HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-11 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News" ' • \ --- ' ; • ' , • L .- • .. ~ JOl!r·~ =..IN .. = ;m.:;:•.;: :=, ~ =t -:4.:!I Glbsan Drops LY 29 :is 'RIGHT OF' SNO" WDIRDS" D'TE ~·· ......, ud "trien S40 worth of COLD! No. l!m-hltlla&' tho jualr< -f ' ' 'W DI •, A It'• true • . . IM at.roue 11.u a ••t ~ Relcl t;••bic ~ . ' • \ • • ' • . . • - 1'1:11>1DDAY, .IDLY U. 1 .. 1 VOLOlll: 6-M«f»IWU 11 • • " .... OR BAY .· tllat'• 14 lrant ..,1c1 ·11; her .... p window. 'l'boHby ....... a_.,,. Insanity DI::... l'lllal .ul' ..... for the letlt A!lbnel l'lrcht al tlle-8w>\tbir41 are rapldly.~ ~ ..:..:.,-~ ~~ =.::;:: ~-;.;:.•.: . f"JCCI ~ ~ ~ ~ve11t 11 . ~-tor JllJy a,,~ ...s Win• ~ • ltl othv pd,.11. Mro. Trueblood ,nwvtd tbla fancy llWlm <OllUIMo Wllllam John a._.., 4._1..,.., beutlfll1 blue· !ftl.era ol. ~~' Biirllor, California.. . ' la ew, YOU dOft't want to w&llt around maJdlt& Jib W. Fort J.j_ Q.ia M~ ab9Mtn1d 1W1 ta• ,,. , ....... Of tJ.i;.~ oOCni\it--. ~ -~;. .-- KJiox, I auueat Jl>U -the otlior owtm _, b.Y Wo· ~c <I:"-~ --In 8Upfftor Coult ,i:oi-""° Will dlriCt tbll ,....,. be1m -.0 lllat OllUW 'be'""'" 'Se ' 'Hii1 111"11'. -Reid. J().Lll:li Spc>rta Bllop bu llWUI~ 1 A I rrtday Md accepted two uoou!t Wli)t, bw:Jude B&ryey _,,,., eel In u ..tly U ~ \!> order • ven ' pee. Wit• for $10.to up. TheM body becµllera bom• 1A cam.Ula ctia.rs-. OM for Matlnl' .tt-:ye.a.r. Ctilirman. of t.be e:Mmbw'• yacht· that lktpt>er ~ may be te-- plnk. penlm.mbo., turqnol•, navy, white, mlnt and aquamarine. Ml.-old' 8tanky Keele mt March 12;· i•eomllllit.ee; J&mee •x. Wetr evecl for all tntran.t.. No iiwa.rd ·' · Retd ac:h.iev. & long toreo, ooniph--cbuted e.ftect wtth theM 9CU)pt.of'!d the other, a felony count. uLlllng' .. Convene Wurdem&nn, J, A. wUl be ctven if tnby blanQ. are ·1n Car Crash ' IWlm .Wt.I ill eluUdsed nylon faille or rla•d ·•tln.. Needle• lo tl"olt\ Glbeon'a tlrlnc at Conlt&ble. · ku.-l1 , Cn..11, &fndY ~ not tl)ed pliOr to~. · -,. u.y, You'll be .. Queen Every Day" ill a ROeernarte ~d trom tM Fnnk V.aul'bn Utd b .. depuUee , , C. r . Lan.den.. Pete ncker, The ntpt of ·u.e Snowbl.rda. l~l.M t!po"" ~ •.• tut N-n An.I C..ta II-wbo had eot11to to "'""' him. !!I!! -· Dt. 0 . Q , Bu-Mork -.:b wu aalied bl DH "')th 48 e e e . The jury, whJch had. ~ tm· ~y, Urb&n. L. Heb, Robert ent.rtn. hu (TO'tlm cefttinually un- "0 TIUT TlDS TOO SOUD FLESH WOULD:: MELT, panel~ for the lnN.nJty trial. ·\ft:er ~h. L. 8. ~· Kayor Ln Ul It la now ~red t.b.e out· Thaw and re.M>lve lU.lf to dew." Do you fee.I trapped! b&vtng eoe.Yieted Giblion of the Iallle1l and Hay I..&npnhetm.. aee. at&nd.lng smaJl lM>a~ race ot tM b the vibrant, pagan penonallty that Ja RULLY &Nault cb.&f'l'w' wu lnvtUd by ~ of the Cbanibv of Com-hatton.. 'nle event ttlltlt baa been you trapped behind pounds of unneceua.ry nuh ?' You Judge Robrtrt 'OardntT to remain mr-e wttlt:h oripally ln&uprat· a m.o.t import&at contributor ~ wanie.n who might tb.in.k of yourself u a "rtylhh ln Ute box alter dtllmleul and ob--,Cthe .-.wit ln 1936 &pd hU apon• ward.a the development of aailln& stout" are only kJddin&-Let.'• face the fa.eta, Nell MrVe the procNdinp. ioted Mel\ annual renewel of the ln N"!J)Ort Barbor and it reepon· ud pt you up to the Stauffer System In Santa An&-I Mo. .... l.U ~-, -•i'ble for tAe eatly trainlnl' of boya You can t.ke a reductnc cour. here that wtll perk Gibaon, throueb Attom~y Rua--hia yet.r Com!bodOl"fl Walter and cfrla who lat.er have turned up your pollute. liven your liv•r and m&ke .you Uthe l!!lell S..~u. h&d · wbmltt.ed & EWott of the Newport Harbor out to ~ .ome ot the moet capable u a panther or at leut a mother puma. 'nfere are waiver a.pplyVir for probl.Uon but Yfieht clµ~ will act u Judge of and experienced, u.ilon on the Pa· anr 2~ Stauffer Sa.Iona thruout the U. ·8. 10.000 the court placed him on p.:Oba· ~-Starts: Commodore Clay cltlc cout. . I AND · SHOPPING NEWS '"t ~ '"' ... ft. -rmrmmrm----- = --.-. = women a day a.re ta.kine advantare of theae hea1th tion few ttve yean, wtlh a •ix ~upbell . of the Voyaren Yacht A tot&J of 20 beautiful trophl~• PUBLl8JllID AT 2211 BALBOA BOULEV Am> &: reducinl' wonden. Be.mlece Adam• has the only Stauffer Salon monU.. Jail -.ntence to be &el'Vcd o.tub will a.ct u _JUdre of the Fin-are donated ea.ch )'eu-by prom1· ~ B.EACH. CALIP'OB.NIA ln Ors.nre County. If you pt on the ball rlr ht away, you can At the conclu.ion of tlle Mnt.nce: j~; Commodore Cliff Chapman nent clt.i&en.I, bual.Mu concema TELEPJION!;: HARBOR 1119 It.Ill cet the Speftal Mllllmer Nte&. Don'' forget you can tall:e thia Gib.90n muat to a.a.a Be ardin ofoiflhe Southern C&llforoi& Yacht· &nd the et'ty of Newport Bea.ch. '::~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~==-=~~~~~~-course "lying down." lt'• reducinr. It'• relaxi.nK. Try lt ju.l tor C'ounty to J!: h1a moth:, wh: ~AMOCiat.lon will ac_t u 'Patrol Thia y•ar they wt.II . be p~nted -.._.-1. •lri%e. Ataufff'r ~;\·,.t.m, !.MS N. Mahl, Santa Ana. KJ S.1010. live. there. _re and •Oomn1edon Harry by Mayor-~ Iabell.on. the Ha.r- ,-------------------:"---------,!Open Evea. Attorney Behren• in withdraw· B . gett or the Balboa Y&eht club bor Kut.era dock at ~:30 lmmedl· • • • In• the · It 1' 1 01 .. a__ I act u Judge of tbe Courae. ately "followinl" the r&ee and the • ,.. 1n111a.n y p t>a or ,_,._., _ .._ · _ ... \~ - HAVE YOU !dET THE TABAKS! THEY'RE DOWN HERE Qi• Glbeon twa the mind of all· All Snowolrd -..ippen from qe public ta invited to attend the pre· FOR THE SLJMA.fER YOU KNOW. And a livlier family group ye&r-old child. on' \to one 1'undred and ·one, both .entation. Spe<:lal lropbiY wfll be yo'...I never u.w! A.II l•Y companions, each aeema to compllment the Varlou.a ph.a.atw ot ·the C&.M wtre \M>t• and cirla. ate invited to en· awarded to the _younreet (irl and otht>r. Rlc-ky'a Shop (formerly RJcky-BoMa .. ) hu the 'l'ab&k: co--Informally di.acuased with the jury tei:. the race. n.e at.a.rttng run la younre•t boy who mu.at aai1 &lone ordinatea that ,,.,;u sail you thru' 1ummer wilh th• trimmest ril"&'inl' by Judge Gardner, to IJlfonn the adMduled for 1 :30 p.m. and rtnUsh the coune. / ever ~ RICKY'S hu Tabak'• .aaUcloth ak.lrts, jaunty jacnu. sharp juro~ recanlinr the procf'eaes and ~lr'y bl..a.nb and couree cbarta abort• in blue or white with dapper hip tap11 $4.95; alert white waffle reatrict loaa surrounding conduct m.a"y be secured al the Newport B MARGO pique short• with Mckre.ck trim $3.96. Spec1a.J 1--catchua an tile of crlmlnal cut•. B&:rbor Yacht clut>. B&lbo& Yacht .Y Taba.l< linen jackeU wtth pocket cr.•t• 118.86. Oh you can plainly Gib8on. had fired three •bot.a club,. Lido lale Tuht club, J . A. 1-------------------.;..--------'laee that I've fallen in love with the Tab&ka! Of courae R.ickv'• !'Tom • al'a>tcun a t Conatable Beek• oUice on· Balboa X.land. AHOY THERE!" SKIPPERS. COXS\\' A.INS. LA.ND· ha• other rood family connection• ... I know you would like ihe Frank Vaughn ot Coat.a Meu. and the Harbor Muter'• otttce. the LUBBERS, SEA COOKS -'NO PHILO VANCE h•ve Graff1. too._ The Graff rayon C"&bardine jacket• for $10.96 i1l red Deputy Sheriffs Oliver McCarter. ~_!~Y th~Cti!:.:1: ot~r:; engaged me to find out what happened to WALTER or navy a.re a 1pruce buy ... Graff bloueeg are top-top-. ... Toci ud A . L. Ollphant, Wht>.n tht>y otfic All trte mu.1t be turned AND ANNA BEAN. SAILORS. MARK THIS IN shorU hit the rtfht .po~a in jer~y or lintn at $3.95 up. , . Yow may came to arreat hl.m for admlnlater-tnt .... f'~ne ot t>~ ;latributlon tnt. YOUR LOG BOOK ... Walt'• Tradl~I PCMt la now aee SundreSM1 and other far sighted faMIJona at RJeky"-s (formf'rfJ tnr a beatlnc lo }(leek., whom. ~ to 10 Jul 29 ai' _ the ice houae •in Ne<A-port. Thi• fa.teinatinc manner• ya rd at the Gibfton pil.ce rec a e BIUNO BACK 800{,°TS Mn. Marl• Newland, Mn.. P"ranea Mcintee and M.a. Jack McAlary and Miaa EYie Newland drove to Camp Ro-Ki-U and brought back Bobby Newland and IA.rry Pollard who had been ckn'lp- inl' there with Boy Scout Troop 5. THE BLOODMOBIU U N 1 T wilt lllf' •t the Amertc.a Le:c\On Rall, 15th &ad J(lay St.A_, Newport 8-c)I Oii .July Dttt. S to "f p. m. Injured 'll'•re -~ Mchr- of Law'nd&le, drlv•r of. one "'"' hlcle and JI.la pauenpr. Looi.I 1-ollan, 28, ot llAdondo -... a colllaion at' f :4.5,a. m. oft Sa~ day at !Ttll atreot ud coaat lljpo way near Bay Bbore Camp. -Ddver ot the other car, recei'f"" lng minor injurlu. WU Louil Blankenahip, 34, of Baldwin Partc. Hia four injured ~ Wt'ft hla brother, Jlclt Bl&nkenahip. 11. and Argu.1 C&ppa, 38, and Eddie and Dean Cappe, both lf, of Gar- vey. All we.re ta.ken to Santa. ,A.n.a Community ho-w>ttal. Kost eeri• oualy Injured and aWI tn the hOl- plt&l are Loula Bla.nk•nahip, wfUI buk injurlea:'" Dean Cappa, w1t.M. head injuri~•; and Jack Blanken• ahlp, with chest injurlea. Tbe othera were lrff.ted for cut.a an4 bMJi.tea .and rele&Jted. Newport Beach polJce record8 indicated that Bl&nlinabJp parka ed on Cout Hi&hway fa.cins ea.at, attempted a leti tum and wu hit broadaide by the M.eFarla.n• car. Blankenahip'e car wu towiAI a tn.ller and boat, and 9larted to ma1ce the tum just otter the light changed to inen •. aUowin& the M.c• h.rlane car to prpceed without com.inc to a atop. Don't bum debria on a windy day; tt'a dance~! KEEP OUR STATtil GRUN. ~on the starboard sidt> of 30th SL at 4%1 SOtb St.'. ne~r Rlaky·Bodntan) , , , 1164 ~ewpert. Blvd., <Joe&& )(..a Beacoa 16.u I Vaurhn kad f~nd !Yin&" in t.h• irrta" Will ~ a.m .~ivedy t ih c:....:. bu.a&r used to be nea.r the. l.Jdo Brid(e. Anyway, • • • t • • bet of Commen::e office only up here ahe blows. the neatest layout of UIM!d marine ~ OH THE CA PI'AIN RIDES IN Ch c to:12 noon, July 29. M.r. Lancen· r e-ar .I: equipment top side of Dave Jone&' ground floor. Walt'11 L .... ""'--.. ... .. ... ~l~~o~~~ior~ ~~;· 1na ov· e Pot ~I,_ ____ ,:__ _____ '------.,.----------------------~ ... Tradinl" Poat hu everything .aalty including the "THING" · ' ' brrrr! 1. bit faster, but M: ma.ke• the old eee It at vour own risk ... Now maybe )-OU need a rood uaed prope.llor. do Yu! or a GibM>n Girl, or a Soul~ Seu throw net! ! ! ~~it~=t~~.:'1.!~'~PPTr:;·u~ig" .!mr-a: St"1ll Bo"1l"1ng Some of you ladies will pop your cork• when you Me the nautical a.re ill a hurry to make Port nuance• you c&A make out of net, g las& floata. Starflah and •hip'• Oranre in time for dinner~ Viard MA 11Wept the entire fleet that bell•. Walt aJao ha• a 2 cyl. 18 h. P· Hick• Motor tn ~rfect con· Cll&rlt'-)-'a Se.toad Rata•raat Mrvea the finest fiail dinner tn any . dlUon. Walt spoke of thi• motor with (tt>at emotion. "It'• a liv· latitude! Sea Bau and Halibut are frt:ah out of U\e briny theae ~ilinr '-the recent m9:11 di..trtbu· inl( jewel." he said. Incidentally, WaJt'11 Tradla& Pa.t haadlM daya. Dinners at Charley'• are $J .l~ includinC' eoup al&d d ..... rt .t.i~n of a be.llot by a Cltisena Oom- mart.M equipment, C>l1 cou11Jllnf'nt. Ca.at off ... the add.re•• LI 4l1 and drink. All day people tO&.Bi each other with C'1~ley'I ' Shrimp Mlttee over lh.e aipature of Fran· IOtlt, St.. Newport Be&J:h. HarbOr 2•70. Qyater, Crabmeat and Lobster oocktaila. .And lbe Lobate.r Loui; c\a J . Horvath, llt ·~th.SL, New•' • • • Salada &re a Broadway production Of! a 14" ahell pkte. Here'• port 8Mch. ' ONE TVlO THREE ! OUT GOES SHE! WITH A OfRTY DISH uaUul indoor or outdoor eatl.nJ from 10 L m. Wllil I p. m. DON'T 'the b&lJot (which. oddly enoul(tl, RAG ON HER KNEE! DON'T YOU BE COUNTED OUT Bl'JCAUSE RI!'! AT SEA ABOUT WHERE TO EAT! CllARLET& Sf:'AF()00 haa no de1ignated mpace for the OF DIRTY DISH RAG!' LlSTEN WHILE I DISH THE DIRT : RESTA.t"RA!'\'T, 11SS 0.Ut Rtway, Xewpwt .8i•to11 au ()pH •il"nature of iJ?e peraon .tendla( It FRIDAY SPECIAL AT BALBOA a A 10 7 days. in) ?'Md• .. foltoww: • DISH RAGS -FULL SIZE e e "" e .. Pleue mark Uti. b&llot uid GOOD QUALITY. COTl'ON STRING 7c Ea.ch BULLETIN ON BULLETIN BOARD: TO mall It l.n lmmedtately if you favor OTHER BARGA.INS EVERY D AY : BOY'S SLACK SOCKS -4 ALL THOSE INTERESTED IN GOING ON .A. th.ii propoaal." PAIR GUARA!'.'TEED kl wear 4 MONTHS 11.2a for pkg. of t ... PICNIC. building a fire, roa•tinl' hot dog-a, fry· ··1 faYor an tncftUl!e Vt the city aocka replaced Free if they <A·ear out. And inquire about the TOTE tnc hamburger•. and having one k«n time-t&X rat~. ku:tead oC a 11 mOAthlY. TABLE ... a tricky foldinl" table for patios, extra dl.nln( etc. -at.and by for announcement : watez:-charre. to purchue the 14 Balboa 5 A 10 -300 Main, Balboa.. REPORT AT ONCE TO THE China Cove lot• tor bay .IWimmUia: 1 e e e Xl:\\'PORT BAJCl::RY FOK 8 l.1JiS! ill Coroaa d~l MM', and brt.J.Ulce t.6 A SACK OF FRENC H FRIES. A HAM.· ..,:;;;o... The Newport B&kery .la capitol of Ole Picnic JO for park•: Uld I aleo faYW p}&c .. World. Thia bakery I• repreMnted by their Ina In th• Parko an• ftec=~t3 BURGER . -.AND THOU ....... aet all u-· ·-• --Bl:SID.E ME LOLLING QN THE BSA.CB weiaer ud b.ambv:rfer bun.a up and down the ..u• -re.~ AR ~AME 18 PARADIS& ENOW! :;~t =:;;. pii:~ck~~~r:::1 Js2I c:.-... u!-~.1-~ .. 'WJmam.Jtt-· et pien, --~ee-=:~ Don't be &ingin( the "'RollNl'r'lr Bluea" • .vw•--. • -I --·' ~ •• ... _ .. a·~ --, of fact, tf more ...... pie ate tn. 1oott. w ....... , or the --.. __ ,.... f!..a ..,. ....... 7 -honey. Tip your lid inJltead to Florence _... 'n' .,_ --.... Peal ..... M··-' . al --'*-·---bread from the Neumnrt Bake Shop, there'd ~ even .... ,...._ --'-•..... ~cip ..... .--..r ... Oil pu ~{attox ! Price11 a t the Kottar;" Kaff' -rv ll'l' .M""1'1oC. f'"'o..:.D.I""' ..__ __ .__ d ch ,. Fr•ah, fruit pie• are .....,; .. g Il k• p ... r.,r-• itock. ft -1~-. ~--•mon ..--:"""•· ..,. .,.y w Outer eon· ha,·e been rolled back to circa 1903. You can ......... ....,. n.a ...-• ...,ll.U1._ ,___ u and Dutch Bread pop In and out of the oven aad ,_,_ ta-· -u Cblllon• aa inay u. on pob C buy a full aiae 11.a.mburr,.r on a regula-.... ..., ....--be&ch b "-rt ,,_. day long. Turnover i • &ood h•--Ee~c•'ally ••-.~. ~,· ·--.. H or Oil P"* -prope Y ~ tion Wue aeume bun, laced with home made rellah for Ilk. Same '"' .--..,_ ,.,,_. '"~ -_.. f ... _ la Bakf'ry, !111 Ottan P'rottt. n......n. every day_ Harbor ltt!