HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-21 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • • • . ., , HOLIDAY. SPEGIALS AT YOUR MERCHANTS v.-•. &&...;i!Jfr.illl' s~a • • AND SHOPPING NEWS . --ftp ... ....... I W S W U U .... W PUlllaDD &T %%11 llALBO& llOULEV .uID !fJ:WPOaT au.CB. CALll"O&Nl& Tl:LllPllONE: R&IUl()a 1118 llW. e1e Soutbenl roclPo for a flldaS --·-• I ........ "1' m:r little ole penctl and "thl1 le wllat be dlctata.1::' "l part ..,. Ba... (lie • bottle)' 1 part Ba~ tlJ* dr1Jlldftl' -1 part oU (always aroWld tho bo-bll!"WMlila&': do ----ins maclllne. cutor or -tor on. ~ --la .._. -rw 16 mta. Tak• floll out and b<oll. balte, try °' IMll1 ,....iilt. .. fte --PIM -., for llakal -t-lllu'liM ftlll lllartrd .. at -Lalt>Jetto. N-pen. ClpM T ~ ' .. . . , ..... -• ""' .. -... that • kindly old dos mh• once patt.d on the head bu died ud bequeathed lier 2 lllet mtrnona &1\d a kennel· lined wttb. million dollar blll9, why the dinl'ed old &larm rfnp ! And .. Y Bltnkey-<lurin&' tryin&' tlme• like thne when a kld ha.• to fac. life and pt th• beck down to tba ottlce, lt'e wi• to have MVeral nice cle&n little • COllNlY LAND VALUATION LEAPS AHW ····••ed ft1ue of taable-pl"f>'" erty .. Olup ClOW>ty tbl8 ,.... 11 111 per' «nt snattt tball tile nlualloa for ~e 19U-f6. and 4 ,per cent MOH than tut you'I nluatlon, Callfomla Tu> -• ..-i.u'!" '!P"rted todo1· Total ft!Ue ot taxable property blou.a hanSlnl ln lbe clo•t. J~Lee flJDacU:1 ~ port Bbop hu .ome befUillnJ' blouau by tn the county for 190'152 ta $tU.· FriUI. Sroadcloth they are, whi\e, naY&jo ~ and red. The 789,T40. compared With $211,132,• oollara are round and boylab. the lleevu pull> up Wtth pe&rt bulloned llO for UH_.G Ul<I '4~7,US,UO cutfa. $3.&0 abd &harp u a two-penny n&.ll. At-.. miJhty d&Ddy .for for ~~.:... ..... flan 1_ .... _ .~ty any career Jirl-npw Sunroae Corduroy• Id' the br1Pteat ad'll 10er. ·~ ...... ._ -.......: coun • -. ' • ~ BY l'OPt!JAS -•'Im. Now YOU C:.11 5"_1M DRUNKARD o& THE •"'·'.l:N SAVED ~ Aet Melodrama· wltll. Oli'I · . ' . 0 llAMBOO ROOM BALBOA FRIDAY Md 8ATURDA1', NOVEJIQER ~ Md U CURTAIN 9 P, M. Aorodoro Sextet-Con Con Girls Community Sing Lots of Other Acts • BAR OPEN rte1t of coio..-Alrbome Jacket.-evu "" rupty at $7,95-HI ltJled for 1'61-112 111c1ue1.. 1228,788,~ lldrta 17.96 and Ped.al Puahen $7. Tbeae ttema come la tout. lD 1IU:Mt $220,022..NO ln tm.pro"" pumpkin, purple. turquolee. Ume, Kelly Gf9eft and orchid. Jiy dM,r, men.Ce. aad S53,7lt.l20 In prnopal you can have a Gaupun field day m1xtn.&' colon! Thia Mop hu more P~ and money. Awllled keen konlwoy• than you can ahake a Burrou&'b'1 aL Dictate your-property exempt fr<om taxation 111 • • • _ • BIGGEST ENTERT •IN"ENT V •LUE Mlf a note to IE"et to the Jo-.1..ee Sport: Sllop, 1115 Newport Ah.. the eounty tot.ala $ST,f~,290. ... D~ IA.1\1YD caraas . I'\ "" I'\ • By MARGO eooto H-. _ ~out Callfomta. tbe tota1 . • I,_ WU-J ·IN ORANGE COUNTY • • • .., e • ~d value of proptrty sub--I fi1!11!"51!"51!"51!5i5!i!!i!5!1!5!55!5!!1515!515!5"51!i2i25i5!5i5!5i5!5!55!55!55!515!515!515!i2i2"51!"51!5i5!5!55!55!5!!15!!1515!515!i5 BRIGHTEN THE CORNER WHERJ: YOU ARJ: -Ject 19 local taM1.for 1961-112 la 78 I' "Well. Zrwood,• I untied pJ'OVC>Catively, "1 hear r~~ via the Vbanst unit.rcround that you've Jut1t ordered ~qi··:;: "}~ 2,000 bUAh beaters. a eltrphant cuu. 3 ptth helmets. BRIGHTEN THE CORNER WHERJC YOU ARE! Put per or.nt rttater than lt wu in .,,I. a candle ln your window, May. You never know what 184M~and i per. cent more than 0 It will attract! (besides rrlotha) TH Balboa I A 11 hu tar lW..51. ~\ 4 Watual cuidu, a Boy Scout Manual ud 2 cana ot ~ p>rk and bealu. Dou that mean-" Dr. ltrwood pre- \a tQided to be busy looking down the mqulne of hit ,.. 'J nit Gun. "Yu." he npUed can.tully, "I am plannln( a little expedition. I pla.n to explore thfl back coUJltry "'Bil' Read" back of Buck'• County. I hear that there an a lot of people With the Bil' Head there." Ye .. It'• true! Dr. Erwood seek• new adventuree . ., he want. to •ll bi• Balboa Gi!'t Shop. The llhop la fUled with exotic import.I from the world over--art. chiDa, pewter, copper, l'lau.. jewelry, fabrica. Tbe ab@ LI ~ -1• for a me~ $10,000 a.nd I lmacine you couJd m&ke with ...,. terma. A. number of people are tnteruted ln this trelUt.lA houae, ao don't inull over this opportunity too lonr. Meantime Erwood'a la dlaplaytnr i.nnum- erable &net beauUtul Cbriatmaa ltAtn11 from 'l up ... E.rwood'1. M1 E. Balboa Blvd., Ba.._ Ju.st received a 9tmply hup heap of Tavern C&QdJes 1n Total taxable :nJuaUon tn the all colors, and the Chriatmu creet c&l'dl are out. Get State ·t~r W. year la llf,738,Ml,· youn while they're fresh! Boxu of &O tor Tk-M for 899, eompared wiUI $8.287,009,368 &k. Box of 19 for .&k and a bll' STOUP of brffht Rat-for 19«..f.5 and $13,,18,914,~7 craft ca.rd• with Jolly jlncloe• &De to •1 a box. \And sift l"°'"&L • t>oxea, can•, and Xmu wrap.1. lJtUe mittens and ltock· Tu.able property in California ,. tnr cap. for tha after achool dawdlers. DoU.--OoU--UUa yMr includes U,l.&8.,036,7M "'Fer ll1m Doti.a and Slipper Sox are $1. 76-$3.tlF. Abo Lay Away a for land, $7,230,79&,107 !or lm· rubber tire hydra:at (for Him) -A rubbe.r dol bone (for Ber). prove.menu~ $3,lQ,&31,7•4 in per· Don&ldaon'• Balboa t' A 10. 300 Main. Dalbo&. llOfta.1 property and money, leu $786,112,705 tn tax exempt valua· tloll, • • • ASK. HEB TO SHOW YOU HER 1'"1..'"E OLD CREDE1'"ZA. Madam! Odrer .)"OW' carriaae .ent around lm.medll.tely, ao you can p.Jlop your dappt. lftY9 over to Ethel Rl~'• lltUe den of antiquity .. This ahop i.. burat:.IJJ.S it. but- tons with rare old treuure.-all Ideal for ~ftlnc lovers of the unusual. Ethel loves antique. with a fierce devotion and will tell you tbe caa h.iAlt.ory of every pm. Ttl.ere's a Hltcbcoclr: Rocker you mlpt be 111trt~ed with-Ila onl7 n'l.60, A lovely old bran and copper chafms dish lm&U• wenderful crab Tetruinni) $1"50-Jton:Jt tt.udolat&adt aimed t pee dreuer .et 122.50. Oh you • .,.. '1iNt mind over the barber bottles. cut.or 11et. and dumpy lt'ttlf iron al:9'(n! For reasonable s1fta. ll.lt to this: Coffee mru. M up (,._ and tole, h&nging' or table mode.la): walnut dffp frame. $t up; _and then there's lo&d• of cut ctu.a, a lovely powder jar, COm"POte $8, w•ter patcher $1~. The item I liked bel!lt wu the divtne plc.kle eutor of thumb print cra.nbe.rry gla.aa set in silver trame--complete w ith tonga. It I had $2t.M Td buy it tor my pickles for Xmas. And note thl...-Et.hel bu acorn of &ift IWma fw Sl up. Life hu lovll- neu to sell, lady. Grab aome of it !or younelf at Ethel Richard'• ASTlQtn:S. .&7& Newport Blvd., C.Oeta Meu.. Bea. 8877-.J. • • • Oh! There'll come a day! The Pinch will be felt ! Don't expect to ail idly by chattlnc and tatting. And don't come whlnlnl' and eryinl' to me -Juat don't come to ma with )'Our nervou• dieordera when you diecover al•• too late -You can't ret all th·e Flex.alum Ve.netian blind.a you want. Juat. let peeptnc toma peep at you! Beeau. I TOLD YOU so. I 'm t'llinc you tor probably not more than 30 more time.a than you'd bettet ,et eome colortul, durable, workable, lovable, waaha.ble Venetian blinda from the Sbade Shop! 89me peOple 1 can take a hint. can't you'!' 8HA.DE SHOP, 114 MI Told 1·ou So"Utlt S&.., 'Newport, Ra.rltol' 184. • • • "SLING )(J: THE CA VIAR AND CBAK- PAGml AND0 BE QUICK ABOur rr." Yu, econ you'll be he&rinJ thHe mactc oft n-o peated word&. For tlM bolid&y aeuon LI aeumln tn, and. you11 ba aU,Odln.f all aorta ot py, mad ~ial aoiree.9--«lc:ld.&ll...:'partiea, UtUe tu..dt0 •nta, candleUsbt balls, and crap ahoota. Hence J"un Full.ion.a ta futurin.I' a aer1ee of. etep..nuy styled black taffetu. A nift.}', runty dru::a with black and whlte stnpe <trim &Q..d sultry lltUe atrtped: patUcoaC-SlT.85 Then there's a duhlnl' ~ with Gibeon rfrl aleeva-a % petU- coat of plaid peeka thru thia on.e, $24..86. A.not.her button down black for 114.95. You turniah your own petticoat WiUl thi• o.nt. Eunice aaya you unbutton a button with Mch MarUJll. (No lady will uk for more than'!') Well, Ulla lan"t the one.halt of lt u we •Y. fellows. Other party love ti~ lf!lt dot taffeta With • camiaole top, (Stet.J a stole for t.hill one) And loada of happ)r ho" .. -·· ""'"-it.a-. Fun .Fuhiou 1306 Crout 'Blvd., Corona de1 Mar. ' • • • A LONG TIME AGO SO THJ: STORY GOES -there wu th.la beauutul parrot nam@d uPolJ,y." • • • LAND! HO SAILOR! LOWER YOUR DINGHY! ~ PlS-all bandl on deck and a tot ot rum for all! I proPQM a stouthearted tout to Walt'• Tradinc Post! .. Now everyboGy a.shore on the double men, to Walt'• tor ltard·to-pt UJp'• .uj)pU.... You. kt. Matea. Mariner'• who ateer their bark and aail on an even kee.l, ret their par richt here. Fuclnatmr carro arrtvtnr every day llk:it tor ill· •t&nca a Sip.al Oun Set with red paracbute nare; kmi" V belt.; 2 pl. cn>I' Jur•: propellora, pump.ti. 1eneratora A •tartan. And "°6Nl'l -thla •uldl ba.u.ar hu acme keen rttt ldeu tor you,Lots of hie tat corks and net ... you can ma.lee hun1cane lampl like cruy. Alao decorator touchee !or your l!tUe CT&U ahack like lantenu, Jl&u ball• and nettinJ. Now back to you old u.Jta ••• Lota of MStee lteaie 1Uce cOpper tubinj', bronsa cable• and sl.nc pl.&tef,. Mora tun tbpl • bt.rnl of Of'U1&'~Ut.&np &l Walt'9 ~ h.t m .. .... ,.,... .. ... 0.