HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-20 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • -- • ' -= - i J'·~ ... • • • . . ' • ' ' ~ ' . . -· .. ..&-. JM A WO!f....,.UL l.oft AB'N'Dlft ~ft !ftis Foni .. R k \'OLu-•-.:NlliDlll·! ANClllNT A,\laTllL\p0 Aim CJllnya•, GRACll-(lOIUl4JI IA est1 t JIOD!lta &NC.\U8TIO WAX POll'l'&UT8 ~ J&IDtiallL l wut . '" -• JOU • to llOp '" 0.-OW..'• Drift-..._. --... . f • • • ~ ..... . .... '*"' ~-°' pilrtnlte· and ,. ........ ---Jiu. .. on Drill °"_.. 1 -tl;y -• lladlo -lquaa to -1olad -.w 1 ng "°"" be a...uabi.· ~ pprtralt appoin-ta.. tber. an Gilly I other. , · , • • artillo In lb/a eoualry e&l"-bl• ot tll1I OMlod U4 -utlftll ut -. Aa .,.....tlve .-nu~· ,.,..,.r•'IO la\'"!lltpte u.. ,..0.111111'71 ff( • H.,..nr, what 1· Jft&kllT nl\ted la ---~ I sot ~ ~oil drllJ!as wtuJn tu 0..-.,_ o1 ~ .....,tJ'" -· ~.,,.,. .. um: Mn. Gorman -fW ... -.,;,y ..... ,.t on.&al the Bult& Ana river oa tbl ... to kn Diep eowt\J UD.e I to' UM hamltare ... wt dhpa•• of to_.... lltudto room.. 'l'!:Mft'• a 1' ft. · _ _ __ -~-1. b&IMl-poJnt.ed -tallle, a tl«recl ~ lnl&ld ...ith jMM. l&P.--Ud,nart.b ,I!> crfft of tbe ~ Jll\l<I, wu appointed bJ •. -an~ .. m1.prec1ous otanea, 3 cbaln, J'annui -p1._ J'ade of -'II cl-cl COrona dol IUJ;. meetlal' ~Y ntsht tn Now- t.nu ill Jade bowl• and other tipuura.. You ma7 aee tl::INt Wf')', port Beach city hall.. . very old obJet d'arta ai w•U u the maneloua pl.ilitinp ta wax ·at' ¥embers of the committee ue: thl9. which abould· be the IUriara o-GoW"a Driftwood OM1ap, 111 ·lrari.e .&n.; BelllOat-. Barny P-, DunCan 8towut, of di. llouWand, a toc.ot Of oil -• • , • · lfu:rY Campbell; Bud -berJ, Walla with thoir l>laek pld, ... ''THiil HOSTESS wrrH THE KOBTllS'I"' •• (Tll&nk You Mr. Eld WUUta. ~dents or dol .. tho eelellltal blue of .,.,_ ud Berll.n) "it Dorl• Wheaton. Mra. Whea.ton. owner ol the Boe""9 ptea from. ead of the dvSc .... elry?" She outlined formatkm of llouM, Balboa i.tind epreatt. a Smor&UborO table the like of whldl .:>elatlona tn the at'M. a.hd IUch {ec..Un.Md Oil Pi.ce I) hun't been eeen 1lnce the daya of Dl•mond Jlm. Re;~ the brilliant other penolll aa may be •J>- thin• for you to do a to pt younelf in a tamiabed condition. then pointed later. . roll your bone• over to the Ho.te11 HOUlll for OU. '2.'25 amor,....bord Alter formation of the ':'°m- dlnner! Keep your hUd, eat alowly. 'J'h&t way you may be able to mlttee to tafe.JUard rights ot sample every one of thti delflhttul hot A cold international dtahts. property '""':'e~ onl,y ~ton Ha.vj.n.C luncheon or dinner In the bil' outdoor paUo will turther. whet who teemed not .to want pro-- your appeUte. Art.tul andwtcbea. .aa.ladl or complete luncheon. are tecUon" wu a Balboan. C. P. MAN DROWNS IN BAY AS .CROWDS WATCH AND SHOPPING M~W~ q.lao available at t.he Ho.te. HOllN. And repJar tabl d'hote dinnert Cotton, lMO Eut Ooean Front While hundreds of persona are served tn cue you don't ca.re . to "bend your •upple beauty over "I've been ! property owner watched, John Wells, 22, of the amorgaabord. You may orde.r any of tbeae food wOnden for here 20 yeare., said Cotton, for-Anaheim, drdl!Wned in New---rm in ----= = -... w Q PUBLl.SHED A'l' 2211 BALBOA HOliU:VABD NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE: HARBOR 1616 your next partv. Clomplt!te ~I oa luMI. or lty ML Roete. mer Marine flye:r and tool puUler rert Channel· near the Balboa lloeM. I01 Mari.e, Balboa h1u4. Harbor 1115. on one of the Wut Newport • • • • wells.' "You """ wulin&' your erry landinlf at 2:47 p, m. HEY TUBBY! AR.I: YOU PREPARING TO BE Um~ telling Irvine company they Sunday. LITHE AND LOVELY FOR THE SUMMER SEA· cant drUl on their property. And I According . to numeroua sciN, OR ARE YOU GOING TO SIT AND SULK you can't go teU San Clemente witnesaes, Wells slid off the ON YOUR BlG BACK. PORCH? Now ia the hour and Laguna Beach and Capt,.. paddle board he WU ri~ • trano people they can't drill on d I bo tor girding up owr fat loin.a and hieing' them over their property. Y-ou Jwrt can't do a:n WU a.st seen a ut to the Stautff'r Sywtem. Salo• ln SUta Ana. Bf'ndqe It. A.nd the state owns a lot of feet off the end of the Valle--Ad~ la ottering you your chance at the Body property. Are you g?lng to tell ly · boat rental pier. Beautiful. Special mmmer·rate tre&Up.ent.e may be them they can't ·drill? The. plane The drowning victim shouted had tor u low u $1 by the courae, Tbe st.autf'e1 1 new used 1000 gallon• of guo-and yelled for help; but there System corrects your posture, rev• up your c1rcula· line for every mi&a10ft 1 waa on; wu none forthcomin,-. There 11 tion, eliminate• • bloated condition and a jaundlced and It we have war with Ru.asla tio lifeguard muon at the BaJ. eye. All you do la rela.x and enjoy yourHlf. You you are JOing to have wells rl•ht b!>a. beach. By MARGO ahould have a ttff trlal treatrrtemt and learn aJl about the Stauffer 0 your roperty &nd you Under the 1upervialon of Lil .. System without any atrlnga attached .. o. K. tha.t'1 a brifht Jirl, :oft't hav:~yrhing to say about ·~ Captain ,Jack Jonea, • a --------------------------- 4 waddle to the phone. The number Is Kl. 3~7010. Open evea. Stauffer It 011 i• the onlv reaaoa we are .e&rch for the body wu ineti- ••BATTER t-P: .. Yelled Bob Krull, atar System, 2023 North Ma.in, Santa Ana.. h~ldinJ Korea today." pted. Jonta dived.down •veral pitcher of the Major Cookie League now ln, \ >'.;-J;~::r': • . • ~ t.imea in the 25 toot water. but session at the ~·ewpori Ba.kery. Batter ia bet·-I HEAR MUSIC WHEN I HOLD YOUR HAND, ESPECIAlLY lllatory Glvf'..n ~u unabl~ to locate the body. ter at thia bakery! Cookies are just like/ \ IF YOU'RE CARRYING A PORTABLE RCA •5 rpm AUTOMATIC A'}pointment of the committee Later, the waten were dracs.ct molt)er used · to make here! This happens to RECORD CHANGER, complete with amplifier and speaker which on moUon by Mn. Kenaetb Cool-with rn.ppllng hook• by the Hu- be true ~use only the other day Bob tore coat you only $M.96, you darling you! Susy says th.I• ~ rpm tng wu final action after var-bor department without re•ull. , • ' , . ' -~ ~ "I Sure Will Love Ha~ing • O,n!" Here it ie 1965 and John and Vary are addhig a win&" to their home. Now they'll hav9 UL extra bedrQom and a den· f or John. Of coun:. · the:i'l'!! paying for this remodeling jOb with their Saviop . !!tart to &ave at NEWPpRT BALBOA Fi:DERAL today for the things you want. luured Saving& • • • current high 3 % dividenda ! FOB EXTRA OONVENIENCE ~AVE BY IL\JLI the place apart looking for his mother's old music box i• a best seller at the Bou.e of Harmon)'. You can get tou.1 apte.kera had ('lvu history 'At 5:25 p: m. U:teguard Don fashioned· Jee-box cookie recipe. All of ua. the com,lete unit without carrying cue for '$27.95 or the attach· of local oil op'.eraU0111 and clti-~&rvold, recovered the body hylr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lncluding Virginia Mc..'\faha.n (hls mother I ment v.•hich* plays thru your radio tor only $12.96. Suzy believe1 sen.a' nacliom:, in five-minute diving. breathed a sigh ot gratitude when he found 80 .much in t6'1 that ahe h.u the largea:t .stock ot records in the talk.a; and after B. P. Eutln, di-Identity ot the victim waa it. These cookies a.re made wtth nuts a.nd county. All the great clualeala a.nd popi1 are now on 4ts's. Theee vision superintendent of Sheil Oil e,iabttahed when ~e owner of brown sugar and simply de·lil!lh·shua! They're records have no dlatortion or .surface scratch a.ad are u.eed In nll'ht company had answered to the the paddleboa.td conceglion at tlie ~ a doz.. Other cookie.a almost u wonderful clubl, juke boxea, etc. vi.•bere Jong-wear counu. Everybody's clamor-best t>f hi.a ability que1tiona re· toot ot Adam.a St. revealed tbat are 30c a doz:. And there's a new development in the Boeadline. tng for "Great C&ruso" recot,s. You can get Mario Lanza album• prdinl' Shell operation" oo h'· he bad rented a board to John Newport Bakery now makes white bread with unblese.hed flour and or about 20 ditfe~nt IA.nu. • gle record.9 ln all three speed.a at the vine property adjacent to Corona "fella, of Alla.helm. 1 po,,·dered milk. This ia highly recommended by authorities such u Houae of Harmony. Top tune this weee.k: RO'lll( Hl,Jh The Moon. On del Mar. Later t~ wife of the victiJlll Gaylark Howser. You batter get over to the Xewport Ba.k~ry. 2112 Top of Old Smoky and Too Young. "Zegnaj Irene" hurl~t l>ffn heard We~t Newport open.Oona of eata.bliehed hia idM.ttty. . Ocean Front. Harbor liil·R. P. S. PbCHle la your order for blrth· of since she went to bed. HoWte of Banneay, 1811 Newport AYa., [Jergifts company were outlinf'd by Inveatlp.toni were unable to day naJtes. e • e eo.ta MHL Beacon 6151-6153.. Francis Horvath, who warned determine the cautte for the acci- • • • that people eaat ot !»rd et.reel dent. It wu believed by aome CARE TO HEAR A FROSTY TALE OF FROZEN THE BLUE PRINTS WERE UPSIDE which la outside the community tla.at the ·vtctlm wa.a unable to FUN WITHOUT GOING TO THE FAR NORTH'? DOWN. SO rr WILL TAKE LONGER FOR leaae area of the Elliott con· 9'11L11Jn. Othera thought that he 1:1.11 on your pa.rka while I tell you about the ter· Cr.ARENCE THE COASTLINE CARPET-BAG-tract), are beliMinC to feel they might have developed & era.mp ri!1c food fn-ezer at the HoUMI of Hannony. The GER TO GET INTO HIS NEW BLDG. than we can drill on their own Jot.Ji;. ,.The while ~ Ute board. HJ~bard. Zub·Zero freezer is mf.g. by the Ma..n.i~owoc fir1t d'Mmed (courtesy of the Deemater'a Un10ll), pruel'lt etate ot a,._tay la a •d Stra.nce.t ot a.11 wu tha fa.ct ~ Ship Bu1Jd1ng Co. Hence this free.u box u1 u In the mea.ntlme, the Coaatllne Floor covertnl' one and we ahould we.ff ~." he that alUtouch ma.ay ,_r116na: were 1th~ng anbodlaturdyi ••th•. b&ftoodtle-ahtip. The wb.ond1•rfu1 J ha.a a .special deal on Park A.ve. tes:tunJd broad-Mid. "X Ute city per"lllit.s el&n.t able to ladi.cate tM spot where . mg a u own ng 18 • orage ca me ~ loom. Clarence has deliberately priced thi• all drillin« (which drat.