HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-28 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News~ " . • • I • .. I I ' • ' •. • • ' • • • • . . I . . . ---. -- • ..,. ta..!i' -·• ~ * •• ~· ... M-ESAN 19:, 1>1' ES . v.. n Ybr --~ fll j.19 •'lllQe ..t; IQ' H9 M~ • • t ' • ".-; .waQ\..AT,.IWL .. 1lfl1 , •1 - ' ' 1;;...;..;;;; __ ""'l,.. __ ,.. .. a •ta ....... ,., ..... fllM b• Jd.,Jllr .... .,., . r . -· • ,.mllllDI' ouf <' ,. ' .,. af ~f Oii .. . " "'"""'" .... /'•'~.: ~ -:-·~ ..... "' ..... WHILE CDn(('ING T'":::---.... --._ · WHO'~ 'l'Bll le 'cm.Un ll'Blll 10c -f '!la . flV.JJI ~ ~~~o~~lt~ON:_~: NEWPORT BlV 1. , AND SHOPPI .... N.W$ ' . ·ZON! 'l'llZ 116 ~-· ll'rlu. "'*DI, tr•! TID~ ' ~BT ~~~o'roR {"... -::;;:~ =-u:. ·c: ... "Y -New,o.l 1'oO,.. 'l'DID, 'lll'JIT m . :. "Tllllll:RMlS.JllJRCl AU 11V11R "'-at Coote~ --- BCl'tSR THAN o~TDQls. i11m1o Katto>t ..u. a if!t G(-=.:-"="-.....,. "'..:..~ .......... -w wi.-et™8 -bllt ..,n ll>i'IMd Xai.. Ille a ...., ---'t ctutt• up-~wl!OC-.llelp ~. ---1 p . ..aott. eo, et•·•• :lTth . Ba -ko -· clol1 Jta!'aiva. J!:oof-Burpr.;:"th.-i .. !do ~ at t p .... , la&wdllfJ: i.o ......... --..-lthlnw ,_ "R•• -..........,. an: •. • . •counsins ... t11q ......... ,.... •1 -lrl•s ,.... tool ,..,.. Sot ,/!&"' hJl!rtraJ' ,._ , a bock or a lot"""" tor~or ,.....,. u.an,.... nor P, Wton.,. i.i:;,,3!~t-~-~ a N-""'"'" 'mnua al*> ..U. dlYIDe flJr lac 'aodL 'TM ,.,,_ an: ~-..,._,. -• -..,.. . S Tempten with llaanJnc"• , cb1111, oniou, S.ttuoe' ad 1fWf1 ~ acrw the hi~ °"" -...... Is your sutile °" tbe bot _,.r 1 Plon!r of lrM ...-~ ~ IM wao par11Jl16 for you to eat on . . • plontJ' of oold clriJllLI, malU, eeffM ~ and klllod ln.ltantly by a ... 1'rl' it ,,. ,., _, " i,n.aa lllAn • , • 2,820 N•..,.rt •r· ;: :~ br ~ .u!_ ~ ... ,Coot& JI-(l blk. bo)'Oftd x~ 'l'lloet«) , lleo "" • ewport .I •• • C.a, 1 · , · ----:::_.J_ ..... "'"N' -·-1 ROM.cker told ptttcen u 1 WI· HllT ODILll. llDIANqU'A·~ · •-.lo tho ~ ldontltled car ;.i Ill ,,.,..t of ft' m = --·---·-----=!Wm a;-tut Wnc llneo wo1po1q .... tho -•blM! A.Ad 'iiiT1. Illa machlae .:;-:; •UoopU,.. to Ito all done with tll-b~aekol UOllA&W>N'll &'fOld It he otruck ~ ........,...;, • . . cmtTAIN a DILU'EllT --new UTILO-. . • ·..---. l't)JJIJJIJIEJ)' Al' %!11 BAIMA llOULEV .ill> . NEWPQJrr. JIZACR, 'd.u..iiolooA . , • TRlJI --ru&blns, U Is duraWa plutle ~ 0..-I · 'l'ZLEPBONE: BAmlOli '1111 ' M,,., •• that ttta any wllldal. •• -ttor wut ollapO'. •t l :io ·-~~-y ·~ 1 ~ : p. m. on --~ Ar<lled --· oomer, pl•tuno rnuno -do-and llawlelp Smith, &JOO Btr.della, , • ~I tb ly MA1tGO mlnon, floor Jn.sth win~'• or ~ old Jdnd. One Loi ..U.Cel-. reeetyed. an injured paclrap ot w. olutl.-ruclllns -td>ee to St ft. rlfbt !es and rlfbt 'llaod .....,, 111o or )'OU Cl.I\ cut tt to "--ltou can make & very ef-.---motorcycle WWlt Into a liHde.a-Jle f.cUve window tru.tment ..flth th.la ~utf 1n blu., nd. lf"'Ul· or attempted to ~ a car oa Cout yelJow pl&J(k eyelet, red ::f' .. ,.._.. polka dot, or mod &rlY mlld Hip.way wut at. Cryatal Cove. eo7or. TM Jlice part abouq tt, any air!-With eno\1,sh 8t.HDsth to The motorcycle •truck Ute rear puah a thumb-t&clc: can h.-"'Very trtttr wtndowa for $1.21' per of a car d!'tven by Jam.11-Melvtn packap of Utllo-'l'rbn. '!ihumb Tu. Included.} IAaw \II not Barlow. u . •·JI. c., c.mp Puulle- .t.op now u lone u w.'~lq • pod!•· J'uay• ~ hu ton. Newport police were called. H&rtu -pary fabrtco la 1 eolon A.ll80Ltl'IZLY otlAJIANftl!D and aft..-tha lnjul<d man wu Nor TO J!'ADl!I at P.tS a '8"-'Wlde. .Uoo •"'7 PJ'.A -m treated by a -S phyi:lclt.o. he lil&ld lbowtt curtalna at P.N u. ! Pl&ID untrimmed Dutch muatln .,.. MDI to eonun1111117 hoop Ital. wrt&1na 11: prt .. y Prl8clll&&\ COm.e prt.ma'"6onnu. maM. ,our-cur-At '11 L m. SUnday tMcf cart taln OIJ1 at RJCBARDSO~ CUltTAlK Ii DJlA.P'DT IROf• 120I lnwllnl' eat on OouJ, Jlijhway THKRE"S THE bC:OD SIGN AL. THRU Cout Btvd., Corona deJ Mar. • collided when the ftret one lltopped THE PALMElTO&S! THERE'S ~ ~· • for one In front to make a lett NATIVE DltUJI BEAT! BONGO! I T6oa; A 'i'OlllTION a tele~o polo and -u turn. BONGO! Bl.lll -BUJO( -BOOM! BOOK! coldJ¥, caleulatlnl'lJ' the climlMHS tbe ladder. Step t.y .. , • • • The ·two head can. driven by \\rAHIN!:S! DO YbU GJCT THI: MES-up, up . , . hipr, bJ.c'ber Wltil at lut he WU pot.Id OB tbt' VU1 Jam .. I . S~ey, 2992 South SAGE!!! iTs LUAU TIME! C&:al• roof top! From .• llm&ll ~l ... I .... hlm. atract a Uq~d Jllled Jtobertaoo, Loe Ansele. and Cleve- TIA?llii, HUT, !LU.BOA OPZN8 TID8 carafe and & papeT b&C· 0 10 C&Hfully he emptied Ut. ooal.tatl Of land Motley, Jr. ot 121 Moonstone. SATllllDAY, ll.UlCB 11 wttlt a aauw· t.be bottle tnto tb• baa· tft b&la.nelal' on the parapet. JM polNd Manhattan Bean were da.maged RA\\1ADAN Cenmolllal! Gather l'n.a.li-bN' IJl hand. He paUMd mb~y .•• Ulen "90JCB8 AlVA.T!" •lightly but drove away under pant make with the leia. tuck Rlbmcus ... flbputed merrtly u the ~ ~ a.n.d llP19"'ed owr thf ·UUU9--their own power. TtUrd, drlvq by behind your llhell-llke ..,.., Once .,aJn. pect.in.C head ot an elderly 1'"1i-Apr. TIMa .4twllt with powtir, tM l:melt Sdwvd JORN. 1180 &an the tradiUoo&l plt routed .uckllnc pis, man de.oended the ladder t.Ad reeled tnto a eh&rmJD.• little way· Plerrt Drtva. El Monte, tufftired Hwnailuma.nukanu.Jta, Island Poi! What a td.t; •uch & ceremony! lide Sift ahop. I followed him. ""BOWARD ERWOOD TQU .AJ\E exteMtve damage to the front end A LI yotl Datives commandeer kyaks. out-rlsJ'era. y&cllta or diJll'biu. AN UNMITIGATED CAD!' I IOOlded.. UW.U. J try,'' l&ld Srwood and waa towed away. BUT GET THERE EARLY! GROO BA.RS OPEN AT 2 P . M. SAT. mode•tly ... "'and I am a"9o tlyia&' to Mil tu. uqulllte Hulda.b .._. ........... Ai;-rERNOON ... THE FAMOUS KAWA.DAN PUNCH STARTS print. at \4 oft ..... ~ )"OU w1ta. your prytnr manner ee.n FLOWING .A.BOUT 4 p. m.. Fun 8tartl the moment yttu pt there. eee, they an p.y, colortt1\ ~ ta cbarmlal' ur.tiifued tramea. TheM CharlM S . Allieon., Ul Sapphire Lu&u ditmer •rv@d trom &:SO p. m. on ... Thu. llic ahow time! &0rpowi Lumart a.lumlava tra)"8 are aJao lllaorked ott .._ • , • qd ll&Jbo& Ia~ rl!'«twd H&lp liacer- Hul.& O&ncers, Singers. Native carryinp od! THIS Ul YOUR u tor my bitauutuI. lb&dqW bolt mirrOn .•. who k1aowa?!! 1l 1 alkllla •h• M wu it.MU. Md MOMENT .. , get with it beach boya and sirla. CRJU8TIA.N'8 b&•• a Sood day oa the root tomGITOW', I may trade tbem fDr .,_.., knocked dOWll at 11 :10 L a . Bun- HUT, BALBOA THIS SAT. BIG LUtU TIME ••. P'OOD • GROG. b&p!" Zll't•• ..... toT •• BaJ'°" Bll'd., aatbo&. .,. lllOrnJnc When .. oar and boat • e • e : e e trailer JNlled 1Ato the alley. The LOVELY LADIES OF THE NINETIES upon ntumizll' from a "rl"I THE UTl'LS 'TUJNoa IN LIP'1ll TBA.~ COU!ft.• TM car WM drinll ~y R. M. T&-ylor, carriage ride in the park or a rouch day droppiDJ ~r e&llinl' lltU• niceUea tlaat ie.d to ~e lf'&doua way of Uvbt.s! ~ rou too ca 1101 Oceaa rro.t. Venice. can:h: would climb into a pel,noir. Thi. pelpoir uaually wetrh~ Uve ·• 111e ot retlaement ~~4ed by: lltUe lunlrfat ft• prte6t A.Wion. wtlo ..... with ~ 10 -12 J.,._ and wu about u relaxinr-u a baJr ahlrt. Today mna.rt Pooh! .J'or uampl .. you too can. do.. UI• ,_,_ ,...ce ... Weadriek ot au. J'enaandQii re- annde• damea come home from a hard day at the Btnp Parlol'. or tranquility that comH trorn; NtUD.c' a botU. of. o&d Cl'&yAM on ~ eeiwd W.Mia-.t aad waa takrn brt.dp table and flip into a brtcht UtUe Telfivlslon tea robe from cfraiD.-board and not &ea~ I• nn.-. ft• Ooesffla· n..-Crterlar Qt. to 8t. JOMI* ao.,fiial. the POLLY APPAREL One lD. particular favor la the df'Ully la pt'.tlnc up all the floor t ... eaoup to ia.tall woedutul 'l'O&IDC.A. . I I · l- l f I · • • • ' • 14" UcT~l l'ICTUil WITH -" IXCLUllYI IAIY·YlllON UNI • • 239'1 . " • ' ' . YoaCllallilhe~widtaHof.,,u11*ause0.U,Ho#_,,'li(inP · JOOl • c.J.r-. lllatpeet pictlaft pollible;Temision ~die :~ pnv pan;•• .... joslt • lhe ~ oe:m ir! Noe~ ... diADriiol7 .. .' b•• oi-ol _z_ The1-t picmtt JllG'._n. -'*''*Holme• it . • I· ne Prr • ts•rr4 elT .... ! ... , ' · ·TIDE TELEVISIO·N 3011 ••WJIOl'I · ...... Barilitr 208 Eversl&se Cbint.2. Thia hostess affair I• made . of wuhable. wrt.nJa.. DllAJNBO.A&D8 a OOUN3S& Form.lea coma la about ao oolOr Sl ~,rm D . Another mna.rt conaideration 1.8 the Polk&-Jlot rayon. hou. Coat,., at ltain·proqf. ftre-plOOf, llot pan-proof, ~proof. 1low mucll , 11 . • ' I I I • . " i . I ,,. I • . \ "aiatant flowered chinta with front zipper and le tna ctu.c at $10.N. comboe and will bJead~th any otbfl' color .llCMme. • ~ ~. ~ ll0.90, or Iha coJortul and ollnky moro or rau bo-~ proof 'do you 'I:""' ,u ? Coutuea c;-» ma!<• wal.orproot r ..... ~ed b " G . .., f · · ; Fe!.! c < rayon i>oipolr •t flfJNI. <>th#' n.ym Ill _..ii• ':'"f-1 ~ up. mica ouitoDatloiul a -:t: at .. prUa _. :Btail, ~ JI&!' far i 't --...O.-,_...;."""'"'l""""'.,l._...;..,....,,.....,....,...,.;,,,,li!,,....,...,.., .... *""",;,;;;,,,;;;,,,;..;;;;;--;,,,;,~-j Oil tM NrpfD. COl.ldter at Po"1" AppUeJ, you•rr tlnd eome vzay oeramlc We. ~•tee a.I dOM low co.t lla~ ctr&ln boarill tf - -l1' , J ~:~~=:.an~~::t'1~-f'~tt~~·~~~..;:i.~:::.:=..~-b.-.. .,.o1 ;.. ... -n110-T1 I.IE"'" ·A, s· u ·"-R--. tE . ·H'· ."'·u_-. .-zc-.. -N·. ;i,1' port Ave., Cotta Kua. )(..._ Beiacon.&21?..J'. OOI were deMMded •c....-pe.~ _ • • • ; • • • J court ~ ..,. a .,..,_ wtw> wer. I.ADY: L~ YOTil Htl811A>m 'RAMME .... SHY!! "BltlGHT UGHTS "'BLONDl!l HAlRED wolltir.. lnjul'Od la --obUe ...uw.~ Doea b.e carp &nd cavil or l'l'OW coldly lndltferent ,· /} Tb.• aQ1'11' floated down ¥:a.rtMJ"a Xii• thta warm April I , 19li0 Oii tll4t Cout 111111- wben you sugge1t ~e apply the buainea• end of ;::_ ( ~(!• l))l"'lnr Thunday. "What pOipant mullic that Tone• way "Mr Karine Dr., Kewport a hammer to a nail! Then bewt.N. a.a many a .....