HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-16 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• . I. I • • .. \ .aR BAY AND SHOPPING NIWS . . -.. ~ .. -.. -... ---- -PUBLISHED AT 2!1l.BAUlo4 .Jl(tUU:VA.&D 1 Nt: .. PQRT BEACH, CA.LU'OltNJA. Tl:LEPRONF.; HABBOJI 1811 • ' ' •· By MARGO .. BJ:ITER DR.AW FAST. CO"·POdl! .A.TOAi: J B~ YE WIT ON!: OP' KY DOZEN CAN· NON-BARRELED. SAWED -OIT SHOOTING IRON BE"·Bl!:E SNIPERS!" The speaker la a •talwart, handeome ma.n with ama.lgum hair a.nd a platinum horse. idol of a million cblldrm and 2 mlllion manufacturer•. Th• 9Celle la a lurtd pac• out or the old Weat cowboya. JndJa.n..t, a.nd toH- cloMd mortg&l'e• ... Curloualy enoueh, the hero'• name i& Hopalonl' Cauidy, and the whole Uvely affair i. color-em bolMd on durable plaatfc f:lniab. linOieum. AU I can aay t., tt wu bound to ~P"' pen! Hoppy hu been everywhere elN! Now don't rlddJe m. with buck-1hot, mothen! Be ., kindly u to lay down your holater1 oa the ranch house floor, and l'Y continue. The CoutlilNt now-eo..-. Co. ha• HOPALO:SG CASSIDY LINOLEUM RUGS for chlldnn'e dena, hide-out• and l&irL The• unfortunately come "in all m .... A. h.12 la only lt•.96. When yqu deli(ht 90me ·Uttle buckaroo or' baby burtk.-hoUM queen with one of theM rup.. you c•t a twl lencth portrait of Cauldy and a Cautdy Button, ud may you all lin happy ever alter. Coutllne Floor Coverinc i. at 18tll and Newport Ave., Coata Meaa.. Phone Beacon 5251-J. •• • • QUIT rr ~ CIN<>ERELLA! QUrr KlCKINO THAT PUMPKJN A..."iD STEP OVER HERE FbR YOUR GODMOTK&R'S ADVJCE ... Don't take chance• with that *next 1llpper tit! Se• Mr. Harry Bar- ber of Barb.r'~ Bootery! He'a bffn fltt!Jil' allpptn fer 40 year1. and hu aent thou.sand• of merry feet down life '• htpway. Now ' . . you don't have to stand tippy-toed to aee that Barber'• famUy shoe at.or. i• .tocked with men. women and children'• toot-app&nl for every oecut-on ! Sum.mer Sandal• Cd cuua.Ja are runninl' foot-leoM OUR APP-OINTMENT AS FRANCHISE DEALERS FOR TELEVISION RECEIVERS •• • I I • \ ~· • ' .. . . .... ... -.. -tllo ....... -.... E J.,., aaouta .... fll DllicTOIY ~ ~ nd, --7--_,.. -..., ..... -, ..... . ..... ne-_ .... --111 .....,... __ ·-1;:~==:::::::::::::::::::~t ,.. -bi liol' -pN ............ W II Al'O ..... ud P,A 'nae t»n aft ••1c1~ wtdc.ll..,. ..a nad 2 ,.,ar otd -.. tr ... ~ 00.'• ..... fW --·•ck olrolllllr aad•lllftJ. _IM..,..eolol1W-YMWtoabolmC1- .. -. Jror tlnJ tan. wonioe aa4 oallora, SI II N.llCl--M.IL ' ,, .... __ _ ..... ) pDiiilllf -. .. _.. ~t1117 lTll, lfoow)O<t A ... , Oqola ¥-OpM ..,W 1,.l!fawpwtBl"fll..Qomla.._ • .. .. ... -•• 1 • ..... .... .~ ....... . . . . . .- CllILllftlCN!.1 ·11'.ANT YOU ALL TO 1111 a B&7 Aft.,.__ STAT Amat 8CHOOi,? N ... wnto Bait.or m,i . ' t.111.1 DM...,.. 200 tlmU Oil~· topiGfi::::========'==~ ' ... wet Ryo Krlop., lloadJ! u.ro ,.., Ti. -I & 19 hu llo&rp 8wlm -tor atrtpllll .. and llnl>lln&'• -. 1-U 'yoan. J.Ay little toad CAA bo outfitted for the ~ Puda!t! Lt.We unoonr c{ri'• l A I •pct. ~ uo VVJ lllool7 mack u4 nautlcally decol'1'tod at p .:IS. lnf&J\t'a IUlt.o. tbo Bofa y.--, -.,.. i1.l9 up. Boy'a tnmlto u .•9 up. Btr -t:r men'a rtuonedont Uld twill trunk• look llk• • barr& at U.U; Bour •Un lbolta an ti.at. At.o 1n the .wtm. .cene=- Kldo Ballo<Ja T....sllJ.rta 'lte-88c. And Ju.t tor lau(ho. you rnlrht ,tve •m• ftlbermaa a er,.tDc ToWel. complete wttA 1n&PJ'Y aayia&I tor th, ~,. I & IL -Jbbo, Ba- e • • BJIJBNARD KAHN 11.D. MON.- S....ta """ . ' ~ opeataa of off'lee ; ......., .. Limited .. -... -Joint; 811fSe1Y ~I JU J..1611 and 1•1111 v. a &onur~; o~ n. · OPTOMETRIST JD; S .. .,. .a,, SIL° 7 , llH W, New .......... If-... ·-· -~ "ICIND HEARTll ARll llOftlC THAN COROm:TS." Thia ·toea- ooa ltpt ln a naushty WOJ'ld lhtwea Jor old people ... Ida&' a DI.Ce bom•. .A fevr elderly per90lll w.ho would like to h&ve 90mti pod comparitona, fiMh ecP •very d&y, maybe eo fllthlnc, take & jJcnlc lunch to tM mouat.alu or eo uplorlnc. I have ju.t talked to MT'I. Chrtltia.n Olllricb. wbo OWn.1 M •J.W.rlment houae ill Corona ,de! I===========~. Mat. SM want.I le llhare her home "1th a few old people who enjoy 11 10me tun. and o\1.Unp bd a fMltnc et beblg wanted. Mrs. Oellrjch t. quick Mi •Plain that thl9 I• not a sleepy old rest home, wher. pt0ple •t and rock all day. Thia 1• a real Jive home complete wtth entertainment and frlendlhipa. 'nlia la not a mercenary situa· tion-90 I thln.k you'll f1nd coett very lholful. Mra. Oellrlch. a reg- istered. nune incidentally, call.a her haven, R.kldf-kel Maaor, C. S. In· watip~It'I located at 5io Iria. Corona del Mar. H&rbor soc».w. • • • ' "TO LOVE ONESJ:LP' IS TH1: BEGINNING OP' A . LIFELONG ltOM.ANCZ:!" · If you can no ~ / lon1'9r look in. the mirror and feel a fine. fi~ './"": ni rapture. then too bad for you! Summer la no time IE SURE • INSURE -11.A.'DaD: ft'.UILS1:_ '-•w OliiillJ --lnl ........ ft. ........... w. Stwirt fOClte G-.U. IN~ JRANCll COl<rt.ou. ]fl/""""1Wm N--ft.&r.H 1117 ...... 1119'. for d1.len.chantme.nt ! But don't blow your top, sirl, orr A. llADWUT! ... _. •• llf&oty 81lop ta hep to the latest trend tn hair ltyllnc! One new-hat.r-cut In particular mJ.rht civ• you that .ought alter 'startled faun' look. Vlrsift.\J. ducribea it u a aort I~==========~ of Wtnced·Wlnd effect. You might achieve thJa Ii by 1tandin1' I day• in a 'Wind -tunnel. but who bu time theM day.a? Better a-o over to K UTB'8 BEAUTY SHOP. HaJrcuU are Sl.26-11.&0. Old tuhioned Hot 00 Sham~ are 11.50. Slit: WALKfi' N BEAUTl' WHO \\'A:L&S out of Ill POIN8ET11.A,OOKONA.. DEL MAB. HA&. !901'. J • • • e KlJG e CARPET e t "PHOLSTE.RJ' CLEANING Geo. M. Grt1ham HARBOR IN-R DO YOU LIKE TO SIT ON YOUft "'ONT PORCH IN A ROCKING CHAIR AND 0088.lP? 80 DO I ! A.I fate would have It. I dta-1~==========='. covered a rockinl' clWr over at Car1y1e'1 Fwraitu" Store in Co8ta l: Me-.. It'• \11\turaiahed, hut attractive and .turdily builL CattyJe'a bu cu.tom made finlahed or ua.thllahed f\lmlture to suJt &ny pune. Som• of the ch.ta and Hollywood headboard• could well crace the boudoir of PnD.ce• Ma.r~t. Or C&rly1e'• can show yoy well made Mr. and Mra. 8 drawer ca..ta ter u low u 134.50. l uw a ••t pine llpOOD rack wi.th planter pe.a ter ·1<1. 7&. WHl!:THBR YOU WANT to tumiah a ~I or tarp hotM, you caa .. ,._ up tie M % on thne modern or proftlldal pi.ee.. You'll find TV table., coffee tablu, dininl' .. ta, pme tables ud MOM: anytllinl'' you need. Couldn't _you U M a LOtTVJmED &CUEN SOM!:PLACE_! CARLYLE'S HA11 them 1.n any number of pan.el• and tnexpen.aive too. CARLYLE'S FURNITURE, 1990 Barbor Blv4.., Coeta Meu.. Bea. t739-W, • • • "I LOATHE lllEIN<I YOU IN THAT GUmN J:YE SHAI)lt, ARMAND. One would thlJ\k you were Kck at Y•W old posiliOD. aa pnmler eroupi.er at Monte Carlo:" me tamted. PlHM! l beg ot you, don't let th la morbid .cen• take place I• yoUl' home! If (~ .. J>acel) • MA 1TRE88J:I\ Boat ..... JlotnN--Tra&len ITN11Ular Sbapee ; BEACON 5NI Coet. ~~ )lattl'M9 Co. 1130 ~·ewport; Blvd. 8HA.RPE~"lNG Fcwris Fixit Shop Mowen. S.•a. blv-. Ete. BEACON 1!5!-J 1190 NP'1-port B. Coeta Meu ·Shoe Bargains · · We otve y.. Jl'lta Wlta. .,.,.... ....wtM Atdl .._ tw ftr.-1 ,_. m..-llOOU:&T '°llrT, LA.UNA f 1111 lritish Cars Mo RI s M. G. •• 111op1ay at RI LEY 8C11YLER MOTORS IOOt 8o. Clout Blvd. 1-a ..... 5 WA~APIRS U New 1Hl P'Mtef'M c.wt.., .. ,,,...., I Dtal'.+wl BOUBS & OilDEN 1110-t BWJ.,ll'ewport ...... 0'5N tiUnS-S-0•1 10 tit 4 RICCJABDi'S SHOE SHOP Sb0f'9 Repaired While You Walt ...A AJt.tatt-.1-dell .. c.r.ct1o1111 • Oritoo~k WOft J OUI MOTIO: Notlli1tt lmponl!Me zt02 Newport Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH WATER HEATERS -Sen ....... ~ /a. /J.JdoU AND WE illRDIALLY INVITE YOU • the ARDMORE bY, J)U MONT • 1&-bich Ufe-Slse picture. PLUMBING Autllorhed Dealer Da,. & Night Bea .. ra TllMS , TO VISIT OUR ' TELITT'ISION SHOWROOM AND SEE TELE\'ISION AT ITS FINEST ON ' THESE SUPERB BI(; SCREEN RECEIVERS Bullt·ill FM radio. Plag·la for reeord player. --------· We Service All Makes of T•levision • LOQE!IT INVENTORY OF TUBDI 4N0PAm . TRIC llA1lll01l AUA .. ~GllllT n:LlllVISION l!ER- • OllO~N. 'l'll1!l Q!ILY J)l:Al~ ftAr II.UN• tiJKll A OOllPLl:2'I!: !!EB-' , ~Jllt.PAllYMSN'I' or· ·-. rMmlllrr ~ ftlell· mj)rs .. na ... Drsr.••'•· ' ' ~ AllD _.ADI or AIO' MAD '1''11-VIUOll' a- tp*tia. lo" low1 " aU Heatwa Pbone Harbor za.u.\V HIDDEKEL MANOR, C. S. • PMTPtTr+t ...... .-ti-.. 'II a81ored .,. Mr ... -~ Oel1rlc.lo * Ut Ino.A ..... Cor-. dol Mar --· 1951 lS.INOB EMERSON~ TY $11!.ts ·. .. . laM•l .. 'TV • :·LUMRR.~wl I~ ,.t' wi CLOH ' OUl·YAID MAY 25tlt -, WMID -.. · Clommo!' DouCIU :nr ..... ,_ .. W. ft. -•P • • Wu NOW ' 11'.l>otty PIM It '1112 l)olal1 ·c. __ _ Kadtty•Red Oldar·-·--···-····--· Oonatructloa. Heart Rdw. uf •4 4d 20.ae Ho ,.. ... ft. U\Oc lleperW.ft. He lie por W. ft. 1ctur Fir Vee Joint llhlplap;lxa -·-.Clear ·~ s1<11n,. ' lie lie ,er·W. n. lxll thiu Jltll Vee Joint Bhlp t.p 31c tie por W. ft. , \Od Novolty Sldlnf --·--· He lie por bd. ft. 1'.No. 1 lied ~-8hlllsloa .-11.:IS H ... per _... Cl.., DF ·~-· 'I '. ti& B·ltlltr. V. G. TltG -·-·-··--28c Uc per lid. ft. . ld B" Btr. V.G. TltG -·-··-···--·H no por ... ft. Clear Oak Ro. 2'' x Random width -70c 6h per W. n. 1 Clear Oak !lo. 1" ,.Random width _ Uc fk por W. ft. ~Clear Philippine Mahopny -····-·--·-De . lie per M. ft. 1i·, •UILDINft MATUIALS '!. Cop.mon Cement ·······---·-·--·-·--.: l .lG Ne..per Mt'.k ! 2.3" Ketal ,,Lath, Black ··········-···-·····-·-• •Tc Uc per yaN l Stucco N'itt1n1r 1 ~x17x3S ,.·-··-·--·-·12.M 10.85 po• roll i Relnforeinr · st.et ···························-···-• 11,. OFF ~ F~datlon ·Bolt.a, Black ~xi -··-·-11~ le ea WAU IOARDS «S-14 • Combed Wood -·--······-· 211<! ~ .