-81a CIT ?l' w-. ...... ,, ...... .. . . .... WOMAN BU m ON COAST llOULEVARD Nov. 11. A LAROE crowd pt.he.red ... and no lJtUe ucitunent uillUed the other aftemoon in the lovely Huide city ot Corona. del Mar when an unknown woman waltud out on Coaat Blvd. and armounced abe'd just had a !it tn tbe Petite Villa. It tumed out that the wom&n in question wu a ha.lf·alse with a short waist. To her dellcht, she cot a lovely fit in a Sugee dreu--one of the many youthful dreuea fe&s lured by the Petite Ville tor the halt sia, ha.rd ' to fit female. And any othrr of you ladle .. will !ind love.ly frock.a to tit you. Oowna that are beautl!ully proport(pned and require no alt.erationa. I peraonall,y invite you to go in and snoop around at the tricky , acceuorlea • • . Belt.a by LaJoll& Handmadea, cn•t.ed belt.a, py 8'Uk ttearla, nower• tor .,Madame, and jewelry. Knobby Knlek-Knacka at 11 up. Pettte VUJre. Sit Cou& Blvd., CoroDa del Har. Harbor .im-w. • • • DON'T on-i: THE llRIDI! A"'AY! fin tact never ·1queal on anybody!) But in th.t. cue, I mean don't let any glorious bride be ;tven away wttbout ttrat a bridal ahower and reception she'll lostr remember! THE PARTY ROUSE bu all aorta ot weddinc decoration.a tor rent . . . brtde and rroom figurines, cake decoration.a, mua1.c boxea . , . a bi&" punch bowl wtth ladle and eupe. ~ too, you can t\nd many a tine ahower cift and favor•. napklN, tablecloths, etc. for weddinp, .tork showers. birthday• and any old party eXcuae.. Of cour•, litUe rnome• are worldnc day a.nd nlrht here for Chrtatmu. Th1a 11 HDQ. for !at Sant& C1aUMa. Snow men centerplecu, madoftlla and angel candles. BayBerry candle. from the East. Snowball eandlu. Oh wonderful candlu of every deecrlptlon ! For your Xmu partlea, blower and snapper funmakera. Fractured French cocktail na-pkina de.fro.at the ice at any una.rt ratherlng, 11 a box. Now la the tlme to come to the &Id of the party! hl'tJ' Boue 1U 8. Cout BIVd., i,......a-i.. P ...... f-4395 • • • 111:1' PEDBOl 8t ilDGOf PEDRO, I AW TIRED O"F TllZE8 TUBU:V RA8B. ~8 VAM08 I() CASA 00.'\' CAllLOI! FOB A KEJp<lAl\' DEE.~ 1!1. su 11D:DQ.,r l'..Dtt-TOU ~' Sbe WOl'ked. in a dry iood.a st'DJ'e. Tb.fa pal'!"Ot worked long houro-jumpb>f ~P and down on her perch. spittiq wn.tJowe:r 9eeda Oil the floor, I TAt•CNO. 1eerlnc' at the cuatomera, and demaladinl' crack.en ~ DO...~ CJ 4 ••D8 111--8t. --· --like any other normal Uttle pt.rTOt. But km.I' ------------------~------- days 111 tho prment cam• Oesaii to uD on PoUy, .. "1'ss1'on•. ry T·lk She bepn lnlUHin&' tho Utile old lady cu.tomon. IVI v u CA& llJ:A1'll& llTOUl,N map~ at the mean. UW• lddo. and laltln&' out • for occ Group 9Q.U&\1\'k f:YC!!:l")1..lme UJ'OM tried to ... b&J' a ciYIJ A car -tor wa1 tu... 1'y' ear clolrten fl'OID tile -ot lllo club coupe parked 111 ~ ot OS ~ aftnue, N.,_btr U. WIWM> II. 11-.rt, JOU Jlcmlta .-. 1'loUa. ~ to~ question. auc::b u '"whlch way did UM eJ.avator So! .. or • ._hen'• the The ~. Dm•Ld )(. Wu.on Buatle and camr.ote dept!" One'7. &--man la. •htte ca.me wttb mllSionVJ.dll'ect trom Japan: • care and Itid a mumbllnc Polly a.,,.y to the old Panot'• home. ipQke to m•befl. ot tbe Ora.nee Alfla. poor Poll la _._But Jlra>0! _,. A-IOI le llllll ..... <:out st114<nt Clu1>tlan AMocla- •lling flMt md-. fOI' WU..: motllerw-.nd chlldrt:a. Ju.t. ta! .. t~ tlcm 1hunda7; N"cw. 1G. at-ll:IO, t J cotton plalda-py bolidq dre-111 ~ ud merry"'°-111 the colJes'e ebapol n. e&tlro • ._ _____ ._ ___ ..,_ __ , &'intrbamo '5.~lUS: Otben hi ri-ll trope prtata at ........ -t boclJ' wu lavltad to-. Vicky Vaup ........ Ill ~ dMck1 nd ~ •htu, ....,. Jill". '!l'iloon -ho and ~ and •hlte. browa and ~ Sl.M. t ovt•••dfas.a.n.tmu cnpe t1'..a l l.,..11r1 ~ aa4 print.. bait --tiy )(ynetto at ·vo.• Lota Ill ---tllrouP wa -------Ila Jer..,..._ftlrn>' ay..,,,., enpeo wlUi out --up. POLLY Ullo ie .. " ,.._ .-ta<:t APP!Jt,EL. 1133 N&WIOM' AV&., COllTA. >«aA., • -..tUt'hfe, i J ,,, Rit latlllMt . • • • lalM-.... ~- "WILU"S DOING Olf ms, w~. --v a ta ... COK- CAFN. llARRrt_" L-MD>,,....... a --·a ........ a -'9y :::::-1 n-Md -:a;:.,. dlJatQ:r -ta .,.... ..... 2 7 7 •· --a J ' RTF ...._ --~ dl7 • "a. c ,.., _. ... ,'sst.._.,* ...... ~-· ~ <It~-=-" 1 a l/ 1 D •• _....,-.Ii ~-~ I• = '11 • , ... I --- ti'.!:J ....... -·-\0,! ... 4 ..:,-w . ::-J ·~::::;.i:.:::"':.!': -a.,..-oe -... r 12.... 1111. ~· 111.,. • -.. ., ..... .,, ... •;:t: .... -_..,.._._ ........ ? ·~•llO ........ .,. __ ., .. ._ ,_...,..,..._.,,.. .... a .. _,..... 1--.-..--..... .-....;.;....,·:..· .. 1 • • • "How much each local ravem- rnmt apendll actuaJl.1 makre tbe tax bW which the prope:rt;y own- erw mwit pay," the Taxpayen' u- 110c.latlon ll&kf. PQ:lntlnf' out that the uwlled value IJL the bl,dividu- al piece ot propertf, 0multlpllod by the tu: rate. of ttie ~ eovelift- ment. which levy apJMt t.lfat eee ot property. automatle&lly make• the ta.x bm Ylhtch the property owner get_,. • "Government •ptndlnc m u 1 t come crown, it taxu are to come <Iowa," the uioctatton - ' ~ it~ ~Jl.t Practice! A.a ad ncul&tl1 1A t!rla PoJIU 'lrlll ~ -for J'OU. RELIABLE T SERVICE v 1420 AUG. .,. g Call Us Today For Swift TV. Service Ho -lo,..,.;- t•l••f•iO• enior••n• for doy1. O.r swift p;ct • .,.. l1ui"4! --' nicion•, end CHJplete ._,-, of oll .. lionolly knoww ports, in1wn """d ... ., .... ' .. - of•o•t before yowr t.-lto ..... -.... -• TROBOUGRl.1' TRAINED & F Aero RY QUALD'IEll ELEOrl&OYIC8 EXPERTS FUILY l:QUIPn:D to llE&VJ: TOUR TV ... IUDIO 8RVl<JS !>o"DDS COlllflllf9 Maria1 .... S1nice , -' ~ ............... u. s. ·~··· Uc1i111d T•'-lltlclaB . ' . c..••..,••nlce n:rn__.. ..... ,. - • .. P:R E· CHRISTMA·S WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. • IARGAINS FOR ' ORNAMENTS SOUD PA8'l'EL COLOSS ~ !6<> ____ ;_,. 17' .... --f Dozen -······· ... ·······-··-······· ~7 FOIL REFLECTORS ~m.'T -· .. ·········· 25' XMAS CARDS ' ' We Take Orders For Personaf. Photo Xmas Cards ALSO LARGE SELECl'ION PERSON,4,t CRRISTMAs OAllllS ClllU8TMAS CARDS ~JiM-----···· 98¢ ~;:-·----············ 53 f !4.ROt:'R 5ZR,'1CJ: OX" :'tlO:XOORAMINO OF GfFl'S. C.-tftDS OR ST.\TIO~'l'!ftY . ._ ______ .. THE EARLY 11 RD XMASSNOW ~ .\ ; -TR~. TQPS .1tc ,,-; . .l. ..... , .. .,. ... :i -·rr · -x '~ ... • f ~' '&IJGVLUt JIG COTTON -1fc # ,_ Fancy Figure Lights :;. -:s.~---·--239 'KNIFE-SET , OB On Card Plan ' $4.95 CUTLERY SET \T~UE Olm PLAN -WIZEN A 'l'Ol'AL OF 1%.60 IN , PURC&lASES IS ltEAOB- ; -f:D ON YOUR PtJNCB CARD, YOU HA V BUY EITU& OF THESE 8JX . PIE~ Sr;:rJ! FOJl ONLY -$1.99 - ' -' c 5 lb. ·E,s0m Salts 23' - BOYS' and GIRLS' CONTEST DOLL HOUSES lltG.a&.N FOR ' $]•· l4 °0L ZQ.E Gl.AsSES -D""' ''Jk " • _,.. --,. .. 6,: .•. Stf , I ~ ,. ~ ' ' GRAN~ PRIZES 4 Columbia 'L.ader' licyclel on• At Each ·store • F>CIAli Ql)ALJTY TOll,IJ 11SS'UI . ' 4 --* • , • '' • • • ., • • • PAG&I !IOV, U , 1111 ---·I t• ~·MY . IPN<!llce! ...... l'l&\llUl7 la•tllla l'O!IT AND SBOPl'DIO -po,,.J w!U ptOdUce -t0r JO'l. Wbm the ....... ""1'JIOl'llnc .... &11-ty projtct ....,, ... able -111117 -tunJ to Newpm t Harber u a ........,. of IDl.....i.:; talmt ···and are ....s;di.-P" pointed. H. F. KennJ,·. BaJbcw.'1 .'"-et· _ eran po1tmuter, la one who hu carried Iha boll lb ..,,,... a touchdown for many a pro- .irct of cownty-Mde .acope. Yet, -"""" ~ at!U come tint. and foreiiiost of th~ ;. hll job of running the Peninsula'• ettident pos... tat 5"rvb. Mr. Kenny com. pleted his tenth yev •• poat- 1n1.1ter in Aucust; and has SNn postal receipta rise from twe Ive thousand d o I I & r 1 yearly to thirty thouaand. H. F . Jl:E..'lrl(NY During tbHe y.ean, the month of. posal plan, later led the~t August ha1 dropped from tint u that aot an overwhelmlnl ~ the bul!Nt month. December with ity tor the 8-rnillion-dollar S.. Ju Chriltmu mail now far ex-sue, and finding the battle still on. CHdl the volUlllf' ot any other knows where and when to get ao- month. Al a director and put tion th.at k!!tps the proj«t mov- Pt'f'liden t of tM Balboa Improve-lng. As pre1ident of the 0rance ment Auodation, the postmuter C.0.1t YMCA. he has a new project finda a special meaning in thn.e now on ta~ covering the Newport· figures : "A sure li"1 that we're HW'ltinrton Beach-Laguna terrl.-· changing from a IM.IOMI com· tory. munity to a tolid. alJ-~ar popula-Our reporter found Mr. Kenny tion." ht-f'@'pol'ta. more interested In discusatn1 cur-· Al'A-aya keeping an eye to Ow tu-rent and future plana than in talk· tur., ~ or bis f'U"St concttn1 iii to ing or put events. In d1scuuint: lff that Ba1boe.'a planning 11 on a tht ?MOrd .. growth of our own anle big enough to match e\.'ents. community. we talked about New- A beoautilul nE'W pgstotfict, ~ port BaJboa F•raI. Thil ta Mr. cently completed. J>l"O""ff ~.cope Kenny's comment about us : "Mn. of his plans. Hit ten-)181' tte0rd Kenny a.nd I have been cuatom~ of perfect rttenclanct at his club, ot your Sa,;np and Loan A.uocia· Kiwanis, pva a key to how he tion for yea.rs, and we heartily acromplishfs them. recommend your services. Since ~ISHERMEN'S CASINO CAFE ¥aln St. at a.Ibo. Blvd. 8EE the 181!AS01'i"8 OATCB 1 T. V. SETS FOR RENT T·DAY lllNDlUll TIDE T. V. SOii NlCWPORT BLVD Newponllleaelt llilUIOR IOI High\tt'&)"I and traffic flow have It wu foun~ 15 years ago, your al'A-ays bttn one ot his major in-A.s:sociation hu bttn of rKI and terNts in county projecta. To a growina importance in the pro- large deg-rff, It \\"as hil work. as greu ot our rommwtity." chairman of the-county's Asso--Do :you have a uvinr-account dat@d Ch.amben of Commerce with ua! If not, come in &nd let highway committee and ~ident UI tell you how our high dividend of thf' Orange Cout A&sociat)on rate, never less than 3 per cent that convinced atate authorities per annum In our history, com- the Sepulwda Fret.way should go bine-s with unusual safety, backed Into the 1tate hichway 1ystem and by insurance up to Sl0,000, to be scbeduled for eerly completion. make yoqr account wtth ua orw of This i.s the new road that will take the most valuable and dependabJe- all major throuah traffic between invertmentl you can make. You Long Beach and IOUthern rout ca:n •tart with u little u S5. citif'!I, routln1 it inland. clear of population centers and shorter lll'fllltJar ,.,.,. than the Coast HJahway. This F~Mll~ ~a11111ft~ will clear our coast route of all but SRI ~,. llViiJ local traffic and make It far safer. &,;!#9: A'H'•fl-. 8M..\KTEST aa ttte-0t"aAI"! 0-.t &tt! U.. duo pletur'fld abo\·e at V a u .1: of fllllbc& l!IJ4 Lewt... .., W .r\,nar. sue-.. are ...... lllTl\"8 from ta.e Su Fraocl.M:o llA1 arM and •N eetAW"tatat•r atptlJ' a& t..,. p.pWar lllP t •poL 8mari l£Ull ryttlyma aad 90Dp rMOe-"'4 i. tbelr ...... _._..Joo &ho polr a S.. --• U... 8uper1au .. 0.,. Cleanlic , LIDO .CLEANERS '51 Newport Blvd. As chairman of the ganitatlon .,.,._a=wa.~ it) comm.ittH for the A 11 o c i a t e d ~.Ui'i. rl. Ex t' Q Chamborw, Mr. Kenny led in elev.I-~ 6LJ#f!JJ! 0 IC ancer o_;p_1n_g_•he __ v1_••_l_oo_un_1_y_se_w_•_&•_di_ .... _______ .. _______ I to Feature Circle 5 Enjoys uncheon Meet 10°/o Discount on Any fiirdr.ase (EXCEPT AJIALONlC aad SHlllMI') Briag thla ad to BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Fresh Fis11 Da!ly from Ow OWll INtsf ABALONE . . --~· c . --··-········· ·---·A 75. FTh.:sT QUALITY RATTAN FURNITURE RA TT AN DRAPES ........... la --· ....... A., wi4ttrl, • ..., le,,.ffl, ••T colw.......C:-plet•. Wltti <:.r•I<• .._,., ll dedrK BAMBOO SHADES MATCH STICK 011t1id• •-' IMIM PHI .. fl'I._ I• wlO. r•119• of ih.t1. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING C:O. 1121 8o. M ah St. AIAe LAGUNA M.&PLE SH OP TtO 8oatlll Cout Boulll!lvard B p 0 E Pronre lD.. ·~ -.>.. pot luck luncheon WU en· ~ _ __ t1'>ved 'ft,tVfday noon by C t r c I e ~ ot the moat outltandl;C' Five of th• Coltla Meu Com.mun· elhnologtc&l and cluakal dancen lty Church WSCS when Oley met evu-to be •eell tn IAauna Beach In the dlninl" ha.II of tbe church. will be p......,ted by tbe B, P .O. lil. .o.-rt of • •uutullJ' deco .. led at Elke i.R all. 81Mpy Bo110W\ c:aJte a.ad I""-.~ WU provldtd Cout Hlg"hway, La,u:ua Beach 00 by Mn. OJp Crawtor'd, chairman Friday, Dec. 30, 19Gl. at 1 :30. p. of tM circle, u a pature of a.p- m ., for the benefit of the Elks' predation for the co-operatien of Crippled ChJldren"11 Fund. Tt.le nat~ the members durtnc th• p & • t lonaJly f&moUs exotic dancer, Trf-year .. a.nci& t Frul<'el Vandercook ) of ~v. J'oe.pb McSha.ne pl'etented Corona del Ma..r will be uai.l'lfod & devotlon.&l talk on Faith. Mn. by two protege•. Mery Catherine Andrew1 aAd Dee ()r.e OJnn.lae- ham of Corona de! Ka..r. Trtancta !daughter of the> ram~ oua Vandercook family ol O:t.icaga. manufaclur9r of printl.ng prf's.&e9 and toundtt9 ol tM Univertlit1 PrHI!) ha.s r iven her lif e to the •tudy of tbe origin of the danc~ down through the a.gea. ll.-1n1 among th• naUve gypaiea, the Polyne1larui and varioua other peoples In ''tar away pla.cN with 11trange sounding name11," In ordtt to get authenticity a.nd color for tnterpret&tlona. For years ahe WU connected wtlh Ruth St. Denla in Vlola Beckett ottered a reaume of • talk gi'Vfll by Mrs. Frank Sibley at a recent combined meet- l.111 or the Church Co u n cl I of Worien and the Women'• Club of Lq"una. Mn. Sibley. w b o help,d or&&n.lu the Church Co\U\- cll In Amsterdam, la ca.lled lb• "World'• Cltlzen.. ·• It WU deckted to dtsp.Me with the buafneu mfftinJ whm the gTOUp pt.her• with Mn. Lettie Dudek for lta Ch..r1st.mu p&rty on Wedne8day, Dee. 19. 'Mi.ere wtll be a.n e~banr• of gittA amonl" members and al.o between secret pa IL ~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tbe Ruth St DenW company of r dancing artlstl and haa given hl'!r dance lnterpttlatlon• all onr the EnJoyi.nr the occuion Thursday were Rev. and Kn. M'cShane, and Mme.a. CT&wford. Beckett, Iva Roe, Iva. Coe, Emma Simp10n. Bmma C'n..atord. Bertha Bohan- non, Bertha Shotwell, Anne Hand, Eleanor U"1ter. Irene Northern, Clan. KcMurtry, Joh.um& Hanaon. t.etU• Dude.k. Joaphlne Torer· mn, nOrolhy Koerner, H u 1 d a Younr. Florence Elgtum~·. Stella Bunch and. Gt!:rtrude Edick., ANNOUNC I NG THE OPENING OP' A NEW OFFICE -BY - DR. F. R. HERMAN , M.D. GENERAL PRACTICE llOO W. BALBOA BLVD.: ~WPORT BEACH PHONE HARBOR 281M United State5, playing to packed houses from New York to Lo• AD- gt-lt>s. "Lagtil\& ~ach'• own" allve.r- volced "Sonny" Budd will be the eoloh1t and will •inl' tM ~Uy selected IOfll'• accompanied by the mlmltable LlJa. Bttachlft at the piano. Pete.r Welg"a.n. an up.-and- coming younl' artllt of LJdo tale, wUl render accordion eolo11. Den-touchu tht bwnaa Ilea.rt. P1e&M" nle Andrews will be the narra.tor. come! I f unabJe to attend-buy a The above artlat.1 have sn,clom:· Ucket, anyway. We auure you, • ly gtve.n. tbeir Ume a.rut talent. to you'll fttl better alter you do. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;::' brinC' an outst&ndln&' even.Ing of 'ncketll, $1 each, may be pur-fatertalnment In order that they chued. from any of tbe vartous may help in their 9l'llall way tboee cluti. or aoclal orga.nlzatk>na in La- "Itttle tote" who cannot belp guna Beach or-at th• Elka Lodre. themeelwa, and alto to give you Cout RJrhway. RuervatiOM, may an opportunity to join them in be m.ad,e. by calllnl' t.pna Beach lh1I magna.n.lmOUS lftlln'e that I 4-&6tl Of' by ma.11. I Health Program Featured at PTA Meeting ''Good R ea.1th Equal.a Good Llv- lnJ" w1U ~ the topic under dia- cua.fon by •ix elate, county Utd local health authorlU• at lhl!I gen- eral meeUnr of the NeWT>Ort Bffch Elementary achoola P .-T. A. Nov. 19 at J p. m. ta the Co!'Oft& del Mar acbool auditorium. The ~•ken, who1 are the ClOSTA KESA -.1711-J E LECTRIC SUPPLIE8 Ucht:tac FUtunia Lompa= Shadeo P&rta -Repa.ln • ~ARRY M. WHETSEL t'71 Sewport &ml. ea.ta Mes& h one Be.aoll '7ut Mine• Emma M.attlU, Nonna r:~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~I Whiteside and Evelyn Eric;tan; Dr. ){abet Geddes and Mme.. Mar-L _ • Jorie Rome'"!. amt Jack H•M. HILLMAN MINX deacrlbed: the various phUH ot the l ht-alth progn.m ln our llC.hoola. I '''" delivered llieN The program featUttd the work plut tax and lloeue of the health and safety committee Tow lltdttor Area Dealer ot the 1oca.l unit.a headed by Mn. Jack ffeaa. The C11>UP coo~rat~ ~WPORT A UTO 8 ALE8 with the Orange County Dental %8CM W. Newport BJYL A.asoc lalion, thf' achoo) nune, the Newport Beacll caftlerta manager and dlrtttly Harbor 14G '7 with the familtea of school chU- drtn. The Juvenile prot~tion commlt- ltt under the chalnnanahlp or Mrs. Stroller \\'htte, co-sponsored this meetinc. It's aim la to protect juvenile• from environmental haz.- urds. luc.h u traffic in narcotic• and liquor. Muaic on the program wu by the third graders and aecond grade room mot.hen were hoste11~. M"rt:. Marjorie Crumley of the city clerk's otnce wu &t this meeting from 3 p. m. on to ~cister people-for the coming acboot bond elf'ttlon of ~anuary 11. SATralDAY CLOSING SACRAMENTO, Nov. 19.-Act - ln.g under authority of ~ amend· ment to the Government Code made at the lut legialaUve SH- sioD. the St&~ Board of Equaliza- tion hu adopted a ftve-day week DIRECTORY U: TER A. BECKER, D. D. 8. , I DENTISTRY l 78r> Newport Blvd .. Costa Me:u M'~al Bld1. Beacon 1 752 ' ~ E. Bay Ave.. Balboa · Harbor 327-J MORTUARY Lady Attt-11.dut 4JO Cout HIPwa.r . CORONA DEL llAR DAY Al'<l"D 1''"IGHT Piaone Harbor U for lta otticea.. Effective Novem~ J ~:SE========~ ber 17. 1951. the Board oUlces will I; be cIOled each Saturday. 'E SUR~~INSURE NOW OPEN SATURDAYS allcl SUNDAYS '52 DODGE CORONET ·· SEDAN 1 MAl]JU(ll: 8TANLEY -.....only Pb.Olle Barbor l n• I! Kanne .a.,-~ Balbee l.aud RUIDENTIAt·llDUSTllAL· NO~ ftlo t.&l!GS a t'OO 8721 & •·lllk!"-Jlll«JI t 9 1• ...... - \ w. Stuart Foote lilNElUL IN8VR4NCJ: .~Int~ ft.Bar.If .tlll ...... JllvC. • • • . or let "" Rout your Turkey to a dellciou. golden brown for you! Brin&' 111 your biril. 705 Cout Blvd. H&lbGr 110% HERE 'S WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY ' THANKSGIVING DAY I ,.,,tc:::::; Sb THAT OUR EMPLOYEES MAY ENJOY THE HOLIDAY, TOO We Will Be Closed November 22 NORTON'S BAYSHORE CAFE COAST HIGHWAY at 17111 STREET andttie CAPE COD HOUSE 311 'f.. Marine Ave., Balboa 1lsland • . For Your Enjoyment, ttie. Yery'Rllest '. THANKSGIVING DINNER Served From 4 p.m. AND IN ADDITION, ALL OF THE CHOICE SELECTIONS FROM OUR REGULAR BILL OF FARE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY 8:30 to l:30 SYD LEWIS and ARTURO SANCHEZ 2 ARTISTS PRESENTING THE ENTIRE SHOW • -IN l.AUOA- ' • ~. ' r.-·=,,,,,;,,· """"'""""'""""'""'F'""""'""""""""'""""'""""'""""'""""'!I 1· ~.., .... ~ SERVIN& SPECIAL ' THANKSGJylNG DINNER coci<TAJLS LIQt1EURs f i $3 -from 2 p.m. ~ . . ~ Nciw Open Sundey foro the J-lomeown•r · · CONCRETE ILOCU • lllJCK · F\AcPSTONE -!'. -5.AND • 5~Y,EL . -CIMINT · • SUPPLIES · ~ ~1.:a, fQ&· nw• LQADDf& ,'. l(EJTH I. COLtlNS Uu New; nl .... • . C.liL'.,_. ... •. 'llU"" , -· ·- • J I ' • • • • ' Pheasant· Hunting Plans of .Harborites . Lt. Cot and Kra. Charlai P . Cotton of £ut Ocuii l"ront expect to leave Friday for-.ome phea1•nt lluntinc with the Jamea llor(t.u at a Sacramento ranch. U the- wuther permitted., Ute Cottona were to go thta put weelc end to catatina avenue tor quail huntillg u gueat. ot the Richard Stffle• of Bayahoree on board th• yawl Odyuey ----- 1;,,~ ... "· lt. r. , at, MEU• .lf'"• .... Oc.., lutt.iflr . cor: a CAICI. • t.15' lli.Jctl.I ...... • WID: ONLY. NOV. 21 Pumpkin"' l···57• .. . MillCll Pll ........ oi.•...i U.~A~~.~mps /gf . 008TA -SA 11to Newport lll•d. CORONA DEL KAR -°'**~~ LAGUNA BEACH 111 Pored &n.ae • l MESA.."8 SET FOR MEET TCMith croup. hmn the eo.ta Kear Community M: • l h O d l 1 l ch~ . w01 attend the Annual Contereilce T o u th President'• Party lo "" held lrriday nlcht, Nov. 23, tn the Lonr Beach Mu~ aJctpal 'auditorium. Rev. and Mn. Jooepla . W . XcSbane of the )(- church wU1 act u hoR and ha. l t.u at the evmt. '!llB8. CIDINSJ' ll&T1JJINS ' Several ~ent day1 Ut Baken.- fit-Id Weft spent'" by Kn. Jto'1 ~T. Ch~ney af Flo.et St., Colta-Me:i&. who visited her niece while away. MrL Cheney t1 now e.nteria.lninc her Ii.Iler, Mn. Lena Ubby, u bouae put. •• ,HAVD ·EN ~HAVEN .... '~ 7'' fOR .. lfAPpfi. ~ "FOLi . • 440 tAl•ttatli. c.raaii ·itll ~~· · Phone Harl>or 1091~" • • - • . , .... 11mWe.Uert • •· ---U.U..--.3Zcl . . ' •• 'I --· ~1d~-· \;-i.. ',. • NOW oif-DlilPL&y AT ·aRITi)H MOTORS, ·INC. 12ot c ... lfliliway Newport ••ach . l'ilbNll 'BEAOOl'I' ,~ Your '.f'haabgi · T ~ay. And you =te :!: ~:-a.1! now at Sal~ brown, tender and d 1· .. 111 w1 IOO>I golden. • e ICJOUa -...... to pl •¥eryone. Safeway'a ~ eue lectec!, emcer&•-' read f are carefully .... YOU can be 111:;'"the '! ~r ~ .,..,_ Aa always, key t SaJ pnee ,. nght. Get your luJ'o • eway, ~"""'of• Young tender bird! ' • • • • • • • I • • ' ONI MAii WM LOAN 11'NIM ..... , ...... ...,..,,_..., _,.",,,.I\ ...... ..... ...,. ........... ( ,., .: .. CONTRACT FULFILLED ....., (fT't"t lloutCTTtl O.,.C:I laAVILID .. 000 JllllLll TO OllNCl I\ MINUrt.~ "'T 1'Mf PA9lll 11,0llTION. Nit.Ill.I ,. ~ WIC*' UI,,.-••. 'Christ Chvrch WSCS Still Packs Clothing for Overseas Relief Tht W. s. C. S. ot ChrUit church • by the Sea met Tuelday with the win be served from a to 'I p. m. 11 a. m. businesa aeulon -held tn Mn. Wini~ Younl" and the Cl,.. Goodell Hall, MW Clara Kohlstedt cl• ch&.lnne.n art tn c!