HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-31 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • [ I . I I. • • ~~iT.:~~:t=. : Police Recov~ ~ • .,.:fl'::' 'Qps· .FILES I :r.a:~=.:"!~~lllo:= ~os Minutes ~--~ .::::r...a.:; AGAINST PIPE:o . ' Val~-~·· ' .... I --µ., 't11111-... tiil.o -" Aft Bulle -~. -. A.-~1'..... .. 1t-: _,.,._ft Theft WU -'eui (No. .-2) , .. •i'I ta • er tin , . "'t..s't :i.~.. Wiii ~ '.b ~ .. -pet---·-~& .... 'C ... tloo ._,... :.!'::!.,..~"!;!" 111o,=!"°~-""F:::?,,.. .. • • . · ~.et-~ be Pull -·0o.,no_..,._B1.,,?&w,M1' rdl,•tlle..__ • • actplloa. ~~~••natl ---~ a,metldaa' at a.-.... Oilt 0 ifo!iru!!,' ftil.\mown 11nd-po--tdlt.....,atOPa,Saa!lltpoftlc:e,f«fallonto.io.-·.,,.... Flop ~ haft -out' With turt.lltr·-: I .,....., • ~ ~ wba 1 -§;toot wllo d,_ u4 4onatod l'ltco ~lion No. T. ,,,. dU'l"J'e for flHDI' wu -.JAY al. ".A. man'•, belt triad lo Ill. m&ttrw fl'om OU:l;Ylt'• ~ :::::1 .,... --Wltllln . 'plallo for· the bautlflc&Uoa'. al In a . ota-.at to lllo N . · <:ar~o m&ttnueo art hlP la qualltJ> a"4 -.n ID ~~ :::!' mtau\Alo ,,_ tilt um.~ _,.,.,' ......ua. W!I--Tl--, Nod Jok._, .,;,,,.. lpect!lcally, Ult 6"" lo cllr.rt(l 1noomJUa. • • <:arlyljl'o aim loao a -tor da1Ume ~ U wu roported, tba otller • · p..-tld 111o city with Ille Plper'o.J-..n, otato4 that lllo °'!"" With ~ to em>ply - ' cootour typo cbalJ: thtt MIJl1lla to your fraoie nu a ~ -dtftr'I ID mi!Nt4& ' u..ltoft ~ -will ~ . OPS Ml'lll&tlono --far ..it. .n•o '6 ~d In.......,. a oolo~. 8-In rllnll~ &ad Il wu aactty 1.11 p. m. -ad ao iwp oh&4a nw, and Dan.· oom lo,ln procw Of 1>dnl' 0014 to a report U.tlnr 1n.,.,.1or7, 11,,.... UnftD.-~ llM -r m...i. ~·-Bil 00 ..,_ ,Kro. II. Katnik, 219 Clout 1111\1· a14 Meta (I( Ult .A.Iden C<ooUue· 8. Stu_fJ' Henltno, trbo i.ao·111e4 prlcw paid u4 -pr1ceo • . a a a . ' --y, Corona d•l Mar, \Did pollce &j> Oo., _..ibJe f0< the plMllJI hlo ..oJar pricm -Y· .A.t llano. It tbe IDJ<metfon to p.m. •-n. lllle ... eome. • u.. ...._ .ad. · Jter lMO Xercury . TUdor ::Sink Blbl8cu8. purple LMtana. John-W reeei•ed u exteulon Id. Ole: ftrm mu.t tum ta a ""' .... "'To tall. of lll&l\)(Udnp: Of"'''° tpd llll__....i WU~~,,_ a parldnr opot th< ..... plalt and trbft< l'r)' for f111nr-wrtU -Bept. 1, be port or llo .-.S 11)1, OPS .-•ti& p•lln& WU-.And cabb .•• u Stop rf.lb.t theN Cl:\ • ..-..........::tlla &ff.DIJle. G&bt Jnln• CJetanium., Other l'\16IU wUl ¥ aid be felt h1ii additional fU1.n& u.id. . AND SHOPPING NEWS Walruo' and wo'U !&lat !Int thlnp· fttotl We'll talk ai.. later Bhorifl'o omcen Piek· ~·-IA, s..k, Jlarl Btlnl<y and Loo octlon "'"'1tl be roclwidut In ttew TWu otMr 0....,. county n._ a.bout ahoea. SboM you'D ~" a ftt 011erl Which ed up the car at Lacuna Beacb. :Eemen. · of U:.-tact tbat the atore'1 ale The l'actory OUUet, San .1UD. t. the molt important th1q' about a ettoel after all-n wa. drtven. by WHllu:' "Tallman ' CltY OJuncU at Ila 1ut 101.ll oome out of eeerow next Capllitrano., (retail chtna and cer-. ~~"'-th• flt. -r'• BoolOJ)' bat ohou to tit everybody Davlo, Jr., 18• or 9089 -.A.--4o I"' , Ung accopt<d th< ln_tftaU011 of Monday. amlct) and '1>e San Clemente"°"' in the enure tam.Uy-Just 1.n. for the dlatait side ot irtreet, Spring Valley. . tb~ Balboa Improvement Auocl•· Federal Jucl&'e Ben Haniaon of ntture Co. 'both under Oeutn.r A Mlallt tbe houae-Black we& pump1 with )Ow French At 1~ L m.., San Diego police ~ to participate in the Arbor' the U. 8. Diltrict Court. Loi An· Price itesu'Jatto:n No. 7, &180 had. -------------------PUBLISHED AT 2211 BALBOA BOULEV AllD 1 Nt:WPOllT BEACH. CALIFORNIA Louie hHL Thete loveUu are Hollywood Skooten and built for UlbOUD • lMi hid Piclcup Da'y ceremonle•. gelea. bu aet Nov. 15 tor a hearing injunction peUtlona., ftled. a.pJpt •tyliab comfort at $7.96. Othw ne" Bkootm-t1ata. V0 thro&ted Johnny :Olen from that city. At lO:fO Cit.iseu are urred to put out date to tee whether he wl:U crant them.. Bearib.J bu been Ml • Belind&a .ln blue kid and blac.k au.de $7.96. · Here'• a .,edaJ' ~ ewport police Oftlcera Doll Bird· fl~11 . on that day, particularly the tnJunctJon. the Mme~ Tu.l:PJIONE: llABBOB ISIS for you la aa laeJ:.-.ve amabff a ...... ,... blaick. NonoM IUedia uJl and W. L. Cawl .topped the alQOK the line of march from the I ijt;;;~;;:~;;;;;;;t;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ cl~U.. Wedl"e or fta& .._., or hlper heeied, 1 .trap with Jiu.rd trim c&J' ,at 17th street and Cout Hfa'b· 1 Ball down Newport and B&l· f J _:_ ________________________ ._ •. any of tbue I t.1tee etyM la ea1y II.I~ For litUe ldda • . . =· ~!';:;, -: .... ~"i!. BIT41., to Main St. ' 1>o1e O'Doll ·booto ..• ba.blu ery 1br th-. ll ... Pit ** -· ColU. -rwo· hitch hll<en rtdlnl' T V 0 W NE RS ! Bool.,y. 17115 N.,.port Av.., Com Meu_ with him w•ro nl•&Hd ·R~. STEW~T GIVES· MOTHERS! • • • ~th C&nnody and Datto will be RRSl SERMON AS IT'S B:ASY TO BECOME A Q_UICK CHANGJC he1d on a . felony charse. &nnd st ' ARTIST! · The B&lboa 15410 now comH to the th•!t ot """'· pollu atJd. , ANDREWS PASTOR aid of bu.atliDC beby-tenden! Ju.at ln--bandy They will be arraigned tn New· 1 cordUJ"Oy overall• for little one to thrM yur olda. port Townah.ip JUl'tlce Court.t Pttlinlng' his dreams for the Tbe1e a.re completely e41.uJpped wt th Jrippe.r t..... kip.d \.f church he'd like to have, • By MARGO ten•ro. utu. dampened •plrlto c:an . be whloked OPS Pr•ice 1:---1 ldw that w•n conceived Wiiiie in a.nd out of theae in a. trice ••. in blue, yellow laAf""S' I h6 WU ltill in uniform on Guam, '---------------------:----'!•• 1'9d to• $2.25 .. Th• good old 15410 bu loU. to Visit Newport . the Rev . .Tameo Stewart, new -00?\...,. FORCE ·FATE, SIS~! rrs of brt1ht new cordUJ"Oy overalla tor 1-8 yu.r old• "A. Dam--' ~~ S~~:W:, ===&lion too. Th.e• ue uct.Uent wash • wear rarmenta ~-a.ga1·n Nov a -...-··-·-Mou DEADLY TBA..V A. €OBRA! with elUUC backs ln. or 5 oolOra It S1.39. copy. Splrtt' ,.., • SUDd&y that nlled the church and Only th• other warm afternoon, I wu ata.rUed Theee are to be topped off by Buater Brown Tee-lb.lrta (SL) with • , O¥.erf1o~ into the paUo. It wu to come upon Clinton Wolfard gnppllnr wtth malchlnr cardip.M )ll.St). Al.lo for 1 to e yr. olds. Then conalder Buing hi.I dttlslon on a IUC· hil first 1ermon u new put.or. . this black, snakelike object. "Oh. I dJdn't children'• night lite a.nd 1Utt them in Hanea' sleepera Si.98., or EZ ceqtuJ recent &ppearance, T. A. His plazla; for a church call for ·~ ' · know you were an herpetolog11t," I remarked llg'ht wel&bt lleepen St.9G. Plcm.ty of lhlnl"• for infant• here too . . . Mitchell, price an&lyat of the OPS, men a.nd women wboae Cl!:rlatia.n · . 4 expoaing my vocabulary. "Yes," replied Mr. ahlrt.a, towela, Cownt and blanket& Donalchoa'• Balboa a•tO at aoo will stage a. "return "ngagement" belief waa not Inherited but forged <'-~ Wolfard succintly, "I am comnu'tttnc herpi-Ma.tn. Balboa. to Newport Beach Nov. 8. in the tl&ml!!S ot doubt, he SI.id. He cide." Thereupon Mr. Wolfard selzed the black • • • M.ltchell, who ·wu. alloted detk eJq>reued the hope that hla: people whirrmc thine-and won the tou, best two oul vnrA! FIF..STA FOOD AT CASA 00..~ CARLOS. apace in Newport Beach clty hall w'uld place their church ffrlat of three. You see, Clinton Wolfard wu merely on OcL. 11, conferred with 20 ~d be willing-to ta.ke an active repairinC a.n old roller shade at the Shade Shop HJ;XICA..'V DIN'71ri'ERS OR ALA OA.KTE. DINNERS LSl.tt ap. busin~men and mecb&nta during st.Ind when confronted by IS8Ue• Sped&I Top Slrlot. St.Mk dhu\f'r a .u. Chlld'a plate Me tha d '" . .\ CASE OF of all places. T,.o my utter con.tu.sion, I di• OLE: CASA DON CARJ..OS., I IS !Znd St., Newport •• Barbor Jal.)( t ay and n:ported. to WWiam o~ ril"ht and WTOOg. ''I'd like s. BERPICmE" oovered that inside every wooden roller. there C. M06e.r. dlre<:toT" of the San church where ea.ch member ex-. C'lotle TDH. • DI . U. a bit heavy •Prlnl' that m'l&ps.. bitea and leads a lUe of ita own. • • • eg-o district Oftl.ce of Price Sta-erciaes h1a right to vote, and The polnt la tM.-if you have a.ny ceaky, recalcitrant roller ahadea Ul"Ue Womea: ll@r. lo. lletb and Amy aad you too. billsatlon. that hi.a accompllah-wbere the Chrlatian tnfiuence la that have bee.a actinr up (or down for that matter) better caJJ ln Jl.lMJ Alcott _ A de•lcner named Teena Paige had ment.I warn.nt.ed another vii.it to obvtoua la the home," be told th«1 the Shade Shop. Don't take chances. Th.eae ex:peru ca.n con.trot and you Junior m\19e.a and am&ller womu Ln mind when the .u.me office. audience. Some were fr1endt who throttle into .submission any roller ahadea. Veneti.an blindl, axtenaion ahe concocted her new date druaea. Polly Apparel He Will be aJ&ln la Newport had driven from Beverly Viata or tn.ver• roci.. or old tol'rle bolta. No architect hu yet conce.Jved La d:t.-playln&' Tttna'• pa.rty ta.tfet.u in a duhinl' Be:ach Thunda.y, No'<!. 8 from 9 Community church wberr. until a window that can'& be fix.tu.red at the Shade Sllop. 514 -~ SL. red, velvet • rhineatone trimmed complete with crin· a.m . to 3 p.m. in the a&me ofncea he accepted hll new post, Ae wu Setirp0rt. Harbor BM. olin• petUcoat at $12.96. You could eullf be the in Newport Beach city hall. Mltlta.nt put.or . • • • belle of the ball 1n one of theN or look .ta.rry--4eyed "Va.Mota problema concemlng --~.~--- YOU COULD POSSESS A FACE LlKE ln the copper--toned taffeta that'a aptinkled Javlahly price control.I w'ete brourht to mf' ABBOR DAY PARADE ZSA ZSA'S. You could be g-owned in Balm· with rc>ld st.an SJ4.M ) You've probably teen .:>me ot by bualne.aamen and were ironed .Newport Harbor Glrl Scou.t eiap.'• lateat crN.tion, and you could be theM Jaunty junion ad:vertlaed ill Seventeen . , , one other noticably out aatlaractorUy and to the ad· Council will be repreMnted oa A.r4 crowned with Harry Winston'• flubieat tiara.· nJce . dre .. tcw the money LI of r.d and blue, or anen and brown n.nt&g-e of the mercba.nta, .. Kitch-bqr Day, Nov. a with three can Y-J you could toO~ BUT, my pet, if at the plaid ta!fet& and only $3.9". P. g, "'Tlttl Bubettee are f!OMilll"! n.e •11 aa.td, ln the parade. same -time, your hair wen ata..ndlng crlaply on ACl'IVITEE at 18.15, 1'Q&1Uteed... Pony Apparel. lW Newport )(JtcheU 1peclll&H tn tndU1trtal, ------------- end. brittle u a deeerted bird l.e.at. the whole Ave., Oowta Mf'M. materiala of all kinds, meta.la, l charming effect would be lost~ Get the pie-• • • lumber, automotive t n du at r y, 1------------- ture ! All l• indeed loat If your hair doesn't FROST WARNING! . tirea, t&rm mac.hlnery and build- renect a nat\lf'&J style, •p&rkle a.nd ahicneu. MAR.K MY WORDS, when the North tnr materia.11 and conatructlon. i ONLY That'• wb.y t.her.'a a place for you called .llM'8 BEAUTY SALON. Wind blow11 acf(tU tbe Bay thl• / Questions conce.mln.g other bual- Here Jim will ahear and •tyle your h.a.ir; expert• Mildred or 'Ibelm.a winter, you'll wlah you ~ a warm nea ftelda wbic.b he i. unable to will ahampoo and wan ,.Our wig ($2 up); stv• you excellent perma-UtUe do4lJt to alJp lnto , •• Th• Jo--LH-;.~~...... &nl'WU' wU1 be brou(bt be.ck to nu.ta ($10 up); or a p,wtn.r Roux or Lady Clairol eolor ah&m.poo. Sport Shop h.aa all manner ot F)JrtCT • the ~ diarlct. calce for rep1'", M HEED NOW -UM Tour Head. Get your hair ~tt yoW" mind! Ca.U J'ROSTBJTJ: PROTECTORS -namely a&ld. ilDl'S BE.AVTY SALON, 2°' Cout Blg"bway, Corou. det MU: coat.a of many oolora l1l % lenrth.a. ...,._ 111'1 da7. er ne for appolmtnMnt. The.1111: ahort· coat• are Jult th• ri1"bt • • • . weight and length to keep you at a DO:S'T B£ ASHAMED! comfortable room temperature Oft. a. chilly day. Lee bu natty Wben th.at ahinifll" crux of your womanly neece woola in .:>lid belc• or IT&Y· or aome in. Ilddy plaid& Some career anivea -that gloriou1 moment when an 1.martly sty!~ with r&l'lan sJeevu a.nd ahawl oollan. $19.915. you stand ra.dia.ntly on the •ta..ircue a.nd toaa The.re are also lll)Orty pbardtne.a tn chocolate brown. navy, wine or your bridal bouquet, for Pete'• •ke don't heave greya, nicely tailored wtlh &harp ybke lhoul<hr and belted bAek. .:>me piddling parcel of wilted poalea! MORRI $17.96. M&l'ly Oth« pbardlnu in MVen.l 1tyle1; Hunter CI'ffD, teal. Associated C. of C. to Probe County Sanitation Status Prealdea.U of all member c.ba.m- ben ol commerce ln OranJe Coun- I 42 Shopping Days Till Xmas! POOR TY RECEPTION? LET US CHECK!