HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-15 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping NewsI • ' • • • t , • ~ , • , =~~:-::1::;:~:~=:; LAY MINESWEEPER KEEL, and ~ lllalo i:xn-oro and :rou Ul\lt Eva IAI , , ._ AY At!O. U -bo WUl1Jlf brlpt new Betl1 -..,..,,,. trom 'Ibe keq_ ol"tlle MSB lt, a &T·f1iiOI .....-~boot or ' Ille POU.Y APPAULI Tiie kllldly Polly the 1(8B II' CIUo .... told ot Ibo 'llouth· Oout oom-1. Nwport ORT ApJ>O"l 11.u a specta1 deportment for llUlo Bea.:11. Ollllomta. on Frida¥ mOrninr. A.uguot ]J), 11&1. _. wo111e11 'folk • . . It'• Jooded with Loom Craft Faley ·Tale l'r<lcQ. 'I'llll Jo the flnt of tour -II for ftJdi lloulh Coat Compui.y 1'beeo .,.. wondu'tlll, ~· -for _.,,.. ctrr. apd 1 llu been Ullfnod the conotr<Jctlon oadtl9cl by tlle Chief ol lhe Bureou :~. ~~'e.yr.!d ~e:. ~ ~~:;'i.!':~~= ot Shipe, ~partmmt of Ute Navy. Ttw contract for the.e vfflela wu BAY • AND SHOPP ING NEW S . $2.29 on up. Now amall Glrla. t.n.cribe tb18 thot' 20 Umu on tbl bKk let In February, 19~1. and ln.\lCh of • •UCW cookie: Polly Appa.nl ii th• smart pJaoe to l'O for allpe. preUmln&ry work, hu been done. panties, and Rev.try bobby-aox . . . Sox are plain a11d trtYOloul These tou:r veuela are acheduted aisee to a~ tor lh palt. Polly Apparel l.8S8 Newport A~., Coe for completion ln 1"2, and are a .. paft ot the N&vy'a new ahip con- M'ua. • • • 1trucUon prognm. The Com· mander ot the Lonr Beach Naval TERESA GAll... NOW A MERRY 11 Shipyard, ca.pt, E . E. SpfUn&', bu WKS. OLD HAS JUST SAID "GLUB!" collateral duUe1 u the Superv\llor Falhu. Clarence Pace I.Ced ( '?') has of ShipbuUding, USN, and Nani just MJ<t "RUG!" The Cout,llDe Floor In.epector of Ordinance, Lon1 Covt"rinJf'• •uper •peclal thia week will Beach, and u web ta duisna.ted simply floor you .. An Aldon Normandy aa the fi~d repre1entatlve or tbe ca~ . . deep, luxurlou.a pile broadloom Bureau of Shlpa in the adminlatra- ::arpetinr . . . Soft!' Why lt'a fqr all lion and aupervialon of th18 con· the world like romping bare.foot thru' a tract. 11l.e combining of the• e field of muah! Only firmer. u ea.ch roguah. curly tuft 11 yaJe tunctiona wu done for austere a 0 • _ -., a n • = m nr "'-•LU& ,_ locked to the rubberiz.ed. non·akid back. In cozy color•'. · · a 9x12 rconomy of ma.npower and faclll· BOULE\' AJtD ordinarily co.sting you aia9.60 sow 199.M. Clarence ts about to Lie8. f'(JBf.llHn} AT nu BALBOA move \nto a new building and la pretty keyed up about it. T&ke The Supervtaor O( Shlpbulldlng, Nl:"ffPOST .Bl:A.Cll. CA.LlrOIL'llA advantage of this hypertension bargain ... Another nervous kupet USN, and Naval Inapector of Onll- TZLZPBONE: JIAaBOR 1118 kwote: 1~1% braJdfll flax oval. regular 1169.~ value for St%9.&0 nancr, Long Beach, bu cognlr.ance ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~rC~ouULM Floor Covertn1, 18tb • Newport Ave., ~ta MHa, Bea-&Jao or the construction of the ; n 5!61-1. AMS 80 woodf'n mlneswtt~!'S at e , e •, H•rbor Boat Building Company, 'THE JIG IS UP!'' CRIED ERWOOD AS HE UNLACED HlS TAP Terminal Island, California, and SHOES and bolled toward• the door. "l gueu l 'm re111ly caught. the AM 421 ClUll wooden mlne- wlth the goods thie time~" The &ood doctor i1 floundering u uma.I iJWrepers at Wilmington Boat \n yard.a a.nd yards qf beauUt\11 fabrics ;n one yard to a1x yard Work•. lnc .. Wilmington, Callfor- piecea. You ca.n wa.ngle beautiful materials in solids or pattern• at ni&. He will have cognizance of on,-.~f priff' ••• most or tbe 1ood cood• Is at Jesa than cost. Dr. any nrw Navy ship construction Erwood cares to clear the 1tore of all mater-fa!.!. TheM fabric• contract.a with private ahipyarda By MARGO 11.•tll make wonderful t drapes, slip -cover•. aklrts or pot -holders. In the Long Beach area. Please note al.90 : a cracetul solid oak drop leaf table with 2 extra '----------------------------,leaves ~-·ts 81 1eg• ala Duncan Phyfe with 4 eleg&11l chairs .. -Man D1·es Aboard "'RY DO~""T TOC ! ~ ! ! \VRY DON'T YOU TURN YOUR GRA;.~OMOTHER'S CUSPIDOR INTO A PLA.J'OTER! \\."h y don't you save some pie in a pie-saver? Wh~· don't you have your &butters dipped? Your endocrine• Will become as over acti,·e as mine alter a tour of the Garvtn Mor..e &.taize .. Thia lab}'Tinlh houses Morse's vat dipping process plant tor rPDlol·lnc· palat and l'amhm. from antiques and furniture; offers Ethel Riehard'e rare antiques Hke lhat big, old che'!tnut sideboard with marble top and hand carved walnut game birds; a. pine bonnet box, ptne drop !eat' table and pine commodes .. , copper and bra.a ... GAR has old New Orleans shullers for ea.Ir ... and then there's the Driftwood Room which is not a tropical bar ... it's a room full of flotsam. jetsam driftwood. cork, nets and patio planten. Here aJ~ n&ngs Jf'zebel. a tacP you·re not likely to forget. Go _ . • Go for the sheer ,,..·a.ntoneM of it and pt>er at the place. Ga.rvm Mor.se , , • And Co., 47~ Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa • : . Beacon 8677 ·J MOLE • • • COME HERE BLJ~-x.E\" ! Why should you live like a mole a.nd k'ttp your cave hermetically sealed like It was a storm cellar or a speak·easy 'o'.'he.n a well·trained Vviet1an Bhnd let's 1n sun· shine. air and privacy? ? ? The Shade Sbop specialises in brand new Fle;,:alum Venetian blinds in gay. smart colors or .... 111 brow beat your old bhnda lntd complete itubmisaion. \\'hopper-jawed V. Blinds that• droop listle!lSly on shredded string can be ~paired \\'ith new plastic tape here. So ::an n!C&lcitrant blinds that refuse to budge In either dittetion! Life's little up!I a.nd downs should be regulated before they overwhelm . . . Let the Shadf" Shop lighten your lot. Drapery hardware, Roller !!hades. Columbia pastel print &hades. Ught·proof shades ~d St:!\"·GARD pla.atic &hades. Ring up the curt&in. but be sure it'• from the Shade Shop, ~l'l 29th St., New· port, Harbor 88i. \VE CAN'T MEND --• • • • YOUR WAYS, YOUR D~tS OR YOUR BROKEN VOWS BUT 1\·e Call Mend Yom lloldery We ha,·e arlded a new Hrvice to our ll•t or ladylike accomplt<1hmenla a nrvice for ladies with runny hoses. Leave your stocklD.(a wtth ua for fut, reuonable run repairing. JO-LEE SPORT SHOP ·183:1 !\""l:\\TORT -~ \'E., COSTA MESA • • • DON'T GET STIR CRAZY! BECAUSF. I KNO\,. OF AN EXCEi.,. LE::\'T ~o:--:.sTIR AUTOMATIC CORN POPPER! THIS LITTLE; GENIUS AT $4..98 MAY WELL PUT THE FINISHING SKIDS TO THE MOVIE..c;. THE BALBOA S &: 10 WHICH IS GE:'M'ING BRAVER, BOLDER. BIGGER AND BE'ITER BY THE MTh"UTE NO\V HAS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. FOR EXAMPLE: A $;\(ALL TRAVELING COMPANION Oli' AN IRON FOR S3.'l9: AN ELECTRIC TOASTER $3.69; 1 BUR.i"\'ER HOT PL.ATE, CHROME FlNISH S3.49 ; \VAFFLE IRON WITH BAKELlTE HANDLES AND FOOL-PROOF WAFFLES $8.95. THESE HOME-MAKERS A.RE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR PLUG JN ON SOME FOOD A.'-"D FUN APPLIA...'JCES. BALBOA 5.fl10 ... 300 MAIN, BALBOA • • • 'A S~fART GIRL QUICK WITH A DAGGER AN'D a. $180 ~t tor $99. Wonder• will never ceaae at ER\\100D'S, '°'7 E. s.100. e1,·d. Ope• .e,·-. •Harbor .0184-J • -Rented Sailboat HAVE YOU CONSIDERED SERIOUSLY WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO \\'EAR TO THE OSTRICH RACES r Let'• not be slovenly at a time like th1s! REMEM,BER! Fine feathers put these blrd.s on the right track tnatead of on a hat-rack~ RICKY'S SHOP has county fair special• that are blue ribbon winner& I recommend Ricky's tartan plaid pedal pushers with •lightly peg leg at $7.95 for Bird Watchinc. And it I• my belief that you should !ho"'' U\:J at the National Horse Show In a pair or Graff Slacks . . , aay ln smooth a.harkak1n with faint overpla.ld at $10.95. Top theee slacks with a. sleveleu. doublet in gaudy py pl&Jd with patch pocket.a and ~de cinch buckles ($3.96 ). Now for the Livestock Exhibit., I prefer the Graff strutter slacks in country gentlewomen check.s or plain bto\\'n, navy or grun. Graff slacks a.re well tailored and thank heaven. they run from 11izes 10 • 20 ... from $5.95 on up . , . Helgho! Come to lhe Fair , . , but Come to Ri('ky'1 first. JlO( ~·e\\-port 81,·d., Co11.ta Mesa. Bea.con 15«. • • • "HE \\'AS A BOLD ".-fli TR,.\T FIRST om E.\.T A~· OYSTER" bul now that the field ha.d been pionured. you don't have to be brave at all to sit yourself downe at Char~y'• Seafood Reetautu1t tor an oyster cocktail. Not brave, my friend, j ust smart! Charley'• a sea going cook who ha• an "ln" with all the freah fish catchers in this area. Charle_v 15!rves clam chowder all day . , , fresh sea bass, halibut a.nd swordfish luncheons ... Sc.a.llopc, Abalone and every delightfully edible that comes1out of the dup. For Sl.00, you may sit outside by the ,1ea and enjo)' a jumbo ahrimp lunchecn plate With shoestring!!:, cold al&\\', cocktall sauce and roll ••. dlnnera include n1ost everything at $1 .2~. The aeafood salads here are a. cool delight. All the Btg Brains eat at Charley's. Food to Take Away Too. At 11~ Cout lilway (next to Port Or&ngeJ 1 day1. Beacon 6834. • • • wANT To_ JOIN THE. ~ •8 •Q.W:• umr. WANT TO THROW ARCH PRE'rrY GLANC&S? [ know of no woman who l'el rnoni booata lhru' 9Cience a.nd akill than does Mr1. M . ("M " lA for r ••. n~~ Mother ) Nature. Take the science of Ele<:trolyeis for example. I! you have a haJr line that ~·oop• below and beyond the call of duty, or eyt1brow• that nouriah in unladylike manner .. or a.ny un- calle'd for hair on face. arms or leg11, it's a fairly !limple manner to have thia condition rectified. Ellen l •• Bryant Is A reglat~ EJe<:trologiat . , . sh@ can 1killlully patnleuly and perma.nently n!!move ha.ir. Don't TO around wearinc a linen duster and a>A'athed In veila . , , Let 'a be bare.fa~d about this little matter. Ellen L. Bryant ta at the L ido Sa.Jon of Beauty every Turs & Thurs. Call now for an appt. for a free consultation. 3440 Via Oporto. Harbor 2574. • • • YOU CAN LlE ON' A SILKEN SETTEE \\<Dile o~rating a rental sail· boat. Lewia John Powers, 6~. o( Loa AngrJes waa the fatal victim of a strokr at 1 :oe p. m . Saturday. Dwight Glbbl, 843 Lido Soud, Lido la.le, notified Newport Police lhal a man tn & renl&.1 aa!lboat was lying m otlonleas on the deck. The man WM brOUK"ht to a Lido lale dock by a pauing boat ope· rator a.nd wu given artificial res· piratlon and ai.o oxygen by the fire department. Powers waa pro· nounced dead at 1 :30 p. m. He WU taken to B&ltz Mortuary. Mesan Faces Trial Sept. 4. on Morals Count Cllfford A . RuaerU, 53, of Co8ta Mesa, accused of statutory rape and a felony morala of(en•e ln· valving his Il·year·eld atepdaugh· ter, hu pleaded innocent and will go on trial Sf.pt. 4 before Superior Judge Franklin We•t in Santa Ana. Heinz .Kaiser in Car Accident. Girl Injured Edith Brown, ot Illinois, M- eet~ head. lace.rationa u the re- sult of a colli81on between the au- tomOblle 1n Which ahe wu rldtng and a vehicle operated by Orange. Courlty Superrieor Heins Kat.el'. The aceLdent took place near the intenectton of 11th St. and Cout Highway at 2 :48 p. m. Sat· Ur<!Oy. Kaiaer, who 1ive1 nearby at the Ba.y11hore Trailei-Park, wu head· ed. east on the Cout Highway at the tllne of the accident. He told poller that. he wu ma.king a Jen turn whe.n hi. car was llit on tb~ right aide by a vehicle operated by Joeeph A. McMiUin, of llllnoLI. la Front Seat Mias Brown, a pueenger in Mc· Millin'• vehicle, wu aiU\ng in the front seat next to the driver at the time of the collillion. Sbe WU ruahed to S&nta Ana Community hoaplta.l for medical treatment by SUJ Ambulance. It wu, believed at the time that lier injurlett were alight. Ka.Uier'• car received damagea to lta right front fender and doof'. He said that hi• car wu station- ary 'at the time of the colliaton. Whiskey Stolen, Police on Case A1 cue of wbUkey and four ad· ditional fifth were reported spirit· ed •way from a deUwry truck at S:O& p. m . Friday. According to the truck driver, he wu parked on the Tustin Ave. aide of the All Am•rica.n Market making a de· llvery. He returned to hia truck a.nd when he made his next de· llveJ'y stop at Vincent'• Dnig store he found the aide door of the truck aJa.r~ .A.tteJ' checking, he found that appi-oJtim.ately $80 worth of bot- tled ~· wu miuing. Newport Pol~• are conducting an invent- gatton. COLONIAL preferably one with 6 or 7 ftngers on each wrist In case or an error, can get herself a job at the 8 . .\ YSIDE FJSH 1\L.