HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-07 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • . tw11m--11Mw~t.-..'l. .. 1 -,I ... 7 . ; AND SHOPPING NEWS • •, ' --Ciala JOs htori· · M11• Siwir... ,.. -. -. ) . ...:._. IW...... f'~ .•. • .••• ly MM$9·: i. • . _., -r.,. .. . J.'llSS 811 ,->ml: • .• •,, I t ' t oMOlll f//1411,4::i .. , ~:t:f = '~ ot t11e >Orsnp 01mtJ • I , • ·1 • · • , , tnn.,..!7' Dlntriet _...._ ~ 1lld ~ ~:: ':l-111o ~ ' . IPRl~Y lll'lllltl'&Rll •RJCD<O,l()l.ACll +aod [bolood PV_tato ltl••• W'!tit E~ __ ..,..,_...._ !.""u!'N' tool ~~"""""1 wwllf~u..~··-..od. ·' ~WL l1l'SIUILY ON ;ru .I.Um :or a'lnll· ...... 1 ""4 a ,... ot l""'F-. Jl'.,a-19 aJ, ..... -joJ • "" ••--......... . taiJaa I ci-, --do '•urn IN TD ll'NNOI A1'iT ........... -a -i.u...e..1a tllo ~·· .......... tllot JdPI. ·AM.,.... too -~-i:.--=n:.:r-~ ... Wrllnird'7 '#t ............ ·111o to, -'l oplaob 1" U. oodal '-... Ullo ---·-~ la'riolo\T Md lluild -"7 an 11..,..1, ~ - -a , to t11o ~ 1., '1;112,11& wUJ dof--.-•at 11111 ..-to Bwlm-8111t wtlli anJ """'---t1o11 ~1tllo ~ "'* Miit. u )Dur ::_"'*"than otMr lol~ .'lk 'bid 'Die ..i. aci-..,to ":l' JOll 1'H!I; JO pc.· SPORT llllOP. lAo lltloup -....... -! T.ino .. ••xt ~ fW -u;.-.. --t -.::.~~ ...... ·.'°:.:a': .... ./iqed by···---"' Ila~ llllfto U.t ftl&lto )"'1t -rilM """' t-. o< lt.u1o Porkllls. -"TM Idol'' ~· or Wll&t ll&p--,,~-. --,-· ~ tlle CltJ of -ta AA& end tlso ' ' • .. ~ -.ot• fqr tM llUlt -ltlcoly to Ila tllo tallt oC ,.... at -Lafayotto at UM ll.4YlllDI: J'JllB :llXT. -Olf TRa ~ !"\..r:'., 1'::· ::~ -~ _....,. Dlatrlct. tbe llaudwalk I.I tbe llUlt IHOW&ret' GrHr .... de&ll1l,Od tor C&ltoL lli.Y AT NEWP<lKT. ' • ., ' per e!U.0 oC Or;aqe, .All&Ji•fnl an4 'Tiii.i ia & l·J>*o, elulltlad~ylon -a·tn Bea·m!• .;-,, bladr. • • • : • [ • :-:,~-~ Kucll 1. 117• ~ Uld u.. ...itory m.. _,, borlr brown. or blu.. The white trimmed bu.t Ito• to , , Thia in._ t. for ·-&ad ll&nd'...,.. only! . Tbe llonda ,.~-to tricto oC -. Park. La ~r& • c.le.,.r.ly ~trtnd aontn , con~ wbJcb Les -.y~ .. -u J'OU (au&dnin under • not admitted). 1 W91 ·~ U.t.tk1ar ln't'e.ton by Ule ot Amen. and P'laCilntia ~acned to alp but bavo 'll>om o. .IL, It )'OU def'!. tl!en• a pl&co lo pu~ -..-. Otbor 4urUIJ tlJe Ions ttil1 -tcbu., u...afslot tll&t 'lrl~ .,., MT 6 SA.. I<> Y1 Id the ·fOtmallty _will not be com- b&UWJI' "'1to 'lrltll blsh 9! .,. Ille l • s piooo Maun .. Hudler -.r Y•e&llon w..k "°'Sl"I' It'• ~1 to ..., -I 1.eo p.; emt to 1.00 per cent !,. pletec1 luitn ~wed<. I .. ~tton.. plq-&ad fa.\Uu H&W&l!an topa prlnta, '8.115-up. Or tbo ·--,WiJJ loe tbctas up ,_... ..,.,_· &partmoato tor -t I<> maturttj. -1 0.0.-1 ........ r Nellon Lau- --Raid JJ<Ulpt -"' llUlt wtll> -ed lop MIPt wia -tall •and a tut buck. CARYLI: .. UNPMNTl:D lttlJ.11 -' -of .TOll·~rtad U>ot moro Ute llWimmlD6. m..t for ~ Th..-are l It 2 pee. lteautJu ID U."7, i't1JlNJTmu: IH.OP caa f\lnLlala )'OU with ~ ot .,... than. oee mUe of U.. U.mlle le'Wtt aqua or ~la J>ll!k -• .a .matter'ot r.et. one I.I qui .. fo..-1 «Nw-o.., cott .. lablu: wvdrobM. cai.ine .. Ud all H .. L--Rdalft' Ol·n· line IM!lns lnltollod ,along C&nnery • ill 'a ban .:trt of *ay-klt. wtth ahlrnd,. fa&p.d ~ .IOl'tl of wonderfu) mahop.ny Mb-or SUlft ~pt _ -.... • --ro&d &nd lb,~ Ave.. bu been. --A -= = -w - w r u m = ... I what Utt.re la o( It la w•U '~rth si•.95! You C&ll proudly Jead any 'nll9 h~deome modtn. ud )lin'f'tacial tmmtwe b . 9t: .l&id ln 15 m,.. Conatructlon to PUBLISHED il 221.i BAUllOA BOULEVAJU> of th•• ...... "' water '"'"' Jo-Loo Sport Shop, lBatl Newport An., otuNy and exttemeJy w.n' built! Ud Ideal far -· ShOw Up ell date laclud .. 1000 feet of 78-tncl! NEWJ>OBT BEACH. (),\LDO:aNl&, Cool& )(da. UoD roat&J unl1'. You ,... .... 10UnOlt & lot of pipe, 1830 feet of '8·1neh pipe Ud 1... •. • • monoy and bav. .. •l•pnt Ho~ bud board In Lan·d :-3083 ., ... of Sl-Jru:b pipe. Work I.I l ____ ...,-~TEl~:.EP:~B:O~NJ:;:~ll;:A~R;llO;;;•~~v;;;i~~~~~~.. COME! lCINIJ: LEIJ:TLJ: GYPSY, !T'S TDlJ! buff.et or ..cord .. bin.et 'lrltll juot & ·tomtoy bit _; . --•• , -• und.r '"'Y In tllroe d!Uettttt loea- TO TIU. VXL ON! Ah I ,Parll l.n. tbe 1Prin6! work. Cvlyle'a will explain. to JOU &bout bow .uy tt la to •l:lnalh R.ealto.r melJl~ of tbif New-tic:: ~~':' dth~:U!s lin:u.e. f -I Chapman Named Aph11 Um• ln Apple ValleyJ_ Moonllfht oftr Ka• lt&lR a beauUtuJ fin.J.M on uy Of tld.t fUrn.J.ture. It·~ don't eare to port Barbor 'Board Of Realtor• • · ec ve or 'SCYA Comm. Elflctf'ld1 eouunbd1tre of tM &outlw,. Ca.lltonUa Taehttiic A.Moclatloa Jul: week wu CHff Cbapm.an, 11Z Via Lido Nord._ Udo la~ staff commodore o( tfffi: Udo Isl~ Yacht elnh _. put ~11t of ttw Newport · Ot-Na SaRlac Alieod&Uon. ~ annual e~a l'hf'rtbiC WM Jarid la Lo9 Aapft Friday llll'bt. R~tll"lnc' comntOfo~ of SCY A • .. Oarta. Gould af Saa Dtep. CJtneea \1~mmodorr of tltie - -....odatla. 1''U Gene Bolla of Alb&mbra. Fred Smalea. .tw1'o~ •&aft com· modore at Bal.,_ Yaeht ehlb,. WM named ~ commGdOn; 11.m Whytti of BYC, tneaorer; a.nd Boben All&a.. Jr .. of N•w- port Harbor Yacht club. re. •tttted iwe"'tary. 1bfJ · electtou lnd.k!ated almolt a clff.a llWffp for S•wport Harbor yaehbuae:L Next meettas of t• p-oup. - aMOelattoa of 17 Southera Call- fomi& y-.cbt cl.ob&, wlll be be.kl April • .. Loo ... C" .... G. A. Kopenhefer won approval trorii the County Planning Cpm- tnl!islon Friday, ot hi.I plan to ex- 1aad hi.J: chicken ranch on Victoria a t., eut of Harbor Blvd., Coat.a. ..... froln 1200 to ~ C&p&clty. PICOFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LlllHZ& .t.. D<JllEB, o. 0 ... Dll:NTUTRY 111&Nowpo )(ecllcaJ B!dl'· Beacon nu N E. lla7 A .. ~.:-. 114!bo& Harbor U'r.J . - WIJLDON W. SCBOBO Dl:NT18T • ut £. 11th s ....... Ceola "'- l'1to• Beec:oa 60'6 V. II. llOJ:PlllCL, O. 0. .-OPTOMETRIST •• • .. .,. ......... !at 111' W.'N_.t lllft. M~---Ull BE SURE • INSURE . ---~ '• 7 Oml!r ..._ •-w 1n1 ••&a•-. .. , 7 ...... w. S...t Foote QDl-.u. I1<8Ult.UtCf!I Covrl<oolla !"'~ x.,.1 -n. -· " w, ... 7..,.. CLIFF CHAPMAN Cosistable Vaughn Asks $12,000 for Crash Injuries An automobile accJdent-In whicb Con.stable Frank t Ttny) Vaughn ol Newport Beacb townablp wu injured and ht. Wife9 automobile WU d~•lroyed h&a re•ulted ln & lu.it for damage• totalins $12,091.· Ol 'in wupertor court. Vupa and blo wit .. l4la. R., med oettott o.cntnet" -u E. . . WebeJ',. driver and Kn. R. C. Weber. own.er of an automobile which they alleged hf.d drlYen ott the highway,...o •trike lb• Vaughh vehicle at 11 :-\0 p.m. Jut AJ1rll &. The constable uHrted in the courw of appre.hendins the ddver of another vehicle he-b&d-•topped hia machine off the ed&"e of Harbor Blvd., a.nd that Weber drove ort the pa vN port.Jon of th• roadway lo strllc.e the Vaughn &lllo. The peUtloa i5ttkl $10,000 gen- t'r&L da.magt"• for Vaughn. more than "° m@dlal ~· 1812.- 85 tor d&m..,e tO' ""property and equipment neceaaa.ry'" to ht. duttea aa con.stable, $220 tor ION ot uae of the auto; Mrs. Vaughn seeka &ward of 1878.18 fol' deetrucUon ot the auto and 1100 for 1<!98 of in- come while 91:le ..._.,... nunin&" htt hu.eband. Welt! Ari• Gypsy! It'• touy~to alt 1n your tent, pick up & bruah at all, Mk to ... tJN VaJuN. iil flnfehtd bedlwm ma'tcbed wit. and Won ln a quy-a cb:lotin&tor unJt and a new pump. pa.l.tntnr your sreuy atlVtfr. Travel! SM life! Mt.a. ana exc.Uent buya ia tnaenprlns'1.mattr1s ,, OOLYLE'9 vw~ Uon •lid AMW"er. prOcram conduct-· VINCENT'S .LlDO TBA~ Btlll&AU VAN P~ 1'UJl.l<ITmr.E (f ...... rly Al'o) to J'Mlly ,lntrtsutq itutf. ed by Verne Herlpnsck of Tille Assault Sus_,.. GIVI!: YOU CJOKPLETE TBA VY:L llZBVICJ:. I bopa I M bo&tlns tlllil -loud ·-111'1> tor )'OU to fM1 U>o coll Iuutaace and Tru.t company •t l ~ • Charlotte Holllaahead can ' book you anywhtre to--1•1• .Newport Blvd.. Colla w.... 'e.1can IUW. I u.. rec:.uJ&r board seeetJn.r 'l'ti.ur• to .. R_.....___ ..... D~r far by ah.Ip, planet or traln! Or tt you ~ • 1 e e • day. He:rtaruck J>OMd qUfftloJu ln-. ....-OWV w to pt away from l all for 'a week-4.Dd, IH001r fD' YOU MUST THI8 OLD ~ DAD ,. · TO:lvills rtshte and title of land you &et reaort and ho el booklnp hen! Cb&rkrtte ay. Applrl •VT ALLOW TIME .-OR .A COLOlt .Ul.uaoo au Pl.&D' and property aM *8. all but ·two Ba*J J . Hunt, 28, wanted here Valley. near Vtctorville, I• qllit• the •mart, enjoyable tour thw daya! _S, ~ .immortal llnea truly pi.a the ~rit oL ~ cues the querhct IN&Jt'oN came on • ~t and robbfry charfea, Pe~mlly. 1·i,n mad for M .. tl&n and hear· JIC>Ylng report. concena-~! Wo1M11 want to .io:: q,_m Mft •van.. iit a A = tip wtth u.; rilbt auwer. The••-hae, been picked up in San JoM lng Chulotte a Mexican tohr•! Weather and fiah1J\6 all•"4b' -.n tlood· &.W·ft(bt. I'M n.C a1...WU.S you art ~ r "°" wu held.. at tb.e Balboa. Bay and will be retumed to face th• lf'eat there now? Pleue remember that Vlncent'a Trawl B\ll'eaU Ju.at fltOolllmed.l.n.6 that )'OU IO to •UTH'I ~J::r aaop' .. 1: dub. . =~~ ahe~ff"a otttce Mid can book your travels any place, for buath ... or pleuun--voUDd "1l renont.d for •pr'ins' JluUI 19 fn.turln.6 ktul .tptin. PrelddJ.nc over Utt btal'lnNI ot H t cltu • ult the wyr)d or juat to Omab.i Mutual Tlt•t•r ticket al'•CY u well! tahlc ~ faded Jaded hl.i~· _.:... the ROUX cooo:: ~ 111! tbe meetinl' wu Barney 'J'n.ncque, ...;_dun ro~ry ~~~i: 1:: -.:.Uudra Welcom• trave~er to vmc;::ENT'8 TR.A~ BUJltE.AU. (t.n ,. ... aha.m~ corhu lA 12 DatUI'&) aba.cs.ia! The oolOt luta , ... • w~ prMtdent of• the board. Etheridge, 220S"' Balboa. Blvd .. a.nine, Vincent• Udo Dru..) Harbor 126&. Ad l'lw• your hair an iMoe.ently, natural look. ~. tkt.. TbOM queried by the Title In-Newport Beach, •t t;>nm.ae Av6. • • • 'nafunJ. look' doe111't rub off oa th• ptllo. at nfl'bt! U tor the ~~ ~~ !'~· RCou!!_ Jag~ and· 11th. St., ea.ta :kea, tnva-HEY DIZZY! DO YOU HAVE SPOTS BEJ'OR.B: TOUR ETD!!! COior ~poo and Ml! .A.J.o lf your Mir S. rMlJ.y ratty _ uir: .... om.r-~. ~r' ''ocy, •..a.n· tlgatora Mid. Do you!'!'! Don't dlSl'eprd thl• danS"U alp&!! Go tumble aroWMI Virflnu.I or Harnett aM>ut the .. w V-ltu tre&lm•ta. Vttax Ls a ley Brnfth, John ~ergut.. Hub 'lbe accUMd. man'UHlt.e(Uy be.at under the mattr@ai for yotl~ puree.· Tba l'l to SOO 8. Main, BaJboL JM4icklt for bumed. brokm DI' bent hair. TIM tnatm.m..tl will re.-Rowe., Jb:n Howard, Ted Oabome the Etheridge ,,.oman and ~ Go In the bulldlnl' pa.Jnted red and lf'Ope your way b&c:k to Ute 9tOft Kera.Un .Coq, &Jad wtUlowt kwt&la eo., ta you.r ha.tr, )OU Ud UlUa.n McAdoo. robbN: her purae of $50. She told abelves tn the nar. Tber' in th .. c.nteT of Ute ..cond abelt ftiotn. ... t ~ u w.U roll O"Yfl' and pliay. dead. Vlt.. .. a.i.o pod tor Que.tlpner Ve1'J.• Herbruck offtcerw 9he bad \met Hu.n~ in a the' bottom, you1l find a tJiotU. of 7'P0t nmover. liuddenly ..,..,..,. &oo otJ,.: or dry hair. TrM.bamta ..,.._ p .60 t..cludlnJ Wult a.ad Mt. toad tb•-bo&cd m::ben that they ca.ta Mea re.tau.rant and bad tblnr wtJI become quite cl~ to you! Yot1'll real.i.M the BALBOA. PWl a !"-Ck ovw Y'C»lr bNd aad IMak ovv to .Rutlt'• Beallty lhop, had tM recoenl ol. correct and eon-wttll him for, • ride 1n hi9 D and fo HAS EVERYTHING YOU COULD POSllillLY NUD a -PoinMttta, 0......, def )(&r, ""-ll&rbor :llO'I. • ""-•bl• WW lie .had found I removinl' spota ~m turn{t\lre, wood work and --.m.•l You'll flad • · • • hL many aeaiona at 8i.m.UV quM-car. O'Cedar Ori-Glow, that ~derful, new lutinl' ~tun poliliA that ~ I wu dancln wit.II. D\J' darliAc, when a Uoalfl&'. ----'-- require• only a few euy swtpu to apply. You ll ... 