HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-21 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News' ), ' r • " • l l' I I . .· . "' ~ • .. • f ~ • 1, JS li 'TD JLUll Oil .um 1'0l7 _ ... _ ' I • l -. ' ' • • I • • 2 ING rr roll A n.ooit llOPt t .t P •! ' ... ORT .BAY llJlrinC. ,,_ 11a1t lolil.a n. oa a•nuzu · -CIJii 1e · -~~~;-~;-.. wltll~ of A ~1 tro~.~~ •-Ling for r...;.;.ers on_..,, TOii IWI~ tlmo IO ... -----~ ' -. an-. n.,_-olil AMI "->CW aUJ:R'& tJTY AllOP bdon Jruter. 'Vlro. f · ..._.•j1 • J.. -.. • ~ I &1nla41luU.~Jll .__ .. *"'"-ftolrlla)'Otto 51 Grand Jury ~@=~";, hUtloatortk~~of~l~i11 i·oet-~to-a -pormaneat will o<tliat old dried ,tbalch of,...... -, tor, otaited .ho · • ,...rt __..,.um to -~Oil , ,llluff .... of U.f~ Jlhod. la lllto 'a brand...,. rool·Job! Tfl r ~to OOLOl!-POAK ~ •. 1 -i' 111 rp,,bllc -Corocia d,!~ llttwe_, OoldoDr"4 Ud l'oPI" ••• O, to-..-. .will put dan<Jac lll!lto In -t.clll OB "?U'Ll.11'.AVll llT~ 8am ¥•,_.., lOI Via~!(, D.1\4. , , · · lated 'by cMrtle l'tppe,.:-:n ~ An,'wbo ~-m:acll of tba IN YOUR OROWN IJ' TOO TO &OIW'W llEAOTr llllOIP. al Udo 1llei .... ll&mOd foreman at ~lllttomeytlllct motJOn lb dla· pr-•'lY la~ . · • . P , 1 < POINU'rl'IA. OOftONA )(All. I HAil. not tba 11111 Onaso Cowlty (1'0nd m!.toj tl>• lftfonnaU.. aplMt Mra; ' At p ...... t .'"°"""" -the 'blutf~>------"·------ • • e ~ wbl<ll WM lm-Uod Tburo-Q....,. f Oil (TOWld tJlero WU ',.Qt aro U.U.j -poolo for --re. 't ' CARE TO BllCOJa: '1'111> or ORA!fam llldp llolltrt L. Gvdnv ot Co-""'!!'ft~ to bold ... , to-trial -po;,1a·and 1n1taliauod ot ;,.,. CAR& TO SET TJllll ORLD ON rptl!T 1 la the Superior Court of outt~ ..W•te ta Ulo•pnllm· Mlleh q!tatloa ap{i.tt the"" ot USf'~U per' ot otudy or ...... blp-oehoo diploma. }(aroly ftll Nlnetoen mombero ol the Jury Ill, ~·~ oot llearias fot -by th Ocean v-Protect! .. .:! ; , . urc COUNTY! Tiiis -not utro any lOOS...... ·~· """"del Mar. In •pe---J:udp KmMth poolo 1-...... ~........ at c 'Ch h c.ut tbe b1an.U ta th• rtsht placn aad you can "" .itct*!, from a panel of 30 ~Y· SK:.•t:loll at Corona del llar -rbe-W *""-"'will he ob- qualUy! Thia ta a ~rti&d me • ... A com• a.a.mu after .lud.. Gardner had Mt,,.,-lHI ~ u.. ~Cll • Jfe hu nported. tbat aU ; prop-...... u aart;,r 1IU u.. on.uw on IO Po117 Appanl IO Tiew tio new Gl<>-1'\n Qaa. oxcuoed • number ot ponona for bo o\Arted bl lanta Ana T~ erty Owners thU. far . -1-lluppor wltll 1 ... azd Rio iwr nrtm Mal .. ? Theee .ulte can ,.. lD the d&rk! · Ulnua and otb• reuoiu. court. coatending the -.a.t.9 bad ha'Ye 91cned the petWon, ~eftl' di.d~ ._ 11 practJc:al In u,. They're nuoreacent, and I danl you to walk down lh• atn.n.d la one! All eoon u lmpan.•lled, the not eqoup trielence to ~1 tile IOme u.. la t.o. A.np* and Holy 'lb~ lll"'°9a of deVOoo ltronr mu wtll whlstle, faJ.nt .lid ye;ll 'lleJ! aMe?t Theet eye-.ttopper srand Jury wot into • .-on J'OUft« jmot.ber. Mven't yet been ap~· Oal,)· ~ and eommuiuc. to bt beld twtm tlaru are one piece dd b&ckl._ wttb a eta7*1 bwt un... with t>iatrtct Attorney Jam .. L. ~ne havtna' proJtf-rtY '. on.t Pae ~""(Tl!:Ulwda•) at T·30 p m.. The elutldad D.Ykm maku11r trim rlcctn• and the colon ••. t>am•and County CoUMtll ,Joe.l ""1. i ~uifwouldbel.ncludedtaltbed.• .. tbe ~ oW'Cb· of Cold-th'e red and OoU-out 0 NUM cuarantM you11 111enr be loet I:. o,te, t...-i advUon to the on Named tnc,t. Corona del Mar.'I A tarp tabl• at M&! Cfor 111.M ) Other antn.r aun or swim au.it. fOT UJnJd Jury. · A •ware pumptnc llt&t.ioD. wm "1th one e-4 ....,..t the altar .oul• in J piece wrinkle-ah='""°" at U .N; Lutex aqua. .,...n. Mrs. Le&Ut X.tmmell, wile ol t ~ be r.quired to pump; .nr.&e· friam will be ,Placed,' * the ch&nce1. AND SHOPPING NIWS .. " ----·---.. wwwawu-wu Pl!BLllam .t.r nu BA.LBOA. BOuu:v..., HZWl'OllT JIE&(lf, C.lID'OllJll1.4 1'DDllONE1 BAJlllOa 1111 navy, black, 1pee 110.96, ooton waffle piques N.N: Get la tbe the~ Beach attomey, LI El~ R ., , ' theltneontheJevet 'ottbeCQrofta. Twetft chain wW be p1aced swim lft a Oantne.r trom 'I' APPA.&EL. 1,831 Newport Ave. ll&Crttary o.t the new jury. Com-s u er del Mar main bee.ell. to \be city around ~ tabJe:"l llnoe there Co•ta M.eea. mtttee he&dl will be named 9eW'tt liJae on Oce&n. Bll'd. on t.op Were tw.!Ye dl.eiple&. Worlhipen • I • • ~r the 11 member• ot ... _ ~ ~. """' U.e Ne~rt ot the bluff, Flppe laJd,; 1'he .,a-will &'O tO tbe .'table tor their EASTER VACATIONERS YOO.HOO! •KIDS! TU:N·AGERll! u~ u_,.,._, •~--~ tem could al80 '""'' ccmt_. -oommulllon wbl-l will be b-l'l'l'd jury were three other ~ ~ --.• ot Elka tor the , 1""'" -.. , • qi o PEOPl...11:! WANT TO ~ SOME MONET! SAY A.BOUT Harbor area. reeldenta. They ·-Lodl't lYur befianiac April were Uona on the beacll ud btfch con.-~ill candle ~bt.. l&c -Get bl• retuma! Here'• a 1ure-ttre pronn••tton--tor any -· eleel.od ••-t Th c...:lona tt they -'"""--' •;.. be •-After all ban co--.... ~ tw ~ • ,,_ Jamea Rubel, Udo late; Louia J'. -:.1 -ur.tay and '!Will be .,..._._. "° &a'" ........ oev. f'l•v• ib one who'• sat a atomach to t'8d. THE KO'M'AOE &An ta Mlliftl Gatea. Balboa Island a.nd rorreat in.atalled on April u by Put cl_uded ln the plan. P'lp1>9 added. eG.. symbolic ot the twelve dit:- wonderfUJ RAMBUROEU FOR lk • ~ One •at a time or B Ow Grand Kx&Jted Ruler Fay LeWta FiP.P•. alao revealed ~t he bad pie. Will •t. al. the table to by th• rrou! I ch&llen,.. you 'to otter any beUer way to IJ>Ud 15c! · •n. Coat.a MUL ot Anaheim. Lewia wu the tak.m out • permit but Week for ~ clpate tn the.,, bUtoric service Theae EmJe·Buf'l'en are treah oMannlnc'• bee.ton a full Ilse . ...a..rne W 1 -Grand Lod .. Offtcer who tnattut-ret&tninc wa.11 a t 213 Ocean Blvd.. t exUJ:t&uiabln.c the ll&hU. aym ... bun w1th Em.le Mattox' own mli«ially b.....,.-.,d relish. You .. t lheae omen s Civic ed th& )ocaJ. k>d.J9 more than two next lo the two bouaea he hu \:on-~lie of the rup~ of the di.ciple1 hamburc•ra on the beacb. in lbe parktnc lot or ln th• front yard. l ~ &IO. • stnacted on the bhdt, a forerunner !'t the time of the trial a.nd death ly MARGC For lk. you. can't expect d&maak and 1leamlnl' cryllal you know. eaque to Elect ToiBi Norton will •rve u Ex-to the conatrucllon_ of a third Df OuT Lord. Each man will read The ateat bet la to eat them aomewhere near the Kottace Kate IO alte4 Ruler, replacihc Ben Red-hOUH OA the controvenial .rt:.. -~ pua.ce ot acQpture wbJch 11 you can run bAclc for more. They're ha.blt-forminc. P.ople crave Officers Monday dick 'rho wu elected Alt•r"ll&te related to the trt&I a.nd crucitix-· "Ern~11 ........ H Th•Y ...... ..,. addlcU!' KOT!' AGJ: KAYE. 11120 . Del•N• IO th• Grand Lodi" Appreve CDM leach Ion ot ,_ afttt which II< will DEAR JANE DOE AND MRS RICHARD ROE : 1 Newport Blvd., Coat& Meu., 1 'blk. beyond the Mesa Thea.ter. W omen'• Civic Le-arue or Mew-Robtfij A. Eutm&n will be Lead~ •Xtintulah the c&.llidle' before him Con.sider thla your personal invitation to attend • . • • port Jlarbor, Balboa t.l&nd-Corona Inc Knipt; Clifford k . Varner, Ceac~lhNI Leese on the table. With no tichta In a amart plherlnc In "& little comer ot Europe•; ONCE UPON A Tntt THkRE wo.g FOUR LI'l"I"LE COTTON dtl Mar chapter, wtll mHt Mori· Lo~ ~lgbt; Elll'OOd Shell, l.Ac-~ Sanctuary ex~pt tbe llchta Vera Willl&ma reque.sta tile pleasure of your prea-TAILS ... Now there are at ieut t or II hundred Euler rabbit.a day ~t 9:!0 a. m. ln Ragan'• ru-turin'«, Knigtlt: lrw1n Spra.cue. ll&ate Park Comm'1d1a met n the altar. 8}'1nbolic of Ood'a ence at Mr Patio Stud.lo and Book Stall Saturday at the BALBOA g • LO! The .. rabbit• are tn.py. lrtraw bUket• on taura:nt. Coron.a (ho Mar with ~; Herbert Holker treu-la Loe Alla:elee P'rld&f aad .,...: rnuace, the co.a.tTeC&tlon will Maroh 24, 2 :30 p. m. Ruth Delull, noted book shady ~ten rrau w1th ch~ate .ii;a..ter e1c1, downy baby ~clta elKtlon Of offlcer1 featured item urer ; Glenn . Walker, tiler; Law-proved Ute Nll.,....oa .. ..._.. f ~en I survey the Won- reviewer a.nd radio artist will review "The Mudlark." &nd aurprt.U. Baakrtl are a9o -·5k -'f9c·-lie. A.nd bow do on th• acenda. 8pttker will be re.nee , rSPJ"al'U• and Wei Stnlth mMt Wwee. the ,-v el New-1 c!roa," and, the Rev. Mr. and Thelma Hope, well-known artist will h11.ye a you want yout" el'P ! Mayt>; I'm old tuh.loli.td but I thlnlr they Mia. P . A .' McC&ndle•, ch.airrilan were IL&Jned trustees to ee"e port lleaell ud. n.nvta Tate bbttt ~ pnm"'"ce tb.e1 btn•· ahowinJ ot her oil• and water colors. The Patio Studio and Book •hould be hard-boiled before You dip them in JC&sl•r Efl' Dye! Oh ot the recreation commlalon ot with ~y Trautwein, Heinz Ka.teer let.Ion. "The wonbippen will Stall Is a quaint and charming little shop with a very Paritlan the BALBOA 5 A 10 look• J'ke the Forest of .A.tden! !Mc atutted Whittier, Who will talk on recrea-and Al Doeaburc. e&ITJ-oYtir tru.-for tM ~. 0 • UM Oo-: ve the aanc:tuaey In ailence. how you aay, eclat! Thia la a delichtfuJ place to take vlallora who JJunnlu peek:tnr ahyly over duc.k'a lhou1dC'n! IJtUe ootton chick.a lion pla.rw tor that city. tee.a. 1 • nN1a del Mar llalb lle&cla. Ott)' \ enjoy the unusual Vera. bu many lovely Import sift.a. bouncl.n.c merrily on inflated plutic ep. Sacka of eolond cUdy 'tbe Le:acue la sponaorlnr an Im-lte~uJed to be appoilited offl-••mcer Jolln 8&Uon ... ouao-fBITClllllKZllS TAKE MONEY rare booka and prints. !:apecia.lly lnlere1Ung a.re the new Oriental ecp! C.Jtulold duck• and clµcke.na and a.JI eorta of Euler time porU.nt meeting on, 1\J~ltday, April cera ~: C. M. Sexton. Cha~lain; ftl today. D&vid Keen. San Marino, re- ahlpmenta and modem ceramica. Thelma Hope wtll be In the Patio all noveltlea for the younc lft be.art. Aa for the 1llll• remembran.~ S. Ip. lft. at the city hall. Spuker 0 . A. Bud' Brlecoe, E9e1utre, and -:n,,. appronl (lUDf! la tune rtod 'the lbett of ... O.ST fT'om. thl1 wttk doing portrait aketchea. Stop In-and do plan to attend there are l:uter card• a.nd brlcht sprinl' han.kvc:hJetl. Or you wt.II bt Mra. Rollin Brown, cha.Ir-Ro~ Beecher lnaer GU&rd. tor rate to offtclally operate pair of p&nta tn1 the back -..t the review and art showtn1. You'll be welcome aa tbe flowe.n, May! can brichten up a l1red little dre• wttll a perm.a-pleated etc neclc-man of Ute 1tate recreation com-~· !nka: h.__., •oted to dia-tllie "-di: dwia&' Euter Week, ~ hla cal' at 7 :25' p. m. Friday. Patio Studio and Book Stall, 313 111 Marine Aw , Balboa lal&nd. I acart or a .pric ot flowers for' Easter. Come Oft, chlclu, llt'a aeratcll: mialOll and put preekient of Cali· ~ f"itll their me.tine Of AprU 8allon -14. 1 ern .:Id he bad plCked up thrM • • • on doW1J. to lbe Ba._ 1 a.Ml iJl--300 Ma.In 8t... B&J.bo&. ' tom.ii. Conan• ot Parenta aad 5 1" Order to aid the Bustneaa Re al9o ..W Ula.t .._ «!ldel' ttchhi.k1n.