Mar, S ht' la a Krr.d- m.nt under pen&Jty or Y.'ith· F' ·d J 2 11111"' ftf OrftOJf' Hlrh •('hool. ri ay, an. 12 a t p.m. dra"·al of lhf' fund.s. will be aaked Hl"r flan('f'. a 1traduat .. nf ~anta to e:ittl'nd the dt"adlinP, a ccording o· F . .-'n• Hli:h ll<"hool. now I• • to Marks. 1qner oursome Atudr nt at Santa Alla ('Ollt:(f". The coun.st'I said that Dlstr1c t· E H One, SanLa Ana. still i11 ln dispute, at astman Ome GEN. \V. M. ROBERTSON, "'ith\D1!'ltricts Two a.nd Three of Mr. and Mr11. Raymond K. East-Sacto .. St.ate Civil Defenee DlrN:- the north &nd west O ra nge Coan-fna.n or Co.!'t& Mesa ho!lted & rttf'nt tor--"OUr program'11 f ir1t obj~- 1ty arf'a. over the pur chase •grf'e-dinnf'r ror 1.lr. a nd 1.trs. Frank tivf' la to h&Vf' aomeotte tralnt'd in ment for the ou,trau sewer ays· Eutman. fi rst a id 1n f'very hOUlf'hold." tern's rac1lt1t>.11. ThC'rf' y,·111 be a llp!'Cia \ met>ting .-------------------------.. ot thP executive co1nnl1tteP of the county \l.'t•1e 11an1t at1on ~etup on Frid&Y. night in a n attt"nlpt to \\'ork out an ai;:rt>ement. Robert H . Boney. Anahe1n1. 1s chairman of the ext'cut1v" con1m1 tlef'. l\far k.s a lso .11a 1d that the Ap- pt'llAtC' Cnurt r~w to be askC'd I on validity or th!' "linult>d pa.r· 1 ttclpatton plan" under "·hich Di.!· trict T\.\•o and Thrl'.'f' and Srven I or Tu.!!t1n·Lt'n1011 He i ~hts pay only non1inal tAx rate.!! rannot bP com- p lett'd by Feb. I H e a l.110 said that f the county distr1ct.<1 havr bet>n Un· ablt> to obtain rights of \\·a y for p roposed line11 or additional land for eJ1:pand1ng the Sl'\\'&ge trt>a t- mont plant. • ------- OOllONA DEL IUJI ' -~·~:· •I LAGIDrA llEA<lB 111r-....4,._.. l l • ' 1 • ' • •. ' .. SALE SPECIALS Ya-Y2 Off ~ten's Sweaters-Wool and CMhmere SHp-Ove" and Cardigtns ' • Men'• Wool Gabardine and Wool Plaid Shirts Men's Arg~·le Sox Woolen Berets for Mon I: Women • Tee Shirts for Men and Women Women's Pull -Q,·er Turtleneck Sweaterw 630 Coast Hlway 'Newport Beach Beacon 5248 Open Sundaya SALE . . EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ·Suits -Coats -Dresses Sweaters -Blouses -Skirts I • . ' I • SAVINGS TO 1/2 • .· . -; I· . J " I I • l. • ' I •. • .' ,) I NEW-7'-~T~BA_Y~PO~ST~•"_d_S_H_O~.P_Pl_NG~N_E_w_s----:----...;....-----i---'----------.,------------------------~'~·,.!.:....:J· No DamcMJI by -Small BYC Firt ' A amall ·fire wu rPpOrted tt the flalboa Yacht Club at :i ;SO p. m .• Monday. Vtnea:, bad r-rown ove"r the chimney outlet and ca ught tin. Engine 2, N'ewport aod En· i . gine t , B&lboc-Island. ann:<'rf"<i The fin! "¥i"&JI brought quickly Wlder control by r lppl.ng •Way lhl' burning vtnea. No· damare• we.re reported. p;a"°j,,,~ ' ' TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) Oss ert ft' ' I el ftNe 0.."s •• 0..ht.11 ..... t,.!' .... "'*. 436 Sina Dme -Ha,.1r 1171..J Corona Hlghla•cls -Cor1•a del M.. ARB~R -FROZEN . FOOD LOCKERS . . Mee+-•+ Whole1ele SAM'S ·SEA FOOD C-.pa.te c:-.. LUNCHEONS--DINNERS:i "At The Si9n of the Sw.rcHWi" l••itlful New and Enl.r9ff Codrtall l1 .. 11 , . For. Lockers or Locker S~e .A,ail~le -Home Free%er1 r LOCKER . RENTALS . . . Tel1pho"e: Hai;-0711 : SURFSIDE · 8atwu• I.a BeMll Md S..... ...... ~: at • MeOt 1:11 ,. . . 30th St. <Next to the Ice Plant) Newport leach Van Z...bralMI CHEESE {; FOOD e&a- ..... ~it.Gem EGGS ... .!El! iGuDE ' E .. ry egc piro"'"'4. E 59c. suao PINEAPPLE ~--25· HoK~ M«.22C lel Air brand PEAS . fancy -Ul<ololo - HALVED PElBS Del.=" i::36° PEICBES /~~ 2 ·::-lit' FRUIT COCITID. ~=~: -.:-29° lHK AT Tlllll rAllll Sugar Belle 1'ea1 , •:;• 17• S _. p ..,_ ...... 1-w ... , Ml Jt~ t-_..- Whole Beet~ ...,.. 2 •:;::-35• Diced Beets c;o.,., 2 ~ .. 25• Sardinesci~~.:.:.~ 2 1Y:;. ... IS• Chili Sauce ~ ~ 20- . Minced Clamt r~ ·~· 35• Pie Crust & Filling".;:::::::;-... 11" C~. ""'-'. ., ~ f'"""OI. Pineapple Juic. ,... "!:• 33• Orange Juice SC: ·~·.:· 17• Orange Juice ~.;:.-•::;· I.,. "LucerneMilk ---19l c M-O\Wl'w1M, ~'""" .... 1 YI ·~ 39c ) M·lk •-IU!bt«t to SfCrt• a-ct ~lot-. Maier Brew "I 02" '!;:-· 18• 1c .. of 2"1 , J.'141. '"'ofi.,..a ooily ;,. !lo!~ Uc:........:! to w ll ~. T-n oddohonol. A. c ff "'~· • ... ·•· 75• 1~ay 0 ~ Me11e1w l]·lt> boo;!, 2.19 1 • Nob Hill Coffee ;,.::..., '.:! 77• 12·9' boo. 1.5)1 Tenderleaf Tea Tea in Bags '°"~:X~ i:-::: 439 The ''-" blend _, ~ sw:-1.r .•. ond " """"°" i..., too. 11 6 Mo ~o .• 1sc1 Margarine f':~=!:~ •· 34• Chocolate Dnip1 ".::;. ~ 25• WESSON OIL; ,i.i 39• _. 75•· kttl• ~ f IVORY SOAP PLAKll 12v. ........ .... '"'- •oY.· LIQUID . SUDS -~31• , 1 POTllOES t.90 lfo. I-A. Wlillo ~Pro F "I kool la -"-'• :mm .=· .. · &0 0111m = s ... 29° . Al)H PellS 3 ... zs· . . RtdY• t ... zs· . - STAil THE NEW YEAI •1GHTI '· Sheppen, here'• a chance lo 1.c J091' 1951 fl>oi..,... pt olF on the right fool! Safeway rinp in the New Yett with a hig ~alue event fealarlq a lineup or wonderCal hu11 for you. Don't .lti., 1hi1 opporlnnlty lo Mff money on fine qua lily f ood1. O.eek the ... 1-lilted , la tloi• ad. Then h....,, to yoar _.by Sal eway rlgltt _. I or 7-.r needal • ---1/!t:flff MIX ----..,-.. lisqulck Mod< hy Gold.Jiledol. PIM! Mix For better bitCUitt. ........ .... . ' ~37·· CANNO Ml~ . . ' . dtetult lrend 3 _ ... .it4IJe For cook.inc. t•Me \Ill. tl6- ' c...-i.., ..... 3 _ ... 35• NHtl .. , $efO am · BIB BOAST Ten<kr, j1:1icy ro..tls from fint Ii"' r ibs ol rully trimmed. control aged brad. Top lJ . Gov ·r grade.. BIB STEAi .. 7gc 1Qc .. Top U. S. Go•'t grodo bttJ. Tender, jwicr, Ro.orlul . , • \ • • I • ' . I . . . Y~R.N~ . . SAFEWAY . . . . """(. • I • .J .,_.. .. • j ' -, • ' - ' I, , . ~ ·' . ~··-. -· -~ ""· • • _, --r- ~ • • . - . ' { ., ·- . , j • ~·l •• • . • ' I -~---. ----1'9 -• ~ ·1 I --' ' . I 7\ • • .• • • • -. • . l • ' ·j • ., ' • ' I -' • • • , J • • ---': • • . . I . - . . ' ' THIS , ENTIRE ~IGH GRADE, EXCLUSIVE ·STOCK ••• TO. IE THROWN 'bN · I ~KIT ••• ~ND ~CRIF'lc:ID ••• TO THI pu1µc •.. AT THE TIRRIFIC PRICE REDUCTIONS ,: •• IN THIS GREAT A o~ NEW OWNERS 5!.0 f K DISPOSAL SA.Lr ' I . ' . • A SALE WllH A ~=-:~~ .. Thhl ,.t-orf' hU TOCK" pur- thft ' .. tDA 'SA yLOR 1!. . , • Tbf"Y • ~ b)' othf"r plU'i of thf' • ~ SUCCESSORS TO •• A S•I• Oedic:•!ed to the omplete C'fse-Out of All "IOA N~YLOR STQCK" •.• ·fhi1 Stoc:k Must ·k .•. Hait Be Sold .... kfore the New Ownl C.n ~se ·An Entire New Stoc:k of Merc:h•ndi1 .... Which will Comprise the . Fin It Men'•, •nd w • ....;,.,, Also Chi~r•n'1 We•r ! .. Shoft •.. Tli•t C.n Pos1il?ly Be P~red. Thi1 Entire L•rge Stoc:k t be Thrown on the Market . : . Andi S.crificed ••• Re.gerdless of Los1 .' .. In This Gre•t II-Out ... New Owner's Stoc:k Oi1posel S.le . '. . Thtt Orders Are •.. Cle•r Out This erc:hendise end Let No Lou .St•nd in'tl.e W~.: , IEACH TOGS SPORTS WEA.I AND SHOES for MEN1 WOMEN and CHllJ>REN i 2 0 ·4- MJlRINE Jl VENUE ' c • , e thf" "9llW' lnt.f'ntl to ('Mai 8 .-ntlrf" nf'\\' 11torl" •nd purt'bll_..,, ll But thh1 handlM" · • · "'toc·.k of ~r<' tit all prdf'nt bl' dnnf' \IR rannot · i l oM"d out-•tntk 11 l" y out · dt"r '° carr DA 'NAYLOR THE NEW OWNER STATES • • • I ·Balboa Island · . . .,,.._ NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE . ,t:f'rf'fnrf', ln or ta•inJ thl• "'f' tt.N" !I ,. .. -pll\n"'· 1 of f f'rinK tM' t ,.torf'·\\'ldf' ""' f', f tbi• 1'N"ll tht> Pf""'P1'" u "ntlrf! 