\arge ot HTV- presiding. Report.a or the \\'ttk ot tnr. Pray er and Self-Denial. Oct. 20-30, At the noon hour Iuncheqn wu •hov.·e<t an unW!lually large attend-aerved by Newport RelrhU Cln:le. ance or Circles, and an all-time The proCT&Jn opened at l ~JO p. high offering. Proceeds go to t:du-m. tn the anctua.ry. Ji.In. A. J . catlonal work at home and abroad. Rutter, with Mr1. Mina Ive1 a t the ~tr1. J . A. Bodman. HCretary piano, ai.nr a aolo and led in com- or supplies. reported ahtpmentp or muntt.r •lntinr- clothinl' to Qerma.ny, ~ona. ~-A. s.s::ReUel"ll kd in '6w<>- Nome, Aluka and the Toberma.n Uoai: Her wbject wu '1'he Hou.e Sett lement at S&n Pedro. After by the Side ot tt\,e Road.'' J.flu Thankag1ving, bo'xe• of clothing mfale Newland 1nported on the will be packed and ae.nt to Korea Wor1d CommunJty Day prorram and to Yuma for the Indian mia-he1d at Newport Harbor Lutheran 1lon thrre. chureh J"riday, Nov. 2. _, R eport-8 of the Five Dollar ban-Mlu Kohlltedt, pre•ident, prt.- quet held la.st v.·eek 11howed it the aented Mr•. J!t D. W. &ltby with beat Pve r hPld ln every rt>spect . a life membership certificate and The annual bazaar will be held pln from the aocie\y tn recognition ft t Goodell hall \Vedneeday, Dec. 5. of her service In the churcn. The nve circles of lht> \V. S, C. S. Thf' pro(Tlm 1 u b J e ct wu f,nd the Youth Fellowahtp will "Soul.b ot the Border -O\lr Re- have boolha for many varied 1pc>n.1lbillty'' and wu in t)le form art icles or clothlnr. food and of a panel discuuton. lt ,.,,.. pre-- handiwork. Luncheon will be Hnted by lfn1. J . K. Elliott, Spc*k- 11ervM at noon. coffee and douah-lnl' on Problema of Latin P eople; nuu durinl' the alternool\. Dinner Mra. May De.J011ler, Reuons· Be- ;:;;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;:;;;;::;:;:;;;; bind Th~ Problem&; Mrs. Holtby, What We <fan Do About Them. MATTRESSES! Excellent 9uality Excellent ValUff • CARLYLE'S Beaeoa 11S9 1990 Ra.rt.or Blvd., Coat&. Jff!M MACKI E'S SMOKEY . • SNOW MAN Ceramic S.OW111• Goose on Menu for Dinner Event Mr. and Mt•. J:d Groe.nendy ke entertainW \vitb a gooae dlnnf'r Saturday e·1~c at their Eut Bay Front home on Balboa I•la.nd. The Groenendykea t~ently re- turned from. .a bunting trip to Tu.le I.Ake antl 3!.opped at the Minden, Nava.da ranch of Mr. and Mra Jurren Lore.ilzl"'n , -where they &hot gel"'ae. ()fte of them WU ff:rvM Saturday. and the . Lorehtu:n.s we ... prt!&ent to enjoy it . llOME FRO&t .ENGLA1''D Mra. Elizabeth Grlmaha"'·· Mira~ mar Drive, B&lboa, hu returned troru a •ix month9 atay in Erirland v.·here abe vt.ited relaUvea. \\ILL ATl'END GAME Dr. and .Mra. Sheldon Riley of Clttt Haven expect to be am.001 ~ at · the big' Stanlol'd-CaJ ~e thla cominl' Wffk end. Hurricane lig~t from cendle shoW1 thru button-holes 11-nd face,' I-inch size _sz.ff Smeller arid Jumbo Sizes Meny Gifts. It.me: Cerda.,. Vlr1f'"91t Ol'D &i&IVD 11 • "' -"' Mac~e's ·Patt.J•lft .Sit ae_ s. ,,_ a,~.... . I .., ' ~ • ' •' • ·.iflllltMI • .lV!: • •• • ; rnm-affiiuW.1 ~ , '1W .co. iiilCAWili&# •. '=- 9PEN SUN. ,.1 aocKs Kl2~754 ltJllTWBft P11JD .... OOllP&'!fT ·-IL Mala llL, -la AM . ,. ' _. ;...Olll_IW __ A1iD OONCIU!ft BLO<JKll I • llCDl'O lllUL ... SUPl'LIES High Quonty Printing-Ph. Hor: 1616 ' ALPHA an.A ORADI A EllSCEIATEI llOID·llEASTEI &Jlek-J?Eadq TOMI TURKEYS l8.57:· Hltll /&·65' -ueuu.a Sia Pl•• f 11 ... UlA& -'Pleo ·IEL .. • d I I I I ,. l:> \ • • • We . Specialize In Courtesy! · LARGE IOX HEARTS DELIGHT SLICED .PEACHES 2 ~~LL1 29C CANS IRIS GOLDEN HAW.AllAN PINEAPPLE l SLICEDOR 29 CUT. No. 21;, Cf CAN INTRODUCING •. PILLSIUllY'S GOLDEN YELLOW I CAKE MIX 29c _......_ Lge. Pkg ...•.•.. Campbell'• Tom. Royal Prinu SOUP YAMS ' • PURE YEGETAILE SHORTENING , 1·LI. 3 PKGS. 19C CAN Laura Scudder's Pure BELL'S POULTRY SEASONING PKG . 1oc NESTLE'S Cookie Mix LGE. 35c PKG. NHff•'• Chocolate MORSELS ••• 19c lehy ROH, ••• Grape Juice Larve 29C 24-oa. lottlo Plchw..+ kocy Little Peas 17·0L 15C CAN MA YONNA'ISE ,,NT 35 C lj)T. 59c , It 's 1'11mphin ~ Pi e hnw' ~.I Mah It ....,. ... qui<lr Pillsbury 2 ~::· 25c ·IU Clllft llli l'lr91. • I · Del Monte No. 2i Can FRUIT '31 c COCKTAIL •. , GOLDEN STlTI flUT lj)UAL!Tl ' ' ·autter • ... ..... ' ' { .. f~ ' SALE PRICES EliFEC'FIVE .ALL WEEK ••• I ~ MON. tittU SAT~ 11QY. 14-IWIU .. C:LOSIO LINDSAY SELECT RIPE OLIVES • TIU.Nn51Y .... DAY.1-MAPPY • AAS~. NOM I 7k l'ita•o Al _•ii••. 2 lhs. Tall No.'. 21c Ail-American Grade A Cao LARGE r11s FANCY FRESH MllCE ECiCiS ¢ MEAT Large 31C DOie• I• Cartan .. , 24-oa. Jar LUEl'S ALL·MIAT FRANKS. 5 9lli. Swift's Proinlwm FRUITED PICNICS .s ·slli. With that Real Rich Hammy Flevor! • ( LUER'~ ..Oz. IOLl,. .... SMOKY FLAYOR BRAUN· 33c SCHWEIGER ··· . ARMOUR'S l·STAR SPECIAL! s~~~!~e~t~.~ 79~ No lone, No Waste!. . . . . • FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER ••• Cream Cheese 49~ Pimiento, Olive0 Phnleato, Pineapple, or Relish. , Delic. with Celery or Hor'I D'Oowvro1 CRISP PIECKLES 4 ror13c FR 0 ZEN ' F 0 0 D S WI N E S'L I Q U 0 R Sw•aao•'• 1·11•. 12.... $119 l'IYIN& ·cHICK_E .. Plchwe-10-a. Pk9. P'iis · 19c Plctsw..+-12-oa. .,,. i.iMi"s 21c ' LlllrS-1-111. "•· fEicHES 19~. ' ' A "MHt for Thalllc19ivll9" HARD 49c CIDER Fifth LA IOHEMl-Flfth • Champacjne s210 IHJl!leulvel ' liior••H 'yowr g•uhl AN EASTERN IEElll ' . cincLUB 1 sc: 1z..a. c. ........ . 60W.1 State hll 9nrt EGG-NOG 52c .......... h-Jnt.U,... feverlte .. U911rl OLD ST. C:llOIX 6 YI.AR OLD • $330 ~~ ..... '. .... T-•Jany Ullw h Hwel • • • ' • • • • L • USE tllf <tlSSllD. PffOil· HAR 1616 A -~ . . A ~ . A ~ 11. A 'A A 1#. A I. -A A ' -. ' ' . . ,. ' PA01: I , _1 . , NOV. n, ~ .. ,,1111m1 .-\i'' "1ISll'POft MY "rn:n I' Pon A!CD SllOPPIKG .!IEWll • , •• ;j;- /a ' ~-··~-:A. •• • € D :A 'S S D·F 1 E. D , ,,_ ~. KewpK 8 21ch 4 ·• . . ' Tfae MiAJbhr ~· Adv . . •' . • Jll!!:l>or· 1:t111.w. l7pl · T ; Md · . , · · , ertiaiD9 ·-· ;o · Y,~ TDOI WORK w.umi:o-JtABr Portamatlc K&o&i.. Jlsi<l-. 2¥. • ' • • . :M aiti!na', clerldJll', office, IMt -on. $(0. ltlJ i!antl. .~: • ! '~E~~ -EVery Tu.,..,av : ;, ~ -t. etc.: by Ana Ave, Coot& 'x-. .._, • ,,,_.., JI, -8jai. OOa· ... ,..,...,.&y4"J.. Ut -CUllaou&JB cor.rJ!Xl& Ph. KI.·3-82S:t,.,.. 84011..A.JtlBMTO il'ow.. n:-wwurnn-'tr ~W-"'-aa.>" ' sltls from 80. cuno, BIBI"' 51311-J. f!Cl tnller,-~~ u,.; dia--NEWPORT-BALBOA P -Dai'ada19 temlon 11• ~ St w.-. t.-.. trllNU. ot'$U.U4,no ~ tlle' ••• ,..-hit& a·11-.u. _, ... 111 ... 111111-·-:-• • .:::x •• ...... u --. &.• • RlCLL\BLIC Colleore Girl wanu WANT TO BUY -Bon' M --..,,,..,~ "''II Tu -fllr,...., · • JfWA' U ... 1'1iu11•11 rn. • •·by ~t"·· in N~• ••do "-'e -•--·" ' ,_;,,_.,t· ~;oadtd llopl ... •· ··.! • '. • · ,' llllml1JI( AD~· Lilla • -~.....,. ·-~·~ ~ ~.,-~ --•y• .... .._,A"' ~~ .U .... -I - -~ 'I ~ ,. .. ~ ble a-. ~r 102Q..W afttt pilano. ' PIMIDo Hul>ar 1020sW • ~· l4ate4 tll:•t vn.p: . ,_ w19s -r o ·--.•MW -·117 t.,.'an¥o8. • .4 m t8c91 • ci-~~ne111-i ~.ina__.a;tto . • '• & u.. .. 1 PaPer s .11 • ~ P· · · -..... 1a ~ -r .. • , / ~ ~ Carpenter ...... • 7 -• ' lh71 I !tt ..... -. I I ~--pmpoo• ot 11tow7c;gJ d"· ' & U.. . I . Z.00 · Sl-Bo-7neloold 0.- urii .. ~ .~,Jll fto ,..-will -lie ...,,.otl>lo or mon t11aD one tncon-oet · ALTERATIONS·-RlllPAIR8 ~ ~!~ ~ ~.'ll&to ~ ipaUan of an •-ent. -qi. r!pt to wnectl,J dwlf1 !;'bone Harbor 2110l·M • ~.., .. .._ ""4.,..,.,..,911 .~;to Ul1 .1!114 oil adi end to nlect any ~80ment not conformlq to 98pl9 U.·--t .. -• .u.;c.. .,i-U4I tqU!atl-. Ad\ ....... ai!i. &Del cancellotlono will bo _ BARQAfNS ! ! ! RACE coirmrrEa CILwulAN .nm Sbeppanl •bon '""' o.....,.,....,. "*!/~~~.-IP'\:••.; will nm:-10~ tlMt Newport.Barbor .Yaabt Club Golf Serti. ta t.M l.alhn-11 di~ ~-~ 1 to rlpt) ... oerleo wtw.;, Aa W,J11tt, w-Aeolus led,Stor noet, MCI Bill ilo+iio.,..w;.wJwoo .~ telle de&at4 vp Ge fleet la OceM Ree'ac Dlvtstoa. · (Pbo4;. by Beclcn:tr) DUCX: HUN'DNG G-OOD Duck hunting h&s been good lately in the Cordelia &J2d Sul.s\m l 1:arah uea. in Solulo county, re· port.1 the Nat ional Automobile Club.· Moat club hUDten: are get· tmg euy llmlbl. . ' LARGE STRIPEllS,TAKEN Sonu,t large . attlpcta .ha~e been ta.ken during the put week by angten workinc along thfl S&cra· mento y ver ln the vicinity or s~c­ rame.nt.o. report& the NattwiaJ Automobile Club. FOURTH It IROADWAY . , . ' ANGLl:S!l-.1:.(U ILU._.,_{lUDA Anglttm have l.een brin.CfD.I' tn c-ood catclte• of barracuda dur.m1 the put week from the waten ott Loi .: Angelos-...coimty, a.C.cQhl· ffll' to u!e Natio'nal• AutornP.1!.U• Club. ., .. . -.. ... . ' : . . IAR~AINS FOR FRIDAY THRU MONDAY, NOY. 23rd to 26th FOLDiNGMMET AL TRA y • 'lSO AD t'op-. B........ ·1 63 CARTON OF CIGAREI IES • OONSON LIGHTER ••• :6.75 Vitamin B Camplu-Bec. '5-N '5 35 RYIUTOL • 100s • • • • • • • Clldm .h.. Mid Out-llei. •t..• NEW PAPERMATE PEN . ~t19. u" -· ztno.-Reg. fl.'8 ' 117 LILLJ INSUL1N • • • • • • • '1t.95 .... Ste ~N~tir ABins· . . . . . 78~ ?R.c·vc i"E . . . . . . • 4.15 Bee. Ut.95 'NOMA' TALKING DOLL !O :Pkp.-Bes. ILOO CARTON OF GUM • • .. ~2.39 Tnbleta or Uquld-Rec. $2.to STUARTS' FORMULA SafUI Balr Can Be \\'aved &: Curled, ae,. P,15 • 6 95 HORSMAN DOLL • • • • •. !4 Pleee>-Bec. U.51 ' 1 98 ALUMINUM TEA SET · • • • • . • .. oe--a.c. a.a1 '2.99 AIDEC DROPS • • • • • • • • Goiop -lll -..... .. c. ''·" ]Ge NYLON HOSE • • • • • • J-~-- N'..&e. Bally a-. ..... t6Jl4 ·• • '. .' ·~.s· INFRA-RED LAMP .1.1 ' '' . ~n"Ai:' iloAQ GRADER • '4.95 . 135 Nyllll~. fU4I Vfiae Mtf AL DIRT HAU~R . ~'~'5 Boc .. '6-00 , ,4. Ja. KA YWOODIE. PIPES • • ' •. "l.!IJ : Fo~VRUuER' CuSHION '14f Allco'la WoDder1u4-&ec-f!M . GiRLS' WRIST WATCH ' DL . ..,_ ' Dille: LUstN Creeun Sha1npoo • : 01;-: . . 4tlsfoent·G~-l!."/t . '1 · GO APPLIANCE SPECIALS SUNIEA ... MIXl!R Ii JUICb ...-."8.ae . 35.50 '• , DO~" . MIXER. Jlll~JJl.-,~wa UNIT It JOQO.:~MOPPlll. ..... m.M· ' 35~50 ' • , ffu'iicftit . TOA • ..!.~ ... ~.~·· · AUTO~n~?.9_AsliR: c-- • 1'7~95 . SUNIEAtit. '.f O~STER a.c . .,. ... 21~so. 5'(1(1$~ .. -.=. ;-:. SRA~»~'~:_ . ·1·1·1·5:.-· . : !, • I . ' , ,. . . .. ,. .. . ' . . . . . . . . • AWM CLOCKS ••.• , .•• , .l.Q . li;Ni.~ttERLL ·• • • • · • • ltf. ~~~~~~ Metal,·-.,. Jlut:r-ltec. "'" '' i ~ '1 · I ' S~·SHOft.L . • • ... • ~ ·~J'. , .. ># , .. •,. . Old:'.Stlee T~"'WGlar'.'