· Inferior video receptioll Is not neceuarily caused by poor location. Improper set ad- justment or the need for a simple added appliance may do w011ders to linprove H••HI and plctwe quality. 1 Can 111 now for service. . THOROUGHLY TRAINED end FAeTORY QUALIFIED ELECTRONIC EXPERTS FULLY EQUIPPED to SERVE Your ' T,V and RADIO SERVICE NEEDS '· Complete Marine Radio Service , 1 tlllCI IMtalalN• .,..:_...-.-~ "' • L . ' • - U. -S. Goverl.-1ilt Uc1 .. c1 Tee••lcJ1n • I COAST ELECTRONICS CO. 915 C&nt Highway, NeWport Jt.. a cr-eator of wedding bouquet• magulflunt-navy or black. a.nd satin lined at Sl0.95 : 112.~ and 114.~. Prepare a wedding apec:ia..liat who shyly confided tn me for th• cold snap at .l•LN 8port Shop, 1834 Newpert An., eo.ta that he had at one time a.ue.mbled the wedding Meea. flowers tor Dennia Day'• wedding (heaven know1 ty b&ve been invited by th• A. .. 1 _____________ ~1::t1::s=u::u::i1::t1::u;=u::u=11::t1:a::ii:=11:1oa:a:mrsao:s:a:mR"8::SSlRi:!t 80ci&ted Cham bera of C-ommerce of Oranre County to attend a luncheon Ndv. I in Balboa Bay Club to dllCWJIS the county sant- when that·wa1!J and bridal arraya for numeroua socialtiea In the San Fl"a.nci3CO Bay aru.. Morri ca.n dream up the unua:ual and the daring-. For • • • "HE HAS .A.N OAR IN EVERY MAN'S BOAT Al'fD .A. FINGER taUon problem. ANNOUNCING T·HE OPENl.NG -OF- example, he recenUy concocted a wedding noaegay of water lille• and blue la.rkapura ... Pretty daring, eh! Morrl can aJ90 fbllow the whim• of any bride-to-be or her mother-ln·law'&. But reat auured. oh bethrothed one, you will get beauttful fresh blooms in profusion! Glrla, don't Jet this man's ta.Jent l"O unnoticed ..• ret yourae.lt engaced, then follow thru'. \\'rddJD&" ncnnn by Morrt, 601 Eu& Balboa Blvd. B.a.rbor !8'10. • • • IN EVERY PIE.'" I don't know the deal on the boa ta, but be ha.a every right in the world to be in tho• plea! I mean Bob Krull, hea.d douchboy at the Newpor1 Bakery. Bob work.a 7 daya a week 9Upplytng the hungry hordes with treah, hot dourhnuta every mom- Lng, k:rullen by Krull and tn.rrantly frtah coffee cakea. Bob aqulrt.a a mean pa.t.ry b&(, IO if you care to have him dream up aome specl&l pa.tty cakea for your ne.xt party, give him an order ... French putrlea. cream p,iea _ .. birthday C&lc.e• wtth apecial motJta or motlve1. arbor day cakea. Ja.llblrd cake• with •w• ht them. You name tt! And g-et something for the old man'a lunch pall. Keen cookiei ... all m&ku. Op@• co•tantl.1 '·daya a w@N a:ao-•~ Sewport Bake.ry, %111 ~ l'l9t. S.rtMrr 1.0!·R Stan Rtdde.rbof, pf'fttdent, in ht Yi talion al letter. M!d: ''Today we find the f&Jllt&tlon board• o{ Orange County stalemated ap.ln a.nd the need to start construcUon ii urs-ent btyond wordl:." .. He r.. called that h1a group IJ>e&rheaded two yeara ago the aucceastu.I drtve to vote $8,000,000 to build a county-wide a.n.itaUon 1)'8tem. BRITISH MOTORS INC WON'T YOU KEEP SOME DESERVING LOBSTER ALIVE"! For yourae1t, that 1.. 11 you wtu 1i!t youre French phone from its Cradle and breathe thew nwnerotogically nice numberJt-Harbor 816 any da,y before 3 p. m., lhe BAYSIDE FJSB MKT. will .set uidt.., tor you any number of live strunllng, Da.n& Point Lot.ten , .. fresh trom the morniDK'• traps. Warmhearted Harry Ki.apt.on will 1p1il lheae bere lobl;ters alive for you and then declare them otf\c.lally mortia. Or you can throw them tn youT own boUJ.ng kettle. lt you're that kind of a tosspot ... "Know-AU K1ngaton" will tell )'-Ou how to prepare fresh lobste.r tn a Jtlmple aupe.rb manner. bl fact, cuard your reticule if you don't want It 1tuffed with pare• and pas-e1 of Ha.rry'a recipea. Ba19lde Flll.h Mkt., lt you feel llke a flab out of tbe water, !809 Lafayette. Newport. 1 day.. 8 a. m. to WEST NEWPORT GROUP. ASKS WATERFRONT PROTECTION RNU.Jt.a of the luncheon meet- ing will be reported at the uaocl· atton'1 ~ton' meellng' that ~L , Costa Me~ Girl Hurt· in Crash Who 11 rupomlble for the protection of Wm Newport water-.... front property lnd how can It be protected will be two of the prtncJpa.1 Marlena Worab&m, 17, of 227 l:SO •· m. questions ukf'd and to be aMWe.red l"rlday when members of the Paclftc Ave., Ooata Meea. received West NeWpOrt Jmproveinent A.Modation are expected to meet in the AlJPt injuries lut Tueed&y niJbt • • • I City Hall At 7:SO p. m. in a th ... Car amuhup on Har· i YOU CAN TOO TAKE IT WITH YOU, Their gue.U "to be que11Uoned .. ----~-.,.--...,.----bor boulevard. north of 20th St.,· CHU.M~ THE COASTLINE FUX>R· COVER-will be City Engineer Bert Webb Qu.er11S ot the1 City -Eft.g!ntu Collta M-. She WU ridln&' 1h & j ING HAS A SPECIAL DEAL ON CALIMA.R and Strfft Superintendent BUI relt.t1¥tl to the nimora of a re-car d.rivt:n by Orin Jl. Han.on. 17,; WALL TO W ~LL CA.RPl:TING AT $3.86 A Covert, accard.lng to ll"ranc1a Hor-zoft.tna-ot the »-ca119d 'Banning of l:SH Ban. Bernardino St-. Colta ! SQUARE YARD INSTALLED. Th..11 pn.cticaJ wath, pttttdent <Yf the UIOClaUon. Property' tnto aa M·l dt.trlct will ¥ea. · I carpet stutt ill made by the makers of C&Uwool All.houp the dty has a 'meet• be made. Rum.on wtattn.J that an Oftlctn Mid tbe R&naon. car , and bu NON-SKID RUBBER BACKING. YOU run.nlnc-l1l front of their homes, ~duatrial dlRrict waa planned. In craabed tn.to ~rear of a car drlv-; ~:;:;~ CAN HA VE rr INSTALLED WITHOUT BE-and bu r<fllOed to permit the th• """' ht.Ye bem ~ for .. by Fldw11nl ;J, Deotofano, ''· -, ING GLUED OR_ SEAl..ED TO THll FLOOR. propert;r-to be fenced ot uaed, the aeftnl weeb. Other West N'ew-ot El Toro Marine Corpe Air Sta\ 1 Clarence Pag-e. the big-wheel here at Coutllne, Cltf haa rdUaed to take any M> port.en are Kbeduled to protest tton. about 11:20 p. m. knocklDI', aid J.e ~tely floored a noor with thia Calimar and u.ed abeo-on fm-pl"OtecUon of Se&lbore to and UlrouJ!l their aaNC11t1on. that CN' Into one o_perated b7' Geo. Jutely no ,l'lue. -rbia ~utt juat llya do'Nll an. .. d playa dud," ay1 Drt-v:e Of" t..be prlnte lUMla ttoaUna any Omtral Xwwpcwt Improft.. .DultUn. Sf, Of 208 Sa~ Ava., Claruce. 'Why you can t even w the 8e&Jn.L ~CE. IF YOU on Ute .tnet t.u recent erocttnr ac.. ment tMt WOWd came the ~• Balboa 1a1•"4 'l'be Deetd"ano t»Z HA. VE TO BLOW THE COUNTRY IN A BURRY, YOU CAN Um.a of the M'.&. eAtlOll 1D. their comm1ao1ty of, tbe WU pllht~ tbe Dubl.bl machlrl• BCOOP UP YOUR CAJU'FlT A.ND SAIL OUT OJ' TOWN ON rr. Plano f« tutut. protoctlon ara Paelflc -., llallrMtl yvdf, whlch· bad otal1ed P" the JllPtray, ~ COMES IN A GOOD Si!Ll!lCTlqN OF DECOR.U'OR beln&' -by dt-. of the tr)"m the mlthap WW'!'eCI. It trao COLORS. INVESTIGATE THIS .A.T ONCE. Aloo • opec:lal !Iii ....... -It lo likely thtt the Cl~ R. M. Dickey at repor\etl, • ...... on WOOLTEX C.A.RPFlTING by Mallo.wk AT P.81! a oquan will ... aalted to cktermlnanet.ht• I ' ·yan1 tnoto~od. PRICES ARE RISING WHU WZ BLEEP YOU ......... or bulklleodo WIU ba"' to .t.-MP CCllftp ALPHA llTA .HOLDS., KNOW. COASTLINE FLOOR CO~G. "'17111 N ... pm ..... be built for flltute 'PtotectlOll. In ~ ... , AWAID uanNG . Coot& M-. S.acoa 8960-I. hM1'J ... rectntly tile lloatb WU Stoon4 r,.t. ~ lit Dlclte;r, 'I" • • • • awo,y alOal' a .ten·--of M•. and Mn. ~ Dick· .A.lpll& Beta food marntl bold BWllET ADlt:LINJl! KY AD.ELINll! • ....... to a doptll oc, fiYe fMt, .,., lJO ~ .......... -It----award ....... THIS LOVll:LY OLD B.A.Ll.AD H.A.11 LONG llEl:N TBS l'.A."VOIUTB llacnu. ... lllo -tat-"" eaf. land, II -at-.. a eo..s.y = -Wtto1111&1 llfl!'t. -01' MUolc 1o....., . Upplan, t.ototoli!n. and barW llJop • ~ ttnr 1IJcll .q, .., a 1*tt of -..ML' -'(I( ..._..,.,,. lllWt.&'7 la tM ..:Id -a& -. ~ 'P!"'ldhf ·~ cloee M.rmoay .. ..,. an. let me tell fOll Uout AltM.ap ao. ~ '""' ....... Police' ec-,..,. oftk:er• at Ute ~: ODut dlllt. i..s~ ll•c' •t It• OP .. • 21 ...._ ... Nut to pa*lttbl' ~ tato a ·eomer, away, ~ wtn duDapll ... Preft'Olt. liCaJllial Oeent'1;11Claa", l>blMI-WU ..,...,, ta al'p111il1 tile --tlllnl' lo to nm out Ill -~ ~ to pt r--.. left 4t"'onL ' OU.p a.._, Oo. · n.. rm'11oalp ti& .Alp• a .-. -· ~ O)'otam eoa ~ :rau With a -of ·~ 111W= for U. .,_ U. Dlcb7 ._ -¥tfoS -·· .,,Irle ... -t.talo .i.m.~ Aay oolor ln_lf'P or --•be .....,.litd, pncoua to din< a wlll .. -· -tat 'l9lit _. ljl&'&W ._ IN •1l1f\11,. -- -JOU .. -... -J• pt a perfect matcll. D1211r• i.-all cu. ............ U. ot tnillt, Md ~ -t6do of -T · c• .A......-,.,._.• ... we• tau....,... = = ~'l'btlon m: = 1:'.: .~ ~-:::-"'• .. - -aa Illa B t I' .. --of WIJ ....,_ ma.,,.,, -p I 'le .............. W.., ...,t p;:: ~ . ,.. .. a Jllatii r•••• te ...... , ,,, n ,.,,,-.. ot .. .._ .,_._._ 11 mrt'9 ••1•1. ·s•Mss a-..r .. ,.... - ~~ lo _!,,~.} flat )IRl&!t .!'-...,~~.!..---• Jiii ia la -• -et our 21 .., to ~-a · 'II .. tac. w. Sl •• ...... ., .n--.~im wr..trO.t•~~-..,-:-w.e;~ :.-;• ~~.~.':»~:,.::' ~=•:.:,:,1•_.&1181?1 ~.=• sn'wr !'..., .. "' ~ . . . ~ . .. ' ost-·~ ' ' I • • ' * * * * * ' . . . -' 'IHI WORLD'S SWR--. ., ' . fM.4'' CAI FEATURING THE • • Ni~ T.D. SERIES MIDGEi ·the worl~'i most famo11 ·--1porls :J1r * * * * * • -. o ••• , ...... ,,, .• ,,. ••• , ..... ,...... ••.r• I • - ' ' , I • ' , ' •&G11 OC11Psa 11. Jiii 11=ite w -•• en i AWIOST .. 1' ll'l'&ctlcol .u M ~•Ula .. 1'G99 Alm ... WIW9 AM' .. pt.I' wU1 prl.'M r1tllt1 -,... IROADWAY-·==NowW = • ' -We&,'Od.111 "LAW Ab -·LUil"' -a---llJe'·eJ 'Wlldlllc -Alie-" •A,DVJ:NTUBEll QI' O.&PT. f.&lllAN" wt~~ ... • PAULO DRIVE· IN 'THEATRE . -llLMMtDMn~ 1:15 ...,_ 1:00 • WED., OCT. 11 'TOBCIC OP' AllH8" -Wl1llam R~ ... NU<J'~ -Aloo - .... R•Vll YOUR8ELr -_,. -......... ' P'r.rloJ' Gnapr U·DllYE CRUISERS Start. Sua., Nq_v. ' "FL TINO l.EA1'llZIDIECKll" __ w_ ... -......... -'Allo - ~· .... ..,. ........... .raw s-1 ' ROW IOATS • OUTllOABDll • u:vm •.ur \ ' ·--d eTACKJJ!! l!LLIS ~·;, .. ~•T RENTALS 1111 C••t a.•-~· If ........ a.di! ft.. .. , ... 1111 , Ar 80trrll END OF IL& YSROU: lllUDOE ' TERESA RENNER I Mrs. A. Renner I Coaoert Plaala• of ftne Coatlneata Ond ..... 11\Mm "' -Bartek 436 Simi Drive Harbor 1171..J Corona Hifjhlanch -Corona clet Mar FINEST OCEAN FISH E;astem Oysteni King' Crab Lep- C\an!s Lollster Aba1011e Swordf'lllh RETAIL WE GIVE, SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO ~-.• l<IUJt!i ' SEA FOOD SPECIALTIES 1111 IOU1 Newport llevh NOW OPEN SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS . l~uAltlC PUel.IC GOLS: COUASI .... ,._,.,,,NJlfrMM Ml&r .......... ,. .... ·-·. Alf .. '4NF IS 1 Iii@"' \i,fest 5111 strut It lkl41o 'lbwtn -SANTA ANA Mii ~1311 OUTSTANDING ·WHILE -THEY LAST! ClllllTZES • llDSllEDG • corr. uc-.nc~nc VALID IP TO 4.51 £1 · Yt. .... .... •" .... ......... 11 'SA'IUIDAn HllO' . ...._ emwwww • ... m 'I ...(!M'M •• •s •• now Mr. lM. .... JC _ __.y , n• "......- "''"'~. 111))(.·-KOJL-TIJD, -...... -¥;!:t.. -· __ ., la U.. ,..,,. 1011·1 str1 O• itr, "MIWONA•I ~ CHRISTY" .. OOIONO IOONt "STRUT CAI NAMED DDllr -Aloi - Qa.W lf-... y-- 'HAPPY GO WCKY" &UN. -llON •• TC1'& Flll8T lllJN IAdllo 11&11, I-Apt "MAGIC CAIPIT'' --~-' IOI "SEA HORNET" rr WAI "llSUO..A• -~ ~·Eftntt L ••me, "'4-1/d., tl81f, ~-Illa ,.U... -1letty N-of 116 ..,.. ~ ........... tlM!lr' .................... --. twl' anhal -17 i. Rawali. A-a -la .mu, allo&rd · u.e nu •ae.,-.. ,... ..... • Mtnr7• eeoan.. wt"1 u. Pae1no .__ I <USN Photo) u_., _ _,.... ... • PP'llil _,....\.bOJld _,....,, . ., ... ___ ,.... __ ,... .. . ......,~,.,..-&-._ -tyotl,oot ........... tllq--·to --...... 1i. 1""'• Iii .... to ... -·Dl1Pt1 tielpNI. ,..m.1 ... ads .'dee trmt "W.-.r ''ill! r• ot N.wport' Bw"ll Walter la -. .. ldo __ .. _., ow City P1•nntn1 eommi• --,.Wltll -,.,._ -, !*•DI' U,IOO tbla _.., . · HEW HUT '*1'17 -·-·• 1H8 ·'IHI total, Uld -,ol --!~····· ._ . gtowih -'dlll'lllC Illa .._. ...._ ,_ a?s ,..,., term m omc.. be'• w mere ~~-fp;,l;l l=•::~:::::;:·::~l~p1~a[nn~l:ft&' praW.0• tbaD. 7°" and J , , : Will e--.... llfllJllle, ~ llm>Ugll Ida -ala-. MQ)' ol our lmport&Dt cltJeo. , · ....... , .... -a "just SftW, • 11111 Ila 111.torT It' CGft _wt "~ oportfllhermen Cl!I ~ ~· • Ille planned dtlH that tNrpul 1-1 llo&to .... -... ·- ---~ nolgllbon. DmlllJ Waltu'a c:ommerclal ltyle for bqme -. _,. 'j_.;;._.. t.,m, tile Newport Beach CQmmla-...... ptl"!L IlUr!ns Ille 1t51 ...,, ,....,.,.