HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-17 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• \ ,-. lRDNDD.6.'I', 1.6.l<. U, lNJ - AND SHOPPING NEWS ... -= -- - -zw rm --zw = m = . +' w l'l'BLISIIBD AT 22ll BALBOA-BOULEVARD :SE\\IPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE: HARBOR 1616 DIRECTORY I s rt• A. Beeker, D. D. S. DICN'n8TRY lTlll lfowport BmL,Ooola 111- lllllllAaal Bide. B•~ • ITU .... lloT ... __ _ --~ WELDON W. SCBORO DV.'TUIT • lie I:. lltb 8-~ (A.ta - Pb.one BMooa l50&I Don't Forget the Bloodmobile Thur. La._\t ~I for blood dolllon.! Tbe Rf'd Crosa Bloodmobtlof'. will \,.. M~ this "·~k a.ad Sewport Harbor• c1u1,... Ml"l'T pro\1dt! e6o t.d.IJ. ~ plAt• of wbo~ blood m•lnlr for UM> Ln Ko,.,.., but alMJ to rPplf'•.IAh our own N:tunt~· ho.pltara •upply. 'ttmf': S p. m. lo 7 p. m. llat<t : Thundar. l•n. 11. etaoP: Glrl Sc:-out Honw. 1100 M'. Baltto. 81,·d., 'S""'POrL For a.ppolntmf.nta n.11 tM Rf"d Ct'MI' offltt tn Balboa: Harbor 1886. Appolntm,.nU ~ prf"ff'rrf'd but aot abeolutely •-....,...L ~====~I Elks to Hold Second Tryout V, E. llOICPllEL, O. D. O PTOMETRI ST -.. ..,. .6.ppota-• W• W. Newport BmL Newpnt .._.. -· 1411 BE SURE -IN SURE wtU. llAtllUS IT.6.lfLm'I' --Oal7 ..--. 1711 ........................ W. StMrt Foot• OlllNJ:RAL IN!URANCI: Coumo.u ['l\f<>rrnation 'N'ewpa' ._.. PIL. llar. M 1111' ........ IUTd.. China & Glassware Vlait Ou.r New Departmeat. For Gttt.a IMtd Home Wv. HOUSE A: OAR.DEN flt Clout R"'J'. Newport Bocb LIVE IN LAOUNA'T • DlAL LAGUNA t-6%1 T For Ad\·erttslal' "lnlormatloa and Dhpla1 RatH IN THIS PAPER DD A •es Made ID our ~ Ytork.room I.a low iu 1.93 J19lr +om lee baxes 6 T-ra ver•e Roda BOt"SE & OARDEX 111 Cout ffi\\·ay, S Pwp<>rt W1RRE IN THE WORLD WOULD VOU OOf s;. CllA.&LOTTE HOLLIXSREAD le11d•it l1pr•1111taHv1 ·~ ,l.AMtS • SHl"S • IAJi.t • HOfllS t.(11t\l•l Tl111tr1 Tlc••t A911W:Y YinCent 's Travel Bureau Harber ,,.. "011 Ml. M1-a111l111" 'l!11c:1flf'1 Lld1 DrV<f1 FUN -. "ZIN~" DOH,. MISS OUI ,_HINT SHOW • .. w-.,1u-. ••lCl . SHOWS -'..i II· Sf'cOnd rf'hearsal-for thP 2nd an- nual Elke 1lfln1trel spow will be hf'ld at 7 :30 p, m , \VP<inf'&day In the Elk.I Clubroom•, Balboa Blvd. and 'Main St., Balboa. Tom Norton, Uadlng Knight ot the Lodire and and ~1 \n1trel Show C'ha'.l'rmaq, has announcPd that t hf' AhO'f "'ill be hPld Ff'bruary 9 &nd 10 at thr. Ne\\·port Harbor high school 1111ditorlun1. Singf'r!I, dancf'rl , specialty aota a.nd l f'nd men are .invited ·to t ry- out for the produc tion. All pro- CPed.9 ot the &bow u·ilt be donated to the Elks charity fund. Air Raid Whistles Cit}· Coanct&naea W..ff 11iform· f'<l :'.lfonda,y ta.&: Ur raid WVll- la(' wblst~ (11lmllar to tbOM' uwd durt.nl' \\"orld,. War 11 ) are brf:l.1 l'f'IMSiM fM laa&:alla&loa. The f',;IM't tlmf' and dalf' of tHt- lnK. "ill hf. announN'd 111 tbr.i Prff§, City Mft-.-f'r ~lion ui• Aft.f'r lhf' lnltia.I tNt. lhf' ,, ... llltle• u111 ~ •oundPd at rf'l,'Ular lntf'r\·~1" to famlll•rlh thf' <'itlzf'n(ll "1th lhf'lr 1tlpal&. Wllo to Contact few Civil Defense Work · i An~· rMldent of Se"·port Hat- hor u1•h1nr to takf' part In the f'\"f'i-po\\'IDI t'l\·H dt>fM~ pro- CT&ln should oontaet ~f'wport Ha1bor Ci,11 0..ff'nM Dll't'<'tor John Sallon or the dflputy dt- rf"<'tor. Carl Hann.a. at the city halL phonf' Harbor SJ!I. hf'.. tw~n the hours of 9 L 111. Md 5 p. m. C'Ht:CK JlOSE CLA:UP An occa11ional inspection of your car '!I radiator ho8"' t'lf,Jnpll to m ake !!Ure thty arf' tight i11 rPCom- mtndf'd by the Automobile Club ot Southern California, A •light leak rel!ulting in loM ot v.·•ter fron1 tht cooling l!)'Sltm ma y CllU!e the motor to ovt<rheat. ....,,, Complete Pet Su pplie1 • COLLAR S LEASHE S BRUSH BS • , FRESH U. S. Gow:t. lwip. HORSE MEAT 8o/J. , ; , , '• ' • • • • • 1·1W!,.,.ort0n~Elected ,~.i ~ • e • • • • • ly MARGO. • ' • • • ~-t9 Head CharTiber Man '.~ '. , :Life .. llICI "CONTEllT 1'RJ:I! J'OOD! i,'OlltA · NEEDS A NAME!! Alert! Women. a.o.d Men Thinker:•! Non. Morpn want. a n~• for her t1ou1tinut and ba.Jte ab.op. Tb.I• j>&llry para.d:lae 11 located Ln the Greater All·Amerlcan Mll:t., ~ewport. Nora Hll• 1J>ondertul, muJ-attatytn1 creara plea, FNnch putriu, cookte9r ICD&ll . .atl mut- fln1t, 11&lt-rt•inC' bread and ju..t everythlJ'lf' palatable! Here'• the deal : Nora: hu a 11uggestton box on he+ bakery countef. While you're altUnr around wonderlnc whir. your next mink stole la comlnK from, "Ker! down to .. rt.ll and think w.p .& name for Nora'• Balc:ery! To the br1Kht party WKleftiftc th• chosen name roes a " BA.KERY GOODS ORDZPl! You OU plok out a.nythlnl" lh the bakery Jlne )'91l want ... an at anoe OT' .t.rtn• It out! Now' hurty and ro over td the All·American Mkt. ant! put one or a do.en name11 In the conte;.t box. Be sure &Jld put your nam•. addreu and phone on your t:ntrtea. Watch thl• cotumn. for name or winner. I hope It'• YOU ~ ' • • • ARI!: YOUR DOGS BARKING'!· ! ! NO, I 'm "not fOir'll to tum you ln at the Sheriff's aUb-11tation for dlaturbinl' 'the peace ... I asked you a civil quetllon ani1 I e:tpect to g"lve you a civil an11wtr. Y.'hether you're a slaving-hou&ewlte. a man bro -beailnf hi• MCre· t a ~, or· a child 11kippinr off to aqhool. you n ed a sood pair of 11hoe'lli! Good 11h~~ and happy feet at? the corner atone of your foun- dation. Harry Barber ot Barber'• Boot~ry, C a Meaa ha• .been tllkliil" excellent care of people'• feet for over O years. Barber'• Bootel")· ln11i11ts on flttlnc you, corre<:t\y, no mat er what your ,,_,.aJ.k ln life .. , Thia big family 1hoe •tore has Ctln ic hoes for. nurees and profee•ional women. men ... Y.'Ork 11hoe1. ~d Goo j ahoe• for children, U. 9. RubMr raln"'•e•r. Daniel Greed house slip a, Yap.bond •hc>e• . . . a.II kinda of •hon. BARBER'S BOOT!:R , 1795 NEWPORT A VI: .. C08T A MESA. • • • Ct"RTAIX CL ARA~CF. Rr.MS.-\ST R DASCt; · ~A\T. M Sir.1· SLIGHTLY SOlLED URT AIN FLOOR SAMPLES NOW AT Co In QrpndMI , mus· Ji n, liti~back•. eottaKe d putch C1tT'laln•. P'abrle amplea and disc tinued drapery ma- t erial• ... .: blr variety or remnant. at 2le to St .00 ERY · 1 I .l.LL WOlllEN , .' • a UN GET llCl8fOSS; , , IUP TRiii AD '9-A ·L-Wl -P&rB · or fl:~os ""P.UJl (F-ral -) (With Tllla ) LOUCll8' ll:Wl:LKY I GU.6.IANTl:fl:D WA TCHj a&PAlarN9 1181, Newport: Blvd., qo.ta HM& • • I • TIRED OF WALKING!!! NO! DON'T CET A HORSE! Get a lood USED CAR fl'om the LAGUN'* BEACH LINCOLN MER- CURY U SED CAR LOT. They a.re \oaded i wtth mo•t makea ot ucellant 'fir• and '&0'•. a:nd a.Im have a ~ii' •lectlon of JOOd tran•portatlon ca.rs. For exa.mpl•. the)' have. a '40 Naab auxiliary coupe tor •216. THEN THERE'S a ·~ Packard ' dr. with. recon- ditioned' motor for only $7115. MOit ot t th .. can are local L&KUf'a ear• and were prob&bly .owned by r.t~ Puadena .chool teacb~r• .•• who wou1ctn•t even take them out of the pr-are for a .chool picnic! I MY you c&J'l s-et a S"ood deai here on a u.ed car to wit your nHda and down payment. Go dor to thi• Jot a.nd check the b&rgaina with REX BUELL, mana&er! ne UJ\coln M•re. Uaed Cat lot ia at 160 M. Coast Blvd. whiFh ia ju#t d.own the road a pie<'!! from the Victor Hugo, Check owi clueitied tor other b&r(a\na on thi1 lot! I • • • BALBOA JSLA~D TEA PARTY •OR TEA DRINKERS UNITE! Ladie11 lllert-Here'• a cha.rm; tnr Invitation for you! Vera Willia.ma Of the PATIO STUDIO AND BOOK ST ALL Balboa laland cor· dially ln\"itea you to a ttend a Book Rellew. have a ( ~ ...... cup of tea. and vi ew an art ellhlbit, Vera. will re-~ vtey,· several rec•nt -book• of current .fnterelllt and 'present a ahowinr ofl aeaecape.a and marln~ by the late, noted painter, Zdpr Payna. Mn. 1William• will 11ve her l'"t!view and art exhibit on ur9day, Jan. 18 at t ,, m.. and re~at arain o:ri S t ., Ju. 20 a t . 2 p. m . 'there will ·be no chuire tort thlli aotree, but Mr111. W. surre•t• ~u call 'tor HTVatlOP• u her aho.p I• --tree Inti me. Plan on a ttending the k Review and Art Ex- hibtt and then bro"'·ae thru l thi• ca.ptivalinl' !lttte eonlinenta.I comer. \'er& hu new Imports from ~"ce . JttJ.v .a d Holland. Call Harbor :Mol7·J. PATIO STUDIO and BOOK 8TA 113~ Marin•, Balboa Laland. • • • LADrM ! " decM.red this enol\li.ng 2 week• .a.a C N UP 4: PAINT UP of Commerce '. . by· Hanainl-1 . Named to lt'rve the Newport I Harbor Cl'lamber Of Commerce tor An aced and deapondent 11&1'boa the comln,r year u prt•idtnt I• re•ident took hll own llt• t>y haq-, Tom Norton, proprietor of Nor-lng early Saturday' rnomlnt' . ..Re ton's Bay Shore Ca.ft on the Mart-WU Willie Albert Oeorp, U , 1111 ner'a Mile and the Cape Cod House Seville Ave., Balboa. on Balboa. laland. ' Georie Wu found h&nains from Monte Grtmea P.f Bai\oa wu • ratter in the f'•r&l'e by hta ate:p- e~ted firl!lt vict<-preeldent and daughter, Mr•. GlodPn Fay, wtth John Boyd of tht Mllrintr's Milt, whom he lived. at 1:20 &. m. Mn. attond ~ pre&idf'nt. Roland Fay had enteriP'd the piac~ at ~ril'ht , retirine-pruident ••• 7:30 a . m . to do the wa•bin& but named to hia: perennial pos!Uon of •he hadn't .rone to the camer tieuurer. SelPCtiona were made where O.Orge hf.d committed su.1- by"' Cha.mber dtrectont meeting clde. until nearly an hour later Monday noon. when •he discovered the body . Appointed to-the pol!lition11 of di-Deputy Coroner R oger Qum· rector11 at : large y,•ere Thomas ham stated that df'ath occiirred ijender1ton,' J\"ey,•port: F'rancia at approximaltly 8 :30 a . m ., polic. H orvath, Wt•t Newport; Don fa.id. ·H e had faahloned a nooee Hummell. Newport HP ighlll; Lon· from a pif'ce of clothes line . nie Vincent, Balboa; 0. W. 'Dick' ~ Wu ONpondf'ont TOM NORTON Mr. and Mr•. Fay told offtcers hat ~orge had beep deapondmt l&ince the death of hi• y,•ife In Aprtl 19~0 and had not bttn in the be-at of health. Thty Mid ht> had watch f'd the wrestlinc matchP• on teltvlsion with thf'm uqt11 11 :30 p. m. the night bf'forl!' and then had gone to .bf'd after a.akin,-Mr&. F•Y to buy 11ome bttr for him the next ,day. ' Police N.id ' his btd h&d been 111ept In but they were unable ta tind a · suicldt note. The coroner aaid na inquest · would be hl!'ks as theN wu no in· dication of foul play. The body wa11 takf'n to S.ltz Mortuary in Coron" del M•r and wu"Le.ter •f'nt to COvina , where Georie h•d. for- mt<rly lived, for bUrlal. BeaidQ Mr•. Fay, he ia .urvived by an· , other daughter livtnc in tht ea.11t. George waa a native ot Vermont. I .. 1203 • •·~ RICHARDSON'S.ctTRTAIN • DRA Co.1.at Blvd. • • • Corona del Ma.r fortnight (pronoun . d fortnlt J for the Har- bor area. I'm ~. you'll all wanl . to cooperate. Hen '• how to be,U.. ... first . 10 t .. ru· your ho\• It attic and pick out Board Ord~ Merry-Go-'ound for Mesa Park f ' SNOW! SLALOM! ICKUSS! SKIERS! Be ore you ma.ke that n•xt Sitzplats .. check in a t Sic! Htadquarter The Balboa l•la.nd Sportlnr Good•! Hen you'll flftd Skf• for •le ( r Ski• 6 Boote for rent l mitt•. ski-sweater•. cap., ak\.eocka, muk1. wool plaid ahlrta and jacket!!. In fact f.verythJng tbat WllJ make you dut a 1o0d figure whether makinJ a jump, rldlne-the lltt, or belnl" hauled away on • 1t~tch•r ! Beside• exce11ent equipment, you ca11. obt&in wax••. lacquers. aki-<'O ndltlonera aftd parts here. If you·re fuNY u~ in9i.t on anow before you ro 1klln1. call the BALBOA ISLAND !PORTING GOODS for Ski Information. 