11tock to t tf'rriflc. almo&t ronlmunlty · : · ~ut"tionllo . , . !llld • • AFTER THIS SALE I • • A NEW NAME 1 .•.• AND ~,., 1=1\!Tffll; " . STOCI( ~ard o f prl(~ r . u ntU .ti e r I "·ltl C'Ont1nUfl kt the ""fl' f thl• atnc"k ia 91'.t • A COMPLETE CLOSE OUT the ma}orlt)' o • OF AL'-PRESENT STOCK Our Purpose Is C lear. Th is is a comp1ere sell-OUT 0 1 Toe ~1111re pre.enT »roe ~ "by Tne 11ew owot:r. · 1n !uruer ro carry . out certain plans for restocking the store with other f ine li nes of men's, women's and ~hildren 's wear. It i1 imper.ii - tive <"nrl rece•sar" thl'~ u"• 1;,.,.;,.i .. t,. ..,fl "" tli~ maioritv of stock nn hand ... tn mak~ roorry for thesle new lirie1. Below we have li5ted as many of ttie . I Great Pric:e Redttc:tions as spec:• wHI ...-. ' . permit ••• There are 111C111y other Great -Sav in9s tn1 oug .. - out the stoc:k. . ' THIS IS A SACRIFICE IN REAL DEAD EARNEST ... TO CLO:St: our AND :SELL OU I .. ALL t"t<.ESEN '1 :s I ULl\l . - . AND Tr.tERE WILL BE NO LET-U P TO THIS SACRIFICE ... UNTIL THIS STORE IS SWEPT CLEAR OF T,HIS MERCHANDISE .. • LADIES' PLAY SHORTS Gahardines, Denlmoe, Plaid•, ek. ~NEGlf~s-.. ·--················· 1ss 'LADIES' .PEDAL PUSHERS . . Sotid Color Cordroy and Cotton Plaids. ~;;l~~u-e .. .. -·· 2 77 Ladies' SWEATERS All \\'ool Slip Ohs and Cardigans-- Many lov•ly styles. In famolffl makes ~f;G;~l~9~ . ·········· .. 388. LADIES' BEACH JACKETS Plaids, Solid 'ColOl'll · aad Strlp19. . . . ONE GROUP \-. 100 ~ti.'1" ~= ............. , ... : .: ... - Ladies' Knit Blouses . ' NYLON HOSE First Quality .•• Umitod Quutity. ~;.;~;:~~: ···················· 66 c: LADIES' i ALL NYLON PANTIES Extra Special ONE GROUP 99c: ~~tt ~R~~i° .. . . . .:. Ladies' Rayon Panties .Extra Fine Quality ~;.~0;:~1~ .. ' .. . . . 5 9c: BOBBY SOX Misses and Childrett!i 19C: :al~:,~~ ................. . Ladies' RAYON SLIPS --;-BRASSIERES WellKnoWt> PERMA-LIFT .El:::.:~: • m m , .. * ·;:;;;~ m • • _ 1" Ladies' BLOUSES . . GI-OLES ~oas, ·RayoDS, SoUd Colo..,;· ·ad Famous Makes, llluy liylou. Prints ONE GROUP ' . . 88 ONE GROUP 100 Values 1<1 $10.00 . · . • 2· · v.iu .. to $6.95 . SALE PRICE -· .. ··----·-··-- SAl.E ·.,PRICE ... -·-.. --·-.. -··· , LADIES' '.Ladies' T-SHllTS · Dresses & Ptay Suits • • I D11e hi Risi'") Pric" ••• This Sale is of Great linporta11c:e hi Y" • . . S. we ur99 Y°" to btiy with every Miiar you ct111 spore ••• tM S.vi1t91 WiH le Greet. Ladies' Cotton Skirts Ladies' PLAY SHOES Men's IPORT SHIRTS Slnart Print., SolWa ....i Twe T-. ~;G;:~~~95··-· ............ _ .. 2 88 Ladies' PLAY ·TOGS . Ladies' PLAY SHOES an~ SWIM SUITS Oae and h ·o Piece St)·&ea • Dtz1r• Cotton Print•. Pl~. ~;.1~:G~~~i5 . _n ___ .. : ........ 1 DO -YARDAGE Cotl<ln Prints, Drapery Fabriea .•• And Many Othera 29C: Values to $1.29 SALE PRIClf, Per yd ....... . Ladies' ROBES LADIES' CORDUROY JACKETS . 'Reg. $12.95 v aluee SALE PRICE ~_:_'_ .. ,_ .. _ 7'" Men's SWIM TRUNKS Men's Terry Cloth ROBES and JA.CKETS · la a Wide !iolectloa or Stiii- ::v•~~C~al~~ ........ ·. 338 . · Men's Flannelette SHIRTS A luge SelJtioo. ..; ohort and long •lee"e, "'0;0~ cottons and ra3·ons, el<l. .. -.olld colon and print.. · ONE GRO!Jf 2 88 ~ft: t&.g ......... -.. -: ......... . ~ti~~r.9~~ ................... 4 88 -\MEN'S BAUET BALL SHOES Made by B. F. Goodrich. Also E:~'i.4'-".'" m •••• 3 ~ . Men's · SANDALS , • I 77 ~t:p~1J:'~f!ll . . ............... 1 Men's ~NDERWEAR Athletic Shir, Brlof1 and I;lroad- elotlt Short,s. - ONE GROU 49c: ~~~ ~R~2r ............... .. M n's SOX Novelty Dre Sox and aolld colors, Many, nylons Included. . ' ~~G~~ ········-········· 66 C: ' Boys' Flannelette PAJAMAS . ' :.:i:ZP~J!~ .... :.1 .. ---·--1 OO~ Boy's BASK~T BALL SHOES Made by B. F. Goodrich and other well knoWll makes. ~~~G~:r:i°. _ ........... : ...... : .. 2 79 GIRLS' Sandals and strollers All Colon ~~ ~R~i5 ............ _ .......... 1 OO Childrens' SLEEPERS Hanes Qualih" ODO lihd two-piece. • 00 ~,:i~~ ~1tf~~9 ..................... :.... 1 Girls' R.ayon ~aQ.lies ONE GROUP __ \ 33c: Values t<> 79c ; · SAi$ PRICE ....... !. ...... ~ .. . Girls' and Tots PLAY TOGS One and two-piece, 8iSM S to 14. · ON!; GROUP 288 .~~ i'kf'45 .. ........ . .. , I ' . '· Novelli .. ud Solid Coton la · ~ ud '.l'wo Piece in .Liu'ely Styles A: Wide SelecUon From Which to Chooee., Famous lllalles. ~ I • • ONE GROUP • . . ·1 S9 ;.:'1~: ;'= -... --'=·--. . ~ · ONE GROUP 200 3"° ValllM le $14'.95 · ~ SAl,E PRICE .... _ MG ' ' . After ~,Sale ••• Watdt. for tlie ope•illt of. ttais ..... 1 ...... , .... ·-·-·· ••• witll • MW .... .ct • aallre aew stock. ; ' .. ,, • • ' ., '. i . I • ' . r, • . t (. ' . :"'-:-... t. r -\ I . . . ' :· • I • r I I • I , ,• -. • • . SUl!ll SA YI ... SPICIALS tfflCTIYI . ' . T"U DAY~ FlliAY -SATURIAY · .. JANUARY '4 ~ ~-6 · 1s~ T~• h•t-li .. cle• Ytllow CoMrol AMorlto• BANANAS ;. .. .... ' .. .,.. ..... ~-------------...--...-POT ATOis 10 LIS. 21c ....... ... . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . ............... ~-.. . . ......... -. ~ ivDoci·oos 10~ ------~,.............. . ~ ............... ....,.._-.. CRA-Ni0 ERRIES 1ox 14c W•1lti•9tow State, Oellcio111 er Wi11e1op -APPLES • 4 '~·29c ' • : . JEWEL .OIL · .. ·Swift'• hr s.i..i1 & All PIM CHkl•t PINTS : 9UAITS · 34c 63c -N udclo i.,, ... , 33~ · CATSUP -~~= 17' -----~ ~------ : S41ls~ine · llPY . ll;B4fl31;'1 . ---1-LI. 25C IOX _.:::.:.. ----------------·--· -~-- CAMPllLL'S llD DART .. TOMATO · TENDER Stewing -Hens ( SOUP PEAS I coilNEo aEEF sr-r OUI OWN MAKI ..................... . . CUDAH'i''S 1-LI •. WILSON'S KOIN KIN6 SLICED C.t Up LKcll Dro11ocl 45~ SausaCJe Rolls !.~~P.~ ........ ~ ...... 53~ AIMOUl'S PUii ·3 J:! 29' 17-0Z.10c - CAN · ' ·-' VAN CAMP'.S CHILI CHILI (Plolol IWI .. lo•1l ~:O 35c c •• No. 25c -~°.° •. ·-VAN CAMP'S ' PUii 49~ POIK . ~AA~9. ...................... 21 c \......, ___ _.. ---. TAMALES Ne. JN 19c: c •• Ideal Party Appot(Hn ud c;>uick Moo! Sug9ostlo"' Shop & 9 Save ,_,.........,._.._~, ~· · HqlMIL'S MIDli!T DIY GOLDEN STATE CERVELA T . LI. 'LOIGHORN ' COIM-lllSH DAILY • CHEESE: TORTILLAS DOZ. POUND I I GreeR ·Label . ,• · wM111111SL! I Pineapple H~ . sked 'i ' ' " • HEINZ · FOOD SALE I Hol• Y olh1w. II•• or G"'" Lollel C&I SUQAI . ~~,!~:.~~~~ .... 15'. · ~• Cane . 14.I• c;;.;.~ ••• ..-c-;;;..,, ~ ..... ~ ~. -. -. · 1 1·'°'· ~iiiY .. io0n'· ·~;~, r 41/a .... c ............ 3 5 HEM!T MEDIUM llPI iaciiurATO := ~3' · OLIVES ' .... 1 Toll Ca• MMf ~ ... p1 ... SolKtlo• I• Tew• GOLDEN STATE· H!IN% CHOPPID POI JUNIORS . !~~! .. ~~-~ .. 2'.~19c ',_ •FIOM SO::OTLAN8 , THISTLE SCOTCH · ..... s~ . . I SLIC~D CHEESE ' l'OUND HALUl'S IOTTLID IN IOHe . · . . COUITY F All . ""' s 457 · . . ..-•. .. Ya. OIJI STRAIGHT . , . · 011 JI. ·HAILEY .. ..,.. $3 39 59~ LAIGI IYI •IADI 'A' SWISS CHEESE ... 3 CO.MPLETE SH,PPIN-G' eE~TJRS. . DOWNEY NEWPORT : IEACH I CORONA' PEL MAR ,,51 L FlilSTONa IL,D. at c...t~..,. et T.iff. · ! . .., ·C~ 1t1,hioy, et J-l• 1 AT DOLAN AYL Opoto Dol4' ....... I...... . '' W ·DUIJ ....... JI ..... , . I . ·''-· ..._ 0,-DollJ' .... -.. (lhL " ....... .....i . -(rn._ ..... _ .. , ~ ! , \ • ' ' . ' . . • ; . -I : . . i· L-'~::::::::::.._..AllTll ...... __ u_r_•~~-D~r -11~~·~:•~-~~~··-ALl,~-~~~~-!11~.-~-~--W~l~·~)~·;;;;;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~.;;;..;;.~~-+--+.~--~~~'""-:8' 1 .... ;Jiiiii°'iiUM I .· c I ~:;::::~:;;.