HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-19 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping NewsI 1 •· • • ' • • ' • .• • • , • ' I .. ' -.. • ' - SCH. I:_ N c K. Cance~ Rese~h u,..,. ·11osp1' fal , <PPS , st.aff to Aid Ii Reports H~.mn 1""'1 , <l>range'Co.-Fi1ns Harbor Residents. l.v ' A. .. .-..,. .. ..,.. •"-, WINS n U.p -· -111lte•la ..... at. .. ~ ,Uf =~~'°;; ~ -: .... n::: -U.0 -t -;;:•ror;: 11g· eerep· y . w111 ·,_. ~ "'""l<i'I to --.--otlM-~lll"l••d ... feD- --'folt a.. . •ta• 1a o....p ...s .~ -otr leDli Aaa mw Jo\ti&ir..IJI ... ,...:_ WWWffJid r., Illlt!tuta tor -~ . • ceiwrtliio • tor --···----t!Ona, ~ 11. Illa.I, ..w ...--• UCLA. Jut n..-7 1a u.. ..,,. · , · :t' ... 'i::' -wtt1t. __ ,,, and 111o•.i ... .,....et ~ "'""!4Y ---.iet,, .. .,_ ~. , ' tr11 1J111a 11oWJ, ._w a fMI• 'niN S I IS-ot U.. -. . U1, ~. flt ~-~, lllOlll.,... -Ibo 'l'rau ..... ln lll'oo. llO--bupl ""i_ 32 Entr ' ts Vi i,,. ot optlmlnln ·-u.. ..-!o8IJly ~ID U... ~ ~ K,_., !ltotilet o. P. 8. DI·-mo.inc the. -lne --.70-foot lteol -Uoni tlM an , 1e l>o!na: -.. tllla •-btr -bnt/1.-i•s ~•bold' .:t ~e tor. •• • , ' 1111•'• ~-route. At . ldlltt. . Hoos ·-Bmp1tn1. ~7• ~ !Jalle, e111e1 ot tho con-1ocot1oao, ""' derrlclt ,. ·~-n . , Dr. &tolfonl w......., dMa of todu, 1'lluJoodo:t at I P m. 'l'Aldns owner &<>Odo --· will -4 <reel ,..... tile bo.rp "' tho feaz "' eomp~~ will tie ft for To· p Honors Ula ualftnli,'• --ecbool, pvt i.. Ill .;,.. . I'll ~ "'-'*' la Oraac• County, °""!' wlleft dlYOra place tilt ::~.s:i:;!:: ... co-pipe . 11 P" a briof. rovlew of tile mon • · · • wo WU ~rmaaeat lcicatloa yet t<> be lncb pipe ud Ila 1 % ·lncb Jet • . • polAnt racton llhdtntood allout Oeorp Onnt Ho&I', h.; >'Ice-· , ' f r 4r1War --·, The drill l'r<Mnt . underwat..-dr!Wns • N' HYC s • tho di.Moe and &loo -UM prooldeat of tll• llOopllal boon!, _ • t .. to will take from 10 dayo to In \ enes Yitai need tor tlll1 "'1pport Of tho wbo WU a.utot.d la tbe tuk by , : lllANJlD AT ~O pe la -.red Jnolde tile dtrrlcl< two WMka to compleu, Rlbal , .cancer problem by th• commu. Ju. 900. ~· Orant Boar m, ,JJ.,.O.• T. van· Dyke -rae:iit.d u.:;.. water under hlch prea-u.id. When they tJ"! ftniahed. more II .r~•---. nlty. Dr. Gtotye Hall, cUalcal pro-wll~ Illa motlier, Kn. H-. Br, ul N.......,.. Harbor ~ t tll oaahore depth teoto will be made. y _,_._ feel()f of radJOlolY at UCLA, ;com-hand-4 him the Mo~el 9ent alone ' • v ... rv... -• ' • ;I w:~:: ~-~:p~ While theee are undertaken. hla The leaplns IA.hmana took over mented turlber on Ule . dtkue tor the Job by the Hollywood !lfptem~ ·dr::-r:-eeunc ot the otli~ will itudy tindinp of th• Newport Harbor Yacht Club lut facton and the 1&cll. ct. tb\&ncially PrHbyte:rtan ha.pit.al. _ lridepende.nt I'll .Auoctation feet. Dan H. Boom LI au.per-underwater teata. When all au.tr ot tlletr lntemational Champion-ni. lmmtdl&te needl ln the on the alle onrlooklnF NtrWpOrt Lt-"'!'plea. 8pMlr.er or tbt eve-T .... l!IMWM*°'7 for plana and ipeelne&Uon. wt.JJ· ' • AND SHOPPING NIWS --·= m = ..,, ,-,-, rm '"" m ---4ULSUU¥W¥ • • W'Mk~nd for t'he 11eCOg_d run:nlnc .wpported tail.h. With a J.arse a.udience pre.ent o( Southern Califo!!'i&. held in l8rten4mt of tbe-project. .oil teat. are flnilbed, a contrr.a. ship .erlea, and u waa .,.atetully tisht aca.IJLlt cancer were sum-Harbor, John A. Murdy, Jr., prt!-.l· n.r•I' wa. Hu&b J. Berna.rd, vice-Steve BanUon.. dtvft of Lona be 'let to a private con.ult.lnl' en .... PUBLis.H.m .t.T Zill Bil..BOA llOlJIZVA.aD· exprened by NRYC Vice-Com-med up ab&rply by Dr. P'r&nklin dent ot the board, opened tbe p~ .Pfe'ld•nt ot the Second NaUonal ~ reported to a Newa-TtmN ginttrlnc firm, be Rid. Bids .will' NEWPOST BEA.CH. CALll'OlllllA. • modore Tom Rutter, the coveted Ham, director of Internal medl-IT&D'l with a requut for a pn.yer ~ of Houston, Tex., and prul-ci-ew vititlnl' the ahlfting ecene be c&lll!d for on the outfall 9eWU. Walton Hubbard Memorial award cine, Bolander ClinJc, ..... money for bleatnp on the project. Thia #ftt Of tl!le nn&nctal Public Re. ot openUona that teata through line after plu. and qeclficl.Uonr Tl:lDB()Nl!: JlilBOa illl rt'm&Jna for at leut one mon t.nd JerliUI." wu rtwn by Rev. Raymond L _,,1.:t:klui A..elloetatlon., a n&Uonal J.Ut Fr1d&y had prodiicecl only are approved, be added. * =~~~~~~4'.'.~==:::=====~==:'.':~~~~~ year In American hands. In ta.ct, Fuda P'ft!eeated ~ of Lquna Beach. After Dfp.n.i.utlon ~of bl.Dk pub~ rel&-*rd-packed, whit~ sand ... Thia Uae to be Jlu.ried. •th&nka. to Freddie Schenck'• sue-Funda ra.l.ted for the inatltute the prayer, th"e chairm.aii ca&I~ ~ uecuth'es. a.kea fOl' m<Qch · euier drilllnc, ·-------------------------~ ce1sful, if belattd, performance, It ·• b He! Gt-•-B ad Fin h ~--~ I ------The line wiD be buried for aboUt-,. were preaento:N y en ••ul, on r en c , a ~ mem-I PA&TY FOR MIC' RAEL a&td, tl!•n rocka or, wone •till, 3000 tut offahore, he explained. ataya in NHYC'i trophy cUe un-director of booka and authon, a ~r a.nd allo a mem .. -r of th• 1 bo mud. Th tu t • UU ..-.:-e remaining 4000 feet will be , BUSY VACATIONING SEE YOU LATER MARGO By MARGO Used Toys and Household Articles Needed by League Thrift Shop Re1identa of Newport Beach -.----~--------­ either the relucta.nl·to-go-home year. It ta Rev. Allen'• custom to wmm•r variety Of' the contented viBlt th• ahop to pw-cbue cloth· four-eieuon variety _ who an tnc which be sienda to t.hoaie llVing- ln the leper colony and many elven to tbrowtng pot.a and pans, boxes have gone to the lndl&fll ln are utfenUy ~que1ted to throw New MWco_ Recently. he bad add. them tn the direction of the A._ ed a n•w country-Korea. Mra. •ina.Dce League Thrift Shop at Grae• knows that he punhuH 115 -22nd atNet in Newport. wtaely. choosing light prmienta A telephone call t6 Harbor or heavy, according to the a~a 14_57-W. thie Thrift Shop numbier. 1 will even brln& a <0pld pick-up a.nd climate whe'1 1h pmenta an made. Sbie know1. too. that ht. NTVlce for thieae pola &l'ld · pa.na. pure haw. ue made from th• one- or any oth•r uaable hoUHhold tenth of hi.I retJremient Income ~ulpment or tumlture.. ChikSren'a uved u ide each year for thla pur- tumiture. from beds to bat.ha, a.re poM. Aa a ruult. there are many needed &hr&p, ~d. there la nev~r Otra contribution. trom the .enoup iatant • or children• Thrift 8Jrriop ahelfftl to .. ell Ute ~lotlWtl' to .upply the mothtt9 .we· at U.. .,.._ff. """o otntcb ..,. ollm INdpt. &lld-, ~=td~--:!~ INl1lcle CO.tty purcbuN. Kany a pair of thoee nex year 1 compe on. monthly luncheon .,....up wh'·h Ne-.rt Beach city co""cll. to •Hot dog. on. 1Ucka, Ice cream, , A veteru ot nearly 10 yuro -trt tw f h pu1 I I •· -...: -~ .au anchored firmly by plllnl" of l&rs'e 111 y-0 0 t e :>O &.r ttt e meet.a to honor dl1Un-"'1•hed au-ouUtne the ........ wth of the h,_.,ital oot&to chipi; and, m01t impOrt&ht.. di~, H.arriaon t I.a a.lded by ·i•-dl hJ t •• t f th &---• 11o·... --.-_r atone.a around tt to keep the hurt' MJ lnC ng u umru ou or e thon of current booka and which plan from the start aix ye.an ago t~ btrthdf,y ctJc-e, made for a JN-bert Gorman, dlvtt tender, alto nve-ra.c~ aerie• held Saturday and sponaort'd the affair, to Mrs. Bor-to the prMent time. In hla talk per-duper Part Y on Saturday Long Beach. Gorman halldlei ee;.:..i fr~po~~~t the wh.ol• Sunday and •ail~ in pr&etlca.Uy rou--HUl at Newport Beach. Ftnch called attention to the v.\ben Michael Bolton, 1 '111 • 27th e _.r "'hOM and radio communi-~-d r th l --•-.... 'tp project will be completed u eoon every IUD 0 wea er uciep ........ M.ra. RUJ. wha.e huab&nd la en-&W&rdll\C" of & 'contract for 11,-al.r'Mt, inv1~ mtau·. tr.lenda to lion with the diver. Dttpe1t dtv- P'rom bright sunlight with a f&lr gapd ln ca.nur rtae&tth at Lone 100.000 to Keana • tnrlcb of help him celebrate hi• birthda.y. g called for deacenll of 70 f«t u pouible followiJ\c ft.a WtiaJ: breue to a blanketing fog wtlh Bea.ch Veteran• Admlniatratlon Santa Ana and pointed out that Michael, having reached the age der the wrfa.ce. Ha.in.on .. id •t&rt.. -' wtnd d ba k t all ht h ·~ Fwub for the hue• line wer• no a.n c 0 • g au boepltal, 1n turn preae.nted the work alrt"ady •tarted a.nd • wu of eight, will now: be a new mem-e ~found viatbllity better on with a •trong weoaterly, gave ea.ch check to Mr. Loula Sea..,..ve, well un.ter wa_y. ber of the Newport Beach CUb tvhtly fovrv daya· than when votfll ln bond iUUu approved bJ; ·"tp-ch t •-t-•·-'f • .. e,, parliclp&ting communtttee. Th.9 -. ..,..r a a.ncie 0 compe-..:: Ul. cha.Jrman of the C&ll!omta In.et!-Kr. Finch wu followed by R ... Scout pack of whtcb ht. dad, Hul"h rilliant 1Un11hlne flooded the H&. ''b'·" k'-• ~ th bond.a h•Ve not been aold yet. l.D u"' vr. wea er. tute for cancer Re.arch.. 0 . Scott )((Farland of Santa Bolton, ia ecoutmuter. Re inapec~ the_. old outfa.Jl line, T There are thOH who are mutet111 I T Sanitation dtatricla: fo~ which Wltneuln,-the ahowtnr of hi.ta Ana. _who directed t.be 1915 HM-• twhich rune 1800 ftt:t offahore to a.re actively inU.rutf!d ln th of setting alJ thiere la out of tVa or w 1 1 d ptb 1 •• f h boa by Ru. and tura by illard Gt'orJ"e p ta Fund Driv• in Or&nge cou.n-1 CAR EQUIPMZl\'T STOLEN e o " eet. -in 1945 and line a.re Niewport Beach, Costa. er t 1n a drifting match. They which concluded Uie procram ty. Thia drive reaulted in ralllng oUnd lt in good condition. had their chance tn Sunday'• •e<:-were the followin&" from th' Ntw-about •lx hundred thouaa.nd dol-"Theft of automobile equipment, y .. _ Mesa. HunUncton Beach, Sant.; ond n.ce. There are othiera whoee clothlng and toola Saturday night' _,. "' <Jornpiete An&, Tu1tln, Or&nge, Anaheim; man•u~rlnr &nd tacti~ ~ to port Hubor area: Mmea. M&rloe lar1 by public rublCriptlon, lnclud-ti;om .hla car, ita.lled in dtrt·eut of Rlbal uld that the new lint, Fullerton,·P1a.centia, L&Habre an¢ work better with more wind and Othmer, Porter Slnc.la.ir, Harvey Ing 1100,000 from Glenn L. Mu· U.t ·eo..t Highway Overpa.u, waa Which according to preliminary Brea. Rlb&I Mid-that the l..agun• a little rougher wat,r. They. too, Somera, Louia C.nar, Erftory Olin ot . Ba.ltimon. formerly of r+P<>rted to pollce b,y Tom Be&n, 4'slimatea, Will coet a.bout $1 ,571,-Beach di&t.rlct ia not involved bl' had thetr opportunity. So. whPn Moore. Cba.rlea Ullman. Cather-ranl"e county. Dr. McFarland lH North Pritchard St Fullerton . wJIL take approx.lma.tely one thia project. Jne KJeater, P•ter Welwan. Nor-told of the atrul"l"f'• for finan~11 . ·• · lhe alibi• were in order at the compleUon of lh• aeriu, one lhlnl" man Hapn, Charle• Haley and and how the Martin girt" had ~1 AYSHORE8 PAIR OFFERS Aub Monroe. Mn. Ward Rallan.d, apurnd the campalp effort. Dr. t•nu••h lta •-nt, Arley Swarts, J ' 'I f no one could bl&.me wu lhe '""'!'·-----UWAl\D FOR WST PIN uven1 es ace weather! , Balbo& lala.nd, a member of the McP'arland surguted to the au-w.a. thanked for a temporary wa-f , . 