HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-14 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping Newsr • I · I ' r I • • ' . • • ·. • •. • ' 1 • I ~' • . • I •' I ...... .,,JI" ... lt,~' Vil I ", ,,., _, ... • • • AND SHOPPING NF,#S -A A A F7 m m r = • ' ta ' • .. • • ' • / • I KillY llftAV. llllWtTll 41111 •at RP • Dr TB& nal' . . Como, dllld, ..Sjlo -i,tta - --"""' _. • ..-old ---....._ .. ,•.-• _., ~ -r-" ......__, saw • ~ --lbMi4 .-..-·-., -°WlllN la Jlloal'I? -clllJ4 I • -'~• tllla ... ~ - --18 aloo ..... u ·--....... --dl°fllll' IOlllol --·i to Ibo -. ar""4 ~ . ..Slit aa old i.--joelC Tbo7 -• ti. ....... -. -plUmb Ibo .,u.. eW -~ Tho A .... ellnp WI clillp UM UU1 to U,. -ct t11e dlops-~ ... -~ juot l<Y •"'U'1 w-···-• bc\&t, loa,d .., -mOUUllU' .m.-at tbo ~ Dilo1t1,Jt ... --doc!: -t· 811. --cob to bo ~out., tbo -..,. --,..... tlto AbolOM ia clu-lllto !lat lll•lil; ~ Uld l>roucht -to .U.. ..,_,,,. ••. -.Aad lllat, Ill)' cllDd 18 - OIW)' pta '!"'-•A'bo-°II•>• 'tor ONLY .71c a POUND. SIOO LafVIUe. t da1'1• ~.Newport.s '' . • -."'-... • •• • • > ,~ dS t.Q~I ftbar L.Uf91JAG&" ' ~ ~-· . .Pl.Owba 8Y •oaaI ~ WEDDIN(\ 8l'SOlALl91 • ..-i & a-e1a ~ Pedr..-ll'ft : . . . . . .. Cl:llll'.AJ!I' Nol.'l'IVU or BUJq!AWA IWZ.U T!1AT ~TO KJBIIOMJ,JUD, TUik J'.n~ DI&B. U t•rrapla, ..a.. TIU faoetn111"{ bit of'latonnatlon compels ma to add lllat yau Will loo) like qtllte a tuty '6oh youn&1f Ill. ..,. ot ~ l'UBIJURD Al' 11ll BAl.81)A 90(JYV.t.m racy new· turtloneelt ......... -rmr I ,. ASRION8! ••. ne .. jaunty jot. .;. 100 ---u a as - ~ BE.lOS. ~ pen:ent wool and look . ••17 much Ilk• hand .lmlt&. OM la la whlte • Ta.pHD: RA ... till w1th red vee tnaet, the other 11 navy with white V (Jlt..90). Let me ;~=======================~J-. now .• other super sporty sweatera-more tortol• nec'la. one in tone 1leeved red, navy or powder "blue a.nd only U,.IN5. And a AIMvele• one In same colon for only $3.96. Batwinl' turtlen.eeka at $7.96 a.nd white )tlllt ve.ta and cartliJAM. Fun Fuh.lon't larce array of slack.a Co rood with the.e .-.water• ... Iota of abarP plaid pat-• By MARGO .I. roWL 8TOBY- "I SKOT AN ARROW INTO THE AIR rr FELL TO EARTH I KNEW N<Yr WHEJQ: GIVE A LOOK! HA..."'lG8 A TUR.KEY BY THI: HOOK.'' • BIRD LOVE~! Meet at the Balboa 6 6: lOc! Yea, the 6 A 10 I• llninl' up Routen for your Th.ankactvlnl' btr<h. Aluminum ro&8ter1 are $4.49; Granite Router• are Sl.98. Th.Ja ts al.o head- quarters for lacing pins (Suture Sell!) I alao put a note in your 1ugce1tlon box •Ul'C••tlnl' you get a paper tablecloth and turkey n&pklns here. The tablec:lolh is ~""90 and only lie , , . then you l'et youralt • plutlc apron tor 39c. Set a match to theee thlnp when you're thru apluhlnJ gravy oa them. Other holfday acceseo- J'ie• au:b u Ru.tcraft. 1T"tin1' cant.. rolling' ptna, pie pan•. turkey look.I• cuttera. candlet and jelJo mould&. ONE TOOTHPICK FR.EE to every J>9;M1t a.ccompan.l.ed. by a .,d. DoaaldMm'• Balboa 5 a 11. ............... • • • • • ' UDY .&a& YOU l.DfBQ !' !' !' 1bl wont thine that can happen to you hoUM· wi'IU la to pt .utt in. .-ome joint! Perhap1 you read about the wpple young matron of 88 who kHpe In • trim by .tud)'iD& b&llet ! It'• tru. -for the body bea.U.tlful and pnerally healthful aKClM, the ht.ate ~'\. ballet'• tM: t..hil'lg. Dorothy Jo Swanaon 11 startCnc ~J aa .Adah ~Ballet a.. fer lle(laaen. You n~'t -.. ~ have had any previous dance education, ln order to • ]' enjoy ud benefit by thJs new clau. Bealdea -lm-.. a.ctn• tb• effect on your trtends if you suddenly tON down your cards it\ tbe midtt of a bridp pme and perform an e.nirechat in the middle of the floor. Mia llwu.lon &}a) conducta ei,...,. for adult.a in • • tap daatins, u well &1 in eJalldra.'1 tap, at:r0batlc, tern• $9.95 up. Then when you wiah to ap~ar u a real UtUe lady type. there't Iftn Fredertc'• rray (OWll with tunburst •kirt and cheeked bolero jacket . . . tret una:rt at $24.94. Frolic to Fua Faahiona For FINE FEATHERS. 1306 Cout Blvd., Corona de.I Mar. Harbor 2322. llaDot, loo UICI. b&toa twlrllnc. >. nry popular opeclal e1 ... IA kll· · ,P. •ed•s la ' at-~ luaior HIP .lltlld111ta Tblo ta bekl Tuu- _,.. ...... bent T4 and ti cnJy IOe a ~ Now ~ oa your to.! l•J.I kl<lt ud • ...., to tlto JIOILOftlY 10 S.W.&llllON DANCll llTUDH>. HH 0... -Oonlia .a Jbr. Ooll ..,__ -w ,.. tis:• ..,.,... •d ... • • HA Vlt YOU llV1llR CONBIDERED • how ma.ny houn P9J" day you spend drooped over the hot link! Wall don't. What with peeling'. parinc, dtahwullinl'. and dfppin1 your da.in.ty thll'lp ill Lux. tt'a too ~bte:ninc to contemplate. Hence~ u well u lhue ... a fOOd dr&l.nboard means a k>t ---= to a woman ill your position. The CouCllAe F1oar Oo•erinl[ Oo. wt.U So IO far off the float: u to lnatall a Formica Dralnbo&rd for you. Ctarancti cua:rantees • Ntlafactlon 100% on thl1 insWlatlon. Formica 11 waterproof, elp- r.tt• proof, and wusail a.nd whiskey proof. Of courM you can pt a linoleum drainboard cheaper, but m ind you, lt's not u JOOCI. Call the Coaatltne for a rea.90nable estimate! Don't throw money down the drain! Invest in a dr"S-inboard. 1791 Newport Ave .. Coe:ta MeM.. Beacon 8950-J. • • • A N'ARRO\\t SQUEAK! ! • ! ! NO, YOU WON'T BE BOTH.ERli:D w ith ahoe.1 too narrow or llhoea that equeak If you ~t fitted at Ba11»iPr'a Boot.f'ry!· Barber's haa a tremendous · aelection of quality shoe1 for men. women and children . . . tomelhln& for everybody. And UU. is the time of year of courM. when mo•t '"lliUTeW SqUMk" people crou their toes and hope to c•t gifted with a paJr of comfortable hoUJJe slippers. Any woman would be Jlad to come home to Daniel Grttn's ... •Y the l'•l& new cardinal toed corduroy moccaain• called 'F lirts.,' or the winter gn:en corduroy acuft'• who answer to the name of 'Ftiaky.' Don't let the.e names CDM Woman,·Two Zonta Club Gives Ollie11 Hurt in Room to Hoipital Car's PlunCJe throw you. Sia.. TheM slipper.a are neat but not bawdy. Oh lots of Three young women. one of Co- other allppers ... and plenty of drep.-u p llhoe.s , .. Grace Wallcers, rona del Mar, were injured Mon· Vltallty1. and HeydayL The 18.dy of the houae will be Interested day afternoon when the car in l:rrdeed in .: new arrival by Hollywood Skootert "UttJe Inch" navy which they were rldlnJ akJdded oo or black suede pump ... a lithe and low ahpe for dgued up com· wet pavement off the Cont Htch- fort. I tel! you. you'll all be u mel"T)' and sure footld u mountain way and rolled 8~ feet down a clltf coat• In 11hoe1 fl-om Barber's Jloolf'ry. 1796 Newport Ave .. Cotta at Crystal Cove. M...a. Injured were Velma Cua., 21. of e , e 904 0c,&n Avt., Corona df'l Mar; THE NEXT TIME YOU LuRE SOMEONE Dee Wall, 21 , of 1013 Adella Ave., UP TO YOUR PENTHOUSE TO SEE YOUR and the driVf'r, Joan Donovan, 23, PAINTINGS. show them your La.mb'a Wool of 728 "0" Ave .. both Coron.ado, Roller too'. The McDonaJd Paint Co. hu according to Officer Bert Schafer, lamb's wool paint roller& that a.re real UtUe Callfoml& Highway Patrol. They doogi•s wh@n It come• to p&intinl' wa.J.la and we.re taken to Sl. JQHPll bQ9.... thtnca.. You roll this pdget ln a pa.n ot p ltal. Oran,-. by M.ay'1 Ambu- pa.int, then apply the applicator to a flat lance. The acctdent ..,.... blamed ~'1.t You just roll alone Prairie Moon. on 1mooth tlra &nd the drtver'a and tie Mid that you can p&int with nary a Ule of brakea on the alick htp-.y . •trea.k. The mohair roller ia Jo:r daubing' Spred Satin and glou enamel There'• evm a roller device that MESA V .... w .• tJXIJ,IAKT pour-s paint out ~-a 'fount..&ln ... (looked ltrange to me, but who Mtt:ting in nplar 1euion, the am I to compain!) A.1!.d have I •poke.a to you Lat~ly about turpen-local VFW Aaxiliary 3$31 will tine and pa.int thinner! No matter how --u chOM t o apply ..... 1-• auembl• ~··y N 11 t a ~-_loQ... .r'l"llUA • ov. • & p. you must be UtUe l&diea and cl-.n your bruahu and roll.n. Keep m. tn. Leeton hall. thl• in nJ.int' at an ttlfle.a. At..> thlAC• will ro amoothtr tor ,:Ob !============= j lf you buy some l&Ddpaper at tbt McDonald PaJ.a.t Co. AND GET SOME CROWN ST A.MPS. 1812 Harbor Blvd., Colt.a Mea. Bea. 6703 • • • • •• FlREKA1'f BA VE MY ClULD! . Yt.. be mutt and aan m,y diud a pair Of tboae tlrelp'1' red ski pm,jam.u over at Polly pparol! l!Hse a.u and coUld Ill a Utue womu u w.11.) \And now '°" J"OUI' bo1ktay -Kia Polly bu lloed up. ~ bt,ldlu of MW~ ••• Newut &ntftl:I an the B>.RBIC'1'1:D • • • • fine old -_,, • ... IA all tbl M,r and better et e "e & DN ·LY Memben of the Zonta club of Newport Harbor became the tint actuaJ pledgtt• of a complete paUent'• room for the Hoar Mem- orial hospital now bulldl.nr atop the Meea at Cout Rl,bway and Newport Blvd. - The check from th' women'• r-roup, ln .. lh8 amount of '12000, wu ctv•n to Mn. R. L. Bacon of the b08plta1 .ta.ff by Mn. A. E. Stoc.kten. pruident ct. the Zonta club, lut wtt.k. Tba check covered two-third.I of tbe plfldge wilh t.be ba1&nce to be deltnred ........ ""' boopltal .. bUllt. Otbtt llfwahle contrtbuUou lft thole ol lbe. EbW!lM! and Prot.., atonal t Women'• 'dub for a watt· lnl' room. Tbe B. 6 P. W .... tne ftnt cSorior ln. Use preNbt tvnd .......,.campaJ;n. BLOOD DONA.1'10.Na C.ta ..... r 'C•ta lllltr ;·rs &e (l88 lll'ratx• N ..... 14 IN .... .......... pJ~tcv.., Mii Bee~ """"" fer ...,. "-' awMr, www• I le 0..... ·---'Dlo7 .. ..... _ ... ___ _ •-* fw dll&e t( tM ....,_ lllOllOe'• Md ylllt- . -... u cotton pl&ldo -....,. B~bon too •••• tr.II pll UOM. Man...,.-.,. Pa1p pettJo •. 4-tor. jawlly junlon -~ .-iL Tbeao u. py llttlo pajty t&a.w. eome Wltb jad<et. -an prettlly ~_.t 11 M tp Sak ' A.lie! -1 t~ tt ;rou'N •waltlll&" 111o patter 11 u.r -- 70\1'11 lllld a _,iato ... _.t:r ~t llori. oe. It'• JoU7 "' "":" ~~.,l'olbor N1J -~ uu m,..-.-..&, ~ -'t 3~4 Shapping Day$ TII 1 ·, Xmas! ou;mr lAOllft LOST , lifra. D. Lulle, sot Ruby Aw., Balboa Ialand, reported to police the lou of a relat,ve'• dark grem. huntlnc Jacket. nlutd at $40, • Balboa laland. NOY. 3. kil\11 traded ott 8bots tnto the mid· dle of the line moet of the way with one aeven-yard paea thrO'J'n in to keep the defeue IOOR. Pu· lukt bootle"-4 the b&ll over fl"om four y&rt!e out tor the econ. a ' STATll;l'lal N 10 1 11 , .. u !lS • :OS 11 ' 1 I I I TOP QUALITY ..51 GAUGE ....... I 5 DENIER ' DARK SEAMS - 3 WONDERFUL AUTUMN SHADE.S .. $1~ 19 Pair, 3 for $3.25 • • GIRDLES end BRAS Discontinued Styles -Femous Makes GIRDLES, PANTIES end STRAIGHT . ' were $I 0 · $12.50 Now $5.95 BRAS, Nylon and Cotton-32. 40 were $2.50 · $3.95 Now $1.00 • 1209 COAST BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR · Haabor 1308 BAMBOO R00MM~8AlJOA . ' FIUDAY ud UTv'Ju>.&cY;.Ji'OV. lltb ud 17tll • . croR'l'AIN 9 P. K. ' ' . ~rodorii Sextet-Can Can Girl' . . . 'community Sing ' , Lots of Other Acts • '1:11 Dl'Cl. US a ' ~ ' • ' ' I ot • •• ' ~OPEN ,. a '.• ;, '11166EST• ENTBlTAINMENT VALUE . f.I~ COUNTY ' . ' ' , • ' • •. • • , f I • ' • • ' • ., . • • • .. • • , I . • . . . I . . ~-· inw.u.~, ---·· ,., .. -•WWI WAY Paz-Maet AA .. 14 2 •IJ ·- l'Oft --o ·-'""°' ....W ,,_ r b'8 tor )'Vil. ,·Y .,.,...~--r•·•1~-'l>r / ( )~'-Jt, t ,___. ..• f r • • • '• ll .• 1L. · ..... 1~ •OADWAY-WALKER ~:0-.U: ==.Now60f:: 8-Wo&, N•r. lb& s-w..s.,N ... 14.._ "reopll Agailllt ~Ace hi Tiie Hole" O'Hara" llldl -.-., 1 .. 11te.u.c ' 8-Tnq, DIM& L>'• Mu1a Saa.. Nov. 11&11 -Allo - "Meua "' ,.. Saddle" 11lan""6ne'1 --Aao -• "1 .... loll In._ .. Sally Jl:ot"'f'ftt Karil Steoreu.. Peca Dow ..._,......,........ CHILDREN ;;:. FREE :: a:::::,.~~ PA ... LO DRIVE-IN THEATRE nu.. -. o,.. 1:16 llTABTS SUNDAY. :s0\'. lath "COME FILL THE CUP" ,_ Oapq. l'llJ'IHo Baxter -Aleo - • "MAGIC CARPET" ::A: ~~~~~~lle~Boll,~,-~~~-~~~ Streetcar SPECIAL MOTi.CE! ROY'S BLVD. NURSERY Is . now owned and operated ly Roy H. Grammer Only W ILL BE PLEASED TO SEE OLD CU S- TOMERS AND FRIENDS AND W ILL EXTEND SAME COURTES Y., ADV ICE AND SERVICE ·AS I HAVE GIVEN IN PAST. • NOVEMBER SPECIAL ON BUSH ROSES ONLY -AT TRIS LOW SP ECIAL PRWE OF OXLY $1.26 each ALL 8BllUBS A..""-'D THEM AT ftEDt:'CBD PRICES BUY NOW A.""-"D SA \'E AT ROY'S BLVD. NURSERY 2123 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA-PHO~ B~CpN 6484 lvouAlttC . f»UBLIC GOLS: COURSa ... ,..,.. ..... ,Ntt-•1 .... .,,..., ............. -,, ·-· o;;i;;;A&,..~flf t « il \Jest -'tn Strut llt llodlo 'lbwers '--• .;;;_-SANTA ANA PH.Kl,3-Ull • NOW OPEN SATURDAYS and . SUNDAYS ~The Ideal Christmas Gift>*-. A Year's Subscription to 'Oill1 'f3.90". Named Desire· ,,_ VMEN LllGll ... 11AllLClll~U111Ci1 ....... _·-··-~..--· -ADULTS: 1.00 ..,_ 1llu CHILD~ Ito ----, 8AT. LAST MY .. "DRUMS IN tHE DEEP SOUTH" TP<tlnlcelbr LILLI MARl.E.''IC Mes <"l ...,.1 , • 8.AT. LA.ST DAY , I..A...