014 DI~ fr'-.d atoJe my 9"9ethea.rt a ••• ~!" You're ~ Uphot.tery Clean.er, and 8c~tch Cover Pou.h, fk>or a.nd rlus ..... all f&MiYr wt~ UM llOrTY ...... Of utat Ta-Oogi.r"1alr 11 Won And then, Oh clear-eyed k.. you'U joyou.ly dilCOver mope Nld n•..ee be.lie wbo .,... jilted kl. the middle :r the ~ bl"OOmA &nd ctea.mlnc hunl"'Y prbl.I'• pails! Sven tho' you"N: l.lmo9t. ball 6 room. Thia •bu--.cl wom.an pro~ly too happy to talk, uk a~ut th• PAINT A.ND ZNAJO:L .A.T 1' v. n llt-fllUnl' Mou ud d&ncH ltke a clod-b M f , T · Stanley c;. Reed, a pa.inting con- PRlCE. Tou'il be prety well 1o&ded down with Ho~ t per. Take Med. ladiut Your feet &re Im-y oor s oots tractor, waa acquitted 1ut week of I equipment, but t· think yoU can lfllll carry aome IL Patrtck s Day 1 • porlaat pMutala! Wllet..hrn' )'O\l'n trtpptn.c tbe • a ch&rp of gn..n.d theft ot SlOOO "(Ma.tch 11) Card• ln your t eeth! Everyt.htnc that I.a an)'lhlal' &a at llpt tututtc or prom.en.adia.c ill the~mooallcbt. allegedly borrowed from Dr. J .B. the BALBOA I amd 10, 300 8. Xaln.. Balboa. ~.... a.&••s•·a .ioorpy can. flt you ill ttpt atep-.More than 100 wpec:taton at the Richard 0t -Newport Beach for a, • I • • ; '*"' iA.aaat·1 BC>O'ltllr ta teatUrtna-. t.be n&tlon&Uy . advt:rtiMMI lrrine-1\anch Oil u~ Newpo~ Coat& Mega pain~ job. THERE THEY GO! nttY'RZ OFF! VIT4Llt'T .A.ND OR.A.CE WALXD SHOES for W'&lklnc rtpt into Bay w&tcbed Moor' Toot.a o Richard bad complained that ~ """'"" OUT r •-'-· Brewer, fo,ur )"~ old IAb7ador Reed uaed the money for hi.I per--AROUND &na. P'AR ...... r ... ~· O wra-st n. ·Vltalit)'ll.,.. lia watt. quuale, brown and white l'P8C-bitch owned and handled by Her- l'HE BA..'O, INTO THE ~H, AND tat.on. a.nd "\WY dreuy bhHI or bltc':k .wu9de pumpa. p.~U.96~ • ke r 8 sonal bills and cbould have ,..... DOWN 'l'HE 8TOH.ACH! ~· tndlapuUble The o-i..a Wallwr'• ooaae ill a tlanimme Briti8. Wal.ku, aad In bert J"leiUlhbac r, J ·• o1 a.n turned it alnce be did not &"et the --r--. P'hlldaco, win ta Open All Ap J>Olntinr cont,.... for which tile wtn.ner of the J'eed-Ba.a" 8weepat&k1!9 LI .._.~ pumpe end ltrape $f ~lJ..96. PriJn& Oo't9r-Gl.rl ._.,. atake. of u.. llouthem. Call.tom.la mane alli!pdly .,.... loaned. !he 15c b&mburpr "Oil· the ttot" put out tl&la .,.. --la lw•&' • -I • ....,. u -J ,..tty ..._ -let• Cblb'• •-ti> l!Maoed l.t y blo lint, ~ jot. 8Jlptrlor !':.,.'!:..,,.~~~: ;-,._~PZ°*'oil ' tool. 1 -~~ .. ~~~t;~=r: !O~.,.ln-~~-'--I; Qoin-t, 9;.,~ .....,._ brrda, ID a ... , will> your utb..f':i:ar It'• tnio! Kottap K&e. ~Nu. &tJ4 fJIMJt -tw '+ti. ooa-i _,-,1 YOO!'ll "' _..,, uc1 nwutiy~':.-it11oatT of ='!.4 ·the j6.y ":u::.~ Milo \rUl1 clelli/httul ham by the bar ..-•• at a ttme ll>r llM aad -Ill!• & ~ II --~· -..,., her JiancDor'• 4~.. .,,.., top hour and • bait before report'"-~ lac. Wher. ·yau ut~m ta your buala..... ~t Q.._ there 1111 ~-port .A.ft.. OoN. Mw.. honon ta llle Jut event ot the to Presldtnl' JuOce Robert Gud- or take them home and oWT them! Kot.tap Kate-hu Joad.a . • • • trlU, the blind • fetrieve ~r'091 ner. of fl'M parkins, 8o if yo want to C\.l'Tl up '"' _your cu wttb 9>1De STOPI' TllllJ 18 A ROAD-BLOCK! E'reryoM water. coffee, • taco. a malt.J do&. or eo h.unburpn and a dear d.Rvt.6 1• Cllllllft.rt.ible pull OYer bpn! .. Let me ... The black Labrador went alm011t blonde frl6'd. lt'a your vate alfatr. The tdea t•, yau fill :rour your Uceaa. Um-bum . . • Ju.t u 1 tllot. You directly fo the .take, handled her oWn tank, or aerve you.rMlf and aave. 'n'l.eM ha.mbur,.n at 15c need PltODI8CO TOP-DR!. that n"'I miradll top prise flaWl~y and came back are madt of treah, pure Manntnr:• beef, &lld ar• recutar •lse ~ a dreMAnC for old and faded convertible top& ft• wf~ n.o wa~. 1 • H•m• bun wtth hom .. maije reli.ah.. They cOme from the Koptou.• TAYLOR TlllX 8BOP can make )'OUr old top look Jlunner-up ta the All-Ase wu Kleen Kottap/ Faf~Koata' Mua -Open 11 a. m. -'1:00 p. m. like Aew With 7op-Dril Th.ia top drUltn.s water-Bea'ffr Creek Bandit, &1ao owned 1920 Newport Blvd. 1 bllt.. be:yond the Me• Theater -Bit'! i'Eft proota. protect..: and rutoru the color. It doee't by Flel.shhaCker and handled by A. •lac attalr honorinr Jerry BUY A BAG, BUD. harden ~ erack1tbei·w.rla.ce. You can J.t a lutb!i•, Roy <Jonia. ' , • • • _ 2 coat job for around 115 Compand to tile co.t. Le&lt-Jo'i Pam P.&m tOok top Spancte.r, Jr., Wt.II &iven recentq Farewell ~·rty Is Surprise for Jerry Spangler by a croup of hi• frienda, ·who ARE TRI: CROW'S FEET ON THE MARCH! An the little of a MW top, thU: la a b&tpin. worth lat~ oe to! bonon in the Non-'\Vinner Divtaton lNlned th riff a.rt laurh· line• tumlJ\r to aiiow-ahoe track• around your baby blue So llYe TOP-DU TOP Dlt&881NG put • )'pllr and Sprir ot SwiJ\or.ni•h wu recog-farewell ,!.r.~~? for ~r~ 9!.~ eyes'!' ni.n tt'a ·time for you to think about tb.e proper lJ.FUns top by Taylor! TAYLOR TRIM alao mallH real pod .... t 'tioven, nl&ed u be.t Junior performer. wu inducted into the ae:rvice and for your fad:lnr cha.rma. You mulft be &1re that your home beck-dou auto-uphoi.tettnc, a.nd cuatbm trlm work at llOI lndu..ltl1al N9wport: IDoc left for Ford Ord on Tueeday, Jl"eb. rround I• tlattertn6. Let m• ilhatrate: Helen Wolfard at the Sbade Way, ea.tax-. Beacon 8930. Panther'• Mountlt:, owned by·H. Shop hu Flex.alum Venetian• blind• in decorator colon that will cer-• • • S. Mackay. Jr., &Od band1ed by 27partlctpania gathered at Jerry'• t&inly ahow you ln your best 1lght. Thue aJUrn.tnum bllnd• come 'l"HJI JB ..t.. 'l"RUE STORY A.ND NOT SOKllTHINO 1 K4DIC Sandy Kackay of Newport Beach home,. 113 Vla Koran. Udo tale, In natt•rtnl' blues, 11•.ht and dark men•. grays, blaze. and oyster UP WHILE UNDER THI: INFLUl:NCI: .or BA.DA.COL! About a wu on. of the ~tlve :tinaU.t.. in the and pruented him with • beauU- white. You can order thein made wtth contrutlns paatel ~s of wMJc a,o. Eun.lee Knox. cha.rm.111..r aw.er ot J'ttn J'uhian'• dreu Open to Win ~e• of Merit. fU1 nttM black leather travelln• WUhabl• plutlc tape and. alsO have Valence boxea ma.de to your a.hop ta ~ deJ. Mar nad In THlt[I paper about tll• ~ In Judpia tor all even.ta and ciu.u kit. Parent.a of the bonof'ff, Mr. de•tcn and cok>r. . I ~ lhue bl!nd• wW. lend a. lot of pleulng carp.Ube' at the COASTLINE P'LOOIUllfG 00~0. What ltruck wu. Bawe11 Burton or· Jtut :C.Up, and Mn. Jerrold Spangler, .ened local color to you and your bacJc:&Tound. Jl'be Shade Shop ca.a np1.lr he.r \ti.cier:vJn..-eye wu th!• item: 8PICOIAL! P.AIU[ AVE. TEX· L..I., and Claudf Bekinl of Seattle. a buffet IUpper to Ted Clark, and re-do your old V. blln•• with thl1 wa.ahable plutlc non·ravelin,r TUUD B&OADLOOM for N.M A SQUilm YA.JU> IN8TA.IJ,1:n. ~ha wtn SUnda)r. Moor'• Toota Warren Atherton Mike Healey tape. In fact. you can bUy thta tape by th• yard. It certainly Ls KWllce ltepJ*I tO the pa:.,ne and called Clarence P&J•· A.a a ruult of Brewer pve hla baekera a lee Mark MP1Jr.10n ·Dave Gardner' Civic Booete11!1 from all of an trg.pn>vement over that old.dirty. raveJins ltrtnl' tape. You ca..n of tlt~ important COl\(erence, eouUme Ttoor Covertnr lftlt&lled a on the Bripa.11'1 Gringo Cball~p Roger Gordon • Ari. Killion and look pod in your kitchen Df' batMoom too by ln.lt&Uln.g .ome of the divine .ttade of C'f'9eJl WLll to wall ~~I' ln the P"un Fuhion'• Trophy. Jerry. ' · Orange countlea clti"' were gue1ll prtnt pattern window ah¥e• trom this plsce. It doesn't coat a Shop. f.unlce Knox ia delighted with th• rewlta! She uya ~· her ----.--- of the A.Uocl.atfd Chamber of thtnr tor uttmate• or dtM:uu1ona on your I.bade problem. at t.he ll;t.op loOu like th• (l'ffll room at Bullock'• Wllah1r.. Kr. Pap of lu"ild•lnCJ Pern1•1ts . Commerce In Sant!& Ana &t~ Shade Shop by the Sea..,J&it '291,h St., Newport. Harbo{ 884.. the Coaltllne noor Cover1n6 wu hl.ppy to do the job 80 neatly . , ~· i M&M>nic Temp&e on Wedneaday e e e d : ha t.o t,,-o _.., 9:; $2 M II" night. Feb. ~ Spea.ktr for uie oc-an efflclenUy, and I wu extreme1y' ppy .. ~• ....... mer-rms-IOft OOHE WASHDAY chant. ret topther. In tact all S of ua may join haada and play · cuton WU Oecar Tripplett. pt'H1-!"' •tA.1 t. Tb rat 1 dent of the Lot Ang•lla Chamber DON"T CRY r1n6 ~und the ro.y on that beauw.o.,ou anent ...., ___ ~FLO<>~ ~V ._. ot balW•C pe"91ta U.e of Commerce. WE TUB ~ to thl• heart.lli·wannin.1' tale la: Shop a ~ • JIM iw. moaill9 of lNl• ... ' ;I'rlpptett tokl his fellow boo9ten A...~ FLUFF DRY • , , , •. , ERINis•~ ~orN::::!:rt~· llnoCol~_: ~p.._hal~ .;: 00 -:d .!~~ •UlfacUOlt. 100 •II. ~ J'~ total, SIMI.- that all Americana mu.at 1tand P'AD&D CURTAINS! -....... ..-"' fve., --.e .,._. ' IN, tar u...d ol. tlMi record Annual Red eroaa fund drl'f~for constant guard to defend our way DON'T 8IOH, •-zduNns! 0008 BO~IHNS~ ~FOR SCOTLAND TA.R.D! J'W lN& ......... lmpeetor the ~Kea branch, 1' under W R. C. Quota for Costa Mesa ol life, consUtuUon and Bill ot WE WA.SR ~ P"'8 Ne ....... •vown4. TM way today ln th' !NII.neat MCtlon R ight&. He warned tbat Socl.l.liam BEND FOR SAM SP.ADE!I err Mr soucrroRS, QA.LL . ...... ~ .. r .. lMI with C&l'IV&Ulnl' ,of residential Ill Ilk ln I A1'D THES DYE .... · . . WORMWOOD INC. ON THE WIRl!lLJ:SS! rVIJ: ~ l!.OBJll:D! -eelJ' tl--• t-• •-iksln Um upon ua e a -p g -ray· , . T -• are .. -...& _. UJ ·eom.e • aLt and ~t •ttn ... ·;~ woo.id find WASllEJlETl'E, OORO}lfA DEL MAil -f'4 00~ BLVD. MY 8~0 TICKETS ARE GONE AND 1 KOST &AlI1 ~ Pwwtt. tor ..... p..,..,,, later . th1a Week:, aceordlns to . ourulvu wttbout P,rtvate ~nter-llAaBOR·tNl-W ;L, ONCZ!', ·:90rne now, Enrood," l u.ld in a SIOOt.hln.r ton:;--rn tmd *ffi ... :-,111)11 j ... followed Cbainn.&ll Paul Crelcbton. priee or ln.1tlatlve of ,the trend of •' • • tboee ticket.I tt .l have t.o rlp your lovely Mop a~ · ltann1n.c l.,..,.Ye ndtrt meal• la "Kore volunteel'i workers; to cover '10mment Ill P"'mltlod I<> con· YOO-HOO! YOO-HOO! 8URPRISE! COME ON BLINKEY. qulCklJ 'In Uld out the tobleo laden ")llJ J!!t~I' coilbpDe ,.,..,., -fl;J-71 .... l la penmto certotn r .. tdentlal oeetlo.. .,. tln\le. ·WA.KE-UP! Jt'• 5 a. m. ~ time to hit the road, M.ac! Whether I tu:mecJ oa. 1.11 the beautiful b&U'·pt1.ced lamps. HeedleaJ7 bruahine Wtire rMIW'de4. J urgeD.UJ' affded,.I be said. Quota Repn:aentlng tb~ Newport Har-you•n .rot.n.s fl.ahinc'. cat~Jnl' 'Ute P . & for· Lonr Beach, or ..uch-put ~ CMch slul. cryatal, &nd ~.,,nva.n, 1 daah6d to the buuti-.. · 1 • iet for eo.ta Keu tbJa year JI bor Cbambor' of Commerco we.-. Inc t« the fountatn of J<>Uth,'otop at the ANCHOR · Cafe for • M tocli mapl< bod-41nn CO•ered In py .nd print fabric, l1't pr1 .. 6 lftlriltte Clllft fiN P.000. E PreUdent Thom.. Norton and brMktut that wlll o~n ey .. and warm your vttala. Gladys, $1~ marked down to a pttlf\ll $96. Bon_ enoucb. thae bl \iii T , __ ·r. • , . BMd.lnc' tba driq ti) the Mn. Norton &ad Mr. ond Mn. that cool! of -c opono !Mr cafe eftryd&y' (ucept Wed.) tb• cb&rtnuoo ·moao· frlnp lay tile ~ t1ti:•\I-• hll 11:11-.l.. etcant WU -"7 tile t1tt ---tlon ll'red Dudle)',. Jolin ·Bcyd. Hury Welch and tron> l L m. to a p. m. Start the clay off c:arefUlly rlebt with :=.L-· J dt:ovo ·tbtu Ill• rain to tile -1'°" Vo,_,_ I ~t u _u..j,..,bOlill .....-Konnotb lllJl, · h lnrin. Don Herbert 1'. K•MY, oectttory and bultormlll! hot e&l!u or el pl&ttor tun ot ........ and -slopped u J:Jcwood !Mpod •-tile fffrJ &ad .ailed a-.y -tat<> of·• ;llre In .Ibo &P<itt"'ent of J1at-H.-toa, Donald Dlmpa atid p-t 'ot u.. Or&nr• County down "'"' • lla9 i.up· of koff-. Now don't .., • .....,, -11 7ou tllo ""f ,_ 8&1...,. Tel••"-..AJJ I drvft ~ -I<> riot Bloom at U>o.-Vi.t,a •i&i1-Ctelpt.oa. eaptatno tor orpnls- Cout ._....., "P....,.J.od Ill<• ~ -R tlll tlOOO>-tbfn•o & plaCo tor you at tlJe A.ndlor Cat._ bwoOch l\1'0P &t COT, E. Bal-Ill-id., a.Jboa, I mlf"Od .,..... tllo llU!Dl.n, .oe II., .. ,._ .Jll>d.. ~ bic bomo ..,ud~UM .., ~ Jb&I. J1'0UP-8raMtaat t. _..od 3 or you eu l&p up a hot lWlch tor lllSc -..,.