HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-05 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • • I' r [. I , ' Wdnwdq, ~ S. 1961 • I • • ~ • f! ' Let'• ban no more !Git walfl .__, Let'• -, • , 1"" blc pll &to old FBI M Nab ~to -........ :roulre ......... 1 ....... -m~ . en ,_.._ _______ .,, a silt~ la•eol•-t f(fr...,. IL.fl.d; °" ...,W ~Ill. . • ..,.., ..,. 'pantlo putel -.tor 4 . 8':"°'!1.<lr 1'11 ··1oJ Doa tabl:ltf c fe . .' , ........ -·to WMi,.and --fl.N • llff,• Aloo ._,.. to •mmor a ~ator clauance ... --..... .WU.. llllorlo &1141' _... -Well,,~ "JICI . Y"' . O.••• lwr 1-":.:' ,-;...;.;~~ l!.:.n-~ ~~ .. r~er ~ Pwpl1 tt..t· . , 1:\11.ICU Ull HIUll Cl!IU. • 111 ~~=,,~~= ·1~ l!....af s1:.11...; ~ ·~a · •••tied io P.l.c.' l)ould I>. 1..,., UU ~ .. -ul Riii UI : ~ . ~:r't! .= ~~I~';: All arm.i piun;tt ind ~ aeeompHci..~ approxf. a~ DI~'• 6u.,__,..t matay $815 from the .~Semce Statloli at R"*8ide aw Tolicboq-01 l'<b. 22. 11111. and Cdut;"'8 h-y,' New--tr-Beec.'t at :! L ""-· Sanday, ,,.. ....,.i. &warded 'Clll¥ "' ....... ,._. . , • thoolO -..... ailed th.tr blood Jim Bldck..,,,..., 1M6~ . . - Onrr·. ···:;;;:;,_!;;;;i~· .. , · . on :Sk>t Charge K_ IN :A.YE&&O& SID u~ lP'Qll Rel-oo SllOO bond ,,.,... • . '1SM day .ntct1t wu Chui .. DrU•. se. B-·· y .. ~~=..o1,:~ <>nnp L&ndhls OOAS'l'LINll l'LOO& OOVl:IUlfO , ---. taken Int<> .,... tod7 by nn aceni. ~ 1M AND DWPO&T A VS.. OIMTA ·KUA alpt In the wake of the ft«Dt ..._ Bis,_ 1111~ crack-down. on fiat 111acb.lne• ta I U(e aft&. • - • • • AND SHOPPIN<i NEWS ---= -· - --ft' --· = uaa4EWU- PUBL18Jl7J> AT 'nll UIJ!OA. MIULZVAD NEWPQaT BU.CB, CA.I.D'OSNIA TICLD"llONI:: llAllBOlt lfll • By MARGO "FAIR TRESSES MAN'S IMPERIAL RACE INSNARE, AND BEAUTY DRAWS WITH BUT A SINGLE lLUR." Stay tunf:'d, ladJu. for aeveral bulletina to be broadcast to would-be beauties; f.luh 1. Ruth Grau I.I the new owner.manager of Rath'• Jkr9.aty 8llop. S38 Polnlettla. Corona dt-1 Ma.r . M.111. Grau brings a. tre1h new approach to the beauty buslne.D-1. e .. a cuatomer':s viewpolnL Not &.n operator heraelf, Mr1. Grau plana to bring you all tbe aervt.ce, atyllng and crUtaman.shlp you u a btauty ahop client could de.ire. The new Ruth'• Beauty Shop hu been remodelf'd A<>mewhat and a new air· cohditloner _&nd purifier la being-lnatalle-d. Fluh 2. Sa.lly Hidy, expert and well·known operator Lt now on the 1taff at Ruth'•· . P'laah .1. '\"lr&iala Rf'MI will be back from vacation Stpt. 17. Flaah f . Renown Rayette Pennanenta are ,given hett-Shorty and Preview wave $1 0: Deluxe $12.~; t.be new Lanolin Sl~; and the R&yette recondltloner wave, Ptnetreme $20. All right gtrlli. don't 1hove-you too can be beautiful : Roth'• -.ty !!hop lo .. SSll P-JU&. 0..-... MM, Hal'llor %901. • • • ALL ·oUT FOR THE SACK RACE! On the double now. yoo batsbver to Lee Shipley Ortgina..I• Shop for a peU at Lff'• •ta.rtltncly •tunnlnc 1tralght-up and down dremi ! Lee personally deaigrui and manulacters dreuea, .ult.I and Hparate• to tit the cut ot your In- dividual 'A'arp and woof! Now thl• new "'Sack Style" rown ta avail· able in cr•Y wool jersey or ln brown jersey with intricate rold de.sip. .Another mn&rt Shiplry nlute to fall ta a 2 pee. corduroy ln 2 tonea Of orchid. Drooling a little aren't you! Duhln1 new arrivW too In pl&.ida. woolt-rui, pbardinea .•. and load.8 ot •e.Jtlta with the wander· ~luat. Ltt Shipley'• origl.nala can N whipped up for you in 2 to .1 days. Only one expert nittnr and all at once you're Jow:ly! Cuatom· made prices hPrt compare more than tavorablt wilh re&dy·madM. Lee 81&Jplt"7 Ori ........ 1108 Cout Ht.pway, Corona del Mu. Harbor IMs..J. • • • WOULD YOU BE WILLlNG TO PROrrr BT ' A CA.Jl£LESS DOWAGER'S MISTAD! I pr. fer to think that my Ultl• ~ are mc..tlJ' · ~ltdman, .a ru expl&la: ·a, rn Dn+c'6e bu an ut.ravapntly elepnt q\lilt.ed taffeta -.. spread with aham and dmt naftk. ThUi ti& apread wu ordef'tld thru' some mlx·U'p, 1o you may have It tor $25. Meantime, Kimmona ll having a M.le. So .other barpina such u a S pc. LawltOn aectionaJ at coet .. lt'a mu.alln cove.red end Kimmona will upholater lt tn a fabric of your choice. And there'a a remnant table filled with swatch bWld~s ..• ITe&t -tor a quilting btt, bedsprtada., pillow topa, etc. Bolt.a ot y&f'dal"e at t 1 Priee in ca.ement, drapery &nd upbolatery cloth. Other oddli and endl include a chintz covel'fll vanity, mew fol~ chalra, pillows and curtain.a.. Come ON A KJM."OS8. KJm.. mom Drapery 8.hop. US E. 17~ St.. Coeta MN&. ~ MM. • • •• • "HE JllAY UVE wrrHOUT BOOKS. what lo -...i..ir bul plevWcf Re may Jive wttboot 1'o~w.bat • hopi! but dotreet\ial' f He may u,·f" wttltout lo\"f'l, what ls paMtOfl bot pllllnct 8u$ Wbtte t9 the ~ tb&i call llYe wttbout dlaiJI&'!" \ AT C'llA.B.LEY'S SEAFOOD R..ESTAURA...''T~ 11S6 C-out H1P.wa7 (ae:r.f tf Port O-r.qe) -....US4-Cl-~yo • • • WHETHER' YOU'RE PLANNING ON PAR.ACHt.mNG INTO THE joint outfall. maklng a bicycle tour of the lowland.I, or cruillinl' up Pl.ke-'11 Pea.k In your Sta.nley Stea.mer, you·u cert&inJy need a dU!ller from the .JO-LEE Sport Shop. Alex Colman had little ole you In mind when be deaigned thia dauntleaa corduroy coverall. It'• fluently st)·it>d in soft (T'&Y or citron with patch pocketa and ~ cuftt'd 1Jeevta ($22.95). Othf'r comely Colman Corduroys ... a short, belted jacket, hi-low patch pocket•. -'. sleeve a.nd ln an lntenMly a.utumn rupbe.rry·red, citron and doviah gray, Sl2.8~. A Colman 1kirt ln tuckNt waiat detail or item slim 1n citron or pwnpkln 1$11 .D~ -7.9~) coordinates till the· cowa come home with a matchlnr or contn.Unr Colman rug-ht jack.et C S9.~I. Jersey blouaea to coordinate with any· body, $1.95. Look aharp now. ff-Lee Sport. Shop. lAS5 Newport Ave.. Co.ta )I,,.. • • • Barkleu Buenji, Balboa socia.l!te a.nd non· baying member of the Biscuit and Kennel Club writes; .. Every dog baa hia day, you know. But a pup·s hft a a p&rlicularly merry one at the La Mesa Ranch." Yu indeed, Mr. B! Bttauae Al and Dru Thompson, dog-happy ownen of thla ""Cocldleid. Clleat" 2 1.,. acre Boarding Home take a peraona.J tntere.C: ln their gueeta.. Whether yolll' dog 1a a big, independent 1how-otf who want. to be .. on his own." or a shy 9ellsitive .out ~ho ha.a to be pampered, he'U cet proper treatment here. The La Meaa Ranch attonhi private bunga!OY.'S &nd ~ private shade tree tor each clJe.nL And an.other thing, th.is ranch is e:spect&lly we.ll-1taffed with camp ~wuel~ra. Dai11y , OoUa.r and A bl1ail. The next time you ftnd It neeeua.t)' to call up a dog-sitter. let Barkdale or What.hero-name hav• the ad\·aota.c-ea and tun of a day, week or rn,onth at the IA •-.._,. t.r Ranc:ll for Dop. Beacon M38-.R • • • FlllEND8IID' OPT TDDll llU'EN8 IN· TO LOVE. ' Many a cuinf rrtendahip bu flowered Int<> .,rnething far, far (l"d.ter on & Sow NaL Now take tor example th&t maple low aeat wtUl U,e provincial (.'Oftr. Let me think , •• when DtD I 1ee that! TN.. YES! lt wu! l ftD'lembtr now ... lt'1 ow.r at EJ-w 11W. Lo-.ely, Ull· --unlo"'Od low -t for Mt~ Ju.I: ...... t . Dr. .. .. ood peld 1... It -tndudlnc the trelll>t 11ie·a 1trup tot ml&l>t l811LI rti<nda! Lonro! Wbo - tell without a Jon -u Bo~ ... a.:r-..mia1 Jl'&Mle aw lien: Ra,... -tuns, 11 -W. a ,-. Be&"7 -~ ~II""" il<ceptkiloal ~ fOr ._ o!lp:I-.. -.. iildtta, ~1eolM -1a1b1Y· ...... Wkq .... T aw ... , ....,.. .. 811a I .... 0.------·-· . . ' • 1·. • • . • • PSST! ~n:u..o1VT.:t ~ Ill: ~ rRONT Drake wu ur&il'fted before U. OP TlllC· OYll. I have a tale to tell out of llChoOl! 8. ConunJ.uloner Arthur M:. Btad- 1'111' ii the 1at.elt · lt&k:: Old lettermen. loa.tua, te7 and later releued. He ii &1- .acholan and even st,udenta are l'olnf to we~ PEO lqed' to have -..roed the boat 00&08 to ~ th1• ·year.. 'HONEST! I pt my "Jackpot" at Port Orange and to taahfoo. acoo~ from l>t:h1nd the barn, 80 tt'a strictly h&Vf tried to warn c,pt. GleM the ltn.lSfl,t ·pod&. RJCKY'8 8BOP hu: theM K . 'Taylor of tbe "Miaawtt" that pn.ctlcaJ paoU .tor M.M -•1.M IJOns w1th boya Jl'BI agents. were going to •l&e T-ShtrU MJe SJ.19 up. NdW what b&w we got for the slot ma.c.htnea aboard. wtnaome ICbootgirlw! Gantnu swt.atfts . ln 1111>" ll ls alltgtd that the alot ma· oven, cardJpna. woo&., anguru . . . lOO«;t 'rtrcfn chine• were rotng to be (lumped wooL nvM.lert~ ln Yiv1d hue. ~-Be•vy cardipnt OfVboard but that • G-ma.n work· • $1.t~ -$10. Plenty of white blouaea with Peter Pan lnC ~ercover pttVented th1a ac- or pointed. coll&n, tueke or pla.in tronta $2.95 up. Uon. Str&Jsht •Id.rt.a, navy or black g&bardine 15..9~ up. l'or hl.t alleged actiona Drake Wool plalda ,tD.98 -$12.~-0. K. Kiddle•, get J;l!&dY wu arra.lgnt'd tor a.Jdlng and to .wtnr your lunch palls at Ricky'• Sllop, I1M .. 8<JllOLAB" abetttng the tra.n1port ot gun)).. Newport 811'4., 0-ta lleea. lleaeo• 16+6. ling devlcea on the hJgh seu. • • • • Drake'• arre1t brlng3 the total OU:! VIVA! number ot per&on.a an-e:sted from CASA DON CA~ M.EXlCAN SPECIALTIES Combla&Uon plate dlnner ----·······-········--·····-·---S .M De-luz.e dinner ·········-····-······--····-···-····-········-···-····•1.M 'Steek dlnoer -·-···-·····-········································$1 .TO C.rveu Salud! C.. doa OMt-., llS !hd St., Newport ••• Harbor !1!8-M • • • EDITOR'S NOTE: "'The oplniona ex.· preued. here are neceaMrlly lhe>k of the writer.'' That Ming the cue, I 'll al&t.e that In _my opinion Polly Appana ha.I a carload oC new fall dreaeet: and aulla tn a.bout every 1ln and deM:rlption. Dreaaea come 11:1 regu- lar 11111d halt aisu. ao you'rt bound to get a flt at Polly'•· You can look over Joan Miller, Jn.; TI.na Pa.re. Mynettn, Glen Echo., Bel· termad~ .and other ~ brand d.reuea and aulU tn price. tag1 from $10.M • S22.9:S. One atand-out of a drtM la a Ttna Pa.ge charcoal tl:l:e Harbor area to 48. Forty ~r· 90ll8 were nabbed in the huge FBI ra"1 on P"rtday, Augurt 24 . Five ottier per9001 were taken lnt.o cus- tody arler the raid. All the slot machl.ne c&.RI have been 1et for a prelim1nary heal" Ing at 10 a.m. Wedneada.y before the U. 8. CommWloner. t&tfeU. W'lth cri.ftoU.. petUeoat f ill.~). J'\a.rtlsennore, ill my oplnk>n tt wou)d do )'OUT' heart rood to fondle these tancitUl frock:a at :roLLY APPAlll. UIU Newpwt A-,~ X- Newport S..ach ha.a bad lta job cut oUt tOr tt in the major cam· palm now \lnder way to prepan f<J" a pout.hie A·bornb attatk. ta ~ ..... 'Newport Be&cb i9 bel.nc' called upon to recntJt and trMn 243 auxiliary flremen, 91 auxiliary po. !icemen, one reacue lqU&d. and. ooe r&41oloetcal teem. It ta belnl" ukeid to orp.nize and ......,,_ oae rn..a c&re ceftter "team, one mo- bile welfar. team., one mobile shelter team\ one mobile feedlng team. one mobUe clothlnl" team Md three rertat.ra.t.ion team.a. e • • ...... ftbt~ TOU WA::" 1 FOR TOUR BOAT JS AT WALT'S TRADING POST 422 • 30th 8T. 1''1tA.R THE lei: HOUSE S"l:WPORT HARBOK 14'10 8 :30 to e ,. m. DCEPI' WEDNESDA Y8 .. . . . ? • • A Mn. Revere R. Rumph wrilM: .. 