HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-04 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News' ' , .. • • • , 1" 1· 1-~ •• : . 1, ' • , I t '" "' 'I ;. . . .. ' ...... 'r-• 1· "• .. _ . . . . . . . . .. I I ' ,. ~ "" • ~ :. ' ' ' I • . . . .J " .. ' 1 ' • K-.-.Wt. v., aloe "'=•ll'aft lliMI ..,.u1 ·1:1 ci.u.. A.l'<I llW. t,oau"'1-umo ... --po1,,..~111AMe111ata~ ._ -~ t11 'ille eilJlll&'. -u. _.J...~ ~Till.m 1-!U:JKlll ~ --Ille -la wt lrr,OOll ·I i...,. ,,,,,..v u a CClllMl•~.-Of outllt i'll. ~ ...... ,. ~'"· .,.it;,u.o·.put.,..flod ~ 'c:jrc;ular -1.oc1 .._.,,.,. 6ir llie-.,.. '* by.Q' . .:-•· Dupooltl x ·i..- • • 111.ui-,...i. ud I -lo •J' 11'11 II ~ ,_L ~ ,,.,Clilq ild!t With boud ~-· "'-° at .tl-:Vlri;• I.& .h ~· ...... -Uy olfw a •!"ii IUd lllillap .... ~ wbO "'!J'O t»~' • ..trilao -<-..... ,... llJlbolrl .. -. .t W a ~ .-ilada, Sloop. U3ll ll!ow..,.t • ...._ ~ --~ ' . I 1"lM 'MkL ._.. IOoo a8.ttld.aa' 1NL 6.0 l)!llduiue ..O..t.r'at ~·· w1 ......, &¥ ah ·a -......-·~ &II 11 u.o l>WDer-• • • •. \ • ' -t A..i 11arr7 ~ 1100 tr,tau ~···a pJ1.,..P. lo *P•tl ..a .... or -~ ~ U!l la. U. Id~ an; lllO manolDu. '-"" ..• MUSIC mai toNa,B.ul\a1 Bt.TGB iii+ B&J'Oik ,... Jli-.t ,.. ~I ~ll'Ollll .... ,._.,......,., &t -Ula llanda ud IM!!' ........ lar Qmalo AJ-., T ...... o..,_ •.J BUMNY !A.CUJNI U.W0 of\U.. lk.l-bJ tlie 1fllllle,M Ol''10ojll>. it Wol -'t~ ia1 iila U4 ! · a .,_. _.,. al& Cl6t... 1'lto ,_ Ol('I ~~ --•""' altho I cl&Mlcsl 'lo U.. ~. u.iq - -·,,,. ~ Jiii* Jiii&. at w·~-H""1*t 11¥ .0 roallJ -M!l'.t-tklft !l '!.l Pl&n~ •t·tbon-ro&l ~ J.. eom-.~'•' ·' !' NO'f <ru ·~ I'll ..... """'7 Jled.Bnappon lllo)' lilq .otart ~ -)lull-la tllo ll&J'•l 1 blutlooli pi.t<t •-lo lllo ,Uld • dliut.,. ..,.. prvUcall1 eftfY.llllhr llulllly U4 ;,our fal/lliita ~jut-· • -. -• : 1• , • ' ~ , • • II '1.M, ud a )lls <!'~ -at 'LTI A la corte -an JoU ..,·41 .. .,..nta.-ni..BO~ or .JS TI>U& ~· : a.ulQI JllAOli .,.. :i ,.ql!Je, -~ ......... lie; dUJo: ~!IOO.lpanloluteoUc. ••••ONt' 1 ~ -)llU tho~ UOUlllJ' wom with pa ocoo 1-? ...... ~ < ill"" .irll&t J ..lat And '!""tlln UU,..,<-~ get Mel{!~ or otock of fl · -tho WOil cbut. lo your .....UtutlGllal 1 'l>Ut 'Mn;.lu.y don't JOU. ~ Clo"°"" h4f9 ,~ P '"lk'U.. .i.11doua food. Now-thlo "' s-. reoorc1 <t at th•. !14uoo of Har-t.hlnl< ;rou altouJd p o-to tho !Ma.-•·-1' IMll1 I'.-.i for ,....1 .. --~ fOI"""" at~... mony -t "-. aro the anat-and ,.t J"Ounelf a plutic .apron! Tllo Bal-• ouMo; 11 J. :l2nd IL, Nbwport, --X-W<tk da)'O 5 p. m. • • oot ..of all to the, mu.llo ·wortd. l'lfty. A 10 hao a fNoh oblP!DOl!t pt -.tp,....· troin ., ' lo ' f. •·· lahlldja7 5-10. ~ Tuee. •lx record.ln,c companies V. aow '8'• ta eftl')'tb.ln&' from lie. .. lie; A waist api'on tf you're a cantu.I eook:U, 1. • • • • b.l&'hly heated jaa: to chaste cham~r 1 Ulk! lluay .&ya the "8 .rpm'• or'& bfb apron lf you Tully .itni"you.r hub. Tbe.9' HUD.A! TDRS'8 ·A Uolfl' JN THJl CLEARING! Tban.k an belt bec&UM of. no d11tortion.. and aurf'aoe noue. Jf\D1herinore, attcll: ·apron.a an very decorative. 8cime have rutfltil ... i .._ ....... .,.. ... a.ved! Tbat Jtrhi ,tl1nel t.rom Ut• Televl.lion Rental the 43'• .are all one tiny ala ~ether pul&r or cl&Mlcal. Tb.ey flt a.nd poUtadOta and otbeni are tn fancy prints. (ou'll · 1 leto Ill the BOUU or llAIUIONY, Coot.a x-! Now we cao be neaUy In the 1ma11 .. t of 1tonr• 1 d aro very portable If find child--iprono tpr litUe droolefo, ·-So pu~ Oft an - like otller Baa.I ud Oret.ela and operily dJ.leuN TV prorrama on the you, have to leavt town in a "h . Now here'• the neat deal: and ro •t the ti.bl• on a fresh new plutJc table..eiou. ~ Ute l ~ play·l"0'1Jldl a 1 now ewryoa.e"'hu Men the Urbt! It you Suzy can 1upply you with an R. C.~ 45 rpm. autom&Uc record llaJ._ I a Jt. The· J.abJe--clothl come m oolorfUl fruit -:dNi.1114 h&nn't &'Ot a · TV eet. yOu mi&ht u well lnvettlgate the lay away chanter that playa thru any rad.to 0 \T'i .tet for only 112.96. Go bf1a'ht pattenu ·and. •Die look Wte ft!41 da.malk, liaa M x. M a.n.d '- plan at roreet \1Aym-b)' that I mean you jUlt aren't Uvi~! Thr buy 'The Be:anbar Soni"" or the "Wl ll t'enipered Clavter'" bui be M •~at Pc • 11:89. Gum·cbewera can •n at t.be Mr...,A l&lt .... of Ila-lo now -.., R c . .IL and Hottman 10'• onp IS" sure It'• trom Su.,-at t.,. Bo-Of..-,., 1117 Newport Ave., It'• 3 pkp. tor lOc at IOO Kala St., - ~ND SHOPl!ING NIWS TV ftoor 'lnodel 1eti for a.a low .. St 'a day. Seu ~ deliver.. and Beacon. 373? or Bea.con HM. 1 ' • · • • tu:ta.ll.cl tree, and tulJ. out..-door lnat&ll&Uofta are mad. wh•re n41CffA!'y • • 1 • , YOUR R4Ill WANTS CD'fi'ING ! Remember Rapunal up tn " to In.II.are perfec\ feCepU9ft. Toucan nnt a TV aet from HOUie or 0?1."E OF 'DIE NICEST STOPS Oft my PAPER ROUTE l• the the tower wtm'had eo"lden ha.tr 20 elt. lone! AccordfnC" to Grim.m'a · -•• -, --,__ -7"t -A:& = w .w -w -U& = . PIJlll.J8RD> AT JZll BALB6A BOULEV AIU> NEWPOKT BEACH, CALIF0'8NIA TELEPHONE: JIABBOB ,1818 Harmony by the week or month. Hyou set attacl1ed to Buie. Groucbo, :'<iewpori Bakery. Bob Krull, VlrstniailJ4:cMaha.n'a IOft and the Jc.•n Fairy Ta.lea. the witch Cot in a beef with RaP, and whacked ott ber ae_, 01 ·any ol «boee 'DV buUOQU, alt your rental wjlt appl'y &f • baker at the bakery keepe handll1J he ltuff to e&t and I keep ladder. Your ha.tr may not be ladder length, but .it no doubt nff<b · paj-rnent on the et!t. Thl.f ill a att&trht ·Nnt&l deal howev~r. wtth no fr&bblng tt! . You don't have to twt.W my arm to get me to take lrlmminl" an.d thionlnr. Well lt'a no tairy UJe that ..._ •• &e.a.ty ·~ attached. ft .YoU have al.ready ' accepted the t.nevitable, and lh.l.ngs . from the NewpoJ1 Bakery. Nql.atree Bob! Lut week I 1'9l 8.lt.op epeci&llaee in hair cute a.nd 1tylin&' fM $1.26. It'• eSpecia.uy want to....buy, Bo-. of .........., can eupply you· witb & brand new TV ln on 10me eieca.nt blueberry mut~ l heated them up for dt.nner important for you to h&~e &. good hair ahapln.C before a pennanent, . eeti-iby Dumopt. Pa¢:Jtard Belt, R. C. A. or Hottman with budget tehbs. and they were nutty little wondv• ! They're a for 33c to you or you might tum into ,a witch your own Alf. Ruth and Vir&inia Thia: rental. deal I• r.auy srut tt you·re v.ratloahtr here or practlclhg common folks. TH18 FRI. A.ND SA.T1 .8PEC~ 18 BUOi: DEUCa al.o cut children'• hair tor Sl.%5 (you'd think they'd Charp double). ataylDJ home at ft4ht. Call BOUSE of HAJlMONT, 1817 Newport 1008 COFFEE CAU8 nuect with ge, rupberry, apricot or So come Jovellea climb out of your ivory toweT& and heave ho over to An. Beadm 3737-: Beacon 58$3. aJmond for ~ P9Ch. Say try MJme lier• by Krull. Divin• jelly .. Rutll'• Beaut)' Shop, 838 Poin.&ettt&, Corona del Mar, Harbor 2901. • • • twieted and glued donuts daily or teed one• on the week--end. Or ret • • • · TBi8 CONCERTO n>R THE TYPEWRITER In .:>me hot do.nut.a rtrht out or the sP,Ye· Sun. morning. You can DO YOU.> PA.CE THE FLOOR! Upper 6 Lowtr CUe ia dedicated to the White-Collar · order Fl'ench putrie• tor bridge parttW &r buy .10mf: keen kookie1 BACK AND :f08,'fH. BACK AND Jb'L I mean the kJd that.hurt. heraelt out of bed at at 30c a doz:. You ahouldn't need yo~a.rrn twisted to order .ome-FORTH! DO Y0U1 In that ~you'd • t :30 &.. m. and rea.ra ar0und lookins for ~ethinJ to thing from the Sewport Bakery, !11! Oeeam Front, Newport. better gtl 90me food carpettnf .under WMr to the tttnce..., I have a w«P&tlon that will help • • , • you. The Oout.llae P'leor Cowrt..,. hu ,ua &ll ret to work oft Umc!, maybe pave the way for a "WHY HA.RKY KINGSTON," l QJl.lRPED p.Hy u I loWe~ • apecl&I deal on Parle Ave. Textured By. MARGO tuturt vtee--preaidency ot the company or help UI marry my lace pa.ruolt "1 all do declah you ~ have bten spraying French Bloadloom for $3.M A SQUARE YARD, ·---~--------_,.,.. ___ _; _______ _,,1 the "fOre:fftAD or eomethlnJ equally dramatic. Here'• Eau de Violette around your little ol• BA.\.SIDI! ns& )f)[T.! Or _.lnstaJled. · 'n!i ls ia rood kM>kinl' ca.rpet- C.lLLt.NG ALL DOGS! CALLING ALL the pit~h : Polly Apparel, hu a hup line ,of 8ot'f'f:I have you all been dippinc them tbeh Red Snapper• in Canal No. 15, lng and comes in ha.ndl!IOttle decon.tor DOGS' 1 Shirtl. The Sorrel ab•-"· are •··uUtully •·u-~.. you thot'ruI tn&n!" Harry Kingston ,•stopped filletin• a halibut co)or& You can't beat it tor the price! • want alt you dop and puppies to alt "" u... ..,_. ... uc-~ fh • ......... 1 u d li.hovtn · hll 1 1 11 bloutu and tht ideal mat« ror • skirt or .utt. All the and pointed heavenward.. ''Gone with 'Tr•~ wind. honeychile,'' 'ne &&.id. (Ooa~uecl oa hp !) about Dog·heaven. wbe:re every <Sor bu h1I •---..-.r -· ~·...-,~ .... qu e Y an ·no « w e · te 1 you • lnltde let.Ila on a Sorrtl Shirt are n .. , ......... .: .. d b .. ce no ravel. They own. ttte!. Now llop that acr•tchin&, plea-ttt pertecU~ and have IUl action back afloWln&' for & fut get~awa.y M · M th aod pay attention! 1 •••• juat ""'1le from the and all day co1nfort. Sorrei. .,.,;. ... Nylot! $8,95; long or •hort esa· 0 er THURSD' ay ...:... FRIDAY -SATURDAY IA MNa Raaeh for Doll>"-' wondertul boarding home t'o!' you earllnea. &le.eve•: dfiu.sy White cttfe with er~ neCk and colored medallion .,i Ill Juat lmag1Ae tt, teUOW9-%S,.. acrff tn °'' country! What a place .to S0.95; a.nd a variety or rayon crepu. wuhable t.1NUe falllea. and col· i l'&Catlon when the folk• &re away! Stch accommodatlora. Every ton• In p_lnk. yellow, aqu~ l'J"ffft, red, etc. Very rood tops tor Ut Tr1·a1 May 1-4 bo&.rder gets a.n tndivtdual 30 x 30 run, own bunk-room and freih Shop girl• u you ca.n wuh the Mck out ot them. Th• Jd~ iii that .. ,, runninc water. And a.a I mentioned, to i each hie own print. ihade you get over torPoUy A.p,.,,.el and atock up on Sorrel Shirt.a. Buy ~ G' LA s s tree. Not that any one would be tooliah ..OOcb to run away trom thia one for evtry work day. Then you ee.n llHp till 1 :30, h.ave a let.ure.ly Mn. Cordelia Eatber Gre•n wilt guuit bom'e, but Juat in ca.ae of a de.lln.quent. e&dh. run la encloeed in cup of coffee. 2 Cheaterfield• &Dd. appear at the ortice dewey treah. go to trial May 14 on a charce t ft. at.eel meab tencing. 1And Y'Ol\ Tail·Wqatera llattn to UU....-I Pellf A.ppll.l'el. l.833 Newport Aw., Co.ta Meaa. that ahe murdered her three· suarant.ee you'll nevef' have a dull, home.aide moment! AI .. d Drµ e 9 e month..old daua:!ltu, Thompaon, th.f' dog·lovtnr ownera otl th.la country dtate five you all KAN CANNOT UVE BY. BAllAD .,4.L()NI::! No alr·ree! He needi. J~ry trial wu Ht tn superior the P&m):H!'rlnc and conver-...tion you want. Or It you wut to be some bamb\lrcer to ro with the .... m._ bun! The mentally alert court by Judge Kenneth I:. Mor- a lone an.Cl try .and think wbei:e you buried that bon .. that'• o . K. too. Xottap ll&fe rot with tl'lia 1Ucll' Ide.a and ii now pedd1ing a l~ ham· rtton. A Week ago t)ile 23·y-ar·old .Al and Dru can. put ,ou up at their lA. Meea. Ranch ju11t ove•1 .. nlcht, burger that will knock the pang:a out of your hunger! You'd think Coat& Meaa woman had entered w eek.·ends', or by the week or month. The pl&ee i• rua on the American Ernie Mattox wu ha.ndlDJ" our rold brick• the way people line up for a not·guUty plea. and Httinr o( Plan of eoune. a.nd I unde.rsta.nd tbe. meab are excellent! All rtcht bl.,.-the.e 15c Ernle-burgen. ~ctually wh@n It comes to &ood e&.tlng, a the trial date ha:d bffn dererttd dop, little dogs and puppies, you've been very good, you may run and &"Old brick would crack yo\a.r plateti and could never replace thil to permit Public ' Oerender N. D. play now~d ~t wttk I 'll (el1 'you about Dailf, Dolla.r and Ablpll, stf.rlln&' 1.5c ha.mburpr. Well, we've kicked that around lone enouJh, Myer to arrange !or . employment but remember about th11 dbg·heaven twe all have to'J'O aomeUme) and ao let me uk you polnt·blank: What goes but with a hamburger o! medical ex-perts to te11tlty In I h , w her beh&lr. tell an yom hienda that tor a rollick.inc vacation Ill the country, It• sandw c · ell aren't you amart! You may Co to the Mad ot the the I.a H9-Ranch -fo'r Dop tn O.ta Me.. Do&' trot to the phone line! l"'rr.nch J'rie.-what ~l& ! The amUt Kott.age Kl.I.-tlpred thl.s F..n A~ ~ and the'W out thia Import.ant number, Be•~om NU-R.. one. out too and .i. aelltnr a large order of hot •lty Fl-wta frt• for The board ot. aupervillon: Olia e • t 15o-! Now· I 1JUpp»e you're th.inly. Well you. can ret a pint or wttk appropri&t.M tu.nda tor hJr· I CA.11.E TO TELL YOtT ABOUT HELEN" Mc.OC)NALD WHO thick malt ror 26<:, and & tuU cup ot cortee toe JOc. 'Bear tn mind th&~ Ing the mMlc&l witnMHa. HOl...08 A. WORLD Jtl:CORD! Ponder. this! Helen'• beett tn the real theae edible Item• &re 'to 10', and the price I quote includes lhe pa.per Meyer asked ~r &bout I weeM Mta.lf buatnm for 12 year• and hu never loat a key or fOf'l'Ot to lock-bac, cu.p and container•. Wl\y don't you 'try 1Jv1,ng within your income to prepare for the tria.l, 1tatinc a. do0r. To a penon Jike me who'a h,.t 3 keys in a month, th.la LI a from 11 L m. • I p. m. at the kottap JI.ale, 1920 Nl"WpOrt Blvd. that he planned to makt llOlne "I.It.~ pntty aha.Uerlnc thing! Miu Helen McDonald u a lot of you know {l bile. beyond Me .. Tbe&re'.r}. Cloeed Tue.lay, • ' termediary motiOM,'' for wtudl wu ~ii.led Wfth the Jord.l.a_ .R~al Estate Co. in Balboa for many e' e e he would require time. He did not yeah. Now Ki• McDonald ta In the t!