~"." '' f ~ · llN OUR :NIWPG~T , llACH ~l(IJ . ~I( _ J'J l)_e - '1 . ·: • ' 1 . ' . _, . . . f i.. • ,. . .' ' ., . .. . . 1 • • • I ; • . I : . . . . . . • :- -· 1 · -. • ' ' - I -• • ' i NEwPoRT BAY POST ancl SHOPPING NEWS -lol:er Pup ·Lost . -o~ lalboa Island 8&1\i.a Clat11 "1en· mo wry quick-1 ly, add he left a broken hurttd boy at 228 .A.P91ena St., Bal~ lalan4! Santa Claws,. um beard &nd lied coetume wu "JlU" an 11 w~ old brin~e Boxer female pup. , • • La.ft· nJg!l.t ltte pupl wu ·let out for IL brtet ~x~\M and llbe dta-- appe&red. Mra.. jWhlte hu t'he ta1. the harneu and leuh but lher,. la not much left for Perry wha.e pet the dog wu. If you att a bewildered Boxer bounein« a.round the Ulland , she lA really• triuidly, call Mr1. Art whitf and ahf' and Perry wtll come arunnlng. ' C. D. M. Writer to Speak at Writing Confab ~ ;:: ' . I "I SAVE FROM MY HOUSEHO D ALLOWANCE! , .... -1( {)l'TS"l'ANDl:\'G ACtitE\'E~IEST I~ Qt.ALl1'\-OF AO\.ERT1SING ,, . .,.· tlw-tt>oor or lbt> &\\·ant p,._,pnt~ to o . \\'. "Dl~k" Hlcharl'.W.. -vroprM>tor ,,f Rie hard" Udo ~farkf't lul "N'k hy ('sllin 0 , Litllt>!Wld of 'tcCall!' ~la.p.1.lnf'. RIC"hard a.nn"x1·d thf' !il1'.t'ablf' .(Gld m~lal ovf'r a th-Id of ?183 Pntr1MI nf markf'ti!i tbrou,rhout ttw-l 'nitf'd Stat~. Th~ hfoautlful lllf'dal "u ,.IM'&.'Wtl In a plutl" dNk mount. Pit:tt~rNI &bol' ... IPft to rtght ..... th,. &\\'3.rd ,, ... m.0.-at a luMhf'On Thuf"!l'day att, Mayo~ L 1-J"~II. ('ha.mhPr of ('ommf>rf:'f' Pr~ldt'nt Roland \Vrirht, '.\'Ir,. Rleh&rji,, Dirk Rl"hard!' -~~ field. Thf> ad\"f'rthdnir ''hlch ''on th•· prt~ .. ,,.__ compn-<t In thf' shop of th<-Sf"\\por1 llarbor Puhll11h- lnf Company and nrn In lht' :"f'\\p<tJI Ray Pu11t and Stiopplng SP\\"11. 1Ne,,·s-T ln1t>s Photo I ' Dr, Austin RobtrlJI of Corona dl'I ~far will tliN:U&~ fi ction writ · ing at the crf'&t lvf' wr1tlnJit \oli.'ork· shop.to b(' givf'n by Santa Ana col· IPf:" w rit irig cla8.'lr,; a nd li brary J1Jtgrf11 in con1unct lon with th,.ir libraty lf'a . Whenever the children ask me for money, I put t,h• equivalent of what I give · them towards my sayings . . , and I do the same thing with the equivalent of what I tip the delivery boys. It's amazing how fa.st those small amounts add up." P rofeaaional author11 and lllU1'· trator1 will dlscuM various phUl'I' of writing at l'&ch o( the> five wo1·lt1'hops. In charge of thr affa ir are F lorPnce Finlf'y, Ruth Bradley a nd Lota B lythfl.. You. too, can save this way for the things you 1vant. Start a Savings .Program here tdday! CURRENT HIGH DIVIDEl-ins AT s31 D.RAPERIES ... f'"RO~I $.\.00 Pt:lt. P :\llf. C'l'ST O.\.f ~ADE FRO:'\f SF:LECT FABRICS CQ,\fP I£TE INTERIOR DEC."O R.i\Tl:\'G SERVIL'E C'PHOLSTERI:'\'G e SLIP CO\.ERS e BEDSPREAlJS BEACON HOUSE INTERIORS Ebel! Book Sec. '4 Jo be Discontinued P.1.rf'tin~." or Ebell'l Book s('c- t 1on •I, !1i'h1•dult'll for tri.r r1rt11l \\'t'dnesday evl'nlnf.? of <'ach inonth "-'ill hf. d1scont1nurd until furlht'r ! not1cr according to lhl' C'hairman, New Year Guests at Kesel Home NEWPORT B~LBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN AsSOCIATION I '· A. 'ALMF1.. ,.,,,ii.wt 3333 Via Lid• HarlJot 1500 ;.?:?Q._ Bt:AC'H ~T. LAtil'X . .\. Rt; . .\.('H .i-.\.5IJ i::\1 rs. Ray Xt>ilsen, lack of intt>rf'st L.'..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;::::;::;:;::::;::;::;::::::::::::::::J n t>Vrning s('ssions bP1ng given 11!1 lhe reason. Celt'brating Nf"V>' Year'11 Day \oli.·1t h Air. and M rs. Kt>nnf'th KP-'f'l of 23rd St .. CO.!lt& Mef!a , 'A'f!Tf' ~f r. w.nd Mrfl. Leo K f'.!!f'I and childrf'n, J.fary, John &nd R icha rd; Mr. and lo{rs. C hArJps Kr!H!I, 1-fr 11nd '-frs. J ohn Byers a.nd Marilyn Sf'xton. NEW .. DRT •IEACH, CALl,.DRl'lllA "CW ... -.. I "'-' JANUARY , SPRJNGS AND MATTRESSES ~0\f" •. ~l .\10'.'>S l:\~t:R SPRl'."\G )t . .\TTHt.:ssE~ a.nd Mllll'hlng llOX ~PRIXG ~6&'0 r"·in or full "izf'. Rf'"Jt. 99.atl ... ' iwf 7 B.\ll~t:\' S('H."'llDT &rk SUf•!•o rf1•r l:'\0 '.'>t:R SPl{IX(i ~f . .\TIR~l'lt: .... and ·'fatC'hln.-ROX :-iPRISG. t:.11:tr11 flm1 ror nddf'd 1t111>port. Rf'f". t:i9.00 IM"f 1·0ROS . .\ ... Ofo:Lt·x l:X:\"t:I~ :->PJllXG )L\TTRt:S.SES and '.\latrhlnr ROX. ~PRJ'."\(; R-lO <'Oil~ In m~ttrf'!li,., t:'l:tra hral·~· tirklni;:-. RPr:. 109. Sri K'.'>llttrr•s Hf::iT IXSF;H SPf{J'.'\(i )f:\TTRt::"S &: :ttat1·hlnr ROX ~PRIXfi T" In ot rull i.lz.-.. -'.<'.A. ti .. ·kinc:. ltf'i::-. .19.9~ ~ .. t ' 89°" 8900 49"' '"1)1)10'.'>~ KJ.'.'IJ(i srzt: Bt.:.\l'T\0 RF: .... T IXXt:RSPRl:'\·c.; YJ . .\TTRF:S/ol 239''0 . .\nd '.\111tr hing ~x Spring-. R.-~. :!69.00 . .. XO"' 1 GROUP OF LAMPS -% PRICE \ Ll\l~NO -•ooM FU"NITURE )IOl>t..:I<'.'. BED Ol\0.o\:'\" tt '.\tatrbln, l 'H..\IR SET. j)iltstiC' lralhf'N"flf' arm"'-Rt-i:-. 1.t9 . .'J9 )10Dt:RS".(·0~"T01 .f{ f'HAl.R \'lnylltr ('o'·!'r-alr rna.n1. R1·~· 117 ............... . .'lOOt:R:'\-0<'(! • .\l-'10:\-."'-I~ ('ff.Aiits ~prln.I:" l·On!ilrurtion. \\·<H1I t·OYf'rin{. . .\R)llJ:ss BED 01\'.\X &fld ltut rhlnt f'H . .\.IR ~· P iP('Pfl. Rf'(. 99.;)0 COL0'.\""1 . .\1. BEil 01~· . .\.:X and 't:Btr hin.ir ('IL.\.IR (fl\.\' l'IBld {00\'f'r. '! PtPt't>"I. Rrt:". l'.!9.50 .. ('OL0'.'"1 . .\.1. 0<'(".·\~10'.''.<\I . f 'H .\IK ~aJf'n1 ~laph'. 1•nlorf11l pr!nt C'Q\·Print;". Rf"g. 54.95 )t:ODt:HX ('1'R\"t:o :t Plt-rr ~t:C'Tl<>X . .\.I. Print <'O\"f'rlntt ,,·Ith 129·'0 69''0 .. ,. !'pr<'lnl 29 •• .... , ..................... 79''0 ............ , 79•• 39•• l>f.Jux,. N"d \\"OOI rrlf'Zt> ('0\·('rlni:-. Rf'"(". 429.:?5 .................... . ·379"' LOl·'.\·(;f: c·H . .\IR or-n ,,·Ith m<t"~ rrlnx<·. RP.(. ~9.9l T1°R C'H.\IR .')9.95 - LOOP CARPET LA'lni w,.arln.-. d,.coralnr t>nlo"', plWltlc barkf'd 595 ~.yd. • FURNITU-RE ;:,.,, .. I • SA VE UP TO 50~/o TELEVISION SETS l\IOTOROl.A 1%•.1" Rl.OSD COS~OLE -18" 81~'.\'D TABLF. )100EL \ Rf"J. ~'79.9~ HOP'FM.~'.\'l Rt>r. !'79.9.) HOFYMAS" 14" Rt>f. 307.9~ .,_ MAHOGAX\' COS~OLl:. I l<OW 19800 sow 24,u i<ow249:• Special I Covers . ·. 2'~ 1 Group of Modern OCCASIONAL CHAIRS S?ring !eet, Plestic Leetherette ~ BEDROOM FURNITURE ~ront:RX "'R. and ~RS. CHEST a BOOKC'A~E ~AD BOARD Nlb}P &rt'~· flnJ11h . R'"lt· 119.M) ........................................................ :SO\\' QDD CHE~T!ol, )la11ll' or Blond rlnlsh .f ""'"''"r, mf'tal pull'l. R'"lf· S9.60 :. :S0\\0 H F.1"\\·oon \\'Al\.t:FIY.l.n MODF.RX BF.OROOM OROlll'. Solld RlrtC'h !:~ ~::;;:.h~~:ln~;~:oo c~~~~t• .. ~f ~~ f'h~-~-'· -~·anft~ "·Ith -~~~e .. ~-~~r~O\\" 24 MODt:RS S.OLl.Dt ASH BEDROOM GROt'r . ~&bl,. &n!Y finlah, nnl1'h. l..ar("e boOk~a~ ht>ad board fnr doubt,. or twill alt,. 15 RM:I,. ~r. & "ra.. :f'hf'tlltA .,.·Ith lar("r mirror. ~.-. IM.MI XO\\' ~1oot:RS" BEDROOM GROt:r j 't.Ari:r ( h'""t. ! :'\!l~ht -"'lft.nd!'I. Rt>i:. 191 .. \0 ........... T ......... !'lriO" • 0 I 0 Bro,,·n T\,·1-f'd \\ ilh 1n1Hi'\ frin_i;::f'. J{f"g , ~ODt:R'.\. ()('('.\~I0'.\.1\L f 0l,1"\lR Adju"ta.hlt-Rac·k, 1·oral rol"Prinr;. J{f'"li. 3-9.95 ! :\L\TCHl.:X<~ )10Dt;J::X (){'('.o\SIO:S . .\L CHAIR~ Red mf'tft.lil' <'In th ro' Prine~ Rf'c. G"l .50 Pa F.XGl..l~H LOl.:'\"°(it: ~OF.\ ..,._.,,~.,. hand prlrt r·•hl'"fr. RP1t. ~39..50 . SO\\. ,.,., l<O\\ 219"° llt,ITTJIJI fURNITURE BROADLOOM CARPETING - twautlft~I Rlond ~orln~ \\.nnd, duitt 11roof dra\l'f"~, il"d. . , 13 PROC'TOR ELF.CTRO:\.IC: BLA!\"'KF.TS ::::;.b1~4~1;' -#lln;I,. f'o41nt~ol ..... ·····-········· . ..-.. ..... i ... XO\\' 3 95 ~;;~1;4.~U' ~ Donhlf" t'O~:.