HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-23 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• '· I ' • ' ,• I I I t ' • • • ~,llAY•all • ' • • . -• AND SHOPPING NEWS - m --LWL 0 U •a Pa AWE AWE ---Ail$ PtJBl.UIHED AT nu BALBOA llOULEVAU NE'l\'POBT BEACH, CALlf'Oll.llllA n:U:l'HONE: RABllOR 1118 • • lloO.--..-~ ... --Yea _ _... .. .......... 11 ~to. •••~ n tMtlM m. ,,.. ,,.. .. • ._o. •• -~-· .... , ---~ 0..-..S Clab! ,_.. •• _.,. ... ab t*I ~a c'1szrt ~ ~. c ,._al ...,........ ..._a JA?h .. ., ..... _.,..._ -.- -1111 "* m , 1 11u 11a..,.... _ T.,. a.,._ .... ,. • -··t;s•••~,.. .. • -"'• ·• ~ • ~ ' .• .-UU.. MOON .illD WKPT1' .lJUllll ......._ tor-u..t·pa 11e out at'tM -r· WMlbOr )'OU"'N a mu:ddll: mau. « a d.fMr'aiAI v~ amla amt bo ~ lo tlle 'lllltl l'OLLY .APP, -tllll -~ WllJI • ~ • of ·---t 'l'l>O ~ --"' dllilq-.. -u... la--· UU.y, nd. -.. ~. wl!I> lollta.cut• -'n>o pn.. 11 lcout too, on11 U.16. I oua-t JOU I«_~ Httlo,ocia puno f>om under tM -~.ti•••­ over to PoUy'1. Polly Jiu peownt'w.oa.... on or ott .....,'Ider &ttaln ... -• 1n .,.iet or ~let Ulm, othen wftb. .,t ln pul.f al.tent and'"° equ&r'9 neic:U. Tben'• noWna ta.my alJoUt Olll' ot u.-topo for 12.'6, &Qd I ouopoct yaU -find -any aolor.' KayM a il-1.., aunuav WllJl<I pique _... .Ille• • cool Njolnder f<IJ: is.111. Ladl ... for a 11411..i frol>t, ma><11 to P<>117 App&l'al, 1W Newport .A-u .. Coot.ax-. • • • R.L Bacon of . . Hoag Hospital Dies Suddenly · Robert L. 11ocon, 51, admlnla- r~ llitm en ~~:'.~ · .. ~.. RILEY 8CllYLZB JIO'ioBS 1 1 ..... 0... .... i ' . ._ ..... ? .. _, Plm9lllaf • .. ,.,,. ....... ,.., C.llfred w"' ~~~:!~ 5 • "HERE'S MY RECIPE FOR SECURITY! ' I aavl!\! aystematically at NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL until I'd teached my Savinga JOal • , • th"' equivalent of -0ne year'• income.. I know, now, that my future I.a really safe!" That'• a recipe .worth noting. Start to aave llere tod&y for your tomoITOwa ! ib I W AB GOING TO ldNTION tb&t Cl.-hp ...S rn>"" a mouet&cbe, but the \Ut tlme I looked. tor tt, It W'M pne. Ba& t.btt'• llfe! Chin Up! We can't •t a.round moplq. Now m.,-I haw your attention while J dlacua. a. .ubject. nepr and not eo dear. It la my tlrm belle! that Jt'• Gilly Crick.et to haw ..uphalt ni. ... noon or beach homea. '11:111 Co&atliDe noor Covll1nf Ibara th1a belief and coneequenUy I• MlllD.J' frellb new KBINTD...I: for le a 1quan In brown or black mt.(beU&ed; or 9c a 1quan for &Tffll, '1'1• belJ•. or red m&rble. Thi• ruilient floori.n.I" w.&r• llk• demeni.d. 11 euy to keep clean and pat luulatlon onr concrete. CoUtllM P'Joor Coverin.J wt:ll in.It.all a.aph.&Jt tile for you or rtv• )'OU complete tn.tructlon• a.nd acceuortee. 8o Lay on MacDutf! CoMttlne F1o0r Coftrial" La at lSUl A: Newport Aw., Coeta Mt:a. !Macon 5261..J. • • • 'TALES or HOJTM:ANN" a c:uTTent Brltllb tum le beblf con· trator of Hoag M:emonaJ hooplt&I; I '--------------J difrd laturday nJl'ht attt-r a 1trolul -~-----------­IN8UBED SAVINGS I •• CUBBENT JOGH S% DIVIDENDSI By MARGO CLAP HANDS! HERE COME8.CHARLEYI Menna.Ida happily thump their tamboutinea otfahor. about the t..ng of Cllark-y'a Sea.food! On ahore, Charley Drake ta aen'ing &eillul lea!ood by the Ma ... indoon or out. Char· Jey'a bl.ck patio overtooka the Bay, t.M FWt- in&' Flfft, and a amall gold!Lth pond. Whilt- overlooklng these wonders, don't overlook Ch&rley'a deluxe· dollar luncheorui. Ht-re you un launch yourself or lmpreaa inland gueall , with Harbor atmoaphere. You'll think Charley . i. the lnventor of the lunch hour after hi.I 'ombo Shrimp Plate ..wttb 'F1ftlch Frtee. Cold Slaw, onlbn rtnp. cocktail auoe, roU A: butter. au.tood Salada a.nd Cocktalla io good here. Ob., you Dt.lcht Ju.at u well lltay for dinner! A complete ahrlmp dinner ls only $1.25. Whole Lobster with ..U the trim ls $2.2:§. CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD 18 BIGHT llil""EXT TO PORT ORANGE , • , open 1 day1 ••• 11~ eo.ft Htway., Newport. Beacon 8.83'.4.. • • • FATHER. DIOAR FATHER. COME H OME WITH M1C NOW! Don't send your little one. to the new Ml!X'S BAB after papa. Father will never at&gger out of here! The ~en'• Bar la Balboa'• new 11pprtawear •hop! Bob Wlllia.m• hu opened a manly bUU.r3 !or •porting blooda. Thia Men'1 Bar carrie• aporuhirtl, Catalina IE McKeever awim wear. Ba.Jboa Blue11, 1port coat.a It •lack.I. Some o! the eport ah1ru are 11Ughtly terrific! I wq very Dnitten wtlh the cottons and cha.mbray•. Smartly dlp.ined new waabable patterns, m&nn.Jsh &nd not guady -$4.96 -$8.9&. Tee-ab.lrt.. art: $2.95 up-Handacme cuual aport jackets in butcher ltnen are $1 7.96: It you have 1K>me ma.n ti,.nglng around the houae at meal time, pin a rt:tUnl addresa on him and .end blm to the Mell'• Bar, '701 E.. Balboa BlnL. Balboa. Harbor 1720-M. • • • ' .WHE!'1 'MnPOORWlLLll CALL AND EVEN· ING 18 NIGH. do you hurry to your Blue Heaven ~ or to the nea reat pub! I! you owned your own home, there'd alwaya be a light in the window !or you. (Edison Co. wllllng). I am offering you TWO Big Chauces on TWO FINE H OMES! 2 Ho\18('_. AO freshly brand new. the gitt wrapping U1 atill on the bathtuba! 8a.lly NewlJn took me on a tour of the84 two houM• now under conatructlon. If you choose.one now, youRE....\.L ESTATE can JN.ck out your own color schemes. The one bouae rut.a on a apacioua corner lot, 2 blks. from the ocean and juat acr9u from a small landscaped city park. The.re'• going to be a 5 ft. 8" wall enclosure. You'll lead a very private life hert, except tor the •un which wUJ alway11 be sef!'ki.pg you out. The interior floor plan 1..11 most intriguing. There are ! bedroom11, large living room with hul"e \.\i ndows and a red • gray brick fireplace. Either of lh• two houaea baa a lol to offer ... 2 car gar~ outside llhower e.nd patio. The main ditferencf' between the comtr house and the one n6X-t door 1a Sl,000. The prices are $17,500 -$1 6 ,~-Sally or Jim Newlin will •how you the way. J ohn Burnham Co., 607 E. Balboa Blvd., Har. 1807. • • • "'\VEL.L.. \VHAT'8 OLD WITH YOU ETHEL!" I u.lHed u I aa.llied tnto Ethel R1chard'a new antique shop. (l wonder what'• become of Sally"' I Ethel Richard..!I will discusa your or her anUquea at the drop of a bone ha irpin. Ethel has a lot of new thing• which are quite old. Thett'a a 'rarf' applt" green, Grant P eace Platf' tor 110.60. And tbl• wa. a revet.tion ! I aaw a little china muatard jar with china lld and 1poon for only $1 .00. I wish one or yon could get that matching pair or old bin 1coop11 in maple and brua! A copJM'r mur tralllng ivy-adorn~ each sh~y llCOOp-A buy in beauty at $12.60 each 11!t. Here'• another quaint thot', I pa.sa on to you with no thinking charl"e -Ethel has a tlne old maroon and turquoi.&e ahavtng mug tor M . Old a;poon-holdera are S3 up. And don't you need a very .old h&lr pln holder tnacrlbed " a women'1 tritnd"? (only $2.~) Lile bu lovellneu to eel.I and ., ha.a ~tMI .Rlclaard'11-A.lltiqun and lmporta. you're ., welcome to look a t 4.75 Ne"':port Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon 8877.J. • • • 8.SAP TO! ! ! SSAP AT THJS SXAZZ.Y SNAP DRAGON SPECIAL! SPECIAL ALL nus "'"EEK •.. Snap o,....om ••. 68e Dou& FLOWERS BY MORRI, 50I z . BalbM. Blvd.., Harbor ff18. • • • "Ant! GIVE ME AIR!'' gasped the a.nguim· ed woman. "f am low, very Low!" Ai.'JD SHE WAS TOO. But never fear. This poor soul came 1'~ out of it aafely. She not only got FREE AIR in her ti.re•. but her windshield wuhed, and water tn her radiator. Kenney )tark.ham operate• that Taj Maha.I ot a Mobil Gu Stat.ion at the corner of Balbo& Blvd. and 101 Hiway. Kenney la pua- tn.r out a commodity that you probably thot went out wflb the Pony Expttu ~ I mean cbeertul, pnlllnc eenSc.e. I WU aftly ln thla wper service atand 2 minut~ wbf'ft. I bad my wtndahidd wu.hed., ahoea ahlned, gl&aeea poliahed., and a fT-.b out.look on H.rYice staliou! H~'• the gl.adaome. gimmick : Kena")"a Mobil Service will rtve your car a IMlper •Pft-1.&l wub Job wttlt: ltte pick up A: dell"'7 fer fl.60. Thia mKna a thorough, exterior IE interlbr cleanJn.s, pllAI an chrome poltabed and wbite lri.dewall.a beautlt\ed. Don't conetdee t.hia juat & claa 11.ppeal. I have no lidewalll or chrom• ••• but I wouldll't .b911ate to trust them with Kenney. You've Sol to So eom• place •.. to Co where the C"Oil'lg t. good! Ktnney'1 MobU ~. Bal-BM!. .. ~01 'Hlwa7. ~ -1· -· _.,, fer • - .tdenbly dlecu.ed. .A. you know, Jlichael Powell and Emeric Prea· burpr who aJ.eo co-produced "Red 8hoel" It.ave tn.naplaated the opeN to the llCfffD. Tile Bo.e of llarmotly now bu the LOndon ftrr Record Co. recordlllp of the complete original cinema 80Uftd track. 