&' a.J.lon1 and had let S COOP : SAU..Y NEWLIN IS BACK IN THE REAL '&STAtlC e · e e Tttcbqe. R.ecr~atlon c:Aalrmen and Prot~onal Wo.rnen ta their "f'bM!er of * State .Park em otr at the Archea. Be aid BUSINESS! SALLY IS ONCE AGAIN ASSOCIATED WITH THI: MAN WHO CAME TOD~ trom oi.Mr C:OW1ty clUee ha•e been 8ouM Nirtlt Procram. Conunt.eloa wtU .Wt here Fri.. hat the money llad been tann JOHN 0 . BURNHAM. NEW OP'FICES ARE NOW OFFICIAL WIFE: Either put om. a bib 1 or .top droolinl'! OH! Tou kaTt a lnT'lted to atteri.d, U are all local day to look over tlwi CDM ~rom & wallet in &'1 utra palr of LY OP.EN AT 507 E. BALBOA BLVD. A Jot of you remember rtant cracked CRAB from thti; llAYSmE nSH ll&T.fff Flown ti ~ldetltl intene:ted ln the qufftion 1 OllT9 PSOllAftON State llMctll M lt •ow .e:..41: ~~la which he had in the back SALLY WHEN SHE WAS WITH THE BURNHAM BALBOA from Morro Bay you say? Yea. I read about them ta the Sta. at recruUon. PrOttf.tAon for one year witb,ORe and eheelc tM propoeed-_.. i~at. The wallet had been ?'&-' PE~~SULA OFFICE. I UNDERSTAND SHE WAS PRACTICAL-Ttmea. Well. what are we waitlnl' tor you dope! PAN Ult ma)'Oll-year ,1n Jail WM ordered J'Mday pool location. l~laced. t-1 tY AN INSTITUTION OUT ON THE POINT ... RE~'TING and naiM ... Ah. ma.rveJoua pe~ llmpl:r marveloua l And what'• thl• Or11• Cwert 9t f<W ~l 1'tedericlc Bell, 21 . of San SELLING HOUSES ... TUR.?'flNG ON THE HEAT. LINING UP you have crumpled up lft yoin' coat pocket! H~Mmmff A lo~ I C LuU: bl!lpO, who had admfttPd BABY SI'n"ERS, ETC. ·Sall:f apeclaJiua ln Rental.II, Property man· letter? Oh. Harry Ktnpton cave tt to you when :JOjl boua'tt u..•Jllt• ltlwclt theft CJ! U automobUe from Wil-TlllS WZZK'8 OOUPON age~nt, and sa.les. I W'&g'el' Sally know• every grain ot u.nd cra.bL Yea.h ! Oh. & reel~! How nLM ! uhhuh, aounda snet. liam 0 . Hay ot Coat.a Meu. otti-PUll.E C &.B CANE 1n thl• Harbor area peraonally. If you·~ intereated In a dreamy 1·11 read It . . . "1 part eoyl •uce. 1 part kut•me wU\e. 1 pvt Oa ...._r •uaday ev .. m,. ':JO cen -fJ-~ wu °" parole fn>m S ti A '4 I ~1:' , 8 5 ¢ ' type bouM for extremely gracious ltvinr. g~t Sally to 1how you the cooklni oil. Take &ny tllh tl~let from the Bayside Mkt. A: ~ tn ~t ~:~e:.:=~ ~· :~~·..:,rr~: the ~Of'l:l& Youth Aulhortt7 Um!-t..Je p~ ~-Ulla. eoa,_ f)alJ'; coral i bedroom. with Lanai patio, Oowenny. fruit trff.!I a.nd thl• 1lug-g l& min. each lfide~ remove ttah .I: ftour with Dbd• P'Ty and . cpUrt. .. Id tf .tt\f authbrttx GD.&fta Al:J;.&:K9! CIAN MA.Rfll!TS cha~I' nreplacea lone Is in the bedroom!! Helen Mc0ona14 (with &nd bake. broil or try. When nicely done. throw the whole m•u away partJnent •t Btrll:el · Richardlion, c~ "I ~ hlm...back. the pro-. ·~rt~---:-~ Coro"ita dr'rau:r.: r, Jordana' atnce '31) and J im Newlin, Jr. are al80 In thl• otfiC. ... and Co out .tor dlnii.er" ... ~· lm 't that K1ncaton a ca.rd ! Wbere Loe Ancete1, wtll pruent aa orpn ba~~-tJ~~lO>~i'd~e,..=WGUlcl;;· ;-~··~.,;Od~lfl;od~.~~~=~~~=:;;;~;==¢====~~~====~ .o eall .,.. ll07 or drop by 007 &. Ba.Ibo& Blvd., tor ay IAATBLY JB W.-Bayeilde F16 MJrt. an &J'T? f 8P90: ~ dum.Jny! <>a, 1M ~~~ :~~:em~ -:dy • lH·rfn-' -~-... --.... _ y • -..-.-.... ~..,.--... --... · ---.. " tbl"' ...._, 1 t7'ntue:a.a--.: -~ • • • •I ••---• . ~ --.r ,_ "THIS Ill YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEND :ME A DOLLAR" TREIU! HZ W Al. STRJt>INQ UP AlfD DOWN HII .,..,,.i~ me.;_.,, cuicelod Pl<•· .. Wait a minute, don't run for your pune ... I WU ju.t Coi.nl WITH A BOOK ON TOP or. HIS &::EAD. ''What ta "'• Jl&Me ot iolP •Pr'ftenla lo be able to to tell you th&t a ma.n put thoH worda in a newspaper onct: &tons Allah are you dolnl' now!" 1 1 exelaJmed. "I 'm tr:r-c '° bllanee wt.th hi• addreu .I:. nolhinr more and received $3,000 thru' Ole ma1U my bank book, any objecttoii. !" .uled J:nreod pee'riably. "Dr. ct•e ~ em.ettt. •• .. u ~ •.. I picked thi• Idea up at the COA~TLC\"E FLOOR COVJ:RJNG --'-__ .. I -~ oompll9ied «g•lilt. and wd Erwood." t replied cooly, '1 .... 1 not 111..1rprt..a. want.9";1 you 1'l0mtlu aowa u a eoftllert artlat. ... along with the Idea that you can get beautiful. modem FOR.. th t ~u'd r ret an~lac• aellln• lluft tor leM •'---VftU ago a J-neve \r 111 ..._ .1" GuNt ~ for tM evealnc J.IlCA DRAIN BO-ARDS lnatalled by these t~llow11. n ·a rood llf.utr paid for it~ You've played tut and looee with a bun market. ud Will be Allee Aadrew9 ft..ui..., con- and cheeper than ceramic tile a.nd doesn't chip. Thlo pie~ la full of t t · -•« thl 10011-•·eu"' "It'• my b··d-.~100 ~-7 now you wan o carry on. wit.a • -... • ..-.-. lralto ao&oi.t ot "'• WU.hire PrM- ldeu! You can cet aluminum wall tile in1t&lled ln 12 decorator acnamed -Erwood! "Well It *a.n't be lone." I aid bttterly. "Wily byterlan dlDrelli. Lo. AncelH. colors. Aluminum tile does not ruat, corode. peel off, or ~t mouldy~ don't you at.and O\lt lft the li:iddle ot Balboa Blvd. and throw t90 And It doesn't crack or wear out ... You UR it uound bath tuM 11 t th 11 •• · .. ,.,. .. I tried ••-t • t ed Dr Mra. ~ • wen known to tke -r dollar bl. • o • sea CU • 1 VI• u.a once, " um · muatc IOTera for her beautiful and ahowers. or you can ret an entire b,athroom .waJled tor u low E-·~ .. d th did 't 11• th t all• --he •-urh-• ..-wuuu, &n ey n "@ em • · '·~ ,. • · -TOice ud drama~c lnlf>rpreta-as $100 complete. These bo.sy bodie1 also sell and lay carpet.a. tile ileetully. ''Thia 'llV'Hk rm pr.:Ctlcally g1v1ng away iorieou1, modern Uo Bh will be Mn-"-1 A. linoleum. Theae fellows aren't .sta.ndlng around asleep ... You table lamps w1th wuhable p1.J.tic lhadea tor 14.H and SS.ff. Don't na. e ..... g le ec- won't Wake up the honest, hard workiqJ men at. C.QASTU?\~ tell anybody," Erwood whiapei-ed. with & at1'1lp cte&m tn hl.11 eye, tiona appropriate ta the ltuter FLOOR COV!:RrNG It you call BEACON :S261·J. "nley•re alreadf ''but they cost me man than tflat!" Fol;low UM rs-m te nwoot>'a, ~_:_,_-'Ion wUI he"'"'-"' a t t :t 5 wtde awake at 18th A Newport Ave., Coat.a Mesa ~ .. ,.1 • BALllOA llLVD 11•• ..,.,.._ •..,.--e•• , _, r... ·• ~""' p. M. tor U.o.. t.Mt lo•e to eome • • • • • • and joiA in Ue •Pc ot the old- 1-KELEL..E PLAYERS! Ml'!i'CLE MEN! PA.INT tlm• Go.pel aonp. BUCH BOYS • GlllUI: \VELCOME TO THE A."CRO.R CAFP::! Come ln your sa.ronp, swim A; suit.II or top.a: Let'a have a ball ~ We have all ~ Evening Play at Mesa Church the vei;y late1t aonc• on the: juke box! And we~ havf! kOQd COOd BUTTERMILK HaT CAKES P'OR 30c ... Tou can eat very re&M>nably here a.nd have a tull. happy ltomach. Divine PAcmC Xl!LREM 00. 1811 LA.P'A.fEllE, NEWPOllT A tJwee-act &uttr play, "l\ln· HOT LUNCH FOR Mc ... HA.'IBURGERS! YOU CAN SEE THE rf..ae,N by Lou.la Wlllob. will be MEA.T IN THESE BURGERS M FEE:I' AWAY! Hot Dogs! Sand-' HAR.BOit tMO Pl"MHl\ed Ill the aa.nctuary of the Wichea! CHIIJ It BEANS , .. BIG BREAKFASTS SERVED ALL e e e 0oata Kea Community Metbo- f>AY ~ COME OK KIDS! ITS LUAU TIME AT THI!: ANCHOR HOP-SCOTCH PLAYERS! ROPE-SKIPPERS! ROLL-dial Cburdl on Salter e•enlng. CAFE 7110 COAST HIWAY. Newport ... Open & L m.-7 p. m. ER SKATERS! SOHOOL CHILDREN! Be good ):Ida and Karell ZS, al T:30 o'clock. The OPEN ALL DAl' A.''D ALL ~,GBT SATURDAY! run take thl• me.-1'• to your dear ltllle rnother1! 0 . K. play iii Wnc lpOINIOred by U.e • • • mother..-Thl1 Ill th• atory! BAKNB"I BOOTERY h.u Sunef'l'OU. l'f'OUP and LI under Ole DEAR SIR: Jt'a a BOOBY·TRAP! I TEU.. YOU IT'S A about the bll'fest line ot cblldre.n'a ahou ln thla bya.r' d.lrec::Uon al Grut Speth, who hu BOOBY-TRAP! And I am SICK. SICK. SlCK ot belng brow-bu.ten. county! The wa.111 an lined with RED GOOSE AND had wtde experience 1n dlttcttft& bullied and belittled by your \VL,'DOW SHADES! The THING8 _ LlTI'LI: YA.NK.D jahoea or every deecripUon! Thete ar1 ttllgiOUI dnma. either tlOp a.IJ the way down to tbe floor. or get sneakey and eu*l "-: e-xcellent.. national y advertJMd branda ot klda' ahoe1, Rolu wW be takt n 'by ftopr up in a tight roll and refuse to bi,W~! Other times lhry wait unt~I fan1oua tor fltneaa and durab llty. Yqu can set your little boy or A.xworlhy, Robert Speth, Bob the pea.riv dawn a.nd auddenly decide to roar to the top of t1'e gi.rl roustabout& fitted ln A-B.,C-D width.a In moat any kind of llhoe. Jobuon. Joyce Sand.I and Ray roller and WHl --RRR &r0.und! &.!ides all your tlxturea are J00911 ! School and dreu ahoea, Saddle-ahoe•, tennia ahoe1, Sun-San aandlea. P'Selda. In Baker 1a •tal'e m&n- Now If you don't go over to the ~BADE SHOP at once and c~t 1 •trap pate.at leathers. K~tea. red ahoea. brown 1hoea. black ager tor tM: piece.. new aha.de.a. new fixtures It new ro1len1, I . AAf GOING TO MOV!I! aboea, white lhoea. Wbat elM la the.re, anywa7! Oh-Yea, there are ANQ I MA y 'EVEN SUE on account pt, SHADE NEUROSIS. Moel tor little CUY• juat rett r the ' walldn. Idea. The• are 'Finl Good Frlc:lily Services FURTHERMORE. i t you can't buy new shades, you ca.n at '1eMt Steppers.' You can Shoe-Shoe Baby, BuateT 1r.·&rtba at &ULBER'I of COl•"'f 'IL_.;,M· cet Helen \Voltard to fix theM old onea! CoJ\lider this your ttntl BOOTERT. 1796 Newport Ave.I Co.ta M.eaa. •1 .,. llW•• warn.inc to KO to the SHADE SHOP. :514 29th St. Newport. Harbqr I~============:::::=====::;:::======+ Good l'rida1 a.mcee wm . be 184.. otberwt.M I ah.all !Ue my &ffad&vit ... aiped: FRANTIC. he.kl by the American Lutheran • • • R NOTICI':: DO NOT PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKrlj! HF:l.Jl:N R. OBERTSON, If. D. ="r":u:!... ~?::;'l..,~ THIS MEANS YOU! You must save room tor Bunny rabbit ~ A.nnouncu the OpeninC' Palm at., Anahetm trom 12-ltP. m. He.ney-penny Easter cookie.a from Vl~ Mc-Ma.lllaa'• Ne.po~ The three-hour ..rnce wm be dt.. Bakuy! Thi• tea aide pulry port ta tuming out all .:>rta of Eutar of HU Offtee at vtded: tnto Kft!ft 'l'wentJ-fl:n mtn .. papl'l9u for you! Hot Croaa Bun.a, Euter Ume Utfna novelttei. ute tntt:rw.19' baatd on the ee.,en Party ca:k:ea and pulrlea~ You can onte-r specially decorated cak~a 17•1 SUJ>l:IU:O Aft., COSTA KESA Jut worda ot au;yt. trun the that ay aentimenta if )"OU like. The ?\"'EWPORT llAX.ERY la opep (Formerl Newport Aw.) no-. Tou may-.,'for all or part 'T daya. a week 8 • S p. m., M> all lhf ba.kery llutf ltl eo trub It of the .me.. floata! Enter mort111.a.1' you can go down theJ"I and ctt the hot l:NDOCIUNOLOG AND OYNA.JXX)LOGT •· ------ rolla r1t•• •"' ., th• oven._ Th• ou•cb Roll• .... ma1Pllf14ue w1u. Coo· ked Foo-1 S•le baked bam! So'1 th• raJmn bread! The expreatoo 'Ju•t. Wl:e mothfi!r + g · 'llliiil ueed to make' i. otale. The tr.ah ft&rrent word lo vt:aaJNIA OFFICE PR. BEACON JIE8, PR. JLUUIOJl aoM-:W Th D :1b 111o11AHA;s-s lRWPO•T llAKJ:aY. ~112 0cean ~1. Newpo<l. i' l ;~:==::==::;:=:=:!::=======~~I urs. et IHI oe . . . .. BONGO! BONGO! BONQO!