212 Marifte, Balboa. lala.nd, Har. ~1 't.·-f:~~""'.•· all UM old tuM:lltu that needa rettnlabln,-. Old Coffee ta6Jea bed1tead•. what nots. antiq~ or a.ny that'• 1uffocatine- under old paint or arniah. Then f:!ut your bru1he11 to .:>ak Ill 10me pai.at thinner turpentine. 'nlen 1tep_ to the phOlle &ad aaJI Che PACTF'fC NE M CO. They will cotne to your, MUM and JNck up th• furnit\ll"e 4: haul it away. They will remove all th• .aid palat or n~i•1'l d return your furniture clean. paint f'rM It ready to relkl~! Thill a.rte chemical di.covery, the Ntlrem proc ... wuih..-p&lnt away, qut kly. Mfely and chellply. · • • · • So. beautify :vour home! It'• wtlent you 1i you kaow! PACrFIC LILY ! GILD YOURSl:LP'. KAT NJCLION'I BJGGl:ijT SALE NELREK 2811 Lafayette, Newport. H.& bor 2980. OF' THIC YEAR II NOW ON! It" you thoUcht her previOU• wee-..-• • • ful sale wa11 the anwwer to a maiden'• prayer. you'll really be bur-'"OH. t DON'T 'CARE IF THE ~U DON'T SHINE"-And eyed at this one ~ THIS THEN 18 IT. Gild&. your opportunity ~ neither will you-17' you take your leURd . over to the WASHER- purcha.H un•urpassed styles and fabrics a t reductions up to 5-0% ETT'E ln Corona 'ti.I Mar. Wuk-D•:r b4' the Jliceat day of. Kil:-" Nelaon'11 Dreu Shop la offerhtK rerular at~k •lUta, blouaes, your week ! Don't ruin 9i11 en~re day 1te& inK up .the kitchen a.nd coat•. dre~11 and hats, au dra.stlcaJly price-whacked. I don"t have aloppln& around. ·-!u•t pU..r 11J> your Hn . ln a b&« a.nd take It to tell you literate readers th•t quality fabric.a a.re K•ttiac .earo.r over to th• W~ette. Then F out ud !ly a.round tnjoytnc the and scarcer. Dip lnto next rnonth't budKet, bel' or borrow if you beauty ot the btrdl and tile Bay! The W erette rtve• you every must, but TAKI: ADVA.NTAQI: OP' THIS TER.RD'IC SA.LI:! Actmitr-M&"Vioe tM&stMbl.. JlfoUliAI' te too l'OQd. your Ctothe9. They in I clance• alway• linpr on aay ~mtJHne appanl bur1nr a 4,.-f\trnllh ~ .,... "Jl'ON tubs, ,..,,.. ~ tbii d neat-toldtn.I'-Thi• Nellon label! H url yourMlf thTU' the nean.t door. Go i. look p&raf'O'I of cJeaa Kriftl' '-ope11. every Thu y until I p. m. becau1e and re.., .. tn to marvel at the b&r1aina! they want workinK people k> be btK and c _ ..• &1\d YES, you P . 8. Also crepe • wool cl..-AMS tn '1 ata• on •le! ,. oa.n leave your clothu here '° be ,DR~ CL;;A.l'fED. Ma.ke julll one KAY Nl"..I..SON'S DRl:S8 SHOP, 34"4l Via Oporto, (a~ ha atop. but be 11Uf! lt'a at Tke WAS~ ~ ceut. Blvd., Lido Theater1. Corona del Mar. Harbor 23*-W. r • • • RiChard, Udo lele, and-..Al Gibeon, Balboa l•land. ~ a old over director.-are Walter B. Mellott, Corona dE"l Mar; Mau- rice Stanle)·. Balboll bland; R . L . Callis and Roland Wright, NPW- port; Robert A. ,.t:urPhy and An- drew BroWn of the Balboa PeniJ'l- IUla area.. I Chamber dirKtor• tle('ted in the ballottlng thie month were J ohn Keeler, and Dr: 0 .-0. Sued, Ba.Ibo& liila.nd; Harvey Somera, M&rinE"ra Mile; Monte Grime11. Balbo11.;. Tom Heffernan and Ar- vo Haa.pa, Corona del Mar and Ben Rt.ddlck, Newport Beach.· Pre11ldent Wright reporlt<d to bh1 directors that t1pecific&Oons a.re now bt'ing drawn preplltatory to advertt.i.ng for b1d.B for pulling the Chamber ship hull uhore and eodvertlnr , it into an. office. Wr(ght reported a favorable re-- ceptlon by the Griffith Company to the Ch•mber request-~for ad- ditional land near the boat" office light, Direetof• ot the-Costa Mua Pa.rk Board, who jokincly con· 1idered lhPnuielvea; ''on a meny- ro-round" many t i"'e• durtnc "the ytar11 It took to obtain and devel- op the c,q_mmunlty park dtoeided lut w~k to let the kiddie:• ha'H a ride. . They'll buy a merry-go-round, not a mechani&ed VPralon, for 1297.7~. ThPy al10 will buy. a alide and a •et of ban for the park playground, the11e jte:m• coetin( 1160. The DlOney ia availabl•, Chairman Huch B . Davia of the park board said, bUt the: equip- ment won't be on the market very Ionc ., th• -purchuea a.re betnc 01ade J1ow wh1Ta U..y are stm available. Thi!' lt•m• wer• ontered by / COUJ'lty Putthulnc A.sent Glad Bower. THIS WEEK'S COUPON GOLDEN STATE -FJaST Qt:ALITY B U T T E R ·••· 75 ; "A R.AG OP' .BON"!!: AND A HANK O' HAIR: THE FOOL HE CALLED HER HJS L...\DY FAIR." Kipling may haVe been con<'eme<I with th• bone• too. but I -am concerned With your h&.nk o 'halr ...... Much a11 I loa the •dmittlng It. men are not l\1C'h (oola •• we would li ke to think. Thev are juiit smart enough to w11..nt a womaft ·look- ing Ahlny haired a.nd well coiffed ! 8o aayin,-let'• brighten up your heir anrl make It one nice r1amorou111. begi.Jlllnr color! RUTH'8 BEAUTY SHOP HAS A MARVELOUS NEW ROUX COWR SHAMPOO! Thia shampoo oome11 In 12 natural ahade11. The color Juts 4 -8 wk1 .. doe1 not rub off on your pillow or pt rtreakedt It doem't y,·a~h out like the old rlnaea.' Here my girl 11 a simp}e •UY wa,v to tone up vour crowning clor}'~ You ca.n l"'t ROUX COLOR SHAMPOO and ha.Jr 11et complete for 13.&0. •I said at Ruth"• Beauty Shop, 33& Poinsetli•. Coronll del Mar, Har. 2901. Man of Year to Seek 1Salesman be .Named at Who Skipped Bail C Of C DI~---N•";,,! 2 ;: ;:::"'w::~.~:;1 f"",; Xewpo<t lloa<b and Corona del Mar • • lnnef Ro~Tt e Lucif'r, 22-ye•r-old ~~~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: Limit % lbt. "·Ith this aoupon o•IY GRF.A'n:R A.Ll,.AM:Ett'ICA."J MARllETli, ' • • • DR. ERWOOD '. I SC'RkAMED. WHAT ARE YOU DOING 'i\'JTH THAT HAMMER! 8hHplahl)' enOUKh, he put 00..'ll the tool and pointed to 80me vet)· beautiful pewtel-ta.nkArd•. '"Thi• Jamee Ylltea pe:Y.•ter ia made In the orleinat' circa. 1710 moulds. 90 I thought b~· poundin( in a few dent•. I rould .... .'' "P'le on you. l!!rwood : Th.:! next thine I knoY.·. you'll be tr~nlnl" worms to crawl ln. and out or your beautiful Maple furniture." Antiques my foot ! Oh I tell ;i.·ou, don•t turn your back on Dr. Erv."OOd. He'll eel! you hi• M irt tor 1., price If you·re "f!Ot careful. Helf-price Howard 111 alllO practi- cally ('ivlng a\\•ay English bone and Bavarian china plates, cup11. teft·pots, tea-aela. et.c . The hf"•t buy In thl• abba.tolr at the moment ia a bamboo Tropical Sun circular gla .. top coffee table formerly priced al 186. U you hurry you c•n •teal It for 129. 715. Al•o If you doh1t ·hold youraelf 11.bove petty graft, yo\1 can "U\&tch a. match· inK 119 table lamp for 18.96. ERWOOD'S, P'\lmlture-Art-Gilt._... F1.bric•. 407 E. B&Jboa Blvd., B&Jbo&. • • • ' !IA -BOOM -W OW! 3 ltOU8ING CHEERS FOR TllE ANCHOR CAFE ! "MA. al tft• TMr" award ...tll magu.ine 10Ucitor from Loi An- be the ffll&hll"fl en41t ot the U.tt'I gele11 Whf' h• falled to _apptar In court aftf'r potting t&O bail. 1 ..,....,. N~port II.arbor Chant-Luci@r wu booked by police t.t-ol ConlnlePM rwtl•I' ln the Monday Jan. 8 for vagrancy ""d forwi ef a din.,.,. daaae to 1M> operatlll:g without a bu1ine11 11- Wd at UM Balboa B&y Club cen.ee. A citiun'1 &rM!:lt h&d been P'Ttday ti..-.,. si~ bY( a.n elderly Balboa llland woman. ~ · 8lsW... otlH>r • ..,.,.... wtll hilt According" to the woman, LuciPr pn!Mllkrid to cttbelM wbo work-came to her home at 12:10 J1.. m. N. for lltil! bMtH"TDMt of the f.ift,-TuHd'ay wi8hln1" to aell mqulne aN u.e .,..... ehnmber prNklent 1ubecription.1. Lucier told th e aad ..... ottkiers will be ot&t-woman that h• wu Nrninl" money tOf' }\U tuture educ&tion. It I• a.l - .Uy -.tM.. P,....tatfio• wt.II Jeged, poUce N.id. th&t he told the hfl. Mort wtU. a • .., ~· rule woman he hl.d 90.ld $29 worth or k0Jdtn1 forih. ma.guinea to her n~ighbor acroM Tom Nono. II&. wrupd tile the street, who wu roing to be· Mtertatnnwint "·h~b will be come hill nurM &fter he completed ae.d.Jlal!id by Pflplto Petta.. hiA mt'dlcal education. world famous clowm ... l"Ml-The woman bought $13 worth of den& of CoroM. dfril Ma r. Lee m•(Wnea trom LUcier. Accord: 8tef'tM8N. wtll he mutof'r of inl" to police report., Lucier then Cffflll'IMIML told the woman that ahe WU very T\cket. .,.. &\.Wt.Me at, lite sweet t.nd kilaed ber. He WI then Ch&mlMtrr of eommertt offtoe ln alleced. to have ottered to do the ~boa. ~ Bay Club. the New.-dllh~ and clean Ute hoUH It the 'nJlMl9 offt(.'lf) or tn>m aa.y dlf"M'!-woman would aend her hOUHkeep- tor. Get your tteket. to4ay, tbl• er a-.iray. ta Ga1P: eodal ewat 700 woe'& After Lucier lf'tt, the woman SAVE 50°/o-· -rPAINT IT YOURSELF! • This Large, -Be.iful Mahogany Mr. and Mro. Sliding door wardrobe (60 in. Jong, 37 in. high, 22 in. deep) Priced a~ ...................... _ ~ ....... FOIUD:llLV .u;s 1916 "Newport Blvd. , , ' . , ' it It'a euy to cheer on a tull •tomach! The win.ne-r of my 'moat of the beat fOOd for the Ieut' ronttat I• the ANCHOR CAFE! I wn e4linf like a ama.ll bird ~and I don't mea.n buuardJ tilt I •tarted eating breakla11t, lunch. brunch. and mack• at thi• tOOd shrine. The way I l!lff tt- YOU SHOULD A.LL l':NJOY LIFE. and EAT OUT MORE OFTEN AT THE ANCHOR CA.FE I swear It'• cheaper than tryinl' to stew a few bone• at home. Qll.dys and Dee MrYe blK. fat breakf..U all day, a apecial S6c lunch, and all , manner of wonderful f"&b-Up snacks-Eat for example &n er1·burser Qr that Ta.ate-bud tinrler an abalone burKtr tor 40c; Everythlnc• bome-made; lncludinK the 90Up. A 11ure way to avOld dirty diahe• ln the .tnk, Eat at the Anchor Cate. Open 5 a . m .-ft p. m . da.lly and. 4 L m. to 5 p. m. Sun. 7110 Cout: Hlway, Newport Beach. want to ml•! pho:nf!d her neighbor who had nevet he&rd of the younc macaaine !:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aaleeinan.. The womu then tele- ::: ~;-~::. 1 ~=~c~ :pe~:!r~ach police INIENtoRY SAL~ . ' R .. rlnl' on chargu <>t si-and N•w CM Morfucry theft of Dove P'lnk, proprietor of ~· J P'----OK AUTO PA~ II ACCESSORIES Davey's Locker, 307 Palm· St., """1W"I". · AT GI J REDUCTIONS Balboa and Harry C. Wlllon, ex· . A San QuenUn Inmate clatmlng to teen -Of U.. On.Dee county "-_,_ plabunr enmml.uloa were re-CAB HEA.TZBS -·------··----.Re .. g. lll.-. 1:595 ..,... a former Army aaptaui W-, tha --T""- To DFoRJVEto! 'MAD300 YD..Ut8 P00UTWN' DOWN 'liHAI\' • .'! CL~_?<> VOU WISblR continued unUI 10 a. m. ,Monday, ~~ ..... ~p·p':r ~~~~on c..t.! · f'OO UGJn'S __ Reg. 12.Dli pr. IJ'.le -~ . TIUl ~WAT . J.osft open ~ur K Feb. t at . Utie Newport · Beach -J_J . •·-· , I , I .-.- athleUc mind to what rm •Ylne! \ •Y unbluabtn&I"-tbat Polly townalllp court. M'""'I mortuu;y, Headlns t b • AND-PRM:tE , __ Reg. 3.59 pl Irk -. • • • , Appanl hu a "birdie"' Of a eolflil&-dnu. n.. ,...,... 't1t&t. I am One ot the defendarlt'• l&Wyen comritlmoe apia t. Df· Walter L. 6,-:- in:epued to deocrlbo tllla ....,,.,., In '8Ucll do&t.blw p<OOO, la tbat wao unallM to appear at tile pre-=...of ';:::;;,J' -.it aa · , TIBIJ •OllA.IN8 --+ Reg. SM pr. S.le '159 · lllr. -....i. me try It ..._ ~ a matter ot f..,._lt ·hi.ppell~ Umlnary lie~ wt>lcll .A.t bMn v· ,.;.