HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-08 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• 'I • • ~ - I .... R .BAY HOUBI: WABKINO 8PJ:ClAUJ ALL THiii POLLY ~AJtEJ.1 ·1 I . I/I On" WECK AT -~ . ., • ON'ALL 11\ll'D( 8UlT8 AND OOTrON' ,DBl!l88Jl8 mm llWJ)( 8UlT8 AR!l Rt.GUI.AR STOCK GANT· NERS. AND A BIG VA.Rlrtt or DRES8E8 IN COTI'ON, Cfl•MBRAY, PLEISSll, BROADCLOTHS, PIQUJis, 8EER8UCKERS, rrc. SIZES t to 22 !> , • • All hlebW•ya'k&d tO PoU1 A_... JIU Newport Ave. HOSPITAL ISlXEMPT tN 'FREEZE·' '~ 'e'.,~ CHINA COVE LOT OWNERS ...... .,,. ..... ..__ onmp OU ACTION =. :".r ~ru-:: BRING : C RT TO 1--ttiioi' ol "81,lll,-• • • ' .. r • • ~-u~:r::: ~:.:OBTAIN BUILDING PERMIT ; '., ,._tJ In tllo -11 11·..-.t--. .. _ .... ~, f« lN0-61, ~.Mell -l'lnt -.,_ Ille Pl'OIJOll!d 1plln of the (;Jl)I or N......-;> o1 """"'7·-tax_ n.to WW ,.. .-11 to aequlN mcot of the p-Uy __,,t Iola In U.. Qdna Co.e la a atll,1·~ lny,'' UM W -lighted over U.. week end Whtn Kr . ..,4 Mn. Du.a.;.. ..0..l&Uon pointed out. ll'une -"t letlon fnlm the cOllrto to I...., t.It\.Clty to -. Th" l&llle llolda for tho tu bulldfl!S pern>lt. • • • • AND SHOPPING NIWS ____ z=p_., _____ _ --, -----nJBLlllllW AT 2111 BAIMA llOULEV~ NEWPOaT HA.CB, CALD'OSNIA. TIJLEPllONJ:: .llilllO& 111• • - Ooola -1 . llfl_lli t.nupen.11- Don't 1leep too Jlwe• 11•w. OOODNlGf"' "Wm:T PRJNCI:? But ere. ye e; 'JrRlf up tor the atcbt and bed younelf , to troUbled aleep on a mattreu ot corn husks coneider tbl1 - Carf.)'te'1 Fmalture bu a-No Nightmare Special ----. complete bedroom .et, beauutully 11nt.hed In silver fox P"-.Y! HudwOod Mr. &nd Kn. c.Mlta, modem bookeue headboard with TOODl tor a complete .et of the Rover Boye, an exct!:lll!!Dt mat,.. treaa, box aprtnra and bed frame. AU thta. .,.."~ a.nd budret terma tor llH complete. Other aleep but cuaranteed good at 11~ up. Night! Nl(b.t! tight! Olltyle'a. IMO Jlu'bor JUnt.. C.ta Mem. ~;:;:;:;:;:;::;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;::::;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;;;;:;:;;;:;:::~ IT ALL STARTED ONE DAY AT BREAK-; FAS'.1' WHEN I LOOKED AT FILBERT AND SAID, "I'VE GCYI' TO HA VE A NEW KJT- ' b CHEN FLOOR OR ELSE! Or @lee I'm gonna t. break my leg and all the china "'·are we po.ueu!" Filbert loolwd thotful for ""veral l'\. hour•. We were u.mr hi• mother'• Haviland V at the lime. The very next day we went to . our KentUe dealer. & Mr. Clarenef!I Pace , . . ~ '! who operate• a ama.U, dingy cave ln Co•ta '""V'"- B MARGO Meaa. Mr. Page .aid that Kentlle Asphr.lt ~ Y tile wu durable, decorative and decent. Mr. Pare offered to ln· , __________________ ...;._ _______ "lstaJ1 A.aphaJt tile in our 9x12 kitchen for S24 ." complete. Even ~tESDAMES ~ \\"HO AMONG YOU HAS NOT Jl"ELT TH!! 8URGE OF CREATIVE ABILITY PULSING AT YOUR FINGER- TIPS? Say wh~n you pre11 your trigger tlngl!r on a can of Redcli· whip crl!am for example? Here's &n ill!lPV&tion that wil1 Uft you to eftn grl"atl!r he.lght.&! The McDonald Paint Co. bu Plutlc-Kote .elf 1praying enahiel in 18 decoratl!r colon. This flnl! enamel In a pint can hu a trig~r spray attachment. Presto! You pu.h a.nd a tine 1pray or f'namel bf'autifully coata a table. shell. chair, cheat or cupboard! I believe thia to be the greatest invention for women 1lnce the two way stretch! Think of it, lovelies -this 1tuH 11 cheaper ths.n a good paint brush -and no atoop or strain involved! But the Plutic·Kote pt>Ople didn't •top here! Oh, no-- you can gl"t P1utlc Spray that you 1pray on u protection for paint- ing•, photographs. chrome and copper. And the Plastic·Kote tran .. pannt \'-2 (applied by brush or paint applicators! glve11 a gl031y, non-slip finish to woodwork. bar-tops, floor•, linoleum. a.ad ao on. 'Vhat will they think of next? Ladies, let us spray! McDonald Patac Store, 1171 Hacbor 81,·d., Co&ta Mew.. ~-fti'7M. YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE INVITED TO POLLY APPAREL WOMEN'S WEAR 1833 1''"EWPORT A VE. P'OR AN OPEN HOUSE CHILDREN'S SHOP COSTA MESA FRIDAY EVE A UGUST 10 6:30 • 9:30 p. m. The rt!:modeling la fin~bed and WI! are ready to IH!rYt: you aga.in with quality roerchandiae. Pleue: no ea.lee tonight-Just gt-t acqUainted and Sl!f' our linel. GILBERT AND LEAH BROWN NORA O'NEAL AND PATSY DWYER SO\VING SEEDS OF GLADNESS! THOSE LOVABLE BIRD·BRAINED BAKERS, Bob I:* Tom are scattering aeeda of 1WU11h.ine: on every· . • thin« at the Ne1'-port &ker;.,.-. Thl!lle two birda . have appan:nUy bHn .snitttng too many poppy ~ Heck They're planting suame and poppy •eedl on everythlng Jn aight ! Ob.-what will the h•M'Ht be'!' I confess that the ~ bread · with poppy atutt 1' overly delidoua. Speaking ot bread , •• th• cornmeal brea.d ma.ke1 dandy tout or dreaainl' or eat ing. Or u Over bra.in Bob .. ,., "Butter it and hang it ovrr your dreeser." t SM' how hi! geta the name ?) Bob'a white bread made with unbleached flour and powdered milk ill considered moat bt!:alth!Ul. Thi! 100')(. Wh f'a t made with honey will do more for you than a rich uncle. Sour Rye la still on the Beat Seller Llat. Oh, you'll sing and cu ol like an ornitborhynchu.s if you get bird st-ed bread at the NE\\.PORT BAKERY. 211! Oeeui Froat. Ha.rbor 14.t!-R. Open 7 daya. \\"hen tbft .. ows fall la tbe TyYVft• Alpg. aay In far away Ortiaei, the natives of thi9 lta.han village take pleuantly to wood ca.rving. A certain aoldier vi.s ited hi1 uncle in Ortlsei during tM l.ut world scrimmage a.nd di.tc::ovend the w onder tul peasant mad• hand-carved ti«Uril'.lt!:S. Aa a. ~11ult, the Patio Gallery and Book St&ll now has the:ae charming little ha.nd·painttd gnom@s, angela, Tyro- lean children., skiers and provincial nguree. These are distinctive little gifta. conversation a.nd shelf piecu. Vera Williama la ai.o (l!aturlng for your itnuine pleaaure, a epttlal showing-of' Helen Smith'• watercolon. -Mrs. Smith, mother of Hal Will Smith ts well known on Balboa I11land and thereabout.a. Mn. Williams' petite galltry continue• to attract art lover11 with otl.s, water colora and prints by famous Cali fornians. In the rtft rooms there: la a gala.xy of new import.a, Swedish Cryata.l, pewter and European Christmas card.5. Alao many Intriguing buy.s In old books and rare prlnlll. Easy atrollin( thru the Patio Gift and Ari Gallery. SIS ~ Marine A ft.. BaJboa blaad. THIS MONTH OF THE YEAR HAVING AN "A" IN IT. YO U MUST EAT HALIBUT, SEABASS. ~ALONE AND SWORDFISH . • . Cllar~7'& Seafood Restaurant h.u the iJuide channel on the tnabeat flah that come out of the brln.1c: ... You can Mt outdoor• here and amell the tang-of the fresh sea air ••• Ch&rley'a St.26 dinner la unsurpa.ue-d tor quality and economy . . . Soup, a.alad, fn!.!lh fish. main ~W"M, dessert a.nd drink . , • the tried jumbo abrimp luncheon for 11 ill also very imJ>reS&lve, with Fr&:lch tried onion rinca. shoe strings, cold slaw and cocktail B&uce and roll. On these warm daya, a marine salad or Shrimp cockt.&11 pleases the pa.late. Sit by the aeuhore to--r d@llcacies ot the deep at CHARLEY'S 8EAFOOD Jll:STAURA..'iT (next to Port Orange) 1135 Cout Hiway. &e.con llS4. 7 days a week. ===~ ECTOMORPHS! ENDOMORPHS! MESOMORPHS! Are you hair-condttloned ? No'-'· don't run off in the bUlbes a.nd sulk! It la TOO my buainess. Why I wouldn't harm one hair on your prett y head-But I know someone who !lhould. Ellen I. Bryant la in the UquJdation buaineN. Some people liquid.ate useta. stock.a, bonds or other people. Ellen Bryant liquidates undesirable hair on tacf', neck and amui. Mn. Bryant ill a qualttled rt«fateN-d electrolyalet. If you have neandertbal hair growth that abou1d be blotted out paln- leuly atld permanenµy. Mn. Bryant la your rtrl Ellen L. Bryant R. E ., la only a hair'• breadth away at the Udo 8alo9 of S..uty Call and make an appointml!nt now. Mn. Brya.nt la in her Alon •very Tues. A. Thun. for conwltation ! Harbor 2571. 3f40 Via Oporto. HA VE YOU FELT YOURSELF SUPPING LATELY! ! ! Not quite ln the old (TOOYe! Well, eat plenty ot fteah fruile and nret.abll!I and 1et yourwlf a ~OS·SKID SHAG RUG FROM THE BALBOA 5 A. 10. Thia llerlinl" emporium of a 1001 &"M-r•w1 has a new batch of chenille throw rup with rubberized b&cka, 2-4. x 3&. Wboope my dear, U you 1Up on one of these, yetfd better give llp beer .•• \ht!:te ln decorator colon at l!..29 each .•. chenille 2 pee. bath o1ell ,2.19. Hand 1ereened. Ma.ch towell in eeuhore prlnta, 39 :s: 72, Sf.19. Other 'beallteoua body blotters at Sl. 79 up. And bnnd new ahlpment of 9Wllllita for boy • Pl nnd-cutle builden, atua .one to .tx, -11.29 to 'Ulll Hau. beck rMta. rul>bor 1010 and evuythins tor a lllnooth ....,. .wnme. llAJ.BOA. I a 10. Ill Mala. Balta .. Filbert who's a t ightwad it I ever married one, wu tmpreued! We chose a nice color that would blend with the err yolk• and gravy. Mr. Page and his merrj' tile layers put in a whole new kitchen floor tor us. Believe you u._we like It. A rw.arrial'e that wu skidding on the rocll;• 11 now happily firm on Kentll• Asph&lt tile. CoutlizHI :Floor 0o,·~rta1, JBU. and Newptrt. Coeta Me., Ba.4-oa 6.!~t....i. FAIR BLEW THE WI.ND FOR THE BAYSIDE! Walk In there ln August ewn and that big wind la IJlilt bk>wing tHarry, forgivl! mel. I mean what with the pie sweeping fl"esh and free off the dock.a, the placl! alway11 gives one n01talgia for Schlaparelli'• Smart Scent Bar on the East River. Highly com- mt ndabJe and unu1ua.l in a fl.sh market. Harry ... YI to pUllh ABALO~'E STEAKS AT 7lk': a pound and Swordfleh •· .. TbeN dellc:aclea of the def'p don't need pu.ehing. It you don't buy tben now, I 'm sorry, sorry for you both~ Frank Suttora introduced the Ancient mariner to the Albatroas, and Johnny Albers ltnow• a dorsal fin when h" se~ one .. , and Harry'• there too to• tell yOlt &11 about ALBAcOftE FOR CA."l~l'NG AT SPECIAL PRICES. FRESll FlSfl A?l."D PATTER RIGHT OPT THE BOATS AT THE Bayaldf! Market. 2800 Lafayette. Newport. 1 time1 a week, I to 9:30. STARBOARD PORT AHOY! MR. ROBERTS HEAR THIS: RJ<'ky'• ship IH!.TVlce recommend• tor civilian aea-golng. nautical knights and harbor harbln1"t!:r1 : A freah carco of Balboa BJue DPntm.~ These heatry weight, 1upple drape ala.cka ($-t.93) with match·up jacket& (l•.95) will cut off any doubts about your beinc properly and cuua1Jy attired. Ricky's SJiliop hu the avtnc grace of a. Coast Guard cutter when it comea to .smart ril'rift&' tor deck hands or skippers. rucky'1 denim 8hort.1 ($3.~) are tailored to the cut of your jib, and comes a. ml11tnJ. Rickey·• sweat shirt.I ln nav:r. po'-'·der blue, gray or yellow weather the gale for a ea.Im $1.96. P ut into port and pop lnlo a pop.over Hawaiian print lhlrt from 13.50. Smooth aai1ing sailor ...,,hen you trade ooeoanuU at Ricky's. 1704. N@wport Blvd., Costa Mee& ••• Beacon M•t.. ALCOHOLICS! YOU CAN REMAIN A.NOb"TllOU8 it you 11et your ctauea down on a KUEHNE table top! DT. £rwood hu a tlaahy chrome a.nd yellow Kuehne made dlniDC" or kitchen 11:t tor ale! A very l'turdy handemne affair .•• the table hu u an. leaf, and there a.Te 4i comfortatny pl.dfttd cha.in and a matcJilhc china cabinet. Tbla aet &lllO ln chrome, red and &'T'&Y Ot'd.iA&rily tell• for $-4.00. Dr. Erwood Joalhea creen money, ea he'a •llinr theae Mta out at 1199 ... Kue.hne chrome .eta a.re America'• beat u ftLt u I know and are llquorproot, waterproof, ca.rdproot, st&lnproof. I doubt lf you could 11et tire to tt. but don't try! Burry a.nd get your feet under the table! J:rwood'• P'a.buloUA gitt..a , •. art ... fabriC5 ... .07 E. Balboa Blvd. Open evea. Harbor Olft6.J. HAH TORO! QUE PASO ?? UN QUlTE'!' UN PASE NATURAL! THE CROWD IN THE PLAZA ROARS! Another tortllo drops . . • Ch&rley HaU d~s:n't drac his 1teaka home from the hull ring. Matter ot fact. his •teaks never .:Ud a decent day'• wark In their lives . . . too tender. Ca• don C•rio. dl•patchea a fillet 9teak dl.nne:r tor 11.76 , Gusty aoup, green e:n- ea.lada, fTied bf!aru; tortlllaa. Spanl1h Rice. deSMrt and drink. I climbed In the: refrigerator and inspected thi• br(\ve bttf. They marinate the ateak in wine, garUc and oll. Cau don Carlo. apecll.Uua in Mexican dinner• or ala carte at modest prlceL Really Fiest& Food! Viva! Cua don Cartoa, JJJ • !tftd St.. :Sf'WPOrt. Bar. MM-M. Open 5-19 (Cl....S ,.,_, NOBODY RF...ALLY W\'ES A FAT GIB.L! Ob lt'a all welJ and (ood to be known aa a plump, jolly •port ......... but when the rest ot the crowd l'oe• home. a Well·padded. gurl usually goes alone! The only wrong thing about belng exceulvely overweight l• 1taying that way~ There 11 only one antllorir.ed Stauffer 8yat"8 I.JI Oraap Couaty. lt'a not in the phone book. ao be darn eure you're rettinl' ln the right door. Berniece Adams' registered Btautfe.r Sy1tem is at !O!J N. Main. Suta An&. Pll!&ae bear thl1 ln mtnd at all times It you expect to ~me wlnaome, lean and allurinl'· The Stauffer Method ia a ecteQulicaJJ)l' planned health system or p&Mlve exerci11e, general a.nd 1pot reducing-. U you want to get in ahape tor fall f&ah.lona. ta11 "now and ret special 1ummer ratea u low u Sl a treatment! Relaxing-exhilarating. Get that punt "'"Ith the wind feeling! Stanffe.r System, %MS ?\. Main. Santa AnL Open evenlnp. IUmb<rly 11010. WHEE! NOW 18 THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD WOMEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THE PARTY ! If your partle1 h.aYe turned dull a.nd drab lately, conwlt the PARTY HOUSE in L&guna. 'lile Party Hou111 can tum. 1a.ny day ot the yeu lnto t. Mardi Gru. You can nab nick~nack.a to tit any mood at th11 fun bou.e . . . Birthday party cake decorationa. party nap- kl.na, favon. ha.ta. blowouts, C\lp-upe, cJowu. cowboyL Backward swain• eee the bride and croom decor bere and nm out fOT" a Ucenee. People lamp the bon voyap rifta and &imcn.cka and pbone the nearest travel bureau! f\m rtft.a for a1.I even.U •.. tack-up bo&ro. (Or brides, Jdtcbe.n and b&blu ..• came. utd Circle lllck1. Hand blocJc.ed cocktail napkllla that ay ''Na Zdrowe" and other approprl.ate Sbal&. Party HOUI decora- tors wtn decorate for you . . • rent you mad party .-t u_pe or Ii" you tree •dvice. Eat, Drink and Be Merry eourtqy of Use Pa"1 e-,.ll c...t ""'11. Lac-""5. · Me.,rt Ba; Post -Largest • roleo at olUeo, -'cllatrlc:U, TM J'unu own lote 5 and t, ' and _..I ~ block B-33 blllf!Wanl from Fem, ~-•--~--1 ·~ -~ Work Goes on is Word From George Hoag m.ch e.t of couaty.wt<h tu: 1--• .treet and wb•·• 1o•· are prope. '-I u... -comp c..-.. --~ ~ arrancements are JIOlldin&' for tl>I rat. fca''lMl-0 meant a levy of puU&UJ under Water at high acqulaitlan of tfu.Uiar lndl'ridu&I fll,20 la tlle -ty tor that Ude, 'Ibey ueert In their petition lots in tile China Oove project fl ,_, to U.. OollR that they have com-the Park a:ic1 Becreetlon Coiio l'.ach cent of COWlty·wlde tu: plilid with all l&W11 of the City miuloo. ftecmUy & $1 per monft. ~ fO(\ 1950-51 meant a levy of Uld provtded all en&1fteertnc de.ta a..eument wu ordered levied aa ..... 