HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-27 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• ' • • • ' , ' . •w I I "I', n1111 IT, 1111 ~·- AND SHOPPING NIWS . ~-== -~·--.------~' PVBL1S11ED AT :1111 M I_.,,.& BOUU:VAU NZWfO&T BUCll. C.&LD'OllNI.& 1'ZLZPllO!f£1 JI.&....,. 1111 • • ·' • • , ;. ...,, taa,-. 1'1ih-to ·u..·-of m)' p.rloul. ~Se I ·-CqiUNC·· anor· ···, :~· . . • ""'" .... 11a1.. "T-. 11ar>7.· 1 --. "I did ~ , -Yen RJ .. . 1a 111o --of ...._ • ., ... ~ x ~1· -BAO']<. :"II'-· JUL y J I 111<• to -"'°""' """ r.ot -t U..Y'ra lNJIAll" Batt)' bl .. ' ;:;" ~ ~ :::~=-= =:m,:: :~Illa;.:.: in 4 w.u.1. ....... ..1 olll•• .:...i-:..1::. = Lower 1n·11.1·11-1ee. D..Lo. ft&-... and -lo ova. Tiiis -Is 'Jilek out JOI" OMI ftab/ WMlll at cncnu Wiii ~....., UP,08 llJ' di· . . natC ~cu. tM ..,_ lla.bL Prol>al>ly you'll flDd ltUln&' at )'Oil fn>m 1"!dl A A Ide ·~ '::.~ "'~":."J: A *llJ 111 U.t li..New,o;t Ba,,...V _ _.,_,_ 1w•idof of .... '" l ... u. -.,...i·Wlltto -Bau, B&mlcud&, Y•llowtaU uto cc nts wt. Ulla * --.ot N ewport _ -... -. ... __ and ma)'bo .AlbocoN. BUey -.yo he bu a speelAI prloo oa A.lb&. It ..,. _:. for cam>lnr. l ~ to find out wbelftr tho ·~11 prtoo• • , N~ placed ID _.lnatlcia t .. -.. .tllo !Ceapclit B""cb Oty °"'1JICll.,,,__, afellt., Is ta ~ ta-or Illa. lleprdleM. tho omart pi.c. to So tor a Seven -pel'lona w e r • In· cb&lnjWl tllcNdo: ~ In-.t.. 'l'llo noi•iot. la the f«m <it • kU<\' -the lllP _., _,.. 'f!ab,y oia .. is 'tllo ~do ,Miit. 1°" -• • ~ ..,. jured In four automobile ac· !od ~~ .Jooepll lt&pter &ad .J:L. ot.~,... ".~: · ·-·If ,_ --ilia ..Ord •...-• ,..,._ 2800 I.af~otto. ~· Mter UM eolecUOn ol a "Tllo -·ot TruotMo of ~ ·~ .u..-oehool ...-1# T claYI a wk. a:oo tO f:JO. cldenta over the weelt eJ!d. ~ • -~an wlD be N.._ Jla,rl>or Unlan hip to t11o1 ett;y -i.r 1a -wa:r atfoet · • • e Five ~ ..,. Injured In -"-the otller thtto. lliatl llChool -..tet bu, for W11ot1me, Uie --mt, opftaJ1oa. • '"?'WAS BllILLlO ON TBll SLJTHY TOVJ:S, a three ~ t th t Pe~ and Belon Powell ........... conolderlDc tbo m&ttor o1 .... --of tllo'ilcbooi but It ....id DID GYM AND GDIBI.B la tho -be: all C&l' &ell & ~ for the pnolU•'1 of MC-QUMt!J\s of -that tho hlgb clarify tJ.. ~ till oehool wero tho l>orogovoo. and the mom• "°'" outcrabe.' occurred at 10:.S P· m. i:otut·tru.uv. -~ with la eampuo of approx· 11 beln&' entitled to the -W _. YOU'Rlll ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, Mr. Carroll! Sunday night In front of the W. 11· J-. chairman f<>< tile tmatdy .... nt:r·lln ....._ l>e tn-nc. furnt.litcf llJ' tlle city. Tiit Cllartey"o _,oed la tho mlmlly place for octntlllal· Balboa Bay Club • peg~ ye&n, docllned to ""' for eluded wlthlll the boundarieo of .. hool property• ls of eoune - tn• MA.food """ tb• ••! Bir s--1-.1 on there now! · ,,__ · the 1ioellkm for ~ a.w t'lecal the City ot. Newport Beach." empt trom. all p-..t• tuea" • ., ....-~ driven •Y Alfred 11. Gib· year.1 ~-·....-~ · RESH CAUGHT (Nol Fn9ea) Smoked Albacore eon. prominent Ht.rbor &rM tn-~ . '"The .cbool for ~ YMl'I hu "In Yllew ot. the above, U. ~ 11 lb; and Ba.rracuaa T&e l~ th1I week only!_ .rurance man of 128 'Ametb:y9t S I Pl d been dependent upon 'your ctty for of 1'rulteea ot ttae Nwpo«;t ll&fi. See why Old ..i(o A l&Jld!ubbera &llkearecutinJOff ovenu•, BoJ..;. Iol&nd, WU h!t'tn C 00 ay9roun many oerYtceo IUCh &o WU.., -Union high 1Cbo01 dtotrict for Cb&rley'1? Cb.arleT• Restaurant U: in the heart of the mah fish the middl oC It. r1 ht lid tt p 0 sewer, flre and pollce protection hereby reqvut. that JOU. \be OtJ belt. You can alt out.Ide in one of Cha.rley'I patlOt: and hear what WU tunJnl' into ~e Ba; 9:i.ub ,.!Erogram pens and gar~p d.Ltpoul, wtth~t Council, of pie City ot'lfewpoi't th• wild wavea an aytng which uaua.Uy tunu out to be, ''Try trom lhe Cout HJpway. )fr. Gib. Inc of the aummer pta.y. being a part of the city. Your co-Beach, lfke the necr:-ty etepe Chuley'• Sl.00 Sh.rtmp Luncheon and a Crabmeat Cockt&U!" Late eon and a paqenger tentatively program yeaterday •w operaUon tn turni.hinl' theee eer-to include the oampu of Newport 1n th• afternoon tho• ume t&tUe-tale wave• an murmurtnc. "Fi.ah tdenti.tied u Mn. Eathtt Mitchell m ~and stria at Hone. En-vicea ha.I alwaya been appreciat-Barberr Union hlgtt IChool wWUa Dinner• are $1.28, and Broiled Lobate.r Supreme l• $2.26." But go of Corona del Ma.r, were both 1.D.-ilp. • u well aa larl'e .num-ed by t.ht. Boe.rd, u they have yvur city'• bounda.rlel." down and listen fOT' youraelf! Charley' a sutood 1a next to Port jurN.. At the time of the accident berw t Nl!W'p<lrt and Corona del been • nee~ to the Rcuatul Orali1e at 113$ Cout Htpway. Newport. Beacon UK 0pe.n It wu thought that the hurts they liar jlchoola &eordiJll' to WtJUam operation of the IChool plant." 6 1 d&y• • week. • • • • SU1l&1ned were MriOUI. but lat«at L. BQrdlck, p~ aupervtaor. ' "RecenUy a new problem hu RINE8LT = OONTINUD HARX! HARK! TU IAJtlCWOOD! TOU report.a from Community hospital sodnaorec1 by tbe echoob and artaen. We are tntormed by the FOR AN~ WEElt BETTER LEG IT OVER TO POLLY APPAREL! indicate that the-y are both re.et-Ne W!p or t Beach Elementary echool'1 I.Nun.nee carriers that Prob&Uon hear1Jtg for Douc\&I Polly'• having a apeataJ aJJ tam weiek on the tam-ing comfortably. acboof.s Pu~nt-Teacher Auocla· under a revision of lnaurance 'l'&tH-Hinetiley, 240 E. 20tl) •tftf't. Colt.a om Larkwood hoa&er.J! TheM pm-flatterers have The Gib80n car wu atruck, ac-tion, ,lhe mmmer program opened app?ying to th1a arM that the hish Mesa, wu again continued for • a va.mp toe and a va.mp top. The vamp top mea.na cording to Newport Beach police ye1terday and will cvry tlm>ugh achool would NVe approximately week. Tb.is ill the leCOl!d Ume uat a rtinforced kl'llt top that protects your bole trom reporta, by a car driven by How-until !Augut 4, houn beUtt' from $8,000 ln nre tnsun.nce premluma the c&M ha.s been continued. It bltlng, llW'llne prteri! The 80-16 pu~. coaaa-&rd Parker of Vlata. Pueengera Vt 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday throucb ln the next five yea.re if· the build-Wilt be heard next Friday. mery u cobweba, replarly priced at 11.96. ftow Parker'• car were H . L. Foat.er, J'rid.1Ur1. Saturday houn are t to lnp were within. the corporated Hinffly !l&d pleaded JUilly an for i1.49 ; the &l -16 ,..,.. 11.65 now 1.29; re1'. Mr1. Ella Fmter a.nd •ix-year-old 12 ndon. Two echool buae. are co-limit.I of the City ot Newport one count of contributtinl' to the By MARGO 11.66 Dark Heelers now 11 .29 ; 61-15 rep.lar price 1.50 now 11.19. Max Fosler, &11 ot Lo9 Angeld. opera'tlng on regular .chedulea. Bet.ch rat.Mr tha.a in the unincor-delinquency ot a minor (a 14-yev- Theee Larkwooda are fretcht train fresh and Jn the very late1t The am.all bo>: wu' the only one t.o Acµvtuu include ahop work and porated area. The ·ratea ue u. old girl) and I• a.akinr probation:~ ahadea. Don't stand on ceremony, girl. Turkey trot to Polly Apparel. eecape without lnjurtea. modei ma.king, sports and games tablillhed by the Board of Fire Un-It ill alle1ed that Hinealy ha4 ALL CAFE SOCIETY 18 AGOG! BUTLERS' PANTRIES ARE BUZZING! UPSTAIRS MAIDS ARE' RUNNING DOWNSTAIB.S! Party BurgHs. &rt a.loft! Here's the biggest newa aince the discovery of apple-t 1811 Newpart Ave., eo.ta Meu.. Glbaon·. car a!tPr It had bttn and both cl&M and tndlvtduaJ in-derwriter• and It a.ppe&r1 that we fondled the (irl when ahe had been · e e • struck by Foater's ~ehlcle apun ltnlctioa. ln m11111c by MiM Nonna must a.ccept uJd Board'• rullnc u employed aa ·a baby litter ln hi9 IS SOMEONE YOU KNOW ABOUT TO MEN a.round and 1lammed into a car Perk\ns. to rates." home on May 181 1951. DELSSOHN rr DOWN THE MIDDLE A.ISLE? Or driven by Sttphen G. Frttman, jack '. 'J.'be ts.al.DO& uo11 ttoUM Op@U ·1·nur.aay, June ~ George &nd Ethel Strebe, owners ot the fa.med Palm Bpti.ngs Doll Hotl.9e, will be in ch&rce. You know tun well food will be out of lht. hemisphere and drinlu ~cUy from Valh&ll&. The Balboa Doll Hou-. hu'-..