~~-~ ........................... _ ..... ,~-··· XQW 3 6 l ·ot.TR \l' ARDROBF.. \\bit" " 5 R'"· ..... ,.... .. ............ '. .................................. , ... !, ..... i.... SOW ::;'~.~~~~~.: ................. ;····················-················~-·····I~··~ ·xo\V , - ' ' SH~G 'TftROJI . RU8,S O .~ \" COLORS -RUJl,BJl;BJZED SOS·8Kllt ftACK8 2'4 2'4 30 3'4 4 x 36 x 4·8 x 54 x 54 x 6 • • • • • • ·I • • • .. • • "' • $3.95 $4.95 $6 .50 $7.75 $1 .3.95 • • • • • • • • I" $295 $]95 $§45 ,siso $J095 ' ,• " .. r ., l .. ' - / Wecl January], 1951 · ' . ' -Y-'t dffiUn, T•k•_ I ~clcht-Carlol la. Pl,itd ~hlne ' to Leave Newport "-' Mesa Cafe , " I j ; -. , . , alatlaJ yacht CUiotta v.·hicb Contlnulni" U\elr t' am P a.1 In been •1nterlnit In Ne'Ai>ort • ap..l1u1t county vi«:, s~ertfra offt-Harbor will , bee moved to Saa ! cera Friday raided two cafea and ~go, ~CCOrding to A notice given ronfilcated • plnba.11 machtne &nd lhF barbOr department Thureday a punchboard. b>j the owner, L. S. Holland, Na- 'Ibe pinball machine wU plckrd ""¥'• cati.lem&.n. up at Maber1 C&te, t71 Newport fl'he $25.000 yacl'lt 11 136 fttt Blvd., Collta Mega, owned by 1-t•· long, ha.a accommodatloru for 10 bel I. K1dd and the punchboard ~,.SU and C"&rril'~ a ere"' of 10. wu af'lud at A. V. Bradley'• It! "·as: bl.lilt In Jacluoriville. P1L, Cafe, 15072 Harbor Blvd. a 1 a Navy mine aweeper. Holland The ra.id.I wet,. conducted by h the yacht rf'built and equipped UnderA.hcriff Steve J . Du~at't and a Wllm'\ngton in 1949, ~ S(l W. R . Hougland. Twenty. eight p\.inchboudll were 11elzed by N QUINN. L . A ., ri..dio writ· the officers in vl.sil11 to nine cafea "If ~u borrow from one •U• Wed.needaY and Th;Jr&day, r, it's pl&g-&ril:m -but if you , rrow from a.ll· of them, it 's re- Eve.rybody read.a the ctaasl!ied ada . .s NEWPORT BAY .POST-Wednesdavs . NEW~TIMF.S -Ev'ery Tuesday NE~~-~-~~ A!.~ -;!11~11~ys New9--D-or tile Tbu9daJ' Pw. JIINDIU)f AD 18 ' UHEll u Oh '\flood --... ,... re..,.. .. -.... --' u.... ·1 Paper ' .'711 ' u.... ! Papen 1.liO ' Un.. S Papen Z.00 The pubHlll•n wU1 not be respon1tble tor more than one Incorrect ln.M!'tton Of an adverttaement, ruerve the tight to corn:ctly cl&utty any and all edl and to rtject any adverti.ement not contonntnr to rultt and rerulatlona. .Advertlaementa and ·ca.ncellaUont will be accepted up to ft p.m . ·Oil the day preced.lnr publlcaUon. Ph. Har. 1919 PIMtae Bu. 1111. Mk for "'Ad Taker" or -.,t .cl and -nmlt11Moe to NEWPORT JIN<BOR PUBLISHING 00. hll Balbo-. 81-v~ .. Newport 11Mc1t. {)&llfondai. l 00~ BOUBll CLltANINO Mf'Tice. · ru.mtbln and rup •lwnpoood. ,.,.. oottm&i- •ll'ulJ7 lnlurod. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. Be&coca 8111 12ttc Fine Sewing Alterations Button Holes Center St. Ph. Bea. 6MOR 3'p38H MOVING? Harbor Transfer LOCAL OR LONQ DISTANCE Alone Be&. UtT or BeL 5272-M. 1"8 Barbor Blvd., ea.ta Mua toc21B Furniture Rep\l:irmg ChaJr bottom.a renewed, cane or splint. Chair rounda, backa and rock.en replaced; alao tt·("luinl" . HARVEY'S FURNITURJC REPAIR SHOP 20® Santa .Ana .Ave., ea.ta Men B•con 8133·J. 17cl8H 1%-Bt:ILD!l<O ~ERHC'E!) INTERIOR -l!:XTl!:RIOR PAINTING LICENSJCD -INSURllD Glenn Johnston :501 • 3191 St. Newport Beach Harbor 2297-J 34c48 REP AIRING and PAINTING Rl:.ASONABLE. Large or amall johll. Free e11t imatee. Walkf'T, 108 -18th St., Ne"·port Beach, Harbor 2~8l·R. 17c18H ' Building Contractor E, F. Z!LM LJcen!'led . . . lnauttd New Plefidential and Commercial Construction Remodeling and Alter-aUon• • Complete> Building Service Handled ~y One. Contractor FREE ESTIMATES Harbor 0727 .J Day or Eve. 47ceQ l!-'BUILDlNO 8EBVICES Hr H. HOLBROOif OEPENDABJ-E PLUMBING I A 1'lomjK ,..,... __ _ 1-:-1.a.w --Bhd., Nwwpcwt- 14-PERSONALS Alcoholics Anonymous Write P . 0 . Box 197 , Balboa tsland, Call!. Phone Kimberly 3·~393 Rug and Upholstery Cleaning and Dyeing '"'E specialize In cleaning P..u_i".!J and U pholstery only. Done in your own home or In our ph1nt U.!Jlng ,the famous Hild eyetem . ' \ RUGS DYED LET lL"I make your old rugs a nd furniture look like ne\\· \\·ith bright. new Colore. \York guar. FREE ESTll.tATES, Ph. Bea. 5108 HANLEA'S 7039 Harbor Blvd. Co&ta Me1'a Z3c24H !2-WST AND f'OUND . LOST-Minlaturf' black and tan dal'h~h und. MalP, i months old. Lo11t around 33rd St. This ,dog 111 AKC re~atered. Ans\oli.·er& to the namf' Phinea.s. R<e\\'ard. Ph. Harbor 1928-\\'. 61 p62 ... When you need a nurse : Practical Nurses Registry Graduate Undergraduate Trained Practical Nurses Speeially. trained OB Nurse• 806 Orange, Santa Ana Kimberly 2-8159 53c.68 CHILD CARE in my homl". 3 yrs. and oldf'r. By the week. ~frs. "'\Vhitey" Gredf'rik.e~. Bea. 6000 Costa Me.ta. 62c63 ' DON°T DELAY, CALL TODAY ... tor an ad In the li\'ely clu.sl· ' fled section of the BIG THRE~ Ne\\'ll·Time!, Post Shopplnl" Newa and the Pre:1111 OVER 21 ,500 CTRCULA TlON 18 THE ANSWER! ... • • Phone Harbor 1916 today and uk tor the. ad-t.aker. ~'A!\'T SOMEOl'oOE to ·care for ' yf'ar old girl in my home or .vour!'I. Six days a y.;eek, 9 :3 0 a . m . to 9:30 p . m . 1261.i E. Bal- boa Blvd., Balboa. 91 c63 'A' AJ\'TED-AJI around A..i.\ MA· CHIJ\'lSTS at once-on vital de· ft'fl!e work. Good working con· dillona. Top pay. Muat ha\•e own toola. 630 \\'. 17th St.. co ... ta )1ea... 61c61 MACHINE SHOP LEAD 111:AN- Mua( know hill bu11inf"S! on &et· ting-up aircraft production run.a for 2nd Mlrt. \\'ark 71': hrs., pay tor 8. 930 W . 1 ilh St., Co!ta. Mraa. 6lc63 WANTED Automobile mechanic. Alao waah and poliAh man. a'p· ply 217 Broadway, lAguna Beach. 62c64 CARPENTER WANT BOMEoNE, .xpulenced in rul e1tau. to a.ul•t in \\'t'll 11 • WORK .. . et1t&bllahed loea.J orrlce. Phone ROUCJt and P'tnilhid cu.atom Barbor 343. 91c64. bG.nt cabtneta. •Harbor 11'4-Jl., ~~'~~~~~~~-'-'-cJSH~ ,._.ALE. ~US ' ,_ . ' PAINpNG I I ~s~. m ....,. at.. eoota. - . I ' -114$1·K ~ - EVERYTHING l'OR 'YOUR TRAILElt . wz rrµ. BU'UNll -· · PJIOPA.NE TANU Oomplwtw IDltall&Uoa. ~ " Ulll -"' Ill -,,,, -, • ' ·: . 111q111~ , , ,;;.-:~ . FENCE DOIOSN'' . ·' llonlWl 111. ........ ·-](. ~ , "'" (-l>olonglnc ,to ,L. W • ' I ~ na ,'H....,,.._. 1 ... " Co-' ORANGE COAST · --dwl _Kar .... -... -~ SUP. PLY ~~<lo Donalcl1 z. TllUY ' · i. ,,_t, HO N~ 1119 .~ BLVD .. ~ - 1 Into It &'-1 :12 Colt&~"'-BllC•·-a , 18ulj~. ' I " I Otte I . . . " ,- ' •j ./ • .. , I I · • ' I ., • '""r-'""\ . .,,,...,,1!{:'""·---rr--,,r.-, ..,,.~-·..,..·~:> ... -·' • · · · .. : . . . . . I . I -' • ' , '; . ' . J • • NEWPORT I~ Y POST -4 SHOPPIN& ·NEWS I , , I ' . . . / ... NewPort Bay : Po5t-L•rgest Circulation In~ the Harbor Area~ ~~re Thia .. 1·· . · .. ·~es "Are "'' ~ , · Weetiy l! .. ~~90~a~ ..... !!!~·•!V~E!E~•i~14~~~~.#-61 Al'~ a ~~ ....... ,... .... ..,. .... ..,. .......... _ .... ,.;:.,.,..., ................... •,.•.•.,•i~;·~--.. ~.~.jr-18!1.,. ... ,. ... ~.•.•.•,•,•.~ii.r.& .. '*''llll,.. .............. ~~·····1~.'£1' .. Tp~ ............. :.., ' ~;~~~a~N~_i'~ liE .. A ._.,l-.j E. -5-i-l~E·J "R~~~~· • CLEARANCE on Used Refrigerators :pJew Tract ' All are in good condition Appliandu are 'getting ocarce and i,..;n 1JOOn be even Marine Engines Linwood Vick, Rltor. . _ I~ -~·-. 275 H.P . Bal._ Iolan<l Bar. IOil IW ----------------------....,.,-r y C.OAST ORANGE ACRES .. No. 2 • brer.to find " 'Servel P,11 refrig. 