HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-07 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• 1 • 1 ' \ ' - •' I • • -. .._,,. • ' • BAY AND SHOPPING NEWS m FA FA -rm '"7 m ,,,,. WLeULWWZWU PUBLlllJU'.D A'I' 2!11 BALBOA llOULEV AD N ltWl'OB"I' BltACll, CAUFOKNIA . . TltLlll'HONt:: llA.JtBOll 1818 By MARGO ~-----~ ARS LOSGA, VITA BBEVJS, A"-U A THING • I ' . ' . otlMn ta 'blaclto. JM11!e• u4 _... ,,,._ ut~ optdatt,f. amnboro ,,. ~ $19.96 on up. J .. UDpoeked ~ -{'r,,ioncl) II\ I brilJ!aal pW4 bl<mdo , • • M-1111-1 GC Mlrlf Iii, -H. Po!IJ' .&~ UIS-NMpwt ...__ ~ --. : . . WHICH GIRL 11.u Bm:M PL.\YIMO P0.9?- 0l!'l'IlllilT T T A nl_, quatlon-Alld doa't .look .. , JUllQ-1' "nl• T&llJM u~ people -kft ... the -n.et . the '°World'• Moet Smu.rproof 1.1.pM.:lck." J .Uppoet •~"'~:( .. .I ,.Ou could ut a do.un cnam putta J,Ad 9till rwt&tn >'OUt Cqpld'I )1aw. 0 (Qum ...-fl'M to - carln&" to oubmlt to thi. tut J. TM -Mlt hu thLI rtook tn 16c ·De -, .. Rael. Abo for kl..,. me pmoo: Miracle Cblon>phyll toothpute (fie) for teeth like poila and and a .caJ\,l. Uke-a ittw-mowa t1eld of pan.- nip•! Other t.hinp to make you po.lliftlJ' Joveb" al tbe SltlO like fen-imt&nqe Veto A ll.Um--a.tLd a llqUl4 mak•UP Jn balt-eut.e Wdu up to AJbJno ror--nc. ~·· a .u~ coJocM la I delf~\Ou.a flaYOn for 2&e a.ad I think you need & cleaa powder putt. otber blloretltfns ltema IUdt u oboe polloh, ,.,,,... oq.-.;o, and IM caddy a. All undtt one Dll' top at D 1 ..a....-. a.a•• Wt. • 11a1a. -, • • • TOO LATE! DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORJ: NOll:L TO ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CA.RDS ... OR.DER PER..SON.41 JU:D SON- NELL • HA..llPI'ON CARDS TODAY! HARBOR ie1e . I. . DURING A RECE1'"T ROUSE TO ROUSE SURVEY OONDVCTED BY A ~OTOBJOU8 tee0nd story man, he di.covered that the cedar-lined clo•t.a in Clua A home• were bunr with black undertoveUea! I ln.tar- l'"iewed thla 3"-time loeer u h• wu beln.r carted off to the juc and Ju.med UJat I out of 10 m-;./ p~fer bl&ek underwear-for women that t1. By a.n equally strang• colneidence, I diacovered that the Petite VOie In Corona del Mar la well atocked . with black utin and black nylon brauiere.a , Newport' .. Townahlp l u • t lee Court ,..n.,.,.y .... ti. -- u a Claa .A. 1u.tice ~rt. follow .. Jae'• ruJJoc J'rlday 1n Santa Ana by 8upmor luds• JtoM<ll ll. Koni-. Jn ....... the rulJnc otlpula.tu that Newpo<t Boach Townal\lp hu a population ot. mOl'll tban. 30,000 and S. ap1n entitled to the ni9ed ri.U.,.. The Writ of ma.nd&te to "com· pel" Jw:~ Donald j _ Dodce to a..u.m.e jurladlcUon of a Clua ·A. court came after Atty. LeRoy An· denon introduced witneMU to telll of the popu.laUon rrowth liace the 19a.G cenaua. Slmlla.r proceedlnp two ye&r1ro. aco ruulted in fflabo-j llahme:nt of the Clut A court. but 1950 cenma fisure-ot 24,000 showed a short.a.re in the nqulred popu.laUon count of 30,000. FAtlmatee of population at l'rl- day'a hearing r&Jll'ed. from 30,300 to se.ooo. They were baaed on new b•tni _ pennit•. county bulldlnr ~ord.a, tncrea.aed 1ehool enrollment; wale.r met.en and utU· tty recardl . N nt clutitleaUon. ol. the jUIU court will 1llow Judge Dodce 1to handle civil cuee up to $1000 and high mlademeanon. Under C1ut B. ·civil jurildtcUon t. Umlted to saoo. 1'ht county board of MJpervlaon • • • ' . f I I DllllTAIUILJ' L&WYR Cllfllll8 i (Jaok WU.O•) • --------. _._._ ---·.·---·-.-.·-·---·-·. _._. __ ·--.· --·· ----.. • • No., y Oii c.n ~ the DRUNKARD:: OB TRI: FALLEN llA,\'&D S Act II~ wltb Olio BAMBOO ROOMM-B.ALBO" Jl'IUDAY ud 8ATU1p)AY, NOV. 1&10, 16&17 . ' \ CURTAIN II P. ll .. FIOrodoro Serl11t-Con Can Girls Community Sing . Lots 0£ Other Acts tl.llO INC. TAX a~ BAR OPEN BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE IN ORANGE COUNTY • OR BEAUTY IS ·"-IOY FORE\"ER .... or even longer u in this case. Vera Wllliam11 juat ma.tch"1 80me beautiful lta.liAn import• off a. pusing' packet boat. So now ia the t ime for .you to treat your orb• to a pttk thru' Vera's Glft Shop acd Art Ga.Jlery. Vera ia ' displaying beautlful IU11ter pieces feym Ita.ly, Engl&nd hd America.· The Italian L R. luater I• unuaually . . ..u well pa the fe.moua Mojud fancy black. 1llpa.. 'nie Petite VUle dilplay• the BROWNEE BRA for that 'Utt with nary & let down.' Brownee Bru are available in white cotton or nylon at $1 .96--$2.93. The aforem!-ntione(I black utln fl.J\d blac-nylona a.re S2.f>O. For the martini hour, when ftrell1'ht•nlcker1 on re•tleaa .,l"·Whil• lhoul~n. P. V, suggesta the Brownee st.rapleaa evening bra, well-boned and faithful, in white or black nylon for $2.9:5. Other accea.10rie1 for day and night time-Mojud hose,. pantie•. •llpa &JJd gowns , • , all moderately priced because yery day I• ladiea' da}· at the Pettie \71lle, ~21 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. Harbor 2332-W. have: altered the townahlp boun·r..,+---;_ _____________ _.:. __________________ _ dary Une.a, changing the Diamond, • t ·-------' n.ne a.nd really comparable to the Capo di Monte • , . .c>me lovely Cap() di Monte here too for you collectors. You'll be equally eye-claddued by the Virgini& Cumbow hater ware. I deli- cately _.-xquialt.e indeed. Thi.a lltUe continental pavilion I• a treuure houae tor sure lf yPU'r• 1eektnc unlaual ind charmtnc zi!t• from all over the world. Other noteworthy gift.a auch a.a the Venetlan, haadb.lown rl&uw&re, divine colon. ah.ot with irrldeacent gold . . . and a new line ot ltallan luncheon a.nd salad Mta in bricht and re- frnhinC fruit and nower deaign.s . . . Swedillh lrnport..-girt.a and linen&. If you raptuie over a bargain. you'll proba•y flip your switch... over Vua'a barpin table. Vera \\'llllama' Girt Sbop and Art ~.,., 3l:t~ Marine A••., Balboa. l&land. ·'Harbor ~47-J. . . .. ~ THREE OP' A JUND Dea.l•r'• choice thi• Muon i• a pat little tbtte: piece outfit by Sunroae ot Ca.lifornla.. The lo--LM Sport Shop h.u a winning com. btnalkm in thue rayon, ahttn pb&rdine eoordina.t.u. Put $8.96 fa the pot for the • • • HEY! DUNOER: YOO-HOO MRS. BUTZEN! GET YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS AT THE ?i."EWPORT PRESS . HARBOR 1e1e • • • HAVE YOU SHOT YOUR WAD GRIDLEY!! Carry on! And you mAy fire when read}•! Walt's Trading Poat ha.a a ahlp'11 cannon ... a little braaa beauty! I tell you, Sailor Jf Walt doesn't have what you want, he'll tell you where to ro! So don't go capering-oft to Puget Souitd or lhe Coco. for marine g-ea.r. It's poaitiv .. ly right here! For example: A.· barrel ot boll&--%" to 2 fut long; baby cluta !\" on up to 15"; Motor1. life preeerver11, tlggles. taggle• and glomp1! Nlce ae&¥.·orthy gl.rta hen tor yachtamt.n or puddle jum~r11 ; br1S1 book-end•. •hip• clock•. a neat collection of ship's lights, combination or single• ... Thlng• for mermaida: here at W&lt's too li ke yards and yards of net. cork and ctau noat.a for decorating home port. It's downright unaainr what eoea in an come• out of this marine muteum. Walt'• Tra.dlnc Poat •u formerly aear the Udo brtdr~. bot l9 ltG\1f on the lee llde of the Ice Houae.. CZ! Sotb St., Newport. Ha.tbor 2470. Open every d&y It 8undaya. CloMd Weds. • • • LET'S HAVE A PART!'! Grtenvllle and Paularino voUnr precinct. from S&11ta Ana to the beach are.a. brtn("ing the nrure to 27,300 on 1950 record.a. ~ewport-Balboa Savings & Loan . Resources Up 10"/. A pin ot. 10 per eent tn re- 80Uttea wu regi.ltered by the Newport Balboa P'edera.1 Savinp a.nd Loa.n Auoclatton during the September 30, 1950 .. September. SO. 1951 period, according to Neill Oavt.. of t.o. Angelu, executive vlce·preside.nt ot the C.Uforni.& Savinp a.od Lo&n t.eacue. Aaeu at. the local tutltutlon now are "',991,123 wb.lch repre- •Mt. a fain of '5Jl,f23 for the 12-month Period. ~ht jacketi $7.96 each for the skirt and '"'l'Uee of a Kind" eiacb and Sunro9' will cover you .... l;eautitully. I'm not blutttnc podner, when I aay theM go-togethers are finely tailored with Hit .tttchinr. b&ck ..zippen and firure-tlattering slant pockets. Colors a.re taupe, Ve"ftla.n blue, a.nd Air-Force gray. This Sunrose Veml· Ml .Wt resl.U c~ ..... and everything but admirinc glance1. rm t.mn.-you lhi• IA a aafe bet that .will put you b&ck tn the pme. Total rMOUrce1 ot the lN C&ll- tomla avinga uaocl&Uorw now A BALL! •land at 11,819.M!,033, an in- Let the ran.er• ring. And ret the Party CttUe. at S173,ro8,Ml7, or 12 per House on the "'ireleu Immediately! The th cent for •, corremvvi.11i.,. 12 Pll{lY House 11 dedicated. to thi.I principle: month& -ir---. . !ta1a the chJpe and" call m. OD tJ'lia. •o-Lee Sport 811op, !AU New· "Eat, Drink, Be merry, U'ld Decorate the ;:;;::;;::;;;;:;;::;;:;:;;:;;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;~ Hou.N, J'or tomorrow Te haw to eleaa "' Ye Jotnt An.)'wayf .. ~ Party BOWie -&a. • • • Love..._ will chooN.t. yoar home. etul> •• t.ioo f9r 1ii:r .,,....._ ., I WA.S .KNOWN AS A. TIGHTWAD! supply you wtth wondertul stmm.Jclu. favon and decor ud 70\I eu '"" ...... Oolfa ·- • 'IWo montha ago, I forced ope my money have &ll th• tun your•lf. NOW 1.8 THE TIME TO ORDft A FA'I' puree before a group ot Atellltei. and a large CUSTOH-HAllE .SAl'li'T.A. CIAUS. He will be a good aiNd Krta moth new out! Need.lea to •Y. cries of 1 Kringle,# beauteou. boot.a, wtde white whl1ken and will be very .. STlNGY'' a.nd other epithets filled the atr. I populltT ¥.ith the family around Chri1tmu time ... Aaytime ta WU llO embarrassed that I immediately aet about a &'OOd lime· to ~t aome little Norwertan p&per now11r1 and animala, chooainc .90me diabolic revenge on the entire bird.I &nd hat.a ... only 2 for l~ and they add a m•rty lUt to moth family! . ThUI I chanced on a new discov-IUly pa.rt)•. 'I'h&ak•cJving favors on hand now and more stfta and covery over at Md>ona!d'• Pailtt Stott... This new miracle moth gadreta 1.rrivinl' by every fut relndftr. Party BOUM ••• 1U a. combatant la called "Cedar-Lux." It's a compound or crushed cedar COAAt BJ,·d., Lairuna. Phone ....U5.. wood impregnated with cedar oil You apla.sh Cedar-Lux on closet . • • • walla. dreuer drawen. attict, and rumpus roorna and motha leave I 00 YOU Dl\TJD'E YOL'"R WORK P'ROM YOUR the eoun&.ry. Cedar-Lux and moths are sworn enemies. Make your-PLAY ~ ~ '!' •lf a mothproof cedar-lined clruiet with Cedar-Lux and at the sante In other worct... I hope you don't ..have your lime enjoy the fragrance of the great North ¥.·oods. You'll feel like I Bendix in your barroom or on your mangle 1n your -you.Ive had two WM!k.a at Arrowhead! Crown Stamps Given Here! Magnavox. Whether you dwell In marble ha.111, or l n McDonald's Paint Store. 1872 Hart,or Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Bea. ~703 a cold water flat. It's a aim pie matter to make home SAY NOW ISN'T ANYONE GOING TO BUY THAT CLARINET?! life more beautiful. With a F1exalum Venetian blind • • • OON"8ULT SA...."JTY SHANKS CONCERNL"llrli'G CHRISTMAS CARDS from the Shade Shop. you can divide and conquer, "' partition and camounage. These blinds ln dttp decorat6r coloMJ can .be used advantageously to divide llvinr and dininl' areu, tum BAJtBOR 1811 ''CMntbe" ftt.tm.lu will 00\UUloel you o.n Cbrlat.mu card9. Barbor 1818 porch into patio, blot out old water heater& etc. Tha Shade Shop will install one or a dozen of the~and you'll have to admit It's a good Idea. I! you want apaciou.meaa. raiM the blind ... If you ws.nt to be co:r:y, lower it. cum •I cum sa>A'. Flexalum V. Blind&. Plutic tape' by the y&rd. Drapery Hardwan. SHADE SHOP. • • • • FASCllSATL'iG ~-i:W FAD FOR FEM.4".LES? ANY Number of fairly bright women a.re going quite mad over the new hoUJtehold came called "ASPHALT -TILE.'' Thia wu In- vented by a ma.n named C)are!lce Pa.ge ln order for him to sell uphalt ttle for 6 1'2C • square. Thia la a.n entertaining and; challeng- ing pme of wits and skill and. calla tor very little of either. It'a to be played on the noor usually by one or two .. per.10n111. Here are the rules : Go ovM-to the CCNYtllne Floor eo,-,.rtnc and aak Clarence to 11e.U you thi• tile and give yoo complete inatructlona for laying tt on the tloora. The fl!" really begins when you are a.hie to create your own patt.e.m1 . . .and th• fir11t -thing you know you have a bre..nd new floor a.nd tiouaema.Jd·s k.nH. Stt Co&Atllne Floor Co\•ertn1 for Atpll.Ut We •~Y,e a aqua"'. 1791 Newport A.Te.., Coeta MNL BM<:on uSo-..1. • • • SINCE I HAD BEEN READING IN A CER- T AJN SHOPPING COLUfN &bout the riler- lt• of Abalone Steaks fmm the Bay111lde F1sh Market, 1 finally auccumbed to the written " "' .... _ ~ - word (the pen I• mlghUer than the Swofd· -? ' \1 ~ fiah) e..nd bought a pound ot the atutt-( \' ..... .!~<="~ .... -.:::Ii am here to atate th&t lt la a.ll and more th.&n I 'enr wrote it was! Really a delicacy-and at 75c lb.-lt'• cheaper and better than Bl.Uteed night'ncaJe'a to.ftl"\le&. I to1k>wed Harry's nclpe to the apllt second and a.II & ~sult I te.nder thl• true telU· monia.l on tender morsel& Al.lo at the Bayaide lheae day.--B&rn.- cruda. Bf.a Baa .... Rock Cod (Red Snappiir) and treah Northe.m Sa.l· mon. See (he "Way or aJJ F'Uh" at the Bayalde FWt Hkt. 2800 ' . La.fayettt. Newport. Opea seven day1 a week... , • • • • • • CASA DON . CA.RLOS SUPEBBA HEXICA.."i DINN>:BS' <n.oke Top Slrlola Steak • • • Dlaoe.r S:!. U CO~AnON M:f;XICA:."'i DIN'NER8. Sl.10 ap !!pedal Plate for Clldldft:n .15 lllltlD~-c,_ or-., us lbd 11&.; N-..rt -....