-11•" e1yooord ···········-··-·--14 \I• I "'8-11/8" Plyoconl ··········--········---26c '"'8--14" D.F. Plywood So. 18 ···-··--l7c ~ na-a11e Up.eon Boa.rd -·----S1iic . -' th per ... ft. lie per ... ft. IOe per 94111. ft. lfe ........ n. I Y,e IJll. tL · SHIET MET AL PRODUCTS . • &x.lo& Ga.Iv. \Found Ve.nta. .... -·-Mo 28c -. 1. 3'<1' ptcl. RAfi.r Vent& .-Jr=-28c 11'> ... :. HAY~~R! ~~~~ ~!rNV. CO. ;. ! . PbolMl ·Jlalhr IMO i DOmn:;& "°ar • KIMSUL INSll.LA TION w .......... ._.n. sow ~ ,,., ,... ... .ft. 4x6 Ro•gh D. F. Wu Ue ttnnl foot; '.:\'OW lk llaeal foot MakM hftllemi Fenoe Poat '°' 11.it ao..rat SURFACED ROOFING wuuo I :StW S.16 ~ Windows, Doon PAINT U<I llAJIDWAJllC 25°/o -Off A.LL ITEM!! orn:u:n Sl'JllECT TO PRIOll BALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY . - ' DIPORnD IMPORTED 'TRAW,. SLIPPERS "''i!i~ 19' SILK PARASOL ,,;,-98• --·~ 'POUSH ltlMOYEI rec. H• illlO~ .LU 'l'llER WalC:h i Straps . . 39• Sl.00 Valae Cigarette Holder lh , ..... 3• VJ:NYI.ITE...40 - . $WI"' -11!.G 79; WJIISKQ' SHOT GLASSES ALARM CLOCK Bee. U.!8 '1" llOO&WOOD Chocoklte ..AWAFERS .., .... 13; IZA.TllEll • -MEN'S KITS DIPORTED POOKm' •JZE Screwdriver . Dl~H TOWELS • \\'W.' Clip 7• "IUSTll~ MAllY" .SprinldiM Cans 19; .. ll&IN CllE.UI " NO>CEMA. • ' • . 59• Ros• -' ' 11 I• ,, . 'I 'Wl:LCllEll ( MiniatUre Mix ~~ 19; NYLONS QUILTED COTI'()N MITr POT HOLDER 39; PIPE CLEANERS Ber; ISe 131 VICTORIA. Hot Waler lollies Ros· "-IS • '1 611 llODD, . ' Airnwil Stationery Ii 81i iet 8' Z.vdlf • ~ 79; Vaboo n.JI J for J91 DISH CLOTHS lleJ. to... 6 for39¢ Wlll"l'.E &NAMZil"D SAUCE PAN 39• I PA.IR SHOE BAG '1" THYAVALS ' . VIT.uoNS 'l" . "TUlet. ECONOHY. 8~ s511 ... .. Tablet. • I • , 1 i ' - •• , • • ' • • ) -- \. llOWAltD - llAWIS. ' • • . •• ,. • ttAllft 8tlND.t.Y.' 1 "Ma a.cl pa Kelllw lack °" The ~" -JoriO -l'ffo7 JWarido AIM 111'1 ......... c . .., JUot, "BB'nRM INN" • • • • , . ' . • \ ~ • ' • " • • ' • • • ' • • • ~ TM OolttOl'llla DI-on ot J'fllb -~---------------------1 llnd Game openU. th" NatlOn•• J.&rrelt fleet of ocean patrol boat.I med.ta conaervat1on work. • ... • • • . ~ •11cf vote for \ • • ' -AD LJB By MARGO - .,,_ .... ~...,.~ COlht.ITI Dl NNllJ "-ti.JI .. P• 'J'llQPIC.t.L DIUNU ~ fll HI.-..,.,.,.,. TAH ITIAH srnoow ..... 1"Utdlljf ~ . .. for ELEMENTAR.Y BqARD OF EDUCATION" -AUIO- "FoofticJlit Varieties" lllJN., llON. Ol'o':LT Edw. G. ftollluoa "OPERATION X" -AND- 0-Du.r7ea • Gak 8tonn "AL JENNINGS ' OF OKLAHOMA" SAT. L.U'I' 'AY Derta lla7 • -N- "W&;l.AIT OF 'BROADWAY'' . Teeh.alcolor -AIM- "f"AR£WILL TO YESTERDAY'' IUN.-TUE. • Contia. Su.a.. l:IO ''THI THING" ALSO "'Footllcllt ''arietlM• (o.tla_. ,,_ hCo I) 1---....,..=---...::;;:;;::::=::=::== ~ been tortunat• and wt. anoup to prGCUN younelf a onwt aun-4.l"Ulched home by th• eea, be 1U&v• enoup to procuie 90ftlt Sun.Qare\ Shade• from the 8U4e St.op. Sun-Gard 8bade• a.re th' tru.lparent.. clear 'Ylelon plutlc aha.de• th&t tuter out fade--raya. TM .ua ray• that bleach tbe drapu and carpet• and m&k:• you myopic! Sun...Pa.rd Slide• are 1tele.nWlcally proven. to be lt tfmee rnoro etteettva than Jlothlq. Frl&htantnc lm't It! Or inaybo you own a etot• with merChandiM tn the wtlldow. How do I know! Maybe you'R a dtlpt. etore tycoon. Well, you wou.J.dn't be a tycooa it you weren't th.rltty! sun-Ga.rd Shade• protect mdN. trom tJuo.. reacent U1ht.. and 11.inahlne ! The.. pluUc llh&du come tn dark: end light CTffD, amber and pale yellow. They &.l"9 86o a 9qual'9 foot at the Shade Shop. Don't let a.nother eveJl.ln.c 1un. So down! Your old aha.de• never dl.__they jdtt fade away! Slaade Sllop. 114i - FOR REAL · FUN · -. "ZING" DON 'T MISS OUl H:BIHl' SHOW •IW -5 1lU -' TALBERT STADIUM PBEl!J;NTS . Jalopy Races SUNDAT, MAT 20 al lrJ5 .. aw -,. • • • Hmtinaton 11.ich (Jmt ·ott lllPWV II) • ,.,.. Partdar --~ tor-l!,000 DIALS AT I! :SO CAllNm . FL"'"E FUR.""ITVRE MADE IN Olll< OW'< SHOPS FU lNITUlf llFINISHfO ROUSJ: & OAllDEN •11 COAST HWY. NlWl'OIT OPEN NITE~s.w., 11 t. 4 29th St., Newport. Harbor 814. • • • ~ YOU UP AGAINST /4 BL.lNK WALL1 Wen. don't cry on my ~uJdeJ'! rv. told you tim• and time ap.tn. that you lhould buy 10m• -. AlmnlnOJ11 wan TIU.c mm 0ouc1ao Jamu.. Thi• la your econon'\ic mean.a oc ucurllfs brtcl3t ...., wa11t, ~t an sparkling' cl•an and br\)ll&nt with color. ALUIOWALL Is 9Dt1"1y rust.proof and waterproof-c&n.'t be h&nn9d by water, lteam, Jl"'&M or acidL · Thll Tile LI euy to keep cl•&n and ta ruan.nteed not to ehfp, en.ck or pe.l. It You 're plannin• a new home or remodel- tnr yoU?" pr'Qeftt Lean.-To, ·~st, atmpty IN818T on Alwnlnum Wall Ttle. 'nl.en take the money you NV• and l'O to Rodywood Park. COA~"E nDOll WVZ&ING, 18th 6: Newport Ave., Costa -. Baacon 5261..J. -.... . .. I HZRrl A GILT l!:DG!tD INVESTMENT tllat wtll never MU you short! Thi• Is a home tor you plva an Income in the N\ape of a 4 unit apartment buil«inc. The build.inc ta located in a very destr- atlt neil'hbOrhood, but within walking dlstanc. of llllJboa"s shopptnc dist.net. A very few •tepa will put rou at either bay front or ocean llide, and theft • a vtew of both. The 2 •tory •pa.rtment It.elf ha.a t.hrff, l-bedroom apu., and one bup Uil l'ATATE 2-bedroom l.ffalr. There art two ta..rre patio• . in back. Thia .wem. like a natural for a •ml-retired couple, or &n)'· bod;,• who ttalizea the poulbllitle• ln a btl' hunk of bulldinl' anti lota of earth tor $30,000 (wit.1' terms to sultJ. Inquire turther ot Sally or llm Newlta. John BUJ'1lham Real E«ate, &07 J:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbor ll07. • • • "YOU DtPPU!:SSARIO, YOU! YOU 8VEN- u·DRIV£ CRUISERS OALI'" I cried. Harry Ktn~1ton wu bent ovv &n early lilft bath tub maklnr bathinl' ROW BOATS • LIYE BAIT UUto out ot oomo ratlltr homely Chuckle· • OUTBOARDS a. member• ot an old Ptock Cod dyauty. d • TACKLE You ju.t never know what you'r. rotnr to • Small Boat lnto when. you walk lnto the 8a1'll6e ~t:ldllc Kirt! You e&n. u.ua.uy walk Into J"ru) E L l I s B 0 A T R E N T A L s lluttoni tllo' Franlt •• tile ehy-<yed. ple .... t Utt.le rea.n wbo MU.r you 'the divine crac.Dd ... o...t IDW'Q' Newport ~h Ph. Harbor 1316 eru, tft• abalone .tub and Other dellaatAi ~~~~~A~T~SO~U~T~R~El~ND~;O~F~BA~Y~S~R~O~RE~B~Jl;JDG~~E~~;;;;;;~ dMllMfla of the deep. Mr. Buttora h.u ~ TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) pletely replaced Uli• A.ne:Mnt Jhrttler. Frank ha.a been & fiahermu, and in the n~ buaio-one 'Nay or another tor 40 ye&ra or mon right in Newport Beach! Frank hM undoubtedly caugbt. told or losL btl"rer and better f\ai'l than any on• of you! Beaidu Jtnowtna all about ftsh. Fra.n.k mpeaka • or I Janrua,-•• includinc Tap.Jot'. Better learn to like flab. Ute'• Jll9..ni, ra.cey and aa1ty 1 DA "1"8 A \\'EEK a.t tlle Bay1Jde l1M Mkt., 2800 t.tayette, Newport, 8 &. m.-e:ao p. m.. CJ 112• ...... ., ft.Ne ()ft-· 0-lo ·-~ -Jllutok S • • • 4361na DriY1 Harbor 1171.J I'M FOREVER STUMBLING OVER t11e .. Car Ht..1.1.. els C ..._, Mar books that are titled ''Eat A: Be Jolly," "Eat A: OM "lf,....ft -Ol'ona _, Be Thin," "Eat .. Be Darnejl." 1:»• one tllat rully ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~I fuclnate1 tho' i11 the one c&Ued "You Are What f You Eat!" Which la fine with me u I have FUN OPEN AERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY BALBOA atnady deelded to be a. COCOANUT MACAROON from the Newport Bakery. By aJ'leer 41111"9nce, I have worked my way up to becomlnl' the chJef lab. technician or thl• Batter Parlor. I teat every- thing they make there. L&"-week I wu Cookie Teater. I atamped aJI the cookle1 "Dl!l..ICIOUS" . . . The ~ooolate Chip, Butterscotch. Fruit Bara. 8upr, Dutch Almond. Great Gobbli(\J and only 30c a dos. And the RUNian (lt you'll pardon the erpt'ftaion) Rye a.nd PumpenUckel bnada u.d the 100% \wheat loaf wfll ma.ke~you Eat & Be HaP.,y. OpN 1 dQ'a • wttk. .. 2'"1:\\"PORT BAUJtl', 2112 Ocean Front, Newport. B.,.. • bor 14-42-R • • • HOW TO L!:AD A DOUBLE LIFE ON DAYLIGHT SA VlNGI ~==::::===================ii ··• OR BEAUTY AND THE 8UOOrr. A.lex Colman. th• tngq,loua 1 Fabrtc..Cator bu de•trned eorne 8euon In The 8un dreue.s t.laat lure warm (la.noes by day or night. The .i ... 1..ee Sport Sbop hu Gilt Colman creation in the popular •ummer whJte Pfoolay wtth guahl.n• aklrt, overcut With bright noraJ pattern.a. The tklrt ta only $11 .N,_ with matchlnl', aleeveleas bloy.e at S4.96. Then then'• Glamour • tore ant'! &fter dl.Q.ner in the bon~ buttllne, poHlhed cotton 1un d1'UI tn 90Hd ·VJolet, Kelley, or Plum. The• pollthed «em• can »e worn with strap& or vei-y decoUet• ... budpt tagced at 114.96. An• other St4D up or Downer la ln fioraJ chlnta at $14.96. Qlld younelf ln one or lheae lovellea. Then watch out tor ench&nted da,,. aact Like to Hear a Good 9uaa tet? REAB TRI: SO. CALIF. BIBLE OOUZGE lllALE QUARTET at tlle ASSEMIL Y OF GOD CHURCH !56' W. OCEAN FKO:l>'T °'··-..._ Ma 2....._ 11 ~1 eveninp! JO.LEI: SPORT SHti>P, lSSS Newport Ave., Co.ta M'esa. -...... y, y vm at. a.m._ : p.m. • • • RE\·. T. A. KESSEL, DEAN, WILL ER ROW'8 YOUR TA8TJC. BUD! Don't bo down at tM moutlll U\•, DANIEL PECO'l'A. Put.or H.,.. •• a way to perlr up your p&iacreaa! M'exlcu. food. contrary to popalar optlUaD '8 Mt • ?Mrch&n\'• t be.U alarm Oii a hot blOlf !~~~~~~~";,-:~~~~~;;;;;;,;;;;;;~~~~~l~ate. It'• delf.pttnny •eild food that ll ditferent! But a ..,.. ot war;u.nr from an old addict. . Once you cultivate 'a tute for tM Me.xtcan dtnnen at CASA. DON CAR.LOB. you'U be Uytn.c" to pow taro weed under cover bl your own back yard. But rather thaa rtU • ahametUI denOUlllltftl, cu?ti~ tllbi etot-eric tute hi tta natunJ 1*bttat. A unall bi.tro, ClNll and atmoapherlc . . • it y..a Dining Room opeo fl :JO AM. to I P .M. doily :loood Suncl.Yt .... WO.,. "•• o,,; ~ zl•• - IMlif flllw.llOHG, ,-~ • oaJo7 ooA flcllla, a -· and a mild mellow Clow from La -·· tncl:ill&dl4 tr\IO!u &114 ollill nu-Prl<>u .,. ot th• quick l- -i.r 'tno. loll -1184 ft'• ruulto .,.. Hotel lleforma-IQI , ~ ~ea. 0.. Oall1I. lU-2Jn4 at.. Newport. Bar. ~ . • • • • • YARDAGE • • • Loc:•LBu1ine11 M•n .for I 0 Y 111•r1 FllOll 39' ,. 