8&a Dkopa ,__ receptk>n com.mltte. Wu out of dlence O.at the pruent '75-bed ter IUpply. Losa of a Swi.sl,..made gold and ---,. town but wu reprffiented by a IMtltutlon might aocm prove In· j It naw being time for the actual 41&.mond brooch valued at more H' R Ch Chick RolliN, aaJUnc tor the table of alx gueata. adequate. He anticipated great bf""&klng° of the ground, Chair-~ MOO lut Thuraday, waa re-1t un arges San I;>tero Yacht Club, eevned to John H . Poole of Corona del wcceq for the hofpital u aoon ~an Murdy called upon Judgie Gal-. .fOrted to police by L. 0 . Phippa, • ,' h&ve \bing-a pretty well tied up at Mar ta a member of the board of u completed and opened. He noted bt"&Jth of the H ollywood. Presby-F6'1!11 Waverly, Bayahotf'I , Newport the clo.e of Saturday·" race• wttl dirteton for the C&Ufomia tn.t.1-the county would be invited to ttrt&n hoapltal· to preaent the ea.ch. Phlppa s&id hla wife owned Two youth•. one of eo.t& Me.at; two first.a to hla ctetllt, but ~Ing tute tor C&neer Reme&reh. hi.tee fUnd1 fer the tumlahlnp ihovel. a gttt from the Hollywood e brooch, for return of which were booked by city police 8&tlll"- a.n old hand at Lehman r&ef's, he uid equipment to coat aboUt $250,-tqatitution. Thia wu tint paM-1eward of 1100 lit Ottered. The day night on 'hit-run, pede•trian. kniew anything could happen on Teact.er's lnst'itute 000 and uld thia ahould prove no e<1 to Mre. George o. Ho.a.g, who Ptn was lut· apparently between felony cha.rgea. involving' auerted Sunday and It probably would. It n hard tuk now tbt money for the c&lled upon her eon, Ge-orge, Grant fbe Pbippa home and 2871 Bay-injury to two other juvenllea. did when Frflddie Schenck of Held •t Mar Casa entil'9 buUdlnf PJ'OCl'&D'l wu tn Hoar, Jr .• to take over. Mr. Hoag ~ore Drive or in the Babloa Bay NHYC. who had & third and a hand. did thi9, in tum inviting hi.a eon bub vicinity. , Injured were Mary Diane Con· •i•th on Saturday. came bac k Sun-Cha.trman Murdy thanked RV-to uiat ln the ceremony. The L -------, ley, l:'), of 2710 Slate SL. San day with a. fourth and two fl.r•ll Fifty tee.c.her1 and wpervtaon eral county men, otnctals and three Hoap, Mn. Hoag the moth-BOAT ud STEAK BBOll.' Bema.rdino, and Lester "Sid" Sot· ap.nat ChJck '• thlrd, 'lev,nth, and of week .. day Cb.rlation adu~auon ot.betw for help a.nd a.utstance in et. Georre Grant Hoag, Jr., thf' More than the trlyk• might fer. 19, of lltOO Roattrarus Blvd_, a .ttond, to ta.ke the seriie• flrat cluM1 lhrouctlout Boutbem Call-1•tlln1 the procnm under way, aon and Geors• Qra.nt Hoe.g, m , ve bein burned Sunday night Norwalk. He wu treated tor a by three polnta. Chick took a foml.a 1t"t-r• in attendance at lhelr na.mlng Hon. wnu. Warner, qie· irand.lo.n, togtlber completed pn boa.rd the Obeerver, docked at kneie injury a.t Newport Emerg• ••ries aecond, and la8 t y•ar·• &nnua.I teacher•' lnatJtute thla lut chairman of the Board of Super-~ ea.rthbTeak.ing tuk. M:r. Hoag Lido Penbuula ahipyarda. A char-ency Hospital by ·Dr. Gerald cba.mplon, Darby Metcalf, • terle• week at Balboa 111&.nd'• Mar Cua. vteon; Supervtaor Helni: Kai.er r~tumed the ehovel to Chairman poal broiler had ita contenta of Rauaa. The girl ai..O. WU treated third. Tbe tn.Ututie WU under the ~n-Of tile local dlat:rlct ; Road S~r-Murdy to hold ate until comple-~tve coala accidentally 1pilled on for leg contuaion•. In thla aertea a apecl&J trophy ta eral direct.km of Mra. Wallace bttendeat lprencer who .-cured 1': ef the ho.p1t&I project. The the deck. ltnpe No. s troni the Booked for &llegedly runn4il Ute rfYtt to the Wt bo&l to tt.nbh i'r'aalter· ~tor ol CU\lt.Jaa Sdu.: th• road ~UM sk4; uul Wtlliam rman Uien called cm ReT. Dal-tN.wjort ftr• at&U.on ~went to the couple down ln & Balboa Bl'fd. •h!U ..Ue:d Ute C'l'ltre litriel e&tl• ot ~~:uuff\il:.,,.~;.;Ca;'if:~:~·:w;,:~· ~· 4M .. land ftll' ....._... 'l:Uraer « lAauna Beach to ]r91CU.e bill found e•aryt.hln• under crouwa.lk at Palm A•e. wmt Doa without d t ult ftt--wt-:.0..-.. 11' .-..-t tJ19 • Cha.rlea Na.ttn.A,. 11'--~ -~-.it-. •• · · -~.,..~~,._ .~.,..held .0. llour a • ..,_-. -;s I• wtill a ps,.....-. Tbo l>oat ·-red little ifn1i--Ploc•, Coat& ~riO·lO!i w'"' W. ~ by )'OWi& llob .., week Jn many &out.hem c.litomta port. -11114 City bpffr 3 . help .nit for ;..c.. 'l'b1* lla•· 1Dl' ao damap. pollco b• wu ... drl,,...,.8'14 Rob- h'om th• rbop .......... reooltd for lllCJleWoocl Man -and aJ:.lined and lfOO.e to achool lb the proud t'Omp&llJ. of a brtpt-Operatinl' a boat without the ownerla }>trmlatton and while un- der the influence of lntol0catln1 liquor today cotrt Edpr Allen Knlcbt. alrcratt Jeadman of lns\e- wood. 1100. t.ra, Jr.. of Udo lal«, who wu B. Webb wert tb.&nked for much. ;· « Men rtnn. Murdy thm. eloMd ------- rtven ruu credit by hie compeUton conununltiea w1Mte the ~pll. an twp and· 1ll• wattt 41.lbict" a happy occukm:.. TOP GBADUATE ert r.dward Bolland, 11, ot 20172 tor a nice try. Thill i. hia nnt releued by the public achoola tor -· Cypraa Ave., Santa Alla, a pa.st·' := t~t~~~~ ~~ r1:r' :.: ltr:c~:!?' ~~':'rJ~ :,u~ .,! Football c . h J T II H . .ea:~~:i!,~ P=o!~"'i'.ro;:8 at"C:. m~ Rand&J. 2080 NewportJllvd., eyed ldnderprtner. ' Leacue volunteen att already """ prepartnr for th• annual Chritrl- M&I aale. Thia ta the time of year lb.at outgrown or .omewh&t bat- tered toys an collected and re- f'UrbiJ"hed to be .old at low prlcea at the special •le jWlt before thie h.olld&y. The women who l(ive to Thr1.n Shop 1ervice have l~ed that the Chrl•tntu tay sale ia partlcuJarly rtW&rding ttecau. they know t hat many paren.ta look to thit .. ie for lbe bricht. beauu- tul toya that mean tt&1 Chriatmu to a child. Thie Thrift Shoop LI an. lnterett- fng-example of the Mat of am&11 community double·ed&"ed 'philan- thropy. It providie• merch&ndlae at low pricf't tor thoee on a 1mall hudpt and at the aame time en- ablf'1 the Lf.ague lo carry on It'-! many loc&J 110Cia.l aerrice projeclt with lhie tunda r-ecieived tram ..u ... Appearing bf'fore City Court J\Jdgie Frank M. U.nnieU, Knight pleaded guilty to the two count.a and wu aientenct:d to pay 11~ flnie on uch count nmnin& con- currenUy. He paid. KnJpt, 21 , of 11015 ~l Av,._, Inglewood. wu apprebiended early Sunday morning at the Mo-- bile Ma.rtne Dock, Balboa., by Row· ard Denghauaen, Harbor Dep&rt- menl employiee.. Kntl"ht. po 11 c e reportM, wu operattai a boat owned by Dal Grettenburg, 1~1 )flramar Drive, Balboe. After re- ported.Jy att.ing Knight'• bo&tinc effort.a r&m t he craft into a noa.t and other boat.a. Dengb&uaen got a tow on the cralt and turned Knl1ht over to police. LeHoven Leaves Post for Arizona , Ed LeHove.n, former editor of the Newa--Tlme1 &Ml the PrUI, le.It Saturday morning to attend the American lnaUtute for For- eign Trade lft'Pb.oenlx., Arts. Then hf' will P.rtpare for a position abroad. LeHove.n LI a (r&duate of UM: Unlvrnlty of Wf.lconain and prtor to comtnr to the Harbor atta took poe:t (l'&lluate worlc at the Univeni.ty of Pan.. He aerv- ed on both papen for 13 moot.hi. At A.IFf' be will join other Niewport Ba.rborltee, K.r:a.nd Mra.. John Allen, ,former, C'IQlf!f'S ot. the I11and P:h&nnacy: Mr. and Mn. Lowell Barrtaston, fonnnly of BNco.n Bay, and Klaa l:leanor Sherwood. •ho wu formerly t.m- ployed In • Balblia lrland boc>k store. • Police Continue Search for Lion Some of thNe philanthropies made poe:iblie by Thrift Shop re- ceipts are not really project&. Thq af"t' _tu.t nei1"hborly help - wch u provklinJ" a hospital bed -i.o a fun.Uy with th.1"ff lnva.lid chJldn.n or helpl:n( to pay the taxe. on the home of a recently Widow• moth9r of two. Under the ~r of '"project." however, com• tiiJ wrvicie wblcb will mean dent.a! health for ma.ny of t.M ChUdnn of Niewport Beach and Coat& Mesa.. Thia ia the dental clinic which ia an out~owth of the ttn-y•a.r-okl denl&1 project conducted ln tbe Newport echoola. Undf"r lhll procram, with the en- thu..lutic cooperation of local dertti.t.a. thie league financed vi- tally needed dental work for chil~ dren wtl08e parent.a were ·unable to pay for the care. The Frank R-Willunaon, D.D.8., Children'• Dental Clinic whJch the lea.rue will sporutor will mean that th• field of 1oervice can. hie expanded to the child~n ln the Caeta Meea etementuy «hool.I. In thia c:liJllc, now under coutruction 0e1 Via Malap ii\ Newport, fe .. sradU· ated to the income of f'amWet That mountaln liol1 ~ re: "fund by the acbool nune1 cen.Uy ln Corona de.I Kar rerktM will b9 cha.rpd and a. p.ropam today wu the object ct a lwnt by .mp\l"r4111\1" the im.pcirl.aAce of Patrab:nan n.n. Pollom. .... nutrition la deJ\lal beeltb Tilt poltce -· &<liltd wtlll will be a pert ct tho c!Wc -· a SO.OI calllln rttlt, -• Ks Victor G1•ce wbo' b&o -al tho -Clltto area. ...,_ U.0-••-ot -. al -I<. 'lfaad • -animal !Ootprato la ""' Tllrttt Sbop .... .. --Mar10I' tmpnatn of -llalr t-.w1'o flDda tile ebop a -4'N1 blarW• .... -. !Ouad by ot ""PPIT for bla own prtntn pbJI-pollft la. tbe Jani Of Kn. II. Ill. utllropy. a... .A. 111. Alloa ot wimuo,.;1 .m lfor1'llls Cl.a)Gn aar-OTlt, • -.._jurlaa -.,.,,.. Cllfft. -"'1<1&J'. ~ --fOr ~ 'l'.llr. ..-. ..... -cloo6l1 -n.. ,_.. la a kper ~ la ca tho It.-of._.......,., Dr. -•la -la --a ~'IC ltod&laL ' • , • • ~c:£.~:,.:r~ ;~:n~~·: ~~;.·.::!::ir~:i:.~{:.:=~! oa~ ~. e opes ~ l~rt Jf~~l:-:.i:::~~!~ ·:;;r. t:~~:.=-:; ::: . .:;. 2~~~:!f!:;;~~~f:~~ £,;~~ ~=llc~nM:~= ~t~~~tb•~c~!!!1! ~~li!~~-~:£;~s~E~~~: i~~~i~fJ11~~€ n•xt year·a cha.mplonthip reptta. Playwrights Cast lece wen guelltl of the Lt.on.a clubt o1. c.o.ta Meaa, BaJboe. Bay, Hunt-CORONADO OONFEUNCE no namea or addreue1 -When. he Troplly PN.aiaU.oa infton Be&ch and 8e&l Be.a.ch at a j~int meeting of the four clubt at Mr. and M.ra. 0. W. (Dick) ar:".! .. a~ay. H 'The Drunkard' the eo.t& Mea. Women'• club Jut '°Pl.•dday night. ~ .D'U~U &ttrau and oll&Dd wen A.t the trophy pruentatlon, which took place at NHYC after Sunday·• racea, Vl~mmodore Rutter, who officiated al the C•re- monle•, alao awan:lf'd 1ptt..l&I prises to tboae wilh a dally tint to their credit. The1e Wf"re Chick RoUtna. Bart Hend~r90n and Fred Sch•nck. i -Rlch&rd rf'turned home Thutlda.y reJeued by police into the custodJ Dr. Ba.aU H. Peteraon pruided..,r-------------from Corona.do. They had been in of their re11;pective pare-nta. over the procram while each ftght overwhelmin'g odde and· attendance tor 11evnal daYI at a The recently reorpniud Play- wr1ghta' Work.a.hop bu announced that cutinc. will take place on Sunday, Sept. 23 a.nd Tue9day, Sept. 2ft for their fort.hcomtn& production, The Drunkard.. The time, 7 :30. Oll both nl1"hta &nd the pla.ce, 216 M&.rlcOld awnue tn co&ch intf'Oduc~ hla a.ul.lt&nU e deaire to play at all co11ta convention ot grocerymen. and' pulled out lhe "'crying towel" hich counUd. "Sure. we &lJ like -People do read the want Ad.a. In · connection wtth thla annual .ert~a. an abeolute MUST wlth the competitora la the Saturday night ba.rbecu•, held thl.a yiear on NHYC01 beach, completie with bon- fire. ukulele• {or anything' eJu with which to ma.kie noiae) &nd the 10m•tlmea aurprlllnr impromptu entertainment whJcb g~• with &n event of thla J!;ind. lf the ra.ce. committee thought 90me of the Lehman1 we-re a little alow getttnr into the wa.ter for Sunday'• 10 a. m. rice, and wondered at the ho&r•ne.lfl evident l.n the at.Ion' voice•, It wu euU,1 explained by the fMtive aongfeat of Saturday nlcht wblch carried on lnto the wee am&ll boun. NHYC Schedule for Fall and Winter Corona deJ Mar. · Anyone lntereated ln port..raytnl" & double-dyed villla.n. a. gorreou• heroine or shinlnl" hero. ~ eor- dl&Jly invited to come and dt1ptay their ta.lenta. A.. perm.a.neat .spot for n:heuatng a.nd producinc the play bu been MCUred &nd wilt ~ announced at the caallnf. The lo- C'&Uon a.ad atmc>-i>here will be new to lltU• theat re l.n tbla area. Santa Ana Woman Dies "4ear Airport to forcut a tough eeuon ahead. t wtn., .. elated the peppery fonn- Newport Harbor fllgh'• varatty e Cal A1l-COUt guard, "but it mentor, Al Irwin, tabbed thlJJ I~ how you play th&t really tells year u a "bulldlnC Year" u he the story.'' He tabbed the torth- ttve&1fld tM fact that the TlLn cP.~ aieuon u '"lnterf'tting" h&ve only 11 senlon on a aquad 9"fth the Pira.let in a poqlble poe- ot (1 and only •ix lettermen to don to meet their foe11 on even pin aity hope.a on tor a 't"lnning ~tlfll". "You can bet," concludf'd year. • t e Cout headma.n, ''we11 be ln T-.m Sptrit Rip e~ ecrapping all 1 the time, win He cited the fact that be hu More than. 200 IAoil.I and their ¥ or draw.'' nt•~r co1ched in an are& ..JVhere el'tll were on hand to open oft1- the t'am 1plrit wu greater than ally the Orangf' Coe.at are& foot- at Newport Harbor and 1treeaed ¥1 _ meuon and U.ten to the the tact that thla spl.rlt may pro-~-· •inc football sonp and duce a few wtn1 for hi.II "pea-rt the ftnt band "dope." on the greens.., Irwin tabbed Huntinston Beach .. the darkhone ot. the cpmmr Pactnc Cout conference from John Owena, Oranre IMfUe wtth J"ullerton In the drtv-line coach and forecuter er'• ch.