\RKET. If you know any cut-up fond of sail air and biology ... But more important •• that KUlgfish Kingston, for .some de· vioua reason you may be sure. carea to peddle Alba.core In larJ"r lot• tor <"Annin... ll you would like to have 10,000 tuna aandv,ricbes thia winter. BADGAD and plan a trip to Bechua.nal&nd . , , or Bismarck for that matter. BecaUM! I know where you can ~L a mural map of the world In color or &Ppia.. about a 4 x 5 that will cover a bedroom or de.n wall and give you a very worldly wise outlook . , . The McDonald Paint Co., ptLrveyors of fine papers for the y,•all have these maps. 1 think It would be very handy the next time you get in an argu- ment about Suebo or Saaeno to have one of these "'all guides handy. The McDonald Paint Co. baa wallpapers by \\'allcreat. Glendora Im· periaJ. Varl&i, Hollycraft and Birge to name a fey,·, You ca.n find amusing moderna, provincials. periods, chintua, ecenlcs for children '1 rooms ... and most any type paper at any price. Get your papera In order at MtDonald Palnt Co., 18'7% 11&.rbor Bll'd., Costa Meaa. JSM. con 570%. BEDROOM • • • [ suggest ~·ou lfi\•estigate! Harry_ has f!IOme mag· BlE}lri"""E~"lDOS! nanimous offer if you buy 50 lbs. or more. I tried CASA to tell him about womt'n suffrage. emancipation, etc. But HE DOX ka ys it's ea!I)'. All you, do is get a pressure cooker IUld suddenly CARLOS Boon1 ~ you have a shelf full of Albacon!! and a broken back. OK SlTl:RBA MEXJCA...'i FOOD f!IO I told _vou. l don't mind trlllng you ho\\·ever. that the Baywidr DINNERS OR ALA CARTE has come~d the At.lone market and that all ua peuants ca.n afford 113 22nd St., Newport Har. 2638-M 5 • 10 p. m. (Closed Tuea.) It at l6c lb-You can fef'd 3 people on a pound of Abalone or 2 e e • e people if the)' rat like Kingston. There are other fish from the COME OUT S\\'INGING WHEN YOU HEAR sea ... but the tre-ahest flippest ones nop on the dock at the THE BELL, CHILDREN! Yes, UtUe ones will Bayside. 2800 Lafayette. Newport. i days. 8 - 6 :30 p. m. be swinging and hlppety hopping down the • • • path to the Uttle old ac.hool house •.. Cbll· '-"I'HJS. '' SAID THE S~JOUS YOUNG M.AN IN WHITE. "IS BE· dren aklp merrily as hop t~ ln tchool shoes YONO TJ.lE .SCOPE OF THE HUMAN IHAGINATION! Come with from BAB.BER'S BOOTERY. Ra.rely ia & child ., me to nty laboratory and I'll show you what I mean!" Quickly :ardy or a truant when shod In a pair ot donning cloak and dagger, I followed cautiously thrt1' the weird Uttkl Yaaka or RED GOOSE SHOES. :SU-. machine• &nd huge niotors. Sure enough! There wu a gn:at lone ber'a, your bjg family ahM store ha• loaded table loaded '-'inth !re.sh frozen fruJt plea ready tor the vut ovenll! up on children'• shoes in all aizea ~d ducrtp- A!I far as the naked eye could see without banging up against the tlona • . . These ahoe experts have ABCD and 30rne E width.a in t"efrlgerator were cherry pies, apple, boyeenbefTy and •prlcot pies these nationally advertised brand.a. BARBER'S BOOTERY is a.lao ... pies , , plea! Wbilti the eager young scientist was bent over beadquarter• for the OFFIOIAL BOY SOOUT SHOES with Official a.n apple sauce cake with a spatula. l hutily lnac:ribed the eecret .seal. All kinds -0f S'OOd &hoes here for happy bopalonc feeL Bar- pie fonnula on a rat loaf of potato bread. l knew lull well it caught bet's Bootery, 1116 Newport Ave., Costa MNL and apprehrnded as a Pie-Spy. I would CIAdly eat my words. Grace· • • • full}' bowinc and Kraping up bits of jeUy donut, I made hute to CHEERS! MY DPM.RS! 1 HAVE REVELRY FOR m}· own teat kiln. Alu! No ONE can Tia,.ke pie like the NEWPORT SALE! Succeutul boateues are not botR. they BAKERY, %11% Oee:an Fn.aC.. ,XeoA·po~ Barbor l..U·R. 7 days open •tudy for It. How do you think Perle ,.ol to • • • Luxembourg? Now I know of a place where you ~ LOST YOUR B.EARINOS. BUD? ! r can acquire aCCU90!1ea tbat will inspire you to ........ \\'alt'• Tradtor; p 09t hu a. contraption... launch wonderous ,blrthday pa.rt.lea. weddinc lbow· ~ called a "DirecUOO i'\nde-r" which might· en. ud all maimer of p1u. The Party Boae iJl ~ help you. 0a th• other .!land. pt loot~ Larw>• decoratU hbmea clubs, boll parkl or c\U«' (If{~. I while I tell the othen about Walt'• ' ,..~ ouu tor all 1pecLa.I e-rent. -•. 'l1M"9 tun&tf1'9 'male• .., •• 1imply elep.nt teak boat wbl4tbltld wtth part.y favors to your ordar or co supply you wtth '-\.oo.,r matchiAg bait tank! And lf you at.Mn want to lle ~ ~y. SoO(y sfmmk:ka, U.t.. b&Uoona UMl..ta"n>ra in a trice! ~ ;rou should-_... UJo te&lt ber.1iae j>ina and ~ w1aoo1 ••• Party Hou.oo alao cameo un....W. lifU Ulte "hand-"ROSTS&lr' And hero'• aomelhin( eooldn(: A otalalou s.J eleetrle plloy JD&de ...-.w bop wltll OOloc1UI felt appUquu (112.llO), bUbocuo 18 • !12 YOll with l(OAer&lor for ~·--"-'19 -(llcl) thl1 ptcalc ~ with ~ ~way paper ftll>en, -tn>Wcldq -.n - bold •"'Ylhinf but air .are a bey Ud.e iiieolL And bo -to paper, naplda •t.. <>Meta uh tnim. u.d ~ CIUMllM, Villt riew W&lltr and Anna Bean'• proudelt po•n•na ••• • jewel tilt. nterr'Y'"-maldnc ....,.. h.rt7 Bawt, M OMA ....,~ i..c-.: l!OX fun of nA 1W ouch y baby M1clt,Joo. cM&to, ebocJu, pulloya .-·--, and -booQ. _. f\m bare lhu Ibo Blnllb-!an and Ad-• • • • inlltance II ""'· Walt'o-TNdlnl( ~. -~" IOtll St.. "-t.bo IC* You w .... Ollly J'oollnr, Pretty gyed BabJ'. But rt1 -T., ..... ..,.,._ •.•• Newport. Barbor 2tiO. o,;.. ~ WI •11k41a1• • tbt Ak'h1-'tq'1h 6 tbe 1Uta '• Wb1re the &mllle a.ta a. (Gcajll Wocl.) 8 :llO to I. -t0omll 1 I • .... II Newport BaJ Po5t - • • • • • ' -. , SoUd \\"ild Cbeny, I piere a-roup • • • lovely J ! drurer double dres!M'r "'ltb JarJP. mirror, K"racefu\ ' poater canopy bed, mat~h· l•r; paJr •llf' tablfo &11d ~e roomy ehest. Th.I• group 69500 replarly it0ld ai 886.00. Sa\•e $200.00 .... ·-··-······-·---. ..Now I pc, BoUd Cherry Group ••• ts dJ'awer double dJ'l!llWI' wtttl: rnLrror. dlest, cannon ball full Ude panel bed aad twia 4aaoo nlte tables. Recula.rty 149.00. SaveJ 160.00 ···-····-······Now 7"'( ~ 5 pc. Solid Cherf7 Group • • • I drawer double ~ wit.II mirror, cbe9t: on cbHt, tun alui paael bed and nit.re ~ 1tand. Replar1y S8LOO Save 8!.00 ·······--············-Now 477 f. pc. Solid Clle"'1 Group . . , I drawer doQble dre.er 1'ith :i;~t~S:,~~ c~.~-~ .. ~ .. ~~-.~~-.. ~·······-········~ow 21900 t pc. Solid Cherry Group •• , I dra•·u dout.le ctre..er wtth :e~;"':::.:.,~~ ... ~~~~ ... ~.~~ .. :~~ .. ~~--~ . .Now 249°° 5 pc. 8oUd Maple Group • . . t drawv double tt.re.er with ~=·~;15.=-t~.:-~.~-.. ~~ .. ~~-.~~--.-.Now 37580 5 pc. SoUd Maple Group ..• I drawer deuMe ~r wttta mir'Tel', :~ =~ ... ~ .. ~.~ .. -~~~!~ .. --···-.......... Now 28990 ' pc. Solid. Maple Group ••. Single dl'flMel' ~tit minor, nJte ~~ ::i.ao~ ... ~~ ... ~~-··-····t·-···-·--··-............. Now 249" ' pc. Solid Maple Group . • . I drawer double dftieeer with :~~~,.~--~~·.':' ... ~~~-~~---~"-19900 t pe. Solid Maple Group • . • Slag,. cl-wllll eo~r, •-I =~ l~:: .. ~ ... ~ ... ~~.!:.~ ·-·--·-~OW' 149°° t pc. Haple J1nl.a ONUp .. • • I drawer dou"8 dl"fMU 1'1th ~i=--~--~--~-+~---·-.Now 139°' • • • ol Entire Slack ol 'l'wo Desert 110 .. 11 * . CATALINA BATHING SUITS <Al$0 Men's Trunb> % PRICE * DENIMS- Slacks, Pedal Pullers, Shorts, Inn • % PRICE WHITE DUCKS - Pedal Pushers, Shcnls, lras * DresHS, NlllWS Unifot ms, Robes, Slacks llovses and Play Clotti1s All at Closing-O ut Prices! YOU NAME IT! Good A u ortment, Sme ll a nd Large Size s! * * * * * * Open Every Da y Until Stoc k is Gone, or call for appt. for any e ve nin g 1853 Newport Blv~., Costa Mesa (NEXT TO COSTA MESA BANK) P HONE BEACON 6788-W or HARBOR %97-1 We are emptyl119 our ware house ·and ftoors to make room for our new martiet purchaljti. These savin9s are y0tn. This Is your opportunity to save at LOW CLEARANCE PRICES DINING ROOM 8 pc. Group ••• Thia tO,•ely spacloUli M" Butch ud 6'" Jhoop- ~ar Butterfly LazJr SWIUI ExtemJo.n Table wttll i WltwlMr Roat <JhaJn and • \\'1.ndaor Side Chaln. aU made of the thteat; !W'lll!Ct Hard Rock Maple, would be the envy ta any home. ~~::.:: ~~ue:rtS: .~~ ... ~.~-:-................. ·-·····-···-499'° 8 pc. Solid Birch Group • , • Drop-Leaf Butter07 Ext. Table, ~Ir: c~1~ a!'=1;"!e:.:~~-.~.-~ .. ~~.~ .. Now Jfr S pc. Ptolindal Group ••• Drop-Leaf o..J Est. TU&e. ()pea ~~~~h.;:O 1 ... ~~~ ... ~~ .. ~.--~~~-.. ~ ............ ...Now 395" 8 pt~ Solid Maple Group • . • OroJ>"Leaf Butterfl1 Ert. Table, ~~ ~ ::~uo~ : .. ~~~-·~ ... ~ .. ~~-.~~.~.Now 395'° 5 pr. Solid Blrdt Group ..• End Rdlector'J' Ert. TUle wt~""'t :;::!~Qu...iaa: ~~ty8~~~~~~~~····--· .. ··--·.Now 13f5' 5 pc. Solid Maple Group • , • U" Drop.ie&f 'hWe wltlt ' Ladder :::-.:i.~~.00 . ___ ., -----·--·f'·-----.. ---·N-1~ I pc:. !!oUd Maple Group ••• !£, .. dae-IAQ ~ Drop-1-f ~ ~~ -~~-{)o-~~ .. ~_J. N-129" LIVING ROOM ' . ~ :redit1term1. dieerfully a rranged • I ' • twe lve eleven i outh mein it., sent• ana • • • 1 • PAGE I ACG. 111, !Ml l'IEWPOBT· .BAY PO!ft AND l!HOPPINO NEWS AD LIB (Coalla_. '""" Pap I) I Resultl come rrom comtut Pnctlcel An a4 replazlJ' la tlll.I P!P-"' will proctuee -.ho '°' ,_. . . . . By MARGO Your Eyea. JU;lt pick out ANYTHING j\Llt an.,ythinl', record twirl- 1rs! The Home of Hanuoay want.I to make your life ju.t one sweet aong? ''Too Youns.. I.I ll:UI lllll.DI' ~~ lilt• tt wu a platter of uraruum ort. Tbe new Lu PauJ. Mary Ford 'Tbit World h Waitinc For The Sunrtee" la anotbtr blf hit for t.bea electrified cuttar twani-e:n. AND tf you buy a 10 er 12.. LP rtc::Ol'd1q at HoUM of Harmony. you ,..t AB&OLUTEL T FREE a 7"' Oolumbt& LP claaaica.l or pop! Fn..nki• LaJN'• M•Mt ode to a 1~ woman I• entitled "'Girl In The \\'ood ...... like a bold ahe ia wit leavea in her hair. Houee of Harmooy don Not ha•• "Bortebt Riden In The .Sky." But Suzy can order rov uyt.hlnc • · •• you feel Jill• including "Fiah- taJJ Boop." 1117 N•wport. A...._. eo.ta. Me.a&. Beacon 21137-3653. --------------------- Al"·ay• Cool ud Comlortable ,_., """'' Now 60' i .. i. Any Time Tu .SOW SHOWJ.:SG "Captain Horatio Hornblower" Gtt1ory Pf'Ck, \'lr1inla Mayo --"-~ ~hort Subjec-t• - "STKASGF.R~ IS THE LIOHTHOt"Sf.: .. 8porta Reel -Color cartoon Pho,.. Doan Open 1:15 !!bow Stana ·11:t5 ~-ou· SH0\\'1...~G "On Moonli9ht Bay" Gordon Ma.cRae. Don. Day ''Take Care of My Little Girt" .IP&lllM!I Cn.in CHILDREN und., FREE with p...., ..... Paw. I! yn. and Broadway Tbeatru: FOR REAL SATISFACTION IN SMALL BOAT a MOTOR!! ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL (AT THE E.VrBANCE TO LIDO ISLE) SUND A'( SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M. CHUltCtl SCHOOL -10:00 A.M. • THURSDAYS , HOLY COMMUNION-10 A.M. OPEN MRY DAYI • Kiddies Day E,·ery Wednesday • 1% Noon M e P• m. • FREE BA.~NS • Cooce8Sioas 5¢ • Rides 6¢ BATH HOt:SE FACILlTIES FOB MEN "-""II WOME..'\' ... --(l ") (' • ,,.~1~, ~ It's Economical From A to Z ! When we help you finance a home of your own you ca.n do it without butchering your budget. After a rea.sonable dowo payment, monthly paymenta are often lower than rent. Come in for complete details, without obligation today! • You'll Like Our Friendly Service , 8ATVILDAT Lt.8T DAY Tbe ... )'Oil ........ ...a.ua, for? Flnt Rua Ploa: Dl8NJ:Y'8 "~'1 Half Acre" Perform.aaaea i:'6 a l:U "Prince Who .Was a Thief" Tf'CluUeol'ot "APACHE DRUMS" STARTS SUNDAY Jean Cra.tne "Tak• Care of .My Uttle Girt'• . - 'hl·o of •• Ilmd Edmwad o•aiva U-tll Seott SUSDAY • TUESDAY Gt..an Ford. Gelle 1'1.rDll!:T "Secret of Convict - Lake" \\'a.ltt-r Pid(f"OD, Da\id ~·1vu Stf'"·art G..-pr "Soldier's Three" Retired T e•chers Plan bet. PiCnic The ... ...,u"!t lloard\ot tile Qr· ""I'• Count)' DIYlolon ot tile calt- lornla BeUred Tucll<n A- llon mot Ill Banta An.a. al tile bome Of Kn. lltlle lla.-u, 11862 -lTlll otrMt. . The preekleat. L.. L. Beeman pruSdtd at the mH~. Buatnea and 90Cial event. Ot tM tl8c&l year J111t •t>dtd _,.. mt-ell and .,.. c-tJon1 for eomtnc' evmt. wen ottered by the T&rlout connnltteu and wue d\8cu#ed. P1a.na were made for the llftnU&l noon ptcnk to be held tn A..nahelm at La Palma Park on. September Ith. A. lurt attendance .. dpeeted and f'rie.ndl Of tile orpnlaatloa will be wel- comed. To pieuan~ cloee the mHUnf. Kn. Bard'trtlll Hrnd ~ &ad cooklu. Birthday Dinner Honors Guest Mr. &hd Mn. Jobn CooPf'r, SU Sant a An& avenue. Newport H•icht.a, had u recent week end g\IM~ Mr.. a.nd Mrs. Wllllam John.tone of Orup. Hlfhlll'ht of the Vlalt WU • dinner. ln celebratk>n of Mr. Joh.Mton•'• birthday ann.lven&ry. Tranavaal dalaiN and f'OM'• W•rp uaed u dfCOC&l.lve a.ccf'nt. Places W?rt: laid for Mr. and Mn. John· atone, Mr. and Mn. Erne It Me- Cl-1.lan and children ~nla and Kay of Newport HelghU: Mn . J,.&ura Bell Robert., Mr. T. A.. Tanna and eon Robert, all ot Lon( Beach, and the hoet and ho•t.e.a. Presbyterians Plan Churches & Schools TM Preabyt.eri&n church la the U. 8 . A. hu formed a U·metn.bt'r ~ l'ww:I'.. Commlaslon to akt hf the' ra1mr O! u2.ooo.ooo tor • Food & Rummage Sale ' Thursday Milttablh di.ab. p.nkm and. ~ t..s plant. will bll attnctlve .&li- uone to 'WV'ea ottered Thunday by membua of· lbe Dorcu '°'" dat7 Of lbe Seftnlh Day Adwnt- l.ll eburda. In addition there wtn be doleetable blll<ed !ooclo Uld • rwnrn.a.p ale, the latter lnclud- laf almoet nerythins fTom ftCU- '9" clean,,.. to old bUt •t:W weu. 