- been redone tn a fiddy manner with much the aame ,. deCor a• the one at P. S. And for your unconfined joy, entertain· ment by the OU&dalajara Boy•: Theae Latin Lads play it fJne and Jnellow and have bffn i,he tout of P&lm Sprinp !or 1:5 eeuoni:. Cocktail• begin at 10 a . m. 01..nners from 4 p. m.. A high time begtna the moment you walk in the door at the .DoU BoU!M!. •t5 E. Ba.lboa BIYd. Barbor 11tt. • • • A LOVING CUP TO }ill( THAT FIRST INVENT· ED SLEEP! AFTER THAT, THE ACCOLADE to the lnventor of mattreues . . ' . AND THIRD PfUZE to Carl,...,'• FW'Dl&ure for atockinl' up on a bountltul supply of high quality rnattreaae11 at low prices! A lumpy -mattress may be all thai'1 between you &nd the V1ce- prf•· of the Boa.rd! Poppinl' and poking 1prtng11 at nlcht do not make for clear heads and level thinkens ln the A. M. Carlyle'• hu all ma.nner of box ' springs &nd mattttuea in king atze, double 1ize or any size including made to order. Anyone of theae sleep aacks will cure acute eomnabulism. C&rlyle'• aJeo features unpa1nted Hollywood headboarda; 1 portable ban In uh A rnahop..ny for U .9&; bar and kitchen stools, and you'd be sllrJ)ri.Hd what a.II you can find at Carlyle's Fun.ltuh on a clear day. ltlO Harbor Bllo'd., Co.ta Mesa. Beacon 1139-W. . . . - maybe • dear friend ta llateninc ~or the patter of tiny ® 1632 Mirama.r, BalboL l"rt:eman footatef>ll! In either c ... pleaae m9et Sylria! Sylv1a • WU uninjured. Timmer• hu juat opened her SYLVIA'S 8BO~R From pollce meuurement.t, tt SHOP • . • with ~,. ror Brides aDd Rabi"" ' WU dete-rmtned· that J'Q8ler'a ear You wouldn't recognise the old P. O. bldg. tn Balboa! skidded U feet before the impact., Now It'• br11"ht, ahiny, modern and tilled to the ratten The injured were rushed to with layettes. And therti are very fuhionab'e "Louise Community hoapltal via Seal a.m- Orlgin.als" a.a featured ln Harper's for very junior bu.la.net&. mluea to S years old. swank au.JC. for pre·ac.hool ce-.nt.a.. hand knit A flve-ye~-old boy, Frank sweaters. ahorU, crawlers. sleeper1, and 1evera.l thoWl&lld diapers. James. whoei pa.renta are fTom And aee here too, for unu.ual g1.tta for bridea! Ooftee-ma.kera. tout-Lo. Angeles, WU 1truck by a car era. ceramic-. load• of loveUea. Oh. ple&.M So cfv• a lookl 871...ta'a at the 1nt•nectk>a. of Marguerite Shower Shop, 307 Maln St., BalboL and SH.view awnuea, Corona del • • • Mar, at 8 :~ p.m. Saturday. The WANT A COMPANION YOU CAN TAKE BY THE HAND boy ha.d been run.nine acroe.a the OVER HILL AND DALE AND SNUGGLE UP TO ON THE BEACH. atreet alter hill parents when he wu atruck by a vehicle driven by EVEN'!' ! '! One \\•ho will respond to your every whim'!' Laup. R. K. Hemp of Whittler. J'ortu- Jlve and ca.rry a tune, be eerious and cultured or just plaJn shut up! n•Wy the car wu Solnl slow and You can have your pick of the portablea now at the BOU8E OF the boy 8\lffered 9ru1 mlnor RA.RMOSV. "nle RCA Victor Globetrotter ta a vacation vapbond. bumps and brui.e•. tops In 1tyle and performance. Complete with batteriea. thia goldM A cycl~. Richard Holland. 15, throated pm ill $61.2tt Penona.l portablet. 1mall but pe.teclly o1 102 Goldenrod avenue, Corona formed 134.95; other new model convenaUon piece• tl\at double u del Mar, wu a.truck by a car u he portable• or table model• $37.20 complete. And the automatic noord wa. cycling AOrlh on Bel'Qni& aye. player that'• png round tulJ •peed 11 the RCA 4.1 rpm ••• .....,. nue at 9:08 p..m. .rrtday. Driver a mu.ale.al prodla &t llt.N. HOUM Of Ba.rmony ea.a &110 outfit you ot the car ,..blch •truck the boy with a very unart, unbreakaltle 18 pteee Brusche pottery let. Mlit· ,.,.. Georce B. Matthf'W, lAgUn& •bly box9d for throwtnl' or eatinl' on, only M.96. Go uk Bud to Beach. Acordinl' to police redof'dlil, at.and on a Bru.cbe •ucer at the HOUM Qf· Jlarmoay, lll 'J Newport Matthew NJ.di. that he waa unable "Did yoa ••er 1quene a tomato a& a l'ep&able ttaac1!• •td Ave., Ooata 11-. Beuoa 07S7 •NP. (Ooatblaed:oa ..,. I) to ... Hie oo,. beoauee there 11 no • • • • GEORGE and ETHEL STREBE lllltt at lbe kla...eUoll ot J'ourth ""4 s.,....._ .....i -tboro -_.JC> J!Cllt -tllO ""1'• _..,.... -~ ._ -hrldo Tllo e,_ u.t Mlftered eut 11:n.. and w.nf bl.to •bock. lie ,,,.. taken lo Oom.- muntty ltoe:pltal by Beal ambu- lance. A t.hl"M-eat eollilJoCl, ill which no one wu lnj'1re4, wu reported to Newport Buch. police at 4:4S p.m. Sunday. The accident took plac• at the hltereectlon. ot 17th •treet and Oout Highway. A car operat.c! by Tom Ruah, Long Bel.Ch. · plled lnto the rur of a vehicle driven by-JamN L. Bur- ger, Lob& Beach. Burger'• car, 1n U1nl hit the rear o( a TelUcle piloted by WllUam J. Kirby, a1ao of Lon,-Beath. Ruah'a car waa the only one tha.t ·wu aertoualy dam- aged. Announc·e the OPENING of Their Balboa DOLLllOU2E THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1951 . Featuring The ''GUADALAJARA BOY&' · coCKTAILS fro m 10 A. M. • DINNER from 4 P. M. BALBOA and PALM SPRINGS • . TOPS IN FOOD TOPS JN ENTERTAINMENT • ' • PHONE 4 1( EAST HARBOR "4LIOA • . 2792 IOULEVARD . FOR lflt llESERVA TIONS IAUOA • SwMilh Twill COFFR CAKE 29'-...._ ,,, ..., ' lfl-. ...... ~ ·summer .Specials THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY K-SROT CAP PISTOLS M-U:Z...lop<O -w-1111 .. , '°'I fol io 45¢ SUMMERTIMI CLEANSING I U.,atd ().-8bam- WILDROOT 2 f o• 39; 8TATIONERY, Bee. Sh WONDER PAK 33; : " .....,.. -" Eavel~ DOUllLI: DJlOll CANASTA CARDS , B;ec• I lle 69; l!Jl'l'OJ.B DECll lllDGE CARDS ..... -69• D YBASDl TOOTH PASTE & I MOUTH WASH '99; Jlec. ft.JO Valvo -..... Ca111111loa So• 6 -..flit Wltll 8omhWd SPORtCAPS Be ... fl.76 $1.25 BOYS" BLACK JEANS lleplu .... fl it ~ Colo" -f l.ta nloe Box STATIONERY I •19; .,. •z• -"WM•••• .. ' lleplar __ .,._ -.. Dinner Plates 4 for 79; lle(111&P !le . Dorott.5 Gray ORA..~GE FLOWEB LOTION a.nd Texture LotiOft 1tec. ••.GO '1 oo ....... '3.16 f116 i Price TINTAIB "Touch Up" . $1.29 IADITI: Salad Plate 4 for 39; Recular Ito IADITE Fruit Dish 4 tor 19; Replor Te eacll SWIM RINGS Be1r. fLU .,. POKER .CHIPS 111'• 49; ....- l ele"*'4 i... ... ,_.. RECORDS 1/J OFF $1111 r• Lotions 29; & Up -OMltu -0,,.-Tld ~-' 011••11 I ..... XMI El a , an,-. -Ill. .a.-. Brld1repari AEltAllOL INSECT BOMa 11 8L '2'6 Decorated. 11 OL TUMBLERS 6 fur J9 #. lle,W.. ... - l pint-Meuurlaa PITCHER 10' , IURNT PEANUTS JS•o.. ............. .CANl>T Tangerine Siie" 25;1b. R<js· Ac "" cara :Some Deodorant Cream (lblf Price) . 55; kplar fl.ti -.,.-IED GUSSIS ....... -' , .. 89# , ., CAXDY Ucarlce-11110• 43•~ _ ......... .,,. .-... ' • .. • r • • I • • Sportswear · . . • *SWIM SUITS By Rose Merle Reicl * WHJTE STAG ·-. • 6annents for Men ancl Women * SPERRY TOP SIDERS * HAW AllAN SEP ARA TE"S I • • • MA.~ OVE&llOAJU>I TI!: S. THAT'S 1.11ftim A. aa•o, an. a. I DmlTIBTllY 1111Kew,..t-.,0-.11 .. lhlll~ »Jds. BM COG eTll IOI a.11&7 ....... --• • • ' SAUEI RAYON , tilOUSICOATS W••htble· -rep or zip, lz•I 12 • • $6.7' conoN HALF SU s 8-inch tyelet trill'!, l•m·I ...._---...$1.79 • TKt HUE AND CR't! Men Co overboard t llartaor UT4 ror women Who wear 8un-druM1 tram th•1~~=~=======~li~~~~iiii~iiiiii~iiiiii~~~~~~~ 1 .. i.. Sport 811op. IM Stroup hu a '-"!IC circua Of b&rebaclt numbef'I! A.Ju: COlman'a late1t .-un and moott.8hln• d'rlau an ln .,lld t'.; & ~ O. D. * * * All Sporttwear - • For LAND encl SE>; • ,.. * ,.. ,.. Open Sundays -,.. ........... . I h .. -A!-L t. a P\M. dolly Clll!'' I•'• ..,. hoMleyt . . ""'°""' ICl(l'berly !<! 196 Ltfl ti P«Eli ,MKING. BEACON * 5241 Kl~ IUlONll:Y la "tt.'s •-Cockeyed Wet1cler" --~ SUNDAY -TUESDAY Clla1re Trevor, aoMrt Kyu "IEST OF THE BADMEN" liTUBDAY LAST l>AY Ralldolpll Scott "SANTA F£" Teelmkiolo.r "lird of Paradise" Jeff ('*=edfer .,..,,. Pa.set -Tet.UJeolw 8llJfDAI' • ~AT """'-_....,._ "PA 110 LA'' th. , ... ,,,,. ea..; V&dlo i:__...s_._ llo!<fW -,...~ l!IOW lifo11'1K4 _._. "Ffylnf Mll1le'• .,.,,., ol 1"..,... -.. . .... ,....,, ..... ,.,. , ....... 'hehhlcolOr ROD CAMERON SUNDAY -WED~'UDAT . rai..i- -''FA 1 .10 LA" purpl•. p1...,.,.blood ruby, and Emerald pol-OPTOMETRIST lah.,i cotlonl, or ht. py sia...s floral chlnu w1th boned bu.It and halter strap doe• bea._u-•0 >11 .., 4 11 kt C Uful day and n.tpt duty. C&ll etther of aM W. Wwpwt ...._ th'" erutfou your Yery own tor 116.16. Smoke lip.al• are al.a •:::: =- belot Milt up over Alex'• 2-pce. Na~ numbe1' t.n lurquolN 1&l1cloth.l:~=E=======~I You can bo an lndtan M cH• Ill .. , ot u.... for SH.96. Howard are...-, Mlute to .u.mmtr I.a .. et,m.,.., llorimnt.al atrip.d .. raudt_ 2-pee. cha.rtruew and bl&ck, ot' red •d black at $1t.