•-~ _._ . ~! -• . • -day --..-eyory •~ ID the Coualy waa t-lllp -~' foe Wedn-,.. Jan. .._,~:-~ . u watw! Thie mparty wubabje ~ iD dMck or plald la a .itl~ 10. The new d&ta ,..... aler:ted u ~ W1tll Baroid It. 'l'ohM een .. lnAl<er ln-. -_,, Ille tre aad f>ao • -ODd ~ belDc .. -.,.,. to all pUtla · U.C: ... _......,. • '-"'!" drape built __ , ha -.( \ti Iba ... -~ ... , l"bilt -w-... -., ~ It. ~ .. -llut~ ap .._-. an .. ..,..n lbo1-aad muocle-llaUIS 1°" bllklwa: O••P A.J[&rl, 1ou ir.lt $-· ' , .. » ca.-. i. dlnplayl 'l'1'& --•-.. labol, -.1'iU. ~Sold Ba--.. 11aJboo ·-ICwfttt • Rldlq" • 8Nl "'!"' ap-....-i tar wbldl an ..,....._ acaJlell\f a.wvd"-o. IL .o rm con .. L. '\Kan tu.I J11nmv Dr .. Bal· Jot 111 r .. LNlll for • )'Vd -....Tlllo -at Sl0.11 wlu U.. ac1~_,. "'""" and" (lloria * -~ MJllO ....-~ ot • ..tio.c. to. podolt eotelll' -, lllllt "'!"' II , la ... M ...... 8o ,.,.. ,lio.:t play ~· tllere'o -yo ,._ ~t tor al~ _,. -<Mpel ail, .lfll • \ 11'&:.t ... ---;;:.,~ -" ~ POU. .APP.t11mo:• 1111 -·---oeoit f uth at ... --~·-llbqj4ft ~... ..... •11 ~ .... " • •• et-~--CllJt;a...~" ~ ~:;;::::::;::::::::::;;~~~ -. • • , ,, I I ! • • -· • I ' . ' ' '1 . • ' . I ,. ' • j' .t·: I: . • I. • I \ • . ' ' ' l • CROWDS GA'l"Rl:'il Me"" the ffo" et Le""'• ne ' •n... l•laad .Jwt.rttr IM-forf' the ,-err •'1«f!Mful eaJt, .._-. Friday, ~... 5. Deon opf'IMMI at t :IO L •· aatl 1'1tlti. a fnr •lautN tl'M' atnl'f' (f&nnf'l'IJ" Ida Say&ctr'•) wu,.. padl:M that tlle ·~r..t.on had to leeli: .... tloors a.ad let •"°PfN'" I• Hly ""'"'• otMn •·ere k!a\1a1 th,. Mop te.df'd 11t1th b&rpln• Lnwtt f'eater picture •ho".. Lorftf' fluyl'kf', •f"W .......... ef i.......... T1'e plNAH' Mp"fllAIOll Mdoohf ... ~ COflM'l9 f1'0lll tlw ""ult• at the clwce ~ IMh·ertt.M la !loo ,...,,.. _, P..- • ., • • ... • • ' . 1id ' LOllNE HU1'CKS •• ' \, \ '· " AD ,IS RAim ...,..._lll•r .,. • .., ,,_!loo.,._ tire Hariior .,.., •ttfianl l•to lAl'Pa'e .. the. .._. ..., .,..;.... Ju. I al l :lt rL -. (PIMfe oa tllo ~). The 1fOIDNI •• tlM! ~.... ad la tlM! Sho,,.t Md P'l'M9 (ndml, .. 11) MverU.tar U.. ~ •'-aad TREY AllE COION'O IX Wfl'B TD AD IS 'l'lttlR eANos· te ... , ... a rftntnder of tM·•ott ... ........ ~ .. -Tllo .... _ ... -.... llloppPr or PtMe 11 ~IMrty \111.ble til the ..... .t tlw. ftnt ·two w.,...._ Pklture • U.. rt.pt lihinwe the crow• Ill tlM .... ·a . t~ mlaat. after U.. ......... • RUNNING A FULL PAGE AD · ' • .. EXCLUSIV_ELY -IN THE ''SHOP~ER'' .AND · THE ''PR~SS'', JAN. 3 AND 4 ' LOREN'S (formerly Ida Naylor's) ~ Balboa Island packed their stpre"from early morning till late .at night with -Shoppen taking advan· . . . tage of the many bCll'gains offered. ' Mr. Buyck•'• and Mr. Stt\'tno' lett•n 11t1~tantlaU! th..., Ital•· meata.. The Bay Post a: Shopplnir; Ne,..,. has a circulation of O\'tr 16,000, blankrnn.1; the city of Newport llea<-h, (Newport, Balboa, Balboa Wand, Coroaa del Mar, Udo Isle, Bay Shoros, Beacon Bay, and Newport H•l.i;ht•) u w•ll ... the atlghborln11: clt!H of Costa Me•• and La!'"na Beach. It lo a free clrculatloa paper delivered by carrier o\'M.)' TbllJ'llday H. W. STEVENS & COMPANY S1»cio} Sales for Retail Stort>a 412 v.·p;sT SD.."TH STREET LOS ANGELES 14, CALIF. • OVER 19,480 Janua ry ti. 1931 • Shoppen and Press Every Week! ' ~ Mr. A. A.. Hllmilton Newport-Balboa Pre• De•r Mr. H.unilton : • • W• know tnat you .... ;11 tMo \•e_ry ·inter•.sted In knoY.'11\( that the u le .. whk:ll we are DO\V ronductinl" for Mr. Huycke. who pun:haHd the Itta Naylor Slliop on ~lboa 111land , ~ a tremendoua sucet"aa. 'J\'• understand that tt 11 th4I moat sucoeufu l sale e,•er stac,ed in' thia ana. Yle UMd your publication exclualwly in ad:vertisinr this aale and you ~rtalllly muat have covered th• arel quite thoroughly t>«au..e we drew bus~ ¥" trofrl u far away u t..suna Beach '-''hich eertalnly speak• well tor the r power ot your pa.Pf!.r. In fact, we had aich tremeadoua crowd1 on the da}' that '-''• could not besin to handle the ll'eal throngs of people It is ....n ... t. MY that any tim@. ln the Mur.. we conduct a u l11, any pl&« !n your area. }-OU may real &aal1ree that we 1hall certainly UN )'OUT paJ>tr for our publicity. ' . ( I m.isht add that we r9C.ived the tw1•1t eooperatlon ft;pm your orp.niaa· t~ I• an-a.a«fnr all of th.i.a dlliplay ad\ .. rtisiJI.&'. • I -"-"Ul k.i.ndat "«a.rd•. . I • JfWS:aU V~ry truly youra. ~. W. STEVENS It COMPAN'r ay H. W. Wl'EV1!:N8 • YOU CAN'T IEAT CIRCULATION and 11 eagerly read by thou,..nd1 who 1hop for the l>Mt b11i·• hi food, ~lothing and appliances. . · The Newport-,aJboa PRESS, ,.;th nearly' SOOO clrc"uiation lo the Harbor area's leading paid circulation weekly newspaper, ooverlng all the newo of the entire area lncludin,; ..Uling, boating, fishing, r.oclety, 1porta ud all t.he la!ait Harbor ae,..,. evet1ta. . ~ . • .. I 1• N..wport Bay Po11t N e'Arport Bea.ah, Cat If. Gentlemen: • LOREN'S s.!boa Wand, C,lil . .la.nuaty 1J. 1931 . n cJ.vu me creat pfeuun to Inform )'Ou that our aaJe at Loren'•. 20<& J.larine Avenue. BA.Jbo& llland. "1\lch wa• actvert.leed. ex'clu1ively in the Newport Bay Poat .&lld the Nl!wport-Balboa Preu, Jitaa been a ·tremendolll aucce ... . \ . \ r L The volu"": of btuiinen on the first day ~e ale ,.probably aet a new recoi;ct for the area._. It ia conceivable that W• cotlld have done fifty per cent more lt additional apaoe eouJd have been ma.de available. We have ttr1t-hand report• tbat many per!'IOna returned home when .they 'aaw the q:lreme con· l'e•tlon in•ide the store. ' . • • In view of the fa~t that every piece of merchandiR pla.ced on aaJe wu from the Store'• regular lltock, and that there wa1 no additional at.Mk broul'ftl ·tn for th• .. le, It ta indeed remarkable that proper promotion could produce such volume ~ a. •inc le da'y. ·l-. I UJREN'a I..Grne Huyck• ·' Bal bool 1aJ&nd. C&lit. • • " -AND SHOPPING . NEWS t ' ·~ for Men, Women an' ~ildren r . -: • '• .... . . .. . ' ~ ~-.) . . • , -,-- = w 9 -- JI ·~ .. .. zn m .. --,. ' .,-....J bing Company, · 22~1 »W'5t ~Ba .. . ' .~sO.Titl .. ' • . . . , ' . ' ' • • . ' , , . I • • •· • • • ' . ' I ' Wei:{nesday, J•nuary 17; 19S i . . \ 1950 fire Loss Over $17.000 A ftre' 10 .. · of lli,100.81 for lb~ City of Newport Beach in 1950 ' waa reported this Wf'ek by Ftre -Chlet Frank Crockl"r, with . oth~ non-ch&ri'eable fire loaaea of $0161 to automobiles, boat.a &nd elt"etric motors. 1 Chief Crockf'r llatt"d a total~of 34 fire• during the y ('ar u .set by ar90nlslA for a total of ne&rl)' 23 pt"r cent of all fires reported dur- ing the yelf. Other cau•e.s listed by the chlt>f tnc!Ude~ amokera, 26 ; careleu- neaJ(' 11 : electrical origin.I,--: 22; expl08tons, 14 : hea ting and cook- ing, 17; child and matches, ·thrff; •ponta.neowi combustion. two; un- determinrd, 14 : &nd SWlabine, onl!'. A total of l~O tires were hand- lf'd by the dt'partment during _the year including 30 public alarm.a, · 89 still alat,m.e, 31 rf'ported fire•, 24 Cut>• of rf'scue !IE'rvice and 29 aquad cal!.!1. Thia 1ricluded 13 fires 1n build ings and 137 othf'r rtrea. Type.1 of fires 111'tf"CI by Chie! ,,. CrOC'ker inc luded '2t auto truck, 11 boat.8, 23 dw elhngs, nine pri- v&tf" garagf"s, 11 mercantile .. three e lec tric motorA. sue electric equip- m ent. 24 graas and y,·eedJ, 20 truh and refu se, tv.,.o chimneys, five smokr scarf"l'I, one fal.!le a larm and tv.·o public school. r • CINNAMON ROW _ ... "°':! 6-20• lh•a. CHOCOUTE PECAN CAKE 1•10: 11.tJ -1 89' .... ... ...., ('OST A ~fESA COROSA DEL ?\IAK 903 Coaal IUS"h"'J' L.i\GUNA B F.ACH 215 Fo,.,..t Aven~ • JANUARY ·CLEARANCE • ' . Reductions up to SO°/o 1 Group of Glrla 1 Onup ot Girl&. DRESSES DRISSIS Sise• S to I \1a'"Jet1 to S.16 · R••· 1°" 2.95--NOW NOW r . :)!C?s>k R!~l,~JS . . . . . . NOW 295 CORDUROY SKIRTS .... NOW 339 ~b.rA I "9 I '41 Reg .... 90 FLANNEL GOWNS .... NOW 195 Slus ! to 14, Rf'I(. "!.94 ' , BO\.'S GI :'\GHA}I . SHIRTS Sl:r..-• % to 1! -R'"l'· 1.93 1 ie NOW Bo.}·• Gabardln!I Drtt-•• SLACKS Sltf'1l 4 to 12 -a.,.. 4.8A , NOW 3 .. CHILDREN'S . SHOP SAM'S SEA FOOD Complete Course . LUNCHEONS-DINNERS > "At The Sign of the Swordfish" . Beautif~I New and Enlarged Cocktail Lounge ' SURFSIDE Bfih\•f'f"a Sf.al l\f!aeb sod 8un.ll't 84>a"h PhonMt: 8!4-06 -80200 -8.JO-79 . IATTAI -&Aa•at ..-AT .. -MC9IC C°!"" • • • --... -.. ·-·-: ................ ..,,, ....... _, .... ... _,....,.,.._ FURNITURE ANO ACCESSORIES NOUSE & 4i>JIOEM ·--• o • ._, me ALUMl ... UM WALL TILE SAY "GOODBYE'' TO CHIPPlNG PLASTER, PEELING P AJNT Ai'D MOLD. L~STALL Gl .. E.AMING LIFETIME ALUMJNUM WALL TILE ALL A.ROUND YOUR TUB OR SHOY.'ER- • .. "40 SQ. FT .. OR LESS ) FOR ONLY- $45 Complete on Easy F. H. A: T.enns 10,.-0 00\\'S -SO ~10STHS Guaranteed against ci)lpJ>ing .. cracking, dlAcoloMng or rust. Add Valut lo·Your Hon1t SPECIAL -ALL WOOL BROADFELT )b5 Yd. Installed }~or Frtlf' Estlm•tt can Bf'M."'On 3!.51·.I' or ~n ~·"-· COASTUNE FLOOR COVERING • OOSTA MESA .we'r.e Moving! • I ·SAM KINSFATHER . PLUMBING and HEA0llNG . , ' • • ' I is Movin9 Principal ·Office to 407 30th STREET New.port leadl • WE WILL STILL MAINT.AIN OUR PRESENT BALBOA OFFICE AT I _ 619 East laJ. Ave •• s. ... ...., •• HAuoR Go • • I .. ' \ I , ' ) , • ' l .. ---::-r-,.:,""",,--.;." .. ' • • • . ' " • " NEWPORT BAY POST •nd SHOPPING . NEwS • -' % CUllENT .EAINllKS ltECOVJ:lt llOAT Mn. C.iarlet lk:hmltt, to Boll· l · vat St., Lido Trailer Park. report· 1 ed lthe theft or a 14 root bo&tJ trom 1 • 1~l-;11p aometime Saturday .atrbt. ... " ... 1~. • I . JF YOU .OT THI MpNIY; HONIY . I Cht -i ... TIMe -At 2:30 p. m. Sunday, the ~ boat ~ · ncovered on Balboa penin· wi... Obat-rver1 M id that 1 tout bo~, cot out ot the boat' ud. ~ appeo.rod. . CAllNm .. ,-rNJ: rtJaNJTmis llADll: . IN oua OWN 81101'11 FV•NlfuU Dflt41SHID ,. i ROUSE A ,GARDEN . 611 COAsl HWY. NIWPOlt llA.CON '111 . . to iell-r-w•d•;flil -ttil1_1p at Mlf piW. ' 1· " I •• • r llarp _,. I wu -· •p .• foaU.00: -·· to11iit .-. I alat llWI at .. featlter net.er, ha bela' lfppff. IM w ' ; A UDO to -•or le llftT -la a -fw 1U'i'tb' --_. aad. I harilty ... r pt Mek .aore . U... u.,.. ••tN a . week from *PD!. It& * ~ of U..fl tllllal'. Dr. Reward D w 11 A • • oqrn • IKWJ;l.&Y -WAl..wl).I. ' HARBOR ' FRO.ZEN FOoo· LOCKERS • • • • • • ' ' LOCKER SPACE AVAILABLE , (MEM AT WJ{OLESAL!l FOR LOCKERS OR HOME FREEZERS) For Locker Rentals Phone HarbOr 0718 ' 30th St. (Next to the Ice Plant) Newf*t Beach. J • • • llAllOll HOUU. GOYU-INT O~DI A IYllClllATID, CUI UP, RIADY TO FRY ' Treat your family to a royal dinner tonig_ht. Serve taste· C temptjng, delicious, fried chicken. Yet, thi1 sumptuous dinner will be ~·Yon· a bud-Di. . cet at: Safeway'• low prices. g/JJitional valiu.1 in Qualil!f .At.~at.1 ' llW 'I/CU I• tMltKUI 'Al1', 111 Wings .. 51" l991 .. 1.19 Giuards .. 55• Breasts •. 