'ble ehoea. .. The a&le opvw at 10 a. m., Thur.day at UJ.W week, on the vacant lot next to Wedeking'• bakery, JUI Newport boUlenrd. eo.ta Kua. <JOST A MESA."S VISIT In Palmdale for •v•.ral recent days were Mr. and Mn. WUliam Keuther and Lucille Skinner ot 20&0 Newport Bl¥d. .. Coat& Mu.a. who were Jl.letila of Mre. Hanna Oue.nther, Ille lonl" friend of the Keulben. A former Mllw&Ukee reMde.nt, Mn. Guenther and the late Kr. Guenther homealt-&ded. a plac• & few milea from P.Imd&le a numbe!" of year• ago. Training Institute Held at Mar Casa Wrekday teachers ot rlligiou.. education trom many Southern California commun1Ues convergf'd on Balboa Ialand Sept. 11th. 12th and 13th for an &J\l\ual tr&inJng inttltute which wu held lhla yrar at Mar Cu&. The Institute t. &ponaored by the l)topa.rtmPnt of Chriatian Education of the South· ern C&lifomla Council of Pro- teatant Churche•. Tu.chers for th• Newport Be&ch and Coat.a Men system• for t.he coming year pa.rtlclpa~ ln the ln.stitute. Loca.J cluae• &rt' spouored by the Newport Harbor Council of Churches working ln cooperation with ~ C.thoUc churcbea through an Inter Faith Council ne• cb\ll"ChH and new aemlaary 1------------ bu.Ddi'nc•. accordtnc to word re· celwd here thta we..k by Dr. 01enn W . Kobr•. lloulbland denomlna· t tonal uect:Jtlw .ecretary, from th e c\urcll'• beadquarten in PhlladelphiL The $12,000,000 bu.ildlng tund drive will hf-ctn Jan. 1, 1952, lll\d w1U lut for 30 months. Thf' mini· mum pal wU1 .be $7.~.000 for new church bulldlnr a.nd dt•elop- ment, and. M ,600,000 !Of' the church'• nine .eminartu. one of ..... '"' IWl-•w -Opea Evel'J 0.7 cownrn DINM11s Fr•"' 11.SI t. U.11 TROPICAL DRll'o'K8 I lilmmmmmmiiiii!mmiiljiiiji Jwh.lcb t. Ban Franclac:o TheolOiJi· I 1 cal Seminary. loeated bl Ban DI" 111 tk E:ocL1i11I ... TAH ITIAN SICYIOOM F-.Par~ ORT.9-~.,n. • •-" .J( •........ " .... , .. .,, 4 • NOW SHOWIN!J QnatMt MualcaJ ill _,. ...._! I• Technlcoler .. ~BO\V BOA"r-· -Aho- A.AHlmo. Preabyt•rta.n. ot C&lifomia ~ cently Ifft a SQa1 ot 100 aew churche. In the next five years. with •ls:ht or nine 9CMduled for or(&ftlS&Uon ta UM IMt·n Oallt..,U. - BIYC Aw•rds H.,W WI ' VISIT THI NEW HUT NOW OPEM la.rnM OU"·" Cu"•'·.,--'ao "SNOW DOG" Wltlt JI.Irby Ora.at aad -W-rDoc . Presented Frid•y CllllSTIAN'S HUT ANN£X NICXT A TTLt.CftO.."f DMible Ter:lulloolor Pro~ ''CA TTLZ DIUVE"' ,.,._,. nJc111t at ll&llloa lolaa4 .-.,. a C..i..au BM Yacht olW mMU., nnt plaC9 • tM Pkir ts.-aua ol'oel McCrae, Dea.a StoekllffU -PJWI - ribbon • ....,... tor tbe week of CA.TA.LINA J8LAND All,uet • were pn9tllt4MI to the i~~~~~~~~~~~i 'XABll OF THE RE..''EGADE' Bkardo M•tm't=· ' Cyd CllUt.e ' S'UR/!'1 ~1 11\.6 ·3044 HtJ'llTJNGTON BEACH NOW TllllU l!IA'rUBDil followtnc p • o p I .. In 'l>&ddle- boarda, to Mark Bcuddw, Dolula Hartman. H&Dlt Kyle. Mona-Rae Barlow, Tod Whit•, Ann Rawlina, and Tom Jone1. IA rOWlnf, \o Mark Scudder, 0&11 \yll!te. 81ll Uoyd, Moll&--R.ae Bulow, Mickey Smith. Pbyllie R.awltn1, A.rul Rawli.n(, and John Kenae:y. In divin.I', to ca.rot wn- uarn.s, ~ White, Ge.II White, Btitty Beck, Bruce PI t t man. Mon.a-Rae Barlow, 8on.n7 Coan•. Ia rwimmin&'. to Bobby McKe-n- aey, Tod White. Donna Hart.man • Betty . Beck. Hank Kyle, Pat Dy•r, and Bob lbbot900. In the Balboa din&hY claa. rtrst r&C9 wu won by Micke.y Smith a.nd MCObd by Ropr Boy- ve.y. In ~ Snowbirds, tirat: race wu won by Tom Frost and sec- ond by C.Ommodore Benny BeDJa· mill. • Young Methodists off for Camp at Cedar Glen IOSSl'S FINE ITALIAN DINNERS Also 8teaka -Pm. Rlb9 Cocktails 1611 Coast Blvd. Harbor 1180 Corona del Mar DIRECtOltY. LESTER A. Br.CUR, D. D. 8. DE?>"TISTRY I l TM Newport Blvd., Coat& Me.aa ' Medical BldJ. Beacon 8752 )00 i:. Bay Ave .. Bal~ Harbor 327-J Nine boy. and rtrb from the Harbor Area left Saturday for I~==========~ ·~. _ .-. their annual sum.mer camping ex-Ii ~·... perienC2 &t Camp Cedar Glen. near .I• Julian in San Dleeo county. ~v. • ~ -'nlomu Roy Pmdell of Newport'c J?....____ --a.n.t Cl>W'C.h by th• Bea ,. Ille I Po I.... lllfllll ·• c'itnp dnn. Mra. Robert IJ><th ot .. -.--.-~ .... ---Coal& Me• i. a faculty member, -A..'in -Rev. Joeeph Tbompeon, former putor of the Co.ta M._ Com· munJty Church te aervtnc u ·the camp manager, and Mra. Thom~ ton ts the bead counae.lor. .Ap. proximately one hundred thirty boya and ctrls trom eeventh, etpth and ninth sradie• ln South- ern cau.tom.1& communitiee ue 1n •ttendance. Th• croup return& ;~~~~;;;~=~~~~~'home next Saturday. A MW nrtmming pool Jutt com- pleted hlgllllt .. tile camp IPOftl 11a:per1au.. procram tllla :year. Th• <&!DP la Dr7 a-.••06 -...i by tlnr camp oommi.. LIDO. ololl ot tilt Boutllem callfonUa--. .ooat.._. ot tile.,_...... dllfOimeh. • V. Z. KOEPSEL, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Evenings by Appolntme-nt $11' W. Ne"-port Bl't'd. Nf'WPOrl a..tb Bar~r %511 BE SURE • INSURE with MAUll.ICE STANLEY ~Only --rl1TI aa -A-llalbM ~ W • Sftlart Foote I otNi:i.U. INBURANCIC I ~ lttl,;,.,,.,w,,. ..... ft llwll n. Bar. u JU7 ... .,,, aa Blv«. CI.gAN)l!U y--"' atlendlq" ~ &II N-,.n.-c:.tot <Jb=b by tu -l1lcludo Cl08TA. -• -McJ>oaald. Bruce Boti.o. Ooa!I';~~========; ' -.,.., • ... ...toy Uld NOiie)' ..,..,L I j I ~~·"'~·~·;•~·~-~.,~·-~~-~-~-~·~·~_'~~,,,... attwtes 1rom -~<loot• , -~·-.. ·--Jlllly Hal"-Bobby llpetli.MA17- dalr, .......... Cloill -...... "".... .; WAT& HEATllS ................ ,, 'M llU94 r·w J• JJ.J.loJJ ~ _ _,._oJ ·-.... t .::..,, -v v·-·-.....,..,. ....-• ....,.. -__........... ' • ,, t , D he:.. ••qQH.... Kr.• Md. Jin. .JoM. W.t •r 111• --· , ... °"" ............ °"'*--.... I ... ,. .... ,.. * -•'•;.,i: ..... .,....,., ....... ~t~-,1..--.:... .. · ~·.._ ___ JI ... -...... . Wi._,,.... _______ _ • • ' PUNCH IUTTER •9LLS 33ccloz. (lae. .. •a.1 'fer 17• 2-Layar Pecan Spice WE 89c ea. ($1.t5¥elvol 45c hell COSTA MESA 1100 !\'t~lM>rt Bl\·d. CORONA DEL MAR tol Cout BJgbway LAGUNA BEACH 2'1!ii Foree& A venue BALBOA ISLAND . !GO Marine Aveeue REUPHOLSTER YOt:B !-PIECE SET FOB AS LOW AS '69 Jacludeti Labor a.nd ln•lde Material As t.oW u no per we.k 6--yMr xuaranttt on "'ork Free pick-up a Delivery Ma.LI this coupon NOW. A eour- 14"0UI dttorator w\U call at your home "1th hnndred1 or umple fabrtc. to <'hOMe from. ~ Upbolatery Co,. SHOPPING :-O"EW8 !!11 Balboa Bl\'d. Ne'l\')>Ort Bfoa.cb ""*------Add .... ~------ Neare.t croH •treet __ _ Phone 'l'bJa offer ExplrH Aug. 18th CHINTZ SHOP INTERIOR QECORATORS * t Laree Self'Ctlon or " WALLPAPERS Many \\'ith 11.atchlnC Fabrtca * DRAPERIES FUBXITUBE FLOOR CO\'ERL ... GS LAMPS * I HI 8o. Cout Blvd. j • ~-~ltlll $ Values $$ Hulp(y Ffne .; 9aallty IP.I SPRINGS MATlRESS ,. . ' I TWIN -DJli.:" .;_ Ill..-!ll&e •~to r-r ••ztn.Hzs1 ~ q,,...,., --, . --a. ... at ' t" ~ ·tAllYLl'S - •aeh•laMIR I ." V4f<!thidtas . •4' .. .,~--."---. -' ' ' • • ' Tops In Food * Tops in Entertainment * * ·Cocktails from IOe,m. * Dinner from 4 p. m . • OPEN-BRUNCH 11 A.JI. to & P .II. Featuring the "Guadalajara Boys" DOLLllOUZE 415 E. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 2792 HARBOR CAFE 517 E. 30th et Lafayette , Newport Beech Across From Western Canners • • • Famous for Our Fish Chowder SPECIAL THU.SDAY -FRIDAY SATURDAY and SUNDAY FROM OUR OWN BOATS LOCALLY CAUGHT SWORDFISH COMPLm DINNER $100 Everyday Feature .65 Lunch Dinners from .75 tC! I.SO Complete OPEX I A. M. 'TILL 8 P. M. SUlllECT ro icHANGE HARBOR CAFE, 517 E. 30th r-- ~Ouj le 11 ~­ I LINOLEUM I For Floors Drain Boards Yachts · I VENETIAN BLIN~S AND SHADES FORMICA TOPS ~L11!R;:~~ • PHONE HARBOR !1152-J 2901 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH ' ' ' +-.---'----------+ 10°/o Discount on Any Purchase (EXCEPT ABAW1'"E and SHBDIP) Bring this ad to BAYSIDE FISH ... MARKET Fresh mh Dally from Our Own loatl! SPECIAL PRICE ON ALBACORE FOR CA."~'ING A.baloa-75c lb. FRESH SWORDFISH, ALBACORE and SAi.MO~ BABBAOUI)A, HALIBUT, SEA BASS ...J 8CL'LPIN -~ uoo !Mayette oa the ~ NE\\TOBT Bar!Jo:r eu • TV ANTENNAS ' Cell us for· instelletion or servicing of your eot•nne •• • Prompt . 1ervice by exp_~it t!tc~nlcians • Lov...~·P!i~~· .-;·: TIDE TV > ... "' ... . ' • • J · l • • ~ . . • • • l ~ , ·-... '• ' "' . ; ... . '4'<,,...". M -Barba Cundiff ., Brid . . V.t.OillOJr l.t.m>"I'" ' nr a.t.ir -••Miio '· .,...._~ • .w.cu~ ' ~,... qq1111 . &110. u.·un, r.t.u •-• ' ta • s· e•. _ Kr. ud iln. J.-J,i. ~ Kr. ...a Mn. .t.. L; ,.,..b'llsi, :S. .t.. ••if. Ir/lit lAi Asp\tt , W,.+ TT "'l/r -El ,,,,.__ ww., <Jodsp« 0. Pu)l...._M,·iit Ooit& ~--ILt-'I' , ..... daQlltlu Nwy, IU .... -dSqMor'1---~ ~ .. ll•lfSHI ...... -.......... ,,,.,,.., w,.ui. -._ •• -.: -. -· r.-.AKI> llllOPl'DIO NEW• . • • no11a a.Uuo. Coit& -·w·a si1. 161 8ur111.,,, Ooit& Mliio. lile •wlh's._ ,...., at.hit! JIM ss ,......,.., .....,. llollr <:lia<pd wllll .-....... ottMso la· • • · ·io: Ril'es at :M·ISSIOll··· ·Im'. ('1.apel_ . doUS!>U\11 ta <laJ' lrtp wlllclt. _, • .....mt __ ... la ... ---flil~!l"bowww ···.osir-!l"IY;t: .,1· -wlWIC,. ta.~ -. . II ;JI eluded au --· y--"M 11e1.....--llrllr· Dr. --. '""lllre -Oonl_ ~--.,_,N..tll ' • 11o7, hU -~a -... o~ no11 am;o Loire Toboe""" s.<iuoia park. ~ v. M. -,. -Mr. --8-7. ot'a:.a-p.-. ~ Kr ·aiid~ Rlclwd Dittmar ·~·-·~--·!tw to .-. 1:w1,,. x-or· Cblllo, • Of !"i.n.t to !rlft\dll 1n u. • . . . a-so ll&rkq, ' ; ' • -. IUl4 ~ ~or ~--~ Norwslk II~ &iipltal·,fk~ COllf; hu ~ entutalD<d~ t11e . Hu ....._ many or w-at· or bGnoT 5114 Miu V•m>a J(i.tld; Mori 11w1 half a m!llk>" acroo . It la more _,e,wi .. ao A_an..,.. ~ , !"'"' neatlonllls st lialte _ltftbn"1t. 'TIM ruJ,lsiS.,.. ...--~ cusot ot KrJ. 1.. w. Joi.... la WU U.e marrlace on Sat. maid ot b ..... , carried plDk car-of l&lld ue ,-, lri'lptlan In -Opport'1a1l;T le lmocklnl' la OU1 to drl•e la tural ate&l .&e •'!' T&i{bO& '.ad _Y_ta National 11,1 Buperior Jud(a.~ <Ju+ llpli•oC Zlll ~-llhlL, Coo- urda , Aucuat f.. ot Klu Barbara naUoU • and WhJie delphlnJum. N..,.Meldco.. f cr.Aalln:G> AD&. • dUee. • • pu .Ii , t • -s ' · ner In Saal& A.at..·• ·., ta 1i1-. · · • ~-l ._........ t .. ,_ --~ ' ~ 1' ...... ,.,. ~·· ••••• ~ '-'u.A • -... ..en ° :1111.r. auu tied "1tll white rlbbanl. 1't!d~ . . • 1 ~ ' t . \! ' 1 "'' ? . !-. _ . .. .. · • = • lfra.~U&rt Albert Cundltf of Riv· m&kl& wore atmilar dreue• a.nd -• ' \ \I . -• • • '('-.. '. • ~ 1 ~ ,. , ~) , • •. , . • "' erakl j..04 Newport Beach fo carrled ... ~ carnatlon1, bUt tied 1 "'1 -~~~=· ::;~::;::::;::::::::::;:::::~" Leo {teep!\ Ki.tier, ao RetirO "wtth pink' ribbon. Stanfoid Uni· I • I ' I • ; -,_ . --~ .... ._.. ~ ~ -~ ~ . .. Way"-"'!" ot Mr. and Mn. Leon· v.nlty fri<nde of the bT',S.. they ' How ... , I ,i .. 11 .. pilldt? •• wltli.CANNiD JUKES! • ..... ''"' ... ICf_CIWI SODAS....... . ard ., laaUer .of Portland, Ore. we.re Mllau Jean Reed (of Lido • ' • "P' Tiie clouble-r'!'r •Ito was perform-1s1e1. Mttste Retchltnc. Marilyn It's as simple u thi1: Combine •No. 2 can -pineapple , .. IS tuf' WtlJ. : Pla.c~ iarue ·serving or ii:e cream in ed 4t,.t:so ocloek by Dr,.Ke~ Dana. and Mn. Walter Rutled1e, iu1·cew1·th. No ·t'!I-.. e Pourover i-in·tall ·' 1 I .. In a., lluutltul chapel ot Mt.uton Jr. llltu Peggy Wheeler .... Jan-( .... -n oranne JUIC • ~~ uil i: A1111; pour over it chilled gini:er ale, root beer, i-: ior •rtd .. matd. glasses to abo~t 2/3 full; fl I glasses to top with ginger eola, or other carbOnated beverage. For variations, try 'Jlarl>en. ·,. .. lovely 1n whit• Howard Irnbol& wu h<ot man ale; Jlllmish with orange 111ic:es, and-presto! Healttirut 11ddi111C cru1hed pineaP.ple, or mashed bananas, or choc· tllll!o, u.e tuU akirt held out with .,., lallue were c Tbomu f!![res~m.ent! Try yourown Y11riation1 with ~er juices. olate 1ynip &rve with atra d · ed t ta.rce hoopa and caught up witb Wheeler. Parker How~ll, Jam.et , 1 .._ • ·,'t Wts an an IC ea spoon. IW'u of U.e valley ud white aat. Caldwell. Ivan · Mlkol&vtch ...i //!.UPEFRQR JUICE 2 1-1«.19• tn bow&. A lltUe pleated net bon· Walter RuUedge, Jr. 9 not held her fingertip veil and Tb• reception wu held eround · · ah' canied • ahower bouquet. Her the pool in the paUo at M.luion . Town BoaM i.a.cL Sweetmed or DCdmGL . attendante were In pink ne~ Inn. Atterwud U.. younc couple ExeelleDI tknw, (jl llS, ccm. 2lcl bouffant U to skirt.a. with alraP"' left on their wedding trip, their ~ le.M .,.. bodice aild matching net destination not beirlC' dlacloaed to APPLE CIDER MartlulJl Sofl ·DRINKS ,_ Cra9111ont brand. Choi(e of . Root leer, Merry Mix Socia, Ginger Ale, Strawberry Sada, Orange Soda, Cream Soda. · ·1a CREAM Party. Pride· Cate·rina •t.olea. Mra. Huch Bf'rk.ley, matron evHi clo.wat relattvea.. Pure Vanilla, C:hocolate, Stra~. berry or Pep- Harbor Team Wins Former Udo lslers . -. at Dahlia Show Off for Honolulu Combined akilla ot Morri. Bal· Pat and A1yne Hi&hley, fonner ~ florist and Gay-Vem Garde:M , Lido lsle ruident.a flew to ,Hono-- Coeta Mesa dahlia growe~, wel"'e' lulu Wedneeday evening, AU&. 