8lr Tom Beecham. Bart. conduct.a the. Royal Philharmonic orch. and Sadler'• Wells ChonJ.A for t.h1a wt. Thia '-i'ale1 of HoftmUUt" reeordlnr, Mkl to be a qualjty ttproducUon le available on LP or 45'a. For your lighter mood.I, get GerUe Lawn.nee and ''The Klni and I." It'• goiq &Tt:al on 46'a and 33 ~ '1. ~le Goodm&n'1 CarMsfe Hall Concert 11 i•Ul aolld LP eptertainmenL Snzy, record expert at HOUM of H&rmOlly •Y• Frankie Lain•'• "JewHl" la bitUnr hard.. No matter wb&t type ot mutd~ anob• you ruY• and dolle may t>., aonault with Susy. llOUH OP' HAll.MONY, ea.teh to h.Jrh. low or middle brow ~tea. 1817 New· port A v~., Co9t.a Mesa. ~ 0'711" • 1161. . -. ·, . "VlPElf WHAT A CLOSE SHAVE! I almoet bruahed by th&t Big Whlaker Special at the Bali"oa 5 A: 10. BetUr iwt 'youne.lt in a lathe.r over UW. deal! With ewry sfant e.cui.omy 9lSe of .Palmolive or C.Ol pte Shavtnc Cream at 47e, you pt a fNI 1-otU. of lbavtD.J loll.on! And other good newa! The jelly marltet la ah&key! You can pt a bil" wad of je.lly beana for lk! And a Wl\01• pouncl of ~jelly dro~ far 19c! Other ael.1-out 9Wfft va.luea, 1k! Pbt·up sirlat He.rt:'• the btnest pin-up value of the year! CLOTllESPINS. b&nt~, & ooU spring 6e a dosetl! w.o&! Watt a m.lnute! One more buy! Balboa Ial&nd Marlin decala 10c. Dol\'t Loee your he&da ! RUA, do not wilts to the BALBOA 5 & 11, IOO MA.IN, BAUK>A.. • • •• VIVAT~ VIV.AT! VIVAT! Tha.t'a I roueinl ehMrs. (you may -count them) for OU& dom Ot.rkm: Cua doil Ca.rloa i1 tlie am&ll .Me:xloan e&f• uta.t•a u JM.M')' u a lilat dance! Ta.lk about ba'ftnJ a better moUMtrap! Cua don Carloa. baa Better Kexlcan. dUMa, eo brtlbt pteple , are beattnc a path to thi9 llttM bJ"Owa and yellow door! Prtcea are pre-CITII War. Jlllt U.ten to thte • plete' et • Fried Bea.nt. rt:aJ retrlt.a. la only •lk:. A Taco le 20c. A.a enchU&a& ie 26c. Or tor 90c yo\J cl.D. have y0unelf a ru.I South ol lbe Border Ball! A. omftbla&tioll plat• wt th .oup or aalad, drin.k 6: de-rt Ne! other flMla dlnMn aN II.II and SLTa. Tho Sl.75 --a ..... ~ ......,. Oona Blanca or domutlc boon bltiod -,Cl~lf. ..ttc itut llit.tlnl Jh• trail to Cua doll Carloo.. J.Ss..IU4 St., Jf•wporl. Har'bO< Jla.K. ~ 5-t ,. .... -5-10 ~ ~ Tl ti_ .. • • • • • . ' . l"Oll IT'S .t. LOJfO, LONG WBILll to Dactni- ber, May, but )'Ou b&Yea"t Sot time for the Wailizll p.mti! I 8h.oUld •Y you Have't! Enry· decent., ..U rupoctlllj( llo-a le allak~· her •uot mop, Sprtnf .....,..&U.. and ralaiaf C&lu la f'lltral. Here'• the nul411t e.1 .... -up trk:ll ot ~ WMk. Y can pe yout i.ou. 4 tabulol. .. t.c.llft "1th th• new CohmlWa ......, ttr fw from tb9 .._.. Dop. '/h'U'Th .. 8hadea .,.. I.a .WOllderf'Ul lprW• wildflower p&tterna, .flllf!Wn checka, lltrl-plaldo, r.y, ud even tn Mother OOOllll du:iane for Nunery rooma. Th.. py colon and treat& new texture• will-live you a brt.a'bter ouUook fOt' u little u $3 a window. Then too, you mutt protect your d.raperie1 and tumiture from th• eummer aun'• fierce rays with 8Uh-G&rd Shadea. Sun-Oard I• ~lear' viajon plaatlc th&t tut•n out fade rays, l6c Sq. ft. Helen Wotfard wtll meuure, utJmate and dteeUN your windows 8hade 811.op, '&14 -29th 8t., Newport H•rbor 884'. • • • "DEAR QLOIUA.: REMEMBER OUR OLD ' DAYS ON THE MACK SENNETT LOT'! I THCXI" ABO.UT YOU THE OTHER DAY WHEN I GOT A delldOWI cuatard pie at the Newport Bakery. Love, Phyllta." Ah yea. Glori&. but this ct1at&rd pie la not for t.hrowins. Bo~ Krull'~ -plea a.re atricUy tor palate pl.utnr! The cWltard pie at 5k haa a di ... tlnct homemade touch, and the Apple Turnovert ( t2c each I have better crult. than you or I o Grandm' ever baked. Incidentally, It you're felUnf up a Euchre Party, order 10m9 dainty mertnrue _ shell.I from th.I.I aterllnc bakery ... very tempttnr fil)ed with 9trawberrlu and whip cream l"loop. Cuet&rd tUled cream putt• are only a di~. Old tuhti>ned auort.ed cup ca.kea an a 11lcket. Sob'• tru1t piee are ava.llable <la.Uy, and the banana cream, cocoanut, lemon and other troth favor1te1 are week-end aped.ala. Or buy 10me old faahioo.ed Strawberry Shortcake. Newport llalrery .. open '7 daya a week.. Jktteir put tht.a new.ra1 dbwn and t• onr the ... tor a bot _doucbnut. 210 Oceaa J'ront. Harbor 1"2-R. DllECT~Y' IE SURE • INSURE IU.ffered earlier on the Solf lln1t• of lhe Rant& .A.na COuntry Club. Bacon, who ll•ed at 111 !:rnerald Be.y, Laguna Beach, wa.a 1bicken with a cere~ral hemorrh.aae at 1 :JO p. •. wtlile a member ot a fout8<1rne whoq otber mem.ben were Ben He!Unger. Emut Win· btsl~r and Ray Couch. Be h&d atopped to mark hill bell n lM .econd gTffft when he oW.tdled. Ill.I .ute and fell forward. A. oaddy wu aent t o th• club bouet and re.tun.rd with a doctor. 8&eoll. WU n.hed to 8t. Joaeph hOfPllal where hi.I condition wu dffmed crltlt&l. n.. Jao,lpltaJ ,..ported that Ba· £Oft died 1h01"U7 &ft.er 10 p. m . latunlay, Bacon laa4 bMn appolatod ad· muu.tn.~r fM •oac Memorial Hoopital IA July lllM. Nalt119of0nmda Robert L. Bacon waa born April 24 , ltoO in Huntsville, Canada and came to Call!onlla ln 19%3 aettlinJ ta Lo. Anrt1.ea. He moved to Po- mona bl l f31 and wu employed u a ~ ot .A.rden hrM• Co. ht I93T lie wu apj>oiftted hM- "ltal a.dmln.wtr,tor for tl&e Po- morfa Valley Com..uftity ho.pita.I, !loldin1 tlt.at poatUon unUl )lLI ree:tpatioA tn July 1950. 0UrinJ World War n he WU a eupplJ · ofAur at ntublunoaa GeMral •09p1ta1 ill Denver, ColO. and WU NJ&n"4 from. U.. ..,_, -·l-~ ,· Ile...,. a JMm__...of the llo&rd ot TNitMe ot U.e .Aaoctatlon. ot c:.ittornla H01Pltall aM of the Boa.rd of Dtrectora of the Hoe-- pita! lenice of Southern C&lifor- nta (Bhle ere.). lie WM put pf<Mident ot tl:le Pomona ICtW'anil ud a member of tM Sib Lodge ln that COCR- Jn.unlty. •• ..... al.a a member' ot th• JOM'h• Club lll Loll An.gelH, BaeOll • ,,.. affiliated "tllt"IO!i tbe ~erl&ft Church of t.guna Beach. Survt\"On Ht la wrviv.ct by hJa wife, Wlnl- tnd L. ,Baeo11; h\9 d&urhter, Bet· ty; motlaer, Mn. ~pret Bacon, aU ot L&&una Beact.; and a elater, Mr•-Cbarlea E. Terry, of Pua· dona. J'unera1 M'rVicea were he.Id at t :30 p, m. Tueeday trom lbe Todd Memorial Ch&Pf'l. Pomo~. Tlte Rev, HarlaJl.d Hoeue. Clare- mont, otnclated. BurtaJ aervicea' at Pomona cemetery were private. Harry W tlcb, a~retary of Hoag' MMl'lortal Hospital, uld Utat Ba- con ''wu dolnl" • tplmdid job, and WU very well liked. H~ will be 90rtly mlued in the are&.'~ A •pedal me.etlng of the boa.rd ot d lrectora o! Hoag Mtmortal Hoepltal wW be held in Uielr Newport Bee.ch offlce11 to find a eucceuor to Mr. Ba.con. 9 Vets Return From Korea. War . WM _ Nine Newport Harbor men are IU.1!9m ~ amO.., lbo 2267 ... i.rana wbo li!I"--o.lf' • docked :W:onday at ·a.n Franctaco LUI'&& A. BSIO'CIW, O.D.L ,, ' ...... • ... tTN alter 11. tour of duty 1n Korea. - y m &• b'z1...... TbJY will bl -1VUL a quickprooee- 1711'N .. port SJ.ft.. eo.c& )( ... 11 l,;''1-''-----------' i eLn&' &D.d tha. WiJ1 be releued Oft ;:===========.l~Y laave 1it1on. belna' uO!sn· M•cal Bldc· ••e• ITU ed to duty ta U. 8. !IOI IL BaJ ....... 91aoa W. Slu&f · FCllle t~~! ~.:; -UT.J --.U:-!NftDt.t.J'l'Cll an: Mai B"fh Ill. Calahan, ~ .,_,_,.,_ Cotta :w:-; Capt. L&wrc.,. P . ,..,_ n,...-~ Hart, Cotta -; Capt: Ktnnet.11 =~fifi~~~~~~~iu ·-..-· -· · a...,.. .... )(a-Ooata . :w:-· Capt. I y. a. a , o. D. · • .w' •a.1 _....: -c. J , lkClure, 0oota O~OMET. RIST 11==============='1~· ~a., u. 1· O!ri><IY. r -1 Oi>ftlna de! Vu; · not u. l!ld· •s , I .li AJ11M' rt '-:--------..--.._-,,ward 3. NOCIMY. C:0. MMf; 111' w, ... ,_,._ • S~GCIA&Pft . nnt L&. GtToM J'. SCltllla, Ooo1a • • . • .... ....., •. -· ....:-.. M-. . ¥1-.-9,t. -&. Jlall, p M ai "r--•-• Nwpbrt -; Uld -ICL BARRY KINGSTQN ·aT.t.ll•D. ~;;~~~s=~=~ll cLIANING ' ~ Olo ·a. ..... OOof.a-. . • plcl<oapl MOODn.Y oirr .t.CRoSs TIDI JI.A~. , AIO. M. ••I li.DM' ' " "'Tb.it o!i-l>etd -!'" Be..-t&ndtlllilaa. W' •'11 • • ' r mut-otlilor Im--... ·WATD HIATBS· •aw-_. LSAW.YOaWA-G'l'Otr ~•~· .~. ~ -· ' . --Qlft. ·-P.~ -----• -. ~ _. .,, . I llf ~ -111., -••IMIY ..... ~ ltWGUld-IL.,;, D '-~ '~ 1'111' Pd Inell ir.i,.. -~ !:.'::.Tc:::.;''""'':,':;' 1-~·-,WAUPAPBS . -°""' ... .,. •"•· -.,_ "9&, .,._ p1Qlas '-...... ftOUYMwe Ma.-... • tP .. " ..,_ tizrnG1• .. 9' Jr&'! &Iii L- ......... -. a ...... £'PJ) 18 dr ......... ~aa-1 l•s-D.4 .. ::r~-.-Srst'tiidit ·-~-.*/.r1~-:·.:.lllo:;:~:3 ,..., aiz:• 11'!. ' • IMO ..... I'!,.;,. :i:,t.c~.,] ./'•' .. ~.::, ........ .,., """'"'"-1 ·-· llS-•-Iii-~-, .. --........ 1 -ai ,..,. -llJIM-U.Olalr_drlod_l9f•sl1N IW ans -• .. Ip 'fU' It ~ --Oool·WIJI. loo D IPf -t.k.-..--·•-"!I•' . ' 4 & • • •.. ~ '!" q ·• 11w• '. LIDO OLEANER8 411 Newpeti alvC. OOSTA.. MESA -l'llW We a,era.te oat •"'9 plaat I ' . • • I . ' . I . ' . SPECIAL PURCHAS .E . SALE/ SAVE ' ON 1 THIS FEAT\JRE-PACJEI;> 19.51 WEDG ¢' ·o ·oD MODEL J GA-S RAN.GE! :,J1 . -~-~ ....... . /"!"'"' ..... ~!It-JJ .......... . / ENJOY COOKING ·LUXURY ... ' , • -· .I; . ' ; . AT THIS VERY LOW COSTI· ' .. . . _,;,J. .... .;;.-.. ~-~-yoi.~' • 'I ~... WefJg1waod thot WOfM" ptefer - ..... lowpP<etS..'--"- ~ "'° -·-h -.,.... bob "" .... • • • 1~,, fftlOO!I. y.., """ -ond ~ ~ .... ihe -1951 """'~"-""'Shop~!·. ~. ' "· "tf•e,Nll•llllt{JN"I~--~ • -1 ·'~ -' -·~.r..1~-.. ··-.... ~.· .,,. . . ~~· .. " - 'REGULARLY $17950 ,SALE PRICE $14950 v6u SAVE-•30 ' ,: ' . W.clgewood'• 10'..:Stai Performance • ,· . • " • ' • ' • ' • • -- • • • • • ' -•. ' ~",t· ~ ' DOADWAY ~Now·. W~ -'~.:::. ~w ·abwuro ·..,.... ~~Y .,,, IN .OMS'' "DQut&J. C«OSS ~ Kaye, --.. IONEs" ---"THEY'YI GOJ ME «;OYIRID" OoNW o't ' '4 'ae' •• o.n.t • ----' "All COJT" ._..,....,._,.a nr Mac..~..nq, Ga:I R aeD 0 Always Two First Run Hltsl -Continuous Deily Fr_om I: 15 p. m. - MATIN~E to S p.m. . EVENINGS ALL CllILl>iu:N I 4LL cRJu>REN sun 35' • ..._ ~ SBATll 60 ¢ 14' -()pM I a-s-,,,a ,,.., I OllldftJI ,,_ / n ... I U-r U KL._._ NOW SHOWING Bill Ma.aala'• 0 UP FRONT"' _.J_ 8T4JlT8 8UND4Y "SOLDIERS THREE". Da"rid :Nl~ W&ltor ni,_ -aloo - ' ''THI CiROOM WORI SPURS" " Abltott : A CMte11o 0•MEIT THI INYISllLE MAN" CHILDREN w.-oa •au -··~-·...-·· tlYM. rft ottM' nar11• 11,.,,.,,_,;,., • THE OPENING OF TH f , M fN ·~ S -~&A~ .... r.! EVERYTHING .IN SPORTSWEAR . • Slacks • Sport Jackets • Shirts • · Denims · • Swim Wear • Yacht Clott'ies • ZONE OPEN naY FRIDAY, SATURDAY 'and SUNDAY BALBOA RATTAI ' FURNITURE AND . A'CCESSORIES ------AN9rlOMfHI . New Dodge_ f ac•ory Delivery: . SAYE UP TO $213.0Q SHAVER MOTORS •• DODoll: -J'LDIOtlTB . . -. .