-:; ""'-' •• En.eat wrinp out of a juke box." I remarked to Jl.eatb. marriage hu gone on the rocka becauee once too ' \.:. Glady1 u I IC&lnpered to; a . .tool at ti.. ANCHOR Leo IC . ._P\blli;peoe uked for often a woma.n nacsed a nian! U.t to the cue CAFE.... "AND what 90Ul-f.U) tood you but out of tb&t $76,000 pa.era.I d&Jrl ..... and hla b,istory of .Letltfa Creakbaum of Upper Beacon '-' (~-1 1tove,/(lrl. I care to dawdt• over your nm.owned l6c wile cleMallded a J61ce unOWl! tor B'ay. One day Letitia demanded that tier love~ ~ 8wlM Steak lunch." I ate alowly kt'rinr every minute. illjuri.8 ta Nit aptMt Irwin Vtc- partner. Framt>erc Crea.kbaum in.ttall a curtain -Then I e&¥d th• JOint~RE WAA Tllf\.T &Un: tor Korrta, 41'h'er, UHi •. A. Park- rod •. , & 'simple matter of poundt.n&' a few MAN AOAIN! "'Gladys." wbhpered COllftMati&lly, for«, owner ol a maoatne wltkh nails into & Wall. Framberl' demurred \but I "Who . 18 that happy-fOIY•cbelk.cl m&n. l ... OCJailled witll tlte PhiQiJ*>ll auto. Letit& demanded. The rest ot this story ta eatiq her. everyday! Ill he your buebUld. yom:. <n..,. all•ge4. u.. Pllipecs ear I . BALBOA tfENINSULA OCEAN FRONT OOllPLIJTELY FURNl8BED READY TO MOVE IN AND EN.JOY GRACIOUS ilVJNG . • ! I I " ., hhi:tory. Fram berg Crukbaum hit hta thumb with the hammer. feU landlord. or the· State Auditor!!!" Gladyw cuually to-cl a tt.ack wa. .,....._ aorthweet ._ tbe COMt off the ladder, pa.c)ted his baga. and Jett for South Atrica _in the of buttermilk hof--cakea ln1 tM &ir. Thea ab, ,.pUed. 1'M'o, that'• Rl&ttway Md wu struck 9r' the order named. The moral or tbi• taJe of dome1tlc at.rift: la plain Tbe Man Who Came To Snaktut . • • I yun a,o . . . lie llltee otller uto wlrlcll wu llMded • enough! If you have any" curtain or drapery problem&, need d.rap-~· food, here ., h1 ttayed .!or ~ch .. , )M. 1'tfUal to leave ... lifMltJH!ut. j1 ery ha.Niwa.re inawled. or any-odd wtndowJaJ'TUllemenU. 001-i'"WULT ewr. If he l'ets lonely tot hi• ft'ienda he ull)I tMm to come over "J'l.e: -.Mad U.O _ ukN tor llELZ..""'i WOLPABD AT THE SHADE SHOP. Tou11 find tt•a mu.ch here to the ANCHOR CAJiX.". lo that'1 the lite ... once ~ eat $IOIO tor -~ _,......, "400 eaater thal1 getunc a. new meal ticket ot, Mndl.n( out a tracer m at the ~ CalP-GJlkly• •Y• the thhla.1 la 'SoOd ao9' Ud for lo. et M.nlinp· .. a J..acun• your old one! SHADE ,8HOP. 114 Htb, Newport. Barbor IN . her .uly bird breaktut.a fl.re even bet~r ! The way I aee lt'.· you Mrher, SaMO fOI" d&Jl'I.._. to the · • • • . • can't miu a meal at the ~_.or Cale. T11D Oout Hiway, Newport car ad $100 for to.. of tta ua; COME WITH KE ON. A TRJ'.:ASURE HUNT! The e.od of the Beach. Open 5 a. m.-7 p. r(i,. ... WMkUya. Bat. A: Bun. 1 L m•,I p. m.. Mn. PhiJlip-a 8JOlJPt •t~.16 ra.inboW ta tor a&Je! 'Jl.Le craciout four bedroom home ~ • • • tor medtCAJ charpe and S2UO for 111 deaisned for your pleuure. peace -tnd pei-petua.l enjoyment? Walk "LET 'Ell EAT CAIU!!V' aM a.Id · · 8D wu Mali• Antoinette. Sou of earatnp. wtth m• thru, .the large lanai patio wtth the (iant rubber trees I think. Karle 11.0 doubt , waa beiA&' llind ·to the ra'1'1e and INC------..,- tnto the apt.clout livtnl' room. Modern. furn.lab.mp are tht moW S"atinl' the delt&bttul Banana Nut Cakt fn>m the Newport Bakery. Play Direct. ors be~ , .. a long cu.tom-built ctivan, a corner fireplace, a radio-com-Wow! The Ban.Anu are 'b{.ked rtsht in th• cake treah 1very day •. binatiOll ... evvYthlnl' for crUt:un $mlort. .A.Jld beat ot an, No wonder VlqiJll& Mc.Mda.n baa been ta.moue tor LO na .. Maay .rue thru' the Wide, wtM window. at a broad bet.ch cd unacelled Yean. , The B&nan& Nut Cake hu a butter enam center and ocean view! Th• hJg'h. tloping root of th• ~ .. an• lend.a • quiet cbooolat.ti lcinl' with nuta "' top •.. 18 ce.tt .. copy ..• YOU'LL for Me.sa Park etep.nce and a teettni that the limplest meal would 8Hm like a be a COllltant IUbecrlbw <>qce you try one! ·SPECIAL ON' FalDAJ' b&Dquet. S bedroom• With adj. ba~ are on the main ftoor ... AND 8A'lrU&OAY AT TlflE NEWP,ORT BAKE.RY -P'REHCll while up a lbort tlifht of ataln. thea't'a a hure ProvinclaJ Mdroom· APPLE PO: WITH A ~U8EL TOP 6h. (Slnuael ta a Dutch 8u,..seor llelb& K&l8tr Rid den with bath •.• Thia room spell~ charm the moqient you enter. word ~cJl 'IO~ds 1101net¥-nl' like "Cnmcb oa .up.r and butter." IMt week that the Co.ta Mesa The Early Am~ tumlahlnl'• and up&n.llve ocui view and tbe And tbeD tbere I Cf:nnam-~ Bnad, And oh my Ute. Dutch Rolla . • . Park aM Recre&tioD I>iltrict Will privacy make thi• "away from. tt all'. apot th• perfect 099 for &'Ueela. (more CTUlt ~ a Loul114n& Senator!) Dinner RoU.. Butter eru.t employ two playfro8d dintton Baclc. downat&in ap.l.n. there la a completely eqwpL kitchen. ••. Roll.I • • · Salt. Rlnnc Bftact on J'rtda)'9 • • • C&ku_d~rated to tor lite comm111dty'a ofl'UU8ed retril'· ato•e a di9pol&J and even poU: and pua. Oh you_ can Ot'Chr! ("'l'hanU V1rctata \tor the Ban••• Nut Cake A: the Dutch recreaUoa proll'&ftl-. Uve .rit11 ~If ID this hOWJel •Ao a matter of Caet, 11>U can RoU.? '!'My we~ WOlldor'l'l!>, Newport B&kery, illl2 Geoan lh'ollt, He oald tut the dlotrict llao •tart today. lr:'Verythlnl('• all ready for • maneloua d....,, CO< llYIJlS I Newport. Open T iltcya a W\Mk. , • 111100 ror Jl&l'IDS th' lldp and that can Sally ~ewua at Harl;K>r lto'l or; p ... her at. the John ' 1. • L__ • · · • the l'flCl"Mtion diMctor andlsi. .. Bumhom otflca. !SOT S. Bo.Ibo& Blvd. .... .U.00 walcll t111s Thuro. ~.., ... ,. l.8 li.Bll:lt THAN I THOT." aid -· wU1 ooca be named. , Prut fer a Treuure Hunt Ad with pi!:tura concol'lllllf thl.a dreamy, Han!~Xlnpton u he ·rapidly fired a o.isy AJ4bli them wU1 be 11 .,l,,1un-_ , bouae! " \ air-• into a J"oodta. con.~er. Step,_ tffl' workera now taJ.dDr ·~ · e · e · • . . .. tit.to tile ~ llllt. refrlsorator to a..kl In ~ -...,,_ a~ OON'T BE AFRiro .TO TELL YOUR MOTHl!R. , ~~. > ·' ,: • atro lllusa. I peeked SUD°""YIY out and oald, 0oUt eon..,. llO&I' lloft."Tiley U'O ~-~ "It loon ouy, Hany, 'but wbataver an you tlluo . ~ tot UM: - DON'T BE AFRAlD .'UIAT SHl!l'U. DISCO~ doln:?" Barry -a~· Oii a p11<f ot ._ic.,..t and nrplled, lnqDtll ' ••mer --lwtion !bat you baff had a little COLOR• FOAJI RINU:. "I am ~ Ml ID a ' fllllJ',• "Qll 00 that'• bow It is,• I tun ...-!• ot orpnlsed p'la,y H....Uy ladlu, you'll · bo ..1u:y UJllt b~ ~ l'OID&Hed -to!y. "but bat'a aD t111o yak you•'fi -teOclina-me pro...,._ will be ~ tor tile a GOc COior ·Foam Rlruoe fl'om allTll'S ll&AtlTl' alJ\>Ut ,.,..,. ~ ·-!i:ur daunU-flobemi ... braYIDJ t1'e part<. , .1 ' SHOP! I moan llgblbaaded ID the -of~ dopu.i with -a to -S -flali dally to Ull populace? llt t1'e -t!me,•JCli!oesi..u. stddy and happy evm tho' natµn mo,y ba" mado Toah a, wut a~ thl.a • at IUO a lb.?" I puH\14dftlentl....,.. cloOtd that tlM count)' "Will 41nrt 10<' a bnmeti.. Tho COior-"'°'"' R1ruoe put up,by the ~ Clo. ·~ wOnl 11 true," Ufllllnod, Harry Klnpt..._ "?fow about tllla '8llo, -..i for ....,._aHl!t aad is bleQded to oult your Individual colorills, Peoplo will llO' ....... ~u you Jw:t -~ Bftry 41,y my dl""''dlW la dlWIS otJMir lmp_.ta, 'and -.It' co-up to you and o&r q1~nlcally, "Wen, DollY, I ~ 10<''." -rip to Da. .. J~ Loc1t tor· ....... W fNoli Abelool& You caa fen:. ~ of addi-1 jjoul< toudllac up your lWr apln.: COior-~ almplJ' upta "I'..~ .... tM --lo \i::io L !"-If ,... -.... thon. It'• a -pla,_.,.t ogutponet. 'brilll'I out the hlddea beauty Of your old tlft<f -·--WI"""" bis --job to a..t --<iot to a<ot It out tit \II• ...ai, · . Jlvibs It a 'Dyed •l4 TM Wool Look.' -'a ~ -1•"-.Ill .Jet'to ......, It, J'Oll liiow/ Now a Iii. el A-at 11.J!O wtD -Oom!U TIM RQwtto pormanenti, ruto,.Ucm tna-ta, --. If ,.... ... I pod .._ or • dllntii)o -· ••• and belrl 1a that _....._ ._ , Pl 11 t....i ID ......,re cOualJ COMldond youne1f a !tca•w,,.. ~ for ,,_.,"RU'l'ii'a DAUTf ~ ., ... " llalTl' bl,.._ wao ltl1J to11rtas .. I ,._ •Ulo67 Ullo ~ ~ •OG"rw ~ &ROI" CAN JIODICRNlZB 'TOll U Ill POINllll'l'l'U., CIOMIKA. ...t et tM ..,_ WtM •lo&. ....... ~ ;o. lie )9q, N-ot Illa UT 400 p«Jpllb-•~ to DltL Jl.UI. ILUUIOR Mf. port BudL _. I ' , . . -,_,. t11o .;._IJ at hi~N7l.1,111 . . . . = . . ~~~ ....:!:J 111 ... I ~ , '',. -~~·•] J:XTIU.! .D:l'fl.AI U.u> .tLL ~llT l'J'. lCSW J!PJ.D-UP 1'SW •• W ~ DONALD B. TU'--1111 ,.._,. -~ ""'""1' A'?" THm B.U.llOA I A 10! JPli:al Illa -la ia:: -._-tin. •m-JM II: W •Wiiilltti:I , --· ~ IU.'"71a.llll -IJ'far~ • -l. tell you ..u a-tlla ~ 8TAJU>Uln" •.. -ot -~ ••• , ... -·-., -'--4 'f.101. l • 'n· ,_ .. ,, Ql,ut,UT, U. •-•• I & 1 .. n-e P1' •• ... mllftN are wata:AM117 wt lllllllt 11 _.., 11 ± llft. ..., ~ S.mz -""ne "tr 1• 0 , 1• ~ j -latlD ,..---......... --..... -.-· • -·.,..ffj,..: • • ••.., l wawn:90ll llaltk ~ ~ .._, ~ .ete 1 t • r<•• u .. ,.,, t • ....._ ;,2,.,;;;: ,.... ... P-(----·Alla _...., ... att• .t 1•11 . l>e, 0.."o, :s,u,... JA, -. --.... --w11•........ - -.. ...... -tM7 ~ 1'ltor ··-UI ,_., F.:~~ ?.,~?=·Z-::-ui: .. =:r~1:!.:,1~ ~is:·~=.;...: ::wz:riv .0 1:::. ~'"=~~Ji;; :, JI j I l l • • ,. , '· • ' • ' • • ' • ' - ' • • Steam Cleanin9 • Washing • Polishing • All Mechanical '" Repairs • • Body. Fender Work • Painting r:~#.¢·#~· 1 ' . Culbert .... Mihi Ca "'10ooot......, ........... '\'.! .... --tip """'DollttlT • • • IEACON HOUSE ••• CUSTOM~ . . . . OffH rOil Com~ In~r Decon.U..s -·-S1>Kit li1u1q ;,. • • OlAPllllS UPHOlSTlllM• llOSPllA.OS COlNICl IOXIS SllP CO¥llS WALLPA,fl Trt..,... Tr.... ~INITUlJ -L1r9• klitcri• ol '•b•lc.- ' ' . DI IU.CH ft., L.A&U"A. 111.CM 4-W lf • . i • -l • SU'CJll)4Y LAll'I. D,A :-' ~.:~~ "'13th LE I I ER" -Plm- Laup WlUo ·"MOLLY" • s-,._ Ooorlla. S-. l :IO llVTH BOM4.'1 aJOB411D TODD "U~HTNING-. STllKIS TWtCr' -Pl•-~)' ,, "9UPIC!' · OOlllNNJ: CALVJ:llT IQllNIWI&~& lfOW UIOWllfG1 . "STJIL HILMlr' OINGJ:• KOAzaa liOai• D.t._T' "hmWllhtlitt" • FOil ll~ . ~ FUN ••• ''ZIN&'' .;. OON1 Wiii ou'f NIMtft twOW• •1au -etru -' •tll,J 1HOWS -t • 11 • I ..... Tl-. -·-''" JlmJIJIDV)OQ: • ··~~~~~-r~.~~~~ "THI MUD L\RI(". DlllCfOIY ' ... SAR.BARA. ST AN\\'YCK W .UTER HTISTON 'iHE FURIES" · "'OW MOWING "TOMAHAWK" lm Technicolor with \'aa Beftht & YV'OIUM De carto . AloO' "OPERATION DISASTER" CONING Rt1ND4T. 41'11. l 8lTllT L4NOAllTJ;ll ROBT. 1\'.u..KER .. a .. , A.ft., BIA• -•n-J WELDON W. ttalOllG lllU<TUIT • • lM a. 1--c.