·R. or par-cw recreation, u price for a b11" boat of Fre-nch Friea. Florence aer\'e• these 1tomac.h· • ......... • • uaual.ly done ~ oUler citlea." warmer!! out the window. So you grab your sack and mak11 a home-YOU M City Clerk C. K. Prieet u id an run or eat on the-curb, or sit in the parking lot. It's your affair. A Y \VELL LAlJGH, CLOWN! PAGLIACCI by the ordinanct f'atabliahing t.he 11 a It'• my affair however to tell you that hungry people play go In "Great Caruso." Enrico or Marlo i• available at the Heuw or month added charie on Individual and out the window 7 days a week from 11~ a. m. -7 p. m. at the HannOQ)'. Su1.y, tht 1'lng-aong girt a t thia mueical menage teJl11 water mete-rs within the city Kottare Kaf~. 1920 ~ewport 81\'d .. Co.flt• M~ ( l blk. bf'yo•d MeM nle ahe has Lani.a on 16 singlea or on 4 album• if\ 40's or i8'a. would be introduced at the city 'J"hntf'r.) Ju3t tor the aheer, happy agony of it, go over to tbe 10und chamber councll me~tin r Monday ni1rht by • • • at the H. of H. and compare the old Victor original Caru.t0 record111 City Attorney Han-y Blodgett. DOK.TOR ER WOOD, INVEJ\'TOR OJ' THE ELECTRIC F UDGE-with the new variations by Marlo. Or .be lndepe-ndent and plan your The C'ity·councU at tts Jut meeting COOLER AND tti.e STlckless Pogo has..-openly en"doraed a •trange own fun. Su:ty haa ukeleles, porla.ble radioi, RCA 40 a uto record re<:omme-nded, by the city parka, new de-vice. Me-n call it a "Da.gmar" I be-lleve. On the otht>r hand, cha.nger• ISI Z.9ai a.nd t he Meet mu•ic for Goofus. So the mu1lc beach and recreatiol) commiaaion I hear m&ny \\'Omen say they're going home and tum on TV. roes round a.nd round and it comes out a.t l817 Newport .Ave. Houae for the increa.se In ftter rat.u for Regardle-sa of \\•hat you call it, Or. Erv.rood i• now a full·blown of Harmony, Costa Meaa. Bt':&.e0n 0737-M6,3. p&rk put'p08ea. representative ror Parkard Re:ll , Hoffman, RCA \"lctor and Dumonl • • • ------- Tto:ll"\"hdon. Dr. Erv.-ood says for you to scrape up one-fourth and Sam, you may file this caper under $7500 Blaze 1ln CDM Shop then pay Sl:I a. month. You save this 11~ for your payment by atay· "UNFINISHED BUSINESS." I refer in lnr in off the 1'trttt11 and not calling attention to youraell in public my sneaky fa.shion to the u.ntiniahe.d furni· places. Watch and Save See ! Go 1into Erwoods' any day and ture at Car.Jyle'a. Carlyle hu a.II manner uk for a den1oniitration. Y0\1 ma~{ a)so tap out an $. o . s . to of beautlfully built Mr . .I: Mra.. che1ts with Erwooda for Ont' day . M'n'itt 00 T\-1'f'plllint.. All Baba Erwooda la mirrors. Hollywood beds and hea.dbo&rd8. Ftre-. belif:ved to have- al 401 I:. Balboa 81,,d.-Open Evea. You could 11pend long, happy day111 and cau.1ed by swka trom an • • • nirht• In the hay backed up by one of these erator, dest.ra,yed ceramic• boxed lngenioua headboards. There's a place for f~ ahipment and burned a port.ion NOTICE TO TINE LOA -BISCELLIELL.A: everythinr; includtnr hqt aoup. Here you of the atortroom in tlt:J Dorotl\y BETTER TAKE IT ON THE LAM! No longt>r can IM!'fl coffee table&, TV table•. end tablea Kindell Ceramic.I manUfactUring ca.n you greedy motil" aneak around In cloaeta llhd va.rloua types of modern11 or provincials iitudk) at 1217 Cout Boulevard ln givinr b&nq~ets. NOTICE TO PEOPLE: Like an ln the nnlahed or unfinished elate. Thia ha.ndAOme furniture Corona de-I Mar on Sund"ay. aromatic breath from the North ' Wooda come• terrific value ln a.ny atalt>. Ca.rlyle ia alao a sleep s..._.ialiat 1"' a the marvelous .... ne<A' CEDAR-LUX ! This fl an ..--~ who We need uaed e&rs. SN ad on We Need Used Cars! • WI WIU MAKI THOSE TELEVISiON IOYS ON FIGUEROA STREET 1.00K LIKE PIKERS ON· NEW CAI TRADftlN ALLOWANCES O~ YOUR CAR. • " ' ,_ ' ' .- 1680 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA • • WHY FIGHT TRAFFIC WHEN YOU CAN TRADE AT HOME -AT A SAYING7 • COSTS NOTHING TO INVESTIGA Tl amazinc discovery that make• It a aimple matter (OoatUued Oii ht'e t) Pl"· l . Shaver Moton, Co.ta Ke& for you clothe• bones to have cedar'llned clOAeta_ ----~-------~-;::::::::::::::-~--~-~---~:_ _ _::.::_.::_.::_:..:::..::...::.::.:::;::::::::~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cedar·Lux is a compound of crushed red cedar D k D e wood containing 8.:5 "'' non-volatile cedar oil. You add water to thi1 run river compound and slap It on your closet walls.\ You get a Written guar· ant« of an abeolutP.ly mot-hproor. fireproof and oh ao f ragrant clothe• preaa. I can 1mell it now! Delirhtful also tor rumpua rooma. Fined Sl 000 dri.wers.. chMt•, allies and stuctios. And )'OU don't have to be a Diesa Rivera , .. Cedar·LUX can be applied over wallpaper, paint, 1''&11 board. plaater or any smooth aurface by anybody. Tour clotet will •mril like a pove of cedar trees. Your clothes will amell divine, and molb.a >Aili leave town detHling you. Inquire . today, May! McDould Paint Ston I• the exclusive agent. 181% Harbor Blvd., 0-ta Meea. Bf>a.i:o• 510S. • • • "I TRIPPED ON A FOOT IN THE BAR·· ROOM IXX>R'. And mine was the face on the borroom floor." In the v.•orda ot the immortal bard: Drink to me only with Thine Eyu and I'll turni&h t.he bru.ldaaL Preferably at the AM:Mt' Oat9>. Glady• invented UM Extended Breakfast Hour. You can roll into the A.ncbor Cafe at. any uruighteoua dawn'• crack and ret a blg fat break!a11L Glady•' ButtermlUJ. panca.ku beat off butterflies in your bread buket. As I s&id, Ham It Egp are the onler of the day here. or you cUi 1tW get. a sturdy ltot 1tutdl tor l5e.. People with jaded appetitu, ,crown weary· 91 eountleu debacJe.s wilh ptarm.ip.n, pompano and' phet.aa.Dt eo to the Anchof for a new taste 11!.hl&ystul. the "ABALONE~BUKOER.'" Try OM over on Your papilla. Now here this: The Anchor Cafe".U opm 2 L m:. -I p. m. Sat.a., Sun... 2 a. m. -1 p. m.. Ot.bef'o day• from ~ L -m. Cloaed Wed 111D Cout Hlway, Newport. • •• • FOR IBXICAN FOOD OAU· DON QA•tOA Dll\'.NElta ROii'. ..._, , , "' A LA ~ 0..-0.-. IU -M.,Bww,...._. --•·1• Olwi TW..: -....... ' Floyd D. Kinnan, 41. ot 11 Bay Shores, Newport Beach, wu fined $1000, sentenced to eerve three mont.b.s in the cpunty jall·an.d had his lice.nae. auapended Friday in Newport City court be:fore Judp Frank Unnell on a drunk drlvinr cbarre. - The llcen.ae auspe.naion carried the recommendation that. lt not be reinatated for at 'least ftve yean. Court reco.rda abowf!d it WU hM tourth .uch-off~- Kin.ri&n WU &!T'dted by New· port pollce at 39tb St. and River Ave., a!Ur 'tua car drove over the •idewalk at 215 38th SL and knocked down a ten-foot RCUon ot picket" feaCe at I p.m. Thur. clq. ~-J. Wrlpt, IM, 300 Ruby Ave-. Balboa Ialand, WU tined '1Tt on a drUnk ,jlrivlnc cl>arst yea~ in t.be ea.me court.. Wrtpt ..... &nated by N .. poot pollee &t. 12:20 &.m. Y•tada.Y I"' ~ ~ -'bollls .. -:wd drlvin&' -~· -, .. ........... tf lf l't .... at .. -Ant I ,-4 ,,.W. -. IMll --............... -• .ftllir -I .. ,._ .. a , HOME SOLD-One of the1Newer Balboa (Peninsula) Bay Front Homes ll ROOMS 6 Rooms of Bedroom Furniture, both. Period a'nd Modern-Also Sutt Room, Utilit)' Room ' l . . . · Snack Bar and Kitchen-Also Beach Furniture · -: · . • • -~--. B •• ~71 % LOOBl-'·IBE DW . . . . , TO IEf.1. EACH ARTICU ' AS A '5ACRIFlcfE PRICE TAG SO: .CllD~Cr.: JlOAD; •&LBOJl 1 • • • -• --I ~ ~I ·' ·\ ' -. ~ I c ... -' ... Palll•ll• .. I ' oi lall•v•d"tnml Jaftj. · · · We. ..... -1111• .... , ...... 4 .. •fr1•.tllls sWe .~ Jai1r •. · , I ,, .•~ .,,-.11·. " Hou!t Open: ·a.-oo .i.m: to ·1: · p;~_ta DUNCA~ :Harbor -. ' ' xow1: &T ·I • • • , 2)40 .. • • -. ., I j I .. 1 j • ' , • • • ' \ • . . . .,.. PAGll I im.Y U, IJ5!10e""'"" ado -llttla. do wli. MLWJ'VliT UY -0-_.,.., a.di &ft .._. 117 fGID fo8T ~ SBORINO l'l'EW8. -°'1 jooldDC to ""1· .• • ' BROADWAY -N~w • , • ' NOW SBOWINO . ''Two of a Kind" 1:1.!ZAJiETB 800rr ud EDlllOND O'JUL'l:N -AIM '"i'akvo File 212'' n,oiu;.vcz-Hl.'O..EY -ROBT. PAYTON FIUD,&Y, JULY U&ll "He Ran Ali the Way" IORN' GAR.FIELD, SHE' IJ!:Y WIXrER8 • -AI.o- "FallKr Takes the Air" RA. TII01''D W ALBUJL" • WEDNESDAY, JULY 13tb "Coming Round the Mountain" ABBOTI' IUld COSTELLO -Aleo - "Lorna Doone" BARBARA. HALI:, BICllAJlll OREENE Doon ()pea I Mow Stu1a \ Clllldtta ,._ 1:15 I 1:10 u-u I Pbo .. 11.1..- NOW SBOWIXG • "Smuqglen' Island" .1E1'1" CRA.."1>LER. l:Vl:Lr.'I' U:YES -Aleo - "As Young as 'You Feel" .n:A.." PETERS. DONALD WAY1''1: SUNDAY, .n;LY 15th "Along the Greal Divide" KIRJ< DOUGLAS. \'IRG~'IA MA YO -Aleo - "DeGr Brat" llONA 111.EEllAN, EDW~ A&JllOLD WEDXESDAY, .JULY1 18tb . "Best of the Badman" BOST. RY A.V, OLAJK TRE\'OR ' -AlAo- "lnside the Walls of Folsom Prison" 8'R:VE COCHRAN, D.~ \ID BRY A.~ CHILDREN 'ii'-=. FREE w~':~"'.;;:.::..o11 TV ANTENNAS Cell us for instelletion or servicing of your entenn• • Prompt< service by expert technicians • Low prices TIDE TV 1<111 :Sewport Blvd. • , Oinin9 Room opef'I 11 :lO AM. to I P.M. do;ly Clo..d Sundoyt ond holidoyt Phono: Klmborly 2-219b Lon e! FREE PARKING. Tops in Food * .. Tops in . Entertainment * , . . * Cocktails from IOa.m. ' * 'Dinner from 4 p. m. OPEN-llJll'.!NCB le ...._ .. • p,a Featuring the· "Guadalajara B~ys'.' t ~ .. • f • • • . ' • • I • 8aL .. llOL '· T-. CoL Sllow tlun. "-l:H AllNd . Bltcbooek'• ._..._ 'Stn1119en on a Train" . Farley Gl'Ulp.r • ltutll a-·· ALSO Ma.tp.ret <Yllriea .. "Her First Ron11111ee" 8tarte Wed. -Teallulhlco&or .Jeu.e ()raia la "Take Care of My Little Girl" ALSO . Tt!cluUeolor "Whe11 tt.e Redlki111 lode" Sakl.rday Lut Day Lorreta Younl', IOMph Cono. "Half Angel" ALSO "lrave lulls" Mel Ferrer Son.· lloa. ·TUN. Abbott 11: O..&ello ,; .... , .. l11vislbie M.a" ALSO Gleaa Ford .. "Ffyillg .Mh• ii•" Mory ef N....a Rocket• dC\'elopm4"Jlli Start. WPdaeeday • Bill Maud.Un.'• ''Up FrOllt'' ALSO Abul Ladd "Appoi11i11w11t With DlllNJer" \'u JohntM>a 4L80 fte C...le lltrtp 0 S!• t.o Ul9 "Gasolhie Alley" , •ta.rt. 8-da7 for I Da" Muto 1-sa-Aa.11 BlyUo "The Great Caruso" Tkhaloolor ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS Alao lteaka .,..... Prime Rih9 Cocktails 1611 Coast Blvd. Barbor 1180 Corona del Alar , ClllSt ... . 111 ""'-.,,, ·0.-....,. .... COMPLIETl DINN[ll fr•"' SI.St No D-lt TROPICAL DRl1''Xll 0 18• '" ... bttw-hoe T~ri:;M " ........ ' • V1Sn THE NEW HUT -Caul RJwa,y, i....,... (0....-T~ Pboae 44008 tor RR,.N_...,,..,.- ~ow o~ QllETllN'S Hn Miii 8Mcl< " ()eddal). -.. tM Pitt I·'--' CATALINA l8L&l'iD . ' ftAJlT9 llIDIDAY -la """"'-· -"TIM P1 l•c• Who Was a Tllilef'' Toll)' Cllrtls' Piper Laun. -Plue- INll 11.UO& FEA TUll.E ' H. R. Simpsons Open New Home for Holiday Festivity 'nte home ol Mr. and Mn. II. (0-U-rtf fNm..,. 1) dMJa ill quality -Id oil-~ You...., always bottn )'OliP tt1n.dard ot al•Jrin.I" at Carlyle'L J\ememberl Bettar a lump bl U1o U.-t than ill U.. mattn•I ~· hnll-t• -. 8lft.; 0Mta llt!llL ••OM IT•1V. • • • WANT 'IO U A. aAJIU'OOT" oouJ WITH SBOE8 ON!! ! WANT TO Bil J'OOTLOOldl A.l'D FANCY J'RZll t T ...,_,.. llM&el'J' belle'f'H In the 6 fneGom•. O. It. count thmi, you~ve Sot I tou: HA. VllN'T YOU ! T Tou art cordially: tnvtted to expo. your J>rehenalLu to the · u.nd, .11a and air ln a pair ot white-tie-on· andala at the low l&C" of $2.8G. Thi9 l. heel toe and· 'Ji1' ..._ away you ('O Week at Ba.rbe.r!L Neftr have I . ..en •. SJ_. ~\\:. such an array ot aummer footwear. Bvber'• he.a th• • ~ J')"' · very popular SUN-aANB from lllU. -threo'• lo ] blr S'• $1.46 up. Dreaay ._tatoro by Vitality, Kolor- tul Kedettee wt.th bouncy crepe 80lu for men, women. c.hUdrU and other._ Strollera. moce&.lirl9 • • . tlata, , wed ... dra~ fudala. Balletlnu. There a.re you con- vinced t Barbu'• hu eomeUUnc for ZVERTBODT at 1796 Newport A YI., Co9ta Mee&. e e I e R•y -I WOULD YOU D.ul TO LIVI: DANGEROUSLY and match profile• with a Swordfish t Here'• th• stmmlck: Reel out to the p.ral'e and gTab your Roa lul.d cut yourMlf over to the Bayw.lde f"lah Market. :.Va.It a mlnut~ Bring along a photorrapher. Then all you do i• nuule up to thlll 300 lb Swordflah that Harry hu h&nitnl' up. Get the picture! Anf:I aay, if th• albacore are run· 1ling, you ca.n watch them unload thi• cloriowi tuna at the Ba.yalde DocM U8'U&Jly from noon on up to I or T p . M . Johnny A..lbe.r•. b back peddling fi.lh at thl• trrtd aquarium ... · ., J'ohnny, Frankie or Harry will awap fiah ta1e1 with you and even .ell you Salmon.. . . " . ;;i Ol'WAU'I' a.,.u • " ~ I . ,Relaxation• MasMge •Reducing . FAClALS 13 .Yean hpede-E-"-t W,orlr: By Moiu,. cu;;, of Beverly Hills NEWLY DECORATED SALON · •SISaYS 'l'OVa Tl•SI Baiboa Inn Arcade Phone Harbor .. 203 or Harbor 817 R. llmpeon ot 1121 WYt Bay St. ...,.. 8Cene ot a houewarm.lng on July 4th whu. frimcb ttom Lo• AnplH, Compton.. H e r m o • a Bel.Ch, L&gu.na Beactt. r.: o ..-r Beach, S&ata Au. and Bellflower pt.Mred wtth a cove.red dLtll lundNoft. Alter dinner Utey p)ayed carda. n.e l•J'l(llftl; an new re•tdenlll wbo mOTM here trom Lons Bea.ell. Halibut. Swordtlah or local White Sea Baa. Horror1! They •Vftlli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aell Tom-COO ! J'ervently F'reah nJ. at the B&Jlide Fhll Market, 1898 J..&tayet&e. 1 daya a week I a.. ._.,:SO p. nL Prue.nt were Kr. and Mn. D. X. Gobar-Parsons We9ding followed by South A·merica .Honeymoon Mn. William Bruce Arnold and M.iaa. Patricia. Parit0na, wearln&' cyolame.n nylon net &nd ca.rryinc pale blue wate.r lllie• and MmN. Edward Teal, Thornu Murrietta. ftobert Stro.chein and Mlale1 Nancy Nevic and Carolyn Rhoadee: in pale blue net wtth cyclamen water UUes. Dr. W . L. 0.leray wu beat ma.n a.nd u.here Wf'rt DT1. JOHph Bray and Frank Rogen and Me11n. ST; JAMES CHURCH ' EPISCOPAL (AT Tiii! ltNTRANOE TO LIDO ISLE) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL -10:00 A.M., THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION -10 A.M. G!bbe, La.cwia Bee.ch; Mr. and Mra. S. P. Palmer,' Mr. arid lira. B . H . Elder, Mary Ethel Mope, J'lorMce ~ynokla, Kr. and Xra. H. R . Mnaner, Mr. and Mn. Ray Hou.ton, Mr. a.ad Mn. Xilo Pot- ter, Ma\lrice l"itae. Mr. and Kra. W . C. Quinn, Kaude W lUlam.1, Blanch 8t.&Rda..rd, Harry Wentz, Lulu C\&rtlll, Da.n Ca'rney, Ire.ne Oufdry, Mr. and Mrs. Ray John· ston. Harry Campbell, Ida 8trode- towu. Mr. and llrt. &. S. liarrlng- ton and Bell Olipb&nt, Long Bea.ch : Mr. and Mn. Cltiarl• Wat· .on. Capt. and Mrs. F. C. Duncan, and Mr. and Mn. Ray W eru , San- ta Ana: Mr. and Mn. Gene. Crock- ett, BPllflowe.r: Mr. and M.r1. C. C, Oa.rHr. Compton: Martin Luther, Hermosa Be&ch ; Mr. and Mrs. H . s . MeOreror. !I. L. K tnr. G.nie King, and Mn, Metty Han<t,y and children, Newport Buth; Mr. ud M:ra. Ed Fund1n, Arte1la.. Now ta •rmuda a.re Dr. and Mn. J"r&JUc.Un Gob&r on ttnt part ot a hoae)'lnoon trip which wtll take tllvn to tlle Ca~bta.n, South Md Central America be.tor. ~· tumhlC" to Callfom.ta to make their home in Seattle. The. ltride 19 the tOnll.,. Pewgy He&ea Panona, dUll'.bt.er·ot Mr. and Mra. Walter K. PU"IOlla ot kn Marino a.nd her huaM.nd .. IOll ot Dr. and Mrs. Harold F . Gober of Fullerton an HOI Se&ahore Drive, Newport Beach. Or. Oralaam C. Hwater ptorfonn- f'd OW ceremony at four o'clock &atwday, June 30, Ml We1tmi.na:l.4!'r Prultyterlan cllurch and the re- ceptioa WU Mid a.llerwvd In the KirrOr Room at Hotel Hunt.la(ton. Gilbert Hemmer. Robert Stro-IJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .chein, Robe.rt Quut &nd J ohn Nellana. . Stuart Dunl•ps JDon't Lilce E•st, Feted on Return .A ••lcome home. lunch~ wu given J"rtda)', July Ith at Urie Ma.I- bo& Ut..d lilcwne .t ,.._. end Kn. O . A . Jon•. ho9orilt.1" Kn. Stuart Dualap. Ot.Mr' S'MN wer• Mn. N •ll Don.kll", MN. Fr'9d Poole, MUI M.,... R1.11ta PrMtoe. .