· COMJ:S THE llA.FARI DOWN Oord<n Qnrft W-oft U.. THE OONOO! The otatwart watwda,. the i-. the Zebra! Thal UU:IC!'IOIN IN ~f ~ wW llan a coobd food - White _,,,... la "' pitch he1....t lo et!Jlor Tanaa'o -d mate .. Ill --at ....,.... fl\¥llet .Jolfn·• -· Jlanlul! K1nt -·· ....... the ...,,. "' • ..,. -~rl ~)' -..... -n. la band poln.ted clrCUlar lklrt IJlat Leo luwp i. "°hlrias al Wr ...._ wlll bo Kn. Doria ~ttstor. ~Leo ..... l!Mpl Tllla polio -~ -4fl1ca la i.,. -.. • • -Olllla, -··-Af>fc.a-. r pndlct you'll ettMr.., -~•ti" or sOt 'FlallllYIK ~~--·---·--"'°""' 1nv uaJMe rou P••••• ~1 in.. cum1 Pr..s.w ~ AU1Jmfml • •awomi • a&nu • wauo • ...,..1.. .. ara .. loccttt•s az a _,_, ,,._-. • -.up·-llWlll911 'OJ e6i ~ad ...... MtQ:--•'•sn''"'Ul«tctaal Nan,Jo ,._......, ,. "I.A• • u• TCL'D • -_.:. -•. ,...,, ... , .... -.... .,...,. a.-_.. H 0 u· S·I ,& G.'"' I D I tt • Ulo lllimt. &ro ---! -lqw U0 .. ~ I al SI~·-"' t11IO. C..U--. ll!o<t-'by AM.,....., lo .... 111-°""'1'113 M _, .. P ! ~-Jflp"E'A. )Ila U.1i*C.le'i..................... at coan = WU C!GJ a cs ~A..._a-a_ _ ' I • tOOl.9 ~ • ...._. iliir•P u ='rllhrl -.................. _ -....-w,.•••-•-••at.-<lla.o_. ti D N & 7 ......... I»., Onola .... ... 1' 'II'• ... ~•PAW ft'lsr • • • • . . "0111'1 .FINESJ , SLEEPIN8 EQUIPMENT " I I ii '•JI _,..._._ I , • I , • • ' • l l • J ·1 I '· • • • •• .. ~ ' .. . ClliCI DICK PJERCE .. ' I • .. . .. WED. ·THURS. • FRI. • SAT. t MARCH 21 .· 22 .• 21 &::24 .. . IALIOA • • . IROAl>WA Y -Now .60¢ t:: = '' NOW l!BllWDiGr ' "IED-TIMI! FOR IONZO" &l I I '4 kpa. Dluaa l..Aa -AIM -"GASOLINE ALLEY" IJTABTS SUNDAY, llAJICB 16 • "LULbllY OF IROADWAY" a... Nelooa. DortO °"7 ·-AIM-"NASK OF THI DRAGON". WALKER~=· Dini"'l Jtoom - ..,. .. l '!I Me.S:r 'nee ~,. . IJOW' 811.0WINO · I ~· "u:iliini'"' Alm-" .., ........... ommm m •OJI" ' , 11 :JO-AM, lo I P.M. do •ly Closed Sundays ind l.olid1ys , P)>one: Kimberly 2·219' Lbtt of FREE PARKING. . ' ....... •~Flxlw .• w• Papen , I , l , I "'"' 'flln M~ "PANTASIA·· Ill ~ ' 'mrlar I -~-I ••=-' •· 1717· ~· A • 1 ' i ''SIA&. du.ND" ·t -~-,I "llAYll Y~f l IT.u&ft 81llfDAY f "TO+AWK''. ·! ,t.~eel.r ! '. ' ' lwltll . v .... ,.. t.:."!"'" °'1· "O~TIQN ·J ~ DISUra'~ t: I , .,.r-:"1,.-,Ml"""ll FoR RE'AL FUN W'1'o • "ZING" OC»l'T ljrllSS OUl ,llSINt SHOW •llU -~lU - e::> I . ... l • • ' • HIY KIDS! ~~~~~~~~-· :BIG FREE I -EASTER ' . ' • • EGG HUNT . PRIZES-FUN q,;,., 1500 l•g•ToFlnf!I • TMfe'1 W1 tl•ln'e at OWL-Mayfai r thle labu'tlay, , ... •vE .. YONEI 8rin1 the kJddJ• ....,,... to the meet .tupendoue, fun PKPd • ...,. llH Hunt they've ever attended. lt'1 all ""~E f•r klllldiq up t• I ye1ra ef • ..._ TJrt•)"ll havt the time of their llv• h•ntlnt for more thin tlOO egga. TINl1'11 -.1m wttll Wtllgltt Wiien tllo big Mayfair' eunny1 l•ad9 ttte fettlwftl• (ai a:aa a.m.:) 1rMI aw1rM ace,.. ef prlne. ! No Mff to werJ')' ,attout you~ klddlff' ufei,. The hunt will be oonllluot'td IN· e101 Ute mal'ket t.Mtl11 UNful, lidutt ..,. pervillO"-, 1 V00' 0 LL fln4 mighty good hvntl.ng VOUlltllLF al. OWL·Mayt1lr latutday and ..,.,,. day. Our _...,_,.., .,.. nh•·,.o.k· N wltlt all yeu~ ~te fOOCla a"d bral'lda· W ~· ~ur r fMlt a fttemerabl• tvtftt. . . . Whet:Mr )'Our,., avori'8 Saller dllh f9i H•'"· ~ .., :tu !)'-)'.u'lr flftd lT 1ftd! ALL ~ tri-1,o futu....r n ,,...ial ,uqee ,._ irt 01 'lh7fllrl •• . • Graci• A. ~ite. Freil:, Lait ge ·EGGS DOZEN 5 ... CARTON I: c doz. . . . • • r FOod C:lub ClllAllllllY 1st 9uality . • • .. • .. • ' • r ' I I • 3. • • • • ' .. • • • .· ' • .. • \ 1 . Wed""41ey, M-'i 21, 195). N~RT IAY 'POST wl SfiOl'PINe' N!WS t ~ • ,.,e.J. ' =-==-=-=~=~=::::lljle:::::::i:ll• ICd::l::ll~,1 , 'I . • llAUW OOM""K"T -->-.. -~,_~ ..... ~.-.-.. -.-._--,.---~:.---~--"."'", ____ ...,__.-_. ":'::, --'""'"!----..it ' ' Harbor . Players to Pr•sent . Barry. ·rComft,c/y · ' •, .. 1•n " ~ ~ Jliat ... :i.:t~"'' -~ "° ·. • ... N .. , o u· "~ _c -1 HG'. Ult-.... ··-t . tOo -;!'too''tl<A ..... -.;orw -i.. ,ia,..,. " ,., "' . ,,.. .... ~ ..... , mutt. tlle1 ........... c:&I t"°"lll outdooi'' .... ~,t:~-~ .-. . . lfwwpM BarlMli'a 111P'1tbool tbey_,, .Jt~cardltt-t· ~ -~-c;---.--~ Hf:W. Off/CE ' Th• N"twport Jlarbar eomm ... lllty Playe1:9, contlnutnc llltlr al· tlllatlan wt th U.:., ~dull DI-of <>nnso ~ Collep, will -t Tiie Pblladdphta 8toe:r .. lll•lr oprtn• Jl"OllucUon April 28, 2T and 11th. Th• Pl>Wp Barry comedy, eoculdered on• of the brat modern American dramu. ha.a bef!D a ta•- orlt.e wf.Ua UtUe theatre audiencem ill -ov•r the eoontry bec&uM of Ila et .. er line. and altuaUona, •mart C09t.umlnr and •t.. and ltf ln- t.erutlnc caet ot c.han.cten. D I r • e t t n s t.be P.lllladtlphla story "1ll be Mr. Gltftft Wt.Ila, Yet•' •ran profeuiona.I director.. and ac- tor. 'Mr. Weill and ht. wife, Con- ftl• Welle. are well-known to Or- &nJ• Couaty thHt,.-1oen for their many appearancit• at the IA.- run• playhouae and at Holiday lt&c•· Try--outa, which are open to tht pv;bllc u well u to mf'mbere of tb• Playera, wJIJ be held Monday and Tuesday evt.nlnp, Marcb l:Zth a.nd 20th, at the home of Mra. !At Bamta,' 121 Via Mentone, Udo •' • IASTD HONEY IUNNllS 3,.. 2s• · ,,...., <JOeTA. 111Jl8A "" .11-n 111'4. ooaONA DEL ..... tN c..t BIP~:r -, LA.GU.NA llMCR ,,, ....... ,& ..... CUSHIONS .. • . -• • ' ·oo: , HERE'S THE NEWS! When you save at NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL not only ill your money aafe ... ln1ured up to $10,000 and backed by oound, local home Joana • . . but it'1 profitable, too, for c~t high dividenda are at 3 ~. ! Start a Savings Program bere today and mal<e your Savinga goal the . ...Uvalent of one year'1 income ••• for real -urity. , · -· ... . . ~ , FBIENDLY , •• Emcu:NT ..• DEPENDABLE! • HUDSON Prices Have Already ~aisecl BUT WE'RE PASSING ON THE SAVING TO YOU! * )VllJ\.E THEY LA$T WE ARE S!JLLING THE NEW CAJtS ON OUR !IHOWBOOM FLOOR! AT THE OLD PRICE! • ~e of many mod:. la ~new 19111 ' 3 pauenger coupe at $2205. Plua Salu Tax u.d U.~•n•, FOB, Hunlln6ton Bea.ch * Main ~t. Garage THE OLDEST AllTHORI;ED HUDSON. DEALER IN SO~N CALIFORNIA 410 Main St.,, HU11dncton RN.ch r .. r.n1tun 11: 11oa• ~ ... P1a.Ur!e lla6t lty oar expert eraftalnea BOUU: A OAllDEN ,___11_1 c.._._.m_.i-_ .. _•_7._.11_.....,_"....: High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. • Perlectly Practical • . . THE .EXPANDWAY COMMODE CJoM4 : ac" • 20", ao• blsh. Opona to 110 tnch ....... i.o In modem. lD blorul. cordovan mabop.D.)' or oak. The Espendway Com· mQde ia buuutul . . • . completely ~ bandy, dally ii! lllADY ::ti You'll than Ir yolll' -. -..... """ tOIUMl ' -J-./.... ,_ out alloat ll1lCh & ~~ • . ;,;. r.ct' L-1 . \ -llfA¥. ..-.. ~ -_ .. • • A compact 1pace 1a ver • • • touch ·of elegance! That'• the EXP ci..ay' ~mmO<\e: You'll be amued at how perfectly thla one piece of Jurniture will perform in a ttny apartment, a anug little home. It tak .. only 36" of wall apace and aerv.. a triple purpose. The door at the aide conceal• alx e x t e n d I n g l~v .. for euy, conveJ'Bion into DESK DINETI'E TABLE or. big flO inch DINING TABLE for aerving up to twelve! 1 Price $179.50 . •' tndt tMm captund .,. etpt ;oint 11 In otbor I ~t., doolane tbe -• • I • . ~ r V . . Ylelo'7 0..,. 20 0111.,. .-,pttln& .Natloll&J. Au!illi;bu. au11 •. Bolll (liv.. JllOW~ 1 • 1A1.1 1 ' 1 _ N • a,u· IN' H •.u . 9CbooJa-at' Uat ~ual aouU.ern cau. the Ult.n• to overbtat. ?8-al;D J<*OA • ' ~~ ... \ ~ .. eouau .. prep me.et .Mid at Bllllt· iiiiiiii-~I~ l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili.iiiiiliiiiiii~ ; " . 507 .._ "LIO... BLVD lqtl>n llH<h Saturday. ;n.. Tan • I:. II\ ,.. -~ •" eom.,-i In 111o smAll' !l<.boo9 • ' ALBOA 1 • ell-on ud top'p<d ~ ,etaee DELICIOUS . ' / . / REAL ' eoiton. .. n. . ..,, Dleso "'°" P1:~111 11 Hm•• ·1idf . ~==!"'.;.~o p~-111 HAMB RGERS 'ESTATE (_;1 17 ~at Mil --., UM var!-c'..-ctv'nl tl>elr • , toam ... to.y. tnchld..i: ·120 htcb A11oc:it:te1 hurdl .. -Gdttllll: ftnt; ,,0 -• I . . . ·'· . . I • Nmtrum ',MCONI; 110 low hurdl.. KO ... .& ~l!o I# &fl SARAH W. NEWLIN ---Ortftllll, third; mile -Wood-. 1 1 "'WS IUll JAME$· C. 'N~LIN, JR. tint &nd Van n ... mitn. oecond; HELEN r McDONALD . -........ fourth: o11otp•t -1Wtnrte. 1920-Ne·-~· · llvcl. . hlrh Jump-Norman Ue for ttnt.. 1 Ilk. hy01Sd Mesa .T1:eatw ,-Come Mesa High Quality Priltti~g-,Plr. Har. 1,.,, -People do read th•. want ad.a. {or SALAD DIESSING · Ducfw:u brand, with just right U.rtneaa to bring out Ravor of fruits and \"tgetablca. Haff.pint, 21c .-i 35• Quart, 59c i-- PANCAKE MIX Suunna bralod. "Old w .. 1" ...ape IMI ....i. .. .deHcious paacak .. and walle<. 20-oz., 15C 4t4L znc 3~1b., 37c .... ;i- ' ·INliCHED FLOUR Xi1eben Craft.,. Gaaranten yoa b(tter bakiog or roui money back. 5-lb., 45c 1.... ano 25-lb., 2.03 ... .. . 111t1 PllS • u-•s Sugar 11<11•· ,_ • ; .. 1-J ·"'·~t. Bt•'"''"" . MAITEUcMI . !';;-... :. .• c lM . . .- MU. your £a.ie , ' jui~ , r ... II a real 1 S. .,_ : " ••ncy E.11ern -'" ,...,, rve 1--' o>•nft' A ' KIJllled Ji cauer, a, nnour'a or Cuda.Ii • . un. · • · ll'Uaon•a, WHou HAM YL OR Fiil. HAU c,,.,.,..._ _..,, .... Per Po~nd Add teat ,Jct eol•T to 1"' r...r Feut wkh fresh £111it1 an_d nr,etablet. ,1J.e produoll Metion . M. yqur nearby Safeway • ~"'t,~~il ed ,,.;th (tt.h, full tluond foodo • lew pr;... 1s-... lt• lollLli.e ... , .. r-1111' Puw. r...i.. I• I"' PltcM Low 3 ... 25• .. 4· 3 ... 25·· "Wtldl'• . Orange . ,I • I --• • . . I -' ' . .. ' .. ' . ' ' l 'I .. • • , • . , • • . • . ·' . ·Delfa. (!~<ii,. lnsf M:M-r t, 1"'.;e •• 94'4 . ~ly Wedding for ', ~ ( -uallllJQ . Vllft.Q}f Wh el Y•ell I '(r~lnj1• •chmeM ~ ,v Plans :Sept. ~fit · _ fast , .. ·· :.?L~S •. ~ •. ~.~v: I Nia'~ fl'atmi,tlt ...... ' n..., toM lier ll!J -la Ion la '''!! -.,. 'Jin. --' SPICIAL , -. _,.._s the -.1~ .. Ii ... 1 l.ll. w111a .... .-oar-.· 111n. car.& -.,,~ .... xar. no · ~i.. <. • couat]' cbaptn hdd lbolf un-'\ or ' do! •· -~ ..._ ..,._ lut w.M ..,.. a~ ,_ ....... -wllllo w.,-. .., I J/' 51"1-'l!! ... X fouDden' <!&¥ be•qilK~ 1J ::!:~ ~ot11*.J. a <II"'!"" -lllot J"''N ... Jae '-~~ 1:'i"f'" • • ' ' ... h. • 1tP1""' at Bu.ttUm.a, followed by Ja-bo& ~ wl Pu-JI a1tff ~ort tu.a Jl ,...... Y~--L~~ , ~ _ Mr-. , • · ltallatlon or ottlcon, llln. H&roid 0 .J!ln, ~ wtu -" '8'0 -..... ·-;-, lllot law "'"' • . '& Catoin w,.,,1d 1901 .......... u..18th o1111o or ~ , I am ... u. rar..,.,,..-tor,w111t-U-11. .. 1. ••.,~ ~~. · 1 ..... • ~ raundlnir or Ille now ta~ JIN. ~ti -,. ,. .~ ..,. lf..lW ol_f ,.upeor ""' IW9 <I )t:;. ~ u1'1P ..-i ' 1' CF~ IOD ~ rt LewJa 1-Qll· ftl .. _ la a --_,., -at 1JDll ll. .. I"' -alnnlty or . fonl. Kia. TM fraternity t.