HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-12 - Newport Bay Post and Shopping News• • • Vetel-"-H..._11 , ,, ~ .. . Off .. >(et>rea .... . 81acae. ITU.:. . -,,., __ ,, • , ... I l.. · Yt'f!JDYll Ai ICM . '• . . . ...... .,..... ......... "i&&f utr-wm t a&r .0"11 -""'!"'"""!'· 1 &.T 'nm JUJfO an PLATat ,-urttL• REZOtlNG UP ·~T. ••l>Jlat, •••••W -u«• a an 111,,.,,. -ot...,. r ' ro t!'fo x"'."pwt --of-O.. ~caa ' ... "'9,I'at-attlOoelolld... -Nia& ..a llfet •at-tllo DICm ... ....... w -llut-·~ bli ... "" ~O C•ll :·. dlill!Or~otu.obd ... -. .... .. .. ..,_ Ulla darlblS l!W. ow. --. ' Bibll-·-·-e( -~ ..... ..., P"1L °"IT ... A1171daftd I • ' • ~ _,,, llold la Loo .... ••h' .. .., ,.,., • f&hlfW lir A!lllU ....... ' !JI; will ..,.. lwt Pl'!'9 tM ...... .W -tia!ia jltl, llft7 w' f#s111· AND SHOPPING NEWS --PU.U.SBED AT 2211 BAI.ROA JIOlJLEVA.11.1) :NEWPORT BEACH. OALIPOllNIA l'&LIIPBONE: JlilllOB 1111 By MARGO 'l'DlllJ:ll ! HEY FEU,OWS IT'S --~ -·. -·llttle llft1-......... Tba ........ f-. too b_.• -· Oki um. --pl&at.n Tba prHi. 111 eC ~ -:r.:; -~ ..._ "' ~. I -· --• to _. the Ol&d:J'9 "8'dlft JJl'OpM"-.,._.... ~ -ILDI' _. , '1.90. Wbat a pllc>O lo pt 1M Xlnu, aplrltl ty ID Balboa waa duo for a ~ ptobl..,.. aad a1ao llollond Olad- Tbore o a porttct atnp of 21 padUaled aleip-bolla oa lftlMI • door, Ion -llJC'lt at City Oowlcll ~B, Kellon, -· tile J'lrat (JnfO) aad out la b&ol< Gar Kono la.rojlnmallns &a anclnt alallb! _... u UM matter bad -Baalt Of -Md. wlao baa Wily not pt your helpmate aa okl ah&YIJ>S mus or a 1>1&' cup tl)at ..,.un!. ,._ tho Ncn • -u NCntary • _.,,..At •1" "father"' Juet loedo or Wlueual flmmlcu JMrw. A. boaut111ll ...., In liopo that ln~od per· t11o ·-tJan -tta ......- pln• ao.ton Roeker $4:7..00. t tee eream ch&ln At '8.DO ...... ud tlfl• could "'°"' out • •W.ment.. tkm in int. XeDoss wu elected 0 mori.. top tobl• $IT. Ethel hu plenty ot -candtoetlclto, i.aet CXIUllcll ..... !ID&' .. ,. ~tfy to a newly-•-tad -ot -.i.. CU9pldon, etc. Or a f!replace 9tt anyone T Choice ot cut.on $U.80 Max Hurwtt.a. Uq ~ uy director and pl'Hlt,)ted wltll. a up. 8a.)" J"ve rtven you .om• SoOd lde&a. haven't If 8o muah aver Sidle!' inte.r.t.,. ~ c 1.,. t c aCroll of appreciation for lrla tn to EtMI -..·. Aau.i-&ad Gift !!Mp ... -w .WS•llollL sroup lo .._. the "10t ,._ M _,,, ot .. me. .to UM .-Of 4TC Newport Blvd., Coat.a y..._ Beacon eeT'T..J, lo C-l. ~ .. t buldna'. • • • Tbb broulf"t a •erb9J bun.p : DECK no: RAUA WITH llOUOR8 or HOLLY from R. a Von Pelt. -.1 Eut p, 1 -McCala Dies ftA IA IA AND LErtl BE IOU.Y! Bay Front. next door to the Bid· -•' 1 Well tra 1& yee• •.. A rood place to put youralf Jer pucet whlch la Lot 1, Block Mere of PlllU Ollla ln a mi.tletoe mood te over at LN Slllple7'•? 11, Balboa. Van Pelt b I a• t • d ! •· M&Jnltre ... • are turnJn.-out merTy little holiday Councilmu Rou Greeley for r.--I Patty McCall&. .f.yur-old daU· troclu by the doun.a. 'lbe n.Jce part a.bout one ot portedly taVOl'lq the &Idler td.· lftter ot M1JOr and Kn. John Mc· Lte'1 cllltom made orlfinat. 11 t.ha.t It'• made juat ten.ti apimt ~ ot other aana.. 120 Topu Ave., 'Balboa :r... to tit you I The .. p&rty eowu nt like the akin on a property OW'Tlert in the b I o c IL l4nd, died Monday morning of tuJ. mlnk. You may avail "")"O\U'Mlf of eome of Lee'• hril· Greeley LI qent for Sid.Mr prop. !i" bronchl&J. pneumonia.. On U&nt ltyllns or have ~ made accordlnr to your ertlea in Balboa and tunctloned u y ahe bad pne to Hollywood own. Whim. LM la dUp1•Yln&' a variety ot her new a. real Qt.ate •rent tn th• aaJe of her pa.renU. and had. been Ul cocktail COl'ICOCllon.a •.. taffeta. Mp&ratea ak::irta a.nd the parcel from Paul Lorentaen to wb&t they beUeved to be car bloUM• tor th• attar t'lWi troUCL Blou.te• or all "'Oli "'"' the SJdlera. • At bedtime ab• had a diltcrlptlon ..• aJ.eevaleu. halter type etc ... Alao 'l1MI Dem•" On Oct. 11. by a TOte of l..J, aiJ.,tit temperature. noteworthy •p&ratu ot th• h&ncUome 0.Ml't Suede cloth. Lff hu ~ city plannlnt commiulon c»-1 At lt:n a.. m. Monday the par- je'"'1J, 9C&?"Vee and all ma.n.ner of acceuor1u to epark your pl& coto. n.1ed a. requelt that the 8 l d I • r efttl called tha l..nhalator .,quad and tume&. OD. with th• clanC\11 ! S.. LM'• .twminl' at.ylu or have her property be ruoned to C-1. Four ~-Bufb Plum, but the ehlld wu wblp up .amethlnl' dramatic juet for you! LM s•1ple7 OrirtaU. commiuloner• were abeent. dMd. An a.utopey performed a.t llOI Cout HJcbwa.y. Corona. del Ma.r. Harbor 2SU-J'. At the lut council m .. tlnf, ~ county hosplta.l allowed • • • Van Pelt otfu-ed. to p\ll"Chue tha broncbJ&l pneumoni&. 