HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-25 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • i• Ii , • .. • • • • • • • • , • • ,. • - • • · --l'tab lll<t.· H e W a """"'1IU . .,..".. In II.le -~~ .i.rl L • Harbor' • High s l-NO--a ll· 1 .-'fortlnrith ihat lie felt a rcpo comJi1S ~ftlt ~ ,,-ic orgy au to do with abrlmp: Qo. ...,.. -.,........ _ • 1----;;--.... ----., ~ 1:1 ... ~!i~~.:";:.p. Twlr~ °:: ~~i,oo~ 'lcpiatade for 'ScLI~· .. $ W .. ~P • • AND SHOPPING NIWS • • m = = = m A -· w w -w -Am 'q -.. -PUJILl8JDW AT ~11 B.U..OA JOUU:V.ul> NEWPORT 1ll:ACR, CALIJ'OaHIA n:i.EPHONJ:: BA&llOS 1118' UmN and muttar "B&yalda ••• Bay-" or It too Ured, .,...,. tho ~ "ca, ahrUnp around In Dixie rry, llemCYO tha Ollllauoted IJbrlmp UJd ' dip .. a batter v>ade ,..,,., lloljr. •lt; pepper, Iota of paj>t1.lia and 1'Jl oboorftnce of'?ubllc l!lc~ 'IV ' U...lf~'l$arllor union a bcWe of ·lltal• beer (beer open and etood •wl\')•l· Fry lo <leap lat mp ociiool will -•tan aqueade, 1o· p;.. at -1:15 t11Ja Tl>Uroday or any old way you waAt to. I mJfht add Uiat· ti.lo whole thlnl nenrn. April 21 Tll ....i bile la I' lnvltecl. 90unds tlahy to me. But th•n tbat.'e the ....,.... FWt ~ tor you. • ' e I"'-" pu r . i'rlJhtenlna:ly FNah F1m &nd Seafood at 2100 Laf&)111tte, NewporL OJ\e Of the colorf'ul aktta .in the aq • pro(l'IJn le the June e .. • e gnduatlon number, in Wh\ch the atrll to the pool to the Let no .maid qr matron sTieve ' tnd.ltlonat atralna Of "Pomp an . I 'To -. her tocka of an vnlow-ly hue. Ctrcunulta.nce," then IWim-ln • ~ \HJl!:blcb' ~rkettet &nd a Jl"rouzy Or thin, tor Ubef'&l art. lhall pve mock &ndu&tJoo-march tn the diving J&nd Hfe--•vtnr demO!'l.ltn.- Such. pile• ot curia u Nature never knew. ~ pool, uainr tbe back •lroke, Crawl, Uoa. b~ ea.a Al Inrnll'• advanced So let each maid or mat.ron then pel'Ol!:lv• andd •ln1le arm overhead. _At lbe ~ . Tllat lovely Unted hair-a v_ery atyliah DO. en o f th1a "march" they rece.tve OfrlJi partlcipaUns ln the "Gr~ A perm.anent or a cut--oh Beauty tit all way• fonooth their dtplomu, Ulen trwlm the r~ uatJon':' aklt a.re: Marilyn P eter- C&n be obtained wtth the liberal &rt of llUTR! turn len(l.h CJf the Pool haldlnl' the Mlll, .tladent lffder; Bubaft Ea.rt, • dJplornu above the wate-r, and Bt.r~ JohDA<>n.. Jody Johnaon.. 338 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar. Harbor HOT demonatrattq the-Ir CT&ce and Joan_ !K l.me, J eannie Toulouat. • e • akil1 in tbi.I dlrticult one -armed Sbicle:J 8tnclair, Rene Thompeon, FOR A ~VS HOUSE IS HIS CA.STI.E,et 9Wimmtn1 technique. lihlrle~· Chue, Pat Evemon, 0.- llomua au.a cuique tutl..Nlmum re.tu('lum. Few Joy• -=::::-Another c\e"Ytt •kit la the aqua.re mon J(,eppen, Betty Norttn. M.&rl- can compare with owning your own ho~. An in· danC4! numbef, ln which an inter-one Dfemn, and Mary Snyder. ve•tment in a hunk of rood earth with a bou.1e on pretaUon of thia popular folk Sqi.iar. Da.nce awllnm.en are: ,It Is an lnvutment in rood living. And the p.ychlc dance ill P•rfonned In 'the water. Barb&~ Bandy, a\udent leader ; return• roll ln forever. You'd better hurt')' tor thl• All of the twelve routine. are or-Bar~ H ennings, Sally M:cM.11- one. Jt'• a charmer and a b&rpill! I bedrma., 2 lginal numben, workHI out by the l&n, Mi&rv Sue TomllnM>n, Shirley bat~ and an out.aide shower and dnuln.C room. girt.' •wimmlng cluan, under tbe Grant,! Norma Marallall, Shirley One bedroom I• a balcony gue•t room. Knotty pine...... lnatr\lctlon of MI • • Marjorie Ru.a land Sylvia Wilcox. Other interior In the living room and a aturdy fireplace.~ EST A.TE A°cl&m• and Mt .. Ellen S IYh of the atud~ leaden are: Lulle Klo- SWlny dining room, off corqpl•t•ly eneloaed back yard (great place Glrb P . I:. depa.rtment. Aleo ln-vilt, 1* the "April Showen" num- for corrallng aa.ndpile aiften). WonderfuJ blC" rumpu• room. Pull-cludHI in the evenln1'11 pro(l'&m bu, Ud Donna Prlce, Ln _''SkaUra ----------------------------. man kitchen and tots of cupboard• 111.nd atorase apace. Over \he 2 will be .ong11 presented by MIN W'alU: ~. • .. car garage i• a Jl.rre p&rtiaJly flnlahed room which C&n' easily be ---_:--------------+----------- converted into a sepan.te apartment. But pleue. You go 8ff lhla dream castle. It's on a lot "3:x70 a.nd la 117,500. Sally or Jim Newlin will ahow It to you.. John Burnham Real Estate, 007 E . Balboa Blvd., Harbor 1507. ... • • • ) FTN'GFRS WERE MADE BEl<'ORE FORKS which no doubt ac- • counts for the way people grab Ernle-burcers and eat them! Ernie Y MARGO and Florence Mattox "·ho ae.11 lheae l&c hamburger• aay that cer-Southern Call!omla'1 annual Newpott 1Hart>qr to icn.en.&4-& ln-'------P-------------·-----........... "":' .... ':"i taln custCJTners come back 3 or t lime• a day for & aackfuJ. I SUS"· tf'mational Yacht racf', acbeduled to a\&r' from Newport Harbor ALL LOVELY LADIES LOYt'ER YOUR, LANGUOROUS LIDS gested to Ernie that maybe era.fly consumeni >,A,'ere buJins-them Thunday, May 3. at 12 noon P.D.a.T., w.ill be a. colorful u ever. Expect Becord Brea~ing Entry List for 4th Annual Ensenada Race May 3 'v I I It whole$ale for l!k ea.ch and retalli~g them doWTI the road for 30c With over 100 or the Southland'• fine" blue water aallln& yacht.a, and .,.aze upon this silver saJver. For I bear ~ ou an exc ting nv a.-8 E d 't h do ""th b y I •• tion • Kav Nelson requests ~-our gracious presence at 3440 Via ut mie ~sn care w al you "'"' t em. ou can ra ee two coming from San Fra.nclac.o, aaother record-breaktnr" entry !Llit . . Tl M 1 t 3 'clock children on them, eat them, throw a party, plant them in the rround. hu ~en e•tabli-.. HI. No olhei•---r-----------Oporto. Lido Isle ror her Fashion ShoWlng tel .. ' ay a 0 · or ae-11 them to your wife ao ahe won't have to cook. The Kotta,re .. , Miss ~el90n'• see.side salon ""'iii displa.y Round The Clock Fashions Kate Rl90 llke• to sell a Jot of French frie11 for l~c and a thick malt ocean racing course •iling rlJ.~ tor your summer by the sea. This rashi•n foreca.at will feature ror 2~. Put these all together a.nd they don't. spell '9olher. but in.. the world c reatea lhf' lntf'retit auch scene Stealf'r!I 11s Ro!le Marie Reid Swim Su1ts.•F. B. Horgan they do apeU P -I·C-N-I..C-S C·H·E-A-P. Ple.nty ot parking places. amon1 lhf' yacht owners th\l thl.8 play clothes. Gla11A "Gabardinel'I, lhe exotic orl.enl&l splendors or Just bring e.n old empty •tomach to the Kottare Kai•. 1920 New-clusic d<>f'•. Carolyn Schnurer, Mmi-cocktaiJ coa.tun1es, &lid new summer •mart port Blvd .. Co•te. Meu. One block beyond the MeM theatre . • • The alart on May J ha• been a pparel for the j unior, large or half-size we'!1an. Judy Nile•. Mrs. (Closed TueA.) :\OM' o~n 11 Lm._1 L m. c&reful.ly cho.en to provide a fin!Ml Wllha Hunt, Nan Broughton, Manon Spacrer and other beauteous • • • 1n Todoa Santos Bay to colnclde p•ofesaaonal models '-''111 ne.unt time' m Kay Nflson's rapturous round wtlh t.M tf'•tlvitlf:a or thf' Cinco de the clock creations. Hair styles will be b)j_ _Bud Lanning of the YOU COULD BE WEAR.f:<rlG THAT 110,000 PLATINUM MINK Mayo .tn lln.._nada. !:ntertainment Lido Salon of Beaut\' 1'he ~rnling-Miss tNel!!'On herseU will do COAT \\'ITH TENNIS SNEAKERS FOR ALL [ C:A.RE. But for brought from Me:id co City will be t.he conlmentarv. F~d~ Roney, former V~~e con.sulta.nt will co-your own sake, you Ahould realize that no matter how beautitully on hand during-two nights of '"ordlnR.te. this sa-.tute to summer . So pray att-rd. milady and obMr:ve go"'ll•d }'OU may be. your teet mu•t be correapondin&IY •hod. R ll'hl Cf'lf'bratlon.. The two will go all how Ka_y. l'fthtOD~S Tim~ly Fa.shlons can ma.k every hour your atun-here under you retrouue: nose I• a fine bl& ahoe atore . , . ~r'a out in welcoming the ~ht.amen lng one• ~ Boolf"r)'. Barbt.r's carrte• the natlon&lly advt1~\Md Vita.Illy, G~ce from thf' nortb Friday ni&hl wtth / . , ~ • • e \\"e.lker. and Clinic Shoea for Women The• 1prightly, sprinC)' aheea a Noche Mextcana followHI by the / ' come In dresay, str~t or ,.,1alker• and are a1J quality Wioea d~~Uy trophy prf'ae.ntation Sa iltntay ev~ / DO YOt: HA \"E YOUR E'AR ~ THE priced. Barber's alao can-ie• aumlner aa.ndal• of every deecripU011. ning at which will be 1atllered GROlI:-.;"0.'..' Well get up si!Y. You look :llli<::-... for you a.nd the children. Oh yea. &l.eo tor the children. Red GooM the trophy donors or thf'ir official p retty stupid ln that po111tion. Oh, you and Utllf' Ya.nk shoe.a at popular pr1cea. Now tor your feet tndoora. ~p~ae.ntatlve•. Thue Include the aay the British al'f' coming! I could have the comfortable Terry cloth OOMPRlE.S S3 60. Mr, and Mra. J:flrry President.I of the U nltf'd StateA told you that. Jn ract. the:r'rf' hf're. Tlfe Barher a.re friendly, exi:wrienced Shoe-tilter• and wtll proba.bi.l' let and Maxlco, tke Governor ot Cali· Brtll•h Jal{ua"' and the Brlotom Au11tin11! Ah 1 you tr;.· ein every pair of shoes In their atore. which could amoUflt fomi& &nd lbf' Honorable Alfoa80 t he sleek, smooth Jaguar Sport XK120--lo 10.000 oaJrs al Barbf'r'• Bootery, 179~ Newport Av•., Cotta Me-. Garcia Gon.s&le•. Gov•rnor or U"lc Indubitably, the Jaguar is the fmesl motor ca of Its claaa. However. • • • NorUltfn Di.t.rict or· BaJa CaM~ I must remember that I'm not golng door to oor selling Jaguara. I SLOW DOWN! HOLD EVERYTHING! Don't be roraJa and tbc Kayw• ol. the two merely wiah to relate that the nf'W Jague.r·A tin Motor Car Agency ln auch a hurry! The v.•uther'11 fine A dandy and cities. la. now open in :-;ewport for the conven1e ce or &JI mlllion&lres. the fiah are flt to be cau,.ht. But what about you A monl' many ot.bet" lrophle. w!U A cat may look at a king, and you too ay a.sk for a demon-rrlend ! You can't land a halibut o.t a Mltle• M th• M...., Tork Yacht eNb per- •lratlon of the Jag-tlU Sport XK120. And ;1es my merchants princes. pole ... and you can't hold a pole om a.n •Dlf(.J' .pet uaJ 1lven lat year to tM N.,..- C•ta Mesa Merine Awt!'decl Air Meclal W..rine Ft rat Lt. Oeorc• F. Tbayf'r of 4 79 Laurel Pl., C.0.ta MeM, ha.a bf'en awarded the A lr Medal for m•Mtorloua &el.II while partlcipaUnl' ill ~rial fiight.llJ over en~my territory u a pilot in Korea. Moat ot thue flil'hU wf're flown at' ni•ht. deep Ullo enemy terri- tory a.ad under adver•e w11a th er condlA,tiona wh•re e11.emy v ound Are wfui f'ilher received or l!!:XJ>f"Ct- ed, arii:I the pouibility or attaclu from •nemy alrcr&tt wu &Jway• preaent. Thel cltaUon a ccompanying the &ward' read.I Y\ part: "First Lt. TUyer -w. llk.illlul a.irmanahtp a.ad devo\ioa ~ duty were • k eep· iftc w1tk t-h~ Mgtawt. tra dtlou of tit• Uf'lted atate. Nan.! Hrvi«." J:benl 8'prin& J'eM.lval, April H ' . 11 a• .. Amertcu ~ •all -· -• . . W a11:c 7 "i11'"&m-•c .. Y IJllTI c:Ldmra. omt TA•D ' Miiii .. Oat by May, ~Sib 'COMMON. DOUGI>Aa FIR~JrVlw. n. ""'1 'Cp · Wu XOW Knotty P ine Tongue and Groove ·-· :O.tk! lit! per IMI. JL Knotty Red Cedar Bo&rda ..... ·-····-tJ~t• 10c per 114. ti. Construction Heart Redwood U4'• ··-lte 1.lc per M.. ft. Clear Fir Vu Joint Shiplap lx8 ······-17c J!e. pe~ bd.. ft. Clear .Redwood Sidlnc• tx6 thru 1x12 Vee Joint ahtpi~ _ 31c %:x4 Novelty Biding ······················-l t a No. 1 Red Cedar Sbtnclea ··~······-·······-18.25 ~ per 114. )L. I h per b4. ,,._ 14.00 per ..-.n • Common c.m.!Ul~.1~~-~~_ff.RIALS t5e P<• U<k 2.6 Metal Lath, Black ............ ·-·--····-47c De per yard ·3.t Calv. MetaJ Lath .... -···················· 71 c 5k per yard Standard Arch Comer Bead &' ......•. 5'-te 41 J" pu n.. Stucco Nettinf l 4x17x3S ......... -....... 12 .6~ 10.83 ptt roll Stone Wire Ga.Iv. 18 ga. · ...................... 2.150 .. !.10 per roll Stone Wire, Black ~8 ga.. ···-··············· 2.f5 1.96 pe-r roU <xS-3/16" Upson ~~L~ ~<?~RD1,,c ~··x12"'-8' Celotex Plank ····-····-········ lO ~i l!l'J<' Ml· tf1 6c Pf'r ft. OxU GAlv ~t'n~!l!n ~!J,A~. ~RqJ?UC~ NCh 3xl4 ptd. Rafter Venta ........................ 26<: • 1lc eac:h SASH · and DOORS . 2•, 2.4, 2.8 x 6.8 Sid. Door Frames .... IS.SO 11.00 MCh 2 lite Double Htmr Wlnd\)W11 .......... 1~,.0 off Window Sattna, Aluminum Ten«lon .. !!% off PAINTS Te:xolite [mperi&l ···-···························· 4..40 1.00 pel' pl. Other Pa.Inti ·······················-·······················!&,-. off HAlDWARE Overhead Gar. Dr. Hdwe. Seta ·······-···29.60 Oluppearil)g Clothesline .................... 29.50 14.0Q ... ~h 14.00 each I HAYWARD LUMBER & INV. CO. :190 11th AL , NE~RT BJ<A(JR Pho.. Barbor !UI • • \ • • Lhe Jaguar Motor Co. is now a cceptin& re at1on11 for the 11ensa-atomach! So to be flt ·u a flounder ud )Ian a. port Oeu.n ·lallin.&: .:l .,cil.M~l---.---------------------------------------- Uonal new M.