HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-24 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • J • ' t ' ' r I • - • . ' ' ....... •"i Od.'4.1111 , . ., .• -. ,,,, ., _,, . ' _,. . . .S. llMMME-R'y CllEMi . ., ...... lf·f* _ 1+6. 6AMETO· 5'-. ·~1\1 .,.'\.1111---to .lie ,, • f., .... , •. THEFT' RAPS ~-'RP) 1 • llllM eL_,>!J!t ; _. _ ~,.._ f ;rt ~illJl,9'1111.,.ito~• • 1ll ._ •• rh 1'..;.t.-Cll:JO...oll-......... ·-to,....... Ori •CCi.itGttl ... & ~~ . llS· A llllllir -~.-lll•kerloa-..--'"""°-ftc..., ~ . · . . ~-:==:a.:~ :a:. ~ ~ lloJ'a l'";t tile -PD "' "1lla of -· -all . . .,.... COiia 11-. ......... ::...i;-,_ ......... :..i .. Dl&llt "'I ti..,: .... tedll ........ ~·-tod -· -~ ~Ill jol1 -y • d 11" 'el Go •,; •I• 'ti , tllo --·~ bJ -Wllllaln wm,o -'Jltlor Bt!s" 1"'*!7 ;r.... . · ; • ....... tlooft. -P' ... ~ ........,.. ....... • 'l'irlco. the PhU def-1loa . e e ' e , . cljetlso \ PoUco al4 llotl> -;: .. --el ;.,toot ll&ft -"4 ,-onlt ~ ~ -~ 'bJ' ~-'lo~ oat Wla:.&!OBA.Vll'r.oVllD.&.IQUAB'I' perolo >lolalan, and tllat-a -~-a..r-1a.-tho JnMo;.-..--'9 lalle onr, ll•ilUt-oOutllope. · ouu. 'l'IWf nvsa to aa.vs ~pi> • ~f"'!.i":1eo":""",:'t., elt1 ·--cw. ,.. .... ~ JIM i.a.i e1 u.o ......,. Confer-~ ,,_ -tW.. 1onr . ~l .....-91U...1oqU19f,,__ uu ellC YI A •+Ill( el.-_ .... oL ew. • ~ 8an _.,Ill~ u'I'....., ~ ,_ • wW 1*a( aat juot ,.... -Kox X..U..th °"""' U , doUujl ~ Ill tuurw. latoo COO!!t'• baclc wu broka .. au ~ ocotlJll moc•me wu c\Or· tlle ,..11Pt -t·1n a pai. of Tabak Orl(laOl ot ,.., 8an1a Alla A-. wlle -uWtlJ el.Us-lo Mf!c!P4'"'! Benloo -cmlJ'. ti ftllnll1'> re-· P<t •b'J' det.ennlned ~ PIA,y.,. • -~ ~ ,,_ ~ Tallel< P-ruillJ to ~petty thoft 117 fl•• p.._s. ""'exotlbil, m.mJnr ln tho·~ Ult u ll1mo moot of U.O ......inr. ~ Cl)'do '!~~~~ atnrtt« 111ac11o 1n.1111J are ~ aad tail-~ <~ = = ~-~ ~·Ila•• otat.cl. too1t a pmi cm 1i11,~ 15 and wmwu lift.it awq tJuuto'°'" ' Orod fO< perfect cualom flt for loq, ll>ort u<\, lip J-• U Vfncta\ ' ~-blppod the IUU .. I& ~ pretty' weJl llottJed .Up 'bJ' ft&J ··-.....,,.... TOii -'t ro floppllo( -trtPP.lnr ·yvdlalf ... Velhnlp> r c:o.;:4 had --JAi IOA. ISLAND ..... to 'pay dirt to -Ille _,._ -·· """ which -med to With 0.-'>Jacko, or look!nr for lllem up arewul your -Olther '1.111 worth ~ flct1t1..... ~ I ...... ....... dMdlock. John Jh'"""'-IJkbcl the sm•ll eecb .Play u lt atorted ad .... i And..,, ..... thlt the bowUq --....... and llM pln'""9 "out." = ·""' "-' -pobtt lo·Jh:e'llM .lnndU"I. ,. •• ft¥1 llttk pound. COut _ _ • ,,--= ,., •-· _ are tn ~.it'll be ealler for yo6 to k•p out of the futter tt you To be __ , ___ _,_.-... .._ IN ami .&..,.CIDBR' 'r-0 intermimkm. lead. 'Jbe eeccJll!d eacb Sid v1nntnl' and Kaune "' •-Lm& aq ua = - ---own Sl:VBRAL pain of Rlcky'• liacka lb.a.·tanored .i.ckl bJ' O:ratt -·-..~ 3-~ ~.Ul • ~ .,..,,._ snl Brave ecore cam. tn !¥ .uiy ~were &Niped. the t&lk PtiBl.UED Ar-Zllll BALBOA BOULKVARD $5.95' •· '10.ICI ln conrt <10111, olnittu, pl>ordlne, he .. y WTtl>kl• =~~P=· ~ ~!•ell-WrtP.t. Ill. or etareo ot the ·nnat quo~ u oi tun\lnir trick)' Jeter tn and oL, ANP SHOPPING NEWS NEWPO&T )JEACll. CAUJl'OaNIA reslatont r&Y=I ..• checl!o, ploldo, -l'.J' .u<T KEN 'READ eeo W..vtltll BtneL 8'"'• ~ IU uby .-,..-Jlol-Iand Jew h4ed -to lilo ...... 10-otoppln( ilUno .. lllo end oroun4 LEPJIONI: llABBOJI. ltll THIS-00 TO IUCICY'll ll'Oll 'rid' LATEST IN AMOW 8BIRTll. . ·-. ... ,of.•tw.> -J<Wed Sun· yvd lino us )'06lo behind Ill• llM (WhlCh never w ...... r .. i.. -'=====:T:li====:'======;::::"::"::"='!_~Rlollro. ntc Ne..,..._lllv ... o.ta .._••-II"-!i':tlpltw and~ :r~J:! doy ·fben can dlch they_,.. ot .,.r1mmoeol"to ...... a perfect thaa f5 jUdo ta pre.,.,,,.,..,.. :. . . a • e 0 COWl <Ir!~ oollldld J 1 ':!11!do Pll pl!A:b Into tbe.,.... Of l\alblnir on t1111 1tuon). · · ---------------------~--ii TRICKS o• TUA.UT T ! ~"'ko ""4 • petty theft count ~y ,101 aaa · •-ue. the cOut u. !'fed Py-. n&lled Tbey turned the playo 1n ttm• You don't• ...... t to wake up Nov. 1 and find wl~ rt";,:;ony COD~· IA Jlloln. Wr!Pt'• wife, Glod71. t}i. 'reeelno: then but';Jeter -recs altff tlm• to oet up tack! .. for your t wheeled can1ap on top oC'your root or your ' · • duled lt, wll f4, wu tallaa If 9'1111orton. cu_.. frOl1! 1")11' J&rdo 'CIUt two p)jyl Ed Mayer and Bob w- outbulldlnp toppled owr do ,.. ? Polito HalJo. ldet:iutled by W. A. WUruo, 'Jr. ,oral lllooplto! wlloN aha Ii ro-later · who mode 11 and 11 tockleo .0:. w .... ~llclanoll wW _,, lie UJIOll you; .. boot pt ITJ:I J:ut llth Str.et, Lao~-~ In crttlcol ocmdttlon. ' (Jwl _..;; lj)OCtl..Jy. Mlmo loot sround oa ln a •Upply of coOk:J ... &Ad. cupcaJc.a from the N.,;.. ::!t•tw:x ~ :::1.: = 1 J en Sdirin T. Smith, 09, of Chula hia end aroundl ancl Jeter aeldmn port 11a1t..,.. Bob II maJllD& 1pecial HobpllllD • une vtota; ,.... drl.,., or the .,..114 _ ~ In Ille flDal 20 ...,. readied the line ot ocrtmmap u c&klll ,decorated with wltcheo, coto Mld pumpltla ~~~ a ,,J!1irbt <\Utotdebe&~ car. J H11 wife, Kro. PUii)' Smltll, ondo 111 Howard Mlller roded ba<:IT ~ buoted up hil' lnt•rfer- ca.ndlu. Theae al'9 real Black Maatc caku made u · ... t CUI WN JS3 ud A. ~ Harri.a. SO, to .et up a ecreen pt.19' to tullback moe to open him up tor choU· by B MARGO from a Meftl Betty Crocker nclpe para'nteed to bt ·~ by on. or more men. t><>llce aid. ot' &01 aouth Pom-.a' 1t:frMt. Brea, Charley Black Whq went a3 )'Udl PtratH-Y au pre me. The Newport Bakery wW llave plenty of dou;pnuu on Co~y denied beinl' COIUl~tea wenl ~ tn.Jar.d. to a iouchdown bf~ JOOd block· Y Jlet.ter 1-----------------=-------l hond and con b .. t up ony opeclll order you would lilt• fOr p&rt7 with tbll offolr, which WUpi Tl>O WriJhto 11 .... oaa dour!>· b.ir. Joa Smith mlued the by for ....... WHEREVER SMART SOPlilSTlCATED WOMEN G.A THER-in the anooker parloi, at •ta&' amoken.or at the corner apl&ry, th• t&Jlr: la not u you m11"ht suspect ••. of mice and rnen and reelpu.. A.u Contra.ire! The (OUip ~ of Hendao shirts from the Petite Vllle? Active auttrapttes h&ve come to realise that it mat· ten not bow you played the pme (bridp, plll.g pone. ea.nut&, .rrutneboard), lt'a what you were weartq at the time. The Pe Ute Ville'• new Hendan plaid.a and ebeckl u. m&n-t1.Uored with button cute. boy•' round eouan. Colon are guaranteed to be tut QD any track. ., put $3.ie a.crosa the counter on thl.s one. other band.om.• Hendanll in regulation white for the SophOmore •t ... ahort .ieeved and aleevele11. rayon1 and cotton.a h'om $2.9G -$3.915. High .chool can aleo be hiCh-llt'ed with Lana.mere sweatua from thil swank Uttle emporium (diverllDC tlsh-pond rtgb.t tn tbe center!) Lanamuu double tor c&&hmerea at halt the price ... Mort •1eeved pulloven and cardipna $.5.90-$1..96. Girl• who bav• saved their aUowa.nce can set tM ru.l euhmer. beaut.ire• hen too in purple, oatmeal, green or pink. Perambulate to the PetJte ' Ville for dreue.s, lingerie •ult.I. l t'• at Ul c0Ut BIYd., Corona del Mar. Harbor 233~-W. • • • tn:Y .JilATE! W.&....''T A RIXG FOR FREE! 1 HERS ARE THE RULES: GO DOWN TO THAT FASCINATING )[ARE.tmlR'S NEST CALLED WALT'S TRADING POST, and aak watt: to rtng that 100 year old bell (61' you. Thi• ftne, cla.rion·tllned 20·· bell orl,maJJY came off the oldest IChool ln Or&n,re County. They ju.st don't mUe bell• like this anymort, boy! Thia one at • onlv $60 will malt• a wonderful bell warning, ranch dinner bell. or perhaps call the faithf\ll vespers. And .allora beware! Don't s~t lost in a foe on payday, becauae Walt'a hu a chrome binnacle complete with cornpu11 for $26 and a U volt light plant, perfect cond.itJon $81.. The palr of 20 lb. book end.a here would make • nauticpl17 aitty sttL ADC! Walt'• Tradinr P1>9t. can. 11v• you enoul'b .J"OPt Full coil of " tnch rope lilt• brand new. Ev~ I -.Y rln&; !,;,. .. rtnc tbot b&ll at 'W.wO'l'i'Oalac Poot . . . m 30th ot. nr. th. ,.. hOu.o, Newport. Op01l ....,. day lncludlnr 8wL Cloeed Wed. Harbor :470. • • • MY DEAR! HAVE YOU SEEN THE PAPERS!! ONE OF THEM SAYS, "La Vin de Fra.nee ut le chef.'' Which probably means 90me old cliche about th• proof of the pudding. Thia chef wallpaper over at Md>oaakl'• Paln.1. Store l• veryu•- brigbt Snd ctddy with little, a ppropriate bon mots sprinkled thru' it . . . ire.at for converuuon &JM s•Y looks in kitchen or dinnette. Then there are tbe Howdy Doody caper papers which keep the eh.lldren In their rooma. McDonald'• hu wallpapers to tuft futlvtUet. Prepare tor Ut\ wllchin.I' hour at the Newport Bakery. cl&lme co.t hlm th• lo. from hla ttr, Mn. t>oroUiy Roee. lf'uneraJ the extra point and· a IUbeequ.ent 8tatlltical1Y Ute lndi&m had 2112 Ocean Fron~ Harl>or l«l·R. ftlo lol<e u.p lo o,_ T do1" car . of two bamboo ,ftlhlnir r<>do, &Mllftlllellt. °'°' pandln(. 'on...Sde" kickoff wu reconred (00.lla9K.• 11'."'P .•l a,...., tr-l:IO-l:M. two j&ckoto, a plaid.._ robe :~::.J':L:.=:.:::...::..:::..:;:.::=:.:.... _ _:. __ -r-__ .:.._ ______ ...,. __ ...,... __ ~---'--- • e •· e and a boot b&ttery c11ar~it--o11 11,,..,j,,,,.;,,..,..;,..,.. ............... --... -......................................................... -. IF YOU SHOULD LOOK UP FROM TOUR NEEDLEPOINT '"!)Ued ot $300. n.t. SsL KcKo•I· 11 ON!: DAT and oee your Venotlan Bllndo w1paa1nr,' aemopborln( pl o&ld tbot nevly all llWI P"'P" erty had been ....,.,....., w1i. Ille and na.ahlq an 8. 0. 8., pe.rhapt ;you abo¥)d stv• up needlepoint &rTUt: of T•rTett.. The otncen and c&ll a Pl}'ehlatrlat. On th• other h&n4, 11 your bllllda ..,.. droopy, M1d Terrett. b8:d pe•Md. at leut dojocted. dJrty and In need of r<h&l>Wtott0., J1>U "'°'!!d eall tho 'HS wori. of bed clieOb. -Sbop. Mr. Clinton Wolford lo now on coll hoN for ut1Jnt.teo. T•rntt told pollee llO Md - or expert advice on V. BUnct.. tranr99 t.racka: and aJl mum• ot •-.. -to take wt'-''" ....._ the drapery~ lut&llattono. M Kro. WolfU\I proudl)' <inJloua--•-. ,._ .. ,m "Wlndowa bold no _,..t from' Clinton." Juot In at the llb&de llbop-JIWl booting' him ~ J11ae I and • . . DOUBLE EXTl!INSION RODS THAT GO AROUND C0RNJ:Ra. had merelJ: driven him -· lo SHADE SHOP eu 2ttb ST Newport. Harbo< .... tllo local motel w1 ..... tho 'l'tctlm • ., WU •t&J'1ne with hi. wtfet • • e Worlliur otneo Jllllo on WIJllll' "COME INTO TJD GARDEN KAUD eorty ldenttncatkln of Terfttt, ...... 1f' FOR TID BATWING NlGBT'HAI Ft.OWN."' poUoo received a tip an Ille wller .. ~·""" Yu, Maud thus I a.m remtnded. that la rupoDM to an aboUtl' of lb• at.olen ftlbtni and .fr overwhelmlnc beattnc ot wtnp. Polly Apparel hu .tiipped aporta equipment and arre8ted lD a larp etock of the new Batwfal' aw•t.,.._ or maybt Tel'fttt lut Tb.UJ'llday. Cavey wu they flew In Oil their own. A.nywa,y, th ... new arrlnll ~rebended Thunday ai.o. have a wondrous wtncspi:ead plus turtle neck& Bl.UT Tw-Ue• ! What will they bunk of neK't ! Thue b.t·ftlua a.re lOO'Jf, wool tn navy, white, black, Cold. pllllr., and and $0.95, Other Scotch Dew ....ten wtth wtnc coll&n · pd bul\oft 11.eeka ill autumn ~ l1'MMt yellow aad aqua S8.9C5. Sm.art lborty J&c,kcta ot 1001' wool mede "'MAUD.. cloth wt.th creata rampant ol red, be:fn &nd &Old at at.H . Betwixt and between the l"ofty Apparel u4 THI: MAJ( SHOP whJcb 1s rtg:ht next door, you c&n' find EVERtTHINO you need~ for men, women and children ••• Polly A'ppiaftii 1111 Ne.,.n Aft.. 