• ---· • • •• • -LUIJ' YOlla LEGll .&BE !!BOWING! Tu,. thaDk hee.vma we klftu .. · an ..no tonsw lwropond by lone lltlrtl ..., 1q bwtlu ••• now .... can. dl.lpJ&y our di.mpl"4 lmeu! To commemorate the .a-..ry of -·· -by that lamoua oxplo...,. V-Ila °""''• THll .POU.r .&PPA.&EL .&NNOUNaai "V-.t. &U.E ON l.AJllllWOCJD .1J m!IDil BOU: 1'0ll ·da -· '1M A PAJR '?BIS ~ nu., llA.T. (medhim lolqUlo cal;)'.) WbQ,e 10ll'n ....,_ °""" r'>4 -· -~ Jlne ti Bet&ee·dr .,. Tbily'l9 .,,.,,...,. fliW" tema1a1 I rt. 4 I& Gd midlr. ad llM1" .,. buUt to flatuir ~ tt imttw.8t -da·! .A .) I llCLOW l.UDC'tmtnt of cla.se ........ W •••t. __. -taDond ~VUHba woo&--.,.-... 'p•lt'td •Ultt. ... & Jet of • Helport ·aa, folt • ' t . . 514 !Ith St., !'li"~-port. Harbor 834. • • • • HAS YOUR LOVE GROWN COLD? ~ ! OH PRAY DON'T BE DOWNCAST, DE.AR ONE: Dosothy Margo Dix hu uge COll?lMl : lt'a 1very almple~ET THE GUY A WARM SWEATER! city's ha• a g-lo>A'inl' ueortment Of men'1 .weat- r&-11Jaranteed to heat a cold, cold heart •• well a.a arm.a, ahouldera and cheaL You ea.a. get a lonc- .,_,_,,&Jeeved, all wool 1JWeater for your Lu1c:e-Bl0oded One "A Lov& for u little u Sli .9:5. Ricky's baa handaom• Cable Grown Cold" knits. coat sweater&, and 1leevelua .wea.tera .•. ' . moat all colora. And Rlckey'a imported Chinue cuhmere1 at $24.60 beapea>t no ,n:ater Jove whe11 it comes to &iftlnc a gentleman friend. A t'r\cky rtft Idea at a mere coln·pune price ~ the mano- gn.mmed tie. TMse liea are lJl sood .enaible, aolld colon with snap on gold lnitiala u.d only ""° bucka. Men will l\Uitate to dislike thue tin. For that ma~ter, pnta when turned looae ' on their own tnvarlabl..V c.hooee Ricky'• smart. wuhable wool ju.ey ahirta for cuual comfort ... rre1. CTffJl, navy or red (Sl.96 }. Or it you're et.ill at the courting Map, you can probably swtiar the-de.al with an +rrow. hand. print imported ail1t ahJ.rt for him (SlO) Rlcky'1 ta for women aJ w .. u u men, you know. BJOIY'!I, 170& Newport Blv«., Ooeta Me-. Jks.eoa, UU • • • .. AT Chri1tmaa pl&y and make good cbeer . for Chrlatmu come1 but once a year. For Cb.rhtmaa card. _place on order ben ... Newport-Balboa Preu. H&rbol"' 1111 ONLY • ~3 .5 ' . I s•1Jlrs TIIJ ·xmas! MES.AM'S C.AR FtSHED ' FROM MISSISSIPPI . J. ·car ~ to Carl ._ i... .. r. HJ Ooota x• st., Ooota Kua OQ laturda7 WU dri'ftll ot.t ~ bhltt tftt.o tlle )fllolmlppl - ·-Oo.ill,W.. ~ by • -blAlrl'orce- ~ ._tot Tljlton. TOJUL C-. l)'llllorlttl--~­ tM man ,,....pod -Uoo .., JI& IM(ore tt - -* lilaft. -S!>t•-· ---•. elf. Ti.. •[' 114 'M le _. lt8 ~-,ioa..-... __ ...:... _______ .:.,._.J .... ., __ ...... •1f3 hi .. w .... ' CaA Us Today For Swift TV Service Ho -lo 90 --...... Me .... ;o., ...... ... ""' Ow ~It ,.. • ..,, ...... d tech· .td••· ewtd co•plet• ''tyefott Mtia•ol1 ....... ,.,..... i ......... ..,i.i-.1 ..... - ...... ~•fore yow t ........ ,. ......... -• • moBOUGRLY'TJLAINED a FACTORY QUALIFIED ELZOl'aONIC8 EXPERTS FULLY EQUIPPED to 8EllVW: TOUlt TV u4 RADIO j!IEBVJCE NEED11 Complete MarlM. a.c11o s 1r¥1c. a11d 11111alal kw u.s.Go.........- Uc1111ed Tecllnlclalll • Call D llOW far Mnkl ~~Nn .. _ . ·coAST .ELECTRONICS ,._ -. co .. . • 911 C1111 ll1tW., • ~ .... l11da • Thunday, Friday and Saturday, November 8, 9 an410 Purtest Mi~eral Oil . I j Scented Box Stationery 59¢ kL -64)(! Value · a.c . .,.. , • 1 r I I I 'H.ydrocea I PEROXIDE ""'" ,, Replar lie --"'----.-·--···-. blloooun: BONET~ I · CHIPS- 5-<IL 19¢ ~ .... _ ......... _ .. _.... . I OOllBINATJON LADDJ; Purse &::atllfold Pen & Pencil Set a.c. 98¢ Sl.16 ............ -.... -.......... _..... . I -· ·~ . ~TALL OF OUR STORES . • Li Ren Dish Towels CABA NOlllJ: llINIArUUl Face -Powder & P-e1fume :i:~ r.r ..... ....... . ....... Jf ¢ Fit!I! Ylibtif Ciilll IRAllPOO --of • .J'AllDLEY HanCI . Loti0n 65• ~ _ .. _______ .,¢I ___ _ DOBOTllY GRAT 8IDii'llUK8T DESIGN · ~ TUMiLERS ·RCA 45 · ::.:.':... ..... --.. 6 for 59f . ' Record Player ' LOTIONS $12.95 . ' :;&~ -·-..... '1'°, TUMBLERS lk&. FOREST Qlll!ZN 8PEOIAL , · 10¢ .... ··----.. ·--·-·---.....: --w..---~,,.. MILi-Clild · SALT st.tA11R ·. 1 ..... 1111·· ..,...;.;_,._,_-..:::t·_-·'1" . " \ ' • • • ' ,. -7 ' , ' ' 7 -I • P.&81. ~ ... JCOY. t, 1111~ 81rrHa Ollltl o-,_.. 2 b t K&WI' .... ~~.A.a .. nc*dr .. - l'Oa..ulll ~ Nm papwl"lll ~ 11n> b 1'llL -'J'it., 'No ...... · "'Diii TANKll ~OOlllNG" . Sjiin ~ lfarie Aldell ~ ·-.... T" "!H1N10' ~--OF Tlllli 8ftSE1!" nuldo~T-,...- 8....._ Wei.. Nn. lMll "CJLOSS 'IO ll'E B&Ul'I"' • 0.-~ • ....,. MID• .. -Alae - , .. BIG I Cil.."'OV .&L .. IUd< Doai<lat. Jaa Sterthor '1'111: D&Y '1111! llAlt'.l'll STOOD 8rp.L" JOdl·e • e&e. Patricia Nell CHILOREN = FREE::":.:::.:,~~.: . . PAULO DRIVE-IN THEATRE Start. Tbun.., No-.. lttb "J' ATh'TINQ THE CLOtlDll WD'lf SUNS!mo'E" -Morpa. VJrs1.i. kay. -AIM - '"l'OKOKBOW Ill ANOIBLB DAY"' Bu.,. 1t.omaa. a&ev• Cedlna TueL, xo,·. tSth .-&OLD.llN BORDE". ' Darid Farrar, Aaa Bl;y-Uo -.Aloo - "llATUJlDAY'S HERO" J .... -Doaaa Rod -· • ...... •ettM'I ..... bjl ~ .. ...... "S•rz·• PCIU" ....... ---...... 'l'rMJ" "People Against O'Hmn1" Uwl ••• , .. ,. • llOONI "Str••tc-. Na•d Desire •• N .. ! ftrd -t -a.po, • "C0me Filt1M C•" ,......,. a ... ...,. ~wttk..I "Behave You1Mlf'1 • ... &oodbyeMy Fw.y Now Plt,Jin9 -• et~ Cdllege • ~-.. •at••• ,., <W•• •t> ~ ~ - Oilllop C?l&pol -"Oooe!i• -,~ ttaaaect 6 s •ll:r +w wt.Mil ii tM ftnt ....... .. Iii~ tlOll t# UW -r,r tllo 'Newport Blu'bo. Oommallj Pia,_. Xartl\ella l!olldaU ol eon.".& ""1 ..... pl&yen pnolMt with - e?'Ol feature<! ~ ........... dl- ,....uns .... -IA> --.. Ibo loUI -tor, -atar ID t11e .... of Aa'tlla --ltaofi u • M1J1tu_t wrft:e:r ... eencttap wcriwt. muru 1D triumpat; to re-'· eel•• &D -...,. eollop "- -tw campUa n... wtlldl De wsa --11<4 --..... Into .... uuaJ. rom • n \ t t: eompUeattona_ aince lt wu a .eret. ''l'Oft\Mff wtth C.De.. P,-t Konlll -ch eauoed her dlom._t IM at.tr.._ .... o1oo o1 eenma dei Kar ...s •tar of -rol .. with tJie a.,.. ta Ana ~ bu !be Km'lll ...... Vlqlnla Moore ol Udo i.i. llu Concert Series Opens With Gyorgy Sandor ... top comedy blllin&' In tbe play u Gyora 11an4o wtoo jp Woody,, ~dent con~ hen Tbunday, ~ov. I , ai:: W9ft\8Jl • eeeretaq, Kho • ne•er Nr;vport Har~ HlCb Kllool, 1' a 1dt wanttnr for• w1llcrack. Mn. native of B\1d1peet .. Hun.pry; 1.n ~oon t. a atap ~ wtUt Alnerican tty ebok»; and a pianiA -.....-i rofM'1n -.. t•n,.•d oa r...,. contln.mta playen producUon.t to ber ~tt. Sl'UdM\t ot Bela Butok. a.JM!or Kel Beny of tJdo Ille, loac a fay-rude ~ debut la Budapat.. Bil <>rite wttll local pllcy....,... .., lint ·.._ ,..... of CC111<ort octiT, turu. In ~ one With the role ot lt;J "'"-devoted, to p.fbtns re- 'M&tt Col~., ute pbotoeral'h"'i "'2lo "°"" oa tho -.._.. cont.lnenL . bu !Jlo own romantic IWltary. witlo In J'<bnwj, U39, Illa hlPIY ., •• Kadam QonsreNWom'a.n and paU. cemtw Anltrlc&n dffut at Car· arlJllP toe rot tll1a pl<ture Ullp· otste' Hall, N..,. :t'ork. """' 1a1m 8aa. _ ~ mmt kl order to brtt:f'eept &DJ' llnJDedJate flhUl In. lhie coun.lry Pul -. .... --Llllli . ::~:::.--~ eoll ... -~· re-echoed tll&t AJTle -w11..: R''S SHOC.,. ... C! "A119•ls 111 the r.uW11tean11Bobw.,,1z,...,. 11tep1an1.ttp••bl•ttntextem1 .. j n.&n ot 1Ut -ra -i>re&M Girl,• ......on aerlM fllf caacuta. 1n SouU. .A.ma-tf OutfMld" ,_ ~~ le&, \ IL' U...~ro.~ ~·.dip!'"' ..:=.t=,',_*--~""! be ... n In tbl• """· Rae Van El· In 1Kt 8....s.; join~ Ibo Unit, ..u... -•--· I -A1" -tll<b, <:but CoDqe co'od, by lb• od Stetee Anny and IOpOJl1 two ~ role. 0(. B•"dmt om.1 Merrill, J'Hn ia mlllta.ry aenice uslped '"G'OOD.BY£''· • • · • "Sword, of Moato <1aurt>ter ot th• pr'dldml hi, her to tbe Slg-nal Corpo.. Bpect"1 tier· ttnt 1oea.l role, ab• -. done fea. Cristo" t ""' d .-.~·--~· with Loll 'flco and Kllltuy Intelllrence. He u an ............ ,. • ..--_, relUlft .. kla eoncert career In 1H4. MY ,·FANCY!'" TUlllNIOOLOB Allgel .. ....,_..._ and comu Since that time tll1a Important ttom a h&lt·yeat'1 cot.chttlr with mulelaa u. toured the world, and S-ACT COMEDY • DRAMA NEXT: JOtb Cen"'1'J' ha. ~ Pace b ..,.. -ol the ,.,.. ........... ..., "KIL IXPllJUll" anolber Pl&Ytra tavor1lt w1U!i a ta.vtted to p&rt!clpate bl the WED., THUR&. Fill., NOV, 1 ·I.. "No Hl..r.way Ill !••IW<d role. ,._ of Britain -.. th• Ora.are eo..t Collf're Chapel '" OtUra in tM cut sr. Boa.nle .um.mer ot 1 t~L tho cr...n Be"'Y, ,.,_.. Br1aco<. Patti Hla popularity ,;.. aolol8t with ndteta: 11 pins tax. on MJt! at -J Hayes, Bo\ Mets. Gue Wacgootr, Ott.batra ill eft!'-tncru..tnr and "1J...&.merieui Mkt.. • Coroaa del 11.a.r ... La Crawtotd, Peru Abbott. Bob ln _. --..on he ... ----w1Ut the ateaa.ntt.a LldO llkt., Newport ••• er eaft llarltqr UM-:B -----------IJ[ee-...-Ja&n K&tUca and Grant -.--...-Produee4 •J Newpori Harbor Coqubua.ltJ' Pla7en •-New York Pbtlhannontc • Symph· .__...._ _________________ ,IT • I L• k Cl b Mex... °"" and the Pblladelpbla Orch-r1p e tn u s .. i. ... oot ... llable for opu: .... Durtnr the ) ............ he H·s Fest1've Eve' . In&' nla'bt ...... the bouoe .* -p ...... ted the world P"'mlere of u take.n . by the Women• . Civic Bela Bartok'a Plano Concerto No. U·DRIYI CRUISERS • Leque ol Newport H,a r • 0 r. 3 with tbePhlladelphla Orcheatra Mr•. Gla.dYI Bird Qf4 lQa. Jva 'thund&y and Friday perform· under the dlrect.Jan ~ Eua"ena Or-ROW (OATS • OtlTBOA&DS Coe wen ......... a. tloe-Trtpi. cu...__andtlcl<tloantor mandy, • UVS BAIT Link Club of the ~ Rebskah •le _,. Pla.ye.ra memben. Thq ' . • TACJD..E k>dge at their lnonthly ftJttt.in&' tn a.re a.llo °" ale at Richard'• Udo • i:::::.::· th• home ot Mn. Bird on l>Nn&'• Market hi N~ and at tbe All· Cyril Hanson Ave. The room. were 'attraett•t· Americu JO.rktt' ta Corcaa del E L L rs I 0 AT R E NT A Ls ly decorated In the H~een Kar. at Little Church - ~~ --~ -motu. Kra. Viol& Beckett p1'08id· Mn. Rar)ortt WOO.-ot Lo!· . '--_...,._ •. ,,. !AW,.._ . !'II. • tlel: 1111 -~-.,.,,_ la N AT 80ll'l'll DD.or JLU'Sll'OU lllUDGE ed .... tli'e --rune -~ -p y, --cynJ ... -• .....,,. llOloi.t,.will .,_ _______ ...,...__~---------_ 1a Ibo ~ Iha• -Iltl· IJlWljllqd ,It ,...,..tloll .... ,f"f· ,.... -.. u_. at t11e 11 -:: ..._ • c8:wttiln and Karl• DouitrtJ' 1'itft O.Jrdea S. .tap •aMitl'· L •· 'W'Drill1p •rlk:e ant 8uaday \ • No,,w ·, . . ... ._ OPEN SATURDAYS alld SUNDAYS 111ere Are ' • . ~y Air V AHT?AGES • • J.· -· fir y Oii ' in . Using ,.J -~ ~' • ~ tiEWPORT-8ALK>A NEWS· NE'MlORT BAY POST Md ~t-EWS NEWPORT -BALBOA PRESS ' • .. • .... ~ .. Ale-_ • ~ •' •• • -· .. --•• r QUCK-ACTING ~-~-...... . . .:.EVER. TMLY ·• . ~--, E>.&EILi. ~ .~ -. t 11'4) Fl..L»I& -lllOFITAILE. ' -eri1••U..*- Jlllll -~ h:I' ,, ··-· • ........ --ca_ .,. p:I' F :... . . t. .... •·M • • -, • • ' • -pn-Ouut. p.-nt .. ,. Tllo recont -ol the IUlr -.... at tbt Little Cllurdl "7 lll-'aDIM Beckett, &wthon, CD6, name lltarrtaa' Joaa Cra-.,,.. the .... ......... ol La(loe and lllar)r Toylor, Alma Black, Mar-bMed oa the pl&y. n>roup -_ three blocluo out km Ro.e, J'Sorence Swtt.ser, Ethel of Soutll O..t lll'fd. Rn. J'ran.k Bmltb, ~ Bortm-Wot· -C:..::..tcL o= Cl b L. Dawoll 'wt11 _, tb• third "' -. Kary. O>ii: °"'-· tollaillln>il; ~nan • u • --ot m-..ea Oil the l!ec: ley aJ>d Anna WttkiM. Da~ t L J t Th md o.ntnr of UM Lord, mini' u llteclle<t .,,.. "Hap" Smalloy io1n-o Mee urs. .... ...,Jeot. -n.. Joy °' 11oe - ed th• ladiel lt.ter ln the eventn.r td Hope." for deaeert ot pumpkin pie and On TllW'Jldai ...ma, of ~ The nCJ mlMlon of thla lltUe: .UUpped cream served by the two week Uae--m:wa•n&. Ou:b of New· Nett T..t.fne:nt church i. to wtn hoate&Ha. Haul 'Dumont of New· port HuW will meet at the home wtn aoull to the Lord Jeaua Chrlat, port &uh wUl be hoeteM at uie of Tom Htft•l"l\&ll, tM dUb'a Pre-J· Matt 21:18-10; and to prtach th9 November meeting.. dent, m.t-4. ot UM HUrle7 Beil Gcwpel to ewry creab.lre, Mark KEEP SPUD DOWN It may be veat sport to te.t ou t the mpeed capacity or thaJ'new car, . but tt ii a sport tha( may euilJ' turn to tragedy~ WUN. the N&tional Automobile club. Under pl"Ud.t crowded ht&"h~'I -condJ- ' tlona, you ahould at air~ea te@ •ycUr speed d"1rn to tbe· point that gtve• you complete control of your car. Cale. _ lt:t~. You wtll Uljoy µte Chrlatt. 'Tommy'' n.om ... of Wutem an fellow•hip ln thta tut-rrowtng Canne?J w1D ~vlde a baked alba· lnlf'r • denominational work tn the core tor thoM who enjoy flah. but South Cout an&. • the memben who ln.liat upcm me&t 8Unda1 Khool mttt. at 9 :41 &. m\l8l .. brillf t.Mlr own." All of the m. with cl•me1 for all acn. Come other deta.Ut of the meal will M and brinr tllie family to the Houe pro~ of the Lord_ .Junior church meeta at 11 :15 L a.ult. omie tram oomt&nl m. All •CM of J'OW'pl.era an tn· Plec:tlcat .A.a ad NCUlmtY la W. Y!ted "I attend. paper wU1 prod\.lcf ?'lllaltll for 1W Slnpplratlon at T :30 p. m. Sun· -Peopla do Nod the ....,t adl, clay evenln(. A .. rn.. of lmplra, ==:--:----=--------.,,.,:,· == · --Uon 'and bluainc for thoee who llml ta ~ Uoeir fOYOrilee Olld llat.ea to tbe tutlmOQJ .. eL aart.. tluo tbet 1"lt tloelr tnlst la. tho r:.mL • ., ftUl'IAay, '7 :30 p. m. ii Bible ~ and Prayer llleetiJoS. n.. dMI wW bertn a ftftl' COUl'W - the work aad mln.latry of The Holy Sptrtt. You are invited to attend. · :VAWES . · .