HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-29 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News/ I. I , , - ~ ., ' \10&.UllS '"""""-lf • . - AND SHOPPING NIWS . . ·-----~.---·--"~"-· ptJ]Jr.11pm A.T 2:111 •AXac>& .Otll..-vilD !'il¥WfVlll llll&Oll. ~ lTLJ:rllOHll: ••• .,. 1111 ,. ly MARGO SPD'TRIUPT8 ! l"llEI: llEOO~ IF YOU llENTJON lllAltGO! Now at Como Mta 111ted ! Record Smuh!al' We! ...... • • n•O Die• , BOUSE OF BAKMO?\"'Y J am muy bueno, snciu and be•ide1 that plenty O. K. ! Becauae Baa i.OGe ~rU I h&v• juat retumed from a very plusin1 Mexican dtnner at Cua PLATl'ERS TH.AT M.ATI'ER don CarMa. I am on a bud.et. 10 I ha.d tl\11 combination plate at 96c DRASTICAU..TUREDUCED I hMI a ~-aalad, an enchilada, taco and be&M, 90me tortilla.JI, CHOICE ITEMS IN 78 RPM coffee and lee cream. And I loved every spicy moment of it. The 10" &nd 12" Sincl •nd album• friend w ith me who get.a money trom home had a bottle of beer CLASSICAL. POPULAR. W"J;STERN. FOLK SQMGA, and a Sl.7& ateak dinner wtth mup, l&l&d , beans, Span.iah rice, POLKAS · • • OLD ELLINGiNS, GLENN MJJ.tJi!RS, deuer1. a.nd cotfeo. She liked her dinner 110 well ahe'1 1ending home DORSEYS. GOODMAN · • · tor more money llO she can go back to c.-don C&rloa which 11 at RACHMANINOFF, FRANC", MAHLS!l, .TSCHA..I· us. ftnd .st., Newport. Har. "'3-M. & • 10 p. ... CloNd Tuuday. KOW8KY, RAVEL and MANY, MANY otl'HERS. SNOOP FOR RARE Gl!:MS !ON THE YOU SPEND 2.920 :oURSel!:ACHeYlCAR IN .'BJ:D • • •• • J for lOc table ... 3 for $1 .00fable, ete., etc. ROUGHLY SPEAKING. But are you comfortable! ca.n you BOUSE OF llARMO bonuuy •Y that you have aftiled. younelt of all UN UtU. ltlcetlee 1817 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA BEACON 5737-MN that make tor a high atandard of aleeplngJ For thoee ot' you • • • that like to meak up on abut-eye, I propo• Clarlyle'• aleepy-toned, WOMEN', CAX YOU QUALIFY!'!'! , gny fi.ni.llh Hollywood headboard. Thia bu lltUe nicbea tor tnaga- 1 am '1ookinr for about 200 women 5 f!eel line explratlon.1. a recipe plceon bol11 for boullib&lue and a °humidor 4 lnche• or under. I want you all to meet over for apple-peelinp. n 1a headboard come• equipped wtth Mr. and at the POLLY, APPAREL a.nd try on the niew Mrs: cbuU. and a 1.a.rp mirror ao you can .ee how you look when tall SERGEE dreue1 and suil4. Sercu'• a.re you're uleep. ( ... cOmplete.) Then for you Bohemian• that ca.re designed espec.tally for 5 foot f 's or leu and to jot down memorable mua&I'•• at midalght, Carlyle hu a 30'' wide are rea.Uy built to flatter where It mattva. couch-~ wit.b mattf'QI aftd Hollywood Jee• for $41.&0 or the •rne Spea.klnl' of having nu . . .· Polly Apparel nap-a&ek m 39" Wide for $19.~No matter how you ta.ke your eella load911 and loadll ot PETER PAN Hidden ileep-get JOU? prope at <JulJ'kl'a l"ualta.ra, 1"° llMM ....._, Treaa~ braulett& Peter Pan is the bra C-ta MMa. Btaeom l1st. with the b'11ilt·ln charm ... you can be three e e e Umes u cHarming In a Peter Pan triple treas· I DON'T SUPPOSE THAT THERE ARE AN ure. Thew are in straps or strapleu. nyJona. EQUAL ~ OF COWS FOR AN Equal cottons. <flrl1 who be.lone to the Peter Pan aumbei-of mJUc itool.s. Dr. l:rwood bu a Bee~~ Circle b& ve an uplifted expreuiol'l. 11,._ P'roel01' w a • wt~IJ -la ._. ..,, ..... ban. At one ~ H t.1ae *WJ S'OMt .... -la AJaeka -widely lmowa .. dlat pwt: of Ute United Stat. he w.. MJ.Ppoeed to have ..,. married to Ktle PaJ,.. mer, •tl:16nlly kaown wrtter. Prt ... Memorial~ ba\·e beiM ~ bf' Bait& Mortuary of Corona del Mar.' Snrvtvff,1 are, the mother, Mrs. D.D.8-~llraeh: two bfrotlHn., Dou:11 of Gardea Grove a9d RoWrt of Glendale. a.teopath. Proctor called Dr. Ta., htll to rtvtve bt. wife Saturday morning. Dr. Toh.Ill told police t.ti&t when he entered the Proctor ap&rtment, .Mrs. Proctor WM al, retdY dM.d. She wu lying nude cm. a bed, her body bnltally mark· ed with brui.. and cult. Dr. Tolilll called Newport llMdl police at IIO:M a.nt. and requpt. ed the PorOaer, detecttv• ..,, pbotogn.P,bk: equipment. 8r*"'" """Klclled Prodor lolAI police, followlnJ hia &n'ellt Saturday noon. t1'at hf 'bad Md U &l'IWl1'Sllt with lllo • • ' ' . .. SAL·E. on Friday, .t.uc. :u, -· ~ pl"OCMld:lap were Hert.d by ti.. clliJ' ,..-t ~. Ud llN. Fu.rw Md two ether MIMn; (Ol•-....... •1 A..."\"TISl!:PTIC SOLUTION . .. ... VALUIJ I FOUNTAIN PENS .............. 69¢ Mi 31 II o .. -Re1. 79• ---··-......... 59 ¢ PEN~_ll,S ~.-......... 19; ' 11 Inch RULERS .................. _. 9' .t. a . I WM sup~ to tell you that Polly Apparel bu l!VZ&I"· maple milk 1tool, and I'm aJmort poaltin he bu no Jclne of any Jdnd. Kith and ktn., 1*"-rRINO fOr lalut. l""9' qe 11 .tor aDtlfta Ja Uz ,,, pn·Mee, ....,.. bu~~ ~d ~k .. llqp' 1 ~ ou. -top. Qll·1ol 4lftP:1• •-l'f-rM ~-. Coi<i·~~· i.. -tor '"'·'°' WZQiti&po ')bu'• ~irtf~•e.r'"-t~'1ii-liii"ilr-'"':;;;..c• ,.,.ty at a ·1 -.:-,.. ... - Be allep<Ry .....,_ ...... . ,_ .. • e • rat.b« have ~ maple lmJttlnc bowl ttud fot • i. ''C'T L'~AT '""-AC -~-'ll.llO. Bow ahould I know! Dr. Erwood re&llJ''<fiiNll~~,._. ~s ~ W....,i:rE:" .., ~n.. n.a ,,......, tonal maple ptecu-taithful reproduction• ot ~:f:' ~.riciaa··) 11 lJteraUy tranalated from the very Dtd rtad that Ln a book). And never forret. hen 11 a' man l'iltuir. anxtoua En&liah, thia means you don't have to wet even Mrer to give you a barpln for hauling rtuff away! Y'ou can your feet or hook up with the MermaJd'a haul off a needle.point ctool (point your own needle) for $7.50. Then Union in order to enjo}• the froubeat ftth for your boudoir and Uvirig room, fllfUrlne (J3.96) lampt an~ num- dinner this aide of Cool Bay l Cllal'leTa eroua attractive hurricane and tore.hie re l&mp1 trom 19 up. Thue Seafood RN.taurant. Home of fr.ably canlNI lamp• arz •Ingle and q•lte a buy for that nry nia.an. You always ttah; graba the freah Swordfish, and Albacore as tt pa.uea thru' -the feel like YQU've gotten the but of the ba.rpin at Erwood'a. te'J' E. channel. Swordfish luncheon.a and dinners are vei'y popular at Balboa Blvd. a.Ibo&. 0pu aw&. Harbor 01911-1 Charley'&. Luncheon it 11.00 and a complete dinner -1• 11.231 'nle • • • aalJJJ9n is l'ood too now. Charley will aell you ~sh Albacore to NOW PORTIA, THE HOUR IS COME WHEN Wi: MUST FACE take home . , . a whole fl.ah or a piece of one, or eome atbacO LIFE. We must put ulde our croquet mallets. lay down. our that 11 amoked. After Labqr Day, Charley'• S\eafood fteataurant bUlla.rd cues and pick up our plnkinl' aheara. lJtU. ones must be will be closed on Tues. tlM Cout Hiway. <Next to Port Oranie). outfitted for achool. men m\19t have shirt.I to wear to the mllL ~d Beacon 8834. bomemaker9 mull have tidy hO\ae dreuea. Yea. I mean you're to TOOT! TOOT! RED, PERFECT • • • "GREEN IS GREEN, RED IS SAFETY, DON'T DROP DEAD!" How are YOU t ixed for running light•, anyway aailor ! Does your 1ioop dT04?p. ts your ahlp shape! "'Ai.'rS TUD~G POST ·BAS EVERYTHING IN USED HARJ!\"E !:QUIPME...''T. Supplies for di.nsby or destroyer, bathtub batUeahip to barkentlne. You take to the nHdle. The Balboa 6 & 10 bu Dan River yard go:oda ill the most pleuing plaidt a..nd cheerful check.8! Anet thread, sip- per• and f .. ther bonlnl' and biu tape and everythiAs for your Mwinl' kit. · Come now, 111t\)e down and •et busy. If you get all caught uP with your work. rll let you buy a. nice lt.ole tor $1.98 - p .91 at tll:e BALBOA 6a10, IOI MAIN, BAJ....BOA. • • • I PREDICT HAPPY DOG DAYS A.HEAD! can g'et lilly baby aback.le.a or· giapt shackle• at Dn:op Sloop \\'alt'a. Big or little blocks. fucinating chrome chalka, and bl"Ollle ".ahl•a." biJ pipe flttln.p a:n.d little pipe tittlnga. And Walt now hu at hand a (Oodly cargo of outboard motors, one parttcularJy n1eet churninl' little ~ h. p. Champion is like brand new. And Skipper, there'• a bargain in a beautiful bron.ie Breall:down light . . . look 1tately in sh.Ip, bar or den. Lota Of tJotam. and jetaam decor piece• ... cork, colored rtus ball noata., and rums ot net. Hey. )tates. you convinced! DOWN THE HATCH, BOYS •.. Get your next load on at WaH'• Tradlnc Poet by the Ice lloUM, 422 30th St., Newport Harbor 2'70 '1 :30 -6 (except Wednelday1) H&ppy do&"I for your little onea il they cet fitted at that fine family ahoutor'4!!, Bartie.Ya Bootery. Then you'll never have a alipsahod on the path to learning. Barber'• ahoe 1ton1 men are on their toes when tt come• to proper fttttn1 of growtng boya and girl.a feet. Barber'• hu achool lhoea to flt p~klnder, prten on up to camplUI cut,upa.. Younratera pt • • • LOOK! llARUM-SCABUM! rrea.t m.1lea1e in the Little Yanka and Red Ooo.e shOf.I. Teen- agers really enjoy alippins around In Sportaklk Lo&fera,.at $4.95 or pd.dine about ln the fa.mous Cover Girl, Hollywood Skoot.en or Petite Flat.a from $4.9~ -17.96 and Johnny Beltndu are eeen at I.fie hop. 14.'6 -$7.96. Saddle ahoe• are considered a must foJ campua w_ear $8.9D ... 17.95. Barbe.r's Bootery wilt five you an X-~y titting lf deairfd. Get Youn&' a.nd Happy foot coven at ....,_.,, can you ,ta.ke the aun.Ught tut! There are very Boot.el'J. 1796 Newport Ave., Coat.a Mesa. r•few women Mth the exC"ep.lioa of a few Indian e e e ~ ma.i_den1 perhapa. that don't have mme little auper-HER.ts A RECIPE FOR A WONDER- nuou. hair d.itficultiea. 'nlh ta a Uckliab. problem FUL ' FRESH, FLA.KY GREEN APPI...E to be aure. But ELLES L -YANT. BEGISTEJtED PIE! Go .. t tbe apple peeler out-mM.11- ELZC'l'aOLOGIST cu. ately and pum&Mn.tly re-t1me look.int' a.round for your rolling' pin.. move hair from ~y;brow1o hairllne, neckline, face or A.ft¥ • ~ Jii&p to your cupboard and pt . • a pfnt ~ cup. Feel VoUJtd in th.la arms. l:lectrolple and thennotysia are sure, aclentllic me~ for cup for MC. Tba ret ln your car' and Co enmin•tln& ~ba.rra&linl', unwanted. halr. J6a. ftr:n.nt l& at lhe u bleclr• down and tum ric'lt to 2U2 • ~ 8&1oa ef ae-ty w.tte.re lhe. ls available tor a tree, private con· Ocean Front 4t a ebop that •yw: llfmW ... aulLJUon.. Don't. beat about the buah! Call foe an at.