1.rl Thighs .•. 1.19 H.am .. SS- POD BOASTc~59ocw~39o POBI CBOPS~i:63°cu~43° BEEF BOAST T:~=~~J:. ... 59° ~!~d~~J!~ •. 43• ~!M~ Ribs · ~35· ~~ha~~~~ •• d n..UC ~.1~~.~f n..ZS• RATH'S LUNCH MEAT Black Hawk l~:L 43 f TEA · Lipton'• Mock. Yellow label. ·BISCUIT .MIX :.:i1!i 40.... 390 llloqulct .... ~ -':.~3&o ' 011 GLEN EGGS • LllCE GJIDt A:.. FBESB 540 Pocbdon.-.la~ . ..... • SLICED PElCBES Wieners -No. I Skinl"~ In c .. n •. Somnwt or Swift Prr miulft. 1~.s3· Corned Beef 8olW'lnt bri~kl'I. Mild cvrt.. ~ne hot or cold.. ':..! 29• llrisl., bracing b4¥oroge. Caoile CrMI -cl. y~-Cllnqa. Packed tn hOCITJ' ..,.....p. DollcloU9 • with Party Pride Ice Cr--. n.:-23° -. MllllS I• Ill• Salmon Fill•t Whol• Wh iting · Halibut St.aka Fill•t of Sol• Green Shrimp lr.acMcl Shrimp .. 53• .. rt• .. & .. .. 539 12 ..... 13. .... ':..-:-75• • · . ..,, . "7i~DIM""-d--'7Blfl~ _,:2: :.~, i:·. ~!:!~·~ ~:: 7:_. c~ Low-priced fresh lruitl' and vegeta.ble1 al the peak of their goodneu.mean1 greater sa'fings for you. This week, in keeping W'Tth National Citrus Fi-uit Week, we offer you these specials . • \ 00-. ... _, 20· JELL-WELL- i:.a.:q., s.. .... lcrT.i. 50 HecrTT With Juice •• I OBlllGES GBAPEFBUIT 2 ~II~ TUMBLERS Imperial Grown ... 40 10 ... 25• 2 ... 9- -:::-59• PIE CHiRRIES ............... . • , ' . ... .. -:;.. . ' .. I • -'I· . . . ·. • j .. •• ;/ . i ' . • .l ' " ' ' •• • •. . - J I . -- • • • J . . - l .. , ,. J • ' 5 • , • -I . ' • .. I , . I j . -'f ' t J ' ' • ' . • . • 1'1EWPORT BAY rtOST encl 'Sl:f()PPIN6 NEW$ ' W edllftd•y, J•~uu~ 11, -195} '• t ' . p ·1 N ·A L ' 1· , . ~~u'~,!'_~T '!!.!!Y.~C?!!. ;Dlt~Sd va1... .. ..... N.OW 1095 to lf95 1 Oroap of Oahanlhte \'aJUN to 17.95 1 SKIRTS 'NOW 895 1 OllOUP Skim • Slacks Valun to !5.00 NOW ss-sa....:;.s10 and $1095 GET INTO THE DRIVER'S SEAT! , . Wh•tt you' rt & hom1 ownr:r YOU'LL k ' Ua• ~a! No m ore high rt.nta 'or landlorc1 troublt>e! BuY a home of 1r own NOW , .. w\th our economi- cal home loan. r friendly-ldvillor1 ~W a rrans• a loa.n that'• juat ight tor your nt>t>dtl e.nd budret. T&lk over the de ila with tham today. RM Tape 11 at • mlnimum. ' FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE MAKE PAYMENT BY MAIL! NEwPORT B"LBOA FEDE R·A L SAVI N'G S AND LOAN · AS$0CIATION • A. IAI.M,,. .. ltt' ... ..... j JJJJ Yr11 Liff .HerfNr l500 • NEWP'OW' 81EACH, CALIP'ORNIA • . ' p14,;,o,_ J,,~~uot;o,, TERESA RENNER I Mra. A. Rennerl 0••** PIMlat .. n.... Ola ...... Ont te 11-.... llf .. lluioll . 436 S1m1 Drive Hllrll• .117.1..J Corona Hlghla11• -Cero•a .dll Mar .............. INTERIOU WOOllN ._. TIC>rlCAL JIUtNfTUU OIAttS • WAUIAl'fl.S • LA.Mn 'Jt.OOt CO'tHIMeS . RO'll81l a OAJU>llN , , t ll COAn Hl8HW,4Y NIWPOl:J JlACON '117 . 11&11+ p M • ••• .. Ww1z Ti • • j ...... .. , '· M*<>Olf 1M1 CJliRI, .._ altaz·O... . IUlt 'If ...... -. · Announcing • . • ! DIANETIC SEMINAR ' tor team audlttor. Lecture• and demonatra.tionl presented ln a Mrld ot weeltl)"; m"t.infa I to 12 noon. · oft Saturqaya, bel'lnnlng Jan. 17. DI~ by a a.r- tifled profeaaiona:l audltor. F or infonnatloft. call from. 9 L m. t• 2 p. m. Monday t.h roul'h Fnday at U O lrl• A we. , 'CORON A .DEL KA.a FUN ZONE OPEN ~ERY FRIDAY,. SAT"ltDAY and SUNDAY 'BALIOA 2nd Annual Elks Minstrel FRIDAY and . SATURDAY · FEI. t-10 . Two li9 I 1 -.:::::. $ho~s . I Newport Harbot llnlon High I School Auditorium LI TICKETS AVAIL.AILE FROM ANY eJ..K . , ' • THE NEW HAMMOND CHORD OIGAN • YH C• "9y Rich OnJC11t ·T 11111 llt o .... ' . WITllO tlT llNO'tll'INct .A IINQI& NOTE OF MUllO . DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO CO • 1 520 No. Mein, Cor. of 6111 SANTA ANA Phcl111 'KI. 2·1140 • SEE THE 1951 BUICK • Hl.T OF THE H'GHW.A.Y • ' I , . : 2 • • 1 pa . 0 N J> I $ P L A Y • S A T U R D A Y • J A N • 2 0th. 0 P. N 'T I L 9 p. m. -. _ I I ' A T'>-i 1 Y 0 UR S 0 UT H C 0 AST ·BU IC K ~ A 'L IS AN · $ 1'·1 v 1 c E o E A L 1 1 • s A 1 T .1 u v • ' 1 u .1 e K ' 195~ ltSl IUICK IUICK ON . ON D .DISPLAY . ,. ~.SAT.· . 14. I JAN • • . ~' ' " .• • I . , -. !. I . • ,. . • J . ' . . -. • d7 · Morri . Fredi Violet• . , JS• IUNCH . .. .. . . . . - ' ' . -OpPortuntty 11 11a>ocldl>s ·ta 'CLA.881FIXI) AI>tl. ; _, ' . I . DRAPERiU .... noM ~ ~ -~~ Ctll!'l'OM MADE FIJOM SEL!;C'f F AillUC8 ' · CO~ ~RIOlt DECORATING llt:RVIdl: . 'UPHOl.llTll:RINO• e SLIP COVERa ·e BSDlll'READI 1 i . IEACON HOUSE 1NratOi$ . . . lit, lli:ACB ST. LAGUNA IDA.CB ..... ..,. ' ' , I . . . . . . . .. • • . I ~-J .&NU.ARY.,. ' . 'WELCH'S IT5lc»i OOe'rA. MU• OILANGE llMco• On.nee na-w 1w ' . ·ala.r ecia • I REGULAR $83.30 . . PRICE ••• --1-a .7s .$ · : PONTIAC 6 PAllTS A.ND UllOB \ ALSO BIG . S.A VINGS ON ALL MAK£S ' T8 POINT OVERHAUL • 1. ConiplotA! V1h-o Grind 2. C!ean Carbon S. RepW,,, Piston Rlnga 4. ll<!pileo .Piston Plu 5. Eicpand Platono 6. Replace Connectln1 Rod, 111..,rt Roarings 7. Adjust Connecting Beds-,. Chevrolet . &l Buick 8. 'Align Connecting Rods 9. Rep!aee Ue'ld and Pan Gaskoto 10. Chango Engine OU 11. Cl-OU Pump IJ- ..&rMill aad !!ump, 12. Ridge Reani, clue b•t, ~1'bl6en lS. Cie&11 ond Id.Jut apark p!up 14. RepW,,, Vimibator Point.I, retlme metor · 15. Cloaa Air Cleaner 16.. Adjust Carburetor 17. Rep!Mle Manlfo!d GMketa 18. Top Radiator Booe .::::.. 1 2 M o " 1 .H s -1 o r A v · .t=::.. . ' . Work Guara""9d .o.o · .. . . . ' . on SlMM.ONS ' -. ' , INNERSPRING MATTRESS. AND BOX SPRINGS DURING OUR 1 ' . ' ' . JANUARY CLEARANCE . -. . . • • ., ' '"· .99.50 SI.-IJmol"lprinC • Matt.-a Box Spring NOW 69!'! TWil'1 OR FULL SIZE • ' -._ • ' I ' , . . ' .. . . • v ~ • • . ' . •· ' . -~. ' . ' • " • • . i ,. : ' f [. I r- 1 I I. I • I ' . • • , 1 I , I I ' ' ,-~ ... , · . : · FT .- GLOBE A-1 FLOUR 5-LB. SACK • 45c SHOWBOAT SALMON , ··34:· ··scr· sciACKERS . ,i~x 25c BEST FOODS PURE . MA YON~AISE PINT JAR 41(. r------·~--·-n•RRt•1•l' __ ..,__.,....,.a 'SPi NA c H. _____ 2-"'!~:;:_1·5..,c .,.. ___ .. -. KITCHIN C~AIM TOPIC WAXED DOG PAPER FOOD 12S'H · 19C loll 4 T.11 ·25c: Co•s . . .:KOLD KIST SALE! CHICKEN CHOP SUEY · · · · · ,,.._ ' ' ' PORK CHOP SUEY .......... 1•·0.. CttlCKEN PIES · · · · .... · .. · .... 12-u. ~J 7~.~-llOLD KIST DIMONSTIATION l •FRIDA1' & 8ATURDA1' l Down~~-, Coron. 0.1 M ar . • Clilll & h••o, I ... a. Pk9. 2Sc ~~Y·. ~~'°:.!_.J . ~-------------s IT PICKIN' --.... EYEIYTHIN<i FIOll • IA TTL ES NAiii STEAKS TO CANNED PHEASAN'Jl OMCiON TILLAMOOK • CiOLDIN S'l'ATI SLICED CHllSI , AMERICAN AIMOUl'S FIYf STAI SPICIALI BOILEi> HAM lb. 'Sc - lb. SSC CALIP. PARMS BOYSEN- BERRIES . . No. ~OJ 19C: .caw PROVED! • .THE CilEATEST SILICTION OP Dll.ICASIES IN TOWNI OSCAl .MAYEI HAM CHOPPED . WITH U.ISHI SAUC,I . . • 11-1~. $425 1co;~~IZE ·I ALL-AMERICAN . . · P~AS 12.oz. 1Sc PIC~ .FiNcNA~ HADDIEL•. 4,c ... ~.~~--LD,.1,""9_9_· _c_"_7_1~_::_;_1:._: .. 1111 1 1111 iwl~ADMCHEES~ . LI. 4,c: .. : . . . . I . \ 3 COMPL~TE SH,o PING C·ENrERS ·; DOWNEY NEWPORT '• CH rrcoRONA DEL MM q51 L l'lllStoNI ILVD. • nt c .... Hltliwmy, T..ff• I tu Ce•t Ml~.•aY· at.I•..... • .l\T DOLAN AVL 1 .0,. ~ 1 ..... to a IP:&, o,.. DoollJ I..., t. 11 p.a. . - q._ ......,. 'IG lll~llo (FIL a 1!&$.. ( (Prt. a la&. '111 Mw.llel , .• .. ~ ' ' . . , · QI~ Tl DPEf' '91 ~ . All, ~-. ~ ~IWI _ .... - .. . . . ... . . . • . . ' . • 11P ''"""'· UllQ •. t • • • IEST 9\IALITY CiNTU.L AMERICAN ·BANANAS ;~~~ . ----............. . . . AVOCAEDEOS . ·12.: .. COME OYll ON THE SUN~TrD~~OK .• . . . ~?_~=._ _ _J ' Plot $i'79 . ,'. .· MOu~N°v 5iiliioK J439~ . lM".flTED 14 Y~I OLD .-.,,C: Rt:ISLING Fllt'li .~ .. . ..... -·-·-·-............ ···----··· ~--;;-- ' ILINDED WlSOY-G!>°D OLD s31s .. Guc~enhe1mer 1 fiftll , ..• · . : VGAI 1'"'y ... wC•c···N··•E•I ,. ..... s .. ....,~k 58· c::. •• • T ... ,. ~....... , • _,,,___ -• --_...... ... • .. --.... .t.-+ ... ' .. . .. • • , IMl!t~UCA.l!IO~A llUI l'Ul:L ,. ~C: • ; · . ~rape .. ~i~-'~ . · ~-: ~-;;, , . I ' . I ' : -. • • ' • ., .. ,, -I • • 1 . I , ' J f NEWPORT IAY POST Mel SHOPPING . NEWS Wednesday, Janu.,., 17, 1951 ~~--~~~~~·~~~~~~-,:--~~~~~r-~-:-~----:-~~~~~~~~~~~-t'-~~~~~~~ lt-aUSINUS oum•I ~IMO •&aVJCU u-~ltJ'l1i>INb aaV.CZ. H~NAUI-. -----~!!:::'~'!:'"'!'!...!__.~~:'!!: .. ~!QIO~~Ull~-~ll& PO• 8ALI! - ooKPLm'll aoo-~ a a HOLBROOK . ~ ""''&• W ._ rlJ:PllNDMlf.JC PLUlm?NG r ftll1 .0.-. .,----A ft .. .llD CARPENTER ~, • A""1hoilCll AllOll1JllOllll VALUES CHROKE J!'l<TCNSlON T..,U F 1 Write p ; 0 . Box to5 11:·4 ~ tn ucellmt condllk>n. WORK I --Tolond,-~. , in U!!ed. ·Appliances W ill 11crln.. at -UWI ., ROUGH and Flnlt!hed CUltom -., KllnMJl7 .__ prtce, S<O. Pllo!>o Ra.r. l 36().R. Al's House &I Rug ••* -_.,.,,. ood -87ce9 built cabinet.I .. B&rlaor llU-M. FROM THIS DAT& forward, 1 All are in g condition 34c3:5H Will not be reqo.Mible for an7 Appliances are getting scarce DINE! IE TABLE It • CHAIR.I -Every Tiae.~ay Clea.nine' Co. NEWPORT BAY -POST-Wedneedan •· -·•111 1 nttc NEWPo;BT-ULBOA' PRESS-:-'Jll~J'S Furniture Repriring Jl'M,..a ...,. rws Onrlflel ~ ..-,_ • .. r n 7 Chair bottoma nnewtdl, cane or Jf-n-.. illo ~:r .._ splint. Chair f'OUndo. backll an• roclr:en replued : •lao n-sluin1. lllJNllrOll £11 18 & .LINU QARVEY'S ~ , d O' $fl@I all ..a IN,.,.. fW Ola la ... REI .. P"b'szlll& RJCPJJR AHOP ' ' U.. 1 hper 9 .111 20!IO Santa All& A.ft:, Coot& Kta ' U.. I Papen !Bl S..ccm US3..J. lTclSH ' U-I Papen l.00 Tbe DUllllilien will not be ~bl• fOtt more Uwt. w lnotfted 1%-BUILDINO 8EB.VIOES tnMrtion 'ct u. adnrtilement. ""'"-Ute ~t to oonectl1 elullf) an;r and all ado and to reject uy lldvortaoment not -'orm!nl' to "11• &lid NfUlaUona.. Ad•ertiHme11.ta and ea.nc•llaUOftl trU1 bt: leetptt.d up to 5 p..m. on th• day pre«dln~ publlcaUon. Pb.. ll&r. ltlt r..... Bu. 1111. mil fer .. Ad 'hJret" w MM ..... ,........_ .. NEWPORT llAKBOB POJILl8BINQ 00. ,ISll Balboa JUTd.. N ewfJOrt Be·oh, O&lttorllla. PAINTING EARL .SHEFLIN 171 Palmh' BL. Cmt& - llM. M5T-K Ne9 INTERIOR -ltX'tllRlOR .--..: .. "PW 1'11-W lll01Ba-111..._ N..,pcwt-.,. REPAIRING and PAINTING REA.SONA..BLE. t.rs• or 1mall Jobi. J'r'f:e estlmatu. Wa.llcer: . 108 .. 11th !t .. Newport Beach. Harbor 2611-R. 17cllB PAPER HANGING . and PAINTING ' Kenneth · Quarry dtbtl olher than my own. .. &nd will soon be eVen Natural nnw., ltctil. wooci--x· 1Wma8oNALA Dorothy Pfelf•r. harder to find. tra leave:s. Anttqued INthtrf'tte I tea ta. P~ Hubor l()OllV.'. . PHOTO TINT 11-'31TUATIONS WANTl:D ' StiveI gas refri.g. 5 cu. l7c6t Ha.. your favori~ pbotosnph . . ft,. m very 111i!e ooq-han~ t inted. Write name and \\'.!len you need a nune_. ditio~ .......................... $74.95 add .. on back or photo. Aleo Pi'actlcal Nuroe.s Reg1.1try Fr1gidatre, 5 cu. ft ..... 89.95 natu al colorlnJ. Price $1.60 eL Grad'!ate Undergraduate. Frigidajre, 6 cu. ft ..... · 94.50 END TO SANDRA 'Drained-J'racbcal Nuraea Ice Box, looks li ke ~ ac.an Fl'Cllt Balboa· SJ!9Cially' ln.ined OB Nunes electric refrigerator 14.95 . Mc78 806 Orange, Santa Ana. . Kitnbuly 2-81118 1e1cU El te AhLSOt ec. wa r ea er , a BAR- We buy, sell or trade. Call us and save money. Crawley's Used Furniture 2366 New't Blvd Costa Mesa P hone Beacon 5014-J Rug and Upholstery Cleaning and. Dyeing !!;t!!