8he wu oat .. Oil wt.ad, It wlmt.er OOIDM Sidler property to p r • .. • n t ttl ot th1'ee children. Funeral ..-.. eaa a.prUr be tar ~41.,. owner trom taktnc the 10M HUr-~e:nte &re pen.dine a1 B&lts I wits maintained to the c 0 u ll c t I roort . , ...... ,....., , .... ~,_, Doublao .. spotliaht and -ble u,bt. Chromon platacl. ,,_ into clpr liltllw •••• o.q • i.95 '"•""'··°*' UI ' l11's lledtk Sia , • ~ ... '(WP P<rftct sift far·--111o....i .. at bomo. Pl ... lnla elpr 1iPtar or AC wDC-OB(yf U.91 HARViv-soMEii.'iNc. CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH Wll Cout Bllhway Newport Be.eh Beacon 6515 • IDGB TIME TO PUT ON YOUR STOUT BOOTS, lace on y o u r I Snow.Shoes. and but ton your par~ Naturally 110t . Sprinc le juet &('Ound the cor-would M Incurred 1t the puce1 uary. ner. Why only ye1terda.y I apled my tlrat robbln. wu not ruoned C-1. Hurwtta: Ul----------------------------------- oi. Tber9 wu a. plctun or one ln my bird book. dle&ted hie client would be re.. '-----------------................ --------------i • uf 1a1 "'''''Jtr.Rt•1fMi*"tr•11nw;ft1t1t11fWt"1tt1Awrarrr•i' ku! This i• the day to cet your ~- aled out ot moth balls and eo deep int o t he wood.I and fell your Christ• ma.a Af trtt'. Pick out a nice trff that will fit your livinl' room. Now A• I ay---eoon crouau or ia It c:rocU wtl be ptab-ona.bl• ., far u property line •t M s I lnr up the CfMn.w&rd, and we'll all nffd fllder bacU were concerned it the Bl KID THURS FRI SAT love .. ata on th• lawn for to wateh, Oari.Yle'• rr<>Wld lo reooned. but 0 a Id no '' •o • Furnlt""' Store hu oome eH(hUy ..... uon&I ne• otton to buy th• land ,. h I e b J . • DEC. 13. 14 • 15 "'If Wiater eomt. .. ptden. furniture that Jooka batter than my tn-holds an old ah&cit, h&4_ bMa. ,. 11i'hen you swtnr your u.e. be sure you're atandinl' on the rtrht llde of the trtt. By the right 1ide, I mean the aide where the tree doean't fall. The other aide la the WTonr lide, 8"! Yell "t imber" several time1 and t'hen puJJ YoUr tree home on your 1led. On t.h• way back, etop at Ht.Doaald'1 Pa.lat St.ore for a ca.n or Plutt-Kole Tl'H 8pra.f~ ThUI wa.y you can have a clor1ou1 c1ltterinl' tree!· You can 1et thie Pluti-Kote tn fOld. ailver, white, blue or a.ny of JC color&. It com•• ln a .can with a ting-ertip control. You pre .. your trls~r and pre.to you 1pray: No bru.sh, no muu, no cu.u ••• Helcho 8Uver! (or iold) door eturt Thia tuntltuN la fe&therwelfht tubular, &lumlnwn com-ceived. blned with woven pl..UcL It'• euy lo tou •bout and '"" be left HERE'S DOUBLE VOTES FOR y OUR out In the element.a year round without ru.t.m,.. Now let'• 11ee -OWENS., M..UfNINO 1fAXED --1111 It you• •u·-··· a postman o• trolley eonductor .•. or ,,., malUr ...... 0w ..... tint -... .,..rd BOYS' and GIRLS' CON'1'»ST what he 1..._he'U love a. contour type eh.aJr f'room C&rJyle'a. Only on Ota.J11e Cout Collese'• la&cue .. West Newporten to Hear Com111iit111s Cit Friday Nkjht Meet Memben or the Weit Newport Improvement a• a o c 1atIo11 will meet l'riday nlKht at 7 :30 o'clock ta City Ball to hear conunttt" r.portL R<pn&Jd Pesnm will pruent a ttport and recommendation re- prdfnc control of beach e.roeion in tbe Weat Newport OCNJI troc- las• ..... FJonnc. Coolin&' wUJ ,.....t ' II\ ,._ Oil i-.. .... "' •t .... Ju.. 11. ~ ~A Nport OQ condiUon ot the Weet Newport lala.nd bridp wtll be made by GeoTKf! Sherrill. Other reporU: will include civic beautifi- cation &nd oil well drilltn1. STEWARTS MO\'"f! The Rev. and Mrs. Jame• C. Bt ewart. and chtldre.n moved from !612 Circle Drive to %681 Cre•t- ~ew Drive, B&yshott•, lut Sat- urday. He I• pastor or SL An· drew• Pre1byterta.n Church. ENJOY "srodt· ing-foot'" comfon ia a pair of fa-, I mow Ripons! !' W1.1b1ble pun: r soft •·oot and glo .. l .. tber soles. New sryl~s in · many beautiful colon and pan•nas '"' --and cbildm1. For C'ldldn9 ____ 'r ... ,. w .... ____ ,_ '3 .. Barben lootery 1111 :NIOWlNl&L AVll. COSTA MIS.