HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-12 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News' I i ~ I • • • I l ' ' ,, ....... ~. Sept. 1J, 1161 ' a 4-N • Vol ---- . ,., ·ORT BAY · AND SHOPPING NEWS -= '"' -= - - = --, ---PUBU8Hl:D AT 2!11 BALBOA llOULEV .um NJ!:\VPOBT BUCH, CALD'O~ TELEPHONE: ILUIBOK 1818 ' 4 I Haig . Meiliarial llospltll ' -. ~~~~'!~·.!3~t.IM -~ FOR .. MURDER :;~.~:,-::::~~.;~.:-= 11··1st ·DEGREE Ooun~. o=mlinS•lo Jolla~. Jr. of Raatiqt.al Boacll, ""°Will · pro11ci. W1111o o.o,... a .... t H-J't, -u.. actual opo41,,., tumms , u... ftrwt ~ for Ille rwrr n.iao.obo 11<>op11&L J>lpl-~ weu-Jorid&y ~ In N..,. =t~.!:'.:!t::'Ji0~.. port ·~ch -~ ciiurt,_ and PY• ti!< lloo!>lt&I project a Boy ~ Crushed Tro)' ll Proctor, .•7-year-Old .---· '1r Clllplllt« ot 11•·12ncl meet. 11--a ... ,."" b Bench 'Sa N~ Budl ,ru Wld to IJl tol)dnc allout UM '-Pita.I y W ~ to a tint ~ am-ptU11 at a recent mMtfn&', ~ ucr cb.arre- dent llllr<IT polllled out lllat tlM , • lloArd bu ....,. a mwton ddllan .rcur-,.....old a.-L&n &cl· S!ttinr on the bench while on 1Wld to -conatnlCUon ID. .on of Mr. OD4 Kn. Len Hedin Jlllltloe Co!,irt Jud.. Dou.Id but ~" ~ •-000 f of 20IO Meyer P!. Cool& K-~~ cooto. ~~ •--· or died In st. J-•·1 •-ttaJ 'at Dodge ii on vacatiOa, New· tumloh1np tftd other equlpmeat. -r, .....,. Be oald Ute hoeplt&I would ha" l :l17 P. m. Suada.Y after ho WN port Beach City Court Jud(e T5 beds with ,_,. for more pall· fatally IJIJurod by • """ch •w. granted the motion that ento without lncreulnc •nice U:: ... W:,.d~ ~ ~d~ Proctor he admittAtd to bail area.. There wlU be 100 room. ln ~ ....... i.v the main bulldlnf. with fwr c>pe· crawled out tNJm beneath the Deputy Diatrict Attorney roUnc rooms. 'n!lo bulldlnc la 3M heavy eaw. It had opp&ttllUy top. J. Parley Smith filed the ln- tt. from eut to well and 290 from pied over onto thie child and ~;::;::~;::;;;;:;:::;:::;:::;::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;::::.iorth to 80Ut.h. wt~ 1,aao electric .e:vttely cruelled blm. He wu formation on the caae at 10 ; ouUetl and 30,000 feet ot metal ta.ken tor emerrt:ncy treatment to a. m . Friday in S u Per j or conduit to carry Wirlnl'· a Ne'Np<>rt Buch doctor &Dd then Court · UHd in conatrucUon wtU be later ruahed to Bt. Joaepb:a boa-• e.700 b01T<la o! cement, and 2eo ptl&I. Ho died • few mtnu ... i.ter. Appearing at the bearing plwnblng tlxturee .,. nqutnd. Survivors, -r than the par-were Deputy Coroner Roger 240 tona ot re--inforclnc steel and ent.a, are: a you.nrer brother• Burnham and N_,..,..,rt Beach ~ U "-····d f t f I Cbrtl: maternal lf'Udp&rentl Mr. ""'""rv . 1-m .. a uw~ .. 0 um-and ~-. r. McGann ot Monte-police otftcer Warren OaueJ. ber wtJ1 be needed. There will be .ITU• , . 700 llchtlnr ftxturu to be fitted bello and paUrna1 cn.ndmother, Ex..-1..s Body , B MARGO ~ d •• of t 1 Mn. Karin Hedin of U.guno ~--'" Y with but-. an ~ tono • .. B<&<h. Brown Mortuary bt s.ni. awuuam told authorltlee pipe and 00 tono of ooU pipe ore ~-of ... ,_ •Tamina"An of the , ________________ ,.;. _______ ,colng into th ejob. Ana 11 1D ch&rl'• of•••--=-ua -___ wv The Boepil&I I• bolnC built by body of 37 •ye&r-old Dorothy • U you don't think I'm leaving on Vacation, just count the daya I'm gone. Don't Go away now - Back in a couple of week•. M•an• and tnrich of s.ni. Ana $224 Mwy lcHJ S~ll Proctor, common Jaw wife of >lnder oupervaion o! A"'httect• From New-rt Motel. the defendant. She wu all-· Cbamben and Hibbard of Loa An· 'r--"'• gel ... with ltd Mall.I, for 25 yean Mn. Oearcln reported Ille theft edly beaten• by Proctor in a Building In1pe<:tor for Onnce of $224 trom the llvln&' quarten quarrel the night of Friday, County u inapector tor both the above the 8tace Mot.el. •10 Cout Aug. 24 and WU pronounced hOl'pltal board and the a.rcbtte<:U. Highway, Newport BMch between a • I~ wW take about a year to com-10:30 a. m. and 12:26 p. a. Sat-dead by Dr. G. E. TohflL • • plete the present t:ruildlnr and urday. • Newport Beach oCteopath, on -Margo OH THE GALLAN't FISHER'S LIFE! plan• for opening ln September, Mn. Yeargin told poliee that •he Saturday morn.in•. Burnham Charley Drake i8 angling-tor you to try hi.a 1952 will be coN1idered. in due time, bad btt.n out ahoppinC" and had re-e abore dinners -a.nd believe me, once you try the accordlnr to Murdy. tu.med ·to flnd the mmey mtul:nl'-described the condition of the bait at Claariey"• SN.food Restaurant,. you're hooked • Tbcr• wu no evidence of forced woman'• body and verified tor> &'OQd ! Right now, Charley ii •rvinl' ocean TRIP ENDS entry, but ln the oplnlon ol the ln-b •---'-by h d truh Halibut, Sea:e.au &11d., Swordtiah lunchu . Mr. and Kr•. Roy Baker and vutipUnc orttcerw a lock on the P 0"'19 au.own t e eputy {$1.00) and complete dinners CSl.26). Or it you d&ufhter ot 1410 w. Ocean Front. trc:.i.t office wu ot a type euUy district attomey u be i D g prefer to cook a fiah dinner youndt, ailly l'frl, you Newport, returned Monday trom opened with a acrew dri•er or tboee of Kn. Proctor. can buy a whole fresh, cleaned Albacore to take out. Memphls. Tenneuee where they 11ml1ar tool I •· th •-ti f th I IUll'Ht you eat at Cbarley'a tontcbt tho-and have been the pall three w..U on The mon~ wu ta.ken fl"Om a t 18 e CODwD on o e then order big wooden bowl8 tu1l of le& food aa1ada and ae&.tood a bUlln.eM and pleasure trip. cheet ot drawera In. the ap&rtment. pro.cut.ing attomey th at rocktallo for Uust Whtot puty you're throwlne next Wftk. Mk ------------------------llra. Proctor'a death w a 1 Charley to ton a little amok.eel. a.Jbaco~ ln wtth thlil orcser to .CO· Meantime Oyster stew, and' clam chowder or Jumbo ahrlmp• and A BREAD AND BUTTER NOTI:: caWled by the beating. Ac .. trench fries are pleuant to dwell over at Cbarley'• 8ea Foed. 1115 '-rHANK YOU NICE PEOPLE FOR BU"ITERINO cording to the autopey repo~ C-C mckway, (aerl ta Port Oraace). Beacon 11334. Cloeed Tuu. OUR BREAD ALL SUMMER. WE'VE HAD A l\lra. Proctor died of a blood FLOURISHING BAKERY BUSINESS THANKB TO OH GOODY! 01''1.Y •,tit M~ll D~YS UNTIL CRJUSTKAS! YOU. WE APPRltCIATll: YOUR PATRONAGE elot on her brain which WU BUT DoN'T SHOOT Ml: FOR MENTIONING IT . • . Just AND w ANT YOU TO KNOW WE'LL BE OPEN call.led by external violence. ALL WINTER, T DAYS A. WEEK. WE'LL HAVE l '· •--' Put down that D&iay Bee·Bee IUD (priced to ..U at '6.IHIJ Yeo. It'• HOT BREADS, DONUTS, COFFEE CAKES. PIES. t,. ezpec..,.. that Proctor'I too true. The BALBOA I A 19 tirat and toremOllt with thota of PARTY CA.KES, P..A'lTY CAKES. ROLLS. AND (Jou.nae), Otto J a CO b I, wilJ her countrymen, hu at this very moment a larre fuclnalinl' •tock of TOYS for you to put la LAY A.WA.y'. Doll burctu $5.9!5 -$9.94; EVERY THING~~~ P"RESH DAILY. bue hil defenlie OD Mrs. Bat.hlnettea, doll trunlui; famous Arranbee doll• that cry and carry VIRGINIA. McM.AlLUf Proctor'1 ~ ~ ueed on: puszJe-. dor bonu:, truclul, ram••. ukeleJea ($S.4f) all m•Ul / BOB KRULL by a fall frbt;. doll bOUIO f\ally furnished '4-95. T)lon •-doe•'l that ct.. you JiEWP()RT B.ua:RY Id-r Al I understand' It. )'OU pay .. lltU. -.. poat~le OD OCLU( --~ill!ililtllltl\..~"=·-a.••6.l!IHNI! tbeae pd~ta. · Th'.eJTi 4tb~lf. ~bbT9 Sm.au sUJtl.11 a.Iollilttl .Uddenly 21 U J'llQlar1': • , It'• Xmu and you and tM chlJdNA -are all 9fttln.C pntty. Invelli· -._•• • • · "' ------l'OU. Al'l'lllft'iON l'tJ!a!i! pte ••. pt your choice ol all thia Utter NOW. BAJJU')A. 6 & 10 "FUshU leaviDc lmmediateJv tor Lu .._.._ n.--1 aoo lllAD1. MLBOA. , a_., ... -·- v • ...., LU Anlmu and LU Colla Motor Officer ea-1 who • • AUTUMN 1'I HEBE • LASTING DECOR FOB ROME, PARTIES, OLUBS, tt.t5 ap. n.<>w:t:RS BY MORRI ••• .509 E. Ba.Itta. Blvd. MLllOA -HARBOR !OTO • • • '"() Cuckoo! Sbll I call thee lltrd, or but a \\'anderin.& voice!" Dr. Erwood, well-known Bird· watcher, tho' It all but tear1 the tea then fl'om hla heart, ts offering' his favorite cuckoo tor Ale! Thia handao.me bird brlnp with htm, naturally en.ouch. hla own clock! I have tonl' listened to lhia cuckoo's voice eatatically carolinr out the houn! Chesty. full-throated pear-ah.aped tone• co me out of this UtUe birdie. Cuckoo, blrcf·e&ll and clock complete $26 ! Erwood'• Bacda.d A Baza•r ia bur.stinr with new and beautitul bra.u Cuckoo! 'Uld copper piecea. new lam pa, chime clocka, jewel.a, g-lltter, glus. Don't pay any atte.nUon to the price tac•. juat dlKOun.t th.NII U% &nd then pay. Trust Dr. l:n\'ood to g1ve you the bird at •01 E. Balboa Blvd., B&I~ 'Ope• l:ve.alap. lla.rbor 0166-J'. • • • CA.PTA1N KIDD~ LONG JOHN! PEGLEG! GUESS WHAT MEN!!! While toragln( in the bottom ot my purae tor peanuts, I found a map Jocatinl' fabuloua SEA TREASURES~! Directions are aa tollow1 : Walk 30 pace• from the Ice Houae on 30th St. , • . Thereby, where a ahadow f.alls Nor' Eut by Sou' East la a cave c&lled Watt'• Tradlaa-Pot.t. Start diCCinl' . here, Mac! Terrific loot this week: 18 h. p. Hercule• motor, Wee new for quick deal. $250; 2 wheel combination. boat and ca.rry·all trailer, re.movable aides $160 : I to 1 U· DUc:.TlOS GEAR. A BARGAIN: Ft&hlnC chaJr; mackerel net. and racks. And you can probably l'et a meaaap from Garcia on Walt'• tra.ruoceanic portable recelvtnc set ('40). Lel'• '" ... one more treasure in thll t.ar'a trow-Beltiai ta Iota et wtdtu tor fender skirts. couplirlp. hinges. mat.a .•. you tl.-ure It out. Walt'• Tradbtr p.,.;. '-"Z aotli SL, Newport. Pio. -14111-&:IO • 1- (clooed Wed.) Meaa ! J"ute.n your ntrbt jacket. • • . . _ _.a Proc PJ~!" Bay! That re1l'linda me:-You'd queatiooau tor following ....--. better na.vipte a non-atop hop over to the diecovery of Mra. Proc .. the .Jo-LM Sperl 8bop tor the natUett tor'• death told the court little S·pce. airborne outnt rve ,..n that ~~'"or had told him of ln m&ny a dry run! Lee has cornered ~ Sun-Rooe of Callfomi.·o newest com-the quarrel. Cuael •&.id that btno-matchlnJ olocka. oklrt and mrbt Proctor told him that. he and Jacket ln Callaheen Ray0n Gabardine. Very jaunty and aharply tailored. the1t, tn Venetian blue, taupe or bil wife had been at a party pee.rl cr•Y· Blocka ST.116. Skirt 17.IHI. Flight Jacket P .95. Loe in a neighboring apartment. aaya these outllta natter your en:ry n1rht upeclaJJy lt you're ~one· He then allegedly told the lecged. You'll be well equtpt to let down your landinl' gear on any •trip In thla combo. Get ~n the boam, Sia ••• Jo LM sport officer that hia wife h ad Shop to ai lW Newport Ave., Coeia M-. made Improper advance&-to .. 08 rVE GOT YOU ~ TO• MY s:m . another man at the gathe!'- so CLOSE. YOU'RE A PART OF .KE ... " Ing. Yea, ladies .