5 cu. PRICED TO SELL See John Huvey at Seacraft ft, In 'very nice con- dition ......................... $74 .95 121 COA.ST RIGHWA.T Servel, 6 cu.' ft, only 3 NJ:WPORT BEA.CH )'n. old . ... . . ..... $139.95 Pl!. BEACON &TTl Frigidaire. 5 cu. ft ..... 89.95 N e Frigid&ff'e . 6 CU. ft. --· 94.50 SNIPE No. 3180, Varrally built. Grunow I .......... , ............ 4.9ll5. Top .,,.,... N•w Jib. Bro""' Ice-Box., looks ipce hardware. Leavlng towi:i-. mt111t electric refngerator 14.95 .. u. 1200. Harbor 11os.J. 81p8l ALSO . Euy Whirldry port· able wuher .............. 39.95 Have a f ew good TVs- ;JUST REPOSSESSED ! . BOOKS-SEA BOOKS ... f1n4 otoclt of -On all yaclll· In.I' 1UbjecU-PlU11 all C\ln"m.t boolu. lAndiJI( library. • The Islanders Har 11147 LA.RGI: B.4-T FRONT A;;pt., 2 bed· room• with pier and float. win- ter or all year rental, EL SEA., 1014 I:. B~boe.. Har. 1750. &Oce2 BALBOA. P<ENINSULA -Beautl- ruUy fuml.9bed, 2 ~rm . apt. Sundeck. Ga.race. Winter or yearly. Reaaonablt. Phone Har- bor 0912-W. &1~ CLEAN SMALL APT. Suitablf for two. Stbvf', new matt.reN. Near bua and •tore•. Harbor 0427-W. lllp&3 OCEAN FRONT, ytatly, 2 bedrm. unfurnillhed. 1&5 mo. p aa and water paid. Gara.r a.nd laun - dry. tlnf'1t ~a.ch. Adult•. 341 l Newport Blvd.. Newport. H•r· bor i.03 or P'Oreat I-Ml &. 61p&3 DA VI~-BROWN CO. 1815 Ho. r Blv.<. Cootf M .. •'M-KUSICAJ., &ADIO Yearly and Winter &-aeon 6&21 -GOOD FURN. HOUSES A A.PT'S FIREPLACE WOOD WANTED -50 planoa. TT'a.de tn $40 mo. up. U.tinP wanted. I 2213 NeWport Blvd .. Coeta Men 1Beacon ~180-J. your old ptano on a Grand, Spin-C ONES tt or b .. uuru1 tel•vlalon. H igh· . PA UL . J Mt ca.sh &Uow&nce. Term•. 2307 Balbo& Blvd .. Newport Beach DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO CO.. Call Harbor 370 or Ka..rbor 2111 ---~--~·----80cl5-corntr 9th, 320 No, Main, Santa MEN'S ~rweglan A•h Sklla. Flt-Ana... tin&"•· · 1 olta, 115. Ntw crib, in-K __ N_A._B_l!:_A.M __ P_ICO--G-R_A_N_D-.-Ll-k• ne r1pri.(tg mattress (al!,;htly ma.rr•dl in ah ipping ~. 11 5. Phone new! SAVE over llOOO. Cabl- Harborjt198-J. &lp62 net full of wonder roll• (OU with it ! Term.11 ! DA.NZ. i:largains in Refrigerators NJ!lW , 8 cu. r1 ............................. 1 t:i9 .~ "i, cu .. ft ........ _ ................. $1~.b() USED: I 5 cu. fi KPlvinator ...... I 69.M Norge 1........ . . ..... .S 39.~ · Ntw a.nd Uttt'd Furniture ' Dale's . Furniture 192' Harbor Blvd. Bei. ~1"07-W • llMA.LL M 0 T 0 R SCOO'l'ER- Near1y new. With fluid dz1ve. I ·Make offer! PETlt'S LIGHT PL.ANT SCHMIDT Big\ Piano Stott, 520 No. Main. cor. &th, Santa A.na. RENT A PIANO, ,_, J)f'r month. All rent allowed 1t you buy with.- In ternu. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 520 No. MUii, Santa Ana.. A PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS! Al- 'mo8t 100 from which to chooee. Spinet.a, iprighll a nd Gr&nda. Fa.(n<na make•. No riae In ])t1Ces r Ea11y t erma! Small de- po81t will aecure youn1. DANZ. SCHMIDT Big Pia.no Store, Santa Ana, 520 No. Ma.Jn , comer Ith. ---------MARINES or EASTERNERS A.T· TENTION F'umlahfli 11ingle apt . Ni('t' ~un deck. On Bay. Utll. ln('JUd , 140 mo. Pbon• Beacon 94&7 -P.1 . 59ttc T\\'O BDR1o-L H OME "'Ith 2 ca,r raragt. Largf' lot. ~10 Tu1tin Ave .. Ne"·port Helrhta. PhonP Lat"Una 4-ltilO, day1 or 4-2509 evea. 8.~2 2 BDRM HOME "1th l -car rar· agt. L.lrKP lot. r.(}l Jr\:ine Avt .. Newport HttghJ!ll . Phone Lal"\1n& 'l -lt.10, daya or< 4-2~09 evew. "'(EARLY 2·bdrm •Op82 BASI8 -Altracttve furnlahPd hom• ~rit.h garagP. Near ocean. ·ae.'1 mo. Call a t 3113 Newporl Blvd .. ~ewport Beach. ' U~ NE\VPORT JSLAND-Clea.n un- '5 INCOME PRO~ERTY aeparate bouaM on 1 % ac,.,._room for many more, 100' frontage on Bdli!evanl ~vail&blf !Or buainesa income now over $270 month. Hu wonderful apecul&tive pouibilitiea to beat in· fla ti on. Sacrifice now for $2e,500; amall down payment, rent will pay the reiat and give in· come beafdea. VIEW LOT Lt.tie lot on San Bernardino atTfft overlooking the bay, only $2.000. Just ~" what othen uk. FlJR)nSHED 2-bedroom house , corner lot. garage, ( block to ocean, willing d~atanCe of pier, aacri- • ficed now. See me for. thi1 bargain, no tele- ~ phone information. on thi1. LISTINGS WANTED . If you have property to aell on Lido IAle , West Newport or Heighta area. list it with ua . SALESMAN WANTED There· i.11 an oj>eoinc for live·wire 1a.lesman l.n thia office. • HAPPY NEW YEAR Salee were good lut year. they will be better this ye~r -if you wish a bargain you will have lo move fast. prices are ucending. . " JAMES C . HOWARD, N. B . C. Realty Co. 3118 Newport Blvd .. Corner 32nd .. Newport Beach . . PALM SPRINGS Furni11hed Home Beautiful 5 bednn., 4 bath home, on wide lot in excellent location. Large patio. lanai, and barbecue Co mp letely furnished and ready to movo In. Owner hu just reduced price to · · $29,500 -Terms Wm. W . SANFORD, Realtor 216 MARINE AVE .. BALBOA ISLAND Phone Harbor 2462 2" .A.CRU -Walk 1 diatuee from th• neW State !hospital oa Harbor Brvd.. i:..?fu t for ia- com1 untu. .A. B .A.IN at 11.250 ~ A.<::;RE8 ....... Beautiful r.a.t Side locatJon.. Sandy lO&lf1;, ht1h and dry. R.lfht for 1ubdt..uton. $11.900 \ vv FUllinS,HBD 2-BllDll~M Value . • yn. old, hd--din. roOm. tlapt.oae ft~ce, fen- ced. In real nice l~Uon. Price 810.500. rumtture ti !better than aY•ra.r•. 3. BEDROOM: HOMJ:-U,000.dwn New, bea.uUt'Ul hwd. ffloort, du~ furnace.' nice eut ttl:Se locat.lon. $9,260 buya tt lf you hul'T)'! TRIPI:.l:X-income It $2,700 yr. . ,. Ju well located, ueh untt ha• 2 bf!droonui. hwd. nbora, plenty ot tile. 'Hardly • vacancy In Jut ytar. 'Iba prlc•. 1 17,000. I•• lhl• ..... . (' vr 11.000 DOWN-2 BDRM. HOMJ:. run pnee, U ,600 and m lfto . • yrs. old. hwd. pt.nil ray heat, tilt . toxl26 Jot. rr • George M. Holstein & Sons Built Homes . STILL NOTHING DOWN TO VETS l!:XC!:Pl' J:llCROWS A.ND lloCPOID."DS 2 BEDROOMS· $52.47 Pl!:R MONTH Plua Tax•• a.nd Izunuan ce I BEDROOMS $54.12 Pl!:ll MONTH Ptua T'&xea t.lld I!l.urance 3 BEDROOMS , 2 S.th• $64.92 PER MONTH Plua Ta.xea and qi au ranee ALL ROUSES BUILT UNDER F. H. A. INSPECTION AND APPROVAL AJJ houaea with firep!&cea , large unattached double garage.o ; both atTffta and alley• paved; hanlwood floon; Iota of tile in batha and kitchen•. LARGE LOTS 62' x 125' TO 20' PAVED ALLEY Duo.I floor turnacea ; 1pacious kitchen• with tile drainl>oarda; kitchen1, batha and aervice porcbea; 3 coata ot enamel paint. Foundatipn -SOLID CONCRETE, 2"xf' FLOOR JOIST. ALL HOUSES PL.A.STER.ED \\'ALLS. WATER SUPPLIED· BT NEWPORT HEIGHTS IRRJGATION DISTRICT 'IO NON-G.I .'a on F. H. A. TEftMS : from $51.97 per Month, including taxes and il'"urance , COt\ST· ORANGE ACRES . Between Tustin " Irvine Sto.-Above 19th Sf. COST,\ MESA .. THE JOHN VOGEL CO. Exclusive Sale1 Agent.I r 1301 COAST BLVD. OORONA DEL MAR Harbor 1477 Harbor 1741 6i2 -29.th S t., Newport &ach 88¢9H REPOSSESSED SPINET, hi(tleet ~de make. SAVE '300. Per- fec t-condition. Anothf'r for $295. tull keyboard. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big-M~lc Store, 5~ No. M&J.n , corner tlth. Santa Ana. furn. l brl rm homt'. ftrep1.,ce. --~~-------------------­Barney Francque NEWPORT BLVD BUSINESS FRONTAGE Television Service RADIO REP AIR$ t ile, ya rd fenc~. gar, yearly.