&rk VIl 8&.Joon. lated. &ddJlk>n to th.I• famoua Brlttah 1trong (TUP on my 8lluatlon. drop ift at. th• IP<l1ll9" of ... t YfM. ~~ ---- line. Tbl.a new ultra run-about agency I• a ranch of Clyd11 Kin&"• A.J!ochor Cal•. Have b~ut.. Ba,.• Olad'• !Mt tli!U 'Dr U.e JrrlaTT• ..,.....,_ • Santa 1 Ana. ofr1ce. Acctdenta.lty apea.kinr. · g'• bu an uce:I· "buttery buttermilk panca.kea or 'ham Ir •(IL tva., ....-entend with -..111ri•t lent ron:ign car mechanic service In S. A. irgil Cain .. ln charp ~ h•vcm'a -.>te. •at a pod brealtfut.. Then le&a b&clc and Ji.at.ea ot ~ln.C' ftnt )'UAt t.e fi.nl.lllt ~ of your local JaC\•&r Auatin Agency w h la at 1208 Coa.t to ih1 m.fde .euttle butt on the wherKboUt• of an AM. A.tMr }'OW 1'f0.Mil• ...._. GOWN. Hlway, Newport, BeL 8587. trip, when you're weary • callou.ed, &l'ld feel tw a ll the world. lilt• Pr-e9dut SafTJ' Jf1Ybn.y. Ir., • • • the Anc:te.nt Mariner, creak b&ck to tb• Anchor for a Iliad word u.d of U.. ?tOeA M.a ecm."-'*1 HM SAY }'I AGGIE, CARE TO REMEMB YbU AN'D l a (ood cup of coftH or a bowl of home-made ell.Ill and' a k&Nburpr, P'Tmid•l'a 8&ll. ......... led .. ?.""'ERE YOUNG'!' Then stop winding your gramophone and Hafen You don't necuaartly have to be a Nimrod to enjoy this rood IM•-1950 w htell will lM bid bl tilt to t.hia. SU%y h&• JUSt ~moved her expert gf'r• from the muaic· pensive food. read the paper•. play the juke box,, Oii Ii.Un. to the Catlledr&l 1'.oom ol llte Rlnri& lo\'lng pulse of Orange County long enough to state that the 3 be'st saltv converutlona. Anybody wbo like1 to eat i• welcome at the Del Padfico Hotel Saturday eve- .selling tunts for the week are How High tll~ Moon. Mocking' Blrd Anc'hor care. '71 10 c ..... t Hlway, S~rt Beac-ll.. Closed Wed. ning fol1owlng the prueatat101l of Hill lllld Tennes.stt \.Valtz all by Les P1';tl. R unnerup Is When You • e • • trophies earlier ill the day , It will &nd I \\'l•re Youn1 Magg1e Blues by Bing a n Gary. Ne.turaJJy these THIS IS THE MOST REVEALING THING SINCE LADY GODIVA~ obe( tahentCtllnngcocldlmaxe Maloyoboandtb tthhee enin~ hits are &Vl\ilable at the Hooire or H1t.rmon. Costa Me-sa. Another f TV with Ii Id b favorite is 1:9esterday, and September Song b Ez.10 Pinz.a. Suzy. the UsuR.lly I come awa~ ~m al.A •how t ah'~~ m~ ,rown e~ea lematlonal Ya.cht ract:. Lorelf'l of the Hou.se of Harmony has e. h ge record rtpetolre of reeling like 2 pots 0 I' ut. st wetik 0 ie my rom au ir Pre-race plan• call for an Enae- graph &eekers. I stepped into the House of Harmony. By ltr&nge nada P'ie•la dlnne to be i.eld at· ..(~'s. L. P .'s. etc Or if _you want :!K>methln extren1ely unheard or, colncJdence, the great television coverage of the Genera.1·~ S. 1'. the B&lboa Bay c~ub hi Newpo' rt ahe'\I be glad to order 1t for you. You can et Yma Sumac'11 Voice I · ed 1 r H fr Eu Vtst TV and or the Xtaba'' Album on 4.5's. Also D'oyly C rte Opera Co.'a record· welcome wu on. VleW t rom a 0 man y on · Bea.ch. One or the larseat 90Cial . . Jt "'as tru1:.· "''onderfuJ. The H offman, It Hem.II ta the only aet with this ·attain to be hf'ld ln NeW'IV\rt Ha.r-,lngs. of the completf' ~l1kado. Pinafore a.nd ·a1 by Jury. So awing special patenUd lens.. The picture comes out in a .art of. Amber bor during the coming ;; .. ""r, many It, Maggie, gel vlbratmg on over to the use or Harmoay, 'l8l7 tone and la +ery 900lhlng to the eye. There ts no distortion, and vtsltora from Mexico and Southern Newport Ave , Costa Meu. 'Beacon 5i37·566 · perspe-cttv11 a.nd clarity aeemed greal •r to me lha.n ln a.ny other Ht. Cal.lfomla cltlea u well u akip- • • • ~ o. K . So maybe you got blue eye11 and can see better with &ft RCA. pe.ra and crew• entered ln the bil' J am g1ee.tly Impressed by movies conce ing the haut monde. I People with one blue eye-and one browrl eye are aaid to prefer race will be ln attendance. mean the t ype of cinema 1n which the he Y lidded, aophl.st1cated Packa.rd Bell. Regardleu or your eye-cue. Ho~ae of Harmony can Included in the gue•t· ll•t will heroine makes ~me telling r1pol'lle hke. "''I' runn1nc off with the flt you "'ith a brand new TV Mt or R.t:~*T you a floor model. To be : Rea r Admiral Wilder D . Balc- g rttn ~t.A.Jnp AA.le~man in the morning." hen she alepa to the go back to that marvelous Hoffm&n, H.. of H ha.llJ a bea~ty ~t the er, Commaruiant or the llth Na· broad "·1ndoOA·s and pulls the tra.ve; se curtain The effe<:t t• atarkly ne"' low prii:e of 1199.~. You better wa.ke up a.nd 8e-e what 11 gomg on val Dlatrict and Mra. Baker; Chief dramatlc. You may recall that in no hll 80Ciety saga doe• the tn the world. Houee or Harmony will help you Me the licht. 1817 of Staff Captain a.ad Mni . .Acuff, gra.nde dame e\•er atand and yank at the cu aln• or get clonked on Ne.....-port Ave., Costa Me•. Beacon &137 -MM. USN: Consul General of Mexico, the noggin with a roller shadf'. NO~ She rtly pulls a Atrlng and e e e Sa.lvador arid Mni. Duhart M.; Gen· the curta.1ns glide gn.cefully across the tra\' ne roda. The point of OH YOU CAN'T FOOL ME? Be<:au11e t happen to know that eral and M.ra. Carlos Reyes .Avllea, this devutat ing 9cenar10 1s that no wom who owns a drawing 1-ooni •hould be l4ithout a. draw curtain. No . Heltn Wolrard ot the a lot ot rou women an!: •ufferinc from dleorder1 of the drain-~d. Commandante of the hd Military Your old drain-board la cracked and tGu of crumb• maybe! The Zont1 of Mexico and Captain and Shade Shop 13 fut becoming known u the '°1LLE. Modi.l'Jte or the Tt'e.verSf' RP<! '-"''orld. Helen's fo•te ts •und iably tile Traverse rod. sink water continually runs up your .a!eeve or down Into YQ.Ur 80Ck 1 Mra. John THbM, UACG, Com- She ""ill mefunn-e &: ln~l&ll them for you or ii them outright with Girl.a. Why be nervous and upset and l'ivf' In to na1(i.r(t. dirty apron mander at Ut.e 11th Cou t Guard lid all the time! So harken to my water:.t1,.ht cure ror leaky drain· dlatrlct. ~~c~: ~1;~1\~~!l .tr~:.s::t~:s~::pt;aa;k:~o~l~ xo~v:;~I~~at~:;· ~II~ board. Tht1 CouUlne Floor CovertllC' C'.o.. i• dolnl' & Mrvlce to ln addition to the ,Uau&I ft& pa· road tracks. 1 believe. So make track'°' to l e Sha.de Shop, &lf 29t.h womankind by installing first clan linoleum dr&lnboud• for u low trol during tbe race by the UsdG aa ™· This ii: inlaid linoleum and ta available ln unlimited dYigru: an a.ir patrol will be maintained St., Harbor 894, Newport :each. • • and pattern&. ' Or better aUJI, If you'A really fed up, and water-during °'• ho\.f.ra of the aailinl Th logged ret th• unsurpuaed Formica dralnbo&rda with complete in· event wtUJ. one plane belnr detail· "FRAi\lED AGAIN." YELLED HOP NG CASSIDY. 1.a slallatton for around '89. Remember Life can be beautiful ... with ed to provi.de a' t .000-mU. wea.the.r poor horseman ha8 no doubt been fra.pled n.ener than 'that tired a drainboard by Cout.line, 18th knd Newport Ave., Costa Mesa, sweep patrol, Captain D . S. Mac- • Indian \t.t the end or the trail. Which lead me to remark that thi• Bea.con 6261.J. 1 Diann.Id, UllOO, oommandlng of· •-rram--up Week at the Balboa 5 & 10. he Five and Dime hu a • ... -• • • 1 fleer ot' tile San Dteco A tr Stat a neM' art line or framed picturu includin the 2 abov~ment1oned • CORTEZ DISCOVERED MEXICO. QUYEN SABE DISCOVERED will lM ta •b.a.ra• of lbeae ope,.... eque•tria.M. TI1el'f' are Ooral. bird acenes. land.9Cape•. cowboy and THE TORTILLA. a.nd you can discover lbe Caa don Carloa! CaA tlona. dog priht.a for children's den.a. and picture •ult.able for most any , ••--t 1 • don Carlo.a la a divine little Mexican Cafe Juat down the atnet from -...uy o the de endin1 y&cbta roam. Prtcea ranre from 35c to $3.f9. \Vhereu then!: are no 1 _ _. t ~ PactOc: Ocean in Newport Beach. The atmosphere I• quainUy of ... ~ year wUl be -¥8red to ti.,. Cu.annes or undiacove...-t Rembra.ndt.s in group, the ramea are ,._._ 1 nd th-'-,_ .. __ th ·-• d SnaniaJl. The lam...._ are dim. You can bounce a taco on-1.De floor e au' ~1a, among eee n ice, and w&lla do need bright picture!l. Relatives. chUdren an r--· r-... _ Tn.• Geo Balboa and pick it · up and eat It. The place ta THA1' cle.an. And mJ are~ v oo S&Juda. aUed by . loved ones can be n.lcely tramHI for 45c o Sl.M u the d comrwdres, the food •.. ah the cocina .. truly uceUent. The aulben· Hanan, USN; Ecatacy, Gene Bo1· •It 10 bu photoO"T"1aphe.r frames, singles. ublea. m!Alaturea. an r-lln To n. p 1 K bur " •· -• .. lf. tic M--' .. --oookinr ta· ueepllOn&l. Tbt1 ""-i-lAlq retritol:, the chile : m .,.,y, au etten &: all •ize•. But by all mean• frame SOMEO at the Balboa 5 • ~· •••JV• reti.no.. th• enchilada. t.be •l&L Everything la muy bueno. You'll Hu.rricatte, Stanley .1acob9; Sky· SOO Main. Balbo&. be. lbocked and happy at the low prlcea. You may order • la ca.rte, l&rk, Don B. Aynm; Cant,. Romtt • • • or dinners ran.p trom Mc up. RA.STA LUEOO! CJAAA DON. IAupnn and. tbti yacbt to capt.un I WANT YOU TO GE'I' UP EARL CAIU.08. lll Und. Newport. Har. 2038-M. Cloeod Tua. Open t-9 the 1aot -· bi trophy of IMO, OF THESE BRIGHT, DEWEY MORNING w\,adayL Bun. 5 • 10 ' J'alrwllldo, D. Balley BrudL on .ome stout walking boola. Go to the • • .e a.nd get YOLW" lltUe wicker ha\npe.r. Then BEY! WHO TBR.EW TD WJlENCR ~-,,... $e41.-41Ylsioll illto the woods and plck:. a bukettul of · ... _ T" " -•• -1 .,.. ••-)0\8. XURPllY'8 FAN -L . !. -w~. -m on so .&a••, of betriea. On your way home stop at w1111 ~ Mr& .)(~ ••. don't io.. your bud UM ... --- _.,. tor 10m1 deliJhllUJ old fashioned rnlmlta oometll~ ..,.. -'1"'1• with )Ol1r borMlal In;__;. ,..... L•d llerry abortcake blacuita. Or W you preftr, carn.p! Wlll1lt out Wlt.h my lantern. I cn. n-~ • - .--cu.. Either way. )'OU'tl be ---~ -~· Blll""'·-rry -~~-. ·---~-.. . ... -. ..... , . over the othe.f oven wans, tnJ ~. e"""°"'9! ratua a t r ~H"'fOl'l ll.a.r1ne °'slae Tatatm / map :IDr a ~ ll1lod cream putt., edaln. ,.....,,, JMa lib of n , W-cu llr' &IQ'tlllas loll & ~ ....,, Ttio •-........, -• lnlM ~ tloaUnJ frotll • • · banana _,,,It -P""' ...,.. W M 11111o -into 6 ......, ....._'t ·-bu ...,... --cna\t• IUJd b U... ~ ~•w,..t. Ile7 _,. .... 11& 16e. The 'Rllm Qlloo at baa u IW:IU.,.. ti&-. ob&ft. 1lut I _... 1"" ...._, eaiolJ tab ;.,... -IOda.• ~ UM cC Colla --q;pSilljl 4nd bo...,. -~ & l>Wldl• ot ' ~-""" """"tM7 ~-dlhw. m1x:...i.n,' Dd -ahlpo to Ole N1rW1"'l't ·llJ tao .. ,, ......... 7,;, sin a ftM fllljp to • .,_ alad. · mo ......, I drop t1da Dls\DO Warb -i1aJ npolr. 111U ~. '...i ...... I ....U. •Ylt -·YneoJ-::~~ 1:i.':r"."'1~1~"' ~ Cot~:._ 11 ;:!:,:W ~~~ "':,:;•f =·7-~ ~ w= P&i:t~ !-1::,:. .!: -• • • • --wl.-• ......,.. 1'11.h ~ .! ~ --ta 11 ,.... ... ~.at till • e(. Ille ',' '"WllO DO YOU ormNlC YOO AIUI AT? ~ ....... _, -· • ._, ·--. ..._'t try to ..... ,.... · -c.ar ~ .. -;._ ud lo "' lie at" i ~~? c:r·--. u!'-LU'Olll)!,._ ~-_ ........... toplM' Wllit " --,ia.' ·-tM No+rwt --.. jti ... ~--~ •-lor., •• Clt;I• ..........,..-,?• ~ I ~· I • _,, --_,_ 'lhdmo -~ IGWPOIC'r .-.+.CB.~-Uta. - - - -~ From Hm bor Boulevard to . 1680 NEWPORT BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA MAY I st WE WILL BE IN OUR NEW CENTRA l LOC~TION TO BEITER SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS IN COSTA _MESA, CORONA DEL MAR, NEWPORT BEACH. BALBOA ISLAND , BALBOA AND . . No Foe HNI 0,...1119 • • • Just • letter DHI .... y .... \ I • ' · SBAVE·B MOTOBS Your DODGE • PLYMOUTH DEALER !'hollo hacon 6907 . • 1610 NEWPORT BLVD. -CO'STA MESA b • • • ' • l : PARI ., .APUJ. U. Ult • NS1fl'l)liT ILU ton;.un> UOnsl<G dW& • 110~. 1.8."1' MY --OOlftni. 811N11A 'I: "'" P ... ?RED~· tWIB POWBIJi ~~ 'RCll.lllC9LOR, • • · ll~Altft 'l'tffl89AY! FIRST TIME AT POPULA.a PRICES! .... ~lllrl-• .... L. ... ... _..,_ ............... . ·~-~·-···•-a.• Contbtuom 8UJL t :SO pr. IL Addf'd.1 MacARTHUR sTORY Dtsaey"O "KORBIS Tag HIDQt:T llCM>ltll" Mesa~'' ' ' . SATVJIDAV LAST" DAY Topa In Enttort&lll.IM'nt '. 11---M·C-I"'"'•"' ---. I SJ'.&'l'ail 'J'R.WY I : .JCWll BFNNEIT : L~~J o Fatheft J..iltlp;Dlvidend ----------------· • I' . ' • • • ' ' ' DIRECTORY Laib&. ll&Om, D.D.I. DmlTISTIW . . _ v 1786 Newport Bbd., c...ta ll- lledlc:al Blc!S. II-an 87&2 IOtl A. 11&1 A .... Bol- -12'1..J v. 111. ao-., o, n. OPTOMETRIST &'Is te ..,. ...__ IU•. lll°*for* 111M. N.,. __ -llll Pacific Anglers ' Name Linnell Judge Frank Llnnell Of New· port HarbOr wu lnml&lled. &a pr~aldent of the Pacific Anrlers club at P'rtday nlcht'• tint an· n~I birthday dinner·meetlnl' tat- t.nded by 1001 at the B&Jboa Bay club. He lfllcceede 'or. ~aJvatore Mon.a.co ot Balboa, the flr1t pre•!· dent a.nd a founder of the Pacific: Anglers. Other new officers: Bill Pigg of Bilbo& l•land (Vice prealde.nt), · Dr. R. H . Hottman ot Corona dll Mat fteeretary-trea•urer l, dire<:· t'ors W. P . Balderston, John Cagle, Burt DeVere, Dudley Jarrett and Ed Groenendykt", and H. Wayne Harrlaon of Santa An& (chap- lain. I IE SURE " INSUR~. PlaquH were p,.. .. ntsd the ot·' wt• fi cer• who aer-ved ln the club'a llAClllll ft~ initial year. 