• -· CHllttD : . ILOSHEEIS conoa-.. , •#· • 'I , ••• • • • . , .. ,it ... 4.11 ,.. Ji. ...., SPF' ... I .... -~-·· .....,._..,._Ji a . -.... ,. -.. -· 224 ........ •• , ' ' . tw'-••• a.-1 • stt COWPllJI. 81MJlllll ~., .... _ TllOPIC&L DIUNU tHE NiY/ HUT ·-OMot -..,.. 1-~ ....._ r .. -a..t •-. ... ,. . 0 I I I I ·~­. 1rw.. •. 7 s.,.. DUNCAN HINES 1c9 0-..la-la ange. County by I I Afli for It at y_. Deeler ~ ..... Dl7 °= ..... 'LIDO ~ 4M Newpeft BITC. I <Xl8T& MS!!A I -1-.J ...... a. ...... ;.... I . I T.V. SETS 1 FOR RENT ! 'Ml&Y lmllliva • l 'nDE -r. v. -1 NSWPOft BLVD I N-rt- 1 BA•-I• • u..ECDIC 8tJPPLIE9 I UstaUnc~ I Lampe-- Pal'ta-Jtepaln • ~YN!_!ff!f~£L I c.ta illleM • .._. •••*-n11 DaECTORY ALTZ l.IORTUAIY I ~ SUR~~-INSURE ,. • wttlt : 11&(1 ..... ~ .. ... . ' ·Olllr • ~':.::' "z-ITll ~ ~-..: -· ) ...... • YO"'LL NEED A llCW 10.ASIER FOi TM.AT . THANKS1ifYING TURK.ff! WI: llAVW: llAVORY ll048TEU,,TBJ: O&IGINAL DOllJll.& . WAU... llL'l1E 8TONS ~ from $2.75 to $4.95 OTDa 111..lllli ENA-•, ll0&8Tl:U from $1.79 to $5.75 • • Also WEAR· EYER ALUMINUM . ROASTERS FROM $5.45 tQ $7.75 . l:ao;J IM*( ----Made ...... --... Wdc SllMt. AllUW19wm GOOD SELECTION OPEN ROASTING PANS, BLVJC D•Ml!L Al\'D ALUMINUM ntOlf -.e -L.A ST DA. Y S. Q.f ·s.A~L-E ·i·:· -I .. • . "' -• 20% Off on -Ewerylllilrg ·rn '.~tcpck~" --~I. .lo•p.-#if!ii -sii#P:. ·: ••• ..,.. 1-..a ~ :, 1507 Coast Hlgb'aj. CORONA DEL MM . ' ( • -· • ' • • ' • , . ' . . ' . ' " . . \. • '· ~ I . - -f t •• ' , ... Tars Drop. '10 'In ·· Worthy -~tron-RepulsRC41n w1)men -~u:&at)I . · •11-"" -· -'1h•-r-··'·~ · •AAlll • • l»"lU .i. ...l!..L .... ::.:: ~"""" • _, ..,.. ... ,..._.,,.._,w nww au FeTeS~un..ors '·. f"tterid C-ention ·e -----~ -wtll .. zhl' HZ-~.,_ -.&Jilt .... WWW<} nwa CHAFfEY . IN SLOW GAME Game to Saints .~ 1-7. -· w.-. -~·~·,· . ::::-~·.:::.=.."";.;. . . . . , -.. OCC COASTS· 14il. OVER : ' . . '. M&lrGa ot JlutNJc> ~~-· ~ fll t)M 0ranp = = tltJl -."' ~,' . • ~ . I .. ,jpRe&_ ~,.~ ·1 • , _ · • NIWp<>lt 8-rllQr'• :Vanlt;y foot. dllpoWd ~ -.. ~. • .or Mpu~Ol&lell,· Wltll ' lr-11811 ,_.,. - -'" •• > - A llOW.·l'OlllnC Oran .. OOUt WI \Min toltff '* Allahetm'.1 •In~_!-~•~.~~~~ ~-JITab!fI..!~.. -Mn. _,_,_. ... .,.j,1 ~ -N .... • T I .. PM•Ili I K...-aMjlle lNit Oollof9 ilrwrimed up ·~ 'ID· • I--at' A.a alu 1 m In S -t-..,.. --"'.'" ~w · __,. u Mleploo ol ~ - -• 0\1D 11,111 llUdlili.Aft>N D~ftE ~ ""'""-to -tW.. toudldowu OES leaders . t11a1r .-i -i:....-..,.... --i11e c:ooi...o, ._ u.. ~ ~ • • .,,"' 111 • -. ......, ............ 1:-.0"7-f ·-.... .-• ........ ta tho -llalf and pla)'ed the C'-aftar ~a toap a. Jn'lltlq -to 11er.-e,.• C&ll -•enllon hold W~ ..W Miiiie ...,I ---_ -,1 V . . r -to otop Ch&tt•1'• ott-Fete . Officers 20 --ti> .ta Alla at th• IUll<d -In I<> dlJ out ~-a l.. tho Hua~ Hotel In -· :::t . , ·. . -, . -Tbun:1&y aJPt to rack up their ~ . • M1mtctpal Bow1 JUt J"rtdQ' atp.t. tables ot can ... atter ~ ~ den&. A. lf'OUP .of J~ W'ClllMll. I 1 ; "q ! I fOlll1h Eutem CODftrtace J'oot-Ruth and Henry Delater, _,.. MlrwiA'• .Punl<Y 8&Dor9 llad • WU done.~~-. -ot the 1-111111~ plm to " l . - kl! 'llctory of tilt yoar· lf-0 at thy ~ and worth)' .,.-ol. U plllnt lead at -U-m th• Mr. 11114 Kn. 1 I. M---. ~ -~ tilt ,,... .. •l\tkm io be htld · ' :ft 0 E y ' ' HuatinJtoll Beacll _;. • :.um Harbor Star chapter, 0.11:8, feted llallito but c:ouldn't hold up al· ....,. -Dmllo: ~ 'Z' a, lt;and 17 Ill Saa •DleP, • .. v ' $ O.U.R. c HILD. turnout ot' 2000 ,..... .Star offlcen and their "trallen'' ll>oui:ti thty did a1..,. • dt-~ fltsmomo, Kn. .llJbcl& -u... of tilt Harllor -I . T 'l'bo Pinta, obvioully look!nc on ~1 uenlns, Oct. 15 at a cUln 1<1.-IA llolh the ft r • t Place, c11a1r1naa ol the audltllas llopubllcan womtn 'Will I>!'· lldd N E III! D A Q O A· 7 tonrard to their pme With Stllta party In IOOF l1alJ. I " -· ....,. deportment and ti>• conunlttoe; &loo -Lacbm• Noy. UI •t IO .. m. at tht 11..... • I: "' "" '. A.a& Iha Bat..-1 ntsbt at s...tt :Mn. Delater prHenl<d tho -srowid pilled ...i or lb• -"'¥er and tht IM»t an4 -/ Cfutt Mrt. x.a.....,.ee BJvwa. t2u Ana. couldn't kindle enoup. flre men wtth Chlnette potc~ pla.te. The 1oca1a dUt> ttnt-clo•,ne'd A.a f\Dale to the lftDIDf"_.J(t. an t.n';;:!·.!611 women inte.rated In the tint hCf to .top Cbaff•>'• and llowla, mm .....i-ltat Santo Ana •. e and Olltplned -., .. "'4 4eUc1o11o bom•~ ..,. ~ attend. otttu11, lei alone pt one rollinC" chuen and put patrou had linen Utem on th• ~ Mf·2*. Ice aum. tor tbem.aelvea. Chattey had MV· ba.D.dkerchlefa.. Table p.riM:• were It wu an 8().yud Jrtdkoft re------- eral eeortns opportuniUea early tn canuta •tli of cM"dl and bold· tw:n late in th• second bf' fleet ~ pme &ut ran out Of ru just erm. A color theme ot ~ and toqt.d Dlck Bennett wb.ldl brob when they needed the extra c:r'ffll wu carried out lit detail.I. the bM.k of the TaN w)to were punch. At the refttahment hOUJ' catven leMtng 2o-7 at the Ume. ne loe&la acored their t 1 r • t Hrved tnd1Yidual' hot dffp di.ah Ht.rbor 8COl"9d tn. the tint quar- Harbor Stars List Pot Luck Dinner Reservations for Bridge Luncheon WE CAN , SAYE. YOU 1 $5.00, ~'"Mou \N THIS .........--. . '.STOClt ••OyC'.HON &At.Rt· · SOX for 4 Dr. (or ft~ .Do lili Kalt -1 ·• CHILDREN = ';i..i · P'AftTIES speo1o1. 29; ' touchdown ta the third period u apple pies topped with lee cream. ter &tfu 'J')ny Pridham r9cove:r.cl Barbor Stu ch.apter, 0 . IC. S., at John Black went 14 y&.rd. around Prueot were: M.e111rt. Ad a Bennett f\1Q1ble 'on the s..tA,t 10. lta next rerular m~g .. Nov. lS, hia own tett end to end a M-Mmu. Ha.rrill CotUe, Sr., Harold Pulaald pueed to end Dorr Pettit will hav9 a 1 :30 pOf luck dinner yud drlv• which took JO plays. FlnJc, Ray Nlellen, A.rtbur J'ttz.. tor .even &nd tullback Don A.er-prfCedinl' the eeuion ~r to Jeae Smith kicked the conver--Jmonil, Arvin Voorbeea. Walter vold plowed tor two before Kr&. Henry Dei.ster, Worthy Ma· •ion. 'The aecond TD came 1n the I }Jepperle, John Weat, and Orvtlle Puluki went tlMi HmtinlnC" one. trim. Jiremben aft to brtnK a cov· fourth period u Charley Black Mithoft. Mmea. J"lormce Ander· Rex Bell con~rted. ered d1ah and their own table HJ'o ~ eaa sttD 1'e...,. for a few tables ..u u.e. A..a.t;.. a.oe i.e..-• t..w, JuMe•eoa --.. party .. f'rtdaJ at l!lali.o. llay dub, Olao fOi Ille cookto.11 party -llaftd dill· Der Ulai eW!ll.111•· Thole dMlrtaC ____ ...... Ila u:~~.u ··Brat Shopl A~ r 8tmkwu.t, ll&tl:Mtr to5I or Jin,. Walter F...a&. Barbor UM. AVE. 008TAUM llEAOON ~ went over rtcht tat)cle a.nd cut 1 aon, Eathu Devine, Bette Smith. PuluJd. *"7red. the ..¢ond Tu t':l.ce. baclr: to h1a ten. foT 3& yanil. Jo Peck and Dorl.a Rap.n. Aled touchdown in the teCOnd quarter ----------- Jea.e Smith converted. A third P&4l matrona and put patrolll u he J'!o!l Mftll yards and Bell touchdown wu ml.ued tn the eec· M ~ • • e r • and M:udamet R. mimed the convenloa. Sant& opd period aa tunback Hal Smith I. "CUb&" llorrta, E. I. Moore, AJla then cu.hed bl on p 1. • • e 1 ripped oft left tackle for 74: yards. Walter Donnelly and W l 11 lam .trorn. Saint quarterback Bob Swtt. He wu tn fT'ont of the pack a11 Lachenmyer and the .holt &nd zer to end Monte Da.via. Swlt"T he neared the eoa1 line and tum-bosteas. went tn from one yard out and bled the ball into the end sone. Jarrett Terrell kicked the extra He •tumbled in trying to plclt up 0 c Cl b Wo ~·en pol.nt to make It 1s.1. With $0 the ball and • Cl)attey man fell • • u ' . -. MICOftda Jett in Ute ftrlt. h a 1 f on It for an automatic touchback to Hear Pulukl taded back to throw a -no points. pa.n to Bell who want 1.n the Chaffey had a chance to put Joseph Kennick W>LY to make It Hafbor 19. Santa the akfds under the optoml•tic Ana 7. Bell then kicked the Pirates early ln the pme u they Board MeetiD& of Orange Coun· utr• point to make It 20-7. recovered. quarterback PMll ty Federation of Women:. Clubs It was at thl11 potnt that Ben· Cha!e'11 fumble on the Pirate 22. w ill be held Nov. 9, at Buena. nett returned the 80 yarch for They then run for nve and pro-Park Con,rre.ptlonal Chu re h, Sant& Ana's aecond score. Swit· cttded to ti')' Co&st'a pau defeMe Tenth and Grand. zer'• pa.uing then lead the Saint• on the next three downs with no Morning-eealon l• at 10 a. m. to two more teuchdowm and a fuck at all Cout took over on Spe&ker wtll be Joseph Kenntck, 28·20 win. the 17. A short l ime later they Superint endent JuvenJle Bureau, ------ broke Marion Sancl1tz away for Long Beach. AT TECOP"- a flrfl down on the Cout 11. Afternoon eeuton wtll feature: Mr. and Mrs. Ernea:t Poupart ot They were forced back to the 18 Mul!lic by Hosle•• CI u b. MrL Newport Beach and Mr. and Mn. ~Ttere Rudy Valedes tried a . field Joeeph Weiner, Dean of Ch&Jr-Andrew Brockett of Col'ta Me• Coal which fell ahort. man., Department of Public Rela· have ~n enjbyf.n1 • deaert eo- Cbafe f\lmbJed on. the Chatfey tlon.e, CFWC win be apea.ker. journ •t Teco~. " and the Jlanthen took over -------------~---------- and went to the Pirate 115 before Ray Rouo's boys lt.ltfened and too» the ball on downa. It was rtrht a.ft.er thla that Hal Smith broke away for his 74-yard pay- dirt romp (It would have been 1. ·~ check" anyway aince offl· clall detected offsidn on the Pl· rat .. ). Chaffey ha.d another chance u Jim Kurts Intercepted a Chafe pau intended for Paxton on the Coa8t. 10. The Pirates then Johnson· Davidson Vows Repe~ted at. Orange Lutheran· Church Standing before uie beautlt'Ul at tar ot st. John's Lutheran church at Orange, Ml&1 Donna Irene Dl.Yidson and Allen Leroy John· son repeated vowa In a ca.nd.Jelight went to work once: more to 11top w Don Kraemer'• club. Minute• aervtce performed by the ~v. . tater, Glenn Thomas ln~rcepted a B. Gab on the evening o( Mon· Howard Miller paM to G le 11 n day, Oct. 29· " Woodward and retum~ to the The 1'rlde 1-daughter ot Mr. and Coast 19 where Miller ahoved hlm Mn. PaUl Damiter or ~llerton and the brid\>groom la aon ot the out of bounds. The Panthers then Rev. and Mrs. Samuel John.son ot pined a tint down on the aeven N rth Carolin and tried a field goal with only ~---h •· f th Id ~use er own a u Te• H four eeeo•da remaining-in the ,_ 1 Do ~ In k halt , m owa. nn& wu &.ven ~Jr That wu the flrst. h&lf-tbe inf by bu atep!ather .. She wott Chaffey club threatened no more formal _:.vhlt. satin with appliqued that night. The Pirates uncork• lace yoke and standup coJl&r. Sim· . llar lace wu aet on the •kirt h'om ed the plug in their offense and the pointed bodice line down, the rolled to a TD in the third quar-front. An ivory tlar.. held the . tor and another in the fourth. 1 ed ed t u 11 hi h t then spent the rest of the time ac~ g u e ve "' c .wep excbanginc punts a.nd -1vinC' very beyond the &l.x foot tr&ln. She car · little und to the Panther. rled a white prayer book on which ~ . WU a bouquet OC Jlltee Of the Val• Eutent IC Colllen:nce Standlnp Jey. Following tradition. the veli W L PU Opp waa borrowed, the prayer book San Bernardino ··-3 0 101 8 wu old and then wu a bidden Oran1e Cout ······-· 3 1 93 49 blue prter. :nve:~···::::~::~:= ~ ~ : !! Mn ~~ E~~~urace tr c Mt San Antonio.... 1 3 33 88 h · • ug-u d ,a;"1 mah! on °t Full rt 1 3 4:8 a3 onor, waa gowne ... ce ue sa • e on ····--·····--· in almllu ln ~tyle to the bridal Chaffey -···-·········-··· 0 4 • 34. 130 gown but with c•p ale-eves. The Game. this Saturday Nl1"bt bocllce wu adorned with rhlne· Orange Co.ut at Santa. Ana; Fu!-atone• and ahe wore tee blue tnltta. lerton at San Bernardino; Mt. She can-it'd deep red camatiom: San. Antoni& at Rtvenlde. and wore tn her h.a.ir • tlara of . ~ ... .,...,. £,.,. .... . ~ ........ ----~-.,. :;;. ,.,. the 1ame flowers. llertel Coe waa best man and u.b~ra were Robert Atkinson, Ro~r Neth, RaJph Herr. All are • • • memben of Newport Beach Police department. h I• the bridegroom. Muter Paul Damttcr, four-ye~· old brother of the bride, carried the rinp on a pillow of Ice blue satin which tnalc.hed the aa.tin kneellnc pillow. Llke men of tbe weddlnt party, he wore a white dlnner Jacket 9ver dark trouaen. Sally Browa. llirff·yur-.Gld flower girl, wore a gown which dupllc•t~ e-d that of the matron of honor and her tlowera were red ca..rna'1ona. Mn. Dam.iter, mother ot the bride. wore gold brocaded •Ulc: and • conal"e of Talim'l&n roaea. Flowera ln br'l.d.al white decorat· ed. the church and the center aiale wu roped with white •tin. lee Blue Cake Women ot the church ..Sated with the rrcepUon, held In Walker hall. The ca.ke wu a lovely a.f. tatr, frosted Ln Ice blue and with separate layen held above each other on crystal tiers. For" the honeymoon trlp north the new Mn. J ohn.aon wore a .Wt ol navy blue With matching shoea. whlte accessories and an on:hld corsage. She wu educated ln .choot. of Des Moines, Iowa, whlle her bugband attended those ot North Carolina. He WIU with the navy ln \be South Pacific and tt-- celved the bronu star. He attend· td Orange Coast college and bu served three yeara with the local police deputmen( The co\Jple will make tbelr bome at 812 ~' Balboa Blvd., Balbof. . All Safeway Stores will be closed Mon· day, November 12th in observance of Armistice Day. . Shop early. ·········-· .. -------·- t•EU 11111 Nllll I.Ilene Milk "C :::. 