1u~ RUSTINA •• 90¢ yd. . """" '" ' Father of four Children ' ' I I Squ•r• • Yllft ~ HI NIW HUT PERC ... LES 44¢ yd. • ... c-t llhraJ'. r...-' I ,.,._. ,..:.....,... • UOOMHEAD'S ~ '-"" tor •:1 wsttr• 1 , ll . NOW OPEN CH~N'S HUT ANNEX • YARDAGE tll eo..t ., ... ooaoNA.. DEL llAlt ··re-.~-­ '.I o• u.e Pier -...... .. !,cATALINA 18L.t.lm • • ii ~f THIS FAITH WE LIVE ., I Ou1t. ASSOCIATION _is,. /~JloU11hip of h111111111 IHingi for h11-'f. IHi"fl-~ 1xist for tlH ((},,,,,,_ ""'"• fo,. thoSI wh1> wont «0nomizt, 11,,tl SllW. ~ t#rt """dlon i11 hllhih of S1111i11g, J'7ISIHs fa- Sllvini, and 111trrh4ndikn of bo"'ntutls i11 bth4Jf of fatnilia witbo111 bo111A " • OUR FAITH ' . \ ' WE BELIEVE ;,, Savi11gs ;11nd I.Ad,, ASJ«illlioa lis lnsti"'tiotu for 111ftty •/ 111vi11is, ''°"'oli"" of thrift, prott•tio1t of ((Jpital, anti 1slllblishtnn11 of bomn. • -f h WE BELIEVE in tht SIZ"flity of tht ho,,,t, ;,, ,,,, sl11rtly palriotis111 ,,,,tt,.;,,g ,,, a hot11t, ,,, ,,,. right of tvery family to' tarn and own a ho1111, 11nd thlll 1h1111pre1111 llsl of 1111 A.uori11tion ;, tlH #11#111#'1 of its "?'ft«i• U.Ubi111 tbrift INlfill 11111/ 11111/ii•/••ili• illllllUn i• A..,.. thro11gk i11wst111111I in homa • WI BEUEvi /1 Stiflhlp~nd l.Ad11 AU«llltion is /1 p11blic lnnt, tbdt llll /11 /ti lmlict"" lrw#HI fo,. otbm, 1111d thlll coitstnl lo any l1sstr swvk1 tb1111p11bli&11r11ic1 is" 11ioliltio11 of Mr tnul. "' .. " WE BELIEVE th41 carefi,f! appr11iklls, so11nd i11W11mtnh,. crmseNltlliw Jiviji,,,Js, 11mpk ~ 11nJ 11Japt11tio11 of pOJicy to cba,,ging sori11J nttds art f11nda111tnlal lo f11/fillmt•I of ollf' sttW11rtlsbip .as 11 SatJf ,,gs 1111d l.Adn Assoeuuion. · ( ' WE BELIEVE that 111ftty of wlli1111 ls tht first respqnsibility o/ 11 S11vings ;.,,J /.Ad11 Auoekltio11, that in•oml and diflitkntls llrt u•ondary, 11ntl tblll llllJ tlisb11n1m111l 1Jf f111Ui.s 1xrtpt fo,. 111fa in•omt or tht wt/f11rt of llUl#blf'I and tht comm11nity is intkfmsib/1. WE BELIEVE the Assori11tion th11t str111s best, 11nd tht b.,tsl ~ lll«tll, ho/tis ho110,. abofll gain; chtrishts tqual t!hiciU slant/4,.ds in b11si,,tss 111•tl ~ lif1; Mf.IPJ1 and mttls its responsibilities rq its co111-11ity; rnp,cts its s/Ni,.eholtkn, ill l#l~S. tUUl itstlfi g11itks 11,,J 11dllises ill ,,,,,,,,,,,., ulflmly; J>rollm 1b11N in the profits of tlirift; it' rr..ts tht1ll ;,, oW#tNbip of 1h1i,. ho111ts; is f11ir with bomwtn, patient with tkli"f"'nh, b11t 11111tr 111gl1ctf11/ of J11ty: SIN/IS 1111,,,,,, witbo111 bitu of rtlipn,,,. "'"'.,. pliiJ!a; is llol #lo1luJ ~ lltllhitio11for i11j1.- o,. l11S1 for poW1r, is noth411ttd by ctns11rt nor H.pt by Jrtli#: is 1111 ~" j /nulu•ity, •11d of anti for the ptopk of todlzy ;,, tbt U11iud Sllltu of to"4y. • OUR PLEDGE • To this faith wt tktlit~tt 011mlvtt """ 011,. ~Uiliow. 111 tlHs {llith wt Stf"fll i#lla ,,,,,,_ r By it,wt Jiw. I ' I . NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL , I SA VIN~S A~D LOAN .t.\~~Q~J.!M'flON • • ' • • ' ' .. • • • . ' • • • • . ... ' .. .. • • • • Mrs; • .,fT.O H•rriion rs Guild Hostess 1.· I ' • • • • ' ' eon.,. ·c1e1 Kar -odlool ~ ~plld.ntt Koada7 &t Ille-., Ot -Kn. l'nd ~ 112 ~ ' •-· with 1115 momt.u. -t. , ~ to. .... ttml»S ..... ' ')(n: .ll&rfty -&Del Kn. --neUl J:lunt.· 1 J)>r ""' procram Kn. ft&¥mond Barwy tti'l'iewed lb,e cbapter on • lAah and Ra.cbel, hotn Womea ot , ta Bibi•. Tha 111Ut in•ttnr will be on W~Nday, Mly J3 wha omeu1. of the su:ikt Will be in:· Nlled JolnUy with ~ of C&-• pfua clrcle. ' • 2-lAYEI MAK otOCOLATI CAKE i-... , .. _, • ... T9" 008TA MESA .nDI N-i>Ori Blvd. -CORONA. DF..X. MAR Ml CoM& m111wa7 LAGUNA JIJ'.ACR 111 rorwa A neue 8uperl&tJve Dry CIMal.or LIDO CLEA.NJ;R8 '61 l\'t1wpor1 BJ\·d. • COSTA KESA -~tt&-.1 \Ve operate our ..,. plamt: U Bour Emerpn<"y ' Plumblnc • l1p.1l'1 Alliaf .+l•iti C.ortr1ct w~• LI~ Pfumbinc Co1tta Mesa . RUGS CA;;~TINO S.1 O•• l1tt• Ml1ctlo11 of l1111p.111i.,.. l 11q1 •.,d C1rpefi...,. ~r1n 111d Hemp 1q111r... for "''"'"''' llom11 HOl'SE .t GAROES ••<> C'O&At mway. l'ri·~v.,,ort Ol'EN NlftS-SuM11y JI "" 4 ·wr.taYER SALE . DELUiE FIBRE·. 5-pass. Cars ... $10.95 3~pass. Cars ... 6.95 I All •••• .,,~ e P~CT Fli'JtNG e 5-pass .. Cars ... $19.95 3-pass. Cars ...... 12;95 ' · Maay Patteraa to Select Jo'rom NOW THE SMITHS ARE FIVE! Here you · see the Smiths in, t96<r. They ha~e three children now, two boys and a baby girl, and what'• more, they've just bought a home1 They . made ,the down payment W!th their Savinga and we're going to help them finance the rest with our home loan. Won't you let us guide the financial future of your family? DRIVE CAREFULL y .:_ •. ALERT TODAY, ALIVE TOMORROW! NEWPiJR.T MIJlrU FEDERAL SAVINGS ' e._;Ai&l4..1'9.4. ... e,·•t1•r,.. . P.A.PALlll•"-.PUllDPIT • · JJll Yio/.Mo•lltw. 8'#/t•C.lifomi& J1~~CA ··FR_EE fREE -·_.FREE llllD WAY _i .WU N DA WE E • , $~. SCATTER RUGS AN A,..,~ . Some one who visitlr our . , ' '"fl'l'f!'~ -store between May 17th and MATIUSS Mi.y 31st, and registen his or her name: will receive on.e of the following : UA ... LOW~ $79.~ 1st Prize , . \ . -~ 9x 12 Wunde Wf!'l(e Ru~ Retail Value-$1Z9.t5 . 2nd Prize· ' • o A 4xo Wunda V:/.•v,• ~ug Retail Value ·L .$2'J.,.,5 " .... ~q~ ... -~­-~,, . • 'IADS mid . CUSHIOt{S Trim your -U..d ~· ooeta by takinr advantage of th.e out- otandinr buya. They're the 1potli1ht fea(u..,. in the puade of ' values Safeway ii otferinr now. Check them for itemo you want to . ~ llll ' . i ·< l .. DIOJI .EMERSON · ' . ' TY $179.95 . ' La ·Molle, TY A. Oppoollo .,.._ V08TA. XZSA ,.11&4. -· • PAINT u:JIO~ J!'ROK ~g • Al\"DQ1JEll llOAT8 llTaiPPED SftAM • <JL&ANTSO ' BZPINlllllINO ~--1':~ ·. iiielude on your 1boppincliot. Tben,oome to Safeway ... and aavel IHZEllH# lir4s Eye Pus ':.-:· 1,. Otuee Juice ,~:.:ol<d =· 17• Or1nae Juice =· ': 21• .. . -,,,,,, '· ·'" Fresli BrW. ~ B• ':: 20" 0Mr1. Wrioht'1. Sl1Ced. Whitt 0t ....+i.ot . CAllED 111-1 =:i 2 :: llUCOI · UBGIBDIE ... CllCB CllE -MIX 1 :.; 32° • WlllM • .,.w... aplc:e, .. doo!Mudqo. 11111 add liquid. ... -bab. • • l41r11riu · ~~~ •. 2s• • Mlnnlllde ~~ '°:" 22• LDCB MElT · ~!.-:~ POii Ir BEDS :: 2 i:: 35° '· Weldl PreSerYet-· ·~· 25• Excellool fer qul<k ll>eola ••• _ .. i.oat. _... .. CHEESE ·FOOD • p,,,.opp14, Chitfry °' O..,ry ..... . . . . ' To~ sure of toptqua)ily JM•ll. properly trimrMd, a td 10 ~·k of ftayor , yet, priced rx.tra low •• , shop i: the m.eaf ttttion of your Saf, ... ·1y. m ..... ,_ Briok•I with I I d · CODED . /B )ollld Curo. Dolldo.a So"od Hot « Cold Ila. Pou . 8' OlST Wholofrook Plcuica. 390 Cul from Shoulder Iii. · Eaalonl cp..ra W ·por1i. !lull cul. Jb, 49cl S Soloct Eastem. SP IBEBIB r.:..:.!! ~-~~.y. ··aa•ans ·_ .~:.~:;=. SLICED BACON Cra~A. 11)·en. 55c Popular br1ndt.. · •· '. , Grade B. fa,·ers... 43c Popular brind!. .. .. Ski1less Wieaers Somc-rwt. "" y11o. Lundi Meat SPICED. la piitc:t: °' ,Jicrd. Fillet of Cod . Bo.wk-Mo al1 Hady t• C'(IOk.. l·IL 53c: ... Rath BlaekWPk" ~.._32c Jn Sealed p•cklf'r. .. . Swi (t Prrmiu.m or 1 ... &3CI Wilson Vrti~ed.._ ... . ~~.~~fl'.~~ ..•. f3c: un'''''u JeUy Drops •s= s.;:· tc 6um Drops ...... .., ~· 21• C-llocol1le Drops ::.; ~· 25 Manlunillows 'i'"::; ~:.· 27" Excellent foT Nndwiches , or lo uw in cooking. . B"'-brand. 2 .... as• Spe-cial prict! .... Van Ztt brand. ?~ 79• Arcal\'•luc! -..-. . lillK E,111 nUI ... 11,E '" T•UE 1'11lU M1<1ro11i r,·~·c,\~ •:,;:.· 1,. Wekll 6r1pe Jaice ~ 37• Meat aa4s ... ~~.~~VY I:;:· 39-Mly1111111ise -:;' ,,. 4:." 13• . r • ...il•leS Von Comp'o IS--. 1"" HI• No11.1rol Pock ff• u- (hUm Sllmo•~~;'.5~~~-31• Dried Beel 2.=· 29-•;::· 53• ltftltodr. btond, 1llotd. 6rapefr1il Juice = ~=-· 2,. Swnt...-..dO#noturol.1Swttt.18-oz ., 12c; Notutol, 18-oz .. I Jri Nu Mode, flOYOr whipped. ( l/J •pint, 27cl · Silo Dressing i;.· 3,. oJct.s.. btond. tQuort, 67c 'fl·ptnt. 24cl Mirlde Wlllp °'::,~ ~ 3,. Modr by Kroft. IQuort. 67c; ~·Pl"t, 24cl FRUiT . . GRATED TUNA . . 'mr . . • Torpedo. Li~h• ....... HL ''3' o COCaTAIL For Mndwichct. • CM l. . --Hostew. Delisht brand. , -------------------"Fort•tht"ul.a,:,dHKrt&. PINEAPPU JUICE · 1~· Ii•; -.:'" 29• Libby. Dole or Del Monte. I 12-oz. lOcl l::L 13• . '11111 ,,. ,.u· P•~ Mi1 ~, ~ 30C •to ........... t6c:J1>-•.boo. ,..,, litcMI. (pft ffHr . ·::-95•. For hotr'9 boic:in8. ''·.Ml. SOc: J:, ••. 2.19, .. lu<enetft ,_! =-19!c HoTcgtnir.ed. t~f-90tio.., ·Sic) · -kl Crtul ' , 5se' 2 .:=. 35c <••"Ml• ~ 2.:: 26• • • ' " I . . . I • .. I • • • • • • • . . . . - RT IA Y POST AND SHOPPING NEWS ' ..... TASTY LOAF AMERICAN ' 'CHEESE . . 2·LB. 69 . LOAF C· . ou1 · BEST PICKlES WHOLE llOSHlll SWOT . DILLS . 35c • 1·9c . LAllGE 24-0L JAii ; COLORED MARGARINE • • • . "The Sweetest Sp::8ad . · '· Uncl,er the Sun . ·,-La. '"•· , • . : : BT FOODS :-Rial Mayonnaise . . . t Whole Spiced-No. 2i:~an -Heme ~;;~ .'PEACHES . DOWNEY . FARMS GRADE 'A' LARGE . STRICT_LY EGGS o;:;:o•: FdSH · · · • , . ' . "We Spec:iar1Ze in C~urte1y" • • . ... ;~·'f ~ \ N E s & I IQ u 0 R s . . .a11DS IYI! MIXED • 21c I lllDS m IEGOAILES · 1 ::: · .. PEAS . · · ------· --· 12-. ..... ;ru &2ciiiois · .19c 19~ · . . ~ ... lllDS IYI CUT COii • . ' . • • ' . . . . . - • • SWIFTS or WILSON'S Sliced BACON l-l~~:l~ t ~I ----:------"-----=::::......,..:. :.;:.\. ..:_1 .. ·J=RESH '!ORK ·. St.EAK I -.. . ALL .. iliERICAI " :··. FAii· "flESH · • • . tlE·TT:UCE · · i~~: . '. . CELERY . ' . '. . • FllESH ClllSI' . cruUFtOWER c lb . . -......... .... ..-.. ·--"'""" ................. __._..... .. .. .... ... -.... .. :=..