HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-30 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping NewsI • . t I I I · I -· • • • ' ' ' .,, .. ,, • ' ·N . • • • AND SHOPPING Nl!WS ...._._ - = =., = n -'"'• •• '"'zw:7"w_, PUBL!SHED AT 2%11 BALBOA BOULEVASD NEWPORT BEACH, CALD'Oa!flA . TELEPHONE: HARBOR 1619 it • Sib ~iversary -:~~~'S DAY HARDWARE SPECIALS-JUNE 1st TO 16th. Incl. FOR THE 8ARDEN£1--·....:. I "J: Z Cut" GnM. ShMn The euy working pro-119 · feMlonal kind. &g. %.00 ··- 50 ft. On.en PIA.STIC HOSE A gll&l'Ulteed standard make hoee Ready to Ulie -with 595 Couplings 8.00 value ····•·-··· 50 ft. RUBBER G.lRDEN HOSE ''Swan" brand, green. This hi : good hoee, complete wit.h coupl- ~g:...~~O: ,:.,~ t.~.':~ .. 595 LOOK AT THIS -We bought too many shovels! We ha\-.. enough to dig out the back bay. Tb..., ~ ,i;ood "True Temper' shovels wffh a good s~ handle to "leaa" oo. ONE . to a customer u we want •*"l'· tone to have one. Round or square· ·::~.t S.00 . .... Special ea. 195 GARDEN BAKE -.a itood staad- ard" brand rake -Add to your :"'~ t;;I: ~·~;!~ 195 For "Pop'' fo:r Dadts da) or aay Day. ''Plumb" or ''Stu.le),., Bewt grade hammers, choice of ~~o~;~~-~---··-·······-· r9 This might be good for •-_" or Julllor -'Trojan" comblnatloa Saw Set with a880rted blades - doee a lot of triclrs 'Ge whlJe they last ···-··--·-7- Dad ahould have aome liind of Tape or Buie 8 ft. Evans. Tape or S ft. Stanley =~--nc FOR THE BUILDER Medicine Cabinet 1 b24 Plate GlaM Mirror Staln1-Steel blading Full Plano Hinge , 195 Annlvenuy Special ······- CABINET HINGES ;(i" 195 Ofket. Prime ooat. doz, pn. SASH BALANCES 85C all "'-....... : ................... .... CHROME DRAWER PlJLU> Standard make, modem 200 dMigu. (By dos. oaly) dos.. ."KWICKSE'l"' E11tranee Key Lock == ~r i:s~ ~::_~ 315 . PRIME COAT B\:JTTS ' . . . :~=~--~~~:.~.~:.Iulo,: 75c ''Skill'' Power Tools for S8le or KENT Saws -Dri11a -Sudera -Paint Sp,.yen -Poat Bole Dlggera WheelbarNwal H>R THE PAINTD 1st Grade ''Pol • 1Der • lk" Bolled Llnaeed Oii 1 la • ft59 1 gal .,... -------/. FOR THE , HOUSllElfft -, 50 ft. Alllmha-Cloth• u.- lpeclel tni&ted. wm aot 9Sc rut. 50 ft. leltgths --···- cloTIIEs LINE POLES A few eeta of !~" -tal dothee line pei-.Palnted, ready 1095 to plut. "'g. 11%.95 Spee. Remember -''Swlmmln" Seeaon Ill here RUBBER MATS -"Non Skid" type 1lle 15"%21"-handy to have around the yard or shower 119 Regular 1.65 ·-·--·--·-..Now It lan't alway~ IMIDll)'I Wood- ::.~: ..... ~: ... Now 195 Euy to put away. . Watermelon Seuou la near--Oet a new garbage can No., S e.e.,.... GaJ\oaulud • 195 BegUlu 2.65 -·······-··.Special Spring Cleaalng! You may d_eclde to cl<iu out the &ttic °' ~ ajtare room for summer iueeta. We have · aome Blf} trash Ml!? doo't know "ltow" large. Tb-..... gahanlud · ud l'ery pOpular with the city, Keep the rubblala aad truh In • OW' own eoaaty 495 Replar 8.~ _ ___l!pee. What ~.or a bnclr.et!- Anyway we bave a lf. qt. .i-· Gllhanbeol, hlllldy to ba\'e ou yom boat 0, to eany bait. S-u-" . . ' -1 to lmllQle OGe ~·Jres. t.15 ,-Olf PIEa l!'18111NO A !!Ill ..... ~ _. - 111&.fw -----~ p&el'w wttlio9t: • m • • • pMWI..,.. the A tlltllf .... eeM to U.. StMte .._ ......... tl•e A9m. H• IUO"Mted. tbat the mackerel do nOt n~rily 91J&WD ln Oruige county water and that they do ·not 91>awn ·durinl' 0 lhe Whole lime 8la.Jlley un that tt.h· lnc he ckwied . Al.lo, Real urued that Ute flah and game commluion wouJd need a .new 1100,000 boat to patrol the atta. Sanctuary aone1 clOMd to com· mercial netten and set up around plen, Jtelp beda and other a.reu tn which 1port.a boat fiah. were 1ug· 1uted by Rea.I. Su. Jea&e R. Mayo, commltte• chairman, uked ~al terr a com· promise propoaal by thl• Wttk. 8t.an1ty hu indicated that a par· ley will be held, proba.bly ln South· em Calitoml&, to dilicum: the mat· I Shot an Arro.w Into the Air ••• A "f1>1al' ...,..,. . whlotled throulfl tbe .air u.d lnto the left upper arm of .l&me9 Given of ComptoD Tbnnday at l:SO p.m.. M he WM drlviDJ' 1"!11l OD a.yaide Drtve about 100 feet wett of .JNIJl.lae aveaue, Corea. del Mal'. .. fte nalJ .. UJle hMd of the a.... J'OW barf.eel It.elf Ml loeh. la Olva'a arm and he received m e d I ea I t....tment for tile WOUINL lie tttu.d t.o PftM HJ' ......... Newport -h ,.u.. •-la¥'9Uptloll dllieo"recl 1tluoee te• ere Coro-dfll Har 1oathe la Ute ar-. o.. et U.. aoa-f-te lla-.tq llJM U.. ar- ..... .... • air 'W'llM. tt .... dedclet U.t u.e. an.. ...... -... -111o. Tile .. ,.,. ..... --~__,.,._ wt-.Ille dtf _... . . -' Police Rec1tver 25 Stolen Css ~-"r . . · • , . . I FATH.I'S DAY CARDS . . . BJ 'all$TCllAPT . ·~YACHT CAPS ~-• ·' . ..~. ~~ ..... ••.J6 -l • " ~ • • •• ·SWlM I TRUNKS iU'• ' wmTjc OWL "" VAN D,YKE , "CIGARS •1· I Box '2" ' ' lllpplo -~ : · iNVELONs ; . . " . R<w: ~ -· ·2,.~59' CAP : G.U,. ._, . ·-..-•. ,. . -' . ·-· . ' 4 ..... ~ • ·;;. • ilUJe h-:'".'.' . ., SWIM ·RING .. 7'' PluUo . SWIM IE~T •t· su•·· . 98¢ • ' , ... iBtiz . "llolltw 0- ' • ·I ' ~Ill)" °'107. ·:i-• o..,. ,-.,, .~ i - I '-'TIOW· : . ~ . "l' a._,_~ . t TI~N .• .... .• ,. 11c ..• Q.T6' S:.M . Sta LomJ Lf,.ti4 · . -... A..-·-· " .. I -'?"tMll CUTLEflY sn.~ · 'Hormw Qoeam . -· ,.,,") Bruniu ....... JWid)ft . Bet. •L16 • •-~ ' - P..'-. -' 'r'·. ~. D'lpec Pacl.f-anh ~ .. ... . ·~ DISPOSAILE DJAPIRS, r . • • • • . ' ' . I • • • l •I i ' • ' , • • , ' \ I • • "Ii" ~ \i . Th. ' I .r•.,t-• .~.: =,·tlU.f _;ROOK · · 2o6 Pefm : St., Belboe . . GllftCHMCI' .OPENING OF IT'S,'. DINfNG ,. . RPQM end l<IT(;l;l~fil SATURDAY, MAY 26th ' • • •• OUR SPECIAL CHA1tCOAt BROILED . . I EASTERN CHOICE Full 16-o,;. POR,.RHOUSJ STEAK • • . · s2.1s ·. , C<;>MPL~·, PINNER , r.: • . ' ' For Re1ervetjon1 l'lton• Herbor 221i . . ., ' . • Oini09 Room opoa • 11 :JO AM. le I P.M. doily °'*' Sundoys end ideyo ,..,_, 1c1 .. i...1y 2.2i.4 Lon .i FREE ~MKJN~. • • 0 • ' ftllnlti'WOO . ' "JIOLLOW,,.. SUN" -4'--• • "twcky, fClck cu.• · a •• ..,,,..,. -• Toll;.. 'llliata. ~ l:tt TS ~,JI lf l C 0 L 0 & LOllSTTA YOtllfG . "°""" (J()'lftN .... · ·---. . , '"HALF ANGU," _..__ · n:M. MLITON · I -~ .. "1111 1e Grt111de" %1l1111AY I.Aft DAY 6.w' . ...,. ,_-, "I Was•· CofMl•lst fortflef:J. I.' PLUflt LoVIClOY ---"'IULLAGHTER AND THE LADY" , ... '. llOllDTftACll GD.m;R.T )IOI.AND -• "-.. eo.1111. .... -r:DW. Q. &OlllN80N . "'OPIRA.'rlON 'X" ~ .... - DA.ND=: ~ uu: 'Al.: 'NNIN.GS OF OILAHOtoiA" NoW llBOWING no,._. •1• .. o1 -.. ., Ille,_ "I Wu. C:o1111M•iat Spyfor ttie F.IJ." :... 'II• I "HOT ROD" . . ITHTll •tJJlllAT ----':;,.,.-----------------_.,-I-CW.Wford, Sobon Y- • _1111 lye. My F cy ~ .. ...-.. wna~· ' ... ? r#«ath'tt .. ...., • [ • • , • • . , . 1. ' • • ' I' ... $ , < ' · · D~Y . By MABG01;=;:==t=, :;=~1 Ulll!~ .L ma• a-.a. AD LIB. f I f fl ' t • I ' I -• l'lllM.w,a.t a.. .... ,.. ........... · prrw..,. !. -!" .. .., ~'ft!. ..... . • .. ... ai..r • ' 1>~<>:.3~5; 8: , I llf •>1 .. llUW.• . -•••f!'!I• . Ddn e e e , , I ll&ft'llDSE8 . 'l'HUJO>I THUKP! THUKPI Tlllo oa o1ttt • .... --'fl'-! ~-:,;.:.';l:;:­ CRAWL TO BIG »ooI IAJ.&! AT no: PAftO llTUDIO llOOll llTALL! Vera WUUa•• t. clOJllnC out Uy book sn.· Mr 11bOp at Irle fEA.00.N alt ~ ~-~u-!Medo UW! book--f0< her ...W Art Oellory and c..&o lloooi ·~ (Jo. Ol>Jocto a...._ 8o llurry on down to this we. Ven. bu o. lof of lllO N....,.,. 1llft. • -..... old boo ... on u.. th .. t ... bl._..pbl ... tro.vel, phllo-1 ~=====~t:::===~ I ~ .. wen .. current but Nlle.ra. ftctlon and non-flel.loa. sven It I; 'JOU. cu."t rMd. boob 1&4 Ul &lr ot ftftnem.ent and an "'7 cteeo.. IE SURE ,ro.tlft. 1117 clear, at 'l9o o. tioalt, you cu. rwlt wtlh cultwol AJoo at • : --prlceo ' All lwedlob ,-.. and eoppor. )lnpl Chim.., li;ln- -'Coltume dolJa Md a -ly Of UJ1111Ua1 cenml"" Md bric-&-----Aloo priced to .Ju..,. tbo ollop an lhO POrtupl IMr.cM--•' 1-b • • Uquen; ~ R. ll. pottery, and all lone' bumlns C14NDUt8 AU ~ l'lllOB. lllf Barplnf all week at Ille PATIO 8'1$1DIO 6 BOOK 11!1 1' ko ·-llllllMo STALL, llJIS -·· Balboa Lll&nd. 11.:======!====:; • • • I~ ''WILL YOU W.\LI< INTO K'P PARLOUR?" aid • lpidl'r to a Cy; .. I BA VJ: THE PRS'l'TD'Jitt CALIWOOD CARPBT THAT BVSR YOU DID . Now you doll"t want • lh&bby Partour. •VN tho' ma1 haw no Nell deYioua l"MoolOD.I u .tb09t ·tnttmatid. above. A ~ to wall ca.rpret illlotqd be at the ~ of ne.ry decorattnc .:herM. The eoa.tltne Floor Cov- ' . w. Stwl FooN - CJllllll:R,U, IJf • c;p,...-, hit~ If ...... -, ....... .. 1117 ...... ..... er1lt( sUll hu a f•w bolt. ot CALZWOOL. ALL WOOL ~;;;;:;;:;*;;;~ pU. lextured carpetinl', You cu pt thia hand.tome.. r floor oonrlnf INSTALLED for 1.9~ oq. yd. That la If you BURBY ~G and don't MWey-aballey about lt! .A..nd you ,can 9lUl pt tn on thj ~ rt"S Flxit Shop cround floor with • couple of other eood det.la • • . lalaW llae&eum rw lutalled tor • Uttle u e1o.N ... Jd. AND a 'I_ ft. FORMICA llowen. lawa. 11a1.._ Etie. DRAIN-llO~ for ...-115. Well. don't ..,...d th .... trernbllllf llEAOON NW wt~ excitemWllt I Call tbo <Ma-noor C...rllls, I.Ith 6 Newport HM N-rt II. · C.Ota lll- ave .• Co.ta Me-. Beacon D251..J. ~~~~~~~~~'~~~I • • • "WArr:.8POtJTll TO L'rrr-m-._.4! LUIT n; )JPt:", •the I lu.ty cry u wo.t.,.los~ed "'"" <>! the .... dump their _preclouo .-s-,Shoe Be~911in1 on tbe docU at th• .,.... Thi. Wffk they've been dUmpig" "Kock .. We Ol\·e 7"" Flta Cod like cruy. Hany JCJnpton who'1 tu.U of Alt water taff), aya Wtt:ll ~WldtM RocJr: Cod a. tlne, deliclou. e&Unl'.-But I'll 10 &lOQ.C with the Ja.g. Ard .....,. ""· 4 f..t 114ck Cod (or Red Snapper I. lt'o knOW11 oo l&nd) la only "-a lb. THE y At tht. price you iret it tbe way tt &ppe&n out of UM ocean-Which l pre. 1 8W'M me&n11 With hMd, wt. ftn and M.d browu eyu. n.. ... ,... Mkt. JC' JIOIUT, LA.UN IU...-.> clel.ne lhi Rock Cod tl'6e of cbarse. Harry'• favorite Rocle Cod recipe wbJch appeared here MVer&l. mon.IOOna &Co 1" aa fp~ BU1 a bofUe ot M.ll&nl'a G•rJtc Sp~ at R1chard'9-Cnear thl.t oa. both aide. ot tl.Nl, clcy flour with Dlxie Fry and broU or try u lllia&J. The J'\lh Mlrt. bf'lnc' at the mercy of the oo.an. you mJibt ~ tn there and na. into SK·Ba.M. Barracuda, or a trolled Cblnook .. Ima., A.ad tbell qain, you might run into 9.arry Kinpton or h'an.Jt Mtora. Bayside Flab Mllt .. 