!.:·. - .. I ' *•· --_,. .., . -. .. ; f *-WAGOR~ "'• l\~~;.,1--i lt11 ~a U... tO dU...' +'~.tft,• ~-p to'5 p.m. <m tllo dQ·~i:tbllcatlon. HOUSEWORK WANTED-By Ille MAPLE -oet.- ._ ..... lbared. bf' · '1 U Dtcept dttdlfne for 'Neft .. ~ L m. llmMti.,a hour. Call bet. $ Ir ib a. m . . Table and 4 Cbalrl ----STt.50 co~tlef.-'.,; 1: • •; --· .J..ll. Mir f# 044 -• -tMI ... -t. Bea. ~964. uk for '.Mrtl. Moo ... Weot1n3hOU1e.llleo. Router '2(>.00 ., · iaiCJe.tt1 ....-.uiwt J.lt,IU,ftl N&W.roll'f "•allOB ~G 00:" Have own tronaport&Uon. 1p3 Clll'i>me dinette oet. ii-pc ....... .60 Of '~ ·tuodl dJat:tllNterl?~ di-: ' -till,~ ~ Meiwport l•alt, c.ato..... ' Comb Mcord player A radlc> $S1 .!50 rl~ fl'Ol!I U...PiOUne ~-lll-' ~ ~g " SEWING ond AlterotlonL Congoleum rup ___ ,, ___ .$ 5.96 ~~of Ut2'78,1'1f .-.. morLtJlaa JI Bneh111 (i'llde U-llluJldtw Services and teen·age 8ldrtl. w·e.119.U. Eo:& 9)n"lnp and mat~ • · 2"*pei: cent over 1.ut q~_.. V• f • .. 1 and 1uit1 for chrlatmu. ~ by Good a....rtment..-Alt Priee1 • (cU.-ll· file! ~ pn>'lld.;i ,,.'l\l.· m..r ve·netian Blinds ·ca~ BOUSB CLEANING e;tt!ng Harbor 07i!<sW. lp8 IUCIC Chet ... -P- W : tN.aster trorn tu Kotfi: v., l:'"fJ t ~tu.re and rug.a ahampooed. ~ .clean. late model. hk:le '1ftnoportatl011.Tu· "J\md. 'Sbacie, and Dra(llll'Y Hdwe. · ~ atfm&ta-FUUy tneurecl. Z9-Belp Wanted like new ----· .. ·····-.. --.in.at ~SD,tet and rnllcdlon"°":' ..... THE SHADE SHOP . ~'8 HoUBe & Rug ACME-ORIDLEY Aut<>maUc oot· Da.1.e's Furniture t.~.~.a::..!1r~ ~':sto.'to~ Pree flltilnata l>h. Hal' SIU ·, Cleaning-Co. up operot<>ro -Newport llwh • 111t Harbor Blvd. IUllln..,.'"t -• ' ........ • area, top pay, be.st working cons ea.ta .M'Hf Beacon "37..J AJ1:.it.rM CoWu;y.Alam-dii ODaatf" -·'•e• mi Tftfc dit1C>nJ. Rosan, Inc., 625 Cout ------------,.... nut 'wia. Mll.:M' arid -Landscape Gardening =son & Nollar BJghway, Newport Beach or lnnclaeo toDowed.;wtth "N02,1a,. 6224 Southern Ave., South Ge$.e. ~lne CoW>ty -u..;.....a. New ia,,,,_Maintenanoe p G & DECORATING Collforn10. 1.a eot own. •11.112. '-• 'll>o omoiint Cllotribuu.t .Npt.. Free F.atimatea Bea. 6639-M ·~ Best Money Can Buy'' -to f ~>Of nl,'97,l!tt M 2p31f ~U: . S8th St., Newport Bea,ch com.pohd wtlll U.e $50,592,308' dlos · •PHONE BARBOR ~ . trfbuted tor tbe qu&rta •rt d • d uttc J\ID• 30, 1t61. Tho. ·~ .,. ~E Sernc-• more• thoi> r.ccounted for Ill the OON K. BUTTS t•ct U...t no t'Uadl wue a....U.We • for tnno(er n'om Ille Molo,!-Ve-Lie. Geaeral Contractor blclo l'llnd to tho. Hlrbwo,y Uooro u.. ,.,_ Tu-lll'luWI wbenu l • • t q,wter Relldentl&l--\A)mmerclal J,11,000,m-'l"m .., tnnsroond tor , , llemodellng dlotr!htlon. ---w Pf/Jtrrent Facts · oh;Frozen Foods: 17ttc FISHER Drafting Service tlt Col.el HJg-bway, Harbor Uf.3 Corona dtl Kar PAINTING EllL SHEFLIN Painting and Paperhanging ·J GEO. BURKHARDT 508 • 31st SL, Newport Ber.ch P¥ne Harbor 241g..w before 8 L m. or artier 4: :30 p. m. 83ttc 7:1ltc --~---------Froa;I.. tb.t in.. -of mielAfonna· ------------U... clnnllot~ Oout tho llorqo f! -food 1n • rorr1terator. VA to . D eview Vets ~~aJr..:s' have come up f ~ . :~·:::!;"""' eomp1<1o1y ... Training ' Fo~1is; Cl) 'l"b&t tb• YnUlnc compart-Veteran1 Admlnlatration 1 al d Dil&IUOR -.llX'lliRiOB PAINTING - 'JCllNlllCD -INB'Ollm> • ' 1Clenn Johnston ~1 31ot St. Newport Boocb Harbor 2297~ • Ucfl m•nt of th•ir Nftl,W:..tor 1a Mt-today Jt will reYiew ell prt:vtoUl- 1.al&ato"' for th• at o r a C e of ty d.tlapJ>roved appllcatlona for .--'---------~--­ fro•ll · f • o d .,.., ... ll!derinlto vocot1ono1 tn1n1n, '""" .... b1o0 B & y · House u overs pe~ Ot tlftae. Korel.b. veten.na. to determ.lne . F (2) 'nlat .. iOac u tooc!S ... whether llley now mlpt be eUg· ~neral Contractors ln. a . hard troMn. condition. they able under ~bUc Law 170, dated 850 .ttm St.. Tu.Uni .caut. ~C:tta~t\. __.. a Um• u ••y Oct. 11, 1951 . I Phone lamberly 3·1W •--~ wtt.rana whoae l'eQUemta 1 • t.Q.. pdti&:t out that the freulnl' had betn. turned down n«d not (Hbme Phone. JAaper 9-2773 01' WANT woman 3 mornings a week for bouaework. Corona deJ Mar. Phone Harbor 3C04-. 88ct BP.OWN A: SHARPE AutomatJc aet up operators. Newport Bea.eh area, top pay, beat work- ing conditions. Ro31Jl, Inc ... 6~ Cout Highway, Newport Beach or 5224: Southern Ave., South Gate. California. 1c3 WANTED-Woman for alteration and dN>ssmaking. Apply H&rbQr 2290-W. TOOL A1'11> DIEM.AKERS, N~­ port B<>ach area. top pay, bfst working ronditions. Rosan, Inc .• 625 Coe.st Highway, Newport Beach or 5224: Southern Ave , South Gate, Cal1t. l c3 HOUSEKEEPER Wanted -In· quire at Barbor Cafe, ~17 E . 30th St, Aak tor Mrs. Harper. SETUP MACHINISTS able to set up punch press, tappers, drlll preu, small speed lathes. New- por t Beach area. Top pay, beat working conditions. ROian, Inc .. 625 Coamt HlgJlway, Newport Beech or .5224 Sou them Ave, Soi.th C.te, Calif. lc3 computment of • lt&nda.rd retrtr· rue new &ppllcatlon1, VA added. JAape!-9-2$87 ) 9'.1.tt6 valor Y~ ~ a. food trttwr a.nd T!le re'Yiew will be abtomatlc, and -------------t the to.ct that food lo "u ..Uraua ell(lble under the new HAULING • RewJta come frnm conatant Pnctice! An ad regularly In tb1I paper Will produce rYUlta tor you.. hard u a rock" dou aot mean law wUl be notlflfd. SO-&le, Mlscellaneons BENDIX WASHER -It'a that latest lt~l that .... oll ~ latot fe&turu -A.Jitator that ~ta clothes deaner -Water aan:r that m&kt11 It wuh cbe&P"' er. Tbe man .I bought" ft front w1.11 deliver It for you if you ~ me cub, $187.38 or take pay• mienta or $9.19 per mo.1 You can have a1l my equity J'REll. SH Mr. Boupn, tdl So. s,,.0ro, FUJ. Ierton, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phone 2152. Ht.le Bill's Furniture We Buy, Sell or Trade 1~ We.t Batboa Blvd. Phone Harbor 2502-R 74c15B BLEACHED Mahogany twin bed. vanity:, bench, $65. Wilton rue 10.3 x 11, $60. Apt. wuber, $12. Antique m&hol'-cha.tr, $40. ~ 0rang'e Ave., Coat.a Meaa. Ph. Beacon ~1\3·W. 98c:l LEA VINO LAGUNA -B()Uleo hold fOOds, f'Urntture lncludlnl' some a.ntlquea. Wedgewood &. burner etove. Bee MON., Tt1Es. a. WED., Nov. 19, %0 It 21. 18 No. Encino Rd., Three Arch Bay. Ph. Loguna (..:1968. t8cl BOX SPRING and FiexJtex mat• treu for alngle bed. Prac~ly MW, (cost $109) llO'W' $70. 122 Pea.rt, Balboa bland. Saturday ooly. Hp1 BA.BY ClUB and mattrua, h1gh chair, console radio wtih phon.C>6 j•ck:, mirrored cotree table. make orrer. 370 Broadway, Coe· that ft fa ntaJninr tta fOOd va.lue &tore' Public Law 170 waa en-.t\.NY j{IND--Trash or? CompJete lpatalla.Uon, repair and &n9 flavor. acted, "VocaUonal t ra.inlllg tor Ko--Call Walker-1576 Placentia RI'Vi¥ of all ~er equipment. ------------ Aceonlt,,. t<> the O.nerol Elec· rean vetrrans wu limited to those • ORANGE COAST MAPLE DINING TABLE. mahoe· ta Mesa. lei trlc Consumers ln1t t tute. ttle wttb service-connected dtaablUU u Coirta Mesa-~n 6372-JK any spool library table, cbrom• ~zinK compartments of mo• t r..Wt!nc from combat or extra-. • TtcTISH TRAILER SUPPLY breakfut toble, 2 chain, fol4 retrlpratora ma.int.a-In ttm~a-hu&rdoua iiervlce outalde of com-1910 HARBOR BLVD. away bed.. 't.rge tnmk. 1&95 t uns Of 15'F to ,,,.... ' bat. p APER HANGING Coobl Meu, Phone Beacon e22•·R' Pacific Dr .. Corona del Mor. Ph. ; De.terlort.tkt• Neverthelelll, VA received aome &. '.Painting, Stray Painting Harbor 1274-W. ~1 Abov• 15•1' ttosen fooda will appl1catlona from vetera.na whoae ELECt'RIFIED Mason-Hamlln or- do'l<!r!otot.i ropldly; ¥low irF. dlublUtles did not fall Jn either ;Kenneth Quarry. gan, 7, yre. old. l jeep trailer, Ui@y"won't apoll thtoun i.cteJial category. Tbieae a.re the cu e11 to 1515 Santa A.Ila Aw., ea.ta Mea &II st eel, call at 1433 Superior action, but chemical and e.&Q1nlc be Mll-itwed, VA ~. since Pub--· Phone Beacon MM ,.\ve., Cost& Mesa. A. B. Year· cbanps dptroylns' much ot the Uc Law 170 bu re.moved the two 5&e6TH gan. 98pl producb' food value wUJ eertaillly limltatlena. take place _ chansea oft.en iiot ------H HOLBROOK GRAY SUIT, black coat and siev- ed b '· B • T 8 H. • eral dresses oil ln good condi-notlc y ""' "°"'•mak•rs untn rown1e J O.OD tbe foOd roachea 1'" Polnt whore I. DEPENDABLE PLUMBING !Ion, el%e +6. Rea.sonable. 307 It .. unple ..... t to tho last•. . . T alCes T rein Trip' A PrompJ Island Ave., Balboa, evenln~Scl . ln a t r • t at 11 ( eomtM:ttmen.t Repair Service ~ moti\Wnlnji: a 15'l' tempfu.turo, Bl'OWDle troop I reconUy had Phone: Harbor UlS.W troun foodo -old not bo otoNd t!lelr nrot -., t<tp ftOm Santa %80J Bolboo BIW., Newport Bach VICT'OR ADDING MACHINE, 8 ro~s. sta.ndard Woodstock type-- writer , office fluoreace.nt light. LIMED OAK blonde 8--pc. dinlnl' 11et, plastic seat.a. $60. Phone H&rbor 1280. 99c2 MAPLE CHEST ot drawien 116. Singer cabinet sewing machine $11 5, ladle•' wr!1t watch, rood condition, $12. Ph. Barbor 317(. lc3 FURNITURE -Stove, daybed, end table, dlnlnc rm... •t. kth- inette, kiddle! komer. At.o' .,i... mo&t nl!W electric 8ewinJ" ma- . cliine. Harbor lfli..M. more th&n. two or tbrff •eelu. Ana ttatlon Oil the 8an Dlepn. to with the ry.xh:.num tJme ~ LN Angele• and return with , fnr to 10 daj. la \h• CUI ot atop over of ave houn Jn Los such -u P!'r.ch•1, ...,_ Ang'eles. ICv'f'YbodY reods 'tho cluslfle4 ads. t4Penouls . steel fillng boxe.. Gray 2-piece -------,.=----- sectional. Inquire 3008 Ocean Front, Newport Beach. 1&c1SZ.. __ A_-_An __ tiq_u_ .. _____ _ &nd lf'efn beanL .c • Bro\7Jlfu: Jn the troop were Con- To. lloro -... -~ io-.< Die Colucci, Barbaro Flol')', DabU iAlcoholica AAoQYmotla FIREWOOD than th • t. t b. • tha:momrlter ZW.. Dlt.n'e inatchuon. Claudetu Write ·P • 0. Bos 20G lll11>1ftd. road' lO'F or JI-. wllJI O and 'Melanie Johnson, Annabe& Bolboo hWnd, Collf. Coal and Charcoal -t ~ del(rff tou111enture Jolmaton, 'nmmle Jane Kennedy .PlloM Kimbor17 l-6Sll H W W · ht C fm1>eroll~ fvr tllorose ot \nor o Jew•l ,.WVJ', ~Imo Neloon:. . I _, • • • r1g 0. thaa fOUl'·motitlw. In ~ W0"'8> 8aJl4ra, Tnae~ood. ·Do...,., TUC· tiµ. Alcla Phone BeacOll 5665 f°' ldnc·~ , ~ J,o1i need ....u f'MI Sbo.roo -nun.r. ::::':I...:::::::~----178' Newport Blvd , Cosio x..- a ~"' (oM ~ a CODI· A1oO in Ille trip W.... N.ai... rfl H · btnat!oa rofr!cwro!Or-rood ~ Nei-, troop leader; ~Cc>-Upe UOUS 8.11' SO. • 111 whld> tbO ~ compnt-lucd, 00sleodu; Opol Flory, )!illy ..Uy removed froDI foca, • B-~EI!!!!*" . . lrlOUt tom"'rolluo .