• a.djaee.nt Wells had gone down. no one had you don t have to go atand on your hea~ in .~e ba.sement. ~ 18 ~~ wool carpeting at a ridiculously low N .15 .q. yd. property) they feel tAer afloutd made an attempt to help the cu. ft. uprl~ht Hibbard requires only 36 x30 floor apace. ~ts butlt / ln•talled. He wants to peddle as much carpeting have their own oil." drowning vtctim. like •. :~tr:igerator. ha.a t separate compartments ~ach w1th. eaay u possible before he move• down the . at.refit. Mr.a. Carl Hanna .W: "Tbill 111 Th• body waa taken \o the acce1sih1lity-and )'OU never, never have t~ defrost . The Hibb.ard Thia ia neat noor covering and comes tn g dee· aot a nt._ meetlnr ot a.,lterta" Baits Mortua.ry in Coron& de1 Pia110 J,,~1;,uc1;o,, . . ~ TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Re111ierl Osa111t P9 , I .f Dlfte C'tf .. aa ..... ,., rt .i .. >rt111 4H S1nw Driwe . Hner M71.J Cw••• Hlglll•11• -Cer1• .. .._ U-DllVE CRUISERS ROW BOATS : ~~ e TACKLE • Small - ELLIS ~;; RENTALS net 0-.l Rlway Newport Beach Pb. Hamor JIU AT 80UTR END OF JIAY8HOU: ll!lltlDG'.E al.80 comes in a wonderful combination refr1gerato.r and freezer. the 0 tor colora. Another thin•, do you lie awake . . a.nd utred .. are ._. to ltave tn Mar. Hibbard Two·:oone, a 10 cu. ft. refrigerator with 6 cu. tt. 1 freezer ~ht.II WoJT)1nl' about your drain board! If Jt'1 cracked and crumb)I. t~~~;;~~~::;;:;~~;;:;;;~;;:;;;:;;;:;~;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;=;;:;;;:;;;:;::;=;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;::;r;;:;=~=;;:;;;;:;;:;;;:;;;:;;~~t;;:;1 wttb individual control.I for each. Ladlu. the b'eeM la on. Give call the Coti•llnr You ca.a set aa 8 ft. JbrmJca dr&iabogrd whidl thue money, time, and food 11aver1 « treuing' Sia.nee! Budget t~rma. 11 the but, tnat.&11ed fOf' about Sf.9.M. Linoleum ti cllel.HP ot·cioer. 4" ,..9 • Home of ll&nn~llJ'· laJ.l..~rt Ave.. Oteta •Ilea. Bea. 61H..WS. at th• coaic»ne J'loor~ Uth a: Newport Ave., t1.u.' M • Sa:RN • • • Beacon s'2s1-J. / , OH THE SUN S~'ES BRIGHT ON MY OLD BALBOA HOME! 'Tis summer. the carpets do fade. • • • ~ , lr••••r Alia . . MORE LOW; LOW I will hasten at once for 90me Sun·Ga.rd Shades For my Old Balboa home, un·a·fra.id. (This \Ji to be sung to the tune ot Dixie). Try this lovely old nlimbet over ae\'eral t1mel!I on your musical a.aw or ax whichever handy, then send a singing telegram to the 8~ Sil.op. Demand eeveral hundred yardl!I of cle&r·vision plastic Sun·Gard Shades at 65c eq, ft. This scientific atuff ts a thrlfty inve8tment for home or ahop windqws. You can see everything and everybody thru theae shade.a, but the sun can't come in and fade your fine brocaded drapes and Oriental Prayer rugs. Everything for camouflaging windows. lncluding toggles and ta.aaels at lhe Shade Sbop. 514 !9th St., 1'1i'e"lH)rt Beach. Harbor SM. • • • MEXICALI ROSE STOP BLUBBERING! SI! SI! MUCHACH.~! You can get the be.st Mexican, food thus side of Popacatapetpl (Phonetic spelling) right around the corner, Right around the comer ~· trom the Pacific Ocean at the Cua Don Carlo.! Thh1 mu}• aabrosa cocina pleases tbe most discrtm· ~?-~ lnat1ng. For here it ia that Lila Banda a.nd Connie / • Alvarado \l·lth gentle band! and plenty of cheese ~ rasbion each tortilla into a spicy adventure! .The /"//1. ... enchilada.s are exhilarating ~ The tacos tooth.t0me! ~J ~ ~ The Ftijoles tasclnating! Charles Hall, owner of 'rlK'i.rtla'<Vi,,.' this sea.side bistro .says business la good. No won-~-•·1"'~1·\ der! I IL!lked him if that n1eanl a raise t.n prices. "'\.... • But he said No. Which means dinner& are 90c up and a plate of beans ill l!till 1Sc. It's more fun than cheating the butchllr to eat here. c-. Don C.rloa. 11S • itnd St., :Sewport. Harbor %811J..M. 5--9 WM'kda}'L ~10 Sala. Ckt9t-d Tuea. • • • GLADY'S! BE GLAD YOU SAW THIS A.D FOR HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE THRIFTY GLADIOLAS 98< DOZ .. ORDINARILY THEY'RE $0NE-nrl'Y . . ~OTO -5G8 E. Balboa Jlh'd. . ' • • HE WHO WOULD SEAJlCH FOR PEABLS SHOl,;LD DIVE ll\"TO CHARLEY'S OYSTER STEW! Becauae aooner ol later, all the gema of the ocean tip their ecalea at Charley'• Seafood Reatau· r&nt. Charley's· Shore Luncheon.a and dinner• are the topica of 9Cllttle- butt w1th deck handa all along thia gold co.a.st. Luncheon favorite is the Senior·aiud Shrimp plate with trench fries, cold slaw, rolll alld eockt&ll .sauce. Aleo fo.r $1.00 ..• Fried Sea Bass or Ha.llbut, Sc&llopa, Oysters, or Abalone Steak Platea. Flab and ~ood dinnera u-e $1.25 including aoup, salad, deuert and drink. A whole broiled-Lob-- ster on a dinner ls $2.25. Seafood Salads a.nd cocktails are most pleu.ant when ta.ken in Charley'• outdoor patio overlooking the Bay. Order eome of theM auperb ~&·going anac~ to take home for your next whlng·ding. ~rley'a Se-afood. 1 day• a ~k. 1136 Cout BJway (oe:s:i to Por1 Orang'e). Bt-a.ron 88.M. DO YOU HA VE A SWEET LI'M'LE LOVE ";:::~~:-;~,-. NEST SOME WHERE OUT IN THE WEST? If you don't, get bu.sy and fix up the Crow'1 Rooet you're living' In! Lovtn1 handa. the plutlc age and the Balboa G & 10 can change &ny old be.n·house lllto a cunning coop. The fir.at thinJ you do. Sia. la clean up the joint. The Balboa 15 A: 10 has apot removers, dirt chasers, wa.x, va.rniah, paint, bucket. and ~nib brushes. You ftlmi&h the elbow• and the gTeue. Then perhapa a dash ot P.la.id.. fiower~ or checked oll·ctdth for the kitchen table. And a new lampshade or two( Mtc upl will cut a ray of cheer. The 5 a: 10 may have tnvented pluUc for all I know. They have plutic ta.blecJoths. drape.a. ahower and bathroom curtainJ. Thro~: mou.ldy 11.uff away tn the \\o'llate·baaket. Then throw the waste· basket away Md get a , clean one. Une your drawer• With cle.a.n ahelf paper. Then take a 2 week's vacation! but brirf'U• the comrr where your are tint! Courtesy Ot Balboa G &" 10 at SOO Mala. Balboa. • • • KNOT·HOLE PEEKERS! SIDEWALK SUPERINTEN})ENTS! EX CAVA TI 0 N WATCHERS! Here's your bil' 'cha.nee! A.I I told you in my excluaive, he.art-warmtni -~J-41111!~ atory lut week, POLLl' APPA.REL is ~ lnr operated. Tbe fences are up. the man- nequine are lyinr nude 1n the ware-houee. -==:- "ER\\'OOD ! ROW DO YOU DEFY ALL CONVENTIONS, T.hln&• a.re 1n a bit o't a mua. but Polly 1' '""--llli . Jp<CEPI' THE MOOSE AND THE ELKS!? Have you &ny atate· stUl :makin&' like .. buslneu u u.uaL" .. 8 ., u ""U'' spe<it'I thJa week meat to make to the press?" I shot the queatlons to him. My are: SUnuner amart T•ytormacle l*Wtl· puaMn 1Q eye<0mpelllnc pencil was poised. The wires to the wa.it~ anxious world were pl&I"• tor $8.96. Theee pedaJen are wtll-buUt, waababJe and wrtnkl6o- open. "Yea." replied Dr. Erwood simply. ..Here'• my meaap: resl.ltant. ALIO you Summer eport. can lit pretty ln a Gantner IWl I have this beautiful Rock Maple love-Jieat with Provtnctal pattern. and llWim .Wt. Tbeee U'e in lharp 2 pce-pi.Jde at 18.90. • Gut.Der It'• marked $139 but I'm sick. sick, sick ol looking' at Jt l tell 9wim IUits make yoa look 1g'OOd on the eurva Seim• in t pee. n.ylon you! ru 81!11 it to the first man, woman or chUd that comu to an.a tatoo, can. bl wor.D. itrapped Ol' tb-ap)ds. Some with . bUtlt in here with $89. And anybody can have tbea clue top coffee tablH cb.ambera for your watff'Winp. Oantnerw keep you i1l rood IMSW>-- knocked down from $15 to $7..50 And here i• a $50 modern. blonde a&N -ll0.80 -$.12,.M -tle.eo. A* Ga.ntnv Tte 8htrta P,95.. ~ood ooffee table tor $23.50." Erwood hu spoken.. Tbe m&D.. Pon,. App&ftl. tau Newport ""~ o..a. x-. bu broke.a. bia tong silence at lut. Run quickly before l\e cla.ml 1----~--------'------F---~~-­ up apJn. Erwood'a, ._T IC. Balboa Blvd., Bal-Opoa • ......_ • • • . One Day RESTRINGING , SERVICE ALL POPULER BRANDS ·CIGARm 15c Packege Carton 49 TONI-HOME PERMANENT REFILL Reg. $1'.00 1ilie At Pringles NORWICH PEPJ..O.. llSMOL c 4 01., ref, st.c size At P.ri11~le1 ·I .. • USJERINE ANTISEPTIC 14-.. Reg. 75c size At Prinqle1 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE . EcOftemy, reg. 62c At Pringles • MEADS . PRICES K>R OUR ORANGE COUNTY CUSTOMERS ~ • THESE AIE IUT A FEW OF OUR MANY MONEY SAVING EYERYDA Y , VALUES! • DEXTRA MALTOSE HAYLES M 0 Lge. Reg. 79c size I lb., reg. 74c aixe . At Pringles. DICKINSONS WITCH HAZilL c 16 .oz. Reg. 49c size_ At Pringles MENNEN SKIN . --. ~ -· . . IRA.CIR s oz. Re,. 59c·aj~ . ' f C. .. At Pringle1 ROUX HA.IR DYE Reg. $1.50 value .. At · Pringle& • • I I C .... A111 MIDICAtED, 'HAND CREAM 2t oz. Reg. s1C: size .. . , . ··At · Prlntlet ' • • otD 1.&. JL..m1;u ~ j., • llJJi., Jfomt' ••ilt•.·.r. ~ n QI •!Irr • YOU AU PABI• MDII 'IMAH ,,.. •lfrll .,.. .,All•• • • ' ' • • r I I I. • • • • • • • ...... 10••-1= ..... _ ..... ..... J:Atwf UY J"Z ,7 .. -... -" -l'09r .... _,lftlfQ •••• .. ......... -· MOADWAY-Mow · 60':.t ~ :::· • > ~·~·. ............... t! ..... I itt m, W.Pl lfl I ----• ~ .,.. Story" . -.... -.-- WALKERS ·-=· •-'"""1..!S"lC :: .•••. MOWllBOWllCO · "' lllllil Drop Klei" ___ ....,.. __ ·~·••• .Dt•s I" ..... ,.....,, Oil I Of.,----'H11)Y1M Story": . -- .Pam&Y, nl!OllS '"S1lll1t C.fi"_-.; ... ..... .... -·-! ·---7 ,. . - - -'°Wlleii ... ·~ .... ,, 'Hemt Of.tt. llKkles' ...... . " a.y ..,_ ,_ -. ...., <lMtlo Always Two First R11n Hits! -Contin11011s Daily From I: 15 p. m. - MATINEE to 5 p. m. EVENINGS . ALL <lllJLDUlf ALL llEAn 35¢ --9# UATS 60' 14# -~ 1, -11-I ~.._ I n~ 1:11 l:il Uader 11 8T.uml IUNZ I-SUNDAY, rnD IMll "SANTA Fl" "My Fnhi .. 1a '-t". ~!leo&t.laaloOUW . -llltollloo. ... ,Qel.. 7 ---''TH lullficJhter ---'I W• • Co•111•llt' and th Lady" ........ -.. ., .... ,,_ 1-Jo7, u. ... 1117 Jlut OPEN IYRY DA.YI • llJMW Dar Every We•e•i•J • UN.