•. tall la here, aklrta a.re a trifle Proctor ia said to have told lancer ... the trait creep.1 towvda the pWl'lpkin. c'a.el that Mn. Proctor'• Faahion decree.a the alim silhouette, ., we must 'ac:tio•• ,. ... the ca"-of the (ird up· our lolna G\d prepare to be lithe u u.e ~... ~ debutante panthere 1n ~· cloth (neeteat lriek quarrel and •ub8equent beat- ot any decade.) PO APPAREL, faithful ln ing. her taahion h.u a complete auortment of loln- ctnllen: nexnlt ctrdlH 1n ptoln or panue sty1eT....W. ,._,_ According to the accll8ed, $2 ; The Jet slim and trim number 11 all ra,yon and $3. Embraceable his wife WU atill alive on (irdlea (what addict thinks up these name•!) a.re U.915·SU5. Saturday morning and had Alao Iota of lluome llncerie by Kay•r and Pandora: Such under· f rgi him t th ·. cover artist.a u nylon and net fancy pant. tn black or white wttb ~ ~ or e previo'ua matchinl' halt 1llp11; and Larkwood or Berltlhire hoee are pod rught I quaJTel. branch to hook up with th• above ctrd.Jea. Peter Pan lildden Tl"euuret bru her. too. Say now,' you'll look rood from the akiD out lf you p t your bottom layer• at Pon,-Appuel. JUI Newport A.,.,_, <Joela Meta. • • • --. Fraak llamllto•. hJ1hly 11Ucceuful younl' --Bal~ .,tU:t. completely captlv&tu a mood lD ha water-eolora, whether lt'• a nJ.n-«>&lced New SLOT ARRESTS CONTINUE AS ::!ri~ ".!~":1" c&l'ln =~.: :w:,,. .. ·~:i::.~; ·f B I NABS MAN Powell St. Vera W'llliama hu captured new • • • . water colon and dry bruah eee.nu from Kr. · lkmlltono' ter .. nUy flowtnc l*lnt polo for ·her FBI ....,ti ran thl tow of Pado A.rt Aaller)' aad 8oolr Stall. Th• next 2 Wft'h. .you may view P81"8QM UT9lted 1n COMedion the• arreatlnc ori,UW. in beautttully tramed or amaller matted with the ncent •lot ma.cbine nJ.dt scenes. Mn. Williams alao pruents John Hilton. very capable to •T. Booked by the FBI wu • • • crat't.llnall from 29 Palma wbo• deaert olla are on display. Th1s Robert lf. 01.aoon of Lacwia BA.mBOOM BA.JIGAIN! • ..WI •. lnllme pllery 11 cruUnc ..,.., lnlonlt wit!\ ouch ort1at1 B<&<b. Re la allep! JJ> bs the l!l"LAID LINOU:t'M Ill-STALLED u Thelma Paddock Hope, Burt Procter. Joan :ir.u.... Rex Brindt, 0 .,,,.,. of otven.I of the H Blot IN A \'EB.AGE SIZE BA.TllIIOOM FOil Pllll Dyke, ltdpr l'a31>e , Duncan G~. Belon Smith and Loula machlnH lllat were CODff-tod '1!.tS Nimmo. •· I!. Whlle otroWnc thzu the a1ft room here, pleue to Oft Aue. :II. At that llml, fedenl OOA8DA'"'E FLOOB ()OVERING n.ouc. Vera'• MW VlrrtJUa Import.a -V'-uctucn OW••• --.,.au raided 10 qorta ftahiftc colleetlon. l'allo .an G.tlorJ - -SlalL (IUIS Ila..., A-"9otl opetaUns out c.t Nswport 18111 AND Nl:WJ'ORT A~'£.. OOBTA "MA ....... r..... Rubor and toolt lklppen. ....... ' P--· Wl..J . e e e -ond docl<llanda lalo eulodyi •. • . • 8';Y. DOC&! A Qt-,.id _ bail and will llOY SCOUTS! All YOU •&UAS&Df ff ~ "llO -· of Mad<lf!ll " • lot of n.h!". aid oho ·-""' a "-btc with tlla " .Are you ren-. prepu.d to holp ,.. old ladlot ~plllCllly. WhoUMrr ,.....,.. la a -ternpl&u... otllor po,.... &t 10 L m. w-. acroa the ollppery otneto lll1a winter! -0.K. l'LL mood or ,..;. -• .s.,. 11111 -JO -to tba dlJ', Oct;· a~ u. a. :r::..-=~ct do you • sood turn too ••. Bo ·rn toll you lllat -apla _, u.. ~ -ud watch --A.. II. ·llndlq. ' .......... ~ bu Ille otflclll Boy scout -lUlt,y I or 4 flllad --ol tjla -_., Iona o11 IOplly ....,ped and o1pe4. Al • mattor or ... Iona or ~ I bO.. Jaet -&ft.er Ga&N'l' l'llOB&'DON JN , __ ftLT<ftn • G:AllD- UMlllJ L.45 • .ti • •oio.vu~ -'O' 0.--. ....... . Now $24.95 . [ UDWOOD • -I LOUNGE CHAlll -.......... _ Now $17.95 ·· FOLDING WOOD OFFfCD'.S CN.\11 ............. Now $7.95 ::.u ~ o •~••uz?u:'-JN . lilNY C71'llsa D'Ell8 ' a& QB I! Oat Priclee ·Ne~porl liilel j REDWOOD CHAISE LOUNG& ~.::....~ ---~ .. =--.i:-._ ........... --NOW •1r -· lllAZID TYPE IARIECUE ~:..i:.~.'...·s--•R••.:.·--·-··-· .. ··-···•-•m•••• .. .NOW '2r llG IOY POllTAILE IARIECUE 11.eculllr...... ._.. NOW •••••••uu••••••s••••••••z••s••••••-••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••u s •u•• 47 ALUMINUr,t IAllWA NAPPDS :·~"'o'w~' .. ~-~-? .. s.s .. s .. -•. ~ ....... s ......................... s••· ""rr-. NII CRAllllll LOUNGE ... CllAIR RULACEllEll'T •ADii · , a& ms Sa'rilt:p co. Ill Coast' -NewDOlt I or I RING I or I RING FILLER PAPER .... s ••••••• 9 ... 23; NOTEBOOK ...... -----· 59' OOJU'081rtON I NOmOOKS •• iJ t 8CllOOL SCISSORS ·. ~ · •• 19; U INOB RULERS •• · •• •• COMPASS •• •• LEAD PENCILS • • • • : 4; PAPER CUPS • • ...... 1 .. CARBON PAPER 13¢ -. llEINFOllCEMENTS • 4; • ' HETAL llU'l'01IEM Wastebasi.+s 91; II.er. •Lii Sweat Sox pe1r 49; ~ ADWliltoAl!er-Jlec ... MINT$ ••••• lb. 7 39; ......... lb, " HOPALONG OAAJDY Thect&iOi LUNCH Km •• $269 fl.89 Votue LUNCH KITS IEACH TOWELS 91; •1.n v.i.. . $2.59 . SWIM CAPS ••• 69 ' ..., .... Rflc. 12.1s LDlllY TU MILERS ::.-.;.. ·····~---8 ,.,..39; t.1ilk of Magnesia 100'• HOIAllT ASPIRIN ...... 13' 11' ·Your• ot no chr .. ' wltft eadt pwclloH ols Belmont SCHQOL· Slf PUES • -. All _.,..Plus -fOut ..,_ ' of -.~ lllOCS·OllCf PUZnfS . . . orrra ll•n••~ ~­ Oft: ioults .ii.ow .. .-.I. llc:<!uto, }'OU cu. afely le9il -'•UN ..... ......al mad. ....i.rt&bio, --. .,. la -MA17 Do 1-11, ""' 1Joop·1a1o lll1a blC famllJ' -s-. Cloll*9 or•..,,.,... bell ! can 1t wild_..-11,..... wm. ---....,... W\G -ll·i;.-"!"~-----...i..,..-.i..;.-"""'"ilJ!""',.;;.-____ ~"'l"'---!"'---..1'· a11 ._ -"""'l>ei"I'-.. . ..,.. "!' -•.-,.a.,. . ...-nm! -_..,.or~ s• Mc .....,.tlr u UM -~ u.o -· W' UM .. _ - --_ ~ -"'t -U.. ..,_ ftill -. bu ot.w ---or ~"*'°7 'Z. ~ Ja I" ..... *-' ta .U -.. A Ulm & hr tllt ....... ....,...... for mun --.ell u •b UT...... a tn,,,,, s,d, ·at ad a. ... TMo1ttr'1"""'Uiil9_.,...._._,,. ...... M ond ->z • ~·-......... -lo -... D 1 ... -.1111)'' ... Jlo4jwood • .....,..,.. 8eddle .... ~ -...... mDI ef• ••~ ... aft, IN fw a,1elGJll I • ... -Bzn7"• -:.~~ ..... ._ Jl'l'E"" k • ... •=-~==-~ ~=~':..~~ ':9r::"':1:. ::::x:: :".rm'::-.:-.... -::.1::.oa-::-.~.~ wi .-";?,..,:':.,,*.:~":,.°';! 800VTI. f'mWABD AltCB TO Ni 1 ·---· 19 ..... 5. SS .......... -I '• ••••• , .... Ofa'..,..,.,, 9 ' =I 2 -I ... ptA.-~-• ; _or ... ,.... • .. . ... ·-~ ... ' J j i ' . . ' ...... ~ sn.11,-., r - - Naw\wv MY 1--I All o4 ...,,iutJ la - ,_ A.MD llfP~G DW8 • pOPR"wtll ---I ... fGr - • MO.ADWAY-PAULO O:V- "'--ClMI ... c-t--ID.Wiit ::: Now 60~ = °""~ti~~ • ~~ ••• 8tarta WL!ihFI.., • -rom1nr. -·-"LITn.I EGYPT" -. ---.... "Cl. L JANE" .Jan• Porter 8TAJIT8 ·-y wuilam: Holcim la ''FALSE ALARM" . .. _..__ 'HAPPY GO WCKr with David Niven llOW llJIO'lllJNO Berl I= 77 Mr la "•TAoR~ ALL-AMIRIC,AN" "MEET THE ~o'I(!·. ~ .' "LADY AND THI · IANDIT" -. STA TE THEATRE ·~A~= • • Oraap Comity'• Value Plua Sbow 111gui stan -Bl&'sest m1o Y oa will 9M u.em al.I ltein at eur popular price Chlldreo -. U -wlllo panata NOW ,PLAYING ll.UUO .L4NU la '"ml: GJU:AT CAJUlllO'" ---DAl\'11.'T KA YE ln "'ON THE RlVD:KA. • DOROTHY DARE'S lifa&e, 8c~ll' aad TV Star • -. ' ' • • ;'ti'l'URllAY IA8'1' D.&J; ,, WALT DIS!R:Y"S ~ ALICE IN WONDERLAND AND NATURE'S HALF ACRE 8PECJAL SAT. MA'l'INUl ,,~ SU~"DAY-TVESDAY . .... , ~ 1111-tr ... -_..,..., ~of Ille Newport ~~-~.._ la Dr. DoMld I . -.WO.• O ... D '\. et C.,.. ... llar. Dr. ~ .le a ped.te ot Ille Podflc u .. veroll)' of Fo.r- • Grow, 0l"l"l'Oll. He complet-04 _ .._._ ..... __ of Optometry. Dr. Md Mn. G&l'lell have tak- ..,, ap -d-.. "' 111 \'i Oold- dlrod Ave., aad tlle of'ftoe of tbe 4oolor ~ "-·- ,._,~~---­-.. lhiil ... ~ .....w.tlae, u.i,..i. -,..._latloe of &he v-.. l'UetlOM. Be lliC• oepta clilldns .. well • crwvs.1 practl ... Dr. Guieb -wlllo u.. u. a. Army A.Ir Fef'<lff da:rills World War U bl tt.e SfeClal oervleee and oom.,._ hi. fda· ..Uoa a& Padllc Ulllvenlty of· kr tlM 1''ar. • • • • I ' . . ' , . Storie Shower for • E. ,KOEPSEL, O. D. UNITARIANS MEET I OPTOMETRIST Tr.. Ddt. m•tinl' of. the 1ocaJ Sveninp: by Appointment _Vnltartao Fallawahlp will take illH W. N-rt Bl•d. plaYI next TbW'lll&y \he 13th at I !" ... ,..,. - 'I'be Old Studio on the Highway '----'-___ u_u __ __., at DlaJllond SL la Lqw>a Beacb at 7:'6 p, m. !:==========; The epeaker will be the Rev. P17ter 8am90m ot San Diego woo.. topic will be: ""Wbat fa Ex11tmtla1- tam !" The meet.inc will be open to the public. At t :SO p. m. there will be a ~ luck llllpper. BE SURE • INSURE with MAUllJCE ST.U.-U.:Y I 1uuru0o Oa17 I · Pbooe ll&rhor 111• · tt&tMa-A---hlu4 .& df'tlnltely 8dpertor The Meet en. Another Club WU . STf:Giil'tnJ CLUB <JomblJLatlon brou'i-ht topther Tuelday by Lulu Lbui.le Green reoenUy entert&ln· 'W • Stuart Foote KON. TIKI B. Walker, 1717 Newport Bl..t.. ed the Startt .. Club when ru••lll ea.ta Me.u. Sewtnc and chatUng for the orp..nllatlon were BeUy G~ INS~CE A..''D occupied th• houn with refttllh-ft.uaeell and 8U1te Brockett. Mem-9m'rlMtta lft./orma.t'Wm OF MEN AND MUSIC mentll ot home made apple pie a_ la borr p~t Included Grace Kltae. Newport lleaeh Ph. Bar. :U mode and coffee rounding out the Lou LoCkwood, Mae Felker, Clara · "Dance aree" STARTING SEPT. 15 LIGION HALL West lltft St. COSTA MESA BalMIMtm.. Peeree. ReU'eD bQl'Plt&lity. Pruent were llmea. Bad.ace. Margie Brockett, ea.ta ;=:'s:l;ll;7;Ba1;;;;:-;;;:;~Bl;v;d.==~I N. Y. Symphony Calla Vie~, Elinore Llpter. Jou. lire.a; Emma Poupe.rt, Waity Sula l l:~~~~~~~~~ij Mackintoab, Am"/ Viele, Doi~ uVan, Newport Be.a.ch. ·The door Mon1mn, Hulda Young; I..,,• prize ...... won by M .... Pouput. WATU .HEATERS Northern ad the hoate•. N • x t llllleo, --._. .. meettnc will be held at the home KONAOO OFF TO SCHOOL ORT~t11li, • • 2 BANDS ·2 • NO ·WLU •drl dr •• 75; .. (tu: 111"'8decl) • JIOVING JOU ON &VOi: !l'IG11TLY UOADCAST fU.00 WAR B01'"D DOOR PRIZE l:Vl:RY SATVJlDAY NIGHT FBOM I TO I! O'CLOCK OPEN EVERY DAY! • Kiddies Day Every Wednesday • U Nooa to • p.m. • FREE BALLOONS • Concrsslou 5¢ • Bides 6; UT& BOU8111 l"ACDznrB. FOB MEN A...~ WOML"lil TY ANTENNAS Call us for installetion or servicing of your antenna • Prompt sel'Vlce ~b:· expert technfcjai,1 • Low prices TIDE TY ' -. .. -- ... -~ ..... . ... ... .... ,.. . ..,. .... LIN 0 L E·U M ~-· Is Q11ly •• .Good•• its lnri•ll•tion . - FOR . FLOORS YACHTS DR.A1 • ASPHALT TILE . VENETiAN &· WNDOW . BLINDS . ~DES FORMICA .TOPS ' • 5.owle'I ~ [IN OL Etl M 290 I N&WPOR:T •a.VD .. HEWPO :r JEACH HAOOI . s12.J . t • ' • • . ' . . .._~ t '•<l ,,, ~ .. ·r ""''·""" ,J.. nun. • Frt. • 8at. .. KON TDU" -"IRON MA~ lt<ft Chaadler, S..lya Keyeo Stam Sanday Sept. 18 t hru 19th ., A.LICE L"lil \VO~'DERl..AND" -"N.&TlJU.'S BAU .AOaJC" . •. BtlNTINGTON BllACB NOW TID.U &ATVKllAY Paromount Plesonts WARPATH c.i. 11J tf.CHM'~I OR ... ~~-···-~Jit"1'71• . ' . -.... --. THI ~EW HUT ~ • -.~ lllwtiJ, '- .... tllll..... 2 00 •' ot Mn. Lighter. 101 • 13th St., Renato Monaco. aon ot Dr. and IJN-~ Newwrt BMCb.. J.tr1• S&Jvatore Monaco ot Balboa 1i• h.u enrolled at the Unlver•ity of PLUMBING .