'I'he1e Included Or. .. ..,. O..,. Monaco, M. R. Celllard of Balboa, ...._ .,..._ 1111 Or. Hoffman and Jarrett. Hand- Ml Mertv ... •'• ...._. I decorated certlflcatea were pre-- ' Mnled each club member who I~=;::=========, caught f1ah 1n 19ft0. J. Wlll Hoet Tov......,...nt W. Sl'llCll't FooN OlllNDAL IN8URANCE c,,.,rt.mu Jflformation Newport-n.S...M lllT ..,.,. ~ •• • 01{£ CITY.~ • • • • !1, . • Dale C. 11..truey of 201 Cryatal Ave., Balboa Island, "fU named to fill the unex- pired term of reelcned city councilman Dick Dralte by the Newport Beach City Council Monday night. Ram- sey wu a surprise nOminel for the post. Hi. name never appe&red ·amoac the dor.en who had been declared eligi· -ble for the 1pot. -' • R&JnMy baa 1tet:a a l'Mldent of CaJifomJa for 45 yeari ad"ci bu 1------------ owned property l.n Newport Beach •ince 1942. Ramaey and kt. wife, Olga. h.a•e resided &t the Crytt&J avenu. addreae Iii.nee 1948. The new city councilman la • ntl~ trucker havinl' been form· ~r owner of the van.7 Truci ' KAM81:T &UltPIUSllD TOOi A.. che-ck wrlter who had bMft at C&rn.arlllo State hospital And who n.ld he bad only 10 year1 to live wu aentenced to the 1tate prt.oil Friday by Superior Judge KenneUI "'I llUppoM J'IHI . people. and 1:. Mo1Ti.eon d~pl~ hia tearful Ute Ch.amlaer et Commerce are plea that he be Jlven anolher a.a .urprf;Aed .. I" we"' UM opra~ cha,nce. • 1•1' ,........_ aM tlnt ~ of The court reeornmended John W. the *1w etty COUACIJtnaa Da.li8 Carroll, 26, ot Corona del Mar be IC.amaey tu& aJPt. 1-.e flmtered tra.naterr~ from San QueDlin t ctty fatllet" ttwaled. afltt the the Calltoml& Inatltution for M"en meoettas ttiat hf' wu caJJed at at Chino. He aald the 1enteoce for •:SO p.m. aad toN of hit: Meo-writing no fund cJlecka wu "to iloa to ftll the ~year ~mt help you." notlnl' that "you •hould ~ In Dick Drak• ,aoua-be put where yOu'll have regular dtn.nJa oltHptloa. living hablt1 tor a change." Sf'kictloa of ......_.!' wu Inveatlgating-otflcer1 a&id C&r· • • Recruitl114J Office Ope..-at Pier Be*'1nntnr thitl WMk Army &nd .Alr_fo~ recrultinc office• will be opened IA Newport Beach and Costa Mea under the d.lrectton of Cpl. Dick Dunn. Th~ Newport otticf will be at the Newport pier and will be open ' Wedlleaday• and Friday• from , t a. m. to S p. rn. !n Co•t• Me-. the post office lobby will be the location and the ~.. Dallu Bluf. made roU had been in the ala.le hoaplta.1 tWI nomtaauo. ud Brad.NI in 1950 and latE"r had Men in a hours. Monday only, from 1 to 3 F1JM:ll ~ ~ motto• with veten.n'• hospital. They aald thf' p. mt Gttriey a.ad. hbeU \'Otllll' at· youth belJevrd he had Hodgklna Cpl. Dunn aeld If bualneu pick• up ltnna.tl\•ely. dl9f'~ a.nd had only 10 year• to additional hour• will be addrd. He Mayor .L.N~r l8be.U a.ad tile Uve. They Wd young Carroll ha.d aald the office I• bel.ng opened to ooudlmirin Jlalf'Oed to petition. ~n hl"lpt'd by hil fa.nlily ln pre-encourare younr men of draft tatortac wVPf"&I dtffttelt e&Jidl· v!oiu dlf!lcultlea w 11 h . writing age io lnquJre into tl!.e opportun· ' d&tea for lhf. <'otancllrnaale. apoL cbKka. lly at jolntng the regular Army The Mayor u.e. remarked' that over be inc drafted. U., .elect-loa .... a dltncult OM Jewelry TM-ft At the pruent time both the • • • I * to Aftmio • • • A FASHrtG)fi SHOW ON TU A Y1_ ~)' E FIRST NiNET~EN HUNOltei}ANDrlFT,Y ONE At Tl'I~~£ O'CLQCI(( .IJ'l THE ~l'TERNOON • . ' . • . • • • ftafl:irtng 7 • • • ' AllOUNO tHE CLOCK FASHIONS • • FOR YOUR ' SUMME.R IV THE SEA -' et l440 Via Oporto, Lido 11\e , "HAI~ ~TY~ES &Y BUC ~NING" LIDO'S SALON ·OF· BEAVTY Hatbo~ 2~7b • • , T.R O tT S'El &N .... OP,E.NS -iAlU .RliAY "!Piil 28 ... •• See Us For Yos Opehig Day N11ds IOl'S SPORTING GOO~S 17tti &: Npt. llYCI., Costa M•• lea. 6021-R RAT TAI-· FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES MAH IM OVI OWM WOICIHOtt AND •IOM THI rHtltPrtHfl THI l.Aa6UT 1111'1.Al Oii TMI PACW'IC, COAST • • --... ··-... s-......... e ••• " ......... -'~ ........... s.-- HOUSE I GAIDEN •nc:--"' ,,.......,_,,.,., OHM NJTEll -8UJoo'DA V ID to & ' -. ..\lM- be.llDia llettan Pa$rlcla Neal 'The. club wi.11 hoat a lnter~lult albacore tournament in July,. 4.t w a • IUUlounced. Participating clubs will be Pa.ci!lc Anrle.r.., BaJ, boa An1Unr c:Jub, Llrht Tackle Ma.run. Southern California Tun.a. i \~===::=~:::::;;:;'.!::::=~=:::;I Tuna Club of Cat&.llna, N~ : [ Harbor Yacht club., 8.1\d ~ ,/t.si- llA'ITRESS1'8 Boat.-Hom8-Trallt!n l<tt(Ular 8- .. "'~or wllo waa e.._.. Rayford Taylor , pleaded not Air foree and the recular Army -;::;~::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::~ feellDp of ottwn wottkl br hurt. guilty t o burglary, grand theft and are 'f'de open for enll.tnt.e.nt, the t• __ #Thi• ·~· aocounta tor Ute recl"lvtng atolt."n property and de-minimum term& beint tflree year• • • • • • • ''RATON PASS" SUN., llON., TUES. Coatta. Sun. !:SO a. ... i:Vll Alttlk." : "THI!! MUSBANDS" . -·------ BEACON &Oil C-ta MMa Mattl"rM Co. 1180 1't!!W,.,t Wl"8. gele11 Rod and Reel. Perpetual trophfe1 wue preeedt· ed 19&0 prlze ''••inner-a u .followa: . mek att-·•'"• ,.., who i.. ~·er mande<! a jury trial through Pub-for the Army and four year• for beftl a a.9.twett> for otflee ln Uc Dtfender Meyer. Hla jury trial the Air Force•. Dunn added. Newport llMelr. Ud Md ..,. wu 11et for May T tn Dept. 1. Th~ main recrutttar omce Ill ac'tl\·e workla• for Mether caa· The complaint filed by Dt.trlct 8ant.t Ana at 20!"' W. 3rd 8t, ii .w.te t.r ,.._ aaesp1re4" ~ Atty. Jame. L. Davie alleges Ta¥· open.1 every wek tt.7 fletll I p. m. Fint marlin -Frank Unnell;.. e1;....,1o &emtl " 1 ~ lor bur«lartud the Newport Jewel· untllrt.:30 p. m. lupet tn&l'lllt -JUll Aa-f _ <f'll place at 17e2,.J>lewport Blvd., I ------ dlvirfona.I firsts in marlln catc:hM Costi.~ Meu lait-reb. 3, i.hat he Sll50 f' L , R "Jack" t.enteaty Cheary), ComS*Jty which ran btatwun Los had ta.kln watchea, abaven and ire OSS RICCIARDI S SHOE OP An...Uer •m..Uum.), GeQC'P H~I· A.nee-le. a.ad Imperial Valley. other mercha.tidiat> \ralued at rt:K>re ' llliod *'"""''"' tfltlft Olfl!IJ :41111 Plrt !31911 potnt.i: than 1200 trom lh• ptau. and that · ""1le You Walt ~ l'(nt ..rb&eo~r. ftdllt&e l . 0.-Mr and Mrs Ra.meey have two he had ?'ffelVed wrl11t watche• and ~· t:, Newport aad ltnrtnt: Afftrtt~<kl..._ "\Tturhn : l&J'ltid alac.We-W. L. gro~ chtldren." Betty, 27 &nd Bill, other merchandise •tolen from the •: ea:-!04 Ili.n.t!_j helped pu~t a Ot+Nittflc wwt tfr&ldeffttlll; dt\'ltl<JAal fil"lt.• II ,23, who la a •tudt"nt at lJsc. pl&ce. ·fire t .A one An., boa ZONE orlN EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY .. " •ncl · SUNDAY IALIOA OU• WOfto, ,,..,..,ltt 111t .. 1U.1. &JM.con ealdlH -•ld•retOft Ramsey hu bet"n working on the · lel&njd at 1 :40 a. m. Saturdal. 1be llOI :S~rt Bl"-. flteJ. P'tatt• Lfnnell fthret· Tran•portatlon detaU. of th" Cl· hou.e is occupied. b7 Tex tronr NEWPORT BEACH threadl, sall.tlsh tourney winnett. vtllan Defense Corpe ln the pres· Contemporary Art and ta owned by Mra. w. W. Bar· ..------------------------, ! Ir;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:;:; J : Wayne Hat"tison, H. J . Rogett. ent •me-rs:ency. R" bu hffn &c• • • • nett. . llVW. Di t A p chase 'I Mule AfflerbOugh ond Bob AA· Uve In civic proj<CU and Wo•ked Exh1b1t In June • ~":.':::1 ~:;~i;:,eath~ v-10 scoun on ny ur -----,--------Water Heaters deraon. ht tbe I~ two poUUcal campaigns bulldi.nK and had tlten lJftlted a (nCEP'f ABALONE} : S!:R\'JCF.: 4" RF.PAIRS • Wpmf'n ot the city on behalf ot the Bal· The-National Exhibition of Con· wall of the atructure. Dama«e• ,. nu...._ Only, April !6 Largei1t marlin _ Marlon Len~ t?oa llland Tu:payen uaociatlon. tempory Painting ln the United were e.ilmaled at lea than $500'. Bring th.la ad to "JACKPOT" /J,,.,.. B_,.{t-'! r .. ty; dlvlstonol flc.t In •tbacort States wlll .. held at Loe Ancel.. ,,,..0 other ttr,,1 were atao ,.._ IAYSIDE FISH MARKET . - ,.,,_, ..,,,.,.,,,,, Ola. catchee-Lyn Linnell (3/61, Ja.:ftt Claims Fra1d in County n1uM:um June 2 to July 21. port~ rot the put week. Ill -'Alit0'-. Autltorlud Df.Wr G~endyke lthree·thre&d,. with l-'000 in purcbale prtze. to At 8 :41 p. m . Thunday, a bouae ••~il fr 0 0 •-~I : 'OIU:APER BY THE DOZE"" Day • Nlpl u....... luslness Pwchtiw .. otre.ed, acconllng to an an-., 11< -27th St., N.wport Buch .. ,,... nsn rDaityom !Ill wn ~. ;.-------TE•ws Back Duty '"'uncement made by Oewe.11, Jack-belonging to RJchard c . Torrence Friday· Satarday If% o. ... 11 °" •H H•.t.,, Oft CJalmlng ftaDd in hhl pm:rchue son of Laguna Beacb Art g"a.llery, who llva at 1&11:. ltth St., ea.ta SPECIAL SMALL 75¢ • - -------• • • • .. • • • • • • ''Broken Arrow'' Phone llarbor !M!-W •.&L N of tbe Balboa Glua Co., in New· from whom f'Xhlbltlon eQJ.ry blank• Me~ ~au(ht nre. A truh box ABALO~'E STEAKS ...... LB. _ Al .. _ Wlln avy port Beach, Ru&sell W. CUthbert may be obtained. next to the wall of the buildlnc lllO ...,.,.ette Oil the Bay NE\\rP9RT • lb.rbor Ill "THREE CAME HOME" laat week filed .ult for award ot All mWia of oil p&l!tllng will bt" caught flre and a three foot wide Robert P . McCowt-n. corurtnJt· 110,199.51 trom W. G. Long, Stahl acct>pled, Including-cueln. tem· strip wu bunted tR the .bu.lldi.nc !~---::--:------------------.. tion Battalion, USN. formerly of Propertle• or Loe Ancel .. John per&, 1ou&che, lacquer and duco. from top to lllotfOm. Dama«ee tollr.;;;;;;~;:;;;;;;;;;,;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;~;;] CABINETS , Nawport Harbor Community Pley•n . Pr•-t -·· ' "ZINS" 00H'1 MW--OUI. .:::."'.: .. '7;'_ D II' .II .. II I' W... ,Ii • -• • • • FTh"">:. ,..l .RSlTt:-RE MADE IN Ol'R O\\'X SHOPS fUlMITUlt lff"IMIS"HtD Hotsr; ii; GARDES 611 ~OAST HWY. •twtOlT • 0,iN NITU-S1,u1d4of 1• ,. 4 ......... ti, .. bry c1 .. a111r LIDO ~ Santa Ana, eaur .. and husband ot M. Stahl and the Otkiden Calitor-Not to be accepted are w&tercol· tbe ~dinr and l:nteriOr were Hti· Mrs. Elf'anor Loui.Mo Mccowen ot nla Co, alao of Loa Angelea. or11, prinll, draw1.nta, paatela or mated at l'150. ~39 Fulle>rton Ave., Newport He alleged Long and Stahl np-.culpture. Lut Tueaday at tl :'I a. m.. a He!ghta, hu reportt"d for du\t ruented the company to be profit-bulldµtc at 1807 IC. Bay l'ront, :aai. wtUl TJ ••• "'4tet 1c!tJ'1Ue:1,,. Yoko-able With ~ to 9~ per cent or the DodKe I.I movln.c. Watch tt! bo&, belonS1nt to w. 1t. Hervey, llllk&, Japan. glaa bu.-lne.u in the &l'H., that Jn Loe: Anple•, caught fire aad dam· lifcCo'nft. Wild WM-•ed back 10 month.I Lons had paid ott a E8TATl!l TO WIDOW .... ,,... uttmated at $100. to ac:tlvto military duty Nov. 21, '4000 &doa.nce ft'.om SllQ}. -and Jlstate st Jarnu H. Knapp, who Palnten Were 'bumtnr the pa.lnt Jl60, flrat..,_o.t.l'fll the Naval aer• that be wu promlaed ncluiive dJed April l , will l'O tO hi.a "1dow, ott ~he build1Dg w1le one ot the ¥tee Julj' 1~ 1947. rtght to sell Glidden prodocta in Mrt. Helen H. Knapp, ot 214 Haul batten.. ll'ldted U.d d&maced the Before. Pnterlng \hp Navy, ~ the township. Or., Corona del Mar, under tenna atbrtor waJ1 on ~· Rcond alo'7 . wu graduated from Santa A11&_ .Re a.lleged ·a.JI the repruenta· or hia will whlch bu bffn tiled I High .school and ~ttended Fullerw tlora were fa.18e , ~d that Ule. for-probate tn. au.perm court. Mn. la, .... ---D-G .c..&. In. tOll Junior College, Fullerton. buaineaa wu not wortll tnore,J:haA l<nlpp said the e1tate COMllla of •· .. -~· :::::::::::::::::;::::::::~j 110,l90, Wtead Of the $$1,889.~1 real and pe:raon&I property WOttJ1 W I '-'---1- Use Classif iec/ . • Ac/s h• po.Id. "ln uc ... ot *10,000." 1 •a.1 iSr1 _.-yn;w He Wed the court tor jUdge. · . ~ent of the $4991.al dlfte.rence SHOW MOVR Te,chnlcal Aercu.nt Jfranlr W. plua '6200 for ttpellae8 ln~td : McOatcbey: ff, of 317• Coronado .-id a.ho demanded $3000 tor aJ. Dana and Glncer Lamb of Cor .. An.! Balbot..' bu ~ &llli'D-tld 1•ked ta11ure to kll h1nl Glidden ona dd Mar, uplortn and .authon u 8appl7 Serseant to B~ prodUcU. ahOWN ~etr nt.m "l'.ncbanted ..... l'Jr Weather 8er'tiee_ (IU.T8). Vapbonda' at a prosram. in the AlM!n:wa A.tr Toree a.e, llU7· Unify Church ot Truth in S&n.ta &ancS] ~ to a annowaee-. ·'Dodi• i. morinl'. Watch It! Ana Friday· • ~· , mtnl mde t.Dday by Blip.di~ , J:boll Spl'lng FeltlvaJ, April 2e P...i!ni 'IV. 0 . Senter, Cllltt, JUI • , • to aell your ear u a.m., Aml'ri<M Leeton Hall Dode• ta movln6. Watch It! WMthor -· , • • to flad a buJer-• ti---~t McClalehey ·~tei:M for your llome the mlllt.al')' _,, ... ta. 8eP'-""'· : : : r.?J~,~~ CITY f AtlS f AR ·SHORT~ =~lE~!s llomellold goodll • n =.