__ 11,ion bM developed a 'muter plan' -10111e 100 ~ that covers e•ery -~ of cl\)r ytaltlDg' bore lft>m 'moat .of tile ti S.,. dewlopmenL Ollt ot It came a atat.a brought ·In thl!r a1-, DUNCAN imfalel new wcmtn1 ordJnaZlCe Md a au)>. and took home M,000 caba 0-lo -Ill dlYlll'"' ordinance. Several fea, ready for uae. If )Oil ba~ & ~ tuna ot Ito _... traffic plan problem In that ~ you mlpt Or nge County ... already In..... iuat drop "alter• hint -.as Walter baa a tonr record of l&bort year,: ill the btllln~ make11 h1m I by for love on projecta of tbla kind. junior to few men In Ille COIU!IDg He hu aerved aevenl terma u a tnduetry. . director or the AM90Cilt.ed ¢ha.n;.. Walter came trom Long Beach , btr:s of Comme(Cle cit Oruj. to found ldl bwllaea1 1D the a&JD.e County where many of the coun· year we founded Newport BalbO& ty'• major planl have been de· .Federal. He aaya: "We b.t.ve uMd tttoped. lie WM preeident of the the t&cllltlea and aervicea of oUr Auoctated Ch&mbera tn 19", and local uvtnp and loan auocl& .. ~ hu been ellalmWI of t11e' fl!IAnee UoA rel"l&ri,Y durlns tit• put ftf· "811 fer It al YllV Delller cornmlU.. alnce retlrl:lg from tile teen ycan. It would be bUd I!> l ;~~·~~~~~~~~~lptt1ldency. He 18 &llo paat presl· meuure their service to us and to dent of the NewpOrt Harbor the community durtnr that lime. Chamber. We hi.Ve been grateful for lt tn One of the nneet P,.t-wa.r de-many ways." · velopment. ln our community-Y "· .ervice J1 our a.lm and we'd LIDO 0n.n&"e Cout College-la aieo one like to aerve you. We'd Ike to . of Walter'• favorite project.I. A.I explain to you our kigh dividend CLEANIZS a member of the Coll~e Boa(d of ra.te on aavinca «> you can. D)&k• Houston F·m·ily Spec·ial Mus·,.. Trultee•. "" si· .. It nm ca11 .. your money .. .,, more tor you. u ._ tM NewJOrt lll•d. hil •rvices. Or dWcu• ma.kins a 1o&n ao that St•rs ,·n N.e' w at' Little Church Q08T& .IO!ll& Th• .. are extra ch•re• he car-you can buy, build or romodol your STAB'l'8 WED. u a... I.,.., riea on while handling-full dutiea tu>'lne. Why not •top in and .ee F1n& Bua H• t • ( N I w u a partner tn We11tern Cann.en ua! We're convenient to every J-c.p.7 ill IS or1ca ove Nut Sunday in•mlng at tlle 1:~;;;~;·;pera;;;; .. ;""';;;;";·;·~p1&a;;';;;~ICornpany, a major Harbor In-•ectlon of Ille Har--dlatrict.• UtUe. Church· by the Sta. corner d··-•-y ~..t..1cb he '"-1...-to found "COME RLL MY '"'-11ttJec1<n..,. par1 p1aye.s ot Lect<>n and 'l'hro•P> ..... 1a, --~ ·~ ""-.,, Tuu hero lam Haustdll'• an-Laruna Beach. • trio of younr . tn 1931. Durlnc the buay aix-NFft'PORT IAlJOA CUP" cell.or• In th• b>llldlnr ot Amert-ladlee from th• Boutllem cautor-HILLMAN. MINX montl! ...... ~very year, Its FEDE~AL SAVINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~ ca haa been told tn a ne'fr novel Dia Bible colle1e will M feat\lttd product• leave by truck a.nd tran.' AHIJ LOAN ASSOCIATION _ by Gertrude Dixon .rntleld, ot L&-in • •p.cllll muaical pr91T&m '''" llellYeftd MN er trom the bead of Lafayette , • ~ ...,_. Yoa'll flad ~alee .._. a.ad •pta. ad'7erliaed for re•t.- yea.rly or wtatet--la ~ elu- ellled eed.loa today I . B8eh .... 1-.0 "'Th ......... _ '"'ch phm tu ud llM••• · Street for dealinationJ throu(h-w-. '* ...... 9IO pna . ,,.t~ • >...VUcap wn.1 will al8o lncl\KM Cyril Han-out the Mld-WeAt and South. M~.-T HM:Mt -....urattMU.. oue Houatonl: S&p of A.n Amerl-IOn. ~r IOI.obit. with orpn pre-~our llatt>or Ana Dealer -------------- can Famtly.H It . will be published ludA. Jill!WPORT AUTO SALES thY moath by Vant.p Preu_ Inc., RaY. ~le L. Dowell will brfu Me4 \\". Newpori Bhrd. of New York. the 8eCOllCI in a .. riea of meaaagea ----------Start.llls-with Robert and Jona~ oa the aecond coming of tbfl Lord Newport 8eacll than Houston's &ninl tn America. ~ bu aelected for hla subject. RarWr Ito?' 10 llMPLll BOT.ANO ii l#MI ii r...,,,._. ----~oo·~ ln 173'4:, Kn. Dttteld tneq tbe "N09.b Went Into tlt.e Ark, But JfOWlb ot Ute tam.Uy, uMnr tbe God Shut the Door," a.ad will be • panorama of Amttica.n dn-e:lop-uatn.r for bi.I text Matthew 24 :37 ment ln colonla.J tlmea u a back-"But u the day• ot Noe were. llO rround. Piney, mutiny, flJht.1 aball al*> the coming of the Son wlth IftCtian9 ·and Carolin&'• pe.rt qf man be... Holy Communion In the ltnoluttonary Wu aD. pl&)' will be Hrved at the eloee of the vital rolM llft. tM novel mominl' IDMa&l'e· T!le autaor tlienelt WI a m.n"'. ' a,n.s.,. ~ meeu at t :f:i of U.. Holaiiltoa .du. She tr&c4 un.. With e'•••• tor an •l'e•. The hr ucootry directly to Ille Roi>-Jwtlar _'Baya' clw -a - HOUiton "'1\o came to Amerlea dal ln.t~ to ·a11. boya 1n that ln 1714, ~ ot. tu uae®t• age bracket to come and jobs tn ber book were r,tated to her with them. They are makinc plant by her Sl"&Jldtathtf". ' wbJcft will include a boyit' club. lllN. l:nfte14 WM born la Hume, Harry Johnlon. ta the teacher. Ko. Sbe .,..t. a cr•t part of ber Junior church m.eU at 11 a.m. lite In the t-.cblq' prof...ton. In l.n. junJor church bundtng with 1928, abe. bep.n her .. verM choir" Rff. W. A. Dowell eu~inl', work. a pb\ffr speech mOftnl.ent. ail1ated b1 cVol Doan and Judy Now reUNd. .... de'l'OUJI; Much Of C.tl«l. of k1aln time to WTltlnr. 8u.nday ewnlng-, T :S Op.m., t. Santa Claus Card Rising to T'Op ~ tllat "Tou can't kMp a pod man down." Santa ci..ua ._ r1a1111 to Ille top aa a ~ card a)'lllbol. In 19tl, he ranked sixth. Ia 11149 Uld lti!O, llU>ta .... tlftl>. Thio y<ar, "the jolly old ell ia tied tor Uttrd-iuuf &ook· Ins' forward to Ille day ·-~It will place him fint. lon- adl and Hampton ....... .., .... Cllriltmu --betnc -pla)'Od at tl!e N-Bu• Publtahlng Co. ottice are. Ula tint ln the a•t100 eo.m.. tn e:nd Me taeee tleautJf'Ul card.a. You w1lJ be p1_,.t17 "'l"l'riM<I at tllelr - coot. Tiie o.ddluo la 22ll Belllo& Boule~ FiFst Xmas Cards . W'Orlc of Art, SinpplraUon when the opportu- nity ta yours to select y our ra- •orite eoapel aoni. teeUfy and tellowah.ip ~th thoee who love tbe Lord. Rev. W . A. Dowell wtll brine the evening-meaaage, '-rhe Way of Llfe and the Wa7 or Dea.th." Tb....-y eftltlng-, T;30 p.m., la Bible ttudy and ))rayer meeting. Thia ~ll be the concluding ltuon or the aouJ wl.n.nlng' coune. A apectal IJlvitatlon ii extended to all who a!'e not attendtnc cbUteh elenvlle.te to come and en~ joy the CluUUan fellowahlp at tbe IJttle qburcb by the Sea. SllE! Fleisher's Ba~y Yarn ..... - SP!CIAL 65# -.. . ' 1n ~··T lllT •PE Ill IC. ... • ...... ...... • .,,. --Siooj>ly,..... ... --... ,...., .. wl-p.Gin,_,,.-IBo .... 14 ................. _,._-1 G« llOl'AHOJ. ,_., IELllOftlKl llu.t'Lll:S UPU.ir~ ...... _ ...... R.OW&t SARDEN 1 Pv9--..,..i... ~ . , _ _... .... .HARRIET OOPYERA I • Well Known H.ir Stylist ' h~1 joined, - .llTl'S ••• ,, M I It -11ft beh ......... • r. v.·sm FOR RENT 1-DAY IDNilluJI I TIDE T~ Y. '811 NEWPO&T llLVll I N-- RA._HI ' khlor l5etorice llcout ,_p I ~pat.cl la a picnic lunch n-..nt!lr at Ille Su Scout baa. Olrls and 1eadert found pleasure ln u.11· tng With a 8-nt& An& troop, and bo&t4nir wtth t h e , Hunungton - BMdi. 8M. Scout.. DaECTORY LUITD .As 9ECXEK, D. D. II. I DICNTUITRY 17~ Newport Blvd .,~ lleaa M.iucai Bids. -1762 150$ I: ... Bai Ave., Balboa Harbor 327.J BALTZ MORTUARY . LM;J A.timtnt U<t eaaa lllP,..1 OOllOlllA BEL MU DAY AND NIGHT PhOM Barbo!' u BE SURE -INSURE JI lllA~~ANJ.E1' 1-0lllJ· ' .......... .,,. .................. , .......... .. ..,,_ •nt1 W T 7 1 .11110 1 7 •••• ------···-"' ... , ..... .... • Hickory S~ecl HAMS -·-·------ Di""'9 l00fll - II :JO AM ... I ,,M, dai'ly o.-1 Sund.Y.' e..I i.er.da'f' • ,.,_,Kl~ 2·2194. Lots ef Fla ,ARKING • • -• • SAM'S SEA .fOOD ·• --•..-w 11.&1' ... ~ •At-ta atp OC UM 8wwdW ooMPLrril OCMl1l!IS L~ " '. iJDiiiiiRll " • ' • ' PIRATES -TIP TIGERS 19-14 ' ' -. . 1N ' HARD · RIVERSIDE BA mE Christmas l~eas on Program for Beacon Belles By Bod MadlWlaa Project leaden Mn. Gloria TUftl The OCC Pirates JM:orf'd twice in the aeeond quarter and once 1n and MrL Ru Buell Jed a demon· the third period and then fought oft a determ.J.ned Riverside rally to •traUon ot clotblnc a.cceMOriea edJe the Tigers 19·1i at Riverside's Wheelock Field Friday night and ChrUtmu ideu at the lat.at meettnc of tbe Beacon Belle• tn on a muddy turf. A crowd of 2500 wakb.ed th" thrllllnc pme which the borne of J4r&. Marjorie Badl'er wu much closer thu the at&tisUca Indicate. on Piowe:r st. The family-life Cout'1 first Tri came lhortly letter '"M•kh\s J'rienda" ~ read after they lost the ball on a tom· I to the ~und after the opeuinl' and dlacuued ~ the 80Ct&l ble a!Ur gettin.C' • flrat down on klckoff and then took .Mel Sma.1-interlude. the n.ger one-ya.rd line. Vlrpl tey's pWll from the DCC 4..1 to a Kra. Marian Prmllaa, home ad· Efweu kicked out to Howard TD. Dlck Blaine J>W'lChed' over vi.ar, wUJ demonrtrate "Home Miller on the Riverside 40. Miller from the three-yard mark. Don Furnlahlnp'' at tbe next meellnC' allpped on the .oggy turt and Quesada kiCked the extra point Nov. 14 with Mrs. Joyce Hlrtltr, made no return. Jeue Smith hit to make it 13-7. Coast. Park Jule., at 7:30 P-m.. Quy.. the line fot' no pin and John A Riverside pmbl• aet up the Uon1 00: appliancu in the home Bl&ck went over left ru•rd to third Pirate acore. I.nstud ot will be answered by Mn. Prentl& make It third and four on the pun~ wtth a tourth and 10 on Included_ at the lut ptberinl' 'nger 38. irillu .pldl:~ Up the the 0CC il, they tried & pua WU Mn., Dorothy J'orba, avilt• neceua.ry yardage On • pa.a OJ>6 which wu broken up by Jeue: tor for the occulon; memben tidl&l play and then fed Ule ball Smith and the Pirates took the Mmes. Rae Buell, Mary Beebe, to Je.Me Smith for 11\Jcceaalvf' bill. Chafe fired a 17 y&rder to K-.y GibMm. Sophia Scbepe, Gloria run.a of seven and eiglat y&rdJI Jesse Smith In the nals and then Tufta, Marjorie Ba.tne.a., HaseJ which made it a tint on the RC hit John Black wtth a 38-y&rd Stephen•. Mary Karpret Finster, 15. Jeaee hit lhe line for one and paas for a Cout firlt down on Ruby 'MUUp.n. Ro~ Copenhauer John Black broke over left tackle the Riverside two. Hal Smith and Joyce Mill ... tor the remaining 14 yard.I. ::Jesse rammed throurh the middle to Smith kicked the extra point to acore standing up. ... hlgh center Poultry . ch·1ef make It, 7-0. · hurt Je5'e Smith'• chance of making' the extra }Xrint which t Add Local resldmte c&n lff OCC's WU mfothored by Rlven!de. 0 . ress . !'t~:i:.::,~·~~,Y ~; tu ...... •·"'• . County F~rmers 1t.ad..it1m when they take on Ch&f-With the ecore l,_.7 apJut fey -CoUel'e at 8 o'clock. Ortnze 1 them., RtrerSide rallied to · above The head at. the poultry hmban- Cout ta nmnJng lecond in F.utern the_ Pirate ottena back under dry di vi.Con ot the Untvenlty of Conterence stand.lnp. whereaa their own ·goal early tn the tllla1 Callfornl&, Dr. O. F. Ste:wVl. wilt Chatfey bu yet tc win a game. stanza. Glenn Breilfield crubed be ln 0ran8'e county on TUMday, throUCh to block · Smalley'• punt Nov. S, He, m company wt.qt W. from his own two-yard ltrte. The M. Cory. farm &d'fiaor, wtll vtait ~.A. alick play by Co&tt end Guy ball rolled into' the end zone and a number of poultry fa.rmen dur- Coate aet up the aecond Pirate Breisfield fell on It for the TD. lnC the day. l.n ~ tvenlJli' he ~re. Co&ta tackled Dick WU-Quesada kicked the utra point wi!1 meet with the poultrymen at li&rna on an end run and came up to make It lt-14. the rum .aun..u b.aJ.t. 1:30 p.m. with the bill in hia &rmAI on the R!venride Jticked..otf and forced Ril topic W. '-rbe Unlvenlty'• Tf&er 31. How he got the ball Cout to punt. Westbrook ntum-Ptotnm for the p 9uitry lndUillrY retnaina a quesUon a.nd the Pirates ed the ball to the occ fO and. of CalifornlL .. warried little about tt at the time the Ttpn moved to the 20 where Thia 1a Dr. Stewart'• flnt vtslt u they went the route in etcbt it ~ third and one. Sid Ku-to Oranse county. Be 11 tntHUUd play.. Quarterback P&Jl} Ch&fe ninl'. defeulve left end, came in ptttnc &cquainted with the puae<I a one tanSer to rifbt end 'throup. to tac Blaine for a oo.e poultry peop~ ID Ulla aection and Don Paxton tn the flata tor the ya.rd toa t.o make tt" fourth and the problem.a that they may have score with 15 .seeonda left in the-two and Bill Thomas wu taclcled to contend with in the lDdU.try. h&lf. Smith mb.eed the atra three ya.rd.a behind U,e line or Dr. Stewart.direct. the poultry re· pol.nt. A 14.