~ John Bu.mham Ba.Ibo& Jleal "'CA.&Jlb, YOU HA\.; NKV.u:& !DOK IO MA.ON&FEECEJ'lii'T," f'"Dla.rge upon what type of lnotiona ~· otftce aJoq-with aau,-and Jim Newlin.. The ldea le that ff panttd c.canuuo. ""Ybo hit. tbe ftutla--ey•~ thtH. Bud," nP1*:1 ca,... he would make iq. Mn.. Gne:a J'OU a. .. ptopaty a. .rut...Gl' tbat needa-man,a_.mr. or it l'9t1..JUnt Ml .men AJppinl'I off the .nd or 1 a c;IJ~· _ (It ~ dw:in( hclor;f hour,..) bebatf. buy a bunk of 80ll tlll' a ~ .,,. Helen McDonald. She k.now9 thia And. C&nnen. did look. b'lllJltT tlillf).~ 90 wtU '°" IR & It~ .J:_tUe ~•tr)ci& Aaa Green cMed a.cea and moet ol tt.I lnhabll&nU very well ..and u for betnf, a. Yet')' torador rullnpe! ~lex CotJnp bu cut a new pattern off a ~·i t la U.e 0ru.,. eOcMt) a-· re.spon.alb&e JH;MIOn.-well jud&e for yourself'-. You'l'I get you.i keys blou•, and Lee 8troup!e 6ot-It at Jiff lo-Lee Sport S.op! Thi.a •ral hoepltal of • lwaiJl hemor- ba.ck. your wfndow1 clol!ed an~ c-enerally wondertuJ treatment when Toreador blouae hu elbow luath alM••• 1Daet Wlth l&oe, lace t rtm-rbage, caUHd. by a fraellfed akull~ you do buainUA with Re&ea Me.Doaalcl. Call her at Barbor 1607, or 10 med collar and....pockeU. The hJ&h·poltah oottoa colon are u fl•--The etate cbarc"ea -~t Mn.' h t th .. L.--..._..___ otft ••7 ~ B 1~-81 d -...,, Green admitted •triking the child aH er a e •O-u..-.--..u · et>, ~ a.ut a ...,... v . boyant u a metador'• tneg..jacket ~i.n Bluebe~. Ulac. White. • • ··~ on tbe ht:ad with her tu.ta. The · • Mauve. Black or Ume! Bl-ave Bul)a will quiver at yout feet if you public defnider, how~er, eon· OLE! SENORA Y Sl!!NORITAS. M"UY SABROSA COCINA I I enter the arena. ln one of theae $9.93 blou.es. Lee LI a.1110 din.laying uldn• be •· · it r ~ -..-te.n,da the child frll from a couch co .t nappter d discovered & uranium fttld. .i ju1t located new Alex Colma.n pollahfd cotton blouse• in lhort alee"'°e• and and the fall could have eauaed SALIS LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND 1.&Drn: t ·INCH 11-oL FOREST GREEN ICE TEA DINNER PLATES & GLASSES ---·· -12 for 96¢ l.utlTE· SALAD PLA11 6 for49¢ IADrn: l.U>ITll DESSERT · DISH .... SHOT GLAS_S.S R... 6 29; _106 -~ ~ _ ..,.lo_r -. _ . BEER GLASSES the Cua don C&r!OI. The N"&aon 1 didn't 8t'e it 900ne\.la that It I• Ale-evel•u wtth. rhine•ton• at.uds at M.:M>---$7.9~. These &lllO come ( juat &.roWld the corner from the Ne~rt Preu wtu.ch right undet in luah bull·ring color-11 an~f matching sktrt.. are available at $1.2.50. death. . ' TUMILER · Cream & S11gar SETS ~ for69¢ , , my noet ao lo ~ak. Well here'• Ulla charrnfti.c tOIY. llJhted little And you needn't wait until Cinco de Maya to ret youreel! a p.y ;:;;;;;;;;:::====~=) =======~1 Red Cross Fund • • , Anfiouneing ~~~~!~~~~~ F d , Hanna., Red Crou fund chairman. Oun' er's ·M te I s . Monda y. The drrve WU extended as · rn1ece enes ""'"" .. ot the !act tbat many Red i TV. 20 .' IN.Clt . SCREEN 'HERE'S A SEN~TIONAL NEW MODEL featuring a mammoth ~bldl black rectangular picture tube in a bandaome TeleCuter conaole at a very popular price. Pkclrard-BeU'a dininctive new television picture frame features· a fully exp«Pc!M. 9pening wbiclj provides the ' inaximum eize tull•yiew picture-perfect ocreen. True- '[lew aagle picture leaa. SlmpllfW tuning; automatic .picture ayncbronlzer: automatic hrigbtneM control. 'DooilpfJd for ue with the Packard-BeD color television cOn\'eftu. 4v&ilable in Mahog&nf, Walnut, Maple, and Modern Blonde Oak finial> ... , '37995 EXCISE TAX · INCWDED ' • Crou 10Ucitor11 had bet.n IU and h&d not been 1 ble to ma.ke au or their calla. · All thoee connected with the dr1Te exprea.aed conrldence that the quota would be ree.ched lhort· ly : jUrt a.a 11oon as a.II the calls had been comple~;-The quota !or the area wu $15,500. • ' Dredg~ Channel Under Viaduct Engineer Morgan Noble o! the Orange County Harbor Commie- sion waa' drawing plana Saturday fo r drE'dgtng the ch&llnel under the Ne1.1o•port viaduct. to Pf-rmlt eu.ler acce• to the Rivo .Alto Channel, which wu Improved aome time ago and Wbf're intenlive develop- ment or residences on iU bankk fl under way . The work will cost not more than $2000 and will be Jin•nced party by the city and partly 'by the county. A channel 20 feet wt'Oe and at leut lilt feet lower than mean lower low Ude will be cut under the viaduct, which Unka Central Ave., witb the A.rohea overpa& Ref. ...... . . . .•. 6 for )9f f OL FRUIT JUICE ................. 6 for 19¢ IVORY Cl,\STARD CUPS Rec. 6 25 ¢ ,., N. ........... _....... for eoVerM CANDY JAR. Rer. 17; t9c ......................... -.......... .. WATER BOmE ll<ig. 11; lllil .............. _ ......... _ ........ . •• • 1 PINT MEASUlUNG PITCHER :i:-·... . .. _ .................. 5; ::--·... . ............ _ ......... -6 f ZOMB.IE TUMBLERS 12 fer 49f RefrigeNlor Jar Rer. IOc Wl .. OOYEK SALT SHAKERS 10 oz. Sunbunt DMip TUMBLER ::'~ ...................... 6 for 29f 11 oL 8u.nbun&: DMlp ICE TIA ~~·... . .............. + 6 for 49f , ' FRUIT ~ISH · ~': -· ···---~ 6 fer 19¢ ·-MIXING BOWL :i:· ........ _ --·---10' '!Dell MIXING BOWL Rer. 3; Rec. 3; k ea. ···---·······-·--·--······ Jc ·······-·-----·--·-··--··-·- JUIC. EXTRA cf OR __ ... J·~· _. ·-·; ea. aoy AL ariilT 1 Footed • ludf OL """""· -TUMBLERS ~~ ... 12 tor59¢ . CAKE ,~N ::·_ 21' , j i . ! I • i • • • • ' . • ' . , ,._ ,, .:.. .. I l ' ~ • • \ • • • :SOW SllO\\'"INOI ISIZl't£ DA vt8 IJAllJIT ,Suu.IV.uf ~· "PAYMENT ON · ··DEMAND" <."artooa; "008..."' f'IASTEB" 1£t•' Pa.ramomtt News fo"EllT ' "MATING SE.ASf)N" Mesa~'' • • , Sow! ~ T EC'HXI C OLOR Bt:Tn' GRABLE DA..~ I DAILEY "CAU ME MISTER" RUTH ROMA.."' IU:ItCED£!1 MeCAMBltlD<l& • , "UGtffNING STRIKES TWICE" MW. 7 MON. ONLY ;:"_lll:Tft: DAl'lJ "AU ABOUT EVE" -FRE D ASTAJR£ BETTY m "T'l'OS' "LET'S DANCE" ARTS Tl:ESDAV FIRST &mf! "REDHEAD AND THE cowaor· O~ P'OltD llHO~"DA FLEMISO -·ptoa - "PAYMENT ON .DEMAND" "" Morri uu·t-ourLS 4h dM.f"ft CASH • <JA&•Y Har. t&'IO ~. MJit L---8alboa 81,·d. Balboa DIRECTORY Ll:llTEB A. BIXJIEB, D. D. IL D£NTLSTRT 1786 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mu.. Medical Bld1. Beacon 1n2 15(16 I:. Bay Ave., s.Jboa. Barbor 327..J WELDON W. 8CBOBO DENTJ!IT ~ . UO £. lit.II 8 ...... 1. Coota M- n... ...... 18'1 V. &. &OICl'8J:L, O. D. OPTOMETRISl m. wpliJ ~ nu w, "_.. ...._ .,, "-"-•• -llll BE SURE • INSURE -..JIAUllD ftAJ!iLSY .r: ... 771 a.a, ,_ _ ,,.,. 111•*>•-. ........... W. SNm't Pa1te Q1CN1DtAL llfSURANCll Court<!OUa llt~ """'--ft. ...... 1Ul, ... I .... W&t!JC.E IN' ft& WORLD WOULD TOll OOf . ... CILUUAJft'B HOLLINSDA.11 ..,. . ....,...,, ... . -T':~---....... ftr ·an. ••w • • • ·• •• For Fln• Food, Visit th• T . Little Red Inn 111 IDOllWAY AT OllANOE A.VI!. !NEXT TO HIGH SCHOOL IN TUBTINJ ALA CAJITE an<I SHOST OllD£k ld!NU Proprietors -AL and FRAN PA UCK • JAL D·P IE S ROAR! • Sunday, Aprll 8th TDRI TlllAL8 l P. M. Ra.ciar a.(laa I 100 p. m. Sltarp , TRACK l~J EXCELJ....E~"T CONDITIOX -PEIU"ZCT TAUERT STADIUM . Rl""A\' St HlT~'TINtiTON' BEACH • Get your resenati0111 NOW For · Summer LHgues .. VAN'S BOWLING (Air Colldtttfted) # Aft@ntooD Bowllal'" JfO!MiaJ' t...,.... Filday -10e Llne ' 110S .NewP,Ort A•e. ' AllUfou11c.i1!9 _U.. op•'li""f . ' THURSDAY, APRIL 5 ROSS MORE NEWPORT· DINING ROOM OUR MENU CHOICE OF SOUP DU JOUR or SHRIMP COCKTAIL Salad with Choice of Dreailing · GRll,I.ED SWORDFISH, Tartar Sauce ........ -...... LMI BROILED LOBSTER, Dr~wn Butter ·········-··-·· L76 GRU,I.ED SALMON STEAK, Lemon &tter ........ 1.40 GRILLED WHITE SEA BASS, Tartar Sauce --1.40 FRENCH FRIED LOUISIANA SHRIMPS, ' Special Sauce ···················································--1.40 GRU..LED ABALONE STEAK, Lemon Butter ~·-1.40 YANKEE POT ROAST, Buttered Noodles ............ l.M VIRGINIA BAKED HAM and Fruit S..uce .... :~.-1.60 ROAST TOM TURKEY with Dreaaing, r • Cranberry Sauce .................... ···········-··--·-......'.. l.M ~;, SOUTHERN FRIED CffiCKEN ........ , ..... ---1.86 cmCKEN FRIED STEAK, Country Gravy _: __ LfO GRADE A-N. Y. CUT STEAK • French Fried Onion Rinp ·········---···---~-I.ID SPECIAL CLUB STEAK. Baked Potato .... .:.L-. %.00 ' Cofiee or Tea .' ' .Vegetable -Baked Potatoes with Cbeelle Sauce, 'D•nert AU!O Sandwiches aJld Ala Ca1U Specl•le ' ROSSMORE NEWPOllT . . (Now UBdor ......_i of~ --~ . . fonnorly ot hlle"-1 .28,00...Newport ll!v4. I-far. •0669 ' RO$SMOKSPORTSMAN WHA.lllF --40l ·Meln, .. .._ H .:..t142 ROSSMOB SANTA ANA t ,.--, ...-I~ r '11"'-.. ' .. ,, _ _._.,,: r __ " • , . . /.,_,~,,rl.,1o. '.'~''' II _':,.J. -··• "' ''t ~·····' . llTAllft 1111NOAY ............ llolllo" FUN -. ''ZING'' OOH1 MISS ou.J M&SIHT SHO'i •111.s -•llLJ - All PURL EVAPORATED EG·GS MILK . 49c 2 ~ 23c ; L----------~ ' De1e11 11 c.t .. , Jlra(t's Salad . , C MUST ·ARD ~ : SAVE OVER 50°/o en tLH Callfcwnla 1-l'lece Dinnerware · ~=SET •139 la••• lllpa * * * ' Butternut-All Grinds COFFEE PrlnOt, Hawaiian, Cloae Out 1-Lb. Can . ~in.apple Juice • F'oocl Cl~ Whil• They Laet Ble1ckberries Kol. Pale Dry Eastern Beer 2 1f..OI • 11< Can ' . - - Can 27< 10-0L 12-0... 23< Can• Delitatessen Self Servke Meit a.--u.s-. onu1_e-..,.....GOOd--\ Swift'• P,..mlum 59 NO WAITING e NO WAITE . Frailk1 ~-.~~~ • · C U.S. Gradeit ~GOOd'.Tender . .;::~ Cec1 Sllli CHUCK ·RO~$T Creamy, Monte,..y Jack Cheese • Choice of Sizes s 9 · Kraft D•Luxe Sliced Cheese \35( • · CJb. American a-o .. Pkg. Table Trimmed Minute Maid Orange Juice . 4tt Pilrty ,,_ 0:11·*-~ • • ~. * u,o.. .... * Steaks • •Round , •s~ • · YOUSAYl95c Ir YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER ·av &UNDAY, Al'lllL a T.H•i' COUPON WDllTH 11• • au .. Cro1t e,...,,; ttyie GOLDEN CORN "-ea. price 3 11--o:c. 2& coupon .. ,. J for 41c Can• 7 . April a TH I& 'COUPON WQl'TH 20o Deming'• Fancy, AlaaQ RED SALMON 1119. . l·Lb. sftc Pno. 71o Cin· "'J -~ • COuPon £:1(pll"ft _ Aprll & • • TID8"00UPO:S WORTH IOc All Populaf' Brand.I · CIGARE 11 ES Carton t 1 •s Coupon llJCp. • of 200 taJC ino. April I .; THl8 COU~DN WOllTH ,;. -. ,. FctodtClub., Q~fity Centrolled FRUtT COCKTAIL -, THll COUPON WQRTH 1lo Elna California TOMATOES ReQ. P.rice 2 21-. 31 c Coupon •x.p. 2 fot 44e -cane A'ril I TI.1a c;®"Ol!I wolttl'l'1:zo 'XI .. Ko; Claal)M, lrllll · POTATOES. ... '!*-~·~ -.. ··;r.., .. ~ • .... ~ c.. .1 Aprill ~ -.. ~· , ~ -~ - THIS COU,.ON WOllTf4 11o .. ,.~ ......... ~. fli•ptf' ·N4ftoNS . . . ........ ~~~·25· C."'911-.... ~i..... -""!• ' • I• •• • - · . . ·' : .· ' • • , f ' • t 1 • ' ' • • .. • ' -• • are easy to achieve w~ SELECTONE ~~COLORS • • ' I l ~ • ..... ~JI Ill First An.,lv•"~ry M~rlborough. Gilli ~lrmon Series Ob11rv1d ~ Dinner Entertained· Here at Christ "Church-Luncheon Meet C1 .• • ,.., .-A:l)l.r -peopio <lo ... ~ ..... -. 0oosntu1au-.... .... -r ' . . . . ' ' • for P.-T.A.-Board tor Kr. &Id )Ira. ~ Perry I.Ut •Mk .,.. .. -.; -at u.. Rf"• n-. P-n ct Cllrlst (1left Blatt) Of -oe U.. oc-bom• of )In. J:tllol Irlall <:apl.., Chutclf ~Y tlle ..., wt!\ oSlOll 1111 ' -of tlllk flnt _.itnr an-o.t lTOI a. B&y 7-t. ~I> April• ...,,,an l...i. oe die Ute Tllo --.i meetl .. at U.. "'-CJ, -l7i .IJ! llano< of lo.nd. On Tll1110dt.y, -u. her u.C-ct u.o popMt J'_. 'Newport ~ ·,tlak\n HIP ~ ......,t )In. Ptru'~ :"':'e•r. daugbter Dio.ne, ... ~ .... mfalt ~ .morslllr· W. th• Scll0o1 Pal'eat.T~ .uijoclallon 11... ~ Hl&lt, UI · th eenlor ci... "'°"' Keribi>roup a"!'Oll "1'k. VOi .. of Ocicl!• Tllla • for I.ff JeU I-p1 ... , M:Cmday,. llt., Coote. ...... ..,i.rtilnod With With a. l1111clleon folloWod by a. ~ topther With thcloii Wlllcb , Kardri >I ta the· fonQ. ot a lunch~ a dellJ'httul little dlJnter. On band cruLte around the bay. . are t.o follow on coneeeuUft SUft .. eoa at the "'1t'Pt ~of I ~ J:dp,r were Kr. and Mn. Perry •l'ld On 8aturday attemOon llra. .d.aya . wll1 ref ate tbe m~ c>t Hlll, pl'ftldent, Lido Ille. Kn. lllll d&upter, 8""dn Lff. Betty, 111111• Coplen ent•rt&lnod & .,....P of Iler Ulla ,rr<at Old Tutemmt cllanc· entttt&lned the cunent year JMm-ny ud Edward Hiatt. trtendli w1Ul a cocktail party, ter 'Cttll tll• 2"0blem. "'• Re fae .. bon of ber boerd ud tlloee wbo Ina:~,. . ....uf:ed her «lrinl' .btr tint yeu GUUTll 01' NSVI\ r,g ------ 1.t\ ottlce. . Welcome Yillton o•er .tbe week New Members . Tiie tebl.. were lowly wltll end In the booie of Kr. and Kra. • • Job Is Daughters 1prtnf nowu. and u.e iltternoon w. 1. Ne.tlle,' 232 &. llth st., for Shtp Naiad ..... -a• ... comblno.tlon --eaoto. .. .., ...... u..tr z;-1n-1aw. Dinner Meeting nua And IOcl.al atfalr. A clft. tn and Mu(bUr, llr. al\d · ~Yid Mariner Ship Naiad at lte rep apprecl&tJoa of Mn. BUI'• irre•t Ward (Kary Lou NeTlll•) of LOii lar mtttlnc tut Tuetday e•tm!h• A 1pepeW dinner wtll prec«I effort durtnr her pel1od ·of ottlce, A.ncelu. at 7 :io at the Girl Scout ~ ~ . nsu.t&r meetinc of .Job'• wu preeented from. board mam.-lnve1Ud three new memben.. 