HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-17 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping Newst I ; I • . V'elel-1 &-KllJJtlll•., M - AN D SHOPP ING NIWS -....-LU W 0 a W --m Arrw A 42A "1llLl8Jo:D Ar nu '"'.l!OA llOULZV.&m> NE1ffOllT BUCH, OAUl'OKNIA D:LJ!iPllONl:• HAallOll 1111 - • ' • --• I • I f 'ln•&Dl!..,P • ll1LU'Sll1' ~.. 'BJQlll'l.A.'f --CITY ASKED · TO OPPOSE SPRENGER TO ASK OKAY 90'1" ..... nAvm& -•cas IBADJ: IBOP 11' .... ~ AND llHOU'l'INO "VIVA NJ:LA!" NJ:LA'I CHARK· the =ot ~ . .::::= outallle ot tlaata Ana to .. -at Newport -- !NO Kl:lOCAN Rl:llTAU!lANT JN SOUTH llACJUNA <>i!)OoltJon of the City Oowu:11 lo _.,. fteml, ~ to PaH-lloed .... to be -ot the Oranp Ooomty hrd of Ill•THlll RJ:NDEVOU8 l'OR LOVJ:Ra OI' TRULl! .... Nqueslod lut KOllday by the lam c. x-. director Of the au.,....-.~' -~ltt. Oeuaty lloed ~. 1l'O?dl~ KEXICAN DillHJ:ll. Na.A'S CSilJll ~· of Clt'lc • A -.11ou of Diego Dlltrlct Ottlce of told tbe N..,...Tl\nM --rt!Ot that lie ...,..14 aok. a,.Pto•al of l\ll)U.IJNOIJr OUACAKOJ:a, CHJIJD CON QUJ:SO • · • IN PA<:r Newport lleael! to the ,propoMd 0 P. 8. the •1tl,OOO J'edenol Ald llecO"dary projeet. Pu...,_ of the rued lo mft.ildlNO JIERJD, J8 ~eRiZA DELIOJ:n"! DINNERS All& n..amtnc Of a Wut Newport area t ¥!OW, communlt7 Pl"lciaC to route IOIDe of tM lhtoul'b couta1 tntftc arouDd the eentnt Colt.a -'1.to up, .,. you mq cmlor ala carte. Nm.A FILLS OR.DEllS FOR a J>l'OVU. oil field. le In eft<et only en beet," X- l'OOD To T>.Kll OUT UP UNTIL t P, M. J:VERYDAY. NO Ill a letter to the .. UDCll. the "A IUl'ftY lo taklnc pla<e -U:-. WU>Dt Ill TOO S)Utj, OR TOO LARGJ:. AND BELIEVJll XI: ~ ullod tho' body's iupport h.,.., an4 In GUier part.I of the 1------------.. B!pll of way for tile rued ha .. Nm.A'S J:NCHJl,.u>JJS AND 'l'Alt(hp KAKJI ANY fART!' A befor. tha coun.ty bq&l'd of oupor-n$lonl to -I(,, It II advllal>le IAUOAN PROMOTED already be<R obtalned, 1 ll'pftnirer IUOCSllll. NELA.'B. nm 8. COUt &vd, South LqUDL Pbone Nora on the mat .. r. Such drill· toj Mtablllll tho oame IJWUlll f0< NJd, with the Ir-riJ>e eompell1 p wrr _ c-.i TUM. , ~ wowd c1am..., ...i<1enua1 ~.., ti-.. a-.... at P-WHILE IN KOIEA ~ an outrfPt rrsnt to ..-uw . e e e ftlua In th• area, the letter con· Mt their prtcu on. a per. · ,.J - A LITI'LE NEGLlllCT )(A Y BREmD )(Ill. tended. tap madntp -. " , WITH' THiil lat CA V. DIV, IN Pallladeo &.<I throuP their 7-:- 1,;""Hlllll''"""': LIK1C FOR WANT OP A NAIL the ~ Florence Coolin&', 1 pea It In I' f Under community prlcln&', KORltA-ClarHce B, Ore of Bal· at It. d<Ad ond mth SU Jo&quln 9boe wu lott; for want of a lboe the hont •P.lnst namtnc-Of th• a.re& a M~ apl&lned, each dLltrict bo& who wu recently promoted to road to a rfrht &l1Jle ln.tenectloa wu io.t, etc., etc. A. ad tale tndeed • • . proven tieJd, aht. '"Thil part.iculu would have a 1et of price• for each 1 private tint clua:, ta 9'.rvinC' wtth at M:ac.ArUlur Bl'fd. In addition, )"t.t a lot o.f you are bl"Mdini' milchlet by neld exte.ruU to lhe edg'e ot Santa JTPCeTY item and the prlee would the lat caftlry Division on the the Irvine compaoy bu ctven a 20-o ne1lectJn.i' to pt fitted lD proper and com-An& river and a line parallel to ~e ume in all ltOftll in the.. ttrhlfnl' front in Korea. toot It.rip th• tun lenath ot Pall· tort.able ahou. You may be the wont old 1Sth street., with the other boun-unity. The -prices would be The dlvlllon. a veteran iDfantry udes road tor thetwidentng ot"that rn>uch in the 1*ortd .tmpty becatlMI your feet d&rie1 next to the city." She a •t the A.me in all communJtle., rorce ot the Korean war, spear-1tree.t·to._a ?0-toot width. hurt. My advice to you 11 to pt your8elt added that the MaccOU Oil Co. vartatiorui would be penn.ltted headed the tJl'lt otfmsive agalnet Spi'ttlpr Mid that th1a ro&d over to Barber'• Boot.ery. 'n\la tarp tun!ly had .old leue1 to Dave and Son• 1n the va.rioua dlltrictl in accord-the eoDim.Wlllt.9 lut year in the when COIU).ected with Bristol atNet aboe nore hu a t.remendou. variety ot ~· tor' a larre sum. · Sb.a contended ance with ditference• in ca.ta. epeeticul&r breakthrough north· and thence to Baker street. and to tfdr everY QCC4.tlon. For sood tut• and cuual that the new owners would not ~portatlon chi.ere• and G\.Mr ward trom tbe Taegu pe_rim•t~rL Ha.rbor Blvd.., will greatly eue the •--------------------------,! cdmfort, you can't beat the new Grace Walker be cont.mt with desultory drillln(. t 1 tors. Ore Is a member ot the 7th ~ri· trtltlc .U.uatioo in ea.ta M:eu.. He Sabots ln rlch J'\Lleet bro1'Jl or red with wedce heel 18.96; or then '1'hla Weal Newport field i• 1 mmt. al.lo .rated that be wu not ad· too; there'• th• new Guardeman tlata by Hollywood Skoot•rt1 In two juet one of a number," ohe eald, Five Balboa Island .. ,.. to •llmlnatlnl' the p~ t '·t ton• brown 1Uede or black auede $1.96; Cheer Leader loafers aN> "but It ... mo nry Important to 5t': .. _ p J • C It h ltth street roadway Imm th& l'•ttlq' a bl~ yoll al.lo at only $8.96. For your drouler moments, ue," uwnfl at OftlOna OfnS a eC county plan for Immediate d .. th•N ii the Clautc Grace W&llcer black or brown wede pump at After 10ma dl9cuulon, the coun-A' Fo R Q T C velopmut and endeavoring to pro. $9.ia. No matter wh.at siM ahoe you wear, you can pt fttted at ell ln1tructed City Manag'er John ~~ONT, Oct. 15 -Five tr r C8 • • • • cttd wtth the Pomona Ave., Su· 84Jbo& .wand resident• &re a.mon« Bartaer'1 Bootel'J", 17115 Newpof1: A\>e., ea.ta MeN. Sa.ilor• to eel a map of th.e Oil the ._00 new student• who entered pertor Ave., cut ott to the Cout e e • tione and to report back the re--Charle. McKinnon. Jr., aon ol Highway. BuDeU. to Bua~: llUJtl of hi• lnve•tip.tion. The Pomona College thl8 tall. Hl(b Mr. and Mn. Charles McKinnon, By MARG_O Hen'• new• tor Uvely ladleA who must run council actually bu no power to .ecflool rnduatu and tra.n&fer• tS2 Goldenrod Ave., Coron.a del eo..tenAUoa. Felt , _______________________ .._ _ _.. 1 from Jelly. makinC to Junior Lul'\le, 1fOm prevent the supervt.ors fr 0 m trom other collep.a and Jun..lor Har, h&I 81gned up tor the Ail' Great constemaUon hu been ARE YOU TOO BlG FOR YOUR BR.ITCHES! It i• not my intention to pry . , • but pray tell me this: Ia lt beeominc a teat of brute 1tttngth tor you to m&ke your alack• t it around your middle and hJpa ! ! Do you look lumpy in your auits' ud dreue• ! Well don't ~r theae que•tloru; . . . •imply conwlt Berniece Ada..m.a at her Stauffer Sy•tem In Santa Ana. Mrs. Ad&ma will treat you to & FR.EE treatnlent and explain how the Stauffer ·Sy1t.Mn ot pauive weight reduction can help mould ~u into a YibrlUlt, pagan broth ot & female ! You can relu: whll"e exerclaing and learn how to correct your posture, tone up Your mU8Cle1 and •et youraelt a new duig:n for livinl'. Get Shipabape with Stautter! The ollly aallriori&ed St&utter Sa.Jon ls at %MS N. Mala, Santa ADL Tattoo thia number on your t ibia .•• it'• not in the book-Kl 3-7010 • • • r rue• Uf• m&I'· really told you bouaetraua ''what for" concemlng the care and handling' of fl.ab. Ufe aays. and thank you Henry. ''Today, ti.sh ii more than ever an economical occaaion.al 1ubstltut.e for me&t. It I• u rtch ln vita.min• a.nd protein content u meat. besides belnc tull Of mineral.8 •hieh DO other food aupplleL" It ju•t ao happen.a that I know ot a place where you can buy tiah ao fresh it will stare you down! Boat.a leave the Bayside docQ daily to brtnr you Sea Bau. Sword.fl.sh. Roell Cod, Alba.core, YellowtaU and M&ckerel. Penonally rd torcet theee and buy a fresh-trapped Lobster. Barry •Y• tO come down to the Bayside Fi.sh Market tor a ff'ff page of Lob•ter recipe• even if you obtain your Lobaiten: elaewhere. (I wonder!) But doa't you wonder about. where to buy ~....ii (irlle. Th• l!leyalde Fllll -·lo .. -......,. ..... --... , .. 9VUJ' .. ~ .. ..-torlel 7:-.· • • t ,-~ ..:::. ·r r nrn nu••• A.BOur ~1riBJ81111.-iw-oXA.~ -uaa Jblt- Pa.re.heal to P.-T. A., or from •a.a.bore to sub-naming' the field a proven one, colleru made up one ot the Iarr· Force R. 0 . T . C. unit at c&ufor. felt on the Yea a.nd in the entlre urba! Lee Shipley had you lovelie11 · in m.l.nd but the Leacue felt a council pro--esl group• enterinl' the collep ln nia. lnatltute of Technology. Tb.ii Newport Ha.rbor Union Hieb whm abe deslped her new gadabout.I ot Bates te1t would bear 90ma welcht wtth ~nt year•. la the tint time the unit bu been School Dla:trict about the biaect· cottonL Tbeae handaome. crea..e realatant the county eovernlnr body. The !Among the new •tudenta are made avail&ble for treahmen at inl' of the ultimate B tgb School tabrlc• whip up tnto very eleran.t one and two matter hu been beton the county 28f! freahmen and 130 tranaten. Caltech. Campu1 b}r the major thorougb- piece dreNe• ln 10lida or print.a. One eapeclally 9h&rp UtUe commuter pl&nnlnl' commlaalon. TIJe total atudent body ot 1026 In-McKinnon ta a •tudent in engt-tare whlcb 18th 1treet WM deltin• outfit t. a sand and black tailored overblouae wot'll over black n..g. cl~dea 39 tonign student. from neerlng and realde. on the cam-ed to become. Eliminating UU. r-13' countries. H road f th lrnm~i-u •·-topped flared aklrt. custom made Jwit tor you at only $16,9~. Oh S. F. Conclave ~-'boa lliland ... udenl• ••l•r'"I' pus, it.t Black.er ho~. e WU one wa7 rom . e ~ p ...... yea, Lee'• Bate• cottona g'et lnVited av~rywhere! And better con..wult ID&! •~ u• of· ttve 1tudent.a ttom the senior tor development .eta t.h1a uneaa.. Lee Shipley about her other cuatom made orlfinal• at re&dy ma.de ~amona thia year &re Seymour ciao &t Harbor High who wu ne&1 at rest. I price• . . . oorduroys, cockt&tl co1tumea. au.It.I and gown1. Lee ~k, D 0 r 0 th Y Grettenberg, ch08t!n to vbit Caltech on Stu-Whether approval ot the State Shi le Ori-'•ala. 1108 eo.. HJ 11 Oo ~ 11 Bar D N t 'I:tiomu Grettenberr, Dona.Id Lin-dent.I' Day and alter hi.I vi.it Hii'hway Dlv1aton and the J:ed,eral p ,. i A... • l '. wa.,., • roll& ar. . %8'&-J. raws ewpor gt~. and Barbara Winckler. there realized it wa.a the •cbool Publtc Roadt Authority can be ob-- TIU! GHOUL OF MY ·DREAM& IS SOME 1 of hi.I choice. Wn.ed for & re-allocaUon ot the P I' Off• tu.ndl already attur-ed tor th~ PUMPIU!'lS: On with the m.uquer&de! Comes aoon the teut of Jack O'l..&nterna ud Donald.on'• Balboa. 51tl0 ia loa.ded to the r&tten with everythJlll' tor Officialdom 10 ice 1cers Cooking School ~i;~~~;~;:~: ~:!~ ·~! W'1ll Attend Features Holiday project reworked and approved a. frig-hte.ninl'lY beautltul Halloween hoedown! Newport's city councilmen and M.a.alUI a.re 5 cent• up, 80 a.ppeu two.-faced in c:lty offlcl&.ia today rubbed elboWI wtth thouanda ot their counter-tront ot your trtenda! Children'• clown. plrate. 0 _,. pa.rt.II u they attend~ the LH.gue ~ Ridinf Hood, Alice ln Wonderland, etc., etc. ot CaJifom la Cities convention in coatume1 ar• $1.98-$2.98. Pumpkins are 19c, San P'ranclaco. They Jen. here S&t-29c, fk. Pumpkin candle• 1~ a box. Pa.per •Some PmnpktM"' urdl.y for the convention which hat• 6c up. Witche• ca.p• 26c. Tht. tine ttve II dlmery alao has opened yeaterday &nd will run cupa, tablecloth•, napkin.a and all aorta ot witch cn.tt.a. Now don't through tomorrow. be little ac&rdey cat.a •. nap on down to the B&lboa 6AIO. SOO atabL In addition to the council, City U the iplrlt move• you, put .:>methlnl' in Lay Away for Xmu! Manager JoM Sailors, Clty Engi· • • • • & w SOON WINTER WINDS WILL BE HOWLING, nee rt ebb, City Attorney Harry Blodg'ett, City Treuure:r R.A+N AND SNOW WilL be tailing, barometera will be Arthur J . Gant and City Clerk dropping. And little ole Junior wlll be running out to Charley Priest. ma.de the trip. the old red bam for hie tobossa.n! Well. no m&tter why Most ot the w1v•• ot, councilmen Junior soes out to the barn, he will be needlns a warm and oftlc1als went on the Junket. jacket! Poll7 A.ppuel hu anticipated the Ln•vttabl• Durtnc Ula a.beence ot 8&ilon dw>,ce tn the equinox, and haa a hup 9'.ocll of Jolly the COUllcll appotnted Olief ot PO: I I for only the portloN echodul<d tor I Mea p anning Immediate work. Tira·in·ing Schoo l Although th• coun\y official I. 0 . W. Richard ot Rlch&rd'1 uJd he II oppoaed to malcinl" 17th Lido Market announced. today that street a m•jor thoroughfare ~ Four policemen from Newport Mra. Marjorie Harper, diatrict cawt.e ft l.a zoned for bunnesa, he , S.ach wtll go through a. police home eeonomiat !or General Elec· did point out that tbia wu hia or- trainl!11' 1ehool in S&cramento tric Co., in the eig'ht western irfn,&l plan tor development of the next February, the City Council states, will headline the Thursday road ayat.hi ot the county. oritalned 1ut Monday nf'kht. cooking achool prog'T&Dl preaented· The road, for which appllbv&l .At reque•t of the chief of police, by 1Uchard'.• Market, Udo Elec~ wu to be .oueht t.od&y, will fur--. th~ men will ~nd one month be-trlcr-Co. and the Southem Ca.Ufor· niah eome traffic ease.men.t &t mp-trained in up-to.date police nia Jr.diaon Co. once tor Laguna. Corona del 1Lai' prrcedurea. The achooling will COit Mrw. :fla.rper will present up-to-and Balboa laland reaiclrenU Uie city -with employtnent of date methoda and ttme--~vtnr traveling to W.a.i Co;inty pointa tdnpora.ry replacement.a -$UOO. ldeu f~r plannlns hollda.y meal.a. or Loa; An.rele:• Via the irr.way. ~cllman. Dale· Ram.Hy con· Door pri&ea and & radio prosram To Aid llotortaia vljl<:<d' the ~ that the four ,,,,. Qio part-« tllo ~gram, Bulldl of th 11 ......,. ea to be-911Dt north aholild The _.,,.,.,,.,,. .cbool lt-to 'IM"'~"I' • Ur-"r""' ayea-. ~ r Pomona. avenue H9lc. to Harbor 11 lb&. TUJl"ftlnC up the wan. ..• Hay! Watch ltt Ka)'! Come back down oft that ceULnc while I tlnlUt. _. ! ; Well, UU. here wom&n rented a wall ateamer from McDoaa1d'1 Pa.int Store. She 1'UI. It up and down. the wallpaper &nd steamed the old paper oft the waJla. Get tt ! .And that is not the very half of it -You yout' own a lt can rent a floor waxer that will poUah your noon to a ballroom brtllla.n~. Mac u.ys any I year •• ~ .J:or utnmelT lltu. l'enta apa l • .J. 3, u .. 11. ~ty man. there are nd or blue lined. water ftpelknt jacket.a at qer pro i,m.. The coundl ai.o $2.16: front mppe:r ovt.ra111 of corduroy, ai.Sel 1 thru e ; l"f&Dled M.a7of' L. L. tabel1 perm'9· S2.95; warm and m.annlab. cordUf'Oy blouaa 1n 2 toned aJon to Jeav. the •late on a. hunt· brown and creen or red' and blue at 12.06; Chambny tnr trtp .• coverall.a wtth two pair ot pant.a it.9~; and email boy• a to 8 will ------ love lh• akt pa.ja.mu $2.75. Let•1 ... UlU• rJ.tl1 must at..o pre:pare for the winter, •Y with red dot flannel p.J'1 sise 2-lf $2.50 -S2.9S. Remember they are not TOO YOUNG TO KNOW that Polly Appartil is the pla.ce to go tor kids' Stu!!. PoU,. Apparel lUS Newport Ave., llooclmobile Unit Here Oct. 18 a pl<dp attlm\IDr that tlley oentod eacll Tllunda7, 10 a.m. to Blvd., would paUy -beW..._ remain ta city employ for, at 12 noon• -t:he..Udo thee.tr. neai:t travel from West Newport; ad one year following the com· to Rtcbard'1 Karket. Balboa around eou Mel& to plttion ot the traintng coune... nil;, he uJd, would allow tbe city either the County Seat. West Gehres Wiithdraws Coynty areas or Loo Angele& to capitalise on the investment. All the project.I are part of Chief R . R. Hodgklnoon In· From Solon Race tho County master plan for hiSb· nouneed ye•terda.y that thoee at-ways. It wu a TV'<rtion ot thil teP<unr the acllool will be named r,~ Coeta MN&. P. 8. Tiie llart.ettetl are comtnl' ! ! at, & lat~r d•le. At leut one ot the e&ndid&tN plan into which the proposed Slit "'Ballroom old can operate this waxer. (If you haven't one. H.nd Brllllaatoe" out.) Furthermore, you can rent spray sun•. wa.llpapar- 1.nc toola, a.nd floor sander• and edgers. All of theae r!Jbt here at thla •terllnl' Paint Shop. ALSO GOOD USED CLA.RJNCI' FOR 8ALE $16. You c&n plainly .IH ••• the McDonald P&lat Store &Im• to pleue. 