HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-18 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• WJ:Dia:l!DAY, ltlJ.Y II, IHI -,1-... • AND SHOPPING NIWS n A w m -snr = ---'"' = = w • \ DON'T TWIST YOUR HANKY AND GET NERVOUS INDI· GESTION BECAUSE YOU CAN'T COOK. I.At 'Ch~ley do It! Cllariq-'• 8ealood Rfftawiul hu lowered t.ba dlvora rat.9 con.aider-- ably. Dubtou.e brides a.nd even over·t:ralntd mat.rona are tindinl' th• joy' and re!Uithm that oomu from a pleuan.t dilut.er by the eea.. Ch&tley'a. .t.Ore ~ of ..-...a11 Ha.llbut, local Sea. Bue . • • or P'r\eCI Shrimp. 8callop1 or, Abalone or even an entlrt Lobater add a Sln.I to d.in.lnl'· out. '11J\ dbulera &re ortly $1.25. Lobfier with all th• trim ia $2.26. So~ e.1M'• cookinc a.lwa)"I tutu better. Charley'• w.a!ood a&lad• ror luncheon or a Crabmeal cocktail apertif pep up the whole day. U you're only mlld1y hunfl'Y. a oowl of Clam Chowder tor Junch lmprovea your afternoon brtd(e. Stomacha an Improved , • . mysterious yena are aale-d. Charlf"y'a Sea food RNtauraat. 1135 Cou&. 8JtfaJ' (next to Port OTanp) 7 d&y1 a week. Beacon 8834. • • • \'ou look palf' and U.UHL• C&al youraell on my 90fa while I analy ze you. lJh-Huh ..• J Aee It a.ll now ... you'n not dwelllng In the right color 3Cheme. You, a lovely; cool Ice blonde are li ving "'Ith warm colon. Warm eolora are for brunettu , •• You ahould have a backg-round of verdant (TMn or tcey b lue. My dear, your emotional insl&billt~· can be directly traced to your 1ubconM:iouii diiillke for the colors -.-.•h\ch 1un-ou.nd you. Thia may come a.I a 1hock trealment, but It'• actually true ... Color hu an emotional quality. It pleases o r diaple&ses ... !'low I 've done all I can tor rou. You mu!lt now put youuelf In t he handa of the McDonald Paint ~torti In Costa Meaa. Bennett Colorit.er Paints are the re1ults of 12 long years of re;eearc:h ... Bennett Paint.a come In 1,322 color• . , . go a.head count them Instead or ahee-p. You can now a vail ~·ou raelt or the "'xact paint colora you Mcretly deeire In your shady atream ot consciousneas. Harmon1u your walla \l.'lth your drape•. carpeta, wallpa per and fll brica. No more neuro1ots, m}' pe.t. Me MeDonald Paint ~tnre TODAl'. 137% H."RBOR BL,'D., .OOSTA II Drunk Driver 'R•corcl Sta•• · · · EmjtloynMatTolcl in Hiway Crash . s;. ..... 1 Jna'oNM In qricul-. tu1'lll omploymont an~ conftnu<id J'our pe"*Ml8 were .everely 1axpan.Pou ot military •MJlillab-ment.a ee.nt clvtllan employment tn ah&Jten up ln a two car aeoctdent 'callfornia to a mld-K&y tot.al of al 15 :08 p. m. Friday at 17th St. t ,428,000 workers. , a pin of and Coaat Hifhway near Ute Bay about 7&.000 alnee mid-April and Shore bridge. the hie hut May figure tn the A car driven by Howard J . Suma, of Arcadi a, hMrdlng eut wu halt.Ht opl>'N'ile the t r ailer park when It waa hit ln the rMr by a vehicle o~rated by Travta Wi!Uam Baker , E1 C.jon. Pauengera ln the Burru:' ve- hicle were Mn. Lyda Voll, of 427 Ma.rguerite Ave., Corona del Mar: Mni. Mae Bum1, of P&a&dena. and tl'le driver'• w ife. AU in thi.a car were badly ahaken up but eec&ped any a.pparenl injury. The ca.-driven bv Baker left 4~ ff'el or •k id mark.a betore U.e point of lmpa ct . D,....k Ort, . .., state'• history. Announcnnent of the new em- ployment ficure waa made today followinC' a. jo.in.t analysis of the labor market by J&me• G. Bry- ant, director of the State Depart- hlflht of EmploYJl}ent, and Paul ·.scharrenberl'. director of t he State Department of Induatria.I Rela.tiona. Unl!mployment. eaUmated at l't4,000 in May. did not deelin u ab.&rp ly u employment roee. indicating t he entry into the atate'1 labor force of seuon&I worker• an d mlST&nla. La• t 'month'• unemployment t otal wu about 22,000 lesa than the April ngure. a.nd 1151 .000 below the level of May, 19150. BOY;. ·11, DROWNS . AT COM LAST .SATURDAY Superior Judges Brother and Get Pay Boost A b ill setting a minimum an· nual salary of $10,000 for superior court.· judge.a throughout the stak hu be-Pn 1igned into law by Gov. Earl WarrPn. The bill lncreue• salaries o~ all aupt'rior court judges by Sl .750 over the aa.lary in e.tfect January 1, 1951. The amount the iitate pays to- 1A'ard t h e 1alary of the j udge1' "'-"OUld be increa.et>d from $5,750 to $7 .~00 under the bill. Sister Escape Heavy Surf PtJllJJlllED AT nu BALBOA BOUU:V AU NEWl'UltT BEACH, C.A.LIPOSM.& TELEl'BONJ:: HAJUIOS lflt t MESA BEAOOS 5103. • • • Vt'itnf'IMfl r tported t hat Baker had been driving t"rra tically be.- fore the acciden t. Two m en aaJd that. prior to t hP cruh. they had Labor Forcet1 Grappler Garibaldi to Gnint Here, Sat. Eleven -year -old Melvin Tackitt of Buena Park wu the seventh drowning victim of the season in the Newport Harbor area. The boy drown· ed in the surf, after being swept from rocks jutting out into the ocean at 5th beach on Irvine property south· west of Corona del Mar, at 3 :45 p. m. Saturday. ib 1y MARGO ··ESCOFFrER" h."JNGSTOf\.' is handing out form- ,. ula.s Ilk• mad at thf' BAYSIDE FISH MARKET~ '>-!~·,;. This srlf-appointed BrilJa t-Savarin l.!l l'lf'tt lng him· lllt>lf up a.!l a one m a n RuN>au or Jnt."~•1. ftf'('IP"1'· Harry clain1!. that a. Ra~·itldf' Fl~ properly · pre- pared will make you healthy, bra1ney and 1n df'· m and a."• hoa;te~s ! HPre's h i!! !lerPnade to a Sworrt- flsh &: belle\'e nie. I quote: "Buy a jar of \\'oody '• Barbt>cue Sauce or any othf'r blrbeque JJaUC'e you rind on t~ shelf of your favorite market-sprpa d on both sides of you.-fish -dry flour v.·i th Dl:<lf' Fry -uot with butter or margf"rlne and broll-mPd1um flamP. DO NOT BROIL OR FRY ANY FISH TOO LO'.\"G . It '-''Ill ta!!te like •awdu.st." On 8ee'Ond thot, perhaps .,.,.e ghould rename thu1. "Sa.,., .. duat a la S\l·ordf1sh." But at lea.st the man'a candid Ht>re'1 the t ena tive fil!h torttal!t: Aloacore.,. ('lu!!1ve : Sea BaM, Halibut, Yt>llO'ol"· 'tail. g.....,·ordf1!!-h ... probably: Abalone Steaks a t iac lb .... d<'f1n 1tP- lv. Smoked F ish ... Ye.!!: FrPah Fil!lh da Uy. a t tM 8a)·•idf' t'l ~h ),arkf't . , • beyond the ahadow or a doubt '. 3800 Lafayf'tte. OJM"ft "1 ~ a \\"ttk 8 lo 6 :30. • • • HAIR TODAY -GONE TOfl.tORRO\\'! ~·111 you lad1e11 llt'p behi nd t he bal"'n \\'1th me 'A'h1le I di5CU~ a little personal n1atter \\•1th \'OU? :\1rs. Ellen L Br\"a.nt, &.n experienced elet"t rologi.et is no'A· at ihe l..ido Sta.Ion of Bf'a~ty. Summe.-sun. sun oils and lot1on1 are apt to e:ncoura.ge the over·product1on of hair. 1'-1a ybe your eye-brows are a little: too hea\·y or maybe you'd like a .,.,·idow'!! pesk or a ne"· hairline ? Elltn BryRnt iii a reg1.slered electrologi.3t author1ud by the State o r California . She i15 thoroughly experienced In the per· manent removal of undesirable bait by elect.rolysi.1 and thermoly.11s. Y ou may havf' hair. rf"mo,·ed f-rom a1·n1!! or legs or any part of the facial a.rea. Th i!! l.s a sc1enti f1cally safe, painless rilethod of re.deco· ratinf your phy 111ognomy . Mrs. Bryant .,.,-HJ give you a free private con.1ult.ation in her O""'n private chamber.s. Let'a a void that 1 o'C'look (ctaylil'hl-&a\'inrsJ iihadow, girls. Be hair-free and ca.tt-fne. Con- •uJL F.11,n L Bryant R. '£. at Udo Salon of Bee.uty, Harbor !671. &440 \·la Oporto. • • • . Hf':R ~'S A B L"'i" CO,.lPARABLE ONLY T O THE "LOt:ISlAr\"A P L'RCHASE." LEE STROUP THRU A 111ha rp flnag-le and courte.-y ot Equit:--· and J . Petrillo prese.nts aom eth1ng-new in 1umn1er atock. :r-.;ow playing at the J o-1..N Sport• !"hop: Tv.-o piece dotted s-.-.·ia111 In navy or royal blue .,.,,t..h a supporting cast o f red chenllle dota .•. thil! froLicsome revue numbt>r 11 practica \Jv a. 11eUoul at llS.95. An· other llpec1a lty a ct p.-odured by R oyal Cre!fl. '" a dashirtg 2 p1Ke g-1ngh11.rn in red or blue rhet'kl'I. The blanM iii Gauctio !!tyle .,.,·1t h lon,1r sleevt:.s and turned back cuffs. The rull skirt could fill an orC"he111tra p1l. &!I 1t"s a con1plete dress r 1rcle. Lee'a no SC'alpt>r. me·.11 onl)" den1and1ng St 95 for th1!.. You'll get an adrt1t1onal cur· ta1n call 1n this ooe too, Dolly .. v.·1dPly ey,ed and a lso starchy p1qul!I .skirts in pink, ~·ello\\. Rod a qua at $2.9:'.i. Full circle •k 1rtl'I tn powder blue and pink \\'1th eyt:lf'l trim. $4 95 . . intr1gi.11 ng sk1rtl! of ,,·hite broadrlol h \\·1th "''''1 tcheroo J11tr1 pe.s •.• $3.9~ J o-Lf'.e Sport ~ S hnp. 183.} ~·""l)(>rt . ..\\'f" .. ('oAta ~ .... a . • • • DO'.\"'T T CR'.S' L'P 'i:'Ol'R TOES ~ T URS" THE~1 I'.\" O'.S' A N'E\V PAlR OF 9-) f If: SHOES! Be footlpose 11nd corn-fre:e this :._J I..:'" t1Ummert1 n1f'. If the pace u1 telling, 50 . \"ft ...._ ~ A" I ' I'r'n t"'\l1.ng ~·ou that the v.·a~ for ~~ , ' ~ ~·ou to be lightheArted and lithe o f fool ~~.'~ £ th Iii summer 111 lo get \'Our fet>t on the ~ -71. ground 1n a pai r of Mndali: frOIT\ ~ 8 .4.RBt:R'S BOOTt:Rl'. Berber's is a •,. ~ :...t ~ \\ big famUy Moe store . . :i;hoel! for the entire fan11ly. r·or you. 'lam ... san· d11ls of e\·er:--· de!ICr1pt1on.-Fla.ts , \\'edges. barefoot. casuals .. , red. \••h1te , green. multi-colored $3 .9~ on up. Perhaps you'd enjoy ahnk1ng a.-ound .,.,,th the loo-"fl. jointed gni.L'e or a. Pocohontas In a pair ot hand-~ .... n moccasin~ 111 Y1h1t1P . red. or paJon\'NJ at S4 45? f'or the young !lf't, Sun·SRn! in ''·h1te-. red or bro.,.,"TJ , . then there's dresser1 up con1for t and d!gn 1t.Y in a. pair of Johnny Belindas a.t 14.45 or \\'Rl!h&ble kedette ballerinas • BarMr's Boott ry make your ff'f't f.-el flt . • • 1 790 N~\\'pDl't Ave., Costa Mesa. Po!enty free parking. • • • C HEERS FRO~! THF: BALCONY for the GALLERY ! VPr1t '\'1 1- liam9' Little Patio Studio Art Gal\f'ry i~ cau3ing many a culturPd t yebrov.' to rlf'\"Atp v.·1th pl~a~UJ't'! !.fr!!. "-.il11amii' ne-.-.• picture p.11\&Ct' a dda a dpft toUC'h to ht>r C'bartning Balbo~ Island Jift .shop a.nd book •tall.&. You'll see oil!' a.nd \\"lll cr colora by such famQU.8 Californlft artillta as Thelma Paddock H ope, J oan Il1ring, B1:1rt Pt0ctor a nd Rer. Brandt: unusual n1l1 bv Lou~ deMourer or Santa Fe and colorful Balboa prlnlll b:V P hil ri1ke. Especially nbteworttly An the Med1terran- ea.n aeucepe!! by the latf' Edgar Payne. Thelma Hope diJE.lays onf' rPfreahl.ng v ·rginta scene that hu s rare dPllca cy and &'dPllghtful pute..1 pAt .wldom llf'f'n in an oil. Rex Brandt. l\a1 a f,.w choice '-'"&tef"t'olor on &ale at a lnw ff"t', Thelma Hope is available now al t hf' PaUo tudio tnr oil portra1ll!I. Thi!! m~lrf'SS of her &rt can sketch you 1n 3~ r 40 minutes. Fo r SlO, vou can be immortalized ~ Set-her \-.·hen you .1it ~ PatJo StudJo G..iJer:r ud Book -Stall, SlS liJ Marl.DI!, BalbM Island.. • • • • • - bHn run off the ,o•d by Ba, .,,., The civillan labor force in C ali-STRADDLF. l "OtTR 1..<>G80AT-"~ FT.ATH- d car a nd had turn•d a,ound to fol· forn1a. including pereons at .,.,,ork • \'Ol"R OAR~! Big 11ale or al1 g htly Ui!lfl "<" low him. ThPy had •topp·• Bake,, and thoee eeeking wo.-k . totaled ~ Port Holes at \\'alt'• Tradlar P0&t. ~aybe """' -but he had p-·ttd·• afte' find-f .600.000 In May, compare.d with <It waa Port Light11. Oh well ... \\'alt •v.. ~ ,:i,. haa Afl\•eral thouu.nd item• of n\arine ing out that they were not police 4.s47.000 i.n April and 4,473,000 ut equlpme-nt all alphabetically tiled. I al!ke-d 1 officf'rl. May, t 9M . Walter Bean ·how he could be ao neat, Bakf'r pleaded guilty to drunk Agriculture a.ccounted for about and he said It ws11 becauu he wa.1 from driving In ~·rwport Beach city &l.000 or the net gain In employ· cou t M d ment. followed by government 1'-ta.ine. Well that figure!ll. It also f1gu re11 that you ca.n find anyth.1ng : • on •y and received a eatablishmente '-''hich added a p· In t.he line or n;srtne gl"'ar l)r g1dgy-~adgetA here. T ake me for choicf' bf'twt-en payinc .a S2~ fine roximatelv iZ.ooo clvllia.n work· example ... \A.alt mad"' me 4 bf'a11t1 ful 11ta1nle ~11 ateel barbecue or illpl"'ndin.-M da y11 in jail. _H e 1 ~ra. Total. emplo ment in manu· Mkev.·er~ tor 2tt". And man Cap1ta1ne. you ~hould fondle the tools also ttcelved a llcenae •uape.JUton. facturing •howed~llttle change in on the bargain rounter. For 10<' yet, you ca.n buy hammers, ar rew· May 'A'ith decreaeeii In eome con - drivers, spa.-k plug ~nc hes l!lnd othl"r atra.nge devices. T he Trad· 1 y , J I sun'.a;r goods induatriea and the 1n.E" Post ha,, l!I. Chry•ler C rO'ol"tl 115 h p. motor perlPC"t 11hape, ear 1n :lj fabrica ted metal i~duilrv bal· Jll!lt O\'f'rhau_led .,.,,it h 2 1 ~·1 rf'duct1on. \\'hlch I hope meana more UJ ancM by lncreaa..• In lunibering , to yo11 thsn 1t does to httle ol~ me. OthPI"' oddit ies 1nclude. an alm 1 on•dt and the manufacture of aircra.tt. ne'A' \\.1111'1 butanf' 'lhlp~.' "lo\.·f'; pr. i1·onwood bollarda. Scot a for Mesa Mother electrical eq uipment and prlma.-y clf'at : a.nd a nun1hf'r or good tran11m11u11on11. Lad1ea .,.,•ill enjOy mf'tals. bro.,.,·sing thru' this sailors' 11Alon . ~ta'ke \\'all'• Tradlnl( POf't your Employinent Increases In tran a- f1rJ11t Po rt of Call. 422 30th St. Ne\\'"J>Orl . Open Sunda ys and F lv" yearB probation with a port t.ion and allied industrie11 we:ekday~ excf'pt \\o'ed. rrom 8 :30 6 p. m. Harbor ~470. year In the county jail wa11 thf' ll.nd ain trade ~d iiervice lndust~ • • • M"ntencf' gi•e n Cordrlla Ellhel{ Jiel!I, were largely se.alM>nal. Con - "'i"OU ~OG HT CO?i-fP ARE THIS TO T HE FOREST OF ARDEN." G.-ttn, 23, ca.ta. MeM mother 11tr\1Ct1o n e mployment. a.lthoug-h ~a id Dr. Et"\\'ood bf'musedly "But of rour&P , th" trf'f'S hl!l.Vf' bffn 'A'ho adm1ttf'd 11:trikll\g nf'r thrf"e-contin uing at a relatively high hP'A·n and fa!!htonf'd Into glo rious trsditional a nd modprn furniturr>." month -old daugkte.-with her fi1U. level, declll'Lf!d. slightly. Dr. ErwOOd t"an tak~ you by your moist pelm and guirtf' you thru t he Mr1. GN'f'n WllJI 8e1}tfflcf'd by Su· :\ncf'lu1t Furnlh•N' ~fr. Co. or you ca n go alOOtll'. Thf' Angelllf Co J)4'rior Judge Kenneth J:. Morrl- covers 3 ai:t "" of Loa Angele.I!. H PrP you can vi~w hair a m illion dollar"ft aon. -A'ort h of furniture from all part.a o r tht11 n ation : Sa lf'm Maple. "'a.lout, Thf' youni woman will bf. giv•n r hf'r rv. blonde-, ma.hogany. Angelu11 df'S\gners &nd Angf'lU1t ,cranamt>n <'l"'edit. howf'Vf'r. for thP. five g ive you your choice of bf'autiful ru rniture In lnnun1erable pattern!! m011tt'u!I •he ha.a hHn In jail aince and \\'ood.!!. If you nPe-d rurnl.1hing11 ror liVlnf , dining or be.droom, her little Patricia Ann Gr~n died you can sa\'f" up to 45'Y-w ith thl.oi "'F1ctory to you plan." The Angelu11i Ff'b. '· A. murdf'r Cb&r(P previ- C'o. h&.'