HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-06 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • • • ' I • . ' -~· ANP SHOPPING NIWS ,.., z ¥ O :z1 Fr AzP-Mz•wnuOI "1JILl8llED il Sill JLU.80.l BOUU:V.&.D nwPOll'T JIE.l(lll, OilD'OUIA n:LEPBONE: R A•... 1111 fl()l\"T BE A MEENIE, 1110£ AND XDP GOOD BETS TO YOUR8ELF. Ol•e your loved one• a Up-off abOttt the ANCHOR CAFE. You'll be a~· I better braver 'per.on tor tellinl' ptber people \~~~ .-------------------------.,la.bout the bre•kfull here! Hu.vuly buttermilk ~ hot caku, ha.rn and egra. and on the week-.nda. 4· , Cub Scout Packs to Hold Picnic Next Saturday at Irvine Park By MARGO -near Mn. Po9l: Do you consider it good form for me to appear on the beach ill a &>a-Mold Swim Sult from the S..Weed'• Shop!" Answer: "1'1y dear young lady, no matter what ahape you're ih now. the Sea-Mold Sult by FJexee.a Will give you perfect form! Signed Em." Ah yea, ladie1 ! I· bring you tidlnp of joy. The SeaWffdll ..• an en.chanfle little Laguna shop ha.a the new Sea-Mold ewim wit• made by the Flexee1 Girlde·Br'!l Co. Thue terrific suits are In one or two pc. eluttclsed nylon. Guaran.tttd to make you aha~ly ln the popular place•~ I have it on very good authority that a eertain f&m0\18 Wagnerian opera 1tar ta very pleued oxer the l ll of her Flex~•! Thia auperior 1uJt m.akea the small figure took aupreme and i1 fervently nattninc to the larger woman. These form fitteni come in ll18h tangerin... aquu. white, Liue, black. lilac and aeY'eral others. One more word about thia $ea.Mold dream suit-it'• ava.llable ln Ions-or More tor.ao length8. You eee--you jwit can't be mia!lt ln a Sea-Mold fTOm - the Se.aWeed.a. OnJy fl!.I" And yea! # While allppinc into a Sea-Mold. look ea. around this charming shop! Fucinattnt Import.a. sandal.a, rebosu, dreuea, jewels Imports, a.andala, nboaa.s, dreaae1, jewels ~!:AWEEDSin the SEAWEEDS PATIO __ .. ._ ... ___ .. lUJ So. Cout Blvd. Laguna 4·2896 • • • THE .MOTHS WILL LQATHE YOU FOR THIS! OR THE HU1i-fiDITY OF IT ALL! Don't procrastinate about your fur-piece. It·11 not t. fer piece to your phone! Go call true \\'wbin«ton ~n. They have a marv•loua fur 1tora1e eervi«! They will store your furs 1n eelui- t it1caJly recuJ.aled cold·stora1e vault.a! Your fur• will be insured at your own price taK. and will be better oft here than at J'orl KnOJI:! The W&ahln(ton Cleaners a.llo bu an experienced turrler who will call on. you and dJacuss remodeling your old m1nk msn.tilla. Many v..ru&ble old rtlr• can be ra--deaig:ned, cleaned and &lued and come out took.ing like Mr1. Astbr'a brand new pluah hone. 1'lll"9 should be cleaned. a.nd 111.t.eq before storal'e. Drag your pelts to the Waahtngton Cleaners or have a driver !!top by. \\'ublnJ1oa Cl~nen. 3JO Marine Ave .. Balboa l.!l&nd. Harbor 3'48, • • • DRY UP AND DON'T BE A WET BLANKET! Go lay in a !N:ah supply of dry towels at the BALBOA :i: 6. 10 ... Then get up and buy brichtly brtJliant CA.'i~OX BATH towels at $1.29 ; matching u.k tor the Flallermaa'• Surprtee Bl'Nkt'ui. - Don't look at me! l don't know what'• in It, --~i;;;~~·'-1~ but I ruara.ntee you'll be pleued wtth the food and the price. Gladys al••Y• extend• ._ welcome to old friend& &nd ne.wcomert. Go in and try the deUctoua 8&c lunch. Alto don't !orpt evenlnc dlnner• $1.00 up. The Anchor Cate .peclal- 1•• In a chJld'• plate 8tartlas at 43e Thia la the Jocatioa where good fellows a.re welJ met. Enjoy Ute~ Eat out ottu at th• Amdlor C'9t~. Hours are 6 a. m,.-1 p. m. weekday a: Sat. t L m.-1 p. m. Sun. 2 a. m. -I p. m. 711 D Coast Hwy., Newport. Bea.con son..w. • • • CHE.ER A FRIE?li-U: FR.EE Dl:LIVl:RY TO ST. 108f:PR'S AND OOMM.UNlTT JI08. PITALS ON OAT BOUQUETS FllOM a . .,._,. b7 Merri. • • • NO\V IS THE TDD: TO GATHER UP THE I..008E SNH! FOR THIS 18 REMNANT WEEK. at the Coastline J'k>or Cov•rtms-! The Coastline l• gettinc too bil' for Its brttchee. u we &JI •Y way down ea!lt. Clarence la plannlnl' on movtnr to a' lar,,er ~de-mooa, but Jn the meantime, he want.a to get rtd of about 999 piece• ot good inlaid linOlt'um! Here·· Your Chane• to rrab younelf a piece of llnoleum for a ahelt or drawer for u Httl• u 26cl Or you can perform a.ii aorta ot tr1ck1 on the floor wtlh remnant.a ra.nctnc trom aisea 3x3 to fhtlO. You e11..a l'el f'OI..._.. 9f ~ •d &ad bf.&;ter for 11 a .... re yard. I wlah you'd hurry over Ulere now and cart th~se remnant.a away! I have ta ro around the oora•r with a periacope to aee Clarence u tt la aow. Go on! Good .era.m- b,ling at the C.OUUlne Floor CoftJ"blr, 18tll &ad Sewport Ave., C.0.ta M...., Bea.con 6t61~. . C..-lcout ~ lOG, Balboe. apowred by th• Newport -Beach Jm-tuy -PTA and pack 181, Newport Beaclt. --by RlcMnl'• .Market. wb\d up their HUOft. Aaturday, Jun.a •• ple!aidr:· Lq toptMT at lnine pvlt. The paetca will turnisk drink and dN- eert to go with Ut.e hmaku e&cb family wtll pTOYide. Tb• atter- l11n.dl prorram lnctudH foot and auk rutn.c, a broad-Jumptnr con- tMt ud a troplay b&MMll pm. behreft ~ two pack.a. Art Rnn1ey, 101 IC&ut Ba11*a Blvd., cubmuter pack 106, I.I or· ~ a blcyd• cJub, Ule blke tnp. tllla MJ1Rm•r to be lead by Larry b'el\. On lit.me es:cu.nriom the bof• will set tnatruction on l&foety me&llUJ'ff and courlM)' on tke road. n.e police will award Ul• cyclen a c.utlcate at the end of the aie&80A.. You're mlAtac a lot of fUll, lad, if ·you ..,.. eight yean old and )layen't called on your loc&.I cub- ..-.,. about jotnln{ a Cub Seoul pack, ay .cout commJtteemea. 11 there Le an •l.lht.h blrtbday eom· i.q up between. now and Aucuat 11, you' ... eliribl• to attend th• one pt.de meetmr 1'eld durtnc ~ summer on that date at T :30 at the Tar Ptt. WM.t'• more. Jolninc at that meetlJl:I' (tvet you a chance to befln worldac rig'bt away for that bnport&llt tint bodp. Cubacouting bepn 1n Newport 211 yea.rt qo when Seoutmuttt Jack Twitt ereated tbla branch of 8coutinl' to &.MWer the ouutde lnteruta of boys ju.t under Scout ap. Par.la 0( bo~ Int~ In Cub 8coutlnc ue urged \of con- t.act' Mr. Jtemley •. Harbor 07:i2, or Mnl. A.16-li ·Doeebu:rs, Harbor 0413-W, PTA untt CUb co-ordln.a.- tor. • • Here's Wh•t's Cookin f,· in Californ ia' PSST!• C'MERE .... KNOW SOME01'"E GET· TING KARRIED ! Enp.s-ed Graduatt., ! Gomr NIRUI arr~ltural dWtiw:t fair a th annual Livermore rodeo. steady?' Peek thru' keyhole• ud find out thlnr• and redwood empire rodeo at R@d· Livermore, June ~10. • Uke I do! Th• JtipUM of BanlHMIJ', haviBI' neover· wood A.re&, Jeuttk.a. June ll-17. "M.iaa CaillornJa" pageant. taJ. ed. trom the Fiah l"ry I trust. ha.a the ldul citla 8~vewth aanual Ruulu. river ea.tf and beauty conteat, Santa that rhyme with "JUM, Moon. Soon, SWooo." A rldeni' hone ahow and ahe-ep dor ~. June S.10. .Weet ctrl gn.duare or any brtde Will kick up her trtala, Skagp Sprlng Road, Her· Eitventh annual tiorae show, bffla oyer a new portable radio, or an RCA t6 rpm aldaburc, June t·lO. ~ en.as County Honemen, automatic record playei\ (JU.M l, Or recorda nta1re Bonoma OO'Ulty trail bl&Mr"I' a.ta Ctua. June 10. lutlaS" nm.indera ot you. Mayb9 you watJt to tell &llllu&l trek, rentoft Acl'~ Sa.nta Qoc Mow, De1 Monte, June 10. aomeone "'Bow HJp tM Koon" or that tMy ban ·-..uWUl )ttoMl.t~ Jm.. 6--10. ,Qn:aUca 1'a.i_ 8crU~ Cali.for- Eyee." Or "Elne Klelllie _ NlfChtmualk." Jnc:tdenta.Ily, ' &..-. '•t ........ -Ql'Up~tn., nal-~ J\m• t -7 .. ....2().-21.. . llannolQ' has the larsut .upplJ of 48 recordl In Uw tomlfY. ·JllN J'Une 1-tO. ~uri. annual. Hawthorne. com- you can nnd anyt.htnl' you deaire from '"Butta.lo G&l" to VictoT-'1 111ilr'4 aanual Modbc county Jua-m~ fair, Bawt.bome. June Treuury of Immortal Perlormancea athwna. Arnone current bellt. ior Uvutock and asrtc"1tural abow 8-Jl. .1el1Jng albuma are Marto t..&nsa'a eelutlona from 'The Great Ca.rueo," &11d Ale, Altu ...... June a. 'Jihlnl ann-.1 z.. Jl"I~ Du:arte, Doria Day'• "Lullaby of Broadway,'' and Yma Sumac'• "Voice of Ul• AMUILI dev'-r• cOIT&l rodeO, Dufrte, June 8·10~ Xtab&y." Ob Uat to theM golde.n not119 : Where there·• 'ftannc.e.y U\tle Valley, JWte 10. ~ annual Astee ridert all- in. the hou.ee, ther1fs music from the B~ el Ranno~. 1117 New· R0tM llhow. Twin ClUe1 Rldinr w•em horse ahdW-and nmkhana. port Ave., Co«ta ..Meea.. Bea.. 5737-1566!.. club, Jilarywrllle, June I . lft ,Alvarado Canymi. t.. Meu, • • • Panda, hone ahow and rodeo, Ju.rte 10. ''SHE WAS A PHANTON OP' DELIGHT Yolo Comity HOrHmen.·e A.an., ~a.citlc power boat regett.a, Ma- WHEN FIRST SHE GLEAMED UPON MY Woocll&nd, Jtme 9-10. •al} Bay, San. Diego, June 10. SEE HOW llUCH , STYLE AND COLOI • II THIS SOFT-TEXTUIED Waitrend 1us s44ts t x U fc. Price ,... sq. ycl. $395 RIGHT AT 1H! MOMENT wbm 'f'll" ... ~ \ loaking for a ciolorful, danblo, dnmh!o, ......... "" •• ...Uy -w. pr;.o.- dlio lift!!' u•r111w rug of 'llilicna4 JP"' ,.,... -..-...... r;ny, siw-..-. ..... .....i. dlany nd, w; woo,i blue, adar -··· ~ ...... ol 1111,""' ...... ilodal acripe ia .... ' . . celor. ~ ~ _ _, JOU probl-- ~ .. 12:1:15 ~ -~ ti 9-$211.95 9x15-6%.50 u 1-11.50 8xl0 -S9.96 36"x63"-1.95 27"x50" -'8.50 NEWPORT FURNITURE Ofwn FrldaJ E\·enhap '1'11 822 Cout Blway , p.m. Be.oon MSZ ~hand to'oftl1 :ik: wash CLOTHS He: and SPECIAL .,,, .•. Larr;e Coral C'olottd Batb·Tcn\·ela II.II, Big beach towel.a-$1.&g_btgger beach towel• $1.98. ThJ• I.a keep your powder dry wttk at the BALBOA 5 • 10 • • . Hast~n to JOO Mahl, BALBOA. SIGHTS " Ladtea. you too may become de-Annul Supr Ctt1 fe.Unl, Coron&do bland ~dJcap, A&n ligiltful thru' • deluaton. Viola. I have news Croellett. June 1·10. Di~, June 10. 11.------------------------- • • "I WOULD GO TO GREAT LENGTHS TO SATISFY A CUSTOMER." SAID JD:LEN WOLF ARD as she hacked o.tt a 10 ft. traverse rod ,~,.ith her tntsty • . c<-_:5 • Q) hack·aa.w. And she would too! Helen'• --............ Shade Shop will broaden your point ot View or narrow tt, tor that matter ~ Or / ' lt you need a new outlook, the Shade / \ °\. Shop will eupply sugs-e.!lions. complete with all the fixturu. Tra\·ene rocll are a smart. going thing now, and Helen aa I said before. will me ... ure and .hack to your perfectly proper fit. Oh ye&l Here's inside Into: the sun is bla.ting away every day now which ia a charmJng t.pi.ng in Itself. but shudder to think what lt"s doing to your rurs. drapes aM furniture. The Shade Shop hu the plastic, clear vtaion Sua- Janl roller sh.a.de• at Mc aq. tt. Sun-gard &hades fUter out lh• tade-rayl!I. It h-appena to old 801diers! It could happen to you! SHADE SHOP, 61-t !9th St .