-'9 ..... • nn: BAUfOM C•11sdr1 s; • lUdos I# TV ANTENNAS Call us for inatelletion or 1ervic:in9 of your a11tenna • Prompt servic:e by expert te-c:hnic:iens • Low pric:e1 TI D IE TY IOll ~llrJMtl't Blv._ 1brtMr t• BALBOA TUTORING SCHOOL OFFERS A SIX WEEI SKSlllON IN , ELEMENTARY & HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS ' 11JLY0 h4 TO AUGUST 15tll lrtO A. II. TO U lfOOlf THE EBELL CLUBHOUSE, BALBOA FOR JlrriFORHATION, waJD Ut NAJICl88U8, COBONA DEL MAB or OOll llAll.. -W ~"" Qllado"4 .fUJIMf INDOORS OR OUT- MAPLE FURNITURE- 11VEJ11n1mo roa UVJNo. DININ&. llEDllOOK ... ET<lll&M RATTAN FURNITURE-. UJOnoNALS, DAVl:NPOBTll, DINING 'TAU U .t ClliAIBS UID lll4NY OWWW l'DXlU O.UTDOOR FURNITURE- • UDW0oD. ALUM1Nt111 ....... __ •el•'- lJWMD'.AS. BA-•BOllJAi, ~ft 8WIK'Mlt n•.-• •il!O ti&atn. amr-1.0mC'W. COii• T••n .. l'IM D•ow; awe ' t ~ • • • ~···· t• ,..,. .. ,a , -ti... .. . . 7 ... .,..~··· ..... ' • ........ ----0HSI ft.Y -.. l'Ulft Jkllif.u.o llClill c.t.ftOo1r llJlf .. MO!f. oiiidlm. -... 1DK DOCOLU • 'fa.mu MAYO ...... , ....... . Dlw .. .. l'L'Dll UIOOND ~ -Dollq, -...,...,. "I Cu ~et It fer Yoe1 Wholesale" lltJN,,JION. <Jollila. -1:11 llarj9rto ...... ._ 1Wlll'iolot 'Ml! IP• lett .. l•clr ............ • • "OH. SUSANNA"· • • llllOIAY • Tl/DD41' "l*••lr-D1• I"· ..., , ... .,.,,.....,. ....... 0-. Cs,, , .. Mella I• I as ..~"'··- $$ .v ..... $$. . •...... ., , .... --..--Jo......... \ . ~- -~.sen .. GIMI ~all1au11 TWIN -Diii. -~ -., "'" .. ,... ... --... .• 0-,.... Qml!V, ..... .......... • • • CAILYLl'S ~ I "",,,,..,.,. ... ...,.. ........ ~ ,, - ..... -'lfr/IJIJ •••!Al.. ' ,._; •rt' •al'-"J--........ ,.w, •... ............... NOWI ... u••·•• 7 • TIElllE t MVRID810lf ••ca• l ~ um. ...... :r-..-·~· wa•11nm [Jlvllr. I '11 U.'nlD41' _ .... . [AaiOft ... CIQ61Ml4 ... _{._. s; . ~~IWI" ~'t h ........ ---· ,, ---,... "TD<lu. .. _ ........ ~$~ t 7 I 11!!1DAY to Tl/WIAY I _,.... '!)fl I htrer .. "'AilnloAN otJUtt1.i 1 nr nm l'lllLIPPl!IU" , 1 a 'l'e(Weoler ~MJI-. ......... , .. ~ .. ""° alMlOM won 8l'I1U' . I . OD'l'll e .&BT ... Oll'll'IOI: sunUi:a OUftlNO OAllll8 ~· llll8A llTATION1318 llO.Ul .. L l111N_......_ • GENft ·USTAUIANT. < I .. •. . Now Foaturfng . COCKTAILS,-• All Mixecl.Drinlts BZllTftlENCRAND ITill.&lf OOllliMI -• , 0,-,_ 1t A. II. to I.&. a. RABiM>• un . ' 'ltl 00.\ft 111011.WAY . OOllONA Dl:L ll.UI . es -fttl ,NEW HUT .. _.._,._ ,_,_ ..._ ..... ••111"1Un . NOW On1f, msnQ'S llOT ANIEI -• Ooeldllll ... • " .. Ula liter-'"" • ~ Gll'AU!fA t8LAllD , ROSSI'S . FINE ftAIJAN DooiEu Altlo Stellia -Prime Bii. Cocktans 1811 CoaA B!vd. Barbor ll80 Corou cW llar • • • • • . j l I • 7.; ' ' ' • • ' t . • • • ' flo • .. • SP E·c I Al!.~'::'~~;::-.., 1 ~ .. . . .. -· .. tfte new · YIOOLMOOR .CARPEIS·~°%rwt .. • ~· DJ:OOa.UOa 00141a • . ,. ,$4.50 Sq. .Ycl. INSTAI I ED. COASTLINE e.odR• COVERIN5 11th ... N""'°"' .._ · Ooat&. •-811~ atlt..J IT'S ·'PAINT UP' TIME! • • THERE'S NO. PAINT LIKE -A PAINT FOR EVERY JOB % CUI I ENT EAm6 "'''" .•. --- Uniced 23'. -"' '-- .uion FOOO 79' - i...tscNJ ....... 008TA Viti.A 11ot N-"'" llllft. CO&ONA DEL llAll IOI c-& lllP- IAGUNA lll&AOB !15 l'or.t ....... DIRECTORY LDJU &. U0KD. D. D. & DlllMTDl'llltT Medical Blq. B'lllMD ITU 60G It Bay A••·• Belboa v. &. aosnm.. o. o. OPTOMETRIST •• , p -a,, n a rt 111' W. lfw*"" -Jlfewprt _.. Bart 11' 1111 BE SURE • INSURE ,_ --·~ -~':-::·. .,._ Weztn 1Tll .............. ,7 ...... W. Stwt Foo .. OlllNEIU.L UllJUJl.UlCll Cou..UO.U lnf<rr111atims I N_,..,_ ft. .... N 1111 ..... ..... High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 =::;:.==:==:==:==::::; High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 DOZENS OF THEM- · As MUCH AS 50°/o OFF OF REGULAR PRICES! MA TTltESSES 8-t.._eom.--Tralkin . ,.,.,...... si.,.. BEACON 110111 Costa Meea Mattre. Co. %150 .N~rt Blvd. RUG AND "UPHOLSTERY CLEANING . Geo. M. Graham BA&llOR U'-R Ill Opal Bal.._ hland f 11 lritisb Cars MORRIS H.. G. RUJ:Y .. dlapla;r "' SCllUYLEB MOTORS I t• 8o. c-a Bml. i.a..,.. - T.V. sm ~...., 'ADI'~'·. llllNll••• ...... ............ ·····- .. 0 .AJNE . IS DAIRY MONTH FANCY TUllA . PWIUTBUftER Be.orly •.....i. Cbua1r. •• Mp-11... 2ne ... ,nod. '"' v- (hgular, 24 .. i-. 49c). ., 1.IDO OLUNEB8 ... Jl ... pett lllft. OOllT.A. 111:8& """ 1'1111-1 • We._... --plMS • ,, .... . ... . .1~··0.Ci.t • AR,··~ . am:n ,&ll&LOMt) • • t ( . .. ............. to I IAYSIDI FISH MARKET . . . ,.. . ,,... Asll' Daft fr•• ·O. rio ... ·.-,. 1oa111 ft8JI llO& 18 111:111:! JlAll&&OUDA -WHOLE. CLEANED ---'----· -YJ:LLOWTAIL -WHOLE. Rl:&D,.Dftl' • Me -~ • a.o Ba1 MllWPOJIT -111 ' . I < June is Daiey Month. and Saleway 11 featuring your favorite Dairy Food< this weekend. Rieh; pure millc and cream ••. goldeo- emooth butter, •. fine cheelU ••• all the deliciouo, heolthtul . .---~;>:::'....,___ daicy prqduct1 are here atSafew•y-tlieir country-fre&it goodne .. protected by modem refrigeration until the moment you buy • . When planning 1ummer me&lo, be oure to includ~ pl~pty ~f energy. ~~building Dairy Foods. And for de~able quality in D&1ry Food• __ _,. -and all foocl..-be •ur• ... .bop Safeway. 10111:1 CllAililtGE 7&• ~ 'DADIY · 7Ao ,_.. GI.Elf .... PORl&IOllS ' . ' .. SNOWDRln Party Pride. CATERING grade. Eztra Rich, Extra Smoot~. Vanilla, Strawberry, Cbocolat~ or ~oanul·fl[Uit ftaYOn.. !':. 24c (2 plnts47c) llcenle Iliff ' Iliff .::::.. 25c Hoff Milk, holf Cf90rft, ~nlzitd. _. , . ••in e.1u11Hll# ~. ·-c.-.. ·-'~"' 2"-CreemorOliw P"'"-ito. _ V- :.~:O~; . ._ s;a:.J'• . . : Royal Satin SHORTENING ,.,,. ¥9831....W. lhonenint . ,.., """"" .. lo< fTylng . ,....., .. , ....... 2 '!: 239 !:' gs-· . POU BOAST .. 39• BEEF BOUT ~~~~ .. &7• SIBLOll Si EllS -:-.. 1.09 ........ 01'111 ........ (htl -.. 4kl . '11. I. CllOICI _.GOOD'"' llPDDll mt.Ollf. lb. 1.231 BltOI ~A ~55°-~· .. 43· BOD.DIG Ptw .. i.Froa U.S. CllOICE aacl GOOD bet!. 1111BW U. S. CHOICE and COODbttl. !!' 93c IUllMtTIMff IHtlll For limit# Timi Inly/ SAVE UP TO 25% .. roeular prlcn MAYDAY High q...ilty Solood Oil ~29° = 57• (,.gularly. 40e) (,.gularly, 1$e) NU MADE PICMN' wlti,,-1 ...,....... . ..:i 37° 1!' aac ('"l"larlr, 4'.lc} (regularly, 83c) • '. --I IWJOAP. .=.. 35• = .. '-: 2 ~ 33-1\t ..... I t --··: ' 1 ... 2 ... -· .. ~ .,. l ....... -... .... . I I I • • l i ., ' I i I , I l > r I • • • NEWPORT0 1AY POST ANo .SHOPPIN6 NEWS .. - • I . C:HAWNM 01 DANISH • . BUTIER : . . . . l'llST . ·7 7C 9UALITY . , · ·Jb, .......... YIUOW PllUTONE • . PEACHES . '~" ... 25 "lri••: ·c · No~ 2112 e .. WALDORF TOILET TISSUE 3 L::: 19c "'MT'S TOMATO . CATSUP . · IORDEN'S . .' S~RICTLY FRESH.,... Trimmed , B l ·tl~•·C ·H · carrofii.;.t.ets · · · . W , I~ Tlll'.lll;• ·Radishes · . · . · ' ·. . GNe11 Onions COODS . · '· Spinach (] ~-' · · . M~starcl Greens . . . . ·. SUNKIST YALINC:IA Ge1ul1e Pele G,.w.-K....,clt Wolldor ()RANGES BEANS . 10 l·bs.29c . 2 l1bs .. 1 Sc ' ••• PROUD AND .HAPPY! JUMIO ' SIZE--IEST 9UALITY -VINE RIPENED . . . •.. TM. folka. we att truly proa.i\,ad .. M pPJ en thlA., ou.r lftb b.lrybday, ~t)al7 bM'attite .... s~ your \vbolehM.rted attf'ptan~ ot "'AU Amerk-aa" tllne pa1t tf'ft yMrt. ltu tt bttn ~ tor u• to ~ u "'' ha\·f'. \\'e wlU t"Ontln~ to IM'rl~ you •• f'ff\denlly a.94111 ecoMlftkoally u "'ltlaln ow po•· er • .... pleMe: ,......be, ..... ,. . . . . "WE !IPE(llALJZ& IN OOlTllTS81"' BLAYNE l'IUTCBI80N Pf'f'llldf'at .& Qea'l l l S"t. Nationa~ly ·Famous Brands Canned Meat Sale! on Meat '1.0-i. CAM . • • • . . • • • • • • . . • . .aMOU!l;iEEf . 41 t COllED ....... . 1 z.o'Z.. c:aM .•• • • • • • • • • • · • • • . , RATH"S . -LUICHEOI . · 1\Ellll Can ···· . • • CASE ·SWAYNE PURE ORANCE . JUiCE .~4t.~; .. ~ · CAMPllLL'S -·-" • . . I TOMATO SOUP . 2 Toll c: ... 19c . Your Choice-CAMPBELL'S-Your Choice ' ve.-table C•lckea N .... le • 2 Toll • 2 Tall Celery c: •••. Ye,.+tlllle leef C:•!ll • z3c • Pee M1sllrooio C•lcke• 29c • • . • lea a • llfff " ...... • • . ' t: 19c 11 iCE• ·5iEii'•" ' . . -• . . . .. • K's falftOUS D l F.RA~Ks ··59t Qlt~~~l~ .· . . .. 46 ,qs. 25c . . ~ .can , , · . MtGH1\M~~I PURI. . . 0 ge ANALWU1P9U~HUSI t ' • . ·. ·49· -• • Cheese -_LONGHORN ~ ... "PIPPER .... • • •• r • • • . CiciiED ·Hd ~ · 1~ 2s~·, . ' ::! 25c -9nc • • . . . C• --~ .. ·for U.S. No. l-l.ar9e W•lte ·- POT A TOES · 10 l1bs.19c - -• ' i. Rat can ... ·: .. ·No. 'J. : • • llU llAND-l ~Z: - Peanut -Butt&I -· -. • , -11iwtda • Jun. 21. 1951 . . • • .,. > _·BIG!r SllE · DAIS!: · . • ii . SWIFTS IOU-DlllcT NM IOWA MIATY SPARE RIBS · • • • • ·AL&..PV~POSI SHOITlfUN• SWIFJ'NING· 3 ·lb. Can PIUsbury's lest FLO.UR 1.u..···· lo.Ill. ... ._... . OJCA,MATIR IASTllN I .A.CON FULL . SLl,CES -· ' • ·ale . 76c LOiSiEls 69•. IASTllN GUIN FED-LIAM-IEST CUTS · Pork Steaks l"ll'S PllST lj)UALITY ;Sliced Bacon U.l•I Fl'llN& SIU 69~. SHRl,M·P . DUFF'S Del Monte SliCecl STU.Kl NOITHllN 45&. CAK ,E MIX PJneapple HALIB .UT ·-DevH's Food 1A11•1 •x•. • c STUJIS COLUMllA 11¥11 59lli. l9c . lb. SALMON Layer Cak-' J o No. 21/a Spice Cctke C Cea FANCT--qUT UP-P4N·llAllT ~tewing Hens ---IOWA IRAND <Ready-to-EatT ~ • CITRUS GRANULATED, Lft. Pkt. ' I "ALL AMERICAN Yan Camp's .~ BR~ND ·SALE'' p·o.1~, Strictly ,.,..,. llraw 'A' ~ S.OAP lSc GIANT s1c: SUGAR BORDEN'S GLASS CHEESE SALE! I Very Skarp • a...Jer PIM~ s .... Jw . ' • Olh1a-Pl111i .... 19c CllffM 'N lace• i3c • • •• u .. ,_., II•• -. • • JAi:= .29c Jl-. Jer ,. ....... Alwerlo .. -. CHATEAU UERICAN CHEESE 2 :~ 8CJe -· 43c RYEiS s1·19 :Jl"DS EYE SALE! lll:AS lorly ....... TOUI CHOICI '.:Ii-12-. "'•· ·ii·ANS 1~~· CO. . R.N w.1t •.,.•Cet . ' 1 ..... -, ..•. , . . . -• ' • f>. -~·TeRS • -Ther .. e's 011e n.ar teur hOinel --EACH ~CORONA . ... . • . SGS ~ .. I-Dt1t1f1c ...... I • • • • • ' Grlad If ~:::c.. COF f EE :.:: 65~ I ~ 69' ALL AMlllCAN p MA YouNNL PINT -35c ALL AISE -~REssiNG · FULL 25C PINT AlLAMlllCAN ILEA C.H. Olympia BEER , "lt'•tt.W...," • • .'2-oz. 16c :Can $161 ~ - HALF •ALLON 19C JU• . ' ·BEANS'· . . N• • .JO,O.