'nley DalJCht.en, Costa Me• Bet.bet 161, bera by Mra. Roy Roual\. VlllTA liO~ aftli'llN were Ja.n Dul:wortb,, Mary Hane1 to be held Thunctay, April 5, In Mrt:. Al Horvath, in cbal'J• of Lolly and Loi& Boll have return-and Ann BoucMr. .A.fte aale of UckeU: for the reCent PT.A: ed. to their nom-e ln Vo.ta a.tter After thla cttemony the rest of the Cotta Mesa P;rfday moon benefit, "Oh, The Ptty of It," put betnr e1aUrt&lned u hoU. Suau the evtnlnC't WN rpent ln practlc· club. In.iti&tlon will feature the on by the hip 1ehool, CO.ta Me• of PeDJU' Speth. c1aupw of Mr. inc Semaphore and tteetvtns tn-.euion. ------ M&ln tchoo! and the Newport Ele· and Mn Robert Bpd.h. 102'8 W, atnicUon from Skipper M.n. Ted menta.ry .tchoola, ann~ced that llth Ct.,· Colt& Me& ~k on pointa ot the com-FAMILY HOLIDAY $1,000 WU cleared by the two per-pau. e ablp 1.1 readying tt.Mlt J.fra. Thomu Kealtng and tom-lancu and the .. le of candy ROME ROM INDIO to pa clpate in lhe ra.me which daug-hter, Marilyn ot llonte Vtata • ' ... Drt>p in and let us show you ••. coloc bafmony for the home, exciting. dramatic; and perfect enough to sa~ e~ a decoratar"s critical eye . and pop-corn. · A three week'• IOJOUm at Tea-will e pl.ct in Hay. · 8l, Coat.a Meaa.. enjoyed .tpendln( ~though lhe P. T. Aaeoc1atlon'1 H t Sprlnp Indio county, Jtuter day tn Sant& Ana u ruuta -----------------------n~ dld not win the prille in the = ~ cOnclud;., by Mr. and Reoulta come from · coMtanl of Mre. K•atinc'• •hrt .. and f&m· H • L Q 1·t~P • f • Ph" H 1616 ,COlocs in wall &nlshes. Jlat, semi-gloss alld high-gloss •.• all lwmoni:r.ed recent Udo Market eontnt, tt will Mr• Andrew J. Brockett of 1600 PracUcel An ad re(UJarly ln thl• Uy, Mr. and Mn. Sam Cochran 1gn ua I , I Tin 1ng-• qr. r eceive a certain amoun~ on eaeh N ..:.r..,rt Bool::vd:·:...Coete::::=_:"::ua.=.:--_:pa:::;per::_wtll=_:P:.:l'Odu=:::••~,...=ul:::te:..:t;.:or::...:.you.:...;.._I •;.:•;.:d_c:..h_ll_dr_en....;_J_t_m_mt_e_an_d_lto_nn_l_•·-·-----------------------A~...., llLICTO•I .... '---''"" C._ H.-.., "- as never before. Discover the SELECTONE Colo< Plan. It's perfectly cake 90ld. The dellcioua -ooldtn •-r~ _ • An.pl call• wu made and entered In the conteat by Ml'f. Joeepb Stawicki. • simple ... and simply perfect. ,' • {) : ' I ' , p <~ ' It wu announced by Mr1. H en:- ry Egsert. Mfety chairman, that lhe Tar Pit had been ~pt open all lhrourh Jr.aater week. Each evening ,.a.mu of impromptu da.ncea wer.e ctven wblch 'were well •ttenckd, m01Uy by outoft.ownen. Pla.n'a tor the yearly GA.A ban~ quet were made an • ·committee appointed, headed by '"Kn. Al Horvath. ll/P COVER SPEC/Al ' Choice of Cotton Prints, Plains, Chinh:'s and Many Other Fine Fabrics CUSTOM MADE ' DAVENPORT 549'5 CHAIR 529'5 Prices laclude Fa_lrl"" and Labor, oomple.., ~-..... YOW' UYIDg Room M °"" with th-DecoratA>rs' Fabrb ...i Custom Workmut•hlp MARTIN Ir YON HEltMUT'S CHfNTZ SHOP 995 So. Cout Blvd. Lquna Be9ch •.19116 luy·on• quarf of 10y1•n T 'it• at a.,ulOI' ~rl•• . ru.. · et of only $1.56· • · 111 I StctH Q11rt fer Oily • ' tkre•1 your chonc9 te. pvt IMW ~ into yeur he1M et • r.al Mvin.1f 5imply come into our ,, .... , buy._.. Quart of lu1treu1 &oyMft Trv·tite Eftamel at ,..utor price of only ft.It; .. , teeo11tl quart lot et1fy If oddilionat. T•n 91oriau1 po:1tel ahade1 ... easy lo ftoMt. ••· tlriet ·~ , ft;9ht too beomful 9loca •• '. -·1 chip ••• -hoW. • • chlM olHll. • ,, # ·SD nu: MSW JIODOJI rklti!ll& , ,-· A N • w W· Q R L 0 a ,,. a a L a R . ........ -*tlfal. ~, .............. ,..... .. ..... , ... ~ fait.irr. -"lllC.fl.Uie W'td ....... --tllo l"'Fq Oltloald ·--iot,~ jdm{'&tlfto"-. Wll .... f/t& 'IZatlM.alar •h z•. , .• I' .... D<lill -~y -T -I O'ClLOCK • • • ' ' • • ' Savine• that bloom In the apri111! Pudon ua iC we a .. m ~tic. but we can't think of a better way to cleKribe ti>• ... rriftc lineup or ftl-being olrerecl in Safeway'• Bic April Sele. There are sreat buyo in every eectioll or the atore. Check the low pricea featured in thia ad. Then brine ·your ahoppin1 liat to S&Ceway ... and watch your aavinp ,,...... SUGAR Fine sraaolakid beeL Uee la eookht1-. baklar ['...in,., er Oil table-. 6r111 .... s ·~.~:;" U111 lellU ::!.!: Or1111t J11ict t.:; Or1111 Jukt "'.'..:-~· s.,.... 43a ... llJt ... · 11, ..... 5a sbt ... ·M11.n C E ~~ .. 49° SerN ahem to1etlter, /or • d.lkiotu s "'"'-.JI .. 1. llOUIEL SPAM TIM!: 111ir•tle lunch JMal. MUICORI CIDED -MIJ,J:::.i::. 2::: 23• MIBfiJBINI ~= ... 33• POii & BEllS ·l~ II•~ 19• V• Ca.p'a r...ir.c! la T-..._'If-low ploM al laioway. Whole cor• with 1weet pep~. '::"-I&• non ~ t: 4&0 ':: le9& LUICI MEAT FDCY IUlllWds!.~~Meal ~32• ~:=.·~, =::1 !..-~ .... :4:3:·:· !...!C:l~li~•:B:':'i I G ~ ~~ le49 CllllUI MILi 2:: 25• , Top gradeo, fully trimmed, at low prkea. -·....:.:; SIBLOlll SI 1:11s ~ .. 95° T-. jmq. ,,_top 90•• oat ,,....S.. ol. bMI. T-BOllE ' SIEJIS ~ .. 1.09 !xoiu..t lo li<olL ,_ top QOiW Id 91'aUa of be& ~;.~Ill~~~~@·~~~&~· am BOIST ·~~~=t;;d .. &7~, lllllS ~-.. 59°. WM1e •WI~ 11 lo If.lb.-. FIYll& CHICDIS Manor Hou• brand. [.;~ dll up. c.v•1cr..i.A. • ' . Small cans, 4 h>r 25c. For di.i:., .. fiodabrics. ' I I 1 • I . ' ' • ' I ' - • • . " • ' . • • • • • - • ANJI, 4, 1lll n:=~Ml' • :.:.DfllliO lC"""KW.,.I POIUM SP1A1C11 .Dr ... a.••· .... weJl..bowlt • • t atallfont U:lt••• 1 ,.o1: •, ..., I --Wm.....·1a- aflaln, --• o..q,, Cout ~u~-;i -" 0A """"""-W1lo ill H Th!4 -~er h~ J.octurM la om.. wlJI 'lloCll> at a p.m. ID --·~ -locturW w\11 Jot .. ~ ...__& .. tM OrMp-(lout. ._ 1numuc11 u Ida dynamic handtinc of ''The ROie .of u.. !'&' -ia Ooa~ World M· fain" "' .. , ....... -IAa(t' fall ~--!·Im-~ eoUep Ud COSO'l1mJt7 pGl.lpt of th.. ....... T!IMe '""" -"him thMI will NC9ll tho -.... ud to~ which -..-"' me...,.e and pve validity to h1.t critic.a.I appNia1 Of oorNnt world erllea. The lectUr• Nriff 'Ult. ipriAS W ttntered around the Great Van theory of blotory tut hiJmU e'V'Hlte el'e!Te uoW\d 9tronl' lud- era who. dlrectJy or indlrectl,y, de- termm• the destiny ot tndividU&ll thrOl.\l'hOUt the world. -l"tlere la no o~ on the Wut Cout mo"' qualiftfid.· to speak in- t.lU.-Uy oa auc._ omen u Mac. Nehru. Y 01hida t.b&n Cl&Qde Bu.as." at.ates Dr. Bill Prleat, dean of the ewning' college ~ promotor of u. ,...._ -""-'"B•'• .. o( tM MtiOll'a ~ tibMkD.t. ol. U.. Far Jtut. ud IM bN th penoa.• altty to Make ..,. 11.UdWnce llatea and \Malt... ~ Dr. --• rlOll t.ek,.....,.i of ~rience and acllolanhlp whir.II lncludu a tour ot dut7 ..» a F Oftip Service Officer in UM Orieht pri.or to Workl War n. membttallip on a ttve-mah boen:t s('nt to Jawan Dee the war to 11tinn.tl9te lnterl!'lrt tn American atu:#r1 amonl" J apanese, author of •"War and Diplomacy in Eutan A.aia" mid~ ........ ol ·~ WorkS of Southeast Asta;'' the latter a 19~ paelicalion. T1da ud all otbn itc:tUtta of the •riea are oft'ned u a M!'nk:• to the community with no admiAaion charp. Harbor in the News The ~ X~rt 11.art)or •&N'S br9tre hato _.._ -"·We promlaeace a.pin via ttw froat f'o\·er ef tM APrtl IM.Uf' of •Yacht~ -...ID•. ~ "F1t- t1n1 Out• pktu" 1n sfamorom full eolor waa photopph of a .... -........... c.19"• Lliia C..• '••>: t11at .. MU t. tlNi · Udo lale brlcl1e. OCC NIGHT FRENCH Ce•raes la ~Oll~u-1 F,.,.. .... be.-1 e• • Mo-aod Wrdll....iay ol&hh at 7 .. -. .. Oran1e C...: <:-.. Je1e. _... ~ abW .......... fll lfacl&me r;,·erett. T h " coane 1\'l*la .,..... • "....... ~ quat...... ..... the rrmcb lanf1181'! ltt OPf"ll .. all wt. .. \'f' thP sup..._ ....-e ... _. ~ edl'fl of F'ffincl&. v~ E\·er- f'tt ... •n' m..,-7ean la F~ ... i. aasloaa to ahare Mr"r:tpe.rle.-eN &ad fO\'f' Of t-be 1anpap with brr atnclit•*- Tb~ Is • c~ for attnld- ance at U. et--. OOWR FILM SHOW:< TIM AD Coktr i"Um of John Bunyan'a ''Pilpj.m's ProgTe.n," the moet widely read story ot our tirrie will be sho-wn at SV&.n,-d AMeftl.._ ly, 429 Cypre.M Drive, Laguna &-&ch.. ffS1. Sundliy nl&:ht at T:30. Thi.a '11i'ill be-the only !lhOwin( iz thla communJly. Evuyorie 1a in- ,;ted. to aml thameiTes of the opportunity to vit'w tbI. out.ata.nd· ins ram. · In the momin1 "'orship at 11 :00 o'clock put.or R. van Oosbf'ff will ape&k on the wbject.. .. Where doe.a God's Word draw the line betwttn true Dtacipleahip and Nom..ina.J Chrtati&nlty." This ,I.a an all im- portant question ln Chrlatendom today. The Sunday Sc.bool wit.II ctaae. for &11 ag-es be&i.na. at 9 :4~ a . m. Lt'uod.11 continue ln book or Act.a, chapter J :1%·1 ~; 2:1.,..., "'Prep&ra· lion for Pent.ecoet." • . For turther Information or pu.. toral aul.8tance call Laguna Beach 4·3IOI. ' . • CllOUGR . .._~ f'ALLED Second Lt. Ja.ck \\'. Crousban. 402 "ctu"bot.lal: ~.... Newport Buell. former NhfpOrl police pa- trolman.., bu bMn recalled lo a c- ti\·e ctuly w ith th,. U. s . A.rmy and ~ to the San Fruclo<o Pre- adio Kondia7. A. WT'lat Lt. crou,,...., la ID U.. Kllltary Polloe bnncll of I.he An\>Y. J:8CO~iDIDO VISIT Mr. and Kn. James Lockwood of Newport 111..S.. Coot& ¥ua. en- joyed a brtof. Nil Jut Wffk In Zlcondia:o 'WMre t.he7 wen enter- tained .. -cu,rst. of ..... Loclnrood'a liolor, Kn. lo Clenl- ent. A ill>Oft fllrloqh wtta Illa par- en!a, Mr. Uld Jin. 11111 conman. lU! Santa An& Aft., waa-t by vt,..u Ooeel>ol\. The~_,, -~'"'rowt<lrd_....llO .. trallllq wtlla the ~ ~ J"OIC-. ... • -' • . • ....... .....,_,._,. .......................... ,..._.. ........ """"' ........... ._.!"""" ...... ....p-.,------.--..... --... , ... 1 ... 17 9 · Newpo1·t· ive. ' . ILUIC*ll'8 -·DAT 00~ -BOD Al'PLUN<ll:ll -f COSTA .MESA · ·· ' . llARD•AU --, GAaDEM ·tOOU -:-SPO&TING GOOD8 IW>I08 _.!. ~ 8E'ft -BinlGZR&'l'Oll8 or orm f40M8 LOOK FO,a THl SALi SIGNS ONSO~S • Fl RISTO NE AND AUTO HOME SujPPLY A SALE WITH A REASON! We an fMlillC a .a..tto. --.& •la. IM Im· med.i.te MOiai' Mtee aad tM 41llklc 1sp1111 of tlN ma)e"'3' °'· .. , ,,_,,. doek. "Cloalaa" 0..t _, •f -,,_.t -... ~u-·ww11o ......... 117.- "="v IMI•) 7 .. I •• • Wlakill wt .... wtlt .... f!I' .Mne .... .., .......... ' tonwn. 'We are lilak!ag a Clluge ID Oar Befall w-up ••• A Cbuge la Oar u.ei. ... To ~Out .n.-Plus ••• It la ·Imperative ucl N •.• That Moot of Oar Pr-t Stock lie .••• • , I ' ' . 1'llwt .ita&Uea ~ '-"-, •• We •re Iola& M make a -..... la _, nlaU. •i,..ap • • • A. chanp la maay of our pttam.t llDM. Many of ~ llDes we DOW carry arr td hr: IOld out aad dlAcoatiaoed •• , anf wtll bi@ ttplattd by otber Our Purpoee I• Cker . . • We an roblc" to make a da&ap la our ret&U eet-.e • . . A ellu.p la many of oar 11.aee .•• A ITft'1 ~ ·.;, *at.ell Wtl _.. mnJ .. to lie .... •Urely Mt .,. 'IM9 .. rsts• ... auat Mud .... t. M MN.,. &e .....ite#room for many MW_~ 91 ...u ... ...._ ........ ~ u.a. .u. la fJir t:lle pmp111 lftl -)'hi' a dee.a ....., et a ...,..t WJ' ~ of dftllan "·orill .,.. our pl"Ment stock.,. we cauot m..ake t:be ~la._. ... ........_... Mt·up _. Uda .c.k • MW. • • ·aad turned lnto cull .... ... ...._ ......... .,._. ~ fMi will Wtwr Mrff tM ute .... ~ nf!iitd.8 of tbfo peOplf! of tMs 411 • d"7 .•• --. kfore tlleae p~ Evnytlllar (exce-pt. fair trade llw) ~ ..... +11tM for lm~W • .,,.,. • ... be ............. , .. --••• ,,. w imptr'altn flllat --.•of 09r ,.....,., atedl: .. ,. -. At-.. -.! IMvclit ... W.las !Mo -- llW&ratten tile ~ .,._ a.t -· M IMmr- IWI la ~ ..t ov ,,..._, a&.cll.. ,,. .... w ----·--··~-­blt1 tblal' to -. DMlre will .. -.......... U.. wl'lflel ... &e ~ pltee •*hi' uaUl at ANet half of ov' pl'W:at 1toek ta di1po&eel of .•• Jt'• a wttnce r la ........ ~ .. _,. tldt ...-aactl .. Into mM • • • ... l'Mt ... ured ao .... ti .... to ...... ta Mr WAT •.• -for we llMlla ~re.. are tllOmaadt •f ot.Mr barplu that: spaee will ..t ~ m to Bat ~ • • note IOllfl of * ,...i •.tap U.tecl - Platt the majority of PY ..... -..a. t. tM bay.... public of um eommuatty AT \"ERY DRASnc PRICE llEl>l!CTION8 ••• ..... .... priet ... .... ,.... aJoM • t.be OM Ud.a1 Uud will ........... the ll'lkk-..,.., ., t1Mle ... • • • wt.thin tile time we ha\~ allotted oune.lve. t.o make Ulla to:luulp,and dltf••e of Urtt. tteelr. ( ~ .. at prices M> low th&& &IM .&Mir trill eeU .... ~II qUl<'kl y • , • Jet tlll! m.:n=baft"llle lwiz& '-''hat It will and ~ IOM )No "'UC. la ma.)·· :. OUR TYPE 011' MERCHANDISE IS GETrlNG INCR.EASlNGLY HARD TO !JET AT ANY PRICE ... SO WE URGE YOU TO ANTICIP Al'Z YOUB ~ FOR THE AUTO AND ll'OR TUE HOME •.. WHILE TID8 GREAT SAVINO QPPOBTUNITY 18 AT HAND •.. -- TELEVISION SETS Bank Tums 19 INCH CONSOLE Mahogany Fhiiah-Nat. Adv. r...1ii:95 ~~~ .. -.. ~·······,.95 19 INCH CONSOLE Blonde Fin.-N&t. Adn!rtiaed ~95~=·-·········--··W'5 -COMBINATION-BWNDE FINl8B 17 bdi TV with Radio ud. BecoN Pl&Jer. NatlonaDy Adv. $5&9.96 v~ -·· , '449'6 'SAl.E PJUCK.-··-----. COMBINATION - MAHOGANY FINISll 17 Inch TV with Radio and lteeord Player. Nationally Adv. ~~96 ~~·--........ ~42995 CONSOLE ooMBiN.t.TJoN 17 lndl TV wltll Radio ucl Record Pl&yer. Full Length doors. Nationally advertised. l41t:95P~u~·-··-········-·'31995 REFRIGERATORS 11 CUBIC -FOOT MODEL Full length door with f u 11 Freezing Compartment. Holds 55 Iba. of frozen food. 5 year guarantee. ~i.£96 PRICE ............ '25995 8 ~IC FOOT MODEL F u 11 Freezing Compartment with overaiu Meat C h e a t Holds 4b pounds of frozen food. 5 year guarantee. ~~95P~~··· -~·-··-·-'18991l GAS RANGE Floor Sample -Well knoWD .-Ire -S7 laela Stove with • burners. concealed griddle, teJe. chron timer clock, full oven, broiler and extra large storage compartment. ~:~--·~1'° PAIJn: Oar Elllln Stoel< of Pa1G all 6-At Yz nacB ' .. GARDEN TOOLS G1'A88 RAU ~~ V~~E ............. ; .. 47¢ Long Danelle Cultivators $1.25· Valu08 29' SALE PRICE -----, BOE f~ v;i~m: ... . .... s1ss Hand Cultlv.- 29<: Valueo 15' SALi!: PRICE ···-······-········ l:.A WN MOWERS 16 inch blades, rubber tire&, ball bearliigs -~~ ;:rcE ···----····-···'1495 ' LAWN MOWERS Lightweight with mital handle and 16 inch blades :!~·.~ ~C£ .. : ... _ ......... ~1995 ELEC'l'BIC LA. WN MOWER Includes 100 feet of cord $76.95 Value Sl:.195 SALE PRICE ....... ·······-· .,.. OBASS CLIPPERS ~~ ~~cE .. ···-_____ .19' GARDEN CART Rubber 1'lnlll :~ v;~~ . ___ ........ ~ ... T BICYCW SUPPLIES ' BICYCLE SEAT OOVEBS - Plaatle with FoUll Rubber Pad- dlag ~I~al~OE ...... ·-··---... 89I GOOSE BOB.NS ~~al;:ICE ···-·-···· ...... 49;, BICYCLE ;atsu:n ~ v;:cE ~'-··-··---·-· •• BICYCLE:WBENCH ~~I.~al~ --·---··· 91 • • \ HOUSEWARES Odd Lot -8maD QauUty GAIUL&GE C&Nll--4 GaUoa ·~ ~cE . ·····-·---··'1• GALVANIZED P&IIA =p~~. ·····-·······59' l'WIN PAILS--Galvaal-1 ~~~~E v;i~~ ·-....... ---·~·· ROT PLA.TE---One Blll'ller $3.39 Va.fueo · '219 SALE PRICE ···--·-····-·-·- ELEC. ROASTEBS-Oae ~ $9.95 Value "'Z- SALE PRICE -·····-··-··-·-·· LEMONADE SET-Pltdter & 6 GlaH .. in atriped glua. ~ Vp~~E ···-····-··SET 71' EIJEC. REF'LECl'OR llE&TU $5.19 Value 'f'5 SALE PRICE ................... . AUTOMATIC TOASTERS Nationally Ad\•~ ~ ~~~·()().-........ •1r OOFll'U llAllER8-Two !!:'!? Values to $9.95 T SALE PRICE ····-·········-····· DOUBLE W All'll'LE BAKER and SANDWICH GRDJ One Oety. ~ ~iii"VE ···········-··--··1r- P~TIC ~Ell'RIG, SET SetofS · ~fil: v~~. ·--·-·· . ··---··-· 89"¢ PLASTIC ilD'JuG. CRISPER $Z.95 V alu.. $189 8ALE PIUCE .. ·-··-·---··· \f ATER TtJllBIJo:R~ 11 OL 10c v .uu.. I 29, SAU: PRICE .. -..... tor . lllmr Seal IRONING BOARD PAD ... COVER $3.95 Values ,'19 UIJll PUlE ... __ ..... -. TOOLS CIA W llAJOIJ:RS ~ ~~~~ ···-·--··-·-··· 89' UW8 $2.29 ValUM $159 8.t.IJll PRICE ................... . ~,DRIVEll8 :~al~Ci: ·----···: __ 23; PIJl!R8 39c Values ·!IA.LE PRICE -·-·····-·--23; OB. CANS · ::L:al;;.CE -·-··· ...... ."_ .. 19; 80CllET WRENCH SETS ~~al~CE ··-···-.. ·-· . 39; COMBINATION UW, S Blades ~~ v~1'Ct: __ .............. 19' ' ROOFING CEIJENT-........... Fibre • $1.35 Gal. ValUM 79' SALE PIUCE •..... __ .GAL RURAL MAIL BOXES -Gal-v..ne.t . $2.98 Valu.. $1811 SAI.E PRICE ... -.. -........ __ BOX WBENClll:S ~u-~'Ji<». ............ _ .... 49' BOLT CUTl'EB8 $12.95 Valu~ '695 SAU l'RICE. ···--·········---• OOPING SAWS ~al;&~OE ,. ----············ 35' EXCEPT A f'.'EW FAIR TRADE LINFS ~UTO SUPPLIES SEAT cusm~s :~ v;~~E ·········· ...... '109 l'IRE IRONS ~·~~~CE ···-'.·-···--···· 49¢ i WAY RDl WKENCH ~~~~ti -.-........ ____ 19; White Wall Till.E CLEA.Nsl:R :1~a1;:cE -·--.. --.. fr CAB WA.SB ~al;~CE : ............ _ .. 29• AUTO CLEANSER IL POLlSB ~ "i!'.;cE ·-·----·-. --···· 39; RUBBER JIATS-2hl~ ~·~~CE ........... :...,.~ 29¢ rmE PUllP8 ~~~ v~~ _ ........... J __ M; Cluome Exh..,. ~ $1.39 V aluea I lt89I SALE PR~Cl!l ··-.. -~ OU1'81DE MJRROR8 -Koaad ~View ~ v;~~ -······--.. T·~ 19' FOG UGBT8 I $4.71! Values · · S498 . I £ SALE PRICE ··--····- lOYS PEDAL CAB $24.96 Value ff SALE PRICE ·--·---.J BOYS TOOL OBE8T $3.29 Values ··~ SALE PRICE -----. ROI.IJIJR SIU.TEI Jr. Ila $2.98 Values ... SALE PRICE -·-· ' ooNllTRucnoN'm ' ... - $3.15 Value '118 SALE PRICE ' CAP GUN -Weii-. 69c: ValuO. .{ SAIJll PBICE --·--1 CAP GUN-~ WMt-j $1.09 Values . • 71{ SALE PRICE --·-• "1 WESTERN SPlJU--81hw · l $1.65 V alueo 951.. SALE PRICE -~ i' OOWJIOY OlftFtt -Bat. Slllrt, Chapo, ucl Ned<ereldet $ll.90 Value Ml5 MLE PRICE .• I PAPEB BUSTING GUN!I ' 98c Values .~ U,I,E PalOE ----( RANCH Oll'l'l'b'-lllllt, Bo .. k Gan, Span, ud. Cllff8i $4.98 Values ( Mtf SALE PBICE --~-£ ' ' BOYs TOOL BENO& -Bud-· wood Top wttll """' ·1 ~ BRilE FLUID-l'lai. 12.115 Values . 79c: Values , •• _ QIJll l'BICI: _ ' : • . I S&IJ!l PBICE __ .:_ .. ..c . . . . ~-.• !IU'r COVERS -Tr-'i!-Pi1n111t . · ~- Plutle SPORTING GOOD BEACH ~VP~~ -··-··-··' . '1S9 . . . . i FIBRE SEA.T CO .:::. O.W ~RT CAPS -~ or ll'f E9UIPMENT 1..ot '· • a '1Z ... PlaaUc WA.DING POOL Valuee to $17.45 . ~ ~v~:aei: -~---•; Sl0.96 Valu.. Sf-9 = =-·-·-··~· ~ BA.OQUEd • ULJ: PltlCI: ··-·--··-·-· . :i6c Valuu i tA#. $6.96 Values . s4• BU.OB P&D8 • MIX PJUOE ·-·~-+-@ll : SALE-PRICE : -• $6.=50 Value8 ~ BA.BY Oil llEA'DI POPOOBN POl':PEll8 -()al_. s.u..t: P&ICI: ·-·--········ u.oo va1... I '1411 Hor ~ BUCH 1JMB&Uj.\8 _ 8&LE PBlCE --' ::.; ~' -·---•' ~.-911 Valuu ~ SPA.BK PLUGS I , ' SALE PSIOJ:' ·-· .. ~--·-76c Values -. i •• Ol[DIOA&l> -~--~ I' ' ~ ~·si.e . SAI.S-PSICE .'..~ · . II ,.p Ta ... , • •••-$1~ vu.-' .. '1" t~ ~, ' ~. ~~-.. ~~ M•~-~ _.,.. 1 ur.r: PlllCE ... __ .. · ~ GOJWOD llCm>a · _ •we alloW $2.50 -~ old' 'lJ4 lillll<.wllll •••Geer Battery. Otha'" .Ba~ at $2$JG V.W. -.HWf ~ prMw.. J _ ll'& i RICI' , , .:. lilll' •' ' ' . I • I .. ,. ' • • , • ' " , • CASl-S)l'iAYN• , .. 25e 'No.300 99c PORK& BEANS 'MARGARINE . 1-lb. Cali• . . Pkg. CAJISWAYMI 10"e.!~ 99c 75~ CHILI BEANS BU"TTER • Pound CASl·SWAYNI 9~~99c , au 11 ER BEANS , Caas · .• • THE FAMILY1'lEAT SWISS KtDNEYEiEANS 10 "~!:O 99c p IN . ' . U.URA SCUDDER s $. . ~. '-I . CASI.SWAYNE 11No.300 99c . ' ' ~ PINTO BEANS Ca a a ~- . , 0:1~DS . PURE • STE ~~=79;_ • CASE.SWAYNE 8 No.30099c Mayon~a1se BAKED BEANS 91l_!,,Kf'-5T C\.UI Coos :COFFEE ·c.ua.SWAYMI -10~!00 W RED' BEANS 1t CASE.SWAYNE 12 ~:,oo ,.,c 'BABY LIMAS CASE-SWAYNE ~ " • 88C SUCCOTASH ·'t# '1 ~~ 77J · · CASl·SWAYNI TOMATO "O aac JUfCE...al\ tt 't!~177. C..! ss.~AYNE NIW 7 Ne. 2•;, 99c POTATOES co .. ... ------------------------~-' WHITI llN• •a.t.NU\.ATID SOAP \.AlfiE l'l(fi. ..-. --............... SPICIALI 29c: 1_.; 1·f:JF .\ 2~~b. s1 li C eiiri ;Can ·- AMlllCAN CIYSTA\. \ ;..~:,_:_~·-t:--2:=:-:3:;--c-, SUGAR c PllLL'S TO TOSDUP 10 · 79c 3 'o: 2ac ;:. FROZEN FOO DS SWEET PIClll'S SALE! '.Alli1ator. Soup 1 Hawaiian Poi French Snails J Paqced by Pictsweet) Y• N-ltl-We .... t ' CllAMT, TASTY' HOIMR: THIN SLICED , !f•.U. .Rattlesnake· l\feat Hearts o~ Palm Canned Plleasant Yo• N-• lt-We'n _Cht It • ' l . ·Riii"."ilB I . ; .AST •• • -~., 01:..79'/b 67~. PUii PORK 2 No.225c c •• , ·~~::~0 1 C.HJPPEO ffEEF •··Fr°" . Swltzertanil ' ., • BLEU J · ~~~~~:T.1sP:J11M10 . '· ~. CHEl;SE . DILL Pl&KLES ' M•Y-0.. ............. ..., .. I • 69t. 1 • • PEDRO DOME~ . . . · FAMOUS SPANISH · ·,SHERRY, .. " ' , • I E • • . ' I r I· ' " • • 'l • • • , .. • .. ... • • ' >I I tc • .. ' . •A.O&•,...f//Nft~ .. llll H·1 ('LLool ~arents °'·. W,fHu~~~d . Advehttsts 'Make. CFH._s: ~uxiliary cm..::"'.,,':\.,ffu:llj.. . l'09T Al4D mottmG NZWB JUI r· t s eak Apr 10 Plans Exp'an•ion ":"""" B '"' ..... ~ '18' - Rossmore Cafe ' 'Hear Peterson on a~ s:Jp An;; Mission Appeal of~:.::o~=~~~$~··== to Open Thursday 'R· . p ,,._ Wal-. Babllorof. 'c. a. II. se-u. • Dsy Advent.tot. Will eon meetlne of th• Ncwpoot Bar· ¥'°" a eo,nt tii&l ..... -·• Brown bor Awdliaey or '{lie Chlldm>"• tp 1tart. ~ bad ..,lend a pi-ot Tiit --DID1ns lloom. eserve rogram ud ~ Loulao BUJ'fotd ' JAunelL their ...,ua1 World Mt. Horne !lodetY, bd4 at tllt'llome of not CUUty <arller and J\ldp ll'ruk 2800 Newpo.-t boU!enrd. an· CSB Clutotlu , Set-. teacltcn olon Appe&I IMH oa -'.pin T, local Ml'll. H. & Ollriatler, edit& M-. lllnnell . hid ocheduled the court frt>1n LoO ""'91oo. wlll. add.rlu a clturdl paotor K<nneth II. Perry '"lal. --tlNlr openl.o llato W:. On . w..iy-y •vmlD&'. -mNtmr In tM tntenot or Broad· announcod lodliy. , Co-hooteaoa were )In. w. J. Col•, '! -. 'l'bureday, April G. Mr. and 2tUI, a moettq of tho Senior and 'flow, the Chrlotiaa llclenca DW'O" Laot ,_r1 drive, to wldcb 900 ~ Kenneth .Bofttchor, and Mra I Pet.re( wu anuted by Newport . • • 1 ltalph Covington will monap .u.. Inf l>Gm• 'tor So. Calllorall. In l"Olldenh """lribuled Ub<rwJJy, r. R. Huber. police Monday aboo,rd Ille tlah!ng ~ore Newport tor C. H. But. Junior pannta and faculty met &t the Jl&IDnic Templt, 1500 No. netted $2.W,OOO t'1 the au:p}Jt>rt The need to ~ 1.ctJ.tttu tioat "'Babe Il" after tt came chino and Jl"lorac< Snedlp.r. Mr. 7:30 In Ille recreation h&IJ Of Ill& Sycamore )n 8anta Alia, Tuu-of--· eclucatl<!n&l, .and.olller bu been fel(by tile Awtlllary, and· &CfOWld In' th• llU1"f Off Ninth St. and 11-.. CovtD.rton were zwtau· llil'h ~t tor another cei.better day, .April 1.0th at ,1 p. m.. ft.Kent act.Mt!• carrtect..an .try ,A#venu.ta a commJttee wu appo!nted by Police aid Peuce retueed to lu•e rant ownero In l'Ullerlon the put acquamled '"'ton. MQ,' Roland color pbo~ wtll• &loo be ....,.d tho world. ~ clnareh Mro. A. V. Al>clreWio, p~lden~ to tlie -"'4 ,.,.. r<mOVod by'"""' -----"".,T_--,-----~---------,,-.- 10 1ff1'S. "nle 1'ouJ'9 ~ the Ntw· wrtpt. rnd• reop.""'HentaU" wu lbowD.. 'TIM public ·ll cordially MeU • lbnil&r amoa\it from UMJ'ftbl• lnfonn&Uon and make a u the cn.fL wu in du.sir of +-,.-----!.i.,.;...-. +,---------------.... port R<>eamore wl!l lie dally from 111 &iarp of the eWDID1'• pro-Invited to attend. frlmda and ndpboQ thla ,...... roport ot the Aprtl m .. ttnr. The brdldnr up. The u. 8. Cout ,_,_ D'-· unt .& a.--L.. 5 p. m. to 9 p. m.. Bwldaye. ll le gram a.nd ahe tntroduCed Mrs. Bl"Olldvl.W, & DO.II profit OT;t.nf# ")(embera the.mHIVH e.~ pve mmnbera appointed to 1 th1e ·com• Guard IUCCffded in removtns the U-/0 .1 ~ Oii ... ny ... 1iiW13 •• -'=P=·C::~:"=========:; l!idpr Bill, Parenl·Teacher preol· atton, lo opented by The south-S1311.29 to the work Of the cltureb mltt<e are Mro. H. Ii: Chrlatler. boat froom th• ~hand-~ It • -L' !' Bm&, &1119 . aL _to • '. ' ,.. · dent •'\"' prutded. · em California Jl'ound&tlctD and la la.It YJ&r, Jlr, Perry explained, Mrs. B. C. Ma.rtin., Mn. Wendell into the harbor. ni~ apeD:er at Use even.l.nl', Dr. authorised by the Nun:lllc Homu "but the nM<l 11 .o ~t that our CaUdna and Mra. Ch&llen Landen. -'-----'--~------IA Y$1DE FISH · M .&Rli'- Buil Peteroon, preoldenl of 01'-Oommltt .. or'n>o'MothorChurcll. ownrlftoar<noten°"sh." TheClilldren'oHomeSocletyot .-----------ii ·i ~ , . A ¥1 RUGS cAA":"'f:rINn s.. •ar ••t11• s.1.ctt.. .t ._.,..in1... anp Cout colleg• .poke on and 'nle Flnt Church of Cbrµt Sclen-Las• year'• conlrlb\ltiom . b.v Callfornl.a la the onl)' llcenlted prl-. .... ... c.,.,. ... .,._ ... "-• -· --·---bout ·-"·bl ' t &do ti g•• .. rv1 th CAllNm BEA TROUT <~> ""' ROOK OOD-Wloele llllL...U. "' ~11-,., _ ..-. answen:u qu-uvi .. • a..--...-e tl•t In Bo.at-on, Mau. . It wu m-embi!n and their ftlmde have va e P on • cy ng e HOUSE & OABDL,~ brancha of m.Wtary t.ralniJlC for buUt in 1$47 and I• located at been e.rm.rked for new hospitals entire •late. Ir b not tax-support· FIXE F1fRNITUU MADE Bil.BA.CUDA aad HALIBt:T-Wltole dflUle4 fWl . '9e n.. .118 Cout Blway, NflWPOl"t men student.. In the nanJ. R. O. 4510 Or1.ffen Ave .. Loi Anrelea. In Paldlt.on and the French ed. but I• maintaJned entire;y from JN OUR OWN SHON . o,EN NITES-s-d., 1t +. • T. C. and R. 0. C collep can. be n·i tacllitiu are -for the u1e of Cameroon1 of Africa.: tra.illing voluntary conlributlona received · fUINITUll ltflNISHED ·===========~ completed. The army enlllted Re-Chrtatian Sdentl.U 'who are In acbools in BomN, ToradJaland and from cttl&ent t.nrourhout the State HOUSI: & OAR.DES' ;: eerv• pr:o.-ram b euy to enter, ac-need or nursing' oa~.and all staff Ta.hitJ: a prll)tlng plant 1n Pakl· of Calltomia. For 60 y~an the '611 COAST HWY. NIW10lT ~ Fis.Ii Daily from o. OWll 112111 %800 LAFAl'Efi'E •. ON THE BAY. , NEWPoRT FOR EXPERT SHOE REPAIRS cording to Dr. Petenon. He ad· nuraes &re rraduatea ot the Ch~· ata.n and an eva.Dgellatic center ln Children'• Home Society of Call· O,lN MITlS-1¥11d•Y It .., 4 Nu au boy• lo stay ln 8Chool u tlan Science Benevolent· Auocla· Manila, tn addition to aupportlnl( romla hu been giving careful, un· '-----------....!1~------------------..:..-----i loog u poulble .. In thia way they tlona ln San Franctaco and Bo•· project. already In progre.u. dentandlng adoption aervlce rorlf;=================:;=================~ a.re better qualified tor Ule b@et ton. The loc•l church plan.a to reach homeleu children ot all race•. I I military poeltlona.. . it.I StMOO ,oai ln a four week creeds and nattonalitlear from CALL ON Mrs H ill introduced Sidney d I &0Uci\,atlon campaign. Dr. P&ul every part or the llt.ate. O..vicWon,. principal : Joeepb Hamb-Rev.Tom Pen el Butcher bead.I the committee ln Mn. Ora ChJpman or the Santa Jell, vi~-princlpal and Mn. Fay charge. Ana ottlce wu pretent at the 1 J. A. CHASTAIN 1'6 E. 11th =============: Ha.rbiaon, dean ot girt. All Junior County Delegate The Seventh • Day Adventiat meeting. \ ~ and Senior Jaculty were pnoeent church hu carrif'd IU work or WALLPAPERS .,,;, u parmto aak•d queotiono, to State Meeting meroy Into 228 of the 282 orticl•I· _ Mr. Dividson called upon and in· ly lilted countrtea or the world. To AO New 1111 Patterm trodllced teacht!l.l'I to a.nswer. 'nlb Rev, Tcnnu Roy Ptndell ot proinote lhla program, the organ· ~ "te '•I""" • O.C....,. la the tirat Jun.I.or.Senior diecu. Newport Bea.ch, ptt•ldent ot the 1%atlon .matntalna ~1 major ln- ROU8E a GARDEN 1tqg, !'\petlnc ud tt Ill hoped . lha~ orange County Council ot Protea· Atitutlona, In c I u d I n g hoapital•. Ill C...t Rwy. Newport a.di. there will be mon. Mr. David.ton t&nt Churche•. v.'U nair.t'd by that achool.t and publlahinc hou.ea. O,lM M1TtS-s.ttdn II .., • : and M.ni. Ha.rbiaon expl&ined tully bOd y t,hlt put "'etk to 'repreMnt More than. 2,900 AdventlJJ;t mJaion ~~~~~~~~~~~~th"e vi>cattonal-aP.titude tint for therh at a atat.