\ 189.60 ••• and suppoeed to be a m.o.t bllNtul M1olln1" a.n'Ull"fMUL champion Pin.tel, ~ been named Nice occuiona.J: chalra 117.50 and rockers u IO'W' u $19.75. Ew.ry to the All Southem caJUomla. day la .. lesdayatC.A.RLYLlt'S, 19IORARBOR BLVD.,, C08TA MESA. Ju.hlor Collese Team. Syd K~ BEACON 9739. nlnJ, OCC md, wu nomtn•ted. .to ~ ....., •• third ......,., LAGUNA BEACH FURNITURE CO.'S Pre It'• our annual pre-Christmas ule! You·n find th-practical home gift. that laat oo l011r &nd an IO:== Price• have been reduced in every department! Hundreda of •ch&ntinr gitta for every member ot tl:e ! Start your Chriatmu ohopplnr now and -what a wealtll ol. Cluiatmu joy you can huy for e'+'la a few doll&ii! HERE ARE SOME OF THE OUTSTANDING SALE VALUES AVAILABLE-BUY NOW AND SAVE! llEDUCED WAS Apartment oiM OU l\anp, $ 99 .SO Contour Type Chair. Green rn.... $ I 3 9. s 0 One pair of Modern Table Lampo. $ 3 7 .SO TO $ 84.50 s 99.50 s 14.95 Fine1t Quality Karpm Lounp Chair and Ottoman. Fine Red Brocatelle Cover, Ftve Piec. Chrome Dinette Set. Green. F ive Piece Chroma Dinette Set. Yellow. Euy-RoU Gniy Bervlnt Cart. One Roll (91 .q. y&rdal AU Wool. Hlfh Quality WUtoa Broadloom. BeautitUJ Cocoa Tone. Modem Hieb-Low Texture. One Pa.lr Early American Wlnr Chair&. Salem Ftnt.h. l"loral ·eo1or. Blr Six Foot Deluxe Gu R.- frice1a.tor. ... $299.50 $239.50 $ I 14.50 ~s 94.50 ~ s 64.50 $ 27.95 s 22.95 $ 10.95 $ 84.95 $ 69.95 (Two tor 1111) $312.50 $239.95 =\JO )(eke Gu l\an(e, Delwto $ 3 09, 9 5 $279 • 9 5 =:-~:.~--Sola. ? ..... $229.95 $199.50 HERE ARE DOOR PRIZE WINNERS! Lucky wtaner ot. a 111 m.e..rchaadiM cert:U'tcate wu No. 019MI. Winner or tbe 110 cert:1ftcate wu No. 01H62 and winner of th• I& eertitleate wu No. Olt50'f. Heywood • Wa.kefleld Old Colony Burret wttb Hutch top. Extan90l Flip-Top Ext«-Mtoa Ta· ble. Vert compact. ModenL Mt· Ural oak. ' Slmmo.n.1 Box 8princ1 and In.ner- 1prtn1 Mattnaaee. Dbl. Bed .U.. Foam la.tax top and bottom. Two Colonia.l Ma.pie Tier Tablu. Two Colonlal Maple C.otte. Tablu (to match tier table•). Delun A.&h~Away 8mok1nr Stand. Lyon1 Metal Kitchen Bue Cabi- net with Stalnlua Steel and Llno. leum Top. Pla.atic Covered Platrorm Rocker and Ottoman. Nantucket Occuional C'halr. Two Period 8tyle Barrel Chair& Bookcue H•dboard Bed. Kaplt. Slmmom Box 8prinp and Inner Sprtns Kottrua Twin SIM Only. Modem Five Drawu Cbe.t. BlmmlXLI Cllalr Bed. w.u $229.50 $I 05.00 $149.50 $ 19.95 $ 19.95 $ 17.50 $ 59.45 $ 99.50 •$ 64.50 $112.50 -$ 84.50 8pedal at $119.50 $ 54.95 II.EDUCED TO $1f9.50 s 14.95 S 14.95 $ 1.75 s 41.60 $ 79.50 $ 49.50 s n.5o ... $ 63.40 $ 49.50 s 79.50 s 43.95 PRICED VERY LOW FOR THIS SALi! Good Ueed J"Umitun. Beddlftl' aad Appl.lane. J't.eru ,.,.. h&n takn in ca Trade. BUY ON TIME! WE OFFER THREE CllEDIT PLANS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Free Pcu4li"' Come Ill on ~···· OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY • UNTll: ' t:OjJ P. M. JkMIM aaa.W ' OPL'i EVL"llN'111 nu. .......... y Post- Oii ltle followillg Items: Aci-A..ute Tl'ff Ughts All StacJ Men's Sets o..tdeor :..'l'l'ff -Light S1h Lenllwric Men's Seh Tl'ff Ornamenh $1.39-. Xmas Record Albums loxed Chrishnas Cards All Prescriptions SANTA CLAUS VISITS VINCENTS LIDO DRUGS 6 ,. 9 p. "'· Week hys -2 to I a11d 6 to 9 p. "'·Sat, I _ S.. Rei. St .~9 rtGL C'HRl~T:\IA.S TREE ORNAMENTS Playboy Auto .. , .... 79+ Xmas Record Albums f~R F.O \\".-\Rl.'·t; ~t .\RJO l .. .\.'7.<\ Dt:X.'"I'~ Jl . .\ ,. rt:l(IC \' ('0)10 81:"\Ci ('RO~Bl. ClirillhlDS WRAPPING PAPER Bee· lk 13# SLIPPER SOX •20• R4"~. SS.SS ' PLASTIC APRON 19' . BOXED CHRIS"l'.MAS CARDS A ····-.. -43~ HIN~Gr:--::::-ERSBec. k oL. .... 2 for 7c OiiAMENTS Re, ___ 45c ClllU8TllUll TllU ORNAMENTS Bec.Hc doL 15C CHIW!TllAll SNOW .. ,. l~ --""""'-3 for 19c IOEN'l'ZD BOX ! i STATIOIERY.Llavuue 59c GU>UZ NYLON ' HOSIERY .. ,. •t.H pr ........ , .. pr, 99c LUCD:N LE LONG •2110 EAU DE TOILEm Rer. II.TS, __ , ...... BELEN IUJJllNSD:IN COLOGl•;E oad ·2TI DUSTING POWDER SET ........ .. C111ll8ftlu one MUSIC · aox Bee· tae.. .... -................ _ .,., . \ ·3· DOLL HOUSESa.s. sua• ....... ___ _ BET or 16 '418 TREE LIGHTS .... "-•·-··-----~-- AD-il-UTE ·2· TREE LIGHTS..,. fl,U .................... ___ . \ Sll:'r or EIGHT ·z· IUDLE LIGHTS llec-.tu .. __ CHtiST.tAS ~ LAMP '3" ~RISIMAS WREATH-.tµ11·. FANCYmi LIGHTS ·~~ r • ·~~~~~~~~! Yarcla(Je Hea~IFCll1erl • Ya.rda&e maku an appreci&Un and pracllcal ctft.. nu. week'• feature. ~ • ydo. novelty priated Crepe • • • • ... U .Oiill;;llll'!. Jl&ny additional novelt7 f&briCI 1n varlou.1 :;;;::::::::: price ransu. COSTA JllESA"S WEST SIDE ~ SHOPPING (ll;l\'Tl:Jl ~ LIVING llOOll DINING llOOlll Nlelit NACU IARTINE'S CALICO SHOP 180'2 N_.,.rt Aft. COST A JID:SA llEACON 6110 NOW OPEN SATURDAYS GEid SUNDAYS BEDROOM LAMP SHADES . WALL 8~VE8 -Laguna Awning & Map e fhop . '198 8. COAST BLVD. IAGllNA BEACB-4S529 Our Super Supen'isor MIL ., .. ___ ,. ... , ........ , u . ......... ....,. .... ..... .. • ?lw "'llAVANA _.., ..... -. ' 1UDD111 11ADN11S UT. 11• 3 SIRJAU llti'NDAY • T1JESDAY 'I'! tt·'o.Aor • ~ ._ '1".'IDOLPll ~ "MIN IN THE- SAIDLE'' -Tnq---,. .. "AS YOU WERE!" AN AOAJ>J:JIY AW.A.llD NOMJ:NU..'J'o..BE? JANE WYMAN THE BlUE V El L .. l'hlo: JORN DE&l;X 'SATURDAY'S HERO' Su.a. -TllflL -F1nt :aua! ntA.'"llDJ LA&\T .. BILLY DA-'~ "SUNNY · SIDJ-.QF THE STREET" Lee J. Cobb • Joll.a O.relc , "FAMILY SECRET" t• r ·~---I> .. T ..... GJll WIAT ................... I ' --llAft .wau n• • w•ec-Ja• ---PD'-' • 8', l«WA· ~ • .u.a.o.; -l ----. · OAll4 DOif OA- lll • -11&.. N~M ..... • Ill ,.,._ .... ~ C-11-y COMIUra DINHHS "91t1 11 .IO te b .• TBOPlCAL DlllNllS Dfae I• Hie hc.lvtl'" TAHITIAN SlfflOOMI ,._....__ -., ../' EXOTIC POOD8 U'8 <Jou& lllv4., So. LAGUNA BEACH e e e IU.TBLEEN-~ QUO V ADIS, 118 !' Eat.e.rtahame•t After ~ ..... In other worda .•. How you been keeplnr? ~~~~~~~~~~~~!! (many people have uked me to tranalate these word.a:) The latest result ot thla coloual areu epic, Lion.a va. lA.diea la-a skirt! Pap.n, WE REP AlB alll't It! The Jo-Lee Sport Shop la showing S E W I N G a delightful new 1klrt by Preview tn an au· ,th ... tlc Quo Vadl1 print. Vlv1d putel• blend-r· M Ac H, I N Es ed into a pattern of ancient Roman jewela . , . of an excluatve cotton fabrtc &11d aprtnkled Domestic & bdutrtal with rbine.etonu -$14.9S. Alu Colman's SZBUILDINO -PARTS Being Oran1e County Su- ~ for tM F.ifth Dis- trict, with 42 percent of the county's land area and an as· aessed valuation ol 122 mil· lion dollan under Your jurls.. 111.iction. W. a man-sized job.- •pedally when the county haa an acute-cue ot arow- 1n& pains, wt.th populatiOh in· creuiJ1& at a rate nea.r the u.tiarJ.LI record.. NJud to ...s.nta (not to be outdone, that one) t We Pick Up and DtUver '~~~~~~~~=~~~' lt a complete drd9 lkirt of clued chints and All Work Guaranteed. 9eQ.U"1-d~ttd. TheM come in eeveraJ tlor&l blenda: at $18.95 a.nd CaD Bemeen C7M-I are •Y••UJUlera whu combined wtth a btack velveteen P'rttzi top VJCl'OR FERRINGTON THE BEST T!da ia the billet tn whim Htinz Kaiser, of Newport Stach uad Costa Meta. ii now capably oervtnc the lint flV of hil lint term. The boundary or hia diatrict u.· HAIR.CUTS --from tllo ecMJa at San Clemente, fol· ,. ~ . .,. ~ r-' • 5100 ... • lawinc the county line to Trabuco Can)"Ob, from where It run.t west a.J~ the south I '"'A NEWrGft at.VD. f botvu:luy of Santa Ana to the where it Cl'OUel the Inlet to the Santa Ana River, then following lipper Bay. You'd haraly suspect tbe river back to the ocean. A.I u you drive by, that lhLI property Junior member of the Sol.rd of incJudes a manne waya and boat Supervisors. Heinz ia likely to be works. be.thin& beach. and boat aomewhere wtthin these district rmtaJ. aa.d .tis.nine docJa· in addi- limitl most or the tltnt, "hen not Yoo to •Vttal acore cottages and. in Sacramento oc Santa Ana on trailer IPl.cea. Many a pumane.nt civic busineu. resident of the 'Harbor are.a aot b1a . Be has rtU)\•ed ~ train.inc ,.if'Sl pataADI lntroouction to It OA for tb9 aupen.ilor'a dutia by ac-a "'cation at Bay Shon Park. Uve .wrvice in tbe Newport Har· To work aide by aide Mtb Hftu bor Oamher of c.om,..,.rce and in Kaiser in. many community ,pro- local civic affaJ.n most of the timt ,ecu hu bNa a that tor mr.moen: linca ODminc to the Huber to Sta)'-Of our a;taft. !\: ii &)so a pleuu:re ill lll29. Ho II a dinetor of the to heir him 111)'-tbir .. beu( New· Coal& M ... Chamber of Cornmerot -· 11o11,.. Fedor.al: "I o,m J1<0Uc1 and ot the thrlviJl1 Ceola Meu ot _. loc:al Savtnp and Lou N- NEWPORT BEACH HILLMAN MINX IH9t4ell.....S .... plaa tu_,_ Your Barttor Area DeUll' NIJWPOllT AUIO Bo\JU -W. N_,......,.. ·.Ne.,.... n tt -·- Bul, .. a2nd clqree Muon In the IOd&tloa and Ila tine reCcrd o1 a s.tarina Lodp, truattt of the ....