-of tlJe man-Md bopad lp!Dd .. 'WOuld buT, tll&t ~ -· -.T at.J:'U n.,.111. · WWman, Jim Molto, Inna <lei.. ...m-p>d wltll a bMr o-.. G~ and Dee~· right obarp lwn· tltlll r· lll&plo bed-divan -.• I·~ & borpln &,... ~ ~ of ,$100 rlel. Mlldrecl 1-..... 0aDa ~ Riie .Acclcl111t ' burs-or •Ila-cmd put up lunctin &ad fOOd to take • • • .• ~ • .• I. wu -•4 to -t-Uld ~ Ulll>t Blftlor atid Walt« 111 ., •••• ._. p l.r •--D • oull Tloo -U>ot to ~ at tll• ANCHOR C£n: r. . l'tllUIAPS'Tou; AlUI: OOIN~ TQ UIOOIDI --~ Sacta&fl ~ W~. 4 • et:lllrMnlat wputat.ift 9'&Clm IU'Nd~ ._.... ~ ~,...,...you 1 • IOld UT.'l'la"WJU8TLIXR'I Mot1ii:R.r · .u Newport aM , '"!'l'~lle:ta •"' ••l"Ol!f mil . .onU. ot a :_Qtrlali lD BuJtt .. can _kMp JOU'° lMd;J Ml lip &ad° blood pw.ire down-wtr.m yoti ·"" tbt tub1M MOtMr ot ane UWI af1b1l1:tJr, J00.11 --·••ii--oo. IJJctoa-.., rrid.x Pob :a. wu oat &t -.. ,..,.. cot.. ID <:out Jlicl>-.J, New'"*t. · • "°' ,,,, .... to -tut ~ APOONl -• ~· Alff ~=:;=:;na;:;:•;:-;"""';·~,.;; .... ;:=:;=:;~jcalled ..........,.tal" b.. • ~ • • . • -a , • ._., m•'ornff;J..., tnd,ftoll _.,._ · 1~ D Ct'Hlf ea; jury. · ·+ • • . BOW tp.UVJI ,-ND YOW QANll • , • ,I ........ I 9J', tMt., I -. ~ -, 10 -:r'. - TIM '-wu -In -... A unuf •4~ lh'D.fDAY UITI,,,. _ -. and -& l;t et·-Ad ~ , 1 . ~ il!ll .. • te , -H I deltll ot 'Nlclt'~ IO, OI Lulo "* ...... -,,..., 1'11 ... 1 Hon It I.I I -. • -~-.,,.Fl I --..,...PIP!I -~ Waler•= ers ..., .• --.-A. • ...,.. .... -tlll .,,.., .,. uc1 ,... -1..a1a and "°" ~ -! --··.._.!'!?al --.... 11aJ -IA YllDI ,FISH ~ m'VIClli • .__ kllkci' u tie .... s· o.ut .ftwJ. r.a taldrls ta -~"'*' ~ te -.1 ,_ .... m . ·lift • "-1'-fte -••. na ,._ :.• ,., , • . 1.1_:1~ • -·--~9'-Wliat .m!Pt .... ---WU •"411 Lulo • .,... . ... ........ "~ ~-1••-. 11111) •• -• I .. """'0 .• ,.{ #o., 8aa.M'°4CS ...,_ ~ ....,_ wu ,_,..,., I For -Ide um -tia a l!allbut 4r u11 '11o _, ·-taftl\u u -u CWI _. !5! E,. OI ff W ....._ SQ .. &m -•& b ,~ ._.,.,, ta -...U 0:,-111ot 111o -... 'n_. llio .. WllllDa wa. .a:t. ·tor ,a ..U -tldrta _ .... ll' ._ ...... t11t Mnr I(. kl ;-11 -" Pftc• , , I' •. .. . .:·~.:;;.';It,':,. ::::-.4!., ~. itot at.. I!-::." .. §S'X::.!; :::_ ~ 7:. =-~ ~ ~ tlft ·•,.:,:;t: :':".:':: '=='· '::T9 ,fr if,: ·Wt. .. Jiii jlj .. -1tA ·--... • .... "!~ -""" :::;n:,, ~' ~': ~i: -""::" .:' ~. ~-!8.::J.-:,.. ~ ~ ~ = ':! ij\:, : -;:,:•i '': ~-:' ~-: !9-=.-,i:.ftn) 1•= • n ...... .., .... ._.. .... • a • •. ¢ •_ . p I IT>.. ,-&IP& • ---a , • . • • ' . ' • •• • • I. -' .. • • • • • •J • • • "' . . . , ... '•t . , ~· P ... t ' · . . , . ~ tA'I' POST Mi we1,. • .,, M•1'i • tt5t. ~ ~~--~...,,..,..~ ............... -.. __ ..... .;....;.,,._ ..... ....o ..... ----------~--...i.. .......... .-"'1"" ..... --~~-;-__..:--~~~..;;;.~.-~-•---~~------..... ----..... ----.._ .......... _._,w·-----. .......... ....,. ..... --..,.., Host~. tiQuse on. . ...& •c•: ltOUSI .: • • • - -PAULO Theahe _., ... _Ill._ . N .. U.wtas B_.,.._ Jlopd ,'"l'JIS ~()ER." AM &ldmrtl Coat. "DAllK CITY" ~'CoJiW,(}MJ ' i4 -~llA 11 ,Dine Overlookin9 Picturesque Balboa Bay • • NOW .OPEN • STA11> ,:.,."'.=: •. "New••-·1 WHMl~,1kD1ssN~ -ns-e•g•-T" I0890tFU llAID" -•'= "llLtl& llU>OID" _ _,, .. l-8-·BA&~ AIM w..,_ Jfonto la "'lllEJIM Pf88AGE" WALKER~~= lie till I He·-p ' s .. aowtas · Vu lo' ooa 'GROUNDS FOR. lllAIUUAOE' Alo: llbtjorlo -. "11118. O'MAIUllY U1> • 10L llAI.ONE"' . -8-~ Bum ..... y Jloprt Lo '-raB JC1'TOlt(]Sll• iaJ90 Rod ca.eroa ta "SllOllT <tJl/l.88• I ... ··--- IRIAICFAST • LUNCHES • DINNERS Spe.cielizing in FUii Course Seafood end Steele Dinners OPE..""i , IL M. • , P. H. -CLOSED TUF.SDAYS 401 MAIN . --...... _ . ---- 1 in the Pavilion) { iAUoA PR01'rii""E BAltBOIL •111 PO& PAJlTY USERVAnONI ' I . I F .... J'lU•Qlk.. DnWl10U • • • to eature • .:-Illa ·~at U:-J"~11~·-.· ,~~ 0 1,.:::lljl ·;.~· l"!I .. • -'Pl., ,,_ Oi 111• . J ., l . ' .. :i; . r~ . --·--C19ft· --VAii• • AlrflM to All)••re• ·-llKJILUU> WD>ILUla 'Halls of Montaw• -Alo:- . . • I l IN I D'liNiif- f llD MACMUllAY ~ "7 .tllje lh., 'SO p.111,, _. r · L . ~ -at .~ &Dd '1'lllOqll .... .. s..;.1m.. kc . .~ •• wlll .. ~ ..... IGur at .u.. -'~-I. -s . -~ · ...,. 4'' a Utroulfl UM Mcbire -.,. ~ -wlll l>o -to "'lloa Do ~. -.... juat .... "Hr!"'-' w - ft lracliolll Of tbe J!u. _.., nbinood and ~ -T•-:t-... .:.; .. ":,-:,:, "°' .,. w. 8alurd&Jo' -ins. 19::~ ll!ronnau ... ""' ""loo; . • • , • l . . -10 at G ,..,,_ 'l;loe IMMlt UM and ~ world --~~ ~ tonn.al opq.lq to U.. 1>ii ~CIM _.. aow ' r111•t at • "·· LM!JllA ~ • j1UliJUI; ot Ute Bmt!9 Hou.a ~ i..-. ...,.. ud. lUa •!•Ila trill aurarit at SOT -Att, 'llal· l>o.at )Ii-to -91 all ..... boa hland. lt wtlt be open dally At U.1 11 ~Liii. wol'llllp aervlee tlMn&tttt at 11 Liii. and ~ -· J'rult · , no.di will i.n.C tllo owaln6 Ml>n. ' i,.., -1'11lq m-• .... tbe -Mu'/ t..W.. ot lllter.l to all joct, ''Tllo I I.o\.o ot OOCI fM who Ul)oy tM pit...._ of tM to.-OU>en." ,WIQl the app,..cll of Uto 1* wW be Lo rttdonco at -t· Doter ........ uw. i. ,. limol1 _. Hou.. Amoe• tbw aN the mswp tor our prwnt da.y. t:radlticmal &c:andta•Na ...,,..... -"-' ---- llclrd at the dinner hour, I to I P...., .,., • ..,..1a1 -Y buffet Im ll•ry AnMlpt W.&kfut, Mrpd tram 10 LB1. 119,. . W aOOOL llac:h ot u.M. ..noni. tho OOBot.allle J"ranJt, R. Vaupa ...... .,. opportunl'7 to malta lllo .,.l'IY kturday thwarted a ~bl• oWn Mleetlon mm • Wick •&rf.ty ~ •\tempt at a ~rage of appou.lns dloMa. !und&y ...ut -near 15IO N-rt ,Jim! .. M the only day qn which bt"Mk· ea.ta ic...._ On his 'arrival at -l fut will be Mrved, for UM ptt..Mnt. a..m. two men fJed from the place. Dally oorv!ee besina Wltll tlM V-llft found padlock haepo had luncheon bour a.t 11 a.m.. to J been prltd from a door ot the p.m. p-"!'*I by WaJ110 Huator, nw. Wiii lie complete a la tarte -'"'"¥ The llllecl conttin.O Still ...... all day ott.nnt ihe line, balt.rlel, irre-. -- cboleut. ottaka, chopo, ~ ,......nu. poultey &Dd Mafood .... -~ ----- -ot "1""'141 and tllllct...i "'Wflecl --HW., 41> .. uc1a. -cheo .. -~ .. <loll-1;::===;:::::;:;:::;::;;::;:::;::; ~-.:mu, alto be .. 111a~1o 'to Ollt; A· dellvuy' -Oil • oi IPJ' Gt Ute -&one~ Will lie ottond .. DRAPES -:: ... ~.:-... -J; .. ~..- lioU> ..._..denta and boat_......· .Olnloo -6 TM•eno llodo lure ~ mwt publJc fa'W'Or 11 llOtJD • oA.aoa .. R'EXPERT SHOE . REPAIRS . ~ <>ALL (l.N • • J. • CHASTAIN · 111 L l,.. · Cloota ..... , s.. .... · New 1951 HUDSON NOW .. . , llODY 8TYLJ:ll '1J) CROO!IJ: FROM • • IT WILL PAY YOU 'TO BUY NOW • Mli• St.~ 1 '" llAIN ST. BONTINMON llEACJI Ute lablf d'hoto h•11<lleoa .....i m ~ -7· N-port from fli L.m. tO J p.m. and ~' '-'-----------' .. •lll!•••••••r UJll• d'hbte dinn•r belWftn & .. 'I. 'r •• ln. the ••enJaa". "b·Htw••"' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 111ocl<s ~ be ~od at &llY tlm~ lQf•ther WlUl acellot Cot- ,..., ta, mlllr. tOtt drinkt anol lol -£:'. Ili>ri· J . ~toA, ~ .. &nd':. culdlit1 •'l\>l'lt ot -... BouH comn to the &land wtUl · &a. enviable backp-ound of l"C!llt..u- rant and Catertnc experience ·&ad &ccomplltlhment exUMtn.c ft'OID New .. York'• midtown aact Radio City -tlon to Holl~ aad Loo Ancelea. She bdnc• wttll heJ' to Hottea Houae & 1t&U ot bl.1.bl,y EASTER SPECIAL! • . ' PERMANENTS • Cold Wave 'or Mechineles1 - -At. -akilled expuu lo the prepa.raUoa Re9uler I 0.00 for 850 Regula r' i ~.50 for 1000 MALA POWW:RS of fine fooda and pulris-:ampu,.. .. 0 u· ., ,·.;. 9. -.· " _ . ,. i. laid. ... th• t.aet u..1 ...... ... 1 leo\11 lt>r'Vice . and aenuU.. ltolpi- l'Todllffd II)' •tot» 00-I .t.allty, will prevail Ill Ille ttmplo Flnt Rnn! but comfortabl1 Provincial en.Ylr· 11.&Ja CUT, 8B.AllPOO a WA'fE INCLUDED • ' IT'S SIMPL.E ADDmON I I ! • I . . , . . ,• • .. Yov .,._.tie 1•..P plua out: CWT111.t lilsli 3" dividenda are bQund ta add up to 8eCurity for you. But to guarantee younelf a Ale ud happy future • • • make your SavmP pl the fJCluivalent of one year'• income. • All Savinp u. lnaured ~p to $10,000 for your eXtn. protection. • SUPPORT .. YOUR..REo-CR~I ' ' • REI.EN i;t. ROBERTSON, K. D. AnnounOH the Open.ins of Her Ofnce at 1741 SUPJ:RlOR /I.VJ:., cosrl. llJ:8A (Fonnerly Newport Aw.)• . . ENDOCRINOLOGY AND GYNAJ!lCOLOGY ' • OFFlqE PH. BEACON 8608 , RES. PH. lLUIBOll 10'4-W • \ -:--------.;.... onment which marko Ill• now... JIM'$ IEAUTY SHOP, 204, COAST ILYD. •----------------NOW SHOWING tab!Wnent. l l!.a~..;.OOmRO ..... N.t.,_DE...;;oi;L;;;;KAR___,..__'l"'Pll.._.BA.R......,1iiii;11_,_•·..,..........:! -CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS FDUIT R.UN 4 .. $hldy D•h ... Oiain~ Room open 11 :30 AM. to 8 P.M. d•ily :losed Sundays and hofida'(l.. Phone; Kimberly 2-2196 . oh ol FRrE Pi'IRKtNG. • Lamps • Li9.tffng Fixtures I • . .. • Wall . Papen · LAMP REPA•IHG PAR.TS .udJ GlAllS llEPLACJ:JIENT8 MacMHlen LightilNJ FixiuNs Ptt-B-6619 Lomaloa V, -~ Off Ooatt HIP,...t 12e TUSTIN A VZ... 1'"EWPORT BEA.CH " .• ITT' A. F.UR~IT4~E AND . ACCESSORIES ~ IN OUI OWH •onuoia AHO 'PIO• fM! PMil1•"'-•• ' . THI W&.IST 1.ISP"'T ·ON 1HI PACMC COAST , ... :p ·uM .. ZONB , '3 GlllYI NCllMd .... ~ ., ... ,~ ..... liw 6w w,..... v-I h • I -3'Wo ...a o< tra.aatnc Iii ndi~ -A.loo.-. locl<tJ ~ will bo ·-ncl "UNDER THE GU""" by """ Oranc• o.iuaty -. -IT from Newport Beach, who wtll IUdaa.rd: Ooate, Alldre1' Totier be Mnt to .a Stat.I Civil Deten.e Council .. echool" at Pl .... loll., Start• saJKta7 ~ .eo .• bestnnlnc Mu. 11 . ... ~ quartet lhne te&chen. and .._, R..;:. deatliil,.-.wui' Lo tum lnotnlct Lo kllo_stca.1 defenee for the 00\Dt' ty'• civil defenae. council. • . Vel'llOI\ Shippee,. <>rans~: Paul :£. Norrla of Brea and Huary Kanatleld Jr., of l'ullertou: all tuch.er.. will be joined by Dr. Charlu Sparkuhl ot Newport Beach, • dent'!to "' Ute 00\l'- Gets Jail Se11tence ' ~------__,,_.for Check Forg1ry . .,.._ FUN wo.• • "ZING" 0oN'l MtsS OUI PllSIKT SHOW CllU -911U _ ..... 8tlU SMOWS-9·11·1 • Ra.lplt Crawford, %4, of Newport Beach, got & year ln j&il from Su- perior JUdce Robert Gardner, Fri· day tor pautnr three checks, two of them for,.erlu, •whlcb he had admitted. The c:gbrt noted th• defendant bad ~verf.J-p~viOUA' &rrUta for n.rtoua ofteneea, and Mid: .. you are awtuJJy cloae to the pezUtenU- ary-your band b on the door." Be dmJed probatlott u "a wut.e of ttm..'J. ~.he gave the jaU term. And ·~1-ed a companion count. 1''EBRA811lA GUzsTs Mr. and Mn. Claus ~kN of "-24 8hort 8l, CO.ta ·Mea. flltft". tained u recent, h~ put., ~r. and Jin. Clltford Palmtr and Mr. ---------+-and Mr1. Dean hi.mer 0( ChMter, Neb. HUIRY! 01:'1' mJ: Bm D'E&LI JloSt~CarY . JIOMy cu hy: ... I HUDSON • ON IUVUSii>J: vi81T Kn. "Bud" Newman and daup· W.. Sblt!Jy an!l J.lutea, 'of x.. Perle Pl., Colt.. Jo(-reeonUy Ylolt<d II<. &Dd Mia. J:. W. New- man ot RinnicS:.. • • f~ .. r---···~ .. ~ . ' ~1§ilii ~ti.~-~. ;~ . ,, ... SATURDAY, MARCH TENTH, 5 P.M. ON That Is The Day And Tiie . H.., Wllell ) ' ' .. ' • 307 MARINE AVENUE . , .. j ' • ' BALBOA ISLAMD'S ·NEWEST RESTAURANT ·WILL oMN • . .. . -uomu noun: 1'IM. ..ii .. a11 , ~ apeclalt* .to tall.I out. n.u'ft.7 of &a7 ot. ta. lt08'i'W ' BOVIii! IPJICIAl,'.l'J:D...., ....... • --,. f ! •••. -·~ ~ j -' r ._, ... ,., .... .,, . ...,. ~· .. ,, ........... ~-·. n.iiiw#'° ..... tM 0 I -' • ~ ... -=~·:-.::r.:= .,...., . .nwa1~· .,...-.......... -· """" Q k• •a --.ssall&J ti aM) 15 I ........ • . • I ! •• • • \ • • • • .· .. ~ ' '. ' ' • ! I I ~ .,l. , •t • .... .,., ~ .. l • I l W.eclnescley, M.rdt 7~ 195 f . ' --r ~ iv.v ·PO$f .... sf.to~.:-~ : ~ ~ Pity~~Qf. It' lntrod. ·ucijs. P51·~cl~LD!""