1 d•Y• • WMk 1:00 • 4 :30 p. m., llOO Lafayette. Newport. • • • • I ======:i====:1 I MAJ<J: WITH THE HICT WHIL!l THI! I \ : .... ~ ... ~-­ llirtrnss s s ' ffe"' llUN 8RINJ::8, .. A 8BORT ITORT·BT JO·LD . Now com• the llUll\Dl9.r 9Dlltlce. LLUome la- d1e1, 8hed )'OUr abackln! SJJp into Mort.I ud .... ,......it la .... , .... ! Aad IDllld ;you altllo' baW u • -Old lo.41'• cupboard, ,...'II ltilJ fHl W'ell-dreued and \ittuome 1n the tparl.y abo.rU trom th• 1.-i.-U.p. lun-Roee ot Oil. hu turned out a wry aUclr: .u.une-r butcher linen eoonttnat@d d••l Tben'a a p&lr of Jai.inty Morta. $$.~. m•tcb.tns battle Jacltet $6.81, and ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;:;=;;;;;=~ comee a .C.U.n. pull on a aid.rt at "4.85. Thb outttt ts a trlpl• threat 1t uy l'ffOl't In aayY with red, while It blue trim, or in nptt.& red with l&!ne trtm. Otbtt Picolay, twtU a.nd alJ aorte of lhort., plue R09e Mari• Rekl-cattu and Parform swim we&r. And I predict, llffr that I am, that Tee-8blrU Will 900n be worn at all command per- rorma.ncet. Jo-Lee baa lPe ah1rt. rrom Sl.95 up-tn a ll ma.nner of depnce. I •• a race)' Crul.M Aid poUc:a-dot eeet"ludler 9'1tb rakiab r-.BritishC .. :_0~ \feat Stir Stru.t at Rodlo 'llwOt .~_;;:.-·t•iAA.;NN.TA AN~ llM.KI 3-1311 . WORLD'S NO ~ l PORTABLE < • -. TA~eai&twddnJ .. ADt/a/J/l l!lllbUiHj ' ') . , -•' TH£ .NEW· ROYAL ...ass1 '!nlilusll11 ....... .., -' .......... ' , . MAG1c• MAIGIN ......... ........ Jz I .. • • - • . ........ . • . ..,... .... c;r.odw1e• ,, ' • . ll'otldac ~a. --.. lto,.i ~blo • ... .,_ • • .._,.. ~ -ll'a .U,01 • • 25 • ..,i.. ... ,,... .... .. . IOOI< SA ... !! ! • 79c .EACH llAJlE llOOU JllOOJlAPlllEll- PlllLOllOPHY ftAVEL THEA.TU: ~ nCTION • NON-:nCl'JON All --la llllop lll•t Gol • PATIO STUDIO IOOK STALL 111% Mufne A\-e. llAL80A JIJLA}ID ..... 1111 -/WI_..,,, ___ 0 0,--...,. "'-' COMPUtl DINMUI ,,,_ St.• .. SI• TROPICAL DKINU °'" "' ... _._, ... TAHmA.N llTl.00 .. ..... l'Utllaf -'" ' , mri THI HUT -Clij,liil ~· ~ ta.a.. 1eaJt;tl ., ........ for fl11IJ'ft ... ~ sonit ClllmAll'S llQT .. ..... Cg'!. I .. -.... ..... , t i· c:MJDA ~ I . • ... dlai>la7 ~I ann sCHuYLn ~OTORS • ll>vd. mat.chine cap for '3.26; turtle neck.a, and evt11 a ~uined trim. tee-~====~;;;====g lhlrt. Now that we know It'• Solng to be a Short 9N.IOll, let·a malt• It a merry one, HeyT Jo-LM Sparta Shop ... 1836 Newport Avea.ue, Cost& Mua. Store Announces fishing Contest • • WATER TDS . ' -Servkle "" ~ MOV'E TO RUJIY AVENUE /J. i J I~/~ Mr. and Joln. N. H . Grtaham, 200 IN 8,.cH"°"6. Pearl avenue:, upttl to occupy = PL .ffi a home at 308 Ruby &'ftnUe arter A.uthorkea Dealer the mid&e: of June. Former Ceai-Dl.7 a Nlslt.t Beaten dent. or Downey, tM couple have UIMS three children, • daug!ter and • '"" o..,. .. •H H.,...,.. • Phone ~r uu-w ltOn.e.. Mr.·or:taham 11 employed at ~:i====~===~'.Jn Arrowhttd Rubbe.r company. ;: " lloqr Eal. .... .,. ALERT RED! PRIVATE PARTY • S..cb up Ftarel * llAORIP'ICS , I Pl ....... , NOW OPEN EVERY DAY! ·KJDDll DAYS · EYBY WIDNISDAY U NOON TO e P. M. FRO · MI.I.ON8 • OONOElllllO~ • • • • 5e BIDES • • • • lo SAINT JA·MfS CHURCH , EPISCOPAL ANNOUN.CES SUMMER SERVICE SCHEDULE EFFECl'IVE SUNDAY, JlJNE Srd . 8:30 Holy Communion • 10 :00 A. M. Morning Prayer & Sermon Holy Communion lat Sunday of month CHURCH SCHOOL IN P AJUSH BOUSE 8%09 Via Udo I , .,., ~-~~ n:. SM! •• , EASY WAY le ·)REDUCE .. * A •Ii• lil"f'•· fNf. fro. ""-'t.h"1· t..tt" It wert wo••"'• 11ot11tol tle•itot•• ~ordl•c• of DI•· 1( ,,_ .•• • t.4 yo11t fi9vte "90" here'• lhe .. 1., "''f' wo., lo .... ~ '" .n ... -"""' ' .DRU~S~ EXERCISE ' ., EuCTRlCiTY . . ,,.... .................... ., .., ....... ~ llelpf•I .................. .,....., SHOW YM ..... ... -011ot1 .,.....,, ttt..• YOU 4eci._ Y .. .,.. IMtf _.... ,.............. ' STAUFFER SYSTEM . IOU N. Ill.UN ST., SANTA ANA l'toDe KI. 11-7010 OPEN EVENIN08 100/o Discount on Any Purct.ase (EXCEPT ABAU>!>'E) Bring Ulla ad to IA YSIDE FISH MARKET Fresh Fish Dally,from Out Oww loa11l • HALIBUT -WHOLE. CLEANED ------------··-·--·lb. IBe llAllRA(/UDA -WHOLE, cu:Al>'ED ---b. No Yr:LLO\JITAJL -WHOLE, HEAD OFF ...... .. ...... Jb. Ho , -I..o.fo.7ette .•• -Ila)' l>'EWPORT -r IU . · .. WANT REA~ PROTECTION? Start to ave 8)'9tematlcally now at ~RT . -BALBOA FEDERAL and m&ke one year'1 Income your Sa~p goal. Then you'll 0-that - 1ty'a )'Oll1'll •• _ and you'll know that -your money. ' ' .-111 lafe, too, .for all Savingl are insured up to '10,000! ' ~t hlP divkleDdii . are at 3% ! -•:ti.WI • ,l'NA[, D tl', Jill IO'llll • • • I • • . "' • • • • '. • • • .. . . . .,, . ~ . \ . • • • • ' eed fi. Merch. s· ~ El -p .T A. b t 't G t llSllODll:L auan& llOllllll • LitllW• . ~-eclll!ll'! •• :in"llltlWAr-. lilt ·-....... I N Or ;__Jit4 &:..;... ..... I_ emtn+ery ...... e ro1 ue~ s 11r ..... Mn. a..c. ....,. . .,, ... .r.i111n. J .. °'''" ,, .,..., .. -. ••r.., ..__ ...... ,.,., .. (M1'..· · allUi~ lll:)lCU -Hee--·Swnmer : atNeumann .H6me -.--~-...·-·°"""1 ~~-·~,.._-,.,.,,, ,.,.,... IP9ftAirD-aotPDro.11swa l '• · ' ., I ._ , , KJnniar l)rfft, Ba"'°" ·-,.._ ~ :?:. . /•t: t==:;:::~==:;:::::::;::;:=::lj;::::::=.;::==:::; ;· a.tpec!AsSial .n.·.spha.iatanc_e _11L_ea~ue Meetjng • •· Pla.yqroun•f Plahs :· z~~ ~ i::. i:;; ~ rm.-.:l ::;,_~ =..... ~-·¥1r:f.~ 1lell NIM cauism . , · , ·-• , Hon .. ~. ~~ P. a. N...._.._ 21u ~ r-erty Wtth 11>o 1~ • -rtf; •r.-.. :<. °"" -e r.n11 ..rr ------------Ule NeW-.t Buell .. .,. A-, eoota• 1'-w-1&14 .fl>< -maautactwer11r Rollort. '11 ol 1-' · IOW IOAJS . e CMl'l90•- 'nu'itt Shop aa.ll's at 11>o._war. C f .A d ~ Mr. ""' Xn. wm.u;: ~ · -· · ,,, • T+oU• moetlnf of the Alldotance ~ ourt )A . war $ , m•1'&r7 ..-U, Pl'~ WMn It -.net Joan and l'9Ui ~,., .. , .. , and tJie -' • , e -... • held Tue9day, ~ U, at St. Kay \I fol' tbl ftnt U.S.• Sa the ~· Tile Jlarrtiloall antft4 · • ~ ..-.-I t • Is \ · '• r '' I' James Parlth -.... (Mn. w11-For C. . Scouts ~ ~-~JoTM -a11ortt1m•· .. -~ .. 1~p1an. v-nP 81 •Hll ' ' ¢ lard Klllloa. Thrift• 8hoP •clialJ'. :;:::"'•"':':... ~ ... -~ ~ nlll&' 14 ;.tallljlll> -·· IA U.. ·' 5 H 0 ,-• . , I L L I 5-~· 0 A T 11 NJ A L S ; nw>. >lln....t Ille need Of now e.tore a •p&dtY .....,..,_ ll'rl• 'l' '~~'.!':. .. Har-.,.., I '-<Mot ~ N...,... -I'll. ..,, ... tn• · merchandiM poll>tJns out lbat the day e..,,..,., May U, more than ~':,,!.~i.:,::~'tiii.:. -;:::; " -RACKETS ' ~· AT ilolJTll SJOi .• Ml'llllOU ._ woting atock or ouch popUJar 300 a1r1 llcoUt. an4 Brown!•• or the dlHetlon. ot Jlllol Joan cuu ... S · Se' s • ' Uems .. men's aulto, cin-ctiu-Coat& Ke• .-Ind ......... and nd Wllllam ~ lMtruet,on ew1ng s1ons BALLS dren's wear and hou ... bota art.il'IH ·-In ilnk at the Newport :t tha acbool :&ad'&~ -for Fellowship ·SHOES •. WU rapidly d1Jninl9h1nr and ....... ,Harbor Union Bl llchool Tlnnty· &Ill b UM .-.....,,,..... Undar eel n:pleni&hln&' DOW. f~ of the stria ~lved the ~ aus!:~ ~t....---.JMtee Pitz.. Whtie rentral mMtJnp Of the ONZ-DAY Mr1 Killion annoUllced arrup-"Curved Bar'" h.l«best rank la prald., ~ muno. teacher. ne Women'• J'ellowah!p of It. An· .aTIUNOINO llC&VICS men.ts oould be ma.de for dona-Girl Scoutt.nc. 'ft.e ceremony introduction to the Harni.on.een drew'• Pre•b)'tertan church flare I O I 1 5 · tlon.s to be picked up from a.ny-took pla.ee on the .tap before and thdr Mlectiona wu made by over for the IUDUDtr, women are O 11 'tr , 1 fl 'Dll'M O ,, 1 backllm'\und of the colorful a. I .. •I ., 1·.-.... •ltM r , where in the Community by call-• ··~ tbe poup tt.H:lf .tnatns-an. ortst· meetln1 Mch Wednuday at Ute C--nilllJ ·Goods tnr lhe Thrift Shop dir«t or Mn. United Nat!OM flap. The; P,.... nat oonc oequenc., -1&1 h•U to seW tor their July ..,.-· 436 Sin• ~ -_ Hnor 1171.J ..,._,.__ , Dale Ra.mae:y, Harbor 19544M, entatk>n of colon wu made by Tbe OUlt&nd.JnC announcement fair. Houri at 10 &. rn. to Sp. m., 11'tlt 6 !'fewport BlTd. . ~ .. .Pi4• J;.,t,.~ TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner). who is in charr• of this service 29 Brownies. Rev. Thomu J . at ll>o moetln&' wu made by Mn. but Mtlper1 mll,)l..,.,, Jor u lhort a ._<X>ll~ "'".:ti.a COl'O•li Hlpfzn• -Corl•I clef Mm ' or any member of her committee Nevin gave the In.vocation. Stroller White juvenile protection pert~~od~ss~~th~•Y~<&n~~·~ttm~d~.;_...;,.-_!~=~~;;;;;;;;;==~=;;:;;;*;;;;;;;~=i~==~=~=~=====~==~=~========~ whlch lneludu Mr& Paul Rogera, A awnmary of the yur't work chairman. w~n. ,u. lafomied U.e ·- Mra. Alu:a.nder Hamilton and w ... mad•. with a brief outline or ~mberahlp that U.e newty &J>- Mrs. Phllltp Bueett. the purpoee. of the •wards, by pointed Para and. 'RecreaUop For the convenience ot people Mrs. Dorothy Holrr,ui. chairman of Conunililtee, ot "*1cli \l"rancla who are unable to vialt the th'e Leader• AMOciatlon.. Some Horv&tb 11 cllairm.-n, iu usured Thrift Shop bttause of thelr 125 Brownle• Went on the at.are the Newport ••ch elementary working hours. It wa11 decided to at one tlme recelvtnf thelr mem-achoob PT A. th.at the city wW he}p atay open each Tueaday nirht. bership . pendant.a. ltlpport a aununer propm at the beg1nning Tuead.&y. ~tay 22, be-H lghlig-ht of the awards wu Newport Beach elementary tween the ..hours of M\"en •nd ~e.ached when ~e father• or, girls ichooLI. 'nte echooLI are ready to rune. This would be a particular receJvtng the Curved B&r' pin-cooperate to the ut.rn09t 1be at&ta accommodation, it wa.s felt. for ned them on their dau.rhtera. ed tumlahlng buH~ f'CIUlpm.ent men aboppen 80me of whom bad Theae gt~ls h&ve each completed and pttaOnilel. Miu N'orm& Per· even sent written rompl&ints that five or aix fUll yeara of acouttnc. ktn..a band ~d orcheatra .uper· they were unable to take adv&n-They were Diana Crane, Doua viao;, hu announced that •he will tage of the regular"'d&)'time hours HamUton, Mary Jean Keael, Mar-offer a music workabop if the pro- _..,. ten to tour. tha Norman, Carolyn Ragan, Sun peeed program recelvea lpOft.IOr- President, Mrs. Edgar Hill, pre-Thom&JI, Judy Frame, Ruth Hen-&hip. • Hnted !our new membeni i.