-.... • • •All*~"' . ~~ . 'OH SUSANNA"· A.emf,.,. 4,....a OUteoa ___ , ... , • • y,., ..... c .......... . -MYF ,. .... , C.111p .. ~ .. ., ....... ... .... Ill ,pp -· , .,,. Mit•ir ; a • ..... ~-•WIM .... "'· ...... -lifl t' .......... ...... • .., .. Uil -.. ..... JSi9. J.-pll 1' =..,, q,;,ja -Dllmil• .., ........ -.. ~ al I EllDI' fl/l \le cuDp. TM 't.nq, -•llolt.t. ..... Ut61l&nd ·-of-~ ..... ......... teatl*I. 7ld!ulua 8t•tl 8 I ma.. l""I ttr ,,.,_ ' "'UAQON MA ~----°"' ..... :.-.... , ..... CAllNETS _ llMI~ ll4Dll 1N Ol!!:.,!>WN 8~0Pll • 'utMnuu l""'Hl'"9 ••T .•• -D'YJ BOUSE A 04ADl!N . on ....,.,_.,~ A 611 COAST MW'r. Ml'tWN)IT Jo .. Lad. OW ~ ~ M111s.-s .. ~., tt ,. 4 "MATINCF:SIASON" II====· :==:='=! --; JU~ SBOE ll8oP "DOUltf DUL" :;,:: ~ .UN.-TUi:&. Coelta. iii....... .,,,..;~:';.:..::!! • 4'flf otr.A.LL'"'IZED l'...aLY ... O.H ••••le; "'"" 8ROWJ • OUI MOTIO,-.-._ '"'-· -K..,&.t lllft. "llDTIME FOi NEWPOl\T B&ACH IONZO" ............ "GROOM WORE SPUIS" Gl.apr llopn 4.adea!y 4 ...... Clartoo• O.rald Mclloll!r Boljll' NOW SHOWING "Ma and Pa Kelllw laclr Oft Thi fann" llbrjorlo -. h..,. lUIJbrldo . 4loo tlli"~ ~Riot l!TllJITS 8l'NJ;>A T The Moet Tallc:NI ot Pk!tan of the 1ew "I Wu eon..nunist Spy for tfie F.1.1." --·-.. "Hof ... 1l0D." FUN -. "~NG" toH'T MISS 0\11 l"UUHt SHOW &IW-•IW -t ..... IHOWl-t-H-1 ooc101sl ·, y,,, .. otl yONf '-'"'"-' tor, f aa\•"a .,,. e d , ... _ ., ' ' ' PAIN~SALE : ' I 9 I MAY H t.. .4Y 11 ~ llPZC14L . ~c ,~ ZYNOLITll ----.. -·--·-···"·.!.. ... ,_ qt. $2.00 I 11.16 . , pt. I.SS .n • • llA.Y 11 to MAY 11 PLA.ITl-OLO ll:N.UO:UI --·····-····"-··-··· pl. 8.11<1 6.M . qt, 2.llO .... . pt. I .SI 1 ... POllCll and D!lel: llNAJIELa ............... -.. pl. 1.80 &.W qt. 1.88 l.ta • pt. .M .11 4 BR. ZN AMEL -·---·---.. -........... ,.. % pt. .50 .M , I · 14 pt. .211 .11 PLAllTl·XOTIC ll:NAMEl.S ---..'..--·-qt. 2.95 LA pt. 1.50 .~ • "ANDY" ANDERSON'S'. PAINT STOii ALL ITEMS SUJllEOI' ror PIUOK S4Lll: l.llM NEWPOllT BL VD. 008U llJ:IP,4 • 1 . ' . . , -Some one • !,ilia nr .toi. between Ha) .17~ ~d Kay 31.lt. and reilatefl bl. or.hfl" n•me,•will Wt~­ of tJI'~' - ' t I • • ._ · 1st · Prin r 9xl.2 W11nda WeYe lug · Retail V1lue • $1.29.9& 2'ntf ;rite ' 4x6 Wunde Wevt !lug Retaa Velue ·-$27.tli 3rd Prlre i•i 'lf'vnde V(eve R119 Retail Value -17,95 Thill thrill can come IO y- ,iuat come in 11114 ttgiater, Drawing date will -lft• noun~ later. ~ . Laguna Beach· furniture Ct .. , He POR.l'.8T A VE. PRG.Na 4altn .._ C..-r ftrldq at a.u of II"'"' oil! -4.._ J 0 I ........ •• • l'l/llJI-CIPW ~ l:"""7 °"" COM'lf'Tt blNMW ..,,,.... Sf .• tr. Sl.M aotnPle• 0 " • • l _.:_'"":;\c••' d ... •• 0 .,.,.· NO Cal~rie C°'~ngl : NO Dletsl NO Exerclsesl "TROPICAL DIWo'lUI °' .. 1 .... hclnf ... TAHITIAN SICYIOOM -Puldtls "....., •1 ' - 4 VISIT THE NEW HUT -~-Y.1- (a....i T.Hd6Y\S ~.,....., •. _ ' NQJI' OPEN CllllS'.ilU'S llr AllM£1 ._.AO..W.Q- O'I Ille '-.io. JJrl -c.t.huNAI I OS-SI'S , 11!(11; PUU&H • ~- ·Allo ~ .... ~ .. ,, .... . Cotltltti · ,1'110. ........ r •• Ult ..... ! Hy07' area llOI 11:al, healthyov-•l9ht-1rW-11 ' . by all m•ans ....ct about thla -cu:lng. new, dlnlcally tMf9cf modlcal discovory, that Ii already ~tlntl a MUClrion a0 owr,tho c:ountry. For~ all•.~ &ts; hunp, ' caJorit CO\lllting, mu11gie, druss. enrcde aAd all othd unpfeaont. 'll1UleCeSsU)' things wually - rioted with ttduci!lg. 1'or • great .medical diJcovry now makes ir pnoaihle foe you ., k.·pmnd1 ol ""'t:IO far aalelr- withouc dieting, 1t'itbour ha-rins ' • •inalc huqry ,,,_ .. . ' w ........... .._. .. .. This Wllfa Walw i... Clldilta t0 ocieatillc calculati~a.s, doe . • huops. atialyiioa capecity ol l ..... ...t.ricboi. ' ...... s aliait cit. whlao "-LY• • · oa1J JaloriM. • J .....,. .., .... ....... ..,. .. _ .. _ ---· ......... .. ,.. ....... -- ' • • .. r I • ' ' • , ' • ' • • • • • t • ' . . . , • _ BeMett · B.radbury Praised by MUlier Name r e~cher. for V ~eatio.n School Entertein Officers Of Island W$CS · $ Yul211 i. ·$ ... Qz.., ..... ·. -Ion '°'8UVID ~OUllY , • _a -. -i &1a111UT•-· ...... ,, .. _, ..... .....,, ---... w...., ..... -· ..,..,_..-·;a1r_1r r1 rca•~ ...., a 12•4211 nwa · . . • • A ~ ,_ m&dnJ pomlo<, II~ W-Ooltlln. ,l~ Bolin• 1119. -Rmner: Htlrtlis Bennett Brad1Nr7, Is lla-.tas,a on<f m...i., ''N.-port Br ..... Jiu ' -.,._ .. , of tllo 1taJ11oa -. ,...._.Mow ot 11 ot his p&lntlap ...med~ o1. u.. lJll ._. ~Wiiiy IW•U•dilt Cbarecb . tram lky 15 to JUM 18 al Ille U!iA cbiardi. -lry 0Ula ...... W8C8, m~ Jrtday Wiili · Cowie Biltmore aan.nei tn ~ o( ec!~tlae of Clbrlol Cbarch,IU' "" attroetl~i detciled 1ane-. Anl{<'lff. .<rU>ur xm1 ... "" CT1tle lll• -Tbe -wlll 1'o -r... old --oftlcen ol. u.. . of Ow. Tlmu gave hlljt & fine re-to •ll YCIWlia!-nllkis ....... -1aty. Th• ¥ri>• ar.111. -- fa flf, • ·:lox~- ... * ~ . I . • • · . 1;andsn'1119' · · c a'rt' -.i. ~~ -Dlli'G~ 1?' pa. f mnw:U · , • # ' . ·arid Mall1eu11 \ vtev.· in SU11day•1 paper. roll and 'win' bl .itelO momln" oa Cr)'llta1 Aw,. llllJbo& llJ•M, Mrs. Wllllam 'S~ l>eiell. far a two--..k pctiod .. The <U<I wb the ffttlns fw the.lloeplt4Jlty. chairman ot the Permanent Xe. d9te1 of tbe .p.001 have not u •Kn.. JUcbard Haue:r ••llUld Mr .. llJI N~ 111.i d..J -ft.. .,. ~ ,,. ""' l . .wnf' -Date .... tllM ' .. -to 7-..... --· C..pon QmlltJ', ...... ... a. .... I ••• mortal collec:tion at IAkuna Art yet been detumined. mother-ln·law; ,.,.. iki:." Gallery, ttportl the adattioo ,l>f I Shartn.f the p1euan.t .everal painUnra, indudinl' & very LtTNCBEON G~8T8 were Mmea. Perc7:"~ r• fin" Carl Oaca.r Borg, a aplendkl ?tira, Mary Grl•P !-ftd Mra. Fem old J'iak. d. B. Banet'\, Willlam Jack \Vilk:iJ)aqn Sm.tth, and one or La.non or. WllmiD.gton wer. lu.ncJt. Bcrwlea. Leonard HUrra••• .Mar--DRAPES ...... .., Robm: Funenton·a la.nd8capee. eon suuta rut week or :xn. tba Allen. Robert ~bot.Ion, 1..o-• 'S ... 1u •• Callfornl& State Fair SbOW' at Ralph Watu ot 1919 Orans• A.Ve. retta Bchenlt•l and Clea> Cbrlotlo, CARLYLE M -.. UI .-ir S.c.-ramf'nto, Auc{urt 30 through · }llt llarMr ~ c.eta lfM& Coralee boau 6 Tnvene 1todl SPpt. 9 bu been announced. Thill +-------------"-------. ' BOUllE A OUDICN - yf'ar the ·Mow LI to have two lftO/ D" t An Pur L · !~~~~~~~~~~ Ill Oeut; .Ill-.,, Newport Juries. one tor the non--abJtttive-u-10 ISCOUft . Oft ya.at~ -PeoJ>te c1o nad u.. wa.nt adt. l'--0-"_•_•_1..._ __ .... _.,_1_' _ .. _. _ _, 1 t . ' ~ •. • µ;aidtlla ....... •r!LtWi • .l.LlllUNUll e AEDWOOD • UftAN e WllOUGRT lllOll' SWDIOI • mmas•···· ••.• .._VD H·O'U S·E· & 'GARDEN °""' ~ .lflPD --.,. en COAST IQGBWA'I' '· ?o.'EWPOllT llZACB , and . ultra modern ac'hool and the (f!XCEPT ABA..LO.?lit'E) ~------.-----•I other for coneervative painting. ---·--------------------------'-----,---------,---....,.-------Prlus lhb ye.r will be 110,000. Bring this ad to Mr. & Mrs. Donald Otto Parents of Daughter • BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fresh Flih DaRy from Our Own loat1! HALIBIJT -WHOLE. CLEANED ·········-··--··---····-·-, ....... Jb. ll6o B.ARRACIIDA -\VHOLE, CTLEA:!VED ····-·····-··--·----···-···lb. 14e Y1:LLOWTAIL --WHOLl:, JaA,D 01'1' ·~·--··-·-············.lb. ..... %300 Laf&J:.ette on the Bay 1''J=1\"PORT Harbor '16 Mr. and Mr•. Donald Otto (Marynelle Fuller) are recelvtng: con)'ratulation.s on the arrival of a dau~hter, Rebecca Nt!lJ, born J.yy 11 in San JnM. Mr. and Mrs. Otto arr former Coata Mf'ea. reai-I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dent.I. The baby weighed 7 Iba., 11 101, ()% •• Maternal grandparent.a ar¥ Mr. and Mra. Oleo T. FuJler of 528 ,V, 19th St., CO.ta ~le1&. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C.1 Otto of Colton, Calif., a.re the paternal gn.ndpar· ent.11. CINNAMON IOUS 61or20c , .......... , Jf<Ju. 111 .. 95< ... ) 40< "°" COSTA MUA 1100 Newpori Blvd. COR.ONA DEL MAB t03 c-..t ms1twa7 LAGUNA BT.ACR 115 Forftlt Aveaue MOST BEAUTIFUL OF AU . COOKING UTENSILS Wqgner ----........ :: _ _,,,_ -__ __.,,,.,.. ... - . c.-.. a-..... ........... c--.., ,_ ,. .......... .... .....,_ ................... at,....,, • .......,.~_........,..,. ......... ..... _ .. .......... p_' ................. .. ............ .., .. _,_ ..... ... --.... ~ .... _ ... _ -----T ,·,:-!a-~ ~ ._. ·-1 • ....... ........,_ __...___ . .. .... .. .... ....... --..,_..,..,._ ..,... ____ .._-. ............ ~ .. _. ..... , • ..... l&al • .. II .. ..... .... """ -$11.N . • atar • ICll . . REGULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• • PARTS AND LA1IQB ALSO BIG SAVINGS ON ALL MAKES No DO-..,_. ••••••• • • 18 POINT OVERHAUL , 10. Clhange Eagille Oil , lL Clean Oil Pump Un-, Sen.en ud Sump. U. lWge Ream, glue £ast, cylbulen lS. Cleaa aad ad.Im* 1park plop l'-Beplaee DIMrlbetor Poblta, rellme metor 15. OJeu Air a.ue.- 11. Adjm( Carburetor t.1~ J&eplaee Maalfold Gsakela 18. l;op Bedletor s-' • ~ . , Ntllt ITllU Slot/< up -for rite Holirlr/ YI_. SHSlll....., 4: 22• DeYiled 11111 . li>by •: 1,. u..y lllSll ~ 1:;:--, •• FrllCll Dr•ssill If.';)' ~ 31• Alhul Crlders · ~· a- TOtd'iy.brond, with Sur-,prize • Yllilll Wlfersw .... •:.:-29- . ·w.·Crlders ::.. !."":" 16• ..... Sim ""!:"' ·J::-23• wedislllfiifs 6 i::·'fs• Bostol lelts ~ •.::, 1 s• Mlnllil1llows ~~· , :.:_-27• . Clldy Im ~~ . :rn' as• leHir OIUSl IUICE Froatll.. ConcentTated. ~ 17• Bel-1ir Peu 1:.-:· 17• Birdt Eye Pus 1 :O:." 