~~~__JI_ ·GAIN! II .R£1.P WANTED MAPLE dtnlng fft, 9' pcl'I. Maple co!ftt tablt-11 and end tablt-'5. An- WE 1peclall&e ln cleanlnl' RUI'• a nd Uphoi.tery only. Done In your oWD bome or In our plant Ha ve a few good TVs.-. diron.a and fi re 9Crevi. Tf'en• J UST"TRADED IN! a~rs bf-droon\ stl. innf'r sprin1- lfill5 Santa Ana Ave., Coat& Meu. ualn« th• fa.moua B ild aystem. Phone Beacon 5W. R UGS DYED · WILL GIVE rent tree (utllltie.i paJd) of amall m odern tu rnlBhed . h ouae in exchange for care of children 6 daya a week. Phone Beacon 6507-\\'. 84c89 mattreu. Col<1apot rf'rrigrralor, DA VIS·BRO\VN CO. 8 cu. rt. 200 eo,.1 An .. &Ibo• 188~ Harbor Blvd. Colla M.-1a _1_'1_aii_o_. __ ~----•-Sc_70. \ 85p78 LET ua make your old ruga and Bpacon 6821 · ' l I ' BIG THREE - Neww -Thn.,., Post, Shopping New• and the Pr .. • OVER 21 ,500 CIRCU LATION IS THE ANSWER Phone J4rbor· 1616 today tind uk for the ad-taker. PAINTING . LICENSll:D -IN8URll:D Glenn Johnstbn · 601 -Sl•t St. Newport Beach · · Harbor 2197-J 34c4S _____ _..______ tumlturt look llke nerw with brtr ht. new color•. Work ruar. FRE E ESTIMATES. Ph. Bea. 5108 HANLEA 'S ROOFING Stop any leaks, guara.nleed. 2039 H&rbor Blvd · Co1ta l.1eaa FRl:E ESTIMATES Harbor 1215...J &oc67 , 23c2tB W ANTED -Exper ienced aten<>s- raphM ·~rith ~ability to meet the pUblic. Balboa Bay Club. P hone Bea.con 6528 tor a ppt. 6:k&e WANTED-DISH WASHER. AP- .ply SNAC K SHOP, 1619 Cout H ighw ay, Corona de! Mar. S7c99 SI-BOA 1'8, SUPPLIES PRICED TO SELL QUICK ! Thor !------------ Automagic 'Wa11hing machine- Dlahwa sher comb. $75. 1 t''o':in 11iz:e-ma ttrf'U and 1 mattrf'l!!I pad, 91 4 E. Ocean F ront, Bal· boa. Harbor 0823-J . 67p71 GOOD BOAT GEAR P ropa. hne. mot or•-fish nf't, f'lC. BU\': SELL· TRADE· CONSIGN Some Xlnt boat bu.rs. 8 fl.-80 ft. ' ----. • • • ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY COMPLETE ONE-STOP . SHOPPING CENTER, UNDER ONE ROOF! •* MEATS * .-,_ulT * VEGETABLE!! * TOBACCOS * LIQ UORS * FROZEN FOODS * COSMETICS World's Largest - FO 0 D·D RI a Marllotl • * * BAKERY * CANDY * TOILETIUES * GIFTS * HOUSEHOLD * VITAMINS * SUNDRIES ·1112 s. MAIN ST., ·sANTA ANA * FOUNTAIN * • A•••rtls•d Price• Tlaurlday Tiara ~unday·•Jan. 18, 19, 20 and 21 ~~~~~~---~~~~~-· .JUST SOUTH OF SEARS • ACRES OF FREI!. PAIUUNG • .·~PEN NITU ~ SUND.ATS Fl:\'EST Ql'ALJTY APP ·LE S *WINESAP . * DELICIOUS 5 I LI. * PIPPINS IAG Larp 8wflf't Table ORANGES 5 ·i:!'g 29c , . AVOCADOS ~~~o 10C••· (~onf' to O..alen ) t·. S. ~O. 1 'M'HJTE ROSE POTATOES . ·-~··· .10 :,;, 25 ' EXT RA F . .\...'\'C\' LARGE ARIZ. GRAPEFRUIT _ .... _.:.6 ,.,2Sf Ex;TR.\. F ASC\" OOLDEX RJpp; BANANAS EXTRA I' A.SCY CRISPY CELERY . 5c lb. • . LlMJT 10 lbL ~·o DfoaJ•r 8&1 .. 10~~ MAYFAIR'S OWN GENTLE ~FFECTIVE (!)wJ_Af~p,, Med.4 SELF SERVICE -TABLE TRIMMED StfAKS 5 79c _ __ .. ..... _ ... -·-... _ ...... -... lb .... ~· ........... &al -llalf PORK LOINS ·•:..· CHICKIN of ... ~­·-=co • I • SHRIMP .... 69¢ ·-PAOll SEA HUNTER FRY reg. plc:g; 2l; -w .. .:0...- 1.EF Li~ER--.. 89¢ ;;:;1t•¢ ' ... 4C ,., ~-45¢ ••••• •• ·sWOllRH Au.MWAY f ~ . . .. ,.~ • • -·-•79¢ loast lb. .......... -.. . lb .• ¢ .1coa . -~· .. 11¢ !r"-lb. a -..-J.W.pP $ 1~· - HlM~ ···~·. . i ... --~·· ~v • -, BLEACH t Gallon Bottle . . • FGlc'er'a All Orinda COFFEE 23c 2-lb na StrioUy ........ G ...... A LARGE EGGS Jloyal hclllc C>!uaU TUNA •!i ... 23c Call •••••• Gallon Jul;! • • 1'7 DOZES' IN CASTON DoL l"lt.a -PM:k PEARS ~ ...... 21c FRUiT COCKY All • • ' • ' r -. ~1· -~' - FOUNTAIN SPECIALS 2 Rlr lP9 Ba.con -Ltir1e AA. Eel Fried In Buttf'r Bacon & Ecg Breakfast : ~:.t:.r::', T~t ! J;!1irre -·-········· .. ······-37 ¢ sruwl!iRvs'HoRTc'AKE 24¢ * * * OWL-MAYFAIR DRUC.S 11 Cranr11 ftoprnhyCiJt. btl. RUlllNG ALCOHOL ..... -...... .. lk MadiAon Rubber HOT WATER 1onLE .............• H~t,. 8 top1 Cok1 Olstre• •'· SIM 79¢ LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC .....••.• Sitt l.am.oa -pL Bottle ' 17¢ MINERAL OIL ............... -.............. . 1A Grain' T a•l•b--IOO<"t-Htt. ·12¢ SACCHARINE ............................. . * * * u9UOR and TOIACC.O .. .ie. Counfry Ct'Ub. qt. btl. No &pMft 23¢ EASTERN IEER ......................... . tt.'79 Stiver Rlv,.r-pt. bt l. DISTIUED GIN ............................ . It.at Bop.I Tl'ftuu ....... tb pl. IMPORTED RUM ........................ . N .51 Mayfa.lr Stra.1.Pt lly~tll 1al. BONDED IOURION .............. .. c'ambr1dp Ano~tn. or t eo MILD CIGARmES ............. -... 1·· 239 399 1u ._ Dllla 3 11¢ PIPE CLEANERS •...•..... p•p. * * * . TOILETRIES a11d COSMETICS Rec. 10<--...,. btl. 8¢ . MAR· 0 ·OIL· SHAMPOO .•.• , Fonnv l!.-p•. 69¢ EAR RINGS ..... -....................... ·--··· 11.'5 Fu.II Fuhl...,,_.,.., I YJ -10\\ 89¢ NYLON HOSE ........... ···········--nau· ' FrapanfH-1 %-oL eta. , , 8¢ IUllLE IATH ·······················-·--.., 1% ColoaJal J)amel 8 l)L lttL 100 AU l'URPOSE CREAM -·-- * * * OWL. MAYFAIR SUNDRIES . . lt•r ~on-ll"d '~ an. lUYeta 149 CHILD'S JEANS --.. -.. 11.lt Clllof : . 1" ALAISM CLOCK .... :.. .. ___ ,,_,_ u._,. Edp Zombie Dnlp 6 JIA¢ GLASS TUMILIRS.__ for "" '1• ~Dts-,_..., . 1. 7t METAL UTILITY 1ox·--..., ... u .. ,...... 11¢• ·CHINIW IUGS ' --..,...-~ '·. * I * * DWCATISSIN ·QmlftJ' ' ,.. ·••¢ SIJCED IOLOGNA . :1 V ;;ayo•roA. ··· ----. .,-1 • Pits r. All Jleef -.. ~· :IOSHa SALAMI ---.. ~r .._ 0,,-..J:~---• ~ ~ ~ SWISS CHUH ..... "':.'"!"--,._r WE HA VE one opening only for a good telephone aurvey girl, in Newpor t or Harbor area. At- tractive hours. 10ol:I. pa y, wor k in your home il you de1lre. For appointment, ca ll Mr. Burpo. Klmberly 2-4594, Santa Ana, between 9 a. m. and 12 noon . 6fc69 Television Service RADIO REP AIRS Larry llwen • • 1 arold Ha.mm Technlclana MESA. RADIO It TELEVISION 100 Br0&dway, C. M. Be.a. li808-J ' 50ttc W ANTED--FemaJe cook for pri-SMALL M 0 T 0 R SCOOT~R- vate homf', 11tartlng Feb. l~th~ Nea rly new. \\'ith fluid drive. Reference11, Write Box O. thi11 Make offer! pa p11r. 67cS9 PETE'S LIGHT PLANT • )il2 -29th Sl., Newport Beach 68p6QH RELI ABLE W OMAN for hou,ae- "'·ork and cooking pla in d inn er. e houn 1 to 7 p. m.· ~days a \\.'eek. P hone Bea con 6083. 68p70 FO R 2 OR 3 MOr..'THS -W •nt woman to t&ke comp)el"e care of two school a ge ch\h1ren l9 and 11 yrs.) Live in. Bendix, TV .. et,c. Ph. H arbor IH27·W. 68p70 GIBSOJ\" REFRIGERATOR 8 cu. ft .. like nev• -Xlnt. condition. Bargain, .S150. Solid oak glassf'd-in book ca ~e. Bargain at S90. 312 F\oy.·f'r , St., Costa Mtol'Ja , Bellcon 561 0-111 . 68c70 lCXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER _BOYS' SCH\~~?\" BICYCLE. 28'' in Th ,_ • k TIDE · good condLt 1on, l yr. o!LI. 535 r ee .,. ua v11 per wee . R ... 1 ,... • · TV 3011 w· N t Bl .. t'u and! .... vf' ... ~eY.rport H etJi!hlll · t>Jlt f'Y.-por Vu .. B 5255 ~t 68 -o Newport Stach. F or appt. phone eacon · · · <' 1 HJ,r. 208. &8cS9, T \\'O Prf'·\\'llr porct'lain laundry Ha\·e opr-ning for experienced salesman or broker. BP1l dea l in •l'ea . ERNIE SMITH. &oaltor 1205 COAST HIGHWA Y Corona del Mar Ha rbor 2667 Lub11 with 2 dou blP raucet.s. Bar- gain, $32. Phone &•con 5671 . 68ci0 II-WANTED TO BUY 68c70 WA1''T T O BUY about 18 pcs . ------------·good U8«"d corrugated sheet iron I VALUES . in p sed Appliances All /are in good condition Appliance• are getting scarce aild will soon ~ even harder to find. Serv gas refrig. 5 cu. ft .. in very ~ice co n- dit n .......................... $74.95 Frigi aire, 5 cu. ft. ,··· 89.95 Fligi aire, 6 cu. ft ..... 94.50 Ice · x. looks like el tric refrigerator 14.95 ALSO water heater, a BAR- N ! Ha ea few good TVs-· ST TRADED IN! DA VIS-BRO\VN co .. tSM Harbor Blvd. Costa. Mesa Phone Beacon 6821 f0r roofing. Har . 1020-W. 6rt!c B UILDING WANTED About 20 x 20 . suita ble for of- fi ce, to be moved. Ca.sh deal. aubmit Box P , this paper. 68c69 11-FURNITlTRE FOR SALE New and Used -Furniture Barg-ains Apt. sir;f' iras r&ngr, \Vf'.Stf'rn· Holly,. LIKE NE\\'. NE\\T apt. aiz.e g a11 range. 4 bumera &nd oven -$89.50. We11ttnr house rPfrlge_rator, 7 cu. ft .. LIKE NE\\'. \Va.lnut bedroom &f't. 4 piecf's. Magic Chf'f tablf'·top rangt'. !lain- less !tee! top, S79.~0. NEW MAJESTIC portablf' se\I.'• lng machlncf'. $89.50. terms . ll2.2Q_ down, S7.25 per month. Nl!:W m aple dinette 1'et, buttertl.v drop leaf table and 4 fiddle back chairs. 2 only $69 .. ~0 &: $79.50 . New !ind Used FurniLure Oale's Furniture TRADI NG PORT 3108 l..afayeltt'. Xv.·pt. H11.r. 1020-\V 65<'&6H CHRYSLER RO\" AL-2 to l Re· duct1on. Gek>d condition. Phone Bf'llcon 5~50. 62trc N~w -New Nev.• HUDSON INV ADER • Mt.rine E ngines 275 H.P. PRICED l'O SELL See J ohn Harvey at Seacra.ft 625 COAST HIGHW ~ Y NEWPORT BEACH Ph. BEACON" 5771 2tfc HA VE GOOD lo\v milea~r '48 Packard sedan to tra11f' on 26 ft. fishing boat. Ph. Hat bor 1320-J. 68<'73 BOOKS·SEA BOOKS A fine •tock of book.II on all yaCht· lng 1ubjecte-Plua all current booka. Lendlnl' library . The Islanders 214 Marine, Balboa la. Har 1547 Small Boat Ma r t BOATS BOUGHT. SOl~D and a~ crptE'd on consi~nment. Balboa Ma r ina 2802 Cout H igh\\'~)". Harbor 0771 65<"7S A1AHOGAN'Y trin1m('d runabout 131 ~ ft. inboard ...,·ater coo\r•I n1otor. Nev.· 'paint. Pr1cf'd to llf'\\. Ca ll P\'ell. Ha rbor 0.)74 -J or ciay~ Al D11vis Harbor 2...-122. 68c70 Walt's Trading Post Used Marine Gear , Nautical Decorations Used Nets 4.22-30th St. Newport Bea ~h Open Sunday• Ph. Har. 2470 26 ' Spl. fi.shf'r, '46 G ra ~· 6 $3,000 2:"i ' Cab. cru1sPr. l'pllar hull $1,10Q 21 ' Spt. fisher. Chri."''aft 6 SI .200 25 ' Ceb. boat, 4 cyl r ng. $ ;no 2~· Cab. Cornn\. Chry.s f'nJ?. f. 6fltl I 7' Ceb !'unab't. Gr11y ~ <'Yi. l 650 Dory, 1 cyl. $1 75: Snipe $12:1 3112 Lafayette. :'°'\\\'pt. Har. 1020-\V ~&69H SERVEL gu refrig erator, 'v cu. ft. '1929·Harbor Blvd. Bea. -5107. \\1 S.a.-:\t1'~1C AL. R .W IO li~e new \ llMl. P hon e Harbor • 1827 o• ... at 118 Ithaca, Lido Jack's Furnit ure Ltle. -I 68c70 't ®l Balboa Blvd ... :\'e"·port lkh JCLICCJ'RlC W.ABHER with pump. Excellent condition, S26. Phonf' Harbor 0838-W. ,;i67p89 AIRCRAFT WORKERS ! Call your loca l dealer for SNAP-ON-TOOLS Phone John Kimble, Har. 1087-R 17 44 Miramar, .Balboa. 88cilllh BENDIX automatic WU.her, like new, 190 and niWc. boUMbold tum... Pbone Harbor 311l·W. Up611 B~. mattresaes, chests. stoves, refrtierators, etc. Unfinl.!hed FUrniture. BUY, SELL or TRADE Phone Harbor 2502·R .BA.KBOO RA.TI'Al"ll SHOPS Complete line, t•ctory·to-you . Qpen 12-9 dally It Bun. Bank terma. 21~ O<:ean Ave., Laguna Beach. Uc EXQUISITE modern c u at o m Chineae. tor )iv rm and din rm. J.fodern blond oak bdrn !et, in- clude• knee hole desk. Philco deep freeze. 