~:ho. denon, Nancy Lone. Erin O'Kede. The meetlnc adjourned to the Mving completed their required Lynne Sch&Chner. Gretchen acboot's new ca!f'tert. where tint provisional ho\IJ'tl, ll&d received Caines. Betty Hiatt. Marlalne JH.de room mother• aerved puncb the status of 'active memberahlp. Morrill, . Charlene Pun::ell and a.nd sandwtche.. ' They were : Mmes Edw11rd Brook5, Carol Ann Shaw all. of Troop 12. Richard Pleger, Q . W . Richard 'J'.belr leader-I are Mmes. Nellie and George 1-(k:haud. Mrs. Hill Long, Sibyl Norman and Mary aJ.90 expl"e&!led the be11t . wishea of Hilliard and they are spon.90red the League to }.{rs. E . C. Twich· by lhf' Coata Mesa Friday A!ter- etl ""ho plans to joln her husband noon Cl'lb. Bridge· Groups . Reveal WiMer-s L<. Commander Twitchei1 atat1on-The other troop of Girl Sco~t,a Mr•. Edna McMuten and Hrs. eel in . Ala.ska for a year, along Winnlng their "Curved Bar" In ~rald McCornber wer. wtnnera wilh regret at her leavin1t. . the lmpreuive ceremony . wu north:toUth a.nd Mn. Thomu ~cheOn hosteuea \•,:ere : 1'-tmes. Troop 4 under the leaderah1p of Kenn~y and J(r .. M. R. NutUnr Ra)·mond Harvey,"_ Lfo.!lter Lowe, Mme•. Marte P&rker and Nettie werP high .acorera eut-West In the ~rge Michaud, ~and Howard \VllUams . and apon.sored by the duplicate brtdge game~elc1 tn BaJ- PeteTRn. Voluntttr Firemen ot Coat& Me•. boa on Friday evening" I . • 1,'heae (iris were Pat. Parker, Ul-RUnMn-up north-~th were 'Atr. and l.tra. Leo A . Lee or 285 han Shaw, Florence Wheatley, Glen lnclea and. A. b. VlllNherby; Judy Reran. Jeannette. Shaw. Mni. C. H. J<>bn.ton and Joe WU- Luetta W\lllama, Mary Sinclair cox ; Mn. Thqmaa GIJI and Amold and M8:rtha Whelchel. R~v. G.-er tying wlth•M[1. A mold Broadway, Coat& Meaa, were en~ tertained Friday u gue.!lts of Mr. and 1.t.rs. H. F . Lehman of Up- land ALMOND IRITTLI COFFU CAKE 39' - (I ... 49< ... ) 20< ,,.~ CHIFFON CAKE 11 ... s1.os ... 1 89'- 4JcW COSTA MESA 1100 N"-pori Blvd. CORONA DEL MAB IOS_ Oaut HJsh" .. 7 LAGUNA BT.ACB :1& F•1"Nt A n.ue Thomu G1bkln give the bened1c-G d M Ro Bt •--p . uaer an n . y ro..... er-t1on. Mrs. Edith Ludt, proJTam ry )tcAdoo and E. 11: • .Bruce. ch&Jrma.n. arranred the Court or Runnen-up eut-we•t were M'ra. Awards progTam. Marcaret Church and Mn. Mollie Lutheran Women · Plan Next Banquet The Women'• llluionary S<>- cif'ly of the Newport Harbor Lu- theran chun:h met recently at the home ot Mra. Ruth Ktnrman. PanorlLlll.& HdghU, Sant.a Ana, Mn. Gene Roth acted aa co-00.- te.aa. Mra. Mildred Truaty pre· aenled the le.aon, whlch wu on the m.lulonary work ln India . The Mothn"a an'd Daughlen be.nquet at the church I.a al ....... ya ID memorturn of the ml.aaion work among the mothera of India t.nd the ottering ls applied tor that purpose. Rev. Her be.rt Roth con- ducted the Bible Study hour. Ballard; Mn. Carl Benaon and Mrs. Carrie ~unde.rJ: Mrs. Faye Sc:hlueter. and H. M. WalllnlJ'ford: Mra. Georre Carroll a.nd Robert Brown; Kr. and Mn. Edwiri Syl- ve.ater. Mr•. :X. T . McM.anua and Mra. C. H . Johnson were wtnne" tn the dUpllcate brid•e ,.am• played tn Balboa. on Monday attemooo. , Runnen-up were 1'H. 1\o1 Strota and Robert Brown; Mn. C. &. tr--. vln and Mra. E . L. Hacklty; Mra. Gerald McComber and Mra. Charle• Boardman: C. H . Johnaon and Oera.ld M'cComber; Mn. Amy Wolcl)tt and Mn. Oeorse Carroll; Hra. Robert Rou and Xn.1 Kay Berry. Mn. Corinne Quarry, p~.tdenl pre.aided at the bulneaa meeting Harbor Council· and pla.na were laid ~tor the Father and s.na banqu•t which will be of Church Women held Monday, June 11 . Meets June 4 Mesa Men on VFW Newport Harbor Council of County Council Church Wom•n will meet >Conday, . . June 4 at Balboa lala.nd Col'nmu· Two Co.ta Me8& men are on nlty Methodlat church. the ex:ecu· the au.rt ot new officer• ot th• t1ve board at 10:30 a.m. The"' wUl Oranp County Council of the be a aack luncheon a t noon and VFW. They are Charles Smith, open meellnJ" for aJI chutth wo- in.spector, a.nd Frank Moore, eer-men o? the area convene• at 1 :30 vice officer. The new atatt. head-p.m. ed by H. J. Kreluler of Cypreu, Canductlni' an open foMJm will met Thursday ln. the Anaheim be llr•. Robert Moore, prea\dent unit's clubhouse. &nd Mrs. Lewi.a Glllia, P&lt preal- Legion Group in Social Evening Secret pall were di.9CloHd when the Put Preti.dents Pa.rl@y ot the Coat.a Mesa Arnerlcwa Legion Aux- il.i&.ry gathered tn the home ot Ber· Lneace i"ox. 1 tT E. 17th St., lut week. Brought together (OT the buainHI 'alld aoc:ial event were Una Patmor, Jo Payne. Mary Payne, .Ann Cramer, Alma Swarts. dent of So~lhem Callfomla Coun- cU ot Cblirclt \Vomen. Both have ju.t retuned from the national council meeting, hf'ld ln Pennayl- vanla. HOME FOft. 'WEEKEND Barbar& Hand came down from Lo. Ancf'le• to 1pe-nd the week end with her parent.I, Rev. and Mrs. Cb&rk>a P'. Hand ot t911 Chu.tth St., Coeta Met.a. Miu Hand la C •tutlent nune •t the Calltornla Lutheran hoapttal. • _. WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT " MRS. RUTH STONE • ' Formerly with the Chintz Shop of Lagu!la Beach, has joined our staff as decorator. Mrs. Stone attended Choinard 's and the Hollywood Art Center, ,.end hes had years of f)1'actical experience as home decoretor. Her services ere yours for the asking -juit phone Beec-on 5277 -there is no charge or obligation.. ,, • ' -t _ In addition to . one of the largest stoclrs .of modern, h'.'opke end ~tio fuMiture i11 ·the . •e•, Hou•• A, .. ' -P~ erden maintains fully equiffld drapery, upholat.ry · • 6 ,· end ilip cover. wor!ri-001111 .,... • caltin.t 1hop Jl,leldMJ · • · stom desi1Jned modern -.ncl ·.pe~ furniture ·~ • rattan. fedory ataffa~ ~ ~ Pli$ppilN! 'Craf\'lllff- • -...lfCJlm~ . tr ftllJI ,.,... !lft'llllll!!l*'!IU•I!'~ ~ ... · • aREAD M,.. Wright'•, alieed. Enriehea ,.bile or ,.beat. SoguBelle Fancy blended '!: 1&· -, 111 MID·YEll MOIEY:.SAVIH . IVEIT Va1~ ... va1 ..... va1 ..... ; .'l'b.ey'N •BaatiD' Out All Over" •t s.r....., """· Ye., Olar l!uy-Ila•• outdone ' u.-Jv• ID rouDdi"I up a .tcrilc •• •tmeDt o( aood bu)'• for you-ii. t:r.h fruita IUld vec«•blee, in meata, in canoed *>odo ... ia &ct, U... arw ba:pino all" 17Vtt the °atoN. We're colebntillc with tlUa bis Jam- ta.e of v.iu.. Come ... ill tod.y ud .... the full "'oboppin1forfa.mt.6>odo et _,-.-ms prbL tulOlfHI Apple Sia l:.'!:i ·~· 14• Slici4 Apfles ~:::::::' 2!::· 20" Yet-All 7.~ 1!:"' 1&• lippere4 S.lds 1't,.--11• Spirit ol Nl:Ww~ ot ,rj;Q: PeYt. l.MJW ~ •::·39-s,w ~14 21: 17• Hit ,., ,,,,,, ,,.,. • Cre1111,De M11llle ~ t:· 17• -Dreps -...., ·~ .. 23• lniperi•ls ·=............ ~· ,. MirsHlallows ~~; ;.:· 27• 'Pocled folJf 1/4-StJt:. to f.lb. ~toge. .,, .,,,, H«ll Bell Rvftles :.--:· 23• Critters ;:.:T;.: ~-:-17• li!>'°'-S..P Mix 3 :.:: JS• Noodk ot V9g1.tablt:· TOfl\Qto-~. Blckwtleil Mi1 J::-' ... ~-;:--33• Sao W.He Siii ,i:;,: 1.t-:-10• 111n,.unuu SIMrile Clelaser 3 1:: 23• fly Swllters -10- 3la1 Oll Fot~ ~-23• ' F oreat Crten. • .\nC"hotgl-. ·' _..,,11 ·•11rs •. :-:·· .. ...... S11r Kiot br .. d Solid pack. ~29- -7SURF -• SUDS Helm Biby Foods ~'°'.':·3 -23' Gree11 Bem "='.:,; ~ 1 :: 2!' Golden Corn 'C::Z =-•i:_-J' Gum or Miiis ~!' ~ 59' · llellded .... ~= . 1!: t5' r--brand. <-........ 33<) .,., , .. ,. ,,,,., banleMlt ,Frah! .= 19!e HOft! !1ani:&ecf. ("°"....,tkln cortan,, 3tc) ,_ MOb!O<t .. s .... ......, ---. ki Crtul ~~;: 2 _47c 10ft:=f ..... ::r 2o- ' , • ' . • -. •· ( ' • • • • • • • • • • • • ' BROADWAY-Now 60#---&el. .MIT- nllDAY, .rtn\'J: hO "Samson _,. Delilah" wtllt Victor HataN TVJm!JDil, Jt1JIS ... "sia•ggl•r'• .... ., .... trttJt All Ao+&r Aloe · 0"Fi9'tie9 I Coast G•lll'd'' --Doolln7 '"'"-ID. ..._ OOlltlaoom n.si, l"Nm l:ta ... till • , .. &-... NJl:W FJJlllT &IJN POLICY --"Sunset of the W9$t" Bo:r Bopn -Always Two First Run Hits! -Continuous Daily From I : t 5 p. m. - M,4.TINEE to S p.m. .EVENINGS ~ . -au I 0 DRIVE ·fNr~~I\.. I • -THEATR E {l'jl'J' • _-=u.:;._ "LUI . I -......._lu.:ITI:I ~ Doon ~w Start. 1:15 '!-"'~ 1:15 ~D~"l'.SDA.1', MAY SOt.h • "VALENTINO" wt:tll Anthony JJiexUr AIM "Follow the Sun" witll Gleu Jl'o!'d ...... Suitt Chlidru Free / PlloM Ua~r lJ KJ.s..6Jel St.:NDAY, roN1!! Sr<! Boward Hawk'• Prodocdoa ''THE THING" Ida Lcqt.l.noJa Producdoa • "OUTRAGE" . CHILDREN ~:: FREE WI~;::.~:.. .. • • • • • PAl\ADE I .. • , • Pet Parade. is 1st Event of Mesa fish Fry Eu.ct Umd for h.t&hJlght evenU ot thi ea.ta ~ Ftds. rry and ca.mJval. mcheduled tor Saturday ud Sunday at the Cmta Mea park and with • tun-Um• KJd· way alone lllh St., wer. &n- noun.ced. UU. week by Arlie ----------------------"'-' --1 Swa.ru., prHklent ud Bill Lord. 1eneral cbalmta..n ot lb• aponaor· S U M M E R In( Coata ><-·N•wport Barbor Uon.a club. The altair wUI bectn with tbe Pet Parade at 11 a..rn. wtwle ft.ah dinn•,.. will be auved t11:.rou1hout the attemoon Saturday and Sun· \ day. The Qra.nd Parade wl.11 be th• openlnc feature ot th• eveatl Sunday. becinninc at 1 p . .rn. Th• tchedule tollow9: llATUllDAT 11&.ms -Pet Pan.de. U ~ fi·rr. aad ,_ "•• --... • • • I • • , • .. .. ltOCHESTER. CA8~1LLO . ' Il'llU'SCDNO .6. llAUlltJT, -..r tile -· -Will p -~ at -U.. elub l"Wl Pr,. .. Ceno· •-,_.._,. -a-a,., ..,. He• •·'••· Sen. <>nae• e1 •r •rw fllsr ... It-.! altef far tlae -·a.I • 'l7 .... I ... laek llea..tlr;r, w of ti.. d•'rn ..-wUI 11•ttdw t..a. m•& wMte -..... Mllbolt, -Ud -•--for taoe __.. G( tboUUld9 of vbit.on.. Mr~ Yf • E. Ni~kell is Bcicf:e. Hostess -Mn. WWl&m E. Niclr.•11. Hl Bro&dway, C.0.ta M-. entertain- ed. Mr card clll.tl. HeeaUi, when two ~1• ••« com.priMd of )(mea. Paul V, Parket, Bertha 'I'll· lol:.liOll. N111:lbt Rldla7, Ar I in e Spa.natu. Chui@• r . H.uMS., Elmer J. Wrtrht. Boyd Rollort.. and lh• hmteu. A duaert coune prec.ded brlllr• play. 1lra. nnotoon ocorod hil'la· Mn. RJdley took aec::ond prtu &n4 M.ra. 8pancMr wu lOW'. OPEN 181.AND BOMI: Mn. Mary Johna or Loa Anplu 19 Wffk endinc at her Balboa Ja. land hom"e, .._304 ft;u~y1 e~ta to come down. permanently with her tamtr,y ·.about the middle ot Junie. • 1 ... ....--Ont .... ., ... q.