-' U.. Medical °"'PO ... i?~!~·:; OF BLOOD DO.NOR GOAL · ;_~-;:~~E. Jab .... ~ • • 1.-i Red OW orndelo.,.... toel!a,r a llli ~ ~ ·~ ~ <it Paltloc, ~!1:;,... H• ... · UM_tumdut......_u.o.~~Kew~ ....... ----9 _,._ Cit: VW A;Nt'Jnw ~, A·~t;:_,,... the t7o..ptat ..... ._;111aded :=-.:.=di~.~ a~­~..;P:o':,~~ul "Air~. !l'JlCllSl)Plll)llit..,..._,_tllallllollatuwlMlpot-•11111 ~...,.._Air"""'•-.... ·~:Milllla 1o Mn. cad _.,._ a1 11» -era..~. ~.. ~ " • · sv·•t J 111o ,.... .. , wwe J.ll'.111!1Ptmt~ m ... w illO"" u;, 111 .... .,,,,_ a-.'l\' ,.,rt .... (M'Aft~, , ' W n,....~_ • ...,.,..._tr ...... =•rt's •'l'~'ltzl•st• •1 .nta..·F ~ • ~-IM.V.!Alr_ ...... ~-= 'l'be. -ttii • ..,~1w11tt._ .t II • aert fer Gia ~ 11 WE! ~ -. -. ~ - ' I etl ~:;i:::::;:=::;::;::;:~:;:==1 'I I hlf F'._ l'!olloo .a,l ..,.,. ..X-lo' • • 1 1 aa. 7 I ,gWW • ., •• , ... ~ u..-..... .,.,.,11• ,,.._.,..____ 1111 r.--. ..--......... ,....,_I n!resq.tlfwlao-.t '1 It ---~.:":"~~;;;;;.'.'.: ----· la ti 9STIW tiw.-.r11. >.~"!"'~· a --... ' • ~ . .. .. • . ~··'.•i ,. \ ......... · .... ........... I.'-. ·~ . -Steady Sa~ers ..•. Happy Family! Each member of thi.I family -picka a different luzury to give up for jil8t eeven daya • • . and everythin&' they, Ave liY do.ipg thla goeis Into a family Savini* Program at NEWPORT B.Al.BOA • 1'1!:DERAL ! . I • _. ' Learnh!I to · itft up aomeOiJnt for eub· other lilM tilouc\il UMm closer • topther an4 giftll "tlilm reat SA VJNGll ! ·~ ollr tamllf -ean do the ••. a.. ·--f6 pt Martti ,. . ' . . , M CT t'-filly' • 8-1 IF!_e-Y..-. iiw I • , ., • • ' I .. 1 · I ' r I I , .. ' ' • • CINNAMON SUGAa LOAF 23~. (I ... 29< H .) C08TA KESA 1100 Newport Bl'f'd. CORONA DEL MAB tol C-t D1c~wa7 LAGUNA BEACH !'T5 Fon.t. Awaue ' • • , • , • I .. • .. • • lf'Kf" Cltibs Hold NafiVe ' Qeughters Three Evenh , Ben,fit ~·r~ Party . u S· H 1 o· ll s . _.Ing . to.-Aid County IMpire Dinner · · •~ ~t. JOach1~ _ _.:1{:i_S,:·!:" .' TrOph. y Dance . Pllnd .Childrt ft It waaln tllo natwo'Ol. ~ Soc:1al Hall . ._,_. .... _M I · • · fflebtatioft •en Kr. &Dd ~lilra. •.. , cll ~ ~;.,, 1'•,_. ll&nta Ana.PVlar o. D5, N ... C. And...on (wbo &N II~ oa ~. Ka,,. 4 lo Mt ·-M ciNi. .,,. '"'"It ,. 4 ·~ted JUdlns clUbo of t~e Dolui'.bt<n of tho Oo1c1m Wnt Mlh 1tnet !ft N~ UJttll tllolf the dale of a benotlt c&rd .pe.lt7~=::::i=====~===f Oran... county JI.Id U.elr annual .... .,. extended their bll~ children DOW Coran& de! Mar llo"!O lo -· to bo held la SL Joed>Jm ooCia1 trophy d&nce Yrlday, April IS al pnij<lct to ..,.... a per{od of tllree ~) ..,~al.Oed Tl\u>'*leY en· 11a11 at a p.111. Prepanu.iu &M the Women'• club tn CO.ta KHa.. yean and to lnelud• ·t.M Ytlu&l11 nb1& wtth a dlnaer at Victor well \&Rder way for the attair W1Ut. Tia Uoi>h:f p .... ontaUon ,... Ille haiidloapped c1lUdru of all Oruco B...,:.. · · eommltt..a ... 1ectec1 rrom .....,.1 oulm.tD&tlon. ot a year'• competJ .. ·county. A vl.tk:lft d.ia.pmtk cllaic Gu.e:lt.8 were Mr. and MrL wu .. m emben of U.e Mother'• club of Uon at l.l<>w>d Robin Borilo eh'1'" bU boen eetabllohod for the U&ftl• ll&m Tobtu of Coron& L d•I Mar• t11o OChoo\ ud lb• Ladlae' Guild. . "''"" You . held at the T&riou1 club lf'OU.Dda. IA&tion of all 'rieUIJJ.T handicapped who eaJled Mond8,y for Honoluha Mn. Dvlra Krotky and Kn. ~ lw:~ D 11 Point. "'"-" awarded ribbon Win-cblldfth in all Oranp coUnt1 and tor whom the ·d.fnM:r WU ~ Glady• Browa are ln charp ot _ nera.. " IClloo\8, th• openlna "-le beiD.c teetJYe tarewe.U. It waa al.a the ,.neral arran.cement.t. , a.eclia.IUtal: i. \ the ~ toUowtnr bifh point awa.rda April 2t, 1931. • 11th weddlnr umt'Hl'Ml"J tor the Cawtt., ~. r.oo and p. ?!:,::-.•. "• ~.-'f!e-H made: . tn.eooperaUon wtth the Nt.UY• bo9la. and tM b~ ot >lra. nochle wtn bli played with priSN .,.._"!' ..... _ -··-~ Senior Dlvi•lon-lat. 11111 Jew· Drt.u1htera., Miu £t:lca:m ot UM An4re80ft.. ,, a.warded hta'b KOr.ra. All attra,c. ~ a. .... ..._ ett. Sr., Trt-Oty Wrt.ng'len, Fut-Dlvt.Jon of 8pecl&l Serricea. Uve door prlae ta ai.o ~ -. 0..-. ,_...._ ftMlm • , • ' . . . ~ '"-.. _ _.,, 1 .&PlllL ... illl · . •AG&• '-.en ....... ·hl!f\1!!. AJljl l9 9WWWW MY U. ....._ ... ~~Ball ~DD &IA.IW:."D_W,.I -~ ........... ... ., • ., ' ~ AL1l' ..... UW e. -D e Ltll'llAJI e --.r -awnroa • 1'M'"'J..&• • ~ HOUSI & GARDIN tertoa; 2:ad, Betty Linton, Trl-ctty Ora.nee county_ .uperint.end1nt of kMU1tl co:mt rrom cou;tant Refruhment. will i,. 1erved by tll• ~ hlectloa •' rabrio-. otM. l'dlaJ' i-i,..... _. "'"!'~J'O:..,... Wr••••··~-~~.,-~~~--~·~,~~~~-~,~~~~~~~~-~1a~~~ .. ~-~i.~o~t~~~·~m~-~~·~~~S=L~J=~=-~~~;u~-~"=~~~~~~·~~~~~n~1~00~~~~-;~~~A~Y~~~~~~N;s~w;~~~r~·~•;m;~ Jim.my Hardlnf. CaretrH ltlden, vt.wally handicapped chlld.ttn. Tb• paper will produ.ce ruult. t« )'OU. cblm'1 9Choo1, Co.ta. MH&. -....,. ft. ..._. +Mlt A.rtffia: 4th. Clarence Bendenon, 1urvry dlacovrred 21 vt.aually han- An&bf'lm RJdinr club; 5th, ue. dlcapped chlldrt.n ra.ngtns in ... ~lly Warne ot Cost.a Meaa Boot. (rom 2 to 18. With the e.tabllah- and Saddle club &nd Frank Cox mm.t. of the cl.lnic, It la hoped un- of Carefree RJden, Arteata. •tiapeeled eye conditlona wt.11 i.e. • Junior Divi•lon-lat, BW Jew· d.Lacovc.red. . ett. Jr., Tri-City Wr&ng!en, Fut-Funda for lb• clmtc will be raia· lerton: '2nd, Glen Thomas, Costa ed at a.n out-door brt-a..krut to be Mesa Boot.a a.nd Saddle club; lrd. held t~ May. Vic Borchard of Bor- Kay B&iley Costa Meu. Boot.a and ct\&rd • .Market, 631 So. Maln St., Saddle club'· 4th Joeephlne McKee Santa Ana. ha• agreed to have the .Costa MeN.'Booi.-.nd S&ddlr c1ub~ break.tut held In hl1 pa.rkmr lot. 5th. Loia Peters Foothill lt.tder• The tood. and cooka will be donat- Buen.a Park ' ' ed by wholeaale wrocen and ma.nu-. ~ · . facturera, lncludinl" 1"o1S"er Cotttt Stockhof'llC Trophy-Senior I?l-company, SP411rry nour company. vision-Bet\¥ .Linton, Tri-city General Fooda corporation and Wrl.l:lrlen. Weil.aiinater: Juruor othera. DlvUloa-Jaeephfttt McKtt, Colt& ~esa Boota a.nd Saddle club. Sportsmanablp TTophy -Sheryl Holmes, Colla Meu. Boot.a and 'saddle club. · Squa.:re ,da.ncinc waa f'njoye-d a• well u donut.a artd cofftt. Mu1tc wu by Marty M&rtin and her gang. . Dodge 11 movin«. W.tch It! Dodge 11 moYinr. Watch It ! HOKE FRON HOSPITAL Carl Anderbers la back ln. town and about &fter a aiep of lllneu In tbe h01PltaL Mr. and Mn. An- derberc, ~·ho own lh• Sea Sbell apartment.a on Sa.lboa Blvd .. Ynl'I taklnc ln the town vta automo- bile over the week end. Dodce: ·t• movtng. Watch It! kbell Srrinjll' FPatlval, Aprtl 28 11 a .m., Amerlca.n Le(ion Hall INSURED SAVINGS CUIWNT w••s . ,., .A,.num •• ' At S&fe"way yot1 e1n be MN of re,-1 ••I• ntty tilM ... top qua lity, full trimming. low pricn. To be sun .,. Shop Safeway rot your me&1&. • POU BOASTE .. 39°~ .. 49° Cat-lllo....W..ol'E tus 9ftlln-lod ,..t.-low prlc-. illBB,ITS .:=~~, .. 65° -LIMB BOIST ~~=.;~ ... 57° U. &. ~ICE« GOOD Miik lpl8q Lamb. Special VU.I ~ UMB '·' LEGS ::::.r: , .. 77° F.-J1. S. QIOICE or GOOD Nlllt 1,11 9 i-b. A ...i bu7l lllllb Rib Oops ~ .. ate llmll (llops "S:::!' .. ti• 1.111111 Oops Li'.:°:: ' •. .,. limb Brust ;: ::!: .. 29-wl ..... ,. Soo-M,,.,, '" c.i1e -53• """ > No. 1 Sk1nkft • a. ' • ,.., Ill All · '-" C.nm.fttratM "OIANGE JUICI Tecleyl Malte1 l1h pi nis of delic ioa1 m.ii·laslin1 Cirang~ juioe, qii ic:kly, easily. Sa ·~ yo11 1Done7, lo .. . ••>ouam ,....... '=' .,. concentrated. , • . PEAS MUGIBlllE 1011 ~~·'!.-Z4°T= SBOBIEllllG ~.~ CBISCO v~ SliarlmlDq t•llllE• #HI SlkN Pi•11111le ODie, Ubby.,,,, Del Morlt•. Pie Chenies s'!::'"t.:~ 1 ::"-21 • 10llllloeS =t 1 ::· 1t- Sotap ue:~· 3 1 0!.~ n- 4 Otte.ken Nood6e, l I 0 Yi -os:. <onl, 29c:• Cllerllb Milli 2 .:: 25• Biby FoMs'. = 3 ·-26• tlllM TllEIE r•l.111 Float' 1!!·2.19 1t,:·95• t:·SO- Ki~ Craft, fftoiichld. fO<-hofN ~ Yellow Con MNI '::'.': 23• Mammy Lou. <2Ck>z ., 12<; 5-"'~ J7c• Wlli1eCora MNI· ':.-:'" 25~ "°"'l"f l.ou, --. 15·•· bag, 43<1 POf<lnl "°'..z!:':'" '::"-1t- Cr1Cters i~ •,:.-109 !: 32• tlllll NI.Ill Ju11 look at the low r,riCH · on fine r6flea at Sa eway. • UWAllS 1;!; U• • ! • . .:.·1111~u1'"'·:~~it-~ ... .... , J .. ; 2.25 , ..... 11• ... • "!I I ' ~ s;:19~ '" .... * .. .-~ ....... .. .......... ...,._ .. . fAMll Y CUICU <-• oale) Pu11fBllls ~ l ~J7• 'fll<J THI ~., ': 32- , Tllll11111k Clllese .. 67• . • MIW 01111 =.: .. SJ• SU, 01ts1 ~· .. 69- ll1EN Mlr..-111 .. JS• MlrllriH s..:.I"..:.• .. JS• SAFEWAY • ~ . ~ ·• 17ZZ,.NIWPGIT a.YD. cost~· MISA . . • ' ' • ' • • . · • ' • ~. I I ·. HOW AU YOU ON FIGURES? ' -9PACIOUll JIAr FltONT HOllE IN Tiii: KOST ll· OLUSIVZ PArr OF B&AV'l'JEUL BALBOA PENINSUIA JIU.II BEEN PlllCZD TO llllLL AT IO'J'O UNDEB TOl>.t.T'll UPLACJEllENT 009T • • • • EJGJtrT R&T ot cbolcelt Bay front.ac• wtth prtv&t• beacll (a.....d oa rtet.ftl ...Xe of adjolnlac vacant Jot) · 4 oana.nativti utimate ·········-······-·······-········-·····--····• 11,000' Prtvat• pier &ad· tars• .Up flo&t .. ----------·-·········------t .IOO wa11s. tencms. 1anc1oeaP1nc --··-········-·····-·-··········-····-s.!500 IOOO equar• t..t ot best conll.ructlon ···-············· .. ··········•• T bed:roo~ baU..-2 batltlnc ahowers and dttuinc ~Linne room. dillinc room and ma.st.er bedroom Mcb ha•• fir.plac..--kitebea wtlh di.spout. diahwulNr, Ra.lnleu st"l throu1hout. bUilt in charcoal barbecue, etc. -Forc9<t air tumac.-• ill b&aemen.t .,..-&JJ copper plurnbtn&'-1 oar p.rar• and a }!;oat of features. ( U padre o£ materi&II UNd were .Ull available) you ml.ht duplte&te for ----·-·-·····-····---········-··············-·········-············ 80,000 &.t!Jnated ~placement ···-··-········-·-····---·······•1u.ooo rm nicz o 1'f THiii BEAUTJFL"L HOME 1s $95,000 llAKIC Al< AJ'POINTllE:-O"T TO SEE THJe PROPERTY - TmSN CHECll l'HE FIOCRE8 OX ESTIMATED JIEPL.t.cr,. ,. ME:'\'T COST '- LOUIS .W. BRIGGS (DCLUllVm .t.Olt.."<T Foll TIU: OWNER&) 714 EAST BALBOA. BLVD. PHO:-O"E' BAJIROll 10 ' .. ~· .. I • • • Da. I . .t.NT01'f DJ: Ill.A.All ver9ty. H• Y ewrnntly a prof ... .or on th• facult7 of Clarem0ttt Men'• Colltf'8. Hi• bll'tlt.-plaee •M • th• N etherl&nd•. ~d there he r..•ln· ed unW h• had completed hMI MC- , ' • • • H. S. Senior Girls Eligib le for Scholarships oa.dary edUc&Uan. Then, tJl ltcK PiaM for their a.um.I Moth1r- )l1 cam• to th• United Stat•• u.4 t>aupter tea will .,_ mM!e when '-===~===================!completed hill .tudl•• at It.an.ford 'louUl•m Oranc• county Paa Mel--and Harvard UnlnnlUe1. Jror ~ lcnie mHt.1 Tuelday or Ulla wuk ---· . • c • -Fer every p11RhaH of J ywd1 of lllClterial y~ may have IH folll'th yard for 1 # Thll °"" Is 9oocl Ofl au of "' 1tock If accompanied by tfil1 advertlMIMllt. HARBOR YARDAGE 115 I •. 17th COSTA MESA Bl!:IXN lit. ROBERTSON, M. D. • MO"mON U.e Open•c • ot H~ omc. M lTU I Ul'UIOR .A.VI:., OO&TA Miii.i. (ToomorlJ Now,..\ A ... ) I yean h• aerved u Ult Hatt of at 1':IO p. m. 1" U.. T . W. C. A. Jecturen ot Ute U. a. Na ftl War buU&n.,-. 141 North Grud a yenu., College, Noorport. 1111-i.i.l\d. O.U.. . 0. -:....a TtMa 0-... ~u= :! ~ ~hfa~~e~ Durln• World War t, M wu .X.. con..-ln wh.lch tll•r• &r• natl.oq- amtner of th• J'.cl•ral Tn4e Coaa• al Mttoritie1, &bd thetir molhera.. mt.Ion. and duriftc' World Wa r D . Pan Hellenic Jiv• a•ardli of h• acted u con.ulta.i.t of the War merit to ouUt&nding Mnlqn la Department and ot the Depart· couaty hi.sh. Khoola and &ll1 strJ ment of Inter-American Atfain. may apply for cme. The record.II ot U..t 111any and A ppllcaUoa blanks may N ob- va.rl~ ed.ucaUonal &etivtUea of Dr. \atftecl from the dean ol gtrll at di Hau, and ot h1t many con.~b~ Karbor mp. ecbool ; trom Mrt. Heu to hta fttld,. u.uru hta lilt--<..eon 1"llU-.. Bar~r lON-J or •en o! an u.ceU.t pruentatlon from Mn. John Keeler, Pan Re.l- ot hie tople. nu. leeture Ls open Jett.le pTMlde.nt. Harbor · 21BJ.J. to Ute pubUc without char,.. lt TUaa la Urrt.tUd how•nr, u the a.ttord.I a tplendld opportun.lt7. to an_l!•U-.-llluat be lft by Mu' 1. ptn aa expert'• en.luadon of th• '· -t bldt.lduai. ......... u,. ee....,..i with H b H. G. I to1'111Ulr t1nc policy In llu"'po 1<1· ar or I II' S day, mo whose 11eetl01U wt11 ma.t Att d Wh 'tt• cwt&lnly attect tao whole W<>ri<l. en I 1er Dodp r. movtnc. Watch tt! · Campus Day Three Newport yoqr }M'Ople ~-----------.. wtre amoar Ut.• 2M louth•rn RUGS ~o s.. -i.r, ... 1~ eof 1-,.111"" l-.s •1141 C.t,..+f..... ~... •11111 M_, ... .,.. ~ ·-"'-..-. . BOUSS & OAJU>E.'l flt OM:• Hhn7, N_,.n OrtN ,..ln.1-111114•• It to 4 Lin' US RE!IOU Y OUR 8BOB8 With OENUL"'IE NSOUTS -Wt.tr Ion.ctr Look better 115 s. 111111 0.0...