~ A TURNE& "MR. IMPERIUM" TM lulill!'Olor .IAHES 8TE1'1A.RT "NO HIGlfN A Y IN THE .sq:• nilft lroimu l'tnl ... , (lLAJU( OAllLZ "ACROSS THE WIDE MISSOURI'' Ebell Jun iors Plan Bay Club Luncheon Meet • • -' • • • • San Diego Couple Married at Laguna Church Sunday Services at Little Church Nut Bund.&Y mornln.g' Ute .er- -·at Ibo Little C!lurcb bj tho LUl kturday ....ia,, No•. S.. ....,... ot LeslOn and 1'hnlulh !Mii. at U.. bou7 ot I o'clock • otneta, 11oC1a with Bund&y ocllool bffuutul chW'Ch wtddlnr wu at t :•5 L m.. wtth eta.e. for an 1Glemni:Md at U.• Lita. Cburcb aae1. T ou .,.. urpd to be pre .. by th• S-. f« a well known ant nut Sunday_ couple ot Ban Dteio. Mr. Perry KomJ.ng Worablp .ervk:e bertM J . CondJt and Zella 8ch1...-l were at 11 L m. wttll orpn p~ude. united J.n holy ~Jc tn a double Mr. CJri1 ll&Moo, ten« toltMt. rtnc cettmony by Uie ltn. P"tank will .tin&' "Jtlft "'-I Am" a 9P1!Clal L. Dowell. UTa.nlU\Ut ot the well known TWo raTOrtte Mlf'ttlona ot the bynm. Rn. J'ranlt L. Dowell will brkl&I couple, "At D&Wfttnt', .. and llrtnc tile tourth and ooncludlnc ••t Lo•e T OU TrulT' Wft't: the or· m...,-e ta the Mri• an the he· pn -.1ect.lon1 pla)"9d bf w,., ond Comin.c ot the Lord and ha.I mink l>ow'ell. .elected for ht. subject, "An YOll 'nie attar, wttere tac m.&rT'l.q'll! Rudy for Juua to Com•'?" Plan vow1 were e:a:ch.anc'ed, wu bMuU· to hear thla timely &nd challenr- tully decorated wtth fall tlowel'9 lna m-,p. tumi8hed by Mn. JamN Brown. .1\1.nior church mHU at 11 :l~ Mn. Bl"OWft WU T'NpOU{bM for L m.. with Mrw. Dowell Ln ch&rp. makina'• a.Jl th• a.rranpmenll fOf' &pedal cltildren'1 proJT&m la /M- t.be wed.dint a \. the UtU. Ow.rc:ta t und ncb Sunday. Come and by the a.a. brlq t.be u.Ure famib' tQ church. Mr. and lln. o.e..,. Oolldit wUl 1 SUM&7 •YftJn.&', 7 :SO p. m. ta rnlde at 3030 • ~lb Ave. in San 81.npplraUon and tYanplistlc eer- Dtero,·•her3 Ulir y wtll ~ •l home Ylct. U Ytu Sov• to "Sine. Smile to their friend.a alter a lhort ud Pray" you will en.joy tJWi aer- honeynloon lltre tn Lacuna Beach. vice. Special attention c ivtn to Th.e bttdt wu amartly attired your prayer reque•t. at all •r- hl ·a nary bfua t~bla, weartnc vtcu. & co......,. of p.rdenJ&a, red roee Thunday, T :30 p. llL la Bible ~ an4 oran.... blOMOOtA. Kr. Study and Prayu mnliD.1. Tbe K. Clyde plrley, .en~ u Het study cow.e on the' doctrifte ot man, •and Be.le V. 8blrle7, ~ the Holy Spirit wt.ti contl.nue, wtUl tron ot honor, botlt. of El Cajon, Mn. Fr&nlt Dowell it-aching. You Callf., &Dd da.e trt.n.d.I o( the will en.jay UU. lnaplrational. in· br1d&l flOQple. n.e weddm,-party strueti'T1! cl._ MUtoft. Coma and m~ to IArluk ~ tr'OISl brtna' J'OW' Bible, pencil a ad paper -~ -!or you Will ......... "'take - A~~.Units Plan C~stmas Party for Vets • • tar. tuture nfenn«. .... ~~ lot'!I-.. ........... "' >di la....,, abb Coul ..... .lo -• • et-Ille UtUrCbtlffll ~ ui.· Sea &n4 tftjoy tlle friendly wel- come ud ChrlatSan FtJlawMJp ot UU bt«defton1lnattonaJ work. • Kiwanians Hear Pastors Talk on Christian Church Newport, Harbor KlW&n.lan• heard a di9cu..ion on the taak: ot U.. Chrlatian •church ln tod.ay'1 workl · at Thur.:lay'• mtttinl' a t Ule Roam.on Cafe;. Particip&tin.c iJI the dJacuaion were a panel of loc&J mllliltel'9 undtt the ch&ir- muuhip of Thomu Roy PmdeU Of Chrilt Church by the SeL Fol-- lowinc the dllcuae:ion amonc Ute puiel memben, quut.ionl we,. r.- ceived ftom the audience. The un· derl,ytnl' Wllty of the men repre- 1tentinc four dl!!e~nt denomina- i-. Kood out lhnlus!><>Ut the dlocuallon. The meeUnr wu a.rr&.q"ed by the committee on cooperaUon with the church~• under th• leadenb.Jp of Wendell Hoyt. PartJcJpaUnc putorw Jnclud~ Herbert Roth, Lutheian: Paul Moore Wbttler, ~Llcopalt.an : Jama 8 t ••a r t.t Prubyterian, and Tom P•ndell. Method lat. • -"" ..... VloJoo ---.. Col. ......,. i. _, ... ~~----..,. ... e a.bow II oee of two London Guests Ent4rtained at ~:~a Parsonage Spend:lnc ..ver&I d•Y• lut week u b:::-r, iuett. of Rev. Ind Mn. JONph1 W . McSh&ne w ere Dr. T . Fro.nc" ·oi....... put« ot th .. Richmond MethodLlt church and co&ucel chapel, London, Ehs-land: KrL tuiecm, and their 0 daughter Ruth. 'I'M cllilh vU:tto"' plan to pau a year! tn the UnitPCI States while Dr. qi.a.on 1tudi ee Ame~&n church; life and melbOO.. He re- cently :wu aunt mln.laUr 1n. the Coata ~~ Community church of Which r :: McShane LI putor, ~orpt to kJ Glrl Seeat ~ fFEIFER'S ~mptious .~URKEYS WE DIESS to• Order or hisctfr. .... d FROZEN YOUNG TOMS AYAILAILI ON SHORT NOTICE GET YOU. OBDU IN NOW llEJl'OU 1'll!l HOLIDAY aum S81 l'.ut; DUl St. ' 008TA KUA PRON& BEA. ~W ---' Ill . ,,.._ . .,,, Clooed 1(- COMP'Uft DINNHI ""-$1.11 .. P M l'ROPIOAL DllJNg!J Ot.. 1 ... bc.wo.. TAHrTIAN SlTIOOM .._ hrld9S KerMr IJ'I ' I '"'' THE' NEW HUT -~-.Y.1--..-r..--Cl-""_,. llopetleUft._ .,.,. cw-... LIQ(). 'OLEANEU tll Newport 111.._ OOllTA lllDA _.,.... I , T. v. sm FOR RENT . i.oil llllOllUli rTIDl~T. V. . UWlml llLVD _lfea,_.._. ...... -: ' . aw..,R-.,... I hlO AM. le I . r.M. .i.1y ' Olou i ~ ....i NMo,. ""-' Kl .. ~orly 2-21'• L• ti Mil rAllON •• 100/o Discount on Any Purchase (EXCEPr AJIALONE ... !lllllDIP) Brhlc tJds ad to BAYSIDI FISH MARgET Fresh Fish Daly frolll O• OWll loatsl . . , • ABALONE ·------··-·-···:.: .. --A 75c NlliWl'VllT -•IU High Q~ali(y Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Everywhere You· Go You Meet our CLASSIFIED · ADS • • • ao w 7 '• tMJ' Jll'OINce ..-... .,..... --tllo7 ... .._, .. HM4 loelp T ••• -• ,_.,, , • ·.a::::= W Mil? 1'17' a aa111a.t M. tlw COMMERCIAL ... JOB , PRINTING • -• • ! •• BUSINESS STATIONERY -CARD$-PR~..,. . . 1616 , , • • - • • .. • J \ • I I ~. I l • • • ' .. • ' • • • . . • I • I • ·pup1• r,.··porz~c·. ·. Her&'or . Se~io-( ~ K.ppa · Alumnae ' = :-~~~a: M. .... ~ool :i' •• 'I =. ~ -.. i.u..b.:..i ••· 14,.:1.;.., au·~. U> J llJ, "-to Presenl c~~a:..-ed at ....,... .,...._ -• ••: -ri.. • • J ·"'v'. ·~ · · .ta11·~ u....e: · .. POft --a-. M& • • • i;;si•ISI'• .,. ~-'-~.,--.. • oyeo 'fl , • Tbo .-. -..,...... ·"' • ... , DUl\TQ~<'. NOW 'O'n Sorrowecl'Time' San Clemente , · ~ •;;:_ "!..~u;:s :...:· pt Members ~:. _111e ~ ~~ __ .... MN: ci.:n.;. ..... ,,:..;..."" · , fllVI ~ \ , tl]i.i..~1 W 'rt' 2 ,.. , ~~"-~----. c11ar&9crtwti ,, • .,. x...w.. IN .Hf. G .. H, ·sc. ~.-_.OOL.... "On•Boi1owed TIJM.• -ot Ille no. ·-"-' °".'I"" ...... ti. for ~ 7 '·' Pl . 0..-_.._ . ._"'" "' .o( Ille --prlndpol,'Olld loJl9lo, • l1t'4 ..,. ii... Dr .. . -boloftd pl&l'O ot tbe "'°"""' Ablmnu 4• Oii-ol ---, , ;.w; B -~M· A. ~ Ille Jin. ;lo.;11; JleBboM; w!fo ul ~ Kn. orwi ~ Mn. Am111~·t11ea1er. wlll IMI p-· <>-.. wt)> W a 4oflalltnll · ~~ • _,. botio ...... ;' 1'"' """' ~Tea' ftf, ""1'· _.., .. "! t11e Coot& If-~ lt•llllf,' ..,. Jiii 1\ld4 ed ~J' tJie -lor c:1uo No¥. SO, t.t ~·-mdtlrlc '* .... I 't ti* er.::;.,. -C -..,; N • ...,. _ 1~141'-& p. m. ~ dlllrch. Tooeloen Uld -, ---tloo" - Seo...t)'-two priM wlrlnlDS pill>-I p. m, ID tlHI hJp Kllool alldl--ol laL 0. 00...., .•1 ._ tor Clfpplod fto liltormal ~er WU ~ ~ enJOJed thr Tbo Ilona ot ~ WU ~ '~·ri. 'ii g~ tocT&plla.made 1>y l>J&h ...-otUn tortum. Robert w ... eo 1a d1rett1nc -ot au Clelamt.. Kn.'Pf.od -_, .Adlllt.o, '1 ~ :w.-llold bl u.. .~ ·,_ opportun11F tor trtendly, lftfGnnol ..., m..i. by xn. ~ °'7· u. c1e11ts 1n on JIOl'lt o1 th• cpuntl')', u.. p...iuctlon. , , ... _ ot Duo~""" Krt. ()!!¥"•!*• ot'll!I--n :;.; ~ 1-'v-1*utltlilly ~ tt.q, wlllch the _, .... ~ with p1am tor 111o - are to 1» ubtl:lil~ at the Ne•port Tkll:eta are eo and 10 ccta. WUlWft Dem&J.rat-auta ~Wen the cr0uP ._.... •*hlla• WI~~~ tall tlowen. ~ . • . . In.I'. but unit.le .ta atte94 wve Barbor UDlon Bl&1> ~ Tiie wU.h tJI -le .._.-. R-~ ---~ lofl!N aa ll<'tlft po:r\ ID .::.i.Jlo.1 ~ela, P...T. A. .Arrongomelltt for the tu wen lfro. llurnle BollO)' Uld ~ ~t will be ljiown In Ute U· ttons may be mode by pb4nlnc tho : ~ 111illl-.,.... pr11.,.t, Uilj \>roJt<t. .A lift ~ UO,-MW• p • t, -ed by P •• T; A. m..i. by J(oln 8chool P .·T. A. Wllitmon. brary !<>day ltuough NO¥. 18 hfCll tcboo~ or th""'lll otudent with the Nfl'Port ...,. rep-... looopl1ol la &loo l>tl!lr ~ boud£" ~Ibo ~ -.cl m<lllben with :llrt.T C&rl -----''-· Nov. ts, 16, 17 under the auaplc .. ot the mp tldtet ac<'lto. • ed b)' llln. ~ Hutt.. ot Tilt -~ ~ IM ot tb -· .Ar fllrther ~· Tl1elt u s-raJ c:IWnnan. Mn. -Opporlwllty ,. .,., .. .,., ta '· Scl>oOl Plloto Cluti. h toe ...iu .,. Don Camp1Mlll, Bo!-· lllapoll :~Kn; "\'&!..,. a . home ot _, Alint, ~ .t ..... . by lt'n,;&. '.A: .JW&-*· L. Hepporle, wllted b)' lfro. cr.A88Ul&I> ~ Selected tram """"11' -...... .. ,Grampo; ~ Vt.lla (ft811.· Hatch of Oo1ta Kea: 11n. -Bo!-S.,. 8boHt -di1 111'. a ud lfp. ltr=i• -~ wbo Harold Steck, Krt. Ray COU4. In the nttb Annual U!NIOl Not• man) u Bud, ond Donna Price ut X. ~-ot Ba1110o Bay beautlflll Goll td 1MI roMed lottt, -1~ at the ••l•ble. · M llawor Kn. Albert OC'f..., Krt. 1ohn IWly • .b .. deal hot -mw Iona! High School P\)otqsrtphlc u Granny. They havo u.. !Ndor lllloreo: 1ln. RolMlrt I'. -bu ul wUI occupy the l1:Pl'P oa ~·c1a,y. -•red iw.. ot,ploaty, nlled with 1oeo"""'--Kn. Ray Tnutwela, thnl a ...U Wut Ad Awuda, the c!Upl&y ln<lud .. the rolea In thho brilll&nt. .l&IJ&'h·ftlled • ------,-------+-"-...----· ---·-----,----------------------Flnot. Second and ThlM Prise w!J!. comedy fentuy. Th• supportlnc '1' ' ner1 ln each of the. four ~luael cut tncludu Tom Rendenon. u ;. ·· ... mt.o which the cont.est wu·dlvld· Kl'. Brink; Ed Becbtrom u Kr. ed. All Speci&l Xerit and Flnt 'ortme.; BW Bopkina -u a doctor Honorable MenUon prl&fo-winninl' from a local mental tn.tltutlon; prtnt. are ai.o lnch~eCI in . UM wtth Judy Tucker pl&yin&' love In· •haw. Tbe Nat:Sonal Hieb Scbool tuut; Janie Hume. the apple Pbot.ocraPhlc Awarda ii a picture-. thief; Donna Nellon, the woman taking compeUUon spon.1ored by lawyer; Bob Euert, the 1heritt, the Eutman Kodak. Company. and John Yaeta and Lee Jayred, Featured ln q.hlbit i.. .the lf&l1d minor char&cter' rollt. prlk winning photograph made by Io the o~nJn,g act, Gramp1 lure1 Geor(ia Hal'WOOd, a atud9n~ at Mr. Brink-up the appt. tne by a Maddn. Khool, Greenway, Vtr· foay piece of trickery. The protr ginla. '.1"hLt photograph "Swnmer lem. i1 to keep hbn safely 1n the Surf" ~ow• three younl' ,-iri. tfff. whUe Gramp1 accompllatle• running barefoot along a wav. certain important thlnp 1n hbi ... $1..0S-.> 4$c W ' wuhed beach. Thi.I I.a the ~"!t lite which he had been J>Ollpon· ., / • . time a picture taken by a girl hU lng. \ /_ • d• V-p's if won th.e coveted top awar&, total· Younr Bud .turnt.hei the aoJu. WO t l\Om inl $600. lion. He had read that a.tter a IAKlallS Student.' Work 1 •good deed had been done, anyone COSTA MESA The pbotogn.pha ln the e.Xhiblt· who rot up ln that particular • apple tree would have to 1tay 1100 ?\Mtport. Blvd. Ion repreaent the work ot atudenU there Gramp had ch t rt ti· trom lb!' ninth to the twelfth · 8 &ra.c e • COROSA l>EL MAR -Cout ~llw&)' LAGUNA BEA.CB 116 Forest Avn.ue grade inclualve. A total of-'3.500 cally lent $60 to a preacher for a in cub waa dlvld~ Into 337 new Nit. ~c.auw, accordlnr to "' · --Whll rm•· t red in Gramps, the worthy reverend took· awa.--. e P wo en e ed UJUSU.&Jly oeedy vrhll bin the contest were 110 lar~r than" • p~c ~ 7 x '7 inchea, the mllxlmuni at,ze ;:: tu.neral aervtce for Gramp 1 ------------permitted, the talon print. Hnt · Birtcher Denies Building Code Violation Count out by kodak lor this exhibition DEATH IX TREE are enlarge.merit displayed in 12 by 16-lnch mounta. 'The exhibit fea.turu .a wide range of subject matter-. Every- thing from photogn.phs of achool acUvitiea to beautltUl «enlca, ex- vtttnr acUon studies, and ec-enes ot everyday lite ue included. 1n the di.splay. · Judges in tbia year'• National • City Court trial will be held Hl&h School Photographic Awa.rda No'V. 21 in the cue of F . E. Birt-were C. K . Eaton, direct.Or, depart· ment of photography, Art Center ch er, 226 Poinsettia a venue, Cor· E:chool. Loa Ang~es; Dr. J oaeph ona del Mar. ~e is cha.rgl"d with M. Murphy, director, Columbia violation of an R·l resldential zone University Scholutic Pre .. A,.. and failure to obtain a bulldlng soclatlon, and K. W, Williama. alteration permit. manager, Photo1t'9phtc Illuatra- Pleadi.Jll' not ruUty to both Uon Division, Eutman Kodak count.a 1.ut week. Birtcher wu Company. rele&!MMI. Qft hi.I own ~congnlt.ance The .19!i2 Na.tional High School and trial dale wu set by Judge Photographic Award.a la already ln Frank Li.rl.nell. · I progress. ~rther information can He ii aceused by police o! con· be bbtained frOID the National :vertinr -., sleeping room into a Scholastic Pre•• .