~ . ·,~~~··~~~.,~: · ~&lief!Di~~~ry~ ',j~. ~ ·&ra~~ I '·~i,•o -~y. ~~:,t~l~.,..,rs ," -~ i::••.nsl. n,ner . : . ". ~tt~i:l:iti~C-~ • • IJop . local Profe' r~1·onaf~ Tale..IJ Wof!t•n of Mo .se ~of oiii.ceri ·r~. f~r. H/:.usbands· ~· .-{.N4Wt .• t..F~:.na ·:·. . ~ 111 • • ,1 1 1 , th• Jato . J"e"""'7 meotlAS ot .. • .. • . . • ~ ., , "f • Tiie title of tbe PTA • " • ' ~ 'Nowpori. ·-W~"'l of x..ma.,bia }Dub,. 'ifld at. ui;i Bf'· •. :J'tntotl\'e plaae ,rfl!i a ~ 'at ,, . .,ud X...· '°""'11 ~ P,: . f m•I~---~b ••·Pity of It"' • k .1 tlMK-WUllla'Napot din--haluul&homOO#.BooUJt~ '"'1ldlluuboaA1Jo..u1~-t•edit . W°Xr.ladMn.~ 4•• $1-• ~ ~'-·v wie,.. l ~ 'Fr W h · wtUt Huf1 Soucier ot Ho~ _ ~ -1'-;" ww.i -' 1 ' IA • • u.-... -...-»J..-~-.. -•-. .ml•ht well lie a lament over tbe IVlr5. 8ft t a$ nor In the "'1'" 1(-~·: lltOO ...,.,. ... ~\!Ill!.._ . h,l.m_ W'.bm mm ...... o,t .Nw,'\u ""!o<il\"!ld<d • ;~:--r I etH.alr fw that ..k!l an array J>f local B rit ·c d 00-.,..,,.,, Newp.rt ~ kl· n.tina iudt.U... outCotiir pnol· ~ a.,<h Police a""11t&ry , mot J ;:.;....-:.t.ihalo ':: =· .., tal<DI bu l)Ol 1-n -bled hen· ·~· ar Imlay lllabt. lfucb ~O. -£t~ al dent. lwldld:-tbo pffl, to the Oii lhe ;-•ntns of hl>. tT at tho ~t 'at'~luii. _-,~. 1..---,1!1.-----.. -------------""" ~on. n' would 'i.. dtfttcult to Party Hostess . j T'pJD. -~mom .... "f.Lodre ·-dl&lrmah, .,....,, .. aiamt>or: hj>lqe of -ltodldale. llOI .. • • ~INN.·-'<!!i"'P[lo"""""'"'"""""" ... "''"'"'-----... --ii',._,... ... '""'"""-- -·---tb wlttJ-~ rf In 1451,1 oo-,ror-OTI ot Cllaptel' 1llll laJn. Oth.,.. talWtg office weN; We.rt Octan J'ront. A.alotlns -· .""1"!17 OU.oded. "' ~;. -. ·.:' .·, -D' ... 'W' 00. • .~ -... lr ' ~~ • -Pt ormer ~-of U.. ple&Mltt attain at and tb•lr ..,.-1 } Laun do Joo Rloo. ~tuy; Bbl" --.·Loi. Pr!... , i'"f" ~w·Sln)~_cliur-. . . Zoe Barlow'• "'"torple<e to be ......,t data ...,. Ille bofteflt card Myrtle Tippin&' ta~ cbalr-Joy Noel .,_.,,,..,, orld Boote 'lh• · aU./; ~ ~mHtins. OUeOt preae.nted at tbe blth acbool audt-party ar:ran.Ied b1 MN: J'tank man and her ~rnlttee : Clib• 1 "-n'• pu.blk:lty. All mtm-1*9 who at the party Ml •lated tot AprU 20 ~rl 1"t.W:•Gea;re ~. ' ~ tortum the evenlnp of Marcll 15 Waloll at ber borne, 1114 Viola st., Leaeti. Ida Ande.....a, 3oy<. Edtelr. dJd not have club plM ncel•ed After'::"i;.~!.•lsabetll Wo,Jtn. ~ ot tbe . .ttlo Gran .. ; 'Kn. MARC ·.:a~NIY ·9 &151Nll!!. r&U Coata Kua. Bfl'h and low prisff ,and 01*• Skeen. Tb• wo~n Mn them that ••eaiop. r-~pm~ ~~tr:~· ot tU lllV II.A W ,..,_ ~· t~:=. Wen! ~e wn-e &warded wtnnen at each ta:• n.b propam of utert&tnment >.. ~ HIUlt of publicity accord-;::• P~9d, pr'-8 Plnr to Au-Na Oranp ~-Mrs. KUel °'111aftnaadal l .wrr-q'eouJd1~· ~1'· ~ta uie 0 ey; · -ble. A.a tbe &ttermaua:or card p1ay plaantd. ..:. nery OM wtll ha•• ed tbt Kamaain.a act tn the nceut r _! Ut, Kary Bate.. Bea cUirmaa of Ute ftat.~JlllC. face.. of r1s&nr ~_1 •A _,__.-crtftci new and MUttful •w.-at • fa.nte tertble. tM cUt t. aterttnr ttf'H•hment. of anpl food cake an ~yabl• enn..lq. N )(~ Community Capen, two pltl ~· &ad y10Jet Stoneback.. ... ----r i ·---. ~. J _..... but a brief glim1>9e tnto the baelt-and Ice cream Wet"e ""ed. menibl!n ..,.. he&rWy tn.Jited to wen pl"Mtllt and wdt b«:Ome Oueat. Pf'fftftt w~re Kn. Stone. :-Nople 4o Nd u.. waat adl. oOllt and 1-. ~_,_ht a 4epo.tlt Cn Wlaat 1"" want. JTOUnd ot three m./mben ma.y u-Among thoee la atte.ndance were come and brlAc" IUet't.I; memben at th• next mMt:ll'\C· bacJr. EM.nor KcCowe:n, Je.n ;:===========::; Karp •YI I QI the ~ of-UN B.ovar "A ~ npt plain tn pvt •h~ lth.e production MmH. ll'!ll& !:lcbhom, Us Beckel', On '1n1u.uoa nl.-ht tb• ·?Jew.Port They wen Val Moore of AMbelm. Claumit.Mr, P&t , Coe, Mlldnd la tbe Colden ap, (aaUque Sold,~ rm onJJ fO) U.. pltt•at escapee the corn and attain# th~ GladY1 Brown LouiM Ballman WOTM had u Ulelr pie9t Mn-teacher of Hawaiian and TUJlian .SohMon, and Betty Phtbua. Mem· w·~l-1,p &-s, ~ of ltfe, tbe ""'Y mol'1l.l.q of my da:r--but looktnr .u.tu• of clever en~rtatnment. FranCf'I Struz, 'M&r&"e Jelen ~ o . w. Kanne of Chica~ dane_e; and Amma Dare Hamic ot beta were lUry a..t., B4rYerlJ .-. """·-. • back over the ~Jdea; put at the .. eet N4J Jrta• of )'OUUi, Martin Inrram. etghtb crade Gorman Helen McColly ' Lupe Chaplain ctar~ Leach of New· Ga rdfn Grove. Bu:rdaall. Gtn~r cUeet Audrey Ali lrf.., 1111 ....,_ I t\nd: '"I'Hlt YOUTH 01' TRI: SOUL I.I EVZllLA.ftDrG, Eng1111h t~ber at tbe Coat& Mea Sclletne: ... Beverly Mll'J'l.I, Ai Leith-port. chapter acted N ~bap1'.ln CINe: ol. tbe eve.n.Inr followed (fotUe, Mercedea Crou.&hn, A14a ~ .. P.W.S I ,._ .... , AND lC'l'ID'tNl1'Y 18 YOUTH." .. main achool, who plaia the hero art, l::znma South.neck, lorralne, TUHday nlght at· tltt l~lU&UOft ~· atrvlns Of a dellcl~wi buttet Gorton, , Be& Lace, Dabetb llOUIS a GAaDD' • --- with ..dultul eye• and a pure Ma.rt. John and Andy Zltn•J. held by Santa Ana WOTM. wpper by Ute bmtem. Next lllffl-Waltu, lil&mie Btockdale, LoU ru&HITUU .. P'AJllU08 .. LUIP8 ... AJIT ... llA.LaOA.. ta active at thi La"pna PlayboUlle --~ O>worker Lela ~ WtJ1 ilia will al.lo be bekl at the j(HH PrlC. and the pnl1delt, La Veta Ill 0-.t ""1'· 1"..,....,.e .... ) and la alao a proteuional atory N .._~. leave the hospital f'or her home bomewttllBettyB&Uey ubolt.,., Lace. --~----------'1 11. _____________ ""'_,.. ______ ,.a -b~~~-~~Ma~ ~~-.. ~~·~---·--~-~--~~------------~--------~--~------~----~=~========== atory te1Un·g at tile" Loll Ancele• E • H _ each day, but will •~11 cea- ~ty Playgrounda1 and at l!lhe La-n1oys aw aff tined to bed for HVtn.l W eke. pna Art Festlva.. A .urpriH pot ·luck wu Lealle Stdf'eMen. the Shake• It ral.M tn Bawa.IL. all the Ume. held at Ida A.ndenon. .. ~· e tor pearean actor in the melodrama.' but ahe loYe• It. wrltu Mn. Jamea Jr. Regent Frankie bit v ey. A member or the Floradora Se:xtette Frost. formerly or Newport lovely rotd !O(k•t wu p aented and who ht.a a aurpriff specialty Height.a. who len. Veb, 12 wiU'I her to .her bv the Newport "Wbmen ot number up hi.a l!ll~ve, ha.a bttn two aoru on board a Na¥y tn.n.-the M~•. u a sltt tor ~r new ~ a ctively connected' with the S&pta port h-om 8&n l'ranchco on P'eb. baby daUfhter. A.na Community Pia yen for years 17. WU vetted at the pier by her -portraying everything fr om ju-hu11band. Jim. who pnae.nted her ven lle to character part.a. Re play-"With a le.l in whieh were 200 or-.. eel the le.ad in Grun Grow the Li-chJd.a. lacs, Thi! Late George Appley, Bill Tbe Fro.ta are atayftls at rort cf Divorcement, and bel~ve It or de Ru.Mt on Wt.Jkikt beach , clOM not, UncJe Tom in Uncle Tom'• to the Royal Hawaiian. ne:y al- Cabin. Alwayl!I in demand at cOPn -ready are learnln( HawaJian m unity dlna.ers, he hu 1tmceed word• and are dolnc • gTMt dee.I n umerous chamber of commeroe-of •ig-btlltttnc, ahe reoportl, f'Un ctlons and Busine.N and Pro- f .. oional Women'• ao ..... N•ghta. ~ ~ethod"ist ~ ~en H i.I talents a re vocal u well aa fV1 fV1 hJstrionlc and .bia ftne baritone wi ll be remembered when he ... , Reactivate Club I the lead ln The Fortune T eller . Mary Batten Stetteruten, who la InterestinC" procrame &re beinJ I In charge-of muaic, dlrectt th~ pl&n.ned by the prutdent, Dr. Obed J.totherlringers. the Male 'Qut.rtette. Luea:. for the-newly re-activated Floradora Se-xtette and the ape-Men'• club of Chriat Chur<:h_ by I cialty num be rs. Mra. Stetfenaen the Sa. Otbtt otnctN are:: Hal a ttendeod theatrical 5<:.hool In Chl-Lacey, vtce-pruident ; D. W . Holt· cago and .pent a , seaaon w tth by, aectttary; and W. I:. Angold, Sch ubert'~ Lady'~ Qua.rtette u tnuurer. both lyric soprano and planurt.. Her All ma. ot the church are in'l'tt- performance with Schubert re.IU.lt-ed to attend the sroJp, which ed in a bid to join the famous meeta each fourth TuMd&y en- Keith Vaudeville Circuit,_ but abe niJi« a t the churcfL On J'eb. 28, chc>1e college Instead. Thi. Ui her tpe&ker wu Dr. i\Jeaander ften- fifth sea.son ~ conductor of the ner ot <forona del Mar, who toid ...... Sfrt -J f7c W Motheoningen &nd for 12 year1 ot hil e.xperlencea in" Siberia and ahe ¢"onducted the Cecllia.n Sing-Sh.anchai. rra of Santa Ana. She also direct.a ------ three cboira for the Comm Unity HOKE OJ\" LEA \'Z Church Conl"f'tcatio~I . ot Corona Vir-1I Cotfnlan, '800_ ot Mr. and del Mar. With tJWI arny of pro-Mrs. J:d Cottman ot AanJ& Ana teafonal talant, much i. to be es-- --of tbe coming production Ave., .ea.ta M'na, came ~ rort r-"~.. Ord laat week to spend ' ahort and thol!I~ havin&: aeen short pre-leave wilh his ~t.s.. Vlqil la ta vteww prai.ae It highly . training wt th the Arm.y Air rortt. O...,,_,..<»·IMN''""""" ••" q ............... ,,. ·-· AstJOt12 2 ds«w "1e!t ~tn Strut ill Ractio towers '---=--sANTA ANA PK.II ~UH CllOCOLATI !CID ANGIL fOOD Ill.II .,,_, 4f< W 98!._ 008TA lllUA l 1t0 Nf!WJOl1 Ill• .. OO&ONA DEL JIAil -c-tRlpWQ IAGUl'IA BEA.CR' 111 ronn ...... , SAFETY • l!NDS MARCH ll1t • , Have Your Car Re~dy for Spring •Check Bono • Check WiDdshiflld Wiper • daeck TlrM • Check Hoffler and Exhanat Syw&ema. • Repack Wheels . • Clean and Adjust Spark P1UCS • Test Comp._ion , • Dralll and Fluah Bad!atA>r • 'lmi** ud Adjnst Bnl<• . . It i"lll.llbater Cyllncft!r • Offtclal Readllpt Adja&tmeat . • Adjmt To&-ht I • Check Ba~ry • • • ' • ONLY -· UNTIL MARCH 31st RE6\JLAR $I I . I 0 . SAVE $3.15 for this · • • ~-"-aa.1.a-rator 11e1t 1'6 POINT CHECK &liT' ....... c·a·• · . . JI _,,.. .... ------------------------;.;.;.--,.;;---,,,.-.ii~ •&n:WAT .............. PA• 21 UY I FRYING CHICKENS ~-t.~EE.:t '1 I IUASTS C .. 1.11 I ,__..i,,u1w.-.,1 .. ,..;.a...-..- 1 5c .. LOI I -··-~-4f·r...<liop ... _No.-t NoelouiJol , UGI -'Ir.. I I .. do! Top ....... oaj•y-.......... r-...i .. . INGHS full-el .. LOI •• .,....1,.....u.....k. I I NA.a. • .., llWCD. J:YllCU~TID. cvr ur. oon QlAJlE .1. WiW' ~ .. I.. ·I L~----------~--------------~---' . cn1e•1 B*'-r ~ ~•,1 .~· .. a· ~!'~ ·p ·~·,· .... ~..-.--· .,.. ,.,.,._ ••• 11 lol -~ 'lltlllt• .. ~.·· ~~ PDll lllST ~i59-C.:-i:~· ;:~WI;. ' ... ~ == 'a..111.W:'sst•• ...... low ....... 120••· s •• ••hiftP:... ihJ-' POBi·: CllOPs ~~15~ c.i~t .. . . -.. .... ~ ..... IJP ....... ~~.._JI ill? -=::"0._": SLJCtll BlCOI :e:. .. 43• I .... I ... * ' 1 ......... I ..... ... ;.,,, ,. ,,, ,.., \19'Y.,....LMMt ........... ..__ ..... Cocl Fiiiet ::=... .. 119 o-,.,. Fillet ... Sal-Fill« '"".=o" .. II' • f • ' • • ' • 1 .. • \ • ,. • CONnNUl!S I ; l ·, 1 • -S.llVE ··u'~0 5 I l . NIVER AGAIN WILL YOU IE AILI .TO BUY :. FURNITURE AT SUCH LOW PrtlCES ! ! BUY ON CONVENIENT TE;RMS IF YOU WISH . . 2'40 Forest Ave. r-;.....· • ._· ...... -La::iun• Beech 4.~61 . .. ~ 9f •tore '211 ' ' • • ' . • • • • • • - • •• J' . . . . • IN.SURED . . ' SAVINGS -~ . ··-.. -.---.. .. - ·cvu n ........ . JwAnnu111 · . ' . I • .. • • • 1.' • • · . • ' NEWPOllT IAY POST _, 5H6PP1N& NEWS • I ' . ~ mE UBGIJllT llELJX1l'ION' IN CJALll'OBN'U . . . ,PATIO · ........... , •• ' .... ALUIONlJK • REDWOOD • llATT~ • WSOUOlft' DION SWINGS e UQIUl:Ll.AS e 111A&UQIJU ' ~·w c+• ~UY.~l~J ' . w ...... " ..,. . ;. . NEW:. ·ooDGE ·cA ·S .. , . : I with all .the Cfiromel · : TW . n .ot efte~elll ltf ~ - Re1e1t Ji/~ Pl Ice I , , • I • ' O.FFERIN6 HARIOR 'EOPiLE- 1 MM EDIA TE DELl:'t'ERY WH I ~E THEY LAST WITH OR WITHOUT TRADE -INS. • I • I Your Dcd9e-Plymouth D••rr SHAVER MOTORS , ' 1~3· H..., ~•cl. l ' \I • HOUSE & GARDIN Hig~ Quality Printing-Ph.· H~r. 1'1' High Quality Prinfing-Ph.·Hor. f''' A ' 0,.. ....... 7Nlpt. .... ._. m OOAft 8l-4Y f JO:WPOllT ll&A!JR ·;: (JUI& COlllTY'S Otl Y COWl.EiE Ptf ·sToP SHOPPING CENTER. UNDER ONE · ROOF! * --* l'naH * Vepialll11 .: * :Tt .. 1e11 * IJq110n * ~D Foods * I C-ties * Vlt.•l•1 . • W1rl~'1 l1r1111t 1112 s.· Mil * I 00 D·Dll:G M1rk11l ST. SANTA ,ANA Pneeriptlou * ·Bakery * ( lu..triell AtlvN'd.