--· Presidio Riles '.;;:;::;r-~=11::•·;;-:;:;-==~ l~~ .. ~a.:~! C:":!''!a . .... ao...... •. .. cl9co for the put week have been Ol'TO~ETRIST Set. and w ... Arthur L. HAU, wbo w~ married •' 2 1'-na. h.lurday, •• •• .., .&111•t1 rd March lT, in .the Prnldlo cu.pet ::==========,\•vENGENCE VALLEY' llU W. Jfcw)JCl't .... Mn. Ha1l .,..--tJ:i.e forntel' Miu Jfwptlt ..._ , Ka.rjorie Smith, dau,rhter .r Kr. CUSHIONS ... h1'Wlt.1"11 • Bo&• rune. a.ad. PLutlC9 ..... ~· ...-expert er&ftamllll llOUllZ • 04ltDI:"' . fll C-l Blp ... y, "._,...,. -Plua-- ''THE MGM STORY;'· ORT?,~,_,,;, &FF'MI' ml an• KN. Kawa.rd lmttll ot .... et. ~=========~ 8be. -lleo• n§ldtae htte ond· ;: will\,....,. untn """ ond ~-·•u- H SU RE-INSUU 1 """deaat1nd•._.,._..,.._ i -..... Hall lo o ........ ot .. .. tlile Newrwt llanor lllP· ....,, _.._ •••:m and .. the IOll of Kn. lnne Weidl Allim Ollr 907 10ta Mreet. WRlt!Ui 1!r TIO: WO&LD 11·-------..---WOVLD YOU 00 T ' ... lllUJILOTDI B<)i.UN~HJCAD leMMd a • ..;....tati"' ~ •• . • ., '•v, I' i;. n..•¢wtftl •»ts• ... , ........ o.ur 49T4 <JLUB A nef.abbor:hood ean•eta .!..club ........ i.rtalJ!<d ~ur:111 ""'"· William llmlU. ot Coot& ·-' ... rt.ANIS • SHIJIS • IAH.S • HOTti.J M.tiNI TM.tr• Tkl.t .... HCJ Y'lllCent 's Travel Bureau CAllNm W. St.mt F11te Flrwt prize .... ""'•• by Kn..,. .. ftN& PUaN1TUSE JlADJ: ~ Df8Ult.A.N<3 : U , Grant an.d Mn. MarjOrte B&inm IN OUR OWN seon WU con.IO'led. Others In Utie poup I AJlNllUll KJINISHID CourUou.! lft,/orm.ation were Mmu. ~mJta J:utman. AM ROUSE " G4JIDEN If_,_, -ft. Bar, IM RUion, J<tn Smith, Jean H-n. H..w 1>46 '11 COAST HWY. NIW'POIT 1111 ----.. Pauline KcGovem and )(olJv Bu-.. 0. .... ..._., .... ~t LWe ~ llACOfol an l& -·-' ·-~~~~~~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~-'1'-~~~~~~~~~~,1tOl'd. ' UFEI · \ . ' ~-111 . . . . 18M5/ll ' -. t I ~;32995 • • ft · ' 1 "-'-T-. hd# a 1 _. ,.._, .... '"'4 ...... .... . (' -°'9 ......,,, I ........ -.. .. • • 1C41l8 llVMP ~lnor da.m•c• to botll whktl•e rHu.lted wben c&r• drtnn by Ja- cob B. Rlchantaon. 66, 271 E . 19th St., eo.ta MN&. and Haward Hutchluon, 11, 1-An.celea, eo1:.. 1 Uded at Foutb &nd Main SU., San- ta Ana. poUoe reported l'riday. . ' ~LE la the Traditional OOL0"'1AL M4NNEa ' . rom the ahopt: or famou• rnanufactunn lA«waa A walag and llAPLE SHOP TH !lo. C-l ilDYd. Lac-- $SAVI S CARLYLe·s mtl'.&IN'ln> l"t1lllf1ftJJI • ..... ~ H91bwa11 8-d- •• .. 0.,,. Tw.., TV Ts'"' b q.lltiy ......... DUPb-;:.:-: ,,;, ........ ..,. 'aousl • -• Tra-- 8rAJ ... ··-;:.;.. Rl-F'bf1•- 'llEVA.Y ' • 1 l ~.z.,,u. ... "ANI:~ :~~,\ -,. llilOll n a P. !] ·· I • x.a...,... Booch ~ ~ • t.oilum Adulto s1.:ao at~ l!ic • a.le at 1be Bt\a9 $alle. i IOI or at tht Jlox Ottlot I ... ' ' L''VlTt: YOUR INSPZ<mON OF ~ 114JlBOR'11 '· ._.,., MOST COMPLETE FUINITUIE STORE If yo• Mwn'1: vt.tted Garey•• eo.ta M..-•ton, t• .. nf• • trM.t ta •tore for you. Our .l'tlCHlt ~·­dollh1flllt our tdaow · l"'Oefti a,.,e . . ( OYt"r 9nO S1'1l&l'll t'w!f-t df''f'Ow.d to d.a.. plav -.f llKMIPnl lllMI maplft t.... In,.. .WM•P • . . the n.e.t" hOl'M appllaneN ff'&t11rtnl{ .... naMe hra.ed11-u ~. ~orp. Kftll'lnat.r. ~ O'Kee-'" a n d 1'(fl:rrltt , a.&mlM!N O•' ltan....,1 oatt..,.. and Sattler. &-ndlx, 8pHd ~n, Cooter.tot' alld 1'...,.t. l\1f' l'Crdlaily l1n1te yoa ,to ~ Mr atore aa4 to tak8 ah'u~ ef oar llbf'n.1 enidlt plllU. 'Oiime la ... ~""'9fl ....... -........ ... oMlptt-. RA.RltT 1". llE'Bll, ,,,,Mfft' OPK.'1 llAnJJlD4 Y "I'll, t P. IL OftlEll l!lVJ:NINOll llY4P~ o.u_MA.OON ~ YOUS CR&DlT m 000D AT ,OUl:l'8 I • ' L1•1111 lit SUNDAY · ' . IALIOA LOWEST PRICES! EASIEST TERMS ' NEWEST STYLE~ AT GAREY'S lllAl'l.,E DEP 4RTME~ 4 T OOSTA MESA STORE O~Lr • ......, _ _... fal>T'Mlll ~ ... -. • aewet1t etytett ... . ... -1--.:• , 1111~ ~v. waat 7eti'tl eee wlwon ~· come, to 0Garey-°9 ttu. week. Maple ·poupt11p at lleltlilble pri..S •.• ,.,,... '" .... -.ao. - the lll1&l't, eotorful new fa.bria dMl.p- ed for ~le loverw. You11 ,-,.. U ,.... .. , &<tday! • ... • I ,· • f , ·• .· " ' ! r" ' 1 J ' , • l • • J I t • r ' .. ' . . -· . ,, NEWPOltTlAY POST ait4 SHOPPIN& NEWS w.-. .. clAy. Mi-rcli'21, 195r . -' 2-lAYll MIU: CHOCOLATE CA4(1 ... 91<-19"- .fOc Holf COSTA MESA 1100 Nftl-por\ Blvd.. CORONA DEL Kil tos v..1 msbwa7 LAGUNA BF.ACR 116 P'o.,.t Ave•oe •••• • Provide -For Their Future Now! . Just aa sure aa you have children the day will come when they'll want eum.mer camp, pretty clothes, or college tuition. Make_ sure that you can Jive them tbeee tbinp by Sav- ing ayatematically NOW! . When you aave here your money ill insured up to $10,000 and earm curre11t high 3 % dividenda. D&IV!: CABEnJU..Y •••• OOURTl'ilY PREVJ:NTS CKASRE81 when .. you need it! I . . . with .the ·beautilul RIDE-A--BED . -6950 : The nt09t famous aad aattsfactory dual purpoM Mfa ever ~IM!d ~ with full •lse taaer -sprt•I' mattreu roidM m~ akle. Take your t'llolee of DEEP SLET.P Of' famous · BEA L"TYREST llLUTll!:SS A rte"" .tliplltf!•t ku Jutt &ni\'+d • • • and the prtoK are speelal, too! _. s· ~·"'·"' ., 1 m ~ o n·s • Prl ... al&rt al .•• 209°° tor Jen lliMt al• ... PD for fUU IOfa ala . A NEW SHIPMENT OF ' IMMON _S ' • • -. • . I l • . r .. r . ' • OQN'Vm .,.Oft ii • • Waler Hwlen ll!:AVJC!: • u:PAD8 , .. /J.ddolJ A---n.,. a Nls't B•ttn ...... tn:, 0.-•• •U H..+wt Pi.o.e llaltter U&J..."'°' 10% Discount on 4111 .PurdN1e . "riag tbk ad *" New Rni$h 1 Includes 2 coats primer and ~ coats of enamel · · IA YSIDE FISH 11 ~ARKET , I '.f 81<A TROUT ... JIOOI( oon-Wliele llM. ......•.. -----···"" Ill.. llAAKACUDA ud llA..LIBUT-W... chMulff tbh .... -.Ck lh. ·I ' Fretll Fhli Daly fr-Ow Owa ... 111 G~rof!!! ,~~~!!! £9· 2811 Lafaye4e, Newport Harbor 2960 %800 LAFA\'lifi:t.: •. ON THE BAY •• NEWPORT ,. Y-11 i.. a1i1htec1 •l 'l:he w•y uvinp add up when rou •hop .. ,... : luly at Safeway. You -· all our pricea an alwayo low. Thia meana you can MVt every time you 1hop-•few cent.I here, I few cent.I there. · Multiply th-uvin1a by the number of ahoppin• t.ripa you make in a month, a year. The result i1 11 1ubet•ntia11um. For typical examples of valuea Safeway otrera. check the liAta below. ·CBUll tp1 sr .. ~ ·i:..-24° l'!f..!!·w~wnk•11c•HI .. 13· lllCUOll ~,.1• 1:.: 15~~33° pga.,, • ,,, ... wt;. cll1111. ,._ft ,.icea m ldzao1. ,_ 5'1Cl.t ·-il· . ::.:z.. · -:: 37° \ i-..,...r.imr,...._ wtt.~.wi.. CDICll -£llE m "-3zo . .... ,,... .............. ~ ................ ...... LUCE w1•.1101s~-: .. ~: ~ 33° ' w-..._•TOW••• .... _.,,, ... ,.... . au••t• OATS~ 15• 4:.:33° Qaloli ea ald"Q. or -1ar type. For lr.ol llro " 1 I l I Milli ,,.,,. llm Eye PelS • ·;: 20- 0r111t like SC:: '= 1,. OrliteJlke: ':21• ,..,,,.,, f • llKlrH Mlt : 19!e I lw1tog1nlud. ttwf-oolb\ Uc l11zfi1 Milk~ = 15e Mill<_._ .. Stato ........-. b Crelll . s.s:: 2 .:=.. 35e OocoiaN or ¥DniU11. b {1'111 ~~ 2..::. 47 c ~-pl .. ChonyVooille. ' -Nl6 ~ llNl/f Nllll Sdllill ... ·~,·::.:.·-.: 1.16 Sdllilz ..... c!:.... 2 '!: 39-•••••'1 Will = -ss• SlulerM Wiit =· -Ste ... Oftd ... ,. ~ °""' ift Sot ...... liwflMd to "" .._. T.-odd1Hon91. • • J ' • > • " ' " • , • ' -• ' • "., . I "-' ~ ' 1 ... ·-, .:-....o..,,•;..._~t: ~'•::!:.....:4~ _ _:. __ ......,.. _____ ...,....._-;:· =:---~-;-__,;,.1.-:;~~H-'~;......'PO_ll JAY Pc).$J eftf1'5HOff!N8 NEWS • .-WUn11dey, Mn!.· 2 , ltl. I 1· Ev angel Assembly Mothersingers ·m Dramatic Progratr Little ChJrch • "f radition~! Ballet ~ .. t11o ~ .. J. :;...!":,-~ Q'.,~-~ t. r _ ' n _ h p T A Be fiit Pall wiu. aao ..... t wa111, .J. I -~ h p d 1a UM .ot-111 _..... wm ·t~ M..ia. °""* Air 11au..;I Olhla ~ ( • ' a ..-guna ,ueac •• • • ne "' lf•w,...t -~ •T L.GCJUn eac rogramme , wr. • ~: 111..uac .. t11o ._, Pror--..· .. t11o 10u1M · ' · ~w1111-'_ta_ lfm a-la,. ·at '!!lo t' L B _L Pf!!!"'"· doe tnln••r ~ ~ ~,A-clml ci0 Al1ur ~~. w-....., 1a "'° n .. .-..,_t1ie_...,t~~-~ a_"' 11u ... 1,__ tor utu. aa.urell t11o-. ew-a . aguna •ct(;Jl aru,. ..U•ro noxt.w.a.-. VL> Dr. ao.a.. ~. ~ ,...... w•IM ol -,01 Ao--ut!NI 80GP "1 o __ .,... th• pntral _, or Lldo,Jak -., __ ..... . .L ' ' .-,. l'!lht. ·n wu U!!loun1' m..,...,_ of UM Oout j ~ ~ta C)pn•· Drtn, ·L&· In ~lnr ol4 cootum~tU It W_.,'• dtlb --.,,ai 1"IO •·--·'r.1'. a Z:.W.,,.._., llijllt ....... la""' ~ lodoyl>y.Don ~ lnotnlctor. -...Sot -aa4 -r·- --. lltly Olonmunlae will clo9td -two houn kt-r, ...., Tb• ll!lo ' ••• rrtdo ....;... ·-""'.:. .... '.'r·~----al U4 tn41tlcnal -.. r will M 8~ w1ll 'lndude a.pt di -• .. ~,...oil btU."n. p .. Pity of It" performOd u a lion .. 1un. -~ y, '-:-i' vlot ..,.. 1• la --auiilpllllt4 In •1.a S.atnr · ot • ' I · '· ' ,' tar >... vaa Ooob-will ~ "" tit for ·U.O Newport Harbor an<t w11J, .. a ~ .... mettlJir ~ ot i.t ..,........ ..a.t.• ,_.., ~;. ' 1 , ' lllo ........ -sutar 11u ,_,,, eo... w-llehoot P&nnt·Teach· ~= by 1n.u!....,..._ &114 * of our Lord ,.,.. a..t>t lo Rt. -u at l :llO , ..... ta Ille '-&JZ.,m J.AMDT SELIXl'l'ION JN o~ · llllt l!u It ·--tor you!" er AMD&.' at the hip oc:hool OD At i:" ,......,. -Uld _,.... "!:J:!:"· 1'nalr L. llW -Rip IObool audltori-• ' , •• 7'7. . 0 llJRN. . JTQ Tllo 8 n7 -..... at Kardl 11 and 11 wu a ""e"tll, an-of'_.., Tl -~ bM 1 .... fOC' Ille -,_ "1 UM 1-._.. llc:lloc>l ~wn !! i :• .ua •-far all aJIL qlllCJtly paced ~ . t. joet, ")()' Lord r:--Jil7 <Jo«," ot llallot. • ....,. -ulal for u.o ..., q...,.. Star• .,..,,,.._.., Anr•l7J! <Mr&. ~ ru:;. ": ~ ~ At u.. ~ ..... of the -Ktllnda Lettbol4. -.-.... ot . • I P•dl 8 aeei• ·i.r -'M dlotributed ud eftry Roland) Wrich! &ad -whole co (';! 'r ' ..... the ...-Ol'lj will ...... OOm, Kr. ud Kn. Moreland Lelll!old, ---• ... lo wp1 to a ttand, Ylotton are cmv did a eupvl> loll u did M:ro. :;:i~ .;:::-~· Jllunlml aa4 lnvtto all ball"'" to 1IOI SUt •1 Front, Balboa, wU1 ALUllll'ltlll e UIDWOOD e 11.&TrAN e WllOUGWt DON la'ritM. 1""-.._ iii taken from Al. Horvath m Udt.ta and the Km W ~ vna Mtend and t&Jte put at t-ll• ..... -_., ol. ilN tub-lead.I. dAnc-. &WINGS UID!IU aa••..n Aata 1:1.11. ..,,.. ~ ot oommltt-for u.. Ml• or eand1 !:'• •ica ~ ud Lord'• Table. Tho Utu. ~ Ille a •-..ita aumber wttb • u..u • __..,,,,uu ai-. • ud popcorn. O...at Credit lo give J.:::"'~ by tbl IA lo aa lat. t.