81X month.a -.a. l auff•red a .evere net'Youa bre:ak-· down. I kept heartnir st.ran.re. tlappin&' eounda. ' • l had my aboea balf·aoled. b\Jt \be 'nol.e kept , up. Then one da.y, I conaultlld a rovtnl' quack ~ Thi6 cominuadt:t: a1ao ta ·cu reed wWl the taok If' ~lllr ahelter for lOOtl Jllft"80fta, f\)oc1 for l~. res-Lttr&Uon fol 3000, and emer- l"ency ~ and aervtce. tor 1000. .. The requlrlf:menU of penon.· net and f&eWtiel to ('Ombat ' the effect. of a.n atomk atrtke ln Re· gtOll 8 (Loa Anjde. a.nd ~ COWi.UM) wt1l be beyond the cepa· •mu .. ot -•tacle ~ucal )ur- iodlctJon," OIKoo declared la who told me that th• roller abadea In my houae were on UJ>liide down.. Everytlme I pulled the · ab&dea up, they t.U down. Every time I pulled the ah•de• down, th•)' fell up. Tb.n I dl• ~~····pmenta covered the SBA.DE ltROP. Ky aew roller JtaW.C Qllleka • eh•dee work pufect1y. "n.ey do Juel what I tell UMm &nd I don't be&I" no mol'9. tlappin.I' nay.ea. .. I un. ao lonl'ef afraid to )qolt out Ule wtnddw... Sip.d: lira. ·R: ll. R. .t.ndMdy l TM Shade m.>p Me put a tot f1f people on the rt&ht track! TN¥1!r.a tracka. c~m Madu 01' atea.atona with a.Jl the twnre; ctn.P@ry ~. V. Bllndl. aoo.n.cka a.nd Tonle-Bolta at .the Shade Shop 1514 29th Sl, Newport. Harbor Uol. Two ...aibala met a an tn.ne uylum.: Ona wu davau.rtai' pte- ture1 of m•n, wom-.n and children. "'Say," tM ot..ber a.eked, "la th&t debydr&t-4 atutf aay pod!" • ' , Sea .Food Va1•ieties • -•a•.aee Ille Opelll.ag al lbelr Modern Fish Marke·t , • • ~EALSO FUTURE POULTRY SPORT F1$HERMENI •• WE WILL CLEA'N , FILET or SMOKE YOUR FISH ' FRIDAY, SEPT. 7th 2616 .NEWl'OllT ILVD. NEWPORT IEACH • FREE SOUVEN IRS FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY FRESH FISH QAIL Y ALL THE V~RlmES THAT ARE IRODGHT IN DAfLY Also 5MOKED FISH DIFFERENT .and DELICIOUS SHRIMP· , "S.TEAMED IN BEER" ..--HOT ''TAKE OUT" ORDERS TO GO . FR~ FRIED SH~IMP , ' See O• ' -CAAi CAKES · • • < : .STUEFED , CRAIS AqU~M ' ~NCEo C~M PATTIES ' , • .s I 51 ~ c ~~.::sf A ~;'F .. 0.01 ~. VARl~ET.1-~s .. ·~. ' • • ···. . .~ ... , ~iri,•~ ~-.·..-.-~•1rll -~"·. :-; · · ~ ...... Im '· . ,. erhfAI' mVJClll 4VAD.&aa15 · • • • ' 14)11'S OI' i • l!J PAP!JNG t1f O'IJll o•lf Je'""'IO LOr ' , • • ta. ciofenae.of America, la a purple Cool.&' K-the -&tted&nt. for •J-t-& mlaute ._ oejled ~ hevt, wttllln a lmNlle-Mid that a num approached him· poll.,._ border upon wlalch Iii Mlperlm• while he WU 1n lbtl ·hlbricatJon Tbe .,mman .... dticrtbed U poMd ~ pn>ftle hood 9f Wammt· room and uked· for cllani19 for a hf.9'ne • ~ ·bQlld, dork h&tr, ton ta military unlfohn. dollar. Whan BJddnman. opmed a muaitache ud WU W9Ulnc a -----~· the cub box. th• IUMJ.Ul ;Jam· ltha l'WMter. H1a ccnnpuioo wu ~ U Do med lbm.ethlnC tntO bi• back and of a .aipter .. bulld and. WON an ..,.. plOll WWi uid "GlYO my~ the clouafi." l"°ry co-lillU1. ·· , Hil C91111NI Stol1• <Jailed PoHoe Newport poU,,. .,. ta\'Ulip- Newport Beach Police 8erpant John Upaon la taltlar a rtbblnl' fro~ the other memben of the force after t.blevea stole a camera valued at $75 from hla car. lut week. Upeon aid that the camera bad been taken Crom Ole rtove com- partment of bia car whJch bad beea p&rked in Ute driveway of hia home at 537 Redlanda Ave., Newport HeirhU._ DOWELL IN WAR OAMES - Flrat Lt. Robert L. Dowell, ll01l ot Mr. and Mn. E. W . Gille.a-pie, Newport Beach; partlclpkUd ln Elce.rciae Southern Pine, the jdtnt Army-Air P'atte training maneu- vers. u a pilot flying with tht 120lh fighter bomber aquadron out of Wilmington. N. C. A ir operatlona tor tM big war ga.mes were under tfte tactical dlrtctJon of Ninth Air Force head- quarter• u Pope Air Force b&ae, FortBra.fg, N.C. • SALE . RUIY TUMILERS ..,, 10.- TYl'IN6 l'Al'El 9# .... 23 ' Sl.39 per rea111 CAllON l'Al'ER 13 1 rYPEWllTIR llllON -.....-79¢ l'Al'El CUPS '· 10¢ ST&NOOllAPRJO NOTDOOKS a,..-1llalod 13 ¢ I" x I" MEMO NOTHOOKS / '~ l ' o~ j REINFORCEMENTS • 4r WNCH KrT . 'l"' .. , __ . .\'::.is~ Tb.• rrtatlon man handed OTI!r t1DI' tbt robbery. Opport;Unft,. • .... ,., • C'S.AMit'J&D AJ)9 the money, $60 in bills and $15 in chanp,1 Co the accomplice. 'nle cunman then. told Bldderman to "get. into the lube room and 11\&y there.'' Bidderman atayed there EveryWJ' reade the cl••.tfled ada. • BOY HAS 'GOOD EXCUSE' POLICE . NAB HIM ANYW AJ A lS·year...old Alhambra youth wu .ent to the )uvenile home following hi9 then of UM boat "Good Excua" valued at $4500 from the Seuport Jandll\r; at T :82 a. m. P'rlday. Georre Younr of the landing called police and told them that the youth had holated anchor and 1truck out toward.a the .ea ln the 21!1 foot Steelcr1.n. • Harbor department men caught up with the veaeel u it moved erratically througb the channel near the Balbg& • Balboa laland ferry croutng. TheY took the boa.t in tow and turned over lbe youth to Newp>rt Beach poUCe. According' to the police, the youth wu unable to ('Ive a coherent story of the NC&• pa de. He waa booked for trand theft and a petition wa.a' filed with juvenile a4thorltieL He t. now at the juve.nile home. 6 .. r33 '' PENCILS ···-·······-~-.12f .. 23' llPltEADElt TOP MUCILAGE ........... 22' ... _..... .. BOP Al.ONG tl.&118ID'l' ' ' KECR.Ul'ICAL . PENCILS ··-·-·-·-······ 19' 11 INCH RULERS .. ·-·········-··-· 9' Punchd I BolH 3-Rint Z I it I' I I . NOTEBOOKS. • • • LEAD PENCILS 4' PENCIL BOXES 25' Re~. - PENCIL TABLm . ' 4' • 8TEP ON GARBAGE PAILS ..... JUI SOAPS aer .... :,. • . t . Milk·. of Matw.lci· 4-0c ,.aloe 00llll'08l'I'ION • NOTEIOOKS 23 ' INK TAILETS 19¢ . ... 16o 180'• • HOBART ASl'RIN 11' 2 or I Rhlc NOTEIOOKS 59¢ SWIMMING CAPS 25°/o OFF LOllW TU MILERS • ·lief. Tte 6 for 59~ DEIUIETl(lll FLUID COLOR . ew. is:- COLD ,CJDM •• .,., 1117 -•c.i.Z~ CR ·c- ilj :nror:-2 IW.I: '1" ,j --. ,-J~ 0 -*"-. . , • . 1 ·' • • • . . • \ , • "t • ' • ' ' ' • .ROADWAY.~ • • , • • ' -P-AULO: ..,:VS ~Oool---io..U. •. """'-· Now LIU '1'u --a.-· ~--AIQ'ftno 9'1' bid. l:U ' ' ...... • . NOW l!llOWINO . •'FRANCIS GOES TO ntE llACES" . -. . ~ 0-W O'C-Mt,,,.......,. L&afte ':-" .w..;. ' . "THE lfG GUSHER" PNt.9 ........... w-•- • 0FfYE"• w-. Pippo, Sa..a Douet.. -AIM.....: "NATIVE SON" NOW 'llllOWJNO • "MR. HLYEDEltE RINGS THE IEU" ~w-.1-11no -Ai.o-. "FOaT WORTH". -..... -It. h.W llk1M 8T A&'l'I! Wl:D. "CATIU DRIVE" JOEL •eCU"..A. DEA." 8l'OCKWElL -Aho- "MARlt OF THE RENEGADE'' J ... w....... Bl<laaN ............ IUdoiu,r Wrlf" <]Zd .OioaPloM • • : • ' --DIO •. ·----....... -a"1•1n .. ..._ , .. • uftl '.'HIS UID OF . W014A~~ .. . ~ .. \ '.ftAa'ra fUNl>AY •' "'•JUdl DMIClll'1 J• I•~ "llG CARNIVAL" . -.Al.80- Woll D_ .. "PLUTOP1A" . OOlllNO ''MEIT ME AFIElt . THE SHOW"' 'PEOPLE . WILL TALK' "JIM THORPE, ALL-AMEIJCAN" Mesc"\..,,_., • \ • - • • . ' • -• ·~ .. • . AD._' LIB .... (Oak I~ .. I)• ~ .., •. ~ Friends Note Nit.al An(W~ of ld1nd M-~Ofi' • ., ... 1&1111'· --~ 11114 ... 't • llflpUc(j-,.,. -~ -.i ,_ .m.J. --11111. -alA't pt uJcvo -·· poptlc.. -Hany KlllPA'• ed ft*1 ~la.-. If U. e•o-romutt .u ho clRw •·lmlfo ... 110 ,~b. a. Bui u !ht lllrtlld&T·.....--.,.1( ---~ lllrt. ·".l..Uo," llld Han-y, ''I-~ lb. ·--·.·'Oh st J--· ""'"" ~ llU'Q', I •cn.t, nly eyN dlnclns with t metrlmont. "You Ille~-11eppy -Tl>ld .i.. ~I" Ho-, tt'• oil true. Tile' nvoid9 pto WWN: 'Dr. aj MN.~.,,~ )l(r. ftlb OeltY'INd at tt. OWD c1ocka from ill boat.a. 8o I ~. --'-1* .... ..... tb"1 Do .. ~ -bl&'r-t. ·tho lltu.t ..... • ,,_ flab • tfn.olac. old Bulow -~-Mp. 6orl' ... -.-·-· and .All>lcori .,.. r -· :l'tw l.oboten . -··. ' • : .•• -. , -... Jouoy. 11.u'lllDI: -· ()pin ""'7 ..., of Ille .,,. tlllpl';lllc "'f'lc!lllo' • ·u;. n1•a• )'Mr at :tlOO LltayettAt, Newport. bOftl• • of bi-. Ind lllr4 tlla..,. . . • • AndrM',·-......... --Bol\-l<Nll -it -.. --• next cUbed at.~'•flllt,,1UI\ PanatOl'lle? Tbe other day, be pvt: me a ldjollm.,i U> \he -.etillfr. U!I "'°ndorflll loaf of brtad ,. .. Cl'Ulty, round aad Mn. Noel.Barlow tor &be ~ Cl'Vered With ..aa.mf M4ldl.. .--nu.a. ta a very -an4-. e>L<:ellent lolf ot 'bmd It I c1o· Ml' oo," ho oald ~y. eaoup, "!Mlt I eaa't 'tlWilc wblt" ldDd . , " ·, It II." Howe-, Bob 11 ! ft1')' eood boUr, a> Miss Elsie Farris· · who ..... u 11o•1 brlirtan. n·, tune, of ... .,... to Addr.ss C.l.·.L to ....tt ...W·to tbo,Nowpori -_,. tor J\mch. aug -pall cooldol • • . fr!pttully koen • eooldeo bore W Ind to e or I vaiietlea. Fro.th coftao ·...-and Jolly dollchnul<I omen of cC)·unty u. ...,. to -· "" ... •mpty otOmo<b • ; • ·-• ...,. to I> .. ~ f<i< 1 • a fut bret.ldut u all you do ta ~· t.1\-m out .ot the ~· .Hea!Ur. The reeular bOanl ra.eetlnS of bran bN&d or UM' lpo~ ftheat loaf r;r:; with honey will make 0n.n1"e County Feder&Uoa ~ Wo-J"OU a Nf\ll&.r iuY· Newport .a.kerJ'. I 11 0... ..._t. Newport. men'• cluba Will be lleld rtido.,y. -M. • 1...._R ~. ~K . 1 daYOl I ND -USll>, PT lept. 1 In l'lrlt ConcrepqouJ ~.~-----------_,.,_ ___ .:.._ __ _ chur<h, JAcuna Beocb. Mro. C. C. Bonebrake, rice·pru.ident at 1&rre rs. oy eene Ray i,eo~.( ~tructloil IQn-rln• of CP'WC wu be morninr 1pu.ker. fr T " ' au.111-will feat11r. -"" Home om rip t•nd<nt 111 charge ., .... k °" ui.e :i . . ' , T op1 In f'.ood ·* Tops in • Enterf•inment * 415 E. IWbaa ...... . , * . Coi:lct•il1 fro i.l 0 •· "'· * }IOW 8B~WINO Fin• .... .Duoa..l<.~D.U.. "MEYER 11tUST A LADY" MPOrt.a &nd adoption ot the Wdctt elon=r-Je&t eoon to be •tart.ed for f0< 1es1.a:. to Mexico th~ta Ana Freeway: 11 mov· ~~;;~;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;iii;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;= Tile a.ttemoon ..-on will bav• tnr hi tamuy from 8an Jl'ranct.co . to d ttie winter monthl 1n • a mualcal PJ'OCT'U'A followed by Mn. Roy Keene: and Mn. Mar-Ttrrougti the ettOk. of J . tbe t:pea.ker, M\.m Ell~ ran-ta. vine Frankl returned Augw:t 28 M. Miper ot the Ba-y a.nd Be~ noted Locc Bea.ell attorney &Dd trom Kuico wbeH they h&'d • fte&ltT. Com bu 'eued a home world traveler. Mrs. W. L. Bar-moet enjoyable Wffk altboucb ar:· 14t B&Jboa BfTd.: wbttt 5"e Stage. 8cr&A ud TV Star •-AL&O- Loulo ~ hi II- -la- bert w111 pruide. thetr trlp wu ~t •hort. will I e •with hi# wife and 'two Luncheon reHrratioa. ~ Tiley drove flrll. to T1j.na, Jon.ly u~t M made wttlt lbw. G. r . Meadowc. then to X!n.wnad1 where they viii-• ~ .. era. _ ..-Lquna •-2971. . llA!d tri•ndo, lat.. taklnc lbe "Dancl ace" -·STAmNG "LADY AND THE IANDIT'' -'tll>MDio "AIJCt IN :, WONDD••ND" . - Helen · McTa99•rt - ls Luau Hostess plane to Mont«rey. They had plan- ned to l'O to Mexleo ctty for a week but Mn. 'P'ranJu:' hu..b&nd. . owner of Solly'• restaurant 1n Hollywood, needed her Mck and llley ded:ded t.o talre a "raJ:n elleck" cm UM J'W\a.tnder ot lM ---'.''' .