· ALSO G. E. TELl:VISION FOR SAL!:. Ph. Har. 2912-W. t.9c61 • To Close Estate 1951's BEST BUYS REA.LTORI , Lllllan t. Perlf' !'red CrMler ASSOCIATEs A-1 1~a.tlon. 2 bulldlnp -over t•OO aq. ft. 1 buildln& 1800 1q. tt. leued for IUO a mohlh. 1 buildinr 2Mo ··eq_. ft. tultable tor light manutacturtnr .or renf'r~ merchan- dl•in.c. Owller anxloua to sell. Larry .ltw"e.n • • J-.arold Hamm l Techn.J.cian. · KDIA. RADIO A TllLllVl•IoN 108 Broe4-r. c. K. Bea. 11868-J . &Otte I • 11-WAN!rED TO BUT WA.~ 'ItO BUT about 11 pcs. good u~ eorruratf'd sht"et iron foi-roofins . Har. 1020-\V. &ltfc ~ roa uu So~ebody Wants · 'That u.cl t\.irnJture,. brte-a-brac, painUna•. etc., riOwi tald.nJ up apae,a tn your guare.1 • Find a buy- tr with a cluaifted ad in the New~·'nmt.11. Poet, a.nd Preu rom- blnatlon. Ju.at Pbont Harbor l tll, say : "I. want to place a Cla.uitied .Ad." and a courteous ad·t&ker wtll help you write a.n effective ad. B,U1BOO JU.'ITA.N 8BOP9 CoJnplete line, taetory·tA>you. Open 12-9 daily It Sun. Bank GREAT CHRISTMAS P l AN 0 SALE now on! Save from $100 to $1000 on Grand pl&r10.; Knabe, Kimba:!, Wurlltser, Vo.e, Ba.ldwfn ma.ke, Leatar and many at.li en. Some uaed, .t0m• new .. DANZ -SCHMIDT Btc P\ano Sta~, 1120 No. Matn.. OOI'. Ith, Santa Ana. U S!:D PIANOS from ·see up. Good Jtl a y In~ condition. DANZ- SCHMID'T, 520 No.• Main. Ban- ta Ana, cor. tth. GOOD UPRIGHT PU.NOS from ~·· Term. u convenltnt •• 16 mo. at SHAFFER'S MUSIC CO. (~Ince 1907 ) 421 N. Sycamore, Santa .Ana.. Kl. 2--0612. 44tfc. GR.EAT PIANO 8A.LI:. Becu.rt Y.our Chrlltmu piano now. Brand new Splntt $396. Another 1Tt1&lle1t aise, only Uti. Save from 1100 to 1200 on dlacontinu- td inodela. $10 wilJ hold' until deU .. ·f-ry. l!uy tenna. DA.NZ- SCHHIDT Blc Pie.no .Store, 620 N o. Main. Santa Ana, eor. &th. tenn.1. 2i!S Oeea.n. A.••·· 1Apna ------------8-.ch. ttc BUNGALO\V UPRIGHT piano 1n perff'ct condition. Tenn• IMl . . CHOICE YEAR ROUND FUR· r-.'"ISHl!:D 2-bedroom homf' on Balboa 'Peninsula. 1100 mo. Bay & Beach Realty !:t hf'I ,8hlrlfy Gloden Fay Ii.Ml Balboa Blvd. Ml. Har. 12&4 &2c&t BALBOA lSl.ANO-Nice f'Urni•h· .ct •in1Je apartment. ·yea? round, 140 Incl. utllltle1. P'!l.oot AT· !antic 1·03M . a0ce2 2 BDRM HOUSE unf\.lrnlabed, 14 7.~ mo. A vallablf' J an. lat. 1741 Pomona. Co.ta Me ... Ph. Beacon &T47:J , &OtJc WANT TO SHARE attractive new house With girl or woman. Ch lld O.K. 5 rm.1 .. garaaf'. piano. Ha. 343-\\', 718 HP!lotro~. Corona dtl Ma r. 82p83 NEt•tPORT ISLAND -Clean un· fum . I bdrn1. homt, t irep)a cir, lllf', yard fenc~. Ga r. Yearl.r. MO ino, Ph. Har. 2922-V.'. &2c64 TJ!!A.R R Ot.IND clean. churtul sinile •pt., 2 yr1. old. f'umlshed. Reaaonable rent. 211 Opa l A.ve., Balboa I~land. Ph. Harbor 828 82c&• FURNlTURI:, turntahing•. n.iga. drape1, pict ure•. ornament.11, kit- . chen ware. MUJt 1ell or 1tore. 209 Marguer1t•. Corona del Mar. dO\\'TI and 115 pt"r mo. a t ------------ SHAFER'S MUSIC CO .. t Slnre '4-ROOM!i' FOR REST 1907 ) -42 1 N , SycamorP. Santa ------------ Ana. KI. 2~0872. 62tfc: HOTEL ROOM, twin beda, privatP Olp82 -----~------ahO\l.'f'r, 1014 E~ Selbo&, 1pe-cla.I "'inter ratt'a or a ll year, Harbor 17 50. 50<"&1 BEAftmFUL Cherry Colonial bed- room ~,t, a dra"·"r chest, ft drawer drea&tt. 4 potter ~ a..n d 4 l-STOR.ES a OFFICU nicht •fand. Like n t w, S180. :w>t • On Marine Ave. · Balboa Island Gbldenrod. Coron.a dt1 Mar. • 8lc&3 Rattan' Furniture Store and Single Apt. Available Yearly $125 Month SEE . • ROOM with privatf: bath. Prlv&tf' entrance. Cloae to •hopping dlat. and bu1 ln Corona del Mar. Ph. Harbor 0366-~. 62c64 AUlOmotJve. nu. THJllEE bedroom BAhBOA 18l...AN~ homf' h., la.rJ"e livtnc rm, 4.ill•tte and patio area. rtre- place, (one bedroom '-lar1•. 2 an am.all) Two b&t.M. Equipped '&Ad eu Uy adapl.-d for addlt"lon- •I: lncom• unit. Cotnpletely tur- nl.Me4, Only $12,500 Island Realty Co. l.. Nice Home Plus Income EXCEP'MONALLT tile• J a.A. llom• wt.th a dell&"tful llv1n1 room.. cliJllfll" room, tllf'd kltche.n, Hrvlc-e porch a.nd la.re• bdrm1. Wtll ronatructed. lelttt hud- wOOd , esf'tllent Ea.at Ride loca- tion -plua a very n ice , apart· meftt which would rent t or $f0 J>f'r month. P"ull prk:e -11,500 Very t&ay tenna. 2. Corona· del Mar Park at A.pte 8A.LllOA Harbor 377-W Income ISLAND e2cl J TWO VERT NJCE HO MES on (corner lot on South 8ld., · ot H I- way. Ont houae la nea rly ntw. **SOLD** 141 Drlttwood Drlvf Shore Clltf1 By a Poue .. lon at once. Lerre ln1t1r· ance loan payable at l6i:12 per month. Toe f(OOd conurvativ• quality lnv•lmtnt Stt this Pf'OP"rty at y9Ur e&r)teat con· venienct. 400 E. 17th• St. at Tustin A vo. Coeta M ..... Ph . if""· 8818 Large Fainuy SP!i'-CIAf-5 I . $7,500 1-bdnn hom• on Jarc~ lot.. ocean' "1t!W. oldet" but ln rOod eot1d . a ternu. $8,500 1 i -bcinn hornt, cloee ~ EMt Aide. T yn. o)d, a rood bu)' with &ood term1. ' . -. $10,500 I . ' Civic Center District -$6,500 l:XCSILl!:NT Loc&tton on 36\Jl atttel: A.ttr&ctlye. Pal'- tl&U1 fUrniahM 2-Wroom frame }lom. .... <>m.1mt founda- tion, &ood f'OOf. Tard fene@d and land.tc•P,IML Ga.rare. Ca.n ~•bow any time. a.. KART DICKSON, Harbor 1013 or-Harbor 2002-W:· , EARL W. STAN.LEY, ·Realtor 1111 Nl:WP.ORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH . " ·woULD YOU LIKJ: a nearly new comfortable 2 Md· room horn• with ttraplace. din.ins room, Iaiindry . room, doubt• ,.,..,,, and a ~ate ruest room &nd bath. JM ADDmON a t bedroont houtt for lncom• or lft- • la.wa. For men lnfonnatlan about thb well ' • Multipl• µ1t1nc Re~tor la the uklnl' prlct for thla lovely ii-bdrm, ' complete.ly turn.1-h~ hom• on Iar1e iot. C10H In. 8ff tl\i.a and itUbmtt aa Offer. Small home •schan..-e corwtdered. _ locat f"d. BALBOA. 1SLA.1'"D home, call 3. Eastside $9 ,000,. aTA.NLl!:T HA.DJl'Il!:LD, Harbor 20 tt-&LU. UTA.Tl: &XCHA.NGI: For aa.le or Trad• !...AR.GE 3-11tory modern m ountain cabin, 1 hi b lock• from 1hoppln1 diatriet. 8leep1 22 -2 kitC'hen"a and 3 ba.lha. Furna ce heat, Open ytar Uound. \\'rite W. L. Jenl- aon, OWner, Blue J ay, Ca.lit. -eoee2 COsta Mesa , -, Y.'ANT a fOOd hall.ff below market Two atrff and 1 hornH. Excellent .:_-----------:---'--------- value. Thia ta topa. 2-bdrm, hdwd · .oil, a ll plo,...·ed and ftncM . 0nf' tll•, firl'place, 2~ar C&ragt, fen· hDU•:i. l'IOW renti.nC" at $50 ~r !'flt yard, cloiae In location, J'or mon · the price of l8,9M -tt Juat c&n't be beat. Phil Sullivan Fonneriy C. Galen 0.ntton G. T. Everson B. A . NERESON, 1912 Newport Bl•d., ~Coeta Meu **SOLJ;>** TIM I•land OWN ¥OUR HOME! BALBOA. POINT Chum.in( I B. R . homt. bar kit· Better value1 tha.n ever to chen, trpl:· .Patio. Idea.I tamu1 creet the New Year'• buy· hom•. su.&lo~ era. Heree How -New Beauutully built 2 B. ft., .2 batll" d ddl bOme. Hu larr~ dinin& al.coYe, improvementa an a · E i.90 Nf'Wport Blvd. Coeta MHa IOI V~ Undin.e Hrv. porch. aun deck. IO&da ol. SELL or TRAD Bucon •20-W Lido lalo l tioni in the ·buainffO dia· cupt>Ou• &nd clout apac•. Iota OQ.-ner beinl" transferred. ltlvf'r-iHarbor 3l:S1·W or S.acon a.461-J' of tile, wall to v.•all carpelinr. •k1f'. :s acrt: orange arov• with By a trlcta ; plua many new M&ke a date to,.. thia! •1& .•. . e room hoUM. Beat location. COJ...,QR Multiple LlrUnf Realtor bomee, new frt>ntl, D'" , - Good ptoducf'r. Wa.nt houae or . re&n. :£ve..v block: u.