512 cu. ft. llke n«"W, •'112~. Harbor 3149-J, Evea. -66c68 EVERxTHING l'OR YOUR TR.AilJl:R WJli l!'ILL BUT AMII - ·, PBGP.una TA.ND 'Rattan Furniture C)Jmpjote lnotallatlaa. ~ and eeri1ce at all Tnlllt .)lade in ths Phlllipine• and ~pment. . in our own work ahopai. .a.nun&. aa.mu.i lm1i K. PortM Wide cholce·of t abrie1. • J i...rceat dlaplay In So. C&llt. ' ORANGE COAST ~lling a.nd Reupholatering SUPPLY HOUSE & GARDEN 11110 llARJIPR BLVD. eu Cout H wy., NwpL, BeL 0277 Ooola K-Pllo. B•oon HM-It atfc HOLL TWOOD BED, Ironrtte Iron- er', s1.n,.er portable 11eW1n1 ma- chine. Ca.11 after Jl"rtday. Bea- con 6691-W. eapaa ' . HURRY ! HURRY ! I SALE LlASTS FOUR MORE DAYS •MUST VACATE ----' RE!\.T A PIA:\"0. S5 per 1nonth.. All rent a\IOY.'rd if ~nu bu.\· ,~·1th ­ in term.!!. DA'KZ-SCH~tlDT, 520 No. }.{sin, Santa Ana. BUNGALO\\' UPRIGHT piano in perfect condition . Term!i S.'JO clO \\'fl a nd SIS Prr n\o, 11 1 SHAFER·s J.f t:SlC c·o ' c Sinre 1907\ 421 ~. Syca niorr. Santa Ana. KI. 2-~72 . 62tfc USED PlA!'\OS front S6P up. Good pla.~i ng conilition. D A N Z... SCHllflDT. ~20 No. J.1a in, Sant& Ana. cor. 6th. SPECIAL BUY \\'HILE THEY LAST! :"\ev.· 120 bass Bonelll I talian accordion~ and ca.sf'. $189.95. TPrmA, $19 9,·, do~·n and SIO 3.~. P"r n10_ at SHAFER·s lllC'SJC CO. tSince 1907 1 42L1'. Syca more, Santa Ar.a. Klm bPr· · 1y 2-0672. 65tfc : \\'ANTED ; 50 p1ano:i1~ Trade in · '\rciur old piano on a Grand, Spinet or beautiful Ulevision. Highrst cuh allo\\·ance. Term&. DA!"'Z·SCHAfIDT PIANO CO., cornrr 6th, 520 !"'o. Maln. Sa.nta Ana. J-ANUARY CLEARA!'\CE SALE! Knabe Grand. Be11.u tiful Chick- ering Grand. Save $600 to 5800. l(imbal Grand. Vose, Story and Clark. Wondf'r ts;ined Sohmer Grand. only $395. Term!f. DAKZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, :'.120 No. M'atn, cornf'r 8th. Sahl& ' Want to Record? Dozen. of itetn11 must be _A _na_. ---.,.---- New. Ta~ Recorder • IFurnillOld ·ture. R~~~hinv• J ANUARY cLE.i.RA.NCE SALE! • r u.cLUD &""" SplneLI and. Grandi. Trade-in&. Portable.. Ma e by .Anlpro -&,r;-·such u Rental retuma. ~ion. c.Pent t~ "ncpnSJ.nc m'uaic, llNnd Piano Cobb) ' Bench Wonderful buga lnl. Many tam---ttlt or "• • =1-er• 1>• ~~ -~~ ""r.--Di.wnport.. Dininr set oua • makea. .~ .. ~n..pu.iJ ... 1 , ii09.95 OIC Ra!'l&'u&tor 1Tablu BIG Pu.NG STORE. ·100 piaru>o 1 ,_ _ ~ ~ r..mpm to choolie tram, 320 No. Matn, NEW' WWli:a WJaS g.. Delkll ete. corner 6th, santa Ana. ~· • liu7 'ot ·~ed to Sell ,n BROWN co.1 1, JIU. w. r . n~ Jllft. " 0oota -·Oil,,. -.. I-lllland 0001> UPltIGHT .PIANOS tram . ~·· Terma u cinvmt~t u II mo. at SHAFJ'Ell'S KUSlC CO. csinoe 18011 u r N .• _... lanla All&. Ill 2-0ITJ. MU.. > --' . -• •• ' -• - • · . la,-•m:-i:-. . 4 .. ·-. , I _, -~-1'~;..-;1r "' :_;. ·~· . ··j: .. \-·1 • ·-.. ' • . . t • ' • ' a '- I I I I I .----·--='.,.-..,.--------• -c..I -....,...--... j -. · p I • • , • ' ' ' J· • I I I , ·.aay, J111U&ry 17, 1951' • POST SHOPPING NEWS ·cuss ADS ARE DELI . . . I , '1-"ft,.onm a OITICEl!I · J:llT~ED real eat.ate' ottlf:.e in hta of buaineaa dlab'tct. Co- ron& d Mar. Call Hu. 1895-R. l3cil.5 ·t • U-WANTED TO ltENT ' bedrm. bcN8e. ~ reuonable yearly rent- al. COM' or Newport Het,.bta. C&ll Hcrbor 1431-R. Utfc 41-.U'A&THl:NT8 I ROUSES B.l.LBOA j PENINSULA -Beautl- tully tarnished, 2 be<lrm. apt . Sundec.li:. Garage. Winteor or yearly. ~Reuonable. Phone Har- bor 0912-W. 61c'U: 1.JIDO ISLE • yoQ want a Mntal~ on LIDO ll!A '"' UI. SflvenJ IOTeJy apt.a. Aho ~omN avallable. U-APA&Tllmlft a 8011811:11 A.Tl'IU.CTIVE North B8y Front , furnl!lhf'd cottagf'. Fenc~yard, $73 per month unW Ju.ne 15th. Harbor M2-M. &8c70 44-A-REST ROMES REST HAVEN Pf'nsioner• 152 Cabrillo, Betty us .. bf'rr; Welcome. Co•ta Meu. Bea. 8111-W 88c69h u-llENT. · IKJSCl:u.ANEOUI ' ON NE\VPORT BLVD., CO!lta Jt.feA&-jtorage garage or .!lm&ll shop 20'"'x 30 ". Hf'a\.')1 wiring , $3:> n10. Phone Beacon 6447-R. 86c71 Square Dancing? • -•y•ten1, rt-cord playt'r and am-P rtro' PALMER Yle have a portable public addre.!l.S RPOR.4.rED pliflf'r to rent for .-amea · and aau Vt.a \Udo Ba~r 1500 p1rties. '. 22ttc 1 DA VIS~BRO\VN CO. L.UtGIC TRAILER in lovely court. 188~ Harbor Blvd. Costa Meaa Adulta, $30 mo. 1741 P rin1ona, Beacon 6821 Co.ta M:ea1.. Ph. Bea.con 67,i7-J. 63tfc '8-AtTTOMOBILE8, TIRE8 -----~------- RENTAL r SPECIALISTS C&ll ICda& en.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. Ill.Ibo& llland. Har: 20U 33eM COMPLETELY furnished 1 bed- rm. apt. at 909 E . Balboa Blvd .. 8-lboa. Util. pd. \\'inter or year- ly. lnqoire 900 E. Ocean Front or Phonf' Harbor 2137 . 64<:69 N?CE 2 bt>drOOm.!I, large Jivin~ rooin, dtn1nc. knotty plne kitch- en w ith disposal. Completely new, unfurnished. See owner. f.33 Ac~cia st., Corona del lttar. --66c68 . . NEW CAR TRADE-INS '49 Mercury Club Cpo. radio, heater, very nice .......................... $1695 '49 Ford 2-dr., Radio heater ...................... 1.495 '46 Olds 98 Sedanette Hydromatic R It H 1195 EL TORO MARINES .45 LOW 'WINTER RATES Packard 4-dr. Sed. Rec ond. engine. ·A TWO Bo'RM. APT., livingroom. bath, kitchen, vie"'' of oce&n and bay. Quiet location. l,i hr. driv~ to bue~ Suttablf' tor 2 couple•. Utilltiel'li includt"d. -·· $88 nlo. 1326 E .1 Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 2278-\V 68<'70 UNrtrRNISHED 3 RM. APT., lge. livtnc rn1 ., bdrm .. k il chl'n. hath. Pan.ti r•y heat. P'rlJidaJre and !love turni3hed. 317 Heliotrope, Corona d!!J Mar. Phone Ha rbnr 2981-W. S.ftfc lN NEWPORT. cloM to ocean, 2 bedrm. furnished house. garage. Water f.ll d gu paid. $M mo. Ph. ~aeon. 6467-M. 63tfc ll.l TFKON'I' RENT AL. 1 bdnn .. to June 15th, $10 mo. I BDRM .• 2-batb bayfront. Rea- .onable. GREENLEAF It 1112 Newport Blvd. ASSOC. Har. 2~2 Yl!ARLY RENTAL, Lido Isle. B•aUtifuJ nev.· I bdrm. unfurn. a pt. F ireplace. Garage. $80 mo. 200 Via Antibes, Lido Isle. Har- Bor 2793-J . l Agent•. note). ..... buy ....................... . Ford Conv. Rebuilt eng. Orig. black ... '41 De Soto 4 dr. Fluid Dr., Radio.-beater, l ownet --·······-·----·-· 795 645 595 Laguna Beach Lincoln -Mercury 160 NORTH COAST BLVD. Laguna Beach Ph. Laguna Beach 45525 '34 CHEV. SEO ...................... $ '3."i PLY CPE. . ..................... . '37 DODGE SEO. . ...... --·»·· -· '41 STUDE. SF.D ............... . '41 DODGE SEO ................ -. '41 PLY. CONY, ...... -...... .. ·4e CHEV. SEO. -·-·-·------··· '47 CHEV. CLUB ·--·····-······ '4 7 DODGE T UDOR . ON WEEKLY or Alonthly bawia '-47 DE SOTO S-ED ........ . tor winter. Beautifully furn· '48 MERC. COXV 49 l•~ 2115 159!\ 595 595 9"95 1186 1186 12115 1295 1-hed 2 lk>droom homP on bf'ach. gr;. TERt.~ ~ Corona de! Mar. Rfouonable ret•e to t:ut•rn lou•;•ts O• SHA VER MOTORS martne•. CalJ Harbor 1695-R. 63c65 ltuuJts come from conatant PracUct ! An ad rt"&'Ul&rly ln this -pape_r trill pro;<tuce ruultl for you. BALBOA -Furnlwh~ 1 t>M.room apt. In~ulrt 901 E. Bay Front, Balboa . Pli.one Harbor 0331-\V Your DODOl:·PLYMOUTN Dir. 1936 Harbor Blvd. C°"ta Men. Phont Bt"acon 8907 1939 LINCOLN ZEPHYR. f dr. If'-• dan, Clean, cood .-iotnr. Ownt>r in Korf'a .Full prict", J29S. Call Mr. Clancy. Harbor 2828 t9 a.m. "40 8 p.m.) Uc&I 81p ~1"-TRAII.f:ll8 16_,'t>,_UP_L_K_X __ U_n_r_u_rr_l_•_h•_d_._n_•_w_· ly de('Orat.-d. 1720 Anahein1. Coa:ta MeM . Call Lacuna Beat h •-t.t02. , 87c69 !'4 FT. cu1tom bullt,.Glld•r trailer. Electric brakPs. F\Jlly «auippt:"d. Sacr ifict', ~fUST SELL. 306 Car- nation, Corona del Mar. 67c69 . ' I OPEN THE GATE to thia fabuloua BA~ONT home on LIDO ifu"..E'. ·&11d you will feel the eharm of ' 1.. cuatom deeigned a n d built place. For tbooe who CARE and DEMAND BE"rl'ER living where en- -tironment, r e a t r i c t ions, privacy and perfect home are requisite we offer you: BRIEFLY -On 1 lot&-2 11torie......_ 3 b~rooma and maid'• room, 3 bath• upatair1. 2 11h0Wtr• do)Vn, 4-c&r .-aragP, all tile patio, ·finest ty pe or heat known, radl- 1.nl, DELUXE location with pier and doublf' noat. Hom" com- p!Pttly and richly furnished. Evf'rythin.-In thia home hu bffn 11elf'ctf'd with oarr and ~te . It wu tht ''BEST or NOTHING" at all. You cannot do thU! homt juatlC'e In an. "ad.'' THIS you l-fUST SF.RI. F or dlti- cr1 mlnating BUYERS who de- n1and and will pa y for th" Fll'\· EST. Shown by appoln tmrnt only. sp,cial price. ALSO Nr111 rlv nev.· <'if'Vf'r 3 atory homf' ttn a t1icP <'Orner tot on' BA LBO.A ISLAND. This home Iii immacu- late t11nd ha11 4 b4>drooms and 2 [PAI balh111. Floor pJ:an make• th!• an \dtal two !amily sf't -up. CompJi>t ely 1nd n\cely furnlshffi ALL for It'~ th.In d up!i<"ation C'09t11. 1'h1s i1 & REAL BUY. ALSO Some w ry de!lltablf" lot.If tor sale on LJOO ISLE. Cholcf' water- front Iota for lncnmt ' unit• or <"ro.u atrt-f't lot11 at prices well under lhf' m arkf't. ~emPmbf'-r we arr !he DEVEU!>PB:RS of LlDO 1sti. You "'i ll prnf1t by cOmi nJ!: to our .-1ffice. Here a little am·g a LOT. P . A. PALMER Il'\CQRPORATED 3333 Vta L ldo !\'('\\'por t 8PaCh, Calif. Harbor 1500 BUY NOW ! NF.AR BALBOA BAY 1 3 B. R., 2 bath home "''ith basic furniture Included. In Xln't con- dition. F ine b6th1ng btoach at :11t.rt"el end. 0 t'9irablP for va.ca- tlon or yl'a r·round,..l1v. 1 10.~. Al&o a djoining Jot with sm•ll ra.rage cottage built to t ake 11PCond · 1tory Hvlnr quarter•. Ownt'r will consi<IPr aelllng bolh pro~rtlts for $18,000. $2 1~0 00\\'N B UYS ~ B. R.. 2 balh ahnoet nev.• homf'. Ac roa frorc-Lido l'hOp- plnr a rea, near Cs n aJ in desir- ahlf' arl'&. Rf'fC'r M. L. No. 1$19. Pnced right a t $12,~0. --, • INCOME BARGAIN Can bot' bought for o•ly S9.000. A 2 B. R. ho rn" with ftp!. Lots of yard arPa. AND 2 B. R . apt. over 1"•r&J::t'. Oldt'r property tha t ne('da alttntiot1 -BUT TRULY A BARGAIN ! Clo11P to N.-wport ·Harbor Yacht Club and Xln't. Bay bathing. M. L. No. 19~1 . SOUTH COAST REALTY CO. "Multlpll' Li11tint P.ee.ltors" 302 ¥aln St., Balboa, Har. 2031 "Nf'ar Pavilicn•· · South of Blvd. C.D.M: 2-bedroon\ . homf'. Hv.·d . floors, lf'lngle ga.ra~e . ..\ 'f G.I. loa.n. SEE THIS TODAY! FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. Rfoalton an1'! Busine&!I Brokcr1 813 Coa•t Blvd .. Corona del Mar Phonl' Harbor 2!52 • .-.. I • 1 ., I ' • • -· • ,; ' "" NEWPORT IA Y POST incl SHOPPIN~· NEWS ,, 1 •• • • •• ,.,. 17 i, COSTA MEsAJ. & i.AGoNA· ' ...;•!!;::·~w:~·~L~ll:ll~T~'~n:~------,-~·!::~:~w:~·~u.~a~-~T~A~n:~:._ __ ;_ ____ ,!·~· =-~~·~L~ICll~T~A~ft!~-----1...;...,..!!:·:·!!:EA~L::..!ES!!T~A~T~E!'