112 bl the couat7Jor the yev required or requated, further each water ueer of the City a 1uat dl»ed. • that tlM1 have made chl..np;a in provide tunda for the acqulsitioB ¥ow much each penn1 ot coun· their plau tor buildlJ\S a one of China Cove and other PmtE: ty~ raf:e will prodUee for 1~1· .t.ory frame bowie, and that the Purpoas of the Munldpallty. ! 52 dependl on. the fl.n&l ....,.uatloll ctty eun ref'u8el to tame a bu1Jd.. Dudley R. Fune la an attom.,. Permit from the Federal of 1 tual>le pN>perl)I ta the coun-1n1 permit. ot Loa An&'el.. and -uctit '* Government to proceed with ty, N~mod In th• petition. from th• l•pl ectlon hhoaelt, on bla behalf th Co"~-· , H "Tax rate. 1D califomla art Wrtt of Mandate to compel the d ••·t f bl ~· Lo·"-D. e uou·uction of the oa,g leYied. by cent.a per $100 of -tu;. luuance at a perm.It WU A. M ~"'"9-0 • 'l'l'Ue ..u.-. t Memorial HoapiW·Preabyter-able ftluatlon, rather than by dol· Neleon, Butldlng Impector, and ; ian is still good for 20 days ~ per Sl,000," tile Taxp<.yen' the City of Newport lle&ch. Nel-IN CALEiDCO r and under that perm.it it ii ~tt':xaald.t -_.. mn, accordfnc to City Hall n· DuhlnK" home for a breath « . . n. e. creep upw-"' port.a, ha.a been lnat.rocted not to fresh ocean air and then back planned fot-construction to by cmU---each of them aeemtngly 1uue permit.I for the buildinc ot ,again to Calexico where muc!I proceed, according to Geo a miall t.hinr ln it.elf-but all any homu on t:be be&ch property work I.a being done g?"adlng ~ G H m . coatrtbut1.ng to a formidable t.a.x. which the aty proposed to ac.: teveUng their ranch i. 1ummer · oag, · bW 6. CalltomiL quire. · program for Mn ~ Silzle 2tp Retteratlon of the plane for lm· "'It tau. an to be held down, Purehue flt the Ruuell Craig Haul Drive, Co~ de:l M.ar: • mediate construcUon wu made budceta muat be kept under con· foUoWing releue in Wuh~ ~ Valu.ttona and tax rates an D. C. ot a two month frff.a order jult lll• end rfllUlt ot bow much on all ftfl'A' bulldlnr specitlcally money mu.t be raleed-wblch de· naming .tc::hoola, hospital• and ~ cm. how much 1t budgeted." other luce buUdlnl'L , Belief that the hocpit.al will be able to proced w,_. ex:preNed bfl. c.au.e of the permit alre&d;y ob- tained, and the fact that the rround bu been prep&red tor the con1truction. It wu pointed out that a tl!latlvely emall amoot ot critical •teel I.a to be uMd u the Hospital l• a. one story atructure. Lut week, contract wu let to Mean1 and Ullrich of S a n t a An& for the 71'.i bed hospital in the amount af Sl.093.00. The Santa Ana firm wu low bidder More Tourists Visit Southland V/alltt BraUMChwelger, pre.I· dent of the AU·Year Club, today reported a 10 per cent pin Ln the tlOW" ot dollan 1pent here by out· ot ... atate tourist.a durlng lune. The increued now amounted to S3S,· 93S,M2. of' more than a dosen wbo re-The miWont were spent here by spo.nded to Uie Hospital Bo&rdll a total o( t-St. 794 vaca.tloolatl, he LDvttatlon to bid on the Ho111>ital. Wd. Moat came from the Mlddle- Clariflc.atlon of the new eovem· weet and Eut., alt.hough during ment treea.e will be eought from the Summ.tt eea.aoii. tbe 8outhla.nd Wuhlngt.on on th' advtoe ot W , le bo.t to a tu,. number of "heat 1. Henry ot the Lo. Anl'elu of· ~ree-" tr om SouthwNtem ti~ of the National Productton at&tel, he explained. Authority. '"Thia wu the aa.m1 thlnr u a Site Prepared thlrty·•ven million dollar draft. Becauae of the fa.et that the dn.vm on the farm• and fa.ctoriet and ~ o~ the oth..-r 1tatea road into the llite hu been pre- pared. the llite cleared and the 1n fa of iou.them Califomla," project contract awarded a" d Brauuchweiger explained. work ready to proceed It wU 1'lt ta money they 8J)eftt within doubted whether the prelimina.ry Southern California. -eJu:hulvt!: authorlatlon to build Cl"anted ot· the cost ot ma.king the trip hospital board would be relcinded. hen and home again. Tl!xt of the Wa.ahln(ton Jreeae "And the dolla" were widely Drder as ca.rrted by the Intenla-•c&ttered through the t!:nUre econ- Uonal New• Service followa :-oriy -for food. lodg'inp, motor Tbe Government Frt.d&y ~--expeut, purcbue Of clothlnr and td a two-monUa rs._.. • aew .. ~ "fl.ea~ book-. n~pe~ am..,,,_ of ac'ho<IJa,., "°'!PIWlf 11-·-1'7r ~,.i-,,,.,_fl)l !TU and othor laip buUd!DCO :"J'd ~ ~ ~QillijW ""' nounced a ah&rp curtaihrien.t ot , · moat buUdlnC" proJecu attar ~ 'Th• tourilt..' .pendtnr acted tober 1 • u a fO"'eri'Ul stimulant tor aH &t 'Ibe ·NaUon&l Production A.u· Bout.Um Calitomi&'• bwilnllN and employm.ent." :=!!on~ldm:,,_~Y ~~ The All·Year Club ta now .ft. tton of aJrht club• cra.ndaitand.a t~~ tt.. S~ year u Ute com· and ot'.btt entert&in~ent &lid rec-rnmuty orguU&&Uon for han.dllnc reatlon&I project.a using • m & 11 the 8outbland01 touM.1t travel ~­ quant!Uea ot ecarce materiala.. nrti8ll\r th!'oupout tha Untte:d , WILL EVERYTHING BE ROSY WHEN YO U RETIRE? • • • It's hard to tell whether your pension will be enough to meet•the cost of living then. So pl!lII a supplementary retirement fund NOW. • Build up a savings reserve equivalent to one yeai:'1 income here at NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL. CURRENT DIVIDEND RA "CE..3 -;. NEWPORT 8M80A FEDERAL SAVINGS _ l:..As&."-1'/. .... o-e,·•t1· '" I ltA.PAUll•~.PUllDUIT f:f ~If r;. /Jflo •!llwport 11oc1t•C.tifom1~ _ NPA banned the uae of a.luml· St~tu. num in &11 conet.ruction except ;~;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::::;::;::;::;:::::::::;::::;::;::;::;::::::;::;::::; not apply to m.a.aufactured alu- mlJtum product• such u window 1 tra.mu, The new construcUOJt freeu aftecta all new bulldh\P uainr large qua.ntlUe1 of atee'I, copper a.nd aluminum whoM toundaUon1 have not yet bee.n poured. 'nle order rem.atna In etfeet until Qc. tober 1. Builden uaing small quantitiu of the ecarce materi.&la an •- empt ttom the freeze. JAIL SENTENCE FOR LOCAL MAN ON ARMS COUNT Thirty d&y1 tn the county j&ll wu the ~tence drawn by Rob- ert N. Reilly, 22. of •2S% Dahlia. Ave., Corona. del M.&r Saturday for carryln.g a concealed weapon. Reilly wu aentenced In the New- port Beach city court. Th• aent.ence wu .u1pended one ye.ar on oonditlon that Reilly Nnre 10 d.&ya in jail and 1that tor a one 7-.r period Reilly dou not violate the con~aled weaposr law, ·Reilly WU taken into euatody by Newport Bffch police at 2 :41 L m. Saturday. He had been a.ate.p 1n a car Puked be.hind 814 Cout Hic,hway. .A. police ottleer aid that the . w•pon bad been. found in the stow computm•t of th• vthtcle. • STILL GOING STRONG! WE ARE OYERSTOCKEQ! A larp part ot our Stock t.o be Tllrewa on tile Market and Sacrtfl<!ed .•• ~pn:lleu of LoA MODERN CURVED I pc. SECTIONAL 291eo Nationally Ad\'t!:rt:hted AIRFOAM and ~"11rri"'ER· Red Wool Freise, Deloe. Rec. !4!1.15 SPBING Combta&Uon HA'ITRE88 ud 8ft$O ~':~ ... ! l:.:E~~~~ .. ~~=~ 198°' Haw.bing Box Spr&ac. n:c. 111.ae .et 07 MODEJUlf I pc. DIN"ING SET-hltle 1aaoo Funom SIMMONS ~'NERS.PRL"G 6ft641 I Cllaln, Lp. Buffet, re1. Hl.00 Now 77 MA'ITRESS & Box Sprlnp, rer. 99.00 .. 1 7 I ELIWl'IUO BLAND:Tll 2501~ OFF , OO'ITON LOOP CARPA"TIXG , It Decorator Ooloro, .. ,, .... Speclal at, .., yd. I ' CLOSING OUT ALL TELEVISION SETS II la. GJ:N, J:LEC. Table M~ Set 0emoaatrato1'. rq. Ul.93 ............ Now < • UL!JNA'IO& Iii ea. ft. wt~ 21111,, Flu-Feail 8-ftl'· l5U5 ,_lf_ 219" 198" Ill oo•n • t MWAY -RHllll' ... M&WfOti Bl!4iB · OED 1•0 &T _.. __ nu. I 8'CLOOll • • • • -· . . I PAOI: t AUG. I,. lNl, ----• NSWPO&T 111.lY Pra<U<:ol All a4 ~ la Ulla POeT .um aaol'l'tNo NSWB peJMlr wm produce r 11G1&1 m ,_. . . . BROADWAY- -A1wa71 Cool ... CGmfan.Me Aars..•-Now 60; Incl A.117 n.,,. Tax SOW 8HOWDiG "Cattle Drive" J ... H.C-Chill Wllllo "Marte of tfte Renegade" Ricardo Montalban 8TART8 TUl':8-, AUG. 1' "Captain Horatio Hontblower" GftCOtJ' Peck. VlrstaJ.a Mayo 'Lady and the Bandit' Dork Hay.·ard PAULO l'lloM Doon o.,... 1 tll DIUVll: IN NOW .. SHOWING "FROGMEN" IUCRAAD WIDMAIUI "LORNA DOONE" CHILDREN ....,., FREE with Par.ato at Paulo U 7n. and Bl'Oed"·ay Theah'u U·DRIVE CRUISERS ROW IOATS : ~"c:.~s d eTA.CKLE I ELLIS·,.......-· .....,. •..• IOAT RENTALS nft c..t m__,. Newport Beach Pb. Barbor Ull AT SOUTH nil> OF BAY8BOlllE BRIDGE • roa lll!AL 8A TISF ACFION IN SllALL BOAT ., Ho.roRI!! OPEN EVERY DAY! • Kiddies Day Every Wedneoday • 1% Xoon to I p. m. • FREE BALLOON& • Concessions 5¢ • BidM 6# BATH BOUl!!E F AOJll'l'IEll W'OB KEN AND WOIDN .. YOU CAN1T AFFORD TO EAT ·AT JIDME ··· • • AT THIS PRICE • Complete Dinner $100 TU•DY oa aouT BED' DDJNlll !!RVID ALL DAT • IVNDAT! 12 NOON 'TIL 9 P. M. TURNER DBUO 900 C-11 Blgbway N•wpert hac:b (ACl\OSS FROM. ALL-AMEaJCAN MARKET) -· I ' Tops In Food *· Top• in Entertainment * * Coc:ktails from 101.m. * Dinner from 4 p. m. ---mfCB 1t A.IL .. ' l'.X. I , ' TRblUL LAl'1' AY "Of .... a.cl Mmlc .. _ ...... :'tr~ Bolf.to N .. Yo ftllU- .A. New l!*perlew ta ._.. llTAllTll Fiii. -I BIG DA YI P1lll!!T BUN PO PU LAI PllCIS ose FERRER Ac1~11r Aiu• liu11 "---··""-"'""""" ....i.-.1n ...... aMono io.., In a lllllllao I C'lf!WIO ...... -UlllP!Jrl(I ___ _ mu .... ., __ ............... Nertr Allee a. We.teri&Dd 8AT. LAST DAV! DOUG. FAIRBANllS, .Ill. "Great Manhunt" DANNY llAYE "On The Rlvlen1" -color n:FF CllA..'"DILB \"Sm~ri Gold" Mesa.,:·: ' . . ~.-'T. l ... ~!l'T DAV _,, ___ _ mllff · llUI · 1111 · ftlll LA88lE-"P A.Th"TED HD ,13 Iba.-~ -Phri-1 JOlll GARREID ~' SHalfl lllllUS A ABBOTT & COSTELLO "ComiuJt~11,d _ ~. Mountam" . ORT.$?~...-11. •. -... ,, ""'.!~ NOW llHOWING • , In ~oolor • l!:dmoad O'Brlf'a • DllM-,,..1"• "'l'I' All PA TB"'.• -Plua- 'TA.nn:& TAK..U Tin: AIR" wttll Raymond wall>ure Walter Catlett ST ART8 SUNDAY Gn.tfJllt Mualcal In our time! ln Tech.nloolor "SHOW BOAT'' ~Al90- .J&mfl9 Ollvf'r Curwood'a "SSOW DOG" WU.h Kirby Oru.t and the Wo.&!r Dor 5't/R/:,;.;1 LIX.6·3044 HUNTINGTON BEACH NOW TllllU SATURDAY -AM>-............... ~ ....... . f . ' -ft4JlTS 8UND4'Y -...,,... __ . •·•·•·llB • • • • • " (' •.. --.· fJJn. ~f.or Lido' Isle folk Art GalleryCurator ~1n11e1; , Plans Trip Ea.st at Gay Costume Dinner-Dance :a..:i."°!t"""i.uc:;.i: :~ 11t1J1 -la _..,. lo u..._-----------tot tho IC&tt At18. 14th to 1M ..._, time -.Jo1'9d by Udo I.lie nel· t1c• • sai• a. month. Be t. 'rillttn.c -i. at u.. -· dinner c1an .. Bob A 1nson n .. • • • • • Cb•caso. Plttabur&h of J"'1' .. ~ by ~ ltle p , C' Wt.aJw.rton. D. C.' ond New York eomm ... it:r a•oc1at1 ... ind """""" ass1ng 1gars :S.,..bo:,'4 ':ur~!,:" ~.!: : -"1 11tJae and "Ldt1'' Kur-•-dock. Peter 11 tN name flttn. a '°" the way. ' Orimrlnc muka and1 belloonl born at 5:25 a. m. Au,.. 2 ln ~t. :Ta.cluon will a.tao till aome 1~­ pn:J'rided tl'4' dtcen.Uve th«me. 1oeeph hospital t.o Robert "and lure enppmen,ta. and bu betn Two bic •tutted clown be&l"I were Marian AtklMon. 320 P'ullut:on one of 30 lecturera invited to centerpitt• for U\e buffet ta.ble Aw. He welshed I Iba. 1 o&. Mr. appear on the Conference PrO- aad ~ &ttennrd a-wvded u.oee Atk11l8on bf ot th N~rt IT'Jll• of the Intematlonal Plat- h&Tlnr best eo1tumM. One went Beach Po~~m r:r« foer *vera.1 tonn Auoctatlon to be held at to Murdock, wearinl' a gray &nd ye&l'I, ll now on v&caUon. Lake.aide, Ohio Ausuaf. 25th to mlU'OOn 1trtped lllO batbtnc a1it. SepL lst. He i• to appea.c on ten.nil ahota and a etraw ha.t wtth two pro(l'am1, rtvtn.r "Showboat (Old ond black &&Un b&ndo. The Sperrv Graduate to Broadway" and 'Tha Romance other went to DotUe Brook•. a • • I ot Pottety." NeedlUA to say he conYlct with ankle clWn and ball Fellowship Received w111 advertlM . La,,... &lld tbe· and black b&rrecl carton tor head-Southern California coaat alona (Ml'. Rf'r number WM Ofll2, ea-Announcement of the award of the way. preatn.I' a aubtU• de.Ire for what 317 .cholanhJpe "and 4.2 fellow---,---- the other ft.llow wu h•vlnl'. ehliJ9 for the 19~1-5:Z acadnnlc -Opportunity 11 knocldnr 1n I'm Tiie OoJ year al Stanford \Jnlver1ity wu CLASS~. ADS. made today by PT"r.aldent Wallac" Eve l..aJ\c'enbelm, In white StPrUnr. JncludN In lh• II.at wu duc:k•. camp Al Mary Martin with Robert Charles Rempel of Ba.Ibo& a •l«n ~adlnJ, .. I'm In Lovf! With Ialand. to "-'hom went a Sperry A Wonderful Guy." Ray t.nl'en-l'f'&duate ftllO'Wllhlp tn electronic• . hejm came a. a aallor, hta algn readlni-. "I 'm the Guy." Mar\.ha Lewi!i prttf"ded her par- ent.a, Mr. &nd Mr11. A.. W, Lf:wia, home from Hawaii by a day or 80, juat 80 li'li• could come to the dance; IO Ult (HY lk.lrt. &nd tlawer lei.a worn, by hP!"ff:l! a.nd hf"I" ncort, :'huck LllM.ttPr, wen authentic. Al90 in ff•walta.n coe- tume were Marian and Craig Cad- wa.llade1"' and l'Jf'•ta. Vrtg'inla CloUer w ore a beau- UM form&J l'OWh With m&tchlng jeweled turban and her hu•b&nd. Van, WU tn .. P.Y print •hi.rt. to mat.ch h.ia mood. Betty Ja.rvie and her party of m wer" drf'ued •• kinderprttner1 and cam~ over- liaed 10Wpop1. U....... Gtrl Arltt Collver came In a h&.l'f'm Mclrt and bra. with beavy allwr jeweelry and aatin he.ad tcarl, wkile Dun came u htrn.a:elf. Alao at Ulel.r patio table wt-re Edyth• B&mea, wea.r\nl" 1omeUUnc low necked a..nd: attract.In and Ltt, with an enonnoua fa.lR noee. W ith them wer1 tb• Orville Browne, 1lad to be back Ob Lldo after an abaence of 1•veral yea.re and now building a new home there. Jane Boyd wu a cute cowftrl ln cha~ and short.a, run. a.nd apura wblcb clinked u 1he and John danee'.d. New rNld•nU Mr. and Mn.. L. r . Elt•r entertained a party of 10 and. Mr. a.nd Mra. P'rancU McDowell had a party ot I. Amonr othera -preMnt were Meetrs. and .Mm... Jlm Lewta. Kan amoke, Jae Fllf"l\190ll, Spud llluUoan. II:. w . II:. Smltll, Robert llffd, ..,,.,, ~ WU'd Md par- tY ot •: 1olul Oetcv, 1•hA C'but· -.t. 'WU.. ....,hannaa. Jamu AO-~ aloo ...... lcholl ...., pio.rty ot I : Mr. and Mrt. Maple, Mr. and Mra. Mattram ..,d party ot ~; a.nd Jlr. and Kn. Letto and party ol •. Mr. and Mn. Bill Ja.hM had iue1t.1 u did Mr. and Mn. John A.rant. Mr. and Mra. C. B. Rudd Wire then, u were Mr. and Mra. llaYld 8plH. ...._ __ Virginia. and Bob Forbe1 came in colortul gypay co11tume:a and Dr. and Mn. C. JC. Thompaon wort lela: and ahella. With thtm were Mary and John ~Long o! Glen· dale, u a chorua l"lrl and diplo- mat. Julia Linkl'!r waa ln a black satin Chineae outfit and her gueat.a. Helen and Ray Cope, were g-arbed .. a 1enortta t.nd caba.11- era. Ed Leffoven wu In ch&l'acter as a.n oventiud camera espttla.lly equip~ for blonde•. brunettea, rf:'dheads and bikini bathing suit.a, of which we an glad to announce, were none 'pteaent: tho he did snap hi.a wile, June, ln a blue let. b&g. -8todlo p,,,.,. Among tM ma.ny "1.joying Wedn.eld&y nJcbt'• party at Ar· lbor Mun-ay atUcliOI were Judge &lid Mn. Goodwtn Of Rf'dlandl, the Hoxie Smith. from Imperial &nd the Lee B&rnes of Udo lale. Mt. Carmel Guild Has Informal Patio Session Calcutta Dinner Sport$ Dance at Country Club . Important event thiJI w•ek at Santa Ana Country Club 11 tht Calcutta dinner, 7 p . m. Thursday, a prelude to the Third 8.anta1 Ana Invitational tournament tn which SZ teama will compete. Alao on the aoclAI calendar La th• annual sport.a dance to be he.kl. thi.9 com- in& Saturday. Merrill Dubach Visits Relatives .... 