'o..ta M'.Na. ; • A DIRECT QUOTB FROM • • MRS. l:V AN JONES or BALllOA-llLANl>- --i tldak ... ...... II °r'llft iiliC . .\. woala"t: .... -r ..._~ ifn. J'on.e.a II ,.,,.. beartedl)' endoninc the Radio WaYe penna.neat ctven ueluafve.ly by ;Mildred over at Iba'• a ta 't Shop ln Corona del Mar. The Radio ,Wave ~ (UeMWOrk. in permanent w&YinC by IC~Uflcall recordlnl' the chemicaJ chanl'e tn your )lair M tt la • ~•taNllJ "''"' pl'oceuecl. 'Mlldred "'"""'i-o 1hll Radio <lar'1" • Wave and atatea that lt 1-eaptdally dandy for dltftcult "bard to curl" bleached, or dyed hair, TheN ucelleftt Radio Wave11 are $15 up. Mildred formerly owned the Be&u,ty Bar on Balboa laland. So tt you've been looktng tor th1a expert Beauty Boostu, ~ a.t Jim'• Beauty S&.lon. 204 Cout Highway, Corona de.I Mar. k aaturtJ. Curly! Call Harbor 18'79 day or ntrht tor appolnbnent. . . BOAT SUNK, D. A. REruSES THEFT ACTION What to do about bll WN<ltod Uld -IO-tcot -fllll· t, .... _. ~-... -.i.or.d . :~tbl ...... Pa..-_ ot IUl)l Ume It; Looi(· ... .-_ told NoWport poUC. ~ Tburllda,y that tho craft. w1llch ha w bou(hr Juot recent- ly, had 'bMn "l.alren from It.I moor· In( ot B&yll!de J'llb Market, 28th and Latayette etreeta, Ne-i>art Beach. Tb.en It W'&S wncked pd suolt en. route to Catali.na . l91and, loo, oa14 ' . SPECIALS . . TllUUDAY, FUDAT ud &ATUBDAT MaMprode Costumes 98' j • 1"())[.().IANTERNB • lUGULAB sLse ' . -Pumpkins • . • • • -• • 13•- HALLOWEEN Crepe1aper JIALLOWEEN Mask$ __ .. __ 9 'to 89'. lhpltrtar u.s llesalu Minor ___ 29' s,s ... i • ;.-. • 1 .. -~ 59¢ Hosiery ___ ........... .,$1.09 Sk efons ............. 11' Ouap 11 Dealer . . Kisses Uos.LlllllY PI:.AllTI() ·c.1o11w1 Pins....14¢ liq.""· Jleir. -n.. every whim, room and purae . . Provinclala, quilted cblnts, Chlnue I fllo:it:e.=io:it:e.ll=lo:itoe=it:<toelt:ll=e:e.1t:11i=:ees1=11e1t:11•*'11 mode.nu, Colonial& There \a the Glendura which 19 abaolutely wuhable tn cue your arm. slfpa; with an oocaalonal misguided miul.le. TbeN I• a.bo Wall-Tex which i• a fabric coated, wuhab1e wall covertnc. and Imperial, Hollycn.rt., Walcrest and Blrre. You can set yourself a n.-. outlook by alapplnl' a little colorful wallpaper here &nd there .. , atao sb<>d for May Baaketa. McDonald Pa.int Store, 1872 Har- JJtbOup Pauet&ll ldentlfled tile eulpl1t' to A..sllat.ant Dtatrlct At- torney :r. Parley Sm.Ith. th• pl"OM- cutor told the former bo.'.t owner he had no chance of m&klnS" a ,....d theft -·· . "lllick.. Ho -lllm to tile • pett7 theft or CiYll actloe, t.be tbett. count to be baaed on th• fact that Pa.ult.ell bad bee deprived of two daya' boat rental while the cratt wu mlllln( ..,a before be lmew lt ... 9UDk. ~!few ... U.VI: • I U9.UOR TAXES · C-ANDY 1-ICK or Tumblen 8 ;or 78' a., .... _ bor Blvd., Costa Meu. Beacon 6703. • • • HEJGBO A.><D MERRY DINGLE BERRIES TO AUNT MINNIE ACR.088 Tltt JOLES! Don't gtnle and beat your cbelta. beeauae the sun iii ahlning like summer on your tbatc)Jed little 'h~ad•! Only 1,1:51 hours until amatmu! Divide thia number by two, then tubtract that old Mcbet bac you-got1on tbe·tree lut year. a.net.you will ,haft the approximate numbf!r ·ot w&Jcjng hourt you have- left tor maUtng packagea_ addre•inc earda and getting lit. ntcht.entns. th .May! Hence: The 1t11.1bcJ9 a A: lf tn.ttee 1ou to come over and pick out tome double dandy Ruat- cratt Xmu card.a tWtore uley 1~t all gummed up by mad. treuled Jut intnute neurotics. Have 20-20 torealgbt and plek up a few teal.I &Dd" wnpplrip. Gala metal boxes for cakn and ptl.ttnuu are 254:-Mc. And PACKAGES FOP.. OVERSIW! MUST BE MAn.ED BT NOVEMBER 10. Go on fir~ It's ln the carda. tto.1-..•a Ba.lboa 6 A: 10, IOI Mala, Ballloa. • • • • I SA.Y OLD GIRL! ITS • SIM:PLY CRICKET YOU KNOW! Put on your, old .e~l haiJ'..bow and bowl off to Ute .lo-LM Sporl SMp for a run tized nan at .tk new Sunroee l'f'aY flannel auiU ! 8unro.e Of Cali- fornia hu imported Encu.h cricket flannel from tlle Lalea. a.nd. fuhiOMd taOored euttl (127.93 ... rid.lculoualy low t.n't it!) Slaeke ($9.95) P~ Pualte'" ($8.95). SUnr<>oe. loll( o famoua: name ln •portawear stvea you anotbs "NOi" oat«•lt'I*' group ot custom converted CoOnrinalea tn tbla quality Oannel. In Nch 1annent. tuil. *1rt, alack& or ~ pu&en. you'll dilco•er a small concealed pockeL Don't Uk me why! U you operate on lt&ll~ road Ume, you could fob your wakh in tt -It you"re, 'the cntlbua type that bu to inow where your next dollar's comlng tram. )"OU con llld~ one ta your SU-. na.....111 l.o-IM Bport 8llop, "" N-rt A-Ooota - .. .TV .. OWNERS! HOW MUCH · IS YOUR TELtVISION SIT ' .WORTH TO YOU1 The 'l!lnswer is simple! If your5Video set is worth so m~ny of y'our houn .of relaxation,' ., it'i certainly worth the fin~,t service ••• t~e" kind only our TV experts can give it. You can be sure that we "Can_ end will make yoiir. installation, adjustments, or repairs with. ou r I ( . . THOROV~HLY TRAINEI?. and • FACTORY ,QuALIFIED ELEC,TRON, IC EXPER1S I• , . FULLY EQUIPPED to SER¥E Your TV and-RADIO SERVICE NEEb . . . • . , , Complete Mzk• •••• l•nlM ,, l -......... . .. .. ; ~· u. s. G ........ Lii•••• ,,,, .... I -. . • ·•· ' GOIST ' Loveland Elected . Au,(ialion V. P. Llo)d ~. Newport --h realtor. wu elected u a reaionat .ice p,..ldeni of tho cautOml& Rul -te Aaoclatlon at I the siOup'• ~1th annual convenuon-at the BUbnore Bot.I, Lao Anre!n, 1ut 1"t.k. '-. Jam• M." Udall. Loa Anreleo. fffltor, WU ·named pre91dmt ot tho -lion. Cllorl .. H. -P&adena, 'WU re-elected tttUUJ'o er and. •am• P. OOuer, Lo9 .An- g-eleo, wu r.1lect.4 atoto -.... ~-"' alimbor ot Newport Beach !'Ml~ portjcip&1ec1 la. Ille COD· -tloa lut w..i.. • "ODii crVrCI A1111M. • eo...... .i.i·-Cl'f'kl ~ tlon wW -~:sn­ J"lacl( --.. 'dtT-~ -membft .,..u-., tor • 'fOl l'uclr. ... ,... 'ftundiiY., .,. p.c., ta eoro.,. dol ·Miiz: --•udtl.Ortum. SY«) 241 ~ .. ".... ~ at.-.,....., --'° ~ """ ...... w.---.... tiibla ~· ... ~ l!lee •oa o.-....a. JlATlllNO Epsom I Seith 251 ........ H INClll -tCA • TELEVISION . '. • SET. ti. '110" ' /AJoo -.....-a& u.i.-~· • . .,~,. r ·~ ~ To~ell ,: 5/~¢ . .... ef 11 -.. -C•iltain Cedi' ••• ( ....... 371 . TIJ.EAT Alt J:'•Po _. BOYS BLACK .. 59' Jeans ___ .. __ ~$1.59 Ree. 7~ Rer. n .u pa1r ROYAL llUBr Bobby Pins _____ 19¢ • ... , ae,.. 10a -. . ' "'l'lutlO r...,. HALLOWEEN } . . _ , . .P-.+y Hats _ 13¢ Hand .LO+fOn· $1,oo ;.,_• .,......_.NW~.---.. -- ;. .. .... _ , ' CIGARmES . Nov. l • <J&NDY llTOClit UP NOW . ...... . .... nepin Hw••r.chiefs • • • 6 t.:~9# t .. , I • • ' • '!--.. llOADWAY ~ WALDI 9:.t:"'.a!" . . . . .=:.Neww::: --..-. .. · •aam:e llf - I _.. __ .. l '"<lOllJi: nu. ID' (lVI"' --OlptJ'-........... . OV'lll'mr .. --rww·-· .,...IAIP . , -Aloe- "NO --AY IN Tm MY" . ...... ._ ............. ........ D11t1tell . ,_..,..._. ~uio~1-m.~.- 11&r .,.. ..... 7 ... ...... Ooellru -11...t. -., °"" II . ---· "l'LYJlro Liii&~ "L&W ill> TBS LADT" • wtaGrwr·Gerrr .... ........ w •• -Aloe-·~·-,. c.uT ..... ,Jr --l!fQ.-• , 1·•-----.&a..- ~­wltll .. !ftDe=' ... ha~ .ur.:,r;'.!J:.. ~ CHILDREN -FREE•-·• -11..,. . _. • 11::..,.n11~ • PAULO DRIVE-IN THIA~. -a...-. 11oona.-. -8-7:11 .... ' __ .....__. - ~ 00 1.4>VELP . ----v..... . --WOIL,.Qet. 11 . "1'0llCt tm AJOUi"' • . • --Beldeio ... .Nuq°"""' .. -Allit-' "U!ll• ft YOl1lllll!LI"' -lllleM:r wt910n ... ~-a_, NOW • OPEN • SATURDAYS and SU"DAYS 'p1a",,o Ji.•lt'4Jo11 .. . ' . .. • . TERES~ ~ I Mrs. 7A. Renner f . Ca• Dirt fts ' 1 eil 'llli'N 0.U. la - a ... •••-••-..-. 436. S1rra Drive · · · Harborf1~1..J Corona Hlghla•• -C"oroaa. del Mar DORIS. HALL Announcei ·. · New Classes in Ac·co~ion FOR BEGINl\i RS . . . ACCO&DION8 FUJlNllllSD FOK · BOio: PBAOftCI: ' . P&IVATE Ll:8llON8 IN ftANO A AOOOllDION DOR~S HAU MUSIC STUDIO · -8.L"(TA A."iA AYJ:. OOftA _,.. BEA. ·l·Y. • ·AD ·LIB ~ .. :.. . 'iS *' Slllr tllls lllys. •. ...... • ntis, . ' c•~1 •·.c~·ao .n•.0•1•1• ._ .. ~---·-- a•~~•'-' """° ....,. ______ __....__ 1'alet: ......... __ _ ~------ • ' • • .I" • • &d. &Air ,_. s 0 ....... _. .... I !L ...... \. . , ..... •. HOW COl.f 1-. fOU" -PIJM llU. 1• "IHI YIAll me•~ \WWwtboulP • .. 'h•-ft.'IDMI w M.&N ....... "-ft••• ..... -~. wc1•9-.li' !IPR - ·-·. 'SATUID.Ar5 HBO' J r -• ~ L&ft DAY . .iw ... ,, ...... Ill ..... "HIS -OP WQMAN'~ Wlllll ~ ._.,. •·•1 r 01LU1P ftGID' ~ " 7 - "JIM THOlllPE, ALL AMERICAN" • -'-!.*- f .......... Sda11 WllllNM '.'TIXAS ''CAINIY AL'1 ~i:o· ~· "IHUIAll" nd 'HAPPY~GO.WCKY' T. Y. sm FOR RENT 7·DAY llDllMOM TIDE T. Y. ... ., ... . . HILLMAN MINX n-,.,..,.. .... ,... .u ..... I y--JL.-- _,,.... lits _. . ... --~. 111'111 • 7 ....... ·-·-"'-..... ... .......... .,.. 114. -...... "' -..... -~ .. ·-·A .. I '1\:5 :u .... _.. ,. .. :-.... •• :-"'. _.. r I ·•• a,? ''ts ....... •-. ., __ '"~·-A. ............. --Sq-·· I -• tt .. , 'I Q ..,., T•e ~ ... tutl.malf 'yellow 21 h'I .... •1z •If WU1 _. ~ ... Mta ot t1iQ1; ... w11tte :.c:-.. ""----==·..::.: ::::-.,·.:!. Il:,1:.~·-.,.. 5 IFE __ _..__ .. ~-· --~C.-"! • .. '!:'.:''!. ~ ........ ,.. ... w ta .. ~ --·-~ ,,_. ....... tbo -·· af Kr. "'"4 Jira ,....... T. -...... 11111\!' 11M W1Uto • .,....... ., Udil W..._. patf1n•• of ... *> ss•tsm_,, •nm ts ta ..., -. ... Qoeo7I, -i-"' -,.,t' ...... _...... -uvwz --. "'"'-flNt-11.,••,,,_ -...., elNllq t11o u...s nK' nu• tier.• 'fllit lil111&111m ti Ute~ •1IX .. ~ •1strt ... at _i.e _ .., .... •a41f', 1 70 ot Kn. & w::za CnuNrq ., .~__...Mn. JNwa Ke.. ~~1111 11r •11 iattws =·~ ~la*;,!;· 2:. t -=-::-.., -:=.. H.;._~ • Ts 1l1p -· B1 OI J.,-. --'*"P. GI ltoe S---., '° Loo ~ 1a l,.._ _IM rw 11or clal!P""'• ...0.W... ..... ~· la ........ ell"' )Jn. a-i. ,._ -of - else• _, llw 1 in&' bat_ and. •r1ov-. l11cr oonap Yillotr ... -U l'••oll ... WM fl -8...U •orel!jda ~ .., __ .,, tlto ..... en-,. -la -...... -~· ._ 1(!.... ' . s.,.. -• tboor CNpo and 1..0. wtth -tch· 1 ··-la ...... e&ll -.... wll!t ---.1,11 -..... -adonod ... altar ... ,_ -P. . OONCAK llll!llmlll llllCl'!'ft ... -....... la hr __, to ConMI, ... l 0... ii -fa ~-Wlllt.'