21 c Homoofnlud, poltturi,__, Y.a .gal ... ile) rria IMbje(t to Stote loord ...,totiOM. ConcHlrated Milk ~..:..1 19-u.c.me. ,,.,,. rich. AISd 2 ,om wet• to mol<c "'6i. milk. IQ.oort, Me) Mrs. Wrlt'fs Bread '::! 15• -.... -. tllcod. f ... ly boUd. Cradled Wlleal Bread '::! 17• Mrs~ Wr'ghr's dad. 1111er: are, J MB. Wright's a%fd. 100%=1reH Mn. Wright'• afic.ed. BABY FOODS Gtrber'11trtiaed 3 25• or chopped. - MAR6Allll Sunnybinl: Yellow. 21• FoBwnpped. .. tlltl 1llll 1Nt/Al 'AllUI I LOii ·.BOAST Rib Ead or Loin End Roasta. Cut from Loin of lb._ • Emtel'D Grain-Fed Pork. (End Chops. lb. 59c) POU CHOPS IC-Cut Jloaot. lb. 73cl BEEF Lifl:B aom sna•-llO~ ~ U. L CB)JCE W l>ol;h• to-lrf • ....... :lillDE 1Jl1• . Kmnll'• Pride la ••S...W ...... llllced lpedall .. 79~ ... 79° ~910 · .. 52• lOOK AT THESE SAFEWAY VAlfJES SWED mrus Hl9baT llnmd. ED'5 l2ladasd. CORIED) BEEF·;.~ 1:: 39!' ' JELL·WELL ~~13 :::.17° REX LARD ~== !! 114' BUTIER , Dairy Gloa. !'Int Qaallty QllarWejCllMlCartaa1d .. 78• TOMATOES Sll<ed li<Oll ~29° • r,..th Blod< Hln. Bologna .. 57-Larp or -..D. Pitiee •Iliad. 1ee111e1m .. 47° Toblb•llft. f""'9 Chlckem .... -Jl-CtWAt.t.. Cktll Pri .. 45· ~...,rillou. lllllillS(tlb .. $5· M-111 RIB• #Iii 'k•.llkl'='= 17• l••••• 5°~"1'=. '= 11 • &•• Peu re '~ 21· 111ty u... ••• 1 :.:-n• Fdook lllll lrzss 1:.:-22- Stinenies ~s-':.:-Jt• , .WAY COff&- 1 Mndanimeilow . 1 ... 12• 13-lb. bag. 2.U) .. • • llll (Off& ~ r....iq,wur. ,... 74• ' (2,llo. Ng.1A7) .. . I • • .crQw1W1 ............. • • • ·/ ' • • ' . , . ., -I .-. ..... • lfOY, -,, .un·r ; • , n ..... -'11111* t ~IOll'f ~y . Plleuell 'M M'dill"'1r la .... l'C>ft pD lllOttillG "MftlJ'. ...... -.;. 10 'I Jill Jiit fot ,_. FRANK WISHON :Aonounc:•~ -;na. OftXINll ''fW ' • ' .... • ...:111tllff ..'.lot.DI . ~INC. • • Wiii9 ""'~ • W1lc1illl to ' THI WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS SPORTS CAR ~ TIUl OJO: CAii YOV'Vll ALWATI WANTED ~ Dat\'11 T209 Coast Highway N•.,....+ leacll .. • • • • • . Protecti~Qf ~ -cnt CIYIC l10NS.',~ Ocean Front . GATHER IN .-CARS FOR·.: . : Cost fstmated , P AftADE. BRt PlANTING · ~ Kon 111&11 '600,00f • wu the . 'ParUcl~ "' ~~· ftnt pUUe aJohs -wbloll dty ·en~ l . a the cltya' flnt ~ ....... ~ dYio MIC>Olatlou ot Uie 'fl'•l>lr. •u-....s f• • ,...,loot of City ol NewpCd't 8o9cll, Ill llbre than ull.. ~ autoliio-=~': ~:i ~.= pblla ems fll • tM -~ 1>9,y· 'ol-.Yuce :s.tU?Uy. 9-1> 1ro1n IOlll lltrHt 14 the aeed u:1 the)iaille Conle "Bud Mini. JCI Tcwo the ea•ll· 111 .. r Jetty •t tho Weft cttJ eade of eomm11111tt beautftlen. Wtre lee[~ Grand Marahal llmlt.. Webb .s.crtl>ed Illa ftCatt Harry Welch. ', • • · In-Up-of t11e aru and of • Wnry orpflllli! Wlllibl"~,.·~·•• ..;.·--------- olmllar probl..,.. ot --8ool city and a ,_ ,..... ud'.......1 1 · · -and lnt-.tlnr ...,.,.;,. ... --can ..... Jdoad..'"m', ....... , c• Mm fore a ptbmnr of tll<I . Witt 1eat by realdent. ......,"'" ~ D'~ S1dd111'v Newport lnlpr'O'ttmtrtlt •AuodaUOft prt.ed to see the., II¥ ot. maidi ,.. • 4 • , In o:eaion at the City H&U P'ri<l&y lined fllll "1111 <M<rlnf . C11J!*a 'l'llree of Newport lh11>on (la· nJ1ht. --• and their pan:nta and Iota of UaoM ut cata were clOMd. MOAday· ta n.tt!IM<I && a ....,..,,l at riflll wbo jlllt ''like a ,arade.' r...,.rico 14 the Jnelllort of ~ IUlPe lo the shore and runnfllf BhorUy after eleven o'clo<k Sat· berl C. 'Berl' Wblte, ~or """" ~ or ..._erl7 at dltteTtet utda7 ni o ta I a I tb:t ~pPUy tuner&f' .....SO. wu c0nddctt4 oa um-. wu tu Ude whicfti 11aa mefthlnr M&rlnH from ·12 Toro · th&t d.Ay. White, aced 43, .... urrlOd away lholll&ndo of yatdl cl&d In llnM bl--up Ille lowta dM4 In lilt homo, DI P"li.rl of bMeh un.d fl"om the al'lore in bUd u they •t&rted. dOWn. If... &ft.Due, Ba.IN& lllUC. "1 JUI wtfl1 f'Hfilit weekl. Wel>b l&Jd that th• pOrt Bl•d., from. 12nd ltrttt. at ~a. S&turday momlftf. ,.._t action wu not aa oertouo the City Hall. J'or a1moat tho 11111 Tbl couple ll&d wotlled l&M- aa p,.1't..,. erodtftJ acllONI that .tmrth of -.Jboa Bl.,._, ,,._ Ke-d&Y mornlftf at 'Vaux' at ltal- h&ve W<en ho,,_ out to 1<a trom Faddm Place to Kala llrett. the whlc1I thf1 mlUl'Of'd . 11oth had Weit 1'ewpdrt. Me l&ld that tn MartAe1 U,t th•tr 1tt&ttJ&l tUft• rone bomt before rctunamr for prttSOU. yean Seuhor-e drive hu a J>l&Y1D• for UM •jo)ment ot the e•enlng ahJft. Mrs. White ~ ltMn. ~ampl~IY wuhed out arad the thouaan.b who Urted the route Mtore her bUJ:band ud bec&ule u.t. the-00ut HIP..7 wu at of march. be 1\1.d been wttn1nl' from uth· ttm• mdanr•r*I.. All 1a,re,,.s11 1111t'ft ~ ·ma. had not dJ.ltU.rt>td him. On Webb dueribed a plan dr&fted ferm wa. 11"*94 at U.. ftnt b•r Ntura to th• tamtly home aftor tho -tidal lcllonl ' ... ll' ho .. ·-.dl..-S ..... &tier dollnl bOUrt Saturday, at HIT Whkh called 1111' the con-..... at Al.....SO •-t. IMI-. 'Mil,. wu dead. atrueUon ol a -.. of frolJLt Oltle tM JllaU•ra -1-IW 'Jlat' 1'lllt1, topt1lor wttb Illa • • • • • • • l • ranrtnc in lenrth trom &DO to f10 *-' .... ....,. « U. 11a •u~ brvtllint., Attllur and V&u, have ftet In lqtt>. AIM lnelUded In •tf ... -Wbo •v• ftrk• ,atJIOd Wl<lo --• tor tbelr ·' tft.provemtnt plan waa 2,otO feet M • bellall .r t1M1 ctrie -.... l"Mtu.n.ntl. 8urt1¥1nr lllo IA ftd· PHOlU! lm.Ul01' 'Ml FIM:sT QUALITY RATTAN FURNITUIE RA n AN DRAPES M•d• lo otdff Ill ogr -11 tkp. A"" w-ldfti, •11'1' l•rteth. •Ill' Mlor Co,,.pl.t•. With Cendc.• ""' If d•~rM. lit bqll<lte&dlng from IOth ltrfft ttlfciMloa'· ,,._ .,..i Al1oot dltton to tlle btOlllore and tlle wt· woethty to 3tlh -· Kot tn· Dar. • -are two •~rt, Mn. Lae Du· eluded. in the C09t ot u.. project Pr•lll*r o\W U.. •••lolt... nnt ot BAMHta; and Kre. .Wll· ,... Illa dttdJ'tftr of eutfldent lhl,.n.r c.an lullfe .... rt llull N&WllWI of 1Ud1n10lld1 caut. Nll4 from the Bay to Nbllild tbl -· hrtlea1at tri--lltt. Paul Kolire Whffler. ~· llM<ll. W•l>b eapreMecl fh• llflt.f ~ ffMFy Welch ,... ,.,_ tot of It. lain• 1Dptocop61 church tMt 'Motbtt Mature' would nu .. o ..... Manllel of • ......... CCllld\aetfd th• fUntta1 Mn1ce. ln· ~ (rolftl ..... NCatm tht )Hoh W-wa. -.-:, « tllo Ur!nflll w&& pmau. u ahe ha. done in the put. Jlfew,.n llKbet ~ el -'-' ----- : we111> totd th• group that hto .___ "" _,. •-• Methodists Honor pte1enll.tion wu & plan W.tted qll9f'ter MA-tuff ... ..it .._ tn ...... city tnfinffr'• office atY· mOlt IM"d\ ... la all c••--M· Loc•I Men , treJ. year• aro &ltd at t.Ut time rain, Hotlt. ~ ... i.ar.- •. SANTA ANA TINT. & AWNING co. .... ................ 'trlth the de· -.. -.f ......... " .... •llM and pattftrui of tM u. s. ta tM a.etlritf wMelt: Jeit tb ta.. ll2C 8o. Mala llt. l.L'\'TA A.NA 'KL I-SUS Buch Ero&ton Bo&o'd of the Corpa -.. .. -·ot A111ot Do,r. ~=AJ;oo==LMlt1N===A=llAPU===l!llO=:P=HO=~·-~~·~Oaa~1t~ .. ~-~~f ot Cnfb!Hr•. u. a. Amit. The Lotuue Vincent P.•• a br1itf ..._ plan which W ebb said would have tary at the Pf'OfN'll fflt cl<rie COit only Jlll.000 ta JMl wu bffutltication u IJ\JUtuled by the -' r U.O approved by the Callt'Ornia Balt.oa Improvement A.MOC~tion l U · M B E R 'SAT I fo 5 !t&te !Andi Dtvltlon of S.achel during hi. term u preoldlnt. Vin· rour 1oca1 ..... ldefti. ..... hon· oNd. lu.nd&y Mominl' at dMlc&· tory •n'le• ot. Ute uw Jllndleap· tnr at Cll-Cllureh ~ the llu. Tiie dedt-pro....,. loliolfed tM Hruiat mon.Jnr eerv\ct. ~ •J"Cl&llT boftottd for thtlr •bare ~ the aucceutuJ campletlon at !be prol'T&Jll were Roal Owtn, chair· mMl of the lu4Kaptnf commit· tee; Harold Clua, ftft&m:• ch.lir· man : Zdwa.rd Hett, land9Cl&pe arcbllect and Olcar .,Bat<or, ir:ant· ner. • • • • and Parkl. A 1pec:Lal commlttet C@nl Mid that hie orpniutlon SUN ' to 1 ot the improvement fT'OUP wu had ch&n•ed. the National 1lai&ft. • n~ed t" dlacuu Wl!bb'I propo--ot 'Pl.ant Amerk&' t o autt thf'm· SPECIAL TIDS WEE& -No•. t to Nov. 15 aa1t and endeavor to rtn4 t\ll&nc· aeJvu u 'Pl.ant Newport H&tbor Thick I SHINGLIS $7 · lDr tor "'-Unpronm•nl. N'Mned -Amer1c&'1 Cbake.' lltt 12 per aquere . to tho c:ommttt .. were <>rant ov-J o1eph A. Jlftk. developer of at ..• ABC LUMBER; 140 1!!. 17tla:8t.,~~ JllWt . DWI, R. V.l'•rram. ct7d1 Rft and Balboa !Jtand. ... retary of the -... N ... b~r _,. M. Mlcattft. C&lt!ornla llato knau, rilaled •• ,.,._ the pl&J!ittnr at. the..& tree• on Bal· boil. Ill&nd &nit H&l'Dor llla.nd ·and KIWANIS PINE .aid Wt thuo •ovld be more ot ' ::t.:..r.·~ ~:4~~!': ~: Now Optfl Suncley for th• Home.owner TRl:E l!IFT I boe ..... wttb eacb new ...... CONCRETI ILOCKS • IRICK 11,; Q ·,:1,! :::_"1.;,~~= . LT. FJl.ANllLIN HOME Lt. Stllm 8. J'taftklln, who 11 ltaUoned at C&mp Roberti, .,f:nt tht -k ftld with .h .. _ ... llr. and ¥n. Selim H . FranJl'lin, 1921 Santa Ana .A. ve., eo.t.a MML HILLMAlif MINX • · FLAGsTONE • SAND . • GIA VIL . and -..iced an o1 th ... p.-nt (~ -Pap I) Wllo ll&d ~ tn malrul( th• CEMINT • SUPPLIES . Th• KtwMi. ·•tu• pl'fND~ th• llUOC-of Arbor Day -lblo. IUlt 11111--SKiP W .,.. ..,.., · ,,_ u tbolr part ta t.bo Ar-Les 8totl.....n, parinnlal m&lter plaa tax u4 ll_.. AD.,... run TllAD.J:R LOADING Day proCNm. ni.,treei bad beeo Of ceremoulea, offer«! aome ad4l-\'OGr a..... AIM Dealer K ~ITH I. C 0 LL I NS :::': :0 :i~~.,=~ ~r::,1u. ,_. _ i.... NCWPOaT AtlTO aALU 2124 N""pur& Blvd Cae&a llM& Harllor ,0111 nutton commlti..!. -"' .. ...,A. lllvp!JJ', """ UM W. Newport 8"'4. '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~I Th• l&tlt trffl WtN pl&eld 'By WM .oe ..... t•r :ha\UI' pre--llfew,ort llMdl • city crews with a era.rte and the Miited thfl tint: trer, a Siu I :~~~~·-~~·~1M'I~~~~~ r----------------------.1 et.rlh WU then lboveled ln around PIM, .... t.M .. lM· ftrK bill the root.a by ctYl4 dl,,w.&riff In· Al..,.... 1t1'911, 9Uboa. It .._ cludtnc su~rlar court JUidge ll~llt "'° wert.d .. .,..._t- Robert Gardner: Auemblyman 17 fer many yten to briJlJ atioet CONCRm BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 . PVMr·BIAlK COMPANY-Utt & Mala St. &..ta Aaa lt&rl W, Stanley: State Senate tlie'_ llllp.....,_t of llelboa P111DCI: c1Nt>£B .um 'co:-m Tll 111N111• Bocr.tary J . A. ...,.r")ol,.yor i. •t..t. -' BE r----L. hbell Ind Monte Gl'lm••· Ctlldlt ,. .. rt••ft to &ll Of th- .REil'O'OArotO ~ ud 8UPPLIZI Larae zinc pl&cqUt•, -..itlf:bly who rauppUed car. and truck.I and '--------'---------------Jl ... nvaved wtll be placed at t!1e bunt ing and fl ower• and beauty b&ae of each trU to tdenttty th•m for the para.de Of mo~ thln 70 r --·-·-----·-----·-------..---t •• htvin• bttn fi•en by the New· "'Un. PvtlC\llar prai1e wu given • ! • port Harbor Ktwa.nlt club. to PIUl J . Howatd, Franklin WU- . P'ollowtnr ~ eit,. ball tree ' cox, naUanally known n.unery- 1 •awOOD'•· i::::r all of·-P-• .... meft whO "eotllrilluted plan. and D --,. · to tM N'f'wpoft Jlattror Stlant. &nd tree• tor the progn.m. ~ Yadit eta• fer • 'Du~ TNM.' aoth are re~nta of UM com.m.v• FOB 8ALE Beaa.i.._1 ID.cbeoa to commemorate Ute nlty. · -~ .... t111t.hlia!ied sifi9 ..... io.. At .,... ....ion 1.. Lonni• Vtneent Introduced Mr. f store, Age Md W lleelUI dan•nd qaJM dlit--k tol4 ot tllo plaallllr of u.. ILlld Mrt. Dan lleu. new arriva)> posll. Ideal for ambldoas womaa, $10,000 lied a--.. Bali.,. i.-at !141bo& •i:o prmded fllll4I for Now showillg b1111tlreU of •L.tlous X-IMd uct llM'lr • ...._. the hundred.I of ptanu that com· ..-,...n11. a,, p......rlli6 Klwu-ple<ed ,.. pl&nttns &Jftllpmenu lten. 1tartln11 at ,1.00 Doll'& wait too laW. -fo? tlletr -« -of t.bo llflll. '67 E. Balboa Blvd~ 1lalboa Bar. 0166-1 !or ""' CU)' Ball ... .. ... ------OtMry Jolud Pt-. -• I.UL TSJIM FOB JO:llAN ~y IUIW to our.-llayinond A. Gatdea. l'I, ol ud aoU. • Coota MM&. ..c•I•~ a 30-day Mayor ltbell a.t .tht Jun~ county Jiil term J"riday when he MATT.RF.SSES! Elcelleftt.9•1ity Exc1l111t Values. •t• Vaine lbltre11e1, SAa90 Box .. n.aa. 11e-t for .... -TI ...11o!~~*'~.~-...... "Sf' lat ~at:.i,.~ ......... 4f' • • CARLYLE'S ~verywhere You Go Y oti Meet pled&ed to •all thOM pi-eeent' that P1e6Cled .rullty to cbl.rpt ot drlv· •• Md.. tbe City Council would lnl hi.I ear w:llhot1t a UcellH and not let up ln the tmpro"Yement pto-Y'lol&Unf a traffic rla:bt of way. •• ••• tut ,....., unto --· tt 11'1· Ba ,_ rulllY 14 t.bo _,. .!Jt UH •--. COiia - ' . ' . our CLASSIFIED ADS • • • .. • • • ....,. ,..euce ........... -.lta-lM)' a.i &rolllldl " ... ..,.., • ; • want a joltf • 1 ; Rn ·w .. lllll T 'n7 a Olt•l\M a4 fer' AaOlo . . COMMERCIAL )OB PRINTING • ' -~· 1 1_14-i!NESS SUTIONBY. , -~··~ . """"DS -PRC>eMMS-L.....,,~~.;.-. ...;._--1 . . . _ iNvrrATIQN>-~.'"·~em _: OFFICE FORMS-MliNUS'-..IOQkLETS, tfc; · ' '-· 11.••-ble l'rl11t • ~,o Pi-.