1872 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA-BEACON D702. CONFERENCE HONORS UP THURSDAY AS PIRATES FIGHT 'BERDOO AT H ~ B. The American Red Crou Blood· mobUe Un1t will be st the Ameri· ca.n Le&ion H&Jl, l~th and Bay Street., Newport Beach on 'Phun- d&y. October 18th from 3 to 7 p. m. 1 -------cut-oft of the City ot Newport previoualy slated to be in f.he run-Beach wu to fit. However acqt.-....... ,... Newport to Get $6232.50 From ~iquor Fees ning tor the newly created 28th tllng ot thi• project by the cft:y California Congreaaiona:I DiJ&.rlct, Council after a rll'ht-ot-way WU composed ot Orange County and • • • IF YOU WEAi: TO POUR A PINT OF WHIPPING CRJ:AH Offr )'OW' bead and vig'OroU.l.ly apply an eu beater, I .erlou1ly doubt if anything lovely would come ot lL However, Jlm'• Be&uty Salon I• featuring the new LADY CLAlROL whipped creme hair lightener which when aou.led with a noule g'ivea you a rlortoua moonbeam mane! All nice colors including a delicate uh or perhapa a silver blonde effect. Tbl1 kindly Lady Clairol Whip shampoo•. Ughtena '-nd conditions your mop with one fell swoop. It ia war-Ray Rouo's Oran.re Cout Col· .. ------------ ranted to be especfa.lly fine tor atreaJted. uneven h.&ir. You m&y leie Pira.te toot.ball club take• on ipot with Cha.rl~y Blaclr: llated tor al., avail you.rsiel! ot the Roux Color Shampoo here &t Jim's. Either undefeated San Bernardino 1•YSH early action. be.hind him. wa.y. you can depend on a high-toned treatmenL So to make men'• Thund&)' nicht ln the g:'&me whlcb The line will be the aame with eyes wink and glint, a.pply at Jim'• tor & aha.mpoo tint. !IM Ca.at ma.t 1ertbea, coaches and .elt ap. Don Pax-ton and Glenn Woodard RlP,way. Coroaa Ml MM. Barbor 1811 day or e\~ for appt. pointed experts tab u the Ea.It.em at enda: Bob Woodhouae and Ed e e • Conference Championah.Jp pme ot M&yer at t.acklet; Fred Owens and ·A:.~ THE GOBBLE-lJNS 'LL GIT YOU l:F l'OU 19~1 &t Huntington Beach High GU M.anh at eu-ard• a.nd John Mc· DO?lii-,. WATCH OUT:" OH MY YES! Everybody School Stadium. Kickoff ia alat.ed Ha.rgue at center. -."ho aclc.I up on pie•. cakes. doughnuu and brelM! tor 8 p. m. San Bernard.lno t. rated u one from the Newport Bakery ae~11 to wind up with the AJthourh moat of the "upt1rta" ot the outetanding tea.ma in South- JObble-una. Gobbling ill particularly good now on rate the pme aa import.ant in the em C&lJ!ontla &a a result ot their the fl or 8 varieUe1 of homelike cookie•. Virgin.la fight tor tint place, they heeitate pre-aeuon sbowtnp. However, It f.(cMah&n ha11 set ulde every TUesday u N&tlonal , ,... to atate that the JOllera will be out bu been pointed out that moat ot Cookie Day. No m&tt.er where you may be &hi• next C" of the battle. A capacity crowd la the opponent.a of San BernardiJlo Tuesday •.. in th• ttrst g:Tade, dJgging ditche1. or In anticipated at the OU City grid-are still wtnleu atter a month of CongTesa. pause & moment and feel in yeur lunehpail iron to tee the battle between the play. San Dlmaa defeated Plll<>- tor a Newport Bakery cookie. TWO DOZES FOR Me two teama which have abown the mar 7-6 for the.Ir only wtn and on Tuesdays. Be 1un and watch this apace next moat In pre-seuon pme• and Cha.ttey beat JCut L. A. tor their 11.•eek for information on National Hob Goblin WHk. t•OoMJle.Ua" league openen. only win. San Die.,o i• stm wtn- :Sewpori Bak~ry. !11! Ocea.a Front. Har. 144!--R.. San Bernardino has cruahed SU tea and Pomona • Cluemont la • • • way to tour euy victories: wtth ha.Ying touctJ, al~dlng tn the.Ir &OSES ARE RJ:D, AFRJCA.'X ''IOLETS ABE lJSl."ALLY BLUE, M-0 and 87-0 win.a ovtt Cbat!ey tour • yea.r collel"e league.. You', a.nd Cal Poly's San Dtmu Branch The Indiana haw a loaded equad GET A PLASTIC FLOWER BOX IS HY AD'rlCE TO durtnl' the put two WH.k8. Ray ot Pe.ruw"tn.ni& and Ohio pnp- SeU lrrtptt.I' pla.Dttta '7h R.ouo'i Plr&tea have tmpreued lten which have bometownef'I tn FloWf'n bw Moni •-• •-n..A-• ._d. a.~. •-~ • -_..... --..-Df,"' .......,.. --tbe.lr follO"lll'era with a 13-7 over & high •tate at cheering optlmilm. . . . , ARJt YOUR FEET TOO BIG FOR 1'11£ BE>!• ! ruuect Santa Rosa. a »T defeat Quarterb9.ck Don lfeye.r, hal!-of Fullerton and last week's 34·14 back Perry Jeter and fullback \Vell •Y thm Mac, you'l-e Uke.ly to a-t. Thl'omboai8 ot waxln&' ot Kt Ban Antonio. Tbey Wlllt G&ttney ..ion. wt.th md WU- thl Preheutle. a tate worte than Platypu& FoUr oot looked hannl~ l:n cll"Oppllll' a 14-IJe M.iJna and .detemtve ata1wa.rt1 ot Fi•e quacks will tell you that teet danfllnl' Ove?' UM 0 ,J1ecJ.alon. to Oregon Tech tn their Jobn Trlvonovlch (:U5-lb. t&ckle1 edc• of the mattresa cause a. teelln.s' ot lnaecurity! But only home game of the aetlO". and William Roat (223-lh. tackle) .steady on, fellows ! Mother'a rtrht bera: betide you wllh The Pirate. wtll So Into '1'tllln. .,. the ''1.mportee" 8tandout.a. a cure. Carlyle'• FuruitUtt. merchant.a of care.the day nicllt'i p.me at or ftM.r f\lll Jeter waa all at&te at Steubenvtlle, aleep, can proride you with excellent mattreuet -mattfta.e• to flt ·~ Harlow Richard.on wU1 Ohio, and the net are t.o.P"'rated YOUR peroonallty! Whether you'H a llant·wl• oleeyer, toe-dan&ler 1 un be .uienn..i, .bdt he hun't hllh llCboole._ from PenDIJlvanla. or pillow puncher. you can have bappJer •ck tt:me on a Cad11• played .mce the oputlnc pm• Tbe Clyde wmtam.a -r• machine mattnu. ~Ir oise, Nl'Ul&r llR, twin oise ar extra lonstJ> -· with aanta -. Oulu! 8and•n bu never boon 1t<l9peil thlo year Nght now you can pt a 1138 value: box_ epdn.J9 and matt ..... Ml wm be b&ck at a rNe1'ft SU*J'd ~ to Berdoo becken--4.nd for S99: $99 •alue for SQ.SO. Other barplna too . pbuo blldCOt olot and. halfback Jim Hapy otatlltl_cl boor th-out. '•tu lo tum. &t Oatlyto'o. llM -.... ~JI-811 •• .,.. -.Jct be Aally to roll fllll blalt the .....U.er of ~ Tech'• Lar- e • • _ an.r h<lnc obdved by an • .-ry Jeter, wllo did "' well qalnlf ''BEAu:n; NJaVJ:R GOJ:S OUT or FASHION" 11lJwt. Tbere '""" ao 1AfUr1eo la COUt a few wtekl beck. Be II Neither -the llblrlmalrar -! LM Strop bu ...,_ tho ML !1Ae -· rated a hard _,_ and. e better &DOther coup and cat.ell tor lier_ .Je.LN ~ llllep. 149 II - --...... lllu1a tMa a..,...-· llllu, a.Ill<· ~l'inl' tho ft-LotdlolP --ot .. Ill Tbe ~ i...-.... -two.lncb -boy. -fb' froat ~ le ol .._ rolllllllt ._ .a-1a-. -will otart tho -._,. ~.le a ... otoot taqot ot fUll)' bleadod ;i..,. aad ..-lllopllort _..,, ... la ·-..,, F'IJ' ltblatlm -· rolltocl ....,.1,,. ~ tM••n po •• ud luC -"• an aad -or -and. -~at •U.16. ~ i...-.. --llaturdq Jl!Pt· an~ 1oe,a. w1 J-R_.., lo betel< .......,.. lo a tw. piece red - -cbedt at '2i,tll. You11 -....--the --. to sift tllo -M aa ~ with -tllat. thla--llttlo ~ ...., _.,... ,._ --••• --wll1 --tl!:rot&t. • The Regional Blood Center ia urging all the Red Croaa Branches to incrMH their number of don- or• 100 per cent u only one tenth ot the blood needed tor our &rmed force.1 and local need• la coming ln at the present t ime. In & recent broa.dcaat from Korea, Gen. Rldreway stated that 91 out of 100 wounded men &re being' aaved due t o Plasma &nd whole blood. Pluma ta given tor shock a.t· the front. while whole blood ta u.aed in the hoapitala be- hind the lln.eL Mf.k• an appointment now to be blood' donor by calling the loclll Red Crose offlce-Harbor 1m. Three Newporten Named to Council Th.ret Univen.ity dt Southem Callf'omia atude.ntt'" from the Newport· Balboa a.tea h&ve been announced aa new me.mbera ot the sc eon.ire of Letten, Art•, and Science• 1tudent council. They are Barbara Jean Ba.rn- houee ot 1.22 '28th Street, New- port Beach. a junior ln the de- partment of Engll.•h and member of Ga..mma Phi Beta aororlty: Dva M. Bothamley of 1&20 Wut C>ct!an Front, Newport Beach. a 80C1-l studtn aen.lor and member of Delta. Delta aororlty; and Ar- mando Konaoo ot 81' West Bay, Balboa. & junior in economica and member of Delt& Tau Delta tra- t<mtty. - ONLY • s ·& Shopping Days Till '.XiaS! ,Sacram~to. October 11, 1951- Liquor licenae fee earnings during the six montha ended Auguat 31, l~l. amounted to $2,8otli,009, ac- cOrdin( to Wtllfam G. BoneW, rrfember of the State Boa.rd of ~ualiza.Uon. Thi• 1um la 800D tq be distributed among the citle1 aad counuea of the State, and wW bring the total payment.a during 11"1 to '8,225,899, 1'Ebe unincorporated area of Or- aage County will rketve $10,· CH)l.28 trom the pruent allocation, while the City of Newport Beach w1ll obt.ut fe,232.M. . . jLicenae fee eaminp during the past six month.a were 10 percent btlow thoee for the corresponding ,,.nod of a year ago. Deeptte San Diego couW area., hu with-offered will del&y thi1 project tor eome tJme. drawn. He iii retired Rear Ad- miral Lealie E. Gehrea, USN, who Laat week, state &id in pre-- tn the lut election came within venting l6th strttt from cutttnc 3739 vote. of unseating Clinton tbroul'h the htch .achool property Kinn WU prorniaed High School Sup- Mc on, representative of San erintendent Sidney Davldaon by Diego's 23rd District. Gehrea' announcement that he J ohn ,Brannigan, a.uiat.a.nJ. chief' ot 1eboo1 house planninl' for tb• could no longer be con.aide.red a ·St.ate Department of Education. ca.ndldate for any poliUcal office came after he accepted. the poai· tion ot executive vice-pruident ot the Con.atitution&J Found&tlon. Thia theontically lea.Ve.a in the runni.ftf only Earl Stanley ot Bal· boa laland and Jam.ea Utt ot Santa Ana. Others ha.ve been diacuaaed and &re tee:ling their W&y but none except Stanley and Utt have open- ly announced their candidacy yet. 41 County School Boards Sign Up Aid Agreements GRENADE 'HITS LOCAL YOUTH IN KOREA Pvt. Paul Adam.a, 22:, ot Ml Sa.n Bernardino Ave., Newport Beach, rece1ved llhrapnel vround8 in the bl.ck and both lep while fighting tor ''Heartbreak Ridre" Sept.. 23, it WU dlacloled. I t.tµ• drop. allocatloruJ to cltle1 and County Superintendent of Schools aiuntles during 19~1 will exceed Linton Simmon.a haa announced thoa! of 19SO by about $8,000 be-that tl of the U .cbool· board.I of ~use thi• April'11 distribution wu the County of Oranre have lfgned wru above that for April 19r50. the mutual aid agreement.a re- Now in the Swedlah Red Croa hospital at Puaan, Kora, Adam.a WTOte hia friends, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril B. Norri• of the local ad· 4"'"' that he had 1-11 hit an ... five .days Of flrbUng". Said hill letter: "A• we wel-e pins up a hill to relntorce it., the Koraa.n.s pt abo'f"e ue and one tit their band grenada landed near me, I got" oprayed with ehn.-1 from my anJc:Je to the middl• of my back." He worlr:ed h1I way to a forward ftrlt aid at.ation and was removed to the bo9pital. Adamo wu in4!1c:ted lut - f , recelvfn&' hlo tJtlnln&' at Fort On!, B• Jett for Korea In A.uruot. Hil pareats now Uva 1n New WeRmln.lter, B. C. He wu for- merly employed by Narm .. , Iioc., a eo.t& 1'e"'1 plutlc. COllCfta< Commentb:lc ~lcally OD the quested by the Civil De:fenae and S2,8M,009 to be diali-tbuted within Diauter Relief CotmcU of tbe t& next few days. Bonelli pointed State of C&lifonrl&. All il have ~t thf,t almost on..._'ftftth of the been aent to Sa.cramento for &e· tefs will be paid to the OOD.IOU· cepta.nce. Tbe remain.in&' 8ffen d&ted City and County of San 8Chool boarda have not had op-- Ftanci9CO, alighUy above one-f'U'th portun.ity for uecutlnl' the l r t~ tht 57 "other counUea ot the a,reementl but ,Simmons expect.II 8'8-le, and almost two-thlrda to to receive them most any day.· !99 citieL The City of Lo9 A.Jl-Tbeae mutual agreements are ge'les Wl1l ~ve 20 pereut ot ldenUcal wtth tho.e which most trie total and bakland '·5 peroen.t. an clU•• and oountie1 within ~ IM Ancelea County and Ill clUu. 8tat6 have uecuted w 1th the 1!¢1udln1r the City of Loo Aqeleo, 8tata Cl"1L Def...,.; IUld D!Aoter w1Jl receJvo 116.9 pereent of the Relief Co<mcD. , They .,._ to '*do anll&l>I~ for d!mlbutlon; -..,lun.tarily ead1 other In A1ameda O>unty and ita mun.I~· Ult event that a dt.uler should P!ut1e1 t,1 poroent; ond llaa occur by the tnterclwtp of oer- D go Clounty and lta cl-6.t -and facllllles. lludt qree-WJio to C .. lact for t. mat may be ean..Uej! by eervfnlr CIYI .,.,. .. Woltr DOUce ,-and awaJt:ilt&' 20 day¥ llAN'IZ ftllJlll TAU:& alaped tlmL A.aJ r -p t ., ._,_.. .... . PaUI Kuta of ·-'&-Thlo le wtMr .... ... the ... "' I-· .. -...... .. warl4 awwwwwd arlator and pnf.tias ol. ,.._-tor On.qi ••• ..... .... ,.... · ot many a1r sPNCI :roco11111, CIO<mty la the ... t-ot. • maJw -•••1M Jllw1Ut 1PMW ,.....y at UN: 4eC« from ...-... •• « ? Ow Giii DA &I aaal• ekllb 111nc...,._ &,told ...,. a au ot .u-_., .. ,.._•·a•·• I a .. • --of piJ. uo1 _, --. , ., ruo• -.«lid n , .a .. .., -thrllty -priee -Ill COlm OorftN7 _, --el the .,.. -J--el loft Dopeot--tho ... ._ ot Qlllf. Round Tbe Clock sot upe ud a -plot• llae ot. w _.. ----~et llpt-. -a'-._... th -- ----· ,. ·-.............. J.9 ....... .&...., O..S...... Bal 9ldG wlD Ille at tM ,,_ .... --.... 0 j' , .. --. :;=: Jl'•ll•-......-C im AD tile -111 ti. -Qr --, ..... -....... .. ...... ___ ,..,,.... .... -...... -...... -........... --~~~~~~~~~~~~-· 1'ala ..... •• ..~ Mewlitt BaJ . Post In ·the ... --·More ' ' • • • • I • . , • PAD t OOTOllD If• 1111,l --N&Wrvft 1IA Y • R8Uitl come tr,-•• .,.,1•1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~!loo! An ad nplarl)r la W. paper wtl1 p.-......iu f« yooai • Church Women Rebekehs· lniti4ate S d.y Services Four New Members at t.ittte · Chiirch .,.;.;r ,_ mem11era -... admit· in LAguna Beach . ~ AND BllOPPINO "1''"'1:'"ws,. IROADWAY- !:::!Now60• = 8'rAJlT8 TRUR8J)~. "BEii<>" Wlt.b Job Derek 11111 AM -"MAGIC CAJlPET' wttb Ludlle Ball WEDYESDAY, Hiil "OOMJI: FILL Jiff CGP" with ..l'lllllN Cape:y ._,_"TOMOUOW 18 A....""iO'l'llER DA y-.. wttb Rau. JlGm&D • • .. WALKER ":.1::"': 8TAJlT8 WED.. I llll ""PEOPLE WILL TA.I.A"' wtttl C.ry Orut A1oo -'"!'ALL TAJY!E'l"' wtU. Dlclf Powell STAATS WED., ttUll .. A.."'G.1:1.8 IN TSE . ' OUTFIELD" -AIM - 'NO IDGR\VAY IN TllZ 81lT' wltb lames S~art C-H-ILDREN ~~ FREE = B=J~~ PAULO DRIVE-IN THEATRE .&l. s..astO Doors ()pea ' Show Stana 7:15 8:00 HAJIT8 THURS., OCT. 18111 '"TEXAS CA.R...,,\"AL,. with Eatller wuu.am. A.Ma -"'PICK UP' STA.RTS TRl.'RS., OCT. !.ltll "THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL" wttlt ~I Renate and Pat·rtcta ~·r.:1 Aho -"llAPPY GO LllCIO"' w1tb Da't'ld Nt'fta wt'6 Beverly ~ NOW OPEN SAlUAJ»~YS and · SUNDAYS U·DllYE CIUISEU IOW IOATS : ~=· . :~~ l..amoUles ELLIJ IOAT RENTALS 1111 .,._. m ... ,. Newport ae.e• P1L aa.... llU AT 80UTR END OF BAYSHOR& llRIDOE PiaHOJ~ TERESA RE NN ER I Mrs. A. Renner) SAVE SS.QO • -- THIS WEEK . CHEVROLET ( f.rom 1 36 TllrotncJh I 48) BRAKE RELINE MATERIAL and LABOR TOTAL s-m4'5 • Culbertson -Motor Co. .' • ' BOAD 8BOW PBI OEB Adulte Sl... pl111 tu Stud<toteCZ• .... lu ~ ...... ., . ...,,._ Sat. Matinee l:U "Youn9 Daniel Boone" plua a •rt&J. 14c 811N. TO Tt.'l:SOAY ''Tlte Day the Eartft Stood Still" -ptm- Willie Pep·Sadcftmr ., ... , F1lm NEXT "Dartln9, How C~I~ You?" Mes a1i1 ! ' ! ~ SAT. LAST DAY •, • BETTY GRAB (.£ ]}If ..._ "Mfft Me After the Show" Tedutleolor -plne- ''Tlte Man Front·,·. Plan.tr· .. - SUS. TO TUESDAY ea,,. Graat., 1....a-. craa "People' Will Talk" ·-· -plus- "The Secrets. of Monte~··· -~---~..,_ __ ---2.