-~---tlto-1 ... -. uid WI ----MrW. ~ -• 1111t"' Or nge County tlto -alolO dowa wll 1411 ,....,. ·l>luo .. -.with llluo I Oen'-""" -lloJ' '* --an4 powder """ -~ b . t.Ulll: wllo ...... -!ft lratplq. IOl'\M. Hp, -W a a a . Y 1 · ,,.. i.ricll! --of CIWltlil1 lo-Oftllld. Biie ... ....... . i-aa4 ......apt •IJa. -...w ,,.,,, Whittler RIP ocboo1 .,..nil a..t. °" -l'.Mls m1tt1 """ att....iod uac and u.iventty -.. ot inatdu.1 loqo. Loeo of Calltornia at Banta Barbara. Wu ;.plil ,,_ fw t1to .,_. Mr. Crumley WU rrad~ta4 from -~ ---wsta Loo Ans-Jllp IChool and at· ~-oell -lltl4 tllo na,... tadH Jo >...City collep. u. .. tip 'ftu'. ' Bt<' ~ wu 01 -aMl!a.ted 'filll WH!Am A&· -1« IDIH ..,. """"""·. • UaM Inc. at -wa .. wh.,.. th• -1-J"'I ll)Ve. 8111 If ....pi. will m&Q tllelr llom&. I . . . ' ~ d for It at )'oar llMler TflF.SSD! celtnt 9l!Clllty celellt Vahi11 CARLYU'S . • FRANK SAM'O i ·s.t .. Oot •. 'l7 . .· .,... . THE MOsT ~OTiC CAFE • • . -'iile ·1uNG1ES ' . .~ l - Lunc;h · 11 • 2 -DiiVter 5 • I 0 '" \ ~ · Chempecjne & Wine · Coi:lctell1 . . , ' . 17 ~ So. Coast Blvd: ' • , ~NELA'S M.uca,, .11/.ooJJ, OR A LA CARTE 5:30 • 9:30 P. M. -SUNDAYS:-!5:00 • 9:30 P. M. ' ' "'•'• .,""-f),,J e (!~··' -t.-J.,1 ' ' ' 31721 I. Cout .ll•d., SOVTH LAGUNA Plo.45827 SAM'S .• ' SEA -FOOD ?. • .u t1to 111p of Ill• a-· COllPUITll COmtD LUNCHl!:Ol'IS DINNIS:M a.utltul -ICnlarnd COCKTAIL LOONGll · OPEN WVDYDAY SU R1F s IDE PB0.'11:• IUts 1~71 ... ! .. a.I ......... mt .... HEY, DOC! I • Check de Boigains in &·D LI• IY MAl(M) B11alil .ttlt . -. . . I . . High Quality Printing-Ph. /1ar. 1'1' • I I .. --.1 I ' . • FOR MEN BALBOA BLUE DENIM SLACKS, 13 oL •• $3.25 SAJLCLOTH (Blue and Red) SLACJ<S •• 4.75 NYLON PARKAS • , : ••••• 6.95 _:1.95 WATERPROOFED PARKAS . .-••• , ••• 7.95 WOOLEN ~Hl~T~' • • • • : •· • • ·• 4.95 -· 5.95 WHITE DRESS SHIRTS • • • • • • • 2.95 -3.25 HAWAIIAN PRINT SHIRTS • • • • 2.95 -3 95 " . . · TEE SHIRTS • • • • • • • • ;· • • • • . • • 1.50 U •. S. RUBBER LOAFERS . • • • • • ; • • • '3.95 . 1·.95 i SANDALS ' •••••••••••.••••• ' ' -FOR LADIES • 1 .. NAUlJCAL .. 100% .WOOL ~JACKETS . _ ..... 17.t$i·c . ·j. HA~AllAN S~ON~S -~nd DRESSES ·~ ~ (.95 .. FSAft.Cl.011-j SLACKS ••. • ••••.••••. J.50. SAILCJ,OTH CLAMDIGGERS • • • -• ~ • 3.ZS · , . ;. ,. , , ' • • • • - • · ,: NlLON PARKAS ••.•••••• 6.'5-1.tS· -~ . . . ·. .SAILCLOTH :SHORTS •••• 1.tS ''. U.S. RUBBER KEDEnes. : .• Z.'5 r CONVOY 'COATS . • ~ .... lUI TEE SHIRTS • • ,. ~ 1.11 • - • • l .. • - • I· I • , ·1L.:. l~ Per Chempionshlp V'L::LL.....;. t::.: ·' Alv.tt ~ Dei9'on na Sa~·n.:i -~ Q. ~·Nines Assa. n· [.' .... ,_ 11.U' 1g1 ntU1UD ~ Sleted ·ui~t rnf, 'to._R~·.Vffl : ~ · ~ , to ·' ·Oil.I•~• • · --w•n• · •• fer C:wwa..:~ .. i:=:~.:~ Then1e for · , . ~. Eerty, . ..,9 .. ~ fftYC ~. -~ t0 . ~tlf!Cis0 . 6ETS SYI .. Piil Soeiel Fm. ~~ -·· Pain ~ -. . ~ 111n. ~ Del<'9 9' Gii CJold-.----. -.. .117: ._ nc•r1,.c .,..,. -°"' DfFEMSE JOB · "L • ...!..L Cl _;. · ilt*7 u--~ Ila!-.. "" .-~ • """"*' ~~·· •·~-·.i~ -.t.;41.,"';;;;;r,,;;., .Pt . .. ~· ·Miio ·~·r , · ~ '. _ .. · ., " ~ P · to lie llelil In c..ta -at UM l"I~ p T A. -"'"" -~Mar, Clllt. -·" ............ ~ .,._. Ooei7 ll&w -"'"'d """'"'n --illa . ......,,, Oct. n. Tiie 11nt ''' ... . ~. IMr .... .,...,-. .&Ba"' • Old lkl!qra 11&11. ""1 '.11**1 "" a.,• caJlt-.... i. Ottlclal -=rMet-lU!il )liit .&a---•*',..:""'"'_,.. ..,.. Aid Q. lllcllallf JI#· c will Ttart at -o'clocl< ud UM ~ ,fiolp 'by t1M f<MaftJl IOT 0. VTID<f>7P.Jh··:i:.~ ~ -t, lo lie Mid lal!lr· a!....tato~ ~·\= --ll'jL. A. I~»~ ~.llle..i!'"'* ~ c::. alv~· · llanto .6.M m~~.; , ~ u•loa will bectn at t:ao. and Mil snaf Rup.er ocboOI a-~ .., 1n111111-, .!'!"'*" a.:,. at Newpoct • ~ ·Yadlt _, .. U 0 lJ. • . .....-...t ,41re<.!or 1lf aYll -. al -..,.... arp1_..i.1o a.t <1111-IWter point. and trophlu will dmti, .Joel l>Y WlllWn Au.... .,. -·HIP 11q-. ·, .chili; i. -a1 u.;, liuliora"old-... ~ .Pf!"...,t "'t', --•er ·.ollef al Onase °"""''mitJ Oarllt ll.'lil Gd: I In -lo lreqlael>t ou••p lie ,a-..s u.. --Ute Oct. 19 mMl!Ds"al the AJnll, ,... .111. llte ....,,tir "' Olll; -tndltloeal ~ •tootl'll· ·todo.Y: . ~ • . OountJ al tllt~ln-t or Doa tllt c:llur<h ..ta! llalL "-_..,,,. BpMMn.-to a nc:ont crowd .2' Kn. -~ md Kn. Oolta x.. ; Llndllotp!Wper Mn. Dontoa_1~:·· IV.:...~»:': u.;r. • ror u.. -· ~ loll! ·~ 1?'j.'~!t~~-~: ~ ~ .ud..wa to u.. pooiU... or ~~-~ -;-- ...,. than' too t&u..n and,,,.,.... fied ltounnille ..._ wblMn PTA. ton or -au--1lc&ld 'lo laid UldO alMt ,,..oi.tainlll ~ -· <"'""""' __. ..,.."1 '0_.,,.-~ --~-• 7 =·• • on -era at the openlftl' meotlftl' of UM aUt·wat In J'rida,y .-lnp Hold In the Main' adlool aadltor-~ ~ --, ¢1e• -Iii : llOlnOl.b.lns • ui&t~ ~ ~ ot Uto_ •-lia · aoicl _.6i.. .a Uto clTlii&a Mff at the tut.er dactod 1'1 Ra;mo..11 IL .. _..,. Newport 8-h Jllhm.u1.tar7 -...S Kn. A. G, Do.llllrS lum, the "•••ne, ''O>lldra. lltlll ... am .snl,:~ .~ .-Pld ...,i... 0 h,..... --~de-~.at ~,c-i,t7-°""" -1a·1aato AM. la' hl8...,. ~ prooldmL 8cboo1o PTA In U.. N~ and Kn. Robert Brown wero bJ11> C-e J'lrot, •.pt-a -at. -~ 8.W'-wlill .. tM -al -or jwit fa""7 1----. . eril . tol, 1119 Mildrid i:ra., ~tloo. ~ Wiil -ad-0-, _,. llllal ~ Teller , pammar -OcL U, Ila -....... north-ti>. !>aetlcft fw Ooata x--ta Kn. PhWP L a.a.1, Ji', all.MI ow-aro' l!IJIP/>iad'l9 ~ *'loOL.,.... ·~-°"""J" -.,penlaor Xurr.&7 of -upollo ""' Kn. llutll frooly mm ~ --~.....,P ...t·wut .,.... and -Mn. lOdr. Barria, ~ ~·--. ~ ~ lo U.. nauUeaL Bat Ito·-· l!choOI; ~ -~ Patton In the --and II-,. or Oatotlo. _....., ,,_ to drive ~Ute rorca Ila c:oa· Kn. Robert -. and Mn. A:lli7 p~ prlll4od..;... the -. t..,..i ~ po.£' OollJIS• ..,.. p1111nr J>ow. -tlllap CAN be lnllolier, Aaabelin. ltaff nuna at reri.traticn of Ute cl-talo mt Included x-. -11m& -.. pentaomt to a cblld'a .,.. Jt<nnod)'; Xra. Clatbertne Bmltlt n-OllU10B, at wltlClo llme Ult f-mHitlfts la UWU~ ltatM ·--wltlt tho' nautical -=~ .... ~I~.~~~ Illa ftlter•aen!Ce tnlllll\I' c1u1 ... R&Ymond l!t-•n, l-ll!!Unp, lat.nee. Mn. ~ l'teemaa; Mn. -1>17 _. .,,._ -I.ti Air .l'oree..1 JJ.o i. cm 14 day i... one llloPo to thlnl< Uout It.· Dia· '. "' ......, ,.., • .,.. . " lad will alao -In the ouptt· Cbeo\<r .,...,., Cleo ll'ollor, Kn. lleT. Nlcbola. -lo a aport .,,. CUI -and Mn. AllM Mfto. eon for Coat& ~ta .4loo from ~ ;AW rorc. · ._, la aar bellJ!.a at t p. m. and a ...,_ " · • · • · ~ or the cl'llllaii peraoone1 In LWlan Jf:r<'JleU1aot Mn. ~ thnaleot st&l<d thet tbe family rill; Mn. Charla -.,. and .,,,,_ced wtre -Oii "DeJ>.' OeOrst&. A..~ ~ i. be-pt1oe -Will pro'f1do mllalc ~'l'b,,i altlpla~ were: Mn. Mar-tltelr duo laatnlctlon. ~ptoa, Mn.~ Dlol and - Thould pl&a adftlrturw topther, Mn. Georp OarroU; Xr. an4 l.ol car.• at l!lo•P'ft J!ut>or IUll> 11\1' p•1nood l17 Ute 7"'11JS·-k. for dandftl'. ~ 'Pattoo; :ruuerton, 1tur Don Andrews, a reatclellt of Kid· Tommy ~ lleT. l-i>J> W. Xe. from plol1c8 and trtpa lo r..u..n Mn. J:dwln Sylveotv. acl>ool cm OcL :12·and 'f from T · , · r; . nu U::. Oronp Ooullty , Oenenl way Ctf¥, md owner of the fun>I. Bhan• .• ........ He beU.V .. that chlldNn Runa-op aorth._th weft to t p.m. All out-..!• motor valued at Hl>llllll ON l!1JUA)1JOB . . ~L '. Mn. Altrleda Nlew!J, W... store 1'J the OTme 1UU11e In ·------ and parehtT -doT<r to one Robert Blown and Doyle GUbert; Mn. 1l:Uwud CuT, prosnm lllli wu tTl<ea !Jom tile....,. . · · ~·· ~ oran,~ Coun· !!onto .Ana, i. one of Ute orl&lnaJ B B II another darlftl' 111 ... allued a• Arnold G-ILll<I A. D. Weiher-chalrman, lntzodu«d Superintend-of Blchard• lll. ·-.,, 1001· Noi'th A llkla7 !UrloUp WU llJICl!I 1'J ty Genen1 B01plt&I ; Xiii! llldlth membua of Ute filter center UT• eaCOn e es · perlencn1. by; Mr. and Mrs. H. ll. W&IU.nc· ent of Scho01o llftrett A. Rea, 11.,y J'ron( Bal-ITland; ho told ::!'° K&r!ta8':11\1' at~~~~ ="';" del ~director ~r Inc ctven -houro.or .,i.; llme New offlceia of the Ile&con lllotllero at Home mel; IC. IC. Bruce and Mrs. Roy ll<>ducU ... of tlie princtpalo. and wllor. the •ftl'UM wu otoftd wu Slhllllnf, 1920 Anah•lm ,..,.., eo.-Mn. c.c111a 1llrd. Santa Ana. TUpenlaln&' the ciU. work of the ... eftll om u ford; Ki'. and Mn. A. W. Tum· who precoded hla tall< with In· pollco. J:nt.y b>lo hla -paron • · o,nd • .,. ~ · uno i.u.n and over the put 7iar In training and Bell Inc H emaken' cl b •'JI Jthera ehould be at home Strots. • teacber1 of Llndbe:rch and Barpei made mmellma bet.J"tll Oct. 14. ta Ke11.. He iii et&ttoned at Tinker • · ~duty nune. . dyiUan penon.neJ. Bilf thoroUcb of tbe Harbor . area;-f.l'8 Kn. wh.,. chlldnn COU\O In after Mn. Thomu Gill end Mra.1 C. ochoola. Mr. II.a outllnad Ute •X• and 11, ho told -....... Tb!.,,.. J'leld, Oklahoma. • _ . . _ knowledge and experience at Ute Glori& Tu!tT, 'cbalrm&n; Mn. Rao• ecbool,'' he a..td, and then wamed 1:. 1"ln. •Were ~·Wat ~en panat:on ot ea.ta Kea In reoent crawltcl throUP a .woc>dboz izlto -O~ty . 11 k:nocJdaC In ftlter center wtl1 make him a ft1u Buell. vice cha.lnnan, and Kra. motlt.en not to . be d.iappotnted in the Monda,y aftemoon game yeart. and plan.a for the 1ehoolll the prap.. be l&ld. • CYerybodJ na4tl tl» e•••ftad adl. J cylalIJ"D:D ..t..Da. .~le aw~ to Padon. Marjorie Ba.dpr, aecret&rJ. ll the chlld m.,.,ly called bello and Mn. Robert Brown ud Doyle to k .. p pace with Nine enroll· -~--_...;. ___ .,.... _____ -f_,;;_.,....~,.....-----;;_:-_:_ ________ _;~:.:...:....::..:::.::=.:..:.:.::..:.::..::..:..._ and tmmedlatel)' went out Into his Gilbert were ~ ICOttn north· mmL , . world a.pJ.D. "& world that may IOUth. Dewlopinl' the ch1ld ln mind be onb' two bloc.lea loztl'. Bu.t you Runnen--up eut-west. were Kn. and body wu explained by the· don't b&ve to ctn your child the Faye Sdllueter and Mn. C&lYin tpeaker, who ltreued the need to -pl<ce of meat Oil tbe table Lambert tying 'With Kr. and Mra. tu<h chlldren fair ploy, property every time." he Rid in a talk tbat Robert Lull; Kn. Glenn Rult prottcUon. and tnter-n.ctal under· wu punctuated wttb bum.or. and KrL Kabel Boardman; Mr. stlindJna, in &ddl.Uon to reruJ,.u S-g again . the _...ty and Mra. ,.,... Rowloville; Mra. clue m.tzucUon. dr1.n he caut.iolled -parent.I to Wl· Robert Roa and Mn. Laur a Kr. Rea urred patt11t'.a to vt.lt deratand that a c:blkt Uk• the Berry. Rtmner9--Up north-eoutb the achoola, taUt with the teaehen • feelinl of be1onctng to a p-oup. were Mn. Helm Gray and Mra.. and work with them reprd!Jlc "Don't 4rua him like lit~ Lord lmle Hya.tt; Mr. and Mn. C. H. ~Ir child.rm'• education. Faunteroy when he's happier· tn~ Job.Mon; Kn. Betty ere. and The Halloween. earntft! ed jun1 Ukti the re.at ot the crow-a." Kn. H. Andenon; Harry Bpriq· apaehetU dbmer wu announced Re\r, · Nlc:hola recornmenda Urly meyer and Bill GUbe:rt; Andy Ma· by Mn. Hu.croft. She' uktd for aex 1ntafma.Uon ln order to &f!D bley and ~ Roy Stroll. " pa.rut. to-donate plee and caku Ow child wtth facts which may for a booth at the camlnl dln· protect him rrom .. p .. 