• S"ewport, Barbor SM. • • • l LOVE THE NAME OF CHARLEY! CHARLEY IS A ORA.ND OLD NAME! BECAUSE I WAS THERE CHARLEY AT YOUR trorn the frQnt Une•! The Pct.er Paa Bra Co. ta reachtng-tor the moon. Tbeir lall!llt Md inateat device, th• Trtpte Tl"l'!IMGl'fl-llnMlere la now on Mle at Polly Appa.rei. Thia Peter Pan Co. makes terrific bru that ere.le beaut!· tu! allu.elons! Thia bra hu buill·\A contours. There are no J*da, no pun.__no IOOM end.a.. Hence you .cet your•lt a au~r etlho~tte when you wear a dreu, bathing .Wt or formal. Peter Pan. hidden tre'uure• taJI _Jraaf'U11y on rtch and poor alike. in a.11 slsH Co suit the need. Broadcloth $3.00; n)'lon $3.9~; atraplua nylon or triple t~uure with pluncin1 neckJJne $5. Bette-r brace yourtelf doll-Peter Pa.n's the acret pauword at Polly A.ppa.rel. 1833 Newport Ave., Coat.a Meaa. • • • EVEJlTIIODY Hl•AATINO OVEll nu; nNJ: lllJ:lO<lAN l'OOD .. , • CABA DON CAJLLOll DINN'Ell8 or A LA C.AllTf: .1 IS ttnd Sit. Newport Beacll Har. HM-M °""" • -• __ ,. 1-10 Clooed - Mesan Seeks Probation on Morals Charge Dour lu K. Hhleoly, H-O Z.ot 2oth St., CootA M'.-pleaded rulltr on OM couat Of contr:lbu. U.., t~ tba dellnqumcy of a mlaor (a 14 year old rtr11 ta llu· pwtor Court Friday and uked for probation. n lo aUered that HhleOly had fondled the (lrl when ohe had bHD employed u a ha.by atttar 1n bill home on May U, 1951. The probation burlnl" bu been •t tor P"riday, June 11 IA euper. lbr Court. ~~~s~~R~~~~~~~7''it ~~ ~"::,~,~~ c D M R. es·1de'nts Seek to Halt c. hwn Nained am considering wearing a sa.ndwieh board that aaya ~AT AT to r ...&.. I I d CHARLEY'S SEAFOOD llESTAl'RA:\'T: ENJOY THE FRUIT of e • e ~°"9 the SEA BY THE SEASIDE:" Chuley oervea. bup Lobalft Louie 0·11 Well Dn·11·1n I ·1n That Area or Marine Salad on a 14 inch aheU plate which hU that rare qu&lJty CbWtohn BrowD, prominent of bei.D.& u good u lt ia ~autlful ! The Halibut and ~ Bue are Cost.a KN& buan~an (Da'Tla- 90 t~ah now, they barely stop betwttn the ocean and Ch&rl•Y'• )( Browa), WU named to tbe Co«& Criddlf'. Fried Jumbo Shrimp Luncheona a.nd dinnen $1.00 • $1.26 Corona dcl ar reMdeota. armed With umpte. ot oil emelllnc Kua lc1'ool Boa.rd '1'1iunday to pleue everybody! Bett~r check lnto th1*-You can dine lndoOn ol' mud collected from U.. ft.rMm bid at tlM beach, Uout two 111;1Jq taJre over the post left. neant bJ out. Order Salad.I. Seafoods A: Stuff to tue home for your next from. oU drllllnr ope.,..~ ulted the County Board ot Supervieon the qeceat rulpatioa. Of t>Ou. BrawJ! CJIA.RI.:EY'S SEAFOOD. 1136 Cout H\liY .• next to Port Or-Thtlnlcky to revoke the permit ·Of the SbeU OU Oo. now drilllnc on 1U:Ma11. anp. ()pell '1 days a week. Beacon 6&.\.l. Irttne Company p-ropttty, Inland of the ea.. Highway. County aupertntmdent oC • _____ ..::..__.:_ ____ ,:&c~-~oa Unt. T. lllmtnON made • • • Tho loeal ...-i. eMrpd that .tba -eat. ~-BE\. SOURDOUGH! ! ! WANT TO Gl!:T !N the drlllbaS 0~ --• .ioiatht· ~""!"'.~.not ~all tp~ ~ ON. THE SUMMl!ll 001.D' •U!IR IN B AIJllOA t td tenna or Ille P<-•-• __,.. --"9•-.--•n v• C .. c' LB~ Y • J ' ' ' ' -bad cllanpd th• -na,turaJ --.... _... -OU " u.tt ln tJme. Tbere • a buaine• r.ntal .. ..u.. or tbe •11 and bad permit ted ,. \varnn aid Uaat tM board D'-of s ff I able at ao7 Bal-Blvd. Tllio 1pa~ wo6l4 make tary.mud to -dcnm a otrMm eould -lllotil OU and Ito ....,.. -· UC8' I• · a very attnctlve omaU el>op oC ...,,. eort or i. w . ---IMto' lltlle eor--tor to ecued .the •tuatloa Jor:ry LM ~.1)6 mmtlo-ol4 &1\ tdeal b:a.tion fol'_ an uchlt.et. doctor. lawyer, _. beach near llJlore, cu.aa. d. ti u.e,. retue, Wf ca.a slut .._ flt Mr. An4-«l'L DonUd &. mordwlt, cl>iall accountant. !uUnac. ~ 1IQ1J4-, lift -.,_-... ,to N'ftill• thalr per--. llH \Vhlttkr otrMt. c:.;... u . booltle. (book ..Uer \bat lo). '* briclt aal-M'.embon at u.. '""1P im>l.Nt-mlt. • _ ta ¥--to ~la Illa lll:AL ESTAD:man. Oh )><aetlcally aey kind of a i.-i -!116 Ult dl'lillllS --~ W 1abJ 1"'llJ Wedr .... ay. could ":" can1ed on ~-You ..,. ~ roeot -i-led o!l ---T C d .a Depllt;r ~-""llftt ;iiq... ~ aa thtna a nod brlc:ll ~ .&ad a·~ to-·· .r a pr...,_..., 0 -Oft UiT --....iucte.i an la-.. ~ --.i ...... bo lac;ludad Witb .w. ll'Ol. tt ,.... -It. -· ~ (two .. aa. • Ed . ti ·stud --bat-~ °"' -Tllio dHlr&bl• reatal -no-°bM to--and.J'OU'4 -'fV'I lwi -u._ ,Qw&I ~ uca on y • Jool -·-to -.... - •lee ~ 8olt1 -.n. .Ill-_ Go • at -....,., ~·-eor-4a1 -J-w. -i... 111 Oftbl4 11n !( - -,.,, B1lW.NllAll'JI --la ~ .., &. -• 11 --1-·-1f) .-..S _ .. ·-C-dol _., -no~~_._. -llJ •. • . .•• . • -tllo1' -· .... ~ tiaf ,.. tlllat at~ a.a-· ........... -...r ..... ll!ftor .. dockt!!:~=~·~~'Y;Je•!'?'f:.~ ::•·•1 anu -..Ill lie.-. ~1:':.::U-::.= :t,';0 t~~~:,';'r =: ... ':.:~U::.r:~·...._ ii:,•!:!~-~:.?:-=.:" ~k::."':: '::" ... ~·~~ ::.•;:,:r;::*...- -"""llOQPI. •·.~ ·~ 1up •Hoc 'Illa ••A' 11 n ,.., ~ 111o ---..... •1-•,.a 11o ..,, r ·!Ir ---a · .... ,.. .,. tort.lariG .. " • .,..t••••••, s .... ., ... ,.P4••111i1L••• '· 's'••.ttMa1...,.1•2 4•.t•-~ a.,._. ,'IDt a• ~Bir~ wl & ....... --·· .All tile -!II ..... ~ ----W·--r. 111 I ll la~-· ........... • • I t he 17 lnch BURLINGAME by DUMONT • ' .. • ·* STEADIBEAM • * SENS ITURNER * SIS~ALOCK * BUILT -IN FM • ~DIO Plu9 °in for Rec~~ P!.yer .l TIUVISloN AT ' ' FINEST I • • • • • • • • ~ ,._ • r • r • I .. .. , .. • • , ' • • -.OADWAY-N1w W::. :== ..... _... .... lll'.-- "l•1ggl1n lll111d". -"'"'-· EvdJm ..,. -Ai..-• ~Coast Gmrd" • -o..lo97 WALKERS (=.l[!S:_ T!il"W:: :-:I. -· . ., .... I 12• Mel l'enw _..___ '"He'•• coc1iere• W•d1r''· lUdJef •• ,.,,, ~ .,_ a ... a-KL,_ Ooa-DallT ...... 1111 Me UD I &to E• trp . nw nan amr POQO!' IUNS Ill! 1 -AIM -"FlyhlcJ Mlail9" "ShlcJe to TICIOll" -,. .... -~.. -C.0-. 11'-*•• • Alweya Two First Run Hits! -Continuoua Daily From I: 15 p. m. - MATINEE to 5 p.m. EVENINGS . Au. cmi.nm ALL , °""'*"' IMft JS'._ .... ff a.&ft '°' 14' ! -oi. I --T:u 1 11Q o1UYS .... "You're hi tt.e Navy New" 8aa7 Cooper, laaa - -Aloo- . "Al Jennlllfs· ef Oldah1 .... " u.. Dwi>• °'=-~ I ID.~ n7l<l1I 1"I .............. Vaa 11•11• _..__ ............. / CHILDUN?.: Fiii~ ... ~ .. / OPEN EVERY DAY! • KlddlM Da7 Evfll')' W~eoday U NOOll .. • p.-.. • FREE BALLOONS • C.Wrsdr•r • , L . (_.t..;._ I . --. . ... . ·--. . -. , STAJlTll 8111''DAY "I Was an American Spy" "C•valry Scew" ~ nJl8T •DNI SUMMERTIMI SPECIAL! TtlDIDAY NIOllT NUT wcca IUNll I.till • • • • I • Jtrior. CIUCh . . Bridal p . '::'!-!: !:d:? to Feahre Mlllo ..... t-•oloo*'rtbo ~-Sho" amt•• " *' .1W.D' Cllurela. W n.,.... ,_ ,._.st.I tMk: I .,_.,, ....... wtll M ......... 'Dfl!MaMW U.. MAeal fUlldoa ... ~ -""" -"' Ude w. ,. ..... dllll, fll~T .. an. tntte4 te ·~TM to ll4 Mid Friday at Udo.club ... r ::i • -'"""'" .... -Wiil be • io.ei, .111no lirYJe. a • 4 ..,._ te make it a •r-flit.Ill -.Id GI ......... "1:dem•&.s. --Wiil t11J07. At tlle -and -.r 11rt, -.uas to KN. _,. "' -porUoa ot u.. ..,.. lfa7 t ........... .-al oUu- -· -· malt L.,Dowell will ..... . _, Ille um. la • -ot .... J07 -· will .., -to .: ~ .. 1111 ~~17 ~':! ~ -.. tllo lpOt; -.-1110 .... ~ .. -......... ~~-... orillMI .. -Otbor .,.... Onat Loft .r J-Cbrllt." Com• _.. .,. x.nto'• Knlt abop, voi. OJ\d ~-thlo .__ ..... ... 01lrlen and ""' ........... .,.. "' Vcf1ll will be chill ......_ ..... ·, • IZMDW' ,_ Dw,_I, Wra11• Wt I e1.1~ .,., NJ P1 If ~ ... ~-:...AllW _.r&ai19 IJl7JfDAY 'Ai.a ~ ..,.. °"'-' . . ·. . ' "#Pf allzlusplJ wllli · I D11 ,,,..._ I :....ft.ua_ -,._,.. ia Calw .... vs-• lnad117 ochool --· at 1 :45 --., Paul ~ .... D. v, HaJW, a.m. with Mn. a. er.ll&up la K-T. .,._, All... Cr1lt--'-t------'----clllJte. a-tor all -. •II ud J. Artlwr Taylor. -1 .-111s. T:llO p.m. II Oueoll will ... "" -'"" L~lllCTOI. y . llfn&l!lll<a-time. A I004 old· -11 to -· a hat ~led ;==~-!::··:::=:=::·::·:::=·:=:;II tub-.... ot 70"1' faYOrllo With ,_.... fND h.. ..-. I Ooopol -will be tollawod With With ~ ott-tw ti.. pNW· L•-•• A. -•• !>.Ii. L a .,..W naqtilcal MMDon bJ .. t and moot original 0-rt I ~ Rn. w,,,1. A. Dowe!L Will ... ""eel at l:llO p.m, by I DllllTl8'l'll'r 11uantd&y, 7:30 p.ni., Bible lludy Mmes. Dourta. wan and Nt.18oa and p.._ytr meettq. Come and Neice followed bj' cUda and the bria& your Blble wtth you. tu.bl~ lhow, th• latter tn c!lalp A. IJ)eelal bullnea meettn1 1laa of Kr9. John Boyd ud .Mn. . -t 1T11 f"'""-.. Ooola - Kedtcill JlldS. ••a• trU ... ..; A"'-... ,. Men eel.led (or UU. Thur.c!.ay eve-Oeorp · Klchaud. Kn.. Georc• nl,,. aad tho &rulual nport WU! Ward i. tn c!>arfe ot decon.tlono. M rtWft at Ulat ttme. Plt>Cffdl tram the affair p to i A iptCW lnTl.taUon t. ex~ed the oount;y juvenile home at knta ~~=======~~ ~ a.nor Uf .J to tb099 fte&Uoa ln Lacuna and Alt&. Members may r•t their Uc-. the Sou:tll Cout area. Come and ket. at the club hoUM, jo1D topther with the memben _ __,. __ _ aall trt.ad8 of the LtttJe Church _,, u.. ....... wor+1pp1n1 th• Writes Poem for Lor4. Laguna Church · Newport Harbor on Thursday TV Commenoratlng the nnt ann.1- verary of the Little Church by the Se& and rud •t the meettnr tut SUnd&y by Rev. Wynte A. Attention of Southern cautor· Dowell, wu the tollowblc poem. Iliana Will bi fOC\lMd t.hl9 Wffk on beautl .. of Newport Hvbor, TIM Uttle Dludl bot!> plctortaJ,y throuah th• Loo a,. no - Up.I.em Timee and over TV. TIMre'I a tneiully clnlf'ch ta Y, &. Komnm,, 0, I>. OPTOMETRIST eel hi' .. .a,1 'tr 1st .............. ~ I If-·--; ... 1111 f With Auto &dttor Lynn Rosen L&cuna 1t the "'2leel, Time. rel.den aftd Called 'Uttle Churth by the Sea' ~=;:=:========:I K'ITV tele'riewen wW tour Cor-And It male:• Do difference where ;: on.a del Mar, Newport-Balboa and 1 roam · NSURE Lacuna a .. a tor t11a "Open 'Tb ther• rd 1tk• to bo. IE SURE • I Road" telecut on Tbunday, June I have been. tn churchea tall aad · ... 7, 7:30 to I p.m. Oftr KTrV. chan· wide, ~-ft.&XUlll' nel 11. The ptctorlal follow-up W1.U Heard •nnoftli Ulldu a trN, .. o.l!r b9 iD the M.otorlo• of U.. 8un-au.t t.bey lacked the welcome I ; ....... •*7z 11'11 day Timea. Jun• 10. · found at • $r&e .&.w. e.•1 ...... Missionary Society Meets Thursday The Little Church by tbe Sea. ============; It'• not too blr and tt'a not too .