* S1M•' ., . I • ~ • ' proved throughout lie 1"11 lellltll tho eoort ot Ctly luq. llalp1i l._._ _________ JI to Ito tnt ..... tton wttll Ille Ooaft Ctoolr.llwllt, &ant& Ana. I' H13ftway. Ht tncludtd In 1llol n· ----::~-::::f.:=:==..,--~--_;,,:_ _____ _ ... rko ll>e pled(e tli&t lfewpott llhd., would Wo be lmpl'Offd fr<lll1 !ht Atthea to an hl-wltll Jlal-Blvd. . G"5 .Dirt Off -Prot1ct1 RUCJI eel FIDClrs Gat ona for tile Front Door and One for tile ·lack , ~AVE ... ~AN .SHAW'S FIRESTON .E STORE 1 Nm To POST OFFICE ON -11th sT., cosTA MESA •VISIT OUR TOYLANO . NOW-LAYAWAY. FOR XMAS• IOVEIDBER .... G~LAR $83.30 RICE •• I I If• I o. .... jh,_.t • PilTll AND LPoa BIG IAVl•GI OK .ALL •••Bii 18 POINT OVERHAUL 10. Cbaqe EnglBe OD lL Cltllla,OQ Pamp U.es, 8creeia aacl Sump. 12. Ridge Bew: bust, cyllndel'I 18. Cleaa and 1p&rk plup li. Replaee Dia of.or Polllta, retlme motor 111. ClJeu AlP 0-r 18. Alljast Oarbnretor 1,. Beplaee Manifold Guketa 13. Top a.,u'hlr Bole 12 MONTHS TO PAY . . . I hi~ Factory Pam Wortc GMro11111cl ' • • I ' •• I i . ' • , • • • • • • ' • • . . • ! • • Prices Iii 'Effect Nov. l-f·1C · ·. • I • • . ' • • • • • • . ,· s~o\(10 . \.U£ttS . . · ' • w. SpeciallH In ,Courtesy! &ol•• snte ht 9••llty . BUTTER 1•LI. 77c .; CARTON ·THRIFT BUY S FOR · THE THRIITY-WISE ! ~~~ YOUR CHOICE ... MIDDO-LAND-Jle. 2 C• 'CUT ASPARAGUS SANTA MAllA-No. 1 T•ll c .. , S PAGHETTf OLD SOUTH-Ne. 2 Coo GRAPEFRUIT JUICE SIA\.TIST-tto. 2 Co• TANGERINE JUICE J CANs l .Sc . KOTT 1000 SHllT IOU iissuE .. -10c MIDWIST, UTAH, l ·SllYI PE .AS 2 ~:;25c • Mluietl 1-. Faiocy Hlllw1 _ CUIG PEACHES lloU'l-46oOZ. c:AN . PIEIPPLE JUICE • • • • • . Pure Vegetable Shortening 3 ·LB. CAN ··· PUil 91Al'I 1,nr •o's 2 9 JUICE ~. Lt•· 24-el. ht. 4 lor $1 ! LA191 SIU 27 TIDE -' c_ 91ANT 73c: SIZI IRIS SUCID 2fte PllEAPPLE N•e:!~· 7 • ' . . UUIA ICUDllll'S PUii IAYOllAISE ~ .. 35c 9t. 5~ ~I.DIN ITATl-f'ALi. CAMI EVAPORATED llLI l FOR l§·c : • • f • • • • • ,. . { • • ILft ITAl-J'l•·LI. CAN WHOLE $129 !c~!l1 pncel . ' . .,--..:.. ...... ~ b WGJW ~ .. SUN YAL\l(T PUii COLOllD OLEO. JELL-0 ' t DIUCIOUS FUYOISI 3· PKGs.19c . CHICllN OP THI llA TUNA NO. 'I• 29C: CAN Sol(jj r .. 11-1..i LoMI CAMPl ... L'I CONDINSlll , TOIATD SOUP TALL 1 .0·~ ' • .. M.J. ,· ALL Gll,.DS COF,J=EE • .· 1•Ll.,c,lN I 2·LI. $149 CAN ltOLLS • • • • 3tc - ... .J...i • "' .. ' . AU...AMll}~AN '$MAU •IAlll A FRESH • ' "-r·•••• .. •.rl.1911 ' . C & H 10.LI. BAG • • • 'EGGS _:. ~-· 49c . C•rie• Pure Cane loHe•'1CHtw• . American . CHEESE 2·LI. 75c Sugar LIMIT 10 Lii. ;11 CUITOMli ' iol .... I . HOlMll'I ~· ,. -I _,. .~DI SALi!. _ ._ Fllll·s ·~-":::~~: 1·0Loo11 tto•M•L H.,.;.1._, • '"Cts• J,IOIWUllT •• , ••• ;. ~ a ICllY"S . CAUED · RAIS · . ,; .• . ... . . · TMmy'1 INy la Me.ti N• Ski-it• .... ' NoWo~ .. UllY'S TINDH 6AllN ·. ·fa! f.~ ...... ·1r , ,,PIC'5WDI ,FOIDHOOI Plrts Wit.II Lowed Priam. OLD Ml. IOITON ROCKING. CHAI~ =~.~.~~·.~··· s3n ll V, .. ~ .. .'~ 21c . ' UllTl$> -. . • Ya c-,·-. 1,t«.'C• -~ • PORK & 1Ac IEA·NS · ···· U • , . f!~.~19c St. er.hi-Ila Y-OW llU·M 5]30 ; """ ............. . • . .. • • , . • ' ' • ' • , • . .. . ·- • • • • • • -. •• l ' • • PA8 I lQTf. ,, 1111 :M&W-~ a&Y _,- P09T .u'1t _,Pl'ING 1'&WI • . . . W11N YOU . WANT TO BUY, SEU.."EMPLOJ,:RENT. ~, ' • USE DIE a .ASSIFID. MIONE. HlR 1616 I . ' Modern Office! doctor, den-. ' . , ·REMOVAL OF P. E. DEPOT. ~::~··pd 111c111 1~~~-1 !!:::• ~ YARDS To wc"T, ·NEWPORT CLA.S.S'lF I.ED . e:~~..:s~ PL~~-s:!~ OPPOSE. -D a"v w LOCAL GR. our' n. Mighty ~dget ,In&\·~ ~=:.e-J..:.i.ito.. ""t. ": ~ ~~~--~'.'.".'~~i:~~-l~:;:i:.· ' . NEWS-TIMES -Every ~Taeeday· ' 1':, 1;""n«o, Lido IM ~ ~l.1:1' s~or. ' cu. tool, -1tMctldttll'.lll•1..il-8torea wl ~ · 0ppoe1t1<m to any p1an tor ihe ~oval-of the pacific· NEWPORT, BAY POST-Wedneedaya LOST;_ Tortot.M mdl ~ ~!· ~·_:~~~-~-~~~ Walt's Trading Post ; EJectrlci depot and freight yards' to any portion bf W•t NEWPORT-BAIJIOA PRESS-'lbanda.ya ,-. Reward. 101 IN, Oar-....I · USED lWUNll GE.AR Newport between 3eth atreel and the Sant& Ana River WU N°""" lloJ Not a ·---,_ 11o ... ~ii 111' Olla dd Kar, evmlnp. _HeH ""'"'t'VINATOR dlx. e cu. tt., com. Nautlcol ~tl__.:.'Ull<d Net voted by the Wat Newport Itnprovement Al!eociation ID N...,_-w lllo !law t7....., 1 o:E=ed, very dun .... $;n'·95 WE B'UY 8CRAP'llllCTAL8 .... • ... Ci. .,. 1 .. Frid . lllHDnlll AD .. ' LIND LOST -G .... n hunlllts ~t ..... " SA '1TLER . NEAR ICE HOtlllE ON 30lll .. Tntm at U11C ty nau. &Y evening. twHn Ruby Ave.. &Dd lil&rine · l'U&e 1 _. _ _..__ ....rutft. oppomtion to the son ' ~ A..D °n f!19d: ... --..... fer OIM a. .. , 7 7 el rt!; ,._ A Bail>oa hianlf. 8aL NOY ( Inch) table top wtth lamp, 1 Ph. narvor 2470, .Newport Beach tac ot 0D7 lud wit.bin lll• Col'-The Poclfle lClectrle hN ofpl· l IJw 1 Paper 1 f ,'f(I , s.::i".•Reward. Ph. Hu. 3:19~.' f'• ouUet, broiler, ...., heal OPEN S'UNI>AYS 71c72H ponto Umtto of tho city -..1y tt.d Ulat It would be wllllns to 4 Uw I Papen. LliO t6p97 tro1. esceptlonal value $llt.t5 -· -4 • •--S ---•""" · · · · sm: THE NEW -•ta"'· for a of ~ ~ for &llY ~ move It.I depot It lb• Cit,. would .......,. • .,..... ....., ·-uw . . • ...iced. llpro lllAA a llo1f b\llldnd !'.:.:'.. •• It could m~e and !undo to !wrtlGll al an •dv.,..,..,,.ent, W •• tho rtsht to OOITOCUJ' c1&m1r1 .......n to name of "Poncho.'' · as g ac es ...-lb.a ~ wu &loo -'O'lde th• neceuary 1aru1 ooto Tho publl.lhe111 will not bo ._.,m1>1o r ... man tlloD -111-•oet LOST -Kedlum .,.. SftJ' doc. ~bin M bin · Johnson w~ .. ·" -·-d .... ---at -· ~·-ed -·-·-··· n-~ Pho•• All good vo1 ant1 "25" Outboard Wnt N'twparlen &ttmd:ed. Ul• accomplill the project .Tbe nfl· any and. a.u -an to re~ .. &D;J -...-~ent n uw.u.Ormins to ~ ~ ~ ..... -- -tiato accountant ance, etc. or ma- ' --"•"" ~meetlns pHO!ded •--ft red to trade rulea and rerWatiom. ~.ta uid canclll&Uona wW bt Be-..::on 6131-B.. '9Sc97 &re ue1 1n rood at ~~ )( " --vtce-way company iiaa 0 e · accepted up to 15 p.m. on the day precedlnf.pubUcaUon.. g order P--··~t of ..... __ ..=;_~~ valUe for v&lue tta pre.ent bold· ICxcept de&dllne for New• -nm.. ll L m. Kond&111 -...1....... . South Coast Co ~---~ tDc• In downtown Newport for ... 28-Situ&tlom WutW ""1'~ou --········--····--···$17.50 Newport Blvd. at 23rd Har. Hoo The n:Cdent. of lbe Wat New-'any others the City ot Newport .,._ Bat. 1111. uk for .. Ad 'hUI"' or __, ad l"J!IMI~ t4I :k • 0 00 Off Street Parking' -·•• ,,_ lb p !tic NJ:WPOirr RA&llOB PUJIUllBINO 00. ~-T WASHING and lronln•. --·····--····-----······•• . 91Ue port area wu Ulat • ac Beach rntP,t have or 1cqulre.', ntt 8alboa BtnL, Newport llMt•, o.ntoima.. wa.o • Electric property wu bad at but, The reaidenta ot Weal Newport Mrs.' P'ulton. Brine to 1122 1 Y --··--·· ----$2fi.OO . Result.a come. from constant but a.Id ther could find .no re&· expre&Rd the !>eltet that they VUelle Place, Newport Beachs ABf .......... ·-·--------·----.. ---13!5-00 Practice! An ad regularly in. this oon to. d•sndlnc lbelr larldo and havt! outtered Jong enouch with Classified Index Harbor 1257·W. 91p94 1 · paper will produce relllllto tor you. the anu adjacent to their home•. the Railway's unkempt rlg'bt ot 10 -··-Gulde Easy T-e.rma to Sult! Prir.ed Right Th -•--.a•-·-~"' t t -+'--CAPABLE, Hu.able warn.an wants ey .._, ~..._,, a en.,_. w.y and that the entire problem 11 Blrlldl•r l\faterlal• · M-M119ieal, Bndlo to desirable tenant. rumored plans ot lbe city for m1ght bell.er be IOlved., lt the uUI· 11 BuUdin.& Servk:JM po1Jtion u houaek~ptr for creatin&' an fndustrtal aru in the tty wtte t6 completely evacuate 14 Penoaa.lti adult.I. Good cook. Excellent STROOTS 'TeWinkll! Hdwe. HAMMOND ORGANS! The gnat Hammond · Chord org&n-If. you don't know a note you can play lhit ! The Hammond Spinet Or- gan. World's most .beautiful tone:1. Euy terms. D A N Z· SCHMIDT Piano 6: Organ Co., Santa An.a, :.20 No. Ma.in, car. 8th street. Yicinlty ot the Benn!nl Pro~ the. dty. Severa.I pre:sent e.xpre:u-15 Shue Yoar 0V drtver. Rtfettncea. Mrs. Wil· at Balbo& BlTd., and Cout High· ed the opinion that Newport 11 Trsasportation • llama. Beacon ~91-W. 94pM W•)" They 1'0ted unan.tm.oualy to Beach. trelgbt men could better l 'T Rooftac Ooatndorw lZ--Bu~g Senioea ..oppo.H auc.h a mo't't'. be served f?'om the Huntington 18 8faatJ' Aid. JOBBING CARPENTER -1''o job too amall. Wm. Divkllon, U8 Goldenrod, Corona dPI Mar. Call HU'bor 3001-J. 92c93H 1802 I Newport Blvd., Costa Phone Be.aeon 5%22 Balboa Palms Bldg. Plana !or tmprove.Ae.ot ot the ~h depot. 11 Upbollterillr We.st Newport area ln 1eneraJ Attorney R . V. Pegram reported !O llealtb Alda were ditcu.siJe.od at length. A rno-to the group that the Dlviaion ot i: t.o.& alld Fooad lution wu ordered dratted a.nd H11hw1.y11 hu condeinoed almo.t !'6 School&. laebuctlon dt.patched to the: C1ty Council half of the P . E . property lyinf !8 Sltu&tloa Wuted aeeking the repair of the ap-betwun their tra.ck.,_ and the Cout %1 Help Wanted proachea of tht Newport Ia1and Highway belwe1m Huntington so Bale. Mlscella.aeooa brid~t'. Beach proper an.d the Santa Ana so-A swa.- Thf' fi&reup ot the member& of River for the widening of the high-J0-8 A.ppllueeit the West Newport Improvunent way. He s&.ld he doubted It' it Sl \Vaoted to Bay Group la expected to have defl· would be poaalble for the P . I:. 3% FUmlture tor Sale ntte bearing on th11 plan. which to locate a trel1ht yard ju.at Weit S?·A Antiques tile City I• knowrt. to be. conaJder-of the Santa Ana River. SS Boats. Supplle. lng for the creation of a aiu&ble Vote of the halt hundred meru-U 1'tllllk&I, Radio area between 45th 1treet and Uth bet's ot the Auoelatlon to oppoee 15 Dop. Cata, Pet. 1treet tor a Pactttc Electrte dt'· any plan for relocatinr the depot u Poultry, Rabbit. pot site and ra.lt ,.rd. in We11t Newport WU unanimous. 37 Uvestock -------------18 Special AJuaouacememt Food Selection for Children Theme for Dentists at Hi School Meet • There will~ no morti Ice Cream .... ------------ cookiel, jelly bre&d or IOtt drinlu tor junior if hia pa.rent.I take to Ma :-t the menage delivered at N !'\\'))Ort Harbor Union high acbool, October 29 by tour mem- bers of the Orange County I>fontal Society. They atreued the retiucUon, Lt not complete diml· nation of all concentrated, refined wgan:, white refined !lour and ex- cess fat. from the family dhllnS table In order to check dental de- cay. l.NltMd, the family will b<e eating kidney, braina. liver, or iwafood at leut once a wffk and Will lncreue ill daily intake ot ca.rrot.9 and g?'fffta. The other part of the tooth de- e&~.' control procram ,tnTolvea • thrtt-mlDUte eu:aton three times a da~· with • toothbruah.. the · aiu ot the brwih and mecba.nics of brushln( being of gnat impor- tance, according to Dr. Leater H . Vierlinl', Corona del llar, who de-- ICribed the brush technique ... Ro- t.ate the bruah from gum tlaue to teeth, sweeplnr between where cleaning la meet lmportant." he 1&\d_ ''It la not important wheth· tt the dentl!rlce 1a a powder or a pute except ln. the· cue ot am&ll children who max inhale a powder," he explalned. ''Not un- til your child can do a 1ati.efae- tory acrubbtnC job on h1a neck and u.n1 la he able to bnah hla lttth Without sUpervtaion." Referrtnr to. the fhloridatJon ot water program, •Ull la the experi- mental atare. Dr. Vierling atattd that the varied eourcee ot the lo- cal water supply complicated 1Ucb a .plan her~ .·'int Teetb Dr. John Tbornqubt, fir1t 1peaker on the pane.I, e:mph&aized the tmpoftance of the six-year molar, the ttrat ~rm.anent molar to mter the mouth and which comes: into place at al.Jr. year• of age. "A ch11d lhould be taken to the denti1t about hla third birth· day airl.ce by th1a time all the pri- mary teeth Will have erapted," he e.xpl&ined. "A CUil&! lnlpection at th!a Ume wtll not only give a child contldene• in the denliat, but ahould there be de.nl&l de.tecta 1n the primary teeth it may be poe- lible , to ucerl.&Jn the cauae and eltmlnat.e the factora which would example, he compued It with tour tablespoons of kale, a ·'vegetable that can be fJ'Own in anyone'• garden year round." Such break· fut food la uae.le•. It dof!an't just if)' conaumpUoo," be aald. CaJorle. vs. \'&lue. He expla1ned that caloric intake ia not repruenl&tive of food valuea and compared the far greater nu- tritional value ot one lambl kid- ney a.g&inat one allce ot white bread, both which have approxJ- mately the ea.me caloric Yalue. He also ducrlbed dieta whJch I.bowed th& proper food.a and uoounta to be eaten for three caloric requite· menta: 2,000, 2,400 and 3,000 cal- orie1, the latter being the require- ments tor adolescmta. "You live in an area of abundant Ma food," he chided the audience, "and don't take advantage of fiah which la high in vitamin D, the one vitamin on which almOfll all people an sbOrt." Dr. Forrest Moodit, chairman and modttalor, expl&intd that moat foods are nearly balanced in themselves and common aen.e eaUng calb !or a high protein dirt and one which eUmlnates the rt- fined carbohydrates. The progrun. apomorf'd by the Newport Beach Elementary School.e PTA and the Aa&llta.nCt! League o! Newport Beach, la pa.rt of a plan for preventative dentl&- try in Or&nre countx and prOvlde:11 not only tar the leetun aeriea but for dental examinaUon in the. near t'uture ot ~l ecbool chlldren by a group of denlbta from the On.nee County Dent.a.I Society. Tbe open- lug of the dental cllnlc sponaa?'• ed by the Ne:wport Beach Auilt- a.nce League must be proeeded by the dental health four-fold pl&n. Mrs. Ed1&r HW, pre1ldenl of the A.vtat.a.nce Le~e. open- ed and cl<>Hd the meeu.nr. SEMI-ANNUAL S. S. REGA TT A TO DRAW 200 tend to Produc• .aimllar de.feels in With such chanteys u ..