•. W'hM.! Walt.amlnit! Jo Lee alm hu a wbJte iat.ue tuxedo bolero to throw OTel' yObr rett.J~ mahopny lih.ou14era at J.M. Jo IM •port Shop, 183& Newport A••·· eo.t.a Meu. • • • "IP' JlV1:R .A. '.MAN DESl!:RVED TO BJ: C.A.U.l!:D UP ON .THE C.A.RPE1', rra YOU CLilU!:NCI!:." Thu. I •dd...-.1 Clattnce Pa.,. •• SUlE • INSURE ' -.. -~ -----n ... l'IW ••rtrA-. •n1a ...... atlM" h• ,...,. me th1a big eonc. patter a.nd a. coup1• ot aott thot! I '==::E;=======::; I numblra on thi• MW carp.trnc. "Tell m• moN," I eoued. Then I; Clarine. mount~ a wooden Dox &.nd lfOke.. Na muly voice nn,tnr with alftcerit.y. "Aldon'• Normandy ia tlttt molt bMutifUl and lU:S· urioua cottoll carpet ill the field today. ftit 1• cJOMly won:n, tuft. locked. lOftl'•WM.rinl', non·•tretch. noa·lhrllllc:able cotton floorlnl'. I will cotton up to aayon• with thla Aldon Normandy in 11 luab ahad;e1. w&ll to wall or in any Pa .a:atttr rue. St.II a -.. yd." An uctt.d clleer twept 18th and Newport u aar-ce fell otf hJa .,.p w. 11.... .... Om1111t4L DIBOLUfCll C'*"""-hll&rrll4timt ..................... M ftl! es I~ box.. Can Clan:nce on this ~ Coutltn• Floor Covtrtnr. 18th =========== aa4 N•WiOri A..v.., Coat.a Me-. Beaeaa 02'1.J. • • • TH.A.NK YOU J'OR TOUR OEN• &ROUS .APPLAUB.S::I You've been a woa.dertul aud.lenc.. Now I crave your turther ladul(V'ce. wbll• I make a brief curt&.lll epeiech. I merely w1ak to -tJlla. "llOWJf WJTB OLD WINDOW IHADDI and bllnda tll&t han« ;. . 11mp. .tained and bedn.nted, AM>i up wrre,......,. Columbia il'od~ la Jllin.U. put.ell and strtpea! I · ........_ / Belen. Wott.N te a wtndow worirm,. "...... ... ...,.... •'ftll')'Uta• for ' -..... --_..,. ta. -... •t --.... ,..... Oolwbla -...... ----"' ,.,.... 1-· ...... & Irie< .... .. lltO. M P, -... &l<O Jou dr&pwy ltard1nn, TY -- 1 llATl'RQSQ .... If n.llln 1,.,.,tr Stspn. , llMOON -C..la .tlw Nett WWW ~ ' lllle N-port lllft. aad Plutte .........,,. ....... .,. esowa. your old ........ , ,. =:=========~I -.. ·--.. IH·-lli., !f•rwt Boa• -.lk r "THI; 11 ~BT.A.~'' LA.ST ST.A.ND." a.A.JD WATD HIATUS BOB KRULL .A.I HE Filled hi. 1000lh """'"' puff. -llorvloo .......... n.e N...-rt a.lritf'7 can't 11eem to keep enou l"h ;i.;. B __ J '-I~ cream putt• and «lain 1u atock. People all &long ..,,._. ~ the ~an an hldlnC' thei r facu be.hind one of th ... delectable troth or custard fronts. And of 'PLUHBINO J Autlaorl&ed. DeeJer coune, th• date .equate• filled w1th date am and Day A Nlrltt llM&erl pped with crwilllled cocoanut macaroon. Co llke THlrllS . cn.sy at le ea. Aultra.Uan coffee cake la a rare treat • lt1. Dewlll •11 .11 .._...., to th• tut crumb (S.f<!). People totter 1n th• Pkone )brbor llU-W' bakery tor nut health bre•d ( .(2c) made o( bran, 'iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~-iiijija.uta. u.d nrMtened wttll honey. A day later they come dahctnr JI and ak.Jpptnr back to-r more. Hot jelly doll ghnuta t mo rnlnga • week ----------------'"-'---'-"-J &t tM Newport ll&ke17, 1111 0-.. Front. Newport. Bar, 1«1-& L\(>ORT9-~,7/'. ROSSI'S DQtENS Of. THEM- AS MUCH.AS • 50°/. OFF Of .REGUtAR PRICES! • • • • • • • • ' •••A -..,#"/!{,I /. .,. NOW llROWINO "GO FOl IROKI" wt.._ Vu Johns• &TAltTll'G Wl!:l>, lULY' "KATll DID Ir' 11ar11: .... _ a Au Sl7tlt SPECIAL MATINEE 41ft .of JULY QA YI $"'41 THEATRE ~OTON llEAOB L&lL .._ IDlOIU?rO PtJl.MlTn:D llND8 M1'tlal>AY .. UD CllJ -.... m.z. ''FOU.OW THE SUN" • • • WOULD YOU LID TO APPZ.tB IN SUKMl:R 8TOCll' a..dl n.-.. .._ a.Jltea I • 10'a New .Rum.mer S&oell of Boe&errt nm Qu&llty I>upamt NYion. llua lleutant HoM -··-········--······.118c r1l'9t claaa, 30 deAler recuian ·········-············-··············-····-···-········tk 1'1111 ,.,...lolled ll .,...,., &u.y nylon.o ......... _ ........... ----·-·····-Sl.35 aAUIOA I a H -- ADULT Jr AllILY 01' Tlllllnl: llllQUDll!: I or 3-bodroom tunW1M<1 houM. Tear ro~ -only. Will pay to 1100 per month. Pnfer Eut Coat.a Kea or .tmilar location. Require powNi.oa b7 Jllf'I IOth. Pbone Harbor 2172· WK. U0 DRIYI CRUISllS ROW IOATS : ~TllO= . ·--'•nneNec d •TACKLJ: ILLIS IOAT RENTALS -°'"'"' m..,. N--.. P1L -UU ,A!; 90U'ftl DD Olr MYBBOU lllUDOll: OPIN pay . DAY! BUG AND UPBOU!TSBY CLEANING Cho. · M. Grnlas• &•--• ,.,.~ -JJllM ,, ' • • ST. JAMES CHURCH EPl SC OPAL (AT TID K1f'l1l&NCJ: TO LIDO UILll:) 'SUNDAY· SERVICES • I 1:30 .A.M. -10:00 A.M. CHURCH ·scHOOL-10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION -10 A.M. • BALBOA TUTORING SCHOOL OFJ'ERS A SIX WUX 81!:8810N IN • ELEMENT ARY & HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS I:" A. II. TO I.I NOON THE EBELL CLUBHOUSE, BALBOA FOR INFORMATION, WBJTS UI !fAJICll!SUS. OOllONA DEL llAR or O&ll BA&. NliJ.W P1a"° J"'"''""°" TERESA RENNER (Mrs. ~ R1nn1rT 0111a"ntttlftneO & h • '? 1 13 I 'II .. Ps, 2 -436 Sami ~ Ha•·• 1171~ Cweas HJtlil111• -Cor11s· .. Msr , . SECURITY fOlt 5.ll.E • Savings Will Le~ the W eyl ' S)'lt.eniatlc Sam,. will take·Y'Oll to real ~ , , • 90 doll't ~. start to l&Ve here llO'll' ! At NltWPO J!AlliO• l'ED~ an savh.p are lum4 vp to $1.o,oOo anii mn cvrent high a• ' Come In IDd Nit a Savlnp Proo =.--• • • 1114 ~ a 1ftlZ'• ~ your • • l I • . • • •• ~ q~·-4 -.,.,~ . JNDOORS <>~ ~PT-r . ' . MAPLE FURNITURE-. • ln'Dl~G ll'OS u'mfo, .D!Nqio, , : lll:QllOON ..l .iOijwww ,, . •. . • ~ • -I RATI"AN FURNITURE-,. .. . llECDONAUJ, DA~, Dl!iJNO Thi.Sa 6 CllADl3 AND llANY O'l'Qa PJ!:Clllll OUTDOOR FURNITURE- llEDWooo, ALUllINUll -WlllTE llO:TAl.- lllllllUl:U.Aa. llASllWUZ& LAWN SWINGS. u•zn:q PA~O TABLES, 8UN·LOUNGES. OOFFl:E TAN.pl _ F-Dellftf7--4Joll ...... t TV- • •• • • • LagunG Awning .& Maple Shop ,.. s. Cout 111 .... ~ '-S5U . , . Santa Ana Tent ~d Awning ..Co. 11%8 So. Ma?-. KL J.aGU \ • • ' -Opportun.1 t1 111 JmocJdns 1n cµssinED ADS. ·INSURED , SAVINGS • • C8lllfl' ·w•11s . ,.,Annum . ' • • I • • . . M"111JMnhh to Vllit Friends 1 8EMEIA1 Ii I .-i -'IJ 0 lllUlllllT.-PAGlll P1-I 891'42r•21... . Jil iWii SAT ,.... .. , •••• ' .... ~AD •csaw•••• ' • • • ~S.oP•lo I Refr.i~retors . ~ ~•P ·reeien •· Auto-' metic W.,Jien • Dryer • Dishw .. hen • TY AllllNNAS · Diaf;os~lla • Ren9es · • To•aten •. lrJiis ' Grills f Mixers •_ V/•ffl Bekers ~ Roe~­ C.lnfor~or " ""ici"9 of your .elltertne • , en •· -Heafing Pads -~ Blenke:ts. • · • ,Prompt serviee by expert 'techniciens • Lo,,.. prices > . Tl DE TY ' Enjoy ; oUtdoor eating ! (,) [~'!• r,,~~) r<.~' ~ :<i~ Next Wednudayj ii tlie ..,:: AM-the call ~f the wide ~ spaces! Gather the png Ill ,_. "' Fourth of July (r.;.jepend· '"' qether and bead for your favorite picnic spot. And be aure·t.o ~' r eneeDay).Sa!ewaylloreo 0-:1 take alone plenty of good tbinp to eal Appetites IOal' in the .. s:.._,.( (will be cloaed all day. ~ creat outdoon.. Satiafy tbOM cravings with cood fooda from ~ 5ll0' fAll.Y fOl 111 llOl9AY Safeway. Dozens of picnic treat& await your 1election here. ~ \\ , ~ , ,, "'-.. Check the lieta below for i~. And note the low prices. --- , .. ,) t~ .. ~ ·~l ~!I V°J ' ==~:.-:."':':ii,;, 1-eh .... ··r.se £1!Gs· I.up CrUe " &3° """' """ ,,,,,, mouacalna yoa'll lind eollftlliendy · . 111 'Pl OakGleolraK 4ort1 ·Y11! I.oil .!;!"'~ '=· 3,. loc.lod Saleway "-.. tlae way hyaa-~bTOWplclllc-..,_ yjNllSIUI .'-,,_ -· 1,. ~ ,t. •d at priviP"I .....n ..... Stop ·-"""?.'./,,........ ::re.:::.·~~~= CUllti• Mii.l:=:i 2:: 21° Po~~~--2·~1,.J; Your nearby Safeway ftas a o••To JUICE _,, 11-er. • DeYilell 111111 ~~I ·= t,. ?' wiJ• assortment 'of picnic T l'IA ' Dawn _ Ju-Ctr1NBeefS1F-... -E ...... 1z-_. '2• • needs, at low prices. ,,..~":~:~~~:;:;,oy M•·•G~ ,=-:c:.: ~25° ~=~~: . ·~ ~r. ~w::::::=~::~o: pm• .. "01'1'tt :-1 ... 890 tOltg•Sprud ·-=-11· DIHl'ktlet ••• ,Mofvorino .... Spoodo .... Ar " -·-· ... 11 ... ( .. .: • .t ForTosty J-11:• l ipeOllves .•• GreenOliws •••• Sobl J_ _ UW ·-~ ._ '1 r~:::·:--~~i~~:~ CANE SUGfgc SMOB•:u· PIC •. Woxed Popo< •• ,. P?mlic TClb?e C?otho 54,... 450 1 ... 1-6. P•F* Nap?<;no ••••• Makhos MOUBl.'S PllDE-VISICING CASING P?ostkKnr.o .. F'wb,SpooN. ..• , . (2$-1~ ...... 2.221 ;~.:..'1...~"ti~~:'/.:l: BREAD M ... '1Vrigh1'1 Enrich<d White or Whw, S?iced. , MHf Ntlllt HI# Po111o [Wpsii::-ts .. !t.·~· .. 2s• hU twond'. Cl.oz. pko .. 35cl u-i.-..s..:WS Fluff-..... 27• ....,_ , .. , .. . Clllly ~~ .. :C:........"""" ....... •.-:· 1,. Roxbt.#V bf"crd. fJelly leanl:, Gum C>ops, ., 0.