-tly blP ... turn.. on uv-• .,....,,_ Harbor Elka ~ ud !0< -lnp. 1 lleutlljr ~-d It u a °'7 °'""'"' -hu been a dlnctor ud II -q •lil7 .~ SaviJlo ..... -1clont 0( -Aru AslOd&tlon. With MCllrity ror fta LIDO Bo11' Allalrl, Inc. Hll l&vorite tovnton and a lllP dividend -. ·-· activity lo -1c1ns r ... tlU ord." • CLl!lANEllS d .... bolllns lo -It illtA> aa Wa 1'0Ul• Wot tA> tell )'OU bd!r, outatonc1n1 uampla ol what • ,... ..,. ,..a your _. Wildt .,. Now'"" - ....,. ol mm and a aommlllllllf boriltr tll>oucA OW' uvtnp pion. ClO!rU. ""' ... do for bo)'L na Ille -.. • have paid ---a -.,...,, . ~ =-·~-....... ---... •\'lnoJD. ' lllcll. -baa. -·let--with "' ..... ~ --1:~~~·~11.~-~--~~-~~ .. ~-~ ... ~-~ tar to ICr. ID llllla -Ill ,_. t. SIO.OOO It IUll1' -... -tht dllll'1 wirk. lla liOdllllol bt-C-ID far a·w-1 dlot w chldo a ...U ....... ID 'w *""•a-.., _.. !"4! .J'olfll llla1llDO ..,....-'1-=.t -...··::. ~ ,,; 1 ·= :u:a ,._ ~d-Wtlll IJW. *' fts" a -.. D ..... _Jiil 0 J. c -· a ..... _.._._ tf&&! -•:a z ........... , ,,....... -. D h ' ;.1iiiJi -ID _.._ -- *,.Utica. • llr. .Kallilll.· lw~taUJ. c.'lllD-1111~ ':f. ":.~.::~ ! '?* .... "iji :'f . .. ..... _.._., ... -t: "1!1f/~J; -M '1' t'r .. 11· C.. •Jw -.. • • 0 (18.!K>) You'd be picked out of _,. pab bal' ln either one of theN TU Aaabelm Ave. Ce9ta fiirty aklrt .-et·upa. Lee aho hu a blou.e line, Robbie of Cal· Robbie'• braad new word l• a holiday a.ttair of Nylon F&conD.e. an.d ill: 1 -:;~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::~ I Ultra chick for the alter S. festivitie• ... pink. bl&ck of white .• , I· 1 .. oeven.I atYIH $6.60 -$9.98. I hope no lady would -•m ot belnc ! DIRECTORY Ca•pt under the tree Without a pair of 100410 nylon panties with I ;:;i::==========; I while or blue bowa $3.24. Jo Lee Sport 81lop, lu.5 Newport Ave., I 1 ~- COKI: &NOOKS ••• • • • And we two Mall trJp tbe Jight fantut.Jc, ,aye, even -muurlc& an6 tu.p a tee.at.Ii)'. Yu. little o°'. I am buyt.nc you a ll"&mOphone from the Ro .... of llann9QJ" for your .,.ery own! I dJacovered that th• HOUM o1 HannoJbo huJ children'·. ltCA'• 'U record playwe in white cabiaetl with •tory book dlaak This Ja a complete eet and only Sll.f6. Or de&!' child. would YGl:L rat.bu; have the portable euy BALTZ MORTUARY IAdy Atuad&nt n•~Blpway CORONA DEL MAR DAY AND NIGHT Ptioae llarlNlr '' BE SURE • INSURE with llAUIUCll 8rANLKY -o.Jy --r1Tll carry...U. at Pt.ti T Or ...Wd you couldtt the '5 chanpr ttalf a:t H.tJ •U•1: ~you play Jt .honey, you set N worda., neont. b-ee ! Chriatmu "11J lut you the whole year round with record.I .... -pi.yen. ._ -or Harmony bu story book ·~u­ Uncle Xllty and Donald Duelr. ~ lb Wcmderlucl, Cilldlrell& and doSl!U ot dellchttuJ chfldien'• clauica. For the srown-ups, Kario ~======~===::=;! i..u.. &lt>uJnl, Oult•~ Cl>olr O&rols, complete -mUllc&I r COllledlu and 97"',,....._ Yee. I th1nlr: we'll make It a record Cbrlol-. tor all the f&mll,yl TIM larpot l'OOCll'd Ullrvy la the county or nezt oounty ,,,.,. to at tho -If ....._, 1117 ....._A-.e.Ba•la ...... Newport An .. 0Nta ~ 8~0 1¥'" MA. • -•=z1-.-.ew.& • .... -····· *n".ulN • J • w. Sttlart .... Gllllal.U. JIC8t1RANcm ~~ owpert -' ft. lllr. H tu'T ...... ~ lllUTUJlllU 811tl' B ~ lq .. ,., n (IS Zl'UlOlf 1111 -••rowwwoa. .-xw,_,..._ • , I 8 , -·=·-.c. ... ;: .. CANOY CANE BALL DEC. 14 8 P.M. ·, BALBOA BAY • 'clui , ' . -•..• ,.. .,,.. .~ C•l*-'s 1 .. 1a1 CIWc •-F . . . 811 ...... _.,. .JUNIOB AUXILLUIY NSWl'VAT ll&AOB All8lllTANCE LllAGllll: Call JIABBOB ,_W BEACON Miii YOUR GIFT tJST FOi HER ~ D'Orsey Coty · Ciro FOR HIM Cotirtley King'• Men Old Spice Colonie! Dames Dorothy Gray Yardley Old Spice Sportsmen O'Oraey Yerdley CAVE'S DEL, MAR PHARMACY "The Prescriptlo11 Pharmacy" 8%S Cout Bcminvd, Co1'1U de! Mar Barbor m% ---- .,,.It_.,.. 11 :JO A.M. le t P.M. dolly ' Ooh~ ~ MCI holMlayo """"' IClmberty 2-21" .Leto el ,_&Ii PAAICINli. - ' ., EXPERT MOTOR TUNE -UP CHEYIOLET and OLDSMOllU AUTO· REPAI 1'or llCDDOmlCal tramport&tioll we 8"'s-t Ole followln1: Adjuat and~ e&JWnt.ar; 84Jalt COlltrol rods, breaker PQillta. fail belt; ... saoitne filter a.nd. ~ pump aJMl .. 