8. ruponaible tor wtnnlng nine out of ten priua offered at the 10th They are vaeationlng, bu~ are annual Orange Count;• Dahlia thin.king .erloualy ot loc:ating •how held rKenUy in Santa Ana. there. With the Me!t& growers _provid-?tin. Hi.g"hlcy is daughtff of )..fn. tnc flowers and 1.torrt doUlg the Allen Mansur 308 Fernando Bal· arrangement._ the team took aix boa, u is M;... Henry Brud.erline first awards, t"'O second awuda ot Beverly HW. now vacationing and one third. They taptured the with her hwi~d and' lhrtt chil· ai.lvu tray which Is th!! Santa dren on Balboa Island unUl Khoo&. Ana Reg\.lter &'A'&rd !or most a r-atart.. in th fall. tistic gener&l dJsplay in the stow _• ___ _ and Abo the Sunsf't medal for moat llOVel dtSplay. Tbolatter wa.s Circle N()rth on ' a cornucopia of yellow &nd bro\VJl dahllu. •pilling rrom " rru •u 1n Vacation Trip . their nat.ual colon. AllONb PASADE!'IJANS . Two Week.a of vacation pleu-, urea have been ended by )(r. 'and Among the many P&sadenans Mrs. C. M. Hanis o!' 1819 Fuller· IWnmerlng af' Ne'ol.-porl Harbor ton Ave., Co.1ta. Aten., who viai\td are Mr. and Mr.. Paul Clark, M:r . relatives and friends while on the and Mrs. Halk .Braun (now re-jaunt. VI& the airw&ya the Mea4 tumed) and Mr. and Mn. Paul ana beaded rlnt ror Chlchago, Bryan. other atop.a be~r; made at Kala-· muoo, Milch., Great hlla, Mont. -Peor do read ~· want 94& a.nd Spokane, Wuh.. CHE VR O·L ET MOTOR OVERHAUL ' CONSISTS OF RINGS..:... PINS -VALVE GRIND GASKETS and MOTOR OIL Special for the Month of August • , • I • s49so . PAINT SPECIAL ' Pint Class Paint Job s49's and up Any Color Culbertson Motor Co. 2481 Coast Hi9hway ' Newport Beach Beacon 6442 Pn••d frt. lop qiacrlllJ' appl-. Bel-Glr Ha. 19• .r--Coaculroted. Jllll 'add 3 parts ....... •. ORANGE JUICE 2 :;;;:; ·29• (Two pint car-pint C permint Stick. , 24 tons, 4 7 c ) Cllrtew • lNOW STAR VIVA COLA LEMONADE = · · ': 11• A ,.freshing 2 Jl-es. 2a.. beve1og,. Mttlel 7-Vanilla ar Chocolate. •iM ts certl• C Cclllceatlcded. Jaat add c -watlr •. ·/CllJ .C01iEf. .. a summer treatl ' / . '°' the be,t In Iced coflff be sure It is fresh I At Safeway coflff 'is guaranteed freshl And the prices are low l . . A• C fl Mll4 & Mellew 1rway o_ .ee i:i.1~ • ..,.2.101 Nob ·Hill Coffee . • Pennant .Colee G"4ll CINllty llf • Lew Price ~72•. ~-74•. ~69•. Peanut Butter ~ly '1;-· 33• FROZEN PflS - Chunk"' regular. (Regular, 24-oz., 57d M . S...nybonk 31• argarine y tllow •• Breid ~i.~'~t = 17• . ·Bread ~':.~~1!.,. ·:::i 11•. Bel-air Frozen. 11-. 3t' .... KERN JELLIES Currant, 0.P;Osils txtra on bottles. ~) Beat the heat with these from IAPl:Wa y (/• . FlA-YOR-AID A delkious beverage cone•~ Irate. Just add water and sugar. Assarted ftavon. .2 ..... 9' ..M~ Make FROZEN SUCKERS Use fruit juice1, fro•en deuert powdera. 1oft drink powder•, or carbonated beverages. Pour liquid into ice trays which have dividers in place. When parti:t. fl'OU!n, inRrt small wooden • cllea, or t.oothpicka. • Raisin Bread skylark -::' · 23• Donald Duck .;;;~·t e;tod .. .::; 23• Graoeor 11--. ~a.. Crol>owle. ;.r 17- 1 Black ROSl>berry . BARG/I/NS 111 YOUR SllFEWllY ,~ ' .. F:•our ~;tch•n cra1• 1 o.•. aac i Enriched Wtut1 kt 77- 12-lb., 23c; 5-lb., 51 c; 25·1b., 2 .251 Grape-Nuts Flakes , 1:;;~· 72• !Grape Nuts, 10\12-01. pkg., 20cl or Blackbeny, 25cl • Green Beans o..1"=" Mayday Salad Qil IQuort bottle, 68c; gallon can, 2.~91 At Safeway you can he sure of real value •• , high quality meats at exceptionally low prices. SPARERIBS Select Eastern Pork. Medium size. 1 3 to S.11,i. average. .. 39- • PacbdlD Vlaldnq Pi.Meat U.S. CHOICE 111.69° ., ,.._ __ EGGS-. --- I~ 25c ' .le' II ...... u Gelat;'IS. Puddings J• ' 50 •II! or Pie Filling •kt. • IL ·M D1li-ssue T~iltt 2 · 23· • -•• ' . · " • Poper rwlls · . 5· 90 .. ScOtties ~=. 2 7~=' 23• ·, ~-, · ' ~.~t.A 400-calU\t~.23cl , • 1f. • .J I _... '.: BIG VIJlUES ON f liESH PRO DUCE ~. . T • Diii . . 'Star D.i Brand Fin• for SalClda 79~ • 1-1~. lb. 21° '«$OLDEN CORN -. Pet~r Pan Brand. Whole Kernel. .· • • . • , • .. • • • " • CHICKEN PARfS , • % . CUllElll ' -· ' • Swoi.-btoncl. Stlect your t.-ita-at Saft .. ,.., todav. • • I I • ' ..... ffalf.gallol\o 27c. . Gallon jug,~ ' -~---·------------ . ' .. , . . ' • • • t ' I I • • ' ' • • • • • • • • • • ' 1 • • • .. • • • • •• • ' • .I• .. •AG•' . ' AllO. 11, l.111.1 ......... • ..._ -·1118 IUIWtott llAY 1 Pro-I All .. ~ la 11111 lrOllT .uiD BHO~PING NEWS 0 ... -'fill ..... ~. 111 .... IW,.. • BALBOA • ,..· BAI.BOA . . • • ' I .. -·SPECIAL PURCMASp-.. . .. , "lOVABlE'; BRASSIERES Cotton or Nylon ' 2 for $189 n8:."~·-• ·sA.LE! DRES·SE 'S COTTONS anil SKEEis' Sizes 9 to 20 -14¥., to 24 ~ Many "Back to School" Items some Sclhool Skirts $348 · ~ARTER BELTS reg. $1.49 2 for $100 Sizet1 24 to 30 • NEW FALL MERCHANDISE Coming in Corduroys -Gabardines • • • • ' -. , ·-. • • * ~· ,#' ..,. .. Thu·rs. Br .. idoe~Camsta ~L~a..--.: 1~ N·ew f\-.~ Shop~··: .:.~1.· •. ~-."~~~·= a.;.r ~·~=-st~~-"'. -~:::::-:= ... · UI IWK:UI I I,) I.In:)) .... x.-.. 11u . l'q!lll)'. co.ta ·-...., --..... '-'•r· ec11ioo: of u.. .,_ ...,. • ,_ rt R tt. .,,,....,.., c.~~ Bi\)C '--C Mesa .. flllltas ........... tit• -"·-c .. ~ -,lllllt l'tllu1I.., lo ... Qilllla -- , llwa · ega a "~ L'a" at . ,, ror osta · -·.:=. ~~~ ..... _......,..~,.._. --··,,"'-... "- Auboatli and oow.n. · ' ' • 11n. ma-o.cu:tJ..;; _. Ill 111•-. · '. t; !rocb ..a ;!olnlo ..t l\>O -~ ci.., ~ 1'Yla ,_ :<a ~ eattac• n.... nop at 11N 1;•~$~~n..i~~;;;~u..~·~~1~1~_.~n~ed~·~-~-~ tor Tb.IU'ldo,y'a llrltla'I·-and • Mupret Dioullom. Ji(ro, Nl4fpoti 4,. C..01& -x-. ltro. ' ' hmcti-at Balllo& Yacht~chl"i 'Earl HH••ll • ....)--lo GoprtJ' lo no"-C-Mt<. ~v· I Jm• of Ute o,((~ooa ennta wJl\ch w-., . Wal\ff .la<WI-_ lac v..s "' 2111 -rald.·"maliiOo ' whjch marked SC, A • PCf I. ie·' Maish&ll H. i:. Bird ...r · Ou;,1jl( for U>e PMt<. :JO year.. llio 11.llO~ i • '~ .ptta week.. HosteAe•· we .... Dee Bukell. ' · ..... &. U.. tnotllltt et. two .-., lAa u. I ;..J-.. Boyd. reptta .vice c:JWnnan' and :Kn. Ht.ri)i Ct.nlpbetl •tMaln-CJocerty, ..,..,_ of Ibo MertUry IULEl' ~llTw-Tie Jeddo Suea, hoopltaUty chair• ed for Mmee. Jolin Waloi..Jock ...,_")' at A•Ool111, oad Do..W C O 'p F I .I M A S J I It man.. Lencllnc usl~ce we"' Moorhead aad . BlaDcbe · ~ Ooprty who WM tl"Plofed. IJ\ lh• •0'1'0118 11111. 141'& CUrtl• -wearlp( an (,........... a Jovo1)' croY -..-.. Harllor .i.p.rtmeat lbr a numllor lie. <-. .,.;.. • • alt,J¥U.,. black and ."'hlu check lull W1th ll&J' b1acJc vel .. t•l!lot:) Of,~ ont Ulnt oldppoT oa ·~. •· Wcm WtN no w perteet .. ,,., ··•· taffeta plped,\A red rrocrain. ancl lltjllianotbtt b-Wu·~ lllroco, and lo • .,.. IJ\ th U. I. !~~~==;:=====~I t ·.....,. --1 ..... te· I. f Jf ~ . a.Jui (Buhnle) w"*niamlt wit• 111'111,rt. at a uble' wJU.. Don. Navy. • · , + llll•la off --..-fl 111• -~I of-tM vice ..,,,.,,,..,.,. Ma,y'·Awittn. lllN. Ed A!l..I, )(rs · Kn. GosorlJ' bu -&lld f ' · · lo _, --liMlf .. f • O.rtrude C&rpoll)or ·WU l'MJIOft· 4. a." SColt and Mn. J_..; o-led t._. Ill-.., U.0:-. · O .. v sm 11Mp t11o .. ,,_ Mt. Nt ,.. ~ble for tht ' decOralioU • a" d S&rsher. ; She recenuy aol4 out her 1,tareata , ·.• ~II• R• RE. NT ,._ -lo tt -lt'o • others on Q)e. b~.., ~t•u. · -1 ~ her1 due.rt Mope ad bf'OUOt an __ ..... 0 : ... ---.. .. 1a..... W1 7 11 ..... llv•IYll <;&mp"'-"· rec Ma-M w M I t her -to Cool& x.. wh .... It . ·--~ ~--..-,-. y (a~-- ..... Ev11.Yn T:."O!!llC· Betty Graber rs. , m. c n ee .... II ... oold out at 1 ... than .caot. I .. and Jom .. Jami-. · l d M' U • ·Mre' 09cert1 plaU to apeclalloe • ~ • • AttracUvo · ~ prlao . ..... ea s ISS. n1on "' clolbJnc tor ...... aad 1""1t _· ,'·DAY llINDIUll 0 NE~· p p L 1,A N c E' awarded duMc play,, and wer. Jln. WlUl&m ifctnlff WU tn women in ber new 9hop. 8he Will 1 claimed by Mmu. a; Roplnotl, c!W·se wben. the Wom.n'• Mill· carry a. 1&r1• Uno of l&rc• ""~ I TIDE T. Y. IECOMMINDS '4 NO™_n W. A. Ferrif. Jo~ Wa.lab. W'. 8. MNl'Y Uh_IOn of' Coat& M .... J"lnt halt .U.1 wilh complete aller&t,ton .. ~ r • ·~ RU.ftd1e, WalteT 8i:lbert, Orerory1 Bap(lat church met lut week. and •ervice at her nt'W Gocer:lY'• Cot· 11 NEWPOaT BLVD Robert GraMr and F . E. 'Blrtctier. Mri. Cooper pve lhe .crlpture lace Shop ln Colt.a KYL Newport BM.eh Plak Uue t't&dlnc. . R&Rll()R IOI Mrs. Birtcher Won • ~t at-Tl\• muolcal pr<>cra1n .... by Newport Girl tractlYe watermelon pll\Jr: llntn Kn. Thomaa Price, vocaIUt. w1lh • -. • ' I • ' • • Ra41••t 0..tnl TOASTll c1r ... 1nee1 w1U1·-tehlns 1ac •• Mn. Boward Rol.oh•lm accomp-Rec.Ives Trophy ' D 0 B 0 ... BY. 'S At her toble _..,,. Mrnu. c. B. lll)'lnc at tile piano. i.lro. Mar- CWUUnsb&m. Albert llobet.ux. ft. cuU!te 0..... Wt.I CUNl ~··· 'n Swim Event °' Buclrow.•BIU WeN> ~ I>un· Recently "tumed. fn>m a....._ •h• Auk-Ille boy-W AU ..... Ill""' .. -- ...... lowers ltaillf ··--u.. llllllJ. No lovaro .. ,_. r-t Balboa-Inn Bldg. I 09 Main Street ·: can. B. z. McKlnMy ~d 'Rleht.rd told d•tallo of Ufo under ""':""un-s .. doy, Aue. u "' t11e Hu•l· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'# Pleser (lh• latte-. wu m. a le&l lit rule. After lbe prornm came lnfton Bqcb. Jlound • th• • pter rai.-. ·-.0.."7 . wt-• popplaf. FINEST QCEAN FISH RETAIL SHRIMP HALIBUT BARRACUDA SEA BASS ALBACORE ABALONE • Fl8JIEBMEN ! . We will Pre~ Albacore for your locker • SEA FOOD SPECIA~i'l.ES 5!6 SOth Nowpo~ Beach Ph. Bar. 1507 PiaHDJ~ TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) Conf'flrt Planhlt of Tlar"f'e Ooatlne•t• Graduate Student ef Bela Ba.rtok 436 Serra Drive Harbor 1171..J rint llktrt W11!h y.Uow btou-) • aoelf.I hour wtth nrr.bmenta rNtm, Jou. Nunaa of N---rt p -· M"M ---M'rl. Paul Davia -wu bent.ea at · Be•eb rtceivff. a trophy tor third a table where pla.yen were Mme1. N M b Junior"" lirl to ttnllh and al.o a Floyd Buell, Patil Moon and ~)'.' em ers at trepbY, for tho ftnt Hunt~ctoa Jl•I•• Randel. Mrs. car1 Hanna Me· thod'ist Church BM<b· aw1m c1ub ctri to t1n1o11, ntert.&lned Mme•. 8t.r'oller' Wb.lb.. r..t Wtdneacla,y and 'ft.urad&y Clareftc. Hil'hle and c. a. the "'RunUnrt.on Bea.dt •W'lm club Dwirht. Received u new munben of tbe mee'1 tM.rn nctlved a trophy ter JIJ:ZZANINI! . LIDO DllUG l!TOU: ·Hner 124' • 0.. Boyd, "' a wbl" oh&Jluliln ~ M-Qoo111fon1ty M•thedlst hlrb point.. Aloo th• H. IJ. 8wtm ..Ult wlth plnlc: stole &Ad conace. churdl "rtteUy ,w.;.. Mn. MuJda club J"eCetved a tropby for the Mn. Carp.oter, )lfra. B:U b b & rd M. GUAaf'llOn of 169 ~ E. 20tll 8t., mo1t eonteltaall eateNid ta the ~ • 8JllP • 2'&4IN Howe and daurliter, Mill lhtlla ea.ta MH&;,Mn. VIN.n ~· Ha.r-two d&y 11\Mt, Mid at Olend&le. · · Rowe. the tatter atrllriq lJl Man-mon (churcti orpnllt( of S&nt& I llESU\.ATIONS ctartn. rlld aha.ntunr. ilrL "1'I Au.. Mr. and Mn. Hurb Hoover., F R 'd . -1 1 • • ·Tounc of Santa . Alla had Wlth HS IC. JOllr•IJt., Mn. Jo .. ph Mc-Ormer eSI ents J • ... MmeL Keith n.:v1.. c. H. ~. --Ruth Mcshane of w I o' h lliitul TlltlWI Tlellll 0 A111cy The en lire new tout.er ,. that hu oomplately clwlpd t• h • pwbllc'1 conception of wbat u aulOmatlc to&at•r abouJd do. Only the Sunbeam toqta; with r&dlant control A n d w h a t Loa.st -evqy iJiee allke from tinf to tut. wllather moilt or dry, Ulick alice1 or tbJ.Jt • Lurk.ff and George H&Uleld •1111• Ille paroonas• llouoehold. e C 0 me a U g fer I Mmeo. lteplnskl. Stem, G. Dool•y, l I M h d' . l i~F;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;g L Boyd. J . Clerk llnd C. Appleby QC41i et 0 IStS C&pL and Mn. JI. L Sharkey, wen with MM .· RolMft Oraber. H Id • • former reaidtnll at '33 Bl'O&d- lhe tatter wearing a ftn• f\&V)' to 0 P1cn1c way, eo.ta )( ....... &nllounc..;. I cotton 11klrt and blouae trimmed the birth of a daupter. M&Tp.ret SUJDllB CLOSE ·ovr with. rtd, white a.nd blue and em-NtwpQ,rt. Bych Wethodilt1 wtll Johanna, who arrtVed July 11 at • broldered . with name ot the Ir hold a church picnic on Wfdnea-Corpua Chri.JlJ, T•x. . The Utt1• # - yahct, th• ~rcta Bell. day, AuSQt 22nd, at the Coela lu. tipped the ac&le1 at 5 tbli'. I -OF -' Mf'I& Park. Ktmben ot tht Navl-T os. The 8bar9l:ey1 have two' I r u 0 gaton ciu. a.re m.akinr cottee, k • other children, 'tephen. &nd A}ul•. , • ' N c L T BE s cream, and cake aval1able. ,.,,,e churcb M:an '1 Club under Hal L&c y 81.Il.DINO PKBMIT8 &re looktnc altar lhe evenJ.nc'• an· The Otanre County Planntnr Another hosteu w • a Mr1. <;OC"Ona Hlghlanc!J -Corona del Mar Jam.. Web1t•r. thia ume In ;=======~=========;:===~:1wb1t1 linen with n&'fY hat. Wilh -YJIOll - U·DRIVE CRUISERS ROW BOATS : ~~s d •TACKLE ' e Small Boal L&wldllil( ELLIS BOAT RENT,ALS !SOI Coaai Hl"·a3· Xe1'-port Beach Ph. Harbor Zlll AT 80U'l'll !:.'ID OJ' BAl'lliCOJIJ: BIUDOE ' • • . . .DI· Wlftll.fOI ~l - ' , ( • • here were Mmet J, W. Condon, tut&tnmtnt. Commlmion bu l'ffOIBfftttded ap- Wa..ller H. Seibi:rt' and ·w. Peete. Mrs. John Lived&y had ' u cue11U <l.