-SI-. I.... C.llo Bog, 25<; 5wedith Mints.. I •lb. 29c) Solll Crackers ::. !.,~· 16• Beef Slew Mo<lo. -IS\\r""• 35• ._ ___ __, V909tClbles .. E~cclJent 1liced cold • for picn.ie luncbea. Special low pricel IHll#llfM , leHir l•11• '.:" 10- 0r ... Jlke ~· '.:' 17• 1e1-11r Peu •:;:-1s• ~-llenles = •:;:-29- llAlll1At1116ll'S $/lft/AI. l#r Umi"' Tilff 06/yl SAVE UP TP 254" ~ regular pri ces · , Slow si.·1ce c,.. .... lie kt Crtll! ~'l':. .... 24c LUCERIE . FiESH ·i•li- NOW/ Two TJIPIS. , COIKlllU'IB JllrM-. rldl •-.,,., l ___ ,.. ,.,... .... __ _ boo.. ...... -....... ,,... ----"'-ridlr.-..Mlli•• -..a12 •• .-. ..,.54c -j -llllU •. I ·:t··-~ : , If< 4 .,,. .... -., ........ , ... . .. 20c '. -• I I . :::...:: 40c ~-.... ' MAYDAY NU MADE 5-LAQ OIL MAYONNAISE =:. 2g. . ::: ·57" ~ 37• -~ sac (r<gularlr. 4oc1 . ( ly, ~&) (rtgularly. 4!1cr (ttgululy, 83e) . . 111 liina a. Vclwd• .a,,,....~ -a.. ........ " n.'Wac-•~ (.,, • ' . , 'I ! • ' I I 1 I I . I ' I • 1 • • ' • ' - . . • I, -• • • • f • • ; • t • . -:BIG SILE-· DAYS! _· .. THµRS~·FRl.~SAT. & SUN. ! ,~ ~~NE 28-29·30 & JUL y ' 1 . . , -• GOlclen State ·: EVAPORATED 'MILK . '\.. . . 3J!3.5c / For s.tGcls ' & Fine Coolclnt WESSON OIL ·: 69~ '.:: ~ ) TMIS WllK'$ SPIC~. MILD TAIL.I CHIESE I JACK 'CHEE-~£ ... I ' 25&. I ' . ( 0 !. • CAN'Mli>i;1cM1Cs 51 $)99 lbs. I .. , G9LDEN. $TA TE-FIRST 9UALITY ·a 0 TTjER · I SUNSHINE IRISPY CRACKERS • l .5c . ' NATIOJfAL .. RANDS r fROltN FOODS ,.,... , . • IUYMOW ~MDJAYll ··~DS EYE * P.ICTSWEET * ' RRCH 49~ PEAS c:i~u.:. , Hio1JOC147~ ·CIT COU . ,.. · ~ .... 4~., ~ IEAIS 1=: '' COD ~· . POTATOES ,r;::.·:::: SUlllOST 9'~ COMClllTU11 'LEMONADE . \ ~~ • ~ )' _ \ • \ .... ·SING2f!. BEsr, 9UALITY-LONG EAiS . --------••• -. • ---. -. ---- - ' . . -~1!· 196f No. 21 CAN • ' -,; . LARGE RIPE 1or- ·. SELF . ' < .. ........... .. • !"'. • SWEit "SLICING" RECIAL· _ Cuts JO lbs. · 1bs. PER EAR . ,":\.-, lbs~· ( .SEUICE • • FlbH DllUIO . FRYING · RAB81TS Paik"' ROAST . Eastern Tenderized HAMS WHOLI 01 SHANJI HALF . S9~. ·lUER '9U'~ITY IACOI ' • • I OUI OWN FAMOUS MAKI PORK · SAUSAGE 391.. i PICNJC STTLr • I HILLSDALE. HALF SLICES . . ·011£1.- ss. 38 c ' Jb • PIN. EAP P:L E ·~. '' ' . LAURA SCUDD~R -S~LE! · · · · · . j !Int.·· . :9.!1~~1t ... MAY 0 N HA l ·S· E :B9r69e • Pl~ _p1E:CltUST -, . ~ . , ·MIX ~· , 2.~25c · ' . ., ' . " ~ . . MIRACLE SUDS ·-rREHD • ·,No-Rinse ' LAICil , , , ' •· ......... j ;-·· ' . -'SWift's Pure . , 1·• l.Unciieon Meat , " ~ ' :'·~ .. ·~:~REM··" :. '°"1 '~~ -' •. . , ; 4" < •. ' . . ' 1Z.OZ. -~.. ~. ·c . .... '.<, • • • • • • • • .. • I • PAOJI. • • -t'l, -'WIEN ... .., .... POft a rm»•• •••••-• . ' ' The Miqhiy Mldqet IA Advertimiq NEWS-~ -Every Tn...tay . NEWPORT BAY. POST-Wednesdays NEWPORT-BAEBOA PRFSS-Th~s · Newport Bu Pl.t Qwlfted ,\.dlr. Wt nm la •Gil !'ts I I •27 M ...... rs-er iM ftunllQ' Preee Klll1lltlJf AD 19 t LIND ' riled ... wt M pMd for oi.l...m ......._ ~ r.._u. • Llaell 1 Paper • • '711 " rm. ! Papen UiO • f Lias. S Papen !.00 Tbe publlahen WW not be rapomtbJe for mGN than one ID.colnct tnae:rt.Jon of an advertiM.ment. rNUV• the rtl'bt to correct>y c1ul:tty any and &D adl and to re.Ject any lldvertl.lemmt not confonnlJls to rulea and regulaUon.11. AdverUMment. and ca.ncellatlont will tM- zceepted up to 5 p.m. on the day p~ publleaUon. 'Pb. Bar. WI none Bar. 1111. uk for ""Ad T&k_... or -.cad ud IW!liU... to 1'"£wroRT llAJUIOB PUBU!ll!llNO 00. !Ill Balbae BIYd.., Newport a.a.. Odle......_ 1---P-A-.,JN--'.l_'_lN_G ___ , NURSE f~ child or elderly couple, 20 7oan -i.a.e. Good cook. Good ntt!rerlce. Prefer Barbo EARL $HEFLIN --. Write Mn. Belllqer, 2021 m .._ It.. OooCa - -. M.5'f·K - Alcollollca Anonymou Write P. O. Bo>< 206 Balboa laland, Collf. II:, Bay ......... Bal--3lp45 We aUll ban the rood njbber an .. We l)Tt a.ll GrMD Stam po' HAND IRPNING DONE Mn. Bates Harbor 2472...J .. 35pa7 Gunderson Drug Co. ------------117 ll&ln Btrtet HM'bilr.~16 Balbot. NEw' Fumiture Ap~ ""''' .,._ ......................... $411.!50 J:L BA YO pllJ'I-. Attrac. 2 bdml .vtew apt.1':700 ·1or July to Aue. . For app't to 81e.t', Call Kary · Dlekaon at Barbor 1013 or Bar· bor 1770. F.arl W. Stanley, Realtor 3113 Newport. Blvd., Newport Beach WANTED: SO planoa. Trode In your old piano on a Grand. Spfn.. el or beautttul television. Biib-1----------''-- eet cul. allowance. \erm.t. CORONA DEL KAR -!i-btdrm. DA~SClDW>T PIANO Co., houoe, ~1' Begonia, untumlah• co_r. Sth, 620 No: Ka~ s.n.ta ed. •Xe.pt stove A retrfprator. Classified Index 10 --Qui .. 12-Bulldhtf 8ervb.I • 1 ___ Pll_-_._JD_m_1>er1 __ 1_1Hata ____ 1 INTllRJOR -1llllTliluoll' WANTED -Guden and lawn work. or general work. By hour ar week. 2188 llyn.rn Dr .• Costa -a.a. 1911·3. 38p38 • • ". ' '1tl!(2 GIRLS "Bclnrinn bicycle, pracU· ca1J¥ new, .standard tl<e, '45. CoQIOleum rup. 9x12 .... .:.i. ..... $a..95 lnntnpring mattreu _ ...... .:-$24. 15 Uctlni.bed ChHt. -.. -.. ~.I~ up Ana. One-year leaee. f80 mo., elec- tricity paid. See ownera, rear. 37p31 COME IN and play the: wonder- . tuJ new Hammond Cbord Organ. 11 Bnlldln.r Ma.UriaJs 1 i Bulldlns Service. 14 Peno.aala 15 Share Your Ou- 18 Tramportatlon 11 Rooftm,1' Contract.on JI BMlity'AJda . JI l lpho .. tertnr !O Bea.JU. AJds %! Lo.t and Found !4 Schools. lD~troctlon !8 Sltuatiou W...ited !9 Ht!lp Want~ 308ale, ~ua s~A swa.,. JO..B Appllant:H 11 Waat.ed to Buy n FuTllftun for Sale J?-A. AatlqUH JS 1'oah. Suppllftl S.f Mwdeal, Radio &5 Dop. Cata. Peta 36 Poultry, Babbin J"I Livestock S8 SpeelN Anaounemteat '6 Bnatw Oppo-.;:tunJU.. 41 StorN aad Ofrtees 4! Waated "\Real PAINTING LICENSJ:D -INStJJmD Glenn Johnston llOl • not st. NewjM~ --r 2217.J - REP AIRING and PAINTING Rfouonable.1 Large or 1m&I1 jobl. Free ertlmatea. W&lker, 108 18th St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2681-R HAULING Any kind, trash or! W ALICER, 108-18th St., Newport. H. 2Ml-R DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor . Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 84()8.. W 11tfc 15--Share YOW' <Jar WANTED -Ride to ' Anaheim Monday thru Friday. Harbor 078$-J. 3!!01 J'lnley,. Newport ,Beacb. 38p40 . School • Instrudion TUTORING llOUSB:CLm.A.NINO ~ted by WeelC" oida, 2015 JC. Oceut Blvd., the hour. Have own transport&-Balboa. 3ep38 tton. Pb: Bea. 8048-Jlt. 38p39 ------~----- REFRIGERATOR -Apt. ·-i"rtg:lda.J.N, t cu. ft. Clean. Runa JOOd. Reuonable. lStl E. Bal- boa Blvd.. Balboa. Har. 3811-W. 3k3ll ' YOUNG MEN -Hieb 1ehoot or Elementary grade teacher With 4 - yr. Bachelqr ot Science d•gTff will tutor up to fouT atudeata part or all or the aummer. Ph. Beacon 637S-R. 37ct2 collep craduate..._Ea.rn up to $100 per week alliDI' televialon and appUance• tn ud around Complet:e tnst&llatlon., repair and aernc, ~t all trailer equipment. ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. Violin Lessons Public achoo1 music teacher hu opening for a few violin pupllL Have two violirts av&lla.ble for at•dent uae. Ph. BeL 6376-R. 37«2 EXCELLENT COOK A nurM - Mgr. bouaeku~r tor one or two adult.a. Referihce.s. Pleue write Box H2, thil paper. S8pf0 ' the Harbor &nL An excellent Costa Me-. Phone Beacon 8224.-R opportunity for door to • dodr WOOD PLANm. $100 Wlll 11elllnr. Repruentinr well Mtab-bandle up to 8"K24" ~aterl&J. lli&hed. Coit& M:eaa firm. CaJI In cood repair, 220-volt. Har. Mr. Geddu, Be&con 5737. 38c41 234!> or CApltol &~91 we-ek day1. EXPERIENCED FRY COOK, wo-- man preterred-wtll t&ke man. ALSO experW!oed waltrea, hlgb tcllool girt or coll•ce girl Apply at . the' G&lley-B&lbo& Y&cht Butn. 701 Bayatde Drl•e. INo phone c.U..) 37c39 38c40 MURPHY untt .a. 2 gu bumera, •lnk. electric re.trlgerator, •tor· a.p cabinet, complete. new, never uncrated. "'5(). Write. Box 12. thi. peper. 38p40 APRICOTS Dale's Furniture NEW LOCATION 1874 Harbor Blvd. Cott& -Bea<oJ1. 8637 .J GOQD kitchen atove, ,115, ateel Ice box. 410, 3807 L&Ae A•e.,'New·· port Beach. 38p39 I Chrysler Engines Used Cr9wns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft · Even lf you don..'t know a note ot mualc you c&11 play Mautitul mual.:: in ten J'Dinutu. DAN7r 8CHMIDT Bia" Plano and OrgaJi Co .• &20 No. Malit, 8&.nta Ana. USED PIANOS bom $69 up. Good playing cond1t1on. t>ANZ- SCHMIDT. &:IO No. Main, Santo Ana, cor. 8th. RE!