't .. ; clean and adjust .park plup; ._ and ,_. ail'' cleaner and breather Cj&P· Tbl9 la I llJM'dt.I price fer two WHD an17. , ... -t.bot S.95 • ' ' '• ) , MM4 W\1fC l'L&Jf o.ta -wcru wW 1'ol4 oa an M7 ••e'"C ~at 10 a. ...: .....,, Doe. 14. .._ tM ~­ mClllJU .... ~.. dmda. ()oD. -~ &lie -deOoto6 "' ~ .. .,..,..._lien._ to llriq slftl ""' tM WCi 0 - at il:qle Rook. -111...-" "! ¥" aloo to "" _..,... , • . " ' One of .the ·Aned SelKtlons in the Harbor Area • ... COff .. UKIS ·• • • 23c !ltowW • ,.,,. \ KARX -BOLCU,TB -Pt.AmOOL IDEAL -GONG u:J.t. -S'l'Ruc;t'O • DOW -GAMI$ -IOOU · WIND-UP l.:rOYS • -·· .... ' -· .. . .. .. SA.'!. DllO. U • ~Not a Gift of CLOTB:INO -1 P« -.1otott,_. • dIFT WRAPPING '· . WE WRAP TO · VAU. -. ' CHARGE ACXX>UNTS • FAlR PRICES -~~~t .. S~op • • 1809 Newpo~ Ave. '()(l8U. :iJmi!A ~ - \ _. drtWt- .,:; "' .... ~ ll11 ...,..nNI 98' .. cHOCO&ATIS ·Van de IG.mp·s¥ IAKlllll vlil • (J()8TA lllJ:llA noe Nowpon lllTII. 90JWN A DEL lllAJl IOI o-t lllP""T LAGUNA llEAOB 115 l"ond A-.-- • • . .• OPENS SATURDAY, DE~ .1Stli CUNNINGHAM'S . BARBER SHO'P • AT 15th & BALBOA BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH .. roa 1% n:Aall AT 111 -AD&mN PLACE . ' I. FOR LADIES Cashmere and Woo1en Sweaters .-------.... Spring Kedettes, Espadrilfes, Muk-Luks NAUTICAL GIFTS Slacks end Slack Suih Cloela Ii Barometen Nylon Ellaip• Sperry Top -Siders Club llDrgM8 . Tee Shirts ______ __,. Featherbeds Windbreakers • ••·slay f ar~ey CONTRACTOR <1nd BUILDER . f~ roy greealeaf, sr. · ASSOCIATE ANNOUNCE THE .OPENING OF THEIR NEW OFRC~ ON . .. ~ -.. -' . ·SATUIDAY, DIC-1 ... 'llt • 1416 COAST Hl6HWA"( · · Newport IHch r ' PINne hecon 7J 11 • • •• , . a ·B.STONE •' . -• • • .p I ... BRING lHE KIDDIES .: • T:o See · I . . I • r ~ . !Wm 2 p. m. to 8 p. m • S•turd~y. D.C1mber 15 HANSHlYf S .flRISTONE 119 E. 18&li, Nest to Poet Offtee ea.ta Ila& . . * OPEN EV#RY NIGHT 'Til-XMAS p~um•~•miuaiii •. ••••••1 HENLINE~S M£N,. · UIP r . : · · • . -·~ • t ' ' ' -.P4 a~ I 1·1•' . TBS J'INEST IN KEN'S .APPARJ:I. • . . 4 ' -• ~ •• • • ••'lh•k• he. 10 • Op•~'... 9:30 ,. ... : See Our Hut9 Glfl 'S.l1cllo1 : . ........ .,. ' ' . ' .... -. • SPORT q>~TS · TEE __ SHIRTS . IE I · All Wool Flannel s,HIR'FS end SHIRT JACKETS · ·' · · IE • YACHT WEAR PAJAMAS · PAK-A:ROBES · : • end Numerous either items · IE . ' . -. . . . • · · : · Free Gift Wrapping-:-Phone Harbor 11638-J IE ~--~·· .. ~················-~ll.ft~~.,····· ~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~--'.~~~~~~~ ....... ~~~~~ • • • • - Jt • ' 'JI. • - - PfCl(-Of-Iii[ <.i...'fJP PRIJl)VCi ~. • • • , ' • • - • , • ' • I r • / t ' • ' '· • -- . ' • ' • J • Gift SUGGESTIPNS FOR YOUR MAN . ' All WOOL POLO SHIRTS Spuiolly priced at . • ·, • 4.9s " SLACKS -Pert Nylon , Gaberdine or Sharkskin • BLUE SUEDE JACKETS . • NYLON JACKETS -Nylon Fleece Lined • . . • • IMPORTED CASHMERE SWEATERS-Special et • • • 9.95 . 22.50 . 22.50 . 19.95 Shop end Save for Your Men et T·he Man. 1831 Newport llYd. COiia Mesa Free Gift Wrapping S I< H O~ Stampe . Opea Thl8 Sa~y Till I P· m. 23 lb. TURKEY ' I . Yoa :Seed :Sot Be Pat .... lei Mn. COKE IN AND ASK ,ABOUT IT Main St1eet Auto Laundry 18-01 So. Main St. ' . SANol'A ANA • KUler Jewelry Co. ta ottering-thl• biC' money aavinc valu• u & 1peciaJ ll!t-&cquatated de&l. AAy recul&r watch trc.m T jewei. up to 21 jewel.a. will M thorou;hly dee.Md &nd oiled. for $2.50, with a tull one year written suuaatM ..• Take advantage of th1Ji money aa Mc value at OllC .. Combination Auto Wash & Lubrication M. MIWR & CO .. JEWELRY 1141 lloutll Mahl S-ID I· tSll Nest to Sears la tile New Areade Shope. SA...,.,.A A.NA TELEVISl.ON I • 1r• TAltl MODEL , • ·519995 LA · MOTTE'S · Opposite Post Office COSTA MESA .· $2.25 l . Siamese Inspired Restwear • . By KICKERNICK \ Then'• Iotua bl014!Pft1 ,...... 'In We ltRl&llt' • eJJt.. ... .ut • 0 .... , Tllo oeckllne lo (lat- terin•ly rouad. aad the wide belt t.utona with ~ . llllf color fl'op • • • Iii coral or btuilo Loft.. 17 to stn or '"" ........... -. . . .. \ i"or your moment.I of ete4 d r o p abouJder Pl'l&nia w I t b lapeNd bowler ... ....n.nu- row ata.nd up oollar J f'ro&9 .\ •• Ia 'blue or ..,.i • , . ... s5M oxeltlfts Jilt at Va&c*IMI' rob9 ..,.. .. ' • (Mt~).·.: OPEN .&JSNproe 'ftL W'W'WIWA8 W11 Wit.AP YOUll W'N • • ttr.r. llllDTIOll • llOl ···11 . HIM FQI HR • Swee~ers , II •from ••. S.tl II e. Wesheble Wool Shirts II from •. 