••. ~ no,,., C&rnellO Olld BOly K'e.Uleay, lep. Eyebrow• and hatr-IO'KEEnl • MERRl'IT nngo at tho n~ li>w lneL Mn. K~. BT• Jock J~ ohoped-No ,_.. twoutnc. It. tbo lol<ot mt CP oll·ouio: 'Rai. Of W'I~ . ' Kn. Butc11uon. and ~clouF>ter --\;;;:::; L. l_IRYANT R. E. moUc that.h&s everythlnc - And It Is a poor pollq lo" -.JUJ!t Mn. Timm and> Jtln. JobJI. 'l! ud Tllurodoy only Griddle for fty!nc everythlnc - ..,. -•• tom~ ai.o.." -. ' . LI '• l!OIOn of Beauty Hu, 2671 lllm,mer burners and U..t crlll n•r. At that point. tM Rt. at Toar of •~ Station. Olvera broiler. Used it 2 months, but 0-..,... Is "" "°"' lllot lup Ice otnol, Plua MlWoo, hinclieon on tt'r' .,..,., W.. new. 1 awe ~ .,.. f_..i.......,,.too..., Olftr& •!net • and c1tt llbopp!Qg '13'.81. My equity oU PREE If • 'io,r euolll!I -Jll*llxt. 1'0--Aloo lllluded 14 make a,,_ --~"· , you~ poylllenbl of·H.42 per mombor, too. ilaot l"I'' .. wanii ftllo1abl• .iq. LO '-Lorp . wwuo female ca~ mo. See Mt. Boucbn, <ot. So. """"-• fN·±ii:cwlt 11t •. · · Pl•••• phone Mn. .._._ -·~~--t Lm. t<> I. Wm ..o...: ..... ...... ..... u& Trailer Court. Bar. -...... ~ -~-bltM~~~ooT. Cwb BreekPermit mi--..i. p.m. I'll. nsz. ,. mrc • FOR SALE-Valuable Seth Thoa:t- u Grandfather clock. Antique Mra. Leonard R. CUlver, TU Delaware, Huntington Beb. lp • • tO.PT. COJOO:RCLU. opL tlsboe. &g. f« 20 pauen.cen. Nf!fl Chrynler erown ~ 1n Aue • Also s+ "'4JO. lllJ>S. 2. Built 1H2, reb\lllt HU. CU lie boupt Oii -*°°· ,.. Bob Emlp, South Coast Co. Newport Beach Ph. Hu. 2tOO .. .nue 19 rr. PATROL BOAT "Paddy," Gray ls62 mclM. toWlllC -. -tnopeeUon. -~ ~ ter, Balboa. lei .. :~~ .. ~U: ~~of Co~C:n! -;-+4-!!-~-;-. r..tradm-. -.-.-.---_-___ , --..._, ... ,. • bfrlC'-,.... 14 -u.. curb -·WOMEN -lit**""-· ..,, .t114t' ? n'Olll. wt -A~ .Bal-' 1t -tll!>l ·to ._.._, • ~ 1otaM, -!'""Pt ~ 18-35 • -_..,. Ill 4 8'jlot ""' ~ Q. 'CoinM lu. a loiilW NO "'8vJoUll DP: 1'1118Dlll> 1. WAN,~ ~D will c:ost you . . ' .J w11n J,Ji1e c..ta. cq OD11 dL ' '-••ate1p1pb ._~~I: ." ,_. ~ •sf~· -, .. • neetnd tar .,.U. tllo -......... •1 'Mn '° -. --euut-4 '~ ... •~e ,,.. .......... .,,, ~·r ......... , , . ....., r&ll~··· -llilt -... lllt ooC''tic IM' ->1 -a £ ~ 11tn•ht• Z1ora .. lo ·····•1i "".1-::e--·a..,.. - -~ '!'llr'ICll ')• «J'1 11111 at tr•To'I, --. -.. ,,., ~ -... -llf--_., i.. ·_,:~lf?'O -a •t,, .. ii*• ·a I ...... Pl •1 *-t . .... 111111.;11• 1191££ ~-52 encl it ~iD run ,· .~~~u~ .,. . . .. . · in .. 11 Jc loc~f pep~.:S. • • I '"' ..... Hs ... ,,,, .. ... • • • .. • ( I • ' , • • • r • • . ' . • • • • • MA.NY -·cH01cE sELEc·11·o·ti,s ·OF REil ·Es.TA1TE ' . ' •• 11 B•ta. Sufi!!! SEA BOOKS .t. n... llA>Ck ol boolul on all yacht-las .,,Je<ta -plu.s &II current -LendlnS. Ubrary. '.l'be Islanders 11' -.. BaDioa lL Bu. 1MT rt8H1NG BOAT -:n ft., lap .tnke. Model A. coe•enton wttll oOeo --. NHda Iota of work but bu sood hull. $1111 or h9t otter. Pbaee RarllOr Dll, GleM. MC9I JlAKXOND OllGANS! Tiie s-t Hammond Cllord orsu-U Yl"' don't know a not. you can play OU.! The Hammond Spinet OJ'.. pa.. World'• mo.t . beauti!ul tOftel. Euy term.t. D A N Z- llCIDIIDT Plano I& Orpn Co., Banta Ana. S%0 No. Main, cor. Ith 8treet. arr THE TOP DOLLAJ\ for your oh! pia.no. Trade tt ln for 1ta tul1 cub T&lue on a Packard Bell tele\'iafon at SHATEJ\'8 M'l1SIC CO. (l tnee 1901), 421 No. Syca· more, San.ta Ana. KI. 2-0812. ORA.ND PIANO SALE~ BabY Gn.nda from l41S. Beautltul Sohmv Parlor Grand, S395. OU.en at $.M5, M7S up. Wur- Utaer, Chickelinl. Kimbal, St.a.rr etc. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big P iano ltore, S&nta Alla. &20 No. M.aln. corner 8th St. Buy NOW for Xmu! 110 ?llLL HOLD any PIANO for Christ.mu delivery. D A N Z- SCHMIDT Bl& P\ano Store. Santa Ana, 8th. Bt .. comer, ~20 No. Main. 100 PIANOS TO CHOOSE FROM! IPINl:'T PIA.VO. R.f'pourued. Uke mw! Pay out balance-$397. Subjttt to prior Mle. DANZ- 8CIDCIDT Big Plano Store. An· other at $478. Rental return at .UH, perfect! Lot. of other BlG BARG.A.INS. 100 plan08 from wh.lch to ch<>Off. 520 No. Main, Ith Bt., corner. 8a.nta Ana. IPIX'.::I.AL BUY -Full 120 but acconlion. Regular $275 value, tor $189.96. Caae tncluded, tenna. $18.95 down, Sl0,79 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO. (81Dc. 1907) 421 No. Sycamore, Banta Ana.. Kl. 2.-0672. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, $59, $75, $81 up. Pay $6 per month. Full trade-in allowed oo new wtthln two yean. D A. N ~ SCHMIDT Bil" Pt&no Store, "au.ta. .Ana, 520 No. Main. 9th Bt., ooner. Buy now fot" Xmu. 1tENr A PlA.NO. Let the KJddlel leus. » per mo. Full term rent allowed on any piano in our ltock. DA..."'iZ-SCHMIDT B ir Pluio Stott. 520 No. Main, Bent& An&. TELEV18.ION'! Tradf' your old piano on beautiful te.leviaion. Bil" allowance. P'a.moua rnaku ln ttievlniion. DA.I'l"'Z·SCHlUDT UO No. Main, comer Ith St .. Bent& Ana. PHONE Harbor 1111 to place • your want ad on th.la .,.... FOR SALE hmlly rroerry -ldtal for • eouple. Low rent. Excellent l.o- ution. Approx. 12300. WANTED Paint Oii Hatdwa.rt Kore -.t..l8o card &Ad book 1"f'nta1 bwJine•. When you want to your hwdneu. oaU buy or •ell Ed L. Sedelmeier UU Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar Phont .Harbor 2791 Supplement Your Income S.tahliahed cate bumneu in exclu- 9iw Newport Harbor area. U,.T&O required.. Paya over 80'1c Oft tnvestm.ent with no partlct- p&Uon and double with partici- pation. Princlpat. only. ( ApL "'1.n.llable). Write Box T. thia papu. tlt!c roR SA.Lit -BUiiy litUe Mtin& place with u..,,.. quarton. {29 .. Main. Oranp. Mel roR UNT-Small storu in new ~-centu. WW t.roat to .nt. Lota ot pa.rkl.n.s. 1~ Newport Bl'fd. Bat. U<I Sim. • a.n(-o, Ilk! !' · !e;~ !Itta wl Berni • ~AL '{ SPECIALISTS 'Olll .. OWis Unwood Vick, Rlto'r; A A A A A A A A A .A A A A A A A A A .,A !J•!!'::l._~~ILlll!~•!!•~-----~a!:!:::!•~•!!!'!.:...._!!!~•!!.--.:..;::.;~..!'·~·f!!=:~ Sd(!!l!! .. -;~ : . la-~~-:·_~1·:·· ~ !!!!!..!!!!!_~!!!!!_!"" I , ;~ .... , ~ . -J • '.,.. """ ~.t .., i' .. ;; ..., FOR QUICK SALE! . • I'."-.=, ALE . "le:" ··$~. ;...,,\;' c -. ' I ... $1250. . ; do we ban a -racancy ln tM LIDO A.PTS. on LIDO UILIL ~lfh­ ed aparlmd-t on the Bayttoat. Ideal for a couple. Muat bl con .. smlal.. Aak tor Mr. Grohmu. P. A. P .At.MER INCORPORATED Im Via Lido, Newport llHdl -11100 tlttc 1'l.ll\N1SllSD , bod.-i -· l90 mo. Jf&rly; l.nd. uUUUes. Sml apt. $45 mo. yurly lnel. utWt! ... Nf'ril'd'&tor. 120 ~ 4t.t SL, N~rt 11 .. cll. Upl <;ollins Island Wnt end ot Park A vt.. Balboa laland. J rm. cotta«• apt• .. weekly or monthly rate•. Call -r2H2-W. UDO BA. Y l"RON'T deluxe turo- lahed 2 bdrm. around noor apt. J"l.replaC"e. Dlapoaal. EnclOffd patio. Pie.r and dock adjacf'nl. Rent reuonable to June l~th. Phone Harbor 2&90. Md TELEVISION NIGHTLY MAKE THJS your hofne away from homl!'. Cozy room11 anti atncle apt. Newly dKotaUd lobby. \Vlnter ralH. OCEAN FRONT HOTEL 23oe W. Ocean P-tont. Har. 987 • 1tc12H UXFURl\'lSRED 1 bdrm. hotae, Co.it.a Meaa, $48.:!IO mo .. utlL pd. ALSO house trailer, $27.50 mo. 17-41 Pomona. Co.t& Meaa. BPa. 8747-J. 93tfc BAY FRONT -LoVt:l)' 2 bdrm. 2 bath apt. Fireplace, lood beat, St~ mo tU June 1.Sth. ALSO 1 bdrm. bayfronl. $75 mo. to June 15th. Phoae Bar. m2 or Harbor 291'4·M evu. 77tfc ntA.RL Y -ExcepUona.Uy nice. Untum. 2 bdrm. duplex. Ma.ny eZtra fpaturea. Ne&r both .rhoolA. Rf!a.mable. 2268 Cla y St., Clttt Haven. '3t!c * TotA and Peta Welcome* • THREE room•. 1 bedroom rurn. ~ double. Newport. 1 blk. to ocean and bay. $40 mo. Harbor 987. llc t2H EXTRA. CLEA!IJ 3 rm. fum. apt Elec:. refrlg. tJUI. paid, 140 mo. to June 15th. 301 r:. Bay Ave .. Balbcwl. Harbor 19.S9-J. 98cl NEWPORT -Unturn. 2 bedroom houae, 1 blk. to «ean. Good beat. ChJld O. K. By year only. $15 mo. Harbor 2~2. 98tfc BALBOA ISLAND -Attractive bachelor apt. near So. Bay. Utll. paid. O&race S75 mo., ye.arly or S&O mo, win.tar. Ph. Ha.rbor 1971. i9ttc BALBOA -Modern 2 bed.room n.Jcely turnlahed apt. 19.S mo., yParly. Utll. pd. Pbone Harbor 2791.J. 83tfc We Un Mftnl att?'SCttYe aptL and boul9 for wmter nntaJ ltullnS at U6 -and .. , ... ;rwrly ""\&I" ~ at Ma. Nelda .Gibson, Rltr. llOI Karine. Balboa 111. Bu. 502 lttfe IULBOA PlllNlNSULA -1'11.,.. lallad 1t1111e apta. PO and P3 mo. to June 1Slb. Prtl'ldaln. Laundry anilahle. Util incl Harbor 1210-w.'-uuc 1'URN1SHEO apt -J rm. and bath, adult.a. no pet.I. No drlnk- er1. Near center ot Co9ta MMa. "° mo. 1871 J'Ull•rton Aw., Beacon alU-H. Ncl FURNI8RED Single apt., aa1tabfe for l or 2 adult.. lltU. pd.. $10 ' wk. .Apply at 1~70 Newport Bl.d., days. or lMf Oranl't Ave., evenln.p. 98pl ctrn: 1 BDRM.. oott.q-e, f\lm. Fireplace, patio, nice ya.rd. $80 month. water a.nd prdmer pd No peUI. 804 Be..,rua. C. D. M. Inquire 802 lkl'Oola. YEARLY -P'urnlahl"d t\OUff, $40 mo., uUl. pd. 914 'i W . BaJbo& Blvd., Balboa. Pb. Ha.r. 2664 aflt'r 8 :30 p.m . &9<:2 CORONA DEL M.AR-3 rm . a pt .. furnl.ah~ or untumt.h~ -wtlh option to buy. O•r•gt>. Very t!'&aonablt. 81'4 Ma.rliold. Co- rona del Ma.r. Ip3 BALBOA -1 bdrm. tum. apt .. MS mo. 2 bdrm. f\lnl. apt_ $75 mo. ALSO rum. room. 607 I:. Bay Avr .. Bal~ 9tp2 FURNISHED modt'm 1 bdrm. apt. with flrPJllace. near Newport hl~h &l'ld Hora.ce En.sign .choola. 2062 CU1f Dr., Newport Bea.ch. ggp2 NE\,"PORT BEACH -Altrac. old· er t~ tum. home. 2 b R. and bunk room. Ga.rage-. $80 mo. plus cu A: f'lec . Ytarly ttntal. Harbor 1013 or Har. 2092-W .. c2 LIDO ISL&-2 bedroom and den, turn. home $1~ mo. Yearly lt'&M! Phone-Harbor 1013-or Harbor 7092-\V rvra. 99c2 ATTRACTIVE turn. apt. on water. patio, gar. Adults. 176 mo. or wtll leue. Cl~ to bua, Rlcharda M kt. a.nd thf'attt. 917-38th St., Ne"-tpOrl Beach. Har. 891-W 77\!c «-Rooms for Rent PRIVATE RM. a.nd bath. aeparate bulldinJt". onp or two pf't90M. Elec. plat~. Parking f!J>&C". Co- rona d"l 1-lar. Phone owner. Beacon 5034-R tel COMFORT ABLE room for centl,._ man only, near bw lln". above Archea. &aeon ~14.S·W . 99cl FURNISHED ROOM for nnl. Walktnr diatance to Union Hlch achool CollPge girl or 1Choo1 teacher p~ferttd, $'40 pt"r mo. Beacon M91-A-f. l c3 BALBOA PENINSULA -At-4!1 A Trallfl 8 tractlvely f\Jmlshed 2 bdrm. du-1 .0::.