-Prlw 'ftm 1d•y pr-. 8111141ay •••••• Mare~ 8, 8, 10 A II Dentiat11111it •IJMT .. tJT. OP 8~ • AUISS .• ,rn... PAllia¥ •. om NIGH~ ANB•U ..... suht11111s lt1 Vatw Qw.11ity ,,.,., 29 , Eel ''100 c " . -·~ .,.. .. ,. .... ~. ~;;\"it.. . . 14~. * * * Drugs l1v• Up t• 11.11 on llexall DENnFRICIS ' • 43c ReuD' Tooth Pute • SSe Ml Sl Tooth Powder • 2Se Milk of ....... Tooth Pute CHOICE OF 6 AllT. O" ALL 5 "' $1 ONI: KIND . .._. 1.Nf,Cr.1111 ;AJR.t,au • 53L • * • • - • . TO,. 0.llADE ITEE" •11111' . Slrloln or Rib • Evileerated • Pua Rflady •CutUp · •.Cleaned la•lde u40ut < I l-lb. 'Ccin < I I c •• %· to I-lb. A verap_ c IJX. fCY. '!!!,. DILICIOUI .. Wllf••N . . .. lt. 25c - ' . I l I .. • • ..... " I • .. ' • • \ ' ' • , • • c • • ~ . . . • •• . • . • • • • ' • . • " ., • ' • • •• .. . • • . ( • • • llTTY CIOClll'S BIS(i)UICk 39c LA.161 Pl•.................. . UIULILl-1/, SLICU • ~.!c~.~·~·~·~·~·~ ........ 21 c . HURRYI HURRYI . HURRYI AND VISIT OUI • L E G s O' I LA M B IATH'S COINLAND-1·LI. WINDOW PACI SLICED BACON • • J I • A 3 ling Circus of Saviri11l . Per Lb. SWIPT'S. PUii YIGITAILI SHOITINING SWIFT'NINC M.J.I . I.ALL GllNDSI 1 LB COFFE·E c·•N cy~·'·u·· .. ~A.. ....... No. •1, l'l.t .,.,.. Grno Lmbel · . 27c 43t. 75f. CORNED BEEF BRISKET ~~~~~N 6]f. LAMB PATT.IES 49f. IATH'S SMALL IASTllN SPARE RIBS L:.:; 49~. FANCY • llPI SWllT D'ANJOU PEARS • FANCY, FUU POD ' 6.AIDIN FllSH \ PEA_S ; WltltHrew11tti-1 ..... ~·· ...... u1nqu1D RIIS · ..... ...,7·9· ~ 2 LIS. 19C 2 LIS. 25~, ___ _. ..... --...... ·-· -·· ----.. . . . i· .... ,,...., -. . Oii'i'NGLES . 10'~4~~ ii.iHSAUSAGE 65f. A&.D lllF TAMALES . ~* DOWNEY -.. . [I~' •. *. NEWPORT llA~N. . ; l . * _CORON~ .. _DEL .MAR t ; ....._~?JlleAu~---i:=.•;• 1HISI Al• .AMDICAlf SPJC'fAu ~ THURSDAY; FRIDAY. SATURDAY 1 . MARCH l-f;10 . •· "' :, AT HEW -, LOW Pmcll .01.D MIO.AL FLOUR 2 NO z ·27c CANS . . • . I 1·LI . ~sc : ..• : ... ~ ' ... 10.LI. ..... ' ' . WI FUIES :.C.33° IJJI ~ ~ SWAI~ ~9' UFEIUOf ':;r R l'I S 0 :C.JZ" ........... ----------~ . . ..... ~ 10~ .. .... ' .... ..... .. 'h7" ·-............... &Jes Qllt -- DOWNEY NIWPO~T llACH COi •l.•r•••o•••n. .. c., ..... _.·;.,,.t"''"' •c1111 •.' ·.. ·· ' .. ,_ ... ""' .... ....,............ ~· ...... , ) . ..., • D' Al n Oft\.; ....... fla • I ......... ~ .. If;& ~ f .. ' • • ·--·-···~·· .'; ~== j • • . I 1 1 ·1 ' l ·, ·.1 ' -. • • - • • ' . • • • , [ • • ' I / . " \ ~T IAY POST Md SfiOPPIN6 NEWs° ' ' • -• .I • . ' '· . • HARRt ASHTON -RE:EtECTED DISTR~T: llble translators PJan··New . I COMMlNDER Of 'PQWER ·soUADR . s H~~'!?1~~!!!~.~~~ A. OU!lllhln7 SUoOay afl<>&t -eluded the aprlnf .i:~er.n ... of the P-or Bqgadron'a Thi th DW-acre lllte at Pallaad .. ~ ODd .Acacia 11t., northeaat COata Mna trlct. held l&rt week ond at Balboa Ba7 Club. 11.t the llatuiday ~ Bany 11.abtcn, N, put ' mman.. &rU. ~ PN>pooed Jut w .. k u 'tbo'W<>rld·-ln~r-<l~atlonaJ der ot Balboa .&qu.a.d.nm, wu u.n&llimoua1y i.lected. diftriet co.nunaride.t' with Robert Boyd. Jr., ed d.1a-mt.I~ otpnizatJon planned to move from St. Gle:ndala head· quan.n. , • trict .ecret&ry·tna.w.r'f'r. Throu h Lortn G Th• cblef aomman~r of the her 10 mllel out tn b1a cnJ.la;er tormer)J' • i.o. Anple. I rLlet ot Sant& ... ~esa Rebekahs Un.lted St.ala Power Sq\ladr'Ona. Buatu, and dip-A t.be eJ\llrn in d@r were at the aeUio Ai.a Ana. •ctlna' u lt.1 •cent. the or-M '"''"'" N .,_ ~~ v1~ ,_ •-_,11.. •• pnlaaUon filed requeat for land-.A. N. -~-n. , on u-•• iu-•.. ••" i:reetlng to the Chief and followed pre11ent were RotMlrt :M ........ r-'•! ~ UH permit wtlh the Ora.zip Coun· to thU -,ea apent Sunday t9urtn• tzle Hypo tn. The cockpit of the mund Simmons, pUt COll\f'l&Jidera ty ~lann.lnc Commiaaion and bear• Lo. .A.nee.lea: Harbor aboard Dr~ .Hypo waa tmpreutve, fill~ with e.t Lc>nK Beach; Oeorre ~lllnrer, inc wu Ht for March 11 at 2 P. m Lute.r Lowe'• Huco 40. tbe Hypo. the Commandua all tn tbelr havy put commander o1 Santa Monica Con.t:ructlon . work la ~ A quick run to Ava.Jon wu follow· blue Squadron un.ifanna. Bay Squadron; and the Jpr-eHat t be(in u toon. the tld by a tO\lr of Newport Barbor com.mandens: RaroJd Trac)/ ot Bal-:n.nt.ed u pmomlt 11 A.uembllnJ' ln the home ot Mrs. Atma Black, 770 W. 19th St .• mem- ben of the Triple Unk club ot M:eaa &Mka.h ·Lodl'e me.t tn reru- 1.&.r •ulon Monday. Feb. 2&. The mtttlnl' opened with a all-aboard Zdm.und Slmonia' new 50-KHlfllcdoa. boa Bay Sboru. Loi Ange.IN Com-· .__ cru19e:r the .......__,. The 40-acr-e ~ract. located at ent prayer In mrrmory of Roa R. ~~ • ..... .. ,, .... _. .Albton'a reelection to th11 DW-ma.oder; Robert Sc.hlllin~, COJJI• P&liladea Road and Acacia Street. JUtUnhoUN. gT&nd muter ot th~ Accompanying' Ure chief oo the trlct Com.m&nder'1 poet uwn• mander at Loni' &ach,i . C&rlOI ~ ot the On.nee eounty airport. Grand Lodce or the C&llfomla In· cruiM Wfre Harry Aahton. Balboa the C&lltomla Squadrona, Balboa. Bronaon, Commander, Sanr Mon· wu purchued a t a COit of ll.200 d"pendat Order of Odd J'ellowa Commande11 Hay Langenheim, AP, Loa Angele.a, Long Beach, Santa tea Bay. · an acre after the"'lrvtne Co., "'1Jch of S&nta Cruz, who waa fatally in- Balboa Pa.at Commander, Ted Monica B&y and San :Francilco, ..... 11 .. d juttd h st k d by 1._e contlnuance ot ~thU1iaat.ic OJl---v oea not Hll lt.nd, con.Mnt· , w en rue own a car Bambrook, AP, 80th DJ.strict Com· "' Pil9rim 's Progress ed to the aal•. enroute to Coot& Meu. NEWS.TDfJIJ( -E\IW) ~•aQ WPOBT BAY P08T-Wrlae1l1n ~BT-BALBOA PBl'M-~ ..... ja 1 •w..-~Pllltnz '"94.U.-.. ~•r ,, t i cwer s~ft•rC1ftw -11111• AD a .• .r,mm .. as '21' --......... CMll .... , , .... 'lr•rn ,.... 1..... '·"' ti-. ...... Lit -, i.-. I..... 1.99 I ~' wlll not ... ·---tor ---.. __ , .... <tot an adftrb..wnat, w,. the-rtpt to ooa~ daallf'J' do oiid to Njeet UJ --not ~-... to and nculat:lou.. MTert!wnmta and. canceJlaU.:.. w1D. • be .-ptH ap to a p.m. "" the da7 -..., publlcattoa. PIL Ku. 1111 .......... lltli. mll: fw •Af ~ • -..... -.1 I St' Tri M I ~ llAJUIOll P1!SUlllll!l'G 00. : _ 1111 -··11 ~ Xewptrt Bss•• caar ..... mander Vtccen,-AP, here from and upulen.ced leadership. Alb-Co-founder w. C&meron Town· J4rl. Lola si,wut. president, Seattle tor the conference, and ton holdl the highest gndff tbe Picture at Meia Mild,. wbo beada the orpn.l&atJott ptulded. Reported on the •lc.k U.t l0-BUUN'U8 GUIDE other commanders and top brua:. Squadron gtve.s, that of Navigator, ' a.et up in 1934, aa.ld that planl call were Gladya Blrd, Jva Raf', Henri-H-WBT AND FOUND Clltt.w:i., whOH: home i. 1n which meana he hu qualltied in PUgTim'• Prorreu. lht •tory for e~on of the acUvtUet etta Monk.man, Lydia Hamt. Nina lprln.Cfleld, Mua.. expreued ha Piloting, Seaman.ship, Advanced which ha• r-anked n":rt to the Btble which now. reach into remote part.I Lolmaurh, Ettie Slaten, Helen delight with the work-of the C&li-Piloting, Junior Naviptor a.n9 u the world's be.at •eller, ~u bffn of the world, chiefiy wbl!re there Cawthorn. Pat WUcox and Car- fornla Squadron• and with our Navlptor couraea. made into a tully anlmat' aound are no written lancuage& 111.f;lita Ha.uon. harbon and tine mooring and He ha.a 11 merit mark&, meaning color motion picture and 1wlll be Group Plana Announcement wu made that docking ..,att. that he hu lel"Ved flnt the Los al\own at the Coata Meu Commu-The organlu.Uon plan• on gen-the rwnmage aale conducted re- ~BOUD~O ""' ... ,...._ ......... lll&mpooed. ..... _.um·t• hlly-. LOST -Uberal reward for mal" red Dachlhund who d.iappea.rt"d from 5101 Seuhor. Drive on Feb. 3. Phone Harbor 0809·J eve.ninp. 8fp89 \ 1 • J 7, 1911 · 10:• TABLE mode) -RC\ cJlu. ail: ,._ Expanded muk ~ Nn. black tube. RtcondiUoned &n4 cuar&ntffd. Qomplete wl.tb la• hie .. --·--....... --.-·-·-S119.9~ USED WIRE RECORDER. Good nlue at .............. _____ ....... $99.l!O K41p tm. touch with ua tor cood ~ya in TV aet.I bein.S" traded bi -. EASY Tl:RM:8 AJUV.NGl!:D I DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1885 RARllOR BLVD. COST A. KESA. Phone &aco11 6821 Highltghta of the conference Angeles Squadron. and then Bal-ntty M"thodlst. churth Thunday, eral offlcea, a home tor chiklren. of c•n.tly by the club proved a blg were the ffriou. ae&.iona loo.king boa. to which he trana!erred thrN March 8, at 7 :30 p. m . Members mlulonariei, a achool tor 'them, a aucceu. toward recommendations tor im· year• ago, in aome important' ca-and fri•nda ol. all churches are In· tran.111-Uon center, a print.me pl&D.t February birthday ce.l•bront.11 provf'd m. et h 0 d s of leaching pacity tor f'•ch ot thoae 11 yNn. vtted to attend the pre.aentation ol tor produel.ll& bookl and pampb-bonottd were Alma Black, Pat Squadron couraea on boating 1Ub-He hLt bffn. a Dalbo& Squadron thia film, ftev. J . ff .. Thomp900• Jet.I, and storage of thd.r •uppliea. Chu.rdlill and Bertha Wataon. Al's House &: ·Rug Cleaning Co. LOST -Black m&le cet. Pleue notify, 303 Grand Canal, Balboa I------------- Jecta. a lunch and afternoon for Comm~der, putor, annoWlcf'd lhla_ we-d.. The objectlve hi to tranalal• the J'urt.htt plan.I were ouUlned tor the wtvea: of members, and & din-Robert Boyd. whoee elfflton to Produced by • Chr~Uan aludlo Bible Into l&nlll&ge1 for Illiterate a hat party to be staged Jointly n"r at the Bay Club tn the evening the Dialrict HCretary a t.reuurer which placed the f'mp~t.; on •l· and uninformed peoples wbo havf' by th• Rtbf'k&ha and Odd FelloVt·a attend~by nearly 200. po11t wu •l&o unanimo\1.1, hold.! vatlon, J-ohn Bunyon • creat al~ no W'Tltten language; experienced on M&rt'b. 11. Conclud\ng the tVI!· Commander Clift on proved to.. bi-the gri.de of Junior Navigator, has legork:al story, !tiled with thrills Un.quilt. create an alphabet for n.J.n.c tbe h01teu aervtd retruh- llO tho roughly informed on all ~n a Balboa Squadron Cornm.a.n· a.nd adventure, bu more th.an SO them from th"lr spoken lan,ru&I' menu ot hom~made ch"rry pie Squadron matt"n that members der and hu nine merit marka. Ht separate character~, each with a and the Bible tra.nalatlon folJo~ lopPf'd .. 1th whipped cteam a.nd enjoyed a day of highly produc-bu taught. for many Yf'ars, the dl.stlnctlve Pf'T*>ntlity. ~!!le had -along with echool11 for childrtn eofftt. Bttem '1ll For Venetian Blinds, , Sl!ad.,. e.nd Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free eetimate• Ph. Har 884 514 • 29th Sl Newport Beach 7Ac92 tive dlscuulon with him. Tw"nty-difficult compau wor~ to the Pi-to be CrPated !Or the ?tcture-, 1.n· and' adult. a.Ilk", it wu apla.1ned. Mrs. Antoinette D&nk."r of five-yea.r11 ot work, through all loting-clauea and hu gtven thf: cludlnl" their exp~uiont. •t)lt. At preatnt, 300 mluion llnpiata Orans• WU a vi9ltor present. U-.ButLDINO SDVICJl'.8 phaae• of Squadron program, havf' Advanced Piloting counea here and color of drea and pt!cultari· are at work in the field and tn the Member• ln attendance included Ifven the Sgu.adrona a Chief Com-aeveral times. Bia devotion to ties. PUrrim .. Prort"aa WU com~ 1enuaJ oftlces. Hof)':• are to ln· Mmu. Flore.nee Swltser, M.amle m.a.nd"r who i.a an experlenc.~ and Squadron work and hia lnlltruct· pleted after lour ;yeua ot 'work. creue Ui. tl"ld to 1000 .such Un· WOH.anu:. 'Mnta B. Small, Flora undenta.ndin( leader. fng Akill &re weU rccogn.l:sed. quiet.a, who are tralned \ln l'Ummt'r Harri•, G&rnet McColtock, Mary Sunday afternoon, u the Hypo .Pa.!t Commander John Stick HORN STOLEN 1 tnatliute• at University.. of Okla-Taylor, ~rtha' \\o•ataon, Ethel C\me rlylng home from Avalon ~om Lo8 Angelt'a, Put Com-W . S, Smith, 228" • U.t St .