&Jr fOf' the fttUI. atn.t.dtt renio. YNr and Anaheim In cloee~ . Poulble be&rt attack wu ruled l:d Goddard, Ru fl.ti DC t c ia BANGE-ORZOON TILT out u cauee ot the fatal accident Bttt:h'• new coach, explained that at I :t& p. m , Saturday on Mac-he wu uaaware of hi.a team'• po; ~ON 8ALE Arthur bouleY&rd ln wbleh Mra. tenti&l, but ande.ntood tb&t he Uons club member• of Runt- Ruth Palm'tT t 71. of 208 Buffalo bad a f1n1 club with which to .ta.rt Beach, Seal Be~. C.0.ta street. Santa .Aaa., loat het-Ute. hi.a tlnt yeu. Godd&td com.ea to ea and Balboa lh1ll WHk ope.n- Eff.cUve Monday. Sept. 17. la The woman had driven her cu the 00.ra from ll"Ullerton -JunJor . an lnt.euiy• drive to \ •• 11 th• foUowt.ag' IChed~• at Newwr:t head-on Into a culvert 1 ~ rnllee colleiP and high 9Chool where he Ckets to the Oruiae Cout Col~ Harbor Yacht Club. aoulh Of Orance county airport U. coached for 11 yea.re. God-P -prepn Tech football came l:very Mon"-Y-th• Club will and WU killed la tbe cruh Wlllcll· dar4 wouldn't t&b any proopec.. HwtUa .... Be&ch IVSh Bcbool bo clootd tor oerYlco la all dept& nearly c!emoUAhtd the oar, lll1e ... mal<e any predlctlono u to the llllbt. S.ptombv :n. wu 'ridhll" alone at the Umt,. and outcome ot. the n~ ......_ He wW be at I p. rn. Breakfut. -841"ed Saturday wu drlrin• aorth. Tiie ca, f&Ued did •Y tlt&t Hantinston wu The four Lion.a club8 ot tbl "":.::::: ~~: ~ day, "'..::~~ !::.·~! t~S:.Ut11 Sol~.~"' b:.:=-JI&,• ....:; .:"'~"9~: ~·· :; TuoL thru sun., 1J to 2 p. m. and Tuthill mort\lary. All out<>AtY -la"'1d'f"8d }IAe ·-.:ll 3ohn . •-an4 pro an• poot Diwr -Served __,. MJ, WU performed l!Wlday and ..... 0Wmo Mid ~ --Roy Wan! o onwtalnmoat fO< bot b Tuu. thru rrt., • t<> 1 :80 p. 111. of deotb wu 111-u "aniltlplt and Bumm. ~.bot-1•t-' --entertataJnnt Dinner-Served .. uy 11&1..-7 11\lurt•, _.... tlas -.~poln\ of fl!"· laell..i. a lour of the Cout and Bwtday, I to 1:ao 'p. m. ~-a " tier than a_.. lleP ....,,.,_ 11114 Ibo OranP ~ Hg••· . --tw.llloi ~ polatAd --with • ~ble 'boat U::,.• = :::...""°:: ;!';:::! -...... ,,._ u.o n..,... of -lbet ' U.. Plntoo an """"' "111 aroaad tho ~ area u.,. 11oun U to.I p. m.~ at their offteo for a f--t.re ~ taan"la Ibo~ at all pool-. ~~ of tbo. day. --,pm. 5 the Ra!Jlll Tiimon ot Talpla Clt:J, 6--• -* Wiil "' plaJ · · wlll feature .a dbl· .. '!'-N-poobll .... n ot l.bo "'-UO.... ._. .... la. ala>ci!ot-all Ula ~ ·far --ot bOth ~ .and~ 11 -~ . ,,..,_. Iii a tor rr .....,, :,-pout.-pol--~ .~ an oa -~ all """'-.......... ban --~ ..ua,.;t•"' .... . -.,. ..... ef tllo"<lr· ~ •o .. m • awwtf!i'lrM•• ot er-, •1• 0 •~ --..u. ...,"., Oaut .,. ...s ..title ua. V~ftOlif _. ' . ClnW.Dd. bldo wtUt Mr. Md 1llmc9t ~ :· I ~ • .. ....... .. ~ to.,.a,. .. ID ua. l'WT• _ Mr. and Kn. Woorlb -I'll ft J01o.' c.rt Br-n.. Tltiwa ~ ';::! TIO od ...... .---11rt 1 la U.. m je Loe ~ 1111~ -...-111ar-baft ~ aa .,.,-1 •Iii»-·~ • " -. Tloo ..... _..,,._ • late ---u..·• l!albc!& .-..... ~ dol -. • .... ~Cl F • Iii"" tw ___ ... Jol•ad -· ~ • wt\11 u.. a-1wt •1• Uiltl It r•:t _."" 11r1p~ a. -a ~ -~ = .'!_"!,·· ous:,: : !! ;;;.··· = '!'h I ii «.--ta -...... .... • .. ...._ Cft&ilsl ....... I n-•• ,.97 ...,.._,,. 'Pm# \ t• a sra • ...,...~ idGle& ; . • . .. .,. .. • • r -BPBCIJl£B llf-. • • Ji· Nylon Panties • • • • • • 1.19 ' SHEER BRIEFS 5 • 8 • 1 Nylon Crepe Slips . . • • • 3.98 T AJLORED -WHITE ONLY 32 -<O Nylon Half . Slip~ • • . • • 3.98 WHlTJ: and PINK -B • M • L Nylon Slips · ~ ' 4.98 • • • LACE TRIM-BLK. and •W"'ffi'"'l"''E• Nvlon Gowns • • • • • • . I BROKEN BIZ!lll . and COLOM • 7.98 • • , ' ' • f ., • • • ! ' • ' • . . • . _, • /-, r ff--r ' ... I~;,!_ -'! I r I _(,,~ ,.,. ,, .. I~ ' ' ... I ' . . t .. 4J .'A • • ' . ' .,. .. · '' .:; .. PAULO~--··; --r . llOADWAY- »•i .. °"' ... " twP'th. -u...------::=:.Now~l.:: 7'11 .,. ... lfOW' !lllOWINO "l'O&Cll "' &JllU"' W... •ldttl. NWJ" OllM -"ILU'l'Y QO Ul<lKY" ..... _y __ UTUllDAY, llDd wg•g «*'1:8 TllJC GllOOll' -.en.y.'-111'- -Alae - --nu.l&Ca088" ----lfOW-41 · "Mm· ME AFta ' THE SHOW" ·~--"LADT Al'iD '1111: MJml'I'" .-~ . ' 811NDAY. -TUESDAY, UOI "PICK UP" "IUCB yowo-~· ••• ., ...... -.,0 lla7• --...., ... -~ -AJ.t' --Alae -......_.AM'ud B&A.Ufi#UL• a-. Trewier-. ..... Clull "IKON Jl(AN" 8kptl• JleN'a1l7, E"1ymi &e7M CHILD"EN_ =FREE:!:'~.,~ STA TE THEATRE 9 Qrub c-tr• Value Piao -. ..... l5lan. -lltrreR lllt• Y• wm --~all~ at ev popWuo pt'ltt ~-rll,,__,,~ NOW llBOWINO "SllOWSOAT" ~ o..,_ _...,. lllel .I -~---' _;:-... "T~ OP MY Ll'nU: &IRL" .,..__ lllal Qa,Mr -- WIOD!\ .. l!DAY, H ... ..__ B&LVISDEU: IUX68 TD BELL• Oiftlee Welttt, n..te Bra -Alao - -CAl'T. llOUTIO BORNaLOWZB" ·------Gii •rr ha. Vlr Ka;yn ~p~/aw/ /)$ ~~#,/ ' . PLASTIC CLOTHESLINE NOW OPEN SATURDAYS and SUNt;>AYS V. E. KOEPSEL, 0. D. OPTOMETRIST .ANNOUNCE.li THE MOVING OF HIS OFFICES .• TO 3016 NEWPORT-BLVD. · ·• HOURS: 9 :30 TO 12:30 -. . SAT. 9 :30 TO 12:30 EVENIN~ BY APPOINTMENT TJ:Ll:PHONE B&RBOlt 25~ 40 111.fts I 2 ., n.. CJ r S O ~ .. t )s ., 111'111 .. Ds 7'111 . • t121a DllA ...... '1'1:... , ...... 11 .. t _ .. -c;.r ...... Mir • I NOW 8BOWJ!llO ~ 1111..r..n-·-llAATA TOllSN "SIROCCO'" -''YANK IN 1(9REA'" .. ... -. S11NDAY • TIJKl!DAY -·DAY "O• Moo~ lay" TJ:CllNICOIAI& WAYNE MO•••• • "llG GUSHER~' SPECIAL! JJOYS ... GlltL8 KiwA..~ CLUB !IPOlfllOllED "Natloftlll KICll h1' .. MATL,'Ell SAT. 1•'6 <JARTOON. -cO>ir:DY- Fl:ATt1U , AD Paowe@Lla Go te Nat.. IUda Da7 FoU...S..Uo• -UDO 1'llEA Tlll: - &m.'TINOTON DA<lll ¥OW 'ftOIU 8AT1111D.\Y RADAR TRAPS ILLEGAL FISHERS -· tM not-. -.,. uU.t -thn>uP -of f .. and ·dafkDIM; Iii"_, llle""1 _, ,,_ tbo _ .. al -ot Callfornla. • · Buch U 1.be COQCltlllloft Oft State ottlun who have bef!ll u.in&' radar u.e . put tht~ ye~.~ .bUD.l down coipmerclaJ f'Llbermen opentln1 "WIUl!n the thnO "!ilo llm!t"-.0 vUtblllty i. poor. a.vt cratt "' lhe Dlvlal'"'1 of • • J'!ol1 .. Gui•. culdod by ~ M ::~~~ .. ;~~ iss Mary Birch --_, ... 7. ::~;·:; ~~:'i'lt\'-be fall Bride ~I -~ U. -• ~ plaNU!d for evt7 UordU&h -OnlJ' --t, with BoptMabor, U.. weddlas ot -nm. cr••na aboe.nl. U. betn Mary Patrida Btn::b and cun. lll'T'Hle4 thla you, Ul lndlealioft of Dlwc'-Cnpooy, Jr. will bo bold u.. -of W.pl &di.tty. la.la ..... fall. pooolbt, .. Octo-a,-way, ol coraJU'..,, ..,_ are bn or early Movem~r. lllnem ~ the patblfllt JtatJ411t ~«ti.. the bt1defl"OOD1. aon of Dr. and 17, far lMI and 1'Mt ._ yean Kn. CM.rltt I>. Cropstoy of Ruth-- ~ w~ ~utppM. P6"' edord, N . J. necHeltat.ed the poel- tr-M coeTI.need fllllllenllan Uiat un-pobement. laW'fUl uttlDc 1a unprofilable: The bMaltlf\al and talented Mid• . Boat t.JTNUi, 1 and 11; crew--elect i. ti.. dauaht•r of Mn. Flor- mn arnMM. 11& .-4 111; ttne.. ence Waterbury Hall-Btrch of IOO S2A2& &ad. $5,1W.; 6all COAtileated, Btsania avenue, Corou ckl Mar, 43..:tM and 131,600 pOll..,.., valued a.nd the late Col .. T•omu Howard at $170 and $9,TM>; value of f<>T--Blft.Jt, fonn.r Ua.Jl4'<1-Stat.ea Mln- f9'tfd ..... 113,eot am ~.ooe. · t.ter to Port.up! duriD( Pruident , ("l'Uf'tlli ·aJ'.e ft'om tM J>iJWon. W:ii1•0W" WU.O..,, MbfltJ9tratlon. . _,_ -·-· •H!!" °" .. .--. "'"-of tbe tit,lp-~-~ ... :r.alDAI "7'·• .. --"""' ---......... Saa-...,;,. . -.':""c lelnol f.....Son ot W•t..bw:y, Tiie two Yrir "'6 !Me la &ftMt.a COii.a. and aleo of Uae ~ OMale ..... an ,,,,, _ "fl# oi-r:...,..., COMl'llTI DINftifllS ,.,_ ''·" .. P.• TROPl<lAL Dllll\'JUI DhM Ito tit. hd ..... TAMITI4N WlOOM ..... Parldq ......... .,, ' 't'IMT 'THE' NEW HUT oaC-t~.~ PlllMe ...._ l•r ae.n.uw 1 NOW OPEN 6'!_~~·~1 ~EX • tile Pier htluaaa 1 CATALINA. 18LA..."ffi -and. Ute abrupt dtcl.lae ~ ~ family ot l'rmlct:. , tiollllls Ulla~ tll a.-,~-MIM llliclt to knOWll pt'Of-,,.1 '------------J UGa .r Qe ....._. _. .. · -llOtalito.,,.. Mdt<li-1, 1--.,.--------- "'1 c.nt-1111·• -.. u.. .._.. .. "*II"• Ball, ........ j DIRICToRY .,,_ K ~" " iM'•"aUona K -..WW and •""lulW• ,_,.., --+-· -·-------,... ..... lit -s 11 la lHI, UICI ---' -.. U.. a.r-'~°'*" _,... ot "'l!IM'" ;... -Uy ,...iuate<1 ..,. ..... -! leUNJlto. Late ..uw.&· .,...,.. the f'lvm O:• Amerlca.i lutlbae ror .. -u4 Blu. ,,.., 4'-toot.... •onip Trade at 'l'lnlllcl.rll!rd bued at Termlu.i l1'1 ad. were ~. ~ .Artsona. Sb• i. u+tLK A. lllJCKLK, D. D. L D~STRY ftAll'l'S WKDlfl<BDAY TMI Jtu.Mlll ,..._.. HARD~ FASTf BEAUTIFUL. I ollnllarly .quipped. • Uy wllh --rra-oc ... .._.,, Y~ Atr I.Mee tlla Ban rrandeco .. head 17~ Newport Bl"1., eo.ta w ... M:~ica.1 BJdg. Beacon 91'~ lllM J:. B&y Ave., Balboa I Harbor 3%7·.T Mwa arreoto for lllU .-•f • -baP!"'l"~ divtoloa. car-aboft ·a\l"ft'&l'e thoag'h n.ot ~ CD plaaetr. nt11r11.la• trom Saudi taeul&r, But In 1050 -u .u.,-t-A.l"&lllla bcl oUw1" count.rite brinl' Id ..,. tho total 0t olptHB arrula back UNll\10l fabrico. """" th- -lb& dlYt,6c111;t.'• law-en.torceente M• Birch c....U. gowu wtdo£h officer. had a record year. will be ta.ken to all the reeort i:~:t=====~==~ A.tetant O\Hf of Patrole Tom cltJe1 ot Ute WOrid. W . !lchlllla&'. -dln<lo tile Mr. Cro)>ffy WU JITlldllated dt'vtlim't ~ '-U t:rom bia T...,_ from. K•t PJ'ep.,...tory .IC.kool, mla&I lalaatl hff.~ •ui Jiit Kent, Conn. and attended Wiutuui 11ie&&oing wardeM stve radar the collece, W"tllla.rn.ltown, J.ta.. ff• btC' credit for UU.., I.a a.lao & cnduate Of A.rnf'riCU ''Wlth our radar We could b&V. lillt.ifitte for Poretrn Trade a11.d road• ts at'l'Ut. • nJ&flt lu(. ...,.. wm l tadJ" for hl.s ~e at 8~ dine .euon." Sctiilllns ff'timated. ford Unlft'l'"lllty before enttriJlr t't\e iE SURE • INSURE Wltb lllAURICI: STANLEY I -o.1y 1 n-Butier tn• Ill M•tr"ma Aw.., .,,.,_ Jllaad "'though we were Dlore lnteruteel AllMC Jf'orce•. '---+----------· ln wamia( '¥totaton betore tbtf Re .. a memMr of Delta Upidlon -::::;:::=========:::; actua.ny started tlO.lAS." f'ta.ternlty, WillWn. collere c~a~ ,.. Keneth Rooker of Wood&crt. ter, ud while at 'l'llunde!'blrd w!lose boat, the 84-toot Bontto l"leld waa • IHl'ltber or tft Pro- trom 8•11•1\o, ~ outfitted wtt.b pt'llor club. H e majored in lan,U- rada.r Jut January. b qutclr to call ec• Utd foreign trade. attentJott to the pnwntJft effect.- of the devlce. · · ".">.,. -.,; ..... o)way.__,.. Ill• .. -. au.. • ...,., .... ,. ~ ol .YJ.• day or al.sM... tM repteiji oplaiaecl, "to t..hty're '"f"Y leery ..... t eomtaa -lllo •i..d • Golden Wedding · for Mesa Couple _ . 1 W. Shlc11t Foote IGll!NERAL INSURANCE eo..ri-. mtormaMll ~ -I'll: Bar. u 211 'J BaJ-. Blv4. ; . ., lopt in hC!CI T ·.1; !'. opl 1n ' • Ent•,.•ini&ent * Dini09 Room "I*' • • • * 'Cetktailt ft~lil Io .. , m. * 11 :lO ,\M. lo I P.111. d .. 1y Clotecl Sundoy1 Md holidoyt .....,., Klmbetly 2-2196 Loil el FREE PARKING. • SAM'S SEA FOOD "At th• S1P ol th• Swordlia&" COMPLl!ml: COUR8111 LUNCHEONS DINNDUI Bea.utitul new Enlatfed. COCKTAJL LOUNGlll .. v:vr.:AY s u RF s IDE _ u.i:o::·,. Jldweca &.a llMcb Md Stlllflf!t BeMll FINEST OCEAN FISH WE CLEAN, FILET, CAN OR CUSTOM WRAP YOUR FISH FOR YOUR LOCKER BOUBS: From 8:30 a. m. to 5 :30 p. m. DAILY E:acept Wedneadayt1 SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES 5111 SOtli Pll. Bar. lll0'7 High Quality _Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 r ·- • • • • I ... • . ' ' • • 1. I" I • l • • • Birthday P,arty in Costa Mesa Park Swedish Twist cona CA1C1 & ... .. 11 • ..i - . ~ •· .. • ' • • .. .. ,., ~ ,,.,.., / Mn. Wrllllrs treM := io- --... ..,,...11;,o,i.1s.-o111oo•. 15<• . Dl<ntrt• '= n· .. -~Hui, tfacl.' 1'11Sl<t•IM 1::21• ~ ·~ . I i I~ I . • I I . ' I , , :1 : I : • • -poop!