>..uoclatton, 18 'kitchen tn & unit bailt over a pr· Journaliml Building, · Untveratty age at the PoinMrtla address. Per of KJ.n.neaota, Min.neapolil 14, lice aa.i.d Birtcher received a build· M.inn. ~ tng permit Aug. 22, 194~ to build the or-lgi.nal home. The following January another permit wu -lJ. •ued to build two alee.ping room.a, bath a.nd utility room over the gar-age in the ~1 zone. Police cla.1.m that at. that tl/ne. )}.. M':-N el.son, buUdln,g l.Mpec~or, told Birtcher the sleeping t"ooma could not be made into a 1epar· ate uniL Birtcher la charged with ln5t&Ulng & atnk, refrigerator and &tove ln one of the 8ieeplng rooms over the garace. con.1tituting a zoning viola.non and failure to ob· taln t.be proper building altera- Con permit. CllUS~S AT MEET Dr. a.nd Mrs . John K. Chung, 211 Eut 18th 1treet, Coat& Mesa, at· tended the convention o! the Call~ tomi& Academy of General Pra.c- tice condw::ted Nov. S.-7,at the Ho- tel del Coronado, Coronedo. Quarantine Ended' on State Mu$sels CaU!ornJa'• a:vmmer quarantine on musaels ended WednYday, Oct. 31, and Orange County resl.dentJI may gather the shelltish for bait or tor !ood until next May lit. ac· cording to a H~alth Department release. The yearly state-wide quaran· tine order bu bee.n ,nrorced in On.nre County by the Sanitation Divialon ot the Health Department to protect hwna.n life. During the summer montha, musaell become contaminated with a deadly poi.on aimllar to that in pol.sonou. mu..b· room•. No cue• of muaael polaoninl" have been reported Jn C&.llfoml& ~ t.he ~t three years. JllOIRWWW .,CIA1a OI' I08'9 J)A0t I *S. <1-a .... 8tft' IA llllfi' A ...... M a )mt'I I Wdhl Ja .... .&a C J 't) a.. Lift te ..... a' •s. ua ·Mn. 0. Jr • ..,.._, ,.. Ii• ... b -..... ftl ..... Q. .. Ts Ill ' .. ;atdl p' ....... lltft ....... --o.a. ....... ,,.,._.._ w.'jl ir ell. ... p '1 ta.. Met,.: a lit..._ Csaw.,. D. With Death trapped tn. the a.pple tree, everyone, tncludtn1 the ruea and the blrdl &nd <lop., u well .. hum&n11, llvu on ''bor· rowed tlme," and the ruult1 in unexpected drama. and h u rn o r, make a lively, wann.Jy huma.n, tometlmea hllartoua play. Death, of courae, out.Dnarta Gra.mpe, but that ta where the llll.lpellll!I liea. Sandy DenJJnger, Terry Welah, and Dixie Thaden are chalrme.n or the import.&nt prop committee: Fran«a: Kime• and JeiLn Talatra &re at the head of the costume board.I, while Jody John9on and Janl.s Allen are 1n cbU"I"• of the make~up squad.a. Studmt body pruident '&>b Ercert and Lee Mort ts. Mnlor, &re ma.na.-en of the •tare cnw, and Ann Morrta la cb&lrm.a.n of the la.rre aet crew, eompoeed of members from the ftrat period drama CJ&Q, Bruce Ba1rd, •nior, ta In cha.:rre ot pW>Hctty; and ticket •JUDI"' LI orpnlRd under the d1rictllib of ,loan Kadnuccl a.nd J~ Zonta Members Hear Speaker on Civil Defense "It Ca.n H.vipen Here" wu the meaaa1e brous-ht to Zonta mem- ber• of Newport Ra.rbor by Mra. Walter Hartley, South. Lacuna. Aullta.Dt Co-ordinator , of Civil Defense tor thla ana, when ahe 1poke to the JTOUp at thelr H(U- la.r luncheon meeting at Norton'• B&yabore Cafe Tbunday, Nov. I . Mra. Hartley aald every peraon should le&rn. what they can do "-• individual• a.nd a• organ I a e d group• to help ln the event of a. dlauter. .Mn. Helen. Stockton, pre1ldent, pre1lded over the bual.neu .euion.' The club voted to malt• lta Zonta pled1"9 to '""nl• H0&1" Memorial Ho•pltaJ" to endow a $3000 room. MrL lUld.red. Sta.nley and Mn. Betty Pare reported on prorr-eu tor tb.e Chrillmu party for the t boy'a ward at oran~e County ho ... pit&l. Thia la another of Zonta'1 Mrvic• projects. Jtapr enthualum over amu.t.n1 plana for the Zonta Annual Car- n\nl dbmer to be rtven at The Balboa Bay Club Fl'iday, Nov. 18, auures all attend.Ins-an e.nter~ I taininr evenfnr. Gueat.a enjoyih( the · luncheon were Kra. Billie 'nlorn.an, Coat& Men; Marjorie Crumley, Vera 8. Willl&m1. Hilda Brtacoe of Balboa I.sland: Buel Ray, Ruth WeU. and Ruth Barculn• of Cor"Olla del . 1 Mar: LudUe Allpll and Myrtle SoderbeJ'C of Newport Hei~lli 1 and Wbtlf'Nd. Baton .ud Ed.ltb Hartley of LafU'I& Beach. State PT A Board to Discuss Youth Problems TM ~ •J1ctfttll Ul· 11".ttiro pl'Oblema will r<eth'o ,... • ..... derat!Oll wllo tM - Gt ~ of the Calltoml& Cctl· -ot Pvmtt ond TMchero -· I_.. In Loo Aqelto. NO¥. H ond 15. Mn. Sdwud T. Wa!Ur of ri.. Aqtlot wm ~ t.l o11 --. . l -Ralpb r.wta "' Loo Aa-= wlll ___ _ •IA ...i lliO -ot tM -""ca--. • ~cttr wtdcti 1a NMh'tDC .... ~n~~~--wm:-Lil!'"' ~-~ lpl'ttt ot"f ..,_. *-*bl:re Milli• a:rmpt to wvnat a. 'f«jlil CDtao- --'*111 -•rue Ila ·----~ ...... -', TM p1 '1 1rllis. Wan., wS .. I llW?"C -... ,.., 'I rtS.. at tM..Gataw'• :YOllUI C IC.- • .... El • 1 I -ty •• . (J. Xllll.Jl'We) 1418 a1rn L ---JMl -• • ' • • \ • ' • your ThanJis irirlg Tuble with fine fC • -.e if . from SAFEWAY 1 he big "'°"'4nt onivesJ All •MtWft• inta long tantalizi ng oromo1 hove sneaked from the kltch.n to teo.e Hger oppotltea: Now the teble la Nady ••• groaninO vnder itl 1"41 of wonderful feative looda aowdocl around o gay centerpiece of-wClit, look ... oybodyl Hore comoa M- with the turkey •• ,, "'""'"'"".'" ••• .7 ' 1mE'l llEU' for planning the big nteal ••• . Auure oulltanding tuccetl for y6ur bolide.y feut by .e)ecting you. nttd. (or the big event from Safn--.y. Every it.rm we ltll is pOI"-· u«I to be top qualit)•-it m..t pkue you . completely •. o_r money back. Th•t'• apeci•lly import•nt at a time like Thank"!" Jl'I •·hen you w1nt nerything to be at ill very baa, · Callee Value• Sp<ci..l low prica for the Holiday feott ! M.J.B. , ... Drip cw r99vlor (2-lb. con, 1 .57) al EDWARDS Drip or regular 1.t. 79' 77' CINCH CA~E M'IX • DAIRY GLEI BU'ltEB = ~78' PUMPllR ~~ ~ 13' = 2 n:; 29' MILD CHEESE ~~a;:~ ... 4t JELL-WELL DESSERTS . 3 • 17' Oicice ol --9•latim -~ ..... low Jlll- ·--YODAISE ::7:.:1·> ~6.3' -:37' (l-lb. con, \.53) al ~~ .. ~ILL I~ 72 c (2.lb. ba9, \.'3) ... ; AIRWAY • Miid I. Mellow (l·lb. bag, 2.07) PINNANT , ... ... 7 0 C • _ Be'8rt of top q\Ulity ~:. .. fir/ time •.• lhop S.feway Good quofity at eoconomy ,nc. , ... ... 69' BACON .P~" ~49c ~· •.45' . . Popular ......... beat...W,_.. ... 'S."• lo< --.• --am ' IDB! BOAST .. 83'· SHEARS t-so~ . 9'aDdin9 r cul.._ &nl lh ril& U.S. OIOICE beet POBI ROAST r.!:: ~~~ •. 53c , CZH !EB cUr POU: LOIM BOASTS'. U.. 73c ' ·-:: 51c with Wuc triaftCle f<on1 top of bag ol KITCHIN CRAn &ridi1• FLOUR .... 99c ':: 2.25 (2-11>. "'t:.. 2)c) Perk 'l111s , · 5nc End cut loin. Eaatern Pork. '-;J C.... Cll Mi. 0., ~ 19' leaf In• ., . 7nc Sliced. Fine witli l>ocon. .. V SOLID PACK TUNA ~~ .. ~!piece. L 33c ~~!:!~a:i::d· . J: 27c WW. WWtilt ... • z3c . CHUNK STYll TUNA Fine 11 .. 0 ""' w.. Star !Goa brand. 61/J4L 27' S. flet 55c Uoe in .. ndwiCh... UI Alfreody for tbe pon. .. ·~----------T------------r-----------~------~------WESSON oa : CAT FOOD : TIDE SUDS ! SURF SUDS ""' 28' : ,_1 ._ Ii...• 28'1 i..,.,... 28' 111111 l us.. cm. ffcl I ,,....., -: Uf.tl,I : • := 54' !2·~ 15c!:'~ 73'! ~,... 54'. SAFEWAY GUARANTEED Pl?ODIJCE •• - lnolr*t 0.-, ,_lMI i. te"-'- SllSHina ,:::.., ·:z 12c Stllf'1111 ,!"..., ':.. 15c Pie Mix c;::::: -;.: 19c Slloi1eli111 '! 31c '! l5c ..... L3k -. ·-1.sc --.Ja.., . -•n ORDER YOUll THANKS- GIV1NG · TU1lKEY NOJI' I Creme de Melllle ~ 19c ........,.._.......,,. ..... Sweclisll Minis °=' ·~ 2't lllperials ~· ,. . ":.; 1.SC •·diurr~, ............. Cherries '=-. ~ ·:· 5.SC ~Y Walnuts ~-'.! 3.SC W1llllllS ••··"'........ •~ '5c ................... Spilisll PeBllls .;::;.. '! 3tt Clicktlil PHnllls ':: JJc ~· SoW. v.-,.n..s. 1:-a-... Milk --. -21 e . """"'"" ,,,. .,.. ~ ... ,,,..;....i, ,......rn:-4 (YI...... >. C011C11tr1W Miik : • .'!:~ 19c l-M ..... rtdri Co.-t, • Me) Kllk pricea ett~ve In local a.re& onJ7. Miiie Cristo WiH · ,..., u..n, ........ ,. lltwry. , ...... ,,., • .,..,~Uc: ............ ..., ~ ...... ii ._. -#.;. w. ~ w. ... , ... tw ...... ~. CrlGM Meil lrlM ":.: 17c • • • i • • -• t • • ' ' -P.AGl'. & NOV. H, lN1 1 . JI-~ ~ , •-at , 1':&11'toU MY Pnctleel Aa Id !"ftlal'b' la Udo _ mn UJ> IBOPl'lNG nwa paper wm JJJd)ne• •••* flDr ,..._ , , ;·~Mr. and Mrs. F~yrie Willflns P.eveai " Engageffient of oa·ugh fl! Jenifer:. 'Mr. """ Kn. Jttyne W11llamil • -.. -~ --------• ·-.. • .. • -• • • :l .. .. .. • --.---------• • • • .. • • • .. or N""llJP"l llMch anc1 s1n ,Ihm-C · 'If' S • ty u .... w~. i... ..... ,.i ... .,. an-ame te · ocie D~ tile enpcement Of Ui.lr H • fi dau,m.r Jtn1r .. Rhya. i.. eapta111 to eve«st Wlntl<ld ,Anpl. "°" of 'Mr. and .. ~-• Th d Mn. Wln?l•ld Ko ... Ansel of On· IVJ9et UrS ay tatto, formerly Of Seattle and Ta-• coma, w-. The tint .,..tin«· ot u.. ca- K•• WOllama· WU p-adU&ted IM!lla Soctet:r of 0ranp Oo\mt'y from tT. C. L. .A.. and holds a teach· wW be held UU. year on Nonm- ~ a.ulatanlab.Jp there while abe ber 18, 8:00 p. m. at the Qtri.' 11 curtt0tly working toward her Scout Clubhou.e, 100. Weet Ith muter'• decree la,. Englllh. Her SL. Santa. Ana. fiance ii an &h&mnua of the Uni-A bkM»m diapl&y wU1 pr.cede nntty of Wubinston and recdY· th• mMUna' at T:SO an4 &D t'd his M. D. decree tn the achool attendtn,. are urpd to b rt n r of medicine there. He la a member cameJUa blooms for UU. cU.tplay, ot AJpb.a Kappa Kappa and ot The prorram pnml-. to ~ ot honorary tn.temitiea Phi s.t.a particular int•~ to • U.O. ift .. Kappa and Alpha Om•p AlpbL teruted In camellia .,... __ He comp1eled intemahip at Wal· SI.nee thi• te the HUl:m tor .tarUn.g ter Reed ha.pita! la Wuhiniton, camellia cuttlftp .and seedllnp • D . C. and now la m· .Academic the prorram ha• been planned lot:edicl.ne 4t U. 8 . A. J'., etattoned around thl• theme. at Gunter .A.Jr roree bue in A.la.-Ku.ra. B. w. Rarland. Allen. bamL croou, ud Art.bur W~ thrM The marriage will unlte two top e.mateu.ra who haYe had ...,._ prominent Wut Cout famillee. eral years' experlenoe tn ca.mellla Miu WUU&ma 18 the rn.nddaurb-propap.tion, have orpnl.&ed a ter ot the la.te Mr. and Mra. Mur-\)ianel on the aibject of "Camellia taug:h Kehoe Barrett of Sacra· CUttlnr• and Seedllnp." They mento and of the Jat.e Kr. and Mn. will not onl1 U)Uin, the met.hods William Ap Williama ol London, they han,. u.d, but will demoD" England. The Barretta were pio-atrate hOW to m.Ue hard wood n~r CallfomJana, M.r. Barrett an.d heel cuttinp. and. will at- havlng croued the United St&tea tempt to an..nNr a.ny quelt.lona • • in & covered wagon over the Ohio uked them oa Uli8 subject. .. trut. cominl' ttom New York. • • • • -• .. n's 4 WONDllJlf"UL PJl.'f-TY ·.,.. ~ Jl)-ford I ..;,iae t<> llor ....... Jin. ..._ o ..... w. llll'L -u. <r Phm ...i -. z,~ .. tt o~ ai 111. Ollartty ... _. 11 .... bT tlwi --,.__ ol N ........ -h at llalbea Bey Club. , (I, MUii PhotA>) New Books · Evening College Ruby Wedding Registration 1599 . Observed by at C•1ty Lt'brary With a ""'0nl onrollm<nt or' Cqsta Mesa Couple ll'!iff, Orange Coaet Oolle«e'a Eve- ' nlug Collere i. well into It.a eJa'hth Lookin1 Nck t.hroU(h the viat.u Latea:t addJUon to that deJ.lpt.:. week ot the Fall term which e.nde of tO happy yeare ot ~arrtt'd life tu.J AP or a Canadian family ia December 15. are Mr. and litn. Herbert L.. Si· the n,ew De i. Roche book, Ren· Theee '1599 cttizena are rertstu-hillln1 of Cotta Me1&, Whoae. wed· ny'a D&usbter, aelectitd amonr eel la O ditferent elauff tnclud· d.lnr annlvenary wu sivert mem- flctlon volumes Juat added to New-hi& IUch v&rled attN aa band. onble ncopJUon Sunday. Nov. port Beach publlc Ubrary ahelVet. driver NucaUon, but.c e1tdrictty, f, when the couple wtte at home Tho.e who have followed the French; plut.ertnc. tln!ftghting an afternoon to friend.a aM ttla· ltory of thlli unusual family will and cttaUve wr!Un1. ' ttvee calllnl' at 1820 Anaheim St, want to ttad It. · · New clutu ha•e been added l:speci.ally eftecUve fn the nower The new fiction II.It includes: sinu tbe bectnnlnr of the term appointmenta wrre cluet.era ot I • I , I !VI kmtt•ry ,isited by . qishict Presidern ~ •• lilont -Cle)'laft lf/ll&llt& AM '614 ller.J'OUly of· ~ -at tho. lateot •etUDc et! tbe VFW AIDllllaiy No. SIM Ill Alllerl<:on LtsloD 1lal1. )(--,.-..i -1ly Tlmmlap,, .,-1. Aloo -tor ... '!bolm& en.. ol ta.Au. 4flle tOca! unit la lnYlted t4 a ~ 1'o ~ oC !>POI Walton, Sr. -.iee-prcllkltnt.. acbeduled )'(crt. 15 In U.. IOOF ha11. Ana· ~.