= Tb~';'.;~;1. Church by ••• s.., yj, s .. 1rt Faote aut the~·, 80metbin&"' Ulere 0'8ND.AL IMltJJltANCS lnafde thOM Walh c.\.,~----f:-•Of'lllatUm Tile Woraen'1 , Mt.uionary Soct-· That mean. all the world to me. .,_TKVIMI "" ety of Newport Harbor Lutheran lt'a a tMlin&" ther• that can.'t.k Jl'w;rwt ._.. ft. llu. M churell meet. at the home of Mr1. had W1 ... , • ...._ MJJdnd Trulty, 130 Del Mar ave-Without the Holy ThrH; nue, eo.ta Me• on Tbureday at And they'Ye plal;ied a ble•lnJ I p.rn.. Btble study wtll be hued then upon 5 on th• book ot ltofttauon. Tllo Little Church by th• Sea. WrA TER HEATD H. S. Students in Air Rese!Ve So I 'm Ml.re the Lord t. pruent ill ......, lentM .......... n.t Uttlo Cburoh by the a.a, ti. """" . • ..,. ~~c.~ ;::. Uoroup : ~,,. 8"":;;7 . _., 09d '"8la 'rW'7 .. me. • f PLUJDl!nJ --: ...__ UIL.-•-Fa_-.. lfow taoup l traftl tll• worY 4atMrt.d n.llr •-"..... nw1r T'w •1no. Jrittl etu.d•W wt.o uu .,.,,.. a Nlcllt •e•••• • ,sc·~tfEI, RUGS Some one who ~ CMU' '. store Wort June 1lldl; uzd nel lilas 1lla 'or IE.,: "' 1, will r 111 Ive -of tlal fol· lowlnJt .. 'lat Prize 9x 12 Wunde' W eve R119 Retail V•lue ~$,It.ti • 2n Prize .- 4x6 Wunde Weve Rug Retail Velut ~ $27.95 lrcl eriz• 3x5 Wunde Weve Rug Retail Value -17.95 • Thia thqJl aa co•• to ;you- juat come ill elMI ntilter, Drawing date-will ·be an· llOllllOld ·~· , • ... . . Laguna ·eeach Furniture Co. • FRATEX FASHIONS . PLASTICS A Fratex Faahlon atyliat will be In the Harbor Atta thia week to 8how you the complete line of plastic• tor bome decorating. Draperieo -Kitchen and Bath Seta -Bedroom E1111embleo, etc. FOB APPOINTMENT CALL $ llj • aw. ·~ --. .... U4 • ._ SW. an nemben ot. the Navy Alr R.-, °' alt at home plaeldly, J naws ~ tor o.IJ' Wft wtl1 take a -s>eclallaUoo .,,1 I return,. I'll nmember aad ~ ~~1 ~W ~====;;;==============~ 60; coune tht.I wmmeT at either Oak-loYe '"".:'.=±' =======~I ~ 1aad. or a-tue. Tbey are Roc•r The Utile C'hurcb by the 6eL ·DUVL::: • ll&.Tll BOVO J'.t.~ :roa ~ AND 1VOllS!f WHAT A llAllOAIN! Ward, Jr., •.,,.bar of the .. nlor Kay Burnett ~DrS SHOE SBOP ~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;I u !!be,. ca. Do I& clUf and IOa of Kr. and Jilrs. Pomona., Cal1t , ......,.. "•Ole Do It? Roch-Ward ot IM AUao llreet; ~ Ioa Wait ..A ORRIN W. WRIGHT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT and TAX CONSULTANT ' Ill PLl!lAllED TO ANNOUNCll ~ IQl1I' L0cA TIOJf • OF lll8 omcm AT P.O. BOX ti PHONE ~ 1"' • 10.0/o Biscount on Art ,.._ (EXCZPr AMIGll]I) Brlq WI .. te . BAYSIDE FISH MAUil Fresh Fish DaAy frolli 0. On 111111 114.LIBUT -WHOLE, CJ,W:&J\'JID ,, .. .. BAKRA(ltJIJ<t, -WHOLE. CLl'lANSD __ _,, __ ....... • YELLOWTAJL -WJIOLE. D.\D Oirr ( • ... -l.afaJ-.. t.11o aq 1'1aw-· .... ., U.ORIYE 1 CIU'5ER$ IOW IOATS : :z!ollf:.,. ~· =~ • -~ IL:LIS ;;:e;; llNTAL-S -~ ~-:!<"""" -ft. ·-1111 o aoom PD or~.,.._ • • :=======~~= and~ Watltlu, a:>n ot Mr. and It.-. come from OQl'MIQn.t ~ 1 .... u .. lLfta Ro 'Lr W tw, .. ._ -1~ ot ..._ct! .. ! "'-...... --.1 ..... la tb1I c.n.aJ.. ·, 7 "'-&-....; .-.-~ --..., .... -..,, q.u ,,,.nc. wen Newport Bet.pte. paper will Jl"Oduce rtllU.lb fm :JOU. OUf MOTIO: ........ 1 ...... w. ............. ~O=ah1 . LIDO CLE&Nl;B8 ...... ~ CIOftA -... .... ..,,. $ .... _ 2 ---· Shoe lerpln4 ... -..--· '""' waw st• r ....... ._ __ '1'BJ: 9001Ur • l'OUST, L........ ,..,..., 1·0111·1 • • fRBRCIB -CHR WHRG Desert Role Pattern ' e Created in · California e FrancfKan Will Not Craze • Dacoretion Under the 61eze. The New Starfer-ette (2 each DINNER PLATE, BRllA.D and BlJT1'ER PLATE, CilUP and SAUCER) T;ampo -6. 95. Desert Rose -6.95 • 1HOI N-..n llmL 1NmWPORT BUGH ••taJ• ' llOIUWI II. G. RILEY 8ClBUYLEB llOTORS 11111a..c...i .... W.-'-- l SIWIPENINO Fcirris Fixlt Shop ·~s. ... -..-- 1 11uooN aaw Htt N-n a. (loot.a - I M Bou Z 'IW7 ! "-lillla • --..__ Ct 'tad -Cell j ........ w Ule Pl , ... °""" - StJO ~ tJPllOUITSSY , I ·cUAN1N& .... ... •. ... , ··---. .., ' -···~ ~ :I. . $ YAWB II SS U,.flnished RJaNITUU • • ~~ Pl'alldecan ware-. aoUJl ue 11m1hta. - -•• 01° s =0 s So ~ to -. • -.y to own, St.art ,_ ....... llla.j-. ' ., ..... ~ ............. ··-. Wa1 air 11117 ~ l'l1LiM .&« SYJ' •" --Isl •• , • • • .,.. ·~ . ; • • • • • GOV'T. INSP. HORSE MEAT DRY FOODS LEASHES COLLA~S BRUSHES SOAPS FEEDING DISHES IOB'S SPORTING GOODS 17~ -.i'.:..,.,. - PHONE llEAOON lllll·S . : ITS FuN TO WATCH YOUR . . . 'tOT AL ¢.IOW! . Kalle tlsa ~., •·'9U'• --yeur S&rinp pe1 ••• tlr w1 anmtts. W1 '1c JOI! ••e Mn all ••iJI Jft -· ~ .. 1lf '* 110.ll00. . ' . • • An ordained minister from Cc.ala Meaa, & photographer and a flve- n1an dance band have pooled their t.a.lent1 to provide a trave.IJng poat exchange tor 4oth div-Won infantrymen bivouac.kine l.n the Ojojlhara training area, formerly used by the Japaneu Wy. Mu1dcJiina of the 2"l3rd regiment's awing band have made the tra.nsation Crom two-~at rhythm..------------ to two-btt chance without loalng a pa~r quarter. according to First Lt. Aaron J. Rothman. of 360 Perl.t PL, Costa Mesa, former public relations director for South· ern California Blble college. Evt-ry week clay morning U . Book Written Here to be Published in Australia Mr. iLnd Mn. J&mea Webater, • 324 Lindo avt"nue. Balboa, have ~ · ' ' . ' PALM LIAP COFFU CAKI 23< ... , ... _..., received word tha.t Mabel Waln'e .2-Layer new book, The City Befate the • Roth.man atndtl 8.rt. Ralph Hall of Monterey Park, I former UCLA campu1 photographer and hU, ayn- copat~ atorek~peni to ~ field V.'lth an army truckload o( .,.p, cigarette•. beet', cookies ud candy. Su, haa been accep'-'<l tor pub-CHOCOl.An Ushing tn Sydney, Australia. PKAN CAKI 89' ... Rothman a..n.d Hall hit upon the Idea of a mobilf' "PX" when lb' 4123rd ~ga.n unit maneuver•· &$ Camp Cooke lut January. The author i.I al.st.er ot Nora Waln. 90:boee novel• of lite Lo China • (I .. $1.0$ eaJ 4JcW \"\"hen the 4.0th resum..:t tleld training in Japan. tbe PX picked up Ute jive artt.U--Pvts. Jack Shield•. SeatUe, Wash.; Guy Jor- dan, Uncoln, K&n.: Selwyn Malin, New York . City; Robert Grin.ell, Westerly, R. I.: and Dona.Id York, Mlddll!'town. N. Y. . have made her tamoua. She la alao the wife ot Capt. Fredertek Smith, who was In a Japaneae priaon camp tor 27 month.. The couple lived 1n Newport Harbor lut winter and pa.rt of the b<Mlk wu written here. Leavtng hei'e they went back to Shangha.1 and later to Sydney. <X)8TA KEBA 1100 Newport Blft. CORONA DEL MA& tOa C..t 1Ur~w&7 LAGUNA BEACH !75 P'orNt A.aiue "\Ve've got the only PX in th.e a rmy v..-ilh a juke box and photo studio," bouted Rothman. Sometimes the bandamen find \heir dua:J job a little contuaing. LARGE SELECTION "l don't know lt I'm iruppot:ed to be counting' meuurea or money," con1plalned Malin. a fbrmer boa violini1t for the Baltimore Sym- phony orchestra. The rough, du1ty ride from 40th headquarters at Sendai to the training area lu f&iled to dam~n the enthuaiaa:d-t of the PX crew. "A can of bttr ta.stea pretty good when a man hu tasted noth· ing but rice paddies for a week," ob8erved Rall. For sunbunt 90ldien of the 2.23rd, J'X luxurie1 ofter a change from th@ir steady dJet of field r.. lions, '-f""t popular Item.a are beer1 ratloned to Urrtt can1 per man; cheescracker• and cookies. Each company r\lJUI through ltJI quota In less than bait an "1.our after lhf' truck arrive!!. The mobil~ PX idea has caucht on ao well in the 22Srd that other unita .ot the 40lh are conaiderlnc a AJ.mllar plan. ''ThPy might aa well," obaerved SJrt. Jame1 BTittaln ot Alb&mbra. "JC we can't co to the PX. then the nt"xt be1t thing la: to have lAe PX brought to ue.'' -OpportunJty la knockinr ln CLASSIP'lED ADS. OF 1ilFTS FOR MEN PRICE$ REDUCED FOR FATHER'S ·oAY . • LA MOTTE'S MIN'S WEAR Opposite Post Office, • the ORIGINAL and ONLY ~n!cafl!I <&n1ted • CQNJPUR CHAl8:-_~(>UNGE • • ~Vo" 6NI-~ "pa!!"' 1.61 the Ideal Gi# for FATHER'S DAY • ' • . ·. tllU 11UI Nllll Tt1 II lllS ~'5· :fa 17• Cotwe~ block. Sottve hot or iced. lllG TN ~ 27• ':.;!' 51• ~-"·"'·""•··99c• AinrlJ Coff11 ,,..,,, ~-11• MIW, ... 11ow. 13-1>. boo, USI . Molt Hiii Ctff H ~'::'.. '.: 7't' lt\KOl"°"'Yboo· f2·•.No. 1.571 Root leer 2 :!.;:; lt- C•oea•ou• brand. Deooeitt extto. Cr•lltny Snct .·~ 16• Oceon Sc:woy. Whole 6' stroftcf. 6rllltfnitt Jlke 2 '!: 2S• Town..Houw, Nl'Mt.ned. 6r111tlrllt .hike TrMsweet Notyrql. f46 •. 0J. con, 31cl Pinupple Jlke '::· 13• loJoN bfo.,d, f 46-ot. COl'I, 3 3c I Weld! Presenes 't·· 26• Pi~. O..,.ry, 0-.nylode, « .. tock • (Plum, 22c; R~ tl~"Y, 33<) Frm Brtld ·:: 1s• '= 20- Mtt. WNQht 'L White 01 ....,,, t itted. R1lsil BrNtl ~~k ':::' 21• FllCYIUml fint qualiiy, qvanettd. SPiii& HOUSE .. 151 CIWllll6E .. 761 . I You'll be deli&hted with the wide allOrtlnent ~flJ;lli;;ol.--of top.quapty froz•n food1 found at Safeway- ve1etable1, fruits, juices, 1eafood1, poultry and othen. It'• ao eaay to prepare complete mea11 from theta pan-ready, quick.frozen food1, and there'• no waste either. Buy all your frozen fQodi at Safeway from a variety of brands you know you can depend upon, and where prices are low tool i OBllGE JJllCE c.!-1.:alod '= 17° ft.la....... ....... ,...,.. ...... 110 ..... IEL-111 ~ '~ IG0 .... .lila,D1rl lcnar. Fwr1C1:••11. ftllt .. ~ pkkK IHI 11ll"f'l1'$11111 llll Hit# . 1--011 ==! ~ 32-~ ·~-24• ram 1cGS t•~a!'J!!.E L sa0 F.-..OD v.~...... 1 ... 7·5° ,. .. -. Mellow ..., . I ' FRUIT· COCITAl Del Monie brand. Fancy quality. ':: a· PORK& BWIS Denniton't. 30-o&, 18e. uv....; IQ• E--.ecw1~ 63• AD NaclT lor Illa -. ,.. 121o1*-!b. ..... -. .. Rlletol Cod ICE CREAM 'cT"-'=' 2 ~ 47 c V"'l!'la• ~. Chdtolooo ~"' C-nut fnlll -' .. 19~ -I . . FAIKY PW · CODD ltf!t 1m1our aoaH«, 11a11e c:..i. lfte U,LCllOJCEorGOOD... .- ,I C!"'nCianL 2 17.-. 35• ·Bigs-. - WAD DRESSlll& Ducl.o bnnd. ~ 34• %.,.., 19<; qt.. '9c. ... . -POii BGIST ·BODJIG ' ~ph. oL 1.1199 ·~ tWd< .. lllod. NcM Jowl .. 7 • .. ·. 1-.Gi••• ' ·3 18-... D:f11 ' .... · . . QepTallew.kuL• 3 , .... _ 1Qo a,.r •. • a u ... u-......... , ,,... ,_., ..... 111111~ .. -• • • WW.1'1..i. 1'lcDlal • • . . I I I , • • J ' • • • • ••• . • . .. ' 1111 Ntwpert ...... • I •• TV · A~TINNAS Cell Ul . for lnltellation or lervieing of your antenna • Prompt -service . by expert t~hnlclant • Lo.., prl~•• TIDE TV • .. I T ru-Lite High Gloat Enamel Prophetic Words Key Suspense in ' · 'Night Must fair s1 57 "You'll be Ute dea\11 ol me!" are ~•9· ~rke $1.56 qt, Special 2 qts for • proph.etic word.a "POk•R in. the lipwt b&nl4r by O.rtru4e R.,,,, ' I oo~. Pure Lead Free Houae Paint. $4 89 Reg. Price $5.58 gal Sale Prke gel. • • Porch, Deck end Floor EAemel $1 39 Reg. Price $1.66 qt.