\'T .A PIA.NO $5 per month.. All rent allowed if you buy-with· in terms. DANZ·SC'HMIDT, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. , GRE.AT. · pl&no sale. 37th year. Read theee prlceti. Never befoi:e have we bad such bargatna. Spinetti, •ome ·new, eome ·used, priced trom ,295, $83~. $387. Grandt from $395. Almost · 100 pianos from which to chooee . Special eu:y teQn&. DANZ:- SCHMIDT big piano atore, a20 No. M.ain . cor. 6th, .Sant& AnL Summer Reservations Udo ble Bay Front untt.L 1 llDd 2 ~ $70 week up. B&rbor "5%, evea.. Har. 2914-M.. l Ttfe 2 BDRM u.ntumiahed bouae, year-' ly rent.&I. 586 mo. ~ • 38th St., Newport Beach. 31c40 BAY FRONT home · tor July - .4 bd.nn, pier • private beach. $7!!0, BAY &: BEACH Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 35c37 USE OF Peninlul& Polnt beach, swim ln bay or ocean-only 1 blk. No. 1!.....3 bedroom lower. No. 2-2 bed.room .upper duplex. Nicely turn. July, Aug., Sept. ' 1532 Miramar. Balboa. Harbor <Ml 2~ W 19tte GET RID OF ALL ANTS 6: aand f1eu permanently with on~ application -Free estimate, Harbor 0589-J. 38p40 COJilPl.&'nl BOtJDI CLL\.NINO ~-----------REFINED achool girl will care for BONUS WAGES for engine and turret lathe machlni.st. 9~0 Cot.It Highway, Newport Bch. 36p38 We specialize in tree ripened ROYAL APRICOTS 8~ COAST HrQHWAY NEWPORT Bl!:ACH PH. BEACON &771 37th GRE.'\. T PIANO SALE, Mag· nificent all electric organ. Cue •llghUy damaged in shipment. Will sacrifice. Thi.JI happens but once ln a life time. DAof\-Z. SCHMIDT, 8&.nta Ana, &20 No. M&in. NEW 3 bdrm tu.rn. ruide.nce bl Clltt Haven, include.1 TV, radio, automatic wu.her. new stove A re.f rig. Hu tenced yard. Le&M by year, $12:; pe.r mo. ""10L l"llndtun &Dd ..,_ WILL DO th t k children during aumrner vaca-._. a wor you tlon. Rea.aont.ble rate9 by tbe •bampooed. rr.. -'1m•t• want do J k f all ne -ac O -week or month. Can live 1n.. Ref-~ inal:red. trades-.maintenance work. erencea. Ph. Hu. 0297 -w 38p39 '.Al's Ho~.& Rug Have toola and mixers for LICENSICD SKIPPER FOR EX· CURalON BOAT. PHONE Har. 8. S7c38 for home caMing 25 lb. baga a.nd 5 lb. buketa Hillside Orchard Htfc ------------OSED.120 baa Wurlitzer accor- PAlR R . A L. P1apblp 90 h. P· · dion. Slef'l reeds, $75. Call Har. Call Fre.d Barker, Beacon :i785. or Beacon 6939-J. Hc31 Cleaning Co. IUIY job. ODD JOBS, cup<nter work, etc. eaµ BILL Beacon "'51·W By hour or day. Har. Ol2S-.1. B'' ccm tlll ntfc u-s-38p3t COMPTOMETlllR. OPERA TORS--between. 22nd and 23rd , on TUltln, ea.ta Mesa engines with reduc. ge&r, SOu750t·· 1148-W night.A, Har 2574.-M day1 J"ac!ory apprqved Johnp 3!Stt board. RENTALS JOHN D. BURNHAll 507 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free eatlmatea Ph. Har SM :;14 ·29th St. Newport Beach 38c51 UN the NeW"I ·nm-. Post and Prell comblna.-- Uon with O'VU 21,~ dr- cul&tloa. Many a blf deal hu been maac thru a miall Want Ad 4th" Broadway • IF YOU WANT EXPERT HJ:Ll', I am a fine cook, all a.round m&ld, will helft with childru. Best reterence.1. Wac•s. $60 JJ'our experienced nMd imme- dlat.ely for aeUOAal work. Apply to Pe.-.oane! Departmen~ Cow>· ty ot Oranl"e, 6M ~orth Broad· way, San.ta An&. , 38c40 week. Permanent. Write P . 0 .. W A.NT'ED -Part tlrne bookkee~ Box ee.6, Metro 1t&Uoc., Loll er--HCf'e.tary, Mee& 1buttt, BeL Angele• M . 37p3t 6171. sac.o Santa Ana WARllNG 1 Against ~igll Prices is not new at Pringles. Maintaining Io w prices has always been our policy. Here are but a few of the many money saving values off e red to Our Orange Co. Customers. •• ·PBICES EFFECTIVE. Than., Fri., Sat. and 8wa. OPEN 9 A. ~-'l'ILL 10 ~· JI. • SUN., NOON tD 8:50 P. 11. • WE BESEBVE BIGHT TO LOOT QUANTrltt.8. LILLY INSULIN •• «J \1&1 -48 an.lb pet cc Reg. $1.48 At Pri11gles 09 ,,_ Dtopemer wllll JERGEN'S LOTION Reg. $1.00 size At Pringlea At Pringlu , .. Bettle el 100 ANACIN TABLETS Reg. 98c value , At Pringles WOODBURY • CREAM Reg. 69c value ·At .Pringle• ·--N • R ~: TAN•IS • • STERILE COTTbN . . Reg. 59c • SIZe 4oL At Pringles . c · MO DART Cw SlilllllpOO Reg. 87e velue At Pringlea 1"' • .., _.., 1 .. - CAITal'·unu UVEI PIW: Reg. 8kvelue • MINERAL OIL 16 oz. ~•9.· ~lie val. At Pringles lloir of 1' CUTEX EMERY IOARDS Reg. I Oc velue At" Pringln a tor • c c ' 38ttc m..EC. c&binet -~ mac::hi:ne, Kayalc, elet. Hawaiian cuttar SALES a, SERVICE South Coast Co. • Ne.wport Beach llUc and ampl(fler, auto re.cord I------------ }>1ayer, vendlnJ machine•, mlac. Ph. Bea. 6493-J. 38c4.0 St-Wan~ tD B!II MA,.!~~y l~Pri1::1 Mll. can Harbor OGT'-J eveL IUld week.ad.a. ~p38 !&-Po~ Babbit. CORNISH Crou red fryen wbolea.Je 3ec lb. (t-500) .• Large at&rted turk:eya, $2.50 ca. Geae $3 to $5. Baby ducks, 45<: up. G75 W. WU.On, Calta Mesa. 37c39 SU>qo(ER OR YEAR'S LEASE-- Ocean °"lie'f, ~ blk trom beach. Comfortably tum. lge. Uv. rm, fireplace, ' bdrm.I, 1 % balhl. garage, tenced yard. ~ blk to buL Owner, 22' • <8th. Newport Beach. 'Harbor. 08<i·W. S7c0 w ANT 4-t cu. n. e.lec. retrtge.ra· tor In rood condition.. Phone Harbor 14.59. S7c39 ------~.---U--StDres and Of&es SEA BOOKS ----------A'!TRACTIVE new apt., untur. &. a.n. ltock ot boob Oil au ,.at-ATrRACTIVE well located Bal-·1 blk. to city ball. Adults, yea.r- 1.q .ubject.9--Plus an eurrmt boa oftlce tor lawyer, account· ly r-ent&L 501 '"' 34lh St., corner boob, lAndlb&' .llbru'J'. ·ant. inmrance, buiJ.der, archl• of Finley. Har. 25-29-W. 38c40 teet. etc. 507 E. B&lbo& Blvd, 1------------ftMallll come from COMt&nt Pr&cUce! An ad recuJarly tn tbl• paper will produce reaultl for you. • BARGAINS . Euy Spln Drye.r wuher •..... S69.9!> PHILCO e cu. n.-Xlnt. mecb.e.nl- c&l COD.dUon ·-·--·--······-···•94..50 Handy !lot portable wuber, good condition, ideal tor apt. -.. Jl9.9S Hotpolnt wrtnrer type wuh1ng machine, exce.ll. cond. -.... $49.95 Ranp and ref'r1gerator combina- tion_ a..ll e.lectrlc ·-······--·-'119. Keep tn touch with \18 for rood buya tn TV set.I traded tn- EASY TERMS ARRANGED DA VIS-BROWN Co. 118& HARBOR BLVD. C09:1' A MESA Ph. BeL 8821 The Isla'lders Balbot.. Harber 1607. 2•ttc nf Karine, Balboa IL Bar 1M7 SNOWBIRD in COOd condition- needa" paint, $130. Inquire at 220 Diamond, Balboa Ialand. 37c39 SNACK BAR • RESTAURANT LOCATION -Will remodel. 500 W, Balboa Blvd. Call G. B. Bar- nard, Harbor 1450. . "37p39 Unp. $200. 221 CTy•lal A""" . ~ I) IN) DINGHY, like new. Bra99 fit.@)i • ti Bllbe• 1a1and: 37p39 II""'".,..-; •rel»lem GOOD.BUYS IN SMALL BOATS SlJLBOATS 20 tt.. aux. aloop, xlnt. coo. 2 .Wta of sa.lls. •eepa: ,2. ···-··-·······$1400 22 ft. •loop ell mtlloplly, good "11e, aleepo 2 ....... _. ,_.c$1500 23 ft. Albatrou, :xlnt raclnl' re.cord .......... -... -...... -... --· ......... $117& 24 ft. aux. eJoop, very good con-- <11t1on, new ..na, .ieepa 3 $1860 ;~:CL4iSi1JllEI> 4S-A~ta °'! HonaM RENTAL {. • SPECIALISTS can -Crtl&' Liriwood Vick, Rltor. &Ibo& 1111nA Har. JOO UcM 25 ft. aux. aloop, very good con-PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. cott&gea. dlUon, aleepe 2 -·-··-···· .. --$1860 On Colline Island POWER BOATs • Each apL hu water tronJa&'e. BALBOa ISLAND Rowte8 and Apt.I .. yearly or -... aon&l. See Gall Camey, wttb . NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 3<M Martne, Balboa lll. '11a.r. 502 llltfo DUPLEX -2 bdrm•. u.ntum. 311 · Broadway, Cost& Meaa, Bea.con 529<-M. 38c31 LIDO ISLE U you want a rent.al on lovely I..IDO ISLE Re UI. Seyeral good bomea available. AlAO apar~ merit. by week or month. P.A. PALMER INOORl'ORA TED 3333 Via.Lido Harber 1500 • 1euo RESIDENCE -'BetutltuUy turn. 3 bdrm•, auto W&&her, pr&Je. $120 mo., year round.. 4010 River Ave., Newport Bea.ch. Ha.rbor 2<M2-M:. Mtte' SEDR<X>M S!:I' with double bed, dkYeripo~. •tncie maple bed. 111 Via Ju.car, Udo Iale.. Ph. Harbor 2101.J. ascto 14 ft. launch. 1$ hp G..-.y, new ::::· ~..::S~t=~~~~~~'. cenvu co•••. gooc1 con4. $6150 27p39 BALBOA ISLAND, by year 15 .tt.. runabout. 6 hp outboard 1------------am.all apt. 1 peraon or e.mploye.d DOUBLE tnnenp_rlnr ma~ -.-........ -·-·-·-······--·-·-····--'800 roRNI8BED " bachelor apt. Prl· couple. u 2.x.;r mo. on lean.. coU mprlnp. Clean and ln •-lS n. ~bout. hopped up jttp vate entrance 'and bath. Yea,rly tJ condition, both for $10. Pbon• motor, 40 mph ----····-······-$700· or sum.mer. INQUDlE ·at 415 Al90tll~e"r apt, . .3--wmmer Bea. 8714-W after 6 p.m. 38c39 , Pom.ettJ.a, Coron.a del Mar. July, S75 wk., Aul', $l00 wk. E!J.EEN B. RICHARDSON 37p39 , BOTPOJNT Electric ,....ce.. cltep RiciHARnsoN'S B&Jllde Dr. Very nlce 'k blk. to So. Bay. wtll, almo.t new. MahC>pny TA.CRT ANCHORAGZ Kie. Mt WANT ~ or eouple to lh&nl _B_ar_. _Zl28-__ x. ______ 31_c_<S 41ne.tte .et. 4 upholstered cb:&1n. JDI)' • new lk>me. 1 cldld. o. IC. "31& Iris, eoro .. de! Mar. 37P39 Boat oltDera and mechanica or will rant ·room. 1n Coat& 4. ?OR YOUR Kua. Ph.' Beacon "'53·¥. 