- '· A. CHA~ilN Cali.tomla hich atehool •tudenU who attended the annual Wllittler eoll• .. carnpu.. day lut Saturday. ThOM attendtnr were Vir(inia Jarru, Colleen Mel>ermott, and Jan• loderberc, all Mniors at Newport Harbor high ac.t\ool. A.rrtvllic $.1.turd&y afternoon.. the -n.ttinr 1tudent.. were iconduet- ed on toun of the poet campua by WhitUer college 1tudenU. Fol· lowtnr the toura. the women :over• ru•t.. at • atyle ahoW While the m .. MW a ntm of tlle 19!51 New T ev'a pat'&d• and Roe• Bowl ..,ne. A panel ~ of col- lestata Ult, dlftner and a Mort ptofl'&'D, and preMnt&tion. Oil J . B. Prtutly'• comedy •'Laburnum Oron," climazod tho day': actlvi· 1 1..~~~~~~~~ ...... tloL OF PEEL TUB . CHAIRS • • ·~==~-==~~' PllDAY. aMISAT. Ol&Y 5~ • • • PJ.#e J,,~IMJiM . , JEUSA REMIER (Mn. ):.. Reu.;J d aaa A 2 , ....... G 2 I • Sy? 0 11· , .. _, 13 . ' 416 l11N Dalw ,, ,, .. ,, 11n..i C•1z1 lld'' •-czr1z1 ... • " • • l:MA.,1•• .... .,. ... .,. I Ph• • • _...,.,_,_ W .. al ........ hlhtol, ... u a.M. &-nrtina l •-"-.. .... & ·-'• ..... • • • • • • ' ~ -.·••t of Newport llar-... -... -........... ., ... rroW1ar C'ltortt def--pro--.,_ ___ N__,.n llu1Mw Civil Def'MlM Dlreetor •o11a .. ,."' Of' tha depLty dl- l"?ll!ltor, Oart lbam. at tlM city ball, pli--· 1111, ..... *"-UN IMlian of I a. & &Dd • r ,. ' r • DIAPa .. 21 -.. -.... ,.... ' GssJee'-6~ WJF ..... ' Pd\J• • •• a a.i 0... • ,, ....... ~ ~,,,, ..... , 6 .l f T I COOK BOOICS • , . : GRS'J'ING CA1tDS 8TATIONl2tY DIPJUM?D . , • , BOOKS .P.ux:l!RnNI. R.UE • I • SAIU ( l&TUBD&T; &Pill,, aa . P·ostlvely La.st Day . . · EVERYTHING GOES AT ~ • TREMBNDOUS ·BEDUC'llOKSI . PRICl!S SLASHED! 11 JENN'S DRE -SS SHOP 504 West lalboa llvd. ' . IAUOA ' . I ..... . ... ... !•---------------------------.. • • • SEI THE 1951 IUICK • ON DISPLAY • U· Long Beach· Santa Ana• May l ·12 You'U do better because we've gone all Mt te brl11t ' you brand MW merchandlae ••• at prices ' to 11139 abotltl This wm ...... time to 1toCk Ip .... .,.., netcls. Chtak every d1pa11c1111t I• ~ 1tere. • • ' HIT OF THE ttlGHWAY . . sount CO.AST IUICK ·uw AND •VICl .. D~•D ,AT LACSUNA IEACH ( /. • ' . ' I . I I 1 l --. • f • • • ' , • • I • ' ' \ . , . • ' • • • NATIONAL RICE WEEK! -· > M.J.B. RICE L~~~-~::~N 1tc GRATED No.! Flat Can 24 • WHITE KING GRANULATED SOAP ···: ~:!. 2 9 c DERBY Spagh,tti AND · MEAT . FULL LB. JAR PIMT 9UART WESSON. Oil 39•76~ PILLSIUR'N IEST-20.0%.,PI[ • 2 t PRESERVES iR1s FANCY CUT-MO 1 10-()%. C ' .. Our _close-trimmed QUALllY , · 1 . fRYitf"CHiCiEN 69a. · iiCED.iAcON 49· · UiEi-:S~ HAMS . 55~ . ROAST . TONGUE 49 · ·oscAll 49 , ll,, MA YER ll,, FRESH TENDEll-.t.-=LL-&=RIE=N =-=-== -lt.. ASPARAGUS ~~~0 9 _. fee . I tt Crocker's -DENNISON'S c _Pet or Carnation . C;.KE MIX . !~T!~ ..... 16 _ MILK p.rty C•k• .. D~Yll'1 f~ GRAPEFRUIT 8 for 2~ · APPLEs 4~··.25c · 1;;-s;u0s 10 ~ .. 2'5r DENNISON'S PORK & 2~.:! 19c BEANS 2TAL'I. 25C CAMS (FOUR LIMITI . zo.oi. 31c . pl(c;. .. I . - • NORTH COAST NO. JIJ CANS · APPLE · SAUCE fREICH FRIES Buy Famous ~i , ~ \ N E S & L IQ U 0 R S ~.l!.- • SQ UASH ', 9UAL~TY ~ • ~ > UNDER $3 ·SA~E! . BRANDS I • rJO .. 'Wr:s · GREEI BWS ..:.*~.;,,.. PW&WIOTS . WHISKE\' =:: . ~-. -FRANKS 55i.._ .·: ·BRANDY , Shir 1 . flflll diii P1.crsw111 "°-Fresh ·ou1GE JU-. : .... ~..... 5299 --:.;~~c;~ · BOLQ,CN4 · 4 9i,. ~ GRRN nAI . 17c . -RUM .... I WI ES . ~ uwou SffAIP > > ... "' oui OWN llTCl--~ P.'•crSwar F · ., ___ L • v~ c ,...,· .. ~ s,'189 !'£$....-.• · CHEllll. ·5 ~ •••· 1 25c · ~~hOok LIMA~· 2Jc -~··~!. GiN £• ="'· 25c ..... ~ .. Sllll ~· . .... • .. au ttt. r , a • ra 10 5 "•m• ... ,.? JM • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • L . ,, I ' -,• • • • • .. - .'.I,.. ·l ,, .... ~ ;a • • WHEN ¥OU -WANT '·JO BUY. sm.; EMPLOY~ RENT; OR .. :use ·THE .a lSSIFIED. 1HON_E'. HAR ' 1616. eLASSIFI·ED · The Mighty Mid9et In Advntwng · , :NEWS-TIMF.S -Every Tuesday NEWPORT BAY POST-Wednesdays NEWPOR'I'-B~A P~ -Thur&d&ys Newport. 8-..f POlt aa.lftedl A• -· nu1 la tlM ~ N.,...nme. or De Tl1lftdaT P..- MINDIUlf AD JS • LINES • .t..n a....utM .ds mmt be ,.ad r~r Cull .. 'iadvaoae of pt•'MceU0&. 4 Lines 1 hper $ .75 · 4 Una 2 Papen ~ 4 Lines S Papers · 2.00 'V The pu&U..hera will not be ~nsfble for more than one lncoTTeet ln11ertJon at an advert.Lacment. reM-rve the right to correctly :c..La.ulty any and aJI ada ancl. to ~ject any adve.rtiaement "not con(onninc to rule.a and regulation.a. Advertl.Hments Ud caicellatlona will btl accepted up to ~ p.m. un the day pre<:eding pubUf&Uon. Ph. Har. 1118 ' Pbone Har. 1616, uk for "Ad Taker'" or .eod ad ud remlttaaoe to NEWPORT HARBOR PUBLISHlNO CO. %!11 Ba.I.boa Bl\·d., Newport ~ o.ll.fonta. · COKPL&TS BOUBJ: CLE.UfiNO .entce. J'U:rntture and rup --..,... _.__ .ruu1 tnouNd. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. ..._ 1111 ntfc For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. • Your ad a pptarlnl' rec· uhi.rly ln l.beM colwnna will brine you many new · customua. Har~ atta folk! an in the habit ol ''looking In tbe cl.ua1- fled" when l.bey need these urvtcea. ' Use the NeWll • Tlmee. P~t and Prf.sa comblN.· tlon wil.b aver 21.m CU- eule.U!>n. THE SHADE SHOP _1<-_PERSO __ N_A_•-~----~ Free estimates Pb. Har 884 Alcoholica Anonymoua 514. 29th St. Newport Beach Write P. o. Box 2M 93lfc Balboa llland, calif. INTERIOR -EXTmt.IOR PAINTING LICllll'l!\lllD -INSURE> Glenn Johnston IOI· Sl.lt St. Newport Beach Phone Kimberly S-6311 ·Patio Furniture PAINTED · Phone Beacon M51-W 1 l c12H Barbor 2297-J 34c48 !!.-LOSJ' Al\'ll FOUND PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 113 Palmer st. .. eo.ta X- Bea. 64~7 .)4 1Mc9 Universal Building Maintenance F1oor Waxln~ • W indow Cleaning \.\'al1 \\'ashing F"or Buildings. Stores, Offices and Home.!!. 823 E 10th St .. Long Beaclt·Ph. Har. 116. 9pl1 9c H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Rrpalr Service Maintained Phone: Harbor J.418-W 1801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach REP AIRING and PAINTING R£>uonable Large or ~mall }ob11. Free r-st1mates. \\ . .a.Jker, 108 18th St., N1A·pt. Beach. Har. 2.5Sl·R HAULING A ny kind, trash or? \VAL.KER. 10&-18lh St., l'\£>1.\"pott. H. 2581-R ---FOUND -Ladies' IA"Tiat watch, ."-pr•l 23rd. owner ma y r~ttm by paying !or ad. ?tione Har- bor 0204-J. 10c12 LOST-L8d1es navy blue !lap purse contaiM '"'alle~. identifi- cation, keys, etc. Probably a t Mesa theatN! or Laguna> Fr1· Jay night. Phone Beacon ~34.-J . l l c13 t8-8.ITUATION8 WANTED N'URSE -California re.rtatered- \\'ould like work in doctora of· fice or private duty locally-Cal\ Beacon 6776-\V. 8p13 LADY .. ANTS HOUSEWORK by the hour, ha.!I own transporta- tion. Pb. Beacon 8524-R. lkl 1 COLLEGE Girl Iookinc for part timP IA'Ork in home-Ex.Chan(" for room and board and salary. Experttnced ln ho\18f> kttpfng and child car~. Harbor 1070-W. 1 lp12 ~fAN \\'ANTS TRUCK DRIVING. can handle loads. Lon1t duilance or local. DeJ><'ndable. Non- drinker. 477 Newport Blvd., Co11l& Mesa. llpl2 Stl'.\G COXTEST \VJ]'lj'Xf:RS-Coa,,t CoUqe'• IQQki dl!partmea& ttc""ently apon.wrPd a M>oC contnt "1th. tbe wtnn&.r ~ou aooa. to he hr.ard In the 9C.bool u.wmbly. ne wlJl.ntt'9 are abown re- M"lvlJt1 lhPlr &1' .. nb from KenllrCb Boettchtt. OCO• top MDI' t\'rllen ..,..., ~ft t.e ri1bt, Aliof. Martin ud HU)' Aaae MonUoL OLD MINE ~ tM ..,_ Nw ...... ..,. Ill'••'! ~ .. P5l:Jed ,.. -..-1111,( -wi11r ...,_ ...,._.., 1 t 11 ..... ~Ooea& Oadop.httlltJ-................ - ---.. .......... ., ... ~II b ,..,. ...... -. 4'oi-. .. -"-.... Miii U.. "Mt• es' a. h' a c ... -••• ~l'tlll ~.r.• ..,.. ............ ca........ \ ~ ,,,, .. ,. 'I'"-.. -l • -.. ............ • -• ' -' Bargains! Bargains! ~ .lllDfT .,..n W4i1'\lilltable Bee Tb-. LOW Pr1C19 ' . s.q. ~ portalilo wuhlnr • .,.... nmrum j ·~ . . NEED aELP? N:::-... -;:;:--:;;;,--;----~:,,.:.~.a:· ,t:: Coawlt lltuatlon wented all CW eu. ft. ____ :._ __ ... -.... ---SUt.111 AUWT1N, 4-cyL 1111t~r ........... .,.$70 £.~~~: REAL·-ES' ...... E. wm -•.,. tc>Od•lln&'. Phone I fl I G. B. llatftud, J;IU. HIO. llpU 1-----_...------------'-"------- ~J:Slt 8PA.Clll A.V~LE 30I Karine Avenue BALBOA ISLAND Phone ,Barbor 0&02 OPEN HOUSE at 312 SAPPHIRE BALBOA ISLAND p1aco a c1u1111«1 hi tho N-· ti---. .. 4 cyl., 'nm$. Poot 11Z>d Prw --Pl>llco ,10" table mod•I TV U-ll hp. compL cw•rllaulod SllO tlon at u per wMI<. -. ~ aut4matlc bmifl&' tone con· Wlocoo..tn I hp. air cooled ·----'10 11013 lla1'or 111'. troL Attrac. modemlatlc AncllorO. rope, bk>cltl. pl'Opa. etc.I-'-'.;:,·-----------2;00 • S:OO P , K. SATURDAY and SUNDAY WANTED-Paint and and UMd car belper. not exJM,rtencer, we you. THJ:ODOR.E ROBINS FORD dea.IM", 211• Newport Blvd., Newport Be1cb. Har. MO. lc9 Standard Sb.lion, Inc_ Hu a few openinga FOR MEN Who are looking for J>f'nna.rie:nt fmployment w ith excellent op- porlunlty for -.dvancemMt. 21 to 40 preterr~. Paid whll• training. Approx. $277.50 month to •tart. U~ral J.a.undry allow- anceL High .cbool mlnlumum dt"Slred.. See Supt. at the STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia A: Cout Highway . Corona de) Mar Bet~een 8 ;30 and 12 every Friday 7cl2 WANT FEMALE GROCE RY CLERK -Bay Shprf' Trailer Park, 17th A: Coast:!' H ighway. 10cl2 WANTED, STENO., Sln1le; ex- perienced. General office work. Simple bookkeeping. Local firm. State quallticaUona. Do not ap- ply unlH.11 inlereat~ ln perma- cent employment. ?irtta Boa: M-1 lhia paper. 1&12 \VA!l.'T O!:NT AL ASSISTANT, acme experience desirable. Local o!fice. State qualiticatlona and are. Write Box N-1, thla paper. llplS POWER MACHINE opentor for cotton aport.awear. EXPf'rlenced work. Work ln Balboa.. Ph. Har. 1095. llplS WANT CLEAN-UP MAN to work 8 hni. after :'.l p. m. Gt.ncham Reataurant, 1738 Newport Blvd .. Coata Mua. llcl2 --.sALlll. Ml!ICSUA.Nlll0119 BOYS 28" bicycle, atnrle laundry tray, Chai.M loun&"e. bed divan. high chalr. Very reuonabl .. 2033 Mira.mar Drive, Balboa. H&rbor 1-491-J. • 10c12 • TWO BURNER electric! plate with oven. carpel awMper, lawn mow- er, play pen, Ironing board, fire- pla.ce llCrttn. 820"3i . P otn.etlia. Corona del Mar. 10c12 EVERY1'HING FOR YOUR TRAILER WJ!! FILL BUTANm -Pl\OPANll TANKll Complete imt&U9tk9, f'IPAb' and M"1C. of. all Tra1Js Equtprn.e.nt. Berman. S . Samuel SW. M. Port.- ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1110 HARBOR '"'~VD. Ooeta K-. Phone B•coa _..ft Outboard Motors JCLOJN ?}.,._ H . P . 194.V model, llke new, extru. $3!5. CCMt new 11~. Hiawatha :i~i H. P . 1941 model. food, 150. U8f'd doora, $6 each. General Electric mangle. A buy, "'4). Pbone Harbor 2SS&-M. 2pl.'.) FIRESTONE Deluxe Reh1('8rator, 7 ft. Almost new, $1". Brixey. Phone 4-17~. I•run• Bearh. llpl2 EURBXA vacuum with •ttach, m . Colem&ll. port. •tove, $5: tn.uJated portable lee bolt, 11~: Paddle board, 120: 'Sll\rertip tu tun. STD: Mah. c11n1n« uL ta· bit:, $75: and nrloua ch&ira. etc. Phone day1 Harbor 0602. llc13 IO-A.......8WAP8 HA VE 4 pc~ w-alnut dbk. bdrm Mt. WANT twin bfdrm •t. 412 WN1mtn.llt-er, Newport. Hetrbta. Beacolt' ~M.· 11c13 • m"!"PIU' ;~.:!,_;---Pt.60 Cole's Trading Port 'I-WANTED TO BENT ll.12 t.f1,yetta An., Newport Bch. ..:..------------ lllfo" Blonde Conmle TV- $179.95 10" table model TV .. .'.$94.l!O llcl2 a.kcezLoR. employed, non mnok- ., or driJ'llcer, wtlha quartez:e and prace, ljiO mo. ma.xlmum. Fwn. or u.ntum. Write 0 . K. Carro. c/o General Delivery, Balboa bland. llp1S SNIPS, ea1l boat and tra.ller, $7& or make offer. See L&ny, Blip , 61, R..lcJsatdeoD '• Yacht Ancbot· al'@, any even~ atter G p. m. or Sunday. Pleqe tdo not .ca.lL Keep In touch wtt.h. WI for rood •:'. llc13 bu)'11 In TV Hla bolng' ttadod 1------------ ln - UIY 'l'lllUIS ARAANOJCD DA VIS-BROWN Co. lW HAftBOR ,BLVD. COST A lollllSA Phone Beacon SHI LARGm SIZE ELECTROLUX tt- frtce.re.tor, $75; 1-yr. old 30'' O'KNfe A: Merrilt •love, $80. Phone H•rbor 2121-R. llclJ HOU81CHOLD BARGAINS -Din· tnr t&ble, mahogany; • ch&ln, BALBOA MARINA Small Boat Mart L18TIN08 WANTED 2802 eout Hlchway, Newport Bch Pbone Harbor 0771 91!c96H 11 IT. CEDAR ROWBOAT $25. 1308 Ocean Blvd., Corona del llar. 10c12 BOAT SUP roR RENT-Sult&blf: for boe.l up to 3e tt., $20 month. Phone Harbor 7oe. llcl3 TEARL Y or Summer Rental -2 bed.rm.. tum. or Wlturn. hOUH, Corona del Mar. So. o!.hlway. Phoae Harbor SM-M. 9cll . . yJi,A.aLy RENTALS-2 lovely homes in Coltt& Meaa. 3 bdrma turnlahcd and a 3 bdrm home partta.lly turnlllbed. See Blanche Ga tea. 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, Harbor 1871;' klO RENTAL 11' SPECIALISTS IM: winl'·baclt c.h&ir, •llp cov--------------Co.II --Cl'9IJ Linwood Vick, Rltor. ered, $2~: pedeat&l lamp on wal- nut •land, $6 ; Kelvtnator ntnc., e cu. ft., A-1, ~; Electrtc-Mu- ter •love, apt. aiM, $30; l~vol. Popular Science. SI~: 20-vol. Booth Tarkingt9n. 110; l:S...vol. Mulbach Worlu, 110. 104 Men- tone, Lido :Ule. 10pt1. Outboard Aiotors !:LOIN. e ~.-H P. 1M9 model, like Balboa Ioland. Bar. 200 1:1<64 new, extru, U!i. !Coel new ------------- llSti ). Hiawatha$~ H. P. lHS model, (OOd, $50. Phone Har- bor 2865-M. 11pl3 RENTALS JOHN D. 