----·-:vEXT "His Kind of Worna1" ' C. D. M. Family Home From East The Roy Rlcban!o ot 04 AJ:ula avenue, Corona del Mar. ntumed home 1ut week from • t.btte mont.U vacation, They went back to Ch.Jc.ago and Dubuque wbere they enjoyed V\tlltlnl' noiallve. and friends . They report~ harin1 ti tlne trip and nic• weather. NEW BEEBE SON' M:r. and Mn. Huold Bubf., !28 Flowu •tre.t, Cost& M:e1&, wel· com'ed a new I01l on Oct. 8 1n Santa Ana Community hospital He wel~h~ T pounda, I~ Ol.DlCee. DENTISTRY 17M Newport 'Blvd., Coeta Me-g Medical Bldg. Beacon -87~2 606 E. Bay A.ye_. B&lboe. Harbor 371-J BALTZ MORTU ARY l.ad1 Aftrit'ltdus ••• <Jou& Hip-way OOROSA DEL MA& DAY AND NIGHT Pbone llMber" BE SURE · INS URE wltb MA~ 8TANIZY na.a,....Oaly noee Bantor 171• .. 125 ..._An..._ i.iu4 W. Shlort FooN G:a:Nl:R.AL INBIJRANCJ: Cowrt«>ul ]lf/"""4tilnt "-" ....... . """ Bar. 14 fUT lbalbo. Blvd. KAftllUsa. i'ts'm B TnlDl!lw lrftr .,_ a>•1• lll&A.OON NII Ceola ----Oe. 1111 Nwpect . ....._ Pia" World · Community Day 1ec1 to lb• )(ea 11.tbol<ah •oda'o . r:- eutt at tb•ll' rel'QIU m...,,,s Oct. 7 ll<otmri---407 moflllns at tbe Ba~oetln«b-O<of~ c ~ IBP. t..tb' ._1... In IOOP llall. OladJ'" WU-&ad LittJO ClllUdl lti llle &..; · aomor ·-..,.. -·-0-Sla -wen talrftl la "7 of llealoD -'l'hroullt -on Pfrste Raad, ~ m ... 01ieotn ..NJL.i~ ud Honey -and wtll~-!>ecia wltb 8Ullday _, at ot tbo Newport lkrllor Qmoc:_ Vlrp.Ja o..rton by lnltl&tloll. It l:•a m. Ollurcb Wornm made an&11p--&loo Goodfellowolllp nlpt P"lude ,_. tM U mmt. tor World Community Dayrt wttll Dorothy Gret:r ol ha DI~, o'cl k rnorrtlnc" woi:ellip •rTlce. oet for. Nov. 2 111 11141 Newpor Ooodtellowolllp cllalnnaa of Area Rev. J'n.nk L. Dowell will brtns lbz'bor batbena churcb.. Mia-~-10 p,...nt aa a .pectal gu8L tbe lp~ge on the ~bjeet, •-nae al• Newland, pr814eat. preeldaa. Viall.on trom SUvu Ga.te lodp R1ch1 Man Cried Put. 'I w.,. Mn. Pft"ey Ba.in• ... auned of Na.Uout City preeented the Wtoda -Qo Te.U My B!:o\hen!" chalrniian tor' Communit1 na,, local lod&'e with two doU.. rtpre--~·.ad hear Utt. challencbig lhtrd IP~lal day celebrattd tech ae.nlinl' Rebek&hl and Odd 1'el· mq;· ' • 8Crlpturall7 authenUe&t- yMr by th• United Chureh Wom-lows. They entertaJntd with a ed. · en Jn obeervance ot """'' and black tac• comedy aklt. One or lratkm Bervtce at T·:ao p. P~Ylnl tocethf!r. Pu.rpoet of the sueet.s trom the aouthern 1oc1p m.. ~th favorite hymn.a and tffU- World Community Day Ui to pro-. wu PegJie f1911en, preu ch&lr-monte!s. Rn. W. A. Dowt:ll wt1l mulpt• 1.Dldentandln1 of 1'0rld man of Area a. br1nf th• meaaa,.e. problem. to brtn1 peace, ft wu Mae )(anapercer, dl•trtct de:puty Tltllrada.y ew.n..lnc, 7:30 p. m. Is pointed out. The om.rtng Of tbe pre•dent, made an unofficial Nit. "8oUJ Winntnr Clau" and Prayer day ta dtvided between aid for th• Marte Douihty •a.a reported tll Mee~g. Come and join thl11 ctu. homtleM and fotel«n .cholanb.tpa. a.nd Lydia Hamme t. borne from &nd ~am bow to Win YOUT trienda "U•e Thy Fa.1th" wtll ,be Ulieme of ~~-the hospital atter h.avinC undtr-a.nd netghbon to ..... oi-1111L. the obeerTance. eone an eye operation. A lapeocl.aJ tnvttatton ls extended Electlori and inat.&llaUon Of ot-About T~ member• and guelt.6 to you · to aUend the1te •rv1ce• ttcen will preceed lbe meeting. enjoyed ca.k• and coffee ln the and enjoy the sp1r1tual ble.eslnp Members pte9mt were ~ea. banquet hall followtnc the meet-and 'C'hrUttan ftllOWl.tUp . Wendell Hoyt, W . A.. McBride and lng. The tablell were decorated 1 R.. B. Grieg• of the Conl"'l(l.tkm-with dahllu a.nd crepe paper dolia. F C B d G aJ church, Gary Fr@drtben, Ken-Rerreshme:nl hoate:as was Mayme A ri ge roup neth Quarry. Newport Harbor Lu-GrHnleat, uai.tNt by Flor& Har. Reads New Rules lheran; W. S. Ht1M&ker. NPwport rta and Mary Taylor. Beach Baptilt; Arthur Miller, Christ Church. by the Sea: Harold FlA.k , Perey. Balnea, Ted HaUHr. Ba.Jbo& laland M.tthordllit: Ruth htU8oft, ·St. Jon!ee ltplacopal; J:dgu H1ll, SL An.._.e Pl etbj• t..-n. Friday Af+ernoon Club Opens Fall Season -Con&. Heu Friday Afternoon CIUb 'itbo)c aectlon memben and ·rue•t• l!ievd Ml informative and entert&Ininr taJk by Mre. John Cht\htl of Tu.Un, former .tehool teacher ln Cseehoalov&kla. who n- lated aome of her e11:pertence1 there, when tht ~lion coa•eri.ed recently. Mn. ChumJ pve a 1in· ee.re, authoritative picture of .choalovakJa. deacribing' the rrre·'M the ~ple alter" th• first World War and th• yeara of mtct rationing durinl' World Wa.r II. Mrs. Chwnl told ot the Com- mnntitl tak.tnr control Qf Clttho- slovakla In 1948. oYerthrowinr the government. and the chang-e• that were enforced on the •taft and pupil• at the _university when ahe taU&hL SU uJd. ':the thlq' that amen r/IJ' mo« ta how much • IJTl..U. w.n usant-.d .,..,up ot peclJlle Ooul4 , ·fain -trol .,.... 9llCh a larp numbeT." Three years wel"9 spent tn the Unlted Btate1 by the apeakeT u an exchanre teacher and It wu then that -. met tleT' Mure huN.nd. 8be wu marrt.d ta llier a.om.land bl ltii9 ud came to tllla eountry lbortly attenrard. Sh• re!&t.d Mr dtttleulty bl o-.. t.&lllinl' • pulpOl't: eve &IUtouP, 11\&n"ied to a.a Amer10M.. Tea WU aief'W'd followMc' tllie prolTtJn &ad booka were mold at tbe book~ . Calif. Holiday on Wed. Program at Christ Church New Minister Performs First Marriage Rite Willlam H . Ban.nlate.r, ehaplain ot Newport Harbor American IAsfon Poat 291 &nd put Junior department chapl&tn tar the Statf' or Callfornta, lut wttk exchangf'd hi.a uniform. tor a black aoutan• and ofncla.ted at a wedding. lte- Cf'nUy orda.Jned In the Unit-ed P"UJI ~I. M.lntsten and Church. the local man la now Ul:e R.#v. W'Otlam BaMlliler. On P'Mday, Orl. I . Bannt.ter performed hi• flnt marrtare cerP- mony in a manner which broufht htm many compllmenta. It wu held In El Cajon American Leeton hall, San Dlel"o and waa wttnu.ed by O't'tt 200 fUeeta. The bride WU Mi. 11.q'ft.a Mattern and the bridefTOOID WU IUchard Dane, '*Hee steptather ea.me from Buf- ra.&o, New Tork to .. "• aa beet man. An aJta.r had been. arran.-ed at on• end of. the hall, and there were beautifUJ flora.I decora.tton1. Th• new mlnlater pve-a •hort but tmpttUlive talk after the cere- mony. After the reception. he wu "kJdnapped." by a (?'OUp of younr- tt lArtocmalree and wu ta.kea to dlnner. DurillC ht. lt&y in San Dt•g'o Jae .,.. 111eat of the bride'• parent&. Myrtle Slaughter Accepts Position at Texas A.&M. Kn. x,rtle SIA•shter recenUy Yiaited 1'.er daughtar, a.nd family, Mr. and Mrt. W . J: . .i'\Jlher. 149 !bore Cllft ftoad. Corona del Mar. Sbe ldt Sunday night tor Texu A . and M. untvenity to jolll the •t&!f at the Collere Union u ex- e('Utlve houeekttper, Durtng her three week• ltay Mn. Slaushter wu entertained both here and tn t.o. Angeles by her ma.ny trirndl. Thie tnclud· ~ the rec:ent D. A. R. benef1t Junche-on at Balboa Bay club, Mn. Slaughter'• de.ughtf'r having been one ot the boateSffll. Bay Club Luncheon For Ebell Juniors Junior JC'bell had a board mttl- ln g on October 15th at the home Wlien the brldg'e ~lion of the Co.et.a M~ Friday Att.emoon Club gat.1'rred in rtguJar 11eselon at the clubhouse, members and guesta z;er4 1erved fretti fruit 8&lad, frt.ii crackera and coffee u a pre- lude to card play. Hoeteue11 were Mm,.. Calla Viele, Bertha TUlot- llOll, and E. I. Moore. During the buainesa Interlude new rule1 were dlacua&ed and vote(! upon. They wert approved u read. Mem ber1 decided to dla- pen"" with the November and De- cember partle• tJtJ• year. Mn. Ray 8a..xman took hil"h prl.U at the bridge tablea wh.tle Mn.-Grover 8nyder wu low. Ca- nul& priue went to MT•. Ruby Cheney and Mr11. Frank Twitchell. Ntxt meeting \\1-11 be -tteld OcL 2e at 12 :30 p. m. The hoataa trio will be Mmea. Jean Lawrt:nce, J . C. ~yne and J . P . Cooper. Re~er­ vatlona a.re to be made with Mn . Cb.ailea McAl&ry. Margie Brockett Is C lub Hostess Margie Brockett of Cost& Meu planned an evenln.r of game1 with a deuert course a.a clo.ing feature when •he hoateded the St.t.gette• Cub recenUy. Pr"t.xy tlelen Clark call id the meet.Lnc to order. Gu eat.I for th• oc:C&llon were Corrinne • Tal4Ttan a.nd Ven. Gunn Of Costa Me~. Gra.ce IOJne won the door pr!«, Members -.njoyin&' the pt to- r•uler Included LouiM Green. i:l...i. Bodq1, Dally Sulll ..... X.. P't~er, Lou Lockwood. Grace Killie, Coct.a Me .. : Emma Pou- port, Newport _.... . I &~---~ s.,., DUNCAN HINES Ice Cream ia mad6 in O.range County • I I • by Aak for It at yoor Dealer or Mn. How.rd WWiam1 on ~20 !~~~~~~~~~~~~!! "r· Ocean Front to dl!ietas plan• tor the Oct. 2!i meeting. It wlll bf' & luncheon with a speaker at the Balboa Bay Club. Board members pre~t were Mrt. W. E. Fhher, Mra. C. M. Deakl.rui. Mn. A. Bun White. Mn. W&rn!1l A. Scott, Mn. C. T. Mac- Muten. Mr1, Edwin Finater, Mn. P'red eu.t:er, Mn. Robert Allen and Mn. C. E. Hollaway. Mountain Lion Now Shares Spotlight With Bob Cat Corona Ml Mar's mounl&in. lion made tbe pollct blotttt yuterda.y momtn1 but dl.8appeared before otncen could aboot him.. ...... 1111 1¥#-•w C'-M Mo•da7 COtrnlm OINNltJ "-l\.N .. P .W TROPICAL DBDID Df"9 .. .... bcl1tM fAHITIAH S-ICYlOOW .._...,_. H.W 171 '\ ..... THE NEW HUT •c-t--.1-....... ter 8!1 u MIRE -~· Kr.a. EMn Grauer, 21'1 11omtnc CanJ'Oll ftoAd. Shore Clllf.a. ..... ~ the .talJan a& l:IO a.. a . to announcti that Ul• cat waa out~ B & p Women .1 .... 11c1t1nr Illa c1oope. And wou111 , .,.,,__ ______ ..._. eomeoo• pl.._ .moot him! 1 , Feed Footballers Otflette w...,... cu..i1 -Don ,, 1lunlAll and -· Ottlcer Bob 1b1alnc1a u.I ProlMllonaJ W(lll).o-Carter, armed wU.h a rUle, drvft m 'a club ca.rritd on lbe pod work to the .cut. But u..,. reported of pnwidl.n( atte,r.tbe-.-me tOod lath they •• no mouzit.ata lion. • "'H• WU an~ bob for football pa.yen at ~ -• .. tllev -ao, It .,_ Bf&h ... t ~. The -~ ~ , .n Ill• ..p.,1 -¥4 -Bonath, like Iii. wDd feline _.i&tlon lo Ultsted ._ ._. mottm-, Kn.. J _._ 1act1 nctnc. poliee kldH. "'nle .... • , • -·-·· -~ Into ........ -· • ...._ GUiio, aada tho loO -~ -~ _, and ..,.,.s milk .... potato cblpo. ~ -Jdm. ----- U HOMS ON LIDO T. Y. sm FOR RENT ' 7·DAY lll!llMIJM TIDE T. Y. t llll IDW.a&T ZLVD New,..S- , ··--' No_te First Nat al Kr. w1 11n. 1:12011 ktt1« of ._ ____________ ., Ullo --Mr. llUtlS'• i "";;=~;:.;::;::.;;;~~10ay of ._Me.sa Boy .. w ~.., ........ • 'r. -" .. ,. .. i.. ..... ·.,WA• MIA'lllS. n.--·~.,,_DOle --. n.o--..,..,.,. ~ ..._ • 4 ka. r t '2 u h ~ -fl( Mr. .... Xrw... to tte lleck m tlMl:r Mine .,_. • __ ,... l'9 la-."9 ot i tamlir Mlltt• llaftls .,_ a _...ta Palo Alto a 7 a 5. __, N -".td. UDO '.. . 'J ... ~#!J' ~ ....,_ ., ~ ... • • .. ta .Lae ...... ... ~ -117 ~WU • .,.....,. ..... lier • .,.,...{ J0eo ,;J- n-...r•11• by-Mr. ud Iba. Cbu1eo ....... ..,, Rood ntwwi to Bluford 11111· --• .... ~ ~ii b.Jspa. • Aztl Ital%• ~ tM WNllJ._ .. .-rA-· H• 1. Q J"ty P • t· o1. H '''' ' -•...,. • .. • . -• m •·&: --._ · 1gn 110 I tin 1ng-rn. Of. -1iiii Ail.7. M11ra1 -.....; Ms. -a 4 n -,._ w 11• -. am~ Higlt Q~ality Printing-Pit. Har. 1,f,I L..!,J"l~:O...~~=-~·:.!;~·~·~...J ~~·=.. •' .. ,. ~~ :',:;.:.:-:;: ~;~:;~-;;·~-_!•1:;1J .. • • • • • • • ' -• # •• ·01 PERSONJ(L IN-TERES i, -. ' Expert. o• et&ttetlu t.ll 111 lllot Kuonlc ,..... bl CitJlfornlL Jlo durtnr Ille put ten yeare, -,... tlrot Patron of Illa lncal chap- lourthe of Utie fa.mW. tn thll t.er ot ma.tun Star: ts a thtrty- country ban moved &a.d tballsed .econd dqne Maecm,. and a metn• occup&tlon11 11.t leut once. S&m btt of .Al Bf'ka.l Shrtlle., ia active ta Kine!ather inay not be a .t.atlet.1-DD and Ktwa.ni.1. sam ta a past c._i expert but be hu more than President ot the Orange County one reuon to be proud of 2G yNJ'I Bulldtn l:xcbAJ\111. a.ad a former In the same comm.unity In one director or ~r own Chamber ot bw:lnete -COftt:racttnC" plumblnl" Commerce. With all tb..1ar.. lte lli1l and heatl.n1. we.ta an occaat.onaJ Jina tor alba· From hill ttnt lhop in Ra•bn&, fOre , and marlin. .About the time Sam'a bwineaa hu gTOWD to tn-)'CU read th1a, he'U be up in Colo- clude a aecond ahop at t05 • 30f.h rado tryln& to beat Mra K. ta St.rMt in Newport Be~h, which bacatnc the family'• lint elk at bu been headquarters since Ja.n.u-the yu.r. ary, 1901, plus a wa~hotla In W• at Newport Balboa J'edenl Coe:ta Mesa. Thia quallfle• Sam Savtnp and Loa.n a.re proud to u a traveUl.nr man. with three have handled the fin&ncln1 for shopa and eight truekl :now oper-many a bou.e 1n which K!Mfathtt altng. b111 tnatalled the plumbinC" and Kinsfalher PJumblng'a bualneaa heatln.(. We're alllO iratt:tul for growth 1peaka for the qua.lit,)• of t.hia statement from llam: "Your his work-·and this LI due: to the cooperation and attention to de- men who do the work. Hia senior tail over at Newport Bait"'& red .. employ•• baa been wiU1 hl..m tit-era.I helpa • lot tn completing a teen .Ye&n, thrff olher1 have a Job on achedule. Our buainese with twelve-yN.r r@Cord With the ttrm, you ha.a lllwaya bffn UJy. handlfld and the lut man hired will aoon -somelhlnc-we app~ and al- complet.e .bill tjtth year. They JJ.ke waya remember." lo work tor Sam. When his ln.wine&e: da.y 111 done, Sam atill find.a tlJne to be a leader in club activttlea. Come Decem- ber, he'll 1tep in u Wonihipful Muter of the Harbor'• Seafaring Ladge, one of the futut crowing NE'llPORT llllLIOA FEDERAL S AVI N~S ANO LOAN A9SOOA'llON . • . COOD HEALTH1----. I AR! LOCAL 1jEALTM NITS U'ICll.EASING (~~ '2..ww.r J. CAN 8A8\ES HAV! ~IUI-' tlLOOD Pll.~~~uRt ? • Auw• te Quet&ioa N•. l : t.ody. Th«M ar• lttn o" a l. In the total of 3,072 counti~ Krttn., tnatead of bein1 photo• In the Unj&ed Stalel tlier« are ftaph@d on X·ray illm. Thw.,, 1 220 local h a1tb danartment1 the doctOI' _can watch ttroc-eun • . e · ~,, · 101nc on 1n tt. body. $ucb aenmt J,$45 count1n 1.11d 70.8 modern fllUJpment mak" th• ~r cent of the popu_lation. practice of medicine much more Growth hu bttn continuous · h sine. 1915, when only 13 coun~ 1 e-xact than it wa~ in t • past._ • tiff had local hr-11th oraanJU-A.nawer .. Queshoa Ne. J : tions. Every community should 3. Sumt babia. t.houch few tn see to 1t that it has adequatf numbrr, du ha\le h1eh blood public health 59rvica. pres.sure. The cause U unknown. but 1hert a a hertditary b1ck .. Answer te Q•atlon 1'10. !: ground in f.0 per cent of such 2. Thi1 type of X-ray maehin• casH. However, the aver1re a(• rive-s the doctor an 1mmed1•te ·~ ''"hich hiJh blood pres.sure ii view of-pos.11ibt. fr1cturn and of d.iKovered 11 31. shadows cast by any unwual lC•trri'"' 1951 •1 H••'"' 1n1.,,... arowth or obstruction in the ti•" 1"•11"•'';•"> OinilWj Room opM 11 tJO A t.4. to I ,,t.4, delly Cloeod Sund..,.. o..d holld•Y' l'lieno : Kimberly 2-21•6 , Lots el Fl{EE ,ARK\Ni.. SAM'S SEA • Fo·oo •At the lllp Of Ibo a...,_. OOMPUlml COIJlUll!I WNCBEONa DINN&Ra BeautU'Ul ...... l:aJ.atni OOCK'J'AIL l>OtlNC1k .. cw::l:.r SU Rf S I D I 111~::•,. ' .. , .............. , ....... • ••ooe .... . ...... ,u ' I ' I ' ' • BANQUET RIES RIBS -OF BYC ANNUl AWARDS . B&aquk room 'C1( tho J!a-• Yld>t a1l1I wu ftllod to eqiodtT kturdal" nlsbt -mombon ptMnd fW tho --i ·-bulquet. Koft UWl "5 entna ..,,... taltLMI. la JUie ,.-. ~ ~ ~ membera carrylD.s" the enslpe ot tbl BYC ud 14' tlOplaiM ~wwe -pluo talu. tor tho "· Peopetual.o ,..,....s far ~aw. Commodore HarTY Blodgett slded over lb .eeulOll with Vice . 2. Brue. TwlcbeJ; a. Toey Tc;r<- Commodore c. V. Wul"demann and ranee. · ' Race Ch&lrnwi Peter Ficker m&k· , B&ll>o& ~ JJ lo( I c Ito 7 tnc the award&. Smith; 2. Ropr Polt; a. No. l t T OUUtandinC wu the c•tbuin.S Nool&rd.. ta of trophiu by Younc Mike Catallaa _. .. ..,. • • P.