&.llZU STOLEN' her dau1hter Elllabreth, )(r1. Alan Thett ot a candid lype e&m.era Poat and Mr1. Copeland, the lat-valued at NII along w1lh a cue ter noticeable in a Parma violet of brnr and ttve halt-pint.a of rum 1uit wilh which 9h• wore a ca-waa reported' to police liy Lou B. bochon amethyst pin and match-Damron of J"'rMno. .. lnr earrings. Dt.mron •id that Ute article• Mra. Herbert 8alU.r .ntert.a.ln-we,.. taken tronr ht. lmloeked ear ed Mme•. Harold Finck. Kenneth SU.bd&y, Aur. 5. At the time ot 8wU\ a.ad Lulle R. Tarr whJle at tbe theft, t.be car wu at tAe park· anoth .. t&bl• ~re Mme1. W. A. lnc lot of the BIJboa Tat-ltt Club. • Wednesday . . . . ' -.. . ~ . . Thllisday ' Frida.y . , • • • ' pron.l of the application. of Lillian W. RellS roi:: a pennlt to b\&Ud llv- ln( quart.•1"1 attached to the medi- cal otrlce at l:Stb St. and Irvine A vt ., Co.la Melt. The boa.rd ot •upervt.Gr• i. espec:ted to act on t.he recoounendalloe Tu.-day. · AJeo recommended by. tile plan- nen wa. tbe applteatlon of Alu P. C. and l<auriM ~-Crail' lo permtt lhrl erection' ot & f n. by 20 tl, neon sign tor a "rvk• 1l&Uon to lN Mt.abllahed at th• -.ithwHt corner of Harbor Bl1'd. and •r~ n&rd 8ll'ffl . Deleon Arraigned for Manslcw.,..tar Kn. Helen Mary de!Aoa, 21 , of &an Gabri•L ohfo'Ced will> man· awapi.r after a Mad-or& C1'uh bf' Mr ear lnto a park9d machine July ' at N...,,..t Bet.di, >rill be arralped in Superior court l'ri· doy. Audrty Juet M:cC&.fftrty ot R.J't'erai~ Wa.t killed. tn the cruh . The ura1p1n .. t lwl -ocll"· uled for lut Friday, bul wu con- tinued at ,..quMt ot lire. del..u.a'I attorney, Robert Jacob.. Boy,·5, Runs Into Auto Here_ n.,. .. year old La"1 zt.n.mer· 111111,-etaylnC will> his panata at the Ocean J"roftt hob), WU &p-...,..,tly uo!nju-aft# runalnl' tn.te Ult •de of a car-. 't I :IO p. m. -do,.. • TM accident took pl&ee at tSrd 8L and Ocean ~t. Newport ~ DrtY9r ot the automoblle lnrilved wu Kcnelb Catlin of Loo An,.ie.. .Accordlns lo Ille police roport. eau... .... drivtni eut • Ocean Front at a!>Mt ft•• lltDte per hour. ..-TIM boy ran out JTpm ltetween Ille can puked on thO ooulll olde of U.. atreet and ru t.to U..e ten- • of C&Uill'• vUJcle. R• wu nolleOablT lnJu....S: but hi& par· atlf..... ~·via&' him - by • ..,. .. clan. • 'l " ~Accident In~ Bal>oan ' • ~ '-"\ ,,. :'-FUN FASHIONS -.Le. 1 RAST IC R~cu ·cT .l 'DNS " RESSES -Regul•r 7.95 to 29.95 •• Now 4.95 to 16.95 C•l+ex-BATHING SUITS-Par Form 1 i Reg. $7.95 to $14.95 ~ Now $(95 ~ $9.95 PEASANT SKIRTS -5.95 to 14.95 .• Now 4.95 to 8.95 •+s & Caps 2.50 Now 1.50 Tennis Shoes 3.25 Now 2.25 traw Sandals -Tee Shirts -Blouses -Costume JeweJry , Cll 004Tll AT RALF PIUCE PRONE llAJUIOR lftl ! , .rTll rABlllONB 1305 C-•1•1~11. co,,;.. •ti!., :1 QIU .ST . • ·ICll- ' • • • ' ' IGULAR SQJO ' ' . RICE .... -·5· 875 $ _ -PoNTIAC -. PilTll AND LAllOS ALSO 'i(G ,SAYINGS ' ON ALL MAKES . ' . . . -. . lJ, POINT OVERtfAUL . I ' / C-pi.;te Valve Gtlad · , 10./Cbup'JIJqtae oe· t S. .e_eua Carbon •• · 1L a.a OIJ l'lliaJ I b•, . ~"" l'tll• .... . Sari •• ..a 11amp. / Slf .. ee 'PlltGil Pi. ' -.u, BWp B:?e i..t, 8J6Jrll ... t•1 !'II. "htl .. ~ ' fS. a... ... ifuti, ..... I. ·•••In• "-••llltc Rod, l'-BePilee · r ..-.. • . lmiut lleart.p ' -1' . ..,,...... .... - '· UJDlt Cl••• tai ._.' ., u: a.. Air a .. ... <Jlaenslot a Bilek · ' • 11. MJm* <luMMw .\11P,Cl1••111'ir .... I ' ' . lT. Bertee ~111ff•ll ... G·1'• ...... ......... ~. 'lL ,,.,.......... ' r Y • • f . j,.;:;. -12·· M·a.H TH s··1 1·0 P·A ~ 1r ~ ........... _ . .,....... ... · · fl ' • •• -.. 'I • - ' .. • ' r • ' • • • • ' ' • , • . NEWPORT IA Y POST AND SHOPPING NEWS 1\uncN. J6, 195f • ~,...,1c4. ., ........... .,.. WE 11Mn.·· FrL !" Sat. . ~ . ....... 16-17•1.: I ... GAIDIN FllSH . .~/~ \R\llTS & VEGETABLES ~ .. DIUYlllD DAILYI -....... .._... ..... .. -..... ,,__ ~' . • llPI SWIU -Int Quality T•om,Ha Seedl1n CRAPES 2 lbs_15c -. FllM llPI -GOOD QUALITY SLICING TOMATOES .· , ..... ., .... ,.d ,., ' Yeor Prefectlo1 I . . PORK ROAST IA.STEIN C91AIN ND J 9c Plcalc Styl•· l S-7 lb. •••· • lb. SPAR:E. RIBS' ~=:~~:us.:~~~=~~~= . 3 9~. . I . ; PORK .SAUSACi'E o~;:r.s:: 43lli. 4•. PORK STEAKS .... ~r~... 5 9~ VINE llPENID -llPI SWE!T -LITILI llOC:IC CANTALOUPES . U. S. NO. 1 LAIGI SMOOTH WHITE 1051 POT·ATOES · ·l~s C ~ ----------------------~---- 11S:r FOODS "IUL" .. -· FULL QUART MAYONNAISE 64c . .. ..... SWANSON'S WHOLI SPllNG CHICKEN .. 3!-lb. •Can HEE TOP ' FULL QUAIT McUC:HIN'S 2·LI. ITL. APPLE JU ICE Tea Gordo• Pure HOT CAKE SYRUP 25~ KETCliUP · - • ~-~·~:;~.'.~ BU TER. 7 Srb. JELL-0 .UNA • SE #AW 1011 SWf1 A .JIU-0 . SAUi tAfEl11 20.0L 39~ LAl lil 20c 2.1.oy., "-" . JAi IOTILE Spice CAKE 89cea. . M~NAGER'S SPECIALS: Vial& Our .Frosen Food Dept. and· llake Your Dollars Work for You l t.tlNUTE MAID ll1aUTt -JUICES llAlll ~ ORANGE .._. :;:-19¢ l~ 37¢ IS1.15velue) 41<- . CIOLDIN STATI CHUA LONGHORN -. ' IA.TH'S JUM~ -MJLWAUID 5ni-1 . ~ , , .. , , ·75~. • • j . • SUNSHIMI FLAYOI . . -NUCOA l'Ull YIG,DAILI ~ SHOITENING Snowdrift · 2 ~ .. . IOX · · All-American \COFFEE ' ll,D IAG • ~LD IAli ··s9i1s~ • • i/;.l \~ \ N E S & L IQ U 0 R S ------ IM"°lftD..o;.30 ffAl5 OLD s399· FRRMCH . BRANDY Fl~TH · -•• ··J ./ • Tax I YIAIS OLD 1'111 At14.Wltllk1y $399 "THE PRESIDINr" ""H . ... ' --'·. ,... SUMMER SAUSAGE ,· · ·:-' ' OLD ST. caoix-.6 Y~-oil ' HOPPING • • • . . IATH'S'" ... HLY SLICID ' . ' . LIVER CH EE :s :E .... • \ . . :.so~. 7V•,. S.11 . us; ~I -. • Ru. . . 'l'Q' A OMI ~ .... ~ ... , . ICY COLD 4~ME -_IEER " · 6 'cansDLc . tnw .,_., 7U ' • \ , • • • • • • • • ' 1 ' ' • ~ l. ( • 1 • • ' PAGE t AUG. 1J( 11151 !<TWPOST llA'I .r09!l' AND SROl'PINO l>'EWB- !'RONE Harbor 1618 to place your want ad on th.ls page. 10-Bnslness Golde COllPLID'l'll HOU!m CLLUIINO .mce. ru.mttun lllld / rup ahanipooed. Free .-im•t• Fully m.ure4. Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. . Beacon 8111 T2tfc For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. · THE SHADE SHOP Free estimates Pb. Har 884 514. ~ St. Newport Beach --- DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beacon 6406-W 17ttc WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trades-maintenance work. Have tools and mixera for any job. Call BILL Beacon 6451-W ~7c~H Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECORATING '"The Best Money Can Buy" 512 -38th St.: ~ewport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 52lfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m Palmer st.. eo.rta M- BeL 54~7-K 94<9 INTERIOR -EX'l ltRIOR PAINTING LICENSED -lNSURllD Glenn Johnston • ' ' 22-Lost and FoWld LOST -BLACK male cockn spaniel, 10 years old. Blind in one eye. LIBERAL REW ARD. c;,.ll AJ Andenon, Har. :>97. • 57c59 LOST-Child's pet. Pekineu fe- male Brfndle, with black face &: white forepaws. • An.swers to nan1e of ''Toy Ming." Reward. Phone Harbor 2939-\V. 58c59 LOST-Two f\!lh pole• and I reel in Balboa parking lot (by Ren- dez:vou.s l, Reward. Pb. Buena Park 5806, collect. Mc60 LOST -Ladles· Tiffany diamond wrist watch Sat. Aug. f th. Ruby or J.Iarine Ave., Balboa Laland. ''Carollne McPhail" Inscribed on back. Cenerou.s reward. See o"'-ner at 309 Ruby, Balboa 1a- land. :>8c60 LOST-Ma.n'1 diamond ring, New- port Fi..shing Barge. Substantial reward. Call }fr. Hannum col- lect ANgelu.. 5292, Extension 156 or (eves. Klmball 867ll. 5&60 LOST -Lad.iea dia.mond \\'?'iat •watch vicinity Ba.lboa. Blvd. and 48th St .. Newport Beach. Rt<- \vard. Harbor 0849-\V. 59cet 28-Situatlou Wanted FINE IRONING \VUl call !or and deliver. Curt&iru&. • Help with dinner pa.rtles. Phone Mrs. WOliams, Harbor 1595 be- fore 10 a.m. or alter e p.m. ••pM EXPERIENCED 1 o c a 1 buaineu couple deaire to manage apt. or court. Palm Springs area. References, For interview write Box T-2, thia paper. Mttc EXPERIENCED Skipper wlth' tine knO\\·Jedge ot local Island.I. de· aire.s permanent poaition with right party, Will consider dura· tion of seaaon. Write Box U-2. \Viii contact you at your con- venience tor personal interview. 59p61 H'ousEWORK or cooking, day or Wl!ekly. White woman with car. Moving to Balboa. Ph. Laguna 4.-6637. 69c80 W A.i..'ITED -Houaework by \ht: hour. Ph. Harbor 0809-R. 59p61 Sh."lPPER for Saturday and Sun- Complete irult&DaUcm. -repair a.nd aarvlce ot all trailer eqWpme¥- ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPf•LY 1910 HARBOR BLVD. ea.ta Meea, Phone Beacon UU·R • \\'ATER SOFTENER wttb Np!'!· erator tank, 75,000 CT'ain, new, RUG t X U, mahopny extension Chrysler Engines U~d Crowns -·Royals 8ee John llarft)' • · at Seacraft <!5 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT DA.CR PH. BACON nn • R.UPONSIBLIJ school employee d~ru rent.al of large 3 or 4 bedroom home, year's leue if ~le,· Write Rt. 1,' Box 86. Sant& Paula, C&lit. MeeO WANT J BltDRK. turn. hou.M on leue with option to buy, for occupancy on or be/ore Sept. lit. PhM• H.arbor l 797..J 66c81 TWO LADY TEACHERS deaJre Balboa bland turnlabed yearly rent:&t up to $80 mo. Contact Bes.con 6278 (after 5 p. m. Har- bor 2913-J:t.). 59c80 t •32• N $200 Snawbl--" t&bl~ and paddle boarll. 427 Mir .. cos • -J, OW • ..... o·-o. n~ "OTOR. 7" hp. l t d t aa.11 •126 suer le, Corona d•I Mar. 89ce0 U.1.0 ~ -.,. comp e t, rea Y o • · Ma.rt.In, $7e. Excellent cond1- WANT 2 bdrm. turn. home or apt. 1n Corona del M.a.r. Pnfl!r 2 batM by Sept. 4. 3 adult.I, no pet.I'. Prefer yc:a.rly rental Ret- erence1. Harbor M80·M. 09c&1 Paddle board llkf' new $36. 4 .. I p . m. 2801 Circle Dr., Bay8hord tion .. 33 Beacon. Bay. Ph. Har- 09ctl i.!1%-~A~-~&-•_!!cJ'!...._~ea~~~~~-__ bo_r~2-a6_9_·~~~~~-6_8_p<1_0 -------------ANTIQUES -Private collecUon. U tt.. WIZARD fiber rJau boat 5 1.~ h. p. Evinrude outbOa.rd niotor, 2 Whttl boat traJler. Cl.r top carrier for boat. Complete and on1y 1 yr. old. MAKE Ol"FER. . R.l:SPONSIBLE fa.rnily with ret- erenctt needl 3 ,bdrm. unf'Urn. houae &bout Sept. 15. Y~arly rental, f adults, 1 chUd. Har· bor 19-W. 0.9c91 • HOTPOINT re.trlgerator. Excel- lent condition. Harbor Mf-W. ~7pN ELEC. REFIUG., be.rpln at SM. Fine pdrclaln enamel box, too large for pN~nt oW'ft'f!r. 2021 Eut Bay, Balboa Harbor 14:t7. 57p59 Delft. Demitaue a n d st~ln•. Al.a n~erou. bt:lc-a-brac: and eome. early American tumlture. By appointment. -Pbone Bea- con M27·J. 58ceO U--Boata, Su~ Pair of 169 hp Scrlpp., RAL, direct drivt, flne cond.J· tlon, can be demon1tn.ted. South Coast Co. Newport m;d. at 23rd Newport Beach Ha.rbor 2&00 Mlle ~A~entli and Rouw. ·LIDO ISLE Smartly turnlshe-d 1 a.nd 2 b@d. SNIPE $HO-Ready for ailing.' room. apartment.a with garagt-. DISHAMATIC AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER SOUTH COAST co. Booater heattd water that real-Newport Blvd. at 23rd Har. HOO Slip G at Swale.a Anchora,-e. Sept. l.S to June 15th. 1 )>edroom e.9p81 (twin be<U) $75 mo., 2 bedrnu. ---------~--·~ $100 mo. All utilltlea paid. Ideal Jy cleans dilhe.a a.nd sllverwar~. 83Uc 34-llualcal, Bad.lo tor school teacher• or profes- atonal people. Cost npw over 1260· Will Mil 29' COMMERCIAL Fl.SH BOAT n--.....SSES0 •D! Bea.utitul Elec-tor LESS THAN % PRICEA · · ~..., -• P.A. PALMER Hu bf'en completely rechecked. equ.lpped for mackerel. albacore, tric Orcan.. Famou1 make. For By factory repreae.ht.atlve. 1008 ~-:~· IUOO Lerma. Call church or home, Pay out btJ-lNCOIU'OIU. TED \V . Balboa Blvd., Newport Bch. · &Tcl2 anee. Bir •~C"· Lik• new. Harbor 1398-R. MpeO DANZ· SCBXIOT PIANO a.nd 31U Vla Lido Harbor lMO Newport Beach. Calif. G. E. REFRlGERATOR. 8 cu. ft .. 1948 model. Exln't cond. $149.!50 12'' Emerson Console televtaion, with antennae .................. $120.0() 1987 Irvine Ave., Coat.a Me.a.a Phone Beacon ~293-W ' 59cf1 For a te.ni.Ic saving 18 Y,, cu. ft. freezer, Beacon 66~J. on an phone 69c72 CROSLEY REFRIGERATOR J961 9 cu. rt. model Hu all the feature ....... 55 lb. rreet.er chest on top. Meat ktt~r and 2 YeJe- table crl..sper1. Also has the buttl!r keeper. YES, Ila .thP Shelvador and only Wied It 3 montha.• Would like to have an older refrigerator' or stove for my equity. Paid over $390 tor It. No down payment and take over payment -of $19.98 per mo. Stt at 40f So. Spa.dra.. F'uller- ton, 9 a..m . to 8 p.m. Pb. 2152. 159ttc 25 P"P. POWER CRUISJCR. Chrya· ORGAN CO., Buta Ana, a:ro &8ttc ler engine, 115(). Colf'9 Land.inc. No. M.&Lo, corner 9th. next t.o Udo ·brid(e. H. 1020-W. ~------------BALBOA-Nice one room Apt. 59c&O RENT A PIANO, $6 per mo. A.11 Suitable one per.son. Re!rlg. -------------term rent allow-ed when you Util Pd. Yrly. $32.&0 mo. Good buy. DANZ -8CHMIDT, Banta location. Phone Harbor 18!9i-J. 2i·ft. CA.BIN cruiN:r, leercury motor, 100 hp., navy cedar hull SJeePJ 4, head. $1:K>O or make offer. Wiii qch. for lot. 223 35th SL, Newport Bch,. evea. •• 671)09 SNOWBIRD .. No. 379 .. , all and boat clean. excellent condition. Phone Harbor IMO. 5!plO ST AR BOAT -pod condition, 1360. ALSO South Bay mooring ott Bal· boa bland. ll!IO. Ph. Har. 2B07 46c80 Slips Available For boata up to Ml ft. Water and power turni•hed. LIDO PEK· INSULA SHIPYARD. Phone Harbor 301. 