8.t5-ll e Si>Ort Shirts Plaids -Plains H' from •• 3.ts n • Gift Wool Argyles . I! from ; •• 1.95 • Sleeks I! All wools end u Blends H from. 10.fS ~ • Swank Jewelry & I! W ellets !! • King's Men T6iletries . fl • biyl,on lingerie . Slips, Pe11ties Gowns I .. -... WW.. • 6othem · .Gold Stripe Hosiery Sheer Gift I Nylons • 1.50 • Gift Blouses Cottons Reyons Nylons from •• 2.95 • 6roff ·Tee Shi.+s . from •. 1.95 • Sleeks Plaid. --... 8tn1Uf/.I' fror •• 5.95 BEGINNING · .. -SAfURDAY DECEMIER 1 Stli - WE WILL · BE OPEN · frolP 9 a.-m. to 9 p. m. -. ,. Td CHRISTMAS . , •SUNDAYS·9 a.111 .... s:JO , ... • • • - .... ... ~ • .. w. .. .. . .. \ ... .. .. ·aa--16. Hai. 1'1 "'· Har. -161 • . ~ • newest · . '. Plag,tex-fAJ:!JIJJ Girdle - -Evei-ybody's talking about the wonder of ll'hile Mocic-wor'td.famOlll fashion dealgnen ud wo,inen all over the country-lilte-you! Fliik II~ brin!" new beauty, new sortery, giv• you all tbe fam~ Playtex 6~slimming power ud freedom, plus /obric -lo~ 1.lU.._Ooud-.oft ' !Uric is !med to the .-Ii lai.z allealh witi-l a tingle seam, stltch,or ~iil•iail>JC uader the slimmest holiday fashions. And it washes in 11eConds, Jlries in a Suh! f'loil• M.,;c • BJ-PiBlt- Paal:J S.,.J..,U.91 Paaty willo' pner-'6.ts Cet 11'4ik M•&ic today! . eu..r tiN!o St,le-16.91 ( 9t11er Pla,ies • -~ .. . Com.t, wr4e or phone _ for your Playtex Girdle zoday! ' EWPOR DEPARTMENT STORE cu\uoa &-SS.95) Enn:i.rs< .-. lli&htlJ bi&bet· !!ad aad OCEA..flr; FRO.NT NEWPORT BEA:CR • , I lo , rHE .T1:1111m~ HOME .. o.wNER!' r ~ ' ::>" I IF Tiiu A.U ri.u.im.o TO •P$rr ca 'WAU'.P....._ •ui: llPllJNG, -Nor an ' Notf .A.ND ~ \':m J>l7SllfG 01111 llLOW ILUJft' 11&.UO,N. • • •. I •' ,, . -- l ftll:. Dl900mrl' OJI' Au. •.tlllft.':..om. ll01' oJbiWlhlolr. -UIS-ClOl.oa. l17V . IBlll OOLOU . • . ~ " ~ ..-. 25e'--ll!IT C1X """-_........,..,,. .-cw•ur; 1'~ "'""'"I'll'· mo•JZll. EM '79 8'J•ft "•• Aila:.&.tirGlm ~ ~ , .... ,,,.,,·~ . HARBm PAIT ·& IAltPAPER CO:·· ~ -.--: aa ND.IL&. d9Dll4 mL llAa ·---··-···· . __ .._ ·-·-, •••• 1111 ' .... '1o'-1-·£of, ;'"!:~;~. ' . • • - • • ~ , . . ' .. • • . THURS.-FRl.·SAT. ' HCIMIU lJ.t4-tl u. s. c;RADI . G()OD.A .• · cHotef. ·· '. 10A$1 ,,· .. . ·\b· cH .. icKiN's ... ~ . .., ~~~ · 1 ....... 1 _ _.,aoMI! . c" 7 ""' . r , cui's cHU "-:-• . . . • 1£ST , . , • U. S. No. 1 IDAHO RUSSET " Potato:es IEST QUALITY ! IE SUIE TO SEE TKESE. NEW CROP-LARGE ARIZONA Grapefruit LBS. FOR 6 DELICIOUS , 3 19fo FLA YO IS for v / l10LE'S SLICED ' NO. 2CAN • I Laura_ Scudder's P-NUT BUTTER . ' ' Gla ot 22-oz. Jar • STLSIC"Eo BACON 43~ iii" iiSi.1FiLLETS ... 49~ Best Foods Colored . Nucoa· 01eo 1 ·lb. Carton ·····················.~········· LIMIT 2 POUNDS l'EI CUSTOMEI . Pure Vegetable Shortening • 3-lb. Can · · · · · · ·: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .... · .. · · LIMIT 1 CAN l'ER PERSON 1·LI. 27C IOX 23c 12.0Z. IOTILE . , P.ULL 53c QUART • PAtiCA'i<E MIX 29c SODA.CRACKERS ~ ....... ~--.. ......... --...._.... ......... ~-~-1 60toEN'accOiN. 15c sGvAiuP· -Pill--..... --,,--•• =w-.. 1 .. --. =Cloac.;;...;;.alo-•• -"' .... ",_'" ......... , -...... --3-,-c~ I IEST FOOIS PUii' -=C ___ A__.K=E...,.· i.rl=X__.,1 ~· .....,.· ':_::.1_·~· SALAI>. OIL JELL-0 PINEAPPLE MILK: ...J \GOLDEN STATE 2·5c , 2 ·~~ 25c .47c ~ . SWEETHEAltT TOI ·.-r ·, OAP M. D. FACIAL TYPE -. '. ... ' . :_4 :.~.23c .: ~f-s -~33c · ' TOILET lfS$.~E Aemetr.5Pfced-;-J -~ . . . · ' · · · .. · EYAl'OIATED • I May'naise SPAM • LAURA SCUDDER'S l'UllE ' FULL QUART KOllMEL'S-IN tz.oz. CAN ! NEW LOW l'lllCll PiACHES • • F<i.C., l · s·. c' No. 21;, 9 Caa 5 c~.--- • 41~ -,_----.• ~ .. ....-. HOli~f~'f•·l.ol. Swift's PremiU '' CANNED HAMS ·FRANK . I S·Sc 1 . IL. I Wiii Serve a fti111ily of S! I AN INSl'llllD CHRISTMAS GIFT IPIAI SWIFT'S PREMIUM BRAUNSCHWEIGER ' MILD CHEDDAR A De&cious All-Purpose Cheese! 49~. ,.,,, ~PICTSWE · .. SALE! PICTSWEIT-10-. i'kCJ. I YOUR cut · 1 CHOICE , CORN. V1111le j(,mpS Tomatoes . ·:~:::~.. 19e ~ , COFFEE CAKES , • • 23c ·, ·White King=.:.':°.::L 55c I SHH th 111atf p0p•lar ble•decl W•ltlieyl ·CORBY'S Fl"" s3n IUY A CASl!-S-AYI 10°/o\ I l·ves Ll~DSEY SELICT 19c NO. 1 TALL CAN ca,.."'..., ..... A-'• .,,...,_ ' ,....,i.1ouMl'!t!n ~:!m 98' .. U.~-~~.~ps1f.. I • • Ripe -Fruit Cocktail":;:: .. 