_ ____ ~n~=·~R'!;"!:"'~·:..:· E~S!TA~:!n:~_;._.:_ __ _ CoRONA DEL0 MAR wHY PAY RENT! You can buy tbil lovely 2- bedroom home on R ·2 corner lot. Paymenta only $60. per month. Enclosed"pi.tio.and J3BQ. Lath ho1i8e, trees, nowers and abruba, double gara~~ built for 2nd otary. South of Blvd. The PRI IS RIGHT! :,, EXCEPTIONAL 2-BEDROOM and den home, living room 14 'f.: 'x27'. Beamed ceilillg, paulled wan.. 2. fireplaces, -<>ne in large muter bedroom. W to W carpet· Ing. Lovely patio -also enclosed rear yard. South of Blvd. ONLY $17.500, terms. CLIFF. HA VEN 3 BEDROOMS, twin aiu. P, baths. Forced air . heat. Latge lot. encroaed yard, BBQ. Built 2 years. ONLY $17,850, WITH EXCELLENT TERMS. · LISTINGS WANTED-ALSO RENTALS COSTA MESA · REAL ESTATE I r 10 ACRE FARM -near Oran.gt Cout coUe("· Hu new P .SOO wet1 and 1,000 iallon atorage ta.ak in good water district, on new paved hichway. Some out butJdinp and amall cabin ltvtnc quarte-nr. Bargain price i• $1-8,000. Submit any reuonable term11 or v..111 trade for-Long Beach r e1idential or income. vv 3 BDRM G. I. RESALE $1, 720.fO down. Nice Eut •ide lo- ca tion. 1,150 aq. ft . .11paciou1 liv- lnr rm And dining room. Dual turnaee with thermostat. Tile in CIVIC CENTER .DISTRICT fl,500. Excellent location. on 38th St. A.ttractive parli&lly fumla}\ed 2-bedroom tram. hou.e. Cerrifnt !oundatioft. Good roof, yard fenced and landecaped. j INDUSTRIAL BLDG. FOR LEASE 1, LA..RGE -Modern --Almo"t ne~•:. Approximately ~.000 equare feet a\·ailable. lte&fl)nable r~nta.I. I CHARMING LIDO ISLE HOME ONLY $1 5,500 2 bf'droom.11, handy k ltcheii.. Larg'e living room, ftrtplace.- 2-car garage. Lott!l ot built-ins. Completely v.•alled )-a.rd. Excellent location nea.r North Ba)•. F or .the above propertie~ call t.f.ary Dickson, Harbor 1013 or Harbor 2092-\\'. · EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3115 Newport Blvd. Xe"'l'Ort Beach • ERNIE SMITH, REALTOR kitchen and battr. Obie. garage. 1-------------------------- FE"nced. ."' 56:40 monthly par- m&nt includes taxee and insur- ance. FULL PRICE $9,250. 1205 Coaot Highway, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2667 . BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor JE\\'ELL MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Harbor 1671 or 1672 Harbor 746-M E\"~s. BALBOA ISLAND HOME AND INCOME. Let us show you th is choice P,rOJJ<'rtY if you ·are loo king for something ~eally exceptional. Charm. 2-stor v home con- sisting of lge. liv. rm., din. rm .. 3 B.R. 2 ba. and maid's room and be.th . Patio and beautiful !-bedroom furnish•d apt. BEST LOCATION ON ISLAND. BLANCHE A. GATES-R~ALTOR VOGEL °V'ALUES In Corona del Mar LIDO ISLE LOT $2500. Thi• 111 tht' IQv.·pat prlc~ T\\'O BDRM. H OAfF: Corntr lot .. Lido, thia v.·el'k only. ()Cf'&n llide nr h i~hv.·ay. Largf' room11. Brick \\·a \lf'rl yard. Bar- becuP. Lo\.·ely land!lcaplng, 2- ca r g1rs11:e. Vt u11 sho\V yo11 this GOOD am~ at ONLY Sll ,- 700. 47' G. I. loa n at $60 mo lot on including intE-re8t. ta.xe.s and in· surancf'. A SLEEPER --3 bflrm hnmf'. partly turnll'ht'd°. 1 ', b a t h !', knotty pine lntf'rior. ()('csn .!11de or hv.')'. $6. i50 F ULL PRlCE $2,000 will handle. INCO~tE -3 rentt11ls on • •~ x 118 cornfl'r I~. Good n tol Khbor- hood. Oce1.n .111de of highway. \\-'ell coo1tructed and attract\\.'f'~ Landlca ped and ft'nCf'd, ~9-1 apt. part~ furniahed. No: 2: and J apt.. tully turnl1hf'd. fJi l""ome $2.~0 pf'r year. PRI CE D RJGHT at $18.:.oo. Good t f'rm!I. Lido Bay Fronf $9.500 an unusually low pric~ for bay front, TWO LOTS FOR $4.800" for a rf'al buy you can't })(>at th!•. Furnished Home fo r Sl3.500 Thl11 ll!I the lo wl'l'Jt priced one on lhf' ll!l land. NEW 3-bedrooms, $19.500. Un'1er l'on11t ruct ion. finished soon , an a t tra.t llve buy. TWO'LARGE L~• Cfv.'Jler u)·a get an offPr. era Iii your chance for a barga1 . ,r. OWNERS A 'ITENTION Give U!I your listings on Lido, v.·e are active. · 1N cosTA MESA • NEWPoRT 'N. B. C. REALTY Co. •HEIGHTS AREA - LARGE 2 BQR'-f. HOt.IE. cor. Jot. LlvinJt" rm. 15'2 x 24 1,, lgf'. itonf' flrf'p lacl'. F'urn1ce. Hdy:d floor•. Brf'ak rast nook. Le.rg>' w1ndow.11. ·Loti; or clo~e ts an•1 cupboarde. Bf'droom No. l il' 12 x 15, bdrm. No. 2 111 13 12 x 13 1,. Porch or. l\\'O Rldf'll. 10 x 10 ba.!lf'mf'n t, 2-car garage. RPl to build rental. A RFIAL Bl:)· AT $8,950 with term• S~ mo 3116 ~f''ll'"JMlrt Blvd., !\'ewport Bch. Phont-Harbor 1-4 05 IN CLIFF HAVEN 2-bedroom homf'. Nf'\\'ly pa lntrd but~ide and nov.· being ri>~co­ ratt'd and ne~: carpeting laid . t-;ice location for children. large fenl'.'ed yard with lawn a nd plant lnra. SMALL DOWK PAY· -AIENT. Bala.nee like r ent. The John Vogel Co. B & B h R It 1301 Coast H\\·y .. Cot Clna df'l ).tar I ay eac ea y Phonf' Harbor 1741 or Har. l4i i 12Ml B.slboa Blvd. Harbor 12t-f Evf'ning. Harbor 393-M Iv 11tlPLEX-I ncome 1s $2,iOO yr. Its well located. each unit has 2 bedrooms , hwd. floor1,, plenty of tile. Hardly a vacanC)' tn last· year. The price, $17.900, See this now. v' 1' 212 ACRES -\\'alk injor di11tanc(' · rro1n thf' new State hospital on Harbor Blvd. Ex!'clltnt for In- come unit.I. A BARGAIN a t U,250 . 5 ACRES -&auliful Ea.t ~ide location. Sandy loa n1. high dry. R ight for aubdivi1ion. Jll,900 vv and Ba:rney Francque REALTOR Lillia.n La Perlr Fred Cro.!$\er ASSOCIATES 400 E . I-7th St. at Tustin Ave . Costa Mesa, Ph. Bea. 681 8 ._ G . I. HOME SOUTH OF' HIW A Y In v~ry nicl' diltrict. Two bedroom11, hwd. floon1, caragt'. land!lcap"'d lot. 1 $12,000 J'ULL PRlCE . euy termll. Ben Whitman·and Associates 400 and 1013 Coa8t Blvd Corona di>I ~far Newport Heights BRAND NEW 2-bPdroom homf' - in excellf'nt -location near High School. Many IO Vf'ly frature.!I, in - cludin~ flrf'pla ce, Al h\.\'d. '.noor.!I and separate dining room. Street bonds are paid. \\'ill qualify for either CJ. or non- G.~ I. Full Price $10,800 Beacon HilJ Realty ALMOST NEW REAL VALUES New Store Bldg. -4615 Newport Blvd (above Archea ) Phone Bea.cq.n 5713-R T\\'O BDRM. homt' In f'XCfl'l\P.n.t loc1.tion on LITTLE ISLAND Sf'para te g"UE'llt room Priced to ••II quickly. --· and bath. STANLEY HADFIF.LD 2 largf' stor'a A largf' gar&ge p1us S-room houu 04 Cout .H iway. $3 ,000 du-~ Ocean Front LOVELY 2-BDRM. ~TUCCO, hv.·d. F.P ., gar. Only $8.9i:i, terms. 218 ~f1 rlnf', Balboa 1!11. Harbor 20 :'\ICE 2-BDRM. HOME.I yn. • 88c70 2-BEDROOM house. flrepla.ce, patio. Only $8,775 furnished, mfty be purchaled unfurnll'lhed. 704 Lark.tpur. Corona de.J Mar,. ..... OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX BALBOA ISLAND ALMOST NEW 2-bedroom house with 2-bedroom apt'. over double garaga.,plus guest room and bath -. both units spacious -closet spaco:, We think this one of the nicest Island proper- ties. ---;, $31.500. _, BAYFRON'f with pier BJld fl oat -3 be:droomo, 1 1,0 baths with 2-bedroom apt. over double garage -' both have lovely bay \'iew -many conveniences -most livable and east to rent -partly furnished. $39,375. Nelda Gibson Harbor 502 · Horace S. Mazet Harbor 3028-J BALBOA ISLAND This 306 MARINE A VENUE. • . . SEE THIS- ATIRACTIVE 2-bedroom h ome nearly new. has hardwood floors. fireplace, forced air' heat, patio, 2-ca,r garage, completely fenced. South of Highway near shopping center in Corona del Mar. Priced at $11 ,950 ----- 2 BEDROOM and sleeping loft in hi-beam liv- ing room -$6,7!10 and its also south of H ighway in Corona de! Ma,;- $2,000 Will Handle LINWOOD VICK, REALTOR 312 Ma rine Ave .. Balboa Island Phone Harbor 2042 · " The !•land CASH TALKS" Brand New distinguished commu- nity offero e:xcellent bay- ;front prQperties with a "wide ~ariety of view and Build"er in need of CASH and v.•lll sell thi~ J;ieautiful 2-bC'd room home. Htgh. quality \\"Orkman- !!hip -ovt>r 1,100 .sq. ft. Nice appearing -likeablE: floor plan -lot.a of t ile -best hardwood • character, with-location factors changing from :block to bloc k. We have a specially priced two-story home with many ,_ . . bedrooms, unit heat, and superb South Bayfront, main channel view. Thia property with 50 feet of frontage and sandy beach should be aeen at your \ earliest convenience. the price is $38,500 -!flany sta.ndout fE'atures - 2·car ga rage ~ large patio - Good location -LArge-~ pf'r cent insurance, Joan obtainable. A•ki.ng pricf'- $10,500 G. I. $750 Down A ITRACTIVE ~ bdrm in KEW .. PORT HEIGHTS. Fireplace, hd\Vd ., til~ g-ra vtty flow tu r- na.ce. la und ry. garl).. diap., dbl•. garage on pa ved alleY,. THESE ARE ALMO.ST THE · LAST OF TH E I'.,()\(,r DO\VN PA YME:'.'\T HQ).fES ! Phil Sullivan Form<'rly C. Galen Dt"nleon • G. T. ·Everson 4-90 ?-."f'~'JXlrt Blvd. Coat.A Me•a BP8 ('01) 6243-\V Harbor S1 57 -V/ or Beacon 54:Ji -J For the Finest in - • llNOU:: .,.PT .. S.U mo. to July l •t or w ith bdrm., 110 mo. f'X- tra. Util. pd. Cl()l!;f' to stores. 11&-MONl:Y TO LOAN OCEAN' FROf\."r level lot, Coror,a dt'I Mar, SJ.600. Phone Harbor 3760. Mp81 C103e in. Immaculate. • old. BE SMART.:.__Buy nov.• lltfore ln- flallqn and 1ea.sonal demand upa . price.a. Use one side or rent both. Income 'llill groM U t;'c plu•. Newly decorated -com- plt>tf:".ly tum. 118,()()(). Phone J. A. Beek Office BALBOA ISLAND FERRY Ocean View Lots ,J lOM Ba.l~a ~ ve., Balboa r~;-;:g -.. • • $8 ,150, terms • B. A. NERESON LOOK Harbor 63 Balboa Ialand ' ft.Ut.LY RE1'"TAL -nearly new t.ow•r dopl@x. Completeoly fur- nl.ehff. Near bay and •hopping dlatrtct. Ba.Ibo'-Phone Harbor 1111-W. Mc70 LOANS For Homes with 4 'Yo -5¥: 'Yo Jnt. Lone term. Low ~yment S~g In P'. R . A-and G. I. Plana. ~11'1 'Jt, C ·ruction LoP-ui 16-llONEY TO LOAN ' bedroom1, 3 bathroonui, ocean \.'ieW. new modt>m 2·11tory year· around home. Completely furn. 1711 Eut Ocean Blvd., S.lboa. For appointment to eee call owner-Harbor 1543. 56<:69 1982 Ne\\·port Blvd,. Coal& Phone Beacon ~22~ Mf'aa Kimberly 3-7778. &8c69 CORONA HIGHLANDS ftAJt.LY ~ENTAL-J Bdrm. apt. 1111 W. Balboa Blvd., f4~ mo., utWtJ~1 j)ald. N. B. C. REALTY 1111 Newpnrt Blvd., Newport Bch. Harbor· 140~ &8c89 ON• "1RNJSHED APT., one un- tufelabt'd. Yearly rental. Util pd. AdujU. Downtown Blllbo&. R•uonsble. Contact · 0 r a R·I e 179&-R-~ 1 momJ.ncS or Wl'ite Box Tl, 8tlverado, Catif_ 68p70 CA.LL BOB 8A'ITLER Har. llN tor J'1'ff: Appralal Rep. POIRIER l!ORTGAGJ: CO. Metro. Life Ina. P'wut.. KI ~lltl LOANS TO BUILD, WROVZ. Costa Mesa BUT. MODERNIZli. OR REFINANCJ: We Buy Truat oO..i. *. * SOLD * * RENT OR SELL new 1 bedroom ~·~RT BAL.BO~ ·...i.n-.. T partly turnilhed home. New ~'1&.1"T rv ~-..,..~ 2602 Crf'!atview ••• •it'"-"" u SA VINOS a: LOAN ;\SSN. •tove. ......., mo. or ...-..v fu si33 Via Lido Ph. BU. 1500 ~y Shoree • price. REAL ESTATE Lo'ANS . ' By• .. C&ll Hubor 225'1-J lntel'Mt Rate ·~--J6'.!I> 51-SEAL l:STATJll )V.urn:D Multiple Ll.tJng R e&ltor &<ttc Loona q~cld7 -de· tn the S.y WANTED-SMALL H OWN ER wru, SELL OR LEASE CORONA DEL MAR-New 3 bod- Atta and J:Acuna. 11np or SE. AU AofARJNE WAYS and BOAT room brick a.nd 1tucco home.. multiple »J1)tL New ot o14. a. CASH SHOP, ~ tt. on bay In' choice l:J<tr& large c•rag•. Room {0< wiM azfil' Mff by re-fin&zldal rTOm owner only, can ve. only. Ntlwport locaUOn tOr eerviclnc 2 car. and space for work room. your pruen~ ~ M1nlmum. U-Harbor 0010-M ~Tpll 'bOth yachta and commerc.laf rorcld a.tr heat. Term. can be peue. No cb&rs• ~ pretlml-lbolta. Rav. ry1oorac• apace tor ahuged. call ownU 8t .Harbor nary apprailal. ,PbOa.e Santa OE 16-18 boata. WW con1kSer·t:rade 1988 atter :i :30 p. m . r87tfe ocmA.N ~ONT tu.miabf'd apt., . AM Kimberly S..t62T or write: for tncofne property. 1Wrlte box . " JIUltable tor 2 adult._ J<O month ARTHUR A. KAY · SEJ J 1Q. c/o '!"" -•· . 16ttc ,SKAU. ~ PAYMENT .will winter rent&l. J<Q. yearly. Utll ' ' or TR I ·•. ' • -lblo 2 bedroom houoe •l pold. 1004 Wut O<uo Fron~ K~LoanUf';"~~t °"""' lloln&' -ew Q bdrm. H .... ~ea . rt. Rlverflf4e, Newport Relpll. N-rtJ S.