-., __ l!Ot ' -.... (lo.,.. ..... ,. Next S•llllJ Marki • Cllwch A1111lvenary CDM Market:·:. -"!fw ~dds Spate · .. SUB -STARLET , • FILI* ••d l,PO • ININ& NIGHTLY. AT , v~~~-- IAllU early for Opelli1t9 ~ht Y, JUNI 1tt • I • • • • .,.. p • .. _,. .......... foll--,. --... -,.. 1:00 p.m.-A~ ol -,, .. .,........._ .. Amerleu lAislom ball. • nu dluers Ud: ,_ • u.. xw .. .,...,. unW cloMac. SUNDAY Nooa -P'Wt. dln:.aen ... f\ul · • ""' llOchno,y. The •rvicu ot 'Ibe L1tU. Churth by the 8u, Corn•r of Le- eton &nd 'nlrouch 11treeta, Laguna Beach.. next-Sunday, June 3rd, will commemorate the tint anntver .. ary ot the work tn Laguna Bes.ch. A special musical program t. J>e.. lng anan,.ed. At the 11:00 o'clock Mniee, ReY. Fn.nk L. Dowell wUJ. brine the r.econd ln ..a eerlee ot meuaaet on "The Detty ot Chrllt" and hil subject will be, t :08 ... ---On.ad • .,....,. l:N p.m. -hd(lar ot "'den. ..,.,._ ...,.._ "Jesu. Chrtl'l I.a God'f Lut MM- aage to & Stn.tul Workl." S:OO p.m.. BM"ty oeat.t. '7:00 p.m..-AWW"dlac of prtzN. J'l8b dblae1'a -""' .. -lllld-way wUll ck*n1. Felix, 'Leo With Sue Stanley Back at Vaux of Balboa Back at home tor the IWllmer aeaaon a.re Felix and Leo wtlh Sue Stanley who Nturn to Vaus: or Balboa Friday, June 1. Tbe trio Sunday achoot mfftti at 9 :'6 a. m. with cluee• tor all ag,.. Don't send your chlldren to Sun- day llebool, "bring-Uwm." Churcb prov1dee U9\apartaUon lt you Ol~ ...._aa1~ The 8ln1P11lration beglna at 7:30 p. m. followed by a me.au~ by Rt'v. Wynte A. Dowell, "'Ille Joy ot SerTtng the Lord this Put Year." Thie ia a epecla.J annlver11· ary maa.se and a epectal Lnvtta. Uon ii ntended to all who have attended the church thia put yeer to come and enjoy the eveninl° •Ith U• h1 the tellowahlp of the Lord.· 8peclal tuttmontea will be of enll'rtainen have juat flnlabed «tven fT"om thoee .who have been • -.on at Palm Spring• and bleaeed th.rou&h the mlnlatry ot thetr rquls..r tour or the country_ The Little Church by the Sea. Returntnc to the Newport Har· The tint amiuaJ church m"t· bor area for the third IJUCCeNlve lnl' wtll be held oa. Tbu.raday, June 9e&IOD. the world famous mutic:I-7th, 7 :aO p. m. A complete report &na will play nightly 1JlrcNPoUt on UM acUviU.. ot the cJturch wm tbe wmmer accordlhc to Vaux be gi.ven and pl&M for the com.ln( Whlte, proprietor. The Mm• U· will be -t f th ad celle.nt euleln will t tur t.b bill year •• ven oi: e vance-• ~ • • rnent of the work of Th• LilUe ot fan at ~ harbor I moat popu-Church by the SM In the South Lu nlte epot. Cout area.. BJble Study and a • · ThanJ<IC"lvinr ot pr&y•r and pfaloe Lodge Notes From wtll eonclude the --. Me~ Rebekahs • I • Graduation Dance Slated for Friday ,,, , , AddtUon ot 4000 feet ot floor .pace to the Co.rcid° del Mar l'lort ot the AllJAmmc:a.n. K&rket wu announced · tbU Wffk by Bl&yne RutclWulon, bead ot 'the Market company ahd E. Korrta S1nith of Lido :We, OWMr ot tbe property. No a.critice ot cu.tomer pe.'rldng- .,.., ~ he made u • ahltt ot J&yout .permit.a the addition. Jfe."W fbr:tune, all of .ia1111- 1lffl with "walk-tn' meat bangiRK and ag-t.ng retrtrerators w111 be in· atalled ln the enlarl"ed are& ot the market. A new wattbouae ad· dlUon will be provided. 1n th• equare block on which tM m&r· ket and p&rklnl' lot ls built. Carl HuU:bl.ruton, manager of the Corona del 'Ka.r Ro~. •Y• "WI! Will have the blQHt com· munJty wper market ln Or&ftl"e county whtn the planned expall· lion ill completed." C&rl Jon•. manager ot the mMt department, will adminllt.er thf: new equipment •lated for that depa.rtmf!llt. Bob Moore of the. produce dt\Ulon ill looklnc torward. to the new pro. -. and otoruce tacwu.. he wW M able to carve out or the _...ion pro,....,.. Rink llwan· ~ ID thus• at Iha Uquor d•· -eDt, WW ban hlo depart· lhtDt n<ieolped and lnCTUMd floor 8J>9Ce WMn tbe tlftl&r1ement lo compl.t>d. • Expan.sian of tbe Corona del Mu etore t. l.r.t line with an oyer-an ..,....... of the All·Am•rfun' ~ lndUCUng-a ,t&at • aew Ill-ID N--11< whlcl> lo ..-.. W.O to ~ ln mk!..Jun' a.D4 a uw ston ill Rlofen (Anaheim· TeJerrapllj llMd and IAll......i Bhd.) f~ Wllldl ~I "lflll llo -... In,,,,,., • • • ·r J I ' I FISH ·FRY SPECIALS, DRESSES coiToN~~S RATON& 81ZU l·U~ Many are ! prite or Lower HOSIERY SPECIAL _,. 1"1111 ..... _ -AD -W •11t N---• •·--I!> to lt~ ' moMo'DAY ' • 1811 NTil'PORT III.VD.· OOllTA IQllA " ' • .INSURED ... -... ·- SAVIN GS CllmlT ua••••• Per Annum , • '( I N • • • • • , ·I ' . . • • I I , • . ' -·-= 1MnlN C:.Ol.14-RD, SHOVLDD CCINTll CUTI PORK ·-ROAST llAl'M Uln( •MU.TT Ifft• ... L-4 ef c:.r.1 SPARE RIBS . Our OW!l: WILSON'S co,~~c~~,.. Cow y e SAUSAGE !~~~~ ........ 4 9c: 45~ ' ' . CiOLDIM STATI conA•I CHEESE ~~ u.••• PACltA&I hlll Mell•I "brlcllff" FLOUR ~~ .. Tasty Loaf · ~-•. · AIEllCAI .-'" · · --Loaf~·- .. CHE-SE ; .. 7-5~" . . . ' . EU.cliiiERS 2 for 9c ToMAiOES 2lli··15o 29c: iSQii2~•·l"_ .. ~_·:._·: _3_9_. ~4----~.~---·.,''" e SANTA MARIA e ' . •. u. s. Ne. 1 WHm IOSI POTATOES L....-s ...... • 10 1~29c: i 00.1~. S•ck $1.79 TAMALES 31~ MO. l '/1 CAN .•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' . ' ' CHI.LI . AND 2 .. ~:.2sc: BEANS . ·SPAGHml 2~~19c: . WITM SAUCI ............. AllA~LD JUICI I I GRAPEFRUIT' F,,.,,, f R 0 l f N F o O D S F•OSTeD ·SflNACH.· PEAS & : CARROTS CUT-"l:ORN· S9UASH (Cooked) POUllOOIC 12.0Z. 21~ •••• c .... 12.oz. 27c .... . Buy .Now . ... SAV• • ' .·F;; . Quo BraftCIS ' ~ ;:::===:......;_ ·.-.-HOIMIL SMOOO · : . • , . · · . FiAN'Ks Braunsc~weig'.r , ~t .. :::r~ ...... 47'-.p;iii;h ~Sau~g~. 6.3;,: LOHCHORM ' . . SWlft'S .ICKI "11u•Wk1 ..... ....._. BOLOGNA .· • , . -· -·-.... ~ . • • '~'f , 'N \ N E S & L f Q U 0 R S ~---- ' . ' I • • 1 ' ' • • ' • • • • ' •• • . -, I ...... 11.t.T .. 1MI lt&ifiOWt UT . ;!G9'r • ii80Pftl«I !'Im CE 'ASSTF.IED I ' . • • The MMJhty Mtci9.t Li Ac:l '<ertimlg J PlunJnc 'b.d for tlla tlmf • D~y Camping Planned for Local Girt Scouts 87 ~ JU"7 ..----------"-tllat 10 tllo •* -'"' Oilll .. --------------------"'· -tlle 1-Uty Of~-14mljcol IA mode -tlla....,.. -Newport Banor lla,f _,.,...., --""-'"'--.a-.. ''-...... •uptlal rt\ff per<onned quloette f>ocl<o Of tlle ~ mldll, CUip .-...JttH met *r io at '"°'""""'".a~ -..,,,..,ry ... ...,.,....,. suM&1. Kay 13. at J o'clock IA the K1oo -ya Blllme, II> PINI. &lid O'Ne!D park In Ille IA&'una bin. ~NEWJ'UBT BAY POsT-Wedn.e!llday& Coot& Xff& Cp1•mu1A1t7 Xetbodlat Kla -._ RMd. la la-. tD look ·-Ille atl.t of Udo-. NE. ™BT-BAI~A PB™''"-, Thundava ChuJU wbell Kla Donna Lee PUii< ~ aocctad Ille -tltll1 ..,.pins ·place. ,,_ ..... "&.,"" . -J -Rock. dauptu of Kr. aad Mn. quetl of yellow roMbuda wtl1ch ~ open 9P&CI' .tna:tQI bmll ,..,..., mi. hi&: 0 srl,,.. .._ w& ,_ m tM h11ll7 Clarl!nee Rocllr lttl Meyer PL. th4t)' c&n1ed.. All wen m•tc"'DC and warm ~ mab 'l"rabuco CM• }(....,.~ W ta '.ft.lU"1111a7 l'w • ,.P'l\ted ...,. and exehanpl' rultl'lf .. urnr In their halr, the yoa a d.UpU'ul place tor Brown· llllll1ll1JI( AD ~ 6 .LIND rtn,.'Wtth ltebert Raymond Scott. ~ trirl'lmed wtlh ~ IM lnt.4-nne41.ate and lknior Otrl Al Os dflel ... w& ....... tor C.. la ~ ot peNhe"oa. "°" Of Kr. and Kn. B<dt-8cott. buda Ith -In lhetr abowu ~ ID wlllcll tD ......, llruMdl· ' UMa 1 Paper ' .75 ~H Aw., ea.ta Kea. "nle cluste.rt. ately at the clOllt at the tcbool • 4 U.. llllP ~ doubt• rtnf .....,,.,o,y Jerry a B•lme ....mid -,_ ~ otller -le def 1 .. two Z Papen I.SO wu 1'Nd by Rev. Clw1eo '· Band. maa cluU.. wlill• fU..,. wen ...u, June 11, to 22 U tT and ' U-S .Papen Z.00 Gracetul buluta briml'IUn&' wtth uUtted by WUUa.m. Muedr and a • ' ' "De publiabtn wW not be rupoaaible for mun tb&n. one-tneonect whJte ltOcll:, eallu and 1JadiDU ln-Du. WDll.ama. Men ln. tbe wed-j.OT thil meetlllJ' of tnltrucUoa. IMntJon ot an a.dntt.lament, ~ the r11!>t to conectl7 dullfy terspe=aed. with the cool~ of dlnl' SftlUPlnl''WON ll&ht blue-IUlu to lodult. Mn. c . w. Crow1 of Co-uy and &O t.dl &fld to reject any adverliee1111nt not contormtnr to fttn..Jnade Ul effectlw ~d and boutonmeru of white CUTI~ rona del Kar and MIM mu. Lox.. ruJ.. and nsuJ&UON. Adnrt&Mment.1 arid can«UatJona will bfi tor UM •rvice... .Adorninl' the Uons.. ley of L.&cuna prukled. TM lJll... accepted u:p1to 0 p..m.. QID the day Jrecedinl' publlcatJcm. Ph. Bar. 1111 knee:llnt bench wen White roeea. hren.t. of tbe juatweda 1'eaded portanc. of outdoor Oltl Beouttn.c ,,.._ Har. lilt. Mil tv ""Ad. 'hkw'" or litlld ad aod remlt1aao9 to ~ and fem. 'I'be tlowwl t!ae ~el'rinJ line with Ute brldat wu ltf'l'Hed and informaUon trom NEWVPOU •••BOB PUB1..181DMO OD. v.•er9 crown by Mn. Roy J . Blckli party ln:tbe church chapel where booka on the wbJect .... &inn 1111 a.la......, .Newport Bencb, O.WonJa. ot eo.ta M'Ma, pandmotbtt of the the ~• couple ~re delupd tboM ,,omen attendtnr. Traill bride, who an-a.n~ the decoN· wtth pod wt.h• durlnc the re. weN l&ld, ttru bulJl, aonp &nd tlons.. ceptlon. Both molbera wore COJ'• pme ln.strucUoa were siftn-tn Marlene Jacot.on, 10loiat. anr aagu of baby ore.bide, Mn. Rock tact the whole prorn.m of n._v "I Love You Truly," ''Bec&uaie," with bu attractl"9 treen crepe ~pln( waa dilcu*Hd. from lb• &Dd "The Lord's Prayer." print.. and Mn. Scott wtth her be-etanctpolnt of run for · ~· Olr1 Adiandnr 1'1 lhe altar on the cominc llllu• cnpe dreN. White &out cam~ra. SlrtMn women ~tr tatlier, who p.ve ll4r ln hata and llCC'eNQrtn completed the trom Newport Harbor were pru--~·«Plltc, Ult-lowly-TOUDS brid• ..... mblH . ..t. wa• an exqut.lte .Picture ln her A follow~up m~etlnf on June 17 f fl_lmy white marqulaette ~ •ee4e&a.ta at the L&auna Girl Scout HOUllll ,ned wtth lace panela..11.ftd rut-The tour-t\er~ wreddinr cake, fof' the Day Camp committee di•· fled train In Victorian etyle. Her topp@d wt(h a minta.ture brlde and cuued the report ot the JunloT veu fell to fingertip IV1gth from a gTOOm, wu cut by Pete Howe, Day Camp eomm.lttff made Up of Jullt"t cap 1tudded with lff<I uncle of the bride. Lending ha.