1,. I tMIUIMMITI To be ... ~ you baYe &nO\lf!h lep, ,.inr;•, br~a•t• or thiglri1 buy extr"a on your family'1 favorite chicken parta. ·-·H. . All Whao Moot 1 27 Dl-H~ T....O.r. Totty •. • W;.., '"" ...... , .5,. ....... FIOYOrlul •• I a.. FoYOJ it• Port f 19 .... ~ ... °"""~ •. . I • . ' POT BOAST . · ·c . Arm oo blade cal from ehoWcle< dauclt oi lb 69 -· U. S. CHOICE oo GOOI> -· • • 1 nigU ~'.'~= ·· 1·1' · BOILDIG BEEF Ill 1#1 Nllfl ' ~-r._ U.S:CHOICE ooGOOt>llMI. HiHbut St11ks '::";.!,°' •. s,. SLICED BICOll' GoadeA 530 SllllOll Stuks..;.:~= •. ;6,. . • l.crysPad< .. : . . ~~~~~--'-~~-+-~~ CHECK THIS LIST OF SPEC/Al VAL fJES nu TU II USS MJB. Excellent lriot or jced. podiop.t45• ........ ----------------·-------. IMllll SKINNED ·.HAMS A•eT"S" mght. 10 to 16 tk. Swift Pnmium, Armour Star, Mom:ll Pride. Cudaliy Puritan. Whole ham or . 5 90 !ull..i..nk half. -.. (hft ~ .... half, t~. 6k) DRY SALT POU r ... 11.01 1.. , • IUIOftilll buna. ~29° Yo'ur cho~ of Cragmoat ROot Be~r. ~ . Merry Mix Sc>da.Oronge_So&, Sn•Cola, • Ginger A.le, lmltation·Strowbeory Soda, °' Crel.I\' Sode. Pecked pi full .uarta., 2 ~ 29• ;rz 1.69 ColllonolaShony0<M-1. -..... _ ..,1y .. Sa.._,. ticei.dtotttl ft. T03Deloddit*d . . . • ' •I • • • • I j • ' I ' • • .. , ' l • • • • . . . • + . ' ' • ' ' . ' ' . • T1iursda • M.y 24, ·~· . ,,.. SUPlll sAYINe iflC:IAll CI IDTIVI • THURSDAY, MIDAT, .. SA0DAY, · ·MAY 24 "JS.26 • } HOMADI · . ~--DILL . - PICKLES ~-( ' CAMPl!LL'S TO~.ATO SOUP · 2 ~!~~ 1·9c R.E.D. SOC Kl YE SALMON ·. I . N0.1/1 49 Fl.AT CAN c REAL GOLD .... LEMON JUICE ~~~ Se "We SpeclaHze In CoU!i••y" PATTY'S SP :INACH -• 3 BIG S_~~E·:. D~ YS ' .. .. .. ... .... .... .. - . 8£N~ . HUR ·,· -• . 11tllll ILl'IOI 'S 0a1MDI , Can J 1.0.. = _l9c 2 1 SC SILIWAX-PINT . .~:.: · · 11 _CAR .PO .LISH • ~UAlT 69c JAl -I ' • ' RE-D.HOT ' . , ~ -sPECIALS! . ' , -~T.RICTL Y FRESH -LARGE NORTHERN --- I -. . - " KENTUCKY WO.NDIR, NEW CROP • ·~:BEAMS . . LARGE SMOOTH WHITI ROSI . · ·· spu ·o-s ' . - aGlED S. Jlllld· FIEllCH Dtlllllll 1 FRESH LOC~L. CUT UP . "READY FOR . THl a ot.. 2k JACH __......,. r•RE tEAllU1 lvttll 15"01. ilk:: FRYl ,NC CHICI OUR OWN SPECIAL _CU•E-IONILISS ~ C:OR_MED BEEi I ; - SPAif &Ri.is ·. 49i , . . ' luy Now . IUY . FAMOUS BRANDS . · ' -... ' 0 • a~~ ,.ve! SWIFT'S . . ' '~~ . \~ \ N f S & I IQ U 0 R S ~-- : . iiicii;i~iiil1ciii · :;:i 51~ · · FR.ANKS otNoN ~•IAMY -· · ·"-ai·i;,•aa· ...... ,'Of ......... im.IE· 11yl9ac TIL1. A· ._ .. UMl LVWlll 7 . ~ ... ~~ .. '!19_,.._;_·. .sues .. aw111e<·-~-'1 -iiliimln~m~' .. '-90c;~ r -~ '" ------- 1 ................. 1 • • • • ,,397 Swlft'sffrafra'*5~~ C11EE$E · ;; 10ll •• Ol ' """ . OLD ML tolfoll ,. . ' . $497 •Y Gii ··' · ' · -~ · ; • ... . .. I . 'f' ~ • • • • • • I • ' • J , -. . . ' . . . . . . . ' . . . ' -~ J!esh Crisp, d. SIH Utah . ELERY .· r -1 Home Grown, Med., ! L~e Fine SliclnCJ 1 -, Jomatoes f :... --. ~WILSON'S ·RED HOT SPECIALS! . -lb. IJkt. -Box " ILIMIT 6 1 , ' 1 ·111. Heo+ Sem Pitt. ~OR~ Kl~G SLICl!O . .., . •' . --- . 8 AC ON ' . ' PAN" ~N ·S • • 65~. -. . ·BRISKET 69~~ . FRISH & LEAN · -ROUND BEEF 6 Si .. -- 591L. •' • • • • t I H.erl's PR80F wt~t kttlill ITI SHORTINING. 3~b. . 24-aa. lottfe 1 . ~ . . ·DEL MON1'E · ·Fruit Cocktail . ' ~O.llfl , 3· 1 .· CAN .,. 0 . SlllRRY Pancake , Flo.ur · 1. IMI. ·23 J ~·'· • . • c I ' • • • I - • I I ,, '· I l ' .1 • • • • ' ' • . YOUR NEXT MOYE IS ou1·000Rs! We F1atwe Yotr Ev"Y NHCI for . -. GRACIOUS OUTDOOR LIVING Redwood hn'lltwe ::..":'h r;.:."'.·--·---~ 2r =s:r. __ . _______ 39" :::.";'.. ~··-··---18'6 ~-··-·--:: 1 Ft. Buhf'<"" hble 1 er' eocb --···-····---·-·--· and Bf'11ehM ·······-··········· . Al9o we haft t'. 5' a a• Tabaet R.edwood Ottulonal 816 CJlaJn ············---·········-Cl Round Coffee f" Tablett ·············-···-··-·-· ANOrted Director 1 ()'° Chain ··········-··-····--· .Garden Umb,.elas from 17.95 COMPLE'l'E SELIXl'IOS OF KATl'A........-a.-d . TROPICAL Ftcl<l'•'ISJDNG8 e PJ!l.EL CA..°'"'E Ft:JL~RE e BAMBOO J)llA.Pl:&U::8 e Rl."8B RUGS e BUIBOO SBADE8 e STRAW RUGS •IA.MPS LAGUNA AWNING Ir MAPLE SHOP 'TIO 8o. Coat BJ,·d. UiO ' 2.00 Tbe publiaben will not be iwpon.etbt. fo.r man tbu one lnoorrec:t lnle:rt'°" Of an advel'tJaement. rMe-rt'• the r1fbt to cor'l"eCtly clauity any and an adl and to reject uy &dvert;laement' not contonnlnl' to ntlff and nruJatlona. Adftrt.1Hment. and cancellaUOftl wUI h-· ace.pted up to ~ p.m. oa Ute day prtcedinr publication. Ph. Har. 1111 .._ Bar. 1111. Mk for •u ~ ot --.t ad and ,........_. t.o NKW!'OltT llASllOK PUBlnRINO <JO, Hll BA!boe lltYd.., N....,..rt 1t·ce1t., Oalllel"Jlla. ttfilli~ .. ~~i~r, to. Pioneer Dies al 92 C'l"l.e of the motlt notable pioneers of Vrang'e county 1ll"'U laid to real Monday wlleu M.illle Mount Cro-- tler, widow of W. W. Croaier, e&riy-da,J lumberman, wiaa tntt-r- red at .roreat awn, Glmdale, al'ur oM o'clock Nl"rice at Balta: ~ary. Corona del M&r. Rn". :i'.chrard Goodell officiated at the cravealde. Mn. Croa:ier WU 92 year. old and death came Satur- day momlnc at, UWJ famlly home, 311 Ialand Avie., Balboa. The Crotlen came to Loai An- g-elu tn )881 tr-om Cleveland, Ohio, whve they were m.a.rried lJ( 1112. Ten yean lat.er they remoWd to Sant& Ana where Mr. Crt"9ler wu contra<::Unl' fttlsflt ~nt (pr th• Santa Fe. IA 1.906 he enterf'd the lumber buslnui In old Newport and operated the yard later aold to the Ha)"A'a.rd Lumber Co. Mr. Croaier. u.ed. to keep coat.a a.nd rabbJLa on thti ground now occu- pied by the Pacific J!:lectric depot. OOllPL91'll BOUD CUIAJIJMQ -... l"andtm'o -..... _....,... ..... _t_ hll7 ....... Al'e House & Rug · Cleaning Co. B•OOll l1ll . Tltte For Venetian Blinds, Shad .. and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free e8timates Ph. Har 884 ~14 ·29th St. Newport Beach STATION WAGONS REFINISHED Phone Harbor 24. 72-J 22p2t 11-llUIUUNG llDVICEll H. 'H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Seni.ce Maintained Phone : Harbor ltll-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Wlae people do read the ad&. JiiTmUOft -&X'lWUOR PAINTING LICSNIJID -INllUllm> Glenn Johnston ll01·81"t IL N9WJ>0rt a.ch Herbor 2297..J ~" ln thoae early days Newport wu ,...ched from Santa Ana vta a train that llWitched ln fl-om Huntlng'ton Beach. It wu not un- Ul 1910 that llvln( facilltie• wire provided ., ){ta. Cro.l'r coukl come to Newport Bea.ch. The de~ --------------------------lcea&ed wu one of the fou.ndtra p APER HANGING ' and PAINTING Kenneth Quarrv • ARD-EN o~ ,0 .. CUllENT WIMS NOW REOPENED omn-AL .t.JIElll(l.u. BAN All AS (N).&cwgtl.A YAU.SY . • l GRAPEFRUIT 10 , .. z5c ....... EGGPLANT J. • .. r ' • a.nd a lite membtr of Santa ..l.na Ebell and Newport Beach Ebe.JI cluba: a charter member ot the N • w p o r t Harbor A..i.tance League: a life member ~of the Santa Ana First B&ptiat church; one of the founder• of the City Library of Newport Beach. A~Uw btene& M.ra. Croaier took an actl~ &nd ea.meet tntere11t In nery civic endeavor 1n the community. Son- apoken but 1n.lfaW'nt •he rulded a.nd moldrd the dNUnle9 or all the orpJttsatton. wtth which the wu· ldtlntifted. No major under- takin& ln the ee.rlle.r ye•r• ot the h&rbor but dtd not respond to her ma.rnetlc tnfluanc• and wu ben•- fltted by htr c1ear-•l&hted coun- ff'L Her hr9.rt and her hand were alway• open '\o maay causes ind charltl~. . F bf the three cb.llp.otn who wr- vtve, Jl"red W . W tn tbe real ntat.c vusineu ln Newport Beach; Flor- ence Crolder 1a aupervllor of food aie.rvlces bl the aenlor !Jlrh achooll of Loa A.n(tl~: Mlldrui Croate.r, now ntlred. wu re,.tatrar of Vlr- (i.I Jr. Rish and Rooeevelt Bish .cboola of t.o. A.n1elea. Two KTSJld chlldren. Mr•. Evan Jone• ot Balboa bland and Mr•. Berna.rd Huenfeld of Colt& Me:aa, •urv1ve, with 1Tet.t cr&nd chUdren James and Jean Jonea and Rich- ard aJ\d Bnlce Huenfeld. tau Santa An.a Av•., eo.ta "Mesa Phone Be&con 63-04 DON K. BUTI'S Lie. General Contractor Residential-Oimmercial Remodeling Phone Beacon MOl-W j • 17tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m --It., Coeta xm lloL &487-X - S'.Ympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" ~12 -38th St.. Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2'04 13tfc R~PAIRING and PAINTING Reuonabl•. Lar1e or small jobl. Free e.t.lmatea. Walker. 108 18th 8L, Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2381-R ' l HAULING Any kind, truh or! W ALK..E:R, 1P-18th St., Newport. H. 2681-R 1.-PEUONAl..8 AlcohoUca Allonymoua Write P . O. Box 2~ 1 ~ Iol&nd, Cal1!. Pboo• XlnlberlY s~aa Patio Furniture PAINTED Phone Beacon 6451-W llcl2H Universal Building Maintenance 11oor Wazin.c' -Window Cleaning Wall Waahlnr J'or buildtnp. Store9, Otticea and homM. Pbcme Barbor 118. •• 2.lp23 SA.ta OR Offlct work -BQ11.o. -admlnlatn.Uon lralnlnr. & days or put' Un>o. Writ. 11ox T·t. We _.-, 21p!4 • UftJ.noD wum •.-•~ ~ .••. a: [ ObfJ)lllt ii ow ;r.;r; ........ i YOUR I jolt ---"" boat. cu do, .. U ,A I 1ia~. n41o, ~ Pip Nome ~zer writ. x. 111, K-ro, ISCJI -\"A --r- b&r at., BunU..stoD Pal1I, Co.lit. . I NOW _________ ._i_11p_:u_ HElll: ~the......, or .~ 11 gt.P WAHTSD moH llCHOOt.. boy to wort 'SWI· day mom.lnp. Cont.act ABC Lumber Co., 140 Eut 17th. Coota -· 23<24 OPENING for rn.l ettate broker or ea.Juma.n. Wen eslabliahed ottk:•. BJ:Ae<>N HILL Rl!!AL TY f.M Newport Blvd. Above Arches Beacon a713-R 23<2~ WANTED-Experienced a.lH (irl, part time po&tlon. Houra ln- cru.aed thru the •um.mer. See M.a.narer. 