-yard run by Ned ecrtnunag'e by Charley Bladt on aeuch u well u the clau room Panons started the ball rolling an attemptAd -end IW'etp a.nd lutructkm 1n poultry bUlbMdry a.ad then Jesse Smith lost one and Coast took the ball. in the Collep of AITiculture ot Miller picked up six before bar-r the Unlvttslty. ley Black .took a pitchout to t.ll'& FOOD CANNING Th"DUSTRY ------two-.yard line. Miller falled on a ~ - quarte+rbaclt sneak and Jeue HAK.INO KAPID GROWTH Sm.itb fell .shol't on a line plunge With an &bundance of food before Chafe hit Paxton wiUi the products fiowinc trom its fi&heriet payott t>itch. and fields. C&lifomia bu turned SborUy a.tter the third period tncr-eulngly to the canning, pre--, opened. R iverlide served not.tee .emng and troun food lndustJ1es that they were in the ball PJ!W. to find year-round market.a. Slnce Tbey &lammed t..b_e Pirate offense the tur;n ot the century the num- ber ot theee eatahllahmenta bu lncreued trorii 183 to around 500, accordinJ" to the American Can eom.-.. • B.ook Revi ew for FA C Se ction M.la Mary A. Bate• of Santa Ana will revtew "Lollil Br&llle- Wladowa for the Blind," a bio- graphical novel 'by J . A Iv In Kugelm.u. a t a meetlnl' of the book MCUon of the Costa Meaa Friday Afternoon Club to be .held Fn•y. Nov. 2, 1n the c1ubhoua The prosnm will be preceded by a A.Ck lunch •t.. noon.. INDIANS SC4LP TARS 41.0 AS HARBOR FIGHTS GAMELY CAKI ••••• 23~ ... ... ,..-> Gani 11 ... •••• fOOD ..... . !PS ..... ... ·~~~i con•-· •••ss;llt .... OOIPIA W.11.&a ----,. u••~•.,. ....... £ • :An outcta1-d, outwel&bed Tar ftl'Slty went down to a COQvtnc.- lng Fullerton Hieb 8cbool ~ attack il -o Friday n 1 r ht at David.son Field, bUt the J&tp:lt crowd UU. yee.r to ·attend a local game aw Newport put up a whal• of a . batUe. Forpttina the acoreboe.r d. which ·aw ., many Fullerton IC!Ol'eS It bunked like & .tratftc •stgn&J. the Ballon rouabt PmelY all the way. It WU & Cl.a of ~ courapoUI bunch of you:nptvs nmnlnl'. IQ to a mnOoth!Y, tunctlon· lnC team that ha.a Men •Vera.I. _.SAl'IWAY • .. ,,..",,. Mn. WrWs .,_. ::r 20-. Sliotd, whit• or ...,fwat, cSmOta loef, I Set ·11lsiil.,... ~ :: 23• SlkM Beese ,.!..,"".:.,, :.--:-33- ' Ultl 1'Ul fltUlll Um1Mls-~. 2:::--1 .. Hominy 1!: 12-n;:-15• Ionia br~ 'White or .,.now \IOl'Mity. Clnninlo11 &:; !:--14• Fancy quality, O"OW'd-C4-oz. can, l~l Rik l1k clelriser 2 1:;: 2J- Soniti Cft, deodclftus • it deoN.. • doul>le "'"'" ••• ;, doub!. fi/1 SUPPGIT Y~ <OtMIITT <IUT ~----'""----·---·---, \ IDOIEI OlfT Ra j .! .t: 51• 1:!" 99• : I See pa~ !bl ia No......i,aitoUa of I . . r ..,,,,, or<1e for .i.tailo .. ,.... 1o I 1 1 1 ... we 11.IJO •• p&ir of· 8" It...._• J I I Sprill1 T .. ioe SliHn. /' '--------·---- ' . MoRRELL·s PRIDE SHOil W ••• SM.•ll SIZE ••.• PACllD II YISllll6 J ult look at the extra low price on Smoked Picnics ••• the meat of many uses. Serve baked (or dinner, sliced cold for undwiches, fried with eggs for breakfast, cooked en cauerole. or use for ... aoning beam .n.I odaer foods. I • . Give your btulget a lift, oene thi1 econ• omy meat this week.I And at Safeway'• low prices you can really uve! Come in today, get your unoked pialicdurinc Safeway'• Big Sale! · . PER POUND --------~------------t·f,J,MJ,Z-!i2t·>i2·WWI--~--------· RU,.,,., · sum 1·u·o11· · ~ .. 5 .... bcaJs.r.t ta..,..,.. with boked'picnia:. ~ .. - Gr ••.... _ ........ . 11-21• r:9D Fl'fth fraa.,, .. Gmille A. la J.ecd 51 mJ.'pm::IL SiirTe .... tJ9IJS b breoHm' ... lilll le•s ~· 1°':' 23• POD BOIS!. . ' . 3ae lilu INIS r!"~ 1l,"."' 22• · · · · ~~=-.. ;,-D'ntlnies t'~ 1,!;"-J1• S>Oaldw al Eo ._.. ... pcok. Chll loall al-, lb. 53c1 I. . .I lot-• ._ 11• ·-.i.t Jallie-· .. w 2· •• 11-..11a1 ~-~. i;. f\~n·1r:W11Jo..om-. .. SPEC/Ill VALUES ON FOODS AT SAFEWl1Y At y .. r _,i;T S1few1i .;.,. can be sure of low t:: ... • ettry .... If ••• eotty 4'a 7. Her< are "j few of tlois week' .. pecial ·sum .,!'t'a.';. 54 45• ,=-aa· .. ... f• CD ... llQ· loo-~ .. loo lllble -SPlaAL tJllCEi • ·, ·cam 1 V~·· ··d • 32" a · --•••"' ,.... . . ,... ... LDIGBOai~· ' -: -.. 47• ' . . la&c1Dw ....... rcir •• '"*"• ar cac+tn; IPECUU. Y.UUll ·· n11&J0 1 JOICE =312!.-23° I'• bnKJd t -·~ T-J-. CDo -lie) •:...J Ua...a.. \ To 1lob DWl119Rll_ .orSNw Slicell leef lifer • l•m Nut ..:!'!°s.::..i lllllil Slelb . .:c=.. .IWll# t.t-U Nl1' ""._ ............ .. 1.15 .. 1.15 .. 1.23 'MIRGARllE - . 11,,~lllHWI' t.cneta·~-.= 21c ....._.. ................. ~~ 4Jc "'··-lo--d....,i.tiono. • • Sunnybonlt Y .. low, foil wrappeil. ·t:zcelleetsp...d. zne Vie ia cwK;1og, too. .. ---. ~ TUNA Chicken of IM See. Light meal fish. . . . ' SoHd pock. lled't..t,;,1. 7«. 2 .. f ine f•r ..,.._ \ ·• -, · ~~=c'9!"w;,I. ·~-21c Ui.11~-. -' C11tlllrllM.. ~ 1,. i.-no-Tt;pltrid\: IQ<ot, .Jltc) Mdl.-.ol----· Gr~•• Crlilers ::-33• ,._. Gold. "'"-...... podt. , nm11•.SOA• ' C.....lole4'forw1iti11..._ar...... · i:=21· -:'!t'1;4• ·• .<s1t a1 11ore 10r entry .blob 111 Wloite Ki ... •· Wg ,..;, oo••· . ... ~ ~ - ( • • ' - 1 • ' • _, • • • • • • ' ' • ' . • .. ~........._... ' -. ....... -• Oap ., ..,,, A 1 I JI I ti ......... II ....... •=e••n -...... ... ••'i· "" ..,,. • u, . ..l. .. tt • , .. ~ -. ·-.......... 1,.,., __ . _.......,_,..._•••111r? -~ • -.;.& -' ~ ......... _ ... ... • ....,, 0010m.d. uni · 1 • ,_. -111 wll PtAYCM GET _.,.,_ Mi"Ntii:&U Pudlnl Aa ..... I "ltllllll Ll\J I ...... ~.l90l'fl1CG, ?.~ ........... £1111,_..,.,... BIGRBrONSE • - ~ • I IN PREVIEW . • ' ... FDR H81E IECOllATIIB FAIRICi . ' . ... ____ ,,_ _,,......,,., .. " .... --·--·--I .. ,.., .... £ 1 13¢ .. ,... ---........ ........ ...... ,.. • ..--•lit ... , .... ,. ......... • CORMER OF 4th AND .MAIN, SANTA A.NA ............. "'-.... __ --,. -, -,,•, Kowpo<t ...,.... Ooallavalty ~·-· ""1...,._ dlle at ti» Cllapd or ()rap <lout ~ l'l"OY. T, I aM I, -•warm _,. 1'11-. .-S when tht7' Pi &1at..s twe play -to Dion -~ ~ -lftlteq"U4 ...... -.....,_ at a.tty .ram; Lido Ille hOl'J\f. I ni-"1lo appoend _. M&r- tllell& IWldall. Jal a.ri')'. ¥u1 Prtoo, PaU Witte and Leoo Craw· ton!. OorinDo Ktlloirr. 0-w.,. I""" and w.,..,. Ktlloa &Joo ap-~ clolnC a 111-rnln"'lf. coin~ lltlt under tho '11rtcU... of 8)'4n<)' llorria. The lltl1 wu the flrat or tlle Playera' workeop produclk>lll wlllch will he p-ted t-llt- out t1'a -Inf -at tlle Pla,- f!ft* monthly m~bertlt.fp lfnfft• tnra . Mernl>erolllp Cb&1mwl Jo ~lld­ tt announced tkat l& n~ membtre have jolned tM theater .Jf'OUP ainc. !l<pL 1, an4 8Jx. addftlo.W members rece.lved their cardl Fri- day evtninr. Lt• Crawford en- lilt.d ta.lent tor a muatCal pro- duction which ta pianned: u one ot tour major pl&Jll. to he atacod ~Y Ill• Pla1•n 411rlD&' Illa comlllf yev. ~ Venc llclAUcl>lla i.t4 cbarr• of --·ate' Wlllch ruuto tnJoy• od after Ille J'rldaT --meet· tnr, Wiile!\ tachldod plana tor a Nonmber membenhlp ptUriq. "" Hun9a~an Student Warren Heading tlagFunetuGallery Add U • d ~ o ea re ~hurch rW~m:~· March of Dimes 'Olaf Weig~orst 0 John Ku•AUI!, DP . rtfulff Or"ve for 1952 at-r.: ;.:.:.l<h~~!!h~ ~~:J ...,.,. fl'Oftl HunP,ry, who is a lltud•nt I ._, \b-• month .of November. In _ __:·;;-~------------------al Oran&'e Cout collect. will 'IM the lintrca91 Gallery tllore will be ,,,,,,,,,., ___ ,_,,,,,,,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,. ________ _,~1tll• put opealltr at tho World N1w Tork, N. T., OcL 2t -&11uhlbll 'ot16palntlnp1>T Olaf ~ Community day ""1eo ocheduled Appotatm111t ot Govtmor llarl WalJbofot, tho Oowbciy arttat. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK thru Sunday, Nov. 4 Beautiful Chrysantflernums ., .......... I gal. 55~ LarcJ• Hibiscus, 11 ~ -.... -.I g•I. &SI Heavlly · ludded Fuchsias ................. ~. 1 9111. 451 · RoqC)ll Giant Pansies. . . ............... -.. l'cloz. 351 . tor J"rtday, Nov. I. tn the New-Warren u C&J.Uomla'• 1PD2 March wboN ):ialnUnp of horlN and the po0~ u 1 arbor Lutheran HCh"Ul'Oh. Of Dim.ea cba1rnlan wu umouuc-wutem ec.n. b&ve bee eo.rre•t- i •• C ltf Dr., N~ •ICl't.t. ed toda¥ b 'Baal! O'Conn 1 ly adrnlrtd alnce be jolnl(f tho G&l· Tbe obaervance, tponMJnd by the d t ~ 111Y N tlon&l .., or, !.reau • lery u an ohlblllnC membtt aonie Newport Har bor C o u n c l l of en v~ • • · ounu. on ye.an &So Church Women, wtU belin at 1 :30 to~ W=• cb~ta. Go W ln_ Mouiton ~U thtre Will be & p.rn. and will bf! preceded by a 11 an. v. ar--coUec:Uo.n. oC p&lnUn.p of.the mln· short bdatnea meetlnr when the ren Will coordinate th• •work of ms town, of C&lltornl& by the report of th9 nominatin• commit-ca.mp&ifll directors in countiu well JmOWf\ member tAura A.rt.I: tee Will be made. Electtd otncen and dtlea throughout CallfomiL and her d&upter, Helen Cr9iL w\U 'be tDltalled by Rev. Paµ). A. ntere.n March of Dtme• volun-1be1e two artlatl spent aom.e time B&bbltt, preeldent of th• Harbor teer, 1:t: hai been. active •lnce the J>&ll!Ung' the Mather Lode couri· Council or Minlatera. _ N&tJonal .Found&tlon wu found· t:r)'"\.nd their p4intlnr• have been · Ttla i.o.teu church will turn.lab ad 1n 1131· 8• :wu state chai,... exhibited in many pllerte. lb."'2· tb.e muaical portion of th• p~ man 'Ulroqb J94.~IlM9 and f<K" out Boutll•rn calltol'llla. pam. Mn. Gene Roth Will be tolO"" the la.et t'W'O Yt!&rl bu Deen honor· The new exhibit wll1 open fo-r· tat. Mn. P -r. Bain .. , cb&lnnan, ~tcha~ to Go W mally ·with the Monthly Te& on ,.,._ •... ,, ......... _.. . , ' ...... , ..... ,.,.. ~ liwlll -ti , • J( ,.., .. I I -Mw. _. "° .... jdrl•· -•"r• II I Ult Lla ·~<l".•e~ker, --.. ,....._ ' mu"ls ti 1111 a 'C lor:!w ~ --.. _ ... ,. ila1111 ••• JI. ... ,, 7 1 ., ........ .. t c .......... -.. t1w 11119 .. '1 'p Cla1r. (l'llllEf; ni' p 1'1-Ill ti 0Ata Jlla . II tll .... Ma .tW. ..... & ' · ANNlfA.·L '8ALB ·' 1. • ~ -% Oii ·-•••• , .... , ...... . ~ • ~ MOY. Ill TO JllV. •• . · 1i. .lo~p~~ ~ ., . ~ ·, , • I 1"7 CleAft -WAT, OI._. ... MAa . • !SI-ua1'1a QM.a - , YOU'RE INVITED TO'.ATTEND A ' . . DBllONITBJlTION 0 8Jf0W1'.ll'O Tllll - Proper .. Wrapping & 'aciing of Meat u 11 a. m. J p. m. 7:JO p. m. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 4'I' Afl'UANCI! DEPARTMENT OF • 0 • SEARS ' RO.DUCK CO. Jrd , SANTA ANA • DEMQNSTRATING THE CRY.0.VAC PROCESS. -. VACUUM PACKED '9ffi HERMmCAU Y SEALED IN SPECIA~ CRY·O·YAC-IAGS sua.u. CURID • 'HIGH <i)UAUTY HICKORY SMOKID HAMS and IA.CON : I · Tustin .rood Locke'n -· tOo "on · STRl!:Er, TUSTIN, CALIF. We h•ve 11 complete line, of material• on hend· for instellation end maintenance of· sprinkler systems -as low as $5.75 per s.pi:Jnkler heed. They ere • 1p~i•lty with 111. wtU lead the program w1lJcb ·11 ~ ~ ~t ~~ Sund&)', Nov. 4th from I to 5 bue<I on tho Ill.me ot tbe day, "'1 p. m. The Community ConcorU "lJ't't ThJ' hlth " or love in ac-fomlanl will meet the challenge Board of DCNCtoN &n.d their wiyp ~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;~;;iiiijjjjjji;;;i;miiiijiiiijiiiiij;;;;m~iiiij;;;ijif;imm;ii~ t1on. '?'be ott1:~ wUl be UNd, of increued. polio. Be pointed out are fPOMOrinf the tea and will act ~ I to nltne wttertn.s tn fore.Ian that. bec&UMI !of the increued. &If Mott---. Aleo Hr. and MN. " '1' "" -'_ · .... ,_.,_,,.~ • · ~' SU.B· TROPtCAl CO\tlttri•• and to aid nt\ISff atu· Mid, the U9U&.I two-week appeal Olaf Wf'lchont, Kr._ Arts and ·~.:-...i ·' --:J-...:-'4iC;.f.i..;., ... ~ deu atteo4tas colltJ• In U>c. will bo ' doubled. Tl.. March of HIM Crall Will bo l>onencl ,Uett.t. United 8tatu. A nunery will be W'n" carnpalan wtU OP<l\ Janu· proYldld for mothel'8 Widitn.s to ary 2 tJutead ot .January 15 and .Fri• "d p f att•nd Ill• -with arnall chil· :"~· ~Jh th• ... t or th• ay arty or. LANDSCAPE NURSERY c1ren. A compet•nt peraon w ill M • S h f ·PTA 716 Cout Bh·d. CORONA DEL MAB Bar. lUS-R llave chal're ot the nuneey which a1n C 00 ,,,,_=====--==--====----=;:;;;.• ,. oqwppod with a iouc1 apaloor Job's O•ughters All eo.ta M•.;. M&ln 1?Choo1 -sylltem for tnotben who wlab to 9 N Offi PT A mernbera are 'nvtted by Mn. r - - -..;_ - - - --· - -~um~ .::~ln~di'onn' ..:.ll -·· to ame 1cers Ray Trautwein, prealdent, to • 1 -.,... r-special "Get -Acquainted" party Uetpate 111 the prosram. A tM a.nd JDecUon ot ottkuw tor th• en· .F'r1day trorft S to 4: p. m. in U\e I THIS C ~!. OYONU TOAND 7f¢ liOCl&l hour " plannod to enable """'' tmn Will be th• lmpo•t&nt klndorprt•n ....,,,, tlu.;; ,. a ~Au•~ I WDnltn. of &ll local chllf"d:M9 to ttn of )UllD•M tor meinber• of purely aoct&l event ud 1a betn1 I 1 t CLAM CHOW I ER I = =..::-~"";'. ~ ::'~11~!:J"u,.yc:!:t Th~': ~1:::: ::ai=.:..~h;"~· ~':: q . la •oped I<> ha•• mernbtn or &II .cla.Y. No.-. '1, at 7:30 p. m. In tb mted by board m•thhen. cJ\UJ'Cbel in th. Harbor are& pro-Colt.a Mesa Friday Attemoon tnt; all are moot eoNlally 'taYlt· club-. GJBL SOOUTS I l:ITIU:R BOSToN (CREAK) or OONEY _JalAN1> I ed. · A flm·lllled w.U end at L&k• NEED·FLOOR LUIPS \TOMATO) 8TYLl:-TlllJ1IS.. ..