-.. .... .,, Sin. 15 -•ii 'U..oN lfAU-'#.;, f ... St: COSTA.MESA • 2' . BANDS-- 2 • NO LULLS Adml!odoe 75¢" (tu: lllduded) • • 1 llO\'JNO llillm 0..""l IVOli . NIGRTL T BJIOADCJAST ' • OPEN EVERY DAY! • KlddiN 0., Every :_~· Wedneed&J • u N'OOll to • p. .... • FREE BALLOONS • eo-..i- ~ • BldM If "NATUln HALI ACRI" ~. · . . . . lf.UtnulAY I.UT dAY ' W. and sqspt •·•• ''TRIO" -ALSO- -llal<, Rlcluu<I -_,,,_ • "LOINA DOONI" • T~lr~o · '~ ..., ... -& -cr.olir'• ti;,;-.J" "HERi COMES THI · GROOM"" -Pla- ''THI SQUARED · CaClE! _;, ~ . R<len llc'l'lt.cprt al tho All· cbor TraiMr Port P•• 111.. Ml· n.ual l\IMJ. °" 4\ll\llt • for !!\M'li· btn of Kamaaina club, of wtliell lk ii an ln&cUn member, Some 200 people, Kamaat&Jt"· ttfetr f9mU1N and tr1end9 and ~ resident.a., wen pl"Hebt. ll'lp. , BIYC Commodore Host at Dance · '!be patio .... draped With f~ Thurlday evellinC', . followtnc 1-i.a..t: llrbt.ed by .Japane.e Ian-preeentatlon of aeuon'e trophU. teru. 'l'a.bkre 4'were ~"'-.cl With &Dd awa.ro. for Balboa llland net. &ad buaaa& 1ea.,... and deco-Yacht olub, new -Oommodot'e Noel n.ted down tbe cea~ wttta ptne-Barlow wu lt.Oflt to y~ frteondii apple., b&nanu u.d oocoaut;t. at a duce ln Balboa Yacht club. Dorotlly &U ot Aloha Trailer Included ln the ~y P,OUP we~: o,.i 11:"'7 11oa,. eowrt.m OIHNllS ~ $1.M .. SI.II TROPICAL DIUNil8 ~.. , .... &c:l-.1"9 T~mA.N SICTIOOW ..... Parldq H.._ 171 ' , mn THI .NEW HUT P&rk &nd Ka.ma.a1M club' mvn-lOute Carol Syman, AM Raw- Mn 4aneed, while thrM buabanda li.n.I, Phyllt. Rawllna. Ann Rlch• ' • 0-t lllway. I..- ln ialand oostu.m• pn a COlnedy Ueu, Nancy Cameoy; Junior St.art ...... 4-9eN for ae.r.au ... aumbu. Conunodore Benny Benj&mjn, John Briel.I Shower for Patricia Abbott · KIULl•Y, Bob Halderman, Tom JonN, Bulter K~& Md Da· TidH-...-, ~ .. chaperone1 ,.,_.. Xr. and Mn. .Jlm Eyman, Kr. and Mt-. RoWt JOft .. and Mr ......... .. ·piN;4.~ ......... ,.... 06l .... low. -·-,._t -u. -----.. •• ---~·~.....-r.i.8 u L.-!or o<'-IMI! -· ~-~ ...... ·-=-"..Nfll -. IOI! Oolloaia ·---A.... B .J .. ' +· n. Wltl\ --... ~··-o•a Mee '"9 ....., -9'fta ..... -ill Mr • .,.. Mme ,.... rwt Nd l'Tetute to the ...-m '• open· NOW OPEN -·u. Pller tettm• Cl.A.TA.LINA 181.AND ,1 OSS I'S .. ~ l'INE D'AIJU INNNEll8 ' . Ai.o by, the ktdl •l•i:t. .,.. ..-.. -.. ot aeti'Yit.i• tor a.n club afterward ..,.. MM'ff ~ ot Jwn&on wu tlll• ~rd 1neet1n.1 jeDo. calle, coff'M an.d tea. bekl at the llome at Xra. .A..rtJlur -Prnent ..... tU boaot'M, :Ml&I White, 21% J:ut Oeeaa Front, Bal-l·!·hr -Ptl•1 -Ab~;""-Mary Clul. Ma.r..,..t bo&, when plans for the comlnr .., c kt •1 ' l!TiU:l'S lllNDAY Dunbar, )lary A,,..., Anno Wor-Y .. r won ---i -OC a,$ . ahani, Im..-DIJ!lhom, P"ICY Prwnt -· Mn. Wlllte, ehau-r 1811 "'-~ •o.Je "KON• TIKI" Abbott, ,,...,,_ ft._,_, lllloa-man: X.... C. R. Stott. flnt TI« ·..:t::i.':.- A"-""" of,.. -nor Cwolclt, P-1 lloblaoon. •blllnnan< Mn. N. H. Jtoberdu.u, 0o.:.... • .11'..o°':::...: -Pia. -A.nit& Oweuoa. Mn. Smith Md aecond "1'1.ee· ch&trman: M'ra. How-~~~~·~-~...,.~~-~~~ left Oll&lt4lel'. Evel)'9. "--tM botlleM. ard . WUllamJI, eecreta.ry; Mrs. "IRON MAN" Warren M<llini, ....,,..,; llrw. 1 .. _______ _.11 I d C I Obed Lucas, Mn. W. ll. P'loher I' S •n 0Up • and Mra. Marlin Sheely. Pir8t J'fteettn• ot the club yu.r Host_ s at Canas+• . -will ... on Thuroday, !!<pt. 2T at lleporlatlft Df7 C1Ma•1. LIDO · ':' UM: home ot Mra. W'. 1:. Jllaber, 141 Dr. and lllro. i:::lllnton ~', lbo...cUtt, c....,. d•I Mar. Bdt.nl • CLE.A.Nms G&m~t '&Y'UUlit.. Se.I.boa Ialuwt, e· •emben wtU ~ )OlrtelML • UI ".;,.rt lllv£. 5't/R/: 1 ~1 ux.6·1044 llUNTINOTON' BEACH t4=rtalned recently wtth rueat. tn -- NOW 'l'llRU 8.&2"Ua.DAY . for a.n ewntnr of canuta. PflN-f1rrl TRA.n."INO t 008TA KESA DESTIN ATJON· :"·~ ~. ~~ =· = :.~cbe o~ }::"'~ = w~ .,a•:.:.~. · I\ I · Strother ot Glendale· Mr and 0 . Bra.y. aviation chief ordnanoe-11.. _______ ;__,.1 -· OON. "Mn. c . Roertlc-ot i..;. ,.q.IM: man, USN. of lll2T Weot Bay,1----------- rJ ANTENNAS • C.U us for installation or servicing of your. antenn• • Prom~t service by • expert t.chnicMtns ·1111 l'f-11 BmL •· Low pt'ices :r ID E TY • -- 0 . -1~.XIC PUBLIC GOLS: COURSI • • .._,._..4're'.19w1u.;1&.wt . ••ra•.aua1t'• ·-· lhr.·4 • • 11#1• \/cit :ltll iMrat ltRadlolbwa.- '---=--SANTA ~ .•a-3-111 M : · , Mr. and Mn. Clayton Low~ u.4 Newport Be.a.ch. caJif .• now .,..,... . 1 Mr. and Mn.. Noel Bar&ow Gt Bal· ID.I' wt th Air Anti • l!!ubm.artne · . -uland. Squadron NL D•ECTOIY . --.. ftt:llC>DI'!"' " Alter U.. pm~ ti>• ~ woat A unit pf the h<ttle FIMt Air _•._..._ ___ _...._ __ _ -.-94 fUl4 LH to the Jolly .ROt•r ..... Kn. JJ'oree, the .quadron 1.9 aow Uftder------'------- -AND -HoertJc wu ..,_&dod ""4 _._ l"lnc lllt...,ve h'llialnc at t11e r&;:iiiiiiiiu . · ... led ..itJJ • utn larso ...... Naval Air 8tatloa, Loi Alamlloo, LZ9S'D A. BllC&ER, D. D. a, [ ........ r ... tftod w!u. .. _,, . • i DENTIStRT I candJ•. hllsted pe!"IOIU\el attached to tM aquadron an hi1hly akilled 178' Newport Blvd., COIU lleaa K. • Kl b technict.anl and npe.irman. 'nle .....L,..1 ama•m• U Pllolo.. wbo n y In any kind of 11<-j -Bhlc. S.acon 17152 .._ J H h weather, day or llight, .,.. all Meets On . 9j9 , ts , ,....tu&tH of a Naval Eleet?onlco ~ Un.it. They are well Poetponed unut \he retutp ot vened l.n the u• of radar for Boow Keene ttan Katroi ..,.., lln4lnsatar mtect1Qn .and Mlblu--l':=t:========'IW POsuJar mMUnir ol KamMm& rlllo eouotor-m---. I· -· ~ Z. Bay A .... Bal-i Barkr a2'1·J xtult. hid wec1n ... ,. ~ •t tho home <>! llarle Kimbal( 511 NEW llllODa -y. :& IO~ o .' D. Alla> a-, Ntwport Relsbto. J. "-Mm.,., "Jack" to Illa 1·0-,_.,~ll:TRl.ST Oumt. were .a former memtter. tr::ienda and 'form.er t.uOClat.u ta r I Um11r t ~-naab aad L1iU ._. 0. local real eetate n.14, bu J91n· • l!v4nlnnl 1il.CEFt,tm•nt bora. ' ed tbe at&tt ot · brolten wltla the j ~W,.-a... l Baun 1NN Cfftll O"l'lr to f'tlB1• 11&.y and Beach Jle&lty &t liflO .1 1f:sapwt ..-,.. al -tripo. Balboa Bl"9d. . 1f'r"°" Jilt Nut -Uni will be on 8ept. KW<r tanned ~ orpnlliallon l'-=:t:~~====~~ , It at 1111 -ol Val -. 1:112 with -at . tlae J>,...nt otl<I I: _ -.&JID-• -• ..,...., Anall<lm. ot tho cathollce chum and• )'eU · i.; '"'E _ fN-SURE . • • ~· -· . _ end a ·half ,... ,,,_ tho cimqe :IVK -. , Li'-Clo d to ia pppootte .......... He ,... _: 1 ~:~..:. . ·PiaM J,,jt.,.olllM .• · ~-__ SI· ._ ure!Y. _ H _ '\-:;a,:c:l:..!:1,r':.,~~ -tJll!a~ •A~~· , "T£1tESA ~NER ·1 twtrs. A. Renner)" ~ Adm1ss1on -0.y . · · ~.•:;;::..t"";::: "':!!:" : -· ~ ;·:..,~, 1or•r11' ......... ., aia. c.t6t1.. .... *•JOit 8tcdl ~· lliiliiJ ':P'•f& l:>u.ri:aa bj9 llri.t atr1n6sl::-~:;:=t•~-~~.,=·=·:;':f:;s~I .., •••••• , .. -...... ' ... ·~· ·-Will ba -all d"7 ~. tn.llit~--- 4J6'1•n• 'fUC · '... Hz"-J11 .:.JI JU;~:;;:=~·C~~>:,~=~·=!;1 1 =~.::..: ,:.'!~~ tlia -.¢:.~to.:: ; c .... r -.. ..... • ::::-:.:::::. 'le'h"::u::: ::-:c::--........ -< q-:::=a..~ ta.iat ..,. ..-... -l#ett .... . ' -.. ··' , __ .. ' · tutn·u-.... · . . •!•• ~•r:, I !f' I'# 7 4 . Dlni"'l ._ .,.... 11 :JO A.M. ta I P.M. uily o...cl 5-loys .... holldoys "'*-: Kimboriy 2-2 !ti Lm flf f'#EI PAlKJNIO. . S A M ' S .S E A F 0 0 D "A..t the 8 ip of the Swordfi.U." <XlMPLETI: COUR.SIC LUNCHEON• . ~ BeautifUJ. uw Enla.rred . COCKTAIL LOUNGE OPl:lf ll:'l'E&Y ,DAT s u R F s I D E au i:0;:.,. . FINEST OCEAN FISH Rlll'l'AIL SHRIMP HALIBUT BARRACUDA SEA BASS ALBACORE ABALONE nsHUllENI We will Prepare Albacore for your locker • SE.A FOOD SPE.CIAL TIES 516 llOth Newport Beach Ph. Har. 1507 A •EW 'MR. mlTH .• • • ANOTHER · SAVll8S . PLAN! . . ' It'• 1976 11114 .Junior hu a· tJOn. lohn and Mary, ~ -~ gi\'i bim ·a Savino ~at NEWPORT 'B.Allto"';f ~EB.AL! lt aent, Junior through ~ and Will do \be -' for ,.,_ ·-• . . - . " •I • llJi9 -t Put l?C'*hlng &'ft:T ~· chiilna'a flitan -pie•. Telell tMa to ...... too! , ; ~J:NDI Citl*CUl£1'. I~ nK .&IQmlf ; , '• • ' • ' I • • -> ' , · c·••I• ,,.. Jr .. -... -clY!I ... • 'l'llo ·bolqe ,trml le 111e··ootl 1111· • TllO u .•. .J. -~'-oft,,. Tat 5. · ~ .... ;.. ,..~ -~ m. -.-an. r.1: : ~·a.-:. . · t-~ to pt<IUct our derlltllJ'atw6lclillle.........,wlll ~ )'mltod .,._ aplDit llc .~•llt · .... -·1po11 doe••., focr" ..... pGllllC ,...,. , JI Wll.&Y . _ I&~ la L A.,· , -. -t, "1llalola ·mar W tato aim Ito '-le "'"'--aiu do, ill •lo attoc1t Al ~ tr di!i:llOf ,.~":"" pre'-Utt -. &1111 , tra!Pli,J.-· ,W\ll!Oit .on £XD' WIPPING .BrWa 1 -· bet .... lamclllns au atomic &ttllclt. f-can poQ¥lde llle .. WI !ll&lat ~ oq, WO -llope • ,IJ1j Iii. al tllO f IT'il ~tloD mil -. . • . -J\eprdODlattr,. of .lliidl"S "t.oo f< -and rMdy 111111ar7 10t«lloa lo -.,...!_ 1o .-.. -. an11-aut ot..., ~:1-,,. ~ · · ··) ~die, ~ elril <\lj'!'-" fl<• ·TllO m111ta17 Will """7 llle..,. Allpleo --aud l lndwltrltJ coupJH ... Ul & tn!J\od aud aJalll -llle -off--lllnf P.._ Cloii .,.,_ " "$' <. I :. ...... o0.....,.. ... -ir ""'""" to llle -bu\ la U\ -.. ...,_ wtll besJn <'• 'Widk ...... cl.U clOf-wUi ·mUO OYtb tl>e '-• >' • tlM -&ollt"o oozy p-.'in' -~ ~ fOlb :J"'OtoctlGa &pipit -.. .... jo al.! ti£Dcl< tt'lrla h <Ml -- -10 In Wll&l.lo -.u.ed • moot --enemy hoolt&te. ....-,i. do n&d tti. .,.n.-. ...-·UM Jlbio -l l<t lbloup. wllo ___ •to_,,; ' tack. · ., • •·. ·, pfttecta tllO -.·trcmt. ~ _ the tint tl'aia.~ Procr&m of ill ·· ; • • · · I . 1 • • • t 4 , • • ltJncl In Ulo tllille4 Btatu. · • • • -• Deolped to pro...W. -lh<m . . • . aoW .... 39C- etoo.•kl ' .... Ill,. $1.IS ~ 4Jc .. \'-~~~~mp~ COSTA HESA 1780 :Se¥t-port Bl•d. CORO:\'.& DEL MAK tos eo..i m,~...,. LAGU"1A llJ:ACB %15 Foreet A Vflllffl BALBOA 181..A.';D too Martne A\·u ue I Callfo.,.ta mauapmento with a pool of tra.lne4 pe.--m<I to ban· dle oo--tb•job tnJnlnc acUvlUel for. new em.ployea In the n:pect- e4 tuBh of productioa lo bolotu the defeut effort; the new .tn- l&rUcllonol Pl'OST""' Will be p~ tented Oil th• UlllJ>lU of tlll!I i.o. A.ngelea CllY. and State Coll•se•. The tnlnlnz Ptosnm lo PN· sented jolnUy by the BouU.rm C&lltornia lndunrta.J Satety ~ clety, the P ereoruW and I.ndu.trtaJ ~lat.Iona A.-ocJa Uon.. Society for =;n:!oc~~), ~==,; Calltomia and the Merchant. and Manutacturen A.Mocla.Uon. M It M: Pruldent Bryut Essick term. the progn.m "a much nttd- ed, C01U1t.ruc:Uve approach to t.be ~er or expected manpower abortagea in both bUlineaa and tn- du>try." Good job tr&Jnlnr tor new.empJoytt• .or workera tn.n. fecred lo other dutlea reduce• cottly employee turnover and a b- senteelam and lncnua worker intetut in the job, he pointed out. Coune. to be pruented at the Job Tralnera' •Institute include: The Euentiat. of Teaching, An- alysing Tra.lninl' Need.a and Plan- ning and Admlnlatratlon of Train- ing Programs. Tndning program call.I for forty boun or Lnatruction to repteM.nla- tlVl!'I of participating concern• durtng wffka~g"lnning Septein~r 10 and 17. Enrollment information may be had at' the M It M office, TUcker 7201. BABBllCt:I: AND GOLF ~~~~~~~~~~ Membera and friends of the La.-JI guna Beach Country club Will gather Sunday at the unique ll~tll" cou~ in All5<> Canyon for their 2nd annual 8.3.rbecue and Golf tournament. Presiding-over th"" event will be Bill La.mboumf', president and Stan Allen of the Get That Swordflslt! THE BOYVEY HARPOON GUN PRO\"E...'