1enc .. with P'icn'ic Pot Luck ..... Tlck•ti. priced •t 15 c ... ~ deviate.a. for adult.a and 40 c:tny for c:hJ.1- Mualc durtnc the evenlnc wu f C b p k 1 GL dre.n. may be obtained by calllnc provided by th .. advanced band Or U aC 00 Beacon IMl12-W . ll<ffrv&Uona ore and the awing band under the di-ursed u lut year'e Ucketa we.re .rec:Uon ot Kim Norm.a Perktna. Hard Umet wen cood Umu eold O\lt in advance. Mn. Loulli c.e.nar, PI'A pral· for CUb Sc:out ·Pack 111 when a Golden c:hrya&nt.bemWlll sraced dent. announced room prl&ea : {$:i .. b:&rd tlmd'' party marked the Uae hOlteu table at the tU 1en- dollart for each room) for creat· opening faU pth.erin.g ot the ed by PT A llboard members alter ut. nwnber ot PTA membenhipt pa.ck. Sooui. a..nd their famWN 'the mee~ .... aecured d'urln( the recent :mem-aaembled in the Coat& Kea Park ------ butbtp campafp. w~ et for the poUuclc. affair. Prtaea for Coron.a del Kar wu the flnt cos~~ went to the Carey tam· cnde tau.chi by ·xae t.ura Bar-Uy of 'Den 4. and the Olln Uaka. num. The 1txth ll"&de at Horace Alice and Roy J'ox cllrected a Bnaip achool, under Let KcClln-ae:ri" of pmea. Women of Moose to Initiate five Candidates tock, and the fourth cnde wtth ReceJvtnc ·~ were .Jerr:r 1119 .Jun Beh at the Newport Welty, gold and lilnr IZT'O'W'"; achool were a1aO Wtnnen. Guy Dunn, allver arrow: Kika Newport Beac:h Chapter 1158, eare,.. wolf bade'; D. B. Heuer, WOfDeu ot tb•, Mooee, will baw an wolt badge: Clare:ilce lllller, allYer ot.ftc:t.al vialtor at the nut resuJ,&r LaNelle .. 'Gay . e.irow; lKike Phoenlz, .Uver or-m .. ttnc lo bo held Thuroday, row. Announced aa the two new October 25, accordinC' to wof'd re· Pledges . Sorority den mothers ... lira. Alice rox. celved by Senior Regent Winifred 0 U . , . Den 1; Mn. D. A. Whitney, Den 1. Rand<L ·Thia vloltor wW be Lee at regc)'n . : ICrtckooa, DeJ>ut7 Grand · R<pnt. . ("' \ . . . c t M MYF of '° Pedro. It la expected that La·Nen., <nf'ol Balboa WU on• OS a esa n..-•andlilaleo will be lalllatad In- of 117 -to Pled&'e 'tiorori(lee Elects Officers to membenhlp thot evening. cm u..-<>reeon cam~ at. J:usue Senior &cent Wln1tred Randel Tu-'•• -·-•·· "· ••• of · -.-lndod tho -•orkeri or Ute __, -...,.. •t --• Aim erawrora i. the ..-,. llW. Dlatrict plcnlc to be hold at f-J' """' period. Kia Gay elected 'praldont of Ute llethoclllt Hemet, 11unda7, Oct. 21. pledc«\ AIPha <10JJcn>n Pl -Youth :re~ of the co 1 ta LlbrvJ' Cl1a1rman i-a X..- Sbttem 'aorol'ltleT llaw chaptuo Meaa Communlty llat1'odlet oey, cm bo1Wf al Ute Cbapter, a1 the unl1'V&lty. J'all term nub church. Named lo """° with Klaa piano lo p....,.t a book lo tit< wu fb!'merly htld before 9Clw;lol Crawtord were Helm Sandil. 'rice new library in Colt& Ilea. TM opeAed. buL WU poatponed lhlod pruldent; C&rolJD Onrmaa. ...,. N•wpo1t Bea<h -Lodp lw year to tlt in wtth orl~tatlon. aa retazy -treuurer; Bob KcOellan, donated the money to purchue new-..ttudent ac.tlvltlee. c:amp promotion c:halnnan; Bob the book to be aent to the Ubra.rJ thlder the unJ~ty'a ~·In Sankey recttaUon ch a Irma n ; at Mooeeheart. propam, t..umm pledpo wll1 Beftri; TllompoOn, world friend· Co-work<ri or9 Uked to bring u.,e in tlt.e dormttortea their tint ahlp ehaJ.rm&n; Joyoa Sand.a, pub-to the next meeUn1 the ChrtatJnu year. Sophomorea and upper~ Uclty eh&lrman: Donna Nel8on cift1 to 'be etnt to thts'chlldren It R\eD wbo pledl'ed wW ~ 1n.to pubUcl\y eh&lrm&ll for the wb-Mooaeh..,rt. ble Porter, MOOM- the oorot'llt -. thi. term. ~L heart Chairman, i. In Chars• of .. J'lnal arruceme.nt. were made W. project. Kooeehaven ~ • CANA.DIAN G~ for a Halloween part7 wlllch wW man, M,.Ulle Tlpplq, and her )(r. and Mn. LIOJd 1Clmer and take place llf.llmla7, OcL 77, In commltteo will -4 clfto to lip. ICald 8-.rt of --. Ute cllurclt ooclo1 hall. ll .... u-. t.loo, In time for Ontorlo~ CAnada bave been. en-QuistmU. joytnc & sta1 ~ ca.ta litMS u M H k Tbe announcement Wit.8 made -cu.i. ot Utelr e .. 1atn•, Jira, esa omen,a ers that the -Loci&• .. uldng Oertrudo Ildlck and StaDle7 mut. Stud A !0< dollatlona of applu, popcorn, man, ~&a llqnOlla Ave. Y prOnS oodo pop, '•w. for the OZlllual Hal.- lo._ 11&"7 &1ftn tlio ~ IJI TM . eo.t.a Ilea Bcmemak:en tbe Har~ area. llad anothtt ln.t.ratlnr m .. tinc WJlma Co r hl·n, Xembenlllp With Mn. O. R. Mltltoff u project chalnnall; Blrdlo Oolnnder, h ... leader 1n tbe Community chwcll. p1W -.e; Aicua X7rtl• Many clever apl'ODI and ~ H'Umplaiey, ..ad Treuun:r 'oyce, 1IOlY ldeN wen .llhow9 with pat· c:k, helped Mm a t1ah dhmer t.emo pn>Tldod for -wlohlnc Saturday evening, October 20, lo them. Mt1. Ralph ~lor ,.port· membml an4 .tlldr cueoti. Th- ad on Ute acthlU.. of Ute •·H ,.~ llatunlaJ evening dlnntta, 2'tJtchy SUtdlen. The family life .. well u,, tho dance ~ folf<IW•, topic "Jil&klnr rrtm~ wu pn-are bec:omlag 1ncret.11n1l7 popu· ..nl<d i. Kn Wllllam Nlchola. lar. "'Home. Nmlahi.c' will be the top!c at tllo Nonmber -ion. Mra. • -Pnlltlw. o ...... COUDt:r home ad9'isW, wm be in ~·--·---- Mariner Scouts wide~ Progr~m -• '!be Girl 8coutT ol Amorlca Wiil Susan Royce at broadea ·tta -.. ,,...,.,.. 1n 11161 lo' ......,..ge uUcn-wtae la· Vermont Coll'9e w.t .......... -.. UllltT 1n a11 • ' p-j>'f -oil i-t llanc!Jlng ~ l(IDDL&BUR.T, VT. -Jl1ddle.. ••me ... tp., ac:eord.tDI' to Mia. tiwT-collillCe op•ad tta lUDd act.· NOfttah HobJle. J)a .. port of demlo 'nfU on llopt. a w1t11 UM ---H~ N. ::r. ~ ir11·--la Ito -Tb• powlll of Ute --pfo. ' lfTT· A. _, al IT~ 1-' -..,.,.. &lld Ito,,,...,. lo t11a ocon· and •--• • ...,,. fl9' mlllllty wu outlined 1'1 Mn. Da· 1 forilp wbloii -~ V. a. -.port at Uto Ollllllal aat!O«MI ~ ..a ., ta. .1«114• ece.,..~ o1 UM Old ,koata fll -ewta: .-. -•""'1'• ~ 1n Booton. OcL 111-11. --_ ... at. •')lMI)' ~Do:~ -u wll!Sln' -i.. .... Ill. tM -al -· -· ~ ~t -,..... ~ ..... -., ... ,,_ cloftlopmat ~ Uta fr'tt•n· ... -1'.w .... -al dll\u-~­ load, -~1111< -·If--,. '"lllle ~. JMr --a . ~ .. •·0D1 u., at.tar re s •• ~ ltr lier • .,...-ta -a '-* ' " , • • ,.. ._. ...,... di att-.; ..,., ••1s1 . ......_. eoouta "'8s:••011t.als ·· .... ~ '"--. • - - -.,_,. --D&-.. C,... .... .. ,.,.. ..... w..... ~ blllll'L~ ..... ., .... ., •• ·----.... :-... ...--.~ • ..... ,._ ta "'m ..,. "" .,.. n· te ...-_. as·1 s • _,, • COM Matron Home .,,, .. ,1 -... 1 -· c...--M . Cift, A&.;a ,.,.._. __ _ .-1~1 8XICO !' { ~ 7}l'i:1il" i.°::' ;°!& ": -;::;~~ ..... so,, .. ~ .... -·-.. ,. 5 lllJ • .......... _ • Mstrr .. _.,, .... --..... •-~~ .. ;... :.: . ,... ..... ,.. ,• •' ' o I I .,..,. .. 'C' , __ ,_..._ .... w...._ . ) . cla~MPt,·f.i: ;;.,....i ... bft·pleoty of "lleala" .. MM. You ~'~ay ia.-..n. low pnc. oe • -!ii a.l.1icla, .. p ...... will delj ... "1icli---.. . ...,,,,..,_.(or r-puty. tool C-ia ~pt nady for dti ... ..,.... .,, T<lecliag JOii' Hallowo'• ... -... wicla ......,._~..,. . . "91r 111 71 ~ = 2lc !Mtrflhtt.rlf1l1a8'•·...._tlkrtury • lllairicew• TadJT1y-.1..._....,~1 . .... ·••d ., •••••• , ..... 2k I UcOricil CW ... $ t.l ' ' . . ....,,.., .......... ·= 2:;21c ·O. ...... ~=· 1 · ' • ' lili111 ,_,., 27c ~ . . . ... 1116 drf'"-'l ow ........ ~ tJpt.: ·. ,·u,.i::;-.;11c , . . LA...., . s& · &c . [ . . . ,,..... ... <V•J 11 Pis i;,. S.-. t.i 1PI) - ~···.1·• •• I &II ;: ='• , ..... D;~ry ~· 110••. ... De ..-.. ~ill'° poclo ... Mill C.W Cs 1 · '"ts!' lie . . . . . . . ~· ' . Dri .. ··ii: Poe& of~ ... ~·Sliep al s,iowaJ .. JOG cU k Ouft of !OW p~ I.<. I . a 1lmkY.._ r•Wsq,..Qu ta• _.,. ..... , S,'z's' •• I : l 1 :+.. . ' ~a 11oo1.a-.o. ,, ...., •lt-l>eny lo4 .. O!•cra lo4& , _.Ir wr ,_. 00 am Ma.. , .. , . (9•1n,69c) llsill21il w••••.asc1 .. .... ... t ... ~ "· ... ... .. &&· ' • l ' J • ' , . , • • . . • ::: • , ' 000m ..,_1 1 -· "!"99 -.... ,. ~ ~!~~:~~AST llKillW~Y REMOV~t O. K. ~~. ;'i':E'.:i;: : -. taUll)' lllJUnd ..,.,. -day Ptralaa Lose GIVEN WEBB -~-. Colla -. 11an Udo llfarlht. 0nce 1n11c1e, ::. mot'ftlnl wlletl IWI WU °'"'dt 'by 'Coatfz:nt "-.... l) ,• _ L,~ IO ·~ B. • -UWodtns -,....t llol-tlWIJ come under the lll'JI ol ._ a ..,. aa he ran """"" coaa HIP· ' ,.__ _.. --pltallly ~ llfn. -'l'lnnell ot tllo nch color ud llCh-tills _.,, In ttoot ol HftlJ'f• Orm, OlllT a 111-,ard adYan,.,. °"' Ward -at 1tt11 U4 -N. M. ot lhll fabUlaua lltore, &Jld ----.. -----~ ---------------------------------------- • NOW! 8P!lCIAL PBIOE TILL OCI'. U '87.60 VALlJE OEIUJINE 8Wl88 MAU WJU8T W &TCll $24.50 Fed. Tu hie. 11 n:tn:L&-SllOOll PllOOF e WATJ:a PllOOF ~·•o•llaa»etl6-Swttp Seeoad Ba.Dd.. LmnbMva Dtial Teel -W. Brown. Jeweler JZWELE1IS IINell 1921 nn ,1a:wrqRT .&VE. OOllTA lllEllA WE GIY( ~-Jy GREEn 5TAmPS pcillco Nporttd. a. -· th• -·· ...W...-118 • IN. Th• Pl• BIYd., WU ob'•I ... lhll -•1 W&lldns -...... .oft ...... ot cit.Ya fourth lnlfflC fatality thlll rata h4 • ..., ... to turn tho Udo CltJ s.,i-r llort J. Won. Th• ~ il ~ daullnr food dl1P1&11. lW!lii yu.r. 1 u url;)r u tM fourth ptay of Ula Ward ~-11 OM' ot thrM •ta.ecee-Dr. Jl!Ul1 P'ettcl'IOD of oran,. the deep ton8 of orpn mu· • Jtlllhtd 'by ambul&JI,.. to Sant& same but .,.,. atopped by pm-_., to be "'°"" or\acqulrod by Clout ODllllf flew to Berkeley olc rlngtnr In the m, they'rt AJ1a eommuntty H01Plta ·, Wil· altleo or llllahoadllq of tile boll •Y tho City for tho lil>-..-1 rrldlY lolieft ho attended tile Uktly to have a atronr tnl· l&c• wu pronounced dCAd oe ar-too on... at ""'clal momtnta. The of --•l>d.. from llOUl l~t· ooordlaal.lns OOUlldl ot unlvenl· p...alon ot walklnr &nlW1d tin.I. fourth plaJ< Of the ran>• could to Cout Hlsl!way. 'The Ward u.. .. ""8l•r noU.po. In a dream. Jobn Howud CU!wr'. 12' • 2lat ban Men U.. dee.kier -tt COQld !lou.. Will W' n~ted on -u And of coune, they att. Street Henn-Beach, drlvtT ol Ila" ruined· tbe lndl&n1 but a &4Ja-t lot whldl th• City now • · e....., T Thi• otoro for yean wia a f the cM told otncoro hi oaw Wal-Coaat Offald• n1llllllod th. _. 0..,,. and lbr ~ Ward ... ~' llllUIC OIY 4N&m to o. W. J11cban1. lta own· la9 ni.Mtnr acroea tbe Ml'b.wa)', wblch came a. the Indian center tra.o.d hia m••r IOrMr. er and man.a,.;. The c1ttlJJl hap-It'• a m)"lt«y bow Dick ttnda weet to fut, cl.J'TflDr ftthinl' shot the ball ovtt Xlma' hod on Tet to '9 work'!. out LI Utt pm.ed when Dick IUchatd dectd-time far such occulom while .tU1 pole•. Culver, who claimed he wu a fourth down pu&t pla)'. Ktm.t Nloe&Uon. °!,..!_ha . Q. A.dame Jii.lllCOD'&. D.D.S. eel ill ltSS to letive Im te_•chtnl' dtrecUns lUa "INllft-. IPOUOrinr drtytnc s& mu .. per ho111. rolnc wu downod oe hla own five bllt propert7 at -~.and 11&1-lllYd. 1-~-._' y prof<Mlon and learn all iie could Tl'oop lll ot tll• ..,. -ta, north ln Ule aecond lane, said he ottlclala aaw otf11de and pvt1 tb• Th• City lUt )'Mr alf'Md tlt.at tt u_,.1.a.e£n. about tood mttCtiand.tlJ.n& by holdfna' the S.tnd l>ell'ff Of h1a jammed on ht.I bra.ktt and IWU"Y· Indiana anolber cbanee on the SB would not dllt.W'b th1I Mme1llD.tll · soliic' to work at lt. Be came to· Muonic .Lodp, alwa)'ll lendin& a eel to the nnt lane to avoid hit-40. lo trwtUd of a Pirate tint April. .1H2. 