-Sale price qt. . • ' Tru-Ko~• One Coat Flat Well Paint $3.39 Reg. Price $4.0 I Q•l:-Sele Price gel. , la Ille play, "Nlpt Xuat Fall" wtllch le beiftf praented on .Junt I and 9 U Oran,.. CoQt colle&e cha~l. "'Night Must Fall." belnl' given by 'the Harbor Col'TlJTlunlty Play- •r1,. ta an lntellta•flt and tnt•nae· IY •nterteinJpl" •. play. Pu from beinl th• onllnuy my..tery drama wtth 1lapi1tlck comMy toucbe.- lhil t. a play ot a poup ot a)V.rp- ly aont.raatll'ls Charad.erta&Uona. Thil 111 a dlttlcuJt play, for tllert are• no 11\iflOr part.. n. cut t. amall, ther,tore the burden ot di•· logue ttata heavily on a few. • I Costa Mes1ns Join Legion Aux. • • • I • Y'S Mens Club Heel'$ Report of YMCA Sec. • • Ctzol (Mn. Harold) llohl wu ~re ~. now a tot.&1 of t.n admlti.d to thf memblrah!p ot VFW auaWary "38 at a NCent -aotiw T clubs In my area and I meet.ins 1n American ?Aston hall, pred1c:t there will be ten more lty ea.ta. Mn& and at the Mine tlme lh• tint ot th• year," aald Paul her .huab&Jtd wu admltt.d to tlle Dtlp, TMC.4 eecretuy In th.la art& poe:t memberahlp. ln J'IYlnf" a prol"'UI r.port to hla A plea WU made foJ food. clean , elothlnc for a needy Vtlt:ran'• spon.eor, the Newport Harbor T • famlly. Peno.• v.'1ablnf to con· Mens club at It. committee rn•et- lribute these artiol.. &M &Irked lnJ May, II. to contact Buel CMrt . .John) OtU. · The Y •Mena club apouor9d tlle A. sleeplnl' ~ w .. donated to & recent YMCA tund raLllnl' can1. · 1 J>&lrn which made po•lble e:n-~ck boy who has to •pend mueb r..-eme:nt ot a full-tlme aecrrt.arv. time outdoor•. · .r Irene Timmlrtc• wu rttleeled MlnJflan Of local churches, junior vtce·pNlident of the uniL prtncip&la and tn.tructon In var!· Deleptea elrocted to attend tht OU. schoola and youth worker1 1n oUltt ~lda have bHn conta.cted it.at• department convenUon ln by Mr. Delp in ha endeavor to Santa. Cruz June 28 wen Pea.rt Brown and Mabel Gln-•. Alte • pt new T clubl •tarted tor ~e a·-r bo)'ll ud rfrill, ''Th• PUp<>n.le ha.a natN named were Dorothy GlUe. been terrific,'' th• MCNtary aid. Pit Uld Lou!ae McCracken. BUI Burt. Y'• Mena club pretl· The result ot the poppy dt.,Y dent oloeed Ute meet.inc after le:ll· sales was overwhelmingly au~· tnr lht committeemen &bout their fUl. It wu announced. The aux 11.. next proJ.ct, 1ntel'Mt1nf pare:nt.I ary ~. to t.l\&Dk all thoae who In Camp O.Ceola, & hlgb rnountaln b•lped ln m&kinc tbt two-day K1t l'llllllfter camp for boy1 &nd ctrla. 80 .ucceptul:. ' . llr. Delp aald that th• parent.I Ea.ch character S. a rich. portrayal unto ltaelt and important to the plot llld tbe play dem.and9 trom each member ot the cut a eleu ut picture ot the part they play RehMral audlencn ban been held erJthralled. Attendlnr_ the .second d~trlct c.,i.ld nc~n more ln/ormation by m .. Unf in Orans~ May l'r " 'tlluns !bJ.m at Beacon IJ!t.&..JOG r J.i. U.. aowly~te<I dOl•ptee, ~ = , -·--~--- LUMBER COMPANY 2025 Newpert Ave. COSTA MESA NOW YOU CAN HAYE A-lfEW WORLD FAMOUS "'l\'orid'• Flnt: aod OYeM Maker et E.leetrial lhutaJ Aldi., C'le\'er director Marjort• WU· lialNon ot La ...... -· k-tbe play movtns at a f..,t and ever quic1<"11nl Wl>po and •&cl> ploy- er wraps hla part a.round. him like a clof.k and wean lt well; Orren ·Brootc. with bit, cha.rnelflln·llke change• of eharaeter u Danny. Gert.rude J:t.om u petlf, 1elf-een- tered Mn. Branwon; Marpret Roui.aud .., trultrated, bewildered OUvla : Bob Weau u Hubert. DI.~ Derottt,y Otllesple, P eul -.i &ad lla,y Buckland. ()(h.,.. ..ttClldinl w... Oda Walla UM! Mabel Orfftpa. Refreshme:nta were .1erved by LouJ.M :O.Cbme1 and Yvonne l!cott. Beech Pic:nie Final EvFn+· for Mothersingers pompoUI and ullk.-..,ly -•· ca.I: Bonny Tumor u tll• qute~ forceful inspector: Vtrrtnl& Royce a1 Kn. Tvenve, ta.Pl and d..iatn-Mr. and lfn.. Jftrbert Cole. fut:. Karse lta.tfor4 •• cute, but man, 718 Weit Oce,.n Front, Bal· dull Doro; and Nancy Andr..,. boe, entertaJntd at final event of u U\I qulet.IJ ntppant nur.e. Ule HarboT llotheraingers, a p'.ot .A.drn1¥fon to the play wUJ be luck •upper ud wi.ner bake on 11.00'" and student.I ~ oenll. Cof· the beach Tuu:lay ne-ntng ot Jut fee will be aervtd between act.a week tor mem hen and the tr h1111- Dr. John Chung Honored at Dinner • Occuloned by the birthday annlverury ot her huaband, Dr. J ob.rt K. c. Cbunr, 211 JC. 18th st., Coet.a Mesa. lira. Chunc enter· t.afned recanUy with a dtllchttul dinner at the Chunakin. Cat•, 4.nah•lrn. On hand t-0 felicitate O.e local physician were Kn.. Mlnnla Rlctl· t•r. Mr. &nd 1i(r1. Robert Sho~y and aon Lee; Mr. and •Mn. Mar· vln Glbaon and daur6ter1; Kathie and Charlott.; )(r. and Mrs. Rob- ert Muller, Mn. Parrte Robin&on, G&ry, Joyce, M.axlne and Caroline Chunc. and cw1.a1n time i. 1 :80 p.m. band.I. CI k W d Chin• .. lanteme J!fOvided 4oco-or 00 S W f M Rft'e lllumlnaUon. 'Jlr1. J . Lealte omen · o oose ai.tt ....... d1"<t,or, wao •bl• 1o Move to .COM t. El t Qffj be-pre:Hn.t, belnf wen on the way .. . .. 0 ee 1cers to l"eCOV•ry from her recent .,..,. • Okteat ntw re•ldeall ot Cor· ' • Uon but tumed over emcee dutl• 0na dal Mu •re Kr. and Mn. Newport BM.ch Womllll of UM to )(r. 8Wfetllletl, who led the Clark Wood, formerly ot Paa&dena MOOM Will bave e*tlon of new rroup tn f•vortte eonp u t,Ny Who are llvinl' at 302 LarUpur otficera 'I'bund&y 11trht, Juae 1 •t U'OWld the bontlre. 'venua. They an not atrangen at I p.m. ~ the Mooee bome, UOO Pttknt were Me..n. and Mm owever. for they are puenll of ! f •I· I .. • , I ' ' •. ' •• ! I ' • • • • • .r J • . INSURED SAV_l·N·S = ,., A1111u111 ~. ,. . _iO. ... _..._ . ~ _.... ;,>----..., ,.. -24W ----o---. ~ • ' LONG BEACH FEDERAL SAVING$ AND LOAN ASSOCIAT~ON 17R AMFRICAN AYf PHONF 7 -1701 Qc..,. rrant. N<wport Beach. Coleman, atett..,...,, Balph o::: Lloyd Wood, 0e..n lllvd. proml· Thu.nday, JUne lf ,will hie & IOda1 ver, .Al 0.lMll.Ce, »uni Procter •ent contnetor ·aru:1 bullder . nlPt for the co--worktra and tlt•k C&lrence Dodd, -Jame. z.tpr' ---------:-----.._......: ________ _; ______ -::__..:,...:_ _____ L. __ _._ ____ _ ..... to. Aa 1Djoyabl• -Ins to w ....... !Jppltt, Nonna.n Hutchin/. SEE THE '95 j . au-ic I • ' COMPLEl E -FOR ONLY 5.0 FULL PRICE EASY IEIMI . + ~ECIAL SKIN U~EIVIR OFMI + ~OTHING TO WEAR · IN lilTHU IAR! COMI pt •• ~. mlT •• ·.11Ylf . Wtite or Pf•• for FUE Ho• TJY 0. • • ..... ., .. plonned tor enryon•. Olean Whltloc)l. ifNold Boyvey, - O\Nllt ottlcerw &ttendln• 111• n-Kan. Newland, .Tanfff Sanda, w, cent lnltlaUon and ,....i atllcero' O. llarTlool!, llaYIDOl>d Origp, nla!lt "'" 11en1cw .ft<ctnt reni a-.-. a-t~ ....,,,. 0n:. Cloy-'l'llltOl1: -rer Xary Ellen ton Lowe, 'Na 'l'l!an•ll, Jlarrwy Read: Cllaplabl Nancy Dwut, ~ -, ll<>y -· Ronald' Ba... lll• SNlta """ chapter: Junior low; aJoo ~ Ray jf..-..p ft•1ent nor.. WUe7; ft<wr<l•r J..,,. Oool!en ODd Jllton .._· LIJIJ&n Ku!&fa. !tom_ hllertOll · • -ptv: JUn!Ot' Grad\lal4 ""'ent M c· 1 11 ~ 11o11ertooa, rr--esa ·ire e . =--..=-: ,.!:~. 1::i.: Elects Officers: ot C'i""'date. kdtiat:ed WU nam .. od Ill .,.., ,Df .1'¥1 OOftraor ~ ~ er.. 'lrill .....,.. Ha-.HoDrooll Gt ,Lodlo ·1w. 11or dlltlo. .. cllellftn&n ot Clrde Kr. BOllwoolt W'4 ,._.-wjUl II. flt !)lo qo.t& ")(-°"""8U• ~ -,.._... plll by Ute lodSo ally -•-,W$Cll f>1 memMJs. ~;11Ck v...-Y 1 '•••• 1lti. ...-~at ""' '¥ ,.__..,.. -ooctllp ... )(q 12 lnetl.lw· .. -.... -.1'111 otn..t. • M~sa OJd:+imers at Perris-Picnic ~ .,,.,. #tl!Q .., ~ ~.la tM 1 -...,.; Kr9, ~ Jlet1, ihu1uw; ... l"!bllall)' -: ~-__ •. ~ .... Mn., .... ~-otl *''''' •: .., J..U. ...,.; Or&ap ·-.... Coot& .._ ·~ .. , "'*' 14; illlrtlo ~. -· -Ute wi..i ON "-' .. ...,, 1-Ital. --~ W Ma.y II....... S&lto'U ... Dai Jt'I I ..... let ltJ ,..,.,..,............ -~ -pt!Mnlar .... •MM! -... c ··----... poop1o w11o at - -llclu~ Uid 16&. .,_.. o .. .,... • Ille ·11 ..... -1o -· • • ..... !Qalta...,... ...,.., -•·After• strtm _. •rrr· .... , ..... -. '$Zs .... .... ........ .. I 7 '· I • ..._,. ',,,... 7 ml :..l ......_._ 12\f.L .... __ _,,..,L1154 ,~ IPQ I ..... =" .. = -~ •• Hrt 'OF, THE HIGHWAY • 1 I • ' • ' • • • • • • • • . , • • . . ..... • . • I • ., betauSe ot the tremendous pr.,arat\on·••es~ft tor t1'e sensationa\ Cir and Opening ot 'A\\ Ameficao' _in f Monva\k • ~;!j,_ . · · .. • Whert r· r ' .. . ;J below Go~.;c~pwill ·remain ! .1 · • S c:eilings. * *. * Watch f · · or our spec· I ' . 14 Page 'AD' N t . * Price1 Efhctlv ax ~eek . . ··r· 1"'!:~--:-:----~~~---•-a_+_All Markets * · DOWNIY . . 1351 L PlllSTOMI Ult;, A'f 9,0LAM AVI.-" • • .· "' Al.L -•••rt.ff· ' • • • • • • I ' • • • • ........ "" , - • ' • nnn:l,-Ull ; ... 'on M.Y • WftNQ N&WI · Di~trict: President Pays ·Visit ,. • r .J Ct:ASSIF ·I E® • ' .... , . ........ ..,. . . (,. ' 111181' a:u. -IO larse Ji._tns ,,,._ ~ alldlf· ,_ti 2IO -..,., OWi& Ka 28ei0 · .. , to . American Legioo ~uxiliary A tnentbenhtp •contest pay~tr dllu>tr atteaaed by a group ot 41> tlnpahed sunta com,btned :'for • memorabl• evt:nt fOT""Mem!>d'a of the NewpMt Ba.rbor unit of th• Amer!can Legion aw::Ulaey u they tumf'd out for the ugular JOda1 meetlnt' held tn Lel:ion ball Mon- da":' nlgbt. May 2~. • Jl1m.'Vl'Y IBOP JmQtlJPJQN'll ~I ~~=:...;;.;==;;.....;.__ !>Trw. etc. 11-'LBOA 1NN' ,..-.,.trr.r BALON, Bar. li7. • The c1!nn•l' of tamale pie, t~ vttn aa bd an•l er.nots. topped otf with hcm~!l•de. •trawberry short· t'ake ~ cotfet, wu p-:l'pned and al"T'V'ed Cap~ir.. Julia Eg1;erl Md kr team. Heading th.to lbt of honored' g'UPN wu MrL Nelle J . Cart.on, 21st dfstrtc:t president, wbo wu m&kb-« her official Vllllt to t:be Jo.. eat unit and wbo alAo acted u fU~ Initiation officer during the lmpreutve candlelight ceren1ony which aaw Mme11. Fuuil• Reed, Frances Hamia a.nd Nelle Pa.deer welcomed Into thf°'-or~tt.ation. Other d1alingulab~ ¥\JU\.9 -~" Mmes. !'J.va Mae (Cuey) Jonea. 21•t di.lltrlct nrst vtc.