&Gll I / • ... k'I' • .,. .. M&Wfil&i M.1' ~ !'Oft' AKD _,.ltMG ll&WI IU~I OHi lllaULI ~ _._. ,.,..._,._ I Miller ~D.-.... au D"-':es So'-~ ... ed-.%'~ .. ~ .. ~=;Concert Assn. · ""!!l~" the t .::... t C. o· t 1·· ~~.::~,a:-.:;; li:..L_ .o·ff L·-• .. In Y~ .• uY ~a .. :-._.,:t•t ••. , : .... •1:.0";'-u ~ ... --,,IU\I UllUI ~x;a~r= .. :-~i:i: ., ...., IUltoJ' • n ' • ~ .. ~ lhl" " ti 1t.4<a ~ at Baj Ciub .. ~ ~~ .Dow .. :-,.,.. -... =~ .......... .._ .. '•l\umM;f ·---~ . . • ·~ ta .......... --ud ... ~ --· _ _, W-'Pa-:""" ..,,,.. ~~~•ta 1'•!a111d 1~ loftl~·~ ~ I ••''Bir •mp . llNir -U. ~ oftM,p -.-ol'Nz.""" --JI. c: ~~ llliit;'l,'""""t<r.t:.t -91 ~ ... ~ -' . .,ad out, will-.. _ __. •· ,.,, """°~· ...,_ eoota llilloli veQ ~ -~ .. . • tloM )Ira, .x llJOr. mcii.W"' tlie ''Kickoff" tor the COounlllllt1 .~ . Jl"ll'hk, aa will _......, MOa,. a h~ bdd. ""'"° .: ~:" "111~~ oOli --m;' :,,_ .& • -•lie Concert 'wocl&Uon membehlhlp WI>... Caroll almli, 1'lcollt¥· lo Ille -.llL~•~.;r: ".:: r4 the =!='~~~ •=it~ :"...,4; t~ ~:..,,,~or~:".:!':'inc~ ~ i: ~~~· Bll7 h '":'T" ~ ._ . ~er ·-•· r a{ 1-_blto caniatlono provided. a plans ID&<!• 'l'bunda7 -the -cudl ID&7 ..._ tllla _, other Dtoio, In u,e ~;:r;, ·u.. -. Uon ..,_ bor b1De lllllt han4· .-plenimtary d<t&U. IO)Cl&tlon a'up met In Doclge HaU. early ~ Kn. --~ Ml Mu.~.~ kotthlef I'"'"' than 71L ,.._ old. ~ The luncheon wW be OD -,.. aald. -, la bio . · :owra, J-J111111er A ltrand ot ~ .-plol.ed the· ~ at BeeepU.. Oct. 21 at -Bay C\Ub and Appointed wo,.: Zoo Barlow., ,. liOll G.t •• euembJe. • . .. · JMJilte. aid wue "llma &t thla tun.• otftcen: for the aew m em.benihfp ehalrman; C I t l\t o a ot ~. WorQi. ,._.. , , Att!Hd In blue orp.nd)o owr ~1 .. • l(obley, a.ne ~. year wW be .w &!thous!> the sawtn. ooncert chairman; s ...._ my-wcra QCbancecl 'Dy the ~eta wu Mn .. Jou ~ker. Patle.y. B -..ton a.nd Loul8 Aut.· pr«Mnt board wW carry thrOUtb Ropn, bmchem cMtnnan: )Ira.. _..,. eout!lo u 11n. J'loyd may..n ofllonOr. IAndlnc contrut eon ll1ioo Sandra Wanoner -'!Vlth the eampalcn work. All Jooeph ~ appobl-t cllalr: \ / Burk~ natdent ot Bayahoru and ltDdeDl at )(onlAlbello HlCh School, wbo C&ITled ann -of trophlu tallied In his tint year 'of ~. In an old boat with raned .U.. the .IGll of Mr. and Kn. Louis Burke took aD comen. He ac- counted. for a MCOlld 1n the P. C. Wll'lter Series: ttnt 1n the .ame elul for the SprinJ' aert.u; a MC· ond for his P . C. tn the C&talin& and return match; be wu a mem- ber ot the team In tbe Rhodff. P . C. Perpetual: and be annexed tbt Hillman Perpetual Trophy for the P. C. Nee to San Pedro from Balboa; and the Fred C. Smale• Pf:'rpetual for the P. C. Single Thom-.-..J..i tho Beptem-waa her bouquet of yellow l'llgll sided over th• suut book. worken wllo apect to attoncl tbe man. · ber 'l'tte1 •• I -'dock at an. altar chrJ:N,ntbe.muma. 141-C o n .D 1 e 'Dle bride'• bfue Glen.plaid ~ funr'Mon lboUJd snake w vatkml: ------_ . .,.. . • , Banded racto. The prise Balboa Yacht Club Perpetual Sportamanablp trophy wu awarded to Mr. and :P..trL Chuclc: Jami.eon tor lheJr out- standing work durtnr the whole eeuon .tn· auialinl' the race com- mittee ln their work. Laud Barney Huber Particular tribute wu pald to Barney Huber who won the Presi- dent of Mexico'a Perpetual Trophy for the finit time on con'ected time in the Ocean Raeing Divi11- ton or the 19~1 Enaenad.& race in hi9 boat Mara. • , Cliff Cbapm&n wu praised high- ly for his year u Commodore of the 9. C. Y. A. a.ild u head of the Enaenada. Race. Dick Fmton. staff commodore ot the BYC. wu honored for hla work u direct.Or ot the Newport Ocean Satllnl' Auociation, SW! Commodore ot the SCY A and del- ep.te to the North Amertcaa Yacht Raclng Union. Pra.I• ot th• Commodore &11d &aft of the BYC WU tendered the follawi.nl': Ed. RieMD, Commc; dore or the PCT JI; Jame• Wbyte, treuurer ot the SCYA; Fred Sm&Ju, Rear Commodore ot the SCY A and ·8ob Boyd, General Race ChaJrman ot the SCY A.. Wiater SUlelt--1161. Rhodes 1. Tom Sheppard: 2. T . Thoma.a : 3. Bob· Chrlate.n.aen.. P. C. L .Joe Kaltenbach; i . :Mike Burke: 3. Dr .• 0 . G. Sueaa. P-1• .1. ~ WelaberJ. Lehman l. Fred Schneck; 2. Blnc 81m-n. Sp.rtaa' l!erlH Rlll>du 1 .. Tom Sheppard; 2. J. Pteruy; s. Tom .Myers. P. C. 1. :Mike Burke: 2. Joe Kaltenbach: !. Ellnor Schmi_dt. - Sta.r 1. Dick HaJm; 2. Sa.int Cicero. Llcntning l . R. C. Harblaon: 2. John Kariotl.s ; 3. Erle Wel!ll- be.rc. P . L C. 1. Don Johruton. Viklng 1. James Ramsey.· International lf 1. C. W. Lew- adder; 2. Paul Ferrier; 3. Carol Jones. Mercury 1. Chet Wheeler; 2. Bart. Hunt. P ·lf 1. Nlck Steele; 2. Rowen Welaberg. Snowbird 1. J . D. Miller. Lehman 1~ N. E. Wroolle; 2. But Henderaon; 3. Bob ChrUt.en- an. • Junior Serl---.iuly &nowblnh 1-Tom Frost; 2. Bruce Twichel: 3. Tony Torra.nee. Balboa Dinghle. 1. Roger Poat. Jaalor Se.riee--Aaptt Snowbi.rdil 1-.1 o h n. Ken.aey; Ocf, 11. 19, 20 Plain or Sugared DOUGllNUTS 43c.._ i..,u.-.i ••n. Lehman 1. Chick Rolllu; 2. Bart Hendel'90n; S. Wm. Und .. blom. • --c"" .P . , Gunn. and lil1M 1la.r7 Mobley, a.nine .Wt h&d ft'\t ac;oemo':iea u wtth Kn. CHn.toa 8ur1n, ~ C Cl b D adonied -.rltll '-"•ta al ..,llJl;e· brld...Wda, choM Identical f>:'Ocl<a aoc:f.ntlDJ color. attrartl•e choice 1A1r7 or Jin. J. i...tle Steff....... OmUS U Cl n Ce cladloll a ••• m I Jl r caltdeloln of yellow Org&Ddy ~·r tatfeta, !or •th• Ho~ hooeymooo. Red prHldent. s f F .d Kemben of Newport Harber added tO lbe cl>um of the aettlnc. ballerina length. Yellow l'u cll rooebudl made up her. conace ll:ach of the old workero la aak· et Or rJ ay Lodge ot au will honor their White ¥lln bowtl centered with 'mums aJao comprl.ed. their tlor&l clutUr · · ed. to attend &nd to brln5-a new Kappa Thetas Plan Benefit for Polio Fund DI.strict Deputy Gra.nd llu.lt.d old-f&ab\one« ltOlePY• dethted !Jle arrangednt.a. . The ·new Mn. M.wer attmded worker. Each ten mem.berahtpl Ruler Thunday n.lJbt when be main aJa1'_down wb1ch Ulie bride Carrying a w1'lite buket fll~ N~rt Barbor Union Hlgh IOld enUtleai .tb:.e.~w:orker to a tree makel his• otf~ vtalL Ward wU eacort~ by her father, wb' with tuchllu, Dlaa ,_a Bae~-School. She I.a attlliated "1th J ob's membenhJp. ~tudent ticket. tell Caaey of Brawley la the Deputy PY• her ln kteplnl". w .. clad in a dainty bowered or-· Daughters Costa M.eaa Bethel 157. tor $3, wb.ich I.I b.alt pdce, and &11y and he wUl uamlne the coadJtlon M1a Helen KeaUnc, .olollt, pndy tor her role u flower girl. Her hua~d a me.mber of De Mo-1tudent eelllng 10 . will ttef!lve • ot the Lodce. it.a . booka and oftl-ang-·.:Became'" and "I Love You DJck Hambacke.r ae.rved u "best l.ayJ wu rr~uated from Harbor free one. A.t leNt three local con· tComua club wlD hold their faU d.inn~Ce l'rtday at 7:30 p. m.. In the Santa Ana CouaO, Club. H09ta wtl1 be: memben of. th• bo&n1 ot dire(:t~n. cers ln hi.a re(Ular routine tor r. Truly. • man. Gue.at.I were uahettd by· Hlih. cert.a will be programmed • n d port to the G:ran.4 Lodce· la Orplld,-Goml Douglaa Heater, USN, and. Dean, ~I! popu.la.r _pair have now es-&rt.lat.a will be selected afte~ the ;;..opportunity la knockJnC In Ct.ASSIFill:D ADS. ~ A benefit performance of '"Mr. Barry'a Etchlnp" by Walter Bul- lock and DanJel Archer will be •ponaored at Laguna Pt.a,ybou.ae on the even.in&' ot Thursday, Oct. 18 accordinr to plana made when Ora.nre County Alumnae club, Kappa Alpha Theta, met on Oct. 1 at the home of Mrs. Milburn Ratvey. 315 Wut Waahlngton, Santa Ana. In charge of tbe ceremonJe• wtll White flowered orpndy over Yatee, USN. taNLabed reaiden.CtJ ln San Diego. memberah!p drive. be Exalted Ruler Tom Norton who has readied a cia.u or 13 for tnltl&tlon into the order. Cftt)boclJ" 1"Mdl the cl•"'"ed &di. MrL Fred A. Hendrlclts prel.ld- ed. at the first . meetu\g after the summer Tacatlon period. Twenty six members wen prese.nL Dinner will be served tn tl)I clubroom• followed by the Lodr M:ectln1. Associate Officers Initiate Members in Star Chapter. Mrs. Ed Chapman 3rd la ch~r-Aa9oclate Matron Regina Cottle man ot the benefit committee. She and Aaociate P.atron Harold Ftnk ts being a.satsted by Mrs. William had the honor of Initialing three Holstein of Lldo Isle. Mra. Ruth new memben when Ha.rbor Star Vedder of corona del Mar, Mr' chapter met Tueaday ni1"ht. They Keller Wat.eon ot Oranp, Mrs. presided In the absence ot Rutb • Oliver Koc.h of NewPQrt Height.a and Henry Delater, worthy matron and Mrs. Henrt.cU. Plana were and worthy ~tron , who are at- completed on Tueaday evenln~ tendlnl" Grand Chapter at San when the committee met with Francisco.. ){rs. Hendricks. Lut year the C&nd.Jdat~ were Dorl.a Powera croup spouored , similar pertor-of Balboa Ii:land, Hildred llfTehD man.ce &11d \Lied the proceeds to Hobel ot N~ and Marjorie purchaae an. emerpncy reapirator Joyce Loud Of Colla Kesa.. Marte for the county hospital. Their Kat.er marched with thet11 u project la th• polio tund. courtny candidate. After t h 'e Tickets may be re.erved by ceremony Eddie Moore. on behalf callinl" Kn. Arthur Kramer, Har--of hu husband. pruented Mn. bOt' 191--R. Loud wtth a beautttul Eutern Preaent from the Harbor ·area Star ring surrounded with dl&- were th• M.l&M• laabeU. Bowles, monda. Nancy Lewis: Mm.ea. k: Kramer, Given official escul·t to the Eaat Balboa Ialand; Jo .. ph J'el'l'190n for the tut time wu Def>uty and William Bolatein. Udo laJe: Grand· Matron Grace Scott. Ai.a Edward Chapman 3rd. Corona del etcorted were two put malronl Ma.r; Wilma Cary. Balboa Bay and three put patrons. Bervtng u Shores and Oliver Koch. Newport courte.sy otficere we.re Ida Naylor, HelgbU. mothtt m.aUon of the chapter, ·Next meetint wt.11 be on Nov. 8 tllliaC" the lt&Uon. ot auoc1ate at the home ot Kra. Ruuell ~. matron; Cuba Koni.1. JW1Jor pt.l''t Chin& Cove. . patron, u •-l~le pab<>n: • Bill• Pink & Blue Theme Used at Party for Mesa Matron All pink and blue u to decora- tioM throughout the hou11e a.nd to the ya.rda and yanh of ribbon with which attr&ctlve lift.t were wrapped. So were appointment.a keyed to the theme when Mr1. Teddy Howard of Co.ta Mesa wu h.onored \Vednesday, Oct. 3 at a stork abower. The affair wu held at the home of Mn. Ken Claborn, 3oe-3fth Bl. Mrs. Pete Kimball WU a•hlting host.u. Dolla dre.aaed u babiea, •torU and a decorated doU baby buggy 91:ere some o( the atractlve de+ tail.I. Gfi'u were piled on a cotfee table, draped like a bualnett.e. A pri!tty pature wu prealtftta .. tloit of a prdenia to each of her trl~da by the guest of honor. Completing' th9 happy event w~ ~lhmenta of cake, deco-- rated with boot.eta. ice cream and cottH. .... Preitent were the honof'ff. bu mother and uter. Naacy; Mm~. Jim Cooper ot Bal-laland; John John.Ion of Newport BetpU: Ja.m.e. tr'Ulch and Joyce Bunay ot Newport; Lee Swart. ot L&l'IJI& Be&cb. 'a.nd the bc.teMM. Mn. John Oa!fee tent a Clft but WU unable to attend. Sailor Who Beat Beverly Hills Man Apprehended Here vlk Plic• u ll'W'lb&J and Doro't.be& Kinlla.t.ber u prompter. The acttac worthy matron an· noUJ\oed that ~ Jut meettnr. Oc:L ~ "9"14 \Jo dvan .. nleht for ottlcera. There will alao be a birthday ta.b1e for t.ho.:;e with an- nlverariea tn October. The chapter room wu adorned with big vuea of Ma~tltful mam- rnoth dab.Jiu and the 1&me flow- erti were. used tn the dlJling room. As a surp~ tor lhe!r mother, the actlnt worthy matron, Audrey and Harris Cottle, Jr. i.erftd u chairmen of the refreshment com- mittee. Al•latlng them wer1:: Etta Mu Coftm&n and' Ea:ther Johnaio.n.. On the reception committee were Annabelle Fullerton, B:ather Joh.Mon and Be.mice Crandall. Next Wednead&y will be meet- ing of the St.arbrt.cht club, l:l :30 p. m. Memben will '-ot. on th~ new bJ·lawa. Need Teachers for Red Cross Nursing Classes I ~ .,. .... fu.tt with the rich -· "'° mvigoratlng ,A...i il.ao -. only "-, ... ,, """' """"· That'1 "'". kind of coffee yow get at Safeway ""°'" """"' brand ii ,,,_ht .. you al ....... of """'"""· 0... cofl .. bu.I-.... h bu;h ....... d gett;ng fine cofl9ft IO,... h'Oth. Try a pound of your favorite blond . . and ..... "'" c5f. I . . .· . •L~ ~ •red ~\~ ~lore e· .. ' . AIRWAY ,. .COFFEE Mild, mellow, ftavory . world'• favorite bknd. , ... 74• ... ' {s.llt ...... 2. ltl . \, 1101 HILL COFFEE Quality and flavor umall7 ~i fou nd only in vacuum tin&. ?1 ~ 78• ~· (~ ...... I.Sil J / l .... ~W~~~M~~:~~.·.;~~~·==l ==·=·::::::::-~ YJ' '() Rich. lllll·bodied. fragtallf".;. mWARDS . (OffEE BrMldalt. the spotlipt thi9 wk at s.fewayl We've cor-· Drip or rogular. , ... · 83• t raled the bia-t b,rd ol iw.lda8t ,berpim you've _,, in (2-lb. eu, 1.65) -' . ' many a day ••. breekfaat ideu, too, to help you add new intereat ' and variety to ~-~ mML c.ome rope in your lhme "' the •vin&a u-~p· val.-oftel'. . tBESR EcCS 0',!E.!!!0~ 59• Fara I Veq.~bn !•+4_....._ __ Nc:.dlowl Poem ·mOR...:.~.::4::" 29· Far,......, .......... Vw' Ill-.~ ISc: Sl!i·ll>. ""9, 35cl IUEBS OITS z::-18• :: 35• A .......... j :8..a.£• ... .. • I .............. low, tool Rt.ti -Mii Far 11"""'9 Dolk:bM . . .,... .... 4::39• -· • lor -.. ; DlllCll AIJllle Cab. --low polc:e. TODTO JUICE = 3 "!.-23~ ...... • • llPI..., Lllbr t••:•~·~hd~-~oo.:;.:m::~· :; .. :~:;..:•:"~-­ ...-::a,,,,..--~ OIAllCE JUKE Selttt'• Colol. ~-21• . , iCaJ.ifomia.. SLICEP BACON lmolClll MUI. Rath'• 11--45.• Black Howk. SIUSICE mWARDS INSTANT r....i. ... or of .... coffee iiUloAlly. ' ':' 700 4:" i 35~' Ho•111111I.eil Milk .::! . 21 c Lutef'fle, post9Uriud. IHolf-gollon, Uc) Pro ~itct to Stott: t.gU5otion. Coatlr1teil Milli. ~ 19- 1.uoemo. IQ-t ""'°"·Mc) . fresll lrtid '=-~ ':: 20- \ Mn. Wriaf\t'' llad, !Small loaf, 15<1 ,. ::m lrNd :::r 20- ..... Wright'1, llad. F-ly bobd. .... ., .. ~':t ; 23- Wllelles ~ 16• ·:: 23• Mllfil Mil Doonoedory a-. 15• . Cotn ,q, P•cMI Mil 13~".".;3cl 2:.-:."' 25• ·-Oil ... 33• -65• Pwtfllley ~.~. 'i!" 26• TIMI Synip :::0:. :!:' 23• f ine on hotcakes. 124-os.. boltte, 4,C) Pld Trill Synip :;:· 27' 1 -, 1 .... "'(: -· ' • . ' • • ' P.QJS c ocrom n, 11111 11-- -,ob.at ' N?;WPo&~ MY , PncUcol AA .. l'Opla"7 ta - l'UllT AND. SBOI'PINO ~!I .. por w!D ,.ailllN ---. . . snlaAL ·• ELEc11rc '·\ • Refrigerators • De.ep Freezers • Auto· matic Washers • Dryel'i ·• Dishwes~ers Dispose Us • Rangei • T oesten • Irons ~rillt. • Mixers • Waffle Bakers • 'Roest· ers • Heating P11d1 • Blankets. ·, •· -' THIS WEEKS SPECIAL I Gal.-»t:MS ....... -....... --.. •···•·•· .. ···-.. ·-.. ··----··-...... ... I Gal. CARISSA ··-··-............. -..................... _ ...•.••. -.......... de t Doz. S'SAPS ··-·····-·············-·········-··-·-····---~········--······--·········-··lte 1 Dos. ST()(;K.8 ···-·····-·-·················-·--······-·······-············-··········-···lie Xo. 1 IUXG ALFRED DAFFODILS ·-·-················-··········f!M:b lOe SU B·TR 'OPI CAL LANDSCAPE NURSERY 111 Cout BJgtlway "Corona df-1 Ma.1' RATTAN FURNITURE RA n AN DRAPES SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. Jft8 8o. Mala St. SA..,"TA A..."'\A KI. !-SMS AJ90 LAGUXA MAPLE 8HOP 1'to SoutJt Cout Boulevard. 10°/o Discount on Any Pur~e (EXCEPT ABALO:SE ud SllBDIP). ~·- Brtag this ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fresh Fish Daily from Our Own loatsl - ABALONE . . ............. lli. 75c UOO Lafayette oa tile Bay l'o-r:wt'OBT Now Open Sunday for the Homeowner CONCRETE BLOCKS • BRICK FLAGSTONE • SAND • GR.A YEL CEMENT • SUPPUES SKIP WADER FOR TRAILER WADING KEITH B. COLLIM.$ 2124 Newport Blvd. C011ta M08& Jlaibor 70!5 . -. LUMBER -SAT. 8 to 5 SUN.