·-1.lJ the LIDO ISL& in com ... Balboa or NeWJ)9rt . Jror J .. ,, Thia lovely J B. R . ho.me otter. .2c1· · diatlnctly YOURS. a ron a " ha I nr. di · cti. around & 1pacloua pa.tlo for out- Made ln th• Phllllplnea and in our crwn work tllopa. Wide ebolce of fabrics. t.rseat dlaplay In So. c.Jlf. lt~nntahins and ReupholirtertnJ Linwdod· Vick, Rltr. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa 1'!!. " &2c&4 lntormatton call Har1tor 2649-M., helpe rn.ake your h6Uae B yf. t be h home ! aain.e 1,tory of i)rogreq di1uacUve livi.n.1 ! Plann•• ------------6 yr. old, I bdrm .~ 2 r -lh. and chance. A &tin ve door tun. Truly a dream hotne. W~ have tW.O lonly home. under platN. !)().ft. fronta I!, flfle }OC~· I U-AUTOMOBlLES, TIR~ • -..,_110.NlCY TO WAJY • conat.ructlon ndw -on• to H:tl Uon. J'Umiabed, p iee »&.000. ' Cf'Owinf communit? of 126,000. HOUSE & GARDEN U-W.orn:D TO ttD.-T .. , DODGE CPE .................... tw LOA.NS TO BUILD, Daito.,., ::T,~,JOO .... th• other at Tumt" -. homM and income aeceui-OCE~ P'RO.;;;- tl:i: 'Oout Hwy., Nwpt., BU. 1271 'i l Pt.T. COJ'\V. ·····-··········.I M., BUT, MODERNIZE. o& -New J-bdrm., 2-bath .ome on Lid'> ble: to the .finest aheltered CUte cott..ap ln ju.t the ri(ht lo- / ! ...___ WA.NTED--untumfabed 2 bedrm '4& DODGE CPlt. ······ .......... $ 99a llml'IN.A..NCJ: Two bedrootna &nd de.;-we.II t.le. l..4ra"• lot and Dalio. Here'• ~ h oderate climate · cauon! ClOM to bay b&thial c:i• buy, sell or trade. ~.at reuonable yearl:v rent-'4t CHEV. BED. ·····-····-····· .. $ 99~ Wt Bu7 TnJ.at l>Mrde piano.cl -compact -&ood a n&I buy at i 1e,1 DO. , C M , m ' and dnly a f~w bJ~ka to Balbna .... 118 and BAVe money. al. COM or N.wport Betgbts. "7 CHJ:V . CLUB .............. $1lM NEWPORT BALBOA. J'ICl>mv.L .._,, ..... -'°"" cl~et _.. -and n~turally bette~. year o1topp1n1. 19.000. · Crawle:r,'s Used c.u Rubo< 1.a1-ll. 41ttc '<7 DODGE TUDOR .......... i11so llA.VINGll •LOAN~ ~ h•~ -rood valu• all Incom . , .. rounci :um1 • Now ahowinr · · -[ Furniture WA.NT TO t • tunllthed 3 .. 1 DODGE •·DOOR ...... ,,... 113'3 Via Udo Pl>. Bar.. .. -D<lwle l·unll,ba apt. Scbtd· ....,_ offe .. nr better .INCOMJ: BA.ROA.IN 000. • ren -un e •;r. TERMS -OPl:N TO t Buy now Jadi you can aelect colon ulM lncom• n•u I 4,000. Truly propei·~ ·-.1~--Can be bou(til for only "Lot. 23M New't Blv~ Costa Mesa bodroom ....... year'• ...... LOANS For Homes -7""' owa cholc. -to b•lp tbll lo' ~ fin• 1""1 rt7. A.lit Ill than uwal f>C*lbiliU.. 1for ... 2 B. R. home with "l''· I Phone Beaci;>n !501'-J Good location. pnl•iably ••n SHAVER y· OTORS -·~ ,_ ... /or tun delfllo. of yard attar A.ND 2 B. !lo Qt. ,,,.tcr. Pllone H•rbor 'UIM·W Wi.i:.h '% • fi~ 'fo Jnt. ·-• ..,. al th-~-~· _ ·real .Ute !nvdtment.11) ... , tit•· llU'OC•· Clooe to NIW• · Mtort I p.m . ' &tp&f Your DODGE-PLYllOUTR Dlr. Unet17 ,_.ri., t ~ " ·pon 'Harbor Tadlt club. Yow ~ ~UPEUD • 1131 Harbor Blvd. Coot.a MMa ~ tarm. Low pa,_..t · · · -\ . 2C)-acre chick n ranc);l G . tlil' f Uie New J ...,. caa'l boat tllll for tlle price. • ' OP"'CN INBOAR.b RUNABOtrr ""'-"A&!'llZNTa a eot:rm Phone &~n 8907 . Bpede"wtnr tar. B. .1... ud .0.1. You •Ul be pro,Jd to li•• on Udl:> 'f. inn. h'vim',N 1~000. ..-ree p or •1. '1 [ 1\0&'· lSI> tt. Pi'lc .. to .. IL Call Plana. 11'~ ~ t.81 1"" ..:. A ...... ..__ paelty, I -· I >Gd loan.. u and may •• help 10ur IOtn'B ()()AJIT RSA.LTT co •. · at 1001 N•wport Blvd., Newport • LIDO ISLE '49 CHICVY Deluxe 4-<loor -W.. 1 CA.LL -Un'LD p A. p" Af '1l6=R .., .. , fa · t ,..._ · . ~--• . . '"Multlpl• ~ RNltoro'.. • Buch or call eftS Kl 2~ . By owner. '.f!xcellent condition. j Jbr IUI fm l'l'M ApprvW' •UVCI allwul&Dt wa~ l'01lt00 Coe· choomDI ~~ . I02 Kain St.~ Ba.Jboa Har. teat r . • • .11.U 11 1"" ... , a ..,tal Oil LIDO Make offer. Bcacoo .thil. · kep. ifciuua KoRTCaG8 oo. Q(CORPOUTED. et<lor ,an tndl. bl . .., .;;.._ • , · ,. • "Neu Pa9llloll".· t 'I.BU: --lmrsl loftlJ' • ' tocu · --~ Ill MUI ...._ VIA LIDO' -. . . . ' ~ '• • apta. A.Joo -• •"''""" • • Motro. Ufa IM. ·-,__, ' IT· J. .BEEK OFFI~ Wa)t s Trading-~oet. p A P:AI MER roll· ui.1:-"t .. 1 •• ,,;k .. ,_ " ~ 11,EA.CB. CA'"· 1 Building. ~it.es., . · ~~ #'... . . Balboa hlan~' · ·. Used Marjne ~ . ·. · --~ "°°l:.~N-,_ ._u.at 1 •w:•t·~mfATS ·LOANa • ~R lS40 · · a.1-~ cor. -J·:: .,o~ Iolud.....,. .. · · ~·• -.ii.i....e. ' KMtleU 0.-.U-Uilotf Km · 11'00ltPOltA~ eoowilU.. -~ 9-11 Jatmiit Slltf ~ • 5~ ' · · ·· UM 11-.1 ~ , . . . .. -·~ II ~ ~, '-11 I . . , [ •lf\•tt11 It. <Kcwport ..... -·-u.. ._ --. . . tt,u i' • ; •. : ._ i.,, BaU:iOi. COv. R<>Qle ..,_it two ;-·-...""'"• "";-~· lself I • I . • . nus" , .. ' . . . °""'._.,. n.11ar.aT1 · .4 .ate • ... 4,:---... • ......... • . ~--.u 17. -..;re.Udo ... '. --~----~1·•woa••••.Tl'•A'Tl'll4.cnvs,·"1 ,,......_ .. Boiat Ownera and Vecbanlra SA'lft!ll'T ..-r.U.-1 .._ ·o ll••• Oa-•••-·•·,-.__.,._!-M• 15 •~--.... .--atUNfttport-..• ...__,, • r-:... ~~ can -N .... -_.q... .A · • • I . llUT l onmt. T.u&:ql ~ -~ .--·i • -, _.,,-I ~ 6 A8jlOC. ,,__ ~ ..,;tn1 l-: 's ... , l . . .... -~ '1•·-. ..... ....-'""-· . "'"" --.. "?'.'! -··~·~ lltll!r~ -...... -.. . . -, °"-* ,... -· --':"""' ., ~ rCall ,._m clealeT""' 'llDllX., Miiiua _,.a --·1rie-w. .[. ..-,a -P n-_:zi;_ • ~ ·~ "'4 , ........... ~ • ..;:'".i"'M1-• e·• · ,_..,.,,...,,, ,,. "' " ' o0oo. rl!f'.f.NCDtO ;._ '· ,, ~NAP-UN) TOO~ ~ · -,._ ...-..... 111r,. • • *-'~lMlW.~A.i!it-· • .uvv~ ' · • l~oa,,_,.,, ... ..,..--" , · , -· • I-, 1~:" S ... ~l!k,~1°'1~ 4~··'':."·--=~~=-'Y=1.'::·,t : .. •1:~·!~ =,~·!'*'·i . ~ ·=~· 1.:,,. ",i;-;. .. r:~.=;·~·r'".' ~-·!"·. -~~ .... /,~ . r " • • ....... • • .. lw,l(e4. ' f ' , ... I~~ -. "''f! :!' • "Ts-,,~ .._ ·-.._ ...-u.,. 'Olli 11 .._, J 'i-" . . . ~ ~.T ~ .......... > ~ L: Al'IBIJ&...A. xa~ -. ...... 1111>' •"' f, • • .. . ...... • ~ . •o rill ~-. Cs,. -... ., IJ} """' ' • .. - - ~TILDJIOT'~-,.-1iZ. !Olltalilatwl~e••'',~ .. -w~-~--"tc .. a-c\.4 ,' --~-' :•w•~'!l' !!!1-.~'.!·i.~ =.:'ttJow~:,-.•-;:~......,.,.. .... -~ .i--Good -·iM~.OOaC&-. ,,,_.-:.ae:t~-"·'8011 h9 ·~1.t11-.,ca.-,, W&l ,.14 .~ ....... ,~_ ........ _ ...... ,_, __ ...., I -Nalo. Wlau ............ tlie.... ;· I" ~'HllO. . I . atta , ', . llctl -. •11• .... ... - -Aa ,. . ' -. • . · r< ·'" • • , , , ;""':'"';' .' , •• , • • ', ~ t: , > . " •' . " ' '.. I '., · . , .. " · . · · :. .. ·: . : I' '·, · .. .:.. , ; -:_ ·. , r • " -• , ' • ,,: ~· • ' 1 [ •. . . . . . . ., .. . ,·;'•. . .··:·· . .. { .•.. , J,. \,• '~!<::~. ;,~ "·. .. .. ' : ,•, ·;~~-. ":t:; - ·, t ·.• .. ·. . • • ·, >, • ,,··,J ·::..~:~ -·-~~-.~ J .'.:!;;:~h1;l{·,~ .. ··-:;;:,_;,~i:ir l ~,:-~~·~>:;;.;:":~··:}-,(. ''-\ .• ~ ~ ----;1;!'.~ h •• • ...... , f '.·tt_~ .... Ji". _.. '--~I ~-.•. ,.~l. ·--. , . ..1--~ ..... ....i-r .~.-.,. ·•~ -~· ~ • ,~1:.. •:. ·- l ' I I • . '1 ,. • • With SALLIE A~. OPEN LETTI:" TO ""£Sl0€NT T"UMAN I ~ar Mr. Pr@'Sid~t : Ai loyal Amt>tiCan Citizens. u \lt"e'll ail !llUPf'T market OPf'rato~, ~ 'wtlt comply with the Goverl'l( me~t'!!I request to hold t he nriee lin~. accordlniz to the '-tanrl,..rdl' ,~,h ~ch have be-en announred. KeeP- tnP' down the ro!!lt ot food I! nnthlnJZ' new to U8. fnr fl-'t ha<1 1Jwav~ httn our polit:1.'. Wt ar e al•d. therefore, that th._ co"~ualen over prices Is being cle.ared. We definitely do not lllite to tJe Jn the position of h1vlno to Jl~•I:• along prlce Inert••'" .. fl'I th~ consuml-nq publlc. f..1any peoplP 1'10 not rt'.'a !iie tha t au pM' mArke~ o~rate at the low- e!!lt proflt-margin!!I known to r~ talli niz. \\'hen the prlct>t we have to r}ay .l?O up then we have n::> 1tltl"rnative but to pass those ln..