• New-homa, Canada and AwitraJ.l.a. Smith, Mary Lou Cox, Florence w ith the Chief Commander's ot-mand"r Le11ter Lowe alao from port, Hated a two-barrel t.Wo-tone: The Wycliffe Bible Tr&n1latorr, Connt'r. Loi.! Ste'4·art, Earl Backea· PAPER . HANGING and PAINTING · Kenneth Quarry ficial nag at the starboard yard-LOA Angelf'I, Past Distr!ct Com-t'lectrlc horn as bf'ing •tolen !Tom Inc., has its own fleet of alrplanell and Alma Black. •• •--H -• • that 101:1 Santa An& A vit .. Costa Meu arm and the Pow"r Squadron en· rn&nder:o1 Robert Reed and La"""1 the uuet uaon, moorn..i a.. wh1c.h rf'gula.rly deliver ... 1Upplie1 The next · mee ~ing I• 1eht>duled si gn flying utem. Abe was met by Mc.Dowell, and T,he n"w San ~-~ddreae. Police notltlffi the harbor and food to tM ml.ulon&t'le• In the lor March 28 at 8 p.n\. at lh" home Phone &aeon 5~ Squadron boata. Curtia Do.ah m"t claco Commander, Collia Hut.sell. d.epartment of the,lhett. remote part.a o( the world, Gr!Kt of Mn. Flora Harri.a., !533 West-l9c92 ARDEN'S-hoeeued American Cheese 1 Pound Loaf All Popular Bn.nds $4 45 Cigarel les. carton . I Pin Tax CHEF BOY-AJl..DEE Spa91elti Dinner knee Wltlt Muahroom.a SUCED BACON Squares , •. Swift's Premlj HAM Sllank~ SIBLOIN or RIB steAKS explained, · ml.Niter St. Girl Scout Week Special Programs lly Oladfo ~ Girl Scout week bel'a.n March • 5 and contlnuea through March U, ~ S. the hialortc day Girl Scoutiftr ... founded tn 1912, 39 ,...,. f;CO. 'he • rnovemant wu started by Juliette.._ Gordon Low, • & coura.-ou.a and charmtng American woman, who announctd to her family tn kertcan an.er a stay in En.cla.J\d. that abe WU brlnrinc home tbe "bl•cest thlnc-" ye~ ' Tb&t big thln&' wu Girl Scout- 1.nc> The h&ndlcep ot poor health and almoat total deafne• could not atop Juliette Low from tlolnc the work llA.e had started &nd for year. everywhere ah• went troops sprang up. Mr11. Low wu not weathly 'but for tour yean ahe financed Glrl Scoutinr out ot h•r own money, even to aellinc a tru.mred heir· loom, her pearl.a. She traveled all over the country to Iba.re h"r Jdeu with others and made tripa to Enrland lo 11eek lldvfc• o~ the Ba.den-Powells who had first at.rt· ed th~ movement in England. By the end of 1919 there were 34 ,081 memtMra in America. Today there are one mWJon membtts u ol 19:)(). houri Of one and thrt'e In the aft- ernoon a major ehannf'l of televl- 11ion will &ive a Girl Scout blrth- d&y party. Conault the newspa.P- er8 tor the channel concerned. J&ck Benny .'tV{Jl put on a progr&m M&rch 11 , 1 to 7 :30 tf'levt..ed onr CBS about Girl Scouting. Initiation Rites lnlUatlQn for a new rr.em~r. Earlyn Louiae Albright, marked the 'l"Uuday meeting ot Harbor Star chapter, OES with Worthy Matron Ruth Of.later and Worthy Patron Henry De.liter. pre•ldlng. AllO received by &ffill.ation were Cora ~lie Humphreys of Balboa, member of Arcadia chaptt>r. A feature of Mrs. Albright'• Initiation was preHntatlon to her ot an Ea.atern Star ring. The ring bad been a (ift to Mr. Albright'• crandmot.Ser, Mrs. Fletcher. when ahe entered the order in 191~. Be- e.awe she wu unable to be pru- ent. the rtng wu pre'MJ1led by Eva Moore. - The worthy matron, who make• lb• M:lictoua birthday c&ke aervt'd at each aecond monthly meeting. pffillded wtth her bu.band at the PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A... ,, •11•lr ....... ,,... ... ti PllllaM: Pe~ 14Jl..W 11111•--., N•,.poot- WE RENT ' . ELECTRIC paint sprayera. floor aandera, polillhera and gardening t!QUipm"nL St.root.a TeWtnkle H&rd\vare, 180:.Z Newport Blvd., Cotta Mesa. Phone Bea. 5%22. llOcff A Claaaitit<I Ad I.a · the michty midget ln Adv"rllaing INTICRIOR -CX1 i!RIOR • PAINTING LICEJ>ISl!!D -IN8UIUID Glenn Johnston !501-Slot St. Newport Beach Barbor 2297-J" U<:&I PAINTING. .H6uses & D~ks or? -Fot' estimate PHONE HARBOR 18S9-J 87c89 Swan Pon M1ld SOAP, lge. ~-49c: On March 9 the Harbor Girl Scout. wtll ('Ive a procram at the Girl Scout houH for all troop.1 and pa.rent.a or gtrJ me.mben. During thto afternoon the Browniea will perform with specta.l .anp o• the .tare and durlnJ the evening the older ctrJ.a will take over th• pro-rram. birthday table where aat Conniel------------- Brace, Marpret Marie TTW•I, REP AIRING and Hedhmr, I for tie • Fl1ll Pound GUM CANDY Mone_7 S.vtar Mix Monareh - 1 lb. 79c '156 COFFEE 2 1•. . . . c oLE o Quarters lb. 29c: Ld Bulk COFFEE • Soott or Nortbenl 35c: • · Towels 2 rolls · _ a.lb. Cu SPRY I PORK NECK BONES lb. M. 1. B. Loq: Grsla· RICE, 1 lb. 19f Puid'• llalld7 hek-U pk. boI 5 JISSUE for Hanclkfs. -. PEI' MILK. 2 lge. or \_ 4 uni. 2 • RANCH. • ' Throul'h the l&"eek ~ tele- vtston Scout procram• will be givu. On Ma.rch 10 between tM Cora Belle Humphrey•, Earlyn Al· bright and Ray Neilaen. A pot luck dinner at ft :30 p .m. Will precede the mutlns of March 13. Ho11teuf'1 for thf' evening wl!re Pautine Juper. Molly Cauidy and Enid Toun.J'. On the rft'rl!ahment committee Wl!re Dori.I Diehl. N&n· cy Calderhead and Harriet Smith. Musical Arts Club to . Sponsor Annuat. Voice . & Piano Auditions · PAINTING WSON>.BLZ. ~· or amaU jobil. Free sttmate1. Har. %581.-lt I HAULL~G Any kind, truh or t Walker, 108 • 18th Street Newport B~ Harbor 2581-R 17cl8H hland. or call POLICE Df!pt. Harbor l , S9c90 Ste.ndard Station, Inc. Haa a few openings 'FOR MEN \Ji!ho are looking for permenent employment with excellent op- portunlty for advancement. 21 to · .f-0 preferred. Paid while tr&.inlng. Approx. $270 month to start. Libera] laundry allow- ances. High achool minimum deaited. See Supt. at the ' STANDARD STATIQNS Dahlia Ir: Cout Highway Corona deJ Mar Betwttn 8 :30 and 12 every Friday 89c93 Television Service RADIO REP AIRS , lArTJ" mw.a: • • 1 ara&d Ramm . T9clullC:SU. vQ• ~}q 6.-Jzt;."""'"'v"IJlO" N Hiii 1l1&~ii*l1, C. BM. ~ EASY SPIN WA.SHER, 1 \0 yrw. old, good condition •$75. Infra- red lamp, $7 .M. 807 Poln.aettia. Corona. d~l Mar. 88c90 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR .TRAILER W1C J'ILL BUTANlll u.cl PROPA.Nll TANKS C.O~plete lnataJ:.&tlon, 1"9p.!r and Hl'Vlce of all Traller Equipment. Berm.&11 E. Samuel J:ll1.I K . Porter ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1010 BARBOR :LVD. Cotta Meu. Pbon• Beacon IZ:U..R NEARLY ?lo~V Wgglna boys' bi- cycle. AJl extra.a, $45. Phont Ha. 2890-J.' - INNERSPRING dbl m&ttreu 6 box •Pring. $3.5 for both. Ph. Harbor 1Ui7-J. 87c§ REED FURNITURE Reed Type Sunroom Fw'n. Chairs, Couche&, Tables, . etc. Very Reasonable Prices. Hotel Laguna FURNITURE BARGAINS Caloric ~aa Ra.ngea, apt. A rer. Chrome dinette Ht ··-··········· $89.M Mahogany bed Mahop.ny tocker ···--··-···$29.50 A utlque cht"at A table Migic Chef gas range ........ $8V .:SO -1.ntf'rina.tlonal Harvester RefriJ. Englander Mattl'l!'aa, tuU or twin aize ..................... _ ...... .$69 .~~ Deep fnezers, Int"ma'l 7 cu. rt.. Victor 18 cu. ft. Dl!-le's Furniture 1929 Harbor Blvd. Costa M«a Phone Beacon 5107-W 83cU 4 PCE BDRM aet, sprinl' and mat• tna-2 maple end tabltoa, m aple ~ker, occu!onal chatr. !Aw.on "8avenport, club chair. Ph. Har. ,.%121-R, eve. or SaL 89c90 • IS-BOATS, SlJPPL0'.11 STAR BOAT, 2 main.lailll 6 trail• er. Good condition. $700. Har- bor 3.33 or Kim SlOl. Mpto 5%: H. P . Frisco StandUd.Marlne Motor, $26. J . H. Smlth. 1741 PomOna Av",, Coat& Mesa.. Ap- ply before 2 p. m. l 88p90 BOOKS-SEA BOOKS A: fill• ltock ot boo!' Oii all JaCht-lnC aubjecta-all aurront . bc>olra. lADd!DS Ub , ( The Islan ers 2U Marine, Bal-la. Bar lMT MOORINGS ror approx. 30 ft botlt (ln north bay opposite KM NUea Villa Marina) ' ALSO nearly new Bruner 2 h.p. compr~r and other freon refrig. eqillp., U8l!d one sea.aon. 1417 Ocean .Blvct., Corona del Mar. Harbor 3169-W. 89p91 DOMl:STIC ORIENTAL RUG-U.-MUSJ<;AL, ~10 ' 12 x. 15, $8.5. Ph. Bea. 6098-R. 87c89 :I01<31 !aCE STUQCO and new aluminum bualness bldr.:...... 01'"LY $1,300 Dellvereod moet 10cation.- Alao 15x40 'stucco and frame bwfi- neaa a.rid residence bldg. 11,100, deUVtted, cloee by. Ste at 723 W. IA. Palm.. Alsahetrn. Phone ...... 89c90 COME in and iplay the wonderful New H.a.mmand Chord or,an. Even If you don't know a note ot music you can play beautiful mUSic ln ten minute.a. DA1'"Z- SC'HMIDT Big-Piano and Organ Co .. 520 N. M&in. Santa Ana. USED PIANOS from U9 up, Good playing . ccnditlorL D A. N Z.. SCHMIDT, :i20 N. Main, Santa A.AL .. cor. etb.. · . TR.A.DE your old piano or band lMtrument tor its full ca.ab v&Jue on a ,Packal'd BeU te1e- rulon at llBAFEa MUSIC Co. !stnce 180'!Jj n1 N. Sycomore, Santa 11.nL jKbnberly .2-0STZ. 83ttc ' ., • • • - .. • r ' ' J w ....... .,. • ....,_ 7, lftf • OIDAIE&.11 u. au:udllwn • ·..,., .-r•ll!I ·. • ........ BALBOA ISLAND IPDIST Ro-. I'.,--~. 1311. ~IT repci ... 1 .. lon at fM. -•-~! Jaa IU<\i .._!1~~ AND APT& f . . • lie $1.200 De~ . . ' . ~ 1 On Marine Ave., Ba.lbOa Jalandl • -\ I O'!ll \ldp. .. vCI.· il)c wita ..... l 1( ... :-'" --Ntw. *~ ....... ,..... • •• ~ .. MOii;. ,..,,,.,, ~-811 ..,.........,, Oft ~MAL 1'tano Store, HO ll.~.,;, com. ... CUU.. CAJIMU ~ • . R ... A.T VALT""°" · ·' ~-. t ~. r'nwt·-. - F. It ·A. R•ale 1111. .... ta Ana. • '. Nddt.Glbedb, ~·N1t. .IJAA'.U•. , •U.-> ' U::..;;r.;: ..... ,tii, ..... a' LOVSLY PLAIN CASS bunp.10w 3oe ~--Ill, Ru ... cl ·-~. e&lit 'lido · , _ -,._ta Of ...... - • .--' atllarl~-• k """"°t piano In fine col>dltloa, •• lltill K-'l'I..,~ \ car ~ • ' • ' 1uet --Pl!ll ...-. .-. tarma. • si:i _,. 11n<1 no CIVIc CENTER DUITRICT -11ec1< -~ hnood: ~ tn11~ BLANCHE A. GA 'tEs, Realtor ., · -· - Have Many 9f1oice H"omee · . on Balboa x.l&l\d' $12.~ to $85 mo. at SHAn!R KUBIC CO. .Attr. untiim. 1 bodi.0... -.. !'1'17 ...... · · • • • • • • . ' 1"-lllO'I) Ul N. Sycamo,._ Le<. ll•. tm.,. IV•I'· -2 -• --~-'--~ · ,, .... 8. JONES J. MARTIN • $7""' DOWN G L' ----· -. I . . -,.,.._ KlmberlJ' S--Oe72 -_., n-, ~-ran 3U "'6-..:-A .,,__,ho T-J 'd ' . .,., • aotte yud. $70 ~o .. lnchad. uW. Olld aut .... atle ......... Lot: .m&e.we Ve., Da.I & .US an · -"""' I --.,: Over I Barl>or lOlS or Barbor 2082..:0 UO. 11-i-tbu I r..,. o [ Ph. Bar. 1671 or 16'1'2 Har. 74.fS.)( or Bea. 60il-ll Jeft9; 1100 it.-~ .00.W lot. flaplont . FOR LEASE Busioeaa Prope~ lllnall houoe oe. Kz:rtiiO-Aft • .._ I•zll, !)po .,... ~tablt for --,.. ._....._ apt. ( , Ga4ND PIANOS -Ultd, Kllal>o Jl'uD prlco, only $7.-. •I n.1,~, W., tbenM. nnc1> 'Cbtck•rin&'. Maeon and Hamlin, ---, BALBOA l$1AND _ &.utiflll ' bedroom flml. type. w lloile'N Ullo Ji the lut 11a1n...,. E .. reu, •• 'llohmer, For Rent New and. LOVBJ.Y 4 bdrm, 1 batll. ell-. 1111 home 2 bllhl near No. Bay and ahoppinr center. tndl home that can,,. pu,.. ~,. .. r, su.rr Kimball Many Furniohed Apartment& . . BALBOA . ...-. ~ • I . . . Pl ~ cbaltd ~ I -cent down. We ~ Fr<>m $39~ up. ~-Patio, dbl pr., laundry rm.l**1 to IJl!ll. !lave .Old every G.L 'home that ALSO POil Jt.&.t.m•.P ·BU.tn .. property s ~ .A ... Stora room pbio I ~ apL with ~ ~ tractiftl7 fllmlalled. llallal>la for ..an )u-., ~ i'-'onel peoj>la. ·~-• I~ 'app..0,.. 2~ y~ at ldlmJ.dt Bil' ~o Store, Santa $M> _mo'"'· rd., cl.oee to town OCBAN n\ONT-2 bdrm and M1"i w. have ~lldftrtlaed 80 aet quick .U.. lfO N. Main! comer 4th. and ';~ch. ;;;..d. noon. pragu, "'°"'· a......,. co.,... lot, onl)I CORQNA DEL MAR -Charming 3 bdrm. ranch on w. one. Full ,ri- ' . . wuhlng mochlne aod hot water "'·1°'1· t.....,.. type home, 114&1' the water. Built for (l'acio°'I liv-$ll 2lSO ·• .....__ .. CATS. li!ET8 tumbhed. no objection to good Ing. Large muter bdrm with fireplace, Two pCt:loe. 1 • ' •, $1'6 moatl. . I • . . ' , FOR LEASE in Laguna Beac~ WANT TO FIND good horn• ior :;:-1a with '?'l;bellaved chll· 1 Income Property J Priced at.$18,000 for quick 9'1e. 2 'D.R. &. Den a17' male ColUe. Good with chil.. . ·" 2 bdrm home, hwd. noon.., tile an ¥ dnn. (I'm iotn1 Into Navy next See W . A. Houston. Jr., ownen floor .t\IDI. 1 bdnn apt ov.,. a BALBOA BAY FRONT HOME, 4 bdrma, S ""th8, Oil lowly OOmtr lot n-Naw:port Attrac~ lar(• 1 Wroorn fUrnllb.