>oilltment now. POST '"U:BY. To\ill find th1' the lt40 Via Opo~. &anor !511. eaalNt method LD t.be world for turn.tnr • • • PLEA!IE TO BUY YOmt Glll:EN .L"<D LEAFY PL&N"nl • up with a troob trult pie. Or It you -'t PIU>11 ID fMI like to-r thl1 r.clpe, ,_ ,!j)o.IO ..,,,. ~ cel.t_:'k I'LL INSTALL m1rir"t:N .a. POT .Utute apple tumo .. n (Uc) or merlnf'» "111.n. •!onle• ). roa l'BEE' · Tr!i!peN trom an )IOl'U.ot th• rJobe •:r tho:r h&n ,....,. Mten.oucl! · -JI. ..i,.. ..,._ Mt--jell,y doUrJmuta u -out of Wt place. Jtipt ,,_ the NJ!WN&T e • e JLUIJ!ay ill open -Ip. & -'7 -tac -·tm.lt p:-. ll&t- Dl!:AR ANGLl!:RS' • ...... • • 1 ..,.. a -a.t llll -,,_ -l..._L. FIA>WEK8 BY )(OJUll In order to aceommodate all my frieads and ~ere (&Dd • • 9 laci<IOtally to make a fw tul buclr;I . f'I' myoolf) I __ -opor-llTOPI PDLLOVD TO Tn cmul! . a.tin& u .a.core •aatws IU'9lee. Here'• the chial:: ~:arms yot*' alba"°"' lo ..,. aactJy u tbe)" C01M ..,t .Of UM -1 I a"t' -WJU:iu: DO YOU TBlNJt YOU'Rll OOINO TO A. J'IJW • j tllem ·bM>luteJ¥ be.net. otf. IN! Brlns 3"0'll' &h fa, u le saw .. :..At'fTW.&.Yt !•then. inllclu, collarboae.&nd iJJ...-Tbo!a you wW pt uio -"'-, .....,_.,, .• ("np tbo ded<·-twO-lllta -to deoa _. ear... } eonJ 1laa. 'but JOll'll-to -L -w ohlli ..... U ra ntum for. all tbo ,ow...,.. '7J10 Kial ... J'll atft. 708 aD tM ,_ --·ta ...... .....,_la llloor .. ...... W111ta -1 la 70'U' rt.II. .,.,,_.....,..,....a,... -... J'll•,..z I ciu-i. ,_ 19 .. 111~ -eo .._81tl'll ;JOU wtUa a can of ~ Jdctt•mt ...-,. ~ IWt "* We JW ..,_ ••-• ~· -"" t ..,... •tea ""'1 c1oup""' '°" ·--rq --• ,_.._'t ...--lolloiw..,alJlsmi..-. -that tllla b tbo -dtnt.•Uar ~_-.. -pi..c; tu cii,.. .. ittt w Dnla_, rC 7 "¢,.. A 1t.M 'lllt ntwn double )'our mcsror. ... 4 ' .. IP .. • ,.. , ..... , .. .a.r, F p'm (Mil WI) C1&YIUBS n,oca CllQMSI ...,._ ,,.. illlJiL. -~ ltoll'pu:~ °"" -0 """ of Im •' ' ,... . ~-·-.... ·-~-• • and )dckln1 h&a w1(e, tMn went to aleep. Proctor t. then aid to have told poUce that Ile tritd to r•Yive hls wife Saturday morns i.ng and became excited when Ile could set no re9J>OhH. Be called in Dr. Tohill whoae offieM are juat a t.w door. away trom the Proctor apartment. A.ftl!r exa.m.lftar tbe body, Dr. Tohill pronounced Mn. Proctor de&d and called the police. The poat mortem waa conductfd at B&lt& Mprtuary by Depuly Coroner Rol'¢r Burnham and Dr. Raymond A. Brant Of Santa Ana.. .. · .. :. I ":)MMO • NOTDOOK I .~ r.a• _,_ ........... _ f f I U.d I Role FILLER PAPER 9; S.1idea the dlocovery ot the ta• '1'¥9111.11'!. p .ap .. ta.I brain. clot. the autopsy reYeaJ, I I ...-~-flt. 5A ed that Kra. Proctor bad two t • 9¢ broke.n riba. "j ; ____ ""°" ______ _ Accordlnc to DetectlYe Sgt. John Upaon., Newport Beach po-[ · lice, who ia bandUDI the cue the 1 date for arraignment hu not yet I been Mt by the Dlatrict Attomey'• office. Proctor WU.I probably be charpd either With aecond de- gree tnurder or manslkughte.r. Theo. Robins, Jr. to ford School Theodore Robina.: Jr., of New· port Beach. and William G. Mllier, of An~e~ ha•e 't>ttn' choeen to attend . the ll"'ord )Jerchandising ec.bool ln Durborn., .Mich •• •tarting September 4, tt wu ~ou.need tb- day by Junto P. Robert-, Lont Beach dlatrict .... m•nacer. Ford DlvWon, ~ Motor Company. The llCl>ool lo dMlped lo give' the roN deo.lft' Ol'g'&lliAl.lon the lateat merchandi.tnr Information by tnlnln&' :rounc men for rupon· elhle dealenlllp Jok S&leo dtpart· ment exei:utJvee atn much Of the tnsUucllon. Robina, .... ot 'l'lleodott - Netwport• .Becc:b J'Ord dealer, bu Wqded la oil -ento ot bit ~thtt'• ""dQ-.1He &a a padU&te ot Newport Barll<w bJcll -and. ...,_ U""-111ty • MlUer lo the --In-law ot lL II.. llcb>y, J'onl '*lfr 6, I A-. ~-· u..i. a 'Ulilloenlty of' !IOU~ .... CalifOl'l!la irradu&to Uld •• tWe' ,,._,. -Wltll UM U. S, N&"7 »T Corpe. • Dau5K Jml\ID ' -'-c. -.of ..., -.a. ........ a' --"1 N-JIGl'l -....... f :U a."'-I ----.,--.. -.... ,..._., .. at -ia;c=:: ot Nel',.n --... W -.a...., l(lilr ........... .... ........................ --~.-------~ ~- l. PENCIL BOXES sHCl.AL 29;""" 59; .. .B-B. . IA!J. POINT PENS, 91; a-mod . ·REINFORC.EMENTS • 4; . ' &efel'eMle INDEX . . 1..alJi.i.· .. -,,r-9; -' . )'.UUI08 K pt. .-~ WNCH KIT '' -a -I - SCISSORS ............. 19' ALA-RM CLOCKS ____ ....... 'l" J. Ri119 NOTUOOKS . . Re ... "" • lmprtat..i I lllDI' NOTEBOOK '1" Pirate. ooc ---"·-··-- ' Compooltloft .NOTEIOO"S 13¢-23; PENCIL TAI' EIS 4; SWEAT .SOX . ~ -. .... , ....... "17' > • -~~ • . ~ ~ .. ----·-- ·DRAWING TAILETS 9; 11_...,ble NOTEBOOK Orel'r Kellar _..::_ 13¢ ' IEACH, TOWILS . 'lu . 8poclal BACK 'RESTS Rec· St.ti --... ____ •1 15 CA.RION PAP.a · -13¢ COMPASS , 13•. SWEAf SOX ., : ............. ----,., PENCIL SHARPENERS ·1· lt -' ..... ,,.......__. , . • ' • ' • - • • • JawlOiii -.Y -I .All°' la - l'Ull I .l,tla .. 1lil I: REF .. - - • ,_ .urD ~ lCl&Wa ..,.._,...,:':'\"'.:.::,. I '{;/J/;~r-,' ·.~ -~ 'P l ... · ..... ---..-~..-~~~-;;;;;;;;;~ iit"OADWAY ~ . ·-PAUL~ u:v• • .,.. °""..a o ..,,,.. . . ~ .ar.1 •••"" .._ ••• 'Now uu. 'bs -. a,.. ._., --~ -·-. -,;u • •1111 , . • NOW IBOWINO NOW 1110WWO ·"JIM THOIPE "CAPr. HOIATIO AU.0 .AMIRICAN" HOINll.dWB" a.rt Ip ~uter, h7alo- -.Aloe -IOllN POllD'S 0.....,. -. ""·----AIM - "COMING MOUND. ''THIS IS KOIEA" THI MOUNTAIN" ll'l.Uml DPT. tlll "fllANCIS GOES TO THI llACIS" DrsrM ~. Pitier LuJte ' ll'f.iaTa"llilPr. tlll "MR.. IELYmEll RINGS THI llL&." -A!Oe-OUftoll w-l-Dra -Allo-"FOIT WORTH" "THI' llG GUSHER" Prwtoa Foster, ~ ."M!JrN •·••Dlpll .aeon, .... ~ CHILDREN ::;:.FREE:t~~ _,, OPEN . nay DAY! SERVINO GREATER 1'."EWPOBT ILUU!IOR UlllTED L'lllOLLME!•iT FOR f' ALL NOW llEJNO AOCl:PTED • • PEAT1JRING INSTRlTCtlON ' 80NG8. RHITRMS, SIMPLE RAND WORK. · u4 QIU)UP PL.A Y for the PRZ~HOOL TOT AOU l l't THBU I YllAB8 llOOU1 11# • 11 :JO A. II. ,, J17. ~-Ave. Her. 2143..J lalboa lslaAd ~.N'°' Ile 11tm.«.«>AN11.;BATDEN, nr-i.- 10% Discount on Any P~c:l!lt• (llCZPT AllAl.Q!O: ud ~ '".= ;:_ Bria& this ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fresh Fish DaRy from Ow Own loats! SPIXJIAL PaJCE ON ALBACORE FOil CAlflflNO , Abaloae-75e lb. FBESB !lWOal>Fl!l .. ALBAOORE ud SALMON FJLET OF SOU:. ROCK COD, 8l:A BASS ... SCULPIN -1"1~ oa .... 11&;i' .tO:WPORT B.U'8or IY . TY . ANTENNAS Cell us for instelletion or 1ervicin9 of your antenna • Prompt service by expert technicians • Low price, TIDE TY • -·- JOHN H. McCLOSKEY, 0, C. CHIROPRACTOR Announces Opening of Balboa Office Wednesday, Sept. 5th TOS 'h DoWMbJn, Eut Bt.lboa Op~ Miniature Golf Coune Temporary Pholle Harbor 1415:,1 FINIST oenN. Fl~ • We Will "·PreJIUI! Alhaeore for yoar1oe11 .. · IL OIS .... , .... 11! 91b1rt~•··­ "lllll ElfD OP ~ .... ea::·;::-=. .• ~ 'hylMat oe D1•11.r l ..... Oot .. .. , ...... ..,,... .. IUN. llll>Nlft - llllOW: ·U:U . .,,.. ,,... .. ---\ "Gholt Ch ... n'' N'OWr llllly ·DoWolf "D .. lnlt" ADM JAM 11Appoia111411t Wltli : Da•ter" • • • > " • ' , "' . . ND.RMAN'S FLoweR SHOP' ·I ARDEN SHOP . ..... •n -"-'-•"" . a.-ii:...., ~ COWK.111 DINNll.I ,.,..,_ St.• te SJ.II TllOPICAL DRINKS .... 1. tM hd~ TAHITIAN SICTIOOW .............. -·· ' ,.. VISfT THI NEW HUT -0-1 Jllwai, 1-............ , .. nn .. 1•1 lfOW o;;& Cljmwl•s IDT ANNEX ..,.. • OOelltalJ ... . ••Pier ...... 'CATALINA ISLAND Newpwt BlTd., Co«& Mea. 1ca1 814&'. -IT&I ·- IC. 11a1 ..... Bal- . --an...r f .... • 11 i:it ••••• $111dlU!. IM••llCJI ~.,.._,,_.. .... _ ""~._ ......... -. . tan 217 • ... • Tops in Food * Tops in Entertainment * * Cocktails from IOe.m. * Dinner from 4 p. m. O~-BllUNCB HA.JI. to 6 P.11. Featuring the "Guadalajara Boys" DOLL U 415 E. lalboa llvd. SAM'S • At: ttie' lllppf the ·-· COMPLE'l'm COUR81l LUNCHEONI DINNER.I Beautiful MW En1arpd COCinAIL LOUNGE ' • 1:vzO::~AY S U R F S I D E au':°~,. aetweea Sea.I Beadt; _. Suwt BwJl .. 1 • • Co!lege for, Your Yo~gsters? ' Y'ea, If they lltudy hard and yoa PeP ·~ a l'elQlal' •\'lacll ·llCbeihila." Mary '811 ,Jolia b&n dolli it · for. tllllr e\INlwi • • •• you cu do It fOll )O!l:dl; • .., < • • ... • •• 'Jaaft ... plaDil • fllr ._.., lup ... ... D .ttlfhl'*Yinp. r • ~ 6N&fc i ,., . --~ -' ,... .,. ................ .... 7fJ ••• , .... '°"' ~ ' . .... .-.4'* ; .. ,.. . -,... . Y .. Pein 11j1 .. 1•11en l11Jll• a L1r • I I I j I I I . . • I • l • -. -. ·-• ' • ' • -.-,. .. ·-.. . . ' '*" \. .._ ' -. I An n Chosen. f ' a.u.wllf U:OlllO!f ~ ' D"TSllll lllOW .• • D4tlG&i&a ll'Oll 11&1.u!ll ·-r· ot ni.tit .-,. . Jmp~oet 111 callfOnila' oot a AtlG, •, usS PAO& t . n•IYersary-· ate· . ·-. Or .. llli-. t"l' 'KrL 1"""' r'·ie• or ADdn7 0ra1. ~ x-. 11u ·xr . ..;a 11n.'i.rr, •--.Ml 5i ·~t .a-.t11a& wm P<rmlt aewa11-tm.1>1P~-Jllly.WIUI N&WPOn .MY • Ooroaa d.!~Xat ........ !& ali...4· mt....i ~'nip, Trail-. N""PC>rt m>.i.. CoOla ..... ... '19 .... ~ fllJI lllOp !"ftlllll· UOt,000 ....... al' work'.· 'n>la ,ron AND a&OPl'INO "N"'l!:'"W,.11 Y. ru ·· , w . o4 a·nlliilm or !lit 11oWi01a hm· 111 u... .._ _..., i.. c,Jlf~ aoM -~· ··.;, ·--i..i.. ~ ...,,,,. ~•·w l>t' _tota1 .......,. 111e "'"'°"" neoro -----------t " • R"t • • • t ood 117 j,,Jd 18 ~ ' · I Dia Ital.a i.it.Ja.-IO A»-' -•n-~ -• . •u'lllsMlo .Ir ,,.....-*!..., NW>-..i --October 1>J 1,000 . a es· · ftf\' I e.s 10 es W · , . •· · · 11\11\ ao lhl'o...,.. l!fptcnllor •. • born •.....-11 "' l'ldlmo. . eoc: _ . 'lair;;..,,._ ,.., _,.. w1 ...._ u... -....Ume peak IQ)'bo UY1a& ,.. tbe -i.n·t .. VI I' __,,,, ... ,... J.. .,. ,... 111 --. • i.ae ~ltaL 1111e. wu a boo•ndbr . WllJJio ddrief --bite .-lied tn. llopternl>er, ~. "1 INOd. but tt -be clleaper tt.•• ~ fr<lm lhdr ~ tt{p••----~: -------·-"'°"'"' tt'llllJ. · 1Cftr11>odT-"' t.111 el1w'll4'1laao. I oimda, T ......... . ~or dlltlL , more Ulaa a mllllon. could. • . • • · ~ maklnc u.h-' bcQe bl · San lllelr f<!W1l8 _..,. -ed lnta : ~ • ' llatMl,' •-• B.ldn1ltdb '.Air'. -tm;, &oimeiO .:...S we,.. wori<ecl ' •; ' • • . " • when t!>O brideP.OOI" ta'~'!'1. Into their bouqueto. · .,. ~··~~ Mf"· ~ur 'latu, Mia SblrltT Dixon, ollter of who-~ ~Uy ~ Ill! the bride, .... maid ot. hon6t Md Wutwood»HIU• 'Chrilltlan -~ ..... JJJac; Mn. 'Lelale 11ar,....,. with "Dr. Warner Muir officlaUng. and :a.n.--Lota Wllkln.a counsln ot Tiie ~de. aa bonor padu&te of tile brid•, pink: ~ Marprtt Stanford unl•enlty, la the former G&rdnu and Klai ll a r J 0 r I• Diane Marie Dixon. Ul.lghter of Scbaaf. c:reen . and Ki. Marlon Hr. ud M.-c • Evadner -11pau.Jc11ng Schut Uld Kio. Carollel Heins, Db:on, MB OreencraJr Road, yellow. Donna Oall Watt. nower Brentwood and tbe brldecroom LI fb"L wore lilac. . 