-Yo. Bo. the permanent te-eth. Blow the Man Down," rtngt.nc loud But the main emphull of th., and dear, 200 membera ot the Qr... two-hour diM:uu!on w., on diet an.1e: 3:mplre Ezplorer SeoUbl will which tllmlnatea retioed cuboby-stage. a aemt•nnu•I re-ptta at Ute dratet. Dr. Cyril. Smith. Ana.be.Im. Sea Scout hue tlri.19 Saturday a.nd WU ready with tabulated ttSUlt.a: Sunday_ floom the e~enla conducted Accon:U.ng tb Port C&ptain on two ~>le in the group who Charles L. wta. 19 unita of SU had volunteered u guinea pip Scouta trorn such inland pointl u tor the ullva' ttl't: lie explained Riverside, Pl&centia, l"Ullerton, the corrf'lation belwem pote.o.ttal Anaheim and Redlands. win con.- dental cariea and • diet hlJb in ftl'p on Newport Barbor .... J'lnt rtf'lned cubohydn.te1 whlcb 'en· !-a arrive will come. Frtd&) ... nlgll.L COW'&&'ts acid-fonnln.s bacteria AD WUl ~ aened by Scout :kit· wllich coadltton tn turn promotel cbel\I at the Bea seout but, t ac:th1e tooth de:cay. With 14 boat.a avall&bk tor ·Dr. 9mlth. who thlplra_ tM tootll tars• and -an boat;.-. eo•- *"'1 problem to mOTlnc too tut WU, tbo Sea llcouto will oloo en- lbr Ille dentlm lo cope Wllh 11. pp In --of -.ins line """'"'Md that .., -~ ond buoy, rtillnc 'a --·· cllo\o U0U. lo~ DO~ cl>alr, -C. -·- for ---o( --tJflls -S -.. _ ... --ud m>'Rle 'WMa Qie.a,l.. mtar.. ., <I' ----..... No..,. "la-.. It 1M -lo·IM , • .,. •• ~ ...,.) ... ,, ..... ,... •Sr ~ nek••ll tber'ti la 90 ~bl tile _.... ~ ..... tltl• fll O•r a ___ ......,,.., ___ .,..,_m.. ---,!.. 'nlo--·at9:1fL .... Ht ~ .. I a en=M ta U. .,, ..,, ._ unqt st.a ~ I ....... ~ ....... IJj]>qtll ........ __,...., .... .i· I t.7 H t1I -111119 -.... --wtll 1lo • IM -'IMlr•-96,....._•• ~......., • &O Bualnw Opport11ait:I• '61 Store. and <>ff'leM U Wute.1 to Rent '41 Apartmeab and Romee ,U-.i\ Trailer 8~ 44 Roorm. for But .._A Rn& Bomee •s R•ot, Ml.9eellalW'Ou. U Room aod Board 47 Trucks U Aatomobllea, TtrM 41 Aa~ Waakd 50 Auto ~nice 01 Trallen '"\ U Alrp'- 5.5 Money to J..oAll 51 Money Waated 11 R..a Estate Wute4 IO lllCftme Prope1rt7 tl Real Z.a.te beh·19 Ulleol-le TRAILER SPACE Cloee to lhopplnc. oU the Hlway, $12 to $15 mo. CabrtDo Court, 146 CabrWo St., Cost& Mua. For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE. SHADE SHOP Free estimates Ph .. Har 884 New Hamilton and Elgin Watches Christmas Lay Away Plan WAu..ACE CALOERHEAD 817 Cout Hlway, Corona del Mar 70tfe Landscape Gardening New lawns-Maintenance Ffte Estimates Bea. 6639-M 2p3H DON'T DELAY, CALL TODAY ... for an •d In the Uvet1 cl--1· tJed aectJon of the . BIG THREE- Newt·'l'tmea, Pait ShopplnJ Nm -and the Preu OVER 21 ,i!OO CIRCULATION Ill TIJl!l ANSWER! • Use Classified Ads • • • to MU your car • • • to find a boyer for your home • • to rmt your apt. • • t.o.dlapoae of furalture ud boaiehold goocla yoa'·ao I oa &·er Deed. • • • to tlad • pod Job <le,,... .... ....._ .... II ......... 17 ui otlow-. Use · · q.°uified Ade Ne .. 1rtHat.r , t'1t>1 c:.. 221ll••otN. Ne.,.tl••• Ph. Heritor ..... H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt ~patr Service Ma.Jntalned. Phone: Harbor 1416-W 2801 ll&lboa Blvd., Newport Beach COAIPLETI!: HOUSll CLEANING Furniture and ru1a shampooed. Fr<e .. tlm&l-Fully ln.rund. Al's House & Rug · Cleaning Co. BM boa 1111 T1ttc Sympson & Nollar PAINTING & DECQRATING PART TIME WORK WANTED-- Baby aitUng. clerking, office, houHWork, restaurant. etc., by gt<u from so . C.u.IF. BIBLE COU..EGE. Ph. KI. 3-8231, ex· ten.ton 11. . 9~6H ca.re for your child ln my home. days. Rea90nabte. lb-47th st .. Newport Beach. ~5p97 LADY WA.'\'"TS C''neral housework Mn. Harry "'BOwen, 785 W. 18th SL, Coat• Mesa, Phone 8#1.con 6219-W. 95p97 "The Best Money Can Buy" 1512 -38fh SL, Newport Beach WlJlT!I COUPLE want cleanlnl", PHONE HARBOR. UOf Window wuhlng. Dlnner1 H.rV • !52tte ed, 20 yeara txl>· Beacon 7131-W >ant. referenc\•. 95698 O'KEEFE A. MERRl'IT ranl'f'. Ifa the l&teat 1951 CP tll-aut~ 1'&tic that hu everything - Griddle for fryinC everything - ai.mmer burners and that grlll broiler. Used It 2 months, but lt'a clean. 11.ke new. I owe $)31.87 . My equity all FREE 1! take p.aymenta ot $7.42 per See Mr. Baughn, 404 So. ra, Fullerton, 9 a.m. to 8 Pb. 2152. 92tfc ,. p ood Ap_pliances SERVEL, 5 cu. ft ................. $110.00 BUVEL_ 4 cu. rt. .............. $ 90.00 MAGIC CHEF gu n.nga.. S 79 .50 Apt. gu range .................... S 40.00 Gu heattn, from ................ $ 3.95 Dale's Furniture DON K. BU'ITS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling \VILL cook dinner, aerve,. wuh dlsh@a, la.rge or small parties. 1874 Ha.rbor Blvd. St .2~ per hour. Mr11. Halstead, C~ta. Mt"sa &aeon 6637-J P. 0. Bos 234.S, Laguna. Beach. r· 95c97 ~Household Goods 1 ----~~~~~~~~~ Phone Be•C011 1409.w 17ttc WOULD lilce 1te1.dy p01itlon dolnK houeework. Have t"xperience &: refe.~nceL L. Wit~ 117 W. 28th st .. Newport Bch. 9~p97 FISHER Drafting Service 914 Cout Hlshway, Harbor 240 Z9-Beln Waated Corona de.l Kar l~;;iii~~;;;c;:iO-;;;;;;-;;;;;~;;· 72tlc h Cl:D power machine: BE1-'DIX WASHER -It's that If.test 1951 that bu all th08e lateat features -Agitator that geu clolhea cle&nef'\ -Watt'r GET THE TOP DOLLAR for your old piano. Trade It In tor It.a tull cub \'due on a Packard BeU'' t•leviaion at SHAF1!::R'S MUSIC CO. (Since 1907), 4.21 No. Syca- more. Santa Ana. KI. 2·0872. GRAND PIANO SALE! Baby Granda from St95. Beautiful Sohmer Parlor Grand, $395. Others at S~. $875 up. Wur- litzer, Chitkertng1 Kimbal, Starr etc. -DANZ-SCHMIDT ,,JJig Piano Store, S&nta Ana. 520 No. Ma.in. corner 6th St. Buy NOW for Xmu ~ $10 WILL HOLD any PIANO for Chr!~tmu delivery. DANZ· SqlUUDT Big Piano Store, Santa Ana. 6th St., comer, 520 No. ~lain. liOO PIANOS TO CHOOSE FRO>f4 CUSTO'J'. BUil.T TELEVISION- wtth record player and radio. Hu 14." new 1-yr. warrantee PhUeo ptct¥re tube, ~mote TRF tuner, 25 watt amplifier and 15" Jerusen Hi-Fidelity •p eak er. Idt'&l for build in v.·a.lt inatalla· tlon. $300 C&!lh. Call Harbor 4.00. 94e94 900 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa One block We.st ot Newport Harbor Yacht Clult • Pltone Harbor 3484 ' STORE SPACE. highway front- agoe, Coron& del Mar. Will make good deal to right' party. Ph. Ha.rbo1· 3265. 93c95 FOR RENT-Small at.ores in new buatne.u centeT. Will front to suit. Lota of parking. 1595 Newport Blvd. SaL and Sun. 8 a. m.--5. 89t!c 4~Wanted to Rent WANT large room with kitcben prlvilegee in Newport Beach. Beacon 6097 ·J. · 94p96 Results come trom constant Pr&eUce! An ad resutarly 1n th1I paper will produce re:wlta tor you. Painting and Paperhanging GEO.BURKHARDT operaton. Phone Harbor 3546, tor appolntinent. .Mc99 , Aver th.at makea It WUh cheap- er: .. The man I boug.ht It from 11fU1 deJjve:.r it for you )! you pay Jfe ca.ah, $187.39 or take pay- Jie:nta of $9.89 per mo. You can have all my equity FREE. See SPINET PIANO. Repoueued. Uke new! Pay out balan;ce $897. U-Apartmeata and BolW .. Subject to prior sale. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Piano Store.. An-BALBOA PENINSULA -Furn.-WANTED atron1 woman to, help me wtth tire ot my invalid hua· band and light houaework. Live Mr,r Baughn., 404. So. ·Spadrt, Ful· Itrton., 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phone l1G2. 92tfc other at $478. Rental return at l.thed lin.cle apt.a. $25 and m $496, perfect! Lota ot other BIG mo. lo June l~lb-l'rtcfd..aiN:. 508 -31at 'St., Newport Beach Phone Barbor 24.IS-W be!oni in. 21~ -~th St.. Newport 1KEL ·--, -VIN--A-TO_R_R_EFRI __ G ___ s_cu.-tt-., BARGAINS. 100 pianos from Laundry available. UUl incl which to choose. 520 No. Main, Barbor ll70..W. 83ttc I L m. or after t :30 p. m. 83Ur PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m l'llmer BL, 0ooto x.. e.. IH67·M Md INTllRIOR -EX:! UUOR PAINTING LICSNDJ? -INBURD) Glenn Johnston 501·!1• SL Newport e..eh Harbor :297.J Uefa B & Y House Movers General Contsactors 660 Flnt BL, Tu.sun, ca.lit,. Phone Klrnberly 3-1™ (Home Phone• JA~r ;...2773 or JAaper 9-2&87) · 9lttc WILL DO that work you want done -Jack of all trades-maintenance work. Have tool& and mixen for any job. • Call BILL Beacon 6451 • W 47cMH Bea<h. Har. 295-M..... 94e94 ... --bl I tr· h .z: • .....,; po...... e e ec ic p ono- grapb, $10; 3-w.y floor lamp~ S0--.!1a1e. Mlacellaneous IDum. hue, $7 : walnut chair, antique, $7; ra.tl&n 10ta, eh&lr, For Better end table, 3 pa., i•a: •m'-Dun· TV can f'hyfe cotfee t&bl.,, '5; aew-Reception log eoblnet. i10 : o . E. portable R~place your weathered Antenna router, $12. Harbor 3174. 94.cH With • new V-Cone YOUTH'S bed, blonde maple ha.rd-$9.50 incl. Mast '!ood, reuonabl•. Phone Bea. TV SERVICE CALLS 6205-M. 93c95 Day or Evening B~ U'I'lFUL Love Seat Ir: Chair Mesa Radio and Television (cost $180 to have it recovered~ 109 Broadway Costa Mesa ~1 ""'r!!'e• tor $140. F Anch· 90c92 orage Way, Lido Trailer Park. MOTOROLA Televl.sion, fine con- dition. JO" e.xpa.nded aereen. S75. ALSO Conn Alto &a.uphone, $80. 804. Cliff Dr., Newport Beighta. Beacon 5283-J . 93c95 I / e<c94 MONTEREY Bed Divan and chair gbod c'ondition. See evenlnp at 4,3 NarclMwa, Corona del Mar or Phone Harbor 1843-J aft.er 5 p. m. 94p96 See -"The Drunkard" ~- at the Bamboo Room Bill's Furniture Balboa We Euy, Sell or Trade Nov. 2-3, 9-lb, 16-17 J 1~ w .. t Balboa Blvd. Curtain 8 :l~Ticketa $1.50 l'!llone Horbor 2ll02-R . 74c7&H ' Including Refreshments BEp-D.AvENPoRT, irooct eondl- 91c92H tton. d~. Harbor 3031·K. 95p98 -----------FOX FUR. worn 3 times. Ali!O 0~ DA.VENO and 8th SL, comer. Santa Ana. SP!fCIAL BUY ~ Full 120 bau accordion. Regular S27l5 value, for $189.95. Ca.ae inelud"-1, te~a. Sl!.95 down, $10.76 per m6. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (SlnCe 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. KI. 2-0672. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, $59, $75, '87 up. Pay $5 per month. Full trade-in allowed on new within two yean. D A N Z- SCHMIDT Btg Piano Store, Santa Ana, 520 No. Ma.in. 8th St., corner. Buy now for Xmu. RENT A PIANO. Let the Kiddies learn. $15 per mo. Full term rent allowed on any piano in our stock. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Piano Store. 020 No. Main, Sant& AnL BEAUTIFUL BLONDE Baldwin spinet piano, like new. SA VE $226 on thls, convenient terms. at SHAFER;S MUSIC CO. (81nce 1907), 421 No. Sycamore, Santo. Ana. KI. "2·0672. dtte.sn and coats, •iu• 15. 18 cha~: r~ chrome kitchen table HA.ULIN"G (some practically new). 285 Crld 2 cb&irs, m.ahopny liquor Broad'Way, Costa MesL 94c9e cablneL Phone Harbor 1582-.J. TELEVISION! Trade your old piano on beautiful televialon . Blg allowance:. Famous makes in tele.'Yicslon. DA.Nz..SCHMIDT . 520 No. Main. corner 6th St., Sant& Ana. ANY KIND-Trash or! 915c97 ••Do Ca FOUR SETS of double hung win-I :-t::c:-===-------~ p. ts, Pehl Call Walker-1576 Placentia dow1, <8 x 52, $20. 309. 3<lb St. LA,WN SWING wllb hm•nprtns 1·CUTE ____ KI ..... 1 .. ·1-·E_N_S.:...FREE ___ to_c_ood_ Costa. Mesa-.Beacon 6372-JK · rear apt.. Newport Beach. 94ip96 'l11ll.k>n. :Dlcellent condit.jarl. ""· 20M C11ft · Drive, Newport homu. ll2 -28th BL, Newport --------'--7_•_•_7m_ Complete tnat&Uation, repair and I t elghta. ' 95p97 Bea.ch. D5eM p APER HANGING oervlee of all tnller equlpm<DL ORANGE COAST I ~ Opportmdtles " ramti.Dg. Spray P&intillg TRAILER SUPPL y CAJl'lll FOR s~. :u hn. ... }{:!!~~~!1 ... Q .. u~rt-1910 HARBOR BLVD. per day tor 1ut • yrs. hlv..t -~ _ ~ A eo.ta x-. PIMliie --eru-R _, 1n Harbor Area. good llue. Pboao Beacon MO< Sell mu! to llbi-w. J. Crider, Md'IH ( . • • • -"'°''lw• 43< Clout' Blglll'ay, TO BE MOVED I -Newport Beach. --1i613. Build with Brick .Altnoot ...,. bldg. wttabi. for re-SSAI09tl, SlllpJl!k! ' Hele .. ftoeahmenl .tand, office 6r ,could r .... ~ MOLL be -··-to omall dw~. {O-rr. COIOIEBcrAL "Pt. fWler. $400 Monthly Spare Time 4:1'7 JC. llth It., Coeta Ke.1a A1lo rut rooin... Good elK. i._ =-· . for 20 ~ pt1ne:ncera. New Refllllnc and coDecttnc money trtprator A caab ttglsle:r. Play : Ier C'rowlt mot.or In Aug. from OW' trve-ce8t Rlgb . Grade. Pbane Bffooa GM:J.ft. • Harbor, Cout mway DMr Bay-• S:.S.. r:adlD... • 2. Built Nut machJnea la-Ulla area. No IOclUl ahon ~· KUe otter, See ~-lN& Can be oelllncl To -lltY f'J"'worl1uou Sanday, I t<>' 4 p.m. Of' PboD.• 1 · t Gii ':'f."'"' $lllOO. !\ff·-m-lul•• car, refer-·$e00 !:l~~p;g:~.,~-e~n;h~b;;;;;;:;;:--1 Harbor ll54 for opp't. t5d7 . • • cull, -111 111-iory. De.. South "'J..--L Co ->Otln&',l houn a ....U: to buol- lloohollc9 ·--. ftat -.tllnlltuN, --~" • • __ ,......, palDtlnp.. •le.. -taiilv "' .N --Ph. Har. --,..... -OQ -tap ot 'll'TttoP,0.---~ ......_ llltt• ~yillnetupto- BALBOA PENINS~ -At• tracUvely fUnllahed 2 bdrm. du· plex with 1Undeck. Wlote.r or yeatly. Reasonable. 'Har. 3019-R 83tfe NEW \fNFURNISHED Upper flat with large ~dow1 overlookin& bay in good re.aidentia1 dlatrlct. 2 bedroome. aundeck, fireplace.. Hdwd. floor1. Ne-children or pets. Avail. Nov. lit, $116 mo. 1009 W . Bay Ave.. Newport Beach. Ph, Harbor · 3277, days. (Har. 890-M e.ve•.l 88tfc VERY SELDOM do we have a vac.an~ the LIDO APTS. on LIDO lSLE. FUmiah. ed apartment on the Baytront. Ide1l tor a couple.. Muat be con- geni:al. Alk. for Mr. Grohman. P.A. PALMER 3333 INCORPORATED Vta L!do, NewPort Be:aoh Harbor 1~ Bltfc UNFURNISBlCD l bdrm. boua~ Cost& Kea., $48.50 mo., uW. pd. ALSO house trailer, $27.50 mo. 1741 Pomona. Ooat& M:eaa. Bea. 67t7-J. • 93ttc CORONA Dim. KAR -untum. 