·=--'==;;r;...;:°"~=~---- pl~x with rundeek. Wlnttr or w · t $l0 yearly. Reuonable. Har. 3019-R lllter ra es mo. 83tfc BALBOA-Winter rates $30 -$40 mo. \pcl. Util Sill(lt:s and dou'bJea. Servel retrtg-. Clean. Good beds. 3~ t.., Main St., Bal-, Children welcome Also trailer storage $5 mo. Little Bay Trailer Park 7204 Coast Highway, Newport Beach boa. Harbor 31M-W. 88Uc • A&tive. .. ~ ~ • . ' ..1.6 ~ "' ~~-=-:::-· t ..... _r;:o,:i• ..;.; 48-Aotomobile9, ntts Used Car Specials IMf STUDEBAKER Champion convertible, H • R 1 New tun vtsion top. Nt'W cream paint. Motor o-nrhauJed ···········-··················· ... . .--·····-···· .$11M 1942 CHEVROLET 2-dr. dbl. Fleetllne. H A R New paint A mechanically A·l ..................... $ M:\ tH2 DODGE 4-d.r. cuatom Mda.n. Fluid Drive. New paint A: lfll.t eovera. Motor overhauled --···-·-1 6-t-'i_ BANK TP3WS "HIIJ.MAN MINX DEALER" NEWPORT AUTO SALES 2804 W. Newport BITd., Newport Beach Harbor ll07 't8 PLntoUTH Station wacon- R A H, Ufl Cout Rl~y. Newport Beach. ll<acoe 1616. 1961 PLYMOUTH Crt.nbrook 4~r. tffan-2191 OoMt Hi.,-bway, Newport. Buch. Bea. '51~. CADILLAC n .. 1.,.-. IO Special BeauUl'lll J•t blUk, 11Ht d<llv· eMd Jq. 1t:IO BM.tu, radio. dectric: w1ndowa. 2 .. u w. w . Ure.. Low mUeace. custom thna out. Local car, private party . No ..i. ta.a. OUb or tum.a, qulclc aaJe -· IM5 Diamond. l..quu Boadl.. .. ~. Jp3 liO aTUD••l<&R •·tan pick-up, witk O.Udrift.. Low mlleqe. A good ....,.. Priv. puty. WI """pew\ Bhd., Ccft.a 111-Mel 'U dB:cVJtO~ Ou• coupe. R '•JI, Al!i. Mtl 0out ~. Nftport 811ch., P•r:cm 1514. "For the Best Deal" on a nt:W ChryUtt or Plymouth or a tine UMd car See Dick Ward llARVJ:T SOMJ:Ra, INC. :K91 Ccut lm-.y, New'°" llei.. 'P1>ono,J1ea-l5U .... ~:; .. ,. ' • ,., .. .l.MJU --; 'l.250 -.. ... 1. ---·-lot·~--... -·-...... ·-.· .. -v-.zJ~· •.. .,.._ bome bl •• • • • :.. . ' ' ,. = --____ Wl-utU ~--"'9.-. • -~ >c '~L « Id. Im . ~ , I ••t <.' · , - J. BAT VISW-4 lldml. -WI atta.;W pt , • m1~i;·' ~U::-4,M f.~·~. ~-"*I bd1"L hoP,M. op ootii .. 34':.0.. J!¥i"" .: --. a-t.o -..,. mat Na<ll -• SU,IOO 1Uf IJJl.:""'"°'1, . • ;·-.... • · • nldwood~ extJerior, l'orctd ail' ~ Tile fJi : • a. WA.TSU'llQ,NT-Bali.oe qo..a, llMutlflll ... Mu~t;':":.1 . iliiS week ·' ,ld_U;bep ·Nice batJ'.. Lota 1 ot ~elii ~.·:::·. :; • bomo willl -clllfptf\11 fffturoa. wm ... I . ~.; •.. , .• , .. _.space. Owner wilJ·ucriflce. ' • ·~. , -:: ._odaC:. 1arp tamUJ. Boat lllp a\'allable $36,000 li'il ll n...: ~• O 900 "OCJDAN nlONT~ -hom•. •rm. apL -_r-·~.•4ce .~. ' . 1 Must tie sold today'; ,,. ! O't'tt double praa9, tun. ----~··-····J-----•1•.000 J.,low' dOW1l ~-aad . ~ .. : •..Y AUllllhlY 1*11Dtnta. . . --•· DUPt.ZX....,. 11ay. Noedo '"'"'don., INt sood ~ · • ONLY '$6250 full price • ".. '-: val••~~"';;· ~~~-~~-·•is.~ a..u~~:!~~ ~-m $125<> DQ~ ~Balance ~r mo··.·~~ ~ ROSS GREELEY JOSl!PHINI: WEBB location. 'Brand pew. Hwd.. t1.ra., • . . ·""'i, ' = l..ILLLUf McADOO • dual heat•n, nrop1a .... iaq. BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoe. - TOO E . Balbo& Blvd. Harbor 327T liviftr room and dll11n• room. I ~ • = BAY & BEACH BARGAINS Two bedroom bouae on two lot.a. Addltlcm.al bdrm. With apartment poulbtlltiea attached to l'an.ae-Uvira,-room 20 x 26, fireplace and beamed celllnga. Nice p.rde.n.a. 112,MO. M1Jb.t n.ct. tn Income. New ocean &oat where fbhinl' la at lta be.st. Then an three bdrma.. 2 be.tha, bar-type k.ltchu with diapouJ, 2 patio•. double pn.se st.reued to.r aecond story. Drut.lc reduction in price hu been mad&. Fl\•e ~ rental UD.ita. Cloa to ahopptnr and tranapor- tatlon. Small, neat and idea.I tor one or workin( couple. 90 foot frontage. Room for more unita. High income. Re&aonably price, low down payment. BAY & BEACH RE.AbTY 1-4.SO Balboa Blvd.. WA•T ADS 117-Real &tat.. Wanted Are You Anxious to Sell? Wr have openf'd a n"w real ..,. t&te o!tlce at ~ W. Balboa Blvd., and would like to liat your property tor &all!' or rent. We a.dvertl.te out of town u we11 u locally and will do our be.11t to move your property quickly. Harbor 12'4 Costa Mesa The Best Town on Earth $850 down 12 bdl'm. homP near Blvd. and mar- ket.I, lot r'JO x 175. Tot.al price $8300. G. I . Resale 3 bdrm., dbl. gar.,, !rnced yard, lot &3 x 13.S. nt-ar ahopplng cen- tl'r. Price $97~. Down pay. 122.&0. G. I . mo. pay. $51. Income Property x l 73, near center of town Monthly lncomr approximatt'ly $175. Full price $13,000. Terma available. Acreage Balboa Palms Realty ~ Acr ... 900 w . Balbdll. Blvd.' Har. 34M I a Ac rtl, 3 AcrP1, Indu.trial ................ S7MK! Apiculture -·-······seooo Back Bay ·······-·-···"31>() ~Monez Wutal Trust Deeds for Sale NET YIELD 91'f,... to lO~r 6 MOR.JC "PLACE YOUR PROCEEDS IN GOOD TRUST DEEDS" Every Joan tlUe t.n.ured. $3 .381-lrt T . D. pay• $40 mo e'*, all due 1961. 13.~lst T . D. pay• 140 mo. 8~' mo d~unt. $3,876--l•t T. D. pay• $-40 mo. s~. $150 discount. U .080-lit T. D. paya '80 mo. 7% $9 ,686-lat T. D. pays $100 mo. 9';!4- $3.300-2nd T. D. paya 133 mo. a~, $600 di.count. Free collection .ervice. BOB SATILER. 1415 Cout Blvd. Corona del Ma.r Harbor 1077.J R<p. POJRIJ:R MORTGAGE CO. Metro LiJ'e Ila. Funda Kl 3-5116 W Al'o'T 18500 LOAN (lit TD) on G. N. WELLS, Rltr. & A.uociatea 1790 Newport Blvd. Costa M.,..., Pb. Bea. 1!181 Ml.l'ly a bll' deal hu been ma.de thru a . snail Want Ad • NEWPORT HEIGH'J'!r-2 Bedrm. hdwd. noors, furnace, trpl. 27 ft. !Iv. rm., dining area. Dtah- waaher, Uie kitchen A bath, stall ahower. 2 car rara,-e, cov- ered patio. Enclosed landacaped yard. Dll Cata.lin.& A ve .• Bea. 5248-J. 05cMh NEW 1 BDRM. HOME. CT'·ll!'y •lucco ~lnlah, $3915. 398 Vic· torta St. {near College Aw.), Coeta Mesa. Pb. Be.a. Mae·M. 78Uc -Opportunity la knockinl' tn CLAl!SIP'Il!:D ·ADs. Sliding door. I.6rp"l<1td>tn wth 400 Cout Hiwy., Corona del Mar Har. ~-(ewe. H. ~di), :: tile ainlc. Futures a buutltUl .,.;..... . ......,.,. : patJo with three e.ntruieea trom lh•r houae, Theae homo are built under rigid FHA spedfl- c&tlona. Paymt'llta on the bal- ance are Ollly He per mo., in- cluding ta.xea and tnaurance. The bf.st deal ln Co.ta Mesa. FUl.l pr1ce la only- $11, 400 On Broadway V~ry nice 2 bdrm.home on Coal& Meta's finest etreet. Hwd. nra., v"rf nicf' bdrm•. Tile noor 'in bathroom. Large kllche:n_ Gar~ •r'I. bar·b-q. Thia la a real buy. Owner i. leaving the a.rea.. Full priee ia only- $9450 Phil Sullivan Geo. Everson I !BU Newport Blvd., Coeta Mllia P hone Bea.con 7121 { Acrou tr-om Coat.a Eves. Ha. 31:5('-W M .. a BeL Bank) 541\a-J THANKSGIVING Every day is THANKSGIV· ING for UB. We are thank· ful that .we livo in the United Stli'.te,; '.and In the , finest part of this "bless- ed" country-California- AND in the choice part of California-LIDO ISLE-- at Newport Beach. Hf'H at UDO ISLE we · are THANKFUL for l"he ac~nic BAY th~t aurrounda us -for the • n.ne protective restrlcµona - for the rrtendly chl.&b<fuse and private beachea -tor the ten- " nit courta •nd cood Mt,-hbon - 1!o'r our clea.n, amo-:·free alt and for the lack of congestion on 1our •treeta. I ' We are also THA.NKYUL for the large volume of busineu we haTe enjoyed during the year. AND, yes. very THANKFUL for1 all of our old frie-nda and the addltlon o! many new onea. ' . YOU itoo, will be THAN'KFUL lf yoU will lnve1tipU the many adtant.agea to living on LIDO ISLE. Here you buy a lot !or u lltie u $2700 on puy terma an a borne for u low aa $1 ,000. It will pay you to come to I LIDO ISLE headqu&rt.erw. Here a litUe buya a lot .. To YoU &nd yours a ma.t pleaaan.t TJ1ANKSGIVING. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED I 3333 Via Lida... · BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRONT WELL BUILT and well located 4 bdrm. and maid'• room home plua 2 bedrm. apt. Wonderful view of South Bay. Private pier and floal Good double garage. Full price completely furnished. $47,500, terms ' ' STANLEY HADFIELD, Realtor 216 Marine Ave. Balboa Island · Harbor 20 COSTA MESA • • G. L. RESALE Nearly new, lovely 3 bdrm. home; , fireplace, beamed ceiling, shake roof, double gar., large glasaed in.. living room facing rear yard for outdoor Jiving, in best East Side neighborhood •. Only $2500 down. Euy G. I. terms, 4% int. C. GA,LEN DENISON, Realtor A. E. JOHNSON, Broker 490 Newport Blyd., Costa Mesa Beacon 6698 ' (Eveninp Beacon 6747-J) Downtown Triplex A wonde-rtul ·buy nea.r the Costa Mea& poat office. Consiata of a nice 2 8 . 1\-bome separate from 2 • 1 9 . L • Apta. 1 apt turnlsh· f'd . \/e:ry d~ •tot, room for more unit.I. J car gar., lo ta of black top. Completely fenced . Will con11ider te$.ldence ln ex.- change. Full price-.$19,500 . . . Income _Special 11 'ltnits plut mgr. apt. on half acre. A ital rnoifey maker. Only $2!5.000. 'trt'Jll4 Coneider ~t or lncotn!._ 11! exrhange. Corona del Mar WHY PAY RENT? , $1500 down Nf'at I bdrm. cottap, nice ioea-. Uon. ALSO THESE P'Olt $2500 down 1-2 bdrm. A de.n ···-···········• 1,750 Z--2 bdrm. G. L Reaale ...... $10,600 3-New 2 bdrm., new furni- ture, complete, only _ .... $13,300 TOM PAYNE! Rltr. 310 Cout H!way, Corona de1 Mar : ~·}H.tWr 211' B. A. NERESON 2 Lo C M i9n N•"PO•t Blvd., coata 'M... ts • osta esa Phone Beacon fi225 {Eve•. Beacon 65&0) $7250 Full Price 2 bdrm.a., l blk. lo ocean front, wonde-rtul income . poMlbiUU•. Should ttturn to 11275 per YT · Low upkeep, attractive. lemu. H&r. 2M2. (Eve•. Har. 2914-M) 9211c B.dblta come' trom ~utant Practice! An ad regularly 1n t.h1a p&~r wtll produce relJUJta tot you. BEAUTIFUL 1 bdrm. bouae Wt· tumiahed, 1299& full price. 389 W. Victoria. Coeta Metia. Phone Bea.con M09·M. true For that new home you ahould buy theoe two 60 x 127 foot Iota,· buy one or both. Located· clooe by Newport Bl vd. above the An:hea on 15th St. near corner of Orange Ave. Have paved alley in a block of nice home1. Priced $1485 Call BEEK FERRY OFFICE Harbor 63 • • • • • • • • . • • ' • • • • • • brand new 2 bdrm. home ln ex- eellt'nt location. Pb.. Bea. 8898 day. 98pl DUPLEX, pier and float 1 Ne~rport BE"ach, Calif. nNr ahopptnr and bt111 line. Ex· I Harbor 1500 BALBOA --1Jy owner -Fumlab· ed DUPLEX on corner. Bay view, neu Newport Harbor Yacht club, $17,500. 125 W!!lt ~Ave. Harbor 29ff·R orilr. Lohn, Klmbl• Olfl. 98p< Modern redwoqd and gla.u Two bdrm. and 1ervant'• quart.era. J'lagstone and wood floor1. Two yea.r11 old.. In grove of treea. Beautiful view of the west.em hllla -ln exclusive aection -2 mil~ trom ocean in qu!et IW'- roundinp. 