----------. Loui..vt.lle, K entucky, M: e d I cal , A.utbortzed Dealer Svpetlatlve l>rJ. a·•'•• _ . LIDO ~~ CLEANERS Ml N-rt Blvd. · ooau 111ESA _,,_ _..,. ..... hip reduced In slae an amnlng HEW way In your own home . ... .., ........... -' . i,.,,,,.,.,j '.,,. .• , .. ,,, •,· M ADfM01')£ltE !II JI NOW'I L9og Beach 705-406 . , FREE-MAIL TODAY . ' 1tWtc:1"0I'. Dept. u: 19 _l:aat l'lfth -1-Buch, Calif_ a.ck ODe or laoth: .- 0 I~ lib ntmm i.o .. ~ moat l>J ,.,.... lad.1-L I -lilat tliiro lo • . COit. -• obl.lp.tka ~ \ a.,__ """" rama ,._ booltlot tll&t Wla -to -- J>UClll 8IU OP 111P11. .C. MoO.. No~ -la PLAIN.,.......,.. School. Renato wtU 1tudy al the Day • l\~ Beaten uru ... enlty from whenee b.18 father ' ,.,, Drill ~11 ....... JrO?ted aom• yeara qo wtth an ~ ~ JMl·W K.tl. d""9- SPECIAL INTRODUdTORY OFFER ' j. . NEW .RAYETT.E LANOLIN WA.YE Ret:J~.oo NOW 1000 . . ' ' , . RUTH'S BEAU"!Y SHoP 3 3 8 Poinsettia ' Harbor --Corona def Mer .• -2907 633 ·MATCHING COLORS PLAT OIL ~ALL PAINT ro Gal. ·-·"'. ·-" -· .. ·-·-...... ·--· ------·-- HI-0 LOSS ~AMEL 450 -· ... -··-.. -·· -···· .. -... -· ·-··-··-··--· .. ' . SATIN Fl!ll~ ENAMEL · 415 Gal .. --·----·--.L ... _ .. _. ----·------... PAINT THt1NNER 19¢ gal. (in your c::ontainerl . . ' • • I HARBOR PAINT and WAUPAPER CO. I. 219 (lout Blvd. •. !020-R I • ,.... -~ . ' j Dlic1 ·;1 - ' 111S111 • ' F_OOD •.u tile 8'p ot tbe awwdftlla• SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES. 516 SOtb ' Newpori Beuh Tops in Food * Tops in Entertainment * * Cocktails from I 0 a. m • * Dinner from 4 p. m. OPEN-BB UN CB 10 A.M. to ' P .IL Featuring the "Guadalajara Boys" • • DOLLllOU2 415 E. Balboa llvd • DONALD J. GARICH Doctor of Optometry An~ the opening of hi•.P.nt{"1iqnal o~cr ·· . for the practice of. --? . Optometry in ell its branches ' -•t- 204 COAST BOULEVARD (GALLAGHER BUILDING) .CORONA DEL MAR CALIFORNIA e Practice limited to examinat ion, enaly1i1 and rehabilitation of the Visual Function.• Children's and General Practice BY APPOINTMENT Harbor 1780 Office Hours: 9 to 5 Daily High Qualify Prinfing-Ph. Har. 1616 • -. . - • ' • ' J • . • ' • 0 .ISIJJ ~ 4'1 W ~~~~~mps ~ COSTA MESA ·1100 Newport Blvd CORONA' DEL MAR IOI Cout H11bway I.,AGUNA BBACB 215 Forest Avenue uet. top protection with a MoP•• Mlcre11ic OIL FILTER or Filter Element Eaaineued by OirysJer Cor- poration especially for can buHr by Chrysler Corpora· tioo. 3 times tbe 6ltering apecity of ordinary filcen! How l)oes -• Christian Science. ' · Heal? HA.l'E 7oa ever w o • d er•• , ~ whether Ute meu.od of lteUo. I lar dt-..e, 8\.'e~I' pottri)'. aad ftltorlllc ZaarmOll,1 w • 1 e • Cb.rid .Je.u employed raa M I ReeMlfully U3l"d aow! For aa UUWf'r la almple. madatandabie terms attnlcl A Free Lecture entitled "The Love and Logic of Christian Science Healing" by . Henry Allen Nichols, C. s .. of Los Angeles, Calif. Member ot the Board of Lee· tureshlp ot Th~f Mother Church, The First Church of Chritt, Scientist., in Bo5ton, M&.a&. Friday, September 14, at8p.m. in the Church Edifice SSOS \'I.a Lido Se"·port &Mell Flnt Cho..rch of Christ, &lientt•t Cordially Invites You ' Made right! Fie right! Work right! And .•. priced right, too! C.ome in today for a frtt ia· spect.ion of your oil filter l'f"6 tan. Takes bur a f*w aUnuta. 'Drive In +oday... c;:ll:!ll~>. September is Filter ~· Replacement Month · For ell Chrysler Dodge Plymouth De Soto • . . et %' •<UllENJ · JAmU ': ... 1 ' ,..µ 1 \ !ro... .. Chodd<u·-'" cook or use bl aandwic~es. Deli· cioua aerved wilh CJl>Pl• pie. ~re-cul and 47° wrapt*. lb. · .A .:PLEB· Nori •rn qrown Bellflowers. Excep9nt to eat. for maklnq · appl : ce·orpiea. ·• ·. 25° 1 lbs. ' .Poaic Roa • -· ·. -. .. . -. --. Dellcloua Mned wilh roaat ahoulder of Eastern pork. Ecra1.ni C1rain, ST Whole fresh . ed J')orlc • . -.--·· _ .. -. . -. -. .. ;_ -. _ ... ----.-.. llfllll ,,,,, Lemonade Bt l-01r Frozen , .... ,,. ... Orange Juice ~~;:~ Green Peas ~~;:~ Strawberries ~;~;: ., .... ,,. ... 12 .... ,,. 1t1. . 12 .... 30C •••• .: ......... ::-:·.-... · .. ·:.·:•. · .. ··. ·. ·.·.· .... • .. · .. ,•. ·· .. · .... .. WELCH'S • Pre1erve1 ,_. tt 10 .. L 25C A,.-lc1t jer S..dlou Blockborry P11..,,i1, Ckarry, tt 10..z. 27• Ckarryl141 1-r 10 .... Jo• . • ·.;, i . -IO·••· lor Red Rospborry N.w York Concord. t2'4-oz. bottlt, '40ct .· ·•• ••. • .· :: ·.·:~. · •. · .. · .. ·.·. ··.~:·-··<···. ·::." .• •. Cracked Wheal Bread ·::::' 17• Mrs. Wright's, sl ictd. Frts.hly boktd. Butter ~~ Bread •::,11 17c Mrs. Wright's, sliced. Fr*shly boktd. Raisin Bread 5s~~;~k, ~:.~" 23• Sandwich Spread L~;h ~~· Jae tHolf-pint for, 22c; quart jar, 63c• ~i~ics. lb. 370 '"".,,, '~ SHotn.z>ER LUGE EliliS 'clflH.tf 730 Glen ••• ~tHI . · rnl STAR ltlST 6ih·tt·2·0 TORPEDO 6·tL 200 Chunlca caa f Grated ct• MABliARINE .:;~ac~:~~~~u~d lb.29° PEAIUT .BUMI 8:~~~y 1 ~L 29° Chunk ar Reqular. For 1ehool hmeh ... (Jleqular. 24-oa. 49el Fl.tf!L1i m· ForBllCllita.Mak" 40 .. L·39a -·-·-· Delieloua Coif•• Cake. Too . iikl· . Ae c fl Mild ona Mellow 1rway o ee 3-lb. bog. 2.22 No.. HI.II Coffee Fin•" ouolity . 2-lb. bog. 1.55 1-1~. kt 76• 78•. Edwards Coffie Vacuum Pocked I·~. 83• 2-l b. con, 1.65 c•• Choice of grin ds. (YI -lb. con, 44<) Canterbury Tea -1:::-18• ~k':' 48< · Burr ctn I&. t9• LUCERNE FRESH MILK Conrenlratell. Ju1t replatt ,..aler. ,~,,~ 19• -q111't 54c: quirt carttn -. Regular, homogenized. Use a1 i1 . ::: 21c: .~~:!~ 42c: Price subjecl lo Stale regulation • conAGE CHEESE . Blo11om Time. Cream or Farmer. !! 14e ~!. 24c:·-· SAVE lOC ON A 10.LB. OR LARGER IAG OF KITCHEN· CRAFT FLOUR ~ Foney Block\ (Vi -lb. pkg., 54<; Y,.fb. pltg., 29c) 1 (Gl!EEN TE.-! IN BAGS, pock090 of 16 bags, 16c) Guoronleed 10 Work Wonder~ Wirlt Any R.eclpel B1~ thi1 coupon to our at.ore and get I Orange Jul'ce Full o ·Go1d:sw"1. 18-or. can. 1 Oc Gum Drops lOc olf the regular retail price of a 10-lb. or larrer bag o! Kitchen Craft 11001. Offllt EXPlllES OCTOIEI 14, 1951 46·0L 23• ce• OR ORANGE .SLICE$ 1·1~. 19• Roxbury lrond ... licorice Gum Drops, Asiorttd Gum Dr,,ps, or Orange Slices. '-. . nouR KITCHEN 1 O.lb. 99< 2S·lb. 2 2 5· . CRA" ~.. b•1 I -·Vermont Maid Syrup ~!~i~ 25• Purl'Cano and Maple blond. (24-az. bottle. •7c ) lOIJK AT THESE MONEY SAVING MEAT VAllJEI Flapjack Mix Alb•rs Clarity Wine 40-n. ]Jc 1k1. PURE · ·PORK SAUSAGE ' Select Easlem Pork IULI Delleately Secuoned LINKS SLICED BACON . In heal 1ealod pockoges. CUDAHY GBADEI PUR, 55c •7c ltlJ{ lb.. lb ... . ' . frying Chickens Mo nor Hou .. •. ,,. Grode A, Eviscerated, cur up, pon reody. . 55 0 IN VISKING 470 Ill. -1 ·I~. 1111 BEEF IOAST Cut from shoulder of ' _ U.S. CHOIC~ grade beef, • 1~!' 111. 6fc ~ lb. 73c Midget Turkeys i:.i~d •. 67c . S.11.;.illo type, 4 to 8 lbs .• Evisctrottd. liftlo ac Port, Sherry, Muscatel. Easlside Beer . .:.! -~:;<:.::: 1 Sc 132-oz.'botttC, He. plus ctepas its t . Wirw and beer·offtrtd for salt only in licenstd ~f~s. Taxes odditionol. !Purex liquid lleadl .~~1~: 26• I Quo rt bolllt. I 6c; g011M jug. 45c I •. ' . flilSH Fl/UITS & VEGETABLES AT LOW Pl/ICES ~ -~ORN ' Golden CroSlt 50 Northern Grown lbs. .25• ,... 11• Raclblles or , 3 .Grffn Onions · ,., ID- ' .. &callent to lllllt• • . . . , • :~· MliA . -t' ....... p.til.~ .• 3 ll1y.'' ...... ' P.•. • 'j • • I • ' • • • • • , • • • I • • • L , : • • •Aa'wew10n".:Zi11,1Nt l ,.!:AA""::~~BPWCHRISTMAS 'rj~--~~~~~~B~-~~~~~~-11iT .. -:,t~l..u~;:•::•-1•n•;::_.;;-.-;,,-; .• 11t-U-M» .. U---,.-c-1-UIS-:-:;.~ts-·-----:~r:-""-1 POST -llllOPPINO NEWS --will p-·tt'"'"• -t .. -· , W a ~··· .,---··-, I . ._ l1r .. ,.. l~'IOjTS : ~-= ._ ___ l_Oo/o.;:...._D_lscount ____ on_':_A_rry __ -.... --, .... -J-.............. 1 ~~~ ~~·m.D ~,; .;. =4;,:; ~-;;;: ~.:: I ~ Jo;h;~=-~ ~: ' ·-·~· .·LL Is; ~.··-o·'?', IE N' &,Ls (DORT £1lALON& ...... ..., .._ ;o-• bell of tbe ...__ aa4 PNI• JUI '11t1tr El be" el Uliit ... flf a ..... #*1'7• ~ A A ' . IA. YSl ....... E :«FW.ISJ1 M.ARKIT0 ~ ::'"1 .. :=·:;.a::~~ ' --A OW"...,~,. OUA!Wn'llll -!. --... s .... ~. -OW!'~~~~ .. -~ -.... II . n ::i.~~;t~~~~ \ 'LEWlS IROS. ...-0:.~o~E;-· -·~-~- 1 Fresll Fish . Daly-from O• Own loats! -to date on plano r..,u.. 1951 IN-.-II&. DWPOaT llEA<lB """'8 ••..., 1M AR""""'N ·-GUN SPECIAL PBJCZ ON AJ.BAOOJIE FOii Cl4l!Qj!!r•' OllrtotJMI ~-. , r"~ Abalone. __ .Jb. 75c -'r•D J'rJ11a Lc111tu... ._ 'l'le .:~~ ... "':~-1~;;;;~~;;;;;;~;:;;;;;;;;:;;;~;;;;~.;;~~ ncjva .• ··=li!ft · · ·· F11Jr.S11 s~ ALBA<lOlll: -"'--• AAl..i-T ._... w111c11 l1 SllODD nllB -SEA llA!lf y -~ _.. of 'Ui ~~Pr<Ylew • ' a ; ~leram!"' call -~ ..... k7 .NEWIO&T -Bsr•w Iii Clii,lrmen: Iron4 Moc$, ~ p;.,,,,. J11•lt"°"°'-'" +-----------------.-----t.--•1 Jlatll!rland. .MlldMd -y and • • .·, MtT Jania. AJoo a&1..i to t.1>e TERESA RENNER I Mrs. A. Renner I • plWOh t boord ,.W be Sally New- PEP . UP Your CAR WITH THIS MOTOR TUNE·UP • NEW PO .WER QUICK! ONLY . s3's PARTS EXTRA (IF NEEDED) INCLUDES Adjust dlatribof<lr. poillta, ii I e a o air cleaner, t11hteo hMd bolts, adjust · 1ioltroo timing, clean battery t.irml- nalA, cbeck Cl09deoser, t11!iteo manlfolda, adjut oarbmetor, check coU, cb,eck voltage COil· troi. check battery, acljtat tappet., cleao plop, tighten h°"" conneetlona, check vac- uum contro~ adjnst fan belt, "check traasm!Mloo, check heat control, check cooling aystem. SEE .U8 NOW Culbertson Motor Co. 2481 Coast Highway ' Newport ... ch Beacon . 11442 Stock • 1n Now FIST WllTlllC IACIC ---·-···-····--·~ .~~~ .. .~~~~ .... $125 ' Ptt Week • - llEW ltOYAL _POITAllt Buy Your Portable from a TYPEWBITER DEALER Where you 1et a year's bee service llD and lluby Ste..,,..... C>llo to UI• 1UCce1& oC thi9 project and the amount ot work involved, the C!balrmanahlp -......,,. too l&rf• tor any 001 ponon to IW!41! • Two .lleMlmp .. • --Two lllfftlnp h&Yrbftn held ~ .Advtlory -.£ aild a p .. pend and IUbmltud to ti* ~n~ Ballroom owner1 for tht-lr eooalderation. The d&t.Q of the 1951 Preview b&ve been ten· t.&Uvely Mt for Noftlilber :Soth and December ht, 1931, l"l1d&7 and Saturday. All definite plau. r\J&Uve to booth ' sale•, progr-&m• and other &rranl'r.menll are being .