! been ramou11 ror fin• furniture for half a century Df'ilvery l1 oualy ha d ~ diMn ~d agair\1t rrPf". C<l ri.Jtult Dr. Erwood for furthf'r information. Erwoodll't. 40"1 E. Mn . Green wllt>n the diJJtrict al· Bal~ Bl,d .. BaJboe.. Opt'n f'veninj{s. tornf"y'~ otficf' u1d ther,. wu • • 9 doubt t hat lhf' blows t ile mothf'r DO l 'Q(; "'ISH YOt''D SF.\-"ER HAD \'ITA-adm ittf'd •triking had bef'n the. ~ MIS 8 -1 ! T he reuon I uked la t bat LA• Paul 'l. r ,_and Ma.-y F ord I How Hl(h The Moon 1 have a -n new comhall out called •·t W iah I'd Never S~n ~~--SUn11h1ne." The HOlllW' ot Harmo•'"· music mecca 1'..--~ '\ can !!Uppl)' you with th111 tender morsel a ny minute now ... AIJIO with that stranre mat1n1 or Saroyan and Clooney eclept, "Come 0.-A My Houa...'" And many u cerpt.1 trora the "GrM.t ea.n110... too. Here"• the ptec• de re1d.rtanee: \\.ltfl My llC A Vldnr Tf'le...W-. aet you pu rTha.w ce.u.e 0( death. PubliC' Df>CMde r N. D. Meyer contendert th'° child diJI ot a fra.c- t¥l'fld akuH from. a f&!l off a divan ORto a concf.et.e. noor a ff'w Mys beior't" Ute c:Ma.Wri . H" ....-ted tile 11trill1n1 8' UM ~.t~ tn a flt ot ... ,.r "b«:au11e: at\e eri.cl"' !Ml.d l'ICnWrtd about the t\Ttlt ot t.he here, you •et an RC'A "'f"nrd playf'r and attaf'tlmMlt Fftf;f;~ Hof H • f YMr . h•• a huge stock of TV eets &nd more record• than the library o The cowrt Of'der.d U..t V.... Con(T"eAs. .,Show Boat" 11 ava1\1ble In 4S'a IU\d LP. "!uch 0.-..n ~mabt Ill. the ff•en 9Dllltit- 11weet compulsion do! h In n1Ulic \le " I ho i>« you fMI compelletl to Pm oo•tiH of O&Jilorwi&, llllMI "rie>- undulate over to the HottM' of Ranwony, 1817 Newport Ave., Co«a lat• no )awa Utd u-. •o '-'°"-'· Meaa.. Beacon 6737 or 5M3. C'...U, att"'*P tile YOUrll' W'OMIU'l • • • denif'd ah• uffd Hquor. "COOKERY IR BECOJ.fE A"S ART. A NOBLE SClE!\'CE: GOOD Onlv witne:aa ift her behalf In COOKS ARE GE~'TLE~fEr-." .. lnrleed ye•. the.e noble hne• v•ere no ! thf' Probation hf'aMftg waa her dOllbt \\·r1tten about the m11.ater baker at the Sf'\l'port Ra.kf'ry · · ·I huab&nd. f'raliklln P. Green, now Bob Krull. Bob ·~ turn1n~ out frei;;h dehght..s d&.1\y at tht11 !!a vory $hop. rf'1iding ill Ocnn. View , who Mid :'\°e\\·f'~I hearthner11 hert' are the apple roll11 ~6 to.-30CJ , TheMi come 8.hP hA.d bef"fl a "good wit•" and !'ltean11ng out or the oven around noon f'\'ery r1ay ..• sugar cr1splh&.d nM"er been In trouble before. Dani;1h Cofref' cak"11 are 2 for l5C' and y.•nrth morf' If you uk me'. Sour R\·e BrParl and Pumpernickel he:lp niake aucceiutrul Dutch Lun ch and Pa.110 partlf'!'I . . g00<1 'A'ith beer. C1nnarnon and Ra.1s1n bre:.a ds Plane Crashes· are av.·full)" good fo.-b.-Pakra11t . The Dutch Bread ~ p;ood any trnif' of nav. F.vt>rybody including me goes slUP·footlnp;-a round the back I lioor ~f tht> r-;,,.,.,·po.-t BakPry tnr 111 hot doughnut handout of a mom-P'I t R lnjl Krullr>r!! b~ Krull t"l!p4>Cially .... ·ith Jf'll)" . ' . hot f'\'f'ry mornln( 7 I 0 ecovers da ys a .,.,.t'"k. :\f'\\·port Hakf'f)·, :!11! Off&n Front. H arbor 1442-R. • • • .. A F'IG 0~ HIM \\"HO F"R .ETS' lT IS;ro.;"'T RAI'.\"· f:-.;G RAl:-." TO ~1E, IT'S RAINING VIOLETS ~ .. \'(lu'd nf'V('r gueits v.·hf'r P' D&l!I)'. 11·e ra1n1n~ spr1n~ flp\vt'rlS a t the B."LBO."'-66"10 '. A gay sprig o! carnat1onM or a cluster or gardenias will fA.n cy you up. A noMgay o! bright cornflowers for your drreelng sac k or a h1bu5C'U.it bf'hind your cauliflov.·e.-ear n11y bf' juat that nef"ded touc h . Flowf'r1 for madam arP l&c lo 89<: and quicker tha.n planting-M!f'd3. But enou,Rh of this m1sh-mush. Thf' Balboa ~ &: 10 'A'iehf'a It 1'houted from all minaret.a: that a goodly 5t..1pply ot double-boilers are at hand. A IAo <:olo.-f'd glasse", corn-pad.11 and Mum are in Ilea.Mn. An<' hark : FRIDA\" OSI.\' SPECIAi.: 1.ADl"ES' TEE .. ~HIRT~ -F1R~T Q1.,\.J,JT\. \.AI.1"ES 98<' • 11.98 . mediun1 l\nd lar~e l 0~ ~ALF. f'OR "19c f'M'h. Lin11t Ml to a cuetomer, TEE-H EE. BALBOA ;)~ 10, 300 ~t .~S. B . .\LBOA. • • • SE="D FOR ~IE IF 1·ol· GET \\.ORK! On iit>(.-ond lhot ; I'll pack my maacara and ,RO 'A'ith you. w,. can ah~·ay1 afford lo buy a 'Ainnin~ meal tJcket at the KOTT AGE KAFl: IS Rf'CO\'er1na-from a po&alb~ rrac· tured ja-.-.• a nd minor head ln- jurif'l!I 111uffered -.-.·hen his plane crashed while attempting a l&l\d• ing a t Ba.Ibo& Bay a irport in Coat.a Meat Thursday ~ Fr~erick E . Mannine, Jr., ot Burbank, Manning, a l!ltUdent pilot, told authorities that hP did not aee the powf'r linea on both aide11i of Pl&·• centla. Ave. near the field. when he attempted to land a l S:09 p. m . A i.-port Ma.nag-er JCM1eph B. Grim'A'OOd aald t.hat the plane fa1ll"d to come out of a bank at the end or the fil!lld a.nd cruhed Into the power li nee. The field i1 localed at PlacenUa Ave. and 19th St. in Co.ta Mesa. The pl&.nf'. wh1cti wu badly damared. belonged -"to the Glen- dale School of At'ronautica where l-{anning la a atudent. From re- port.8 he w aa on a routine achoo! f1ighL ·study Zoning for Oil Drilling F ollo"A•ing t he-jolnt diacussion on the subjf"ct ot eiit&bli8hing EOnf'.9 for oil drilling and explora- t.ion _Wedne.8day, by the county pl&&ainl' comrni.ion and t.he bo&rd of ~-the planning oornrN•iOll •et 'nluniday to atudy the po8l~lll_tle1 of euch IOftlng, 1At t~f" Informal conttte-nce, It WU Wldenlood pliaJuwrl and SU· pert'-or:a """"' • 8.8ftMll .. l .. to ~---k>llie.-t•pwtl.Ht oil ~tora ....w. •oc.,be requic'- ad to oMairl variaftce permits le order to drtl.1. Wanted··· Blood .Donors ,,... "-City Flood - ~ a.. ct1srr~ all ttte a~ blood ~ty frOln ttW' FA.M. to U.t Mricltfllp &rf&. Thf" p~ OoMt aJOfM' llO"' bf&Ni tt.... ~ of tumt9hlnr blood tor the kore.n tf'Ollt. Do your "._,..· n.,. Rt-d Cr-OM Blood- moMle ~111 hf' at UM-American Lesion Hall, 15t9' and Bay Stfl., S P"'JtOrt 8.N,(oh, T)ir.undia)', luly JI lM-~ I and 7 p. M. Appolahnf"llt• t'&ll he maM by ralHJllC Harbor 1816. Ho.,f'\'f'r • It 18 aat MCe11'11U')' '° ~ an appotntnw-nt te> .Ji''• b1004l. GI''" a silt from ttw h..,.t ••. a ittt that only YOU a.a it,·11. NEil. . Leo Garibaldi, the Bf'naation'J young wreatlinli! star. v.·ilJ appea r In person at Vincent's Lido Dr.ug next Saturday, J uly 21 at 4 p . m. Leo ha.s becomE' the idol Of thOllll· and.a of wtE"!!tltng fans. TelevL!lion h&11 done much to increue the popularity of 1ATestling personali· tie11 &nd it iii only natural that thi1 21-yf'&r-old. six foot one, 190 lb. hand11omf' athlete ~·ould btton1r lht' heart-throb of the female fans. H e can be l!lf'itn almost any ~!nn­ day night, ovE'r Kl'TV' or Friday night over GLAC-TV. 'A'restling 1n the ma tn event. A merican Vita- min ASl!locia tes. who 11ponsor the!!e programs •. have s C'heduled Leo tor a. iif'riea of pt'r10nal appearuces ln local public iK:hoo\a, hospita ls and public r venls. Wre!!llinJr iii an art t o l..Ro and he hu developed a keen ]:tno'A·l· edge of the game from his famous fathf'r, Gino. Gino. with 20 year! or profM111onal 'A'restling in baC'k of him, i.l!I one of the all-timP g-rea t11 in lhP mat game. Although not a t1tlf' holder him!l('Jf, he ha.s tang!~ v.•ith the best of them . !luch u Jln"! Londo!!. Strangler l...f'wia a.nd George Zahariu . He had hoped to keep Lfo.o a.,.,·a y from wrestling, but Leo sh01A'ed a.n in- clina tion towards rollo'Ai.ng his fathf'r's foollltepa a t an early age and actually started working out with Gino a t the ag~ of 14 . In team ma.tchea, thit father and l!IOn combination ha.. become. one of Uta moet popuJar &nd uru4ue ,ever to hit the sport. '-''Orld. According to witneeaes. eleven-year old hoy had been th• out on . the rock \\.'ith his youncer step-brothel"' and step-ii:ister. ).fe.lvin, a ccompanied by th• two other younptert1, wu com- ing back into sho~, when & huge wa.\'e swept them all into the IM!L The younger boy. and the little girl clung together a.nd m anaged to get back on the roclu. Melvin could be eeen for juat a moments and nien he wu away by the hea\'y iiurf. tew awept Couldn't S"A·lm According 19: the boy·s parent11, Mr. a nd Mrs. Dun1aa, the boy Wat unable to 1\l·i m. According to Ne.,.,·porl Beach life gua.rd.s. the rocko\.fn which the children had btt"!f pla)ing had jutted approximately 100 r ards into the ocean. I t was believed that the youngsters had ·walkt"d out on the rock!i when the \\'&ter '-''as ca lm. Life guard11 round the ele\'en-year old the boy body ot al 8:37 a . m. Sunday n1orning after & rru1tle!ll! Bearc h the day be.fore. The ~-, h&d bee.n badly cut trom the action of the aea• pounding the rocks.. When re- covered. the body had betn noa.t.- lng about 20 yard111 oil More. . .. LEO GARIBALDI •• Ill PEISOll Saturday July 21 at 4 p.m. presented thru (.!:========~!!! 9h.e courtesy of AMERICAN VITAMIN ASSOCIATES C'Q.STA ~tESA. \Ve can't I~. you know. We ju.at l!llep up lo lhf' 'A·indow &nd put l!>c a cross the boa.rd on HAMBlJRGER si.-ed by Manning's 8et'f. Yea, tout. you alwaya tote away a good hamburgf'r on a full iii~ Aesame bun liberally Slrf'"-"Tl with homemade relish all for 16e. The Kottage K1fe 1ella food by the sac k . A large ha.ndful of t"'rmch }"'rlN for 1~. a tarp malt ~~-All you bave to do Is fig1.1re out a place to f'at the~ delectable•. You're a ci tizen! lt'a a. r~e country! Eat 'at.anding up or lying do"A-n 1n your toga. WAit up. l "m golng too. It's a fast trtck to t.he Pay-of( -A1ndow at the Kottap ICale, lttO N'ewport 81\·d... Coe& M~ (I bl.k. tw-y ond the M~ Movif'). Police Seek Hit and Run Car Driver COME AND SEE THIS POPULAR YOUNG WRESRING SENSATION • • and their 3 great vitamin products HHIMULA : TIYAVALS• ORVITA• 621 • ON SA1f HfRf • • TMYAYALS. .._. hfghc-11 potency vitQ.rn• I c ..... a .... c,., ... ,. • 1-12 on the market. · • OIVITA. the vitamin mineral liquid tonk kr "-htottlt ond ,,..,.... * Alllogrophed picfu,.. of ,..., child, .. . * 0 chid , __ ... 1oc1· • f<llt\U!A 611, .... _ ... , ......... .; ...... -1~ ... -- r s TV'I" ,,.. lff • notioft with pol9My .... .,. greottr thon establi..., 81 .. , ... 4'421 #f#I RICllYI FRll * lubble gu"' for the kidom_ d<o~y """"""'" 'eqlri••-· • * Valuable doer 1Hizes ... • ·' • ( • • • - • J • r • OADWAY- Jlnw 60f ..,. ""Y -· lllcl. .&...,. 'l1m<t J PAULO 0 rr-1 . • Doors 0pea si.... Stana 1:15 1:16 Chll4rea Ff'M PllOM NOW IUI01l'IN6 ~KJ)llO A'ltou:ri.-n ' THE MO~"!' AD<" Uader 1 ! Ill. l...QIO . Abbott a eo.tf'Jlo :>/OW SHOWING "'BEST OP' THE BADHEl'll-. Robert Rya.a, Claire T'rea\!ot -a!H-AW -"LOll,.A DOO!O!" ..,..._ BM. Rleb.nl Gneae aUNDAT, J U LY Had "l'OllT WOllTH" David Brtan, -lpli S-lt "1111.utll or THE A Vl:NGEll" -... - .. JXSIDE FOLSOM PRl80S',. SU>,·e Co.chraa, David Brlaa 8L-,..'DA 1· • .it_~t. Y t!M --rHE O lTV \VBO CAME BACK" PauJ Dou~Lu. .foaa fte.oDf"" .4.lso -TOKIO .~IU !It .. P'lol"f'ntt Mar~y. Jt.obf>r1 Paytoll nun&Y • .11."L\" !1tb \ttD~"l'..SDAY, .llTL\" !~lll I.a. ~ Jody UWttnee .. O!f lf001'rriL.IGHT BA,.,. .. HOl.L \'\\"OOD STORP O.ril Dey, Gordo a: Hae Rae Richard eo.u -&JM -A.• -'" . .\PACHr. DRt;M.s• ••ffUkRtC . .\...'lE ISi.A..'~ I li.,.P'""• ftllr~aJle7 lo. JlaU, Harle "'7lachor Colleen Oray CHILDREN UNDEll FREE Wllh p.,. ..... all I! YRS. Cabart: n .. &f'H ,,, OPrN !Y!llY DAY! • Klddiel Dar E''flrT Wodaettday • II NDM te . ~ .... • FREE BAU.OONS • Coa.ce11lon 5~ • Rldett 6¢ llATH HOt:SE FACILITIES FOR MES' A.."'ID \\.OMt::Y 100/o Discount on Any Purchase (EXCEPT ABALONE Mid SllJUMP) Bring this ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fnsh Fish Daily from 011r Own Boats! FRE~H SAL. .. 0:-1, 8\\"0t<OFISH, HALllll'T A~D LOCAL WHTTE 8£.~ BASS ARE H!:RI:? BARRACUDA -WHOU:, CLEA~'EO ·····--···---·········-.-···lb. SM l~ltL.LO\\rTAIL -\\'HOLi:, HEAD OFF (maybe) _, ......... lb.'°"' 18t0 Lafayette on the Bay X-EWPORT Harbor ti& TV ANTENNAS ,Call us for installation or servicing of your antenna • Prompt service by expert technician'i • low prices TIDE TY SOll :Sewport: Bl~·d. Harbor IOI PURE IMPORTED OLIVE OIL s3~s Gallon :II • GENE'S· • 705 Coast Blvd . Corona del Mar U-DRIYE CRUISERS ROW BOATS e Ol"TBO . .\RDS e Ll\""I: B.~T e TAC.lll.E d • Small Boat auaclttn1 ELLIS IOAT RENTALS uot Cout mway :Sewport Bnrh Pb. Harbor !Sll AT 80UTH E...~D OF BA \'SHORE BRIDGE FOR REAL 8A TIS"'F ACTION JS SM.ALL BOA. T & MOTORS ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL (&T THE l!:NTIL-UIOll TO LIDO ISL&) SUNDAY SERYICiS. 8:10 A.M. -10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL -10100 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION-10 A.M. . ~ •• • ' -• ' Lll'mlDA.T L&8T DA! 1-Onla I ''Telle c .. .ef My ....... •trt" Tedmkiolo.r loa Ball "Wiien ..... lledllliM lllHN" Color SUN.-1Tl!:S. CnnUo. Saa. Slit l:dmu:ad O'ftrtea ~~-.. "2 of a Kind" s..t Ml"•'ld 'Ni«Jht Unto Mort1fftf1 IAT. I.Aft DAt BID ••al4bl'1 "Up mnt" AU.. l...W "Appoln11111nt With Danger" • SONDAY -TUESOAT "Ma •Po K*'9l1 lack on the Fw1R" Ola. Ford ... , .. Bu.~ "Follow the S..." Joan c .... wtord Robert Vouai 'GeocH;ye, My Fa11ty' &nn s)yu. "Katie Did It" St:S'.·TUl:S. Conttn.. ~-. l :lt Bob Hop. "Lemon Drop Kid" ·I • a ., ~ 1 I , . Festive Evening By MARGO f~r Pilot Class ••••• . (~-,....) AT lUCDr• , • Cf.,..,,ert7 Rlclty-!lodmont. Heri'a a w.ta of tint cualltJ aturt, but odM and ea4a df iou, IH ! Look on t.b.t. tule tor Km'a •portl. ahlrla In hMldaom• cottM prtftu at St.n . iorne really ~ atrlpe4 ~ ""!rU lit $3.41 A atller nlruea &roUll4 H .M There are a f•1J! ab.In. lllfbtl7 lbOp--Wottl ot faded (old lhirtl a ever dit) a.1 Me .(make ketn work ahlttt). 1At me ...... there art a few O&ntaer °*'lklu fio\l.rffeent attn trimh at to.ti. .A.tad a whole tlue of ,Ut'• n!.,atr-tohd eanv .. lhoM At h .4t, a blc ranee ot 11&• tn th ...... That about t.aJr. .. eari ot th• b&rp1ft table. ltJck~ cai'rtea a blf llhe dl men'a wet.r. AM'O'#" ihtrt. and under-gatmeftt., •l&elu anct tpOrt ,lu.kttA. IUeky't hU a women'• dept. too in cue you care to ~ 80lllt UtUe woman alaftC with you. IUeky'• (fo""""f' Ak*t .. 8 t ?"), l'JM New,ort Bl.-.. , C>o11Ca Mf!IL Bak• ......... -• .... • Ai patio 0 hanlbw'gtt try WU J'rl- da)'! eveniJla' · fnt.IYlty for me.m-be.~ ol the PUot clu. fA ChrUt Chl'rcb by U.. s.., with Xr. and M.