• Lwlcll~ WM .titrVed in the patio and the &ttentooa wu pUR<I '" • good aa.tu.red rtttMar ot Mn. Dun!Ap, for the ~uoo. Ut.at when Ole 0uni.,. left !or the eut two 11\0l\Uui ago, it WU with the intention Gl IT'l.&.kinS" their llome there among m&ny !rt9ndl a1'd relauvu. Two monlh9 ot U.. eutt:m weather wit.h It. )llJl'l humidity &nd 1entral ~c>Mloct ol. fieep- IMe, hot nlgtlt... mor• than over- bal&nc~ the pleuure that they had With Ute company ot old hienda and relallves. and 110 a wut bound plan• brought them h&m• &pin. For the. preeent tlley ·~ malt- lng Ul.el?' home In HunUngton Bea.ch. Denver Relatives at E. A. Rea Home MiM Puson. wor. white nylon net with off-lhoulder trim o! V ieA - n-. lace .et with tilin.e•tonea. A buld of matcbinl' lace a.domed the. Deef'IY rufned tulil llktrt and train. AlM) of lace wu thr coronet Which h.eld llff veil.• Her bouquet wu ot \lthl\9 orchid•. lllle1 of the vallt-y and etephaaot ... .Att.Oa.nu were II.ANDIE ION NAMED Bruce Rene ~ the name. eelect.ed ay C&pL an~ Mn. Harry V. Kan- 4le., 2!4 •. 20th 8t., Coat& Meaa., for th,eir new 10n who m1de h.la ap,,a.rance Sunday, June 24th, in St. Joeeph'• lla.plt&l where he Up· ped' ~ •. 9Calea at T Iba., l lfl OS. Tbe baby it! belne' welcom~ by h.1-aiater Mary Tbereae, Jr., and brother• Harold Victor Il and wU.ren Curtia KandJe. tAa lill &: YN Heme11'1 CHINTZ :SHOP At 915 k. O.Ut .... , ...... l..apM ••tit ""-. SALE embr•cin9 every f•bric in eur TREMENDOUS STOCK DIRECT FROM THE MILLI 50IM Value1 Up to $4.00 .t :'119 , ... ' Other splendid reductions. I 0°/0 .,..-50°/0 Off Also in furniture. Stop in and realize that here In Laguna our-Selections and values ARE NOT EQU AI.LED IN LOS ANGELES OR ELSEWHEREL P'rom Dfonvf'r, Colo., came Mr.\~;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~ and Mrs. Mll!ord Bieee.11 and chll· I· dren, Phyllia, Howard &11d Fred, to v1alt Mr. and Mn. Everett A . Re.a o( 201 Broadway. Mrs. Bi8- ae11 11 a sister of Mrs. Re.a. High- light ot the •la.Y \lto'U a delightful family reunion at.aged in the Colt.a. K e. .. Park. Oii ll&a4 '"" Ibo clan·pllterins -· Ill'. -lln. -..11 Ilea; Jr., o< We•twood, ).1r. and M.n. Georce McK~ha.n and daughter Sandra ot She.nnan Oak•, ).{r. and Mt1. Ralph Scborl~ &nd chll· dren Tim, Donna and Nancy; °'l",t&-..: Ibo lllaHU.. Kr. and »o, Ilea. 8r. and "llalph Ilea ot ~--· __ . __ Pro -America , • • Harbor Hea~quarters T • SWIM WEAR • PLAYTOGS • 1DRESSES • SUITS ' T,he Chil~reas Shop I • EVERYTHING • • IN BOYS and GIRLS • APPAREL Coro1111 del Mar to, Hear Senator Harbor unit ot Pro America al ~::~~l=========j·~,=====~====~I~ It. final June meeting voted July ; and August u 'f&Cl.Uon monU... 525 ~t Blvd. 'niilr will, l><IW•••' call ··~ niotllnr ,jl ~tor 1acJr ,._,,. qm. be praent to dilcuu'"Amfl'I· ca Plua." ot which he ia nation.a! c:halnn&n. ' J Jobn ~lc.k of ~ pve the p,.._., dioc"'81nj' the modi· tled compW.Oey mW~ traln!Dr plU: • • U-D11Y1 CIUISEIS , ROW IOATS : ~= : =r1a!u Jeef!N .. • ,,. OPEN EVERY DAY! • IUddiel Day Every W...i.....day • U Nooa .. • p.m. • FREE BALLOON!! • Cloeez11'ow 6¢ • BMlee If liTll ROUSE FACILITIE8 FOii llEN·AND WOKEN FOR llEAL 8ATISF.-.onON IN SMAU. llOA.T & llOTOllll PIO"° !J-uttM~,, TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) Conce:n·~t of Three Conti.Dena Gtaduate Stucleat of Bela llartok . 436 Semi Drive Corona Hic)hla11ds - Harbor 11~1..J Corona clel Mar --·-·-·-·-·-·- USE · YOUR HORSE SENSE! Save ~ much u you can NOW-while pri- are aky;blch. Thia way .yoq'll •ccum'!1&te a tidy lllllD f~ lllW't byya 'fhen pliceri,.do 10 down. K&b ,Yotit': aavinga gO.i '..the . e111llvW\rt of, one Year• l.noome a1 .friendly NEWPORT BALBOA PEDER.AL. Elam our worthwhile diYidenda, cur- notly 3 %, Jrhil9 yoll're avjq. Start today. &LL IATINGlJ INllUaiD VP 'l'O flt,900 • ,/ • ' .. , • • , • • ' • • ' • • I Gordon W. Grundy· and B~de Re~urn from Honeymoon at lake Tahoe 'Bade 1ut week tram a hone7· moon at ~· TUoe and S&:4 Franctaco ate Mr. and Mn. Gor· don WU!Wn Gnmc!y. w'llo will -lie amons ne.wNt re11dent1 on Udo lal•. Mn. Gna.ndy LI the former Audrey Elaine Terry. daughter of Dr. and Mra. A. J . T•n'}' of San Gabriel a.nd ~er hu.aband I.a the .on of Mn. Gol'don M. Grundy, 924 Weet Ocean J"rixlt, and the late Dr. Grundy. The. weddinc had an all white Mtllnc Of gtadJoll. dalslea and csndelabra ln the Church -of Our Savior, San Gabriel. with Rev. Gtbeon otnclatlns. The rtteptlon wu beld on the terrace of Hunt- 1n(t.On Hotel. P&l&dena. Mother Parlor Guests of Conchita Memben of ConchJt.a Parlor No. 2SM. Native Daughters o/ the Goiden Weit. beld thelr tlttb bi rthday party and were honored by member• of Sant& Ana Pa.rlor No. 2~. their mother Parlor. by • plea.ant vilit and a huge cake provided by their deputy, ~tr•. Olive Hadley. The evt'ninr wu a tun feat wi\h many p.me.111, 11klt.1, &nd 110nsgs and much tun wu had by guelts and members. Afterwud the· lovely "'blrlhday cake wu iwrv@d and lhe'l eocLaJ hour wu enjoy~ by all. • Kristie Hemstreet Observes Birthday With Small Friends Small triel1ds plhtttd on th• b .. <JI July ! to h<lp Krlltle'Hem: atree~ celebrate her fourUI birth· day anntve.raary. KJUtJe tai daugb.. ltt of Mr. a.nd_Mra. Jim W . Hem· Street, 7·1~ Weat Bay avenue. Gilt. were opt"ned by the younr honoree, and _punch, cake and toe cttam were ae.rvec!. , Those a ttending were: Great- grandmothet C&.mpbtll. Llnda and Barbara Camp~l. Tom and Dtck Wadr, Paul and Marjorie Drlakell and °"'lght Tbomp90n, all or Or· anl'r: a1s0 Ella I. Hematreet. Long Bf'ach. Local friend.I included were Nancy and Tim Hart. Tom &nd Richie Whltr. Janice Pointer, Dickie lk.lloy, Colleen a.nd Va.lerle Crougham. Donn.a a.nd Chrta: Lin- demann and Sherry &nd ThertN Holly. Costa Mesa .Boys: Home Fro~ ~amp 60 Masterpietes at Art . festival ,,n-tlrtd IMlt happ1 ec.ia • Ilda boya IU'rlved llorno --1t Living' moclela will cr..a IO h1>J11 • ncatlon In l})e ll!ll> 151., .. mute~ecet tn Lapn&'I natural ru. TheM bo)'I attended the R. M. Pyl'! Htrti Siena camp outdoor ·amphitheatre duriJ\I the tb~&h the cou.rtdy and cooptta• 11th Annll&l f'utlval of Art.I and tlon of Mr. R. M. Pylee and em· Paga.at of the Muten, July 21-lt pJoyeu Of Huntington Beach, the through .AUJUlt 5th. an artbUc Oranse County Juvenlle·Bureau of the abertrr• omce and their ·hQ.Cb · eyent which eacb year attract& auu CampbelJ and Jlm Hualck. more tha.n r,o,ooo vlalton to the The boy1 w ere . cha.en . by Xn. .outhland. Gertnlde Myrr• ot the nurse• of· The Pactant la a f\lll-evening flee ot the Coeta Meea !Ilement.ary dramatic •pec.t&cle, top filght en-echool• and by the Harbor Area tertalnment with na.rraUcn..con-Soya' Club. llnuJty &J1d background mualc. Making the: trip were Rkhl.(d Innovation at tbb yea.rs FeaUva.l Conway, Bill P'oprty, Ropr Grat. of Arla: will be U&p.na.'1 Nation· Ouk H.amUton, Dick H olland, al Art EJthiblUon Gallery which Gay Hamilton, Eugene Keller, will houae pa.lntinp by BOme of Melvin Meek. IAwt.._Crawley, L&r· America'• fortmo.t artist.I. ry Snyder. Ray Hammontttt PhiJ. Exciting vacation tun for all lip Scotland, Earl RoKera. Detbert U.e famUy wUJ be t'urnllhed by Ropra and Allen Miller. diversified artlatlc exhlblU of more Thia ill the aecond yea.r that than 200 boot.hi. diaplaylng pa.Lot· thue camper schol&nblpe have lnp, pbotogn.pby, h&ndcralta, and l)een available to Coata Mua • I . % CURRENT w.s • ltn.T U, 1111 '\_-PAG11: I :!a:WPOJI.!' .y ~ AND aJl()PPJNO NEWS CIYll Det. .. Work Aa7 \.: t'I t of Newpo;t Bar .. --~-.. -~ ..... etd' .. IOW ... civil tkfwe pr. ,_-·-!Mt N""pert --a .. 1 o,i-Dlno&or f--Mil ... ., ... dopol:y tt- reetor, <lut HM-. at the elt7 MD, ...--· n11. -.. t... the ltoun of ... m.. ... . ..... T.V. m FOR RENT TIDE T. V. SOil ~"E\\'PORT BL\"D. Newport Bea.ch • ~HARBOR 208 The bride wore Chantilly l&cp tn princae 1tyle, the fitted bodice had long pointed alttvea and but- toned up the f'l'ont to a 1:mall col- lar. Fullneu ot the &kirt wu held wtth pthera at the hips and fell backward tn a long train. A little bonnet appllqued with lace held the fin~rtlp veil of bridal Illus- ion which wal! trlmmtd with or- ange blouoms. Her bouquet wall of white orchids and atepha.notia. Betty Patch, Bu Lace a.nd Elen- orf' MacGowan ent•rtained the girl& with a bowery c.h..nce,•wearing appropriate C'Ol!ltumew for the num~r. ~tty Ogdf'n and group pN'pared a M>ng. and It WB.A ren- dered by a chorwi comJ>03ed of Al- ma Thompson, Elf'nore Ogdf'n, Mrs. Nellie Ogdf'n,,and HPlen ~t lrk­ ovlch. A pantomine skit IA'L.4' given by lrenl' Wilson and Audrt'y Cot- tit>. Much fun was enjoyrd by all. \Ve TIPed used ca.rs. Sff' ad on pg. 1. Shaver Motor11, C08t& Meaa.. -------------ceramics, u well u a deUghttul young people who ordinarily would , Bridal Entoura;f' Mra. Ray Terry <Marylee :P.·fc- Ctellan l wu matron ot honor a nd bride.amaida were Robert& IngaU.., Ann Sayre, Janet Cri$ty and Mmea. Charles Langmade I si.ster of the bridtrt"OQm l, Conrad Briner and Ro~rt Moody. They worf' orc«id marqu~ette w I th abort alrPve11 and matching m I t t !. Suhe1 WP~ ot satin and on their headA were matchln' circlet.a of braided tullr. Dr. Charles Langmade, brother- tn·law of the bridegroom. W8Jll ~l!t man and mhers were Robert Moody. George Allebrand, Paul Schmitz, Jr., Harry Dolby, Robert Hayes and Ray Terry. The brlde'a mother '\\"U In powder blue with CTPpe top and chiffon aklrt whilr Mra. Grundy wore 1teel gn.y crepe trimmed with Ale.neon lace. The new Mn. Grundy a ttended Drake unlventty and waa gradu- ated from USC Where ahe WU & member of Kappa. Kappa Delta and Delta Pai Kappa. Her hu.!- band ia a 1T&duate of use school ot engineering w1th a muter'A de- (l'ee in buaine• adminiatratlon. He Iii a member ot Phi Gamma Delta tratemlty. "Report of Death is Exaggerated" 11'.dmund Burns. owner of Cua de Manana ln Balboa a.nd Cua Verd~ In Newport, ii! gettlng a lot of amuaement these day• out ot an&'N"ering letter1 ot condolence• for the lo&s of hU. wife, Ruth CUr- ry Buena, who ia very much alive. The aJtuation c&mr about through a mlxed up mesaage St"nt to J.lra. Bunw' two llOM, John and Da vtd CUM')', now working ln Yo- The t'Vf'ning wu climaxfll when Lillian Baill'y prf'sented the gToup wilh lhf' special award lrom lhe Costa A.lesa Lions club for their entry in ~ annual Lions cl,ub Fish Fry. Conchita Parlor to Seat Officers Conchita Parlor r-."o. 294, NDG\V -...·i U hold their annual 11utallatlon or officers on July 26, 19~1. at 8 p.m. In the-Friday Afternoon club house. The Installation will be an open one &nd friends and rela tives of the members are Invited. Olive H&dley a.nd Santa Ana Parlor will provide the lristallation ceremony. Officers to be iruitallf'd are the following: president, Ha.zf>I Pollard, Newport Beach : f lriil vice-preaide.nt. Helen ~1irkovich, Costa Mf>n : second vice-president. Pearl \Vheeler, Costa Mesa: third vice-president. Audrty Cott It>, KPwport Beach: m&rah&ll, Velma Patterson, Costa Meiia: irulide 11en- tinel, Katherinf' Bergf'ron, New- port Beach : outside .enUnel. Betty Patch, Newport Beach ; r t>eordlng 1ecretary, Nora Melcher, Newport Beach: !ina.nclal M'Cretary, Lillian BaiJey, C08t& 1t1 el!a : treasurer, Betty Ogden, Costa Meaa; organ- lat, Edna N'01lar. Newport Beach: trul!teel!, LiJiian Gant, Newport Beach; Nellie Ogden, .. Co11ta l!el!a; Alma Thompson, Newport B@ach.; put prealdent, Dorothy Herm.!I, Balboa; junior put preafdent, Beatrice Lace, Ne"'J>Ort Beach. Cinnamon II.OW 39"- 11 ... .,, .... , ·2-layer ' Coconut CA.Kl {I.,. $1.0S .._) 6 lw 20c 89~ 4Jc W CORTA MF.SA 1100 Newport Blvd. COROXA DEL ~IAlt 903 Coas'.t H l,hway' LAGl.XA BEACH !16 For"t!Ai AvP-nue BALBOA ISl..A."'D ZOO Marloe A veaoe wmlte resort.a 1~rted ~years ago We ne-ed uaed c&.r!. See ad on by their g-randparenu, Mr. and pg. 1. SbaYer Motor•. Costa ltesa.11----------... --' Mni. Oa v\d A . Curry. Mrs. Burrui hu been aer\0W1ly July Ul In St. Joseph hospital for t"'O montha with bronchial pneumonia followed by a cute bronchial uth- ma &l\d all u an aftermath of &n attack of VIN! X. The boys were •~nt tor twice In t"'O week.1, the l aecond meaaage 1aying she had &I-I CASUALS ready paaaed away. , , , .. , . , i· , , . , and SANDALS ONE BARGAIN TABLE IN LOAFERS -STRAP SANDALS TIES, BLACK SUEDE, ELK GREEN, lt waa thl.a report that went to 1 frlend1 tn the north and relatlvee I tn Honolulu. Now. Mr. BurnA l.s having run writing "no thank you" I not~• to the letter11 ot· !)"fnpathy, and Mr8. Bums la AO far recover- M that she wa.s &llowfll to come J ~ED, SAND -LOW home Sunday, .1 .. and . ~P.@! HEELS. Bridge Lunche on at Heights Home · Marconi da~iea lent charm to thp borne of Mrii. Charles 8 . ~le­ lone, ~1.5 Red!Etds aveaue., · X•w- port H eight.II, when she enttrtain - ed recently w1tb a bridge lunch- eon. Sh&rtng the plea.aant occaAion were Mmea. Millon My~rs. Vern~ ! SHORT LOTS -NOT ! ALL SIZES IN EACH f NUMBER I i • I VALUES TO $6.95 $388 . Bruederle, Santa An~: -H o l I y Markle, Willlam Fleeman and Larry Thieu of Long B~ach, How- a.rd TriMel and Jack Thompson of OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS • Coot& M..._ 1 1 . BARBERS BOOTERY 1795 Newport Ave. Costa Mesa THE BLOODMOBILE . t' ~IT 'W'Ut be at lllif. Amrrlean LeJf.on l Rall, 1 SUI aAd Bay Sta., N PWpOrt BMch Oil .IWJ lltb. I to 1 p. m. -------·------·------------•I • • • • • , . • •• puppet Ahow from the world ot not have the opportunity to rxperl- make-belleve and a junior &rt ga.l-ence the t hrill of real outdoor life lery p~sent ing the artla:tic palnt-With trout flahing, hiklng, horae- ing1 created by Orang-e county b&ck riding and camping. All w 11 "artists of tomorro"'·" ln wild, primitive arcu abounding with deer, bear and other anima.la. - MATnu:ssEs Boat.