80n ~f Mr. and Mr. Henry Thoma.a Tbomu (Bud) Padden wu but Tatu. Los ~gele.a, former ,ff&r. m.an ana ushers were Fred Wll· bor ruldenta.. He atte.nded Orange klm, counsln of tbe llrtde. Jack Cout coUep and San. Joee State Kennedy, Harold ~Yilk. Wayne college before mterlll&' the •r-Davta, Ruaaell Rablneau and vtce. Thomas London.. For the ceftmony. attended by The ceremony wu follO\\•ed by several Harbor l'ffldenl.9, the at· a reception at the church with tractive younc bride wu gowned ltrs. Dixon w'earing lime (l"ttn In white Chantilly lace over satin, chiffon will\ a rhinestone trimmed wtlh fittPd bodice and f\lll llkirt bolero and a.rnethy•t hat and with Jong train. Her fingertip-glove•. Mra. Henry Thomu Yatea, length veil fell from a lace bon-mother of the brldecroom. worf' net caught with pf'arll. Wt.tte Cat· pale blue lace and chiffon and tleya ore.hid.!, butterfly orr.hld.t blue hat. Both wore orchid cor· and atephanotia fuhioned her bou· eagea . 1qutt. Afteor the recepUon a weddlnft The bridal attendants were all wpper for t.he brldlJ party and gO\\'Tled a.like tn delicate rainbow the two families wu held in the bue1 with their Crocks m~ of Dixon home. That occasion ct"le· nylon marqubetle w1th matching brated both the marriage of Ule aaUn midriff and tiny muqui.ette , young couple and the Dtxona' sil· capes. Ca.matlO!lli dyed to match Iver wedding anniversary. Harbor Families 'Adopt' Children at Mooseheart Orphans Home _ At the regular meeting of New-..... ---------- port Beach Chapter llM,· Women dren. a brother and allter. The of the ?.foose, Thursday evming, Carters will correspond wtth their August 23rd, the diJlclosure wa.s "Sun.shine Children" a111 they are made that Co·worker Dotty Car· called, •e"d them gift.I. clothinr. ter and her husband Jack, have etc., and more or leu t.ry to take "adopted" tv.ro Mooseheart chi!-the place of their parents, even T. v.·sm FOR RENT T·DAY MINJHUM TIDE T. V. 1011 ?a:WPORT BL \'D though they are far away. A date ha.a now bftn set for thf' "Buaar" to be held ln conjunc- tion wtth tbe'regular monthly Fl.ah Fry, on Sunday, September 30th. Thoae co.workers who can are r<>- ing to meet aome day aoon and spend a whole day prf'partng and pl&nning for th.la event. Junior Regent, Clara. LeaCh, an- nounced that "'e have tv.•o fUU teams and aeveral subatitutt• for. the Bowling League which w ill at&rt Sept. 4th. At the next meeting, August 30, four new member• will be Lnlllat- ed, Virginia Towle. Louella Calli, Nan~y C&Ul, and Callie Carpenter. Clarence Younl' vtalted the meeting, gave a report on the suc- eeaa of the Fish Fry booth at the Orange County Fair, and thank..ct the following co-workers for tbelr help, Rttorder V lo J a Comecl; J unior .Re.gent, Clara Le a ch: Treuurer, Joyce Edick ; Sent~l, Eble King: Arpa, Myrtle 1'um}Sb- rey, a.nd co-workera WUma Cor· bin, Guaaie Drot'•te, Alda. Gorton, Biniie Oatr&.ndl!r, Elale Porter and Valeda Workman. Many w b o vl!itl!d lhill booth at thfi J'air claimed that it WM the moet popu- lar spot on the p-o!lnds, &nd the wnture wu acc.lalmed an out· !landin~ IUCCeU. Mr. !"ounc reminded the co- worken of the dinner and d&n ce to be held again thi• Saturday n~ht at the Moose Lodl'e oil the ocean front at Newport. New Fashions at Bay Club Show A fabuJoua harvf'at of fall clothe.1 wilt be pre1ented by the Santa Ana Auxlllary of the Chll- dr£D'111 Home ltOCiety in the .ex:cit· ing fublon-tea "Adventure• in the Wonderland of Fu.h.l.on" on Thur•- day, Sf'pt. 8, 1 :30 p . m., at Balboa Bay Club, ~ . ·. "·~ ' . , ·"·'-"-;-, 2-Yyw MiUt Chocolate Mr. John Heney, fuhion coor- dinator of Buff\1ma, will comment on the ahin.ln( collection of fall styles. Profeulonal models will dia:play the very late•t ln fuhion for a complete round-the-clock wardrobe -enchanting attemoon wear, p-aclou. and beautlf'Ul eve- ning clothes, exquisite llnvrt•, u well u a whole group or "at home" television atylea. • CAICI ••••• 79C .. . ,.,.. ti< to.I .. .. COSTA. MESA lfOO 'Ne\\-port Blvd. OOROSA Dt:L MAR IOI Coaat B.lPway • LAGUXA BEACH 115 Forest &ftnue BALIJOA ISLL''D IOI Jlartne Ava.ue Thia first fuhJon •how at the 1ea.son will feature a multitude of famoua French couturier, Jean Dnsse•. ln the clothu with a trend to apron •kirt -the popWar "chicken Jes" •le.vea, and the tuller aklrU in dreue. with ruat· linr tatteta pettlcoata and .Wt akirta under hemmed with crino- lln.e. REDUCED . -PR·ICES JUST IN TIMI FOR SCHOOL IBOD• BOOll•IAJIDUI : IAl -80~ BLUES. AINI ii· C11 rW• U.. ef : , · , JEANS 1-JUMPERS -. -"-- NEWPORT .. ~ TACKl.i: STORE · I 05'~Feclclen Piece NeWPOrt a..ch ' -,4A. .. 'JD. --...n.Y • • ' ' ~ • I LUO CONCEIT Fl.Sii M Th• lripl•·•lr•ngth fr11h mllk, thr•• li1MS richer thon r911ulor luc•rn• milk. Now ovollobl• In th. new con• ~· venient one-third quart ~ size. Mok .. o full quort of • milk by merely replocing tile woterl Also ovoilobl. in th. quort cor- ton which mok .. tnrH full quorts of fr .. h milk! Save on your milk bills! :: 54c: ~wJg• Ice Crum Porty Prldo CATERING .::.. 24c · Vanilla, Strowl>etry or P._,,,,int Stick. Extra rich, extra smooth. 12 pints ol 7 cl P•rlJ Pride Sllerttet .::::. 1 s• Auorted tio-s. I 2 pints 29c I fidelis Wines -59- Tokay, Port, 5hmy or Muscotol. lfidelis Claret or Burgundy Wine, fifth, ~9cl w.-oH.rwd for solo only In Solowoys J;c.....r to Mii !ham. Taqs oddltlonol. ' . SODA CIACIUS Snow Flake Brand. ::: 25' _Salted. (6*-oi. pkg. l3c) Dill Pieties ~: ~ .31• Sweet~;~~~: 25• ' • . illZl#,~ NllU ,, MN# T•UI NllU Seto ~ii ~:.i 2 ~ 26• flour KitchenCro~ IO-•. aa.. Enrkhed White ... 77- 12-lb., 23c; 5-lb., 51 c; 25-.,., 2.251 Mayo111ise N&r~..:--;t •s• I Quart jor, 75c; half-pint jor, 25cl ClllLI COi CAllE WITH BEANS. Hormel Brand. (Plain Chili, 16-oz. can. 43c) 1 ~35• "''' ''" 'lltll Suair Belle Ptis 11 .... ••• Foncy1 Gtnn. S.rv1 creamed or plain. M.tPe Pectin ~. 1 ~:-· 12• . M°" flovoriul jelly In lou time. Wllite Mqk l_leidl = 1•• I Yi -90110!' bottle, 24c; gallon Jug, 40cl . . • " ' • MOHOAY IS t.ABOf DAY Seftwey st1re1 •ill k cftstll. •••••••r '' slttp fer tit• ,,., ••lill11r. son !!~~~~ith a wide Your nearby Safe~ay Take home a cuo: toda~ ,·ariety ol •olt drDlr.s. eekend that'• coming up. for the big Labor ay w MEllY h\IX 'SODA, • ctAGh\ONT tOOT ll::aaY SODA. otANGl GINGER All, STIA:DA. AND VIVA co\.A. SODA, CllfAh\ zr 2 32•L llottl• . bottles.) ~llilrva1.u1s a1 .... 1v (oftee • . 1·•· 72c .... ... 11 lb b 2.10) .. Mild & M.e\low, l3· . ag. .. 8l~ ~o\t~ 1.47l ~ 7 4c ·, Fineot Quality. (2·lb. g. 1rl IE LICllll '' •r1rf /tfl Tf •, d Vz·•· ·~~\:=-. 4115' l Pekoe on kt " a<k lfee el OronQO Pekoe k ~~) 4-• .,. :ft Baoo, 43-bag .p g~ /,{ J (Tree ·•e& u, "' · 'I HIM Sll.E/1 -SKINNED HAMS. AVERAGE WEIGHT 12 TO 16 LBS. WHOLE HAM OR FULL ~~ SHANI HALF. SPEOAl PRICE! .. ~ ~,:t!~~·~~i~;.1: . , ; 5 9a _ m1um, Armour Star, i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ . or Cudab* Puritan. I•. CBIC*EllS i FANCY FRY-ERS FIMhl1' Macie 1:8 Vll!d119 Cml119. .CB•Pa ~:. 2 ... 15~ . , ' i . Beef Roast Shoulder, ArmCuts c• r=::i=~~ = s· Ct•.tBY ~~t;'--4':!1.~-.. &• .. LEllO. n'rT•·•tfl 1*1'.Eircell\111 90 larCoolbig ~'~ .. ··-~ .. • ---. .•. •LoeallyGfOWft.Fnah, • ... • o. rOualiiy.MiU, , , • ; Soliclffadi Speci1l I .... -.:fin;-t'tla_, A:~l 't .. , From U.S. Gov't CHOICE Groded llHI. Bo'I' Beef Plate M.ot • I Ilg U.S. CHOICE •• 1,7- Road Steak ~OiJ· s. .. 98• c.,..,..,;a,. s.1 .. 1 ~'"" "l"".11111111~ 3 to 5-R;. Avg, SU'9tlllCOI ~ .. 1 .. .. ss• Goade A. ln.heot·lf!I~ poebge, • ...... ~i!t·..:.. ... •1· • ; ~'-~ .::-I •:.,:,It-~~ ·:.:.-............... .., .;. .......... ti• ~ GoocMfi.-' ·-~.LI-.......... ,. ___ ._ --..... ---.,.-.. . " film &ULM I 11111 :;.:LI, ttst,· , l"s&'lii r •ooeu•-=- ·~~,_. ·"6wa -I ..... li-.. 01131i .__ ... .,I I L .... ........ -..... ,.,..... ·- • . • • • • • ' , ' ' ' r t • • • • WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT MILDRED • rotuallLY or BAR IS NOW A MEMBER OF STAFF OF J·IM'S BEAUTY S~LON Ne4ee1ereaapraerillellet1er eened.ift .._Iba 204 COAST HiGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR Uule Yukee NORllAL-11IJUI PHONE HARBOR 1876 LI NOLE .UM 11 Only as FOR FLOORS Good as its YACHTS Installation DRAINBOARDS ~ VENETIAN & W INDOW . BLINDS SHADES FORMICA TOPS -· Mllnl OlfMOfUK COllKTIO• '" <WKHl•'1 flfT Jf yow dortOf'• uataiM~ indiC'9t .. t!Mit your daild'• i..t requir• corrective footwear, uk him about Utt.. v...-. Nom:i.al-i.ren.. M~from the b .. t wJtp&. IHtben they era lciantiftcally dfflan-d to promote normal foot h-lth and improv. pot,lura. Yitt, Normal· i.&en avoid dance rout owr..corr.ction. Hishly rKOfn. ~ bf th41 NationaJ Foot Health Council • • • 5Qudlev ~LINOLEUM ~~· 2901 NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT'IEACH . //~'i"" DUlll•D TO ... um.I fft1 NOi.MAL HARBOR 552-J l FOB llEAL'!!ATl8FA<mON JN SMALL BOAT a MOTORS Barbers loolery High. Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 =,~ -. .. . ·- NOW is the time - to transfer you~ funds to insured SAVINGS • \ CURRENT EARNINGS , • " UVllU IOW 1111111 UP TO 111,lllM llOllY llCllVU IY TH 1.ITI OF TIE llOllTH UllS nOll THI llTI . I • Come in ••• We will arronl• the ironder flf your ftlrtdi without IM9nvenle-or expense' re ~ , • , • Costa M eu. .. Bay Citle1 branch of C&1lfomll. f\lcbal& toeltty Will hold It.a St1ptembtr meeijnr on TuNday, Sept. 4 a t Coat& Mell. park. Thi• wUJ be a pot luck dJn. nPr, ., .. mbera to brine tbelr own table 1erv1te and a hot or cokl dU.h . Leo Lee Will teU of new vartetlu which he MW at the recent J"uch· 1la FP111tlval In Palo A.Ito. Aleo to be dlaculMd ~ winter cle&n up work. Door prtu1 "111 be (1.vPn. and bl rthday pl&nt1. There WUI &lAO be a table or planta tor We. Gue111ta ai-e lnvlt~ to a.ttend. Former Res ident Returns From Phoen ix, Ariz . . Mn. France-a Buab 'a.nd children will return to c.ta Me• th1I wet.It from Phoenix, Artz:., wl:r.ere they have n.ldNt the put year. Mrs. Bu1h hu been ~retary in Phoenix Polytecbnlc 1cbool and wtU eerw In a tlmllaf' c•padty .at Oranre Cout colltl'f:. She wu formerly wilb the Coeta Xee& Cllambtr of eomm,rce. · Ma~ter Point Open Tournament Tho Bal11ca 1>upllcala llrid(o club wt.ll bold Ila rerWa.r Muter Poi:IJt ~ tournament on 8UndaJ afternoon. Sept. i at 1'11day After- noon c!Ub "-· eo.i,, )(-with play •t&.rt.1.nC" promptly at one o'clock. • Army Family Welcome Son · • ~andMn.11o11ottr.