~. ftobiert Gl&M u )lo.ta at their 34tf ett'fft home.. AAilltbl1 were Mr, i.nd Mra. H&rokl Glua and ~-Marian Seeley. ~-&n.d squan danclnl' were en~yed afterward by: Me.rs. an~ Mmta. -William Moller, Lea No\t. Fred Woodworth, llOb <Jiau, WWla.m McDou.Jd, Harold Gla31; Hiaee. R&y lhort. Mart.an Seeley, El91e salter and the Rev. Thomu Chalk Artist Sun. at Little Church Pe1;tde.U. S.C. Moose Gath.r ------- . ta COllJunctu.t "1th tbe J"eatlftl ol &rt& .. llaoft Ill Lacuna lldch, 'lb• Little Churt:h by lh':-"ftea, cor- nf'r of Lerton and TbJ"OU.gh St.. '*11.1 ha" u thr-lr ruett apealc.er for both ll!a• morn.inc and evenill.f ..-vice• ae•t .Jlund&y, Rev. John I:, Baxter fll La.kevtew, Ore1on. Ret. Ba.xt.er ha. a very untqut mint.try 11111 preeentJng tcrlpturt &n4 llOnC-1 ht lechnlcoior, &nd Ohe Of JIS. f&mou.a Akel.chew Which will ""° five.n In the ar-rvicea Will be '"'Phe Old 1t.u1pd Croail." Al th• li :OO a. m. wonhlp aervice hl.a .IUbjttt WUl ~ "E'ltjah'• Robe," &l'ld Ill the evfnif\I', .. ScrlptUTal He&llnl' for T04ky." He will be pnaenUn• mote tttan one •ketch lb CflaJ:k &nd a speciaJ pklUN "1U ~ fiven to Oir-ooe who brlnp t.f\e 1noat 'f11lilon lo the Hr- yice1. RtY. Bu:ter aerVed in the Ma-- rine Cotp1 and ..., j\Pt rf'Cenllf retwaed fcom. Korea and wu l:ft th• ~k ot Ule battle &I CPtap- laill't A•lata.M. and will jive a ftnt-hand report of conditio~ tA that b&ttle·ac.&l"ttd area wb.icll 9lwuld ..,. ot tater..et to alt ap.c1a1 muc la botnc p•epu..i (• ~t.-. Mn'~. A.n inYltaUoQ .. ••lefHkwl '° ...... l"}'OM .... thiil ~pon t• •.tten• tllt!iff two aier· 'f"lce. u4 t:njoy ~ artifltrJ ot th .. Pl~°' God. a.ttt.7 aclaool. fnffU at I :4~ a . m. wllb Mn. a. 0.b&uch WI ' cha.re•. 'COin• and brtnr yovr ch..ildren to &Uftday -.chool. Y ou wUI enjoy qt• tuplreti(Jfl.aJ. tea.ell· I.al'· Clu.ea for all acr-a. Here for Fish Fry The t1.ah fry h r-Id SW'iday bot the Newport Bea.ch MOOM Lodge 1457 drew an attendance of 2M M.:-(] membera from 1od.re• hi OJ.Jve-r City, ln&'lewoed. Loa Angelea, Loni' BM.t!b, May'Wood·&ell, Po. mona, Totf'&.Jlce a a d Cknkn OtoYe. "hlera w•re a1ao CUP9t.• tram the Champ•rne, 111. lodr•. blglewood brought w1th Utem Catherlne n.k, whln they .,.. Apofl.IOriflir for lbeir queen Ill the Inrlewood Community fair to It@ held at Nollrwood Park July 24 · 21. Catlteri11e 11 a co-work~r Ott t)l.e Inclewood c ha,.._r. '!lh• wu b or• • · W'illnlpel'. Manitoba, Can&Oa. ltarling lier profeMlona.l de.ailing carHt at the age of 14. 9he a.ppe&rt!d w1lh J'anchOll and Marco cfn:ult for aeven yean; produced and 1ta.rred In hf'r own allow at St. Petersburg, P'la .. for aeven ye-ars. She &. ftow residing bl IncLewood ... •PJ>H.rln& Al&lt- ly la Jlawti.orn.. ~ na try w... eoo«ed and s~ by Dwrl T!.ppkll', C\arence ToC91C, Jaclr: Carter, J~ Hornanll, ClllSI ... IUf COWPLm DINNElS Fro"' SI.SO +. U.SI TllOPICAL Dlll'N'&S Din• /R ffle behnl¥1 TAH ITIAH Sa•ooM . Fl'ff Pwktq Htrkf 171 ' YISIT THE NEW HUT .... _ Cwl IUway, 1 • .,.,,. PtM.e 4-toOI ror R.wrvatlom XOW OPEN CHRISTIAN'S HUNEX 8-k A Ceclrtoll Bu Oii th Pier l•thlllua CATALINA ISLAND AlMrt M4chuU, 1'&.rTy Humphry, I~==========~ utiail~ ~ co-wocken from New· J, poet W. 0 . T. M ., Birdie Ostran· Mt, .A.lee Yotaftf. Myrtelle Tippinf, CSan. t..cll, Oorottriy Ca.rt.er , Slate Kiili' Mel Myrtlt' Humphrey, TOIT&Jlt:e, CUlvtt Ctty a.nd l'\JJ. 1.-i.. were honor lod(et for tk ..,., VICTOR McLAGLEN "'ORLD CHAMPIOX MOTORCVCLF. CORPS a.ad LIGHT HORSES Friday Nlt.4", luly !O, I p. m. Atlilmi.Miea $1.00 lllcludN Tax ·• Donald O'Co..ar 'Double Cross la11n' THhttl('Olor Tbun.day at T:IO p. m. The Women'• Miaaionary Society and Prayer l&etlnr will k hf'ld. All ___________ .. ~bera are ur1ed t o be pre ... nt. List of Officers to be Chosen by Panhellenic .A non~r cornmilt~ WU &ppMnlff Lo ~l fir•t officerA fer die ftf'Wly ot'l"&nized Harbor TAUERT STADIUM ..,,HT"!\TL~OTON BEACH lllway 39 N. of Cout BIYd. ORT~',.. .. . . , . NOW PLAYING In Tech.aloolor "'THE PRVICE WHO WA.I A THIEF'" ToaJ' Curt1&. Plpel' 1.--te -Pftta- ~AVY BOL'ND" "'ltb Tom Seal, \\'r-ody W.&droli STARTS SUNDAY "GREAT CARt:SO-- Harto Lanaa, Aan &lyllt -Plus - '""BIO TDIBE.Jl• \Vlth Roddy M<'Dowall '!'My an curnn.Uy atlldyVtc abovt UMt M.a4 al Palfftlne. A. l'"*P of ..... fl"Cllll UM J"INt Ba.ptl.t C'ltwcl'I ol. Alladen& .. .,. .. amo•c t)M \"i.liton M The Lktl« D\urcla i.,. UM: a .. lMt 8U111day at both th« Mohltll,; Uld 91-Rppira· tton s•nices aBd they pald high eo1npllmet1t.a to Ute pro,n."' of tlle evnlna -~ faM\lred a trio ccmiJN*4 ot Ake ramwlelo, Otarlot.l• N.....,. and 1'r. OoweU: al:90 a Vtbra)i.arp and Orran. duet by Mrt. ll. rvnw.ro and Mn. l>mriP:ll. The Ultle Clilwch by lhr-Se• LI located on. tM Nt&t.e Of the Late JOMph K>ettec)I., welJ known La- (Ulla art.Lit. J"OUrtffn of hi.a p&lnt- 1.np an • dilpla.7 '" Ule cburch at Lb1-time, featlll"lnK tar\7 La· g\ln& llCS\H. ne pa.tlon . ft.eY. Fra.nk L. a nd Wyat... A . DawirM InYlt• th• a.rt )Ol'er8 lft our city to DIRECTORY • .._.,...,. ot P..W.eileaic wkea 18 •--~ Met WednMd&y mw;n- iac' at U.r h.OMe o( Mr•. lf. 0 . ------------a.yve.y, 11'8 Wut k ltto& boulf'· •a.rd. A.-iatiag' hMtPl8E'8 w r-r f" Mrs. Georee Guthrie and M r s. E . 0 . Will ...... Hr1. &,,...oad K. Ha.rv@y, tern. pora.ry cJu.Jnna.n. prll&lded at the lllhOrt bu..-lll... aieeU..nc and ap· pointed u tJrie •omW:tatinl' corn- m.1tt.e Mn. It. A . Anderson, Mr•. Job Kedu ailid Mra. Glady• 8rolller1. A. ~neral di1euuion folJowed reading ot the conatltU· tioo a.nd by·law1 u preaent•d by Mn. Leon W !Ui&nu1, chairman of °'e lfl(U,latlve committee. Mrs. Mildred Mich~ • temporary &«n\&ry. . It wa. d«"ided to hold m~tirlp Oft U.e aecond W'tdneaday ol ee.c)I moitlh, •Vnlna• alternatmr with L.TP.a .~ BECKER, D. D. S. DENTISTRY 17~ NeW'pc>l"t Blvd., Co8l& Mesa M~icaJ Bldr . Bf:acon 67~2 ~ J:. Bay A YP., Balboa H11.rbor 327 .J V. '£. KOEPSEL. O. D. · OPTOMETRIST Evenin gs by Appointment 1114 \\'. ~-t>\o\"port Blvd. Nt>Wport lk'scb Harbor !511 • TOfll' iri ~oif * I • ' ' 11 Topi in • Entertainlfteftt * * intl•f --from '4 p. m. 41 i L lalll I. .. .... YOU . CAN'T A: ltORD TO EAT AT HOME AT THIS PRICE Complete Dinner tl00 TD•DY OB BOJUT SDI' DIM!flll SlRV!O ALL DAT IVHJIATS 12 NOON 'TIL 9 P. N. -' TURNER Daua 900 Coast Bl9hwa7 . Newpert Beacla (ACROSS FllOM ALLIAMEllCAN MARl:ET) FINEST OCEAN FISH • RETAIL SHRIMP HALIBUT BARRACUDA SEA BASS ALBACORE We Feature ABALONE STEAKS • SEA FOOD SPECIAL TIES S""1 THEATRE feel w,p:Jcorne to come utd H"'fte• the~ p&tfttM.p bf'for. Md a.A« .......... &It""'°°""· N•xt will be on S•pt. I~==========~ 516 30th Newport Beach 13, place to b9-announced lat•r. L ;;;;;;~~~;;~~;;;;;-;;;;-;;;~;;;-;;;;;~~;;;;;;~;;; •Mte.ea W'iM be "-'"·· Jamea Ph. Har. 1507 H t ~TING1'0N BEACH U:X. I-SOU MMOKL"G PERMJ'l"TED NOW THRtr SATl'ROAT ~ ·-"'/J/J·----AND- 8TAllTS •••••••••••••••••••••• • • • ""'CROSBY • IWICl OlSON : : CllAlllS coeuaN ..... HUSSEY : :" ~: : : : ]tf:t. ••• l -.: • • --. ·············{i····· -A-'fD DICK PO Ell RHONDA FlEMl"G Bethel Mothers Meet at Home of Mrs. Christensen Mothen club ot Cost.a W.... Bf'lhel 1~7. Job'1 0.Ugbten. m•t Wedndd&y att.ernoon al the ftome of Mn. Jaclt Cb:rt.'tenaefl, 20CS Ma.&noila a venu•, Coeta Kua. Mra. Charlea Taylor, pre•ldibS" at the bu&IJ'leu aeealon, announ~ Mr ca.rdll aad m&lltnc c<*Unlttee• u follow I : Hrw.. LoWa CNl:lda.11. Corona del Mar a.nd B&lbo& Ial&hd: Mr-9. Walt.er Nollar, Newport &uh. N~ la.land and Ba.I· ~: Kra. lldelit Ham, Cotta llH&. A. aocta.l hour foltowed With Mn. ChrUU.n..ten and M:ra. 0 . t . White, utl•tlfll' hotteu, serving refttlh· ment• to MmH. Mu Owen, Her· bert P•t.....,, a. Brigp, IC. V. Ra- pn, Roy Wat.kfnl, P . V. PettMIOft. Olen Whitlock., Ch&rlH Taylor, Keanelh Jotut.on f just back fT9f11 Honolulu) Alan. Grt.aty, Waller Nol.lat, H . P . Ta.melt Ca.rt 'I'Mm· u , ChatlH Gammon ( w1'o had wtth her, her new soo), Johft P. 8tetaon. CorW1ra Hom Ud LaWa c..nd&ll Next meeUnr la on Aucusit 1 with a planned pot,,luclt picnle In eo.u )f-Parli , ............ and lh•lr f&m.JU.._ 8el for I :BO p. m., tlle afta.ir WW have Ml'I. Petenon and Mra. C. ll. 'l'udler u JM»-,._ Ray, II. P. Tar ... and Stroll., 'BE SURE -INSURE Whit•. All women ellfrible lo Pus· with htfft:Mt llri lnvltM to &ll.M41. MAtJRICE 8TANU:Y Summer Dances Sponsored by Jr. Episcopalians l1111uranoe Only Phone Harbor 1178 tN Marine A ,.P., Balbo6 lslaa4 W. ShlCllrt Foote GENERAL l~SURANCE Gour"'°"' /11.formatWri N"twport BNrh Pb. Bar. U 111 l Balboa 81\·d. The Junior Group ot St_ Jame• Epi.acopa.J church 't•ve it. fir1l o( tour •W'nmf'r dancea on Thursday even.Inc. July 12. Da.nciflg to rec- orda With. pri1es for IJ>Kl&J dances wen Mjoyed by lhOM attending. I~=========== Punch and cooklra were served I; later kl the evening. Molher1 ot Rt·o AND lb@ p-oup aporuior tha da.ncea, UPHOL8ttilY with M,... Suthorland Hutton and CLEANING Mrs. Bu.oater Creely chaperoning Thurod&y night'• dance. Geo. ~. Graham Thoie planning to •erve on com· . RABBOB 194-R mi.tteea for the next dance on !11 Opal Baiboa laliu.d July 28, art: A.An Loni". Barbara ".=~==========J" Inman, Herbert Perry, Nancy I: C&mpbell, Neal &atty, Jane Stetson, Tom P<Mtl, Bar bara Lit· tJe, J oel Kemper, Bill Rine and Judy P'ergu.ao11.. 'soya and ctrJa tnteruted 1n cominc an tnvtted to phone Mn. John 8tel9on, Harbor "3e-W for lntormatton. Palm Springs Folk G•ther lor Doll House Opening MA Tl'Rl!:SSES J Boat.-Homm-Tra.llen .,,......, Sbapea BUCON ... 1 Coria ---Oo. UllO Nowport Blvd. JUOCl.&BDl'S SHOE mo• 1 -Repo.hood WlllJe Yeu Walt IJt..tf1flt-l.11ftOcUIJ .. c:..-.1-0rttl.'"41< w.-.: all>'.:ZMMfFM Dist. MYF Officers ()p<nlJ>g' •Ith• ., th• Bal .... Doll Houae found many Palm Meet He ~ 5 t Sprtng• ruldenta arMYins to wieh ----------·I r e a . Oeorp a.nd Ethel SU.be aucc ... • oua wono: "-'"""' '"'.....,..,. ' UGI Newpe:rt lllvd. :NEWPORT BEACH IOSSl'S l'IN£ UAI,JAN i>oott.ai Allo Mesh -Pli I Oftk::eni of the Northwut Sub-in their MW nnt.u.re and to dine d:tettlct Metwiat Y6u.tb J'ellow-aad dance to the famtJlar rhythm a&lp ol r..,. .AJtgel<o h.i<I thdr "' U>e <JU&dalaJ&n Trio. aaalW PlanlWlr ~ '1 Cllriilt Among ._ In the .... 1y deco- MORKl8 llL G. .1 -'6apla7 "* Rlt.EY .8CJIUYLD IW1'088 ~ by ... -ll&tv4ay. ratod ----Mr. and Ma ·'IC &lid o<'I Mi wtri at-Kn. an R-""4 ~. with t• lie. ~ -'-plam... IMlt ote&nlf'tl&I'• )(r. --Xfta7 Du Bolao. ......... - pr, .... tor U.. ~ JtU T"8 At a 8MMl7 ~ _,.. Mr. &ndJ~~~~~=~~::::~=='. ~ .... ....t 16 .. tu .,,., f'llll 3tttoiw»; Ute ltJl1 Sran-~ ~ 111 "••poet 11&7. :::0"' w1 ~. -Kn. -.i ai-·WATb HIATllS A ~ Dr llOP'*T ,.,_ Palm W came Ille -. a.wleo -Kli ~o A ..,. ldiia,ta 1riGa1 _. cOlorilll a.-WooleJj .Ulrl C<1e-~ • II tM kl la) ••11. °Y&1tet7 la ~ tMlr 1::a. wit •r.&11&1· 60. 8:«~, 'oJil tn12.,. ..,_ .._, ~ aa ..,_,,. wwe • . Udnso~ #' ~ '-!CW -· --~ G( DE•-·· Ill Ille VB-PLt1llDllYO • lMMW' ,,. .... ~~ a.re- al • , , . • ' PU:utDJ~ TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) Conce-rt Plan.lAt of ThrN Contlnf'nte Gradual8 Student of Bela Bartok 436 Serra Drive Hcirttor 1171.J ' Corona Highlands -Corolla clel Mar Treatment for a Sick Budget? Start a Savings· Program at conveniently located NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL. Nurture thoee aavings along with regular aciditiona each and every payday. Then you'll enjoy a healthy financiAJ condition. 5 • Stay, that -Y by mainttinlng A balance of one year'• incomt at an ttmea. Saw by mail to ..... time. Current Pro'fitable ·Dividends 3 ~. l · . • • ' • I Harbor. Stars Observe Date of. I -Second lnstltµtion Anniversary Second 1"""1~......,. ., tba ln· ... ----------- atltullon of Barbor Star Uapttt the eiapter durtnl' U.idr ~Ir of WU ol>o«rWCI wttll . junior -t luderahip. . , Orpnlaed with 12 membOn, matron, Edythe Kemper and jun-there are now 140 on the roll and JOI' put patron CUbe. Morrta pre-aix Cl.lldid&le• will be recel•ed at lldlnl' . and courtel)' ottlcen fill· the. nni September meetJ.nr. The lnl' all •l&llona. chapter will be dark now unW Glvrn Mcort Wf're Ruth an Auguat 28, when the auoclate ma4 tron and uaociate patron. Jean Henry Oelater, wort.by matron Cottle and Harold Fink, will be ~ wortiy patron. and Grace Scott. drputy rrand matron: a1ao honored at a birthday puty. 8 --r.1 th--"-wu -'ven the vtaiUng put matrona and patron.I .-~ .,UUll •• Arthur and Estelle Hartwell of houu committee tor the new c&r- Buena Park: Wllma IAurent ot pet on the ea.at daia. South Gate ; Walter Donnelly, Ith& Horn, Polly Owen and Louise R&sc.b were birthday cele .. Harbor chap~r. brant.s honored when the decorat- J.ntroduced and serving ~ cour4 rd ca.ke waa served atte.r a com- t eay ofticen were : Id& Naylor, munlty ilng of old tlme aonp. a.s&1X lat.e matron; Sam Ki.nsfather Tables werl!: gay wtth bouquet.I ot uaoctate patron; Etta Mae Kautf-!lununrr flower• and at each pl&ce man, conductreu; Arthur F'IU-wen! c&rds made by Ellyn Nlelarn, morTIJJ, chaplain: Sylvi& Pla.ce. cha irman ot the hoate.u commit- t reuurer: Mayme Donnelly, W&r-tee although .tie wa1 1tlll ill at den; Walter Peck, flac bearer. her home a.nd unable to attend. ltrs. Naylor and Mr. Klnstather For all put matron!! and patrons t old or hQw lht' chapter wu start-there were also little pencil gavels f'd and of t he difficulties of il.!l tied with ribbon bows of their U· firwt yrar when they headed the 90Clatlon colors. Actln~ a1 hoa- at&ft ot officers. Mrs. Kemper and lrMe!I were Maude W ood, Frances Cuba Morria aJ!IO told of work of J.{orrb and Etta Mae Kauffman. Mr. & Mrs. 0. H. Briscoe Announce • Engagement of Daughter Georgia Mr. and 1-f rs. 0 . H . Bri!l("oe ot Balboa I~nd are &nnounclnc thr eng&gemcnt or their daughter. Georgia. to Mr. Bob Bethurum of \\'hit tier. The interesting nf'ws \\'&I tPvraled at a family dinnrr party on Sunday, July 8. a t lh~ Briscoe romt. Georgia a.lso pu.1ed the. tradl- t1onal chocola tes to mPmbPr!'l of._ ___________ _ hrr sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, &t Santa Barbara college. Scotia Guests Complete Stay ' • Relatives From Eut See Greduetion · of Hono r Stud11.nts Am-outatand!Jls p..ioateo ot Pomona CoU~re at tta com- mt-ncement WU Selim 8. (Bud) lrranklJn.. eon of Kr. and M.ra. Selim H. 