-si..sc~i.. c+tact i..... Tlmmlnp. Kem- -lltlped wttll the hooplt&I 7 Oct. n at th• Lone Beech '• holplt&l were A.1iff tt. m.te Rennance., Inne Paul Tlmmlnp and Pearl and th .......... '1'lie pert7 ..... a up wcceu and proved an ea- ble OC~·•:lon for the patient.a. are underway for the an- Chrlamu perty t4 be held • hoeplt,al Dec. 22. t doUara waa aent to the National Home for Chrlet· m Hale. .Announcement wu of the aecond dlttrict meet- ln Arlln&ton Nov. 2$, Four \ d !'satu will rep.....nt the local ~lary and any other member wtjo wlahea to attend may do '°· fb• aU&illuy ii Hndtnr YuJe- tl~ (Ttttlnga to u many Coata ~ and Harbor area 1ernce mt"n u; pomible to reach, Dorothy 01 leeple, publicity chairman, a.n- n cea. More addreuee are nteded, abe 1&ld. . ~ported on the. aick llat were ~ Willa, Hpel Younr. Pearl 8'1"'11' Betty Kaitrejean and Jo- ae,hin• To ... non . • Jtetreahmenta were served by Ja,tie' Secor and Eula Patter.an . N~t meeting will be Nov. 19 in • • . Pita of the family . A.a Stronc u a full atse bicy cle. Ug-bt wei&"bt allow• m h r e apeed-Turna euy. Fully Portable Suitable for Yacht., Planet, Trallera. Can be folded In 30 aeconda Without toola. • I Ji p 0 R T E D Folds into a 1pace U" x 25" x 20" we1 .. bt oniy •ao lba. Harbor Area Dealer MIUI. AllCID:R'8 TOY 8BOP-U5Y, -Aw.. Ila-hie SACKETI • DDRICK SALES, INC • "TOY WBOLESAIZBS" SA.." CL!:lllr:1'-rr:, CALIF • .. .. .. • • • • • Oreat grand-parent. ot the brlde-- 9lect are the late Kr. a.nd Mn. Oilbert Tonge. Mr. Tonge having btth one ot the early settlers and founder• of Clukff'Vi11e of Gold Rush fame. Capt. Ang:t"l la the 90n of a prominent Seattle f&mlly. HUI father, a concert vtoJJnllt a.nd former membtr or the Seattle Symph0n7 C\rchestra, baa bffn active in-m'b.tcal circlea tn both Seattle and Tacoma for a gTeat many yean. Santa Ana Players Open Season with Goodbye My Fancy • • · Befinnlnl' their 32nd yur u an orfU\11ation, the Santa Alla Com- munlty Playu1 will preaent ray KAnln'• popular lhrM-act comedy drama.. "Goodbyf', My Fancy," openlD• Thurlda'y, No•. 15, and eztendlnc lhrou1h Frtday and Sat• urday. The Santa Ana !:'bell club- botae auditorium wW be eettinc for the play with curt.a.in Ume to be 1:30 p. m. Dlrec:Uq will be OWiy. Slmpaon Shafer who belin• her 23rd year u director ot the Player•. Aabton, Letty Landon; De IA. in navi1atlon (aeronauUca), pa.rll· deep red ~•. aymbollc ot -the Rodie, Renn)"• Daughter; Falk-amentary ~t'dure, voclUonal ruby anniwru.ry event. Mr. Si- ner, Moonneet: Retn1eln, ne Pup· counseWnr and t'llndamentala ot hllllnl' prpvtded a conare·ot' or- pet M'aateni; Hoean, Apache Land-ordnance. cbida tor his bride of '40 yea.ra arO Lns : Houaeb.old, A Time to Kill; In addition to the ttgular cla.a end tttere were .ecoru ot card.I Laird. Jamea and MacArthur: offerings, tbe Evening Colle1e and gift.a. Including: a table 1'mp LaWttac•, The Picture Window; jointly aponaored with the Di...U-with a ruby ahade, ruby-colorid MacDonald. Ranger Man: J.far-Ion ot L&ncuages and Literature a di.shes, a ailver percoletor and quand, Melville GoOllwln USA; very aucce&stul Forum Serie.a in ot.Mr attractive remembrance.. OlcD, Feather Mountain: Ry•n, the area. ot "Communication" &Jld White tapen and a tiered cake Mother" of lhe Groom ; Shipman, conducted four m~tl.ng on "Mod-topped wlth ~ wt'ddtnl' bell rrac~ Stater or the Bride; Stevt"nsdn, ern Re~ Produee J.fetthan~ the lace-covertd tea table. Mrs. Shouldw the S)(y: Stone, The ing." · Emma Simpson, aunt ot Hra. 81· Prealdelrt'• Lady; Th&11e, Thi• Wu Frrd Huber, vice principal of the hilling, poured tea and Mre: Nor· Tomorrow: White, \\'oman ·at thf' Evenlng College announces that man Kneeland ot Long Beacb. a Window and '''odenhouae, The Old arrl.llgements have hf-en made for long-time {rtend, J>tt•lded at the ~liable. the Winter term beglnnlnl' Janu-cof!f"e um. Amonc out-of-town Legion hall. 1 ~;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::~;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;; • • • • -• • - --• - • • -.. • • -- POTLUCK DINN\:R When Clr~Je Eleven o! the Corn- munlty church wees meet.a Tue•- da1, Nov. 20. In the church •ocial hall, It will be for & planned pot· luck dinner at 7 p. m. ~""l:WPORT HEIGHTS CDt.CL1: Ticket. may be obtained trom !i-trs. Homer Ha.rgro•e. 1827 the Santa Ana Book at.ore at Klm- Tuatin ·Ave., Coata Meaa, will re--berly 2-0230. Ticket. for lhe opell" ceive memben of the Newport hl&' fti&ht '• performance, only, may lleigbte circle ot Chrt.t Church bJ' be purchued from m.em.ben ot the the Sea WSCS at a mHtlng Tud-Santa AIL& Parlor, NaUve Daurti- da;·, Nov. 27, at 7 :30 p. m. ter1 ot the Golden We.t. with Mn. Jame1 Re1111arth at Kl. 3+62e2 u ch&lrman. Ticket.a for the Jut perlorin&nce . on Saturday rupt M'yateriH are: BradJey, Murder ary~ 7, 1852. F'Urtller announce· ,rueat1 preeent w~re Mr. and Mn. ln the Family; Gardner, The Cue menta ':""i.ll ·be forthcomlng l.n De· Qyde Otto, former Cotta M'.eaan.s, of the A.ngry Mourner; Little, The cembtt on the new Winter tenn. now ot Colton. B.l&cJc.out: Lone, I Could Mul"CS• Four d&ilJ"hten and one .on of Her and Spicer, Black Sheep, Run. the celebranta, wtth their famt.I Non~nction include•: Anderson, JIAJlBOR AREA ·Ues on hand for . the fete were t and Claude; Beatoft, Ballet: Bow· 4' !' ... I 'p ,. t Mr. and Mn. CUrt.ia Born, Mr_and man. Shorthand Dictation Studle•: f/U,, c'>COIC Mre. Manh~ll McG~· J.{r. and OLD Th1>1A.~ CA.'ICPOROt,'Nt) An Indian campcroun.d. believed . to be from nve to HVen tbouu.nd yea.rs old hu been dtecovered. two C&r30n, The Sea Around U1: Car-~ Mrs. a,,rold. Elm.er, Mr. 8nd"Mra. ter, ThoH Devils in Bagi')' Pante; Al William Wrlcbt and Mr. and .Mr1. will be •vail&ble trom memh!_ra of ~ Dtvfng" to Adventun· Bad-l. Jr~ John 81hlll1n&". Two other IOM. ~ ~a.nge County Wome.n'• mu. Uthe Sailor Loves the Se'I.; I,. .. ·· Karl and Leroy. aervins with. the -miles above McNary.-on the Co- lumbia river in Oregon. reporta the NaUonal .Automobile club. The elte i1..now be'fn& exp)ored by the SmltJYl>nirn lnaUtution. B~ B rtth With county mem'1l9n "lf~ywood.-nfetc z. a Rlrbt Job r6r nooo No. .,.::,. ~ Armed P'areee, were unable to be inclUding Mra. H. Welnberr at Every Woman· Janea, A .807 .. bl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t preaent lg lfl)th tel~pboned. the • KI. 3-7'478, Mn. Bury Gerbtr ot His Gu.n; K~y, My Homa ~on ()o..t 7 fer: Mn. Job Walp ~ lood it•fi!I. '1carl te 9t&tlm;tel!. fri Anah~lm 4138. the ff.ai\a'e; Lerrtr6, The Better Mtt~: ~. U:U a&: <fi..i O~ma City and Leroy iti l:ng- HaJ! of Your Life ; MacDonald, Lmder"a bobVI la.nd:. Education Week Bring~ Message From · PTA Head American City Government and EI I b t gnn.dchildren having _ Admlnlatratlon: Ma.gnln, How to The flrat meetinc !or Troop '43 part In the enjoyable occulon -;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Live a Richer and 1'.tller Lite; wu held lut , Wttk. The Pr.Ji were· Mrs. Willlam Burr of .Ana~ Ii Moore. The Human Side of St'll· started to learn the Brownie heim; Donnie, Jerry Lou &nd Jean iD.S": Nathan, The Theatre Book 'Proml.ae, Salute a.nd Hand Shake Marie Wrlcht, Carol Ann &nd • RELIABLE T SERVICE v ' Coll Us Today For Swift TV Service "Public acboola mlllt be a top priority. The importance ot the public 11chool 11y•tem to the growth, proepertty, peace, and security of our country can never be over- eatimated. Our present defense prol'l'Jll not only includes educa- tion, but rellee upon It, and the Amerkan people should be u ot the Tear 19~-19:51 : Rtrr. Ba· in preparation for thelr Investiture Barbara Jo Elmer, Terry and Su- hama X.landA: Rumt'll, Tbe Sat-ceremony. san Sihtlllng. urday Book; Toomba, Honeymoon Thi• ct"remon.y take.a place a.tt-M the finale to the day wu a for Seven: Upeon, No Real for er the girb: have attended four quiet dinner ahart'd in the eve- Botta; Walk~. Portrait.a tn the meetings -they then become nin1 by the closely united fam- M:alllnr; Wallace, Dementia Pig-Brownltts. ily ctrcle. The former Mias Mayme akin; WUIJame, American Society otncert were elected for the Tlcby breeame Mrs. Sihilllng 1n a a.ntt Zolotow, No People Like Show nest a1x wttk period. Those g1.rk vow uchanl'e Nov. '· 1911, ln Peoplt. holding office are: ch.airru.a.n, Kar-Wakefield, Mich . en KeMey: ucrelary, M&rCla ------ concerned about educauon .. th•y Costa Mesa Br"ide are about the armed fon:ea, war Richie. and fr•uu .... Marga ... t National Director Ingram. ni. gfr•• •tr.nded t•e movte• to Speak on Prog. production and c1vrnan o.ren .. :· Fet·ed ·in E•st With tht. challenre Mn. Edward v T . Walker, president ot the Call-' forni& Con&""!,. of Parent.a and Teac.hera, callt'd the att.entlon of the huce Ca.Ufoml& membership to the obae~ce of American EducatJon Week, Nov. 11 to 17, lncltudve. .American Education Wttk ,, Ca.polbared by the Nat- ional Coflll'e-M of Pl.rerrta and Teachers and the American x...- pon. which· were shown at the Scout House. The pictures lhown were: of 'Released Time I ··care of Peta." ··Ltte ot an Ant" and ··Finrer Painting." Much In~ terf"at and enjoyment wa.a ex:prtu- ed by all. - Coast Guard ~ux. to Elect Officers Dr. 1r'Wln L . Sha•er, executive director ot Weekday Chrletla.n Education for the National OOun- cU of the Cburchea ot Chriat in the U. S. A., will be In Newport Beach Wednead&y momlng for a meeting with local leaders and In- terested parenta and citl&en.s. HILLMAN MINX ll•tt dellvne4 here plm tu ...i"n- Yoar Barbor Area Dealer I NEWPORT AUTO 8ALl:8 I -W. Newport lllvd. N~rtlleadl Jlaittor 1'8'T 1 DIRECTORY l.&9TEB. A. RZCKEll, D. D. 8. DENTISTRY 1785 Newport Blvd., Coat& Meaa ' f"edical Bldg. Beacon 97.52 ~~ E. Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 327-J BALTZ MORTUARY -- No ftNd to oo without television eniOJ"l•nt for day1. 'Our swift p1ct ..... lfoi...r tech· NciaM,dndco.pMt. ••P111Y of oil nationolly known parts, Insures rapid m•lt• .•• mode Commenttnc on achoo! bulldinc thor"tqea, Mrs. Walter aald. ''nae lhort&ce ot elementary 1ehoola wama u.a o! an impending ahort- ase of hith IClloola. Schoola mu.t have high prtorltlea because ehll· dren and youth need tull time edu- From Washington, D . C .. comes wont trom Mra. Cl'larles A. Con- yene (J.farp.ret Nel9on), daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr11. C. M . Nel· !On of .f:SO Bernard St., Costa M~aa. of the pleuures she ha.I been enjoying becoming acquaint- ed with her new relatives in Grttn- vllle, S. C.; Tryon, N, C.: Tampa. Ji1a.: Wlllia.n'l8burg, Va.: Valdoat.a. Ga.,, and other placea. The former M.lu Nellon and Mr. COnVel'9e, USN. wtte married Jut A.up&t in the ~ Mesa Comm.unity Melb: odlat church. FloUlla 27, tr. S. Cout Guard &wttllary, Will elect otncen when they bold their annual meetinr at cu.a~ Club, T:IO p. m. on ~r;iJaY. Nov. 1 T. Tbla la an lm- portaitt meettng and attt Cal- darea. Flotilla commandn, ukl thet the.re be a 100 p.:r cent at- tendance. Membtn Ue invited. to obably no other Individual in the cou.n,lry Is a.a well aequa.lnted w'lth tbe phlloeopby, progttsa, problema and ac.hiewmenta of the "nle&Hd-time" rel1pou.. educ•· tlon pro.,.,am I.I Dr. Shaver. A.p in· tere.ated in the week-day reJi&'iOwi rducaUon prolT&Jl1 · are invited to • .. • • • • before your ..._ ... hils • TBOROCGRLY TR.AD."ED & FACTORY QUALD'D:D ELEOTBOSJCS l!XPEBTS F1fLLPEQUIPPEDto.SEBVE YOUlt TV ..... '&ADIO SERVICE NEEDS Complete Marille Radio Service a11d lnstolallon lt 5. GoY.r.n...it Llc1111itd T~•itcl111 . ·-Cal B IOWhrMrilce 'l'ICUlPllOR UAOOlf • .,_ ' . COAST . . co. .. f • .. t15 C1111t_ ........ ............ ~ . • cation." "But our obUpUon." abe wame. ''mu.at run beyond ,payment of t.ax.eL Freedom reate t1pon a lite-- rate, and lntelllgeJft popWatlon. Our role durtnr Ametdcan l'.duca- Uon . Week and throughout tbe year," &be -.Id, ··i. to &NWe.t honest. conttructive crtUcJ.arn with trienclllneaa and fact; to condemn lrrnponalble Un.informed attack• and to give m.t.ead mora opportu.. nlUn tor Wider dlac:uai.on and planntnl' ao Uiaj, actual cu.rrtcuJ. um and atude:nt aerrlcee a.re IUlown and Wldentood -Y all oes• men ta of the popuJ&Uon." "Thie te a time," Kn. Walllar -tlliued, "t<> n-tlle.al!U UM!..- menta of .cbOola, c&nVUI tbelr ·-and pl'OM-lbarpon pub-tic blteNlt la aaktq .. lmPf'O'N'- nwata and •treec'Mn alme ..,_. ftlatJan•lpl... J .,., Amonl' the many ,attain eompll- menC'ng the local girl was • tea pwn ln the Valdo.ta Country Club by Mr. Conttne'1 mother, Mn. R. C. Boylu ot Wulllo>gton, D. C .• and hta stetera. Mmea. Lu- ther Shelton of Valdoeta., and I.eater BIJJ.ne of Pt.aa.t City, Fla. Mn. Conttrae writes that btt huab&nd 1a at1ll at"'-lont'd in and around Pearl Ha1bor &bo&J1S the lloch""\'r, She expecta IA> return to Coet& Mesa '"befon too niuch lonpr.· brlt'& their wt..-es. ~ llAMILTON AT ll. U. La...-...nce. Ku.. Nov. U-rrank Mou Ha.mJlton of Balboa' 1a amon5 t~ nearl.y S,!500 a.~tend.lnl' the UnlV.Mllty of Kann;, thla fall. J.,.,.. K. Hitt. ~. reported today. . ~ Atteadaat 1 UD o-t Wpway OOBONA DEL ~l'.AB attend. .. DA.Y AND NIGHT The oeulon will be held tromJ:~;::=========~ nine to ten o'clock at Cb.rill Cbll!"Ch by the Sea., Balboa Blvd., at -l•th alrfft, Newport Beach . The cont-la ._.... l\'lnt- ly by Ille National, Southern Call- tornla, Onnge County and •.V- port Har-Cow>dla Of Chu""-. Rev. Tbomu 11.oy Pendcn 1a,b(,oi pu!Or-ai14 <b&1rmaa ol the 'local week-day comm!Nlon · :·' . , l'tloaell&rberU I I BE SURE • INSURE with lllAmuoE STANLEY .......... OllJ7 ..