&ch-Mc70 JJjdt .. I &Oft•....... • "l. X I 0 I "-IMdnn. -., - HH &uth XaUt lanta AD e 1,_ ---\*'· . :r WJllLL BUIL~ ...... -·lid., Clltt -ti&-. ~ ..... FRONT. ·"""" ,_._ 1"• ~ • .~ crrr -•· -1 1·~ llOl'R -anu- OWNER IN KOREA ... .. DO~'T MlSS THIS ONE .Must Sell Lido Isle Bay Front Overlooking Newport Har- bor. Large, fully improved , homesi!eti -Restricted - P rivate Beach --60 ·ft.. ·at Once Larg@ living room and din, .• COMPLETELY rURNl.SHED 3-¥rm1. plWJ maid's qtr~ .. ! b1.th1 • Frontage•. rOom 'home; hu nearly new tµllt heat. 60-ft. lot, ;-plfr and ,era.tor. kitchen ri.nge, Ben-• tJ,oat.. Newly decorat~ Ud mo•t Wuber. Lot.I of tile tn kitch-A~tlve. n and bath. nice p&Uo encloeed A:t 1.$5 .. e5,0_ 00, • it's a buy by ;brick waU. I . I • . Al;>out one half · cash wm · 'l!hie John Vogel Co. ban~e. balance at only $32 . i~: 82nd at.. Newt><> rt .. atli per month. · Pttbne Har. 1980 or Bea. 6315..J 1 • • ' ~ r •%In••.... • 1-·-1---------.,-·1 I .-7·--. BUY THUi TODAY * * s 0 L D * *i From $2500 Buy Now & ~ve TRACT OFFICE COAST IDGIJWAY at SEAWARD ROAD · CORONA DEL· MAR . PHO!lll'l HAp.Bo~. il4-J ' TQXORROW MA"Y Bl!l TOO -103 :~umlne ~~ • ;' , , eo...;J: · c1er :Mat : RESIDENTIAL 1 ,,,. a , . ,INCO~ ' .. VV9'U"'l. MORTGAGE LOANS ~ .. a.i-...,<N ,..,,. ~ iJliaif#9Ai: fflllOllTI -~ ...,..tac. 8"""" LOW .W"""""'1> RA~. ---'" --...x. ~ llnp!Mo,.-., w. -.r. . AUi: lllultiple u.tln1< Ruller COSTA l!'EllA APA1'TME1'"r • -· "' ' ' ~ -' - I ' ,. ' • 1·-··-· ; -Tib-l . prl)olp ~ ...... . -TWO BD!IM-AJ'T_ ~ Low 1$....i RaW. , , DITI 1---'-.__ Joto. J(,j;; ~ _ . 1 11at11, kitchen. view ot -... n:n: IN8PECnON i... • ,_ · _._ .. -•·1 boa ,...;... H Ud 11ay Quiet 1oc:tltlao. Utlll· , • · ' yy llJ , . -. . • '1"· • · . ""1Ve8 omel tlio 1nc1=::.,; -M11DQ. s. w. COLEMAN ... llN -.a. lilol•~· -t $9,915() . .-~ ~ .. . . . OOllRT.~ 1Dodel;n ualp -QI, • . COJtQNA DlllJ. x.lR. ~<et COfll• · 15;7!50 ohn~ -,com-• .:.~-~~ -~~~~th-=-fi:::..h!, .. , U • ..... _ -~ •-llOT N. 81111.., ,_ - -••••·· llleqmo W-WJUoAI.aO:L •1 t~L~~-.·~ , ' -.,--~\ um.., ~.._ ma.m1 sit.~.-B· Fib• -. . ltalpb !t; 11.Ubv ;,;;; ;~~-;.,: PlJ()1Q II*""' 1'1' to ...... ~· ~ aN lelf 'but llndlt -18~ ltv MU JYH~ ...;Jiloi,;;;J\-.. -· HtO W~ B1.J A'19. 7'"l1' ...alt t "ad ad.•~,._.. . • -~ dlf . -_iiM ~ -~ -, ~ • "'"r .... ~•)•II; ...,, = ~ " 1'JL -wt~'bulit aJ. combll>atloll-' ·, P.~-u '"* -~ ~· • "l,qllJM;,ipa~o, .. ~---~· ~ '4~ T~ ·l'l!Oilt . . . ,.... ti ICillOt..rtr .. 1'".. I . ...ea , , ' • .l, • -. t ·_ i . . ,! • • '. .• "' • . .: I . .. " t! . 1~ .. , ~ , . . ' , ' \ '· ' ' . I c • ,_ . ' t J ' ' ' ~·~~::a..- LtDO M 'AlllT ' With SALLIE 214.o61 mUltlplied i,y lft ttnt1 IO SZl.406.10; . . . That'• not *'10Ul'h. . . • It'll take two dimn . and a hall , •• °" the~abouu .... If anyoM would Ilk• t• eheck '"1 mathematics. , •• The popu· latl.,, of o t a nge County •• of l•at l"rlday, aocordlna to City C lwk Print w11 2 14,0l1 ••• and I w11 trying to f igure •ut If 10 ••ntt per p1rMn woulcl b• anough to reaeh outt goal of U0,000.00 for the March of Dim11. ·: •• Y ou can '" tt won't. ~ •. It 'll ta.kl a Cl~•r· ter far ev•~Y member of yo ur famll y. , •• lo If you consist of a Mommy and Dadd y and two kids. , • • A •dollar lt what' II It• re· «1 uirtd •••• Well )'OU a lmo.t hit the $50,- 000.00 mark tut year ...• It was 547.~.00 to be exact .... So evpry body five just a couple morf! a nts thia rear than you did tut )'tia r ..• and we'll come out the w1y we're 1uppc»ed to .• , • You know Ora nge County kMPS; l'la lf of tM JS0,000.00 t o ut• right ttere. , .. The othtr half goH to the N•tlona l P'ou ndatlon ... , H•lf •f th• tl •lf that goH to the Na- t iona l f"oundatlo n Is turned OYtr for r ... arch purpoMs and the •thtr h a lf a••• for an tpldtmi• pool which m11 Y IN uMd anywhere '" th• u. a. that It te needtli ~ .., ....... Lut year it COit Or•na• County 522,847.76 to take care of it.a 56 polio victim'S. ... $7.988.91 of l'ihich wPnt tor physica l therapy •.. $6,572.2S tor nursin1 ... $3, '86.35 !or ha1pitalit.ation an d the n malndPr for braces, med.icin•, 1urr ery and 1dmini1tration .••. Wh•t a lot of people don 't know .. th•t Dr. adw•rd Ltt Ruteel, •ur Health Off ictr to'r -Orange · County to.at ~ un ique mcthtd (or treating h it patient&. .•• In fact Orang• County • the only place fn th• U. I . th•t u... tuch a method .•. 1 Dr. Au ... 1 hat .a IJOUP of thrH physical ttlerapl.U who do nothing bu\ train mothers •nd tithers or t itters and broth· .,..: •• tft• ca•• may be, to give treatment to thotit afflloted In 'lbtir horn.a .•• , .. Only extreme ea Ma nMd to be hdtpita llztd • , . and they a re! released at quickly M JtO-'"I•, becauM It te beli eved ,locovery wlll IN hallt•ntd In loved Mo1rrowndlnge • , • w ith treatment 9 iven by thOM we levt •• • • livery• thil)Q 1he.A.1 lll be done for Dr. Rue. M l to a llow h im to .ontlnwe thit 1r•ai.. wor k. • • • R•memb•r It enl y takff 2i .. " .. for ea•h m•m· ._.r .t 1our famllJ. • • • .An)•how , • , Knee Monday w• hi.w had numero1.1.1 littlt cans p laC'l!d convenien tly at all our cuh re&i1teF&. with an ~ually little convenient alot ln the top. • . • Even penniu will M appre- 'fiatecl ••• New aHutl the Mane you W.re a ll 1upp0Md M have aattn latt .:ruefda1 far dlnn•r· ••• You -i'now bean• 1 are cheap and th• rnone1 yaw aav•d bJ not buyina mtat for tl\at one meal wat 1up· poMd ta hava .... n your donation. ••• W•'v• .i111 got _a aoupl•"' of cane and paokagM ltft. ••. And I hop• that ,wh~n yeu ,...d thl• yow 'll oome •Own and buy Mm• mo,.. b1ane ••• maybe anough fer two meals. ••• Wt have ,1even diflennt va· rieties ot bta.na ill tb. dried torru. • • , TwentyJniM ditterent kinda ill cu... • ~ .. Wo alto have bean& la cartona filom OW' O.U..wuon 0.putmont J, , Whiclt Dick Wat- -........ ,,,. lln tho rHI - "" tJ'pa • < • )'OU -with -1••• .:=lovarytlllnc eloo tlaat -to Na! --·'--boanL,,, And tbey are - rtcM -~..i Ille ~· ...... . --·-·-· .. .. N...,.,. ... ..,..._., • • • .......... .. 1t ~ ... l -.,_. --~ ....... ••'If'" .... e •• !'"'I.,,, ............ e• -- • I • I l • , ' . l pbsefte ... :.. , I THRIFT w E.K. ., . . JANUARY 17to11 -, I AND , HELP IN.,.. . FIG :HT AGAINST POL:IO ' ·JANUARY 15 to 31 1 • ' • I • BE THJUrl'Y THJS WEEK .. , SERVE ANYONE OF TIIESE SUGGESTED LOW COST MEALS AND YOU WILL SAVE ENOUGH 'IU PARTICIPATE IN THE MARCH OF DIMES. Gl\.·e all that you ca-n and KNOW that you arp helping Jame fa.mlJy, lame child, 10mewhtta clOM" by you, $50,000.00 ii our put tOrana:e Count1 1; that meana; a 100% pemdpa tion ls nectwafy If we are to attain thia Goal which i1 but a 1mall part nffded to 1ucceufully combat and warch tor a eutt of Polio. R.f6d "Ramblinc Round Ridtard'1" for further Jntor- Qualify Meats---.-.. . -. Featuring Manning's Baby Beef, the Finest Obt.ainable .. matlon. · MANNINGtS BEEF--0-BONE or 7·BONE CHUC~ VAN C~MP'I LI. ML"°" .... BEEF ! POT ROAST • 67c PORK & BEANS • • ••• • • MANNINGfS BEEF • • Pillebui-y Pkg. Pie Crust • 17c FRANCO-AMERICAN-COOKED RIB STEAKS 89c 53~ 85c SPAGHEm •• • • • LI • . . Nalley'• JO-or. Beef Stew. 59c EITHER END-AS CUT • • • • • Dl.L MONTE SAUERKRAUT • No. 2 can 21 .. 25c • • • IYLMAft-GOLD or WH1n Amerlo.n ••autY Long Lb. oe ll o HOMINY • • • • • No. 2 can • • 10c PORK LOIN ROAST • • • • LB. CENTER OUT-LEAN Spaghetti 19c .CEftTll"~ED-CONQ QftAIN-IECECTED 1·111. oello PORK LOIN CHOPS • Hunt'.-Tomato l ·oL LI • RICE • • • • • • • 15c • • Sauce •• li.. 17c 1~1 1 . COFFEl • • • • • • lb. can 79c · IW lf'T•a--aftOOKP'l I. LD BUmR • • • • • lb. carton 73c O LION 8 .. 01.-LA,.Ql:-GPIADI. A FRESH EGGS • IHO~TININCI SPRY • • • • 16 ct. 19c ~lb, 29e Frozen Foods 8 in1Myt--01"11n .. ·--. L-ice • • 2i..l5c al rfft~P'l"Mer\ 11 ... Peas • • • 19c a lrftayo I •art Corn on cob · 19c al r~Mye 10-n. Broccoli cuh 25c 8 1rQeye Lim• h•" 11-0L Succotash • 25c • • • dOL 55c • • • J.fb. can tlc Del R:~ol.....i Lia. MargG..H,e • l4c Lit. •rt ' . COCOf! •• • He Htrehtir't • Choe.· lits • l'k .. ' 17c Clntll-Your Ctto• P'kQ. Cake Mixes • Jlc WfflloW't Cl\ooelete L ... ,kg. Nut Cookies • He Dettnfatn'1 ChlH P'o,pef' ......... Cahup • • • ltc luttar l(.etMI Crema ltYI• 17·0L Gold Corn • 17c • ltokel~ecllum Cut a1.,.. Laka1 Ne.. I oan String I• an1 • 23c Monareh . lolld l'ao~ _ Tonwwlo•s No. I Ya Nn • 29c Mezzanln~·(lft)W· lUliT ~BIVIJD f'Oft YALENTINE•s DAY Y4LENTIN I by HACC"A~KI , , • aloo Hfll-rk MA E·YIUl!·OWN VALaNTIN&I for tha Chlld"n. STOii HOURS • EVEllY DAY IWT l'lllDAV t:OO A,lf. to l:IO P.IL l'IUDAY -l'AMD·'l' l'Cll'ii ,. . to . t:OO A.M t:OO P.11. ,. • . , We R-rw. .. Meht lil Umlt ..........., ' I ..... .. I ' l ' ·-· • • BRIDGFORD'S--SWEETHEART • HAMS Whole or Half • • • • • • 67c • • • LB. Go lden Ital• Cann•d Lgt. Nn1 Milk· ••• 2,"23c HOR~'S - Minnl'Mlta SLICED BA(ON I BI);'DSEYE Drumsticks or • THIGHS BffiDSEYE PERCH FILLETS Dtl Monti lolllll ~•ck 11-oa. LI. P1Ck1tt 98c 1 55c 1 1 LI. LB. padtqe 45c Pumpkin • 21., 25c C••·lwayne Whol• New Potatoes Peas • 1J-o.a. • '•mlly-AH Klllln•y No, t oen ··-· • • 2 1., 25c lb. 27c Ca~l l'9-Temet• Cart Soup •• J ... 29c Camp9911'._a.oon £ C•n lean Soup 2 .. , 25c CALL NOW! Harbor 1865 Make your appolntmtftt with th• lloodmobil t , Your ltl•td .. Ul"QOntly nHffd. JAN. 11 - ,, 1700 W. aalbca l !vil. (Gl'rl loeut HouM) J te T 11'.M. lab·O Can Cleanser • 21"23c Dtodor•nt • •• I I . V a !No. o.an Apple Sauce 17c Dainty. Mix Wl'tolo--l'Mfetl N 1 •n Apricoh • '.21 27c Doi•'• Tidbit. or Cl\unk• · No I oan ' Pineapple : • 27c c .... awayn.-P'ur.; Valencia Or1nge 15-o.a. Juice • • • i 2.i'129c o ... kol!I Cat £ l N, 1 cen Dot Food 12 i.125c • e I • llc Lar .. P'tilg, LuX Flmes :. llc Lux-Telltt. \ •• h .!'). Soap • , 121,2SC Htalth a.~ 1 Ila~ .•I• I for .Ho ! Lifebuo • '3 .. 127 c Toilet aoap ' "•Cl· Swan •• I· ~ 9c La,..e 11'"9. . Dial Soap 2,"J7c Surf · • • ., • llc I ' Bakery Treats· 1 ' THU .. IDAY . , 1 COCONUT CREAM PIE • each 5 c WE DONUTS '.~·D:Y • • •. 6 I lfMON ROLL • • • • eac 41 c IATURDAY COFFEE C'KE HONEY ALMOND-A CU8TARD ,.11.L&D . ' LA~QE-UNFllOITlnl i&.lfl: AN68 FOOD C""' • • I . eac' 4lc 92c .... C:1Aca '0~ ~HU~ID~Y, .. ,111DAY, aATUllOAY -JAN, 1fltt-•. THI ICONOMY·WISI P"A1RO • Fresh Produce·-·----~ LAAGl.-NAVIL ORANGES ·• 5 LBs. 35c Tl.N,01.Pl-WH I Ta . PARSNIPS • 3 w. J7c LOCAL-UTAH TYP'I: CELERY • • • • LB. 7c WH ITIE GLOlll ONIONS • • 3 LBS. 19c U.I. NO. :1 WH ITI. .. 011: 'POTATOES .10 w. 27c l)elleatessen1--,._ __ ,_,. -Skini~$;Tl'ranks LB; 53c CAllGE-IC,ICED' BOlOCiNA • • • LB. 53c ~ICHAllD'9 oWN . . ' 0v-Baked ·Beans LI. 23" c,.1.AfllY • 1 Cheddar Cheese LI; 53c KOKIE~OAITED ~nd IALTEO Ciconut Chips s •Lt~ 53c ··~ . I I • HIALTKFOODS Din. f NOW IN -•TOCK ~·. NEW' aooK, 11.NaATION "Leek yoUpr..-;uve Loapr". • .•1_ GAYE(OftD !lf-Ull:ll ' ~-~ Y-, , , V-' YstlUrt , • , ,,_,.... 8klM Miik ••• 9laek 1traJ. Mel11111 "are •JI .... k. . . ' 'M i. -H•ltll "~ ~'~"'ln"' .. -nt • ' \ ..