·~ : ~· lVI .a. 1·.1c · 19c c . " ' WelU'.s . • ' • • I •· I · I ' I TROPICAL -APPLE .JRLY ~·· 25c LUCKY LIAP , APPLE BUTTER -~ 2Sc . . . .. • • ' < • • ' ::=:o~~ JWllEN YOU WANT TO BUY. SEW EMPLOY. RENT. OR TRADE use ·THE aASSIFB •. ~Pll()tl HAR 1616" ltqr~e Ensign Grajlates 146. One 1'1"'4"d and ~·-ta of tbe B-'lioolp - gnduated,..... the elJbth lftdo -blp -Jut Weolt Ill Imp,_ al><> euemlmlee In the S1'ft11Ulum at --L , Tbe eeUre ld>ool pl'OCJ'&lll WM In the -of th• pUu&tln& clua with \mulllc beinl' provkl<d by the l<hoOI band and I.be fl'lda· atu Hannona.lre8. Preeidlng over• the ....,on! wue theyu;>erlntendl Robert Benj.....U. 'Martin, Da~d en.t of tbe e.le.mentary acbool dJ.9.. J:dward Melcher, EWa Jacbon trtct. HOrace Eu1gn and Gordon Mmdenh&IJ Robfft Bruce .,.~ B . Findlay, pruldent of the ochool Marvellee D. Moody, ~r., Marcia board wlM> p-ted t11t diploma&. Adele Moorbead. 8barvj> Raye Arlene Rutt. pruident of Ute Neighbarctt Ronald :i.cnren l'lew- atudent body ot lbe .chooJ led ln lon, De:nhe• Nadia NUea. Dan the !lac aalute and pruided a.s Raymond Page Deanna It.aria Pe- miatn.fe at eeremonie.a. The mcboal teraon, S&D:r ~ Pn.ter, Marla orcheat.ra, tutored by Norma L. Ruaaet: Pleger, R1chard C. P iecer, PerklnA. carried lh• audience and Lucllle Pope, Thom.u Alan Post, vaduat.e. on a tour of the United Arthur c . Rambo, Richard. o. Nat.Iona and the United State.a Reddick, Robert H~ro ft.em, Jr., with 11elected melodies. The audl-LeNetta Cecelia RI rd.eon, Wil· ence wu creatly pleued with the IJ&m C. Ring, Re Pat.rid&' Rlt- nndltlon of vocal selections by chie, Judith D. ~n, R. Stephen t he Ha.nnonahu, approximately Rothwell, Constance Lee Rourkl!I, half of the g-raduatlng cl.us .under Sandra N Schmidt, Jerry ,Walter the dirtttion ot James FlUger&lQ.. Schultz. · A dance group under the direction Edwa~ Joaeph Shafer, Georgia of Jean CUtleni performed a fold Ann Shipm.a.n, Gordon Graeme dance ~rle• to the muaic of the Siple, Ronald David Six, Judith chorua. Carole Sleeper, Richard DeLou Paul "oor-e Wheeler, Rector of Sleeper, David T. Stu.ms, Jane St. James Ept.copal church, re-w Steuon Ann Marcia Stewart c ited the lnvocatlon at the openlnt Judith ~e Stewart, Frederick. ot the ae.rvtcu and Rev. Paul Ed-L. St.llllnp, Doustu Terry Stow- ward Babbitt of lbe Congreptlon-tors, Ann E. Sutherland, lllcha.el al church recited the be!ledJctio~ Robert Taylor. Patricia Kary Toe- 'Thoae (T&duatlng were ~ pher. Taj& ElJ.J,a Tohill, Edmund Linda Lee Adair. ~D.JJ Lynn Al-Bruce Twichell, D&v1d.. Michael Jen, Gerald Carlyle Andresen, Vaile-, Jerry Allen Van De Veere, B~d Barton Appel, Joanne Craig Wa.rfield, Thom.u C. Web- .A rant. Grecory Archbald, Ma.ry ster, Jr., Richard Jamea Welb:; Jane H. Armatrong, Ro~rt Munro Stroller Tod WhJte. Luetta Mae- Bailey, Antonia Roberta Bair, Ro-Williams, Gwenda Fern Wylie, and lanrt Stewart Barcume, Bobby Yvonne .Young. De&n Barnett, Donald Bruce Beat-------- ty, Lorene Rae Bjerken, J&mes Blue, J oan Yvonne Boo~y. Lynn Su.san Bosley, Myrna Rae Bouch- ey, Deann& Bowen, Paul Davia Breithaupt, Joan Eliubeth Brend- lt>r, Je.a.n Louise Briggs, J ohn Rob- ert Bruning. . R ichard Lawrence Buck, Wil· Jiam C. Burns, Dirk Patrick Ca.lla- b&n, R obert George Calli.a, Ron- a ld C. Chase, Joan. Cle.rk, Patricia Gay Clemence, Robert Thomu Coane. Gall L Collins, DaV'ie-Lee Ccmer, J ohn T. Cooper, Diane Crandall, CerinJ Cre~ly, Robert 'F. CUnningh&m, Jr., Gordon Lyle DL.ton. Carol June Doane, Kathleen F r a nces Dobson, Rich&~ Philip Dorkin, David Michael Orbke!, R uth Emily Dudley, Cbarlne Diana Dutton. Judith J ean Eutrnan. J ohn Allen Eggert, Caroll Frank E vans. Jr., Gary E . Fields, Ed- ward Ben.singer Fish. Jr., Jame~ Edwin Fitzgerald, Gall 1.tiriam Frahm, Linda Frazer . William B ryant Freely, P e ter Ayars Froet. Pati-lc ia Kathleen Gaughn. · Patricia Loullle Gibbons, Ann Gibson, Janet Colleen Gib9on, Ivy llary Gilbey; Alice Diane Gllaon. Fauy Eliz:abetll Grant. Lyle H&r- Old Ha..att, William J _ Hamblet, Leah Eugenia Hannon, Bruce Loren Hartwig, Ric.hard Doyle Hatch., Joann Ellzabeth Heuton, Pete-r Carroll H enderson, Diane C&role Hilbert, MarKIJ'et J ohan H irth. C. Kent Hitchcock, Loren Don- a ld H olmwood, Donna llarie Hoppe, Clinton M_ Hoose. Jr., Shir- lt>e Ann H ourigan. OaVld Ru.geJl Hoyum, Arlene Huft, PenneUa May Jarvis, J ohn E . J ohn.l!!lton. Ed· '¥>-ard.Jonon, Joel G. Kempt'r . Rich· ard H. Kopp, May T. Kramer , Helen Ma.rle Kuhlmeyer, Charle.1!!1 ~an Lamb. Mellnda Lcithold, .James Nathaniel Lindgren, Lyle v.·arren LlOll.barger, Barbara Eliz- abeth Little, Mic hael Thayne Long, Marvin Thomas: Lll.!lk. Nancy Ly nne Lutes, Grace Grey McDermott, Edward Albert\ Ma.r- lati. Pro America Meeting Friday "A meeting of Pro Amer-tea will be held Friday, June 22 at 10 Lm. in Pilgrim hall, Corona deJ Kar, with Mr. Reanlck of Long Bea.ch continuing hi.a analysla of the-new mus movement for America Plwi, a program of which Senator Jack B. Tenney la nation.al chair- n1an. At the ftrst d i9CU58'ion Aldrich Blake of Long Beach. execuUvt> se<:retary, stated ··nu~ llbttty of the American citizen bequeathed to him by the put b rapklly shrinking; evil and unthinking men seek to devour what ia left of it 1n the. name of civil r\ght.5, public welfare-, planning, national emergency and other catchwords and phn.9ea," u he outlined aUns ot Americ& Pllll. COM Teachers Are Honored at Party lofr5. Ann.a Wtt'f'il, who hu cha.rgc of Corona del Mar ktnd~r­ garteners indoors, and Mn. Bar- nett, who aup~rivae.s them on thr playground, ehared honont lut Thursday a t a party given for them by room molhen. There were gill!! for eac:b and r~ caps for the children, u w ell u cook· lea and Ice cr~am . The teachen served punch to the mothers prea- en~ :\"EW MAGNOLIA HOME Mr. and l!r!'I. J . C. Payne have moved trom 111 1'· 18th street to their n ewly-purchased home al 228 Magnolia avenue, Costa Meaa, which they brought from Mr. and Mra. Frank Knauei-. The many friends o! Mr. Payne will be glad to le&n:I that be continues to lm- p ro\•e at the Veteran'• boapita.1 at Long Bea.ch. t OFF ON FAMOUS DUNLOP : TIRES BUY ONE TIRE at Regular Price and reeeive,your oecond tire at HALF-PRICE-Thia week only at Hearmg Se~e by Texas EvangeUst > CLASSIFIED · • _,, WMHID ?;•!::::•!!f!!ltl!!!•!!!!IJl.!::•!..;-~~!.....;--::....1 • llO&'lll. ~ at La~na Chur&h 8-. a.;vmond T. Rlchet, - tot' of the lllvangellollc Tempi. In BOUiton. Texas. and tntema• t&onal.ly known evaapll.lt. will be th• opeclal .... •peaktt at the LltU. CllUttb b7 I.be Sea In IA· runa -ch next lluDday ~t at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Richey 111 well >mown ln Soot.hem. q.lltornia for hi.a mtr.tatry amons the a1c.k and atruct.d. Be bu lltld Dl&J>)1 ~· ca.m~ t.hrou&hout the nation with the pHt'rod. white uul blu. tent wttb a apeclal hMltn&' mlnb.- try. Rev. Rtcbey wu ralaied from a death bed and healed ot tuber- culo9t• and bu been ln the aer- vice ot the Lord ever alnCe. Re.. Richey wu honof't'd 1ut Monday nlsht a.t the great eo.t.a Mesa Wit cam.pa.Ip wtth the tlnal aenicea with a large crowd ln at- tendance. He la a pe.nonal friend ot the puton of the LitUe Chureh by th~ Sea &nd I.a paytng thMD. a apttial vi.alt before he ope:nt an U· tended ca.mpairn tn Loi .AngetM ln C.lvary Temple. Rev. Frank L. and Wynte A. Dowell lnvile the peopie or the South Cout atta to come and llear this "Uttle man of mighty fa.1th.'' Be wUl be praying for the aick and atntcted Sunday evening. Rev. Rlc.l'ley° will bf! at the l.JtUe Church by t.he Sea, corner of Legion and Through street, which bi three blocks eut ot South Cout Blvd., tor one night only. Plan now to come and hear thia mighty man of God. At the 11 a.m. u.rvice, Rev. Frank L, Dowell wtll bring the meuage and hi.a subject will be '"The Hwnanlty of Jesu.a Chrlat." Ma.ke a ~lat effort to hear this •ennon u It will be a. faith-build- ing meuage for those that are •eeking divine be•llnr from th• Lord. Sunday .:hoot convenes at 9 :45 a.m. with junior church at 11 a..m . Charlotte Nlaaley t. assiatlng wtth the jwllor church during thla 1um- mer vacation which ahe la spend- ing ln Laguna Beach. A spttia.1 organ prelude will be given before both services. Come early and enjoy the sacred music. Thur&day evening, June 21 1.1 Women'• Mlulonary meeUn1. Forn1 Committee (Continuf!d from Paa"e l) Mrs. Amy Kennl!dy"1 Cout Pro- tecttv et ASMOciatioft. which re- cently preeented county supervis- ors with a petition bearing 600 stgnaturea and asking for prohl· bttlon of drilling bet.,.,·een the ocean and hUls. lntormaUoa Nttdfod. WANT W= to dMa, llelp Pl9I\""' ,_, .. "1'11. -Uperbr,aadbu :;,,:n ~8:~.!:i ~~~~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~..,!~ BPAClll plwl u!Wuae ·,NEW"' 11'Y1WWN:! _ Ev' ,._ ....... ..1'...y for oome help ·ln trailer court. O'.&.&l~ -J '.I.II~ , Adu:lt&. lTU Pomona. 0oeta 1NEWPOBT BAY PQST.-W:'edDesdays -I'll. &1cnn ITtT..J. 16c3T NEWPORT-BALBOA P~-Thandays Nft,_l _ .P-* O•wla.. .U. -raa .. lM ~ )(--·· ... ~­ -AD 18 ' LINEii All Oad"ed ~ Wl be pUd tor ()Mb la ad..-. of pwNIMdoL ' !Jue 1 Paper '.75 ' u-% Papen LJIO • ' Ll1lea 3 Papen %.00 'nle publlabera wUJ not be ruporudbl• tor man than. one 1.DoorHCt inHrllon at an advcrtiwme.nt. reiRrY• tbe right to con'eCtly cla.MiI1 &ft7 and,&ll a.da and to reject any t.dvertiKment not conform.Inc to rule.1 ~ n(Ul&Uorui. Advertlsementa and ca.ncellatlona will bf: eccepted up to ~ p .m. on the day precedinl' publlc&Uon. Ph. Bu. 1e11 ..._ Bar. 1111. Mk tor .. Ad Taker-or emct ad ud ftlllllt-..ee to NEWPORT BABll08 PUllLl!IBINO 00. till Bal~ Blvd.,. Newport; 8eMJll, Olllforala. t.....at1111ND11 Otllll• OOllPLm'9 BOOUI ct&UmfQ ---._ lbampooed. ft'M --··· l"Oll7 - Somebody Wants Tbat uHd f'W1llture, brtc.