__r1111 I ~ A..._ 111111-foiaM w. s,_, Foote Gmmlu. lN8URANaif Cooirt.u~. e..,.,..~ .,.. -·" • 1u1~Ba1•••..., 1141'*'''" a •ms ~ M111 law&'-.. •((IO:if ..... .""61 ._. .. lllaa OL_ . ' , .... ••pat ... ~ -'l': Now Open Sunday for the Homeowner CONCRETE ILOCKS • IRICK FLAGSTONE • SAND • GRAVEL CEMENT • SUPPLIES SKIP LOADER FOK TRAD.ER LOADING KEITH B. COLLINS ' %124 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Harbor 7015 ERWOOD'S , FOR SALE -Beautttul, establl8bed gifts • 1tott. Age and W health demand qalclc dh.- potllll. Ideal for 1U11blUoas woman, $10,000 Now 1bowlng huadreas of glorlol"J Xmu items starting at $1.00 Don't wait too late. 407 E. BaJbcw. Blvd., llalbo& ~. 01116-J . " • LIVING ROOM , DINING ROOM, BED ROOM LAMPS & . SHADES".. WALL SHELVES , . NICKNACKS . 38 PIECES AT CLEARANCE SALE PKICES , . LAGUNA MAPLE SHOP 79() COA,ST BLVD~ SO. LAGUNA BEACH IS.5!9 SAVE 1$S.OO • • THl -S WE·fiK · • (Ftwn ~36 Thro•i' ,'41) • ' " B R A ·K E Rf c· 1-N E /, MATERrAL and" LABOR .:· /... · .. ·TOTAi: '14 95 · , . • I , I • ( -I • l ' j • I • • . ' • • • • Reserve 'Your Bird! J!:njoy .. pMce of mbld"' la factaa ft•••-...v-· lnr by pla.cllll" your order aow. ''°' t.e:U • f rtend.17 Ml-American biaW:hr tlile me you wut. and when you waat.-It. (no depoalt we1s·ryt). Your All-Acneticall premium Turkey. l.'lckea or Dui!k will be waltlnr tor yoq ... clHA-U-.-'ft'blaUe Ad pJump. tender and juk}', IM!icaute lta bet:a fr"MA-«.llled and naabed la from an AU-Amerieaa ~ft! .. . . - . . ~ .. •cy, Celore<ll P••leedy, Cri·•P • . .. FRYING CHICKENS 59lli. 43lli . . Kohr's Best-Val Eastern SLICED BACON • • Boneless, ~n. Cubed PORK CUTLETS 79lli. Finest Northern . 45c HALIBUT STEAKS lb. . ' Folger's -·All Grinds · COFFE·E , .. BEriY CROCKERS BISQUICK LAIGI l'llG. ' OCIAN-SPIAT I ' .CranberrY , ·sauce .. : • • 15..0Z. CAN ,I StralH41 . i • .,,1 ' I c &.H BROWN OR I POWDERED CANE 1 SUCA 1-lb. Pkgs. , . ~ . ' - ·PEAS TOM•T~ CATSUP 11 ..... c •• L.,.. hHle ~. 16c: . 17·c. CllAM STTLI TOMATO CORN JUICE 11-1sc: . 44-. 2sc: c •• ' c •• SLICE~ I HALYIS . • TOMA.TO TELLOW CLINe SAU'CE PEACHES • . • . No ... 21/1 25 C: c •• 4·~25c Fl.UIT PINEAPPLE COCKTAIL JUICE No. 21/> 32c: 46-. 23c: c •• c •• ' ' FllSH SLICID ' 29r. . &OLl~IN STA Tli 1ri QUALtn t MiNCEME~AT . 41c MAYO:·:NAISE c: Leora Sc..iden l'lro 59 PORK ·UVER '. OUI OWN FAMOUS MAlll COUNTIT snLI 43r. PORK SAUSAGE . LAIGE FITING SIZE 59r. SHRIMP • • • LUll'S PUAI 19r. LARD 1l..;... ,_.. . . '(iiit tf.lS ........... ~ . ,....., ... -1l_,_. iiitllllS ........... ~ • 1~.u~ws ¥ ·2 •&s 25c .. llST 9UALITT-U.l&E SMOOTH NIW CIOl'-l'ANCT RED y AMS CALIFOINIA HlDIATID DA,TES 2 LIS. 25C: 1.f~. 25C: Pkg. BUTT~~ ~~:: 77! CONCENT1AT1 1 COFFIE "IESCAF " 4-0Z.' 49c: J.·· -1 Lte. 24-oL Jar .... , .....•.. SPECJAL OFFER! KELLOGG.'$ Corn Flakes o .. 12-oz. l'•ck•t• loth •H for o....... Oi ly Pack•t• 11c M~o.L nssur 9U..L1ry r Full ~··rt ...... ' ......... . I ELICATESSEN FOODS Toilet ... " ·· ~•ssue ., • • • , . . tude of Ideas UIH>tlg A.0-Amerlcan'a low-prleed Delbte.bl ~ . Krey's Canned PICNICS 41. s3s' lbs. LASco. 11AoT-To-1AT I Old Mr .. Bos#on . , KIPPERED COD 80 Proof . • < 'Pits • a.,,.,.,, ........... ss~ , , ... ~o"A' PlllP. ~1C: ' I · • Ol'J ~ ~ • . . r.u,..ff... . FRANKS . · XLNTTUlr.. · '""''ltts'fJ•1/l1'&as . . T-UR.N.OYER f • •. • ~~lfdt•.:_~ICUt - 1 ... sr· . : . SAYOITST~ , .... ·•' ' .. __ • ,,., ~· = -~4....;..; . . ' • ' .. ,5"c.. IONILIS~IADT·TO-IAT • • • LUll'S 9UALfTT A.LWllAT ••.•.. "-•I .. --~· DllER .,. ·A.ac . , -~~··~9fc :::::?!: IOLa.MA.......... . . .. ---• • ~ ----. ~- " ·~ ..• . ~ ~ - • I I . • • ' • ' ' I ( , • • • • • ' • • • ' •. .. ' • • • YOU WANT TO BUY. ' THE ·CLAssiFID. PDE HAR' 1616·:. · . 1..· EMPLOY• RENT, .OR TRADE ~A~~ A A .A .A A A '~ A "· .._ ~~-:-;----,,~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;;...~, Moth~s Club " • Bridge Players ·. c L;A s s' I F t "E·n· .. ( . cert ~!I!!! !!!!!!!!...._ !!, !e !!!.'!!! Md•: 11 .. lnitalls ·Office~ .at .T ~urna""ent · · · l . • at Country Club Tbe"Paeltic --Re--1 The 'Mi9hiy Mid~ b{ .\4vediai.D9 Il\Jplicatll Br I d re T-t .. TM: Mother'• Club ot Job· a whtcb. Ill ~ at ~ Del' toron&do :c.upw.. Beu.d 157 held tlielr" botd far five do)'I •tarUDr Nov. :NEWS:-TJMEs _ "):Very Tuesday lnsUllatlon~m at the Sazita TUi WU attended by aovenl NEWPORT DAV POST-ur-..a..:....A.."VS Ana O>Unby Club w-. nwnbetS ol the~ Duplicate -Da..L .,...,...._"_ N';.T.bbleo were centered with ~!~e1~"~.ll~an~ ~ NEWPOBT-B.\f.JI04'. PBFlJS-Thtll'8day& :r.n nowen. team '&nci tru.lt in a Brown.. Mi'. an4 Kra.. Joe. Wilcox. llfw .. l ..,. ._ O'n'tl .. &Al _. ,.. ta ., 'l's On7 .,_ ~-·t n--~---., Ro... . N~ er t111ia ftw 11r1 Prw -ry pr<tty • ....J .. -rnent. )(re. ...u-.. ~ ell ~ .-1'9. ""' _ _ " -·-.-.:-· Mn •-•· -........ va AD -• LINEii Dean smtt.b wu hi Charge of the ert Roa. · Kildrld. ... 3...., l4rJ. .&a ('pzdflel ... -._ .... M<Mll .. adtWi el pullllMt'-9 · table deconttona, with Mn. P. V. G<ora:e Carroll and Mn · Roy • '-U.. . 1 Paper • .'75 Peter!IOll and Mn. Maurice Bandy Strotz competed In tbe event. ' ~ I ..__ . . lJ50 uslstinf. ; with play ers from all partl ot the .. ..--- The Dew oUk:er1 ~ected and United Statea. Becaua of lbll 4 S Papen !.00 1Mt&lled were: Mn. c. .M. Tucket-. tournament, the r • were no The pUbllahln will not be responlible fot mor-e tban one lnCOfTect p ttSide.nt; Kn. w. B. Merrlll. '1C~ prnea beld 1n Balboa on J'ridv luutlon of an 1.ctvertJae.ment. rwne UJa r1pt to conectly ciamfy President; Kra. Bugh White. eec-evening Nov. 9th, or Monday af· IAJ' and aD &di and lo reject &Jl1 adnrt18ement not o:mformJ.nr to t N 12th rulea and rqulaUoca. Advertilementa and canceUationl wm 1* reta.ry, and Mn. Corwin Home, e.moon ov. · accipt.ed up to 5 p.m.. on the day precedlJ1I' publication. t reasurer. Ea.ch officer wu pn--· The Maater Point Open Touma· &xc.pt deadline for Newe: Time• ll 11 L m.. M:onda19 aer.ted ... WitA a corsage. ment held on Sunda.y aften\oon ftoM Bar. t lll. ull for ""A..d TU.er" er M'DI a.d .... nmlt:tudi to Those prt'aent were Mmea.. Roy wu won by~. Robert R.oq-and HSWPORT RA&BO& PUBUSBINO co. Ws.tkina, Ru Albrigbt, Edward Mrs. Thomu Gtll pla.ylq eut-• DlJ Balboe Bl•d... Newport Beecll. Oallfanla. ' Dudley, Floren ce Nellon. Lou Ls wes t in Section E a.nd Mn. Robert , ~·----~:.:..:=:;.::~:;.:.;=..~:::.!:::.:-=:::::=..==::=:::..--.:...­ Cr andall, J ohn Stet.eon. Harry Brown ~d Stan Huakey playing B urdick, Sam Cra.Wf'ord, Tom Gay, north·south. Runnert-Up eut-weat l~Bualn ... Gulde · 12--BuU~ seryi- For Venetian Blinds, Shades and Drapery Hdwe. THE SHADE SHOP Free estimata Ph. Har 884 Harry Hilliard. Max Owen, Hugh were M.r1. Fred Rounl'Ville and Whjte, W . B. Merrill, c. M. Tuck-Mrs. Marga.rt t Holmes; Mrs. tr, C. W . Taylor. H . I<. Deister, Tbbmu Kennedy and Mn. Ca.ther- H_..:-bert Peterson, P eter Maurgui-lnc Smith. Runnera-up north- a.r~ Carl Thomu Kenneth John-south weu Mr1. Roma Lober and ao.-·. Kt nneth c:-~nf!, Ellie Shaw. Millon Rugl~an: Robert Dlach-.D ~:."I Smith, Maurice Bandy, P . ner and A. D. Wetherby. Section V Pctenon, J . H. D avis. C. a: A winners were ttom Long: Bea.ch. G&r:l r.ion a.nd liarold Fink. Wi.n,neni in the Friday even ing G d :t.·•. c . M . Taylo•. the outgoing game wore Mn. A. G. DoesbU•g Landscape ar ening prcs~dcnt was preKnled with a and Mt1I RoMrt Roa playtng gi~t from Ule members of the club. east-west and Mr. and Mra. J oe The next' meeting will be & nigbt \V Ucox:, north-aouth. New lawns-Maintenance Free Estimates Bea. 6639-M \ 2p3H rnectlng Dec. 5th at 7:30 p. m. at Runnera·up eut-wut w ere Mn. Mrs. A . W. GUlln'JI home. It will Fred Rounavtlle and Mn. lrlar· be a Ch.ria:lrnu party, gift.a Jim.it-garet Holmes; Mrs. Bett y Gould ed to one dollar. a nd Mrs. Carol Laing: lof~. and 12--Bullding Services Mrs. E . J . Munet . Runners-up Paintiµg and Paperhanging GEO. BURKHARDT 508 • 31at St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 2-418-\V before I L rn. or after 4 :30 p. m. ' 83l!c INTllRIOR -EXTSlllOR . PAINTING . LICZNBJ:D -INllUIUID Glenn Johnst on ll01 -11ot St. Newport BMch Harbor 2297.J 3tc41 COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING . Furniture and rur• ehampooed. B & 'Y House Movers EXPICIUZNCJ:D power machln• open.tm.L Phone Barbor 3M6, for appollltm...t. 88c99 HA VE OP!CNINO for ·-nenced aalecnan or broker ·tn active r..i .. tate . office, 111 Cout Blvd., Coron& del Mar. Phone Bubo• 2443. -·· A'ITRACTIVE WOMAN 25 • 06, Capable or meettnl' public S.f:l - $$5--6 day week. C&ll Beacon 8920-W a.ft.er &:00 p. -m. tor in· terview. 97p99 . WANT woman 3 rnorniAs:• & week tor housework. Coron& del Mar. Phone. ~bor $6()4-.. Ncl .. · I . METOTHE . ' . - LEGION ' DANCE" , iday, November 16 -From 9 to 1 ' Spopsored by Newport Harbor Past 291 for Legionnaires and Their Guest.S • • AMERICAN LEGION HALL 15th St. and Bay Front, Newport Beach . . • M-Mnsleal, Radio WANTED-Active (lrl 4 to D H AMMOND ORGANS! The great hrL momlng.--Art student pre-• Hammond Chord organ. It yau ferTed for •ilk .ecl"ffn work.. No don't know a note you can play experience required. Must have SZ-Bou.sehold Goods this! The Hammond Spinet Or· transportaUon to and fr 0 m 1---,----------gan. World'• moat beatlti!Ul work. Darlifll' Techntcal Lab-BENDix WASHER -lt'i that tones. Euy lerma. DANZ· oratorieL 1015 '\•' .. It Vlctori&. 11.tesl 1951 that hu all those SCHMIDT. P l&n0 A Organ. Co .• Cost.a. )(.e.aa. 98c99 latest tea.lures -Agitator that Santa An&, 520 No. Ma.in, cOr. W A:t-.~ A.uocl.&te Broker, rul ea- t ate. Liberal comml•!on to r ight pa.rty, R. W. BARTINE. 1807 Newport BJ9d., Beacon 5278-J. 98c99 \VA!\'TED -Experienced auto mechanic. Good pay and but of working condltlon11. A1ao we- nttd a. m echa.nlc'a helper. Theo. Robina. Ford Dea.Jtt, 2118 N~· po rt Blvd.1 Nnvport Beach. Ph. Har. a&p. i8c99 . &'et.I clothel clu.ner -Water =8,,1,_b,.,Sc-tc-r-ee_t_. _. ------- 1ave~ that-make.a tt wash cheap· GET THE TOP DOLLAR for your er. The man 1 bought it from old pla.no. Trade It in for its tul1 will d:eUver il t or you l! you pay cash f:a.1ue on a Packard. Bell me cuh, $187.39 or take pay-t ele"vt.sion at SHAFER'S JdUSIC m enta Of $9.89 per mo. You can CO. (Since 1907), 4-21 No. Svca- h&ve all ~ equity FREE. S« mon. Sant& Ana. KI. 2-0612. Mr. B&Ughn, 4-04-So. Spadra. Ful- lerton. 9 &.m .. to I p.m. Phone 2152.( 92lfc MAHC>pANY bdrm. set , wa.lnut dining !Jet, five chain , new fur coat.1 313 -&:;th St., Newport Be•cr· 96p9s RENTAL ti SPECIALlSTS caa .-a.tc- Linwood Vick, Rltor. Bo-Telend a.. -- Collins Island WMt tn4 of Park AT~ Balboa Ialand. S rm. cotta«e 'eta.. weekly or monthly rates.. c.D Barbor ZMZ-W .. LIDO BAY FRONT lleluxe tum- tahed 2 bdrm. ground floor apt. Fl,..place. D~. Encloo<d pat..16, · Pier and dock adjacent.· Rent re:uonable to J une 11th. Phone Ba.rbor 2590. .Met BALBOA PENINSULA -At. tractfwly tuml..ahed 2 bdrm. dU• ple.x With sundeck. Wlntn or yu.rly. Reuonable. Bar. 3019-R · U tto VERY SELDOM cSo we have a ncazlcy ln the LIDO .APTS. on LIDO I8LIC. Furnioh- ed apartment 011 the Baytroat. Ide.al tor a coUple. X uat be con- irenJaL A.it {or Mz. Gn>luna& P .' A. PALMER IN CORPORA TED , 3333 Vi& Lldo, Newport Bea.ch Harbor lMO 91UI UNFURNISHED 1 bdrm. bOUte, com Mesa, ~t.50 mo .. uW. pd. ALSO houae trailer, $27.50 m o. 1i41 P omona, Col:ta Meu... BeL 8747-J. 93tfo BAY FRO~"T -Lovely 2 bdrm. 2 ba.th apt. F ireplace, good beat. tJ..25 md til June l:ith. • ' Local Church to Partie<ipate in Methodist. Advance north-south w ere Mrs . Arnold Gasser and R ober& Lusk; Mrs. P eggy J ohnson a.nd l\fra. B. · :M:. l.Vilson ; Lt. Col. and Ml'I. W . Hom- ton. , ~e estlmatea-1'\Jny· tn.ourec1.-Gener al Contractors Al's House & Rug 30-&le, Mllloellaneona Complete lnal&llatlon, i-epalr and 1oervice of ·&ll tra.Uer equipment. 8-P I E iC E Dining aet. 5-plece dd-oale dint'lte. 9x12. ru~ and p0ad. I MK Fullerton, Newport HeigbtJi. 98p98 GRAND PIANO SALE! Baby Granda from $490,. Beautiful Sohmer Parlor Grand; $395. Othera at $585, • $675 up. Wur- litzer. Chlck~rlng. Kimbal, Start' etc. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big P iano Store, Santa Ana. 0,20 No. Main. corner ISth St. Buy NOW tor Xmaa!' $10 WlU.. HOLD any PIANO for Chrlstmaa deli very, DA N Z- SCHMIDT Blg Piano Store, Sant& Ana, 8th St., comer, 520 No. Maln. 100 PIANOS TO CHOOSE FR.DAI! 4..LSO 1 .,bdrm. baytront, $7:i mo, ' to June 1C5lh. Phone Har. 2552 Overall w lnnera tn· the game pla.y ed on Monday afternoon ln Balboa were M.rt. Minnie Heuck a.nd Mr&.