-Girl Scout.a and their wlaheA and pearla. A •ingle 1trand of J>f'&.rll tea aJd wen the bride'• coualna. dultta to be put into etftct at wu her only ornament. Her bou-M.lMH Ba.tb&ra Jean Roadu and Day •Ca.mp. ~•lbtHty of camp quet of white carnatlOIUI with 1"'1'anCH Dee R.ock. M'.r1 . Mariann prosram i. deairable. Weather ahower of aatin brocaded ribborui Mueck, .Uter Of the bride, had chance. ma.ke that nf'<:Nary. .._ . .., c-enlered with a white orchid c:barg-e of the J'.le.rt book. Vlrcinl& Bikini and type1 of craft tnfor~ 11' corsage effect. Thia coraace Dale RMk, another cousin, caught matton wu dl8cuued by .Miu !&.t.u. s-omplet~ her amart ,.ppe&r· the bridal bouquet. Lesley and Mn. Crowl. -a.AUT61' tn:veling-when added to a J'oll --"-th h On June 7 the '··t meetln• of bl ba din 1 Oww.r e c urc.h reception, ._ • ue ca r e suit comp emrnted friends and Mlattvn were invited Ult. Day Camp inltructlon wlU bt l:Jrt_ red hat and slippers. to a amaJJ atta.tr at the home or conducted . .Anyone wUhtnc to at· la Pl'Oal!Mkt..a Mr. and Mr1. Rock to eee the new· tend may do 90 without havln,r at- Attending her 1.i.ater u matron lywed1 leave on a honeymoon to tended,... the prevloua meetings. of honor J.Crs. Patricia Hulme lent Sequoia NaUonaJ P..U. Buffet re· Tho.re wbo attended th• first t•o- charm.inc contra.at to the procea. fruhment,: were aerved in honor meetin,ra be aure to attend the atonal Jn an ank.le-lensth creation of the mothe.ra on Mother•'. Day. lut. No ~lat tralnln« ii nee•· of pale ,Fttn marqulMtte detailed Mr. and Mrs. Scott, both ST&dU--.ry for adult.a wl.ehlng to help with taffeta. sub. She c&.JTl.ed a atea of N"'port Harbor Union With Day Camp. nor doe• one haw Ahowtr bouquet of pln.k rosebud• H tih_ Khool. will eitablilh re-1· to havr a child In tb,. program. tied "With ll'ttn ta.ffel& ribbon. f ·ence in Coal& Meaa. Regiatration1 of Gtrl Scout.a for Mr.s. John W ~st is Bridge Hostess Weslyan Guild Installs Officers the two Wef'k Day Camp are pour· lnK In bttauae It I• the beat pot· • 1lble run and perhaps the moet 1m· porta.nt part of Scoutinc, but lt will be abaolutrly neceM&ry to have enoUJh adulU preMnt to Luncheon wu the prelude to have the ca.mp. Any tntereated -~ t brid In an impre•lve candle llghllng an -.~emoon o 1"11 when d --wl•hln• to help. even Ir to• M • W ceremony an dedication eervic• r~• ....,,.. e • n.. .iohn e•t Of Flower Stu jUlt one of tht> •ix days, pl• ... Coat& Mea. recently uaembted the new officers of the We1leyan Guild of the Cot1ta Mesa Com4 call Mr•. A. J . Gruwell at Ha.rbor Jrllmber1 of her ca.rd club. In 806--M. ~ti; .. ~~r::. w;::e~m·~~~::::, :r~~u~~:;,.7te~h:·~1egu~~ 1 Harold Holbrook Claude And.er.on, Homer Mellott, met ln the home of Mr1. Ma.rte Keneth Stewart. Richard Dttt· .Peare. Thuraiay evenlnr. May 17. mu and Emeat l<oClellan. eo ..... ~·· wue pre .. nted to each Birthday Celebrant F'lrst prize wu won by Mra. of t1t6 new offlcen. Jo.eph McClellan ; .-cond went to Included were Mr1. Grace IJlll· )lr1. Stewart: Mn. .A Menon took: lng1, eh.at rm an; Mrs. Helen Pohl4 tranl a.nd Mr1. Dittma'.r wu.oon4 m~. MCretary; Mn. Floren« eoled. Flaherty. treuu.rer; Mr1. Elva ... Kipp. vice chairman, Mn. Maud• • • ------"' Davi•. promotion• chatnna.n; Mra. mr. & Mrs. L. G. Earley E<\>ma Stevens. cheer chairman. Announe·e Daughter Gueru at th• mHllnl' we.e Mr•. Grow Brown of Loa .Anrelea.. Mrs. Martha rnekey and Mra. ){a_ry Taylor. Mra. Kipp pve a talk on 'Mary of Jenua.lem anri Mn. Flaherty eho.e u her topic the story of the bertnnln.r of the "'Vt. and Mr1. L. 0 . Ea.rley. 713 Larkspur annue. Corona del Mar, •1'9 announcing the birth of a. daucbt.er, Suzanne ThPreM, on Saturday, May 19 at St. Ja.eph b01pital. She weighed six pound•. 11 ouncu. Titts le first child for qie Earleys and •he wu chrlaitenf'd 8unday, May 27 at St. CalhPrine'a Catholic church, IA.gun& Brach. Gr•ndparenta are !.tr. and Mr1. W. G. Kane or L&guna Beach and Mr. and Mrs. F<obert Padrtgo Or OM!it-MHa. • Wesleyan Guild. It wa• decided that th• Guild buy a stained fl&.U window for the new IOCia.I hall. Tbe meettbJ night wu cha.npd from the third Thurlday or each month to the fourth Thursda.y. All announce- ment wu made of the annual convention 'Of the Guild to be held at Pa.Ci.fie Pa.liaadee on June 18 -;:::::::::::::::::::::::~I and 11. r The June 23 meeting' will be -Cl.assil iect- Ads · • to llell your car , • • to Ibid a buyer for your home • • to '!ftlt your apt. •• to ill1po1e of fa1'nlture aad b.0119ehold pich you no lon1er need. • • • to flH • 1ood job c::: ' -~!~ ., ... ~ -u., Classified Ads holJteued by M.ra.. Dori.A Wood Of 311 Ea.It 190i St., with Mn. M&rPftt Nee u ru@.t 1P9&.ker. OCC Dinner for Board and Faculty Harold Holbrook, '°" of Mr. and Mn. H. R. Holbrook. 212 -%3rd St .• Newport Beach, w .. feted Frt· day ev~ing at a most enjoyablP party arranged by h1a 1l1ter Joann. The eevenlHinth birthday of the younr man wu the lncen- tlve of the pleuant affair. At the conclualon of the evening Miu Holbrook provided retruh· menta of birthday cake, tee cream and coffee. On band to help Harold eel~ brate were Diane Sanders. Sonney Grant and Frank Albertaon of Newport Beach, Ruth.£ooper. Do- lor-es Frirnd. Beverly tLltUe. Von) Vaurhn and Frank. DePont« of Coal& MeM. Bridge T ourname.it on This Week Due to the &nnu&l National &nd Al.l·West~m champlonahlp bridge tournara~L bei.nr held tn Loe An· gelt;.1 from May 28 to June 3 whicb will be attended by all local du- plicate bllldge player•, the regula.r- Monday a..nd Friday g-ame1 uau&l- ly played 1n Balbo& wtU be Can· celled during the corn.tnr week. The ,rroup m•t u uaual 1'rl· day even1.nr the 2!)th. On Monday June 4, the an@rnoon croup will •tart an e.irht-week M.rtea. Fishermen's Club at Breakfast Meet Claulfled Index 11 It,.,,. - ll Bldkll•• ltaa.t h u a..Ddlq ........ 16 """' ..... 15 ...,..IevOu- 11 T-7' ........... l'f ••a'• 0-t.Mt .. ,._Aw. 1• u, ........ M-A* nIMt_._ ,. ................ . ti .......... ..... H BelpWaated M l&k. """81bs s ._ ,._A8- ll waaled .. .., nl'luMtuefwhlo a-Au~ .......... ,, .. .... __ I& Dop, ClMa, ... M P"""'7, -1'1' U.-&odr. .. Speeital ••s I e Fifi u ......... o,po ......... uwuw•a.t U Apar1 r• .... S.111 " ---.... a.t '5 a.t, ""'erDs·r1• .. _ ... .....,. ,,_ U Aat1a s'1U. 'ftr'M .. ~ .... ,,,_ ae Aato Bentm IL TNl1en u Alrplaaeo 115 H_,. "' I.-. .. -.,, ..... 11 a.I l"Alat-. WM'1M P •eae••·~ • ·-l'>opertJ 11 .... Z.tate Cv+Mp aa-i- i,.._llUIHNEll8 OUU>ll OOllPLll'IW BOUU Cll&UmfG --J'anltun Uld ..... -...-. ..... ..._._ hll;J ..... Al'1 House & Rug Cleaning Co. ltMCIOll 1111 T1tfc For Venetian Blinds, Sb.ades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP ~ emma tea Pb. H&r 884 514 -2\'th St. Newport Beach 1!-llUILDINO 8E&V1Cl!:8 REP AIRING and PAINTING Rtuonable. Large or 1m&ll Job&. U-BUILDINO SDVICD DON K. BUTTS , Lie, General Contractor Reaidential--C<>mmercial Remodeling PhOD" Beacon 84.0S·W 17tfc . Sympson & N,ollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Best Money Can Buy" 612 -a&th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR :U04 13lle H. H. HOLBROOK . DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt RL'palr Service Maintained Pbone: Harbor lf18-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Wlae people do read the ad£ A}cohollca Anonymous Write P . 0 . Box. ~ Bal-loland, C&llJ. Phone Klmbtr!y 1-5393 !&-&1TUAT10N8 W.u!TZD WAr-.'T POsmoN u compa.nion. Ught hou..e work:. Live In. Do not drive. Ovpr S yn. on lut job. Call Har. M, uk for AllcL' Stanton. ~p27 ' COLLEGE BOY, •tronl" and will· tnr. Needs l'Wnmer employ· ml'nt.,.Nttda work be.d1y. Avail· able after June l Qth. Ph. Bea.· con Ml 1-J. 21k:27 WANT Combination dishwa1h'r A veretable m&n or woman. Hr•. 1 • ll p. m. .Apply Rosemore Dininr Room, 2800 Ne"'J)Ort Blvd .. after 10 a. m. 24c2e RJ::CEPMONJST, St.-nographer- Small oftice·typtng, P.horthand. 5 day wttk. Write Box W , thltl paper. 2.5Q27 LADT TO TAKE over established .Avon busi.neu. , Call Harbor 2~1-J after & p. m. 26p28 SERVICE STATION 1'.fAN. Some e.xp. l~ W . Balboa Blvd, Ne~:· port Beaoh.~ 26p27 NEED HELP? Co'n.ult tttuation wa.nted ad• or place •. claaitied In the Newa- Tlmea. Poat and Preu comblna· lion at 12 per wee.Ji. m.ln. Phone B.arbor 1811. -SERVEL ' Free e1ti.matea. Walker. 108 18th S cu. ft. refrigerator .. dlx. mod,t, St.. Nwpl. Beach. Har. 26114 R I good condition. 90 day guaran- tee- HAULING Any kind, tJ'Ub or t W ALI<~ 108-18th SL. Newpott. H. 2511·R. PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Kenneth Quarry 1&15 Sa.nl& Ana .Ave... Colla M:eaa Pboo·-~ $129.95 STROOT'S Te~lDkle Har-dware 'DH.con 5%22 Newport Blvd., Co1rt;a Mita ,28cZ7 TWO RIDING HORSES and nd- &a for Mle or trade. Phone llubor 1299-JK. ~8c28 ---1-~~-ri'wport Hartior ~ 22 I I Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach Ph. Harbor 1618 • • q:RVICL RmnUGICRA TOR, 9 tt. de luxe model, with veg-et.able lra)te. SI&. · 8 MOL cuarantee. foacon to09-R. 2ScH • NOW HERE ii ~e 8eUOD of barpin.1 in berries, fruit, fl.ah. etc -Be JUirt...~y -tinjoy the convenience f f your own home freezer! ' --rUR Elec. Motora, Uled, '4 H . P. EACH. --' . ~~c~~rl_~:. ... ~~.~-~~--.~~ l~lii" EMERSON Conaole TV. !Excellent condlUon ........ $1~9.~ L IDEAL EXTRA. BET 7' lelevt.lon with magnifying en1, C'omplete wtth new plc- lture tu~. .Attractive mahog . ~ood cabinet. ················-····$59.95 ·r ~t,f'P ln touch with ua for good lbuya in TV .et.I being traded !n- it~~~:.~~~~·~,~~: :~~~.~~~~ ,IC.A.SY TERMS ARRANGED _.,,... ~· Chrysler EJ:igine& Use<\ I Cro~·-Royals See John Harvey \ at Seacraft 9~ OOAST HlGBWAT NEWPORT BEACH PB. B~ACO)'{ 5711 84Uc SLIP SPACE available for p1ea1- Utt boat up to 4.5 tt. 3300 Via Lido, Newport Beach. 24.c26 SEA BOOKS ~ nn. -of -"" aD ,acht-~ IUl>jeeta--P111i. ID .,,,...., --Lcdlllc llb..,.,., . The Isl&11ders tu K&rtn•, Bal-11. Bu 15'7 SNOWBDtO with l&il. Fair COil· dltion. Ca.n. aee Saturday and Sunday. $125. 13'1 Via Lido Soud, Udo hie. 24 p26 14 ft. SAILBOAT with trailer $75. 382 E . 18th St., Costa Mesa, Ph. Beacon &044-R a.rter 5':30. ~c27 MOORING for sale.. Near Lido Isle and yacht anchorab; choice Jocallon. Just ovrrhauled. Avail· able at once. Write Box X this paper. 