'Fl-anltlln, IHI Boni& Ana Ave., COCta Mesa.. Be re- ceJved h1a bacbflor of arta delf'M. map.a. c~. l&Ude wlt.b honop in 'litatory. A member of Phi 'l!.tta KapP., he bu alao ocllleved rocos· nitlon u a dlatlnguia!led lnlllt.aey •tu.dent and' received h1a commi. elon M a 1econd lieutenant in the infantry neerve at eomm.ence- menl. ln addition the young M_. a.n aerved on Ot.e college Chrlltlan Auocl&Uon and worked out on the track .quad u.d wu a mem- btr ot the college debate team. Attend:lnc the commencement ext1rc1M.11 wtt.h hill parenu llnd 1lllter Shirley, were rel&tives tn'.. eluding hi• aunt MW Charlott• Stirratt or LLl.bon. Portupl; Mn~ John A. Stlrratt of Amattllo, Tex., maternaJ grandmother; Mn .. S. M. Franklin, TucM>n, Ariz., paternal Kf&ndmother; Mrs. Mi lton Frank .. li.n and 11on Chrla. Montgumery, Ala.; John and Christopher Car- roll. Tuc11on. The ~up ot out-ot-11ta.te vi11lt· or1 trekked to Costa Mesa eapecl- a.Jly to ee:e Bud and Shlrley re- ceive thelr diplomu. Mib J'rank- lln was graduat'd last month from Newport IIarbor Union Rig h achoo! where 1he wa1 prominent- ly ldf'ntltlHI with ca.mpUI actlvi- Ue1. She wu one of three out- standing high ac.hool aenlort (iven a Kholarahip award at a recent Panl'lellenlc te& In the Sant& Ana home of Mrs. C. E. Thomas: Shir - ley plans to enter t he Unlver1lty of A rizona at TucBOn next fall . Pro America Refutes Charges Present a t the dinntr were litessrs. a.nd 11-lnH•s. Vaux WhitP, Daryl King, \V. Bertule1t. \\'.N iel· •~n. Ronni.e R ima, J ulius Neil~en . J.!is11 Brisc~ and hrr tiance, and the ho11t and hostess.. A m03t wtlcome visitor durini' Al ll8 last m~ting the bo&rd ~rgi& and Bob met while a t - tending Fullerton Junior college v.·here Bob wu prf'Sident ot the AM<>Cia ted Alen Student! and played vars1ty footb&U . Georgia aerved u pres1dent of the \\'o- men S tudents and wu a member of Theta. ?'\'u Theta sorority, the pa_,t month 1n tht Costa 1{f'sa of d1rrctors ot the Lo.11 Anfiftles homt of lol r~. Elva Kipp wu htr unit of Pro America labelled u dau:;::hter. 11 r21. Harry Neuman fal.sl" tht charges made rf'Cently 1 l\targaret Kjppl ot Scoti&, Cailf. to the N&tJonal Educ&tion A•- Mr . Keuman a.rrived a few day! .90Ciation In San F ranci8co U\at ago to •ee hi.a pa~nlll, Mr. and Pro America !JI oppo81!(1 to public lofr!I. Re1 nl'lold Neuman of Tul!ltin 'education. A \·e., ~d to drive his wi.fe back At rs. Justw A. Kirby, c.h.a.irma.n to the northern community . o f the unit. stated that the boa.rd Both young p~ple matrlcul&tl!d a t the Univer1ity of California, Santa Barbara campus and gi-11du- aled lh[a spring, receiving their teaching cttdentials. Bob wu ! f- fitiated with Larnba Chi Alph& a nd the InduatrlaJ Arts club &nd Gf'argia with Alpha Delta Pi and Crown and Scepter. lli. Bethurum will ll"&Ch at M ontebello high school th.ii tall ~rhlle the bride-elect wUJ teach a t Norwalit jun ior high achoo!. T hey are planalng a December wed.ding. Costa Mesa WSCS Meets Thursday When the Co.et& MPsa Commu- nity Church W SC S convene• Thursday, J~ 19, preliminary buain,.ss matt"ers at 11 a. m. will be followed by • Mk noon lunch- Pon In the felloWl'lhip hall. Rf"v. Joaeph McShanf', putor of the church. will be the principal 11peaker. Rites at All Saints Church Unite Don Cantrell and Sylvia Willets The chapel ot All Saint.a Epi1eopal church ln Puadena wu aet- tinl" at 4 o'clock on Sunday, July 15. for a weddlng ot intpruit to Harbor re1iden~ "•hf'n vow1 were tf'peatPd by Don L. Ca.ntre:ll, aon or Mr. &nd Mrs. I. H . Cantrell, 318 Alv&rado Place , Balboa &nd Sylvia \\'\Uet.t, beauurul daughter of Mr. and !ttr.11. David B. W lllet1 of Pasadena. The double ring cere· deplored the tact that such lncor· rttt Information had been dl..em4 ln&ted. She added: "The people of America rxpect educaton hold- ing ~iUoru of reaponaibility to preaent only information ~ upon f&ct.a: ao Uiat they may com-. ma.nd at &II tim"• the re~pect and confidence of the publlc." Mr1. Kirby concluded by quot- ing from the declared policy - "That Pro America recognize• th&t the baillo conflict in thr world today la between a tot&!it.a.rlan and • free 80Ciety and that 1teboola determine l&rl"ely the clt..iSena of tomorrow and that through t.he Constitution of the United BtatN, the government la Ju.atly operated by the conaent ot the eoveraed. Therefore, It believe• that 1chool matter• ahould be at a.ll llme• recognized u Opt'n to examination and conittruct ive di.M:usalon to the end th&t any wea.knrsa or error m&y ht! di1covered and eotTecl#d. It ia beliP:vrd th.at the public .tehooll'I wtll thereby be 1trength- ened and supported by our cltl- i.ena.'' ALL I N A PICKLE ;1o~0;:~ performed by Dr. John Newport WSCS S y lvi& wore a. 1ummery bridal p k The aucculent pick.le la high In gown of white embroide:red or-Picnic~ at ar vll&) food propertie•. P ickle• con- g&ndy ov(>r tafte t.a.. low neek anr1 h t&ln vita.mW A , Bl and B2, and 11hort 11lteved v.ith tull ballet in Ana eim c In quantity. They aJao contaJn Jen~ akirt. Over it wu a tie on ca..lc1um . phosphol"U.I, Iron. copper overskirt &nd tr&ln of organdy Newport Height• circle wa.9 a.nd aa1L They add seat to many edged with en1broidery. Mitt.a hostess group when the &nnual k ln<b of tood and a.re low in cal- v.·rre of the f'mbroldery a.nd lace summer p1cn1c of W . S. C. S ., ories, about 12 to one llr1e dill from he:r mother' a wedding veil Christ Church by the Sea, wa.s1 pickle. held her own, ot n ylon tulle. held July 10 at the A..na.he im city 1 ------------- ~liM Barbara Long. maid of park. Young people and children : ... honor, was ln ballet length pale joined in the pot luck luncheon, pern orl&fldY, i.nd J une Cantrell and enjoyed amusement factlltle1 sister of the bridegroom, wu of the park a.fterwa.rd. fiower girl, al.so in pale green. M;ss Clara Kohlstedt pre1ided M ichael Smith &.s.'li.ate:d with at a short bu!lineu lntertm at beet ma.n duUe1 a.nd R ichard WU-which budget for the cominc year let.a, brother ot the brtdf', ushered. w&s adopted and work aveed on. A re<:eptlon for ~ gueeU, m em-DeleS"ated as ho1tua groups at bers of th.,. famlly and dOl!le the church for AUKU•t were New- friends, waa held &fterward In the port Heicht• and Newport Beach pa.tio a t the home ot the bride'• circle!. parent.a:. · It \\'&S announced that aeveral The new !.{rs. Cantrell wu officers would a.ttf!.t'ld the leader- crad ualed from Pa.saden& City ship t ralnlng institute to be held 1 colle,re and &ttended \\'IJllamette at Redlands university the lut University, Oregon. He:r husband wek In Au.-uaL Mrs. A. J . Rut .. gyadua ted from Newport Harbor ter, progr&m chairman, ann.ounc· Union H igh .chool and attended ed that apeaker tor the Aue. 14 Willamette University where he meeting-would be Mrs. Cora Jor- waa a.ffili&led v.·ilh Sigma Alph& da.n, superintendent of P'tif'nd: Epailon. He will cont inUf' hi• ffiU· ship Home. Los AAcelea. Thi1 ca.tion at Orange Cout college. is tor Ne~ worklnc sfrl1 and Now honeymoonlnJ" at Laguna Le one of the newut lnatituliona Be:ach. the couple wiU make th~ sponeored by the Methodilt Con· home in Balbo&. rerence. Young Swimmers Win at San Diego Two Harbor youn1 people, mPm°t:M'r• of HunUn(ton Stach Swlln club were high in the A.AU -,;ovtce SWim mttt on Sunday at Aa.n Dleeo. Guy Cook ot B&Jboa 111&.nd .,.. ftrat in 20 meter Nock atroke and 80 meter tree .tyle •ven.t.1 tor boys 13fand under, t*'d eecond In 40 meter fl"H at7le:. ~eall BrisP of Balboa WM .MCOnd 11\ 40 meter fre:e 8t)'I .. pu 15 and Uder. Rev. Thomu Pen.dell a.n..nounced eominr event.I of importance to I the local, COW'lty. district and eoriteren.ee q,.urch work. Qn.-,.mon SUGARLOAF .... 2'<_, Qoocolllla CAD ,.... ... _, • 79"-· ...... I Wedne1diy Michig~_n Picnic __ Smorgesboard at Bixby Park at FAC Clubhouse · Tbo Kldotcu •• -.1y wm lloW lt'o &IUlllal pim1o -.,., July '21, 19111 al lltsby Parlt 111 LoeJ Be·cb l'allln• In with pl-ot tho J'riday A.ttemoon dub, manbtn end tr;l<ndo ""' rlnslnc lhe date ot W-uday, July 11, .-rnnr It for a .aaorpabord and card par\y. The pullllc lo lnvl>od to the tyml wbklh will .-tart el U :IO p.m . In Ille <lllb h..-L W,Ml.!lth and Anaheim atreet.t, ~ML In addltlon to tho -~ lhtN wW be other a t.ttactiona such U door prl.H9 a.ad · lndlvidual t&hlo pr!aH, Membera ot lb• varloua clu'D eecttona llave been de~ much Ume towud makins the party an outatandtnr one. General ~ .. man ot the U~et a&le ta liltt. ArUe Swart.a, phone Bea. 5213-M. The bridle HCtion. Mi:a. Al Hor-- valb. ch&irm.aA, ta ln eha.rl'• ol the tnenu. Table prtua are belnl' talt4 rn ca.re ot by the a.rt.a and cral'tA aec:Uon, Mn. Tint& Small cM.lr• man. The homecratt aec:Uon, un- der the ch&irma.nahip 'ot Mn. <Ho. V. P"ox, ta reapon1lbJe for attrac- tive door awards. Alao usiltinC are mP.mbera of the Junior Ma- trone •ection, Hr .. Dul C, Grow, chairman. -People do n&d tb• wu~ U& ~-:Uaooa.­ kot -ell: 1 .,;. m., tba X-.-._,., -In a-halt _,. ·-: In· .-t!on, ...... JluTy ~-Pink. chaplom ot u.. Lone -Navy ehapol aftlclatlllg. 'nie Lon« -clly -....,.. wiU be stvm by X&yw BW10n W. ai.ue. or an oftletal available al..that time. Act'I-llri. P'lon 01.toft end d&ught.er. Swett am..,.. of .._t SoRp. Weetem 1t1le. A.ct Il-llr. Ted OU., lho Um,. cholllptca llatM twirler ot Kiclli· -.... c.Jltomla end • -ot hJa atar pUpUa will sh• an ..... cltlnf oxllllNtl ... o( -twlrllft&'. A.ct m-n.. m\llic Cftl\er ltu- dloo ot Lone Beech will "l'PMF In a pro.,.am ol. acconlW. mUlllc by their top talen~ atudou. Act :JV-The ~ele Lunt dance 1tudio• of Lon.-Be.eb Will preiee:nt • tull hour ot va.rtety ot top da.nc .. ing a.cu. Tb.la alone la worth your Ume to eee. ' SPORTSMEN! Be ca.ntuJ with nre In the woo,:11. KEEP OUR STATIC GREEN. I I 11 SKYLAll IAISll 11111 Chock Ml ol lull ._ ... jvlcy .-... F,..J,ly boUd, olad. f« -..-. '::23- CHALLllll IUnEI fnt quo?rty, Grode A. q-ed ...,. cortoned. o.lktow e.. Mod °' ....,, .. 74• ·SP1111 110111 un• .. 73- \ Antiheim Member -1 ~· ... 1Jtlt · · . U a t " · · Ptww .. U•ll'clly. ,_ · \ lm.Y U. 1111 PAClll I NJ:9llPOU .... y - POtlT AND Ul0ft'l1'._ az.., 1S · .. 10al'.U :o · · Lecal ,,., Owler ·· K•l'l)l~in'a .Gr~up. . ,,_ ·°'. u-toot ~11?===-----=;i AU 11-. ...... ot ~· JC!uh "°"'· 11.t moo~· e t 1111 •. foot of r · v SETS -1iro-t w~ ADI& Don 11111 at,, .Newport Beach WU,... • • ., eam1c 1,... --tut· wec1Ji ... i-t.d, by '!\". '· Tritt .r. n1a dt7 u l w llom• Ill Anahoim, aD4 Bay A.... Nowpo~ Beach. FOR ·RENT -..t a.cWftiOn th.N · Wu Kn. In•& Tritt told ,P.Ollce...,th&t he . ba!Jev .. Poq...U. · ot , ~•cir-. Hlehlpli, ..S. tbat tbo boat llod boeD Mo1u I'*'(. ~f--club' znefn ber Krs. Ruel tometim• dunr.I' the day Oil P'rt· loedo~ ot Hollywood. . . day, 11. . 11yi&we W"e!'ti ,.riMd d\O"i.Qf the Th• boat wu valued at $110. IOCia.I '}e..-r wtllch •CSed witla .. ~ ot ·a · deUelouo roput by the. hoid:... . • °WinM from aJJ put.I Of C&Ji• fornl&. Wllicb. ba.ve wan renown •t ham.• and a1Jroed. wtll be teat.ured. '·DAY lllMlltllf 1 ' '·-TIDE T. V. atn Nl:'W-.OaT !IL YD. •-rt- BAIUIOa -hr Ille -tiftS ot A.uru-t I et 1M cara~Ucm annu.. Corou. del Mal', Trlanclo Vu-k will at th• C&Ufon\la 8tat"t Fair, Aus. I l:a:::c=======•=;olllll!I 30 thnMJ.l[h SopL 9. " put ... Ult "Tlip to tbo a. ------------------------ ta.de" by her d&ace pupUa. l f'-:::::~::::=;::;:;::;:;:::~""''""""''""""'""'"."'""'""'""'""' ...... '1 •• ..... meetma' ot th• dub -· t wu •jOUlUta puty at the lt.ome of Jeuaie QabourM; JM Ulla ltnt Md for that W'Mlt memben .... hu.y pttbl.I' tM.lr ''adopted ta.mtl~' eett?ed in. a new home at eo.ta·~x.-. Tllll BLooDMOBlLE U N I T i wlll Ill' .. u.. -Lesfoa Boll, ll_. ud .. y II•. N-rt -oa hlT Htll. I lo ' p. m. . I .. Nowadaya the only people who I 11 I I A~LIB -By MARGO IXTllUPAPD HAS A LOT TO OFFER c1.n ltve Ilk• mllllonaltt1 are Ole I !!,;,_===.,.========-===-==""'""'""'""'--'I btlltonalre•." I ' Freshly baked, fine textured, tender cruated bread that m truly d•liciouL For hearty sandwiches, tasty morrun& toast, or "to a:o wt th the meet" you'll find Mn. Wfia:ht's bread ideal And yet tae price ii 1ur· prisincly low! Get a le* todayl . WHllE or Wit.AT -:: 15° 200 · I alAMI>WJal LOAF• LARGE SIZE. 20cl Cll WHt!lT IOllt:a .& EGG Excellent ' f1aTOr 1113 · ROLE ..... ,8 .... t:AT CHUCK ROAST t#IU Tllll AIMTllllAl NlllU WCE EGGS . 2!!2i .... 13° BODJIG su.J• ........... JI. L C90LI-. Bm PlaleMoat. Celr-u. L Cll'IOICI llMI Bm GBOUDBm SPA•r.•ms LIV t.B llJCID. ,_.. ....... ,._a.a.. Oal .. I Wect '••m Padc ...., .... ,.~ non ~;~;; 1=-87° cmca cm m~=,::-33~ C1oo1oe "' m r ,, GoWea, Ss>lce-.. Ded r..i.;,. FOCI PEAS ~w;.!:"' 1!: PDIEIPPLE JOICE -' Llbbr .. Doi -lo hnmd. Fwe!!nt -........ a>u. MONTE. 11-oa.. 3 cam 25ci LIUY, 41-<& caa. 2lcl llHIUWNltU s.lwich Spread ~ -.:' 39-llW ,.ltll Ill IU Hiii Haliltul Steaks ~ .. ,,. . RUllllNI WELCH'S JELLIES & PIESEIYES c..wf.ptnt ;or, 23c; QUOft tot. 66cl Grape Ju'Ke w • ...,.. u-. 37• Salmon Sleaks ~...::' .. 73• .-,--IUtll Mtlll-........, In heat MOi.d pocllf.OCJltl Swift Premi11111 ~:· 63• Ralll Black Hawk ~:· 33• Cudahy P11itan !."!· S7• Special Pack ~:" ,,. Sunnybank. foil· wr1p1iff qaarten. --------------- CHERUB MILK [nporatecl. • 2 1"11 Smell. 4 cant 2Se.. -25• --------------~- -----------------sm·sns ............ --.-...... r •• ~ .. -·•s• 2 ... • wm "'°......., ... ptlClld -. Escdlent on Mn.. Wript"ab,..d. Or•Jlke l1l·1lr Ptas Slr1wMrries Lim••·~· °' ....... ': 17• .... -APPLE JEll Y •-.:-17• :::,!:'· 1~ 1 .. ': 21• ii-17• .... 1:,;:-29- 6,:· 1 .. ::...:~-1~ 23- PLUM Pftsll'YIS ":· 11· ,.. 0 ..... a.., ....... , ..... 23• 0 ........... ,.-... - :-:-: ,,~:!..... '':· 214' . CA.HTALOUPES TWdl: •••7 ._ W.. rlil••RL I 'ntwlll&c:.arrr Mi1 f•• ._ Val•=W.., ..... WllkJ- YQUI NEA..QST · SA1J/.WAY • • 112-oz., 20cl Nttle Pe•••I Coffee .~: ~ 73• Airway Coffee ~it! ~· 11• Gtiftd to""''· (3~1b. boo. 2.2S I • ... Hiii Coffee = 1.! 79- ... ~bog. 12 .. lb.bao, 1.511 F1Mt Mix ~-c.::; ~ 3 .. Wllile con Meal ~ 2s• 1-Lou. 5,.,, boo. <Jc; 10.• .. ll<I Con Meal ~:., 1.ou 4:.,;--22• tlO-ozt pq .. I 2c; 5-lb. boo. J7c' 1111 TI• Crders !.:-n- ,..,. T,... ............. llcl -. FRESH MILK LUCllll allCllTUtll • • • ; ' • • .. - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • ~.&.GS ' .11JLY 11, un l'jl:W~ft ,MY - .)osT .AND llllOPPING lfl:WS . -' r .aooo>ENT UAJIJLft'I' VgJmum. ll&tiWt7 ot a fthlCte ow.er for Imputed n•sU.-0 to property la OOQ' .... accident "llOllld lie -·r.om, Sl,000 u 16,000 andu a 1>111 wblc:h Gov. J:atl W......., l>M olped Into law. , . . . > Imported"" - RUSH RUGS NATURAL OR TWO TONED GREEN AND NATURAL I foot wldt.ba .,.,. LeestJi 20• per Ml· foot •• 24' per sq. foot FOB BOOM SIZE - Santa Ana Tent and Awning Co. HHlo.