~ to 1 SPECIAL THIS '\T.EK Octobt'r 18 to OrtobPr !-4 GARBAGE DISPOSAL -Special $66.00 at ... ABC L UMBER: • 140 E. 17th St., Co.ta.Jf- strht~Rarbor ttM4'" NEWEST •8EK\'.JCE ENftBPRJSE la the Xewport Harbor area .. the Cout EJec:tro8'ea Co., f15 Cout Hlrhway. Nf'wport Buch. Proprlelon a.re Ole.on and bean Salman-. both '-eterana of many J'e.ll"I of electric aad radio work a.ad tra.UalDr. Olf!'nn Sahnah wu for yPan wltll the X&Dsaa Pow· e.r a.ad Usit;t Com....,-ud la a t'tPf'nt ...,arrtval ln Oalltomi&. Dea.a 8alma.u la bof11. a •n.duate t1leet?-oaks •hide.at ud Marble Vorp11 \-eteraa of World \\"ar JJ ln ••lillch be bad.led &II t.be lat.Ht eleetroata de'f1tt11 hlcorporated. into televl.ton, rad.Jo rtteJ,·t'n., t ram9Dlitter1 aod diftrctloa, tlD&-ra. • FILMS. .RADIO, .. TElEVISl.ON DIS'CUSS!D av.· FORUM TALK "1 ...... HD1 ... ,. The nl&Jl who point• the c&lJleta Jive teleeuta Jr.Dd that better edlll th• television procram ac-ligblinJ and edltinf ta poactble C#'Clinl' to Thoma.a .8roWft H_..ry, .w..bAn the fM.ture ts fllrQed nnt, Puadt1.na Playhou9. luml~arY'; he Pruned movtea which he be- who d1.cuned the role of theater, lleve• are far better than they motion pi ct un, radio ~· t•l•vi•-were even & year •ro. ton aa communication t.ha!inet.a at Dr1.ma can ~ a g-reat force the Ora.nr• Coa1t EvenlnJ" Co11ere for Jood or evil he lrtated addlnK Fall Forum Serie11 la!t \V~eaday that the "audio -v\aua.1 audtenoe nli-ht. can become a "silting "duck for Mr. Harry opined, "'Ther. &re he mo.t ln.aidioua propacanda. too many people and not $K!"'l'b Under the culae of • relea.e fV,m people handllnf telavlaloft." nlech&nbrn, tlhlcal living can be The dang~r In that newe.(1'fetd. of made ... to !eem worthieaa." He communications. he betttn:•, LI flleta-. t.h.,. Lmpact of the runmen th&t optnJoniJ may be, fa.Jsely dii.ilias 'T.re -tte f In l t e I y bad, drawn by w-tching the f&cial ex -especially ·for children. Tarzln& preulorui of & man "''ho ha1 not a g1ngiJter drama with "crime been trained to act. He cited the doe not pay" dOe"s not offset the recent trlal5 and peace conterence 1!amouriz1n l' of the badmen on which m~e televl1i6n hl1torj' say· the impresaionable rad.Jo audJence lnC that th• Idea y.-u bulcally ,who offer ho realatanct1 toward r()f)d but th.at the pubU• thl.Dlu: a procn.m. he a id. - en-oneou.iy It can a.na.lyu Charac· Th• speaker deacrtbed hi• U· ter trom facial expttufonC perlencea wtth drama rroupa com- RecreatiOn Group to Name Leader at Next Session ' A meeting ot Newport Beach &'.nd Co.ta Meaa ITOUPI lnten•t.d In •etttng· u~ an ott..-bue recrea- Uon com.mun1t1 Jl'f'Oll"l.n1. tor Hr· vice pen1oa.nel w'l1) ~ held ThU1'9· day at ~•39 p. m. lri -Oood.d) Hall, l~lh atN-et and Balboa Bltid. At la.at weelc.'1 ·fdllon of the city park. be-ach ·'lhd -ttereatlon comml.s41on, Fra.ncl• Honialh wu named temporary chairman of the ot't·btlae rt"CrratJon commlttef'. A regular ch.aJrman wtll be choaen at Thursday night'• muting. Some 20 org-an~atloftS a.ttended Wt w ef'k's preJimlnt.ry m~tln1. The city pa_rk, ~ach and rec- rf'atlon commUiaton at ill rerutar meeting rttommended that the ctty council purchue 100 knock- ed-down p.uk benchY. They would be usembled by city employee• during l1l# winter at a co.t of $1 1 per bend. an t'atimated Ill per bench •vtnr If they were bou,(bt al.rady auernbled. The b-e n ch ends are ot concrdie. M.r. H~nry, wbo Ml a n 1ctOr, pro-posed of cerebral pet.ey patient& I;===========; du~r. and <ti.rector ~d hta and blind actor&. He concluded.I I Aeently' retl;:lft,llowlnc 22 yeara hia talk with hJa belief that the EJ.EcTRIC 8UP PLIE8 wtth the P • en.a Pl.l.Y Houae, methods and uaea of drama have UP,tt.as Fixt'urM believes that th• lefttlm.a t.e thea-been. con.NtenUy bettered over Lamps -Sb..adn ter wtll never ,dle and th.at whUe the yean. Parts_ a.pain radio may Nffe.:r eome loaa tt will Tomorrow nJfbt. October 17, • i&hn.Y• h.aft a ma.stc about lt. ftlchard Neulra renowned archi- 'Cftadlo la Ilk• the lmq1natlve tect will appear on the forum Shapespeare theater," he said. Q.1atform to dlacuM The Abund.a.nt "Some thln111 Wuld be .ti.Ml'd and Cite fJl Architecture. On October not IH.ft." 24 Frank C. Ba.~ter. Unl'\·e~lty HARRY M. WHETSEL .. 41'1' Yett-pot'& B1"·4. Costa MHa Pllone Beacon 71tt Pointtns out that It fa not eco-of South~rn Calffornla educator, nom\cally feuible to do" many will apea.k. IF,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Newport Elementary School P.-T.A. Establishes Record in Membership HILLMAN MINX '''" dell,·f'red. here plua tax and Ucea.M! 1·our Harbor Are& Dto&Jer l'o'J:WPORT AL"ro ~ALES :ICM W. Xewport Blvd. • Newport Beacb bor .. ..,, Memb.rshlps have H&chNI a.n,.-.------------ 11-ttme high tn the Part.ht· Tea.ch-nounc~ by MW Emma )'lat tilt, et A.1.ociaUon ot the N':?'fOrt ICbooJ dlltrict nur!IE'. Thl'se talkJi Buch elementary schoo1i a'tcord-for pt.rents a.nd teachers •~ p&rt [ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~! l.ftJ' to Lhe prealdent. Mr•. Louis of a preventative proj{T&m bring I; e'itnar. who called upon mtmMr-1 ponaored by the Orange County ahlp chairmen to a.nnounc' their Oenta.l Auociation. quotu la1t Tbunday at the board Roll call wu mad"' whrn offl-'.&---' I "'ITN&lftCJ. New! :-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ meeting hf"ld in t.he Horace En-cer• &nd exe<:utlvr board chatr-li 1lgn «hool. mni. lnt~ed themSf'lvu by A. total of nearly 2000 member-name and offlc•. Special tntro-VENETIAN BLINDS AD LIB shlpa re.ultf'd from the drive he.ld duction• were ,.ivf'n to nt-wly ap- the flrrt week In Octo~r and pointed chairmen, including ),{rs. brought $98:) lnto the loc•l unlL Edw&rd Milum. homf' and family; ·15 where Seller tells Buyer.· Half of t hla a.mount wtl! be turn· Mr•. Smtth N•wbt-rry .. magu:lnea: ed over to state a.nd natlonaf Pt{rs. Don H&.11, v.·eifare; ~trs. t.n1uurie1. Harry Schroeder, rounde"' day; F .... information and ....._, Ml"I. c. E. McNt'll Tt'ported 720 Mrs. Lt'onard GraVt'S, wa.ys a.nd UI IGlA memberships from the Newport means: Mn. Mort Porteau.s, cub Ca 11 -A B a 0 I crammar achool. Corona del Mar IK'OUt coordinator, Pack 110: and ~ turned In 71~ acc-ording lo Mn. Mr1 . Robert Crown@r, co-onllJl:a· Carl Wolff and Mrs. William Cole. tor, Corona del Mar . ...... 0.1818 m&n report.a !135 m•m .. ro at the Horace En.aim school. LJ db h PTA ·~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~·~1 ln Jin• W!lh th• 20 ))<'r C<Dt n erg :;; • lncreu• over iu:t year'• member-Plans Annual 11hJpa wu the a.nnouncemt'nt bY Everywhere You Go You Meet our CLASSIFIED ADS Horace En.aim. diatrict Sllperln· H II F t tend••~ regarolng the large In· 0 oween e e Plana tor the annual Ha.JloWM"n carnlval spon.90N'd by the Costa Meaa Lindbergh-Harper Pi A were furlb~red when the ccsnrhlttet: met with Mrs. Ja.ck Ha.rria, PT A prui· dent. Mrs. WUUam Hw:crott U With Snep on Removebel Slets Your Cleaning Problems Solved • COMPLETE !IELECTION FREE ESTIMA.TES Come ln For Demomtratlon • COASluNE FLOOR COVERING 11'1 S•wport .t.•t-Cloata M ... -6Ul-I ••• no wooder they produc9 Neb. m&rTeJom --U..1 pt """""'' creue !n pupil enrollment. He ataled that the &ebool diatrlct hu bad to inatltute half·day R•\ona and that representaUvea of the lo- c&I PT A will meet wt th other civic VGUPI at the Enalpi Khoo) Wedne.tday evening, Oct. 17 to dt.- cuaa wbat tu.rt.ber meuu~• mu.st be takt-n to meet the .overpopu· lated ~ool condlUOO.. (t'nera.1 chalrmaa of the &ff&lr to I':'.'.'.::'.'.::'.'.::~'.'.::'.'.::'.'.:::'.:'.:::'.~ be given Oct. 30 ln Urton hall, I · Need help? ... wut a Joh! ••. --\0 eell? T'rf a O•Wfted: ad for muLftl COMMERCIAL JOB PRINTING BUSINESS STATIONERY CARDS -PRQGRAMS - PHONE HARIOR 1616 INVITATIONS-WEOOIN& ANNOUNCEMENTS OFACE FORMS -MENUS -BOOKLETS, ~ . . .. ,... •. , ......... . ' . - 2211 Balboa Blvd., Ne~ a..d\· • Costa Meaa. One of tbe fp.tu.rea wlll be ' .pagbetU dinner to be-aerved un· der the aupe.rviaion of )ilmu. Har. old Hohl and Don Stevena. l£ra. A,J Holllater II In ellarge ot ttckrt aalff. Ent.ert.a,tn.ment wtll lndude a spook houae and a fortune teller'. Dinner tlck.etl are prloed at 4.0' cent., for clllldren; 16 cent.a e&t.b for adult.a. ' . '-'•··• ~•• Now .. Hlli•or dlar REGULAR $83.30 'PRICE ••• l I I • P ABTll AND LAJIO& BIG SAVIKGS ON 4LL llABl:ll 18 POINT OVERHAUL . 1. Complete Valve Grind 2. Clean Carbon 10. Change Engine OD IL Clean OU Pnmp Lt-, S. Replace Piston Rings 4. Replace Piston Pins 5. Expand Pistons 6. Replace Connecting Rod, hulert Bearings Sc1"1! and Sump. 1.2. Ridge Beam, glue bat, eylhlclen IS. Clean ud adjnst epark plup l'-Replace Dletrlbntor Point., '1. Adjut Connoctlng ~ Che•-rolet a Buick 8. ~gn Connecting Rods 9. Replace Bead and Pan Gullet. ,.,time motor 15. Clean Air C!Mner 16. Adjust Clarblll'Otor· 17. Replue Manlfolcl Guketa 18. Top Radiator Boee No Down P&JIDeDt 12 MONTHS TO PAY Ho -..,_, • :Geftulne Factory Parts 2nd & Sycamore Santa Ana Kl 2-2375 Soft W.ater • Vacuumed • White Side Walls Cleaned ' • , SPECIALISTS IN LUBRICATION and POLISHING • YOU SAVE AT MAIN STREET AUTO ·LAUNDRY ACROSS FROM SEARS, SANTA ANA ALL or TBE · NEWS of th• Newp·or1 Barbor Area ALL TBE ·TIME . . EVEIY THURSDAY ~ , ' ..-.$ I j~OTll , FOB •a.so A Y'f~"'!,--ln ....... t . . . SUISCllPTION oua POIM To tlte NEWPORT· ~UJOA PIDS w1 THI N'*5 • TIMIS • • . . -.. ' -. eon . . . ,. ' ' . , 1 • I .. I I ' • • . i 11Msd1 ' October 18, 1951 j ,:1 ,. I · •INUINI IDAHO IUSSIT-FINI FOi GINllAL USll mu FANCY-CllSP SNAPP'f'-WASHINGTON JONATHAN ' \ \ \ \ '\ ''''' ....... ...__.._ ' lbs lbs CANNED VEGETABLES! CANNED FRUITS Pim-• Little sw"t 17-eL 15 c Dole'• Sllceol 25c PEAS PINEAPPLE Ne. 2 Caa c •• . lleck A Wlllt. Peacy Cllt 2No225C PilciiiS' . No. 21/2 25c GREEIBEAIS c.~. t c.. I YIN-Peli HaN•Packed 19c o,....'I FIHd 19c TOIATOES No. 21/2 PURPLE PLUMS No. 21/2 Ca• Cao N~lett'1 17c Pacific Golol lortlett 25c IEXICORN 12-oL PEARS No . 21/2 c •• Cao v •• C.111p'1 -19c S•p ... •• IN Sollr' Pitted 21c PORK& BEANS Ne. 21/2 CHERRIES No. 2 c ... Ca• . . White King -Soap . Powder Glaot 55c Packa .. I AU..AMlllCAN SMALL FRESH GRADE-A ECCS . DeL !• Carta• • 0 '"s0 ... JUICE Grapefralt 3 No.2 25c C••• Sao+. Mllria THALES Ne. 21/J C.•• c Ker11'1T.,.ete CATSUP ........... 1. . _=.~FLOUR 1 ::!~ 99c WESSON 01,L .... 30cqt.59c · ........... ,_ ... FLOUR ~fte •Lt.._ .. , ~V- • I Laura ScNder'• r .... Mayonnaise ,.: 37c 9f. 6 7c· SNOWDRIFT . PUU YIGITAILI • ·SHOITElll.G 3-lb. . , ' .. • • t I , October II, 1951 'RTER SLico ·98'·. • • ' AIMOlll'S STAI • ~J>!! ... ~INKS 33a. • ,ANCY COLORED FRYING (Jt I (KE NS 69c LAtGEF1Y1N•sm . 69c CUP-UPAN~PANIEADY ; ~· SHRIMP lb. . . 49a. i?~~~siEAKs 59a. llOHIS' llST·YAL Eastern BACON' SLICED ' M.J.B. 1-LB. CAN Best Foods' Holiday COFFEE MargariQe ' • • I 1-lb. Pk9. Colored 2-lbs. · · $1.49 • FROZEN FOODS . -ORiii JUICE 2'°'37c . . .. P1 INilPPLE 23c . ... . ' 2'··21c M: C. P. LEMONADE 12.oz. 2 '··33c PICTSWEIT PEAS PICTSWEIT FOIDHOOK LIMAS . Geltle•Stwh .con AGE CHEESE FULL 24C PINT • .OLDIN STATI A 12-oz. 23c PKG. Gelcle• Stet. PAR-TEE ICE CR.AM 2 " ... 33c PllST Cj>UAUTY 11~· -. BmER .lie'~~., ·g~ Oct. 11, ~·· 20 1'1a1n or Sugered DOUGHNUTS 43c...._ oi.. Sir..., .... n. N......O: a o...-Del llu thll7 . -.Jel·l-o .... 6 Dellelous c . . ea. Flavors ·sJIRKIST. • • BEnY CROCKER'S BISQUICK LARGE PKG. ' DELICATESSEN :~~:OH CHEDDAR 45~ LUEl'S ALL MEAT FRANKS --01--c Braun· lb. schweiger S111o!ry ae .. Tasty! HOLIDAYS AHEAD! . ' llAT SHORTAGES AND THI NEW TAX llTTll IUY .,OWi ~ ....... ~ 4 YEAI OLD STIAIGHl' . OLD BROIZE s2~ flFTH ••••••• } ••••• I ••• .. NI AITS tO-PIOOF · air·~·~-::. ... 5289 "OLD Ml. IOSTON• RockilNJ Chair ··~Wiiiaby ""'" ................ . $289 DIMrtll IWIOOP $365' VOID ""'" 'fry ........ _ .. .,.." Ceclt9111 "r. " • • • • • • • •••• ~n.- M&WIWI MY -.um -•1U•t1-• BLACK SETS RECORD AS COAST TRAMPLES MT! SAC 34-14 BEFORE • FANS .,.. hi 4-e ...... Jolum7 Black oet a ,..,. Oranp Coast off<NI•• ~ - ao U.. PIN.too bflt..i xt. San Antonio Junlor Collelf .. 14-lf, at Bpadra Saturday lllr:llt boforo a crGWd of OVtt 3000 fana. T1u1 PIN.t"" rolled vp a total ot 493 yardl on Ille ground and UlnluP Ibo air aod Black _,.t.I tor 217 ~with a r.cord ot 23! JUda•plned running ~ 19 pl&yo &lld 3t yardo pine<! an two pa- Tbe former Palm Sprtnp' half'-+-------------1 back ".cored twice---onee on an 18- yard pa.u t.rom Howard Hiller and later on a ao-~ aprint tbroUgb the middle ot the.. M:ount&lnttr d~ fenae1. GU Stun lntttcepted. a J>UI on the MOWlty 49 to aet up the final TD. Hal Smith went thrwlh from the one·yard out ·and Jem Smith split Ille upnsl>ta io make It 34-14, • CLASSIFI.ED ' ~ Mighty Miclg.t In Mnrtlllni NEWS-'DMES -r-Every 'heeday NEWPORT BAY POST-WecbwclaJS NEWP.OBT-BAIJWA PBESS-TlaandaJS lfw,_. 8u I'-' asss'flel ..... -,_~a. b11I ¥ lSwwr .... nm 18"-- llDlllU• AD D ' UlfU , ADO' ................... tvOSl*19 ... 1.rs DMrttp 'u-1 Paper ..... 75-. 'u.. , hpen uo ' Liil• I Papen S.00 ne publllhen will not be re1poNlbl.e for more than on. tnconect tuertlon of an advertiaement. rMf!rw lhe rtcbt to conectlJ clu9ll1 aoy aad all ado aad to reject an.7 advutlalmart not -'ormills io rulu and re(\llaUona. .Ad'ftrtllementa and ca.ncaqaur• will ~ """"!'ted up to 6 p.m. on U.. da)' pttOl!dinf publlcaUon. mx.cept deadline for NeWll .. Tl.mu LI 11 L m. Ke- • l~ Ab'191lm Anall,_ Write P. O. -toll ~· ... Dia .,..... cant. -!!Dw"'"t"-- Superfluous Hair Ptrm•D4fttly removed trom face, an111, lolf& Jllyellrows ~ 1Jnt al.aped-No DION , !! r !:!:. ( !!!!! .... Yor Better . TV lieception . 'B4rl1Ct .,.... •r 1tt' red .Ant....:1 Wllla'a DOW V-00.. , $ijji(),. incl. 'llast ·'fY -91C8 cuza DI)' or mor1•1 ~ 'Radio and Televlmlon 109 Bro.dway eo.ta Meola • llc81 YOUNGSTOWN 4o0ble oink ' top , ... ). $20; 8lalpo 7-111. ~­ US; Thor m.il1ron. fiO. n07 OraM" AY&., 0oota K-14p88 10 IN, 'l'ABLI: l!AW, I" jointer, 12" woocl lalbo, H " -dr1IL AU h av~ Individual moton. Many hand tool.I. 629 Bernard St., CMta X-. 85p88 " HAR 161t WANT NJ wm .... cosf You t ' . , • I ' , only ~ ~n~ it '...,ill run• ' ' 1 " . in all 3 local papers: -.... . -~ Minimum ad ii ~ 4 lines. \ Pllone Harbor 1616 I • Newpori-Balboa Ne-.Tlmeti -Newport-Balboa Pre. Newport.Ba7 Post (SbopplQ& News) Coast grabbed a 7-0 lead In Ille fint quart.a u Jea Smlth piled 10 ya.nb over ~ after Bob Woo<lhouae recovered Mount Y Dick Fouts' tumble on the Ml. Sac 27. Woodbouau' recovery came on the n.nt play after the bornetownen had etopped the Pi- rates ln a drive at the 26. Jet1111 Smith kicked t b e convttSlon. Archie Niabet'1 boys bounced back to knot the count momenta later u quarUrback DarTOW Weema paued to Fout&. who wu llll· Jea.gu:e f\Jllb&ck La.st year. Tbe el&hl-yard pus play came attu Foutz had run 29 yard.a over tackle -the J.&rsut Mounty ground pin of the Jli&'.bl. Bob Ottrandtt kick- ed the tielng point. Mt. Sac'• acorln1 of tbe leCODd TD came aa and Jlm Blue:Uunan broke through to block Mel S:rual· leY'• punt and Weena sneaked over (J'om the quarterback. •lot two yard• out three play• later.· r-.. Bar. 1111. uk for •£t ~ ........... . .... mL!<lil't L. BRYANT R. 1C. TU.-Y &lld Thund&y ""17 l.Jdo'• a.Jon of Beauty Har. 3578 SPLAR-li:NLARG~li x 31'. a~ •: w. s . w.r Urea. T.10 z. 11J. Very S2-Bomehokl Goods , M-Mlllleal, Radio ""'-~~~~~~~~~~ NlCWPORT B4AllOB PUBLlllRINO ()(), Ull ll&lbo9 Bl~ Newport llmalt, o.llfonta. 79ct3 eood· 1 New 7.00 x 1~ W . 8 . W. Ure. 34.8 -------------· I:. 19 SL, eo.tA M.eaL Phone 0-C188Sifled Index 22--LoR uad Foinld ' Beacon 8138-M:. 