'nl• plan.I now eaJI l7MN~rtBlvd.,Colt&Me1a the Newport Pu"bUc Market in band, when called cm by the~ tinl' Wa.Jlace. lilt left. tront fen-down on the five Jt w .. San Ber· toT the ptOJ.cl Of tmpn:rf'emut of Medical Bid.. •aeon 97&2 1935. ~ ttl' manaw. he pined al.ltallte Le&cue, Parent•'l'eacheA, dtt clipped the man. doo tout'th on th• •O. Cout m.t.a.· B&lbOa ~•d., to bt ftnlahtd lly I• -many f'rtend.I and made a con .. ComtnUJlit7 Pla~ra. or any W'Dr• A. native ot Scotland, w1.11&c, ed another tcortnr chance u March, 1162. 506 IE. S.y A~ .. Balboa at.ant 1tudy ot their needl, plan-thy civic ~P and sun betn.r h&d ll•ed In the Vnlted State• tor lllml took a punt a few mtnuu1 Third property to be acqutnd ntnr for the day wba he could "Dad" to hil YOIU\C '°"' and hut- th• put ft years. He had re•lded later and ran. trom one ltde ot the 11 the JeMM It.. Marble property Barbor 317 .J build a rrut tOOd .tore a.nd make band to hi.a ch&.rmlnc wife. In Newport _Beach over the put field to the other ln the end son• .on · BalbOa Blvd.,· between 80t.h 1 lt a.a nearly perfect u a store One thine' au.re -we're pniud alx month.I. Employed: &a a bod)L. while eludlnr Pirate tacklers alter and llnd. Plan1 ot th• city met• · could be. ot ·him u our next-door ne1Sh· a.nd fendtt mu at an Anaheim a momtonta.ry bobble. The fact nMr call for the 1.eoubltlon or 1 • Hll plarui materta.Uzed tn bor. · 1•r•1•. hi had torm•rly worked U>&t the hHdllnW1\&n (<O y&rdl the liouM and lot ihero .rtth BALTZ MORTUARY March, 1941. How well he dream· Whtie being tntervt.,..td, Diel< ln U\e •hop of a Joc&l automobUI! up neldl had better tyestght than pra.ct.tca..lly th~ etlre land are.a j~y Attell4U& f'd the dream and carried It out ma.de t.hb: at.atement that we are de.Iller. the offlcial rl•ht on top the play to be included tn the lltreet Im· 41 0 C...t HlatiwaJ" II provtn by the recornitlon It at.o proud ot: "I urre all my erft• H• • llUTYivtd by hl.e widow, of a pu.nt by X.I Smalley into provement. OOilOSA DtL MAR baa &&ined. Featurea of bl.a It.OM ployeea to keep ~ ftRne ot mcaey Dorothy; ~ .._80n1:, Donald, 71,1, th• coffin convr coet the Ptr&Ua When planl ..,. pt;epaJ'ed tt i. han been ltudled and copied all available fOf' emerpncles or for and AU&n, e: b1a rat.bu, J ohn JO yardl. The ottlclaI on top lbe expected that Slit l!ltrtilt le&-~!~:ra:f over the United state•. The lead· u opportunity. Money motild be Wallace, and ht. ellter, Elisabeth play ruled the ball out of boundl ward ftom Ba.Ibo& Blvd vrlJ1 be ln& national rrocer'1 m&gUtne kept ln the u.teat poesfb\e Place- Baaae, botb of &eatUe. on the two-foot llne while the head opened onto tht boGlev~ acrou pve It big-picture and story yet It lhollld be kept workin~. 1 1be bodr ii at Batts Mort~ tinfCIWI called It a touchbaek the Pact.nc Etfcl.r1o traclta. For COTerare lut yie-ar and a Rrn.U&r keep my s&vtnp ih Ke•port Bal• wh•ro tunmil arrusomenta .,. (boc&uoe It hit th& muller at the 30 yean the otreet bu been BE .~UR_E • INSURE ertlcle followed In a Canadlo.n boa Federal ... becauae up to pendia&". l'O&l lln• &tter boundlnr out of blocked bT U.e ttnsl• track ot ~ marutne. Early In. 19'50, Dick wu Sl0,000 ufety la 1nlurect and my bOu.ndl) aad placed the ball in the P-.ctt'1c Z.lectnc. • ' with aaked to join ai pani!l dieeuaalon money lm't Idle-It keePI work· play on the 20. The improvement ot Ba 1 b 0 a M4UJUOS STA.,'LEY of the National Supe.rma_rket ht-tng-, plling up dlvldendl." --'-----------------~~i.-----~--' TARS LOSE 14-0 GAME TO ORANGE c..: ... '" Cba.Dtt Blvd., between IOth at.reel and ... .,... OalJ' •tllute in Chicago. Bil &ddreu on Yea, 0 . W . .R.icb&rd ii aft lnvea-- the COa.t Htr hway a.nd Newport '1',,.. llAtttor 1711 "Penonal Berriee In Ma:rketint" ~tor tn Newport Batbo& J'edttal --~---------------------~ CoUt biew &nOth!r cha.nee to pl-the Indiana -1Ntt th• wan • • 10o/o Disccult on Any Pwd911e (J:XClEPT •84.Lt>IO: _. SDDIP) Bring WI a4 to IA YSIDE FISH MARKET Pnsh Fish Deily from 0• Own loatsl ABALONE _ ............................ b.75c Newport Harhol'"I Varolty Foot- ba.llera tackle tourh Fullerton ortly l&tar Cltlll In the tint quarter) when ~y Owtn1 broke tbroup to pin MlJn1 on a t&Jce punt on hJa own 12. An oft· ltd• penalt7 (not on Owt.1111 nuttl- nect the play and pve the Indl&na a ftrtt down on their 30 1nate&d g( a fourth down on. their U . Thia happent4 abort~y alt.er Don Wq- oner Intercepted a pltchout on the H.IJh School at Davtd.eon 1'1tld SB a and the Plr&te1 were knock- P'rid&y nJrht attn-dropplnl" thelz: ed back 12 y&rda on the next. thfff first leasu• pme of the llU*)Jl, play•. then Smalley punted U8I l.al:ayette • u. .., NEWPORT ~r tia lt·O, to oranre Jut Frld&y nl.-bt aga.m.t the ya.rd m&rkie-r at lb• ~----------------------...,,.---4 at for -ahl'noded Oranp Bish zoo.I. • achool before 2600 ta.ht. -- --- - FINEST OCEAN FISH Eastern Oysters King Crab Lei• ClalllB Lobeter Abalone Swordflllh RETAJL WE GIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO LOCKER TRADE SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES 518 llOth Newport BNcb • LUMBER -SAT. 8 to 5 SUN, 9 to 1 SPECIAL TBlll WJ:l:K--Oc\ol>or U to October SI TOILETS -Special, $2150 at • • . ABC LUMBER; 140 E. 17th St., Coeta MN& Beaeon 5111 Nlrll~Barbor II...., CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2~754 l't11U·BL01l OOllP&NY-lftt ti. MalJI ~L, S&nta Aaa PVMlOJ: -Cr.IDEA A.'fD CONCRl:TI: llLOCU BJ:INl'OllCINO 8ftEL _. SUPPLIES Now Open Sunday for the Ho meown er CONCIETE ILOCKS e lllCK FLAGSTONE e SAND e GRAVEL CEMENT e SUPPUES SKIP LOA.DEB roa ~ LOA.DING KEITH I . COLLINS Coach Al lnrln'• Tar• took the openlnr kickoff and went like a Cout played. ftne ~fen.ttve ball ''hoUM • tire" tb the Panther 19 -1.n fa.ct it wu prob&b!y on• ot t.fore boJsinl down. The Panth-the but defe.n.aive team. kOlllO en then unleuhed their fleet aet hu ever fielded. They •topped tilt ot baclc:1 to ICON tW1c• on the Indla.n1 at eruct.al point.a 11nral Tari ln. a hard.~tourht pnie which tlm89. Tbey lost the ball on tum- .. ,.. t.h• loca.t. do eveJ')'thlnl" u:-bit• In thelr own tl.n"ltory Ol117 cept IOOre. to llOld tor down.I alld Jet ~ ball Robin Fairburn ecored on a bl.ck. 't'be locaJ ottenae wun1t two-yard qua.rtef'back · aneak ln cllek1n1 u It had tn the pa.rt two th• nrtt ptrtod after tha Panth-pma qatn.at. J"ullerton and Mt. era bad •topped Harbor. Dick Sa.n • .Antonio. Hal Im.1th roU.S at McCarter ktek9d ·the utra. point. an anrt.p clip ot 8.22 ya.rda pitr Or&nr"!'• touc))4oWn. came &t carry in 11 runs but th6 ;Ml' or the end ot an. 11 pla1, 11 yvd the P.ftl' eould.n"t tuk up m.&l1J' drive. "Mteir tecond 'tD came ln yarda.' Ot cou.rae tt. ean be; u- the aecond quarltt u end Dick .1um"1 that the lrw!~a were well 8Jnlth lntercepWd a Rollie Pu.JM.kl brleff'd 011 balfback Jus Sm It b pu1 orr Ult Harber S1. 1'red a.nd John 111.ack and they were Satdlns mcored five playa tater concentl'&linl" mOh Cit\ them ULaa and McCarter added the conver· \hey wen. on . Hal Smith up the aton. mlddlt. In ad.dJtk>n to tbto Um.ff Pul&•kl a.Jmoet lfttaked throu.~h Jliited Above, Cout had a 2'-ya.rd the fog tor a teuchdo•-n on the Nn by Jese Smith, ca.I.led back and final play ot th• pme but waa a 12·Y&rd p.lner by .John Bl&clt, hnaJTy tar-red from behind on called back beca.u.&e Of oft1lde, The the Or&nre 18 a.(ter runnln,-~ headliJ\dm&n. Cllled every play farda.. that a.eriou.ly hurt the Plratea. lli.H. &t.auat1Cl9 Ok. The locai. had 10 pena.ltid ar&.ln1t t•···-·······-1'1r•t Downa. .......... _. 11 them and San · Bernardino had 258 ........ Net Taf"d9 pJ.ned ........ Jee onJy thrff. lffhlbd Ed Mayer and 41. ... Yards Gained PLMlng .... II .8ob WoodhOUBe In tacklu were 217 .......... Tard• !tunning-.......... 201 Don Wal'Oller (7 ); J im Xfflh').8 i• ........ Pa.uff Attern.pted ... -._ 11 ca); SmaUtt. Mannine and Owne1 '4 ...•••.• Pauea Completed •. -... 7 (4). • a ... .Pa..Nta Had lnterc•pt.ed .. _ O !'.Mttw'WI C}wMe1moe S••'lall W LP-.Op. OUTBOARD STOLEN Theft of his outboard motor wu reported t.o poUee by c . A. Ka.nOt.~ baratr. G-42 We1t.m.J.Mter Ave., Newport fletcbta. He said the en- rtne itad bee:n t&ktn .otnetlnle c. lut Thunday from a lhtd adjolntn~ hlll home. "'AL.LET LOST Robert )(. Smith ot Balboa yu· t..etday told polJce be had loat. ht• wallet, cont&inlnc ldenttncauon San Bernardino -··· 2 0 et e l\1ver1ldt ················-2 O 3t 2'7 Oren(t COUt -·· 2 1 IO J8 Sanla AJla ..... --1 1 Sl 14 rwi.rt.an ····-··--·· .. 1 1 t2 31 ML San ,Antolllo ... 0 2 30 ,113 Clta!fer ............ -... o s •• 111 -nt&Week Friday, Orure at Rlveralde. Saturday, Fullerton at St. Ian AntonJo. 212' Newport Blvd. Cotta 11-Harbor 10U popero. 1n tile vtctnlty ot Meoa :~::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~Thea~t~~~-~~~~~~ • • • • • • ANNOUNCEMENT! e £8VIAllOm -BAii WlllD ,t.t.Y-&WA.Y Pl.111' St a n He nline of He nline's Men's Shop a nn ounces t he purc hase of a nother store- PIPER-JOHNSON of . Balboa which h, will co ntinue 'to operate un der the • same na me wi th , the ••me high qua lity mer- chandise in Me n's and Women'• sportswea r. ·You are cordially in vited tb inspect our, • new and la rger stoclc of . merchand ise. , ·=.;-. ....... .,. .. ...Def h ......... . ................ - Blvd., tn tront ot th• City Hall UI ~ A.ye.., Balboa llrlud WU rtven to 7,000 fellow grocers ..• h&e been tor year. , •. a.nd trom l'ln.Jey lltMet to 3oth 11 trorn eeveral countrte1. he tt a rood ne11hbor of.. our and proJectMI to ~ complet.c:t before The pleuure at gtvinc pereonal youn. When you vi.lit ht. Udo the on Mt ot aummer Muon 1982. I• Stuart Foote aervlce ll Dick'a tlrat tbougbt in Ma.rki!t, we hope you'll drop over bu.ineu. When you'·re in bll' mar· next door to NeWDOrt B&.Ibo& red• O~AL INSUJ\ANCl1 ket, you're more likely to find erlll Savini"• and Loan Aatocla· OCC Tackle Hurt in Auto Crash °'4f"Uoul Information hlm behind the check st.and or tlon and open your aavtnp ·ac- S"ewpoh: Be8ch p.._ Har. N putting a bUket ot grocenea Jn count wtth u.1. & cu1tomer'a car than behind hla %111 11&1"°6 lllv4. deak In ~ office. R.obfrt :.:. WoodJICNH, la.year· 1 ':;;::;::S::;::;::;:::::;;:::::;:::;~ Thia kind ot interetit, doun't old tackle on Oranp Cout Col· I r ro unrecopli%ed among-h.UI trtenda lea-t'• Ptrate 14tuad, wu Injured HAT'l'&Uft8 and ne.lch.bora, either. Lut ye&r, lunday momtnr When the car ht ._,, eo........:Trallf'ra the Bw:ineaa and Profeutonal wu drlYlnl cruhed "into a build· ltft:l"Ulu' 8b&pea Women'• Club honored him u NEWPO«T "'1JOA FE P ERA L SAVI PtG S AHO lOAN ASSOCIATION , .. _....,_ UrM "" u.-.... 800 N....UllT KACH. OAUl'D_,.'4 tnr at 516 Cout. HJrbwa.1, pol.lee Bt:AOON Mil their tint «Soq of the Year." ftparled. C-ta Me. Mattrua Oo, ------------'------------ Woodho~. ot 820 Weat. 19th It., Coot.a M-apparently f<ll I '===~=U=O=N='_..=,.=rt=B=!Yd.