HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-01 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • ' ' ' • ' I [. I '· f '• \ • • ( • • ·-• • • ' . ' "LOQtt JUI " 0 ll.&MMI!" · , v01.~·...,.o•a:a 1a T!Ja.fl••.•Pll'""".,.. -attrill\lfed liif -Mee,ri8M t. 1------------f' V .. uo de'!llllJo. bUt.., the Other--~-,f T•I On the -llan4. .i-,etroup •Y* "Look Ma;! No -1 -.... ~ .., 11u ·jdeeniw -ab!rt-wallte la llript .~ Ala C)i!-·j.'*ott poll-cott..W eh-r "IA Iliac, plalr, ·~. ~ or ......,. .at Sl.00: >Colman eolld. -JoUle.,.. at •sue. .bd ;.o.rn ........ , pr\cklJ Mat In a -i, wl>lte plq11e with •tor Pu or wlq o,llor at • fl.IO. ~r fair -o..r -t Uoal'• -""\y' dreeoJ' la a b1adl: lilMn baoUM wt.th white datd11 *ipplnC ~ the boat Utk • • , all 70un for aa.ao. Summer)' oinut oleo • • '. a J'rltaf til&dl • .AND SHOPPING NEWS "'•"= -= -&7ALWL nw m -'"?iWJ p=, -,.. ·• tux-bloua wit.II Thin--P.llL ·-here -li'olll 111-11. Be emhracablel Stntch out your arm.a t.n. a..aleeftlU. 'l'Uf.m:PI from the l•LM llpolt ...... 1111 NowtM" Aft., -·-e . • • - • "ftlJ9 WJu. CJIU.R 'l'llli OLOOK AWAY,•~ RAID DB. SBWOOD A9 JD: TURNl:D ON <Or ........_ ' LAMPll! ALADDIN BEU TBINGll IN A DU'- Jl'Sllmrr LIQBT! NOW Hiil WANTS TO DIS- P081: or l:Vl:RT LAMP IN TBI: SHOP 4ND arr .ALL NlllW ONl:ll! YOU JL\ T OOUNTBR-n:rr TBI: D4RKNICllS AT UWOOD'll AllAZDIO LUIP 841.S ! ALL V A.Ripl'I1C8 OP MODICRN • PalUOD TA.BLll 4ND l'LOOR Lil0'8 AT O~ IULP Pl!Jcl&. KANT 4R1: Bl:WW OOST • • . sum A9 $10 TABI..IC LAMPS NOW 'AT $3.911. ALL LAKP8 IN TBI: BTORI: )(UST GO OUT! MAXI: Tlll8 TOUR SIDNING HOUR AT ER· WOOD'I EXPl:N8E. ERWOOD'B. GIJ1Ts ... ART , , • J' 4BIUCS, t07 JC. BALBOA. OPEN EVE8. HA.RE • • • Sl:l:ING Al BOW THE SMAIL GLOBE IS 80 ROUNri, Eventually you're bound to show up at RICKY-8! (Squlrrell on a treadmill exce:pUd). The: world famoua Ora.fr family ha.a made a ~r- . ma.nent headquarten here. But members of lbe: Graff family allow up at moat amart rat.htrlnp. Take U\e Gratt ahlrt tor e:u.mple: .... the rtncb&m pl&Jd blou.ae $J.9a, wuhable and well tailored, bl lffll everywbere trom N-.-u to U\e playtnr t\elda ot Eton. It'• conald4!red cricket to appear at ')'our yacbt club In a Gra.tt Milclotb 1k1rt nytnc red, white. or blue colon ('5.9~). And in my opinion. no l&Jdey 1hould e..-u So bowline on the l1"ffh unleN attired in a Graff cre.t.9d Sport Jacket ot rayon pba.rdlne, f\Jlly lined that ,., navy, while, red or jaunty cbeclu By M.AltGO at only $10.9~. Gr&!! Tl:481':B TEE SHIRTS (II.Ml AND all mom· ber-.._ d the Grur Family are at RIC'KT'8, 1706 Cout Blvd., eo.ta i:""'A~T=-'=TBl:=~----dl M-. -111144. GIRL! J!A VE J BEEN IWITCH ! • I jut found out that 111r. Ir Mra. Clarence Pace have a new relative •.. A. raven-haired beauty, ju.t t weeka old, TeN"sa Gall o . K. Enouch < t AOClal not& l.e1'• get down to brau ta.cka and linoleum. no; 0048Ti.INE FLOOll OOVElllNG -hu a apecla1 • on AAMtTRONG 8PA1TEB LINOLEUM • • • probably to cel~bra.te Tereu.'• trirthday ... A_nyway lhie 1t&uncJ\, tnla1d Unoleum· ie & good buy at N.16 a 1111-Jvd ....UM. Incidentally, t! you want to eM Wha.t crarty linoleum layers the Coutline men are, •e-e the new Corona del Mu P . 0 . U lt'1 good ft\OUSh for the U. S . of America iov't.. It'• &ood enoucti tor you. Clarence bope11 to ~ lo hi.I new bJdS". by Sept. Hope. qrtnp eternal .•. I hope you call the Coutlll>a &llout UU. s...-8podoL 11th • Newport Ave., Coot& M-Beacon S:IM-J, . . ~ . ''Hlll USED •TO SAY THAT OTHER MEN ATE TO LIVE !BtJT TH.A~ HE LIVED TO EAT.'' St, Senor! A very >aappy a ttitu.de Indeed .•• No doubt brouaht Oil by dlninl' eut in that little South- •m ~mer of ·old Mex.IOo known •• the ea-clon Cw-. Hert M~can dinners are. concocted in. authentic M:.yl• by Ula Banda and da.ugbter, Qonnie Alvarado. The f1'ijole• rettiloa are a tute of lotw joy for dre (Obly 15c a plate al& carte). Tacoa. enclliladu, cbtle re.Ue.noe pteue the m.otl dlKeminr rrandee. L&mp llrhta &re tumed low, the Juke ball play• .oftly, the cervua i• muy trio. the dinnen a re excellent•! 8o what'• )(eeptnr you! I.At'• vamo• to C.. doa Carlae. 133 ~d SL, Newport. 8pen & • 10. Batbor 2838-K. Cloead t'ue8daya. · • • • • KOl:RA! MARGOT! MAJUtO\'A ! DANCE BA.LLERJNAS DANCE Dance over to Bark.r'1 Bootery at once for aa)e ot Kolorful. Komfortable KEDE'M'E ballet al1ppei-a •.• de1tpttul little .,n &hoe number• of wuhabt. aall· clotk in red, &Tffh or white . . . formerly $l.96 · atMux ! Barber'• 18 mnuner headquarters tor calU&J NOW ft.ti ... Pirouette proudly ln thue pu dewt ~' ahoe• for ladle•. senUemen and tncycJera. Tbank ". ~. ~ heavenl. ll'I no lonpr haul mo11.de to bind your a], '.J'l feet. People from all walk• ot llfe So to Barber'•. Bootery tor a perfect retread.inc. IAdyllke BunmmeT Sandals are ln white, nd, rreen multi color and •f every dncription • . . Prtc. tap &t"e marked $.S.16 .to U .96. Children'• b&r9toot type Sun-Sana, In wllJt•. Nd or brown ant $2.66 to P .H • . . other baby .anda.11 ta wtltte red or brown with compo.tt6on IOlea an 12.to to P .~. And not l o rum the wuon, I hope IW'ftmer Jtntera .•. but Barber's hu children'• bae:k to ltCbopl ahoee .•. lenifk atoc::k ot the ramoua ._. Gooet and Uttki Taalcee run-a-bouta. Barberi a.o....,. tor a ,,_ IOle! 179G Newport Ave., Qost& MeM. • • • •• THIS JS NOT A. HAIR • llA18L,-G TALE! AU OONTRAIRE, MADAME, THIS 18 INSIDE INFORM.A TION ON HAIR·RDIOV AL. IF YOU HA VE' A TOUCH. OF RYPERTRICR08IS AS MOST WOMEN DO. DON'T TAKE BAKING SODA P'OR M"~ SUPER- f'LUOUS HAIR CAN ONLY BE Pl:RK4NENTLT. l:JLU>JCATl:I> '°""-....... , WE AU OVDllTOCKED! A lar9e part of our Stock to be Thrown'on the Market .•• ~,.nd SecrificeJ ... Regardless of Loss ••• In This Great All-Out .•• Stock Disposal Sale •.• Our Purpose is to C '~~r Out This Merchandise and· Let No <Loss . Stand in the Way, .• Below we have listed as ~"Y of Ille Great Price led•ctloM m space wll p11 IWlt • • • • Ll~ING ROOM LAWSON I Caelllon SOFA aad CRAlK 19800 Colonial Prlat P'abrle. Kee. 189.58 ................... 'iow · (l ·pc!9.) OOLO~"IAL WINO CllAIR. MOM Trim ..a16 Iles. 1-. .. ···-·······----··-··-·······-·····-········ .. ·---·-··········.Sow 17 ¥0Dt;B.~ OU&\'Eil S pc. SllCl'IONAL ~ RM Wool P'l'ebe Cover, Ddu.u. Rf>I'· .... !l.'6 -·--...... ~•w . &ii> :XO!=~~~;. or;:; ~;.~c .. ~~-~--~:~ .. -.Now 189" MOQEllX ~ RO-~ECl'\ON:AL 0..1..Xe, Ooral -" Rec. lot.N ·······-······················-····················-·--·-·-··--·~°"' ££ Y OOLOXIAL PLATFOllM ROCKERS (ll _.995 Res. •.H .......................................... ··········-···----·-··· ... :.xow ., · MODEJL"i LOUNGE mlA1K \\'1tll • 'eat1 M.atdi.91' Ottomaa. ~I· LllM .. ····-·-··-·····~ow 07 fl ~) :Or:!!!:~Jte~~.~~ ~·~-~ .. :~~~--.~~-~-~~~---····-·N.-59'4 MODEJlN BED Dl\'"A..""i ud Matdll.Dc Chair 1- C...tberette A ....... ~ Rec. llUO x-~'J'(lpm.) . ' oinr nmu ..rn:NINGI , . -.nu.·t ~. .. • I ' BEDROOM FURNITURE ODD CBX8TS--t Dl'awer.--Maple· or IPoMli ,...... lteJr Sl.68 ·······-······················-···················-·····-···--········.Now MODEL"i \'"A..Vl'rY wltlll tarp ·lllin"er aad UpW.tend Stool. Heywood Wake.Ueki 8lreL II.er· 18'.0I ·--.Ntnll FULL SIZE llEADllOAJU>-U~ wltll - 09 · €&8Cera.. Biie. 11.N ·-·----·-··-·-·····--·-·····-·······.N ... KODll:ll.'< llOOXOASE BEADllOA.JW, hO l!l&e, 8olld 4'11. R<oi. &9.H ................... : ... ~ ......................... ~~- 29" 89" 19" 39" !lODUN PRDIAVERA OIU>UP-HE4Dll04RD -.a 0011· MODES, I Drawer. Douttle D1'NM'r wit.It. · 21- Larp Mirror. Rel(. ID.50 ·-··-···--·-. .Now :-7 ELECl'JUC llLANXETS 25o/o 0.,,. - lllAPU: llll!:DROOH SET•Fllll i!M' llOd wllll C1tfottt oa Clt8t ~m P1afM. &es. JU.M -.-. .1\0\'' PBOVI8JON4L llOOXCAIE lll:4DBOAAD wltll -......._ Res-111.61 _______ Jiow SPRINGS and .MA n'RESSIS . P4K008 8DOION8 INNEi!U!*'IU:NG JIA1'TRE88 _. , ... lloJ< Sprllo.,._ Bel:-•M .... .;_______ .,. eet ' rwta or r.11 ... • wit.De Utie7 lll9t , , N.......,. A4l'ftrtlwl AJ.rf--. A: Jwnpdllc OM-t'17tlM W' . -a 11·!"-laa 111o>: llpdac. a.c. 111.a New aot "'\• · ' ~ ClM!olll7.-'l'trla ••"'11- N1 OOIL VAN VOUT D1>J4. ._--.Kaui.. & -. ,,.. ....... ~ ..... C-'IleS··UMf --·-'--·-ao4 -..... -.... .-. .... -.... s.n.. .... ·-. ...,..w\y l•r • '1 Ille Vu Ven& Co...._ ...,. N-Ml •7 . """"'" -._.,... _ • ...,,...,. ... e;.... ,.._ ~ A.CA ·Oonr. lies• llM --W ~;-, • • I ' .. .. H.oi( H~s_p • · aJ · · ct:.Let; TOM 'FROST ·IS. WINNER S'~:g-~ ~~,;of ~rtOWBIRD'. RACE <lommm~ ... t!'O bldo, Jlalrlt " I f 'o . ' -"Ao.-u"J ..w.-..i • Pl)N'QU.CIT .LEI' ·'l~ ..;,uW --,·Jaard to filld -tu uu.. Ba to ...... ""' • job w. --~ ' llk7larlt .... ·~ ~ • Baroid c. awn~ arcllltect JI a m..unj ot tile -ot a .happier kid 011 tbla earth m•--s -~ - -~ ~totw ot llo&&' Kamorlal -' lrvm Bmollllu. tor the boepital .,..,. wlfh hla plbil -day nJpt, contncr for S~day. afternoon tllan 15-Second p1&ee· 1a the -'!'tilld partaer, 1-.r Hlbbel<I. Mid that =.-.Uctkill ot the hoaplt&I year-<ild Tom ·ll'ro9t of 1001 race ..,..,l to ---U, ~-~ :""~bl!"'~:.,.~ • ....,_ to. x.w ai\d Ulrich W. Bay Ave., Newport lileach. ~!"~".'~ ~--= ,_, on Co ot Santa AM-T · ,_,_ _,_.. a-_,_,~ r- ....ipt aay bid they w1a1r. a. ... ni.lr bid for ~ ,feet .,,.. fl • om, ID ""' ....,.. ..,..o.,.,.,,., wu Jolla -1• 11, 1aa Ma- plalned that uu. wu ~bla be-OMfou pro ' 11o9w1 ehowed Ilia wake to rtno. wllo caplet_. -an, :;:: printo tunda _.. b<lag 'llt• · llu•ldlnc which wtU be 140 otl.er boata to win the °"y.... ,_ · f' ereqt..S Oil the bluff overloOk.inc O\lnlul Otrl--U. ,_,. wu · 1'luI --.u to the ,..,.ra1 u..ti.a'y ...... n.. An;h• la ached· 1961 Flight of the &owllirda Nwy-Corkett.. 12, ot .uua: °""tractor ,... the 'b\lildlnS wtH ulect to bo complotad within • race here Sunday. Toun .. ot Boy ..... •tcbt·JOU old be f'MCbed Monday nlCht. At YMf· A..cconlin& to the C<llltrac-Tom, who came in fifth ta tut BUl Lloyd of Pl•dew• J'lJ1lt that time the h09Pltal Bo&r:d of t~ work on ~ hospital will be-year'• race, oomplet.d the live &1rl to ftnilb wu .Jane Killer._ 1J, Direct.ore will r..ch a ded8lon. Pli within two or three weeka. · to ·.tx mile coune (u the Snow-of Paaden&. ow.at: *ippet' aa!d O.Orp Boa.a'. actinl' chair-~unceme.nt ot the bid award bird tlle1) ill 5' mlnutu and· SO award .went to C. W. L'Sdua, man In lh4. ·-co of Prealdent ~made by Barry W•lcll, public -do. helped along by • brtak ea.·ot Balboa blaacl 1l'lnt "Kc" John A . Mu~y, Jr., now Oil a reL&tlOll8 cbalrmaft of the Board breea. boat. Ann Rawlhu, ot. ~; tour ot Europe. ot Otrecton. He le the commodon ~the nrst "'V'' boat to f'tnUll. Teri7 Low BWMr Newport. Harbor Ya~-Ciub1 1 GloeP,o Ba:lboL Low .. t bidder fl>r the seneral GMrp Roac, ·aeetlir ellalnau Non-calm• Club a.ad ,,.... recent PtiPs w~• awarded to tM eont.ractin• wae Mean.1 and U1-or l the ' llMrd of Directors of wtnner of NH Y da au mm er finl ten boilU to tlnle.h and to rich of· Santa AU. whJch did not tltf 11_,. Memorial Roepl'tl::I. ch&mplonahip eerie.a. In that •r· every ten.th boat to ttaWl there· Ull an alternate bid. fte a.it.er-~-l'mMd to St. loeeplt'• hoe-18. he hn eeven. ~ut of etpt &ft.er. A complete ll.t of wtanen nate bid were tor the 'addition of Pt.,... hi Oraap for N eme...S-start.a and wu con.stdtnd No. 1 follows : oxysen Uc•• in th• bulldln.