85p87 NOR.GI!:, WASHER -Ila ihe 1951 latut all autamat!c wuher. Has agitator and «OH: ftuah ,,to the wall, has overflow rlnae and spin drtea c!Otbe&. Can ,PUt clot.hn in the top and torgt:t about tbem. Balane1!< due oa. contract 11 only $238.M and 1 paid over S297 for IL My equity FREE lt you take payments of $12,85 per mo. See Mr. B\Plhn BEAUTIFUL Spinet p!ano. Re- seaed. Pay out balance $381 Uk' reaL Uk• bewl Another, blond mnhopny cue, .cofcf:OU8 tone, U&:i. Famous malml Also muy rental retuma. Save trom $120 to $300. AU ID ptrtect eon- diUon. DANZ-SCIDODT PIANO STORE, 520 No. "Ma1n. cot. ltb St., S&nta Alla. SUbject io prior ule. CoMi "'-Back Cout earn• back In the aecond quarter wtth a 64-yard smtained drive with a payoff pltch t.rom },filler to Blactk tram 18 yards out. F red Owene recovered a tumble on the P lra.t.e 38 to stop a short lived apark on the •lte ot the oppon· e.nts and open the way tor the Pirate'a drive. Ned Pa.r90ll.8' inter- ception of a paaa from Darrow Weem• to Fouts set up the third local tally !&le In Ille tint halt. Pal"SONI took the ball on the 20 and returned to the 11. Jeu Smith plowed over attu the Pir&tl!'s made tt & tint down on the one- ya.rd line on repeated thruat.a by Hal &Ad J e.a Smith. Je&a Smith added lhe extra point to enable the Ptratee to leave the field with a 20-7 Jead at 1Dtumlaaion. Black made his SO-yard sprint mld·way ln the third period u he broke into the Ml Sac 11ttonda.ry and aimply outran all of them. Jeu Smith added Ille extra polnL Fnd Ow'ena wu once again tbe defenalve •pa.tkpluc ot the Plratu with 10 tackl .. In addltloll io bis timely reco•e.ry of a Mounty tum- ble which a.et up the second '<"Y9 ... Sid Mannin1, defmslve r.t end, and linebacker Charley Black ea.ch made KVen taqclea and Don Wagoner (line breaker), a.nd Bob WoedhoWle (tackle) each made five tackle• ..• Jerry Bodine wu cloee. wtth four . . . eo..t•• line and linebacker. only let seven men cet tar enouch eo that the b&lfbac.ks and afette. had to m&ke ta.ckle11 ( a.nd one or , theM tackles wu made by halfback Mel Sm.alley behind the line of scrim· age after '& pus completion) •.• Ned Panon.11 probably laid the he.tueat tackle ot the nil"ht aa he knocked Orin Allen for a loop af- ter a pass completion •.. Halt- back Panaons bad bttn walltn« .a long t o malc.e a tack.If! that be pi.it evuything he had into it • • . Pirate qµa.rterbac:D Mt .ome kind of a record u they threW 10 passes. completed f1ve to ML San Antonio defendera and foUr to the lntended receivu and only had one incompletion ... Coach Ray Roa wu pl'&Md with the improved Pirate play eqeclally the down· field blocldn&' on the part ot Dick Francia and Hal Smith ... Be noted the improved tackllns alon&' with betUr end play. TARS WHIP LYNWOODER'S 19.0 IN THRILLING GAME Newport Harllor Union Blch'•.,_ __________ _ terrltlc Tan Wted tbe heady wtne 91 victory apln Friday night u they uncorked a 19·0 win over Lynwood Hl&'h 'a battlJng Beare.ala before more than 3000 apectaton at Davidaon Field. ANTIGUA FIRST TO FINISH IN . CAT ALINA RACE Coach Al Irwin, ple.ued with the manner tn which the Tar11 dea.lt with the Inland lnvadl!'n. said of the squad: "They all stood out. It. wu really a Uam victory. The blocking wu good and the Newport Harbor Yacht Club'• tack:llng wu all right." He. aa.id "San Clemente race around Cata· he could not 11lngle out top play· Una 111&.nd'' finally surmounted all us in thia game u It wu a game the trials and t ribulation11 which that nw the whole 8QU&d see be.set it lut week end and hu action. been entered ln the Club annalJ "It wu a good spectators' as a more or leAS 1ucceaatul event. came all the way,'' he added. The An entry llat of 19 boa.ta cons team, which be aay1 l.11 improving tributed to the more aucceutul each week, will have Ila first aide of the ledger, but the poor co- league .-ame thi8 Friday night operation of the weather mad~ with Orange H IB"h School at OT· things a .bit dillcouregin1 for tlle ange. sailors. In aplte of fog and acarces The Tars' Ted McMuten. end. ly any wind 12 yachts had tlnlahed ~ke the tee Friday night in the by Sunday night, two did no[ f!cond fiuartu when be intercept-start. three did not flnlah I leplly. td-a p.a. in the second quarter for that ia) and two were aUll unre- bll: team'• ftnt touch down. A ported at 11:30 o'clock Monday conversion kick. 'by Rex Bell morning. brought the acore to 7-0. Alter the many change.a lD tlml!', After a auat&ined drive tn the place, and coune w1tleh "'·ere aame period, Rolly Puluklo Ta.r chronicled hue, the lltart actually quarterb&~. went. over for the took place at 10:00 p. m . Frtday aecond touchdown on a quarter· oft the Newport pier. At 2 p. m . back sneak from the one--yard line. Saturday, no )'&ehta had been re- The conversion kick wu off to the port~ rounding either end of right. Catalina, 80 tbe folks at home had 10 Bmta:• GalAe II llulldblf lfatorlala U llaNlllJl!el"f1eeo ., ...... .. 15 Si.a.re Your Car 11 Tn.mportatloa n Boo111qf Coatnc:lon 18 ~Ahlo 1• u,-lateriair !O Bealtlt AJd9 FISHER Drafting Service 818 Cout Highway, B&rbw 2443 Corona del Mar 12ttc LOST~ld st.' Chrlaiopber med-Compleia lnltallatlon,' repair and al in..crtbed to "John, Xmu service of all traller equJpment. 1950" Oil Balboo t,land. ~J!lR­ AL REW ARD. !IOI N. Bay IJ'I'., Balboa I.oland. 85p87 ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY · 1910 BARBOR BLVD. Coat.a Mean.. Phone Beacon 8224·R "°' So. Spadra, Fullerton, 9 RENT A PIANO. Let the Kiddietl LOST-Le.diet' navy blue box purse. Reward. Phone Harbor M:zo.JK. l!.5cle a.rn.. to 8 p.m. Pbon.e 21~2. le.am, $:5 per rno. F\Jll term rent A.PI'. 'RANGE. 6 piece chrome aet, Mttc allowed on any pLano in our !! Lott. ud Jl'ouad %4 Schoeb, bntnactloa %3 Sltua'1oal Waated 21 Btlp Waaied 308aie,- , ... A 8wapo JllXPICRIENCJllD CARPE:NTERS Want Work by Bour or Job. cau Harbor llN·M 7ltfc z+-Scbool • lastnlctlo• 8" table saw wtlh motor. 32-20 I ·MA--PLE--:.-D-ININ--G-T-ABLll---:z.-d-4' alock:. DA.l\'Z -SCHMIDT Bl& J 1&v.•e ri!le, 22 ritle, baby bed, "¥' Piao Sto ••o N ~-•· s• • -ch&ira and maple rocker: JUST o re, .,.. o. ~ ~ JO..B AppllancN 11 Wanted to Buy S% Funtltu.re for SAie IZ·A Aatlqua IS Boata, Supplleo 14 Mukai. Radio Sil Jlop. Oabl,. Peto ,. P<>uJil'y, Babblto 17 Uve9tock U Speclal A.UoDIK!eDM!e& to BtWANl'I OpportaaJ.Un 41 Storea a.ad Ottlcen 4% Wuted to Rent 43 • .\.partmenta and Roo'W'9 Q..A Trailer Space 4& Boo'-for Keat f.4..A Res& Rome9 •.s Rent, Mbcellaaeotu ts Room and ~ 4'7 Trucka tA Automoblkie. Tl.rel '' Autoe Waated 60 Auto Se~ n TraUerp Ill Al.,.ia- 115 MOMJ te Loaa 11-7 Waated &T RMI Eetato Wuled 90 1 ....... Prope.tf 11 RN.I l'Atate Zlrcba•,re n Real z.tate B & Y House Move1i8 AND General Contractors 630 Firat St., T\.\atin Calif. Phone. Kimberly S.-1~ (Home Phone• JAaper 9·%77S or JAsper t-2987) 13c&e PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN I'll -Bt.. Ooota -• -. M67·K Hot INTERIOR -llXIDtlf'~ PAINTING LICENSED -INBUJtm> Glenn Johnston S01 -Slit st. Newpwt Be&cll Barbor 2217-1 S4d8 H.H.HO~ROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt . Repair s.rneo Malutalne4 Plloa•: Harbor 2na.w 2801 Ba.lboa Blvd., Newport: Beach Sympson & Nollar PAlN'.flNG 6: DECORATING "The Best Monq Can Buy" :il2 -31th SL. Newport Beach PBONJll BARBOR :UO& lillfc For Venetian Blinds, REMODEL and REPAIR Shades and Drapery Hdwe. Residence or Commercial THE SHADE SHOP R L 'D' k' N l S Free estimates Ph. Har 884 • • ic e son r. General Building-Contractor New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERBEAD Sl 7 Cout Hlway, Corona. de1 Mar 70ttc VACUUK CLEANERS Electrolux and Qthere. $8.9{'1i up. 100 to chooae from. HANK'S Vacuum C1e&nl!'r Co. 901 S. "Main St., Santa Ana Kimberly 3·2918 70ttc Hall; Bagatelle., sailed by Bob Allan; Teeyat. H. B. Lewis. Arbitrary Cl.us -Conejo, Ken Davt1. Pro America National Board Asks U. N. Probe M8 Fullerton, Newport B@ach Free Eltlmatea Beacon 6779-W 73p87 DON K. BUTI'S Lie. General Contractor ResidentiJ)-Commerclal Remodeling Phone Beacon Mot-W Painting and Paperhanging GEO. BURKHARDT 17ttc MS • Sllll SL, Newport Beach Phone Ha!P<>r 24.l&-W be.fore a a. m. or tJter -& :30 p. m. 83tfc CO•IPLETill HOUSE CLtl:ANING Furniture an4 rup l!!lh&mpooed. Free eetimate.s-Fully tnsu.red. Al's House & R~ ~eaning Co. ••• ~ 1111 Tltto LEARN SPANISH G. c. J'AJARDO wtll teach you elementary or conversational Call eveninp, Harbor lt03·R. • llllp81 JllXPll!RT W"-SHlNG aod Ironlnr. Brlnr to 1822 Vllelle f.lace, Newport Beach. Har. 1257-W . 8$p90 COLORED boy want. geaeral cle.a.nlnr hall d&Y• on pennan.e.J\t hula or will work by the bour. Own t.ra.n.spOrtatlon. Phone H~. 00811. Mo88 RELIABLE Y aunl' Marine want.I part time work evening• or week end.a. Write Box N , this paper. 85p87 PART TIME WORK WANTED- +Baby eitt:iq, cletking. office, housework, rwtaurant. etc.. by (Irle from SO. CALIF. BIBLE COLLEGE. Ph. lQ. 3·8281, ex- te!Won 11. 95c96H J'OUNG nmi wtohu 1ob with ho- tel or motel. Hu hl.d bote-1 man&l'tment tnininl". I years expu:ience. National Hotel Ma· chine. Write W . G. Kinney, Gen. Del., Seal Buch. lep88 AMERICAN DP -Navy nt with wife and 4 chOdttn •eeklng permanent employment. Call Ha. 102<·W. 811p87 -electric motor teat panel, Sing· LIKE NEW. Res10D•ble. J01 Sant& Ana, er t{eadle sewing machine. fUf'-.~·-------------nltuli. bunk bed. 2453 ga,nta Larkspur (lower apt.) Corona BALDWIN ACROSONIC SPINET Ana Ave., Coat.a Meaa. 86p87 del Mar. S&cU Uaed. Save $200. Temu. Sub- . . ' S~cials ! Specials! ·-' iR~!rig~ra~rs s-:1:?f I cu. tt. Excellent con-A perfect running' order . :...-.......... _. ____ .. ._ ......... $99.9!5 ~VINATOR refrigerator, 8 cu. STUDIO COUCH, dbl mat~ll A box sptinp, ama.U table•, small p.s room~ heaters, combln&tlQn elec. re!rig and •lo're, rocldn: ch&lra. Phone Beacon '13.35· W . . feet to p r 1 ·o r a&l~. DANZ· -ilCBllllDT Big P!aao Siore, 520 jfo. Main, cor. Ith, San.ta Ana. dJ:tANo PIANOS: Baby On.nd, -s:=·!i9~~e1nw": ,...,. · erlnc, Wu~lltzer, A. s. S2-A AJ1Hn11,.. • " (?hue.AC:nabe, RI.worth, LUnd-==~_;;==;;o,;=-----'"'"• • '<1"1Dft. • From $385. DANZ- ANTIQUE Rosewood French love 'SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main. cor. su.L H!gh back a.nd a.rm.a. New-8tb, s.bta Ana. 100 pianos aJ .. ly uphollte.red in rose tu'OC&de. Harbor 1810-W mornings. 86c87 _waya. ft.-Excellent running order.•---------~~-­SLIGBTL Y USl!!D Spinet piano, like. nt!.lv. Big aavtnp. COnvenf.. ent terma at SRA.F.E!l'9 llUSIO ,. CO. (Since 1907), f.21 No. Syca- more, Santa Ana. KI. Z.OS'12. 113tfo completely overhauled .... $79.95 CROSLEY' Shelvador, completl!'ly over ha.uled, 5 cu. tt. -.-... $1:>.00 Washing Machines MONTGOMERY WARD with pump, new motor and comp. overhaul -···-··············-······$42.~ ABC ltn good running order $35.00 • < KENMORE waaber, ldnt. running ord~r ·-·---········-···-······· .. ···-'!:5.00 EASY .tand&r'd wringer wuher In good runntnc order .... $25.00 KenJ11ore waahln&" mach _ ... $17.50 Stoves OKEEFE It MERRlTI' table top • Chrysler Engines --Used Crowns.-Royals See John Harvey at Seacraft 825 COAST mGBWAY NEWPORT BEACH PB. BEACON 3771 HAMMOND ORGANS! The. great Hammond Chord Organ. U •you don't know a note, you can play th1a ! The Hainmond Spl.riet Or· p.n, World'• moat beauutul tone•. E a • y terma. DANZ-- SCHMIDT Piano A Orpa . Co., S&nta Ana, 320 1fo. ~ Cor. 8tll11tzeet. TELEVISION! Trade your old. piano on beauutuI televialon. Blg allowance. Famous make1 in televialon. DANZ-sclDaDT, ~20 No. Ma.ln, cor. Ith SL, 8enta Alla. MID __ D_Lll __ A_G_&:D--w-om_IU\_bl:--::Coata:--range. auto pilot, oven heat ).fesa, want. baby alttlng eve-con~rol, very clean.---·-····f.69.50 1------------- t<tfc LOVELY bungalow upriPt piano in perfect ptayins condition. Terms. $3%.00 down &Dd 111.8:5 per mo. at SHAFER'S MlJSIC CO. (Since 1907), 4.21 No. Syc&· more, Santa AnL KL 2-0672. 18 Fr. CHRIS CRAFI' speed boat. nlng at your home. Ph. Beacon ROPER table top ra.nge-Excep-Chrya. Ace. A·l mech. cond. $14M MM·WK... · S6p88 \io..,i condition .................. $59 .9:5 Frte allp rental for boat.a offered WANT TO CARE for Small chll· dren. j,n.. my' hotne, Coron& del Mar. lcxpertenced. Reuonable. Ph. Harbor 2363·RK. 86c87 ' , Your a<lt&Ppoarlnr rer· ularly ln the.le column.a will brilll' you m&ny new customen. Harbor area folk.I an In the habit of "lookinl' in the clusl· fted" wbe.n tbey need theu 1en1ce1. Euy Terma to Suit! 'STROOTS ' TeWinkle Hdwe 1802 'Newport Blvd.., Costa Mesa Pbone Beacon ~222 STEWART-WARNER dual temp. Refrigerator. aeltsdefro.tlng. 35 lb. treuer, $95. Harbor 1640-W. 88p88 KENMoftlc automatic washer with suds aavu, 3 yrs. old. Be.st offer. Pbo~ it&rbor 2889-M:. I ~ 86c88 tor sale up to 26 fl... Wizard 4 RowboaU for Rent Ken Scott•a Mobil Marine Dock Next to Ferry Landing, Balboa Harbor 2720 :i9tfc Rt!ulta come trom connant Practice! An ad. regularly in thi.11 paper will produce reaulU for you. • JOHNSON Outboard Motors The only tact.Ory -&,,proved Sales and Service Statton ln the New- port Harbor Area. South Coast Co. 83tfo BEDLINGTON Terrie,-(m&le) excellent watch dog Ir: peL Alao yellow perat&n caL Reuonable. 11812 Regent Dr., Santa Ana. Off Smeltzer Blvd., 1 blk. tram Barbor Bl\rd. 84p8e 40-Bnslness ~PP'."~ . COCKTAILS, Dlnoen, LI-.., fixturea, equipment. San Ber· nardino county. smau down or trade. H&r. 32M~. Uc87 Z9--Help wuatet1 O'K111i!FE ii: MERRITT range - The lutut 18~1 CP Ill automa-ticl with lamp and everything. stlitnl..,.. ateel g-rlddle • .Alao hu Newport Blvd. at 23rd SL Barbor 2600 &3tfc l -~-~~~~~~~~~ Standard Stations, Inc. Has a few openings .°FOR MEN • M FI'. mGGINS CR.AFI' equlpped tor Jllf tl&hlnr. Small bait tank. GMC dleoel. Good condition. ilmmer bamer• 4 chrome broiler. Balance I owe on ll $138.82. Can have equity ~ it you take payment. of - Price UlOO. Phone FLeetwood 11-2321 OI' LYcomlng 2·8493. M· ter a p. m. S:Sp90 ATI'8.AO'i'IVB OFJ'ICE on New• port Blvd.., near tlle new h0&a pita!. llzcellent 1-0Catlon Mill puking. A.lao perfect tor tlof'oo i1t ahop or other am.all butmeu.. Sf.5 mo. 4.88 Newport Blvd.. Cos- ta Ke-. Be.a.con ~'713-R. &2tfc • ~ membere of the NaUonal The Tan' third tally came tn a pretty fair Idea that lt would be the t.hlrd atan%& when Pulukl a long, alow race. Contrs.rJ to the rtned a 20-yard pLU to' Bell in 1949 race. wben the coune waa Who are look.inc tot P!rman_ent the ~nd zone. The conversion at· rully around San Clemente and PAINTING S7 .~8 per mo. Uaed tt 2 month.a, but you can't tdl. It. See MT . Ba,ugbn, <O& So. spadra,. Fuller- '°'), ~ a.m. io 8 1>.m. Pb. 2162. BOAT SLIP FOR RENT - Now avallabk. Har. 297~)( 85plO 20 x 4.0 Store or oUlce. Fine Tiat.- bWty. Balboa Blvd. cau 8at. or SWlday, Barbor 1450. 8Spse 2 • ··-laUon ot P•o America --·-plo-eot wttli excellent 11\ft. tempt wu abort. in wb.lcb. the Conejo set her 0. ,,_...,... • · .1-.._.., ~-· -r Co to •· lltl COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL .. Cot t -~ t. :n : 88tfc Only Tar injury wu auatained bour record. the nnt yacht to tln· terday uked ngreu uive • ~ENTIAL portw.u Y or _. .... ncemen by Ru Bell, who in maldng what Lsb the lt:il event y.ru Bal Ram· p.ts lhe dangers o.t law making Free &.Umatea to tO prderred.. Pa Id whlle WlM J)t!:Qple do read lb& ads. MACHINE SHOP SPACE. l..ow ilwln termed th• but block ot eer'• AnUgua after U houra aod thtouCb United NaUona treaUu training. Approx. $271.50 month Walt's Tradin~ Post rental io -·-porip 1fltll 'th t drUUn d th boar ncl ded three--d& R. .A..D4ruen Barbor 82~R ' USED MARINE. GEAR"' one or more machinea. 