10-12 a. m, KAY NELSON, Inc. 3440 Via. Oporto, at Lido Entrance Phone Harbor 1219 2lc23 LADY TO TAKE over eetab. Avon buslnu• on Balboa Island. Call Barbor 2511-J before 9 a . m . · 2lc23 WANT OFFICE GIRL tor ac- countant'• ottlce, Balboa ill.and. Must know book-keeplnl". Ph. Harbor 2M. 21p23 In bom ... fruit, ~ etc -11< ~ -enjoy ~ eonvenl- of )P\lr own home freesu! Eaoy Whlrldry l"'rlt"bl•· wuhlni . maclllne .. -··-···-·~-·---·--·IM.50 IDEAL BIXTRA srr 7" teleyltion wl~ . marnlfYlnir l•U. ., complete th HW 'Pt~- tu.re tuk At tlve mahoc . wooa. cabinet. --··-····--·-·~9.95 Keep ln touch with ua for good buyo In TV ,.IA j being trllded In---· . s~=~~:n r~~~-~~~.~~~: .. ~~~~11:.~~ --, Philco new 11 cu. ft. refrigerator with horizontal fref':ilng · com- partment. Wu f324.90 NOW $2~9.9~. E;ASY TERMS ,\RRANGED • DAVIS-BROWN Co. lSS:S HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA . ' Phone Beacop 5821 DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY ..• for an ad In the lively cla.ui- tled section of the ' BIG THRll:E- • Chryiler, Engines ~ ' Uaed ero~·-Royals See John Harvey ; at Seacraft · ' 823 COAST ffiGHWAY NEWPORT BEA<:!J • PH. BEACON D'171 tttfc llH7 VENTNOR i9 fL opeed boeL Excellent ab&pe. Private party. Phone NEwmarll 1-~. 22cJ.t VIKING SAIL boat No. 15. EJ:- cellent condition. Call Harbor 22et..J or Beacon 5681. 23c24. INTERNATIONAL 14, uke aew . Reuonable. ALSO 20-ft. cabin cruiser. $750. Call 1440 W . Bay Aw .. Newport Beach. Harbor 0896-M. 23cUH BAIT TANKS- P~lic bait tank.a, a vl\ilable· now New modern, non-corrosive. Or- der youra now. 102 E. 16th St .. Beacon 6$6~. 23p25 SMALL CABIN boat -Ready for albacore. Bait ta.nk with aux. motor. 85 hp V-8 convcr- aion. $560. 217 C&brlllo, Coate loteu. Beacon 5131~W. 23c25 OORONA Dll:L XAa -1- -tal. '1 )ldnn, ..-apt.. .,..... pkt<>ly tunllobod, •all to w.n carpeUnr -14ay maid~ qnene and utll. pd. )Jarbor ll009-W. 22<24 RENTAL ,J SPECIALISTS Oii! -ends Linwood 'Vick, Rltor. BaJboo ·-. Har. :IOd - Summer Reservations· L ido la.I• Bay Front unit.I. 1 ~ 2 bdrm.. $70 week up. BaJ'bOT ZMZ, evea. Har. 2914-M.. 11tfc LIDO ISLE . . If you want a rent.al on lO'ftl:J' LIDO ISLE ee-e'ua. Several l'OOd homes avatlab!e. A1ao a~ men la by wtek or month.' · P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Barbor 1500 llt!c Auto Mechanic Experienced Top Pay -Permanent Loll of Work Replacing M&n' Averagfug $400.00 NeW1-Time1, Poet sfi'opplnl' NP"I 34--MUSICAL. .RADIO Wlf~L SHARE mv home wtth em .. ploy~ lady. In Cocta M.-. near bua. Beacon 6035-J. Call after 8. 23p25 Vacation Pay-Cleaning Paid HARRISON Pontiac Co. SANTA ANA EXPERIENCED alteration woman to lake over alteration depL No cl\arp tor work room and equipment. See Mg-r. 10-12 a. m. KAY NELSON, Inc. 34.40 Via Oporto, Lido entrancf! Phone.Harbor 1218 2tc23 -----------W A NT EXPERIENCED Storf' Cl'rk, fulf tlmc. Box V , thl• piper. Drug Write 22c24 W A.NTED -Ladf dispatcher for afternoon •hirt. Muat be famil- iar with area. Apply Yellow Cab Co., 537 Cout Htgh\vay, Newport Beach. 22c2t . WANTED -Experienced skipper tor 38' private cruiMf. 1port tlahlnc. Reply box w, thi• pape;r Jivil'l.g-qu&lltlcaUOIU. ac•. aalary expected. 22p2t BABY CRIB and mattre:u, fol<>- rola 1Taylor Tot) hlg-h chair and Maytag wrlngtr type wa.!h- lnr machlne. 'Reuonable or will trade for-maple coffH) lab!• or ! ! '?' 702 Marigold, Corona del Mar. • 23c2.t BABY BED -no mattr9u, (OQd Condition. 12~ 28th St.. Ntw- port Beath. After 4:30 p.m. 23p24 DELTA 10·· tilt table saw-Delta 4•• jointer. complct~18" jig· aaw Y.1th 1" honepower motor. Lathe A: luming tools-Cr&ftl· man portable beU. aander. 427 Marigold, Coron& del Mar. Har. 24M-M. 23p2t RCA Victor TV set, la""1i mow~. L. C. Smith typewriter. Phone Har. 3121-M. 23c2-l VENETIAN BUNDS-Netco elec4 tric Cooker, trunka and barrels. 1300 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. ~h. Har. 13j.2,·R. 22 c24 Complete lnatallatlon. rep&ir and service or all tra.iler equipme!lL ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Meaa, Phone Beacon 6H4-R S0-8-APPUANCES NEW STYLiJ Gu Rance • May- lal" wuher, reaaonable. E. A. Morrlaon, 911~ Goldenrod. SL, Corona del Mar. (Call May 19th after 3:00 p. m. or Sunday, May 20thl. 2lc23 Sale Excellent Bargain& in Uaed Appliances Stove&, Refrigeratoni and Washing Machme9 STROOT'S TfWlnkle --6222 1'02 Newport BIYd., eo.ta Kea . 23cU • and the A'et:a OVER 21.500 CIRcpLA TION I9 THE ANSWER! PHONE Harbor 1,18 to place your want ad on thl• p&&'•· ' DALE'S new\ location 1874 HARB0R Blvd. New Furt}iture Bird Ca.ge1, U .95 to $:5.9~ Apt. range, S79 .56- Sale~ Map1e chain, $17.9~ USED . Uaed 9xl2 rug. I Rollawa..v bed and m attre&.'J. $19.50 Gafrer &: Sattler rangf', $i9.50 Coldspot rcfrigtrato~ $89 .~ Dale's Furniture NEW LOCA,'TION 1874. Harbor ' Blvd. Coal& Mesa Beacon 6637-J V ANrrY. Satin, walnut, !5 draw- er•, highly poliahed, $20. Ma y- tag. wuher $20. 'f3t-&. 6741-M. 22c24 BEAUTIFU4 LAWSON BPd·Dav· enport. Uk.e ,new.\ Coat $l&O. wttt'acritice tor $7&. 188 -22nd St., 1Cotta ~eu, after t4 p. m. 2lp23 EARL"J'. AMERICAN (weed pn- en.l mlx rus-an~ pad 12X.18. Rea.aonable. 2391i> Rochut.er, Co5ta Mesa. Ph. Be&. M-48-ll. 22c24 TWIN OR BUNK BEDS -With apreada and bureau, f'ach maple tlnith. Patio aet with cuahiona, ovet'ltufted couch, Chair, otto- man, etc. 1306 Cove St., Chin& Cov,, Corona del Mar, H&rbor 3147-R. Eves., Sat. p. m . and Sunjiay. 2lc23 ANTIQUE marbl~ top cheat of dra'fera, nrw 17 Cu. ft. Frigi- daire (2 dr.). Dumqnt televlalon aet. 18 inch. r,n:lote control. Daven-bed. 9 x 12 figured rug. ~09 .N&rclSSUA, Corona del Mar. Har).:ior 2989-J. 23c25 DECO!lATORS attention : Smokey pine Hutch-7' high 60'" wide-- It ahe.lvea-2 cab. and 2 draw- era below. Frencb Provinci al Hollywood bed he&400&rd, coral velvet. Brand new. Har. t4. 23c25 BED bA VENPORT $25; bodrm. • aet. vanity and bench·, cheat of drawera. dbl bed, box aprtnr A: mattrl!lll $75. Llg-ht birch wood dbl. bed, spr. Ir mat., $2~. t new chrome bar atoola l with backa. $48. Lawn mow«!r $20. 201 Onyx. Balboa I.eland. H&r. 2t52. t 23c2:5 9 x J2 RED CHENILLE Twist rug. 3 moa. old. Jiat cleaned. Four is·· Fluorescent Ugh.ta. H&l'bor 3009· w. 23p20 Jack's Furniture WE ~ 9ell or trade. 150:5 WHt Bal Blvd.. Phone Har. 2M2-R I 23p20 FIND IT' SPINET piano. Repoue.ssed. Pay out bal&nce $281. Another re- posaeuion. $ 3 9 5. DANZ· SCMIDT Big Pia.no store. One hundred pianos from w)?ich to ch()()3e. 020. No. Ma.in, corner 6th, Santa Ana. COME IN and play the wonder- ful new Hammond Chord Or· ~an. Even If you don't know a note of mUAic you can play bf'auUfut music In ten minutea. DAJ\"Z-SCHMIDT Big Piano A: Organ Co., ~20 No. Main, Santa Ana. CLEAN CA~IN -Suitable tor .... l or 2. reaaonable. ALSO t~aileT apace•. close in. 140 Cabrlllo St .. Costa Me&&. 23c24 FURNISHED 1 bdrm houae, Ser .. vet, wuhing machine, fenced yd. $65 mo yearly lease or $35 mo., 1ummf'r. Adults, amall pet.a o.k. 704. •Irl1, Corona del Mar. 23c25 NE\VLY Decorated and fumiahf'd 3 bdrm howte, yearly or sum- mer rental. Children O.K. Good location. Corona de-I lif&r. Call Harbor 0386-M. 23c2t FURN. house-. garag,, 2 yr.e. old. RENT A Pl.ANO, $5 per mo. All rent allowed .if you buy within term•. DANZ·SCH¥JDT, ~20 N. Maio. Santa Ana. Knotty pine., L. R ., tUe kit., bath. '65 mo. yrly. or $1~ mo. aummer, No children ex«pt teen-age .. Sunday• only, 308 · USED PIANOS ·from $59 up. Good playing condition. DANZ- SCHMIDT, 520 N. Main. Santa An&, cor. 6th. GRAND PIANO, lifuon 1nd Hamlin. Used, but just like new. Alto magnificent Stein- way at nearly half price. Many • othen: Kimball, Knabe, Hurtz· man, . Wurlitzer, Chickering, Bush and Lane. DAN~­ SCHMIDT BIG Pl.A.NO STORE, Santa .Ana, 620 N. Main, cor. 8th. BEAUTIFUL bungalow upright ptano. Cue and action like new. FUlly guaranteed. Temu: $30.32 down and $10.54 per month at SHAFER ).{USIC CO. (Stnce 1907) 421 N. Sycamore, S&nta An.a. Klmberly 2-0672. 2ttfc ALL .ELE<:I'RIC ORG.AN,0 Repoa- ~saed . Magnificent tone. For church or borne. Pay out b•l· ance. Terms. Thi.9 wonderful in· atrumcnt is . jUAt like new. DANZ-SCHMIOT Piano a.nd Orl'an Co., 520 N. Ma.in, cor. 6th, Santa Ana. WlLL trade brand new beauti- ful Spinet piano even for equ- ally good . uat"d grand piano. DANZ-SCHMIDT ,PIANO Co., 8'nta Ana, 520 N . M&in, cor- ner 8th. L 0 V ELY STUDIO UPRIGHT piano. FUlly guaranteed. Tenrui $35.37 down and $11 .50 per mo. &t SHA.FERS MUSIC CO. (Slnce 1907), 421 N. Sycamore, Santa Apa. Klmberly 2-o672. 17tfc 34th. Newport Beach. 23p24 UNFURNISlim -New one bdrm duplex. With garage, close to trans, atores. Will take 11mall child. $65 mo. Call Bea. 6008-lif-See at 244 oG:l County Rd., Newport Beach. 23p2' Summer Rentals Lido Isle -4 bdrm, 2% bath, 1_.. .lot, play yard. Speclal rate tor seuon or by month. Chin.a Cove -Beautiful vieW home. 3 bdrm and ma.id's room. Overlook• jetty, a few atep1 to beach. COM Baytront -2 bdrm, private beach. · Nl!'Yt", compacL Euy to care for. GREENLEAF A: ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2551 17tfc RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 BALBOA ISLAND Houaea anct Apt.a., yearly or 1e1.4 sonal. Stt Gall Carney, with NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 306 Marine, Balboa. IaL Hu. N>I 59tfci USE OF Peninsula Point beath, swim 1n bay or ocean~nly 1 bllt. No. 1-3 bedroom lower. No. 2-2 bedroom upper duplex.. WANTED: 60 pianos. Trade in Nicely turn. July, .Aug., Sept. your old piano on a Grand Spin-1532 Miramar. Balboa. et or beauttrul lelevltlon. High-Harbor 0512·W 19tfo eat cub allowance, terms. DANZ...SCHMIDT PIANO Co., CORONA DEL MAR-2 bedroom comer 6th. 520 No. Main .. Sant& · fUrni..hed bay front. prtv. beach. .Ana. Summer or ·year leue (Ca.ma.