==~ ultep &1 t.ht W!ltel u be lN.vtled Ir north on the hichway. He •u ta.ken by 8ea1'a ambulance to San· ta, Ana Oommunlt.y Hospital where ht WI.I tnated. for 1. pot- llb)t broieea f11ht toot, a lacerated chin, lnjuncl loft -and rtsht •lbOw. I Tbe ca.r he WM dri¥in.1" awerftd to the wett and ran over the aide- W'alk at !IOI Oout H!pway before llhi4f'tnr Into the bUUdln&'; ot-tle.,. reported. . W~TEI HEATllS . .....,. llenloo ... llepaln ,,,. 8ecldolJ PLUllOINO 1A-DM1er n., • 1'1Clll --! TUMS ~-'.;.;.::~ HOUSECLEANING I I Bl G SAYING.S! • . - Out th~y .~o -1t sub r,antial disco~nts - All old stock -Floor! Samples -'one of • a kin'd .. 7 ~!~g~~ly da ~age~ numbers While. they lasf as -,much as 1 /3 off .J regular lj>rices. •• \ 11G·SAVI I e • . ' ,.· • . ~ 1 • '. .• ';I • ~ . , . ' • . IVT ON , IBM -f •·you WISH ' 11 MONIHS TO PAY • ,... DAii·• AC:CMID • ' ~ NEW ~'D U?\-USUA.L P A.Tl'll&NS .. IARTINE'S . CAUCO SHOP ' . ' -I • • • ' I • J • • • • I P1 '"• Effective Qctola1r 25tll tllr• 27ftl , \ TOIS . • ••• , .... u.. . ! ~ !~ .. !P!.~~ ................ 63'1' . I IASTllN GIAltf.FIO PICNIC: mLI 391. PORr IOASTS s.1 1~. ....... · I YOUNG, PLUMP BROAl>r . i BREASt~D. GRADE A, EYISCE~ TED j · PoRiRECI BOIES · 19~ . Mission Inn Cling . siiii11col 59~ -. -itiuiii1STEAKS 49~ . · sioiFisi1~SiWs 59~ ~ PEACHES HALYIS 01 23C SLLIC:IOI , Ne. Zl/1 C:aa M.J.B. FIRST 9UALITY ' • IEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Pint Jar · J7c YAN C:AMP'S Hurt's 0.119 .. Solld NIW LOW PllC:ll '::" Pack. Haad·PHled Dole'• l'ftcy :; SWIFT'NING PORK'N BEANS No. JOO C:a• 1151/2-01.l . TOMA TOES PINI!! APPLE ; For ~allowe'e~I Tree Top -_ APPLE CIDER N-c~:· 21 c JUICE : PUii YIG. SHOITINING 11~. M&IC:O LINDIH SILIC:T DOG FOOD RIPE OLIVES . · 3 Tall 25c NT~I~ 21 c c:... C:•• Plll~•r('• C:hocel... ,.,.Famed C:"p 'N C:••Rk cI.C&Mix 31c TUIA 25c La"9 Pk2.. . . . . . . . No. ''2 Plet Cai ••• SUNSH INE KllSPY JOLLY TIMI-TALL CAN !~!~!~~526 c ~~N · · · · · · · .17c C:U.PP'S STIAINID BABY FOOD ' 3 u••25c GOLJI MIDAL-5-LI. FLOUR 49~ 3-lb •. 79c Can ~/, fR\llTS & VEGETABLES ... • mlAl'ANC:Y WASHINGTON JONATHAN APPLES U.S. NO. 1 ' IDAHO IUSSIT SPUDS '" Go1.3· . 9c 1-Gal. 69C Jog Jot .. lbs FROZEN FOODS . LIBBY'S MIXED VEGETABLES LIBBY'S -PEAS 12-oz. Pkg. LIBBY'S - 6 n. . ORANGE JU,CE M"mute Moicl-kz. .___ ...---~~. 2 11 c ~ 23~ lord••'• Macaro1I DINNERS 2 ;..';;. 25c C:ln:11 YlrtlRla PEANUTS ~~ 29c • ' Kera'1T_ ... CATSUP =~ 16C u~i.,·, - Tomato Juice ·~ 2Sc -.... ~ .. · " : ··, # • : l 2-1.eyarMllcChocalale;:,_: -· CAICI • • • • • 79C~:;. ~ 1 ... "''-i .... -·: \/on dr Kamps .~:( ull.~I_, I .-. ---.. ---· ---.. 19 · • • ' • • • -• ~ • ' ·---.-:c-:--:-::~--=--- --- ' ..... • • ftCl(!lrwW'illlllll-M. 1lll K&WW.:U 1"IB -WWW• 1111,.a:t1w,.1 WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY; SELL NLOY, ·aov:s. cwa Offkers Named BENEFITS , for Off-Post FROM CHEST·, Committee · NEWS-Ti'MES -Eveq Tneeclay .(~u. in a -ot ort1c1e9 .1.. commtttee d<d.le&t.<1 to 111o NEWPORT MY P08T-Wedueedays ·~-c-~-="' ~~ ~ 1:i ~=U.: NE.WfO.,..JU.IJIO.A PBESS-:t'hunclays . --BID 111o Newport HarboT --. tool< llwpwt .. ,,_ 7 ln1' A* - -la tlio =g 11 r :rortunateq, roe Ntlt(l>O<t Bar-u. tint a.po Jut Tllw..i.ir nJsbt " ~·r • .. Bllfl IV - ...., lllore .,. qomda aucll .. the. by elecUn« offlc<n and laundllllr llDUIOM AD • • Ulla ~ ........ Boy.. Club -tho tuk or pl'O'ridln&' hooplt.ollty .... no, ........ -11oo 1'i!I fw ~ ..... _., .... p •• YI-or the "Mure '°"""" -and recreation tor our vt.ittnr 4 U.. . · .1 Paper •• • 'I'S the lndlYlduaJo and who ~ ac:tl.,,. mllltuy penonn•I. 4 U-I ---J.M l:t enroreci 1n th< bulldlnir or bap-.Lonr ne<ded, such &. propm • -r-• py and melUl younir clt.lun& will open tho Marlo Ulll mlndl or 4 U.. , I Papen I.OD Moro lli&n 130 N-rt Butior th6uaan<k ot younr Ml'Ylce mm Tile l>Ul>lllherw will not bo IWlpclllllblo tor moeo than oao t_.o<t and COit.a Xu& boye per day.h&ve and women to th• reellty tbat 1.D.lertton ot an t.dnJ'UMment. reetne t.be rtatlt to oortec:Q;J duRtf tor Ibo put tour ,..,. spent tll•l1' th• people th•Y bave bHn forced any and all ado and lo nject an)' ac!Ye,...._t DOt -~ to lelllUM tln!e In bandlcntt and lo Uve aport ttom ...Uy do ap-niJu and re(1llaUnna. ~to and .... ..uau.na wlU be Preclate thm acrtlle<o and hon accept.d up to o p.m. on tho claJ precedlnr JOll>llcalloe. aports actlVltlea through the work • Ezoept deadJtn• for Newt -Time• ll n a. m. Monda-"' thla club. Thla non-8'Clar1an elll)' want th<m lo 1ban In the ,. Boys' Club keeps boya safe when conunun.lty'• way ot life. PlloM Bar. 1111. ,_Jr fer •.&ct ~ ~r ......... ,......._ to they' are away trom home and Nomination1 and elecUon ot of· Nftlron RAW& Pt7BL1JlllNb ~ aicbool and aupplements the good fictt'I bet.Dg the order ot the eve-I ____ ..!nu~~-~-~~~~~!N~ew~po~rt~ll~M~d'~,~Olll~~fot~~~~·~---"' tntlurnce of the home, IChool aod ni.Dg,. Roy O. Yourstone,, of ~e I• church throuC"h con.strucUve ac-Newport Harbor Atta Y • Ken • tivtty and ~ce. Becauae of Club wu elected chalrman. Kon- Community Chest support. club ty R. Grlmea of the Newport fees a.re IO tow th.at any boy, be--Beach, Chamber of COmmeree wu tween the ages of 8 and 19, can elected vice chaJrman.. A. B. CU:bb- attord to belong. age ot the West Newport Improve.. 'Ibe. $!0,000 club taclliUu are ment Auociatlon wu elected located on the north aide of CMta treuurer. Mn. Leonard Lopdon 1------------ • HAULING ANY KIND-Trash or? Call Walker-157'8 Placentia ea.ta Mesa-Beacon 6372-JK 74c7~H • Women: Kake.--&tbomo 1'y 'dol-s lhllple ... So T« tarll!.<r ~ 0111 -r IOU·W • -WANr ~ -t .p~ belp motMr ~ week ea&.: and two an-~. pa por - Harbor -RX. '9<'1 Pin Setters Wanted Appl)' VAN'IJ BOWLING 1T03 Bupe~. eo.ta --OM& -WANT Woman. kitchen helper. (1" es: 1 can prefe.rred) Steady work. ~,wagu. Ask tor Nela at 11721 8. Cout Blvd., South Leruno· or call Lquna 4-&e:I'!, -WANT J:x.perlen.ced 1tenacrapher, 20.36, permanent • Automobile Club or Bo. Call!. Apply 2894 Cout Blvd South, Lacuna S.acll. J'rlday 9 lo 1 p.m. 89p90 J.fesa park an.d include a &')'lnnM· of the Newport Harbor Atta Y'a tum. game room , kltcnen, offices, ?tfenettes CJub wu elected aecre- Cl'tftshop. and athletic room as tary pro-tem. well u va.rious athleUc equipment rrancu J . Horvath. chainnant for me tn the park area. 'lb.e the Park and Recre&Uon Comm c1Ub rooma a.re open year-around slon. for Newport Beach called. For Venetian Blinds, PAPER HANGING so · Sale. Mlscel .. uou Shades and Dra""""' Hdwe. Ii Painting, SpraJ Painting Complote ln8tallat1on, r<palr and ,...., oenlce ot all traller iqulpmenL on a five-Jli&ht. lix-day per week. flnt meeting order at Goodell The club wu founded five -yeare Holl In Chmt Cburcll by tho Su. ago by a group of leading Coat.a The tntuuted cillunry included M.eaa and Harbor educaton. The representative.a from a majority club hu rece.tved 131,631 member of the ha.rbor area's civic and toel· visits and increased to nearly GOO al orpn.Lzattons. members tut year. Others present were: Mn. Paul The 1951 .porta ICheduJe hu 0 . Daw of tbe Women'• Civic Included 250 tnter· and intra..club League : Edna Franklin of the and recru.tion department con-Wom.en'a Ovlc Club and Com.mu- t est.I for 22 baseball and aottbe.11 nJty Playen; Mn. K. s . Axtater, tea.ma, I.I balketball team.a. 12 of the Corona del Mar Civic Al- tlag football t'eam1, and aeveral aocia.Uon; Jeanne Windaor. ol the track team.a. Orange Co&lt T. M. C. A.: Ted Otflcen aad Dlrecton Neff of the Costa Mesa Cltism'• Club oUJcera are Heinz Kaiser, Council and Chamber of Com- pre!"!dent; Sidney Davidson, vtee-merce: Ed Mu.rrison, of the p"'tident; Bawa.rd Gerrl!h. secre-American Legion Post No. 291 ; tar::: Carl E. Sommer, treasuttr, Wm. H. McDonald of the Com- and Al~rt Spencer, executive di-munity Methodist Church; Hal rec:o!'. On the Board of Dittcton Glua of the B&Jboa Bay Lion• ta Jf'red AUen Gus Bu.ch. C. A. Club; Edward T. Heally, of the Beecher., ~ Chapman, K. C. Centra.i Newport Improvement ChU.""lg tM. D.), Sidney Davidaon, AuociatJon; James'Karem of Bal- Howard Gerriab, Franeta Horvath, boa and Karl G . .Axtater, of Co- Don.:tld Huddleston, J . Stuart In~ ron& del Mar. nent, . Al I rwtn. Heinz Ka.laer, ------ Don:ild K!.fkpatrlck, Tom Norton. ~rre.t Owen, Everett Rea, Ben Reddick, Ralph Reed, C. B. Rudd, Bf:rtr&l1 Smith. Carl E. Sommer, Charles W. TeWt.nk.le, Harey W elch and the Rev. PauJ Wheeler. The Community Cheat, through you. LI pled(lng thLI club fl.000 ot its 116,000 quota. ' Abo .-receivinl' $1,000 of the Chect's budget quota la thet Com- munity Welfare 5'1.nd. This PrO"" vtdes for emergency welfare needs to be admlni.ltered by any agency authorized by U,,e Cheat Board. The Community Chest doea not ha::idle welfare direcUy; h ence thia contingency tund ta established to wh!ch Of'l"anizationa which are not Red Feathqr agmctea, may apply. Laat y.ear, fpr example, the local El:tJS . Club, drew upon thia tund to aupple:ment a prownm. of wel!ue during the-Chrlatmu aeuon. Frank Baxter . Talk to End Forum Series Dr. Frank'. c . Baxter. one of the 10 -0utst.anding teachers selected tn a nation·w1de poll by Llfe Mag- aaine, will be the apeaker at· the fourth and t1nal lecture 1A the ·J'all J'orum Seria "Communle&tlon'" at Orange Cout College. Wednimay. 8 p. b. In ~e Awllt<>rlum. EAGLE SCOUT HUNT BEGUN; BANQUET SET 141 Donors Offer Blood; 131 Chosen • THE SHADE SHOP Kenneth Quar.rv . ORANGE COMT Free estimates Pb. Har 884 tu.a ea;:,.~~.:;· ~~ 'M.. TRAILER SUPPLY New Hamilton and Elgin ·watches Christ.mas Lay Away Plan WALLACE CALDERHEAD 111 Cout Hlway, Corona del 'Mar TOl!c VACUUM: CLEANICRB Electrolux and otbera, $8.9G up. 100 to cbooee trom. HANK'S Vacuum Cleaner Co.· 901 S. Main St., Santa An.a Klmberly 3·2968 • TOl!c tec:ll7H 1110 HARBQR BLVD, -----------Ooota Mea. Piion<; Beacon 8224·R WILL DO that work YoU "Want done -Jack of all See "The Drunkard" · trad-maintenance work. Have toola and mixers for any job. Call BILL ' Beacon 6451·W 57cMH Build with Brick FRANK MOLL '37 E. 19th St., O>ats :M- Phone Be.aeon 65.M·R JIOcl!H . at tile Bamboo Room Balboa .Nov. 2·3, 9-10, 16-17 Curtain 8:15-Ticketa $1.50 Including Refreshments I 9lc92H 8" TABLE saw with motor. Work- bench and vtae. 1,~" Thor drill. Phone Beacon 68«-W. 89p91 Landscape Gardening It-Penoule ~...-;.;.;;;""";;;;o:c-.~~~~~ Fior Better TV Reception New lawns--Maintenance Free Estimates Bea. 6639·M 2p3H &ympson & Nollar PAINTING&: DECORATING ''The Beat Money Can Buy'' 612 • 38th SL, N-" Beach PHONE HARBOR 2404 62ttc Alcohollcl ADonymoaa Write P. 0. Bole 2'115 Bolboa Ialand, Calif. Pbone Klmb<rly S-Mtl Superfluous Hair PermazaenUy removed. from face, · arma. leg1. Eyebrow• and hair- line ahaped-No mo"' tweumg. ELLEN L. BRYANT R. E. Tuesday and Thuraday only Udo'• Salon of Bea.uty Har. 257t Replace your ,...ther<d Antmne With a new V ..cone $9.50 incl. Mast TV SERVICE CALLS Day or Ev<nlnc Meaa Radio and Televiaion 109 Broadw.,y ,Costa Mesa 87c89 KEYSTONE movie camera, Bmm. Mqutne ~. FZ.5 lens. Like new, Sacrifice. Beacon 63&6-R. 89c91 ~ 1 'VI A~ AD will1 coit :ou. . l ·' only '2 and it.' will run - , ' .. • In, all 3. lo.