920 Co&at :: =:·e~~:1.ut~ ;:;: :5:.u1:':~~ 8% zn~u~ :ee~g ta~ un':oa X:acue Cluh 85c99 to start. Liberal laundry allow-1 ~ NaUtical ""DeCoratlons--U.led _Ntt _;_B1wJ; __ ._N_ow_...,.._rt_Beac11. ___ ·_111_p&1_, takrn aad will be ..move<! tomor-blud AnUgua came WI lllurn.y'• at Chlca::o, Dlinole. Build wi'th Bn"ck aacea. High ~I mlnlmum ',J 1~-1-WE BUY sCRAt"KETALS .~ • ....; B-o-~ _ •··go' row. Bell's block &ided a Tar play-Attannte, a 11Urprtslrl.gly close "We agttt with Senator Brick· dealred. See Supt. at the tlOfJ191" ~ • NlCAR J;Cl!l HOUSE ON 30th ~QI "' '"'""~ ~· er who bad J1111t mten:eptod a tlnl&b tor a rue ot thla lqtb In er CR. 0 .) U..t te<leral aad atate FRANK MOLL I'll. 1fUbor :j&70,>Newpo<t ~ bldg. oli ,Newport Blvd., near Lynwood pa.u. thla kind Of weather. conotltutlona'and Jawe COlild be STANDARD STATIONS .. R .i...w Gooa. oP!llf BUNDAYll -nc72B aty Ball. 5l·tL, tnxltq., J Recapping the coaqutOI. of LJD· Otloera la -upoet by llUCb treatlea u Ille draft "7 ll. 18th St., Coota M:eaa , _ • , :=, µ!!l!!X:: ' store -· Ample aq,footap wood, Irwin l&id, "It wu a mat-, coYaaa.nt oa. human npta," •ld Phone Beacon 5MS·R o.hlla A Cout JllCbway ~ , 1 ....-.,;1 ,_SEA' ->..,.iKS tD rear, Wit.able for mf&. or ter ot our team recelvin6 the Othen tn order of tbd& were: Kn. R. 8. Knappen ot Tula, 80cl1.8 Coron.a. dil Mar ~ "We give Crown Stamp&'' • ~ • .. other purpo2!l9. ~ brHb nice and early In Ille pme. Dr. Burton Ball'e Suuml; Chuck Oklahoma, uaoclatlon pruldenL · J\1dV A flZle atoclt at -oa d ,_t-/•equipt. wltb' adolJu•I• JU'; .,.. It took Ille fire out o! Lyawood. • mi.u,n•a Legend; Bob .Allaa With "We want Con~ to eel up a WILL DO that work you J1etw-9 and 11 OV!_l'Y llctO ' USED ' Ing aui>Je<ta-pluo all ...... t ment floor, allq ,.. -. luad- 5TATl8TICS llagalolle; Don Elder with l:ec:a· eorilmlttee io find out bow fir thla want Clone -Jut ot all • r I • ltiuier --··· • -..$35.00 ........ LeDilliii UI1nr7. ·1n, oone 1n hack, Vacut,)ot ado N. B. D. 14••-pede; Gene Tr<pl•'• EYmmc Star: n•Uon la commltttd under Ille M:aP!e-dlllette oet _,___."9.$0 · 1.M.d 1 lOlnlnr tar Plrldac-oc GUier 7.__Yards Gained R•mnblif-1211 Ktn )'.)aV)a' COnojo; Earl Col'kett'a Unlte4 NaUona and to oplore and trad-mainhm#noe work. 11A.L1111J1AN -J?~ayel Aris., 10" --Stil!;SO • The ·Js~ erl!I ' ._ ll cl<mod. Would conaldet 13'--·-·Total Y&rds Gained -UT l'l)'lxl,r CJOud ; B. B. Lowla' Teeya(; c!ll'!ty our poo!Uon. A· Calltomla Have tooil ud mien for New Kd! Woll alalt. ~ ·• o' -, • · Z~ ~.Balbo&"Ja, _.,~ aale ~ _.... Anllable lan. 90 •.• Yarda Gained ~-:11 n..i~·· Kitten. and,G..lo..-C&r--.tllao helcl tbat United Nau-U;J' job. -' rttt -· hniall.UWis--;,· ·, lJEW •' ~FQiflw:l'c.:'.'i'iii<ii;j;iC"ifii::li~ 2. lt~J..-Rat-or ,.rt. Ad-1~ Pawa Attempted -., ~rton~= ~= aeta~bes-ndatorbOldlnra CallBILL BMCODM51-W !~'u~~~tyo.!:t =·. ~ ._ ----~31i l.mu.::~.~'1J>.al.., .... .oe,.,.11_-_.,.....111oz __ o_._thla_.pe_pe_r..,.;-eeplf-- 1._-.eomp1ohd c..-a mny • -etat•-•".--tlaml.ltthat • ITClllll m""~ •--· -..-!'"'P'e-Ml.ta-t _ -'-LO·-.. ~-· • l!O-Yarda LO.ton POllaltlaL-90 tar 8-a ll'lyliJr Bcotcbman,. la io be tliil -~law malt· · ...., --••..-~~ ......... 79.IO ~ :·...,. .. "'",w ~-~-Ii tD ~ • S:~lnN . 9 :,~'!:°.:"'°'~•'::i:: 1111 ':,:': :::'~''" HAULING . w:;;:...,.111~:.,,,:.:.;;;,: • F\U'DitUr8 · Tlul u~ -In Ibo nll-that Scllln•-llbu:loolr • •TU._ -1111 a po:-1 ANY KIND-Tlruh or! -i.,,,._c -. 11111111 ,.,"*-.. = ~ ~= !. ~ 1!: ::i:c: ~ -re-:";'';If i;-:;-1"C~ ~ ~ •111 J.iTI ~It.!. -::..--· ",!-° •.:;;. ~--· BI, W'WJ-1 ~waii.ay1111r11-• 'lt!!ilt" m.. •=•---~-C)rsrlf•• -·-• Wcttsd1y ••1rwc el.-...-Ol•AIV..aaw. Jlll.vnr: tllllF ~ ~ WA.Jft' Mu. ID eoelr. drtft wttla-~•llle-Aiml __ _,,.,,y I l;llr. ,._ ... -_llW ..... '!w.dW• Dft aad COYaed with WW 5 (II'&......... . ....... .. ti.o.!•• .... ..,a ... ....... from Ibo ftnll" • 1p1teo1 ~ •4•-1 201 I, 0 ·t 1111-INF ~ .. ., JL I~ ' -.U& ti --·~·· •1o•.-;•1s'•-·-"'1lll• ,.._ar ~ . lli>"7111C Ille~-0.....,,. fEM = -= 1 MS Mer • -AMI#_.,,..£ i: -•11r2 a t>.*-~ .,qia .......... ._ .:..· _,., a11 ii-.. 'V' ;:a stC: • • ' I • • • ' • I [ -.u,-. PAGZ• l'i•WEG&I MY -AKI> -...OB&,.,.,. .... , ----------- --. ----------- ? ...... 111 Balboa i.•and ~!!!'!~ ......... . LUXtmY neet!s w • ...,.,-~lllU. and 1'£\ Pl fO/r ~ .. ta! otanmc at f'6 ..e. -a - ,..11y -ilutllrs at • NO ,APOU>GY u.,..~'!t. aad a-, Nelda Gibaon, Rltr. LaurloUa 11~., a natanl, CRZ•P winter ltlltal to right SOI Karine, ~-fu Har, llCl2 b ~. Furn, l .. 2 bdrm. apt. eeuc-am !Uon. Thoee wbo' uplre l10f Channel Platt, Newpoot ---------~ to i:omCorta and retm. hJaM No pota. Harloor 1117..f. ruJINUlllED HOtllllt-Nlco HY. -b W tltlfill their _ _. 78tfe, ID&' -with ftHplau. ~ -----------Ml1n., kitchen wttb S•l"ftl, etc, cbmahed 'lril!hes In one of JIALllOA ISLAND -Attrutm AO -to Jun.U. Call at Bal-these Ho I( E S at LIDO hodWor apt. n•ar Sc. Bay, Utll boa Motel, nnt to Phone Co. ISLE. paid. Garage $75 mo, · yearly Mcl'1 or UO mo, winter. Ph. Harbor ----'--~----tm. 7Wc LIDO ISLE lpe.l'Wnc 1 Ot 2 bedroom tumJah• ed apartment.. One bedroom (twtn beda J $7a mo. 2 bedroorM 1100 mo. All utlltUea p&Jd. Pri· n.te p:n~·· P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED S35 MONTH: "1-tumllbed apt. Child 0 . K. Yearly lean It de- eired. lofn, Howland. l20 Al· vando Place. B&lhoa. l.kl'7 J'tiR."llSHED APT. -f - abo'\Ve?, adv.Jta OISJ3. '36 mo. water pa.Jd. can be _..n wftk ends, l~ •. 321\d st.. N nrport S..ch. IOp87 SMALL 3 room apt.. tumt.hed. Yeariy rental. Adulta. KI. 3-2010 Nmvport Beadl, Ca.llf. Key 120~ --4.2114 St., Nf!?'l>Ort -----~------I &ach, ~p87 WINTER RA TES. 3 rm. turn. apt.a I BALBOA -Moc.!em 2 bedroom 183.1 Via Lido u..-ll!OO On C.alltn. Island. Each. apL n..lcely fUmL&hed apt. SM mo., baa water front.ace. yearly, uw. pd. Plk:lne Ba.rltor .ll.80 PenthOUM on Jeue. WHt. 219!..J Utfc end Park A•e., B&lba.. tll•nd :-==·=--=------,- Ph. Harbor M2-W, 76ttc LlKE NEW -Untumlahecl I bed- BALBO.L PENINSULA -Fiim· !abed atncle apt.a. 12:5 and SM mo. lo June 15th. rrtrtd~lre.. Laundry available. Util incl Harbor 1270-W. 83tfc TWO BDRM., 1,9 duplex, clean. 2 block.a bay. Children O. K. Lge. ya.rd. See Tuea, to Fri. morn. Owner 1402 Su.view, Corona 4"1 Mar, Mp81 BALBOA PENINSULA -At- tracUwly turniah~ 2 bdrm. du- pin with eundeck. \\'Inter or room dupla. Nlc• landacaplng. Walking di.at.a.nee to cJty center. Adulta. ~ Park Ave .. Costa :Me.._ 8epl7 COZY tu.mt.heel. bachelor apt. Liv. room with hk1eabed .ofa, Nlee bath and kltc~n. Yearly rental. reuonabll'!. 7lft Marlgold Ave., Corona del Mar. Harbor 3-0:ZS.W , 8k88 KNOTTY pine bachdor apt., nea..r boa. Bt'ea.kfut. bar. Util. pd. SM mo. yearly. 1:512 W. Ocean Frt. Phone Harbor 1577-.J. 1Sp81 yearly. R~asonable. Ha.r. 3019-R 3 bdrm. completely turni9hed 83ttc hontt, boa.rd cuUemen. 13:5 • ------------month Hntal. 3--room trailer, J'URNtSHED U 2 bdnn, apL Lee. prl llldry, It bath, f40, 200 J:, rooma. Bay view. Wlnttt l50 lit.la St., ea.ta Meaa. Mpl8 mo. utiJ. pd. or will rent yurly. (Inquire lowtt rear apt.) 1406 w. Bay Ave., N~rt Beoach. 83p88 Tl:ARLY -Exceptionally nice. Untum. :z bdrm. duplez. Many NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Untum. l bdrm. hoUM. 14~ mo .• yearly. Ga..ragl'. t'l'nced ya.rd, adulU. 428 Aliso Aw.. Beacon 6888-M. "6c8T o:tra features. Near bet.JI CNS BEDROOM apt. partly turn .. 1ehooll. Reuonable. DU Clay uUlltiea paid, only $46. 920 Cout S t., Cl1ff Raven. 83lle Htwy., Newport Beach. 88p88 1 BEDROOM HOUM-UftfUrnWied ue.ao month. Pbol!ie eve.nine• Bea. 6632-' Mp81 WINTER RENTAL -Nice 2 bdrm. houae turniahed. No rar. $M mo. to July lat. No dog•. 129 Ure! St., Newport Bea.ch. RENTAL ,r upe1 SPT.V'n' a T T....... $33 -UNJ'URN. 2 bdrm, houH, J?A.,~.L.:i • car ah<lter, Not new. hut u · bD DI.-CN1S ceUent cc:.ld.ltloa, Coe:la Kua. Linwood , Vick, Rltor. ci ... bL Adullll, no pou. Phone Beacon 994l·M. 8k.IT -----·--nJRNISBED NEW 2 Bdrm. home SALBOA Pl::NINSULA. -At· ln Cost& MeaL Dbl gar., adult&. t.ncUwly turn!ahed ...,....e apt. no peta. Bultable couple. Avail Oct. l:Slh, S@e Kr&. L&Perle, 1898 Harbor ~ winter, $16 yearly, util and Blvd., Co!t:& Me.a. &a. 7043. p.r. b'.tcluded. H&.rbor 3019·R Mc87 78Ue ------------ J'URNISHED nlce clean l.arp aleeplllg room, kttcbenette, fril'· ldaire, bath. lllll porch (2nd fir.) U3 mo. Phone Harbor 691-W. 77t!c TWO BEDRM. FURN. or unf\.im hou.e, fenced in back yard. year lea.91! or will uchanse for houae ln Cherry Point. No. Carolina. 110 Larkspur, Corona deS Mar. Ph. Har. 18u.J'. 88c8S J. A I bod,_,. -tat la 0-. LUXll In ""1:'f det&U. Tbls ...... ty" .. beyond -rlptlon. u ,... want a4Ulalt. colo!ID&', lovely planted paUo, antt hat, h•rdwood floon, ture l'OOl'nl aru1 •nrythlnc spic • "1'&"· then Sl!D!: this. Priced at no.- 000 and worth t~ttT cenl t. Nearly new f bedroom, I be.th home. rcteat f« Cblld:fftl u It hN 2 la.rift bedroom.a Uld 2 _small becl?'OOft'lt. Only f.., 9lepl trom lovely PRIV A Tll BEACH. lmagtn. tlus at 'ONL T U t,500 bcellent term&. 3. Our latest EXCLU~,llstlnf. BA YFRONT Jlatne in oae o! t.M but locaUona on LIDO tat.a. nu. home ,. .. built tn. ttao and hu the t'lllie1t and bek of fea- tuna such u 3 J.ars-bed.roamil, 2 ba\hl, epacloua ll'finc room, dru.m ot a kitchen. unit heat and a pier and .Up th.al t. one of the belt on UDO ISLE. You JUBt have to ... thJe home. Priced to Rll. ALSO For thoee who want to buil&- .ame vrry desirable lot.a an for aa..le •lther waterfront alt.ea for income ucit.a or cf'Oll9 atttet lot. at b&rpln pri«•· Any stse or pritt. REMEMl.lER wa are the Dl!:VELOPl'!RS ot LIDO ISi.i:, He.re a UtUe bu)'I a LOT. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo N""'PC>rt Beuh, Calit. Harbor 1'500 Costa Mesa -Tbe Best Town oa Earth Corner Lot 54x130 One bdrm. home o:nly IMOQ. Dn.. paymL 11800. Balance at ~ per mo. InL t.nclud. 4 lii ~- $895 Down "NEW'' two bdnn. home, amall but nice, total ptloe 16*: Bal· &nee SM. per montk. 3 B?rm. G.I. Resale Double prase, fan.ced )'&I'd. near Blvd., ~nable down paymt. Mo. pxmt.a $53 tnclud. tax and inlw'. Total price $99:SO. Income Property 2 bdrm. btune and J unlta on lot 87Xl 73, room for u:pan.sion, nr. centtr of town. Z.t&te sale price '13,000, ~ .... •• .. • .... •!!!!••!!•!!·~~--.--1• j ... ~ ~-. . . BI.ANCHE A. GATJm, Re.aor BALBOA ~ L. SlltJJ'llL't , J. x:ulrIH ' i , PENINSltLA 311 Mlirine Ave., Balboa Ialand iniruL • -· 2 hath ft. Bir 1m 1m ....... ............. -, Diltch Co1on1at mrwtorie nont. • · Ol" .,....._ ----1m , l+tnte pauo, t.,...ec1 air · h.aL BALB• OA ISLAND J1.replact. O&rb&&'e d I 1p o • • L • • , Waather -ppod. t:arce ...., ' A beautltal 2 bdrm. home with an unusually ~ 'l'llla .. "" ...tltandblS ..-.Ne and a t'bie bame. large, attractive and livable patio, $18,llOO. I ON L1'I'J'L!! ISLAND -For the large family we ofter thllo attractive 4 bdrm., 3 bath home with 2 living rooms. Tbla i. a home to be proud of and ~ ,.._,ll&bly priced. CAPE COD 2 BDRM. HOME, patio, pha oma11 apt. Both charmingly furniahed. Priced right and requlrea mnall down payment. TRULY A HOUSE 01' DurpNCTION, ju11t com-. pleted. Extn. large llving rm., 3 bdrma., 2 baths, all beautifully decorated~m kit. hu garb. cti.p. and dlah wuher. Very attract!Ye walled patio and beau. landllcaped. Priced right. Xlnt f:lnuclng. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * BAY & BEACH BARGAINS DUPLZX t bdrm. ea.ch. Modern. bre.1kfut bar, lllall lhower, nicety tumillhed. OYer •-.ear caraae. Ooo4 loca· tlon.. Siii.MO. MJJh,t couider aome trade. B & B Bargains ON PENIN8ULA Two bdrm. tlouae built •bout ten year• qo. Good loca. and bl .-cendl. A buy at $12,i!OO, BAY & BEACH REALTY 1'&0 Balbo& Blvd. Harbor 128' Ethel Shirley Jack )(j lier • Gloden Fay Dick Fay *·* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Looking for an Investment ••• and a perfecl hedg:e against inflation? We otter 130 acree ot rich Xmpert&J Valley J'arm IA.nd Now I.ea.Md for I yMn at S7000 pa yur, payable &n• nually CASH IN AI>VANC2. 'Tenant pays all coats ex· cept tu:H 'tfhleh ...,.. low. 'J')t&J prtce ot this farm la only h0,000, ?'Hllltlng ln a .ecure 10~ n.t return on Invest· ment. In addition. we expect thll la.nd to double lft value durinr U.. tum of the le--. For further ln.fonna· tlon eall - STANLEY HADFIEI.D, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor 20 ' Real Estate Ia 'Your Best Invenment -o- Income Property S tmita -One t\a:mlahed. I unJta one bdrm. u.ch. 1 unit S bdnna. Ellcellent location ta Calta Meea n•r bualnYS diMrkL Owntt wn..L TRADE for nice J bdrm. home in Ntwport Beta.. ar eo.ta Mesa. u pvt paJlftl. Thi. property baa a large lot wtth J'OOD\ tor more u.ntt.a. Pr1<ecl '"·--o - SPECIALS 8A T VJSW AND DANDY llWIM· MINO HACH! Th1o -r -t. oal7 100 n.. or 80 be.ck from tlle hay, Large ltvtnc rm. With ftroepla<», a bedrooms -and s rm. apt. tn rear. ?jeedl eom e paintin' and tb:.tn'! ·)ta ~. ed and a bu'gain at •12,600. I 1 Price $21,500 • uOOnllld""""'i .,.,. mnalJ homa u part tJUe, LIDO ISLE $.f,'?bO dow'I.. New S bedroom hiome- n-.r brat beacb. J'ulI tDe roof. Patio. J'Urnace bMt. Flttpl&ce. Bar type kitchen. 01.ul en· cloeed tutJ. See Utill ktore you hay. Px:ice $15,750 Ranch JO aCrel 8 mUe.1 from Newport 12 11-iiru tn penna.nent puture. r.qu.Jpm_ent for l :S,000 chickens. TJlree bousea, good barn. Abun· dant cbeap wattt. Consider part trade bay area. Term.a. GREENLEAF A: ASSOC. BUILDER -REA'.L TOR SllJ Newport Blvd., H1.rbor 2M2 Balboa bland Spoclal "Little Island" The home ot your dttam ia wait· lqg for you. 8o cornpletely tur· nlahed you only nttd a tooth· , hruah. 3 B. R. up, l B. R. do'"1, Hwd. noon. Bendix wuher. dbl pra.ge and p1.tio. Bal.ha up It down. Th.LI 11 a very livable and exceptlon&J.ty well tumilhtd. home, Price ii ri&ht. term. are right. Ralph P. Maskey 3U1 Newport Blvd., Newport Piion• -f02 IMlttc Residential Income NTN!: UNITS--We-11 located near trap.aport.&tion A: shopping-. Me· dlum priced rent.ala with excel· lent tour·yea.r r«ord ·or occu· pancy. Six un.tt. 1.re rurnlahed &11d three are un!UmL.lhed. $487 per mo. income. Price 137 ,MN>. Tem111 1.-nttded. Costa Mesa Realty 4P<J !l. 17th ae Tuatln Ave. Coeta Mua Beacon 8118 Newport Heights $2750 doWn a.tanc. Uke Jtent- N ew 3 B.R. Home lllxceptlonally well built. Bu ocean view, l ~ bllUa. large fireplace, irarba&e c11spoaa1, nwd, n .. .,.. 2-car garage, large :SO·tt. level lot, lot.I ot tile, eervice porch, dining A: breakfut areu. You ahould see it today. Total price $13,750 , Linwood Vick REALTOR 8.A. Y J'RONT -Lovely 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. Fir~place, good heat, SW mo til June l:Sth. Lots -Acreage 43·A-Traller se;e Lot 83x2oo .,,_..,.,, • .,,,.,,,,.,.,.,, '°"° Newport Heigh ta • Lot '12x150 .................. --···' 127:5 0 . I. RESALE. Nice home tn ocmAlf Jl"RONT ~ bdnn. home a.nd ~ apt. for income. All fbmllbed. :nnplace. Pat Io. Barbecue. l..c&I' sarare. Choice Balboa Joeatlon. Cloee to abop· PlnK an4 transportation. Price ,11,llOO. W. A. TOBIAS, Associate 312 Marine Ave., Balboa llland Phone Harbor 2042 ALSO 1 bdrm. b&yfront, $7:5 mo. to June l~lh. Phone Har. 2M2 or Harbor 2914·M evu. 77tfc .A.Tl'RACTIV&-pra.ct.leally new home rea.aonable to deoairable couple or 3 people. 