-._ KLJ-16411 Laguna Awning & .. Maple Shop .... c-t Leena 4-UH • t • 0~ cs. . Laguna Beach Meehat OCC u.:i.. th• ·cornPruut ~c· Prepares 'or of M5"-' CbrioUJ>e l!'nclertck,' ll&• JI t tlooally prominent color eomult· A ~ • I &ht anof mteitor decorator, a ...... rt est1va in Interior De«<at!on la 'beins p,_.ted at Oran .. Co.!'t COi• l•ie. Thia •luo la C\ll'l'erll17 meet- fnK eacll Konday, Tueod4Y and WednellSlay from 10 a:m.. to noon. In room l of the 1Clence~ bulldms on the Cout. collep campus. Kra. Frede.tick brillp to her atudmt.a a wtallb of Jntormation obtained over a.' tone and un.tnent- ly auccMatul cu.er N magasl.n.e editor, traveler, 8Cholar, tea.Cher and -practicing decorator. .A. Pb1 Bet& Kappa from Northwatern unlventty, Mn. J'redertck hu sup- plemented her training by atudy in France. In addition to thb un- uauU pcttern of t.ra.ining and ex- ~r:lence ln her' chosen field. she iii equipped with a truly dynamJc pe~n&Uty Which ts conUnually apparent in b~ claaa presenta.- Uom. , Women who a.re tnteruted ln developlng a keener undent.andinc ot the prtncJpJra under~ .wc- ceMtul lnttrlOr decoration a.re cordially invited to attend thia clau. M'en who work in field9 re- lated to tntertor decoration will alao find the •Ubject matter of the course cons.Ultent with their needs. Student.. may enroll u audtton: at any time. No admlulon fee ia cllarged. i.aa-un& Bet cb. OaMtornia te UM ecene ol. aa wd4Ue ~l*bstat 1111 art for eYerybody, wlUcJl, .a... ..... nloped uar..ap two -'uatll ll0,000 ---~ nery •late an UMt union t"n·•t, vialt thla -Ide clty to wi- the Futlval at MUI ...S Poput ol th• ~ a com.m-1tj.....sclt production -pl.,.U.S .._ ftne aN of the u...u.. polntlq, .... ud oc\llpturo. It all owted b9cit in tbo Nrl)' 1930'a when a STOUP ot deprwlon otruck artl.t. ret....S to otuvo In the conventional rarret.. but fn· stead planned a re:sUnJ. and llUDI' their palnUnp ~ a -.,. fence. J"rom auch bumble Ol'f&ID, began the tint Futlv&l of Arta:. Tb.ii year neuly aeven. bn·t1rod volunteer workers comprt.M the; cut and crew for \It• lltb Ul· nual FutiyaJ to 1-held .July 21ft th1'0U8'h AU&'\llt 5th. Scene of tht. extnv.,-anu. o( ftn• art.a la IA· 11UI•'• lrvi•• Park and 1"1M Bowl. a nature.I. ampalt.he.in ahelt•nd by rolllnl' b.illa and roof· ed only by the atarlit sky. Moet drama.Uc event of the ,. .... p llOOl"i--Pwtl. C... T_._, Pat.WA •• I +-u S.... ••••t• ..... c.alif...._et l tSl,-.•"1'•:.a .. w •• w ,,.....,. M..,. Wll ••• e i .. I I -.. ..,. ,_ t.uekn ,,..., ...... to ...... a ,_.., n.. WI.•••= ...... Cali(_. TwMn ... ori·ti-., e( ......_ •'-,,._. "=--. _._ c.-r ..... d.rt """' .......... • ts.MO ......... -r .. +.,. .. -r-... l +r·a,.,. ... , .• 1.,n1·1 'w ia .. -w.- -~\\l.' . -~ WICOO'$ Im Traill llnl-_._ LaO Dlltl'G- Ha•w 124' • IPLAJlll • ._ • ftADf •w•YA..'llOlfl • 1111111 Ttit• Mtt A11111 MS YALUll G111ln1tv ..... 9iiallf C&aP•T -. AT CLOSE· OUT ---PRICES I . .u:uy3 OFF~ .Jt d lie_,.,.,. la tile f tus to ... _,._ ...... ... TW ..... tap ot tMee eJl<ll!llllMd -..kn w•• .g iiD:t LA8r ~ Tl&ll8 D' Dnu.Dl,. Un.J. ia tk• Pap&nt oC' UM Jilaa .. tue. Uftltied by UM co£ortut com· me.a.ca ol. ~e Narrator. Ur.e P.,..., ant lo a tull .. ftnJns opocta<Jo In W'ltJcb ca.le and. contemponrJ art ia recreated. t.y Uvtas mode.111------------------------- ._ Spri•11 ..ii Malhe1111 ~,t?"'(~#B.~~#,/ ~•LAst1c:ClOTHESLIN£ $109 . Wears Mo•y}Tlme1 1l.0•9e11 .St.We. dMI -. i~ ,.;nforced witlt hNvy duty lnlcl firw -'· ~ - ) . \ ·H·URRY! HURRY! TWO WEEKS LEFT Save Money on Television Spec~I FOR CHEVROLET YALVE GRIND $11 95 LABOR Culbertson Chevrolet Co.1Nc • • vcpertly "'-up and auUloatlcal· ly ~tUJlle4. ~lf'OWld acenerJ' 1" painted In ocala ,,,. lApll& ... t1111. ~ porfoetod "llY!as plc- bil"'M" are •OWJL qaJMt a mu.9'- cal backdrop Of nn toaal be&u:t7 unMr i... baton of Jul4aa ~ ky, wltOM Zmembl.-Pn1 a I*'· tonnanee re..n.el• tar Ute wWe -ty at -...S otJI• ... qulNd. Dur1ns u.. 11 o11o ....... ...s ewntn.p ot u.. r ..u.w1 bejt h( July 21ot, 'riolton will --than 200 attMtJ.c a.llblta, ..,. .. priollls ....rp-., ~. junlor art, -. &ad U.. Cersznic ~ for Wilt.ch ~ p.aa • r....oua. Jen .... ua. a t thla year'• r•tlftl ,.. t.e UN Natio.aJ eca.__,, Art a.J. Jiery holuriUll' -ua--.t ~ of 41.'i ...,.,. ~ -...... --,_"" -,,_ .. - Group Therapy Is Trealnae11t for Sex Psychopallw Ca Moy 11 then .... 211 - pqcbopath& Oil int..-..diate OOM• mtt..m.lt to tM Kate'• metal hoop!Wo, th• 0.p&ri-t at Mental H;rsieao ,....no. -of them· ..,.,. TOluntary ao Allllt .. monta. Tl>lrtY-thJ'le p&tilato --.. 9CMS&y o~tton to c:Set--.e wlaethe.r or· aot U..7 are ..x poydlo ... tha Treatment of t.M a• a. u al payoho.,.th COINnitted '° a ltato bo9p:Jt&I Jeuia molt. MaYily upaa ll:OUP' ~PY toclull-the Dei-rtment -.Id. Thia la an attampt to set patiata to talk out u..tr troubkil. tD f'NrJise twr teden.d.•• ...... utl~ aad to ~ th• 1•wp.r-ep... or -'l'bo latter -lo lie --la -of tMm Nd Ill do'ftlopod la moot ~ ~a poiilt that _., ... u efflletlft ---..,. 1...-q ~ ""!"'ft ·a a ct ~the ...... __ c:lOq ... jot up. . lJr t...tm 1st fll tlM _.. - '" 0 •• at. 11• "'• .... ... llJpett l I .......... 1llili .... ..... "'--~ 1-n.t .. ..,.... ?' .... •haee -.$ le F fff M I lll'llW 7 lllSf, : 1-ftat • 1f1 r ,-.._ -... ....._ .... tnlMl 7 ..... !11"1' ...... -•• W:ns -• a NUCI II .. •• ..... 11"'"·~· • .;~:;;:;; • FORM ST ATE CRIME COMMISSION Oonnaor Sari wan.,. i... crMted a ti.-...... eor=Wlon to ..at. a ~ ot orp•iM• en-.. Wan• .MM! VIie coso·•ion .. .... ,..., &114 -..... -• ...--...... -...... to( orpaiad critae a ~ tit.a .-tfttt to wMetl ,. .. _. M'e Of'l'h· l9ild OI' ot..MrwiJe NN!e4 t .. U.. fOr <*fefla aad p..-pcl I I 'tlr'Wch Ti<>- Jate '1te law• ot. Uae MW. .. aa.ld Ul• eom-lel&oa ... _&Joo....., __ _ .....,. poN!ble tM -•If-I •· laeu.e -d acUflty wttllln UM •te ot ....,,, r:: ••• Bee 7 11 I ot tM llllPMd lllOpe of llM n -.i rct. wa.... •1111...,." ----1. a.mew .............. Nee ~Lh: ... ot. t1M C.-. Qom.. m'r aaa or ... •t1,; Ill lMT, ....... ._ t.tto.. ot Mte V. •. "'""' im· ~*c& ...... 4 . ...., U.. r1' t 'c1•Wp• ot tilrie ..,.:#re 9"ilfic to orgcotred ,._cA;t'lti1r. I . P ..a•t iW sb1#1a• to U. --. ..-. J• ,_., ... wtl•e UleN .. tihe ····-'" ••• ot. @ffed,.. .... Im;=·-··· w ...... 6tl 1•1t tbe N·m;1l'10P. I \o '•rtete ....... ,, J .. e M , TWll< -om. -lllloC - W ... te YrJ/S' '' I 1tfta # -. (]rmf M qr.ltty, ..... ... -. .. • • • CAILYl.FS . ............. .,. 0-•h• LIDO aLUl'D8 w ••a::s •rt-... 09el'A PO•.&. -,,.._,, Laguna Beach Furniture LACiUNA HACH 261 ,.,_, Awe11ne P11a11e 4-1171 ~ t . lhlM I as ...a ........,. ta'c> _.,. lllffecW; •-flt tM ..,...u. .....,_ or tfrie --.e ta ~oftle' 'tM ~. _. rapen u ..,., u poe· ti---------;...--' I ....,. a.l\Ar tJl&t *'•· ....,.., ...,. a.r ··r 1lrOt. ••• ,, .. ...... • • .......... ~ w1til h Mt.w4 '° 1tMiir brr• ,...._ \o COMl*a. .... ~ eg.~t coMMt., •••ani9la ........ Ute to.M ..,. ..,.. • actln d...,. ........ PMk for • P""°' wt&.~k will meet ~ ~m"'t. 0( ttw WM!ll: ~ SelectlYe Servfc• i.c-t>oa. n.. Oout 0....-d ll&id -· dlreet ....... QM .... et.ill beiac Offered to ........... ol U.. Mere caw l:lkifte .... _,., ..., Mat• l t 1r....,_t Mariae wtl••f, State lcllool lll4p or po.... aJr...ty prof_.,,_..,. qda.llNed to perlorm mpett6c Cout Guard d111Ue1. ... w&1l 11la1tl STAUFFER SYS11M SALON • S,Hlal llummer JI.ate. J'or Reducing % CHIEIJ .- Oolloco ~ "'"_·o::i."'~:=.m! Hl&ltA -Reiu:ation High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 w.rr-d to contact U!ie Dtnctor of 1 i.._-_-_ -----_ --------------·------------------~-;_------------------~-----Aeiected cudidatu from elvil· '-" M$e M\Mt ... Vlldtt II m.nd 1'.old a b&ecal•vr9&\e ~IT'"· ney will be eali.ted f-or ttlree yean Ml the Oout Guard Re.e-"e ta tAe raU llMWTe, 11• C0Mt, o.ird Dia· •fief, '""' .. BWc.. LoA&" 8".ch. ot M&rM.D. rttruil, Offlfer c&ndt· Superior court Thwtday wu date. requellt., \0 pant le-tter• of Id· All cudld&t .. will be ordwed MilaJM.raUon ht the eet.&t.e ol :£rm.. to a 11-weelc trMai.nr cOW91 at eet X. De a-.. 1"'ho died Juae Ulre COMt Oward &eUe•y. 21. A. dMlpter, Ca.rwten Nte!Mn ...,.._r .. •Me otftctt cud.1· ol 115 Htll St., Mi'Wport Ba.eh, d&"'9 wtto aueouetUlly complete ..ad tor Jet.ten of a.dlnUA&M.rs.· tM OOWl'M will be eotrunJ.eaiOlled tiOA, __, forth t.Aat the ..Ute I "1 U.e C.out 04.a&.rd, for temporary oamiat.a of appro«iln&tely $1000 ..n1ce. While ton.er aerYt..._ in ,.......i propwty ud a r•si· ""4 •I-will bo conunlMloaed -IUld .....,, lot In 0nqe ta U.1 :rteerve and plaud Oil eomKy. I I I ALL or TBE NEWS • ' of the Kewporl Bar~r Area ALL TBE· TIME ' EYaY TUESDAY EYAT-THUISOAY· • ' .Oa a 1• CClaa.allY .. '• SUl$Cll'llON dlDa FOIM -T• ... NIWPOIT • U 1 IOA PIDI • _, 'IHI NIWS ·111m . . I P1n' ._ TM ..... 174 Tiit 1(M ·'Tl to ' • If• I • • } • ·~ 7 1 I • • I • I , . '1 l t • • RATH'S WTERI JEllERIZJI Him • • COFFEE ... ~. NEWPORT iA Y POST :4ND SHOPPl!'f& NEWS - HAM 63• aun .. ···· • CENTER 991. SLICES···· . .. : . ~·July '!· ltlf~ Tllllll,.l'IL,SAT. JULY 1NN1 , ' • • t • IRIS (ALL GRINDS) · , 7· 9· ' D&-ect.Shipmentfromlowa CPO..kJ · "'---M_AX_w_-_Elrl ....... o•_H_o_u_s_E __ ~~-~ ____ c I SPARE ' RIBS w::~~ 39•. ~ --. . IE~~~~DS PINT · 3 7 ( qu~aT 6 4( l F~~~_,°!~!~~I) . Kl1~~!~'S 2,c .... '""' ,,,.. Colond M1r91ri1e 29c ; FRYING S.UCED MAYONNAISE • 75 CHICKEN OF THI SEA ~::: I c TUNA Fl::~~. c~.11 .... 1.+ 9••1Hy BUTTER LOG CAllN ,. SYRUP iz.oz. 23c CAN Swfft'• P1re L11cno• Macrt 43c "PREM" 1~:Nz. P•EACH94ES Noc!~· 23c SALADETTES Ta sty Sala4 Co111pla+. leody·to-S.rva 19C No .1 Tall Cu NUCOA ~::: : RABBITS BACON CRACKERS ~::23c '. ·6sf. s~ui~s 43:. s,.rtsm .. Al ... , 45 I ---------SALMON No. ~=11 c I s·iLMON 59:. ii'Ai.liu?' 49~ . MAICAL WHITI 11 I NAPKINS 1 0:.~.·· c 1 sHRl1t.tf.1se 69t. wH'iriNG29~ CRISCO Pure Ve9etable 9 s ShortenillCJ • l·lb. Can C • , :Para~ount Grade'A' 6 3 Large-Doz. in Carton . C . Cinncimon • JULY ILlllTAS "PEAK OF THI SEASON" TIMI TO CAMI. $149 -PEACHES . 11~~ . ~= PIUSIUlrS IEST 47c 92c FLOUR 5-LI. lo.llo. . IAG IAG • Ho ·Fooo 3 T.111 3.5c c ... SUGAR LO.AF 2~ . ' llo9-2"'_, TOMATOES 2•bs 15c _APP_ii_LLJU_ICE_2_~:_.~ 1_5c SWEnHOPICKLES Z4-. 32C Jor 1115 FANCY 19 llPE SWEET-FINI EATING • 2 19 TOMATO CATSUP .'<::rt: c N E ( J A R I N E S lbs C VAN cAwr·s ~o'i c POTATOES , lbs C iARSHiALLOWS 2 ~~ 19c DEL MONTE SPECIALS! PEAS IAILY GARDEN 17C · 17..0Z. CAN PINEAPPLE NO~L~~.E~AN 31c FRUIT COCKTAIL NgA~112 31c Norwaa a Oorou Del Ku OlllJ •=~=:~1WE A OLUTELY WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD PER ALITY , f fROZfN FOODS 4 PICTSWEET . VEGETOLES . FR. CUT BEAIS I~ CUT. GR. IEAIS 1~ CUT CORI .~ PEAS i:.-: • Swfft'a PreMl1m SLICED COOKED SALDI Swlft.'1 Pre•l- 01'd Fashioned . I -RllG • . 59~ HAMs ~~ . : s9~ AU HAM-NO WASTl-HO RIM NO IONI LONGHORN CHECSE MAD11Hial NISH DAILY~ l,OTS ·O• UAL MATONNAISI, PICILIS. Pllllll OS . MA 'CARQNJ . SALAD ._. 3~ ' • • rf_'f , ~\NE S & LIQ U 0 RS _,~_ • c THI PIOOF"IS THl..DIFNUNCll -" MEDLEY'S . \(1 9£).~ · "K£N1UC ·.· ~FTH $4i• I s26s .. 88 iiANiYCAUFOaN<A • ' • . . • • • • . ... .__ . r .,6.: i . 0 1ULY 11, l16t 1 WHEN 'l'o"J:Wl'01'1' BA y I POll'l' Miu ldloPPrno Nl:Ws • • I YOU .WANT. TO BUY, sat, EMPlOY~ -Ml· OR -USE THE~C -~SSlflED. -HAR 161f • . ' -· ~ ...... ___ _.,__ ______ ~~-----~ .... Ill s.>r, !Qeeelkzr1111 N~·-CLASSIF IE'D .. • • • . The Mlghiy Midget In Adver&ing i.>.mzs~n Mlller.4 Lelrd --a-. Brown, blllo It blacL T!iAAA It T".u.AA._ ~· 1J D~. Call HN. 1tTW ~V-. Utfc . • l...-----------------------.1 ~ Bl:DROOM frame bome l<>t Hot Weather Sa.le i on Used Appliances 1· WANT AD will co1t ycr only s2 and .jt will run NEWS-TIMFS -l!.'vefy Tueaday NE\VPORT BA.Y .POS'l -Wednesdays NEWPORT-BALBOA. PRESS -'fb111'8daya Ne..,.ort .. ,. P•t Cl&Nifted Ada mmt NII .. tM Twc1tt7 • Ne\\•TiflDN: Of' th 'DllU'IDJ ,.,_ lIDH!iluH AD IS 4 Ul'o'ES All <1 4n 1 t1ed ... n1ns\.be paid for OMii .a. ad'NW el pot*.etoa. 4 I.Jneo 1 Paper I .715 --1 4 Line• % ~ U50 4 JJnes ! Papen 2.00 Tho! publishers wiU nnt be ~apou:lhle for more than on• lncorrect tn•erti:>n ilf JUl adVttti~n1t:n.t, re.Hrve the ript to correctly dually a r.y an1 all ac!ll and to reject any advertiaemenl not contorminc to r.lit.• and reiulAt~olUI. AUvcrtiaemcnta and cancellation. wUl bt· a ccepted u;1 to 6 p Ill. on the py pl'ecedinl' pubUc1.tion, Pb. Har. 181& (>he "'" fl:lr. 16!G. a.air for .. Ad Taker-or ll'a4 ad •Del l'MlllltlYce te "(r:Wl'ORT BARBOR PUBLISBJNO CO. !Ztl Balboa Blvd., N"Pn-port Be&dt, Cafftonala. 1 G-Busil1"89 Guide 28-Situatiom Wanted Q.J KPLJn"ll Bf)UD CLE.AMINO FlNE lRON'JNO lldU call for ud Mniot. hmttlrra and rup I deliver. (No hr>usecleanlng1; &bampooed. J"ree ..tlm•teli-H,.Jn '.Ni th dinner pa.rU~•. Phone J'U.Uy ~w.:!. ?-.1rs. W illi Mil, Harbor 1 ~9~ M-- Al• H. · & R fore 10 a.m. or after l5 p.m. s ouse • ug ««e Cleaning Co. 8-con 1111 T2tfc F or Venetian Blinds, Shade1 and Drapery Hclwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 514. 29th St. Newport Beach l 2-Buildlni: Services fNTl:fuoR -B:XTEIUOR PAINTING LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 601. 31st St. N<WJ>Crt B<ach Barbor 2297 .J Med DON K. BU'ITS Lie. General <:ontractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 8.f-06· W 17tfc \VILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trades-maintenance work. Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W 3&51 ID.JVERSAL BlJILDlNG ;\(AINTENANCE r"l~o r \\'a.."lf.lnJ:. \"\'indow Cleaning \\'all \\"aMing tor bu1ldin1t'~. etorf'.oi, offices Ir: home.a Telephone Harbor 118 46p48 A!\'Y KIND of light work by eld· trly man. \Vill \\'Ork reuonable. 112. 24th, r-:ewport Beach. Har- bo r 2~45·\.\'. 48p-48 EXPERIENCED "'Oman will do hou"!e cleaning. Phone Beacon 6917-J. 47c49 ODD JOBS-<::arpenter. painting, repair, etc. Hour, day or week. Harbor 0126·J. 47p48 EXPERIENCED Searnstre~ will Do Pl&ln St>wing -Alter&tlona Houuhold and Drapf'rif'S. Bea<:on 6718·M or Harbor 1S."J9·J 47c4P • Standard Stations, Inc. Has a few openingll FOR MEN acreap. UOO ,dell .. red. ~ stucco bullnua bldl" or prap. $180 dtlJyered. 1-23 W1 La Pal· -Anabdm. M p.m. PbOD• Aftahetrn 6404. 43ctT ' - • Refrigerators ' ' AROO • FLEX CA>lllRA •. $40. QI.,_ apl -l'efrilr -··--'3D.D5 i~ all 3 local papers. 1 , 1 x 12 Fibre "'I'· 55. Wlck•r ~ 1 ~ XlllL child'• wardrobe, '5. Phone -....... cu. • "':-Nn· I A Minimurr ad is 4 lines. Beuoo 8171. '7cp41 nlft&' -~~. -...... -•.