-&-b:rac, palntlnp, etc., now laJdn&' up mpace ln your garage. lP'lnd a buy- er with a clualf\ed ad ln the New1~Ttmea, Pol:t, &JJd Preu com· bl.nation. Jwit Phon1 Barbor 1818. say: .. I want to place a Cla.uitled Ad," and a cowteou.s ad-taker wW help you write an erttctfve ad. WILL TRAIN ~ man fOf' factory work. Permanent.. Bee Mr. Evlelh. Nuclear Product.a Co., ZlliO Newport Blvd., Cmta Meea. ' Mc35 Swin). Fins • We ltW have tbe sood rubber one. We give a.a Green Stam pa Gunderson Drug Co. 117 Main Street Ha.cbor 515 NEW -1h price Bathing suit.a &: abort.a &: bru (32 • 38) ............ l2.95 -$7.llO Hand loom ak.i:rta ( 10 -12) •... $1 3 Painted desk, $5 and book cue, $S, ma.bog. chair, $2. metal dbl. bed and piattr., $3., erector eet. (new) .................. _ .................... $15 !92 E. Del Mar (at end. of atreet) Co.st.a. Meaa Phone1 Beacon 6286-W 34c38 Al's Hoiise & Rug ----------.---Complete lnatallaUon, ttp&ir and ,, NURSE tor child or el~erly couple, aervtce of all trailer equiptenL Cleanin2 Co. Brr~ 'lut Tltte For Venetian Blinds, Shadea and Drapery Hdwe. 10 years experience. Good cook . ORANGE COAS Good retrrence. Preter Harbor • . area. Write Mrs. Bellinger. 2021 TRAILER SUPP Y E. Bay Front. Balboa. 3lp4~ 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Colt.a Meaa, Phone Beacon 622t-R ~ - KttP b:t touch wtth u. tor &'OOd buy0 In TV .... beln1 traded In- Bandy Hot portable wuhar, eooct condition, ideal fo.r apt. _.,19.15 Hotpolnt wringer type Wuhln( m&chlnef exceU. com1 ___ ,79.9~ Range and t'drlgerator combina- Uon, a.ll eleetric --..,.... ..... J ___ .$119. EASY TERMS ARRANGED DAVIS-BROWN Co. 1¥5 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 6821 OKEEFE • HER.RITI' range.. · 19!!>1 model. IU the CP model- aJJ automatic with all-chrome griddle and the grill broiler, also ·It bu the sbnmtt burners. Ba.l- ance due on contract ii $14.2.74 . ITS A BEAUTY. Pa.y cash or take payment. ot $8.02 per mo . My equity FREE. See at 404 So. Spa.dra.. Fullerton. 9-8 p.m. or phone 2152. 34.c38 RC A TELEVISION BLONDE CONSOLE, screen 15"x2ff', ln excellent condi.t.lon. Phone Har. 74. 34c38 THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Pli. Har 884 1114 -29th St. Newport Beach EXPERIENCED Skipper, handy &11 &round, wants job on private ~t. Hai ma.ten paper1 and n&Vlgatoi-pa~rs. Write J . A. Gupar. 3222 'Lowell St., San Diego 5 or phone Bayview 3987. MEXICAN BEACH unHAUllualTS, DUNCAN PHYFE extendlbl• din· fr om $2.95 in styles and colors. ing rm table, 6 cha.in and China l~llUILDING SEllVICEI! PAINTING EARL SHEF'LIN rn Palmer Bt., emta KM& BM. llUT ·Ill Het INTl:IUOR -ll!XT!:RIOR PAINTING LJClllN81:D -INSURllD Glenn Johnston 101·31Jlt 81. Newport 114acb Harbor 2297·J 34c48 REP AIRING and PAINTING ReuonaqJe .. 1£rge or small jobs. Free estimates.. Walker. 108 18th St., Nwpt. Beach. Bar. 2681-R HAULING 34p36 WILL CARE tor amall child or elderly lady -by day or week in my home. i.16 Short St., Costa Mesa. &aeon !>719~\.\'K. 34p38 HAND IRONING DONE Mrs. Bates Harbor 24 72-J 35p37 EXPERJENCED Danlah nurse wishes poaiUon with one or two chUdren. Ca.JI Har. 25-43. 3!>p36 FINE IRONING will call for and dt-llver. Ht>lp with dinner parties. Phone Mrit. \\'illlams, Hai-bar 159:> be· tore 10 a .m. or after 6 p.m. 3:5p37 WILL CARE for your child in my home days or evenings. Reuon- able rate1. 71 31 11 Iris avenut>. Corona dcl Mar. 35p36 Any k i nd, truh or'?l WALKER,------------- 108-18th et., Nt'Wj>Ort. H . 2581-R Universal Building Maintenance DON K. BUTTS F1oor \.\o"a.xlng-\Vlndow Clea.ning Wall \Va.shlng • cabinet. M:ahoga.ny. .IJao lone CERAMIC SALT and PEP· divan, very 1turdy cO:n1l.n!ctio!l. PERS for coUectoro, 29c Barbor 21~2. 35c37 pair. Dick Knox dinnerware - 2nds -service for 4. $10 499 · Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. 38p40 SPECIAL -A crypt in Melroae Abby. Sell at big di&count, own- e r moving to Maine. lnq. i.01 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Height.a. 35pJ6 SMALL RADIO, good, $6.50. la- diea diamond wrist. watch (worth SlOO l for $30. ALSO SEE FIXIT MAN, 1807 W . Balboa Blvd., ?\ ewport Beach. 35p36 SO-B-APPLIANCES FREEZER -Rehige.rator combl- natlOn, U cu. ft., custom built 6 inch cork 1nsulatect ~ hp comprc830r, $-400. See to appre- cial1!. Harbor 26-t:S. 3tc36 CABINETS, bathinet, bauinet, plnk lining," net ruffie, stroller crib. man'• heavy overcoat, 1mall rtze. Round lace table cloth, drapes, 9xl2 rug, $9. Shau, 9 ~AAA. 2 antique cb.alra. CUh or trade for rugs, childr'• awing slide or 1 Beacon 5849· W , 35c38 NEW Furniture Apt. 1fU ranges with oven regu- l&tor ··············-··-·-· ................ '8Q.50 ~ cu. n. General refrigerators. Reduced from $174.95 ......... : ...................... (2 only) SllKJ. Chrome dinette aet (reg. $109.50) SpeclaJ ·················-·······-·······$79.50 Maple dlning set --······-·-···$79.50 Hollywood bed frame• _ ....... S6.95 Unpainted cheat.a --··-·-··-····16.95 up ALSO USED Kenmore washlng machine ................................ $49.50 USED Western Holly apartment range --········-······-····-·----·----S49.~ Dale's Furniture NEW LOCATION 1874 Harbor Blvd. CANOl!l-11 tt. mallopn7 lami- nated, COJ>pet' .crew&. Good eoa- cllllon. 10'1 • Abalone, Bel- It:land. • • • 3!p35 OREAT piano Ille. nth yur, Read theN pricea. Ne'Wr befon have we had such bupl.n&. Spinet.. 110me new, .tmrse uae« priced from $295, $335, $317. Grand.I from $395 A.lmoet 100 pi&nOI from which to ftooee.· Special euy . term.a. DA.NZ. SCHMIDT big piano atore, 620 No. Main, cor. 8tb, Sant& Ana. 37th GRE..\T PIANO SA.LE, Ma&• nlticent a.ll electric organ. Cue alightly da.maced ln ahJpment. • Will · ucrinoe. Thia happens but once ln a life time. DAtlZ. SCHMIDT, Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. 31th GREAT PLGlo SALE ~ poaaeued SpLn~t. Like new! Pay out ba1ance_ Save over $200. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Pi&nq atore, Santa Ana, car. 5th and Main. SMALLEST STUDIO UPRJmrt' PlANO in perfect coodJtlon. Fully guaranteed. Tenn. St&. 75 down and $16 .59 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC Co. ( Sinc1 1907) i.21 N. Syc&more, Santa AnL Klmberly 2-0672. USED PIANOS from $69 up. Good playing condition. DANZ. SCHMIDT, 520 No. M.a.in, Sa.nt& Ana., cor. 5th. RE1'i'T A PIANO $5 per month. ' All rent allowed it you buy with· in termJJ. DAN·Z~SCHMIDT, 520 No. M:aln, Santa Ana. 37th GREAT PI.ANO SALE Ma- IOn a.nd Hamlin Grand, St,.ein· way, Chickering Sohmtt, Kim· bill, Kurtzman, Wuri,iUer, etc. Save up to two-thirdi! DAl<.-rz- SCHMIDT Big Pia.no Store. Sant& ..\lt•, ~20 No. :Ma.1n, cor. 0th, USED 120· baas WurJ!t:ur accor- dion. Steel reeds, $7~. Call Har. 1148-W ni~ta. llar 2:57.f.-K days 35tf WANTED: 50 planoa. Tn.de Ill your old piano on a Grand, Spin- et or beautitUl televillon. High .. eat cash allowance, lerma. DANZ-SCHMIDT PI.ANO Co .. cor. 5th, 520 No. MaJn. Santa Ana. COME IN and pla.y the wonder-- tul new Hammond Chord Organ. Even l.f you don't know a. note of mUBic you can play be.autlful muaic ln ten minutes. DANZ. SCHMIDT Big P lano and Orpn Co., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana.. Said Mn. Duncan St~wart. "At the lut auperviaoi-s' meeting I l~arned that a. petition bearing 500 names mea.ns no thing a.nd that the presence o f four or five wo· me>n m e&n8 more. So we have at- tended meetings. We nM<l tnfor- matlon and ao do our pla.nning comm In ion and our board of su- pervt.oi-a. When drilllng mud came down the gully, the health and Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling F or BuUdings, Store11, Office_. and homes. Phone Harbor 116. 35p37 CROSLEY retrigera.tor, '51 late1t model deluxe. Ha.a a. M-lb. freezer cheat, a. meat keeper a.nd 2 crbrpera for vegetables -JU a shelva.dor model \'lith that butte.r keeper. Yes, It.I a 9i,i cu. ft. one. Ba.lance I owe on it i• $279.63, but I paid over $349 for it. You can have tt CASH or t&ke payments of $15.7r5 mo. My equity FRq. See at 404 So. Spadra, Jl'Ullerton. 9·8 p.m. Ph . 2152. 34c38 Costa Mesa. Bea.con 6637 .J &l-STORE8 • OP'PICJZS building depa.tmenta found no Phnne Beacon 6t08 W r • --Opportunity Is knocking ln s ign.a of oil In lt: but we took tt 17tfc CLASSIFIED ADS. to the drillers and. they recognlztd 1----------~-- it." Vemto WaUon. after meeting wtlh Irvine company repreaenta- tivea, atated the company bad lt- •elf fft a limit u to how far drill- ing could go toward the ocean a.nd that they ha.d mentioned the fa.cl there were. ma.ny algnboards In Lhe city but none on the Irvine property. "I thlnX we are fortu- nate ln havtng them to deal with and not a bunch of lndlvklual property ownen," he aald. Said Shell Superintendent Eut· tn, "Centrary to r ene.ral opinion, thtte wella a.re only ...,;Jdcata and &re placed a ccording to a.dvlce of our expert.a. not according to where one would like to have them drilltd. "Sh~ll endeavors to follow all rfflr1ctton11 and scret"rla ln the bNt and aafe:a:t manner poulble. No particular-effort bu been made to be•utlty thia location, in hW. and ugebnah; t>ut It i.. In the tnterut ot economy to keep our house in order. which follows through '11t1lh leas matntenance.. . , .loat ScratcMd Surtaee "It costa 1teveral hundred do1 - l&n: a. day to operate wtlb a drill- Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Beat Money Can Buy" ~12 :. 38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2t04. 13ttc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt R epa.ir Service Malnta.ined Phone: Harbor li.18-W 2801 Balboa. Blvd., Ne-wport Beach WI.le people do ~a.d the ada. NEED HELP? Conwlt altuaUon wanted ada or place a clualtled In the N~ 'nmea, Poet and Preaa combina~ Uon at $2 per week, min. Pboae Harbor 1118. Alcoholics Anonymoua Write P . 0 . Bax Z!XI Balboa 11•1nd, Ca.tlt. Pboae Klmberty ~ inl' crew and they uaually want 15-8HAILE YOUS CAR to 1et out aa aoon a.a a. well ta rlnJahect but the. a.rt: exploratory wen. and all prevlOUll well bere bave just xratched the aurtace. Quutloned u lD t.ae pooaibtllty LADY wtahe. to commute to Lonr &•ch dal.J,y, 9:30 to 5:30. 