112 Gamet, Balboa Island after Fnday noon. Phone Ex.brook 4·1370. l3cM FURNISHED 12~ Vi.a Jucar, Lido Ille. Attractive 2 bed.room in· cludJnc TV. t.rge patio. Owner bttti J"rtday. A.Xmlnlter 3.231~. ~p87 THO BDRM. Furnished Route. UtJL pd. Children 0 . K . Avail· able Oct, 21.1t. Inquire lower rear apt. 14~ W. Bay Ave., N-t lleo<:h, ~88 Winter rates $10 mo. i..ot eox3oo .,,,,,,_,, __ .,,, .. ,,,,, 1:500 , choice 1ocauon, u.. nn. and n dlnett. carpeted, Fplce,, I hdnn Children welcome M~l ve Acres ·-··-·--·----' 1500 an4 den. Bea.utifUI 1'l"d wttll Also trailer storage $5 mo. Raldentlal a acres _,,_.,,iio,ooo attract!Yt. bar.,..,..._ Pal'tly ae- LitUe Bay Trailer Park G N WELLS l rt-. Perfect tor oat -••· , 7204 Coa.ot Highway, . . •-• • ., __ ,_,_~ R tr. ttttallllq. DbL pr,, laundty PICNINSULA POINT -AdoaUle 1 bdrm. home. Lee. liv. rm. with t\ttpl&ce. Dinett•, tdt.chen. and bath. IA.rge outdoor patio, l!v· ln.-an&. Barbecue. Re&r-p&tlo, ,__ ~. iu,:ioo. °" ~u:n room. Prieed 11•.500. '4000 dft., Newport Beach '73,JS • mo,, tueo • Ins, blc. -H 1790 Newport Blvd. TRAILER SPACE Cloae to lhopplng, ott the Htw1y, $12 to 11a mo. C&brillo Comt. uo Cabrillo !IL, Coot& M- 44 ;llooim for Jlat Costa Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 PHONE Harbor 1818 to p.lacl J'OU.f' want ad on tbU pe.sw. 51-Trallen Trailer Storage Well Protected • -o- Attractive Ntuly new S bdrm. hotnc'. Nice liv. rm., hwd. floora, dinette, tile ln Jlit. BAUi. tub and abow•. Btuceo and re<IWOOd ext. ll. .- du! at $9100. uaoo dll. Mon, pyta, MT M . -o- BALBOA COVES-Boeu. 2 bdrm. 2 bath waterfront !tome. Lp. lJv. rm.. trpl, din. rm., roomy lttt. Broal<tut bar, Ample. room up<Wn ll>r 2 additional bdrm& 'nl.ia prop. ta truly d.1.rtlncttve. Phone now for appt. to .ee. fU,000. Balboa Realty Co. .&. Orffky Joeephlae W•bb For Sale by Owner 2465 Marino Dr., Bay Shores .a bdmul., s bat.ha:, larl'e lot. Rea· aonable price. Excellent term• . Phone Beacon 5733.w. 8&c88 $1500 down ' -.-.. oak !loore, tlroplace, dining room, break!ut nook, p.rage, large lot, view of oce&n.. Newport Heights. $11 ,:SOO. N, B. C. REALTY 00., J2nd A: New· port Blvd, Mc81 BACHELOR apt. for man Of' bu-slneu woman. 223 32nd St., 2 blka. City Hall. Har. 29:>-J. Mpll6 Country Living 700 a ~~1!!,cA.cloo 11ar. 1277 :t bdrm. home-lJv, rm., bar-I-----------~ ; type kit. Ntat ed elt:l:ll. Lot EL BAYO VALUE 70"150, au tor aeaoo. -Modin redwood and g!Ull • ~.·· •sre . ? • . • ,a. •r•ilD.12•1 .. , ' ' r. .. cf.trF HA VEN'--Only $13,QM , G. t HSALE . -tarp comb1n8tk1n 1'!!A 0. r:; 1ou. lmely 2 bdrm. ancl den home. Dinlag r$J..; lie. ldtdiea, pullril•n bath,, l'arp brick {h,~ doable nrqe. . · · · , iJ. ... . . COSTA ~A-Only $10,500 Nearly new 2 bdrm. home. J'lttplaee, hwd. floors, iota of tile. Large nn.e., dbl pr., Jge. lot. EZ tenm. • C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Brpker 490 Newport Blvd., ea.ta Mesa Beacon 8698 • NEWPORT'S BEST BUYS INDUSTRJAL ZONE -SmatC tu....,hod hom .. prop. work bench and •terrace. Lots ot epace tc eapand in front. Full Price $5250, small down payment! , __ _ CB.A.RMINO 2 bedroom and dM horn~ Loc1.led cto.e In on 2 beautl.f'Ully landaea~ Iota. SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM with beamed ceillnr, flreplact', outJSide guest room, ,vace. Barbecue. Fenced yd .. outrtandtnc Ta.Jue $12:,500. Por these and other sood. buya, aee Mary Dicluon., W1tb EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor .. 3111 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 1011 (eves. H. 209'2·W} $13,900 Th19 Balboa lsland home, like llOme people, malt .. friend&. Whether it'• bec&u.ee ot the ~eertneu of the room11 on a dull day or the tuckerlnl' light of the open fire on wintery nirhta, the cuual visitor saya, "Thia ta really home... A majestic towering tree aha.du the enclosed patlo. Two bedrooms an~ 1leeplng room for th&t guest you Wll.Jll. The larp Jtvin( room and dining room kept tor those quiet ~lng.1 a t home with the family and trie.nda. The home la f\Jrnlahed, economically bee.led &nd arranged for com.tort.. island realty co. Park at Apte Al'enue. Balboa Ialand Harbor 377-W . CORONA DEL MAR INCOME Don't tail to see tlti8 moat attractive 2 bdrm. home, only 4 yrs. old, in choice location. Separate guest room and bath adjoining garage. Excellent income record. Now rented at $115 per mo. It will sell QUICKLY AT- Price -$11,500 -Terms Wm: W. SANFORD, Realtor Excllll!ive ;Agent Park Ave. at Marine Harbor 2462 , Balboa Island Pretty h. A.:,.Pi~IJ\e , 1 bdrm. home. perfect for a couple. ~ out ol a home mapaine. Ila the ranch type with redwood fencing, .brick patio and nice prden.. Sandy loam IOU tn good Coat& Men location. A welt· built home and .• wooderful buy ., $7995. Newport Heights S bdrm. home with hwd. tlool"9, flaptone fireplace, tarp plate rt .. windows facing the paUo. It. brand new and a lovely home. Compare thia price with all othen -$11,950. -, ' $1~ 00"1'J \ • V•ry 1ov•ly S bdrm, G ,I. REsALm Thia home ii only 2 moa. old. Spaclout Jlv. rm. with bH.uti· t'UJ fireplace, dining •U. cheer-- tul kitchen with Jot.a Of We. Colorf'ul bath wlth tile t feet over tub, larfe back: bdrm. opeaa onto covered patio, double pr .. wiO. aipple .1torage .pa.ce. IO fl. wide lot. Low monthly pay· menta' utt:tude taxes, tnsur., and 4% lntereat. 3 bdrms., 1 3,4 baths Bnnd new -Newport Heights home with ocean view. It baa everything, fireplace, bwd. fir•., garbage diaposal. low down PAY· ment. $1S.™· Beacon Hill Realty Price $12,162 How In the world can you lose on a deal lilre this! $1900 DOWN G, f , RESALl!l -S bdrm,, a\i yra: old. Top condition, lr9"S. noor.1, tile. larp dbl. prap. Best E . Side. Price $11,250 .u Newport Blvd. (above Arc:bes) $36.12 Per Mo. Ph. B. 67I:J.R or Evea.. B. 5832· W Notice - to Trailer Owners Owner will take $2000 or &'ood trlr. u down payment on this very nJce 2 bdrm. home. FU.11 .,price $8000. ~ but. to oeean, com. turn., inc!Od. Bendbr ....ii- •r. i. the amazing p~ymen.ta cm th1a very attra.ctlve l yr, old, I 'bdrtn. home. Bwd. floor•, tile, toveiy kitchen with braktut naotr. large redwood coftl'ed pa.tio, flowen 1nd ahrUbl. Beat ~· borhood. Priced to •ll at 18950 with uaoo down. Tlllo 11 aa FHA 4 % % deal. Subdivided Lots CORON.A. DEL MAJ\-.A.tt.ractive 1 bedroom nicely turn. reac apl P icture window. Newly decorat· td llnd clean. $~ mo. by year. UUl pd, H&rhor 03116-J , ~p87 TWO LOVELY bclnn1 upolain with porch. outmde entrance. Balboa Iala.nd. Barbor l~. EL NIDO TRAILER PARK and S&le• tho Newpol't BJH... Coot& Kua, Bacon· au.Ill. 71c72B -o-Two bdrm. and Mm.at'• qaartera. With perm.anent 'f1ew of Bay and U you an interested in thla ·or ''Small Fry'' J'laptone aad wood floors.. TWa · i.tdo lale, th.1a 4 uattt1 .z.-bedroom any other home, P•Y 1ll • can. Btreeu -CIJrhs ~ UW!tleo Top location amons llft,000 t9 '15.ooo hom•s. 13 lo~ at IUllO, • Use Classified Ads • • • to aell your car • • • to find a boyer for yoar laome , , • to rent your apt. • , • to dlap'o•e of tar•lt•r• ... llomehold pid9 JOll 9o l'lla1er Med. . ' ••• tofta4a......t Job • ·-- l8pU a-Maey to I-. Yettn eld. In C'fOYe ot tree&. l:lome can be bought for $10,000 the~ 'la no obUgation and we 1 bdrm., liv, nn, lldL with dlll.U. -I 'flew ot tb1 WNtern down mJ••t ha•• ~.-what -· ·---~--• n. h t ·---~ ~·-, ... • ·-· ,---Phil Sullivan ----~-----~·• CADll..LAC, lKl Conv. epe.1 mod-- el IS2.. Imm1e.. jet b1ack wttla white top. Mmt be .,.. to ap-- prectate. ll01 Orcllld Att., CO.- ona d<I MAL Har. ue..w . McM LOANS For Homes ana. ·--Y •, -· ---bl escluolft ... lion -2 c.11 John llottnm, Hartior 11100 Jooldfts ror. V•ry inexponalvo. '311JO, termo, mlJeo !rem ....... bl quilt om-&~-20 .,.. t.ow , _ -0 -• reUJM!lap. ua.ooo. --, P. A. PALMER Paul C. Jones, Rltr. Geo. Everson CONSTRUcnoN LOA?fl LoU and Aettq'O A,.. ablo 11187 Imne Ave., Co.ta w... INCORPORATED 2307 w. Balboa Blvd., Newpo.ot 11118 Newport Blvd., Coot& - at f--6\i"· Uf yra.) -0 -Phone Beacon ~W .83S v1a Udo, Newport'8eadl Pbone H&rt>or 231' J".hone -71JI W& BUT A.ND 811:LL Let us Mlp ,_ wl&ll Y-. -1 -, -c.-...-ftom Coot& JlWa Bllnk) TRUllT DJU:Da • r.tat. naedL 1-----------NmW 1 BDRM. BOMB, grey -----------"Ena. Ba. Slaf·W Bea. MN-1 111111: BOB IA'l"ll.l:a • .,..,,., ..,. -finlah, $at75. 39~ Vio-'Two Outstanding Home1 Htll CO.l.JIT Bl.VD. La P~ REALTf Balboa Island !orla SL j•ur College An.), in Costa Mesa ear-c1e1 Mar Bottior 11177.,J UIN J1a<11or BIYd. Cotta -N rth Ba' Fr t Co.ta x.... PIL Bea. ll80&-M. I lldr9l., •·-1ot, un-otecl :.. ~~ ~OSl-6~ -=·::__:l'!loM~~-~·=.::·T:OU::._ __ 1 0 Y OD 78ttc ' view. ~·iTOll0-41500 dowa. "' Wrm. ......,.,,, 1 ~ batha. On• I I of tbe ..--hom .. on . $3000 DOWN * * * * LCUNB 'l'O BQD.D, DD'ROVJI, lftt BORD COtll'1: Mlil. OW!ler lltrl', MOD~ Ga • Uao -. Outlqlo 4"' ' , , ~ •. -Iota at We, 1arp flroplace ;...j Jf -.. I ... Ill ........ 11Mt. a bdrm. Oft "" 'acre .comer. Jltre. pl&ce,1 ISoUble prace, ft.need. C1oM 1a. !)nl7 m.500---f3000 .in mut co bl tba aemce till.I ....it. ~ANCll 41~ 11"1 Vue Lula, Bollooa or PIL We ----' 1!Mton auo-..1 • ""81 I IN111&.,W""'PORnli•'I' 911 V.A i Va•· JorolT IJ:l"~'M he eon.ct· =~QI u:..~=.:.:. -..,, ...._... .... ---....... ywy -pa:r· faO.oot --~.-;-;. ... t.rioo. l'!Full-mt.. . •• , .. , -Price ._u)) 150 Linwood Vick 1 a.....,. 0n ni;, °""' • ~. i.e.ter, Oftldl .... Prl•te ' --------.:....----! 0 l'W A• .. 111-pertt. Ph. -l!Ou.R. lllf&'I" ,_ ... tta •-•i:r :J REM. ar.49 IAMJ• THE PRtSS THE HEWS-TlbitES .• THf IOST . ··-w. A. 1"914 1, •11111111• We ...it. a1i llnee ot ~ RI W. BARTJNI:, l!Nker W. V. PATrQN, -4.....tatt 1*17 New,...t Blvd.; CC*& -Pbcm.e Beacoi &la .• .. u ..... -.. ...::· ~~ == ............ .,., ._, JIUlt,• .....,_ ..:i.r. Ill '-i 2 '" .... Iii .. - Clauir..d Adi • -. .... , r .. __ ,, •;;:··--·· ,;.• I 1 -.. ~~ ~ aaport Ha•• -CBnllOLft 1,1 ,_ ,_Jiii!~ P llrth1 C.. .-,11'111is?lw....,~- 221tla•1allvtl. 1 --t ..... .--: Ill " ........ --· ..... ._ .... - ... ..,. ... .... "'-... ...., r6ft ' I ' ' .I .. 1 l , •• o ....... , , With SALLIE OetolJer 18, 1961 A -prae ._ '-IN.-• . • la tile Food Sei- eaee :oep.rtmeat at tbe Ulllvenlty of Odforala II& • .. , Berbl&y' ••• -Coabvy to tbe etbice of Wag a good prod-lllopper • • • Fd like yoa to pick ap a lllltk· age of Ia .. nt's Senta ROM SWeet Pnmes wl llQ~ than ••• Al wo.'f glower , at yon I promi1e . . • because how else are you going to ftacl oat 11- soft they are • • • Look at the packag11 carefully . • :- -~ the pl'UllM gliUer with mollltuftl • • • Suta Rolla praDM are not dried pl'llDM ••• ~y are nat- anl, soft and ready to eat without eooldllg • . • There Is no ngar, solphar or other pnsenatlvee add· ed . • . They !lave beea picked off the tree at tbe exact time they have rMChed their peak of aat- nnl sweetileN • • . wl Cello packed within Z4 boon bl a molstan-pmof pack91l" to retain their high quality and flavor ••• V ou can't boy thom Illy plaee ehe . . . uni-It woold he a health food atore . • • They'?-e an ex- eelleat IOUl'Cfl of vitamin B . . • So are Pork Chop11 ..• According to Martha Lo- i'&" the Home Economist via Swift . , , Vitamin B, espe- 'ially B-1 . , . is the one that leepe our jangled nerves nm· tti ng smooth . . . calm• UI down . . . permit& WI to drive a car in Southern California • . , oerenely and smoothly . •. . allowa WI to , .. I cannot compete with televillion . . . M Martha dhMruMed the de-nen'lng qualltieA of the pork chop . . . she lhowed the andlenM ..• (Audl- enea!!! •.. FREE COOK· ING LESSONS ••. 'LIDO THEATRE ••• EVERY muRSDAY A.M., 10-1% •.. LOTS OF FOOD AND GBOC:ERIES GIVIJN AWAY ... DEAN WNG AS MASTER OF CERE- MONIES TRANSCRDIES - A RADIO PROGRAM YOU CAN LISTEN TO AT 1:30 THE SAME AFIER- NOON OVER RADIO STATION KVOE) ... that her pork choll§ .._.,re cut one Inch thick • • . pork cho.,. were better If they were thicker . . • I coo.Id almoet hear everyone In the a u d I e n c e thinking unanlmoWlly "But all of . , "\ Richard'• Pork Chops are ~ed much thinner" • , • Which briBgs about the three-and-a-half-year· old-age statement . . . "H you don't see what you waut In the show .,._ .•• pol'eese i:o round to the aeJf service coanter and uk for It" . . . Larry, llm and Clyde have a lot of •harp knives • . . and a lot of meat hanging up In the freezer . . . There's a butcher'• block rti:ht out where you can watch the itolnp on • . . and It'll be just like old tl111et1 • • • They'll cut the pork chops % Inches thick H you - flt •.. That was a Hotpoint range Martha did her frying on , .. I sat next to Paul Dunlap and he's a nice guy , , . Has a nice appliance store too in COsta Yeaa . , . He told me he did all his &hooping here. laterested In G e • e r a I Dectrlc stoves wl thlnp ! • • • Lido Electrle Is dobig . tile hoaon this Thursday • • . with, Marge Raner eomlng dowa from Su. Fruelaco and Mn. S. . Moore fl'OIJI Loa ~ •.• West.en Dl...w.-1 Maa&p, wl Manager of I.A.R-~ ' Dept.. Gellenl l!:lecb.'le ••• l'D bet they'?-e ela9 full ot Jania'. • • , Lut Tharwday • • • everY· body • thorpughly elljoyeCJ • dome their a11opp1ac for o..e hour • . • 5-6 p.m. •.• Some-- thing went w~wttll the Ilg~ ... ao -W -the prices • ' • ~ =·=1°fh. ... u;.*oit.:: tic-... put -)'11-.. die mood to Yi.it the old - c:rVIJ wllD'• at•1M1:1. laud -the .,.,._ P= ae-"'I lllull:Ul4-.e1•11etia• ,,, ................... ' •h ... -· ... • , - . \. • ~ • 1HllMAL• ' lOAmD 'V' ·.7'f o··~li•y ••• ,-"-_ ~~ F1atwl11t Maft11iegs U. S. ~·t. Grad1d Cllolce l1if Finest lief OltNlnallle COOKING SCHOOL SPECIAL PA VO.llBOAD ll&l:All'l'SD IVNIOB .. _ . HEN .TURKEYS s· tt I Ill. awi BEEfEPoTCK iAST 6fc 8HOVU>~t7. I. CROIDE OB GOOD LAMB CHOPS ___________ .. 7'f llBD>Gl"OBD'll SWEETllEAllr HAMS .~= -·-···-·----···-----~ 61~ 8WDl'!I O&IOLE SLICED BACON ... ~. 4~ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . ....... . I ' IP'llE811. SOLID OU:IEN CABBAGE ______________________ ~! 3c, APPLES --····-·-·----4 k 27c ftD;~'VE'r .: • ~ 'r • Y~A-M . .... ~ -· -S ----·--·--·-···--~~~--~-~ 2 -... 19c LAROE SV0-'8-XU'I: -Ille Vehle PRUNES __ __:,. 17c Dellcal•••••----- STOUHOUis: -. ' D11J t La 19 6 p.a. EXCEPT FRIDAY ....... ,,. .. ... ...-....... ----==~: (All • ·--· ........... I ' .. , c . . D~ F•1lll •• pk9. _H.~ .. ,.,..__ G .. allR •. fkt· J,'.1t~ ~~~~~~~-· ·WWU:IO. .. .... w ..... ____ 59; II () P tJwwwtzr ·• Grapetratt JUICE ______ .l. .. M ... 23; Do~ 'f'IO!lo I No. i - PINEAPPLE 711 Butol'upl6PnM . PLUMS No.~)i-19¢ LIMIT 11-· ~IM. BURT'S PEAS ~---2125' lltellelT ....... -BEANS .,__ , --.... 1_,; No. I I> 19# . --- \ . . . ........... . DVll8DAY JIONEY COi~ ·11.~AD -~ ON .... IRll t •' ~ _CIN~AMON IOLLS--:1r 23!. 1 nmAY • • I "N-.o U.. r-. ,_ I· · --fllPllN PIE · -) . , -~ 51' .. :liiiEI IOLU · ... •' -171· < •• a.a-111W '.. .. . ---~~ . 9 ~ ............... •tr11t 0 .,~ .. •• •, !~!!!f' IUTTUROllt J".~· IP.PLE PIO . ' v , -Ir ~--- \ COffi• Discovery-I . •1N$TANT IUIWIU llOUSI Cllf11 ~- 2 OL jar ____ ,JS# -· 6 OL i'fr .,... . :... 9,9.# ' Deters•t: YEL ____ .. _27; • • School Lulicll Scftntlons w-·•&Paelt ·..-.pq. CRACKERS 27• . .,...;. Pare stta-.i' I Ho. )or PRESERVES 59' LIMl1s Ollolce Onpe Jal. y ____ Ju.. ju 29; SPAM ··--·-·-U ... 49;_ . Ul<llJ'• v-S~USA<;E , ... 2t1 ,LIMIT_-_ .. PICKLES ___ u ... 25¢ .w.. ........ ea..._ PICKLES _____ plat 25•. . . IJ.a.y &Med Ripe ~ OLIVES ....No.1.:.. 25¢ •Doter.-.-. -. FAI 27; . . __ :'.-______ ·--4· _._ ... _81 ... ~! .... 1~~ BOUQUET· 3125' · Ckmz1·I' • AJAX -·----------2/251 No .......... AePO WAX ______ .pt. ..,_361 ~ ~ , .............. ..._ .. _,___.,.. . DIOtrlet '.B-·-· 'Camtmen IMUtaa ~-0.. .-• • bt'ie J'OU tiffr whllled. Ulat 1 ... ould pN~ a .. Uda1 dlaaer me.a. el'Mied aro1lad. a . 'wid. •MtJ' ol. ,_ ~ ud -plff • y.., -II .. yw are eftr If ,..,a vlett H.r «.......i.c ~ .............. 1'!- ...,. .. :n .. -1. o.to1oer tst!t '\i lt 'A. ll. M OM Udo fteate,. llho. 8-< will --,. .. .... to date metlMMl9 .. Ume ...... . tac--B-J'food- eratlaL ~--. ~ C $ r 0 'p$q T n ( r V-i > I -w. COOKIES ··"' :. . --· .:-:r' .. sac • • ' I , • i I