~ 1111. m Narc-•-ue. ...,_ del Mar, ..... """"'" I( • -"°"' .... ,... 10 1n et. J_. - ptfal.. Be Wef.Cbld 7 patm1.. 11_ 'n=-. • ~~ VINCENT'S lido Travel Bureau ' Harbor 1246 • BQERVATIONS • • • . n.'Ti:a101t DK<X>.11.U'Oall * FAIRICS iJ>rapery Hardware !_ Travene llod1J :CW.-at Curta1a1 I Sllp Coven * I WALLPAPERS Jl'UK1'"1TUllE J!}A>OR OOVERINGll • LAJlPll * I ~ 8o. Cout Blvd. j..ap... _,, 4-ltH FOURTH & llOADWAY 1 ,SANTA ANA '---- I I OL BOJTl..&-a.1. lie • SKRIP INK ... ______ ... ,. ".. ..14c . " AUTOMATIC-lie(. IL60 ' 119 PENCIL SHARPENER .. _ . AiiRM DCYLOCK ouarrtftd-.:. ]95 ~JIO>LETE . wlllo HALF PINT ~ltef. %.60 149 LUNCH KIT CRJLDRCIAL. .......... . OA&D OF 1a-11e,. 10. I 2 oc IOUY PINS ·····-··--... -f---~ 1 DR. WEST XlltACU: TUFT-Res. t 39c TOOTH BRUSH -----~·-·----------- 1:00NoKY sur a.s. .. ' j · sc IPAN~ TOOTH PASr ................ 4 -.PEIUU..'<EJllT IDT llos· Lot 'ac _-T~Nl-«EFIU I . 7 ;· oiYusiclN ~wM _~ I ·-·----3~ s.;,. r'A'NE·u;;.o .. ·-_T nc . • tnlllZf', .... ••• • ..... IATH CRYSTALS -+' ....:...· ...::.:.:::..15- 11. a.~-~ 13' IAitaNa CAPS --+-..:..-...:;.-··_ ,'f c:BAM~l~ -·· . • • ' ST. J ·A_MES CHURCH · EPISCOPAL (AT TIO: EN'OUNOS 'l'O LIDO ISLll) SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M. ' CHURCH SCHOOL-10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION -10 A.M. High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 f ReWM"isor, Dept. D 161 Eut 1'11tb Stroet, &a, Beach, ()allf, rJ Pleaae .end ma free Ulwilrated ljteratUN:. 1 unde,rltan.d no Ale.., ma.n will call, and I wW not be obligated. o I would like free borne treat- ment by your lady coU\lltaat. I un4erlta.nd that I wU1 iftot M obll .. ted. NAM'.IC ........ -..... :. ............. --- (Pl•-Pr!Jlt) ADDR.ll.lll ···-··--···-----(Pl-Prlat) CITY ----·-·-l'lloM. -. . -' .. Its:8Y1-a-Ho1e .. 10YixS.-1-1'·bo1e-Rer. 10c 3 25C ·FIUER PAPER .. ·-··-··--···· , .. NON TllA.'18FERAllLIJ 11\'ll-llec. 1.00 88c PAPERMATE PENS ········-······---···· ., 1:'11: ·;i;;L:· ... :.::_:~=-····--·--· ---~--aa~ · ALL COLORS-lie(. ll.90 Val.. 0 ~95 PARKER-21 ·PENS ----·-----~· SHEAFFER PlNE LD'm-lleJ. JM · 150 PEN an~ PENCIL SET ................... -- 2i'PP!liiNliE'R''~=----.. ··----------···:-259 . IO GUAOE U DE.~1.11 Value sac NYLO~ HOSE -···----··--·-·--·-----7 · ilUVA..'1 ALL 1111'.'AL-Rec. I.SS ,,s · RONING _ IOARD ................... -.. -.... · ' . . FACiAL TIHUE ___ c._ 14c Ti~v1Sioi-Aruv~ ____ ·.··--:-· Z,50 CtGA¥i iif,... 11• __ 40.o..-• 149 Pi"t~icNJuG·-·· L• ~ · ••UW006 ft.IRS ---·--..,-"i::--'-,j-'-1,-t._11_-_,,,,.,_£.1.' •Actt 11m ___ . · 1 ' a l'liaeM:4 •• a11 • HAii· OL TONIC ·-_,.o..;._...;;.· ' • • • • I j l I· • • ' . • - • .. • • • ' ' ' . • NEWPORT 1M POST »ID $HOPPIN& ~ . Tliursil. ' . . lO, 195 • ~ ' iJ,. ... * * WE. AIE HIPPY ·TO lllE TIDE f rm u•.11r. -Ell! ' . = . EFFECTIVE T11UiS...fll • .UT~ lUI. 30, 31, SEPT. 1 5AltDIN PllSH \RUI TS & VEGETABL ES DILIYlllD DAILY! IRIS e SU.1 e· Drip 2 $1 §6 ·e Coffff Pet ... 1-lb. Can " ' e Percoletor Ce• IASTllN . FANCY NORTHERN BARTLETI SUN YALLIY COLOllD I SPARE RIBS ·-:;:;1! ·39u,. PE A .. RS 10r.. MARCARINE·~:. 1c _ .... ,;_,._._ .... ..., · · FINI IA TING Oft CANNING 2 LATllt $4t3t LUG IOX........ 6. LONG EARS e GOLDEN CROSS CO·RM Per Ear FllSH FROM THI PAIM-TODATI Chicken of the Sea TUNA --. ---~ f /•I •/I 1/ •( .~' ,j I f t t . ®-~·· ,,.,~, r!''' 11te sa. .. 26c No. 1/2 Ce• • tire•• Lobel Solid Pock 29C No. 'b Coo lted Label _.._ ..... _....._.., ... .-........ HERSHEY'S · ROOT BEER o ... , •• , 19c Strawberry '!J GALLON JUG ....... . • DOU PANCT SLICID PINEAPPLE Wesson Oil ;2~ z1a; c.;;~;d·a;ef 39e -. SANTA M~RIA SAJ.,E! CHILI & BEANS No.1 1 0 011 Tall ( SPAGHETII -.CO•• ·· . · * TAMALES "~~.T·" 19c - 3S~OFF o• Tiii ll•OL IA• Of N.ESCA•I· DOG • FOOD SASSY . Frying Chickens 69•. - ......., tile Lo114 of c... a..i.•1 Ko,.lold • Loura Scll4der'1 ,.,. MAYOiiAISE . . · llOMEO & JULln FRENCH DRESSING . I O~CH 25C Celle 1-lb • Pkg. . . BORDEl'S ·sALE! IOIDEN'S COTIAGE ,· .-,jf}BESE :, .~~ 23c CANNED BISCUITS 2""' 25c -. . .. . . . ........ -. _ .. FOODCIAFT NIW PAClll FAllM STTU , · :·-PICKLES . I LAIGI 19C / JAR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . . . . . . * PORK & BEANS * Van de Kamps ¥ .,,..., ,,.,, •• ~ltOINrfr .................. -s1°' '")SC Off• ...... , 3 Toll c ••• •·DELMONTE• j ••• i, .~;..... . 17c "11110 c...... 1 Sc YAN CAMP'S 11c YAN CAMP'S 19c 1111> ..... ~···... 30 .... c ••...... • WONDllfOOD-12.0L CELLO MARSHMALLOWS LlllY'S JUICE SALE! • • • B Al'l \.111' t ri t PEAS CORN Not Price •• ....,., Jor 37c ' "15c OFF" lollol •••. I ..._ ___ ___, ._ _____ .. 17..CCo•...... 11 .... c ••...... SUNSHINl-1·LI. IOX 'KRISPY' CRACKERS SWIFT'S PllMIUM 25c i SWIFT'S .. . I 39~ -. LUNCHEON MEAT . ' • • • .. • • ' . .PA.OZ I A.VG. 21. Ull NEWl'OJl'l' a.t.Y' i>oSl' A.l'o'D 880Pl'!NG Jil:WS WHEN ·you WANT TO BUY, SELt' If ftWte t t'I • • ••• 1 • 6. t CLASSI-FiED·. The .Mighty Midget In Adv8rtilil:ig 1 Paper ' .'75 % Papen 1.50 ' IJJIN S Papen Z.00 'r t I t . • • • • 30-B-AJ'.!!"!!!! • •• 0RO11 Lz·y RJ;l'!U,Gml\ATOR 111111 i eu. tt.. model Hu all tile featur..-4CS ,ltk tre•• chut on top. K•t li<l'!'I' aa4 2 wp. table crtopere. ~ bao Ula ~Iler ltffp.i!' TES, It. the Shel .. clor and only\ 1U<d It 3 monthl. Would Uke to have an older retrlprator or •love for my equity. Raid ovt.r ~90 for lt. No down payment and take over payment o,f $19.91 per mo. See at 404: So. 8ff4r&, Fuller· ton, 9 a..m. to 8 J>.in. Ph. %162. !S9t!r rr======:;,=========;:::==1:_ ==i=== .~Ae!l:LID0.!2!. '!IS~LE .. n. -.. l~::U-~.!f!· · S!!P •. A. CE00 • .. . ·~ .:-.. . ·: . :' .. 'ii!.. I ·~··1114 . -. ..~ . .1 .W~NT AD will .cost y' ou . <1 ' fl"~ fl 0Me111 8'n&rtly tumlabed ~ and 1 bod,le!ooo to~ .... cet 111e.111wa1. • 1: ~ ~ I "-.'I 11 room aputmmt.1 wtth -e. JU to St• 1110. Ci1m11o eomt. -• • · . • Sept. 15 to JWle 15th, 1 --UO """""!<> 81,, Qpota ~ ·s2 . --i (twin beds) $75 mo .. 2 beclmW. , • --,, . ·only and it will run ' · U-W•teil to Beat. · •100 mo. All utWu .. paid. lde&J A' · _ tar ·oehool tuchel'9 or Jm>f-llfii~ 111 . W,\NT 2 or a bedroom home for p•io.AAIApeo. 'Pple·A. L ME. R-,, .. --D ve. I 3 Sept.. lat occupancy by re-spon-l ftl in ell local pe_pers. aible adult.. wm pay up to siso per month for wtll turnlllhed •••• V'·I'llWOLldo!IPOJlA~.._ • .,..; B-A'lt!o•rhli•.--.. · place ln good location. Winter ~ .._ .n&a """t" __, ~ renW. Phone Beacon 6222 dur-, Newport Beach., C&lif. - In&' bu..1n ... houra. 113p65 58ttc NO . INFLATION .. The PU.blbhers will not be responsible tor more than one l.noorrect 1n.teril6 of an advtttleement. ruerve tbe rtgbt to conectly claalfy any and all adl and to reject any adverti9r..ment not conform.ins to rulH and regulatlOM. Advertisement.a and cancellatlont will be accepted up to 5 p .m. on the day preceding publlc:&Uon. Except deadline for News -Times 19 11 L m. Mondaya ~.~..=:::;:::.:..::::.::::;...:..;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1For a territc 11&ving on an 18¥, cu. ft. ~r. phone Beacon 6695-J. A Minimum· ad ii 4 hn11 • Tl!fACHER and family want a 2 or 3 b<frm. fum. houae for oc- eupa.ncy on or before Sf'pt. 1st. Phone Klmberly 2-1782. 63c66 OCEAN VIEW FURN. AP!'. Pen. HERE! Point. suitable for 1 or %. Win· lee $55 Mo. UUJ!tle1 and gar. tnc. Harbor 2001-J. 6tttc Cit Coats Nothing to In~gate!) ''7 kAISER SEDAN----·-' 595 '(7 WILLYS STA. WAG .... .I 885 ''6 DODGE 'Fhlid Drlve'Sed.$ 993 OOKPLSl'll BOUR Cl.mA1mlO ..moo. J'llndtanaadnip ahampoood. ..... -Ill 29-Belp Waa~ • RELIABLE WOMAN wanted for gen.. bouaework &nd .child c•re. Live in. Har. 2069-J. 64c66 run, tuured. HOUSEKEEPER. good clean cook. Al's House & Rug 2 adult.. Small hou ... Balboa C I.sla.nd. Permanent. Ref. Har-Cleaning O. bor 11s•-WK. . ••pe• 514 -29th St. Newport Beach a -111 ntfc WANTED-Houaekeeper. Live in. •eon Printe room. 2 children. Ben- 59<:72 19~1 model, deluxe, CP all •u-_ Phone Harbor 1616 , Newport-Balboa New-Times -· Newport-Balho& Pl'MlJ Newport Bay f09t (Shopping Newa) I CITY FIREMAN, perm. employed afl;d wife want to rent 1 bdrm . furn. houae. L'1 Newport or Bal- ·boa, $55 to $60 mo. yearly. Ph. !i&rbor 15H. 64p66 O'KEEFE 1t MERRITr range, l!_::!::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::========~I tomatlc and It h11 evtrythlng. , -GARAGE vicinity Balboa Blvd. & griddle tn the middle, 1immer _S_Z-_A __ An_l!q~u_es _______ ,. 81-:,'!anted to Bol.. • Island Ave. Permanent. Harbor burners and the grill broiler. I WANT TO BUY a iecond hand l995-.lf. 65p67 o ... onty s129.13 and pay me Muir's Antiques cash or takP payment.a of $7.48 portable typewriter. Harbor Pine Table $22 •" 11(6-W eves. 62tfc per month. l used it only three .............. .vv RQulta come rrom coDJ~t Practice! An &d regularly ln th11 BALBOA ISLAND We have apartments a.nd houaea- A Va.llabre for wlnt.U auon •or yearly lease. Wm. W. Sanford REA!;. TOR Park Ave. at Marine Balboa Ia:la.nd Harbor 2-t62 ~9Uc For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. dix.. s100 mo. 452 E . 18th st .. Costa 'Mf'sa. Bea. 5-572-W. 65c67 montha. Just like new. Set at Pine Dresser .......... 27.50 11torage: 40. So. Spadra. Fuller-Empire Che!lt ........ 22.M WANTED -Used S&ll, Snipe:, Snowbird or other that can be cut down to 13 ft. on hoiat. Ph. Orange 07~-R. . 65p67 pa.per will produce result.I tor you ------------- THE SHA.DE SHOP Free estimates Ph. Har 884 I 12-BOlldinf Services • DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone Beaeon 6406-W t7tte Sympson & Nollar PArNTING & DECORATING "The Best Mon~y Can Buy" 512 -38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 240. ' 5Ztfc PA.IN'l'ING EARL SIIBFLIN m Palmer st. ec.ta ~ Be&. 15457-K tMdl INTB:RIOR -EXTlllUOR PAINTING LICllNSED -INBURllD Glenn Johnston An Opportunity NEED A MAN, familiar with fra. ternal or social organtsatiorui. to manage club-and lodge tacilitiea ot a local group. Thia Ls an ideal epot !or a retired man who de- sires !ello...,·ship. Limited salary and duties. Houra mostly in the evenings, 5 daya a week. Age no barrier, non-sectarian. Reply held coittidential. Write Box 02 thJa papQT. 