&'. f!HY ~r-"'+rlom7 at I a..._ ch&lleqeJ" in the BDowbird c1u-Benny .BenJaznln. Santa Alla, which would eUrn.ln•te the need .-..-,. morn.lalf. Re • Wider lie. fourth; Dick Ward. Newport for tn.n.pprtinl' ox;ycen tt,nk.1 in ta.; mn ot Dr. II.. w. bpi--1960 winner, and two tlm• Beach, flfth; J'a.n.e Killer, Pua· the bulldlnr. ..,.. champ, Dick Deaver, df.d not de-cSeaa. llixtb ; S.ymour Beek, Bal-boa. hla.nd. HVenth; Paul Uva.· :.;~~;:::~ ·~R· MED PAIR. STEAL $265· ~~~, ~~~~c:..i::n: th •1 hAll ....... -C. Moma, Newport BM.ch; tenth. Ana wi • ,v.v,_.. .1. ne sub W , __ .. ,,____ RI aid 11th eontractor1 went not li8ted a UU. · ay.-...' -.-,, ver •, : comna••'• bid. Frank Wtlliaml. Pa•dena., 218'.; r-·.1 -An ·um~ bandit uid an accomplice 1tole $286.trom an attendant Lee CrieeU Ne--.v\rt n ••• b, •1-• Olli.er ~dden 1nc.J\id4MI : South ' · -r-~ O> .... Cout Conetructton Co., Newport at 1-b• Mobile Gu StatiOll -&l l~th St. and Balboa Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Steve Boice, ~boa., •lat; Ba,r.. • 108 p at 10:06 p. m. Thunday. Police are •till H&TChing for the pair. b&ra Turner, ucuboa, &lat; Roter Beach. .1. \UI; ouo Con-Welah, Corona del Mar, 8!Jt•, ·•-· "·-Co • --•·••I •1 Attendant at Ute lt.ation at ,the lime of. th~ hold-up ,,., .. Robert -... .. c........ ·• .LA.19 ,,,._.,• u , • ·• Val Giannini, PaAdena.. Tat•, I .. ••2· •ta"•-a-... .. •11•• ...... C. Pllmer. He lives at the Mpnic::iftal Trall~r Park. ,;"'·-' Qr--~-1 • ' -.~. ' · ., Kun Earhart, San Marino, IJJt: OOO m.yen B':~~ ... :-0-Anlfe ea. Sl.lM.-~onlinl' to Pilmer. the armed.,_ ____________ Donald K. Ball, Whittier, Ollt.~ and ~-rich Bros., LOI An· bendtt t.Mfd him, through th~ TM attendant "1tayed put" for Pete Bradford, B&ke.rlfield. totst: pl•., 11,161.316. cio.d. flul door ot the station. a.bout a minute, then turrled -"! 8elena kiter, Palm Ap r In• a. 'n\e UM of a .11-e .... t -·•· .-. -to t to """b --~ 8 -• ~ ~. -y &" ~ u ... ~ lllth;. T•~ Mcll:lne, eano~ boll ta th bulldin 1tru ltJdt t.b ull Ute lig'hll In Ole a talion and called · • .1 •-er e C eon c-•\Ip MM en p ed an auto--u__... a--Park, 1211t. tlon wu a.I.to H8ted u . a po ... bkl matte from lUa pant.I pock~t and .....,~,...,......... ~h police. He then ------ alternate. Tb.ti alteniia.te brou11tt Mid : "Oin me an the money Out r&n out.tide but could nOt Me &nv M G addlUOll• up "' UllOO In tho bide of 'I.lie till.'' alcna of I.II• mm\. H• told poll~esall ets 30 Days a.nd. m one J.n.ltuee, a rec\uetiaa P!l.bn« · ~ribM. the · crook u that th~y .iett Ute 1tation and De.le William. Shaver, 19, ea.ta Me-. who cot into trouble with a 14-ye&r~d girl, muat 1tay awa.y trom her when he lfeU out ot jail. of. UOQO. aroun<t SO ye&ra old ; 5 teet. :r walked towa.rd Bay Ave. Delegates Attend B.P.W. Conference iadl.H t.aU, &nd h&Yin& blonde hair. Owner of the 1fU wt&tion, Otto The1 hold·up .ra.&ll to\d Ptlmer to Boyd, told poHce that lut Tuy.. put the money in a canva.a ha&'· day night a man had driven Into The ,unrnu'1 accomplt~e then the station and bad uked 'tor came ill and toid hta p&rt.nt"r to change to make a telephone call. ··~ IJW'1I and pt aM. the bW.." He Boyd indicated that aft~r the man WU about the aame &«• u · the had attn tha.t he wu not a.ione .he sunman, .tlgh.tly taller and h&d twt told Boyd that he had dark hair. · chan~ed hia mind and would not Superior Judge Franklin C. WMt aent1nced Shaver to 30 day. ln !he county ja.ll u condition to thrH. yean of probation, durlnl' which time, Shaver muat at.av away trom the child. The court diami.ued a feloay ch&r&e or chUd atet.linC" an.er Shaver had admit· t.ed a miademeanor charge that he contributed to the rtrl'• deliJl- ~cy by tol<inc h•r. to a San JuaquiJ\ Valley tcnm and · livfn& with her u m-.a Utd·wtte. ~r B. A P . W. delqatu who att.eo•ed the awruner.confer- enoe of Southern Dt.trlc:t.. C&lltor- aia. Federation ot Bua.in.. and Prof...tonal Women. at t:be. T. W. C. A.. IMlildlne ill kilt& Ana wwe Rutll W!Uollu, p-nt; JU<\y w __ ,,_,-. .... ~ Utey were leavinr the It&-make the call. tian tM pair a»o poe:k~ted a fluh-, Huntington BM.ch police held a lilftt and a tailpipe exteMton. · 9UIJ>Kt SWlday believed to have 1 ..._ ~ been involved ia the robbt'ry. _, ... W:..en Ulq, ...,. IN.Yin&° t.Ae two Row.vtt, Pihrn.er aid that he wu ~ toY Pllnler to •• ...,. put." aot one ot ·the ,two lMmdtt.1. • CLOSING OUT ALL TELEVISION SETS • FLOOll. ll4Jll'LSll lT la.~ TilLE lllODEL.,MaliopAT 1- ll<S • Nl.16 ................. ---...................... -.................. Npw TI ~ 8~:_~ ~:,o·.,~:"()~; .. ~-~~~· 219'5 ll ta. MOTO&OLA DLX. ICBG. OONIOLI: 1 21911 WIQ Deon. .... .... .x- n.ooa BAMPIZ9 ICELVINA •11 ... It. -u .. • P> a r ... Storap 8,.ce. &ec. J.H.16 -·····-·l-··-·-·-·-:·····.N•w RQTPOL''T I ea. flt. IWue wttll ~ o..dt..._;. .... ..... --------.. ···------~-'---------·.lfow 1W' 239" .HOTPOINT . I cu. ft. II lit. Fros.ell P'oocl 8torap s,... . Res-Ml.II ................................................... .Now C&OSL&Y 11 ca.. ft. Sbelvador, Qetuxe,. Bup f"rener, Ba.tier Coadltlo.ar, &ea'· Sll.N ·----······Sow ADKIRA.L Din. t eu. ft. Lp. l"'rener Locker. 8hNvee la 4oor • Batter Coad.IU..U. Res· nt.N ·-:·-····Ji°" .. . . . . . -RA TT A'N ,F.QRNltUH · · · 816 Dl$eOVNTS~on · aR::llatt•n-Turniture Ex~nipt~: ·2 pc~ Se~tional ·o-.luxe C~v.ert. R~.· f I 09. 9.5. • -,,.., ,J995 • .. • l _...:... " ' I I .·,Q#l!=N.~ ~·· ' ' . 'nu; t O'CllA)(S . .,!.; .,. I • l!llO• llAColi IUf r • " • • -;>;1 1 • • • • .. , -. --~----:-------' • .. - ·-I A110. 1, Hll,-11=• -rJ.. 11 I llllWlfCIWi MT ---1 Aa .. "I' h.., ., - ........... DIG :wtta ........ ra,14'•tt l)ICTM1 -1JW. / 'l'~j)fi11_., ,,,.,_,.r __ .. •' • L .• ~ .... "',,. .,...-. ............... ~ LA.. .... _ _u~ : ' ~ l ••• j • IROADWAY-PAULO 0 ;-n: ~ (looi ... ~~ ._ na.1• =~".Now 60# ~ -;,~ ~.~:"' ~ w Ttmu AOO. TtJa ft.&.m tHV)UID.&T "SllOCCO" "Fl,. Mlule" B-llopn -----_.,. • Loo Oolllo ---. ''Tiie Texas ·Ra•g•n" _,.,.., __ .-. Moa1..,neq, cw. s1e .. llTAATll AUOUU ltll "Cattle Drive" ---"Marlr of tile ''Two of a KilHI" Smn>Ar, AUG. 5U1. -"'Tiie PrfKe Wllo Was • 11ifef'' ---. • • - nroa&,. n:au 9A'I'. Ile s ...,. Renegade" "UP JN .... .,. -Toctc'"elol' ''THE PROWLER" .._c_H•l•L•D•R-E.N_~_,.....· ·.FRE--E·::"-•:.-•.--"~-Y..:..-.u._..., .... 1 ... u.,,I' =-=-~Yu.&11" • l....,iMllldalle8-l!Mw FrtdaJ' o.Jy, 11:15 p.m. "'fte Wei awwl:f of Lo.._. ....... Loo ...... -n.e eo...-v-··•·· SUN, MON. ONLI' I ..... 0.ttoa-il_. Pa•t 'w • OPEN EVERY DAY!. • Jaidloe •1 l:Vtll'J' Weclaeeda1 "'8&Pl9 .... AWAI&" • -' Al~ ~ :.. -. • UN ..... • p.m. • FREE BALLOONS • Co.c11·ls·· . 5. • • JUdee ., ·TY ANTENNAS Call us for installation or servtc:ing of your ant~nn• • Prompt servic:e by expert technicians • Low prices TIDE TV Still Newport 111-..1. ' . 10o/o Discount on Any Purc:Ata1e (llll.<lllfT ARAl.()1QC --IMP) . . Mac tllla .. .. BAYSIDE FISH MARKET • ...... Fish Daily froM Ow Owll leatsl !IPllUAL PUc& ON AllAooa& l'O& Cl.&1IKDI\. ) . Abaloe-75e lb. FllESB t!IWO&DFlllll. ALllACOU: -llAUION • BARRACUDA, wlwle el..-__ .................... Mo lb. llAJ'llo "lldftptor_ ... ..._,. wSSll .. tten,.... a Ttlll& -.w-. ... ---aALl.8 OP llO.N1rD1111A,. ----"'DOUBLE CB08811()NU• • 2W:MiiNlor NOW 8BOWINO --· I MVALENTJNO- .. l'uker ·A.- -ALSO- "Sll1JOOLEIUI GOLD'" -a. ..... -11!:•<1)• ...,... ht .. ..,. .. -~-.·· • • • . . J ~ 5't/R.F . 11'·" 10-1 .1 llmft'INCJT<!1f 11&.&0B NOW mau ll&'l'UU>A 1' D' .. lo.I ... . ul(IO _._.,,. .. ........... -AND - • • ·- • New Princi~ls~ ' - for Mesa SChools Summer B.,,d to Pl•y Saturday •t Orange Parle Miaa Norma Perkins, who bu di.reeled the 1Ummer recreation proiram band at Horac. s.n.tp. IChool. ta preMntlnl' .0 ot her moet ~eed atudellta tn. & COil• eert at Ora.op city pull at. 'J :SO p. II(&.. Wedne.tay, A.UC'. ,1. .4. plc· nlc wW .. .-. tho comeort and ~ will follow lt. Onir JOO tllll'Olltd th.I.I 1wnmer la UU. Pouplar claM. Wltb that number Of lltudent. &ad e&cb Ii•• h:uli'rictual attaUon, Kim ~ wu &lded Illy •va lllu· -t t-.., Tth Uld Ith "'4- -n-. ...... Olorle Cllapman. ....... -...... caroi,. Caw., llldoaN o..rt>y, eu;,t Doone, Orea Adalu ud Ja.u-Green. f'or 'Ml STctUP tlten wW M a ~~~~~~~~~~!~ reward, a trip to Lone ~ BMcll Ptk• ... Tllund&y att... -·---~---... • • ' . Ins ronce Mon · Re¢eives Award • --- I ' ...... Ill nr•-•• o,.. -"7 °"1' cowrs.m DINNHI ~ $1.W t. ... 'l'ROPICAL DBINIUI . DIM I• tt.. ktftl.- TAHfTIAN SINIOOM ,._ Puldlis H.,._ fJ'I ' - NOW OPICN CllllSTWl'S HUT ANNEX -.. Coektall -i .. u.e Pier hUunu. CATALINA UL.UfD .......... ~~~~~~--' ' t. • •• • • ' summer -- ' • ' atPrlC*s to cw * SUITS -JACKETS -SKIR·s * , PETI~ PAN B'LOlJSES FOR lllOll IOROOL OJAU • A Wonderful Savillp on Th-! * Cl9IN! Olll -oaa. ouww .... 11111111'1 ftjlJll-• - ALSO !IEE OUR , "ODDS a ENDS fAJILI!" ULTI • llRORT8 • llAL'i'i!!ll8 • n.oWDI! • ftQ. ' . 5!1 OOAST BLVD~ OOBONA DEL llAS •. • • I , ' 16U~SOUTH MAIN ST., SMM i~ . ---. • • • I ' • • • I . l I • • UGO La&.7-.. tho .llaJ' NJ:Wl'OBT -· IU Pia"" J-u/1'~11 Tops i" Fee•: * Topi in Entertainment * * -C.cktails from I 0 a. "'· * Dinner frem 4 p. 111. OPIUf-a&IJJfCS 1' .LJL .. & P.11. · PATIO .& OUT -DllOR 1~ -'Jtj+-SaJ./ FURNITURE .. and Accessoti · . '. 1 I TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) Coaoert Plaallt. of 'ftree CoaU.-ia Graduate Stacl8at et Bela Bartell: • 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171.J Corona Highlands -Corona clel Mar "GOOD-BYE MORTAGE!11 , . . Mary bu.ml the mortaa&lt iiec.-. tt wu her jol! to •ve the money Ii-om the f&mily ~ to make. the monthly p&ymenta. The Sa'rinp B'abit pa,.. off. again. n e&.11 pay off• for' you, too. Sav. Uid have at NEWPORT BALBoA J'EDERAL wbece ewrent dlvidenda ..., 3". Make the eq11tvalmt ot cme year'• 1Aeome your-~ ... ~ , •• *" Yooa n:n:iilbLY, ~ ''ZFllOtilGt • -•. • • vu•••t oa aoani aw ' . • PDATS •nr11n . sp,vm ALL UY •12 llOOlf . 'TILIP.111. .. 4. l •. -111••••'•••• •••c .... ._.., • • ~ CRAWi: LOUNGE N ;!Juatable head ~ REDWOOD FURNITURE" . RATIAN ,, ...... B~B-Q 8JllT8 ••·Table and two S.pe. SECTIONAL, :z bar nttan, with Yat d , boxed pad. Reg. $il.25 L..irnited NumbOr $211.95 ' Aln••-BM<lll UC& mt8 RecuJar y 6.96 at • • • • • $2.15 ' ,AL .,-.rtJJt~ Alumle.. DIXJOBATOR CllAIB foldinr and lirht wei(ht, in blue -green or ...t. Keg. $13.911 '9.95 ' benchee, reg. $19.911 Now .. $17.95 ... L , ha . _ __. _,, CumuOllll ve Zip~-oup COV• U~ Ruatic Seta • • $19.95 • Sl'-95 en in &it ,attraetive Chin-fig- 5' BARBECUE TABLE and benches · ured p a t t e r n, regular $134.50 Rejul&rly $21.95 Now • • $19.95 Now ". • • • • • _ • ''1111.00 8' BADIJOtJE TABLE and benches OUomln' to mateh a116v• .ectfonal $24.95, Npw • • • . : • Sft.95 Reg. $2'.50 Now • • • • • $11.95 &Jl:DWOOD CHAIR, Rope Base with vet dyed pad. Regularly $18.95 Now • • • • • . • • . • • $11.tMi .REDWOOD OOCASIONAL CIL\IB8 Regularly $8.95, Now . . • • $7.BS BATrAN LOUNGE CJL\Dl, 2 . bar rattan, zippered cua)Uona in Callad- lum leaf with brown boxlllg. 'With ottoman to 111&tch, J:eiularly f1•.:tS A1JTO-BDJ CIL\IBS. 'Feather-Lite', REDWOOD 8TOOIB,_ rerularly f .50 Aluminum frame, canvas covers in Sale Price , , • • • • , · $!.95 blue, green. ruat and yellow.