~al 'papers. \ • 4 • A Minimum ad i• fin"••· • • PluH HeborJ6'16 ·' rMewnpowft..+ • ....,. Nen-'l'tmea ..:. Newport..•'bcla Prl• Newpoal Ba,)' Poa (Shopplq Newa) , ' J: ..... ~~olll Oooda_ • BED-DA~RT, f30. Chair • ,420: bod. oprln( and •tG.i'Roek•t". '8, ma·· phy chalr, 110. occ \Cbalr, $8. 2 otral"'1 cbalro. 213 :Fem· !Mt, COrona d<l Kar. atplll I Bill's Furniture We Buy; Sell or Trade i lll05 w .. t Balboa Blvd. S4-JllQl!eal, Badio ~ Harbor 2502·R 74c75H GRAND PIANOS: Baby Grand, I LIDO BALBOA NEWPORT w . I N T E R I\ , E N T A L s y E A R L y SPECIALS W~ter ' N~ WASHl:R -•lta the 1951 ~~ all automatic wuher. Hu ~fl.tat.or and coe1 nuah to the 'fall, hM overflow riMe aad tlpill drlet: c)otbu. can. put qloth~ tn the top and .forgtt Cbout them. B&Jance due on cf;atract la only $238.81: and I Jtaid ewer $291' for it. 'My equity ~ \t )'OU· toke paymmto of repo•ee•ed. $49t5. Term.a. At.a othera 'new and ua.d. StdnW1ly. 1 Bedroom Apt. -$ ill mo. Ch1ckertnr, Wurlitzer, A. B. Chw, Knab<, Raworth, Lund· 2 Bedroom ~pt.<-­ atrum.' "l'rom PM. DA?f!-- ~12.85 per mo. See itr. Baughn Oi So. Spa.dra, Fullerton, 8 ~ lo:e p.m. Pllcn< 2152. Bette mebody Wants Tbf.t ~ fbmlture, brt.c·a-brac, ~tlnp, etc., now t&ldnc up op~ce In your p.rare. :Find o INY· er i with a ciauttled ad In the N.t;v•· nmea, Po.st, and Preu com· bl.Uuon. Juat Phone Barbor 1611. I . rysler · Engines "-· Used ... !Crowns -=-. Ro~als . See John Harvey \ at Seacraft · · · 925 COAST BlOJIWA.Y NEWPORT BEACH PH. BEACON G7T1 Ht!c tAT SLIP FOR RENT - ow av&ilable. Har. 2979-M . &p90 31 Fl'. IUGGINS CRAFT equipped ~ jig fWllng. Small bait tank. MC dleaeL Good condiUon. ce $2100. Phone FLeetwood ,.~ or LYcoming 2..at93. M· tier 8 p. ... . &p90 68 mo. SCHMIDT, 320 No. Main. oii"r. 2 Bedroom House_ 75 mo. 8th, !!ants Ana. 100 plalule al·" w,.ys. ~ 2 Bedroom House_ 100 mo. LOVELY bunplow Uprigllt p~ In pert.ct playllig condition. Tenn.a. Pt.50 down and $1.1.65 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. 8JC11• more, Santa Ana. KL 2·8672 \ 83ttc BEAUTIFUL Spln•i piano. Repoo- seesed. Pay out bal&nce $387 like rent. l.Jke new! Another, blond mahogany cue. gorgeoua tone; atttli. Famous make! Alao many rental returns. Save from 1120 to $300. All tn perfect con· dltlon. DAN:!H!CHMIDT PIANO STORE, 520 No. Main. cor. Ith St .• Santa Ana. Subject to prior ..i •. ------------HAMMOND ORGANS! The sreat Hammond Chord Organ. It you don't know a note, you can play thia ! The Hammond Spinet Or· ga.u, World'• most beauW'Ul tone.. Ea a y terme. DANZ- SCIDIIDT Plano • Or,&n Co., !!ants Ana, 020 No. llaln, Cor. 8th Str.<t, GET THE TOP DOLLAR fDr your old ·~lano; .Trade It \D for lte fllll cuh value on. a Packard BeU televtaion at SHAFER'S" J.fUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 421 No. Syce. ' ·more, Santa Ana. KI. :Z..067~ 73Uc RENT .A PIANO. Let the Klddlu learn, ~ per mo. Full term rent allowed on uy piano in our 1tock:. DANZ • SCHMIDT Blg Piano Store, 520 No. lrl&in St., Sent& An&. • ~ BUYS a good used piano. 0th· era for '68. $76, etc. DANZ. SCHMIDT PIANO CO., Santa Ana. 620 No. Main, cor. tth St. TELl:YUUONf· T rad e your old piano on beau_UfUl televialon. Big allowan"Ce. Famous makes 1n televlaton. DANZ..SCHMIDT, 520 No: Main, c0r. Sth SL, Santa Ana. · Yearly 2 Bedroom ifouae ·, Livingroom, bath · Kitchen ---...$70 mo. JIM & SALLY NE\YLIN with I JOHN D. BURNH.UI l507 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 (l:vea. Har. Z2T8-W) BALBOA -Afodem 2 bedroom nicely ~'ed: apt. $65 mo., ·yurly. UW. pd. Ph?Jle Harbor 2791..J. · 83tto BY Q1V-N:ll:R -Two -<d •1?artmenta, 5--~ and 1-room, by "monU. or yur. Modem. In· eludes ftf!1(<rt.tor. .G0.'1 w. Bo)' .A.T•., Baliloa. 8Tp88 lllllAUTIJ'UL NEW I· bedroom tum. bome.1 TV, deep freeze. auto. wube.r. .FeoCed yard. CbOdrm, pets O. K. 23M1 Pl- nte Rd., N-" Helgbto. Pb. S..Con 8881-JK. 81c89 BALBOA lBLAND ...:. Attroeuvo ba.chelor a.pt. near So. Bay. UUL peld. G"""° •10 mo., ye&l'ly or $G0 mo, willter. Ph. Barbor 1671. "' ' 79tfc TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: If & yearly renW 11: a mUlt. Thia is for you. A.pt. turn. for I Ut!Utleo paid and (a prept. 1240 W. Balboa Blvd. H. 1972-J 88p80 LIDO .JsLE ·· Sparkling 1 or'2 ~ ~ eel apartments. One, bedroom (twin _, S70 mo. 2 bedrooma '100 mo. All uuutlea paid. Pl'I· Jllle ,._ ... • ' r I . • , • I' • ' •, ' < SPECIALS·-This Week Only! 'IJ. KAlll!ll. ...... , A,' t'4f ... . 'II CHRYSL8a ,...._. ...... 7111 Ca. ..... . • f1i117 <qUlppod. A·1 -t >. ' ' , llotll .... AUllT1N J..dr, IM&ter, clHn ond -.ly tO So --1 '1'8 •iT CADnUC ti Sod.,. fully oqulpp!d ladldl!\I WSW and DOW ll)'lon -t ......... XIDL -UHi •u roRD -SUpa .PeJwra • Coa'mtible, 11eater, n.no. • ot-1 at --1 011 "Hillman Minx Dealer" r<JEWPO~RT AUTO SALES . . J80& W. Newport ~vd. Netrp0rt Beach Phone Harbor lt-07 ' \ Ci .a ._ ., 'ftllBlltTo••-·•. . -'r.& Bd!m. Moae wtu. --. rolm, aad aa tll•i lot llOIU'I; --JUd: ......... --: -.,s.& It. ....... fllDO 1IG fl I zMe -. - . ~ TIWI 1111,UFM•· fitter In. the be&rt of Marinero Mlle ' -Coellt JllPway. llO' frontap, 290' depth. .... -.thl;y a-, ean be ma.Md. Room to bldl4. Prb $17,500 -0-balf cuh. . • m.mcm: .&.. G.UD -REALTOR • DA: • ......_, , ll&tll ··~°" ...... .,... __ Pri~ ,au., -... -......,_. OU-.. • , ••••• ~ i.-.. • 'l1dlJ ti a a°UI a I -a--~* sn,iioq l10CllllllC•t·-~II ... -1 fLIOO JSI.E · ..,.t ..... __.. , ..... ~ ~--- -tllo --....... W4-. ft Jhte, • W! V... ltM 11 I , allll .. ·r ' • C98'1'A .-MESA ,, ' ' _,. ~ 1 '!!*m-~ ..tta.·cxm. ~lllNIM far. •late• wpke•]bl 111.t rnld:rtlal • hM, -tot -19lit8. . . . \ . ' . . lncome '1fO mo., Oilly $21,000 full price , -• C. GALEN. D~N, .RuJ.tor .. DOllOE SedAll>-4 _,.. 0,..... IHI! MQDEL A pickup. exce\ient i..11111 motor. Good: trampolta· metor, new paint. ateel bed, &'ood. G .. I. Resale I bdrm. ftneed )Wd. N ... ...,.1-----'''---...,~.---------------, l .A. E. JOHNSON, Broker · · • · · . 4'0 Newport Blft,, ea.ta x-Beaooo ee98 1 .; Price $15,759 1---...,,,--__,.·;___· __ _.:.;.· -~--......:....--. -.--... w.-~ • -Pr!. party. -· ,._. -· fill!. Pb. Har. Iega..,J. tAPM 4-35'(1 ewi>tnp. • ' . 17•• t.er Of town. $97110, Monthly _....-~ tnclud. -.. -· -pay. '"50. . 1... 9t1JCK S-r llOdan. good IHl PLY. CoQvertlble, p>d """'" • . :'i. '!"::;,. ~= ~ -111& order. m. top and~ Needs Repairidg ,- ' _.. ~ .. _ 1,_ ·-llolotery. "'1"· IHI J'ord n.. r ·-• ~ . ~..,...,,. rw-.-r-"""-~-lllx.e statloa waeon. perfect -•., • --h0me1 mselfet en .... ~.Blvd. ltpto -lloll SUM. 113 Bn>ad SL, lot 7°"131, Wert lath St,, ~. .. • rom> .i,door ...ian. deen. . Newpo1 t IW.,,U. ovutnp. . Sl&CIO down. .--....·r.m cub. !WM Kar· I------------·5 aare11 Ml Ind·:.-...., ,$7500 -1to. Corona del Mar. 119c91 _..,.., '61 CHEY!' aD metal Panel De-5 Acree residential • $:!0 000 'U .LINCOLN Continental 4-dOor livery' tnlck, lib new. ·Never ' radio, heater, ovttdrtve. ~ been Uled eommtteially. Sacri· •1.oee07 clean car. 916 Cout flee for SlW. Pilon• Barbc.- Btl'b•fY• Newport • ·• ~ -.x.. lltfc ~ .!J11:12'.:"fa~B-. 4!-A~ !!*~Bow DOWNTOWN BALllOA. 8nual FOR Rl:NT-t rm, rum. cottqe, apta. on 2n4 fiOOI' wt.th ba.lcoay p.ra.p. OD Jlrd St. near ocean. or TieW' of bay. Clean. 1ood beda, S38 monUL. Couple preten'ed. rdrJ&. Ull -140 mo., winter. Inquire 111 • 2lrd Ill., Newport ... Kn. Sullivan. 306\0 Main B<oel!. l8cto SL, Balboa. 87c&9 Cffl!,AP winter rental to right party. Furn. 1 or 2 bdrm. apt. S7De Channel Place, Newport lll&ad. No pet.I. Harbor 1217·J. 71Uc See "The Drunkard" at the Bambo<J Room Balboa NOY. 2-3, 9-10, 16-17 THREE RM. WlfUrn. •PL Liv. rm.. bdrm .. kit.. tile bath. Panel- ray beat. St.oft A: rtftil'. turn. 317 Hellot-. Inqulr< 3I9 Hcllotropo,, 0...... clel Mar. Pb. llarbclor ~w. 18ttc NEW rlJRNI8HED S Mdrooulo, 2 batu. Lido lale. Wlllttt re.nt- al. Sl.U moath. Phone sYivan 0:-34 T3 or W.U mdli Harbor 2778-W. 8ldO ~-N. -WELLS, Rltr. a. "->ciata 1790 Newport Blvd. - C<>sta Meaa. Ph. Bea. 5181 Result.I come trom eomtant PracU«! An ad ngularly ln Ulll paper will produce ruu.11-tor yoa. TWO or 3 bdrm. home from pvt. owner. Nwpt. Heisht.a or Coat& Me.u.. Cal. Vet. 18.SOO cuh available, Call a.edD. t1 .... W eve. or Sunday. · Upto LEASE with option to Wy, 4 bdrm. bome, tumtabed, Harbor Area. Ruaonable prtce. Call Mn. ftetmJer, Harbor 2751. CUrtain 8 :15-Ticketo $1.50 FURNISHED 1 bdna. apt., uw. lncluding RetreUunenta paJd. ~arap. No chlkhu, •• 56--.11-y to i.o.a pet... Om be Miil NOT. I It 4.. llldl~ Apply U< ClubhOUM Aft., New-LOANS F 'tT _-----~-•• -.----'-port a .... ApL •. -· or .nomes ...--..... -.. or •pee-.. montbly rate. l '.'-20 yr. t.oana J 1ldrm. tum. apt LallDdry rm., BALBOA IBLAND-Nlce apt. 2 CONSTRUCTION LOANI ' -play yard for clll1ilHn. ~ -..s. .0arqw • SU-19· UtU. pd. Tlla BLUll -ter lllcW Very o:c--OI• at -!>'!lo (H yra.) TOP, 401 Newport Blvd. 8'7ttc to richt party. winter or yea... WE BUY AND 8JCLL 'ONPUJl?f. HOUSE. Luge living room., dlnlnJ room, one bdrm.. ...... Jdtchea, sarare. BeeatttW .-, N .. r C. D. K. beach. t'.'f, J'aJ' leue. No pet& BAI-- ... 11118-W. 17c89 l 200 Dtamon TRUST DIDEDS y. d Ave .. Balboa SU BOB 8ATJ'LER aland. Harbor 1123-J. aacto Ul5 COAST BLVD. RENTAL r SPECIALISTS CID -Q9lc Tqta and Peta Welcome Linwood. Vick, Rltor. I f1IL. 1 bctnn., f1lmlMed 1J6i dble. Bl:m • IeJ•n4 8w. IMI lle6t Kwwpwt. Play l'f'OUlld& 1 MIL from _.,, u4 bay. f*O mo. BALBOJ. PlllNINSULA. -.Al· -MT. ITtH tn.<tlnly tumlobed ,....., apt. SUttaNe couple. A.n.11. C>ct. lath. SM winter. $8ll yearly, utU and pr. Included. Barbor J019~R 18tle .-- Corona de! Mar Harl>or 1077.J Rep. POlllIER MOllTGAGlll CO. -Ute Ina. J'UDM Kl M.llO LOAJla 'IO BUIU>, DIPftOv., BUY, lroDllillMDll, OB , RJ:rl'.NANCll "•Buy~ -IGWPORT BALB6A ,_-.u, IU. VING8 6 LOAN J.llSN. -Via Lido PL Bu. 1111 PRIVATE MONEY to Loan on Real Estate Only E. A. CHRISTY Looking for u IDvestpient • • • and a ·perfect hedge against inflation? '1 •· COkONA t;>Elt MAR INCOME • : R&ilch · ' Don't fall to aee ~ ~ attnctlve 2 bdrla. MMe, W• offer uo -cf -llilportal van.y J'ann Land N-1-fw II )'Ml'I at a!ooo por yaar, )IO.yable an- nually CASH IN ADV ANCI:. -~ )IO.Y• an cooto ·.,. • .. pt taxu Wlllc:h an low. Total ~ ot 00. farm I\ only .-0,000, ruuJUnr 1a • ......., 109' net ,.,,,.,. on 1nvaot- me.L In. addltloa. we upect ~ . land to dcru.W. ta nlue durtnr u.. torm ot u.. -rw ~ .,.,.._ tlaD eall - IO ""'!'"' I ' 1i1Uo!1 -NowpOrt 11 l&,~t;,.. ..... f<ir· 11,oet' dllc:keno. lie 1111, pod: barn. Abun· 11an ~ -ter. Conalder part "*· ... 