· . f Wji; (ORN: 61orZS1 • ~ -' c I-• • ' ' ' • • • •• I • -. . ' .' ·Mlito·· · · : . . ! . . Here's PIOOF we're ke11l11 D.QC ~ -· S --. ' • ,- f C NI CS ' ·For that Bar·B·9 Occasion ~ S'ARE RIBS . . . , . !'R'o 1 U. AVERAGE ) PLATE IOILIN~ B·EEF ' FOR THAT IUDGIT DINNIR • BROUGHT TO YOU DAILY! • ·'Red Hot' Special! Kentucky Wonder · -Green Beans Sillcl Ripe : ·Tomatoes SYRUP - iiiAPEFiU11 101or25e 12.oz. 23c CAN .... -- ...... T • • . DIXIE PURE . · Strawberry -Pre5erves LarcJe JAR ·. Fe.O·D :· • "We ·Specialize .. in Courtesy'.' . . -. ' . ' 23 [, l!!TTY CIOCKll'S "12 hi 1~ MIX 39 ·" ~-.~'f·. · c: '~ s l·s o ·u 1e1· ...... -~:=~ c:-= ' .. * RED HOT . 'SP'ECIALS ·'.*' . . ~ ~-i~~~ SJJDS::·, APP"LE SAUCE ~1=, YOUR CHOICE .· . I :-. ~ • : • ' :t • . . • • ' . . . ' ' • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • P!\OZ I llil-U, 11511· i.1111:eort ....... POft _., .. Ul'fiNG ~ .,. "' .•. ~~.~ WHEN YOU WANT· TO IUt SEU.. EMPLOY. OR •. Sanitary Districts Surpriself With Two IUt In New low· Construction Costs · Six CraslieS · . ' . Deopll• ri&ldng coot. In~ work, Orone• County Dt... Two ~ •-'aupuy In· lllct cllnctorw wt week ,..,,, amUed to !Ind that ln!lldd ol belnlf JuNCI .. wwolt ond aeddenla b>- lhart' ol !llltdo lh•ro lo ellbUsb money aftUable to llulJd tho """'""' ialJtd ala la Ille ~-rt llffch ., · ··~-.,.._ At I p. m. 8un4oJ al the -plan ot llnglnHr Yb\ton Bacoo and Ult .. 01 lo ....... out ud ol 0onna dol X., on IJ1e WI'!! two ,_n elapood •Inn Orange county . ...,tero •Jlll""'ed • Cout Blcbway a rour ca• pile-up Jl,038,000 WA'tt bond t.uue, ~ f'dUl~ tn au tnJund knee and trtct dlrecton wen apptelM.ulve ..ace the COit wtth a...U.ble head bru.J.ae for Grant Bolcanb, that a cuneilt ml!'ft,J' ot propoled ftmda. he estimated. Jr., Butb&nk. driver of one of th• Iii: and woWd tum a 'J!he tund deflclt.. in District I car9 lnvolved tn the acdden.L ;:r tnll: : up (Colt.a Mual amou:nted to 541,· lf91coznb'• wt..re and tbree em.all Bot 1:zi =~ Headrnaod. Ftt--304 but ce:rtaln 'tnOdltlc&tJona chUdHn Wt.re badly shaken up In ~ Cerroll& f Pboenia could brt.n.a' the work tn llne with the c:nuh, and the front end of hiJt ~ ::d Bani.Ion :r.d wooief available runm. together Witb ear wu rre-U~ dama(ed. Bl.II car of Santa Ana, after etUdylnl Ba~ supple.muting 1tate tunda. ran into the b&ck of a ear drtvm con'• aln'tye IJl&de lower uU~ The enginttrirll{ report ahowed by Ruuell P. Grtmee. of Downey. m•tae 1n five' of tlMI districtl and the ft:t1lowinl' variation• from the In turn Grimes' car piled lnto tbe hlib•:-fi~rffl ln two othe.ra.. The Bacop report: :r>i.t l (Sant& Anal rear .ot a car operated by 1beo- d lf•e ce wu a sue 4.0l ..,,...,..1UL savin.r of $101,2t6; Dtat. 2 (north dor• J. Sourble.r, Norwlllk whlch " ren ' -~r Oran•e county) Avtns of $21,357 : rammed the ttar' of a car piloted In wmmarisins th• new n-Dist. S (west county) AYinl' ot by Tbomu D, Anl'ela, Bell. port. l:n.xinffr Carrolla aid the $'9.328: Di•t. 5 (N~rt Beach t The can had ~n ato-pped for abort.a&• in District 11 {Hu.nUn1· savinr of $104.,370: D\At. a (Coeta lb• Poppy Ave. tra.fflc •lgnal ton ~a.ch) o( $71,995 under Ba-J(eaal AViJ\I' ot $3,381: Dial. 11 when the C"ruh occur~. con'• eetimatea wu explained by (Hunti.D.gton Beach\ lost of $71,· Jam~ !", K~thly, a pauen.J'er the fact that the earlier JU~Y 995. lJl a car operated by l'r&nk J . 'wu hued on a 36-tnch trunk line. On recommf'ndaUon of their u-Hf'nninJ', N . Hollywooa rttelved a At that tlme Diatrlct f. (Sea1 'f'CUtive C'ommlttee, director• a~ cut Im.ff i.'\ ~ a.ccloent "1\lch took ~a.chi wu lncJuded, but later provf'd the enzinttrlnc-report,. au-place at 8:18 p. m. Saturdt.y alao "Withdrew. tori&ed payment. of Sl:SOO for the at the tntenection of Poppy Ave. Changtnr the ltn• would bal-work and lnstruct.ed the enJineen &nd Cout Highway 1J'I Corona del to prooeed wtth pla.N tor modlfl-Mar. The car drlwn by Hennlng INTERIORS .. MOOHN Hd ftOl'IC.Al fUIHIT\IU DIANI • WALL'"'os • LAMPS 'lOOl COVQ:IM&S BOUSE & OAIU>EN cations of th11 sewage work.I. Car-rammed a car o~rated by Her- rola aaJd be believed modtflcation.1 man 0. Stroh, M, of Lon&" Beach "can uve con.slderable monf'y." and bocked fi 1ideway11 tor SO Sah'le ~r Watn tttt acco-rdin« to police reporu. . That the diatric ta a.re conaider-Dl'Ullk Drl\.1Df 611 CO.t.Sl Hl&HWAY HIWPOlf 0,..H HITl~~.y 10 .. 4 IUCON U17 lng P.lngie-o( 1teYterag:e water tn repteni!h the un<Jeriround watrr supply wu discloeed by Chairman Willis H . Warner of the board of su}lerviJlon1, who hu be-en chair- man of the eng!nf'@rlng subcom- mittee. He said the PXecutlvf' com- mittee favored atudy of poMiblt modifications ~o 'i.riclude reclama- Uon tf tt -could be done without additional expen8". Can.servatton-mlnded organlu- tlons of the county have prf'ued for pouible reclamation ot 1tew- erage efflut>nt which which mJght be sunk into the undeground ba- ain u a means of restoring' the lowef'f'd watf'r table• and prevent- ing f\lrthf'r intrusion of ult wa- tf'r into the buin. RATTAN . FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES MADI _. OUI OWN WOlk$NOf!S AND flOM THf PHlllPPJNtl THI .LAllOUT DISPU.T ON THI PAClflC COAST * ,...,.... A... -'Wal c_... s..A S.......,...-' O.wa•-a-... .... -4 Dt.,_ ............ s.-- HOUSE l GARDEN orrc-..... -......... .._nn OPES ~1ilTE8 -st.·~-nAY 10 to' HELEN R. ROBERTSON. M. D. Announces the Openinl" • of Her Office a.t • 174.1 SUPERIOR A VE .. COSTA MESA (Formerly Newport Ave.) ENDOCRINOLOGY AND GYNAECOLOGY • OFFICE PH. BEACON 6508 RES. PH. HARBOR 30&4.-W CUSTOM • MADE FOR A LIMITED TIME ••• WE WILL Custom Slip.Cover a Standard CHAIR for Only $1 00 • Custom Sllp·Cover a Standard SOFA for only $?JO STARTS FRIDAY STANDARD CHAIR STANDARD SOFA HERE IS WHAT YOU DO VWt our store at ,_. and Ma.la Sts. la SMta.Aa&,. IStleet aaltablM faflidr from lMulillredl: ... et Tradittonal, MotM:a M' P>ovllldal patttrao ••. ,prl...i .r.-JI.ti to n.N ,.. ,.-. T"-we take Ol'er. Yntal' ~ "'11 be euj ~ n&&e« ~ ~-"""'1tuno nlfht '• 7""', ..,,. -. •• a.. -.-t._. te _,. MDf to IM!: lllilalliell. ~· _,.... U. em111 -· .u.,...., .... wW .. lloatallOC .. ,..... ~ ....... ... i...tem. : - Henninr wu book<!d on chargf'1' ot drunk driving and h\11 plf'a lit continued untU Thursday May 17. He ha.a postf'd $~ bail No one wu lnjunod, aurprlllng- ly enough, In an accW:lent at 11 :25 a. m. Saturday at the intenectlon or Riverside and Clay Stl., Ne""- port H•lghlA Alf'N"d Stewart. Long ~ach, had stopped N1 car for the •top eign when hiJI vt.>hlcle wa.a hlt In the r1.>ar by a car drtven by G@Orge E. Leatherwood, l'l Meaa Dr., 0Co11ta Mesa. Ste~·art'• car wb hurled rorwa.rd 80 feet by the force of the lmpacL Stewart'• ca.r recel\•ed a bent trank lid, while Leathrrwoocfa vehicle wu padly damaged In the front. At 12 :15 a. m. Sunday, at the corner of ¥nd St. and Newport Blvd., l\'ewport Beach, a car o~­ ratPd by Harold I:. Cue. 27 , of Oxford piled lnto tbe rear or a Vf'hiclf' driven by Jerry D. Jlfar· cheei, 24 , South Gate ~·hlch had been stopped at the Intersection. Gl\'eta Cttat:Son C&1e wa• given a citation f or speed and foUowing two cl°"ely. Hi• c•t wu towed to Ne\\-port Auto Work.a. Clyde K. Bush, Sant.a. Ana. WU cite:d for failure to yield the r ig ht of way a11 a result of an a ccldf'_nt at Cout High\\·ay and A'larlne Ave .• at 11 :35 a. m. Saturday. Buah'11 cu rammed & vehicle drlv- Pn by Roth E . W\f'mer. San Dle,o. l Both can were only allghtly da.m- aC"ed . At 8 :23 p. m . Sunday at the ln· tf'raectlon of ~facArthur Blvd. and Coal!lt Highway, in Corona del ~'far car• driven by RobE'rt S. ~taynard, South Pasadena. and Louia John Sullivan. Laguna Beach, coll:ided. Maynard wu maklng a lert turn north trom Acacia Ave. wt th the green light, police aald. Sullivan pulled out from MaC"Arthur Blvd. with the gref'n light when the accident occurred. According to pollce report.a nf'lthf'r driver aa.w the othf'r car. Both cars Wt> re taken to 8tO\\"..!ra garage. Next Production of Harbor Players 'Night Must Fall' Changing their pace from the light comedy fare &nd the atralght drama, the Newport Harbor Com: munlty Players &re preaentinl' for lhe:lr fourth major production for the 1950-51 season the well knov.1"\ awpenae thriller, "Night 1.Iwil Fall" by Emlyn W illiam.a. Director Marjorif' Wi1Jla.m99n of LAguna Beach aaid. ''Thi• wu a very di!ficult play for me to cut -not becauae of any lack of tal- ent, but rather becauae of the abundance of very fine a.cling abll· ily amons tb1e group at Newport Harbor. The excellent cut for "NIJht MUlt l"all" hu Gertrude-Hom of Corona dd Mar u the lead or 1 Mra. Bra.maon, and Orttn Brook.a ot Newport u the lead ot Danny; Margaret Roosand u OUvia, Vir· IPn.i& Royce .. lln. Terence. Mar- jGrie Statford u Dora.. Bob Wm~ u Hubert, Nancy Andrews u Nur. Libby, and Benny T\unu .... lnapect.or Betmo. ''Night Kmt Fall" Wlll be pre-..m..cs to tbit publlc on June 7th. lltll and tlh at o~ Cou\ Col· leJ• Ollapot Catholic Women· at Deanery Meef.. ... a m .............. .... e'tp& ... M1.U< I • CLASSIFI~ED The Mtghty Mid1111t fii. ~'1 •, ' ' . NEWS-TDmS -Every Taeilday . NEWPOl&T ]JAY ,FOST-Wedn= NEwl'oBT-BALJW'A PBEss-Th ys Newpwt 8u Pelt O·a,,... A.tit_...,_ Ill tM 2\Jss-)1.,...n-ff. ftmNa:r...... . KINDl1llll AD JS ' UNE8 AR C'AIR'tllal ... W$ .. ,.W for ClMla .......... of piblrl'I"• .. 4 u.e. 1 ...,. -•• 75 4 U-j % hPerw 1.50 ' . 4 u... s Papers Z.00 11\e ~ Will not be ruponaibl• tor mM""e than one tncorncl ln.NJ11tm of an actveru.ement, ruene the rl,stlt to (:9tTeCtly clauity any a.nd .ii 114-and to reject any a.c:tvertl.ement not conforming to rule. and rqulatlona. Adv~rtbemtnts and cancellaUan• will bt· accepted up to & p.m. oa th• day prec.dinc publication. Ph. Har. lilt Piao• Har. lilt. &&II tor .. Ad TU.~ OI' NOi ad Md remlttuot Co N'EWPO&T Btall()a PUBUIUJNO CO. tttl 8&1bo9 IUYd., JYnrport llMdl.. Ol.llfonti&. OOlllPl.aTll BOUD CL&AlmfG -· hnlltun ........ &ulspooed. W"rw ..u-et• htq- Al'rt House IE Rug Cleaning Co. _ ••oae em Tltfc For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free e•timatee Ph. Har 88-i 514, 29th st. Newport Beach ll-Bun.DINO 8DVIC'ES H .H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Rf'palr Service Maln.talned. Phone: Harbor 1418-W '2801 Ba.1boa Blvd., Ne\\'J>Ort Beach Wise people do read the ada. INTERIOR -:C:X: I iliUOR PAINTING. LICENSED ·.::-~SURE> Glenn Johnston 501 • Slit St. N...,..rt Beach H&rtlor 2297 -J UcU PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1615 Santa. Ana. Ave., Coata Meaa Phone Bea.con M04. DON K. BUTIS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 6406-W 17lfc CALL Christian Oellrich f9r exclual.ve wall decorating ,.... ,. apply all wall coverings 520 lRlS, Corona del Mar Harbor 3009.w 14c19H PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN na P111m.,. st.. boeta - Bea. ~7-M t<dl Sympson & N ollar P AlNTING & DECO RA TING "The Beet Money Can Buy" 512 -38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2t04. l3tfc REP AIRING and PAINTING Reuonable. Large or 1mall jobll. r:'ree estimate._ W&.lker. 108 18th SL, NwpL Beach. Har. 2Ml-R HAULING Any kind. trash or? WALKER. 11)8..18th St., !'lewport. H. 2Mt·R Alcohollca Anonymoua Write P. 0 . Box 205 llol-lalan<I. CaU!. Piion• .Klmberty 8-llll93 Patio Furniture PAINTED Phone Beacon 6451· W Ucl2H !!-LOST &ND FOUND LOST-One culturfll pearl drop ear rt:n.s. , Tbunaar evminf, Kay 3rd at Balboa Tacbt Club -probably Mar prum. -or 1D pa•ldnc lot. SenUm..,tal -· ·l'bon. Barbor lilt daya, ot (Harbqr 1414.J ..... , lltf U-L08T AND FOUND LOST -Small J'T'een rf'Ugiou.e (C8l pamphlet JVith cUpptnr attaC'bed ln ec near Vincent'• Lido Drug .11tore Wed. eve., May 9, Reward. Pleue phone Harbor 7M·W after t:30 p.1TL ·tl-lllTU AJ'ION8 WANTED WOMAN ex~rienced \\•ould lik• day Work, CLi:ANING -AOO .. houW~ope.ntnp." Anne Pet- kuM. 350 Avocado. Coata Meaa. Beacon 891t-W. 19c21 LADY wanl.11 hou.aework by the day or hour.· Experif'nced. Cap- able. Ha\•' tranaportat1on. 2604 W . Ne!]k>rt Blvd., Apt. i . 19p21 G. I. COLLEGE STUDEI'li"T wanU job tor 1ummer on boat. Can do navigatia1. radio, mt>Ch. Pleue write K . E:. Mear1, 6~3 Mala- bar St., Huntington Park, Calif. 19p24. I CAN HELP YOU . Cai)able Buaine88 Man Available 1ntl"r~atf'd in locating in M>Ulh Orange County Cout area. Age 38. Unlvf'rait)' rraduatf'. For· mer operating exKutlve or one o! nation'• large.st corpora.lions. now a&lf''1 manag'r snallf'r flrm. Thoroughly trained and experi- Pnced In perlOftllel, lnduatria I and public Tf'latloru: 1&le1, pro- duction, accountlnc. office pro· ce<ture, f'lc. Will travel. ln· terf'sted ln any rPuonable prop- o!ition where ablUt)" counta a.nd opportunity exista. .Ftnelllt ref- f'rf'nCf'l!. Good health. Intf'rview at your convenience. Call Klm- bt.>rly 3. 7302, or wrtte P. O. Box 41a. Santa Ana. 20p21 !t-RELP \\' . .\..lllri'TED BOAT BUILDER or f'Xperienced wood wOrker for boat shop. Bf'acon 6289-M d&ya. Harbor 173:5-M evenlng•. 20c21 AID MOTRER-Gi!n 'I howework. Uvf' In. Privatf' room A: bath, under "· $100 mo. Har. 0380. lflp21 EXPERIENCED w a. It r f' a a. Apply Th• Snack Sbop, ~619 Coa.at Highway, Co.- rona del Mar. 20c22 SALES OR office work -Bui:l- ness administration training. 5 day11 or part time. Write Box Tl, thllll papf'r. 20p22 EXPEJtlENCED car hopa -wait- re&Sf'• and dtahwa.aher. DWIGHT'S DRIVE Th"N, at HI- way 101 and 39, near Huntln~­ ton Beach. 20c22 AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION Ma· chinlatl: wante<J at once -&11 Bh.ltU. Capable le.rd man tor 3rd 11hlft. Ofnee OJM'n Saturday and Sunday. 630 W . 17th St .. Coat• Mesa. · 19c21 SALESMAN WANTED Man or woman for outside work to foUow up leads in Coata Mf'sa and Hetl'hta area. Good opportunity for one witb ability to 11ell Teal esta~. N. B. C. REALTY Co. 3118 Newport Blvd. WANTED 20<22 Male &11d female appUca.nt.8 for medi.cal &nd commarcia1 posl- Uona now available ln Coata Meaa and Hart.or Area. Medical-Commercial Agency (Formerly Amer. Med. Agency) 318 Spurgeon Bldg. SANTA ANA Klmberly 3-8241 Auto Mechanic Experieoced 20c21H Top Pali. -Permanent r,.ota ot wcirk ~ Repladog 1f¥ Avencinl $400.00 . ~ • 'Uoa "p.;._1'1,.,;;RI~ PGd :Vaca -r ....,.--.....,...._ . ' HARRISON Pontiae Co • ' ..... ,, . .,.,. '910 B.UlBOR BLVD. Colt&. Me.ea. Phone Beacon e224-R Se:wing Machines New .8\nl'er• portable •... Qt.50 up New Slng"r• conaole .... $1.U.50 up Aa low u $23.19 down and $5.21 per month. . WE REPAIR ALL >lAKES fsEWJNG >lACBlNEB AU nlakea cleaned ... -...... -....... $( .50 All Blnl'•r• cleaned ............ -.. 13.50 Above include• cleaning, beutn1 -and tenaion adjwltment. Plck·up. and ~livery FREE! , SINGER SEWING CENTER 305'W. 5th KI 2·3'45 Santa Ana •11ec. u. s .Pat. ort b7S&T. Mfir.Co. HcH TABLE ToP GAS srovk, cloak, la.mp, etc. 64. Balboa Coves, Nf'l'P°rt Beach. 19p21 PHILCO 7 cu. ft. REFRIGERA- TOR -Uaed 2 we"ks, aacrt- fice, $150. Phone Harbor l,.34.2 . 20c22 SALE! Used Refriger:;ators. . All in A-1 CObdition O'Keete &: Merritt, 7 cu. ft . . ................ .$ "9.9:5 Cold.spot DeLwtf', 8 c:u. fl..... ········-· .. ······-125.00 Servel 6 cu. ft .................... 129.9:5 to-DAY GUARAr<.l'EE STROOT'S TeWinkle Hardware Beacon ~222 1802 Newport Blvd., Costa Meu. 2-0dl Jl-llPTT@EHOLD r.ooas Buy your Home Freezer. I NOW HERE ia the sf'aaon of barg&lns In berries, fruit, fillh, e:tc. -Be thrifty -f'njoy the con\•enience of your own home frener ! ' BENDlX Automatic wuher.4 r~ conditionf'd ·······-······ BARGAIN Ea.sy Whirldry portable wuhlng ma.chine --·-············-·· ......... $34..50 Philco 10'' table model TV aut0f?1atlc tuning tonf' con- .trot. 1 A ttrac. modem la tic mahogany cabinet ... _, ...... $89.95 EZ Term11 12~" Blonde Con.ale 'J'V - I $179.95 Keep In toucl'I with us for good buyal ln TV aeta beirlg traded In- ' WEBSTER witt rttorder for dic- tatiop, "tc. Complete with ex- lr& ~irf', foot control &nd car- rying ca.se. SACRinCE -An exceDent buy! EASY TERMS ARRANGED DAVIS~BROWN Co. i'35 HARBOR BLVD. ' COSTA MF.SA 'Phone Beacon 6821 FURN1TURlt -Auortment of ta£1ea1, chain, 9 x 1~ rug, etc. Veryi inrxpenalve. Phone Har· bor ;1142 or call Satul"day or Sunday. 1803 E. Qa.y Front. Balboa. 20c22 S~~ FINISHED WaJnut Dbl. bed, 'Simmons box springs and lnnenpring mattrea. ,xtnt con· di ti on. $50. I 708 w . Ocean Fr., NewPort Beach. Barbor 14.M-W. I 20p22 D~i'l"·s new·location 187 HARBOR Blvd. .. .., O'SIDD PIANOS trom NO .lJP. ~ Good playing condlllan. DANZ. • l!CIDIIDT, S20 N. Main.. liaata Ana, cor. Ith. LOV!:L Y MEDIUM 81Z1!: uprlgl)t pianq, ln pt'rfect condition. Temb $22.&' down and $8.50 per -mo. NEW Maytag Wubu Sto; child' SHAFER MUSIC, CO. (Bmcil wardrobe che1t $10; 2 Mon~ 1907), 421 N. Sycamore, Sant& chaln $3 e:a. Rqper n.nce. flO. ·Ana. Klmberly l-0672. 17Uo Phone: Beacon 1111.w. 18c20 GRAND PIANO. .Muon end KA.PU: coffee table, end table Ham.Un. Ueed, but • just like • and what•not abelt -_Alao ne\\·. Alao macnlftcent Steln- \amt-uid Hotpolnt ironer. al 7 way at nearly hlJ.f priQe:. )fany Carnation., Corona del Mar. Ha. o.then: Kimball. Kllabe., Hurt> 319$-W. 18c20 mail:. \Vurlit.eer, Cbicke.ring, Bu•h and Lan~. DANZ. BEAtrrlFUL Rdrectoey Table, SCHMIDT ma PIANO STORE. Mild mahogany, aeate 10 com-Santa An.a, 520 N. Kain, cor. fort.ably, 2 be.nc.bd, 2 cha.Ira;. 6th. llf Amef;byat. Av~. Balboa Ial. ------------- 0'Keefe 6: Merritt Stove, 4. TWO WVELY used apin"t pla.no1· burner, oven control, ~3 West· both like new. Big aavtnga. ml.nster. Newport Height11. Temu. 141.62 down a..od $17." 19p21 per month at SHAFER MUSIC \ CO. (Ii.nee 1901), 421 N . Syca· Furniture mo ... Santa AnL •KI. 2.0:;~; • Rattan Kade ln the PhllllptnN and ln our own work ehopa. • wtde choice of fabrica. l.argnt display ln So. Calif. RetlnlahlnC and Reuphola~rinl HOUSE & GARDEN fll Cout Hwy .. Nwi>t.. Bea. mt Uae the New• · Ttmu, Post and PreM • eombtna· t.!On with over 21,500 dr- culaUon. 8UPPLIE8 .(ARTIN 60 Outboard motor with 12 n . boat, $123. See at 117 E . Bay Front. Balboa Ialand. 19c21 Marine Engine Specialist Service at your float or mooring. Pre -aummer tune • up -r'ady your boat tor the coming sea- aon. Custom engine.11 tor runa- boulJI. Phone Har. 19·W. 8c21 BAIT T A.'<KS ,Jutlc b&it tankai, available now. New modem, non corroaive. Or· der yours now. 102 E. 16th St. Biacon 6562 . 19p21 SELL OR TRADE for amall boat. Havf' 36-foot raised deck crutaer framf', re.a.dy for planking, deck and cabin side:a are on. Will givf' or take any difference ln value. Write Box Sl, this paper. 20c22 MAHOGANY 12 fL speed boat. l Speedliner) all hardwood. With Sea King outboard, 12 H. P . motor anti trail'r. Exceptlonal- 1.Y fut. 1640 Newport Blvd., Costa Meas.. 20c'°'2 18 .P'OOT BOAT. 10 hp Evinrudt.>, t-tlaUer, xlnt. cond. S350. Su at 1703 W. Balboa Blvd, Harbor 1750. 20p~2 SAILBOAT -\VANTED TO RENT-Over 18 feet. Experi· enced local resident will take good care of boaL Phone Har- bar 1652-J. 20p22 STAR BOAT BARGAIN, make of· fer. Call OXford tl-2560 or write 3054. Lu 1.1:artu, Puente, Calif. 20p22 ALL EL~C ORGAN. llepos• "'Med. ·)dagnl!lcent tone. For · churclt--'c>r home. Pay out baJ .. ance. Terma. Thia wonderful in· strument Is just like new. DANZ-SCHMIDT Pia.no and Organ Co., 520 N. Ma.in, cor. 6th, Santa Ana. \VILL trade b~and nf'W bea.utl- tul Spinet piano f'Vf'n !or equ- a.l)y good ~ed gr.a.nd piano. IfAr<.'Z·SCHMIDT -PlANO Co., Santa. Ana, 520 N . Main, cor• tner 6th. ' L 0 VE LY STUDIO UPRIGHT piano. Fully guaranteed. Tenna $36.!17 dO\\'l\ and $11 .5') per mo. at SHAFJ:RS MU$IC CO. fSince 1907 ), 421 1', Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kln1berly 2--0672. 17tfc WAl\'TED: 60 pianos. Tra~ in your okl piano on a. Grand Spln• et or beautiful television. Hl(h• e1t cuh allowance, ternaL DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO Co :. cornf'r 6th, 520 No. Mal.n, Santa Ana. SPINET piano, brand new, Slight~ ly damaged in shipment. Now only $395. Smallest •iu. DANZ- BCHMIDT, Santa Anat 520 N1 Maln. 15--l>OGS,CATS,PETS REG. TOT MANCHESTER doga and pupplea at your 01'n price. 