-iot• mo11 • 1 · -., ...... Md -ot Pw0 ~ at -la' Batllua. ....t...L I I Tip ot~Tt-\coitepte chaPtffa Md .JU 7• '\,. .__ ; .._ Md auaew 'lltocU ... ~llJ'lliJl•••..leot,.. the eon ' , __ ,, 'll'llW a '' .,. ...... -........ -.. -I '· ., ·-.............. a -b-<IJlttlom'llll ., ~ ~--o( PIO-t ..>ar... . $21.90 Pt:'I' SUPPi/ES ,. .. throughout tlle wwl4j The tlfUl ~ -11 -~.Loo .U,-...,.,_ Driw,j--u4l U.. late Kr. ....,.. The Deft.a O.mma tralualtJ' N• ftR UM baltiftt '11. MbMI ...... WM r9efiff tti«a.d. . , ~ ,a.llll't ~ • ~le of ... "'•· ·.;0; -Uy roceiYed a clt&tJo' rr.t --It II to Illa_,& -~ JIN. -oaJ<I ~ -w.-. ocbool an4 tbe Colorado UM NaUonaJ Soe:lety for 1'-Pfto. at th• BelMe •1 c:iu-. ,._...,. .._ ud. 711dltam&n ..W: M W liola:oc>I: of. K1w. At prwnt M • ftDtion of allndft .. ta meopt· Kardl 11, R•e1 ntlon11 are ~noJ ao ....... to Gattlnue tbti 111arr1ap ~ pUuat• work al U.. acbool t1oa or 1te contribuu..'i. i.. U,, fkld -.. ~-for Udo ,an, "1iJIN. u • talt\""4 -"'-of ..--.. lie '" att!Hatod ., 11abt -.,,. , a14 to J...un 11:-..i,,. I Jutp •tant•1 J1rrM1. a. -wtlll ....,. Alplla lllprilaa-o... tlle blind. 1 llUlff 1na -u.. "'Pt,_. llll)' •-iWrlod JU!1 1. un. llftllly. After Ill• dlaMr. Ill• P ad--..uon p<0Joct ,... 0~1 and parted NO'f. I , lHI. and ban A ""'7 -Ir lo plaaaed. jowlltd to tbe bomo .t ~ J-adop~ wwll ... , •tea4Jl1j In· two adult eblldra -.. Ille l~ -. -,---- Un 11:...-,. for u.. 1nrW1&11oa .....-'" u.. rotall"•-• "' ,_..-o14 eaupter. · Re-'. Em"'1 y Johnson .. fl'Ollllrt' • • • t I ot otfloen 'nloM m..taUed -.re· eenten for ue ot the •Uft4. llt:ttol· / ... II ruld t. .Mn P ~ . a.rah!"" .fot ortllopUo tnildn1. Th cl C • ~ J • a...1 L J ~-';' YIC..p;..i:!:t ~ ;.::, •'':1.:.fto~.~.P--•Thhl!-ulr• ,h•Y. oCmhmunh1on ,V1ames .-.. avy ""'an lri==========:; 0e1pr of uc1o 1a1e· ~ .., · , •-..... • or-at UT •r•n urc . 1 Jira. Wllllam Blurock or ·!Acun& pnla4ion flll'"r• b...W. ~lr.o. A--;-u,..,.t la belns mado or • POTI'ID PLANTS. SPORTING GOODS Jfow ........... ln& It.. 008TA JCD4 . 911e• lft1-& J..t. of P1lD: PA&KJNQ '<r--.ut) Beach; tnuurw, Kn. Juatin ken· ~ ruid• dop for U.. bttn• The. .....,at, ot BolJ'.,..Oom-tM mArrlle• ol Commdr. Lucien r-:-::=------- nedy of Aan.ta Ana.· Anebora COJ'o' and ~· for put.tall)' E mWllOll.' wtU be odiebrated at the a. 1"'a-.ellc7. U.8.N. and the Re•. OPEN KA.ll'J'Em. 811NDA.Y ~l.; Mn jamu ... ot chUdre:ll. One ot tbe malt t.er--Newport Ila.rt.or IMtbem. church. 9ntl7 Johuoe, Ph.D., 300I B&.lboa , , Coro1>&. · del Kar· m -:..i,. eellnr project. lo the Nu on JleU!ldy ThurM&J. -n. BmL. • Jlarcll 10. Waysld9 Gard1•1 ~~=~;;;;;~~;~~l£~~~;;;;~·;;·;·;;;~p ool for Vlaually Handicapped Appropriate to th• memory <Of Ito Tiie 0.-r. wllo lo Juat ,... N•w,... ..... Coria •-. clilldr.... maintained .,. ~· 1notttulloa b7 Cbrlat °" U.. nlsht llaef-'"°' ll:uropo, bar -•leY· CJ'O'!PI ln and n..,. Loe · An$eleL In wh1cb lie wu betrayed, p ... tic at t~ home.of hil Miele while / , /l,,J.-II -' . ' It .. tor tbi9 ·nu.rNry .c~ of tor J\oth wW 9peU oe •-n.e LMt hie ab.Ip ....,.. 'at kn Pedro. On ,,_""' JH•V.""'4M blind ....... that th• Orup _,,,_ Supper." ,,,.,,_, mornJnir ... called, aay-o•:.. ·ns· ..... -ty cb&pttt ii pJ.t..n.nlnc 1u piazty. KanlMn fll u.. conftmlaUon kl.I' th• tlhlp wu .JM'rinl' tmmed.1-~ .. ,.,,,. TERES._ 1 RENNER ( ••.. A.. • Re·-r)' c-w111 ....... their t1nt ...,.. atolT tlw x. ... and t11o1r boodby.. u 1ow u .... -•· ">:: l'th •• ......, 1 · munlon at thla eervlce. Duo to Ille wan aald nor' tho telephon<. · • ,_... c , -s , , ., n... o * , w f M ~ .~ OonaJce bcm• • Tn...,.. • b .. II I 0 .. -• 11• omen 0 oose crowded J:utn eclledulo com· Dr. Wlllap<ucy WU a mlaolon-' munl.on. llM'\1c:• wW -not l,. held arr ta clw\a for M yean. Mer B0t1SE .t Ool>D· 4J6 Simi ~he . Hmi1r 1171.J to Initiate .. --,. hoe. ""•eon. •en.rt ..._ so-... 1a 1n 111 a.......,., N...,00. -. C Hl .. I • C .L.I U--N C d d would Hiie to panldpate 111 u.e K...._ 11 her ~ .. band Nmaina , ....... .-..... --ew an i ates. l.Md·a •-r .......... to .......... -oxpecto to carry oot her ;======::;===.! "::~~~~~~~::':~~~~~~~~~~~~~I at tbe Kaurul7 nwn.s., IU'ftlt at plane to So• to A.Iuka Wh•~ •M -lnitl&Uon wtll be ·1l•ld ~ tJM I p.a. ~ lie lA ch•rs• ot an orphanace Newport ~acb Womm si( tM nm •der th• au.pl~• ot t.be TY ANTIN AS . !NATALI.a> ~lAERVIClJ:D RA''A.1 • FURNITUR~ AND ACCESSORIES : a.Ml *' OUI OW WOIUllOM ..... llOM ftfl '"ll ....... '"'u1em _ .... , Oii -PACIRC COAR ' Mooee. chapter llM '"' Tllurioda1. Newrpert Mii Oil-°' Ood. March n, I pJ&, la u.e .. DOM ----- home. 1300 0.-r-t. Mol6pcwt S1•1•1ed et H. I. B ti t W Beach. 1n1t1at1on w111 11o tofmal. ep I omen the r1tual team ia t'H'llllded. idus-.A.dlllJttJnc' Ul&t .............. s dldate to .. 1a1t1aw£1a llUIJ..11ou. -to_._..,.. p11......,. tege Party Walker, Who ta •••al"M ~ At· Oanoa •utwlll1aa, IT, u eltctrf· . • ,. TIDI TY "7 ' . ... 11 N_,.... 111...&. Ru. HI I 811• a1c1 Ta, n na ~. rollowtq tM ~ .i eontrutor, 4IO ..,_.. .. ,.er T-111_. .......... Manlll 11 tht Uolt, ~enu WW -li6rTed ........ He•poirt • ti&. ....... ten. w .... ·• ~..,.,. tuUon Of 'eo.- b7 boa._ All<o J'W81 u4l N..,_ -at H...u.,t.a -Weda... to ll-•ptJat -.... b.W • ape- tle WUUAlb.I. , clay .. .fin ...U.. • U.. eount1 c'-1 ~1 )t&l't)" for tbl WOl'llen /' fte pot kaeJt ll.id. b)" tM ._,. j&lt ud u..11-laU01 Mm. TU1-were ..... I -ftspw DAOC>lf Mil t# waa a bup ... ..., due tO °'' PolMll•n•&N ~ an.er ....,...ted fw tlae four · ..... .._ M3lkw 0.. rood Job done by ifen•taJ Qla.a.lr-. the two stria. 111• from Oe.t'dtll swta w. .. M&t~ at the tabt. n• }lf'ew,..rt ..... ma.n, Myrtelle T'tppiaC' Md' her Grove aa4 UM O\ker tTom. neu &pf'l'Oflrialt for hi.a or her b1¢'b· '"-========== ----------------------committee. The table. ... _. ••tt-Aaabekll, COftlj ...... t.Mt U.. mu dl.7. "'9clally ----ff wu 'th• -r--------------------· f'Ully dffOr'ated by .... w+··· ........ )II I JI ...... tHy wen ........ It.•, P. J . Me.au.n, I 1"'11 you wa.at t o live • ,.cetul, 1~ Discount on ... ny '•*111•· JOJOo ~ 1'.U..-ro fo. ~le· -"" --11tll -"' -•llal ...., k ..... I .,U.t, .......... ,ul II!•,,..... .•• pl\:.k· U-/.,. Ill UR.•-bite WM'e dolliated b1 llorrl ,Mol· t.ba.t tow.. hr Ule ,,.......,, lllft't were ...... Wl"Olll' timP to live."-Davld Brlac th.la ad to bo. Keftnetll Workmaa 9&11( U.e Judp OellL Y--S a ....... ,_.U.. i..r Lily Co•••·' ... Helea Litcthal, former head of the w ....... ,. iJt~ .. 2t, ••l CIA ,~wo-~f _N -~S · · oor·:wEA1· , , I SHO LOTS FROM REGULAR STOCK IN . B CK CALF AND SUEDE. BR WN, REC> . 7a WH,ITE, ELK .PUMPS, STRAPS'•ncl TIES; ow '•nd MEblUM H~ElS I : . M$>•t all . Sizes In tli•' Assortment ''381 Values to $6.95 CL.OSING BARBERS BOOTERY· 1121 ' N•Wport Ave., :c.....f MIN . I . BBWOOIYI Lamp Sale • Half Price -Many 1below coet ll&rfO PY• I wu up a trM looking for money, bu.t. Mm~ you aid tt .,...,,. on t.rffa, and all thoee aqutrnla up U... tool crev1! I aeU 'urn cheap. 'nl•"ll larn yeL Undent.and ttt No, Ma chere bu bl•u beaux y.ux, Marl'O, coote ..-ooat. .. I thot. not. Neither do I , but, ob well , . , "IN ... ASUBll:U:S8 CO~'TEST GOD OREA.TSO WOMAX AND llOREDOll OCAllED FROM TllAT MOJmNT.• -Dr.H-MwoM .I l'UJlNJTUBE -OIP'ft + AllT -ll:WJ:Llll' -llA.LllOA i lAd1an Lo•• Call Md u.. Lord'• tll•. J&il -"-'-allotNd Wartvik· a.utJl Md •lqina. I Atomic ICner,D" Comn1iuion. · IA YSIDE FISH , MARKET Prayer. eojoyed by .. ..,.,.i. u -,......_ ... -1 .... -r.===:+===~;:j ==:;:====::::=====::::::==· =· =======:. "' Mr. Workman bu a ............. Yldllls lie -.;...i.iatria -.e. WB1'rl: SEA liN 11 JISPI YOloe. Much tun wu llad "1 fi-r-. · me ~1sam• ot WboopM. ~· t:li 1·11 ..... f'U.. .. ...._ Fresh Fish Daily from 0111' Owll 118111 , Tho Newport WOTK _u., ------"----1 1-aro aUll bowllllJ....., ~ , Whole Jled J1ock Cod 25c lb. -~ W.1'flC Me .. day ...... at Vw 8ow ... ,...,, -~·-v; ~ '} • a.i.u.kcoA -WHOU: ns• -• ._ Coot&-. ;:==;:==:~=== ... ~~-.._ I-ro te -•I.Mi 2800 LU'Al!!l'l'rE •• OJ<r ·Tlll: BAY. , ~ -•i. l'torlach from ·~· EASTER SPECIALS IN AD LIB By MARGO IN THIS PAl'llt THIS WIEK ' tar tor a reblnt. to pM t.11 -----. lw-tma. I o.--b• ~ Elawtor1. - called -.,. tbe ---...... -w.lit..,..-1• : I I.ml-· .. --........ . ... _ 1••·· ............ ._ • •la...... SI•• •a-A-, _ _, D 7'111 • .._, ----:.:·~· !<-'· ua13 ' a • l.lt&U.,•as, ..... ._ ............. IE SUlll • INSUlll -...-~ lu .. ........... 1,. ••ts•.-. .......... W. Shs1 I F1i1e Cotwtoou hi~ -... -... -... 111728 I .... Y ouire Invited • • • ' lo Our lnfonnal . ' G.P•N .;BOUS'7 .· IN OUI ilA fUL NIW ud ENLARGED STOU . -;.·: ... '·~ • AT THIE SAMIE LOC~TION -' . • ·FRIDAY IYENr"4G, MARCH 23 ' ... 'I • ,ill M 1t:lt P. II. ' AU DA SATURDAY,. MARCH' 24 .. ' -t:tt .L & \IO t:M P. M. ~ ~ ~i · Come •nd se th• l•test id••• in home furnis_h· , in9i in M•pl , 1Ratt•n, Wroo9hf: Iron and P•tio F!lrniture; ala Alumi114m and Cenvas '.Awnin91. w._ are sure' 1eu will f .. I it w•• time ~ .. II spent. LESLIE J. BURT l ' f , ' I I ' . ' , ' • ;.l.1au11, \, , AWNING " ' , \ • • ' . j , l , i . I I I . • . • J • 1 I r j I · . . ' NO rARIOILl~G! ~ WtlOLE !OR j SHANK .HALF WILSON'S SLICID 49c COllN KNG . 1-LI. CILLO PKG ...... 1 .. , .... I • .. Sl'llN5 LEC O' LAMB 73~. • ii~il~~---~OL~s -45~ t 47~ IA.IT 11 fo J I ... Avera9e I SPARE RliS ' l'eclflc Gokl lartfett 29C PEARS·"ct~12 Crisp J•lcy, w • .w ..... wi .... , APPLES • • 10 ~45c S Jlllc,_alwnlff Neve) . "RANGES · . -. H...iy"H-•Toter" lat ... ........................ _ ... _.... ...... -----.......... -·· . U, S. lkJ 1 ID.AHO IUSSET POTATOES -· ........ -... -.. -............ ........... . .. -----.. . ....... .. . " JUST ARRIVED EASTER LILIES : See Our Stock for Yo'ur Sefection I WINES and LIQUORS 95c . J HOIMIL'S NISH Ll'YERWURST HOlMIL'S DRICIOUS BOLOG-NA . Jl.OIMIL 'S KOLIASl-lkr hater.,M.,.111 .. 1 Polish· Saus.age • DAl'T-IM .. "-Pa1te•llH W..... Mlllll JACK-CHEESE · . . 9~· . SW ET PIClll'S SALE! I < F!ackecl by Pictsweet > 1 cur··1cOiiN ·,:~1sc SVtln PICK N'S . 17 PEA "GAIOIN 12-. C NISH" I'll.. .1 ~ Glenmore • ~':i-:"1 , k lNTUCU SllAi,Mt $439 IOURIO, .,.,lltc:IY • 90 rtoofl 1 ' Gl••l!I.,..'• "We4 la tlle Weel' 'OLP THOIPSOI ILIN~ $~57 WHISUY... .. . ~ Pl"H I . . , 'i>iL~-LES .. J25c .. ' ~,. •• ,. ........... , •••• 1 • ~· ... ' ...._ --. ' ~ ' .,. . . -j .Mt~L£, 'suo5 ~. -~·IDI I { ·~rl ·, ,, I ' . .• I :,.. \Alfil ' r&•; •. ·~1,f I ' '.SC~LlTI; BOC :K .. 2-ltc - • • -1 • . 1K CHIUI -'VELVEETA. CLAWS ITIAI-· lllY · FtOI -• - • • • • • I ! • l .. I l • ~ . ~ltT a.(y POST ;4ll!li ShCf I A .a Nt\Yi · • • l . W .. a.ay, Merch 21, 1911 • ..... AJrD , !! ,.,e !NZ!!~ . •!'!::"°~o~n,.~··~u!!''~'~'-!!-..,....;-1 -= iw ~ ~ •UU .OJJID, 'lll and peddle • ""~ - -.,...., ie. oo """"'· °""""' .