-··tn•. lt&HB 1l.'.trl' ud -r-in:r IAOl'&l>d. H 0 U. S· E &' G a R D I N Tb.e mfniall"J' ot ~11.t. L. to lira. Roaald Barlow, ceneral d.1· Uoea1 am.tiu ,... ....... t.nd .. ..w ..... two Mio ftl1a,. " JL V ... pW wu .. mvcll eajoy.' rector and autbor Of tb.e mel~ OU"DT& ON tot11 llT.' bl'rite the ..,J*>Pl• ot. lMI ana that Uoli& M dvrlltC a. Jloly Week w •k:M. drUna; Mn. Lff Stef!enaen, mu.sic Rectnt houae pe11.a ot Kn. are not attendiftc dl\ll'da .i... TtM ldlOOl wM 9tarted by the 0,.. Friday NlrMo ... 8-~ Ill (lQA.8T BIORWAY NEwPosr DACH tJlat M 1IAa been lnTlted to 9J>e&k director and cornpoMr and Mn. ~ary · L. Wllllama of .a. 20th at.. where to come and enjoy U.. l&t. 1'Mordor9 BMkeal, WIN> wu t.ptn •the enaing ur-riee 11ext Ralph Deaver, accompanh;t, to ea.ta w..., Wft9 her IOll and Chrlatl•• f~' at thli tr&lned and tat.er taucht tn the~~~~==~=~=~~~=~~~====~! 8unday &t 1;10 o'clock.. members ot lhl cut and all who p&ndJOfl, Che1ter and BUI Wll-'cbureh. ' tmpui&l Au.Mia Ballet echool &nd z.r&npl Aaeembly I.a the only bad a part lft the performance. liama ot Fallon, Nev.; Mr. an4 Sundq Bchool convene. at 9:'6 • aow cllreetAd by hi.a ...wt:ant. Peni..ooet&l ch\lrch ._tween New-At Ul• cloM ot the dreu n--Mn. John Cook ud daugttt... a. m. under the db'eoUon ot Mn. M:iaa Et.Ml Ma&y. ncket.· are on port Md Oeeaaa1.de. 1'1t milllMry hnn&J. Kn. Barlow and Mn. carol Ann. flt WhJtµer. • 111&ne°he Cl'akusta, &upt. ult at Blue l&lla. Balbo& ud the ot tit.Ir eillUrM a. open to eyery-Stettenun provided a hue• calc.e . Junior Church mMt. at 11 :00 Ialanden, Balboa ltlland. •A• a.ad a ll are tn.tted. to attend decorated and dellclowi and cof-L m. with ReT. Wynte A.. Do'lll'eU , tM •rvicel Praytr tor Ute lick fee for memben of Uw cut and WALLPA•RS · ln char,... N W d d' · .. etfUcted. 1o made 1a oil u.. J'riday e'Yenlnr after the p<rform· ThUHdt.y evontnr to Bibi• OOn e Ing IDHtibp • -,. prlrtt. vt.tt. ln ance the whole JTOUJI went to the il :New llfl: Pa&tlrM Study and Prayer meell.DC". Tbe t CDM Chu h the Mme. ror turther lnlonnatktm. Cut.awaya tor dinner. c.wt.r .. Pal.,. I haiw.,_ cla.tl la mrw enttl'inl' upon a new 0 fC o all ....at04. BOUIE a OAllDl:N 1tudy ••Ion and have uked tor Noon rtt. at Corona d~I Mar ODc.lideaW Gile Clab Ma.rdill II, ·n1c..t a.,. :N..,.,. ._.. • compreheuive ltudy of The Community church on Saturday, Oooee &NI dudr: llunter• ln Cali, (J'riday), I ,.. • .. RJ11t lldtooL Tabernacle ill th• Wilde.m•M. Ma.rch 17 lllllted ftobert Sidney fornia each yar apend approxi. I~;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;.;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Sunday eTeniJll' the Slnpplra.-M&tchett of Et Secundo and Violet tn&~ 131,000,000. k • Htlmat·!J Uon will be(in promptly at 7 :15 Karin .Akerltnd ot Manhattan ·ed b)' UM Wildlife Con.servaUoa p • • Jr. m. • Organ aoncert will follow Beach. The ceremony wu per- board. iOHO !J,,,4j;,ucJio11 wtth • ope<lal •••nlnr oarvtce. formed by th• Rev. Paul BabbltL TERESA RENNER Wn. 'A. Re-) • HELEN R. ROBERTSON, M. D. AJlnouncu the Opt:nlnf of Her Otftce at . 1,.1 BUPl!:RJOR AVJ:., COSTA Ja!IA (f'orm•rl:r Newport Ave.) ENDOCRINOLOGY AND GYNAJ:COLOOY • OFFIC!l PH. BEACON MOS RES. PH. HARBl:>R 306f:W ' 1· SPECIAL . 'l 116. Slla' Flex ' C91"1111 w,.,,,c1 , ROD .. Jn.. •••• , Tip • $21.90 Bo!J! • SPORTING GOODS N-rt' Jllft. a& U• It. 008TA."JO'.SA •••O. 1111-• 1-of ftlD PA•llJNG <"-... Aft) Oocldeatal Oleo Cits• -It, (Frlda,J), 8 p.· a. mp MtleL RUGS~rru;o s.. -'•4• ~.m-ef 1 ... ,..i .... h1• ~ Car-P'ril'"I. &re111 afl<lll ~p ~ ...... --........ 0 E>ert" a I ., .._ • rs .. . Oftt'J atl IF I 0 _, .. D"f'11* 436 Seft'll DriY• 1 Hnw 1171.J OIWlfi COOOY'S Oil Y COMPLETE ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTER. UNDER OMf ROOF! * C~• Hlthla11• -Coro11a def Ms .llOUllE A GAJU)&M' 111 Coui mwa7, Newpert \ '\ . • ' INSURED -. SAVINGS ' ....,. IAll•IM ' hr Annum "' ..... ~··-....... ---,-= • • • " • I . . ' . " Ilea ta * Fnait • Wtrl~'s largest FO 0 D · D R'l 8 Market I Pretieriptiom * * Veptalth1 * Tobaoeos * Liq•era . * Fr-r qoc1a * Bakery * Candy * Tollet1iel * Gifta * Home hold C11m 1ti• * Vttr.=t1 .1812 S. MAIN .. ST. SANTA ANA * Fouiltaln * DelicaW-· * lndriell Alh_...._ Prlw 'Dim •d•y Tllrm .S1111411ay === Mar. 29, 030, 31 A . April I .itrST MUTa •• llKA•• . Save Over SO°lo ... ~·· ... lfonia, 5-PiMe ,. DINNERWARE •TA-.TaPI an SaYe Mayfair Sales Slips · Leok what.-.11.31 buys st Mayf•irl Jwt .. .,. SI wer1h 11·~1" all pe an4 g•t p,..Mlum 41ual- lty dlnne~ at a big dlaooufttl •uy • muy •ta M you wllh. TtMr..-M llmlt! Thia high 9IOM modern OOl•rfut dlnMrw•r• .. Nautlfut~y proportioned and generously lin4 with funetleft•I 1uf'facu. ~actt ttarttr aet lnolud• (a) 10'9 Dinner "late, ti.) r ul.M pl ... , (o) 1!4" -p ... rul -1. (dl oup, fe) .. uoer. Op1n llteck lr'W'allabl.. ltart yeur eet today I • ,. 4iquors 'a.1td-Com~rf4 .. ,.,,_ Ctn. 99 .. • Acaas OF .... P,oUllUNG • OPEN NIGBT8 AND SUNDAYS Al hrpoM a Bakln1 • • RUSSn - Spinach M1 1di su. t.diet (No D••l•r lal.......Umlt I auneh .. ) c Potatoes f OMA I OE~ ' 5l•17c ~·5 -~ ·29c 10 -~ ... • 'l'zdle -TOMATO &.,l.n, T ... ., PEAS ' . 211: 21c A~PL•L.Alfu j Apple Sauce ' l'OOD CLU8, l'AMILY Flour S·t. c -lb. Can Gal. JIHJ c c . I _ _.Self S•nice Meats ~- NO Wj\ITINQ NO WAITI I Bath'• Iowa Eutera PORK I SPARE R 'l 1BS c •• . ·~ . I I J ~ A"'-1'• Cl~IM"i • 69; t I 1 Fryen· ' CUI Up . .. ' ' • C1Cigca~lt•s 01200 . c I~ ... ,.. , r!hltko:r 5tli vr••• 111111 o.i. . . It.SLM.' . J1 r /. • ' ' *' * • • j . ' Wl-o C..... Kint ·( sllced 11mcom ' . ' ' ••11 •••••· Aj' ..._ .. Swontfizll .' · 1 • • , • • • -Cll• l•p11 e-'M . '\ .,,. I , I . \ • Qi••· . i I. • • • , ' • • • . ' . '. . • • • I • . I _. ~~. i ' . 1 \C\ ~.o"~ot··· ~-'. ,~,,,,i\. ¥ I '""2' - IAIES YOU llOW HIES . YOU TRUST WashinCJ Mirade TIDE CLIANS llTtll THAN ANT SOAI' • Lar99 29c Pk . CJ . Do!• Tidbits PINEAPPLE ~-~ CAN .••••• SWIPM PUii YMITAI~ SHOlnNt ... SWJFT'NING n Dlffere1t l•kM T...ts wltk Swlft'•i•t 3::~ 89c <All Grhld•> 79c l·LI. CAN. Best Foods Real MA YONNAISi: - • • ._'f..ltt L' "-fllo, l y13 c.. 1· ~~ ~ ~ 2.:~:29c - ' ' No.z· 26c Am~ric~n Crystal Pure 1 O ·lb asc !,!IMlt ·o;, GRANULATED SU.GAR · iai !::~:· ~, iioiiffii 1 ~~;-14c I CATSUTP ~= 16 c -r:_:::::::::· ~1~,,~c _J Sf'EllT PANCAKE PUREX FLOUR 21-n., 21 c Quari I\ llal, Gal l'k, .. • · · 17 c 29c 49c : TREE TEA I SPECIAL : 41 49c v .. 111. 59c ·, :~~~~11-25c 1 1•91 l'k.. ' FLAT CAN ........ I r~~ ......... 21c ~~ .. ~~~!25C BUY . FAMOUS BRANDS ITS 49er WEEK • HeN are lust a few! ' c-i""•o sw11rs ,., . fiM''• IZ -Caa 45c • iz-. 45c c ••.. t -- l'EDIGllE DOG FOOD 4 Tall 29c c ... HILL'S tfORSE MEAT !:!YT . . 2 J:~, 35c • H.,.el'a S ...... lfO•acllwel9er LIVERWURST HOIMR'S SLICID ' . ...._. Fried Cot .,.... POIDHOOll Rath's Old-Fashioned BOLOG·NA • . RING .B'OL.OGNA' fl ,. ' 1' ' .. • ,1 • Potatoes BEANS . . LIMAS ~ ... 1 ::. ... 21 ;~:.-... 2CJc ' . &OLDIN STATI AMlllCAN CHEESE SLICED HOIMIL'S CID.Al · FR A ·,N KS .. Ml1IJllT .,. PEACHES • • . • • and may we .aclcl; y~ continued pab"onat• has ~vu \ ' ~~I-American~ the Market yo~ can .trust. • Exceptional for Tenderness _ - and Flavor! LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS · .. ROAST 49:. 69•. WILSON'S C!)IN KING SLICID 4~ BACON l·POUND , CILLO Pll. . DUIUlj)UI . 45:. SMOKED PICllCS IATH l'Ull POlll 39:. •• PIGIY ROLLS - OUI OWN MAllE-l'Ull 49t. PORK SAUSAGE . t • . sw1n-WrLL FILLI~ GREEI PEAS 2'M·15c ' z 4'h25c > E m NO. I ALL GlllN PIPPIN APPLES ' . "' 7· .. 25c -< 0 c I ll'E--SWln Al IZONA GRAPEFRUIT 10'"•29~ ... ::111111 c "' u. s. Ne. I IDAHO 1ussn POTATOES ... ' "Holdy Toter 109"' ' ' t ' ' i • 1 l • . ' • \ • I f .r • ' • • • • • Nl\WOAT IAY POST ,,.. ~ NEWS • . ) . Wedni1d.y, Meicl1 21. 1t11 • sllOPPIR& ... a ASS -~s ARE ,DELIVERED -OVER 16.000 HOMfS IN :HARBOR ;~R~, 'COSTA ~Sl .• LAGUNA l""".'""~~~~~~~.-.~~~-r:""'.':'-:I:"-:'.:""~11 :•~::!!!'~·'._!•~·~:~s~-~!~-~.J.. ___ ,~-~ .. ~O~ril~l~l~·~l)l~~·~GC~~~ODl!!!.~~f!D!!::~ll0~~~""1~r~.S!A&ll!~~~;__~-1·· ~~o,,on..iu. C :r '1 1 A· S S I t='. I E D :-DOUG:i.As Buy Yo~ TV NOW! Obrrytei:1 'Engines ~~~~~ ~~ ~= . l.a £ LONG BEACH. 'SM '11-LOW Prl'*I ww _,,..,, ptua rtftll _:.:==:::.::1::::~.:i.~!!~=~=:!~°?!.:. · i 1a irow BDUNo • Used 1o ra~ ~· 1-• , . The Miq]\lY Midget In Adverti81nq NEWS.TIMFS -Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST -Wednesdays NEWPOBr-BALBOA PRESS -Thundays NW ... ..,•-* O•nlft.d A.Ail ... , ru ta tM ~y N_...n.... or "9 'Diuncl&J r.... llllNDl1lJI Alj ll!I 4 LINU AD Onxffted ... afm' be pa&4 for Cilali Im advuce ot pubU.Ntlea. 4 U.es 1 Paper S .75 4 Unea 2 Papen 1.50 • t Llua S Papen 2.00 '?be puhllah~ wru not be raponalble for more than one tncorHCt tnaertton of an adverti..-nent. ruerve the right to correc:Uy claulty any a.ad all a.dB and to ttjrct any adft!'llaement not conformtn1 to rQJ.ea and . regulatlon11. Advertiaementa and cancellation• w1ll ~ a ccepted up to 5 p.m. on the day precedinl' publlcat:ton. Ph. Har. ltlt5 ...,._ Bir. 1111. Mk for .. Ad TU_.. or .rnd ad aJMI rmdttaoee t.o NEWPORT llAJUIOR PUBLISHING CO. Sill Balboe Bhd.. N~rt .,.d't. Oallfonla. lt-BUIRMl:88 OUIDll ~ HOtJDI a&UnNQ· ft-'l.08T A..~ FOUNn Wtk& :rcaruttun u4 NP LOST -Taekle box with name • 9lllAlllpooed. rr.. _...,..t• "'Vance• on lid. lett Tuff. eve. 1 ""°1 lMw'ld. in McF&dden St. parkfng-ue&. Al'I House & Rug . Reward. NoUty J . E. Vance. Cl . C phone Lopn 5001~ collect. ea.tung o, MpH -.. em l1U Tltfe ---------.....,--1 LOST -20 inch wbttl. red and For Venetian Bliilds, Whlte tricycle fl'om 10th and OCHJt front, Newport Beach. Sha<les and Drapery Hdwe. cau Hendrlckoen, Har. 2M2-J_ TUE SHADE SHOP 9Sc09 Free . estimates Ph. Har 884 Ill{ -.29th St. Newport Beach ~, 13t!c SHARPENING A..Q toOll • lawnmowers -pinking ahean. lmlve1. 1 ·9 p.m. A: Sun. FOGT SHOP 609 Coast Highway • • Newport Bf'•ch INTmuOR -mJ<ILIUOR PAINTING LICJINUlD -IN!IURllD Glenn Johnston 101 • llll st. Newport Btach !14rbor 2297.J 8k48 11-81TUATION8 WAl<TED FTh'"I: LAVNDRY or ~ng-only. CUrt&lna. Help with dhC. partiea. P lck·Up &ltd deliver. M.rs. WU· ll&m•, Call Bar. l~. 