55tlc SEA BOOKS Ana. 620 N . Maln. caJJ SJO Island Ave. 68p80 RENT A. PIANO for Ollly $5 per month. Rental appllu on fUture BALBOA ISLAND purcbue at SHAJ"ER'B MU-We have apartment... and hOU8H- SJC CO. ,(Since 1907) 42} No. AVl..l.lable for winter .euon or 8ycamott, Sant.a An&. Klmber-yrar1y leue. t:r 2.0.72. . ' COME lN. HEAR and PLAY..... ""11. w. Sanford Hammond Chord Orpn. NO I Rl!:.AL TOR . mu.ate 1ea.on• neceuary. Any-Park Ave. at Marine one can play thla tostru.mmt. Balboa Island H.&rbor 2f62 DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO and · 59tfc ORGAN CO., Santa Ana. 120 No. Main, corner 6th. ' FURNISHED 2 bedroom. hoUJf', Newport Beach. Sept. 15 • June lfi. $65 mo. Call Harbor 1080-J or Orange f33-M. 59p61 ' SM.AU.. STUDIO upright piano in perfect cond!Uoo. Tenna $29.50 down and 110.57 per mo. et SRA.r!:R'S ){"(;SIC CO. (Si . YEARLY Corona dtl Mar-2 bed- 1907), 421 ~o. Sycamort-, sa.n room turnWled view apt. Newly Ana. Kimberly 2·0&72. 59tfc ··decorated. Clo9e to •hopping. Inquire 919 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. Harbor 2f43. 59c61 PENT HOUSE a.nd 3 rm. cottage9. day only. Ex~rltnctd boat ope-1------------- rator. K'li.O\\'s locnl wattr• a.nd Sl W tlMt t.o B fishing •grounds. Harbor 2373-J. l•·'----IUl-=~· ~·"'-19:,,_ ___ _ A fine •tock ot book• on aU yacht- ing-llUbjec:U -plu• an current boolu. Lendlo&" library. The Islanders GRAND PIANOS. Bir Summer Sale now on Stelnwa.y. Ma.an A Hamlin, Knabe. chiekerinl", Chuc. Wurlitser, Sohmer, Flah· er and many others. Some new, aome uHd. Price• start •t $395 DANZ-SCHMIDT PIA.NO CO., 120 No. Ma.fn. Sant& An&. On Colllna bland . Each apL hu water tron~ge. Acc:om. 4. West end Park Ave., Balboa Ia land. Harbor 2992-'Y, 6~t9 69c61 Har. 1!)47 eo1 • aut s t. Newport Beach 29-llete Wanted Barbor 2297-J Stda l----"--------- WANT TO BUY ttCreen auJa.bte for projectlag-Mmm. allde.t. Ph. Harbor 1o•w. evmlnga. ~tte NEW OUTBOARD BOAT 12'6" x 4'6", $125, at 429 Victoria. Coat.a Mt!:a or ue "Doc" at St!:rvtct Afloat, near Balboa Bay Club. SPINET PIANO, Pay out balan~ 1286. Another spmet., bal. $387 KJmbaJ m&de Spinet, $493. 8ff' our ll.t of returned Nntal• and repoueuion&. D.UlZ-SCHMIDT BlO PIANO STORE. · 100 bar· p..l.n•. 520 N. J.tain, Sallt& Ana. comer Ith Street. LlDO ISLE-3 bdrm turn. new homt. AvP.UabJ .. Sept. 15. Jun(' 15th. $120. monthly. Write BoJt V2 ~his papr.r. 59p61 H .H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prom·pt Repair Setvice ~taintalne-d Phone: Harbor lf18-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Wise people do read the ada. REP AIRING and PAINTING Jttasonable. Large or small jobs. FTee estimates. Walker, 108 18th St., Nwpt. Beach. Har. 2681~ HAULING Any kind. trash or! WALKER, 108-18th St., Newport. H. 2581-R PAPER HANGING & Painting, ~ray Painting . Kenneth Quarry 1615 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Meu Phone Be.aeon &5Gi 33<57H Alcoho&:I . AllOD)'mOUll Writ.. P . O. Box 205 ,aoJboa l'.ll&nd, cam. Pilone Kllnblr!7 M39I • An Qpportunity NEED A MAN, familiar with fn.- U:rn&l or social organltation.s. to manage cl.ub &nd lodge facilities ot a local group. This 1.1 an Ideal •?Ql. for a retired maJ'l who de~ aftts Cellowsb.ip. Lim.Jud salary and dutle.a. Hour• moatly ln tht eVen°£ngs, 5 day1 a wttk. Age no barrier. non-sectarian. Reply htld confidential. Writ~ Box 02 th.19 paper... Mttc --- EXPERIENCED alteration wo-- ma.n to take over &lteraUoo depL No charge tor "Nork room and eq\tjpment. stt Mrr. 10-12 a.m. KAY NELSON, Inc. «O Vlo Oporto, Udo l"bt.rance Phone Harbor 1218 WANT ASSIST hNT to bookkeep- er (femalt). Private club. Write Box S-2~ th.la peper. MctO W Al\'T TO BUY small play ~n . Phone Harbor 817, or evea. Har- bor 2520-M. 58d0 We BUY Used Furniture Dale's Furniture 1874 Harbor Blvd. C0&t.a M'eaa Beacon M37-J l59c60 • Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade 1~ Wot Balboa Blvd,. Pboae Harbor 2li02·R. Mpe& 59cfll 17 FT. NATIONAL. good condi- tion. $400 including aaillnf 1 .. s. aona. Alao aand doUy anilable. 217 Onyx. Balboa lala.nd. 69p64 SMALL Sail Boat ln good eondl- tion. REAL BARGAIN! 1600 Balboa Ave., "Little" Balboa lalan4. Harbor ~-W. Hp&< GOOD PRACTleE PIANOS. HSI. $87, W a.nd uP. Let the kid· di•• lea.m.' ..Pay but P per mo. J Yl'· e.xch..nge at tuJJ v•lue. 'DANZ-SCHMIDT' BIO PIA.NO SALE NOW ON. Sa.nt& Ana, 120 No. Kain, corner 8th. ' • ( .. , .. Bay Front. Lldr late -1 and 2 bdrm unlta. AUJ;. $79.50 wk. For ttMrvatlonJ Har. 2M2, eve•. Har. 2914·-tit. 50tt< ONE BEDROOM APT. S!!pt. 15 to June 15. $40 ~r mo. fumiahed. vfouJd consider yearly lease at 'flS. ,,_. blocl( from bay. Har~r 3982.J. l58ceO and come imlpect and drive ~ .thoroughJY checked can. All in A-1 conaitlqn throughout: 1950 Qad!lfec fl Ur. a.cl., ,.. • ..,, tuny equipped $3450 19.$0 C,adlH•c C0uPt.J?-Vllle type, w-W1 1m Ca4fllac 62 ~. Sed.., w·w, a be!aUtY _ ..... --..... uses 19U (';adlDac 82 Sedt,ftiotte, W·W, ·a real· .,.Jy ····----UlH , ·"' 1941 C&dlll&e 808 ol-dr. Bed., oricloa1 black paint '1080 _ 1960 Kercury Sport oedu, MR; O'D, w·w. voey . low lmneap. one owDe.r, ebony black. don't mill uu. .... ··-··········~··-··-······-·-··-·····-·····-·······-········-11•75 19ll0 Chov. ciub epe., lully equipped, very low 11l11- and priced below mark.et. 19t9 J.tercury conv. ctu bcpe., w-w, elec. wind. llt'tl, ·nc::uo Ir heater, overdf\.ve ·········-·-·····-···-···-·-··········'1971 1947 Chevrolet club cpe.., It It H new patnt ............ 11085 19•1 Chev. club cpe., veiy clean, 2, your cholce I 695 19il Buick 4-dr. aedaa.. spec. t.h1ll week onJy ............ $ 395 \ One-third ~ 18 monthli, Bank termJ NEWPORT AUTO SALES 2604 Newport Blvd Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1407 'f7 CADILLAC' CONV., 32,000 mi. Very nice. Every acceuory. :May lake '50 Ford Coupe or Tudor ln tradt. Harbor 1342. 58p60 '60 CHEV. Power -Glide, every extra, 15,000 mi., $1700. Com- pare with us¢d carJots. Harbor %313, eves. 203 • 39th St., New- port Beach. 58c6(J '38 BUICK f door sedan. tran!l:90rt'.'!.tion, $f5. Phone Ha:': bor 0488-R. 69p61 WE TRADE FOR THE BEST ! '38 CHEV. cpe:-.. ·---··-·-········-··-1 SS '37. Lincoln cpe., Mere. mtr. S 295 'f8 HUDSON "6" tudor --·····' W '47 'WILLYS Sta. Wag ........ $ 97~ "47 PLYMOUTH S<d. RAH llm •47 PLYMOUI'H club ............ $1095 '50 CHEV. convertible -·-···Slif~ 'f9 PLY. Suburban ·······--···..$1660 '49 Interna'I Pickup ····-···-···SlOP.5 'f6. FORD V-8 Pickup .. _._ ..... $ 895 '61 DODGE "fiuid drive" Sedan Your DODGE -PLYJ..fOtITH Dlr. DEMONSTRATOR SHAVER MOTORS S2085. 1880 Newport Blvd. C~ta MtN SHA VER MOTORS Phon• Beocon 8907 Your DODGE -PLYMOUTH Dir. 1880 Newport Bl\·d. Co!!:t.a Me8a 't.& CHEV. CONV. '49 mtr. Very good mechanical condition. Must aell, $92:'.i . Beacon 511:S. 0.9p60 43-AJ!arfmentli and_ Ho~ j RENTAL t' SPECIALISTS can 11:4n& <JnlS Linwood Vick, Rltor. 'fl FORD Super Deluxe 4-dr. ~ dan, $350: Also brand new 7.~ x 18 8-j>ly truck tire with nap, UO. 35 Balboa Cova. Ph. Harbor 708 after 5:30 p.m. ~t!o Balboa llW.4. Hor. :IOU lleN 1 _4S-_A_-_TraUe __ r_8~~'-----· WINTER R~NTAL -Oct. l•t-TRAILER SPACE J un• 1st. 2 bdrm. tumish<d house; $76 mo., plua utllltie.8. CJ03e to •hopping. Off the Biway, See owner, 110 Opa.l St., Bal· $12 to 115 mo. Cabrillo Court, boa Ialind. Mc68 lfO Cabrfilo St., Coat& Kea. On Peninsula Point NICELY FURNISHED 3 bdrm .. ava.llable July 15th, yearly or monthly. Brokers U.L 1532 Mira.mar, Balboa, owner. Phone Har. 0812-W, Har. 2001-J. 19tfc -FURNISHED .. bdrm. house. Tele- 44«6H 44-BooDlll for ~nt FUR.l\'"lSHED ROOM in Balboa. Private entrance, private bath. $25 mo. Harbor 817 or eves. Harbor 2520-M. 58c60 vision, wuber. Beat offer of 57-Real Estate Wanted rent will be accepted for 1um· 1---='-"=='-'~=:.:o.-­ mer or until December at which tlrOe Marine will return. 610 LarUpur, Corona. del Mar. Har. 1849-J. 59c61 UNF'URNISHED new 2 bdrm. homc--Large rooms, dbl. gar .. ocean view. $125. mo. Harbor 277 4 or Harbor 2883-\V. 59ce 1 YEARLY RENTAL-Attractive 2 bdrm. unfurn. houge" Newport lala.nd. Bath a: shower. Fenced Homes Wanted We have will.ting customers tor close in Co!ta lieu 3· bdrm, home \\ith dbl. gar. and close C.M. l or 2 bdrm. cheaper borne. can : B. A.. NERESON 1982 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Meaa · Phone Beacon 52~ in back yard. Garage. $75 mo. , _5_1_'-_T_ralle_..;.;.ni"'"-------- Beacon 5561-J. 59tfc 1 WTh,-m RE1''T AL -Furnished 2 bdnn. apt. betw. Balboa and Nt-wport. Gara1te and util. incl. $75 mo. Avallablt Sept. 9th. Leue optional. Beacon 8f67-M. ~tfc C. D. M, -Unfumiahed 2 or 3 bdrm. view home. Adult.a. 1 girl 12 or over O'. K. ALSO 1 bdrm. view home turnlabed.· Adult.a. Harbor 0197-M. 6&:$0 . :j CORONA DEL !.tAR-Unfum. 2 bedroom homt-, large llvlng .. \V to W carpet,-ven'!t !an blinds, tile b&tb. Adult.a. Pbone Har- bor 388·J. 08c60 FOR RENT lN CORONA DEL KAR -Beauutul 2 bdrm. upper ·apt. UnJ'Urniahed. Single .-ar. Wonderful -ocun view .. Tear~ leue. Adult.a Qnly. Call Harbor 21'12. - Trailer Storage $5 Month EL NIDO TRAILER PARK a.nd Sales 16f0 Newport BJvd., Costa Mesa, Beacon 532a-M. l!Od51H81 SCHULT Hous~ Trailer, 2T toot. sleeps 8. ApL stove. 8 rt. re.trig., awnin:;-a. Be1t offer. 399 E. 21st St., Costa Mesa, No. 8, 59p60 Trailer Storage $4 per Month Protected by C-foot fence. TRAIL- ERTOWN, 327 W. WU.On, C.O.ta Kesa. Ph. Bu'. 6011-K ( approv· eel by Auto Club It AAA) 59<:72 •" l • • J • • ' • • • • ~~tt.Y !.: ~ 11·0·,1.t~ .''S'f ~ E '~ T 1.~. N_~.' ,o. f :: R ~A [ ·E~~ATf .-11 ~-~-~·D j ,I, N, ~H. Is . _s_EC 11~.~ ;1.1!0. U, Ult PAGE T n~ara.u POllT .AND llBOPnNO nwa • • I . n :?a.i r.tiite e-ReaJ ir..t.1e ' a a..i btMe a ••t P»tate • ._, DtQe· ' a II•• ,._i., I •. . -. ..... . . BLANCHE A. GATES;·R:ealtoi---; L. C. JONEs J. MARTIN ' 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ' Pb. Har. 1871 or 1872 . Evea. Hari!or 746-lf BALBOA ISLAND $10,750 -FULL PRICE. 2 bdrm. furniobed ho".1:. Double garage. Hurry! $2&,500 -lNCOME. Charming 2 bdrm. home plu1 1 bdrm. apt. Dbl. gar .. guest room and beth. About 3 yn. old. Attractively furn. Nr. No. Beo. 000 -S5,500 down. Lovely 2 bdrm. home. atio, plua"etudio opt. gar. Comp. and attr. furn. $:12, - 8 unit apartment bowie. Comp. furn .. ~ent income. Priced for quick a!Je. Let us =" you this unusually good buy. . . $68,500 T One of the most beautiful hoUBeti on the bland. Cor. location. 60' frontage on,.&y. Pier, float and slip. Unusually lge. living room. 4 bdrm.s., 3 baths. plus maid's room and bath. showers and dresaing rooms, patios. 4 g8T8ges. Truly a home for the most diocriminating. Ll'1TLE ISLAND. A honey of a home for a family. :I bdrms.. 3 baths, charm. furnished. S30.000. Will conaider trade for Sants Ana or Loa An· ge.les area income. COSTA MESA WE have some excellent acreage priced right on Sants Ana Ave .. between 22nd and 23rd Su. Call ua for further information. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR Today's Best Buys Income Property Home plu. ama.ll apt only Sl0.~00 2 bdrm. modtrn with 1 bdrm. Jt•r. apt, $7000 dn .• rull pr1c" Sl&.MIO I Bdrm. home. h-A·d. floorll, t-A'o bdrm. gar. apt., 4i ca.sh S18.WO Cor\e.r duplt'x, 2 bdrm.a. f'a<:h, plus ~er'• pr. apt. Patio and auj deck, only ····-·····-·· ... $2S.OOO SEE Earl Chamberlain :500 Cout Bl'ld., Corona df'I 'tar (Opp. Nf'wport Harbor Bank ) Phon" Harbor 228& THREE BEDROOMS~ COSTA MESA'S BEST BUY Hardwood floor1, 2 fumacta. All 1tttl kilL'hen_, 2 yn. old. Beauti· tul fen!'<f'd patio and barbe!'Ue~ !'\tar .choola and 1hopa. S3.~ dawu. E.uy FHA terma. Own'"r Har. 1990-M °" Harbor l-422. tlllc 81-Real Estate Exchaage * * * * * * * * Interested In Trading ? Look These Over Bay Front Income Here lA homf' plus good Income right on the watrr. Thrtt 2 bdrm. and 2 bath unJU , and 3 1 bdrm. T op location. 4 yearfl. old. complrtely tum!.!l'l.td. price $87,500. Coruildf'r pa.rt trade. Bay Front Triplex On be-autiful Lido bdrm. aplA. &nd f'XC'"Jlent incon1'". exctllf'nt term&. Tale. Two 3 one 1 bdnn. Pr1ce $4 7 ,000, NEW 3 B.R., 2 Bath Hom" on Lido L!ilf'. tile fpature..1, for!'~ air heat, FP patio, lot. ot atorace •pa.cf', I H ,500. .;LSO XEW 2 BDRM. at 14900 down. Prl!'f'----$ 15, 750. GREENLEAF .I: ASSOC. BUlLD!:R -REALTOR 3112 Ne-A"POrt Blvd., Harbor 2~2 WIDE Permanent View Y:ear's Best Buy M-1 Light Industrial BEST BUT Or THI: TllAlt. J'lvo acra, cllo.,. *alloa, cJ0oe In and onl)' SI0.000. Tormi are availablt. If lnterelted-HURRY Neat and Clean 3 bdrm. home on a large lot with fruJt lrtta, prof'n 1pa.ce and a l"ood aetup on ch.iCkrn equtp. ~ent it you would care to hav. a few chick en•. Lot compleu- ly fenced. Price only $9900 wtU:l cood. Lerma. Income Property 2 &ood ~LI-built home• on one lot wtlh two bdrm111, f'&Ch. Price "'""· Nice 2 BR Home t\Jmlehe-d, cloae to abovf' the Arch,a. $2:>00 down. Blvd., Jual """° wllh Very Small 1 bdrm. home tumiah~ on a nice lot. Eut S1dt. Pr1cf' only 13100. Down paymf'nt $1000. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & Associates 1790 Newport Blvd. Coeta Mesa. Pb. Bea. ~181 CLIFF HAVEN Hom• -Largf' Lot -Unobstn.ic:t- f'd Harbor v\t'A·-2 bdrm• .. hwd. floors. Flagstone fi rf.placr. en· rlo~ed barbecUf'. LArgt living • dlnln1" roon1 f&<:lng Harbor. P"ur- nace htat. dbl. gar. Only Sl8,000 Corona del Mar Ntw 3 bdj'm. Cape Cod, forced ajr heatt.ng, lar1e livln1 room, fireplace. doublf' f{ar&ge. De11lr· able location, lmmf'dl at~ po.uea· 1ion. $14,500, excel. tenn1. G. I. RESALE--2 bdrm. atuc:co, dbl. gar., R-2 lot. Pymt.a. only ~ per mo .. includ. tue1, 4 ~ Int. and lnaur. Why pay r~n t '! See. thla, It won't l.ut at only SlO.~. W. E . Fisher, Realtor ERNIE SMITH, 918 Cout Blvd. A.11soclate Ha rbor 2443 Mu Corona df'I MODERN DUPLEX PLUS 4 GARAGES on cor- ner lot near Yacht Club and good bathing beach. 1 unit available Sept. lac Owner says ''SELL. 11 Listed for $15,500 Balboa Realty Co. Rou o~elf'y Lillian Jo.ephint Webb McAdoo . G. I .. Ri:SALE A TI'RAC'l'IVE 2 bdrn4 home. Hu fireplace. heat and Iota of tlJe. 2-car pnge. It'• well located north of highway, Corona del Kar, near &bop- ping center. Price ill only $11,l!OO. Paymenta are S8i.M mo. Including taxes and interest at ·~· Two New Homes in Bay Shores 2 bdrm.s., 2-car gara~. exceJJent locations, down paymenta. low Open Saturday & Sunday Yau Should See Them ! 2441 Crestview ····--··· $14 ,500 2525 Vista Drive ........... $13,750 · LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave .. &!boa I.sland Harbor 2042 $2500 Down -Newport Heights NEW 3 BEDROOJ.l 'HOME. Hu OC('an view, 1" b&tha. flN'pl&cf', g11.rbage di:!lpo.MI. Owner will flna.nce at SlOO month. '\\'ould coruiider Trust Deed u down payment. Rustic Ranch Type -$7 ,950 't"hil c:harmlnl' 2 bedroom home bl 1 ytar old and pretty u a plc:turf'. Hu ma1sive brlc:k flrtpl&cf'. Large Win· dowa, 57 x 12S lot In Newport Hell'ht. area. Only S2MO down. Thi• prict CANT BE BEAT! 3 Bedroom Home -$.11 ,950 One block lo h t(h IChool l.n Newport Htight.11. Brand new. best hardwood. P"la.r'stone rtreplace. Laree plat ~ cl.ul windowa. faclnr patio. 1'. H . A. ttnna. BEACON HILL REAL TY 4e8 Nt,."JIOrt Blvd. (above Arc:hea), Ph. B. 6713-R or E'Vff. B. S832-W BALBOA ISLAND Charming 2 bdrm. home, large patio and lanai. Excel. location, close to fine be'acb & public pier. Price $16,500 W. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park A l"enue at Marine Harbor 2~2 Balboa I•land EXCHANGES LOT 14~ x 380 -Nf'w 2 bdrm. houu. I.And plotted for addit· Iona! home:a tor ln romt. Locat· ed in Fontana, home of Ka.l.8f't Slff:l and futeat growing in· duatrtaJ center In Southern Cal SUBKIT INCOMll: w vacant soned fer tncoma. Large Income Units 0T'Ull'e County. Will conalder Bay or Ocean Front home for J!I0,000 equity. B:J evf'n unit.a plus ownlf'r.-lnc:<im• SlOO week. Want a bOUM. Ed L. Sedelmeier Realtor 1523 Cout Corona del Mar H ic hway Pb. Har. 27M :t6cli7 Modern redwood and gla1!8 This Week's Special Balbo& Island 4 -Say Front ~st North B&y rt-oat location. cloee to everytll.ing. Two unit. four bdrm. home, two bath&. pha bathinl' ehowera. and (onl· plete one bdrtYL income a.pt. over double gara,e. Ample aized niatlc brlck patio comple- m ent1 the ranch etyle motif. Ste thi• •tll buitt home today a.nd note the mMy buUt·in tea· tuna incorporated by a m<>1t r eUable a.nd experienced bU!Wer. AND MOST IMPORTANT- Ntw lriplf'X on bayfront with pier and private ilea!'h. Two and three bdrms. all t>e-aut1fUlly f-ur· n"'hM. for oltlPr Balboa Penin· 11Nla bayfront home. Three acre bulldinR i.1te ln Bf'vPr· Jy H illa &rN. Ocean and city vtew, ut1htif'11 m, 1Wimming pooJ dug. \VIUlt bfo&cb home. \\'1th thf' best Bay view on the Height11. Thia flnf'lf con.1tructNl l 3 bdrm. 3 bath and df'n home I• N-ally a stf'al. Gigantic LR· DR, and kit. Lota of tile, d1ah· waaher. ~arb. di11p. All eltt or aJI gu system. both in. Hwd. floon, immf'Mf" pictUrf' '111.·in- dows, patio. au.ndttk, lovely ga.r· den, dbl. gar. O'nr 2~ sq. tt. 3 yrs. old. Only SZ0,000 with terms to 11u1t. \YIU con:!l ider amallf'-r excha.ngt'!, Ab8olutely unbeala.ble, B. A.NERESON 700 JI:. Balboa Blvd. Two bdr m. and servant'• quart"~· H&.r. 3277 Fla~tone and wood noora. Two years old. ln rrove of treet. &!autitul vte:w of the we.tern The arithmetic la good. the In· come record &MUru you ot a aare place tor your money, in a top quality investment. Watf'rfront homf' -Vf'ry nlct - witl'I alip. \Viii takf' ln!'ome to $1~.000 u pa.rt payment. .A ttract.tve ocean front homf'. tour bdrma &nd mald '1 quarteni tor baytront home. Th~e bedroom ocean front homt tor Lido bayfront lot or home. .Attractive thret bdrm oldf'r homt w .. u located for tarce OCf'&n tront borne. ~ P'arm land for income property. Bay .& Beach Realty OPEN EVENINGS MRA A-l\'pl. Harbor l.1 ult iple Listing ReaJtor 1982 ~-.. wport Blvd., Coata. Heu Phone Beacon ~22& Balboa Island Nf'arly new 3 bdrm. 1 bath home with a 3 bdrm. '" bath rentaJ unlL Complete with prbace di11pou.1., p&.nPI ray "eat. Hp· ante 30 pl. water healer•. Ia.rce car port. $23.~ turn.lab· ed. Stan Hadfield, Rltr. 218 Marint, Balboa bland Phone Harbor 20 Balboa Peninsula New 3 bdrm, 2 bath Home 2125 Miramar Drive Quality con.!ltructton throu1hout, price S l~.~. t erm11. Near bay and ocean . O\\'NER ON PREM· ISES Sat . .I: Sun. Aug. 18 Ir 19 from 11 a .m . to 4 p.m. or to llf'e by appointment, phone Harbor l 940.. ,,. . ~9c60 FOR SALE IN CORONA DEL ~tAR -2 bdrm. home 80Uth ot hlghw1y. Pr!.cf'd to aeU at SiOOO Call Harbor 2152. 69c:60 Costa Mesa Untinbhed houae ....... -....... $ 3,200 2 bdrm. small hoUSe: -··--·' a.ooo hill11 -in exclmlve aectlon -2 miles from ocea.n in qultt SUT· rounding•. $26.000. Good ternu. 1987 Irvine Ave., Coats Meea Phone Beacon :1293· W 59tfc Do You Want A Cute Summer Cottage? We have it on Balboa Wand, near the Bay and shopping district. 2 bdrm.s, $10, 750, term•. NELDA GIBSON ' Prlced'to sell with eMy term•, $10,000 dn. pymt. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Harbor 83 Balboa lala.nd Ferry 69c81 Balboa Peninsula INCOME Ethf'l Shirley Gloden Fay J . M . l-tl11rr Dick Fay .308 Marine J bdrm. large lot ...... _ ... $ 6,000 Ba.Ibo& Illand Ph. Har. $02 ExcepUonaUy n ice 4 Un.It.a ...._ t atory atucco. only 111' yn. old. t -car garare. Thrtt l bdrm. unlta turnlahed. One-I bdrm. un.Jt unturniahtd. Close to bay &nd oce&n swimmtnc . Excellent income. 14M> B&lbo& Blvd. Harbor 12&4 * * * * * * * * "LET'S TRADE" · HA VE $1 4,000 equity In 2 tum.. houa• f g-ood. rent.ab) Balboe Boulevard. CORONA DEL MAR Before You Buy, Look These Over- I bdrm. 2 bdrm. large lot , _____ ... $ 7.~ new .......... -... $10.MO 3 bdrm. 0.1, term.a --.. ··---Sll,500 • R. W. Bartine, Broker W. U. PATTON, Assoclalt 1307 Nrwport Ave. Coat.a MH.a Phone Beacon 5320 W ill tr-a.de for 3 bdrm. homt. H•r· bor art&. WU) auume. Phonr H&.rbor 20et·M ."venlng11. :>ope-t SI0.960 -Better than new -2 bdrm. h.ome. Ocean !Ide of hi· way. Large room.a. Fu1J dining roofn. h11.-d. noon. attractive patio with barbecue. Neat work· Mop in prage. 1------------- 'VIEW HOME Ol\'l'J: BLK. above SunMl Blvd., W . Hollywood. 1 story mod. French Prov., 3 Br. A. den: 2 \i yra. old. 3000 eq. tt., llt ft. front level 110.750 -Only S3000 down - 2 bdrm. modem home. J"tttplace. fenced ya.rd. carbap dilpou.J and diahWMlter. dbl. p.n.ce. TOM PAYNE 310 Co&.tt. Hiway. Corona del Mar 1'bone Harbor m• ~1 !ot. Trade tor older baysbore I------------- res. or Inc. wttb pler. Owner, UH Belfut Dr., L. A. H , DU. 1-au, CR. &-9514. MpM JUST COMPLETED In Excluaive Shore Cliffs THltSE BEDRM:., i batb home on la.rs•· 80XI18' lot 1900 8Cl· tt.. plua muonry prage with radfo controlled door, harclwood noor& J'orced air fumace. Lota of tile. Completely fenced u.d landacaped. Prlc.d at HT,aoo, '6 dow1I eau OWMr • 11arw ~or -hcMl8t at Ut •Mr Jtoed. Costa Mesa Duplex BUILT 1949 -Stucco and red- wood ~onatrucUon. Panel ray heat. l btdroom each unit. 3 p.ragea. B1ock· to city center. Slt,000. Coruilder tr&dt, a:mall home. Owner, A . E'ndell, &a! Park Dr., Coot& Kea. !Mplll WANT TO TRADE f OWNER wiabee to eell or tnde XI.at. lAcome prop .• for1 a home In Harbor Area. 11 rental unit.I tum. J nna. -., and t.be man- apn home. Laree reat roome and •wen. l.AW>.dry room. Room for more unit.a. Show. $36,500 Balboa 01der Home Very nic:e 4 bdrm., 2 bath&, larp llvln.s' room with fireplace. Ac· croaa the 1treet from the tsay and walking diatance to Bal.boa and ahopptnc areu. Only $15,000 furn. Coast Properties Co. I01 E . --lllvd.. --.,,,°". Harbor JS5I ft'7 .--of "00 ptt $7250 mo. ~ price only PS,'cioo. Full Pri .. u. _, aoo .. ..-et.. -ce ~ -. -a.-1 bdrm. cottap -- LIFE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL! U you live In a home that · bu beauty, charm & other thlnga yo~ have dreamed about. Olio of these could be it. ALL on LIDO ISLE ~~~I. 'EXCL u SIVEI 1. Spa.rkllnc new S bedroom. 2 -ba.Ui home. on chbtte loL Large cheertul roonu, u n I t hf'at. brHltfut bar, lovely work· sa~r kltc:b.en, l'J)aclous walled- in patio are a few of many out- 1tandlng featuru. Thi& is a terrltlc BUY at only $24 , 750. 2. Out latest and neweat on LI DO ISLE. On 2 loU--60 ftel w ith that extra large patlo you have wanted-all big. light. cheerful room.a . Home haa 3 bf'droom.e. 2 bath."J, unit heat, bleachf"d gum doora, Chine~ rin1 tree , walled in Apace for boat &tor· age· and place a.rti1tlca1Jy land- Aeaped. Thi.I ia a BEAUTY at $32,~. 3. "CHOICE SPOT" on U\e BAY· FRONT of UDO ISLE a nt"ar· ly ntw 4 ~droom and 2 bath home that Is a "honey." Thitl is not an "old b<>ach house" but la a snappy. cltvtr yf'ar around home. l...al"ge rooms. µnit heat, .. a.rbage dlspoaal, hotpoint diah· wuher, 2 aundtcka, lovely viey.• and m&11 y other amart ftatures. Thill ia a quality BUY. P riced rlgbL ALSO "-'f' a re thf' DEVELOPERS of lovely LIDO ISLE -wher e a li\tle buya & LOT. lf you prefer to build we hav,. aomf' good lot!!! on LIDO ISLE. Aa the DEVELOPERS we can offer you low prtct>a and euy term!I. It y.;lJ pay you to check with ua on LIDO ISLE. COME LOOK. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Bea.ch, Call!. H&rbor 1500 Newport Heights \ Today's Best Buy NEW three be-Oroom home with fireplace, furn a c t , hardwood floora, ga.rbage dl•po•l, double Ja.r&C'J. $11,000 full price I Unobstructed View Home 2 B . R. Master B. R. ltx.20 2 bath•, large playroom a.nd ahop, 3 car garage. $5,000 will handle Ralph P. Maskey 3tll Ne'A'J)Orl Bl\'d., Newport Phone Harbor t 02 * * * * * CLIFF DRIVE View Lot !!Otte * UNOBSTRUBTED VIEW of har· bor and ocean. Dou ble frontage 75xl6lx2t0 R 1 IL'. R 3 $8,SOO T erms. Rancho Santa Fe 28 SECLUDED Acre!, near golf coµrse. Ocean IJld mountain vi~-. Several building Ai les. Ca.n. 1ubdlvide. $9500 Ternu. Ramona 8 ~ ACRES right in town. Beau· tifUI hilltop for home A: crove. lt,500 Terma. Owner Box 343 Newport Phone Harbqr 1960. * * * Beach * FURNISHED 6 rm. cottage, very cloae to bay. Large vacant area on rear of loL Owner, 324 lsl&nd An., Ba.1boa."" G8c60 Bay Front If you're looking for the fine•t in BAY FRONT at a re-uonable price-let ua &how you thi1I out.Alanding new f bdrm. 3 ';i bath home. Panoramic view o f Harbor, fine aandy bea.ch, pier ptlYilege. Large enclosed pallo, too many feature. to ducr1be-May we ahow you? PJ1ce $59,500.' GREENLEAF IL'. ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 311! Ne-wport Blvd:, Harbor 2562 OWHEJt lea.vtng ·1tate. mU.i aell 3*ftt. old 'i bdrm. home:. Hdwd. floors. floor f\lrna~, dbl. pr. Ftnced yud. Lot llO ._ 120:$U50 -. '9.ooo run pnce. U3 Flower. Coat& K.... !ilpllO ,, Exchange -'"1· ~ ...... -1.et :J OPEN 1 5 • • . A MESA .. __ Ito u.. -W7, .. u.. . -_ •.mnn To..,1 Price" . , ~ 1-....... . tlfuJly fllmlllled yeu - l'ltfe , - Lillian La Perle, Realtor · Announces ' the opening lier new real estate offiee at 1898 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meea. ' Look Over These Opening Specials: • CLIFF HAVEN G. L Reale. Built for comfortable li'rinf. Attractive a bdrm. home on tarp lot. Tile ln kitchen and bath. Hu plenty of atorage 1pace and nice built-in teaturu. 1190 aq. ft., dbl. garage, re;ar yard completely fenced with JT&pe .t&ke. PRlCE $13,7M. Terms $63 a mo. tu: A tu. REDWOOD RUSTIC l! you Iliff it. you v.111 want It. 2 bdrm. )arse livfn&' room, flreplaef', red brick a.nd knotty pine treatment. thann and comfort combined. near high ac.hoot PRICE Sil, 7~0. $3500 do-A'll , NEAR 'NEWPORT HEIGHTS 1 bdrm. home with large living room, dinette. tile ill kitchen. Attached garage. nice ya.rd. pleasant Uvinr and chea~r than paying rtnt. Price $7200, $3500 down a.nd 1se.oo a month. COZY 1 bdrm. home, living room, kitchen, bath. ONLY $3800, Slmt1 ttrmL dinette area and 1/2 ACRE \\'alking distance to hu:!llneu center-$1600. Larr• lot 1 blk. from Newport Blvd.