25p26 Boat ownel'B and mechanics FOR YOUR SNAR.ON TOOLS Call JOHN KIMBLE 1744 Miramar, Balboa Har-bor 10874 R DA VIS-BROWN Co. 1 ________ •_20_n _H 1885 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Phone Bea.con 88:ll f4:FRIGERA'I'OR -Philco '51 f model deluxe, haa adjustable 1ahelv«>•. AU chrome racka and 'trim. Full width vegetable cri.&- per-Crosa top freezer cheat Big meat keeper and extras. lt.s the one "'here the door goe-111 c:lear to the floor. Used It two Tnontha. You can take payment• of $11 .29 iwr mo., balance on your contra.ct will be $158. Eq· ultt le "2. Stt me 9 a .m . to 8 p.m. at 404 So. Spadra., Full· erton or phone Fulle.rton 2152. 24.c26 Rattan Furniture Made in the Philllptnea and ln our own work lhopa. Wide choice of fabrica. Largeat. dirplay In So. Ca.lit. Retinlahinc and ReupholR.ertnc HOUSE & GARDEN Ill Cout Hwy., Nwpt., Bea. 5277 10 iN. G. E . TELEVISION, teble model, excellent condition. $75 . Harbor li37-M. 26p27 26 ft. Twin engine Cabin Cruller, fully equipped, radiophone. bait tank. etc. \\"ill •E"ll for less·than 4: replacement cost. Stt at 3(12 Marcua, Newport or for 1nfor· matlon a.ft.er Sun ... June 3Td, call collect OXford 452-259. 26p27 26 n . COMMERCIAL fishing boat. Hea.vy cabin crulsE"r. New mo- tor and paint. lncludp1 gear and .equipment. Ph. Beacon 6384-W. 2!1cZ7 BRAND ~ 20-tt. Plx.te. 'sloop, 1lHps 2 •• 18--ft. beam, deep keel. Reversible Wl8con&ln motor. Nearly ready to launch, .11100. Ph. Long Beach 8·270~. 26c28 SPINET piano. RepoRelSl'd.. Pay out ~balance $287. Another re· posausion, I 3 9 5. 0 A N Z- SCMlDT Big Pia.no store. One hundred planOI from which Lo .chooae. 520 No. Main, corner 6lh, Sant.t. Ana. COME IN and play the wonder· tut new Hammond Chord Or- gan. Even ff you don ·t know a note of mus:ic you can play ~autiful music ln ten minutes. DANZ-SCH).UDT Blg Piano A: •t......nom ....... cv•r.r, ornc111 roa 8SN'I' \. ReelOGtba, -N•~pcl('l ~ lfewaort Bell Phone Bar, IS52 tw Bar. tliTO l'TUll ' A 'ITRAC!'lVE -well loeated Bal- boa oftkie for law:Jtt. M:COClJ>t.. ant. tnamance. buJJOtr. · arcM- ,tect. etc. 507 &--BIYd:, Balboa. Bar-lll0'1. 24tf0 WANT 3 or 4 bdrm. tunUtbed. houae In, Barbor area. Wlll take 1 to 2 yr.· leue. Phone H&l'b()P 1909-W. :Upll -Please- 3 BEDROOH. 2 t.th tllmlalled home on Bay Shore., Beacon Ba)' or Udo .Isle. Lea.lie Oft yearly hula or tf proper lLom• will leaae with option to buy. Call Beacon MSO·J after t :00 P. 1'. 29c28 Everybody reads the ~ed ada. ~-lentiftC)· ~/Problem ;~:CLAISlllll> LIDO ISLE U you want a rental on lovely UDO ISLE eee WI. Several Cood home.a avaUable. A.lao apa.rt- R_!enta by we-ek or month. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Llcto Harbor 1500 l6tfo FURNlSHl!:D large 3 room cot- tage trailer, running hot wate~. private bath and laundry, M'pa- rate yard. 200 E. 16th St .. Costa Mesa. adult.A. $37 .50 ye&rly rE'nt- &l. 25pll Summer Rentals Lido Isle -4. bdrm, 2 ~ bath, ii. lot, play yard. Special rate for aeuon or by month. Chi.ca Cove -Beautiful view hom e. 3 bdrm and m&.id·.a room. o.ertookl jetty, a few •tep1 to bE'ach. COM -.Bayfront -2 bdrm, p["iva{e beach. New, compact. Euy to care for . GREENLEAF A ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Ha.rbor tM2 17tfo RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 NEWLY REDECORATED tum- ilhed apt. By wu k , month, or year a.round. 3il2 M'arcua, New- port or call collect OX!ord 452· 259 atter Sunday, June 3rd. ~p27 SUMMER RENT AL. Marvelou1 vacation house. e' B. R., 211; bath.!!. Overlooking Chln.a Cove and entrance to Harbor. Serv'- ant.s quarter.a. Avallable tor seuon &t $2000. Phone Hl.rbor 1037. 24c25 TWO CHINESE THROW RUGS, 12 ea. CockWI table. maple $:>. Dinette .aet $12.Ml. 3·pc. aeeUon. al ch.air aofa, ${~. Occutona.l cha ir $10. Johruon "32" Oui- board 1125. 419 ~ Marigold. Co.- rona del ~Mar. 26p27 O•ga.n Co., 520 No. Mam, Santa .RENTAL { Ana. - ANTIQUE Maple dining rm. table, •3. leaves, mahopny dr98er, good condllion. NEW .atudio couch with 2 large plllow1. 221 Monllnr Canyon Rd. (Shore Clltts), Corona del Mar. Harbor 32f!;2. 25<:27 WOOL RUG, 8 x 12. 2·tone. green. Pra.ctlca..Ily new $30. Phone Har· bor 13884 R . 28c27 DALE'S new location 187.4 HARBOR Blvd. CHAISE lounge A pad ____ .$ 9.95 9 x 12 CongoJ~um nip -·--' ti." 4-pc. bedroom set. blond -·-179~ Apt. c-range1 re(Ulator ...$89.50 Two Oattets Ir-Sattler ranp1 • ?I.,., Randy-Mite diebwuher J9.ll5 RENT A PIANO, S5 per mo. All rent allowt'd it you buy Within terms. OANZ-SC!IMlDT, 520 N. 'Main, Santa Ana. USED PIANOS t.rom $89 up. Good playing condition. DANZ. SCHMIDT, 521l N, Main. SaJlta Ana. cor. 8th. GRAND PIANO. ' i!'U<>ll" and Hamlin. Used, but ju.at like new. Alao magnti"lcent Steln4 way at neuly half price. Mey othera: Kimball, Knab'!', Hurts- man, Wurlitzer, Chickering, Bu1h and" Lane. DANZ. SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, Santa Ana. 520 N. Ma1n, cor. 9th. •• ALL ELEC'l'R.IC ORGAN. Repoe· 11eued. Magn.iticent tone. For church or home. Pay out bal· a.nee. Terna. Thia wonderful in· 1trument la jllllt like new. 'DANZ-SCBVIDT Plano and Ot-gan Clo., 521l N. Main, CO!. 6th,._§ai.l!J Ana. ~PECIALISTS Call Edna Orals Linwood Vick, Rltor: Balbo9 !Jll&Dd. Bu. 2041 82.U Summer Reserv1J,tion~ ' Udo I1l6 Bay Front unit.a. 1 and 2 bdrm.1, $70 week up. Harbor 25621 evee.. Har. 29144 )4. 17tf'G 2 B. R. Beautifully Furn. ON YEARLY LEASE. Startln( June .lat. l ';i block• to main beach, Corona de! Mar. $110 Pe:r month. Call Harbor 169~R %4c29 LOVELY VIEW HOME. .-mer or year. round. Fu.rnlahed or unfurn. 8pa.cloua grounda. t near Arehe1) ~l Cliff Dr., Newpon Bea.ch. Bea.con ~lo-J or Bea- con ma 25p27 Just above tile main bea.ch \ Corotia de! Xu 3 Bednne. s~· baths S."¥ .. quarlera. 'Available .J)lly &lid Aug. at 11SOO Phone Barbor 19H-R •• :Uc29 BALBOA ISLANl> • • ' • • ~-• • • .. I I .' .i r-:--~-·~~,_~-~~~--s~~·-1~·!IB~-r~~~~~·-l:J:f~~~~·-ti-~--l~S·~I:,A~·~~~·~~~se~1~.1.!TS!!_~ ........... 1~·~~-~s~~~L~lll~l~A~....,~----..... --l_!•!::•~·!•~L~.~111~14~....,!!.~~ .... _!•!!::Pl'!l!!~·~L~llll!!lf ... !!,_: __ .... ____ ,. P"tl· Sll'l'.&r9 • P"tt,mA'JS J/tl n•a..m.am ' I+----= VOGEL VALUES BLANCHE-A. GATI!a Realtor?. J..~ 11-. in Coro~~ del Mar L. c. JONJ:S ' l. lWl'l'IN , The ~ 011 ~. BALBOA,~, . . s Bdrm. -2 llath -eorDel' . ' ' ' ; • SLIGHnoY. DIF'F'ERENT-• •. • AV~ u attraetlTO .tJlod 11<1rM with a Plan, ' tb&t n&llJ aflo•• 4 M~ kltclltn wtu. dtU· -wecher, mdll ol. cabtMt. 8Dd tUa. "lbere an Uu'H -aad a !>ta -I bath& J'lnp-, soo4 ·h•t ond' ook"iloon. n.,.. II a lovely Alplno lt;Jtod lhlns room ,wttla open bMm celllns and unpainted ~ -1 .O.U-Otma-and dlnlnJ. alcc>ft. !h:ni i. room for eft!Jbod1 and at a pr1C9 U.t mean. b1*:taem. 11•1500. A ftne BalbM. llla.nd loca- tlall, ealJ tor appob>unet. J.1 BEEK OFFICE WE HAVE • Five nicely lltuated acre11 In Vi.ta Irriga- tion Dbrtrict, moetly In mature a vocadoa, llOll!!l!..I!J_l!Dg a-coming along. Ideal for ntired couple who want Income auppl&- meat. 2 bedroom modem home. Prieed at $27,!\0o -WE WANT Comfortable beAcb home to about one. half above value. • • Everett Morns & Assoc. ~ E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor 326:1 . 91 •sat. ESTATE EXClllANGS 11--&EAL DTATE EXCHANGE fU,000 equity -Loo 1'.U. Bl~. Loo Anpleo. Blx l>drm -· h1-lot. WANT l 1'drm w oullmlL Contractors Attention! r BLDG. Lota, PLUS aew 2 bdrm home le Pomon&. - WANT HOME on ll1&nd. or Cop. -OD& d.e1 Kar. Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1528 ca.a Bhrd.., Corona del Mu Barbor 21M CHARMING income and ri.ome completely turn.Lebed. Ideal for penon a.lone or 1e\'tt&l tamWH. a and 2 bedroom duplex &nd rt rm. home. Alway. rented. One lf'ued. 1 bllc to bl.y Ir: ~ Linwood Vick W.i A. Tobi&.l!, ftatWins PROPERLY PRICED PROPERTIES COLONIAL: 2 •tory. 4 bedroom home. l..oftty patio. J"lreplace and tuma.ct. DHigned for &ii ytar living. 2-car ~-2 batha, 2 •how· •rw. Ideally located ........ $23,950 ~d many otbera. We ha~ most ot the better b uy1 lilUd. OUr tUne t. youn. · LINWOOD VICK REALTOR 312 Marine Ave., Harbor 20t2 BALBOA ISLAND 11~.000 ca.ah plua .-.cant or bn· ----------- proved property. Balance loan. Owner, Rm. 21. 940ft Brighton Way, Beverly HlU.. CR.utv1nr f...al~l. (Cou.rtely to broken). lttfc . Exchange Wanted l'HREE unit., nearly new, well tu.mllbed, good rent&ls, 'clolre to Balboa Island · $3000 price cut MUST SELL. BeauWul 4 bdrm. Colonial home. Furna~. fire place, s druatnc roomo. Gar- \ ha&'< di"POo&I. dbl sa...... Im· med.late poueNion... can Bar· bor 1S81..J'. See any time. t::;:;:::;~be;;;acb. J'ull price Sl~.000. Want all bOUM in part ptyment balance euy. A!90 have cub HcH low prk-e cott.ac"e., W . Nowport. N .B.C. Rulty Oo .. 3111 Newport Blvd. 2'Sc28 11--&ML ESTATE WANTED EXCELLEN"I;, lit Truat Dffd- $3,500. Payable $36 mo .. e:tt., tnt. Property v..lue $7 .800. Call Bob Sattler. Poirier Mtc. Co. Ba.r. 107T·J. Htfc HAW PARTY with cull .... t~ 11-Tll.ULEU to buy • 1 Of 2 bdrm. hOUM tn -~===;...... ____ _ eo.ta lie.a. About 1-4.000. Phone Bea.con 522~ B. A. Nereson 1111 Newport Blvd .. Ooota'M ... .,..., & b1-du! baa -.. ....... t.bru a Dall Want Ad • ive • 1-.T LINCOLN CUSTOM 81CDAN ~ beat.er, overdrlv•. roe Ji.Cbta. undtt IHJ. Perfect con· dltkm.. A beauunu blue. Very Jaw llllleap. OW'ner wUl •cri· tjte. III Via Lido Soud, Udo 1'lo. Barbo< SOS. Harbor 328ll. can tw app'L 24c28 lf'T CHRYl!LZR Town and b,un. try. Ortstnal owner. Immacu· Jato. llllOO. MI~ Poplar Bl•d. Alllulbr&. atJm-d 3-H32. 2llc27 .. PACKARD •-<tr. auper deluxe ..an. Brand .... paint. Good .-tlclb,USO. "1 ;QftD COUPE, hoL SOOc1 nm· _ .... -4!U .. , '50. l8l S. Illtll "&. Ooll& K .... lldcon 90W-R -1:30. 2klT 1947 • 21 ft. CORONADA a.II aluminum. 11' awninl'. Ba.ck· able dolly. Elect. n:n-tg. Brakea. Heater. Lot 34, 7204 Cout HI- way, Newport Beach. Jk21 WANT TO BUY older bou..e trailer .IUJt&ble for ltYinl' qua.r· ten for man. (approx. $1001 Ph. Har. 1020-W eveL 20t.f 11 FT. HOUSE TRAILEit, Vlldn( 1947. Compl. equipment. Im· maculat.e throu&bout. Prhratf! puty. 20!!1 SoothwMt. Blrch SL, ·sant& Ana He1-bta. j 1 ~ mile. l:ut oC lutta A.n& Covn· try club). :ztlp2'1 ""° ~ _ 1 W..... _ ·311 Marine Ave., B&ll:>c*, lll1nd . 2 B. ~.'Home bOwd. o-. 