-.i., l!AT. Olld SUN. Arrowbead WU opent by abou t 20 I SEA FOOD VARlmES I Starbri9ht Club ~i. t,;0 i::'."' A~';;=.,ed X: .. °:.:;.1:::.i a!:"..':~ L ~ 1'-.:WPOBT BL VD. 1'-.:WPOBT 111:40H Adopt B -L · Gnco lJwaru. deputy s, • n d to -to t11e Girl 8-t HAIL U1!..J S Y, 4WS · (U&rdlan; Mra. Dean Smith, :Mf, B-. Tlto7'U Ito' sllld to plek Ill\.. Mr1. Ktnnoth ~·---~ ft nn U •oa -.an -..___ li»btr ---------- -· The r•«Ular meetmr ot lt&r· u.:. I> ..--.._... ..... -< ...... ,__ ---------------------brtant club wu h•ld w..ineoo1ay, 1_-r-.. _v_.,, __ ._R_ob-.ln.mn.~--------<la1s.,,,;..._M_o_-,_....,,..""' __ J'd_lla)"_. +-------------------.---t!Oct. lT at 11:SO p.m. Tbe mttt· EB WOOD'S FOR SAl.E--Bieautlbnl, t9tabllahed slfta •toft. Age ua m llleeHll d-•N\ qalelr; en.. pmaL Ideal far -bltioua womaa, •10,000 Now A~C huaclft!Cla of glorioull Xmu lte-•taftlag at •t.oo Doa't """* ~ ~- 407 E. BalhM BmL, Bo!hM Bar. 011&-l wu btld at U'9 Odd hllowa bill, Col\& Kea. 11\e lunch.eon com .. mlttee 1ne1u'dtd Sather Job.Ion. 8y1Yla Pla<4, Ada Ortll u4, Bl&l1<M Lytle . Laura K.Clell&n, preald.,.t, p- al.dad over tbe buain.. meeu.... 'nle b1·1&wa commttt_. appointed lut mHtlnJ IU1'"bltted ..... ~· l&w1 a.ad Utiey we." adopted 'O_y U.. club.· Tho remainder o! tht aitvnoon .... _ .. t p1q1a1 -· 1"h-. pneeut 'bealde. the hm.cb-+----'-------------------~ltf wera ltlla Ho-. ---------------------Roltert& ~teota. l:dltll v-~ t---------------'-------1~1'• ..... huUae )(JtJlott, PaullJMo Super, lllaud Wood, Beatlo •llOlle-1~0/o D~. on Any Purc:ha1e (EXCEPT AMll>NS ... uqp«P) llrlag w. ad to IA YSIDl FISH MARKET Frftla Fisll Daly from o. o .. loal1! \ AB.ALONE· ___ . _ _.. 75c_ / . ,.. .. GOING! 001.NOI 00 • -~aOAI -Df 0 AD· UI- ' , dlot, .,_.....,,. A.lie!.._. :llonllce Crandall, Loulae 1l&edl, l:va M-.Uhtt Dtvlne and ~ DaY!a.. .• Bacauee of Tll•nll•Clvtac • _..._..,wUahe_a....., -· Wldrlai!dU, N.,,, U Wiiii • u :ao --. at tho 11a11. -.... wm ttac.b cons .. au .. FOOTBAll . CHAPflY' ., '\'S. 0. C. C. COlll'I nMS. I . ·1 i I I I I 'l\ I • I • ·~ I • NOW is the time to transfer your .funds to : insured SAVINGS . ' ' ' ' SAYllU IOW 1111111 ·CURRE»NT -IAININGS '' :ro , ..... ' 1, : ;. ... ________ .. / .. YlEllllU IY Tll llTI I • " r ... ,GI' TIE -ii J .. . ' . ~ll:Tll tnJ , • Co• ...... W• wfll crrra,... • tr•nlfer..,-,...,, fun• . · wft1111t i.•n'1Rltnli .W •If•• ti,.. · . ' • l .. • , ' I I I . ' 1. I I •• I . '· , • ' ' • r ' ' VEAL IOHl'S llST·YAL EASTERN SLICED 1·11t. Heet BACOI s..'" n,. • s .. wfl•• c.1.,, SM• CRACKERS 1-LI. 26C IOX I . HU.IT'S DIU•HT TOMATOES 19.c NO. 21/J CAN J . ' . ' • LAURA SCUDD~l'S PURE . , · ·11 YOllAISE .. Full Quart • 5·9c OICAIUYll ·n~1&11· . . ·s. .. r •. • -~ . I, j 1 , \I' .i "' TUNA .SALE! .. CHIC.KEN OF TtfE _' ~~· ·c:............... . 2 '5~ Ne. v._ .... c. ... .. .. . :· " Grr••• ...... I.···•··· t!HICKEN OF THE . SEA 'SOI.ID PACI 29C . .._ v •.... c .... .... RID LAllL • '"'"·75c c •• MILD CHEDDAR CHE ES • • ALL-kllPOSli-lol T~ILa 01 ~Q91Jl,_l . . 451 ·&l:lEEse· ... ,;.---...... ,.,. · lox ·· ........ ~ ... . . -... CHALLENGI ht 9UAL1TY ._ BUTIER ·79~ ' . ,, QUFf:S l'OO.D • . · • • • • ' Z· 111YIL 'S . . §·•11rr;11x·, :: ~ .. ~ . . . . c: ~ • • LAURA SCUDDll~S ~ 1.9 ................. ·;.:.· ·~ •• ·;;,.· ~~=, ·~ ·.-.. . Sw•tH•rtT~let • ~-• • P-Nut lutlwr • • SOAP _ : . 4 •. ,~ ... 23~. ] . i 4·~-·~3~ ~ . . ~ . • • • . • • .2a~.· . ' ' ---, ... ~ " . • • f I • ' • . . . .. ' YM~A ao~·· Girls ~ C1L A' s. S·I FIE B\ !!~~!!!~!!-:!!!",~:._!!•..!"!!o•!!:!!!.~--.1a"'-•~~=:.uu-.. £'~'~:;..,-~ ~-to AA __ _. Day , -. hltt&.--.... to un .. ,. · -. --. .f.liio • lTilf1U Vllolle Pl9oo, N~ BNdl PltVllL ·-)'Oll1pratorw . --~ V I wq • • t H-lL-··ood Bo"'·_. Ba"-m1.w tip11 _. -no . , Wliiilt.r, A.· .a. , uuyw , WI . . Tia-Migbiy'Ml~. h .Adverti.llllq • • . 1 ..._ IL . > ~ ~ ... ~ JAM.. • . . . • .. ._, tball .,., Oranp Cout .w 4N'l' -·pollltlooi-P-'" • J' .r ... .'8111. DAJCZ. TIICA lloyo r.· will ttindlL-----------~---'!"'""..----~T-1--' -or oommenlal. 12 ,... J'rlPlalh '-. '15111 No.~-· u.. 1tt1> -~~s::;_CA. ~7 1n NEWS-TIMES -hey Taeed•J <llP<rl•.._ 'Call lrino< u~ :.f ::ri::.=-...;;7t.M tlll. aa..ta Ana. 100 p1aw ~ '- ~~ ~ NEWPORT BAY POST-Wecbieeda -----.---~_..... ----1---:flt.aol;;~:m;r.;;;;:;:;;;;;:-;= BALB·OA . * ' ' NEWPORT. • P -_.,.,, '.l'h--.a-lllXPJ:RJJ:NCED ~ oltter a..n.. "•~lo -· Ml • '9.IO ~ piano. ~ w. ...-. NEWPORT-BA.I.BOA P~ -lmMUl>yB ~ AJoo w111 ..,. i. clllld 111 _,. -"'-· h7 · Ollt Mlutce ISl1 Dolp Did ,..,.,.llano IO far'ln· -·~ .. tlOo !'O • m7 -.S..,.. Barbor 3470.W. Dale's Furniture lllle "'\Dl. Uke """II Anotller, dkate tut the bll' n.rkt7 show Jrl'ew.-t 9ll:r .._ Oam' .-w ,.. 1' • _. mabop.ny cue. prpou at BDll,..._i -In lite momln1 • )f--ff ti.. ftw IQ .,_ · •~ 1174 Barbor Bml. • ' ~$4111. l'lmoulr~e! Ai.a and. the Callfx>nda.UCLA foolllall JCINlll11ll AD m & I.IND --·-Cool& -' :a..-MH:J .,nnt.ol retuni& laYt ,,._ il <IL1 ,,... ... -* •,...,... Ollll .. ... •.,rt'•*'• W.-u&o.I.,~ Carpenter wuu pm• at U.. CoUMum bl the e!· wort< bJ' hour cw job. ..... --SLIGHTLY u.i:o ,FURMn'tllU: to $300. All In perfect COD• ·. teni.... 03 P<O'llDI popular faH t U-1 Papjlr ' .'75 malea No obllptl°" Pb. m..-"D.u!Jl..ICIDllJ? 1'JANO amoac local YVCA momb<,.._ t ~ ! hpen 'J.M 11or oinf.J.1. • • Vlp13 2 Jlollr,oood t:':_ ~~ !j! 0:0 No, Malll. por. ~lb -· ndlo and telnlalon et.rs • • .__ , S ---'· !.00 oprlDp lnneNp • ._ ma---. ta Ana. lubject t,o prior flated to entulalD at llle variety ~ ...._ ·-• PART 'I'DOI WORK WA?n'EO-oteel tramea t-· . w ·I N ' . . '211 WK. or opeola1 -tlllJ' rate. 2 bdrm. -. apt. lAltndry nn., fen<ed ploy nrd fGlr -prop. Ut!L p4. TIM BLUll TOP; 401 Newport B!Yd. 17trc : Tota iind Peta Welcome ....... 1 bdrm.. fllnll>bed ~ dble. 9haw lndUde Edd.le Cantor, Art Tbe p.thl1•en w1l1 not be rwponalblt for man ti.an Cllla IDooztect n ... by ~~•-· 1 .... ,.. .-.. Complete ~m mite. double Llnltletter, Alan Younr. Dinah lnMrtlon Of an actnrtlotm.,.t. ~ llle npt to <011..tq elualtJ ;;;...,;;~"!."' .k,b;; bed, box eprl"«, tnnenprlt>r a.u.r¥oND ORGANll Tllo mat T Sbore, Dorla o.y, Joa<\ Crawfot<I. ""If and all -and to reject &J!J' __,..,,t DOC confo~ to rtri. &om rJo. CALIJ'. llIBT p: mat"-.vanity ttoot and cll<Ot. fond Cllord Orpa. U 1ou R E N T A y E A R L y Newport. J?aY tnnmda. 1 bllt. &om ocean &nd 1>13'. '40 mo. Harbor 917. l7dll n ••••• ,,___ J n---ll • tu!.. and rqu1auom. A4nrtloan<pte· &nd eanc:eUau.m w1ll be ·-·. b-·~ ~--·•· ••• ~ ·--.-aae -an aeceptad up to 5 p.m. on -the de7 ~ publlcatloa. OOLLEOE. Ph. Kl. 1-1211, .,.. ~ ~oom rur. ~ a ~. :rou can P~ E Bob Wat.rlldd. • . Exttpt doad!lno f<JI'. N!'ft. Tlmu .. 11 L m. MOD~· tenafon 11. ll!cHB 27' hall ,,,,,,,... Tllo Hammond lplnet Or· • L r TllRD Rll. UJlfUnL apL LIY. rm.. bdrm.. kit.. tile b&U1.. Panet. ray hMl. 8toft 6 ftfri&", film. 317 Be~. Inquire Slt Bellotrope. Co'!JftO de! :Mar. I'll. Barl>or }llet·W. llltfo HWlk wW be turDlahed by lb• "'12 nh<r rur. World'• moot beeutJtu1 Unlted'Statee icann. eo<Po band -e.r. lilt. Mir fV •.t.t .,.._.. • -ad ... --lo lluull.I come from comtanl hlO broadloom ril1. • ton~ !la• J' ta,..... DANZ-:"~~ :=,rtamw: :-~~ n=: ~~i;.v:._s::,:._, ::a:1::U ~9!:=-~~ t:::: ~%~ :::&J1N::,;. t~~.::;. TP~~ ~~ ~ N:. '::: g;: cout to~ by NBC &nd 'oround Bar. "38-W., 92c93 8tll18lreet. toe .....,14 by -,....,.. Radio. 10-Bam-Gulde 1%-llaDdt 8uv1cm .., ii•'-W ..,.. I . Tb07 will ll&Ye a opec:lai actlonl'°I\ I. -~,. U=,::_ BENDIX WASHER -It'o that J'OR !THE RUXPUS ROOM - at th• t-i..n pme, ...... prlo For' Venetian Blirids, EXPER.IJCNCED CARPENTERS EXPl!:Rll!:NCED po.... machine latu; 1961· that ... all thole AU itl<ctrlc .Amplco play•r piano and bop, kl&clttw and parent.-. will Want Work. by Hour or Job. operators. Phone Barbor 35t5.. lateit fe&~ -Asttator that 1n ~ect i)laytn.c ieondJUon. -lite mlel>t7 Qolden Bean,....., Shada and Drapery Hdwe. can Barbor 1114-M tor appotnllll.,.t. 88oll ~II cloU>eo cleaner -w.ur T§r, SS-0 dOWD, and $9.71 Per ranked aa the top football team 71Ue a&Yer that make. It wuh cbtap-. mo at ~·a KUSIC 00. Ill tll• natlon. ' 1'HE SHADE SHOP ------------RELIABLE LADY to care for I ·.,. Tbe man I bought It from ~In • llldl), 421 No. Sycamore, Delp eaJd the Hollywood YMCA, Free estimate-Ph. Bar 884 CO!ilPLETE HOUSE CLEANING yr. old aitl before and after will dellver It tor you lf you pay 1 Ana. KI. 2.()872. aponaor ot lbe ou~ which t. the Ji\lrnlture and ru.gs aha.mpooed.. achool. Mon. thru ll"li. Apply me ·cuh. $187.39 or take 'pay- bln<rt aln&'le YM event In tile N Hamilt J'r .. .,tlma<-Fully tnwred. atttr 2:3-0 p. m. Saturday. 11149 m•nl.I ot 11.89 per mo. You can GET TO,!_i;<'LLAR fo,r ywtulrl world, apeCte mo .. than 12,000 . ew on Al' H 11: R Miramar Dr, Balboa. 12c93 hav• •II my equity P'REIC. s.. old laao. ·~·It In for LI YVCA' tn>m Cell1' rnta and 8 0U8e Qt ug ~ s-•-J'ul ~ value on a Packard Bell era 0 and Elgin Watdles Mr. B&U&1>n, •~ so. ,_... · te1e\>la1 t BBAJ'ICR'S MUSIC part.I ot Arizona to attmd. Cleaning Co. w ANT A·l upbolat•tu, able -to ltrloa, 1 Lil'\, to a _p.m. Phon• ,~ Cl on a Immediately after the vu;ie:ty ChriBtmu Lay Away Plan B•am mi 71Uc reeovu, re--•lyle or bu.114 new 2152. true CO (Since: 1907), Ul No. Syca- .. ~ 1--·-• ~" be .. -... tumlture. Give addftu and moJ!e, Sa.nt& An&. Kl. 2·0872. ... ow I """"' ...,.......e. .... UI ~ w ALLA.ell CALDERHE.A.D ~~=Lan~ .:.:·fo!1!°...J::. ll7 Cout m-y, Con>na d•l MarOtf PAINTING ~~:.no. Write Box Q,92~ Bill's Furniture llNT A PIANO. Let tile K.lddleo lncluclu tile ol>ow. lunch, ........ 1 c .g()MHERCI.AL -INDUSTRLU.BA. ____ VE.,.,.....,O.,P"'ltNIN_....,_G_fo_r_.-_~-rl-..,-ced-We Buy, Sell or Trade ~.r :r :.~ ~!'': ':! port.a.don and the footb&ll pme. · VAC'UOK CLEANERS RESIDE?l.'TI.AL •ale.mu or broker ln aetlve 1~ Weit Balboa Blvd. atoclc:. DA.NZ-SCHMIDT Bil A few ticket. are lltUl available .... ec~•ux ••d o"•-••.-up. Frtt E8t.J.matea 1 -Leu& .... "'' •-. •v""' real utate office, 919 Cout Pbone Barbor .-l502-R 74c7&R P::;: St.on, 520 No. Maih St., and c&l'.l be RCU:red by contacting lOO to chooee trom. R. Andresen Harbor 3205-R "nt..~-.. -· • , J W•-•-~·c.. •·-· ... _...._ Blvd., Corona del Mar. ~nune ~ eanne ~r • .I'-~Mer. ...... ,. HANK'S Vac:Gum Cleaner Co. 0<1C•ll' Harbor 2443. • 92c9t 8A.CRD1ci:-Patr m.ahoc. tw1n --i-, --------- at Oraoge Cout Colle~, s. ... n 901 8. Kain St, Santa Ana • • beda. tall epool otyle and pair t60 JIUYS a COO<!. uoed plaao. Otll· 8782 or at home.~ !1828-MK. Klmherly S-211& p~son & Nollar ..... ... ... Hl-'h ,.,...ch pear wood, pink marbl• ~~; $11, -etc. DANZ- Kate Crµtcher · Salvage Sale 7ottc p G "DECORATING -P'!IOOI tops. s draWft conuftod<L ea ' PIANO 00., Santa ----------"The Beat Money Can Buy" For Better Bal-eov... •1p1s Ail4. &2\) No. Main, ...-. ltll st. Landscape9ardel!ing ~12. Jltll St., N..._c S.acll TV Reception LOUIS xv armchair Imported ~ON! Tr .. de your old PHONE HARBOR ·U<N from Paria. Excellmt condition. piano on beautltUl Ulevlalon. New la.wns-Maintenance 52ttc Replace )"OUl' weat.ber~ Antenna Phone ee., 8M5-W. · OOp92 Bicj allowance. rlmou. mak.e1 Th• twelfth anniveraary halt Free Estimates Bea. 6639.M ------------Wltll • new V-Cop• tn \tl•vlllon. DANZ..SCBldIDT, ~':°1te:1•a::..';: ~-~tch;:_ • 2pm DON K. BUTTS $9.50 incl. Mast ~':;,!;~%:~ ::.t :::': :,~: ~0 Main, cor. etll st., si.nta Westem a·-·ue, • •· >.n•el ... be-Lie. Ge!ll'ral. Contractor TV SERVICE CALLS HJ h . ·--• Da -... •-en 91>rlnp, $10. I oven t;: (Uu Tburoday, Nov. 1. Sale wW Residential-Commerclal y or ~••nmf ran~, ov•n control, $10. Old SLIGtrrLY USED ;,plllet plaao, caullDue Uuouchout tile entire 1.::~::;::.:Bafh!::=::!!'::iSL.::Se::;:.""-:.:::::::.---Remodeling Mesa Radio and TeleYiaion plcturu, lOc. J<M tc. Ocean Fr.. Ilk~ ,......_ BIJ uvtnp. Convent· month with new merchandLle put JOBBING CARPENTER _ No Pb.one Beacon MOl-W 109 Broadway . ea.ta Meaa __ B&_'boa __ ·_D_A_Y_s_o_NL_Y_. __ n_c_oa en71t.erm. at BHA.t'ER·s KUSIC on disp~ aa it becomes &Yall-job too mian. Wm". David.Ion, l?tfc . 90c92 co. {Since 1907), 421 No. Syca- ab:'!.. 423 Goldenrod. .Coro~ del :Har. ------------Pll.ICED FOR QtnCK SA.Lil three moh, Santa An&. KL 2..0ST2. StOck 1.ncludea turn.lture, bard· Call Harbor 3001.;J_ 92cg3e BINOCULARS, Tz&O. Coated leu cuahion tapestry aora uid two +- """-hou>ebold JrOC>d>, rnen'o, ------------FISHER upbolatered cllalra. pair modem BALl'.