-ilhheld by the Advlaory Board until 1uch Ume .. the leue covwlnl' the !tu.desvoua Ballroom hu been coiwummated. However, the Club hope1 to be wcceutul tn ~urlng the ballroom and once more be able to work with t he loca.1 mer· chant.I, city ottlc1ala and local new.paper• u in put yur1, to make the 1961 Preview a larre and out.tandinr project. ' ......... The Chri.ttmu Preview -after four succe&lfUl years, is pracll· call,y a mu11t for the communJty u well a. betnr the onJy source of in- come t.be BUli.neu and Profe1•ion- a.l Women'• ctub hu to ma.int.aln their Scholar11h ip Fund, Studmt Loan Fund and other chartt&blt donation11. The Scholarship Fund U maln- t&Jned for girl atudenU at the Newport Harbor Union Hlg-h. school. Thia ye&r Collun M'c:Der- mott wu a.w11.rded the 19~1 Bcbol- arshlp and ha. enrolled. &t Orange Cout College. The Student Lo&n Fund Is a.lao maintained. for the benefit of •tudenlA a t the Newport Hubor Union HJgh &ehool. The club abo h~• to bi. in a financial poeitlon to pure.hue va.r- oua Items from time to tlm~ tor the n ew Boal' 1l~or1al Preaby- te.rl&n hoqltal. PATIO LUNCHEOS ){rs. Thomu B. Kennedy, re- rent o! P a tience W rirht chapter, Dau1htera American Revo1utlon, Lqun& Beach, r.cenUy entertain- ed the ot:fto.ri of her ch&pt•r with a patio -luncheon a.t her bom• on Manzani ta dr1Ye. P1azu for the forthcomtnc Ma- son "'·ere talked over including the fl.rat m~ting ln October which will be & luncheon &t Hotel Larun& when Mr•. AnJlie Lat.rte Leech, 1tate chairman Girl Home Maker will addreM the p-oup. To provide nf!eded tund• for Ute chapter's philanthrople• a pubHc bridp and canasta pa.tty will be rtven at the home of pe.t. recMt Mr•. J ohn Holland Klnka.Jd, 403 Valencia place. Dana Polnt, Sep· tember 20 at 12:30 noon. Dt•tert cour1e served. Door and t able prlze11 a.warded.. SQUARE DA.."i'CINO Intermediate a.nd hlgh level .square d&ncerK of Orange County are invit~ to ~orne charter member11 of a new open square dance club, the Jim Dandy. Be- glnnl.ng Sept. 19, 1951, the club w ill hold dances every Wedneaday night at the H untington Bea ch Pava.lon. M.aln and Ocean. with the well-knOW'ft caller , Jim \\"JI. liamaon, C&J.\ln• CM da.ru:u. F or turther Information call Kimber- ly 2-778~, or atU:nd the oiwn aqu&re dancta held every Wed.nee· day evtnlnK from I to 11 p. m . lll1ILDER8 POTLUCK BALES OFFICE · Th8 Builders club of th• Colta . · M•• Community M •th odlet Chutth will gather for a potluck EOUIPMENT COMP&uy . dinner Tupday, Sept. 11 , a t 9 ,30 An p. m. tn the home ot Kr. and Mn . Cleo J'\illu , W ·W. }Ith st. 'I'lloa 301 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Kl . 2..2305 Plannlnc' to .att.nd ~· uU<t to L..-------------------·----··_, l>rlnS th•lr °"".Ul>le •l"l'lc¥. -\. .. • C••lr't .......... •f,.,., Gat'1111a o-••-.,-- .. 436 S11'h1 Drive HarbOr 1171.J _.~ cor:o-Hftlilr·•• ~Coro• ... h1ar -· .... ~ONc;Rm BLOCKS Kl 2.0754' PUlll-BLOK OOJIP.U.'T-lftO e. Male St., -ia An PUMICE -CINDEB &ND OON<Ja&TE llLOOIL!I Ul.NPOBCINO STEEL aod 81l1'PUE8 T;Y. SETS 1FoR RENT 'TIDE T •. Y. IOll N&WPVBT llLVD Newport- llAJUIOR Hll ' JOIN BUFFUMS' STERLING. , • . • • • - HERE'S HOW THE CLUB P._.N WORKS For each six-piece place setti ng or the eq uiva lent in other pieces, you pa y 33c down, 33c a week until balance is pa id. No interest, no carrying cha rge. You May Join luffums' Silve11 CIW ly MaH or Phone . 11 you nave completed your ploce s.tli ngs, why not odd cockta il forks, iced drink•spoons, ofter-d inner coffee spoons, or ..,...,ing . pieces on this pio n? -· . • down and. 33c a week per place setting No~ntere•t-·. No carryiq , charge. • e lntemotlon•t OlfelrlMm e 19" in4I •• ,,.,. • ••r.h=•• • owo1i- e Towle e Luftt I 00 11211eru 11Yolfollle ' • • .. ' s:r. JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL " (AT Tiii: E.NTLUiCl:.TO UDO ISla) • Church SChool Re.c{istration • Fell Session I U I : Will be . " SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 16th 1.0 A. M. in the PARISH HOUS.E NOTICE Winter Semce Schedule effective Sept. 23rd 8 :30 a. m. 9:30 a. m. 11:00 a. m. SILVER CLUB.! P·l•ce setting consist• ofl l un c heon ·kn if e, lu~on fork, tea· spoon , so Io d fo rk, cream soup spoon, butter spreader. s,.c1.1 teoture• of tho clult • You m•y t •k• tht setting home •*•r en initial peyment •1 low •• llc. •NO i nterest . n• c1rryin9 ch1r91. , Yau pay o•ly tit• regular O.P.S. price. • You mey p1y b)C the m'onth. You may pa y o H the D1 l 1nc11t1ny tjm9. ~ 'O~oi. DON'Tltno to buy 1 specific 11u,.... b1r of 11ttin91. •You may also buy 1HYift9 p ilCll Oft this pl1n. • You m1y chool1 • new pattern er fill in on your preHnt pattern. •You r1c1i w1 1 fl1n- n1I wr1p with Itch setting, • ln.clude1 en9reving of one initial,· if cl .. 1irH. • • ' • , f • • ' -• • . . • • . fdWPOWT IAY POST ·==· ~Sl~IOP]Pill8iiMIWSr:7;;~~~::=~~~~::=~~ii;f ~-~~!!!!!!!!~------~~--~~---~ ... ,_.__ . • : r • • • • • • • ' ' ' U. S. No. 1 Bartlett U. ~ No. 1 White Rose L.,,,... s-otti. Pl•oat Q•allty • IRIS AU GllNDS 1·LI. CAN COFFE-E C · MARCAR'IME lb. . . . AMERICAN· CHEESE . ·101 bs. COTT AGE CHE·ESE TUNA • *TIDE * DREFT * WHITE ·KING . -·2.u. CAN ··. ·s14• SUN YALLIY '. 2· 1 C COLOllD-I . 1·LI. PIG •••• •••·.·•• ! ' IOIDEN'S 75C CHATIAU- 2·LI. IOI .... •••, ••• , IOIDEN'S 23C FULL PINT •.• ., •• •• : "ALL PUii"; •• ~·"' ~ s .. .1td~-. ~ . • tir-n-roll Pies · and Biscuit$-~.,,..., Credo. 'RECIPES CAU; o1 o....., ~It Wesso; Oil i9c '~'. Your Uquid Shortonin1i • 9..,.. -Gold · · .57c . Medal Riur ;~· ...,_,,,_ . ' . . 2 -. • • • sriWi"NaG.1:owL 49:. Your Choiee! ···-... , .... EASTllN MEATY SPARE RIBS YOUNG TINDll SLICID BEEF LIVER 39:. 75:. si.icio~· BACON ' 49c Poii'sAUSAGE 43~ GENUINI LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS 59~ GIEEN LAIEL IED LAllL No. 'I> 25' No. 1 /> 29' Flat Flat c.... c ••.. To• Gani•• P•n • Large 27c Pkg. Best Foods "Real" IAYONNAISE . Full Pint ' ~:· 39c • 39c 1 .... ---~ ~~-~---­--._LUWW~~ LAURA SCUDDll'S PEANUT BUTTER 14-oa. Jar Glaat 47c MISSION INN HALVES APRICOTS No.21/•23< Ca• ' BUY FAMOUS BRAIDS! · SWIFTS PllMIUM AIMOUl'S CANNED FREllCH SOUSE H A M s . 01 SWIFTS PUMIUM 9.12 lb. 89~ HEAD 49~ AveraCJe ~· · · ·... CHEESE · · · ·' ... Ne SlJ.-Mo I••• No Wash ·nui iooi.. ,s~ ti·i{ii·u.ast · 39~ 59~ . ' -. '~~' '11 \ N ES & L IQ U 0 R S --· - •Icy Cold leer from St. f'aul • ·cin,.CLUB ~=-! 29c .c96:' . 4 Year ow Mr ....... $. Old ....... . 89 'OWl.-IHISIEY~tral .. t • • .-, -. PACIFIC·GOLD IA'ITLETT PE -A1t:S . McEACHIN'S HOT CAKI . . . • Frozen Foods • . I • • • ' • -• . PA.Oil I lll:n U, 1Nl _, llAl' POll1; A;. llBOPl'INO l!lrlB . ·.WHEN YOU. W ARI .TO JUY, SELL . . .. ' • ' • • • . ' ... -- l\"EDDINO PARTY MEMBERS, ln ad\'&Dee of the recent wf!ddlaJ of the former Bal.,_._ MIM Paula Cutlr to Draa Hwatn Da\-IA of Portlaad, Orecon. bad a py dlJuler pa.rty al the Newport Barbor l r&cllc ctub. Utt to riebt pictured at the Castle home at :es E. Bay A~ Balboa., are Mr. aad MrL Dea.a D&\is. AJlcla Oreuu of S&D. FraaclMo; B)·rMl 0.bonle of Lo. Alll'elea aad Nonna lf'&lll ~ tM bride's AU.fer. Newport Harbor Community Chest ANNUAL ZONTA Is Second in Recruiting Drive CLUB PICNIC Winning •econd place in competition with five other anu of lhe usoclaled cil1f'a Community Cheat campaign for volunteer recruit· mcnt11, the Ne"-port Harbor Community Cheat officers and di.rectors met at Tom Nort.on'a Coast Highway C&!e Friday noon to complete arrangements for the advance gi!l8 campaign. AccPptlng the Cbesl'• moat re-.__ ___________ _ 1ponsible post ag&ln this year ta Judge Frank Linnell, campaign ~ cha.!rma..n. assisted by :P!frs. Har- vey Somera, president: )fr. Maurie Stanley. flrat vice-president; Mr. A lfrN! Gibson, ucond v~ce:-pre:si­ dent, and Mr. Orrin \Vright, tttu- urer. Se~etary Robert Eutma.n bu notjfied agenciea in the &rea u to their quota of the mxteen thous- and dollar budget goal, u follows: Girl Scouts. $3,860: Boy S<:outs, $3.oC.M; Visiting Nurse A.Mociation. $1,580; Catholic Welfare Bureau, $1 .'iOO; United De.fenM Fund. $1 ,· 4200 ; Community Welfa.re ·Fund. Jl .000: Harbor Area Boys' Club, $1 ,000: Protestant Church )Vel- fa.re, S750: Youth Center (Tar P1tl $450; "Childrf!n's Hospital or Los Ahgf!lea, $160; Campaign Ex- penses, $630. ·~f rs. Somers announced that Jl,1 onday, October 1st, ls the da.te tor the Red F eather bre•l<fut which will signs.I the beginning or the gent'ra.l aolicltationa in. the community. Along With th• of!lcera attend- ing the luncheon meeting were membf>r1 or the boerd of di~ctors includin&" Rev. Paul Wheeler, Mr. Rqbf'rt Callis. Mrs. J . 0 . Johnson. J.tra. Mabt'l Fitzmorris, J.fr. Tom ~orton, R~. Paul Babbitt. Mr. Arva Haapa. Mr. Roland Wright. and ~tr. John Boyd, Jr.; !.iln. Clar- ence Hig~e ia eerving u aecre- ta.ry to th~ c;ampalgn manage.r, a.nd loin. Borroughs Hill b: aul.st· ing with camp&l(ll publicity. BAZAAR PLA..'18 Newport Clrcle•of Cbrl.t. Church by the Sf'a met Tue&day afte.rnoon with !.t'r!ll. John trRen, 3512 West Octan Front. 1 At the busine-ss se.e:slon pla.na "'ere mad1,1, for a day'!!: work in the nf'ar ruture. to resume work on articles for lhe f&ll bu&a.r and to outline future work. Poat cardl!' and notes were read from Mrs. Ray Balter and Mrs. D. W. Holtby, who are on vaca- tion and rrom lira. R . H . H ill, a shut·ln the put t"''O year&, who "'as formerly a very active mem- bec. The chaJrman. MIAI Elsie New- laJld revJewt'd three ch.lpl.en of ""'e Americans, North a.nd South." a most lntere&tl.ng atudy of Latin AmericL During the-social hour Mn. U'~n and Mra. May De:lozier served refre3hmenta. The next meeting wtll be at Mra. JeaJ:1ette Beddo'me's home. 231 Broadway, Costa Mesa on Tuesday, Oct. 2, -CO!\'l"ALF..scES Mn. Lro Keae.l, ca..ah1er at Sprowie-Rett.z. departJnent .tore. la reported to be recovt'ring satiafac- torilyy following major surgery at the Santa Ana. Community Ha.· pital. Mr. Kesel, who ta employed at Laguna Beach, arra.nied to take b.ia vacation during hi.a wife'• ab-- M.nCe trom home in orMr to cue for their thrHi childl"en. The Ket- ~ rulde at 193.2 lfaple Ave., Colla :P.ttsa... "Books and Authors" Luncheon • Attracts Prominent Harborites Attractlr.g considerable atte.ntlon among the ')'CNnl' matron. of the Ha.rbor areu ta the "Booka &.nd Authors" apon.tored luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel September 13 honoring the Cautomta lnatltute for Cancer Research. Malling in rue.rvations for tbemadvu and triend1 are Mrj. Harve-y Sotnera, . Mrs. Notm Hagen, Mn. Porter attending the. luncheon will be I>r. Sincl&V. Mn. Aub Monroe:, Mn. St.afford L. Wanen. dean of U.. Pettt WMgan, Mn. John Jtnna. medical 8Chool UCLA wb1cb la Kn. \Va.rd . Rollal'ld, Mrs. L. J . now under construction. "Dr. Geo. CMna.r and Mn. Borrou1hl RW. C. Rall, dlJ"ector of the cancer eo& The Institute, a buaineu orcan· trot cent.er at Wad8W'Or'Ul GeniU&I lza~ tor M•nnellq ~ ln'J.o Hospital, and Dr. l"rank.lln Baa, the c&nce.r ruearch Wllt Of' the dlrector of lntemal IM:d.k:bae of Un1Tenlty ot calltornia. at Loi tU Bol'ander ClUdc. .. Aqales lledleal. Sc._, -llelJ>- ed protlde t11a.i. to c:an-y m tlM! CAllD P4Jn'Y . cancer proJ'ICl 1>y U. C. L. A. PaU-... W~l dla]lt,er <ti tho -~at Loolf Blil<lt VtteNll-t 0..U.hten of tho American. -Adml!IJl&:a-Boopltal where lut1onoti..