• do read \he.Ida.' Raultl come ; from ccm••.nt Practtce: 4ll ad regularly In thia, paper will prec!Uco ruulta tor 1'JU. • • Now Open ·Sundty for the Homeowner ,CONClm BLOCKS · •. BRICK FLAGSTONE • SAND • GRAVEL CEMENJ •.I ~UPPUES . . SKIP LOAD~~.,,B -T&UUB LOADING KEITB:-1. COL·LI NS 21U Newport Bl!jl:" Coeta llleM • Barbor 'IOUi • CBOl*S ~23° IUTCI MIU. C.WESI ...................... ~ d t1 -..Pdcod!.owl ' A.enc:an Mild z4 gne f'°"dd"' Ric:lo. -.... a: ~--=· 2 1i: 25° . •A•Y-FOODI GerW ........... •dia1p1ll.A_. ,,,,,..,Ito ' 3-23• • I _ Ameri'con, i,t.lb. pkg. 32e _ . l'imienla, ~. pkg. 32e - Ll'Ra FllSI Miii· ---,,. -r."A-TaATID. ...... _._ ~ .... --21 .... U1.M -c .... 42c Price ~ICt IO Sf'ote NQUlot'°"-· . . .. • ,,,....,,.,, MEp'Peis •::-& 1 • • .. lir hu . ·::: .. lilll le•s := •;:-JI• . Grage Jlice "! ': tr. l•••••• ~tool'= IP-St1n1rrieS -:-;;: i:.!' w • .. Selec:ltld at their peak of freolmesa and ftavor, then rushed .. 1o the Safeway M&r you ••• theoe fraiu and vegetables .: a"' outata.nding v~ues in good eating at low prices. • • . , • ., • • • - -' • • ' • " . l • . .. •, • -I ' • f J ••Gil ' .an. tt. Ul1 I Beo1'lll ""'" " ~ 80(ll.U. Wt' --OOll'JJI • . .. w .. lt' • • • .. , ... _ ~ • ,,_ President . John BeMey Allen J Brite I .... __._ • PN;tloel , .... ._... ·-....... ,,,,. es· l'Qft ... ~o ~ _.. ww ~-·.,.,,,_fol -Aaa-o!llQ. -..i... . . . ~ ~ .-~ bl-~· • .• , · l ~ • .... :.~~~·-:~-~'°· -~Jn .fpisc~ Rites .ar · ier LIN 0 L f ·w =-~-... or•· fcltli Y . .DQa"'•····· ... ~-:t· ~~.._, '~ .·· • ulii .. ~~ .... u.:~·~. A2f'. , ...... ..,.-~ ......... ,. W. lM . -.... • • -• •• "' \r\41 WSll I JF?tll la.·-7 <If . ,_ ~ w.-un:.:...... o( Iba · • '"" .tii., 1 .. 1." -· ~ -.: ~ ... ..,. • o . oose 11 Only•• Good a1 lt1 ln1tallation FOR, . FLOORS ·i: ·,i• . ~ACtiTS · "'· ~ · DRAINBOARDS .· ASPHALT TILE :· .j-1 VE!:"ETIAN lt WINDOW BLINDS Cl Sfi'>.DES· FORMICA -TOPS ·_ • -..... ~ 5oudl'J ~ LIN _O!~UM 2901 NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT BEAtH ., HARBOR 552.J ... • • ' ~63.3 FLU OU.. WALL PAINT it50 : Gal. --·-··--······-····-·--:. . ., MATCHINCi COLORS SATIN nNl8ll ENAMEL 4111 \Jal ··-··--·---"'·········--·-···--- ~­-·-·--~ . ·-' - • • • • - PAfAT THINNER l9 ' gal. (in your cont~ln1r r HAUOR PAINT and WlLLPAPER CO. Z19 ~Blvd. Har. 20!0-R Corona dd Mar . . .. . ,sr: J.AMES CHURCH i ' EPISCOPAL 1..t.r mm lm'l'D.ANCIO ro UDO' UL111 SUNOA Y sERVICES e:3.0 A.M. -11:00 /i..;Nt; -. . . . . - -. '°"~ AJ>a ftfJd ~ Oltplalned club year, 0 1 X DM!dpo p... f!ll' It -_. °"T ~ -, , that~--·!( ..... -Iba -'l'llllndaJ' alt...,_,~at ....... ..,..~fDll••Drs -...... f J .,. 'f ., . , ' ~ Boe~~ 1un._ ,,.fftlll .. ft>• -~ -u .... .. . 1 1a •t. ~ 0" t la a llnd lfan po.,,~ to.tJie ~ dub o(flcon and C:OiDrnJltH -· ..... ., .. --" t • I , ~ ~ public qlll[lt._ • -Iron, at. ,<Jap-•'• .Ill _.._ fte lort4e 11 t11e -~ "> M' 1 be . ........_ • '" .··•• eel•. l CUoi I.le Kohrs, dnClltor <If e em rs · ~ -• '.,,._. • Openlnr ~kto ot the etut» wm JI r nr ,.. H. Bill •I ti W'MltsW. be Tia~.~~-.. at the Albert· 'n.._ llll'l~r11a11• ti ... et~ , -~"»It. wltll tollowta« -•a•t WMWot ~. U., ..t.t .....W-Dlfftlll&' Of Iba ~ to (all oo Ille ftrwt Bftle1 "i""'"' W1oe ..... .;oat 1M N-Be*Oll Women ' of Ill• Tl!uiiil'i.fliion"IJJY. -1-at 111 1o,,_i,. aftnue, -pter 1161, Tllunday Teat&U:Ye Plana were made 1 llirlaDoa J•••ef ' ••~. Sept. 13th, nn applJca,.. tM l:o'nttnui..tton ot the ~ ~ An. A.I~ a Jtu'-. Ne-tloea, t mernbenhtp WIH pre. Tbunda7 parU .. ..,nch m•t wi111 i.... ot tM .. ....,, pel'fonl!ed ti!• -t.4 balloted on. ni- . , • wide-ltlCqillf Jut year. At. tht! double ~ ~· tJae llride Pf'OllN<! ve new membtre, to be • ..,.. Un>o, •board membe111 ••nt belnr 11-la kMPlq lly bor tnitlatedj Ille •""1 .. of lept. 11111, on r~ u tavorlnr a MCOnd tat.her. nonJ ~ wu a ~ Mn.IK&btl L. Bttd. Krt. Xan- annu.l nowaY ahow and sprin( myriad ot tovtt,. WOllOlna ta ltridal u.91 ~l\IH, Kra. Bhirlf')' MJ.ller, te•tival. , •Jl.Jte, cariatioM m.l.DJUnl wtUl Mn. DV1a Kelly, and M:r•. D>lel ' That tbe Newport .,.... Will be lUIN, stadloll, larUJ>ur IUld uun. Oat.to. ] pubttcLled u wfu1 u tb9 club'• with piaidenhair' fern for cOntrut.. . ~--~~nt Wtntfred Randel cook book;. -w.. diacQOMd Jlrbea Masnolla le&we Ued wtth Wlalte will n~t the chapter at tile Vn. WJ.Jliam ~ Tritt, Jn c!Jar,.e bow1 marked th• center a.Jale and meettn.. of the Balboa Improve.:. of the booit a&lee, annouhced iut t&lJ white t.apera ln candelabra ment A.frioclatlon, u a mu.It of a lhe and aeveral other memMn will ca.at their 10ft 11.fhl ca the acct. letter ~J_ved from them out'lln· appear thll fall on a Lot: A.nsde• Olrol wu Jo'ltlJNt of brtdea la inl' Uleir pla.na far the beauUflca- televlaion-pro,.ra.m. 1'h.t. la ex-her l'OWll of white ChanWly l&ct lion ot ,.lboa Boulevard. peeled to be viewed over the JCNX ont heavy •lla. i.ce appUque JwUo't Graduate ft.el'ent Alice channel, •he Mid. ed.pd the net yoke of th• fitted .Ander.op. wtJl resireHnt th• chap-¥"'· R. L. Allen, prorram bocllce and )Ofll' aleevu ended In tu at' the September 2ttll mett· cb.a1rman and fl.J'at. Ylce-pn.tduat., ~ntl over the handa. The tuU lnr ot *e Oranae County Society umo\11\Ced a 01\uaband'e nJfht" •klrt'wu en tralne and the llluaJoft. '?" ,CPt led Childran l.ftd Adult.a. meettnl'. Whtcb w UI be an tnnova.-veil wu held wtth a Juliet cap ot I J'u.UO Recent Clara Leach n- Flt. lion. Planned for M&l"Ch. a dblner lace. Bbe cartted while orchldi 'ported Gla:t the, Sant& Ana cby- wW precede a prognm arrupc:t and 1lephan0Ua on a prayer bOolc:, ter ol ~ Women of the MOOH aew Npecla.Uy for Ule men.~ thia carrytac out tk trad.tUonal hu -con~ed her nogardlnr plau ConcludJq' Us. JnfftJac', Mn. "11G1Dethinr bOrTOWed ;H It wu for ma~h pmea between their VERT FINE J-UNrr place on OeaJWut. who le Mn1n .. her MCOnd loaned by Mra. Jlloy BetJun. eloeie bowllnl'!lh.ma. llatch pm .. are Balboa Island built · In 1141. coNeeuUve ytt.r aa preetdenl, tn-friend of the '(&mlly. For adorn-&1ao P~ed betWMn the LadJta' RftltaJ ~come UOOO. Prtc:ed at troduced htll co-woritara. Includ-ment Ma WC:W a 91.asfe it.rand of and m"1'a teanu of Ule M'OOM '11,llOO wttll $10,000 ®-ed wore: Kn.· Jl. I. ·Allen, MMI. pearto, lift of tl!e br1do.,_,.. .. -Uor11A&su•· FITZMOIUtJ8 REALTY CO. \ Byron E. WeD.t, NCond .t8.PfN1· -arw.'i Atten''•• . Cba.p~ AlJce Youns hu uked 111 00..t dent; Mr-. .J. It. DuW}. recqrctna, · • f9r Yoluittffn to help with the &&.le Bl~ Ooroaa del Illar aecretary; Jlre. ~ M.~r; .,..~)Lr•. Robert Thoapeoa, .uter ot of. lhew~ttclea ·•t the buaar to ..,..., %16! corHIPOrwlinf ..ertt&ry; Mn. Ba-t.b• ltrlde, p~edfd Mr dowtt the be htld· 'unday, 8ept. 3oth, and r-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-_-_-:_-_-_-..:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-:-:-:; 111 P!terllln, treuurer: M.ri. Paul alale u matron. Of honor. Her hoop a.I.to "1!Uffttd that u ma.ny ot • Hall'1 Ranch Co. Jiii llA&.9oll .ar.Vi>. OOSTA lllEM & ....... a.ltrle lo otter tor lletau oad Wllo'-lt Ranch Fresh 1991 .... · Pac'-ted POllllqc.. 11&.U>Y l'OK <lOOUNO • Ro,.era, •uditOf'; Mn. H. o. Boy -aktrted rown waa ot Amerlc.&A ~ tu~ aa pouible ~ turntd wy, parUament.rtan: lilrl. Coltn Bf.auty red' net over ta.tteta. Tbt tn lo t by the next rnttUnr • Brown &hd Mra. c . c . Dodd, dlrtt--1nu1 bodice wu llraple• and ~ Sept. 2 h.. It l. felt that lhi1i tol'll; Mn. H. v . Sno4rru.s, court· It, own attached •tole whUe U.e bua&r l be very SU¢cU1tul from ny; Mrs. Tritt, membenhlp; M.n. akirt wu a troth of tltr•. White the r.pprta of the v&rioU. mem- l&m•• w. Thornloll, curator ot carnatlona wen caul'hl tn 111;.,.~ btra ~ t.be amount of work i..- teeUona; Mn. Atthµ.r Wbfte, )t.. coronet of Amtrtca.n Beauty ntt i;,DC ~ ta them. Junlor1: Mrt .. 8:-"9> ~~and a,nd her bouquet wu ot 1imllar ;. !tt&"enC WlnJtred ftandtl Mn. Raymond K'erCA..iloU.e-• eet"Dfllona. ._ • • ·~·... -~rt~utl practice tor the rentah; Kn. Ch9rle• S. Eaton Brldean1 alda were t.be Mi..cMr AIP,i: mttlinl', and url'ed all publicity, ' Betsy Allen (IUter of the bride-lnembe to Attend. Standbal' cornm.ltfH beada and rroom ), Evelyn Jordan f!! Whit-At the cloae ot the meeUng MC:tk>n leaden were Xn. Jobn lier bd M.n.. JamN Charnholm pUblicit chalnnan >JU Gorton, t.m.a.r way1 and me&N' l<rl R of Puadena.. TMtr tie.red net Wbo w IOClal ch.Linnan tor the L. J~, Neeptlon; xri. Am.el~ rroc~ dupll~t.ed. uaat o1 the ma-~venln •• introduced the rame ot O&mble, budl'et and t1n1.1.1ce · Mra. tron of honor sin dtt&U Wt were 'nfty. i wtth the .reault that Se:n- Dodd, -if&N; -· o. w. 0 ftldl. ~ ~ ......,.. 'nlelr ,_.,. wen tq.•l J:lol• Klnr """ n ... t prlft &I'd. ,_rw.Uoruo; XIM LIUaa IC. .ai.o W!UC. ~uona. . and ~ffjallter, Arguo ,Myrtle Hum • Dulolll J1o4 °"-~ ~)rlflbliG •• n.t xo,....r <f bdlo Im beat pb...,., l"on ...,..,.. M .... Gorton K. Ha.rft.y, Kn.. M~ L. Rabbitt and 1IWl aaldat&aQI and su.eet. w_... UJ~ed "'hOm.e-mad• eooklea Mn: M . K MVrphy, book oictl..,.: -Cod by .-.. Oil-Pelot"' of ~ ... Mn. Ho~ Pvbr, an: lrlrL E. llnpme, l>Lltobert ThOlftl*>ft! t ~----- 0 . Do.uie. ,...sai, and Kn. c. w,, ot Whittier ·and Harold Piper « So-ebody Wants J&Jftd. travel ; Lo. Aqtl~ r . • • Wedd..... !"ueio Ma -by Tl!at ~ ll!n!ltun, br1o-a•brae, Watelik for u.e Alp -~·ra.· I Gufe• .._..,.... ... wt a e••Nlfled ad tn th• Ebell Juniors P.'14~·· ·, :!" .. llD~;.,.;te~":' .;::.,,.,"/. ~' Opening' Tea · .-.......,,.._pe1 ... -a1u..-• N-. .. ,'P&t,,an4""""·-· • • y.,.'D ___ _ ud apta ~ for ,..__ ,...r1y ......... ,._ Ill tM .... allletl -today! --. -- • • D£COHAl1 ~1, .. .__ .. ,.., -lalttolo ...iPAlllCS an •elie;tecl Ow"dlc:ae11www .. aldlltd .. . m1., ionllot ... ""'"' .. roD.. Nlaeciag .•• ' .... tioMI. .. 1.t ..... ,. ·-·· -.a' Ill alifi COtaiat . •• ,.,, .... 1 .......... ... C'W111I at,cmaitt ..... -' ••• fl1!ld< .... "'""· ......... lo8dc:d witb ............. . wl tarilk widi tr . f " ... .n .. w,.."""" ... ...,,...... ..... '*-_ I CHURCH SCHOOL -9:30 A. M. • • • • ... l or Ule . .arlddt father followed ~e ~u . .lu.tf ·~· ~ 1111, In1onnallty wU1 keynote .lhf. cerem•1 .....rt.h Kr11. Alim ~erv-''-'·-''-j!-_;·...:.·-,--..:'~·_:·_;_· --~----------------_::__....;.:_ first tall meeting" ot t.be Ebe.11 olub tnr la a pearl grey crepe stmne.r ' Junior•. accordtnr to Mn. Arthur dtt• wtth ~ ma.t.ch tnr aatlll trim Whit,, Jr .. chairman. nu. wtU be and. hat. Htr fiowen we.re 1ttt;n • -•THURSDAYS -• • HOLY COMMUNION-10:00 -A.M. 100/o Discount on Any Purdia1e • (UcgT A.llALONJ: u4 l!BBDIP) • • ='Brla1 w. ... to :-: IA YS1PE FISH MARKET ~ Fish DaHy from Ow Own loatll 8PECIA.L PBJ<Z ON A..LllA.COllE FOB • OA.l\"NlNO , - Abaloae. ....... lb. 75e -Small Fr<Mien LoNter ....... .lb. 7s0 FIU:8R SWOBDFISB. ALllA.COllE oad !!ALMON llABaACUDA -8MOlllD PlllR -UA. llAS8 ~ oa llre lla7 lSEWtV&r -411 . .. , MHIM-' -·-····--·--~ UST HIM ... • ····--··········~ ... ,. ----- , Hall's Ranch Co ~ Jiii aaR-oa nYo. <JOllTA. Ja8A. Get That SwordfWiJ THE BOYVEY HARPOON GUN' a m,mb4-rth1p ~· and faalµqn otthJd.I, · . ~ "' the Mme "' ..Kr.; w: a.. l?lben Ullsttnr at thtt Tf!CCJ>- P'\•h,r, 149 !lhol' C'Hff Ob Sept. tt.D. were Ml.81 Patrtcta Wueatholf 27. Style. will be abown by and Mra. Robert Wooda of µ,. Lorne'• of Balboa Ialand. A den-An&"elu, Mn. Jack Kirkwood a.nd nlte con\Jnunlty welfare progT&m MiQ: Eint. Anderson of Whittler la plann~ by thee rroup tor llle and ~ Marrar•t Qarvey of comln1 yea.r. Montebello. ' Out of town runt. Included Mr. EID:LL BOOK 8IOCTION° and Mn. Haward Wenrtck, Mr. A. nvtew of Leo Tolatoy'• "Wlt and Mrt. Larry Wenrick and J:r- and Peace'' wtJ.1 be g1YCD. b,: Bun-nelt Wenrick Of San Mateo. Mn. oter Crffly w•ll ........... 1' l!lo'J ·illlcp aod O\lmey N ewlln literary ~lea, when -tie~ f AnrelM. all couatu of th• PllO\-N club Third Book lffllon meeta brf . ......