1...,1 11v. nn., 1oto Ph._ Har. 1&71 .., U72 . ;Eva' llartlill' T4'-K t11 ,1;.. -a 1 -,. -.i an .. at -tul Illa. ru...... baat.. < • -lot,-&loO -lot. - Ken tllaa ample ·.-._. BALBOA 'ISLAND ' . IOll. -...--"-4 V-ot Illa b1Ua. BUY OF THE WW: Beutlfa1 ' B.Jt. JIOllla. · '-c•lclr•• T1>tal ....... ttT$O n: 1:::r. i:: tt.~th'!':;: Forced air beat. Bwd. flrL, dl8poAI. ~ ~-. $l75Q doWlf \' · ..... din: rm. i.. clbl. pr-. eally redueed,for-qulclt ... • Tldo .... older -... but .un oerTlce porch. r...-patio. i B, R. B-. 6 A.pt. D...,. _...___,Y --" ... _ a "'7 __, ~Jo. Plmty af rm. lo hulk! a -tal ....... _..._ w"" ..... • catMm. ·- a10.ooo i.ey. compl&tety ...-.,. nlahed. Patio, ranee. Small dOWll .paymMt. ~ ,_ted 2 bednn.. IM>~ OOl'b.• lot. ' ........- eldl'a ""· kit. " •rv. porch. • CORONA DEL MAR . 3 • R, Home lfdwd. floom Leo-ci-ta. V... NEW &TRULY BEAUTIFUL; 2 BR. 6 Den Home. a. L N,..t. Bpta, Ml80 : t.JuouPout. Only '8000 • Obie. pr., «q>ena19e carpeting and drape. $1500 down au.IOO la the complete prlea ot a Included. .Near Water. Priced to .ell. n..w attrac. 3 bednn.. 1% bath BLANCHE A.. ~ 2 B R H Mme. Liv. rm. 12~.n with GATES -REALTOR . • . on'le ftreplaca... Dual tu.m.. !:lee. heat I-----......,,-------~...:•:._________ 1 ~ bathl, ~ remldentl&l eel,. tn batha. walled patio and the CORONA DEL XA.R lion, neU htch K.hool. Thll !rd bedrm. hu a eeparat<o ,en· OPEN HOUSE . CORONA DZL KAR could be' a three BR home with trance tor a rental or mother-• a litUe alteration.. Price 11 in-1aw. 612 Jasmine St. · • '$7500, terms Kays ue at 1301 COut Blpway, Corona Mi Mar. ' JOHN VOGEL CO: 434 • Und Newport Beach Harbor 2f. 71 100 M&ln St. Balboa Harbor 145 208 Marine Balboa hland Harbor f.44 llOl Oout Hlway Corona del Mv B.ar.17•torl•T7 LOOKING BACK How many times do you hear folk• 111.y "I wlab I bad b o u g h t that bowie" or Saturday & Sunday, June 2nd.and 3rd ' A T'l'R.A.C'TIVE Dl1PU:X -Better than new. on J lot.I (IO ft. front~). Large rooma. Best hwd. noora, na.l'- .ume ftrepiac.. Brick walled, beautltUlly l.an41Caped yr.rd, dble. P,.,.. Room !or additional lnaome. 8H thil: for REAL Value. Owner •)'II "BELL .. . TOM PAYNE, Realtor JlO C.OUt Hlfhway Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 271 • I "Why didn't we buy that -------------------- lot when it wu available:• MANY TIMES we all re- gt"et having pa&eed up OP· PORTUNITIES' i n r • a I Mtate. Profit by put ex- periences. Look aboed and BUY NOW. Our real growth on LIDO ISLE haa } u 1 t atarted. • BkLBOA ISLAND THRD BEDROOM HOMJ: ln &ood condJtton on one of OUf" quieter street.a. Vtty cloee to ftne South bay Ma.ch. UaabJe double ozal'I. and room on the lot tor exp.a.nMon. Full price ONLY $13,250 , . STANLEY HADFIELD REALTOR Don't call other people Jll Marine Avenue Ph. Harbor 20 Balboa Ialand lucky. Maybe they hadJ---------------------- foreaight-m&ybe faith - maybe aome courage. HPtt at LIDO ISLI!: we are onerinl': VOGEL VALUES in Corojia 'del Mar • • • SPECIALS • • • REAL VALUES in Costa Mesa · 1 BR · on Eut Side .... $ · 4,500 2 BR on Broadway __ $ &,:IOO • · 1 Bdrm Home, $491)() $950 down G. N. WELLS, Rltr. 6 Aaociatea 1190 Newport mvd. €oota Meaa. Ph. Bea. 5181 . $1000 DOWN BRA.l\'D NEW 1 bdrm. bome, P&n· el Ray bel.t, dbl. pr, clo11t to new 17th St. ahoppin.g-dlltrk:t. Full prlce Only $5950 BRAND NEW LOVELY' t BDRM HOMZ-rtre- place, h\\•d., lots Ot tile, forced air heat. Dinln&' room, lars'e lot, CIOH in. Ea.st Side Costa )(ua. - CLIFF HAVEN ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm and den- Fireplacc. hwd., beautltUl car· petinc. Sep. dininc rm., large bdrm•, dbl. gar. Lge. fenced back yard. A G. I. Reaal• irt: .$13,500 Phil ·Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 3 BR only $1MO dn _$ 5 9!50 ttO Newport Blvd. Coot& K- ' Phoae Be.con 1891 Hacbor 11~7 • W or Beacon MM-J ttnctive -fllnllahed -fl.5,500 ' . • ' A FAim:.Y HOME In Coron& clel llar, OD • 90 ft. Jot. S bdrm&. 1~ batha. Bclwd. f1ra. BM.uUtully carpeted. Plenty of room. for your f&mlly and well located for abOf>- plng lind tun. See thla multiple liating today #181• ·NELDA GIBSON SO& Karine Balboa Jaland • 3 Bdrm Home, Newport Heights BRAND ICEW. Bost ot ....mnicUon with hwd. ·n....., nacstone fireplace, plate &Lau wtndowa factns th• j)&tlO. •%. fi, 1'. H. A. loan. a~ble. It's a beaut)'! $11,950 •• f 2 Bdrm. Ho.me -.. 2 Baths NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Built I yura qo by a builder for ht• own 'home. I~'• •uW'UJ.Jy tlnlshed. wttb the but o! hwd. noon. wood -"""· larSo -patio, !~ &rut double prap. Most &ttn.ctive and a real dowJl.t,o... -.rtll 'f'&lue. ' $12,500 BEACON HILL REALTY Phone Beacon 1713-1\ BALBOA ISLAND VALUE :PLUS! Ar• you looking for a GOOD 1 B. ll.. 1~ ~th HOMEf Ololce JocaUon -perfec< condition -tutetully decorat· ed -nicely tumished -lweu land.caped -dtsigTlfd for enjoyable yea.r 'roun4 Uvt.nc. Pric~ below the market at $19,500 Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A. w . at Marine Harbor 2482 Balboa laland The Grande!Jt Ocean View that can be obt&ined! La.r«e homt, 5 \)edrooma, 8"' bath8; I .teeplng porches, ! cedar lined cloaet.1. Hwd. floors. dbl garage and carport; burement, eervlce porch, "5·ft. cor. In Corona de:l Mar. Thia 11 really a buy. sdbmlt offer. M.ultiple Llning No. 18;41. • A FINE LADIES RmAl>Y·TO·\\-'F.AR SHOP for sale • ('8UM of ill health. A. wrJ nice buAneu and the prlee la rlpt. • ' Fl1'ZMORRIS REAL;TY CO . ~ Real £stat.a It: Buetnem lh'okera au CO-UT BLVD. CORONA DEL MAK Pbone Barbor 1152 1. Lovely new large t Mdroom home ju~t complettd. Thia Is an unuwally clevf"r home In a prlme location. Llg'ht. chttrlu.l willl nice Hpt.raUon trom your nell{hbor. and lateat reaturai tlullt ''wlli win yOUr heart." Priced. to .ell. New larse 1 bdrm home, ocean aide of highway, living rm 15 x 2•. Din.inc rm, handy kitchen, , .uTlc. po!'Ch. Modern SUest rm in corm:JlCtlon with 2-car pr. Built to talte . apt. abon that would haY9 OCMJI 't'iew. · Price $12,650 3 BR on 1 acre -·-·-.. $ 8,750 --------------------- 2. 8\lpf'r Q>eelal waterfront home. Located tn one or the "CHOICE SPOTS" on the WATER· FRONT ot LIDO ISLE we have a nearly new ' Md.room and 2 bath home that t. a ''tloney." Thia 1.8 not an "old ~ach houat" but iii a nearly new. clever year around homP. Unit heat, garbage dllpoul, Hotpolnt dishwuher, 2 llW1 d~ka. lowly vtew • .,... a tew of tl'le many up-tCHla~ tr•· ture•. This b a quality BUY. Priced right. ALSO Term.a. 17~ mo. • 2 Bit, hwd. & tile ...... $ 8,950 Spic and Span t BDRM HO:Mm. Redecorat.d In " BR, fum. close In .. $10,500 and out. I.Jvtn.g rm. 13x19, nre· pla.ce. hwd. noors, dtnln&' rm., 3 BR new home, hwd. v,_neti&n blind.a, handy kitchen. ~ tt. We ovor tub and bath. Door floora ........................ $11,SOQ fl"om hall to cement bloc.% patto Owner Selling Nearly new LIDO ISLE S bdrm I batb home. Heavy beamed Jiving room ce\Unp -Cl'ver ba.r type kitchen-<:eramlc tilt bathroom floors-untt heat - tropical flaptone patio -ete. Sacrl!ice at $21 ,500-Terma. Owner Home Sat. &c Sun. lM Via San Remo, Harbor OGll·ft :;~ --::~ .. {";..c:!t :,"! •, BR on Eut Side .... $13,000 along aide ot S"&r•g~ Good -.------------- nelgbbon. Price $11,975 Good Terina. Pymt.. only $Tl5 mo. t -BR on 1 act'e .......... $1&,000 3 BR Rancli type. Back bay Todays Best Buy in Corona del Mar . BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 2121 OCEAN BLVD. Open Sunday 2-6 or by appointment • CAPE COD HOME-Appt<JZ. 2200 oq. ft,. t story, 1 year old. La.fl"e living rm.., ttreplace, dtnl.ng room, 1 bedrOOma, 2 bat.ha. Lar.,ge den. Oorg:eoua kitchen and nook. Oak · noora. l"orceod &ir beat. 30 x !O aun deck, permanent view. Extru galore. Con tractor' a home. Priced t.o tell now! PHONE HARBOR 12S8-W . ~ ' 4 % F . H. A. Resale A FEW TO INSPECT A few choice building eltu for aale o.n LIDO ISLE at prlc .. you can JOHN VOGEL Co. afford. Tb•• lotA are Hlllng 1so1 Cout B fway, Corona del Mar very tut. Th .. law ot wpply Harbor 1141 or Jla.rbar t•77 view. Hwt!. flra., 2 tile . $21,000, terms batha : .. -....... ,.-...... $23,:IOO 2 BDRM, panelled dezi, 1 blk. from THRU bed.room, hardwood tln., beat Coat.a Mt• location. Le.rct tenced yard with attract.tve bar-- Udo baytr0nt, S bedroom•, pier, 4-0' on water ............ M5,000 • and demand mlJllt certainly In· h ocean. Superb ocean view. Aut,o.. n. A. NERESON mauc beat. <5 n. 10L, wen 1&nd· beque areL -l5 bedroom bayfront. uclu· OPEN EVENINGS ocaped. MRA It Npt. Hart>eir-.. SEE cnaae their valUP. ~ U-9 u we .,.. the DEVELOPERS ot woo STILL . TIME 'II,600 tu1J price, $2800 handlu Aak for llr. Kempton, Bar. 1500 aive arra ............... -.. -...... .U0.000 New waterfront ·home, I I9LI: where a little truya a LOT. For.bargains at CORONA HIGHLANDS Mutttple L11:ting Realtor 500 Cout B!vd., Corona del Mar -. bedroom•, 11\ bathl ___ ,2:1,000 P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Vi& Lido N""'J>Ort Bucb. C&llf. Harbor 1500 FOR QUICK SALE CORONA DEL VAR -Smart am.all redwood home or modern dNlrn. Sturdy cona:trUCtlon. In· .W.ted walla. ArtlstlcallJ deco- rated. J'lreplace. Fully encloaed paftd patio with ba.rbttue. Only at the IA.guna edge · of Corona del Har A few 60 ft. LOTS from ........... ~.$-3,250 HOMES from .................. $14,250 1982 N.wport Blvd .. Coot& )(oB Phofte Beacon 5225 EXTRA SPECIAL! BALBOA PENINSULA POINT- Cllarmlt!J' Jnodern 2 B. 1l. home. FtrepL P&Uo. Many n.Jce fe&· turea. $14.000. f CLOSE TO BAY-D B. R. tum. home. W tll constructed. Owner- •YI "Sell". See t.b1a 'anct JU.JtE OFFER! 1 ':ii blocka to ocera.n ln hlgh.ly de- tirable netghborbood.. Complete-• );)' !Urnlohed. Don't be too .late!· For lnfOl'llllltioD STOP AT Dl8TINCI'IVE -Thia l>eautitUI I B.. R. home t. buDt aound 8P&C· IOUI patio for outdoor Uvin.(! Located On !11.7 Ave.. tn El Bayo tnd.. elme to Xlnt. bathln.c beach, otten real pride ot --I Price only $9450 Call Bill Bcbumr at Har. :u 74 Earl W. Stanley REALTOR 910 Oout Hwy, Co....,. de! Xer -RANCH Tract Office .. C.::~':!d Balboa Realty Co. CORONA DIU, KAR ~ 0-1ey Jooepblne Webb LIDW> Kc.t.