'BURNHAM ' BOOKS-SEA BOOKS 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa A tine ltoCk Of boob on all yadlt- lnc oubjeeta--Plua all OWTlllt Harbor 1607 OWN . THIS HOME for "600 down and Ha.AO monthly. THl8 YOU CAN'T B&AT! Attractive 2 bdrm home, nrep\ace, on OM ot beat .ueeu near North Bay. Brick p&tio. Room for add'l buildin&". on ' Have Many Choice Homes Balboa Island $12,500 to $85,000-. Jl"OR EX.A.KPLll: Very attn.cttve ' bedroom bome on 80 tL lot. Nice p&Uo, year around home. tumace beat. ALSO On Marine Ave., Balboa Island Businut buildinp. All occupied with A-1 tena.nt& Show 6 % net or better. No phone call• pleue. SM Mn. Maroon at 22,5 M&ri.n.e Ave. IN CORONA DEL MAR A TtitACTIVE 2 BEDROOM HOME. l % block.I from ocean. South of Highway. '5' loL Large livin&: room. Bea.m ceiling. H&rdwCXK! noors. unu8Ual dining room. Kitchen and bath wtth tUe.. PRICE REDUCED for quick S&le! Multiple Uatinr No. 1821 Call Mra. Maroon, Harbor 177~ SEE US FOR BEACON BAY property. We attra.cti\'e homes DOW -they w.ori 't Jut. • For del&ila call ~ra. Maroon at Harbor 177:i . have two EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 MARINE A VE., BALBOA lSLAND • OPEN HOUSE SM.A.LL CRIB, SI~: comb. b i-chair A. play table, $10; garden twing, 17. F"nllt jara, modPI P . T. boat. 201 Onyx, Balboa. laland. 10pl2 -· lAndlnC Ubrvy. The Isl~den1 FURNISHED or UNP'URNISHED 1ue Roomy 1 bedroom apt. Garage. W1 • Cliff Haven View Home Sat. & Sun. 21-22, 1-5 p. m. King'• Rd. (not leasehold) Well built 3 bedroom, 2 bath, bwd. Opening Specials Tuesday to Friday Only MAY lot to MAY 5th AT DALE'S new location 1874 HARBOR Blvd. tt• Xarlne, Balboa la. Bar 1M7 U-MUSICAL. RADIO Rl:NT A PIANO, 15 per month. All rent allowed If you buy with- in tenna. DANZ..SCHMJDT, 520 No. Matn, Santa Ana. SPINET plano. Brand new. Sllf[ht-. NeW Furnitilre ly d&m&«•• In shipment. Now only $395. Smalle.1t alze. DANZ- • apt. ru ran.,.es (regular SCHMIDT, Santa Ana, 620 No. llOl.50) .................. ~ I 19.50 ).fala, Modern. Avall•b\e May lit. ------------='- Yearly lta.M. Near •torta, trana-port&tion~ Harbor 2935!1'J . 4p15 BOAT OWNERS and other9-2 bdrm tum. houae w ith pltr and float avallabll". L&rre patio on waterfront. Acrou from city hall at 40& Clubhouae Dr., New- port Beach. 9cll BE'ITER CARS FOR LESS 1950 PLYMOtml aµ«ial d~luxe 4 door 1~an. 19-49 CADILLAC 62--4-dr. sedan, comp. rqulppe:d, inc. aulo. 'Nin- dowa and WSW. 1948 CADILLAC 82---t -dr. llf'dan comp. equipped inc. auto. wind. floor•. Forced a ir heat, irprink• ler ayatem. barbeeuf', fireplace. ~tan)' extrM. $11,500, Terms. For pre-11howing appointment call BUI Kempton. P.A. PALMER INCOftPORA TED 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1500 8c9H • Phenix Alrtlo&t rocker& CORONA DEL MAR-2 bdrm turnabed bay front, private bch. Sum.mer or year leaae. 1Cama- tlon Covf') 115 B•yside Pl•ce, Corona. dtl l;far. 9pll and WSW. ------------- t recular 179.50) .. . . $59.50 WANTED-50 pl.&nOI. Trade tn 4 4 1-i cubic ft. refrl~ratora your old piano on a Grand, lrecular $17U.50) ·-···· . 150.00 Spinet or t>e-a.ullful tel•vlalon. Chrome table and 4 chair• 89.W Hl&he.t c uh allowance. Tenn•. USED maple table A 4 · DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO CO., chain .. : .. -.................... -... 89.a-O corner 8th. 520 No. Main, ~ta A few food rebuilt mM· Ana. . u-........... _ ····-··········-19.60 1------------ BIC" dt.count on &11 mercha.ndlN THIS wn:K. ~ Dale'11 Furniture NEW LOCATION. 1874 Harbor Blvd., Costa M:esr. ABC ffiON'ER -Not new, bu.tin good v.·orklnC" condition. $SO. 430 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. Harbor 1275-R. 10el2 Rattan Furniture X&de 1n th• Ptdwptnu end in our own worlr. mb.opa. Wide choice of. fabrim. Larc•t dUplay Ill So. Callf. Rellnlablnc and ..... phoiet.rlnC HOUSE & GARDEN 111 Cout Hwy., NwpL, Beo.. D27T ALL EL!X:m.IC ORGAN. R~poa­ .-ed. Marnltlcent tone. For church or horne. P1y out b&I· ance. Temi.... Thla wonderful lnatrument la ju.t. like new. DANZ-SCHKIDT Pia.no and Or· gan Co., 520 No. Ma.J.n, comer 8th. Santa Ana. COME In and play the \\'ondertut New Hammond Chord Orpn. Even it you don't know a note o~ mualc you ca.n play beauUtul muatc In ten minute•. DA?-.TZ- SCHMIDT Blc Plano and Organ Co., &20 No. Main, Santa Ana. Tl'lO LOVJ:LY Uffd •plnet plan0& both like new. Big· aavtnga. Term•. M.J .82 down and $17.16 prr monlh at BHAJP'ER MUSIC CO. talnce :t9n.7), 421 N. Syca- more, Sant.a AnL Kl. 2-0e72. 97tfc 1------------SPINrr piano. Reposaeued. Pay See Louise Apts. FIRST Doublea and Single• OVERLOOKING BAY 308 Carnation, Ceron• del Ma~ U2cVJH YEARLY RENTAL--2 rm. cot- tage furni•hed. $10 week. 3M> Avocado St.. Costa. Mesa. 1 lc13 1'\'lO 'Bedroom furnlehrd. large living room, StOO a month on ye.ar11 lean. 808 \V. Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Har. 1587-J. 11p16 FIRST TIME In yea.ra that 'A'f: have a vacancy in the LIDO APTS. OJl LIDO ISLE. Single furni.Ghed apart- ment ideal for l or 2 per~na Thia I• a ''honr-y" for the rlght tenanL Aak for Mr. Grohman. P. A. PALM E .R INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Call!, Herbor lro<J 11 tfc ROLLA WAT twd. tu:ll atse and Seeley tuftltaa mattrMa, 124.50. Alao "In a wtu bed"-110. Both tn &ood condition. Ph. Harbor 1:70-W lkll out be.lance 1287. Another ~--FURNIS---,-mro----2--roo-m--a-e_p_ar_a_te poaa'n. $315. DANZ -SCHlfiDT hol!Sf. UUUties paid. Yearly Blc Piuo Store. One Hundred r.-ntal $4.0 mo. 228 Og'le, eo11ta Plano.1 from which to ch~. Meaa. llpl3 52<> N. Main, corner 8th, Santa Ana. l BDRM bayfront apt. Lido lalf'. $70 mo to June 15. Summer re.er.cation la.ken now. 1 and 2 19-47 CADILLAC 62-( door 11e-d&n. Heater, radio. 19•9 CHEVROLET deluxe l'ltyl"· line -4-door sedan. Heater, radio "overdrive". 1948 BUICK Super -4-door M"dan. Factory radio . These cars u e all clean. one o\tner low mileage car• and have btf:n thoroughly checked Absolutely ln the finest mechanical coDdl· t !on. Bank terms. Newnort Auto Sales 260-4 Newport Blvd. Ne'"-port Broach Har. 1407 1 1948 PONTIAC l.trtamllner 4-dr. aM!.an. Hydllll., radio. heater, new tlre11. Xlnt. condition. Service wife MUST SELL! Phone Bea- con 6751-W. Bell 1949 CHEVROLET Deluxe 4'-dr. .se-dan. Your vacation car. Clean, A-1 mech.&nica.lly. original own- er. Muat t1ell now. Make oUer. B<'acon M2fJ. Can be seen •l 2~ Crestview Dr. Bay Shore.a '49 BtnCK Super Convertible. I'\"ew top. 2 m0&. old. One owner. Car In exceUt"nt shape. Call 9 :00 A. M .• -4 :30 P. Ar. Harbor 422. 10c.l2 DODGE Is Moving % PR. ~N BOX s"'°s .. mat. a.nd> lep. Pert. cond.; French Provincial che1t, uphol. bench to mateb: .mirror top dr. tal!llle. •kirt and atool: ma.hoe. pie cru.t table; uphol. club chair; chrome arm cha.tr: bl'UI dfflc: Jamp. Cl\Ucre play nm and allde. Har- bor 2998-J. '1 39 Shorecli!t Road. Corona del .Kar. 10p12 GR.AND PIANOI!. Used. Knab< QJck•rlnr, Muon and Hamlin, 8Unway, Everett, 8 chm er, Wurlllhr, Starr, Kimball. Many other•. ~ $395 up .. Dans- Schmidt Big Plano Stort, Santa .Ana, 520 No. Maln, comer tth. bdrm. unit.a. Phone Harbor 2~2 And so Will our uaed can when and (H&rbot 2914-M eve•l. Wf' reduce.them in price NEXT ~llOAT aUPPLll!lll llTFC ~ \"1!EK. SMALLIC8T Studio Uprtaht Pia.no In nne condltlon. J'ully cu&r&n• 1 BIIDRM houae--Vl!ry cleln A: :nice. On Newpon Blvd. above Archee. Immediate poaeulon. $50 month. 488 Newport Bl\Td. Beacon. 6713-R. teed. Term.a. '40.82 down and ------------- SU.28 por month ft SHAJl'EI< BALBOA ISLAND iMUSIC CO. (.Since 1907), Ul N-HOUSES AND APl'll. Sycamore, 8e.nl& Ana. Kimber-YEAJlLT OR SEASONAL ly 2--0872. t7trc llff GAIL CARNET wltll • Neid& Gibeon, Reaf &late . Come in and 1« the b\ggeat b&r- galnl!I ever offered fn the Haibor are•. "We Trade !or the Be1t" SHA VER MOTORS After May l•t 1680 Newport Blvd. COSTA )(ESA Ucll $21,500 \VILL BUY BEST lNCOME In Coron& del Mar. T\\10 2-bdrm. houses, TW'O 1-bdrm. apts. over gar&gea on 60 x lZO ft. lot. Com .. plettly f urnished, including pr• bage dJ•posal unit1, atove. a.nd rdrlgeralor1. Income $320 per mo. T . D. $10,000, payable at $73.80 per mo. at 5~ Interest. Full price $31.M>O. See Nnl H ougan &nd Jack GJ'ffne at •OO Cout Blvd., Corona del Ma.r. Phone Hubor 1862 or Harbor 2202. 11c13 DT-Rl':AL ESTATE WANTICD PRIVATE PARTY WANTS 2 B.R. hon1e in Co8t.a Mesa. ,From own- er up to 1900 dn. SUghUy more if turn. Ph. Be&. 5MO-R. llcl2 61-Rl':AL !:STATE ICXCllANGIC &O F'T. LOT in Harbor Helgh.t..a, wilJ aell for cuh. or trade for power boat or ? '!' Write to 537 Clover ~af Drive, Monrovia.. Elliott 86969. 9pll !------------- Cliff Haven Trade By owner, 2 yr. old 2 bdrm, and den, Uv. rm.~ din. rm., and hall carpeted, trpl.. turn. heaL 2-ca.r l'ar. Fenced )'d. (not Jea.sehold) For older 3 bdrm. ot-equiv. Nr. Beach, Ha.rbor are.a. Bea. M-4:9-M 1lcl2H I Everybodt reads the cl.i.aaified ad&. ll-llONBT TO LOA.If Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Roy.ls HURRY ON TBIS-8UpUy uHd "blonde mahopQy ~et piano. Sav. UMI. Tanna $75.82 down IOI Kaitne, ll&lboa I.al. Bar. 502 ------------ LOANS For Homes REGULAR 'lfo lO (10-20 yn.) 'o. L 4% (20 yeara) Bee John Harvey at Seacraft 126 COAST HlOBWAT NEWPORT Bl:ACB PR. BliCON am i 19ttc and U0.70 per month ot llllAF-BALBOA -----P-lt:NIN--IJULA--'--1-bdrm- ER MUSIC 00. (llnee llO't), • turnlahed hou.e. $80 mo to Jun• 01 N. Sycamon, Santa Ana KlG>borly l--OIT2, . nttc 10th, uUl pd. Piion• Ha•. 301 .. ft ltfc 11M8 BtnCK SUPER Sl!:DAN- Pbone Barbor 1605--M. 10pl2 FHll t1' 9li (20 yun) Conoln>c. 1-u ~Mlfo %l l4 yra.) No COmmt• m.. an .Metro loa.n.a Wa buy .... ..U TnJOt Deeda BE:lll BOB SA.Tl'LER • 141' OOAB'l'. .BLVD. Corona del Kar Harbor 1077 .J 114p. POllUER MORTGAG!l CO, Motro Uta -P'undo Kl i-1116 • . -- • • • • ~ I I • . . I • • • , •• • •• , I • UAL-m.a.ft ' . , ' I • . . , ~·.ea~ , .. • ·•s••·.8rAD • • .. . • ~·-~ ... , ...... , ... .. -•t:nA• ..... • ........ ft BEAUTY an.d the ·• . BLANCHE A. GATES, Realttir BEST· · L. II. fNES · ! . . J. MilTIN ··OCEAN FRONT ., ~.lMESA ­ ~-LIBTINGS BEACH IWEc!ALs A ·BOJlll AND ~· O"~ liaaeJ;, mar\ot and ~ -Mil -elltipA .\IB A.·1 oondltloa, -"-·-:pard, A niil ~ at uuoo· m l.ou.. -... u.t No. nu. B.Aµ30A . PENINSULA COME wrra u oN " ~ HUNT! Tllo end Of tbe rabl-la for ale! Thil ~ tour 1>odJ<>Oln home la duignod tor 109r pleUuM, peace and perpetual enjoyment! Walk wttln4e, Umi U.. Jarp lanal patio wltll the gtant "1bber U'MI,. blto the q>adou.. Uvtng rwom. , Modem tu:mi.b.lJJlll an the mout hen ..• • lone CUit.om· Here op loYety LIOO ISLE 3~ Marin~ ·A~e., BalbOa Island· . 19 a home now being lluilt Ph. lfu.. 1m or 1872 Bar. T4&-11 or Bea. ~-R z-. , 8lUKll !lloor. Rmrnc ANn BllA1q> )o:w-uioo dn. run price 191100. I -opacloua li.tn;' nil. -.rltb -fltt- plO<o, lieAm "'1llJICS. tile shill ~ b&tb. Doubla pr. large cor- ner lol 1'tJ1e CUilom ·buUt home • bull\ divan. a comer ttreplac.e, • rad.14M:<Jmblnatlon • • • that stvw you all the.ad· nnt.agM o1 a1ect1o11 ot flnlah ud eavblg ot time 1 against attemJ!ting to buDd · younelf. BALBOA ISLAND Grind Canf,!, 80' frontage. Olarm. 2 B.R., din., rflt. home. 2 patloll. Room to build S mort unita. MAKE OJ'J'ER. 1a ditterenL E&.lt aide Colt& , )( ... ' ·• AL1IO' ... TnU.cn\'J: -VNipl .icier ....... ·• bdnm.,. lnrd. ,floor In 1191Tlg ,__ ~ flmlau, ~ MdioA. ..,_ ~ -por<b. ~t Jatlo, -· Full Price $7750 0o...O. watertn>nt Jot. t:n. tt. ftoll~ °" waur, e~g tor creature comfort. And beat of &ll, pu thru the w1de~ wide wbldow1 at a broad beach 411d Unex- celled OCftA view. The blgh, slopinc roM of the dlnlac area leodll quiet etegancp and a fttllnl' that the slmplfllt meal would meenr' lilc.e a ban"uet. 3 bedroom.I wtth ~J. bll~ are on the m.am floor ... while up a abol"ti flight of atan. th"re'1 • lt;UC"e Provincial bedroom-den wltb -bath. Thia room tpdl.I cbarm the moment you enter. Tbe &arl1 American tumlahlne• and the expaufve ocean Tlnr and the pnvacy make thia 'away from It all' apot the perfect one for guest.a Back downatalrs again, thett ii a com- pletely equipped kitchen ... refrig., stove." a 11iapo8a.I and even pots and pana.. Oh, you ca.n live wttb yourself ln thlt house! A.a a matter of fact, you can at.a.rt today! Every· thing"• all ready for a marvelouti dealxn of living! Picture a MWtory bom4 on a !p. lot -.Ueet to 1treet -t bed· roonui. 3 b&tho, unit beet. prb- &I0-'"'-1. I water h•W-- ~ Jor elecltrlc ranee -.,a.c-- tou. ehee.rtu.1 room.a -a cu ...... rage &J\d ALL TOLD one ot the tl.neet. BUYS we h aye ntt of· fered. Thia ta 'ln ZXCLUSIVI! 