37c3ll Jack's Furniture SNAP-ON TOOI:S. n.u.ooA nu.u.-n summer ,,,.w We Buy Sell or Trade · j oau JOHN JOVBI,., 1 • ' bdrm -... wtth -ar ' • l 7U K1rul&r Balboa Allboat .A ptddli board. llSOG Wut Btlflo& Blvd, Pb<iDo ~ loST·R • Harbor 2302-R. S3P3I j ,. '2e8l1f c!onoNA Dl:L .KAR -1· a, 2 KA "II'?" --435 Week a, up. DBL. DliXi'ER WASHING • lg.fr. ROW BOAT llld ~ ALe0 2 •l>dnn unlllrn., y..,.ly , CH1NB. perfect condlUoa. Deep ·~ ..ie· or will ex•unp tor natal. p~ Harbor t52o-3. · _, "" o1dlo bot -1"". ~ llOl • MUI et:, N-· t &aptO 1111•1 WMt am I ott...ciT Kin • pOct. llln.a. lkr ,_w, llIHO · 1'1.~ Har. JIN. i!kJI · ·,. \ · BllDROOK .OR· 'lUl:NT In eo.... -'--~--·~-....... ....._, 'l"lllWK!Ott .,rt ftll>or, • It 11 -~ Mar .... wj) -my ~~ ~ ... :~~euW: Jnclu. 371 Avocado. Colta Mesa. Bea. 5390-J f:VH or SK. $:i2().. W clap. 38c<O Nll:W 1 BDRlCAl'l', '40 wk for fuly -View, nn.r bay. 4.33 Acacia, Corona de! Mar. 38c<O CORONA DEL KAR -l'llrn. 2 bdrm apt. Above pr, new, quiet, comforteble. July a, Au~. · '200 mo. J bllt8. &bo•• btataway. eoo :Harlpd, Coran& cleJ Kar. .. 0 J>11ILCO ltl:J1UG!ll\ATOR-ht ~ ...,_ --J -· ~.Co lod;f at good clMlncler • a Uljl -I , ""-ft., ltao a W. ~ plll\r. 'lie. Uk, ---da71 Ku--.?D-W .-m COSTA JD:llA. -!!ttrb' .....; !up. fi'11ior ebett, al! JtMI Jlaipla._-.......,.. lr8r. ~ w.i', m.n • llf'O JcMIT 2 bdlm·...i den,-.... Uthie &ad a cmplr fOf' ......... 11a11 .,..... · _.. · 1 . JaO ft.-!tome. -. tlttt. St. wi -A.lit It )>u a aloo 1111 LOftL:f;;; 1•rl 1lldnfi,t._1 ~ 1c111al. A'!fl Ja!T L .,.. .. eldDer ... ,,n,. 'I Oft• .&U,, Tl'JiW el ~ wt 't ~'9 CDl&a·,,_. .. Die. d:IAii Dtpr, ...,._,, ....,_ It II~-~ .... ,w I.lb -""'""·-w. ~ · ~ &•Ita. • ptla.-0.. 41&.IDd -Mat. tll:4-...,_ ....,_.at '10-N --'Jl1 U. .......... A. .... CMla 1 t.T' 1Cft. Bir.,_....,...,.._ . to.111 ~ s:ar P!· IUL- 1 ... -• ' -. .... ~ • • .. --1. A. ... .._,-· .. ~ -:.~ ~~ ... -iiijliif aiPdT ....... ii• ...... ,· 4'Josl ..... ,, ~ .. ti . -~ Riii\ ._..-. ---e :-....... ltJ ............... :..:.. --~ ..... iilltd• ...... ~ .• :";"' .-i:.: :·-' . .,,-. ""· ~ ..... ..,.. ..... . . ~ ....... -. httz-e .,, .......... .. ·• .... --........... i i 1 ~' • • • /• , 1 I 1 • • • • ' I • BUNCHE A. GATES, Realtor L. C •• JONES . l. MARTll'.l 311 Marine Ave., Balboa 1sland Ph. Bar. 1671 or 11112 Evee. Barbor 7(6.M BALBOA ISLAND • • IF YOU DES~ A HOME-CONDUCIVE TO COMPLETE RELAXATION IN A CHARMING ATMOSPHERE OF SDIPLIClTY-TmS IS IT! 2 B. R., 1 Bath Houae, 3 B. R., 2 Bath Apt. Both in Perfect Tute, Choice Location. Exceptional Income, Low Price. CALL US FOR DETAil..S. BLANCHE A. GATES-REALTpR • • Omta~ Tiie .. 'fo•11 -l!lartl SPl:CULA1.'0ll8 ' ,... :Notice! PIUCll ~ ftlOM '11,00I TO m.ooo -Ooi• "' u.e - ----• Colla Mo.. Wllll a t bdrm - Very nice & f yrs. old t bdrm ll<ltM, not rar ft<m> 111- port Blvd.. on %: acre-- Price $7500 Juat a Pretty Good 1 bdrm home on blg lot-44,900 $650 Down We haven't the Key to the City Pretty as A Picture AN OLD HOME BUT GOOD aU'T W1i RA VE THE KEY to one • of Balboa lala.nd'a ttneat homa A modem and .-p&etous .A bdrm. I-bath home with o•er 2000 aq. tL of comfortable llvtng. Well turnlahed. In rattan It modem turnllv.De. Priced far bf-low ,... plaeement coet at $23,000. It.op ta and we'll Mow it to JOU. Island Realty Co. PARK AT AGATE Balbo& ltland Harbor S77 -W J'OR SALE BY OWNER -Opu Sat. • SW\. New &-rm. boUM on 1 acre of land. $M50, $3300 down. 16" Placentia, Coit.a Mesa Beacon 6'"9-W 36pf l • 1ve. Here We Go THE NEW 1951 HENRY J at thla ATTRACTIVE PRICE $1498.92 ' 'l1l:e Faah.Joft Academy•• Gold medal Award wtnn~r for 19~1 • , , the an.eatiionaJ. new Henry J . , . la YOURS for only $14tl..92 deli•ered here! Th• Henry J , a btc ta.mlly-siud .e- dan., wc::>n tta d lvWion l.n the MObllgu Economy Run. Teat the Henry J today ••• for llTYLE! for ECONOMY! tot PERFORMANCE! few COMJ'ORT! tor SAFETY! T'he Henry J • he-re for-only dPliVf'ted S1498.9Z-at WILLYS CROSLEY 506 E. FIRST 8anta Ana KI 3-9688 I BDRM HOME on % acre In Good location abov. the back b&y. SWTOunded wit,h flowers. 18 loaded ft1llt u.o,. ..,. ,.... d~. p&Uo and llathhouee. ~U fenced. tu bllfattn.& at the seams With nowe.tt It wgetablN HOUH: and garage an wf'll lliullt (llHl) and hM bwd. floora, tir. pbce and din. rm. Really an out.at.anding place and a WOftder· tu! buy at .10,llOO. ' Newport Heights S..uUtully built t bdrm home. Hu nreopla«, bwd. floorl, lo•e- ly ~tlo. Very attncttn, $10,711(). Newport Heights Nice 2 bdrm borne. 31,s yeani old. Hwd. floor•. dbl. pr., excel. lo- cation, '89~. Newport Heights Brand new S bdnn borne. l'l&f· atoM fireplace, hwd. t1oor1. lot.I ot plate glus. patio. Bat of construction, Sll,9M>. Beacon Hill Realty 4$8 Newport Blvd. fnear Arc.bet) Phone BHcon 6713-R THE PRESS THE NEWS-TIMES THE POST Orange Count'i's Outstanding Real Estate Advertising Medium 61-Real Elltate Exchange CHAIUUNG income and home completely turnbhe.d. Idea.I for person &Jone-or .everat famllla . 3 and 2 bedroom dupli!.X and $ rm. home. Always rented. One leased. 1 blk to bay A ocean. $1!5,000 cash p1ua vacant or lm· prOved property. B&lance 10&1\. Owner, 1~2 Mil"l..ll'lar. Harbor 0812-W. (Courtesy to broken). lttf• WANT MONROVIA! Have three bdrm. home, patio, BBQ A gunt ho09e on 6 acrea. Sult for avo- cados or aubdivlaibn. WA.NT Harbor are&-Income or ? 637 Clover-leaf Dr., Monrovia. 37p39 '$0 CHEV. 2-door dr luxe ffdan 55--Moaey to Loan oftly MOO m llel, pet'fect condt-1 :.::......==~:;:..:=~---­ t.ioll. Save money trom private Owne?', $1675. Ph. Har. 2404. 32Uc SACRIFICE MUST SELL 1960 STIJDEBAK· ltR c6NVERTIBLE. Call Ha.r-- bor 1755-R. 36p38 1.Ht STUDEBAKER Champion. re,.U club cpe. Radio. good con· dlllon. '800. Private po.rty, Har. 0505-R. 31~39 • ·~ ' • ' l Bl:DROOM8 on l!:ut Side, .,.ry good diatrlct. Price $8500, $1600 down. Bl"at\d new 3 bdrm" home Price $11,300 • $2900 Dn. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & "->elate& 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. ..,h. Bea. 5181 Newport Hgts. Income Specials rtJR.N. I bdrm hOltle and 1 bdrm apt-Income 112'5. All bond1 pd. Full Price $9450 Tenn. to tu.It you Roomy Older Duplex Exeell~nt condt-lncom.t SU&. 2 bdrm each. Would make wonder- fUl 4-S bdrm home .for la.rp t&m.Jly, Hu p.r. witb oceap. view, sundeek and patio, Only $9750 B. A. NERESON OPEN l!:Vl!:NlNGS MRA A: Npt. Harbor !.fu ltlple-llitlnl" RuJtor 1982 Nev.1>0rt Blvd., Coat& Me• Phone Beacon 5225 Balboa Peninsula Point Authentic Cape Cod Home 2121 Ocean Blvd. Open Sat. & Sun., 2-6 or by appointment Two 1tory, 1 year old, appros.. 3200 aq. n. Two bd.rma a.nd b&t.h dawnataln. 1 bdrm, den and bath Uplt.ain. Sundeck 30&30, permanent view. Larp Uvtnr room. fireplace. ru.tl am dlft· ln,-rm. Gorgeoua k itchen and nook. Oak f1oon, foreed air heat, weathe.r-alripPf'd wtndowa. Contractor'• home, extru ga- lon. Priced to aeU quickly. Wm. E. Angold, Rltr. 515 J:. ll&lboa Blvd. Balboa Phone Harbor 1238--W , SEE THESE! Duplex near bay, I bdrm down, 3 bdrm. up, very nice ____ $2~,000 2 bdrm home plut gv. apt and bechelor apt. near bay. XA.KE OFFER. On oeun front. 3 bdrm, 2 bl.UY, rum., lot 35x100 -·········---518.~ Attrac. l yr. old 3 bdrm home, nea.t and Colortul, near bay _ .. _,_ ............ -......... -........ 16,000 S bdrm bouae tum., 2 loU, 100 ft. trom. bay, alao moortnc s21,ooo 'BAY A BEACH Realty UM Balbo& Blvd. Harl>or UM :saar ' • • • • SPECIAL SAI.E u.ting Ia No. 1781 . • , A. pe6th of a lod.tlon at the earner 611 A\ooCada aJld •th, CDW. afforda ~ to the Oceian, and protlmity to Cota llwy. Ideal for home It mcome. •Jlere -.. • ...._ •• %D ~and apctmmt, wtMft 1 ... 1'7 room 1a aa ""'i-room'. Th• n..., ......., Lanai. .....,_. WI ll&th ab caa be entered 1r<>m 111o ~. ,...., patio. . • . Tbere an two bedrooma tn tbe bouM. and a.a atn ..,._ ........ Oil th• .-flo« wbleh .... be -wttla tho hOUM, or to 1Upplemfllt the -----t thot 11 over the P.f'&I'& • .N•w Lido Liating 1-... I' II. t -boene. 11111 -· t.e ....... ,._ OWll -h· 119. Im,, ~ Ult h~~--Jlfl· wt.t' PMio. Pi1e.e -tllo ... -at< •10.'119. 