---.wJ11 a.p ..,... at U>e -opt!Mlllie -a pclhllc lidilce --··• ~ to Ule ~Of CUCU-'"l!Flrcll.ia al Dena l'<>lat, llopl•llor-at. bolnS -, , ::io -t• 11at -· oci.. Tll~.., Tbvnolu "!hlch ~· TIM lmal ~Ill 111114 at lira. Bdon Glnto,-.Dtrec-U.. -Of put ....,.a Krli,,.., tOr "' Bool!l w1 4~ lo ... Rol!1.e .&lab .. , .. v.....-Dlnc IDC~ & .,.,., II( -. J.>i-. _ and acr1nn•• t.,."tliie-:t••M&ed ,A tr1s1rt_....,.. .. ._..... 1\m1er. iAD'Jlil, ta P.'-!li'w '*'" no.-wl -Jill ; WW V b)' Wllllnt ~ ~ tea 1as u • r • ·a•IM' 11a Miit a 1121 tau. ftu>1ilk --11·rtsr -"Pl&dleo!I "" .... ) ., .. -...... u..•w'! ..... cwtr • ...... "'st•• ..... ,.. • Thf' patio o f Mr. a.nd Mnr. J.fon- roe Hummel'• lovely home in Thre1,1, Arch Bay, South Laguna., wu the ace.ne of the Zonta Club of Newport Harbor Annual picnic Tburllday, Augua;t 30th. Bealdn delkio1la food prepared by Board me.mber• and put pre•klenui. members, hu.aba.nds a.nd guest.a en· joyed croqu"t a.nd ahuffieboard a.nd la.ter In tbe eventnr. Canuta and color plcturea or the Hummel'• lut trip Into lttexlco and northern parta of South Amf'rlca. Mr. Kenny Dell of Balboa Iala.nd, dtd an excellent, u \Yell a. profit· able, job a.s auctioneer of ~ brought by mem~ra. G .... to Intr:reated gueat.a tnJoyed the occasion Included parent.a of Zonta president Mrs. Hele.n Stoc.lrton. ~fr. and Mra. H . L. Oatr&nder and 1.tiu Jane Oatrander, tonnerly of AUantlc City, but now tn Coron• del Mar: Mr1. Winifred Barbre, aoc:lety editor or Newport-Balboa New11·Timl'1: Mr. Tommy Foster and. abter Mra. Ma.ry I.cU Thurbfor of Corona del Mar: Mr. and Mn. Rex S. Albright ol Newport HdJ]it1, daughte.r a.nd aon·ln-taw of J.fra. Mildnd Stanley, put president of Zonta: Mr. and M.ra. Ro~rt A . Pa.rker and Da.n Pa.l"e of N~'Port Bea.ch and Mn. LouYia Mawbew and Kn. Sally Pe.yton. Pe n Hellenic Group Meets in COM Wed. Mf'mbert of the Newport Bar- bor Pan Hellenic &'f'OUP will meet at 8 p. m. Wednead~. Sept. 12 at Pil(rlm Hall. Corona del Mar Com· munlty Church at 911 HeJJotrope. Avenue. Membe.ra ue urc-ect to brine t?iendt wbo are elirtble to join the orcanizatlon. ' REAlTY TIP S . hl .. 1 ' !-~'---Pll!:!:::!•!!•!!!a.!-J!!!!;z.!tr!'!!-!.: ---lu...-wa.w u. s.t IJ111!Pji:~:a> DllZP ram11z11 -JOHNSO, N • CLASS.IFIED 00 ·--ealilnet I mo. 111<1'~ .... top, Outboard Motors ..._. a.ad a.tme ....,,aintnr lJaY.. WANT -Untuml!!hed 3 bec1roona hou.e In C. D . .ll. 'l'wo adulto and 2 ,Vlo, 10 I< H Jn. YeulJ under '100. Pl>oeo ._.tnp. Harbor lln·llK. 1lc71 ~ Bw-MfO;-W. fOpTJ Tile onlJ' foctory • lpptuied Saleo ::r::= &nd Bervlci Statlun to U.. New· -. Fort a terri!c saving on an 18~ cu. ft. ir-r, phone ' port BArbor Ana. South Coast Co. Newport-B!Yd. al 28M SL Hari>or HOO ResuJta come tram cout.ant PracUee! An ad regularly in thb NEWS-TDIFS -~ry Taeeclay NEWPORT BAY POST-Weclnflldays NEWPOBT-BAIJIOA PBESS-'Daaftdays • Now.-& 11111 IPw& O' IW ... - -Ill .. ~11 .. 7 N ..... n.. • •.,... 'ar .._ Beacon 8695-J. ' O'DUE • KE!lR.l'rr rance- lllllDl1lJI AD m ' UNU I t'J a 11.51 model and hu l&mp, All asadfle4 ............ fer OMlil. ... WPM el......... clock, that va.niahlb.g abelf that 59c721,-~~~~~~--~-~~-· WANTED -'tried, excellent: con-- .dltion., med. •lz.e J>¥;dle board. Harbor 2111. 10cn -· will produce ruolta for you. WANT TO RllNT perm_ yearly le&ee, one or two bedroom llome. So. l1de Pout Highway. mldef'· ly lady. Pbone Harbor 2193 · or I.Acuna .f-2Mt. 7tp ' L1aee 1 Paper S , '711 m~a a covu for the burn era. 4 LIMa • .... __ 1..50 Alllo bu pi4dle ln the middle 6 • -· and It' othe C-P all automatic '.U-· I Papen :LOO wllh the chromo g-rill bro!ler. 1'>e pu~ will nof be ...-poft.l)blt for mun ~ ont tnC;OJ rect B&Uce .dUe on stove la 1149.53 . twriion of an advert!Mmn.t. l"Men'e the rtctit to corHCt)y clu91!7 Pey me cull or take payraents any and all a.di ud to n)ect &DJ' &dYertSlement not contonntnc to of $&.OS per mo. My equity free rulu And re(UlaUona. Ad••rt.Llemtnta and cancells.tlcma w1ll tMt .ee at storage, 404 So. Spadra, accepted U:P to a p.m. on the da7 prececttnc publlcaUon. -·•• _.__ .. Except deadline for N1W•·'l'lnM11' 11 a. m. Monday• #.u&l!,'-Ulll, .. a .m. to 8 p.m. or PM• Bar. 1111. Mil for .. At Tt.11_.. or ._. .. aai neltt&aee te Jl"UllUton 2l:'j2, 6~tfc IO:WPOBT R.UIBOB l'UllUllBll!i'O 00. us~ G. I!:_ Rl!:FRIGERATOR- -____ :_n.:.1'.:1'..:11a1::':-:..:-=~!.1f:!"":!"°:!rt~B~-~eh~,.'.""'~'~'·~ .. ~~ ... ~----I oOod condition. $60. 205 Coral, Balboa bland. 69c11 OOlllPLSl'll llOVBll CUIAlfINQ ---..... -poood. ..... -l•· NlJ'- Al's House & Rug <!leaning ·Co 514. 29th St. Newport Beach Br-• 11.U f1tfe For Venetian Blinds, Shad .. and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Frft estimate. Pb. Har 884 NE\\'EBT MODEL Seth ftomaa Newest Model Seth Thomu Metronom.., Juat Arrived. WAI.LACI!: CALDl!:!UllAD 111 Cout Hlws.y, Corona del Mar 70tfc VACUUM CLEANERS Electrolux and others. U .95 up. 100 to chooae fl"om. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co. 901 8 , Main St., Sa.nta AnA Klmberly 1·2'H8 70tfc 12-Bulldlng 8erYlces • PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN ITI --II., c.ota --. NIT·¥ - Sympson ·& Nollar PAlNTING It DECORATING "The &at Money Can Buy" 512 • 38th St., Newport Bea.ch PHO!a HARBOR 240< '5%ttc DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residentlal-Commerdal Remodeling Phone Beacon ffOl-W 17tfc PAPER HANGING & Pllinting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry 151!5 Santa A.l'la Ave., Coat.a llt:M Phone Bu.con 6504 Mc&7H WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of 1.U trad~-maintenance work. Have toola AUid mbtera for any job. Call BILL Beacon 64!>1-W 57c&8H FISHER Drafting Service 918 Cout HIJl!way, Harbor 240 C.orona del Mar 72Uc ~OR -llltTllUOR PAINTING UCllNllm> -INllU!lm Glenn Johnston IOl • Ji.t St. Newpoat Be&eb Bal1lor 1297.J - H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A l'Nmpt ~--Kaln­Phoa.e: Barbor lUl-W UOl Balboa Bl-.G., Newport 8-11 Wt>e people do rud tlle Ida. llXPERlllNCED CARPrl'BRa \¥ant W-1>y Hour or Job. can Harbor UM-¥ 'l'll!c 28 81tuatlon Wutal 1'IN1l IRONING will call for and dell•er. Mtaina. Help With dinner partie1. Phone Mra. wou.m., Harbor 1595 be· fore 10 a..m. or att.er t p.m. 87p'59 GllN. HOUSEWORK, ''-25 per hr. Beat of reference&. OWn trlllll- portation. No telephone. Uve. In Harbor Area. Box C-1 thla paper. 81'p71 SO. CALlF. BIBLE COLI.EGE MEN A WOMEN STUDENTS Want pa.rt Ume work. Ba.by altUnJ. Re1t. houteWork, yard work, etc. KL 3-&281, "Ext. 11. 7lp78 WOMICN", 35, •llinl' lnterviewinc, per80nnel experience, •eek1 em- ployment. Ph. ·LAguna 4-&e81. 71c73 ~Help Want..! POSmON OPEN tor expe:rienced Photographic Salennan, coo d aalary IJ:ld cha.nee ror promotion. Call Kl. 3-8324 for appt. 69c71 WAITRESSES WANTED -Ap- ply Ca1M COd Houae, Balboa Ial&nd. Bea.con 5i4~. 70c72 l:XP. DRUG and Cosmetic Girl. Gunderton Drue, 117 Main St., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 61:5. 70c72 CAR HOPS-Experienced. Steady. Dwtrht'• Drlve-In, Cout Hich· way 101 A 39, Huntington Bch. 69c71 HOUSEKIZPER -Companion for middle age Jady, JJve ln.. ·Reference• ~uJred. For Inter· view write Box B, thLI paper. MAN OR WOMAN, muat be Offr 21 to work Sat. • Sun. Hn. 10 to It Fountain. Flnney'1, 2200 Wm Ocean Front, Newport Beach. 70c72 W AlTRESSl!:S W .U."Tl!:D. Apply Norton·, Btiy Shore c..te. Ph. Bf'acon 8745. 70c72 GENER.AL HOUSEWORK and child catt. Two young' ch1ldren. Beacon 8737.J. 70p72 W A.11.'"I' WOMAN who needl a good home to atay wtth my :wife who ta conflned to wheel chair. Very llC"ht work. Sm&ll salary. 2086 Tu.tin Ave., COflla Mesa. 71p72 LOCAL repre.e.nt.ative desired tor permaJ:1e.nt employment. No age ,limit. S&lu experience unn~ee· sary. Tboroup tralnlng g iven. Commencing Sept. 17th. Guu- a.ntee to lhoee who qualify. Averal'e earnlnga $100 per week or mott. C4r neceaaary. ~lel­ ro-.: Abbey M:emorta.I P&rk, 11711·10l·Hlgbway. Santa. Ana. Phone. Klmberly 3·7078. 7Jc72 llO Sode, MJwllaNom STORZ tlzbuu.. prae. new, wall cuu, countue, mile. All have a<llualable !!hetv ... Bupln_ Call Owner; Beacon 1990. 64.tfc • IRONRITE IR 0 NE R, )llatfol'Tn rocker, paint and hou.eboJd article-., 1951 Sea.ki1'g-5 hp. out-. boa.rd motor with p.a can. 514; E. Ocean Front, Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Harbor 3238:. 80p14 J"t1R JACKET. American broad- Wl Hat and bag 'to match. '75. Good eondlUOZL Bea.con 8288-W evenln&'a. , 89p71 TYPEWIUTllJt, Und•rwood nobe· leaa port.able ln blulr. Cut' •. AJ- moet new, J.M. Harbor 1438-W. 70c72 Dll:LTA BAND SAW, 1'"._ Apt. .ts. elec. .tove.. make otter. Harbor ll02.-or 132../. 121 N. Bay rro.~ a&n.o. lol&od. Men Pille_ NEW 8' Hotpolnt R<frlg., 1115. O'Keete • :P-,{errltt, 4.-brn. range, Sl 75. Both $l50. Used 9 mo. C&.ll be:tween 5 4 7, Har. 1057-R. 70<:72 Sl7W&11~ to Buz ••• WANT ~ BUY a second hand ITrtable typewriter. Ha r •b or 46-W eve.a. 62tfc ABC WASHER -19:')1 modf'l, a~to. Tilat ta No. 1 on Con- .umer'a report and u a e. d It only 2 mos. Haa the agitator and it'a a beauty. Balance due on It i• S2..C.~.64 and tt .still hu a gua.rantee on It. Cuh or take pymta. of $13.23 per mo. Ca.n have my e-qutty free. See at atorage, 404. So. Spadra, Fullt'r· ton, 9 a.m . to 8 p .m . or phont Fullerton 2152. estrc MATCHED STUDIO C 0 UC H (ma.kea ~) and platform rock- er, ice box (50 lb.I a.ttd portable mangle. W1lh own table. All good condition, reuonably priced. 1919 Santa Ana Avf!., Co.st!'. Mesa. Beacon MJO-J. 70c72 DREXEL FRENCH Provincial Beechwd. din. rm. tbl., 8 ch., desk I: ch., $395. 1 dbl. box apr. & mat., slf'el frame &: caaters, $50. 5 pr. new nyloa curtalna, SM. 1 portable radio, $15. Port. type- 'l"l'iter. 200 Iba. ne.'! flagstone. Cali betw. ~A 7, Harbor 1051-R. 70c72 MOVING 'OilS WEEK-Practl- ct.lly new 3·pc. sectional (cost $i&!S ), only $100. Blonde 5-pc. bdrm. wile, Jge. G. E. retrig., blonde Cheal~tld. A matchin~ cha.lr. Prac. new stove. Brand new blonde %. bed. Roll-away bed. New dr&pt'~ curtain.s. chf!st of drawen:. Book cues. Tablf'a. C&ll Kra. Lawrence, ~aeon ~5·J. {1.{esa Traile?' Pa.rk. l 70c72 DBf-E. MAPLE BED, box spring and mattress, 11ingle Jenny Lind tied, mattre111 and coil spring, 3 axmln.ster rug1 9 x 12. Phone Beacon ~76-J. 7lc73 MODERN 3-piece. sectional Char· tnua:e plutlc and pebbleweave, In ~e.ry good condition, ~75. Ba~r 1503-\V. 71p73 ENGLJSH Wedge.wood bone china. Lovely Cathay pattern. Will sell le:rvice tor 12, plus many extra.a. Set !ncludea 105 pieces. Be.st of· ffr. Harbor 0634-W. 7lc73 <!:OMPLETE house full of furni- ture. Very, v~ry cheap. See at :1M C.brillo St., Costa Meu.. Ca.JI Beacon 6&7-J. 71c73 - M.plOOANY CHEST, Sideboard. drop leaf ta.hie, dreulng table, ~wing rocker, iampa, museum flecea. Har. 2098-M. .ac70 I SS-Boat., Suppllea J 'Chrysler Engines Used Crowns -.. Royals See John Baney at Seacraft HA VE YOU •een ~ new 11 foot Wlncratt fibre ctau e a b in cnliur. Inboard or outboard. Latest dutcn. A beauty. A1ao 12-14·18 'rt. plutlc bait tan.ks . 