-2 a-,t., ocan ~. 8l"'1a ..--i. property ptua prage. A good deef tor lllo r!pt -1e. Owner ~ "No zmok-1!1-" _,,, Ph. ll<L 1196-M. 69p90 ..... ~ 222 1> Main ltreet, Bunt.-. 2-car p.rage. ~wd. 4ad til•1 private beach, pier ud float. A rul blly at $61),000 B•lpta.JNJ<t kttchon. -ta ~rton Beach. TeJepbone Lex· Furnbibed. $122.(K) mo tncom~ din. nn.-,,,... bl.)' ~ tlr. . Call Mft: Kuooft, Harl>or U75 WANT TO BUY! Small Business Suitable for a Lady No J'ood or Beauty Parlor tnst-.... 021. 89p93 Appl'<»I . 1 aero eendy loam eol~ ~CHE A.. CATES -REALTOll p!Me. ·pie"•at elm. 2-,.,_ pod dll'trict. Priced to Mll for ror the belt: bu;y Ja the ar-. EL TORO MARINES Low Winter Rates onty 112,:iOO. J'Ull prte~ • BE ' BACK BAY $9 000 B. A. NERESON ....... "'TICULAR • ACR-I ..t"' .t\...l\. lv .,...., -lat time offend for Furnlahed. cottage. Other Marlnu HRA MuJUple U.Ung Office ·w .. Bea.utl.tul view. R.MtJicted p .. ~1 Sullivan a.t thla quiet location to ahare lla Newport Blvd., Colita Me.. ....., Call· for tntormatlon. &;J.U ll .... drlv• to -. Phone a.aeon 5221 I -about your locati1111 New Lido , Isle C. ~leri Denison Bedroom, li_vlnr room, bath. kit-'NICE 2 B.l!:DROOM HOUSE bJ -about your home READY SOON -s bdrm, 2-bath, G 'T Ev chen, utilitlea lncl\Mied, $M mo. ' owner. Jtedecorated. Re-aaonable -about your neighbon dinWig-den. Corner flreplMle. ' ; ' er&OD E.RL W, STANLEY, Realtor m MARIN1i .AVE., BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT Ill' YOU WANT A BAYFRONT HOME ' on ll&lhoa lalud; you had better see thia ! I • Ph. daya. Bu. l&OT, Eve. Har. price. 220 11ower St., Cott& J'orced air beat. bar-type Kttd\• • REALTOR • 2278-W. 88p90 K-. 89dlOb B LJDO•ISLE th ~ Ed L Sed I Rtr , U• °" •'!' "" en, :kw pl'&J•. Cor ... It. to It. 490 Ne..Wt Blvd. Coot.I M-2 •BDRM; knotty-· pintl "interior-large fireplace, 'tloor turn..., compMt.iy furnished and •pick and, •pan. In •excellent loeation, l'Wjth ,beach and room In resr for garage api. • e meter t COMPLETELY Furniahtd 1 bdnq P'IN1: EXCLUSIVE U.tln1a. lot.. lllll tlme to chooae your own Phorie Beacon 12.,..W lW Co&lt P-tway, Corona del Mu apt in Balboa. CIOM in. UUl pd. 11-KZAL ES'IAD EXCH&NOE· 1-Ftrat Utne ottered nearly NSW ookln. Pr1c. ~OOO. Harbor 31~7-W or Bt•oOn .M51-J Harbor 27M Yearly or aeuom.1. See owner, VI&W P.4.RK _ ' bdrm, 3 bl.Ur. WATERFROl\"T home that I.a 2 bdnNI. and den, 1"' b&Uu: on ---~------- 900 E. Ocean :Fr-ant, Balboa. home. Wlll trt.d• for Balboa dt unique ill Its beauUt\11 lflm· 1 % !Ota. Beautiful Jarp patiQ, Selected! by Multiple Liating • • J"Oll L\Lrr--Complete equipment Harbor 2137. 8te91 Newport borne~ Call Landau9t' pUctty. De1tcned tor comfort deluQ oan.tructlo Truly lo. a J'rolty buaineu, lnclude• J"URNISHED studio cottage new· Realty, t.22 Crentha.w Blvd., ~ and enjoytnent lhla home hu t'lne llome tn 500 n. a .AJJ Q11tstanding Buy $24,000, Terma a Taylor F'l'~uer with Harden-An••le• Ph AX 1 5-1 87_,, ·3. MASTER BIZJ: bedroom&, · • · . i la1 Cabinet, a 48 piton .. trig. ly ~odcled. Elc. retria. Ideal . -• . --. --2 ~ spactou• batlla, larg• ""'· $4750 Full Price OF THE WEEK .. ' LINWOOD VICK, Realtor ;n2 Marine Ave., Phone Har. 2042 BALBOA ISLAND milk cabinet. &llo "'--·rack, for COUJ>le, $60 mo. utll. pd. 234 c::leYer kitchen, lovely dlnlnr "'"'-B••ce BOus•. 1 bl-~ G. Tl_Re;sale, t.'"900 .... ,uo• P'Jqwer, Cmlta Meea. &a. 52~-J •1 •••• ••TA-w•.,_n. .... u-".. &IA -"" -..... ·~ COlltaiaeta. etc., Sell 1.t a reuon-lktl g -~ ~ •.c. ._., .. ..., room and olbl!r DELUXE fea· from bfft be.t..hins beach. Bulld· CORONA 'ID~ ILUl I 'bdrm llom• a•J.a. price. 221 So.. El Camlna -----------turf'•. Home ls Joca~ In moat iDI' ln I'~ cond. ... 750, tum. hwd. fl~ra.auto. ht4t. J-<!ar gar, ~.. Ian Clemente, Calif. P8h9'.'.!:e1 $80 ON LEAS~21 F•mlMf, 'Thi! ad ran lut week." ~~·~rapb::r •i::d ~lp~uQ,:.\~ Lido Bldg. Site& . 'c•nb~. ~.!:,~';.hta, c10-nly ':.1111.'.'.!',: -----------,.---------89c91 ___ _ -""'" Corona del Mar. La.r&e Uvlnc rm w A.NT • or & bedroom home en 1.u• .....,._... _. P ,,--~ -r-• with fireplace. a bdrm•, rarare, waterf:ront--mutt be clua. · price. D6-ft. ~ front cbolce loc. 127 .~ mo tnclJ tax. and tuur. H • WAREHOUSE or FACTORY SPACE li'OR RENT SSO W. 17th St. Costa Mesa PhOM Harbor 1964 l8c92 u .u~aeousu LIDO ISLE Jr J"GU. wut a nntal GD. LIDO lSLll -.... lcY•,.J lonl1 apt.. ~ bomto ·-.. P.A. PAI.MER INCORPOll..L'I'llD- ua& Via Udo cltan. Call Harbqr ~R. 89o91 UDO ISLE th 30-tt. baytront R·S ............. $9,000 WKY 11AY RJ:NTf The !•land ome and Income WANT bay trontage-50 to 100 f1-2-AJ-o on . on e <15-tt. lnaide ................. -....... $3,!i-OO Muli.!f 1 LlaU N litt Pr' d t .,,_,:ll " NEW 2 BR aousE, otove, ..w1,-. NEED 2 BEDROOM HOM!:S. BAY FR01'T ao lncomt prop-eG·tt. lnold• Jot, beot loc. $ T,000 f • ns ~· 3 BR's & DEN ICe 0 ot: carpet, yearly teue. 518 Lark· ClienU weJtlng. erty consisting of two 3 bed· ll>ft ina!de ............................ $ 2,MO A&k t-'boUt Thil at by 2 bd. 'h 2 bdrm spur Ave., Corona df"I .Mar. RENTAL LIBTINGS WANTEQ TOOm u.nita and & Aln&le 1 bed-GREENLEAF • ASSOC. MULTIJ?LE LISTING-'RLTR . rn;i • ome plus 89p90 Result ... 100% ! room unl.t. s~;•d i:or ~tlr;" 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2562 ~ 89c81 2 BATHS-LOTS apt over garag11, laun!lrY -----------• • . Kee'p 'em conun' g." ment or fle<!U Y .ve1 en . Mtlc • ,. d hobb 3 horn .. tor th• price ot .... • • -.n'C'I ""'""AL HO~ an y room. •s.A-TRAILl:R SPA<JJ: • T d , -• aei ~ -LAR--G-E-sP..::~1n beaut1!Ut trail-Worklng peopt• In v1dn1ty w1u ~ !o:~/ood place to put 3 llEDRooM HOME ON . b fY.~·~--_.;. uy . -· .;:·~ -.. ), • 612 NARCISSUS pa.y-vp to $15 mo. . BEAUTIFUL LCE CORNER • I In . Nicely atyled home ·on at-CORONA DEL MAR tt court, alao amaJJ trailer for rent. $22.50 mo. 17fl Pomona. Coata Mesa. Beacon tl7t7..J SUJOl.ZR RmNT AL8 801..lCITIU> 3-Brand new 2 bedroom and dt:n con9NA DEL MAR OPEN SUNDAY' • horn• just ~ng com~leted . LOTS OF' ROOM HERB! toxlM /.> , tractive corner. Tht_!'9 &re , 1-... AU mode.m features and ap-three bedroo d d: polntm•nta. Priced •t ONLY com... In an uc.it: tocatlon $16 500 Easy Terms ms an · en NEW 2 I BR RANCH E 19th: Now I Wa.ht land IU!t&ble for, -----------t&nnlns -20 to 40 acre patche1. • $l&,500 Coote Meoa. J9>ua<, raras• ...s ~-~ -""" .._... ba•'-· m...._,, I TY.I' AtllOiotive. , --·JOE CAI.I.I. ~ ' Llc::. Real EaleJ.e Broker - 21122 Newport BIYd., Newp0rt &Ii. . patio built ID 1 ..... Hu flrepl&ee Dvr~ ·corner mi. .. :a , Nd~ """'iA& _ .. .,.., -., a T ..,.,........ home on large' lot, r::pan· ALSO h d. 0 ··• -··'It f at .. ch. Hardwood fin. flr<pl&ce. ...._.___ p'--ty of •"· .,_ · · ~ w oon am.t "II.... Y e Uftll;. . • • . . -..~,-ICU ... uw, .a..u"V 'five ocean View 1"ro lov• on~!'.!:' .;:::.•.,w'!:'~°';":_ ~a-• toncod ,,.tlo. Prlu, US.· ;..:q:::~.J launll_'.! "'™ .pi.oe._......,.. ... t ,tnd ~°* ll paneDed"liVlog nn. oa IN watmront with -wall • . Ia • Buy•r: floors. There fa a lovely NEW CAR TRADE-INS '49 Mercury oklr. aedn. radio, heat. 0, D. _ 17.:i / '49 FQrd, 2-dr. radio & hes,ter, overdrive .. '49 Ford 2-door, Radio 1595 Phone Harbor 2%.fS-J" Cash for G. I. Homes WtlJ conalder others with A·l ft· nan~g. Ph. Harbor 28M-M. 88p3 WANT-2 or 3 bdrm.. furn. or lfll· . tum. hou.te, good location, elose ln near bay. Rea.sonable. Bal· boa.or Bal. Isl. Phone SY. 4.z1De . Hta.. Schaupp, 1 TC.1 Paloma St.,· Pa.ad~na 7. Caltt. A&c3 for ONLY $11,000 Aleo .,,,..... N rt H • hts la la F'or You" , •', · -lob that you ..,. buy _ ewpo elg Priced rht TOMNI fupt AJpjne atyled Jiving' room frolD the Dl!:VELOPl!IR at l>e-One Of tho -bup In tile •ntltt E Ch be l . -· with open beam ceillng, ' OP~ SUNDAY, 1--6 SEE 608 SEAWARD RD. ' CORqNA IDGHLANDS low tlMJr real n.lue. On LIDO ..,... Rull,J ru.. 2 bdrm home, < ar am t am . •...o ah ain I.11.ll a UlU. buys a LOT. yn. old. Bu many nice teaturea. 500 ~~~~'l-~'" , · del Kv _. U!l~\.CU m ogany W • , , lncld. ttreplace, hwd. ftn, fla&-(Op..-'rt~ ll&nl<) -ll<!otii ahcf &dl'ple dlnlilr al-Llatlnp Wanted -.6.loo .ltonlalo P A PALMER atone, etc. Bonda pd., price ii tar .... • INOORPoRAED beioW "PIAl«m .. ~ . I na Harbor 2288 12ttc c cive.1'h. exterior tuu.h· ts Ernie ,Smith, Rea:ltor Newport S.ach. Calif $10,750 of ahakes and splattend 1205 Cout Hlway. corona de! Mu Harbor 1~ I Incpme Property brick deeor. Redecoration Piion• Barbor m1 Beacon Hill Realty can make thio one of the 4N New.port BlVd (above 'Arcbel) l.n the rt of Balboa! % Apart-.. .Attention Marlnee II Euternen NEWPORT BEACH-"near bay Jl"urn. 1 bdrm. ~t., gar., utiltUea la:ctud., $4.5 mo to July lJt. heater ·······--·-····· .. ·· J.I..110 2-nn. apt., util Incl. m~ . 1496 ---------- INVESTMENTS Safe and Profitable "-B-5718-R ~17 W<i>lac "°ma. moot ~rful Balboa Ia- " T4cT6 ThiA c M '"de'f'eloped into good' hotel c::commOdattons. Adjoin~ land homea. O~EN HOUSE 127 Sapphire Ave. , to Jilly lit. Be&eOll M4T-M. 48 Pack. 4-dr. sedan _ l4-45 66-MONEY WANTED No. l-$6:i,000 tnr v aot so t .. t Included and Htfc ·~ Chev. \6 ton panel REASONABL&--Spacfoua be&uU.. truck. radio, heater tW ne.w 1 bdrm apt., unt'Urn:Jah- ed on. yu.r leue at 4.%5 Orchid all new tires. Good An... Coran& del ){ar .• AvajJable shape ·····-···-··········-nOw. 81tfc RENTAL ii SPECIALISTS '46 Na.sh Ambaaa. 4-d r a: h, o'dr. recond. engine ...... -............ .. TRUST DEED l'OR SALi:, I~ $3250. Houae on acre In COila Mesa. $60 mo. income. Phone Beacon 5849-W. hp -895 -ONEY TO LOAN 1' unit apta.. 2 bldga. """'lalled ~OR'!'. will .;·.ca.. of puklllc ac· 8Cheduled net income Jl,710 NEW 2 STORY HOME and tum.; co~aUona. Between Bay Ir: yearly. rental µp.J~ i.ca.r gar.. fenced. Ocl Total. prtce. _...,2•000· Be~ IOld unfumiahed Uld moet ~~ly .priced at ~,l!lf. No. ~75,000 ~-view. C&nnot be dupilcat-ON THB POINT • • 12 unit apt., 2 b'.dgR. ?if•w oched-ed tor ••lllnr price of $12,000. 3 B . R., 2 bath home now In J. A. BEEK Office Wed net income $8,414 yearly. Good tenn.t. prpc~ ~ conatructton. Thia . LOANS F ( will .'!' yery attractive WheJI Balboa.'~d Ferry or Homes No: 3 $85,000 Small Business . compi;ted. And a .. .., Wy! JUrbor 63 Balboa bland 895 REGULAR 4 Ii 7" (1().20 YT'.) c-Oinmorclal bldg, lh•alre and 2 Pin' SHOI! and PET SUPPLIES $!5,00f· . ' G. L 4~ l:ZO Yt:U9) atorea. 8cheduJt'd net inoom• ln n.evtiy l bf'ach community ~T · Hl:lGl1TS • , Const.rue. Loam M % ~ ( 14 yn.) ' · · · . . · • Baµboa 111111.nd Sat. & Sun;, 1-5 Nearly new 4. ~m. 2-.bath borne. Larse llvins TOOm and home Ja completely f.unlt8bed. Idea.I for income or l or 2 tami· Jie& Thi.a you mu1t He. friced rig-ht'. Open cturillg week:Jnd or call Jftr. Mott:rUrt at Harbor 11'00. • Olll -Cl'&IC J;inwood Vick; Rltor. Bal"boa lj)•nd Bar. 200 32<:64 '46 Paek&rd 4-dr. Sed. FHA 4 1"% 120 year•) $7,130 yearly. Operated u pert time b11<rtn ... • 3 Bi borne on Iarge loL Manv BALBOA ISLAND Recondi. engin•. · A No eommi ... chg on Metro lotuuo No 4-$110 000 n•ta UOO per ll!O. Low ront Il'ull •xis lo'41 of tile, ftpl. hdwd. OOPLllX -Good locatlo&. acol· · · ' price $2:, 760. tlra. Beet buy ia 'tlli• area. . Own IN CORPORA TED • \ P.A. PALMER ' CORON.A. DEL MAR, 820 Marl· ' CAIL BOQ. SAITLER Scheduled net income $7,938 · • ..U. . 3383 ia 1 buy --·······----··-··-·--195 W• buy a:nd 1ell Tn.i•t Deeds New bl~, + 1torea and e apt.A. Jl.2,~ ~lent · oncome. er: •NliO'UI to v Udo iold. ·Two bdnn. untlmL ll'lro-'ii ~to filr. Fluid Har. 266 for Fri, Apprallll\I y .. rt7. LIDO lSLE CGSTJ. _ A , "u-.. J:l0,000 ___ IN_•wpo __ rt_s._a_c_ll' __ '- placo, Patio. Garare. Yearly Dr., Radio, heater, Rop. POIIIIER MORTGAGll co. ~ Cboica ·~rt. lot, ,$4,l!OO. I B. R., ~I., 2-<ar ,._.. .... '-- '-· Owner w. B. Falrw•alber, 1 1195 Metro Ufa 111.L Fuadl Kl a.siu WILL SUBMIT EXCHANGlllS KOU LllJTINGS NEl:PED ...,. let. XIA't. neighborhood, -t LQT -l!.!500. INCOME FROM ~~ ~bert n.1ve, Pua;,-;;. ·~o F:~ .. 