-llomee--Trallera lr~Sb&pes BEACOS 5061 Collta MP,N Mattrf'M Co. We nttd u.9f'd car1. See ad on pg. Shaver Moton , Coat& Me.a. -P eople do read tile w&nt ada. High · Quality Printing--:-Pfr. Har. 1616 Zl50 :Se"-port BJ,·tf.. ··--· ... Oceon Sproy, stratried or wt...i.. Ulldt Bell's Rice ':t:· L°"G Gl'o.,,, COIW'et'ted. Corn Breid Mil Cioich brond. Eosy to l'Mt•. -ICE CREAM .- Porty Pride, CATERING grade. Vanilla. Strawberry. <l:.ocola\e, or Lemon C...lanl. .=.. 24c (2 pints 47c) tMEt« TMUI NlNI fresh Brlff 15• ':': 20- Mrs. Wright's, , whiff or wMot. S.ndw eH l&:' :!" 3,. f8-oz. jor, 23c.' 4Uott tor; 66cl M1rprille ~/!:"' •. 35• Sod1 Crackers ::::. !>:: 21• ,1,,:·seqll"Q Mi•·• pock. 17-.or . pkg.., 16cl Chewing 6tm .. :.. :To" 6,.. Cerio fnit Pedin .:;:-22• .--.MAYONNAISE- Na Mlde brend. flavor whipped. ... .. 37° (quart la• 69c) (half-pint 27 c) CHICICIH , ... rs Solec1 Y°"' 1_,.11a tMoy 111... .. 1.lt ..... .. 1.lt Willp ._Ste •21111 ._..t.27 l«b .=, ._ 31c U-. ':0:-t7c 111 Ii ._ 5Sc ....... ._ 5Sc 11.ltl• NCN Swift's Pr1•I• ~':: 63• ...11m HM i;.:-JJ- c11111~1 Plrilll -~ 51• alDUY•. SLICED. Ex~llenl 11trved wilh bac:oo or widt onion&. · • .. , ... Treat your family to a sumptuous meal of golden brown fried chicken. Served hot at dinner or cold for a picnic lunch, fried chicken is a taste tempt· ing delicious del~ht. You can have fried chicken often, at Safeway's money-saving 1ow prices. MAllOI HOUSE BRAll> FlaY ot ·perfect chicken. GoY0t Grade A. [vir.ce r· a ied, cul·up, pan ready. SPKW LOW PRICE! . ._ Should•. Blade Cut. Bm BOAST BOD.llG Bm' U. S. CHOICE and GOODl>e.t 1'1-M-CuL U.S. CHOle!: and GOODbMI • c ._&gc 111.35.0 COB•Eu Bm ~~~ ~&9° GBOUID Bm~~ .. &5° ............... -............ _ .. .tat to _.. hi lstorN ,.,., or ..-1ocnM. sr1•1=•ms a.led: E=t1m Pc:ft. M1111--.i1o~ .. 39° SAVE AT THESE SPEC/Al lOW PRICES.' : JEll-0 DESSERTS Yow can aJwayt 'be •re of low prices on ·every llhelf, i• ..ety eection at your nearby Safeway. Jn look at theR ~-I HllJ,S COIT·t.f: a:i .. c::..~ 5 ... "-I liBATED 1011 -~FllCY 1011 -IDoot· Solid Jlack __ ..,_ -tip cmd WhlW lSPABlGUS GOLDER COii NII & BEDS -----------------DAIRY GWI BUTTER ' E.y to prep-_re Rel~n deuerts. ta1ly puddinga, plus Lemon or Cocoanul Cream Pie Fillings, all priced low! · 2,.... J&c ~1on DRIN Cool oft' theK hot summer day• with Cragmont beverages. Your choice of Root Beer, Strawberry S~da. Cresm Soda. Or1ng e Soda. Sno Cola. Merry Mix or · Ginger Ale. Priced low . 2 ~:-. 21° 0.-lfr .. ,,. .. ..,, .... Pepsi Coli · 6~37• Deposits extra on bottic1. Tlll lllUllU A9ntBeer ~· ~· 1s· In one-woy bottle, no dilpoaih . t32-oz., 33c, plU& d.po1itsJ 6r1pefruit Jake .!:::: 1:: 12• Swfft Of' natural. f~-oz. con. 2,.1 PEACHES • Grade A. First ,Quali1y. Quamra. .. 74• ---------------- ROXIURY CAll>IS Airway loffee ~:1.! ·~-75• Gt~ ot Store. 13-R>. bog, 2.191 loll Hill Coffee ~if.... l,!· 77• lnecoNJtnybog. 12-lb.bog. 1.521 • • I Orange Slices, Gum Drops or Jelly Bet.na. ~ 19• ·---------------ROY Al · SA TIM SllORTElllll& · ~ 33• !!" 98• -----------------IB.l066'S COlll Fl.Alff"' 13• 1~ ·11· ----------------PUSS'I BOOTS CAT FOOD . I 2 . ::. 15• 1:: 12• ______ ,,_, ___ -.-...,- Wlllft MAGIC; Jl.f.AOI Hall-pll .... 2lc.. ... ...... ~11 ... iuc. 3Sc. ..... ....-. . . Uploll'sTea 4!.-=' ,,.. ,~ 11• Mok.es delkia keel teo. Good hot, too! S.. po;e J of Fomlty Circle on how -·.0 get ClecMirett9 with bole top. ., r•LUCERIE .... FRESH MILK t~~· = 2f)c Price MllJ«Y> S<au Milk Beord -1a"'- tOllCllllATll nw..-.. ridl ~Nit' .lllarl ___ ... """" .... -"""' ... ....., __ ....,.,.... ..... ...... qyao1oof-... .._..~ ... ~of2co-" ..:_. 'U.c .. ' ,,_ ' .~ i 1' .... ,,. • r -~ ,;tOUR N••~••st SAFIWAY • • • -... · 1122 '6W10RT aw~ STQpllouU .M1i, ~.niza..t9,.; '!l"P~;M..t••· te t p111: &. .. ,~· ....... · ,1·...-~ 11-.. ' j.. • ). ' • ;: • • • j f .~ ~ • .., J, •• . - • • ' • • • • • '• ' • • • .. • • • • ' • f • J PAGE & 1t7LY 11, lMl :N&WPOi!fi MY Pwr _.-llROIPl'llCO •11w-w~1 Women of Moose Pl~n Soci•I Night "nte Newport Beaclli w ...... et. U.. MOON. wW Kn a IMrt Mm· n.. meeUn• • Jul.f J.i. I p.a .. _..,.&~, ......... Senior Re•ml Wtn.ttred Jlaadll, ,Ulllar fta(U>t Qua ~ Cbap- lain Alk:c T oun&'· Jtecorder Viola Comecl. .hutlor JT&dUale ft.eluit Allee A.ndel'90ll and TNuu,_ J oyce J:dick wW be bolt11·e• foit th• IM>Cial n!P,L The offtan haft • deUCIOUI menu of ~Uta to be l'tl'Yed ~· u.. ewninr. Mem~ra that uaufernd tnto th• Newport. chapter a.re; Gu.6e Dro1kt, Bobbit Kueller, Mabtl Moore and Joa.n.ne Ha.rria. Tbe ~ workera pve them a )ltiarty weJ· cnmc> AcconllA• to publicity Ql&,IMnan F1ora Vauchn, the new ot't\ceT9 al"e to be conlf"&tulalt!!d Oil lb• way they 'tonctuctlfd thftr nnt rneetln&" Tttunday ennlnc. The entire chapter Mnda many Ui-.nka to Judy Emenon. Peter \V el•a.n and KmneUt. Workman, for lbt enjoyable Pf'OIT&Dl of en- ttrtalnment they put on &fter the inat&llatlon ot new ottlc•r•. Al9o to thti Newport Koo.e LodS-• 14~1 fDf" t hf' dellcl"'U rrfruhmenU they aerved •nd Ule lovely coraare. they preH.nted to lbe ottleera. A dinner and dance will be held each Saturday nipt by the New- port .Moose kld1t in UM MOON home. An orebeftr& will play for the da.nc•. Memben ot UM k>dCt. chapter and their gue.t. an ln· .. , .... The Unitarians to Meet Thursday The ftf'Xl m.etlnl' of th• Unit· aria.n P'ellowsblp will be on Tbu,... day, July 12, al 7:43. It will be hf'ld at t he Old Studio on Soutll Cout BIYd at Diamond lltr'Mt, La.sun• Beach. Tb• •Jle&ker w1ll be t he RPv. Howard MaUOn of Banta Monica. Tbue m~ &.re opPn to the public. · -.~ ------ \\'e n1Hd UMd can. S.. M on PC· 1. Shaver M oton, COllta Me-. -Claui!IPd ada ue read by folka who are lookinl' to buy. DlllCTORY • • • Miss Wima .Doman . ls .Bride in • F_onnal W~ at _St. ~rew~ rmt. f~ .... , ...... ta.Ile ta at. ~-~ o( h"Xfll. .......... U.-ran _.. a.y v. M eea:, Jr.,_or au chW"dl wu ti.at el lab.alda7. Juae ...... "!'f ull JIUdaAl'd aalll.U :IO, ..-a ...,.,.,... _,. ., -~ petf....i -,. u.. 1tn. n=· 111n. -· mou..r o< w. 01""'-at <:It •'clock, ~ MIM -· ,,_ a drw of a&")' \lue wu..a DorMa ...S ~ S. wllll -~ Mt and a wlllto 1..1961:. -ot Mr. aad Kn.CH. c:an•U. ~ i... ., -°"' fto Wide -· -.. ......,...., Mt. --~ )(, ~ al a.c:..... ..... u. Mu. a t.ei&eMr la UM Newport -Ualaa 1'1111 -few .,.. putt .... _... y ___ .. r1oraJ Mltla• for Ute rital car- ried out a .......... tltetn• wit.la ,..._ '1odloll -e&natlonO. tall cudell.bn. ud l""'ftHY. White carpeted the eent.r a.1sM dowa wllkll Kr. Dorua MCOtUd ~ dau.pter and late,. ~. prinetpala knelt • wblLt 81.liA pWo.-. few lh• t\aal bleNtn.1. ThobndeWM~laaa anltl~lenctll ~ ol. whJte la« a.nd n•t. on Mir •Md a Mary at ... ~ &rt cap of net. BM carrMd a boU· quet of whtte CM""Mliou ud -.,... hanoUiL Her •ter, )1(1-, M..,..-..ret Dornan, wu maid of bcmor ln 1•J.. iow Mprwiy wtUl whit. JMtet cap end bouquet of yellow and white carnation.. S-t Jnaa wu no.nu Outland TM r..,tiolll WU llU:I la 8L Jolut'• ,_ ot U.. church. Wu·· Uf\11 ,_ ta.. WA&'°n wit.It." WI )"•lrola ol ,...... ""4JOIL T1lo lJlrM...t.\fnd WW.'• ea.11.e WU ~ rat.Id ta ,.UOW and whit• and cen· t.-.d a taee eowaed tat*. Sur· ,,,.......... tt WU & wn&tll of m•W..~ tern and wbltt: Kar- COftl d&lM .. w1tb plden ctnt.era. W'llilt &t -.dl aide wen allYel' itaA• dolobra ~ c~I punch -la. TIM-•ew Jin. ~ wu l'f'&du- a t..r from UCLA m· bu8lna. a~· m&aillraUoa ud taq:b.t eonuner· da1 euttjed.I •t Harbor hiah. Mr. Uade i. a paduat. of Univeralty of Orept and NH&•td the d8J1'ff of mut..r ot l»Uatn ... admlni.tra· lion at UCLA. Tbe couple will te- •lde 111 Ban Ptldro tb .. wmmer, but wtU make tllet.r horn• atta.r a.p- temMr in Ana A.rbor, Mkb., wtwi,, Mr. Llnd~ continue• ... m.truct.or of a.ccounUnl' at the Unlvenlty of Jlkbtpn. Mrs. Peggy Johnson Y's Menettes Meet le•ds in Series New Secretary of Duplicate Games of Girls' Work Mn. P••l7 Joll.Mon o( Banta A.a& i.. te&dbs• •• tit• ax week Mriee now la pro.,.... m U.. Mon~ day t.ttomoan Duplicate •rt<S,. pme which COftClud• an.er two more ....a.on.. Kn. Gera.!d Mc· Comkr 1-rwmar·l&P· In tba came p~ed Monday af· ttrnoon. Kn. MUdred Lytle ud Mni. Jtobert Browft ••re wtnnert. ltuaa•r .. up ...,. Kn. C. &. Irvin and Mn. Marc !loderber'r tytnc witll OerUS McComNI--and C. H . John.an: Mn. a.ors• Maanider and Mra. B. M. Wll80n ; Kr•. Ger· aid McComber and Mn. Pesay JohNOn: Kn. l'nd Jllounnllle and Mn. C:a.lria l..&JnMrL l 1n Friday ew.nl.ap pme Mr•. .4.mold Ga ... r and Mra. Charle• Boardman were winner• -..t·wut a.nd FHd: Morrt.on and Mn. Betty Dunca.a were llJP aco,..n north· fte Cotta .,..., Jtome ot Huel Jturt WU the local• foe> the lat.Mt m .. tlnc ot tM Nt'W'pOrt Ha.rtKir Ar.a T '• Menette. Clu'-' Mid Thund.ay, June JI. la~ to ch.lit memMn wa. l(ra. J-.n Wl9deor, newly Mtect.ed u GlN' Work ..eret&ry tor the ~· ~ YMCA. Mn. W\aUw will coonltnato ud direct tho ..U¥1- ot U.. Tri-Bl· T du• \a U.. Mew· port 8-dl, Colt.a. K-. a.ad Jlwlt. ........... ..-dWrlcta A.tte.r the M•et -.. ..-ion and rood'1e ca.rd .aB4 ritt for Mn. Jo.pit H . no.npec. wen declcMd Upon. ~Y. and Kn. Tt.arnpean pa.rticlpatf!d 111 tM acU'f'tUe. ot the Y's Men'• Ud T 'a MeaettH clube untll their ~pa.rtun for Brav;ley. ~~~~~~~~~~~~-..... 111. BpoWJttUac u.. 90Cla.l pb.ue or U.. eftlllnl WU & aurpriM .tork llltower bonorin1 tAe Mft-. Mn. •urt.. W"bo recetYed a wide a.iort· m•t of pretty and prMtical stf'la. Delldolu ~ lem.oa deuert W'M .-ned. with ca.ad}', coffee and f•. Jolll.tnc tn th• f..U•ltlea wtn AlJce Yount.one. pruldent; Myrtle Loa.1. lCathertne Dt.al, Vl.rsiJ'ia Lopdoo. Laura J_.., Dorie Luck· bardt. Dorotb.y DeJl.M( Nell& P'ul· ltt, rruc.. Crane, I..urme Walla, Oru• Wript, Karpret Tllat.cher, ~J' B.rad1ey, Jean Wlad,mr, U:S~ ll. BECU!Jl, D. D. 8. Dl:Jli."TISTRY 1786 Newport Blvd., Co•t• M:Paa Medlca.l Bide-. Beacon 87152 Ml~ E. Bay Av•., Balboa Harbor 327·J \". t:. &Ol:n&L. O. D. Ol'TOMETRIST Evf'nmp by Appolntmf"nt Sll4 \l', S1!1wpoft lll•4. :!'\ twporf-BM.ell Harbor 2511 BE SURE -INSURE 'Aith llAt'RICZ STA."-i'Ll:Y w..--OalY Phone H.&r'bor 1771 !ti Marine Av ... k.ltio. J.aa..d W. Stuart FooN GENERAL INSURANCE Courltou.! /nf"""4titm Sewport ~b Pit. Hu. U !117 Bal~ BJ,·d. Runne,..up eut·••t wen :W:ra. C&therlJ\e 8mJth and Mra. carrie 8&unden: Kn. s.tell• L&Tibe ud Mr9. Loula• Lee; Kn. M'arpret Holme• and Tommy Holm•; Kr. and Mre. A.. W, T\ammel; Mn. Ro~rt Ra. and RoMrt B.row-n. Runner .. up nortll·eoulh were Mn. Robert Brow». and A.mold. Guler: llra Pesn Joknaon and Kn. &. T. M'cMaau.; Mn. Ivan Hookf"t' aod Ct&a.rlee Too.fl; )1(1-a. Gerald WcComkr a.ad Mn. ZIHAOr Hl!!'W'~ comtr,; Pe1u McAdoo and o.cwsie Mitchell. , NDGW Officers Attend Convention Mn. Huel Pollard, pf'Mident e1.ct of Conch ita Pa.riot No. * and alt•mate, Mr•. Edna Nollar. o~ceni.tit ot the parlor, recently re- tumed from a ••ry eucc"9f'Ul and Informative coaventlon held &t th• Huntln(tOn Hotel ln Paadena. Mn. Nol)er, tn the ,abeence' of Mr•. Haul Poll&rd. nported the ruulU of the convention at the r.-rular meetinl" Thur.day in the Friday AttemOOll club hOUM. The con•e-ntkm wu named a bl« sue· c .. and many lntel"'Htlns project.a ' have bMn planned tor the Na· Uv1 Daul'bters in tha com1n1 year. H. B. Swim Club in Recent Meets Huntinston Beacb Swim Club ~ In rettnt competition at Cotita Me.a M•ttre. Co. !150 Newport Blv4. • Nortll Pa.rk, SM nt.co. wtU. mem· bu• •ecurtnc meda.18 aa f'oUowa : RUG A..''D l'PBOL8TEllY CLEANING Geo. M. G ..... 111 HAK80a ... !11 Opa.1 ""''r 1& ...... Kay Pridha.m, Balboa X.land, third placci In 100 meter breaat ltroke tor women: Linda Pr-Mt.on, Bay Shor.a. thl.rd in 40 meter free •tyJe for c-irlll lJ &ad under; Noel Buiow, -Ba.Ibo& X.land, t.b..ird ln 80 met•r t.ree sty~ fw boy. 15 and under. At th• Eu.miner m•t ta Loi An&U. Joa. Jure..,,.... took a NCGlld place medal ln UM 40 melu trea atyJe, boys 12 and un.S.r, Rl~OE:;f He.rt Attack . ou·~-:Ai!~w. Claims· Vkflm • • Presbyterian Men Meet Thursday The Men'• ll'OUP of It. .A.n· dNw'e Pr .. byt.uian clwrcll will hold a. dll'ln.er me.liq: Tbund&y evenm.. July 12 at JSM2 St. An· drew'a Roed. Newport Helpt.11 with the Women'• Fellowship pre· parinc th• food. 8peaker will be D. 0 . Koehler oJ tbe Public lnfonnatton Office ot tb• Pacific Telephone and T~le· IT&Pb. comp&.ny. •hOM 11Ubjeet w11J be "Mic rowave Radio Tran•- mlulon," ofte of the ma.t lnlere1t· inS" development. tn. the telephone lndu•try. ThW i. 'a •yatem o( potnt·t.o.polnt Tadio t.ranam!Mlon de•lped to ea.rry hWLdred.t of lelephone calla and M•eral tel .. Nlon procram •imulta.neoua1y.' The enUre lectur-e la stven ln lay lanl\l&le &nd haa bfffl Mt.bust.· utlcally rece.i•td by aume.rous c1uba, orpnlu.tlon1 and 90e.J.t.1 fTOUpo la 8outhom Callfomla. Reeer-.a.Uon• aboUld be made at once at Harbor ne1. crrff Haven. Family Home From East Home aca.in with ciowlnJ remi· nlKencu of their eutern trip &n! Dr. and M..ra. L. G . Nellon and cblld.ren, Und& and Mark. o< KJnp Rd .. Cliff Hann. Boa.rdin&" a plaae two weeb &&o. ftNt. dM'lin&tioa. wu Atl&ntic City, N. J., where tile Harbor area p~i&n u.d lU9 wife attanded the A.muicaa. Medi· cal AMocLation conventiaa. Of exceptional Inter.\ aad tm· port&nce a t the concl&ve, Dr. Nel· * aid. wu lbe prMm.tatklft ot workf-w1de ruea.rch work for ob- siernUon, df.tcUMlen and itudy. Concludlnc phue of the .aca- Uon wu a moet tftjoyabM ftlt wtUi1 Dr. Nt.leoo'• motb#, Mn.. Mary N.i-la N-Yerlt City. • . . • •• • • • ••• -.. ' • • ~-. ' M•st•r. Point Open Wmners for Sund•y G•me ;u, ..... •.t.e.ftox . . , . w. --....... -ad ...... --------------------------.. _.,. ......,.,__ lln. ... ... -........... .,-. .... Polalll J>la7'oo& --In -·1a·~·-­Jte,y autHa~ Uld p_,. CftwloJ .... 1'Jp. _.. .. playtq ---... --...... )(f. -)l(ra. A . W· TluD..U; Mn. -----,._,,,,. Hetm .. : Kr. and Kn. K. K. Wall· i.ctord; llln. ,..... M....W ond Mn. A. D. W.therby; 111n. C. S. lnla -M ... ""'-...... IWl· ,W....up ~t.k • .,.. )In.. lloMrt ~and A .D.W-t.r. Xra. 4olla DeVkio aA4 Al Jaeobe; M1'.9. ltobtrt l\09 and Kn. •• l(. WU-; Mr&. ....... - Yllle &114 MN. Moille llallaN; llra. ,,,_... OU! &114 Mn. PoUY Jolla· -· BecUon A wtft.nen and runner-- up. were playen from out Of Or• Dr. ud lln. ltuieJ N- ud -PlllllpaDa'fld of -ta·AM are two-.., .. -·,__.. JOly•Ut ~ IMld .. ..-u .. -lln. -Caldwell and family of JM--. ~ ' l'llOKUN ....... 0 Kr . ..._.s -. waiiJ;;.... and .. ,,..rick ot aa.n. Kartao were --....... of Kr. and Mn. ~ --· Bal-&land. Pl· 1. &he.ft!' Moton, COit& Me-.. llq•kltN llfJ' ""'°""s UDO ~ CLEANl.:ll8 &NN-nBlv .. ()OllTA llEBA . -6'ltl-l We opente ear oww. plut l°"o DhCouat on Any P•c:hm•• (DCSPT" ALU.ONE u4 8BllDll') · lldq w. ad 1ID IAYSlDE FISH MARKET Flalll FWI hly from Ow Owl! 11011! nuB SALMON, !WOIU>PlllB, RAUBtJT AND LOCAL "1BJIC SEA BAM A&E HEU! llA&AACUDA -"'80LE, CLEANED --··-··----.