53tfc FOUR MEN or women to work out all tuition in exchante for course in beauty culture. Sa.nta Ana Univ . of Bf'auty, t09'"; No. ~lain . Ph. KI. 2-65:>7. 59p6:) WANT MOTHER'S HELPER- Full timf', have t)'lo little girls. Inquire at 63 Balboa Cove.!I. Harbor 3401-\\'. 63c65 GIRL W ANTED--4 • 5 hr.11. a day. no experience necesaary, Art student pref. Mu!lt have tran!lp. Silk screen process. Darnng 85 pc. set Orienta.t "tree ot life" ton. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pb. =~~:~ chinlC ........................................ $75 Cut gla.s1, bric-a-brac, copper and BEST OFFER gel-' LaundeNLIJ-brass-- two year.11 old. 127 sapphire We buy, sell and trade Balboa. Isla.nd. Har. 1218·W. 2206 Newport Blvd .. Coal& Mesa 65c67 Beacon ~32l·WK 6~pe6 SPIN-DRYER VI ASH. MACH. Excellent con<l . Cheap. 18th St., Coata Meaa. ·~ ~S--Boats, S~ppu.. _ • GEN. ELEC. REFRIG., old model with unit on top. Good working condition, $50. Bea. 630t-W. Hc66 1950 DELUXE MODEL Tappan Gas Rangt". like new. Original co!lt $340. Reasonabl e. Must be sold. 31 4 Victoria, Coat& Mesa. 60pe7 Ho~ooli. Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft e25 COAST mGRWAT NEWPORT BEACH PH. 81tACON 5771 Mtfc ----------- Tech. Lab .. 101:i \.\', Victoria St.. S:Z-.Hon-bold G-~ ... 0 Costa Men. 65p66 r-----==-_......,._...;... __ _ $4,250 REAL Estate Brokf'r. References. \"\''rite Box A-3, Thia Paper. 65c66 Refrigerators US Eb RENT A PIANO for only $5 per month. R ent&) applies on tuture purehue .at SHAFER'S MU· SIC CO. (Sinee 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana.. Klmber· ly 2-0672. COME IN, HEAR and PLAY new Hammond Chord Organ. No mu.sic leasons necesaa.ry. AnY· one can plav this in.strument. DAI\~ -sclrinoT PIANO and ORGAN CO., Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, corner 6th. GRAND PIANOS. B ig Summer Sale no\v on Steinl''&y, 1tason A Hamlin, Knabe, Chickering, Chaae. Wurlitzer. Sohmer, Fish- er and many others. Some new, 90me ueed. Price!! start at S391i DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, SM.ta Ana. 43--A~ents and Houses PENINSULA WINTER RenWa- Duplex 2 &: 3 bedrms. Attrac- t ively furn. \Vinter or yr. round .. fu>asonablP, Har. 2001-J. 64tfc YEARLY-2 bedroon1 duplex, un- turni.shed. Garage. Near both school!!. 2265 Cls.r, Clift Haven. For Information Phone Harbor 1297-R. 61tfc WINTER RENT AL-2 bdrm. furn. house. double garage. UUl. pd. $65 mo. A vai1ablc Sept. 10. 122 41 st St., Newport Beach. 61p66 WINTER RENT AL -PENl:N · SULA -Furnished 11ing!c 1tpt.. available In SepL $8 v.·cek. Util. Incl. Adults only. Phone Har- bor 1270-W. 61tfc FURNISHED HOUSE, Newport Beach--f. bdnns .. 2 baths, lge. l iving rm., garage. Har. 0849-W. 62c67 SCHOOL TEACHERS-ADULTS 3 excellent wintE'r rentals near SPINET PIANO, Pay out 'balance S outh Bay. Inquire 113 Coral, $266. An0ther Spinet, J>a°I. $381 Balboa Island. 65c66 Klmb&J made Spinet, $493. See . our list ot returned rentals and UNFURNISHED 1 bdrm. apt. lge. repoaa,:saions. DANZ!.SCHMIDT living rm, garage. Also unfufn. PENT HOUSE l.hd 3 rm. cottare .. On Collina lalend Each apt. ha.a water frontage. Aecom. 4. West end Park Ave., Balboa Iala.nd. Harbor 2962-W. 50<:69 BALBOA ISLAND HoU.tse.1 and Apta .. yeai-Jy or sea- sonal. See Ga.U Carney, wt th NELDA .GIBSON REAL EST A TE 308 Martne, Balbo• IaL. Har. 502 69Uc NEWLY BUILT 3 bedroom mod- ern home, 2 batr.s. fireplace-- unfurnished. Corona del Mar. Year lea!lt', $110 month. Phone Harbor 2892-R or B. 6921. 64p66 FURNISHED housf', 605 36th St., l'e\vj>ort, on waterfront, gar., $65 wk. Avail. attei: Sept. l5lh. winter rate!!. Phone ATJa.ntic 2·9005. 62p67 NEWPORT HGT$., 600 Cliff Dr. Yearly rental, 2 B, R. furnished, beaut'. viE;>\V, gar:ig(', furnace heat. Adults. No pets, available Sept. 15, $85 mo. J>IU!I utilities. 64pe9 'H PLY. SEDAN ................ .1 9115 ''7 DE SOTO "Suburban" ... $1295 (o,ver '4-200 to replace new) '42 CHRTS. "&': Wtn_ Tudor S 15115 'd DODGE SEDAN ............. $ 489 '37 LINC. Cpe. (Mere. mtr.) $ 285 '(6 ·FORD V-8 Pickup ......... $ 795 SHA VER MOTORS Your DODGE-PLTMOtrnl Dlr. Phone Beacon t907 1680 Newport Blvd., C:O.ta Me .. 85c6T 1948 CADILLAC 82, 4 dr., new tires, like new. $2200. Consider trade, Harbor 13Z7-J . 84p6& 195-0 CHEVROLET 2 door. In per· feet condltlon, $154J.6. 51 2 -38th St., Newport Beach. Phone Har- bor 2404 . lltfc 1947 STUDEBAKER Cb&mpion Starlight coupe. ALSO 19:SO Stu· deb&ker Champion 4-dr. sedan Privat e party, Harbor 301. 81t!c 'tl FORD Super Deluxe t-<ir. •~ dan, $350. AOO brand new 7.50 x 16 8-ply truck tire with flap, $30. 35 Balboa Coves. Ph. H&rbor 706 after 5:30 p.m. Mttc MODEL A FORD cpe., good con· dltion, 5 tires, new palnt, uphol top, seal beam hdlites. lnquin 221 1'2 Crystal Ave., Balboa l.1· land. · 64p68 LATE 'M P01''TIAC 8 Conv. ~01 • Slst St. Newport l!Mch SO-Sale, Ml&cellaneoos Harbor 2297 -J 3te48 .::.;:-==-"====='---6 cu. ft. \\'estlngbous.e ...... $ 59.50 1 cu. ft. Coldspot ................ $ 97.~ 27 FT. CUSTOM mahogany cru- f!ler, tW:n Gray Phantom1, &n- dlx coiitrolled.-s. S. radio. Slip No. 2, Ken Niles. Villa Ma.rlna, ni'. Balboa Lsl&nd Bridge. Har- bor 1915. 65c&7 BIG PIANO STORE. 100 bar-2 bdrm house, fireplace, enclos- galn•. 520 N . Matn, Santa Ana, ed patio, garage. 704 ~'J Hcllo- T\\'O APTS. Now available. ALSO room and bath by day or per- manent. 514 E . Ocean Front, Apt. 1, Be.Ibo&. Ph. Har. 3238. Hydromatic, a.ti extru, under· 1ealed. 12,000 actual mileage. Perfect cond. Loca.l car for tale by owner. $2595, Har. 3151-W after 6. fUcSS C. L. KIRCHNER General Contractor New Re.1idential Ii: Comm~cia.1 R emodeling I! Repair in g New homes open f()[' irui?ection. Call Harbor 1164-M 62t!c H .H .HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Malnla.ined Phone; Harbor 14:18-W %801 Balboa Blvd., Newpq,r't Beach Wlae people do read the ada. REP AIRING· and PAINTING Reasonable. l.Arge or small jobs. Free est.I.mates. Wa1ker, 108 18th St., Ny.rpt. Beach. Har .. 2581-R HAULING A.ny kind, truh or'? WALKER. 108-18th St .. Newport. H . 2581-R PAPER HANGING & Painting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry 1615 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 0504 Mc57H WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trades-maintenance work. Have tools and mixers for any job. Call BlLL · Beacon 6451-W 67c58H 14-Penooals Alcoholics Anonymous Write P. 0 . Box 205 Balboa IaJaM. caJU. Phone Kimberly 3..&93 22-Lost and Found LOST ~ Grttn paddlebo&rd, near Balboa. Coves. Reward. Ph. Ha.r. 3173-W. 62cS4 APPLIANCE SALE WASHERS ABC Wringer type -... -....... $ 35.00 Easy wringer type, Xln't. cond.ltlon ....... --... -$ 49.Ml Eaay Spin Drie r, good running order .... . ........... $ 49.50 REFRIGERATORS Crosley Shelvador, S ft-, recenUy overhauled ........ $ 74 .50 Servel, <& cu. ft., exceptjon· ally clean. Perfect run- ning order ..................... $ 69.95 Coldspot deluxe 9 cu. n., Xln't. l'lh&pe .................... $ 99.50 Seryel 8 cu. rt., deluxe, Xln't. condition ....... -....... $139.95 GAS RANGES Moore'a Carleton deluxe ga.!I range, tabl~ top with adjuJ11table br o 11 er, in good shape ........................ $ 59 .95 Roper g'8..'J r&ngE", whJte table top, excellent con· dition at ........................... $ 74 .50 STROOT'S TeWinkle Hdwe. 1802 Newport Blvd. CO!lta Mesa. Phone Beacon 5222 • 6-'<6& USED BABY CARRIAGE and play pen, $10 each. Phone Harbor 2291-RK 63<:83 TWO PAffi SKIS. Both for $20. Cable bindiop and .ski poles Included. H&rb9r llt6-W eves, 62tfc FOR SALE -Kenmore wuher. wringer-type SJ!,, good cond. Boat trailer. $40; 1.fartin 40 Out- board motor, little used, S90. Harbor 0601-W. 6-tp6e 30-day Guarantee 18 F'T. CHRIS CRAPT 1p~ed boat. corner 6th Street. tropt', Corona de! 1.iar. 63c65 Cb.rys. Ace. A-1 me<::b. cond. $1450 --------------1 cu. tt. Servel Electrolux $110.00 6 cu. ft. Gaffer-Sattle.r ._ ... $ ~9.50 30-day Guarantee Free slip rental for boat.I 'offered i'<JOOD PRACTICE PIANOS S49 CORONA HIGHLANDS -Ocean tor sale up to 26 ft. $61, $-83 and up. Let th~ kid: . view-New 2 bdrm home. un- Wisard IE RowboaU tor Rent die!I lea.m Pay b t " furn . Harbor 277t !Evea. Har. ~en Scott's Mobil M.a.rlne Dock 2 yr. ex~ha.nge :t fullpe~a~:: 2883-W) 63c65 NEW 7 1, cu. ft. International Harvester. R~uced from Next to Ferry La.nding, Balboa DANZ-SCHMIOT BlG PIANO· WINTER Rental -Available Harbor 2720 59tfc SALE NOW ON. Santa Ana, Sl'pt. 16th. 1 and 2 bdrm. furn. $219.59 ............ _ ..... -.. ..1189.Ml 8.7 International S.2.M.Ml .... $219.&o 8 cu. ft. Monitor 12-49.50 .... $189.~ 4 1, General $169.$0 ........... .'$149.60 Apt. gu range -.................. $ 89.Ml Deep Freeze- 9 cu. ft. V I c t o r reduced from $366.00 to ............. $275.00 7 cu. ft. Victor $325.00 to $245.00 Dale's Furniture 187t Harbor Blvd. Costa. Mesa Beacon 6637-J Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade 1505 West Balboa Blvd., Phone Harbor 2502-R. Mp86 GAFFERS IE SATTLER RANGE. lla the 19Sl model deluxe CP all Altomattc. Ha.a lamp and clock-an · atef'l g-r tddlt ln the nl lddJe and the chrome grill broiler. Alao bu the all chrom~ top. Can have cuh $169.33. \Vould like a uaed range or re- frigerator for my tqulty. No down payment and \a.ke over my paymE"nt ot Sl0.82 per mo. See at ~ So. Spadra. Fuller- ton. 9 a.tn. to 8 p.m . Ph. 2152. 59tfc. PIDLCO Refrigerator -Its the big 9 cu. fL model with the Pair of 189 hp Scripps, RlcL, direct drive, fine condi- tion, can be-demon1trattd. SOUTH COAST CO. Newport Blvd. a.t 23rd Hu. 2600 63tfc 22 HP EV!NRUDE 42 long shaft. Good condition, $186. Phone Laguna Beach 4-3086. 62c6': EVINRUDE Fleetwin Outboard Motor -712 hp. Latest model. A-1 rondltion. 229 Vla Lido Scud, Lido 111,, Harbor 2678-M. 60p66 CHRYSLER Royal Marine engine, $6.'KI. Used t ew hours. Direct drive and re-veru. Also 22 ft. Garwood utility V-drlve mahog. Excellent cond. Har, 1488-WK. 65c67 VERY SLIGHTLY USED sail flllh with sail kit and car t op carrier. LocatNi in Newport. Bargain pricE". For Information, call col· lect, Rlv~rslde 1-1161. 