· Robert Brown; ).tr. and Atra. Fred Rounsville tying with MrJI. C. E . I rvin and Mra. C}la.rlea Boardman ; Mrs. Arnold Ga.er Cleaning Co. B1,.oan 8lll TIUc Sympson & Nollar PAINTING'& DECORATING "We prea ch era never have had AUCh, cooperation" 11tate.s 1U·v. Tom P endell ot Chri.!t Chullh by t he Sea regarding the part.Jclpa- l ion of t he local congreptfon In a nation-wide Methodist Evangel- lat ic Advance. and Andy Atabley: Mrs. Calvin I 0 The Best Money Can Buy'' Lambert an4 Mrs. P eggy Johnson; 51 2 4 38th SL Newport Beacb Mrs. Morton Crosby and Mrs. PHONE HAR.BoR 2'104- ReporU from other areas when m.Lssiom have already begun, r e- Vf'al that Kansu·Nebra.ska area brought over 10.000 com mitments tn two weeks. Dea Moines topped 11 ,000. Syracll!le &lmoat r eached 14,000. In the we.st the. movement Faye Schleuler. 52ltc The group will hold Ila: nut meeting In. Balboa on Friday eve- n ll\g. Nov. 18t h with play atarting at 7:30 p. m. • NEl\' %.CENT CARD began al Denver &nd Is p resently The POJ1t Office Department ln tull swing in Southern Callfor · plans to ~eleue the new two-cent ni& and .Arizona.. General director , -postal card lhrougb the New York, Dr. Harry L . W ilU&m8 la in Loa N. Y ., poet oUice on Nov. 16. in .Angelea lo take oven ig-ht of the connection wttll the three-day program Involving 338 cbu;ches. Na tlonai Postage ·stamp Show at H e com r.a from the National Boar<I the 71at Infantry Regimeht Arm· of Eva..nJ'eliam a t Nuhvillf', Tenn. ory ~nsored by the .American San fianclaco and then Portla.nd St&rnp Dealers' Association, al- wtll become the center1 tor mi.-though f.tle two-cent rate does not •ions that are to follow the pro-become effective until January l, ject centered. in Loa Angelea. 1952. Servicu at the local chuf'(:b a re being h eld every evening at 7 :30 with Eur;ene Wood of S&n Diego u J"Ueal preacher. -Opportunity L9 knocking ln CLASSIFIED ADS. -People oo read the. want ada. DON K. BUTTS Lie. General Contractor Residential-Commercial Remodeling Phone 'Be.aeon 64-06· W lTtfc FISHER Drafting Service 918 Cout Highway, Harbor 2<(3 Corona. del Mar 72tfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN m Polmer llt.. eoota .._ Bea. IM5T-ll ·Nd NOTICE··· SPECIAL DEADLINES!. ' THE NEWPORT HARBOR PUBLICATIONS IN ORDER TO BmER SERVE AU ADVERTISERS, • • READERS, AND FRIENDS OF . NEWPORT· BALBOA NEW6 ·TIMES All News· and Advertising Copy Deadline will ·be Friday, November 16. ~EWPORT BAY POST and Shopping News All Advertising Copy must be in · the ha !1 ds of the Publishers Friday, November 16 .. The Post will be 9elivered Monday, Nov. 19. NEWPORT· BALBOA PRESS All Advertising and News Copy must be in the hands of the Publis~ers Monday; Nov. 19. • J So that all of those associated in the pubUca- iion of the above papers may share'with and ' wish you, the .HAPPIEST THANKSGIVING. . • ' -NEW.PORT . HARBOR PUBl!ISHIN6 . CO. • 650 Flral St., -Twitin. CalJ!. Phone Klmberly 3-1885 (Home Phone• JA.aper 9-2773 or JAiper 9-2687 ) 91lfc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt RepaJr Service Maintained Phone: Harbor lf18-W 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach HAULING ANY KIND-Trash or ? Call Walker-1576 Placentia Costa Mesa-Beacon 6372-JK 74c75H ~~~~~~~~~ PAPER HANGING I. Painting, Spray Painting Kenneth Quarry 1310, Sant& Ana Av•., Cott.A l&a Phone Beacon MOf Mcll7H 14-Penooah Alcoho11C9 Anonymona Wrtte P. 0 . Box 20'5 Bal-laland. Calif. , Pbon• K.l.m.berlJ 3..a.393 ORANGE COAST TRAILER SUPPLY 1910 HARBOR BI!VD. Cost.a Mesa. Phone Bucon 8224--R ELECTRIFIED lfuon-Hamtln or· gan, 7~ yrs. old. 1 Jeep trailer, a.II s tef'I , ca.JI at 1433 Superior Ave., Costa Mes.a.. A . B. Year· p n. • 98pl OIL HEATER and gas hf'a tt r. Both in good condition. Very rea.sonable. 128 Santa Isabel, Coat& Mesa.. 98c99 GRAY SUIT, black coet and eev- eral drel!.aff all ln good condl· tlon, m e 115. Reuonable. 307 Island Ave., Balboa. evenlnga . 98cl VICTOR ADDING MACHINE, 8 ·rows, at.&nda.rd Woodstock type· \\Titer . office fluorescent light, steel flllng boxe1. Gray 2-piece aectlonal. Inqu ire 3008 Ocea.n Front, N ewport Beach. 98cl Your ad appti&rtn( rer;- ularty in the.a• colurnna wilt bring you many new • customen. Harbor area foDta are ln the habit of "looking. • in the claaal- tled" when they need theae aervtcu. Superfluous Hair Permanently removed trom face, 1 _SO._B __ A_£ .. f.__11_a_n_.,.,. _____ _ arma. 1ega. E)•ebrows and haJr· O'KEEFE • MERRITI' range. line ahaped-No mote tweezing. lta the Jate1t 1951 CP all-auto-· ELLEN L BRY AJl..'T R. E . m•tlc that has everything ....- Tue.lda y and Thurada.y .only Griddle t or trytng everything - U do'• Salon of Beauty Har. 2578 simmt r bu rneni and that (t111 LOST-1.arp white female cat, Penl&n. P I e a 1 • phone M ts. Logan, U do Trailer Court. Har . 27~1-Reward. ' EXPERT WASHING and Ironing. broiler. Uaed tt 2 month•, but it's cle.an. llke new. I owe $JS8.87. My equity all FREE lt you take J)&ymenU of $7 .42 per mo. See ).Ir. Baughn. 404 So. Spadra, Fullerton, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Ph. 2152. 92l!c Montgomery Ward Supreme wring· er t ype wa.ahing machlne, Sl5. Phone Beacon M78-J 97c99 Mn. Fulton. Brin&" to 1822 PlULCO :; cu. t t. deep freeze. Ex- Vllelle Place, Newport Beach. cellent coridttton. Id,ral for Harbor l257-V. 97pJ couple. c.uh only. 1175". Phone PART TIME WORK WANTEO-, __ H_•_r_bo_r_21_5_•_-w_. _____ e_Sc_I Baby alt Ung, clerking, office, COLDSPOT refrigerator , IS cubic houaework, rutaura.nt.. etc.. by ft., reasonable. 687 center St., r;irll trom SO. CALIF. BIBLE Comta Me•. Beacon 6689-W. COLLEGB. Ph. Kl. 3-8281,. u -98p99 tenaion 11. 9Sc96H --~--------- llELIA.JILE College Glrl want.a baby tJttlnc tn Newport. Lido hie &.reL Harbor 1020-W after ' p. m. 98c99 Carpenter ALTERATIONS -REPAIRS Phone Harbor 2901-M i8p99 ' • EASY P ortamalic Mangle. Excel- lent condlUon, $40. 1919 Sant.a Ana A Ye., Costa. •Mela. Bea.con 583()....1. 98cl • Sl-Wanted to_Bny __ _ WANT TO BUY -Good blnocu- lan, call be.fore IS p.m. Beacon 7039-W. • llkH • \_WANT AD wilj cost you ~.'only 52 and it will run ~ rn .11.3 loca.1 papen. ' --' A ~nimum ed i1 " 4 ' • j Pl1i1 H ••r 1616 • • •••·~· ·1111r-'IJ' 11 ·-~•1• t¥i11 .... Xs1111rt ~ ... <• •••' 1 •••) ' . • • • • ~ill 's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade 150.5 '\\·e!t Balboa Blvd. P hone H a rbor 2502-R 7<c75H $PINE9I' P IANO. Repos&e!lllf!d. Lllte new! Pay out balance $397. , Subject to prior sale. DA N Z- G. E. 8' ft. refrlg., $100: elec. atove, SCHJ.UDT Big Piano Store. An· lllte new (pd. $325) sell $100; o:.ht>r al $478. Rt"nlal return at expensive modern blonde 8-pc. $4.98, p;erfect ! Lot& of other BIG dlnlng set $135. 1711 E . Ocean BARGAINS. 100 planoe from Blvd., Ba.I boa.. Har\ 030:i. 98c98 which to choose. 520 No. Main, 6th • St., corner. Sa.nta Ana. BECAUSE OF DEATH -MUST ' SELi.. Par&0na unit. incl 4-bll(TI· SPECIAL BUY -Full 120 bus er tu !!tove & oven, money accordion. Regular $2.i[) valul', ainkj elec. refrig.-Or a wers Ir for $189.95. Case included, cupboards $4-00. 8 t t. E lectro-tenna. $1 8:9:'.i down. $10..76 per h.lX., 1 bookcue. toldlng bed 1 , mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. chat.rs, etc!. heater. Elec. mo-(Since 19f?7 > 421 No. Sycamore, tors,1 pipe connectlona, rope -Santa Ana. KI. 2·0672. lots~ni.ort. Mr1. K imbrell, mu.1 0-00--0-P-RA_CT_I_C_E_P_IAN"--0-S-.-5"-0, n lcl t Trailer Park. 97p99 · Good Appliances SER~L, 5 cu. ft ................. $110.00 SERVEL. 6 cu. ft, .............. 1 90.00 l\.tAGJC CHEF gu range $ 79.M Apt. g.u range ........... _ ....... $ 40.00 Gu h~aten, from ................ $ 3 .9~ D~le's Furniture 1874. H&rbor Blvd. Costa Meaa Beacon 6637 -J LEA vi:NG LAG UN A -Houae- hold good!!, tumilure Including somt antiques. Wedgewood IS- burner JllOVt. See MON., TUES. &-WED., N ov. 19, 20 A 21 . 1& No. , Encino Rd., Three Arch $7!5, $87 up. Pay $!i per month. Full trade-in allowed on neW within two yeara. D A NZ- SCIDUDT Big Piano Store, Santa Ana, 520 N o. Ma.In, IS th Sl.,·com er. Buy now !or Xmas. ~'T A Pl.ANO. Let the' Kiddies learn. $!1i per mo. Full t enn rent allowed on any piano ln our stock. DANZ-SC tn.nDT Big Piano Store. '520 N o. Main, Santa Ana. • TELEVISION! Trade your old ~ pla.no on beautitul television. Big allowance. FamotU ma.'ke~ In televlcsion. DANZ-SCHMIDT ~20 No. Ma.in, corner ISth S t ., Santa Ana. Bay' Ph. Laruna t-59M. 98cl 35-Dogs. Cats, Pet!I BLEACHED Mahogany twln bed. I ·CUTE;;.;.._;;;.;.CcA;:T'-. .:FREE=;:::..:;.to~goodo.__h_o_m_•_· va.nliy. bench, $45. Wllt,on rug Atfecttona~ nice pet. 819 W. 10.3 ,x.11, $80. ApL wuher, $12. llSlh St., near P lacentia. Coata Ant~e mahog. cha.Ir, $40. 506 Mesa. Beacon 6372-R. 97~ Ora.nge Aw .. Costa :Me.u.. Ph.!------------- Beacon 5143-W. 98c.l BOX ~RING and Flexitex mat· treu for 8ingle bed. Practlc&llJ: n~. (coat $109 ) now $70. 122· Peai!I, Balboa ~d. Saturday onJY. 98pl Sll-~ Snpplles • I I Want ~o Buy ~Busln-~rtnniUes. Sapplement Your Income Eatabli&hed ca.le buaineas In txclu· •Ive Newport ~'? &re.. $3,750 required. Paya over IOS{. on lnveatmm.t wtU, no parUct· pM.1on and double with pa.rticl· pa.Uon. Princlpala only. (Apt. availa}>le). Write 1¥>x T , this piper. • 98tfc Dinghf. akift, anclior, p.rop, chain,, all kind.a boat g~ com!p• ~R SALE -.. Busy little. eating or Harbor 2914·M eves. 77tfc YEARLY -Exceptionally nice. Untum. 2 bdrm. duplex.. Many atr& featurea. Near both achoola. Reuonable. 22Mi Clay St., Cliff Haven. 83~to BALBOA ISLAND -Attract tv• bachelor apL near So. Bay. UtiL· paid. Garage $~ mo., yearly or $50 mo, winter. Pb. Ha,rbor 11S71. 7'9Uo Balboa Island We have aeveral attractive a pts. and houaea !or winter renW starling at S45 mo. and a few yearly re;itall 1tartlng at $65. Nelda Gibson, Rltr. 308 Marine, Balboa lat Har. Ml 89tfo $25 WK. or special monthly rate. 2 bdrm. turn. apt. t..und.ry rm,. fenced play yard tor children. rt-rage. UtU. pd. The BLUm TOP, 401 Newport Blvd. 87Uo BALBOA PENINSULA -Furn- 1..thed aingle apta. $25 and $35 mo. to tune l !'iitli. Frlgid•i.tt. Laundry ava.ila.ble. Uut incl. Hart.qr 1270-W. 83tfc FURN, APT. on waler, pi.Uo, p • rage. AduJta, $75 mo. or will leue. ISl 7 • 36th SL, Newport Be&ch. HarbOr '\91-W. 77t!a *Tots and Pets Welcome * THREE rooma, 1 bedroom turn, ~l double. Newport. 1 blk. to ocean and b&y. $40 mo. Harbor 981. llc12H EXTRA CLEAN 3 rm. furn. apL Elec. ~frig. Util. pa.Id, lt.0 mo. to June 18th. 301 E.. Bay Ave., BalOOa. Ha rbor 1959-J. · 98cl FURNISHED 1 bdrm. a pt .. 1 cbll4 OK., $47,60 winter, $60 yearly . tnclud. utn. Ph. Harbor 126'. i8cl BALBOA -·Modern 2 bedroom ·nicely tum1abed apt. $65 mo., yearly. UUJ. pd. P hone H arbor 2791..J. 83l!c CORO!'A DEL MAR, Lovely A~i! $66 fumt,ahed, yearly, water in· clu~ed. garage. 604-or Dlf.~ Narcl.ssus, C. D. M.. 97p99 ment. place With living quarters. 429 Have ca.n. tor all typo Ot boa.ta. S . ira.tn, Orange. 98cl BALBOA-Winter rate.a $30 • $40 list _r oura wtth mel · mo. incl. uW. Si.ngle. and Cole 's Trading Port. u-stores ud Otticea doubt... s.rve1 retnc. Clean. •~o.....-=~:;:..=:;...:==;:__--Good bedL 306% Main SL, Bal-3JU IAtayette, N'Wpt., H . 10:0-W 1· .._ __ 'U ......... 3 w I H ett ;Modern· Offices ~ ~-• uo-· asttc IUltable for a doctor, den-~HIID __ : ~l house, 40·F'r ~.co~ spt. ~er. ..: .... • tant . •-tno. )'~·.y; uu: uWJtiea. ~Cf tot 20 ~ New -"' accoun or msu.r.. .8ml. apt. M5 mo. yearly lncL Cbrt'ler Crown motor tn Aug'. ance, etc. µtlllUea, retrtaerator. 120 • 411l AlsO s-s. ndlo. SJpa. :. Bullt Off .stree. . t Parking . st., N'e;wport s..c11. 98pl 9! rebuilt 1N I. Can be bou t on. w,U. SlllOO. See 11o1> Priced Rij:bt NEWPORT-Onflln>. 2 bedroom . en. " · · " · -.to deainible tenanta llouR, 1 loll<. to """""-Good South Coast Co • he&t. Ch1l4 0 . K.• By 7e&r only. N~ -·· I'll. 11ar;":zeoo Balb'?a Palms Bldg. $75 mo./Ba...ar JM2. 98Ue I . • l l tf• 000 W . Balboa l!lvd., Balboa TElEVISIO?i NIGHTLY , , • One • blocl< :Weot ol -., • ~ ~ •- 'G BOAT :r2 n... .. , Newport Barbor Y-t Club --~ your --away . H<><ld A. --wtlll , Pl\PIJe B.arlior 348t. ' ·.·::. ";-~-":'ora~ tno-.1u1on. N .... lotlo · ~-., orl(biit ~ ,.-hu!L ~ IJOR R!!NT-8mall Ill._ Jn n8w ."~~~HOTEL --r-. °"'-:.•· Pl!icae s:: :~•euLo\a -:;-. ::.C".""'w; 280I W. Ocean. PronL Bai. NT Wi, ~:~.Trading Post N-pwt . BIYll. kt. .. -·Uc:llH I L )11--6. ~· • !"fl! ~ opt -S ..... aJld . ll.UIJlq OimAA -'!MD. -·· llo polo. No --x-att-1 ~,..,,, 0...S Net ITOllll 8PA.CIC, ..,.,.., ._t. on. Nm -of eoot&.X-•' Q BOY 8CRAP KJn"ALll ...... Oorilaa dal Ku. WID -... -J.m -Aft MllAlt.tat·BOUD Olf -Oao4 daol to rt0t ,..c;,. Pll. ~""' IUl-oK 11ci ... _ ..... M?O, ~""""' .... --" ... 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"i-;L'-;;:-1-;;;;;;:;;: ~ .. j--lltJND.A.ft • J.uitMlllRICD .. -1 ...,_ ~ . ~-BOOKS"· !' !I!!. '!!!.61·a fr -~,r-,_:;-r.;::·.,::_ PAllTl.Y ts· 1 11~ :JI a&. --1114.11. -• ...... ~ .,_. a11,.-. -.... ,.. .. ~--~;;; t i=t"" ~ . ,..... -jocloo-.... all -·--..-...