·wlde J:athering achooi. are ai.o ln operation. ;;:_ studen~&nd invited any inf.rested ot churcb eouncJb In Ss.cramento Oorcu Welfar_e Socletiea, org&n· MATl'RE88!;S parent.a te-call at the .chool to Re Thursday" tO con•ldtr pubilc moral lud in nearly every Sevenlh·Day Boet.......Uo~Trailen the char\ and team more about the taaiea u~ally at the: level or Adventl•t church ln North Amer· lrreplar SbllpM reaulta: ot hi• ·child'• t .. t .. Coach atate ·legislation. The rathertnr le., have collected and shipped a B&&COS 5881 Albert Irwin In an~er to quea-wu called by the Northern~ Call· 1-rz'e •hare ot the $10,000,000 CMta MHa Mattrff9 Co. .tlont1 gave • talk re.card.ins •th· romJa-Nevada Council of<:hurche• worth or rt-lief aupplie• the church 2150 :Siewport Bl\·d. leUc gnd'nc. ' ln cooperation with the Southern bu sent abroad since the war. At r.n.te• lt.NpoGaU.Wty • Ca.ltfomia Council of Proteatant home tbe church la aettlng up dl.a:- Churchta. Mr. Pendell la )>utor of uter rellet cf!fl'len tn It.a chun::h Chrl.!lt Church by tht Sta (Meth· buildinga and 1.r&inl:.ag its entire odlat) In the beach city. membenh.lp Ir\· Flrat aid proced-BEACON HOUSE ••• CUSTOM INTERIORS OffEl YOU Complete Interior DecoraU.c. -·-$pect1liii~q i~ DIA,iltlS U'HOLSTEllNQ •EOSMlAOS ' COlMICf IOXIS • ~Ll' C~VEtS _ • WALL'A'lt y,,..,.._-Ic#Clt FUlNITUll -L•rq• S.!ld;O" of F•D'·<:- 1Jt llACH_ ST., LAWUNA llACH '-5517 n ·w... atreued and pa.rent.a should underata.nd that, the Jlf'lor- Senior prom beld at the hlgJ.l achoo! la over at 12 o'clock .. d at that time the acbool'a re.a:poMlbll- ity tor student.a atterutlnr t ll e dance la over &nd becomes that ot parent.. All hlfh IC.bool acttvttle.a sponeored by the school are held a.t Ule achoo! with the ex~ptlon ot th'e> senior bre.akfut and the tool· ball banquet. Mni. Wri(ht expreued apprttia- tlon ot the tine turnout or the tac· ulty at thia meetinc where. par· enU can tlnd t he an.awer• to prob-._ __________ _, 11m1s ot •tudenta ln achool • • Lamps LightinCJ Fixtures • Wall Papen LAMP REPAIRING P . .\RTS A.!lii'D GLASS R.EPIACEME..vr& MacMillen LightinCJ Fixtures Phone Beacon 5619 Locatton '1 810l'k Off Coast mcbway 1!0 TI.:STI:S A \"E., XEWPORT BEAOR Other action.-ot the council f"X· uitM In order to-~ gedy to •erve ecutlve commltttt lnelud9d the de-in JocaJ or nat.lon1.l emer,.enclea. wloplna or ttnaf plana tor tht Clnn&• County ProtHtant )(In"-" l I y th ter1' P"ellowahlp to be held fu the bca OU Jl'irat Pffabyterlall Churc• • ot +· S • W d Orange . on April 18. ~an ~I 0 Ing e . Cran1ton or the University of W"th 0 ch . Southern .c ali toml& v.·Ht ~ reatur-" I xy 01r ed llpea.ker. The rommitlf'e a'•'l rtport on t)te tv.·o · r•C'tived a ~1 p traln- ~t Fuller· Ing school.8 It cor ton and Santa A Robert Alfred NMI, son or Mr. and Mr•. A . I . Noel, 901 Balboa Blvd., will take ~art In the annual Januar)'· Occidental College A Capella Choir concert to be pre.ented in Thom~ Hall, \1/ed"e9day, April 4, at 8 .15 p..qn.! accordtnr to Olaf Frodaham of the music facu lty, WhQ will di· rect. David Cralcbead v.•ill ser\'e Underground Vet to Speak Thurs. at Laguna Beach a. accompa.nlat on the organ. Noel, a tenor, la a Junior at Oc· cidental majoring ln education and Marlln·lfa.11. world traveller, lte-I• a re.aldent of Wylie Hall, onf" C'I( lurer and W?'!Ur who }Olned the the dormltorlta on the 120-acre underxround mavement acalnat campus. Hitler In 1933, will lttlute be:tore ~ ------ the Unltarlan Society or Lapna "'ATCH Ot'T FOR CRJLDRI:!"' Beach on Thunday, April 12 at DriYe w ith •pttlal care \1thf'n· 7 :4~ P . M. at JM8 Catalina atrttt, ever you a re ln the vicinity or bu1Jy Laruna: Beach. playgrounda, achooill where chll· Mr. Ha.It, a native of· Germany dren ace out to rttea1 or on their &nd an A)nerlc&n cltlun by nat-way home, or reaidf'ntial di.atrict.e urallution tou~ Europe In 194'7 I where children are playing along on both atdea ot th~ "Iron cur-the way, advlffs the :'\atlonal An· tain," and hu Iectured "'&t many tomobile (lub. \Vhenever and PALM LIAF COFFD CAKE ,. .. "' ... , 23~ COSTA MESA 1100 Newport 111vd. CORONA DEL MAR IOI Coaat ID1tl1ft7 Attention ALL CIVIC MINDED CITIZENS AND MERCHANTS of the Harbor Area We Need Your Cooperation end Financial Support to enable us · to defray the expenses of our First Annual Newport -H_arbor ' . . - Intercollegiate Crew · Regatta ' . . . Scheduled for Saturday Aftern0on AitRIL 14, IN NORTH UDO CHANNEL Our Re911tte Funi:I Is Needed Prior to R11cel 11nd We Request Your Early Contribution. Any Sum, Large or Small, Will Be Gratefully Received. Please Make Your Check Payable to the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. ·and Send to 702 East B11lbo11 Blvd., Belboe. • This Is Your Opportunity to T11~e 11~ Active Part in Helping Bring to Newport Harbor, 11n Event of N11tion11l lmport11nce. - LETS PUT NEWPORT HARBOR ON THE MAP colleget &nd univenltlia In thla wherevtt chlldr~ are at play, LAGUNA 111"..ACR ~d~fu~~~~t~~~~u-· ==~-~l~::::~·~u~~,.~·~-~~t~A~-~~·--~~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5~~~~ t or of U.nltarlan Student Work i----- ror !Ml Angele. County: On thb occulon he "'111 di.c:use the World Situation trom lht point ot view ot ' • Pia'"' JH411.uctitu. TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner 1 01•r.wt ........ fll ~ OWi' ea -·-.. --436 S1m1 Drive HarMr 1171--J Corw Hk)fia11dl -CorOllCI clef Mar "YOU GET TO WORK!" . Yee, you worked for you r salary, now lt'a lime your ll&lary worked for you! Put it to work in a Savings Prognn( at ?llEWPORT BALBoA FEDERAL!' Make your savings. iroal one year'• inco~ . . . a UdT IWJl for linancial peace of mind Yoll'll like the safety, profit and availability of &&vine here. Try I~! , • • ...... CU~ENT DIVIDEND RA i'E 3% , • llMral r eligion. The meettnr will be open to the publtc and there wUJ be no cbarre tor admia•lon. Beach Girl Scout Councils to H:old Joint Meeting On April 3, aduJt r~prese.ntalive1 or Gltf scout council• ft"Om New- port Beach. Costa lleea1 Hunting- ton Beach, t...pn.a Beach, S&n Clemente and 8aJ1 Juan Capi.t.rano will meet at Ute Scout House In Coeta Meaa. !Catabliahed camp anti council area problem1 ln ~nenJ wlll be dlacul*!d. Miu Ruth Kinny, national field atatr member an~ Mn. P. M. Ker· rldce, re~ona.t commltU. membtT wiU preside. Com.mt..ioner Mn. X've""lt Nunan. Mn. Lo\li• ~nar, Mn. Ted Hambrook. nnt and MC- ond deputies and Mai. z.ther Chapman, council U1t.lant ...W at· tend trom N~rt ~ Birthday Noted in Mesa Home ' . The eleventh birthday of Bunny Hiatt, llaupter of·,,.... Dorotlly Blot~ Ille W. lllll St., Coot& ll- cam4 In for !Lippy r«opltloll Bot· drday eventnc, Marth "-· whtn 8 famlly pu.,rtq-t40k ploc4' In the Hiott llom•. Cllmuln( f.,t"" wu a decorated birthday :cake, the contecUon b<lnr 1<rved wttll 1"" • cnam. ' HelplllJ Builny eete ... ~ .._ -~to. JI< .• -Mro. A. .L. -1(r. -llrL ,.....,. W.O. -d&U(lrttt, L,ilda Lowo1 X..andK,._-~..., doqb!M, -r-.· llr. lllll K••...., JlrJt _..,.~ - Mm,&&. ' • OPEN . UNDER NEW MANACEMENT · ~~ ' Harb6i'\ Paint & · Wallpap~r .Oo. _ • FREE.!! 59' Bottlit Dutch Boy Paint and Floor Cleaner To V191torw ComJnc to oar Store Friday and SatUrday , (Adwt. Oiily) (Formerly Harbor Paint & Appliance Co'.) TWO BIG Get Acquainted Days . . . . FRIDAY ·and SATURDAY .. ·1* Co111pl1te LIM oi P~ PaM11 •* C1111p~ U..ofOllldloyhhlt ' ~ • * ' _, -• ~ SPECIAL!! I , PAIN'l'. THINNER lff Gal. ' (llrillC JODI' ... e..talllel') Reg. 40' .gallon · ·. Friday wl Sutw di.; ' I .. .. . ' ' • • • • • • - • ' • •• • • ' . ' .. • • • • • • • • • t " • ·•"""'<·--J··· "' : Growing 6irl1 ·. • WIJAl .AND STREET SHOES~·· .. CilO.ll.a IM :U:O, ... ._ wnrn:s; . . GRl!:EN, BAND, BROWN S'nJJ'a and mu. • WONP!"I PUJal ud Tllll, Bllort Lota • All .._ Ill aed and BroWll Lo&fers at ·.BARBER'S BOOTERY r ft-. B•-5619-W Kwput Av .. -y.uamn.. • LEI'S FUCHSIA GARDEN · ~ ~*>"• u..r-t ,,_... o-..r -UOADWAY 008TA MESA c-. Fndaro • 0pa AuadaJ'• • FREE ' SAFETY MONTH · CHICKoQP · lralces { UcJll•• ' Horn ' Exhl111t System ,. Sl'Mriltg r' nr.. \ INSURED SAVINGS • • / pr • • CWIM1' ......... '•rAnnum • ' ' ,, • • • l l • Member• ot the new, ~ut futc.+------------- growlnc Col. WtWam Cabell chap- ter of the Daucbter11 ot th• Jtevo-- lut\on of Newport Harbor ll•ld their monthly meeUnr pneided over by 'Mr•: Claa.rl•• Bo&rtinUl, regen~ Much 28 at the bHutifU.l borne of Mn. W. I:. i'lah•r in Cor- ona dal M.&r. Co-hoetu.ea wit.A Mr• F1aher were Mn. A. E. Stock- ton 'and Mrt, WllUam II. TrttL Mn. J .... ~olte, chapl&iq, ttad tbe Kriptur. followed by the flag a&lute and the crwd. The HCrT- tary'a ttport J1vM by Mn. H. P. Yarntll and the t.reuur•r'1 report by lln. J&me• We~ wtlh dJa.. cuNlon rega.rdlnc • money rala- inl' event duriJlC' tb .p.UJ' to con- tribute to the national building tund concluded the buail'l.e.. ot the day. , Mn. Boardman, speak.tr ot tbe day, report."1 on the recent Ital• conference ln 3&11. i'l"&ncl..co wh1ch 1he attend@d u repttaentallvt ol Col. WUUa.rn Ce.bell chapter. P'ot- lowinJ" ar• ucarpt. of her •J>ffCh. St&M c-t.n-. "DAR hu llT C.U!orcl& chap- ters and 8-407 memben. Col. WU· llam CaMll chapter WU formed with th• inoet new Dtember1. nere an 2S natWlna.l projeeta with A.mericanlan. work outatandtnc-. He&dlnl' Ute U.t ani '151,000 houn I.a Red Crou. Oa. clUM.n.aklp bun· dre<b of phamplet.a ban reached DP1 who •re Hekin1 U . 8 . cltisen· •hip. "Dr. ca.rt Stocklnc ot C&Ufornla ' Hoag Hospital Receives W !Mquut.a of $5000 to the Hoag Memorial Prubyterian ho.-pltal and •to00 to the First PrMbyterl· an Church of Anaheim -were llat • ed. ln th• wUI of Mn. IC&t.ha.rUl• 0 . Younp of An&b•lm. wbo died March 22. . spoke on 'Dflnocracy -Ll't't lt or ~ It.' He a&Jd that eommuniam m.uet come by revolutlon. It mean. dictatorship by the prole· l&rtat. "Dr. Morley ot Calltomfa and ot national rtpUtt lpOk• at the lut Mffting ot the conference. Ht h&d juat ~tum~ trom ht. tourtunth aulrnment around the world. lie atated tbat Ute DAR WM the gnat.eat OfT&lll&&tlon of women worklnc ...-m.t the menace of communl.aDl. He !H1-that the ortcy thine that Lt preventing Ruula from war le our atnck pile of atom bomlMI. Kil: p&rtinI worda were ·atay away from world eovernment and from Genocide Treatiai. We have more to lOH than anyone elH. There ii no 9UCll thing u One World witk ComlnWliam. There can ~ only one world. a 11.&ve wocld or-a tree world." , T• hrved Tea wu aarved trom beautlfUI· ly appointed tablt• with aprinr nowera, la.ce cloth and silver ca.n- dPlabra. Mrt. Jame.a Weblter &nd Mn. C, r . L&ndera pou~em­ btr9 attendln&' wer. the rrgent, Mra. :ao..rdman and Km ... H. P . l"arnell, Mn. J . L. Bu.ch, Mn. C. F. andera, Mn. Ward Porter, Mf'I. Jam .. Wtbeter, Mra. Rury Welch, Mn. J..._ Wolfe, Mn. Ed- na Marx, Mn. M.&.ry &a.ndl;, litre. Carl Hanna. Miu Beaae Skinner and the hoaiteeeea. Mrt. W . E . Fi.sh· er', Mn. A. Z. Stockton and llra. Wtlltam Tritt. April Showers B•ll to Aid New School Pl&ru1 and prep~tton are near completion for the April 8hower Ba.11 to be held tor th• benefit ot th• Jlbrary of ns• Countt'• Mater Del Catholl Hlrh .chool. • ' ' • .. ' 1'1-oop n auu. ,..... Girt kouto 1,. ... , Kn.. SW-y .._.n Heda WM.aea-af\er900a CDJI -An l:attr n.catUon field trip and. 1'1.•ner b&Jc.• tor th1" IJ'OUp took place at Cry1tal Cove. Ev11ry • body had loU of tun pnpartn1 "lomorea" for de .. rt. GamH •ere played an.. lwlcll and 1p«l· Metl.9 tor ••turei study ellhibita wen 90\l•ht and· tound. Tn>op H r-............. .. ] ....-MJ'll. UoJd .... . Meete MOlldl.7 anenoo. Newport ~ J'or Euter wN.rlnc, troop 2' mad.a pretty put.el felt wrilt pur· ._ trlmmed with beads, ail\ce the prorrain tor the ytar bu been ha.adiera.tt. Copper .. th• ao:t pro- ject. .A. cook-<tut la Uui IASUJL& h111o wu ,,.aUy onjoyed "7 th- 1Jl'OW'9.i.u recen Uy. M ... Co•ncDMfffl Ted' Nett and Mn. Be•Mt Louna-.. berry headed the qenda Kond&y nl•ht at the refU)&r uulM of the Coet& w._ Cilia.eau Council. Nett reported on Ua• procrffll ot the newly. aut.AoriHd recrqtion pro- pe.m u it rtla\ee to the ea.ta Kua J>U~. Krl. Lolilll!Mrry, teeret&ry, re- J>Of'led Clft the work ot th• tree pl&nt.ms' and beautitlc&Uon '°com- mlttff wh.lcb ahe huda. ltt. a1mo told ot bet NC«nt trip to Me.xico. L&AVU FOR VE&MOJ>'T w:,... Betty Ru ... u of Brc.d St., Newport H•i•hla. ld't a t•• day, • • , , ·- • • ..... , .&nm."· : ' • WWWW&U' ~ AllD .,.~o •••~ . -. • CU'SHIO~S · -·. ·-............ .... lly ... ..,... •tefl • Cu~ a G/'fl'mf ,i . ·~A BP't'1 •-oen . ...,._, 1• j .... . ' DAAP15-•-. ••la••• u-ilo'i"'* OOisle'1 ..... Ii 'l'te••= ..... &ouu a a°':"',..J Ill ~--.llf ortH MtTU f a:.t., It .. 4 • . LIVING F .UN ' ZONE ~PEN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and • SUN.DAY BAUOA • -Tluwtdo,, 71»-Bihl< II Pr~ Di•i09 1 R"°'" op6fl 11 JO AM. lo I P.M. do;\y Clet.d Sundoy• ond holidoyi Phono: Kimberly 2·219b Loh el FREE PARKING. . Per90n&J property estimaltd at 120.000 and a realdenc• at IOI N. Helena SL, An&helm, were named !JI tlt• will •h'ch wu offend for probate In 1uperior coUft. The Ball La ~In 1poMOttd by the Mother'• Gu.lid ot the achool, ~ OuUd wu not orpniled ~· tll late tn the yea and la m&de up or & compar&tlv ly am.all gTOUp or mothen under leader.h.lp ol the preadent, Mn. Ullam Callan. aa-o ~or Beaninrton, Vermont, to ;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;,.;~;;;:;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;; vi.it her moth•r far a few Wffkl •. Git tltt lest for Y Hr Po1ti1cl BINOOULA'Jui 8TOU:N Mat..r Del Blp bool i. yo...,. and lack.a much n ....,.,. equip. ment. The net'd tor eference booQ and other llteratu for the bar· raq lhtlveai ot beautiful Ji• bra.ry aroUHd the tn of the wo- HOME r1t011 arvuams A 1"eek'1 .ojuorn kl Jlivva\de Ua ~ broup.t to a cloee •y Mr. a.nd Mn. . Jame1 WeU. ot JOSI Map I~ A Vt., Co9l& 1!feeL nett of .. pa!r of binoculars and a heavy jadtet from his 40-!oot yacht, the Lancer, moored at tba Udo Peninsula lhtpyud, WU re- ported. t.o police J'riday by L. J • WhJtney, Jr .