_ " ~ • • • ACCUllATE SU.RE 1 • • • October 11. Time and place w:ill i..e.i Gaelt.a t deal be unounced by Mn. M. Marahi.U ,~ a your era .. or call Murphy, .leader. From Newport Beach were Jlr. Barbor 1974 ...., Mn. Eybon s. Whl,. ot 8bo,.. 1 •••••••••--.J -People do read the want ac&. Cllfta, to whom the weddlnl' wu • PEP UP >L .. Your .CA~ ' ' wmt·Tttis ' MotoR rU .NE·u'P.~· , -> • " • • of special lmportanct tor Mr. White bad, 2t yean •10 ,euved "U beat man at th• weddinr of the br1de1roonfa pannll; a.lJlo ¥rtt.. W. P. °"!ket ud Robert Durkee. Xra.,J_,.i, Coberly, MMI. S.'m rah&rD and Mr.' and Mrs. o-P T>nlloy, Jr, all of llal-Island. Prom Udo IM• were Kr. and Mra. J. Addl.90h Gurley, and M:ri. Gurley bad been • hoettu at a !Unch-t9r OlN!l •t Bal-Bt.7 clUI> ,Prior to Ille .. eddlnf. 'hiendt of C&iol'a ll'om lt.P. heu Collep who were pttllellt \II• Kluto Cbrla C&lru, J;a~Tyi Trainer ao4 Jo 8baw. . Uttle Pamela Beahm, we&?tnr fl fNck · tuhloned after that ot . 111,t bride'• att.nd&nta, p.- out to l'\IUU am&ll net boca of rx.-to 4-at tlle.J,.,"f.;.ia .. Uly left on tllOlP' bip. , • Tllo -II& ...... Allon will Ire at ....... la CllaNm4DI. ...... U.. .former ~ta alteed:lac Pomona CJr1Ui1e. Be 19 a ... ,,. Dtlta. · ,' lloU! Ille Jo<lq' -1e .... ~ -!"Nttttt lllp -... Kn. Alla atulldell ~Coll ..... ' 'l:atin' R:•vu•' to Open. Ebelf Club-S..son ; I • •i 0, I ......... ,of Ille :aiill -., Jr9qert ... -" 0.:'Jt ..... b:at -at .... 4 Ed ll•J:W'tn llllL -4.llla 'h? ... ~~·-'•' .. .. ---..... -....... . L&ta ..... Wiii .. tM ........ 1Mll1t; -~ .. -. ..... ~ ..... --............... ~···· IB NO BllBB'l'l'l'U'l'B roa ' CIR GULATI .ON I . f' -~f u 'Wa~t RES~:~~ from .,Y~~r AdvertisiZJgl ·I . I I· I • / • I • . . And there is no better "Result . Ge,iin.g" combination than t~e ~~StfOPPING . NEW.S" and The ."NE~lQ~t;IAi.Bo~;PR.a~~f .. ., ... ... • .. • .. • ' .. • • - • , I .. • • I ' " THESE ALL AMlllCAN SPICIAU Dl'ICTIYI . THURS~ I'll~ SAT~ sin. 20-21-n· ' flNIST NOITHllN YI.AL , CLUa··sTEAK O.le-7·1••• C•.a....a..t Cllh VEAL ROAST • : , . . .__..,. Nertlle111 Yeel S .. •W•t •. VIAL.STEAK . ' . , late111 Sllcetl 48! l'n .. Sllcetl 39' FiESH PORK . 7• PORK 1 LIVER . .. TURKEYSwllle ft!=; BACOM91 My SUcetl 59 .. Owe• a..,;j 4-1 1•. A••--~·:-1·11t. Celle Pk9 ........ , ,,~, LUll'S 21' LAIGE SIZI 9UALITY a FRYING PURE LARD · SHRIMP ' flNIST NOl'rHllM . 49' HALIBUT 'ST£Al(S ····-;...................... ,• 1oP Oualify vlGEr ABtiS ' ~~~'M '~-· 0 , ' •. ~II') Crisp, Juicy. WashlncJton Stat• Jonathcin-(Fine for -Sc:hool ,Luncl.-s.J : .. :. APPlES . 3 lbs 25c U. S. No. 1-Larp Smooth-White Rose SPU 1DS ·fO lbs 33c -. . KITCHIN CHAIM . WAX PAPER . . .-_tts'1.IOLL " . . • HIW llOS. ·1~. Coffel ." . .. 1·LI. Cl,N-. < . ~79~-~ ~"I"'· .. I I . 2-tc: Lart• Boffle .... ·: · 1 I · . ' ·. . . ;IWIMIJY WHITI 01 ~..OC: PllDGI . . ·cAK-E Ml:X ! ' Large . . .40-oz. Pkg. I • I ., ,• . ' '· - , . • r \ ' • •• .. ~---..... • ..... ---- • ~~.lti~--~,~J.~ .-~ ... ,r,1-rsff *':r-~: .. 231 -~ JE'l.:L .. o _. . (OffD CAKI 29C.. · • · •· · . • 't • ' ' lllt-#•..., . ~,89ir·1LR .... ESSlettlellG 24 I • ill . -: ' . . .·. ' 'st::,,,.,;·~ . SMAI tAffl1l:· ·ciiins -':~ 2sq · ·· · Glelle A•l P•~•. 29· J . ELOU.R Lt•·~~-.. 1• I L~ CAllN 23 J • 1· SC SYRUP ' 12-. Cf '·2 ...... ) ·-: . • . ,; c.. ...._ _____ -I • . , . • · Golclel'! StaJe's · ~ -PAR· TEE 1e1· . .. . ' 2'._. T•ll 2·~ c~. , . ' ,. ' , . . ~ --.. ~ -..~ . -·•'+-- . ' . . .. ' · lest Foods ,., · -, · .SAJj\D · .· . . GIL .. , . --. . .. . • 4 ' • • Plnt r :9uaf;t -38c.5· · ·~ . ~· . . -. . ~ . "" ·-. . -· --..... -~-~-..... . . , ' . , . " . . -I . ·. ... . • LADl'll;OSSO.,. C~LOIU PA~I , ';~ , ' ., 1 :....... 35 '. . YAN CAMP't . . . . 1· a · ·. T:OWELS ·,_·-; ·,,.•a..r: · .-.. '¥0.RK & ·-~N$~--·. ·"~·: v.~ L...:......; ___ ...;.... _________ __,_, ' :II ' • J_ ' • • .... ' • I • LUll'S .911~1" •• ' . _ FUilS"' .. All ~. -~" cer • • ·~~st~. _ .. ·. ~s&· -. , • ·u· -. • . .. . ' "" . -. . . , -~ -· .. ~ . .,;.~ ... ,, . --~ ''! -• • ..... , ... ,. ..· 11 .,._ .... "-~ . . , . .._ .. "" ·..:--. . !!:. • ~- ' • • • •• • I l • .. • PAGB t UPI. U. lNl IQWMH Ml" POftAllBOlftl<G ·~ 2 2 I b • • • NEWs.TIMF,:S ..,;;_ ·Ev~ry .. ~esday ' NEWPOBT BAY POST-}Ve4Desda'9 ' NEWPORT-BAI.BOA'-PBESS._ Thunclayw lfewpwt.., P-.t n?m'&.I A.At_.,...,.. h11b~ N-n.. or ta. ft......,...., 7• · lllNDIUJI AD IS 6 UNA . All Qnadfled ... mad lie ..,ad (er oMat-la ...... ~ P"ltMMU. ' u-1 hper •• 115 > . ' l4M J ..,_ • :uo ' LIMS •s Pa . %.00 . pen 'l'tle publllhen wOl not '-~· tor mctn tMn on• meouwt tn.eertion. of u advert.l.Hrne:nt, ruuY• the rtiht to cornctl1 daMltJ any and all a.di and to, rejeet any advwtieeme.nt not confornilnc to rul~ and regulationa. Advertisement. and canc.natioN w1ll be accepted up to a p.m. on UM d&J' ptteedlns pabllcatlon. Except de&dlin• tor News -Tlmu la U a. m. Monda.ya ..... Bat. 10 .. Mir for ...... ~ er ... -Md nmlttMm "* NEWPOJIT BAKa0B l't7Bl',l.llHING 00. Classified Index 10 _1.._Glllde 11 BuOdlas lllaterlolla 11 BulJ.d••c Senteee ,,_ 11· Sliad Your Oar H~tloa n Rooftas Co-n 11 -..i,. Alda 11 Upholst..rtas !O Bealtb Aids Z! I.Mt aad Fea:ad u Selloob. Jatructf• %8 SttuaUom Wuttd %9 Hf'lp W•ted so Sale. MlleH•--.. 30-A 8- S<>-B ~ u w ... ,.,...,llGT H Funol-t .. Sele U·A A•tlqoe.• SS BoaQ, SoppllN MMoaloal.Badlo aa Dop, pat., P•ta .. Pou11r7, Ral>blb ll UTIS'&ock • II Special .•EMGD<Jflmll& •e Bntle_. Opportual.de. t l Storu ud OflleeaJ U ll'uted to R.eat . U Ap&rbnea.ts Ud ROUlllN U-.A Trailer 8piM:e M Room. for Real ,H.H.HOLBROOK · DEPENDABJ.E PLUMBING A Prompt • 8-lr S.mce Mall>talned Phone: ~bor 141&-W 2301 BallM>o Blvd, Newport Buch wi.e people~ read the &dL IN'l"dtloa -muaaa PA1NTIN01 ~BllI> -INiiUM:D · Glenn Johnston ll01 • Slot St. Nowpwt - Harbor U9T~ • Mdl WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trajle..,.maintell4Dce work. Have toola and miura· for any job. • Call BILL ' Beacon 6451-W • 57c68H PAIN'l'ING EARL' SHEFLIN m hlmw 11t.. Coot& - -M67..Ji ·- • DAUTlClAlf ~ llalr 8tyM .flft da19 •·~ BuW lUT. J:lCPIDUllNCl:D.fUU ~ --k~ret&ry. "ly.rlto -ti· Ienco a"4 cit~ tq .... ,-0" ™' paper. 'Ill!• • • ' . I 1 • • • #' ~ . WMili'AD wiU cost yo~r. • "' , • • II.-'. ... \, ' . . ~~~~-... ~ ~ijl i~ '" • _, • I '·"" # ,, · i~~ ~If 3 ~-foe•~ .P~P•~: ' ,, A Mi • . . d ' mmum • ••· 4 • • • • • .!'. • USE . Pl, ~~ASSlftED: PHONE HAR · 1616. • 7 r I 1 ; a 2 t 7 2 2 ' 1 : n 1 a sQ 1 · s 2 : 2 · , 2 MANY FINE HOMESiANt> APAATMENTS 'Fol RENT . , == .••..•••.• bJ.=·······--. . -· lll~C,"-~llATl'llOitT-N1ce1j W•nt to-<uove? , 'D=-.'Pl'A.1:,'7Q _ ' .... ....,_.~,Oct. ...... ~ • . .. ....,..~ ... ~l ' -.~·· ~ ~ l)W 'J>l'llll. Pit. We'have an exce!Wit llJtlecitlon 1..2-3 bdrm. hoU-l X.,-UIT..J.-' • 11~71 At'L and boa.-Winter I: Ye.r Round .-s>ROOJll J'iim. H-. J'umiabed, and ufumlabed • · -la -~ C1oo< • ' . Winier or 1Mf'IY PAUL C. JONES 11art1or 8'15. , 19pu Call tod& , , Rental Agency 110un:, , bilrms., . rJ: L. ~elwiet 2307 Balboa Blvd. 2 t::i re.. llYtDg ..... ~-• Barbor 2313 . N s-11-Harbor ,,.. .. w. Realtor ~ .. 1•tt• ( 7lc7e 1528 Coaot lllghway . h------------ eo.,,,,. c1e1 Kar l'b. Har. 21ae J'UllNIBHSD traUtt wttb ·bot y ... Front Rentals 1k'!t water aoll prtn.U ~th, o<1u1t.1 • 1 bdnn.. apt. Private beach. ------------t call week IDCla at 1"3 Harbor ' ' • ,i . ~In ,7$: Alao 2 bdrm .• 2 ~th, PLEASANT ROOM. ... !boa l'tn· II.Iv«, Coola K-. 74c75 . tn.sula. Kitchen prtvilep.t -==7'.""'.,..,---------•· '1211. 8llpUy lilrher G&rare. Phone Harbor 02'5-R. N1lW 1 ~ unhnllshed dupla, J . · byiiev. Ha.r. %532 or •va. Har. T3cT& near Archea. US mo. yearly. Eqierienced, r..i e.tate 'brok· PIN11 HartNw 1616 er to jork in ·an eeui>- ~, .. K.. · l9tfc ; ----·--------Hotbot ;lJU•W. 7•p71 WINTER RENTALS P>:NlN· CORONA DEL MAR -FUrn. I liahed dt'flce. Write Boz'R, ~ewport-a..Jbot Ne-l'bw -Newport<aan-Pre• : this P.'}"'J"· ·, , "i3e78 . .,Newport ll;aY ~ (8~~ ~inn)· ' , 'EAUTY OPERA.TOR. pianlltee l!===============:::;=:::::===:i:==============c:!lj ...;.. ' -·-2 bd bdrm. ipt below Hfway. $1~ mo. ou.i..a.. &' u.iu. rm. apt.., tiOnt. Retrtr. aeuo.nable yearly. Alao tum. 1 bdrm. apt. and eom.mJ,f1110a. SkceUent op- portunity. Vance Beauty Balon, 221 So. M.aln. 8'J>t& Ana. 7_k1~ unt Uth. UtU. lnclu. Ph. on Balboa I.ale unUI June loth. bof 1270-W. 4lt.f& Adults only. Phone Har. 1~0-J MIDDt,.ll A.GED woawa. Tet .. phone s,ervice for larp tnaur- ance company 1n Harl>ar -vea. Pbone KI:mberly 2-t5M or lff Mr. Tipton. 9 to 10. a..m., Rm. '2• OU• Bid&'.. 6 tb o.od Kalb. Sant& Ana. f4c71 WAlTRESSl!:S WANftD. Apply Norton'• Bay Shore Cafe. Ph. Bea.con 574:5. 10c72 , Libo ISLE BOAT· WANTJ:D Up to f'OOO (pow..-) u part dn. °" a.aut. new bM. 2 B R. A Smartly turnlobed 1 and 2 bed· Knee H<>ie Dec1t --------120.0Q · Pl&lform rocker ---·-··----····'2.5-00 "-o. patto 6: B.B.Q.. lltbvd firs.. . room apartment.I with p.n.ge. Hollywood bed _ tull &Lie. 2 tlftpb., etc. · %2W Clarendon Sept. 11 to June 15th. l ~droom Box aprla_s'6: lrta.ttreu. wry 8tffft. Woodland. Hilll, Sunset (twin bed.I) 175 mo., 2 bednna. eoocf, lflie n...-_____ .. _ ........ $39.!Wl 27to8. 73c75 11PQ mo. All utWttes paid. IdeaJ GeneraJ E1ecU1c i r 0 • e r, • , tor Khool teachen or profn- . USED NEW £1Al0(01''D '.µ electric chorJ · or-p\ J ~r.,. type 7·-·-··--.. -~7 .. nuso U-11....._ R1dlo -1t-1r A-. pp1e. A L M E R y w iJa INCORPORATED ' Conrotourn Np, h12 _ __;., __ 14,95 '· &Ml·. ou 1' y tn ten min-••••1 V" Lido u7rbor 1- 1 ;SO~~Sal~le::_,_iM~M~~ll~·MO~~-~--· ut... Hammond G t Splhet -~ -~ 1• HoU)'W<IOd bed rram .. 7 --·-... U .l!i "'" .J.i I Newport lleacb. C.Uf. STORE tizt1.1'rN. prac. Dew', wall Maple dineltt-eet {Ollfl only) Orpn. Tenn.a. Come tn 68tfc cues, caunters. mac. .AU have -·----·-·-·--:.:_·-···-.. ·----11'.IO ~1:fN0°~ ·0~~ .. ~~ 7'."7+, ---------- adJ'Ptable ahtlve•. BarpiQ. C&1J • ~ RENT AL -PENIN· owner, Beacon sm. Mtfc Dale's Furniture \No. M&ln, Sant& An!!-SULA -F\lmlshod 11ngfe apt., raoNRiTE l Ro N 1: R. pt.ttorm rocker. pa._l{lt and hoUHhold a.rtlcle., 10~1 Seakinc 5 hp. out· bo&.rd m~tor with ru can. 514 E . Ocean Front. Apt. 1, Balboa. Ph. Harbor !123&. IOpT• BRASS '2·ln. CentrltugaJ W'l.ter pum_p ·-···········-··············-1~ Sea.rs KeJ"O.lene He•Unr 1 Stow, pn.c. new ·---·----110 Electrle Water Ree.ter. 5 pl. alse. Ideal for 19"•r, Almost new ........ _ ........ -. .!-... -.11 5 Croa-Cut Saw -"·----'---....... .$ S H31 Placentia. Colt& Mesa • 72p74 187t Harbor Bl'l'CI. _ t lLAGNWICENT &Jecb1e. Orpj. t ill June 16th. $8 week. Utll. 00.t.a :t<eu Beacon 8611-,-~poueued. Big a&vir.-:&.-A ·inf-1-Adultc oDJy. Phone H~r- ' . .h: bupln -or a Ufetimr. Temu. bar 1210-W. 8lt!c TABL~ i!l'Op leaf maplo. 1'• x ~2" DA.NZ-8CHKIDT PlA:<O AND • ,_ &nd 3' chain. need re.finiablng, ORGAN CO., ~%O No, Main, cor. TWO APTS. Now available. ALSO '25. 2811 Bay Shore Dr., S.y •th, 8&nta Ana.. ropm and bath by · day or per- Shoret. Bea.con M~W. 7fC78 rgapent. &14 E . Ocean Front, SLIGBTL T un:o Spinet Piano. Nationally known make in per· · feet cond1Uon. · Te nm. '4 7 ..60 dowa and 117.02 per mo. at Shafer's Kua.le (8tnce 1801). 421 N; Sytaaion, Santa Ana. Kim· buly S-OST2. OOc Apt. 1, BalboL Ph. Bar. 3238. SOc74 RENfrAL r I SPECIALISTS . Ooll -er.is Linwood Vick, Rltor. BallM>o I.olul4. Bu. :IOU UcM or Har. I077~J. 73p7~ FURNISHED -2 bdrm.a., steep I . Spacious enclosed patio, real home., Udo lsle. Consider yearJy ~a.se, 1125 per mo. Write Box "I!:" thla paper. 73p81 ll'URN. 2 bdrm. Me. lArge ll.tng room. UtU. ptl. Winttr or year- ly. 1405 W . Bay, l'ewport Bcb. lnq. lower rear apt. 73tfc FURNISHED ocean front 2 bdnn. howe, 1720 We&t Ocean Frol)t. N ev.rport Beach. m mo.. plus uUI. for winter months. Phone Beacon 6433-J. 71c78 PENINSULA -Winter re.ntal. New 2 B. R. houae, turnisbed. F ireplace &: patio, $90 mo. 416 Bel-Vue La.ne, Balbo&. Shown A, M. only. 1 T2c74 NEW 2-bdrm. unfum duplex at 601 Poinlettia, Corona del Mar. Phone owner. Harbor 119S-MK. 700 Lark.spur, Corona del Mar. 74cTg ----------NI C 8 LY FURNISHED 3-rm. apt. Accomodatea 3 or 4 people. GroUJ'ld floor with private patio. $7:> by month or $70 on yeuty leue. Utll. pd. 440 Heliotrope, Corona. del Mar. , . 