---.... ....... .. I,..,.._. '' •larlJIZ J"UU''**• ......: -• 2 21• ~ wJt. ... ,., • IaJaniJera •-• ... a. ... .,..., -.. .... • ..,, k la. .... ua ••• . . lliPl, A. .... -FllllziL ,,.: l ~ • ' I I 1 ,I ... ' • [ • ' ' ., ... • • • ' • • -• • MAM Y C·HO ICE s·Elf (TJ 0 ·4 • . . • , . ; ' ~ . . . ... , t.s :o·f 1E:At e.s11 ,1E L·1s1 i.. 4 4 4 · .A 'it .. 4 . ................ \ ' • • I . . , ... TH.IS · SECTION ' '""·•t.M=~IMl!i~~ . · ,:-l'Oft .um mas1• uxa ' • ·£ •.•.• - 0.A-'ballor ~ • . • Winter rates $10 mo. Children '1Velcome • Alao trailer storage $5 mo. IJttle Bay Trailer Park 120« Coast Highway, Newport Beach DUPLZX, pier and float · -~ and "'" D.n6. J:s. ..U..t -!lan--~uo, C del M • • llfOt>laee. N-modon> ldteM!>. orona ar · l:UllY --to tur• -<! W!JY PAY RENT? ~a i11.J:W. lllltUrnllhed. I 1!!:.~•:r:~.-~,. .. ~ -::~HE A. ;™1, ~ .. -YiJ'E uhd' tor. a '~Y-J'R4NJ[ L. SBUn:L'f ' • J. ¥AR'l'IN J;It N'1' home on urno · 31':1 Marine Ave., Balboa> Wand · at a price you could Ph. Bar. 1671 or tm ~ Barbor-u'71 afforil. Look at tltla. ' .. '<>wner.,Says "Sell!" JI you have been waltlq,;for a !>uY on BaO--~ ' ,\ I.aland-See tltla dMirallle ~ located llWllly apt. $1500doWI1 , M-Rooms for Bent PERKANENT or wffkly rental- Slet~ room. prlv. entrance. ,.,...e. 110 wk. BLUE TOP. {jmt above the Archel), 401 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. tlttc 51-Trallera Trailer Storage Well Protected • EL NIDO TRAILER PARK N~t 2 bdrm. cottage, nice Uon. • · ALJlO THEl!Jl FOR $2500 down 1-2 bdrm •• -................. 8,7~ 2-2 bdrm. a, L Resa.le. .•... $10,500 S-New 2 bdrm.. new tuml- lUtt, complete, oa.ly ...... sts.aoo TOM PAYNE, Rltr. 310 Cout Hiway, Corona del Mar Phone Barbor 27T4 and Sal•• lM~ Newport Btvd., 51-Real Estate Waated eo.ta. Mesa, Beacon 6329--M. I '--~.._ __ ..._ ____ _ Tlr72H '50 PAN AMERICAN 33' tw. beds, bath. ahower, dinnette. Sl«pt, 8 . Perfttt cond.. Prtv. party, $4,i1~ lnc:L awning. S2.000 will handle. :No. $, 361 S. "K " SL, ,Sa.n Ber- natdlno. 98pl M-Moeey to Loan LOANS for Homes 5"1(-20 yr. 1..oa..n. CONSTRUCTION LOANS at: 5-15 ~r"'" (14 yra.) WE BUY ANO SELL TRUST DEEDS SEE BOB SATTLER Hl~ COA8T BLVD. Coron.a del 1tfar Harbor 1077-J Rep. PO,IRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Life ln1. Funds Kl 3-151~ LOANll TO BUJLD, DU'ROVE, • llUY, MODll:RNIZll:, OJI. REFINANCE • · We 1!uy Trust Deeda NSWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL llAVINGS 6 LOAN ASSN. -Via Lido Pb. Har. 1500 REAL ESTATE LOANS ' Inter~ Rate 5"'< Are You Anxious to Sell ? We have opf:n@d a new real e• t.ate• ottice at 900 W , Balboa Blvd .. a.nd would like to Ii.st your- property tor pie or rent. We advertiae out of town u wtll u locally and Will do our bt'st to mcwe your proprrty quickly. Balboa Palms Realty 900 '!"· Balboa Blvd. Har. 34'81 HOUSE or amaJI Income nE'ar Bay In e.xcha.nge for 10 furn. stucco apt.!. near Bixby Park. Submit, Ch\'Tler Mrs. F1.11ber, Me E. lllh St, .Long Bfoacb , Calil. 9tpH R('sull.! come from oonstant Practice! An ad ngularly in thls p&per \.\1ll produce result.I tor you. 56-Money Wanted Trust Deeds for Sale NET YJELD 8 ~ to 10% A MORE "PLACE YOUR PROCEEDS IN GOOD TRUST DEEDS" Every Joan t itle tnwred. S3.38l-l!t T . D .. PBY• $40 n10. 6";. a.IJ due 19~. New Lido Listing U 'you are tooklns tor a nuon· ably priced bome on Lldo b le, IS.EE TR18! 2 -· walled patio, 11v1nr rm. b.u ·beamed celllnc and comer f'tl'epiaoe. Lott ot Ule ln kitchen and bath. ..Glaa mcloeed tub. Attractive modern colors •11d papen. WW con.alder u low a. $4500 dzi. l!:IA:IUll.. IUtbl(- Stock, Cb,icken Ranch 20 ac:ree., 12 acre1 permanent paa- tureo. 8 bo\ISH, be:rn, atablea. completely tn1pted. Abundant cheap water. Jequlpment tcw 15.000 chJckeia. Pl'tce, 140,000. ~rma. trade. GRElJNLEAF 6 ASSOC. -BUILDER -R&AL TOR SlU Newport Blvd., Ha.rbor z:!i62 Xtra Special Values WATERFR01''T -EJrclu•lve BaJ· bo& .Cov:.ui thJ• beautiful home ta truly· ctiatlnctive. Spaclou- Uvtng nn. atld din. rm. Roomy kitchen. Two trpl., ! bath&. 2 IJ'e. bdrm•. ln\me.rute dormitory up!lalr._would ea.ail}' convert Into 7 comfortable bedrooms. Hdwd. floors. BBQ. Arrange· ment. already m1de tor new botlt dip. Thia property I• a ''mutt" on )'OUr liat? Priced at onty $36.000, wlth very, very so6d terma. DUPLEX-Modem and atr«cti .... Ea.ch unit ha.OJ llv. nn. bedrm .. Jc·\tchen 'I!. bath. Extra ru•.t nn. .. bath adjoin. rarar .. Bt>st Balboa Bl•d. location be- tween bay Ir: ocaan. F'urnllhed. Oood term8 available. Total price 1 17,500. • Loans quickly made ln the Bay Ana and Lacuna. Single or multiple unit.a. New or old Be w\ae pd save by re-financing your present loan. Minimum ex- penae. No charge tor prellmi· nary appr&Jsa.J. Phone Santa Ana Kltnberly 3~~27 or write: $3.SM-lst T. D. pays S40 mo. I 6'4. $~0 di.count. ARE YOU HANDY at palntln' A ti.'tin' '! Thia older 3 B. R. home W4fh attached 3 rm. a pt. Is right Up your alley~ 0 n I y about 100 tt. from rood bathing beach. Beautiful bay vie\.\' from porch. Furni!hed $12,600. $3,875-l!t T. D. pay1 S40 mo .. 6r"j, $150 di!ICOunt. $6,080--1.!lt T. D. pay.!! SBO mo. 7 % BEACH CO'M'AOI!! -A lot of cood years left In the old house! 2 bdrm. apt. 00\\'N and gue~ apt. UP. Can aleo be U!ed u bu.lfnua location. Price JMOO, ARTHUR A. MAY Jlartsa&e Loan Corrupondent · Two CaJlt. Liie ln5. Co'• 1414. South M&..lD. Sant& An• DON'T .. OJ:LAY, CALL TODAY • • • tor an ad ln th• Uve17 d&ul- fted .eeeUon ot the ma TllRlllr.- K_,,,,_ .. , Ppot Shopptnr Nowa and the Prea OYEll 21,500 CIRCULATION I8 THE ANSWER! A&tive. S~ ~86-lst T. D. ~ya SJ OO mo. 6"l $3,300-2nd T . D. pays '33 mo. 6%-. JWQ dlacounL Free collection terrice.. BOB SAITLER, 141~ Cout Blvd. Corona de! Mar Harbor 10'17-.I Rep. POIIUElt KOllTQAQlll CO. Metro Llfe In&~ l"uDdl Kl 3-61.le WA.NT '6500 LOAN (l•t TD) on brand new 2 bdrm. home ln U· cellent location. Ph. Bea. 6698 day. 98pl • • _g;.;:Automoblles, n.... ~Automobiles, Tl"'!," · •• Used Car Specials 1947 STUDEBAKER Champion convertible. H &: R New full vi!lon top. Ne"A· cream paint. Motor overhauled .......................... -..................................... $11~ 1942 CHEVROLET 2-dr. dlx. Fleetline. H Ir R. New paint &: mechanically A -1 ~-···· .................. $ 6415 1942 DODGE 4-dr. cu.tom Mdan. Fluid Drive. New paint & seat coven. Motor overhauled ............ S ~5 BANK TERJ.IS "HJLLMA..'i MINX DEALER" NEWPORT AUTO SALES 260i W. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor li-07 A-1 Used Cars A-1 '50 Ford dlx., HI: OD .... S14M 'M FOTtt v.a d.lx aedan S139~ 't7 Dodge Dlx., 2-<tr., R AH ................................... S 986 't7 Pont. aed .. R It H ..... S 87~ '41 Meorcury Nd .. R & H S ~7~ •to ~Soto Rd.. R 6r H s 46a • '31 Plymouth 2-dr .... _ ... $ 99 '40 Stude cl. ud., HA:OD $ 406 '47 DeSoto 9N., R 6r R &: OD ......................................... Sl265 M.A1fY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Theodore Robins Your Ford Dealer 534 COAST HIWA Y Beacon 6804 Newport Beach Haun: Weft day• 8 'til 1 :30 -1·•~1o:w• ll'OR SALE OR TRAD&-% ton '17 Cbnrolet -d tnick. Want msaJl boat and motor. HI IL Utll, Coat& M-. attu S p.m. -lllt-W. lll5d8 '48 PLYMOUTH Stlltlon wagon.- R &: H. 2491 Coe.st Highwa y, Newport Beach. Beacon Mla. "For the Best Deal" on a new Cbry1ler or Plymouth or a flne U8ed car See Dick Ward HARVEY SOMERS, INC. 2491 Cout Hiway, Newport Bcb. fhone BMcon 6515 9Sp6 '50 CHEVROLET club coupe, im- maculate. 2401 Cout HJc'.bway, Newport Beach, Bea. Ml~. 95c9e DODGE SEDAN--Ocod µ-u,.por. tatlon, good Ura, SJ7s'.. Pn·vate party. Laiuna WTI. 1&40 LaSALLE (-d.r. Aedan. 'SM to appreciate. Will aelJ or trade tor boat, property or f !. un W. ltll, Sant& Ana. Kimberly 2-6193. Hcl '41 CHEVROLET Club coupe, R • ~. '3915. 2(91 eo.t Hip~. Newport Beach, --8315. - • ' • • • Balboa Realty Co. "-Cll<el•Y , __ won Ulllan McAdoo TOO m. llalbo& Blvd. lb<. 171'1 TWO New Homes Three bdrm.-2 bt.tha--0ver1lzed 2-<'ar •ttached prage. Located on tree-lined genUe sloptnl' cor· ner lot. THIS Has Income Two bdrm. home with spacioull 2 bdrm. •Pt. over 2·ea.r rarare with v'lew ot ocean. BOTH HOMES ARE RANCH STYLE with tile bath8. garbage dlapoaals. large •ncl~ patloa, oyerai.1:ed paneled 1'irepl&cea, decorator coloni and wall pa· pen. Separate laundry rooms. 500 -502 Poinsettia Corona del Mar Phone Owner, Harbor 1521-J or .ee your broker. 915c97 2 Lots -Costa Mesa For that new home you should buy these two 60 x 127 foot lots, buy one or both. Located close hy Newport Blvd. above the ~h.. on 15th St. near corner of Orange Ave. Have paved all et in a block of nice bomes. Priced $1485 Call BEEK FERRY OFFICE. Harbor S3 GLIFFHAVEN • , . • ' .. I aver a 2-<:ar garage ,with ~ 'irueet 'rooin and " . i I . On ~ NO~ BAYFRGNT Ill JoeaUon a. I Ndroom. 2 BALBOA JSLANI;> bath be1!>w. 45-ft. ~ platy• of rooin' to b~'.!j trout. Nieely tumllhed. "" t bom• tllat al.ao bu w.ld'• . 2 ~ 6: allowtr .._.... unit lie&t, s -- ctrtUl&t --bu 'iand _. &1blljtln raJoro. ~ an thla1 ud completely f\ln'dabed at '!AIY P&,!500. Th1s la ·l'Ocl< bot~m. ., no · often u &t tJda pn1 It II a-steal . Bay J'ropt-Bere Ia Opportnnity! 1 ! Value plus charm la a delig'httul bome witb atiraclive one bdrm. apt., aun deck. .Tbl.o won't-Jut--See toda,y! /, ' , Come in today lfd tnalte .JOIU' offer-good term.a. • • LINWOOD VICK, Realtor W. A. TOBIAS, SaJ .. manager ' 312 Marine Ave., Balboa la land Ph. Harber 20(2 * (Evenings Beacon 67 4 7 -J) '* * * * .. Bay & Beach Bargains On the Waterfront , * Charrniftt little fa.rm boua-1 bidrma. and % batha--on .&h• wat«rfront. New and complete In eVery detall. 106 n . bulkhead with room fOT 2 cruJ•ra, private beach. P:l•r and altp will be m.ta.tled. f,Sl,000. I 8 bdrm. horn• be.auutu.lty tum.lahed a.nd with privacy. CN.'Tl beach, pler and allp. ~of Beaulttul home ls\ cbolce•t location. Patio tacinl' bay and aandy bMeh. Nie• plantifta's. t bdnna., excellent heat-year round homie. Jt•1 one of the firlelt. 166,000. Srn&ll walerfront home with pier and llllp at '1&,500. Good weekenct.r! BAY & BEACH REALTY 14.)() Balboa Blvd. Harbor 128• ' * * I * * * WILL ACCEPT 34' to 50' Power Cruiser ' as Part Payment on BEAuTIFuL 3 bdrm. home on % aero, eotata oec- tion, Encino Valley. Furni.ahed in antique, (!""" encloeed lanai, citrwi and ~bade treeo. Fenced. Pri; vale. • • • • • Phone Owner State t-9348 EXCLUSIVE BAY SHORES THE' JOHN VOGEL CO. Presents these Exclusive Listings lc1 < 1) 'ntrtt bedroom, 2 bath completely ' f\JJ'n.18hed Jll,ac>o • (2) Three bedroom, 2 bath, modem.lstlc home .... m ,ooo f3) Three bedroom, 2 bath, ranch type., lovely ca~ting and drape.e ·····-·--.-· .. ··-···············-······ ... $22,!500 1 4) Two bedro0m. 2 bath, lu:mrlou-1y turnlahed 12(,M>O (6) Two bedroo1n.11, 2 bat h, p lua enclo1ed la.nal, beautttul home on corner lot ---! ..... -.. -........... 128.~ ALSO . • \\'e hav• Ju.t. rtteolvet1 I~inp oo two va;eant Jou on l!ay Shore• -fnjoy a beautilul home ln thl9 excJuatve area.. / 208 MARIN'll A \11:., BALBOA ISLAND Ph. Har. 21151-Rar. (44.. (eVH. B .. 6-f:SO·J-B. 7271-W) ~ 'Costa Mesa 1 The Best T°""' on Earth Real Estate Is Your Best Investment 1 bdrm. home, neat 6: 'clean, lot 60 x 130, prlce $SIM, term.1. $850 down 2 bdrm. home near Blvd. and mar~ ketl. lot M s. 115. Total price '6300. . G. I. Resale. 3 bdrm., dbl pr.. fenced yard, lot 83 x IM. ne&r ahoppln:I' cen- ter. Price SIT&O. ,Down ,.,.. '2260. a. I. mo. pay. ~l. 3 ¥rm. home, den, lp. llvtn,c tm. fireplace,. doub~ rarece. and ama.n rental.· ($35 month), on older hOfne ~ a ._.,. soOll one. $10,500. Dowa pq. $1SOG. -o- 1(1.)--G. I. Resale S bdrm. home. Hwd. JlT., 11•. rm and dlnette. One yr. old, n.i~ loc., · rear yard .fenced. Comfortable Uvtnc. Priced at •10,450-S2500 dn., "52 a mo. -o- (2.)-Good Value 2 bdnn.. hom.t, 11•. rm.. kit • b&th. 1-.rge lal-® .. 225. run prtee ~. Term.a. Belotr ,... pl&Cement COit. ... -o- (3.)-Miniature Home Small .... -home, ....... ,...... "" ~ ..,., of pounil. J'l'lllt -and .chldt oqlllp. ~ ... U\'lnr. Your for S3:IOO '1llOO down. r -o- Aleo on LIDO ISLIC near the Clubhouae a very clever S bed- room. S bath home on nice cor- l!er. J~t; Thia home bu many ~ felluru, OM balft'I' -floors. .. 'Cannoti "" du-plieat*tt at low · pi-I ct ctf ONLY '18.*-"Hurry on OU.. • ALSO some choice toll tor .aJe on LIDO ' • f27,li00 . Pripl DrUtlcally redtll!ed on ·thia· excellent mcome propert)k 8 aptl., coinpletely turnlahtd. Better -tlWI today. Business Income on Coast Highway Building-'ll'itb 't reliable tenantl. Sho'IVO 20% in· co-an lr.ivmbnent. Room to build. DON'T MISS · THIS. ONE. Attractive Terma. • Br.ANCHE A. GATES -REALTOR IBLE. Severa.I watrb'ont loll ----------.--------------- for 1ncom• ""'" .. wen u "-- -Its Knocking at Your Door" ...,, .. -Iota at pr!cH ...n under th• marlleL We &re the DE'\1m..oPERll of LIDO Q!Ll!I. Here you can iet• (wy -EX- criUSIVE llstinrs. rRere & lltUe BuYS a LOI'. i P .A. PALMER INCOllPOll.A TED . 