63c65 IDEAL SEA WORTHY 15 ft. fish- ing boat with Johnaon CS hp: out· board motor. Better than good condition. Ready to go. Sacrt· flee. 213 Grand Ca.nal, Ba.Ibo& bland, -Harbor 761-R. 63c65 cross top freezer chtst, meat SEA BOOKS kef'per a.nd . cri~~r for veg. A flne atoc:k of bookl on all yacht- Uaed it 4 months and It still ihg subject.a-plWI ..u CW'Tent ha.!I the. guarantee on It. Ba.I. ks due on contra.ct ia $196.12 , Pay boo · 4ndlng library, CUI\ or take paymenta of $10.0t The Islanders per mo. See at storage, 404 So. 214 Marine, Balboa IL Hu. 1M7 Spadra, Fullerton, 9 a.m. to --,-,----,----------- 8 p.m . Phone 2152. 62lfc ALMOS't NEW-lA.yman dlnchy, 520 No. Maln, corner 6th. apt~. Patricia Apt.I., 1603 E . -Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 83p65 BUNGALOW upright p iano in per- fect condition. Terms $27.~0 YEARLY UNF1JRN. 1 bdrm. apt. down &nd $9.90 per mo. at w ith gar., floor furnact>, water SliAFER'S MUSIC Co. (Since &oftener. Near Beach, $60 mo. 1907), 421 No. Sycamore, Santa 1000 W , Balboa Blvd. Harbor Ana. Klmberly 2-0672. 59tfc 3277 or Harbor 890-lt. 64tfc REPOSSESSED! Beautiful Elec-BALBOA PENINSULA, 2 and 3 tr:lc Organ. FArnvua make. For bedroom. Comp. furn. homes church or home. Pay out bal-with enc. yard. Very reuonable. ance. Big-saving. Like ney,•_ \\-•inter. Harbor 2001 -J . 64tfc DANZ· SCf-lMIDT PIANO and ORGAN CO~ Santa Ana., azo YEARLY -Corona del Mar 2 No. Main. corner 6~. bedroom furn. V:ew apt. Nev»ly decorated. Close to shopping. REJ\'T A PIANO. $:5 per mo. All Inquire 916 pout Blvd., Corona term rent allowed when you del Mar. Harbor 2-t43. 65c6i buy. DANZ -SCHMIDT, Santa Ana., -~20 N. Maln. 35-Dogs, Cats, Peto WEnfARANER polnkr pupp~es,. top!I in personal gun dogs. Champion sire and 'dam. Doro- thy ,._tanJey. Phone KIJtiberly 2-6233. Ext. 57. 61c66 Toy Manc)lester Terriers 2 P UPS 8 wk.I. old. A.K.C. regia- lPrPd. 182 I:. 13th St-. Coal& J.iesa. 153p65 THREE, PART PERSIAN kittena, 5 we~ks old. Trained. Want good home. 2 female, 1 male. ~16 Clubhouse, Newport Beach. Rar-oor 15~. 6-tc66 THREE cute kitten.-need good homes, 2 moa. old, part ~rsi&n, 2 black. 1 tabby, all female. Bu. 554:9-M .• 319 El Modena Ave., Newport Height.II. 65c68 IN COSTA J.£ESA -Attractive un- turni!hed house, 2 !' b,edrooms. T'TaMportation facilities nearby. Close to Arches off Ne\vport Blvd. Beacon 6209-J. I 65p6fJ $150 PER MO., wintf'r. Avail. Oct. 1. Bayfront mansion, Peninsula P oint , 5 bdrm!I., 41...z baths. Very priva.te-pier. Deluxe k it chen. Sound prooff-d. Best vte""'· Har· bor 2649-M.. 65p67 SEPr. 15 to JUNE 15. Modern red.wood home on ~!boa Pen .. furnished 2 bedroom, fireplace, bkfst. bar, copper hood.· F enced patio, Bbq. $100 mo. 2022 1.iira- ma.r. Harbor 1803-W. 65c67 A'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm. furniahed. Bay Fro:lt Apt. available Sept. C-Harbor 2269-R. 85c67 rtIRN. APT. in town. 3 rm, and bath. All redecorated, $50 mo. lAdulb, no pets, no drinker!!. !1876 Fullerton Ave., Cost& Mesa. 'Bea.con 5136-M. 65c67 60cH \VTh"TER RENTAL -Oct. lst- June lst. 2 bdrm. furnished houu, $75 · · o., plua utilities. See owner. ,() Opal St., Bal- boa Island. Mc68 YEARLY RENTAL-Attractive 2 bdrm. unfurn. house, Newport Island. Bath & shower. F enced ln back yard. Garage. 87ri mo. Beacon 5561-J. 59tfc NEW 3 B.R. home, comp. turn., TV deep freeze. patio, fenced yard, 'double garage., 1 year lease. 23581 Pirate Rd., Cliff Haven, NeY.-port Beach, Beacon 6861-J. 60c&:i BAY FRONT Lido Isle bay front unit!l-70 tt. private beach. ·Sept. 15---June 15. 1 bedroom, $15 mo. 2 bdrm. 2 bath, $110 mo. Available by year alightl,y higher. Harbor 2552, eve.11., Harbor 291t-M 62tfc RENTAL r SPECIALISTS cau Edna CralC Linwood Vick, Rltor. Ba~ lllancl. Har. 2042 32cM \VI N T ER RENTALS PENIN- SULA. Furnished 2 and 3 bdrm. apta., closf' to school. Refriger- a tor. UtUiUes incl. Aveilable S ept. 17th, $15 and $20 wk. Ph: Harbor 1270-W. 61tfc ONE RM. rear howie, non-houae- keeping, furnished. 605 Lark- spur Ave .• Corona de) Ma.r. Har- bor 1253-W or H&r. 2148-R. Mp66 BALBOA ISLAND Fum. 3 Bdrm. New.1Year lease or winter rent- a.l. 'Reuonable to rlgbt pa.rty. Call L. A. OL. 1088. 6-t p70 with cover. Engllah &all. Hard-~Business Opportunities SOLID BIRCH Round Cotftt ly broken in, ~tfect condition.. DESIRABLE Modem Furn. Win-BALBOA PEN. Point. Reserve Table, 2 upholstered chair.1. 215 ~ 9th st., Newport Beach. StOO MONTHLY SPARE TIME Ur rental and garage. Acc. 2 -4 now choice new Apt. Lge. view '36 PLYMOUTH 2·Dr. Sed. Good tr&ru1p., $65. 1139 West BaJbo& Blvd., Newport Beach. Phone Harbor 1974. 65c67 Your ad appeartnr ttr- ularJy in these colwtuu1 will bring you many new cuatomens. Harbor area folkll are in the habit Of "'looking in the claul· tied" when they nud theae service&. 51-Tnllera Trailer Storage $4 per Month Protected by 6-foot fence. TRA.IL- ERTOW:K, 327 W. Wllaon, Coat& Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5016-M (approv- . ed by Auto Club &: AAA) 5ec72 LUGGAGE trailer, almost new. Good green canvu Lop, all •teel body. wondertul condition, $150. Ha?'. 2979-M. 64c68 CHEAP-18 ft. Afaaterbilt. Sleep.1 4. Butane, bra.kea. Almost new tire.1. $475. Bu.sett. 133 E . 15th St.. Coat& Mesa. 6fp6S Trailer .Storage Well Protected EL NIDO TRA1LER PARK and Salea !'MO Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesa, Beacon 1329-M. li0c611'163 55-Money to Loan LOANS For Homes 6%-20 yr. Loan& CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 5-6\i1' (lf ;vra.) WE BUT AND SlliLL TRUST D&EDS SEE BOB SATl'LER 1U6 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Hubor 1077-J Rep. POJRDCR KORTGAGID CO. Ketro Life .Ino. ll'undo KI WlU Modern dinette aet With 4 chatrs 6!'>p66 RetUllnc and collecting money 'N"nple. Near school. Uae of ind f ' 1 be dlX fi H ' h G d r-~ ._ w ows, 1rep a.ce, gar., n .. LOANS TO BtJ'1LD ltfodem gooae-neck ta.ble lamp. trom our ive--c:ent ig ra e washer. 121% W. Balboa ulvd.. tum. in maple. Winter or yearly , 'IKPBOV'S. 227l Kings Rd,. Phone Beacon 35 n . FLYING BRIOOE Cabin" Nut mschinea in thia uea. No Newport Beach. 65p67 Clifton ApU., 1609 E. Balboa BUY, KODl:RNIB. O& STORE fixturea, prac. new, w&ll 700~ w t _..p67 C!"Uiaer. Hackercraft hull, Ha.11-selling! To qualify for work you n_. .. •• 9 ,, ft.DINA.lfCS cases, counters. m.isc. All have • for app . I -... Sc tt ••~ -~.. STUDIO APT -·"·bl Blvd., Daiboa. Har. ""'"" -.m. W -. ~ o engine, excellent Charter must have car. references, 4'VVV ~ ""''""~· ., "''".... e Mc6S I __, '-'•-• l)tl&I adjuetable shelves. Bargain. Call ~ENA-tORE automatic washing boat, 30 mph., plua bait tank, &O cub., !.ecured by lnvfntory. De-for couple, $55 mo. Key at 517 HJJWPORT BAIM& .J'llDD.A,L FOUI\'D -Wrist watch. Identify owner, Beacon 8990. 64tfc machitae, Coldapot relrigerator, watts. S. ra¢.o, $3,860. voting~ hours ·a week to bu.si-;Larkapur, Corona del Mar. Ph. BALBOA-Nice clean apt.. on~ 8AVINQ8 .tr-t.OA..M. A.MN. a.nd pa)-for ad. Har. lD95-:~ CAN YOUR OWN ALBACORE-O'Kttfe 6 Merritt cu range, SIX WHEl':L ,boat trailer, 4-lon neu. your end or percentage of Harbor 0870-R. 15c66 penon, good location. Refrig. ISl3 Via Udo Pb. Bar. 1IOO t v~ed Nat'l. Pressure Cooker. 18 large mirror, f'.Jtd table, floo• capacity, $275. 3710 Channel Pl., c-oUecUon1 will net ut> to $400 TO Yearty, $32.50 per monUC. Phane , lamp. Comb plywood cablnet. Nrwport IaJ•nct Ru. 1522-WK. moatbly with very good poul-. ~.ANT -SHARE my attractive HarbOr tast.J. 310 la1and Ave. REAL EST1>.""" i.o•-qt .• $16. 583 Park Dr., Costa . :house with ""'"l or woman Child ··~ ~~a 517 Carnation, Corona d<I Mar. Mpe7 bUlt.1 .. of tal<inr .,,.,. fUll time. •" · Mp66 Interest Rate~ • li,, Mesa. -Mp65 Hubor 319~W. 63cM Income . tneruatnr aceordlngly. .o. K. 6 ma. Pat.to. Avail Sept. LQana q1llcl<IJ -bl Complete ln9t&llatlon, "'Jl<lir and SNOWBIRD, ttady lo oaD. $l50. J'or tntorvln>' tnclud< phoo• In 7. Barbor '7().RK. 718 Hello-FOR RENT-Wlntu rental, I-' . tM ..,. COMP.LETE living rm. sul ... oota 51 -Ba;r, Newport Boach. •ftplicatlon. Bo,. No. z.•• Tllll ,trope, Corona de! .Kar. '85p65 , from &.pt. to Junt. Two bdtm. AIM &11d i..,.... lllqlo or ......ice of all trailer equipm.,.t. l3cY, ~ ~ 1!~ fenced ard, m)l!Uplo tmita. N-or eid. Be ORANGE COAST and ch&lr, platform r<><:ker, ot-Papu. • jMpl8 \j DUPLl:X.APT, 1 bdnn.,"fUm. ~,,:;. ':'.;4;.26 Tl!PU.YBal. '!IN Ud .... "1 ...0-nc'nc ~~i.. a r:::i-::;rf-:.::e DINGHY -~ """dlt!on. com. OOMJ.'UITE Cabinet Kan• actur-~ pet.o or children. Bar. oeM.J. -hiand. • Hp68 J'OW' ,,,_._ Mb!--TRAIT.ER SUPPLY wl1h ail. oaro. co .. r. etc. Uled Ing ·-Saalllce. llff.· .. ". .· . 61!e87 . . • -. Ke .-..P.IGr \nJlllll• 2S-Situat1005 ":anted . 1010 HARBOR BLVD. CHEST, bardWOOd bl>dl, 5 draw-~',.'!_~Ii Qntal ~;:& h OOll 191'-W. -'?r'E'BltDROOK HOUSE, Corona ~i. a,:;;,-:-.!~~" oce,::. = .:i::"'a::· • .:r:.: = nm: IRONING will call to< and Costa Mua, Phone Beacoo 622f·R er, perfect, $46. 112 • 22nd St., -:-r-. . f"•I Mar. rum. or unturn. J'S Barbor 111111-W Md8 AR'l'BUR-.A:-uay deliver. CUrta.tns. • Newport J!Mob 14J>M 17 JT. NATIONAL. 2 111tt Of ..U. U--s&ons ud OrlL.. ,per mo" Aftllable •-· Near . . J · Konpp 1-Oil;J~I IMltC H I with dlnn ti Pboo IRONRlTE IRON JI! R, •lattomt and and dolJ3o, NGO. JIUat ..U . , eell<lo,I 8'ld -.. •. So. ot hlway. A.TTa.t.CTJVt; 2 bclrm. tllmlabed · -4 ~ WUliom,"s:'°bor ... lN6 .,:._ rocker, pemt and -bold. aoo;o GIUn' OO'l'TOX ialf°m --. ,21, °"1>r. ~ BTOllJ: J'RONTAGJ: on Poim St., i.u DebJJa. c..D. x. ,_ Ila)' r.ont Apartmoato anllallte Hti 1::'.:!.. ~UCO 11111.F ::'t 'a A.- ton 10 a.m. or -I ~-art.tcln, ~1 llallclAg & lip. out· Cupot, lf\O " ll\i, ~ h!t..s. 14pM 1-•-Ill--l!tUllT Bklg. 1!et-'·. • · · ~ tor '!inter renlal liar. 229-lt ., . -,..-. ,. · . · ~ boanl motor "1Uo -can. 614 ia.... -· '10. mt.--• .._ -. &Dd o..aa J'rollt. YB41U.Yl'JIBl!l'l'At.-Nlcdy' tum. • -7 • • stpe4 Jll, ~ l'l'aolt,. A.pt.:~ BalboL JO" " 30", 16. ~ 1111> -H•~. 8iUh'. -71' ·bp. .,.._ Aloout MOO .. _.ft. wltll .. mat. 1 1 bdrm. apt., N~. potlo. • · • • ~ -, -5i ...... llJlllite .. !! !~ 'ONIVJl:RaAL Pb. Bubar U3&. eopu owlllC apout, fl; .--.,. -'*-""hud -tor. Incl. u--WW tlalob to llllt UWta. S5I! l't• mo.~Jnc-'utll. ocmAN ,ll'!IQJn..:.)!r-2 .bdnit-_ • .:;;,_ .;;; • ·1:1..;. ,.,~:nm. ~':'...8?buN_.~~ ...... _ --·~~~-~~~'14-= =-·..:::.. ~~IM'~o.':'! ~·i:.~C::.."=: :!'ch.,·=.!1~ ~;. ~1::-tJ:'°Jd;W:..~ w:.'1!°._'!0:-..:, = ., W""'~··'-••--w -------....... _.._ -. ' •••-•. .· 85o1M1 "<.i• ....... ~orc!all8Y.T.aG17. "V-... llGO. Call-..