1iatlng-With price and term. that WiU appeal to you. SEE THIS. BA y fRONT HOME $211,500. Att.r. II B:R. well furn. llome. THIS PRICE IS FOR QUICK SALE. 2 BDliJI G. L Ra.A.LE-Neat 6: . . only '4.000 ' J'or detalls on eltMt piops1t7, ..U Muy DI-llu. 101.J (ll:vM. Harbor 20t2·W) $40,000 -Terms to Suit JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA Harbor 0645 or 1607 IA.RAH W. ~WLIN, JAMES C. NEWLIN, Jr .. HELEN McobNALD OUTSTANDING BUY in Corona de! Mar NEW 2 BDRM. VIEW HOME, overaiud 2-car gar. laundry. This home mllllt be seen to apprecia~. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION SATURDAY"& SUNDAY, 12--5 p.m. APRIL 28 and 29 at 716 Jasmine, Corona de! Mar EARL CHAMBERLAIN 500 Coast Blvd .. Corona del Mar (Opposite Newpop Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 ' Real Values Costa Mesa $5950 Full Price .Cloae ln, 1 bdrm home, built ln 1937, Lge lot, gar. fruit. beorrles and chicken equlpt. EZ term.a. $6700 Furnished Older 15 room, near NeWp<>rt Blvd Ftreptue, bwd. lge. Jot, nice home. $8950 H ewl.J' decorated 2 bdrm •tucoo. Hwd. tile, CUil bath and stall shower. Double pr., chain link fence. Terms. · Income Lot •. JOO rt. fl'Ontage on BToadway. Ex. apt. site. Close In .Only $4200. A Barialn. Waterfront Lot Npt. Bch above Hwy., a coming dlrtrict with some nice homes near. Full price, SISOO, tenna. B.A.NERESON . Costa Mesa The Best Town on Earth Here Is a Bargain On Eut Side 'near hlgb ec.hool- All f\lrnl.ahed 2 bdrm home.fire- place ~d dining room. Abo nice 1 bdrm rent.al, all fUmiahM, neat and clean. Abo extra lot. All for $8750 $1750 Down Newport Heights Lar~ 3 bdrm home and d ining room. 0 . I. ResalP. Not a tract bo~. An older house but iooct. Price $8500 4 Good Deals Each $1000 Down 1-$39»-l b@droom 2-Mi9M--1 bedroom 3-$6:;oo-2 bedroom 4-SSM0--2 bedrooms, tum. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Associates ALS<1 - Located ln one of the .,CHOICE SPOTS" on the WATERFRONT of LIDO ISLE we ban a nearly new 4 b@droom and 2 bath home that ii a "bonPy." Thia la not an "old beach hOUlf!" but la a nearly new, clever year arounl1 hom" Unit heat. garbage: dl4pou.J, Hot. point d\11hwuher, 2 wn deck.a, lovely view, are • few of the many up-to-date featutta. Thia I.I a quality BUY. Priced rtrbt. ALSO Som" very desirable lota for aale on UDO ISLE. Choice water· front lot.a for' Income u.ni~ or crosa street lots at prtce11 wetl under valut>. REMEMBER we are the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE. Here a Uttle buys a LOT. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 33~S Via Lido Newport Beach, ~ Har~r 1500 LET US KNOW what klnd of real eatate property you want. We have all kin~ ot property llstf'd. lf we do not have the kind you want. we will leave no atone un- turned to find it for you. B.A.NERESON MRA Multiple Lt.atinr Oftlc• 1982 Newport Bl\'d., Costa Meaa Phone BeaCon ~225 • 6ttc Balboa Island ' BEDRM, 2 bath , home In good locatio n. Two fine patios make this an ideal home. $20 ,000 furnished Stanley Hadfield REALTOR 216 Marine A.venue BALBOA ISLAND ' Phone Ha.rbor ..%0 8tf(' ~.---- • ,CORONA DEL MAR G.l.~ALE See thta BEAUTY today. 2 B.R. Encloeed Patio. Near water. An excellent buy for $13,500. . BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR LOOK THESE OVER BMAU.. WATERFRONT HOME witb pier and float Owl!er sava "Make Ofter." • FOR BEACH OR YEAR R OUND UVING--attractive 3 ~room redwood houae, cloae IA. t.&rJP rear patio. Dbl. ,ara1e:. tu.rniahed, lneJudinJ new S.rvel. Excellent buy at U0.000, ON' TliE BA YFRONT ln choice location among othr r tine -bomea-unu.aually well bullt and malntaintd. 3 b--drooms up and mald'1 room down. Large Jiving room, fltt-place, dlnette. Kitchen, 2·c&r gt.rage. WeU furnished. For quick nle $4 2,.WO. BAY & BEACH REALTY Gloden Fay Jack Miller Ethel'Shirley 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 Balboa Island INCOME • TWO 2 BDRM APTS--So built and zoned a11 to permit another income unit or busine.aa if pn:ferred. One a.pl . I• rented until June Jr.th.. 19e1. but lmmedlAte polleesa1on of thp other may be had. ntla hu been an exceptionally gOOd investment. ") ONLY 14.900 down. Full Price Sl6,900. Act now-No need to a..sk why! • LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 2042 Lido Isle Lot $11 ~ DOWN, 140 mo. on bt.lance. One of the bf.at build.in( •ilea on the lal&nd. Corner ot Btrfft and Strada Centro. EXCLUSIVE LISTING LI00-3 B.R.,.1 * B&Ui Locattd on corner site 'with ltreeta on three •idea. You wtlt never have that crowdtd buill·ln feeling in thiA lovely home. Cor· ner tTpce .. torct"d air heat, 21' livtng room, 14' dlnlng ·den, tile kitchen, large 2-car gara.ge. We have the key. ' Exclwitve U•ttnr Ocean Frent Duplex • On fine beach. A lltUe paint will make thia a rAce pro~rty. Only $4 MKJ down, might conJJdet am.all house a. part trade. Bay Shores The !•land SOUTH BAY FRONT VIEW PROPERTY • YES, It le truly exceptional 50 feet of lovely view t o· gether with an older two story home that will be sold a.e is. You can move right in and get this fine loclltion at a bargain price. See It today, trim. Cloae in. Eut aide loca • tlcm, newly decoNted tn A out. Th .. ncellttt ftlUe at S7100. .MoTI: tn with 11770 down. Pay· menta of $63 mo. include t.axea, 1.nt., and i.nlUr. • Coata Mesa.. Extra Special • • l!TAOO!:Rm> DUl'Lmx-Broadway comer.,._. "WI' llnble I bdrm ~ oti• wtth fireplace. Separate laundry rooma and ~ S.ll: eonatrucUolL !-tie.a to aell. Multiple Ltd No. 1T7t. For turt.i.er delAllil oaD Mary Dicken Har. 1013 (Ena. Hubor I09t·11') S BDRM. HOME ON J'LOWJ:R ST., COSTA KESA-Hu fire- place, hwd. noon, btr llvtnc rm. din. rm, nice We kttcht111 and bath. dual tum.ace, ovtt 1200 l<J. tt., double pr .. fenced yd., EAltL W. STANLEY, Realtor \ nicely landltc&ped. Prtce $tl,OOO, 1111 N~rt BIYd. Newport BelS •Mo. pymta ot $-4T.4S. You could ------------------------riot replace it anywhere dear a.akin& price. FURNISHED I BDRM. ON >,; ACR5-M.ove tn now and start living. Thia property it zoned for business. Cl.Ofle to tran.rpor· tation. achoo!. Neat A: clean. Funaiture is 'A'orth StOOO. Price SMOO. Thia la one of our beat values. ON CLIFF DRIVll'-VIEW OF BAY &: OC!:AN-2 bdrm cot· tage type home on corner. Near school.I. chu~b and market.a, 19900. Submit terma. Multiple listing No. 1701. TRIPLEX BARGAIN ,,...... "1RN· ISHED---Three 2 bdrm unltti plu, garagea. Rent for 175 mo. each. Located on fin• buaine.u corner. Show 15 per cenl g-rou income. Price $17.900. Thia one adds u_p. See It NOW! 5 A CRES-BEBT EAST SIDE LO- CATION -Sandy loam. Be11t acre&gf' buy !:ut of Nt'wport Blvd. S2200 ~r llC1"9. OVER "I . ACRi:-100x210 L!,c'~c:-gb Athool. Sandy pr:c:::'.i at $21 ~ ca.ah. LOT BARGA.Il'l -60x137. marlcet. Good Eaet Side tlon. 17~ cash. Hurry. near aoil. Near loca- Barney Francque MUL'l'IPLE LISTING REALTORS 4.00 &. 17th l:t. at Tuatin Ave: Costa Meaa Beacon 8811 Choice Bavfront THREE HOMES IN BALBOA Large Furnished oCean -Front Home On ,.Jot corner t\ear Newport Harbor Yacht C1ub. Thl8 i• a grand home for a rood bl« tam..lly Who would love tt for yean and yean. Terma may be made on price of "2,500. ' . . . . ON BALBOA PENINSULA BOTH ON CORNER LOTS NEW 2 STORY, i bedrlft., 2 b&th,.fUmt.l~ed llol'h.- with adjoining lot -131,500. · VERY PRETI'Y 2 BEDROOM HOME -'11,&00 Of courM we have Bay and Ocea.n J'ront proptrtltt, both Improved and V\Clnt. Call tor tnformltioti. LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor • 714 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harllor AO IN CORONA DEL MAR-On a 45-foot corner, ONE BLOCK FROM THE OCEAN, we have a lovely 2 bedroom and den home. It hu 1 V. bath8 . This place is landscaped and la very beautiful. It ia for sale OD easy tenne. LOOK AT IT! FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE .l BUSINESS BROKERS 813 Coast Blyd. Corona de! Mar Harbor 215~ SPECIAL ONE 01' BALBOA ISLAND'S most dietinctive horn .. , conservative modem, nearly new. 4 B.ll., 3 b. on choice corner location with pier A flbal Thlll will 1atisfy the most discriminating tUt.e. Price $52,500--Terms Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor ·Park Ave. at Marine. Balboa itland Phone Harbor 24112 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 P:M. ~ Rustic Style Home '1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 Multiple Lbting Realtor 1982 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Best locatton lb. Bay Shoree. Beau- Utul bay view, 3 bdrm.. 114 THREE B. R. home, tiJe in kitchen. bath, forced air heat, lot.a ot bath'. Hdwd. Landsca~. Red· tile, frpce, patio, estra aiu 2· TWO fine year round homes with the character t h a t will cheer you, your fam- ily, and friends. Three and f oiJr bedrooms in ea. home with two baths. Definitely fine values. home under ~oi'u1trucl1on. 4. bdr11U1 3 bathA. Every deluxe feature. M08t outatanding vtew in New- port Harbor. Will be ·completed for llWTlmer occupancy. 23622 Snug Harbor Rd., Cliff Haven In Newport Heichta. ChannlA,-t. the word for. this 2 bdrm, flre- pl&ce, """"' celllnp. Buul ,I yn. •10. Muat be &old to aetttt • late. Submit otrerl, Phone Beacon ~22~ -------~----• wd. fence. Dbl. gar. Lot 70 x 110. car garage, Thia la a.n out.atand- Sl",000. By appt. 2242 St. JalflH ing value at S2~.000. • REASONABLY PRJCED GREENLEAF A ASSOC. . Rd., Cliff Haven. Bea. IS008·W. GREENLEAF A ASSOC. • 10cl2 MRA & Npt. Harbor Newport Hgt.3. Gem $1500 Down Your Inspection invited. BUILT IN 1948, thia 2-b@droom home on large lot bu tpaeloUI livine room; dllt.inJ atta and wall ot wlndoWI to attr&etl"e rear rarden and patio. Speclai tor the week at $1~.500-$3150 down. To aee this before Sun- day, call John M:otlratn-:-Har· bor l:K>O. Over $9000 SU IT NOW! •• Balboa Island · Charming 3 bdrm, 1 ''• furnished ho!De. ------------Sl12 Newport Blvd., Harbor ~2 • ' BUILDER REALTOR -• • .. .. bath Large Patio. Excellent Location. Stanley Hadfield REALTOR 218 Marine .A.venue BALBOA ISLA.ND Ptlone Harbor 20 Income Property ' "l'WO SEP ARA TE HOUSES o Jarse lot ln CORONA DEL M.AR cloee to markets. 9Chool. and t.ran.portantion. One hM. tu~· ,.. S.hed A buy at Sl3,7M>. See Uda today! Save Money - -- 'WHY PAT RENT -when yo\J. can own UU. BALBOA ISLAND almftler home. Attractive liv\ftr ~ nreplace. 2 bedrooma. eomplet.ety n.tmUihed., Sll.:KK>. NICE 2 BDRM G. I. reaalt---4 yrs. old. Dual turnace, wood nooni. large lot, double garage. Best location. 510 Allao Full Price $8760 Would con.alder good lot or car for equity. 3 B.R. VALUE · VERY ATTRACTIVE and brand .new -Large rooma, m&bo(&QY paneli:nl', beauUful fi.f'epl&ce, hwj. floon, lot.a Of cabtneta. tile 1n kJtehen and b&th. double pr. Lot 70Xl88-AU tor . only $10,250 · Good Term1 BE'ITER CA.LL NOW ON THESE TWO! Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T .. Everson 00 Newport Blvd. C-. M- Phono -IUS·W Harbor 31.ST-W « Beeeon 6 6'.Gl-J • • LOOK * 3 8 . R.. 2 ba. 6: lge. apt. over ga., ocean view. nf'W modern 2-atoey year-around home, Comp. tum. 1711 East Ocean Blvd., Balboa.. For appointment to aee call Owner, Har. 2451-M. Open daily. $600 DOWN WHY PAY RENT? Fumiahed, new, 1 bedroom house ln Collta Mesa. Lot 30 x 130. SMOO full price. Harbor 1607. Eves. Harbor 2218-W. 10cl2 BALBOA ISLAND Near North Bay 3 bdrmi.. 2 baths, furnl8hed and 'PRICED RIGHT. NELDA GIBSON REAU) EllT A Tl!l 308 Jila.rtoe AYe.,,.. Balboa laland Harbor ~2 llclS -•• Island Realty Co. Realtor&--Mul~ Liatlnge )'ark a't Agate, boa Ialand BY OWNER ' co~ oo~A . COURTESY TO BROKERS rINX8T l(aldentl.aJ ~ N..,_ BarbOr 377-W 1lc:12 " ly new t B. R. iion>t, 110 b&lhl, larp u~. rm.. ~place. l'...u prqe. bi. lot. f.-. Prlco juot red\leed.. a.Mr .. ,. ,..U! BEST BUY! . ' llHOU CLID'll -a.ow --BO.R.\CI: 8. JIA*ft • Df NCWPoRT. M-oell th1' .,.._ -t i., -........ -. :Ill' -Aft. :-er ISalll ,..-.,, _.,, I -. tzO.IOO. • -W Ra7'e1 .....,, -.. Top~~ . . I -'-------~'l,e~I-~ ... Interior -~ -owio:a, a.-"1• Gr)- -Mlltllalor. ,,__ .O..troi Ai .... --far 1111•-- \ ~-& ..... It tu.. -°" "1'1"1i9-L ~ --..... 111 •• :11111. OloM tct ..... 1-----~-----,..- G. I. halt aoa-a. a. ••• art "!*--A ~ "'1 K "11IO. OOllONA 11111. M.\A llill•t is-, ",;" • °"1-T A000 DOWll' I ---. D Tl -I ••M t1'llllll». t J& Ill. 1 lnpWl_PT_SUaH•t. ........ ~.-.-... Charles E Hart Dll _,. J'tm'd1t .. ua-.... _.~. a a._. ... W. -....l, -8dl. ta I toll. ~ -· -.. la&.-~-la ........ ..... 14tS -Bai • ......, --.... ..,.. iJ1rldl•1Bllll1-::~'::""""'.--:--~"."'~:"'!''::: ao;i·ii-..~a::.; • .-1.;.;, ... ;..;,.;, ~.;;;,;-::_; . -mu. • • • Balboa Peninsula VERY BEA trrlP'tJLL Y FURN· ISHED 2 bed.rm. bome--op.ly 3 yean old. Paneled living room Call Hub Powera at : J. A. BEEK Office Har. 63 Bal"':ia Island Ferry wtth fireplace. kitchen bar. at-===-=:-c------~ tached 1ar. BBQ, encloaed patio. PHONE a:arbor 1118 to plaCe Only 114.,500 l6000 hand.lea. YOUJ' want ad on thlil pap. EXTRA SPECIAL! 