• Loi AnrtJ ... Whit- ney N.ilj. tbe a.rtlclq were app&l"- ently atolell Mrlter In the montb. ot Ma.rch. men to formu.l&te .ame plan or ;:============! project to providtl fund.I for thi• purpow, From th1a need ea.mt tht idea ot the AprU Sb er B&U. .Each ticket itold wUl p rchue a 1 book. tor the llbn.ry will ai.o tM a.dmlM&oa tor couple to at· •••••••••tillll•••lj tend the Ball. w~ !I. la to be held on Baturday • inl', April lf, AlllL ,.-28 . ___ 'lliillr_ " in ~· dtiicJltfUl tlinl' of th• Sanla• Alla ,Coua Club. AJl ex· ceUent orch.c:r& beesi enp.c· ed to tumilib mual tor th• danc· Ing Md tlbo¥>rale ar"tlo"" llllt· abk to \Ile th t\ of "April Showen"' .,. bein deelgned. At· tractive door p ww be •ward· ed. 0.. the eommi tee are: Mn. W.,I< Buaeca. ' •"1 cllairnuul; Mn. Clart.nce aul9l· ant l'90tral i .lln. Vin· cent ~ ..,.era1 tldt•t --n-uint-femaa. -~ ticket cb&trmu; Kimf c.uenm.~ art ~cl¥&tW ~.t cleconllout, Kn. --ar. co-daalnllan: R.Ue;J Bullet, ~ of 9; Illa. Lollt. Geatspaud ~ ...... lq, l!Ood'efmtu "' CbaUmaa fw OW Le41 pf -· Cumel ._Mn. -ert. --~··*" ---.s .............. ~EARN HOW I P.RAYER CAN HEAL YOU How doh ChrlsUan Selene. hell? How dou lt remove fe&i\ .olv• SN:rtoel&l tJtd bu-1· neu troubJu ! It you want to kltow eomtthlnl' a b.,o u t th• btalinl° pcrnr of prayer a.a tau ... i IA, C1lrtoll&a llclonce, con:;· to . • i ' ! . ,. A Free Lechn . , ·-''Clutlitiu ......,., Bow UWprb" ..,. --~.c.~a. ,., DtllcU. .,,,.,_ . .... -............ _ ...... --·"" I t -.. -........ . .. , ............ --,~.i--... . . ..,...Y,.&l'llD. t .. ........ a ....... . _.,... ..... "j: ' .... • .,.,,,,.. un-r- , ........ : ' ,.. "' -'JIDll AT• • •• -• .1• .. • . ' I ' • • ' I ., . ' I • • " I ,. • ' ---------.. -~-- • • • ' ' • • • · . ' .-- .. " I NEWPORT JAY POST and ' I • • ' . • . . ... . . . . . ' .. ~ • --A: I ~ . • ,, ~ ... .. ·J"" w ...... .,.,,...:..,.,., ... . - ' ' . CLASSIFIED ' . ••~!!!·~·,!..:~~!.!!~T---~-J;•;;;;•$·;··~~....,~;; .. ;;;•~A;"~.,~·~.,.~::l~~.JI0!!!!:~~....,~!!!~..!~!!.~.;.....1.!t':!! ..... --~~~---~---~~·-~-..,--~1--~-1 ·A' • O'kJ&f'li .. KlatllJTr tAble top IP!NWI'. --1'at ... -_ ........ , ..... ,.,clean Buy Yo ~---...i Ill llill-t. A '· •'----1 ........... 'o •• --~ llupla.: kn JUO -~~~'.!~~:!::!:......;.~~!!:=:~!:::!~~~ I The Mighty Midget In Advertialng Hu ~ few ope...,.p Ont ~ 95 .,_ ....... ~um... Terina. .Du&..acJunldt 9'0R llEN . STR...,._SY"'-w•-~•-Bd • $80 !:-n1& 4aa, m N. -·co...... . 1 ' • ·t i···. vv • • ., ......, •e. 1.UL Over .,.. hundred piano•: E "-' Who ... -.."'for -t 1802 Newport Bl..S, Colta x ... NEW H" AD TV' -be&U· ' • NEW. ·~950" 0000 r NEW"' ,.,...~., -Ev .. ry Tu-day -p~ent .. wtth -...no.t oi>-Pllm1a -em t11111 malt~-"' 1t>'1• ~VACATE APRIL 1•th · · fl .,. ........ ~ "' ""' .. ,-. ---,--· Id ~~ b~-tkm -·· (A J'-Left With s--T!nil, Belt ,..,. ___ lie.) portulllty for ad.....-ent. ·21 1____________ cabinet w•~. "°"" -~o -..--~v...., NEWPORT BAY POST-Wedn(!fdays and a.._i p1a1......... F AD ·' v"'"' Tb--..1-to '° pnt......s. .Paid.~· ... ~cu sne.to 'A EW R IOS A CHANCE TO GET A NEWPORT-BAI.BOA PR~ -....-.....ys tralnb!r. Approa. P70 mootb Now Only $289.~ " ... ,... ... ~=~=~.ec1..z;.,:::.:~;"'..!:...,._1 ::c:n-e~baral..!~ CLOSING OUT Priced to Clear! "NEW" CAA AT YOUR PRICE!, NEW ,.__ (1 f -·-L 11'4" TV l'llllC!> OoUoletto. Ell· Aleo oddll end endl ot MIYDIUH AD IS ' LINEA dot.red.. a.. llupt. at Utt ap_puaucee o a.cn) pe.nded tt 8Cl1 inctt p1ctUtt, ,.... houaebold tu.ra1aJliap for AD Chen1fW' 9ida must be paid for CMb la ad....am of ,..._.,,_, 1-Apt. pe rup, O\l'eJl ooetrol, ccndJUODed. ~ every room l:a tbe bou•. . . ----··----4 u... 1 Paper S .75 STANDARD STA.'nONS .... llO. $189.95· GI.in, up our 1 • .......,,. 4 U-% Papen 1.50 D&lllla 6 c...t H.~1 1-& cu. It. Paa Alnertc&n "'"J· tire etock ot N.,.. end BE'rtEJt INVESTIGATE 4 U..... S Papen Z.00 CoTona d<I Mar erator SlllO. & yr,.......,,, Ult" lllondo eo ... 11 TV -UMd P'unlture muet be Th• publilhtn will not be rupon.sible tor moni th&.n ont 'lnc:orrect BetwM:n 1:30 &ad lJ eveey 1'rid&Y 1~ cu. ft. llon.J.t.M, Ill&., I YT· $179.9~ eold by April 1'· ----·---- ln.Hrlton of an adverliNmcnt, cue-rve the rt.1bt to correctly clauity 9Tcl SUUW'*· LOOK OVER OUR any and all ada and to nject any advertiaement not confonntns to I-----,,.,,----,,:---:-1---' cu. tt. tabl• top Pan Amert-. SHA VER MOTORS Your DODGE-PLTilOUTH .nOi.w rulu end rerutatloM, Advertlaemento end 1can~•lla~aH ~.:"; MAN WA.NTED-J?ipl$)ed pool· can retrtprator, tillO, & yr. 10" table m<><!el TV ... S9'.50 UNBELIEVABLE accepted up to 6 p.m. on the day precedJns pub lea -~"~ ~-"'· .. ~~~-o'!!!. f~&n 1 to •toxplal1nn p.e.n.ntet. 7" table model TV .. _$32.50 Pboao n..r. 1111. uk for "Ad Tak.,., or _,d ad -~ -~ r~~~ P.,. • 1-4'4 cu. It. Gen...J ntrtprator, BARGAINS NEWPORT KA.BBOR PUBLISH.lNG 00. ltr..ted people. LM.ct. turnllh· $130. 5 yr. par&ntee. RCA CONAO~ tt" TV, Uke new ' 1934 Harbor Blvd Beacon 8907 eo.t& ~ 11 !!It Balbcm Blvd .• Newport Beadl, Mtonata. ed. Car necuaary. Ar• no bar-Patio table and bnche .. $16. wtth AM 6 ~ rad~. beauUtul rter. Apply to Xr. Rart:we1L 10 Cold-t ..trtp,.tor, T cu. tt.. ._......_.. bin t ~·· doo a. m., 2915 Newport Bird., New--r~ m---·Y ca • ""''""'' ti port Bet.eh. tTcS f ued) $11.50. 'now only pOl.00 l-USINl:8& OUUllC OOKPLm"ll BOUD Cl&ANlN<l -hnlJtuN .... """' lbampooacl. ..... _ ...... hDJ' tnound. Al's House &. Rug Cleaning Co. B• ~ae 11ll ntfc .Alcoholica Anonymoaa Write P. O. Box 20.$ Bal-laland. callt. Phone KlmbvtJ' .&-&ti Patio Furniture PAINTED lllE ua FOR hltern&UonaJ H•t· POWER KA.CHINlC operatC?f' for YM'ler refTleeraton and dttp cotton sportnrear. b:pertenced treeM:n. Rnrlander box sprlnp only. Work 1n Balbo&..Ph. Har. and mattrMM&, Calorio pa 1095. lei ran,... WE NEED DOXDTJC HELP-Dal • F 't u .. In or out, ulary u.-1M e S urn! Ure 1129 Harbor Jll.m. eo.t& Me .. moa~RT HAR.liK>R Pllione· Beacon 6107-W DlPU>YlLEl'lo'T .AOBNCT ~~ I:. Bay AYe .. 'Balboa. WE REPAIR U81CD WIIUC RICOOIU>ICR. Good valu.e al .................... -.......... $99.50 KO.p In touch witll ., tor, JOOd bu7a la TV Ht.a bel.n.J tradfd In - CR08LST P'rottmuttr -Home J'tee:MI', cbMt t,,,._, tarn.Uy •iM • H<.M ' "For Venetian Blinds, Shad08 and Drapery Hdwe. Phone Beacon 6451-W t2ci Phone Harbor 2611-R. 2c< a.JI mu.. of ~ machine&. tronen a.nd ya.cu.um cleanera. G. ~· ltetrtcerator, 11.te model. THE SHADE SHOP STROOTB Te.Winkle Hardwve, lara'e alae ...•. ., ........... _ ...... SJ.89.to FT'ff .. timatea Ph. Har 884 l!l( -29th St. Newport Beach 93ttc SHARPENING All .ooi. -lawnmower• • pink:tnr lbea.ra. knives, 1·9 p.m. lt"SUD. FIXIT SHOP 609 Coast Highway Nrwport Beach l5-8RARE YOUB CAR W ANTIID-8klpper tor privale 40 ------------n.. CMil.Mr. Muat be capable a.nd !I02 Newport Blvd., Coote w .. 1. Be&OOD 6222. l ttc WANT RIDE DAIL y from 1100 nlta.bl•. lportnl!llnc exp. nte•· 1--,,.,,-=,-,-==-====-:-::= blk. W. Balboa Blvd. to Coron.a •&TY· ZsceUent &11 yM.r polition ELEC?'ROLUX !t.Zl'JUOl:IU.TOk df'l Mar {9 to S). Phone Harbor tor th• rt&'h.t 11\&ll. Wrjte quali-I cu. ft.., 2 yrs, old, ln •tcellf!nt 114&-W. teUc flc&tlona. Jf'illl Nl•r•l\Ct and cont\lUOn. Jl.euonable. 327 Al- la •-• Writ Bos D 1 vando Pt., Ba.Ibo&. Har. 147. LA.DY WANTS ride to work in .. ry -.n....u. • -• Hp2 L. A. trom Corona del Mar. Bra. lhia paper. 111 9-~. Mon · P'rl Call Har. 2153-W. Many a blJ du.I ha.I bMll mad• UlllVl:L Gil Jltef'l'tpra.t.or (19'7) 2c4 t.hru a miiJ1 . Wu.t Ad I cu. ft., SlM. Good M n ..... No. I Bea.ecn B&y, ph. Har. 1574. !!-LOST AND FOUND 2c( ------ ------------!FOUND -Pair of glauea, tor-~POOL TABLI:, tt(. ala.e, bell re- t iae ahell trame1 In caae: on Bal-turn. cue1, rack. Rea..onable, w1U Jt-llUIWINO SDVICD!I boa Iala.nd Sunday. Owner can trade on televlalon or·wtaat.have INTERIOR _ EXIERIOR. claim and pay for &d. Apply you. Ph. KI. 2-7U7. Np1 PAINTING Preu ottlce, 2211 B&.lbo& Blvd., r MUST VA.CATE APRIL Hth Newport Beac.h. lttc wz HA VE J'ULCOLOJt. 1'ULL- LICENSED -INSUltE> ERB New wunt.bl• wa.11 ftnld. Glenn Johnston LOST -Gold link bracelet-In Al.to Jewol c ... Of co~ ....... &01 • li.t SL Newport Beach ahape of heart.. Friday evenln1 pa lntln1 ln•truction &Ad color Harbor 229'7-J S.fc.fS In Balboa. Sentimental value. planner folder'9. . Re¥1'&rd. Ph. Harbor Sl·J. l c3 BALBOA MARINI: HDWJ:. CO. WE RENT EL~fUC paint 1prayer1, floor • anden. pollaher• and J&rdenlng ~ulpment. StrooU TeWlnkle Hardwa.re, 1802 NeWJK>rl Blvd,, Coat& MeaL Phone BeL 5222.. PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1~13 Santa. Ana Ave., Costa Meaa Phone Be.aeon ~ 79c92 !3-81TUATION8 WANDD EXPERIENCED man wa.nt.. job u •kipper. WlU do m.alntenance work on boa~ Hav• 30 tr•. ex· perte11ce, know fiahlnl' in local watPr1. Be1t ot r~ter@ncH. Ph. San Pedro, T!:nnlnal 2-~l~. lp3 Rl::LIABLK experirnced woman want.a tl ~ lroninr. c.hUd cart, days or eve•. Have tra.ntporta- tlon, Retere.ncu . Beacon 5209-J . k3 Buln Branch, Jla)"'l'tde Ortvt Your Fuller Dultr A Good Place to Go LIKE NEW, Proctor d'91 control electric iron. $6 a.nd. Genera.I Electric Hot Point watn. iron. with heat lndLcator. SI. 706 A.,t:&cla. Corona d~I Mar. '9tfc Cl<>11ing Out AJl Appliance11 AND ENTIRJ!: STOCK OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS J"loor mU1t bore i:l•ttd by Apr t I 14. UnMll~n.blt barpln1 for rrert room tn. th• hOUoH, • !LUY TICRMB AJUU.NGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1113 H.A.JUIOR BL VD. COBT .l MICIA Phone Bucon 8121 Tll1'SE PC. MAll~ANY ~rm. Mt. two t K 12 rup, pair of ma- hop.ny end tablN, Wnpe. 2210 HarbOr Blvd,, ea.ta. Mea. le3 -.OAT IUPPLIU Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Roya.ls See John Harvey 1.t sea.craft U& COAIT HIGHWAY NEWPORT HACH PH, lllCAOOI< &TTl 80038.l!A BOOKS " ftna ·-"' --... ,...i.t-i,,. .. lljacU-Plal ... -·-~ boob-I M\dl"S QirvJ'. The Ialandera n• Marine, Ila-IL Bu INT BUT HURRY? COSTA MESA FURNITURE CO. 1660 Newport Blvd. , ' COSTA Xl<BA BEACON &M3 WW: WILL PAY blJbut cuh price fOf' upt1,.tit pla.nm-Not over 50 lnche. In helfbta-or h iifle1t cub &Jlow&n.cea on a telm.ioa trade. Call SHA.FZR.8 at Klm.berly 20872. 7tfc THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS ~ '" ,BTUDllBAKER Commander, 2 door ..... -........... fl i§~. '48 STUDEBAXEft Commander t. .door ............. --... -11" '47 STUDEBAKER Champkm 4 door ·-----· .. ··-·-····-121& •co CHEVROLICT 2 d-S<daa ....... _ .. ___ .. ____ "o '<t FORD Club Coupe ..................................... -... -.. -·~ '42 CHll:'V'ROI.Zr 4 door ····-·-··-·-·--·-·-........... _' f.95 '40 CHEVROLST 4. dool'l -.. ·-·-·-···-··-· ........ ·-···-----at6 '40 CREVROLrI' 4. door ·--···-·-·-: __________ .. 2H •39 BlIICK, 4 door ··-······-···--· .. ···-·-··-···-··-··---l&.S '!9 M'ZR.CURT, 4 door ..... ·-·-·-· .. ····--····-··· .. ···--···· 2t6 K&n.y other tr&.n.tport&tion cars .. -................ '50 t.e ,$1IO Tenna to tu.IL We c•rTY OW: OW"n papera. ~ SPINICT Ro-.. Pay out balenc<. MAC'S ·CAR LOT ·· t S28tlo. A.11.other repoMeMlon at ltoe Harbor Boulevard j Coat& .MH& fats, eott new 1815. Ju.t Ukt ------------------------new. Ternu, Dans-Schmidt BJ1 " Plano sto ... ~'° N. x.1n, corn. HEAD MOTORS, Inc. 'fT CHICV """tmaater" ,lledaa otb. 8anta Ana. wttll rodlo. hlr., tos Utio, - YOUR Utt, ttc. G~rou. 2-\oft• m .. GIUND PU.NOS -Ue<d, Knabe talllc bh!e aad ltlnr tlalalt. Cblcurtnr. Muon end Hamlln, , $99" 8telnw•y, ICv•ntt, lloluner, Kaiser • Will)'8 "' wuruta.r. Btarr Kimbell Many Frazer • Cro11ley othen. From 139~ up. D&n..a-'f T PONTIAC "'forpedo" I lledaa· •tte, ~1'&4io. )ltr .• spot . lite. ete. Ori&fh&J. ttniab .,u .. mterior. One owntr. Cv •f ~tional . merit! · 1 • 8c)'unldt Bir Plano Store, Santa DEALER Ana, 1520 N. Main ( corner Ith. LOVELY USED 8PTh9rr PIANO, Jill• new. Tenna Po down &nd 115 mo.. at SHAFER )o(U8IC CO. (!llnee 1907) '21 N. 8yca-1nore. Santa .AA&. Klmberly J--0832. t!tfc Ll:ARN TO PL.AT the &ecordlon- uk &bout our accord.ion leemn plan with accordjon t\.lrnlahed ft'M. cau SHAP"ZRa at Klm- berly 20812. 2ttc kl:NT A. PI.A.NO. 16 per month. .All rent alJowf!d tf you buy with- Jn temui. D.ANZ-SCRKIDT Co., 620 N. Main., Banta. Ana. JCLllCTl\IC . ORGAN. Like new, ftmOWI make. 8a•e szoo. ttrm.1.. '.:ZJ.e-ctrtlled orp.n, uaed onl1 $17a Our Nrvice d4a.rtment hu a complete stock of parta and aoc~..artee to rtv• you lnatant •rvlce on your car. Our al• dl'lp&rt.met WI JiYln1 ble allowance.a on trade·iu on new car1. • HEAD MOTORS, Inc 506 E . First Street SA.NT A .ANA ' Phone1 : l[lmberly J-lllOT Kimberly a:HN ' $1095 'fl P LY. "Special O.luse" leclan, r•dio a.nd htr. "Orlcfna.I" tJlrU.. DUL One 1n & thouandl $495 P.a. Ks'tn .. a.n~· DNJai • S<ftt'&l N eW 19llO Dodpa ldtl SHA VER MOTORS • Tour DOOOIC-PL'DlOUlW Dir. Bea.COi'\ aioT 19H Harbor Blft:. ec.ta. x .. .,.or church or home. Dans· ------------ ltM J'OllD V-& .__. OOdU; pod tln!a, notde mrtM wwk. Sle. TOii Aced& Bt_ CoTona d<l Kar. • Schm id'~. 520 N. Main, cor. Ith. a&nt& Ana. WlM people do re.ad tl\e ad.a. LETS TRADE--'39 Lincoln Zephyr %tf• 4-dr. le'dan. Xln't. Ure1. l own~r.1 ------,-----­ WA1'"T Ser-rel Eltctrohu. or '41 PLTKOuni delua: cpe. Good cuh. M2 Hue! Drivt . Corona condition., 1'2&. Ownu le&"f1nc d•I Mar. H&rbor 11.52..J. lc3 .ta.ta. Harbor 1433-J. 2e6 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN Fir'\~ LAUNDRY or iroalnr only. SA VJ: J.so on I cu. ft. new~ Hotpolnt ~tri&'an.tor . .Bale al.a flcepl.ace acceaaorle•, btta.ktut •et. coffee Ir •nd tablee. Call for appt . day a, Har. 23M. ( eveL 6: WHk endl, Ha.r. 14~1 -W .) ttc2 COSTA MESA FURNITURE CO. 1660 Newport Blvd .. WANT TO BUT UMd Cbrya.ler crown with I lo 1 reduction r1ar or '!' ! !' 