~ Ref:-· Now • • • . • • . • • $59.96 TILT-BACK CBADI,, 3 bar . nttan, cll8hiollll in Bird,of-Paradime pattern, regularly $71.50. Now • • '57.96 ularly $21.95, Now • • • _; • a. ~7·95 POITAILE 'IAl-1-f'i GAIDEN UMlllll Al Portable BKAZIEB-8, adjutable ' (lill on w:heela, reg. 32.116 now· ti.Ill ..-------------. · . TAU.I) I.AMP, Brown Ceran\iC hue 11' GAllDEN ()lllU&D.IA_ Portahl-. BAB-Bqa Big' Boy with "'--~--Sh de "-·'·"' • .,, .liO Altllnili-Po1ei floral ,~. '_ 'th .,wlieeia. -1-with hood. Regularly ~• ' ·-a-·Y .,.. -t ......., OOftl' L--.__ --N--'"""Ar Now . • .• • . • • . . 'lUO . ~ $19.95° at'"':'°:~ ; 1 $49 1 ~ • ~-:i.,u7°ho:..i: ~:~.es ;;:; TABl&'UW,'Black'taalldct 1-. Bed shaae, a..s; $17.15'. -••• '1S.1li 'I" GARDEN lJIDlllEIJA Alllllli· 1-wi,th removable ler, fine for TABLE LAllP, Ch'"MI l'l(Urine - n.um poi. -Floral 1.ining witli vat-·=ng or tht e ~ e a c ' ~f IY hue. tter. $U.25, 'l'{ow •• ' • t1l,llli ..._. 10-f9.915 ~ it:l.l5 · " now a • '· • ·-• • .95 ....--cover. ....... · ow ,-----One only 30" n•nat; on whiee!I ' OOPl'Ea ~TAU.JC •.AMP ........ -· ...... r ........ ._ __ "il'li _ ...... -........ = ~. 2~" .frlnre. ud qllt, ,.war SfT.811 • • 1 PADS • eo'rin,, ~ 7.915 '· , · . .. • ·Mow • • . • • , • • • , ~ t"6 MITAL ~Nll'UIE · , CllAlm PADll; Jf"x72" vat dyed 'P 6AJml:N nnUtDIA :--~ Ail lfetal fold~ CBAm, ·:&'Ad "":-'°• l'IS· lUO l¥IW ·~ .... ~~:r diick cover, s.,,., ~ .. a ~-{aft Ill , -wraJ aJid . ·~IWl1!: PADS, flaJ'al material cm N.w"":r' & 1-1 lla;r, -~ pwin, -.Ide -Res--$9.tci .... :· Ollt ~ -~ ~ $16.111 Moir • • • • • • • ~ ~ white 1JNDDJ'.A TA~ . -Now at -. • • • • • • • '11• ns. '24.60 • • • • • ~ flfJ.fl . Plaitic &m LOIJNGIJ-P.ADe, ....... cottoa tlW, ~· $17.llS at ... ,. Plaatk-.._ LGt1llU Pill, ..... . ·1ror11r ,n 1, .,.. .., • .c •. '1'• "I ' I ~ • • • • • l .. ~ ' t • , • " l • -\" ' • '" L ,,_,j,,.:~ -,;,.,,!"CL~ er a-t ~I H y c B•nefit . Cq~ert . ::'!t ~.....,.~.;. JhT •t' .~nAt~~~7-. ' U1K.tm1 a11U _J1iu~ · :.n. ~. ... . .+ .Art-$a!ieri_ . :-~~~~~===· u!s~~r.~: ¥CJ:-•• H e M. . Bar.bar' cooct·tt In -· aaddlllla durtns. ltso. 'nit OMual..,. ~ 'l1lotf. onors lss -a . t . . · xr. .t!:.1!;. ~ -. ~· .11\ju~ tot,alod •.100.(!00. -.. """..... w1n . ... )!old . • • '· . , .. • ,....,., . -of '8till· ~ to u.. 1J&1 edition of Tii~. ~-1 'at ·11:80' ,, ... -· · · . ..: · · · wat.r, O"l....,..a. will sift .-pUno "Aocldoat' ...,ta,• 1bo 1tatlotleal ta u.e lllolbo&•BaJ' aui. ,;pu.aj "!l'Mdh1p dot Ille A..,,,.t _..... · . rocllal at· ui.: Lq\m& BMch Alt y.U-•of the National ifatety brt•-and caauta ' ~ follow. «1du. and llW01'--are t11e ·•....U the ialon for pruenlatloa of sttta Otlllery oe Tll-J' npjnf, Au· OOUncl~ and tliU. lndudo4 110,. 'TW;,.~ cM> of <>Nace •tildl. will too-. bddeo--eloct. -°"' tor the ,_. ldlebeo. ~ . .-ftll ..,.t WI at t :l& p. '111. 000 ,....... .. t l111~eata. ll'h1 county lo -r. ud ...,. ~ of u. Mt ~f .lJI-wu an attaa __ croamealal wu the ·lllopplnl' K r. K_... _ hll bMIMlcr "°""' -th toll WU· 27,800. _of neatioftlns ID tll•.,..; .. -· boncrin• llJU Berbare CUhdltt. ot be&' filled wltll, ,..U..., .... edl" and ......, ~ In muolc a t wll1cll allcut halt -.!lad tnim ally bl.ttad to attend. Reuna•, R1ftrild1 and Balbce, ""•n .'~ tl'lnpl with -all -of cute 1'14· Konou ValftNlty. He alllo lllMll· fal1a. !Jou lllou1d M ,_ with KN. Jeu Reed of Lido tile entertained ret.a. K o 1 t lmpl"..tn ptt w a • td wttll ftudDtph oan.a at th• ~· J"ted llendridla. JCimMrly I-IMS Thund&y with a luncheon and ldt-the tblninJ preai&N eooll•, but cqo lltWetJ. oou.,. aad at UM ·or Kn.. Wllllam Hollteta, J1art1or eben Uower at Newport Barbor c:""ttDI' moet. mentmeat wu • Sht1Woo4 Jlu8'c Acbool wlth Po. 1114 w · Yubt Club. ou .. to took "4v&nt• n..,. prt>ase paid traWns ._ dollky. WU>nJ.nc a ocbol&nblp le "-~ · "-----~ of the deUgbttul weather to pril.te decoraUOILI and tlD ... witb ·1130 i.. went to i:mo,. and ~ • h I 111 on ,the club deck for coctrtaa. -and dean.,., · studi.ct et the KDaarUuin Aeade-llllll'rNJ'$ Paintin9 Sc: 00 •and lwu:b. )(Ju CUndJtt lo the daua1>1<r of my In llalJllM!rs OD• ct blo taacll• flmlt I". _L !f... 'it Atterw&rd the group ...... 1 Into MT. and Kn. Stuart Clmdltt ct ... being Ralph Lawton. to Hold CllnlO -------· ----R.tnnlde and 111 WMt Ocean Mr. Moore made h1a New Tork I Ula . T el D ......... FronL Her muriafe, to Leonard debut ln recital at Town Hall. Nnr LmU ray Dlftllll ()pa hou.le Md tltUl MD'l.11 ea· Kistler ol S&n ~ will be Tork ha 1H2 and etnce then hu l'Ubit of •tudenU ol. U.. Brandt· an. event of S&turday, AU&'. t 'at eoncuttaed trom Cout to Oout. llDZANINE Dtke SUnun.r-'lcbool ot PUatln&' RlYersid•. He hu accompanied l'llallJ' ettat UDO DRUG llTOU: wlll l>e hold W. colloinc-~. Attendinc" the luncheon wve utlal.9 on the concert •ta«• Md 3 to 5 p . m . at the Rex Bnn4t Mia CUndltt and h.,. mother, Mn. in redlo. Haer 1246 1tudlo, <IHI Goldenrod •...,ue, Co- Stuart Cundttt; Mn. JCmMt Sat· ' ProettWi from 'tbil recltal will rona. del lla.r. The e1C.hlbtt ~ u;. mother of th• hoeteu; Mmf,11. be applied to the bulldlJll" tund of • a1eo be opea Sunday, 10 a.. m. to George Newport, Bui.I Pue, Bueti Ute gallery. Ttcketl may be pro-e p. m. al)d the pubtic '-ln't"lted OD Berkeley, Walter Rutledge, Jr., cw-.d at t.be Oa.Uety and the FM· P'LA.i..'"Z • SHIP • TLUN botb daya. Retre.hmentl wUl be :e.n Younglove, C. T. Wheeler, tlval Booth of the A.uoci&tlon. A.t BE8EBVATIOS8 aerved SatW'day. William Ward fNancy Newport}; the capacity of the Gellery I• llJn-With ma.ny protMlional utiltl Mlaq Tenita M:ant., Mary Antha fled only a certain number of eeata • attend.inc c ...... (wli.lch &N 1'nlll- Newport. Dolly Newport and U\e will be M>ld. N to 26 flbadutal, Uiia U.. l»el!. hoot ... , ""-Reed. Mr. Moore'o prorr-m will be u lihltlal lltllrt Tldlt A.lllCY the "'°'' .-.-NI year In lb• ' • • :='/~~·=· =·=============;:===1.t.'lliJ; l, 1111 PA.Gil I v-, MiiWi'OWi' UY . ' : · · l'IOft .AJfD llllOl'l'ING ;irswa· · llLICTOlll. ,(~ .. ""·', . Jt,,,;Jd.1~-1 {~., s.i.cton..colan pi..s''Oici Coby - .'lfS' tlepeodabllity -... ,.'"""-&. - ~ .... t>. •row tw. AM. Solook>lte"1 408-cobs - . pre-~ !or wre resulu, · ma1ce co1or .. 1-en ..,i.r 'Allo y..; ,_.. tt.ua ._, protect wloat .you hive with Fi.oo Old Colony pailllL " · Cd oii • .,,.7. We'I be glod lo help you. WZ CAUY A OOMn.llrE ' ll'OQ( cw WINDOW G~ WS OUT GLUll TO ORDfR 'llf 11.&!r llllAJfQIOO - Ml.,. J--· of, !,Mo -and KIM -Qpu!fff of 9-1-bi& .... -t ...... ..,;_jlieOtO at U.. Ward home le San ,.,.... <Uco. Ccnplotlns a f-at -~-ta--Sd W&rd and lllM, Ctmcllft'a llanco, 1-ard .Klstler • . - CHIN1Z SHOP • INTERIOR DECORATORS * OM of L&J'IMl stocU of DeMntoni l'1lhrlcle OJI Cout * -So. °"""' .... 1--~UM folloW9 : aclloo.I'• hJatory and W1ll k the St. Andrew's Bazaar Ch'::~: s'.'!~·~ Bu!!~be~~: ==========~tta~·"~~wu~~~":.· _____ __;~~!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~~=====---------'---..... -.. :::.::: .. :::.~ .. :::.::: .. :::.::: .. :::.:::. =:.:::.: . ., ~;;~~.;~~;;~~~;,~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r---···-5-·,-.. -u_., ___ ,,_ .• ·-E--.--,--,---,--E-,--,-_-u"'·'-R_E_S_. -. -"--. -··-o-u-··-L---,-···m-i-·-,···-·-,-_-,---·-.. -L_.,_o_ .. _,w_ .. _____ ~-PR---,-C--ES---"""!! Polmi..af will be held thJs comi.nc Satur· _1~) by Gt-&n&do9 ; B&Yi.IJe fBeYil-! · . •••••• •• · ••• ••••••• ··-day. AUi'. & in th• cburch hall i;a.e) Alben:i&; VIP..MNe Dt.nc-e ..... _ ····-· women of the Fellowahlp have ~ ....... _ N 1 been worklnl for month.I on No. 1 and Vienrwee .v..noe o. l , buur article• and ha" even en· fFriedJ'l'lan ·Gartner}. COFFB CAKI 23~ ~,,...., lilted hf.lp of the m.en, who an not"'""' lo""' eoncoalloN but Job's Daughters will eerve in the kitchen aa che:fa. J.. novel poatottte9 I• tn cttar,.. E • p• • of Mn. Weliey Fowl.,. and for nfOY IC:nlC: • nominal oum packapa lllAJ' bo t Q p k pur<hued wblch bavo -..nt a range ar rrom every .tat• ln th• Union. Mn. Jam.ea Cowie 11 c.h&lnn&n JWlndup of the yee.r'1 prornzn of the white el•P¥-al boolb.. al~ (oi-Co.tta Kua Bethel lfT, Job'• way* an attraction for .-., Dupler-.. WU th• all day picnic I !'\ ... ... . ' ~ '[ r -. : . llhoppen; Mn: CluUtl&n ~· Mid "n.u.19d&y at C>ranc• city dler not only hu ~ ol the pl.(k. J'ltty one were '])l'Uml, in· plant. booth but wu h.pon.Jble: cl"4illl' • sprln.k.llnc of p&ttn.U. tor the chlver 'pqlters. Webalilr Connie Gunn, honored quMn of Jone• aM Roberi Campbell 1'111 Cmta .Mu. betllf'l, had lnvitN:I run the conc ... iou and Cher L&runa ~aeh beth~t tb join in. Edg&7 H. Hill will be Ullb:l9d uid a (f'OUP of 10 w~r. then wtlh wtth fryial' ud MrTiq hamburo-their honored quffll, Diana Hut· a-•r• and tnnkt\.lrteri by Hu.ch ford. · 2-layer Chocol•I• PICAN CAICI 8~­ IJ.. $1.0S -I 4Sc W (\OSTA llE8A " 1700 N-" llml OO&ONA DEL KA.It HI Oout Rip.ray Sprtnpr, JlJn Black, Chrtllian Ttae day'• Procram lnch&d9d Schindler and Paul Johnnone. IWtm.mlnc. cam•• and a plate LAGUNA BEACH tll Fonet A••• Women w.ho have been wor~ t•ut Of hambu.rfen, potato M1&4. on the b&&aar are Mme.. Sol.on wat.ermelott1. BAL110A JSlAND no HarllM A.ftlloe P"o9tu, Holly Gilmor., Hurh The ~t.MI will bl dar& for \he Sprtnpr, A . McGloutlin and Glen month of Ausu.t. nut meetiAI Whillock. Mn. K&rJ .A.xtater hu to be Ole .tated •e of S.pL •. been in. charp of publicity and whtch iii btrthday dat. fOtr the will 8trH u cuhlv. bethel. $125 1o1ooc.wc.._.,,;,Jl ... '2.U far--'.. . -~ O.•••. 4 o •• Res. 1%..2.S ,_ a , ..._ o-...... 14 IJ.00 DEllETIC'S FLUID COLOI MAKI· UP a1.ao Rer. '1" . f'OA ONLY FOil LDllTZD TUIZ . COLONIAL DAMIS HOi w11w1 Cr1w111 ... ,,. 1.. '1 °' l"OR ONLY .. u..·...:1...,, ... fw.tJr• Rec· U.oo jar oi ..m: .. SALE •2~ .,,._,,.. .. Limiud Tinw Only I TUSSY IEAUTY PLUS HOi enone CreMI ..... 111 .. NOW ONLY Save up to, 40% o~ Helena r .iliinstein' s 10 Beauty Pairs I fOI •T . 11q1r1--.u1au11e+e• hCI = L'f: ~ '::'.; ~,'z';"'.: . . . . ____ ...,_._ _._. ..,. -· ... -()-\t·· ,, ... ,.._.· ...... •... tia·wl:ltiaA ___ .... . . . . I ... t'Ml911 -8l1"11f....,. &U1 D& TOCLnft ... DlY1114Df -cw••• Cmhh#• ..-. LIS. ___ ,,, ... 1 .. 111•·s1•-•.u -00-"'KM' pm as rDCL C 'ia·t\es .-... uo.J --·-,.·-ll'OI:• 1.W---W.lTDUl:r•a••• _tu&M,......._._~ Ccs>i ·u;. ..i... L'IS. ___ ,,, ... t 1'ID ..... ---Ill&.._ cay• •Jl.U0'90 p1a ~-. ·ca'rinMilll nboa. L'IQ. -1M!1 ,... _,, t.& i~11nrnr: , a •rva-.a MOMUJPr ,a. ... wans •·en•• cblociis mc:L Ca' I · r'm ...... ~ . -·-..... 1.lllilra zu :n •:-• 1n1 -___ ,..; ••& II .urci ow--. ca 1' <• ~ t..Jq. ___ __ .• _,,. ... _ -..... ' '"'.,,--"' • llW Mltll 1# tlllUU /1#11 Rere'• y•r ...._ •• bt •M .....,,._._ti.-"'=.:.t_. el.11ol.iu.'·m•s-. 8"7atn..,,plyell ... ~ ........ ..; ... p _, ........ BREASTS .. U9 LEGS .. L• WINGS .. 55• THIGHS .. L• FR~~FOWL -::--:-.. ~ °'*' &;2:1 qolll;:Ooil • -....,. • lil'u ~· a ' 11-Wed'dwt ...._ 1u ... u ... .-•·• :!~.. .. ... I I SPllElllS ·~!:' .. 39-,.,.. ,,..,-,; U. M1t11 .EE-F IOAST .... •n. _...PEAS OIANGf JUICE .... .. ... -~-·-_'!!"-19'. _ _. ..... 19• lllOll'isolV.l.l=-*X ..... tAraftL .. 71d .. _ .... C I &PI - 5n. "9& 181lOW LAMB IOAST•:t:·.. .. :d':..l=-2.. ~~': 11• llf F1 ........ ¢ • .. I. C«l£Z . ........ ::: .. n- SlkM leef U. .. w LI•• ,.._. -.c..i.. .: .. Y ....... U.S.OtOICl lz•• lrtat ~ .. & lOI& S.A&llm - Cold IWll BnM. 1... , .. (:Z.U.. pkg. 37c) .... u· -• h ·-• . Oi:1k..._ ... ,z t'-f -"z~10IF-~at Slllc•*t 11111 . . D••u•T.n-.. 21• ................ llDeck:I..,. • ... ¥ u 11 ,.;.1.i ue. • 111Wza .., UlliE CllDE ·l 83• 0..Gloab d. ... hy_........................... .......... - SIOB~li ~~~r: !! 89-. Swu rs •111· ·=····-tt ... 45• l'f.....__r • .-., ••• - · . ·s•nlcll Slrtlll 't::' ::' Jae Pe A C H £ S 10-0,., 6k. Hoff_,., 22<• . . ~ -......... !.:!: ~J1• M .. zli11 ~ ;:-J1• ·LATE .ILIERTAS .......... , , G.M ........ _ .. .... _ ..... ~ ..... '1111 ,, , •••••• •trr •11L .... ·-.~--111 ''1 ........ -• ----------~·-·----.. Jz.,QE••,.':..\~ • •°'* .... .... ----i , ....... __ __ .. ____ _ • · Mn. 1r1111rs .,... ': 20' ---· -· (-lo0/ 15cl 11n:::; .. ':-20' -. """""'" --. FRESH MILK 0':•10 11 IM S. .... -TUNA . For oooliag tt•=wr __.. .e:rM -• I Mlad. Of ill llftdwioheo. WHn1 MIAT 7.., 44e White w...r -"6 - SOUD PACIC t«. ... Red label • A- lm-51%1 6)i ... 411e c ..... 1abe1 -..,,.-. ' . " ' ' ! ' • • • • • • ' , ' We will . Prepare Albaeore for . your locker • WE HAVE ~T THE PRESENT TIME GOOD BUYS -. IN EXTERIOR AND INTERlOR • AR PLYWOOD IN ALL SIZES • • • • . EXAMPLI T,4 • Drt«lor b8 -1 'Je tt. -Interior 13~c ft. ~ • JCirUrior U8--2'J~c ft.-Interior %11~c ft. '14 • J:irt«ior b8 -3lc ft. -Interior 32c ft. --ni-and many more Quallty .Buya - Sorority Meeting et C.D.M. Home -JI 1"U don't -what you want-Ask for it-. . -PLYWOODS - JTR-J'Wl:-IURCH-04.K-MAPLE-ASH IU.auQ: ~ W .A.TER-PROOJ' -EXTERIOR -DOOIS- ILAM -PANEL -DUTCH -FRENCH BASH 1'1UM1l8-SLIDING DOOR FRAMES * * * BAY PLYWOOD Co. 6IO W. 17tli 5t. Cost9 M95CI (l•kt Vaa'a Jlowllac :U.y) Pi.. ~ 601&-l • e PLmMTY OJ' ROOK TO DJUW RIGHT IN • • . • NOW I• t~e time to transfer your fun.di to Insured SAVINGS CURRENT IARNINGS 11¥111$ •OW llSUUD UP TO 111,•.n MOllY UKIYU IT TIE llT• OP TIE MOITI UllS JllM Tll ISTI • • C.,... '" , •• Wt will drlW"fl f#te fNrtflffr " Y'f' fu ... wit""' lnCfNJY•nltflte tr •• ,...... ,. ,.., :::!! • • • • I • • • ' . • 1w A. •r-m•-. ....... 1711Hoa;M...,.,Cll9'a,._, Nedina.I BIQ, •rat• •TU .... 8Af A .. .,"'"' Kan.or HT.J' v ... _I. 0. .. OPTOMETRIST -.. ..,. Appetnbn<M 11u w. 111-n JI"' Jf-n--aau IE SURE -INSURE Wilk 114UNCS 1'T~ II Ci••• o.Jy ........... 11Tf Ill Mezr11Mi ..&.n., h' 11 ...... w ....... , .... ~ JM9Ull.UfCll a-....~ lffss'4'rt _.. Pit.. llar. N 1111 ...... •Tto ••ts •.•.• TrUlen • $129 Complete l.Y. sm FOR RENT T·D4Y llDQlltllJ TIDI T. Y. 1011 NElnOU Bl.VJ), . ' ,,_,..,. ...... .. ...,. .. ..,,..._, .... -_..... Ill .. '* -.. ""84 ,.. .... IAt.tt M •.aQ .-tr .. ,_,. ti II t•tl Wllt ~U f•, Jet: --tW. -.... -~ -.i.---. llold' ......, , .......................... ~ •• a.a ... t..t ... ,.. . .,. .. Oqi-IJ· ... -_ ... WNUClit .. -ot ..... .... --..._.. -..... -""' ---,.... ~ lllat ..... lot .. -,.. .. Ille ..-i ~ ,._,, ··-·· -.... ot ............ .._ ~ .. .__. Wiii--. ..... , •• ,.... -.aow.uut•w- Y• -,. to "" ._ ............. "">'> •••\. •b• tt.., o,., s~ ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL SUNDAY SEIYICIS l:JO A.M. -lOSOO A.M. • CHUICH SCHOOL -10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS • HOLY COMMUNION -10 A.M. , ' TBBOll·SOll'S Rome a •ato lapplJ -• - .... Top DI I I I ... v .. = ______ 39; l•eh'e <Jv "'"" .l ... v .... = -·----,--··-······· •112 .... Vlow lllnw (Ouls'll "'9) v.i-• ..... = -------·---·1 • ~ ! Extcw1t Ea' sNe•• 11 ... Vllllt = ------···--"' SpiiiMr W• no VII• = -·---·-··· 4'' c.tl AJanm VIII• lit ... ~~ ----... lf' ~ ltru'n1 Wlllel Coven "" v.,_ , =~~~·15' aw• ..... o..., l "'ttfRIT v..,.... '" ... ~ .... PlllCS ••·ve BUy<lerS..U.' IAUI ·~.'Va '1" nllS .,_ tid a 11 w• e 01 l'Juth .., (lfTen {Jllt_ljfl~--> RMI f ~ = f td MCi(i#\11 1 • . lacreutl•11 ......... Split Bamboo llo&t 11.oM (ll•H• J1!lfl ... , S&TI V-= ........ ·-·~··-~· .. ·· 'r .. .., TMka. .... f1 ... Value SALE '2H PBICE •. -............ -···-··· ~ GIMa Flllolac Poiea ValOM lo Ml.M SALE '15" Pa.ICE ~---···--------·· Bepl&tloa •••e-1"r ...... v.- 8AL1i •11t PRICE "-··-······-.......... . RecuJat.iom Som..ut fl.U Valao = ~-.. -·---·"; ... ~ ',· 1'1'•111P11 . .,.... l'1'lll :;.-. ____ Jf# avalJbU .... "·" v.i... . = -·--··•••• .............. _,. ~ Cit#'• u.. 180' fl.ff VllM :~ -·-··---·-~·-·--'1" Water Gh··• -10-01. 10.Valao- :~ •. : ............. -6 fer 39; W•r Pl~• t&«. a.va1ao ll&LI: . 29; PRICE -·-··-·· .. ·--··-·--- Ch1Jdrm8 Lii•• .... (Wltll n.nn.,) '"·" ""'-=· ...... ~-··--•1• 11-lolo 8pflll1 .Clot.bee Piia ... Valao 11"1.Jl J 25; Piii'.~----.... llelal Dos 'I ••Ii .... v .. =-19; • G•tl•n Suppllet u ... Subbof .... IO' N.u v.i.. = -·-·-·~-···-, .. ..... a-. IO' I l'•r 0--'1.N VII• =~ ~ ... -.... ····-······-· ., .. Grw Cr'411eiw ;. fl.N Valao , :~ ...... -·---·--·-., .. Met.!Gr&M 8 ai... fl ... Valao = -·---·------47; Grwmi.n SI.II Vlhlll llALI!: 98¢ P&JCE -·-·-··.,.-··-··..:. .•.•.. TelevltlH _, .... ,. IO" o ...... .,.;, ... ... ... v-=-·_ '365" !' V T.w. •w1ve1 Top • ..... v-= ..... -~~-... -'10-. ~ Weclel Rid• . lu.NValao = " '11" • Appli•••• . -. , Q'!!ll@ ..... -.. ,.. ....... ~ . ••wv-. R tPj¥" *':''*' .. · •• ~ > .......... , ...... . ( ... ...,,' = --~ !16• - • , • ' • • . , , .. ' .. •• ~'ti A!Pf 2, 1951 '- FIRM, RED RIPE-FINE SLICING TOMATOES ' • Per Lb. No. 1 -LOCAL GROWN-Golden Cross SWEET CORN U.S. NO. 1 LAlt•I SMOOTH WHITE ROSE POTATOES . ' WI .llPISM SNOWDllFT COUPONS 1-LI. CAN Per Ear lbs , • • . . ' .. ~ ) J . / NEWPORT BAY POST~ SHOPP! tf NIWS_ L ' . . ' =-•"'.'.':"FOL,,. E·R'S · ~ SAY . "' ....... -..iiFH ,.... .. .. ,. si. .. ..., c ~"' ,~,, COFFEE $PARE RIBS ~"-.:" · .:, 1·1b. Can c c ;x { ·~~· I....\...,(_)_, ~t~ .~ . fillAIN HD _ Niwl · suNsH1N1 FLAYo• PORK STEAKS ___,, NIJCOA ...... K ... I•• ~k~· .... 29.c SLICED BACON .. lUOlWIC.lllll\ • • · hcellen l9P-Mj)tiatl .. a.n..i Lew a.ncm SNOWDRIFT 29c ~~~ 85c • llST l'OOOS'llAL IM.O wltil W•.J• lttll MAYONNAISE ~~: 3 7 c 0j:;+ 64c · · BUY · NOW! .and SAVE LI••'• or ArM.1r'1 Sl•r 2 . SalH, Ceckt•ll 49' . 1 c SHRIMP • PURE LARD lli. Aff•~c 0 «•• 2·5· , WHITING . • IOIDIN'S CHATIAU . 75c AMERICAN . CHEESE 2-llt. Box . WILLIAM TILL APPLE JUICE 2 ~~~·15c MISllON INN HALYIS 25C APRICOTS ·. Noe~' -I .. " . • ' . f.u•l•t'>."9..i" ...... 19c ·JtfCKLes ·---~ ·: -~~· • • 1ooc .... 10c ,., .. .. MAICAL PAPll NAPKINS ·TUNA SALE! Cklck•• ef til• S.• C'icb1 of tile I•• SOLID PACK Chunks. Flakes l•tl L•loel 31 c Gree• Lobel 26C No. 1/J No. l/J Fl .. C••· .•• , Pl.t C••· •••• STAlt KIST CHUNK 25C TUNA N•·.''· Fl .. c •• No. Z C•• MISSION INN WALYIS CLING PEA CM ES -OST ltlD HAND ~ACKID ,.,"'""' TOMATOES COfFll' CAKE . 23:.. fhe.29c..J • 11115 46..._ C•a CALIF. CLUI 46-o&. Ct1• Grapefruit 23c Toma+~ 19c JUICE JUICE ·01RANGE.JUICE ~ 31c: No""'11 • Oo-Del Mu o.IJ' , We a.deem '!rro.tee Ooupeu UPTON FROSTE! DIS1tlT lillX CHOCCUTI .. VAHll.l,A ::ad FLAVORS · 2 '1 " 25c LIPTOI . N . TEA 8fi5l.11t# ~~I!!' ·~ ::; -- 16 TN 18c l/•-llo. 2,. 199' ..... :' · OUR POLICY : IOW & FOREVER ¥ WE ABSOLUTELY .WILL NOT BE .!U,NDERSOLD • PER 9UALITY : • f fROZ[N FOODS --- PICTSWEET SALE! · PUS 1i;;: Y 011r Choice OUT OOllll ~~ 1 ........ _ Ca• o,... IUIS 1:;: ..-a._ ..., 1:;: . at lowest price· in yean I I • • "l t I • ' , • . • • ··- ' • • • . . ' I .. . .; -. • • • -.......... - PAGI: I · • AlJG. 1, 1151 :NSWPOA'T MI.B()A ~·'l'DIU I.WHEN ' YOU WANT ·TO · BUY. SEW EMPLOY •. RENT. Oil I .. • • , u5f: THE CLWIAEo. PlloNE HAii 16'6 ' • AD LIB IRe_publican. Women • By MARGO Meet Author of - ~~~=~~oLOGIST. r:u.EN 1. BRYANT,a. z..1'The Rl!d Blight' The Miglity Mtdqet In Ac:lv¢ial.nq 1J: f!!!f C esl ?.••: II •t111•1I' G111i <iLoW'IUfta -. -U ll.Ul.OOA!IT I je. -~ 'ft. ~nl, · T tt. ...:-~wt;-wttll pod&. Uko -· J!obad•, bo7"' ractnr bike, ,,.. ~-oH•lal-._. ' " 12 . • -1,, rim. ud t,_ no. J:&q fl01 • u11o 111.; -or 1r1n1ey, ~.;. Dry Waahl!ts llaclllll• and l'j-rt B11cll. Jiu., 2529-W. AIJTHORJZEI> BY THli STATE OF CALIFORNIA lS SKILLSD IN It may be l!Wllmtt and Umo ftx'11.---·· -~--~---··_, . ..._ _________ _ ELPJCTROLYSJS •AND THE:RMOLYSIS. LET'S LIFT TIU: VJ3l.. relaX&tion. but by Republtcan I' · LADIES! ll" .you HAVI: A LOW BROW. BUSHY J:tJtBROWS. ,,_.., are cleYft'ly comb1n1nr NEW~TIMES -Eve.., held&y •· _ OR J:XTR.A ADORNMENT ON FACE, ARM8 OR LEGS, SlCl!l pleuuro and polltla. and coonll· "J MRS BRYANT. DOWN · wrm PAPILLAE! ELLEN L. BRYANT •~tlnn of the R<publlcan women'• NEWPORT BAY EOS'.l' -Wedneldaya ,_,a.Oy troner, UJr.4 a-. t-m •adl. • . P:M . 1'.nt ·Pearl (~), ~ hlajlcL J4:0Dl!llN -• 1-pe. • Dlnlnt' ~~~;~~~;~~~~ L ~ • and a-pc. -. 11t. - ·"--· oprinp • --llk8 -· LAV.um L Killer A: L.trd ldlobt:t Very ne.oa•ble.. cau Beacm: 18 AVAILABLE FOR FREE, PRIVATE CONSULTATION AT TD prol'1'&Jft m· <>ranat county haa NEWPORT BAT BO" puve1e1 LJDd BALOS OF lll!AtJTY, 3«0 VIA OPORTO. HARBOR 26711. .... n conoiderable tllrtlle...d by .·~ '-a. ~ -ThunQJ9 liel>o-..Browa. bJ.uo 1 • blacl<. ·.:~Sl5~1~'~w~~·--~-~a~t<M~l;S~l~!ll~,,,f~eal!!!_,~RMI~!!!'!"'~~~~ 'f'l*AAA • T*A A A._ J'n!dleal· ' . • • • luncheon.a at Ba.Ibo& Bay club. ?\""~ Bu ~ naw'flet A• w ,.. .. • h hJ' .. \\"hat "'ill It lNI toal•llt. dilldren ! O.e-On Thund&y llra.. ll. Ltwt• li_...'bmm N Ge ~1 ~ . ly new. caD Bar. UTW .-Ull!:D DA VJ:NPOllT (mal<eo Into RENT * l'IANO. ~ per montll. !'J'eid Pete. Jale of Lollt Sbl)MI or tile Lady Lehman Of 1.A)e ~ and Bal~ IRJlfiMlllf AD II ' 1.INU From lmdia ~,. Dr. Paul Gerrish tella a rip-hoe lalt.nd honored Mary La>tar All «!fte=dflM .a. -... ,... fer c..a. la 1.,..,,11•11,.1 ... ....,.:1 ~ttt.. 43tfc bed!. $11 and ottntuffed cllalr, All rent allowed lf you buy with---------'."°---$7~: old •but ..,od. lOI -29th In tenno. DANZ-SCIDIIDT, 620 roartnr uhl1e bonof falrdvent~ ""!..l'Yl w1 ednllesdarty ~.!.*~':.~th.,.bothf ~-R<dt Bll1~t. 4 U... 1 Paper •• 71 nlcht at 11 e p&•'-3· .iu s s a pa ...u .. &.enlll&n e , ...... pret lDTll • D..--lJIO or the GenUlll Swim Clult Am Day Camp vice chill.rm.an of the Women'• 4 1h• "' • ~ BAJtGAINB-NU!'ly .....,, St., Newport 'Beacll. Hu. 839-.J. No. Maln. Sant& Ana. ect coodlUon. Pe>rµble _G. 53pM ---~-------- dlahwuher. i.uncSerall auto-LOVELY plain cue bu:aplow prorn.m ! Your am all beach bo)"S and lirls Di viii on, Republican St.ate Ctn· ' I.-. I Papen S..00 can be enroUed ln 'thi.11 neat summer .et-Dp traJ, committee, ranklnl' under The publilhen will not be NtPoUJblt for more than one lnconeet 1 matte wuher. Belt otter. HAR-plane tn perfect plt.ylnc condl· BOR Nl·M &ft.,: • p. m. O:lp!\3 , .so.Z..;..;.A;;.-_Allo;.c.