1111 lfMl-cJIW Ope:• Every Daf COM~ETI DINMitS fNm I I.SI to SJ.• !'ROPIOAL DRINKS Diti• ltt tt11 bclfffl" TAHITIAN SICYlOOM F..,.Pa~ HvMI' 171 ' 'llSIT THE NEW HUT .. eo..t m..-.y, 1- ftone 4--MOI · for BNerTatktM SOW OPEN CHRISTIAN'S HUT ANNEX Merrtil Duba.ch, R&nn lba.1. Mo., wu wttk end rue.-t of hi• unclt and aunt. Mr. a.nd Mn. A. Alu.an· , Snack &: Cocktail BM der HamUton. Ea.at Balboa Av•.. on thf' Pier l1t-hmo• comlnl' up f'tom San. Otego where CA.fALI?li~A 18LA1"i"D he t. ta.king a J4arin• Offlcera' I'---...;. _______ _, tn.Lnl.As-cour.e. Mr. Dubach la' fiance of M"lM P t srY Abbott. fortntrly or Balboa laland, and the two plan a Sf ptem- ber wedding. Stork Favors Girls for Mesa It wu all girl.-&nd no boys for wt.l~m lnl' Cotta Mesa parent.I on July 26, with thtff new aM'i- vU. 9om on that date in Sant& Ana Community hospital wa• a dau.-bter to M.r. &nd Mn. Andre T . me-. 221 -11th ottte~ ROSSI'S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS Also 81Mkl -Prime Ribs Cocktails 1611 Cout Blvd. Harbor 1180 Coroaa del Mar wM.lflt, I pounda. 11 ounce. &nd to Mr. and Mn. Uonel Hatter,lr------------•I 412 Mqtlolla a•enue, a girl wel(h- IDc I pound9, 141;9 ounce.. In !t. Joeepll hospital tt wu a g1r1 fO'f' Mr. &nd .Mra. Clyde Z. Spin~, 180 Ea.st 19th atrHt, welg"ht, e pounds, 9 ounce&. Rev. Tom Pel)dell Attends Workshop for Counselling l 81 Morri FREE DELI\'ERY to St. .rowph and Community Ho.pltak , Har. !0'70 609 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Thomu Roy P endell. pastor of '------------' Chrlst Church by tbe Sea and prealdent of the Orang11 County Cou!:!fll of Protestant Churchea. ts enrolltd thta week In the Work· shop ln Marriage Counsf'llng of· fered by thp American Institute of Family JU.lation~ for clergy- men. physicians. 80Cia1 workers, youth and other leaden who are cle>Hly rt.lated to famUy counsel· Ing-. The coune 11 being offe~d &t their Hollywood htAdquarten. Dr. Paul Popenoe ia one of the leaden. Capilla Circle in August Meets Circle 3 of C.pilta circle, Corona del Mar Community chun:h. will meet Vt'ednf"aday at the borne of 1-tr•. I!. S. Coop, 215 ll'ernleaf, at 11 &. m . Mrs. Nelle. Hagenbuck. will be co-hosteM and a Wh ite ele· phant nle will be a featu.re. event. Circle 2 meet.11 Tuesday, Aug. 14, 11 a. m . at the home Of Mn. W. Swig-er, 314. Larktpur with DIRECTORY LEST:t:R A. BECK.ER, D. D. S. DENTISTRY 1 TB:; Newport Blvd., COit& Mesa Med1 cal Bldg. Beacon 87~2 50:; E . Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-J V. E. KOll:PSEL. O. D. . OPTOMEtRIST Evenings by Appolntmf:'nt Sllf \\'. Newport Blvd.. Nf'wport ~b Harbor 2511 BE SURE -INSURE A large fT'OUP of members of M.n. David Ra.naon and Mrs. Earl Lite Altar Guild of Our L&dy of Vought u co-h01teue1. • w1tll • ) !llAURJCI: STA.,-U:Y ' . Iua.naae Only Phone Harbor J '7'7t iu Martne A \-e., Bal.,_ h?.ud No -dltbp111, ~ W .. dhltf:tan hiafs... fist#" ltl'W ...., • lo -..sh dit.btt. MortMairuy,100.~ tow ol (rah watn-.dtJar • or 1-.ads. Brush Jtci l"Vd')"· thina dun. Washing Md rinli•J i• °"" Optt1d01L V1« less hot •atn aod wub- in1 powdtt. ONLY And it "'dtestes ., .. )'OUI' k.i~ ea. Handiome desip that mod. tmizn JOW s.ink. Not •JMliet- This ~it)' hhue-it m.adt for pC'tlnUll'f'l(C. Guu~ Easr 1e intttll. Pits •nr si.o.L :~.-...... -. ..... ,__ (Otll • Alt Sii iOi Tomsar • MUST for EVERY KIT~HEN • o;,.;119 ....... - 11 :JO AM. lo I P.M. doily a-d SuMayi afld helideys l't.ena: Kimberly 2-2190 Loh el FREE PARKINli. 100/o Discount on A.ny Purchase (EXCEPT ABALOS. -SllBDIP) Bltq ... .. to IA YSIDE FISI t MARKET ~ .... Dealy ..... 0. OWll lout•! SPECIAL PIUOI: ON ALB400llS IP'Oa OANNINO AbUo•-'?Se lb. FBEl!!B SWOBDFll!!B. ALB400U: -llALllON BARRAOUDA ud HALIBUT llOO Lalayette oa ~ Bay NEWPOllT Ba.rWr 116 TY ANTENNAS Call us for installation or serv;cing of. your antenna JOll Newport Blvd • Prompt service by expert tec:hnic:ians • Low pric:es TIDE TY Barllor!OI P1a""!J~ TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) Co•cert l'laal8t of ft1'M <Joau...e.t. Graduate 8tudeni ef Bela Jlatt;ok • Mount Carmel pthered at the Circle 1 wtll be entertained at home of Mra. Acatha Fern&n, 4.0S ill• h~me of Mra. Harold P . Myera, 39th atreet, Newport laland, oD I 424. Narciasua .. at 12 noon. Mrl. Wednuday, .AUl(\llt 1. The lovely H. P . AHen Mil be co-hoe:te11. patio wu set.Un& for an lnt al There will be no AU(U.9t 9Nlion and ~e~ttul deaHrt 1W:~ tor Circle 4. which had for Ila main •ltracUon ------ 436 Sana Drive Harbor 1171.J ;=======; IL.....!c~~_!H~kJ!hla~nck~-;;:_;c~°':rot:-:ia~del~~Ma=r~J , W. Sfuart Foote ~ce.,=.;, °' ~~ed !::!t!i~ Food & Rummage ~~::-"° o ·Keny &nd i.eoaen1 1 Sale Planned After the m .. unr WU celled by Dorcas Society to order by tbe president, Mn. GENERAL INSURANCIC Courteau Int~ • N-rt -b Pb. Bar. 14 2-U'I' Balboa Bk.._. Perrual, • report waa made on Th• Senior Dorcu Society rn.et lb• birthday party ..-iven for J'a.. on Thu.r9day, Aue. 2 at t be ,llA'ITllr.a&l!S thtt Stephen Kiley at the home of Chtll"d. and plans wve cU.cuwd ., ll•ta H-r• ~ Mn. ·Jam .. 8. llarr<t~ Bey 811.ore t0< a c1>1nJnc tood ale to ba .......... -- Drtft, on Jvly t . At Ut1s time J"r. held Oft Auiu..t 11 Martin&' at. t BU.OON Mil ~ Kiley wu praent.ed wt\h a bee.tt· L m.. on Newport Blvd. n-.r OMta M.. Maten. .C.. tlftll -Uon ra4lo ..,d rec-Broadway, °"/"& "'-11• Nw;..t .,... ord player by memben of the -do• !be.ale or bome awlol:;:;=:::::::::=::::::::';:':::;;~ CUlldo or °"' Lady ot M°""t Car-celte& p1u, cooldu. b.....,, rouo mo! and 8t. Jolin Vlaluley. . ud cabdy, lh""' will ba a JWll• ............ ma4e tor the food ..... -"' --pr. :WA'lil" 'HEA~: 9111 Mid IOnday, Whtcll ~ rnent&. '"' ....., ._,._ -·••irn ,, iuecsnr' ot U. prenoua CllM •ot Kr&. Amell& vup.t. IMdlr, ... ~ :i..i;y. . . -llMlt all~,. ...... ..w llJ,J. a.cit~-!! .. Ntlrt ~ wlll lie lie.Id laGw k u...i Ill cbUd wolm. ~ ,,,. ,.,..,., MW !~.~ltd parill{-bah ~~ BlrUMia.,.. tor ~-mcintJl_.i • :·PLmlmJfe , ' ; -'":" --..-8'po ;t. -' ~ ~ a ;;.!, • ' I • I \alllrA , '1'!!'°u. IGO-.cru•• 11.d _,.. ~ p I a .... • _.:. ---A~ -.. --;\'-' aljitit:r •~ 111rtt ndl• nrw...1••~1~,;.,.'Ct~1:·=z~·~f'~-~!1N~~""~"~-JI, .-.. "( ,, • • - ' ' ; • . The Newport-Balboq Press News-Times Newport ·Bay Post and Shoppif!g News •• • • . ,1 ...... ~· .-. . ' Orange ounfy's G1eafest Ali erlising B • I - J • - I 1· I f • • r r • '· .. • - ,. f-,· ., • r r , I Women_· , ·o·f ·tl-IA ·~~oo··,.affea"r DANuiJ·s · Open -Hous~·Friday rtort:ie ,Depart~'nt NEW " CAMPU('l · 0ofl'J•:K~r· Bet' DJME . DISKS · · ... w. ... '!'.!,_,au•~• ~ 1 ~ ~~ J.:I • flCJIVI.' ' et Polly AppareJ · · to Serve· F"?.d -\ . · ·-., Obi~es ~econ~ { _ · -. -....., •·•i 04a.,.••• Plan Lodge ·Booth :at· County fair ~~~~~:21!! a~?i!~~.!~r m•t tlllll A~~! ~fAGH ~:!~-=~'=~~ POO~tb R!S _ not • -FE~6E:~ Do>ty carter, -Mll/'t alum juot coaip!ttecl oxtmat"' altara. -lo In the -~ 0-• -· ~ Ital<!. Collect •=JlllO ~ U..-.~ time ~ ba4 at btr ~ ~t to jUotlty a lob per ettit tor -·~ alol, •' .... al ccmmlttet .di&~ of .Cb•!}-ontra' of tft'. . .4llu>er to be oened tlono and taca ltftln:& 'to cei.-of Kn. llllrl Leu to -llna1 -.,. llGU and Paloo v.-"°!d 1 "f~'" tWlllUtt.i.-price -cm juke-. _ ___., flald' poiljtloa_ • -WIUl. U.. ter lllll, w-.D of tbO lllooae, Bal:al'lla1 ~. Auiuat 4, to be wate. Gilbert end Laa1t -piano ot th• Hilm• D<parimmt .o1 --,..\Jet Wa. fall !Nm -Ibo be • :rnnanoa · or lludl ,... a rullnc tlllll ......., •- Newport Beads,· called a m~ to1lpwod u usual by danelnC to lnvlta Y<>U aad Iba tamlly to an tbe. °"""" Ooudt1 l'llml ButMu ctVWded condtlqoa wbldl I.be' ool-D6Qlla it.,_ Borge. d&uahter ~ ~ tJie Ottlce ot Price Stal>lllUtlaa DI-of Blcll'!")"O. '.Iba atai. the nry enjoyable mu.le at th• open h.... party to ba bald at W1lo will -"> ,!"'Oked fOOda at ·1eie Pf-1 expulonced· In tha Kr. "l!d Mn. am Berc<. 1 ;,;: Wllpoe dlatr!ct COWJRI warned -..i llo&rd --1· ot ir.r cOD\11\ltlA!t one eveolnc rt-Cool& x-Acta tha PoUy ApP&rel Stora Friday tlio1" ~at Iha Oraap Coct1 t""'ponry houalns fadlltlea. Tiie Nawp<Jj-t Blod., Coot& Kea. t SUI Diel'> <>rans•· and Impori&I Tllo Joi> nqllli'ri ••hoolla1 cently ,_\c.o-worlc:er '"Eble lttn~• A. record crowd a.tlended tbe .-ve.a.JJI<, Au.pit 10 trom •:ao to hlr. Bertnninf )lond.ay, Aar. oon.,. wu ~ at tba motton plctutta of tile event we~ cOuat ta~ Ownen that moct. throulb . 'the .tffellUl .~ or :bome. Member. present. bffldt• dinDer and dance bdd .July 21 and t :SO o•cJock. "nleni wtJl brt no tS, bf'.tak!ast will be tened da.111' llkme" du.rtni' the aec!cs nm.mer ~en by bu mother. . t J.o..e.e::t mlllk ch&r&'el are Wepl'. eompenatmc esp• r i ea e e. .and Mn..' 'l(IJl.C, and Mrs. Ca.rtB, ~: many out-ot~town. suesta are now •sl•• that nl&'ht. Kr. ud Mn. tram r to 1:30 a. m. followed by -'olla With an enrollment "'° ~ we~ many pretty ~ 1 -n. spe<:lftc violation bi 1n. cuea pay1·$210 a monU. to lltMt. There Chaplatst' Altce Youn.c. J\lllior Re--attendJnc' lheae ncu~ Saturday Brown Ju.t want· everycne to andWicbee a.rid a special plate per eent above that of the tint for ~ to \blwr&p and ~ ~ Jukebol! ownera have rat. are rqular nJael ad prvmoUon· pnt a.an. Le&ch. c.worller Myr· evening attalra. Tb.ey are open to come in 1.11d look around, set a.c-trom 10:30 L m. unUI ~r uzae. 9Ulllmer M91iorui lut. yeu, Dr. witll retrelbment.~ne~du:J ed 'rtcea bom 15 to IO call atnce al opportun.WI&. ~1lt: ~-The committee'• all Kooee membel"I and ruHta. quaJ..nted and .. their tln.et of ·-Kati A. Ru.ell, Jr .. reptrar, Ice c~am. decor in Ute: aowmment'• bue·prlce treese AppUc•tton may·be m&Cle uatD quer\<rlJ',report wu propared and Co-worken XyrteUe ,,pplotr. IC!· m-. 6 . 1. 6DIL aaJd today. -e&lt:J..llnch ~:~ acculon j>arlod, wt Decomber 11, January September U to -1 - plant for Ute ~·year wttt ale King', Dotty ~er, Nickle A l "pound 'f% OWlft baby girl The IUJeet. STOUP of student. S C't1 • Kn 1 zs. otncr. ta Sacnm.ento. or &QJ"-• df.acuueil. Xn. Cart.er then een-Zdgttton, ltdna Phegley a.nd Va.I· C b p ' k 180 wu born ln the u . e . Army ROI· '"" trom Lo. Anc,elu and wtta Ute t •brant were . . Kn: "A number ot lncreuea ln thJa dllco or Loi A.nple1, or any di- ed rehabmenta. eda Workman were M.med to ... u ec pttal OD July 2S, lffl to Srt-and Orur.e counU..: hbwenr, #t.U· R. Wrltb &nd :v-1::ldau • Atta appear to be ln. viol&Uon of partment, of em~t otnce. M .... ber la.I""" slat with oervlne of tha dlnoar Plans Wiener Bake Mn. Eugene R. Bartl•U-ddta """" u •tat .. other than t::-n• ~i:: 01.:.. Sc~r C.lllnc Price llAICUl&tlao 34, .. On .... .,... • &J?PUC&tlaos will At the replar mHting ot the Saturday. Srt. Bart1*tt ll uatped to Ule Ca.llfonlla wera on the campu.1 for and~ 'ttt Junne of Santa lef1'ioe tradee," Franc.ii J. Maher, clo• for IChool . Juncll. 111t1t::rtUon· ~ln, held tn the MOOM! hall on C.ttee ... ~ Pa.ck l80 Will lpon.IOt' a beach liq, Co., Arll:!Y LMIUA&'t Bc.bool, t.h1a IWnmer IN:U.lona. Ana. ~ Georl'e roreat. ICll\ O~ attomey, ad'riHd a tavern. tat. whlcb paya SS5I to U3& tbe ocean front, Ausust 2, com-Junior R.tcent Clara Leach IUI· party and w1en.ie btJce tor Corona Pnsldlo of Manterey, Callfom.iL Althoup most ot the rtudentl M.ichw ~ daugtittr Patty; and UIOCiatkm IJ)Okoman. "We hope ~thly, ud tor 9IDJol' Hbrvtan mittee claalrm&n report. were rtv· p.Aed that the Women of the del Ma.r boys ot CUtt Scout art The 118' a.ddltSon to the Bartlett were W"Orlling' for the bachelor'• Bt.Yle Doylil'. you will U.ke .up. to coopen.te In state lJutltUUou. with a alaJ7 en by nor. Vaug-hn. publicity: Moeae f\1mJA. Mftdwiche. &nd and their famlllee Tuuday ne-fam.ily la lbelr Srd chUd and hu dtl"'ff or teachinr cred.entl&J.t, 15 Donria and ber mother are now ~ lb~, na.Uon&l effort to hold ~f $~ to_'3M __ -___ _ Dotty Cuter, Mocweheut ahmml: coffee late tn the evenlnc on S&t· ninr. Au.l'J,lt 1• on the main beadl been named Jacqud.tn• Linda. 511 sracfua.te •tudenu were dotng lld· Niltnc with Mn. Berp'a par.. price1. . and Wilma Corbin, membenhip. urday nlgbll:, and aft.er the dance. at Corona del Kar. The procnm Tbelr prqent add.ra9 ta vanced work for themuterof·arta enta. Kr. ILDd Mn. Bers. Kauka)l· Willi.am C. Mouer, datrlct OPS TWO ~"SW CJO!l'l'A MZllA...._.I Junior Regent Clan. Leach ~ Tb.la 8UCJUtiov,.. met with enthus-Will lnelucS. swimm.inl'. sporta. Monterey Aft., Pa.ctno GroYe, deirttt whic-b Loni' Buch atate na. Wia., ud will remain foi tbe director, Kid that Jn moet cuu Two new Colla .Mesa· cltiRU ported tbat.)d..r. and Mn. Robe.rt tum by the CO.worke.tl. flre buUdial', wtente rout and ci,~:r:-Uter la the IOtl of. M'r. a.ad collel'e nnt offered durlng the mmth of Augutt. the Jukeboua could be re1tored arrt.Ved on Aul'Jlt 2, both at St. Muller, Mooee memben. were ID· Dotty C&rter t. to be tn cbarJe campfire slng1.nl'· · Activltiu wtll "" 580 1Prlnl aemesttr of lh1I year. to ~cent operatton by re--adjuat-Jo.eph ·bospitaL Ont wu a .an. jv.r~ tn an · automobile accident of the 90Cial nlght to be held by get under way at .fi :od p. m. with Mn. l:'ucene :r. B&rtlett: ot. 1 The opening d•t.e tor the fall PUADSNAN8 B&TUaN meal ot coln 1lots. weight., 7 pounds. 12 ounca, born ln Oottfi. Kea. late tbe ILft~rnoon the chapter on Th.und•y even.ins" swllrunlnl' ud aporta Jed by 1"1ne SL, Cocta Kea. . aemest•r a t the eolle-ge hu been A Ba.Ibo& !al.and vacation bU r..uun to rut.ore the 6-cent t.o Mr. and Mn. Eugene WeU.. ot Au.e• 1 and that Mn. Muller Aaguat 7, to W'bicb all co-wOrkers M:usr•. Upplt, St.oddat'd and The mother la the daupter or tent&tlwty 1et tor September 17-ended for Mr. and Kn. J . w. caz.. charce will ruii.lt tn OPs action 2S~A Orange avenue; the other suffered major tnJurie• a.ad ii con-and trienda a.re invited. Mn. C&r-Hornbeak for thoae who come Kn. I:. ll. Onltolt of 611 Mon-' 11, teT and d&ushlerl, Nu.cy and ~t both the jukebox comp&n-a l'iri. welgtlt. 7 pouitdll, 1' ouncea. th'led at 8t. Joacph hoaplt&l t.er hint. that the program plan-early followed by hot doc• &nd terey A•e., Padtle Grove, caut. 1 Janice, fto returned tut week to te• and taverna Ieuinc the ma-born to Kr. and Kn. Hale l#ndr'Y. Oare.nee Young, coordin•tor be--ned, not yet divulgeod, wtll be one watermelon at 7:00 prealded o"r _'..people do nad the want ~1 Eve.rybody reada the cluaifled ada. their .bom• 1n p,...dena. chanea, It wu ue.erted. 759 Wut 11th 1tl:neL -~-~~~~·~-bem-~M~~-~-fil-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;; Women ot the Mooae, vlalted the :P.tr. and Mra. Archie 0.tra.nder. a.nd uat3tant.a. Mr. BUI Tobblt I chapter mttting and uked for the Mr. and Mn. Cla"nce Young, llr. will lead the ' campnre actlvttie1 r-----:---.._ -..........:.._~ • °' cooperatJon of tlH: co·worken In &nd Mn. Haven Holbrook, llr. 1cheduled from 8::00 to 9 :00. Ad-......_____ ~ '~ • .ervtnl' rt.h &nd coffee \n the and Mn. Droeste and Ray Hott-dlllon•l lntormatlon may be hall ._..._".Ir ~ lodge booth at the Orange county ma.n, attended the M009e cooven-by eontacUnc Roy Mather, Har· _ ·~ \~.