~er E!Jgb)ea " l n-atoii ·--ll<I cm dal Mar. Pb. Bar. 111J.W. I J'ff. •· .,...., Barw ~' 13)116 Used ' . f--r·-r-'-'-' _, --·~+-...;:.' _.;::.;::::;::;::;~;:,.;;.., ::?:~:!.....!...::.:;:~· ~;::;::.:::='.!!~ . . 'Fm·· -. ' ._...... I . !'°"" WI: HAVJll J'ULOOLOR; ruu,.' wi ~.,.. bell! trfdlq. I •• 5 ,, N. ewport' ~ -l.u .. ~g·h' ._ NEtfS'.: ~: Eter) TN•'•,. L0aT-.IAdt19 ~lf-i • , ...... In STlS N-_b .. wall tlnlth. CroWJ?S -Royals ~. n6w have ~vent l '""'! "" ., wan W.i...,. ...na... W'-'-1 _l alley, '°'i ~raela, C::-de! Aioo ,._I -of colon.,.,_ , • , , 2 -. .......... ~---....,.,~.., .-.,,. rvi:t.I.·-.: --••:-... ·Mar. '1>eiie Bat. zHG..W, ·-patnUq lallr)lcUool """ color See John Huvey I . ',.... eld, lrwd. r-. oe-~ BALBoA p-ftmacW-Jp. m. nets ptanaer r-I 1950.CHEVROLETS, ALL MODEi.$ ,_.., pa14. ~ -• _ -.,-t;;llT 8 , r rill BALBOA MA.RINI! HDws. co. 1 at Seacraft Lbca1 can, very low mi:.,. $88.950 ....... -rf!!'Y :·:..~·-;-r:c;:. .. Ta 9 J ' ~ -rtrti'!~=-~w~ Bui;~~ Drift ·~COAST HIGHWAY I-,, llDl1llCJM All a s & Ullm B°"ce -p .. boot ~ Co<-A. Good Place to Oo NEWPORT BEACH Well equipped. "-..ilJO, he&t«, ete., .... 0 ,_ •-.. ,..,... c.-ra .. , ., ., 1 rs ma .... dot x.r. Ph-11ar. ~~ 1 __________ Nct_ ri. BEACON 1111 Htte PRICED 'i'O SEI.L New 3 bdrm Home 'Iba 1.... 9 .U 'l'Jllll!:&llOOTI>.RUUl-JpolH -----------Ai.(, ral _...... ..._ -0. 11-7 la Ooel& K• & I-. I ...... Liie LOST-Wrist -lob.. ln.ocrtpUon m!K. llnet, tackl4 and JMI' box CUl'l'&Jl CLASS -11 tt. tloop. Mlve .. ~ WOn• carL am..,.. otlltt lonlJ' -... - ' U.. I hpen I.II . I "1'rom Mu to Viva, 1H01 LMt lbcellent CODdlUoa. MUST RD, 2 matnan.o. I JllM (lncludln~ Cul · hwd. tlool"O .... --n. ...,. a .. wm aot M aa;rele tar.,,. uaa. _. 1111 ~·-viclnJty ol Pea.ny A.read4. J'\ln 171. 50I Martiold.Ave .• Col'OD& one "t new nylon ). Excellent bertson Chevrolet Co. work .Ulrou..wt. A. M&ut.1.fal b:Wtka Of aa a~ 1 ll"9 Ul• ftcttt to oonect.17 + Pt) Zone. ft.ewtrd. Har. OllQ.·J. d~l Mar. tSct5 con~tsoa. HOO. Bar. lHL 13ctl Che'TI'Otet A Oldanoblle Dealer Jloene. SI.toe 40Wll: • .. .JLA. aa,, eat aD adl and to-njeet U7 adWrtilammt aot COllftnlbla to " Npte 2U1 Cout H . b N n--U.150 ca a. L nii. ...i ,.,wau-. Advatt! IMMta aa4 --wtlf loo ---------'---BALSA RDWD. BURJI' BOARD •'MOORINGS 1g way, ewport .... ch, Ph. Bea. IU2 $11,500 acctptad up .to. p.m. ""I.ho-..-publlcatloil.,,,, Jbr.1~· LOST--Or.y Cocl<olffl-wit)' ..ct XLNT. CONDmON. U6 OPEN SUNDAYI l :IO to I • ' ..._ ...... tile. -* rw •M ~ .: ..... _. .. cheeka. Sunday 10 a. m: at•r Phone Harbor lTOO Pleuure and Commercial 1 NEWtOaT ···-f'1!BLllqllNO co. • Jumlne • Ocean Blvd .. Corona t 5pH LIDO PENINSULA U-JTOm • omom G I Reaal nn --.. ... ,.., llne, ~ d•I Mar. Reward. Pbon .. Har· -ST--,IJRDcs=--:T-Bs::UIL=-=T-2--Wbee7C:"'-1-Bo-. YACHT ANCHORAGE ........ Why Be • . e bor 1181..J. Hell t.rall•r with ·u platoa. S00-1• lEnd or stat Rt. Harobr 2301 BU~·-9 BLDG. at n• eo..t "Half" Dressed 1 --~ "'11Y ' :rn ~ Cl888ified Index 1•---11 amMl.•1 .......... lt lkalkll•1 ...... t • Pen 17 s te 11-Y-00.: ti ,.,.. •••••• .,. JT •• 11a1 O.V.ctau .. _.,. ..... ieu~ n-AMI ni-e ... _ "~ .. t.t& ··-111!1_ W_ n BtlpW ..... n lale. llWsDa •AR- llW ....... ~ n ran.thm>hr- n-.t. .u-................. .. !II __ .. Dep, c.to. .... M PoaltrJ', •• ,.. .. ., IJy...teek 11·8pel!lal Am I e !It .. II r'az11 Opp11...._ ., _ .... _, U A.pub ta ... Br• J uar .,_._, 'I S-L II' I r.z •• .. ._ ... _ ''Tr ... " ui.mrw._ nrw UA.wtee WuW MA-lloiola !';:"l'~DfO -~ ti ~ 2110 8erran A NEWPORT BEACH Btshway. Newport Beach. I rmt Luc• conlft lot le &ood loca.-~.,;,.,. · 0 15;~ l2c<I puking In roar. Sultabl• for ,...1 Thia Easter? lion n.u acllOola. 8umtilt ;y.-__ ._ ___ ...;.~-"'--la-AITU.t.nONR WA.Nftll , Df'l'ICIUOR -l:llTaUOll PAINTING LICl:NllllD -INllUUID Glenn Johnston . 5Cll ·llat 11t. N-port - ~rntT..J Nffl WE RENT ELl'CTRIC paint 9J'r&ytn, noor aa.nden, poliaben and prdenin1 equ.lpment. Btrootl TeWlnkle Hardwan, 1802 NeWJM)'rt Blvd., Coat& Me•. Phone Be&. &222. PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1~15 Banta A..na Ave., Coata w ... EXPERT prdener dulrM ~work. FOR 8ALIC or ·TRAD&--Box or Hu power machinery. Pb, Bea. cunp traller. alum. box, bomber 6283-W. tltfe wh....__ air lboeka, <' • T'. WJt. llOO. Good lltte. FTh"Z LA UNDRT or 11'Cfti11~ only. W Al<:"T Boa~ lum-. or! to '200. Curtalno. B•lp with din. plartl•. 211 • 29th BL, Newport llff<:b. Pick-up ud deltver. Kni WU-t6p97 Uuu. Call Bar. 1~5. 14c99 ------------ CHILD CAJ!J: WANTED ty ex· IO--A.PPUAN<lZll perieneed mhldla.red w o,m a .n.. , doy or eve. Mrt. Dick' 12114 WE REPAIR !3rd. Harbor 2.5.ll·R . 1-f~pN all makH of Wubinl' macb.lnes, WILL CAR!: for 2 or S small chµdren ln my re1ldenUal\homti. Fenced yard. outdoor play equip. Reuonabte rate•. by ho\tr, day ">·or wHk. Mn. Monteomert. Bea. 1)021-W. 18ff 8. Monrovia., Cotta MeN. 15p9T Ironer• ed ncuum clunen. 8TftOO'I'8 TeWlnkle Harcbnre, 1.,, Newport Blvd., Colt& Me•. Beacon 5222. l8c98 .APT. IIZE GAA !U.NGE, oven eontl'OI, $50. Be&ooe. 81&0 or Beacon ~72-W. 95c97 Phone Beacon ~ ~ WA.l<Tm> T9cl•1 ~....:;;::;:::~...;.~~::;_---- TABLll TOP GAB RANOS ln &ood ronditlon, NO, K81mor• &l'ita tor wa.111\er '"· Hoover vacuum recondttloned St&. SM 1 11th. eo.ta MML Beacon. ."90-W, --------- PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m-... 1t.. ONta - -6'5T·M - REP AIRING and PAINTING R.EASONABLI:. tare• or 111naU Jobi. Fl'M utlmah!•. Har. 2$31-R HAULING DOUGLAS LONG BEACH IS NOW HIRING TRAINEES MEN With Shop Experience You Will Be Paid While You Learn Assembly Work 15cllT ~ roa s.u.& Buy Your TV NOW! See th-LOW Prieea: 2 New Admirals l>emonatratore, Save $70 ea. e •tat e, accountant. dentWt. / offer tor .,.._.,. equity; 1'1111 1~· LnlAN with 10 H . P . M... IA1Vyer, l>arber or beauty llhop. Surely you can match your may Ila tho -.1a ton. eury outboard. anchol', ~Fin , florlat. ete. C&U Bea6on 5044·W. _ .. ~ 1ScK budgrt and 11onnet with Beacon Hill R alty rope ..... and compl• .. equip-e menL Male• offer. oo Lido one of. th-dozen beaut1-' <t4I Newport 111..s (Ne&r J.rchM) Nord. Lido 1a1e_ HpH U-APA.llTKENTa • JIOUBU ful cnwdng neceuitiea! Phone -.. 1n1s1t tllctf BOOKS-SEA BOOKS RENTAL t1 A !Ina litodl: ot -• an :r-dtt-. I SPECIALISTS tns oubJacta-1'1118 an -·• 1toob. t.-dlnc lfbru7. The Islanders IH Jlaria._ ..,_la. lier 1MI 14.n. _ BURCHCRA1"T plywood boat dd trailer. Excellent con· dltlon, 1280. P'ln~ce, courteay to b1'okera. 542 W•tmlntter Av• .• New-port SH.eh. 9Sp9~ NEED HELP? Con.ult aJtuatlon wutff: lldli OT pl•~ a cl..ttted tn the Nnva- Tim... Poet ud P,.... combina- tion at 12 per wffk, mln. Phone a.Hor 1111. 14-MUSIC.U.. JLUllO c.n -c.ais Linwood Vick, Rltor. -ltlaa4. liar. IJOU .,... CORONA DEL MAft. 120 Mari· sold. Two bdrm. unfurn. Fire· pl~. Patio .• G&rase. Yearly lf"hct C>'wl)er W. 8 . J'•lrweather, 2t00 L&mbe:rt DTlve, Puadena, ST 2·~9. 17pll LIDO ISLE U J'OU want a rental oe UDO ISLI: ... ... a.Teral lonlJ apt.a. A.I.lo hon1• a..U.ble. P.A. PALMER INCORPOIU. Tm> ' ' IAI VI& Udo Bari>« 11500 ....., Hite TRADE your old piano or band --------'----- lnttrum.nt for It• full ca.ah BAJ.fBOA -Yearly rental, 1 bdrm valu• Oil • Packard Bell tele.-f'ul'nl.tb«!'d apt. l f'xcept Unens ). Yi.lion at SHAFER MUSIC Co. Phone Harbor 0331-W. litlpt (since 1907 ) 421 N . 8\'comon:, Santa Ana. Kimberly 2-0872. BALBOA ISLAND &3Uc HOUSU Jt.11."D .A.PTS. •35 DE SOTO cpe. __ , ___ $ '5 ---------- '38 FORD Sedan -- '39 PONTIAC cpe. _ 295 '.0 PLY. club ·---·-.... -295 ''1 STUDE. aedan -·-'85 '•t PLY. oedan ___ ·--·--··-5415 ''1 DODGE aedan ----· 58li ''6 DODGE oedan ---·-109ll ''7 CHEV. oedan -·----· 11815 '' 7 CHEV. club --.. ·--11815 '47 PLY. club ----·---.. ---1185 '50 FORD 2 dr ... __________ 1765 S ~ TltR.M8 A nUabl@ on all - Mo.t c•rs fully equlpp.d With Rad.Jo., Heat"'· e~. SH.~ VER MOTORS• Tour DODGE -PL YMOUTR Dir. 1938 Harbor BITd. ea.ta M~ , 3 BR'11 & Den 2 Baths -Lota . of Real Home .Good Style- .A Good Buy For Sbowin1 Call 1948 BUICK super 4~r ffd..n ""-R. -.r, onct. r1n1ab. LoJ J. A. BEEK Office mlleap, Royal Muter tin•. t l owner. llOll Marleold. Corvna Balboa llland P'eny dtl Mar. Ph. Har~ llfT·W. l!p ' • ' OOIO'Lm'9 BOUUI CLaAJCDlO ---...... .. m,..,..,-me esttmat.-Any kind, truh or! , Walker, JOI -11th Street Thl}I exc•ptional opportun\ty t• open to . men with t@neral mechanical or abop upe!rtence • Ag4!• 2t to 40. 1 11" Admlt..i phono -comblnatton AM • Jl"K r&dio. ricord player wu $4'8.15. now pa9.115. TEAR.LY OR SgASONAL COMI: In and play the wonderful Sli!'e ~GAil.. CA.l\NEY with Nf'w Hammand Chord Orran. 'Evf'n It you don 't, know a note Nelda Gibson, Real F.atate. of mll.llc you ean. pfay beautlf\11 308 Marine, Balboa U:l. Har. 502 music In ten mlnute.1. DANZ-~ 89ttc 'SCHMIDT Bil' Piano...,nd OrpnL_ "~p-.. -. -ple--do-,..-d-1.ho--,...--t-"a-do. Co .. 520 N. Main, Santa An&. STATION WAGON ~ Plymouth, 1937. new motor;-cuo. 111 Vla Dijon, Lido ltle. l3p95 -....Bays~u yr-=·~-= 1'11117-. . Newport Beach H•rbor 291-R Al'a House & Rug Cleaning Co. PRECISION .... U1l nue Watch Repairing For Venetian Blinds, ELECTRomcALLY Shad .. and Drapery Hdwe. =, AND TIMED THE SHADE SHOP Loucks JewelryL 171e Newport Blvd., ea.ta Jhl& Free eatimatell Ph .. Har 884 _ . . 151' ·29th St. Newport Beach Alcohollca Anonymoum 13tfc SHARPENING Write P. 0 , Box 21» ' Bal-ltlaad, Calif. Phone Khnberl7 l..Qt:I All tooi. • lawnmowen -pinking •hean. knJvn, 1-9 p.m. 6 Sun. Patio Furniture PAINTED FIXIT SHOP 609 Cout Highway Newport Beach Phone Beacon 6451-W t:leT There Are MANY AD .· VANT AGES for y Oii in .-Using • • • • NEWPORT-BALBOA .NEWS-TiMES . . NEWPORT BAY· POST ·-Md SHOPPING. NEWS NEWPORT-6ALBOA PRESS Cl ASSflED ADS·. •• ' W..t A•1 lft- I • QUtCK , ACTltt6 FAR-REAQ;iltl6 EVER-11MRY ECONOMICM. ·. ' . . ·EAGERLY ~OOKED FOl NEED RLL:IN& PROFfTAILE:' - \ . . 1-.ops 'PW Ml Ill -• ._ ,..... ... ,,,... Is .. 1 ..... . ~ -~ •• , Es' ..... , • Qualitled applicant.a wlll ~ hired and after 2 wttka tralnlJf& job- ratf'd tor promoUQJ\. PLANT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE LAKEWOOD A CAR.,'iON RoO.r• I a.m. -4 :SO J(.m. Mondor lhN ll&tug DOUGLAS Aircraft Co., I c. Long Beach Div!ai ... _ SAVE $70 14". Admiral TV phon~omblna· tion In FM radio, record play- ar. Wu IH9.t6, now $299.15. SAVE $70 USED PI.A.NOi from $811 up. Good playin( condition. D A. NZ- SCRMIDT, ~20 N, Ma.in, s·anta Good T" Motorola TV with U · Au. cor. &th. panded mask. New plctUT'f' I ------------ tube, t yr. ruarantee On tube. Only ·~l.15. . ,_ RENT A PIANO, P mo. Six mo. rent applitt on purchue at 8HATrft ~fUSIC CO. 181.ntt l 907J 421 N . 8ycamor., Santa Ana. Klm~rly 2·M72. 80tfc LOVELY upper 2-bdnn, untum. apt. 10'5 N. Bay Front, B.ibo& Island. Perfect sun d~. IM Pft° mo. Refermcet required. llarbor 04tT-J. l:kl7 Vl:RY CLEAN 1948 ){~rcury ted. 1300 tor eqult.p. Bank financed, 1780 balance, monthly paymt.1 MO.