&» __ P_H_o_m:_HARBO ___ R_u_•.J __ , TOO I:. llallloa Blvd. Har. 111& Fabulous . View Coeta Mesa Income Ot mt!N Ne~ -otu, al.t.JllllINQ ~ llullt I --,._ ldP -a aw. Luge ,_ ....... -tloora. ~ ,_ -and nntal apart. l'J;Ull . __ _,1,ytwo.._claa 2--..apL,-tolaua· ta. Dz pntltuJ _.te or can be drJ' rooma. ou.p. CorD.er Jo. di•-: -and ~ ........ Good -.. ,_ '1Ne4ln( tl~, tllrte -KlllL ,...... No. tnl --. ALL f« ~ slli.-Full price' 4r16 'JM •. ....., -OoMldlt lnlM, .. ,_,., EIS 'lr&Mllli& • . a.a -Mictlt • -· 1111 ·-°" ... " Earl Chamberlain (Opp. N.wport H..--) Phone Harbor 2288 Owner Says "SELL" Thia Balboa hl&nd beach hOme hU large Uv. rm., bdrm., bath and con•enlent kitchen, upatalrl AND 2 hdl"OO!Mi with bath down~ .wra.:"u-p. 'J'un •lse lot. Nice patio. 'top locatlOb. Im· mediate poattsNon. ' . Asliing $16,000 Opportunity !or a "BU)'" P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 1333 Via Udo, Newport Beach Small waterfront 1 bed.rm. pier ~·--·······-·············-·····-f18,500 I New, v@ry attractive 2 bed· Corona del Mar room '" peninsula ···--···$11,500 Older 3 bedroom, 2 ~ lo't.. CHARMING home, bu 2 bdm\I, near bV· nice prden ·-·$19.609 lh1nt rm, wtt.h beamed. cemnc and n .. p1. Dtn,ID6 rm, kl..,,.,,, Duplex, 2 bdf1\l each, new breal!tut nn and b&tll. •-nioely located .................. i11,1100 to lowly patio with flnplace from kltchen and UWl• rm. ~.. ~ Ye&r·round home decorated "' and out. Incluail I bdrm., .nict.ly 1ocat.ed. I w to w c:upettnc and-mpeo. yean . ____ ...... -.. --.-Ul,IOO PLUS tum. apt Oftr dbl. pr. On eo tt. corner, ao. of hfW&1. Room tor add1 ualu. . . FIUCl:D J'OR QtJICK a.t.1.!1 2 lldnn bouae and prap ap~ MU bay, ..,00 In• COlllo .. --·-..... --·--. ..... .. ' . Island Realty Co. -....,...,.. ..,...1 -bay, 1 Realton -MulUple u.t1np LiltJaca Wanted bed!_,., laz'P patio .... fU,IMI& Part< at .t.pte, Bal-l81mll llal• and_ -. I Bdrm lMadl .. bouM, old, • Barbor 371-W Ern,ie Smith, Realtor ' but cl•••· Iara• patio ..... 10.000· µDO ISLE . llOll °':.:"i:;. eor;7.w 7 it·: ~ C::.:.~~a2t.ooo BedrQOms--:2 Baths CDM Ocean v· . ky & Beach Realty orn~r-Nr. Best :SCh. NKw 1 1100• 11oun.1:' 1a ~~Blvd. :;:: h7 ~y on Lido ....._ -bath. Dbl. .,..... • lll4 r cjmive HMtnr · • to rt. lot. Undlt $Ui,400. Ila- --t!nancl•&· . • OPEN 1 -5 • • :!tr View Lot,. Ernie Smith; ~tor utiill1 11un1a11ed ,_ .;..... ON -C111i!i>e -· b UROtlOal:BIWij,-Oonllatol-41pdmi,lbL-.'~ tt-tJ>ol.~ lacd!loa,.. ..---~ ..... lllOJ>lmN, w!UI _.. .... .... l .-1lo. -Pr· 'Na4Y .. - S6'iOO ·,THE .PRESS =-~= .. =~~~ . -THE HEWS-TIMES ... :to wawPOltt BSiaBTI -.,._ THE PO •. T ... )(a!sm~--­.. tntwW, ., .......... - ' Mslia•• ... ---.. , a -. o ::;!: I s•& - a ::• iNf ,.111 • ?•••···--uu. - • • • • l • • . • • ,. ' ' . • • '.ft ~B • '"£· l I e 0 ..... , ' With SALLIE ' ' ' Ask about ..•• FREE GIFTS FOR FATHER'S DAY ' ' t r ,. ' LO\-°E ..• rrs .WON· DPFUL! Two p e o i' I e otartlng out tocether hand .. bud . . • confetti, • • • old •'-rke and white ,.,,_ . • . Wedded bllu . . . It'• Jone • . • everybody gob married In lone . • . Thea after the honeymoon ts over . • . tbe O:.ttliJlt; down • . . of oet• tin,; up a new home • . • of getting up In the mol"ll- lnir; and oookln11t th r • e meals a day • • . THREE MEALS A DAY! That did it . . . 'brought me back from 15 years ago ... when you' could buy f o u r pork choP" for 20 _,,enta ... but then you couldn't get propattd ice box cookies In a tin can in throe delicious combinations . . . Chocolate. Vanilla or Black Walnut ... which you chill for 20 min- UtOI ... then •lice and bake •.. !lice because they _don't take up precious freeser apace· •.. . YOU OOUWN'T BUY aa ugelfood cake In a box to which you have only.to add -ter. Try ser:vlng ugelfood cake topped'wlth / whipped CrMm to which croand up i-nut brlttlfl ' .... heea added • • . cw grind ap a f-ma.raaehlno ehenie& and add t.o the batter • • . or oerve with "Elmer'• Beet" • . • "ELMER'S BEST"! . . . • · definition: the finest julci..t, biggeot. molt flavorful. moet delicioua 1trawberry ever to be had around these parta . . . I asked Elmer if he shot each of his strawberriOI with a load of Vitaminl to make 'em grow • . . He laid to ask his wife . . . Raising straw- berries solely for Richard'• Produce Department was her job . : . Bia job was to take Richard'• truck ·up to Los Angeles at three o ' c I o c k every morning to the Pro- duce Market to assure New- port Beachitee ·of fine, gar· don fresh fruita . and vege- tablOI ... Wedded Bliss ... See what you kids can get yourselves into! 1 VEGETABLES FOR TWO . . •. Layer-Pak . . • Peu, Celery, Carrob,Baby Uma Bean1 and String Bean• . . • In one ooavon- leat can . . . the layers of ,·egetable9 a r ~ oeparatecl by p"-9 of treated paper thm permitting each to ~ taln it'• own putlcnlar navor ... Serve the tiJ'!lt th,..., one nl11tht . • . &a\'.e the ren-lnlag two for tbe n•xt ••• Ideal for oeladO, stews, etc. • • . Or small Mrvlllp for Cblldrell ••• Oh there'll be kids • • • later ... WEDDING CAKES AND REFR~! Ever see one of the Wedding Cakes that're dreamed up In our Bakery! Seven! people In Santa Ana have • . . .ad Laguna Beach . . . Richard'• Wedding ~ec are m•king a name for themselves ••• and remember -deliver • • . • Wedding 13'naldutl and Sup. l?:c.-::eu~~ ~ mu:= d"ueun-. Canapoe ••• Yoa -what you wut .... de and how man7 people }'OU want to eerve . . • the, food Will .. at the appotntlld JllMo' at the appobtt.ICftm. ••• Bo09 to the Bl'ile II the ~~= ll f 'I S Via Lido, Mew port . ..... CaJlfllnk • • , , . . ........... . • I . ' • . . \ I .. ' 1 C et[.•upl Chee.r-upt H~re are Super Values that will have . • . . • y~u singing .• .Sprin"g ··Song of Se~ings! Yes". • .'.Spring Ii here ••• and. RICHARD'S is abloom with • vast variety of telnpting, zestful iippe-teasers to wake up winter weary p~lates . \ • fine quality foods at low, low prices that ere a toriic to your budget. You'll find .th•!" in every department l· ~ ••. on every shelf and table . ." . so fill your food orde.r et. • our Spring Festival ••• AND SAVE! • • ll1JNT8 PuJSl'RAWBERRY Swift's Brooktleld PRES~RVES _____ ·-·-· ... --··-·-··.lb. 29c BunER _ .... _ . .1b. 751 Sp-'<leo 8VOAJI .N CINNAMON• 0~ 19¢ gaality M••,I FeatwillCJ Mannings U.·s. Ge•'t. 1Grwtlecl Choice leef Finest leaf Obtainable HeOKA~ BOT CAKE SYRUr --·----·c ···~··---· -~··· . 2 k 29c OLSON BROS.I GRADE A-FRESH \'an camp'~No. IYi (!all PORK & IEANS 19¢ Mannings-Chuck llacle or Chuck Arm leef Slic£ififCON ~ 45c. siiO.ilT Rif~---~~ -37c ' . CENTER CUT LEAN LOIN PORK CHOPS ..... -.. ~ 85c SllOULDER ' LAMB CHOPS --········~ 79c PORK ( .. lioisrs :_ .... A · 53c RICHAJUl'8 l!IULll • PORK SAUSAGE .. 59c . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ... • .. . . . . . . . . . . .... Flll:Sll. LONO GREEN CUCUMBERS 3 ... 10c iiitim=2 -2sc VRI8P, GREEN, SOLID llEADll -CABBAGE -----------·-····--~ 1 c FA..'<VY, 1'....W VROP YELLOW u.ot!IA8 ONIONS _ 3-14c POTAiiifs ____ 5 ~ 9cf DeHeafessea-rnmn~-- . Vl\EAMY VHEDDAll CHEESE:·----·-·--·-~-·--·· 49c LUE&'8 QUALITY -LAllGll SLICED BOLOGNA -----·---~.-B. 59c ALEX'll lllA.Dll WITH HANNDIG'8 llEU'-LUUJll _._TAMALES 2 f .. 39c DU'OllDD FINNAN HADDIE .. 5~· nma"S AMJt&to.&...~ LOAF CHEESE :.: W ............. • c LARGE EGGS ____ . ______ ......... doL 59c ' \\'b.lte Rip me OOCXT AIL PEANUTS ······-··---' OL 29 ; 40 FattMnl ML~CED CLAMS ·--······ ···--· OL 29; lb. PILLSBURY • · .FLOUR 5 .bL'45c 10.bL 99c TiMAfOSAUCE ],o, 17c CO Fathom CLAM CHOWDER '. .. ca• 25¢ • AIMWID'o WONDER SPONGE wtlk MIU~ doter-I 19f ae,. 41c va.lae --~~ow IO OL PAVKAOW: ONLY 11<1. l&. per pae!l&P-wlth thl• ooupoa' ONLY Ac 'PER PACK.AGE Dole'• 8UC4'tt PINEAPPLE No ! can 25' lfli Dole's PINEAPPLE JUICE ...... xo. r ••• 2/23¢ Del Monte SLICED&: HALVES PEACHESNo. zy, caa 271 Real Gold BLEND, GRAPJ::FRUIT or . OrallC)e Base 8tokNe7 DICED C~RROTS . __ .n-. 10¢ Gt'H!D Giant PEAS... . . .... 1-oL 2/251 Uue Swayne \VHOLE No. JYJ can New Potataes 171 llnmchy pkr. Cracker Jacks 219¢ Memalne Sboppe Best Selections for Father's ·Day Cards Graduation Carda . ASSORTED V ALL'Jl:S Snow c&p 18c varue 19' GUM DROPS l! OL cello Suchard~ 29 ; VHOV. SQt:ARES .... pkr. ::;-LI~:·-·· J!OL'27; Dlnty Moore Just Beat .. Eat =~ -·-·--·--'' OL 53; c ·orrEE : !! $1.sa P08T CANDY COATllD I SU.OAR CRISP~ 19·-. I . !<retchme'" 35; WHEAT GERM _ .. 1! or.. Mn. \\'eber Non FatteDinl' THL" SPAGHETI'I U OL 19¢ Py 0 My 32¢ BRO\\~IE MIX .... 1 % oz. \•~rmont Maid Pure CMM ZEE BOUIDIOLD ' - Paper· To els!. 29-:;'k~pl~·-···············lJ OL 25¢ Wlloon'o OOR;<.-r;D -t9¢ BEEF HASH ....... Jb. C'.&11 ~ Sylrilar Golden or 2/25¢ \\.'bite Hominy No. S Early Valtf G~ _ 23 ¢ STUFFED OuVEI I OL Bumette Vumi.. 22¢ EXTRACT ·---y-1 OL ~~;' ~.: ... ~ ...... 2/21; ' ~~':°'.'-.~~~ pq. 23; n..t Extraei 1¢ 8TEl:KO VUllE8 ·--·pk(. AU JI,_ 't 123; DOG FOOD ___ eaa ~ MarUaolll 29f APPLE IUJCE -·•'- THURSDAY • JELLY ROLLS -·--·--·J.. 35' FaIDAY P'lan: or 8upr9d CAKE DONUTS---& ,,., 24;. ' FRENCH APPLE PIE -51; VlfOOOL&DI MIRSHMILlOW ROLLS~ 41; PEC111 · IOLU, .. r--~ 42' I - • • Battle Creek WllEA T 25; GERM FIA.KES .... l&-oL SAVE 10< A LB. ON COFFEE I On oale now, 7-MINIT Complete 25 ~ Pie.. Lemon-Chocdlate-,Coco- nut. In.id• each pecb1e ii coupon worth lOc toward th• purcbue p_ric• of your favorite coffe.. -..&. Hurry I Supply Limited t pet,__.,. 1·M/NJT Ready·to-Malce PlfS l'rozea Foods mn~innlnni1 ORAiGETuicf· , .. 2 f•• 25c PLOWING GOLD · LEMONADE __ ····----··•.oL' 2 for 25c Lll!IB'i"B FROZEN ·' SLIC~D PfACHfS· -~ pq. 27c1 Lll!lllY'll FROZEN FRENCH FRIES ----·---··-··· OL 1 tc , LIPY'll FU:SB l"SOZEN PEAS_ -...... -.. -·---~loL ltc . llWAN80.llo°'& l'JIOZ£N • • ; HALf FRYERS ____ ~-·-~·~---9SC _ Ua;s.tft -IWV-T, wmn•y, ~.AT -llAT ll·lm l ... I • r ·~ I ' .. _HQLTM FOO~S DEP1. STORE HOURS: -T DAT aOT l'JUDAT t:•.&.M.t..t:IO~ M. PlllDAY -.ll'AMJl.J' NID t:eeA.M.1iet:..-P.JL ••• (All n "•-Jl:t.l.illllt ... '''?(z t M ...,ar i? 1 'Ca AJslt --- THI ECONOMY-WISE 'PATRONIZE • • --........ ~ 1'SW' -llSNSUmlil ''••II J1 1 11.r.-Un 1 •1111r"- --~ llAIJlll:ll • • • • •aaa'ta-T ....... Y ... Teswt ......... .. .._ .._ ...... -..-Vrf sssr1 ... we• 111J11ll9i-·•1.-,.._.D., L . ' ' < I