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 Ocean Front Home on the Peninsula ' Ar,LMOST 1''"EW -Very attractive 2 bdrm. home, a yeara old. Lo'U- 1y patio, dble. prage. Cape Cod type turniahln1• included. All for $18,500 • P.A. PALMER INCORPORA'rED 3333 v~ Lido Newport Beach. C&llt Harbor 1500 Newport Keightt br;n_d n'1f' S bdrm home ridr Ml tchool. J'lafjt.one flteJ)lace, Kw<l. tloora. pla.~ rt.us wtndo*a ftc. Lnc patio. k.Uny • lovely hotne. wm Wat ~I" YOl''d ..ea lilct: It. - $12,0oo New 3 B.R. Hottt~ Only 115,000 buys this !-tied.rm. 2 bath horn. on penln•ula .... ~ 10me Otta.Ji vtew. Attractively fumiahed. Fireplace. 2 car pr- qa.. .$&,000 down. '\ BAT Bf:A,CH at •lrffi.end makes thil old•r ""'tare ldtaJ tor va· Balboa Realty Co. eaUon or year round Urine. 100 I:. Balboa '.8191:1., f&lboa FOR SA.Lit 011 RENT-5 rm. cot· lq'e tn C.Orona. del Mar 6n ocelU!: aide of h!rhway. Pbont SYca- more 3-1T4t or 8Tc&more 2·0340 or write 133 No. Hill, P&iadena. 11..t 16caUon on 11-J. ~1'11- llng new Ma an t'1tCelltftt buy. 1110 all·. tt., hwd. nbdra. FIL\ 4 ~ ~. $MOO down. ALSO on. pe:llillu1&-2 :yn. old, 3 bed.rm, % bath unfum. home on fOxlOO lot. Large enclosed patio. Compl~t• electric kitchen with ittove. dithwuher, reh'i •. A prbap dtapoaal, J car pr. Full priee Ul,000. Plutertd fnlt'rior, fireplace, llv· Harbor 153 inJl'09M. dining l'<lOm, 2 bdrm• .. I---------'----- --l. BALBOA-Jl'urn. 1 bedrm. older houao, cJol. to bey beub. R I Zone-$9600. ON BALBOA BL VD.-8 bedm1. home tn R.S zone only $9$00. Bubnolt -paJIDODI. • bunk room, p..rage. J'urniahed.. $10,llOO. BALBOA POINT PENINSULA Attraettw., modem .2 btdroom bonie. l'irepla«, enc:J. patio: Many nice fe:ature1. Be aure to aee tb.1a! 114,000. CLOSE To BAY J'RONT- Charmin.g I bdnn. home, trpl, T , V. rm. and 8·ROOM OUl:sT COTI'AGE. BeauuluJ pAUo - lttea and tlowua.. • Completely lllsti-f-for princy. o tt. lot lltUST BE SD:N To 111: DUPLEX-a-to -po. 50 ft. APPll.flc:ufEDt $14,60o, trom bay, complml)' tudlshed. • · -.., • =...ttO.TGO or will -. $4000 South Coast Realty "MulUpla ~Aoll .. lleelton" TRlPLllX • -.. ft<>llt->A J-' 1111:1 1itai.. "4t., la_-. Har. 2034 bedrm. 2 b&tb apt.. a t 1 -..n.. "Niaf Pa..uloa"' 1 b&tlo a,l and a ttilltlo apt. ----------1 IDs lood -~ IW,liOO WlllUT DOWN f'A~. Open Pm-haJ*Uob I f UliliS 16 a.a11 ....._ -.._ $ah-I""•-._ &.Hiua-. ·' •UJ •• ..... ........ • -.... ...., • -1· ~ -Iii••.,,. ... ._ m Via Jr.tipe, UM JIMe .. ,.... . .., .... ,, .. -. .. -OOPJmt.,. UDO~ ··ya i t>r at I 119 • d H' IJdllt8I . · Cout~eo: •antL .... ,, ,.... •. ~ . • lctl Nwpt. Heights $9250 -------$11,500 2 B. R. with G. 1. loan of '58oo. Are you tlnd of 30 ft. lotl? Beacon Hill Realtv Payable 541 mo. <<;!, tnteNOt. Le. Do yau long fo" rooin to CM NeW]>ort Blvd. (Near ArcJ!'e.1 fenced yard. Attractive block. d Phone Beacon 6713-R Clooe to achools. Owner occtl-throw out yaur chest an . . pied. Sbo'wn alter a p. m. ere take a deep breath of 111 llodenL Beacon ~U-J. 8p12 freah air! Good Buys in cDM Balboa Penn. Point . . -2121 Ocean Blvd. Open Sunday 2 to 11 or will llhow by appoinbnent Tllea -up "' thla charm. ranch • BEDRM8 " sum nil. -t ,460 l>ome °" IOO ft. tronU,.O at I !IEDRK. tnune fllri1 --10,TR 861 B. 18111 SL, In the NewpG<t I ,llEDllX ...-m paUo ~ lf;oot Beipto district. Drive 'liito Ult t m:mtlt 110 b&Ula. cem'8t c1r1 .. w•Y •. L1tn4d wttli ,t.......i -.. .,..;;-·---lf,,Tst babY po.Ima and und°er U,e ¥inf I Bl!IDID( t I bdtul apt -1...,. c6•e&d C&rJi9l't that IHds to i JlllDllM'. f lmn. apt, to ft. ' ACITID1NTlC CAPlll pc>D, 1 yMP . old'-;::'~ ll .... an~ comer ---"'----~-1'-~''otMy ·I bdrmo plu. large ~ a Ir ftGm tM I Bi:ol\¥8 .A den, ..... • ' • I~-· -1!1111 .. -.u.I 1. b!k. f!onl -comll. -.... -· -~ . t'='" ., • ... ----·· .. ,._ llar&w Jl'flltg room. 4lljliWl • """'"' -• ':' ._ * UN1T i--"'""' u.11o Dtnlni' room. ~ -• .:..S~utroOm.toxSOSun-.... a ~ .,.n-i•'>" W Etni!r Smith RetJ~ dklt. J'ct't!t!I air~~t __ ~l _, ..., a..los UM ~ ~:J-·-~-,._ ,..'....,_ -·--· otri>etlon-and ......_..,, -.. _ -.. ~ .tlo.fll -~ ~ --... ,_.,..,.. "T" -~ r ...._..._ ·.----. ,,,.. _., cMt. *~ ,,,_ -~ -.;._. Ptic*IPri-to .ii .. -~ -, ~· ......... ,..,,_.,~..,... ,. : ~ .._ Wal & ~w 1Uialt6r . ..._ .. • ) " ,,..;,;.;.• •n IC.,...,. k, ••, · --1t•tt•a.illlllat.. · BJi:A\AA'I BAY ~ J1kW J.isi.W -Cilll JIM; · tlela ....... tcaAl•W. •n .. . 'id . . _,,., ... ......, ......... , BY OWM&a -····-... MP •• . -*t. -a11 I' • ='=-to 49'150 CQrw..4-1.Jllf ~ It -s,;:: Cl4 !'!"~U"'l'~ ... (lfi ..-. ~ tt rs•'* •• .. - Upll I'. & ' • • • • • • . • ~~.c.s.- \IDO •.t.lllT With SALLIE Jlae&rthurf • : • It hai' beea uld that u uplo- llive beglUlng will aaaani the writer of the !Mder's laterest to the very ud f Sboold l'fJlllly have started with ''Let Georg.. Do lt'1 _ or ''Susie'• Comer" eanlM on . . . or If you happen to trip 'Iver a . diamond wrist wateh pl-take ft. to George at the lnforma.. tloa delk. Such was the case of Mrs. C. L. Mattison of Laguna Beach two Saturday's ago ... When she found her dia- mond wrist. .watch had flown the coop . . . 1he naturally reported it to the Police De- partment ... who traced her tracks · that Saturday with a fine tooth comb . . . AA a last ~rt ahe came here . . , ''Do you have a diamond wrUit watch•" a a i d • h e. I "My husband gave it to me . In 1930 ... He joined all the husbands who want to see what is going on in the next world three years ago . . . That watch is the most ch'\r- l!lhed possession -1 have." Thanks to Ma.x_ Donner . . . we bad the watch . . . He kicked it with bis foot on the floor of the Pr<lduce Depart- ment ... Thanks Mr. Don- ner for looking down . . . George also doea other things beside& keeping track of lo8t wallets, car k•y• U.d wrist -khes. .. He cubes cheeks . . . even on Sunday . . . calla taxi cabs . . . renbl floor wax- en . . . Redeem• retumed- bottles . . . Even know& the names of some good baby sitters . . . and a eouple of flahlng boats ... you might charter for a day'1 fishing •. .' One thing ,George. doesn't do ... and that's to tell the · Irids "not to look at the fun- ny books" . . . .But another thing he doe11 do . . . is try to keep the racks clear of any tunny book• that con- . contain pages that have been licked by little fingers . . . Germs you ltnow . . . A . nurse It seems . . . told George all about them . . . Always pick one off the bot- tom of the stack, will you? Funny books do other things besides being funny ... Now lo funny book form ... you can read your child euch Clasaics as Moby Dick . . . Rip Van Winkle ... Kidnap- ped . . . Gulliver'• Travels and 'even the OdyBBey. • Mapalneo ! "Acnythlng that'• new . . . we get ... wo al9o take oubocriptlon• aad sell u many u 2SOO co~ a month of our poc- ket 9ditloo book!!," take it from Georg• • . . You'll rmd anything yon want from Forever Amber to the latest rules on Canaata Aa long as we're delving in the "classics" . . . What about Copper Tooling, Lamp- ahades, Ceramics, Painting• . . . All these arts may be learned at the Women's club most any afternoon in Costa Mesa . . . And the cake that's being sold in our Bak- ery thia week will help the Friday Afternoon Club in a •mall way to make the above- mentioned lessons poasible It's a Chocolate Malted Mille cake as baked from Mrs. Sam Kinafather's recipe ... Wouldn't it be nice to' have aomebody around the bowie all the time that really knew how to fix a leaky faucet? Next week a truly "dlf. ferent'' cake will be fea- tured • • • Gold• Angel food with a whipped enam iclllg •.•• The "Clob~ rep,_ted ... The New- port Barbor Ullioa mgh Pl'A. Don't forget the Commu- nity Players will prelleDt "The Philadelphia Story" ••• a comedy in ,3 ac:ta , • . at Oran Cout· Collep April ' 2$, ~ 28 . • . You all re- mem'bOr the movie ..tth Jama stewart and Kath"f" lne Hepbum ••• Van IWlln took .f-Stftvt'•' JllMe In the orlsfnal ;N-~od: lltap Jllay • • • Kary Kath-' erUle kid'nn ... oar local promil' 7 t ellild .act.-will be the emter e.f attr-.:tioll • • I UeJleta &re ......... at lllehard'• Udo )IU'bt, Nft"*' •• oho CallfGlllla. ' ' • • -. • ' ' • -· H•iter C1r12111u1ity • Pr111nt . .. -• ' .... '-T ''THE PHll.ADELPHl;4. STORY'' By PHIL BARRY A Comedy In 3 acta with Mary' Katherine Andrews, ' local promt.inr &Ctr.a AprR 26°27°27 OralMJe CMlt C1M1t1 \ .. . s~~l · _·· . B:ABY ·W-EK · .. ·VALUES ·' . ~ .. t Qaalil)' lleals · · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ' Here'• a feut 'tor hDll&')' Uttle moutba--OoclJeoi .of delicious .aotrltl...). foods to aaU.fy tiny t11mml.. and all at rilley-day low, .low prices tlla* keep yoiu aavlnp '1owfpg. Aad buay mothers find real eonTI!lllenoe In oelediag from our ...,.t variety· of qoallty fOocls for every ac-whether &by'• od a .formula • , •. or chopped fooda ••• or a meat aad potatoes •Wwart. So whether Y.,., can bout of one, or a doan little Olle8, t.be aavlnp yon ptb- er here will be IOllletbhlg else to brag abouL .. , -.. -' GERBER8 STRAINED tr CHOPPED K!!AJ, GO.l,l)'OONCENTRATED LEM(),'< AND Featlll'llHJ M•1111illt'i l1tf, Ille Fl11Mt OIMwhl•ltl1 BABY FOOD ., -97' · ORANGE BASE 2 : 25c lrldcjfwds Swe1tft1ert MA.Nl'o'INGS BEEF whole or half ROUN-D STEAK _ .... 95c SWISS S1EAK ____ .a. 93c MA...VNINOS BEEF SHORT RIBS ....... .. 33c CESTl'!R CUT LL4.N POllll . LOIN CHOPS . .. 77c EITHER :ENb A> Cut PORK LOIN ROASTS ........ 47c • CUDAHY'S GOLD OOIN SLICED BACON :..47c ' LAJIOll, FANCY, IUVJ:R-XAVSU ORANGES ..... 5 k 2tt. cliliAGE~.::.~ _ ......... ~ 3c swu:r. ,JfilCl' FROM ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT 8 ~ 35c soi)o, IUPI:. nNE FOR !ILICING TOMATOES z •••••••••• 1~ 23c 'G'. & 'No. 1 NEW Cit-OP WllJTZ ROSI: · POTATOES .. ? •• 5 k 19c Delicate•••• • •••••••••••••••••••• I WE FEATURE A COMPLETE ASSORTMeNl OF WER QUALITY LUHCljEON MEATS • LUEB'8 QUALITY PIMENTO LOAF .. .... ..... .. . ................. ~ 11; FRESH UVER SAUSAGE ... ...~ 45; cu:A1IY 8BABP CHEDDAR CHEESE -......... : ................ It+ BORDE!'>"S O;\''EN UADl' , BISCUITS ~-· --· ........... 2-29; . lllLW•'llllD -· ~ERS YEAST ---.--..:~ 4tf • . ..................... . STORE HOURS.:. , ~ . .,,..... . · .. -. :&vDY .DA.Y 811T ...m.t.1' 1,:81.A.M. ...... .. • JIJQDA.Y -l'AMll·Y. Min: ' .......... l:lt ..... .. • ["" ................. ~=-==·,,=· ~-(All .. -....... ~. 11>1• El '@ . . ......, __ • • c SWIFTS 8TllA.Uiii:-:t::D or C80PPl::D MA.itTU-"'ELU"S PUBE llt. BABY MEATS . caa 19' APPLE .. JUICE ..... HoL 21~ RABY CEREAL SUN8111NE NEW I PACK PABLUM ~-••"••r" ~I OL •• ,. 23' SODA CRACKERS 1~~ 25' • SEE WHAT 25• WILL IUY M J B THE PERFECT BLENDED• CASE SWAYNE APPLE. SAUCE .......... 11 ... 2125; OASE SWAYNI: PINEAPPLE It COFFEE pollnd • can GRAPEFllUIT JUICE CASE 8WAYml GRAPEFRUIT A ORANGE JUICE 11 .. 2125• 11 ... GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2125; iiiQuiCK 39· CASE SWAYNE C'ASE 8WAl'NE GREEN LIMA BEANS ............. 11 ... 2125; C &: H PURE CANE GRANULATED llBRY OADDIJN SWEET PEAS __ ? ..... 11 0L 2125 ; DAINTY IUX :,SVGAB , 10 p0und bCKJ FRUIT COCKTAIL .... 2125; . 1 001~~usm:o PJN-"PPLE_:·············-· ·-2125• I I I 8wtrr'll Pl:ANUT • IUTTIR _ 1:: 25; --•1zz* MAIGA1t1'.1 'W •,:.212'.t c• .. "'•I' CHOW MEIN .nu. •a.booms Ne CHOW KEL"I NOOIR..&a le • Both for St¢ Niltlets-. MEXICO IN ···-------SPAM . . .. . . . ' .. TllUUDAY -BLDEBERRY MUFFINS 4 ,.; 23 ' POTATO QlAZED DONUTS -.. 4 ... 19; FIDDA'f CllOOOIArE . - ·MARSHMALLOW IOLLI..-. 43' IOYSENBERIY PIES ~ 57; 1 f FUDGE T.OP PIE . · J. 51• 1.ftGIC Allliorn:d . CO,FfEJ .~11~.::-~z-·----7---t ~1~-.. TM'l'lme IUTTERSCOTCH PAmES 1'7e vu.a • c.uo ......... 1t; ~ GnmAA titAYONNAISI Pint 3t¢ Swift'• ltrwel SHORTENING Pound paekap 2t¢ Cl'"'" .... 271 SOAP J:()\\'DEB --··zpq. c....... 2125• BABO ·····················-···can Fo• C ........ J 12¢ BORAX P.OWDER .... to-o..1 81"""" 15; y, 27' CWROX qL pl Duh No. L 1 /tJ; DOG FOOD ............. CUI laa U WllM Ch.,_ :Soodleo 19; CHINNU)~"l ···········-·JI OL ~":'~ ... :'~~•s"•zo lkL 17; ' ..,, ,, ' . BOTH FOlt 18¢ WMlll lllPPLY LAITI . BltM 17; BAJ(ED BEA.i.~S _ ..... lJ OL Vaa Calppo No. tY, 19; POBC4B£A.,."'"8 ........ ait Libby Sweet Mlxed or ::i~r.::"'t .~.r .••-1.2;. .. 28• ~ Old Sou....,rn 25; CORN BREAD MIX .. 141-oL S'aUoaal Klee Week Oacle Bea'• Conv~ 19¢ L GRAIN RICE ····---lks. • ~~ ~~·~7,,,,-. 21 • :;;'.;';' ·-~~----········11-n. 25 ; .SNOWCROP OONCSl>"Tll.&TED ·. ORANGf . JUICE _ .. ~ .. 2 ! 25c . DllJlKJOlL P1lb&X nBiili , STRAWBERRIES ······-······?! 33c l'.DllY- BABY 'UMAS ~ ......... r,.: __ r, ... ~ 31c iGEiiiLES. ___ zz·-·-·-r! .»: . BUID8El'Jt ,, t~ ~ I : BROCColl~mARS ~ .. : 2lc ll!IMOll ~y 20...., . _:SHBI"'_.-. .. 75c: .... . • • .- HIALTK FOODS DIPT .. ~ . ~ --_ ... -.00. imNuftoN,s ' ·~-.,,, ....... ~ "ll1•· YI 11r-. U..: L111er''. , , •