•. --JT9.H . . . . . . t~FT. PtCKET f~ce, I ecf'ffn doon, venetlan bll.Dd•. reuon· able. 119 Coral .Ave.., Balboa Ja.. land. 411ell STORE ttxto~s. prac. n~. wall ca.MS. eounten. piJac. All have &!ljuat&b1e .t\elve:i. BarpJn.. ca.ti oWner. Beacon 9990. t7~9 Complete tnatallatlon. ft'P&.1r and •ervice of all lr&ilt-r equipment. ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BL~. Coat& Meaa. Phone Be.aeon 9224·R THREE ADDING MACHINES. l rlec., S75 and up. 2~ hp. John4 •on, S200./ U&ed blcyclea, 11~ up. Surplw Store, 2004 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. 47))49 BARGAIN! Good 2 B. R. frame house for acreage, $900 delivered. 723 W . La. P&lma. Anaheim 9 • 4 p. m , Phone Anahelm 6404 . 47c49 Colclspot db<. 9 cu. tt.. per- fect c:ondltlon --····· .. ---.$19.93 Cl&tt .... " 8&1Uer • cu. ft. $83.00 GAS RANGES w~ table tap ----S29.t• Phone Menor 1616 ' Newport.Bdboa Ne.,....'l'imM -jNewport.llalboa PreM Newport 11ay f08t <Sbrpp1ag N•ws> Prooperity tabte top --•u.oo I :sz-~~R!!!OU9eh!!!!~o1c1~~GO<~·?'!..i.!.-__ l ~"~::;~~oa~: ~·!!.·.2s!'l~~!!....---1 Washing ~achines Used Appliances Boats, Motors, Etc. Se.rvd gu nfrig~rator• f3) 28' ~r. bit. '45, S cyl. .(J'&y, A.BC Wrin~r ···---·-········-··-$~.00 . ......... .. s~. $97.~ It $125 xlrit. cond.-p&rt trat!e .... S!.000 £Uy, dlx. wrin&er ----··········· _.9 _~ O~tec!i M~~I~-~--~---~~~~--~~ ~;~er ·:;~l~t ::ii s;: Btndix S~ml-Auto -·-············ 39.95 Kenmore \\'Uher ·····-·········· $39.50 Johnfon '48 outboard 5 hp .... $Z25 !Ulvtnator ?'@frig .................. $69.50 SaJll•g dinghy ......................... l&O Budix Automa-llc -·····-······ i~.00 __ Paddle bo&rd, 126, Life raft 110 Extra Special Gibeon Electric Ra.ng,., drhtxt>- 2 oven•. all automatic, ellghtly uaied (new $&{)())- Now only -·····-·--·····-··-·······$27.5 Stroot'• TeWinkle Hdwe. USED FURNITURE Duncan Phyfe 8-pc, d1nnclte SE'l, table. 4 cha.Jr& Ir buffet ...... 19~ Mattre19e11, box •pring!I, roll away ~.etc. Dale's Furniture 1814 Harbor P.Jvd. Co.ta Me•a Beacon &637 .J S&ilhlK doodle but{. $20, Dinghys, Sa"d dollfea, 110 and 120, Skiffs. marlne mot.on. Power boa.ti. isli net, gla.u b&i.U, cork, etc. Cole's Trading Port · 3108 t.fayette, Newport. Harbor 1020-W 47c48 AIR CONDITIONER a.nd puti!ler. 1802. Newport Blvd., Co8ta Me.a Philco window model for office or homll', Value $!W>O. Wtll take Phone Beacon 5222 A. B. HlGH oven gu stove, '"· Kenmore ... -u~lng m!\chlnr, $20. Phone Harbor 1688-J. 47p48 SNOWBIRD No. SN229. New sail. 12%6. St-e boat at Dick's Dock, soi Coaat H ighv.•ay, 1''e'·.1J>Orl BNLch. 46p-48 lli6. 3M Fll'mleal. Coron& dPl ----------...>... '--HA VE .SOLD HOAtE -Selling custom ma.de ll\ring and bdrm turnJ. at fraction o( coet. Aho hi(h cla.u ladies garment.a, Eu 14·18. 703 Jumlne, Corona dll'1 llar. 47c51 Mar. Harbor 019l·R. <17c49 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR 19'1 model -that big 9 cu. fl. mode.I and h•• the crou top treuer cb~t-nice kee~r for me.t a.nd criaper for vegetable•. A butter ket:Pf'r and other features. Bal· ancfl I owe on It la only $138.38 -cuh or take. payment. ot $IO.:l7 pt>r mo. :t.fy equity free. Really Choice! Dumont Combination 16 l.n. televiaion set. blonde. abort wave. push button (it wao ---~-------­ their bestJ will sell ~.th of Rattan Furniture cost. Kade ln th• Philllplnee uut ln our own work ahoi:-, Fine blonde desk, with hand wtdo choice ot tabrleo. painted glass top. lAl'l"•l dl.tJ>lay In So. C&llf. Bell reclining chair, 3 pc. di-Ret'lnlJlblnl' and Reupbolste~ SNOWBIRD tor ul,. 1125 1 Phone Harbor 1~7·R 4&c47 ST Aft BOAT -good condlllon, '3W. ALSO South Bay mooring ott B&l· be& bland, $1 W. Ph. Har. 2801. <&coo SNOWBIRD-575 Including 1a.ll. Needa work. Ideal for bov halldy with pa.int bnah. 242.i Orange Ave., Colta Mei&. Bea· cop 8U8, fkd FINE PRAcnCE uprll'bt pWlo tor only ,$9.16 doWn and l>.M, per mo. at lllU.r.ER'B KUSIC CO. (Slnco 1907) 421 N. SJ<&· more, Santa An&. KI. 2-0812. RENT A PIANO. $5 per month. All rent allow..s II you buy with· Jn terms. D~~SCBlDDT • .520 No. Hain, Santa Ana. • • 1 Business Opportunities lideal for Couple d 1hort order shop, f locations. P1llNT HOUl!E and 3 rm . c:ott& .... On Oollliuo I.aland l'.ach apt. hu water f'robtq' .. Aecom. 4.. Wt11t end ~arlt Aft., -hland. Harbor 2912.w • •Opll'l On Penfusula Point NICELY FURNISHED 3 bdxmL available July 15th, yearty or monthly. BrOllua liat. 1"2 :Min.mar, Balboa, owoe:r. Pbont Har. 0812-W, Har. :IOOl.J. title RENTAL t' SPECIALISTS can -er.ts Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa bland. Har. 20U UcM hop, good shopping _HA_,V_E_y_o_u_ee<_t_h_•_n_e_w_ .. _t_m_od_<_rn center. turniahed- Ice cream and frozen fooda. Chris -Dean Apts.? Good Volume Sleeps 4. Introductory ratca tor Ceramica and gift shop ffiway Location Dress shop, good location. Ed Lady could handle. Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1523 Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 2768 Fine Established Nursery Business for aale. Owner tn\L!l 11ell beca.u&e of health. S•• VinC•'lt Healy with: P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo · Newport Beu:h. ca.Ji!. Harbor 1500 ~------------ July, $~ per week. All utUJtiea p&Jd. Adjusted rate• per Yf'ar. 15l0 Min.mar. Ba.Ibo• Pen!n.sula Phone Harbor 149l·W <:!QT YEARLY-Unfurn. 2 bdrm. house in Cliff Haven. Fireplace. Wall lo wall carpet. &ndix. Fencf'd yard. See owner. 424 E. Costa. Mr.sa, Coat& Mesa. 46p48 COMPLE"T'ELY FURNISHED l bedroom apt. Ulil. incl. Sum· mer or yea.rly renta.J. Contact owner at 900 E. Oce&n FrOnt, Ba.Jboa1 Harbor 213T. 48c51 Choice Yrly. Rental Av~ilable Now AT 111 Emerald, Balboa laland UNFURNISHED, three bedroom1, l a bath•. fireplace, two fur~ nacea, d I 1 po a a I, diahwuher. L&rge patio. Owner 130 So. Bay Front, Balboa Island. Harbor 2155. 46c48 ALSO my A. B. C. automatic wuher, 19~1 model. It ha.e the agitator a.nd lt doe• everything itMlf. UM"d It 2 montha: and. owe only $2!')9.M bu paid over 1320 for It. Cuh loo -or t.&ke payment. of $14.M Pf>r mo. van chair set and 1 rocker, HOUSE & GARDEN all plastic covered. ln •11 Cout Hwy., N..,._, ta-arn blonde !iniah -VER Y NICE ! PA IR R . It L. J'!&phlp IO h. p . engine• with reduc. gf'ar, 1750.4 c.;;l_-S....;:;..:.to..:.res;..o::...;;an=d:..O.;;_f_fic_:eii_"----· I Factory approved Jobnaon Out· NEW APT. with new funitu~. See at 404 So. Spadra. Flillerton, 9 a, m .• 8 p. m. Ph. 21~2. 4k48 K!:LVlNATOR rtfrl«·· 4 cu. ft. Clean and in rood runnlnl' con· dition. $40. :SOO Fern.lea! AYe., Corona. del !.far. 4&p41 Cocktail table and record cabinet with electric foun· t1tin in center -VERY UNUSUAL! Two blonde end tables with board. OFFICE BLDG. AVAILABLE at unobetructe<to-view ot ocean and SALES Ir: SERVICE 18th and Fullerton, lnquin: 146 bay, ground floor. Fireplace. l"'outh Coast Co. E . 18!11. Coeta Mesa. Phon< Bea-Private patio. Car.g•. R eaaon- J.:) con 5792. 42c47 able yearly rental. 2052 Cliff H&rltor 2800 Newport Beach Drive. Newport Height.. 47p49 31Uc OFFICE SPACE, 12x20, do"rn· TWQ SLIPS tor plea.sure boat.a, up lo 35 tt. Now a vailable at 3300 VI& Lido. 4~17 stair• location. comer of Palm YEARLY _ 1 bedroom duplex. & E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa.. Ph. unfumi&hed. Stove and refrig. Harbor 2821. f8ttc available. 239 % .E. Roche•tf'.r, C~ta. Mesa. .t7c49 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m Palmer st., Coot& - \Vho Are looking for tte'rma.nent employment with t'xcellenl op- J>Qrtunity for advancement. 21 to 40 prt>ferred. Pa\ d while ti-a.ining. Approx. 1277.60 month to start." Liberal laundry allow-1 .S=l_W~an=Ud=~to;;...;B:..u_,y,_ ___ _ ance•. HIKh 11chool minimum \V AJl.'T TO ~y 12 or l4·rt.. Cal&· desired. See Supt. at the hand painted glua tops. 8 ft. white polar bear rug. Silver floor lamp., 1 Blonde bedroom set with elec. blanket. Several other unuau&l article•. ALL AT Less than 1/2 Cost Must Bee to appreciate Chry1der Engines Used Crowns -Royals See Joba Harvey HAVE YOU •een the n.w 18 toot 42-Want.ed to Rent Wlncrafl fibre glue ~&bin I ·W=A-N-'1'~;:2=bd.::..rm~;;.ru;.;m=ia:..h-ed--h-ou..-FURNISHED apartment. alttpa '· $15 per week. 507 Hellotrop., Corona del J.ta.r, back of Can· non'• Market, across from Port Theater, Corona de.I Mar. 4 7p•& Bea. M•T·M Hc9 H . H. HOLBROOK DF:PENDAB'.E PLUMBING A Prompt R ('palr Srrvice MalntaiMd Phone: Harbor 1418-\V 280l Balboa Blvd., Ne"'rport Beach \'\'ise people do read the ade. ~·A:-.o"T CARPEXTRY and rt>palr "'ork. Phone Harbor j45.\\·. <16c48 Painting and Decorating STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia &. Coaat Highway Corona del J.tar Between 8 :30 and 12 every Friday 43c48 llna paddleboard. Ph. Har. 2494. •6c47 WA1''T TO BUY -l'ood u.~ sail or mowb\rd. Call Harbor 234 or evee. Harbor-2773·M. 45c47 \\" A!'-:TED-3 m£'n over 35 to ex· S2-Bou9e.hold Goods plain pre11.rranf!:ed burial plan. Experlen~ not n e c es a a r y. T t'll chjng or coaching experit>nce ht'lp:ul. Must have car. Full time permanent position. Com· missio ns paid l\Otice monlhly. No M>llclllnir allowed. Leada rurn1.shed daily. SEE ~{R.. HART\VELL \VESTINGHOUSE retril'. . .... ITO Gu ra.nge v.1lh oven control 14.0 Waahlng maclilne with pump $4.0 Attracti~ -good buys. Phone Harbor 2695·W tlhil wk. only). 47!>(8 Phone Harbor 0451 '47c48 ANTIQUE ENGLISH dn88er ln mah~y. CU.tom made down filled 1afa. Engli.ah atyle. cualom ma.de. upholatt>red chair. Pair Simmon.a mf'tal framPs. Privatti party. 438 <rllldenr()(t Aw., Corona d~I Mar. 47c<t8 at Seacraft 925 COAST fDGHWAY Nl:VIPORT BEACH PH. BEACON 6171 Ht!< SNOWBIRD wilh nf'w aall and ma.at. Hull needs aome repain and caulking. Price s'1<1.5, In· cludea doll:y 2 Bay laland, Ph. Harbor 267P'W. 47pt9 crut.f'r. Inboard or outboard Latest deai~. A beauty. AIM> In Harbor a.tea up to $70 pe.r I? : 14 _ 18 plulic ba.il ta.nka. mo. or yearly basis. Family of ,; 4, oldettt child is 11i year11. Call 102 l!!. 18th St., Cost& .mesa. B G Kim•-I 3 832 Bea. &S82. 4ip-cg Ob • leUOn, ucr y • t collecL 47p48 MODlF'I!:D SNIPE. Juat rf"fi.n. l111ti.ed . Good. u.lls. lt:'tO. Beacon UNFURNISHED HOUSE 3 bdrm 5114·J after ftve or w«kt-nd11. couple with g yr. daughter. Af:u.rt. be very cloee lo gra.mmer 47 P49 11ce c101 \Vrlte Box N2 this paper. SEA BOOKS A fine alock ot boolt. on all yacht· ing subject.A -plua au current boolui. Lendln1 libr&.ry. The Islanders 214 Ma.rinr, Balboa la. H&r. 1:>47 Y ea.rly renl&L Up to 1100. 47p49 YEARLY 2 B. R. unfurn. eepa• rate howe~ Lge. tenced·ln rt-ar :yard. Lge. f{&r., 2 yr1. old. Chi!· drcn, pets O. K. 61§ Goldenrod, Corona· del Mar. 47c49 UNFURNISHED I bedroom ... p. a.rate houae -two adult.I only: $3:'i mo. 375 lh. Costa Mesa St., Co«lta Men. 49p49 • TRAILER SPACE A·l P t'r!lonal Service 1-"'rank J . H o ff ~. Z04 • 29th St .. Newport Bea.ch Harbor 17M-\V after ~ p. n1. 46pi8 10 a.. m. only-~ton. thru Friday 291 ~ Ne"'-port Blvd. Newport Beach 42c43H4~ MA TCBlNG BLUE 9 x 12 &nd 10 x 10 Broadloom rug•, good condlUon. 135 and $2a or $5-0 for botll. Phone Harbor 2778-W. 4ic48 O'KEEFE 6 MERRITT RANGE. lt'• the lalt'at 19~1 model delux.~ CP. all autOmatlc. haa llUTl'J> and clock. That pretty chrome grid· dle ln the middle-an outlft for touter and the chrome grill broilt>r hu been used only 21-:a montha and I only O\ve $149.53 on the contract. You 'can have my equity free if you l&ke pe.y- menta of SS.38 Pf'r mo. See at 404 So. Spadra, Fullerton. 9 a. m. -8 p. m. Ph. 2152. 40c42 15 Fr. SAIL BOAT, Sun Rli!' c: I a a 11. Seaworthy. Excellent condition. Mak@ offer. Call Harbor 2819-R between 2 and 4 )1. m. 46<:48 MAfE OFFER-24 ft. power boat hl}ll. Completely framed. Set up to build. Some materia.l. Complete blue print. Can be at"ll'n a t 1840 Pomona, Co111t.A Afraa. 47c49 M! t 2i\i I ' I j •) D-A~ent8 ud Roll8e9 Ott Ule highway, cl0&e to aboppinc center, 112 ii: $15 per mo. 1<10 Cabrlllo St.. Cabrillo Court.I. Costa Mesa. '1_ pt3 REP AIRING and PAINTING R('uonable. Large or small job3. Free estimate.a. \Valker, 108 18th SL, Nwpt. Beach. Har. 258l·R HAULING \\. Al\"'T SO~lEON'E to care for mJ 4-year.ald child 8 evening• 11. v.·eek I every other \Vttk) in your home. Phone Harbor 871 after O p . m . 48p-t7 WANT \VOMAN to help c&re for children nights while 1 work. Live in. Salary. Phone Harbor Any k ind, trub or? WALKER, 1&f,g.J. 48c<l.P 1().8..18th St., Newport. H. 258l·R ------------- 1 t--Perooaals Alcoholics An~nymous Write P. 0 . Box 2~ Balboa W&nd, C&llt. Phorie Kimberly 3'""'393 22-Lost and Found BABY GIR[f.' one year old, needs ·ca.re while mother works. F\v"" day \veek. CalJ or write 507 Heliotrope, Col"(Wl& del Mar. 47p48 E.\..'PERIE;"\CED accnttary tor beach real ('!late: office. 5 11 d')' wttk. Permanent. \Vrite: par- ticular• to Box J;(.J, tbll paper. 47c49 LOST-Lrathe:r Case \Vith several automobile titles, etc. Rc"'ard. • • • • • • . . Harbofl 1294·\.V. 46p48 FOUND -Boy's \Vri st \\'atch - Qy.'ller can redeem by 1dentil}·- BARBER \ WANTED lng Md J>'lying for ad. Har· bor 1119·~·. 46c48 LOST -7 fL black glas.s ocean fi9tin; rod. Grttn \\Tap.. be· tween Balboa pier and 102 E. Ba.y Ave.. Balboa. Reward. Re-- tur11 t.o Richfield Station, <C 1& E . Balboa Blvd., Ba.lbQ&. 4.7«9 • .. / Must be top1! For New Shop 2903-A Newport. Blvd. • Newport Beach • • • • • • 4Tp49 MAPLE FINISH bunk bed-1:, llnk !!iprinl'a a.nd mattreaaea, $~. Phone kacon. 5539.\V. 4.7c49 SJ.lALL black lacquer breakff'9nt '86. Lge. brua hall rack, $10. Other piece•, 2140 W. 17th St .. Santa. Ana. 45p47 That uaed t'urnittlnl, brlc·&·br&c, paJ.ntin11, etc., now laking up apace ln your IU'&•e. Flnd a buy· er wtth a cl&ulfted ad tn t.ht New•-Tlme-. Poat, &nd Preaa com· Jack's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade 1505 We.st Balboa. Blvd.. Phone Harbor 2602·R 44c4& SNOWBIRDS -SI\"IPES • PEN· GUINS a.nd P·l"'· Excellent condition. ftea.dy to 10. Pricea from 1200 up. MESA BOATS• 4M Newport Blvd., Coal& :t.tesa 4ic49 Small Power & Sail Boats 14 n. launch, Grey 16 hp. eng. I~ 15 ft. nJnabout with or without out.board .......... -.... 1325 18 tt. utility. 6 hp. water H rr. JOHNSON GULL a. 17- round bottom ctnler board. Sail and boat in very good condition. :lfotor attachment, with tr&Uer. 9116 Ocean Bl\-d., Corona d~I 1ifar. Harbor 2631·J, '47ct9 NEiRu 1''EW 20 ft. Dory- New Falcon f'ngine. Lots of rx· tru. $4.9~. Ph. Harbor 2203·J a.