-pi'ffSd&nt and memberahlp chalnl'an! Veata Tracy, dt.trict poppy chalnnan: Edith Incrun. dlltrlct drU1 te3m chalrman: lttn• Glttvw. preatdent Of Orange county put preaident'• parley; and Ma.riu MatheM'I, d~ psrtmsnt of Callfornla historian and juniM put dL!tr.ct president. Gtrh State 8"'p. Sharing bonora wtth tit+ dJa.. tingulabed gues.._ wu Miu EJu- nor Ragan. who will be Newport Harbor's rtrtt repruentaUve to Girla' State in Sacramento. Mi.a Ragan and her mother were sp.- eial guests o r Mrs. Georgette Gor- don, Glrl.11' State chairman. who announcf'd that t1he and the can· dldate wtlt attend a special tea in Corona Saturday for chairmen and thefr repreaentatlvu:. A brief buslnes.e meeting wu held tor the purpose of pruentlng committee reporta to acquaint members and guest.I with unit ac- tivi lieti. Poppy co-c.ba.i.rman, E lle-en Inru1, reported a record tum-out of vol- unteoen salesmen, who aold 1360 poppies and turned in $2'2.4.0 for a.a.me. The local unit ordered 2000 poppies lhi.11 year. for wh.lch they have aent payment in Ml to the veteran.a at Sawtelle hoaplt&l who participated ln making the little memorial flowers. The rema.lnd• ei:. of the proceeda. Mrs. lnM fur- ther explained, wilt go into ~cial rehabiHtaUon and child welfare fUnda to be used 90lely for needy veterans and their chUdttn. , H•plta.I Worlc According to a r-eport read by acting hmrplt&l . ~halnnan, Mona Hayden, the Tuffday hoe:ptt&l work has amounted to 415 houn to date, plu.. 335 •credited' "ott station" hours. Membt'r• of the local unit who are entitled to 50 hour pln& for Ulla work are Adria..n • J oyner, Mildred Bonda, le.an Ma.rkham. Frances Hanna and Bern.lee Opel The meeting WI.II conducted by brter but lnlonnative talks by each dlJltrict chairman pruent. M.ra.. Carl.son choae unity u the theme o! her talk, poinUng out the tremendo\ltl job that le facing the American Legion auxiliary to-- day and that can only be accom· pliahed by a network of strongely unlted unit. pulling together for a brighter future. , ~ the meelinl" adjourned, many out-.of-town members bad oppor- tunity to renew acqualntancea and frlendtihips maft ln the orl'&DiU· tlon In paat ye•r and to make new frie'nd.1 among the new memben. Riders Get Trail in River Bed at -Costa Mesa ' ~ . Home luilclllMJ NEWS-TIMES -Evefy. 'J'.nMd.&Y . I . . w·-.. NEWPORT BAY POST-w•: Slowed to -NEwPOBT-BALBOA PJlESS-Th ys by Lack of Money 11 .. ,.. -i,,::e ,·:-i .. ~1-.,'';'.!. .... ~ Large ecal( tnet 11onu1 ....il.sms · llUNDl1lJI AD • 6 Ll1Qa • ln California II bMg alowed dOWD il <Ir 2"""' adl -' lllJI ..W: fw ...... 111 .. ...._ ef P91tl\oattn. to a walk bec&UH of lack of •va.ll· 4: 1 hea 1 ~ 1 f • 75 able mortpp money, the Divt- 1ion of Real Dltate hu reported. ' U-' I Papen I.SO ' u.-s Papen . %.00 , llc30 Complete lnll&llatlan, ttpalr and MNiot ot: &ll trailer equtpm.ant. ORANGE COAST _ TRAILER SUPPLY ittO HARBOR BLVD. eo.t.a Mua., Phone Beacon tn4-R COMPLE'l'Z kJtchen sink and cabinet. unit. ready to lnataU, 545. AlllO .. lnl-<lreular break· tut bar, cupboanU under ma- hotanY top, $1.0. Inquire 1"°8 Seavfew, ·Corona deJ Mar. •"""ler Engines Used Cr, wns -:-Royals fee John Harvey • · lat Seacraft ~COAST MGHWAY ~RT BEACH PH. B&A.CON S771 94tfc 2 BEDRM.,1urn. ha. OCeall ll'rnt. COK&. IN 'ond P!&Y the .......... CJ-in. By year .. ~ M _,.Hammond Chord Organ. ALSO • ICml lf 1'flU -'t know• a 1lOto l·BEDRM. tum. hae.. llnpllee, ot mll&le '°" can ploy beaUtlllll Ocean ·Fn>ftt-by woe'k17. Poal music tD le mlnu,tea. DANZ-~. Smith. tiwne'r. UO' JD 7th. 8CID(!l)'l' Bis PfonO and ()Jpn Upl"""-Ph. :121-11& or m-w Co., 620 No. ~ Sant& A.n&: or _. at 2410 W. Ocean Fr-ortt L 0 V & LT BTOI>IO UPRIGHT Saturday, June 11th. lG-6 ~ pi..,no. FuJl7 p&ra11teed. Term.a i------------- P6.37 down and.. Ill.GO per mo. LIGHT hou..eke<J>lng, fUrn.. •PL at 8HAr.l:R.8 KUBIC • CO. Separate bldg., private entrance, (Since 1.001), tit. N-. Sycamore, utll. pd. $40 mo. ~ round. 11an1a AnL Kimb..-17 a-oen. 5161\ N~. Con>n& de1 Scarcity of mortp.a:e money Mf'm.1 ~ be wonylni aubdivlder8 and bczilden mol"f! than critical malf..rlaJ problems, the div11\on ••id. The publiaht;,n will not be ruponall)le t~ mon than one incorrect lnaertion of. an advertiaement. ruenre the rtlbt to C01'ftCtly el.ulify any and &ll a.di and to reject any adftrtialment rtot confonnlnr ti· ru.lee and rep)l.Uona. AdffrtlMmente and cancell&Uona will l>'· ac~ted up to 5 p.m. on the day precedln& publlcaUon. Ph. Bar. l&te fto• Har. Jfll, Mir' fer ~Ad Taller"' or anwt ad aad ..-u..ce to 29c31 2 17tfc Mar.. Inquire 112 J"lowtt El_t., Costa Kna.. 28cSO WANTED: 50 planOL Trade in, ____________ _ FALCON SET$ OF BAll.S, • dolly. It appear~ that mo.tt tarp acale fir..o..nclal lnatit!ltlonsi &rC!, at lH.al tvnpor&rily, out ot the re111dcntla1 NEWPORT llAJUIOR PUllUSHINO ()(), Your ad appear1nc ns· ularly la these columns will brine you many new c\utomt-n. Harbor area fol.kl are la th• habit of "looklnc In tbe cla.ul· tied'' when they nffd thue eervlcea. Ull Balbo9 Blvd .. Nl!W'f0r4: """"°"· Olllforala. mortgqe ·:naricet, Jue primarily 1 -~-----------------------­ to to t.he lack..,of available mort· g&g"e tundl and not necesarlly to tr.enly 1nte.J'Mt ratu lnvolwd, the di vtaian Ila tet:. Durtn.~ ·· 1e-so-..· record home \MJlldlnc year-finandal m.t.ltu· Uorui made conunltment., or bullt up a "'l>$c.k lol'' ot commitments, tn 90me cues to the level of their Jepl reaerve requirement.. The llitu'atlon hu been turther complicated~ the dlvilltoo. "ported, by the joint action of the Federal Rt9M'Ve Boa.rd and the U . 9. Treuury department in their ''d1m1onetlsing'' of Ole lone term 2'i per cent .. edft'al aecuriUe.1. Thia: la ·•Id to have had the effect ot reducing awUa~e mortgage money by more than $13,000,000,- 000. Thi.s sudden "dryjng up" ot available "take out"' mortpge money la the main re.a.son large !!Cale home building in California has bttn pracUcally stopped ln It. traci. the pPt two weelui, the division saJd. · Two Win Degrees T\l.•o reJ1ldent. t'Tom the Harbor area. Marjorie Ann Hlet or r-; ew· port Beach and Ve:lma Gates CaM of Corona del Mar, are a.monr the 300 candidateti tor the derr~ of bachelor or arts to be conlerred durlns 89th commencement exer4 ci.5ea at Occidental collece at 7:30 p .m. Monday, June 11, in the HU1- 11lde theatre, according to Presi- dent Arthur G. CooM. Speake-r at comm~cement will be the Honor- able Earl Warren, Governor of Ca.H.fom.1&. M.t&a Mier, dau&htiu of Mr. and Mrs. Milla.rd Jd'. Mler ot 2142: Vista Drift, Newpon :S.C.b, la majoring in En.gliah at Occldeuta.J: ta active tn literary, mualca.l and joum.aJ- isUc circlu., and la a m~ber of Gamma Kappa Tbet.a sorority. Miu Ca..u, daughter al llr. and Mn. Harold P . Caa of 9°" Ocean a.venue, Corona dd lofar, t. rn&· Jorinl' m Education at Ocdde.ntal where lhe l.I vtce-prstde.nt ~f the senior cla.u, -~ on Ben~ Board. and wu Pen·HeUenlc pruJd"°rit. She lit a me:mber of Del- la Omicron Tau sorority. Bacca.laureate e:xercWea will be held in the ffillslde thea~un­ day, June 10, at 7 :30 p.m. With Rev. William Scott Cbalmu1, headma.ater. Harvard School, to give the addrua. ClasslfJed Index lD BllntaMa Old6e U ......... M•11 t 't u ................ . t• ..... .. u _.,_°"' 11~ 11 aooa., Olli~• 11 ~AJdo It Uploo-...S to Bmllll Aldo ni.-...s- \ u 8cliooJ. 1-••• 118Jtm"-w..w ltlW•- .. Bale, m e ts 1• ... AB- so'.-B App1W·tu: .. _ ... __ n ....... _,__ H-A .U.._ .............. , .. .... -.-.. Boso. OoD, .... .. haJlr7, -· 11u .. ~ II Apedial A• r 8 .. ...,s 1s1 0ppo1e:aansw '181Greo ud Of!ICN uw_to_ U Aputwt. ... B1w1• "_,__ '6 Bat. ,.... Oa•r•• .. __ _ .,_ d A.ate•,...., ~ UA-W•W .. ~.!""'"" 11 p A1r!>IM• I& Haaey IG !-a lt Moaey Waatied 51 .... l'Ata&e w ..... 51 B•nellM, Aa.p .. ._ ..... ....,, at Rat btat. Evltn•p aa..i _.., COlll'Lanl ROUD a.&A1lnro -J'mllltare 11114 """ -poood. ..... -·t• ll'Ull7 m.....i. . Al's House & Rug Cleanin£ eo: Bes cam "1111 T1tte For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free eatlmatell Ph. Har 88-i ~14 -29th St Newport Beach lt-BUJLDINO llDV1Clt8 Da+es Set for . YMCA Boys Camp. p '!.::~ .nm8J~G Kenneth Quarry 1115 Santa Ani Ave .. eo.ta M ... u.-P&Jl80N AUi : Alcohollca AnollYmoua ' wr1i. P. o. Box :ioG Bal-tol&nd, Calif. H-LOllT AND FOUND • H~--. LOST-June 2nd between Balboa l------------- P!lono Kimberly a.Mii apta. A: Lacuna -Cameo pln. Reward. M:rL R. Blacl4 Alb&ny !MO. 28c30 LOST -8&11 cover, white canvaa, 11 n.. Ion&'. ~ward. Ph. Ha.rbor 23:il; t:/30 . NEED HELP? .Ooneult sltnatfon wanted adt or place a claMltled In tbe Ne~ Time.. Post and Presa combina- tion •t SZ per week. mln. P.bone Harbor 1111. ' HAND moNING 'DONll Mra. Batu Phone Harbor 2472-J 28p30 GENERAL OFFICE work. Ex- perienced, permanent resident, t)'J>e 56, no Abort.hand. Harbor TWO BARGAINS See these two l&" PHILCO tele· vision con.soles -in excellent condiUon! ALSO 121;" EMERSON COneol~ TV. Exctllent condition ........ $1:S9.50 K~p ln touch with u1 for good buya in. TV sets be ing traded in- Easy \Vhlrldry -portable washing ma.chine ........................... $3 ... 5-0 EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN 2M2-W, eftnlnga. 28p30 aecttonat. excel-MODERN 2: pc. lent condition. old. $70, Ph. Lesa than l yr. YOUNG M.AN -college It bu.al-Harbor 1270-W. neu backl'T'QUnd wishes perm. 28c30 A.lea or ofnc.e pOaltlon in O\ 'BLO ·--ND--M-IJNTZ---.-10-.-, -,-•• -1-.-m-Od-e~1' 'llear !larbor areL Write Box B. UUii.i P,..per. 2Sp30 Televitllon, ln perfect condJtk>n. $75. 211 'i Apt~, Ba.Ibo• I.rl&nd. JCXPERIENc:£v Woman wa.nta Hp29 hcnuework and • cltUd ca.re . By I------------- clay"' hour or will live ID. 03 Jack's Furniture o1d County Rd, eo.ta Mesa. Ph We Buy, Sell or Trade Beacon 1243-J . 29p31 •• MILL WOR.KERS and helpera tor 'tumiture mfg-. Harbor M.tg. Co., <12-29t\i. Newport., Beach. 28pl!O WANT °Rxperienced woman for · cooking and ipnual hotlftwork. ..mt 2 c:hlldre.n. Uve 1n. Good aalary. Pllone Barbor l&U-R. 28c30 1W5 Weat Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Phone Harbor 2:502-R. 27p29 Rattan Furniture Made In th• Phllliptnu and in our own work llhopa Wlde choice of tabrica. t..rze•t dlaptay In So. ca.Hf. Relln""1ng and R.upho1'terfnS HOUSE & GARDEN 811 Cout Hwy., Nwpt., Be.a. U7l HOTPOINT @lee. 5tOve, $65, good condition, coffee table, antique aldeboard a.nd Lable. Ha. 2098-M • 29p30 BRASS FIREPLACE, fenden and and.lronL MiAc.. old bric-a.brae. ~-Bea. :i2!l·J mornings. 29c31 EXPER.D:NCED wotna.n for ren- eral hou.e work and cldld ca.re.. 