- -·-tnette ""' pad. 61 Be~con Sq TWIN BllDll. -\ _... · == · ' <I'" ~ • Bu1or 1161-Jrf. , . , UU• -for ' Newport -b. Uctli (!lu-. ..,._ eet. .......... JT. l:jlNQBI', --· Nafiu'al or'1ca ..... a:. lllt20,' -:q;u,~ HOUSll, ftlmlatled, . ., ' -,, •• . ·~ . •. ' ... bulldlnp, stc-ottl-")loai .. ~ . > · tah1o and.~ ---Otllar -lrilL Bar. Oll&J., I.JI .tu. ---ot..hlM 18 -M. utll!U.. Jl'lld, '80 t1Nlhlltl<18f!G•-~ ....... -"' -: · ' 9l l'.elopb«M ~ µe ........ o:z;.AC:'...!'~~ 427 = ~-m ..... ': ~ :"• Lllo ... ·-A.JL~~ .. D ..... =. UI &Uoll<>pe, Col'olla ~1 -... lJIDIUN l'"lil. ...... ~ Pt'oelk!tl u.; .... s:• ·-' ..,...... -. . --'"· . ... -ma. ,41&(11 • us-' ~.11('"' ... t. . ...... ...... -.. till 2 ,, ... ,... • -.. . • • , ; ' :!?! ~!! .. . ........ ' .1 ••• 1 ........... , pr I ' ·. WILI,. ·~ANCE 'l'O SUIT ~tJYSR. --.. --Ud --·-.... PJlll1. k .. ~ ,. ,/ • ~ .. -~ I -,.. . . ·\.,,;._ doUPIM,.;_,--Ii,._ fat-llOlorN- • ,.a.ee••t .... It i.lt an. Ntt.-..u ,. comfort.. -, ,' a.i.u~~--¥"'1~- • and PIM! ~.l*t,'lrtrd. 11114 '1 .... lt ~tllt ~ --. two totM. t-..,..., it-..,. an ;.ad ...._ u.tq· --• opoa tio .IUP p&tJo. _, _i..i ta .. --· . ,, • .! $23,500 • ' ' . ' . BAY an4 BEACH REALTY uao B&lbo& lll1'C. B&tbo• Utt • ' ' . l Coeta If.a . 'J'!lt-.B.t Tow. Clll Blrtll , "Furil.ilhed.'' Tn lldnn • ...e ,.., old; .-~ . --· m.t.t!Y ~ "Carpenters ' Attn." It 1ou have the tlin.o aa4 ..,...., ~ have a "u plllnAed two bdm>. h<m>t tllat .. partially ecmpl•tod. It'• ywro lo !lnloll for anly $<9150, ~ If nffdad. . ~A·:, ::!!!.:!!:!!•.~~;..._~·'.I• :r~-~ i ---.., l .:. • . ; ~y ~t llome Ir Ilico.-; · ,:<f.AM~LE~ I.up South Bay rroftt ho~ -'5 ~. 2~ The .tock market goes up batba, pbia 2 ,bdlm. apt. FlneR eornei-location,' and down but your saVings Pier and 11oat. Priced to Sell. ' Inv~ in a ho~ of your • own' in growing LIDO Wm. Wv~RD, Realtor ISLE could be your sureet Part' Aveil111 -at U:ariu Balboa l.lllaad saleparo for your future. Barbor 2462 The followinr quality home11 , 1-~~~~~....,-~~~~~~~~~~~ are bled with our office .O~Y and are priced for quick aale. Chickens & Rabbitts . HOME AND INCOME 1 ~ .' t , .H.-~ 'S!£1t!'~"---·-· .. • . '' . , BLANCHE A. GATES,, Realtor . , P'RAIDt ;L. JlBUFELT · i. JotARTIH " ' · · 311 Marine Ave.~ BaU>oa Ialand · " ·: Ph. Har. i671. or 1812 · ' i:Vel.: Hu;bor 1671 · Two, BeautifµI 9ape COd Homes 3 Bedroom, 11,2 I Bath a each ;. Both. Completely ~.,cl .. ' . 3 Years Qld. Excellent IDlllrance Finance . ' \ . THIS IS VERY SPECIAL BLANCHE A. GATES ~ REALTOR JlltlW Slllrlq Dldt h)' Neat J bdrm.. horn•, shade and frlllt l>eto, Ii °"" Ind all fenc· ed. 199150, tenno. 2 bdrm. home In clloiee 8ALBOA ISLAND loe&· tion. Fireplace, hwd. tloora, nice patio. -1. EXCLUSIVlll llotfnc, of nearly -----------'------------ :i. ll. XWer OIOdan Pa)' - 250 A<:reB, near Apple Valley, In ' heart "' the sueot ranch ~Witry/ LOvely a bdrm. 3 bath hollll!. Gue..t houae, swimming pool, trout !&b. AbWldant inter now developed. 'Dlcbange for cruiar and/or home. EVERE'I"r MORRIS & Associates 408 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA Phone Barbor 3~ Boat Owners Waterff.ont duplex with pter &n.d float. Euily converted to Z bdrm a bath home. Near .shopping and tnn9P0rtat!on. Price $18.860. $Tl:SO doWll, b&lance l90 .month. Bay F,ront Home & Income Loe&ted on be&utifllt Udo Lt1e. 8 unite completely tumbhfd. Beat loe&tlon.. 70 tt. beach.. Priced t6 MlL Cooatder part trade, ·Lido Isle, $4950 Dn. New t bdrm. home, prln.te patio, bbq. ldtchen, fireplace, -tum.ace Today's Best Buy in Corona del Mar Two bedroom, 1 "-ba.lhl, ta.rre llvtb.I' room. flftplace, hdwd. noorB, nice enclosed patio, la.nd.tcaped, 2 -car garage. Including drapel and car- pet.a. Multtplt!I Llatlng 1978 $13,950. Tenno , -8EE Earl Chamberlain DOC> Cout Blvd.: Corona dtl Kar (OpJ'. Newport Harbor Bank) Phone Jlarbor JUI ' Mc87 heat. sla.u enclOHd tub, many ----------- othfr extru. Full price $1!5,700. It.'• the beat buy on Lido. GR.EENLEAl" Ir ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR ltU Newport Blvd., Harbor 25:52 8l5tfc . TODAYS BF.ST BUY I lld.nn. cot\a(e, l<"P 81. from " channel. corner, onJy $8250, Urmt of $1933 down and Sl50 mo. N. B. C. REALTY, 32nd A: Newport Blvd .• l'fewport B4?'ach. 65<67 EXCHANGF.S LOT lt.I x MO -New 2 bdrm. hOUH. Land plotted for addi- uoaal home-a for income. Loca .. ted th Fontana, home of Ka.lller lltitl and futHt growing In· duatn&l center ln Southern CaJ. IU!llllT INCOME or vacant saned for income. Large Income Units Corona del Mar Brand New 2 B. R. Ranch Type Homo 2-<:ir garage $10,500 Andresen Company 8-02 Cout 'Blvd. Corona de! Mar, Call!. Phone lt&rbor lMO · 116ct7 Balboa Peninsula INCOME Exceptionally nice 4 unlll - 2 story 1tucco. only 11..t yn. old. 4-ca.r garage. Three 1 bdrm. unit• tumlahed. One 2 bdrm. untt unrumt.hed. Close to bay a.nd ocean awimmlnc. Excellent income. $36,500 Balboa Older Home Home & Income Two borne• (5 yra. old) with two bdrma. each, .nic-= lot. Eut .Side -t<J BIVd $82150, terma. Bldg. Lots One lot clOM In at lloa.d. J1vt ' PLUS a 3-rm apt. in rev. $18,500 Furnished STANLEY HADFIELD, Riealtor 218 Marine Ave. Ba'lboa Ialand Harbor 20 ' lot.a clo.e to abopptn• &rte,---------------------_;_- kOOO. Twelve lota near Blvd .. and ahopa. $KOO. ALSO aeveral 'lood 0 . I. RU&ha. 2 and 3 bClnn. G. N. WELLS, Rltr, & Aaaociates 1790 Newp0rt Blvd. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 - On The Water One of the ma.t atttacUv1 home1 in Ba.lbol. Coves tor le&M or for •a.le. Beautifully f'Umiahed. 8ee Gloden Fay. Bay & Beach Realty 1460 ll&lbo& Blvd. Harbor 126' ~1 CLIFF HAVEN THREE Bdrm. and Den ~b Type Home, Heavy aha.ke root, -forced aJr heat, 2 bat.hi, lot.a ot Ule, Ip. dbl. pr., patio. Juat completed on t&rre view lot 128,l)(N). Terms. SEE 2362 • l~tb St., Open Sun. 1-5 Home -Large Lot ......... Unobetruct· td Harbor view-2 bdnna., hwd. floon. Flagstont -rlrepla.c•, en- cloeed barbecue. i..rse Uvlng • dlnilif room facing Harbor. P\lr· nace hea~ dbl. pr. Only JlS.000 Shore Cliffs Dllttnctt•e new 3 bdrm. home, 1" b&tha, pegged i;ardwood noon. Lot.a of Ule &ltd ma.ny txtru. The Income Is '.Excellent- We Believe the Price Right U you are lookins for JOOd income property. theae ISiJ unit.a. are topt! Clo• to everyt:hing-ntcely furn.tahed- clean. and attracUve and but Of all-always rented. ~ $29,800. Excluo!ve. , BAY and BEACH REA,LTY lUO Balbo& Blvd. ltarbor 128' Real Values 1 'bdrm home on 2 Iota. Two-c&J' P"f'· Clo .. to Ntwport Bl'l'd., llut S1de. Full prtce- $6000 E-Z Term1 '. llll<U Costa Mesa Realty_ We tnvtte your lnapectlon ot the follawlng propertie1. Drive by them and ll they look lnterelt- lnl' to you, call at our office : we haYt the key..._ • • • 2 bdrm.., .wJ ehower, prage at! 2600 WESTMINSTER A VE $8,8!50 tached. Lot lM» br 160. Tbll I.a A verf nice modern two bedroom aoned for ra.bbltta and chlckeu. home with redwood aidlnr and Better aee thfs today. Only-ahake roof. Near the country $6500 club on • Cood comer lot 60X 135. lllla.uive fireplace aeparat.ea P'ull Price living room and kttchen-beam· "G. I. Resale" 3 bdrm .. r&Dcb •tyle, 21,i yr•. old. Lot 60 ltJ 1.26, tull price $8.450. ONLY $2000 DOW!: Cliff Haven J bdrm., leea than a year okS. Dbl. . ga.ra.ge, na.pton• patio with -ue. "111 pr1ce US,1500. ONLY $3500 ed cellinr..-large dbl. garare enten on aide at.re.et. Beat of l•rl!UI. • • • S03 FLOWER ST ................. $10,600 Thia large three bdrm. homir re- tlecU pt'ide ln home ownerahlp- nlce cowred patio·porcll along rear of hou.e, yard t. well kept and pla.nt.ed. Hwd. noon and nlee tUe work ..• Sullm.1~ ,...__ able down payment. • • • 5U SAN BERNADJNO- NEWPORT HEIGHTS $12,600 l,arge pilio. Choice location on DOWN NoUce the •extreme cue ahown in the ftnt.ah work on thill beau.tit'Ul ahake roof modern. A two bdrm. home with belt ot hwd. ftoora, copper hood over rang-e, pul1· man bath, illce ttxtu~• and top wlde lot for cracloU> llvlnf, · B A NERESON $24,1500, l . . -19&2 Ne"'l>Ort BIVd, Coata Men Corona del Mar Phone Beaccm 622& -New 3 1bdrm, Cape Cod, totted .----------- air heating, large livtnl' room, nreplace, double pnge. Deeir- able location, immediate poMel- aion. $14,Mer, ex.eel t.e~ • Will You Trade? . workma.nahip throuctiout, ne.ver occupied. • • • Orore County. WUJ ·con.1ider • Bay or Of!ean Front bom.e for $50,000 eqU:ity, Very nite • bdrm., 2 baths, lar'e Uvtng room wtth flttplace. Ac-o, I. RESA~2 bdrm. stucco, croea the 1treet from the bay dbl. pr., R·2 lot. Pymta. only your home th thUI area a.nd take two v@ry choice Iota la lhe Sliver La1'e area a.a part payment! See Ethel Shirley. Jllnen units plus owne,......lneom.e •100 week. W&nt a hou.M. Ed L. Sedelmeier Realtor 1S:23 C0&1Jt Highway CoNfta del Mar Ph. Har. 2163 65<67 VIEW HOME ONIC BLK. above swuoet Blvd., W . &n.d walking dl1ta.nce to Bal.boa s•• In 1 d •·· 4 M uu per mo., c u . .........u, ·ro and lhoppinl' a.reu. · int. and lnaur. Wby pay rtnt ! Only $15. ,000 furn. s.. uu., it won't lut at only U0,1500. Coast Properties Co. 301 II!. Bol-Blvd., BoJ- ltbo•e Harbor 2W new 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. Thia i. k1eaJ for cblldttn u It baa' 2 large bedroom.a• and 2 amall bedroome. All the latest and ftneat features a.nd only a. few steps from lovely PRI- V A Tl! BEACH. lmag1ne Ulla at ONLYS 19,500--Excellent tenn.e. . ' 2. Jlrt.11~ new· 4 bedroom, I bath home. KA.NY DltLUXI: fea- turei IUOh u 'garbage dlo-1, unit beat. 2 wa~er beaten, wired for electric 'Joa.nge, a.car prap, large patio, l&ndlc&ped and many, ma n·y dau.ling .. home owher delighta." All for only '28,600, ALSO Other tin-er 2 and 3 bedroom homea for sal!,...On LIDO ISL.IC. For 'tboae who w&nt to build- .ome very deairabJ4 Iota are for aa.le tither waterfront eitea for tncome unlta or off water lots at barpin price1.. ALWAYS RE- MEMBER we are the develop- ers of LIDO ISLE. P: A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 . $2700 Down Newport Heights A lovely 3 bdrm. home on Red- la.nda ave. Leas than 1 year old. , HERE IT IS AT LAST! The Balboa Island buy you have been waiting for: A 2 bedroom home and studio apt. over garage. Nice. patio, fireplace, etc. A good eound hOllae, needs paint -$13,900, terma to auit. LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 • DON'T FAIL to llOO Costa Mesa's beat buy in Boulevl'rd frontage 830 ft. frontage x 18' depth Oh Newport Blvd., located between 21st and 22nd street.a on East aJde of Blvd. This .la &ll ab80lute steal at ~ per front foot with W. down...:Od th, balance at 5%. MUST HA VE ACTION BEFORE SEPT. 1 Might Consider Trade for Down Payment. ACT ON THIS TODAY BEACON 6698 WANTS SMALLER HOME ' • Bayfront home owner will take •m&ller 1nside or ocean front hoUH in ~l.s area u part4 payment on beautiful h.pme. Choice location. Four bdrmJI., maid'a roOm. and den, large living and dining room. Sa.ndy beach. Newly painted. What have you! BAY and BEACH REALTY Fireplace, hwd. fioora, dinette, 14M Balboa Blvd. Barbor 12&4 la.rge kite.hen with brea.kfut .Ethel Shirley Gloden Fay area and laundry. g~b&ge dia'p., J~ M. Miller Dick Fay dbl. p.rage, nicely landlcaped, Mc67 patio and many nice features. ·----------.J.