~~=------1 tlon. T•rm• $27.:50 down and b,y day wttk or month. Children are fumiahed tra.n11port.atton to Mra. Benf!dlct only. Her apeclJ1c ln.Hri::lon of an adveru.tme.nt. ft8UVe the rlfht to cbtrectly cluttft sf.A-8 ana. from ca.rap, hours 10 • 5. Dr. Gerrish, well known swtmmln,g work la to coordinat11 the at.ate a.ny and all &di and to reject any Adverti8tment not contOnnlnl. t(I ~--'r•-·-W&_.f!._, --------1 teacher CiWll tadpoll!.! le?90na in $"trlmm!Ql', dlYlnr and "'akr Mfrt):. and primarily thl! Sollthem Call-rule• and r•&'Ulation.a. Advertt.aement-11 and cancellation. wnr be: WILL TR.ADE' -Sm1th and W!'S-- MAHOGANY Cheat. side board, •t.8' per mo. at SHAFER'S dJ.eutac table,· rocker, pine MUSIC CO. <Since 1907> "2I 1't-. drop JeAl table, be:autifU.l astr&l Sycamore, Santa .A.M. • Klmbtt· Th"I remAlnder of the rlay i11 .1pent wtth !q>Ort.s. h&ndicra.fta and torn.la area. accepted up to 6 p.m. on the day precedlnc publication. baon K22 for mf'dlum marlin pme~. Da:-· campers brine their own lunch and be..lieve me tt'a Mra. Knig'ht ta "'ell known ln Except dl!adllne for Nelllt'll • Tlr.1e1 {a 11 a . m. Monda.J11 tta.ckle:. l50i • 35th ~t., Newport lampL Very Fare. Private ly 2-0572. party. Harbor 2098-M. 62~f ------------- cne big picnic for the :young aet. All children enjoy the good sroup the Jl'ar Eut aa a newa r eporter Piao .. Har. lilt. Mk for NA_d Taker"' or _., .. &M ftlllltt9N'19 to· Beach. &3c55 fellow11h!p, leArnlng to swim a.nd the gl!neral outdoor tun. For in-and her book la report.odal 1n It.A NEWPORT BA.&BOB PUBL18111NO 00. ANTIQUE DISHES FINE PRACTICE uprle11t piano for o'.nly $9.M down end $5.M per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 N. Syca· more, Santa Ana. KI. 2~7~. formation call Beacon 6286-W or Beacon 645$-W. conte.xt. Bhe I• a cl.oui<-frlend of Htl l!lalboa Bh"tl.. Newport 9Me1t. Odfol'ldL • • • ~n. Albert Wedemeyer, who ten- HA VI: EASY SPINDRil!R, t mo. qJd. WW at-U reuonable or trade for automatJc .,..,.ing-machthe. CJ>refer Kerunore). Wlll pay dlf- 'ference. Ph. Bea.con M49-WK. B rlc·a-brac, odd.I and end.I. etc. 84!4! at DALE'S P"URNTI'URI';, 187t Harbor Blvd., Co11t& MN&. Beacon 9&37-J. Mc&l WHY I'D EVEN LIVE IN A TENT WITH YOU! I might at dered bJ1 reaJgnation alter"° Ge.n. that. 'Ve'd both look good on ca.nvaa. Hen's the tent I'm pitchlnl': MacArthur w.,. rttalled.. Th e A ff!\\' stray 9xil umbrella tent.s Came crying into Walt'• Tn4111& book created quite & aenatlon and Poi.t lookinK for a place to ca.mp for a few day•. Now WALT'S wu g1ven unuaual not\ce rrcently TRADING POST is .strictly for USED MARINE GEAR and pd&'eta. by commentator Bill CunnLncham b11t 90ft-heart~ Walt took them in. It'!!. obviou1 that these good over a national broadcut. tr:lt!'I have got to go, only Sl'J .~O per t~nt. Some beach umbreilas Aaked to meet hl!re wer-e Mrs. L'\UCk in too ... ao protect your.s.elt from .sun.11troke for only SS. Charle• Stanley ot Loa Angelea, No\v here're some bargains that you'll ft!:el like you ahop-llfted . , . a pre!lid!'nt ot the Crtnahaw Repub- llke ne,\·, laminated aquaplane for only $22.50; and an even like llca.n \\'om•n; Mra, Le••lt O&.rdner ne .... ·er dollv for boat or houae trAiler a.round $40, I think. And ye.a, ot Bay Shores, vice chairman of you CM ~avigate. cele:!tially even in a buc.ket ot water wtth the Ora.n,re County Republican Ce-n- P:n~Uth Sf'wtll ~xtant. Shoot the 11tars! Shoot the work• at trill committee; Mn. Alice Quiiro., \\"alt'• TradinJ Pl't!lt ( rormerl~· nl"ar ua,. Udo brtdirft ..• nnw nnr m!'mbf'r of Li. A . County Ctntral th~ l<"f!! Rou!M') flt '422·30th, Ne""'Jl'Ort. Har. 2470. OPEN SUNDAYS Republican cOnunitttt; Mn. Mur- 23-Sltuatlom WanU!d Univeraal Building Maintenance '1oor Wl.Jdng-Wlndow Cleaninl' Wall wuhlnc for buildings, 11torT1, oft1cea and homes. Lt.ave call. Harbor 1115. &Zp54 !13c60 COME IN and play the WONDER· FUL NEW HAKKOND CHORD ORGAN. If y0ut don't know a note you can play beauUtul mu• aic in ten mJnutu. DANZ-- SCHYIDT BIG PIANO STORE, &20 N. Main, Santa Ana. OOKPl.srm JIOUllll a.aumtG ----.... -pooed. ........ zt• T'W'O EXPl!:R.IENCED colOTed cooks or maid•. one prefera live in poll ition or \Yo rk by hr. Ktm- bnly 3·!13M. !13pM GAP"F'ER Ir. SA TJ"LER P..ANGE, 1951 model C. P . a.II automatic •one. Hu lamp and cloc\c, all chroml! griddle for hot cal<~ SS-Boata, 8 n1a-. a bl• oven and that chrdme .,.m :;.;;._..;;;...;.;o.;.;.:...;;..;!'P;ui=-"---- broiler. At.o tt hu all chrome an.d e\·ery day except Wed. from 8:30-6 p. m. r a.y Roberts and Mra. Harry • • ,. Grttn, all of Ba.lboa Island. l"UllJ _ ... Al's House A: Rug Cleaning Co. \\'ANT Wubtftl' and ironing. Also baby aittlng-. Pbone B•a. ~81-J . ~3pM Wp. Balance I owe on lt .. Chrysler Engines SI7t.78. Pay me cub· or take paymenta of 19.M per mo. Bee U Bed ALL l!LECTIUC ORGAN. For home or church. SliPUy cue d&m.a.ged in a.hipment. Btc aav· In(. DANz.scHAlID'l' PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 No. Main cor. 15th, 8&nt& Ana. VOTERS'. 'VHICH p ARTY DO YOU Bl:-Anothf'llr 11uch lunch!'on aaw dl1- LONG TO? '!' 7 R el;ister today! The Party cuuing Oran.re county affair• In at 404 So. Spadra_, Fullerton. Phone 2152. 52c&t Crowns -Rbyale RICNT A PIANO for on1Jo U per month. Rental appllf!8 on f\lture p_urchue at SHAFER'S int· SIC CO. (Since 190'7) •2I No. Sycamore, 8&.n.t& All&. Klmber· ly 2--0eT2. particular. l.fn. I..t'la Eutman, BMOCll llll lloui.I! in Laguna ls headquarters for THE GOOD TIMES PARTY. You'll joyfull,Y cut your ballot Mra. G&rdnM, Mrs. Robert Bame•, for thlll little shoppe which ca.rnpalgna on a Mra. Muy TopJ>l!r l.nd Mn. Leh· man. For Venetian Blinds, Shadee and Drapery Hdwe. EXP. NURSE, houaekttper for 1 or 2 peraon1, drive, also t.part- ment ma.na.g~ent. P. 0 . Box 064, Rivenlde, Calif. 5lp63 TWO REFIUGl!:RA TORS, 1 me· dlum and l am&ll. Phone Har . 894.. 5lc61 See John Haivey at Seaeraft Fun &: Frolic P latform! The Party HOUM haa wonderful ldea..s, decora.tions and tavora for ll11 ga..la events. There are many paper hat11 to buy, harmonicas (20c l. Japanue paper paraaola (lOc ), ~,~ t birthday mu.sic box ffir rent, pm.per table- cloth3, napkins. bridge talleys . . . oh Iota o~ gimmick!'! . . Party Hou.!f!-Also hu l"ay gifts for all occasions ... ori~nal per!'umed Carmel candle!'!. translucer.t E\•!:r-GloY.r ca.n.dle.s that Klow for 1~ hours. The Fr&ct ured French cocktAil napkin11 are hyaterl- cfll h1t11 a t any gathering. Pa,rt;.' House decorators roam about .set· t 1nr up decor for home or club hoe-dov.'l\s or you ca.n con.suit wilh them for suggVJtion'11 .. , Not a care in the v;orld at the Party Hou.M , .. except to show you how to en)o)··yourM:U! 7&3 Cout 8 1\'d. South. Phone La.gun& 4-6395. • • 00:\"'T BE S.-\DDl.ED "'lTH OLD P.\L,"T. C'OWBOY! • . Miss Mary Gurley Breakfast Hostess to Bridesmaids Gay prr lude to the Sunday wed- ding ot Miss Ma.ry Alice Curley to Elmer Manlry wu the brides- maid11 ' breakfut hf'kt P'rid&y morning In the patio of the J . Addlson Gurley home on Lido Ule. Intereat cente~ around lflaa Gurlf'y and h!'r attendant.II, Mn . Robe.rt '''· Gurlty (Na.ncy Far- v.·ell) and the Mlatta Je-&n Reed, Ba.rb11.ra. Farwt'll, Donna Ktller, Louanne Taylor, Anne Fruman. THE SHADE SHOP Free eotimate. Ph. Har 884 ~1• -29th St. Newport Beach 1%--Bulldlng Services PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m~11t.,_,__ -. MST·ll - INIDUOft -~ PAINTING l.J(SNllllD -INlrolWD JR. COLLllGE (lrl wanu Job u Sl-Wuted to Baz mother'• h~r on Balboa. Ia-I"--...---'-'--.;..;.-"'-----I land, part or rHt of aumm.er. ~ANT TO BUT .Crffll suitable Small -.l&ry. Rcvene charg-M, fr:rr projecting ~mm. aUdeti. Ph. Phone 8Ye&1'1"-.. 2-3298. 53pM Harbor 1020-,V, evl!n inp. 53Uc An Opportunity •Somebody Wants i:tL&t uH'd furniture, brtc ... -brac, paintinp, etc.. now tald.n.r up apac• ln your l'U'&Je. Find a buy- er with a claMifled ad In t:ti:e Nnr.-'n.m•, Poet, and Preu com- blnatlon . Ju.t Phone Harbor 1111, Ho~ootli. 211' 126 COAST HIGHWAY NJ:WPORT Bl!ACB Plf. BJ:ACON ITTl 9tttc COMMERClAL FISHING BOAT, equlppt"d for albacore, mackerel, swordfi3h. Chry11\er engine, ..11200. Call Kln}berly 2-45"41. :50p~ STAR BOAT -good condition, ""°· ALSO South Bay moorinc oft Bal· boa Island, $"150. Ph. Har. 2807. tSclSO SEA BOOKS Sm.o.otR CLEARANCE &ALI! Spllleta, uaed, from $267. !lpinet, new, $395. Upright.a from 159. Ueed Grand,. Sobmer, U 95. Othera $-483, $6615, '686 -Tr&de in your old piano. Hi&"hut cub &llowance. Euy term.a, repoa· -8l!4Sl!!d Spinet, save $300. DAJl:Z- SCHMIDT PIANO CO. Over 100 '· pianoa from which to chooae. 520 No. Main, cor. 6th, S&nt& AzlL HARDMAN UpriC'flt pia.no. excel• I\nt condition. S7&. 312 Apo- 1ena, Balboa Jalarui. M:cM S5-Dog1, Cata, Pebi YOUR H OME .. YOUR BIVOUAC SHbUL~ REFLECT THE SUR- ROUNDINGS TH AT ENHANCE YOUR PERSON ALI TY. YOU P AlNT YOUR HO~fE TO MAKE IT FRESH A ND CLEAN ... TO PRESERVE IT'S VALUE AND PROLONG ITS LIFE! THE -ror!.)~ and Terry Jay. Others preaent were Mme•. Glenn Johnston I01•11ot 11t. Nwport - NmED A MAN. famlli.ar with fra· tern&l or social or,.anisatlona. to man&g'e club and lodg'&faclliU•11 of a local (T'OUp. Thla W a.n ideal spot tor a retired. man who de· *'-tello-*!p. Umlted -.lazy a.nd duUee. Houn moetl'y tn tbe e~ 0 d&,-. a week. Ap no barrier, non-RCt&rian. Reply held confid.enliaL Write Box 02 tbb paper. ~Stfc A fine atock Of booka on all yacht- ing subjecta: -ptua all current booko. Lendlnir library. KERRY Blue male puppy, AKO champion atock, reuonable. 131 Opal Ave.., Ba;Jbo& Ialand, l!Ve&. tl C"OO~~ALD r ."Dro"T ~TORE ~ COSTA MESA FEATURES THE F .4...\[0US DUTCH BOY P AINT. Ill.ITCH BOY IS GOOD PAINT'S OTHER NAME. DUTCH BOY DOES IT BE'ITER INSIDE OR Ol"TSIDE '. SAVE THE SURFACE AND YOU SAVE ALL AS THEY S .o\ \~ IN THE ADS. ~EE MrDO:"iALD PAL''T ~TORP: FOR FTh"E \\",\.LL.PAPER. PAI:\"TE..~:s SUPPLIES a.nd DUTCH BOY PATh'T. 1872 HArbor Bl\·d .. Col'lta ~tea. Beacon 5703. • • • • \\.EL.COME ~ GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACI' ABOARD CHARLEY '. Ch.s.rley Drakr. Mr•. D and little Drakes had a keen t ime up at Arro"·head tut '\'f'ek. I uked ChArle-y if he 11moked any fish, but he sA ld no thf'y v.·ere up-wind fron1 'the fire11. Cha.rl!'y'11 back dov.·n a t hi.s 1!l'a11ide f!.!lh grotto Mlling 1uccul!'nt seafood with aa.vo1r faire a..nd F rench tries. On a. warm day likt' today. it•a more the.n plf'a.sant to 11 it outdoors by the M& at Ch:a.rlf')·'• Spafood n.e.taa- nnt. The Crab or Lob~ter Louie Salad 1111 a cool, gt>el!n 11.nd pi.nk production on & aht'll plate. Or & luncheon consi>ting of SIJ,.rimp c-ocktan and a. bo·.vl of clam chowder .!lt't., n icely. In thf' cool of the f'Yt;>nlnJt, '"'ht'n th!' chores ar!'. done -a .shore dinner of fre!!lh albacorf', h~but or s~fl.·bu.s at $1 .25 l-, a g?'eAl way to greet the dual<. CharleY·a S!'afood, l llS Caul H iway. 7 day• a wttk (next to Port Orange ). Beacon 6834 • • • • Pl"Ll1 FOR THE SHORE MATES! 1 SIGHT ·"'~ OC'"TOPL"S! "Oh )'OU Squid!" I quipped queu· Uy to Harry Kingston al the Bay1ide. "Do People eat THAT ~ .. "Yes," replied Harry u he mount~ ;.-;~ hlii lec~rn. "A1 a matter of fact. Squid t.. only • baby octopus ... very good fried ln butler lt you must know," "I 'll bet you tell that to alt the (irla,'' I a.nS'Nere~ arch!)·. All . right eat Squid If you mu.mt and aquJrt Ink! But here's what I'd rather you do. Go lo Klnpton man to m&.n and talk Tuna! Step in the refriJ{erator and force hlm to ~ve you a cheap price on Alb&col"I!! for n.nn.lll(. Ht>'ll crack! The best thinl' for you to ea~ theM days Is Abalone at 15c lb. or Albacore a nd s'wnrd!~b. These fi.t.h are briny fruh and bealdea that they tulti ¥fH>d. Of niur1 .. H11.rry hu a ricipe for canninl' a.lbaeon. Flf a DMdJ F19h at the na,_lcki Mkt .. %800 Lata,y~ttf', Newport. 