11187 - I " -I . Balboa Penn. N'-17 new lllOClem I llarm.1- ll<lna. eor. Joca.. Jarp ~tlo. Thia b-• bu -« -tMlllnelUoll .. ~­til llv. rm a. di. rm., trpl• .• wilt ... " Olltotandlns ~ " wa11 _ ..... .\lwn, -thru out. Jars• Wn deck. YCN !JIUOI oee Ullo' de\laf>ttul -·· 01,500. . . ' llmtl: IT, -PMlll T .. ll&WIUM ll&T -• •u•m ~--•·•· a ••'!•ta• : , .,. • . .'r'I !W ____ _ -I ' BAT.BOA ~UPUOX llP.waiua ~ ~ -l'1lt ...... '*. -..iL One tft Wtm and -SIMA.....,.. I-car ...................... ooot -of Illa 11.orbot -tilt fUl4' ---. TS-ft. froDUp. • PRlCl:I> 'l'O llllU. at "9.M>i>. . BALBOA _ ISLAND INCOME '. ·--2 bdi'm.llomt -!!eautttul patio 'PLUI I -apt onr -· &.th eompletclY t11n11•ed..11Mr apt Nn.ted Jut •a-tor more than llfOO,. . '8080 -. pymta. •1110 mo. -thla lo Illa boat lncoalo buJ -·" had tor mr>111Ju. ~ price ta '22.llOO. • BAY SHORES ' , . Brand aew 2 bdrm. dret.m home. lhakt rooL ftlldlton.t trout and ttftptace. Thi• •• 70U'll low! 412,780. The turniAhed price la only Sl 7 ,MO. Can al.lo be pun:hued on a partly furniahed hula. P0He11ion of bowie July l,ot. . · · Bav Shores · tt. n:R.8T Tildi OPTERED .. One of U,. ft.ne.t.. I bdn:n homet on ' W. A. TOBIAS Sal ea Good Termo. EDNA CR.Am ftmrlalo Call for appointment. J. A. BEEK Office Balboa laland Ferry Harbor 63 Balboa Ialand NON·VETS BEFORE YOU BUY -Be 1ure to ln8pect &nd Compare thee8 beautiful, new 3 bdrm homea! F. H. A. B.uilt AND Financed Minimum down IJld monthly paymenta u low u $53 (PlUI lmpoundA) Born• of tht maa.7 delt.rablt feature• a.re : Mauivt brick tireplacea A plant.er boiea Dbl. Gara.c.ea Hardwood nOoH Tiled Kitchen.a A Batb.a Lawns. Shruba • Tretia Wide Lou CM rt.) Wa.rdrobe CJoett.I Covered Patio • PorchM Immediatt O«UJlllAC,. to flualltled buyer•~ -IDEAL LOCATION - Newport Blvd. It 22nd St., Costa Mesa Broker Cooperation Invited Jll W. Pt:l IIT, Realtor Ph. Beacon 859i-W Peaches 'n Cream INC. D. M - ,,. tree and ~n1e•, tool 1 ~ loll, a.2 r.one. Excellent location. 2 bdrm home. Hwd. !Joort. Dining ~m. Tiled KJteh<ll. l>Mdy Pat.So. ............... OUJt ADTICll: •ttet JIUnyl k'rte. lo ricl>tl tio:.'t lie .....,.i ANDRESEN CO., Realtor!! Cout Bl-rd. cm-a del Mu Har-l!IM VOGEL VAL~ in Corona del Mar 2 BDRM HOME., rertnlabed tnelde and out. Larg'l!!i Uvtnc rm., tire- ptace, hwd. floors, dLnlnr nri. _;:::;._=-------- entrance from hall to cement paUo, barl><eu•. Lil• In ldW.en ONLY AT and bath, large cloeeU, venetian bU..de throughouL spr1nk11nr Corona Highlands syltem, ,ya.rd tenced. Gue.tt rm on ..... , ot lot, p>d neisftbor-r' Ocean view hood. Price Only $11,975 A Real Buy L&r11 2 bdrm born• on .f.&.zl.18 lot. clooi to lhopplnf center. nttplace, hwd. noon, turnace heat. venUan blind.a throughout. Larg-e dialnc rm. lS' We aink, Larp cw.eta, HrYtce porch, •· closed yard, cemet covef'lid pa.t.io, 2..ear garage with •how .. er. Walka, d.r')'1ng yard. A real home, reducrd $1900 for quick ...... Price Only $12,000 Euy te...... ...... p,aoo wtD bandle. Seo thla to4.ay. r' llO ft. or more frontagoe r' All uWiti .. (no 11H1• mental r Convenient location r' Overlooking Newport Harbor r' Private beach r' Plj.ICED TO SELL ONLY A FEW HOMESITES LEFT MODEL HOMES TO SHOW TR.ACT OFl'ICE at L&guu edge of Co~na del Mar Phone Harbor 41 i-J • B&)'Ofde Drive. 2 batha, larf• ' l'OOIM, loftl7 patio, l)etlutll\llly tutnlahed. 1t you are Jooktnr tor a home wtth cha.rm It livability, l•t-ut slli>W thla property to '/ou. Price Sh.&00. tum. Ranch 20 acre.-12 tn perm. puture, •llundant cheap wattr, pi'Ope.rty plped fot": lnigaUon. Three houaea. good barn, equipment tor 1:5.000 chlckena. Will sell or conlider part trade tor Sant& Ana ar Newport Beach prop· ert7. Prlc• U-0,000. ORl!lENLEAF le ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 11U N-rt Blvd., ~r 2M2 In Corona del Mar for: a Choice Selection Lota Homee Income Property Buainesa Opportuniti .. BEE Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1523 Cout Blvd .. COM: Harbor 2766 $1850 DOWN LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Ma.rlne Ave., Balboa JA!and HarbOr 2612 Y.ou've Looked at the Rest' Now See the Best ·IN G.l 4 %· FINANCED HOMF.S They're well bullt lttl'actlv• 3 bdrm bomu Cm la.re• Sota in beautiful Cliff Haven.. . , We .ugge•t you \lie your O. I. pri\lilqt NOW wtl119 pruutt low down payment and euy terflU ..,.. 1tiD available. JU11t ·a few left &Od when they are fOl'I..._ THERE WILL BE NO MORE ' at these low prices Call Fred Barker Beacon '5196 or Beacon 8l}30.J OR DRIVE TO THE EARL W. STANLEY Office, l.llth & Irvine ( Oppooite High School) BALBOA ISLAND Carefree, natural redwood home on "Little llltnd" $pacioua living rm with fireplace and fumace heat. All electric kitchen, 3 hdrma, l >,1 batha. Lge. p&tlO, l<!parate •hower &nd dreQing room for bathen. U11able garage. ALL FOR Otily $15,900, terms STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 218 MARINE, BALBOA ISLA.~D Barbor 20 ·G. t. RESALE -A very nice 2 ____________ .....:. _________ _ bdrm home. Excellent location. aatracUve and well buUt. 2--ca.r garage. 3 )'f'1. old. Payment. a.re only $61 illcludlnl t.axea • inl. BRAND NEW rB.A Built -I bdrm hom·e with Individuality and Individually bullL Very a.ttra.ctiYe. Top Joe&· Uon.. Fireplac.. bW'CL, 2...car p.r. Y ou'D be Cl'UJ' .altout UU. hmne ! Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denis9n G. T. Everson 'to Mevrport: B!"Yd. Colt& MUI Ph. Bu. 6898 or BeL Msa-J REAL VALUF.S! • BALBOA ISLAND ATTRACTIVE, WELL PLANNED COLONIAL- 4 bdrms, 2 batha, ample otorage ep&e&-nice patio, outaide bather'a ehower and dreaaing rm, dou~ gar., excellent location. Cloee to fine beach ud convenient to ehopplng district. PRICE $23,9ll0, tent18 .. W. W. SANFORD, Realtor ' Park Ave. at Marine Balboa .laland Har. 2432 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ FOR SALE IN CORONA DEL MAR - 2 bedroom home an '5-toot lot; dHL pr;· hwd. tJoon, ·$12,000. •2MD will handle. •• SEE us roR J"INE sUMiO:lt llJ:NTAIA KEAR BAY, attra~ older cott..a.ge 2 bdrm, aldplq POrc~, ha.. , With bH&k:ta.st nook, dinlnC living rm, fireplace, ur~ Open Hoiae at 200 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar • bedroorna, 6 ~ bat.hi, ma.rveloua oce&n and hW vtewa. nloh<d too. Only '10,600. DUPLEX -On life. cornet lot betw41tn be.y and ocean. Pl&tter and •ucco con.atructlon, tile root. Room for a.dd'l bldf. •12,000 .. Balboa Realty Co. . Ra.I Oreelf'y Josephine Webb Ulllan M<:A.doo 700 E. Ball>o& Blvd."'> Har. 1277 WHY PAY RENT? ror )uot •1600 DOWK i.nd pcy- mtinta ot. onJy SM per mo, you can. OWN thfa a.lmoet new % bdrm home? Juat re-4ecor&led. L&rp, nlcel7 landocaped yard. double ..,...-e, OOOCJ'ete block fenc. aad: ...,. & ~ bed:m1llt.on court! • Full Price $84M FITZM(j)RRIS REALTY COMPANY Real Estate and Boeineu Broken 813 Coast Blvd. Corona ·del Mar Harbor 2152 A Real· Buy • ' By Owner Neatly new lnccm• property, eor. lot. ANNOUNCING The n!--Openinf of my office In Costa M:eea with W. U. Patton, Broker Ill charge pf Real Estate Dep't We call your attenUon to tbt fol· i2 bdrm ·front house.. Knotty pine lowtng new liltlna• that an and pluter. Lato ot tll.: hwd. ...uy bargalno and WOllld op. tlooro, tumaee and tinpl&e<. preclate the opporlmllt7 of Nlce.ly tumllhed. 1howtn1' you theee lliOClllll. Double p.rage wtth 2 bdrm apt. a Bdrm mod.... -~ In above. Knotty pine cupbo..-cb le .................. -·-···-···----'10.2!50 .-. 4Ltpooal>. : = ::'~o=~-== Off ,...... lo • 1 bdnn and. beth 1 Bdrm older. h.,...., tru.. '3,250 and laundry room. Near ctty t Rdftb. dCean \'few, ppar&t.e dta· ball and Udo ahope, lhll prop-Inf roc>m. pllU' latp n=pua rra orly la 1r1<ed to oell. WW take Over 2008' eq. ft. Ill -· oni,o Broker Cooper&tloc Invi~ . am.all P'-or lot .. part. 1181 ... ·---······-···-·---...$1J,llDO 34.tb. cor. Finley. atp4,0 Many more are avat••ble wttl R. W. PttllT, Rltr. JIM. llll97·W ------------prtceJ:d wma that ... ltlr9 ' aa..o to pl . T<><fa.ys Beat Buy in Corona del Mai' Waterfront Home I -t batlw, pier and tloat 2 yro. Old lndudea GE -- ~patio - $24,750 We Can kll Good lbtlnp Qulcldy R. W. BARTINE W. U. Patto-Aaloc. Broku Real Eot.tte I lnwee IJ07 Newport ,,..._ Colt& - PboDe •z • auo • ' ' • • • t • . : I • . 12.~.t:---· , .......... , With SALLIE . ·,_ g,.. ........ Tau tu& Wb! Well w~ do JOU b-·· .. ...itlier have I • • • Bwt ... pg to • • • ud le an JOU MU SaWr-daJ .. . 