526 Bernard, ea.ta Meaa. 18p20 FREE to good home -Thorobred cocker •patiel black ma.le, 5 yrs. old. Well trained. Very' mnart.. Ideal pet tor older people. Bea- con 5846-W. 19c21 40--BUSil\'ESS Opporhulltl• TiiREE TACK.LE &nd Sporting ~ Stol'e1 for aale. Complete lines, good 11tock, desirable lo- catlon.11. excellent c 11 t n t e I e. Evt.>rything up to date. Inven• tory can be trimmed to 1ult buy; er. Ea.ch a profitable ·business v.'ith booka "'available for rigid examination. Hubor 97. 19c21 41-STORES & OFFICES SMALL OFFICE FOR RE1'"T Re:uonably 2826 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch Phone Har. 2.552 or Ha.r. 2~70 SEA BOOKS 11tto A. flne stock of booka Oil &U yacht-f .LARG ___ E_STO __ R_A_G_E_G_ARA __ G_E_o'""r lnC .ubjtctl--Plua all currmt amaU abop. fteovy wiring. Re.- book.a . .,Lendfn&' libr&r)'. eonable rent. Call Ha.r. 3038-J. The Islanders i1>c21 114 Marine. 11&1-Ia. Bu 11147 1------------STORE ABOtrr 30' x 70' on bay Boat Owners and Mechanics For Your SN,AP ON TOOLS Call JOHN KIMBLE ir« Miramar. Balboa -llubor 1087·R 9Bc99h Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals front, 2806 Lafayette Ave. Rent rf'asonable.. Key• at &.y.tde Flab Market, 2800 Lafayette, Newport Beach or Phone L. 6: ~1:. Investment Corp., FBonUer 4-3481. 19c21 STORE BLDG., ~it.able <for .t.ny small bwtne..a, at 1929 Harbor Blvd.. Coat.a Kea.. Phon~ Bea. 11337-J. 20c21 LEASE -New Well li(ht.ed IN- DUSTRIAL BLDG-.. t a c l n ( Newi>ort Blvd. tn Coat.a Mesa. Ample parktns. Phone Beacon aM:r"or Barbol' 3035-J. .20c22 ' • • • • • ' -' . ";'!) ' Ii ' I ' "~. I • ' I . • • ) • ' • • , • • • ' • .. • ·A a ·•••-MTAD am4,11u BLANCHE A. GAT&S, Realtor ,. .,; . •·'" ~ -', · :·->-'!!::::!~~~!!.,_!,_.;...,..~ < CH.:::~~~ L. ~ '°"• Balboa J. MARTIN -IT •. PAJ: I;.OV , MueYon seen:waittnt'! ,: ,.,_ ~.,.. .-,_UloL ~u Karine Ave., laland · to ~· adturt ... °' ov '"'· · iai.e \ >' • •-•-dup!ox.and s Pll. Illar. 18'11·or tm X-. Harbor 'ft6.ll'' . ~i:_!P'l:Cl-WEX· rw·a ftkST ·CLAM,, __ tl6 •tt • A'I'TE1'lTIONCARBUYERS . l:; .. :.""'t~ ... ;"~ BALBOA ISLAND a;IJ!5Yll!Ooifedup. LIDO ~~~.:,._~~ .. :.°!: WE ARE OVERSTOCKED' f1&,ooo cull plua wt ar Im-• JSL1: ~ 1-called the _ ,,.. -'.l'Wo Pl.TIO*~ llulll;io --.. ~ ~RICE REDUCTIONS AS FOLLOWS: f;:..':, ~· et:'~!:; $08,000--eo ft. watAr front, 2 'B. R. film. h-~ -a lliliutlt'lil -._ planta. ·-.; m till• .We Ill -~ ~ '86 CHETROLJl:l' STYLSLINW COUPBI Wu Ueeo N-•Hiii --.... e--"•orth -"' B R. twulah..., "'--OOJsr.1e O.UU.da. h laort If ,... want 'a .MJii/ nay, !level'!) BllJa. CRMb1-t ..-..uuv "'' -Y " · "" ...,..... eommunltly." Hi!ft ....:;. • ,._ '{t CADILLAC 4-<lr. Bed. tully equipped Wu 13296 N-QOll~ MUJ. (Co<lrWy to -l~}.· . ~7,500-70 ft. trqatqe, lfarlne Ave., 8 furn. am.. "'Iii -,._., h-...., • ._ 11.,_ for-only f1•.NO, ..it-.._... ~-tMEA 'U CADILLAC 4-dt. Bed. !U11 equipped Wu ·-Now P06 ·~ ..,,. ,.,... " B ., ,_ pJu.a mnall __ _. 1• •v .._ • ..._ "'"' -will Otll quldl/7.· \ · 'fl CADILLAC ~-<Ir. B<d. tullJ' equlpp<d Wu Sltll! Now'•taes .....,,......_ • "" --•.-~· ala bit Price to tit yout -......... -' •n cm:v. Styl•lln• ep. .. Rtr. " ll&dlo w.. $1505 Now •1uo a pru, ~ft $}2.5oo--2 B. ·It. ~-.Rm. to build another alt. Lo 0 K "t iO'\LA.l'll.d!.i X HADf'I El .J) •u FORD Tudo• 1, H .. i.. ...................... Wu Sllt6 N.,. '1245 LIDO ISLE Jtl:ALTOI\ ~a BUICK Sup .. 4-d•. B<d., Hll' .• Rad. Wu •H96 Now Sl-Co t M L Lov n'w !arr 1 -. 11• Kutna AYenU4 1'11, Barbo• to '41 JUI' STATION WAGON ....... ." ..... _ Wu $11116 Now I 980 8 a esa, •-·u-1 g B. R., ., '-th ho--2 Jo•-•--h.._, ·• I '! '0 CADILLAC T6 '-<11-. Bed. Htr. • Red. Wu $129G Now $1195 East Side -~-~ .,. ~v -..._ ~ .. v _..., °" ~·0 cef\ltHet. Bu m coRoN!A . nE:L M.AR 'U CADILLAC f2 t-d•. B<d. Hyd., H·R Wu $1095 Now Sl0<6 patio. Cabana room with B. •• Q. Elr.ceptional • ~!~ ~pie~-·-·· WELL BUILT J bdrm h~t. Own-valb • .,,.()()() .. JUl't.-f bet.,. "-.... ,,_,. ___..... .. •41 BU!CK Sptti&l 8edanette ········-····-··· Wu S 585 Now S 4~ er teavtnc-muat bt IOld.. '81'00. 1 ..,ao, • hom~ on 50 ft. 'lot. I bedroonui, ATl!t,Ulflyjc 2 ~M: HOME, 1\0 - ocean. 1iootll ot mp.ray. '6' lot. Latp U>ll>( Bum 61111nr-RardWood ftoon, ulluiull 4Inlll( KlRhen ODd be.th irftll tlle. PKICl!i IUlDUClCD f11r Salel MuJUple Uat1!iC 'No. tm ~ .. rBRD Tudor, RadJo A: Heal.tor ···--·-Wu S 336 NOW" 's 295 ALSO 2 batht, unit heat. clever eolor- '40 STL'DI:, Cha.mp, -4-pua. Coupe --·-Wu S 296 Now S 195 2 bdrm home ln Newport :S.a.ch 2 B 1t 2 bath home ..,,_ Unuaual patio •1s ~ inc &nd a wonde:rf'ul BUY at ''0 .OLDS 4-dr. Seden. Radio ................. Wu $ 346 Now I 296 n .. r b&y. SUOO down. . ' ' •~u. ' • •"""· ONL.'.r 124,!500. 'to FORD SU.Uon Weron ....... -............... Wu S 395 Now $ 29~ Ph. Mrs. Sheeley, Bea. 8108-J CORONA DEL .MAR ' S. Bein( buU'->n -le otr .. t The above prlcee for ONE WEEK ONLY >fltll Wm. 11:. ANGOLD, Realtor :i~~ ':;~ c!s:~ ENDING Wedne9day, May 22 B!-"k Termi '615 II:. llalboa J\lvd .. Balllo&' $2,:IOO down payment will buy charming 2 B. R. unit .. t, dlipool~ lars• paUo NEWPORT AUTO SALES Ji.om ... Walled patio, land.leaped. Double pnp. and • MUST nm -·'at Home &nd Income ONI: Bl:DR6oM . rUltteri<e and I bedri>olll a""tiJI PLUS b&cbe!Or apt. llfl'b return on tnvtstmtnt. . 2604 W, Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. Bar. 1407 Newport Heights l. ~~TY '.~,;,~·bedroom, 1 batb Nice % bdrm borne, only ! Y••ra N..,.. deluxe duplex, ,,. block from ocean. 2 B. ll. home 00 SOUTH BA YFRONT loeatton. Price IIS..500, attractive term.. f T'l:ARL Y RENT AL -I bdrm ttoma, on Balboa Pe:nlnauta. pa- tta -tl,ftplace. Call Harbor lM&-M. 20p21 A.TTft.ACTIVE 2 bdrm f'Urnlahed M:r front apt. Private beach. A n.Ilable month ot June &nd Sept. lat on yearly rental. Har. 12et-R. 20<2' &>RoNA DEL MAR-2 bedroom t\ll11iahed bay tront, priv. beach. Summer or year leUf' t Carna- tion Cove) 11~ BaY9\de Place. Coron& del Mar. Ha.r. 0336-R. 20c23 RENTAL y' SPECIALISTS Call ... er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. .. -tol&nd. Har. 20<2 !:lcM CORONA DEL MAR -2 bdrm. tumilhed bay front. prtv. bch.. aunune.r or ynr leue (Cam•· Uon Cove l 11& Bayaide Place. Col'Oh& del Ku. Har. 0338-R. Summer Reservations 14cl9 Udo hie Bay Front un'itA. 1 and 2 b(frma. $70 wttk up. Harbor tMJ, 1Ye1. Har. 2914-M. 17tfc LIDO ISLE Jt ~ want a rental on Jovely LIDO ISLE .ee ue. &-veral good homet available. Alllo apart- meti.ta by week or month. P.A. PALMER INCO'RPOllA TED IS33 Vla Lido Harbor l~ 18tfc ON ~RT ISL.AND -2 bdrm un.turnlahrd.. yearly. Cloa- ed 1n patio. 2-car garage. 412 WE TR.A.DE. FOR THE BEST! '47 CHEV. club .............. $ 993 '47 CHEV. aedan ··········-99&. '49 CHRYS. '8' ~. --1493 '50 PLY. suburban -·-···· 199a '48 FORD conv. ------···-·· 1295 '36 FORD ..a. .............. 195 ·34 FORD Md. ··-·-··--·-127 '37 BUICK Md. ... .......... ~ OPEN TO .8 P. M. SHA VER MOTORS Your DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dir. 1680 Newport Blvd~ Coeta Mua Phone BNcon 8907 1961 PLYMOUTH Suburban Here'• that vacation car, prtctl- cally new. Already broken ln a.nd Mady to roU . Grttn. R&dio. hr&ter. foam CU!ihion1, roor lug- gage carrier and other t>xtru. Owner· 1oin1" overMU. 1 l21M. 3900 Wei:t Ocean Front Drive., Nf'wport Beach. Ph. Har. 1M4-J. 20p22 1947 KAlSER, by owne.r. Any ofter OVf'r $600 COMldt"tNI. Stt at 231 Drittwood Rd.. Shore Cli!f1, or phone Harbor 0494. 20<21 1942 CHRYSLER New Yorker convect1ble coupt-. Radio, nice and clean. l\-1 condition. Pri- vate party. S"700. 204 Onyx Ave. Bal.boa lslAnd. Harbor 2342-J. 20c22 1950 STUDEBAKER business CJ>f". Make oltf'r. Small dov."J\ pay- ment_ Overdrive. tlrE>1 very good. Very low mileage. Har- bor 304. I9p20 191)() PL ''MOUTH Special dt>luxE." club coupe. Radio. Whitrwal\ tireai. 8000 miles. Ont" owner. Save 1450. Owner , Dick \Vard, Lido Park, Ne'fPOrt Beh. 11":21 1940 PACKARD 8 cyJ. t dr. 8t'dan. Good condition. Paint like new. iJ50 cub. Call Ha.r. 63. 19c21 old. Good locatJon. Hwd. noor., each. Fireplacee. Excellent view. Garages, ot LiDo JSLE. l:xcellent loe&· dbl pr.. all boncb paid. lub-ti on ~~ borne you will be proud J'or detaU. can 'Bill Bbulter, Barbor 24~ EARL W. STANLEY; Real;(Yf mlt your t•r!ll& BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR le own. Prlc<d to .. u. · $8950 • I . Su~ •p•cl&J oplc and opan 115 eout Hfct>,,.y corone d•I Mar P!>A . idf;o. wn New 3 B. R .. Home Newport Hetchta. hit ot con- 1tructlon wttb. hWd. noon, fla,-- •tonfl ttttplaot. plate ctua win- dOWI racing the patio. 4 ~ ~ FHA avallabt.. BNt ta the Hei«hta. It.a a beauty. $11,950 • Ocean View Newport HeJght.s. WeU de•t~•d new 3 bdrm home wtth 2 bath.JI. Many qtJaJlty teatun-s wtth bwd. tk>or•. ttreplace. 2 turnacee.. Ex.- «llent !Joor plan. $15,000 Home & Income Real1y an attr&ctive property nr. the new Alpha -Beta, Coat& Me-a. Nlce 2 bdrm home and 1 bdrm JUf'st hou11e tor rental. l 00 rt. frontagf' lot. Rfltwood f'f'nc<Pd, pavf'd patio, 9 fruit tl"ff"• and •prlnkler ayatem. Small houa. I.JI turnllhed. Thi.11 t. a real down-Lo-earth value. $8900 New 3 B. R. Home Bf.11t buy in COllla Me.M. On Broac1way amonir other lovely homi>.s. H~·d. tloor1, Iota ot tllf"· work, dbl. garage, ff'nced yard. Beautttul \\"orkmanahfp thru- out. $11 ,500 Beacon Hill Realty 469 Nf'wport Blvd. j Near Arche•i Phone ~aeon ~713-R Costa Meea The Best Town on Earth TRULY- TWO HOT ONES! Two 'belrm hou. and tncorn.e. Buutltul Jocatton. a.crou atrHt from bay. Room11 ..,. cood aiu.. Not new, but in llJIOd cond. Very nice 1 bdrm pr. apt. Un in one, rent the olbcu;. &wnu mU.lt .. IL JIU.KE OFFER. It you have a family ot eh1J- drm. or vandchlldren, thla la; an ideal IUJT\mer or year-rnd. home. Not ne\lo', but good, with plmty or .s\eepinl" ac· eomodatione. \\'ailed petlo. Mtttway betn.. bay and-ocean. Comp. f\trn. and a 1teAl at •12.600. BAY &nd BEACH REALTY Co. JACK MILLER l!:THEL SHJRU:Y ltlro Balboa Blvd. • GLODEN FAY Harbor 1264 WANTUiCOME ON BALBOA ISLAND? WE HA VE a duplex-2 bedroom• each whi:h we think is the finest income buy Island. 