1 fft&. -Terma. only ' ytw •. old,. in choice location. Separatil &u.t • •. t room and b&th adjolhlnc ~ Excellent mcome ' record. Now "ttnted at $115 per· mo.. n . wtll 1!e11 - STANLEY HADF'lli:LD, Realtor 218 Karine Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor 20 GOING, GOING, • • • . ' they will soon be GONE! Good Buys in Bay_ Shores OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY . . LOOK AT 2j55 llarino Drive Shake roof, crape lllake fence Encloeed patio, lt'1 a beauty .$15,500 ' LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TO~ Sa!Mmanager 3121larintr Ave., Dalbo& Ialand Phone B&rbor '°'2 ~ for the Green Lawn" . ~ ,.-48800· ~ -Rl!:ALTOR • 3I11 f~ Blvd.. Hdbor 2M! I . ' $1000 ~Down ·Furnished VerJJ!lce2 lNtrm. home: 3 )'I'll. old. ~ illdlnr, t11mace, tiled ~ tub, lhower, can..-. lallll· dry tn.y. Beaut. tten.. near )«e. m et and bU. Une. Payment. ... only S50 mo. Tho tlill price II '$6500 -1 1 Call on This J36:12 per mo. · Thia ex~Uonally wen built ll'B.A. lion!• with 2 -lo a ttal buy tpr ! tbmeone. Very att/acu.,... Hwd. Wed kitchen and ll&tb, I , yr. /old and lmmacuiata ~ covered paUo. BeauutW lawn and• ahrubll. $%500 down and the fUll , price 111 only - Real Estate Is Your THE "IT" HOME I ' $8950 . Best Investment , It'• new, lta charming, lta Want Value ! ! ! -o-quallt~. ita on LIOO ISLE, See thJa beeutltUl I bdrm. horn• New Home !ta pnced righl It haa 3 with many feature•. Lge. llvln• bedrooms, 2 baths, unit ·rm.I din. rm., tiled kltclien with 2 bdrm. lacMle. H .W..r .. dual f'Ur ., l ta f board nloo II•. rm with L •hApe din· heat. breakfast bar and 0 .L 0 •up opa .. , patio, flrq.ilace, 2-car p.race. Built ,. QUICKLY AT- :frice -$11,500 -:-Term,8 Wm. W. SWF'ORD, Realtor . . ,Exdtmiye APit Park Ave. at Marini ~ U62 Balboa Ialand ' . , OPEN FOR INSPECTION : / 1 to~ Daily •. ' NEW 2-BEDROOM MODEL HO.MES . from . $3595 : to $6975 ' Low DoWn Payment -Euy Terma- 1977-91 Maple ·st. . Costa M~· One Bio& West of ·~r Blvd.; N°irth of 19th ' ' . ~'HOUSE l¥S EVERYTHING Oeean aide-of highway, 2 blJca. to ahoppmr Cen· ~r. ' blka. to echopl· New ranch-type 2 bdrm&. Tile kitchen and b&th. DbL garage. / $3500 _do~ Monthly payment. are 20% leu than aimilai hoµses are renting. wHY NOT LOOK. TODA.YT. Eµ>· µ: SEDET.M EIER, Realtor . 1523-Coast Blvd, .·. . : ~ Corona clel Mar Pl\One,,~bor 2766 . , ette, dbl tile •Ink la kit., ""'° roottla all large, cheerful ~r rigid FHA requl,,.mento . l>fflll<fut nook., pull bath., at-and lovely. It haa clever Th~, termo ..,. $27110 down and --------'-------------~·· t.acllod pr. Prtcecl 19250, tenna. ' tho OliJ IN ·-o-W.ued·lil patio abd home ii paymt11to are Y l'ff CORONA-DEL MAR Excellent Location J'or nUred eouJ>ie or tboM want- tao to lie .i-to abopplDs ...,. ter. 2 bdrm. borne, ll.lce liY. rm ., tll• In kit.. lge ..... porcll, lllnSla pr. °"17 aaooo. --·-. -I Nr.· Alpha Beta Mkt. 2 bdrm. home. Mv. nn.. ldt. and dlnelt• ...._ dbl. pr. A rood lN7 fw 17000. -·-Needs Paint ......... good _,__, . m~ ,U.cludlnc taxer' and Insur . . • ....,.,_,. on ......., lot. p'*<o - It hu "11mart" features Only $11400 galore. It ii now up to · ' you. COME SEE "IT.'' Phil Sullivan J.UIO 1 Geo. Everson ... . . J will sell my ·home In Corona de! 'Var or trade fl>r/a ~':~ .. -ho111e 'trailer. 1 bdrm. neA home rented for, $7:f per mo. on ' '5x118 comer lot in choice location. Room ·to build a home on front of lol Oa LIDO IIU: property ownen ISM Newport Blvd.. co.ta )(- enjoy 2 ~ .atretcb .. of pr\ftte '. Ph,.;. Be .. °'l 7I23 Price Redueed to $9850, term8 bat btn.. bt&ch tenai.I courta. quiet uncon.peied .trffta com· CA.cro.e trom Colt& )(e9f; Bank) m-c:onununlty clubbbuM, Ek Ha. 3157-W Bea.. liU&.J dtmir float and laaclfnc pion Call my broker, Kr. Snyder, Harbor 17il or· Har- bor 1•77 or evenlnp. Harbor 393-K. ·89e9l I f ... p~ craft • $3900 Npt. Hghts. W• .,.. tM DEVELOPSll.ll of ,Selected, Offerings . LIDO l8Lli wl\ero beentlfW 1 ~-oldar ~·· Nleo con41. • .... , .... 1oe bouCht for .. 1ow tioa. In ctty. l'ln• 41otricL •o.tt. Corona -del Mar .. aui.ooo. Alao a fow --!n>ftace· Only' •IOOO down. 3 bdnna. __ -:._.:... ____ .. l.TllO bl( loto for u little u 12700 2 bdrmo. ---.. ·---10,llOG with -t.enm. GOING-51h Acre Ranch 3 lldnn., turniohed ·--U,llOO GOINC -GONlC la th• a1or7 ot . • S """'1· 6 1 lldnn. apL -14,llOO tM LOT8. You can now pt tn Nice ,i2 bdrm. home. pr. Ir laUn·. 2 bdrm., dllp. A dllhw. _ 15/100 on th4o ,_oo fl""!'· THlllE drj, chkk and n.bblt equip. Dow a bd"!' .• .i-............ _ 20,000 kind-of BUTS wont Jut tor--droP ,.water .ystem. Ftne well, a bdrm. A den, vi.w . 2&.500 ~· Bora • Uttle lNJo • I,.01'. an I tbe wa1tt 1'"' want. Nico I lldrm. • den, v1..; .. ___ 16,000 cem. ... a croe1 teaced perm. putura A. ,, , ~ • truly ~t buy at $11,980. Uft1-Wanted P. A: PALM E R TenNo , Reatai. • Sal.. • JM CORPORA TED -Via Ll;to Newport Beach. Calif. H.,-1&CIO . B. A. NERF.SON 1111 :Jifew)CAt .,..., Ooeta Jf- Pbone Beaeon 6225 w. E. Fisher BWI I If' -ltealt.ar ' • Everybod)' W~ta Two Units . . We have them here cm Bal- boa Ialand, 8W'tiDg, jU;lrS ~ed.. $15,.7iio. $14,?M ' $18;500 and :you might jult'. aa .well be ·oif THE ISLAND. • ' Thll s1;100 ·two-unn 'Pi- ta ·hard to 'beat. for the money. / ' • ' ---· • • • • , • -., "£~~ •lteO a.t. ltlt • • With S~LLIE · \., ....... * -,:_~0i~e~l1~•~·~~£-~1'Sl!!!~....;I . •J.·t~'t;'..!.;,,;.; pin., '9y aa apple fl'.-• ~ aW . ..., -Wllo lu ___ pore ' .... 117 ........ llth-.. ••• Oiil7 ~ • bu .. • ' Or If ~d IDie to baT) • lalf • "'-. • • you -have It for· Sl.19 . . • "" i.ow about this toter liq for ffe Doma't It have pretty pic&u• ..... lt'f .•. GlimD U4 Wltehee tlM·(Johl!M . . . y Olli' cldldrea wlll lo"ve Wing It ......... wltb tbem Oii lbJJo- • • • 'fte;Y.'.rt1 oaeh •nk\e applet •.. .,._h ... en.clly . . . : ... oaly .loufhu Apples from Waalifqtoll Stat.. CUI 'lie • . . Yoa CUI duak for them • • • yOU CUI m.alle ·-/la to Ap,..._, Apple Pie or .bpi& Pu Dowdy ·• • • You """ have Bake4 A p p I e 1, Fried Apples or · Port! Cbope aad ApplM . . • If yoa bay the whole box for 1.99 the applM'D . oaly .-t ""' about 5 billta a ruad ... You _, • glv them to the elllld·r-• that """'"' arouad to your ...._ <!II • Halloweed! 'Are you one of the happy .,Jputa that have a Halloween . Party already planned for the Irids in your neighborhood! Have you got a coatume ngged up· for yciUJ'11elf to acare the day· Jig'bta out of 'em whea they ring your doorbell! Are you going· to have a lkeleton ban~ in your window! Ligh Jack-o-Lantema at your doontep ..• Have you got 0011111 sacks of candy, : auckera and popcorn itowed away! Fun im't it! Makea ;pou feel like a kid youraelf. Or do xoa fall hlto the llghta • att; lllbl4a ·Pl!W. Grlt.yoar-tee&h-every·tlllllll • tile.~ •. hell· rt.p . cate- 1or:rf H ,.,.. eould oaly I U., wha& a good feel• lag It wlD give yoil lalkle to ._ tbat you'N .biellda with aD the ~ In yoar aelchborhood . ' . Ev• tllOlle Wllo wlU -from the other aide cl. tow1I wlD 1tamp you u a good guy If yoar .._ 19 Bghted up ud tile """"--t pat ...at .•• 'l'hie'a ·-who UV. .i.-to -who cle- B1hta la getUag rigged up every lhllow-. . . The klda bMll JOllBC lllld old ~ .. doorll • ••. just to pt • good loolr at him ••• AD he doll9 la opl!I! the door ud ~ theft! ••• Be loob 10 t.errtble •.• lie , d-'t .VII to "~ 'em uy tre 1M • • • B"• doDe his trfek &lld tht'• .u that'• nqlliftd • • • The d&)' &tter Halloween •.. com .. what! COOKING SCHOOL • EVERIY THlJRS. " DAY FROV lG-12 A. M. AT THE LlOO'TBEATER . . . THE I.ESSONS ARE FREE . . .. BASKETS OF GROC- l!:RIES ARE GIVEN AWAY • . . TifERE ARE DCX>R 'PRIZES . . . YOU MIGHT EVEN llE ON A RADIO PROGRAV ... . Do 70fl1' eab ~ have a prol;radlag edgef AN llle7 ..... , 1"' ,,.. ·-let .._ toaoll .. t .. e -r 'l'lm Y• dell't JS tle lleA ........... (Jab ,..... ........ ,.._fa have ~ ...... Aleo &¥ ............. ... .... .-..... -u..-aw_ .. ,ou .... i ..... y.-..... ... ~ai-tu..,-. Yoa cu 1ake fl:vtDeii "1icM ~~ dlrectl7 dut of :rour uijl put ·-In yoar tohter aDc1 ,.,u will have m.e.a that. ..... lib If• ..... tr.it bUed" •. Bold yow: nat c:ar1raa. dillll ·~ ~trilla~ill­ llt.ild at a _. -.. ' ~~~.0-al 'a BOae .. m .-w •.• ~ )(arpta. "l _.. ·=-~~...,Ni:'Qloi~. 1-. wnt. Jlmra .-. :a-... -0. ,a wltlt. W d I C- h I l'a 81•1 ... IF dzt ................. r ., =··· --, ..• , .. ,, .......... . UllOI: LOIN • LAMB CHOPS __ • 95c CllUCX BIADE or-CllU<J& A&ll . BEEF ROA-ST ___ 69~ . ' . • 8WD r& OIUOLE . , SLICED BACON :,. 49~. . FRQZl!.'I' l11JlllO SHR.IMP _.··-···-~-····-·· .. .:.·ss~ ' FUl.lo BOX •••• , lM . • ,_, ,JIOJt •· • • • • LH, --P'A.NCY, L~OW Wlllft "CAULIFLOWER ~,._ .. 9c -.. .. ,,_ Jl!l:l>~Y • GRAPES ______ 2k1~ . . FUCY, 811GARIPS llBEDLEM I . ' _ il I C RAISIN~, . ....:. 2 -25 .. SIOlm HOUIS: • -D If, ............ - EXCEi'( "8JAY. ~ ..... ~ .. -· • • I • . . ... I .. • J • .. ... . , . . --.. ;···' _37· lbs. or over ' • " . ' 'Sp1cllll Halowe~• . ' . ,..., .... hi· • ,-... Ol'Oftl· . 4~· • • .. I . •·1,'11 COFFEE -~--.--:--.. ·--··--·-·--··A ... 1'r CABG~fn : SUGAR ...... ~ .............. : ......................... J1" ... 47c. ' ' • • c iTIE°i:.*.'.~------·---·········· ....... ______ • 75c Oo~-DA..~~ TRY PRIDE FREE! FLOUR .... ~---·J· .. , 47c ... 10~-.l'r -Mi YiNlAiSE ···--··········-~---·-··~·31c Saall7-~of PEARS ..... _ .... IS ... 29# ·lltel<eb' TomaM '. . l JUICE No. I~ 2121• oa.tnetta.Sbeed or ..,._Fl llltnze Spiny -PEACHES,, ... 1S l9# .. WHEATHEAllTS 0..0 ·-· •. I Mo. l\S I~ OJ:. pk9.,.:r••·-•-16# TOMATOES 21 ' 28 k . 27# ........ f oz:. p 9··--•ANS . I -· 46 OL_ pk9._E .. ___ 42# ..:...11-..111141 , Spaur PANCAt<E PLOUll 28 OJ:. "pk9_E ___ 21# 41 OJ:. pkCJ•-a Jt# TH Giarclea C••• aadM1ple- SYRUP, 12 OJ:. -.... .24# 8~G 1 .. uiwi..eor J I SAUCE . ~ 10' 8' •• Deile1: •• ta!. SAUCE al.. 2129' ... .a..i-......... . M~CAR I 19' 1--~-I!! FLAKES 1 . CRISCO ... ________ .... _.: ............ J .. l -8'r ALLrva . • ·r CANNED MILK ....... _ .. _ : le._ 2 ~ 25c frrAaE!IT UQRl' BAT ' , . CHUNK TUNA _____ ~---.. \S ~ 27c TOMATO CAtSUP --~ 2 ... 2fc . ., , •• . ' . . ··-fOJ' Trtell: ... '!'Nat ~~-~--110• htel' Pu WtM 1' P.EANUTS ~:-2JI -..... CIDER ._ 27' ..,i. W N....._ ·Olfllr'·te MORSELS ..... 21' 20' i _ ... ' .. -ftl:llll~ I ·' J ... •. ' • • ' • r • hc1l111t ,_ Sc•••I L111cll11, Appf-. Pies i ... ' -' 1.19 ' • KAO Tlll8 BAll,.OWWWW A IOTI'llL ONI: ••• I WMtlMr 7_... ph=•s a _,...._,,..p t.c 'nzlM1:a fer 'l'dcll: .,;. iz...a, .... ,.., ... ,ps,. ......... ... c.M:J, O.aai..., raYWa " .. __ .. __ _ G-.,.~ Cul a•," Kaska. W·l1" If 111 Z ' hn, 'J'allk , n.en... --'hyhrJtir ... -...... Ill ... ·-··-1!!111:1,,. ••• P!-,. IS Prtco li!llo Pio · ctusr ~·x .:.2$• ... ., .... _ . MEAT nis ... 35'· . I =-· ~-10•~ 15# . ' KIWI tams•, ~ v ..... PIE FIWNG I /14• Ne.&IM 01111ie MIX ~--'~.11' ORANU JUICE -·--2 ·21' • , ' ' -. ·I