°" •• ; ACCURATE •• , Laguna Beach Chamber of Com· SURE . · · merce committee. Pl"octtda for at your dealers or call the day have bttn turned over to the Laguna Chamber of Com-~~~ll&J'~~bo~r~l97~4~~~ merce for activity use during the : comln.r year. J The outin.r will be an all-(jay I event for the entire .family with a fu.hion show for the ladl.el and 1 rides and entertainment for the I chlldrtn. The barbttue will be served from 3 until e p.m. , I CHINTZ SHOP ' I Jllri'TERJOR DECORATORS * FABRICS Drapery Hardware Travt!ne Rod• C.0.-t Curtalna Slip Coven * WALLPAPERS FUR.~ITURE n.o<>R COVERL"lrt"GS LAMPS * H 6 So. Coast Bll'd. Lopaa -....... . The Laguna Beach Country club 11 owned by Bill Bryant and Bob Anderson. . LAMB PKJCES t iP Whole.aa.lera ot lamb and mutton are permitted to ral.ae price• on their aales of theae meat.a in a new regulation tuuf'd by the Of- fic:e of Price .Sta.blllu.tion. Wll· llam C. Moeau, director of the San Diego Diatrict Offlce of OPB, said the revitlon will not afCect the retail price of lamb and mut- ton to coraumera:. Under the new re(Ulation, wboleSa.lera may eatablilh new c~ling prlcea by adding not more than $2 per 100 pound.I to their wttls)y cost of la.mb a.nd mutton for ea.le to relatlera and purveyon of meats. The wholeaalera al10 are permitted to add ~ i::enll per 100 pounda on aa.le• to other clauu of purc.huert. ----- Everybody re&da the cl.ulltled ada. ST. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL (.&T THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISU:l SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL -10:00 A.M. THURSDAYS HOLY COMMUNION -10 A.M. BRING THIS COUPON IN FOR A . , . FREE Brake Adjustment AND INSPECTION ....;. - - -.---~ - - -I , AddNu \ . . LP_ - - -~ - ----:--· ~ . , PHILLIP'S . SERVICE • KAl$ER· .. FR.•ZER PBONE B•UQB -.w •• -••noa .m.l'D.. \ • . Go/den.ye/I GAii Ond Ow cub , Cartoned F es, roi/.wr . min A S O'!ified with offed • Pecio/ ~a/ue I 1to. 1-pound 29 D torten C Uchess r "'' d T Ort wh · olflfi o,. ..... 1PPed •v,,.,,,, (Haff.pint 19 • •.smooth I IQ • c) , creo uarr i•r. 59c) pi~t 33 rny, · /or C lll•UlllTI PHlsbury Cake Mix l1-H. 33• ,k •• Whitt or cf'locol ot•. EOIV to mok1. Party Cake Mix c~~.. 2 :;:.·· 33• 10.vil Food Coke Mix, 20-oz. 33cl Party Pride Ice ({eam,::::. 24c CATERING GRADE . Ext•o r;ch. 2 p;nts 4 7 C) ·Snow Siar Ice (Team .:::.:. 18c Vanilla 0t chocola te. I 2 pints Mc) "air! ·G\e• I ·1·r£1 l\J 'Quor1ered . Grode ,.., 011 Mrs. f rsl quol1ty ' d E,,_,e\\enl I . ~nd ~~~~h~S ~reo,d or '3o0s,. c . PRESERVES l-\b. Kern brand. Choice to11°" __ J of Grape, Apficot, .,l, 1.rs '~ Peach, or Apricot· "'ft•~'~''' -w\iea\, ;,\ice~d-Pineapple.· rt d -w\nte or I 2~~-37c_ f.nr iche lC.C \art•, .. ) ,.. J111°11 , .. , .tJ \ll'/1.oi--'-:. · 1upberry 21•,,•· 57• \S;o._\ - \ I " lty11U.rry 'j!! 49• Cherub brand. Evapo- rated. Homogeniz,d. .. 2 :!~25° S..111cns,4fer2Sc . IT. K:;;;N~6~ F l·J : k 1 .. 1. . 29c ancy, s:> 1 pac . CllR • M.A'SHMALLOWS .. Light, tend rJ Snow Cloud. ~~ JQe . Look at the low pric" fi•h and pouhry. Sho p a I ~uaranteed 111eats, San at Safe way. Party Pride Sherbet .. ::: 15• Assorted flavors. ( 2 pints 29c) Feal\lred al Safeway SPIBt:ams Bm BOAST ·· er Chuck de Cut 11i.39° l~.&&a BO UUD. s. CHOICE ""sLTE(km cUAll, lb. 69c,. : neleu Cuts. ,. 8 ' Green Peas e~~~~' . SI be 'es s11ud raw rrl Flovodul 12 .... 1,. ,k •. 12 .... 30•-pkf. Lemonade Concenrro ted 6·H. 41 C" Just Add Wa ter c•• J . ' . i I i s.eoI~E lb. a Fil!!!~~!!.~-= 1~1911 • · Gr ,,,.,......,, Fresh ly Modo 65c Orange Juice 6,-:· 16c For AUTUMN FASHl_ON. llHAS lead the Sepleftlber IAMILY aim · > Ai1111'i1 ai..w • ..-a. • . ' 0 U DVs: v ;sk ing Pock ID. , Bol' ftl Beef Ploto Meot 2,. , I u. S. <;l:iOICE lb. . Po ·t•y Sliced or 3,. . I er In the Piece . "'· Hal but Steaks F 1'F'~0 .... ,,. W le Whiting ~~:nty lb. 25• Oce n Perdt.Fillel ... ~ 43c fill t of Sole . ~:~ ... 57• Dii. n Cudahy Puritan Slicod • 5,. UG ·in Hoot Seaiod Pock-•• Grode B, Slicld . aa., in Htat Seolld PO(k-••• .7- . f laners ~;:;~ •. ,,. t Gtoclo A, Evisctrated, Beltsville typo. -l'mg· S Long lslolld, £vis-,,. . tttottd. G[ado A •· . Ydll NEARfST··.SAfEWAY •.••••.. ., .• • IFOllHOUQ tti1' , .... 'ft.1st11.t .. a .. lp.iiw.,Ptl-·~ t e,_, • ~~·i.1-l ~r.~~~.,.,,~,~~ .. . -· . . .. .. • ·;;,...I ' -. ' ( , . SDlilB Union brond, fine granulated Excellent for use in c--•-· . ~ . """'"SI• rn connrng, or ot the table. 1 ~::;nd age S·:;nd 450 Ro~urr fine Candles Coconut Krunchies 1 . . or Crerne de 1.,1• ga Menthe. r..1 . (Swedish Mints, I-lb. 29c) Edwards gives you _ the fresh flaYor of ~eal ; ·coffee instantly I Edwanls~• 4: 35•. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY flRICf 11111 ,lllllAfll . Airway Coffee ~~~! ~~· 77e . GroYl'ld at-store. 13·1b. bag, 2.251 , -· • • Nob Hill Coffee ~~:v ~~~-79-. In economy bag. 12-lb. bag, 1.5 7> ' Grapefruit Juice~= '!;:·· 11 • ; SwHt «natural. t-46-oz:. can, 2'4c l Hawaiian Pundtt;:~~.gt:~ 51• ANle Juice ~~,~~1' ::= 21• CRAGMONI son DRINKS Deposits extra on borrl11. 2 ~T! 29- Cho ice of Root Bffr, Merry Mix Sodo, Orongo Sodo, Strawberry Soda, Croom • Soda, Ginger Alo . ViYa Cola R~~"::'dri": 2 :;;.T! 2~ Deposits are extra on bottles . Pepsi Cola °t::~" 6 :!;.T! 37• Dad's Root Beer -6 ~~ 37• 132-az., 2 for 35cl. Deposits oxrro. ~nle Cristo Wine fifth 69- Port, Sherry, Musco1e1; Polo Sherry. ICol ifomio Blirgundy, fifth, 55cl tCol ifom"iO Soutern11 fifth, 59c) WiMs offered only in Sofowoys 'licensed to 1111 them. Taxes ore oddi tionol~ "''' ''" 'lltll ,... ' Gum · AND •-.,,. wn;Wllll MINTS of 20 Fadal Tiuue s..ow ... ,.. ..... 21• _ . Bronc! • . •r 400 1200-pock W:•, 2 pkgs. 23c1 Rik Rn Cleanser 2 14 -· 21• . ... -----------------. WE~I S~~ All~ Good for' plllt ·35 .-r 68 · fry i_ng, 100. MHI• • ~ • . . , -WiimMiiiciiii- S~iJ ~011tbinaiioii value · Bur Ciani p\g. for SSe IOTlt &S• Get Large pkg. fo,r lllc °" Y ----------.-.----; .. '' • NKB,Di(llM p 11• SA1.. 5'1. J, ifft, • , .Ti~-~ T-:X.~-:..-:e ,. i ..,..,. .. ,.,. ~ ......... ~· • LW. _....., ............... 'h~' • I , , • ' .- • •' • I . • • \ • • . .·· . . ··~· ··1· ~ • ~ i -• -• . ............. ~~..;....;...;...;;....;;,.:.....:..~~~.;.....,...-........ ~~------~----~~~~ .............. •&0&• .... Ull l '!!••·· ,..;. ~ .• -... :!r:r~ '=-= ... Mct0te \¥omen tQ .!..-=:..:.~~"i:I '· ,_ -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·4 lUW:tylrl'aAT ....,UC.t -""·~" ,blla-•• ... llorlllt___ • • ' cutor.=,...,..,.wlllt a l'()ft _ lllJ()ft'll{Q ~· .,.per"°' -1µoar •,... =... -...., ,... ..... .u. lniti.te 2 Meml:ters • •• .• • •~ -n.. .... , . • bD'portaat tffect tM MW Jlolt.. t t. fJ • .. wta. TllilM 1tt-4iq ... HOAG "MEUORl''L 'nosm· ''l· r:i.:~:x:;..o.:--.·:::.:..~iar=:-.K;::: ~ =·~"=-~: . l'J A _ ~ ..; } .. 8 , . o..~..,..; ~ 10 ..un,, tom·117 •set.s .. :t :_~~~:. :S ·GROOND BR·EA· KING SEPT · 13 ~1~==:~i:.:: =lo==~~ s.:~=-sw!. ... :::; • • • t1e11 -··-. ,"Te CAlft'>' out ::::.. .., ... -by _.,,... • , iairi.1 Porto< and 8111le • . . ~--'tal at t b. 'Ll"'il'. ·--·-.plui, Oomocl. -Llllztey. Cb&!\'-~-' Growia brealdnr; tqlalr tor llle Roq llemorW .,_ --• .,.nu. lo -. -i-lluli;f,_ ~-· 8&~ nelq · lept. 1, tbere Newpoft 8Ueh lo ~l'duW ~or Thunday, s.p-11tll, Utl, at .. ll;CIDI ~ f11 111 ""8 ot -.._..~ w ...,a-. ' tia uoU>tr d~u. -w;,,. two o'clock in tbe atlA!moon with Georr;o ·Orent Roq. Jr. -.C on..,. Coimfy," a14· Kim.ea. ftt<.i tlio'e-"""'-lf lll!i ,._. at tllo -Lodp, for membera th• cnator ot the "Hoag Foundatl""" w1ll<h oubocril>ed SI00,000 ~ "Tllla " ,._ we ean <Glllll °"' In• -Iii uo...r "1 Ille Wo-:. and .-W, , the building tund, handling the lll>Ovtl .for tht '!IS oocuton. He WW Pt'Ul'o OOWllJ h&a ne'f., falkd to :-.::.o1 ~~ llioet at !Mt ~ •• -'----- be •upported by Rev. o. Scott Xe· • _... '° • •ort!U' ....... ..,d .... prior to bf --'.:fr 8-r-~ OCC S .... u-dents J' land"' sionta •"" wbo b&ndled to J .... llurdy th• lloopltal II -l<now that Ill• CounlJ. Yll1 mett ...,..,.._ •---••·t o ~ ar ~ .... lhll -t opporlunllf for WI· --.-w----.. Olan< • the camR&il" tn 0ranse •OW\IY roilllr ahHd undor -.-r -·-.. 1 ,.peat oro11re Leacto.la captain ot °"'«if Ille l•glsiel Sept. 10 which 'ralaed $500,000 for tho ...,._ =· Th:. m~ ::'::.i now Cowlty Jiu ~ever tailed in the te&ma UMI Gulde Nlcll)' l'.d,..U. , pltai • ....ttll aa adCllUonal $100,000 lain loO Will ~ail. Th :;!:i put-lt wl11 not rail oow." le cop!&Jl(ot tht'otllar. Nlcli7 -J'lm -ot U.. .. ..,17 c:o1npld· . oullocdllll! b7 ~ L. llartln <it -..I .:"':hout $11~000 on . ' rertoD le &tao .,_t of tho ed Ubru7 bulldlnc at 0ran,. Bal~re. Md., ~ resident of Or· h d with which to b 'ud, and all -.&.DAY CCLEUANTS bowl.ln.f &Mpe. Cout coUere wtll occur on·re:st> an•e eoimtv dUrtnl JUI plonttr u, u -.-. ... 14 -~ t ... _ .. _ .., _ _._ •-t. 10 •" da e ~Uoa.. neat)' 40 YHl'I attenUon c&A now be dJrect.d to a A. prtn.te birthday ce.lt.l:Watlon •;:-. ra-... ._.,, --'--IU9Y, """ll'p • A.II. '° campalsn fP< $250,000 to tumla1l will ho beld at tlle Bai-Dou -~to Jlepnt ..,... rtudv>to -b&YO c:o1npl~ P"*" •l'O· -and equip the lnatltuUon. PH•l· Bouse for Mra. Oeorse Btnbe by welcom~ bade. att:•r t. fteatkm n&'llt-NUon tor fall Minuter wUf\ ' Gift Shont dent llurdy otalA!a be haa appoO>~ her hlllhand. wilo haa Invited Ill A,rllonl. TU Usapltt hao .. nt report to the library .belwMn 1:30 ; John Murdy. Jr., preaktent of ied a member of the boe.rd, Wm. r . trit:rl.d.a ttom Balboa and Palm "Ott·W.U .. c:azm to tSe.lor R.e--and Jl:IO a.m. ar betwetn 1:30 • the hoepit.al board. makf'• lhla an-Klmu ot: Oraqe Cout Collep, to. lprinp to th• occuion. pnt Wlnlhld J\uder1 elderly and ':IO p.m. Snttriq lll\ldent.a : nounttment. add.lnS that J\n'. head, a ·~lal campa.iA commit· "nlei dtaner will be prece.tled by a lftlldmothtt I.a. WullbsctGa W'bO wbo ha•e aot Mtn a eoub.M:lor • n. ~ L ~·--~--In 1 le aloe Ullo t d. .....,,tly had ourr;uy. Xra. Jl&a· befan lep~ 10 will report to tho • n.aymo:i.-o.-..u&&ua. a y...,..eer ee r un cocktail party at the S~be home de.I'• motber, lira. )(av ....... hu admuu.lr&tioa WUdlns to com.· : the proaram for a bolpttal IA tht-una,. KftDOria:l-in the Southland re.ort, after jult return. dto her ho~e·'"t; lll plete t.Mtr application u.d Ml~· • .out.h part of Orance county, \an.d ..., .. Kl th it•--which \bey will all io to the Doll V•mon, W··•, --er -•din• tlon ol. eou.rlel. a •• ,1 meet for Rev. D&llaa: R. 'l\lrner, both of -..-. mes •Y. e comm ~ H ••·· --• •·--•· t ..,,.. ~L .. ,._ i. ! propoen to aecun OWi tund un· OUle for U1UL1f!l' &n'6 ua.u"·•uC" 0 •ven.I w..U. wtth her daushter the tlnt lime on '.l"uada7, &qt. -_ Laguna Beath. will uaiat in t.bf' d ,__ ••·t -•• tll the Guadalajara Trio. Georc• and In ~ta ...... "r•. n •••• 1 lo 11 . ~ .. dMicaton. One of the teatun1 ot er • puu1 ~ p1v.,-1 es e -... S •-wll t t ........ .., -~iu money be r&ised through "Uvi.nJ ... u.el tl't!...... 1 900D re um 0 now looldns forward to a visit Other new feature1 whlcb will : the important ev~t ·will be the ..., lai ., H ~-·-t th t IJ)eir: daert home tn Palm Sprln,.. '-m h•r moth•r·ln·lo ... ..,_ u~-rreet retl.lrft..lar; ltudent. ..,.. the 1 • preaent&Uon of a apecially dui1n· .... emor & e ,.... ......... ou a a ,,., ~ __. •. " ed "ahowel'" to be uaed tn the rr .. t many people dealn to do ale Rudel, from Se&tUe, Wub. paved student p&rkinJ lot just : rround brealdnr. Tb.la ptt comie something' wort.bwhile for t.he Uv-When an atomic attack comet Chaplain Allot Tou.ns reported aoutl\ or lb• libra ry and the com· .., trom th• Preibj.wn.n Hc>1plta1, ing. Under the Klme1 plan room., tt will not bl Of.Ir decl.lio.n. But that the bad tent a card &Ad a pletely remodel~ umnulum. Hollywood, (Olmltead. Memoria.l). departments, furnUhlnp, equip-what we decide today aboUt civil sift to the llttl• da.upt.,-ot m..te t and will be delivered on the day ot ment itenuif and other features in dete11111 WW. determine our defeat Porte. who la new recovertnr from the event by Judr• ll. Morgan Ga l, j the horplt&I. Will be memprtaliRd or our. abWty to ret up fl"Oln Uu a ton1Wectom7. Sentinel Ellie t breth, Pl'Mklent of th eHollywood in the name• ot i'?41Yldualai wbtl\ chJJt and rubbl• and '.tirbi. back. Kini' WN ablent becauae .ot the .. institution., the co.t ta contributed by ftl&t1vee ••rlOUI lllneu of. her huaibu.d. DIUVJ:ll ID<RURT • Braden Finch. member Newport or friend.I. · Stlmulated tnt,erut. tn. clvil de, Wben the Jnettlnl' adjourned, --~.. Beach ctt7 Council. and a dirtttor Director K.tmt11 a ys hi• plan bu ft'D.le 19 a national neoct9ity l! ~Ntcky Edrerton, •rwd re· • ot the bc:.pttal, wlU briefly renew snat appul u ~ me.morlal8 an wt bope to protect Ute home frorlt trt.auneni. of coffee and 1everal propeN to date utd' ·f\&tun plau permarient. and .f.lt• , donor, th "1lil• the mttt~ry1 ~~~ J he wv nrteUH ot delicloua and tmepl- Al' Ganlner of 121 E. Balboa Blvd., Dalbo& reported to police a t •:II L m. Sunday that he bad ta.lien uleep at the whMl ot hi• car and had hit a park.cl vehicle in front of tb• Newport Grammar 1ehoo1. Gardner ncetY'td a cut forehead ln ~ accident. i - • tor the cout botpit&L Accotdtnr per11<>n mtmortattsed both ~''"'• to our &ttack.••· ~.; f' • tnc putliet:. • • • • • .. • • • •• • • •• • : • • . , .. • •• • • • • • uction . ro ••• IS .. -.. -. . --. ver . / . . . ' us1ness. •• .. • • • • , .. s • A needless and dangerous work stoppa ge in a vital <lcf ci:;r plant Jias been engineered by ollicic.l : 'f UAW-00, Local #148. . ..,_ • .. ... ---• --_, --f - It w .. callt1$f:a~e l)Ojrgl~ni Beach Plantk"spl1e·;r thejact that Ioc months, wage increa~s up to the limit permiSsibfe bY1law, hsve been offered a~iive been a~ailable to' more than ten tho11W1d of Olll' employees in the bargaining unit. The Companyftas made every elf oft to Aettle this labor di1pute fairly and amicably. It has granted all reasonable d~m.,ids ol the Union. It repeatedly made aincere . , . attempts to give the employees in the Long Beach .colltttive bargaining unit the same benefits enjoyed ' -.. . ' by their fellow wor~ers io our other plants. Thousands of our 'employees in the Long Beach Plant know ' . ' I • tAe.e facts. The Company wants the people in ihis community to know them becau.e ¥ense production ia everybody'• businesii. • • Last June, we offered production and maintenance work.en at Long Beach voluntary anil uncondi· tional pay incre&sel! ranging from 14c to 20c an hour. Tw\ce before, going back to October, 1950, wage offers were made in exchange for reasonable and n~ conditions governing labor contracts . • Principal Unions in two of our Califpmia plants accepted these !lfl'en but the UAW-CIO Mused. ' We have been discussing these problems with the Union since October, 1950. Our latest offer,· . . never withdrawn, proposed to graot, subject to governmental approval, wage and raJe inc~_ rang· ing from 16c to 26c an hour, or ao average of 22c an . hour for more than ten thousand employes. We also offered the Union a cost of living ~tor clause and a number of other benefits that would cost the Company, if accepted, four and three-quarter Illillion dollar. a year in Long Beach alone. . . ' . Demuida of the Union, if granted in full, would coat the Company eight and one·lfalf million dollan . . ' a year, would abolish initiative and recognition of 'lnen"t. and undermine our ellicie,nt plapt operation. 1 r } • . A •trike at LOOg Beach at this time weakens ~ national security. ~ Plant producle8 aircraft urgently needed by our Air Force todayand tomorrow: Id a ~onal crilis \hese aircraft ate indispe111-• ' • able to the welfare an~ ufety of· oar ahores and insti~. Dougw emJ>loyees know it. The Union ~... • 4 knows it. The people m.tim oacimuity haw a direct iDteNlt ii\ lhlaltrib and llloald kDaw tbeae ftcp. ' · • • -r:. ' . I • • • • • -. . ~· • , • ' • ' • • - I • • • • • • , • • ' l l I I I l . I J I \ - a11om· Wing Sofa ••• ' the very finest of quality and design -. . . full spring construction throughout • choice. of fabric to suit your own decor. compare with values priced to $25o.OO. Buy thla for only ~~t·s ~HOP S16950 "' CJU.e <Mopl'e duhtlWU In Seata Ana 1211 So. Main Street -- our prices are as low or lower than the lowest • NOW is the time to transfer your funds to insured -SAVINGS I •• CURRENT EARNINGS I <· _ .. ·:v~ ..... ~;;:s,.: ·- ' -slVlllS ·IOW llSUllU ... UP TO 111,lllM . llOUf llCllvD IY Tll ltTll ' OF THE .'llOITll URIS . ,PMM'TIEISTI ' . ~ Com. In.'. , We wlll arrange the tronller of your fvnds wltftovt lncowertlence or expen .. to ,,.., . , I • • • .. i . ' t • I • • • • . - • ' • • I • • I •• • • .. • . I . • . You cant make a .Laci cup of ' • • . NMPOlti THISI. ALL AMD~N S,.ctALI IPPICTIYI THURS:; ·FRI-. SAT.. . SEPTEMBER 6-7-8 • 'lllN •Ullf'l'IP. . ORK I ' • ."* • •• - PICNIC STYLE . • - ' • ··f .COFFEE c l'l'lwt lty ···"" TUNA OAST SH Dl.ISSD · ... , •. Jberti1• . I , r . ~ ~·/ j . 5n• .. ALL GRINDS:-1·1b. Can c ... ., ........ , ~ "'' RYING . RAB·BITS I ' ' I NILISS, ~STON 1un • . . . • Ne. 1/1 Plwt C•• ·5::::~:· NUCOA L .. t c~•K~ wt "'' Prlc•I OR'K ROAST Teoder a. Ffaworhl 4·9" ~ ~~~-l.·9c DIXti PUii STIAWllllY PRESERVES ,, ... ~Ill 25c HIMn PANCY HALVES NO. 21/2 PEACHE~ CAN PANNl-'S lllAD I IUTTD PICKLES GOLDIN STATl 1st qUAUTY aunER CHEESE".... 2 ~~· ·75· ..... -----i MAICO HIMn . OLIVES Lat¥ 11,. . or L••te Gree• llpe ";;.u1 25c C•• SIX DELICIOUS FLA YOIS JELL·O ILUlULL PICKLES loner Style or Plal• Diii• ~~: 19c 1-LI. 25C IOX DOG FOOD 3 T•ll 25C c ... . . WILLIAM TILL ' zo.oz:. 39c JAii LAl61 19C JAi TIM'T LUNCHEON . IEAT 12--. 39c ·' Cao 29~ L N, llST CUTS , . . ORK -STEAKS Yow Fort ,,...,.,. It's T•H•r Pon . ' . . . ' . . 59:.-. I TH'S llOINLAim-,.PIQM .THE L,AND OF COi~ 4·9· ' LICED BACON 1-LI. CILLO PKG. : '~.. '· I . . • s ELTS c~~~r.llA_ 29:. WHITllG · "*=c 29f. ',I IST NOIYHllN 45' SAL:AD 01 COCllTAIL ·45t. ALlBUT STEAKS _ , • Sl:_tRIMP - . . ' E TO CAN-GOLDIN Ylt:tilW• 'NOITHllN IAITLM . ' ~E .ARS -2-LAYEI LUG $239 • • • 27 C GIANT Pll~ . . LAIGE 77c PKG. .. .. - • · NANml DUPIE 400 COUNT . . FACIAL TISSUES LA1e1 19c P116. .A .PPLE JUICE 3 1M>Z. 191r; . CANS , . I I ' ' ' 11 '. .• • • ' -. . ' ' . - Frozen Foods • • ' • I • • -• t • .,.. .. .;.{~ ---·- PAR • SEPT. I, 1Nl ~aT BAY ~ -UOPPDIO NEWS WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY. SSL OJ, RENt. OR TRADE rUSE THE. CLASSIFIED. Pm HAR . 1616 ' . ·lOo/o DlscOunt on Ally Pwd;i ie (ll:lWllPr ,ASAI.OMS Olll -) Jblq w..... ·. BAYSIDE FISH MAIKET ,,... Fhll DallJ fr1• o .. o ........ 11PSC1AL rum oY Ai.a.&oou roa CANNINo ' · Abillou '7lic ·lb. • PllZ:Sll 8WOBDFl8B, ALBAOOU ... LUMON 8llOllED PISH -SEA BA88 1 -~ ... oa * liq_ N&WN&T -116 • • SEPTEIDIER • ata·r IDll REGULAR $83.30 PRICE ••• P ABTS AND LAllOR ALSO BIG SAVINGS E>N AU MAKES 18 POINT OVERHAUL 1. Compleu Valve Grind %. C1Mn Carbon S. Replace Piston Ring• .4. Replace Piston Phu 5. Expand Pistons 8. Replace Connecting Rod, la9erl Bearings 1. AdjllSt CollDflCting Rod,._ Chevrolet II Buick I!. Align Connecting Rods 9. Replace Hmd and Pu Guketa 10. Change Englnfe Oil 11. a.... Oil Punjp Unes, Sueen and Sump. 12. Ridge Ream, ii;lu.e bnst, cyllnden lS. Clean and adjuat •park plugs 14. Replace Distributor Pointe, retune motor 15. Clean Air Cleaner 18. Adjuat <Mburetor 17 .. Replace Manifold Gasket. 18. Top Radiator u._ No Down hymen I 1 2' M 0 N T H S T 0 P A Y No Down Payme•t Genuine Factory Parts W cM'lc G11arantffd . 2nd & Sycamore Santa Ana Kl 2-2375 • I I I I I FRED WEST DALE COX HARRY BENNi:TT • Harbor 1811 to pl&ct your want ad on uu. pas•. REALTY .TIPS '"Don't .,. a mlDd re&der JI.bout tl.nd.lDc PROPERTY, He Frl'ZMOBRIS REALTY co.• .., 11 /'llll'l'I\ I \I I I <" ,-..,~ .. 1 • JOHN ONSON Stop, Park and Have Your Car Serviced • at the Posto ff ice Corne r • ' EST 'S ' Coast Boulevard -at ·erchid Avenue,-Corona ·~el Mar •• • • • . "SHAJUHG 'fl!I POSTOm~ OORNIR" .. . Use. Our Parking Lqt .while ·Attending to Your Postoff!Ce BiJsiness · '." -·--- MO'fOR ' FUEL .• t UBRICATION ~·TIRES• BATTERIES ···SERVIG'E ' • ( ud Foud ID 81111•1~ Gn~ ~.Ba_ ta. !st!!•· , .. PRttllG ~--Ito tho YmY IUGBTtY Ua:D 1011 tL1111 • Ille • .... • ft. -.nu. Ibo • wltll ooll kit-.-lop cam.r. I .._ lop -. C-. -t Loeated tJL New,...to BoiplJl t.._ Olld erloper • for _ .... Price. ror Information, ea1I oolr u...i It ' monlluo ape! It ltlll Ject. Rl...,.lde 1-11'1. NpU lw the .,,.,.atee on ' It. 11&1. due 'on cont;rut lo Sllt.12. Pa1 1t rr. Ol1I'BOAJ\D C&bln Cru!Hr, LOST _ TcrtJoe. ahd! (yellow, cub or \&"• p&:rment. of $1 0.61 plywood ruucture. mr.ri- and White) f~ Peratan. per mo. Bee at ~~. 404. So. coftred. I'S" beam with n John· klttfn,'l .mo. sat. Lit, vicinity or 8BJ>&dra,-~ t LID' to • -H.-ff mtr, .~. 419\i lfarl>or loland. Reward. Har· p.m. c~ 2152. 82tfc lb.ricold. Corona de! Mu. 17pH 68p70 Tfliullm.PIECE J2v1ng Rm. S.t. 1 __ ..,.__________ pract. new.' ft. Sef"ld. ued t FINE IRONINO will ..it for and dell . CUrt.ain.. mo. Be.L "14-M eves. I~ SIX PIECE PA no SET with 8J>rinC" C'UShion. $35. 2000 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 68ce9 t.l·FOOl' COML boat f0r sale or ftllt. Ready to Co for mackeral, albacore or hallbut. All par. • Accept ama.U down payment. Pb.one El Cl.Jon, HDldale 4-7997. 00~.HOUU CLmANINO --J'mmtcro """ rup ataampooed. rr.. ..um··· "'1117 -Al 's House & Rug Cleanin g Co. 514 -29th St. Newport Beach B•cc. 1111 T2tfc For Venetian Blinds, Sbadeo and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimate• Ph. Har 884 Help lb dinner pa.rtJ~. Phone Williama, Barbot 1685 be- tor 10 a.m. or alter e p.m. : e1p09 ~ CARE for children in my bODft by week. Lic.etaed nurs- ery' 383 Coet,a Me.a St., ~SC.a Mea. e&c68 ' YOU?fG MOTHER with little· girl .2;t f wW care tor your amall chli! or baby In my honle. CDM. Wffk days, morning or after- noqu. 46 cenl.11 per hr. Harbor 3I lf·W . 87p69 WIU. BA.BY SIT at my home. D&.f or evm inga, except Sat ur- d&)\ A Sundays. 