74p-75 WANT TO SHA.Rl.: my &ttncUve house\~th girl or woman. child o.k. a rm&, pl&no, patio. Har. t70-'RK, 711 Heliotrope, Coron& del ll&r. 7fp'7S ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. turn.lsbed :Batbo& Bay Front apt. Wlntu rental, 165 mo. Phone Harbor 2219-R. 7•p71 • NEW · 1 bdrm. apt., tum. .A.19a 2 bdrm. and p.race. Eithtt $50. 110 30th St., Newport Beach. In.quire In rear. 7•p75 BAL1lCM. IBLAND-1 B. R. clean. • att.rac. upper apt. to reflned quiet married CO\lple W Jung. 165 mo. Util. incJ. l B. R. low· .. er apt. to refined married bu.a. cpl. $50 mo. Inq. 117}' Sap- ~ phlre, B&lbo& lsla.nd. 74p71 • TRAILER SPACE Close to ahoppinl", o"tf the HiWay, $12 to $15 mo. Cabrillo Court., 140 Cabrlllo St .• Coeta M.eaa. «-Rooms for Beat PERli{Al\'l"J!NT week 1 y rut.al aletpin,r room. Private entrance. Ga.ragt", $10 per week. Blue Top Motel, -iOl Newport Blvd., New· port Beach. · Ut!c '4-A Rat Rome. "5 Rent. MlaeeJla•f!lllDm URoomJUd-, •11 Trucks poN K.. BT~-Complete lmWl.allod, ttpa!r o.od U .L .L,,:;, •rvi~ of ·a11 trailer 'equtpm.mt. BENDIX WA.BKl:R the 1961 de- luxe aotomaUc w\th t.be asttar tor and the watu ••er. You don't hav,J to bolt It do~. U~ only 2 mouth.a and not a acntch on Jt. Bala.nC. dU• II \1~. P&J me cull or ~ p&ytaea.t. or '11.H J><r '!"'· Bee :iii-. Baugtin. 4<H Bo. ·8padra. FUU.r- ton, 9 L m .... & p. m. Of phone '2102. T4tte TRADl:Jour old piano on Dectrlc . Orran. 'PJano or Televlllon. Bl11t· ,Vt cUh ·anowan~. D.ANZI> 9CHKIDT PIANO CO., 620 N. Mala, Sant& An&. FURNISHED APT. -SM mo .. 3 rma. and bath. Adulta. No pell. NO drlnken. Center ot town. 11'7• J'ullerton, Col.ta Mesa. Ph. Bt.a.c:on 513e·K. 73c7l5 FURl\'ISHED 3-rnu. rear botise, $47.~ mo., qtll. inc. Cpgta"Meaa. ALSO JSingle. apt~ $3l5 lflO. Util. incl. Balboa. lnq. 719 W . Balboa Blvd.: Balboa.. 7tc76 BALBOA ISLAND room with bath and kitchenette. Private entrance. Elec. refrl(. Very n.lce. Winter, $8 wk. or by year, 110 wk. Utll. paid. ·Harbor 2128-M. 73pM 43 Automobiles. ~ •9 Auto. Waat.ed Mt Auto Suvlce 51 TraJJers 6% Alflll- .. &6. Mo~ to Lou 158 }lo'Dey Wanted 51 )lea) btate Waated Lie. General Contn.ctor ORANGE COAsT Reaidentlal~mmerai&l TRAILER SUPPLY Remodeling Plloae Bea.con. NOf.. W ., 1910 B>JtBOR BL VD. 1Ttfe C,lta Me-. Phone Beacon •22t-R REMODEL and REPAIR' Residence or Commercial R. L. 'Dick' NelSon Sr. YOUNG MAN'S SUlT.' about 11· '-18 yn. Dari. blue pla .trtp.-- 0?\lY worn !5 time.a,. oulgrqwn. Lea thon % P"""'· Pit. 'B&rt>or 28'9-K. ' 74oTI ~ . NOW 18 THE TDO: Bill'.s ~ture We 'Buy, Sell or Trade ,_ . 1505 wen Balboa Bl.Yd.' Phone B&rb<Qr J602.'R 1'-lt7IDI COlll'l.aJ'll BOOP~ -hnllturoudrvp -pi>oed. ,...,_ -m•t• Genrral euudtnr Contractor ~ ruJlerton, Newport Bffch Free Estlmatei ·Beacon 6779-W . T3p87 To ft•& )'9u.r 1'ome •r apt.-TV Sri', RC.A. table mod~; tabM 1"11.. BARBOR lftl and pla.c4 7our and aerial ucdlent con4Jt.1on. J'llll7 --' Al's House & Rug Cleaning Co. 514-7 29th St. Newport Beach -BMCOO llll '1t:re ' 14-Penoaals Alcohollca . Anonymoua Writ. P . 0 . !lox 200 ... lboa Wand, Callt. Plioae Kimberly 5- For Venetian Blinds, ii-Lost and F011Dd Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimata Ph. Har 1!M New Ha:qliltoil and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERHEAD 117 Cout HJway, Coron.a del Mar \ 70t!c VACUUM C!.EANERS Electrolux and others, $6.85 up. 100 to chooee from. HANK'S Vacuum Ckmler Co. 801 S. !laln SL, Santa Ana Klmbttly 3C29611 LOST -In Balboa Bay-2lore or Bay Club. Gold costume ~wei.. ry-pin. White stone· eet .an bloa- aarn design lwo-incbea hip, one lnch wide at top. Subatanti&I reward. Phone Bncon SOM·J. .• 73p75 LOST -Set o! keya on a chain. HM veterana tag on It (9V5113). 'REW ARD. Return to Mn. 8eJU, Balboa Inn. Balboa. 7'c71 . ' Z&-Sltuadoaa Wanted · !ltNE IRONING will c:olJ .Jar and deliver. Curtalu: l,c2c..-....;;;Bo...all--.;..d;;;ln;,,gc..Se~rv1--"'r----1 Hell>, ""th dtnneT· putld. Piion• -• " ' lft9. Wllllami, 'Batbor 159~ be- Tot!c • FJSHER '""' 10 a.m. or .,..,. I p.m. • TOp7~ Drafting Service , Ill Cod!. BJsbway, Barbor 2«a Coron& del Mar •" 'latte EXPl!llUB?ICED ~ Wf.lll Work by Bour OT Job. Call Harbor. llM·M Wut ad ~! Beat otter \&kea. Phone daytime USED REF'RIGICRA TOR (Ser.ell ApL 1lu, 4 cu. ft. ~rte-ct con· ditlon. Very clean lhrouchout. U9.95. Olhen from $79.H, ,.,,,,.. STROOTS TeWI~ HDWIC. 1802 Newport Blvd., Costa M'tA Phone Bu.con 5222 GAS m:.ATl!:R, :IS,000 B. T. U. ~IT'CulatlnK mth pU<lt. Reuon· able. 2128 Miramar, Balboa. 73p74 KI 2..em ·(Mrs. Desmond} •or call evenlngl 131 Opal, Bal\K>O IU•nd . ' 'rnp7& SS-~ SaJlll!ie! , Chrysler Engines ' Used Crowns ,..... ~oyals Gl\CA T SALi: of auminer return• ed ~t planaa. Save trctn sroo to' uoo. uk. new~ FUU pa.rant.ff. Rent.al tum& 'f>ANZ· 8i::HMmT IIIG PLANO ~'TORI!:, 520 N. M~ cor. &th, Santa Ana. UNT A CLAIUNl:r. trwnpot or other bud \D.ltrwnent for.~ a month. Rental appUu ca tututt purch ... at SJUriR•it KU81C oo. ltltnco ltO'H. ·m No. tl,.a· mott, 8'ni. AB&. KI. 2-Ql72. ----~----~--WANT TO ·SHARE my 3 bdrm. Amazing! ! FURN. APT .. Newport Beach. lfy home with emplayed lady. Ph. Harbor 2897-J evening&.' tffc71 • be.st summit rental-due to . ill-WELL FURN I . . bdrm. bouae .. nu. -roe. on yur's leue. 2 Servel, .service porch, fenced yd. bdmi&, pr . .It ulil. incl., S&'i mo. Nea.r .ocean front. wtntu, $60 o~ 175 on 9 mo, leue. Call Bea-01 . mo. l 27th St., Newport Bch. can N87·K. 73tfc 74p7t Jf'URN. 1 .bedroom apU. Ut~ pa.M . Nf&r rt.ores, $58 mo. It up. 1914 .Newport Blvd., c.o.ta ldf•. - I • 73c~ SEASIDE AM'S, nJcely fUQtlJ5hed, 1 hr., ·utilities .included. ""Y .early rate&. 1128 W. Ocean Fr., NeW- 'port Beach.' Harbor 2385. 72p84:' GR.AND PIANOS, 25 ro.alcea. Used from 149!i. Term•. Stel:twt.)'. PIANO AND ORGAN CO., 520 WIN11i:R -Fu.m.l.ehed 1 A. 2 bed- Muon 6: Hamlin, ' J'tacher, l room apt. Good beda. Servel Kn&~. Chickering and many Hfrig. At 1802 W. Ocean Front. OCEAN FRONT turnished apt., suitable for 2 &dult., $45 mo .. yearly rmtal. Utll. pd. 1!504 W. Ocean~ Front, Newport Be&cJ'l. oµafl'I. DANZ. SCH:M{pT, tl20 'For appt. to att, phone Harbor No. Main, Santa An.a. Remem-37'0 or H&Tbor 2805-J. .tac75 her: comer Ith. PR.A.encl: piano., Sl59 , tn .. xctl· J~t playtnl" condition, $1.25 ~r Wftk. Terms. 2 yean exchan11t Of f\111 p\lrcbue price. DA.NZ· 8ClnCIDT, '520 No. M.aln, Santa Au. Rl!:NT A PIA.NO for only '5 per mOn.tb . .llrnt.aJ appUeai on· tuture 'Purcll-ot ·SHAFER'S MU· •SIC CO. (Since 1907) 4ll No. lyftmore, Santa Ana. Klmber- ly 2~12. BA~.A. -Year round, lovely 3 B. R., 2 bath apt. Patio. Sun deck. Ga.raat. F)Jm. SU6 per mo. UUl1tle.s extra. Phone. Har· bor 3277. -73c7?1i ~ALBOA ISLAND We ~ve apartme.nt.. and houte;_ Available for winter aeaaon or yearly Jeue. Wtn. W. Sanford I Rll:ALTOR I Park A\re. at_M&rtc, · Ba.lbo-. laland Harbor 2462 ~We 7.f.c76 UNFUR.N. l bdrm. apL, best loca- tion. Ha.rdY.·ood floors, t I t e. Garbagt" diaposal, auto washer. ~Yearly. 311 Marguerite Ave., Corona. del Mar. HarbOr 0574-J' · evea. and W«k ends. 7ic76 YEARLY -2 bdrm. duplex, un· fumiahed. Gara&'t. Near both echoob:. 22S:i Clay, Cliff Haven. For inlormation phon~ Harbor 1Z97_.R, 61tfc UDO ISLE --: Nicely tumiahe4 2 bdcm. home, TV -Cloee to bay, attractive patio. Phone AXmlnlstet S-2310. 73p7S CORONA DEL M.A.R-1 bdrm. up- ptr duptei. Semi or untumbhed. $30 mo. yearly. Phone Harbor 2314. • 13~1· • ROOK '"th pri. bath 'It ent.ranca and 1undeck on Oce&n' Blvd .• Balboa Pen.IMUJa. $10 per _wk. Calf Har. 2689·R after 5 or week end•. 74c7t • Rewlt.s come trom constan.t Practice!' An ad n(Ularly 1a this paptt wtn produce reaU.lta for you. 51-Trallen Trailer . Storage Well Protected EL NIDO . TRAILER PARK 8'ld Sale• l&fO Newport Blvd., Cost& Mea, Beacon 632$.M. 71c12H LOANS ·For Homes •%-20 yr. LQano 7 CONSTRUCTION LOA.NS at 5--:i~,-P (lf. yrs.) WE BUY AND SltLL TRUST DEEDS BEE BOB BATrLER HI~ COAllT Bl.VD. C.Orona deJ Mar Harbor 1071-J' Rep. P01Rill:R KORTGAOJ) CO. Ketro L!fe 1-i'lmd,o Bl. 1-6115 LOA.NB TO BUILD, D1PftOVm, 8l1T, KODJmllUZll, Olt RD'INA.NCIC We •Bui' Tlult Doodll NmWP<lRT BALBOA. nt1DJ:a4L 8A VING8 A LOA.N .usN. ' lass Via Udo n.. Bar. UGO 11150 Cadillac, 6-<!r • ..a... -slcklft!lo. -I --7"-_7_,. . . I ~~' oonwtlon (1 owner) -----h3n' ' ' . llHI Cadtlloc SOS l'lee-lledao, orl(. black •bony fin.lob. 1 -6.r. Blxcept. c1e&ll tllruout '1771 • I t r l I • • --. ' ---• • • • • • • . -• • • • I -• • -' . . ::;_ M.ANY .. tli'ol 'c·E . SELECTl .OHS o'F REI(, ES -TITE· Ll.tfi·IJ ! ... ~~1811· 5··ECJi0 0°N _..___ -· wwww...-. ...... -··-.. ,..-.... ~·!!::~--!!!!ILJ&iaie~!!!._~~~~!•!::!~~Ml!!.!!!!\!!:!!-~~~~!82!:::!R~•~IEl~.U~~~!_~~~-l~G!;;~R~-~'~llla.!!!!~M!,,_~~~·~·G!!:~·!MI~ ...... !!!!~-!_~~~· •••Bl•=•:...._~__;' ,. .tLtlSIVFS • • BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor FRANK L. SHUFELT J, MARTIN 311 Marin.e Ave., Balboa Island - Ph. Har. 1871 or 1672 Efta. Harbor 1611 , :PALBOA ISLAND. Truly & charm. bay front ho!lle.. Six bdrm .. 3-car gar .. bricked patio & many other featwu· to mak~ , . it desirable. Price $29,500. Furn. Excellent tennL ' Want to steal a beautiful property-take a look at thi8. Ho.-, apt. & guea room with bath. B-4 apt. each have 2 bdrm., all elec. kitchas with gar- bage disp.. lovely patio. AU completely furuls.hed for $31,SOO. Terms. An enchanting mtfurn. cottage in one of the Ja.. lands best locationa. Beautifully decorated. Spa- cious & secluded patio. AU carpeting & drapes inc. in a price offered for quick sale~ CORONA PEL MAR A new'lt beautiful duplex on romer lot. Each unit . hu. 2 bdrms .. fireplaces. one b&s a private patio. TheR are in great demand because they &re unua- ually nice. A bargain at $18.750. An exquisite & new 2 bdrm. den home. Fireplace. beautiful kitchen & dining area. 1'{eai water, patio. New & expensive carpeting plus all dnlpes incl.J- ed. Unfurnished, $22,000. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR TO CLOSE AN ESTATE BAY FRONT With Pier & Float- i BQRM. HOME plus maid's room &nd bath. ~ ft: frontage with bulkhead. 2 batheni showers s.nd dre11Sinlf roo.m•. This type of property is in great demand.. We know of no other at anything near the appraised price. $42,500 See W. A.. Tobiu right away at LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave.. Balboa li!la~d Harbor 2042 Costa Mesa The Best Tawn oo Earth Income Prop. Furn. I bdrm. home and s add'l unit.a with room ror more on a lge. Jot, 17's200' clOl!lt' to Blvd. and t1tor-. Montbly income approx. 1180. &state sale price $15.,000. OPENING SPECIALS $1000 Dn. New 1 bdrm. home-Redwood, nice appearing. 2-car garage. Close to new market on Eut Side. Payment approx. $:w> per mo. J"ull Price Only In Town I bdrm. home, l&r&e Krvice porch. lingle ~. 11otld corui:truc- tton. Lot si.U 51x.130. Price Ui $8,000, tum& One-Half Acre W ith ne&t, "''ell kept 3 bdrm. home, double gar&ge, chicken 1quJp., fruit t.reft. fenc:Pd yd. and t>e.t of location.. s~ ,.... 110nab'e down paymtnl. 3 Br. & Den (or 4 br.) • &ad rental ~ 5-'0 mo.) t.hl.t I.I a.n older home but in very good condition, clo.e to schools and church. Price only $1 0,500. On. J)aymeat $2900. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & ~iates 1790 Newport Blvd. Co•ta Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 Newport Heights Today's Best Buy !fEW three bedroom bom• wtt.h fireplace, f u r n a c e, hardwood floor•. IUbae'• d.l.tpoul, doub&e • ..,.,e. $11,000 full price Unobstructed View Home 2 B. R. Muter B. R. lb20 2 bat.ha. lup pl&.Jroom • and ahop. I ear prap. $5,000 will handle Ralph P. Maskey Ull Newport Blvd., Newport Phmle Harbor -602 ' llet!c 57-Beal !Atate Wanted WANTZD-HOUSE or INCOKIC. 