3333 Via Lljo Newport Beaeh, <;alif. Harbor ~1500 $1000 down $4350 Full Price Three bdrm. hcime Clo9t t:n loca- t ion. Thia t. a. converted bar- r&ciJ,a. Owner hu nearly com- ' plet.ed. lt you are lntereated ln Very .. 1dom do you have the OPPORTUNITY to · eecure ~ home on the ocean llde of highway, Corona de! Mar, FOR 'THE.SE PRICES: • One bdrm., on rear of R·2 lot, car port ~ .. -.. $6500 One bdrm., ·room to build In front ···---... -..... $6000 '3500 down. Easy monthly payment.I on qew 2 bdrm. hoine. dble, gar. Price ........................ $12,500 ED L. SEDEtMEIER, Realtor 1523 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar Ha.rbor 2768 MR. INVF.STOR: a large houae at a low ttgure. \ thla i. hard to be.at WI.red for el~ric nave, cu t'Urftace. There a a tarp bathroom with If you are Interested in Investing in a good llOUnd income property in tbe Jtarbor area, drop In and let l!a tell you about • 'buildinr which ahould appeal to any collllel'Vatlve inveotor. a tub and abo a half bath ott ot one bdrm. Owner baa juat red~ced the •e.lllnr prtee trom ~· Lot la w x 180. \ ~-$2750 down Beautiful 3 bdrm homea. Clotse In location. Bn.ncf new. Hwd. nn., dult.l bea ten , fireplace, llr~ livirlK room and dining room. Sliding-door. Luce k itchen wtb tile sink. Jl'e•ttftt• a be&utlfuJ paUo with three entrance11 from th• bdUN. Tb.ete homes &re bullt under rleid J'llA. specttt- catlOJU. Payment.I on the bt.1· ance are only Ill per mo., tn- e~r tue. ud tuuraace. The be.t dea.J In Colt& Kea..' J'uJJ prl~ la only-\ $11,400 On Broadway Very nice 2 bdnp.home on Coft.I M~'• f inest 1treet . Hwd. tin., very ruce bdmu. Tile floor in bathrodm. Large k itchen. Gar- agt, bar-~q. Thia la a real buy. Owner la leaving the area. NJ pr1ce ii only- ISM $9450 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson Newport BJY'd., Coat& Phone Beacon 712' ( Acrou tram Coflta Mua Bank} Eves, Ha. 3107-W Bea. 11<~3 • $1500 down 8 room home, oak floors, ti.replace. ~od oetllnr. knotty pine ·in· te~or, turnJahed It dee1re<'!, oeean vtew, l'l.IC:e teetion o! New-poh Height.. Multiple u.tlns. $2000 down S bdnn. furnished hall.H, nKt N~rt pier, exchange tor On- tatlo area. ..$e000. I 1 8 Unit Rental ' ~ERETT MORRIS, Realtor • t08 Eut Balboa BlVJl, BalboL Harbor 3265 • •:Idle BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRONT . ' WELL BUILT and well located 4o bdna. and ma.id'• rOOl?I home plua 2 bedrm. apt. Wonderful view of 1 South Bay. Private pier and float. Good double garage. Full price completely turnlahed. · - $47,500,-term.a . STANLEY HADF'IE:l,O, Realtor 2111 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand Harbor tO • COSTA MESA G. L. RESALE Nearly new, lovely S bdrm. home, fireplace, beamed ceilinr, ahalre roof, double pr .. large glused in living room facinr rear yard for outdoor living, in i.t Eut Side neighborhood. Only $~ down. Euy G. L tenna, ·~ int. C. GALEN DENISON, Reattor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 4'90 Newport Blvd., Costa .M-Beacon 11698 Beautifully Built 1 Bdrm. Home · $4500 Older miall 2 bdrm. and prap. PDlJl'JICT f'()ft A COuPLI:: JIUflt ,thil year for the 9wner. It'• the dlnlnCUve ranch type with red- wood fencing, patio and p.rden. Excellent ea.ta Meaa. location. Nr. Cath. church, st.area and tran .. Only Slf«> dn. A ~ Jlft' month. $8495 • $799~ Newport Heights $2000down Attractlve 2 bdrm. home -'" · ;rn. old. Bwd. tloon, dbt fal'. 4 llarpla-Pri.. $8000. .- New.port Heights a.&rmlnr now I bdrm. ranch type home with! .ftrep .. ct. Beet bwd. ftoon. Many cloeeU and built· lnl. 4 loftl1' home, $12,250. Le•· a bdrm. older home .. petl condition. 0-p lot. Nr. .-torM A lran>porta Uon. 1!!Z term.a. $8500 Lfe. 4 bdrm. home. Cloee tn J:a1C 8lde. ADout T yn. old. Dbl. fV• tmced, 1Jftl1 home for lp. tam• Uy. heel. tmna. lomo Good ReJltala Teo. ' B. A. NERESON S stOr,y otueco l><lnl' tJlo 1>a7, I ,..., tin• Income, $n,llOO. Beacon Hill Realty . hange equity f?' Jl.lvtl'tdde '81 Nowport 1lhd. (abov• .A!'cheo) San~ area.·M. B. Pl!. II. llT1Wt)>r ll:fto. B. Hl:l-W REALTY CO., 3U<-11 ·N-· i-----::-------- 1912 Nrwport B!Td., coot& - Phone 8-&ns 81..t., Newport. &nib ~111· · · ;' • He HOii" ee~ Bea. .•1oa.:i. " Udo 1151e -I bdrm I 1loUI !Miiie wlU. 114· 250 Full Price at11no"~ anc1 t..-·air J• 1 .... to --t, beat. ~ lorrice ,...u. • -ocean .. _ BeautlfUI en~' patio, :i..ar· .. ..,d_ -~tjea. ' --Lot. oi lltorap -•'~ ,ttlmn lo '1J'll por 7'• n..•v $22 ~ • ..,.. . ..__ IMr upkeep, a-t.erma. ~-...., . ~. ......., .... -- ·corona del ;Mar Octa View, ..,. I bdrm. 2 baU.· home. yv tO w carpetlnr .... --Included. Bwd. tloon, fo.....S air Wt, tented, ,...., opdnlden -....... to' kit. Oii!)< ·~. own.. _........,_ x.,. la -6tlleo. .... JA.2. lS'nl, Bar. :itlt-M~ . -~-can '° purcllMel If ' T · .. · •Jttc . ~' -"W. E. ..,,_ .. _r _. ,.. ~ ;· ;r JllllC . ome ~ ~~ A $~~.!?,11 ~~ ;:;.~= 0 ' bdrm. ~· dl.Opnwl, ftrep1au, ~ . ~-• tr allfiDNMltlor. ~·-11& UllfW'ldt11t•' -..pt. atOft _, .•lt•·-A 1cte&e and .-.iw, ·~i ........_ rw.s rw ,__. 011t ne c.ot -..c.... <1e1 .- oipj11U-1t ta ....... ,.tli -. .,, - -... _ .. ... ' ,._ -"" .. ebalct pbattnp Ul4 .._. '--1'11 e•.,,_ otf91J ~ • ~ loc•t• !{ ~ ~ · ~ -· . . · · ~ ...... ur.-. llllsllt .o;rtv -~Coast Pro~ . ........ ..... ~ ~~ .,. .... ,.. ___ , ......... ~ .. ,_....__ ........ _ .. . . ~ -.. Mi W t . 7's I 11 _ .... ..., 'J!W' . _, ,.. ........ _ • • & .... ., ... l."111 1il Sill Rll ... -( .......... ti ... _ _! J;Pll _..,.IM, •rr 1 A-.Oau1 ,.1,.· ..., .. , ..•. ., ... I • • • I • • • • • l I 0 0 With SALLIE Nov~b•>r 15, 1951 It Isn't what you llMVe • • • It's bow you auve It a.nd whom you eat It with that ..OW.i.. . . . Dnn<aii HinM made such a nomull: famous ... H you'd like to rNd the dlreot quotation . . . It appears on hla very delicious kle cram • • • which of ooune you wlD find In abondanee ha OW' froun food ca8e!I ••• • Darn it! I meant that to b• real dreamy . . . to tell you &II .•. that we here at Richard's have something to be thankful for . . . besideo the fact that we're all Ameri· cans ... We're thankful for you ... your loyal patronage ... that fact that vn•1 come here tn eJ......... • Of COU1 _.,, • -• • • )'OU mli;ht just happen to find a turkey or two . • • that we'd be more than willlng to Mlll you . . . even If you i!ldn't pot on your best laee tableolloth and ln\ite the family loved ones In to di~nf'r ... Pavo turkeys from Pavo de Rancho Grande have bee put in a pss by themselves because of the broader breast . . . shorter d r u m aticks and smaller carcass ... There"a twice as much white meat on ·a Pavo as there is on ant other turkey "whlch will give you u: m u c h as l3.00 more in white m eat alone"1 ... that remark I got out or the current Sunset Magazine w h ! ch devoted a whole page to Pavo Turkeys ... come. in. and take a free peek ... it aonP~rq "" page 119 You know a turkey bu • a prime In Hfe . • • Re. grow• and grows , . . Sod- denly be quits growing ... and spend bis time gobb- ling aNond gettlntp; tough . . . Now to be assured of • turkey t hat has twl no time to .. ttle down a n d ,-Jew the oountr)"!ide after he has ....,bed hla prime peak of tendern..., and de- lectlblllty . . .. One would want one -that bas been killed right at that peak moment ... That's what you get when you bnv a froun turkey . . . Pavo turkeys are killed just as soon as they have reached their full growth ... drawn i m med i ate I y and cleaned so clean . . . that Pavo de R a n c b o declared there will "not be a pinfeath- er in a carload" . . . then quick frozen ... To assure you of a tenderer, ju i c i er. aweeter and c l e a n e r bird than you've ever whet your whistle with before . . . Er . . . the m e a t deP.&rtment would greatly a pp rec I ate your order early . . . Also waµld you like to have your turkey stuffed or not. Wheth- er you'd like a hen 10 -14 lbs. . . . A Tom 18 -2!I lbs. Juniors 5 - 8 lbs. . . . Those Juniors took two years to de- velop and contain 3 to -i Inches or llreaat meat alone. lftne Couts of cro.le)• fame a la GareY" Ill Costa MN& lo going to ceok a whole Thanbgivillg dl,..u at t h e FREE COOKING SCHOOL at the LIDO THEATRE thl9 Thanday, th• 15th . • • Better "°""' . . • you might WIN THE TUKKEY ••• They GIVE AWAY all the GOOD TIDNGS you amen durlq the ....... ..I. • l'lue oodlee of SACKS ull' GROCl:B- ID . . . ot .,..._ tllere ~'t be M7 Coolilag' 8eltOol ... ~ ' Day • ' • llot tile a.en Tbau•·,y wlll )!eve_ of 111- tmrilt t. .. Gmtnl Jl.1ee. 1rte fw ..... lltn•la ~ w Me .. , ...... ~ • .&.I .,, Oll'lla8 _o.e .... ..... .......... Wo~ •.. •OM t!Ulnll"' ._Of., ""9, T 111-r"k_.,.• , , , la Onilp Qm\J') , . .. • • • . ~WE'VE MADE , PUNS q~ .. T.HE_-::f~'-~-• • • • ' ~· ~ . . .. : . :. ' mner. , • • YOUR FAMILY EYER HAD • ··gaalily ·~·· • • FaalwinCJ FalllOlll Broad lrealted Pavo ~-Ready HEN TURKEYS Pavo Brand . 10 to 14 lbs. TOM TURKEYS P-avo Bradd 18 to 25 lbs. , P>lVO-DELICIOUs--.6 lo I lbL JR. TURKEYS --·---"" 79c CornWl Cro• OapolMl~ROASTINO 1 CHICKENS. _________ -~--~ 69c SWIFT'S PBEMJUM LONG 181..4.Sll STYLE • , c .. c .. MAXWELL BOUSE COFFEE ~19c ' CU8 9waJ1MI Solid J'Mok Speclale Ill effect Thursday, Nov • 15th thnJ Wed- needall Nov. 21 Cloeed 1'banb- . 1!vtn1 Dar. <J a H Po"•lk'ff!d. er Brown SUGAR P~-1~ Be.t P'oodll DUCKLINGS .... : .. ·--····-··-····A 69c Rlt·ha.rd'• Mild S.UODH: BrW&ford't IJWMtMui: . Tomatoes ~ 19 ' Mayonnaise, .. 39; Bulk Whole er half Pork Sausage 1•. 59; HAMS ............ ,.,_ 1¥1f For th.at Turkey DrHatar S.-1 .. <'t Siu doze.a Swift'• Orto .. Eastem 'Oysters 59; Sliced Bacon 1 •• 49_; ............................. Fresll Prodac•---a:11 f:ATMOR -FRESH CAPE COD -PA.c&A.OZD CRANBERRIES 2 k 39c f'.%.~'C \" Rt:D EMPE.ROR GRAPES --------2k 17c . Pf:ARL WBIT!l' BOILING ONIONS -. -·---·-··-----·2 lk 25c TKJ<JK llU:ATED llANA."A SQUASH ----··-.......... ··-··· :~ 3c CREA.MlNG 81.ZJ: WRITE R08Z POTATOES ---------Sk 19~ ..................... Sava Won;' 8&ve Tlilo&; Let U1 8tuU YO!lf ~. Tw•yl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • STORE HOURS; . - Daly, ...... ,,,..: EXCEPT ,FRIDAY ' ...... _,,: .. ' ' . ire•11 ........... ._. .. , W' (M ..m ........... .. . ' ..... ....,I • ~ IJbby or ?el Mo•te PJNE.APPl...1.I JUICE N!,.l 2119 ' Cwnpbell'• Tomato JUICE ~·w•L 2/19; • Del Moate· 8Ueed BEETS . _____ n ... 19; SWAN800w,N CAKE FLOUR ..,OL 37c pkc. . !lylmir Spanish SAUCE 11n 2/29 ¢ 8)'lma.r Rite DINNER ....... 17; Tndet*ood'• DevtW HAM . t_ ·~ OL tin 19¢ l.Uytlme POPCORM ... ~~ 17; Df.I Rklt -Mar~ine ..... .lb. 29; · WMtoa'• Bl&" ' CRACKE"-S 111. 25 ' 8wlftaB"""'11e141 aumR .. ..., .. --. 151 PD.J.ABUJlY ' 1/2 Price Sale PIE CRUST MIX 2,~25c TREND1p. 21 ¢..._49 ' Marchlno Oherriflll Sh._trlng PJmlento. Sl..tfeCI Ollveo '. . Olorietta Jellled 'l'oma&o ASPIC .. u 11 ... -21' Balcery !'reals . ............... . "TJIUR8DA.Y ; RUM TARTS ........... . . . ·····-····-·· each 1 o; ' P'RIDAY . . AMERICAN FRENCH ROLLS ...... 6 for 111 , ' . \ SA.TUR.DAY _ DANISH APPLE COHEE CAKE J fRr· 25¢ APPLESAUCE CAKE ........ -····-··-· eac \16; . • I MONDAY -IUM IUTTlR llNG CAKE ·····-·· •• 6J¢ \ ' TUE8DAY I STUFAN llEAD ..... ····················-····· lo 2J¢ \ WEDNUDAY • I PAIKBH0"51 DiNNIR IOW 6 r 14¢ PUMPIUN' ad MINCE PIE --··· ea ' 55# caocot.&ft ' I I I PECAN FUDGE LQAF --··--eac 47 # .. ~ 1-.. ' NONE SUCH . . MINCE MEAT _·---------------------------~~ 17~ A.SSO[TED FLA \'OR8 JE LO. . ---·-----···-------··--···-----·----·---··--2 ,.15c ' LIBBY'S PUMPKIN .. : .......... L •••• N~2l1_ 17c OCEAN SPRA y STRATh'l':D oa WHOLE CRANBERRY SAUCE ll0Lm 17c _ WfLLVA . OY·STERS ..... ·-···-·······--····· ,i. OL 39c VTCl'OR SMALL SIEE SHRIMP __ . _ •11 ·~fl&• 29c iiN.CECMEAT .............. 39c ... HOL. 69c w;wm; a OOVNtll.Y niq, !!!ZE DINNER NAPKINS ---··------·-_ 25c llUNT8 FANCY BilTLETI' I PEARS ··-·-·-·-------·--;_.---------·---·-~·-•11-31 c • lrl• Candied ::a~ ., .... 12 OL 29; Im C'l"dled ~.:i"W:'~~----~·-12 OL 29 ; Trim Y oar Table wlfh Tbankaglvlng Spirit • . • PRINTED NAPKINS . and TABLECOVEBS 8&W Small Sl~e lTOL SWEET PEAS 19' 8 A W Blended All Green MINIATURES TAPERS CARDS . , .:S~~~~ plcalc-19 1 SAUCE . .1~0L23 ; Decorations for every occaalon .can be found In the Nlbleb MEXICORN 2135; MliZZANINE SHOPPE rro••• roods nmnmnmirnqi ;11s -=~-:.::: __________ ltOL pk,. 19c BRUSSfls SPROUTS iooL 29c lllllll8ED YELLOW SQUASH ------~-----·------_ ._J,. ,k,.16c ' iANGr iii£ .. ··-···-··-:._ 19t:. llacl ••'• ...,. Co Bike Aalorted. \'artdle9 FROZEN-·PlfS _________ JIOL 6tc , . . . GOLDZN>lft'Jt...-it ~ PL4.VOll&-3JIEallET OB -ICE. CllEAM -----··----11 pDo• ~·· • . $EIVIC-EMAWS COINER ; •-' . .... ' • ·- ·' ' l .. • , • i I • , • "'• . I