· Pb.. Bu.. MT .. W . HpH HAVE '41 Nuh 2-dr. Mdan in pod condition. Want to trade f0r a pick-up truck. 4ST I:. 11th St.. eo.ta Meaa.. Phone Beacon &MJ.R. HcH Modern home, 2 oveniu bedraorba. lA.rJ"e llvlnl' rm .• ttttplact, d1A. area and bar kitchen. This )'09 ahou1d .ea ----- PRICE $15, 750 Linwood Vick, Rltr. 112 Marine A•<t• "Balboa ltlaa4 Phone Harbor 204.1 INS PONTIAC OONV&RTIBLI!:-$4,50() f'1il price AU e.xtru. Very cleu. white Small down p&)'l'D-ent. '60 mo. 4- •ldnralls. <>wner must Mil. Ph. room houn, '3:00 ft. Jot. Wallr• UllED CAR 8ALE.8MAN-A '14!ty ol'ood poytnc Job to th• r1g"ht RC.A CONSOLI: ll .. TV, llkt new with AM 6 FM radio, ~autlf'U) mUop.ny cabinet with doora z.,,.z,.,_, ___ ,.,.,_,_, ,z,.z_,. __ ,,_ $32<.I~ WANTED : M plan<>11. Trade ln your old piano on a Grand, 8pfn· f't or beauUt'UI t elevitlon. Hlrh- e~t raah allowance. Term•, DA NZ·SCRJ.ftDT PIANO CO .. cor. 6tb., 620 No. Maln. Sant& Ana. LOVELY Furnlahtd apt., prtvate paUo. Ma.y be rented u .tnl'fe, ~ttptng 2 for $30 mo or '*itb extra. bedrm tor 11:i mo.. uUl. p<1 ; Harbor 19-RK (Call am or eve.. 13ct~ Bea.eon .a150 before .~ p. m. or tnr distance downtown. 8&f W. {evf'•. Beacon 13;2.W,. Nct7 UJ:Vt SL, COllta Mesa. (°"11tt -: man. < TR!JODORE ROBll<a, 1'ord Dir. Newport Beach. Harbor UO 93c9~ GENERAL INSURANCE Arency bu oJ)'ening for oftlc4' strl. Xnauranc• experience neaitN&ry. Writ• P. 0 . Box U , ~boa i.tand and at.at• quallftcsl.tions. 13<:9e UllED Wlltl!! RECORD&R. Goo<! value at ···-···········-·-·--· .. --.199.~ Kttp Ill touch with us tor rood bu)·• 1n TV aeu belnr traded In -1------------ &A.IT TICRM8 AIULU<OICD DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1885 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MU. Pl\ont Beacon gn SPINET. Brllnd n~w but cut altrhtly dama1ed In ablpment. A wondf'rful bar&aln. 8••e Sl40 <ttnulne. Tf'rm•. Dans-khmldt Santa Ana, 520 N. Maln. comer eth. Over one hundred planOI. UNTURNISHl:p I bc\rm hollff, fireplace, snack bar. Enclo.ed patio, laundry, prage. TSO Heli- otrope, Corona dfl Ma.r. 93cl5 EASTER .RENTAL 2 bdrm bOWNt near beach -avail- able 'til June 1~ or Euter week. AL80 BA T1'RONT APT. J bdnn, S-l>ath 'til June 15 by wk. or mo. GREENLEAF A ASSOC. 1111 Newport BlTd. Har. 2MJ •41 DeSOTO CUSTO)i Coftverttbte aJl.125 Pomona) Bea. 8T~;i .. whit• wall tire•. Radio, heater, -,..---------- 1 owner. Ex~Uent condition. Low mileap. ;t2293. 808 Acacia, Corona dtl Mar. 9ftcl7 l 950 CHEVROLZT Dix. Coupe- 81.7• Alea tu.. priTate party. 612 -llth l!lt., Newport Beach, EVENING&. 1~7 'II CH&VROLl!:T 2-dr. Sedan, $15. or will tn.de! Ut • UU. St., Newport.Beacb. 15p91 Joe Says: "If you have to MU or rent- )lave th1 prlc• rirht a.nd Give I• to a Broke!'-'" • JOE CALLI Lie. Rff.l i:.t&U Broker 2122 N«Wpert BIYd.., Newport Reh. Phone H&rbor 224W W ANTJ:D--8kt~r for prtjate 40 ft. erut.oer. Mwit be eapo~I· aw ffilabl•. llportflall\il( •"P· ........ ury. Jtx~Dent all year pbtilUon I------------ for tho right man. Wr1t•·quall· Jack's Furniture BPl?li"ET RqoM., Pay out balance, $215. Another npo19o.. .. 1on 'at 139~, coat new MlD. Ju« like new. Term•, DaJls..lchmldt Bl& Piano Store, 620 N. X&1n. corn. llh. SMla Ana. -' R.C}OM J't.JRNISHED ApL, unit .,. roan ConT., radio, htr and I------------ l'f-&E.U. UT.an w:uiut> ncaUona, rtvtn& ref•ttno.t and l506 W, BALBOA BLVD. aa.lary wanted. Wrlte 80'JI: D-1 heat. fireplace, prqe; year wb.lt.ewaJ.11, 203 G('&Dd Ot.nal. .-.I, $7& mo. 140I W . Bay Balboa loland. .. _15pel ' ' Listin~ Wanted tlt.11: paper._ tfcH BARG.AJNS In uaed and unpala.t.ed turnltur• Aft: Harbor ~130-R. 15c91 --Olaaolllod o4a an -d 1'J' (olb J'UtL TJMJC automobile meeaen-I Buy, Sell or Trad• ORAND PtANOS -U9fd, Knabe Chlc-kerlnr, Muon and llaJ\'lln. 8ttlnway, l:'verett. Sohmer, Wurlitser, Starr Kimball Many .A. zJB&DROOM: ud a 3-bedroom who an loo~ to bd1. _ unt\un~ houae tor rent. In-_____ .::_ _ __: ___ ~ ' l!letter.rna. ..,,,_ nntala In pod loc:aUoa.t pr and part-time clerk.. Perm. Pbone Harbor 2502·R Wutern Union Teltf"'&P~ Co., ~e 4:'5 Potnaettia, Corona del 11--110Hn TO LO.Al( "- 2303 Balboa Blvd-, Newpo~ Bch. I . ·, ~ t6p9S •••·&~ EVERYTHING J J'OR '!:OUR· TiiAiL$:a Wll nu. tn!TA!m """ PllOPAJOI TA!Q[ll , °""'~ mtalliuc., ,_,. ... "'*""" " .. TnJltr. -.iJllDOM. ' Rm F••llM'IMl l:Dlall.,..... ORANGE COA$T TRAil$R SUPltLY D10 ll.UUIC>ll BLVD; OOtla x-; ,,,_ ••-~II POWllLL 't7 ,,,_ _. .... , rood eoaclltton'E:ood -L 11814.I w .. t llalboa New~ 1'eedi. Phone r. 1.Yl·W. INc:tt T::rl,i: I Inch, % iii{-. J'OR OR TR.AI>lll tor °" adc"or "'~N or -. ~ an-w, Jo 1- l'Vl"l'~!_;BQ~ MUST~ MOVED BY ~P.,.J'IRST CUSTOM KADE 8011' A, dow1) cuahiona, imported broca.telle, neutr&l color; aoft red i:ultom . road• c.h&Jr, down euahlon: a oriental rup; WfinUt cabbiet; and walnflt Jila.lffe,rob@; ~lamp&. plctW'ft anc! brl&a.tn,c.. 212 Mom.bl&' CUyon Rd, , lltore K~. . IOpH ________ .....,_ LOANS For Homes · John D. Burnham I07 II:. BALBoA BLVD. _others. From "~ 'Up. Dana- Sehmldt Big Plan:o Store, Santa Ana, 520 N. Matn( comer Sl.h. LOVl!!LY USED SPINET PIANO. Jik• n•w. Terma $50 down a.nd I Balboa Island AttJ.e:uve 2 bdrm modem home. Ftrepl&ce, Ulltum. fJlCept Bell· d1a wuher. CltU.. Corona Al Mar. " Nc11 $15 mo. at SHAFJ:R MUSIC L " od . 00. (Since llO!) •n N. 8JCA· mwo Vick, Rltr. . ·more, Santa Ana. ~berly Ill lbrtne Ave., B&lboa Ia.land 'Rattan F'unliture J-08'72. .. , .t3tfc t Pl!On•. Barbor :aQu .... la the P!dlllpbtM. 04. RENT A PIANO. ~ per month. ~ .J.rm. apt., $60 mo. ! hi our own __.ll lbopl.. ..All Wit a lkn¥ejd if yuu buy with· A.dulta: No pet.I. A.valkble .Apr. Wlde ddu ol. tallrlta. 1n lt.nna. DANZ-ICllKIDT Oo.. til "1811 rtallertort ATll!'., Cofta. ~ 410i&Y la ... c.Jlt. • 120 N. Main, 801tta A.Ba. -l.'b.. -0131-"'-HeH. ~ and ... ~, 1--------..---- HOUSE .._ GARDEN EL&Cl'IUC O~AN. Uk• ...... .Cll . .tamoue male•. 1a._ .. $200, tonna. Ill Oout Bw7~ Mwpt., • ..: UT! -trifled orcan.t-onl)' $170 JlAPLI: MID 'DivAH -,upboL ll'or c:lnucll or -· Dus· ctialr., 2 !Ntt.ft)> aad tal>loo llclunldt, 120 J:l. MAia. -; Ith. and c0tt.. table. lllloe. -liold ltmlL .1TIO Aoollelm Aft.,1-'------,------ Coota M-11-talT:'RK. RENT.Als fOHN D. BUltNJLUl Mt E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa " Barbor 1007 , ILUlBOR lier! ' • RllOULAR f\O % c (10-20 yn.) G. L 4% (20 yoan) FHA. <1(-;G. (20 ,,. ... ) --.-----. ------ eon.true. Lo&u 1-a~r.c1• yrL> ei eg••· m.in a"Bt?!o• N'o QommJ-u. chc. on Metro ·loanl l· • · Wo buy and aoll ~ Daoda Will trade --n 1t ',,.* clear CALL BOB RATn.ICR' · __.. 0-, • Har. 2Ml f'!I' ,.,... ApprataJ Lido IaJ&....!.for ocean front llop. POIRD:ll MORTGAGE CO. Balboa. w.tro LI.le 1na. run.i. KI wiaa Balboa Realty Co. TOO & llol-lll'fd., llal- Ha.-1&I -· '• ' I • • ' . . . \ ' , • • • • < • • 1 ' l • ,) ( ) t • • ' • • • • • l • NIWPOlT IA Y POST _, SU0••1t• 7 ... . . WHEN YOU WANT 10· BUY. SELL. EMPLOY. RENT •. OR ... SE .THE .. , • ftZALm!AB New Tract .. ., COAST ORANGE ACR ' l'Mi~tlal c:o1111Dunity. ' .REAL. • EST-A TE -LIDO 18'·"" i. dlftemit """' .. 1,y No. 2 • T-~ ~ I' ' _ ....... _. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor ,_. 4 S. JO~ J. MARTIN ·; '311 Marine Ave., Balboa lsl&Dd · Ph, Bar. 16'71 or 1672 Har. 746-M or Bea. eo.2-R Evea. A'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm .. liv. nn.. din rm., full balh home, fenced and landscaped on 2 Iota on Grand Canal (LiWe Island) Room for 3 m<ire unit.. Fully turnl'ahed. Make otter -Must aell • 33' OWENS CRUISER, like new, Iota of eXtru 70 hours only on engines. Cost over $12,000. Will aell for $9,800 or trade-up for small 2 bdrm home If good: location Newport Beach. Call Mr. Janes. NEW MODERN -Attractive 2 bdmi home on comer lot, Balboa Island. Room for one more unit Reaaonably priced, including new Bendix waaber at $15,500. Small down payment. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR BALBOA ISLAND BUY 2 bdrm home -fireplace -knotty pine interior. 31~ PLUS small apt. over garage · It iA leased till Oct. lat Need• some paint outside. Attractive buy at $13.750, If you can wait for possession. Shown by Appointment. LIN:WOOD VICK, Realtor Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor BACK BAY RANCH 2042 BEAUTIFUL ' ALL REDWOOD RANCH HOUSE with 'un.lurpueed view of bay. Separate sue11t hOUM and complete caretaker'• quarters. C>Ter & acres. fencf'd and crou-fenced. We consider lhia the finest ranch in the back bay area. SHOWN Bt APPOINTMENT ONLY EXCLUSIVE LISTING . STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 218 Ma.rlne Ave .. Balboa bland. Harbor 20 Do You want a home one block from tile oeean ! W• haw a beaut)' on a 45'-!oot lot. It hu 1 bdrm• ud .• den, a dbl pr. and an encld. yard. A lovely apot. FOR &Al.It ON THE OCEAN SIDE OF THE BLVD. I 'bdrm.8 and den. on a 30 or eG-foot k>t.. at U.. iow.t prlc• tn lhili nelrhborhood.. SH Thill! FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtor• and ,Buaineu Broker• Ill eo..t B\Yd. Corona de1 Mar Har. U&I 95clle NEW LIDO ISLE !tEADY SOON -Bey vtew. S bdrma, I bath, din.. de.it. Cor- n•r ~fireplace. J'arced air h~t. bar type kitchen, 2-car garage. .£or. 8t. to St. lot. Prtce $22,000. DUTCH COLONLU. $1,200DOWN New 2 bdrm home. very well con- atructed, wide lot. Hardwood, tile, euy l'HA payment.. on ba.1. FuU price-- $8 ,500 Eastside -Close In Very nice 2 bdrm home ln excel- lent location. Rwd. tile, cheer- M kttcbea\ and moat Unble. Separate laundry room, P~«e.. otber couta1 lftL Here ~v ..... tine! homu with -.,..i George .M,. Holatein & So NlCll CLEAN I BDRK ON Ii prtce to flt your pocketbook! acrt HsJ>&CtO\W bdrm.a. tu ·pr 0n LIDO 18u: property · ..... J... Built . Homes -Ii 'llii trorn Newport•. B1..i'. enjoy two long ell'<lchel of pri· STILL NOTHIN"' DOWN TO Price j Of $8,l!OO lnclu'clea nice vate bothlnr bMch. teft1\la u-fllrnlt"-BARGAIN! ' . . Costa Mesa , Bargain , courta, quit! wrconreated af.o., ' EXCEPT J:SCllOWI AND IMPOUNDS commodlc:ria community pl~'l>­h-. dlril>f noat end .landihl' pter for pleuure cratL ' ' We ..-e the DEVELOPERS lot LIDO ISLE. The beat BUYB ~ made ln our office. Beautltul homu can be bo\ight tor u )Ow u $19,600. BAYFRONT horrie1 for u UttJt u $31.abo on , a Juce Jot. ~ l Also a few cbolce lot.I at l"'Ckk bottom prlcf'•. The.w lott •re •lllil.I very tut. The law ~or aupply and demand -wtU certain- ly lncreue their valuf'. For LIJ)O ISLE houu1, lota ,ar rentala, tummer or year arouind come to P.A. PALMER INCORJ'OR4 TED 3333 Via Udo Newport Beach, ,Ca.lit. Harbor 1&00 . For Excellent Buys in CDM, See These! ' LO\.ELY I t>dnn home. w to w carpeUnl', drape-a, 2 ftnpla~1. enclOAed patio. PLUS turn. abt. over dbl. prage. 