91cl %9--HELP WANTED Standard Station, Inc. Has a few openings FOR MEN TRAINEES ·! SA Vf: $80 · Crowns_ Royals _Ha, ~~ !!1.~t:iJnt io:er. , , ~ t•• AI>JIJllAL TV -ll<au· I ,_., With Sllop Experiellce tltUI _.......,, mod•ra llt7.. See Jotfu ,Harvey , HutlOr 1800 cablMt wttll collibln&-~ • I You Will >Be Paid . r:.~·--pl&yer,wu at seacraft . LI~=~~~ While You Learn , N Onl . $2S nacoAmmoawAY u.._i ....,ted. wr11.e portku· Assembly Work ow Y 9,95 miwPoaT HACH ~.'I' Bos Cl, thla .,..,.,ie.:tB Tll1a -tlonal opporllmlt:r, i. U"" 'TV PllDeo CODool tte J:x. PH. UA.OON 6m open to inen with cenienl .,. • . BE -Newly butlt P"'ICof•.~ abop. Good tor mtcb&nlcal or &bop apertmce. pudtod 91 aq,. Jnch pktun-, ,.... Ace• 2t to 40. con41t:IODeCL Qualified applleanta· will bo hlrfd $189.95 and after 2 weekl tn.tnlnc lot.- 12 \;" Blonde CoMOle $179.95 TV-rated ror promotion.. PLANT EMPLOYMENT • OFFICE MOORINGS Pleasure and Commercial LIDO PENJNsULA YACHT ANCHORAGE End of !l•t 8t. Ba.robr 2351 l\"J!WPORT SUCH abaloM, ehldcea or? Phone -CClf'r H38-R. 97c99 LAKEWOOD I: CARSON Hours S Liil. -4 :30 p.m.. 10" table model TV -$94.50 92.e KALT . .t; SANDWICH SHOP - Completely equipped. Frosly mactdJM .. Near echoola A tllea- tre It72 Newport Blvd., C01la. M:e-.1 1 98pl Monday tbrU Saturday DOUGLAS Aircraft Co., Inc. Long Beach Division 9'1c99 WANT M.A.N fOT' work tn shop.. No akill neceaeary. HOUSE a. GARDEN 911 Cout Hlg'hway, Newpo Beach. 18c99 DECORATOR SALESMAN or SALESWOMAN -To tell bome fumiahlnp r or manufacturer and retaUe-r of tine cu..1tom made turntture, floor coverlnp, drapu, wall paper, ete. Mwrt have car. House & Garden 811 Cout H1way, N~rt Beach 98d>9 EXPERIENCED OPERA TOR to cut up It pack-.e chickens. Ca.II at 2236 Harbor' Blvd., Co•t& Mua. alter 8 :30 p. m. 98cl. ·····~ WE HA VE FULCOLOR, TUu.. ERS New wuhable wall finish. Also Jewel caae of colon. Free painting lnatrucUon and color planner rolde". BALBOA MARINE HOWE. CO. Buln Branch, Bay•lde Drl•e Your F'Ulle:r Dealer A Good Place to Go nee Sewing Machines 7" table modet"TV .... $32.50s _N_o_WBUU>---..,-.,.-r-db<--red-.---a-r, clud •-•i. d •~ .. -AP.&llTMENT8 & ROUSES ft.CA CONSOLE 18" TV, like new wJth AM A 1'M radfo, beautl!ul mahop.ny cablnet with door• ln . u .. ran cover, ..-vv. 1 ___________ _ Sta.r, almalt new u.Jla, 5490. 909 Cout Higbway, Newport Beach. Beacon· MU. ffc98 now <mly '309.00 _B_OO_KS-S __ EA--B-00--K-S OCEAlf •FRONT APT., oultable for 2' adults. '40 mo. winter rate or $th mo. yearly rate .. Utll. pd. l30f W. Ocean Front, New· port Beach. 9fc98 SEO WIRE RIJCORDlllR. Good value at ·····-·-··--·--·--··'9t.a<> Keep In touch w1th WI tor food b\Q:• m TV set. being traded In -• • EASY TERMS ARRAl\"Gl:D DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1815 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA KUA Phone BuCQD 8121 Jack's Furniture li!O:S W . BALBOA BLVD. BARGAINS in used and unpainted turnltun I Buy, Sell or Trade Phone Harbor 2502-R • Furniture Bargains OFFERING my 8 pc. ma.hog. Dun· ca.n Phyfe dinin( rm. tel. like new. $300. ftLru than '1 pri«)· ALSO 8 c'-ft. Norge rrtrlge:r- ator, 4 mo. old (co.t $300-will •ell tor $210. 12' x. 131,.t· blue all WOOi TUI' It pad. both i:K). 108 Via Xantbe, Udo Ille, Harbor 2719--W. 97p99 TV CLEARANCE A. l!no -Of -Oil oD J'Mbt-.... oubjacta-l'luo oD ClllftDI A TTRA<;TIVll: 1 bdrm untumlah· 1loolm. 14Ddl,.-!lllftrJ. f'd apt.: 311 Marguerite Ave., Th Isl d Corona d•t Mat. N•ar ocean. e an erl!I hwd. ftoor•. tlle, yf'arly rental. 214: Ka.rtne. 811.lboa Ia. Bar 1&4.? Phone Harbor o&7f-J eve• or week ctnd.t. Nc98 WILL TR.A.DE •U Club Coupe. for equal value. Ph.. or Harbor 15'C·W. PLTIIOUTH """'11 boat.1 _R_E_~-N.-1-'AL---.,--- Har. 26-02-R r saei SPECIALISTS 1949 CHRl8 CRAJi"l' 17 tt. s.,...i Call -enia boat with trailer. Hu bad • ' • very mue uae-i2100. Rtch&rd· Lmwood Vick, Rltor. llOn Yacht A.nchOral'fl, Bayside BalbOa lalandl Bar. IOU &leM Drtve. Ph. Harbor Mt. tScl Boat Owners and Mechanic& For Your SNAP ON TOOLS Call JOHN KIMBLE 2152 )(iramar, Balboa Harbor lo&7·R 98c99h 32 -tt. SPORT CR1.ITSER. huaky SINGLE1"APT. tumlahed, uUI. pd. $30 mo .. yeai-ty rate. 309 E . Bay, Balboa.. Ph. Harbor 74~-W. I + • • t7c99 CORON.A DEL MAR, 120 Marl· gold. Two bdrm. untum. l'tre- placct ' Patio. G&rage. Yarly l~ue.. P"wner W. B. Fairweather, 2'00 Lambert Drive, PU&Mna. SY ::M811. 87p09 and ae:a1olnl'. Sleep11 4, galley. ------------ .. C'-·, Cni.n. 6 c:•l. ~ltrlne motor. A ttal tt»Y at $2500. ALSO SEVERAL OTHER BOATS COLE"S LIDO COVE LANDING 3112 lA.fayette, Newport Beach ·-WANT TO BUY used Chryllrr crewn with 3 to 1 reduction cear EL ToRO MARINES New· tmalJ tumlaihed hou-ie in Coet& Me... Only three mllee to the beach. ~ hr. drive to the hue. :No lncreue ln rent dur· lnl' wrnmtr --..on. UtWUu ln- ctuded, $51 mo. Phone Harbor 1607 {ICv~. Har. 2278-W) t'7c99 WE RENT ELECTRIC paint irprayen, noor anden., poU.hen &nd gardening orquipment. Stroot.I TeWlnkle Hardware, 1802 Newport Blvd., Costa Meq, Phone' Bea. ~222,. Who are lookinc tor permanent New Sin1er• portable ... "8.50 u-p Bargain! employment with excellent op--New Sinser' coneole .... $14.2.50 up Bargains! or 1' '!' 1' , Drop card to L. E . Wllaon C/O Rlcbard'a Yacht Anch...,. Balboa Wand or pb. Harbor :Jet and leave No. (betwHI\ t-4.) 9Sp3 portunity for advancement.1 21' As law u 123.19 down to iO pre.tttred. Paid wb.Ue and ".21 per month. WE REPAIR ALL MAKES tr._tnlnr. Approx. $770 mcntb to Jit&rl. Libtta.l laundry allow· ancn . H igh echool minimum dteired. See Supt. at the SEWING MACHINES Alt make• clea.ned ···········-·······''·SO All Singer• cleaned .... -. .: ...... $3.M ThNe 1ei. are floor model.o that ha.ve been. can!fully uaed in our store and can· I----'--~------ not be sold u new. H-M1lSICAL. llADIO ' Louise Apts. FIRST "'Double• and Slnglu OVEl<LOOKING 11'.A. Y JOI Ca:rnatlon., Corona del Mar 92cD3H "ONLY"- WE TRADE FOR THE' BEST~ '41 CHillv. "tlMbnut""' .-..i. A ..,,&It attracliYe 2·tono metallic l>luo U.d allftr ~ bu radio, kU .• t .. Utoo, -Ut<, ete. Tl>lo .._... flP.llCLU. V A.LUEI $995 . . :u FORD "'Deluz" ,Bed. "Radio. "OrlrlDAI" patBt and up- holatery. One in ten thouMndt $365 '4.8 00001: "euatdm" Fluid Drne Bed. with radio, htr .. etc. An WlD'lMked Bel~e beauty-& aound tnwatmmt at- $1,095. '41 PLY. ''8J)e<'lal Deluxe" Bed. Radio A htr. Lulitrou.I black rinlaih-the exam.pie ttau.lt ot line care thru-outl $495. -• '5-0 FORD V-8 ·euatom•• Tudor Bed. Fully equlpt 11rith Ford acceuorte.. Low mJ~e Dl!W. You won't bellev~ that we Will let t.h.t. one l'O for Just $1,695 '4.1 STUDE. Bed. with "OVER DIUVE," cllmatiul', etc. Sparkling N~w. 1st c1aq 2-tone green finish~ upholat.4'D! One )'OU'll be .proud to own! P . S. $495- A FEW NEW 1950 DODGES AT THE OLD PRICE! IT COSTS NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE" ._.. ' . SHAVER MOTORS 1936 Harbor Blvil. Your Dodge-Plymouth Dir. Costa Mesa 1948 .PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE-- All extru. Very clean, white •ldewall•.. Owntt muat ae:ll. Ph. Beacon 81M befon 5 p_ m. or {eves. Beacon 8672-W). Hc97 'i9 CHEVROLET DEL1JXE Con· vertible-all in perfect con- dition. (1 owner) Gotnc into aervlce. Priced for qtilck Rle at $159a ($225 under celling') •ItS E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa.. 98cl 19~ CHEVROLET Dix. Coupe-- Save aales t&.x, private party. 512 · 38th St., Newport Beach, EVllNINGS. 98pl '49 FORD Conv.. radio, htr and wb.itewa.JJ.s, 203 Grand Canal. Ba.lboa laland. 95p97 U-APARTMICNTS & HOUSES ' BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND APTS. YEARLY OR SEASONAL l!ee GAIL CARNEY with 1949 CHEVROLET Style:llne 4·dr. 1 de:lu.e .teda.n, SlfN>. Ba.n.k will flnan~. Original O'W'J'Jtt. Excel- lent condition. Phone Beacon ~2e after t.:30 p. m lit7c9D 'f.9 DeSOTO CUSTOM Convertible white wall tire•. Radio, beater, l owner. Excellent condition. Low mileage. $2295. 60e Acacia, ... Coron.a del Mar. 95<:97 1Uf8 OLDSMOBILE convertible, · hydramaUc drlve. r.e.dio and htr. $1~. 607 Poppy A Vt.~ Corona ' del Mar. Ph. H-..r. 28&8-R. 98el 1940 MERCURY CLUB COUPE. Excellent condition. New Ure.a. Rar_bor 1260-R. -97d9 • ----\.:... __ . H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair C)ervice Maintained Phone: Harbor lflS.W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia Ii Cout Hlshway Above lncludr• cleantns. bearing and t~n.slon adju.atm~nt. Pick-up and Delivery FRUI SINGER SEWING CENTER 0uo-vue (proj~t• 38"s.41" TV ptc- on wa.ll or movie acreen R•I'· UH.00 NOW 1179.97 l;:rnU90ft 19'' table model TRADE your old piano or band lnatnun.et foT' ta full cub value on a Paek&rd .Bell tele-- vi810n at SHAFER MUSIC Co. (since 1907) 4.21 N. Sycomon, Santa Ana.. Klmberly 1-0672. LOVEL ~ FURNISHED 3 ROOM Nelda Gibtion, Real Eatate 4J>t. J\.ccommodatea 3. Private SOS Marine Balbo& Ial Hu 502 patio. Util. pd. $7:1 mo. or by ' · 99ttc week. -f-4.0 Heliotrope. Corona ------------ $7-llEAL ESTATE WANTED Listings Wanted PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1515 Sant& Ana Aw., Cotlt& Mea Phone Beacon M04 79d>2 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m Palmer St., Coot& - S..11457..)( - REPAIRING and PAINTING , Carol\& del Mar Between 8:30 and 12 every Friday 97c3 305 w. ~th Kl 2-394.:11 8&.nta Ana R<s. 121111.9" • -NOW 1199.90 !:menbn 12lt" con.ale Res. 120.90 NOW 117,Ul-0 83ttc Ml M"ar. Ph. Har. 89-RK •ves. I oapl. SMALL NICELY FURN. APT. 'Rer. u. s . Pat. Ott. by srr. Mt~.eo. WANT \\'Oman to do amall family ;9jk:H Erne.non 111 '' TV, 3...-pffd pbono waehing (at ber home) once a ------------] and· FM: • .AM radio COME in and play the wonder-tut New Hammand Chord Orran. Even lt you don't 'know a note of musk: you can play beautiful music tn ten minutea. DANZ- 8CRMIDT Blc Plano and Orpn Co .. ~20 N. Ma\n, Santa Ana.. Prtvate entrance and yard. Au- tom4,tlc heat. ~ mo. yearly. UtlL paid. 3M Broodway, Coat. Meaa. 97c99 week. Phone Harboi: 1818 or EVEilii'HING Rec. Sth.9~ NOW "399.90 WTit. Box W c/o l'r<H. FOR YOUR TRAlIJ!:R !