- ereases !'!long. But il'I doing 10 we are NOT lnet'f'asine ou r nrrJr.:n of profit. Htre's wh•t happen• to ever.y dollar 1pent In our market- 1tc goes for mer"chandiae, trans- portation and handllng costs other" thari wages 12c got• 'or wages and oth:!r employee benefits Sc , goea for store r"enta la. light, heat. and other uti ll t tes 1 ~2c goes for advertising and con· t rl butions 1 !-}c goq for taxes, Fede ... r"al an:t local 1 !4c goes for 1\or"e 1uppli e1. re· ' pairt. and maintenance !Ac goes for wear and tear en bulldlnga. and for reserve. So. ~1.r. President, yo u can see that It'• chiefly the cost Y"e have t•> pay for merchandi1e "that de- termlnell the priet! we must charg~ our· customer11. This, then, is our pledge to you. We wlll continue to hold the price. line to the fullest extent of our power to do ao. ' 0 . W . RICHARD. Isn't thi11 a \Vondertul time of the year .. , eve~thing's ,g'oing t.., be just the "'·ay ii should be vou'v.l made your resolutions · . . -. ... ·e..,e r)·thing you did \Vrong in l!JSO !sounds like eons ago, doesn t It? 1 t.s going to be donl!!' right :n 1951 , , . No morP bad habits . no rdore \Yorrying ... rfo more J;~ring' in bed that extra ten min· ute5 in the morning ... Get uµ e£.rly . 1 . \\:ith R clear m ind. plan \·c.ur dav ... then stick to it . . r • Don'ti worry about to--morrov• or \vhat happened yester'day .. Dale Carnegie describes it much bfotter in ··o~.ln Air Tight Com- partments'' ... read it ... It_}; a \li·ondl!rful book to r"<>'1 on New "\·ear's da>· ... I resolve not to clutter up the ./ top oi my ,.efrl1erator with old copies of the Newport Beach Shop· plng Newt and the Costa Mua Globe-.Herald .. , I've a habit ,f tkrowfng thing• up there I want . , to sav~ . , . Like all my little gi rls' · (I've 1got two) drawings from school }., Recipes torrflrom maq- arl"u • , , lettara w ith addr ... es on 'em • , . Why the newapaper9 7 Oh,, I 1atway• mu~ to cut this out each week and paste It In • ac;ap book •.. but I never .do . · Th.en when the top of the Atria· erator .gets 10 atacke·d up I can't reach any higher ... I take ever)'· tt\lng off and throw It In the wut• basket ' ...• So from now on • no. tnore qving •.. that's look· . ' Ing ~Ck on yesterday .. · The 10Uowin1 1etter I receivl!'<I ' the o<her d•>·· I t,hink. sums up our ~lud.ons ru l)ettt"r than a.nvthJng •lae. l can add •.. • i ·our 1.111- "ThoUaht ,..~ WOYld be Inter .... uted 1+ • tlttfe chat I ~tard In 11 laf'ge l0cat ma"'"•~ A i.Pf'OIPlrGW lo0kln•1 couple nroltld. In, picked up a t.• o,f .crack1rsi· and pf'o·# ceedff tHJcl for a certain kind of Chi I tauce. laid h•, ...... 1 to~ you· we ahoald N:v• ttopptd ot ·'lu.i\a~· .. If• th• ~nly .Pl• .. · : '" aoult..rn Ca1lfem1a t c.a.n ri ··-.fl~ whot I Warf. Whon• I wafl't ~· a.w: ehe,' •v.err well ... wlll.JUll ... ~a.ck., ~~ •r ww are late.' ., tloWn Wlf"\ Oraotc•rt • " ' I -.. , SWIFT'S-BROOKFIELO BUTTER • • • • • • lb. carton 73c OLSON l!!IROS. Et:GS---Larae. Fresh Grade 'A'···doz. 59c QUARTERED-YELLOW-MA AGAR I NE t.tur.oA . . lb. carton 31 c M J e . (LIMIT ONE} Cf'.'FfEE 2-lb can onlv (79c lbJ · .. 1.58 FRAY BENTOS-FANCY r~qN~n Q~~F Johnson'• 1-lb. t in Pi:t..;tP Wax . 1,9c J. Loma Linda-Quick · Pkg. G~avv . . 2 '" 29c Loma Linda Pkg. P••c:"'P-t Flakes · 16c BZB Creamed ""'~"""" . Ca~hmere Toilet Bduquet 1?-o.r. • 25c Reo. bar ~'laD • . 3 ,,,26c Soap Powder Lge. pkg. Val . . 29c ZEE-WHITE pADFR H~PKIHS A.RMOUR'S . • 12-oz. tin l7c Detergent Lqe. Falb .• • • • • 29c Or. R~F lavors No. 1 can Dort ~_,c-d 2,,.1.5c -----------Or. Rosa with Gravy No. 1 r an ~o~emeat • 19c Eveready Yepetable 1? . .,z. Ct'c~il . 2 ,,. 25c ' Fleetwood ,J Qn:-rt Mntor Oil • 17c Llbby'.-.Vlenna ~aq$11ae 90 COUNT • • • • • 10c» .. BEEF STEW • • • • 16-oz. ~an 39c ' MCP OR ·Exchange Brand ORANGE JUICE HEINZ-STRAINED BABY FOOD 12 for 93c CHOPPED 46-oz. can 29c \BAB.Y FOOD 2 for 21c Frozen Foods---~ LIBBY'S Grape Juice •• 6·01., 19, LIBBY'S Cut Corn ••••• 10-01. 17' LI BBY'S French Fries •• LIBBY'S-F'OADHOOK ' Lima Beans. ' • 12·01. Ll88Y'S--RED Rasberries "" • • i2-01. 29, BIRDSEYE Pereh Fillets • ' )lezzauine·..---..w.---*"~ i . . - Revere Ware STAINLEsS STEEL, COPPER BO'.ITOM Make Your Selection ' Wlrile Our Stock Is Complete • ... . STORE HOURS • EVERY DAY auT FllJDAY 9:00 A.M. to·6:30 P.M. FRIDAY .-FAMILY .NIU ' 9:00 A.M. to. 9:00 P.11. , \ • .... thay .. '""": • . ? ......... • ... .;r •. ·,... . ) . . ,.,.., . . ' . STOKEL Y'S TO!\IATO JUICE . No. 2 c<1n llc ' JElL-0 GELATINE I 3 pkcp~ 19c STOKEL Y'S TO!\IA TO CATS UP 14-or. 17c MONARCH • Medium Sire FRESH GREEN I ' Lll\IA BEANS No. 2can17c LIBBY'S-GARDEN S\~'EET PEAS 17-oz. 17c LIBBY'S-FANCY PEELED' TOMATOES No. 2l can 25c Water Softener Pkg. Ruin Drops • 25c Cereal , Small pk·g. Roman Meal. 19c Cleaner 24-0Z. Soil Off • • 39c Sunshine Thin Soda lb. Dkg, c,ac\~rs . . 25c Tea Time Jelly 1 Lb. o .. anqe ~lices 25c TNT 1n-or. Pt'ttc:orn · • • 15c , Case Swayne-No. 303 Sweet PP.GS 2,,.27c MacComber't ~2 ·f!. ~~"•@ C!der 21c Pillsbury't P~nc.a ke 20·01'. Fl~" . ~. '!tkos 7-Sc Cindere lla-S~d 1e.u Rrii~~ns 2 lbs. l7c No . 1 t,.11 • ~ • • 19~ Tri Valley Pears • . . ' . ' ' l j•" I i I j . . / , . .~ I : , 8aves.morey at.RI.chard's beca~e every price Everypoo Is a low p 'ce every qay. There's no need ,to chase.after ' ' ' "weekend pecials". · There's no need to hunt for "lead- pick up anything from any shelf or table in. sh~p market and you'll get a nial low price .. ·That's wh every time our Clish register rings, somebody ' ( sa:ves mo y: How about you? Come in to!lay and lis- • . I ' ten to this merry ting-a-ling as it totals up your savings. l • !Quality " ats--· ·w-.__.-~ ARMOUR'S STAR , SHANK OF:F" . • FEATU ING ·MANNIN~'S BEEF FINEST BEEF ~BTAINABLE ' leg-0·1.ana~ MANNING'$ r Round Stea~. • u. \ .r lb. 77c ' . MANNING'S I Bath's Komland Swiss Stea~ : •• ' Sliced Bacon zb. SSc COLOR E D-PAN·fll EADY ~?_~~~ 1~ickFns LL 69 1 Spare Ribs •••.• u. 4 9c SLICED-FlltESH 'PORK _ LIVER lb. 29c· SWIFT'S-BROOKFIELD "Link Sausagf •·• ..... 5 9• • Golden· Orchard Sliced Peaci..s Del Monte Fancy Y2'• • Apri~ots . Del Mont'--Sllctd • No. 2Y2 • 29c 17-oz. Beets •• 21,,lSc Princella Gold Southern Yams ~ •.. North American Llqht Amber /· '"'"'"~" ... No. 2 un . 19c 5-lb. t in :79c Beach Cliff-M-•t_n_• --,-1,-ri;; 5f"fdines . ~ ~-. 19c Package D~pt. VINO .. oss~ RED TABLE \VINE i gcd. 93c NOVITIATE LOS GATOS WINES NOW IN STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF • . ' Fresh Produce--.... LARGE-FANCY-NAVEL , . ORANGES ••• FRESH-LOCAL BROCCOLI JERSEY Sweet Potatoe:s 31bs.19, lARG~-CENTRAL AMERICAN Ripe. Bananas WHITE ROSE-U.&. NO. 1·8 POTATOES •• _ ., 2 lbs. 29c I . \ ' 10 lbs.19, elieatessen-~~~--~ ' ~I ALEX'S-Made with Manning'1 Beef-LARGE SIZE Beef Tamales 2 For 39c " Bakery Treats-_..,.~ . . ' Chili Con _Carne ~~~·33c . . • THURSOAV BOYSENBERRY P~E • , • each S6c FRIDAY > FRUIT BAR COOKIES • • c·HOP SUEY ·coiffiACAKES • 4 r17c ORANGECCOCONift CAKE • e · 83C ' -. • .doz. 21c 2 doz. 40c .. .. ICHARC'S OWN :Ma~aroni Salad 1-1b ml9c ~iEUvN·B·ISCUITS 2 For 29c ' 1. • •• LIJF.:R'l-Qt.fALfTY-LARGE . . . ... ~ ts.S ..... li_c~ .... d._Bo....,1~._1_~ ... '.~_u ..... ~ .. ~<.,,,,.,. r ' ' • . . , \ • I • \ '