>WIN ACROSONIC SPINET 1 w ith cue, $45. Hu. 27.U, days. Uaed. a. $200 T rm Bub-chll<nt\°1 -.id womm'• c othln(, Draftm• g Service 90c92 table lampe and noor lamp. 3 -•• · • •· hate, -jeWelry, slfta. to)'I. Pro Amer·1ca Hears pair llned draperl... Pb. Bea· . J•et to pr Io~ tale. DANZ-m.apainu. boob, buttons and 118 Cout Highway, Harbor 2-443 BEAUTIB"tJL f uU length mink con liJlO-W a.ttu 1 p. m. 92c94. ~Big" Plano Store, 520 variOUll otbu a.rliclel. Norman Mt'lle'r Corona del Mat dyfd Macmont fUr coat. Almo•t N°i Main. cor. 8th, ~ta Ana. The. Kate Crutcher Worke.r1 12tfc new, Sl&O. 8\H 1 ... 11. Alao > MOVING-Will sacrifice Mahoe· Sa.lyqe •tore. which la dependent ailver foxu in a -.. ... 18 •~. Ph. any dininr rm. and bdnn. tum.. w-I d ti d t Ml:otln1 Friday al PilgTlm Hall. pn ;~ting and """' -en~ y on ona ons an open -Pro-America heard an tn.trucUve ~ Har. 260-J, a. m. or eva tocn Call Sunday between 10 a. m. It ed by TOluntffn. 1a devoted .olely p h . "-p. m. lll Orchid, Corona de.I AaCTIVlll OJ.TICE on New· po Blvd., near the new boa.- pt l ExceDent location with ~lnK. ,Alao pel'fect for flor· lit jib.op or other small bU11neu. S•6 mo. /488 Newport Blvd., eo.. ta teq. Beuon 6T13·R. 12t.fc .to pn>Wdln&" tun4o tor ltrlclren talk by 'Norman Hiller. Mr. MUI· aper angmg Complete tnetallatlon, r<pa1r &nd Mar. • 12p03 childrtn -.ad especlally tor the er deacrlbed •t&te politics and how ' GEO. BURKHARDT .ervloe of all traner eqpipm8nt. care ot polio anct heart cuu, at they operate. The influence of 508 • 31st St., Newport Btaeh CO T the Chlldttll'• Boepllal and Con· lobby sroupe .... a1>o uplalned. Pbone Harbor 24I8-W before ORANGE AS SS-s...ta. s~ val..,cent home. To date tlley have ~ Ellrlmian, Pro • .Am•rica mnAILER SUPPLY ·•·•-an YI w of the .. ·8 L m. or alt.er t :30 p. m. ..L.li\.-c-ontrtbuted over $300,000. to tb• ~... • gave. tt e r 83tlc 1110 BARBOR BLVD. Ch 1 En . es hoeplta.l and convalenacent home CJtDl lecture: "How Sociallsm got '------'--------Com Kua. Pba:ne BU.eon $22f.Jt ryB er . gID for .uppll•• and equipment. Into u . s . A." by M•rle F!l1'ce1. PAINTING Used FOR ftltNT-8mall at.ore• In new bultneu center. Will front to suii-Lot1 ot pukiDI'. 16" Nbport Blvd. Sat. and Sun. Contrtbutlon.1 ot aalable salVJge TIU• ~u give-.~ atlnt.heRI jol~td Pro· See "The Drunkard" will be thankfully r<cd••d at 1:1<1 Amenca .... t~r vmn • re-EARL SHEFLIN Crowns -Royals South Wutern aw:nue, or a pbone> cently. · . at the Bamboo Room call to DUnkirk 7.5244 wt.ll brlng Next meetinc of Pro--Amertca m Palmw !IL, co.ta ~ their plck·up service. will be heW Friday, Nov. 23rd, at ~ 5"'7..JI ·Mel Balboa · • 10 a. m. In Pllcrtm Ball of Com· Nov. 2·3, 9-10, 16-17 See John Harvey a ,. m . ...:5. • 89tf~ Moos~ to Sponsor Children's Parade The Newport Beach Loyal Or· der of Mooee. Lodp 1457, will ag&in sive a Halloween party tor the childrm of the Harbor Area on Wf'dne9day eve.nine. Oct. 3lat. A parade of goblina, apoob. wttchea, and gbolt. will form and it.a.rt at the City Hall and proceed to the Moo.e Lodge on the ocean fron1' corner-ot %Srd...ltreel. Thera Will be prisea for the but co.tume:a. the f\mnlest, m o a t trtgbten1ng, etc .. and candy, 80da pop, popcorn, apple&. will be dil- tributed to the children. Tbla la the third auck ·party, and t.bosl!- who attendtd. the prevtoua yean wW not want to miaa this one. . Seattle Guests at Newport Home munity church, Corona d•l Mar. JNTllRIOR -llXIDUOB Curtain S:l:>--Tickebi $1.50 All women lnt•,.•t.d bl pre· p AINTING at Seacra.ft ~w-~ to Bent • • l F servtnr tile Am•rl~ao way of file LICllNBICD _ INllUlllllD Including Refreshmenbi a.re invited to attend. 91c92H Glenn Johnston 125 COAST BIQBWA.Y . · W~ RENT.....:...four bedroom NEWPORT BJCACB ho e, f\Jrnt.hed. Harbor Area. Re ble price.. Call Mr1. PB. BEA.OOH &111 Me er,,Harbor 2761. PathfinQer Club Congress at La Sierra' ll01 • l!Jlt St. Ne..,,.rt llMch -· 2217.J l4cd Somebody Wants GOING CRUISIN! Rare oppor- --~---------JThat o.aec1 tunrltUH, brtc-a.·brac. tunity to buy a pair ot EgypU- B & Y House Movers peinllDp, et<, now tulDC up :;' c~!!:~ 1"':,:;"g · ~tn:"i!~~ •pace ln your ranee. Find • buy· -,,. General Contractors er wltll a . cl11olft"'l .. Ill lbe wltll poleo, If ... Ired. Two 1tn1. Newa-Ttmd, P<oat., and p,_ com· .torm aalla. al.lo battery prtrtable Membt'ni ot the Pa.lhfJ.nder club MO First St., TuaUn, Callt. bln&Uon.. Jmt Pbon• Harbor 1111, radro, br0a.dcut: and boat band.a, .. N rt H 1 b Phone Kimberly 3·1W near new wt.th ~ batttttea. rrom ~·• ewpo • 1 t • ~MPfnw>~ ··• Bo-. Seventh·Day Advent.ta\ church (Home P honu JA.gper 9·277S or Call Beacon 514.7· 91p93 ~~.,. .,.... _ will att.nd a Pathfinder eoo.,... 1 J.uper 9-2887) 91ttc SO.B-AP,P!!'!~ :r:· _> at i.. 81ern Nov. 4 The ~in.as O'KICEFE A: MERRITr range.. f.O·FI'. COMXERCI.AL spL fisher. A CTIVE Slncle tumiahea will be held 1n the coUei-e audltorl· HAULING 1'4 the latut 1951 CP an-auto--Rec. foT 20 pauengen. New' , Elec:. retrtC. . Suitable tor Wl9 from 12:30 to 7:30 p.m. Path-rn.it.lc that hu everyt.hillg' _ Cbr'y'ller Crown motor ln Aue. r employed."COuple, 719 W. finder clubs from the llOUtbeute.rn ANY ~Traah or! Griddle tar try.hi' ~g _ Aho 8-8-radio. Sips. z. ·Buut Baibo& Blvd., Balboa. 91p93 California area will participate In Call Walker-1576 Placentia -.immer bume:n add th.st cri.11 lffJ, ~built 1941· Can be 1--1----------- the event, which will ~teature "b::'Oller. Uaed It 2 m but bought oa term.a. $'500. See Bob ";(.· APT. on water, pa.Uo. ga· Costa Mesa~Beacon 6372-JK Ensti:n . Adlllto, -~~ mo. or will craft work, hobby . collec:UoM, a , 7(cTm tt'1 clean. like new. I owe l't • C 1 •17 ••th St. ., rt review and' c1reu parade and an ------------~-$138.87. My equity all If i:>OUth Coast 0. ff•· • · -' .. ewpo Harbor 191-W. 37tfc amateur talent program. PAPER HANGING . you t&ke ps.ymen\.a of .42 pe.r Newport Beach Pb.. Har. 2600 Patlltlnder clubs ,,.. open to mo. See Mr. BaurhD, <M So. lltfc ro RENT•-J'um. ~I• apt. boyo and (lrla ot all taltla from & Painting, Spray Painting Spa4ra, J'ullerton, I L • to I ------------lW tor or yearcy. Pbooe Bu. 10, to 15 yean of ace. Purpoee of Q p.m. P)l; 215Z. 12Uc 21·Fr. CABIN motor boat. ''Ke.1-Of. ·MK. 91p9S tile orpnl.ullon "' to promote Kenneth uarrv py" Star etipn.. Albacore rlJ· Welcotne cue.ta at the horn• ot Cllritlan tdeala and denlop eood 1111 Santa Ana Aw., eo.la 'Kea IT PAD TO a.AD TBt Ap8 . pd. Make otttt. brl'1 t..HlDt. t.JCAR -Balboa Ialand. Kr. and M.ra. E. V. Sodef'berc. character aad ctUHnlhip throqb Phone JSeac1m 6G04 • ~ Cout mrtiway, Newport B•cb N4'w unftlm. 2 bdrm., ho~ wttll 4.23 Wutminater ,An., Newport a church·~ activity p-z-o.. ' Mdli7B . 1 90cl2 flrlepiace, nl« patio, ~e.. Heipt.s, wen 'Mrs. Durell Taylor gram. atated Kn. C. C. iq:o.enon, ci1"1 Barbor 18 (Beek ottJce). and -Halley Tay.or ot s.atU•. director ot th• local croup. Many Build wi"th Brick U .....dO Walt's Trading Post • tidl3 W&lh. ch1ldr<1I are ezpected to attend lfOlfllW,.V • · I iii~i:L°h;;;:-°;pj~~~;;;--,; Tbe Soderberp. ·former ,.. ... rrom Ullo ... a. FRANK MOLL USI!iD HARINKI G!lAA fl Furn. apt. New oloft • R .s SPECIALS Wmter . , 2 Bedrm. houae.'---$ 65 mo. 1 Bedroom houae --.-S 70 mo. 2 Bedrm. bowie ·-100 mo. . ' Ocean kront ----125 mo. Yearly 2 B. R. Ocean Front 125 mo. • JIM & SALLY NEWLIN will> JORN D. BURNHA.M . !!07 IC. Balboa Blvd., Balboa • Bu-1807 (ICvu. ~· 2:118-WI WINTER RA TltS, 3 rm. rum. apta BAT fRONT -Lo..t7 I bdrm. ' ball> •pt. Fireplace, rood beat, fl20 mo Ul Jun• 15tlL_ ALSO 1 bdrm. baytront. '7~ mo. to June 15th. Phone Har. ~ or Harbor 2914·M ena. 17tfc • NEWPORT -2 nn. cottace., -partly turn1ahed. 1 blk. to Rich• arda. Utu. furn.W.ed. T elrly $30 mo. Inq. owner. 182 E. 1$tb, Costa Mea. 926' YEARLY -Exceptionally nice. Unturn. % bdrm. duplex. Many extra fe&tura. Near both 8Chool8. Reuon•ble.' 2:285 Clay St., Clift Haven. Utto BALBOA ISLA.l\'l> unturn. 2 Md-- room apt. Ll&'ht and 1pacioua, $80 mo. yearly. 219 Marine Ave. Harbor 1810-R. · 91c93 NEW MODERN turn. studio apt. Panel ray heat, carpeted. Util. pd. Yrly or winkr. •11 Helio- trope, Corona del Mar. Harbor 0291·R. 91c9T FURN. APT. (% duplex), $4.8 mo. UtiL pd. {except elec.) Serve.I. Waah. macb. Children A: pets 0 . K. 2163 Otange Ave., Coat.a Mesa.. 92c94. On Collini laland. Each. apt. ------------ hu water frontage. . . . OCEAN VIEW-Att:raettve 2: bed· ALSO Ptnthouae on Jeue. West room upper etbdlo duplex. Un- end Park Ave., Balboa Ill.and. turn. Gu ·Ii wa.te.r paid. 710 Ph. Harbor 2962·W." 78Uc Avocado, Corona de.I J4ar. Bar- bor 2420--R. 92~ BALBOA PENINSULA -Furn· t&be.411 single apt&. 125 and $3!5 IN CORON A DEL MAR -Two mo. to June l!itb. Frigidaire. bdrm. tu.rn. Ne. 2 blka ~trvm Laundry available. Utll. tncl. ocean . .Sgle. gar. ~ mo. Ytly. Ra.rbor 127~W. 13Uc Children O.K. Call Harbor 21~2. BALBOA PENINSULA. -At• tractlvely f'Urntlhed 2 bdrm. du· pla wttb IUD.deck. Winter or yearly. Reuonable.. Ra.r. 3019·R 83ttc RENTAL t1 SPECL\J..ISTS Olll-~ Linwood Vick, Rltor. Bal-Joland. Har. IOU Ue6t VERY SELDOM 12dl4 BALBOA PENINSULA-Charm· tnc ocean view apt.. 111df•bl• tor couple. Winter $45 monthly, utlL A: g&n(e included. Ph. Harbor 3019·R. 92tfc OCEAN VIEW -Attractive two -bdrm. upper studio duplex. un- tum. Gaa A: water pd. 710 Avo- ca.do, eordn.a del Mar. Harbor 2620·1.1. 92<M BALBOA ISLAND 2 bdrm. furnished apt. 2M Garnet, Harbor 877·R. · 92cM do we bave a VIW=&DCY in tile LIDO , ------------ AM'S. oo LIDO ISLE. Furnloh· ed apartment Oh the. Bayfront. Ideal for a couple. Mmt be con· genial. Aak for Mr. Grohman. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Via Udo, Ne"''POrt ~ach HariK>r 1500 81ttc F'UBNISHED 1 bdrm. ap.t. on Grand Canal. ,Balboa Ialand nr. South Bay. Winter or yearly. Ac!Wl.I ·onty. Phone Bu. 548-11. ' 89tfc . NEW UNFURNISHED.upper t1a with larre win.dow1 overlookin~ bay ln good residential diatrlct. 2 bedrooms, aundeck. flnplace. Hdwd. f1oon. No chiklren or pet.I. ,AvaU. Nov. 1st, Ill~ mo. 1009 W. B&y Ave., Newport Beach. Pb. Harbor 3277 • .daya. (Har. 11()..M evea.) ' 88tfc BALBOA ,.-Modem 2 bedroom nLeel7 f\uniabed apL $45 mo"f NEWPORT HEIGHTS-3 bedrm. hom.e, f\lrni8hed, $80 mo. (Un· tumlshed less). Inquire at 309 Palm, Ba.Ibo&. Ha.rbor 3205·R. • 92c94 3913 SEASHORE, Newport Beach,. 3 bedroom, 2 bath ocean front himl!hed, montb to month rent· al, $80 per mo. Ph. Har. :U26·W 92p07 ----------J'URNIS HED .8 TU DI 0 APl'.- Ideal for. couple, near storu and tran.portatton, 162.50 mo. Incl util Key at ~17 Larbpur, Corona del Mar. 92c&f I 43-A-Tnllor 8.1*"' • Winter rates UO mo. . Children welcome Also trailer 1torage $5 mo. Little Bay Trailer Park 1~ Coast Highway,· Newport Beach, • . ""98B yearly. UUl. pd. Phone Harbor ------------ 27111.J. • 83tfc TRAILER SP ACE BALBOA ISLAND -Atlracllve Close to liloPPtni. ott lite ru-y, bacllelor &pt. _,. 80. Bay. 11ut 412 to SUI mo. Cabrlllo eourt. paid. <lara&"e $75 -· yearly 140 pbrruo St.. Cotta X-. or .$30 mo, winter. Pb. Barbor 1171. 1Vlfc {{ 8-for-.lreltt dent.I of Seattle. took tile ~ton Tbe local orpnlsaUon will J Nautical o.oorau--u..., Net re &'· T)y.,' utll pd. 202 • TU. on.. jaWll.I to tcelllc polnte In tll• <pOlllOr a collection of c:actuo. In UT 't tell> in.. Cotta ],(-WALNtJT dlnln&' .. t. i clla1n, · WlC IJUT 8CR.t.P KS'J'AI..1 S • ~ I:. BalbO& Blvd:_,B:al!K>L vicinity. The frlendl a1>o enjoy. char&"• ot tile e-.it i. Charle• ' Phone llMeon l:lllS·R bttttet ...a table.' colidi· Nl\4Jt ICIC BOUP,ON"1oiJi ,,--&11 -MU> St., n-port. LIDO JSI,E od dlnln&' with Mia Jane Soder-Martla, former putor of lb• lo-IOcSIR tloD. llS W. Bal-Bl'fd., Bal· Ph. Banor HTO, Newport Jleadl tlpl3 ---~"•• l or I _._ fl1mlllh• • f • . • _,, P~ or weel<ly NllW- llleep!nJ room. prt•-entranee, pzap, SlO wk. BLUZ TOP, -o~ abo're the .t.rc11u>. •01 Newport Bhd.. Newport Bneb !Jen, deuptu ol tllo boot couple. cat cllurdt IUld n.W ,..UU. ._r • -. 1 • I 90i>92 • OPBM llUNDA.TS 'l1cT2B RONA DJ:L lUJl...4 llllmL -::.;~--. One bedioom al Whittler cou-of llle Boutlleutern oonterenca. lt-Pen·m•h · 1'DUll llCRIZN.' ~ .Jn. oat SEA'BOOKS • Ille., qlo. pr. 1% tilb. (twtll--)"i;-mo. s--. . " . ·om.t-e"'nc Newpo.rt Be~ Vahle ...,.,_, __ p ,, •• "'9,,..1 I ..... ......... "'" •• I ....... ... EL-.__.LP Pl • • ~ a • p I •r 912&. ;!Ef"•ft· ·•J\su•..,. caw.a ~ .1'iii7•._ • Alcollol'-•-• of c&rtoa. pall-ot11e tfft, . , -. SUS -1'f7. ChlJ.. SlOO -Aii· utWUea paid. Prl• wru;";, o~~ . (SS\i i< 11) on11 $1(. re-A. fine -ot ........ .a,_. • ~~ ~ T ..:i: ,ftte ~ , JlolllOa ,_.,.Cldf, . 280-1, L m . .,. nu. -::!:hr.!:;sp1ao an:-"~-Gotboth oall~ :iw. J>I. A. PA,I;¥ER Bea ILl•n , -llDlobolt1 ...-: TW,O Rl;GS, 1QxJ4 ~ , boll> -~' 1 • ; ' ~JU.Tiii> , GJIAD11ATZ NURll&'wUI ean for . ....... . : . ~-=-t!! ..di. .:::. 114 ~ .. r:i::.a.:.. ·--. ~ ('7.&fN ' ~ -Vl,o -· ".. BaRof ~ ·~,..._loo -_, ._ .. !!. !'!att.-' ·;;;.J.: .. -:.i.!!""' ..,_ ' ~. ~. ... Lotit~ .. ~ ~ It .. -•• ch........ . ··-.... ·strta&"all -tort., -~ ,.-....... ••--~ UUL ... -r-....... fl -lpl&' illlta. Qty Superfl·"'ous Ha1·r ~ --11 -.-~ JQIW • ' • ' --ftl. •-• -"' --~ Toh-,,,... • · l!llCSLT•J'W M11 Co(blp. ---r· · ...-a-~ 1..,,,c1,tli.--. ~ ._mt ollJ' "'1 v=""' .:a nL apt.. lll9c. n:f:ds.. ....,,_.twot••mh C1Batll6 · ' t1cll .._ • ..,...,..,,Udftolro._ --1\oye, ""25" OutbiJalld· · _;!"..,.Jl,.aGl1_.. Ba1lw4,o.ia-..lidly~ _.,-.,. ~ -dts.,,.S ..... tz -•1 a11,..,a1,..41-. ... y, • • Ii&_~ '"• • ~ --••~--~. • .. ~Ooo4Wll ... -.V.,,1Up w.r~ L MLUrt-a. a A.w., .Jlwpwrnzua 111"6 South Cotllll CO. ' S.. "The Dilmbrd" .~'!L .. .,:-•. /L ·-lfewpart-.aa_. Jtar... : ll;:tlle ...,_, ~ ~· _..,. .,, • I). ' "* . ..... . .... ~ .... JS.1'1 Owfw •:ti ·,\lhl'c1w Wit . 111 ' FPp N P 111, • a I · · titte • , • ! l i t I 7 • • 7 !! !!!!' ..... • . · BLANCHE A. GA'l'E25, Realtor rL\NK L. SHUFELT I. M.uTDf • 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island . Pll.. Har. 1871 or 1672 Eve&. Harbor l.81l.. . ACT NOW TOMORROW MAY BE Too LATE FOR ftla tmuaual offer in the heart of Mariners Mlle ' OD Coqt HJchwtJ. llQ' fronlqe, 290' depth. $2:5o. monthly lnonme, ean ·be lncreued. Room to build. PriCI $17,15()() -0-balf cuh. BLANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR • GOING, GOING, • • • . they will soon be GONE! Good Buys in Bay Shores OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY LOOK AT 2455 Marino Drive Shake roof, gn.pe stake fen cr Enclosed patio, it's a beauty $15,500 LINWOOD-VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Pbone Harbor 20'2 ''Look for tb.e Grffn Lawn" . . . .......... . ........ '-· • • it350 clofhl ...... G. i. J,te1&le a ... la • lood "7 In ' a 11clnn. llqme. ~ 1\i 1'"· old. Bwd. -. Ille '~ .... -. ~ cH,, ............... ..... Ually fmced, .,.w. lot. Tbo Jl&7• menta &ft OQJy Pl per mo .. ,. .. _ ... ,-...-hll ..... only-$9500 . . . OutsWidinr . sere la • dean cut Ode 'bdlil !pJte whJch ii one of the ftnelt tn the area. It bu enry)lllns- lars• lh>lng room. !up 1111~ larc• ............. Tile 1111~ .... baUL A bMutltul floor Jlan. Many feautrea too numel'OUI to mentle. One halt acre of (l<IWld WI~ Iota of fnllt U- ThW home le only 2 yeara old. If you ate lnteretted ln tht but buy-let ua 1how you thlr BAB.,. GAIN. ll'llll price la, only $8250 ·- Back Bay Acreage Locatff on • COl'ftft' wttA * ft. ot frontace and 300 ft. tn depth. WW cut up tnlo I or I bMuU- t\V lot.. 8ACRD'ICING 1'!ll8 PARCEL at $5350 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson • I ' • • NO CROWDING . . ' • •• af Cqrona Highlands- • Larp view Iott.with all utilltlee . Ko A I • . ~-~Jtlcbta From $2500, terms. . Stop ~ tract off!Ce to. complete Information. Cout Highway a~ Seaward Rd. or call Harbor il ._J • • BALBOA ISLAND INCOME Attftct.ive 3 \ldzm.. 2 bath home, plua -2 bdrm, apartment. plua extn. guairt room and bath. Thia property ta clean, conveniently located and bU proven lnCOJD& record! ND'W wNd °" ye9rly bu1a · at $280. per mcmtb;-. PRicE $29,500,' TERMS W. W. SANFORD, Realtor -. • • • • -D.~ PAGE! OWNu 'llAl' .an ..... --,!, JI . . . • .? .•.. aw · 1tow . • BUYAHOllE . . !th Dt :roar loelti-. ' ' . ehoO.e yourR.u ii.t&te u caNfd:r -,.. ,_, Do~r•r • ' '· . . ' who llM-tl!e l!t.t' ..._ NEWPORT HEIGHTS . , • . ~--~-• 1Pci anupa "r1,:h1 . PltO'dlCTll pr,..la· '-.~"wwwuw .. . . ...... - a' -i-oo, 1 kU>a; flNFk•. "" ~ -air "llOft la,....,. -Iota~ Wo. - ............ Tbla .. .-II)' ...... • ~y $14,250 . , r TRu!T .. mito . )'OU • '""" to11D4 ·,_ l!ame.·. C. GXLEN DENISON, Realtor I -L-• A. E. JOHNSON, Broker Th~BEST ·BUXll .. r.mo' "°Newport Blvd.;~ Mesa Beacon 6698 . LE are made ~ ---.---------'----------. . . · f:. office. "· •• "Santa plau8 hu come to towtt eilrly!" .,u,i.=,~ -k" -·au. · "P"C'&' rood ...,. la BltAHD ln lllla. roomy 2·atory BALBOA ISLAND home near :t;J:W bomu aJa7 .Ila ...... QI tile Nortlt Bay, you J:liaft tJle. beach houme you've alwa)"ll pliee. We b&ve what you want wanted. a bedroomo, I Mu.., larp li"flng and dining llJ eltlMr waterfront bolllf"!'. or ana. tu.rall1Md. Tb_.. ii Yo a ntce tum. apt. oorer dbl ·~· -· lb&t ... lb& ....... of ~-IBLI!:. ' •,.: , \ -· ldPl for ln"""'f or week end~ AJ.1. LOTS-hue ap1a ,.,.. ·caa Only $15, 750-Terma to suit BUT from lb& DliVllLOPJ:R ol lo""7y LIDO JaLli. Wat.,. lixceptlon&I Yiow lot-<Jorona ~ --'4,MO islan,d realty Park at Agate &lboa llland co. Ha.rbol' 311.w f~t lob, !nolde loto, ._ ~~ at b9low market ~ , ~th pneroua term& . noni, be . . :i1DP LA TE. '!'hue Iota .. 't , ' !~ _ tONver. lmt. LOOK at '-,-----~----------------- 'fDO IBLE and -what'• P You've· Got to See the Iliside of This • Park Ave. at Marine Balboa Ialand Harbor :U62 WILL TR.ADE OR SELL my new 1~ Newport Blvd., eo.t& K-·I ~----------------------S B. R. Lakewood Ptua., comer Phon• Beacon. 7UI 1 LOANS For Homes 1'!8 ..,__4 111en an: us. luxurious new 3 bdrm. .. Balboa home 1 "· A. p -AL M ER to •,.,....,W.. Ito flna quality ud many unlli,. !eat.urea. l~-IO yr. LNna . bome. G. I . .f.~-151 mo. t.n-(Aerou trom Ca,ta Men B&nk) eludes taxu. nnplaoe. 1 ~ JCV~I. Ha. 31~7-W S.L 'MU-J bat.ha. 1 car prap. B'rkfst.; -----'-'-------nOok, la't'I\, trull u.... nlwd. fence. OPEN HOUSE 1113 West Bar Ave. Sunday, 12 .to ·S P. M. .1 INCORPORA TIJD l!:lm panelled 3% fl. Uvtnr room With lot. ot c1&u. la I 3333 Via Udo .. parat&d fn>m kltcllen by commodtou birch i..r lopped Harbor 1DVV All kitchen ~inet. are CU9t.om. built on 1nrcb. wUtl CONSTRUOl'ION LOAmf &t ~"'~ 11' :mo-> Wli BUY AND 11iLL TRUBT. Dm:Dll Iii!: BOB U'ITLDt UU OOAllT lit.VD. WOULD like Balboa laland-Ph. Coat& Meaa -. Att.ncttv. modem a IOft· pl1111nc coior.. t.ws• win· <1owe ,wtth ,....,. -patto. paruy ... -. Larr• lirinJ room ..,. ~ -r...-1 air hMI. dble . pnp. at-.... -floor. Dos with i,.~ OD ..,..., er noor. two lldnna. and b&Ul • wd naor. Uauw· ally Uben.l llnancte(. ! Nnip0'1 Bu.ch, caltf: with foldtnJ plutlc llOon. Rich oak parquet f\OOrlag. ~ natural flntah. Comer oablne\ l'O'IOI .. • for euy utaull 1t9race-Venttlattna h.n over rante apace which Harbor 3839sM. 90c9G eor...a del liar Hul>or 10T7.J ----------- !lop. POIRD1R lll0ll'MA.G8 00. -W• -l'unda KJ WJ.U I :5:;;7:..~...;:;='-"'F.&tate=='-w= .. :;,w;:.;.:..._ uaJf8 TO BUILD, DIPROYa WANTED TO BUY from owner, SUT. KODERNID. Oil lewl lot in Newport Belpr. or AEJ'I!fA.NCI: Clift Hawn, nMr Ronce En- We BuJ TJ'U8l Deedl .atrn .ehooL Har. 1718-M. 12~ . The Beet Town on Earth . $1,000 Down TWO bedroom hori>e. FittpUce. Fenced ~-Locatfld on qulet .ttreet. eut · aide. Total price i. t7.IOO. 3 Bedroom Home ~ ... -w~P<ltt-T llALllOA .SOllRU UVJNGB & LOAN AS8!1. llllVtaUdoPILBar.~ I :!14i:::::_..:~==-W=•=ted=---· PJ..US utra larce nll'DP.Ja room REAL ESTATE LOANS Intere.t Rate 5% S>lALL local conc"rn deslru to factor their receivables on IO day recourae bull. No credit · louu tn over two ~an of bUl1· neu. Write Bos. "P ", thll pape.r. 9lp93 Loau quickly made In tM Bay Area a.nd La(l.lna. Sincle or multiple unlta. New or old. Be wla od ave by Te-ftn•aclng St-Trailers your pneent loan. Mlnlmum ex-=---'-7'------- _.. No char~• for prellml· Trailer Storage -.ry apptsi•l PboM Saltta Aaa IClmberly 3-'0%7 or -te: • . Well ~ted ARTHUR A. MAY EL NIDO TRAil$R PA1lK Jilartpc"e Loan Correspondent and Sale.a 1840 NeWport Bl•d.., Two Calil. Lit• Ina. Co'a eo.ta Ke-. Beacon &32t-K. HU South ~ Sant& Ana 71\:72B •. Look at These Prices! '60 OLD8 II dub coupe. 1-miloop, pert.ct ...,, ditlon --·------··-··-···-··-----·---.------·-·-------·-····..$1196 'IG CHRTSLl!!R Wlndeor dub coupe, Hl&blaDder, fully equipped, -mUeqt, nu new ··-···········•:zoco '•T STUDJtll4KE!t Cb&mpiO.n convertible. new cream paint, MW full Ylew top, 1MCbanica.lly A·l, tllily equip! ··········-··-z·•···································UIM ''1 FORD Super deluxe convert.Ible, beater ~ ' dio ·----~·-·-·-··--·--·--······-----··-·-·--.. ------·······---·--' t9D BANK TERlOI "Hillman Minx Dealer" NEWPORT AUTO SALES 260i W. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1407 LOOK!!! CLUB CPE'S ! 1937 DODGE w1&a. Good nmatnc condition. Oood radio, 1125. Call Beacon 7123 or Har.bor 31~7-W OT aee at. S ignal ~ lta- wtth fireplue. TotaJ Ooor area approx. 1800 .q. It. DbL p.rac•. ,....,.., yard. '13,000, term&. 2 Bedroom Home A.ND 2 •lngle garage• on. ~ acre. Total price only $6760. ReUOG· ..... term&. GI Re-Sal!! THREE bedroom, dbl. pr. Fenced Y•""-t•.100. Down payrnent 1223(). Ko.· payrnento, ~L Income, Property WELL BUILT 2 be<1room home, pllll S rental unit. (all tumlab· ed) on lot 87 x. 173 wttb room for more unit.a. Good location rt1ht ln town. M o. income ap- prox. $180. Jr.tale ale pnc. llG.000 cull. G. N. WELLS, Rltr. .. Aaaociatee . 1790 Newport Blvd. ~a Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 · New Lido Listing It you are tooklnc for a ftlUOn· ably priced home on Udo ltle, SEE nns! J bdmw., wa'.lled patio, Uvtnc rm. hu beamed ceUill& and com.et'" ftreplace. Lot. of tile tn kiteMa and bath. Gl&al m cloeed. tub. AttracUve modem colon Md papen. wm com:tder u low u M500 dD.. Eutu.1lVe llatln1-· '40 CHEV. •s-. Dm." clu• t1on. cor. ot Broa.,_.y · and L'd Building Si'tes (Hunter Green) '"Pop u 1 a r Newport Bl'f'lll., ea.ta KML ~ 1 0 ecoMmy model. Why . pay IOct2 ao tt. ba.y front . lnCODM, Sl,1.500. 1110N T • 1----~-----'----f& ft. 1treet to atreet --····' 4500 $39_;> • ,., PONT. "I " club (P'r@nch gtty) .A. eood looktns above average -· .$395 -.i BUICK "9uper" clu• (Allantlc lf'MD) Smootlm. ... and power pllal · Wltll all -Xtru. $495 'f8 CH•V. lO ton. plclooup or '41 J"OIU>·~ t• pk:k..up. Kut &ell one. both:" pod eond1Uon. Private pvty. Beil.COG 560'1-J or II.arbor 75fsJo!. 81pt~ '39 DODGE Sedan--=-. door. Oftr.. hauled motor. Good ~rb· tlon. Pr!. party. --Piion• IAguna f--31171 •Yenlnp. ·~1 CHJCVT all metal PUlti De- livery truck. like new. Nnv --~·-­flee for IJUO. ·wm tal<e older 6' ft..• corner .......... _________ ,$MOO ' Stock, Chicken Ranch 20 actt.9, 12 acrea permanent pa. turt:. S bouaes, barn. A&blet, eo111pletely lrripted. AIMlnda.nt chH.p water. Equipmet for 111,000 clrlckem. Price, $40,000. Tttmo, trade. OREliNLl!lAJ' • A.UOC. Bun..l>,:a -REALTOR , "ll Newport Bl.._, B&rl>or 2S6Z ·Would You Trade-? • BAY & BEACH REALTY Barl>or UM BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRONT • WELL BUILT aJ)d well located 4 bdrm. and maid'1 room home plua 2 bednn. apt. Wonderful ~ of South Bay. Private pie' and float. Good double prage. Full price completely funUahed. $47;500, terms STANLEY HADF'l&LD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa llland Harbor 20 Real Estate Is Your Best Investment Everybody 'Yants -o- In.vestment Security ,,... .. _ property wtll sf... Two Units We have them here on Bal· LOl/ PRICE -BIG VA.LUE! 1 t1 plastic liGtd. Conduit in t0r electric ranp and electric bllrm., G. I. Resale; larce lot. _,_.__ •--Al I "'"" · a.s r diatrlct, cli»e In. ONLY ~ ..... :r--.tet p um ...... ln for dllb. W&lber. ~ 200 down. 1'ull pnc. ... eoo. ~ dfapo•l and abundance at electric olltleta, -. ._ bath oft kttchc, upotaln be~ bu lull and aW1 NrWPORT Hl::IGBTS, 2-btdroam. llMwerJ Separate eloMt compartment, beautiful blrch bpme, we Jtitchen.. .erviCt dreuin.J table. Maltu'• bedroom ii 1U20 with roomy sun-, !'frcb, bwd. floora, yard well deck ud plate cl&u wtndow1I looldJll' out Oil iorseoua l&nd8elped and.._ pta.nted, 2-car permuent ocean 'tiew. All deootated ln luteet color ~. paved"&lley, eboklc toe.-toaea. and wall ~r (eoine hand-painted). Lar&• con- tibn. Te.rm.a. $8, 100, ." cret. pmtto, deco~tlve Norrrw:i brick plant.era. 128,500. I · -2001 Ocean Blvd., B&ll>oL OPEN SATURDAY AND BU~S FRO?l.'TAGE!j 120 ft, SUNDAY or Call owner at Harbor 2011. 