---,----------4% Loan Full Price $12,500 Monthly pyta. of ™ include t&Xea and tnwrance. -Country Club Sp~cial Appraise This Hoine hu approx. 1280 aq. tt. 3 bdrma., one a malt.er, large living room, separate dining room, large kitchen with dln- e-tte space. Bath room 11 com· pleteJY tiled with a pullman. , Fireplace wlt.h a baatalor. B1<k ya.rd la completely bricked - co.t.btg-owner a 11,000. Oar&ge whJch also ha.s & quarter bath. Cement driveway, barb-q and a nice ruo. 4 yra. old . Owner 1i lea.ving for school and must make a deal hnmediately. The tuU price UI only ! $12,500 Cliff Hav'l!n Home • G. I. Reaale. Built for gr&c1ou livlfl&'. Spacious ~ bdrm. home, large lot, tile kitchen and bath, plenty atorage apace. Attra.ctlve · bullt·in features, 1190 .ci. tt., Attrac. Ranch Type 2 bdrm. home, t tn. yn. old. Ha.I 1hake roof, ma.safe brick fi re- place, large windOW'll, lot S:7x125. -buy in Coota )(-$7950. dbl. gar, rear yard , enclosed, p tt As A p· t . grape eteke. Only $13,600, tenno re y IC Ure Mo. pymta. $83, tt.x, in.I. lnclu: Diatinctive and charming 3 bdrm. _._ ru.et.ic ranch type: home, 2 yn, your. Money' s worth old. Has heavy shake root, fire-place, beam ceilD!ga, large pie~ 2 bdrm. older borne, Eat Slde. ture Windows and is beautlfully Service porch large enough to lanMca.ped. One of the k>velieat make utra •leeping room. Fl. ,, homes in Newport Height.a. fUr., plne n .. aingle gar. Owner $12,750. mu.at aell. Price $4.950, terma _.O a 91onth. Tmy 'Tot 11': acre with am.all house. 1 bdrm. Some chicken equip. Yours for '3500. '1600 dn. Harbor Blvd. 4 % G. I. Resale Pay.menu are 168.33 including taxea and tnaur&ftce. Nice l&.rg-e Z bdrm home in beat Costa Meaa location. Hwd. floors, dbt gar., ts 4 yrs. old. $1950 dawn. Pric9 $94SO. Beacon Hill Realty 71 tt.. frontage with 300 ft. depth. 2 bd h U .... 466 Newport Blvd: (above .4..""hes) rm. ome. v. rm., aepa.ra~ Ph B •71, R ·--,. dlnln h • n n turn. · · .., .l· or Eve.. B . 563!-W &' rm., Wu, ., • • 45¢ST ling"le pr. and laundry rm. And --~-------_._ an turni8hed too. A real buy In ~ estate. Owner leaving for ll!aot. Priced $12,800, term.. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY la Your ProPerty f0r Sale f We Ha.ve · Buyen. $7250 Full Price Clever 2 bdrm. cottage near ocean and bay. Sparkling new-Let ua prov& itl the beat buy In tb• Bay area. ,GREENLEAF " ASgOC. BUILDER -REALTOR \ "Hollywood. 1 atory mod. French ...,,., 3 Br. " den: 2\i m . old. aooo eq. tt:., 114 n.. front. leve loL Trade tor older bl.yab.ott l,4i. PERLE REALTY 1 8 Barbor Blvd. Costa Mela Phone Beacon 7 3113 Newpi>rt Bl'l'd., Harbor 21561 ' I · fft. or inc. With ..pt.er. Owner, un· s.ttaat nr .. 1.. A. "· DU. T."$3«, CR. 6'9~14. 53p63 HURRY! BUILD NOW! • JUST COMPLETED In Efcluaive Shore Cliffa THREE BEDIUL, 2 ba.tb home on luge SOx.118', tot 1850 aq. fL plus muoruy prop Willi radio controlled door, bard'wood ' !loo~ Forced air fumact.. lAta or tile. Completely fenced and l&ndscaped. Prieed at U7,ll00, Ii doWn Catt owner Hatbol' 2Hl..J' or .. bpua at ll4 llhoroclltta Roed. ~Ttte ' • - . ' ' • ,12_~~ ,,,.0 MA .lllT With SALLIE RICl'iARD'S WILL . CLOSE ITS DOORS •LABOR DAY . -MONDAY, SEPT. 3 YOU CAN BLUD!f rr ... Oil the 8,961 IWm yoa bay evfJf"f day • • • they've got te he eoomted oaee la a wltlle • • • ud It· takeo a ..-ol uperta Imported "'-i-Aaplea to do tlae job • • • However • • • ~ Wllllt to be alone" ... "° ... . NEW STORE HOURS BEGINNING TUES., SEPTEMBER 4 paily 9 a.m. to o p.m. EXCEPT FRIDAY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAY DINNER WILL HA VE A ' OOuBLE MEAN- ING . .. thia week-eod . • . becatme that atealt . . • or rout ... or hamburger ... you're making the fanfare over . . . beeidea being the most auper delicioWI you've ever ta.ot.d . • . hu alao mllde tM eyK of one Don Jackaon from Corona dill Mar and one Richard Rider from Co.ta lieu 1parkle brightly u they jingle the ahecldes in their pocket.I ob- t&ined from \;he aale of their Blue Ribbon PriJie Winning Beef at the Orange County hlr ... You've aU hoard of the ratuni ,...,._,.,. of Amer!- ,. ... It'•· a club that aU lloys wllo're taldlli: op Vo- eatloaal Aµlcult11re In ' high achoo! beloilg too . · · h ~ with their e1uoiroom won., ....,h boy ·m119t bave. a project such .. raising and fatteolng • beef • • . Tiiey keep rec- . .,..... of every cent spent n-when their beef j,; ,;.,Id ... they moat fig· ""' out the prvflt . . . )mt 11 If they were bl 'Galla-... Theae particular beef are two out of four carloads that were shipped to Southern California from the Robinoon Ranch · near Saratoga.. Wyo., .. peciaUy for F .F .A. ptoj· ects . . . The teachers at the high BChoel wish that more boyt1 would take up thill line of education ... They ,like to have that choice beef in their frozen food locken1 '. .. HERE'S A NEW W1UN· KIL Bridgford Paekers of Auhelm have dreued and 1nmg tbMe two BllJe Rlb- hoB wbutera that will be la DGr m.at show -thlll ..... -ad . • . Bridgford yoa now an 1ymbolle wKll 8weetheart a._ and top qiiality pork • . • Bat tlley do ·a tremeadoal .... ..tea pae!rlag Im&.. la .beef ........ ' MANNING'S WILL:· BE ''l'B!:Rl!J ALSO. Manmng'a 'b. S. Govemment Graded O.oiee Beef . • • there'• ao 'Med· to ex•mlne the padr• ..... for "Choice" •• "Good" ":" • • Ol' -comm•' • , • ... it!a all '€80ICI: .. Your A.uance ' .i tlle f'n 1 ct . -1 .... n.Ne. -. .... · -~.. . ... ms Bl:llT :JO& Diil U:an ..• la_.••* · ••. .a "E'srhl'•• ..... . .w.~ ... ftt. Ll9, Ifie.: ...... Qalf. • ·-, .. . ' ' ' 5'1CW. •• ' • • :"' . ' .. ; ,• • tor • • • ~ 4 f : • . . . ' ~ . .. .• ' • ·'1 . ' ... • ,,.. . . . . ... . . . . . ' . , This week onl~Whila it lea+tr-Priza Win·. nin9 Orange 'C.ovnfy fair Bee[ Fe•tu~ed, at · our r•.9.uler OPS Ceiling Pric:ea. Raised l.y Bill Ricla~ and. Don J.dcaon of · Nitwport Marlto~-l;figh!a -F. F. A. Clul. these Beeves ware judge~ I at and 2nd in their class .. l>ichirad at -the righf wit.h. Don Jackson's llrize Winning Baef are "Tex" Cenden, Dic:k 111.ichartl, and Don J•ckson. RO.IS BROS. . I • . s ... nnie· Pla)I( gaalily eal ·. ·~ . faa1willg Mtl1111illgs U. S. 5M't. 6ni .. atl Cll1h:a leaf ffllalt leaf Obltll•1lll1 COFFEE ___ ·····--············· · ............................. a. 13c CllA8J: a SANllOBN INSTANT COFFEE • OL 33c a OL 6fc SALMON a. -. 47'- . Pioneer JilNCZD CLAMS __ 118:..43 ¢ Uncle._,_ ' U. S. fiov't. .,. ... Cll1lca GRll ~aad • • LUIQS LOIN . LAMB CHOPS ............. :._ .... A 95c MA.""1NG'• 'U .•. ~~Alm .. a.-- BEEF POT ROASTS .......... 67c lllA.'INING'8 -• SHORT. RIBS . , .A 35c llBIDGFOllD'8 B~T HAMS WB~ ~----·--. . ......... 6tc PAV,O .l\VJ~TI:~ -1H CALIP. · HfK TORKEYS ......... .. . .. ~· 6tc · SWll'T'8 ORIOL.& SLICED BACON .... : ........ 4tc · ,.._,,. Prodaee--- RtJfifNE ·~· .. : ........ 2 -1fc SWEET, rotCY, lllEDIUJ( 11ID: V ALllNCIA ORANGES ................... 6·-25c FIRM, Bl:PE. FULL OF FLAVOB TOMATOES :·····-3-25c oi1ois ~~--.......... 3-13c GOLDEN IUPJ: CASABA MELONS ... 7c LUJ:ll'B QUAUTY ._ COOKED ·SALAMI 69~ CHEDR7~HEESE~69c DIPO&ftD C~'ED a 1ao. I ..._ · HOL.LAID HAM 6.50 Sii)i·M•O•wom --A.23c H yom .r.· pfol!nlllg • 'f•'fJ7 s-• ••-' •• ta1ena1 ·s1~· . . , . . .. STORI Hc;>URS: . W~ DUB (ll:X01,l .......,, 9:elA.& .. l:elP.& ~Y-lf.&-.YNllS I ~ ' .,.. .&.'IL ........ .. \ . WMUD ~ • . .... • '*~--.. . W. RICI I -~to Ulllt"" •; (All ~RI• ........ -~it · . .. ·--~ • RICE ····--·· ·~-·~ 21; · 8WIF1'8 BROOltnJ:LD Pvty-Eayte ......... BOT BUTTER ____ ................ _ . .. ..~ 7 4c DOG MIX pq. 39' Alber'• n.AP1ACK FLOUR .~.;: 29' c j iOMiiO SOUP Ill\ oL 3 for 2fc ~w.i~ •• ~ CAKE MIX,.;.... 29; Tree .Tea • Bluk Orup Pekoe TEA GARDEN srRAWBSUY PRESERVES ......................................... 11 •L 2tc TEA BAGS i•et. 17' ... ..... TAPIOCA · .!. 17' ' llenlteJ'• ... laar StNwltarry and . o..., ... s .... f'/2 =291 .......... , -.~xmcwat..r SOfTENER ! 24' U.lt . STARCH ....... 13' PalmoUve ToMet SOAP .... """3125' ()ulunere ..... , Tollfot SOAP .., __ 2119' TllE BAllY Jl'OOD ID Sele Cima GloM C...talaen B•dl·Nat 8tftined IAIY FOOD 43/4 :.. l /29' 0.-(0M VEL _···-····-'•· ..... 27' AJ&< . CLEANSiR .:. 13' BieM:~ -Quaft111e CLOROX .,. .;.,_ 171 · Boyal GELATIN CIAlc.3/19' • •. E. " i ---~ Doi 111 .. ..; . 19¢ CATBUP .. ·--·-··U oo. ::=~:-.. ~ .... 23; ............ 17' CHEJ:Z-IT8 -···· ... pkJ. SNor Spulall. Gl'fJell 'J7f OLIVVJ ......... :11 .._ MIL Early Cal!f. a ..... 8Qitl..i 23; OLIVZ8 -···-.. -·-.I os. , ~ ___ ,q.219' TKUIUIDAY . • POT.l\TO . • GLAZED .DONUTS --·---........ I ... 21' FRENCH APPLE PIE ··--··--51' FIUDAY FUDGE LOAf CAKE.' · ..... C81N · MUL llEA• . \ .. ._:23¢ Check 11tase Ycl1e1 RUNTS SLICED OR HALVES Y C PEACHES .... .. .. ..... 11 ... 23c !'REESWl:l!lT NEW PACK ORANGE JUICE ..... . ..~J*' ... 21c DOLE ' PINEAPPLE TIDBITS No. I,: nc M.COMBJ:R'8 · · APPLE JUICE ... _ .. ___ .............. ····-"-17c OCEAN llPllAY-WJl()Lll OR 8'J'ILAINl:D CRANBERRIE SAUCE ..... ..-17c 8YUU,B ll.&BA80BlNO CHERRIES .......... : . . .......... 1 ... lOC REAL GOLD ORANGE ODd GRAPU'BUJT BLEND BASE .................... -........... .. ....... 16c C..O a Sweyne 23¢ EIAKl:D BEA."i8 .......... .. !TOLl" ..... eroek v ... Campo PORK & DEANS Glorietta TOMA TO ASPIC Ill-......... Cut 11¢ A~PAR.AOU8 , Ne. I nm c-asway.e8lleod 1 11, 171 NEW POT.A.TOES can Mezzanine TABLE LAMPS Modern or Traditional A Beal Bay at ~ Low Prioe $8.98 , .