-·.!"-l5c YllLLO'fl'TAJL -WHOLE. H£AD OFF (-ylle) ·-···········lb. - t1M :tala,JMte • tM Bay NEWPORT ll&rbor 115 . ' · . Wears · Mo•y fl111e1 ' Loiter SltifilR rlffl CON It reinforced with htt¥y duty tnod fire ...... . . . -~ Ull• COUft::::':Y~·~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~==================::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! • Pul yo11r • dollors where they work horder for you. lnveol 1hem • where you know 1h..,. ore sole. Depoo il lhem wllere you con wilhd row 1hem ol ony lime. Regordleoo ol your gool '-f I ravel -ed ucolion -beuer living -lu!ur• oecurily. slorl soving syslemolicolly today. You 'll be amazed ·haw fool your money grows with compounded· inlereoi, As lilfle as $5 o~ _on occouAI I Coll in person or moil 1he coupon below./ · · .......... \:.... • SOUNDTMANAGEM-ENT MAKES ~OSSIBll THIS .GR~TIFYING ·sEMl:ANNUAL~·sTAT.MENT AS OF JUNE 30, 1951 AFTER PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS AlllTI LIAalLITlll (W~ot Mombo" Own) (Whol W• Owe Others ond Our R_,,,ea) fllST Ll!NS ON REAL ESTATE •••••••••••••• , ••• $5,667,9~7.11 Tlw ............ -"' f •ut ,,.,.. o...41 • .,._;,...11, -~., '" , ... ~ Ho• ... -C .... M.10 ., ....... lor _ .. tt.1y ,..,. •• ,.11 ''' ... .., ~ ....,_, ................. 1~1, ,. .. . . -LOANS ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS .•••• • ••••••••• S"-1 tor• io-1 toa -•"91• ...+.. "° ,.., .;,., .. d.,1 .. t. thoi1 ....,,,.o•. M<..,M 9J ,,.,._,,.. o4 ti.,,. .cc-nts Ti.010 loo"' _,. Ml4 ••C...d f01. "" lflo ·-I "" tM ..... .-I -.ic ...... 2.650 .00 fNV'fSTMENTS ANO SlCUllTlfS .••••••• :. • • • . • • . 120,600.00 U..1-.d ~.,., C..t•~ ....... U0 . .00 Gr: SIOC~ ,:. fWotol H-o l-• a,,.,k. $IO.MIO 00 . .11111 .. M•iJ-• .., ""'' .,_.,.. ........... ry11- .,,.,, lent ,,.. ,...,, ,...,. lo.111 .... 1,i,1, .. W.. Auocu:otoo11, 01 '" ...,..,.," '"'"''•1. "' 1ccor6oooc:1 _., lflo ,,..,,_ ., , ... ~edo<ol "'-'t l Olll Act. CASH ON HAND AND IN tANKS ..••••••••••••• c.-..... "°9M" • "" _,_ ........ -' -c;,., w • ,... Notio-. fUINITURE, flXTURfS AND EQUIPMENT .••••••••• T.tt .... d '-'v<td NCli Mi _,.,_ .. oli.-lcw ...... tciolf'iooo. 174,627.33 13,063.16 ' DEFUIED CHAIGES AND OTHEI ASSETS • .'. • • • • • • 1. 920.58 ---'--- TOT AL •••••• · •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . $.1,980,808.18 ' ' SAVINGS ACCOUNlS ................... -.. \ $4265,Qll• lhi, ••P''"'"ts tl.t savift91. rt.. i11v•1l•e11tt Oftd .... ,...,... ,..... 4 ,.;-- ;...di.id..011. totpo•ohOflt. (1td1t "'"'°"'· .. vto11<1 coepreie&. ..,....., 019o"riolions o"d tiutl lvnch... '•. ~ ADVANCES FROM FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK •• ,.; ·61~ Ti.,, Anocio1~.ho1 ;,,u,.od;otely Ol>'O•loblo o lll'O of (tldlt ~ aiil rt1•t"• bo11k1n11 1111-lar 111 ••<t" ol oor-ol ttqvit~ .. LOANS IN PROCESS ••••••••••• , • •• •• •• • •• , • •' The .f.ilO<iol;Ofl kt "'°do loo111 lo b..i ild. -0..-nin, tffinonct tr ""1 ho"'t l; Oii ~j(i<I lht tt f~I q,I• lo be d11lwrlO(i. OTHER LIABIL ITIES ............ •• •• •••. •• ••••. ~ '5,\2l.IO M1.i:t llon1ou1 '''''" !hot will bt poid wlo.et! dM, IKf-OCC:09flll, d•lCO<lnl Ofl loo111 p<tt'tho.t.cl oond ttdvolK.t pGl)'9lflfl bf lloi'f ....... SPECIFIC RESERVES ................. ~·"' •• •• • • 4J7W l1Mn• for "ri<o lltcltd i11!t1td 1K(r11td •ot1tkly, •~ '°'l«t.d ..... or1nwoHy Ofl i.1ro19ht·-l90tt lo.flt, ( '<Ii GENERAL RESERVES ••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •· 370,000.00 ''"'"'' 111ointoi<1td ill 1K(ordoM1 with fh.t l111oi o"4 ............ lor ;,.1vroO'K! of CK(~ll ond g1111rol rtter;ff f« c.oa1iAtoftci1s.. UNALLOCATED RESERVES •••••• , ••••••• • • • • • • 122.72A..f1 •. . TOT .';l •••• • ••••••••••••••••••• , ••• • "'·. $.5,91Q,IOl.11 • • NEW~ORT BALBOA FEDERAL I SAVINGS!ancl LOAN ASSOCIATION 3333. VIA LID~ • NEWPORT .BEA-CH, CALIFOR .. I~. HARBOR •lsoo . . . . / . . , DIRlftQRl1 .. , ..•.•. ...,., •• L •AIL' 11 •t., W~L .. 2, • c.w.Taaa .. • OPPICIRitr Yo.~ con open on Account bY, mQil. Fill in ond send us !he eoup01\. You will receive. your Poss Book immedi61ely. · p, A. I'~ l'llESIDENT wai..a-.u1aa VICE·MSIDENT • LA. mmr 71EASUIEI A-Ki•••• SfCIETAIY 1' . ' . . IP'1 •I L IAllllAll ~' INVESTMlNT Off/CH_ lnA .-.... ASsl5TAHr SEQfTM'f ~ ' . -. . . • • •• ACC0uNrs UI' TO $14000 INSUE> IY AN1 INS:rj\JJ;INT·, AllTY Of THI INJID STA'l!S GO~ r . . ' f • • ' • e • • • , I - • • • . . . ' • .. NEWPORT IA Y POST AND SHOPPING NEWS • Thurscl!y, July 121 195 I All American's . ' , •• Prices Effective , . Thurs., Fri., Sat. ~'SALADS FOR HEAL TH'' July 12~11-14 ..... --~~~~;:-r;~ -----: . PINTS : QUAITS FRESH LARGE . CRISP JEWEL Oil swift'• ~:.-t~::.~ ~!·! ~z· ¥ MILANl'S ¥ '1890' · 2· 5c • FREICH DRESSllG :~.e MILAN I'S ROCi)UEFORT DRESSING MILANl''l GARLIC SPREAD MILAN l'S . 1000 ISLAND DRESSING . ' .... lettle 49c ...... ttle 29c .[ fROZf N FOoos • -LlllTS Libby's Orange Jee. ~:-18' GRAPE 2 Mixed Veg. 1 ,;. .... ,. 19· JUICE i ~. 29c F9rdhook 1~~:~ .... 2s· '----~ occoli ~~~:~ •. 24· HUNT "For the Best" SALE! J HUNT'S 2 No. 1 Tall 5 HUNT'S NEW 'il'Aro1s c... c Pork & ~u · llANs ....... 2 ~::.' 3 c BJans HvMT'S -2 1-oL 2 ~=~~j 29c L'p~-•-To_s_Au_c_1._ .. _._·~··:~..:.J~======~· MAYONNAISE ~::: ....... 39<; 69· PINEAPPLE ~~~1 ~\:·~·c" ·· · · .. · '· 24· . HES 15c EAIT'S DELIGHT-HALVES NU-MAID pUIE COLORED MARGARINE GoLDEN STATE FIRST qUALITY BUTTER CHICKEN Of THE SEA GREEN LABEL NO. '12 26C TU·NA FLAT ~AN . APPLESAUCE wi.NDSO~ 2N~:!?19c CUT GREEN BEANS •LA;~.~ ~~~TE 15c 2. Ho. 303 25c Caal S CORN GOLDEN CREAM IRI STYLE LUNCHEON IEAT 1~~ci~·~AN 41 c ' AS suNHY SMILE 2 Ho. 3o3 19c 2-Layer GREEN PE TENDER ~REEH CaH Coconut CAKE 89~ . , ... $1.0S ... , 4S< ~ PINEAPPLE JUICE S~ILEX Norwalk a corona ~ l\lar OalJ . '2 No.2 19c Ca111 . FRESH CRISP-SMALL SEED Cukes for SWEET JUICY-ELBERTA Freestone Peaches lbs Direct Shipment from Iowa c ea. c c E~~-~~~~! . 49u. lroae Locpl Fre~ Dreue<I • TURKEYS FR:o!~~·L. 79c Walte0 Free Pao-Ready lb. Erllart's faonaUI Turkey fryers. 41/2·7 llt. A•t· • • • Genuine Long Island D0 UCAKLINGS . 63~. Oven loady--4 to 5 lit. Average ~ . Kin9an's Indiana Sliced BACON 43~. FULL SLICES HEINZ STRAINED • ' HEINZ TOMATO I FRANCO-AMERICAN ~----·-SPAG.HETTI 2 No.1 25c foll . c ••• LARGE 1onLE BABY FOOD KETCHUP . • IATH'S .... '" t .. LallCI af Coru . 'FRANKS IALL MEl•TI • ~ ALL,PUIPOSE CHUSE , CHEDDAR l·lb.. 57· c Cello . 45~ SWIFT'S Pl~MIUM-l'ULL PoUND s·LICE·D ·BOL·O<iNA -.URI St Fruit Jars c Ila. 9h. wltlt c.,. . ~!~~~ ..... : 10~ SWIFT'S. PlliMIUM IMO Sll~O IONE-Ho ~AST&:-.t01t lb. Avor09e CANNED · HAMS_ 1o~w • COMPLETE SHOPPING CENTERS Soon 1n Rivera , . . .. f • • £ • • • • I . } . .. . I . RATH 'S OtD FASHIONED '.souse · Fro111 tlte LAlllCI of Cora 1 ' 49c l . ~ 89 . . c . . ' lb. , . -. ~~ '--~\NE S & LIQ U 0 RS ~,.!!.--. . STRAIGHT $ 9 9 8 Year ·014 · 3 BOURBON . PIM. . ICE COLD IEEl-"TOPS IN ANY TOWN" · ~£1j~JP.!.~~ .... ~ ....... 9.9c . ,_ c.111a w.~1...,.1 ·A c .. ..i. DPy ,,..,,. .. : ' • • : Fl.NE .ARTS GIN .s219 """.,I·· .. ~ ...... _. ............................. . .. -~ -I .. , • .. . I ; -.. } ./ • • ' . • ' ' ' ... • • • 1 · • ·: . . ' .. --. . PAOll • ltlL1'. U, 11111 WHEN Jo:Wl'O&T JU.I I .otlT AND llllOPPINO NSWI • · YOU WANT TO BUY. SELt EMPCOY. RENJ, OR TRADE USE THE CWSIFIED •. PHONE HAR . 1616 t ~ • • • -• • 2 DROWN. . CLA.SSIFIE.D ~~:;:-:.~::~·~~roll ,u4t=~-ltb . . •ell-. (No lil1110ooluzma). --lllat Ml t cu. n. ...... 1 1[ Mp&ratc -"""'partmat. Htlp .,.,u. -1'rUoo. ......,. and u. u.. . .,_ top f-r New model 1111. 11 cu. It., - ' 1 ( WANT ·AO .will co•t you H. ERE~ LAST ;Th• Miqhty Mid9et In AdvertillDI; ::, 11:'~::, ~ !~ .._ ::.. ~ .!:":"': i:.•i!.:! 1 : .. ~ <~ '<;90~. ::i.~~ II~--------;.' ______ .;.· _______ _, '1pd k-Md otJior-f•turM. Bal• dblnruhor. Uoed twice. (New .,_I-•°" It la Gilly '181.U i llTtJiOJ. Will aoll for 1140. Hu. . NEWS-TIMES -Every Taeeday· Rll:LLUILll HIIJH llCHOOL ·-· -,cull. or Ult• i-:rm"'ta of ltea. ·- WE EKEN I NEWPORT BAY PosT-Wednelldaya ' ~Wlll'":.1a ... '::O :';~ ~!:~~ ro; ;;~1.!: .... ~.:::; • ' . only s2 and it will run Son is Saved by Father's Floating Body . Two men were victima of NEIVPORT-:tlALBoA PRESS -Thondaya lll•or out. B&rl>or :I06t-ll.. ilJ>44 ta. m .• Ip. m. Ph. 11&2. 40ct2 New,_n_aiQ-..... fJIMllUlef ... W ,_ la tlJe h 11 .. T r . C. BOOKK CCPD. .. S.C'y. I CU. rr. SERVEL !"t.ft1c'., per- )f~ er .._ ft1U'911q p._ . dnln9 perm.anent tun or pvt.. tect eoftdJUoe, SllO. Ooftalder 111NDRJ11 AD ta 6 LIND • ume poeltioft. Dtc. ref&. Phone the ,uaranta 70\1 can 1t:t trom A.I "nHDe4 ....... M pUt fV OMii lm ..._.el pct' Sp..... · HU'bor 2211-W. (2p4( the ... co. on Ult. ~rator. ' IJaea 1 Paper $ .75 UNIVDlSAL BUILDING UT Roby, Bal-Lil.and. 44<41 ' lbea 2: Papen l.liO lol.UNTZNANCll: ' u.ea s Papen Z.00 noor wuma. Wmdow Cleanma 1:S:.:l:..-_ • .;..w;..;u=t...1=..;.to~B.u;.x.i ___ _ ne pu.bU.IMn w1.ll not be ~bi. tor more than one incorrect Wall Wubln1 WANT TO buy 12-tt. tue.rtlon of an advertt..ment. rtlHl"Y• lbe ricbt to cornctly ctu.lfy tor paddleboard. Ph. Bar. &nJ' and all ads and to ttject any advertl•ment not COftformtnc to bwldlnl'I. .tor... otttca • horn .. Cat&lin& 249f. 44c4S rule• and re(UlaUone. Adnrt.t..meni. and ~c.U.Uan. will br. Telephone Harbor 111 aeeepted up to a p.m . on the day precedins publlm.Uon. Pb. Bu. 1811 43p45 Wlae people do nad the ad&. PMM Hw. 1111, -for,"Ad -or -od ud ..--lo 1------------ HEWPO&T BAKBO& PUllU8BINO CO. ·w A.NT CARPE?lii"TRY and Cabinet work. Phone Harbor 145-W. ANTIQUE OIOORGIAN CHll8T OF ORA WERS In mebopny. PR.. nvIN BED KET AL Fram .. for •Prinl' and mattreu. fR. cusroM BUILT ll'IRESIDE WINO CHAIRS. CU ST 0 II( KADI: GEORGIAN SOP' A, carved frame ln walnut, 3 IOOM down ruled cuahiona. Private party, 431 Goldenrod Ave., Corona Ml Mar. 43ct5 in ell 3 local ,..P'"· A Minimum a.d ia 4 linea. Pholi• Harbor 1616 NoWp<>rt-Balboa No.,..Tlmes -Newport-BUN. Prw Newport Bay Poet (Sbopplag N.,..) nu --Blri. N-n "".._ Ollllonota.. op<a death by drowning in two l-------------'------------' ALL ELEcnuc ORGAN. For 4S-A~t.a ud Bo-. Summer Reservations. days, Friday and Saturday. while swim.ming in the aurf off Newport Beach. Charles Wesley Turner, 39, of Arcadia. drowned in rough water off the l;Jalboa jetty Friday at 1 p.m. Hia seven-yea.r..old aon wu aav- ed by bia father'• floating body and wu pulled from the water by Jim Harbiaon, a former life guard. Ha.rblaon aa.k! that Turner had t&.ken flla eon tnto the 1url and wu supporting him tn the water. The boy had become frlghtenl!d and clung ti1htly to hia tather, po•ibly •t.r"angllnr thrn. Harblao'1 heard criea for help and 11ald the boy waa 1tttlng on b is fathera limp &nd noatlng body. After the body wu pulled a!lhore, Turner wu glveo a.rtiti- clal rf'11piration by Life Gu&rd C&p· tain Jack Jonea and Don Bum1. ~nother guard. Effort.a to revive th"' man were unsuc::ceastul. Turner "'M pronounced de.ad by a phyaician a.nd Deputy Coroner R oger Burnha.m orderl!d thee body nmoved to Balli mortuary in Corona del Mar. Tumer'a death ta believed t o have been cal!Hd b.v a combination ot over-exertion, fright and drowning. Al.nnaa Vk'ttm \Vbile swimmingoH 17_tt., New- Cl&88lfied· Index 10 Bmtne. Gulde 1 l lkilldlal' Mat.ertAla 11 Bulldlnc &enk!M UP-. JS 8b6n Your Car 11 Tn.MPOrtatlon 11 Roon.as eo.u.eton 11 -AJ,ta It t•pbob .. rla~ 20 He&ltll AJdll 2! Lost and Fovad U 8choola., IMtruc&loa 21 8lt.JuiOIUI Wut.M i• Help Wuted ao Sa.le. Ml9ceHueou. ... A SWape 30-1! Appllaae .. 11 Wanted to Buy I! Fun.l"tu.rft tor Sale 11-A Antiquea SS an.t.. Suppllee 1-4 Muleal. Radio u Dop. cate. P.•te JS Poultry, Rabbit• 11 Uve.toc:k II Special Aaaouacemt'Dt ff ll11•lne•1 Opportunltk!li 41 Storee Mid ~ •.t Waet.ed to lkllt 41 Ape.rtmeaUi and HoU9H U.-A Trailer Space 44 Rooms tor Rftlt 4-4-A. Belt HOIDN '5 Keat, Ml~ M Room aad ~ 4T Tmcn OO:lll'l.lrra HOUR CLllAJQMO -· randtan ud .... ala&mpooed. ,.... vttm·a. hllJ' ....... Al'• House Ir .Rug Cleaning Co. ••tm lllt For Venetian Blinds, Shadea ud Drapery Hehr•. THE SHADE SHOP Free eatim&tOll Pb. Har 8M 51{ ·29th St. Newport Beach Wta. peopl• do read the att.. INTmRJOll -&X"liikIOR PAINTING UcmNU:O -INBVBm> Glenn Johnston IOI· llat Ill. :r<owpon llleach BartJior 22tT .J lkU DON' K. BUTTS Lie. G6leral Contractor Reaidonti&l-Commorcial Remodeling ODD JOBa-Practtcally anythlnr by hour or day o r Wttk. Hu- bor 012t-J. •tp45 HELP WAllRD WANT WHITI: COOK for private home. Uve In. Refereneeai. Writ• Box K -J thia paper. 42c44. Standard Stationo, Inc. Hu a few openinp FOR MEN Who are looklfll' for permanent employment with exce.l.Jent op- portunity for &dva.ncement. 21 to 40 pr-efernd. Pa. t d while tralnlnr. Approx. 127'7.60 month to .tart. L iberal laundry allow- anc .. 1. Htrb achoo! minimum dntred. See Supt. at t.he STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia Ir Cout Hil'hway Corona del Mar Used Appliances Electrolux p.a relr1c., S cu. rt. apt. els.ti .................................. 105. Roper ApL ranre ...................... $7&. O'Keefe-Mef'Titt table top. tull auto ...... ranre . . ......... 175. Kelri.ft&tor retricerator _ ........ $75. Kanmore ww.aher ··-················149.~ USED FURNITURE Dtnett• ael, table and t cbalra .................................. $29.~ Inner •print mattrtMH SlO up Uaed Wardrobe• -2 . Dale's Furniture 1874 Harbor Blvd. Coeta Mesa Beacon &t37-J O'KZEJ"lt Ir MERR11T RANGE. It'• the lat.en 19~1 model deluxe CP, all autom&tlc, hu lamp and !, • . Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 123 COAST RIGRWAT NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON ~TTl • 94tfc home or church .. Slightly cue dama.ged ln shipment. Big a&v· Ing. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO ANO ORGAN"CO., 520 No. Ma.in cor. 6th, Santa Ana. LOVELY plain cue bunp.low piano in perff"Ct playing eondJ· lion. Tenna $27.50 down and 19.M per mo. at SHAFER'S 1-!USIC CO. (Since 1907) 4.21 ?\?. Sycamore, Santa An&. Kimber- ly 2-0e72. FINE PRACTICE upright piano tor only S9 .~ down &nd "·" per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (SI.nee 1907) 121 N. Syca- p AIR R. Ir L. Flag1hlp 90 h. p. more, Sa.nta. Ana. KI. 2·C>e72. engine1 with reduc. g-ear, $7~.1------------­ J"actory approved Johnaon Out· RENT A P[ANO. $6 per month. ' board. All rent allowed II you buy with· SALES Ir SERVICE ln tenn1. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 620 . South Coast Co. No. Main. Santa Ana. Harbor 260C( Newport Beuh ...:People do read the want ada. 3ltfc clock. That ptttty chrome rrtd-19 rr. KA y AK, like new $35. di• ln tbe mlddl....._.,n ouUet for · Phone Ha.:bor 1929-W. 43c45 touter &nd the ch.rome &"rill --------''----- • ~,llllin_ ?J1!'2rtw'IU~-- Business Opportunities broiler hu been uHd only 21.S moat.ha and I only owe $149.M on th.e contract. You can ~ve my equity tree It you ta.ke pay- ments ot $8.38 per mo. See at 404 So. Spadra, Fullerton. 9 a. m. • a p. m. P_h. 2152. 40ct2 KELSON KRAFT boat -14. ft. cover, steerina-wheel, light, A-1 • condition, $347. 20 Beacon Bay. 38p40 Ideal for Couple Malt and short order shop, beat of locations. good Udo hie Bay t;[,lnt unit&. 1 and 2 bdrma:., $59.M> wk. up. Harbor 2552, evea. He.r. 2114-H. 17tte FURNISHED bachelor a.pl Pri- vate entrance and bath. Yearly or rummer. INQUIRE at ..4ll'li Potn.ettia, Corona. del Mar. 4ok41 BALBOA ISLAND Houaea: and .Apt.I., yearly or aea- aonal. See Gall Carney, wiUa NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 300 ~artne, Dalbo& laL Har. 50I l9tlo PENT HOUSE and 3 rm. ~ttagea. On Collin• llland , Each a.pt. bu water frontaga. Aecom. 4. West end P1.1k Ave .. Ba.lbolr laland. H&rbor 2992-W • •OpM On Peninsula Point NICEL T FURNISHED 3 bdrma. ayaila.ble July 15th,' yearly or monthly. Brokera llat. 1:)32 Miramar, Balboa, owner. Phone Ha.r. 0612-W, Har. 200l·J. 19tfc • . port B#ach. Sgt. Charita A. Klr- bf, 21, of G~rrta Air Fo rce Bue. Victorville. waa drowned at 5:25 43 Automob&&-. 'nrN U Auto. Wated IO Auto Servtce Phone •a.eon '408-W 17tfc WILL DO that work -you want done -Jack of. all trad~maintenance work. B@twHn 8:30 a.nd 1.2 every Friday '3<:48 WANT EXPl:IUCNCB:D w b I t e woman -cook and dowuta.ini work. Live in lf poaiblt!. Real- dents Udo hie. Harbor 2689-W. Somebody Wants That Uled turnJture, br1c·a~brae. p&inttnp. etc.. now tall.Ing up apace In your p.rare. J'tnd • buy- er with a cluaifted a.d ln the Newe-nm ... Pa.t, and Praa com- blnaUOD. Juat Phon• Harbor 1111, •7: "I want to place a. Cl...tfltd Ad," and a court.au. ad-taller will balp you write an atfecUve ad. BARGAIN for quick Mle--Racing Sloop, 30 n .. 2 bunks, head, •talnleiu 1Uf'I rigclnr. Sarp.in $950. Ph. H&rbor 1503-W. 40c42 Will Trade for Trust Deed Gift shop, center. shopping lee cream and frozen fooda. NE\\'LY tumlahed apt -. 8leep11 &-~ blk_ to bay swimmtn1 beach. 1300 W . Balboa ·BIYd ., phone Ha.r. 1332-R. 39cf'4 • . RENTAL {1 SPECIALISTS p.:n. Saturday. Sgt. Kirby was swimming with Cpl. Rex. Forreat, 22 &nd Bennie Ray, 19, ·both trom the same hue, tn approxin1ately 10 feet of water and t.hey Wf're caught In ao under- tow and · carried to aea, Newport Beach lifeguard.a explained. Kirby lf't go of Ray and w., 11 Tra.llol!lri. 5! All'PlaaM 65 Mont17 to Lo&n. 66 Melley Wute.d 5'7 Real Eatat4! Waeted &e Raachee. A~• 80 lncomo Proilerty II RMI Eata&e Jachaqe 1% R~ r.&at@ Ha vo too la and mixera for any job. C&ll BILL Beacon 6,{51-W 38cl!l 42cti AlmOlt hf'W Tnacott Sport Flaher uaed leu than 60 houn. Chry1- ler Crown, GaJley. $39M>. Sma.11 down payment. Bank of Amer- ica term•. See boat at 1301 Cout Hlway. 01'.rner, Wolman, 8564 Wilahire Bl'vd., Beverly Hilla. 42p~ Good Volume Ceramics and gift shop Hiway Location Dress shop, good location. Lady could handle. can IDdn& Cnll' Linwood Vick, Rltor. --laiand. Bar. 20il - lo.st, Lite Gu.re U . Robert B\ll'D• -------------Sympson & Nollar PAINTING&. DECORATING 'The Beat Money Can Buy" ~u. 38th st.. Newport B .. ch PHONE HARBOR 24.04 WANT MAN pretera.bly over 45, to va.ntlah paint and elu.n. Gen- eral ya.cht m&intenance. Penn&- nent· po91Uon. Write Box L·2 thl• paper. 43p4~ TWO A LL WOOL "Wlvet nap, I x 16 and t x 7. 83 Balboa Covee, Nnrport .•ach. 42p44. OUTBOARD l-fOTOR -5 H. P. cha.mpiol'l, completely overhaul- ed. $60. 1JO Ruby, Balboa I.- land. Hubor 2087-W. 42c44 Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1523 'eout Blvd . YEARLY-2 bedroom home, un· turn. on Newport Ialand. P'ln-· p~ace, bath ~b Ir ahowu. pr. ·Fenced yd. $70 mo. •a. Mll-J. aaid, Uter Ray attempted to aid hjr1. P..ay and Fon'eat reached ahorf' anJ later returned to the surf with George Thorman, 22." High- land Pa.rk and Garry Rawlinp. 22 , li28 Yl. Ocean Front. Nev.1>0rt Beach to brlng Sgt. K irby uhore. Life £'\!Arda and & physician worked for a..n hour and a halt \Vith an Inhalator In an attempt to J!lave hla Ille. H l9 body wu taken t o Baltz mortuary, Coron& del Mar, and later removed to Blower Broa. mo rtuary, Santa Ana.. Bloodmobile Here July 19 ~ Red Crou Bloodmobile Unlt Hall. 15lh and Bay Slll., Thursday, will b@ at the American Legion J uly 19, from 3 to 7 p. m . In the put thref' month.a, mem- bfort or i9 famllle11 in the Newport Harbor a.re& have bem hoapltallLed for \'&rioua reuona. They have re- q u1 r!'d 113 pint.II of whole blood which means that U3 donfn a.rt nee-ded to make lheae replace· m~nl.11 before new donon can help build up an ample •upply ror people who might. need blood in the ne&r tuture. ln addition to this we mtat help meet the blood nttda tor the servicemen who &re retuminJ daily to our military boaptt.ala. Volunteer to be a donor! Call Ha.rbor l~. '\\'It need uaed can. Stt ad on pg. 1. Shaver Motor•. Coeta Mea DIVING HURTS PROVE FATAL Mesan Lectured, Fined, Jailed . • A stem reprimand from Bupt"r- ior Judge Frank G . Wf'st accom- panied. the jail aent.ence (three monthJi ln ja.U u condition to two yea.re of probation) which waa meted out to Bob Gene Meana, 19, ot Ca.ta Meaa in tbe Santa Ana. court Friday. Involved with a l~·year-old run- a.way Long Btacft girl, Mean• had been chargt'd origlna.lly with dual counU ot rape and w ith contribu- tinf to her delinquency, the lat- ter a ml9demeanor. He had ad- mitted the 11econd count a.ft.er a felony rape ch&rge wu dropped. When the youth ap~art"d for 11enteDcinc. he told thP court that ahertff'a officers had "torced"' him to ,admit the count. ~udge '\\"e9t proptmly ordered Sheriff• 0.-putiea Walter H . Cre11- wel1 and Ralph QueUchke tn couf1:. S BVOU. 0.ttadaat 13tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 171 ~ st., Ooota - -. MllT·K - H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repatr Sforvice Malnt&lntd Phone : Harbor ltll·W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Wlf.e J*>ple do rud the eda. REP AIRING and PAINTING Reuonable. Large or •mall jobe. Free e.tlmatea. Walker, 108 18th St., Nwpt. Beach. Ru. 268l·R HAULING Any kind. trub or! WALKER, 108·18th St., Newport. H. ~1-R Meen• pro.t .. ted th•t "I'm n.rv-Ant Exterminator om and I 'd 'like to ret .thia over with." Service "You've got every right lo 'be No BotUea. No Muae, No Fu• nervoua, but you're.· not aoing to Safe tor Peta and Children pt UU. over w1th ao aoon. I want lbOtft. GuarantMd to hea.r trom lhe otticen," the P'ree Elitlmatee Harbor OM9-J court replied. 44p48 Crea-well and Quet.chke ex---------~---­ 14-PersonalA WANTED Corona. del Ma.r tOt-ct Harbor 27&8 Male &nd female applicant. for medical a.nd commercial po11i· tlorui now anU.abl• tn ea.ta Meaa a.nd Hubor Area. Medical-Commercial Agency VERT RICASONABLE-Apt. alU p..-ranee. wuhtnc machine In excellent condition. Rock maple youth bed. 1192 Pallaada Road. Santa Al>• Relp1a. 4:1p44 ALBATROSS, A·l con d l t l on. ' Ready for racing. Wondertuf racinl' record. 2 .iruilJI or aalb, ' including nylon apinnaker. Ph. 4tc4-8 ONE BDRM. UNIT tn court. tile, -• atov~ and rerrtgerator. Garaga. C\oae ln. Inquire 4M We•tmln· ater, Coeta Mesa.. Bea. 7035-W. (Formerly Amer. Med. Asency) 318 Spur~eon Bldg. \AN'fA ANA Klmberly 3-8241 <llc41H , SALE Frigtdaltt, dlx., 9 cu. tt. .... 199.95 GAS RANGES Rattan Furniture Kade In the PhUUpln• and. tQ our own work 9lbop9. W'tde ch@tc. of fabrlC8. Lo,....t l!iapl•y In So. COil!. Reftn.14hlnl' and fteupbot.teMnc HOUSE & GARDEN Ha.rbor' 1299-R. 42c4.f Boat ownera and mechanics FOR YOUR SNAP-ON TOOLS Call JOHN KIMBLE 1744 Miramar. Balboa. Ill Cout Hwy .. Nwpt., BeL 52'M < Harbor 1087-R • 9Sc99h Home Sold! Must sacrifice furniture 11 rma., period &. modern ! Seo diaplay ad front page. L. H. Duncan Pb. Har. 2340 Hp4~ BOAT SLIP available now a.t Balboa Coves. Phone Harbor 2979-M. 4'1f46 SEA BOOKS A "ITRACTIVE well located Bal-4.3c4-I boa. office for lawyer, account-LARGE 2 bedroom &pt., f'Urnhb- ant. Insurance, builder, arch!-ed. Nioe fenced patio. Yearly tect. etc. 507 E. Balboa Blvd., rent.al. 9()4 ~ NarclNUa, Corona Balboa. Harbor 1807. 43p45 de! Mu. µarbor 2909-J. 44c4& STORE at 9li Coast Blvd., Corona YEARLY -bedroom partially del Mar. $75 mo. Phone Har-turnl11hed h lit on Balboa oce.an bor 29B8--R. 40c4~ front, $80 mo. Ph. Harbor 328. (4tft" OFFICE BLOO. AVAJLABLE at ------------- 18th and Fullerton. Inquire 148 UNFURNISHED ~ Corona del E. 18th, Coeta Meaa.. Phone Ht•· Mar. 2 bea.utltUl new apt.A. Near con 5792. 4.2c47 wa.t.er, garbage diSpoaahl, Vene-- tian blinds, water pd. Yearly lease. 2 bdrm, $100 ~r month. 1 bdrm, $7~ per month.· Harbor 1871. j 44c57 0 '1s;:eete A Merritt apt. 111.U $36.00 TWO BURNER 1u Murphy A fi.ne .atock of books on all yacht- ' Ing aubjeeU -plus all cu.rrent boolu. Lending library. The Islanders 48-A-Traller Space Holly, apt. atu ................... _ U .9& Wed.cewood t able top -···-·· 39.95 Prooper1ty 1able top ·-·····--··· 23.00 Washing Machines ABC Wrincor ................... -... SM.oo unit, electric r1Ph1g'erator, link, atoras-f' ceblnet. Nipver uaed, 214 Marine. Balboa la. Har. 1:>47 $4~. Write box 12 lhla paper. ----,..,.--,-,,--~--•-•J>4_& 12 f:[ ~o:=~t~.an3~8 aa~le~· ~A~ta and BoWM!9 SEVEN FOOT DIV AN with inner ton, Newport Height.I. Phone BALBO LAND b •prlnp and four toot ottoman. ~ Bea.eon ~779-W. 44c46 all 1A 1IS 1 Y Y1eared. Al.ao moaa STaln carpet g :.: 9 tt. am •P · · person or emp oy can Hubor 21~2. ••c•& •AIM~-1-t n.~1-~t~ri:,.~4.2.50 per mo. on leue. TRAILER SP ACE ClOle to ahopplnl", ott the Hiway, 112 to $15 mo. Cabrlllo Court. 140 C&brlllo St., Costa Mea. 44ct5H .,.._ ..,...._, ._..... .,.. 44-Roomo for Rent Euy dlx. wrin•er 4" .... GOLD color davenport lnclu. 2 A.lllO larger •pt, aleep1 8-summer ____ _-.c..;..;....;==----, · • -·········--··· •·""' RENT A PIANO ror only $5 per Jul 11• k • $100 k Extra Special feather pllloww. aame material. y, ~ w ., ~ug, w . COMFORTABLY turn1-hed l"OOm. Bendix Semi-Auto. -··--····-···· 39.95 Good condition. month. Rental appllea on tutuN> /er;· nice 1a blk. to So. Bay. Prlv&te entrance and bath. 6081~ Bendix AutomaUc ····-····------13.00 ALSO ' -ter •Alld m-···· pin•-purohue at SHAFBR'S MU· Hu. 2128-M. 3Iµ:5 Marigold. corona deJ Mar. Ph. , r--..-•u • SlC 00. ISlnce 1907) 421 No. ' a.pple twin ~· 2~2 Ciitt Dr .. , . Ha.cbor 2~3--R. 39c44 Newport Beach. 44p4& ~ Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimber-CORONA DEL MJ...R.:...Untuml.Ah- ly 2-0e72. ed. Da.ndy 2-bdrm. home. Hdwd. CHEERFUL ROOK, private be.UL BENDIX WASHER It'a that Twin beda. Ocean riew-Uee of \ plaJned that Mean. had made a voluntary confesalon Jn bia own ha.ndwrltin1. ~I' Le&tere Gibaon l:lectrtc Ran.re. deluxe-STOREY and CLARK noon, flreplaCf', rlining room. den ··d -·· d--". N-home oo Alcobolica ADon.ymoua l"l automatic wa.aher and r Nice y&rd: Covered patio. G&r-.... ..... C\,Otl,. "''"' 2 ovens, all automatic, alichUy uaed It three month.a. There'• ~~rJN~~ age. Yeuly renW. References. Balboa PenlnlUla. Kitchen privi· Write P. 0 . Box IOG UMd (new $300) )-not a aera.tch on It. You don't Harbor 1?99·W 417 Orchid, Corona del Mar. Call le~•. Adult. only. Ph. Harbor Thereupon, Judae We.t deliver-Balboa J.aiand, Oallf. Now only -·-·········--·-··-······•no b.av• to bolt tt down. Bala.nee I lfarbol. 2233_R or Ha.rbor lMO. 123&-W. •fe45 @cf a stern lecture to the defend-'Phon. Klmberty l.aat:I owe on it la $149.47. It'1 a won-, -------~---'4P'I (P' C ) •-• ·-t -·d pve publ1c not1c "·t -------------i.· • · Andreaen . 4.--,4 PLEASANT ROOM-Kitchen. .... ._.. 9 .__._ Stroot'• Te Winkle Hdwe. derf'Ul wuher &1:1d you can have COME IN and play the WONDER.-no more ''th.reatenJng" letUn 22--Loet and Fooad It for euh or tab paymenta or FUL NJJW HAKMOND CHORD IS prtvilegea. Reuonable. Garq41 should come to probation ottleen ll02 Newl>"'t't IU"t'd .• ro--. K-· •• 31 8 tt at 404 So th LID() L'E optional 1~12 Eaat Ocean Bl•d.. . 1 ,....... "-"-,... -.o. ~r mo. M u ORGAN. It you don't know a Bal~-Pb. ~-~r o•'"R. Probla• a defendant'a1 record for WII.J.. LADY WHO found 94•1&' -·n I • If · •·• I-'-~ ~-uu ..,....,.. • •-Ph ,,._ •-8pa.dra. ., " erton. L m. • ., note you can pl&y beaullf'UI mu-. you want a l'e:D.'-&I. on v•~ • ~"c" court Mronf'!.t, u he aid had ha..... atainleu alee.I ... ..--.. .eon br&ce· one .l;l'llC'.a.con. .,._ ""-~· -..,., ,.---· r -_...,_... p. m. Phone 2152. '~ ate in t«'b mtnutea. DANZ-LIDO l8LlC ne u.t. Sn-enl good pe:ned ln the cue of Mean.. where let watch at Vu ddtamp'a. 1-------------SCIDODT BIG PIANO STORE, botnea · available. AJ1o apart-FUR.NIS~ ROOK-Private en, .. hia .. trten.cb rot oversealoUI." Costa Mesa. Saturday L m ., .. _.. ......... a I _,,._ 8lX practically new chrom• bar rn •· ~ --~ lb. ~-Splna.1 cord lnjuriu auata1ned tut a...ft..U&.aoq • ~ A: Laird 8chober 520 N. Kain,. ~ta Ana. en ... 11;, ....---. or mon trance and bath. Convenient lo-8unday at tbe Corona d-1 u--, Me&na wu alao Ol'd&ted not to June 9th, p~ue c::ontact owner. Sboea. Brown. blue Ir black. 9too1a. red p1Ulic top, co& $201--c=:--=-:--,.'>,,:.~------a1u1 tt "·""'~1..1 .. b.och prcv.d lelal to Don:i n;;,. uooclate With ""Y pereoN 1n· Phone H..-OT31·W. fittt TltA.AA 6 T\IA.AAA. Practlc&I· ea., eell tor 110 H<h. Kemnore USED 120 bOJll"'Wurntser ~ p,. A, p AL},{ ER ~':.,"::;. d:J"~. ~ ~~ Murptroyd, 18, ot Dfl\ver, Colo., volved in th• pa.rt.y at hb Col.ta u-• a"'NIC RING az.. ly new. Call Har. lfT4.aJ ewe. wuhinl' machlne, eood nmninl' dion. 8tffl: l"ffda, S75. Call Har. 1 • JNCORPOD ........... 4.Jc45 lu Fri Me• motel cabll\ and to kMp LOST -~ -condftkm. J25. Grey ft-Iese chair 11.._,W ·nicbt., Bar 257•-K daya •-• :n..-...... ---------------~ da.y. Murptroyd died in aWay from liquor. He was tlned WA.RD. Pleue phone Pat or ------------•-a_u_c and ottoman with -.,i.i. but.. ·15tf ._. Vla Udo 1 Barbor 1&00 HA'Vm you.., UW-newnt modern c:Nl.Qla Alla Communl\..y hospital. n.... n-ocon. 5115. •4de-mn.• ·-• d . • lttfc He had been a patient there alnee S:5 merat.bly to be.Ip defray C09ta .. -.uc: ARKY TllNT I x 12, ward.robe $36 ...... n1ta me\&l an corrucat-1---------------------'---'-'--IUmlabed- hl.o accldenL ~-~ oppemmon while oo protw>-tnlllk. Jodlee top -. Ille a, • ed .-.. hoetao cut. tio: Lo1r11 BJ:AlJTlrUL walnut caeo bunp-~ QAS&-2 bdnn. ly A 7 Tbe youth_ had evidently mlKal· ~ %& School -~ make atf-Will trade IW """"'· 15. TU Broed at., :!