\'"URSE MAID, 5 day• a week. No hollffwork. Uv~ out. Apply at 214 • 33td St., Nn.'J)Ort ~ach after ~:30 p. m. 97c99. EXPERIENCED DRUG and COA- metlc clerk. Gundenon Drug Ston , 117 J.tain St .. Balboa. Ph. Harbor ~l~. 97c99 Wll FILL BUTANll -PROPANJI TANKS ' Oompleta lnat&Latloll, - and aernco at oD 1"alllr l'.quipment. Bemwi. JI. Samuel llCllla JI. ~ T•letone 14." t&blf' model Res. 1199.9' NOW 1109.M USED PIANOS trom '89 up. Good LIDO ISLE Tf'leton~ 18" table model .., playing cond.IUcn. DANZ-U 70q "want a rental cm uDo R<s. $20.90 NOW '189.90 !ICHMIDT. ~2-0 N. Main, Santa 111~ I -ua. S.veral 1on1J Ana. cor. 9th. a.p~ J.IJMJ homM aw.11.ltleJ RcP1~·~~thS~~bbl• w~0~'p1:0 ~:"a""a~;P: ~··A. PALMER Wu $187.!50 NOW $14.5.00 et or beauutul televllton. Hi&h· I INCORPORATED ' eJit · caal'l allowance. Te~ SW l1a Udo Harbor 1500 RENTALS JOHN D. l!URNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 •·ROOM hall.le, unturn.Uihed on Newport Blvd., near bwJ •lop. $50 mo. Ph.. Beacon 5713-R. tel Newport Blvd., Above Arch.ta. 97c99 BAY FRONT UNIT by week, month or year Reaaonable ratea. REASONABLE. L&rs• or •mall 1 -~~--------~ ORANGECO~T TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR l':LVD: HalllcntleT 1-0" tabla.modal DA~SCHMIDT PIANO co.. I; bttc w.. fl25.00 NOW fl0.00 cor. 8th., 020 No. Main. Santa HArbor. 2552 (Eve. Har. 291f·M 98tlc jobl. rte. eaUmatea. Bar. 2Ml-R Ana. WANTED SALES GIRL to work en.ta MM&. Pbou Beacad'd·ll ~y 1 and 2 ~room apt.I .. 0 day1 aw-. 1 hrl. In dreaa Used Radio-Phono. turnl.bed or unrurnl.lhed. Larg• -----------HAULING "'•bop. Previou. uperience pre--POOL TABLE, re1. 91.u, b411 no--Kantola comblnatton LOVELY BUNGALOW . •l&e up--feJ\oed yard. 4.14 . PoinMtua, A'ITRACTIVE, like new. ~ rm•. 2 Any ~i .. A trash or? !erred. Apply 1.n person, l2l E. turn, cues, rack. Reuona.ble, wUl W .... ...,.. NO 1 b 1 In tin dlU Co~na del Mar. Ph. Harbor bdrm•, wtturniahtd. B"ireplace, .............. Bay Front, Balboa l•l~. 17c99 tradt; pn televialon or whai haye u .-rii""' .. W $4'4.50 r I t Pano e con on. · .k dbl. p.rage, patio. A.dult, no ' John D. Burnham &-07 E. BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 160T Small Home Wanted :l'ROM OWNEft. Have $2,000 caah. Can make g'ood monthly pay- ment.. Phone JOBN M01T· RAM. Harbor I~ daye, Har .. bor 1'42..ft evenfug&. 98cl 11-REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Will trade small home, clear, Lido Isl-for ocean front ~ BAiboa. Balboa Realty Co. 700 E . llalboa ~lvd, Balboa. Barbor lJl3 Wal:ker, 108 -18th Street you. Ph. KI. 2_7837_ I tSpl Philco record $li6. Tenna, f20 down A $8.00 126&-(87c3 pet.a. $90 mo .. yearly.· 711 lrU N--+ Beach Harbor '2581 -R MAN w. ~nDt-••·• poal· player and radio month at 8RAl"ER MUSIC CO. bdrm A Co ~--~-II""'·~ n..o ...... ~ •--u~ w 'fl B.ALBO'• y ve., rona del -...... AT. -------------, .. 1.60 NOW '34..fiO ("'-•• 1-) f•t N. Sv--ore. '"' -early rental, 1 Uon open tar man lo ~lalll ~--~· • ,-· tu'-'•·•·• 1-~tu;" Mc98 --~----------•a-..&PPUA.XCE8 . Santa. Ana. ~btrly 2~12. ·~..-.~ apt, (acept linens). l~KALll Alcoholica Anonymoua Write P. O. Box 20r.'5 · Bolboo J.oland. C&lft, !'bone Klml>erty W3N Patio Furniture· PAINTED Phone Beacon 6451-W 92c7 Hafts PRE-NEED plan to ln· PhUco .recorder, record player It ITtte Pb'op(.o Harbor 0331-W. l91p8 ------~----- IA!ruted people. Leaclo llimloJt. WE REP AIR . l'M·AM radlo Q.A-T&AJLllll Sl'AC& , ed. Car necesa.a.ry. Ace no bar· all ..ma.kn or wuhlnl' machlnea. Wu $139.!W> NOW ttp.ao SPINET. Brand new but cue two BbR.M. A PATIO. l'umJabed rter . .Apply to lilr. Hartwell. 10 tronen and vacuum c1'$nen., •U.hUy damastc:i tn UJpmut. A houte. PtninWJa Point. Teara L.AR.01: S'PACE ilt be&uutul trail· a. m., 2910 N<WpoTt Blvd., New· STROOTS T•Wlnltle lfar4watt. TIDE TV wondertul b&rpln. 8&Ye IHO 1-) i 100 por month. Call Bar· er 00<1rt. &loo -all tnQor· for port Beach. t7cl 1802 Newport Blvd., COllt&.Meu.. 3011 Newport Blvd., Barbor tOS Genuine. Terma. Dam.-acbmJdt bor lD-U. '7c9t rent. tn.:M> mo. 1'7U Pomon&, l!XPERll!:NCED wa11r ... Wanted Apply SNACK SHOP, 11119 Coaat HJchway, Coron& dti Mai-. Beacon 5222. Sktt Santa Ana. 520 N. Main, corner , COit.a. Kua. Beaobn,lff;1.J ELECTRIC ~GERATeR -Rattan Furniture •th. Onr one hundred planoa. TWO BJIDROOM J'URN. APT. 89ttc ...,...,==-=---=--'-".""':"-:--.. · Frlfl<la!r<o. UW pd .. HO njoo. to ----------81JW1, C'QOd condition.. '36. 721 Made In the PhJWpln• a.nd SPINET Repou., Pay out balance, Jun1115th. 1045 W. BaI00.1Blvd. ll--lllOND TO LO.AX Poppy, Corona del Kar. 18ct9 lD our own work lbope. f216. Another repoaualon at Phone Barbor I27G-W. 1 t7tfc- WA?-."TED MO'TZL llANAG!!lk-Wide choice ot fabrtca. f390, coat new $t15. J"uat lllce ~ .I --------• .---- Single man or couple. WW pro-L&rc .. t dloplq ID ao. Calif. new. Terna, Danz·Schmldt SIC' ~y RENTAL-Fuml"l\ed I LOANS For ~Homes Cliff Haven Trade Sy' owner. 2 yr. old 2 -bdhn. "'&fld ,.den, JiY. rm., diJ1.. J:m.., and hall carpeted, trpl, tum. heat. J-cv pr. Fenced ycl. (oot leuabold) For older· 3 .bdrm. !Cl" equiv. Nr. ~ ' Beach, Harbor ,,,_ Boa. lH9-lol '. llc12H J Ocean Front Furbished ' ... ' lS MA•J; YOW CA.R vide apL plwo ll&lary. Wrl!AI ao. .....l!.~'9 _ J.. Rettal•blnr f!d Reupli~ Plano Store, ll20 N. Ma!D, com: rm.l.llouae, 8500 eout ~l'nway. REGULAR '* % ClG-20 yn.) ~ 11:, thla _.. Mc98 u~ ~. ·-. HOUSE & G~DEN o~~~:p~~Ana.os -u ...... ,llrna..... ~ ~bor•lll92·J 1~1 _!.L ~K (Z(O Y-) ,.,.~ bedroomaJU ..... ~e: o~ .. ~"' ~ SALES LADY and Allabtaai Ap-(rVS-111 Cout HW)'. Nwpt., 8-. UT7 ~·~ -· ....,. _____ Wlll~TO LEA.811: with JIUl'll to ·~ •,.n lO yeara) ~~ n -~ re• panl Buyer. Write quallllca· • Cblcl<•rlD&•Kuon and Hamlin, bu .i.ou-a.1or2~ .. Ila ~.toaa. Mlli~(lt.yra.) 1 :':. "°.._""" aaj'clUeld. WANT RIDE DAILY from 11100 bllt. W. Balboa BJYd. to Corona del }(a.r (I to ~). P'bOite BarbOr Ut.6-W. -i&Uc uwu, experience and Nt.,..,,_ :J.. • MOVED 1NTO 8KALLER HBll. Steinway, Evqett. llobmer. 118 On&J Bli.lboo · d "'" COnmilaa. ell&'· on Metro loan& I • ,,_.... -- Write ao. 11'1. 'nlla -· Mattress Spec~ ., muat ~ o1 tha tolJow. w .... utur. 8l&n' Klmbllll :11a11y 7 ·-· .., · We buy 1ID4 ..U Trwot Deeds '8!IOO u ·pen . .,.,,.....i. , -J'f ... Dura·-L&tex ~loned :: ~bl.·:..~~ =t ~ ~6~. = f aa:.~ ~II r!!'Tpp~ iµLl>H P. MASKEY r------.------,IGIRL WA.N:I'ED lo wk ID allk mattn. and -"Pr!JICil (l'OC. Seeley"• mattrua 4 'aprinp, A.II&, '20 N. M¥!< -fU.. Balboa Island R<lp. P018I!l=R KOR'tGAGll 00. 1411 N-..,;-t ~ ~·-..., ..,,..,, prln~ plant. No expert-'9t.IO> · : '85; Bamboo dlnlq nn. •t. l __ ,:I] · 1 • JlOtro UN 11u1. .-... ~MUI PHONE • WANT A JO)J! --. -Consult Class 29 "Help Wanted"· There you will fiJtd 18 ads otf.ering m•ny kinda Of em., plo111•1&t.. -, • Lalk .... ,,,,. f """" ~ulred. H boun clliU,J, 6 'l1IIS WEEK -flll.!50) G1w top I~ I c11o1n U>d LOVKLYU8lll> uuii:&T PIA.NO. A~" 2 bdrm -.m , . , -B.\JUIOll '82 • <la.ya .... k _ 1013 Vlctorio, -(2 Mt& Oii(,) ' Gortt ltoP ~ .... --1111• ...... -MO -.. I~...::.. ""1llm. --~ L04Ma ~ lltllLDJ .JMnoVW: -! ll-' llPl ' m -s lnaldltar .C-. Nd SU -at aH.U'll:& lll1"1C ' • BUY, llODWR-. ·ca • WAN'l'11:D GillL J'Oll -ElfGLA.NDJ:ll. ,...lllfl',... mat-= i:t :.".ta:~ 9: · :!..~'::t.1IOT1.,!2~~ · ,Vood Vick, Wo ::i:c:--_ THE· /'RESS , --rk. .A.PPb-n: ... l'rt.. -... -opdior, 'ISl.'1$. -_._ at-11• ~ MIT2. . • -IU A .. ., . DWPOll'l' ••• ., .. ~ I -~ ~:--. ~ OolU,ot .... ~..:-1 ... .ao A~.~ <loLJW. .... D.NT ~·P{A.N0.'6,. -i.. --...-.-*~ 1 _ ... '!!*t.e:~.'!!;. tHE HEW$•TIM~S ..-cau.) --=~~<1::.,''*'°-VJ:Z., ........ _ _. A.llNDt.it.w..s~,....-ELL_...,o ·----THE.,,.ST lt:XPDili! -' .. ~ "'11 ~ -I'll'· ..., . la -!)~· :aiiMlt Co. ro~. •11:41. t:B'rATs lDAfta ~ . 1o .., ... =' ... ~~-011oa,.,.. ... . , •. :;;: ~ ~ ·' 111 .--. • "· -. -.._ _ Wmt.er . 1a*9lt ltefa ,llL_ '" . --·-• •ti 1 Ylb ea •• 11~~---..........,__.•.ra.-•m•·--ootora~ ,...,,,. - -lei& ~J:ru.·,:::,1 1 ;: ..-tt;...., 11e1~=-----~ ,.~:;"_,_':'~~-~· ........ ...,,. 51 Wt &&.,...t.W -~'le"" t: . · ~ 1t~~f! f ror I ca w ...... ..... -. It= , . . • 1Uli ~'ft-; at•~, ... ~.~~ ._..." • !P' I ? ldl!'t'dl., -1' .... -.. a, •Ill I ~.:..:.. --~--~ :.;::.·.:::=-~-==-· --. ::1-i ' . t• ~-~ :·= . I -~ ... 118 '11t .. --~;;,;,:~~;;.-: ........ ' '~ -· • • • I , ' • I ( - • I • -• • ---YOU-WANT IO IUY, e '•r.A.L'EftA.D -. BLANcHE A. GATES·,. Realtpr · L. S. JONES . J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island I'll. Har. 1671 or 1672 Har. 746-M or Bea. 60il-R Eva. ' -' -- BALBOA ISLAND Charming opacioua 1 bdnn, 4 bath furnished home on Little IAland.. Patio, dble. gar. 'Grounda fenced and Jnd.ocp. Xlnt. buy $30,000. Submit dn. pymt. · )' Grand Can.al, Little Island. Charming 2 bedroom 'home. patio. Dbl. gar., an !IO' frontage. Room to build 3' more unita. Owner says make offer. XnlL terms. We offer you one of the f"mest Bay Front homes on ~ Island. 60' frontage, pier, float and boat ailp .. l! bdrm, 4 baths, 4-car garage, showers and dresaing nm, patio, beautiful landscaped grounda. Tbl8 ill priced right and term• may be bad. BAY SHORES , Two attractive homes in Bay Shores. One 2 bdrm and den, one S bdrm. Priced at $14,500 each, un- ¥nW1ed. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR , CORONA DEL MAR Modem home ot diatinctfon! Built 4 yrs ago by Lloyd 'fVood for hia own home. It• dignit y and charm are re- flected ln every feature. Nestled against the hJ11 on Jarce aite overlooking Corona dt"l Ma.r. the ocea.n and C.talina tsland. Wa.llt of plate glaaa are designed to brine n::oUe tropical patio into every room. Beautifully appointed kitchen h.u di.apoaal, fan, dilh'A-uher. C•r· pet, drapes. cu.atom fur,niture included. Luxur10u1 prt· vacy for those with dl.acrtmination.. Thia exclu.tve offer- tna ta priced rtg~t. PHONE HARBOR 882 P'OR APPOI1''T'MltNT TO Stt TillS /l"''USU AL HOME! STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 1311 Cout Highway, Corona del Mar • LOOKING FOR A GOOD BUY? WE HA VE MOST of the placea listed for sale on Balboa loland and many otMr good buys in the irurrounding area. IT IS OUR OBLIGATION to help you locate the place best ouited to your requiremente. May we &how you around? • . ' No Obligation of Course. LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 .Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor BEST BUY IN COSTA MESA MODERN DUPLEX on comer lot 60x150, in best reaidenti&l district. Each ba.s spacious living room with dinette, tiled kitchen, 2 large bedrooma, tiled bath with tub a. shower, hardwood floor• with oub-floor, fireplace in front apt. Furnaie heat: Laundry' facilities. 2-car garage. Fine&t conatnlc- tlon throughout. Income shows 10 per cent return on Investment. Close to shopping & transportation. Price $16,950. Terms. Shown by appointmenL Pb. Laguna 4-1021. Ask for Mr. Huntley. LIDO ISLE "Lovely 3 bdrm., J ~ M.th homl!'. The IoJand Din.inc, den, ti~place. Unit h~•t. L&rJ<! comer vi.w ~-Lo-BAYFRONT cated on corntr 11trttt lo •lretol tot. EJr:cluslve listing, $22.000. Lido Isle, $11,500 dn. Opportunity • • -f:• .... ~.,. . :f. .. I -•, ' CHOICE BuYs' : • OLD, BUT what tult to ~ ... la UU.511odroom~,....... L&rp rooms and pordl. ,-, IMlleh. exc1aave MiP~~­woui~ -.Ider 'smaller ..... lio this ..... u pa"--Will- -b&.Yfnmt ho!J'M ._,., lflDbis tut. RtJn'LED cmttAINB at tbe 1"DdOWa -provtnd&l paper. Oii the walls -tlla eould be made a ·mwn hobae.' i blid- rooma. nice bath Wlth •tall ~­ er. pod heat, dlahwuh•r. cit. poaal, 'Bendlk, nice pa.tio. On • corne-r lot. $15·*· S2:w:>O DOWN ,,_yment a.nd rK· aon•bl.i-monthly paymenta on UU. pntty little redwood cot- ta.ce c.ne half block to _ water. Only 2 ye.an old. Hu 2 bed- room. and 2-car praae built for Meond 1tory in R-2': zone. Very nioe b\ly ·at SO.~. ' • BEDROOM HOME acroe1 1tn-et trom bay. Mo.rtly knotty pine iAtfrior. Good nreplatt,. 90.n• d@Cit wtth v1ew, double p.t&g"e. all completely fenced. Very nNt. SI T,~--. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 Ba.I boa Blvd. Harbot 1 Hof Seleded by Multiple Liflting As Outstanding Buy OF THE WEEK ... ' Beautiful • . • • 14 Bay and ouan view lot Newport Heights A Steal at $4200 M ulttple Llst~ No. 1739 A.ak About Thia at Any MULTIPLE LISTING RLTR. • 92<:9< For Excellent Buys in CDM, See These! LOVELY 2 bdrm hornt>, w to w carpettn1. drape•. 2 tir eS,lace11, patio. PLUS fumithrd apt. over dbl. garage. trer8 Ir ahnl-... so n. cor. Jot .aouth of hJrhway. Room for add'l unJta, $17,250, terma. In CORONA HIGIU.ANDS New 2 bdrm ranch·t)rpf' home. luge lot .. exP9-naive ocean Yiew from lovely panellffl llvtng nn. -T Ll1tlng-1 Wa.ntM -Alao Rent.al• Ernie Smith, Realtor 1206 Cout Htwy, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2e67! 98cl Today's Best Buys in Corona de! Mar $9~ terma -new 1 bdrm garal'e apt., hdw. floor11, 14. batha. laun- dry traya, 2 car ,.an~. R·2 lot . Roo&n to build home on frnt. $1 0,000. Small homf' on choice 4~ ft. corner k>t . Garage with extra 11lttplJ1g room att11.ct\Pd Ilk e:ttra bath. Room to build home on front of l•t. tor thla beaulltul bids. aite. Comer $11.500. r.uy Ttnm.. Two1 unit• of Strada Centro. Balance kO Two atory, •lx bdrm houlf', wtth South of highway, conaining or ..mo. E:xcluatv@ liali.ng. 2 bdrm home. hwd. noon, tlrf"-playroom and aeparat·e bath ovn-LidO Isle Bay Fr. Lot ploc<. noor rurna ... AJ>o •incl• I .. tt. ,.,,ntace. pier privilege .Top the double pn.~. Laree lot :so •pt. turnJMML pi.ut c•r•ge. location, $31 .~. ExcJusive list-feet wide by 96 fttl dttp. Therl' tns. Ocean Front Duplex are many nne featurPa to thJs South Baytront location. Supe_rb :rtne beach at your door. Only U ,:500 down. BaJance Uke rent. view. ltJ<cl...... U.tlng. Bay Shores ~I bay view -s bdrm. 2 both home on la.rge lot. Deluxe tttmement. t:hrourhout. Fir~ F or deta.Jla of accommodatk:lba and price cau Hub Powfl"li AT HARBOR 83 ~. unit heat. Loa of Ule. J"uU me dining room with bay J Ttew. A rm.!: va.Jbe at $25,000. ' I BEDRCX>K, 2 bath DUTCH COLONIAL. naaatone front. l1nft beal, tin place,• view ot oeti&n -1..nd Jetty from 2nd floor. ----------- '21,!IOO. GRJCENLEAF A ASSOC. 111.12 N""'J>Ort Blvd., Harbor 21162 Today's Best Buy in Costa Me11a. FHA Re8ale , • . • ;. ll'REASURE .-HUNT • " Call 'at our office for final cltree 'concerntni· th~ ,otttataDdiDt pro~ Drlk>A~ 2 ~m wtdl 1l1Jl deck baym., .--'U,500 a a ~ two lt.orJ ,llllJl decll -.n iii ,c500 2 Bedroolll ocean Tront -------$218,500. ~ Bedroolll tuniiahed, Ocean front ---$40..000 CORONA DEL >MAR 2 Bedroom, 200 tt. ID bay beach -"----'1 .. 7li0 JOlf,N D. BURN,HAM 507 E, Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor OM5 or 1607 Sarah W. Newlin-Jame11 C. Newlin, Jr.-Helen kcDon&ld LOVELY H()?4E, with View . . . OF OCEAN, BEACH and BREAKERS ... 3 B. R . and. large rumpus room, 2'h batha. All carpeted wall to wall. Owner living out of~wn desirM to oell quickly. . ' DON"r WAIT. Excl~ive with us. Pnced at $28,500 Another Lovely View Home ~ OVERLOOK.ING OCEAN, BEAGH and BREAKERS 5 bedrm. and den, 31/, baths. A rare buy. See thi• today. .,..Y term• PRICE T. McCUISTON Realtor CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. 503 ~ Highway Corona del Mar Ph. Har. '7 F . H. A. BUILT AND FINANCED PAYMENTS AS LOW Af $49 per month !PLUS IMPOUNDS! VEl'ERANS FINANCING ALSO AVAILABLE ' Sf'fore you buy -~ these new 3 bedroom HOMES with · na.1 trl"eplacef. H.W . nooni, tUed kitchen Ir bathA. huge eloeet., · covend palto-.porchea, wide Jota 183 ft.), l&nd· .caped ~ and many othf'r dt slrablt feature•. CHOI Cit OF 8EVEPt.AL PL.ANS AND ELEV A TIONS Selling fa.st .... Seleet Youns N 0 W ! . MESA HOMES, Inc. NEWPORT BLVD. It 22nd ST .. COSTA MESA Jt. W. PE"l"l 11', Realtor ' Newport Heights iloit REAL J, . THIS ~L1;!!,~~ ~~'(.. ~~~t~:~:t;: .s... ......_ ·t & a ;u-r1n,....m -tllfp!Mo,1 aloe '~ti01 1arp 2.-car prap. I 'J'h1a ...,., lut 1-. only '"·re'· Nm.ut. !ocv.N ~-Wltll!n • f~eet of a lovely -.:11 and nn OcMn llwlmminc. ll'lahlnc and Diftinl' too. we otter you. tW.a' e.xceva-ny t1M pr<>p--~rty !..,.. Ab attnetlv:e Mid i ci;tm· fortable 2 bedroom home With flrf'p~e AND a large l bed.l"CIOm apartJ&ent ovtt • 2...ear prace. RedWood tixterlor. Beet t Oon- atrue~n. A HOME 1Hth IN· COME and PRICED RIGHT at f)t,oilo. AND ~ the comer on the ~ tRGNT thla <lell&httlll • 2 !I. 14'-tedwoud Jtome otters a macnl.fieent vtew and p 1 • y ·lrf<)Wld! Very tin~ of _,,mic- Uon., clever uae of colof1 and woodi ~ellinl" on futerla,., Cop- ~r ptplnr th.-uout, 1nadlated, nrep~e. with ltfftolatar. M:a.ny otber JnteruUnr fll!'aturea that you bua we tor youtWlf. . ..-.. e4FF~VEN ' Twi> ·bedrwma ·wt k TDttt\lldliality! ~all to wall e&J"pet, hard,roool _tloors, flrepluit. Back ,.m fenced; Pullm1n tfl\e, "-th. Thia h~ la llelling be-· lo\' tlarat value. Bllq w-m. with . 4 % tln1n<l9. Full price only --, - ·$13,500 ' Newport Heights Brand n-3 bdrm, ho~-on 'beautiflil comer tot. Thia home hU e\'erythllig. Likeable floor pl1D, 1"% bath, tiled stall ebllftr, Mtp&rate din ro0m, 'fire- place, eelkted ~· extra large 2<ar gv. Protected patio. l!~ fillancie on balance. See thia now. Worth more \!Im the uking price of • . $14,750 A PLEASURE TO SHOW PHIL SULLIVAN C. GALEN DENISON G. T. EVERSON • • REALTOR ' 490 Newport Blvd. . Costa Mesa Bea. SUS-W Harbor 3157-W or Beacon 5458-J ~y flu-nlallod -A Re~ ---,--~------------------ BR E:~=~! Th1a ·~ • 12~ BALBOA PENINSULA, EXTRA SPECIAL foot tot offen an UNSURPASS-Buy now and chooae your own eolor1 for-thta lovely a bed· ~ OCEAN It BAY VI!:V.'. Slt· room , 2 bath home. Parqyet noor tn livinc room. fire. uat.ed on C lff Drtve in Newport place. Furnace heat. Lota of storage. Douttle pral'e. H~'.r;... Prteed below market Excellent location. " for quick ule '&t $4200. , . South Coast Realty "Mw'lUple Ll•tlng Realtore" Full price $15,000, with terms Don't wait on thla! • 302 Ma.In St., Balboa, Har. 2034' For appt. to 11ee, Phone Mary Dick.Ion, Harbor 1013 "Near Pa'91llon" (Eventnp, Harbor 2092-W) ' ' LOOK • • ALSO chtricl! oeean tront comer lot. A ~al buy at 132~. · EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor a B. R. ~ ba. Ir lge. apt. over p., 1113 Newport Blvd. Newport Be•ch oceart view, new modem 2 .. tory --~~------------------­year~round homf:. cOmp. rum. 1711 Eut Ocean Blvd .. Balboa. For appoinlment to see call Owntr, Har, 2451-M. O~ dat!y. I 91 tfC ' SMALtl. 4 ROOM HOUSH:, % ac. $37~ tumlahed; $3500 unfurn. Lo.,• dn. payment. temui. Ch\.-n· er. Aitter 6 p . m. 2629 Sant.a Ana A Vt', COlit.a M.NI.. 97c99 For Sale by Owner UDO ISLE HOME. 45 foot lot, 2 bedroom1, fireplace, walled patio barbtcue, double prace- i $13,750 Available at once. Ph. CR e1tvlew ~·4789 or .·~ar. 1M2 Wk.. f:nda 99p9 BACK BAY. RANCH BEAUTtruL ALL REDW6oD,.R.ANCH 'HOUSlr: with unsurpassed vi.l!w of bay. Separate gue11t houae and ::p!::..~;!:.e~: :.-:::: J1ve~e 5 tin-=.l!l~:c~ ' the back bay e.rea. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY EXCLUSIVE LISTING STANLEY HADFIEI.D, Realtor • 2111 Marine Ave., B&Jboa hland. HarboT' 20 • .• STAR SPANGLED SPECIAL • • NEW S BDRM:, 2 bath home on Lido IAle. Hwd. flooni, corner fireplace, dbl. gar. Patio. Splendid location. -SEE THIS TODAY Priced at Only $17,500 \. NEWPORT HGTS. $8,950 2 bdrm. home In the ~•t location. 3 yr•. old,, hwd. floor#, dbl. pr. bond.a paid. S4,3M down. LARGE LOT, 4 rooma, bath. dbl. garare. 2 long chicken ho\19t:S, cf'ment ftoora., maN<et acroa at. bus, Cood loqatlon, 12921 W . 17th St., '&ant.a Ana. 97p99 ISLAND REALTY CO. ' ll:XC'&Pl'IONALLY \VPlLL BUILT on ... bedrm., one-year old home. Larg-e, well landscaped loL Fire-- pta~. ample 2·car prace. p!u1J many.many flne feature-. Idea.I for coupl .. Newport Heights $12,650 VERY FINE VALUE! Two bed· rooms, .tan aho\•,.er, dining nn .. double ~. nicll!'ly Ja11d~ap­ ed, tnch-th1c1t hardwoqd floora. Iota or euptioard.t. Patio 11nd barbeq\14.. Don't pua ihta up. • • AI:.80 Corona del Mar Ocean View • • $8,950 Ms~ people do read tM &di. • New 3 bdrm Home $2,000 DOWN On Broadway In Costa M'eu NEARL T new 3 bdrm. G. L RE· a monl' other lovely home1 . .Bf'11t BALE. Excellent Coal& Maa lcr hwd. tJoora and rxc-eUent finiah cation. By owner. M9 Park wof~ \)irou--out. A beautiful Drive, -c . M. Beacon 5698-W. home.. 13,4'00 down on F .R-A;. 