'o_A_V_E_NPO __ R'._T_an_d_bed __ -<la_v_e_npo_r_t Uw 1n. P~ Barbor 2089-J. in good condition, 289 Meta. Dr., 28cSO Co.sta Meaa. Bea. &300-J. 2k31 Phone Harbor l.Sl-W 27p29 FOR SALE-On shore mooring. K •treet, Balboa. Outboard. tnotor, good condition. R. E . Dlckimon, • 34.42 Encina.1, La Creece:nta. ph. Chutt~lll 9-4988. 28p30 18-FOOT BOAT and trailer. All metal automatic brakes. 2 new tJre& Boat and trailer ln ' ex .. cellent condition. Both $275 Orchard 16604. 28p33 your old pia..no on a. Grand, Spin- et or beaut1tul televildon .. Hig:h· eat cash allowance, terma. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO Co., cor. 8th, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. &O-BU!llNE88 OpportuJllll,. !!)QUIPPED BEAVl'Y SHOP with eatablished clientele. PLUS love- ly apt. Good Costa Mesa loca- tion. C&ll Harbor 326:S. %7c29 SKIFF-8 ft. -car top -Never '-1-8TOR.U a OPTIC1!:8 used. For 'sale or \\111 trade _.._.:.._.:_.:_.:..;::__.:..;::__;._ __ _ for Jirls bicycle \n rood con- dition or! Phone' Har. 3222-J after 6 p. m. 28c30 NJ:WLY OVERHAULED CHRYSLER CROWN, $3M Call Beacon 54.14-MA. 6-4.381 . 28p30 ATTRACTIVE well located Bal- boa office for lawyer: account- ant, insurance. builder. archl· tect, etc. 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 1607. 21.tfc A TI'RACTIVE well located store with utra carpeted room, bath, cl0itet. 1201 Coast Highway, 2~·FT. aux. •loop. galley, sleeps Corona del Mar, Har. 311.0-W. 3. very good condition. $1750. -----------""-P3_0 <n-ner will finance. 22 -FT. 'all-mahogany sloop, beau-· U-WANTED TO RENT t I ful. $1600. · , ~-c.;.;;::_;;;::;::_;;_;c.._:;::;:.:.:. __ _ 16·F'1·. runabout, hop~ up jeep RE?l.~AL desired, Newport Har- motor, approx. fO ml. per hr. bor area. Want 2 bdrm, fum., s100: need fenced yard, no children. 18·FT, Chri8 era.ft open utility-WIU pay SlOO mo. Perma.nent jwit reftni!hed . . .............. $950 resident. Write Box Z, lhJ!I Eilee-n ~· Richardt1on paper. 28p29 RICHARDSON'S YACHT ANCHORAGE Bayside Drive, Har, 369 28c30 SEA BOOKS i\. nne •tock of boob on all ,acbt- inl .ubjeca-Plu. all curnnt -IAnd!DS libl'll')'. The Isla'l.ders 11' -.. Bal-IL Bar 11&7 BALBOA Dinghy No. 100, chrome tttttzigs. Excellent condition. Ph. Ha.rtln' M>2 daya. · 29c31 DINGHY with outboard motor, like new, 1 yr. old. $9~ complete. f2f 1;i Femlea!, Corona de! Ma.r, Harbor 0589·J~ 29p31 l5·Fr CEDAR dory complete with well, 5 hp Johnlon, oan, gu e&n. Excellent condition. 121'5. 213 Grand Canal, Balboa island Harbor 761-R. 29c31 ~·FT CABIN crul.Aer complete with bead, ra.Uey, 2 ptrma.nent berthl. 2 temporary berthL T'Nin· ecrew Star engines, to be told 'fo.r beat cub oUer. See It at ~00 Marcus Ave., Newport Beach. Harbor 2228-R. 29c31 Uae the Neww -nmu, P~ and Prui combina- tion with over 21.,500 dJ".. tulatlon. ' . &S--APARTHENTS a ROU8E8 LIDO ISLE It you ..;ant a rental on--\ove1y LIDO ISLE .ee UI. Several good homes available. Al.so apart- ments by week or month. P.A. P 1\-LMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Harbor IMO lStfc RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAM 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 BALBOA ISLAND Houaea and ApU., yearly or aea- 90nal. See Gall Camey, with NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE . 30e Marine, Balboa W. Bar. 502 89tfc SCHOOL teachers -Winter rent- al, charminrly tum. 2. story Cape Cod house on Bal. Is. 2 lge. bdnn8 &: dtn, 11,t baths. $85 mo. Available Sept. 10th. Har. 18tll·W. 28cl0 RENTAL ii SPECIALISTS • -..U81CAL. RADIO CiaD &dna Crais nth G!lEAT PIANo sALl!l n.-Linwood Vick, Rltor. po•eAed. Spinet. Llke newt Pay Balbo& Ial&Dd.. Har. ZOU ·12dM out J>alanee. Save over $200. DA.NZ-SCHMIDT Big Plano slof'>e, Santa. An&, cor. 8th and ~ Summer Reservations Lido lale Bay Front unit.a. 1 I.lid 2 bdrma, $70 week up. Harbor 2552, eve•. Bar. 2914-K. lTtfc UNP'URN. new apt. Garbage dlap. Own entrance. Nea!" Udo shop• ~1 -:\'-th, c~rner of Flnle:y. Brr. 2529-W. 29c31 IN B'A. Y SHORES -l'\lrn. two bdrm home.. Reuonable. June 13th, Sept. 15th. Owner leav· lng state. 251:5 Vial& Dr .. Ba-j Shores. Ph. Beacon M88-W. 119c31 FURNISHED 4·rm hOUM, New• port Bch. Fri~daire and turn. Fenced yard, child o.k. Near ocean and bay. Reasonable year .. ly or summer rental Call KJ .. m.,.r!y 2-1567. 29p30 CORONA DEL MAR -3 bdnn turnlsh~ apt a.nd ga.rqe. Har- bor v1ew. child o.k. '8l:i mo. on 1 year lease. Har. 2667. 29c31 CORON A DEL MAR -Furniahed 2 bdrm house. auto wa&her, sleeps 8. For summer or wU1 lease by year. Ph. Bea.. ~283·W. 29tfo A • 1ve. Better Than Ever and priced to go! '<9 -'t8 PLY. oed -·---·: .... ~1195 'f9-'f8 PLY. tud.or -·······-··· 1185 '47 PLY. club ·······--···-·-·· 108:5 '47 CHEV. club ···-········-·--1095 'f7 CHEV. sedan ·············-98.5 '47 FORD Conv. ·····-···········-109:i '4-fl OLDS "5" seda.nette -···• 1695 '41 DODGE sedan ·············--· 585 '41 PACKAJtD "8" sedan .... 395 '40 STUDE "Champion'' sed 2'9S '36 FORD Pickup ·····-··········· 29' Open to 8 p.m. "We Trade for the Best" SHAVER MOTORS No more '50'• -but a whale of a deal on 1951'a Your DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dlr. • 1880 Newport Blvd,, Coet& Mesa Beacon SD0.7 PRIVATE PARTY OFFERS: ':Sl HUDSON HORNE:I' Convert- ible. ~ydramatlc; radio, heater, white walls, 600 mile.a. Cost $3700. Leaving stat~, will sac· ritice tor $3,000. WiJl finance. lf32 W. Bay, Newport Beach. Harbor 1327·J. 2Tp29 CHEVROLET 2~r deluxe sedan Only 8600 mllea. Save money from private. owner. Ph. Harbor 2t0f. 28c30 'fl CHEVRoLET Special club coupe, radio Ir heater. 121 ~ Marine. Ave_, Balboa lal&nd, Ph. Harbor OS7<-J. 29c31 FURN. OR UNFURN. l bedroom '47 STUDE Champion conver., neW apt. on waterfront. Fireplace:: top-new bra.kea-&ll extru- Vtew. Yearly rental to perm&· one local owner, Sll50. 215 B nent ruidents. 4~ Clubhouse, Marine Ave .. B&lbo& lala.nd. · Newport Beach. 27c29 , ___________ ._20c_ao_ FURNI8HED 2 bedroom bOUR- Newly decorated. Fenced ln yd. Yearly buU only. Children 0 . K. 473 Launt Pla.ce, Costa Mesa. 8-on MlT·R. 27p29 SUMM'.lllR Rl!NTAL on Balboa 19- land and Coron& del MU. By 1feek. month or aeuon. 135 wk. and ap. AlllO 2 bclnn yearly r.ctal Sn CD)(, $83 mo. Phone Bar.' 1530.J'"" Bar. 1077-J .. • -2tp31 '40 OLDS .f-door eed.an with '4& motor. OWner Will eacritlce.. BARGAIN, termo. 681 Victoria, CWta M-. 29p30 LOANS For Homes -·l'-2'1 yr. llegulal' 1-no CONSTRUCTION LOANS at~*" (H yr&) Wll BUT AND SELL TIWllT Dltl!!l>8 ID BOB BATn.E:R Hlll COAST BLVD. Corolla <lt(M..--1077-J &p. POIRIER llORTOAGl!I CO. -Wo~Fllndo-Kl~ • • I • I • ' • •• ' • • • . . • . • ' • • • • I • • .. • ' . Ml .NY . CH .OICE SEl _ECT·IOl4S . Of.v RtiL~·tsT!ATE. LISTED · IN 'J:H_l:s SECTlOM • llVllSl,Ull ..... , .. aaw ... u.w . lllDft ... ·~ • '" .... -... • ••At.m,&ft • ••••·Slft'An BLANCHE ,A. GATF.S, ·Realtor L. C. JONJ:! , J. MAft11IN 311 lbrlne Ave., Balboa laland Ph. Har. 1871 or 1872 Eva Harbor 74&-K BALBOA ISLAND . HERE IS OPPORTUNITY~ 8 Unit apt. h-oa· 70' frontap on Karine Ave., channingl_y furnlahecl, newly decorated . AND Priced RIGHT. Buy now for the big 11UD1111er rentala. U you· are lookin& for the Ialand'e BEST investment, don't wait. Come Iii and talk this over. BEAUT. 4 B. R. 2 .th • home. Forced air heat. . Dining room. Patio. H. W. no<>ni. Garbage diepoA&l Dbl garage. Drastically reduced for quick Ale. $5500 down. Eldremely attractive 2 · hedroom well furn home and omall apt. Patio. Garage. Near South Bay -A honey COSTA MESA •~ down. 3 hedroom home. Dining room. _Patio with BRBQ., dbl. gar. Large landlcaped fenced yard. Small monthly payme:\" . ' BLANCHE A. GATF.S REALTOR : 11-llJ:A.L ESTATE ICXCHANGE'14 t:!ITATI: EXCIUJllC!.~ Twenty-nine Palms Exchange GOOD SENSE, 'l'he realer wbo llnp "HOME SWEET HOKE" • ldddlni hbDINllf _. -.ding the lalacllonL Rent money once handed' Cm.r la fOll• for- ever -but the money you put Into a house la ltill youra. It changee ita form -it.becoma a proPerty ln- attad of gold and .ynply puoee from your right pocket to your left. You will be maJdn&' tho RIGHT MOVZ ta bu,ytrlc on L I D 0 ISLE. Here you can buy the home or your choice at any prlc.. Diatlnctlve a n c\ lovely we have 2-3 or 4 bedroom home• 'With price• and terrU to mMt your pocketbook. Llvl:nf on LIDO ISLPJ )'OU and the children can enjoy t b e CLUBHOU8111 with U. onack bar, private .nd;:f bathlnJ' beacbu. teuie court.I. 'Pl•n and tandlnr fk>&tt and tlnest lm- provementa with all w 1 r I n I underground .. 'WE are the DEVELOPERS of lovely LIDO ISLJ: -wher1 a litLle buy1 a LOT. • tr yoU prefer to bUild we have 90m• ouutandlnr Jot.a on LIDO ~ Ao tho DJ:Vm.OPll:RS • • =u..P!'!! µ •• ' ' --An NEW LISTINGS l CQSTA M"FJ;A . ' • ···•·m.&n • P*l·lllDB • • • BALBQA ISLAND , Good things can come ~small .packages! · SLIGH1'LY DIFFlll.ENT ~ • - • I 1!1PRK O. L llll:8AL&-41li00 ; WN, 11111 J<1ce SlO,tllO. ·..t. lllf ftJbilJ' -... ,95' lot • Ko -tw a a--,OI" hlC't . ..-to ~ tlllo ld..i -tlocl ..... Complol.el7 ~~ ltria6 ~~ ---tor,10-1 tllo - Patio, -.... prl-..,..... All .... -Jot. Collvonlontly ._,..., jlllt 1 bll<. trom th& obop)llnf - tor and. -,._ __ th liq. • . . :. . •. I I : • AV&n.Am• u u-.. a,!04 -·wit.II a~ ' · u.t ~ a}IJ!Ollo 4 Mod.,. Jdtdjen wit.II -. -· loado of ............. Ilk. ft4re --~ &ad. a ll<a wltll I 11atA J'lrepia.:._ ·-' -t -oak 11--. Tllol'O L1 a 1oftl7 Alpine otyled IDfaa' ;_ with .,_ "°""' .ctlllac WI unpainted ~ puo1...-t!q ind dbWoc - lion L1 ..-for •...-Yllod7 Ud •t a price that .....,.. --it1,1100. A flao llalboa JalaJwl - tlml, call tor appolDlm•L J. A. BEEK OFFICE . Balboa lll&nd Ferry Hubor a BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 2121 OCEAN BL VD. Open Sunday 2-6 or by appointment CAP~ COD HOKS-.A.pprcm. 2200 aq. ft., ! atory, 1 year okt. Lari'• llvinl' ~"' fireplace, dJnlnc room, a bedrooma. 2 bat.ha. Larr• den. Gor1eoU1 lrttchea and nook. Oak floon. l"on:ed air bNt. lb s 30 IUD deck, permanent view. Extras plore. Contractor'• home. Priced to ffll DQW) PBONll: HARBOR 1231-W '""""·-~-1'"" fn>ll1 Hupe• ldlool and ~ ICboOL v ..... t. :Move 111 · Price '121500 ($5000 down) BT. BUSINJ:S8 ·l'RONT· . , , • s -h ~ ~.! __ -..