(--law uprtpt piano la perf..:t COii· --bom--= ..::. Chris -Dean pts. . • •---"-I -Hel-ta. f~ dltlon. Termo, SH.T5 dawn llDd • Ill •--• ,_ •-cula.ted the deplb of the. water and · ....... ~~er or .... ..,., ..::e-9C:J'tlft. r-"' ... llllKI per mo. at SHArn'S and bath &.Yallabk. ~WM eepa 4 . .a.u.""""oct.ory ra.._ u..- had dived mte the ourf. atrllrinr We n...i 1leed-can. Seo od on ENROLL NOW ~ l'enuaaf. Corona ~ Ku. • KUSIC CO. (&Inoa llOTJ Ul N. lnay Wputehuod It desired. July, '6ll per wetlt. All uWJUee II.to !>.ad on tho bottom. P" 1. Shanr Moton. Caota K-. 1 c&n talu! a '"' "'°"' piano ud •koU Jack's Furniture-Nev Udo l!bopL 501 • :wth SL p&ld. Adjuated rata per y-. - !.turptrcy<1, wbo bad ....,, em· . --14 te .,._... "" c . We Buy,· Sell or Trade' _ _:c~_2_-oe71_..., __ ...... _~A-.--KI-m-...,.._ I _......of n.ie,.. Ba... :za:s-w:. IMO ~:~-,.,P1.ewo1MU1a ployed aa a clerk at U.. 'eo.ta ~ wUMr car,~ ha.a :--..OU,-.-~ltc ~ npair. 1• v Qe...., rouns__._-.., - M-8&fnray 1114ttt hod•,been llv· dloplAcod-teW1JoS ll In m..,y ·u -;::: ~r--~ w ,•loo of al! tnlJoir oqalp-Hot Wtat --Bl'fd.. --CLIURANCS BALI: ..,.----------'-' -1 ilcllT inK 1n S...ta Aaa. H•,... • ,,,__ ~. 111 l"l.Mnat\ll ,to lbe a.. to-"~ •.t -ORANGE CO. AST --.11.. '·'°"° .,.._, .-. trua un. llptMt,, Choice Yrly Rental -tmnlRNISlD:D-~--~oo-n_A_Cll! ___ , i..r ot ~ J'trst 11&pt1at c:huidi 1n _....n1mn or tho YulcJo ......,. ~iiav. Jll&U,, _ TD.._ n -~ SUP.PL..,. -~.;, .-.0. Uprlfllta n.. ~. ·-A-"""'"'"'.'N· · -•bsoot -· w-;_, De-. . .tlle puahlq If It Ill drl-.,..._ ZIT C.llrillo, ~·-... ~ .. ~., L~ DOll"1! np,4y, CALL TOD.t.l' U.,.. ·Graad, --· ~ YilMl&UJC OW wl • ..,--llOf -----''-,-• •, • flllly. J::lutdt....., u....., ti.. -,aui-w. -me...--.VD.. • •• ,W.zz Mia tM......, ~ .~ ...._ ... ..._ TNdo ,AT iu llinonl«; ~ 1.11u4 ___ _.. .... ~...,. x... -Jdtottt. -lato. ----.. ... .. ............. -.. _ -· -........ -........ of... • ... ,,_ *""'"""' ..... ----·· ... _ ---lollll:blme•wl-llla-If,~ ON Sl.,;i a ;-;;;-i; O It-·------~~ •-•;--· aiJ'DIJID--,~·--7-vxit~--:;t1~''t~~ --i;L- pe. Toplo9tw1Ul f11c)ia Wlddl ....... tloo-~~· ...... --Jr --~ ~? ..... ___ , "-" "•.Piil n 11• --~-... -DAJ<Z. ....-.•dUpoaa~ ...... ODJD'OltTANa lln<"Rn1 -uw· -""·••• wn .-itac1 :A-ta~ "atart.111&' PTll7 ... ~ ~ ... .,_ • 0..1. O"I 11 --....,.. ~ ... * -• • ..,,,, ~co. o.w 1.00 i...... JIGio. 'oe.,.. tN ao. -Prtftte •truciO ut -. 111 .....pn... ... ipil lrlld -·,icaiq ., ..... •wt> ,... -ot .. ,,,. ..... -..... ---.... ., .... ~ 099 ..... c:Douu.tlOlf,. ___ _............. .. ~ -· ,_ •• ... ~. Oor-. .... .Mar. ,_ -~··a.n:e• ........ _ .n.l;J-. ' -.. ..... uu. ' • , -1' .......... -. ··-----~-..-.. •• • . ... •• , ....... , . 4...e ' , • • I I I • ' • ; . MA:N -Y. CllOICE SELECTJ ·ON -S SPECIAL SALE Six New 2-Bedroom Homf;!s Prreed from $7 450 to $7950 $1950 Down Mo. Pymts. -$55 to $60 ·LOTS 75x100 -Spacloua B<!rma. -Large living room -Big kitchen, nice We-drainbo&rd -Plenty cupboarda 6 cloeeta-Near Schoo!JI and Churcbea Shopping. See These Fine Values From 1 to 5 Daily at 21st St. & Orange ·Ave., Costa Mesa COSTA MESA REALTY Barney Francque -Fred Croeier -W. C. Gabbard '°° E. 17th St. -Coata Mou -Bel.con 8818 8-rm Country Home, Tustin Area IN A BEAUTIFUL SETI'ING of orange treea and away from the fog ia this •tately 2-otory older home on an acre of ground. The house bu '8 room1 with 3 bdrma, wall to •Wall carpeting and ill in ex- cellent condition throughout. Outaide ia a 20'x40' rumpua room, barbecue, a large paved area for parking and entertaining and there ia plenty of room on the acre to have hones. At the price of $17,500, thia property represent& an exceptional value. Phone or write ua for an appointment. ' A JOHN A. SIEGEL, Realtor 250 D. Street, Tu8tin . Klmberly 2-760f>-Evea. KI. 2-0012 or KI. 2-9888 • THE PRESS ive. THE NEws-TIMEs -~-~------.;_.. USED CAR SALE THE POST 2 ,B. · R. Beauty aoot ... ll:Mt ---Two bclrmo. tllll -dlninr rm. pUllman Ule bath. plenty of ca.btneta lo. kitchn.. Selected b-t1oon. sra.tt.y no.. ,... ... tnr eyotem. Top loeaUon ond only a couple blocko from Al· pba Beta'• new at.ore. J'tttplact:. lndlvldually bullL l'w a lop quallly -·· -Ullo -the price 1" rtpL · 3 B. R. Nwpt_ Hgts. In excellent condition. W• are proud to offer th1a b8.ut1f'U.1 home. Separate d1nfftc room. RecenUy redecorated with ex· cellent t.ute. Two-car p.r'al'e. Back yard complet6ly fenced, pa.Uo. B&r·B-Q. Street a..ea.- menta are paid. A targ-e G. I. Loen that· C&rl be UIW1led by anybody. Payment. are onJy ie1 ~r mo lncludlng t.axN and ln11Ur&nc•. ThW W & top buy. Full price only - $12,500 Combat Inflation BeautltuJ rive plu. acne ot le•el productive la.nd Uld a ni~ tWo bdrm home. L&rce p.rap., P· lore ol t'rult lrttll. Excellent lo- ca Uon, chicken equ.Jpment and rabbit hutcbea. Prtvate well. Owner now &el11nl' -.ter which cover1 all eKpenM ot operatlnl'. Pro~rty underpr1ced &t leut llMIO. You'll acree Ulla ii a sood buy at only- $1_1,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson •IHl Newport Bl1'd. Co.ta x .. Ph. Be&. 6998 or Bta.. MM·J Coata Meaa The Best Town on Earth Light Industrial Lot M·l AU utilttie• avallablf'. Only $1200 If you want & bel.utlfUI h~• * * ' " -• • • • • • •• * * * * * * * * * • .QUALITY HOKES Inc; 1 . ~ Opening _Firat Unit of Our • I BAYVIEW HEIGHTS TRACT on Pali.ff.des Road I 3-Bedroom Homes •.. Select Hardwood' Flooring ..• Double Gara,es •.• and Many Other Fine J'eatur• ..• • Priced at $9,•83 Low Monthly Paym..te • DUlJ:CI'IONS TO TRACT nnt read North of Santa Ana Country Club • • • lllnl Eut from Newport Blvd. on Palia&dN' • • • to Tract ' Salesma.n on Tract * * * * * * "COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE" CHARMJNG AND WEU. BUILT J bdrm. home on '6 acre above the Back Bay ln ,-ood location. Haa v .. ry lovely p&tio room with b&r·Hue fireplace. 19 fruit t.rtt1, !lower•. vegetable&, ttc. You can have tuJi growinr part ot your meala here. A beautiful buy, $12,:JOO. • $1950 DN., G. I. RESALE NEAT AS A PIN. Thi• J bedroom home la only •il'hl monthl old and ha1 hardwood !loon , W fenced and land· tc&ped. In ftf'W Coe:ta. :WHa 1Ubdtvi1lon. P&ymeata .t 131.tl include tuea and liMUr&nte. JI.Al n.lce, $89~. BEACON HILL REALTY * * * • * IMPORTANT CHOOSING a l>omeplace la IMPPR"I:ANT buaine ... Wher1Yor you go DE- MAND #h• M 0 S T for your home, your family and yo11r inveat.m ... t. Insillt on-fully protectiv!., restric- tioaa, com.pl et e improve~ menu, community preetlge. ' -·· BLANCHE· A. GATES, Realtor L. C. JONES ,. J. MARTIN • 311 Marine An., Balboa Island n. Har. 19'71 ·or. 1872 Eve.. Barbor Tt&-¥ BALBOA ISLAND,. $5,:iilo down buya thll ch&nning 2 B. R. home. Lp. Patio, BBQ, plue am&ll apt. Both nicely fllntlahed. 2 B. R. Furn. Howie, lge. fenced yard, q~ atreet. Plenty of room to build another unit. $12,500.. REDWOOD CO'lTAGE -furni.obed 2 bedroomL Parquet floors in living room. Double praJe. THIS IS A BUY at $10,750. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR . BALBOA PENINSULA Nearly new, completely Jum,lahed 2 bdrm home. owner muet •U. price reduced to $13,200. Good fltla.nctnr. ' ON BAY AVENUE J'umltlh9d two bdrm home. Large patio. Own.er would coaateter vacant lot part payment, •ubmit offerL Aak- inC' price S 13.500. NEWPORT Am&ll atraetlYe ·waterfront beach home:. Pier u.d ftO&t. sfo,'500 • BAY & BEACH REALTY Ethel Shirley Gloden F&7 lf..&O Balboa Blvd. Harbor 12&4. Little Beauty on Little Island Really one of the most charming amall homea In the area. Lovely patio and '"Iota of clB.&8.", Com- pletely furnished and ready to move right in - $16,500, liberal terms W . A. TOBIAS Sa.lea LINWOOD VICK, 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island • !!:DNA CRAIG Rent.ala Realtor Harbor 2042 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR: . 1. A modem a bdrm home In a fine B&lbo& laland location! 2. Ext ra income ! . 2. Ari intlatlon·proor lnveatment ! . . During next 10 daya in order to reduce our stock and make room for more cara coming in we will ..,11 many of our cara to you at wbolM&le pric:ff. Orange Coun'ty' s Outstanding Re al Estate Advertising Medium · In Cliff Haven 4 .. Newport Blvd. (near .A.l'dlM). n.. ..... 6713·R or Ev•. a. 5"1·W w~ ca.n. ahow you one that we -----------------------U!.lnk la .. xtra •pecial. Here on LIDO ISLE you have all of this toiether with privtcy ud q u i e t , whore )'Oil ca.n 1till buy at If you a.re. you'll like thi• 3 year old duplex on Little Il'll&nd with 3 bdrm•. 114 bath• ln EACH 'urut. Com· pletely t urni!lhed including traverse draperie1, indirect lightlng, panel ray heat, garbage disposal•. Extra. cloaet ~ .. ac. and 2 30-ga.llon water he&tere. All tor only - $23,&oo, l't:neroua term•. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY 'Pt() roR.D V·I Deluxe Sedan, Only .. ····-····· ...... 1147~ '47 PONTIAC Sedan ; R..lH ; perf-ct ln every way .... 11046 •41 CHEV. Sedan: RAH : Im· mac. new paint only .... I 996 '•7 HUDSON Com. h<i&n, lmmuulate. only . . ...... I 7~ '4& FORD Sup. Dix. Cpe ..... l79!i '49 P'OR.0 v.s eu.t. Tudor, H. a.nd OD. .. .. . . .... Sl29$ '41 CHEV. Sed., extra nice, Only ... . . ........... -····· ' !i7& '30 1"0RD Coupo ............•.......• T5 EXTRA ALLOWANCES allawtd t1 your trade-ln LI a clea.n .,1 or '42 model. MANY 1'fOR.E TO CHOOSE ntOM NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED O~ ANY CAR ON OUR LOT Theodore Robins YOUR. FORD DEALER 534 Coast Highway Beacon HO. N"wport Beach .Hour•: Wffk Daya I 'tll 7 !lunday1 and Hollday1 10 'til t lt-45 Y'ORD atation wagon-Wood t. completely refinllhed. Excel· lent condition. Phone Harbor 2297~J a.ft.er ~ p.m. 44ct8 61-Re&J Est&te E>:cb&nre • • OPEN 1 -5 • • Be&utttully turnl..llbed yur round 4. bdrm. S ba. home. PracticaUy new MODERN, w1lh enclosed pa.Uo, 2.ca.r pr. Ready tor com- plete living. 1111 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 24~1·~1. 12tlc . EXCHANGE Fully tumtabtd ho~e. nreplace. !Ue-ep• 10. &ll utU. paved road. 1 bill to •tore a.nd club hou.e. Arrowhead. SMOO. Submit home or income. Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1~23 Coaat Blvd., Corona del Ma.r l:farbor 27M WANT TRAIL&R Will trade my equity ln new 2 bed· room, partially ~ed house in Co.ta Meu tor late model trailer . n2 !a.nta Ia.be.I, Coeta Mesa. 43p4~ LONG BEACH -·2 houaee, home and Income. clear. WUl trade tor equal value, Harbor are&. Phone Harbor 0363-W. 44p67 Price $16,000 2 Bdrm H;ome P&rtl.y turnilhed. Price $MOO - $1'60 down. lLarge 2 Bdrm Home Bath &nd. t., -Approxl. fo y.an okl. Near high tchool. Price $7500 G. N . WELLS, Rltr. 6 A880ci&tee 1790 Newport Blvd. Calta M~ Ph. Bea. 5181 New Lido Listing Ju•t complellng 2 bdrm home. Still time to chOOle your own coloA. 21 ' Uv. rm., frple., tile featuru, b&r.;t~ kitchen. prt· vate patio. Prictd below the market at ll:J,l&O. Euy temui. GREENLEAF It ASSOC. BLlLDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2M2 Open House 1-5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 211 Heliotrope Ave.· Corona del Mar M-Money to 1-n LATE 1948 CHRY.9LER New ------"------__. l'in.Ht location, a few 1t.epa: from Yorker Sedan. like new. 18,000 LOANS For Homes ocean bluff. Brand now, two actual mllea 11700. Private: bdrm, two bat.ha., hardwood ~)'. call week e.nda. Harbor &%-20 yr. Re:plar Lo&n.1 noor., fireplace, 2~r p.n1e, 162, ennlng-a. 42p4t CONSTRUCTION LOANS 11' frontage:. Come '" It or a t 5-..5~% {14 yrt.) pbone J,ohn Mottram. 1131 BUICK 4 door ffdan. Quick WE B UT' AND SELL -1e:. lkn1cvnan. 507 Nart:i.a· TRUST DEJ:BS sum. Coron& del Kar or ·call SEil BOB llA 'ITLE!\ Harbor 282f·J. 43pi5 H15 COAST iii. VD. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo, Newport Be:•ch Kyr 1600 E\rQ. Barbor 241G--R Waterfront Home I bd....._ 2 bat.N, pier and floet 2 yn. old Includ•• G& dlahwulMr Di.po.I, p•tlo tunut ...... Ptt. OwRer, Harbor 10t7·J. S2c41 2111 ACR.SS • wiU!. bldg. 50 K 20, can .. lived la. $~,9~. 2000 dn. TU.t:tn near 17th, Coe:t& w .... Phone S..con 82t3·W. 4k44 For Sale · or Trade INDIO'S largeet and fin•t 38 unit Motel With Cafe. TrlP.le •·A" 1.pproved. Located on Ht.pwa.y• 60· 70·99. Moath, ly averase grog 13000.00. Own· er mu.t le&Vf' btt&Uff of health. Write 12·237 Hwy. No. 99, Indio. Calif. 44p49 MOST COMPLETELY PER- FECI' 3 bedrm. home in Newpt. Hta. under $15,000 Shown by appt. only. Call Mrs. Sheeley, B. 6108-J wtth WM. E. ANGOLD, Re&ltor 615 J:. B&lboa BlYd., Balbo&. 4«48 5 ACRES; COSTA ME8A. Excel· 1 .. nt bids-. loU. $11.000. Santa Ana Ave. betw. 20th A: 2l•t. PhON Beacon 629S-W. OcH ATfENTION Doctors & Dentists Here I• a cloee-1.n location, on a 7~n.. !ront.&C"e that would make a wond .. rtul home and otflce. Lovely I bdrm wtt.h hwd., tile. fireplace, dbl. gar.. patio, bar· ~1.1.e. walled and bf'autiru.Ily land8ca.ped. Bee lhia now. On.Jy $13 ,100,-terma. $800 dn. HA VE ONE LZTI' -NWe 11" bdrm with f'Klra apt., largf' lot nev town.. t yn. olcl. MMO-- EZ terma.. B.A.NERESON OPl:N EVENINGS MRA • Npt. Harbor Multiple Lilting Realtor ltlJ Newport Blvd., Colt& lle1& Phone Beacon :J225 See UB for gQOd aummer renta!JI. i'or A.le tn COM: 3 bdrm furn. houae on lot 105xl 11 f..e:t . Dbl. ' pr., lovely p.rden. At 1pecial ca•h price much. below replace· menL . Fitzmorris Realty Co 813 Cout Blvd. Corona de.I Mar Har. 2152 -:;::::::::::::::::::::;, JNJ:W a BDRM home ln Newport ~ Height.I -Ha.a ocun view- Use Classif iecl Acls 1" batlw, ti.replace and pr· bqe dJ.pmaL WUI COMider low down payment. Own~r wUl ti· nance. Be&. ~71S-R (evM. Be&. MU-WK. U"'8 COST.A. MESA 13000 DOWN' . aenaible prices. LIDO ISLE STANLEY HADFili'T.D R al bu much to offer ... for ~ • e tor . it m..U the D !: MAND ___ 2_1•..,....MARINE ___ ._B_ALB __ o_A_1_s_LA_ND _____ H_u_bo_r_20 __ _ FOi( THE VERY BEST at the most priCM. LOOK at th..., EXCLUSIVES: reuonaltlt SPECIAL 1. Brand new I b@droom, ~ bath home on choice lot. i.~. cheer· f\11 room•. unit heat, breakfut bar, lovely kltch~n. apectous walled l.D patio are a f~w of ma. n y ouUlt&nding feature•. Thia ta a te:n1tic BUY a.t only Uf,7M. I . "CHOICE SPOT" on the "BAY· FRONT ot LIDO ISLE a ne&ily new 1 4 b@droom and 2 b&th home that 1a a "honey." This I.I not &n "old Mach house" but 11 a n~ly new. clever year &r0und home. Large room1, unit he&l, l'&rb&ge ·di•poaa.J. hotpolnt dl1h· wuhtr, 2 aun deck.!. lovely view a nd many other am&rt featurea. Thta:·i. a qv.