502 4th St., C~ de! Mar. ~ 3031-W. 35c:a7 WANTED Male a.nd female applicant.a for medical .and commercial poal· lions now available In Coat.a Mesa and Harbor Area . Medical-Commercial Agency (FQ.rmerty Amer. Mtd . .Agency) 318 Spurgeon Bldg. SAI\'TA ANA 20c21H WANT \VOMAN for gen'l hou8e- work. Llve ln, be able to look after chlldrtn occa.slonally. P er- manent job, references. Phone ~ar. 2056. 34c36 HELP WAf\."TED -Orange Coul college. Apply ln pel'"90n to fill out appllca.Uon at Admlnialra.· Uon Bldg. Expe.rten~ Accountant uaLng Burrougtu: PosUq machine. Start lilly 1, 19~1 -UM p<r month -12 month&. 8ltell might be JtlUng 1n operation ·-n--. s·-------r·· -~-~ with a view lD wblpatockln,r un-U-L08T AND POUND ~ ~·· ~ ~ ·-• ELECTRIC Refrigerator -7 cu. ft. ExceUent condJtlon, $35. 118 38th St., Newport Beach. 34p36 DELUXE Okeefe It Merritt gaa ran~ with clock control l yr. old, $200. Bea.. 5182 or 2541 Cir- cle Dr., Bay Shores. 35c37 Sl-WANTl:D TO BUT WA.NT TO buy or rent for the month of July a. 9x9 or hJ.l tent. Phone Be&Con 6550 after 5 p.m.. J 34p36 • Jack's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade 1605, West Balboa B!'f'd., Phone Barbpr 2502-R. • SOp3Z du tidelanda tn cue a suprt.ma Ausust 15. lNl at P20i per Court decialon p•e Callfornl& roUND-Boy'a watch In ea.ta montb -10 ~2 montlle. Ma4e ID the Pbllllplnu Ad rlabt. 10 Udel.ancU oil, Eut1n Mua on June t. Owner can -~own work liqa. llld; "We can't drill Within .. mil• c1aJm by ldenutytq and paytn,r Utility Man :... Start July 1, 1961 cholne ot fabrlce. ot the oce&n aad the lonsut mat 'for 1d. Beeoon 114122-W. 3lide at sm -12 monthl. ~In Bo, CaUt. J -.and~ ~ ~ ";:' ':,,i.;.ne .::".;.:i: I JUnlor """"tarlu -lO &ad 11 HOUSE & GARDEN -In Ille tlaelondll." ---r----=;.;. :;::;:;;;;• -::;:-... ~\~~ sii:i = Ill ~· B.Wy, NWpt.. -. UTT JU• · tw . th Summer Pamting month. ' • • bmm -·.L..._ - BENDIX Economat, $150. Limed o&k dubl. cheat ot drawer!, $60. Both like new. Ph. Har. 2273-\V. 30c3T RUST PROOF wrought Iron din- ing set and 4 chain1, S6:>. 2~ Iris, Corona del Mar. Ph. Har. 1887-J. 35c37 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR -'51 model. lt.s the big treezer model th.at keeps zero degrees. Also It ha. lhe big freezer drawer, all a.djustable .1!!1he.lve11, and a big, lull width vegetable crisper. It doem't have a. scratch on it. Bala.nee due ls 5199.03. Pay me ca.ah or ta.ke: payment.a of $11 .61 per mo. You can have what t pa.Id on It FREE. See at 404 So. Spadra, Fulleriton. 9.S p.m . or phone 2152, t. 3tc36 SNIPE AND SNOWBIRD for sale or Will trade for small ca.mp trailer and equip. -or row boat and outboard.. Ph. Har. 1119-W evenings. !3c35 SEA BOOKS JO.Fr. MAHOGANY, RuNABOUT Kennath ~ a &ood bay at SfOO. 3T12 Cll1n1141 PL. ~ew­ .port i.i..td, Bar. 2819-,T. 3&:37 A TI'RACTIVE well located Bal· boa office for lawyer, account• ant, lnsura.nce, builder, archi· tect, etc. 507 E. Bal~ Blvd .• Balboa. Harbor 1607. 2tUo U-Al!ABTMENTS a ROUSES RENTAL YI SPECIALISTS Call -cnq Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa laland. Bar. 3042 llcM PENT HOUSE and 3 nn. cottage& On Colllnr Llland Each •pt. h._. water frontage.. Aecom. 4-West end Park Ave., Balboa llland. Harbor 2962-W. 2Tp39 USE OF Penin.ula Paint beach. swim 1n bay or ocean-only 1 blk. No. 1-S bedroom lower . No. 2-2 bedroom upper duplex. Nicely turn. J\tly, Aug .• Sept. 1532 Miramar, Balboa. Hari>9r 0612· W atto UNFURN. new apt. Garbage cn.p. Own entrance. Near-Udo ·1bop1 ~l-34~ corn.er of Finley. Har. ~%9-W, 3~ RENTALS JOHN D. BtJRNHA)( 507 E. Balboa IDy<l~hoa Harbor~ DELUXE "New'' 3 rm tum. apt. 1 b1k. Lido ..._ .. beach. Sf5 wk. 214 -1 32nd St.. Newport, Barbor 234,.w, ' 33j>37 SPACIOUS Bay ~' .....sr- -......... ao:tt. lot, pm ....., float. AYlll. July, Aue. ... • . llepL XontlllJ or --1. Aalced about'tlla. -which ~ . -~. • i;;;~;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;~~;;~;;;;;;;;;~tl ... d to MY• ..... doWn tho ..., 80ROOL. ftl1 Dike RQ • --=-Ch. Bar. iua.w. -7 from tbo w.U. i.. bad to a4mlt It llrlDdt. Norman Ob&mberl&ll>. .AD Alarift lndWle J2S per montlj ~ rmiNrrou-.utnI WU 4r1111D.r -. ~ that enry ~ and ad-.tu-:::"'-:~;: !;:! ~ . ' • LIMtHo, 11mL OR 1111., Jt --tll '04 -7· -Jw. lliN ~.. Oii·,..,. ot .... ~ - Chry\ler Engines Used . Crowns -Royals BLANCHll .OATES. '111 lllu- U:ie An., a.Ibo& llland. PlL Har. 1'71, • SkJf BALBOA ISLAND AD llB - .~ ly MARSO • -··- -to~ ---OPJJ_.. KOal'llNO PAi!n' \baa A --~· .U.-0~~---. pri---.-..•A. t. -., .. e "IN .. .._ U'~Jooa Irr---1,1Ut7, 'PIL liar. -K. I -a. -. 'Tl ---to .... .... •·~ 1* 1 iiii~mi'":J.ii;;:i~;;;iiii;"'ieii=I:-:=,!'.:~,..,.---------~~ ~ a '' fN ..... a-: ~ -..<J. -...._ l.m,vaJ'Vll J~ ~ Jll.-•tllolllll,_Jt_ .. ~f-U.__,-..._ w 9tcat« .... ,, ... fw-IKqllQ'- - -.. -tlio --·· lo.II ..... -la local ...... ----• .,.. au. .l'tlll1U!'UllS ll!IL.lrar. u..w. --..... ~ -com. l!ee .... Xe> """' ~ ... I-.. :t "'"" Olf •••MA 9'411D Ca I ... ar. • -G1.sa 11 a.m., 1100 Bo. 1Ao ,..,_ e • P't ....... _, ta1llo, See Jolm lluw7 at Seacraft ' m OOAft lllUliW.1.1' eoi·---.l.pta., ,...,, • --" -a.a "'"'-· .wtii NELDA GIBSON DAL mr.l.TI: .. -·· .... 111. .... -- ,,.. L. • • • -. -... ... ......... llclT ---... -... -. , ._ om.w. -;:: ;:,, ;rn J::.:. TO'J.'8BING ' ~ "' "" ---,..._. . , _.,.._ ._ ...,. ., to~ .. .,. ., -~ ~ • • ... .-_ -U "•tr•• -· ,.,.. a.aaw·~ • n. ·.s,-ts. ii ,,_ '119; hl1 .-.; -. w ._-r rn --~-. ... a.. ~~ • f' • m· ,, ?' .._. ••'•,....... t'-"=1a1 •·-·. u..-... _ _.. ·-..... Ill Ill I ?' m 'Ir•• ... •Pl U 's~ .... ,.. ...fin~ • -'~ ·-...., '"...,... _ •-• ~~m.-o;o ... •---~':'~~~~~~~':"."il.~~~--_a • 11 _,.,._.811r= .; -. . -.llr-,..,•.-sra 1 llll'llto-.Jl,:.:S ::-.. tt:,i: .. -::,,.• •a= ... • . . • • • • • • • I r t:1 =••J.aftAN THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SAI.F; Listing Is No. 1781 A peach llf a location at ifu, comer of Avocado and •th, COM, affordm "flew to tile Ocean, and prollimity to Cout Hwy. Ideal for .h~ 11 Income. Hue la a mooMn a.Ip home, and apartment, ' where every room la an 'outalde room'. The living room, l•nal, bedrooms, and bath all c&D be enlerlP from the apacloua paved patio. . There are two 'bedrooma in the hOllM, and an extra bedroom on the ground floor which can be u-1 with the houa, or to wpplement the one bedroom aputment thcat la ova-the garqe. · The turnil!hed price la only $17,l!OO. Can al8o be purchaaed on ' partly turniahed bull. Poleuooon of howie July lat. Call for appointment. J. A. BEEK Office Balboa Island Ferry Harbor 63 • Balboa hland Priced To Sell Right Now 8alboe. l.81and S bdrm 1 '11 baths, nice patio and barbecue, Oa.e to tine North Bay Beach .. Tutetully decorated and well turniahed. $17,900 STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 118 MARINE, .BALBOA lSLAND Harbor 10 U-APARTHENTS .t ROU8ES LIDO ISLE It you want ·a rental on lovely LIDO ISLE 9tt ua. Several sood homes available. Al.to apart- ment. by week or month. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED IW Via Udo Harbor 1~ llt!c FOR RENT -NEW APART· KENTS -OCEAN VIEW. In· qui.re Z20 Marperite, Corona de! Kar. 33c35 ·WANT TO SHARJl turn!Ahed 2· bedroom. home, patio, with t'f!- lpOnaible employrd woman. Bal- boa llland. Reuonable, or wm- • 1ve. HERE WE GO!- the New 1951 HENRY J at thi.e Attractive Price $1498.92 mer rental. Ph. Harbor 2336-R. The Fas b ion Academy's __________ 3_J<_~_ '. ,Gold medal Award winner Tt.1RNI8HED bachelor apt. Pri- nte entrance and bath. Yeuly or .wnmer. lnquitt at 413 Poin- aettla, Corona del Ma-. 34c3e PARTIALLY turn. apt. Couple only. '4~ per mo, untlllUea paid. 1 Can show week enda. 822 C\ub- hou.e Ave., Har. 2903-W. DUn- kirk i -8261. 3'4.c38 Summer Reservations Udo tale Bay J'roont un.ltA . 1 and j bclnna, 170 week up. Barbot 2!SM, evea. Har. 291,-H. 17t!c • CORONA DEL °MAR -2 bdrm t'U.mlabed apt with rva1e. So. or hJgbway. Ava.liable yearly. Harbor 1674, 34c36 NEW S BDRM FURNISHED rut-de~ce •t B&y1horH, July a.nd 8eptember, SlOO week. W . L. Jeniaon, ~2 Creetview Drive, Bay 8hona, Newport. Bea.ch. 34c38 YEARLY f\lrniahed 2 bdrm apt. Child O.K. at 414 Poltutettla. ln- quttt at 408 P olnHtUa. Corona del Mu. H&r. 12S9·M. M:c36 IU)O(ER OR YEAR'S LEASE-- I bdrm houae, completely turn., o~tookinc beach.. ~12 Ocean Btvd .• Corona del M.ar. Harbor 1487.J. 35<37 BALBOA ISLAND awnmer rental l le: 2 bdnn bome1 w1th UM of Milboat A paddle board. CORONA DEL MAR -l A 2 bdrin rentals. JM week 6: up. for 1951 . . . the senaa· tional new Henry J . . . ia YOURS for only $1498.92 delivered here! The Henry J, a big famiJy.aized lledan, won it.a division h1 . the Mobilgu Economy Ru n. Test the Henry J today •• for STYLE! for ECONOMY! for PERFORMANCE! for COMFORT! 'for SAFEI'Y! The Henry J ... delivered here for only $1498.92-at your Kalaer·Fruer dealel'9 NOW! Kaiser Willys Crosley 506 E. FffiST SANTA ANA KIMBERLY 3-9688 'M CHEV. 2-door deluxe ll!da.n Only 8600 mtlu, Save money trom prlvate owner. Make offer! Ph. Harbor MOf. J2cS4 'f7 FORD 8 2-dr aied&n. radio • heater. A.·l condiUon. Pr1ee $815 ....... 16115 'l'Uotln, Cool& )(ff&, S5cJ7 ~ 2 bdrm untum .. yea.rly f----------- ren.tal, phone Harbor 1520-J. l&-.llOlfU ro LO~ ~p<o _______ .._ __ _ -----------COSTA MESA -Nearly new, loftly I bdrm and den. un.tur. 1200 tt. home on 18th St. near JlarPer .cb.ool Avail. .July l . :Elec. dWnfuhtt, cllllpoal, Ben- dix and unit heal, f'ittpl&ce and fe:nced yard. 2-e&r pr. Sl~. mo. J . A. Bffl< omc., Harbor 63. 35<"3 • • • \ l • ' NICI: Ll'ITL!: HOlOll ON ONE ACJW -Pµ]S A :W MOllIL- OOACR TRAlLICR. Tile """' taCM oa J •t.neta. Trailer .. ODl.7 I Jn. old. In ezcellent cob· dJtfon. C1oee ttt eo.ta Me-. All for the BAB.GA.IN price of -· • ACREAGE OVJ:RLOOKJNQ BACK BAT A MTS. C\O ACRU ...... JOUr - late or aubd.iv:lde. Thia choice pvc~ at the low price of 112,· 660. Submit your reuonable -IUlRES YOUR HALll' ACRE - Eut 8ldf>, S8'x300', near high KhoOl, fine soil •1•~. ai.bmJt 'term11. BA.ROA.IN ONE ACRE -1215' fl'bnt&t(e x 307' d .. p A ZONll:D FOR BUSINESS. 