110 hp. Mercury HWTtcane mo- tor, pr:a.c. new. Racing prop. 102 E . 16th St., Coat.a Me.sa. Beacon 15e2. 69p11 Walt's Trading Post USED ?.,!A.RINE GEAR Nautical Decoratior.-Uaed Net WE BUY SCRAP HETALS NEAR ICE HOUSE ON 30th Ph. Harbor 2.C.70, Newport Beach OPEN SUI\'DA YS 69Uc $4,250 • 27 FT. CUSTOM ma.bogany cni- lser, twin Gray Phantoms, Ben- d ix controlled. S. S. radio. Slip No. 2, Ken Niles, VJlla. Marina., nr. Balboa. Island Bridge. Har- bor 191S. 71e73 34-Muslcal, Radio HAJ.t:MOND all ele<:trlc chord or· ga.n. You can play In ten mln- utes. Hammond Great Spinet Organ. Tenna. Come ln and play. DANZ -SCllltIDT BIG PIANO Ai'\"D ORGAN CO., SZO No. Main, SaJlta Ana. GRAND PIANOS, 25 ma.kea. Used from $4,95. Terma. SteinW11.y, PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 M'uon It Hamlin, Flacher, Knabe, Chickering and many othen:. DANZ -scmtIDT. 520 No. Ma.in. Santa Ana.. Remem- ber: corner 6th. S~GUTLY USED Spinet Piano. J\TattonaUy known make In per- fect condition. Terma. $47.50 down and 117.02 per mo. at Shafer'• Music (Since 1907), 421 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kim· bt:rly 2-0672. 59tfc TRADE your old piano on Electric Organ. Piano or Ttleviaion. Big- gest cash a.lloW&nce. DANZ- SCIDUDT PIA.XO CO., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. GREAT SALE or Summer return- ed Splne.t pia.nwi:. Save. from SIOO to $200. Like new. Futt gu&raJ:1tee. Rental terms. DA.1\7:. SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, 520 N . M&in, cor. 6th, Santa Ana. ~Aea:~ta ud Bo-. WINTER RENTALS PllNIN· SULA. Furn. ·l and 3 bdrm. apt.a., cl09e to llCbool. Retrlg. Re.uonable to June 15tll. Pb.. Harbor 117~W. llttc OCEAN VIEW FURN. APT. P Point, suJtable for t or 2. Win- ter $55 Mo. Utllitie.e and car.· lnc. Harbor 2001..J. 84:tfo TWO BDRM. tum. bay front apt. · tn Balboa. Winter renW. $75' mo. Sept. 15 • June l5. Phone Harbor 304. 17c7J FOR Rlt?\'T -Winter or yearly. Love.ly 4 bdrm. tuml.lbed houae, 2 bdrm. turniahed apt. and 1 bdrm. tumish~ apt. Ha.rbor 2496.J. 70c72 LIDO ISLE Smartly tumlahed 1 and 2 bed- room apartment.a with r;an.ce. Sept. 15 to June 15th. l bedroom. Ctwtn bed.a ) $75 rno., 2 bedrma. $100 sno. All uttlittea paid. ldfal tor school teachera or profe.a- •lon&J people. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Harbor 1508 Newport Beach, C&lif. :>Stfe WJJ\"TER or yea.rly-Balbo& Pen· irulult.. 3 bdrm .. hdw. ti., fire-- place, garage, outside ahower, laundry room, fumacf', thermo controlled, tile kit. • bth.., new· ly t'Urnillhed.. Bachelor Apt., garage, thermo cont.rolled furnace, tile ba.th .tr kit. Out.aide •hower. ThiAI t. a honey. Apartment, extra lg. bdrm., ther· mo. controlled furnace. Tile shower a..nd kit. Beautiful Jiv. rm., hdw. n., ga.ra~e. out.tde shower, pvt. patio. This t. nlcr-. Call '"-reek end•, 1753 Playa de.I Sur. 89cT1 YEARL Y-2 ~room duplex, un· turnisbe.d. Garage:. Near both schoola. 2265 Clay, Clift Ha ve.n. -1 For Information Phone Harbor 1297-R. e1tto WINTER RENTAL -PENIN• RE!\'T A CLARII\"ET, trumpet or SULA -Furnlshed 1lngle apt .• other band instrument tor $5 & avalia'1e ,.1n Sept. $8 week. Util. I ruonth. Rental applies on future l lncl. Xdulta only. Phone Ru- purchaae. &t SHAFER'S MUSIC bor 1270-W. llt!o CO. (Since 1907), 4.21 No. Syca~ more, Santa Ana. KI. 2-0672. ~iAGNIFICENT Electric Organ. Repossessed. Big savings. A bargain of a. lifetime. Terms. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 No. M&in, cor. 6th, Sant.a Ana. PRACTICE pianos, $59, In excel- lent playing condition, $1.2~ per week. Terms. 2 years exch&ngt' or full purchase price. DANZ· SCHMIDT, 520 No. :P..tain, Sant& Ana.. RE~'T A PIANO for only $5 per month. Rental appllea on Mu~ purcha,.,e. at SHAFER'S MU· SIC CO. (Stnce. 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kimber- ly 2-0672. $-5 A MONTH renl.3 a good piano. All rent allowed '1."hen you buy. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, co-mer 8th, Santa Ano_ 40-BUslneu ~rtuDIUes COMPLETI!: CAB!Nrt' SH0P fM .sa.Je. Good l~atlon. Bea.con. 6914..!W. Sacrifice. 88<:70 -People do read tbe want ads. THREE BEDROOM Furn. House. L&rge fenced in back ya.rd. CIMe: to achoo!. Harbor 324.5. 159p7( Bay Front Rentals Furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Priva.te beach. ,,vtnter $75 . .Also 2 bdrm., 2 ba.lh, f ireplace, Slzp. Slightly highe:r by year. Har. 2552 or evu. Har. 2914-M. 89tfe BALBOA-Bay Ave. winter rent- al, attrac. furn. 2 bdrm. patio, $75 mo. Plua utll. P~one Bar- bor 3277. 70c7J YEARLY LEASE -Corona del Mar, turni&hed single apt. one month free rent exchanged for rede~oratlng. Pb.. Hu. 0427-MK. 70c7J T\VO BDRM. new duplex with g&- rage. N'ear oce.an. Nicely turn· l!:hf."CL S7!5 per mo. Yea.rly rental. 108~) -28th St .• Newport Beach. 70p72 FIVE RM. Rear Hol.l.8e with ga~ Ne.a.r ace.an. $M mo. Yearly rental. 106 • 28th St., Newport Buch. 70p72- TWO NJ:AJU. Y NEW fumlohed apta, for rent -One 2 bed- room, $G0 mo., one 3 bedroom, 41-Storea and ()ttlees '75 mo. Incl, utlllUea. 124 Agate Bilbo& ls land. Own era V. H. IN OORQl\'A DEL MAR-Gundenon, 8108 N. Cameli& Attractive .tore 12 x 40 in new Ave.., Temple City, AT. 8-8052. bldg. Excellent Joca.tion oppo-71c7J site All-American Market. $75 I _Y_l!:A __ R_L_Y_RE_NT--AL----U-ntu--.-,,_-1 month. W. E. Fisher, Realtor ERNll!: SMITH, Aaoclate 918 Cout Blvd_ Harbor 2<43 C.orona de:J. · Mar bedroom apL Ext" lee. living room., garage, laundry room... 704 ~ Heliotrope; Coroa.a del Mar. • 71e73 I I ·. I • • • • • , . \ • . • \ ., • • • "' , ]l ISTED .i iN TH~IS s·,·c'.1·1·o·N Urr. II, Jiil PAQ T • Jl&WPOat'UY ' • POSI _. tWIDN )!&W8 • •••• PAitate BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor FRANKL. SHUFELT J, MARTIN 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ·Ph. Har. 1671 'or 1672 . Eves. Barbor 1971 Need!J Cleanirig ana~g BALBOA ISLAND Larp ' llr. h--~ Lot · 11se '70 x 138, location on Charming 3 bdrm., 1 % bath home. Patio, gar· age. A real buy, $18,950. wut lllth SL Owner hu moved Eut and wt&hee to sell NOW. Prioe $MOO -Slro<l down. LIDO ISLE Furnished- Older Home Attractive 2 bdrm. home, $13, 750. Choice location near club bowie. Thi.I won't l.ut. Neat It clea.n-2 bd. on Old Coun- ty Road. sa5oo -12500 down. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR BAI.BOA ISLAND -Furnlehed. 2 bdrm. and garage. New. Tur 1eue or winter rental Ream.n- ab!• to right party. Har. 112S-J. 7lc73 BALBOA ISLAND We have apartmenll and housff- A ftilable for winter .euon or y.rly leue. Wm. W. Sanford REALTOR Puk Ave. at Marine Balboa Wand Hubor 2442 ~Dttc TEARL Y UNFtJRN. 1 bdrm. apt. witb pr., floOr tumace. ,water eottmer. Near-Beach, $60 mo. 1000 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 3277 OJ" H.l.rbor IOO-M. Mtfc BALBOA PENINSµLA OCEAN VIEW, tum. apt. suitable for couple. Winter, JM mo. Yearly H~-Utilitiee and guage inc. Harbor 200i·J . 64Uc TWO APTS. Now available. ALSO roam and bath by d~y or per- m.ane.nt. 514. E. Ocean Front, Apt. \, Ba!bo&. Pb. H&r. ,238. 60<:74 RENTAL 1 .~ ----SPECIALIB11' can-. <lnlc Linwood Vick, Rltor. Balboa Ial.and. Har. 104.2 3kCH THREE BDRM. Furn. Ho~. 1~20 W. Ocean Front, Newport Bch., S80 mo. to June lS. Harbor 23M"' or Albany 3773. Uc71 WINTER REI\'T AL, Balboa Bay Sboru. 2 bdrm. turniahed hou.M. Auto. washer. Large fenced yd. W mo. 2812 Crfftview, Bay Shonta. 7lp73 TRAILER SPAC~ Close to thoppl.n(, oU the Riway, $12 to $15 mo. Cabrillo Court. 140 Cabrlllo St., Costa Meaa.. Built by Owner ~ery nLce. 2 br. home., n~place and aervice porch, patio and N.rM-- cue. Fenced yard, extra large garage. 20 x 30. Lot .-Lu 93 x 137. Near Harper achool on MaanoUa St., Price Sl0,300. Ttnne. . «-RooDlll tor Bent Income Rentals _ _..;.==;;..:=.;:;;.,=:.-.---Two weU ·built home.a with I br11 . PERMA.1''"ENT w eek I Y rental each on Eutatde clO&e to blvd. aleeping room. Private e.ntrancl!'. and store; lot 50 x 200. Income Garage, SlO pey wttk. Blue Top at leut 1100 per month. Price Motel. iOl Newport Blvd., Nflw-•• OOO T port Beach. 69tfc ST A TION WAGON -Ford, late '46, beautiful abape. Only fun- Uy u.se. Extra•. lf you have bttn trylng to find a cl~an 'one, you won't be diaappoint~. Pri- vate party. 5-42 Fullerton Ave .. Newport Beach. Mtfc ''8 PACKARD CONVERTIBLE-- Excellent conditlon, o r 11" I n a I owner. Radio, heater, Ute-guard ..,, . erma. · 3 Br. on 11:i Acre Practical 3 br. hotne, aervice porch, dble. garage and chicken equip. Grounda are w~ kept and hu ahade and fruit tree.a. Good aoU. Lot size 82 x 284. and completely fenced. Price J9,9M with a reaaonable down payment. Bet thia aoon, oWDer la anxious to move to deaert. Bldg. Lots ~st ot loc&tlon on Eut1tde. Prices range from $1060 a.nd up. Ai.o choice parcels ault&ble for sub-dlvtaton from 1 t o 35 acrea. tube:a. el~trical clutch window• G N WELLS Rlt &nd , .. ,. ov..-drlv.. S•• al • • , r · 11• Cout Highway or Phone & Associates Bea<on 6286-W, evenings. 1790 Newport Blvd. 69p71 ----------Costa Mesa. Pb. Bea. 5181 1947 STUDEBAKER Champion Starlight cou~ . .ALSO 1950 Stu- debaker Champion 4.-dr. sedan Private party, Harbor 301. 81tfc 1950 CHEV. 2-door, perfect con- dition. Barely ua~. Must sell. Only 8600 mllea. cannot beat thia bar&"&in. ~12 -38tb St.. New- port Beach. Ph. Har. 2iCH. 70ttc LA.TE 'M custom Mercury &-pa.a. Cou~. radio, heater, 0 . D. Pri- vate pa.rty, S1815. Box D tbta paper. 70p72 '4& PACKARD 8 Attention Kids Do you want your own room! If ao , show your folka this adv. Lovely 4 bdrm. modl!'rn home, only 7 ye&rs old. Good district near achoola, atorPS and trans. Dbl. gar. fenced . A re.&! buy a t only '8.~. E-Z tenna. Ship Ahoy! • . ANNOUNCING the New Location . \ • ·of Our Real Est.ate Office as of Saturday, Sept. 15th 1856 NEWPORT BL VD. Cost.a Mesa (Acrou from Coeta Mesa Bank) New Phone No. -Beacon 7123 GEO. EVERSON PHIL D. SULLIVAN • • * * * * * * *· * * * PRE'ITY AS A PICTURE • Diatinctive and ch.arming 3 bdl'lll. rustic ranch type home, 2 yrs. old. Hu heavy abake roof, fireplace, beam ceilinga, large picture windows and is beau- tifully landscaped. One of the loveliest homes in Newport Heights, $12, 750. , Homey Small Ranch -3,4 Acre SANDY LOAM SOIL. Ideal for gardening. Lots of room for chicken1. 2 bedroom house, double gar. 5 yrs. old. An attractive comfortable home. Well located. Really a wonderful buy, $7,995. BEACON aILL REALTY fN Newport Bl vd. (above Arc.be.a ) Ph. B. 5713-R or E vea. B . 