- lion Cove) 115 Bayaide Place, SPINET piano, brand new, SUght-Corona del Mar. B&r. 0336-R. ly d&mas-ed In 1hipment. Now 20c:5 only $395. !lrnallut oize. DANZ-I------------ SCHMIDT, llaZlta Ana, 520 N. Main. . ._U81NJC88 Oppoftulol- FROSTY ICE CREAM. and and- wi.ch cloee to theatre an·d 9Chool 8t4lnle1a •tee! flxtur~ only 3 yn. old, &ood leue, a money maker. Only . -pluo Inv. tenna. ... ~B.A.NERESON OPEN EVENINGS,_ MIU It Npt. Hertior Multiple Lilting Realtor 1182 Newport Blvd, Coota ;M ... P>ione Beacon 5225 • ~UJ.{MER RENTAL -Lido :ioi. .At~Uve home bu two bdnhl plua bunk room adjolnlnl" patio. DoqbJe garage, aeaaon 11200. Resporudble · people. Call Harbor HOO. NBC R&ALTY-Nowport Beach. 23c25 • SPECIAL! -MUST SET.I, lHS BUICK SUPER 4 DR. BED. ltadlo 6. II.eat.en. Local 1 own• er. Very 1ow mU..,.. • $1295 ,, • No. DN!es<No ,.._ cu'& Been at not '\'¥. Newpart BM. N.,.port Bacb Her. HOT . '50 ocpa. ~-...... ..i.i... al .... ..._ N'ew'i tl'tr. ~ -· .wni-. -· w-""" u..s tala P"P!t'· - • , , • . ' 1 • -•• • MANY CHOICE I I f a bOiilti'CllDWI REAL ESTATE • . FOUR BEDhooM H~~sm They Are Selling Fast! \ 4 bedroom ham• on 82' B a I b o a pentn.ula lot. Putlally !Urnlahed, In· dUdln1 el~ 1tove and ttfrl~Lor. An older home wtth lpactous, attnny rooma. 'Laree fam- ily dinJn& room AND brea.kfut room, l&rp liv- ing room and 2 large bed- room• doWJUtan, ae.rvic• perch, huge cloeeta, lot. Of cupbo&rdl. dbl. pr., hobby ahop. i>eto, l'Off s&rde:n. Wondttful tam- Uy home, a,, block to bay. $21 ,:IOO Unusual d~ and very modern With beauW'lll Uvina' room and bar, kit- chen. Bay vt•w. Orie bedroom ed. beth Ul>'" 1tan, 3 bedroom• with out.aide ,ntrancea and bath on lower fioor. Ideal for 1r1JWn chUdren. gue1l1 or ten.ants. Com- pletely and art11tlcally turniahed. Thia b o m • mun be 8ffll to b4I a'pprtdated. Very will located on Balboa pm-• tn.sul&. $19,9:50. • • • ' • Linwi:>od Vick w. A. Tobias . • featurtnt PROPERLY PRICED PROPERTIES ' I. INCOJO:: One ot the beet bullt attd · moet attra.cuve home a.ad apt. on Balboa ta-. la n d. fte .,,arbnent alone i. Je:ued tor $150 month. Sltlt THIA TO · .A.PPRl:Cl.A. TE ............... SU, 1118 -2.. BAY SHORES: On the front 1treet W'lth • vt11w ot the bay. A new home complete in eV!'ry de tall. Ftrepla.c•, forced air he•t. encl~ patio, 2-<::ar garagto. HlrhJy r~ etricted. Buyer mu.t. be approved. GOOD nN.A.NClNG _.JIS,500 3. RED BARN: ' ' I • • • BLANCHE A. GA~. Realtor L.'C. JdNES J.MARTIN 311 Marine Ave.,· Balboa Isl&nd'- Ph. Hu. 1871 or 1872 Barttor 14'.X • 8 UNITS. 1 B. R. ea., charm. 11\m. 10' frontap on lls.rllte A ft. Prleed to arell. LlTtt.E 18. Elrtr9Dely attr. put. film. home. 2 large B. R., dining 1'111., unit bee.I., 2 patloe, beaut. 'JancUcaped. dhle. gar. $21.000. Terma. CHARll. 2 B. R. home, patio, plua 1111a11 apt. Both unlta attr. turn. Garate. $5500 down .. COSTA MESA. Thia ii a honey, Large Ii". rm., din. rm.. a bedroomol, dbl. gar.. I~ rum1>ua or hobby room, Lot 65xl21.5, f~ced and beauti- fully Janclacaped. For a charming home prl~ right, th.ii ii the QDIWer. CORONA DEL MAR. New duplex. 2 B. R. ea. ~ bit. from Ocean Ave. Nice view. This ii an out- etandlbg property on 11l, lots. If you want the fibeat, let 1111 ahow ycu this. BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR , ) • ,.. •r • I FG GET IT · . , Haye_ Many Choice ~ · 1 u · ~ are 1~ tor a on Balboa lsland $12;500 to $85;0()(, • -cbeiap)T' llrallt. ~ Ill a .Foll EXAMPLll' v...., attrut19' 4. '""--ell¥P 66ict ~ll:GET fr. .. ft. lot. Nice l*l!°' )9of' -~ ~ llM&. I - ' ( ,l)oll't•n.d * bakll4 of Bal'--' ., thl& BUT-~ 'ftllt a .,.,.. Island Dplx. OPEN· BOUSE • QUALlTY .bull h!>me ~ JIOONTAtM 1oc1ce type uw.s Sat. & Sun. hu charm, cter """ nil,. lrouldor ttrepl&H. -·-value ~ -thia perfect lent.....,..., -Bay. "'-ll Ma.y 26 & 27 14 p.m;;,: ....... te ~ -· rr-t Bf!Ot Oil l!ALBf>A PENIN1 o1 _.._ rwo .._iouo --Home and Income SULA. -Wllll J batho. 8-rat. • 8tve11. attractive room.a, ~ nn , .A.L80 batbir'• abower, ~ WMh )"OUT' ~-wtille NWthf ~..n-i.- la a den With •lnll. ~ b&r. l:lan • bl. ami.,.d. to a.it S..-OI' : PLUS • • la~ fl.nilly. tltn -l 1atp t ~ rm connected with m&1b bOUM by glUI oilcl"*1 ---.... 4 MODERN 1 bed1'0om ~e!>I dining a..a. Pmt-patio , to pay tax .. and utlUUOI! With PLUS ...U ~ ·l ...._ • • znoney to epa.re-apt. On Marille Ave., Ba.lboa Islahd --bulldlllp. All cceupied .nth A-1 tanaata. Sbo'4'1 pod income. No phone ctlle P1eue. See Km. Maroon or Mr. Nettbll'or at 12~ K&riN> "'"· • • i • • • • • • ' • • • Very nice homi on Bay Ave. L&rge living room. cheer- tul kJtche.. hardwood noor1. nice patJo, double pra1e.. &tucco co.utrucUon wtth tflr root. very ~U loc&ted. Shakei roof, large JoL One of thOM much de .. It.red ranch atyl• ltomta wlth o~r•ized briclt finplace •• featured in Home map.sine. In ~t tect1on of ea.ta Mtaa. THE ISLAND 0. LIDO ULJr, ~ral lowly home• for Ale--a • a • ot ' bedroom-. Prieee to flt .your pocketbook . .Aleo Iota for build· tnr either tnco1*e or single hom~ Both wat~rfront or m,. aide Jota .. t 'below tn.IU"ket p~. Fbr detail• pb. Kr*. ~ or Mr. Ne\lhbor, Bar. 1'1'111 , -• ' f22.000 BAY and BEACH REALTY Ethrt Shirley Ul50 B<lbo< Blvd. J.M. MUJer Gloden Fay Harbor 12M A HOUSE WITH CHARM You will admlrl! lhl! arlllUc touch that hu rone Into ' the decoratlnr and rumiahtnc or th1a attractive 2 bedroom colt.age. To make UU. pl&c9 •ven more lnterelilnl' tt hu an u~llent 1 bedroom .-.rare apt. and • nice aUett room &nd bath. Clo.. ta the bay. Rli80NA.BLY PRICZD at sn.l!OO. STANLEY HADFIELD REALTOR Jle Marlne Ar.venu. Pb. Harbor 20 Balboa Ial&.nd BALBOA ISLAND I Bdrm. -2 bath -corner attractive -furnished -$15,500 A FAMILY HOME In cOrona de! Mar, on a 60 ft. lot. 3 bdrm.s. l LS batlur. Hdwd. flni. BeautitW!y carpeted. Plenty of room for your ftmily and well located for shop- p!Jlg and fun. See thll multiple Ii.sting today #1814 NELDA GIBSON Balboa hland 808 M.arine ive. Harbor :!02 LO.A.NI TO BUlLI>, IKPRO\'m, BUY, MODJ:RNlZB:, OR Rl!lFlN .A.Neill We Buy Truat Dffdl N11:WPORT BALBOA. FJ:DJ:RAL 8.A. VJNG8 I< LO.AN ASSN. 1133 ,Via Lido Pb. 11&7. 111-00 tt~I HUDSON HORN!:"!' Convort- tbll!. Hydra.m&lic, tad.Jo, be&ter, REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 4'h • ~% white walll, 600 mllt'L Cost '3700. !Aavlng at.ate, wt11 nc- riftce for $3,000. W ill finance. 1t3J W. Bay, Newport Bea.ch. Hul>or 132'!:J. 22c21 SPECIAL! - MUST SELL 11:50 CHEVROLET STYLl:t.JNI: .....,. •ul<kly made In the Bey A.lU 11.l'ld t&aun&. Stn.cle or mulUple un.!ta. New or old. Be -llJ!d .... by re-flnandnJ your ptt.ent loan. llinimum a:- penae. No ch-tor pnllml- nary •ppraial. Phone Santa Ana klmberlJ s.-4527 or WT1te: ARTHUR A. MAY Kortpp Loan COTn!lipond<Dt Two Callf. Ufa Ina. Oo.'• UH South Kain Banta Au UM the NCW'e .. Tl.mu,. Poet and p,._ eomblna... tlon wtth over '11,SOO ~ culation. COUP!:, wb1t• .tdt ~ •ery ----------- low mUea19, like new .. $1495 EARL W. S'l'~EY, Realtor 2" Marth~ Ave., Balboa. lllal\d • • • • I IT'S .A. DRE.A.M ........ -... f 9,2l!O YOU DON'T NEED TO BOTHER BUILDING • - - ~--~----------------~~~ . -&nd many oth•n. Vt·e havl! moat &ll the br-tte:r buye tilted. OUr time ta youft. LINWOOD VICK REALTOR 312 Marini! AVI!., Harbor 2042 BALBOA ISLAND CLIFF HAVEN 2 bdrm & den $13,500 AV AlLA.BLJ:, an attractive styled home with • Plan, t:h&t really appee.ll. A Modern kitchen with diah- wuhl!r, Joe.de ot cablneta and tilt'. Thtore a.re thl'ff bedrooma and a ~n with 2 bat.ha. Fireplace, rood beat and oak f1oora. Tb.ere ta a lovely Alpine .tylf'd ' Jlvinr room with o~n bf&lh celltnc and unpainted mahogany panel waJMCoUnc and dining alcove. Llvtng on LIDO lSLll you can en- joy the CLUBROUBI!: With Ila mack bar, sandy ~thlhr beach, dreainl' room.a, ten:nU courta, pier lnd landing ftoat. You wtll l!njoy LilI>O lSL&. Hen a little buy•. LOT. / I P.A. PALMER lNCORPOlt.A. TED :1333 Via Lido Newport Beech, Calif. . 2 Bdrm House, Newport 'Heights ONLY a yea.ni old. Hdivd.. floors, dbl pr .. &ood 1oca- tlon. Very clean and attractive-. $8950 J\'\J'--- 3 Bdrm Home, Newport Hei2hts BR.A.ND NEW. Bl!trt of conatructlon with bdd fl.or., flacstone f!npl•ce, plate glu1 window• ~inf \ht P,.UD. ·~ ~ I'. l!. A. lo&a anllabl,. It'a & be&uty? $11,950 • • ' ' • • • • , • ' • • • • I • • • • Her• la th• Onl! you have bffn wa.Jtinc to buy. A ta'rce home with au the featuree--flreplace -hwd noora (c&rpeted)--ltp- arate dining rm.-l&rre k.Jtchen -tiath With Iota Of tilt, Incl. Pullman !av-Lee. bc:lrm9 with plenty of closet apace-step down dt>n fwonderf\11 for tell!· viaion) AND bHt of all a $9500 FHA loa.n . Here I• room for everybody &nd at a price that meana bUllnt•. Sl 9,roo. A ttne Balboa I•La.nd k>ca· lion, call tor appointmut. Harbor +00 J '- VOGEL VALUES in . Corona del Mar I Sho..,_,.n by Appolntml!nt Newport Heights $1!W>O down or trade for cu, tr&Utor, Jot. 2 bdrm home, -4 yn. old-- rumace -dbl. gar. -beat Hgt• locatlon--<f % loan. Mult. Ll.11 t. No. 1822 See Your Realtor to- day. Costa Mesa Lo•ety, brand new 2 bdrm Mm• t9GO eq. tt.) Ftnplace, beautL hwd., tile bath, eep. dining: rm. 1 bile from new Alpha Beta.- s blb. from downtown, amonc all nt'W homes. Pl1Ct $10,500. Attract. terma. Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson tto N~wport Blvd. Co.U MUI Phont" St-aeon 8$9& Harbor 3167-W or Bea.con 5451-J OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1-5 P.M. 23622 Snug Harbor Rd., Cliff Haven Deatgned for outdoor Uvt.n.r. th1a attractive 2-bedroom, 2-year-old home available for low-down pa'yment to re.ponaJbll! buyer. To see before Sunday call-- John Mottr~Harbor l:KIO :sventnp-Harbor 2t80-R J. A. BEEK OFFICE Barhor .. Balboa Illand Ferry Balboa Dla.nd BALBOA ISLAND VALUE PLUS! Ar• you looklnr for a OOOD 1 B. R., JI' bath HOME! Cholce location -1Mrfttt cot!id1lion -tuletu1l~ decorat- ed -l\Icety f'Urntaht'd -wtll la.nd~ -de.111,nl'd for rnjoyabll! year 'round ltvlnJ. Priced be.low the market at $19,500 Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park An. at M.a.rtne Jlai1)oe' Mel Balboa Ja&Ji.d BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 2121 OCEAN BLVD. Open Sunday 2-6 or by appointment CAPE COD HO~A.pprox. 2to0 tq. ft_, t atory. 1 yt'ar old. 1...&rge living rm., fireplace. dining rooth, 3 bedroom~. J be.t.ha. Large den. Gor~ kitchen and nook. Oak floon. For.iced &lr ke.t. 10 X 30 ND deck, permanent view. Exlru p1M9. Oontraetor'a home. Priced to ffll now! • PRONE HAJUIOR 1~8·W • $7,000 buys •tlrutjv• beach cot- t.a.re, OCt'&n ade> Of hipway. with large aloptnc front l•wn. flagatone porch, f' x 18 livinc room. Dual floor rumace. Lge. bedroom whlcb cduld be divided Into two. Ha.rbor l7t1 or fiarbor 14-77 Bay Shores ~ttractlve redwood and brick ranch type I ~room home. Unuaualty S"odli i l&ndacaplng- s-reen J&wn &nd ti0wtr bordered wallt.e. Snack bar wtth ~Wit· lnc box. Wall. tp wall cupet- tng. -· ld'°l'"". K•rcury awitdtea., "• dream homl!," '16,750 (Jl&rlror 464 (""'r --M80:J) Balboa •AT J'RONT ~-i l>odl'lllll. and dm home oa front ol lOt. Pier and float. New prap apt. tot tncome. $40.Q>o. Harbor b.C5 I Shore qliffs OPEN HOUSE SAT. 4': suN. 2 to~ 239 MORNING CANYON RD. New I bedroom ~d den Yiew home, $2~.750 H-1bor 17tl or Harbor lt77 Two .Beach Homes ' Lido Island ON om: LOT. COZY 2 BR hom• •a rr. BA y FRO?.,'r LOT '12,500. Corona de! Mar 8llJt room at on11 end of *ncl. Hurry on. thia! • Ocean View Newport Heights Nl!:W a bedroom home with l b&t.h8. VlJll dMlrntll wftll bdwd. floon, tlreplace and many quality reatlir .. $15,000 BEACON HILL REALTY 461 Ntwport Blvd. (near Arches) Pbone .Beaoon &TlJ..1' -.Owner Leaving Corona del Mar , • Ao is offering for ule a beautiful home b&vtns oce&a ~ . and hill view. Large muter bedroom and bath. PLUB 1 bedroom &nd " ba.th. $25,000 with se,ooo dOWIL .....___ BURR~! IUMMER RENTAL-Tbr"9 1 bedrooln apt.. Will oloe\> '-Tbeee are very conve:nient to the beach. FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. Ilea! btate A: Bu.siile.u Brokers 113 CO.A.IT BLVD. CORONA .DICL Kii.A Plwm• Harbor 2152 HA VE SOLD MY BUS~- Now Will Sacrifice My Home! With lovely bay v\ew. 2 bl!drooml, (one 18 a Iarre m-.. ter bedroom), 1 ~ bl.tba. LJ'f"lnC' room ts !2 x 1•. 1'1q"· at.one fl~place. J.ce. wtndowa, With vnetlall blinda. Detra iar.-e kl.tcben. Laundry room. t-rcar Jane--Patio with · flapton .. B. B. Q: BeautJtul Alv:lac&PlPJ'. 2141 S. E. King's Road · Cliff Haven, Newport.Beach Phone Beacon 8939-W ONLY 1% YRS. OLD -2 bdrm. home. South ot illcflv.·ay, R-2 &one. room for another unit. patio, nice llv. rm, flttpl., entr. R<rbor ,.478 G. I. Resale Owner Se~g ' $7500 Full Price Submit trade tn Cmlta Meaa or Newport Height& area.. hall, bar kit. Renta for MO wk. ' In aumm•r. JOHN VOGEL CO. $1800 Dn. NorJ,y,,.... LIDO IS~~ THE OTKER ta an attnctive t f3' ~ 32nd I 20a Marine I bath J.ome... lle•?Y~·~ Balboa Triplex Thref' 1 bdrm apt.I.. tumllhl"d. s16,000-",ooo down. bedtoom. apt. over dlll. prap. Newport Beach Balboa I.tJ.a.nd I bdrm ~e, t.l1f_ and hwc1. 2-a.r Ilvlnl' room centr,ip-Clever Be.uUf'Ul view ot ocean. Both garage. beat di.BL, Eut Sick. bar t.Jpe kllch~c . tile !tom• an nicely tumiUed. 100 )(aln St. 1301 Cout Hlway Better hurry, thil won't lut. .bathroom tloon-onJt hMt - Very clean and all ru<!y '° ll&Ibo& qorona de! Mar °trol)loal flaptone petto-ei.. mo"' """' 1n. B. A. NERESON 8acritlce at l21,:50C>-Tenna. $13,500', EZ terms Li~o Buil<ipig Sites ~~ .,N~~!,,. 10&~"!!~:!,~~so':i.11 P. A. PALMER Beautiful Ocean Front B<y View Jot, ,,....t to .tree~ oor-Multiple Llattnr Realtor • rnco~TB:D Balboa Peniruiula 'C9sta Mesa ~;~2' aacr111cel tor q1uc1< we. U82. N;;:::~ a':'!~~ x.u. P. A. p ALMER : 3333 Via Lido, Newport Beach TWO STORY S bdrm., 2 bath home 2 HOURa on cori)er ~ a.ere, &MOO • __i INCOR.P01lATf:D : 2-<:ar prage, Beauutully turn. Sll"" d-, 3333. Vi& Udo, Newport Beach. • p. Landocaped. Two ttrep-. S.. Uo For Summer Rentala Corn'r Stro.da alta, ~ ·-~ T d Be t B · · ~ Corona del Mar • • • • • • Ne Du.ten No Trade Can Be attn " l904 W. Newport B"4. '1-1\J:AL ESTATE W&Jn'J:D HAW c&M biiyer for 1iomee about $4l!OO (1 or 2 bdrm) B.A:NERESON BBQ Oli Mill Realt '40 mo. I 0 ays s uy LIDO ISLE --CHARMING home, bu 2 bdnna, . Ve er, Ot ' • C d } ,. llYing rm. wtlll beamed celling $33,500, good 'Ylnancin( 200fl Court .A.ve, Newport ~h <S tt. B&y Front R-l, $1!,000 1D Orona e .1111.&r = and nrepl. Dining nn. kitchen, PhDne Hubor 343 , --t $21 OOO t · 3 Bedroom.s-=-2 Ba~ Newport Beach Hu. HOT '61 Ford Converti~ OPl:N lllVENINGS M!lA A Npt. Barbor Multiple Lllltlna Re&lwr 11182 Newporto.Blvd., Coot.a llMa Phone Beacon 5225 breakfast rm and balll. ........ c ' Co ao rt. Bay P'ront, ...... for In-• ' erms . to 1ove1y pa11o willl t1np1ace oast Properties . 1 -Corner Nr n--t +..1.ii;: from kitchen and llvtn& rm. R<-801 B:. BallM>a Bl..i., Balboll. BALBOA INCOME •, v~er. · 2 BDl'I.)(, pu>•lle4 den, 1 blk. """" -• ~ .DC--:: "-roted In and out. lnclud.. Phone Harllor MM DuPt.J:x ON OCEAN BLVD. RIU:?flZAF I< AS30C. ......_ Super~ ocean vltw . .A.uto-Best Buy On LidO - w to w cupotlJ>&' and drapn. Lowu 2 bdrm. unit -t.d at l!UILDDl -RlllLTOR a.lie lleat. '~ ft. lot, .. u --exclusive lillting : PLUS lllrn. apt ov<r dbl. pr. ea.ta """"'°' r<IH. Upper l -· 3112 Newport Blt!L, H1mir 2M2 -poet SD . gRB:ENLll:il' I< ilSQQ. : ~-I-"' d··'er. Ob 90 ft. c:ornff, ..,_ IJf blway. M.llla ~·t -~ for bu•'•r At B~ ~ -•• •:ro._ • ~ -~ -11 PJ:•L UTA.TB EXCJIUNGJ: -• ·-· ·~ ,. • • ' Ea 1 Ch be 1 • v~ --" • U··-·~ ma... Room lbr add1 unit.. The Best Town OD Earth tndlvely turn. at '11.000. • • OP~~l - 5 • • -r am r am lllJ )i{Wp6tt J!hd., ilt,,rt>or IMC ~• -CHARXING Income Olld ....,,. PIUCJ:ll FOR QUICK SALID FOUR MODCRN UNITS °" Bal· I v~ • 600 OOut 111..S., Corona de! llQr • · :10e2 GRl:A.T SAVINGS completely fllmlabed. Ideal ,(Qr l BJ:I>ROOll BOUlll: A -Dint. In choke ""tal -~l.ituJJy ed )'b> ,_. 10l>P. N~ 8art>ot Built) Writ. Box X-1, tlila i-pu. r::: ~i:.::=.~..!1!"°5 ~ w~~.. . hk~ $4900~ $800 dn. =· N~ sm;;;,~ In-!~o~~i orltll~i= Pl>OC1e Birbor .ma INCOME . = Z2c2( rm . home...._,. -ted. 0... Ern' Smith Real Balbo Realt Co i-tlo;1-carl&r-=forcom-·-come from --.,t ~~i....:i,~~ ----------1 • ...._ i bll< to bay • -1e , tor N • Du 1 a y . p1.,u Jhi:i&', m iru -PttlCtldel ..,. a4 ~ 1a 11111 • •":"' ·~-. • -~·-p•nTT 1-· ~-•1·000 ---'·----· .... 1JOll Cout ...__ ~--... ~--ew IPtex -0-..w ~ ................. .._ ....... n-~ ~ ~~1-K. .__will..........,_, ... --. -~~e~G 0 u; ._ ~~ p~~ .. ;;;:;;.~;:-:;;,;;,. or_;, Pbon~-~~---c 1 Bdrm eocb llde. ftoo4 locatli>B. ulli.n ~ -r-.. :--~ -lM .,..... -r--·--,,_ BAT l'lUJNT --· unlta. Cllal':f: o....,., IOOO ID.lln. RltH. a beau· Ownor, Rm. 21, HOii Brighton __ •-n~ ·HO""' ••-J:ut. 8Jdo C1oee J1L II. ... _ BM Bar. 111 2 , li*>ROOK bdme cm "° ...., ~ pctYale ~ ~ •-_,, I.Nd 129 '7th 8' Wa Be I Bllla. CRat'llew ·~ ~~---. -Pri $9850 te . {)nl ;; doUllle· prqe, outdoor ;atlo. ule lrlCol>l• onr •HM .....,. .. ..,, -or •· • ,., y, very · Mtb OU>C1 ldk....._ 1Alrp -Ce 1 rm8 2 .... nl Pi & t'lll t , bY f Down lotll ~-!"'1t. .AJoo a ...... Jioftle Price . 481,~, ---· NWpott -ctL ll!>ii t-etai. !°"""""' te -1• y&rd. ,..,., -· 0owu pa,y--• n . .n.. ei: ll' .oa B 8 -..o • ,,..,. ... 1,.,-.., -. _ ... _ ~ · ~~ ..... ·-· c • -' -~ :: _________ 1_•_tte_, m.m Pl500. J'¥11 .pl'Q Slo,IOO. Close In •IUV\n -' ~ ~,.. -.,. -.. ~t......i ""'"""" .......... ..,II.AOC. ... 11-ft&U... WW ..... ID -late model J ---.......... Loot """""' DOWN ~ -v It.. betwes. -__ f....,.... -~ 'llDILD&I.\ -U1llrM .. EXCliANGE .... ~ '°' llapOiJa at. ao.ta &on--•-•us mo on ..... ..,.,; . --·x"""*'.litHi. nu w. Cl'P<•• -ta-AM Ht.a. SUJ x .... (*t Bhoe.. - WAJIT TO . BUT --Pl,000 equity -Loo· -Bl'fd.. Jl-Dp2' . Only $6300, terma . ~ .. ~ !'t'-P_9ll. ·-I . . -. -2kl' • . M ;:! ::;--• u...,. q..,.. Loo ~ ... --...., Ill.Lii -ttor ,.. ..... -_ WVJU>la -u.u.roa -P •: ~ .lllOe-M ~· -• • l""hM £k'eaD Vie.w J: a ,:;_ l':::w<::"'". ~= w~ ~ -or =:.."':.!."" -=-~ :'.'a!: G. L Reaalti nu 11'••~ -.. ~ _, . llea'!Oll ~w $1525 Down . uw-a BOOM. aotld. 'l'lle -- - -IDc-. I Nt ,0 la _, -., Mt a .,..._.,.. . -~ Hdl I ''Ml"'"' flvnfoo -, ....... tttdMo -liltJt. tllll, ~ • -•• l:O LO&N Con~ctors '11.-.. -Will .. 111•• .-...,. at..... "'u.nclUSE · · I ' '*"'" 1arp Jot.. a. 1. '•-'"· ••it-lot. u-~. -C: Attention! _. ve,1,1·.1 ~· .. --~ W4th $UOO down "'t-7..•:,r,::-,:tJ.:; 'l1iree-Bdlln Brune =:-~ i:.:-$11.-•-lltn· ... : l..OANS For. Homes ,.,~ ...... Pr.--··..c..... ..._ .. ·-~ -G W .t1' ..,,..._ Wi. • ·--• ..1..:.......--....... ,., ~*L-~J!,r; Enllt-~ealto ' ........ -u"""•oN•~·~-· --.... --,..1:Moa...1rM.x..,.n • •· "'' ,.sw...-. ~1~ ~ ---···· ·--~-~--..... , ~-~; (ll~ "= :;,:;·.-., 0-• --•• lllftlll -~-~~ ...... ~: • .-::.