427 El Modenll, Be on M 29·W. 87p68 HELP · WAmD 29--lltlp Wanted -TWOi, YEN for out.side landsca p- lngi Sub • Tropical Landsca pe Nufeer}'. 716 Coast Blvd .. Co- lz1-Balldlng Services "''f' °'1 Mar. 68<•• =_...;.;....._.c.s:....;..-...;..;.;... ____ , \VANTED-Pick-bp and delivery C. L. KIRCHNER boy. Must I>< 18 or over and General Con tractor abi. to rid• 3-whce1 moto"yc1e. A ly Olds.-Ca d . Agency, 217 B adway, lAguna. 61k69 ABC WASHER -19~1 model, auto. That la No. 1 on Con- sumer'• report and \I I e d tt only 2 mo:s. Hu the agitator and It'• a beauty. Balance due on It Is $245.M. a.nd lt still bu a guarantee on it-. CUh or take pymts. of 113.23 per m o. Can have my equity free. See at 11torage, 4<K So. Spadra, Fuller- ton, 9 &.m . to 8 p.m. or phone Fullerton 2152. 68ttc " ANTIQUES SEC. Alahog. 18th Century, exec. condition ·····-··-·---···--··S3~0 Pr. Pine Cupboards, early Am ., large S9S; 11m&ll ··--·-···' 75 Sofa -Empire. 1810 .............. $150 Penn. Dutch chain , w alnut , Set of 6 .................................... $161) Boston Rocker, orig. finish .... $ 82 Comb ba ck windaor rockier, ltapll" ................................ $ 40 Viet. 11ide chair1, 2. ea ch ........ $ 30 Jenny Lind walriut crib .......... $ 60 Cherry drop·leaf t able, 6 legs, carved, 471 ~ x sg1 ~: closed, 18 ~~ x 47 12 • ex. fine ............ $375 Fine Delft collec tion. 8 Sheffield serving plates, 8 salads to match ................ $ 90 Ma.hog. drop·leaf table, 261S: ln. high ....................... I 85 100 Steins , collectors items. 87pfl9 12 FI'. ROWBOAT -ChNp. can at ~1 5 El MQdena. St., Newport H elchta attlr 5 ~ m. Hp70 BOAT WANTED-Up to $4.000 (power ) as pt. dn. Beaut. new hae. 2 4 den, patio and bbq., hdwd.. fir• .. 2 flrepla., etc. 2%503 Clarind&n St., Woodll&lld Hills, SVnaet 2-7608. 68p69 84-Musleal, Radio RENT A PU.NO for only $G per m onth. Rent.al appliea on tutu.re purchaae at SHAFER'S MU· SIC CO. (Since 1907) 421 No.. Sycamore, Santa Ana.. Kimber· Jy 2--0672. COME IN, HEAR and PLAY new Hammond Chord Organ. No m usic leS80ll1 Dl!'ceuary. Any • one ca.n play this instrument.. D ANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO and ORGAN CO.. Santa Ana., &20 No. Main, corner 6lb. GRANO PIA..~OS. Big Summer SAJe now on Steinway, Ala.on. It Hamlin. Knabe. Cbh::kerlng, Chu:e. Wurllt..ur , Sohmer, Fish .. er and rnany others. Some new, some used. Prices it.art at 1395 DA...'VZ·SCHMIDT PI.A.NO CO .. :S20 No. Main, Sant& An.a. New R..1identlal 6 Commercial Riemodl!'li.ng A: Repairing New bomu open for Inspection. Call Harbor 1184-M \VAN ED-Wuh and polish man. E ~ p. preferred. Olds. _ Cad. Bra.M dolphin scone, pair ....... I 75 Agency, 217 Broadway, La· Rug!, Chinf'se oriental. ma t ch· guba Beach. 6&69 ing pr. 9 x 12 off white SPINET PIANO, Pay out balance S2M. Another Spinet, bal. S3S7 Kimba.1 made Spinet, $4.93. See our ti.st of returned n ntala a.nd reposses.sion.s. DANZ·SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. 100 bar• gains, 520 N. Main, Santa An+ corner &th St rttl. &2tfc Sympson & Nollar ·PAJNTING & DECORATING I "The Best Money Can Buy" ~12 -38th St., Newport Beach PHl:>NE HARBOR 2404 ------------• b8.ckground, exceptionally 02tfc DON' K" BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commerci&I Remodeling Phone Beacon M.06-W lTttc PAINTING · EARL SHEFLIN m Palmer BL,~ -U.. IMG7·k: Hell INTmUOR -llX1ilRIOR. PAINTING LIC&NS&D -INstnu:D Glenn Johnston .sot· 31.at St. Newport Beach Barbor 2297.J UcU PAPER HANGING & painting, Spray P.Wting Kenneth' Qua rry 1015 Santa Ana Ave., Cost& Mea. Phone Beacon MM Mc57H 80--'Sale, Mlscellaneons STOitE !ixture.11, prac. nl!'w, w&ll cJ~s. counters, mbc. All havl!' adju•Eabie shelves. Bar gain. Call ow'ner , Bea con 6990. 6-4 t!c Com!>tete iruit.allatlon, repa ir and . diA;~i;·~c;A~;nt TRAILER SUPPLY j 1910' HARBOR BLVD. CO.!la Mesa, Phone Beacon 6224·R IRONRITE IR 0 N E R, plat!om1 r~ktr, paint and household arlicle.11, 1951. Seaking 5 h p. out - bo8.rd motor wi th gs.a can. 514 E .1 Ocean Front. Apt. l , Balboa. P~. Harbor 3238. 60p74 6 x f '.11 TREATED. Ideal for dock repa ir. 231 Delmar St., Costa Mesa, 68c69 FOiJR BURNER gu Rangl!'. apt. 11~e. Blue brkfst . •et. pedestal table, 4 chairs, ch romie ; l twin , fibre rug 8 x 10. All excel. di tion. 611 P oppy, Corona liar. 68c70 Somebody Wan ts Tha~ uaed tumtture, bric·a-brac, pa!npnp , etc.. now t aktnc up spa~ tn your gaNfge. Find a buy- er With a cluaifled ad ln the New1-'nme1, Poat, a.nd Presa com· htnJlon. J utt Phone Harbor 1618, WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trades-maintenance work. SO-~A pllances Have toola and mixers for b !!,...... _____ _ &ll!r job. CR SL ICY REFRIGERATOR Call BILL Beacon 6*51-W l~l 9 cu. ft. mod•!. Hu all the 157c51R fe:i-ture~ Jb. freezer chest on ------------t t)>. Meat kttper and 2 vege- R E PAIRING d · t•'hle c.rilpen . Also ha.a the · an butter k eeper. YES. Its th• p AINTING S~•lvador and only used It 3 ~nthJ. Would like to have an Reuonable. L&rl'e or ema.ll jobl:. Free •ltlm&tee. Walker, 108 18th SL, NwpL Buch. Har. m1-R HAULING Any k ind, truh or! WAL.KER, 108-18th St .. N"'J>Ort. H. 2581-R -H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt . ~er refrigerator ,or stove for equity. Paid over $390 tor It No down payment and take oVer payment o! $19.98 per mo. Ste at· 404. So. Spad.ra, Fuller-' "l'" 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pb. 2152. 59tlr Fof a terrifc saving on an 181(, cu. ft. freezer, J1bone bea utlfUI . true Chinese col- ors, never used, each .......... 1425 S ame quality rug, 8 x 11 ........ $325 Early Am. GiaS!, Demi·Tasse and many other Items. OPE..~ EVERY DAY FIRBANKS Red Barn Antiques 13861 Harbor Blvd. GARDEN GROVE GOO D PRACTICE PIANOS , $49, $67,. $83 and up. Let the kid· dies learn. Pay but $5 per mo. 2 yr. excha.n~e a t full vaJue. DANZ-SCHMIDT BlG PIANO S ALE NOW ON. Santa .Ana, 520 No. Ma.in, corner 6th . REPOSSESSED! Beautiful Jtlec .. tric Organ. Famous ma.kt. For 66c68 church or home. Pay out bal· ance. Big aa.ving. Uke new . MAHOGA.."IY CHEST, .11ldieboard, DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO and drop lea! table, dresaing table. ORGAN CO.. Santa Ana, 520 llf'\\;ng rocker, lamps, museun1 No. Ma.in, comer 6th. pieces. Har. 2098-!i.l. &Sc.70 1------------ • SS-Boats, Supplies Pair of 169 hp Scripps, R&L, direct drive, fine eondi· tlon, can be demonstrated. RE?-r."'T A PIANO, $:i per mo. All tenn rent allowed when you buy. DANZ -SCHMIDT, Banta Ana, ~20 N. Ma.in. SLIGHTLY USED Spinet Piano.. 1'rat!Onfllly known make in per- fect condition. Term.a. $4 7.50 down and 117.02 per m o. at Shafer '.a Music (Since 1907). 421 N. Sycamon, Sant& Ana. Kim- berly 2-0672. ~9t!c SOUTH COAST CO. ~Bustn.,.. ~rtunlt.teo Newport Blvd. at 23rd Har. 2600 COMPLETE CABINET SHOP for 53tfc sale. Good location. Sacrifice. ------------Beacon 6914·W. Uc70 SEA BOOKS A fine stock of books on all ya.cht- ing subjects -plus all cu rrent books. J..endln g library. , The Islanders 214 Marine. Balboa Ia. Har. 1547 Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 1125 OOAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH P H , BEACON 0711 IMtfc 41-Stores and Offtoes STORE FRONT AGE on P1lm St.. Balboa in new Ruby B ldg. bet. B&lboa Blvd. and Ocean F ront. About 2400 eq. !t. with 3 front entrances. W ill finish to 1Uit tena.n ta. 514 E . Ocean Pront. Apt. l , Balboa. Ph. Harbor 3238. t!Oca OFFICE SPACE, 12x20. down· et.airs location. corner of Palm &: E. Balboa BlYd., Balboa. Ph. Harbor ..2121. -iettc 4~Wanted to Ren t L 0 C ALLY EMPLOYED MAN want• hoUH for .elf and fa.m· lly. W ill lake good care of property for rent or part rent. Pbone Ra.rbor 3083·JK alter T p. m. Fri. or &11 day on week end. 18 FT. CHRls CR.A.Fr .apeed boat, 68c61 Chrya. Ace. A-1 mech . cond. $1450 Free 1Up rental for boats ottered RELIABLE FAMILY with rt!er- ~lr Service Maintained Pbone: Harbor 1411-W Beacon 6695-J. for sale up to 26 fl. ence1, with 3 bdrm. houa, un· S9c72 Wlzard Ir RowboaU for Rent tumlahed on year'1 Ieue.' Four f Ken Scott' a Mobil Ma.rine Dock a dult.I, one child. Harbor 19-W. 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Bu.ch Wt.e people do r ead the ada. ~ Next to F erry Landin&, Balboa -88c70 Ifl:' LUXE 8 ft. Frigid.e.ire Late Har bor 2720 59tfc ------------ odel Like ne.w. Private. party., ,-:-=-=-c=·==-,.,,....,,--,. BAY SHORES -Yu.rly! Phy.t-Wiae people do read the a.da. i 25. Mus:t sell. 303 Amethyst.., 10 i"OT DINGHY, $30. Good conlll. cl&n and Witt:. 2 bdrm-. 2-car boa Ill.and. 61p89 Harbor 2260-J. 87c89 p~., hbme. Be. 1793. llp70 14-Penonale O' : I• KERRITT ""'11"- Alcohollce AllonyDI01l9 • Write P. 0 . Box 2411 ·-lolalld, CtJlt. Pb:One Ktmf-11 s-6S8I l ·, a Iril model and hu lamp, c k. that van1abtnc" ahelt that EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKINO , and L&diea' ~terauoDa by at- polntmeat· °"11· Pll-Hut>or , 1137-R. 87cC9 akee a cover for the bumen. ~ bu griddle in the mJdd1e and tt• •the C.P all automatle , "'1th tbe chrome gTill broUer. B&ttPce due on 1tove ta $14.9.~ cub or take _.,.ts per mo. Ky eqult;r tree -----------' ltorqe,_ {(M So. 8padra. LADIES" altentsona .fJ(lff b@!D& ~;;.::.;::-t Lm. to 8 p.m. or ~t.ed, W -3llt St.1 Newport ~~wa. 2JU. utfc B1ich. • Ap70 1-:c::;:-r~--"------- ~15~::!!9~.,.!!.Y!?•!!!!R~C...!!._~..:;.J .Uftim>E'f=:~~ ~ WAl!l'l'SD to ....... q1p to -. -11861,.U. fOr .............. ~-.i:;r. c,up plao -tu. - 01 fw lie Pl L l'tf'I. 1-"ftas BarW .llM. 1epJ.ltlLll&dlorliat11r-! . \ ...... --· -f . °"'!loo --~ ~.::1f!!!!!-!'2 .. , • • • • 1 WANT AD will c:o st you ' . .1nly '2 end it will run I \ • in ~Ii 3 loc:e l pep~;,, -" ' , 4 lines • • . 'A Minimum ed is • , ·" P12111 H.._ 1616 .; ' .. !lwf'lit.-..a1i: Ntw•D 1 -Nw;1ri>'• Jhll, Jl'•kJld 9af ... ,,. ,,b ; .... ) ' ' • • \ , • ' • • ' • • • . , • , , ' !!!~!!!~!'.!'.!!!..:I ~'!.:=l.A~l!!!±!l~'!!!.!•!.! .!!'!.!!!!•!!!•!!i!E!!R!.. • .... • I I: I WJNTma RENTAL -PENIN· atJLA. -Furnl.sbed ai.D.cle apt., a.....U.ble in Sept. $1'wttk. Ut:il.. Incl. Adult. only. Phone Har- bor 1270-W. lltlc BALBOA ISLAND 'Roi ,. and Apt.I., yearly or RA· -1. See Gall can.ey, WW. NELDA GIBSON. .J REAL ESTA TE IOI -·· Bal-1al Bar. 5G2 -· n:ARL T UNPURN. 1 bdrm. apt. with pr., noor fUrnace, water eottener. Near &a.ch. $60 mo. 1000 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1%71 or Harbor 890-M. 64tfc PENI' BOUSE and 3 rm. cottagea. On Colllnl l&Iand 'zacb apt. bu water frontage.. Aecom. 4. Weet end Park Ave. Balboa Island. Harbor 2962-W. Mc69 BALBOA ISLAND We bav .. apartment. and hOUleA- .Available tor winter leUOD. or JU.rly Jeue. Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR ' Pl.rk Ave. at \{arine Balboa hland IJarbor 2402 59ttc NEWPOJtT HGTS., 800 cu.rt Or. Yearlj rental, 2 B. R . tumished. beaut. view, garage, turnaoe bnt. Adult.I. No pet., available Sept. 15, SM mo. plUI utilities. • 84p89 TWO APTS. Now available.. ALSO room and bath by day or per· in.anent. 