2 bdrm. farmhouae, dbl prace.. Enelo-boclt y~ near beech, $100 mo.. yr. teue. Cat -o.1¥ Ava.IL Dec. 1. Harbor 1631-W. He95 CORONA DEL KAR -ll'tun. 1 bdrm. apl.. 1715 mo. Unf'Um.. l bdrm, •Pt.. MO JOO, hrnJ&btd cottace, 145 lDD, See ~ 802 Cout Blvd., Corona de! Mar. 93dl5 CORONA Dl:Li.KAR ~ foove!y 1 bedroom apt. Plcturr -clqw . Brand new ma• I • tumlture, $45 mo. yearly, Ind. ut1I. Ph. llarbor 386-J. . t3c95 . See "The Drunkard" at the Bamboo ·aooi;, . . . Balboa ~ov, 2-3, 9-10, 16-11 - Cwt&lll 8:15-!-Tlelreta-'$UO IDd1ldiltc Bettwtrmta _:_~-;111~11~1~'~01,~0t~•;~_J,....:ta)Wrpnp. ·-·--. -llllJ '"°1..•trT cool,... -!DMb :ti> .._ .. wllll • d•'"'fto4 ... ta tllo ' SEA BOOKS' ·-o( ~ ...... ,.. Umil. 1. . I =;!""~ ~~~;: _-1-· ~ N<•"'lllCIJ• a&Y l'llOM:l'.-x...-,1, - tii:lza ! I au. -._. ..-• ____ al,.., .... ..___..,.._ID 1-0pt.""lll .. ...,~ 1 1 -• _,.......,.Jlllo ·all' waont ..,.h•"'n -.. -I. Clrio .'Ila• tll -.11111: Gi.--...oas H..1;.·· n-••r•••.8'1' ~ ~1ra. . .._,,_,,.. . -· ... u.o i WnL.tJAV\ ... _ .... ~~.. --~ --< · ....._,~ . .....,. ....._. laJ•ad. en · · n1•n:;r. !: -.... .. --. -. ... w .Pee nQJ r -·-,_ WAJfl':l'O~---r~~~.a~-~~-~-~--~-~-~-;·~~1...... llilr!ll rt, --~-nu. -. lip. -•uwo --. err MN -wllll -llr'"!J: 'f I & .. •a 11:·11a. &r. INT ... • _., IW = ~ ftARLY _ .,,.;;;. --·· --tw ts ......... : .. -1 .... a OOMt-J!QAT.-·-AH lllllt-U.:m.; ... QI a. - O ..... aT.ulT II.'&. "'-.... • -C ---· _ ...... R ...... tie' u .IH!li -- 'I' 1r•' 14...,. WAMTOavT.ftiS .... -"'""i .... 'ftllroJ'.s;;:; --W, -... ......a. = '*-........ ., -.... Clil ..... .,,. ••• · -•• ; . -..... -!"! ' , • ' • ' • • I ' I· I I I' • 11 ' .... • . -• . I I ._, WANT A~ wilr c:ost you I • onl.y 52' •tel it will run • ' • In all 3 .loc:al papers. 4 lines. • A Minimum ad is Pho•• Menor 1616 Newport-Balb<Mo Ne.,.._on--Newport-Balbqe'J'rw Newport 1'&Y P...t (Shopping Ne-) a ._. J!lleil ... .. • IUWIOiti ~ l B. It., J.,M.. ~. ~ M1I. 17' II•. ·rm .• ..._ ..... W-opblle., W. wit. ... lclt'. G. 1', -..ii,. ·· u, tJle p\lU.' be.., tt.1 •bwr .. 2.-ea.r IL 21' eov. paUo, enel-bk. ~ beau. lndl<p. 022 C..talln& Aft., Bu,,,_ tJUW. 15c18H &'l'TR.4CIIY8 l .... difOGIU ud p-• Np, D. W. tum.ace. built..tna, We. Fenced back yUa.. Owner muct ..n. 11,l!OO. m Santa laabel, Cool&•MN&. Hett !1-Real l'A~!e !!!:~!'31! .• . ........ . • COSTAMESA , . . . ~ le&l'lq. ... pr1ee4oi.w! for ,wa • abod 2 bdnn, . latu""° homi. dining r.oom. fli-. fllnw:e, We kitchen and bath, garage. Large lat!> hO!Jle,, ti.ck yard f~ Alldy sou. Lota of f91't, ahl'lll!a uc1 now • en Q'.ll <MM of beet Bul'!8ide -.... with u add!- • tlonal l50 ff.. level tot, 'only $89150. Can be purchued without lot. . . OWNER WILL SACRIFICE 2 bedroom ' lioine, 2 batJ!a, 3 yra. old. Extra aleepln,g rm. Only $6850. , WIU. ~ OR 8llLL my new ' ' 3 B. R. Lalt•wood P!ua. oorner 10 ·acres industrial property, cl-In. . home. G. L •%-4118 mo. bl· Also See Us For Good Blvd. J'rontage. eludu taxet. FINplaee, 11" baths, 1 car .. .._. BTlcf.at. c. GALEN DENISON, Realtor nook. lawn, fru.ll tnea. rdwd. tence. A. E. JOHNSON, Broker ~=====================~lwoULD ttk• Bal-laland-Ph. 490 Newport Blvd., Com M-Beacon M!11 Harbor 2'1311-M. llOc9$ ------------------------ BALBOA l8LAND -Attractive bachelor apt. near So. Bay. UtU. pa.Id. Ga.rage $7~-mo.. yea.rly or 180 mo. winter. Ph.. Harbor 1111. 79t!c 43-Apartmmita and BoUMJA FURN. 3 rm. apt., S50 mo. yearly rate. Utll. pd. PEARCE APTS .. 309 II:. Bey Ave., Balboa. Har· bor 745-W. 94p96 ATTRACTIVE IUllD.Y at.Udlo apt .• ------------tumtshed. Bendix. ldeaJ for l Balboa Island or 2. Conv.nient location. S&O We ban ee•eral attr-actlve apts. and house. tor winter rental aarting at 145 mo. and a tew yearly rentala 1Wtln.1' ~ $&. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 108 Karine. Balboa W. Bu. '502 • 69ttc $25 WK. or special monthly rate, 2 bdrm. tum. apt. Laundry rm., te:need play yard for cltildren. sarep. UUl. pd. The BLUE TOP, {Ot Newport Blvd. 81lte ye&rly. $50 winter. Util. lnc1. 411 Hellotro~. Corona deJ Mar. Harbor 0291-R. 94.'c98 THRU JUNE, 19~le l bdnn. cottage, rum. ii.replace, patio: nice yard. $75 mODth, water and gardener paid. A.dulta only, 604 Begonia, C. D . M. · 1nqu1.tt 602 Begonia. 94c9& NEW 2 room rum: apt. includes kitchen. Twin Hollywood bed.a. StrlcUy private, $50 mo. Utll. pd. Garage optioda1. '121 Poppy Ave., Coron& del Mar. 95c97 Collins Island TRA.DE-.()wner wUl trade 3 b-ed- room home, No. Hollywood, val. S1 I .MIO. ' tor Newport uea. Pl-SU 3 ... 560. 113<90 56-Money Wanted Trust Deeds for Sale NET YIELD 6'%> to JOry;. A. MORE "PLACE YOUR PROCEEDS IN GOOD TRUST DEEDS" Evr.ry loan title inwttd. 19,586-l•t T. D. Pays noo mo. at 6i;4--. $3.381-lst T. D. Paya HO mo. at 6~. All du. 19153. $3.800-l•t T . D. PaY. 140 mo. at 811(-. W\Jl dbeounl. S3.910-lat T. D. Pa.ys $-40 mo. at 6 ... ~. s 925-2nd T. D. Pay• $4-0 ,.r· mo. at SM,.. Free coUecUon 1ervice. BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRONT . wELL BUILT and well located 4 bdrm. and maid's room home plus 2 bedrm. apt. Wonderful view of South Bay. Private pier and floal Good double garage. Full price completely furnished. · $47,500, ter~ STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Ieland Harbor 20 CORONA DEL MAR• $23,500 will buy a beautiful new 2 bdrm. home 'with view overlooking ·the Harbor. Has separate guest room and bath. Full 2-car garage. Close to beach and very desirable. Inapect today! . ANDRESEN CO. 602 Cos.at Blvd., Corona del Mar COSTA MESA small unfUrnlahe-d ho\lae, 3'. bedrooDUI, JM mo. one 'block to bwiinesa center. Adults. Beacon 6941-M. 9~ THREE bedroom, 2 bath house, on f'1tCed comer lcit. Forced a.lr heat. Furn. 113:5. Unturn. 1120 on ydl'' a lease. fSHI !:. 19th St., Costa Mesa. Bu. 7234-W. 94-c96 WMt end of Park Avl!!., Balboa BOB SATTLER 1415 Cout Bl d Lstl.nd. 3 i-m. cottage. apta., Corona del Mar ' Harbor 10.,;-.i we-ek.Jy or monthly rates. Call · Rep. POIRIER MORTGAG.Jt co. Harbor 2962-W. Metro Ute IDcL. Fundl Kl MllO •P. 8 .-w. ha.Vt a 'STEAL' In· a i bd.rm. cottag'• all turnished -on R·2 lot -Ocean side of h.lgbway - S9MO tull price. RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS J"URNI8HED 1 bedroom cottage. Newly dt-corated. Adulta only. "6 month yearly rental. Utlli- tte. included, Can lff Sunday. 310 -Mth St., Newport. 96c97 MONEY W ANT!lD -12= - wp1 give i.t • tnat dffd on bldg. &nd equipment -value, Sl4,000. Top lnterr•t. A· 1 bank references. Write Box R, this paper. 93c95 Costa Mesa DUPLEX, pier and float The Beat Town on Earth 1 B. R. Home c.n -Cnlc Linwood Vick, Rltor. -llland. Bar. 2042 Sfdi4 OA. ISLAND-Furn. apt., 2 lg@. bedrooma. Fireplace. Excel· ------------on com~ lot. ~x130. $MOO, S1800 nur ahopplng and bu. U:ae. Ex- cellent condiUon. Brick patio, nreptace. New modern k.Jtcben. Jl!ully converted to large home. Pr t c e .,Jll.850, unfurnished. Term•. lent ,view of No. Bay. S7!i 1119. 55--Money to Loan to June 15th. Ph. Harbor M2-M. l"URN. APT. on water. paUo, ga· 95c97 l,pA.N8 TO BUll.D, DIPROV'm, n&•· Adults, s~ mo. OT' will ------------BUY, MODIIRNIZ&. OR 1 ..... 817 • 38th St .. Newport 43·A-Trailtt S~ RICFIN.t.NCll Beach. 'Harbor 191-W, 77trc l------..J.-.;..._,__ W• Buy Tnm; Deedl OCEAN FRONT-Exceptionally Winter rates $10 mo. ~~~~ti~~ f'e9wnl t bedrOODl nicely f\lrn· Children welcome UN: V1a Udo Pb.. Hu. 1100 -"l'&rtmant. Large living Also trailer storage $5 mo. 1'00M. dinint rm.., bdrm.. twtn Little B T ile . p k bedo, allO ltUdlo couch. klt<hen ay ra r &,r With ru ltove I< •l>c. retrtg.. 7204 Coast Highway, i.wwy. wteh!r\& maoh. ..,.11. Newport Beach ~ ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5% down, bal JM per mo. (int. 4~1'1,), 2 B. R. Home Lot 60x175, nMr Blvd. A market. $6300, term• to aUit youF needal. (w1tbin reuon). .- 2 BEDROOM" home, flrepla.ce, fenced yard, Jot &Ox.UT, price 17800 and only .$1000 down New Lido Listing U you are lookinr for • reuon- ably pric~ home on Udo Iale, SEE THIS! 1 bdmu: .• walled patio, llvlnl' nn. bu beamed ceUing. and coruar t!Hplace. Loto of Wt In kitchen and bath. Glua tnclOMd tub. Attr&t:tin modern colon a..nd papen. wm conalder .. low .. $($00 -- JCrcb~" llating- "! LlTCKY? e CJJrtainly are Tbfee new eXcluaiVe .lllltings ere brought in thll Melt i:epl1ce tile three we 'ST SOLD .. We .are proud io present them among ·o11r other BEST BUYS. i. L-~a . ~room, 2 beth ~=-on' large lot on LIDO J18L& BUmed celllng living too~ m. indirect Ught.Qlg. color- b&Uuooma. lota of tile, unit eat. dllpo9al and bar f.Ype !di· ....... All l.Mscaped with •t.- EdJve ,entry. Prieed at only 22.l!OO. .2. llO NEW 3 bedroom. 2 bath bome oa LlDO ISLE. Here la a 't!ieart winnu" with large. fibtt.tfUl, 9'ltlnY rt>Qtna, Clever ~ed-ln patio and kitchen that El be "mama's delight." Thi• me bu many smart features. 1 tor $24,7~0--Termi. 3. ftere ta what you have been ' Ettng· far. A 'home on the ORTH BA YFRONT of LIDO LE for ONh Y the tow prtCI!! -.,. $38.:M>O. lma.g1n.e a 2-atory borne wlth 3 bedrooms. 2 bat.ha, *1aid'• room, 2 d.rullng room.. '1"il ht>at, 2 aun decks, bar and tornpletely ll.lmilbed tor only $38,600. No otf.;rtt on this price. What a.re you wa.lting for! BUlT)I on thla. wJ are the ~PERS of Jt.IDO ISLJ!:. \Ve have for aale some choice waterfront Iota, in· a1de Jou, lncome tot.a: al a price &lat will surpr~ you. Hett a 1:1ttle buys a LOT. Why don't you look? P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3333 Vl& lJjo itt' Newport Beach, Calif. Harbor JMO redwOQd and glass o bdrm. a.nd aervant•a qua.rt.ere. 1 Flagatone and wood tloora. Two • ·yea.rs old. In &T'OVe ot trees. BeautltuJ view of tbe western biU. -in ucluaive aectlon -2 miles from ocean. in quiet ~ toundlnp. $25,000. Good terma. 191!7 lrviDe Ave., Costa Mesa I Phone Beacon 5293-W 59c99 for Sale by Owner THREE bdrm. hou.e with eepa.-, n.te atudio apt. Reuonable. Restricted nelchborbood. C.U at 1124 ll. Ocean Blvd., Balboa, !rur apt.) Har. 1598-R. 93c9~ • ... ~ •. , . ~ !:!!!!:!:! ... ), '· . . . ----~---. . .. . B~Wu'Z\:r,..· GAfti. '~..!':.-'" ~ L. . 11'; ~ J. &IVOl'UI 311 Karine ·.Ave., Balbo&lsland , f1!-Bar; 1671 or :1~ m-. Bll'llor lhl BALB_OA ISW\m> / Price Drutically redUced on· thla excellent Income property. 8 apt&, completely furniahod. Better -this today. Business · Incpme on Coast Highway Building with 7 reliable tenant&. Shows 20 % in- come on mveatmenf. Room to build. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. Atiractlve Terms. ~CHE· A. GATES -REALTOR Newport Heights OCEAN VIEW Three bdrm. weU conatructed home. Hwd: (ln1., 2 furnaces, garbage disposal, 2 baths. stall shower. You shoul<\ see it before you buy. ONLY $275() dn. Full Price $13, 750 LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, Salesmanager 312 Marine Ave., Balboa i..:1&11d Ph. Harbor 2042 . "Just Like in a Home Magazin~" PEftFEcT for a couple -Thia 1 bdrm. Dome {a.rmo.t new) is tbe ranch· typ'.9 with redwood fenced patio and prden. Excellent location. Submit term& $7995. . Outstanding Newport Heights Value Lovely new S bdrtn. home. Fireplace, hwd. floor& Many closeta and butlt-1.ns, Finest workm&J;!.ship throu,.hout. · Full prlce. $12,250. 13200 down. A barPm! BEACON HILL REALTY ! 4M N.wport Blvd. (abon A.rcbe1 ) B. 5713-R {evea. B . NS2-W) MR. INVESTOR: If you are interested in' investing in a good sound income property in the Harbor area, dtop In and let us tell you about & building which shot11d appeal to any conservative investor. · EVERETI MORRIS, Realtor 408 East Balboa Blvdl, Balbo~. .Harbor 3~ 93e90 ' Sacrlfice . Real Estate. Is Your ·- Best Investment . . , -·-. ., .. $1000 Dn. J ' .. •bte. All util. pd., $70 mo. Ad- drua. lT~ W.-Ocean Front, Newport BeaCh. Ph. Har. 2999.J. 44-Rooms for Rent Lo&na quickly made In th• Bay Area and Lacuna. Single or multiple units.. New or old. Be wt.e and .... by n·flruu>cing G. I. Resale your pre!lellt loan. .M1.nimum u:-s bdrm dbl f -• -~ Stock, Chicken Ranch FoR sALE BY oWNER.--rum-, lshed duplex, 3-c&r ganl'e. Cor· ner lot overlooking bay. 825 W . fJay Ave., ~lboa (court.eey to brokers). Har. 2948-R, CRH't- fiew 1·8648. 92p97 Thi. lt a desperate cue. Own.er'• are forced to ae.ll Urla 0 . l. &... a.le t.hta week. Hen'• an oppor"' tuntty for apeculaton or tnvea- ton. It Y S bdrna., only 1 % Yn. Hardwood noon. tlle kitch- en a.nd bath. garbage dispollal, garage. Nee.r htch 11Chool. Thi& property can be h•ndled for u low u $800 down. Payment.I on G. L Loan are only 158, includ- ing taxea a: inwrance. Furn. 2 bdrm. hom~. F .H..A. •P- proved. A ttre.ctlve color acheme. Lot 50xl2:5. Full price, $:5700. ' ONS bedroom. Clltag-e., near Udo UM!ate'-J!"urniabed or unfUm- tabed. $:15 per mo.. by year. BM· ' con 9097-J. 9'4p96 1913 S.EASHORE, Newport Beacll-. J: bedroom. 2 bath ocean front fU:m1ahed, month to month ~nt· al, $A0 ~r mo. Ph. Har. 3428-W 92p97 ~~~~~~~~~- J"tJft NI 8 HE D cottage, .Wtab1e tor l or %. Close to Alpha Bela ln Costa Men . $45 mo. lnclu. gar. ~aeon M89-J. 93c95 . BALBOA -Modern ! bedroom n.lcely turniahed apt. S65 mo., . :Jt•:rly. Util. pd. Phone Harbor 2791·J. 83tfc NEWPORT HEIGH'PS -Newly decorated 3 bedroom untum.. bou.e, carpeted bedroom. Stove and retrig. ava.ilable, $90 mo. Phone Beacon 7026~ W. 9:>c97 f'OR RENT -2 bdrm. home, tu.miahed ar unturnished, tn ClU:f Haven. Near high and jun- ior b.JXh achoo ls. Har. 12&4 . 