1ld•- ou t'· ~ Priced Under $16,000 But You'll Have to Hurry tor Thia One! LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 2042 Lido Building Sites Bay VI~ lot, 11tr""t to 1trttt, cor- nf'r 52' 8acrlflce tor qluck ule. '8600. Cornn 8~ 1tit1, $1150 down, J40 mo. 4:S ft. Bay Front R-1, Jll.000 30 ft. Bay Front," zcmf'd t or Ul- com~. offer. Open for Inspection Sunday, 2 to 5 o'clock 1{23 West Bay Ave. T'yt-o 1>4nn ewnmer or year round homr. Large llVing-d:lnlng room &11d kitchen. Wood noorw, vene- tian blind•. Completely turnl•h· Pd. Nice rear patio and barbe- cu•. $13,500 Bay & Beach Realty NORTH BA YFRONT home. Top 'locatlon, lqe lot, • bed-l'OOfltl· 8 batha, bar, pier and allp and home .ti fUml!hed for •tttacttve valUe at JM,000-Sl!:!f THt!I. ALSO Some 'ery dulrable lota for ale on ttIDO ISLE. Choice water- fron~ loll for Income units or cto84. atreeta lot. at prtcea wf'll under market. REMEMBER we are the DEVELOPER!S of UDO I.SLE. Y oU will profit by coming to our office. !!ere a little BUYS a LOT. P.A. PALMER IN CORPORA TED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach. C&W'. Harbor l~ VOGEL VALUES in Corona del Mar 1.-12.000 down w1ll •uy thi. tur- n_itqled 1 bedroom borne, ocean 1nde or highway. R -2 ~ne. ROQm to build on rur of' lot wiih unob.-trocled Yle'W of the • harbor, $8.MO. BALBOA ISLA#. 'Most outstanding Bayf~fl~itit ·valu~!!! lT WILL SOON BE IMPO~ to duplicate thil luxurious. home--t B. R., ,, y tiled bathll, servanta quartent. 2 apacious ~, · os, 5-car garage, re-ln!orced concrete conirtru n on choice .corner 60 ft. on hay, fme beach, un r U.00 \>iew. Privatll pier & 45-ft. slip float. r t price makes thia the Y;::ii~~ ~st:F /k n, Realtor Park Ave. at Marine Hllr '~81 Balboa Ialand BALB0A ISL !ND DUPLEX Beautifully !urniahed-nit beat-fairly new con- struction, have the plans. Wond~-~ul income. F. P. ALDRON 808 Marine Avenue · Balboa Island Phoni Harbor 234 • ' •OPEN Quality * Quality Beautitully tumllhed .y BRAND NEW close In I bed.room home. Laree overh•ngihg boxed ea Vea With a part'.lal brick face. Hu indiVidualtty . . • bu a Jot Qf eye aptteal ll'inest workman~ lhip, A matt likable Iarce tlv. room with lot. ot wtndowS and a tttepla.ce. Full alu dinJnC area. AcouaUc pl&.tt.rect_. Edee· ted hwd. floor•. pullman Wed bath. CUpboard •pace galol'e, toreed air beat. We could rp.ve on . • • but why not talti! a look . . . no obllptfon .'Ibt beauty la lhe price of only 1.-Ndw 2 bedroom homt, \'!1!111 of hU!1. Hdwd. floors. Furnace hell. 14 x 21 living room. Ml.1tf'r bedrtn. 11 x 11.fli; 2nd ~room 10.8 z 11. Lota of clateta. Large windoW11. 300 eq. ft. buement. Id.Ml for ruDlpUI room. ,9,960. 4 bdrm, I be. home. tically new MODERN, wil!)' encloeed patio, 2-car gar. Rea tor com- plete livinC", 119,500. 711 OcHn Bl-..1., Bat-. Bar r llt61·M.. Utfc PHONE Harbor is 8 to. ~ your want ad on ~ ~' · WANT Td'. ADE? We have several properties listed for exchange-$10,500 19th SL, Newport &ach.. Har. 1 ___________ _ 1045-M. lttfc Three Xlnt Listings GRmlNL.EAF It ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2~2 "!:xc1uaive Agf'nt 14~ Balboa Blvd. Barbor 1284 3.-An' unu.ual value tn a nearly ne"' ttp'niAhed duplex on cor- ner lot, choice 1oc&Uon. 2 bed- room• each unit. Flag.tone !i~lacea. Unit beat. AU lar~ rodm.a. Colorful tile ln kttch- tnl &: batha. Breakfut noob. Pfetun wtndOW'I. New turnl- lUff and rugs. 21 n. garage, plua laundry. Stucco, lbake A: brklt u.terior. Walled patio. cea.a.r ah1ngle1. ALSO HA VE SEVERAL good buys in business opportunities Summer Rentals Lido ble -t bdrm, 21.! bath. Jg. lot, play yard. S~laJ rate for Ha.on or by month. China Cove -Beautlf'\Jl vtew home. 3 bdrm &nd maid'• room. Overlook.a jetty. a few •t~ to 1:tll!acb. COM Bayt'l'"ont -2 bdrm, prtvate bMch. New, comp.ct. r.uy to ca.re: for. GREENLEAF It ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR IU2 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2552 17ttc LA.ROI: TRAlLE!t tn !owly court S3{» mo. Sm&tl traiJer $22 mo. .A1.o l space avallable. 174.1 Po- mona. Co.ta Mesa.. Pb.. ~aeon 17i7-J. 13tfc 'RENTALS JOHN D. BUR.NHAM • ll07 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Barbor lfl07 BALBOA ISLAND .__ and Apt.a., ~arty or aea- 80bal. See Gan Carney, with NELDA GIBSON R1tAL EST A TE IOI Kutne. Balbaa Ia Bar. M2 eeuc ,------------Jlf OOftONA DEL MAR -CUte IDodirnt. 2 'bed.room hOUlte, rea-...,,a>ft. year lase. Unturn. 'llli'lle..-... ed yard. 1IM Lark- -· Co.rona del Mar. 18c20 ~ROOMS FOR Rl:.~'T FUltNISHED ROOM in Corona del Mar. Priv&tf' entrance anJ bath. Hot plate, $40 mo. Pbon~ Harbor 2892·R. 2<k-22 ROOM FOR RENT -'f'wln bedA .Sl ~ per week u double or $10 per" week u 1tngle. tnclude.11 garage. Lunch~ packeci, meal.Ii optional. 4~ Magnolia, Costa Mesa. 20c21 Small 1 bdrm home. 1tng1f' pr .. 11hade trtt•. lot sil:e 40xt3~. This place need& a little work to get lt In iihaPf', but It.I •till a bar- l'&ln at $3700. \~rlth Only $700 Down A n~ H•ting -Nice 2 bdrm. home, wall-to-wall ca~tin(. dbl. 1a.r., approx. 4 yn. old. Lge. lot. tree1 and ahrube. Price By Owner Ct)URTESY TO BROKERS ' LIDO ISLI: :Z harm. 1: bath, 1 ~ lot., large y.·a.llNI patio. Fur- nlahed. Near club houM: $18.~. ' SHORE CLIFFS ........, Chotce O('ean f'tont lot. ~•r balhlnl' beach.. 120.000. 20<:22 Todays Best Buy in Corona del Mar $8750 Only $1500 Down One apt. now rented at $125 per month. 120.000 turnlahecl Th~ John Vogel Go. 11301 Cbut Hl&'hway, For Further Detau.-811:1: Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 152) Cout ~lvd., Coroiia. del J6r Harbor 2776 LIDO .ISLE -KENT, MISOELLANl:Ot:S TWO CAR GA~GE for rent. 713 Iris. Corona del Mar. Harbor 2892-R. 20c22 On.ly $7500, Terms Phone OWNER, Harbor )4M or ruvenide 2864 tor tntormatton or appointment. 18J21 Beach cottage, 2 blk• from ocea.n. 80-ft. frontage. Extra lot in- cluded.. Room tor expanalon. Need.I a little fixing. ' Corona del 1111.; 3 Bedrooms-2 Baths Beautit\JI t"·o bdnn country home with approx. 1600 aq. rt. plua large gar., work 11hop, ldry rm .. and ~tr• t., bath. Excellent view. 4i acre lot. Price 3 UNITS-$12, 700 SEE HARBOR 17U or HARBOR 1<17 ·Corner-Nr. Best Bch. (Ev~. Harbor 393-M} · · • i11c11 Best Buy on Lido •1-T$1:za.i W Al\'i' TO ~UY older bouaie trailer auttable for uvm, quar· ten tor man. (approx. SlOO) Ph. Har. 1020-W eve& 20t! Only $16,000 1i down G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Associa tea 1790 Newport Blvd. Coeta Meaa. Ph. Bea. 5181 FIVE RM. HOUSE: tW-o 3-room unita and rarare•. on 2 Iota (80xl00) at t2nd and Balboa Blvd., Newport BC!ach. Net. JO~ 17900 hand.In: Phone owt1er, Klrnberly" 3-2070 INCO~ OCEAN FR.ONT -5 un.lo.. Showa &'God return, $48,000. LOANS For Homes BAY FRONT -s unlto. Cholc• l:jEWl'OR'J' HElaHTS -By OWTI· • CONSTRUCTION LOANS . er. Modem 2 b4nn home. Beau.. JocatJon, private beach, Schf'd- tU\11 lntertor, be&me-4 ceUll1ca. ule income over 114,009 year. a~ 5-5\.1, % ,(l4 yn.) big t1r•plac•, many bullt·lna, In-Price $17,000, c<>nolder eo<n• Earl Chamberlain GOO C.OUt Blvd., Corona d"l Ma.r (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 Splenilld Waterfront Home with eeparate incoine unit ON BALBOA ISLAND Owner will tell Or exchang"e tor a 3 bdrm home. Botb. unJta tu,r. n!ahed compl•lt!ly. Priced right at $28,500 ll••o th1a vatlie foda y ! , The Jsl&J>d TWO flNlT DUPLEX. M<h 2 B.-R. I Top Location. You ca:n"t beat thil tor only ' $14,000 J. ~·BEEK OFFICE 8,1\lboa lsl&J>d Ferry WE BUY AND SELL eluding bar. COl'npletely ten~. trade. sE1:~ t~ :i-:;0• '=~~10,800 ~1~~ ~ ~~R ' Island Realty Co. ~ WAIT? a~ COAST BLVD. 1112 Newport Blvtl., R&rbor tM2 Realton-Multiple Listings ~!12~. down bu~ a com· Corona del Mar Har-1077.J Park at Agate, Balboa 11land P1•'f1Y l'llrnlohecl 1 bearo6m Rep. POIRJKR MORTGAGll: co. The 1a1aJ'<i L k" hGme pluo ... .,....ta • bedroom Metro ill• Ina. P'uJldl Kl 3-4118& • 00 1ng ---Barbor ':f17-W rentlll or .JU .. t llouae. !Arr• exc!Wli\>e listing • • GRl'JltNLEAF ,; AJisoc. Bun.DER -l\EALTOR 3U2 Newport Blvd., I1Ar1>M 25$2 Rea:! values in Costa Mesa Full Price $3950 Only 1 \0 ,..... old. l bdrm, tile, . ldtchen and bl.th. Eo.i 814•. II: It TERlolS 100' frontage, Newpt. :Blvd. wllh a bdrm home, new'lf rtno- vatect. ~.ear garage. Will trade -.tOr tncomt ~home. Better .ee tills -10d&y-,-~---------'"-' for a home :iocn -· leundry room and extra LOANS TO BUILD, DIPRO'll7, TWO UNIT DUPLEX, Mdt2B.R. wilb a low down p&ymmt• ha~.' Yant t.....wi uid paftd. t:i,'A. NERESON • Charming & 2 Lob! Oh a be.autlf'ut comer tot in New. port Jfetgf!b With 'an ut" lot. TWo bedroom borrte:. Lot.I of 'troeo tna llhUbbery. o.!ekn -ittw, Hwd. noora. redwood exterior. peUo, 2-ear -prq'e. Let .ua show you a real buy for tht total -,price ot $8500 Phil Sullivan l C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson t90 N•wport Blvd. Pbon~ Beacon 9698 Harbor 31ti7·W or Beacon M6'4 EXTRA SPECIALt BEACH HOMES! NEAlt 'rH1!: IU Y -t B. lt., - rm.. trpl., pr., him. SlO.liOo. OCEAN' FRONT -2 Ill, R. elit. u.ce. •o tt. 1ot. c11o1ce 1oe. a- to Bay. J'Qrn. i10,1IOO'. BAY Front -XlnL lo0atJ011. Ql4. •r t B. R.. SoOd pier. ~.ooo. Balboa Re&.lty Co. Roa a...iey J~ 1w11>11 umu Jll:Adoo . 700 II:. IMlbOo. 111..S. -.. lea BUY, MODll:RNIZlt, Oil Top Loeatlon. CLIFF · ~. ,.to 1"nll~ etc, 't' REPINANCll: I Have Two HA VEN °" 11&....i -eiM "' -· OPSN EVl!:NINOa pON""' BUY Wo Buy Truot Dur Yau caa't be&t th1a fior only _ ...,,-..inc-. :ran prlCo · 1 •• N•sw-ro~RT llU.BQA n:DJCltAL lllat $2000 -wm htlldle. FOUR ~"fO· . )[RA A !'