5632-W RANCHO MODERN 2 BEDRM. Shake roor home. 1 yr, old on a lge. lot near 16th & Tustin in Costa Meia. Price $7950 . . Small down payment will handle. LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Wand Harbor 20(2 89c71 Real Estate Ia Your Best Inveotment. -o - G. I. ReSale YOU ARE · looking for a home; a l<;>t ·or oome real estate. Why not eave gu, wW. and te&r on , CLIFF HAVEN THREE Bdrm. and Den Ranch Type Home. Heavy ah&k.e roof .. forced air heat, 2 bathl!I, lots of tlle, 1,.e. dbl -pr., patio. Ju« completed on larg"e view lot ~.x ........ • Sltlll'W : l.5tll 8t.;·ap.n Sun. I·~ Home-,l.A.r.ge Lot-Unobstruct· ed Ha:/bor ylew-,2 bdrmo., bwd. floors. Flagstone fireplace, en- closed barbecue. Large living • ·dining J'OOOl tacln1 Harbor. Fur· nace heat, dbl pr. Only SU,000 Shore Cliffs Diatlnctive new 3 bdrm. home.. 1 ~ baths, pegged h&rdwpod noon. Lots ot Ule and many extra.!. Large patio. Choice location o.n wide lot for gra.cioua living, $24.ro<l. ' Corona de! Mar 0 . I. RESALE-2 bdrm. etucco, dbl. gar., R-2 lot. Pymts. only SM per mo., lnclud. tu.ea, 4 % lnt. and Insur. Why pay rent? ~ee thls, it won't lut at only $10.~00. W. E. FISHER, Rf'altor-Builder ERNIE SM:ITB, Realtor Aaociate 918 Cout Blvd. Harbor 2«3 Corona del M&r 118c70 , ' ;a· 81dlJ .... • •• • ' , •· • , ..... ... "LOOK! •. ' .. FRANC.ts J ;; HORVA~ J • Announces the Oj)ening ot Another.Office.to Serv~ You : ~ . -. ' NSWPOllT · IUCIGRTS-1 B. R., fenced patio, 2 bat.bl, l<WOD.r ~. You'll like It and priced right. can ,..qr, lfllllll $3,000 dowti -l13,000. Tuma. -'. ~ MAR.--11500 down. .,;:;f~-2 B. R. ---·-··--.... -.$8,000-Tarma -.~ .............. ______ ................ $7,llOO-Tumo • WEllT.NltWPORT BEACH-$1ro<l down. ! Beach house on Iota ····-·-·-······-······-··--··-···$:5,500 1 . B&pASHORJl Drive, 2 Iota -·---.... -...... -.... -...... ~.000 SEASHORJC Drive- BM.di home, turnlahed __ .. : ....... -'8,Q00.-$1,$00 down BEACH bom.t and income apt. for trade for realden~ -~rton. • 1 WINTER or yearly ttnt.ala now available at either otnce. NEWPORT OFFICE BALBOA OFFICE 3i20 W. Bari.boa\ 1501 W . Balboa Harbor 14.28 Harbor 310 BAY VIEW APT. Built three years ago on the back of a convenient- ly located BALBOA ISLAND lot, clQse to South Bay .. This 2-story apt. has a large. sunny living room, with a vie"!' of the bay, a bedroom wbicb will take twin . beds, a compact, convenient kitchen with Iota of tile and wired for an electric range. Hardwood floors, thermador heat PLUS a aeparate bedroom and bath downstairs -· a laundry room and a fully plastered· 2..,ar garage. Ample room on the front of the lot for another unit. Full price ·only $15,000. Good terms. .STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marihe Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 20 BALBOA ISLAND LITTLE ISI,.AND WATERFRONT-See UU. well· built 4 bedroom-2'f.i 1>ath home in quiet location & with excellent view. 52 ft. frontage. 1€e. Sundeck 2 garages. Can readily be ~onv~rted to a duplex.: Price $27 ,500 -Terms . Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine -Balboa Ialand Barbor 2462 •I I J • Bl!:AtrI'IFUL J bdrm. home, un- tumiahed., 2-car prage, ~ patio. No pets or children, S14S mo. 214.1 K.lnp Road, Newport Hei1ht.1. Beacon 7028-J. 70p72 4.~oor de l~ black. E:z:ctilent condition. $346 down. Owner, 8708 W. Ocean, Weet N9wport. 71c72 ~a.I ship's cabin convf'f'ted to lge. 2 bdnn. home.. Complete wtlh bunka, port.holes, lampa, etc. Extra roonui on quarter deck that would make lar1e apt. and a 4 car pn.p. Patio with fireplace. Lge. lot. Ocean view, Newport Height. district. Only SlO,WO. E-Z tenna. 2 bdrm., large Urine room, llwd. floors, floor turnace, double sar. Only ~S2MO dn. $68 a mo. the body and your valuable N-ear -time by coming to LIDO • • • Newport Heights Today's Best Buy ATTRACTIVE BALBOA ISLAND 2 UNIT HOMES T\VO BEDROOM duplex. tumllh- f!d, $~ month, yearly, 304 • 34lh Rault.1 corTMI trom constant Practice~ An ad resut&rly in thl.t paper wUI produce ~suits tor you. -o-ISLE HEADQUARTERS. S. A. Country Club St., one child 0 . K . N. B . C. "l-,.._:1,._ REALTY CO. Harbor 1406. l·"'-~~=,,...='.:.'":..------- 32:nd A: Newport BJvd., Newport Beacb. 7lc73 TWO bdrm. tum. home, w. to w . carpeUng, dbl. gar.. clOff to ahop1, yrly. rent.al, children 0 . K. Mt. Harbor 2i43. 7lc73 Balboa Island We have M"vera.l a ttractive apts. and hoWll's for winter rent.&l ala.rtin& at $45 mo. and a few yearly rentals startlng at ,$6~. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. IOI Marine., Balboa lal. Har. 002 89tfc FUR..1'-'1.SHED ocean front 2 bdrm. hoUH, 1720 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach. S56 mo .. plu. uut for Winter mO!ltha. Phone Beacoa M.33-J. 71c78 THREE B. R., close l.n. Best Dist. Ulll'UmW>ed. THREE B: R. nJce.ly tumiahed, dDM lo everything, $&5 per mo. B. A. NERESON. 1912 Newport BlYd., Cotta Mesa. BM.. ~22~ 7lc72 BALBOA ISLA..i.""'ID -Fuml.thed 2 bdrm. and p.ra~. New. Yee.r lee.ae or wt.nt..r rent.al· Reaaan- able to right partj. Har. 1123·J. 7lp7S UNrURNISHED new houae, pr., an ~· S50 mo., water paid Trailer Storage $4 per Month · Protectl!d by a-toot fence. TRA.ll,- ERTOW?\, 327 \V. WU.On, Costa Me.a&. Ph. Bea. ~18-M (approv- ed by Auto Club A: A.AA) -72 Trailer Storage well Protected EL NIDO TRAILER PARK and 8alea 1940 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Mea, Beacon &329-M. 7lc72H ~Money te Loan LOANS For Homes l ')'.-20 yr. Lou>. CONSTRUCTION LOANS at ~}>'1' u• )'T•.) ~ BUT AND SICLL TRVST DEEDS Sll llOB SA 'M'LER HU COAST BLVD. Corona de.I Mar • Harbor 1077~ Rep. POIRDR MORTGAGE Cl?· Matro Llt• Ina. Fundo KI WI80 LOANS TO BUILD, Da'ROV11, BUT, KODll:RNlZE, OB Rm'INANCJ: Wt .S.., Tr"8t ~ NIWPORT B•l.804 n:D.llR.U. SA VING8 6 LOAN IJl8N. 1333 Via Udo I'll. Bat. UOO Cliff Haven Lovely nl!'arly new 3 brdm. home. Hdwd. tile ln.aula.Ud. J"laptonfl patio & B-B-Q. Redwood fenced. ArtisUcally land.leaped. A beau- ty at only SJ ,000 down.. B. A. NERESON 1982 Newport Blvd., Coat& Meaa Phone Beacon 5~ Look to Costa Mesa THREE bdrm. older hoUSti on big lot only "·~· Sl.600 down and S.50 per month. THREE bdrm. large hou.e, 1400 aq. ft. on .,.. acre comer. cloM ln. completely fenced. P&Uo en· closl!'d, double prage. Trtta. lawns, etc. A G. I. male at wry rl!'a.onable tt'rma. R. W. BARTINE BROKER W. U. Patton, A.Moc:late 1807 Newport A•t .. ea.ta Me.a !\<""°" auo Balboa Peninsula INCOME Exceptionally n.ict 4 unit.I -2 •tor)' stucco, dftly 1 ~ yn. old. f--car gan.ge. '1'tltt<e 1 btdroop1 unit. turnlah~ One I tfdnn. unJt u.nf\lrnlshed. Clue to t.y and ocean llWllmn1n&'· ICKcellent -·· $36,500 Yearly. Cbildren o. K.. 929 w.1-------..----- llth, po.ta M.... 7tp72 57-D--• .......... _ Wuted lN BALBOA-I i.)'tront lo,., ISO '--....;.-=:;:..;-=.....,==-'=;::;:=--IL fnmtac•. On Magnolia St. 3 bdrm. G. I. rl!aale. Uving room and hall carpeted. Youn for 110,80()-..$3000 down. S82.57 a mo., taxe. and ina. lncluded. -o- Tiny Tot ~ acre with amaU house. 1 bdrm. Some ch1cke.n equip. T oun tor sasoo. SllOO <In.' -o- $1,000 Down Furn.Lsbed one ., bedroom home. Pleui.n.c color ache.me. F'. H. A. approved. ONLY '6750 -o- Choice % Acre ln Santa Ana Helchta. A sood buy at $1860. -·- Here we have all the worthwhile good 11.Unp on UDO ISLE. Sucll u brand new 2 bedroom homu. alao 3 and 6 bedroom home• priced to aell BA YFRONT homes u well u chatce bUtld.ing lots both on the. waterfront or of! can be had at realistlc price.a. Here on LJl)O you have private beache.s, eJubhouae. tennis court.a, ee.wera, utilities underrround and va.luea that an real. OOME, LOOK! P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport Bt:acb, Calif. Harbor 1500 67dl9 Today's ·Best Buy le Tour Prope.rty for 8&1ef • C · d J M we Ha .. Buyen. [ m orona e ar La PERLE REALTY SPIC AND SP AN 1118 Barbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 2 bdrm. home with PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW', dbl. pr. 18 x 18 llvinl' ft'D., nreptace. Low down .. Near Bay Club THR.Ell -h..-In Bay Shorea,. near c)ub'a ff&I' pte. NMt and ffl')' attractive with provlDcJal p&J>On. Good b.at. PA71D'Dt. ~ move rtpt in. ' IElll Earl Chamberlain roo ec.st Blvd.. Corolla d.. Mar (Opp. New,.,.... -J!ar\lt) l'llona Harbor nu ltn.,_ p&Uo. Nlcdy -Uc70 od. lll.DOO. !------"------. Bay & Beach Realty * * * 1.aG Bal-Bl><!. --1* TWO BDRM. Garace Apartment. WAblTED-HOUSE or INCO)(Jl:. $18 000 for both flm>iabed. Good view. $70 mo. 3$' oallboat .. down payment. , --• THE PRESS T11io 1r1a, ea.... <1t1 Mar. v···-•• ·~ -.. ~-• ·--South Exposure ---··~· ~ ~. -~ On Balb P . ula .•. 71c73 Hubor 2'61-M. Uttc 0& enmS f THREE yura old. Uilfllm.' 2% A rftldence JocoUoa S..., -THE NEWS-TIMES bdrm. bome, 2 .. tlla, tlreplaet. ntue -8UnDlne an4 V- WANT AD will cost you o~ly s2 end it ~.ill ~un in .u3 loul pepen. -. • • ..... A Minimum ad .la-4 I ........... 1616 •• , ••• ••••7 -• Lil .... I .., .. 9-"-• rt at a • • 1 It $14,000 full price Goodtmna. ~ -1d<Tall- Coast Pro~ Co. 301 s.. B&lbo ....... ,,,. ..__...._ BALBOA lSLAND ... Good 1'-• « ••• '-... -.... -.11 .... I 111 .......... .... --• Q··=·~:-:=~ -~,. ,-4· ........ 4- nllle -wll<n tllo ..,.. • .., t._ South or _. llie<l7 to tllo 11aui. ~ tllo Jftblc ..... w. ..... thw noldentlal lot l!Pec'•ln: TWo ..,.,..ii TMw laU -~tllo---~ -...... -,.._ iaTM. Olloit•an-.-11 •aw-.---. -,.. .. -.......... .... _ .... "' .. , .... ......... --. ....... i. THE POST I -I OtalHJ• ~11n#y'' o.1.toe41., le-al THRE_E LARGE BEDROOMS- Huge living room, thick c~t­ tng throughout. Payne forced air heating, cheery barbeque hot11e, extra large garage, can~ plM pl&nt areas. 1i acre lot tully fenced. Curbed driveway. A voe ado t r e e s. Outatandl.ng value ,_t $14 ,000. TenTI.a. For further details. Call Mr. !Ump· tan, Barbot 1500. P. A . .PALMER NEW thrH bedroom home with fireplace, f u r n a c e, hardwood noon, prbare disposal, .double pro.re. $11,000 full pric~ Unob9tructed View Home 2 8 . R. Muter B. R. 1tx20 2 bat.ha, large playroom and ahop. I car l"-l'&l'e. $5,000 will handle Ralph P. Maskey INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lldo Ne'WpOrt Beach, Calif. Harbor 1500 ...... .t Mll Newport Bl'f"d., Newport Phone Harbor j02 Mtfc JUST COMPLETED " In Exclusive Shore Clifta ' COSTA MESA • THREE BEDRM., 2 bath home Otrntt bu lf.tt for good. Fine S on larp 80xl 18' lot 1600 eq. bedroom house. Fenced larce lot, ft. plua muonry raral'e With 2-car p.rage, all appointment.a. radio controlled door, bal'dwood · tloora. Forced air tumace. Lota Your Oft•r Coufdered of· tile. Completely fenced and For Appoinbnent to Se&--. landscaped. HORACE 8. MAZET Priced at J27.l500, IO-down SOS -. Ave. Call owner Harbor 29"1.J or aee Sa.Ibo& I.eland Harbor 3028-J bouoe at l:U Shoi'<Cllff.o Road. 68tfc 57ttc ONII: BEpROOM BOUBlt, 2 yra. old. $3,97$. 