11--DOGA. cAn. Prrs ____ .41 BUICK. •-dr. Hdan.. Good I ;1~•:;:<18fPOmNTIAmA:Cc~coooNVKVi1C1tin1i·••sri:.ril-= cOclD!R. PUPPIES .A.KC, l buff Urea. Good condition. Ont own· R yttramtic, au •st.ru. ·very m Palme St., Corta K- lleL 5UT·M Hc9 H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair St"rvice Malntalned Phone: Harbor 141S-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., N ewport Beach REP AIRING and PAINTING REASONABLE. Larre or amall Job9. Frff: e1tlmate1. Har. 2~1-R HAULING Any klnd, truh or! \\.alker. 103 -18th Street l\"ewport Beach Harbor 2Ml-R Somebody Wants That u.~ turntture, bric-a-brac. p&.Jnting1. etc.. now t akinl" up 1pace ln your garage. Find a buy· er with a cluaitied ad ln the New1-Ttmea. Poat. and Preu com· blnaUon, Jutt Phone Ra.rbor 1811, aay : "'I want to place a Clauif1ed A d,'' arid a courteoua ad·ta.ker wW I tlelp you write an eflecUva ad.. H--l'D80NALa MUST VACATE APRIL 14th Odds and Ends OF FURNITURE Curt.am.. Hrlp 'o\'1lh din. partie1. P ic k-up •nd deliver. Mr•. Wll- llams, Call Har. 1~95. lkl 1937 WlLLT~. COM:PLrT'I: MO- TOR Ir t:ranaml•lon. .A.lao ch .... la. 1111 Cout Blvd. North. I.A· Drop c•td to L. Jr:. 'i\'U.00 c/o Rlch&J"d'1 Yu.ht .A.nck .. Balboa laland or pb. Harbor M9 and IP&Ve No. t Mtwttn 1--4~) Mp3 •and I black, (7 wk• oldJ U& er. SI~. tl8 E. Balboa Blvd., clean, white aidewalla. Own•r l!'a . alt Ith BL , HunUn(ton Bch. Balboa. Harbor 1!02..J. lp3 muat aot.ll. Phone BH.eon. t l &O COl!T A KUA BEACON OOl3 iun• Btoach. · lc3 1 ___________ _ tt--HELP .w ANTED • 11-W ANTICD TO ll'Ul' MOORINGS DOUGLAS LONG BEACH rs· NOW HIRING EVERYTHING FOR YOUR TRAILER WIC nLi. BUTANll -PROPANm TAHILI Oompllte tn.et&llatS ... ._a and aenlca ct all tni1lr WANT TO BUT 120 bu& a ccM- dion. Call Hae bot' 11 ~-W. •Ye:•. 2tfc Pleuure 1.nd Commercial LIDO PEN1NSULA YACHT .ANCHORAGE bd at. 311t 8t. l 1Harobr 2361 NEWPOkT BliCH RENTALS TRAINEES MEN With Shop Experience J y OU Will Be Paid While You Learn Assembly Work EqulpmeoL ll•nllu IC. kmaol Jilin. K. - ORANGE COAST Jl..ults eome from oonat&nt Practice! .An ad rqularty ln UU. S-Pff will produca f'NUltl for J'l'U.. Bo1.t Owners and Mechl.llics For Your Apartments & Houses Thl11 exc:eptlonal opportunity l9 open to men \vit.b 1eneral mechanical or ahop experience. A.gt:a ~G to 4 O. Qualitled applicant. wil} be hJrt'd and &ft.er 2 wee.ka train1n1 job- rated tor promotion. ' TRAILER SUPPLY . . ~A _ 1- 1110 llAJUIOR 'lLVD. N~(JOllll. Ooeta 11111&, ~ B111ooen .,...It ------------ Meu Ra.dio It Television ··Bervtc• That Satllf'IN" TELEVISION Saleo -Service -Iruotallation RADIO REP.AIRS Jack's Furniture l!IOJ! W. RALllOA BLVD. BARGAINS ln Ulfld and unpainted furnit ure SNAP ON TOOLS Call JOHN KIMBl..al l T « MLramu, Balboa Harbor 1087-R tk9th BALBOA MARINA Small Boat Mart WE WANT TO RENT a 2 bdrm 1'\lrnilbed bOUM lJI Colt.a Mqa. 1Coatact C. A.. Sunman at ABC Lumber Co.. Co.ta MN&. Bff. Mal. ttp2 PLANT EMPLOYMENT 'OFFICE LAKEWOOD It CARSON 109 Broadway Colt& Meu. Jct~ I B..1y, Bell pr Tra.d• Phone HarbOr 2~2·R WA.NT 3·BDR.M.. or 2-bdrm. ud [den; turn. or unturn:. By April 115. Permanent. no l'ftlall chU· 1tc3 LISTINGS WANTED idren. Pb. Bucon 5975 alter -4 2'02 Cout H IJ!tway, l'l•wport-Bcll. f' m. , 1p3 o·rm·" • M'.ICltJUTI' r;anre. ssa Rattan Furniture ....... Harbor oTn ' - • Murphy """ beda, .u e Neb, tkMH -.U-AllTlllC!<Tll a BOUSICll Houri 8 a.m. -4 :30 p .m. Monday thru Satuntay DOUGLAS \.ircraft Co., Inc. Long Beach Diviaion ITctll 4 IMV'J'rlnl' mattreee .. $10 .-.c.b. Kadoe t.n t.M Pbllllpt.n., aad ------------1 rollaway bed and m.attru&, UO. tn our OW1l work lhopm. WANT TO BUY --IJ&llboat, dlnpy Pka.:M.ua:NT JUrNT .A..L -L&rre GE M:&na"le, llke new. saa, llx12 Wl.S. ehc4et ot tabrtce.. or-outboa.rd.. Ph. Barbor 1020-W room, 2 double btMl.I. Pr1Y&t• a p Wl1ton rul'. $45, Sen-el 4 eu_ tt. ~ ~ in lo. Ca.lit. evm.lnp. 2ttc ~ Ideal for 2 men or 2 rtft1.reralor, IT&. 48 Gtntral wa-Aef'•t•tq ud ~ women.. Gt.rap. BLUE TOP, tor hMter, ST6, 2 -· "O HOUSE &: GARDEN ...-UUOAI. ILl.DIO <01 Newpo<t Blvd., Ne,;po.t ;:!.,~~ i:.:: . sa ~ 1u c...i Rwy, Nwpt.. -. 1n1 1 ;00~~--1n-..., ...... -p1a_y_u. __ ...-__ orfUI __ 11c_h._1_•1lo_•_•_·Arcb __ .. _1 ___ 1tt_1c EXPERIENCED OPERA.TOR to ------------New Ramm.end al.Ot'd O!-faa. • cut up. pockap t hlckeoa. Call P!UVk'I'IC RUlOUlGIC ULIC -KUST v ... CA.TE APRIL 1•th 11:-..n If,. ... don·•,-• not• MUST VACATE APRIL l•th at %236 Harbor Blvd... Oo1t& BARGAINS , ot mu.ale you ca.a pta:r ~ Meaa, a..n.•r 1 :30 p. m. Hcl L&dlu c:Jotba. ltaa tC-]I. bl&c~ mu.le tn te mtnute.. DANZ- CGOI with m1n1< lba.i collu, Clea,rance Sale sCHMtDT Bir P1anO anc1 0rpn SALESMAN broodta11 •llortlo. matc111nr ·hat NEW d USED co .. 11to "· 11a1n.~1& "fa-, IAd. mutt. Dr-etc. I. Willer an - ll:XCl:LLmNT OPPORTUNITY o ... , Ilse TUA Aqon. ""'"'"'nrl'Tn>E OWNJ:R XUST . olmoot wttll w• 11 Htabllahed Co«a IWU!tt, ltudlo loatbk coue~. r U.n.1,..L.L U.l\. •-CbllMlf ~ • ~· Mua !\ml hand\lnc Hotnnan. llma. CIU!d'a de,lt. ,uUqu-. -.upm. for _,_.; ._,, ,....SO ~-Any , 1-le of- RcA .. d Packanl·S.ll T•l..U.. It.mo. TO .. l>f&q'lerlt4 Oo._ In "Ibo lloQM. ~ 'fer a-.,ied. -.X. Ion --• N e ••• ~ t'-""-" dtl Kar. • :Id ,Jp( --... , •• ~~ ~ ... ~ ---------1oh----.,-~-1 priced lo clMr --Mr. Beny. Buem lllM for &Po '1T SALDlllVRT acoottr. iiltttliftt ably. 'OPID PIANOll tnMn • Oood polntment. lei c:ohdltS-. JJll. Oa111 .... -K pla:rb>r _.iitloL • ' .A M Z. after 2 p.m. -•» ..,...,....._.. Ohlq .,._ --•-ilCRKlM', NO 11. 'kat& A8SUl'.1'Al>IT lo buoy omc. maa-J>le.,...t Bttiadl I . 2p4 • llnl Door -M dou-AU. -· ltlt . apr. Oollt.. ~ or "'IUI· • ad "1 Apfll 1'. . THAT HOUSE. YOU RENT. . ltq ....... · nUa cb&tr, • '"hi!'· lamp or throw "'6· ' . l>OOK OVl:R QUR REA! .. 'BARGAINS r,· . l~ • RENTAL r SPECIALISTS CID -<:nls Linwood Viek, Rltor. •i-llland. Bar. IOd HcM Yearly Rental CORONA DICL KA1l fumlah<d apL 2 bedrm.a.. on• ·with twtn bed&. Lov-17 view, SM month. Adult.a. Ph. Barbar ~w &t- ter I p, m. lc3 lioTB 1'ICARL T IUiNT ALB-- New 1 bedroom unfllrnllhed apt. SM mo. oa Nwwport I1la.nd UW. pold. ON:IC --apt., NO lllODU.. UfiL pd. • CALL WR. llAJIT, Harbor un 2eJ before & p.m . ot rn11. !letl.con 8572•W, -Jd For Your New Apt. You can fbld Nnr ud U I• d ""1Utlat, A,pll· &l\C-. M'attnuea. Tablu and Cbaln, Lampo. etc .. tt.e.' -au at uabellan.bly LOW PR.ICES! CLEARANCE SALE AT THE COSTA ~A FURNITURE CO. 1660 Newp0rt Blvd .. BICA.COi< Mii Balboa llll&nd" ' ' AtbW:tl" 2 lodrm 'aofmt-.;;-~ uaflm>.·aeopt - dis ........ •. -·· Linwood Vic~, Rltr. HJ Karioa An. ... _ 'lllMC -· B&rbW l!Od-. . ' I ' • ' We are siYinJ up our ..... &nd mut clear en· li'O lltodt II)' April l<. You wUl tln4 u.nbelieT· abl' BARGAINS! nltnt. Capo~ of -uar pa)>. BOR'J'Ot'· t&bla -· elaclrjc See Qur' 'DA ...... iR'• WAMTSD: .fO __..., Tnfe ta Ile. Clftr ~ $<5. '51. I "'"1 --lllte ·-· ~IO 1CI ..,...6 _.... ,.,.,.old~--a ~a,111- I _ Jlt ' Cl.?!'t-OlJ'l' -·~! •· ~-:: '• ,,.-. .. woelr. A.JIP111tM IGutll Molai. Newport liml.".Nowpmt_._.. .~ ,, la· et or --......._ 111111-' Sant& Am. ,lpl -•• --~ '. -' ~ Bc>U1Mld J'anWhlnp WkNT mt.a. •-' ~.1... ta ,,..), ,. ,• JGMJt AMJ) K4J111 _,_. y'...:,.. -..v ~ COSTA MF.sA part--1a ~-. • 1' m ~ -·• 11 • -:"'-..:'.:-' ·--Pll.-.2121. • . .,._,, __ ... _ --· "FURNITURE 00. •~-------""--~Z. ~~-= . oOsTA 1DiSA 1-N .. rt m c1. wurr ·-.... la4tr ~ .... , -...... -.---~TD• oo UUY ewpo V for&)T.aldlll!,t' .. ,'a.'91a.m. OMl.UIU• .... 1'----•VAR&&'-'-• coinAxa• ~oo:s-._...,.,......_~ ... -. · U>H. :c.;;A ••• • .;,. ~eeo Ne -t -1 .. -JIO II, ••P-it. .... ,maol,.,., Olll -.... ,11'; ·"" •r-a-,,;n.. .. -iaue..: lduoll. ._....,...,1. lfl _,..,.., --0096IMV •Mllm- ' .. •. , I .. I • ~ t 1 Wedn•fty, •~ 4, l~f '' -, ' · NEWPO~~ IAY POST 1114 ~ • · · '• t j ~~~"~.,--~~~___.;~~~r---~~~~----l-+-~~~~~~~~ .. ·POST SHOPPING NEWS ~S _ADS AR~ DELIVERED TO OYfR 16.0oo ·.IN· '*8 ARF.A,' COSTA 1'1$A I LA&liNA '. - • • • .. • • I , • . , < .. . ' \ . '' -• ~ ••4L Db.]!!. .... 5' •• ,,, • "! .., ~ • . . t~ ' -.· · R.EA. L .. E· 5111·E·. Tiie 1~d . ' ' • '.i s r . ,1 •. .,,....-.. . ,.. • .t • • ' • • • • •• • • · A "Tuucq Visit" · Opened. 01µ' "Eyes:· ·---·-----· __ "We had no' ~ we collld find euch a wide 1weep of South Beyfront view apd • BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor X.. S. JONES 'J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ' . 'Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 Har. 74&-M or Bea. 6042-R Eves. ' clean andy beuh ao .,.. aonably."- Y e11, it ill truly a dllltlncµ1>e Balboa Ialand location. BALBOA ISLAND '8 beautiful apartment&. Fw:niabed. Only large apt. hoW!e on the laland. Priced right. Xlnt. terms. Graced by an older two-• story home, jµ.t vacattd by the owner ,;.ho wili aell a BEDROOM HOME-th• popular .....Uc ranch lJPO. Bwd.. floon, fireplace, double prace. ' ~ $12,500 3 Bdrm Home, $11,500 L1TTLE ISLAND -Charming 2 bdrm, din. rm. home. Moat attr. furn. A REAL BuY AT $16,950. at . a price reduction to permit aavings to buyer of remodeling and redecora- tion. BRAND NEW on Broadway. Coat& Meaa.. Belt loeaf1on. A beaullt'Ul home with hardwood noora and many ex- cellenl featurea. $3400 down. on FHA. EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY-Beauti. 3 bdrm, 2- bath home, charm, furn .. plus attractive apt. _Patio. Garages, one of our BEST buys at $23,500. Full 50 reet of South Ba.y-• BEACON HILL REALTY front with loads of ya.rd 4H Newpory Blvd. (above the Arches) Ba.COil 1111-J\ and garden apace and no ------'--,,--------~------ ' , BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR BEACH S~ECIALS A HOME AND lNCOME-nea.r beach. market and tranaportatlon-2 attr&ctive well built cottace• in A·l condition, 2-e&r 1ara1f. Fenced yard. A real buy at $11,300 for both. ALSO A. 'ITRAC'I'l\>"E weJI a.n-anged older horfte. 3 bdrms. hwd. floor in Uvtnr room. 1"1oor turnace, roomy kitchen. SB~ vice porch, cement patio~ prage. 1 Full Price $7750 For d•tai.la on either property, caU Mary Dlckaon, Har. 1013 (Ev~ Harbor 2092-W) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH • crowding or neighbors. Two central unit· beating furnaces, fireplace, large rumpus room over doulite garage. The price of $38,500· providea an additional diacount on redecoration coat. Your inapection invited. Call HUB POWERS at : J. A.' BEEK Office Harbor 83 Balboa. Island Ferry Multiple Listing . No. 17~ BEST BUY OF THE WEEK $7950 BUYS 11-RZAL ESTATZ EXCHAN'GE LIDO ISLE ' LARGE HOME, """1.klnl' dl11tance Ocean Front Furnished Lovely 3 bdnn., 1% bath -ome. to Newport piPr. 2-bdrma, din. Dining. dfn, nrepllce. Unit heal rm, Jar1e kitchtn, 11Prvice .porch. Large comer View windows, Lo-large baat>menl, brick pa:lo caled on comer .Jllt"'et to strttt rooftd over with wall on one Two bied.rooma ttp, one bedroom lot. Exclwilve ll1tin1. $22,000. !!Ide . Can be converted lnto two down: 2'. batha--Oouble pr .. Lido Isle $1150 down uniu. _ ca.n .be u~ a.s duplex. Will for this beautiful bldg. silt. Corner A.k About Tbitl at 'Any take clean modem crulStr to ot Strada Centro. Balance $-40 MULTIPLE USTING RLTR $8000 u ~ payment. • mo. Excluaive llatlnc. · • • 2<4 RALPH P. MASKEY Lido Isle Bay Fr. Lot atu N rt Bl N t. Bea.c .. eo ft. frontage, pier prlvile•e .Top MUST VACATE APRIL 14th ' ewpo v., wp ,.. location, S31 ,~. Exeltulve Ust· PHONE HARBOR 402 lng. ________ 98_•99_H Ocean Front Duple'x Cliff Haven Trade J'l.ne be>ac:h at your door. Only $4.~ down.. Balance like rent. By owner, % yr. old 2 bdrm. and Exclusive li.!lting. c1en. uv. nn., wn. rm .. an• hall Bay Shores carpeted. trpl.~ tum.-beat. 2-car B til\JI b · 3 bd -SU· fenced yd. (not le&Mih.61.d) NU ay vi~ -rm. 2 J' I•-• bd 1 N both home on Inge lot. Deluxe or o ...... r., rm. or equv. r. fi th b t Ft -Beach, Harbor a.rea.. Bea. Mt9-M re 1nfl!1enta roug ou . re- llcl2H place. unit beat. Lota of tile. run •ise dining room With bay viev.•. A fine v&lue a t $25.000. GREEJ\'LEAF 6: ASSOC. S.112 Newport Blvd., H&rbor ~2 For Sale by Owner LIDO ISLE HOME, 4~ toot Jot, 2 -----------·1 bedroom.a, ftreplace, walled patio LIDO ISLE It you want a nnta.l on LlDO Illl..11 ltff' u.1. Several IOftl:J apt.I. Alao ho.me• available. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED barbecue, double gara&"e-- $13, 750 Available at once. Ph.. CReatvtew ~-4 789 or Har. 1662 Wk. ~d• 116p9 1333 'Illa Udo Barbor 1~ 51-REAL ESTATI: WA.1'1TED 22tfc 825 WEEK -SJ>f'Cial monthly ntea. FURN. 2 BDRM. APT .. laundry room, fenc~ ln play- IT'Ound for cl'LBdren, prage. Util pd. BLUE TOP, -401 New· port" Blvd., Ne""J)Ort..Bch. {abow Arches) 99tfc '8o ON LEASE 321 Fernleaf, Corona. del Mar. lArge ~ ltvins nn with ftreplace 3 bedroom•, p.r&&e, clean. Call Har. 0829-R. , 99c2 BALBOA ISLAND HOUSES AND APTS. ~ YEARLY OR S>;ASONAL See GAlL CARNEY with Nelda Gibson, Real E::.tate IOI ~. Balboa !al. Har. ~2 ·' e9ttc • LIST YOUR REI\'T ALS and real estate lllrith JOE CALLI l.J<::. Rea.I Eatate Broker ~22 N eWport Blvd .. r)ewport Bcl'L. Phone Harbor 2248-J 2c3 WHEN YOU BuY THAT HOME- .TRY COSTA MESA FURNITURE CO. FOR BARGAINS IN CLOSE-OUT FURNISHINGS Gt'°'ln.1 up our leaite noor must be cleared by A pril 14. 