30' aa.ilboet .. d.owD paymail. VaJUe $3.9~. cau Mn. A.hreu. Barbor 2t51·M. 12tfc • •RIVAT'Z PARTY wanta to buy a lot ln Corona del Mar. WlD $5750 . $1800 Dn. Nrw S •bdrm. -Fireplace, hwd garage. Approx. 1040 sq. ft. Nice location. Ca.n you lmagtne tbe f'U.11 pricl! ts only $9350 New 3 Bdrm. F.H.A. $26.50 Down WW MdNTHLY PAYMENTS La.rge horn~ "rith many extra. features. Beautitul !iv. rm. with fi~place, dlninc atta, hwd. rtoora, lo~ of tile, covered patiA, dbl. gar., r.xtra wide lot. -Full Price Only $11,300 Available to G-1. with $900 down, plu.s impoanda. Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson 1858 Newport Blvd., Ce»t& Kea.a Phone &aeon 7123 ( Acroh from COl!ta Meaa Bank ) Evn. Ha. 3157·W Bea. :M.:)8..J Balboa Island BaYfront - -- J'our bdrm.: North Bayfront two story randl style hpmr. plua complete 1 bdrm. apt. a ll turn. onr double garage& Finptace ln both unit.a. $10,000 down pa.ymmt will m&.ke a dral here. Arrange for appotntmmt.. Bayfront Almost - Two bdrm. borne, f'llrnlahed. Good heat. two-car garaa:e. Adjo1na bayh'ont and beach. Ne~ touch·u~ ud i. prk«t to aell at $11,%.'IO. J. A. BEEK -Office llatbor u --.. .,,.., pa,y up l9 $1800 caU. Write B<D. •• L. th1t paper. 74<:1' I----------- • Bay Front Income • Ulllt. complettlf !Uni., -10-ft. .. ,.~.a2-.,1 .. t11 apta" ... a .i lldrm. apta. JllDMt loelltioll ta 11"1' --9h6w• good la-Prfce,"1.-. Con• •Ider put irsde. · SHORECL!fFS De.i~ for gradollll living, thUI dl9tlnct1v:e new ranc11 type home ca wh!e lot llaa 3 .P.clRll bed.. room.. 1 * bath&, peued llwd. floort. Perced . ' a1r 11eat1z11, Iota ot tile, patio With butllclle.. 1p. dbl pr., heavy .iwr._ l'Oof, choiee loea., Pi.GOO.' • • SP9A» I.,. .... allow -· , .•. pl;J d_.'ripticm of u.e ' SpraWlirig SUbOrbaD Home Bayshores- View Home N ... I bdnn. 2 bath -. wttll nae Yiew "' a.y. ---· tlon. Flnplace. ton:od au he&t, , CORONA DEL MAR WHY PAY RENT! G.L RESALE -I'&)' onq $2500 c:u1a and - into thia · 2 bdrm. home on· R.2 lot. Exeel•t loea· tion. Dbl. pr .. 4~ loan incllldee tau., lwrance and interest. See thia, it won't laat at only $10.:SOO .' tine latiYs: ~or~ Y'*'1 .fiD4 OIU' 1111dat.es •~well Informed • If I naiderate. Come look. • 1 • .;.:J:te 2 bodn>om home lllat liie <neythlnc. Priced at Pt.· ... •not be equaled. NEARLY 2500 SQ. FT. of redwood. and ahake roQf rudl t,pe. IMJltlme IMB tllall Ulna J1!&l'S old, con. ••1'•c et tine bdnm. ud two tiW bath&. Large llvilaa -w;th firep!Me, eatranc. hall and, oep-,,.te dlablg -, ... IUDllY tiled kitchen with ample breakfut and lll&Ck area, roomy setvice pon:ll and taund'Y', hwd. floofa. epen beam ceiJ. lap, oo.i-and theimaaor beating. Long low roof.. over attacW patio poreh. 2-car prage. attra<:t1 .. 1y cltcorated, Iota cl tile featuru, large roomt. "nl.lt la one of the out.atandtnc noor plau ln the area.. Price S22,&00. $4,950 Down New .:Z bdrm. home. on Lido tale. Prtnte p.tlo, tln!place, hmaee boat. bar·type klt<llttl, sJuo mclOllld tub. Full price $1:S, 7:SO. ALSO 3 bdrm. 2 b9Us. Excellent floor plan. Out.at.anding colon tbru-- out. i"orced alr beat, fireplace and patio. Loach of storage apace a.nd bWll·tna. Price $22.llOO. I GREENi.!!:A'\> .t. ASSOC. BUILDER -REALTOR I Sl 12 Newport Blvd., Barbor ~ Real Estate Is Your Best Investment -o- Rustic Redwd. Home IA.rge Uv. rm., flreplace, knotty pine, hwd. n.. panel heat. 2 bdrm. 1 I~. tile in kltcht'n, at· tached gar., partly tenC'f'd. Nr . HI 1chool. Youra for $11,7~. $3600 dO'Nn. -o- Attractive . 2 bdrm. homf', hwd. t1., tt. t"uM'- T tle in kit chen, dint'tle and b~aJcfa.at an:a.. .Attached gar. 9~ *1· n . Immedialf' po.Ne•· afon. Priced $9250. terms. -o- Furnished One bdnn. homP, FHA approvPd, neat and clean. Don't ovt'rlook thla onf' IC you nff'd a home. 11 000 ca&h. Full priee 167'0. -0 - Santa Ana Heights ptoice 1.i aere -· $1850 -·-West End l ;t aerea $1350 IMO dn. -o- Lot.a tt.uonable l Unrea.>na.ble. ;-0 - La PERLE REALTY 1898 Harbor Btvd. Costa Meta P~one Beacon 70C3. I • 88cM Rt"8ull.a come from constant Practice! A n ad rel'Jlarly tn thla paper will produce. reMJlls far you. Today's Best Buy in Corona de! Mar Clever Modern Home COMPLETELY J' URN IS ff ED. Large Jot. patio. barbttue. Com· pletely )and.Kaped. Many other featurea. $17,000, terms See This Today! Earl Chamberlain ~ Cout Blvd., Corona del Kar (Opp. Newport Barbot' Ba.nk) Phone Harbor 2288 Mc70 NEW 2 BDRM. BEACH HOWK 1 BLK. TO OCEAN • BAY $7,250 F ULL PRICE :...... TERMS Har. 2M2 or Har. 291f·M l:Tet . nttc JUST COMPLETED In Exclusive Shore Ciiffl THREE BEDRM., 2 bath home on 1.a.r,e 80:'tl13' lot · ll&O ... CLIFF HAVEN TbrM bdrm. and den ranch type home. Heavy ahake roof, forced air heat, 2 batha, lots of tile, Ige. dbl. rar .. patio. Just Completed on large "flew lot. $26,000. Tenna. See 2352 i.5th St. Open Sunday, 1-5 Listings Wanted-Rentals and Sales W . E. FISHER, Builder-Realtor ERNIE SMITH, Realtor-Associate 916 Cout Blvd. Harboi' 2«3 Corona deI Mar · Open House, Sunday-10 a.m.--4 p.m. Everyone Invited Brand new artistic bome. fireplace, I bdrm1. 2 batht. Push button kltchm. Attractive term&. "Come By on Sunday" Corner of M St. & Balboa Blvd., Balboa 6 Unit Apt. House 21tr.. Pront on ?n•nll'Mftt A RMlly GR!:AT :BARGAIN! BAY ·FRONT HOME, $40 ,000 Completely t'UnlJAbed -5 bdnna., ntJu.lve are&. BAY and BEACH REAL TY t 4:SO Balboa Blvd. Ethel ShirJ«.y J . }(. MiJler ' Ha.rbor 1264 Dick Fay Gloden Fay BRAND NEW -Ready to Inspect THREE BEDRM. -2 b&tha -overaiud 2.car at~cf'lt'd carage. Located on tree lined «'!•tle •loping corner lot . ALSO JUST COMPLETED T?t'O BEDRM. 'l<itb 11paciOU1 2 bdrm. apt. over 2·car carage with view ot ocea.n.. BOTH HOUSES a re RANCH !JTYLE with tile bat.ha. prbage di3J>03&lt1. large encloaed patio•. overelz:ed pa.n· tied nreplacea. decorator colon and wan papera. Sepe· rate laundry room.a. 500 -502 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar Phone Owner, Harbor ~~Jl.J or aH your broktt. 74 c71 Special! Special! Special! Special! • NEWPORT HEIGHTS Lge. 3 bdrm. home, tile kitchen, lge. dining room. hwd. flooni, pnllman bath, patio, dbl. garage. Beau- tiful landscaped yard. Street assessments pa.id. A G. I. RESALE AT VERY REASONABLE TERMS. C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor · A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport. Blvd .. Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 . $1350 Down Completely tum. lovely !arr;" 1 bdrm, home. t yra. old. Quiet Eaat Side lOc.'atlon ne&r alort. Lot. of tile, carpeted wood flrt. Only S:S7M at SM per-month. • $1000 Down l.Cf'. 1 bdrm. home -on Flower St. F\ftp~. thermo conti:oled fur. ..,_,e, lath houae, nicely land· acaped and beat or tdl bu a lge. tul1 beartna avocado tree tha.t more tha.n pa.ya taxes . Only $08~. at $50 per month. Corona del Mar See these for sure! .$1$,900 Euy terma. 4 i,t ~ FHA loan. Be&utitul view, new ) bdrm. A: den. 1 ~ bra~. -..ft. lot, mcrwe rtg!lt in! $9150 Cozy 2 bdrm. prage apt_ 1"ae .IO<ali<lft. RocQ to bull4 tot -. income, Terma. rL plu.a muonry -· with $1860 Down radio con.trolled door, hardwood $925() $4000 down-CUt.e 2 bdrm. home. noora. Forced atr f\l.rnace. Lota Almost DrW 2 bdrm. Pd garage. of ti.le. CompleUly fenced ud Loe.di of tile, hwd. t.uirout. •••d.oca d. T'llemlo controled bat, land· r-· pe acaped Eut 81&. Truly under-- Priced at $27.500, ,,. -prlcod . at only $8:>00. can owner Barbor 2Kl.J or ... -&tlUSl!oncllttaRoad. 5Ttfc BALBOA ISLAND A Good Year Round Home City Acre KulUple 80ned lot. cio.e ln. Won· derfU1 for rental.I. Nnr park. Ua· wide by over SM" deep. i:.e .. 1 and c1-. o.i,. ~ wltll i.nn.. Lux• llv. rm.. dlnh>6 rm., • bod· rooma. 2 -,,_l pr. good B. A. NERESON heat and ~. moot &tt!U· ~ Newport Blf<i. Coot& K ... tlYeud ...... --. • North bay. ., Pbone Be1con 15225 &lcll . ' . • Modern duiizt. Many extra f~ tur,.. ' $10,750 ' $3000 down-Very att.ract1ft' I bdrm. ttcae. fttfltet, ..,. .... d1'poa1I and diahmuter. Wired for eleC. ~ 49>1. prace. Fenced yvd. - Tom Payne,' Realtor 310 Cout Blway, Corona del Mar ' Bay Front u ,.... .•• 1oo1t1nc toi' tiM tlilaat 'Ill ~y l1;10MT at!& .... b .. I. N-Jarc.;. S bedroom, 2 -w.,..,.,.. 1uce lot. H101 -..rung and many DELUXll teaturu. Priced at only f25,000 -tema. S. The molt tor your money on LIDd 1SLE. · Brand n~ • bed· mom. 3 •tk home with 3·car p.rap. l'hle ii really a "beau· 1¥" ~ ONLY IJl.l!OO. ALL above homes are on IOYeb' LIDO ISLE. ALSO othe.r ~ver 2 or 2 bed.room homee for Ille on LIDO I'SLE . .WU... who want to build -aom.a very fine lot.a can be had .tther on the . BA Yl'RONT or tn.fde. We are the ~EVELOPJ:RS or LIDO ISLE where JOU ca.n make a real BUY. Here a lltUe buys a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Lido Newport S.ach, Callt. Harbor 1500 DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY . .. for an a41 ln the llnly cluli· fted eedJm of the • BIG THREE- Situated In tlle fut developbic upper bay dllt. neu S&nta Ana CltMmtry Club, "" a ro..-. lot facing the bay. 116x23t; room fop a swimming pool, 1table .and J>&ddock. Offered at TODA Y'S price-- not tomorrows. Some terms. A 3 bdrm. hou.se in Corona del Mar will be considered u part. COSTA MESA REALTY 400 • E. 17th Street Costa Mess. Phone Beacon 681.A • Little Balboa Island Bayfront FinMt location with own pier &nd float. -Thi.I cll.armiDg home sitUated on an extra large lot- ConsiJlts of 3 bdrms. and 3 baths, including a very 1p&cious &nd attractive master bdrm. The lar&e living rm. with high ceiling is Ideal for en- tertainlng but for the person who demands a quiet room th...., iB a dea The many cupboardll and closets provide ample storage space. A rom- fortable winter is a.uured in this fine home ~ cause ot the large forced air furnace. If all thia ia not enough, there ia a separate apt. either for gue&ts or income. Maire an app't . to see this out· standing bayfront home at your e&rllest ronvenJ. ence. Price $60,000. AttTactive terms cs.n be had. STANLEY HADFJEI.D, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor 20 N.,...Tlmea, Pon Shopplnr N ... ----------------------- and Ute Pre. OVJ:R 1:1.ljOO CIRCULATION II THll AN!\WER! ... Balboa Peninsula Well built • bedroom home, one tull and two % bat.ha, 2·car prap, Iarre h obby hollff on Very large k>t. Hdwd. !loon. Partly tum. Plent y Of atorage. Ma.ny extru. AU electric kit· ohen. Ni.cf pe.tio Al\d attra.c:Uve landocoping. $18,500 ' IN BAD.BOA-2 b&yfroat lot., 80 ft. ~ro.ta,e. $:1!8,000 for both 'I -' On Balboa Peninsula ~l!:ll Yeat'tl old. Unlum. 2 I> bdrm. home, 2 bath.I. fireplace. $12,500 full price Good terma. WIµ · couk!er all offers. -Coast Properties Co. 301 I:. Balbo Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 2&M COSTA MESA Owner hu ldt for good. Flae S tMdroOm hou.e. Fenced large lot, - 2...car prap, all appotntmenta. Y ~ Offer Conatdered ,.or AJ?Pointment to See- HoRACE S. MAZET 308 Karine A•e. Balboa lllud • Ha>bor 302&-J 59tfc o.nler Called to Service You cu get & "ery rea..onabte buy in Newport Heigh.ta. Clean ud attracti•• 2 bedroom home, 3'ii yean1 old. Hdwd. nc:w;in.. 'douWt g&r&ge. Be8t. location. Only $8,50$. BEACON HILL ft.EAL. TT, i&e Newport Blvd., Costa Meaj 73c1'5 Modern redwood and glall8 Two ~ and servant'• quart.re. I J'laoitclll• and wood tlooro. Two yellrl old. ill crove of treee. B•1u\lful view of the we1tern h1US ~in exclutil"e 9tetl0ft -2 mtJool from ·ocean tn quiet our· roun4tnca. s=,ooo. Good term& 1987 fi.vme Ave .. Costa Mesa Phbne Beacon' 5293-W . !luc * *I * .