1 da~ I lo 8:30. • • • MORE FUX THAN TRZ UYS'I'ON"E KOP8 ~ BOB Ir: TOM, THOSE BACK room brud-beaten a t the ~"l:\VPOllT BAKERY cany on like A eoupte ol Mack Sennett reneg&det! Bawner, the bakery JOOCia lffIIl8 to improve with the merrlmenL The dou1hnut kettle here twi:rla flee-· tully au day Jons. ni. bakery 11 atllinl' doU,:b.- nutt Ulr:e It wa.a a brand new tad. li'addlab or not. people'• ort. clue with joy upon dt.:overing the ra.l&ed' di.let w1t.h jelly, or lhe choco- late and orana-e coveftd cake dous-tinuta. Vir(inia McM•ban who conteae.1 that abe'a Bob·• mother 1a pretty buay peellnl' peacbl!S tor the f'ruh puch plea. Viraini& cut.a up any truh fruit ln aeuon and the Bowery boy• make pieL Don't be demi-monde ... g-e.t on Ole bakery wagon at the :Sewpori Bakery. %1U OoMa P'rM.L Bu. lUJ·L 1 ' WANT AD will c:ost you only s2 end it will run • .. • • A Mini111um Aid i• '' PIN•• HuLw -1616 -·<· " J'!M.:irt-.. aoa s.-'ft 11-New:;Jfi.•&,. ,J'l-.1 - Newpe.i-.,1'9.&( -X-)· ' Dou1laa C&rleon and C 1 a u d e On.lee, Whittler; Bewley Allen, Whittler &lid l.Jdo t.Je; Leo Roddy, Oahu, T . H ., mother o( the beet man; Ru.uell Heller,. t....cuna Beacb; T . Weston Jay, Walter Franz. Challen La.qder•, Wllr1'en Blinn. and J . A. Gurley, Sr., New- port Beach : aha Mrs. J . A. Gur· le)·, Jr , San Lula ObUlpo and Mr1. Hugh Dunlap, San Antonio, Texu. Among tho.te entf'hainin1 wllh pre-nuptial evenU .. for )flu Cur- ley were Mrs. Allen., Mra. L&nd· en and Mis.a Reed. S!'veral guest.a joined the ptin- cipa.19, bride11ma.id.s. be11t man and u.sht'n for the wedding dlnn!'r, b!'ld Sa.tun:lay evening at the ranch h ome of Mrl and Mn. Rob- ert Gurley, Santa Ana. ' Plan Another Trip With Supplies for Navajo Indians The Ju.nlor Dorcu Society of the Seventh-Day AdvenU.t church o( Newport H elghta have at&rtf'd gathering clothes, food and drup for another trip to the Navajo In- dian. of Ka.tent.a, AriS. They hope to accumu1a.'te enough a.rUc1es ao the trip c&n be made every three months. Colored pictures WI!'!'@ ta.kl:n on the lut two trips showlng the way the ga.rmenta were dtatrtbut- ed, the tnatmf'nt of the sick, dental help givtn and the home lite ot tlle lndf&n.a-Dr. C. C. Em· menon, Phone Beacon 5022~W will be &'lad to ahow the" plctW"U to UY lnterutt'd (?'Oup, f'rH of ch&r(1. Anyone wiahing-to don&tf' towa.rd.9 th1a wort.by project pleue call Dr. C. L. Sm1UI, Beacon 6M2. Ba.rlllOr t:n'?'..J .Mc4I DON K. BU'ITS Lie. General Co.11tractor Rea.identlal--OllZlJllel'Cial Remodeling Phone Beacon, 6406-W 17tf~ WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all t radea-maintenance work. Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W 38c51 H .H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt R.f'palr Sforvlce Malntalntd Phone: Harbor 1"18-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Nrwport l!facll W\ae people do read the ada. For Quality Workmanship Paintin11: • Decorating l:NTERIOJI: AND EXTERIOR Chas. A. Davenport Llc~naed Palnllng Contra.ct or 52p6& Phone Beacon ~50 Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING "The Beet Money Can Buy.,, ~I2 • 38th St., Newport Beach PRON!: HARBOR 2(()4 52tfc W AJTREBS WANTED -Short order !'Xpertence preferred. Liv- ing qua.rter11 available. 1 child 0 . K. See Mra. Hunt. 7204 Cout Highway, Newport Beach. 53c~ WAITRESSES WANTZD -Muat be. experienced. Steady work. Good pay. Phone H&rbor 21572. 53cM ZXPERTENCED wa.itreu. Apply THE SN ACK SHOP, 11519 Cout H ighway, Coron.a del Mar. Ph. Harbor 17:'.:7-\V, 53c~ EXPERIENCED boatma.n t o ope- rate &nd malntaln new '40 tt. crulaer. Good pay. Hu. 2'427 -W. 53c~ NEED HELP? USED 2 Servel rt'fril'entora, I§ cu. ft. &IJd 7 cu. tt. ........• 97 .60 Ool~t retril'entor, (ood condition. Unit overhauled. 36-day guarantee .............. $97 .SO Ma.etc Ch~t gu rang~. very g ood ......... ·····-··-··-.. U9.50 Baby crib, very clean .......•. l15.00 • Cbild'.1 wardrobe, larC'e alze, like new ·········-······-···········S.25.00 Vacuum Cleaner•: Eureka. .................. _ ............ I 5.00 Regina with atta.c'ftmenta $10.00 Good cl!'an mattreu, ' tull or twin stu .................. $10.00 nor gladiron ironer, lik!' n~· . .. ....................... $29.50 lla~g. round tub wuher $29.50 NEW Bunk b~d ................................. $ :9.50 Stud,;o couch ··················-······$•9.M> ApL pa range ........................ $89 .~ Apt. aize refrig'erator ........ $I'49.60 ' Consult ottuoUon want.d •da o• Dale's Furniture place a cla.ul!led In the New• Tlmea. Poet and Preu combtna-1874 Harbor BIYd. tion at $2 per week, mln. Phoneeo.ta ·---M_e_u. ____ B_ea_e_o_n_S6_3_T_·J Barbor 11161. PHILCO CONSOLE TV. 1951 The Islanders 2I4 Karine, Balbo& i.. Har. l:WT SNOWBIRD -Br:cellent con~!­ tlon. 2 sails. ready t o go. Good racing record. Call Harbor 228. file~ 115-F'I'. SURFBOA.RD, $30.: 21)..ft. Catamaran sailboat, $500; I 3-tt. aa.ilboat, $75.; 26-tt. canoe, S30. 382 E. 18th St., Coat& Mesa. Be. 604<-R 51p53 10-PT. LEHMAN dinghy, good condition. good aa.1111. 1460. 127 Amethy•t. Balboa. I11land. Har. 200 .. w. ~2p:.< LYMAN Ial~der, IS-n., ~ HP gray marine engine. li!h.l for aporU fU.hing. 1 yr. old. For .. 1e or tra.de for property. Con- tact M.r. Buck, Fullerton 2713. 52c57 26 FT. COMMERCIAL Fiahln&' boat, new engine. Monel cooling coollllc 11y11tem. Heavy duty a ya t e m . Swordfiah, albacore, ma.cke:-el &1!&1" Md equipmenL Newly painted. Ph. Bea. 838t-W 52cM model, all mahogany finiah. It.a ct"'9°'FT=.-=sPO""-::RccT.,--::F:=lS:cRE==R-::-S5:cOO'."'.". the big l 7u bluk tube aftd lta: ONE WHEEL . TR.A.ILER a.nd camping outfit. 12 x 12 umbrel- la. tent, plua extra 1 2x 12 room , dbl. bed A: mattreu, Coleman lamp, camp atove, &ood. condi- tion. \Vlll 1ell reuonable or trad.e for )Mt. 221 Pevl Ave. (rear), Balbdll bl&nd. :50p52 been used only 3 monUu. 1 paid Bit. 'ti. Bait ta.nk, elec. p ump. $389 for it 'fld will let lt go tor Jeep motor. Phone Harbo~2:. my b&lancl! due ot $279.153. The I·------------ man I bouJht. It from wUl in· stall it tor you free with the out.tide aerlal. I already paid the ex-cl.le tax. Pay me cuh or take payment.a of $U.75 per month. it.so my 1951 ABC &utomatic 14 F'T. BIRCHCRAFr and trailer, In good condltton. $350. 211 Pal- mer, Coat.a Meaa. Phone Bea- con ss21~w. ··-· 53c5:i Pair of 169 hp Scripps, sroi;i: tlxturee:, p rac. new, wall wa.aher that hu the agitator ~L. dittct drive, fine condi- REPAIRING d cu ... coUJ1t••11. mll!C. All have and hea<lo the "CONSUMERS lion. call be d•mo .. tzated. an a<ljWttable ah•ln•. Barpin. Coll GUIDE.'' It'o J\at llk• new. SOUTH COAST co. p AINTING owner, Beacon &900. 47<:e2 B&l&nce due la $158.2e. CUii or R-..on.able. Larre OT tmaIJ Jobs. JUNIOR BICYCLJI:. 20 Inch atu:, take payment.a of $14.51 per mo. Nl!wpod Blvd. at 23rd Har. 2600 !13tfc Missionary Group Frft utlmate& Walker, 108 18th $20. Ph. Beacon 518T·R ~2<5'. Paid over $320 tor lt new. s .. St.. Nwpt. Beacb. Har. 2381-R at 4°" So. Spadra, Fullerton. SAIL BOAT for aale. ~nlpe No. Guests On Magnol.la Compi.te lnrtallaUon, repair and Phone 21 02. 02cM <2ll, complete with aau., oand .. nice of all trail•• equlpment. HAULING SEE dolly, etc. $3.50. Boy baa l'ODe The Women'• Mlulonaey Socl· · ORANGE COAST . to war. See at 1104 W. Bal- •ty of the Newport Harbor Luth· Any ldnd. truh or! WALKJ:R. TRAIL~ SUPPLY Necchi and Adler Blvd., SaL • Sun. Mp58 MpM -'6-Bmlnees !>mmudU.. • CAP'E AND GAS STATION tor leue. Fully equipped. Nice fer couple. Adjolru! trailer park on buay Cout Highway, Newport Beacll. S.. Mn. Hunt, 720< Cout Highway . 53cM • fl-Stores ud Of&e8 OFFICE SPACE, 12x20, dOwn· at.airs location, comer of Palrn. & E . B&.lboA Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 2821. -Htlcs 42-Wuted to Bent WANT 2 • 3 bdrm. houae, turd. or 1emi., encl. yard, gd. hf'at. View. Nr. ~ach, CDM. Yearly. \eue, S100 mo. SepL l~ or! Harbor O:S79·W. !13p5S ;~:ClA~SIJlll> PENT HOU~E and 3 rm. d>ttacu. On Colllrui blan~ Each &pt. hu water frontage. Aecom. t . We.t end Park A•e., Balboa hland. Harbor 21!e2·W. 40pM Bay Front Lido Isle -1 and 2 bdrm unit& 'July, $59.60 up. Au1. $90. wk. For ~aervation. Bar, 2552 eYet Hu. 2914-M. 50tfa AVA.ILA.BLE Aue . i.t. Modent 2 bdnn ·tmturn. home. Fully car- peted. Yearly rental Balboa Pe- Dlllaula. Harbor &Ol·J. 61c53' RENTAL r SPECIALISTS •ran church met rec..nUy at the 168-llth SL, Newport. R 2581 -R ~ ' IS n OLD TOWN CANOE lik bome ot x ... Cbatlff Hotl'ard. 2!!0 u10 HARBOR BLVD. ! Sewing Machines 1 • • .-, Clll -Clols . , ~ otl , , ~-Bud-N paoNJ: a...... 1111 to place new. Compl•te wtth paddl... L' · d v,· k Rlto -a.gn a •!'ff • .-.-. ew-Coeta Mua. Phone Beacon •::U.-R AT b&ck rest and Cuahiona. Verv mWOO JC 1 . r. man acted aa oo-hollteea: Mra. K. your want ad on Ud.I ...,._ n ._ nn.n • -,, ..... -~ . .,__ -....... _._.,. L. Qua!T)', J>!'oldint, conducted JOHNSQN Se&boue, a IL p.-&x <MVW>VR .YARDAGE rtlM>llabte. 2U3 But B&l-llllboa ..........: ~. -- ti>• bu.,,,_ m~•·•. A niim'"• l' n.~-i. air vacuum ·cleaner, -old. II E. Ullo St., Coot& llH& B(vd., Ba!OO,. -,lT~~~ _, --........ U'I;' .,...._..~_,~ . _,......, DAVI: you aee Ule newat JDcderW ot project& we,.. -·a &nd a y...,.. or colo!'od' Ila-. ........,h 'tee3 • 'flm\lllled-. , moetlrir wu ptAnud 'for tutuN Aloc>bollo .lDoaymaial bllquo, I old prlnte. !hlp IM4· • I>UDERll 19 BAlLBf}A'l', No.~1,.. · -n In to""'-ClreJoo or a Writ& P. O. lJox M •IL CODector'a lWDL llan7 odd 'Sl:l.L, A.T ONCJ!:-2 pc. Hu motol' well. lilCI ta COID· Ch, ri15 • De&p A'j>ta.? L&dlt9 Aid SodetJ. Blblo" rtud1 ... -11lelM\ -e,nr. and ..... Private party mcmnc. OKl!oMI, clm>ma dinette let, plet<ly eqalppOd. -TINt ·--_,. •. lntrod~ rateo'ttx' waa ,_ b1 Kn. Quarry, ~ lllm'-"1 ~ llC> dMlon.. ~ Bar. tetlJ,1. J'l'jgldaltt, (Y<Keofo • lllrritt -1'9 ;YI& .udo Nord, Jnly, -" per -1<. 4ll uWltl• ~ p...mt .,... -.... Al • • S3cllG = .1:'t.,.~.,;;:~·..::-U4o Ialt. Bar, Ul&-'f· jap8I ,us.~ rat.M: poi ,.az. =. ~·=rl~;..1!"~ 18 !lllN .. II W.riit tr01\ IALS -'C.UmU., -_ llpll GOOD_ 80t!Nl> 1• ft. f!ll!lq -UN 0 ~~.::;;-~ - -. ....... '•-Omep DU. ..i.,... wl$ll ML wttb 'almoot ..,, f ' eyL On)' · . ----,......., .....,_ nN'I: DIONINO wlD eall l!or -W.,_ck -. la parfKt _.. I'!!!!!rft A. O.LY .. pc. -,.....u;. -·at 4iacriflce price. -.• 4kM rlblp. Olltfoo;4 "-. K--· CllrtAlu. dltlaa. a1oc> ----, dl!Dr."'!'-.oet.-. "''°' nt-!Ii'! lii'a . .t.ealf ~ tt"at 2111----L..a--------~· ~~~-:,.. ai;::; -. - • or .-..: -.... 1ro11or ~ ~,.. --. --.· •n1. mi JldiWnls, .. Dol!a ~ ,..._ • <>aPeninaul& Pomt ~a • J6s, WI I• ~IW.... q IJW1+&t, 91Ji, ........ ~. .,,ua.,_'MlllL 'Udei • WY ~ a wn... --· -----Haa.•-•--. n-.w , ~ -. , ,·' U.-T.DDIGllY __ ..-., -J•'-,..., .-.. • « -. -. taa --ii* , 41... . . Jrl:'W ~-AWAY"llill>. filli .-... oal..; ...,.~ .ALllO ~ _,,__y ..W. -... '°""' r·r. -. ~ -1' i111.,. """"'&I -. •• ....... "',Ill. -,. ft.. (-t -,.w1••Ud. ::::!: ao1'"""'0 11f••no ,=: eoUee.,. ......... -'nst111 "Alt'.r .. T&\C~O· W~CN&S.-.. Ip amt, ...... ,,,, ··-., JR WJ. .... aw -e·r ad,~ ... Var. ----.:..w -SS,~~ •AA"• aoL • • raQ'S. F. ·-• acllt-W ~-W.W.) a JZ • .. ..,,,,._, ---.-....-• ·--·- (lol .. ~~-r;-~u;; Clll l'E 1 ......... ll1lt ... .. 1"'8 -••m:ruL Mt. .......... ., I ... f • £. ao 0 r ... .\<I 'lo Ille ci:.