95<97 FURNISHED 1 bdrm. apt., 1 eh.lld O.X.., $41.~ winter, $80 yearly indud. util. Ph. Ha.rbOr 1264. 90c97 J"OR RENT OR 1 -~yr. lease. Du- "plu:. 2 bdrm. tum .• or 3 bdnn. W1t\lrn, Live ln Costa Mta. hi.Ye country privilege•. Ra.i.se prckn A: chickerui. Call Beacon 5702 or BU.con 8259~ 9~96 LARGE unf\lmlshed 1 bdrm. apt .. JlMr b.i.gh school. Adulb only. MO mo. tnclud. gu and water or wUJ ~. 3M. &. l~th SL, ea.ta Meu. 96c97 PERMANENT or WM.k.ly Nntal- Sleeping room, pr1Y. eetranc•. p.rage, $10 wk. ~.BLUE TOP. (ju.at above the Arches). 401 Newport Blvd., Ne\.vport Beach. 9ltfc LARGE . FURNISHED ROOM - Twin beda until June 1 . $8 per week. 1129 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa.. 93c9'1 46-Room and Bo&ld COMFORTABLE room and to.rd for lady penal.oner. Lict'Nlfd home. Phorle Bea.con 6343. Costa Mesa.. · 9&:9T AUlOiotive. 48-Antomobllell, 'l'lree . . ,, , pr., iebCona J-..u, peue. No charge for prellmt-be•t of location. SlO,QOO. Down nary appra.isaL Phone S&.nt& t ••--.-••• payme _.....,,f ftlO. paJ--· Ana Kimberly 3-6627 ,or write: ~THUR A. MAY Mort.J"are Loan Correspondent Two Calif. Life Ins. Co'• lfl4 South Atain Sanl& Ana lll-Trallen1 Trailer Storage well Protected EL NIDO TRAILER PARK and Sales 1640 Newport BlYd., Coa_ta Mea, Beacon (5.329..M. 7lc72H "For the Best Deal" Income Property Nice 2 bdrm. home and 3 lndtvtd· ua.l unJta (each wtth own pr.) on acre (132x330). Monthly in- come approx. S245. Price ii . S%2,500, termt. 5 Acn-1, J..arlcullure --···• 6,000 6 Acru. lndunrial ......... _ ... $ '1 ,MO 5 Acret, Reaide.nllal _ ........ $10,000 G,.. N. WELLS, Rltr. It ABaociate&. i 790 Newport Blvd. ~ Coata Mesa. Ph. Bea. 5181 Bay & Beach BARGAINS Exclusive LATE '49 CAD &2, 4-dr. aed. w . on. a nn1 Chryaler or Plymouth s. w ., eJec. wind. lift., tWin or a fine ~ car 1. Small waterfront home. Pier, spe&k..... apot lit•. •un Y!oor. See Dick Ward •lip. pcllo. Lge. w. rm., su.ooo. cmtom nylon seat cover•, radio. R.A.RVEY SOMERS, INC. 2. Balboa Penlnaula home. ~ beater, d.rn:.ter, wln.d•hleld 2'tJ,,Cou.t Hiway, Newport Bch. bdrm.a., good beat. f'inplaU. wuber. Two looe._Upt &T•J A: Phone Beaoon e&l5 Nicely f'Urniahed. $U.OOC1. brown. Amo.Jutely tn finest 93p8 3. Ocean Front on 1 ~ loll. J'our mech. condJUon. If you want a ==-===-·----__:~ bdrm• . ..id cnall apt. FU.ml.lh- C&d that can be driven. :t'i:" I llMS CHEVROLET F"LEm'LINE ·-t ~ ed. 118.:iOO. anua o care,.._ milts. th1e tt. tto Sedan, redio and heater- . Better look Ullo dne over.• Price any other uuu. 11090. CUL-Bay & Beach Realty 12995. Can be aeen at a.ny time. · BERT80N .MOTOR co., 24&1 1631 Placentia Ave. (near w. Cout Hlghwa1, Newport Bcb. 1450 Balboa Blvd. Harbor UM 17th), Costa M-• 96cte llSc9e ' • • ' 20 Mftl, 12 acrea perma.ne:nt JIU-tur~ S houaes, barn, stattiea .. completely trrlgated. Abundant cheap water. Equipment for l 5.000 chlckena. Price, $-40,000. Term.. trade. GREENLEAF I< ASSOC. BUILDER -l<Jl:AL TOR 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor ·1562 Balboa Island Would You Like Something That Will Pay For Ilseif! , A 3 bdrm., 2 bath honae with i dble. garage and bachelor apt. $1l), 750. or A Cute 2 bdrm. House, gar· age. $10,T50. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 30I -. Bal-111. Bu. llQ2 92cH. View Lot Only $3000 tn new quiet nction of Npt. Hpta. "°"11¥> I<> wide pand alley. • Income Special ' 11.alre $125 pe.r mo. on t.ata1 in•..t- •mt ot '87$0. Show ,.. wllett you ..n beat thb. 'J'Wo l!Uldem I ~. ham.ea, Ai. pr. .lge. . ..,.. ar. 11.ott1 I< tnnsportaUon. • SALE OR RENT-125 Vi& Jucar, IrJdo hie, attractive ~ bedroom furn. T. V. Large encl. patio. fll,500" or reaa. winter rental Owner here Frid&ys and ·Satur- day a.. m. AX.min.It.er 3-°l3I5 . 94p96 Near Bay Rc)omy old duplex on 2 lot.JI, just !too ft. from ba.y in good n~igh· borbood. Hu po811bWtiee. C.. ment foundation . and ~· ~wu rented till J\Ul,IJ. Upper ava.il&b~. T&kes $9,200 cub to band!•. but full pr!«! only ~lS.600. - I r Manager Needed _ P'<t_r ~come property, close in Bal- r!8-, Separate cotta&"e for own· er a.nd t lJllita to rent. On 2 &Qadway Special Twe>-lt~owie. Close in. Only 5 yn, old.1 2 bdnrui., be.th and % ' . Bee.utttul ca.rpebl in living and bdrm. Dream kitchen .and loll of cupboard space. Houae ii im- maculate. 2-car pre.ge. Covered patio, ba.r-b-q. SpJ!.nklinl .Y•· tem. Full price only- $97-5() Bac]S Bay - 3 Acres On • corner with 368 ft.-trontage and 300 feet net in depth. Will make 8 or 9 beautiful lob. The full price 11 only- $5350 Phil Sl.lllivan Geo. Everson focina-a 1tneta. Al~ the lllH Newport m.d., Coll.a II.a p&)"D'lent. yoa can mike unita pay for theJMelvea. PhoM Beac.on 7121 but clean and comtort&bJo. (A<JGM ,,._ c..ita M-lllW<l , u've ~ '""'tod I<> .,.,. SW.. BL 8157-W · Bea. M5l-J ~ litUe lilome ~ cub in on 1------------~er 1't!1lta, eome ta and talk • !:!'.!a ~ with 111. flT,l!OO fllnl· r -td. Term& I R-3 Corner ~t Nf!U bay and -with aiall bedroom cottap ~a. nu .. te., .. Corona del Mar TWO BDIU(, HOKE, newl,y 4-- !'tod. l-car gonge ·on 11.-J lot. P•Y ONLY ll500 CABB ud bal&nce Ill<• .,...t. Total price o~ $IO.JOO • 'Dlil la a 0. L Reale! $2500 Dn. Nearly new 2 bdbn. home. NM liv. rm., hwd. flra., dfo.etta. Plenty tile in kiichen. b&th tub and sboWer. Stucco an.d redwood' ext. P:UJl price 1!1100. • Excellent Loeation One bllc to shopping center, CMt.a Mesa. 2 bdrm. borne. l.ft. livillC rm. Tile in kit., single pra.p. Only S8000, term1. , -o- Acreage 1% eom. acru nu:r eo.t.a. Mea park, can bt divided.. Priced at U:iOO. -o- 1 I • Let us hllp you with your · Real Estate Needa. • • -o- H. B. Clark, Broker Auoe. -o- 't La PERLE REALTY · .. : ' "' . -1891 Harbor Blvd: Costa. Mela ,-,. P!'.ot111 Beacon TOO. ~ • _t-.~ . . ...\ -.. · ... _,,. -" J -• . ~ Two . ' ' Beautiful Lota ' y ..... , .. • • • &tDO MAlllT With SALLIE No...mber II, 1951 November the 15th is mighty cloae ... It'• your deadline for getting over· ..,.. packagee to their destination in t i m e for Christ.Y"Q q • • . Newest w•y to keep the home fl"" bnmlng Is to buy. a uck of wood when you're doing your weekly •hopping • . • Boon to the U«le w:omaa who dlsHkea to fire up· the fireplace or the IBdoor bar-b-q pit iJ&. C1U111e the 1moke 11nudges up her wallll . • • are sacb of kiln dry oak ftoor eado , . . Th.ey do not have a fanch..,":"'" ... no glamor- • ODS ground ••• DO e>:· pensive confalner • . . We purchaso the ftoo1 eado di- rect from a floor compeay In Lo8 Angele& and they come to us put up In ..• of all thlnge ... 100-pound , Spreckles sugar oacl<a • • • rm telling you this . . • "° yo11 won't walk right by them ... They are ltsck· ed up right a.cl'098 the aisle from the Bakery . . . Ask Betty Toser about them when you're buytnJP; your nert cupcake . . . She s&Yll they bnm for ages • • • , They do uot pop . . . They '""' very easy to start • . • No odor . to destroy the bar-b:41 flavor . • . And dowu:figbt handy to take . to the mountains or the beach ..• br-r-r-r (just a referell<lll note for nert 91UlllMr) . • . May be uMd exclusively In pla.ce ·of charcoal with quick and better resulte . . . You know: . what chareoal Is . • · •.....te of • • . kiln dry oak. Fa<-'-all of you. who are soing to float gahieniu In your next bowl of punch . " . which is the new way to kill two birds with one stone , as far aa a gay thirst-quenching centerpiece is concerned ... rd like you to know that th<! Lobby Flower Shop always bu a good supply ... both to float in punch bowls and to make into corsages . . . Our Adele is the top and fasteet 0 whipper 0 UppeT-at-a- minutes-notice corsage mak- -er round these parta ... She I• also equally adept at cen- ter pieces without the punch and everlasting flower · ar- rangements . . . This floating gardenia8 ln your punch business was the blgblli;ht of last week'• Cooking School ... A lari;e can of pineapple juice, two quarts of ~nger al• and two C&DS of fruit cocktail that were frozen ooUd were the punch Ingre- dients ... The frosen fruit cocktail Is the way to put ~ In your .Punch and aot weaken It as the Ice cubes melt ... . Quite the gayest note in the whole affair Wll8 the diilh of •colloped potatoee that were taken out of the ovell ' In a bright red covered cas· , serole . . . "Doesn't it look pretty·?" said Irene Couta, C r o • e I y Home Economist. "Just like a Chrilltma.o tree ! You ltnow they have a com plete line of this wonderful cast iron ware .nth a coating of brii;bt rod or green bakod enamel in the Mezzanine Shoppe over at Richan!'• ... You ought to aee the frying pan.a . . . One Of them ii the Iartest rve ever 8een . . . and it bu ouch a nice long wooden handle that will never get bot _ . _!' It w:lll . be just Hke Old B-Week at. the Lido ..,,.,,.... W. Tlnuwday the .8tll at 10 LIL with our OW11 N Moore, the Home .Eclo•0 ='es teaoller' at . Oralla• 0.-Collep -. .-, OU: , li...... • . ~ Siie'• -s IN to tirta& abg --ol tile atria ,.... ....... .. Mlltt -. . . 'l'lte . • w:lll •'lle ....... ., fd ...ia. : ! M l•nf 1-. .. .. "*' t Ill ...... •• sy ea<'"« .. , AM 1· .... la'$ .... ,u ...... •• 1 I II .,.._ llitt!ttt u a ......... ,,. .. ' ' . Pack a box of favorites , •• or un11s11els. Sen'd ~ -' ~ something telked about on • last visit, or • fa"· orlte of yours you know they'll like. We'll peck 'it in 'shining paper with all the frills and even mail it for you. .W,e welcome the opportunity to as~ist you in iele~ing ·packing-and mailing the proper gif.t for your friends or relatives •. • \ I • ' . REE ~IFr EACH, WEEK . . Have you a Huaband, Son or Daughter iD the Service ' Ov~ ! Each ·Eee1r: w:e are going to eend a Beautiful• Food Gift Pack to a lucky Serviceman. He muat be . ove.....U and he uat be a relative. You can e11ter by filling out an ~try Blank In the lobby· of our Store and de(l09iting u· the box designated. A draWing will be made eac. Saturday afternoon and the winning family will be n · · ed Immediately. ! Pll'..L811.;..Y CB~LATE FUDGE OR WelTE MEZZANINe • .• . . -I · gual•!Y Me•~ · . f1atllri119 Man11i1191 U. S. Gov t. Graded. ChOice-leef .CAKE ~IX ·-·······-·-.... --... JIOLpq. 29c filPJ4CK FLOUR M~ 29c TRI!: FlR8T OF IT8 KIND Tarll:e, ridM ,,_ la ,...,. ltftll No loolda& while oooklas •• , • Fl8Hr:R'S I ' fricltford's S•••tfl•art Fi1111t lief ObMi•ble BISKIJ ' MIX-. . . M ... 39c . BANS • whole or half PORKeROAST ..... ~.-A 59c . . -oiiuio BEEF ... _ .ML 65c UiiTA(ISAGE ·~. 5~ SliCED BACON :: .. 49c ORDER NOW FOR THANKSGIVING Paff Bro~Broad Breut.cl ~yw-Du.......,17en--. Stewen-Roa.ttas Cldckeu--.J-lor Tntu-71 ••• ...................... FKESR, CRISP, SOLID -FANCY SUN MA.ID 8UDLE8S RAISINS ..... -2,q.35~ t . tJ. 8. .So .. 1-B "'BJ.TE R08E POTATOES·· 1ok39c • ................. ...................... LUE.R'S Ql>ALll'Y -I os. Uak eacll BRAUNSWAGER. CHUBS 2'r · A .... 'NIWJ WISOONIUN . " .CHEDDAR CHEESE..... ·~Ste . BORDE...'f'S •I' 11.AU.A&D'A-OVEN .a&t.DT BISCUITS __ .. ____ .. _._._ 2 ,_·27c HO-STYJZ DELICIOUS · CUCUMBER SPEARS ,.,25c· Cii(f. s'IITTALAD ~nc . Cateriag for aay .. Puty eu .. J!avlld br. oar ~ -......... Xitellft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c SPRY BOMOGE!>1zt:n SHORT~NING · .. s1b. can 89C ~UYFINEO~TED ' • .. You11 never know hOw dellc· iou• rout TUrkey can tute until you try ~·· new way • , 1-{UGHES OVEN BARBECUE SUGAR L ..................... -.......................... 101b.~ 89c $7.95 on the Meuantne • ASK ABOUT O~ LAYAWAY PLAN . ~-~----------------------~ ;::=;~ 'OELfCIOUS -less 'hon 2~ o ••rv;ngl ·1 CHICKEI 'I RICE DlllER i ' ... ~ SWlllSOll 1 lb. ••• lllCU .. ... I ICwiaiuF11WsEE 47' ·•En ltCE 17' : llAllY FOOD 12/98f Ooa ......... _ ........... --:::v ~~--16 f llAllY MEATS 21 f ~---------------------·· eaa ............ -·-·······-----I RA'lll ll&EAKFAllT ·SAUSAGE ........ . UllllY VIENNA SAUSA.GE ............. .. , . ••L"l' 19' HOIUllEL CROPPED I E.r.~~~ ~:1:: OEBBAIUITS IN CHILE OBA VY 1 TAMALES .. _ .... -.. -.......... -·-·---...... ll\.I ... 25' . . I . . ; . TrM Tea Orup P$"oe TEA BAGS1 11 ' 19¢ Kratt'• 8 ... i;eUI r DINNERS,~. 2/23t hter .... s.it1.1 I PEANUTS 1\.) OL 25' lit.by 8WMt _, .PICKLES .. _.~ ... 26~ Su•MIM 6ooklee ' HYDROX ... .Is OL 39;. 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No. i.iall 23c I TWO GREAT N~MES IN COFFEE ••• 'J'MrmaJo Routed Flavor-Packed PERFECT HOST YUIAN l'r°'· 19c ... : l'N••• 1'ood• ••••••••••••••••••• lllNlJTI! llAJD, FROZEN .BLEND JUICE. ·-.... 2 for 2'}c ' BROCCOLI SPEARS ,10 ... 23c DJlllY ' FRENCH FRIES ,· 90L 2 tar .31c ~ . SQUASH ......... -.. -s .. -......... ,~ ... ·16c rto ·RASPBERRIES .".-1·-nc 818D8SYS . ~ . COD RLLfTS __ .-.. -~·• ~ ' lll'IKirAu ll'oa ftCJ ........ Y, nm.&Y, SAftlUAJ',' :NOVl:ltl•CC I, .; .ulD 11 THE -ICONOMJ-WISE Mll.~ .. • , .. WE: WILL 'Ii OPIN STORE HOURS: •Daly' ...... '; ... EXCEPT FRIDAY . •f ·L& ... P!& ,. we''''"'*•_.. .. 111111 'l s tees (Ur t a1 .............. a.atJit ----i ( , ··~ . -~ ~ . -lRM1511C£ SUNDAY .. · fiu..1 P. M 'Ca.oSo • ' .>i ' . MONDAY, M'GY • .'1i • . .. , I