-. Wm. W : SANFORD, Realtor' •· Wd ·-~ .. uslll'p~. es-l _Park An. at llUtn• Harbor 2-ll2 Baibo& 1*n4 bathmdobl.,.,.,._ """'ti-~~~ ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...U,,. oot\1'el-to ,bUaiDMI profeaional ottlet. IO ft. tap. O'. L R.raai.. U~ DOWN -A neat I bdrm !Mjm•. f yn. old. Nicely land- ' tenced, eo tt. lot, nee.r b. eut aide. ThJa value 11()(), 1 l!IDRll BRAND NICW -A trim little 'home jual right for a leoupl•. One lltock from. new Ajpha Bet& market. '615(1. C... .,-.. t.onm. I "ACREAGE OVE!lLOOklNG BACK BAT It ).fI'S. f \I ACRES. l"or your e1- u\te or IUW.ivide, TJJi. choice p&rcel al the low price of 112.-6¥· SUbmlt your reuonable ....,.._ llA~GAlN O~CRE -125' °""'age • 307' deep It ZONED FOR BUSINESI. S2TOO. CUh. 1f,1' tht. over QUICK.I FOR QUICK SAJ,.E ' CORONA DEL KAR-•• bedroom home wlth 11' ktlla 2 at.orlu, tu.Uy fUrnl.lhed. 1 'it: blocka to ocean..' J'ble aetP- borhood. Not ne'lf'~ l:A&t quiet, resttul and charm.m,.. J"t1LL PRICE only '12,llOO. Attract.iv• term&. C.U Harbor St7' for appointmtnt to 1te tll" home. • • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor fl& COAST lllGBW AT CORONA DlllL JU.J'I . AUCTION Saturday, June 9th, 2 p.m. 416 Riverside Ave., Newport Heights Excellent lltucco home with II bdrma and maid'• quarters on lot with magnificent view of N9wport Harbor and ocean. This home is located in heot district in Newport Height,. WILL °!E SOLD TO JilGBEST BIDDER without reoerve. Excellent loan. Easy term.a. • ct..m.er muat move to coutal cHm•te Will trade lovely modem deart home for property w1thln a bllui of ocean. 11'8 aq. tt. new concrete block hOme, 26-ft. terrace, 4. direction&} view, 3 mile• from center oL town. 0 or 10 acre• of Ia.nd with additional choice home •itea. Cheap water. ~ l"nile eleY&t ion. Thl9-111 a year-round home' tn a year·round community. For more det&ila call we can off« you low prloea a.nd -----------------------euy t•rm&. It wU1 pay you to I.NlJUSTRIAL -S ACRES. Level wru located in Coat.a Meaa's P'(er growins liJht mfg, Hellon. Price $10,000. WP can alao lo. c•te &ma.lier pa.rem. Come ln ,d state your ntt<ls . Direction: Take Coa.t HiC"h\\•ay 101 to AJI .. Amertcan Market in Newport. Tum nortJi • Riverside to &uction. STANLEY A. SMITH cb.ek with ua on UDO IBLE. Come lee UL 1311 Cout Htrhway. Corona del Kar Phone Harbor 811 P.A. PALMER ' -UAL UTATE Large Lot With unobetructed view of bay and oct>a.n In beautlfUl CUff Haven (not a le:ue bold) Only $3950 Nice 2 bdrm home I ~ yn:. old. Hwd. fiool"S, gu floor furnace, on SO-ft. lot. S pragea with apt. above, Room to build another untt. $18,500 ror Further Dela II• SEE Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. Jill eo...t Blvd., Corona tlel Mar Harbor 27&8 J'OR SALE BY OWNJCft Attrac. 7-room houae with fenced a.crt. nnplaoe. dbl. pr. E:ctn bk1S· 1~5. SI3,000, tenna. 362 Ea.at 20tlt, Co.ta Me:u. 29cS1 Bft.AND NEW I bdrm bome in Newport Height.. Hu ocean view. 1 %. batha, fireplace, a:arb. d.iapoeal, hwd. floora, open Sat· urday &nd Sunday. 410 Tu.tin Ave .. Beacon 5542-WK. or Har. 1087-J. 29c31 11'-llEAL l:llTATI: EXCHANGE CHARMING income a.nd home completely turnlahed. Ideal for pe:non alone or aeveral f&m.Uiea. 3 and 2 bedroom duplex and t5 rm. home. AJway1 rentfll. One leued. 1 blk to bay 6: ocean.. ll:i.000 cu.h plua vacant or im· proved property. Balance loan. OWne.r. Rm. 21. 9406 Brighton Way. &Y•rly Hille. CR.utvtew 4~131 . {Courte.y to bt'okef'•). ltttc HA V'E PARTY with cub wutln1 ' Speculators Investors -People- $6500 2 bdrm stucco &nd pluter hOUM. 2 yn. old, hwd. floor1, ttrepla.ee, Jge. living: rm a.nd f'Xtra. lge. kit. with tile and that 11 not all-It la; completdy tu.ml1hed including Philco refrtg, table top stove and 18" AdmJral TV. Beat Thi.Ir It You Can! $1000 dn-$5950 Bra.nd Df'W 1 bdrm-cloH to new 17tb SL lbopplnr tenter. BURJ\Y! HURRY! Newport Heights lNCORPORATl:D 3333 Via Lido Newport Bea.eh, Calif. Har'-1 &00. Duplex N•ar new dupi.a, oor. location tn bf'at income area. J blk. t.o bay and ocean. Rou&'h phunbtng tn: for 3rd unJt over t&rce prare. MU8t be 8ftll to appreciate. $19,~. term•. RANCH 20 ACRE RANCH 7 mDea from Newport. 1% acre• permanent puture. Abunda.nt cheap water. 3 hoUHa and ha.Al. Equipment tor lS.000 chlcke1U1. Wlll 1ell w1th or without live.tock, Con- aidtr part trade tn bay area. ORICl:NLEAF 6 AJlllOC, BUILDl!:ll -Rl:ALTOR 1111 Newport Bhd., ~512 BETI'ER BUYS on Balboa Island A. lovely new 3 bdrm bome In be:tt Heirhu location. Hu every-l Wa~rfront home and lncome--8 thing, fireplace, hwd., lota of bdrm, 2-story year-round llome . tile. dining a.r.a., "break.fut nook 2 batru1. nice v1ew. PLUS 2 built ln laundry, excellent tur-bdrm. apt. ~ this and com- nace, lge. dbl. pral'e. pa.re . All for $11,000, terms $28,500, terms Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 4.80 Newport Blvd.. Coat.a Mua Phone Beacon 8891 Harbor 3107·W or Beacon 54.614 Todays Best Buy in Corona del Mar Only $9300, terms SM.JJ.L 2 bdrm home:, 2yn. old, a:ood localkm, fenced rear ya.rd. Four (4) f'Uml.ah~ a.pl.• unlt.-!t ainslu and two 1 bdrm apta.- Rtterftly redecorated. Advance reaervationa 1how why lt Le out- 1tandln1 income buy Oft Bel~ Wand. Only $22,500 Win conaider trade ln Hunt· lng1.on Park, sOuUa 0.te .,... Hvry. on thW one.. Island Realtv Co. Realton -MWtlple "Ll.aUnp Park at Apte, B&lbo& lat.and Harbor 377 .. w Need• a little redecoraUn1. 1----------- $2300 dn WANT INCOME? to buy a 1 or 2 bdrm. bouee la. "' Coat.a Maa. A.bout i4.000. MUltJplo u.tlnc No. 1111 8Elll Earl Chamberlain TWO HOMES on 1 Jot, one ta a cosy 2 bdnn home, IUll room at one end of 9tlCloeed patlo, nice uvm1r room, frplce., entr. hall, b&r ldL Reftt. tor MO Wet:k ta. Phone Beacon S225 B. A. Nereson tta Newport Blvd., Collta Mesa WANTED -Bay Front home wttll yacht anchorage, not over $40,000 cub. Roxie E . Hamer, ac.at.. 1%1 Bu.nll.ck Dr., Pomona. Caltt. T•le. LYc. 2-1880. tlp30 WM'TJCD-· • HOME or INCOME • P'urn.lahed, aee.r Bay CJoee In. From owner Priced !Upt. llAllAJI DSNIBll:,. Broker 1U7 II:. Walaut Bt., P&Adena &, Callt. BT e. 8-335&. M llONSY wuno • 500 · Cout Bh'd., Corona del Mar (Opp. Newport Harbor Banll) Phoae Harbor nu -----------TBJC OTHER la an attractive 1 Real Values in Costa Mesa 2 bdrm cloee to lllUltet Md UU.. portotJon, ·run price Only $6500, terms G. I. Resale I bdrm hwd. floon, tlla Ud 'fll J , Prieef ta ""1 tv Only $9450, $1800 dn Paymeata t:5US per -I!' • I bfdlyom apt. ovier dbl. rara.e. ~tlt\11 view of ocean. Both homa ar. nicely fUrnJ.abed. Very cJean and all readJ to -.. right la: $18,500,,EZ terms · ,_ Costa Mesa.......$6500 J HOUMa en oomu ~ &eN 1 1'llc. fronl Harbor BIYd. Idea.I b mon wttt. or for traner CfUl't Permanent Ocean and Hill View • 2 bdrm home, 1"-baU.1: t flreplaeea. electric kJtchea, Barney Francque REALTOR TERMS 15 per centi deposit at· close of auction. Balance cash to loan at close of eacrow. For fur- ther inform. Realtor Ted Guotaf11<>n, auction-. double p.rap. Many apeci.al featuna.. &O-foot lot. I bdrm• and din, I~ bathe. extra Jarp double ra.ra.ct. '5-foot com•r lot buutltully ta..ndtcaped. 400 Ea.at 17th St. at Twitln C<>i1ta Me,. 1336 N. Highland Ave., Loa Angelea Phone Gladstone 6126 or Beacon 5225. SEE TH11:811: TWO FINE HOMJ:S I • INCOME FITZMORRIS . REALTY COMP ANY Clo,. to •hoppln~ and tna lln•o-A FEW TO INSPECT LIDO ISLE 3· Unit Income ... built 1960 ' l.neludea .eparale 2 bedrm. front lJdo bayfront, S bedroema, REAL ll:STAU: &n4 BUSINESS BROKERS 3 Bedrooms-2 Baths Corner-Nr. Best Bcb. Ill Oout Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor JJBJ htnne. For 1\111 detail• call :Mr. pier. 40' on water ... -....... $45,000 Costa Mesa The Beot Town on Earth Here'• a good buy! J bdnn home aa t,t acre, ,......,. •. lood netp-.orhood. 8ome tr.ea Price $4950 3 B. R. Home 0 . L -Npwt. HJbt&., NIOO $1500down 2 B. R. Home 1 \I batU, Sood rwJdential .e«:· lion, near hlp .ebool. 'MtLe could be a Ut.ree BR bom• wiU. a llttle alte,.tlan. Price la $7500, terms -' 1 Bdrm Home, '49!0 $950 down G. N. WELLS, Rltr. .. AMOCiatff 1790 Newport Blvd. Coeta Meaa. Ph. Bea. 5181 llc30 Balboa Island T ou row:t aee tbia 1 bdrm bo.me with pt&Se and guest apt. It could be ju.t what you &M looklnr for. It'e lmm&culate and tbe onckJood IN\tlo lo much Iarrtt than ave,...._ Ideal location JU8t 100 ft from the bt•ch. Seldom have we -.,,y111m, BMrl7 .. alee tor ~· prtee -··----'15,toO See Bill Tobi» rilbt away Linwood Vick, Rltr. -llll:ALTOR 311 )(arlno Ave., Balboa llland 1'1loee -:IO<J "IAolt fO< u.. a-La-· $12000 DOWN · _VOGEL VALUES LIDO ISLAND Kempton-Ha.rbor 1600. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via. Udo Newpori -Beach, Calif. Harbor 1600. CDM Ocean View ~ I ROOM HOUSE. Tile In :5 bedroom bayfront, uclu- aive &re& ·······-················· .. $4.0,000 New waterfront home, 3 ' b<drootna, 1" batha ...... $25,000 Small waterfront 1 bed.rm. pier ·-··········-······-····: ....... $18,600 New, very attractive 2 bed- room on penlnaul& -·-·····$16,500 Best Buy on Lido exclusive listing · Bav View Lot ON LID6 -Choice com.er. II ft. frontage. Sa.critlce for quJdr: Hie- $6500 LoYeJ)· Dew' L ahaped hollle built oa a 11.n lot. Platt" glaa wan. ot both th• Ions llvtnt room a.nd th• muter bdna, overtook- rna the attn.ell•• walled paUo. J bdrma, 1 ~ bath., fOfted a.Ir f\lrnace, wall to wall carpetinc aad cw.to.n made drape.rte• are mclUdtd la tho low p-ot aai.aoo. klt.dlen ud. bath. Dbl. praae Older I bedroom, 21,; lob Cb\ 9(1 n . lot. Under $1S,000. Ex-near bay, nice prden .... $19,SOO GRll:ENLSAJ' Ii AJl80C. BUILDER -RJMLTOR oellent flna.nclnc. Duplex, 2 bdrm each, new Ernie· Smith, Realtor nJoe1y 1oc&ted ........ ·-·---Ut.ooo 3U2 Newport BIW., Harbor 2551 20cu. 1203 Cout 9:fway, Corona del Har Charming year-round boine Phone Harbor 2687 I bdrm, nicely loca.ted, a Phone •arttor """ er •"°' MTt Only $95 Down BUYS THIS FINE LOT BALBOA Ex.cepUonally t ine bay front home with Y1qr or boUl harbor and bay. J l•rg'I! bdnm and den. Z% kthl. Oenttal Eltt:tr1.o kitchen, lwrurioU&ly t'Urniahed, $76,000. Phone Harbor l" CORONA DEL MAR Todays Best Buy in Corona del Mar $21,000, terms 2 BDRM, panllllllf'd den, 1 blk.. from ooea.n. Superb oeea.n view. Auto· matic hut, f6 n. lot., well land- yean ............................ -.. .