«e:r 8 p. m. .t7c49 BALBOA ISL~ l«-Rooins tor Rent House. and Apt&:, yearly o . . ....... ERFUL ROOM, private bath. aonal. See Gail Carney, w1U, Twin bedll. Ocea.n view-U•e of NEJLDA GIBSON 308 RE.AL ESTATE Mar.ne, Balboa llL Har. S-02 89tfc Summer Reservations den and l'Ul\ dtt.k. New home on Balboa. Pt>nlnsula. Kitchen privi· lf'ges. Adult.a only. Ph. Harbor 1238~W. 44c'5 ---~~--~~~- bin.&Uon. Juat Phon• Harbor 1119, -------------cooled engJne .............. -....... '300 J Lido lsle Bay Front unit.a. 1.' and 2 bdrnu .. $59.M wk. up. Harbor ~2. evea. Har. 29lf.·H. 17ttc 3 SINGLE garages, suitable (or automobiles or 1toragf'. $15 Pf'r month ea.ch. N . B. C. REALTY Co.. Ha.rbor 14M, 32nd and Newport Blvd. Use Classified Ads • • • to oell your ear • • • to fhld a boyer loryoor._ • • • to ftllt JOU apt. ••• to di•po•e of foralt•re aacl b-hold leod8 yoo llO loager lleecl • • • to 11114 • pod job HOD!:RN METAL Coolerator Ice l\e!rll'en.tor -PRlCED TO SEU.. Ma.y be Bttn at Crovm Ha.rdwllrf'. 821 Cout Blvd., C~ rona del M&.r. 4Tc49 19 ft. new speed boat, 91 hp. ensiJte ···-··-········ ... $2750 ~'"T A PIANO for only 15 per - rn,onlh. Rental applies on tuture YEARLY LEASE-2 bedrm. well PI4 new 8alle. need.I pa.int .. -S400 pilrchUe: at SHAFER'S MU-furn.. home $715 mo. Star Ir: tr&iler. need& paint .-.'550 SIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 No. SUMMER RENTALS: PRONE Barbo 1911 lac Sta.r, Xlnt racing-bo&.t •...••.. $1 ,900 Sycamore, Sant& Ana. Klmber· Attr&e. waterfront horn• S150 Your want ad ,r ..... lo P e Malla.rd 20 ft. aloop, new eng. $950 Jy; 2--0e72. • mo. to amall family. AUIOiotive. on ...... pace. 22 ft. all mahopn1 sloop, --+-----------a bedrm. ocean front home. ne&r EXTEl\"SION DINING TABLE, 'a.nd I ch&iri Ph. Hu. 1.097. t:>c~T good .................................... $1,llOO CO IE IN and play the WONDER· bay IWlmmJnl' ll80 week. i8-Automobile&, Tires 24 n. aux. 1looi), perf. cond. $1~s:K> l JL NEW HAMMOND CHORD Ph. Ha.rbor 1013 or eve1 Har-~-;:;.;;.;;:==:;:;;;;..;;.;:;~--- ALSO )£ANt' OTHERS l QflGAN. It you don'L ltnow a • bor 2092-W. "°'1 F03D 'ta V-8 ~ERTIBU:. Eileen. B. Rlch-.rdaon. n'te you can play beauliful m,u-Excellent condition.. Radio and FULLER BRUSHES Richardson Yacht Anchorage •If In ten minutes. DANZ-NEWLY Dl!lCORATED tumbhe4 b<ater. Plutlc .. at coven. Low Jl&Yslde Drlva ' Huboit 389 , spHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. '2 nn. houoe. Court lacllttieo In· mileage. $89'-Private party. Harbor Area Dealer E. L. CLARKE 340 ·~ A vacado, Corona del Mar Harbor 1808-J' &tter 7 p. m. 48p48 41cff . S~O N. Main, Santa Ana. eluded.. Bot. •at.er, retrigtt&tor, Harbor UM-W. flcl51 -l-SfT.W mo. 11u· Pablona. Costa 17 FT., 9 IN. PLYWOOD IiPRY ~UTD'UL walnut cue bunp-Xea. BeacOn. 1747..J. 4Scf7 •t8 BUICK super convertlble, wtth Jotuaon propellor in «oo:d Jaw uprl(bt piano in perfect con· Beautitul piaroon, ·w.s.w. ttres, condition. Needa UtUe caulltirlg dltion.. T enn.a. $34.75 dowD. and N:EWPORT ISLAND Untumilhed new top. EXcellent motor. lt&d.io and pa1n1; i saJJfbury 6 ~-en-I 1'60 per D)O. •< sHAn:R·a 2 bedrni.-: car ·pro~: En· • he&ter and eiec. win-.. g;n ... Price S(TG. 2 Bay Joland. . l :Ustc CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. clooecl patio. Yearly relltaL $12H, t.ermo. prlvat.e ~-BeL YOUTH'S BED "'"l>l•·finloh. Like Barbor 211:1-W. 47ptD 8 Sula An&. Klmber-412 -atth llt. Har. l(){S.M. "'7·W or Har, 3%19-W. 411c4& now; "K&mwet m.iitt.rea. HS. ~ Z-0812. ' -~ ------------' can bdon 1-1 L ~In. or afttr ft SAILBOAT u tt. MOTH dll.9. -" ' -. liMl CBEVl'tO.LE'l' ,,..._ Hdall. !S--Sltllatlou W . .:.:;aa=ted=---1 WANTED~-· --On +~ A•-p. m. 120 :o\meUlyat. Bal-go<>d conditlO!'-Complete •. stBOili:I\ "'••11,ANCll BA.UC 01''1: BDRM. UNIT In ;,...rt, tile, Excellent ....UUoll. $(9'. - \VANT KntBEN WORK' U4 eru:ed. .T .. Jll.Y-SS bl'. W«k. , pea ,.,.... ••tfd' yj Wud. Hano·r ~R. t~ Newport llunldpal Traller Plt.-S9~ets; med, f'l'Ont 1287. Spinet', irtova. and refrt.uator. Garcte.. Beaccn GU 'Of Barbor 15"·Jt.. g<ner&l bouao -work. Boby sit-~epty 9 •• ~ 3!!2.~ xarui,, Bal• · al ---. · -· No. 9'-t7p4D '!._~· '39~. Uprlchta ir-S>f, ci-bl. Inqulr. -.:ia Wt,stnun· _ 4ktl ~ Jol&r>d. • _ 47ci9 , • ZLilC'l'IUC HGTPOlt\'T RANQJll. tr-· Qru4,. -., 111$. Nr ~ --. TQIS.W . , ton(. 3'0 A•,,...do,.Coota JolellL U ..: deep ftlJ. K&bof. clln.U. ..t, CARVER U It. boat, -"90'.'. ollie,. ${111, ~ Mali.~ :_ Ucti rtHI B111Clt Super .~-...W.. Phom.~ &DU-W e~-i GJRL-W~ ..._-;;_•--be ac-I• • 4 .~ -Bolll al' outboard-· l·Jr. 014 -..,. ,..liar..w piano. Btctsa -Lowmll<&p. II.• R. '°"'elllD\ · · • .,.. u... ~ ·v.....__,. acn• C1auified AC.:& --· m Jrio, Corona•• , Bo71' bkJ<f!. i:lll s.n RepO. .....-... ,llu7 ........;-•..;;;;: Ta>JILT-i -"""' .~ -· onc.-. aoa Kari«o14 W(l}UN \\'.Ut.e·s-neral -procecowork -lsa•otru. M ' ·;f .. Kat -t7pt9 ,Lldo~_Harl>ot'SM-a.f •?ptl ~med ••oAllO.DANz. tlJizntillodlsOuoe .M..-.._ln Oo,oaadelJ(&r. t7c4t ' .,,.,. w • · stio cu.la _J'!'l'lalioft to ~ ,.... _... N ''H .. 'ftAN "'w,k-,.,,. -~ 111 »utlllS ~ ~ 1ftP•t¢t• 1-'Nlll DAVDll'oRl;.-s,-· 12 n . S1DrP ..... 1 condWoQ. •"-o~.o..r100 ~J.;f10-ft: ll&i'M'.~ 'H 'PONTIA<:_ootellpnt -1,000 • lt.,... Phone ..._ ~w be--1911 Viet.or!& st., Coota ~ •I •I C.. -. _..hie I fatber 1"1-... at -. .--,, -~-le.-. ll20 .. .,._.. ' .. u. mlloo,, all atra& - -:o.:-u ...... o.att.art:M.~.; .•••••_w_ ·~ P;1 di ~~ -or --i.ri.i: AJoo l ~~Clllllwl'ln.Boa.;'19U4'. "'"'..,..-·_ltln.~ta.Au.--~-•'-' wm -..uor~usdoddcub _,... • 2 •-IL -llM, _,.pod....._ >i 4'11t " ' ~n•Y_.__ -~ .... fw a lot• Wzlo or Boltn le-Cha .. #i-,!L Sc-"""' W.4ln'aniiat-..._•to-l•-.w•• ._ alll•J>rl•., N ,...i ' • ~.. . .. _Jil.llCmUC ORO.&;N. ,..,.. Mar.111u•111!f-.,ia.Nw ._.... l'ls.B·-ISTW.'711t ""4CUC ._Y..,... t-a\1&7,lllt,--.-. N ... ......,. ·• . ...,,,. •:i ... , WJZABI)11ft....,._ .. ,,, ... •• or dsurcL lllf&lotq -...wr, ..,.._. llilpr•'r,-· . 7 .'\\'!>! ,Jil.._,... ta,..,.. aor 1711" UllJ!lldno --.-(Ra,ll•r-Ow,.-r ... · · ,... .e-Klq ...-..c· W'laard lln Ills oay, -.., •,, -· pC. Y~ lHT ~ Qwnuw.P 1 lnnll7 ..,.~ • .-. -& p. ... or --11a•----._._ ..... -~ -,D.\YWCIW-~• .. -r;s,-1-.-LJ " ... ~ l'UlfO -.lllisti..~Jlll'91 U. .... pc&--llfQ." .,,4. wr.~..,-·1_:16 _,__ ru·• .... w .... r-. _ ...... IP~~ • •1' a .. ,._, ~ · ,... ,._.... u .Gl&~&1191>-.uo110..,. , ...._,•trr•d •••Jh' &401 •••rt Drlw. K•*"'" . ' --,,,,.. , . ......, J.4IH.. ..... ~ ... ~$~~i]~~~~~ _4•Cllliljl .... •7-·---' ...... ... ---AM. ... . -• st .,,.. :.1 ~...... • ...... _ _ -~e~ . ..,.,tn_,:':<;;-;: "'/. "-"'~~ ~.;·.:t~" l!fr~·-' ~ ~. ·~ ... ,-"·:10...;· _ • • ... ~;.i.:·.· ~: ·, -., , , · ,~~ ' c":,;' ·~ '" "° ·' ,. ~-"•1 ' ' ~-· 111" ··• ..; ·-•· ~ • "" .~,_i I~.'.' :, 1Y'i~' I , • •~ :0 ~ ~. >4 •• •' '~ ,:':Ji.: ,~; C' ' • .' ' ''.fl; ~.. ...,:; ' r'":. • ' • • ' ... • • ' ., • • ,. .. • • -• • <N &'WfOM'f a&'I I IULY II. 1111 . PAO& t PGeT -.._. .... -. ____ .................. __ ..... ______________ ~ ____ ........ ________ .....,...,. ... ______ ...., .... ________ ~·--....-. ......... . BLANCHE A. GAIJ'Es, Realtor i. C. JONES . J. KARTJN 311 Marine Ave., Btlboa Is16p,9 1 _ '11. Har. 1871 or 1872 Ev;.. Bartlor 14.&'11 . . BALBOA ISLA,ND • We Recommend -- HOME and ME -Chatm. 4 bdtm, 3 bath vely encl04led pltio • ABQ, plut ilollr~ apt. Dbl. ptage. Thia ia oae of our very t buy& and ia a 8Ume'1 throw from Bay and nice aandy beatll. LlTI'LE ISLAND -A truly lovely and apacious home comple~ly furnished. 5 large bedrooma, 3 baths, dining room, dbl. garage. Pric:ed to sell! $5.000 DOWN bu:fll tbla beautiful 2 bdrm home. Patio, garage. PLUS charm. atudio apt. Both unita furn. About 9 yra. old and in new cobd!· tion,. Thia is a honey. What A View! Cliff Haven NO'r A Leuebold ! ENJOY LIFE In thia gorgeous 3 bdnn, 2 bath home. Larg& den, dining room, Lanai, patio. Landacaped grounds, gara. PRICED TO SELL. BLANCHE A. GATF.S-REALTOR WATERFRONT HOME, With Income ClMe In 3 bedroom houae, flf'f'place, aun porch. Laundry, Double sar&ff:· Phu roomy well &nanged apt. parti.U)' tumiahed. 1'ulJ prlc• S1~.ooo. ~.ooo down. BOAT OWNER'S SPECIAL • ALMOST NCW wattrfi"Ont modem I bedroom, 2 bi.th bome wtth ttreplace. Ga.rbage dUl'poeal, d~hwutler. Pillo with barbecue. Pier A fioat. Cor. loe. PRICED RIGHT! ' Call Mary Dicbon, Barbor lOJS or Eve•. Ha.r. 2092-W EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1113 Newport Blvd.. Newport BlaeJl WA•T ADS Shake Roof Specials 1. A beautiful two bedroom home on circular drtve. P'eaturtn1 Battf'n • Boa.rd Sidin1. partial weather brick face, • ~•lher· brick firt-place, plctureeque \\'indowa. jumbo •h•ke roof, hwd. floon, beam cellln1. love- able kitchen, exceptionally Jge. bedroom~. aeparate two-car . . .. IMPORTANT CHOOSING a •omeplace la IMPORTANT l>usinea. Wherever you go DE- llAND the M 0 ST ·for your home, your family and your inve.ltment. Illaist on fU!ly protective reatrio- tiona, comp I et e improve- ment., community preatige. Here on LIDO ISLE you have all of this together with privacy and quiet, where you can atill buy at aenaible prices. LIDO ISLE bu much to offer ... for it meeta the DEMAND FOR THE VERY BEST at the moat pricea. LOOK at these EXCLUSIVES: reasonable SPECIAL 1. Brand new 3 bedrbom, 2 be.th home on choice lot. Lgf'. cheer· tut room•, unit beat, breakfut bar, lovely ldtche.n.. specious walled in paUo are a few ot ma n y outatandlng feature•. Thil i• a terrific BUT at only $24 ,750. 2. ''CHOICE SPOT"' on the BAT- FRON-T ot UDO iswc a nearly n1w -t bedroom t.Ad 2 bath home that ii a "honey." Tht. ta not. an ""old be:aeh hoUM" 6ut I• a nearly new, clever year a.rouna home. Large rooma, unit he•t.. p.rbage diapoeal, hotpolnt dlttl.- waaher, 2 sun dtcU, lovely vtew and many othf'r 1mart featur~•. Thia la a qua.lily BUT. :Priced rtihL Al.SO A few choice buildln,-•ilf'1 for u.Je on LIDO IBLE at price• you cui atford. Tl'lieltl loll a.re aen- lnc faat. The law of Npplf &lld demand mwit ce.rt..ahtly tncHU• their v:aJUf'. See UI ..... an the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISL!: where a. lltUe bu ya a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORAttll 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach. Calli. Harbor lMM> 81-Beal FA!tate Eicbange ga..ragit. I cerWnly would llke ----------- EXCHANGE J"uJly ftlmiahed houae. fireplace. 81eepa: JD. all util. paved road. l W.: to store &nd club hOUM. .Arrowhead. $&000. Submit home or tncome. LONG BEACH -2 bou.N, home and Income. clear. Will trade tor equal value. Harbor area.. Phone. Harbor 0383-W. «p87 FOR BAL!: OR TR.ADE tor m:nall· er pl&ce. cloee l.n. Have 4 room houae on t, acre. All fenced. 2M I:. 2111t St., Coeta. Meu. • 46p41 WANTED First or 2nd Trust Deed for 4 units. Good location, Laguna Beach. Ed Sedelmeier, Rltr. 1523 Cout Blvd .. Corona del Mar Harbor 2i68 COURT with 11 turniaht>d unit.a. pha owner apt. Trailer apacea. Shaw• $100 ~r wttk income. Will t&..ke M>rne trade on down . payment. Thia place ii 1poUeu. Alwa.ya rented. See owner, COl- Jel"e Ceurt, 3~ Avoe&do St., C:O.ta Meaa.. 4 7pt9 ~Money to Loan LOANS For Homes l~-20 yr. Rtgul&r 1-no CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~5 %" (It yra.) wt BUT AND SELL TRUST DICEDS ID BOB SA 'l"l'LER 1'15 COAST BLVD. Ooroa& cfel Mar Harbor 1077-J M .. POlRD!JR XORTGAO& CO. M•Uo Ufe Iaa. runda KI Ml.16 to ha.Ve you t.n.pecl th.I• houa• ... I belif'Vf' it ha.s ou~tand­ ln1 value for lhe price ot $11,500 2. In Newport Hf'lghta Wf' are of· ferinc anolhtor Rustle Shake Root home. Batten • Boa.rd lidlnJ", we•lherbrtck tl.refl&ce, a moat likeable llvtnr room and kitchen. ~plll"&le two-ca.r pr. with tJJey. ouu'taru11nc •P· pea.ranee. Sewerw ue ln and connKted. Similar hmne re- ce:nUy aold for $13,000. Tbe prjce la only $10,950 3. One of tl'le: nne1t home. in Cliff Ha•en on a wide front.a•e lot. It aet.. out by II.Ml! tn appea.r- t.nce, qua.Illy and COJU1tructlon. Jumbo Shake Root. a~verty fenced. Hwd. noon, l&r(e din- ing area and bedroom1. The noor pla.n la ~rl«l. You wlU be ama.zed at the extra fea- tures. Let me Oow you & home t hat will plea.se you a.nd your friends tor mtn:Y yea.ra to CCGe. We honeatly tHI th.it thtl home 11 underpric~ at lea.st $2,000. The .uinr price LI enJy $15,500 Brine alonl" your chkll booll lhf'ae a.re outatandinr bu}'11 on today'• market. Wt alao have """'' very nice o.I. Rdt.IU. Phil Sullivan C. Gttlen Denisoft G. T. Even1an t90 Newport Blvd. coaa llfit. Ph. BeL IM!91 Or Jiu. 114118-J • $6950 FULL PRICE New Beach House 1 block to best ocean beach. J bdrnu.. attractive modern color• throurhout. 1'erma •J- proxtmately ~ down. GRl:E.NLEAF A A980C. BUILDER -REALTOR 1111 Nf'WJ>Clrt Blvd., Harbor 25&1 OVERLOOKED ALMOST ... A vacant lot on Balboa Ialand .. more •peci!lcally on the "Little Ial&nd" ••. In a very quiet location. It'• worth the $7,500 price. Let'• make an offer! J. A. Beek Office Phone Harbor 83 Balboa Ialand Ferry EL BAYO TRACT GOOD J bedroom. year round llom• PLUS bunk room and bath ln can.ge. I yn. old. Nice (>a t Io, attra.c:Uw-ly tumt.hed.. flS,$00. OCBlAN FRONT 40 ft. Jot on Bal- boa Peninsula tmong many nJce h-... PRICED TO BEU., '3.000. -' - G •11113 I Ii Best Buys in Newport He.ights AUncu .. 1 bdrm u4 -llo-t :rn. old. Beat loc&- Uon. Hu n ... plaet. bwd. tloon, -~I•, -· ALL BONl>S 1'.ilfl. &oxtff tot. R..iJ7 dtllrable proper{J ... a beauutul buy, $10,IOO. 3 Bdrm. Home -Newport Heights Bullt 19". Thi• loftlY hor,.. lid 1140 eq. n. ot ~ bwd. floota .. pente dUlit&' -"'· P&Uo and fen ... yard. ALL 80KDS p A.ID. Mody fer 70u to ,,,... .. ,_,You'll -lt'I -1 value, .ll.llOO. •1950 dwn. -Best G.I. Resale Neat aa a. pin. J bdrm home on.ly I tnonlb.9 old. Hwd. floors. fenced and landeca.~ In new Co~ Me.a sUb- divtlllon. Pymtli of $61.tll lnclude tuea ud in1ur. '"60. Have Fun Growing Your Own Meals Here Channing Uttl11 tit acre r&nch above the Back Bay. Hu well-built I bdrm home. Alao love!~...-patio room with Ba.r-B-Q tlreplace. 19 fruit treea. bushels of nowen and ve.-et.ablea. It'• a beauty, $12 ,&00. Close to Stores -$6000 2 bdrm home, 5 Yl'1'-old. Ha• nlc11 f8nced yal'ft wlt.h truJt tree• aftd lAthhouN. 1 bk>ck to the new Alptl.a Bet&., Coat.a MeA. No tnnatlon here. $2150 doWl\. BEACON HILL REALTY tM Newport Blvtl. (abov8 Arche1J, Ph. B . ~713·Jlt. or Eves. B. stll-W IN EXCLUSIVE BAY SHORES with prtvate beach, a Y.,-Y modem 2 bdrm home. J ~ bat.ha, Jot• ot tile in wtdten., nice p&tlo. larl"e 2·c&r .. r•c•. OKLY SlS, 760. Neat the High School $1950 DOWN One ot those much de9'red small ra.Rch .tyle holnM. Overalud red brick fireplace ud shake roor on Jar,-• lot. Well )ocat.ed ta Cetta Mea. oaly J JN. ol4. $1960. IN CORONA DEL MAR Hom. wtth nre.pinr 'f'tew of hllle, oce&n and ~ Bullt OD leYel IK>t120 lot. I bdnnl., tJrepl&ee, I-ear (&r. Completely. and nicely ~ ..tt L&&Meaped. Good locatloa. hi~• -$22.