-17 • 1 ---~ /'llllEll ... , t MJ j I SJ&.. I r•e Jq:WL~ ~I.Ii II ....... .. "'c'al;,la -If' d ~ w'8 :;,,_ 111.... .... ... ,... ~~" llf..., I ----. "_,,. - '-Oil :t .;,: .. •'I''.. -:g-:-:...a::.:1~: Ef ,-nr·,~-:-:.:-i: =-~i::.~~~ ;:. .. :·a:-.::r.·.:: Cli.+MiilW> ,.,_ = '-liPf. IMilll • • • I • • • lljjll . 91 -1111•& .... -. . .. ' .. .. . . . 1 ' l • . j • I I , I ' • ' ~ • ' • • • • I . • . _, • ' • • • ~ . • • • • iM .iNY .CHOl 'i:l · ,SElEt.Tl .ONS OF Rfl'l. ESTITJ.:· l .ISTED , ;IH. ~THIS ,$fCT ,~ON ·~i.;t:::.-.::::.' • ~ ......................................................... mi ...................................... ,.. ................. ~ ..... ~ ........ -.i ... -. ........................................ mill ............... ... -"" .............. • ... ,.....,.. ! -• .. .. • ' . " ' - • BLANCHE -A.. GATES, Realtor . -L. C. JONES J. KARTIH • 311 Marine Ave., Ball¥>& Isla•d ;, Ph. Bar. 1871 or 1872 Ey& Harbor 741,.M , BALBOA ISLAND $10,750 -FULL PRICE. 2 bdnn. funll'8ed bome. Double garage. Burry! $2',500 -INCOME. Chum.Ing 2 bdnn. llome plua . 1 bdrm.· apt. Dbl garap ud guMt roobi Uld bath. ,\bout 3 yn. old. Attractively fllrnlalitd. Near North Beach. • $20,000 -$5,500 down. Lovely 2 bdrm. home. $3100-CASH PLUS -.u.ao .,... monlll ....,. tlll• &ttftctt•e new btacll lwmlt:, ~ -on• block tJoom the bMt °'*" ttont boech. Two -de..,. nvm. ,_,. w\111 lnalde J')anter, Jarp: w •rd rob•• and extra ·~· !t&ll -· car port. A llx weeka -- m>"'1 abOUld -tho n:AJl8 '"""' ... ta. 4loo &ll -u.et p.,.,.tj tor ~ Cll' 11••· lloa. ll'uJI prlct ,__ • ' $4950 Dn, Lido hle . ...... .. 4 ' Rustic Ranch Type --. $7,950 Tllla chormlD,J I --It 1 :rMr old and pretty ... pletlqe. Bu -llrldt ftnplo<e. Loip -- -.. 5T x)w tot ta Nww..,.t BclPI.\ ana. · o,,q IWO down. Tllla pi;tc. c.<NT JI& ll&ATI .. Rustic ~ch Type -~wport Height.I -.... at~ I bdrma-. _, .ip,-. ~ looetWa ~ ..... tom '] ... ~ ta .• ruSle: ~ -In ... 114JPt& ll0,9110 • -. . 3 Bedroom Home -:-$11,500 New a.od b<ouWlal. 1100 aq. ft. -~dwd. -~ .,.._ P1uo bn•'lrfut ..-: Cllotc.j locatlOn arl _,, eootall---I • ' New J bdrm bon>e, 11 tt. U.U.C • room with ftreplaet, bu--type • kitchen, dinette, z bdnna. pa. 3 Bedroom Home :..._ $11,950 . td la tub, private patio, a,.,. • Patio, plus atudio apt. ga.r. Comp. and attr. film. $52.500 -8 unit apartment houae. Comp. furn ... excellent income. Priced for quick eale. Let 1UI ahow you thia unusually rood buy. I:<-< 1arage. Full pnce ,Ul,TBO. One block to hlP ocMol Ill Nowport Belpta. Bn.nd Iii new, but hatd'wood. .J'laptone flf'eplatt. i..r,. plate BayShor~s Bay View ·--..... taciD,J ,.11o. r . a. "-- ' • $68,500 -One of the moat beautiful hou.e on the Ialand. Comer location. 80' frontage on Bay. Pier, float and slip. Unusually fge. living room, ol bdnns., 3 baths, plus maid's room and bath, 1howers and dressing rooms, pati08, ol garage11. Truly a l)ome for the moat diacrimin&ting. LlTTLE ISLAND. A honey of a home for a fam· fly. 5 bdrms., 3 baths. charm. furnished. $30,000. Will consider trade for Santa Ana or · Loa An· ~eles area income. COSTA MESA We-have some excellent acreage priced right on Santa Ana ~ ve., between 22nd and 23rd Sta. Call us for further information. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR 61-Real Estate Exchange LONG BEACH -2 bouaes, home and Income, cJer;r. Will trade for equal value, Ha.rbor &re&. Pbone Harbor oses.w. «p37 DelWEe 3 bdrm. 2 Nth bom•' BEACON lilLL REALTY BeautltUl view ot bay trom llv-•M Newport Blvd. (&bove Arche•), Ph. a 671S-R or Ewa. B. 5832-W Ing and dininc room.a. OUUt.and- fnl' noor plan and but con1t.ruc· ·· - tion. Really one <II. tJ\e nicer · hQme9 In Bay Shoree. Price '25,000. GllEBNLEAJ' A ASSOC. Bun.DER -REALTOR 3111 Newport Blvd .. Harbor 21152 Coota Mesa The Best Town on Et.rth Attn. Carpenters ' Very nice 2 bdrm. home wtlb ftrepla.ce, good location on Eut Skle. Tb.la home ll about ~ completed. lt.a your. it' you want to finish It for only "6960. Term. 1f you need them. 4rge 2 bdrm. Home and 2 bdrm. renW ON WATERFRONT SS\&ll home with pier and alip. Not new, but newly painted. Nice terrace overlookLnc water, p.rden. and ruaca. s1s.roo. · CHOICE INCO~E Near My, tcltoola. churchea, transportation, Upper and k>wer duplex &nd addlUonal 'bdrm and bath 1tt1.cW to ,......,._ Suadff.k.. OwMr IH.vlng atate and mu.It NU. "*lueod to '22.600. BALBOA PENINSULA Exclusive area of yar-round reaidenta. 2 BR. nicely tumJahed, patJo, pr&l'e --···········-.113,000 2 <BR. 10 moa., fUmiahed, IC•· ~•I'• ···-··-········$13,200 S BR. very nice, rood .treet. altractiwi _ ............. $11,000 2 BR, new, never oecupl.t Ne&r bay ····-·-··..:.·-···'15,M>O S Bil, under conltruetio1L CMoM tlniU. -···-···--·119,500 I BR, add. bdrm. ud bath. Leo· p&tlo .......... ,. .. '21,500 .... ,.,.. .. I "MAGIC 'YVORDS" B q WE -N-ber ONE ot 111\agic wordJi ....:.. The mo.t Jif9Cioua cl. ALL words. I ¥other ·JDl&lc word i.- NOW-"NOW-NOW Al-1 • •Y• ,..._.,ber THERE IS ' NO tTl'BER TIME but NOW. Live NOW - Enjoy life NOW -~ Act NOW. U yw Act' NOW on LIDO IaLli )'OU will .. -iDdeed. U yo'u do not Ac:r NOW you wtll be amonir the number that wtll be aaytnr "I remember when." BUY NOW while price• .,,. -· Th1nk ot buying Ill· 11~ lot.a on LIDO ISIJC for u little .. no per t'l"ont foot and .. wtt:h. euy terma. The law ot Wpply and d e m • n d llllould ~ly lncreue the •alue ot ALL Iota cm LIDO ISLE. We have mome excellent waterfront lot.a, alao a few income attu lt\at can be bousht RIGHT. A.LllO on LIDO ISLI: eeveral BR.AND N}!!W home11 2, 3, or ' bednn pl.cea to f it your need.a .nd ptµ°ae. If you want a ~ then come to . headquarters.. Yes, we are Vie DEVELOPERS ot LIDO ISLE wbef.e a. little buyw a LOT. It will PAT TOU to' aeti us. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED · 3333 Via Udo Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 In Corona del Mar .......... BUY OF 1'llE WEEK • $1800 DOWN . Very llloe S bdrm home. Ollly 1 :yr, old. ~ floors, tile doµble a1nk. G~ tub 'IJlll ahoww, di!ting room,-larp wardrobe clo.eta, A"' qe. Eacellent rocatlon, near. high acllool. Pay- mmta are only $56 mo. inclUding tax.ea Jnd ln.ur. 'Why rent-Don~t forget 'your tan. and ~ are deductible from your Income tai. !'ull price $9750 $2000DOWN Brand new one bedroom home with a 2-car gar- age. You must see t1tia for the money. Near mar- ket. Full price ia only $5:500 PHIL SULLIVAN C. GALEN DENISON G. T, EVERSON Newport Blvd. Coota Phone Beacon 6698 or Bea~n M58-J SHINGLE SHACK (Don't let the name throw you) It'• art:iatic&lly rustic exterior blend.a lnto the deep ttllled 11~ 6: dining &tu With It• hewn nftera. clJpped: cel.l- tns, ra.laed hearth, wei.thered brick firepl.ac. end fluff nll' carpeting, decoi"&ied last year throughodt. 2 bdrma. {not spacloua but neat) 1 l;t batha, tarp knotty phi• .blll\k nn and pullman-type kitc!wn with breakfut &reL It'• dooe ln antiques and they really nt but not ln· eluded at the $18,960 price. but Included la C..rpetinr, drape.a, frlgidalre, ranse, bees. bunk bedl and bed- 11pread (they match the drape•). ' For .,meone who wa.nU a.a. artlatlc out ot UM o1'dtnU7 BALBOA ISLAND HOME. An open linlnl' wek!oma. 111 Collina. atop by any attemoon 3 to e p.m. SScM !l-A~t. ud Ho,_ LIDO -ISLE "LET'S TRADE" Thia place mu.at be aold a.nd quick, eo if you have the cuh th1a ta the ba.rpin you've bffn wal~ for. Look tht. one crru and Mlbmlt a.n otter. 'BAY AND BEACH REALTY 1'60 B&lbot. BlTd. Harbor 126' Ethel Shirley . J . M. Miiier Gloden J"ay . FT&nk Everett New S bdrm. home. Forced a.Ir 1----------------------- It 7ou want a rental on lovely UDO ISLE .ee ua. Several good homin available. 4lao apart.. menu by 'Week or month. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED UU Via Lido ~ UOO lStfc HA VE $H,OOO equity Jn 2 turn. -feood rutala) Balbo& Boulevard. Will trade for 3 bdrm, home, Har- bor area. Will aawne. Phone Harbor 2~-M evenings. 50pM VIEW HOME ONE BLK. a'\ove Suneet Blvd., W . Well Built 2 B. R. HOKE on Weat Side. N~a a good cleaning. Price ft.17~ and euy terma. Very Small 1 bdrm. home, turniahtd, nice lot. price $3100. Balboa Island's Most Outstandin~ BAYFRONT VALUE! ! ! lT IS NOW DIP08SJBLi'! '° dup11cat. thl• luxurious hom.--6 bdi9Y, I richly Wild baU.., .,...an.ta quarter•. two •pacioua paMo., I-car 1an.ee. l'1nut conetrvcilon oa. cHtc. COl9el' wtth to ft.. ca ~ bey. J'in.e Muh. u......,,.---Pr!.... -oa4 'I It. aUp aoat . hee.t, dbt. gar&g'e. Excellent la. cation, $lf,MO. NICE 2 BDRM S'MJCCO. V@tle- tia.n blinds and drape• ll!lclud- ~· Payments only $65 per mo., Including 4 % int.. taxea and irulur&ncf'. Priced for quick ale at $10,MO. Cliff Haven 3 BDRM: ranch type home wired SWEEPING VIEW OCEAN & HILLS, Corona de! Mar. Chum.Ing amall hillside home. Patio and amall garden. Nie. ly furnished, ·ready to move right• in. Priced tor action. $13,250. W. A.. TOBIAS • lalea LINWOOD VICK, Realtor ' .BALBOA ISLAND ROUlll and .ApU., yee.rly or .u- aon&L See G&ll Camey, wt~ --NELDA GIBSON HoUywood. 1 •tory mod. French Pf'OT., ~ Br. Ir: den; 2~ yn. old, 3000 •q. ft., l lf tt. front level lot. Trade for older bay1hor-e res. or Inc. w1.th pier. Owner, 1374 Belfast Dr., L. A. f6, DU. 7 -~H. CR. G-9~H. 63p66 Down Payment $1000 ALSO eeveral tood G. I.· Re-. a&lea (2 It 3 bdrm.) and many choice building Iota. Prlet ..... t•rma. W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park I.-at -Balbo& W- tor electric range, heavy ah&.ke ~ rqof. Many other fe&ture•. Dbl p.r&g'tl 011 l&rp lot. a cha.ml- 1ftl' home, ONLY $15,500. 312 Illume Ave., Balboa Island · Harbor ~ DON'T READ THIS, &.-:hll w; E . FISHER, Rltr. :ri,,.;e Smith, Rltr., ..u.oc. tll-OOAST Blvd., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor J4f3 ~ESTATE ... -.. Balbo& lal. Har. llM 57-Real Eata&e w .. w G N 'T""T T"' Rlt CLIFF HAVEN Glltfe>---------I .. ••~, r. _smoo:R ____ REN_rr_AL _____ u_tt_!UI w Al>'T TQ BUY FROM OWNER .. .A.aoci&tes ' * * * Bnra .,.. .. i;. * * * 2 or 3 bedroom home an Bolbo& , 17"" 'Ne-11.J · •· ' '" •' ' S bdrm., 2\j, bath home at b<ach PeniDMlla or Jn Corona dd Mar. .., -,..... •u. 2 3 ,,__._ .. Jn Coro ... del Kar. Availahle lleuonable lerm.L -... ea.ta Mell&. Ph. Bea. 5111 new uu.i·w. .. o ... tram A.us. l•t -~pt. 15th by poeeeaion by August 31.at. J»h. Jl..2 ~ J'\nplMN w.ek .or moal.b.. I>&ily m&id. Beacon 4108-J. UcM aenke. 214 IN Ave., Corona del Mar. Call Harbor 1037 or 1'&rbor 1596-R tor a.ppt. 51 c" UNPIJllNISsb> -Corona del Ma.r. J be&Utitul new apt&. N"ar water, garbage dllpoaala, vene- tian blind.a, water pd. Yearly leaw. 2 bdrm, $100 per month. l b(lrm., $75 per month. Harbor 1171. ..~7 NJCICL T Funf.iahed. 2 bdrm. home on b&yfront; priv. bea.c.h. Avail- • .. able bl ~pt. at $100 week. 918 :£. Balboa Blvd,, Balboa. Har- bor 1302-J. ~2cM ' TWO RM. turnlshed boUK ln love- ly court. Refrt~rator, hot watu. Court facilities included. A.c!Ulta. 1741 Pomona. Costa ',IJeu.. Phone Beacon 874.7-J. "' f2cM ~BED house. 1 bdrm and aleeplng porch, SM me. yrly.' • 1172 Plac<nU.. Costa Kesa. Be. -l?ll·ll. 6lc63 JURNISBED BOUSE a.ccom. 4, ~ t'OI' mooth of August thru ' t.bor Day. Utll. paid. Key at 117 -3Sth St., Newport Beach, Ba.Hor 691-\\'. 