1%15,000. Good t.e:nnL WANTED-$300Q prlvate loan on 5-room bou.. at COM. Ocean Bide of boulevard. M3 N: HUI. Pua.den a. 99c2 ~Money to Loan LOANS for Homes 5tµ.-ZO yr. Loan1 CONSTRUCTION LOANS at 5-6~~ (14 }Ta.) WE BUY AND SELL TRUST OEED8 BEE BOB SATTLER 1416 COAST BLVD. Corona. de'I K•r Harbor 107i-J R<p. -l'OIRIER MORTGAGE 00. Metro We Ina. Fund. Kl 3..Sl&G LOANB TO BUILD, DIPROV.. BUT, KODJ:llNlZJI:, OB RllftNANC& "' llu7 nu. ~ lf"'lt"'W"'PO'"'RT BALBO.t. l"ltl>ltll..t.1. a.t.VINOB 6 LO.Alf .uaN. -Via ~ ~ Bar. lilt Modi..-r..a Q111..,..crr• ,,.. ~Mio .... 00'•. aa•.-.--~ cellent condJtton. Brick pa•o, 1------------- nreplace. New modern kitchen. E&alJy converted to l&rce home. Pr Ice 118,MO, untumlahed. Terma. New Lido Listiµg U you ue looking tor • ttuon- ably priced home on Lido It.le, SEE THIS! 2 bdrma., walled pa.Uo, Uvtns rm.. baa beamed ceiling and comer f~place. Lot.a ot tile tn kitchen and bath. Glau enclOMd tub. Attn.ell" modem colon and papen. Will con•lder u low u U500 dn. • Jc.clultw llat1n1- Stock. Chicken Ranch 20 e.cru. 12 acre.1 penn.nent pas.- tun. I bouaea. barn. ltablea, c«npl<ltly lrriplad. Abundant cllup water. Eq\rlpment tor 11.000 chlclcena. ~ ${0,000. 'fer-. tnde. GR1l:ENLlll.U' A ASSOC. BUD.DD -!lULTOR ru2 Newport Bl..S., Barbor W2 NOTICE:. Horse Traders! Beautifully Built ~Bdrm: Home PERFECT' FOR A COUPLE. Built thll! year tor the owner. It'• the dl-flnctive ranch type with red- wobd fencing. patio &l'ld garden. Excellent eo.t& Mea location. I $7995 Newport Heights . i $2000 down Atf.ractlve %"'bdrm. home -3%: yr '. old. Hwd. tloon, dbt gar. A barpin-Pr1oe $1600. I • 1'jewport Heights Cb&.rmtng new 3 bdrm. ranch type ' h • with tlr;eplace. Beat bwtl. fl "'· Mu)' clooeta and bUllt-A lawly bome, SU.-. a<;on Hill Realty .. poatr Bl..._ (abon ~) 8113-R or !lvu. JI. Ml2·W Corona del Mar Oceu View, new ! bdrm. 2 bath home. W to W carpetln( f!td drape.a included. Hwd. I noOr•, dual fir. tu.mace, fenced, patio, 1prinkler-. tront A rear, 80' lot. Only Ill.~. owner tranaferred. Key ln our office. 918 W. E. Fisher Builder -Realtor Ernie Smith Ree.ltor -Aaeocla t.t Cout Blvd., Corona dtl ~ Hart>or ~ . Corotta HighlandS Large comu vinr lot--by ~­ Prtced low. Ph. Bar. 2'-J or Har. llOll·R. lkH 1987 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5293-W - For· Sale or Lease MODERN S bedroom hoUH, I yn. old. Living nu. 1~ x 2:5 , beamed cellib.g'li, wood panelins. Auto' washer. Eaay term•. 708 Orch.ldo · Corona del Mar. Phone awn er Harbos: 3031=3". 8Bc' MR. BO~ll'OWNEB! ADD THIS UP: P ier, fioat, aea- wall; eornu lot; comfortabl9 two bedrOom home with aolid: mabqpny door•, cabinet&, win· dow culnp; upbalt tile Oii wood floont',~ ahinl'le1 rool. lbtclustv.e with ua at an.ly- $18,500. Turi\*· C&1l John KoUram, Harlio; 1$0o • • • • • • • • • • ' • • mm , .. ._. __ -ftJUiwco 1 Wna. apt., 1..i14 l------------ o.lt. .., ... -. "° _,..,, -POll'J'IAC ColJfe""' ..... - 'Ol C88fi ........... °'""" ...,.-..--. ---· ...,._ . lloalleata ----a II IEE alt•-·~..,= ' . 'Ellllelll.ft.-Ult. ......... -., -Mil .... "t... •. . Id ""'21 •• ~-apt. ~ '" -lJI ·UM 111., N1•1110.-t .. ,,. llp1 '80 CUtlWJlar. 009t. la- uc ) *•• MOl a.It J:QPwa1, x .. ,.. •• ,,,,,,_eaa._ • l'tmet ... ... .. ••.&11 ,. .. ......... 11!~~=.: -. =: ~ic ::·sr;.= ........,, JfowtMKmne,-xe.1.m.a...--.-~ 1116. \ ..... I t · I • 11111 • • • • ' - • . - • • •• • • • • • ,~~·clc!Y """ ~·•1111chly -Sp1dial1 LIDO •AlllJ With SALLIE '1'11111 It! ..W "Bow to Be a Wo!!dl!g Goll ud Pat ••Tenlfte~ nm.er" or ~g DIJuler lllllta for tile Goll Who Does•'t LI ke to "°""" ... The Turkey! Th&t'a the ..me.t . part . . . You order It already stuffed . . . The Delicateuen makes good old fuhioned dressing . . . where you boil the neck and the Jibleta . . . but ahould you prefer cbeatnut, com bread, raisin or oyster . . . they know bow to make that kind too . . . They aJao will make the gravy for you . . • and even 1 cook the turkey . . . abowd you -fit to do your- aelf out" of the pleuure of amelling the pungent aroma of sage, oniona and turkey b a kin g to mouth-melting goodnesa In your · own o-..en . . . Should you want to stuff your own . . . The cleaneet turkey in town le a Pavo •.. and the aimpleet dreuing 18 Stuffin' Bread which 18 bak- ed with the aeuonlnga al- ready In ... Hot water, but- ter and onion& have only to be added for that doW!l-on- the-farm flavor ... ~! Pumplda and Mincemeat Pies! ONer them from the Bakery • .'. a day u....d pleaee •.• Or boy tblllll fl'Olell and bake them youraelf • • . Should Y"" feel like puttlar; forth the effort of -king a ""'9t . . . yoo might try the Dellcateeae•'• mine&--* that It! tlClOOped out of • Mrnl ... Tb-.......... uy a..U..ber of ea•••• mlnceme&t and fig or plum ~.J!."a. i;. I r:.ifJ ,::i with c.._ and Bladl- well'1 , , , They evea make the bud ......,. to go Oil top . . • complete with brudy ud rum .•• The reat of the meal 18 •imply • matter of opening cant and package• . . . It might be nice to aerve To- mato juice cocktail . . . Snap-E-Toma!A> juice or To- mato-a-Pep ... have tbinga added to them for zip . • . AJao make delicious aapic ... Qr to noaliy put OU the dog •.. what about Loboter B18- que made with Imported Sherry Wine , . . that comes in a can too ... 'nlere'• even a jar that contains olives al- ready growing on a small plastic, olive. tree . . . Reum- berto .. their name ..• Aft. er you eat the olivea . . . you can WM! the tree again and again ... Wine I That you mDlt have . • • from Santiago, C h 11 e, comes RIMllllga. Cbal>llA. Chilean BbUe • • • AU dry and all white vin- tage of 1937 and surpria- IDgly all under $1.00 •.• Should you prefer a do- -Uc wille • • • The u.. quor departmeat carrtM a foll Ihle of Wente B-. ' After Thanksgiving comea what• ... Cbriltmu ... Plan your Cbriirtmaa &bop- ping campaign by going to the Bulinesa and Profe&11lon- al .. womOD'1 Club Cbriatmu Prevoe at the ReodezvoDI Ballroom, November 30 and December 1 . . . Saturday nite you can dance to the mil.lie of Desi .\mu and bl8 12-piece Latin American ln- teq>retatiom of -and low mil.lie. Friday iilte there w:ill be a FubioD Show . . . The ticket& are ,only $L20 In· eluding tu and will entitle you to attend both nit.ea and , will alllo Jive you a chance Oil thr. merdlaodia ceit{fj. eat.em In the amount& of $100 • . • $75 • • • SliO • • • wlUcb you do not ltaft to be ...... ent to cl.aim •• : plu -50 d9or pri111 • : • plua the fact tllat )'Dll'il be able to - what. "all tile -au.ta ot tile Rarllar Ana will llaft to otter J'llll for Clariltma:a wlthaat ~ aD -t"1l -.. mi; • will 11a .. • ~ too •.. 1<'1494 wltlll •.. •1tur l'O ud -for 1'llD YI • • t , g.,,,. ~·-. ' ·.. ~ , • • I '.,, flU-:R-4 .. ' . .. , ' ' •' .., . ' ~· . iiilak• yollr1 ~ Dj.DDer .,1b" .Beat Ever .. ' : Serve a • : Pavo Brot,cjbnuted'Turi:ey. Big Breutod, Juicy Tender Pavo Turkeys are joat wbt you are lookln& tor. .In Kore Meat, Flavor, Cleanlin-. &'Id Conftll~ In Bandlinc'. We are proud to lie the ~Olive ~ of Pavo s..-d Turl<"l"t in Oranp County. klld don't forpt, if you want to Save 'nine, Save Work, let wi .tuff your 'l'Urkey for you. · Ju.et .ult at our 8"rvice Meat Counter wbeq you order your Turlrey. All of °<>ur W.eekend V~ues are belns belcl over with many added new .Tbt,nlreJivlng v.iu .. for tllew-~ree Big Dayt of Tbanbglvlng Shoppbig. o•alily ···~ • • F1a1wf .... FalllOUi lroacl ...... d hvo 0•111 Ready - HEN 1 TURKEYS Pavo Brand 10 to 14 lbs. c TOM. TURKEYS Pavo Brand , 11 to 25 lbs. c .. ~a llDd ll!Ml•l!d Jlrlqfonl't .8-.eo..ie..rt ~ Bulll: . Wltitie .,. Mlf . P°"." Saaip,,,, St¢ . , .H~Ml, -·-·· __ 111-41¢ ~' , ......... , Dn •q-~· · ~ ~ • ·c , . s;;,.-.,. . .= .. -. -• Orf•lo ~ ..---, .... Ea1ten1 OysNn St• -Slrc.d laeoli ._ 49¢ • .. ' ••••••••••••• • Dole, Ul»bJ', or Del Moote PINY:APPu: JUICE ...... ~ 2119¢ C... s...;.. SoHd hclt S\4 TOMATOES ... l9r Cam,.i..D'a TOllA TO JUICE 11~ ... 2119' ~1 Moat. 8lk:ed BEm ·-·····--1::.L 19r .. , ' . . ....... . VJOTO& SllAU. ()()(JJ4TAIL-I SHRIMP -~ . .. ; ____ .. ! l ........... ''t:'-3tc ~ ............................ . -I . ·-DeBc•fe•••----lnlllillnm! . I 8 de.ry-i'.l:ea~ -m_. --1113 • •• ' • STOii HOUIS: . -Dn'J fLa.~6p. ...... ~ ... CM EXCEPT FRIDAY ........ ,,. .. c . - .. • • llOND.ilY . I auw. aUTl'l:a- R ING CAKE _,, .. _. --------63' TUESD~Y • STUFFIN llEAD----.. ······---~W ~ I -. . -.. .. mil!Mi9itr-........-..r.-n.t •Aiaolm' - • :qpe Sneh Mlllce MEAT ...... oc.pq.17' -Cocktoll SAUCE ............ a~ Hetu Tomato CATSUP .......... 19f Iris SecUou of GR'FRUIT IT OL 19' ' Rmtm Faa<y llarlJett PEARS So.S \-1 -31' ~s a W Small Sise Sweet PEAS : ........... u~ 19• . . SA W-A<ll·- ~~~~-pl..Uc.:.. J9¢ Nlbleta ~X:..00~~ ........... 2/35• For ttwi Df'tcrlmlaatt.as B09-Towne .t Comltry Fun Size DlnHr NAPKINS .!:.t 25' 'l'rllll Yoor·Tahle With 'l1wlkaglvfag Spirit •· •• PRINTED NAPKINS ud TABLEOOVEllS -IONJATUBES TAPERS CARDS • • Decoratlou for every ocouloll eaa be found la the MfZZAMINE SHOPPE Marucblao CHERRIES Sboe.trtoc PINIENTOS lliv~.elery SCllflln& .... ~ .... ... el ... €-"'W ..... sfee ·--1 Yt ........ ... . ......... __... ·--................... 1--...-.-...... "'aip"Witt... ... __ ........... ,,. ....... .... ·--v. ti ........ --···-.. 9 •• V, -•r1111~11 .. •lr1 "' .. , .... _.,_ V.. t1irr111' ..... .... 11'1 .... , ... .... '4 ........ ...... .,..-~ C.nuoh prlie wida l&k a. • bewl (a rn doe9 • '"4 ..U.i•1 ~>. tbc• •ix.. widt 1be ilre.. erua.IM tMn•gltly. Sprud cnmht ... • larp 1ny .. d .,.. i• • 3~ w .io,.. . ""• ... a ..., -4 diafi•lr m:; .... i&e., d.p _ ..... ~ pepper aad eelery &ne (me tbr k•Yet. &ee). Heal kiter ..-Mlat"• priM. in • &illd MKI f'OUk lk tbop'pijl ~e1etable1 •bou1 S min. uce.... Slir freqaeatJ,. Re.meve Fn• liie9f, 1dd dim! •li,·ea aDd chevoed a.n:ae7 and inix all the ye;ph£k:t ·widi ~l>ttad awabt.. Add_,... •h ute1 pepper imd mi• 1ben9P11. . 1'lait m•e• itMUsh · lw • JS. . ...... IHnl. ... ..__ ______ _, ., -.. -rro ... room---- BDl.08m ftE8ll :rROZEN • PEAS· ___ ; ______ , ____ .. _ .. ____ : .... u OL p~. 1 fc LllUl'l"8 · Dl:DCIOVIJ ' • . BRUSSEL :SPROUTS · ..... ttc JllJUlllD'li nW>w . . .. SQUASH.__ _ --~~----..lc··lil<&' 16~ : --··1 .JIP!lnc•wrs cqua: • ~ • tr ' .~.'CUT. 11'.c IL IQI.£ 1 .. -•11'811118 .n•••.-a· ~ aJn°ll&~ .. ,,