181 Kvrlll Place, Coot& ;M-. Ph. B<L -.11. ·End of Season BARGAIN ... -------- 111-ttc .: OwDer Says "Sell!" Here la Slt5 monthly regu.J.ar in• come; 2 bdrm. stucco, tumillbed home, plus atudio aputment, tum. over double. garap. At. ' tractive price Sl 7, 750. Four bdrm. north BayfT'ont, twe atory ranch atyle home, 2 bat.ha. plua complete 1 bdrm.. Apt. tum. over double. garagea. Fireplaca both unit.a. euy terma, ment. Priced to sell oa $10,000 down -· J. A. BEEK OFFICE Harbor 63 Modern redwood and glau Two bdrm. and aervant'a qu&rters. Flaptone and wood noon. Tw9 YMI'• old. In pave ot tr.ea. BeautitW view o1 th• )nit.em. hllla -in. ucluaive 1eetlon -2 milea from. ocean 1n quiet wr- roundlnp. 125!000. Good t.NDL 1987. Irvine Ave., Coot& Mesa Phone Beacon 5293-W ' . - $7250 DUPLICX -Cl°'< ~ goo4 beach and -Lowar )>rlnp mady Nlt'W 2 BPIUL BEACH HOKZ Full Price tneome. Upper anllable now. 1 ~TO OCEAN• BAY ci ... r ·' -"""-'" n<ar -N-a little Wl>rk; but u i.. and ..... s-·~"--.n~t.et ,.... '"'·a _, comtortabla _, r-_,. '°' l>cm• with ~ and opa<e ~,!'".'J_•_ lta tile -buy In tbe . to ltul14 a iy'&e patio. llUbmlt _, -• '"<>#-. $7,250 J'ULL PRICE -TltlU<ll • Har. 2M2 •• Har. 2111'-M - Gtf• . Glll:jY:l'ILEU' • ASSOC., ...;'." 1112 B~~vd..R&=R ~ , .Dalbo& Realty Co. Bay Front ' •ti;wt: Rim Gftdq J~ ..... It ,.... ... -.... for Ult -la _t . °': tm1.a "Mo4 da0 • BAY ntONT at ,a f9WllLtMe Cl1annel, Front •, '190-., Babin 11m1. Bat.'D'l'I · ))rlff-1et ... -.,.... tllla IrIVJ: ~ROOK, rwm-. -,. t'f<tl ~ .,_ I - Otoi7 ~ lk>at, paUo, -, 3" balb &114 ---cue. o!'l boat. corner lot, tll'e-Newport Heights iamtc mw ot ~· -pet.~·-doetc. --• ...,.iy ~pier '~ !hoe wou ....,,.e.s. ·~ ....., rmtD )>drm. ~ aa.twe lie.ft. tarp encJootd p&tIO, too-- -Ito ildples. run 1>riOe lo Iola wlUl 11 ••adllr, O;--le -.U..-llal7 we ... -.-.,, ·-· ., :--l'Jlcer·~~:·:ooo~.~-=-: ..... ;..J -=~!'1:."!~ a ... ••aaite T--. ~ dDwa. : _. mD, ca -D<le ~ .. ~ ~ .... l " " 8IZ MR&. ftC*WiW'•p 8 BUILDD ._ UALTOR. .-_.a--..c6Uqew Blt'Vlowa.c.I, ---.... ai1J Na---21161 ... n.,.._tenna. . --. .,....-.... •mta*iiot. Oil Ila w'Lafq-"111pftl-_-,----~------ tdo, .,.._ f« ""'· Ocean ~ N.,Jl.C.R&ALTYCO. Newport HeighU ~, ,,..__ -1IM 11l -~ Nwpcwt ~ a..-n,·~ llA'IW,....... ........ _.i ,_._, ""- +--......;li-----,---'-·:_TJcU __ -~---.... ,. -· i --·--J i " a •t 11 ... -~Ii!.....-, ts · I wz rs Mii n ,, s '"·"' Inebme Pftlpes:ty· . ,,._ JI a .. --:.:"-- -J t rt ' ..... ww 1$11 I ·~ s I• -:-:-.... .:;•;u• ,:: Bay .. B119 .B11lty -• 1\1 ,.., ......................... --.... ···-. ---.... ....... O'= 'iii1 _,_MDI ca _ ...... ,_,.... .... - -.. ·-I , ••11111•1 hdl .. w. .... • • & I D 0 ' With SALLIE ROW TO 8-T·R-E-T.C-R THE FAMU.Y BUDGET ... tbai la bunting at the ... _ baytag llOclal, u- clrtt!M, sweaters, IChool auppU., ote. • . . come to oar Back to School Jam- bo-• . • aad wlJa yoar- oelt oome tor nothing • • . Monday tbru Saturday ot thle-k. NO WAITING NO COMING BACK FOR A DRAWING . . . you simply obtain a ticket . . . aa you walk out to your car. look on tbe window of tbe Grus Shack and """ if you have a win· ner . . . There ia over $350.00 worth of men:han- dise ordeni to be spent at surrounding local men:hanta such as Reinerts Newport Beach and Costa Mesa : The Brat Shop. Costa Mesa; Lorne's Balboa. Brandt's Co- !'On& del Mar: Shipmates, Balboa Isle; Beachcomber, Coaat Hiway: Vincents Drug Store In tbe amounts of $5.00 and $2.00 for jeans. dressei!, sock.o. ehoea or whatever lit· tie eia or junior happens to need . . . Then tbere will be twenty $2.00 merchandise orders 1or achoo! supplies is- sued for our · Mezr..anine Shoppe . . . AIS<I a fishing pole and camera . . . FREE SHOW FOR ALL KIDS SATURDAY l!IEPl'EMBER 15th • . . at the Udo Th .. ter • • • 110 ticket.I Deeded • , , •.• ~ctobuy .•• the kids simply go to the ab-at 1 :4!1 and ....n. ill • • . ThUB onfttllng Mama to two r-boars of ohop-C time • .-. er ... we'rfl ted two doors fJUt • • • 13,420 IS A PRETl'Y BIG NUMBER • . . and when you tbink of apreading out 13.~ cali:es, pies, coffee ca.kea, cup cake., cookies, loaves of bread, plus tbe other biteo from Heaven tbat are prepared in our Bakery . . . it . . . well it's too much for me . . . you tJtink about it . . . The Friday and Satur· day before Labor Day the Bakery did try very hard to keep an utual count of all the goods they sold . . . The count Is not "'''"'"'le . . . If anything It'• tar too low . . . I believe they for· got all about the !'Olis and oookl"8 ... The counter girls when queationed to to which wa.s the most popular had varied answers . . . one said every· body bought Boston Cream Pies . . . another said cakes ... another said moat people bought some of everything ... n...ight Weaver didn't know . . . he said to0 much of everything . . . Anyhow It all •oms up to the fact that our bak· ery goods Is tops . • • freah baked . . . too many people l>oy It to allow It to otand around very long .•• I'll bet If yon pot our oooklee bi Junior's lunch box . . . he'd think you baked them yourself ... some Sur;ar Cookiee, Fruit Ban, Cb oc o I ate Chip, Oatmeal, Encllsh F r u I t, Dste Not or Jae Box ... of coarse the ' seleclloD Is dlttereat from day to day • • • but then .,,., always at leut II or 8 kinda to ehOON hom. BllltJIDAY CAKES WEDDING CAKES .. SHEM' CAKES INDIVIDUAL OAKES , • • YoU can always be IUn! that any cake YoU order for that next epecla1 occa•ion • . . will be created eepecWly for you • • • in accordance with your color echeme a11d your. SUCJest.elona • • • If you're 1&cll:illK in kleu • , • om: decoratora have plenty •• fte &"-! ......... al *lie NH g .Ill .._ 1'lpt -· U.. Ji I • ,. 19 ...,,_.., tlle ·ll - ,..... .. .,1mf?rwnef ........ ,... .......... u.. ~ am Via , •• I' ... --··"·'-.. --.... . L""' .. ·~ - -I .. . • SATURDAY, SEPT.1 16th KIDS UNDER 14 -LIDO THEATRE Fffturing "Bomb.." the Jungle Boy in "Hidden . City" plus 5 ~rtoons with D~nald Due~~ Bugs Bunny, Tom Ir Jerry, and others ••• -plus• movie short with The Three Stooges. Show sterts at I :45 Over at .3:45 Doors Open at I : 15 • • '._ 1 • .••. $250JIO In Gifts: Ftee EVERYBODX TAJ{ES tART- RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET 72 Gifh in •II •.• shoes, i•!JIS, shirts •nd blouses, school supplies, •ft everyd•Y. necessities for school • going children. No waiting. or saving tickets • • • • just ask our checkers for a ticket and ch.cit the · disDiay hut outside t h e store for y our winning number ••• Sperry !I os. Pancake Flour 27; Betty en.. ..... I ci..I ~ko. Crustquick 25; Plq. of Lemoa Krm.ei for le attached. &radecl Cllolce leef 911atily -~11eal ' Feuturl119 Ma1111illgs U. S. Gov't. Nestle'• Choaolate MORSELS pkc.17; Finest lfff Obtullluble Chuck Arm or Chirck llucle BlllSllJ:T OF CORNED BEEF .... ~ 79c PO&X RO,UT ,SHOULDER ~~~-.. ·~ 49c . PO&X ROASTS ~~-...... . lb. 39c !IBOULDEJt LAMB CHOPS ......... ·~ 79c !IWIFl"!I O&IOLE SLICED BACON __ ~ 49c . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRISP, "1JICY-Nl:W CllOP JONNnlAN APPLES __ ... . .. ? ... 2 k 2sc sq~ASH ____ ......... 2k 19c . U. 8. No. 1 8'11'1'jZT 8PANlllB ONIONS ---.. -... -. .. 3 k 13c SOLID Ou:zN • , • CABBAGE __________ _._ 4c , LUER'!! QUAUTY -SUCED PIMENTO LOAF____ _ .... ~ 55c Lt/Elt'B QUALlTY -!IUCJED "BILTMORE LOAf~i:J. _ .. '.~ ~~ · 81.(0ED -AMERICAN CHEESE __ 55c RIC!KAJU>'ll OWN-aAll a QUJI :~~ s~1~ :.~ .. 2fc :"MACARONI SAW A nc · , . ~ OAHIUNG RllVJClli ftp: i.. .. 1111 te 1"1111'00.W D' t•a . ' . .. . . ~-.---• •• Del Rldl f • lb. ' MARGARINE 32¢ Tla,y Tot Size !fltm SARDINES 29; • c Ratbs P~phla SCRAPPLE ..... 29; Dubuque COB.NED BIZF .......................... HASH 11 ... 33 ' .. 5 Ht. •Te 10 ... - Foodcn.R Fa.rm 8tfle- New Pack . PICKLES u ... 21 ; Ubby Swttet Mls.ed PICKLES u ... 26' u..._-· Ripe Olives P'-25; GRAHAMS n .. i9i GoWea Staf.e.E91e1'C' Be\·erac-e Choe Lac u.2119; Auprema Soar fliW . . Chenies1 No.1 .... 23; Dote or Del llloat.e SLICED 1 No. 1 Flat Pineapple z;25; !llokely Citrusip No. I -101 HJB Sunllhlne HYDROX '1 Vz os. te.llo COOKIES . 25; M P 0 Conaentnted. LEMONADE 5 OL Orangeade 6/29¢ le SAIZ . , • 1 Jar A·l MUST ARD le wfth t bottle A· 1 Sauce a;: 33; Ubby Vlen.aa . ... SAUSAGE 2139; CTowa Sliced 2 ... Dried Beef 29' Fnaee Amertcaa . 151/i OS. SpacJhelli 2125' BEL· AIR'S ~ Dressi119s 0..Maroma o,..._, I ouaee ................. -........... 17e 100 bland o.o..i.c I ounoe ····---·-········-.. ··z··-11cs Crouto....O..rlle or Plata I ounce -···-·-·-······-·--...... 17c S.WANSON'S CHICKEN SALE . CHICKEN FRICASSEE •h ...... 49; BONED TURKEY · 531 . ·-- • BONED ClllCKEN ..... _ 571 COffCE ··-· . -·.. · . . . .... J~ 79c GOLD CR1UIT ... • !ltol<el;y ..... ell Mylo 1111 ... No. I ca.a Green Beans 21 ¢ MARGARINE ..... -.-· . .. .. A 21c SOUL: .. _ 10 :fa 99c ..... 19; U'bbT Galden Sweet Peas 1 ... u.w ... a.er Chop Suey %ft OS. 49 ; Meaalll11e Shoppe n.. lad_, ..•. We s x t r a tslille t.laa&: folth •p ud llloree away ••• .CAl.-DAK ·TIA YS 2.95 SBl:SAT FOOLAD8 -µ&'1"1:80T FIAMILL :.~~=~·~-...... Ho ,. 1 C Qua ................. _ ........... .. Budcet Paclc PD.'K or SMALL WRITE BEANS s.rh . ..no 27 ¢ <lebhanlto 1 ... Chile Powder 14' Wit.I'-Illas • SOAP P9WDER 1.&rce ............ Ho 01u1 55; Wklte--kllll' 11 • WATER ISOmNER. .. ____ .. ... ...... ... ... 24 ' Bol'U I POWDER ................ -.... --.. ·--·-······· .. ·•· .. ··..10 OL 12¢. ™ PALl!ll:8f F10o1 f LEANER .... --........... -...... -.. quart 79; D'OCJ Food Ni/2'r Blllcery .2'1'NI• ' Fro••• Food• mni~lllllmna 111 c p Pectin 'll ... 2/25' All B~s DOcj Food rh. 3123' THURSDAY BLUEBERRY PIE -----· ..... _ .. .i... 62' LIBBY'S OONCEN'l'BATED I ORANGE JUICE .... · ..... ! 2 ... 35c UBBY'S FQRDBOOK LIMAS . -.... _ ....................... _ .. ! 25c BO"'J:l' FRUIT BARS ·---~ 22; 2.r--41' LIBBY'S . FRENCH FRIES ____ ·-·~ 2 , •. 33c . frlit, PEA SOUf! _____ .. _ .. p!at 23c: PfiHflLLETS .... · ... -......... ~.JIL 45c: ' . OATMEAL COOKIES .. -.. ·-·: ... 23; ~D JIALDD lllJLll · ' LAYER CAIE .-.... ~-~ 17' . I l!AftliDAY All80llTl:D LA&Gll L COFFEE CAKES -·--·,_ . 31 1 . . . ftlDAY ' ji)p;i;_~-··-~~----~ :WC ft.AIN ., IJl!SNl) IYE llEAD ---__,_ • • • • • IPl>OIA•a -i'B<IRIDAJ', ftlDAJ'. &U'UmlAl', Ul~Q!l:R,, ~·~-U THI ICCJNOMY-WISl .P-A ONIZI' •. . E. HOUR$:·~ NiW ·S ... • . . . D1ly t 'a.& ... '6 It!,._ · -EXCEPT ' .FRIDA V. ' ... , ...... ,,. ... r . . . • .,.·, 'w ...... ~ ....... ,3 (.U 2 1·2 ¥ ............. ,.,, .. . f ·~·~---.... r 1 ..... ..-----------... \ Drfd -. Nutrltlaa A P P LE S • '6. .... 0'1 Is I ..... ___ .. 01' I ti lllllR~5~ . .• • • I •