127!>0. CUii. Look thil over QUICK! IN!>USTRlAL -~ACRES. Levo! well located ln CO.ta Mea&'• eftr l'J'O'Wlnl' Dgbt mtg. Nellon. Prlce •10.000. We c&n alao lo- cate am&Jler p&l"C"-11. Come La and atate your. nffda. Costa Mesa Realty Barney Francque -Fred CrOller W. C. Gabb&td \00 E. 17th St ... t COllta Meaa ~ 6118 Very Nice 2 bdrm atucco in rood aectton of Coat.a Mesa near high .chool. Lare• Uvlng rm. 'kitchen wtlh dlninl' area, tile 1lnk, hwd. nn.,' ~ f'Urnace, dbl.' pr. lA.wn la l&ndJ&caped and fertced, alley. Full pricl!' Only $7960 Cozy home & income at the beach. Two homes on 1 lot, one la a cozy 2 bdrm home, 1un rm at one end of encloeed patki, n ice livin g rm. frplce., entr. hall, ba.r kit. R ent.a for MO week in summer. The olhf'r lt an aUrac- Uve 2 bdrm apt. over dbl. pr. ~auutul view or ocean. Both very cl"an and alJ ready to move· right ln. Small down. $13,500, EZ terms Bee Ua For Summer R.entala Olive Miller, Realtor 2008 Court' Ave., Nnvport Beach 'Phone Harbor 343 Newport Heights CONTRACTOR'S OWN 2 BED- ROOM HOME. exceptionally well built and well kept. Solid oak noon, dining room, l&?"l'e k.ilche.n a.nd breakfut room, walk-in cl08eta. nrl!'pJace, BBQ, patio. Full bath with tub and •tall thower. Nicl!'ly landacaped on large well-located lot, J-car rarace. Only s12,ooo. Call John Mottrun-Harbor lMO Eveninl"• Harbor 2480-R P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3.333 Via Lido Newport Bea.ch CDM Ocean View 2 BDRM RANCH TYPE HOME. Shake roof, hwd. tloon. dble. carage on large lo\, $15,500, terms Ernie Smith, Realtor 120:S Coa1l Hlway, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2887 II-REAL EllTATE llXCBANGJC • • • • I • ' ' • --:i. .. • .. :Ii REI~ E Tl'E t.IS-TEa ·1N._ ·TlflS·. SfC·TIOJt ' • •. --···!!!.!?! • '9 'LDIOW •• • •• .. BALBOA IBLAND-DUPLEX • SPACIOUS Ji40J?DN larp roo11111. Lot 11 patio. One I bdrm .11J11t. One two bdrm and extra sUMt roaa. 2-car ..,..., .. putdnr. 0-S :ritw ..f!f ille Harbor bOlll tile pu1lJ eoclua! dell. ~ft, • front..._ PRICED TO SF':IJ., $2Q,500 W, A. TOBIAS Sale& J.:ONA CR.AIQ Ratala • LINWOOD VICK, Realtor R.JUI/l'OR SU Marine. Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 20i2 ' B~CHE · ~ GATF.S, Realtor L. C. JONES J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave.1 Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1172 Evee. Harbor 7'6-M Balboa Island Exceptional Value ITS CHARMING, It'• delightful, lt'o desirable. Tutetully furniahed. Reuonably priced. In the RIGHT location and oft.,.,, all the comforts of a year n>Wld home. 3 bedrootno, % patioe, barbecue. MAY WE SHOW YOU TODAY? • • BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTOR Co.ta Mesa The Best Town on Earth Income Property Oa. Nl!'W'J)Ort Blvd., 3 atoru, always rented and room for anoUtt:r •lore. ~u for •225 per mo. Aalting Price, $25,000 Term• Some Good Blvd. Frontage Cl<»e ln~lOO per front ft. 2 verr,.lovely homes llolh 2 1Mdrooma 1-$7000 l -'811-00 In Nice District I bdrm home, price $3600. $1500 down G. N. WELLS, Rltr. 11 A.s&ociates 1790 Newport Blvd. Co.ta Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 THE ISLAND A BUY-On the Bay South Bayfront II bedroom home, 50 feet, view, R·2 zone. J. A. BEEK Office Har. 63, Balboa hland Ferry Broadway Duplex 2 bdrm.a, Eut aide, over 1800 sq. fl.-hWd. noort, f'Urnace heat, dbl. pr, cloee. l.n. 2 yr•. old. Xlnl. Condi Leaeed. lncomt '1800 yr . Full Price $15,250 Terna Newport Heights Mo.t attractive 2 bdrm home, only 2 yn. old. He&yY Make roof. l1'tTIJSl'a.ce, beamed ceillnp, knot- t1 pine, Iota of tile, dbl. p.r., land&eaped, r edwood rail fence. patio. Thb la one of ~e cutest houaea in the Height.a. Only $10,950 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Deni.eon G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Coat& )( .. Phon" Be.aeon 6891 ~bor 31~7-W or BMcon 14iM-J ONLY AT Corona Highlands r' Ocean vi- ,, 60 ft. or more frontage r All utilitieo (no ..,...,.... men ta) r' Convonlent location r' Overlookinr Newport Harbor -r' Private beach r PRICED TO SELL 111 HOMESITES LErr MODEL HOMES TO SHOW TRACT omCE at Laguna edge $800 Down of Corona de! Mar 2 bdrm horn• with l-room apt. Phone Harbor 4'14-J l&r«e lot, 80x2t0. Room to add more income property. 12 t•nM __ Three ___ bedroo ___ m_h_o_me__,,.- 3 Bdrm Home S88M f\lll prtce. Submit down pay· ment. Home cornpletely done owr With knouy · pine and new e.lec. f1xturea. EZ tenu. Best Buy in Costa Mesa 10 ACIW .!UNCH T m1*-- N .... _1. 11..,.. ............... ,._ .A.\ ,_...., -· I Lo a and benl. Jlo!Ul-1 ... 11,MO ttf t 7 Wlil ..u Wltlt • wMI 1• It 11111 C... • &eauUtul patio and Jgerden. 2;t lot.I wtth view ol bay. House is not new, but immaculate. Jlma. are la.tge. Good. heat &nd fire- place. Dbl. p.rage. $19,500 BAY a. BEACH Realty HM Belboa Blvd. Hubor U6' 36c.'17 Pretty As A Picture 2 bdrm home on 111 acr. tn c"OOd loc. above the back bay. Sur· rowuled With nower11, 18 trutt U... and ve.-. prden. Built ln 1941. Baa patio, l&.thhoUM, fl.ah pond and tdtcing. A beauUtuJ buy, UO,IOO. Blt>.CON HILL MALTY. BeL 671!--R. CM Newport Blvd. (Above Arches) 36c.'17 3 Bdrm G. I. Resale ' t • n•1-mtAn FREE • n•1.m&n1 • • lmxa •Bit '1'••' QW ... tUY -· ..... __ •. ?FU, ..... Blajoy the B1t8T OOJAN AND ~J. VIEW lli Corona dll ~ ~-tM lh·. l'lll Ul4 lllao flam tM vpata\N of Wa ~ b-! 'ftl8l'e IN f Ilda and awing ~m and 5\>!i bltha. Apiae-_pries, · $31,500. 8ubmit off•. • • A.NOO'BER beautiful ~with 2, bedrooall, 1" 111P' b&thli. Thia one hu ,,..,,.n, hiJl,,&Jld eanyoo v!n. 1.-()n UM NOftTR BA TJ'RONT of .Priced belo,, repl-evt coat '1 $25,000. ' -~sd~•~"f.:;:::; .li'ITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY atory -.. a--lot w!Ul Real Ellt&te and Bualn-Brok~ ,~~~"ant!.;!!,~ ~.!:u: __ s_u_eo..t __ m_v.i. ___ eo_ro_n_a_d_e1_.11.ar ___ H_a_!'bor __ iw2_..,...._ ~-~'· Nr1llabecl. Prlcecl Balboa Island INCOME "aOT SHOT" • • -I-Brand ft.,. 4 ~ I kUl llome, prl!ne iocatJon. OU...t to -lot. Kaey deluxe featurM llilch .. unit h ... t, ......... dla- -1. I · -llMte"" wired tor e1..,1r1e ranee. tarir• patio, . a..-prqe, lltht and cheer· rut -ud kitchen that KAMA 'f"ill ton. All lhla and A completely fumlahed duplex - 2 bdrma In Mdl unlt-cllOice corner location. -Ck>oe to oouth Bay and ahopplng center-woU8U&lly high Income rec-' ord, ahowitlg over 15% net return on lnv~t!! INVESTIGATE ,'.l'flIS TODAY! Full Price Otily $14,950 W. W. SANFORD, Realtor an 16'°/ I8µa at ONLY fZ8,300 • ALSO lewral !lew 2 and I bedroom hornet for aale on LIDO IBLE u well u a few choice building sit.ell elther on the BA YFRONT °" on , crp11 •treet lot.I. Pr:ice.s. far below v&lue--easy ternui. Theae lot.a are 1elltnar fut. Re-- member we a.re the DEVELOP· ERB of LIDO ISLll whert a litUe buys a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 333 Via l.Jdo Newport Beach, C&lif. Harbor IMO Balboa Peninsula Only $13,000 • ~ .A.venue at Karine Ba,.. lll&ad · !larbor 2(8J BALBOA PENINSULA POINT Authentic Cape Cod Home 2121 OCEAN BLVD. Open SAT., SUN. 2-6 · or by appointment Two 1tory, 1 year old. approx. 2200 .q. ft. Two bedroom• and bath downa:ta.lrt. 1 bedroo01, den and bath upatain. Sundeck 30 x 30, permanent view. Large living room, fireplace. !'u11 •iae dining room. Gorceooa kitchen and . nook. O&k !loon. Forced air heat. Weather--atrtpped windows. Contractor'• home. Extru galore. Priced to tell quickly. Wm. E. ANGOLD, Realtor SlS JC. llalboa Blv<l., B&lboa Hub<>r 1238-W $3800 DO\VN. 2: bdmui, tumiahed home-Panell!'d. livlnl' rm, fire- place. ba.r kitchu.. BBQ a.nd en- closed patio, Owner Leaving_Town, Balboa Income 4 Unit.I, I completely turnlahed. Excellent condition.. Price 011ly ,11,600. Only $8850 MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK! t..a.rre modern 2 bdrm home, Corona del Mu. Hardwood noor1, flaptone fireplace. Nicely landacaped.. U>w month- ly paymenta of 139 mo. ••OOO caah will handle. ' . Full Price $11,900 Excluaive with BEN J. WHITMAN 400 • 1018 Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar % bdrm home on Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1882 and H&rbor 2202 Nie" beach hot.a.... .i'i{eplace ------------------------part.17 tuml>hed. " This Is Choice! '11 .000 -3 t>drma, 2 bath, unfur. home, lge. enclosed patio-=com- plete.ly elec. kitchen, stove, r ef. N3h wuher a.nd gar. dlapoMJ., 2'--c&r p.ra&e, landacaped. Ocean Front, Balboa. 0 i $33,500, terms eunnm,. -Completely and at· tra.ctlvely turn. 3 bdnna, J bath. 2: tireplacu. good l'Umace. Bar·l' becue, buulifUl landacaping ln . &t&tlo a11d front terrace, 2-car P,rage. Cl(>ast Properties Co. IDl S . JlalDo& Blv<l., Jlalboa Phone Harbor 26M Want to do some fixing? .It'~ ol&-tt. need9 everything, b\lt ~er'I!''• a llea.p ot tun lo be had th UU. old I bdrm ho\llle. 8well lOcatio on ocean front. .11eer t. erythlng. Ownel' ill and muat ll quickly. Come and aee t.hh:. ' i,BAY a. BEACH Realty 1-.0 B&lbo& Blvd. Harbor l*. ~ 36cS7 In Corona del Mar for a 1 1 Choice Selection Lot.o Hom .. 1 IJ>come Property ...... . 0 'ti ....1-pportwu .. rr 8Ell: Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. I 1523 Caut Blv<l., CDM ~ Hubor 1788 , jNewpo~ Heights H.,. three bedroom bome wllb ~j,nplace, f u r 11 a c e, hardwood ~oo"" .P"'*a• d~ double .fiii:ooo full price .1 ALSO SENIORITY (But not ready to retire) IP' FATHER had been "on the job" day &nd night (or hu be?) for u long u t.hill 4 unit, at- tracti•ely turn. Balboa laland income property-he would ha"e won the boa's praise, but would be kind of nLn down. DUPLEX with a vie~ on a corner R-S lot-l;i ltlk. tA bay. $12,000, t~nn•. • INCOME PROPERTY -on tbrff loU: ntar yacht club. Home with 3 rental unit&. • -• S BEDROOM ocean tront, older home. Need& redecoralinK. ~ ca.r garag,e. A very· cood ftlue. •12,000 aut today-due to exlenalve dee· orating and retumWtlng, lhla property looka "snappier'' than a w .. t Point CadeL Income Balboa 1;?,ealty Co.. . from patUal swnmer rental res-Ro.u Greeley I Josephine Webb ern.Uona already exceeds: S1000 Lillian McAdoo · -which roe. to the buyer. 