$21,500 2 Bdrm house and pra.ge apt. near bay, go& ln· • :Wx139 on Victoria St., betwtta Harbor and Newport Blvda. FUD price $990. come ···-····-·········-·-···-···sultmit Acrou •lreet '?rom bay, J Wdrooma, large patio .... $13,500 3 Bdrm beach house. old, but clean, large patio .... $10,000 Phones : Beacon 5606-K or Beacon 529S-W. lltt• Deluxe triples: on quiet palm tre-e lined •tret:t. J bdrm home with ocean vl•w PLUS 1 bdrm unit, PLUS prage apt., i32,760, ecaped. sEE Bay & Beach Realty Owner Selling Nt&.rly new LIDO ISLE J bdrm 2, bath b(>me. Heavy beamed llving room ceilinp -Clever bar t,ype kltchen-cuamtc W. bathroom floors -unit beat - tropical tlaptone patio-eta. 600 Cout Blvd., Corona 441 Mar Ethel Bbirley Gloden Fay Barbor 1264 Phone Harbor 17f.l or Harbor lf77 BALBOA ISLAND lpa.eioua coatort&ble bay frent home -1th view windowa acroui la.rge llvtnc room, I bdnu, 1 \ii batha. An unuwa.I n.lue at '28,!500 fUnllahed. ' Pllone Ha.rboir «4 JOHN VOGEL Co. tM • 32nd SL Newport Beach 100 Kain St. Balboa Earl Chamberlain (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) j Phone Harbor 2288 Little Island 3 bdrm, 2b&th, comfortable home. ~ice patio, bathers •bower A: clretain& rm. Uaable gar., frpl. &nd f\1.rn . heat. Wired for elec. ranp. ror quick aale, 111,91)() lurnW>ed. sTANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 21, Marine, Ba.ll>oa Illand Bar. JO 20I Marine 1301 Cout Hwy Bal'-i,1and Corona de! Mar RAN CH 1------------:ICJ1 ACRll RANCH 1 ml tr.... Lido Isle ~wport. u acru permanent Outatandln&' I bdrm, 11' 'b&th UN. Abundant cheap water. hom ........ few steps to bMt. beh. bouaes and b&rn. l:qWpment N ~ Le 1 th 1.5,000 chickena. WlU lell on o. -Y· e. 1 vine rm wt tlth or wttbout Uveatock. Con· comer tple. comb. dial.q'«rt. ..,._type kitchen., unit .M&i. We der pa.rt trade in bay are&. featureo. .. In ... .,..,. la J«o. 1 GRl:l!:Nl.Eil' It AS110C. 1-<:u Pft&'o. lmmed. ---1 Btin.DER -RICALTOR Ul.'50. Key at ~lll Newport Slf' Newport Bl•• .. -r 15&2 ------ROT ORJ:l!:NL&AF It .USOC. l. LIDO ISLE INCOME 10 Unit. on 5 Lotl: .,. blk. to Bay "-t Cloee to Balboa 'ah""""'- $27,llOO, - 14~ Balboa Blvd. Corona del Mar CHARMING home, hu I bdrma, Sacrlfice at $21.500--Te.rms. uvmr rm, with beamed l>Olllng Owner Brune Sat. ;. swl. a.rut firepl Dining rm. Jt!lchen, 106 Via 8a.n Remo, Ha.tbor Olll-& breakfut rm and bath. A.cceas ----+------- to lovely patio witb fireplace from kitchen &J!d uvmr rm. Re-• : OPEN 1 -5 ~ • deconted in and out. 1.acludea W to W carpeUng and cit&"" Be&UUfully t\lrnlahed ,.... _,,. PLUS tum. apt over dbl pr. °' bdrm, 8 ba. home. Pn.ctieallJ On go ft. com.er, 80. of b.twal". new MODERN, with encloeed Room for &dd'l unit.a. patio, 2-a.r pr. Ready for com· PRICED FOR QU1CK S'ALS pleto uvm,, Ut,l500. 1711 Oceaa ' Blvd., Balboa. Barbar lfll-ll. Ll.llmp Wanted lale. and Relltala Eniie Smith, Realtor 1206 CoNt Hiway, Corona cJel Mar f'bone Harbor 2MT . Utfe NEWPORT HElGHTS -By -er. Mod.em 2 bdrm hom~ Beau-. tiM interior, beamed. cell1n.p. bll fireplace, many buitc,.tna. tn- cl\ldlnc bar. COmplettly fenced. 2-<:ar prage. $10,800-~· -· -MK. 11tf• FOR BALE OR Rl!lNT--OouPteq to broken Oh Lido lale I bdrma. I b&U.., larp walled • patio, 1 Ii iota. c.u ear. i'811 toe tntorm1tton ar •IPL ' lll>IO ., • { • .. • ' ~~.c--- ' I. 0 MA I. If With SALLIE f T f f Ask About Free Gifts For Fallwr's Day f T • f f f • • . • . The oaly way I ... ' ..,_,,. at you la to 1l9e larger ud blliebr type •.. and I don't -for YOG Father's to aAk • • • t mMll for you motben, mten, and dangbten • • • Anybody who .,.,_ b""' to shop . . . Fatber'1 goi.g tO mlM oat If yoa don't ......... . We're a~pre6ative of · all i ou Father • who tell ua '. . . 'The difference bet wee " Richard'• Market and all the other Marketa in the Harbor area 18 the fact you SMU ,E when you charge UI $13.58 for 1 two by four box of gro-. " cenes ... Regardle88 of the fact that Al. too, la a father ... rm tired of being ''Dot yet- hld" . . . Whe11 I oaw the nm ea.ntaloope appear six weelm or ao a,;o, aald I to Al. "Waua get yonr ......., In the newspaper!'' . . . "Not yet," laid AL Next the first box of cherries took my eye . . .. ao M1ly they looked like a boD In a China cloeet . • • I rsloecl my eyebl'OWll . . • "Not yet," lllld Al . . . Next aome spuldn' tender leaf lettuce . . . You know the bacon, oil and water type ... "For Pete'• oake don't write about that ••• rn be awamped with wilted lettuce Cl'Ul" fem&IM . • • I never can be sure when rn have It In" ... I found a good household hint about the lowly rutabap which I thought -the world ahould know about ... ''Y otl finally find a way t o sell ruta- bagu . . . and there isn't a rutabaga anywhere ... You- me&11 they'll actually keep a pancake griddle from amok· mg if you cut 'em in half and rub over the griddle each time you UAe it! . . . Remind me to put up a sign next year ... Each family should buy at least one ... once a week:" The first com ... placed deeoratlvely end on end ... clella, half of the hllBk tora off so you could actll· aDy -the tender jncbteu of each ~ kernel ... p,..qlcally pve -· the writer'• ltdl •.. "Not yet,", Mid Al • , • HBut It'• 00 perfect • . . I could almoet pick ap one of thoee ean llld eat It raw," I wblmp- et'fld .•• "Wel·l·I ... It hi the flne1t con on the mar· ket • • . top q...Uty . . • fl-' grade • • • nothing bat the beet . . . not a Ahu;le kernel to he wasted. • ll And the watermelon They're ... ee~r thia year! . . . The heat ~ It . . . In J,mperial VaJley ... local- ly tOo ••• That'• what makes for 8Wfft watennelon . . . u AM -r . . . don't yon thhok peop6o !lhoald bow al • ..,~ ud lhtq .......... i:r-• 14>- eally • • • picked lit the ...nlll& llelle\-e It .,.. 11ot ..• that'• """' yow -.,. ._ llOl water . . . Been ~ off the -farm.. ............ -""""'"" ... • And here'1 how you com· bine health and J>leuuN Ill cne euy gulp ..• ilalre tt0me • ltrawbei I) Jello . . . •When It hu ~Y aet eat up a.-of • ..._.. Bellt" then lltir ' la kllM poor man'• Cftla ... Stn.wbW'riel and Y ami ·Yo- prt to ;90ll .. -" •1 I ' .. ; I _. It • ; .......... Pl._..,,,. De-... •* ... 1et1re ~ llf, fl 'p I I, ael111 .... ..... 111, _..,....., .... , .. , ..... ""' : l!le•••' ._.., Qill. . ~ " • • . I I ·1 • ' ' F .· \ i • • . . . ·Tli··· value• hit homo -score. heavily in savings > . whore ·saving's count 'for most ; •• on tfi• food bill. An·cl evor'f .one is a real big-leaguo.r for quality-..n all-star for ·good-taiting goodness. Th!l.y'ro made possible bocaC11e we team up with you in th~ battle against inflation. We scout the wholesale markets . for the best buys of the week-every week-end then feature these super values in our line-up of • savings. • gaality ·11aa1 -. --lllBJI feaft.ring Ma1111llHJS U. S. Gov't. Graded Clloica leaf FIMst leaf Obtal11abla IWDT!I BROOTLD FOR BEST BISCUITS • BUTTER 1 ·--"" .. no. 75c BISQUICl~~-~pks. 37c PEANUT! BUTTER11~27c· cfusfoWci~:.~:tbtor 1ac MANNINGS IEEF 111> 49c -i ..................... -.... pkc. • ................. • • • • • • • • • t CKISP, FANCY-LUIOJ: llTALIUI CELERY _____ , ... ---·-···-----9c iifrf Cis0:~::6 . k 29c. SQUASrrlf:_~:: 3 k 19c RJ:D ITALLL'! 8WEJ:1' ONIONS -········-3 k 19c U. S. No. l RJ:D "BLll!S TIUUJIPllS POTATOES 6 -29c DeBcatessea111m1--inml!ll!lml COOo{iiiT ciiiPS s9~ <JllJ:AKY SllA&P CllEDDAll CHEESE -----~--A 49c FiiuiifiiiTERS .. 59c IDIOID!!D m<Gl.11111 KIPPERS ~ .. A 49c ~-·' --SALAD DRESS~IG. 4~ STOii. HOURS: l:VDY DAY -JllllDA1' ' 1: .. .&. )I. 'te I:• P. JI. -IWD&Y -J'AMll.Y :Nns · ............. , ..... • W.-• llN .. -:; ......... '!'' r (M.li.Jllr ..... a .. JI,.. ___ ...,.., c · Bf'tty Cnekers -Your Clloloe SALAD OIL~ 37c ,L 6'F CAKEMii°. _______ ·~ ...... pks-,~ j C a B PURE CANE GRANULATED mrnt.ELll SLl<Jl:D PINEAPPLE .................... .No. I ..., ll# , 8TOIO.l!Y'8 FINVIT APPLE SAUCE ........ , ... 2, •• 291 , ROYAL BESSERTS -ASSORTED FLAVORS DA.l:Prli'TY MIX : FRUIT COCKTAIL ..... -"'•.1 ... 191 Tiii v ALLZY BABTLZT1' GELATIN 3pk~ 17- PEARS --·-··· ..... No. I \<\ -13' • 1 FOLGi:BS MOUNTAIN GROWN nus GRAPEFRUIT JUICE '!. ... 271 : COFFEE 2!~ 1.58 RAWADAN FRUIT. PUNCH, .. * 51; ... n 951 OOEAN' 8.PRA Y ~llclom wttlt Chicken or Turby No. JOO ran 1 CRANBERRY SAUCE __ 17; !llUNSlllNE HYDROll: COOKIES 1!:.' 39; BUDGE'!' PACK I lb. eeUo IAIY UMAS 251 BATll'8 BIU£ADAIT SCRAPPLE ! 27' BOil-L'S Old Smokellio•• MEA r SPREAD _ ..... 19' BEEF STEW .. _ 47c 1' A.'! CAMP DARK tanJO:'i. BEANS IT OL 2 I•• "J:I# CASE 8W A TN1!: PORK A BEANS No. I ~ -17' 111&11 UU:D BEANS ............ IIK.171 GLOl&o:Tl"A TOllATO ASPIC ........... ~ ..... 22' Avoid . Sunburn Aid· Suntan ' .llDllllEY;'a • Cocoa lul ler ..... 17' • LIBaY'S ...... CORNED BEEF ASH .39c PllOCl'OK a GA-& CRISCO _ ....................... , ....... _ .... _ ·97c TllmUIDAY POTATO DINNER ROLU 1115¢ HONEY FllIDT BAU •. COOKIES 1 .... 21¢ • . 2 4oL 39¢ FRIDAY CINNAMON ROLLS .. & for 22¢ APPLE PIE ,.,,_57¢ llA.TUBDAY , L&JIGll 'I" NATO Clll()(JO(A1Z llALTJ:D 1111.1( .CAKE _....,.,7¢ DAll1&ll ~ ' ·-3 1, .. 27¢ COFFEE . CAKES,. ~ -. . .; , I . 1 . . .• .. I lll'llCIAU -~. ftlD.t.Yi 11.t.TUllDAT -IIDIS ,_, ... 9 . . TH. ICONOMY·WISI' P.A1'0NID DemomtraUoa SAUCE .... 2129' • .... n1 •• Bbo1111• Come ID and look over our complete aelectloa of SYLMAR 8PA.lo.'18B . Fatflar's Day , Gifts DINNER ... 2135 ; 11.A..'!CBO TOMATO Y oa'll ftlld jut the right gift to make Dad'• Day complete , SOUP.... .,.. 31231 , . SOAP POWDER RINSO ................ ce29'' SOAP FL.UIE8 GLOBE A-1 11-oL eello pks. LUX ................ .1arce 29¢ SPAGHml 17' DETERGENT SURF .. . ........... ,. 29¢ TOILET SOAP DEL RICH YELLOW lb.. eartoa LUX ............. 11a 2125' MARGARINE 33' TOILET SOAP bath llBUCE LIFEBUOY 2125' ·WAX ... .,-79~ roJLJ:T SOAP SWAN .... medium 10; WaxM aa It cleu• ' GEllBARD'r8 CHILE DEOll()RANT SOAP POWDER 1 ... 13' DIAL ______ .,.th 2/35¢ Fro•fla Foods nmmnmnn!l!lff BIBYS.EYE PEAS ______ _:__··-······-.. ----12 OL 1 tc MTh'Vl'J: MAID . ORANGE JUICE .............. OL 19c BIBJ>8.ETI: ~ED POTATOES ·····-~·-·······--·········1• DL 15~ BJRD8.J:D: WHOLE DllNEL GOLDEN CORN _: ... ~ .... JO~ 17c DIWIOOIL ·srRA WBERRIES _____ JI_.~ ftiClt RLLETS _____ ... 1 .. 45~ . . ' ' ' -'HEALlH .. FOODS D£n • . ~ . JiOW Ill'·-... --RNat.".'IOJll -. . ' · "l.1111 Y1 ifer-Un L111j1r .. • . -414D'I-llA11m : ••••.• ·---~. y ... y.....-: .. , ... .... ..... Mill • .' • ...... M ESS 7 I -... . •ti* I a,t_. P sft ...... DI 3 ! ! . • • I .