!ft. -• . BA.VlNQB It LOAN ~ $14,000 • Both hn• 2 bclrma IDd prlc:W CHARLES E HART Ka!Ul>le Lll!tlng ~-• Coastal ~ Until am· Via Udo 1'11. JIU. und .. '10,000. Fine H 20 f. ·-~ • 1ta N•wport Blvd., ......... ailoa you .__ -~"""~ APT. TO 8RARll:. Blncl• pl --oma 2 .. s bedrootm. M . Bal..,. 111-..1. Bar. 1428 Pb-·-61li5 j ~-~ y-. r .. a. nl<'9ly 1Um. down .w.. 1fElL ESTATE LOANS J. A. BEEK Oli'F'ICE Ernie Smith, Realto -. . ww Newport -.ii · Co Higbla di' .,.iment.., Pa"'°· An u"1. --~,_Rt.te•~·1'il> __ '"·'bo&Tal·"-t.ioll~~·~OO(jln&Wllu AliloaG:L&-Je . . '°"'~ ,..._ d~:u-__ ' .ronan , ,._ nui,,. ....,w AO po,-.,._ -,__, ..11o __ _, ..,., -·--~-·J ......., bor ..-r Alai> 1'11turnt.bed 2 ~ ,..,,,_ ...vrona e. _. . . ~. ~~~~ .. ~=· =....--~ ~ !': uiiCil ioo~ -* ...._ . I :!"',=>~' ai.. cMt ..-, ""-"-~:_R· 1 ~ btt!i · CHii:{. !f:'~ = fJD ft. lot.I from $3lbt> upn --"°'"" ., ...... , •• llnp!Mo, ---. --.. In ~--c1el ..,__ ...,. • .... 111..n11r. -..-. au.ova Jal•nd Bame · -.~1 •1 it -~.=:., ... ,..:..,,· ... B_. 1roa '11.0DO ,,....,......----,.----r----,..,.,. 1tl0u.lllla•-•· .....--..•-,..... -'-"'IVUA -.., ·-lo-l'!llol •• 11.111.pt. -·~·· VD 09' Peiilow1 Pc\llt buc11. -No..._. tar~ -[--•n.-. 1U1 -,-. • f';:·-:r.. Mt• \o~-..,. patio j.llll,•1t'IW to $JOOOOQ -1a 1*l' .... ~ 1 _,, 'appn1o11. Pbo1ia a.Ma re 1. •nr • 11o11 • -• "'!lWl'I••-.: • ....... . F P. W~ \~·ldt1111• -11· w.. • • t ~ . . ... .&a1a1o.....,.-... _, .-11 ... fto.s d....,.. ._ Ji», A. cwhcl;r, file. a1ii1ra, .... -.--.~ --*~'"!!; .... ~ ·::: ~ :::;:: :::·..,... 1iZ =.u· AM.et. • on. i.AND · : ='.:. N""•~t'r'. .. ::-,.:-::. I ~ ·-* .~~ '!.:~ · . ·:z :;~~::.; ' ~~-~lept. nal:.~Ult~bo ~o:::I!~,':.. IS•wikl111i......,_Oo. ~-Bown ~~ '• · Wr .,,...,.. ifilt ~ · -•a.w 1tttc • -. ._ ":... -.7'& ~ _. •• 1 • ii'n •••Q 'lllllp fDi& L0'1' Q:iiW Q1cc•• cl."'Jfm'· lbri 5't-.,1w...f.. u r: !!! ;t;:::!m!f?!!! ;:-ao. • .,..._ c 111•• • 1 a to~ -'Wlll'Nt't'O riiz,1.1iili I 11 a 't' I ft 11 - .. ~---· 1, .... ,....111 .. P 5 TIE ,.. < - . •. drta at.. c. it ~ "rlir 'lte•;wt ... Colla ._ ..... • -- -1 ,.. oa I Q••• .. AllllC. ••• as -.J • aeL MT~w. a... -o..r, NI catr M. --. •••diaet M • r c n * 11 .._ ....-, -Wl4'0a • ' ~ --wllm ~j 1,.. lllllNW-P' 12 71--IUIJrwtw&-.._a .. --• • • . ,,., • ' -• • • • 'l · I • • ' - • ;"(') • .t. . J:" ~~·~ L -e 0 M A I I l •f Witli SALLIE , ' uw,..--• .nu -• w doll! l'1ll 90t Jdddlw1 • • • the7 love ·-ud I,.. P"""" It •.. Toa -IMt 1eal' la lllay •7 hlllll•4 ud I -t f!shtwr : • . .. • lab of OOCllM9 • • • wbeno •""' Ila :von tl8b lllMay! The finlt night WI &e&red him away .• juat 11w hill tail tumi.DI the comer of the cabin ... but thia wu a nice kittie . . . The next night when we h•rd him ... we opened the door quietly and atood there and watched him tip over the garbage can and have hill f-on potato pee1. lnga, lettuce leavtt, etc .... ao flab bonee! ... The aame with ~ third night . . . The fourth lllsbt w ... took pity Oil him ... ud placed .. bot dog tftat ..... left owr f1om dlllller • • . 1WI ao nu. bo••1 ... • a plate "'" top of the gw- bago eaa .•. He.,._ with bis .mu! prbage caa c•1•ldag . . . and tlli8 time we tuned the fh11ol>ll(bt ... him • . • '11lero Mt Mr. Skunk ca&lar that bot dog jU9t daintily u you Ot" I . . • He eat .,. bis hind lep like a aqulrrol ud bold It batween hill paws . . • Ho looked at • u be albbled • • . Bat do you tblllk he'd ...... that bot dog! No air .•• he ate the wllole works • . . Ro dlda't ban> bniu enough to oany It away Ill bis mouth . . . So be Rayed rl11:ht t"-uatll It """ all gollfl . . . I oald be """ a lliCOl kitty . . . . or -ybe my hll8b.nd and l liavo that "We're kind to dumb IU!(me'o look" . . . Could I~ ha vo been that the hot dog . . . or frankfurter wu a Luer'o ... purchued In Richard'• Delicateoeen ! ... I'd like to make you a bet that Mr. Skunk would have noticed the difference if he'd been prMellted with L dlffer- Mlt kind the next night , . . Now a lot of i-ple don't lmow that LDor'1 m a k 1 ~ b.t lunch meata, ...... ""' hams ..• ' In fact Laer'1 are about the only deftalte S a u 1 a 1 e eo-ea the west .,._t •.. You oarht to -their pacldng b-! YOU CU eat off 'tho floor It's oo clean . . . they 1llM! notblng bot tho f I a o I t atalnldis it.eel t<1 eoc>k ap their oon- ooctlons of beef and pork • • • Tbey are .,....alhita ••• So for yoar nut padl- ace of "jullt-ln-.l..<f<1a't eatch·aay·fllb" bot d e 11 (pardon -bot fruJdar. tero juat d-'t 10 with n.hla') ·-Biber Luer'• for the best Maybe you· might like to take take along oome Gooae Liver, Knackwurst, Meltwurat. Pel" peroni Blood SaUN.ge to vary your diet & little ... Or better yet a . meat loa! that ia made in our own Deli- e&teuen Kitchen . . • A.ad wbeil tho ftehlar'• aD over with ud yOll'Jot -« ... --&l'OUlld tile ~ ..• bow about a cap of lliee bGt tea . . . (walt'll I pt tllia •1ahed tomato eat ol my eye) ••• lt'1 '1aira -GVff lllroe ,._,... to dedde .,. a JIM "' rimhttY fw ... feel are ~I -«h to put ...... i.wi .,. •.. About a -tla ace we ~ de- dded -tile lllq Lille ••• 'l'bere -• ftrielloe "' , lllq'a Imported .... • • • N-.toQ 81D-Ball ••• "a •peril ftlllloa ., .. ,. __ •m1rba wuw aa.u· •.. ms'wahnwot.._., ............... erhllli .................... tblPY .......... • llllFC ...... • • • --..... Et zrae- •t&IFm .. la Sn ' ....... • • • . ·AMES'f ·' QUAtlTY ~ *. , ·•f._• ·1: ·Low PR•crs ,,,,, ,,, SUPER 5PEOALS fftlf Wffl • I J. f . j . l • • ·'"· .... -•.f ~ • ... ,......_..._.....;;.._....;..._.....;~,-----...... ---~ • ~. .. E ,· f 0 • • . M~ -1 1IOt twor W 'l"'ltm l!lc-n••-.i wliJ It :,..,. ..•. ""1 .a yow!* •nill ~ ~ ........ ~-a-t g-.lltJ' ,...... ... ...... ""''"'""-., ..... ~··· ........ ,.....,,~ 1"541 l) el ..... .. mn'w: fftoll. ,......_ ........ cWl7 , ... ·11nnl, 7eii pt..,.. ••Hm7· ... onr ,.e, tllat tsNn _., ,..... • low ,..... ,_,.,, .... ,,.. .... ,,,. -Ute :t:XTU llA VING8 of, wn'kl;r ',nnpttlpeo'*h ~nalt· Inc f1om oar -t.nt 11~•& ,t tll8 wluelnl!I< autieto fer tile beat llnya of.tM wnlr. hop ....., today. You'll 6ld Ito pafl .. W6idnrhli.,•Ylnp GB . your ,..... blll. Y~w MarPrtae la~ • NU COA lb •. .z3- . . 8wltt'• Qa~lity Meats,-~ • SWlrrNINC . 3 ••• 93-FeahlrillCJ Ma1111ilHJ'1 u. s. G•Y .... IMllt Grt1.-. · ,,Choice and Goocl Ifft · CHUC'll BLADE M' CllUCK A&ll BEEF POT ROASTS MA.'fflJNG'8 BEEF , SHORT RIBS ··-··-··-····-A 4~ E ITREX £."'a) (u e•t} UON PORK ROAST .. .~ 4~ CENTI!& OUT LEAN LOIN PORK CHOPS ..... A asc LtlDt'B KEJUT , SLICED BACON ._ ... 45c llRJDGFOllD'I! LINK SAUSAGE ._A 55c &ICBARD'tl - GROUND BEEF ··-···· .. 6~ be•IJ Prodaee ----.. FANOY, aNOwaAU. Y41111nT CAULIFLOWER ··-.. ~ CSU8P, NO&TFIEltN PSPPDfS APPLES _··---···4 -25c ~J:AL FOK RTIN11 -B&S.INO EGGPLANT -·······--2 ... 25c. isPARiGiis 2-·~ U. S. Ne. 1 WBJU: JIOU: POTATOES 10-1~ DeHcet•••••----lln!'l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOii ·HOURS: B\laY-DU ~ ~r . .... A.M.tet:lt• ... • ' nuDAY -l'AMn•T lOi'I: : ·=-A. JC !'.' 1:11 ..... • . Wea ... ~-~-'$'$I ~ ' (M __ ._..._ .. 18.'rt .. --~ • C•• )( J B-Ameri<a'• FavOl1io c . . .COFFEE ••• Can 81-. ' ........ ~ ... .. Fium 1r JUICH Wla4eer Mu. 1 T-. _. APPLI SAUCI 10; lril 8n.t tfg alt: JUICI l'fe. • -2;25; J>alM7 JliK I o-.. f'nllt CeckNll 2;25; VICiET AILES ~t.oWy •ae Lake Slle.t Gl'ffll leiln1 , .. 23; Ubby 0aNM ,.,_ 1'£AS 11 ... -2/25¢ s pk ... l• SALE-1 for le wltea bur I at re.-.,. prtee .IAl-0 ..... 26; MEZZANINE SMOPPE OLDE TllOlllftlON PIPPE'I MILLS .,.. Myed te aa..v , deeoraUn1 ~ •• ,wood.•. •Uk ,.... • • • <'1']'9tal • • • Oki WU.tow replica. 1 I 8UTtrc ............................. ~ .. ~. 75c su6Ari::.: .... : ........ 1 o ~ sac: KRAFTS MIRACLE WHIP ~ ~pL 37c SWDTS LUNCHEON MEAT . PREM ..... :.... . ................ ~= 41c N B 0 SHREDDED WHEAT ............... __ ................. _pa<Wag. 15c 'C"amp .. 119 Ne.Mt-.. Port & 11•111 2/JS# NATIONAL PICKLE WEEK VALUES WE KltDSCJ:ll COUPONS l.arpPUllap WERTVO OLD.F.uJBO!aD DILL PICKLES ······-·-············· .... J, ... ,.._23; Fab Deter. 29~. '-So ....... Hl!Dd F11E1117 CUCUMBDI PICKLES ·-·-··-····-·--· -·-·-···-···························---.pla• 25; DEL llONTI: sbz.r RAL Vl:S Vel Deter. ll; a•··er , ~.!.~.~K~S ·--·--··-·n··-··········-u ... 39; Aiax ._ ... -2125' ,_, ..... MIX PICKLI -··-·········································-··u ... 25' Fuclget Mix 31' ,.... ......... ·-~ .. -Choe. CINps 2tf ..... lh •.,.. ~. •••••• • q Py 0 .... °"""9 C 2 I e Mix ,;... 29' • -- MUSTAaD ,, .... ,,. Eartr o.IH. Slvtf.. I -. Green Olives 23; u ... y Dev. Ham , .... 19; .. .,_.._ DressJllCJ . , OL 24; r-:.UN;;:lllZINZ;;;;;-;n.;;:;;Ul;;F;;t:""') .- M •st.ftlCllll•WI ' ~ .... ,..., 29; . . . ' . . . . . . ..... . TllUlUIDAY HONEY FR~[!!RS -·:-r 21¢ APPLE PIE ·--.+ 51' ,. nIDAY I .ORANGE ROLLS -----,-.. I +-23¢ UKG_, __ 1-Loyor I . - ~~A~J~ ~!~TUT CAlr 11' ·HAI CLAWS .--J L. ft¢ CHOCOtl TE CIEi•, PIE L 51¢ ' ' . . ' -~ ~ woa ·uU111°•Y,·JmDAY,·~·-~711-·~-ll THE ECONOMY·WISE PATR~IZI · ' . Toa -l!trawbo"T Clo&aMr Preserves i• ... 29' Boraxo .... 19' -Lolool 1 ~ lb. btL Karo Syrup 21' IUnpford pk1. Corn ,starch 13' Weet.o.'e BA1 • Crackers .. "'•· 25; NALLE't .. I iEEF STEW ..... _ 69' ...... ______ _. • rro ••• rooe ................... amron: liFAID ORANGE JUICE ~-·-·-A"' 21c ~PB~RRIES _-;-_. _ _:.J, •L 33c CORN ON COB ___ . ._J -1SC lllaD8EYS l&.&P • .. SPJNACH ____ ., .. 2Jc CINDl;a&Jl.A CHEESE CAKE . . .. ~ H8"#CNAN ! DlN Ull1' C.t.Tal • fiiOUL ---11-1.11 .~ . HIA_L'tH _ FOODS . DIPT. ,_ ' ' ' .ow is lll'OClt. ;,ll!SW -_.,... "' ' " . ., ~·• Yr; 1•.-U... '11111"' • ., .OU.Md .... 11 ' • • &saah x-.. ... ·xw1 Y .............. ,. ---.. , ............ , 11 __ .. 1 tr•~--• n ......,.DJ a Jo ' ••• ' ' •