700 E . Balboa BlVd. Har. lP You'll agree -an e'JlCePUonai ----------- lfuy at 121,500, terma. Island Realty Co. ftealtora -M:ultlp1'e Liltinp Park at Agate, Balboa lala.nd Harbor 377-W For Sale by Owner Balboa Peninsula Point •om:. tor dlacrtminating buyer. l Tl'. old, 3 bdrma, l \;, batha, hwd. floora, fireplace. Floor tur- n.ace, utn. Jge. dbl. gar. Walled patio, etc (FHA financed)· ONLY $15,500 · See at {{5 Seville, Ballloa OPEN FOR INSPECTION qAIL Y f!2p3S .. WIM-tell poop!-~! ' Wa.terfront HoJrte Todays Best Buy in Corona del Mar New 3 B.R. Home clo.se ti> ocean. ltncla.@d patio. Many other tl!'aturea. It you•,.. looking tor a quality home, pric- ed right, • SEE THIS ONE! ·cALL Earl Chamberlain .500 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mq (Opp. Newport Hubor Bank). -Phone Harbor 22U Only $95 Down • BUYS "l'HIS FINE LOT Mx.139 on Vfctorla St., betweea Harbor and :tJewport 81..S.. ~ priee m.s. Phonl!8: Beacon 5606-M or Beacon 5293-W a bdtma, I bath&, pier and float lttte 2 JN. old Includes GE -'lahwaaher ----------- DllpOM~ patio tumltuff. $24,750 n. °""ei', IJqbor 1021'-J. .a zeta • • OPEN 1 • 5 • • ~ tUn.lohe.i _. round • bdnn, a '*· home. PraCtldaUJ nw MODERN, wltli - patio, s.ear pr. Ready for com· pl.ti, llml&'-171:i Clceali 81"'1, Beiboa. llarbor 2451-M. lJUc Lake Arrowhead For Sale .or Exchange t.r&e a..tory tumllh<d cablD at Lake Am>wltdd, nee.r Ill•• Jay ollopplnf cent«. A<commo. dalu :n. Two kitcbena, I Mu..; Opm yMr iuund. Un4erprlee<I at ~ for quick -.ie or e:xi. clw!p. Wrtle W, L. J .. tooA; 2S02 Cruh1-, DrlYe, - 8&7 Sborea, Newpclrt .B•cb ' Upal Quality Built . I BEDROOM OIWro We roof, - alve "'"brick ~oe, ~~ living room ce1lln&', two omart-ti tiled ,,.u..oom.,. Tropl""' patio • ...., ~ Iota-- • thla '-'• -i..,. at' P'.~ &arm.a. • " ~ 'f ~ I • • • • ' I , Ltee MAlllT With SALLIE JlfEXT FRIDAY 18 rr ••• Summer'• here ••. you """ offldally tlto'lf •WSJ' all your llUltio, ho~ 1t.ocldnp, high b • e I e d ahOM • • . and give with u much cheeaecake u you -fit (If you're not a photographer c h • e • eeake la this Instance means lotB of lega) • • • The bakery aells It to .•. In two dif- ferent .U-. . . this pu-' tlcular cbeeoecake Is so dellciooo that D w I g h t Weaver says even he ca.a't make anything to coml"'"' with It to sell for ouch 1 little price .... . ' FORMALITY• What 1a that ? You want to be cool ... you don"t want to cook any more than necessary ... You're on a vacation .•• You want to be outside .•. y ou want to eat outside ... ."00 DO AWAY WITH DISHES USE BASKETS . . . Way up thar on the Mez21nine you'll find a dJR- plsy table .. t with baskets ohowlng you w a y • an d me&D.8 of setting up a table typical of lazy Western outdoor living. (If the SllD Isn't out, don•t hlsme me) A special basket for French Bread . . . a smaller one for M>d.a crackers . . . A wine basket fllled with eel· ery and carrobl . . . An eye buket for fruit arrange- ments . • • Three slZM of fist trays with the aid of wax paper can be uoed for cold cot.8. cheeses or even fried chicken . . , BOMBOOZLER ... you've aeen· pictures of it every- where ... is a folding basket with handles ... can be wsed for shopping . . . Highly decorative when placed at an a.ngle and filled with fruits or used as a background for planters or flowers . . . Or it makes a most unusual con- ta.iner when hung from the ceiling by the handles for an extra opecial fuscia or be- gonia ... \VHAT GOES WITH BASKEl'S! &mboo place mats • . , lovely colors to match any color scheme . . . Or plaotic place mato tha.t are eaoy to •pong~ off but that look like bamboo ... Then you'U find plutic do~ and any number of sb.eo in paper doiU... . . . colon!d or white . . . If you're rMI luy ... Paper tablecloths, napk.lrui a n d plate.. are fun to use •.. fun to throw away . . . NO REFRIGERATION ! A opecieJ •ipper bag will keep Ice cream from melting for a good many hours . . . naturally it will keep pop cold ... also warmed bottles of milk warm . . . GLAMOUR IN LUNCH BO~! . . . Is a plutlc •houlder bait that looks .., •!tractive It could be u....t l8 a pone In the best com- pany , .. Plaotle ... makes for easy cleaning ••. The top curtain• a compartment euy to g e t I n to for change, k • y s, cli:arettes, e~ . • ·Then the olde lets down with special •l'M"' for a them>08 . . a.nd yet another larite cubicle for • • . well the lutructloDS oa:v !IUldwiche&, potato chlpa and oooldeo , . . But It could also ltouse a bath· Ing suit . , . a wet one If cle!ilred • • • you have to see thk particular "box •. or ptlJ'8e • • or carry-all'' to l'Nll:v appreciate It's poteatlalltlea. • • ''I need . . . or I forgot a coffee pot ... can opener • . . extra bowls . . . Water winp •. { ironing board cov- er . . . garbage can . . . extra towela . • . diah rap . ' . • good aharp knife ... a aouve- nlr." ..... to:ra • • • llellll ••• lwlM n.. ... n rtfn I I h .....J. TU N. -I..--... -...e C ,_ •... Palla.· •• To;9 . . . "llueUta 11111 111111 (for Jdiil) ••• . · Fomtem alaort atepe up to the )(_.nine at Richard'• Lido V.m.t, 3433 VJ& Udo, . Nw1114..'t Buell, Olllfcnla. • I • -STOCK pw.IM • • • Ollv• , , , Vold Cilta • • • •vw- .,.. • · .. An All J.l'avorltee ot 8 aw A.ppetiUJL y .. -be ....., of= "wllai YOOI WMt" wllea y.. allop llt 'L We UUlk oar ~ of 81-=nrr FavorftM i. tlw! n.e.t In tile world, ucl We an n.dy ud ,..xio. to help you plu for tile .._,., anmmer -tha. gaality · Meat Feoturl119 Ma1111llKJS U. S. Gow't. Gtwtl1tl Cllolce leef Fillftt leef Obtainable ' ...._ LUNCllU:ON MEAT u ....... 43• Weetom Bl&'' Ch11ek llade or Cliuck Ami BEEF C 8. Go•·'t. G ....... Clhlce LEG O'LAMB ..... . .• 95c L41'se Loin LAMB CHOPS ....... 95c Pa\'O -lr. Small are nae B&nequed. Bl'9lliM M' ltoeltelll • HEN TURIEYS .. ·.T7~ iiCEDIACON ·--·4~. Frf'flb Froua • JUMBO SHRIMP :S~ Brld.sforde Sopr C ured (W'ltole or llalf) SLAB BACON .. . .. 49c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . Fresh Produce._· ---ni1 • CANTALOUPES .. 6c Sweet. lllk7 Va.Jelldu ORANGES ..... 5. 29c E'l'Nlli. ~ -1ta.llaa VarietJ' SQUASH -.. 3 -.19c Thin sim. ~ Fun o1 'ui('lt! LEMONS ..... :-...... 2 -25c (J. 8. Ne. I Red Bl.IMt • POTATOES ----··· 6 lhL 29c l:L POCHE FAJIOU8 Un. STEAK MARINADE 99c ff'Olll tbe lamotm EJ Pode Cale ta Saa GUllel, Olt.IH. · (TRIAL SIZE PA<aAOIE U.) , Lafl1! Jlrlapy DILL PICKLES _.3 , .. 10C Cl.-3'-. CHEDDAR CHEESE _____ . __ ... 4tc lmpo.W M«iclMa _ ..... -. • PUMPKIN . SEEDS .. :_ ,., ~tc h!1C lliud ......... l!<lllM • PEANUTS _ _Ju 3tc STORE HOURS: -llAY8 .(ltx..,t l'rlllt.1) .... .., ........... .. r.R>AY -FAilJLY Nl'DI .......... ., ... 811NDAD . l:tt .L M. .. 114!1 P. llJ. w. •••:we .. IUatl*" .. ,l.IMk ~ 'Q'' (All =g rtss•1 ....... ,., ... 'i. ... J-t . .. ___ ) . Crackers ...... 25• B•• FPMll ll-oc. jar c 8fllnar 8mall l\lfMo C11e. Pickles 15 • OLIVES Pl•._, 19~ Spodf:He 81toHh111( Potatoes ... 15• ••.••.••••••• •l• • WONDEltf'OOD FLUFFY MiMallow11i--Ml!o9' 8 .. 11ta Sroekllekl B11tter ..... -75 ' ...... -Mayon1aise ·37 • Wad &.wl FltL~CB Dressi1c • OL 11• Btueldll Y ello• • Margari•e .. 27; CannhHJ Supplies TllM for Oenshc str.wkr?W BMl or &err llMOll FRUIT JARS Pints -,.. -13 ' Quarts -,.. -99; CERTO I ... 21~ SwaMOM Whale Chicken S'A lit. ...., 1.69 Cllllll •CllT- $d!f' /;;t! .,.,.-:-. I ... do ...... fl .... coot-. ..... i..ter.r"' C'aM,-TOMATO .. Soup .... J tor 29' ~... 8tral9od .. ()1'oppod llAllY Foo~ -3 10• 25; il arl!!I!.. A. a... Dor Food .. ,. J for lie :So. 1 ('&It Dog Food ~ 10• 23; 15¢ OOUPON 15, olf replar prk-e Get Aoq.U.tel Offer pod .. Y•• dloloe ef Old Mook MAYONN~E ION ISLANlf' DB~ING 11.U MIAN DftE481NG FREXVB DRElllllXG mMe wttk lrmporW olive ell 15¢ COUPON 1 Sf -R.oeedaJe by UbbJ' rNo. I r&a Tomaloes 19' I Hunt. TPn~r J4Y, oL Sweet Peas 2127 ' Ubbya PEAS aa4 Carrots u ... 17; DH Monte I OL Tom. Sauce 3/17 ' De'. Monte ~ Wllolil'l Xff'VI ,lt-os. ean. Swt. Corn · 2129• ............. TllUll8DAY APPLE TURNOVERS 2 ,., 19; JELLY FILLED DONUTS 4 ·+ 19;. FJUllAY ApORTED CUP CAKES & ·t 21• CHOCOLATE CREAM .PIES j 51• SATURDAY PECAN CRISPIES ~ ,.,. 2&; Rim & litter RINI CAKE ! &1• ' llPlll()IAL8 -nroJlllJ).t.Y, ftlDAJ', Uft!SD.t.Y -llllD 11, n-11 THE ECONOMY-WISE ~ATRONIZE Z.. Clollopkaao l'aeU&'• PA.PER NapkiM "' ...... 10• Z.. FACIAL Tissue ""° .., .. 1 2125' Ol>ertl 8pu1All Style 11-oL Gr. Olives ,.. 23; Krernera HONOLULU PU:SCB or GICA.PE Cooler u ... 10~ ·;,: £ HAVE : T ! 8 a w r:xtra Faae7 f.k ,·aJue ~1;,c:y~ !~'~.~.~-~--·· .. 33¢ Treee"·eet -So. J can !/J6e ~R~~ ~~.~-~---············ 29¢ 11..i Gold Oraap &ad Orapetralt I OL Blend Bare 2129• Stokely 46-oL ea.a Tomato Juice 23 ' M.utlnelll I! OL Apple Juice 29; For eaaler wubdayw, UM .. • • • ' MEZZANINE . SHOPPE EverJtb.La1 tor WATER SPORTS Diving Maak Ear Plugs Beach Balls Palla & Shovels FLIPPER, tH noat1.nc 9Nl SPLASHF.lt th~ n.u.-1 troi Guan.ntffd Fred LARGE GRADE A EGGS doua 59; Terry'• CHOOOLA. Tl: Covered Mints CHERRT THINS FRUIT TBINS ~----l'' TREE TEA oran,-~ekoe 4' lYadl ~!,un~.~.8.. -· ····-······-~ 17; SURF DETERGENT ' 29' larp pad<ap . RINSO SOAR POWDER le Sale -1 for le wtt.h two replar BAIO CLEANSER Leu:. rec. bar Swan med. bar Toilet SOC\lp 3;27; Toilet Soap 10• Ufebuoy rec. bar Antrol Toilet Soap 3127• Fly SpraypL ~ 39; Fro••• roods mftn!rnlmrBl~ 1Urct.e7e Euy to prepari FRENCH FRIES --···---······~~ 1 tc I 81.rdeeyl Freall Fro~ . MIXED VEGETABLES !!. 1 tc) GiLi"tiCoRN ···--···-·-···-·-: 19c · tA•7'• eo.~tnted Froua ' ORANGE JUJCE ·--····-··--·-:.. 1 tc UMIY• ll••t 8Mrtcake ~ , . . STRAWBERRIES ... ___ !!. 3tc lblprfir:t". Padfte ode.a ~. .,. ~ ROCKFISH _· "·:~_~37c • • • HEY ·:Kii>s·~ ~-,-' FllEI Sff O·W. ' ' ~ lBA ta, LllO tHIA.111 S••• •-v. J I "'. 1 :41-P. M. . , C1&11iyll11aho Ms11j12 1 I ' I• • • • • • • I ' • - •