&llty BUT. Prtced righ\. -{ ALSO BALBOA BARGAIN 5 bedroom beach home, 1 blk .. from Bay, close to shopping, furnished. A real buy at ···-·······-$13,500 BALBOA ISLAND • 3 bedroom home on corner location. Owner ..,11 and me&llB it. Make offer. l&)'I HAL HOUSER-Sales GAIL CARNEY-Rentala NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marin~ Ave., Balboa Island Har. 502 Balboa Peninsula · Only $13,000 $3800 DOWN. 2 bclrma, turnlobed bome:--Pa.neled living rm, fire· plac,. bar kitchen, BBQ and en· cloeed paUo. Price Only $6,500 N ice bee.ch house in R·3 zone. Room to build income Wt.il Peninsula Point Authentic CaP.t Cod 2121 Ocean Blvd. OPEN Sat & Sun, 2-6 or by app't, ph. Har. 1238-W A few choice building lllle• fo• Only $8850 aale on LI.DO ISLE at price• you 2 bcirm home on Ba.Jbo& Blvd. Approximat~ly 2200 1q, tt. 1 yeu old. 2 bdnna A: bath down.1ta1ra, 1 bdrm a.n.d lge. den a.nd bath upata.ira. Sundeck SOX.30, e:Kct!l• lent v ie"'· Large living room. fireplace, dining room. gorgeou• k it chen &: nook. oak !loon, fore. ed &Ir heat, ext.raa 1"&10te. eon .. tr&etor'a home. can afford. The.le lot.a are tell· Nice beach houae. Fireplace ing !a•L The la.w ot"supply and partly turniahed . demand must certatnly Lncnaae their value. See WI u we ~ the .DEVELOPERS ot LIDO ISLE where: a little bUyl a LOT. • P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 VI& Lid<> This Is Choice! $21 ,000 -3 bdrm•, 2 bath, unfur. home, lge. e.ncloaed patl~om· pletely elec.· kitchen, atove., ref. dtah wuher and gar. ~ 2-car s&r:•l't:, l&ndllcaped. Priced to aell quickly Wm. E. Angold, Rltr . 510 I:. Balbol. Blvd. Balboa Phone Harbor 123S. W N~~600 caut. SEE US FOR choice au.mm.er re:nt.-Many • bi< du! bu been nw:t. ------------1 ala. .AU alZH and pricN. thru a mnall Want Ad Another Boyd Buy In . COR,ONA DEL MAR Coast Properties Co. OPEN _. 418 ABB.llY WAT, . . . IOl IC, Balboa Blvd., Balboa COSTA MESA'S BEST BUY! • . • • --• . .. ~ •• " . • 'llO 1"0RD CONVllRTIBLE - PH'fKt cond. Sale by orig. Pri- vate party. $174~. Call Harbor &2-W. Hp<& Corona del Mar Barbar 1077.J Rep. POIRIJ:R KORTOAG.11 CO. ~tro Ufe In.a. i'\mdll Kl WlU Income Property • • • to NII JOlll" ear • • , to ftH.a "-¥er ror;rov~ J'INUT Rulde.n.Ual 1t~el N'f&!'o $2500 ~ ~ balance like rent. ' Phone Harbor 2MS Jy new a B. R. home, 1 ~ bat.ha. rum. or un.tum. 2 bdrm. home 3 bedroom.I, . bdwd, floon, 2 !Ur- . n~. All ltet:I kitchen." i yra. • • LOA.NB TO BlJJJ.D. DIPltOva One ot Newport Beach'• ftnMt MUST IELL lmmedt.atelv new BUT, KO.DltRNID, 01l bayhont properties. 81x unlU.-J n--U•a.T,.., • 1960 8tylelln.e dbl. Chevrolet. n.111.9.a,n...,.-,'"'. 1 &nd 2 bdrm9 eompleteiy tum. R&dlo. "beatr:r. Only drlve:n 10 We Bao 'l"nllt DrledD A.a outatan41nc bUJ'. · Muat be mUt1. •1~. WUJ take: trade. Nl:WPO!tt B••.80A. l'EDER.A.L aold at once. &:uluatft u..tJna.' BAVlM08 It LOAN .uaK. can Beacon 118411.J or llMA:on ms VI& Udo I'll. Bu 1IOO • GRJ:l!:NLEA.t' It A8l!OC. llll·R -Attor I p. nt. Har-' BUILOl:R -RJ:A.LTOB -UU·'-•~& REAL ESTATE LOANS ., su2 Newport Blvd,, BarllOr W2 PHONZ Har1lor 1111 to ptac. lDtereet Rate j~ • Ii,. , 1"W'wutadonw.-. i-· 'lalatlt mado'i ta u.. lkJ Real Values!' . (ILAUIHb) pPI 1:11 ' &mile aw111le • • • Aa4 -you """" .... -LAp-. llll(to .. . •• Dlllltlple oatlL 11-.,. old, .. JIE.Ut iµT-.utne. -cot· ..-u4 •w .,.... ,.n•-net•a tap. I '4NU...., llelfllt.I pol"da. J'DUI' ,.. •a\ 1ou. Mtnte\&Pi a~ Ip. kttdm w l t' 1ls I' _,..t -!fa ~ tw .,._. -. D'zl"I ra., Ii.Ins rm. ..,,-..,.,...... ..._. _.. Cba,·1:0 41tb r'U1U08llSD • • • t.o rat :reu apt. ••• to 1•lapo•• of· f•,•IC11re urcl "-hold eoode 7R M l9-8J9r ..... • • • to flail ....... ,.. OS .,,.. •• •dJ':!:I .... ....... ,,,.., __ ..._ u .. Claaalfiecl Acts I Anoe*• .mil•! L .I.ad --tlteN &ft ll1lel at .,,o,._ "'16 'Oml HQ ..U OI' -TOOi ~.,...... AB'l'BUJl A. KAY .,,..,,. .ftlONT-c..:t _.,... • .... lta•1r --'-O...af , a '>' tile -. A -*.ZClom • 111"1'1 ,.,,._ • ...... lit •• ww\11 - ..... 7 17 .,,,. ..alll:? '•!'ft Colt. Ufa 1111. 0..'• --............. ri ••••• - -t4H--_ ..... " Balbot B1altY C"A>. 221 J lallio11lvcf. J&rre · llv. nn., fireplace, 2--car wt th• dbl. ranae and ttneid yd. prap., bl6 lot, fmeed. Price 1'itt lac 3 ld.. Nduced .,aln-KA JCll OJ'l'ERI ~ e.. yean o BOftACJ: s. KAp.T R.pBERT L. BOYD 309 K&rtn e" An. Phm.e Harbor 224.2 COSTA MESA WANTED' I old. Fenced paUo and barbecue. Near ad>ool> ond llbope. $4,000 down. El.•;y; FHA term1. Qwner Harbor lffO..M or Harbor ;t.22. •SU• -lolilld 8¥toor 1031-.1 1211 00ut Blvd., Corona del "Mu tOlfc ' UcH Buyuo walling for tow 1 priced bome ln llice a@Ctlon alJIO for ----------- ~~~~~~~~~~- BT O~-Duplex and omall Bil.yfront Duple:k --and comer lot, cloM • · - 1 bdrm modern home whlcb '8000 down will ban.die • LIDO ISLE 1n Coot& x.._ no.ooo, w.n.. Pier .... tlooL ate.MO.~ do. 8e1coa 1111-W. "2c44 /--11 ~ellent ~ buy. Love:t,r 2 bdrm," tumlabtd bomt GREJ!NLE.U" " ASSOC. pluo bunk ,._,. ottacht4 to OOOD LOT.Jn --· nar 'B-qn.DER.-RJ:AL'IQR pn.ro, enc1-pal.lo. Special 11q. 11.IOO. --· Ml sm l!!~ Bl..S.. a.... m2 11uy, only au.-. lcriJle, Aft., .. ._ ....,_,. . -11-;;;-;;;;;:;;~;;;;;;;;:-;:""5:-= ~tkactjve Duplex $40,000 Inve8hnent II OlfS ~ JlotJD, I 1'L 1 Jll>llM. -alt, I J'l'S. old, Jib ~~ o14.,, Sl,ITI. 111 M dll 'P1lff. 8i!W 1 ... wit. to bu. ·dt.t: I aa· BIWI• • _....np k!tllld, J!l:l- Ooot& ..._ ft. --Ill. .... 8tueco " redwood -. !N 11~ per -t ~ ~ $14,~. owner, _liA Parlr Lane ' it. B. C. Jl&41.TY • c0. -~---------Dr.~ X-.. .. ,;, , UHT Did ud Newpocj lllM. . .DOl'LD - - - --' • NWpilt J1ooC11 _,,. $6950 FPLL ~~ICE New .BMch Houae ~ block to -oceon beacll. 2 bdrm.a., •ttracUv• D!odeta cotoro Un-ou.,..ut Tumo op- .pro&tmaldy ~ dowl\. . o~ " A8lioc'. BUILl)D ~. Jlll:AL'1'0R 3U2 Newpoct Blvd., ~ 20Q • ••• , •••. ... ---R.....U JOU. a11t1m1d WW! & ClaMlllo4 li ~ -oa'i 111#'11 ,._ N.w-1rt .... ch ~~-~~·~rr~~r~M~-~·~1~1~1~~~~1t .... ~~·~r~~~~~J it n.. .,.,_ •nune, 1NI.,.. a 8slli• -._ -. an ... He .. 1r till --'l.--.,... .... 811~1• ....... °"'4 .. .._ t• JI ... lfnz*ll ....., .... 8d;' I -Mii U iB.,cORICaft LOT.U.0 -.S. • -.. DO'lt'R -..,. ......:... ..... I :,_. ell. W.• a1 1*f Blth'•f ...... ad w~· , ...-.,,_ •--- •11118 1111 -111 .... OWw - -... -.. Jiu<' Vl<lll<la a...,: a OSP'~llt_;.1!~~==~=;:;-::1rd 1ll1 W. "+• a..s.. ••rwt '* lU& • write 6m: U ~ff o.ta1MMI. ..••e• . Drs• • .. ·..,... ~ / "»" • Mo&& ' • . " , . • • .. • .. • - • , - • .. • . , ' ' • • • • ' • • LfD O MAIKIT With SALLIE THERE'S THAT MAGA- ZINE AGAIN! ..• the one that takes yoDl' household wrinkles each month and smoothe5 them out to a slick satinv finish . . . Aui:ust ts.Ue of BE'ITER LIVING on sale the 12th besides only costini: a ·nick•! and ha,iog a lot of p~ttv pictures to look. at . • . has a way of making voo feel like the artides lo it were written jost for \'l>U •• ~ It de&ls with aver- age M"'-Homemaker and takes lo hand what sh• is 11ke1 y to. he confronted with for the ensuing month . . . Canning . . . making piekles &nd preser\'l"!li . • • ] 01 1''a~·s to pep up lagging summt-r appetites . . . sandwiches ... cold drinks . . . summer fashions ... Thett's a whing-dinger of a wrai>-a-round fhat slips O\'H the head and laps o\·er in the back .. Quick- ~t wa,· of CO\"f'ring up a sun -stroked bathini: suit J'\'e yet to see ... Peaches are the star feature . . . how to can, freeze and pre- ,...n·e them ... And don't fori:et the "M\' Neighbor's Receipe" oontest e v e r :V month . . . offers over $1,000.00 In prizes ... DON'T T H R 0 W T H E PEELINGS AW A Y ... that is if you've just baked an aople pie with the first of the new crop apples that have made their appearance ... White Astrachan is their name and when it comes to making jelly . . . W h i t e Astrcachan a pples s t a n d alone ... There's no other fruit that comes even close for pectin qualities .. Throw the oeelings in with t h e strawberry, youngberry or peach jam ... Combine 'em with any fruit and cut the cooking t ime down t o min- utes ..• Taste? ... there is none ... of the apple ... KEEP THEM SMILING! ... ~·our mailbox ... your kids bikes . . . your metal fence . . . the chrome on your car ... the propellor' on ~·our boat ... your sil· . \·erifa,... . . . brass lamps &: planters . . . Protect them from corrosion, rust. and oxidation ... all ri~ht here's the nam.. . . . 111•1-L-Sa\'·R and it can he fnund In section 16 . . . It's brand new ·and is th• baby of three or our Joeal re~idents namel~· B r u c e Johnston. R-O~· Neel and A. B. Cubbai:e ... I've heard wonderful stories o( an aluminum outboard mot or that was half treated with Met-L-Sav-R ... left in the water a.II night and hung in the air by day for six month· The Met·L-Sav-R'd part reu.~tled bright & shin· ing . . . you know what the other part looked like ... A band saw that had t o be cleaned every week because of rust . . . when given a coat ing of Met-L-Sav-R it has not been cleaned for a vear ... Plated silver that did not pi ck up stains for four months after b e ing washed every day . . . A Brass Company in G rand Rapids Michigall that is treat·ing all their brass lamps ,planters and whatever else they happen to manufac- ture with Met.L-Sav-R before they sell them ... They say it is the finest protector they've found yet ... A csr that had to stand outside. every night for six months still ha d chrom~ as bright and shining as the day it was purchased ... No"• don't get me wrong Met·L-Sav-R will not take off the rust already on bot It will protect ~t more rust . . . It comes In Ii handy kit with p o I I s b wbleb Is applied flnt . • . Then solvent to e I e a n thoroogbly . . • TtieB the Te,....lellfl Sealer wblch la applied with a brush • . • Just uotber goOd-way . to get .• good -.... WlllJe Jlftlllllbg for the t Im e wbea wiD.tv ~ eet ta ••• Met-L-Sav-R ia llOld ex- clusively at Jliclwd'• Lido Market, ~ Via Lido, Ne.w· polt Beuh, Califcimla; • • • ' \ . . . ~ j~ ' . • . . . .../ • . . - Vacationer, Tourist, Homesteader, ell receive SPECIAL attentio n whe n t liey shop e t RICHARD'S ••. Bes ides ou r ma ny weekend specials we S ~EC I AL l ?E in Courtes y, C leanlin ess, e nd Economy for each end e very customer. Make your next Sh.oppin9 t our e tour. to Richard's e nd benefit t he Richerd '...-W ey. ,,;.-:· gaality · Meal Featuring Mannings U. s: Gov't. Gn11l1d Clloico l11f Finest loof Obtainable , mJS 2 lb ...... . COFFEE 1.sa FORGE'f .SOMETHING S1locted Stock of Vacation Nocossitin .".. ' Chuck Blade or Chuck Ann POT M . .\.;'C\"lNGS BEEF SHORT RIBS ..... . .. 39c: ' EltMr End (u ~ut) LOIN PORK ROAST .............. 49.c: PAN READY FRYING RABBITS .. 69c: . . 8\VIFTS ORIOL£ -Sealed pkc. SLICED BACON . ., 49c: HALL'S RA.'>CH-ROUND L&GBOR" YOUNG MTl:ilt'INO CHICKENS ___ .. 49c: Fresb Prodat:e . . . . ..... F A.:SCl:" ELBERTA FREESTONE PEACHES .......... 2 k25c: FRESH. SNOW \VHlTE CAULIFLOWER ........ ----~ ~ \\'mTE ASTRACRA."°S-NEW CROP APPLES ... . ........ 3 k 29c POT ff OES ....... 10 lk 19c: SWEET, FULL OF IUICE ' ORANGES .. _ .............. 6 ft& 29c: Deli ca less ea . .. . . . . . . . . . . , ' Ll'ER'S QUAUTY-SK.INLESS FRANKS ...... . .. JL 5~ CHEESEHE:.: .......... ~ .. A 49c: trsox BRAND lMPORTED I ... 'I ... till HOLLAND HAMS 6.50 RATWS BLACIKBA.Wll SPICED ' ._- LUNCHEON MEAT 59c: .u.EX'S ~ wtt• MAXNINGS BED' TAMAlES -·---~ 2 ... 39c:. STORI HOURS: . WOK DAn (Eseopt rrw.11 • l:IO A.. IL te l:tit P. •. ,,. FIUDAY -•AJDLY Nin: e.-A. II. to t P. II. SUNDAYS t:te A. M. to 7: .. P .... w.. -.... IUpt .. ~ Qoutl*9 (il ••11'nm01ttt on.rM fM _..II llnltjed . ~---) ' . MEDIUM GRADE A FBF.SH c EGGS doL 57• Ba thing Caps Bee ch Towe ls Beech Toys CWCKEN OF SEA SOLID l'ACK LIGHT MEAT TUN.A ·::.~ 29-• Dishes ................ MakM • Pinta Portland Punch Ra.&p. • Les-Wq Flavor ~.::. .. .. ............ 39 ' ...... Gold Or•gelase M&k.M l qtlM't fOL 17; Ma ................. _ ...... . Nor B raad CreMpM:k N orweai&n Sardines ~ ................... 19• Quallty K- Koslter er Plaln C>ill Piclcl~ ,.... 26¢ JM ................... _ ... P011t C--1 Off•r ~pla.t I -. U.. for le wlttl l pa.ellap Laree Post Toasties --..... 25; Oa11 .................... .. fk.l Monte STE\\"ED-#% ca.n TOMATOES 23 ; Dt-1 Monte TOMATO SAUCE I OL 3,., 19¢ Ot>I Mont&-l! oL Chile Sauce 11 ¢ l>fil Mont• TOMATO JUICE #•can 2 •• , 23 ¢ . d os. ean •.• !&c ~ Del Mon&e Golden Ct'f'me 5tylf! CORN n ... 2 ,., 29 ; . • • lllsbury"....-8 OL ie Crust MIX 15; • ldc•t PM'lk NA VY EANS 2 .. ~29 ' ~. CORN B F HASH 39C A LIBBY GENUJI$ =·DEVILED 3 oz. 19c D11.lnty Mtx FRlJIT-No. 1 COCKTAIL ..., 19; Tri Vallf~y Yf.IUow Cllac PEACHEStv. .... 23; '.iulci #:::El.:'h; 46 OL. • , • Z1c S It W Mf'dlum Siu S-11-oz. SWEET PEAS · 18; Stokley'• Ftnut Blue Lake ClrT GREEN BEANS No. I ....,llf $\VIFJ'S BROOKFIELD Gl asses Kitc he n Equipment Cookin g Ute nsils Make it a point to visit our MEZZAN INE SH.OPPE '· BUmR.. ... ...... ·'· .. ................. .IL 74; BLUHILL COLORED 1 • MARGARINE • . ....................... .IL 25 ; l.AliRA SCUDDERS PURE MAYONNAISE . _ -"-=:.:· . p1Jt1 37' \'AN CAMPS PORK & BEANS .... ... . ... No. t V. ... 19¢ 8WANSONS CHICKEN FRICASSEE ..................... Jb ... 52' P ILLSBURY PANCAKE. AJll.'D WAFFLE FLOUR ......................................... SOOL 14; Salad Bowl-I OL FPm ·-1 !6·ft. roU Fch. C>ressing 1 l ; Waxed1--Paper 21 ; Tutt Stull t8e val. Ya pr. Sale Super Spray 49' \\'ondt>rfood Fresh Flu.tty-1! OL Marshmlws. 2125; Ze&-quallty-%00 count Face Tissue 2125; Glim IJquld -8 OL C>ETERGENT 29; Hartley lmpor&ed En1.-l lb jar Marmlade 27; ilollytlme White or Yellow PORCORN IOOL 17' ~ LIBiiY 31,4 01, t Gebhardt. with beana -1 OL EA·y 2. -lUc· Chile 1 Carne 19; Sltrou:r: Colored TOILET TISSUE 2 ,.; .. 27; ~POTTED ~~-LIBBY _'11'r~· Vienna • oz. ausage .19c LEMON FILIZD CUP CAKES ···-············ ~ ......... 3 ••• 14¢ CHOCOLATE ~~IRS 2 fo• 25' Bifl'IEK POU1''D LOAF CAKES -.. ----------· .-39; BOYSENBERRY 11ARTS 2 ,., 19; ' · 8ATUJWA:lt' Cffop l!IUl:V 1 ~ COFFEE CAk~~--.. 4 ... 23' DATE NUT l~AYE~·CAKES-87; Family-SIMI ptt-e00ked-l~ OL GGodwln• -Minute Rice 39' Ammonia Ja.n-U-Wlne Chop-Suey No.! Chow Mein 49 ~ Cloro:m: -quart.a 18c BLEACH ., ,.,.27 ; Karo Cryatal White SYRUP IV, lb. Jar 2l' quart Fir. 'Cleaner 79 ; Bnlce Frozearoods ......................... REAL GOLD LEMONADE .... .. .• ~ 2 fo• 25c: ~=:::.EN U111m6E JUICE ......... • ... 19c LIBBY• FROZEN ·FRENCH FRIES .. _ ........... ·'°" 19c: ' . LlllBY FRENCH · • . GREEN BEANS .................... l~OL 20C BDUl8El'Z POBDBOOK LlMAS .................................... ~ ......... lJ ... 27c RUPPE.ll't FILLET or SOLE ~-----.... _ ... _: ____ ·--------·----A 55c: • . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . '''""'t .-URGENT- Yoilr Blood Is Needed! , • • • • . . , • • , • .• •