80 tt. cor. rot So. of h1ghway. Room tor a.c¥'1 unit.a. 117,™, termL l IN Corona Highland• N'°w 2 bdrm ranch·lype ho e. large lot, expanatve ocean vi~w trom JoveJy panelled Hvtnr rtn . 2 bdrm home ... PLUS J bdim apt. ove> rar. Laund'ry and h<!ib- by room. 11e.23D, term•. Ll1tlnp Wanted -Alao JltentJUa Ernie Smith, Realtor 1206 Cout Riway, Corona deJ )f.ar Phone' H&rbor 2867 •0<!•7 Look This Over · U )'OU llko to do a little fln"th· inl' on your nnv home, yoy'd l0'¥'e thill I lldt'ln, P-lnaala hoate HaU blk. to bly and near ,rood swtmmin.I' heach. Beautttul brick nrepl&ce, attractlv• Mr kitchen ill blrch wood.a. $13,500 Bay ,&.. Beach Real~y GJodea hy Ethel 8hlrJey 14M Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1:114 Owner Says "SE~" lmmM:ulat,. 2 bdrm horil.e, cl~ \Jl ~t Side. Gara1e. lath *·· and hobby room. SEE Tff18, then maltr. otter--· UNDER $8,100 • Irvine Ranch View lllST A Tl!: -tu Uy turnlahed I bhn hWd, floor turnace., ttrepla~. Only $8,:500, full .price, your ........ 2 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS 2 Bl\THS . $52.47 $54.12 $ .92 PER MONTH Plua Taxu ud Insuranc. PER MONTH Plu• Taxe.1 and Inaura.nce P MONTH PJu Tu:;e.1 and aura.nee ALL HOUSES BUILT UNDER F. H. A. INSPECTION AND APPROVAL All houaes with fireplaces, large unattached db le garage•; both ltreeta and alle)'ll paved ; hardwood flool'B ; Iota of tile in bathe and kit.chena. LARGE LOTS 62' x 125' TO 20' PAVED ALLEY Dual floor furnaces ; spacloua kitchens with tile drainboards; kitche111, baths and 8"rvice porches; 3 coata of enamel paint. Foundation -SOLID CONCRETE 2"x8" 'FLOOR JOIST ' . . ALL HOU SES PLA8TER.ED•WALL8. WATER SUPPLil:D BY ' NEWPORT HJ:IGHT8 IRRIGATION DISTRICT TO NON-G.I.'s on F .H.A. TERMS: from $61.97 per Month, including taxes and insurance , COAST ORANGE ACRES Between Tustin It Irvine Sta.-Above 19th lll COSTA MESA THE JOHN VOGEL CO. Exclwrive Salee Al!'enta ' 1301 COAST BLVD. I Harbor 1477 CORONA DEL Mil Harbor 1741 JOHN D. BURNHAM (formerly located at 2001 Ocean, Balboa) Announcea ·the Openinr of Hi.I New Office 507 J:ut Bail>Oa'"BlYd. . .. Balboa Harbpr le<rl Auocl&tu Sar&h w. Newlin James C. Newlin, Jr. · Helen McDonald BEACH SPECIALS A TTR. I •· It. Home. near Mkt. Trana. 4 Ocean.. Oval•· 15 ft. l.Dt: Price rt&'ht at fTl!OO. CHANNEL FRONT -Ideal Vacat&oe Hom._Pler 6 J'k>&t Well Built I yn.. old. Furn. Price 111.500. OCEAN J'RONT. Attr. ReclwoOd Homo, I •. It. A Don. Tutefully Furn. ftl,:!00. ' RUSTIC • EARLY .url:RICAN B~ new 2 bdrm home, me-- in( Mck ft.replace, ant. hdwd. Thia auty ill different. Prlced rt1ht at p ,:ioo. I bclnna end den, abt nranl bo.dmlnton c:Ourt.! lot. ot frult lrtt.. Thlo. little -,;.,,,,--;,-1 .. located .., nearly one th.il'd &ere ot poUQ,d. Jrithia & .. ton•'• throw Qf tjhoPpu\1 dlstrtc~ Prict at UJ,llOO and wort he,..ry penny. aa.aoo down, bt.lance on ' per cen·t 0 .11 loan. Bee Fred Barke(; 18th and Irvine, Bea.con 1716. -· • ,. ~ j . -. • i \ • I f ,,, a BD~ a. 1. RJ:SALE _ hwd. EARL W. 'ST~EY, Realt<;>r floors, dual tum .. ti.replace, tile. 15th aad In1De. Newpor.t Htt~bll (Acrou trom•Hirh 8cheol) aerv. porch, dbl pr., 80xl22 --------------------- lot t.lld more f'xtra.. Thill clf'an cut borne at 111,000 -$3,300 dn. ind $M ""'· I BltA.UTD'UL .\CRiii -ll!ut 1lde 1eo.ta w-.. ror you!! •- tale, or ready for 1ubdlNJon.. mao per r.cr<. Barney Francque REALTOR 400 E;. 17th St. at' Tustin Av . eoatal Mesa, Ph. Bea. ea1s Selected by Multiple U.ting All Outstanding Buy QFTHE WEEK .•. Modett I Md.room home ln lovely BAY SHORE EST A TES. Nooda Utteiµpr decoration. ' PRICE $9,500 Multiple Uattnr No. 1725 AAk About Thil at Any MULT!:PLE LISTING RLTR 911c97 FOR REAL. LIVING! NEAil OCE;AN FRONT-Within & feYf feet ot a lovely beach and tine.at Ocean 8w:inuntnr. 'P'18hing and Clam Dirrtnl' too, we ·offer you ~ exceptionalJy fine prop- erty -An attractive: and com· t~i. 2 be*oom hom• with ttreplace AND a tarp 1 bedroom apari.ment over a 2-car (dage. Redwood ut~rlor. BQt con· atructloe. A HOME with IN· COME end P!UCltD RIGHT at •1•.<ioo. AND around th• com. oa the. OCllAN FRONT thla dttllJbttul TREASURE, HUNT __) Call at our office for final clues l concerning th~e outstanding prope"'.iea BALBOA PENINSULA 2 Bedroom with •un·deck bayvleov ...... ~$111,000 ' 3 B. R. two story ,iun deck ocean view $21,500 4 Bedroom furnished, Oc'ean front ........ $40,000 CORONA DEL MAR ' 2 Bedroom, 200 ft. to bay beacll ........ _ .. $li,750 ... • JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd.. &!boa Harbor OMl'i or 1607 Sarah W. Newlin-J&ll!N C. Newlin, Jr.-Helen McDonald 9:>c97 • NEW CUSTOM BUILT 3 BEDRM HOME O,N THE. HEIGHTS A MUCH fINER HOME and better located than the average for only a bit more money. You )'lill love the large "L" shaped living and dining room. the glistening oak floono, the log burning fireplace along with an automatic floor furnace. You will · notice the tile kitchen and bath [u well ia the fine cabinet work. You will be pleued with the fin• · grade of materials throughout. even ln the prap. Tha price ia only $13,900 and rood tenno ca.a be ~ -Thia prpty. ia located in the city limita. W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor 2117 Balboa Blvd., Newport Bet.Ch Ph. Har. 24 2 s ; R.. redwood home often a ---..,-------------.----,---map.1t1cent virw and p I a y · ( """!'d' Very nneot ot -..true· LOVELY HOME, with view . . . lion, clever UM of colon a.nd n~ ~ _,, u BEACH d BR'',. '"""o 3 B R wood panelllnl' on interior. Cop-y · ..,..,.,.,..·'• . an ~ · · ' · • per piping tllruou~ U..UJ&ted, and large rumpus room, 2 ~ bath•. All carpeted tlnpl&ce with heatolator. Many wall to wall. Owner living out of town desirem olMf mu,...tlnc (eeturoa ' thet tO aell quickly. yo11 mutt eee for younelt. • . Tutetully tumlohed -.a Real OON'T WAIT. Excllllive with us. Prloed at $28,000 Buy at 113,000. MEA.THTAKING! Th .. 415 x W foot !lot otf•tl M UNSURPASS· 1:D pcEAN A BAY Vll:W. Bil• uated on. Cliff Drive ln Newport H•isbtl. Priced MIOW , market for quick -.le ·~ $4.200. • . .Apother Lovely View Home· OVERLOOKING OCEAN, BEACH and BREAKERb 5 ~ and den, '3\.1, bath& A rare buy. See thla ~y. Easy terma ' - THUi ,DELIGHT#uL HOIOl bu PRICE T. MeCUISTON Juel ' Iota and lote ol CILUUl. • Reattor A t:ruly beautltul home. On• blk. to Ocun ff'Ollt. two b1Ju: to bay. J'tne; Tiew/ of ocean and jetty trom bedroom. S bdrm&., . 11' 1-tha. unit heat. ti.replace, wNtber 1trlpped. pr. dlspoal. La.ts• wn d~. Priced rtght at ~.llOO. (lie.It room. TIWi t. a.n es.:cellenl 8M u. for t.he bat buys 1' home&. bu.Y at-tot.a, acreage and buatnu. p~ip- Alie Lal' BUYS -Several 25 ft.. LoU m. 0'1c Center Di«. CANAL FRONT CORNER, m* t•t.,. -tee mly u.ooo · CHOICJ: OCEAN FRONT CORNER, IO by 16 only $l.2eO • ON Balboa Point In but ,...,. •CORONA DEL MAR REALTY" CO. dentlal area. 2 B. S.. U'riqToom EARL W. STANLEY, Real\or with att..actl•e n ... p1ace. nice 503 Cout Highw•y . Corona del Mar Ph. Har. 47 3113 Newport Blvd., N...-port Beach paUo, lup 2--tar ...,.... Thla1--------..,-,--.,...---------- ·B,. A. NERESON ' For detaila call Mary DlcJceon Harbor 101S lt•ea Har. 2092-W won"t lut long. Only $H,OOO. LOQll'TMG FOR REAL VALUE? ? ? $8 ,500 erty. -r $4,750 FULL PRICE cute lrtodl hou.e 1 bile rrom beet Phil Sullivan MRA 1o1u1up1. Llatinr omco SoiJth Coast Realty .. ~' ' bothlac beach, good con~ltlon. C Gal De .. rl 1882 N•wport Blvd., Coata' M4aa B O l . FEW ' IN CORONA DEL MAR • ... TllO tum. • en n1so., Phone Beacon ~2211 Today's Best uy n ya ''MuJUple Uatlng Re&ltoro" 2 BEOROOM HOME -'$11,985 " --G. T. Everson : . . s·t LEFT 102 Main SL, Balboo, Hu .. JOM Co ' furnished' LIDO BLDG. SITES !\LU.TOR • -u oome ftOm . --~·t m l es "Near Pavilloft" • 111pletely . . ! - - -I 141,a boy tri>nt choice loc. 121.:ioo 490 Newpott Blvd Coote ,. ... PnetlA!el All a4 rqulaliJ' In tjll.a CORONA DEL MAR Th f' t in l 1 • Wlth 'all th-featuree IO ft. boy R'ont R-3 ··--··---· 9,000 Pho Be . s w paper will produce NMllu tor jl>u. e mes arge Ni rt H . ht.II -llottu than new. '• ft. •--'d • 000 ne aeon 12 4· • •wpo e1g ,;~ ft.-~~--::~:::::::::::::~::: :ffer Harbor 3U7-W or Btac<in MM.J $10,800 ocean I VleW h 0 Dl e "' --!:r"!1"'1~::.:::~ IMk -an tile.: a111 ~r.d~ ::.,~·~2 6 Units -rJol~~l~Jy~ • ~~ R~.':8~. dtl s l t e • overlooking a.ceptk\n&Df3.:!5!it on.:bed-~;-11~t"'!:: r.itncttv• ttr<pi.ca. Kar, Hdwd. noon. noor tumace. Newport Harbor. :'Iii ·-year-old ·bom•_ OD tco. -~ nnl and-.blo ........ in heart ot Balboa J B~. Modern $17,950 Large 1o~ 2 ~ yn. old. 0n11 Private Beach """"3' ~:-P:'!':;: _,.,_er-J&-. !loWenane-, Balboa Isl!Uld a.. to 11«7 end llbopplngl . '82.7& monthly with smau doWll manr tlno feetureL •• • -ctoee to obl>pe "'4 --· , Special $18•000 · Byfrnt. Home $24;,~ pa::~ Liotlal' N~.· 1121 ~=:! .ua ' --=~ -i: ~ ~ , . a -i-.., c1ott ·to rood ao11th SMALL DOWN-1 -utitlll Btadl. MooriJla. Coroni.'del Mar • TOM PAYNE R alt _ ~~~ ...... bl. ...,are. patio. ' . nnno. of-· Earl Ch•wnberlain ltMtrieted -· ' • e or ~· ·-Lonv term euy -ta ..... Ocean View ' 318 Coast ltJpway Corona cleI Mu .. ,,. : : . I Nelda a•~ D·-· ,., __ ' llOO Clout BlYd.. eo..... de} Kar Tenu availabM =:t' _ _:·_~-~ft~-~·~~~·-~-~-~1~',or~JLUUIO~~~!t~·~a~1,1:!w~_._....:~:..:.. °"11 '5.000 -.. at reaaonable rate of in ,_,n, ._. -... ~· (Oppooit• Newport -Benkl lloot t,.. ... ,. -• •• I· ~~·-~ -ll'Ull. ~ 809 Marine Aw, Ila!-~ ,.,,_, e..n.:,. 1281 Model Ho-to abo1I' 'lil' 111 .-...,...,· -..1 .. $13,250 I 1-Oll02 ·~ nttc °'· , . ao:" .. ::•;: . Bm BlJ,Y JI'; ICOSTA ~A :-=-o-=-:t·:-=-:-=-,.----. . OORONA llrt+,r. oilent "!rit.chel,. olc, Thia 'XODB:RN DUPI.J!l)t Oil corner lot '°4:',: Wiit • roll~ OR l.J:•n. u.~· PAINT and IDEAS ffiGHLANDS ' .. y at ... -pm.. ~-Stanley Hadfield .Balboa ~alty. lldnn h,..... Koc1. etucco, • 'jra. ww ~ _ • ...:. wiua· .~ .. fllr-• .,_ ... ilftio'A'.=•t i. .IM<-~reeldeatial , Eacla ~ ~ room • old. '1t.OOO tun ........, a.. owii.or -· ~ ~ ""'• ,_ O"""',_ '.with ..........,"' . ~'. 1 '•-'llNtOMI•. tiled Ill~ -I.oJand Ila. 20 r•--. .-I_, ....eli -.. ,,_..,._ 1 , .. ,.... ' • ...._ ,..;:-:--,i -e• ....i...; -''--------......;.~ TOO a. -lllft., llol ~I ltl""* -'"" N":..'1".a! Olw nlln•I -·ponll. ,,_ BlCh"'f 101 at Sie&Ward Jtd. 0.U • --at -1IOO -1*b ;rtth tul! ~ llbow6• harcl'woo.d; !..,...• with .. ' ' ., , For Sale by,. Own. er' • 11ar11or 1°' ~ ~ · '""C .-....... ane • tarc• 1--'--· · · de! ~:-!Har uw . ... PAT U"C"D • ••Goar. fireplaee la ,.._t i.pt. l'unlace lleat. ' -,...,. tllal. -............ ~ ............ ..... • • <A.·~ ..... ,.,_ .,. _--i 1'l ' . UDO Di.a HOJIS, ., -tot, 2 $1,000 down -u. ..... M1JOO. T'Onl' · ~,.., ' -Ljauadry ....,..;._ ....... pap. ~ -..true-· ,,.,..,.,, ftrooplaoe. -patio · . _ · 1· • U u~ 1 sua Via !Ma _Um tbrciqpout.'lMc•t: •Ana 10,.. ci.lt fttuni · .. .,.,, --. $4-,795 · · 1 ~a--:"'· .