-$14~. "If you don't buy you will never have a.nythlnc to ee.U ... LA PEllLE REALTY 1898 Harbor Bl\'d., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 7043 BRAND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREE BEDRM. -2 batha -overeixt'd 2·car attached garage. Located on tree lined gentle eloping comer lot. ALSO JUST COMPLETED • T\\'0 BEDRM. with epacioua 2 bdrm.. apt. O\'er 2-.ea.r ga.rage "rith view or ocean. BOTH HOliSES a.re RANCH ST\'LE "1th tile bathl. garbage disposals. large enclosed patios, ov;ni~ pan. eled fireplaces, decora.tor colors a.nd wall }11.pera. Sepa.· ra.t.e laundry rooma. 500 • 502 Poinsettia, Corona de! Mar Phone Owner, HarbOr 1521-J or see your broker. Low Down 3 bdrm. G. I . Resa.le-Thia la the bargaJ.n you have been wa.iting for-1 YT · old, hwd. floors, lot.a of tile, d inin~ room, plenty .of !'lo&e ts. extra large lot on circu· \Ar drive. 2 blocke from high achoo I. Full Price $9750 With $1800 Down 1.nd monthly payment. of $56 v.•hich. Include taxea and inaur· ance. How Can You Beal Thla ! G. I. Resale Newport Heights A lovely 3 bdrm. home on R ed· la.nd11 avt. Less than 1 yea.r old. Fireplace, hwd. floon. dineltf', large kltche.n w ith breakfa.!lt area a.nd laundry, garbage diap., dbl.' garage, nicely land!K:ape<l, patio and many other dice fe&· turea. Full Price $12,500 Monthly pyU. of S66 include tax.ea and liurura.nce. Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson t~ Newport Blvd. Costa. MeM Pb. Bea.. 6fl98 or Bea. 5'158.J Harbor 3157·W Balboa Island Charming 2 bdrm. home in rtne condition PLUS a atp&rate guest room and bath. Good lo· cation close to aoulh bay. Wiii exch. tor pro~rty in Puadena or vacinity. Stan Hadfield, Rltr. 218 Marint, Balboa lliland Phone Harbor 20 Pick your location ... at a price that'• RIGHT NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Com• fortable 1 bdrm. borne, lArgf: lot, only .................................... a 7 ,ooo CORONA DEL MAR-Near new 2 bdrm•., bdwd. fioora, fireplace. Dl8pooal. Only ··-·····-····--$11,900 CORONA DEL MAR-3 bdmul., 2 beth.I. Forced air heat, a real buy •. only' .......•...... _ .. __ ..... u~.900 SBORECLIFFS -Choice of 80 ft.. bldg. loL Magnlflcent UDO ... atructed view, only ··---.$10,l!OO 3 BDR~t. G. I. RESALE-11800 DO\VN • FULL PRICE $9i50. 1.fo. pymta. $58. H-A•d . floora, t ile. close to achoob. A real bar- gain. 2 BDR1tt. H01t1E -BRAND SPANKING NEW. FULL PRICE S7450-S19M DOWK. On a nice corner lot 78'xl00', Ea.at Sidf' Costa Mf'sa. Ba.a I rooma With a Jot of tXlr&&. A re11.I va.luf'. Come see for your- self. 2 BDRMS. & DEJ\' -Cloae In downtov•n Coats 1-ff'a&. A nice family home 12 yean; young. Hu oak floo rs, fireplace, 3paci- oua room.e throughout. Nea Uy landSC'aped and fen!'ed, double ga.r. Priced at Sll,000. SHAKE ROOF-RUSTIC EARLY AMERICAN & RANCH STL Yl: In Newport H eight.I, 2 bdrma., large living room. fireplace, finest oak floors, kitchen hu imported copper tilework, coir per hood over r&nge and other built-ins. Big double gar. This home wu built for people who want AOmething nice and di!· ferent. The price 1a $12,000. INDUSTRIAL LOT -11 Tx200' ZONED M·l in Coat.a Meta'• gToY.ing mfg. aectton. P rice i. $3400. INDUSTRIAL 5 ACRES-F or a larger plant or subdivide. Other parcel& available. Costa Mesa Realty 400 E . 17th St., Coat& M'eea Phont Beacon 6813 SOMETHING NICE IN A LOT· - On LitUe--Balboa Island. we haft a nice comer lot, we believe the only one aV&ilablt today. A quiet spot. Could appe.al to build and reaell. Financinc could be: arranged. We have & beautilul ailt, 60 tt. wide by 140 ft. dttp, W(lh treea already planted and JTowlnl'· One aide Ir: rea.r redwOOd fen<> ed. On a quiet, p&ved .treet ot. lovely new homea, near to the high ochool, Coot& "'-. Pric- ed $1600, term.I. J. A. BEEK Office Har. 63 --r.Jand ,..,.,,, O~ BEDROOM: HOUSE. 2 :n-a. olb. '3.975. 111 Kerrill P1M:e, Cool& Mesa. Ph. BeL MQ8.)(, Oltte For thQe and other mperior U.t-, 1np lbrouCl>out tb. Ba.dlor Beautiful Bay Shores Af"M, call ~Olm Mottram. Jiu;-" bor UOO; .,, ... Har. ftlb-R. HOME JUST OOJIPLllTSD -_:lo Home and Business for Lease 8 rooma 1¥.i baths-wonder- ful .•pot for offiCe ·or pro- feuioftal man. L o t a of . , ~ • .,.. OWMi -..u .... -• -· ~ .. .AlllOO. '~· s b&. -l'nlctlca1l7 of• 1 -. ~ 1 ~ -.t.. ... t .. .,.....r........ SUILD-~ UALTOR II'!" MODl:Rlf, ·wilb -~ P.A. PAI.MER 1._ -• ·~ -.. .... -,u. ol lfl llM· nu JfwpaR -._ ·a-r"lol 11112 P1!1Jo, kar pr.~ for --INOORPO-. _.__ badroom.a. Dbl pr, flrlplace, l\lmA<O ... prbop ~ difhmuter, •t•tloDary tui.;. Complot<17 faaced le4wood. one o1 u.e tu>eat 1oc&1 oport nab- lna bolt. With cooc1 w.m.,. ~ 43' -lb 14'. N..-OK ~ and -bolt mote<. 60- ~ -· WAllld coot '11,000 ~· np.lac\. Wlll n:cbanc• tor room tor JILl"ld:nc 'Oil ~Y 17~ St., Col6a ¥-Wjll remodel to auit tenant. See 38'1-llUl St. and calfBu.. bar 1llllO-K, Cll' Bar. 2'32. •a,:,• -,,.. •. ,~ ca. • ~ 11~ 17f1 00... Bhd... HA:l'.&:.i.U • 1?11 ~-• y--~ olrilu,.. 3 Seclroom ·eou•-_.,.'" &1t1or Mll·K. UUc. ms via Liiio Nico ,.uo: ·y---' -"-"'1lmlt. · B. A. NERESON _ JIU N a..P..,t lll'f'd. ea.ta - ... ~--.... utS . •""' .... •41ttt -· n • . _,..,.. .. _ ... ,,.. ~ $13,750, terms -. ... ___ _ Ol:m ao;oc M7D --•. . --r--1 ---..,.. ,~..._.._. . N .. port Beedt. .CUil ·-,..,, • - ----or z• .-,,.. _ u.i.111..,,oww-!6 Aen Co&atJand Realtj' -•ICll a. IU_,. •--. ... -., ti.z1 1 .. c•• Or--------~ Cuaau 1M. ...... .... ..., -... Aw. I, .... &""C. aw+'tn ~ ............ -.., .... Aw,. •• • -a-: te• ~----·---.-..... _ ...... _ ... , ...... jlC.lt ...... lll•pwt ~~-... -· -·· .. _, ......... t1' ·- :. : ..... ... ., • ', ~<11 .... • ,. \ • -Ill!' """--·~11111110 .... ,.. t ..._..81111 ITQ...l, OW:wr t ' --. • ' • • • , ,. • • • • • ' llDO MAlllT With SALLIE ' 0 1 want a gallon of your ice cream and I want to know what makes it so spe- cial ... '' Now there's noth- ing unusual in a cwitomer purchuing a gallon of ice cream. if they have had some before . . . but to order it firwt then ask afterwards . . -. espe<:ially at 9 :00 on a Sunday morning to be wait· Ing out.aide the doors to be let in ... Strikes you kinda funny. doesn't it ' It """ms that the cu,.. tomer had I011t at C&Dallta the ni11:ht before and the ll:&me ln\•olved 'two quarts of OW' hand packed Ice cream . · . . Whoever lost had to treat the crowd at bnmch the next momlng. Of counie, OW' Bob Speth, who h e I p a our customers complete all manner of unus- ual requests, from getting a package off to a G.I. to ob- taining some pale green love birds made out of ice cream or even little individual ice cream cakes with "Happy Birthday Rudi" inscribed on each one . . . . soon found out the c u • t e>- m e r w a s from out of town and vi•iting for the week end . . . ''Our ice cream is made\ according to our spe<:iflcatlons by a special formula . . . It's been tried and pro••en by the Inquisitive taste buds of our many customen'' . . . "That's just the rea- . son I'm buying a gallon ln•tead of two quarts, n said the lady. "1 made up my mind If it were just half as itood as they said It was I'd better give them a doubled~:· DRINK YOUR WAY TO GOOD HEALTH ... and at the same time experience a rare taste thrill you'll want to repeat again and again . . . Koesel from Anaheim hu put up such frozen de- light.a as Papaya Float a.rfd Cocoanut Special and called them Tropi-Paya ... The papaya Is as old as the hills . . . Back in the 15th and 16th century ... when tho Spanish who suf- f•red from indigestion just like th• rest of "" from over-.eating . . . were ex- plorlnl!: the Gulf regions of America . . . they were amazed at the large quan- tities of fish and meat conoumed by the utl\·es . • . Why didn't the natives get the st0111Uh aehe ! How could they keep so happy on ouch a heavy diet! They ate papaya melon . . . Seems to· me this here Papaya Float mil!:ht be Ideal to serve as a teaser before any heavy meal ... Because the papaya has been acclaimed by many doctors and scientists as an aid in the treatment of in· digestion . . . You mamas might ask your pediatri- tian about our ordepng Ii· quified papaya for you to u.se as a milk modifier or baby food ... that is if baby Is suffering from discom- forts ... It's smooth . . . it'• nourlsblnit .•. It's Cocoa- nnt Special . • • C-ut blended with jmt the rig-ht J"'ODDb of honey, cream and milk to form a drink that's a "Nectar ot the Gods" ... Cabbage juice to . . . 1" processed and frozen when the vitamin content is high· est . . . You can tell ita su- perior quality by the deep green color . • . Frozen fresh pineapple juice! Need I aay more! 18 nJNIOB OB LITl'LE 818 A BEACH·NtlT FAN! N-yoa· ...,.'t have to make a l!pe ds_• trip OTer to ....... -net to at- ldy tlloelr .rim. . . . We llave It la 9toek ••• Beoeb-llllt...., Jl'ood ••• • • • . ' . 'l'SATS OUR' ADI ... to .. mry· ffVery c:~ . . ' here at Richard's Lido Mar-ket. $&33 Via Lido, New'port Bil:p, Califonla. . ' • • • ' . -. a a ' ·' ,_ • , • • • ' • • ll&GESTlli • • HISTORY! N.- Hene!•1w .... OSTRJCB•uce •.wm"'rw ........ _ N..,.,. .... I -tr.. L £. 01• VJ(:» ..... d ........... a QiDI • <•u.-.. It It. ..... Ta • . ', -' .. . ~ • ~. . ,... • o. - .. . • -• .. • -• Zee.._, 80 couat NAPKIN5-1 ........... 10; Mono Hot or Cold! gaali.ly )!••-• Faatur"" Mcannlngs . U. S. Gw't. Grallall Clleice laef .sioii:~. ...... .. ....... .. "lb. Ne as c MiilGiRllE .. .lb.cam.29c CUPS •T· ... 2/25' FlMst laef Obtainable . IM&moJMI Lu.adlette Paper U. S. Gov't. Graded -Choiea and GOCHI Lamb SRA.Nil OFF LEO O'. LAMB lb. iiijf ERLD-· ..... . ...... ~. UJ<on 7 4 c PLATES ........ lt ,u 25' Carmea Table Clotll •nd ' aapld.n• PICNIC PAK cm:c~ 111.JUIE aad CHt;Cll( All)( BEEF ROASTS ........... ~ W SHORT RIBS . .I~ LAROE LOIN LAMB CHOPS .......... Jb. 95c OCOMA FR-OZ.EX CHICKEN BRSTS. 99c SWIFTS ORIOLE SLICED BACON !i49c ...... besla Prodace--- FA.XCl' LAKE OOV!'li'TY BARnEIT PE·ARS ............. , ...... 2 k 29c • • !"'ORTBERN GRA VEN8TEJN-Bdt fe!''Piea APPLES .... -.... 3 .. 25c MECois~: .. ~ ........ · ............................. ~: 7c SWEPJ'l'! lllJCY V ALE.'<CfA • "1 •• ORANGES .. 6 k 25c p(jyf joEES ... ~~~s lk ·29c ••••••••••••••• . DeHealessea ,. • ...................... • ~ ' . · ST~ Hc)Uls:~: • ... • ..... -• "..> .... ' wua 11.us {Ello.,t ft!IQ>'.~ -.-...... ........... . .. ll!'IUDAT -l'AJllLY NrlS'· " • ..... JI. ... f',:X.• .J I · r . atJllfD.&YIJ ~ .... • • .............. , .... ,.... ., , ~ .. • I .-" I.Iii.II -~ (~·[ -·=J-......... 1t2 : ••• ____ , ~. . , . • • •••••• -•• c ................. . ' DiESfiG pg• 25c ... n 43c ... 10. Toilet 'ijuH 2 Rolla ..... _ .. 23 ; x .. -TonMlto 5ollp u v,... l /25¢ c... ............... . Nalioaal WIM!iat"-Week Whfftles :..:~. ··-··· ............ 16 ¢ II oa. 23¢ f'llc .... -......... -.... . l'loaten Bl Hat Paanut Oil .... ~ ... ~ ............... 19¢ !: !'!!t ~~·~·~·--79f ....... Snwbarry ,,...,,,ft ~~ -·---·-··· 59; Bonnel'• SPAM 47¢ I! OL -·--······-···-········· ·• ·····- Plaaten COCKTAIL PEA1'TT8 11 ¢ 8 OL •••.....•... . .. , ...•.• ·· · · Xorth American BO~"El' • ·~ 1:1' Jar -···················-··············· ' '"· . 49¢ Jar ·····--········-··n··-··-······· Sunahl.,. 'Cookta BYD ROX l! OL 0.llo .... - Daell DOG FOOD IA. eaa ... " ........ . Rath 81'fJakfut SAUSAGE 39¢ 8 ... -·········-·····-··-··········· A.Jntork'an S...ty SPAGHE'ITI , 19¢ Lio. oello ............................. . q...i1.,. a .... ~,. SWEET 1'1~8 . 19; !' OL ...... ······•··-·•-·····- SiflF llAIT Silt 3 lb. CAN ··••'Y nwats---nmq TBUIU!DAY APPlE PIE .... --.. ·· . . ..... :-57' F&IDAY ! LEllON FILLED ' CUP CAIES ...... -.. .. ..... ~ for 25' IAll.GI!: Pt.A.IN -.1 ·. ANQLEFOOD CAKES ......... --96' . . ' . SATURDAY I - PERFECT BOST QUALITY llAG COFFEE . .... ... ..... . . .. .. -·Mc 7tc R.,M:BLER HALVES .PEACHES ............ . ..................... xo. %1/, -23c MISSION INN HAL\''"1:8 UNP.El:l...ED APRICOTS .............................. . . " .::\o ... 1 caa 23 c oiiiNGEE·1ulcE ............................... OL ... 21c. KERS'S CALIF. CLUB llRA.'o'D • TOMATO JUICE • . ..U .oL ... ltc WINDSOR llltLS APPLE SAUCE ............... Xo. aoa ... 1 ()c DOLE-BAWADAX PINEAPPLE JUICE __ ...... L ... 29c . t..arr 29; RINSO ...................... . lArso 29; LUX FLAKE8 .. " ...... Lur "'I· J/27f l'OILET SOAP ...... Lnr 2/25¢ BATH...................... . · Ulebooy '"«· l /77¢ l'OILET SOAP ..... ..... nood. 2119; l'OILET SOAP ...... rne..n.uK PoWder 1 Zf BORAX ............ lOoz. Rein Cats up .. OL 21 ' Bottle ................... . Baby Food ~~ ... l /25 ¢ Oki Fuhloned CllCUlllber Pickles Pin• .......... -.......... 28 ¢ BRD!!El'E ' -On the- MEZZANINE • OLDE THOMPSON PEPPER MIW are keyed to any dece>- rating scheme • . wobd . . milk glU8 , • crysltl old willow replica Smootll Eeoliolll,J' Beer Hyde Paril ... , ;!:-_ ................. 14 ' ll 1 ~ hd< ................... . :So Depoelt Bottie. ·ORANQE JUICE ••L 19c BOU>SEYE C1lT WAX BEANS .. ___ ... OL 19c Giti BEANS_ ..... : 19c iiiPBE.lRIES lleL 33c:. ctNJ>cagtJ.A ~I CHEESE~C~KE .. ]~ ' • .~ . ' •