514 I:. Oceap Front. Apt. 1, BalboL Ph. Har. 3238. 60cH WINTER ·RENTAL -Oct. 1st.- June 111t. 2 bdrm. turnilhed bouM, 17r5 mo., plua utilltles. See owner, 110 Opal St., Bal- boa llland_ 54c68 am<!r..x: WOMAN -!kid, bath, private: .. l.Jttle Ialand. Be&eon 5294-R •ve. only. 87c69 BEAl.JTlFUL OCEAN FRONT Fum.llhed .Apartment..' Attrac- tive rate• fM annual leues. Bay and Beach Apartmf'nll, t•20 Ocean Front, Newport ' Bee.ch.. Harbor 11~ 81p6t . LIJ>O T8LE Sm&rtly tuml.M<d 1 Uld I bod-"'°"' a.....-i. wWl ..,.... Sept. 15 to -lllllL 1 ~ (twin beda) ,75 mo., I bedrma. $100 mo. All utllltl .. peld.1 Ideal -ror llCbool teachen or prof• aional people.. .P. A. PALMER lNCORPORATSD W3 Via Udo Harbor 1000 Newport Beach, Calif. 118Uc ~Kei(a The Beet Town oo Earth Beautiful Country aome' dpp. c.u..1ey ciur Golt eourao. I la<p "bdnna. 1\i ll&tll. lltll· It)' l"OOll'I, ti.replace. excellent .i.,-&rul lllTJ• lot. fH,000. ~ clown. Home & Income (All IJ'umlab<d) REASONABLE winter rate• for Well built 2 bdrm. borne with two clM.n. nicely rurn. apt. Close to renlal9 tn rur and plenty of South Bay and ahopplng center. room tor more. Approximately 114 Marine. ~bOa Wand. Ph. % acre and t1gbt tn town. Barbor 183-J. 97p89 _ $lr5,000 FURNISB'ED 1 bdrm. apt., below highway, cloee to 1hopplng dl!t . in Corona del ~tar. $15 month yearly. Phone 1017-J or lr520-J. 1!8c70 BALBOA ISLA.N'O -Furnl•bed 2 bdrm. and garage. New. Year leaae or winter rental. Rea.an· able to rtght p&rty. Har. 1123-J. 08p70 BAY FRONT In Santa Ana Hts. 3 bdrm. home, large Jot, all fenc- ed, shade and t'l'Ull lttel, plenty 'ot room for chlckena, rabbit.a, prden, etc. $99~. term1. Very Nice 2 bdnn. home, hWd. noors, floor t'Umacl', tarre lot, $7MO. Furnished Lido Iale ~y front untt.--10 ft. private ~ach. Sept. l~une Very .-mall 1 bdrm. on nice lot, 1rs. ~ bedroom, $76 mo. 2 bdrm. , but of. location. $29~. P!K> dn . 2 bath, $110 mo. Available by -' year allgbUy higher. A.190·-ven.1 G. I. reaalQ, and eood Harbor 2~2. eve.J., HarbOr 2914·M buyi Oil acreage a.nd loll, emc \ iwo BEDROOM Fun>. Hou... · G." N. WEI.J.S, Rltr. Winter, $50 mo, water paid. & Associates Children 0 . K. 3311 Mlrcus. N•wport Beach. 08p81 1790 Newport Blvd. RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call -cnir Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa lal&nd. Bar. :ZOU UdM THREE BDRM. Furn. Houee, 2 balhA, enclosed yard. irundeck, $85 mo. Winter. 1407 W. Bay Aw., Newport Beach. 68p89 4S-A-Trail•r s~ _ TRAILER SPACE Close to ahopping, off the Hi way, Sl2 to S15 mo. Cabrlllo Court, 140 Cabrlllo St., Colt.a Meaa. A&tive. Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 STOP BIG DEAL Bra.nd new 3 bdnn. home. Hwd. noon, fireplace, well planned. .rarsge, large lot. pod construc- tion. Euy tel"'DUI, tull pr1ce only . $9250 BUY OF THE YEAR Lovely I bdrm. hom• on Costa Mee•"• moet e.s:cluafve street, Broadway. Cloee In. Pf'rfect condiUon, glea.minc hwd. floor•. b1"ft&.k!ul area, nice back ya.rd, all fenced. 11.1 yrs. old- NOW LOOK $10,500 full price S2MO down WINTER RENTAL. J rm. apt. ~oA~--b"---Couple pr.terred. UUl paid.1.-;.-.._o.;..u="""-o;.....;--...._,_£ ..... """;.;....-- Q _ L '4~ loan wt.th pymta. of 157 which Include tu.et and in.I. lm W. Bay, Newport Be&cb. • 17p99 RJ:!rfT, turniab•d a.pt.I. One bed· nn 4M per mo. Utilltie1 pa.id, childttn okay. Dolphin Apt.a. leol W. Balboa Blvd. New port. "' 87c69 BEAUTIFULLY FurnWled three bdnn. bouae, 2 beth.8, television, Winter rental. On waterfront wtlh pier and noat, $110 mo. Harl>cr 3021-RK. 17p69 WINTER RENTAU! PENIN- SULA. Fumiahed 2 &nd 3 bdrm. apt.a., close to school. Refriger- a tor. Ulllitle.a lncL Available Sept. 17th. Sl~ a.nd $20 wk. Ph. Barbor 127~ W. 91 tfc RESPONSIBLE ADULTS ~ Two bdrm. hae,.. tum. Clltt Haven. Very nicf'. Yearly leue Sl50 mo. Beacon '5&09·J . - J"URNISHED Winter Rental on 't>cea.n front, one bedroom up- sta.in plwi lge. guest rm. do'Wll'- st&J.n. I '.ii. bath. $60 mo. 4711 Seuhore Dr .. Newport. Mc68 , • 1950 CHEVROLET 2 door. In per- fect condition, $1M&. ~1% -Sith St., Newport Beach. Pbone Har- bol' 2404. 8lttc 19'47 STUDEBAKER Champion Starli&"hl coupe. ALSO 1950 Stu- debaker Champion "t--dr. aeda.n Private party. Harbol' 301. 8lttc '41 FORD Super Deluxe t-d.r. 1e- d&n. $350. Alao brand Df'W $2500 Down Oft Redland.9 Ave., N~rt HsbU:. a bdrm. G. I. ~e, 1 yr. old. Hwd., tlreplace. 2-c•r pr. Land- •c&ped, lot.a of likeable teatutt11. Payment.a leae than rlnt. M8. ~r mo .. lncludu t&.xe.9 and lnl. l· Full price nnly-, $12,500 7.5o x 10 B-ply truck Ure wtth 1280 Square Feet flap, $30. 35 Balboa Cove•. Ph. bd 1 ,_ ,_ bd Ha.rbor 709 Uter 6 :30 p.m. Mlle 3 rm .. f rep .. cf', i.arge rm.., tull alze dining room, lp. kitch- '49' OLDS. 98 Conv., W . W., radio, heater. I owner car. Carefully driven, $1950. Har. 3029-W. e 8c70 STATION WAGON -F ord, late '46. beauti/UJ ahape. Only fam- ily uae. Extra.a. It you ban been trying to find a clean one, you won't be d1s&ppolnted. P!1- va.t.e part}'. 542 Fullerton Ave., Newport Buch. 68tfc • en. pullman tiled bath. $1,000 brick rence. 11.4 baths, patio, Bar-b-q, 5 yr11. old. P1enty ot value. Underpriced at- $12,500 • ' , • ' • • • .. I • RPr.l, IWJ. ... , --~ ~ AJID ·m ~ CLUI •as I • . • n r's.iate I a 81zl•1 le PRE'ITY As -A .PICTuRE - Di9tlnctive and charajng lf bcira!. rutlc raneh type' hom~ 2 yn. old. BU heavy +.Jre r.of, tire~ ~ cei!iap, i.r.. ~ WiDdow '!Mi k ·lleft· . tJfuUy Jandllcaped. One of the lo;vellMt ho-1n Newport ~hta, $12,750. , STOP • _J..~-at catalogued Hltjnp. • ~ ... J:XCLUSIVJ: <>tferlnp .ml -and Iola not 10Wld tn 1i\loa:a. ~ ii. to oUr otf..,. and BLANCHE A. GAm, Realtor FRANK L. ~T J. MARTIN 311 Marine Ave.: Balboa laland- . :..·--- RUSTIC RANCH HOME 2 bdrm. home, l 'h yrs. old. Hu •halre roof, mu- siVe brick mpiace, I~ windowa, lot 57x125. • Beet buy in Costa K-. $7950. CHOICE OCEAN VIEW HOMES Several 3 bdrm A: 2 ~ bom .. in Newport Hght.1. at pricea you can't beat! Lot.I are not leuehold. $14,900 to $21,000 I 3 '7c STATE vETERAN'S L0AN We have a few 2 bdrm. Jiomes in Newport.Hghi.. and Corona del Mar that• will qualify. Payment.I $46; $1500 -$3000 dn. Tbeee loan• are unbeatable. Honey Sma.).l Ranch 'l< ACRE sandy loam soil. Ideal for gardening. Lots of room for cbi~kens. 2 bdrm. house., dbl gar. 5 yrs. old. An attractive comfortable home. Well located. Really a wonderful buy, $7,995. BEACON HILL REALTY 486 Newport Blvd. (above .A.J'Cbu) Ph. B. ~113-R or Evea. B. MU-W B7c89 BALBOA ISLAND • Bay Front Home & Income Large South Bay Front liome -~ bdrm.1., 2'>1 bathe, plua 2 bdrm. apt. Finest corner location, Piu and float. Priced to Sell Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine Harbor 2462 Balboa laland Elhow you o0m•th1D&' 7°" Look 1 at tb... specl&la. t.. g brand new lu:ce 3 ~. I bath home on LIDO lit&. Located le prime area on widt: lot th.ta home hu hJ1h a+aned celling Uvtnr room and aft !°°ma llch l · eheft'tul a.nd .op.ains on llpUI-pau.o. lifanY deluxe featurel such aa qrbai< diapooal. unit b•t. · 1~1 ahowen, electric toueb pf.ate 11•tem ot swttcblng, cer· ~c tile. drain boanb, acbJ&ge h&rdwat'e and many other tip ·.~advantage•. Thia ta a real at only $~.000--~rm•. I 2. "PIOICE SPOT" on BAY - PRONT ot Lido la1e a nearly new 4 bdrm., 2 balJ:I home that ~ a "honey." Thi8 la a snappy, clewr year ropnd home with o/B'e room.a. unit bMl. 2 wn •ka, lovely view and other .+nut teaturee. To 1ee tfti11 I.I ty admlre tt. Priced to ae:ll. I AL!iO We have 80llle choice lot• tor 14le e.lthtr tor lncome or one ftimily dwellingi. M we a.re the DEVELOPERS of LIDO ISLE we can offer you lot. at low p ice. and euy tenn•. Here a li tle buys a LOT. COME LOOK. P.·A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 via Lido ! Newport Be.a.ch, Callf. Harbol' lMO I ATTRACTIVE 17c89 BALBOA ISLAND 2 UNIT HOMES Outstanding Balboa Island Duplex Here I• 1145 monthly regular (n. come ; 2 bdrm. •tucco, ru~hed 3 yra. old. 3 bedrm. 2 baths in each unit. Traverse hom•, plu• •tudlo apartment, drapes, indirect lighting, panel ray heat, glaas turn. over double garage. 'At· ahower doors, garbage disposal, separate 30 gal u;acun;.pri<e ·•11.7!!0. water heaters, lge. carport. etc. make this a highly F!>rl the ·t,,ucher·upper, • 1 bdrm. productive rental property Which lhould earn ·home with ffreplace. plu• JU••I about $3500 per year. Full price $23,506 furn. 4t. turn. over gorage. nlc• ' STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor bttck<d y&rd .,.._ A deal here ·af ua.900. 216 Marine Ave. Balboa llland I{_a.rbor 20 J'oUr bdml. north Bay!ront, two . ._ -· ' Pll. Bir. 1671 or lfl2 Evee. Barbor Jm BALBOA .ISLAND Ch&nnlng a bdrai.,_ 1 'h · b&th home. Patio, car- age. A real buy, $18,~. • ; I LIOO ISLE Attractive 2 bdrm. ho-, Sll!,750.· Cheioe locatioll nea.r club bouae. Thia Won't Jut. BLANCHE A. GATES ~ REALTOR ._ CONSIDER TRADE Charming B&Jboa Island home ill best areL ·Not a.ew. but .an.usually attractive ln decerCUon and arranPmeat -quaint provincial papera and .oft mellow coior.. (See L.A. Times Home .ectlon, Aur. 6th) There are threll. bdrma .. large living room, d.lnlnt room and large kitchen and baae.ment. Two nicely land.leaped Iota. Would eon,. sider em.allier home u p&rt paymenL Prefer ..-Ba.Jt.. la1and or Coron& del Kar. BAY & BEACH REAL'TY 1460 Balboa Blvd. "ISLAND OF LOVE?" That la what a pretty waitress in one of our fine restaurant.I claims -well could be! At leut we think )'OU ~ fall in love with one of tlie follow· ing:- • A 2 bdrm. beach house for only $10,750. • A 2 bdrm. beauty -completely refinished, $16,500. • A 3 bdrm., l 'h b&th, next door to be1ch, $15,900. • A 4 bdrm. 2-bath home well located, deco- rated in excellent taste-probably the h- land's Top Buy $23,750. We can finance to fit your budget. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 304Y., Marine Ave. Balboa Island, Call!. Phone HArl)\>r 502 18c70 • • OPEN HOUSE • • $&t.., Sun., 2 to II or by appt. 2121 Ocean Blvd. Har. 1238-W • AutbentiC' capt Cod, 1 '7e:&r old, 'J story:" I bedn>om' large den, 2 baths, w.ndeclt, fi"'place, forced air h•t,. bl.JI: floors. Thia exqui8lte home ia up to the minut• tn conat:ruction and baa every conwntence ttquired tor· craclOUI · year aro~d living. Priced to sell quiCkly on very l'MIOnAble .term.a . \ Boat Owners Waterfront duplex with pie:r and Oo&l. Eully connrtf!d to 2 bdrm I bath home. Near ahopplng and transportation. Price $18,860. · ITllllO down, b&l&nce PO moath. l · e&ory ranch style home, 2 bat.hi, piua complete 1 bdrm. ApL turn. 1 oVer double ga.r&&ea. rtreplace iJ..i. unit.I. Priced to ..U on ~ Real Values 2 bd.ml borne on I lola. TWo-car -~Possessign Bay Front Home & Income Localed. on beaulilul Udo Iale. 9 unlta completely turnished. Best location, 70 ft_ beach. Priced to aiell Consider part tradt. Lido Isle, $4950 Dn. New I bdrm. home, prlvaleo patio, bbq, ldtcben, fireplace, tu.mace heat. rlias enclo&ed tub, many othtr exttu. Full price $15,700. It'• th• best buy on Lido. GREENLEAF a ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Barbo!' 