-·ta. .,.. WATERFRONT pside Down u.,vu,e •.-11,. • ._ Olllf. ••• lllt11 rlu•t. ~to .... 'S'i•"C A' tn""l"llf,atloa. . $13,750 IN OOftA. MW4 ...... 4 Giil .. ~· -r.. -,_ ... -.& -•I Oil Balboa llJ1qd I -1IOI ~!'rile '18 ... h IT Ml Nia..llil app44twa L I'll. ·~~ U~~~~-I~ JIY.;,,... dla. no..~ 11 :al::st~-..... •.l1..... ~-.-::.:::::-;.~II -.. I Ullzr I 7 .nn · Old .141 .. llm..A.lkbllr.~Uq. ~·-·-·-"~ Hct1 411-yalup-. ' ~··--..... 'I' I ....,_ , •t-'<' . ", . <. ' .... ..,. _. .,.r _. -... I.... aam ..... • a -M , P;;:;141 1JM ... IJ-....----.;.,.+,;.;...---+----·"--• .,.....-.....:.-i_ --=---------···=.a .. .__ I ···-... • .... I 11'' Ill 11 -. ---le ................ -.-. .-.......... --~. DOit ···ma; _,...,a"· --e.,. ,-_ --rr ~ 1-'ft u::: ., j *I I -1lla, U• ._-~ ... r ' ,...,_Oar .. _._ ,... .... • ~ ........ """--.. • .._ m... ••:01• Ill& ' ----·--· . _, 'I -· ~ .i.i;" JOI: --Cidi -• flt, ------.... ~ WD.L ..... - - --1'lli9t =...;··· ~ .• .:: .......... -r ., •• • • ' • • ' l • • • • , -- r • . . • • ·-----£~~- , •• o .,. •• ,, I WithSAIJJE I ~aht tittin' ... I calla It . • . NorwrtPan Rum Cake and Enter. . . , .How do they tit! Well, lan't F.ut~ Sunday a time when familirs 1ft tc>&etbtt ! . . . · When you vtalt tlienck and friend& drop In. • . . Of COW'M! 1Cmethin& to eat lt in order .... And Nol"M- stan Rum Cake ta just the thln1 to aerve .... It's a cake made to be eaten in the t~n and is a per- fect complement to a cup ot tu or coffee .... It'• a cake that will kttp for a couple of wttks in the refrirerator .... It'• • cake that • la NpteiallJy fancied by men .... We've been ~llina Norwqian Rum Cakrs 111\Ce' tut Monday that have bttn made> from Mrs. Adrian Joyntt'a recipe .... Mn. Joyner lives in Cotta Mesa 'and baked tM 1Mtry cake for the Amttican Legion Auxiliary in our Cake ol the Week contest and won ...,.,,,d place. . , , The Judges of the contf'lt were Ken NllH, Vic- tor Mc!.agl'on, Judge Dodge, Judge Linnell and Pepito Perez, ... And I 'd like you all to know t~y a ll went bacl( for a SttOnd piece of the Norw~an Rum Cake .... C.OuJd it have bttn that the Ma.r- uduno Olerrles and Almonds on top we~ IOllked overnight in a jig,er rA. rum! The big thing In the life ol the-American Lee:ion Auxiliary ft: their club hou~ that 11 bfoinr l:tuilt on Balboa Blvd. near the Girl Scout House-.... All ot tM work hu bet>n donat~ for this club h<>USt' by gifted Legion- naires and their friends. . . . Five ~nt1 for Heh ol these Norwegian Rum Cakts tha,t are 10ld in our Ba.Jcery will further the buildin& of thJI club house ..... Next Vllffk tMglnning the 21th ... the Nougat Cake b•ked from M l'L Raymond H•rv•y'• ieclPti will QO on ..... Mn. Hanoey la fro"' Coron a d91 Mar and baked t he entry for the Aaai.tanG4' • Ltague .••• • • • So Jut yeer'1 white shoes don't look ao hot! Oh, I'm Just looking • for an exC\lle to remind yoo that we :wll shoe polish .... You don't ha.,'e to co to the Drue Store or the Shoe Maker. . . . tt•s right here ... two .ahelves of lt .... I still can't figu:J"e out why the Best Taodl Company ( Mayonnaile and Nueoa to you ... and you can still J f't a coupon out ot any n•w!- peper that'll sa.,·e you five cent.a Oft a pound ot Nucoa) . . . make shoe-polilh . . . but they do. . . . Shlnola .... They make a paste. tub. or liquid polhh for white shoes ... and Tan. Ox Blood. Neu- tral, Black and Brown for the r~ r&.inder ot your shoe menap .... Also a Suede and Gabardine ctrn.ainr .... Of Interest a1 far at the old white 1hoea .,... concerned It . lar- ton'a 0 11 Oye .... You °"" m a ke 'em brown or black youralf •... You'll also f ind boot oil for Jun- ior's Cowbof Boots that have tlktn 1uCh a b••tlng •nd S11ddlt lo11p for the old leat her jac ket. .•. TI-ten t here'• a specia l drealng for patent le1ther ahoea. ... :S.ides I just 1&\'t'd mygelf SO ~and rm in a dither over it. . . . Well the old dining room set has bf.en gettin1 tne down. . . . The cha.in, especially the n.mgs, were a SOM')'·looking aight .... ScratdlH! ... You know Emily Post uys it's socia.lly correct to Pfld the run&s of your chairs and the Duncan Phyfe part of your dinin1 room table ... so that whert )·our company puts their ffft. on them thf'y won't be mar- f'l!'d.. . • • Well, I'm not' 50cially rorrect becauu I didn't pad mine. . . . Suddenly into my life comes a n AllllOC'ld Stick .... 1 rubbed It over the tcratches ... not hard; very rently .... So now a furni· ture ttfini.sbe-r'• lost himRlf a Job-• " Thia particular Almond Stick 11 call• .. TilMt .•• will ftOt br'tllk, wjll not aplll •.• ia clean and •••)' to "9i ... and wfll last you a year. • • . It'• new .' •• j u::et arrived h•NI lut week and at the p,...•nt t ime oan be fou11d In an lnslgnlflc.ant fl ttl• oorner at the head of the Oello.Ateooon C...... ••. Look hard •.• It ~ In a Uttl• can about 1 ° lncfta h lgft aftd Miia for \1.00. , •• Of courM, wMPI wt start mov· lftt ltt• Howabol4 a.ctJon a t'Ound ••• there ..... telllng where It wlJI IM. • • , It mleht •ven a•t Iott. • • • aut wa are Wflnltel1 90ln1 to get all •w HeweheJct atctlon tetet.111· •• ;a•........ ./ EU...-l!fta can be lound on the ' ' -..., __ )len•nlne • . • -can W'T&Joo't&':ap. ""...... --eardl. ••• Ulleo.~ ,_ ....... f'!'1!'4' la tl>e ~-••• Ou>dy FcP. -·-.... -~ .. can • fmnd In tbe Gt_.y De-~:.. ,_· ' -~ ......... ...... . ··-:I!"' ... -...i ... -.. ; .... e.,,.. .......... --_, Na .. rt N1lllt" .-•z h• • •--•0111 .,...,. .•. • A8':'m~ 1711 • "' 1t Ma .,..,. ~ ,.,.,, . . . ~ -!rt'• ,1* 1W1111. NII Via Ulf. Jbapt P21•; Cllt , Easter Week Special I Fill your shopping ~et for Easter Feutings! Fill It t i ' overflowing with the SUPER V ALU&S you'll find In every , ~ departm~t at RI~·s. V:'e've a grand array of g ' i thlnga to eat .•• all fine quality foods ••. and all priced ! right to give you worthwhile 11a vlnp on the total cost of ! you, holiday food order. So dI't!l!l8 your table with our ' : Ellster-best values that -set the style for savings and the ' ' fashion for feasting. 'E r•-nt .-. ~· KC. ,.. ror C orlng ORA.OE LARGE EGGS .. ' l 0 0 .o 0 doi. 57f Pacls E9cJ Dye • 1 Sc Bridgford'• Sweetheart . · Whole or Hall Shank Off 12· to 1•·Lb. Avg. SwHt's -Rath'• Luer'• Whole or Shank ~ lb. ,59, ICHILLING'S I COFFE.E 211b. ·can $1.49 · IWlll°T'I 8HORTENINQ SWIFTN~Nr • l!AITER · IOI Cream lug~tl on GO LDEN ITj~E Ice Crea~ Pies 3-lb. can 89c IWIP"T°I PREMIUM CORNED BEEF • IWI FT"l-C•rtontd In Quarters 12-. ti• • • • • • • • 39c Lb. ,lb. 67c Bott Half, lb. 67c BZ ~=~~~~' BROOKFIELD BUmR • 74c • • • • MANNING'S 11-EEF RIB STEAKS U.I . GRAOEO 0000-Rfa LAMB.CHOPS LiMBCffOPS RATH'I l<ORNLANO Sliced Bacon COLOfllE 0-PAN·REA OY LI. LI. LI., LI. 89c 83c 73c 49c ·frying ChJcken LI. 69c FRESH ,.ROHN ·Jumbo Shrimp 12.L,.. 59c Large Pkg. Yel ••••• La rge P kg. Fab • • • • • 31c Large Pkg. Peets • • • • 31c Toilet hap Reg. bar Palmolive • 3 ,:.,21c ••th t in .......................... 2 for 2&c Toilet loap-Cnhmere Reg. bar Bouquet • • • 1 Oc •a·ttt alu ..... -·-··-·-····-······.,·--...... 14o l.aun4ry Soap . .., Crystal Wh. 3 ,., 25c cieanser . Modess • • • P kg. 39c Cre•med f 12-oz. ctn. Honey •••• 25c Jan·U·W ln.......Chow M'in Noodles • •1 • N9. 2 19c · I Mezzanine Shop EASTER CARDS • BASKETS , F ILLED o r EM~TY • Stuffed Bunnies • Chicks & Lambs • •LUE SONNET-YELLOW MARGARINE • • Kern'• Purti Strawberry Preserves Sioux Bet Orange·la~·C lover l ·lb: jar • • 69c Honey •••• 29c Nestle'• l•OZ. pkg. Chocolate Bits 19c Junket-Danish Pkg. Desserts • • • 12c 2.a·OZ. Whealhem ts • 29c A 2·to·1 Fla vor Favorite Lb. ~ . • • • • 33c Mazola Oil Pint .......................... Sl7c Quart ···········-·-····-·69c Assorted· Flavol'!I · Royal Gelatin 3 -Pkgs. . "". -~ ........... .19c ·N. B. C. Shredded~ Fresh Prodne • IO oount 21 .. 25c A Ilk• ..i.t!e ef tlfb f9r .,.. 'I .Pkg. ·-··-···--·-·Uc W•Mon'a . • P kg. I lallClllCI Creme 25c ,., :=_:::..=...:_~::::::::::::::'.'.!:=:~ • APPLES., ••• 3 LIS. 27c l'ANCV-OllEGON_l,,IN '8uliflower ••• FANCY~OW W~ITE. GRAPEFRUIT 3 FOi 19c LAfllGE-TA•LE l l ZE-AflllZONA PRUNES 14-oL Celle Pk~ 29c I LARGE llZE-aUDGET ,ACK POTATOES ~ 5 lit 25c BAKING l lZS.-JE.RIEY-IW-UT Delicatessen-....... ---- ) GOLDEN STATE-ILICED . • American .Cheese;59• . LARGE-Kllll lPY • ~!~0~ ~NICKLES 3 t 10c M.aroni .. S.alad · j 23•. PiMUELNTO. LOAF} 5th Ch~kenoJ~J4.2.J ~1 ~ J , . STOii HOUIS 'I 'hurt DAV euT,AIDAV '. t:GIA••:e· P.M..., w•n».&Y -w :r 'Nit& t:19A,M ... P..11. We A A .. MIM tt ·"91t Q I •1'11 (/di iz 2 JC1t tft ...... II I 'Jt• . ___ ,,.., • K'.-C.ol an4 lteff"Uhlng 4'-oz. can Grapeacle • • • • • 25c ' Betty Crocker Party Cake Mix -Pkg. .. ...................... S2c Kounty Kltt:---Golden Bantam · Cr. Style Corn • 17 ... z. ••• 21 .. 25c CAMP8E:LL'I 1!Y1·K. oa n Hel ~ V1 rietla-Your Choice Tomato Juice 3, ... 2Sc . Devil's Food Mix Pork and Beans 15c • • Pokg. . .............. '• ....... 32c • • • • H ILL80ALE--ILICEO No, 2V2 can .Pineapple • Gingerbread Mix Libby's • • • • 26c Pkg. . ................... 25c l Demonstration Saturd•y Sweet Peas ... • 21o.25c Q uar1 1Sc Clorox • • • y, Gall on • 27c aruce Quar1 ARMOUR'S j BEEF STEW 1 • • • Cleaning Wax 98c BHt Around Peb 4 aottl•• Antrol Sets . 39c GLOBE A-1-MACARONI and ·~ SPAGHEm ••.• ..... 0 _.., ........ COOK& INS MI NUTE& .... _19 --' ROMAN MEAll • Bakery Treats1-· --wit· THUft:8DAY OLD FASH ION 2 DbJ.-<oc SUGAR or LEMON COOKIES ........... doz. 2lc ltUDGE TOP . I CREAM PIE ....................... _····-·······"e&lfh 56c FRIDAY . I FRUIT NUT FILLED and 8PIQO ,, HOT CROSS BUNS ............................ 4 f9r 2lc LARGE:-7-I NCH-.Z·LAYER f PINEAPPLE NUT· CAKE .................. eaeh 86C IATUROAY l ILICED-ALMO.NO TOPPED ; DANISH BUTfER HORNS .............. ! f r r 25c OAltF'OOIL . • ' EASTER CAKES .... : .............. -....... eac~$1.22 ~ARK.ER HOUIE-WHITE .,. WHeAT • DINNER :SOLIS ······:····-·····--···-·····d Slc Try a 'Norwegiall ~·Cake f Cak• et the w .. k. 1'"9 Ma r'"'•r , ....................................... -;. ........ jiri. ... ,...a • .... elALI 1'011 THUlllDAY. 0 ~lllDAV, ... TUllDAV -M/llleH It·- ' THI ECQNOMY·WISI PA1RQNIZI I • • • 11-oz. Pu. •n Boots • • • • • • 43c s v,-oz. • • • 21 •• lSc ·. • • 2·1b. pkg. • · 25c No. 1 'Can • 2i.'.23c • 12.oz. • . .. '. • • 17c 14-oz. • • • • • 21c Frozen Foods-------·~ LI BBV'S-CONCENTllATED Orange Juice 6-oL 19, •IRDIEYE-FllOZEN I t· PEAS • • • • ll·OL , Pkg. 21" BlllDIEV~llOZllN I· Caullflow-'r 10..L · 23c r L1••V'l-l'llOZ~N f ii . . . l· . !!!!!.!~ io H 'O..z. 23c ·. • I I I StrawH l es 12-a. 32c i ic~oP-.; ~: 69;. , ~ j ' ,. +JIM.'IJf. FOODS· DEPT, : 1!1iYf1'1;11 aw ... nw 8llOll - "111• ~. ,,~ _ _,u,.. L1111r" ; • ' ' l ,, . • • •