92c94: hi tint block off Newport Blvd.1-----------------------op tut-developlq Eut 17th, d~pth 300 ft.. allowin• ample' otr 1trttt pukbaa'; Mme exllt-r1 tmpf'Oftmenta lncludtnc one- • boU8e. -. TheM Uatinp a.re n~t taken at rflldom, but toele<:led. for out- •tandtnc value -:-lt' they don't qt. we· ~ve ~ otlwn - ~-....,. qosta Mesa Realty fOO II:. l?th Ill. at 'IWta I !leecon 1111.f I Newport Heigh~ $2,000 down OPEN FOR INSPECTION 1 to 5 Daily 4 NEW 2-BEDROOM MODEL HOMES from 7 $3595 to $6975 Low Down Pa)'lllellt -Euy Tuma 1977-91 Maple St. Costa Mesa One Bloc!< West of Harbor Blvd., North ot-19tJI REAL BUYS!. Bay Shores • N-8 "bdrm. home. I batlul, Ip. '°" HCW!ty. A .-I bdrm. tum. bome. 71 . ft. Harbor ~lYd. tw:ltltap. Place for a.dditkmal bulldtnJe. Pt.rktnc ana ln rear. bo& lll1nd, Starting pricea Atti'aetlve 2 bdrm. home wt~ f,,_,_~_, $' E 7"" $l6 7..,. blvd. lloMI. dble. pr. l!:scell. BALBOA BUSINJ:SS DISTRICT ~Ider duplex, % bdrm. lowtt, 1 Mdroom. ! upper. Bu sreat powlblutJ• for buaineM loca- tion. "600 cub-FULi. PlUCli -laiUYf thi.9! U"flng rm., ftroplace, forced air heat. carb&&e d1.poaal, paUo, fenced yard, dble. cane•· \U'UlMl~ ~. UVa 1 iil4I }~on. Jt. ..a real Y&lue. fl&OO. -o-$18,ooo and you mf&llt I , . -Only $14,500, terms Quality Built juat u wen be on THE Ranch Type Home New I bdrm.. home. Nliee UT. nn., ISLAND. N~1 ri Helghlf. Charmin« MW hwd. ftre., dinette, tile 1n ktt. I bdrm. home with ftreplace, Batll tub and ~r. Stucco hwd. tJoon, many cloeetl and red'"'°" exterior. Onl1 Thia $15,750 two-unit place •¥built·ln• .. BeaulltUl ....,..k. -. BAT· A. VE.-Attra.cttve 3 B. R.., 2 ---.. tumlabtd. J'treplace, . patio, B. B. Q., laundry, dbl. -(!rd bedroom and bath 8'lj. Prac<). $15,i!OO. Have opening f0< ---~ or b!'Oker. '9100. ~ down. la bard to be&t for the P thrusOUt. U%.2GO. $3%00 -o-d ~ y M W rth money. • -' BAT vmw AND DANDY BWIK· our oneya o , · Outs•-'ndl ng MING BEACH• nts 01-11ome I Wrm. home, ll•. rm.. kit. tfd ... r..a. ti oru,. 100 n. or ao McJc: from •u... !&rs•. lot. -na. y...,.. J. A BEEK Offiae. I Ocean View Lot , the 11sy. 1.&rc• uv1nr rm. wtt1> W. E. FiSher Buildtr -'Jtealtor Ernie Smith Jlt.taltor -4-oclate for fllUo. U3:lO dn. Ko. PJta. t-t!replOce, s bedroo..,. ~and I et $M. -u 11!&1----1%11. Newport Bel(l>ta. An un• rm. apt. ID ........ Neodo ....... 11.f Ceut a1..i .. Corona de! --•---·, o• tnaeted and ..-..U..takinc pa.tnUn'·and tbdn'! Ita "1.rnia. Lota and A.etta,. A.nJlab~ "flew, of the harbor and ocep. ed and ,a ba.rpin at $12,&00. · ~ H&rbw 2'43 · -o -I\. "the bot buy ill a .._ew lot · • Lot .. help ,... wt~ ,.,... vodefti redwood and g1w ~ u.. ..ur. arta.-t'.TOCI.. OCMN ll'llONi'-<1 bdrm. 11ome Canal Front Rental Real ~N--TWo bdrm. .... oernnl'• ~ eacon Hill Realty and -apt. tor tncom.f. All Pier and tloat. n .. t 2 bedroom ArD. f'Umilbe4. l'lreplace. Pat lo. turntab~, Sll!i mo. year rowtd. H. B. Clark, Broker Auoc. J'laptoaol~ -ln--~ .~ fe& Newport ant. (.-_) -. I-cu _._ ObcliClO 1Mh -.,.. .. ~ ~ Ph. B. G7ls.R or -II.' HD-W Jlalboa loeatlon. Cloae· to •hop--o-.. MHlll -of tllO _..,. • Pinc and U;u.lport&tloll. Pr1ce La PERLE REALTY bllle -In Gclluift MCllOll -I T-ia ~ .... .'11.l!OO. . ' mlloo --ta quiet ..,,. uJ""1 ·'!'· -· -.• 1-Borl>or BlYd.· OOota -...,, ... _ '28,000. --. wlll intDS 1W -- P!l<me s .. b>n 1oca. 11187 Intne Ave., Co.ta Meaa .,.._... --. . folb.,.,,. ... tllo -"' NEWPORT Hl!IOBTS-Lenl lot Phone Beacon 6293-,W •. "loold•J la ·* ._. l50xl27\4o, _,. ..-i.. SlNO. ' -fl<d" ,Wiien .tllq . -~ BarWr -.!IL D1LUX1R 1' 1*1room (could i.. a -- Balboa Realty c-0. _-a-IO)I . • ZOMpbtM WeMI IJIJlen JlcAdoo - TOO & .. a1a 8lYC. Bar. an 2 B. R. Home ~OSTAMESA TWO bedrooln on lO aoni NT~ TllRlil!: bedroom .., eo x au. Forced air, batbeqUe houle, ete. Completely fenc:M, ,H,l!OO. • w~ ~ w. Kemf>ton. -11100 ' .oft BALI: BT OWNJ:R-J'Um. bdr1n.t " -..tow. ~-1 · . lllW dllplex.-. pnp. °"" =-· .. 21 .n.-11•..... BalbOa JsJand . ·' •nu lot""' .......... ,. .. 116 w. -.a. Ji,.,._ . I OlllJ' Iii,.... .... KOO. ... -INCOIU'OllATIK> ~ ..... Bl1'0. __,. to ....,.... flttptae. 'ud J11o11t-W You tAe Soinetbn., · ...,_ att. pr, nr. -tlJ' i P.A. PALMER -). Bar. _.R, CllHt· -awt. pJoN>' Unit -~ Will Pav J'ar Bmlt! ,-. lllOalM lot. -tor 1131 .-i& LI~ -1-""" 1100 lfl. n. .... -,..,...._ , # I• ,< $1&7'1, ....... etc, ~ '"''6<t ....... cur. ~-uo ~·.ear..._ .• . -...... A bdrm., 2 Mth l!dU. ~ ,; ~11. &-& -. , 1 1 ~·---1-_.-_-.---,.-..... --_--Be wlle--taD r1.,11 :At&U.t . ..... --.1 ...._._......_,_. -... ,..,...... -.on.a. --~ __ 'U PONT. •r club (ouabum tan) Sxclptlonal" Interior -fuDy ~-,The ladl• -cu tlar Oll0'- $495 pldalp 1-1< u part -L Pllcme -.-K. uttc ..,.... ____ • ____ _.... ........ ___ ,.._,_____ le. garage ..... -. ..·· . --. peia. -"'°" Tour' aoa-pr0tl\ 'bwh.'boma ,... pt. ~.TIO. . ~ . ' a B.r R. on: 1h-Af:re tori& IL (wr Co1h11 " Aw.), • _, protllable ·-' ·, : .,.· ., ). •.• ~ • ' ..... ..:......... .ta ·-·-\ .--. •c..Q -ft. -.1-K. ...... fl9d two --1 • . -......,~..... • ,,_ 1 WANT Ab will ... ;~ , J • •• 1 ,...'\.'. ~~. ~~ ,_. ·e;;t~. ,~~~ ~.....;.-ro-'".na--del--11-. -ar-,- -. . • ' elda ~Gi'-n Ritt:· ·· ·~.,f· G .. t' ~ .'. ·•~ ~.-...n-. . Bii·--~ ~1 .. ., ... -l~!Jlk.: ........ • --1..., ~._, ... 1t wilt-""' IOI......._,..., • -·' · · " · -n.i:-..... 1* a ,.... · ... ,. -..... .....,......,....i:...~,..._-·;...i..-.,... .... .....,,. •• ~ .... -. 7 .... • .... • • • • • ...... .... 1\11111, --....,; • ~·-• J • • • .. _.-.,.~;;:,...-... -. -,·,;.,. ... :.1"-ili a., .. ~ . ~I. .. , ~ ~ -" JQIWIC&i' WW"li --.1111 .. -·~ & ' fiJ!5~ tau. Xllt. .Ii 111 T ..... ~l' llM-...,._"I ..._ Qp' I • -...... ... 11!111;na ~o .,_ ·--M IP ea. . · ·-.... . . . • 'l'OM PADm. mtr • ........ ..... ···--- • 1 • .. • I • &leO MAtllT . With SALLIE !'f.,..~ber 1, U5l • Can't wait to liee "Goodbye My Fancy" put OD-by the CommllJlity .p I ayer a next week-eid, Nov.f. 11-9. at Or- ange Coast Couege , . . I .' m1111D't forget to go down In the lobby and get my ticket& Got a HW aagle °" wbat to do with the oae-poaad- pacllage-of-P'Olllld·beef ~ aatloa that stares you la the faoe a eouple ttm.. a week _ _ _ llblle It lato a Beef Stn>gaaoff • . • which IOWlda like a Rm•1•n dlah • _ • but which re.Dy orig!Uted ID Gennaay • -- but which le eatea · very protuaely la Hawaii • • • CIMta Myera eool<ed It last Tbunday at the Oooklag School at the Lido ~ and bad t h e audiellce 1tandlag on the edge of their ... to wondering what It would tun out like ... A Beef Stropnoff ii real- ly quite llimple . . . y;ou ..., vary It any -y you -flt _ . . but you moat include 1-f In *" eobee and a * pint of ilov e.....m . . • That'll the Str<>- p.noft part . . . CW'dletl and all . •. . The ndpe given Included aho onions, musltroomo, bell. pepel'I, Worcll..tenhlnl • a u e e. ;i:arllc and tomato 10up .all fried op together . . . I tried It with Jtl'OUDd 1-f . . . It worked equally u well .•. That's the thing about these cooking lesso114 •• . . You always learn something • k new . . . Better take a pee this Thuroday at 10 a.m. and see what Irene Counu the Home Economist from Cros- ley has to offer ... Garey'• Furniture of Costa Meaa hi \he host . . . and ''Economy Foods" are the aource of in· terest ... Al you all know • . • IODI' cream ..., be por-fbu"d la OU1' Delicate-. . . "° ..., H4!1UY Helde'a Genolae Almond Pute ..• ~ow d<!n't go looking for It If you 1oddllllly .feel t)le urge to make 80llN! m...,.. roou or ~pan . . . beeaue they've got It hid- den .•• You -Henry Helde'• Almoad Paate hi one of th""" !tam · that you aak for. It'• available on order, hnt not regular- ly stoeked. It ~• that one macaroon-minded lady wanted some, 110 ov genial Dickie Wat!lon ordered her a can . . : The can. tumed out to be' a five pound one ••. which the lady didn't WlUlt • . • But ohe would like to bllf part of the can ••• If she !'DD (I'm gettlag canned) only find oomeone to share It with her • , . So pleue . • . there 9111!1t be three or fOUI' of you who · would Uke to """'e nse of this almond. pMt.e for the on-eominJ; feotlvl- tiflll . . . at least go Jato our kitchen and take a look. • . • While you're in the kitch,. en you might take a peek at their nice big ovens • . . so euy for roasting a turkey . . . The gleaming stainleM steel counters . . . just fit- ting for laying out loads et hors d'oeuvres ... The fine big kettles for whipping up pota of baked bean• ... cole slaw . . . · creamed chicken . . . And a11 those foods that are so popular to oerve at large dinners that might pop up this month or next. They've got • trocl< too . . . not In the ldtehen .•• that makes for euy deliv- ery ri,;ht on yoor table •.. and • lot of allle-bodlecl • people who'ft adept . at serving, seWq tallle8 ud flDag tbhi!ll' ...i ,_ ..• they eaa .-. __. dlahea . . . ~1'11 e-brfll« .. dlalMS --~ wtth tlwm . ud estn ....... tlMlr • large cott,. - . . . or pDdl ......... " el wWelt .-.. naW for:. a1Q' 9'1!Mi. ~dM ~ •• And re _ _. YoU can aJ-o ~ torkej• ri!ady·llblffell ... J'd!U'. cblek-eo alreed)-fried • • • 1'Mll' ancbriellee alniady -m ... ·=~~.w~l Nwpurt Beach, Calif. Bar-'* 21121. ' • . -· . , ' • • . . Rave )'Oii ever d-.d of Tvtlag DelleaciM, '1'ablea Spread with Fllle Fooda •• moat of 118 have. !At &ljlhard'a yot1'D ftBd . a vut variety of fllle fooda to make yOUI' table of d-. a REALITY. o.ly at Richard'• eaa ACh aelectloll be found m!der OM roof. Yea, .Y"" will tnaly realbe that R!ehe'll'a la the plaee to j ahop for 8electioa, P,icee MMl P-...1 1lervb. . " . ' • ' . DUI lMp -. l9c··-39c ........... .' , .... SALMON l romm·CAN" 49c DEL JIONTE J:ARLY GARDEN PEAS.~ ................................... n ... ·16c II• Sea LHjlit ·Meat . . Chunk Style , gua~lty · Meat . ' F•a••lllCJ M••••P u. s. Gov't • .-.clad C!M*• luf • •• Chuck Ann Ir 'c...:C. llade FIRnt leaf. 0~111.~,. · TUNA C...lff Oat WIN PORK CHOPS. ___ ...... 99c KJCllAJlD'8 GROWN-ha -FRYING ·CHICKENS ._ .. : ·-.. • 69c • 8WUT'8 ORIOLl!l SLICED BACON . . . . . ..... LABOE SIZE PllEJtTE V AllD:T1' , AVOCADOS .... _ .. _ 2 ,.. 25c FANCY GRll..~ PIPPIN APPLES .. -·-·-..... _ .. : 4 .. 25 c FREBR LOCAL SUMMER • • SQUASH _____ ~~·-2 ... 19c: • BETSY KOSS NATU&&L • . DATES ______ ._~ 35c , DeHeatess•• ---IBB!-' CiiDDiR .C.HEfSE :. ....... ~ 4tc DIPORDD-XINT.·POB ANY OCJOAl!ION . HOLLAND BISCUllt. 25cQff ALEX'S llADE "'"' ll&NNJNGS liu!F -· , BEEF TAMALES _ _.K .2· ,.. 2tc LUU'& QUAUTY PllESR I • • • LIVER SAUSAGE ·~-.. • 4fc· LU11ia'8 Cll1..u.nT ~ • . • . FRANKfU · ~ · : _ _. Ste . "MitARO SAl.ll ~~ ltc' ~ . ' ~ ot our ~,,,,. catirt.s 8enb • . . . • l ·, FOLGIER'S MOUNTAIN GROWN 8IZIE Y, CAN c COFFEE ·-············ ....................... J~ ... 81c:. ' I 2sc iirlij~ ... -.... ·· '. · ... A mrio. ·75 C llAZOIA. ' I COOKING OIL '1· 49c ~ 26c • UIJ IT 3 WAYI . IOUP ••• SAVCI ... • lllllimn ·3 CAlll 2tc ... APPLE JUICE 27; I UllY, DOLE, or ' DEL M.ONTE . PINEAPPLE : • JUICE ~ ' ... 10c :. ~ .... 19c ctnclt Cak.11 Wei.Ml'• Grapeleide or or9.pe MIXES .... _.,.. •. 33; JELL y ........... 10 OL 17• Royal CilotaN . Dell.DJ-Tomato PUDDINGS 2113• CATSUP ... ru ... 17• NOne fhldl.'8eM1 te Utllfl Mi.ae MEAT ·-·-.... 11 ... 49¢ Zoe ....... NAPKINSso.o....i10' . ' 8 alfery l'Jreafs ; ·- • TllUR8DAY I , FRIDAY POT AYO DINNER ROLLS S'15¢ a.e7-. .. I , . ·FRUIT IARS .. ----· ... ~ 21¢ f ' I · PUM•KIN PIE _.__ __ ......... ~ 57• tffWlaole _ • I WHEAT 11£11 .. , . · .'f· ft• 11.&'A!JIDA 1' + ~lETci1~ -·~~ CO.FircAIES · ,. . 3~zr . . , . . RMI Gold Oraace & Gr'ft.' BLEND BASE 16' Everead.7 \'er. Julee 1! ft. cu COCKTAIL ; 2125 ; Cams-ata TolfaMo PASTE ............ 12' Nlbleta V ac. Pack CORN ............ u ... 16; Qeall ~Ill Style TOJIUTO SAUCE ....... 2· , •• 9; FNadl'a lfftaat • I os. pile. ·POTATOE$ 29; Qlsoft lros. Medl11111 Grade A Fresh EGGS DOZIEN 59c loll-Ott CLEANER H-. 39; . JuRt Benet Raad Cleuer · · POWDER ···-·"'•· 11 ; BORAXO _ ........ 17• • VermHt llUd c.ne a Maple l'anoDll SYRUP ... -........ .1% ... 25• _AMONIA _ .. ,..i 13' \fai@111ps TAMALES H Y, OL 25• ·\ll•(imps SPANISH · RICE!17 • \41il@mps Chile co! .. C£n_e15~ \lln(imps Chile conall C!~~e ~!t ·bo•eaFoods ••••••••••••••••••• WIBY-~ . . ORA14Gf, JUICE 1 OL 2 for 35c: '~YE •GOOD AU. 'll:A.lt. BOUND" • · .. ·sTRAWBERRIES ... __ ..... lJ.: 37' rrrs~:=.·_ .. _ ....... 11 ... 1tc uMff..~.=RD~OOR --.-11-23c CIEIO'l·l'llMR FILLET OF SOLE ... -.... ~ pq. Ste . ~llT 111£.U' IN YOU. TOASn:JI . i1fft5. " .. -............. -... -........ .nc • • . .. ' . I • -• I'" ~ , ' .. . ~ "* 1*'1uDp, ..._,..y, '5A'nlllll.&Y, Mo :n , 't, • .&11111 S , THE ICOHOMT·WISE P~ll,NIZE · . MEZZ,AN,NE . SHOPPE • .......ar0oH.e Serven CAIMlllU . · . . ' Mch holflt two cup. coffe• 'ffld· -•Pt it w'"" ... · · ' I • ~ ; 1 • . . l •