97c99 $1,7&0 on G. 1. $11 ,500 ' SALE $5500 ' NEW 1 bedroom house tn Colla Me1a. Low down payment. Why pay i-ut T Phone Harbor ·1607. (Eve1.' HaTbor 2278-\VJ . 07c9t REALTORS INSURORS PARK AT AGATE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND Harbor 377-W 6 Units In heart of Balboa $18,000 SMALL DOWN- Long term elU!y payments at reaoonable rate of interel!t He wan ta to sell QtnCK ! ,.. P088e811ion at onee - Balboa Realty Co. 'TOO E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbo!-lM 93lfc 3 UNITS-$12,700 rIVI: RM:. HOUSll; two 8-rm. unlta and pit.gee. on I Iota (IO x WO) at 42bd A Balboa Blvd., Newport Beech. Neta lO'Ai .• 7300 handles. Phone owner, klmberly ~2070. 17dl9 COSTA MESA REAL ESTATE . 2 BDRM G. I . RESAr.E -~ in Ea.4t0 tfd~. Full priCI!, '11.100. Sl.800 down, mo~ pymtl $52.12 Include.a t.axea, lnter~at and tna. A HOT ONE. / NICE CLEAN 2 BDRM ON " •c~. 8pactoua bdnna, tile, rar .. -~ blk from Newp'ort llMI. Price ot $8.~ lncludo!:• nlee tumlture. BARGAIN! RUS'l'IC • EARLY AMEIUCAN Bland new I bdrm home_ m ..... pig brick tlrepJace, -ant. l.M;d. • Thia luuty i9 differ-mt. Priced right at $9,600. ' ' 3 BDRM G. I. RESALE -hri. tlood, dual turn., !Ir~. tile. ........ ~-dbl. --· -= lot and ll'lOl'e ~. '11lll clH:a cut home at 411,tOCI -N .llOG dn.. a.nd t.:51 mo. • •• ~~-£~- ,, •• MAii.if · . With SALLIE . l' -~·~ ... 111rtect .•. ti~·-· .•. Tiie IUll lblnoo a Utile bri&htu ••.• u(d all the ~ In our NP otarl to bit U& In the eye. • • • Our -)ook dlrtle.r. • • . Th•· -ork In the ldtdlon _,,. to have Jaot some ot Ito color. • • • And what la that WlY back In that cl-1 on the top ahelt? .•• Well, tnlMry lov• oompanJ ••• -. ,• Vow'N lucky ••• you'¥• only get • ho~ to tum uPfld• down t · What woufcl you do if you had • wMle Market to 4eal with? It'• trve • , • now that w.'v.-eot E..- ter off our eMsta .•• we're .. Ing te tNr'thlnga aip1rt. •• : we"n 19- lnt to 'rnev• oo"'nters toeettter and really do a rejuvenatJnw }ff that'll ""'"" for eul•r, fatter el'lopplng ••. kill bumpln9 1t orewdtd pe- rto• of the day ..•. tt•• golnt to N werulorful I luggel't.Jona ••• we ,.,.... •em .••• After alt thla le your .......... .P.nonally rd much rather db- CUM the tint strawbeniai and tht!ir out~-this-world flavor .... The tender a 1par•Iu1 that'• broucht new life to the produce M!dion. . . . The tiny ..x:tnJ \ that're so good cut tn quart.era and trench f_rted. •.• The Poncho Hats ... on the Mezzanine ••. some-at 'em have bun'o. on 'em ... othen ~ o( fruit. . . , The swim toys for the kids. . . . 'Iben's one that'• called H-long Cauldy'• ' hone Toppor. . .. Can be Inflated ...... play~ wtth in the house, in the yard otr in the w•ter. . . • But ... Let'• ~t the Spring HoUM• claanln g over with ..• thMt we'll have lob of time tor , play ..• ,.. WINOOWI Fl,.ST ..• ever tried GI .. Glo.t ••• Bon Ami GI .. GloaT Need I uy more? .•• .. UGS NEXT , , • Powderene on th• Menanln• .•• PrOex In ttw GroMry • • • both powderw • • • Mth can be uted fOt' upholstery too ••.• METALS! Brllllant Shine hu been made' for IO yeaf"ll • . . and ttiat'• what we uM to 1lt•fttlh• eht0"'9 on our 1helva gle.amlng. ... wooowo .. K ANO ~A.INT· ED IUllP'ACEll •.• Hemphllra Mandi• Creme ... no water nHd· ff, ... WAL.LPAPEfll:r Genl• Klean Sponge UMd dry •••• AIN Oood for upholat•ry and wlnddW · ettad ... , •• And don't forget Zt.fd for thoM very ITU a a 0" tJ1 IT41NI AND CDRRDl?ED ME'f· AL• ••. or burnt..on 9reaM ••• • Not a ... neral Cleaner •. , . Two new ~ furniture waxes that mu.t bt mentioned.. ... We've hdd d"""" ol call> for Sanl Wu. ... l ""!' penonally l'1!<0mmend -parttcu.lar polish for furniturP .. , . rvw wred it and loved it toe-the lUt five yean. ... Bafker Bf'Oth. en sent me a sample bottle with a delivery . . . and I've bffn Sani· wu..-evK since .•.. Dutt just doesn't like furniture tt.t'• been Sanl-Wuod. , . . Then tiler<'• Pride ••• Johnlon'• ne'W wax di.a· erw.ry •••. Waxei without rub- binc .•.. Jt'• bttn a.d.vertiled in r1wy mquine in the country 1hlo ..-th. ... Febcuary 19 iUu. ti. Uf• deYOted two P8&"• to it. .. New \hat ._..,w flnl.ti•d wtth .. tllM.y Wfftc ••• let'• frelhen up • Mt ~ have a nloe pl~ •f •k•I "naere'• 10methinl about the word. "noo&:at•• that ~ams out -rm the -.weeie1t ol. the sweet'' •. , 'Tm chewy" •• , "1'11 melt ln your mouth." . • • Haven't you .VII' rMChed in • box ol. diooo-- 1&1-looked for a IOll& narrow • one and 1toptd that when you bit In, th• .-.It wO.Ud be the creamy whiwneu of nougat to combine With t he chocolate goodneu on tho outside! ... Nougat cake is no .x~ion. . . . You ca.n purcha.M one in our Ba.kecy' and, betleve me, tt otf~n everyt.hing -you expect from tn. delicate ooncoction.. . • . n.. -la a aour milk <boColate, made 'A1th brown augar .•.. Then to it are addHI raisin.I or datet and ;uta .... Thet makes the ~ ~part .. .. a.mething lnterullnt a Ito u t M~ Rayrnbnd Harvey'• cak1, Ute A9111tance League entry In our C.kl el ~· w .. k Contnt ••• I• tM faot that the eM9lnal recipe came •ut of an old lanta Ana I Ebe.II Club Cook aoak. ..• •elong- M t. Mra. Harv•y'• mother. , • , TM -k wn publlollod \bout 20 I ,..,.,_... . '1'llo .u.i.tance League d~ J11A11Y tlllnp to help the oommU-l DJl;y. Glv .. help to needy families • . • donatn to U. c.ancer Clinic ... "'4 .rf&hl now baa taken,on a • Dootal project . • • that s-11 !Or MtaJ '"'"' fM CbUdttn wllo -..... ; •• _, __ 't lflanl It. • • • N-tho lddo In . .._... probabl,y _.I IJll)ftdata tho -that -,.,.. pur<:hOM -ot-~/:)Ua ( .. • , ,.,.. ru1 be aldlna them ID a trip , .. die clm!llt .. -boll tho -- -1-" ..W. ••• --~f!15 __ ..... ~·t Colla-·--...... -···· .......... 211'11 .. We 11r ... Chlh tlM flillll: -- • •• ' anr danl •••fr$', .,,... t. .,.Ae-111111_•_ ...-................ ... ........... ..... t .. • ... ......... "'"" ••• Ill -...ra .-111 IMll Nsusal'l I Rs Calllltlll• I ,' • • .. 0-&H~-OA eAA,.ULATCD SUGAR lKIMlt. ~ .. .. . ~ . •-w 'f·. MOF~D • .'C E ' , i IJt. a II •.-•• ·ale . ' OLtON POI. ' ·EGGS QllADll •i.•' LAllQll·f'llltlH DoiL ••••. S6c • + GOLD ClillT YELLOW ' . · ~ARGARINE Lb. CCIII~ • 27c uality ..!!'!!t. _GM""" ' - HOME BEAUTY AIDS . Ul'HMYSTIC FOAMNEll . GOLDEN tTATE . . CAN~EDMILK 2 lge. cGnS • 25c . .. \ n ~ 1 •• 0 laM Or "t l1M~Cllllct MANN IN ............ an4 7. Rilt -.cwt RIB ROASTS lllTHlll IN_...I ~UT Pork L,in Roast ~ 53c CINTlll CUT-,.1..IAN • Pork loin Chc»ps LI. 79c .. ICHA"D'I ewN-eULK I Pork ~usage 'LI. 59c • LUER'S-MERIT. SLICED BACON LI. 49c Fresh Prodo GRAPEFRUIT 6 "' 25c IWlllT-JUICY-COACHllLLA VALLllY Cauliflower · 2 "•"' 25c LAllGll-ANCY-9NOW WHITll APPLES 3 La .27.c Crlap, Juicy, axtra f'ancy \l/AIHINGTON WINllAl'I ARTICHOKES 6 ,., 25c MEDIUM &IZll-P'OR INl>IVIDUAL IUIYING PEA .RS · ·3~29c f' AN.CY D'ANJOUl-fl'lnt t• aatclng or Kd.ln9 Delieatessen---~--· LUER'l-QUALITY Skinless Frankr~59i,.·~· CR£AMY-8HARP . , \ • C)leddar C•se 598,. ' \ ' c . ' Waxtox 1Jl·tt. Wm Paper • llc Fre¢1 Blii!tea Bowl with TheM 'l'lllMr Prffueta P'l ... •i? .. liskit Mix • • 43c ,.llft•r'• Pan~e Flour 35c -F'llh'.-n C.real ,....._ ioom .• .". llc -. We ·~.......,, l'l1her'1 Coupon1 • PINT ........ S9c QUART .... : ... 69e ~ GAL ........ $1.39 llXCELLENT CLEANER fff WALLI, wopDWOllK and FLD'Olll SPIC AND SPAN • • 1~ DL pkg. 25c CDNTROLt.llD ACTION •LEACH PUREX Gll:NTLll TO LINENS ,. • • • ·• . . qt. 1Sc l gal. 27c • NO·"U&alNG WAX JUST APPLY anti LET DlllY AERO-WAX pt 17c qt 6Sc l CJCll• $1.19 I • •• 31c L•rae l'q. Dre fl .... llc Lare1 Pk9. Iv!'? Snow •• 31c IARSOAP IVORY· ............... .Ip. I5c IVORY .............. med. lOc IVORY .... •ni. S for 20c CAMAY --"'I· S for 2'7c CAHA.1'. bath 2 for 15c . WIWILJ:Y .... 8 "'8 59c lll!AD A•DUT 0 IANj.W1'X '" .. Ram~llng "Rountl "-'chartl'a" ..... Joy • • • • • • 33c Giant Trend • • • • 49c loap ftowder Citrus • • • • Large 27c - Gooctwln1.-..fllt1t 13e Quart Ammonia • • llc Hu. ltMlhoad Mops • • • Eacll • , 73c ON 110: llEZZ&NINE Sllelf ~-.~r Powclerine ' Karvaloa-8hamroek Bal and Uphola~I')' Gluecl Ename( . ·Cleaner • KMpe Rup and Upholstery CIJ'an--Remov• 1"9ta : " . . . "'""' ; ~ ~ /tfl••I • • . ·• 'l/c,1'1.,f.1 •. : . Doi.- P'rult 11 ... a. 1to J 1 No. 2'1/a Cocktell • • . : . 2'c Del Monte Halv• or llleff Peadles • c ..... awayM 16c Apple Scuce 2..,25c Dotil--Cr&111hed ._. .. llneappl• • 21-'25c •eter Pan . , ! 12 ..... Pemut Butter '. 31c l•ald lweet ~-Juloe Ne. I T•gerine • 2,.,25c Clorf.tta-tlY,-oz. Tonwalo Aspic. ~le _ lylmar-Geld ·and White Ho. 2 Hom~ •• · • .'.lOC •laok & Whlt.-Cut ND. J' oan Green leaas • 19c PrinQillia Golden No, 2 oan Yams ••• 21orl9c a&M zt..oz. ·laked leans • 29c auohar-ct•.....a 'lar;etl• ~Wafen.27c . SWIFT'S •llOOKFlllLD BUTTER Lb. CGI Ion • 74c IWAN&oN·a CHIC.KEN FRICASSEE 16 m. can • 49c CINCH CAKE 1Mix1s I 16 oz. pk'° • 33c WI LION'S CORNEDIEEF HAl!I I 16 oz. can • 33c HDllMEL .Chili Con Carne WITH BEANI 16 az. can • 39c -f'ANNING'& 811tEAD and BUTTER .. PICKLES l~oz. iar , .. · 19c DOODLE DANDY ASST. -PICKLES YDUR CHDICll Si--. iar. 31o.29c CL.APP'& CHDPPED BABY FOOD ·2 cans ••• 21c GERBER'& .: AllOllTEO IABY· C~REALS 8 DI. pkg. •• -16c ·~kery-Treats _ _..,_.., Frozen: Foods---HWll • THUlllDAY BDYSftlERRY PIE . • • • 1 'DOzi!~ • .BONEY f UIT BARS •· • • I , , WJU;N,"T fU Q "lOAF. CAkES • • FlllOAY • • each l57c 2doLlc - • . •lllD&l:Yl!-FllOZE:N CONCE:NTllATED 1-0L Grapefrult .we. 2· hr 25c Ll••Y'-llllH FROZIN 12-0L ·Reel Raspberrle• 32, . ' Ll••Yll-MIXllD + 4 12-0Z. ·:v ·IGl·I AB&;EI: ,., .. -~ . . ~ . • 10-0Z. Fil~~RTilaat.e\:c ·~'.5'9l:"1 , •PO . : .... r~ro ·,,.,.,~ · 1 ' ·:g AZfD -DONUTS _ • 9cl11Dll:Yl!-FIHEIT ' 'CUT CORN 1: • .• .-• IJc · HAWAU>.-TDAITID COCONUT CHt~I : , , , . -KOKIES 54 • 59<-: ' ' '1 •• "'t IWlll K!liGllT-l"'p0rW ,...,. .. l.it..r,a ' / . Swiss -cheese .-59' .. -1 • STOii HOUIS ·· • -. ~ lllYllllY OAY 9llT l'WIDAY. , ......... -=-.... i 81ll&Y -l'AWl.Y NU& .. AW.t.tlllP.a we Rcane-.. ....., .. ..,.. 81 I'•• CAii r t '" ........ ..,.__..la •t q-.. __ ._. • . ' • • • • _ 14-QZ. -••• 21c •• ~INT ' .23c I I . I I '• '