25-52 8r5ttc Today's ~est Buy in Corona del Mar · pra.ge. Cloee ta Newport Blvd., J:aat Side. Full prtc»- $600() Z..Z Term. 2 bdrm., lt&U llhower, P.r&I'• at- tached. Lot lM by lMt. Thia 11 zoned tor rabbltU and ch.Jckena. Belter 9ee this today. On.11- $6500 l'Ull Price "G. I. Resale" Larse 2 bdrm. stucco home ln nne condition. 1Arg1 roonu. plenty or cloeeta, noor furnace, tile kitchen a.nd bath. Hwd. floor• and plutettd walla. Dbl gar. with laundry nn. Nice yard completely fenced. Thi. borne 111 located near Catholic church and ecboola on the eut •Ide of town. Total price $9450. Only 11800 down and b&IMo. 6t '53-33 per mo. • I euy tum.I, $10,000 down p&y~ mmL J. ,A. BEEK OFFICE ~rU ' Corona de! Mar ' $3obo down buy1 &llractiv• two bUnn. home With prbq"• di.a· t>f>a1 ancf· diahmuter. Exct'p· tk>nally well decorated. Cozy ~epl~. lar~e 2-car gar., red-r. fenced ya.rd. P'Ull price-•r:• 50. For; th.I.a and other &'ood buy• liow I · SEE I TOM PAYNE 31~ Cout Biway, Corona cld Mar Phone Har'bor 2714 • . . • CLIFF HAVEN THREE Bdrm. and Den ft.&Jlch Type Home. Heavy lhake roof, forced alr beat. I bat.M, lot.I o! tile.. ~-_dbl. gar., patio. Just completed on large Ylt'W' lot $26.000. Ternu. Real Estate Ia Your Best Inv-ent. -·-G. I . Resale 2. bdrm:, l&rl'e llvinl' room. bwd.. t'loora, noor furn.&ce, double SU'· Only $&350-$23:SO dn. $53 a mo. SEE 2352 • 15th St.1 Open .Sun. 1~ • Home -Large Lot -Unobltruct- ed Harbor view-2 bdrm.a., hwd. noon. Flaptone fireplace, en- closed barbecue. Large living • d1nln,g room facing Ha.rbor. P\lr- iw: .. beat,. dbl pr. Only $11,000 • Shore Cliffs Diatinctlve new 3 bdrm. home, 1 "- balhl, pegged hardwood floors. Lott of We and many .nraa. ~I" patio. Choice location on wide lot for sracioua llvin&', $2UIOO. G. L RESALE-2 bdrm. llucco, dbl. pr., R-2 loL Pymt.. only SM pe:r mo., tnclud. t&Ku. 4~ int. and ~tnaur. Wby pay rent! See thla, It won't lut at on1J $10.500. . W. E. FISHER. llealtor..Jlullder ERNIE SMITH, Realtor Aatociate tlJ Cout Blvd. Harbor "41 Corona del Mar. -o- In<fuiiduality 2 bdrm redwood home. ~ Hv· ing room. ti.. kitchen, med bnck fireplace, 1ha.ke roof. N¥r hlgh echool. Price 111,150. $3400 down. -o- On Magnolia St. ! bdrm. 0 . t. f'M&le. Uvinr room and hall carpeted. YOU!"I frlr $10,600---$3000 down. IU.67 a mo., t&xee and 1.n.4, ·included. -o- Tiny Tot %: acre with am.all hotme. 1 bdrm. Some chickm. equip. "foan h .• 3500. $1500 ...... -o- Harbor Blvd.· 71 ft. trontap orlth 300 ft. doptb. I bdrm. bome. llv: m'l., aepu:at. dinin,c rm., hwd. tL. ,n. turn.., aln&'le pr. ·and Jaundey tin. Ami all turnilh<d too. A nal bu7 tn real eata.te. . Ownet1 Se.Yin& for Eut. Priced $12,eo&,,lenn.i -o-. INDUBTRIAL PRO"P'"'B-l'TT -o- t. YGUr Property for 8Ue t We Han Bu7era. La PERLE REALTY - ' , -, • .. • • , . . ' ' • , • lleO •AlllT With SALLIE • °""" your husb9wl pve yoa a pala ID tbe neck! ••• Elpedally wbell you've had ladl • alee attenooa playlac bridge • • . when yoa feel oo collected aad calm .....,._ fb:lnc dlAHr ..... IDCh • b-••• ..A.II you had to do WU Opell that alee eaa of beef atew or IP"Chetti with -t ' balla or clllll -eanl ... ilI a ulad . • • yoa made the pie ID the monillc • · · there wu aothlDc to that becaoM you uaed • pre- pattd crust aad mix . • • bn't the moden cr-ry store a woaderfol thlllc! You enjoy yoOJ' meal with custo ... Hubby sitting ac1068 the table bu other : ideu . . . and as you watch him eat your style becomes cram~ . . . the starch m your sails starts to wilt . . . the meal usually ends up with . . . . "Well it's all right ... But it doesn't taste u good as k .. the the ones you ma e ... fd better think of aonM>- thlllg good to say ftAI faat or our Bert Clancy will be .,.kine me to pick up my typewriter aad amscray. Here'• what I'm trying to put over . . . The various manafactorera of all these delight. to the houoewife who llkN to do something besides cook . . . must play the middle of the read . . • hlA product even though It i9 usaally a famous -lpe from a famous chef . . • must be bland and anatart- llng and careful . • . He must satisfy a oommon de- aomlaator tute • . . Think of the th008&llds of ..,,..,._ coaatry people -who will try a aew can of stew or corned beef hash! Don't bring grandma back In your kitchen . . . Afford yourself the luxury of using time-aaving, reaj)y-prepared foods •.. Experiment to give them "oomph" . . . your touch ... Usually all that's needed is a dash of salt or pepper . . . A little butter . . . Go to work with your herbs, condiments, vinegars and opices . . . Add tomato sauce . . . mushroom soup . . . :rarragon adds excite· ment to fish dishes ,. .. Mar· joram is a spice th.at can ~ used with anytbmg ... Thyme for a Deep South Fla· vor . . . try a sniff in your vegetables of M a n h a t t a n Clam Chowder ... True Epi· cu.-es add a touch of Juniper to lamb roasts and stewa ... Use Rosemary in b i• cu it dough for meat pies, in dumplings ... Oregano and Cumin make Chili Beans say Saludus . . . Marinate ham· burge~ in Wine Vinegar be- fore frying ... Just remem- ber that spices must not be ta.sted . . . One must mere- ly be 'made aware that their presence is there . . . Com- plete line of Spice Islands ... Delicatessen Department. Throw a couple of cans ot this and that together to bring Dante Cuisine to yoOJ' table • • • Bow about a can of mushroom soup, a eaa of tomato soup, a can o~ crab meat and a teaspoon of Curry . . . Whea the dish ls taken from the sto\•e add S ta· blespoons Sherry! .•. Here'• a peany-sav!Dc one • • . Roll Vienna Sausage ID prepared biscuit dough .(just let the • Rosemary b-... by) and bake ... Cover with heated o.Joa or Cream of Celery Soup. Of our nineteen varieties of baked beans . . • you might add &' can of tomato &1uce, % ts{'. dried ·mustard, 1 amall onion, 14 cup maple ayrup. 2 tap. sugar . . . Bake • . . Our Otto Goethe! gave me this • . . who beeidea being able to add two and two correctly • . . ill quite a cook on the aide . • • Being a woiking man he baa learned ' the value of labo..-vlng en- ~ In tin cana ... ~-p~fOOll9ud ~ ... are den.IW7 i.e...--...,, ... -.._ arrthcr,,.New .... ..... tllelr ~ """1 -. •. ~-'cllt-1111 a time wllell • • • W• ·it = ~ ..... ·.:=.··"ti: u.i..~•-n.o.a. ...... - • ' • ' • .. \ . ' Pl•••• •~cept our 1incere •pprkl•tion of your 1plendid p tron~ge. to. llCHAID'S We h'•v• hed • good ••••on •nd h•v• e:1tabli1hed meny new recor.da which have le~ 111 bre•thle11 and excited. l We ere0 9re+.f11I end humble -heppy. a rld proud -of t~e 343,200 people who heve gone through our check fen•• in the past 60 days. r - You heve helped build an institution that is known the wolrld over which makes it your market as well es our own', I . We shell n'ever breek faith with you, but rather, our pledge is, and always will be, to work hard, honestly and sincerely to provide the best merchandise in the best • \, j way we know how at the least cost to you. L . ' Rememb!r, too, .Rl.C':iA~~·s 110 employe.es bel?ng to tpis fine. Orenge County Community and our 1nd1v1dual and collective gains are a benefit' to all. • • e • . . . . . . . . . ...... .. IRIS FUJE guality Meal FeatwflM) Ma1111hNJs U. S. Gov't. GN•d CINlice leef Ffllftt leef Obtainable C'arlotta Spaaloh I 49¢ GRUN OUYES 1 ....... qt. COFFEE ....................... '. ............. _ ..... _ .... ~:.. 79c: ' Chuck Arm or Chuck llacle i11A1"1'"1NO'S (IJo ... _) ROUND STEAK .. 1.05 llWler -(Aa Cut) LOIN • PORK ROASTS. .. 55c MA.,'1"11"GS BEEF SHORT RIBS .. -~ ......... 35c 8WU 1'8 .ORIOLE ' SllCE.D BACON =4~ f'IUYJ:Ell' . . JUMBO SHRIMP .. 59c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... VIII/I: RIPENEB--TRICll MEATl:D CANTALOUPES ........ _ ... 5c FA...,..CT,· CR.ISP NORTHERN LETTUCE ............ : ... 2 -17c GRAPES ·-·-·-...... :]. k 2tc , RED ROSE, Flae for a.kta1 or Bell.lq' POTATOES ······-6 k 2~ LUE.a'll QUALITY SKINLESS FRANKS ·---~ Ste CREAJIY CHEDDAR CHEESE _. ___ _. 4tc DIJ'OBTED 8110UD , FINNAN HADDIE ______ .. Ste PEPSI B~ wbli OockWle SALTED -PEANUTS .. :....'; 3tc ALJ:X'S -wltli IUNNINO ain- LARGE TAMALES •.-2 ... 3tc We-Offer OompWe <Wu lq 8entee fw S •a 1000 . NEW STOIE HOURS:· · ' .,.., ...... ~., ... · ExCEPT ·FRIDAY .. ..... ', ... ' ' • l ·w. ••••Ar• mi-.. U.. q t'Mrr C,U at t .•• ...A ..... i(t I • ----i c .. QuaUty HOUIMl "°ttole 38• 8\~ PlCJlLEr %' OL llenlN'lt• 1 18¢ CHILE 8A UCE ., ..•... 1 OL :;.~'; ~ ~-."'.~ ~.'.'{~..: 49• IRIS curll<K STYLE -WllITI: -• TUNA . ...: .... _____ ....... -............ ~ -29c: .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. u ..... .w..... . 19f DEVJLED H.UI I 2 \i .... APPLE SAUCE ~L 2 , .. 29c: ' . ~Washday H1-ers ~ Pantry j FOiis ~Everyday Needs NUCOa •• Ivory FLAKES ..... .1c. 27¢ Pf!'l"fect 'Roat A fflrleet Bk-nd COFFEE +-~ ... , 79• Hart Cut Grea BEAN SN •. ~ ... 2125' Del Monte -ll'oL ea.a Deter p at DREFT ... _ .......... .1c. 27¢ To~t Soap IYORY .. --15¢ Tollet 8---Slw CAMAY 2125' U.,.W l>eteTsMt JOY ................. 33 ' me.a.er -Ht.. pkc. - SPIC & SPAN 27' ~Aml-C&a CLEANSER 2125' PUMPKIN! 2125¢ Nlblet• -1! OL qKJI MEXICORN 17¢ Macarolll or Potato SALAD 1 :::-2/19¢ 11 A 'W Bakod i BEANS .~.. . .SI OL 29' 0rteCa Green I. '7 o&.. CHILI SALSA 18¢ Hlclolaad 0-•. -. SYRUP . ~1 ... u .... 27¢ Brealdut C'.erMI~ Roma.a MEAL ... ,. ~u ... 23 ' ' Wh.lte Rock Black Cherry SODA ... u ... 2139¢ Towne Pride Choe. SYRUP . lao .. 2125 ' Kf'ma AM't PrflL A JELLIES • OL 2/19¢ Campftn!! I._. Pkl"· MARSH'WS 31 ' \"lctor Small SHRIMP ......... 6 OL 35¢ 4-Moab Red '\l'lne VINEGAR t11pL 19' \Va.xtex Wax PAPER ............ uan. 25' Deodarut Wick WIZARD .. _ .......... 39 ~ 8bnonb'.e Puie WAX ................ HOL69¢ OYOMllGlma " . ........ ,_ DELMOm IOL ... rs ~pie AcUon -I oL Pk1. RAIN DROPS 11' ~Save ~ .h.These Super Values M1aa11U.e ShpPpe · School,. Supplies BOBDEl'S .-TA.In' CU FU iiirtr ........ : .............................................. -~.73c Lunch Kits ••• CANNEQ MILK ....... ·-~Jc.-2 '"' 23c fitted wtUl real Ther'JDOI •• unbre&kable plutic top •••• l'l'llVP CllftfA1"- Si1FiBTnNG ..................................... aa. ... 73c Yac11um lotttes and Fiiiers ••• FOa OOOJUNG SALADS 11!... n• MAZO -OIL ....... ~. 31c _ .-.. Ste all maku and lize1 • • . includlnJ Hopalong Ca.saidy . , • Tbermo1 ••• Untveraal TWI W-laACU ~!fc~ A1'fLOUR-::::-16c-::~2tc ' MA CAR NI DINNERS pkg. 2 for 23c linden ••• Blue Canvas .• Looae Leaf Zipper Binder• -both the economical cloth onel and fine leather onee • , , • . ' TllUll8DAY ' APICST t " APPLE D~NUTS ..... ____ &1' 24' KUK BV11£k ' ~ FRIDAY RI.NG CAKES -,..a¢ .--lllCAN FBl:NCB I . , . I DINNER ROLLS .--......... -·-···-& , .. 11' ' . ' • SA\'UWDAY r APPLE PIES -1 51' bAft m1a:n IEll CLAWS =--· --. 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