't6·~ MORTGAGE LO,~~ oN THEsi: . CHARiks :t. HART ~';:·,e" ~~~':1!roperty hut -~-;_:1 ~=N Small Investment n:.uu.,y RENTAL -2 bdntt WM. E. ANGOLD, Rltr. 3<20 w_ Balboa Blvd. Newport Bh SOUTH()()As'r JtEALTY co. Hatbo< il03 ftubo< HN Part 1-110,lt.,U.-pad - -aafuniWled. 428 Golden· eng., radio. heater, Low Iateroat RatN ,. $16 E. Belboa Blvd .. Balboa Phone Harbor 14~ "Multiple U.ttng Realtoro" IO&-Marlne An,. Balboa ~ port Blvd. troataso. Valu• l'<!d, Corona d•I Mar. Phone Ha. twin pipes. Sllarp 495 FRl!llC INSPIOCTION, Kl. 3-1778 Phone Harbor 1238-W 89:90 . 30I ~ St. $a'boa-Barbor 203~ • $12.~. -; Jl4&.W. 88c90 '39 Buick 4-dr. Sedan S .• W. COLEMAN ~..ri $6900. . • ·I "Near ~7 ' Costa )lesa Buys . Part ~ bdrm. 11ouee, ..... t seo 11.ALBO>. ~llULA-2 bdrm. Oi;ig. blk. rec'd: q . 441 201 N. e.oa&way, Santa\Ana BAY FROr•rr z ~ boma. w.u wu~ c1-to BA vi: i BEDROOM Bo-.-. ' . . ·• . . =.·Two 2 bdrm -ot _, wty attractively rum.. We Buy and Sell Truat J>ebi.. clvte Hnt.Or and beach, $1600 • 1 . F ltO'>OW\, I BDRK HOUl{J:, Jarca ·!Ot. .w. $100, two 1 bdnn - -"' mo. to Juae lit. Har-Lagun' a Beach . &8cll . HOMES do.m .... •Jc!>t trede toe s ...... or --.. ' wa-. -·*"'c tt.sao. submit • $10!> mo. Total Income. • bo<,IOl.1-R. 88Uc • . ,,_ ~ on th. • HeJcbt.. G. t. b~ -fw $ ..-....... otlft,: : '• -'· ., $280 mo. V"1ue Q0,000. Lincoln Mercury i.o·-BUILD ~:j 1-6 bdrm-·· Ip U""'r room. _j _ ·~ , • .,; LOVllLY J BDIUI. 2-balh hoy ' • ILVD ~·• TO • ~P Sandy be&eh, beautltUI view. NBC RULTY CO. -· • ~ • _ • NJOW. ) BD~ • HO)(E. oomm, Part· 1-VeJT WcP ,...,. lot. - milt ap.!J_l!'ID• boyvkw. Prl-tt 180 NORTH COAST BL • BUI', llODJ:RJllDI, OB. A! bUpln at $1&,0CIO. SUI NOWJ>Ort Bl'td.. N•wport B<1L -~ I h<ml • A ·' acre. 'lSU . PlacontlL_ ONLY C.2 for tnller -.,. betlell. •u$ mo. to .June 15th. , r -~·-· Beacb . l!Jll'INANCll • -,_ e, y ,.._, .. ..,.. • _ . •, • .• •. •. _ ~~---~ .._.....,. "' i We •1 '1'rult -1-Mockm S bdrm hOb!&-.PLUS •' ··J • ac,J , .O..i..~~to ,...._ '• ' •wv -~-w-~ "! ~ . Ph. Laguna Beach. ~211 NmWJ'ORT BU~ ~"'· '2 bdrm. apt. Xlnt. loca.-· · .' ; ,.on hie lnooM fl!"•~· ~ · KCW:woftT°" BEIGHTI-Value, ~ ' ~ 11u N•wpor< Bt..i. 1 -2:1a1 ·o ro~ • eu.1om. -~-U.VlNOI "' LOAN~ s--0WNER MUST SACRIJ'lCJ:-! Costa Mesa : an · · · 1~ • N~ n~. deloxa. • ...,., Vwy ~ Value sn,160 , Mttc drt-H. "1-mlleap. A·I. Prtn:te -Via Lklo PL S,U· U. I b41""" 4-balh home. Pier A Slllt.L OR QINT new 1 w.'.-,: ' UOE CAI.JJ . . attiactlve .P,Jaco '*" RI -. . ·~.._ , . . party. Call Harbor~. s..-JUU!. l:S'JlAn . .LOANa float. · • putq "" 1''1d llome. ¥' -~ii'!oi~·I• a.o•w •i..ooo, -. ~ _.. m. I>ocl« .,. Bal.boa Penin~ula Dlltp • --. ·,, IOU• .. • 1'580 ,.. ,.._ n11. --~ .... ~ jMt'. 1io1. 11 a c R&ALTY • -'° • 1e1t .a ,i .....-~ ~~e~!~i-1~u:~".'1:.:.=.~.,.z~7.,:C:1!:!:~ .._.:.~t'~l!I~~~-~~~~~ ~-~ ~Diw-111*· .. ·-.~~~w~,~--;.riov.:::;W,th:-N:,·-· _ ~~ 1!li Tll'el, si.eo. mil' w. •-.. ,-• ~:; . · ea, ...., v.v Blvd: For S&le by OJmer w ·. A. HUSCROl'T c;;o::m_ ~ $ilo m:. --. Now"?'t• ,.,;, , ~ ;;;:•.:,.-:_ ~~ ~l & Beaell ·Realty 2 ;.,.. 18, -So. of au ~u.U:..rc;o.!'".,: UDO im;.11oMi:. t&;root lot. " ~-" • , • -ft.·d&Y .. .JJ&r. -iipr. ,.,.,.Slf. '* ~ "" -,_,. nti-. -•• ..., .... ~ ,..,, •• !flU.::1'.:"'::tttr = ~ ~ -a,,. •: :·~..a..,.... ,Realtor .e ·ma-w. UplO .--.t-·~--lie.'... ltN-Bhd. --Uf4 L-•IL · · -~.._.... .,.1 llzn<is.,dotilll•......-~"N.,.,,.n-.i~-' _._ '1tlli · • I ~ , .. ~ 750 .... -., 1181..J OOTl'.t.CJll 'l'SAD 'P, a mia, rf' ~7~ ~ -a. -~ ' '1 • ' 1 _,., 'JI Ill! -. ~ a:.; 1111-1\ ;::.,...-:U.~.;:;: poe. ~ TwlTir• = ~ll~a , , ...!.'"'=.::..-;:-,.,! u~1 -..,_ 11,, •. 1D a. 11 -onap. 011rZa 11.U.W. , .... a......_. •• ·~:a );'/I., • ... -J JN. ""11. ...... NII ,, -''Hz ·, -.-i Tf'aclPm• an w,_n '11 '*rt+•• l;.p.~s •,. · · pHN. .. ---..u•7rd•• 'I Cl 8UI MlllJ"' '-. -• -I - --....... a.. Ill, _J • ' • Ol'llll( ;.~ 4.._ lfNpat .... ... .. ..... cm wz·zr. -,.a llilllt lt•lili -n..1 .. H,,_ ~.·-1~ · -~ _....,__ • 1111... -~~~ • -7711,_.. WIJlll. 1".lllzA"'• ,,!7qat OilTI Mlllr. ... ..... ..,..1r ......... .-. ... --Ill"'· ·mo.. .. ,-. • ..... ~.•-a....t.flc •• _,, l'euppf, '-. -P11 _.w 111"1 • • I • • • l • • , ' ' .. • I P· . • • • ' ' • -~~J!-.s- ' I D 0 M A .. I I ·, • . cmcu: rr IN llED ..• S.tur· doy, Morch 10 •.. on ~ cslen,. dar ... and -d"'"' Rict\Ud'• Market, 2 p .M. ... --that'• tho time low' men -an -1· -In the 'Harbor AIM an """ ID aink their te<th Into the nine eakea that hav..e been. bP.ed to en· t.r our "'Cak• of the Week'" con- -· ... Each cake will be wltlp- pod Ill> by a cl>ooon member of · Hdi ol the folloW!nC Womon'a Ouba •.. Newport Harbor Hlch P.T.A., NOWJ)Ort Beach P .T ..A.,' Fri- day Afternoon Oub, EbolJ Club, Zonia Oub, Lady AncJen, BUai- nee1 and Protnaion&I Women'• Oub, AaWtan<e LMC1ie and 0 the Amtorittn t...eclon Auxiliary: . . . •ett•r m•k• It a ~nt ti oom• d.wn and wttnffl thl1 oonteat •. IMoai.e each en• of th• cak• •n· t1,..d la 901•1 lo k featuretl In eur ••kery for th• Mxt !'tine Wffka. • , • TM reoipet wfll M turned over to Dwight Weaver ~0·11 make them up In 8akery ,.~uotlen llne method• and turn them out by the dozen• for yota to t.Mt• lliome for d ... rt. ~ .. Th ... f oakff .,,ould be th• near.t to cake huven there I• , • , beoaUM ttle • 1111 who are, going to bake them have bMn 1lngl1d 04.lt by tM aeo ..... mentloned cluM u beln1 the ..,. oak• lt.lk•rs In their group •••• Each ot the cakn that an sold tin .our Bake-ry wUl net the Club who entored It 5 ""')U .... On top of the wtnnlno: eake bringine lu Club $50.00, tM l«'Olld wqCner $25.00, and MCb ol the othtr' eh- tnnu 510.00 .. , , All ot the cluba &ft enthuaiutlc ove-r this method al &t'l:tin& tome extra Wice.ls in thrir truaury .... So pick out..the Women's Orc.mation you're in- -ed tn aupportinc . • . and come down and root like mad when Ms entry ia Wten lnto .... The wiM.inc ~e will be featured and °'' tale in our Bakery during our ' THlfllD ANNIVERSARY Cl.LE- ... ATION •.• MA .. CH 11, 18 and 17 .... three mon da)'I to drcl• .. "9tl •••• H1N'1 why •.•• There wtll be I GIGANTIC &All 0,. ,.OODI for all tftrM da)f1 •.• ' E&dl Depart~nt, namely Gro- .. ,.,,, Meat, Delleat ... ,., Produoe, ••kuy, LIQuor and Muunlne lhop h•• eon• all eut '° aut thelr- prof'lta ••• te ahow their appNOla- t l9't for ·your patronage during t he ,.-yea'r .••• THREE MAJOR PRIZES will tN! drawn tor at 6 p.m. each day. ••. Thursday and Fri.day a $100.00 merchandise ord~r wtu• be givl!n away .... Saturday.a $200.00 m~r­ cha.ndbe ordt>r ..•. Gl,.TI QIVEN AWAY ~v1. .. v HOUPl ... 111 thrM dayL , •• Th... glfta lnctud• batk.U ef greoeri• ••• 11 pr .. u,... cookers ••. 10 £alter hams ... a lun- kam Mixmut1r ••• IO pa ... to the .... T .A. M•lodram1 at the High lehool, ""lo mention a few .•. , THE BASKETS OF GROCER- IES lie not skimpy a.Uain either. • .. • Hert'• the oonUntl of One on c!Uplay in the front lobby. . . . Cheon-tt, 6 Netbitts, Snowflake Crac::ken. Iria Tomato JWce, Her- shey's Chocolate syrup, JWy Pine- apple RJce Pudding, Cabany C1eaMr, Sett FOQds French Drftl- tns, Pot M~k. Chung Kine O>op Suey, Cbune Kine Rlce, Dude Ranch Jelly, 7 Minute Lemon Pie Mix, JolJy 'nme Popcorn, Kena J@Uy, Oakite, M.J.B. Ricr, •PW• bury'a Flour, Undoey Oltvea, Lor- raine Burton Caesar Dreuin&. Loma Lindt Gr>.vy Quik. SchlJllne Grftn Tea, Cuwrole 0}•1ten, Denni'°"' Pork A Beans, Tree Tu. FolJel'"I CoUee, Pillabury'1 propand Cake Mix, Ameripn Buuty. Macaroni . . . the peruh- able •tam. Will be put in later, na-1y bo<on, .!rozen fqoda, brud. potato chlpa, Marprin•, ete. . · .. Now ii tb•! • load rift or not:! CWEF MILANI WILL •E HRJIE IN "RlllON ktuNay tM 17th at 11 a.m. 1nd radio .. tlen KMftC will IN wtth him an.-l'ut ett -..r retutar a.tu .... • _..,, .. MOf'ftfftt breed1ti.t. fTH ANO 1TH 111•1 (Al CUT) j ~.J:~-~,9.~ ~ T • Leg O'La111ll •• -11. 7 5, u.1. OllADIEb •oo~AllQll LOIN • ._....... Chops •• ~ 99, ... 53, l!ITHllll END (Al CUT) Pork LOIN ·Roast CE,lllTl:ll Cl!T"°'LIAN • Porli: ~ Cll11p• .. ·~, 7fc 8RIDGP"ORD'a-aUGAfll cu .. a.o Bacon Squares ~ 27c a .. 1 DGl'O"D'&-aWfftheart_.ll'tOk•.. .. ....... . CotJage_ Butts • i.. 6~' LUEll"~MlllllT .Ucecl ·Bacon --=.• ,&& 4,, l'RlllH P'ILLET 0,. _ _. o.:-- Sea Baas ••••• ~ 57, Fresh Prodoe Oranges ••• ·Peas · •• ;~:-2 ... 19~ FANCY-LAflGa.-D'ANJOU Pears ·. . •, . ),r.. 29c •UDOllT "ACK--EllDLllll Raisins • 10.-:-Y.. ~ lie U.I > NO. 1 ltUllllT I( Potatoes •••. 10 ~ ·33c Cheddar Oleese :' St.. F.1;;;;~ .. )~ilalldie ' --5~. Si~B~na · -Srl· • AL•X'9-MMI wfth M.NN1~cn.'•••P r .• , • lat.gel alnalies" '-lt. ' ' • < 'JMODDAD SPBY SHORTBIN6 • • • ~ · • ·• ' 3-lt. C111 97c ea.,,.11ewa 11v,. ... ·-·rK-1 ...... Tomulo Juice • tc ~ • 1i..-23c . Hou.sehold Aids M-r'a Qt. Apple Cider • 23c Del Mal~-ltyle Ne. IOI Go111 eon 1 ... nc a.w 10o ... ,. Wrleley'a ...._ ... a. Socaps •• Ste ....... "k.. . RIMO · •• -•.•• llc • &t.ekelJ"• Na.: M:I •n AppleS..C. ... ~c LIJl'TON'a • ·Oranee "~" ~"" ~HM TIA l.:: FWr• .. llc ............ Sa f •••••. Jlc *~lb. '*'· ........... -..... ZSe ls-et. hap ·······--·······19o DeJ......cru.hetl Ph•••ple ~ ' •• • • ' ' T'KOQDAD • TOOUB ANNIVJ!lBllA&Y POTY ' Mot C-1 · '"'-pl<I• R...-' Melll • 23c • • • • • Mezzanine Shop IMtw ,.,. IMtw Pllllk .... ' Lll.oartofl ' Lux · "'t,!-r TcHlet So. li..-ZlC 8MUCK•R~1 • ... HI ,. .... ,.,._, CIDRll '\ IUnER ·• • • • • • • • • • 75c . UfetMll)' lll~ar Toilet~·?• li..-ZIC ·-.. , ... , TOl_let Soap • • Oc ,....,,.i.,. C-le 1-H. Sll•npoo . . . ·JJc · Nf ... ,.. eetd wmr 11--. Shilch · •••• '17c ........ ,.... , ...... ....... ~. 12c ~ Can ~wilr •.. lk ·-15c Rtlft1!'9p1 •• ~ . .......,. .. Aenrina. Quart '5c • • ..... • • • 49c wrlMtw•••.•-....o~ Quart .,, .......... I 141-:«-1~2'c 1 JIOBE D.\YI TOOUB ANNIVl:B8ABY PA.B~I , L VAN CAMl"I POU & i14NS • tNALLll~"'."" .. r-··- RELlSH • r • • aOOTH'~RICllNt , DEVILED TUNA • YOU CAN'T MAKll A •AD C~ OP ' M.J.I. COFFEE 1·1b.cm $1 .51 . ' • • • IAL.AD aOWL l'lftt -19• 'MAYONNAISE • • ' • • • • • ~34: SIM }i t!o • 15c lllA lllC-LIQMT MV.1 SOUD PACK TUNA • • • • OOLllRN ITATl- CA~NED MILK • • • • • • • • N .. I Y. •11t • '· ··~·· ltc • • , ...... ,, ..• • • • 19c • • • !' • • K""'7,C"'"""1 Pl<a- Clodl• _. 2,.. 1c P'IUr' .MeftU Retl Wlfte 4/1 .. IM -Mofar Oil •• 19c • .. . .. • •• • • •. 15c -v1 ... gca • 19c • • L-. , .... Vanilla: Exhacl ~ . . Jlc MARSH"l_ALLOWS • ·-. • • • ~ T .-Mlll'ie. ci.-late, Va•llJa ao4 ltr-l'P)' . ....... Ne. 1 oan FROSTINGS1 • • • • • 1 pkgs. 15c Docl Food • 1 i..-27c a~H.-,RO'a-81ttr•, AlmeMI, Mltka, Cri• er._ l !l'a--u. .. 1te MINT CHOCOLATES ....... 27£ Cal.....Cat er He. 1 Mfl ' "'' EIY-NML l'OOD 25. •, CAO MIX .j · .. Bakery Treat~-t a cam THUlllDAY .'t • lEMOf ROI.LS • • e e • each: 39c CHOP SllY c0n a ems -~ 4£ i3c 1 • ..... . IATUllDAY LAllQI .aAft·l'ILLID -. -COii& CAif . e •• -• •, -A110m• . IOSTCll:CREAM PIS •• • Dog Food • 2i-15c 10-a. I'll.. D ..... • • • • • • 44c Dog Food • Frozen· Foods·---- ' Start the Day Off with Birdleye GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Ml;'tm J '.FOR J5c I• • ' A. Qu.lck, Euy to Prepare J>iuer • • ' •11tDIEYll ''• , •O--. p_~ Freacli Fries e .) • • • • 19c- • I • ' •1111t•it~N . ·. l•rdli Fl""5 . • .--• '.:'• .\ ... . a1111~va-a•e1h.All CUT • , .. Lii. ,.... . •. 45c ,'( ,..__,.... ,Gt•••··-"· e -.-•• •· ' . Lll•--TINDllll ·..-r: Llni4s ... • ·• -.• , &.llSV'f ILICCO •· . , · • • • lfc, .,._......, • 2Sc . .! .. ··I.II. --••• ,, ............... i . -~!!iii=--,· .... ,_!Ill!·---·· __ Iii .. ~-~-----ljlll...-' ~ ' , I l l • I I . , I