'COSTA . MESA . FURNITURE CO. 1660 Newport Blvd. COST A 'rttE3A .BEACON !IMS NEW 2 BDRM . $1200 DOWN Built u.ndf'r FHA •\l~rvialon. Good locality. Hardwood, Ulf', Iott of buDtln.1. Larlf' Jot. FHA tenna Including ta.xea and lnau.r. of $62.39; Full price. $8500 BEST BUY CLIFF HAVEN , 3 -BEST BUYS -3 • in income property • - -Corona de! , Mar Jll,500. Ea1y terma. Two unita, aouth o! h.i(hway, con- • si1tln1" of 2 bdrm.. bOme, hwd.. floora. flr-eplace, noor furnace. AllO atns&e a.pt tum.lahed-pllll' caf'&l'e. 118.600-TE.RMS. DpPLEX on corner lot. Hwd. noora, 2 laundry roorftt:, p.ragu. WeU located. 118,000-LESS THAN 1 YEAR OLD-duptex on 'C'Ormr lot. Hwd. !looB, floor f\lrnacea, J'&ra.e1, patio, EARL CHAMBERLAIN ~ Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar (Oppolite Newport Harbor Ballk l Phone Harbot 2281 -CORON A OEL MAR WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN OUR NEW OFFICE LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL • WE HAVE : ? ? . . MOST--0! the better listings MOST--0f the better rentals for sale IT IS OUR DESIRE TO GIVE YOU FRIENDLY AND EFFICJENT SERVICE AT ALL TIMES COME IN OR PHONE TOM PAYNE, Realtor 310 Cout Highway Corona dei Mar Phone Harbor 277 4 CORONA DEL MAR-Business Frontage There ill very little choice Blvd. frontage in Cor- ona del Mar for Sale. Better .... th.Mt-under S200 per front foot. SHO~LACE OF BALBOA ISLAND 60-ft. Bay Frontage -large pier and •lip, 5-car· garage. 4 bedrooms, 4 bath home. plus servanta quarten. PRICED far below replacement co•t- $80,000 ' LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave. Balboa llland Harbor ~2 SEE IT ! ! BELIEV~ IT ' 1' !:."'CTRA SPEClAL-5 B. R. home. f\lrn.itlhed, .-tthln few feet of Bay. A 1well deal for larre fam- ily. Own~r 18YI COil $20,000 l.n 1948. NHdl • Utllf' ext. paint. Well con.1lnlcted. STEAL THIS at $14,900! BALBOA PENINSULA -Charm- ine 3 B. R. hom~. patio. trpl., cloee to nice Bay bathing beach. Be sure to llff Ulla! Only $13,- -500. ' ' 2 B. R. home, nr. Golf course. Thia well·bulld home only 8 yea.ra old on 1, acre. hu ex· tra large rooms and plufeHd. \Vall·t.o-walt carpt"t. Very Wf'll landxape<t. 1• family fruit trff•- Prlce to etll at Only $8 ,950 • • • • AUIO Corona def Mar "Luxury" Dream Home To , auJt Qle mOI\_ • m.cnminattng bUyu. New 3-bid'.room, 2·bath ocean 'f'few home. ln exqu .. lt.e good tute. lt you enjoy the flner "9JD,ga ln life ahd you want ·• bome to lhow w1th ·pr1de. by &1J ,mea:.aa tee thJa. Very aound ftlue. J'HA loan at fl(~-'II,· llOO ,....Ired. Open Saturday and Sund&y, l-.5 p.m... or phone John Jl~tn.m for &ppolntment. .ALSO Newport Heights .$12,65<> Two bodtoorn-.. dinJn&" room, -u- Uf'Ul ftrrplace.. hardwood noora, etall shower, I-car raraie. patio and barbecue, nicely l&adKaped. An exceptional value. Call Johll Mottram-Harbor 1~ P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 VJa Lido, Newport Beach 2c3 COSTA MESA REAL ESTATE $1300 DOW?\ buys an unllftl.shed hous• .,,'1th 2 b4rma and larr• den. Fix It up younelf-Ownpr .. MUST SELL. FuU. price MOOG. 2 BDRM G. I. RESALE -Close In Ea.st aide. F\Jll price, $7,100. SJ .800 down, mo. pymta $a2.82 Include• t.&.x•-. intere&t a.nd Ina. A HOT ONE. ' NlClll CLEAN 2 BDRM ON " •c ~. Spacloua bdrma, tile, pr., "' blk from New-port Blvd. Prfee 1 Of "·* tnelUdq nice t!uidhlff. BARGAINI RUSTIC , EARLY AXERICAN Brand new 2 bdrm home. m.aa. lns brick tittpl9.ce, ant. hdwd . Thil bffuty .. different. Priced right at $9,MO. 3 BDRM G. I. RESALE -hwd. floors, dual turn .. fireplace, tile. aerv. porch, dbl. car., 60xl22 lOt and more PXtraA. II'bi.a clean cut hom~ at $11,000 -$3,300 dn. and SM mo. Barney Francque REALTOR 400 E. 17th St. at Tustin Av. \ . TR..,. ...... mn>,.. lit1m' ~vn.c. t .-. ' , Call at our office for fiD,al clues ' 3 B. R. two ator)' ,aim deck ocean view $21,400 2 Bedroom oceail rront ··-·-----------.s2s,li00 • Bedroom furnilbed, Ocean front -~000 • CORONA. DEL MAR ~- 2 Bedroom, 200 ft; tci bay beach --... $14, 750 . ' JOHN )). BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa • H&Ji>or 0645 or 1607 ! • -· • Sarah W. Newlin-Jamea C. Newlin, Jr.-Helen Me!i.nald (C) THOMAS FOR • BALBOA BAY SHORE PROPERTIF.S . ' AT MAIN GATE NEW 2 AND 3 BEDROOM HOMES Now available with Bay View and deluxe feature8--ll<Jf financing ALSO-FEW GOOD REsALES -Priced from $12,500 to S25,000 Call Beacon 11748 days or Bea- con 5823-M ev~. EARL STANLEY, Realtor 17th and COAST HIG1JWAY, NEwPORT BEACH BACK BAY RANCH BEAUTIFUL ALL Rl!:DWOOD1 RANCH HOUS!! with unaUl"J)Uaed vlew t1I bay. Separate suett houae and coniplete careta.ker'• quart.en. Over 5 acru, fenced and crou-fenced. We conlider thta the nnelt ranch t.n t he back bay a rea .. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY EXCLUSIVE LIBTING STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 219 Ma.rtne Ave., Balboa I1la.nd. Harbor 20 j • The Alidresen Co.·offers these; THREE BEDROOM HOMES CORONA DEL MAR O•ean Sld~ or Highway •. • • 1-NEAR altopplng centeT l ~ lot.a:, land.1Caped.' P'ire- place, hwd. floors. private entrance and bath tor 3rd bedroom. Large Jauitdry room.' excellmt 2-car pr&fe. We want a:a otter oa thia property. SEE 309 Mm,old. 2-MODERN STYU!: and bra.nd new. Hwd. floora. pr.- bare dl.spo&al, pla.nt.6-boxn, forced air heatln1. Ex- cellent location and immediate pos&eulon. SEE 241 Poppy a\1-enue. 3-NllW MODERN mcio.td ya.rd. Excellent patio. i.rre:; · lot, plenty of CUJ!boarda a.nd cloeeta. Natural birch ln- teriOr. Flapt.one tU.pla«. Quiet street and neat main bes.eh. (Completely tum11hed lf desi....;dl t-IN BAY SHOR.1;8. We have >. Jot of hou• tor the mOJMy ln thia o:cl\Uilve a.rea. Private buch, etc.. By AIL Means See These Attractive Propertiea THE ANDRESEN CO .. I02 Cout Blvd. Corona 61!:1 Mar Har'bor 1640 Costa Mesa, Pb. Bea. 6818)---:--------;---------- Balboa Island INVESTMENT ? on Little Island Thia •I••• 2 bdrm home on 2 1ota A ~cirVB 2 bdrm, lge., u...hir 1n a-rood rental location c!OM ti........... to the Newport ocean ttont 111 rm,~ ·~e, tum.lshed, .. double p.rap _., .PRICED RIPHT, & real buy at SMOG. A ba.ndT man can Improve it creatly at ... mall ape.nae_ $1500 down. $2500 Dn. ' • -l .• • • • ... -- , • • • ' • ..... • • • \. l ' • • • • • • '£,~.c.a- \ID 0 ••••• , Witli SALLIE G<>t a•.lllckel! l'IMae put It la yGUI' ~ or tbe old aapr bowl ao you'll be sure you have It Oil April 16 ..• a week hom nerl Mouday. luat waat to be aure yoa'U be able to buy a eopy of BEI'tE UY- ING wheu It api-rs ou our Check Stands . • • What llt BE'fi'EK UVlNG .•• BET- TER LIVINQ.ls a terrifle uew HOME MAGAZINE that wlll come out each mouth but will only. be llOld In Marketa tha$ beloa1 to tbe Super lllarket Institute . ' . that markA up another excluolve for yoara truly In Newport Beach ..• Tblw tint IMIM! will eontaln 100 Jl8«e5 ..• the larseat flnt I""°" In tbe Dlatory of fooil atore n!asuinea ... OUtter- lait colored pagea lllusttatln1 arttcleo on the home, beauty, fuhiOa, deooratlag and food j art> loeded with ldeu and la- apiratlon for every b o m e makflt • . • The artlcleo on food In this firat Issue will dJsruM 74 producta that .... 1"' found on OU1' ohelvet1 ••• (Ou-they won't need me any mott) ... But here's something it won't tell you about ... the 1our milk chocolate the Bak- ery's been featuring all this week . . . lt's a dream of a cake . . . moist, rich and chocolaty ... The i ctn g ! Light fluffy butter cream ... Mildred Chapman whose reci- pe has been adapted for this cake says : "lt'a the only chocolate cake fve ever made . . . I've been making it for years . · •. I got the recipe ..from my mother and Heav~ _ knows where she got it'' ... Mildred Chapman y o u all must know baked the entry cake In our Cake of the Week Con test for the Busineu and Professional Women's CI u b . . . Now the Businesa and Profesaional Women's CI u b I are sponsoring & Girl Scout Troup in ' Costa Mesa and wanted, to give them a pa.rty . . . Of course they had to -l'aise some money to give the party and were planning a White Elephant sale ... When the Cake of·tbe Week conlet!t came up and they found a.n easy way to make $10.00 I.bey were glad ... for the oake of the Girl Scouta ... And with the additional nickels they ob- tain every time .one of their Sour Milk Chocolate cakes is !!Old ... they should be able to put on quite a 9hindig ... for the Girl Scouta ... Next week the Ebel! Club entry . . . Pineapple F I u f f Cake . . . as baked from llfn. Ida Deakins' recipe will be featured ... Been kind of worried about Elmer lately ... because be has to get up SQ early in the morning . . . You see Elmer lives in Westminster and has a beautious str&wberry patch ... which be bas ~ for the sole purpose o bringing the Newport Beac 'tea and surrounding territories dewy fresh atrawberries every day ... Now Elmer works in the Produce Department &nd on top of the st.a wherry deal ... !Jlkes our truck up to Loe Angeles every morning . . . does the produce buying for the day . . . again asawing you of freshmensa of &\>Y other produce itema you may buy . . . Gue&ll Elmer never g'eta to see Beany or the Lone Ranger or any of the other good programs ... because he baa to go to bed SQ early . . . Elnier's worked very hard on th..., strawberries . , . he'd like to .know how you like them ... Now strawberries have a habit of makln1 aome people lteh • . . you bow why don't yaa t Because they are add fonnln1 •.. And did you bow that white 1111pr ...i.- tJte aeld '8 atrawbenle. anti II you _ -maple 11Upr on tbMB It mnovea the add •.. ...... Rgw -be obtalMol. la the Dehh11e• •• ·• pun mn·ple~ •.. Now we're giving-an Ap- pftciatloa .&aJe ..• in apprecl· atioa of tlll! •PP~tion you ahond ua bY">Uyins IO much -a t' our Birthday-s&le • • • U JOU 11uy en~ durlnC thia .. ••• maytle we'll cm an· cltller ale in apprecl1tSon ot: '·-ii.. . , . dlyhow we do appnci. ate JOUr lhoPlllnl: Jllr"e at >Jtidlanl'• Udo' lfajtet, Nw· "port Bue~ .Califonila. , ' I • • 1 ' -·- • • • -I • -. --.t • • • ' ' " • • • ~ ' • ' . ' • • . .................... . APPRECIATION VALUES .. Quality · Meats ' . -OLSON BROS, URGE GRADE A Fe•twl11g Mnlliilt'• lief, IH Fillest OimihMaltle lridgforcl's ~Whole ,or Half) MANNING'S llEF SPECIALS . ROUND STIAK ................................. lb. 95¢ SWISS STEAK .............................. : ......... .lb. 93; SHORT RllS . .. . . ... . .......... -....... .lb. 37t, !IHOUUl'D Cl'l'-'TER CUT PORK ROAST ••• SHOULD~CUT PORK ROAST ••• PORK'sf.Elis ... Clt1''TER CUT~'i' ~47c: .. 37c .. 57c HAM SLICES •• RATll'8 KORNLA.'"D SLICED BACON • • .. 99c .1, .. 49c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Firm. ILi\"' ....., ••• 811-hc JOMATOES -;~l~ ........ :-~1:.. 1'9~ Larr<!, s-. ,.,_ c ..... , .. Vollot' GRAPEFRUIT • • 7,,.. 39c Fl"Mla, Tender, Ol"M'• SPINACH ~~·--.. --3 , , · 11c Lar1e. t'uc7 N•nt.-P'.r' eaU.J ~ ..._- . ORANGES ••• 5 k 35~ U. 8. No. JB w.lte *°9e, r.r llilo ...... w ena•tac POTATOES ••• 1ok17c • 1Jelli:af8SS8•.-m-.innm-- AGED 1'"IPPV RED 81UN Wl8CO:Sll.IN CHEDDAR CHEESE ... 59c Pif{EAPPLE°S1LAD ~ .. 29c WNCH~MEAT .' .. 59~' GOLDllN HAD BLroltD · Amet;can ,CHEESE . ,. 55c1 Diil.PiCKlfS ·• ·• 3) ·1 'iOc;! · . . I I • .... c ..,..,..,,,.. woa1o •s fASlfST MIAL" ........ ,. ... ,,,, · T•••Htt,yw .... 4 1 can Uc•• 111,.. c•- ~~~ 1':18T . . .. --· 27 ' 0.-1 ll••hi Pl!liEAPPLE TIDBITS Ne. 1 25 ¢ c.. ···········---·--·-··-·······- CHtJadll'S Puro APPLE iUJCE .... 29; Call .............. -................ .. Clue 8W&J1M 11 OL Ort11MJe .htlce 2;25; .. FRESH · EGGS ...... ~ .......... : ........... --54c FINE QUALITY• ASSORTED COLORS NAPKINS .~ .................... : ..... ·.····-············· .. <Gun. 1 Oc K. J .B. COFFEE ............ · .................................................... pound 81 c BLUHILL YELLOW . MARGARINE ........ :.. :_ .......... pound 31 c . 2 can1 fRANCO ·AMIRICAN IPAGHITTI ALL 3 FOR 1111 .... Sauf4tJ.i PiOOlEOot·JULIET ~ DRESSIRG 8oz. 29' Ratlt L~NCH~ON MEAT 11 ... 45' OBERT! Sn.&er . RIPE OllVES :s,. 1 h1I 23' . . ~ OEBBARDT 1»1::~ l ~'z OL SANDW H,,IPREAI 2125' • GOLD lllEDAL-&IUl:A&P.UT OF ClmAJIPION8 WHEATIES ..... -.!..15; \~ 21' .._ ...... fct1t•J Si11 MINUTE uos: ...... IKE 39' ID!DEllW.000 DEVILE HAM ·-·""··-·~ ... 11' -. -__ ,.. ___ DEL lll0"'1'JC •r= . . flCILE CHIPS .............. 11-29' CHElllOS . .! 16' !.11 23' \ -.. .-..... 43 '' KA YONN Al81t ... -... pL llonloa'• ......... _, -. BOT CHOCOLATE l~--~7 Uocle -'a Coto..n.d 19~ lllCE ............... U ... pq. , IOLLYTDU: Witt'" or Y-17¢ . PO('()()BN -.11 oo. lhi 'l'llUJUIDAY APllCOT OR PEACH PIE -56' ' , I CUP CAIES ·AMO~ ---.. 4 , .. 11' 1n.JDAY JELLY FILLED DON~TS 6 ,., 21' PECAN FUDGE • LAYER CAIES------·-·---17' UTUJtDAJ' • • 0 • ' ' • • • < ' o o o I 0 VJ • -8 - SIL 0. IHllMP ~-........ 3'; •• Mezzanine Shop ~ARAH~IES • Set of four individual triple heatproof ciw coffee · •r..,.ra.- •• t each bolda two cupa: coff-ee . •. ttchtly corked ••• in.di· vidltal coast.era $5.95 ' ... ' I Wooder F--1~ OL 212§; llAUHllALLOWS .,. OURTIM "-orted n..,.·on ~~ .. DROPS ··-··-215' OLYMPIA IEER Beet la tae Weet II OL 1'ottleo ........... 2/29 f · SMUCKERS _ A..prieot or Plum . Pll~VES r ou,nd Jar ........ : ... 29; .................... .-~~~~~~~~~~~~-·-· ..... 1--il ' : STORE HOURS: . · · . .,.. I J 1 • • , -~ ll'Oll nmasDAJ'.ftlDA.J', a.&S'!JU&r .-.t.nllL ,_,_, I I . - ilVUJ: D41' aw RIDAJ' • ... A. JI. ........... JI. . ,.,, nD>AY-FAMll.Y Nll'E .• ,.. ..... ,.-.. ... .... (U FJ• .. mpe tt .__. -.?121 I ) .,..._...,. .... , .... , .. ___ ,. ' ' .; • 1Hl' ICONOMT·WISI PATIONIZE .. • • I I . I I I I . I .. j ·1 ., I ' : "i ! r 1 ' ' : 1 . I •