~ .. ':. .. ft. --=:t"'t ............. -. ...... -:: ,,_.,:::, .a;;:.,.uu. -w :ai.r. ~· :!" '!"D" = =!!! l'llO l11t1pwt ..._ :,;.:.g,:fi =s~=· ,.!'!': ~t ..,..., ·~ ao--.r. a711\1M iJKp rmiiL-l5ii\l;;Jiij;MJ •• hr hllt• 1'ot9 11 0 1 ,, l ft; .... 1181 P UI ~ ,1'i .. - -•• ...,_ ----------..... ~ ---Tn.a W.tJrr'l'O •••• .... ,mall a .................. I 'bllll'tl _._ ............ ... "1100Aftm.VJ>. 11\.1 111 _.1.. .... ...... ..._ 1 .._~••• •= ftW ____ ._.,..!t 1 lfea••_IMW.awwr...- Gll t11 MU .. llOt ltn-1 _,,, Utlkm ..... , &\BC• ~llllit&'t • C1111a l -.... -"lllflL ·_,. U. 'C e A"C ..,...,.-~Oii~~ llS00,.~0.-M--OW..,MIOp!tesM, -. -ftlll ptoe. --1' ........... -· -•Jfo•oa'l-~~ B111Jw11• •111&Rrt1a;. , ..... Mll-·-111..--.. w.,,. ... ,_'I' ,.,,.. arr........ lllcll-........ ~ ... ,...-. -ITlNl . .... - • \ • • • • • • • • c . . , . • ~.t .. ~ "J.; I e e M A I K I T Wiffi SALLIE May 23, 1~1 LOOX UP .•• LADY ..• LOOK UP , , , There bu been a lot of conbvvet •! u to whether our new karbt Directory l!lllhancee the beau- ty of OW' llleelr: creen walla or detracte thereon . • • '1,t -that Mr. Griffith ...U th• in.tintor ot the Idea and augMteil It when the mu. ket flm opened . . . Ill'. · Gibi.., the architect, didn't -to think the algna "did anythlnr" from an artllltlc standpoint . . . Well the aigna IN up . • . the cwrtomera think they'ni wonderful . . . . . . and with our newly ar- ran.,..t atrea.mllned food eec- tlona they ani a neeealty .. TIU! llOVING EPISODE llA8 KADE WAY FOR MANY' THINGS . . • A vutty ealarpl dnir ud hddeaW -U... ... I •otieed aome apoolll of tiu.d ud ohoelaeea that have made their ap- ,....,.... • . . Tlte paper 11:ocida too baa aprelld out t.o ~oaa proportlou •.. Of latenet ...., square plaaUe eovers that flt the top of.a quart or.Jaalf .-1· loll mllll: cal'ton to perfee- tloa . . . Mille cartons Y1KI bow m&b u Ideal eon- talner for freell&g • , , HEALTH JI' 0 ~D S .• ,. which . !>ave grown from a !ew dosen Items into the hundred.I In the lut few montha . . . have moved up , front to give you plenty o! room to browwe over the Jabe!a ... Thaf Health Food &etlon I.I worth browling over ,.. -. 'nloee on rNtricted dieta __ ...pl !ind an encyclo- pedia of. icleu to pep up their mea11·: ~. . ,..n..oWERS ARE STILL 1'.N THE FRONT I.OBBY . , . Memorial day 19 next Wodaeeday • . . Adele 19 adept al """'thM, bou- quet., arraapme111B of ~~erlaattnr flowers . . , Y Oii wll1 fhid the lobby flower ahop prieoa ""' low • . . WJty ! Beeaoae of eaa- t-r 'trettlcl • • • Then'• .. overhead . . • ICE CREAM IS ENTER- ING THE LIMELIGHT AGAIN ... Naturally we aell It . . . Ice Cream . . . Any- thing .tr\>m a five cent cone to a 2.". irallon container ... Hand backed Ice Cream can be ha<t for the packin,.-. · . . Jee Cream Plea, Ice Cream Rolla, lee Cream Cakes, Di- etetic lee Cream with no cal- ories, re<\ Cream loaded 'With vi~a . . . Al9o on fortv- eio:ht hOura notice any apeci- a ltv lea' creom mo111de In the 1ha~ of flowen. animals, babi.. in balinettes, boats . . . you name ft . . . or ice cream slices or ice cream ea.kes for aoecial occuions in 1pecial oolor combinations . . . A call over the telephone Will bring you a dze~ in ice cream .!or the next shower1 birthday or ! • ! Tee cream bon bona . . . One bite of de- liciou.a vanilla Ice"" cream cov. elJ!<f In chocolate . . . come pacbJed five to a box . . . price ,.)0 cents ... just enough for five people in a car to whet their whiltle with ... PUB-B-B-R • • • that'• • beea.•1e we're eontent- ed ud happy over the ..,. th .. 1 •m pftll oar ehlck- -aacl ergw •.• You -you havea't tasted -of Richard'• Owe Fry-lag CbJckflH T . . • ral9ecl ........... Oil Rlehud'• Owil Clilck• Rueb . . . llrowpt .... rueh fneh •"'7 -n11ai for you to W.. .._ ud pop .. your .,... ,.,.., put wen +esa ea Y"" for lleillg M .,...._. _. gt..i.r your ,.. • ., )mt 111,T 6111 eldck· •! .•• .bot u.o. , ...... .u ... (1-Uaea48 •a£; 'ell) ••• .... ••a tllil& ... rlllit ., Jr .. ,_ ..... smut Wt . .. .,. .. ' ..... . "' ..... c ,.._ -1''' ?.. . .. -~ ...... ,.. ... ::r ... •w.ti ... . JUcUrd'•. Udo Karllet at .. Via 1'd!I, N.pfW.:.OCt ~aet ... atr.1 tile a..lt tar. · tlllllut . ..,. ••• gaalily Meals F•arwl119 Manal119'1 U.S. Gov't Grw4ff CllOico aMI Good l•ef -Fiwftt IHf ObNMlllo PA. VO-EVl8CllRA'l'ED FINEST BIRD IN CM.D'O&NIA HEN TURKEYS n. 67c lllANNING'll ROUND STEAKS. 99c MANNIN~llotle1---Cbolee Ste.II Value SIRLOIN STKS IL 1-29 BRIDGFORD SWEEl'llEAJtT HAMS ~~-~~.~f-··-· 6 7c CENTEll CUT SHOULDER PORK ROAST -·-··· 45c LEAN ~TY-SBOULDEB PORK STEAKS IL 59c swo•rs ORIOLE Seal Pq. . ' ~~- !/ .. i)\ /rom .' Our ·~ HOLllJA.1 _ • I \ • . ' • I I ., -"' , !trt1re ., UMt 1-il·,'IMert UMt tllnd ct -~ P.--Olll' ,.,. •• ., ...... If' h l• 1MM'11 .i...i. -for perfeet 'pt•• .._,.tlal •...., ~ boa.~. batteta. · -wi..tever yew -• pi...,....,, ;yoe'll n.t al yew .favartte foodl '1-· AH .U olar prlw an low prlcM.' Tiiey fall rfrht la IM with your eell for -Y· I . So lllllttb bi Way o O ! flD .. your food •eeda , _7/0DPJIJDl : t• • • ud MV8 to beat tile bud! • j • ........ BllOJllM IASKm. if ~YdR°NAISE~ 39' Yellow Marpriae In Quarie~ .Are la Vope Uae tbem for _..mg food -flowers aacl fr.it -r-eta. plutera, NU CO A -23·- Clllcken of Sea Bite Sise 24, dso~ean TUNA 1 1 C~en La~I ..... SEE DISPLAY TABLE Oii the M""'•f•e ' whote Krrael Vaeuum PaC!k Tri Valle:r YJ'• or 811_. PEACHES ..... -......... N •. •!1 -21' Hormel'• Lunclteo• Keat SPAM .. _1 u oL ... 43 ; ' H-• Quall'7. Tom. Catsupu ... 23 ' Excla&Bp &llAPU&UJT JUICE ... -..... , ___ ,,,, ... OL ... 19' NIBLETS CORN --11 ... 16' PEAS -.-.......... 1'\1 OL ._ 2 for 29' DolM~ Ruta f'l'Nh OUCUIUll:R c-s...,... PINEAPPLE ---....... .Xo. I -23' CHIPS ..... : ..... OL Jar 15' CHILI BEANS 15 \1 ... 2tor19; Doleo l'INSAPPU: llel.J-Sw.,/t PICl<Lll! Splldette 8hoe strtac JUICE ... -.. -----·-·--" OL -29' R.LISH .. .11 OL Jar25 ¢ POTATOES -·--2 f .. 29' 0.... l!p,.y ........ OllANmUY lu-U-1'-'hte Cltow Mela SAUCE ... -_. __ Jf ..... -17; Ripe Ollves,. •. 11a1125 ' NOODLES --.--.. s•: • -· 19; Swift's Brookfield BUTTTER ....... -~-... -.... -.... -.. n.. _..,,, 75 ' llortlee.'• l•taat Bot Choe. Mix u. .... 39' STAND UP TO WAX! -~ ' ' SLICED BACON • 49c lrlal'lne COFFEE ...... _ • •-•• •• C' • • •• .... 71' 8"•UAOD'• Dellctom c mcK.EN Fricassee lb. -49' Ill-COMER · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................. l!IEDIU)f 81Z&-nl1¥, Jlll'E-ftOI( INDIO TOM~TOES 3 lk25c LAJ<Gll! FUll!&Tll! V ARIJ:TY AVOCADOS .. ___ ,, ___ k 17c Fraaeo Amerba SPAGHETTI .............. . . No, 1 ... 2 ... 25' Cap-Sodl A.-n.u CORNED BEEF ..... __ _ _ ........ l! OL ... 39; ' Goldetl State CANNED MILK ........................ -2 for 25 ' • Camp-1'1utfy lit. pk(. Marshrmls. 29; Doodle DadJ .hot'«. I \1 oc. Pickles ,., 3129' Illar ll.iJ1 oruce u.. Jar Marmalade 17' --~·· ----· -----1& .~J1P \\·ortd OYe.r Red Wlne WE UDUll OOUPON8 Vinegar · ,1n, 17' ..__ ~·0"-•-.- H•lu C...,,. of 3129.a; Tide _, _ _ip. pq. 29# Tom. SouD Ip. pk(. 01d s.., .... 0011.s Ivory Snow 291 FR11!81( LOCAL ITALIAN SQU~SH ... ___ ,,_,_ .. 2-25c CARNATION ' CORN FLAKES Bread Mix pkr.25¢ Ivo1'7 1 !!loux .... Clovor or Orsar• f lalces Ip. "'•· 291 . I Honey 11 ... 29' hof7 Gu•ot ob.e WAMlllNGTON Dll!LICIOU!l-LUNCB .OX SED: APPLES .. . -·---4 lk 25c U. S. No. 1 WHITE KOS!: POTATOES .. ___ 51.:19c .............. DeHcatessen AGl:D NIPPY Wl800N8IN Rr:D SKIN . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . CHEDDAR CHEESE ____ JL 59c . IKILWAUKJ:I: BllkND BREWERS YEAST ~ 4tc LIJEK'8 QUALl'l'Y-nE811 LIVER SAUSAGE __ ... _.. 45c Ltlll!a'B QUAUTY .. PIMEN1'0 LOAF _ .... _ ...... 55c ~11 • MLLAaDs OVEN l!l"IDY • BISCUITS. __ ._ . .,.2 ._· 27c DJ:_ OUll OOllPUlTll! il80llftll:N't OP DIPOll'l'ED llOUA..Tftt WJIJHS . ' ' .. ' • GJl:llllllll8 8tnlaed er Clle•ped BABY FOOD • , • • 11~1• BABY CDl:AL, pkr ........ -.llo BABY ll&A.T8 ••••• eaa Ile B.radl'• C....., WMppe CHOCOLATES FrM IS. -r!JI( Cap 69¢ IA Mz --····-·-···-······-··· ' ~ _,_ .. __ ,_ 2 for 29; SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS II oo. 44 ' Caa ·----··--·------ Rllke.ry !'.real.I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TllUll3DA 'I' l ' ' CHERRY · PIE---·-·-.. ----i 58¢ FIUDAY OLD FA81110N CINNAMON , tofFEE CAKES .:__ --119¢· ' -IOYSENIEllY TARTS -j 11¢ · ' U.TUllDA'I' PllCAN FUOOE LAYER CAKES ----·-·-: U¢ · aorn:a B!O&N9 : ... ALllOND TOPPED j COFFEE CAKES. a i-i 25t. .. . ~ . ... . ' I· 4>. ' STOU HOURS:- -. • t / •·· ~ lrOll 1'JIUllSDAY, l'IUD411, a.u'CJIDAJ' --...Y .14 • _11 • 11 , r ,,... • , ~. . THE ECONOMY·WISI nnOMID I , .•• ,.,, ........... Jll&l' aw ftlDAY I ., .· , ... A. .. fe t:at'I' •• -., 1--Y-J'&w,y·iu:ri; ..A.-.. t. 'l:tl P.Jt .. ····b··--..... •Mll9. •• (All ' ;:::: ...... ,_ ..._.. SJ JI .. ___ )' Cal Ray BeverlJ l1001111t Bar Soap J /201 Cookies pkr.10' --.i.e ·-----·-10e F em Quality roll Larp RA _ ·-·lk Waxed Paper 19' Drefl Ip.pi.,. 29' Modess .. ru1a, 391 \, Duz 291 Ex..U.ut CINDU Ip. pq. Soil-Off ..... 19' Oxydol 1 ... pkc. 29' Sweeth•rt rec. .,. Cle:aaeT 11 OL Toilet Soap .3/271 Spic & S.,pan 25' FrosenFoom ........ ~ .............. .. ~T FOR. LJ:88 LIMA BEANS SUCCOTASH · BROCCOLI SPEARS. lllllDSBYE P'Bll!SB P'llOZE.'f . YovrCholoe c PEAS :____.~~·· ~II-ltc 'liiiNGEJUiCf 2 ~ 25c lllllllUbc OOUN . PERCH ___ ...... 45c ,. . HEALTH FOODS DEn • ·-llf ~. -JIBW -·n:llMnol( '"l11• Ya· 11r-Un-l1111r'' ., ~ D'lllD . ••+•ta~ .. ; .................. ~-~· ...... ( -~ ... -...... ,, __ ... Jtr 8 11 't. -• ft ._., D11: 8 I f'. •