\ fair. Be also announced that bar-Uon ln Santa Cms thlt put wffk bor 113~MK. '} becued aparttib8 would be the end. ------ President of Zonta . lnternatinonal Addresses Inter-City Group_ Here ''Thert'1 no place like hom~ ... ._.-----------'----- Mid Mn.. El!D..mtlh Giat Dozier of Sa.n Feru.ndo, Zonta lntem.at- ional Preaidtnt. a. aht grteted one hundred and twenty Zonta mem- bn• and rueaU at the Int•r·clty nieetinl' July 29th in the American Legion Hall of Newport Beach. Mn. Dozier had ju.st returned from an extended tour of Zonta Clubs ln Europe. Mrs. Htlen Stockton. pre•ident of Newport Ha.rbor Zonta Club. prralded at the Pre•idmt•• table and Introduced the tollowlng Zon- ta officers. !.t:ra. lrt.ne Brets, pre•ident, Yuma, Ariz.: Mn. Myr· tle Ba.rd, junior put preaident of San Bem&rdlno; Mr~ Nora $t_eJt- bfll.son, nl'1rt vice-president, River- s ide; Mh. Ramona. ~so la, pru!.- dent, Glendale: Mn. Ruel Grant King. put diatrlct covernor,· Pua- dent: •Mn. Opal Canon, pruident. Burbank; Mn. Muriel Jone .. pttai· dent. San l"ernando; Mra. Estel Le Baker, pruldent, Puadena: Mn. Dorothea Meany, prestdent. Lo9 A.ngelea and Atn. R.oKmond M. Harri~•. San Bernardino, gov- ernor Dlatrlct Nine Zonta lnter- naUona.I. ne .following cluba wert: repre· aent.td: Burbank. Riverside, Pua· de.na. Loe Anielt•. San Bernardino Valley, San Ber:nardJno, GlendsJe. Fontana, Newport Harbor and Yuma. Arizona. Two boat ridea a.round the har- bor and Sttlng the P"Ught of the Snowbird.a added to the day'• pleuun. Pros-- After dinner a dtlighttul pro- gram wu pruented by Joaru:ie Pertz Dance pupila and tumbln-s. Then carryins out the water theme the followtnc Newport Har· bor. Zonta member• were·lntroduc- td by Marie Howea &a the "Gay Nt.ri.etle• .Bathing Beautaa'' 1n au· lhentlc suits by Catalina, from 1870 to 1919: Marpret Bruning, P~ Rmert. Ptg Haapa, Louiae Hamblet, Eva · Aapen, Kathlee.n Coleman, Helen Norton. Dorothea Shttley, Patty Scholl and France.a M:eara, with Joanne Peres u queen, who in turn c10wned Rosa· mond HVries. ln conventional An· net.le Kellerman ault.s , u Zonta Queen 1961. S pecial pre.be wu siven Mra. Blanche ~ns. chair· man of Inter-city meeUn,r a.nd The-lm& Paddock HoJ>f , chl!Urma.n of the decoratinc committee. Members Prize Exhibit Opens Wed. at Laguna Beach Art Gallery The ~rd Annual PriR Exhibl· . t ion ot Member• will open on Wect-j of t..guna, who I• fast m aking a neJlday. AU(. 8th at Laguna Beach top name tor henelf aa a water- art ....Uery, ctolf:d Mond.&y and to-colon.t. day for hanging the new exhibl-Tbe Art Cluees for JunJor hirh tion•. The Permantnt ~femorla.I ecbool age a.nd oldtr will ala.rt at CollecUon will continue tor the the Qi.try on Aug'\1.llt 7th at 10 month ot Auguat. In the Lower a.. m. ey will be held on Tuta- Ga.llery there will be one man day and Thursday durinit AugwJt ahO'\Vm. by Galen Dou. Dea.n ot trom ten until noon. Mlse Gert· Laguna Art.lat. and Dorothy Kttrl rude G&rdne:r wtU be ln cb&rgip. 'I'be only charge la a ngiatr&Uon tee of ~e dollar fM material.I. S ince the opening of the G&l· lery July 7th attend.a.nee bu aur- paued all previow: records:. Lut Sunday w .. tbe l&r1eat p&id at- te.nd&nce in the Gallery'• hUitory. .AJJ one: ot Oalifomla'• top a.rt.i.ts wrote thl.a week. "People who b&ve vlalted ~Gallery come back to LOI Allil'elo witll glowing de- Krlptkm.I Of It. And-It ce:rta.lnly maint..a.llUI Laguna's leaderahlp u never bdore. We are looklng for- ward to Rll!lnS' IL .. Commenta lUte thll make all of U• who h•'" worked to achieve our aim feel repair. Th• aaoclatlon ha.a n~ rtteived any blanks for the <>ran,o;e County FaJr Show, but the deadli:ne mmt be draW1A1 near: The datu of \he Fair are Aue-11th throuih the 191.lL So If you wlJ.h to enter the Art Exhibits, contact them direct. Shower Honor Event for Mrs. Jan Nettles Mrs. J.ta.ry Nelle Otto and Mrs. Cleo Fuller ahared hoeteM dutlea when they entert.inN rttently, hoooring Mra. J&n Ntttle• of C.0.- t& Me•. Theme wu revealed by the Iarce atork carrying & baby doll and nut cup1 were UtUe baby CV· f'iaC'e•. Angel.food cak:ea were Iced ln pln.k and blue and -Were aerved with punch and Ice cnam. Gltb 'l'ere plactd in & large cradle &nd in cluded auch lttma u polka.dot diapers and a batbtnette. Gamt• included the gueulng of ldenUtilP• from b&by plcturea ot everyone preMnt ~ the honorer, iueu.lnc them alt. won the priM. M.ra. Joan HorTeU we.a another prize wii:t-ner. Present w~rt! Mmes. Maxine E:a:- len, J oy&ine Rorick, Hattie WUd, Joyce otto, Helen Wild.. Dick T&l- atra, Monroe Nettlea, Fran>c: Hur- aya, Nancy JoycP, Joan Horrell, Mary Nelle Otto, Cleo J'Ullet", An N etUe• &nd Ml.aaea Ann Pollln.s, Mary Robina, Jeannie Talatra and Carol TalstrL Masons to Honor Grand Commander At the ata.ted mNtlng Of Sea- fa.rln' Lodl'e No. 708 '"me and Accepttd Muona htld ln Coata. MeN on \\'edne.aday, Auguiit 1. the followtnl' meetlnp were an- nounced : Aug-ust I . Third De(tff: Ausu•t 1~. no meetlns; Aucuat 2.2, Thlrd ~gTee ; Auguat 29, Third Dtl'J'!Pe. It wu ~ announced that the enerous contrlbutlorua of M.uona in the area toward the Muonle Homea Endowment f'Und hu put thia lodge an the honor roll for the yipar of 1951. Contribution• were tar paued the amount Mt for their goal. No meelinl{ la alated for Auruat 15 In order that all Muona ln the ~ will be free to attend the rttepUon honorinc R. r:. William E. \Vut1P, Grand Comm&nder, to be held at Santa Ana Muonlc Temple on U\la date. Ticketa for the dlnner a.nd reception are to be had trom any officer of Seafaring Lodl'e or by calling Henry De.later Muter of Seatarilir &t Hubor 2808-W. All Muona are Invited to at· tend the meeUnp evtrlPy Wednea· day eventnr at 7:SO and enjoy tbt goad t•-P of 8ealarin1 Lod ... Dr. Horace Hall Shows Travel Films to County ~roups s.r1•1h1'Wlat COHUCAKI 29C ... ca .. .->1 .... > The Oakland Art Gallery la boldinl' tu 11th Annual Exh.lblUon ot Watercolors. Putela, (1) Con- aervati•e (2) lntermedlate (3) Radical. w. ..... pd they call the ultra modern "Radical"' for that la the way we feel about It. Tbe prlaee ara $200, $100, ~. U interested contact the Oakland Art Gallery, Xualdpal .A.udltor- lw\J, O.k•anc1, CaUf. • The freah fruit aeuon ia hittin1 iu peak now with the orcharda' fineat orrivin1 daily at Safeway. You'll know wmmer hu ~ny hit ita atride when you aee &uita like th-. Refttthms aftd hul~I'-a py 111rpriae for any meal You'll fiDd ti-priced for top 1(alue at S1few01 now. . -.. . . . ' . cm11.nortS. s--*"* -r:::: PEIRS .. ,_ . - .TbaJ ..-).e tra.,jodq, 1a1.1a ..... -or _,bad< Bm' 10-aft. · :.~:t~" r-u.s.am+-. .. ..., aoun -: .' ;.I :. • 11 ~•-•• ·4· .tWICI tat-M'•• BOD.llli Bm ' SPIBERIBS .-loliadl+ ,,., ...... -.. 370 M1' ... Ito~, 1 -~ • .. It' ~s· 4 ... 25° BllllflS · :+:l'·s· nu Der ....... tt,aes ~c. •• , ....... -. llW • Pina. Yellmrdpo 2 25° c •• ~a1u111coa ... "'" ,,,., n111 Ainray (11111 ~..! 1.! 74• Grindoit•tore. CJ-•.baQ.2.t61 . M IM Ctllee ~":., 1.! 76• ··--..... 12·1>-boe. 1.511 A•lw ~ 1!:-16• No-C-af24.J.l4. CJ2~. bottle. 3Jc,, plus dtipalitl) M11ll Cristo WW -ff- '°"·St.Ty, ~I, ot Pate Slwry. 1 ~. flhh. 55<; Soutonw. fifth, 59<1 ' ..., .. wine on.nd aNv In li- ~So··~ Towoddit~. Sell DlilU c.::::· 2 :!: '29" W• wort"""'. CC>eposib extrat t • I -I ' .. ' • • ' • • • • ' • . \ 1 ..... t' l~l~nderc. ,, , ''Aofd~!~ lta, lian ·Girl _,,,,.lfi? Afplii .,, .. ~·ily Sotial Events · ~ids g:~:.c!iina ~~.. ~ ~ . .,. for ... ,..... '? AVG. S. IN1 l'CllWPOllT BAT ~ AltD l!ROPPING ~"EWll aw.nu.. Bal .... Iola"<I, Collt .... peaaloft or "'·a "'°"°" -.. OD 11-;y. ~ ao, Alpliia Attend Regatta. ;t. conl<lllutlaa of $'3ll .,..u ... · "adopted" Kari& Datodt; • --ahe .,... f..-1 to place .... dllld. Beta """" JUrketa, lac., fMmally cdwd taat WMk by CUa C-Ollna ON THRU SJ"n!IAL ,,,,. A LlmMe« 'Dolo! ··"·-·••Y •• _..... She --Ul ---·-· -t &om the Wmnen'• Conunltteo or -.. 18 -of y•&r-old i-~ -....... Ol<qto, 10. ID "" h,.Ut\ltloll. • • ...._ f1I or INS enat ~7 for _.,..,, M1"0 u.; Bouthern <;ellfomta du com-• . · , !: ! .. -~~..!t. Mre'a .... for i'ostu Pattnta' P"f' for War keepe w1Ul her th• otbtr two, t¥1r uttry in U.. Toum &mtdt of for UM ICTA·PC'!iA. ctL&mpton· ~. central divlelon. it w.,. an.. S & --"RD ~Y { •11 Day) you. u;;;.. make appoint· Children, lnc., It WU an.oounoed NScol&. 11, and Matl&. 1. 'l'hey all Boeee pan.de next N...... YM.t"• Ulp Ttla baete4 lliy Balb09 aotmced today bi J'r&nce1 Eleanor "I u • "' ..,. .. t._-r, -will stv• ,_ yqterday by PLAN h<adquarten U•e with a ....,.i.mother and an da;y. Maa.y mtri ....... 1Qblnltt4!cl Tacbt Club la the taalllon ua· at Smith of the hon>e fot crippled AU~• 11th .. -u. a St• Pe:rm• !a\ f•r a tetal at M Wat t:lnd Street. New Tork ~unt In Naplu. ft• flV• pef'90t\• to \be judl'lht' ottlclal&. a p. m. at tM dJ'b hDIMit wttb' ctiildr.n ' •f SU (or .. ea<Ll City, 11. _,. one ~ e.nd tho bathroom The w1nnlDlr float doelpod wu ~ Oonv-W-n•, wife ;t'be ~-mltte. wu cnpnlaed p & T I 0 .-.1..ll 0 U T D 0 0 R DOTl'1E J;IJ,F.S' ' BEA(;TY SALON ll.& &. tftll: 81.. CM&& Mesa PMee 11 .. ~.a at1-w Sine• tta in«pUon fowt.een and water 1u.pply an ln the 1'&ll. Bob Ma.Un.I. w1'o bu ta \ht put ot Ut. me commodore, u daalt· ttwa ye&n ~ for phll&nthropk: Ill 9118 yean qo, Foster Pattn.ta' Plan lo be used ln common wtth \b• entered aiome of the pan.di'• ftft. man. ..uaJatJnr Mn.. WQ.f'det:nann ~ and the membenhtp to-FURNITURE O A bU car<d for more than S0,000 otbor f&llllllH UW.. tht the buUd· eol float& Ottlc:lalo or tllo ~ In reco!Ylq' wl1l be Mary Jllodaell, tala 225 actlft membero, accord· an CC9$$0fies children. It ii now operaUnl in tna. n&mait o( ROHi u:p1't#td 1'f'9t da.uaht.r of BT C Commodort 1 .. ;. to a Jetter which ~mpanled • Belgium. JCl\alan.d. B'rance, GrffCI, l.Jvtnl' eo&dlUona are moat mil-Joy whe noUll*C! of the deMp. '11&.rTy Blod,.tt: Mn. RoMrt L. .... Santa •na T-..& & •wn1·ni Co. Holland, IWy and la htlplq UJ>· trablt u m&y be underotood from and Ullo of tho n.at. all or W1tklh Boyd, r<ptta .tco cbelrman -e.nd the chock. "' ....... "' fortwate and tmpoveriabed cblJ-. the fa.ct that they pay to aenta & "111 be kept under~· unW ju.t Mn. JamM Webmlr of NHYC. Althoup the committee usu&lly llH S. Maia St. Ul\"TA A.NA .....U-· dren of fou.rtttn dltfettnt nation-month ln ttnl. but .., It t.., they • tew daya Mrore the pAJ"&de. IA t,.. evutlnc th•re will be a p~fer. to donate equipment. the L-llna Awn· I-& Map'-Shoe alltle1, without rep.rd to race or can IC&n:ely ac.raP41 alonl" on th• Much P"'J)&RUon la already W.tfet dinner wtth moUoa picture. cbeclc wa.e me,nt With the nqueat -~ ··~ .. ------------,I crud. lltUe money they have. The pa.nd• underw&y on lll• r..rad• Which la for lM children, aad an Jm· O,t 1~ ~·~ to the best advanl• 1trt Oout Blvd.. 80UTR LAGUNA Pll. i.c-tsa Fost•r Parent.a' Plan tor war motb•r ~ive. an old·ace pen· to IN! held ... &nll&J"7 1. C-· promptu mualeal tn\e.rta.lnment -"":.:..:at:._:t~.::;_:_:m:_:•:_· __ .:_·--..,,..-~~===~=~~==~~==~~==~~====~ • bJ -. ._ .. ., .... ,.. ........... .. _ .... "'-..\\\,. ..... ...... ~\t· ... -• ' _, I . I ._,. flew.fl. ' ........... .. _ .... 8MAIJ. DOWN' PA.YKDli'T BA.''ll TERMS GRANTS FURNITURE - 1645 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA PllONE BEACOS' ~707-:M children doe.a not do ta.am relief, •ion, $11 per month. The aunt tract., &re belDI' kit for the varlou• t.n.arward. .: each chlld la treated .. an lndi-rnU.u about 50 ttnU a day aew-fJoata and plan a.n Mine madl for Wldnuda.y'• prol'f&m be(ina: at vfdua.J. "'Adoption" ia rtnanci&l not iDC' on. children'• clothu. Tb• the proper floW\tra to come in 9 a.. m. with break.fut and 8CYA lep.l. The rtwter parent merely mother 1a a C'ood typlat but with b1oom at that tlm.L Th• n.rkN• meeUnc. At 1:30 la the famous promiaea to contribute $1~ monlh-economic condition• what ~ey are com.m.Jttes o1 tbe Toumament of We•t•rn bube<:ue at Irvine ranch ly toward.l!I the child'• 1Upport. for in Sou.them lt.&ly, Ille cannot tlnd ftoeea an all Mt wtlh their plan.I Thunday 1-th• brtd.-..ca.nut.a at lea.at a ye&r. In return. tb• fOIJ· a. jqb at pre .. nL to make lbt next parad• one of lunchfOft at l a. m. and patio din· ter parent recetvea a photorraph Sbe .acrtflcN her own cood for the moet beautltul and enjoyabl• ntr ln. th• eve.nine. and brief hi1tory of the chlJd. And the children, but they an: qnen parade-a ever Mild. Wlnd·Up of the re.-atta will be coru1pondence. lhroucb tl'le Pia.a hunSTY, their meai. are wiua11y Variou. prtae. &rt: S"iven tor the the .Friday cock:ta.11 pa.rly for office ii encouraced 1lnce the thin aoupa, bread, or some vec-e-bfft floata and, of couree, much power bQat and tarie aa11 boit chUdren need the fu.1lnC ot belnc tablee p icked up a.round tlle mar-S'JM"i"I' W dooe u to who will dlYWiona &nd Kmi-formal trophy loved and belonJinf to 90meone, keL Maria 11 tn need ot .o many win them • .Alter bea.rlnc of .4.Jpha preMnt&tion dinner. aomeplaee. Thouch the 1"&r ln Eu-thl.D.p her motber cannot 1tve her. Bel&'• float, muy e-xperta a.rt Servt.nc wtth Kn. Boyd an: rope bu been o•er tot' five yean, M>Urlahin&' food. l'ood clothinr and a.ltta.dy peninl" them M one ot boepltality committff, J •c k I e It hu never ceued for theae chll-medical can. With PLAN a.id, th• the winnen. sueN, cba.Lrman ; Jane Berla, dren. child wW 't-able to receJve theae Loulff .BUh, J:velyn Campbell, SUe Maria never knf'W her father, thlnp and atlU remal? in the 1ov-DEA TH NOTICES Fkker, Betty Gn.Mr, Jane Jami- & bookkttper who bf'tore tl\e war. lDC care of her mother. And 11 9011, Jan• Kimble, Per Muon. provided a n\ce lltUe home for M&.ria la aided by PL.AN, tht.a •n-KU. IOllA..'<NA OWEN Ruth Po.t, n orence Smale1, l:ve- hil family in Na.plea. He became a Ure deMrTtnr tun.Uy wUl have a Kr.. Johanna Owen, ~4 . of Col-lyn You.n1; on decoration•, ~rt­ aerreant rnajor in tbe ltaJlan chance to improve IU IJvtng condl-ta Meq puaed away Saturday rude Carpenter, chairman: Ma.ry army but jolnt-d witb the nbela Uona. a t St, Jo.eph bo.plt&I, Orange, C1e&ry, Craig Doylf', Pat Dunnl- when a.U tbe lnha.bit.aat. of the Karia ha. beauUtul lar.-e brown after brief illnHC. She wu a na-pn, Sue Flcicer, Vlrrlnla Hukell city revolted agatnat t.k German eyea a.nd brown hair. Sbe ls well live ot Dllnola a.nd wu t.J\e wife and Grace Poirier. army of occupation durinr th• bu.Ill but llU'VOWI and abowa the oc Fo~t B. OWen, Hereta.ry ot On th• publicity committee are : fam0\11 "four d•.Y• ot Naples." ettecta o f m&lnutliUon and IAff-Coet.a Mea Chambe-r ot Com· Hay lAn«enhetm, LIYC; NPal Alter thp Cerftla.na bad evacu· curtly. She aaya 11he wo~d like to meroe. She had resided In Costa Bec:kn•r. NOS.A.. and laabtl An· ated uM city. he tried to ftaeb work ln. a coif .. shop where there Mna for the put 18 yean at Ha7 drewa, BTC. tu• ta.mily who had gone to a 11 IOU ot food. She l8 in the MC-N•wport aw.nu.. She wu a.a. a.c------- country dt.atrlct wltb other di.I-ond In-d• at achool and llkea writ· live member or ~t. J~blm'• par- placed person.. On thl way. he lnr and nadlnc. lhe drea.ma of lah, ot the Altar 10Ciety and the mf't some itr&nded German told· being able to play with a. doll that Ladles Guild. abo of Friday At· IPr!I. Seeing he wu armfd. they "•pH.kl." Marta'1 llte will be mad temoon club . ahot him doWll and left tum lying much happltt throUch th• t'riend· Beaktu ber au1ba.nd the t. sur- beatde the road. ahlp a.nd letters of her f~r p&r· vtved by one aon.. John W. White The widow rtttl•H 011ly a amall ent. of Costa w: ... ; two brotheTa and . ELKS MEET IN SANTA MONICA SEPT. 26 An eatlmated 10,000 Elka and t.beir' fJ.mllle. a.re expe.eted to thronl" to Santa Monica for tbe 31th annual convention ot the C.lt· fornia. Elk.I A.aMK:lat\on, September K, 17, 25 a.op 21, accord..lnc to Ben Osterman of Sant& Ana, presidPnt of the UM>C:latlon , and Virgil Kingaley, Exalted Ruler or the host lod1e. clple ot our Order-love of coun· try and devotion to lta way ot llf•." FIBST .