&00. · YOU MUST SEE Thl• I 'bdrm Balbo& ~ ..._. ..,.. pr&Jt ud GU.ST A.PT. It eoWd tit ju9t wM.t y-.. art Mok.in« tor. It .. lmmacWaUi u.d Ute enete.111 petk> ie much la.rJH thu. avN"&Ce. 14ffl. ltff.ttoa. J-t 1-.o ft. Mm tht beach.. Wdom ._" .... -• ; .... ae&rly M nice '"" .,.. prie<, '"·-· J:acluoive With vr. Ji.. T081AI &ales •t:iNA CRAIG k••\a.I• LINWOOD VICK, 312 Marine AYo., ll&llloa ¥Jud RKltor Harloor 2042 Balboa Peninaula Only $13,000 lol800 DOWN. 2 1idnna. Na 2 9 Id home-Pa.ntied U'ltll.f rm, tlft- ple«. bar kt-mQ ....... cloeed p&Uo. Price Only $6,500 Nice beach hOUM ln lt-3 .-.. Room ~o t.uUd lneome UAit.. ' Only $8850 J bdrm homa Oil w..litoe. BIYd. Nice be&cft houle, rlreplMt p&r<ly Mnlihfd. ONLY AT Corona Highlands r' Oce&n view r' llO ft. or more frontar• r' A.II utiliti• ( ao a.,_ m•tal r' Contenient location r' Overlooki"f; Newport Harllor r' Private 1-oll r P~Cl:D TO SELL 0 ... .J c..ta M-. ···r Beet Town on Earth . !'EAST SIDE ~ to Blvd., t bdrm bome Md ~ Jiouoe: Price $6,550, terms H,re !$.A Bargain .. ~ -cloM la &nd !."' -11¥· . mll am, lll for '4,000 Large 2 Bdrm Home Nice 1 n~. bti Jot. Some fUJ'o niture. · Price $5,500 one-third down In Newport Heights . ' CJood one bdnn home Price $6850 G. N. WELLS, Rltr. It Aa>clatea '1780 Newport BIYd. ea.ta Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 --------- A Love Nest MOlllerA 2 bdrm home with larce dflo.. A real buy for m.Jy $MOO. 11111 THI.8 ONE TOD>,T! G. I. Resale 11.,.. i. W'h&t you have l»ettl dk· ' tng fOf'. 2 bdnn, only 3 yean ohl-CoAta. Me-. belt d1't. Beau- titul kitchen, larg;. llvinl' room, tilt> I.Ad hwd rF. 2-car &'&rate, paftd alley, back ya.rd· fen~. J"ull price only $9,450 M Tem1, • p4r """t IJIUrfft B.A.NERESON OPEN EVENINGS lidlA. A Npt. H..,_ -pie Llotlnt Rwto. . 1 ... Newport BIYd., Coot& M- Phone Bea.con 522S Exceptional \ eo.t.: M~•a Buys .._ I.Mk -t bdnn, 1 block from 1hopp•c dl.otrlct, oa1y it.211> - $1,•00 down, But Side -Brand nt>v.•. 2 bdrm. '11~ f'f'om Alpha. ~t•. Only $i8,500 • .., f!nuced. Good 1:Nf la Corona del Ma.r - Oft~ 2 bdrm, IOUth o/ Rlway. $1,000. Only Sl,000 down. R. \V. BARTINE W'. U. PATTON, ASSOCIATE · 1807 Newport. A Ye. Ph. .8e&. U20 l ea.ta. Meu A FEW OF OUR LISTINGS Newport Lot, very food .... Sl.700 l bdrm. hoUM, ama.ll down M,M'O J bdnn. ho~e. $2,SOO down '8.2~ Wa.ter J"r. home, pier. f1l. ,17,M>O Lido I B. ft. home, NEW t21,soo This Is Choice! ONLY A n:w LaROE HOMESrrri; LIJJT too~ Bo!-Blvd. 1:21 .000 -I bdrm.a. 2 tt&th, wtfur. home. lfe. encloet>d paUo-com- pletely elite. kttcb.en. .ton, rel. dlah wull:er and pr. dll"pNal, 2-car ~. l&ndAca~ SEE U! FOR cbotct ewnm« ttn.t- lll&. All ...., and pricta. Cout Pro~rtiea Co. am I:. iw11oa fJ!Vd .• A.i1>oo. Phone Ila.nor JM8 Peninsula Point Authentic Cape Cod 2121 Ocean Blvd. OPEN Sat .t !11n, 2-6 or by app't, ph. Har. 1238-W • ' .. H.-port a.ch Ph. Har. 1489-W MODEL HOMES TO SHOW _.:___,,__ _____ _ TltACT OFJ'ICE at LaKU•• edge of Corona del Mar Phone Harbor •1•-J PROHa Harbor 1118 to pla.ce your -.ut ad on tllJ.I paa9. Income Property Orte ot Newport Bea.ch'a f'!ftf!St bayfront prope.rtJea. Six unit.a- l and 2 bdrma completely turn. An oullt&nding buy. Must be eold at once. l:xclut!'t'e llltinf. O!UtENLl:AF A ASAOC. l!UILDl!!R -REAL TOI\ 3111 Newport Blvd., Harbor 16&1 • ENTION! Re I have a good proposition ana a liv@ly office on Newport Blvd. tor th" rirht tic~ broker. Phone W. A. Huacroh, Beacon !5768-R. 4k48 Waterfront Home S bdtm3, 2 bath.8, pier Ind float 2 yra. old Include• GE dilhwuber Dl8poal, patio turnlture. $24,750 Pl't. OW?\er, .. Harbor 1021.J. Uc!I J • • . SPECIAL SALE I Six N6w 2-Bedroo!ll Mcnlet Priced from $7450 to $7950 . .$191SO .Dori Mi), Pynits. -'611 to $60 LO'l'S 75x100 -SpaclOUI Bdnna. -LtJ'ft II.tit room -Big litchell, ruce tile drainboard -:flleilty cupboarda It ~Near SCh6oll and Citlrdlet Shoppinf. See These-Fine Va.luee From 1 to 5 qaily at 21st St. & Orange Ave., Cotta MM& Bt6ker Cooperation Invited COSTA MESA REALTY Barney Francque -~ Croeiet -W. C. Gibbard WO E . 17th St. -ea.ta MM& -Beacon 8818 • ON WATERFRONT 1 bedroom home with pier &nd tlOa.L Nice paUO. OOOD BUT •t IU,500: ON BAY AVENUE FurniahM 2 bdrm home. IS•· patio. Owntt will ~ .. r vac&.11.t lot u part pymt. Submit ottera. 11a.&00. LIDO INCOME F ive beautiful apt.A., nie.ly turn. Ip. p&Uo. Qoed 7M.r rouad lllcome. $.0,000. BAY & BEACH REALTY / !:Ult! Shirley Ol<>dta fay ...._ 14M) B.tlbo& Bl•d. llarbOr 1284 t... HOME PLUS INCOME Good 2 bdrm BALBOA ISLAND home witb ~ patio aad attractive 3-room apt. in the .rear. &tll unita f11nlialu1d. $18,500, Terms STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 219 MARINE, BALBOA ISLAND HAUOR IG BALBOA ISLAND INCOME For vacation enjoyment or for incoine (15'!1' f"* return) -See thia furni•hed ~ bdrm home! l!:z. ceUent location, 1 blk from South Bay and con- '"enient to ahopping center. Full Price "$10,7~terms W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A venue &t Marine !lat-Ia1&IMI Htrbor 2482 GOING! GOING! \. GOING! ••• It won't be long now- 'ti.l the cry will be ALL GONE! ! ! WE REFER to these outatanding 3 bedrm. bomee in beautiful Cliff· Haven. They are fintllced Oil the G. I. plan -low down payment and euy monthly terms. They are priced far below ,._ placement coat and located on roomy Iota in a highly restricted area. Bet~r hurry before it la too late. Just t ll!!W Jett to chOOtle from . Call Fred Barker Bea. ~795 or ~-693&-J EARL W. STANLEY OFFICE 15th and Irvine. Newport Beach ( Acrollt frorfl. the Hlfll School) In Newport Heights G. I. RESALm Lottly t bdrm. home, eha.rm.tnt living' room with OP"ft Mam~ .ee.Wna. w to w catpttinj. ftre- pliu, dinln« .,..., hwd. llo0,., tile bath, Iota of cloeeU. 'VE!tY cloee tn. G. I. Rea1f mMAi low mont1U1 pym.U. taclude Wet UM! tmuran.ce. Owner U1XiOUI to tell! MAKE OJ'nll. _ .... 6n ~~ MtM -$10.4~. $2750 dowtl • ' ' Cotta " , • . • ' -·- .- . ' • • I • • • ) • ' llDO MAlllT With SALLIE "Finest Spaghetti Sauce I ever tuted," Jane Nicker- •on, New York Times . . . "Dip into Heaven.'' Clemen· tine Paddleford, New York Hersld Tribune . . . "The Perfect • Sauce," S y 1 v i a Schur. Quick Magazine . . . uPiquantly Delicious," Neill (Mrs.) Beck. Los Angelea Times ... "Makes one dream of gondolas gliding over the water and Mario Lanza sing- ing O Solo Mio," Sallie, New- port Bs y Post . . . Did I hear a faint guffaw from the back seat? . .-.-Words are more emphatic when set to music and when actions are added they triple in value .... Booshay Spaghetti Sauce -IA just that "Truly Italian." I hsve always said it takes a salesman with French Aooe81A>n along with an ex-model Sooteh· lrloh wife to make a good Italian · Spaghetti Sauce ... It took them nine yeani hut they finally arrh·ed at a deHclous concotion In a ,;lass jar th&t you and I can buy for SS., . . . Here's how It hap- pened . . . Mr. Louis Boucher WM a sales repre· oentatlve for a milling company selling semolina IA> macaroni manufactur- ers all o,·er the eountry • . . Mrs. lloueher traveled with hrr husband and It was natural that they shonld be entertained a lot ... U seems thst dur- ln1t the roune of the en- tertalnlnit procedure, sna· i:;hettl was the main dish •.. Naturally It would be with Nch company off!. cial's wife trying to outdo th• other .... Anyhow Bunny ... that's Mrs. Boucher . . . started collecting recipes . . . re- member this went on for nine vears . . . and finally arrivid at what she fili;µred wa~ the perfect sauce . . . ' It took an ex-Ambassador• to Rome IA> finally put Bunny In a productive mood . . • said the ''''" A m b a s •a d o r afler he pushed bacl< his empty plate, "BunnJ . . . the world •hould know about this!" So Bunn~· armed h•rself with ten big skil- ltts and set 't>m up in the hast"ment of her home ... doubled h•r recipe ten times and ll'"ent to work. The first case was sold to Hoves Market in St. Paul, Minneosta .. That was in December of 1950 ... Now only se\1en short months later the same store orders 25 cases at a whack . . . Immediately Judy Corning Leslie of tm...St. Paul Pioneer Press wh o writes about WO· men's hoQbies in the home snapped it up and devoted her whole column to it with pictures of Bunny and her ten frying pans in the base- ment . . . making spaghetti sauce ... Mail orders from all over Minnesota poured in ... That's when Jane Nickerson found out about it and oralsed it in the New York Times ... It could not be ourchased in New York AO she used a box number in St. Paul . . . More orders poured in , including those of Arthur Godfrev. Joan Craw- ford and Ezio Pinza to men- tion a few ... Quite .recently the Bouchen took up their residence In Bann1n11:, Cali- fontla and ha\•e ..,t up their spa,:hettl-m a k I n ir; equipment there ... That's when Neill Beck latched onto It when It wu Intro- duced on the West Cout In the Farmen Market ..• "I won't wriU. about it .• , nnleM I like It," aald she. She de.-"Oted her w b o I e colmnatott ... One of tllle aalel force In Veodome of Beverly Hilla be- fore ~ a jar \went in ·the Dack l"Oj)m and came out with olive oil all over bi.a ' face . . . He drank the whole jar cold it wu 110 gOOcl • • • Rlcbard'a Lido Market la at Newport Beach, ca!ifomia • • • One ~ America'• out-atal\clinc food .w-. I _/ .. ... . . . ~ . '" ... I •• • . .. . . • ·1 1 " ~ • , J . . ' • -. .. . ',,, • ,,,,.;\1 'j' ,,, ·,1 1 I ~ '.; I .. ~ . . EYE. CATCHING ·QUALITY ·1". ~EACH DEn .. Q~ali ty . Me a IS·····:···· .. ·····"······· • Delld0tr. ........ ,. JELLO P•J· 21151 s a w Faacy SUCfld • J % ""• PINEAPPLE 29• Featuri114J Man11i114JS U. S. Gov't. Graded Choice Beef Finest ... , Obtainable Gokl CrNt. lb. MARGARINI! 23~ Chuck llact. or·Ch11ek Ann ' PAVO-Fl9"t Bird la CaHf'. TURKEYS ~~:~R~A~M~~ 69~ t•, S. GRADED CHOIC'E or 6000-SllOULD.ER LAMB CHOPS _ .. .~. 79c lvftn.E IT LASTS BREAST 0 LAMB ·~ 25c MAXXING BEEF • SHORT RIBS . ·· ..... ~ 39c KATH'S KOR.Sl .... \.~'D SLICED BACON .ft.49c ~UMllO FROZEI SHRIMP£59c ............................. ' \\1A~H1:SGTO.N STATE Dl:LICIOU8 APPLES ... .. ... 3 lbL 25c L4..RGE FAS-CV TF.SDEll ' ROMAINE ... _:. 2bu-.. 19~ U~MOX \'ARIETY--cRISP and \'ERY MILD CUCUMB·ERS· '· ·2 lk ·19cr HOT Hot·sE CIJLTJVATED MUSHROOMS .... p~:.· 29c RED ITALlAN S\\'EETS · ONIONS .. _.. . 3 .• 14c Dell ea lessen ••••••••••••• , . FINU!T 8F.L&Cl'ION IN WZST Z6 V arietietl MING TEAS Ilic Off per i-ot. pkg. '1'1:A DEMONSTRA'ftON t;JUDAY ... 8ATUIJDAY c ..... 59• .... ~"°lrh SOAP ...................... ,. 251 _ MPrrlll• • SOAP ......... ,,. 26 ' !iUPrra -PIM le aale To~t SOAP :.'.. , ,_ 391 Merrill• Tol"'t · SOAP ..... 10¢ ciiANsfR 2123; "'1tlte ates Watf'r SOFTENER ..... 24 ' YOli'U.. l!:NIOT OUR MEZZANINE SHOPPE Heinz; Toma&o SOUP 1~!1 OL 3;29; KfJrn• Tomato CATSUP ..... 15• Cine-It Cake MIX .................... .,.,.37 t Py 0 Hy Bluf'berry 1% oL pk1. MUFFIN MIX 351 Ratba ~~ SAUSAGE ~ ... 391 WESSON OIL Phi .. 32¢ _ ... 591' GERBERS &AB\' FOOD, eu l /U< BABV CEREA l.S, pkc. lk . BABY. MEATS, C"aD • %0. I ",~HUN KING S11bcum Chlt'biJ, MuMroom CHOP S1TEY "iU. lp.. cu, :SOODLES FOil lti Both for only 58' R6"Ca Bf-Ila Coloual SpanlP GREEN OLIVES 16 ... 39¢ TM. Time JlM1 \\'HW111 SanapariHa Drop1 ... ,: 29¢ Now 19! . PERFECT HOST-A aew :. !finer blend of whole Coffee Deana 14c lb. '-other potlnlar Coff..,._Try a powld today COFFEE . 79· SiiGiR 89· SWIFI'S BROOKFIELD-Grade A BUTTER ·74~ Balrery !'reals TIIU118DAY COCOAXl'T CUSTARD PIE .. : ....... _ .... _. _____ .-. 51•., • \, . .. FRIED MAPLE JTICK 4, •. 11• . ~ BOSTON CREAM PIE :_-81 ' SA'l'tlftllAY CINNAMON ROLLS -···-·-.. I , .. 23 • . CJIOCOLATZ . FUDGE LOAF ~-·--·;-.. - ' ................................... ' .. . ' , . Df-1 Mont# PntH JUICE . "' 27 ' Tri \"&l~y Fft'Sh An GfMll · LIMAS ........... u ... 161 F1nt Stat. Piettla a stem. MUSHR'MSi ... 112.' ll a K Baked BEANS .... u ... 271 GlerMita Toma.to ASPIC ,.. .. IOO .... 23" l.Jbb)' Tender PEAS lO Y, ... 2/25¢ Q.udtt)· Rou11e Wllole 8wee-t PICKLES ..... 25 1 RunO Fff':t11h CuellllllJ.er CHIPS u ... 151 C'nstiq R4'&'1llar k P'ratt DROPS 215t . r l'f T POPCORN te ... 17• Ritt: CRACKERS ._31 ; Libby Sweet Mixed PICKLES n ... 26 1 Duh Do~ FOOD So. 1 .-n 2/29¢ OJobfo . A-1 Lonjf Spar hettJ OJ' EU MAC u ... 17¢ Juakf'lt F~ 1 MIX . l'l<I· 2/23¢ \·erm011t Maid SYRUP .......... u -27f "1llk Jlome DRESSING .... 19' \\'&lke"' A~t TAMALES .... 25' Saay'Do.c A Cat ... FOOD No.· -2/19• ' -. KT . . E\'APORA 'l'£0 MILK ~SJLQSS ...... J.1:111 ... , ..... .............. ,. __ P•t dtKbn into ltowf. Po.r 111illt 09« c:ftic:k•n; let -.n.d. iri. rafrill"'U« 2 ll<Nn. Drain -11; .. ._ mi.lk ftJr sra..,.. loll chlc:k•n in aunu.n of V2 cup tour, I 1At teup. salt -.nd ~ te'UP.· l?f'pprr. ~ on paptr tow..1. Sto.rrl,. ·~fit \4 in. Ui0ftftlin1 in bea."11 . WU..: .. · Brown dUclrftl 11-1,. ·tutti! druirta:it'k ii. te1'1&r .+.en ptttced. 1"th fad. lemc•• ~c:hlcilm ; , kMp ftot. Ot-ain o« ·all f •f ; DlMMl-N a.NI return 1 t&We.p. f• to 91UllM. Bt.M in ] tablesp. &our, Y• 1eup. Mk ud few ll"a.il"ll ptpptr. Sri«' tfl WeteT. Boil ltftd Kir % min. Add milk drainitd off c:kic:kn; .rir and h•M u.nril •Nminc hot, but Oo •ot hoil. Se~ with c:h.ic:k· itn and butt.red pa.. Mal.:.. 4 Mn· ..... 1'• •• lf..,,jr ,...,_., Clilok ... "-· C•••ll ~Pe-.. .. ·:;' .. " l'ro••• Foods . .......... .. BUUISEYE ORANGE JUICE·~-·---..... ~ ltc · lllBDsEtt LEMONADE • • -·-.. -... -..... :.. 2-·,., 29c iiiCCOL11'.: SPEARS ...... ~ 2Si . iifo•. VEGEIABLES :: ltc . . ' fll&D8DJ; 4 • ~ • FB.ft4CH FRIES ··-------·~ lfc ~ . -· ,. HADDOCK ,flLIBS :.~~ 49c: . . ··~ .. ·,.., ·. ~ ~AY, l'IUDA~I ATD~AY -~t' tt.".H ... 11 :· • ,1:7;~~ -~ fff~·~C_ot(QMJ~W.liJ· .': ll'R~.N1zt··, ~· STORI HOURS:--:~ ~' .: t. .,....~ ...... !"1""1..-...-----..... ----... ·~.... .... ·· .. ,. • • . . . .:...-.;". . . . ... ' -.. ~ WEll\Jl· DAYS (l:sot1i:'IF'rWQ). , ··.,. ...... A.• ... M\.11119 .... .. • . ... f'IUDAY -l' . .UUI.'l' NIU . . •: .. l~..A..-M. M ......... 1 "T • • • • 4tlli1>AYS· • . ..... .:ee A.-ll. .. ,. ...... ·~ ""' ... ,".--= .. Ur.It 'a ........ ii (.U--..f t 7 , -~·--.. .. lllllJ11i "· ,J ... ~ ....... ),4 '..:.. I ''' ~ ~ • '