* .THE PRESS SHORECLIFFS BF.ST LOT BUYS LOT No. 15 -Frontage 85 ft. ocean and jetty view. Priced at $6750 LOT No. 129 -81 ft. frontag&--Outatanding view of ocean and breakers, overlooking "Little C.D.M. beach." Priced at $10,500. These &re the choicest lots available in Shorecliffa. Owner anxious to sell-priced for quick sale. Terms can be arranged See Price T. McCuiston, Realtor 503 Coast Highway, Corona de! Mar Ph. Har. 4T OLIVE MILLER, REALTOR ANNOUNCES -. She bu moved her real Mtats office to a NEW , , ... LOCATION In the Farmer'• Insura.nee office AT 17119 NEWPORT AVE., Conier of W. 18th St., eo..ta Meaa. ' NEW PHONE NO. IS BEACON 5702 . Olfve Miller wu formerly located at 200$ Court Ave., Newport Beach. CORONA DEL MAR .NEARLY NEW, well designed s.nd collltructeil, this spacious 2 bdrm. home pllta separate gu..t room and bath a.ffordl every conYenieqce for year round enjoyable living. Well located· on wide lot;· south of the highway, nicely · landscaped with ex- cellent patio and many· unusual features, it will ap. • peal to the discrimillatmg buyer u representing real value. • PRICE $15,000, terins Wm. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Avenue at Marine Balboa lll&lld Barbor 2~ RANCHO· MODERN • 2 BEDRM. Shake roof home. 1 yr. old m a lge. • lot ,_,. lltll A Tustin in Co.ta Mesa. Price $79ll0 Small · down payment will handle. LINWOOD VICK, Realtor 312 Marine Ave~ Balboa hland Barbor 2IK2 S9c71 , "A Costa Mesa SI,EEP.ER" South Exposure . • • _ • · · .. o.r. P:n•1.s -3 ~ 1400 We b&ft tMse residential let opeelala: TWo oep&rate ..WW Iola ..0.1oollinc the .)arbor Klr..i. )((J,e a.ru. a.ch priced ma. TH ·NEWS-TIM.ES ·~ ~i::-~f'::~ eoftlft'1 ctoee tn. beellent tf'l'mS. HE POST • One ta GO x 91 feet. .,.. te '· , 1111 x 115 feet. O'cod -- SPECIAL! NELJ?: ~IBSON .. Bargains Wanted ' Attention: ~ .. -.--~-MW'• •111m ·~ -.. --.. """"' " . -. . ' . -.... A BUll1NDs "OPl'ORTIJNITY - 8rllial·._. 7 -, •, I ?Dvt iocatlon. A iOOd living for a "'!'an -•-ent.: .. ·Jt.W-~ 'h'o • a 1J1' feet _,ta • 1SUt 8treet !Cut of <>-. A..., Colla -. eaeb. nuo. · We have buyers waJUnc' for 1'lolae9 under $10,000 and tor -proport.y lihOWtnC good -wttbout p<.-.J - -S.. \lo tor .,.i.k --N. B. C. Rm.U.TT Co., -6 N••port -. N-· ...i. ••c• 'lkll • • 11 .... Ell•I• !Xe:'!!!P . , ·' QCmAN FROZ.'T-Dandy 2 o1orJ -latnd, c.ill. ' B. R. _,._ 11nplace, ,_m. 1------·-Ba_>t>o __ • _060ll __ _ _,.,......~- -Tiew, ,.11o. AND INOOKS UNJT at ftSe hu i-a a.. Mv. .... ldt. • ~tll, s---· * ••. and ..... ~ .... W1Uib1: wallttq dW•111 if 81,1.. -.. st pplmrc. Priced to ..n at Sle,oot,-' Balboa ~ti-cf· ~GI PIQI ·-tp ..,, .. . _ .... ,. ......... ... __ , .... -""' --. • , I , • 0 • • ' Propert.l. Ow--- -•Of Buliill, aM :r ..... ~.. ... -._,... ... ,· We ba .. -.,ua wnsr.-c•tliini ~ r , II ....: .... •..., tJptl ., ... , u.. Jt,.... JI •tnl' G .. a ... .. ........... --....... .... ,.., ....... _. ... .,. ..... -... . ....... ··= WAllll&-aMra .... •'6 --I -'11;: -• I I' ..... -~ --' - E - -_ .. _ -a --------w:U1m-1•l 1 --· I .... .... . . . 119•: County's . . . . ,,;· ""'" ·o ts'tanding! ,, ... j •rt ... ~~ ·,..,. eo I fdol• • ·--·-=· E ... T 0 '\I -.. --• * ·* * a ................ -.; • l1 I ow,, .• _~ .-= ..... .... ---~II "'8.. • . , • • -• W . U. Patloe, •-le t#! Newpwt An.. OoOta MOIJI! .,,. B•coa. ,. r •• 1 ' 1 , $72no ' Full PriC9 • . - caJJ 119 &t ~&zt»r u . ' J. A. BF:l\JK dFtJCE •a1s 1a1iaat. ._,,. '•sr a ·~ • • ' • EZ·TBlll ,. ... I < • • SE • • • . ' . ' -• • . L ,. .. :.1, . ·. -. . : . . . . • • --. . . .... ' National Kids Day fo•d1tloi Offen Fr.. Sllow "Give a kid a lift" ia the theme thia week end at. Richard'• Lido M a r k e t where National Kids Day Foundat.ioll la being honor· ed. Rl<JllARD'S )$ASY 'I'( · READ AD HELPs BOUSEWIVm m!OP Rundnda ot happy ahoppera h•v• written to i.u bow they like Richard'• "euy to read'' advettJ11116, with each dtp&rt• meat clMrly labeled and euy to f ind. • • • B-ZTBJll • . ' -. . . BOK . . '-... ' CATERING PROVES HIRACLE IN SOLVING PARTY PROBI.EMS . "''°" .... ~· ... •• . ' • ' • • Cooking Schoo l Offers Latest Trends, Prizes,• Radio Sh ow •••• • oaalily •••• FeaturlftCJ lrldC)ford's Porte COOKING SCHOOL SPECIAL Signe at each C&Bh reg. liter reinind people that thia la their opportunity to give aome underprivi· leged kid a lift. Every dol· Jar donated will be kept in the Harbor Area for our underprivileged children. One houaewife tell 1 how 1he plane her mu.I.a by reld· · lnC a.round ~bard\1 Ad from Meat. to Frozen J'ooda and 1.hen t1U1 tn the other cook lnr h•ed• from the many bargain• to be found in. the Grocery Depa.rtm~t. J:nlert.&inin&' 1n your home can be tun for you, u boateu. •• well u your cueate. Many of Richard'• cuatomer1 during the. put yur• have found that Rlch&rd11 "Kitchen Service," for partle1 and luncheon•, ha1 l1iblened the· tuk at a mini- mum . CO•t and adda to the overall succeaa ot ·lheae happy occulona. Alty requeat tor catering 11 hever too .una.Jl, too large, or complte&ted for Rlchard'a 1talJ and la, usual~, wrprtzingJy low In cost ... alwaya corh· pletely aatlafa.ctory. Fr.. ~oolcin9 · School Win a lasket of Groceries! Door Prizes! Favonl Eitfler Encl As Cut -PORK .. RIJI PORK CHOPS_. .A 69c BRlDGFORD'S-FINEST • tiN-K SAUSAG E p~. 59c JIRIDGFORD'S WHOLE or HALF HAMS __ ··-·····-·····----·-······· n. 69c CHU~ BLADE or 1-ll01'"E lb. BEEF POT IOAST ·65 c SWIFTS ORIOLE SLICED BACON p9:c. 49c ............. ••••••••••••••• EXTRA F A.'ICY, 8NOW WHJTl'l CAULIFLOWER ~--·~·9c iRPPrES U-: .. :~ .. ~4c~ 29 c Riiiiit~_:_--··-2 for 17C SWEZ'I' • .nJlCY, VALl'JNCIA-lledf,.. - O.RANGES _······---··-6 k 29c ........................ --DeHcatessea nDnlmnnllnB!lnftl!I -- . C REAMY SHAllP CHEDDAR CHEESE ____ ._.JI>. 4tc LUEll'S qUALJTY SKINLESS FRAjfKS _._ .• ~.Ste YOLA."fl>A O?n: WHOLE -' CHICKEN _. . .... ·.~ °" 1.69 - RICHAllD'S OWN COLE SLAW SALAD-... ~ 23c JIAJ[E IUTE GARLIC CROUTONS Mttk 3Jc Ou s.mee to tM '-1 _.. lo U.. ""7 ol all -~" -Ally · ......... re4aAt ter .. eeF'Ykle II CTNti1' reerefnid aa<1 41~• p&11y too oman ... t .. iarce. • NEW STORE HOURS: h ly t a . ._.to 6 p ... EXCEPT-FRIDAY. · ' ....... tp • .-; ' ·We a H IM ...-. ... Uoi;ie Q U'J11 (il a ' 'ss .. s .._.. ,_ -...1z a •J111 .. ___ ) " c .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. Button• available at the checlllltands and other sta- t ioM throughout the Har· bor Area are good for a free matinee ahow at the Port and Lido Theatres, Saturday, Sept. 22 . Richard'• invites you to join • their Thrift Club and enjoy t he many added aavtnr• for "firal of the Week ahopper'1.'' Your ~oi -w.tle 11lwy Lut aielaard'a 0wa Fred RANCH EGGS . . . -~~.~ ~'!:~ 5c .0 " JILU BILL TI:LLOW qCARTEU Richard'• many satisfied pa- trona ha.ve bffn their best booster•. Inquirti today about the complete eervice , • • lt coat nothinr to aak..• Ml~. "'hip SaJad ptnt-Jle DR~SSING..,... 55¢ s"·lth Brookneld . BUmR ....... Ji.. .... 74; All Fla''"" "ARGARINE -··-· .. . .. · ... ···---~ 23c OWi S..)'86 SoMd Pa.ck . JELLO -,k,. 2115; · TOMATOES _····--···· ....... · .. ········-~ea!I> 19c Upton'• ~oodte & Ve,-rtable SOUP ............ pk,. 3137; \\'e.ton'a Bit 4 lb. pkf. l T.cle Bea'• Coaverted CRACKERS 25¢ . Dtitrpmt PiPrfec!t Roet lk. bac co~ ··········-·-······'9o Glorietta ~le PMIM APRIOOT8. No. 1 tall 2So RICE ........... lHL 17¢ Campbell'• Ve,., Be.a.a a Bal'OD VE L ._:.... Jc. r/; PalmoUvti -Toilet SOAP __ .......... 2125; C......,.,... Bouquet -ToU.-t SOAP ........ 11at112125t Clealulfor • AJAX -·····-······-13; DoUrpt1• I FAB -·-· .... ··---•c-27; Bleach _,._JI<> CLOROX 1> ca1. 26; RUil&. Yellow' at.a~ De1 )loate No. I !.-] ct1.11 PUMPKIN ... _ ............... 170 B A M SS...S. Ua BAKED BEANS ......... .29o 8,,_.. ._ ...... RIPE OLIVFA --·-··-··2'70 ll..._• t•oa. CATSUP -···-···-·······%/27e Cl•-~pod ... BABY FOOD ............ %/!lo Del Moate Ftaben Bl9ktt Mil( ·r-·-·.,-·'°OL 39; Globe A·l · NOODL~S ..... 19¢ loUyttmfi Wltlte or Yellow POPCORN 10 ... 17t iiissut , ,.,. 12; lla~-lo SYRUP l \> II>. 23 ; ,.._NBeot. '. CAT FOOD :.: 8; • SLICED PEACHES ,~ ... De SLICED .BEETS ..• , .... .-17; Wblaor. Hiila H-.u..iWlllto APPLE SAUCE ············· ., OL lie ASPARAGUS .............. x .. , ... 11c HCPG....,...,I - JUICE .--·-·--... .... "OL 19c H..rta Dolllfll · - Trl,V~ a.-,. AD a.... ' l'MA 'BEANS ............ 11 OL 2 for 29c W.olo -v_..... Pad< ' · SQUP ................ 11; KIDJ Kelly lb. lie ~~~<;.twr: .. %~lb. 33; Curt.tu Baby Ruth Nu1'1et!!I ~=ltl!I_~~~~ .... pkc. 39; Fray Bento. Corned BEEF .................. u ... 39; Qakill or Beplar llllAll--1 Tc QUAUB ·37; OATS .......................... ) ... NestJJ.. COCOA ........... lb. 39; Mezzanine Shoppe T1te Spot U9ht is. on TeI·Knlt Ironing Board Pad• and Coven $4.95 . PRUNE JUICE -···-·-·--·HOL t7c NIBLETS CORN .. -.~·····uO.. 17c Special Women A • b e 1 t o a Buraprool Cover , . • I.ioac· er lutln( . • • l:luttc Edke ••. Flt. all •t.andard boanls. Caraatloa or Pat CANNED MIU< :i-:~·-·-····· ······ 3137; SwansdoW11 JMtaat Ollie MixM DevlllJ Food ...... pkg. Z7e , Wblte ........ : ....... pkg .. 2'7c TBUllllDAY POl'ATO DINNER ROLLS ---....,·-·a ••r 15; LEMON TARTS ---· . 3 for 29; RIDAY BOSTOrt CREAM PIE ···-··--&1 • POTATO ', · " ¥-.-GL~I . ·DONUTS---·--·· & for 26; • DA.ft nt)n> IEAICLAWS--3 .. 27; 4rP~E PIE .f -51' ' lJptoll•s TH o .... ,. P••,. ...,. IJlaek Tea ·····-·····-·-~ lb. S9c Tea Bap ..,. .... 16 et. 19c SPECIAL DISH c~s ... 15¢ Limit I rro••fl roods-l!lll!llrl~- HONOll HAND IP'RESB FROZEN PEAS -~······-·-····'-·-···-····· ~ 3 for soc LIBBY -~ ... I.DIA!!. SUC£0TASH -·--··-·· . . .. : 23c iir E JUICE ____ ..... . ! ltc IU>LD IWlr t CHILI CON CARNE ... -·"' 23c musoouia FUl!lll nlOZl:N ~!!ftlEs_·_. __ ... :!.·31c . ·cHE SE ,CAKE _·---·······-lb. 2tc • • • ' ' J '. . j ' • ·j . , l U you road thil before 10 L m. Thunday yoo <Sil go this week • • . U yoo read tbla after 10 L ID. Thon\lay .•• you can go next week • , • If yoo do11 't read this at all you're inlM- lng oomethl•g gobcl • • • G-0' WHERE!! WHAT'! ... to the FREE COOKING SCHOOL . . . at the Lido Theater ... the first of which was or ia Thursday morning, September 20 from 10 to 12 ... the second of which will be next Thursday ... and ao on for the next consecutive · 13 weeks .• , The Cooking School It naturally 1pon1ore• by Richard's Market 111 -· junction with the EdiOQq Company and • dlffel"ellt local dealer of home ap. plian-each. week • • • ThW week Davia a•d B r ow 11 ..., rep-t.id with a WMUqli.,_ St-a . •• with Cle11ta Meyer1 tlle Weot Cout hOIDfl ec;.o- mlAt for WMtlllgbolllle u the Cook du Joor ••• CIMta • Meyers will 1how yon bow to eook aa oven llM!lll of Pork Chops, Baked Pot.. toes, Frozen Broceoll _ • , There will be Creme Putt. for deuert made .;.·Ith Blebard'• 0 ,.. • F r e 1 h Rech Egp ••• Next week Philco Equfr ment will be featured . : . Phileo Equipment aa aold at Davis and BroJVll, Co 1 t a Mes& ... The iMtructor ... Philco's own home econonmt . . . Beverly Keidel . . . Of intereat is the fact fhat all the equipment uM!d for the lessons will be sold at auction to the highest bidder . . . . Coolerater . . . General Elec- tric . . . and Hotpolnt will all make their respective ap. pearances ... AJao Richard'• ad each week will feature specials on the ltema uaed ill the_leu<>M , . • D.,EAN WNG ••• ·Hut.er of Ceremo.1911 ! To start the leuoM off there will be a half hoUr edu- cational movie .•• then after the hour leuon' . . . 'Radio Station KVOE with O ea n Long .a.a Muter of· Cel'e- moniea, to tranecribe a half hour radio prngnm which will be re-broadcut at 1 :30 the 11&111e afternoon .• The ·program ia of tlle qWs '9';Pe . . . the Quizzer beiq DeU Long and the An-ereni beill( aome of the l~lly Wiles at- tending ••. DeaD ~ ia a top notch K. c. . . . wrote and produced the Quiz of Two Cities • • ~ n•mely San Diego and Lo. AnplM for tele'ri8ioil • • • Kaybe you ... MOlllher the battle O'l'ft' CIJan. nela • 8 and 13' about two • yeara ago • • ~ I I t ,• • • 1 ., • ' --