\JDERS a ai•tar, WWlam C. Taylor, Co&· line• a.nd 'Tbomu J . TaylOf' of Salt Lak:11 City, ll1ld Mn. T. P . Conley ot Loni' Beach. Also M.lr· TlvinJ are four JT&ndlona. Plrqulero m ... wUl be celebrat- ed Tue!lday, Aue. 9 at 9 •· m. at St. Joa chlm'11 church. followed by interment in H p\y Sepulcbre cetn- •tery, Orange. Ro9&rY wu ttclte-d at Gr&uPl c hapel Monday eveninr. INF A.NT "'HITE Betty Winkler in Two-man Show of O.C. Art Assn. T!\e Oranp County .Art uaoeia- tJon. announct1 it. A.u.-uat eKb.ibtt ol palntlnl"• in the J"u.Uerton pub-- lie library, from Ausu•t l until Aucuat Sl, d&ily except Sundays. The art.bU eahlbtttnr thla month arf': Mn. EU.sabeth Wlnkl~r. 11470 Skyline Drive, 11110 RFD, 1. San- t& Ana: and Mni. Dorta Carlson, Oran1e. Thia la the lut two or the rour a.rt.lats who won the 3rd an- nual j uried •rt 1how certificate of m.ertt, 1951, the flnt twO, ln July, WeN Miu Madelyn. Short. Gar- den Gron; and Krs. Jane Porter, Santa .o\nL The four·d&y conclave will draw delegate• rrom some tft Callfomla Ellu, Lodges, 01term&n •Id. Hott· I Ing the convention will be Santa Monica Elk.II Lodce. No. 908. I F"rank Hull. Put Exalted Ruler of Santa Monica Lodge, ia gene-ral '============= 1 convention cha.irm&A, Oatennan · announced. Another Red Crou Standard Fir11t Aid coune wu j uat com· pleted at Newport Bel&C.h-The inltructor, Mr•. Robert Keppen, certified the followln' p.ople: -Funeral Mn'tcu tor the lnfa.at .,n Ot Mr. and Mra. Robert D. Whlte, 426 J:. Co.ta MeM, Ave., C09ta Meu, were held P'rida.y in Ba.nta .Ana. Cnma.Uon followed at Melfo. Abbey. Betty Winkler hu aerved for HVfiral ye&n u secretary of lhf' Brandt-Dike Summer Art achoo! at Corona del Mar and hu irtud- led with t.Mchert PbO Dik•. Re.s BraRdt and David 8cott. Her f'du· cational be.ck1TOUl'ld Include. Po- mona. c01Jep, UC at Berkeley and adult educ&UOll cl._.. •t SCr1ppe collep. CHINTZ SHOP INTERIOR DECORATORS * Larre S.lectlon ot WALLP APERS 'tany with Matching Fabrle. * 99.S So. Coa.at Blvd. LaJuna 11<..-b 4-1991 Plana for the conve.nUon call for a host or event•, tncludlnr band concert.. parade., a musical festi- val. a golf tou.mament, bowlU.g and billiard contelU, 1keet and trap 1hootll and a variety ot •n- tutalnment designed to please everyone, BUil aa.ld. The muaic fHtinl wt.11 feature the combined glee cluba M evvy Elka Lodge i.n the 11tate and wtll be highlighted by the appearance ot a tamoua name in yte mualcal world u gue-11t aoloi.Jt. The band concert9 figure to be equally u lmporta.nt. "rith 110me :SO Elk.I ba.nd.!!I already lricned. up to .attend the ~onvPntlon. Commr:ntinir on the convention, Kingsley 1aid : "Whlle we arr: pJannlnr many wonderful enter· taining events, th• nal work of th.111 eonvention w lll be. to redtdi· J.,ck Conayn, Lyle Dunn. Ka- mle M.&thtw1, Jamu L. M.Uler, Jacquelin~ Phelp•, .Alt.A Whitmer, ~garet \VlUc:inaon, A.me 11 a. Vaught and Viol& Llnday. In addition to the rel'Ular course in Flr•t Aid, the.. 1tudent.. wt:re giv~n and teatf'd on Civil Dttenn eupplementary materj.all. . l:ND UMD' " A blU provi4inl" for terrntti.&• Uon of th• prutnt $6,000 maxi- mum llmtt.ation on sal&ry wblch can be ,counted for purposes ot ~· tirf'mt-nt fund conlt'ibutJon• hu bffn 1trned Into law by Gov. l'Ja.rt W'uren. The bill v.•ould termin&te the limit July l, 195~. cate ouraelVl!Jll to the tundamental SOS FOK COM COUPLE 'nt• child died at bfrth Monday in S&nta Ana Community ho• pit.Al. Survivor• In addition to tb• pannt1 a.re the rrudpartnta, Mr. and Mr•. John C. Beach and Xra. Carri• R.ogera of Coat.a. M:tu, and th• l"' .. t-(f&lldp&renta. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Beach of Cotta Ilea. Book Marine On Drunk Driving Larry G. Sommerville. 21 , El Toro Marine, wu booked on char('t• of drunk dri'ftrlJ after &n accident a t 33rd St. and Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach at 1: :25 a. m. Saturday. Sbe hu had plctures tn numer- ous exhibits. lnekldln1 Scrlppe and Pomona collece~ r.a,una. &rt cal· ltry, & one-man ahow at Sant.a Ana Country club, and for tour years in Newport Harbor annual art &bow. L&st year •he won the Nellie Moulton purchue award a t OrSJ\l'e county falr and hu had two a.vra.rd• In Ora.n1e county art aasoctatlon'1 juried a.how. ;;;;;;;;;;;:;;::==========:::, principles of Elkdom-partlcular-Mr. a.nd Mrs. Stan Culda., 421 ly America.nUlm." Martcold A\'Pnue. Corona del Mar, Driver ot the othf"r vehicle ln· volved ln the accident ..,, .... Ga.U G. Glttord, 11. A pu.tenrer in her car wu Ca.rol Vandenberg. Both M.r•. Cart.ob hu 1tudied with Milford Zome.1, Burt. Pro c ter. Jenny Crawford, Lela ·Norton !Od t....onard Scheu and received • cer· tlficate of mertt and the third an- nual juried art ahow at 0. C. art auocl.ation. l ! I ! I I ""\1:1....... • &z~ VINCENT'S Lido Trave l Bureau MEZZA..'-L"'"""E UDO DRt:G STORE Harbor 1246 • PL.L~ e SHIP e TRADi RESEil\' ATIOSS • Mutull Thltlt Ticket. A 11ncy • • • • • • T. v . sm FOR RENT T-DAY ML-.,"JMUM TIDE T. V. SOll :O."EWPOJIT lu. VD l Newport llea<k BAJlBOR %08 LIDO CLEANEBS f.51 Newp.Jt IDT4. OOSTA llZllA. -.,...,, w._ .. ...,. ... ,._. • I "ln thf'se troubled Ume1, It I~ &re parents of an I pound, 1 ounce important that e\•ery Elk reaffirm i •on born A ugust l in St. Joseph his devotion to the greate11t prin-hospital. Ae<"Ordinr to MiM Gifford she rtrla are from J"ullerton. ·-========================="il)waa tumtnc onto Balboa Blvd. It tram .J.fth 8t. when ahe aaw Som· Honor Pet1titt Four d.:adea ot telephone aer- vtce were celebrated. tut Thur. day (July 3 ) by L. W . P ettitt, wtre chief in the Ba.Jbo& and Coata Meaa. cent.n.l office• ot Pacinc Telephone, at a luncheon given In ht. honor by more th&.n 16 triend.e ..id co-workers. WHY 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Buy a n~ battery for your car. boat, trvcl( or fann •Ip- meat~ \\'e wt.II ftltulld with ALL HW part• t. your caee at approxlm•Ml:r •~It.alt of tltf!I eMt of a nbr battery. WITH A NEW BATTERY GUARANTEE LEWIS BROS ._ ICM -%8th St. !\"'J'.:WPOltT BZACR FINEST OCEAN FISH RETAIL SHRIMP HALIBUT BARRACUDA SEA BASS ALBACORE ABALONE FISHERMEN I We will Prepare Albacore for your locker • SEA FOOD, SPECIALTIES 1118 SOth Newpon BNcll PIL Bu. U0'1 1 SJ. J AM ES CHURCH EPI SCOPAL • (Ar 'DU: DTIU.lfClll 'IQ LIDO ISL&) • • ·suNDAY SERVICES l:JO A.M.-10:00 A.tut. • -ltUICH SCI IOOL.-10:00 A.M. ·THUISDAYS HOLT ·COMMUNION-10 A.M. , • • • • \ ervllle'• car comlnr towards her. ! Sh• aald that •he icould not avoid a. colU1lon. The ca.rs met almo.t head-on. Miu Gl!ford re-celwd a bn.ilaed eye and noae from the ac- cident. After th• accident, wttnt&tM• aald that the Marine ran from th• •Ile or the colllaion but wu tater c&\ll'ht. He WU booked by New- port 8-J.ch police· COT drunk drtT· Inf. Both can H<elved· ~ front ende. ·Up Pork Prices PetUtt. wbo llvea &t 204 Pearl Ave., Balboa. Ial&nd, w .. pruent4 ed a pi.n conimemorattnc h1-forti- eth annl•ena.ry ln the communica- tloftl lnduttry by R. H. Deaver, di.trkt plant wpertntendent 6f th• cotnpany, at th• lun.cbeon party held at the ltallan Cott.ace, Costa )tu.a. Amons-tboee attmd- tnc w." Diltrlct Trattlc Superin- tendent D. ~W. M~Nauttier, ex· ch.&ll1e M~r T. M. Rambrook Higher e<llln}' prlcee tor pork. and lluperrl.jlnr Wire Clllot J. O. which will cau.e a rtae ot J to 9 John.tan. I cent.t a pound ln the coet ot pork v..._ Eap1t1ee rout. apd chopa at tlle retail level I have beta Mt by the Office of Tbe ~ t.dephone employff Price StabULutton, accordlnl' to bepa Ma CU"Hr u a nrttchbo&rd wuu.am1 c. Moear, director of. Ule repa1:rma.n ~th PacWc Telepbone San Dieso diatrict offtct Of Pnce lD. P~ ~ lD ltoT. Sub- St.l>ilisatlon. eequent.17 ~ wu employed by The iacnue. wete allowed, t.be lllun~n !Jt&t. Telephone Moe.Mr Mid. to m .. t tb• lllenued com~ la ~Yer. Col~o, tbe coctl to proceuors of Jtn 11.oP .llldl!piD.-•~te 'h.lepboa.e COID· 11Dce lut January. Tb• hll1> eel-pany at Gra!i4 )\apldl, tllo Catral ~ prlceo attttt pork lolDI UnlOft T lqjioD6 ccmpoD7 at Ko- wet(lllnc lC ))OWlcla '"' -. Tiit Un<. DllnoiO i.nd ID UH llo Mura· new pricN are in place of p:rl.cel ed to Tel.qi~••· fTo&en at -.Qy low leY<lll b7 PoltlU 1-....,.._ or the Tole- th• o..,....i C<lllDc Prlee Rocv-1-ot Amor1<a, "" or• latioa i.uec1 J.ut January, Koeetr pa .. tion 'f cc•n:umlc&U•• .id. -11a n ......... ,_,. Tiie new celllnp OriU 11o otfOC• or .0..S.. tllo ~. Uve, KOffU' Aid, ~ utU-RMm•lJr t.d. *'jt1 9Mf -· .. Wilt-' -and ot ~ tor -lf----celJneo tar pork ,.,..i.. port &r-..I-..-, u plaM l'or·Jlridar -the ...al17 to -.di,__ tlle ~ .. dJ't'ldM ID.ta dz SOMa. A.etu&l pbDa.t a .17¢]" )JU.. c-t•np la. 'tUIOQI ..,...,.. wW -""" 1• "imti;;~;;;;; a.ct " 1 MW tnm 11 mtaUca COit. 1 --lillrlWi _...,...aw ' . --.. -:•f61M1•-J)rm"t .. ~ ~ ........ ,.t .... 'J»vt : ., .... ..., • Dlhw. wM .._.. • Mil. .. el •••·'1r·1 a. JI P• -mq pt-.. • , .... illlt. ilaa .... !Md -.::::...-.... .. _ ... n ... ••ll;r u..,. _, p& tac .. -pro.f- at 'llo-wllu--.. · -,_ -la tllo pra1• - -Tiie WI .. -,_ 14--.,. •Ula ,.. su ,._ _. 112 •rt· 9'alr7 te iurt sn: • 1 mlt M JS Ale .... ~ ALL OF TBE NE •s • of th• Newport Harlor A rea • ALL TBE TIME EVERY TUESDAY "'1 'f#7~7.k//~ . l/rii. · ... ::: PRE SS - • EVERY THURSDAY 80TB FOR $3.50 A YEAR-1n o .. -... eo-1y • To SUISCRIPTION ORDER FORM 1M NEWPORT • BALBOA PRESS- ·and THE NEWS ·TIMES Please send The Press and The News -Time• to Name-·--------------·~----- Poetoffice.-·---·--· Nall te ••wpel'I Bubol' h•H1hln9 Co., 2211 aaJHa al••· NOW is the time to transfer your funds to insured SAVINGS CURRENT EARNINGS SIVlllS IOW llSUIU • UP TO 111,•l.ll MOIE.Y UCE.IVU IY Tiil llTll OF Tiil MGITH UUI FROM THE. IST I Come In •• t We will arrange t fie transfer of your fund• ltL.! • ' • • w nuut 1rtconYtrttenee ·or, expellN to you • • • , _Thursday. August 9, 1951 r .. -• • • • • • •• • • Thund•y, ·August 9, 1951 OIR POUCY IOW & FOREVER ¥ , ABSOLUTELY ·w1cc Not ·11' ·UNoERsocO. ,,. 1111E 1s P1c11c 111E •• ·p1c11c · TIIE Is tHE -TIME ·tu ~~Ralis'' ·.PER 9UALITY· FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS, ... Save on Snow Crop-fresh fruit ·"'1fiNe111RS I SNOW CRO, 6-u. Ca• 19c: SNOW CRO, FROZEN c ORANGE JUICE COFFEE SNOW CRO, 6·aL Ca• 19c: GRAPE JUICE 5-os. 59c SNOW CRO, 5-oL Can1 2 29C: . Jar LEMONADE far CONCENTRATED • ' 10-0L '••k•CJ• 2sc: fl#,6 .. , BROCCOLI SPEARS = 12-oz. '••kage MARGARINE ~.~ 23c . MAYONNAISE 37·63· FORDHOOK LIMAS 27c: SHRIMP HO-MA FRESH FROZEN 12-oz. 59c ,kCJ . ._ _____ IOll!llllllllllllbllt~lllllLlllUllftltlll!IWlll"W II 1-.....: - POI •AlllS 6 Rog. Con• a n 111182 IMS! MIHl .. llllllMllllllllllllKlllllllllllllllllllWt!MlllllllllatlDlllll'llllllllUMl!llllMllllUllllllll"'1H 4to1 No. '.'-: Flat Can CHOICE r...e ...................... " _ _,, ................... ,.·"' "',.....'-..,_,, ..... .... 10-lb.85 c .. , LAURA SCUDDER 14-oL 22-oz. VAN CAM,'S P-nut Butter 33c 47c PORK & BEANS .._ ______ _, No. JOO Con GARDEN Swedish Twist' COffllCAKI 29Cea. I *" (t ... J7c H .) PEAS No. 2 '1• I No. JOJ C:4o Ca• ~. 15c: .. -~ .. COFFEE .A.Nnea'-Fa..;,n,. SaJod OU WESSOll OIL Fun 9••rt 57c · IORDEN'S MACARONI & CHEISE DINNERS 2 ;1:.~ 25c . .. IN OUR DILICATISSIN DEn. l'rfus Effective Thn. • Fri. • Sot. •••. t • 10 • 11 1-lb. CELLO ·Pf<G. · S~;d;i~h ... Loaf · ".531. • a~;;nschweii;;"· 33~ LUlll,'S 9UALITY . · FRANKS 1-lb •. 59c Cello n,. IMPORTED Golden State Cheese ~~f ESE 59~ rii'~fnAR 45~ ~D--llUl ..... !WiiWlllllllllMlllUBlllllWllMllllMllDlll•-li•11--•y ••P- !'.'!!."'-1•'--IUlllllllllllllllllllJlWllllllllln-IUlllll•p 3 & S'1Pl•D&J .. g==;='p LUEll'S FIRST 9UALITY LITILE "G LINK SAUSAGE ' FRY, 79-IROIL, a ROAST 'l>·lb. Cello ,kg. SALAD COCKTAIL SHRIMP COLUMllA RIVER SMELTS 49f. 29f. H.A tliirusi ... 49f. swoi°DFlstik• 55:., ·111 " ·"We Specialize in Courtesy" • I . , • I • • • ; • , I I ' ,· r \ • -• • • I cWS1 . eo.~ -{ ... t. ,. . .... ... pl'OM';,;;;AGl!L.;;~;.;;llBO;,;;~;.;;i :W;;;.7...:..1 WH~EN_Y~ou~· W~AMT ___ .. ,_> O_BDY_-·~· si-i&i; ___ . E .... Mr ... \O_Y_. ·~'-''·-· OK __ TRADE~·" u_· SE_. TH~E ~~~~~~~--- n 1111u41.-· · · ia 1' nw . -1c;w:..==-=-="l'~-=:::.=:;======;i\stJ.v .. ·n1,-..ilo WA•T A•I • IDST~ 1U14 wtllle ldtta Lk&nr,J L Xlllorlt..J•'M-RE?jT A PIANO.for Olll7 S5 ptt on -Penl•••'• .. tlmla7, sa.M. ~ -• blaelL 1 l month. Rental ~on tut.ure A111..•t11. ~·,·pet. asw.uu>l •7~A.AA • t~AAM. .._., .. WANT. AP will cost you ,-at 11 ·s :aru- Ph. Jlut>o{,JOCll. • ' f)IO'I 17 -· Call 'Bar. t74-i .... ' Sip CO. (8lnce l U1 No. \ · -CStfo ~~ ll&nta At~ Kimllel> C LASSIFIED The Miqhiy Midqet In Advertisinq L08T-l.4dln njl -_._ Af!. 52 1 'VI 2-0872. 4 I ~ -ft.ilD v...r ~ llxtll-. J>NC. -· -...n ·only end.it will run .1-~ · l~~=~~~~~~ ornc-. W..S. ~ .... L Plooot ,._ --.ten, mllc. All ha.. co.,. IN, Hl!lAR and fl.AT new NEWS-TIMF.8 -Every Taelllday "°"' tQ. vau.Wlllle. • ~1· . ..Uilot•* --Bupla. Cal1 \ Hammopd Cl>tml qrpn. No ' NEWPORT BAY POST-'Wedneeda-. ..,... ... , •-"' -· nc:U . 3 . mllllo 1-~ ""Y· • J -• ,.r · II I I .,P.de can play thla ment. NEWPORT-BALBOA "RESS-Tb.andays 18 81tn1ti<asWAW co.n11~ -u·-· r.pa1r o.ad in e oce papen. DANZ·SCHllofID'I: p o lin4 • ~ mo~o ~· .... ~ ·-· -of all -oqul-t. ORGAN co., SU.ta Ana, ~20 4S-Ap&rtmeatll ud Bo- Dll:LUXll 1 bdrm. apt.. -&1111 Now,_rt lla.J" Post a.•1fk4 A* wt,_ la Im 2'ir114&7 ........ -.. ,,.u,, ""™ ...-. ·---•th N--"' tllo n....-.., Plw d.Uv ... Cllrtalno. ORANGE COAST ~·· Main. comer • · • "'1•· Unf\ln111lled. -., 289% Rocbester. Coot&)(- • 1 ' 65tte IONDl11JI AD IS' LlifD H•IP with dlJlner part1u. Pboo• TRAILER SUPPLY A Minimum a d is 4 lines . lfARDMAN .UPrf&'ht p1an'\l, .. oo1. .&.D Clc'dftecl ... al.l be pUd for CllMll I:. .. •Mel et J"Jtls1'a Mra. WHH•m11, Harbor ~ Mt_ lent condition. $16. SU .A.po. ' Lia.. l Paper $ , 15 1 fore 10 a.m. or after 8 p.m. -1110 HARBOR BL VD. lena, Bolbo& lol>.nd. '62cli4 '•~-• ---l.M .. , · ffpM ea.ta JI..., Pbone 8-con t:IU-R '-~ " • -r-• ..l-. • PINlll Harbor 1616 GRAND PIANOS. Bl~ Summer FURNl'BHED J -..,. apt. yea& ly -$7~ mo. 211 • 32nd 81., Newport Bncb. Mcli7 ' u.... S Papen 2.08 ' .. PRD IDQUlTT · 1~1 mod•I Klr· / Sal• now on Steln-y, 1faoon 'nae pubu.hen will not be _.ible tor m""' than one tncorftCt -~ SWffptr -all attadlmenta. Newport-lllalboa Ne,..TlmM -Newport.Balboa p,,_ 4lo Hamlin, Knabe, Cblckerln&', tn..rtion Of an advertl.oemen~ ........ th• rtpt to oo......U,. cluolt)o 'Aaoum• I p)'lftbo. Of $10.JO mo. Newport ·Ba:y Poet (8hoppln• News) Cl>ue. Wur)ltzer. Bohmer, ·Floh· any and all adl and to reject any advertiee.ment not confonnlq to · ~ &. 1~ 8t.. Colla Mea. e ff and many othen. Some new, rule• and reg'Ula.tlont. Advertiaemenll and cancellatloos will '-------------116cl5-_7 I~============~============ eome used. Prices start at 1395 accepted up to 15 p.m. on the day precedlnc publication. t: ~SCIDfiDT PIANO co .. Ex«pt deadline for News·Time• i. 11 a.. m. Monday• 1-~~~~=:=====~~!....tlN"EW TWO BURNER electric ~20 No. Ma.l.n, Sant.a Ana. ~ Bar. 1119, aak tor "Ad hker" er .... ad -.--io plate, 3 opeedl. R•uonabl•. si-Boaaehold Goods SS-Boat11, SuJ!.p_ll_.,. ____ ----------- NEWPORT RABIJOB Pl!llU8111NO 00. An Opportun1'ty HarboT O&ee..J. ll6cl51 l=~====.-;,.;.c...____ SPINET PIANO. Pay out balanca MODERN 4-pc. cw:ved Hellonal. NEW DINGHY, been In water ____ ...;"!"~:_,=-=.:~~=:_;_N::ew:'..!po~rt~-==:.:o.u::'.'.':•ra~'.'.'&-~----· I -$•••. •·other Spinet, bal. S381 .. -·~ -NICED A MAN, familiar wtth fr..-B~ Ru.utan nd fox tur I .pc. bleached birch dining aet, only 3 houn. Ji'ac".ory made, .,..,... .l'U• tema.l or eocial orpniS&tlona, to co&t-C.l'oJJer lenctlt, wonderful .. 1 ... t•T cotfe. table with match-weU buUt. $M. 212 Amethyst, Kimbal made SpineJ.. $4.Sl. SH 12-Bulldlnr; ServicM · u ,.._.. our llat ot returned rental.a and ma.nqe club and lodge tac Ille• COft(tltloa. S19I ll·l'-(Oaly tns duk., library t~e. end and Balboa-l•land. Harbor 2179-J. ·of• local JTOUp. Tbla 11 an Ideal 1i4tb ot orfctiiaJ coat). 2296 comer table•, ato•e, retrtr.. · Mp56 reposses5iona. DANZ-SCHMIDT .. . ... .. ... Sympson & Nollar PAINTING&: DECORATING "The Best Money, Can Buy" 612 -38th St., Newport Beach •pot for a reUrtd man who de-Clay -at... N•wport He 1 r b ta. pleated maroon le&lher k itchen BIG PIANO STOP..E. JOO bar· •.rea fellowship. Umlted ulary Beacon ITat.W. Mc68 boolh with table and 2 matching Boat owners and mechanics Pins, 620 N. Main. Sant.a Ana. and dutiea. Haun ~. tn the chair•. 2 Hollywood ttpe bdrm. FOR YOUR corner 6th Street. evonlnp, • d&y1 a waek. Ac• TWO ~ ourf Colan c'-tlob-.. u. drapH. nip, boyo' blcycl•, SNAP ON TOOLS no banter, non-aect&rlan. Reply tni. roda. Su.rt butt and boat typewriter. etc. Sa.criflce. 4:>5 ... Your ad appearlnl' re1- nlarly ln thMe column.a will bring you ma.DY new customera. Harbor a.rea tolka are tn the habit of "looking ln the cla.&11· fl~" when, they need thue aervtcea. PHONE HARBOR 24Gt he.Id contldenU&L Wrtt.e,Box 02 'bult, Sl~ each. "" .. 33rd. N;w-J:. 11th, Costa. Meaa. Mc~7 Call JOH11: KDtBLE t..hi8 paper. 53ttc port Bet.c_h. M~7 17tf Miramar, Balboa & ft, DAVENPORT-Mahogany Harbor' 1087·R WANT WOMAN lo cook • dinner, NEW SIGNS p&lnt~ A trimmed, Lamp, Table•. Li&bt ring Ba.r· !12ttc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE l'LUMBING A Prompt month ot A.u(Ult. Htgheat hour-two blackboard •lsna wltat>le rel chair, RoM oceulonal chair, · ly p&'y. Call at 209 Jumine St., for real e.et.ate otnce or! Will Boudoir cb&ir, Ta.ble la.mp, pr. Corona del .Mar. Mp07 Acritlce. Venetian blinch an.d Cott.on loop rur•. 74''x50'" - OOllPLm'll BOOBll CLLUnNO aenloe. J'W'nltun and rap llwnpooed. ,.... ---l'ull7 Inland. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. B-.con 1111 Repair Servi'ce Ma.tnt.&1.ned Phone: Harbor ltla...W 2801 Balboa Blvd., NNport Bffcll w ... people do rud tbe ad&. REP AIRING and PAINTING ReuonabJe. Large or small jobli. WANT WOMAN to help care for children nlghta while I work. Live in. Salary. School fh'I ac- ceptable. Harbor 1&49..J. Mc57 SKIPPER to run 40 ft. boat tor 2 month•. G. M. HOI..sTEIN, 212 Udo Nord, Lido l&le. llk68 Free eattma.tes. Walker, 108 18th ------------- St.. Nwpt.. Beach. Har. 2581~R W .AITR.ESSES WANTED -Mmt ~ aper: Apply NORTON'S HAULING BA YSHOR!: CA.Fl:. 17th a.nd Oout H tcbway, Newport Bu.ch. For Venetian Blinds . Any kind, truh or! WALKER., __________ ~_., ' 108-18t.h St Newport. H . ~1-R '-Shades and Drapery Hdwe. • B:XPERIENCED DISHW ASRER, THE SHADE SHOP PAPER HANGING maclline. m•n or woman. Apply ROSSMORE DINlNG ROOM, Free estimates Ph. Har 884 & Painting, Spray Painting 2800 Newport Blvd .• N•wport 514 -29th St. Newport Beach Kenneth Quarry Beach. • ••i>M 1~16 San~ Ana .A. "(e., Costa Me• EXPERilCNCED alteration w o-- PHONJC Barbor 18ll to place Phone Beacon MM man to t&ke over alteration dept. your want ad on this page. Mc5TH . No charge for work ~rocnn and • equJpment. SH Mgr. 10.12 a..m . KAY NELSON, Inc. 3-440 Vk> Oporto. Lldo entrance Phone Harbor 1218 vala.nce boxs, metal, almost 3t"x2f ", Kitchen table. La«una new. 213 SapphJ~ Ave., Bal-Buch 4·198& M~ boa laland. HUbor 92. 5&c51 A.LL NEW-Compl. furn. for 2- MAHOOA..NY 80-ln<:h desk and bedrm. houae. Blonde llv. room. IWivel '1talr llke new, SN.60. ll-ft. Philco, O'Keefe A: Merritt :Emle Sfntt.h. ~altor. 919 Cout atove, n.dto COl\901e. etc. lM Blvd., Corona del Mar, Ha.T"bor R.oche•ter st., Costa Mesa. Sea- 2H3. ilecM con 6611-J. O&ptll OKJt1&1<1! • MJ:JUUTr ran~• - Ill! the latest 19&1 model C P all automatic. Hu lamp a.nd c1ock. All atatnlen steel S?"ld- dlt, alao he.a that chrome grid broiler. Balance I owe on It UI Sl48.,5e . Pay me cuh or tak~ paymmta ot $8.31 ~?' mo. U.ed 1t 3 months and it.a like new! ALSO my CROSLEY REFRIGER· ATOR .19~1 mod.el. 9 cu. ft. Pd. over $3" !Or It and owe jUllt $299.93 on lt. Cuh or talte pay- ment.a of $14 .H on it too. Sff at 46' So. Spadra, FuUerton, 9 a.m , to S p.m . Ph. 2152 5-ttfc W .A.LNUT Dlninl' Bel, Uble, e chain and bUffet S126. 8 cu. tt.. Coldapot freezer, 2 yrs. old Sl~. 2101 Seville, B&lboa. IMl<08 HOLLYWOOD BED with box sprlnga and Inner spring mat- treu. $26. Al80 brand new 48" rolla~:ay bed with coll aprincs and Inner apring mattre•s $45 808 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa OOc08 DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 111 Pllmer BL, Ooata - ISk:ia . s1-w .. w to B!!l, rt.JR..'lITURE -Davenport aod matching o'stuffe'd ch&ir, paint- f"d brktt. aet. 7 cbalr11, banquet top. rocklng • occ&aional chair!!, pte leg table, tulip tand lamp. 1"rt .• SaL. or Sunday. 318 Coral. Ba1bo& laland. 5ScM Remodeling I Phone Beacon Mo&-W 17tfc WILL· DO that work you want done -Jack of all trades-maintenance work. ~------------a.. 5'S7·K Mel WANTED -Qualified penoo to INTl:IUOR -liXlllBlOR PAINTING UCllNBED -INSURm> Glenn Johnston tutor 8 yr. old ·girl 2 .. 3""hn. each week day morninl', 3rd (?'&de re8d.J,ag, WTittnr A: a\.tth- meUc. PhOne Ha-rbOr 083~ .. w . ~ Sot· Slit St. Newport Bea<:h WANT EXPERIENCED 1lflnVkl: Barbor 2297-.J 3'«.I •talion attendant. Year Uaun.d. WA.NT TO BUY acrttn sutt&ble . for projecting Mmm. allde1. Ph. ·Harbor 1020--W, evenlnga. <8ltfc WANT TO BUT-Mahop.ny drop lM!"" or expansion dJninK table amt. chairs. Ph. Harbor 1849-J. ~~j 98c99h W .A.?<r.~ TO BUY Balboa type n.il· tttg dinghy, A-1 condition. call Harbor 270·".'· 65<:57 Zft JiT. COMMERCIAL HANSEN cabin cruieer. bait tank, swoi;d fish plank and gear. &aeon 831M-W, lt no ans., call after 8 :30 p. m. 'Mc57 Slips Available • For boat.a Ui;> to 50 ft. \Vater and power turni.shed. LIDO PEN- INSULA SHIPYARD. Phone Harbor 301 . Mtfc 12 ft. WIZARD f iber glaaa boat ~~ h. p. El·inrude outbo!lrd motor. 2 \VhPc l boat trailer. Car top 'carrier for boat. Co n1pl~te a.nd only l )T. old. 1'1AKE OFFER. South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at 23rd Newpjrt Beach Harbor 2600 Mtfc SEA BOOKS A flne stock of books on all yacht- ing .1ubjtt.U -plu.s all current boob. Lending library. the Islanders 214 M:~ri.nf', Balbo& Ia. Har. 1547 TWIN ENGINE Chris Craft - overnighter -Very fine condi· t fon. ~ m. p. h. $3750 tern'\S. See at 395 Bay Shore Ave., Belnlont Shoree, Long Beach. Ph. Lonr Beach 90-4f32. 06<:58 !!5--Do~, Cats, Pets SIAMESF. KITI'ENS-Deep blue eyes. $1?5. Pb. Harbor 1521-J. Mcll7 SIAMESE KrITEN. ma.le, 3 moa. old, hotuebroken. Phone Harbor 1238-W. :!&~7 37-Uvestook SADDLE HORSE -Small plnto mare. Reins ~autitully. Sac- rifice. Phone Bea.con 876S..J. ~51 41-Stores and Off""'8 OFFICE SPACE, 12x20. do'\\'tl· atalrs location. comer o! Palm & E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 2821. .Stl<: GOOD OFFICE or !lmall busine.ss building on busy Ne"'-nort Blvd. Above the Arches; S75 or 111ub- mit. Inquire at Beacon Hill Realty. 466 Newport Blvd .. Costa )fesa. 58c58 OFFIC E SPACE for rent. Suitable for bw!inea.s; or profession. Cen- t f'r of buJinf'.S:.! l!lec,tion of Cor- ons. del Mar. See a.t 811 Coa.,.t Blvd. 56c57 IN CORONA DEL lfA.R -At- tractive store room. excellent localion in new building, S75 per month. W. E. Fisher, Realtor ERl\'lE SMITH, Associate 916 Cout Blvd. Harbor 2443 Corona del Mar -People do read the want a.,i:.. UNION 'OIL STATION a~k 6: Ma.tine, Balboa Island. 58P'I Have tools and mixers for any job. 14-Persoaals NORGE REJ"IUGERA..TOR 8 ~ cu. ft. It hu the •lde 1pac:e for fros~ foocb, crllper for vege- l.IJ>lu. Lar-re meat storage tray and It 111 .elf-dt-frosUnl"· U!f'd on.Jy l mo. Take for $219.89 ca.ah or take payment.a of 111.se ~r mo. See at 404 So. Spadra. F\ll- .terton, 8 a.m. to I p.m. Ph6ne 2152. 56tfc For sa; SNIPE, good condition. 1.4_2.;.-_W_an_.;ted __ to __ Re_n_t ___ _ Neecl.s paint Sl~O. Call Harbor 211H.M. 56p:l7 Call BILL Beacon 6451-W 57c~8H --OpJ>911.un1ty la knocking Jn CL \SSIFIED ADS. ' Alcoholica Anonymoua Write P . 0 . Box 206 BoJ-laland. cal!f. Pbone Kimberly s..6HI Conault altuatlon wani.d &di or place & cluattted tn the N..,.. nm.es, Poat and Preu comblna.- tlon at 12 per week, min.. Pbooe Harbor 1811. PLA YDA Y ENDS .SUMMER PROGRAM By Rotb HJD ••ean't we come back next Wttk ?" Bull Burdic k. over-all recreation proll'am head, wa. aaked a doun ttrn~ la.st Friday during the Playday activtttes at the Rorace ENicn school, wh.lch event ended the six we-ek~ summer recreation program of the Newport Beach elementary schoola. The 4.!W> children among wbom Ule 62 watermelona &n!I 13 caws of r.oft drinks had bttn divided were Mluctant to bring to a close a summer of aupervt.ed play and •port.t and ahop work. Playdayen had arrived on foot...--------------,-------------- bike and bus by 9 :30 and before 10 o'clock Dick Sweet, 8th grade teacher. had shot C1tt the. gun which algn.a.I~ the start of the 50 yard duh, the first race for which thHe were 112 entranta. Tht! children had bffn divided tnto four different age groups and tompt!tfti within these dlvUions. Hl«h acorer• wtthtn each group Neeived gpectal prtaea alonc with thit ribbolu th1Py had won tor each •vent. • SEE Necchi and Adler Sewing Machines AT HARBOR YARDAGE 13~ &. 17th St., C011ta M'eaa .. ~ SECTIONAL SOFA. pair uphol. ch&J.rs, li-e. ottoman, pr. modem lamp1, birch dlnelte H t, mod· em desk. AU Xlnt. condition. 2271 KlDC'I! Rd. Phone Beacon 70Q5.. W. tor appt. Mc08 HEYWOOD W .A.KEFIELD couch Jl.5. Winr cha.Ir and club cM.lr, aolled but' ln g'OOd condition. 120 Ametbyat, Balboa. Island. Har- bor 2893-R. ~7 c58 Bill's Furniture SZ.A-AnU~ee- We Buy, Sell or Trade ll!O~ w .. 1 Balbo& Blvd., Phone ANTIQUE DISHES Harbor 2302-R. Mp&I Bric-a-brac, odd.I and l'nds. ~t.c. NAT'L preuure cooker, 8 qt. 110. Porcelain w a • h l n I" machine. 1 Lovell wringer, Pump. Sacrittce SllO. P. -0. Box <93, Lquna Bcb. Mp:)e • USED Se.e at DALE'S FURNITURE, 1874 Harbor 'Blvd., Cost.a Mua. Beacon &&37-J. Mc~7 Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 17 FT. NATIONAL one design sail boat In e.xt'ellent condjt ion. New paint, new cover. sand dolly, 2 WI~ aail. R ead:v to (O. Call Lo~g Beach 8·3.522. 55<:57 8 IT. FLAT BOITO)o'I dlngh,v- 2 1~ HP J oh.n.Bon outboa rd, like new. 1 baUoon jib, 1 flying jib tor Vlk . or Luder. 1 suit Falcon Mi1'. Ca.U Har. 0.519-ltf. 56¢>7 BAL00A DINGHY CMcClu.rel - Fully equipped. Excellent condi. Very reasonable. 229 Pearl Ave .. Balboa Island. 56}>68 FALCON-Phone Harbor 0197-J be.fore 10 a.m. or •· 7 p .m. 56c58 12 FT. SKIFF, almost new, suit- able for outboard, $12.5. ALSO I tt. foldfiat. 228 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar. Harbor 770-R. 06<:58 H F'l'. JOHNSON Gull -G. 17- ~d bottom ce.nter boa.rd. Sail ~~ boat 1n very good condition. Motor attachment-with trailer. 918Pcean Blvd., Corona dd M.ar. H&~bor 2831-J. !18cl58 MAP~ ephiet )>iano. Kohler &nd Co:'l'Pbdl. 2 yoara old. From prlnte family. A re.al buy at $426 including bencb. 2CS11 Bev· 1bo~e Drive. Bay Shores. Bea· con 8'8()-W. ~7 Bay Front Owners ATTENTION! Who will r escue the Wtaons? Don, Atldge. Kenny, Gary and one old dog. Come Aug. 19 we will be without l iving quatlf'rs In the heart of the !leuon ! Since the Bay distric t ls to be our home for at least the next 6 mom.. and we are not here for a vacation, your price11 for nu:n- mer renta.19 are very· di.sconcert- ing! Therefore. we humbly offer our .servtcl!JI and W'\U gladly re-- decorate your home tn ord'r to partially ma.Ice up the di ff. In renL Of course we would live ''off the bay," but would love to have the ca.re of a pter, noat, boat or ? The chlcka, ages 3 %: a..nd nine are neither inhibited, gentle, or quiet. ~y are boys. How many bedrooms? Would like at leut 2 but very happy with 3. and delighted with f . You name it and we'll 11leep, !or wlth the exception of our pocket·book, we a.re very fiexi· ble people. ~ ofiera. tdeu, or suggestions. ("but we don't waat to drown the boys, or 1boot the dog") w!U be m..t gTatefully received at Box t56 Bal'boa Island. U we don't hear from one of you be.fore the 19th, look for Us under the tint rock roing eouth on 101. R.eferencea may be obt.&lned trom Marilyn ~ldy's Real Eat.ate otttoe. Har. 19.:Wl-Har. 1008-l ewe. P . 8. We could mOTe bl tomorrow! McM UN1l'URNISHED -Corona <111 Mar. 2 beautll'Ul new a_pta. 'Nev -w. p?l>ap dLspooW .... _ tlu bllrula, wat.er pd. Y .. ,17 Jee., 2 bdnn. i:tOO per month. l bdrm, rn pe:r montb. Barbot' 1871. 4<cllT NEWLY BUILT 3 bedroom mod• em home, 2 ba.~ t:lnplace - untumlahed. Corona del Mar. Year lease. $110 month. Phon• Harbor 2892-R. Mlp&T HA VE you aee the neweitt. modem turnlshed- Chris -Dean Apts.1 Sleeps 4. Introductory rate. for July, 18.5 per wee.k. All utiltUea pa.id. Adjusted rates per year. l~ ).Uramar, Balboa Pe11JMUla Phone H&rbor 1.491-W Oe!IT RENTAJ;. { SPECIALISTS c.n -CnJs Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa llland. Har. 2042 neM On Peninsula Point NICl!lL Y ll'URNISHED 3 bdrma. &vailable July 15th, yearly or monthly. Broker• list. l:U2 Miramar. Balboa. owner. Phone Har. 0812-W, Har. 2001-J. 19tfc PE1'TT HOUSE and 3 rm. cott&gu. On Collins l.!land Each apt. hu water front.age. Aecom. 4. West end Park Ave .• Balboa ls land. Harbor 2982-W. 55<:69 Bay Front Lido Isle -1 and 2 bdrm unlta. .Tuly, S.59.60 up. Auc. $90. Wk. F or rese.rvations BU'. ~2·eve• Har. 291.f-M. 5otto LIDO ISLE If you want • rent&l on JOftJJ' LIDO ISLE oee ua. lkftraJ cood bomes ' available. Al.to apart- ment. by week or month. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Harbor l!WJO 1ette BALBOA ISLAND House. and Apt.s., yearly or Ha• aonal. See Gall C&mey, w1U. NELDA GIBSON REAL ESTATE 308 Marine, Balboa Ia!. Bar. IMll . lltfe WI1'ro"'TER RENTAL -Oct. lat- June lat. 2 bdrm. turniahed house, 176 mo., plua utilities .. See owner, 110 Opal St., Bal· bo& Island. Mc61 - NlCEL Y FURNISHED 1 bedroom apartment. .A. vallable ~pt. 5 for winter. Suitable for teacher or working couple. Ut K&rine Ave. Balboa Ieland, Bar. 183·J. .s&p1rd.ay and Sunc1ay; OXtord 9-25'1 week days. 65c 51 ONJC bdrm., sleepe t., select tum• iahed apartment, qulet, yearly, winter or .wn.mer rate.a. 11.a.r .. bor 285.:W. 204 -f2nd. Inquire 2otli. Newport Beach. 06pl\T C. D. M. -Unfum1ahed 2 or S ~rm. view home. Adult.a. 1 girl 12 or ol'tt 0 . K. ALSO 1 bdrm. view home turn1ahed. AdulU. Harbor 0167-M. ~ YEARLY-2 bedn>oill duplox, un• -· 1urnJahod. Oarap. Neu boUa achoOl& 2285 Clay, Clift Haven. For tnforma.Uon Phona Ha.rbor 129'f·R. 116cl5f BALil<fA PENINSULA POINT_: See and ruerw now. Chol~ new apta.. lure view wtndowll,. fireplace, _.,, Bencllx. ~ 1-hed ln maple. Winter or year- ly. Clifton Apta., 1809 E. Bal· bo& mvd. Harbor 214.l·M. lllic5T . ------------1Stllp&ER RllNTAL -l'Urn. t ~ RESPON81BLE llcl>ool emplo,... bdrm. apt. In CO--del Ku. - dealru rental of larg"e 3 or 4 Avallahle now until Aue. l9Ut.. .:. bedroom home, yev'1 leue if ALSO yearly rental a"ftllabte bl Write Rt. 1 ~-•• -#•• •·pL a~ ~-~ 1077 • -.• po.SI e. ' .au-. -· ... """'" oc ..-v. ~ -" Santa Paula, COllf. . -. and ~ lll20-7. - v l I l ' • • • • • • • Mi .~Y ~",oj ·cE ·SELECT1IONS OF REAL tST ·ATE 'LIS &-IL-. -:· AWPZF ~MW 1· .-.: _.., Jl511:aa wa a ' _,.!a!:::.!!'!~·~·~ra!!~111!!•!.e __ _.-;.__.!!!!:=::!!!!!!!'!.!r.~!tll!!:!•!!•~----~·=!•!!•!!•!.! .... ~!!a.!!.. ___ .:.·-l • .!•!-=!•!!!w1~r.~·:...!!!&e!!.. ____ ..!a~-=•~w1!!!·~.,....!!!:!!&e!..-____ 1a 1 ••• r.a.te ' . "TAG" YOUR NEW ADDR~ BALSOA ISLAND ••. Here la a 'FINER LABEL' fi>r the place called home In the years to come. See our Special Samp~ liating today: Here la a fresh, clean b~me. Tllnil bedrooms plua, with two baths. Fireplac;e, good beat and oak fioora, garage. An efficient modem kitchen with electric diabwuber, loada of cabinets and tile. Now ia the time to eatabliah the "Good Life" at Balboa bland. Moet reuonably priced at $19,MO and includes turniabinga. Thia may be the buy you were hoping for: J. A. BEEK OFFICE Harbor 63 44--Rooms for Rent PLEASA.ro-1 ROOM and board in private homf' for ambulatory person. Pt-actlcal nurse in chg. 1790 Wh.lttl"r Ave., Co.ta Mesa. Be.aeon ~219·J. :'>5c:6 7 ELDERLY GUESTS apprttlatlng environment-May furnish own room -l~e optional. Ref Pr· •ncn exchanged.. Boz P·2. thl~ paper. :!15ps." BOARD a.nd ROOM for lady pensioner Phone Beaton 634 3 !IX07 Balboa Ialand Ferry Co•ta Meaa The Beat Town on Earth New 2 B. R . Car port. patio, lot 80xl&e, We•t Side. 18250. RPuonable down payment or will acctpt ear or lot on trade. 3 B . R. Older Home On a. lar~ lot with plenty of room for chickens, n.bbltl, honu, etc SMOO, r'r.rms. FIVE choice Bldg. Iota, Eut Side and cloae to Blvd. Only $4 ,000. '3100 -CASS PLUB NU0 per -th 1'lo'I Udo attroett .. ftlW --.. loo .. led .... l>lodt -the - ...... &oat beadl. ,.,,,, "'"""' devor llW>ir· ,_ wltll lulde plan tu, iu,. w • r 4 r o b • 1 and extra atora,.. Stall abowtr, car port. A Ii& WMb summer rtnt&I allGuld mal<e the TEAftS pa.J"menta. Aho an. octllmt property to• income or apecu.aa... Uan. run price Nt!IO. $4950 Dn, Lido Isle Ntw 2 bdrm home, t1 n.. lh1n& room wtth tt...platt, bu-type kitchen, dinette. 2 bdrm.t. slue· ~ rn tub, pnvate patio, lar1e •~ PN!r•· Full price U6, TllO. BayShores Bay View ' ~luxe 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. Beautttul 'f'ew of bay from llv· tns a.nd dlnlng room.1. OUtlt&nd· Ins noor plan a.nd beet coaatruc- tlon . Really one of the nicer home• ln Bay Shorea. Price u o.ooo. GIUCENLl:.U' 4k ASSOC. BUILDER -REAL TOR 3112 Newport lllvd., Harbor SM2 Balboa Island Charming 2 bdrm. home in' tint condition PLUS a eeparate pe11t room and bath. Good lo- caUon cloae to aouth bay. Will eJlch. for property in Pua.den.a or vaclnity, Stan Hadfield, Rltr. 218 MarinP, B&lbocl. bland Phone Harbor 20 ****************** , REDWOOD BEACH HOUSE Nice 3' bdrm. beach home of redwood aiding. Well located near ocean and bay. Juat reduced to $93:50. ON LIDO ISLE 46' lot neer bay. Two bdrms, and 1 \.ii batha. At. tractive provincial papen and furnlabinp. F.lre- place. Beautlflil walled patio and · ga.rden. Reduc- ed to $17.~. ____ , OCEAN FRONT HOME N"'!l'lY painted inllide and out. Ideal beach bo11&e within walking distance of pier. 11 Neat a.a a pin" Three bdrms., 2 baths, very nice. WATER ... ~'1NT HOME Pier and &lip. 3 bd r with every convenien. Nice patio, fiagatone U• maid'• room. Modem .\ttractive colora & decor. BBQ and garden. $39,!!00. BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT Choice part of bay with pier and float, wide ter· race overlooking bay activities. choice plantings in gardens. HoU&e in immaculate condition. Large living room, dining room and master bedroom. Three other bedroom• and maid's room and beth. A truly choice property. Exclusive. BAY AND BEACH REALTY l 4l50 Balboa Blvd. Ethel Shirley Dick Fay J . M. Miller Harbor 126( Gloden Fay Frank Everett ' * * * * * * ********'**** BALBOA ISLAND Choice South Bayfront Income Impressive hdeed I . Some hol!lel an simply bet· ter than othera. Vision and crattiunanahip co d'c e i ved tl)eee colorfal sunny LIDO ISLE -homes. LOOK AT THF.SE: 1. '**' ttnabed a lovely 2 bed· 'f'ODm 2 betll. home on a ltrMt to atref"t lot. Thill la a charm- ing home. that would be Ide.al for week...enct. or for year a.round living. Priced at only $17,llOO. 2. Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath' home on choice large lot. ~ry spactou. rooms. unit heat. breakfaJrt bu, gl&.1111 door 1WI ti~ ahowers and large 1tep- aaver kitchen. Every room pl&AJ'l.ed for better llvln&'-.le•l'l NEWPORT-BE91' BUY! • CHARMING, 2 bdrm .... Di:n H ome, J.o.M.., ;t111 •-. two beauutuUy land8caped' lota. SPACIOUI U+W48 ROOM'. with Beam· Cdlln&"· Flttplace. ou.-- room. G&n&e. Bar:Q. hnced Yard. AN OUTllTAND- ING VA.LUE at $1.J.l!OO. CHOICE Newport htal>d, WATERFRON'.I'. with PIER 4k rLOAT. Attr. 1 bdrm. Apt. ove:r Dbl. Gan.ge • GtNlt room. Tile Kltcbm Ir Bath. Wall turnace. A·1 eon.true· Uon thruout. 4 Yn. old. Room to build. •renced yard.. Patio. Bar-Q. JfXCEr.i.zNT LOAN COMMIT. Price $18,600, wtU. tennt. · NEAR MKTS. & TRANS.. A ttr. Older Home.. 2 Bdmui. Firpi. Cement Foundation. Wood Floor•. Fenced Tard. • Dbl. Ga.rage. Good eon.trucUon. Needl a lttUt paint. ST;MO full price. For appt. to aee any of these EXCELLENT BUYS, call Mary D1.cllon at Harbol' 1013 or '<eves .. 2092-W. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 311S Newport Blvd. Newport Beach t V~rk. Priced at ONLY $24 ,7ll0. l------------------------- 3. Then on BALBOA P!l'NIN· SULA. we have an es.tr& line B .. YFRONT home with pier and float on large lot with .. plendld view Hu ' bedroonu, ma.ids room, &ho unique pl1y- room. AlllO hu separate dinin.R' rqc:im. extra large room.M all carpeted and commodlou1 cloat>t sp&ee . .A.t S7~.ooo this l• a rea.J. BUY in a QUALITY home. ALSO 'Rustic Ranch Type -$7,950 Th1a charming 2 bedroom home is 1 year ohl and pretty u a picture. Ht1s muslve brick fireplace. Laree wtn· dow.I, 57 x 125 lot ln Nevtport Height.a a.teL Only $2650 •down. Thi1 pr:iCE CAN'T BE BEAT! . 3 Bedroom Home -$11,500 Ne'W and beautiful. 1100 sq. ft. BQt bdwd. floor&. Dining area. P lu.s breakfast room. Choice location on Bro&dway, Colla Meaa. $2900 down. 3 Bedroom Home -$11,950 One block to high 1chool fn Newport Height.I. Brand new, beat hardwood. Flagstone fireplace. Laree plate glau windows, fe.cing-paUo. F . H. A. terms. BEACON HILL REALTY Som-very dairable IDl.I for l&le on UDO lSLE. Choice water· front Iota fot lneome uniU or ' ln1ide Iota at prices well undPr value. LIDO ISLE I• a SMART ADDRESS. Always remember, we are the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE. Here & lltUe buy• 488 Newport Blvd. (above Arche1}, Ph. B. ~713·R or E\l"ea. B. &832·W a LOT, • ADJOINING BALBOA BAY CLUB A 'ITRACTIVE ROOM comfort· ably furnished. Private en- trance. pTivat• bath. convmlent loca.Uon. MS~; Marigold, Co· nm& del Mar. Harbor 2853-R. 2 B. R ., Large Garage SOMETHING NICE ~st location, Eut Side and clo11e IN A LOT -• I EXCEu..J:N'T DUPLEX-Prim• loe&tlon-Superb Yiew Fine Beach. Each unit hu apactou• living-room. fire- place. 2 B. R., 2 b&ttu. prlv~t• p ra,re. plu1 m&ny un· usu&.! feature1. Well built with nearly 3000 .q. tt. total .11.~a ( Architecte'1 plan• and 1pecifleatlon. avallable fo r ln1pecUoft) Exeeptionally rood value~ P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido N"e"-J>Ort Beach, Call!. 3 modem homes. 2 brand new. All have 2-car g'1'. in this most deairab!e, highly reatricted residential community. Private qeacheA & Iota of advantage&. ~cM Atito • 1ve. '8-Automoblles, Tlrea MERCURY Conv. '49. No t&x. All extru. Low milPage. Ntw tire!. PerlecL Kl. 2-7803 &lter 8 :00 p. m. :!14~ '17 DODGE 2 door sNSan. Excel· ltt1t condiUon. Rebuilt motor, Radio and heater. Good rub~r . B.A.RCJAJ K! !W>l Clay St., New- port Helght1. Mc~7 19M> FORD SEDAN-Super deb:. beauUM brown A: beige 2-tone -radlo,lhuter and 0. D. Punc-• ture proof tube.1. J white wall tlree. M.an y other extru. Own· er bu ta.ken Immaculate care of thia car. EvPn the clock runs ~ roocf. Will sell for $1~9~. Har- \ bor 2"67-J. :\Op07 LINCOLN '49 Sedan-a fine ca.r. c:nly 1 149~. Priva.te party. 402 Serra Drive, Corona Highlands. Harbor 2330-W. ~tkM 194D OLDSMOBILE Sedan. Se.II or trade. New rubber. Al con- dition. See at lMll Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. 56p:i7 1941 STUDEBAKER COUPE - Rebuilt engine. $460. 466 New· port Bl vd .. Costa Mel.!l. Beacon ~713·R. 66c68 FOR BALE -MOTORCYCLE- to shopping area. $82~. V!:RY ttuonable down payment. Very Nice 3 B. R . Home, fireplace, dbl. ga.rage. lge. work l'lhop. ~ ac re and all fenc- t'd. Sl3,WO, tPnnt1. ALSO Several Good G. I. Resales G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & AMociatea 1790 Newport Blvd. Co•ta Me1&. Pb. Bea. 5181 ----~~-~~~- Ocean Breeze! ! TRIS COZY 2 B. R. Cottare ,, juat i., blk. to good ocean 11w1m- mininr and fishlng-. Stucco and pluter con1tn1ctfon. Dbl. gar. Furn aa per inventory. Ideat !or summer and yr. rd. Uvinj'. Only 19.500. Home & Income A TTRAC. DUPLEX close to bay front and good bathln&"-Upper 3 B. R . lower 2 B. R. 11-1est rm. &: bath adj. dbl. gar. lge. patio A !lundeck. Fum. This la an. excellent value at 122,.500. Balboa Realty Co. Roa.s Gree-ley J ouphlne Webb Lilll&n McAdoo 700 E. Balboa Blvd. Har. 3277 '4T Tt1umph. 3T. Xlnt condttlon. 61-Re&l Estate Exchange nl!W rub~r. $300. Harbor 0789-J ------------ 56c~7 LONG BEACH -2 hOUM.t, home and income. clear. WUJ t rade tor I ELL OR TRADE '39 Chevroltt equa.I valuf'. Harbor area.. Phone coupe-Good 11hape. ·new paint Harbor 0383-\\". 44p67 and upholstery. 217·3rd St., ------------ Huntington Beach. Phone Lex· lnston 8-3~22. ~57 1949 P'ORD cu.tom Tudor, O. D .• low mileage, private owned. Call Har. 2123-J eve1. or wttk enda. 56cM '{l FORD Super Deluxe 4·dr. R· dan., '3!)(). Al.lo brand nt>w T.!iO x 19 8-ply truck Ure wi th nap, '30. a& Ba.Jboe. Cove1. Ph. Harbor 708 after ~:30 p.m. 56tfc • PHONE Harbor 1818 to place )"OW' want ad on th.la p&111. ~Money to Lou LOANS For Homes 11;"'.-20 yr. Loans CONSTRUCTION LOANS at :'>-:II>~ (lt yn.) WS BUY ~'D SELL TRUST DEEDS !Ill BOB SA TrLER 1410 COAST BLVD. Corona del Kar Harbor 1077-J Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. XoUo Ute Jn.a. J'unda Kl lH!ll6 "LET'S TRADE" HA VE $1i.OOO equity ln I tum. hoURs {good ttnt&l.8) Balboa Boulevard. Will trade for 3 bdrm. home. .. Har- bor ar~a. Will uaume.. Phone H&rbor 2064·M evenlnp. 60p64 VIEW HOME ONE BLK. above Su.n.eet Blvd .. W . HoUywood. 1 •tory mod. French Prov., 3 Br. •den: 21'1 yrs. old, 3000 aq. ft., llt tt. front level lot. Trade for older be.y1hott res. or inc. wtth p ier ... Owner, 1374 Belia.at Dr., L. A. ,8, DU. T -0344, CR. g.oott. 63pet 51-Trallen Trailer Storage $5 Month · EL NIDO TRAILER PARK and sales 1840 Newport BlYd.., Costa Meu, Bet.con ~2t-M.. 50c51Ht3 1..04N11 TO BUILD, DIPROVS. ------------ BOT, KODERNID, OR iwrINillCE We 8'Q' Truot DIG JUIWl'ORT 8•1 JIOA. J'SD:ERAL UYING8. •LOAN .u&N. 1111 Via Udo P1L Bar. llOO THE PRESS THE NEWS-TIMES THE POST We have a beautl.l'Ul 1\le, &0 ft. wide by 140 tt. dttp, with lrtt• already planted and growing. ~ One 1lde & rea.r redwood fenc· ed. On a quiet. pavf'd fltr'fft of lovely new homf's, near lo the hl(h school, Coe ta Meaa. Pric· Price $45,000-Terms Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue a t Marine Harbor 2482 Balboa X.\Jnd ed Sl&OO, term.a. ------------------------ * ... * * * * Ha.rbor 1500 Home and Business for Lease 6 rooms 111, baths -wonder- ful spot for office or pro- fessional man. L o t & of room tor parking on busy One 2 RR. ----·····------·-···--···-···-···--·Slt,500 Another ·-·-··-···---------------·······-···--··········-·----·Sl3,750 One large bdrm. (beach home ) ..:·-·-·······----Sl0,500 They all are on large Iota and have enclosed patioa. LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 20U On LltUe-B&lboa Uland, we have a nice corner Jot, we believe the only one available today. A quiet 11pol. Could appeal to build and rf'11ell. Financing could be arranged. I BDRM. G. I. RESALE-$1800 DOWN -P'ULL PRICE S97~0. At'o. P.vmu. SM . Hwd. noon, tilt-, cla.e to 1choola. A real har- p.Jn. CLIFF DRIVE View Lot 17th St., Coat& Mesa. Will l---------------------- J. A. BEEK Office Har. t3 Balboa Island Ferry ONLY AT Corona Highlands Y Ocean view .' 60 ft. or more frontage i .' All utilities (no al"eoa- menta) .' Convenien t location .' Overlooking Newport Harbor ¥ Private Beach .' PRICED TO SELL ONLY A FEW HOMESIOl'ES LEFI' MODEL HOMES TO SHOW TRACT OFFICE at Laguna edge of Corona de! Mar Phone Harbor 414-J $1500 Down Larp li'ting-roo m, tirepl•CP, 1 bedroom. Int ~rior l.t Knotty pine. Double, garage. Nlee patio and barbecut'. Full Price $8,950 ED L. SEDELMEIER, Rltr. 1:!123 Coa•t Blvd . ., Corona de.I Mar Phone Harbor 2788 Newport Heights Today's Best Buy NEW three bed.room hom• with fir•pl&ce, f ur n a c e, hardwood floors, rarbage d.ispo-.J., double p.rap. $11,000 full price Unobetructed View Home 2 B. R. Muter B. R. lu.20 2 bath.a, larce playroom and abop. 3 car p.r&1e. $5,000 will handle Ralph P . Maskey U.11 ~ewport Blvd., Newport Phon• Harbor 402 6ettc • Sale or Trade 2 BDRM. HOME -BRAND SPAN KI NG NEW. FULL PRICE 174»-$19M DOWN. On a nice corner lot 18'x.100', Ea.It Side Coata MM&. Hu t room• wtth a lot of extru. A N'al value. Come 9M tor YOW'· 9elt, I 2 BDRMS. 