53c55 OOR.0.NA. DEL MAR-Completely 1> tumiahed 1 bdrm. home on cor. Lave.ly fenced in patio. Lot. ot flowers. Ju.t like a doll bouae . • • Couple only. No peta. $75 mo. Clft year le&M. Reference•. Ph. , Barbor 2281. Mc~ • '' lk'MW for :a..t ~ .llOOll lD prtrate Mm• for ambulatory penoo. .. 11111 Whlr.tlu .An., ~Ii­ •• 8stc• .511W. Nc04 .. 55--Honey to Lou LOANS For Hoines 6?'o-20 yr. Regular Loan. CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 5--5%90 (14. yr1.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SA 'M'Lli:R 14115 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mu Harbor 1077-J Rop. POIRIER KOS.TGAGE CO. Ketro Life ID.a. Fwida KI l~l~ .ONLY AT Corona Highlands r' Ocean view ./ 60 ft. or ~ trontace r All utilitiea (ao •m111 mental r' Convenient location r Overlooltia1 Newport Harbor r Private Beach r PRICED TO SEU.. ONLY AFEW LOANS TO BUILD, lllPROW, BUT, KODl!:llNlzm. OR REFINANCE W• Buy Trust ~ BOMESITES LEFT NEWPORT BALBOA n:DERAL MODEL HOMES TO SHOW B.AVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 1333 Via Lido ""-Har. UGO A&tive. • TRACT OFFICE I • ' . \ Deli'ile pn.c• 41itarb.._ 2221 cia, st. ud 22215 (]q It. • $14.,000 each · .A.tv..!tiY• T..- ·--..,. aptcHn 11 t Call B. Cai.ru, Hu. 1119-J Courteoy to broke,.. •• SOME;THING NICE IN .A LOT -- W• loa .. a -uUtuJ -. Ult' tt. l·-4\a--::,....._,-,,,,-led-o_do_on--,_--bf-f_ol_lb_ wt.de by 14.0 tt. deep, MU. trMI ~ are-Joolrinl' to bu.J'. alreody plonted aa4 fl'O'l'hlc· 1------------I 0.. .W. • reM' redwood fmc· l'Oll SALJI: BT OWNER-New I M. OD a qWet, pawd .tnet ol.. bedroom 1'101m.e, Lido hie. Ccw- lonly new llomea, •ear t.o the ner Onieto and Lldo Nord. 11Jcb od>ool, Cool& -..... Hl,500. Phone Harbor 1'1'29-W. "' '1IOO, urmo. Md!f On UtUe.•Mtoa hlMd. •• Jl&ft a Bice corn.-r lot, we btlleve U1e -.17 Oil• &vail•We Wday • .lo. ~ -. Could appeol 1'I ....., -" ......_ Pm•rl'AI' ...w: .. ~ J. A.. BEEK office --· --Joieltd ... ...., ' ' . COTTAGE J bdrma, hwd. ftoora, ft.replace, P<bag• ~ mqy eupbda, ~ &Ingle prar, all . lu4- •caped. .ukmg $11,900. DUPLKX-1 bdrm. 111 each apt. Otte apt. newly decorated reaQy tot oeeupe.ncy. Very cood ioe. ti-. Hand;r lo ...._. ,,l,l>GO. • Unless You're Prepared to Buy ONE of the BEST medium pri-Oed home.a on BaJ. boa Island. Cl0&e to bay on a fine street. Beauti. fully deaigned and well built. Politivelyone of our flDellt buya. See it today! STANLEY HADF'IELD, Realtor 211 KJJUNJI:, BALl!OA ISLAND HARBOR 20 'Today's Best Buy SHORE CLIFFS Reduced to sen! · Lovely 1 B. R. Quiet Eut Side location, mn.aJI lot, larl'e room.I, lot. of tile . .A.-1 coutructlOll. Ou.11 '57l!O, $1360 down, $:w> Pt'!' mo. I W.. -. oa 111<ce lot. Oon· fttlient to 1Macbea. l'Ully Jud- ~ w .. s:n,l!OO--SACRIFICE 2 B. R. Ocean View Now Only $19,995· llultJpto LlatlD,J No. 1881 ·an Home and B~ness for Leaae • _ Home Oil quiet Weat Skit, larp lot, only $8950li Trade equity foP sood. lot, haetrailer, O!' oa l&rf9 home anywhere in county. WUJ 1>&1 $1000 eaall plUo "'1Ull7. New 2 B . R. B.A.NERESON OPll:N EV!lNINGB llRA " Npt. Harbor Jlultlple Llrtlns Realtor f • 18112 N•wport Blvd., eoot. - .__nHlll Sell, Swap or .Trade • • I • • - • • •' \100 MA1te:l1 With SALLIE . "Come on-<a IDJ' ho- . • • my·y hoUBe • • . rm gonna ~e-a you candy • • . Come on-<a 'Illy house • • . my-y house . . . I'm gomaa ~· you ... apple-a • . • a plum-a • . . a aprl- eot too ... " S....Oyu and Bagdaoarian wrote It ID 1939 . . . but It took Roae- m a r y Clooney'• obaglng twelTI! ye&n1 later to put It over . . . Well If she ean o.U 300,000 eoples of a M>ng in ieM than a month . . • she outta be able to lure a few more i • e k e r • of perfection In pe..,h.,. . . .and-a Jtl'llpeB . . . and a nectarine . . . and a Crenshaw Melon too •.. Into Al's lair ... "Lov: er'A Lo~" she calM '«m . . . Thett'• somethlnr; about a piett 0C Crenshaw Melon for breskfut .that soothes th• savage beut. The only ironical part of this little deal' is the fact that Al never gives nobody nuthin' ... Said I to Al one morning . . . He was filling one of his cases with luscious peaches while I stood watch- ing with my gastric juices flowing so hard I thought I was gonna drown, "I haven't had a decent peach this '' "W II 'ust vear. . . . e you J oat this . . . & better peach vou've never tasted !., He took one out of a box of bruised ones he was gonna throw out ... No bruises for the customer, you under- stand ... Well I enjoyed the unbruised side . . . All the Powers That lie as far M cuisine is eon- ttmed say that cucumber11 are a perfect complement to fish . . . This being ouch a flah-lovln~ section of the county It _.... flttlnir; to mention lemon cocnmben • • • 0 1 can't eat c~um· ber11 l" about ilO percellt of you My. "Yoa can too • . • eat lemon cueamben , • • they'ro llOD • acid!" I learned the secret . ot wormlesa corn on the cob the · other day . . . II you put a drop o( a certain aomething (be wouldn't teU me what) . . . in the tip end of each ear at just the right time ... it scares the worms awav . . _ Quite a little chore ·1 ghould say ... on the part of the grower . . . It's a shame you don't see those ears when they're brought in each morning from out Har- bor Boulevard way . . . the leni:th of them! I couldn't believe it! Some of the ears were at least 16 inches long . . '. Why even after AJ gets through whittling them down . . . some have a good 8 to 10 inches of perfect golden kernels left to munch on ... Recipe for Pink Heaven •.. Is muhed Elmer'• Best (atrawberries) mixed with whlpped cream ..• pilMllD .• a baked pie sheU •.• Since the beginning of the •~W· herry seaoon I've been try· In,; to manufacture a ir;ood poem about Elmer's Best ... bot the only thing that comes to mind Is the "Golden Brew of the Gold· en West" . . . Altes Beer . • . . Liquor Department. •• Jam makers take note . . . It's the right time tor Sat· auma PIW118 and Red Rasp. berries •.. . U'1 jut a vicious circle . : . It takes alI employees working atMdlly to • tab t b e neetarinea, apricots, pears. g T a p e S , plums, apples aad peaches out of the lag boxes and place them d-l'advely In the &bow .._ • • • AA fast as they get them ftlled up ... M!ekePa of &op q l>'a H t y "Lover's Lazes" .•. d.,.fill thMn. • • , Of courae the a,uwer to &top maldn« the fnlt-tM Middle llJUI would • to pnt . the lug """ ... riglat la the sh ow ..- ••• Bat a tW -1 JOG mlPt get • bnlwl -. Wq .r atloer ••• tJla Y• - ,.....wt '-c--to Al'• ....... • • • .to pt.a . : . ,,.+ ........ & ...,.... ....... .....,.., ..... toe ....... everf• ·=~~ce · De~t at . JUcbard'• Lido Jlarlret la fOU:I: rendeswUa for prdeD qUlty fruit& . • . • • • • I -. '"" I ). • . ' ... \ . "' • ~-ftl\r .· o~alily •••.• I ' . . " . ' . r ~ ........ • BIT OP' IS•d A1'il'NUAL CALIFOB:zri-."IA GIPT SHOW ' STRIOTLY FRESH -SMALL -GRADS A _ Featuri!HJ Mannings U. S. Gov't. G,.clH Cllolce l11f Finest ... , Obtainable Holy Cow PMj of My H~ ForC)9t Me Not LOCAL .EGGS ·---·-· .. ·---·-·-· .. · .. ·-·-·-.. --.. -39' SALAD BOWL QUALITY · MAYONNAISE ...... _ .. ,.. 34' ........... ....,. 59' lriclgford'1 Sw1etfleart 'BA· WBOU: OB RALF, LB. . MA.""m'XOS CHt10K BLADE or <IHUCK. ARK I).. BEEF POT ROAST 67c MAN"INGS BEEF SHORT RIBS ......... J~ 39c l:. 8. GRADED GOOD or CHOICE LEGO LAMB ... u.. 95c LARGE LOl"X LAMB CHOPS ___ "'· 95e: 8\VllTS oittoLE SLICED BACON ""49c · Fn•la Plcd•ce---~ . Dellcale••••~lll!llmnllnnn:lll • • --'--~ . .. _.......... h .. llA.R--B-Q '-.-.~ l • I I .. SANDWICH SPREAD ~., 2fc BUNSTEIN ROQUEFORT BLtTP.: CHEESE DRESSING ~i& 6tc IJllJ'ORTltD UNOX B&A?oo'D llONELE811 . COOKED HAM .. ~.:.--6.50 UIPORTED BOLIA.'iD ASSORTED BISCUITS 1scs OREAJIT CHEDDAR CHEESE ___ .. 4tc. LUl')11'8 QUALITY , -• _ .' . . SKINLESS FRANKS .. ~, 5!°'. ~· . . . ' stou :wouas: . -Wl:lm ~ (0:. ,(~) .,..,..._ .... .. ... ....... .. ... • ' ll1UDoU' -l'.uliLY Nll'JI . ......... .. ,. 81JKDAU • ' t•A. II.._'* Pr ll. · ,. • . . . We S 1na ta.I Jtapt--fit·u.tt .. II'? -- ~ (AJI •m•ts . R e'flMell f• ..... F l()li:ct . .. "*"!' -_, . MILAN I'S SALE ~':'L ~~·~·--····-······· 23 ¢ !"! l~~.~SD···· -...... 21 ' O!JILIO SPREAD 29 + I -. ··--· ····-·······-····-···· . GOLD CR.EST YE.U.OW, lb. pk1. MEZZANINE - IV~~:e 8~~~---···-·····-··· 27 ¢ I\~~~~~---.. ······-··· u ; TIDE 27¢ l.Arll'l ···········-····-··· .. ·•···· DRl'JFT 27¢ ~r,.e -·········-···········-··· Dl'Z 27¢ LarJfl ......... ·---······-··· OXVDOL 27¢ l.arp. ···········--········--····· IOY LIQUID 32¢ I OL ···············-·-············ "~~...:A·-·-·-------··-2119' C"..~: ~1.'!AR ······ 3/25¢ SP:.C:.t!!J~p ~-~·-···--···-······· 25 f HEMET LAKOE SIZE OREL"/ RIPE OLIVES ............ ---·-·--.......... No. l tall 25 ' FARLY CALIF. · SLICED OLIVES --.. -... -... -......... .%~ ... 2119' {l ~'DERWOOD I DEVILED HAM ................. ·--·-·-. .JI< ... 19• CtRCll8 SAL TED COCKTAIL ·PEANUTS ....... -........... A•L29t §l'NSll.Uii~ . · BUTTER COOKIES ·----......... lOOLpk•-29' C.,MPFIRE FLUFFY MARSHMALLOWS -----................. ,.,. pkir. 33' OOUMAXS TBn; CHOCOLATE ' PEPPERMINTS .................................. 19'. Tn Tlm~ Pe.111nut MAlLO\VS 12 oz. bag 25; • Milk A..mpUtier BOSCO ___________ , __ 12 o•. 27; Rf't'ml>Prto Al. Margarine. 23• OLIVE OIL ---·-~pt. '9; Stalfoy'" 8ta-F1o IJquld STARCH ________ .. _,, ___ qt. 19; Bl•hlc RAIN DllOPS U M. !5; -Aal MUSTAID ~_..;fr"-" _), ..... ..,A. .. .................. = ll~ / 'i'EE72· CLEANllD --·-,,,_, ow O.tell Cl4UllJD ----111 ;.z~ (lLUllfD ... -- leech-Nut STIIAINED NeDI . l J.n 29¢ W• r1a11111 9-dl-Nvt C.---,Cude. ll'• l\el~ ..... tin GRAPEADE ' POST 5' OFFER 1-ll<plar Small SIM> POllT TOA8Tl:r:8 le wttll ~ oll~Sl- ~!.,;:>~:n'."' .. _,,',, 26' -·-IU 11 ER .. ~-............................. : ___ _._-.. 74' -lltolrelJ' P1Dfft APPLE SAUCE .................................... 11 OL -2/25¢ H P 0 hre u .. weetened GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ................................... 19' H'U.llt'• TOMATO SAUCE .................................. IOL 3/19¢ HN~ 0 of Calif. All O~n {)enter Cuta ASPARAGUS .. : ................................................ .N~.i ... 19' 0e ••• .,,. .. PORK & BEANS ................................ .No. Zl-) can 19¢ Batth Creek BRAN & FIG FLAKES ....... -............. 10 OL 25+- !!o~ ... TOILET TJSSUE .. _ ................................... .ro11 2125¢ MARLO 1' SALE Re9ul1r 68# V•lu1 Sp1n·i1h Rice Dinn•r I# with Meet hlls ancf Gravy com bi-• nation pkg •••• 49c Marlo Sp&Kbettl. ud 15J/1 OL MEAT BALLS 25 t All Breed• Dor !'fo. 't can FOOD .. --·-·-3/2J + Patd Dor No. 1 .... FOOD ................ 2129' Riviera Clllckem or Beet 1 TA.MALES RA VIOLA :' .. 10' llalrery .l'Jreafs l'ro••• room mmalll!llm~lll!I • l'llUll8DAY • BIJIDSl'JYE .FJlE8R FROZEN I . CUT CORN ______ ! ...................... : 1 SC " BUtq!EYJ:.fllOZEN -· 110 ,., WHOLE WHEAT BREAD . HONEY FRUIT IAR$ FRENCH FRIES........ ...: ltc • . frliii(fi~:UAF ;_ ___ ....... :.!. 17c , .. ··~ -. ~ LIBBY CJC).~~ - 'ORANGE :JUICE~-_! ltc , .. · ... ,"~~ .. . srif~Ei'.sour.._llNT 23c ~ flU(lS1) • . . ' . _ . ;·swJ,ERJllf~-----· ... !! 31c· l'O'li1'0 DINNER ROLLS ......... :. -& ~ .. 15t i&llll'. aUTl1Ca llNQ . CAKE ----·~ ................. -.. &S' FRIDAY • - • , ' l I .. •