30tJt • • • 1111 _ .. , ........ he .. oae of the dose• IHIPP!'*a tW an the stoogea ot-Mr. llaglc •. ·• Tllle..WO. atar over ILrtV ChuMI 11 .•• l.U. uid Mr. llaglc an .... poealble Umlagll tbfl """'*'-l' of the W e a t COut Pacldn Comr:•Y ucl yllllW fav~rltfl o aD Tuau . • • Far Famed • • • ud will perform for you u JH mWICh 8peny Pu- ealiea •est S&tuday Mo.,._ .. ,. ... It'a that tim~ again . . • American Legion Breakfut tim• . . . Sort of getting to be a tradition around here, coma the end of June . . . Tiu. ia· tho third year now that N e w p o r t Harboritee have gathered together In our front yard and oaten all tho Pancalree, S a u • a g • •, Syrup. Blittor, Coffee and Orange Juice they can -hold for 50 cents ... Remember laat year there -no waiting at aD •.. WoU this year the ,,..._ vlee promises to be 80 itood that you won't evoa have to tuck your own napkin aader y o a r ehlJI • . . You ca.n obtain ticket. here at tbfl store or from any Legloanalre . . . The priefl i. 50 eents with cbD· drm aad•r SOVOD admitted free ... B"'akfut wlU be t1e"'ed from 7 to 11 ..• There will be a $100 Grand prize and something going on every minute . . . And re- member the 50 cents you put out for one ticket ia your way of saying "Thanks to the Boye" for the good job . they _..e doing 0 0ver There'' . . . The American Legion de- servee a great deal of credit for tho work they carry on • . . Their Youth Program ... the work they do at th'\ Veteran&' Hospital in Long Beach . . . All of the food uM!d for this breakfast is do- nated ... so each and every 50 cont piece ;, clear profit to be Wied fo r the afore-men· tioned worthy causes u well u for the completion of tho Legion Hall ... There'• one thing about Sperry • • •. they love to make pancak"" for Iota of people f o r aotbln' . • • Their apeclal Mobile UJlit bu beeome symbolic "8 far u beaeftt breakfasts a r • eonceraed • • • Girl !leoat., Boy !leoata or In thla .... Leglc>.....U.. •.• will alwaya ftad them on bud with their dl&tealag grlddJea J:tiag forth lu&- cloOll go dlallA af flour, eQll, milk a D d baking powder la jut the right portiou to give you pan- ~es Hke you've aever eatell before ... FOURTH OF JULY NOTES •.. The Bakery will be amp- ly supplied with FRANK· FURTER and HAMBURGER BUNS ... but urgee you to pWie all large orders ahead . . . The same goes for FRANKFURTERS and large orders of GROUND MEAT ... A BRIDGEFORD SWEETHEART HAM ... ia thfl fineat you cf.ll buy . . . 80 .weet you can oat it with- out cooking ... The Delica· teuen FRIF.s CHICKENS FOR A DOLLAR and makee tho moot luscious bowls of POTATO SALAD, COLE SLAW and BAKED BEANS that over croued a Fourth of July picnic table . . . SPECIAL lCE CREAM or· dera-ahould be placed '(8 houra ahead of time . . . like Ice cream cakes and fancy moulda . . . So ahould 1arp orders of COLD BEER • • • You let tbfl l'.;iquor Depart. ment know abflad of time .bow many -YoU want and tt ·will be ~ for yw • .. · , ' N-1d 1re'1 m;y Jlre. er..i.er ••• ••-... llr&te ...... : "•'e,ppil's Lide .............. 'Via -• Ullo, He ws nt •:;::: (WI.. • • ........ la ---1• , .. -., • Dani feM lt tsa• • ' ' . . • ' ' I • • • • ' MEZZA.NINE "SHOPPE .. • Merry ,Go • Ro•d WILL YOU HA VE ''BREAKFAST WITH US," IS SAT. MORNING Lar9• Floating Pl•stie -Ring with 4 horses •• , FUN GA LORE also . .. . NONT YAllD • llCH.AllD'S UDO MAI.KET • • • • 50c -Al Y .. c.· IClt <Kl• •11~1r 7 froe) . I SAND P.AILS JUNE 30tll, 7 tllril 11 •·"'· . $100 WAR •oND -Grand Door l'rllO ' ' • tlNDIT -Newpon · .H-rHr A111erlca11 L•tlo11 .,.., .2t1 ENTllTAINMENT -FCQlloa ty Star , BEACH BALLS gaalily Meal jmnl.-·--inmm:!! F••turint Mc.MllHJS U. S. Gov't. Gradocl Cltolco leef FiMlt lief Obtal•blo ·ci.ck llade or ChllCk Ann BEEF RklUnll; G~ FltYING CHICKENS .... ---··················Jb.-69c iofNN CURoisrs ._ • 49c Oeater Cat -Leaa PORK , LOIN CHOPS ----·--···---· 95c iii'Ms:. or -... : ··-·: ~ 6 7c s·iioir RIB$ ____ :_, •. 39c 8•·•ri·· Oriole ~ -Paekap • • SLICED · -ACON ~ 49c • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -......... . r.-. u.i. .. n1ty TJ-n. ..,_. 1141* ... STRAWBERRIES 3 for 97c Solid, IU_..edtam 8ls6 TOMATOE$ 3 -27c. • c Household H1lpon lVOlt'l" rLAJlE8 29¢ Lare,, ..... ·········-······-·--·-··· _ IVOltY 8 SOW 29; L&rp ............... _____ ...... . ~~~ ·····-······: _____________ 29¢ ourr 29; Larr• --····-···-·····----ouz 29; c..&r1e ··-··-····-·-·------··-· OXYDOL 29; Larr .......... ·-----·-·-.. ·DA.SR 29; t..rre --···············---·--··········· IOY LIQUID De .. rpat 33 ¢ I OL ............... -·····-----·· IVOllY T. a. 10 # 111 .......... ··········--··-·--······· OAMAY T. a. 3/27' BesuJar .... ·····--··-··· :'!.'~~-8~~~ .... :. ______ 27; llJ.ddg Gold Ne. t can Tom. Juice 21 19• 8 a W Uqull APPLE n ... 29; · Dolee 81lcecl ~o. I caa PINEAPPLE 25• Belu . BAJ[D) BEANS 11 H. lit SPAGIRI ii 11"1 n. lit ~~-l!OUP IHI OL 1/Ut Doodle lhllMlr "-.... PICKLES 5~ OL 11 ; llabM 81M IJ. CAD Many worthy and deeerv- 1111 people, and many good C&Wle8 will I benefit by tho proceeda of thia affair u you w.U know. A lot of "'ort and plan- ning bu g"lllfl into mating • tbia b"'aif"!'t a happy OC· cuion. The attendance of many of _you folb will de- termine the degree of auc' cees and reward to the hard· working bun~h putting it on. ' RICHARD'S Lioo MARKET . (MR. MAGIC HI~ ..,,,... * FUNK~ X JULIUS i TERRY the·T:!':1 T- f AR .. f 00 TUNA Sl'ECIAL SAU ___ 24~ SERVE A SPERRY BREAKfA~T Of'tlNl, OW !'RICES STOCK UP OH THESE L a Jlallle IJbby }!roleD ORANGE JUICE 19' I ea. cd ·-·-·······-········-·· J"ol,er'• Mount.ala Qro'W9 coffEE lb. .... 7~' -C'lue !1'·ayne .. \Vhole or 811Cf'd POTATOES ~ 17' . ' French'• Ju'iaat POTATOES . OL 29 ; laa U WIDe Ve •. • No. J ea.a CHOP SUEY 34' Betty OroMer'• PYEQIDO& 1 pk1. Ltmo• Knmel P'ree pll1. ____ .J.1 f C'ut IU&e Wax Paper us· 23; Tea Garden 8TRAWBEJUll' SPERRY PANCAKE and . WAFFLE FLOUR . 14 oz. pkg ..................... l4c ZS OS. pkg .............. ----z: 411 Of.. pkg ................... JI Toa Gardea (Jane SYRUP lt Gt. ttottle ·-·-·- CHALLENGE FINFi!T QUALITY ____ 23; BUTTER ······-·····-········:···-:·-·······················n..-77c GOLD CREST COWRED MARGARINE-----~"--·-·---~ .... A 23c OLSON'S COUNTRY81DE MEDIUM GRADE A FRESH EGGS ·-·: ·····----57c SHOBTENING . CRISCO --................... ~ _ 97c . FINE GRANUIATED BFXr SUGAB iiiiiES.W 2 .... 19c Preserves 11 OL 27• •J•chl Bea'• Co1111veririd RICE J,lb.,. U.OL 39; SARDINES 3;23 ; Ut*y 8WM& Mb. PICKLES u OL 25 ; . HOLLY ..... . -······-·······---···--·•01~~7c ' ' \Vlllte .btncllaD._New Crop APPLES .. . -···----2 -25c RMlt.l:laa.8weeU ONIONS --·-·· 3 ~ 17c Laer'o -"'Y F&ESB LIVER SAUSAGE .. 45c ........... 0... ... MACARONI SALAD .19c .' o,_ llM'1' . . .., CHEQDAR CHEESE 4!Jc ! ked •· FINNIN HADDIE .. Ste OYfiEis .' ~-39c . . . STORE HOURS: • -DU• ur:x._t'.......,.) . ...................... . ftm.A:r -11'...U,Y JllJ'ftl .................. amniAn . ............ , .......... ... tu N • JlliM .. .,_-q Ill' .................. ,,,. . ~---~ Ubby I OL Deviled Ham 19' Sesth!e 8eml-8•·eet MORSELS I OL 17' ' Swift'• l!lrookftekl aumR n.. 76; Vlctor Small SHRIMP I ~ 35; r.-Up wtt11 7-UP 6 -. 29• 81111..W. 8oH PoU.IWIJ WAX ..,1aa.. p1Dt 59• z.. ~u Paper Towels 15' TllU1<8D.t.Y EGG NOG PIE ----------~---51; CINNAMON ROLLS ----· for 23' . . .. J • • t ' "' FRIDAY . 1 POT A JO DINNER ROLLS lror 15; CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS-t , .. 25' I I 11.t.TUJIDA.Y Oraace Cocoanut CAKE: -17' PECAN ROLLS ' .. -t. ·• 42; ·' ,J I ' . lll'SCl4l.a l'Oa 'l'IRllllllAY, ftlDAI', UTUIUIAJ' -ltJQ It, It 111111 ~ t ' ~ • :-.. THE ECONOMY·WISE PA'l'RONIZE <' ' .. . . I ' For 8\\'Mplar 1 79 PEltMA lllt00M8 - \Vater Softener 25; RAIN DROPS I( oL Reabslt Spot A 8t&l.n 29 ¢ · REMO\"E.R 'OL ~:"SOAP rq. 3/27¢ • Dial Deodorul 2135 ; so.u: .,. obe LIBBY'S Quality Ro ... Whole 25¢ SWEET PICKLES 11 OL Madera G....., 10¢ SP AN. OUVES I OL Poa ... t-....now 19¢ OBEME jar .Battle OrMk Wbell! 25; GEJUI FLA.IES pq. Caraatlo• COBN FLUlE!I 17¢ IJ.pq. FRENCH FRIES ____ _: __ J OL 19c UBBY'S . •· FRENCH BEANS .... -.............. 21c UBBY'S BROCCOLI . SP.EARS lOOL 25~ LUlll'l'S FOllDBOOK • LIMAS ___ -'-'-. ...u ... 27c . WP.BERRIES ~· .. ..u~ 33~ BONO& MAND llJUC&DED SHRIMP _...,.. ____ :_ ________ _ti-75c I STORE CLOSED ' Nut WEDNISD~Y • ·. -~~~ • ' , We ',. aring ~-Picnic Tool •