4k Dli:!f -Cl-In downto"'-n Costa Meaa. .A nice family home 1% yean young. Hu O&k rloora, nrepla.ce, apaci· OUI rooma throughout. Nea.Uy landt1eaped and tencN., double pr. Priced at $11,000. SH.AKE ROOF-RUSTIC EARLY iltERICAN A RANCH STLYE ln Newport Hel~t., 2 bdma., lafl'e living room, !lreplace, flne8t o&k floora, kitchen hu imported copper tUework, cop- per hood over ran1e a.nd other built-ins. Big double rar. This home wu built for J>t"Ople who want aomethlng nice and dlf· ferent. The price 18 $12,500. INDUSTRIAL LOT -117'x200' ZONED . M·l in Colla Meta'a growtng mtg. MCUon. Price 11 '3<00. INDUSTRIAL a ACRES-For a larger plant or 1ubdlvide. Other pareeb available. Costa Mesa Realty 400 I:. 17th SL, Coat.a Mesa Phone Beacon '&818 Cliff Haven UNOBSTRUBTED vn:w of h&r- bor and ocean. Double frontage 70xl8Ix2•0 R 1 • R 3 $8,600 Terme. Rancho Sant& Fe JI SECLUDED A~ near Colt cour.e. Ocean and mountain v1ew. Several bulldinl' lrileL Can 1Ubdtvide. S&oOO Terma. Ramona I lit ACRES right in town. Beau· tiful hilltop !or home • rrove . U .600 Terna. Owner Box 3•3 Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1980. ... * * * * * * Today's Best Buy SHORE CLIFFS Reduced to Sell! I bdnn home on la.rf't! lot. Con- veniuit to be.achea. F'Ully land· .caped. Wu 122,500-- Now Only $19,995 MulUple Liltlnc No. 1889 SEE Earl Chamberlain 500 Cout Blvd., Corona del liar (Opp. Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Harbor 2288 Balboa Peninsula INCOME remodel to suit tenant. See 387 • 17th St. and call H ar- bor 1990-M, or Har. 2422. 49tfc Balboa Island Nn.rly Rew I bdrm. 2 bath home ! with a 3 bdrm. 2 bath rental I unit. Complete with garbage d.iepoaa.la, panel ray heat. aep· I a.rate 3p ga.I. water beater1, larg-e car port. $23,WO f'Urni'llh- •d. Stan Hadfield, Rltr. 218 Marine, Balboa Island Phone. Harbor 20 #. Do You Want A Cute Summer Cottage? We have ill on Balboa Island, n~ar the Bay and shopping district. 2 bdrms, $10, 7:50, termB. NELDA GIBSON 306 Marin~ B&.lbol. IAJ.a.nd Ph. H&r. 002 FOR SALE BY OWNER-2 bdrm. home, patio, d bl. ga.r. Lge. liv. rm. with fireplace. 2 blka. from ocean on comer. 18 moe. old, neat and cleM. Yard in and planted, 116,500. F. H. A. - G. I. Loan. 245 Heliotrope, Corona del Mu. Phone Harbor 13T4·R. Mp67 RAMBLING RANCH TYPE th"° bdrm. home on 70 tt. lot. At· tractive kltche.A. UM either gu or elec. range and rtfrlg. Heavy iihake root, many other !~ tures. only $15,:KIO, term.a. IC!tceptlonally nlce ' un.ita -2 ------------ Corona de! Mar New 3 bdnn. calM' Cod, forced &Jr heating, large llvinC room. fittpl.&ce, double prage. De•ir- able-location, lmmedlate ~ 1lon. 114,300, excel tttma. 11tory stucco. only 1 'i-1 yn. old. t -ca.r garag-e. Three 1 bdnn. unit.I turnlahed. One 2 bdrm. unit untumlshed. C'loae to bay and ocean swtmmtn1. Excellent income. $36,500 Balboa Older Home Vt.ry nice 4 bdrm., 2 b&tha, larp livizl& room with fireplace. Ac· croq the 1lrfft from the ba.7 and walking dlltance to Balboa and ahopptn1 a.reaa. Only $15,000 furn. G. I . RESAl&-2 bdrm. .tucco, dbl. -, R-2 lot. Pymte. only SM per mo... lnclUd. tu~ ·~ int. and ,m.u.r. WhJ pay rent! s.. lht., it ..... ·1 iut •t on11 Coast Properties Co. i10,600. 101 llO. Balboa Bl•4.. - W. E. Fisher, Realtor --~Pb_o_••_Ha_rbor _____ _ J:RNilt I SlOTH, .A.Aodate ( ; •11 eout m..i. Hat11or uu Be&utlful Bay Shores • Corona de! Mar BARGAIN ,9000 BUYS a 3 yr. old, 2 bdrm. p.rage apt. Excellent location. Very •ttra.clive .. Lots of tJle, Room to build home in front of lot, Jf.000 will handle. Balance less than rent. Tom P3yne, Realtor SlO Coa..st Hwy., Coron& del Mar . --McM • 'I OPEN 1 - 5 • • ~ fU:m.ilbed year round -• 1!dnn, 1, ba. bon;e. PracUqlly nrw MODERN, with enclosed patio, 2-car pr. Ready for com· pl•te living. 1711 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. Harbor 24.51·K. l:ltfc BRAND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREE BEDRM. -2 bath1 -overeized 2·car attached garage. Located on tree lined gentle sloping comer lot. ALSO JUST COMPLETED TWO BEDRM. with •pacloua 2 bdrm. apt. over 2-ca.t garage wilh view ot ocean. ' BOTH HOUSES are RANCH STYLE with tile bath•. garbap dUposaia., large enclosed patios, oversized pan- eled fireplaces, decorator color1 and wall papen. Sepa· rate laundry rooma. 500 -502 Poinsettia, Corona de! Mar Phone Owner. Harbor 1521-J or aee yoy.r broker. LOOK: $1800 Down And It.a a 3 bdrrn.-Only one yr. old, near the high AChool. Hwd., n oon:, dual heater, garbage dl11- posal. Just ima.gtne the pay· mente are oz'ily $56 Including taxe•: and 1.nsurance. Th. full priae only- $9750 WHAT A BUY ! Cla.e in location near Broadway and only a couple block.e to Alpha. Beta. Brand new quality con.etructed. 2 bdrm., large din- ing room, k itchen ha~ galore of cupboard 11pace. fireplace, ac- coust lc ceiling. '1'1tla ie an out- •tandinl' home for the price of $10,500 ...- Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. COfll& Me.sa Ph. Bea.. &698 OT Be&. M58-J Costa Mesa Duplex BUILT 1948 -Stucco and red- wood coruitruction. Pan.el ray heat. 1 bedroom each unit. a garages. Block to city center. $14,000. Conalder tradt, amall home. Owner, A. Ende"ll, && Park Dr .. Coata Mell&. Mp69 New Bay Front HOMJC. large lot. choice location. • bdrm and den, 3 bat.hi. Fine aa.ndy. ~ pier and float prl. . You must tee this property. tt yoU are looking for the· .flnht in BAY FRONT. PRICE '611,600 Terms. OREl!:NLLU' Ir ASSOC. BUlLDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2662 SALE OR TRADE Immaculate, small I bdrm. with fireplacf'. Clo11e in town, Ea.st Sidf'. Built 1937. excel. condition. Ideal for older couple. Only $6~00, terms. wm trade for Santa Ana. Lot Bargain Npt. Hg hts. corner with FHA ap. proved pl&ru1. 65xl37. A STEAL at SI4~. 3 B. R . -3 Bath And ~n. P ermanent bay vtew. Loada of extru. Giant picture window11. dbl. gar., patio, fire. place, forced a ir heat. The very best buy obtainable. . On.17 $20,000, term.a . B. A. NERESON OPEN EVENINGS ).IRA 4:: Npt. Harbor Multiple Listing Realtor 1982 Newport Blvd., C01Jta Mes& Phone Bea.con 0225 EXCLUSIVE WELL BUILT 2 bedroom home on 1 ~ 1.cre. Corner Placf..ntia a.nd 18th. Full price $12.~. r or detail.s, call W. Kempton, B.,.... • bor 1.'IOO. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 33"3 Via Udo Kewport Beach, Calif. THREE BEDROOMS! COSTA MERA.'8 BEST BUT H&rdwood. floon. 2 tum~. All atee.1 kitchen, 2 yn. old. Beauti- ful fenced pat&o and i..rtlecua. Near echoola and abopa. $3,600 down. Euy P'HA terma. Owner Har. 199()..M: or Barbor 24%2.. . Utto ' . 1 ___ 00_...,. __ dd_11ar ___ 1aOJO zytrr ClClMl'1.ftmD _ 2-BEACH HOME ~ ROOM OO'l"l'AGJ:, Arrow· -Diil -· ~·· a Bedroom -. woJkfnir di. COSTA MESA wm TO TRADB! heAd. NI c e I y funallbed. Qn Excellent Stre4!t·· --. ~ dllt*'· tance to pier. putty fUmlall<d, isooo DOWN OWNER wiahee to ..n or t.nws. W ,.... ode! C M -·••, Jl l&tf'o•&•J' tab. Olll7 "300. ~ U600 clown. ll'INl:ST Raldentt.J.otr .. t. N•&!'-Xlnt. ._ prop. for a ·b..,. Ill _.....,. -• oet& ~ . ~ f •••• 4 ..... -. ly .... 3 B. R. home, 11' ll8tlal, In Harbor Area. 11 ftl)t&J unlto Cadilkc, CbrJW, O/f Glal1 2 --. --lo ---~ T ... --N. B; c: Realty Co. larp II•. rm., ftreplaee, kar .turn. 2 nna. -11114 Ulo -how. ..aJpM -mull& oww JIM n-i--$l3' ?""" .,.l-,_ --l"'d. Newputt, "Bl..i.. ....,., blir Jot. ftn<M. Prtoo ...... bozne. IArso not ,_.. Al.SO M'9'otblr. we"&a.. ••&M ..._ - -... C ,...., , ilU, lCl'Uie N¥PG<t --opln HUCI! OnmB! 11114 _...._ t.undJyl _.._ .. , • ' < • { • - • ' - • • • l - • ' " • Orange County's Outsfancling R e a I E.state Acl'lerli1ing •• .a._ • 11111 --- -,_ -· i•• ft'••-•, 0--·' · -llORACE B. MAZJl'l! -for mon lUllta. _,.. -u?FC Ofpait•1 .... -~---ftll "·--, -llflCS .:--. BO...., lldwd. IOI ~ /.ft. rif7 IO<Jd' -of MOO P.. ' « .. ,_ ... -liiiiii:L"Jiiiiii"wiD~iiiiii~I ""'"-~ '"'I-",-.. __ --HarW...., mo. A"'bl& prtoe Cllllj..$15,000. Ed L Sedel"6ier uc•u, .,... -.,,_,. -... ----•· ·--· , -" 11ue ""'"1 lliO "-Bt.o ' M-.clium . . I • • I ' ' .. , .... ~ ... ....,,. . CC•1t!'9 M -ft..-_ tM , ' llal7 ... _ ... __ R. W :ea.tine Broker ..... --.-. --_.. • ..._ .... · -, """""-. -.....,.....,£ • ' .... --•k•n·.,.•l'IQ.--a.'I cowtA._.o;,· f'O&IAI.&tlft --,- Jr. U, PAJ'Ullf; A.t111•b -. ~ -· COii --i-_ >IJtlLL JF11JC11 fl"• JllllCT-#..; l ldnJf. ~ • ·u -.,_ • F- ... ,.. ..... Aw. ailla. ._ 1111. llllf (l ~. m ·-.it•••·, Ci.ta er~ .tan's 111. Ola ..,.. Praetiott All • ...., u.., ta Diii nm.•••=•.. a , .............. -...1 ~ lfilllillL. ...... 81 a....... . 8i6Uc: -..,.wm,.a•s·· ,, ..... ,... . ~ " -. •• - • , . ... • I l I 0 0 With SALLIE • THE HOLY COW STOLE THE SHOW . . . and when one comiden that he had Brij,lgford Hams, Y erkade's Biacuita, Ch e r r y Tomatoes. Lemon Cucumbers, Beane Frankfurten. baked in Mi- lani'• Bar-B-Q Sauce and cof- fee at 79 centa a pound ... along with Food for Tholll'ht'• Betty lfoyt and our own Dick Richard's gay chitter chatter about 99 good rea.aons for shopping at Richard's Lido Market to contend with . . . he must be aome cow ... He is! ... or I should say be wu,. ~ cause at the present he 1.811 t here any more. Evidently more people than were con- templated. happened to be watching Food for Thought at 1 :15 on Tuesday of laat week . . . The H?lY . Cow stock on the Mezza.rune 1.9 nil and void . . . But his girl friend Pig 0 My Heart . . . and bia second cousin Forget Me Not, are holding down the fort until a new Holy Cow shipment comes in . . . "It is an imposition to aak people to walk up a flight of staira," I quote the boSB from the program ... · ·.Well you won't find a pink bisque elephant with golden. tusl& and forget-me-nots m bia trunk unleM you do . . . WHAT AN AROMA!··· WHAT n.AVOR! .•. An Inch thick T-BoDe t..ing Bar·B-Q'd over !llllokillg hickory! "U I can scrape enough money together to buy a oteak .•• I ""rtain- ly wouldll't have uy left to •pluric• oD Hickory lop'' )'OU sa)~ ... For all additional 20 cento you can have t r u e hickory • smoked flavor by adding • couple of Cuya IDckory Dlaka to your regul&r em· her. . . • you wet them flnt then throw them on the _.. just before you piaee the oteaka OD the grill • . • They omoke 80metblng terrific . • • But that'• the idea · · • true Hkkory Smoke flavor Cuya Hickory Dlska ~•the real McCoy • -. · cut from a speclal strain of yoong treeti • . • they come to you complete with bark In a handy little ucl< that contains '"1our;h for 15 aeparate flreo · . · U rm not too pre-mat.Ure ' ' ' They'd make a mighty nice Cbristmaa gift for someone you love to Bar- B-Q ateaka for you · · • MARINATED STEAKS a la Mexicana .. the . El Poche Cafe in San Gabnel "' re- nowned for them! For years people have traveled for miles to tickle their palates with exotic steaks that have the California R a n c h e r o Touch ... Now you can have the aame steak in your own kitchen or back yard · · · The EJ Poclie Cafe bas_ bot- tled their famous marinade and called it . • . oddly . · · El Poche . . . Not a sauce • . . not a tenderizer . . . It must be applied to steaks, chicken, hamburger•. ahrimps. or what have you at least 48 hours before cooking ..• THIS ONE'S BEEN USED SINCE 1906 ... Beruteln'• In Long Bea.ch --i. ... lntroductlo• ... Simply apply their Bar-B-. Q Sallee to ehlcken, fish or -t ... Clole your eyM ull lnmqlJte your ..... , la~·· ... ' , J'RANKFURTERS &: HAM- BURGERS ARE MORE UP : YOUR ALLEY! ... The real ·Dixie Boy who ~eel up the Dixie Boy Marinating · Sauce wu here clemoutrat- ln& a few weeka ago • • • Know . how 112any hot dogs I ate • . . right atter rd had tny brealrfut! •.• Tbree! • . • l:scellellt too for pot , roub1 ••• Thill ODe J'OU ac- tu.ily oook tbe m.t bi • . . "° niN>i•r. no doiac ahead. , • "If It'• ,... • • • )' .... .... .. ...... 11Ht1d'9 ....... 'at ••• • .. • • ... • -~ ... ... .. ,. . . . -.. _ . . alily • • I • ' ' '' . . ' ••• " .. ~ .. • . . ' • . ' : -. .. 1 : . . ,._ ' \ ·-. F1at•ill9 MtinnlllCJI U. S. Gov't. Grwtletl Cltel1e leef Ffwest hef Obtol11abl1 · CHUOK AJUI, or CIJUOK JU.U>E BEEF ROAST --·-······· .. 69c· • MA...VNINGS BEEW' SHORT RIBS ... . .I'- BLADE D'D OUT LOIN PORK CHOPS ....... 55c SHRIMP .. ____ _ ... !5~ • SWIFT'S O.BlOLE SLICED BACON i:.4 49c IABGE.FANCY,BLl:ACBl:D ROMAINE ~. -~---··-·--. 9' nm: IUl'ENED ROCllY l!'OllD , CANTALOUPES 3'·r23c CicUMiEii ...... · -3c FULL 05' DJIOl!l-THIN IUW<HED LEMONS -·· . . ··-··-··-·-··-· -~-9c Swu:T UD rrAUA."1 ONIONS ---·-···· .. ____ .. ___ .. 3c , ALEX'S Made wUlt M·-••p Beef L.UtGI: TAMALES _~---~ 2 for l~ • ftNiiN°HADDIE ·n. 59c 1"1811E&'8 LOAF AMEBIOA.N CHEESE ____________ !! 99c ,_ I ( JiCK CHEESE ~~c-n. 59c R.Ull'8 ~Oil Ill._ 'hre l'd,BPIOJ:D ~' LUNCHEON MEATi~ . . r.~111 AU rou NllD '" Pkf. ' DINrY ..... 15; lllF STEW :14oL CASI!: 8W" YNE BEAN SALE CIDU lll:A...'i8 • llJ:D Bl:A...'<8 POK& a BUNS· LDIA BEA..."18 a lllDNl!:Y BEANS uy,... 2121 ; Can ···-········-·-: ... Perff!ICt B..t-A Perfeet IUeltded COFFEE -............... _ ......... ·-·-+ ...... -....... _ .... _ ......... , 79; a .... stloi ORANGEADE .. _ ... ________ ......... _._, .. _ ... OL -25; l.Jllb,.. Cot'M4I Beet HASH ... ··---......... _ ................ __ ......... .. ... __ .. ., __ 3 ; . 9 =~----··.!&'· pkr. 25¢ Mf'rrtlr. 28¢ Dl!:TERG11:1''T ..... Jr. pkg>. ~rra Piao 'l'oil't 3;27 ; SOAP ···············--·bar Merrili. 1~ TOILET SOAP .'. ........ bu Wlolte Klar -T..U.t 3/"H:¢ !OAP ······--········tr-·Mr .&._, Mboloa ~ ~* . 3/251 80AP ................. , .. bu White Kine Watior -24¢ SOFTE!lo'ER .... UOL pq-: ' ~sER _ . ..: ... pkr: 10¢ Zippy U•uld ' 19¢ STARCH --.. ····---····· . 11 ...... ~ 1 91; WAX ··-···-········-·-·· .... 4L I GoMtorllWaUM ......... Car ' 59 ; !IBAllPOO .ll OL TRUJlSDAY BLUEBERRY MUFFINS • for 33' P'IUDAY OPEN TOP I STRAWBERRY PIE -~51' " IYE llEAI--.. ._ •· · ~ 22; !IATUllDAY t..\SGIC T-IN<JR ._LAYE& BANANA CA•E ·--·-····-~-----.. ~17' POTATO llEAI . -+ 211 • r . .. ' ...; ________ ...... --~.---"!~.-.,_, ... -.~.--~ .. !"'I . • . • ' STDRE ' HOURS: -' . "'C*-VAYll Ck ... ~} • e;a.A.11.•ll:tt P.·ll.' ~-Y ..,...,w11ry w •• A. a .. --.:P. • ._ ,. • ~ ' IR1llllATll .. .. • .... A. 11., to , .. ~ • .IL I, 1Je • N ......... Llllilt .. 993' 1 " (£8 I Ssz •' ............... z•••· -----...i · : ". ' .. • PARTY MIX Alt Euy Batt.er Mix for A Rffl WielM;r Tret.t DOLl!:'8 PINEAPPLE ' Tldblta or Cbub PB<k .... --···--··· 39; No. I 23 ¢ Caa -·-··---·····-.. · Can Now/' kl!:RR HOME · CANNING BOOKS .. -.... ~--.. ---15; KERR OR BALL JELLY GLASSES ... .. doa,.._ 53' KEJUl KASON JAR · LIDS -... .... . ··-··-·····-····-·•·pk(.Ofll 11 ' M, P 0 CONOENTKATED PECTIN -·-·----..... -uptforH-40&.1i-o1:,.U,.15; l'N•ea Foods· icEI: CREAM ........................... 2 p!Bto 35c . LIBBY'S DELICIOUS LEMONADf ··-······· ...... ! 2 for 27c LlllllY'8 FllE8B l'llOZEN · . PEAS ___ ~----· .. ··-·-·-··:····-···: ltc KOU> llIS'I'. QIDOK lllEAL . SIRLOIN . TIPS .. -.J. ... _____ ... :;. 4tc ., . . - 'NEW. DJFFEIENI'· DEi ICJOU.S ~,..,·~···!· . ·P!<PA YA 'ft OAT .... _.-... --.... -.-.! pint 29¢ ,PINEAPPL~ JUICE ·-.. ----...... _:! pint 25¢ COCOANUT.SPECIAL ___ .. J pint Zt# · c · 1. • 2ot . C>,.BBAGE JUI E ......... __ ................. y pint ' . . ,. . '-· I ..:..; .. .... ... • I •