33c _ 11CTSWUT-10.... l'kCJ. ·FANCY .. ·PEAS · · Nerw••C•r••hlM•· . . • M f j * ALL-AMERICAN·~ BU¥S J· Bl -C!_ .... *· • r I • • • • > N O W 1 -IN NEWPORT BEACH l • Ct.AS S-l 'F IED· • , > • ~ . Aleohollea ~;, • FIREWOOD Write P . 0 - -Ooa1 u4 aau-1 °. Dalbo& I•NI, Otllf. -~ _.. : · H. W. Wript Co-•• ' • • l!bGae .. _ li8lll - • •• " !s•!!! .. ~ • p SEA BOOKS An.....-.t-•d,-i. ""~--~-'· -.1,..,.-..,. Marie Earle's ARALINN !!!!!:::!!!!!!!!!!!!!*z!%1"~Me!!..J1...__..;.:'~'f',," .ifwpo<t ...,.., ~ -The Islanders , 'nlere never wu -nor t. there - · .aother treatment Uk• the ARA· LINN Molhod by KARii: !)ARLE. ror th1.I euy·to-follow mefbod not only imootha, brf&bteu and retmes the akin. but &ho a.ctually correc.ta. lmOOths and tlnna the coatova of · lace and necJc.. , 'nle ARALINN Method which em· ploys a revolutionary lotion, com· btna: artrlngenta· and fine oils, stimulates elrculatlon., but never drt.ea th• akin. n Why not slut to- day to tan ad.-a.n .. tac• of th1a revolu· tionary common· aenae way to look yean yowipr and lovelier? , Skinner's ~ Pharmacy ' , •• • • P~E SC Rl?ll C N S • Come in and see what Santa has brought to fill the Kid~ies' Xmas Stockings. Hundreds of marvel- ous toys of all kinds for every age group •. Shop Now or Use Our Lay-Away Plan THRONSON'S I-tome and Auto 1789 NEWPORT AVE. • Supply COSTA MESA - VISIT OUR • NEW LOCATION! Tame Parrots and Parrakeets :· Pets' Xmas Stockings and Accessories Gold Fish . Tropicals Aqlllrium Supplies Rubber Toys Fresh U. S. Gov't. Inspected HORSE MEAT FREE DELIV~RY! Sportin'g Goods ·-Gifts OPL.'1 EVES. 'TILL CllJU8THA8 Hidy's Pet Supplies llAllllOR tHS NEWS-'TDIES -Every Taeeday NEWPORT BAY POST-WedJleeda:ya; NEWPOBT-BAIJIO.& PBF.88 ~ Tllunclays New,e.t; Bu ._. a .. ,.,... &At w ,.. ta tM ir. ' • lf•P"I' ..... ftllnilQ .... llDIDl11ll AD IS .,_LDfD • .&D a= ''""' .............. .,... .... , ... ., .J;"•tfm n• lllub. 'laa, • r... Bar. J.Mf . E .iKiiiiPiilGHr-'---•. ELI.EN WARD -.,.., • pr.-.. ... Del- Beauty Operator · eoita x-. I!•-bee:w "' Beeccn·toal. tell formerly of m... DGll -t a. H .6,. blue, T.I x"t , Helen's Beauty ....up •ft snen, with pe<1a. • " IO • .... ll'aper f.5 t U.. · I PaPen 1.50 , WW be &lad to lftet. .nnnlble, I In<Us.n esr&pet tor old and now cuatomua .modem bomu. Bels\unt wall loi'!H'.IH:lH:lH:lt-f.'.l:-tl:-tl:-tl:-tl:-0-1 at her NEW UXATlpN taptStry. Complete ,dinlJI&' oet. 102 11. lllb., Cool& -a. 1562 1Jf>l3 12 FT. Gt.ASSPAR, llko new. T ~ B. P. Mercury, tarp, oars.. an- chor. Send doU7. f'*":..,See Mr. Grimstad at Balbo& 15&1 Club or call Harbor 1535. llclS 4 U-I ......,. %.'CIO • 'l'be pub.Uahera wfll not be ~ for mart th&n ODii lnooraect lnmrtion of an •dvtrUMment. rca:t,. Ute rt pt to c6rYICU7 d&lsltJ any and all a.ell uid to l"l!:ject any &d\>eJtiaement not OAl!oi':at to ru1.. and recuJattom. Advert1Mmfl1~ and canceJl&U-bo accePtec:I up to 5 p.m. on th• da7 Precedlbl' pubUcaUon. Ex,cept dudlJ.n.e tor News_· 'nm.ea 11 11 L m. KolldQli 402 • 32nd St., Newport Bch. 8 chaln, buff•~ lide tab!., Ph. Harbor 22:18 for appt. aman wrou&f>t ~ tall••. old -lclO Spanl.ah st.r&ltht leatber cbatr. Drapeo. l)>rtado, -ar\lcl ... Superfluous Hair I IT Ba!bo& Cove& .Phijao Rtr. IJTS-W. 9cl1 • GREEN'S t&lli NJ:WfORT BLVD. COSTA MESA • • Ideal Christmaa Gifts • ..._ ear. 1a11. Mir tor •Ad 'l"&kef" or ... ed ... a ,,, ,, te NEWPOllT llAJUIO& PUBUllBDIO 00. Perma.nenUy removed from face, arms. lep. Eyebrow• and bair- Une Aba~No more tweezlns. l!!JEN L.~'BRYANT R. E. SCO'IT SHORTWAVE RADI~ \ . PARAGON rnera cear. mttable tor jeep -or V-8 enctne, f125. · 3112 lA!sy~tte, Newport Beach. ' Utt Balboll lll'rd.. Hewport lts9', Qdfo,.... Toastmasters Club Now Organizing l~ GUS. Tuudlty and Thunclay on11 Udo'• 8aloD ot Beauty Bar. ~74 For Venetian Blinds, Now In the proceu ol orp.tlls&- Uon 1t tbe Barbor Ara Tout- muter-. Club now mttUns every Tuead&y evening at Norton'• Bay Shore Cate. Shades. and Drapery Hdwe. 22-Looit ud FOllJld ffiE SHADE' SH0'9 ~ twoE~1 ~<IL~ ~ estlmatie l'h. Bar 88' "~ Ph. l.Aguna Ht'8. tOct2 ToutmUteNI InternaUotlfl. d.. lZ-BulldbaJ Seniee. vot.d to dovel9plng tbe ~,or p-Jb-S &' Ila . lie speaking. .,... shown _,..,tacu. ympson No r i.r growth In reoent run. now p AINTING It DECORATING h.a.V:ng over 1000 clubs. Dtperta , · 1n tho fl<ld o! ..U·hetp l)>ttch "The Best Money Can ,Buy'' clinics hr speaking. cltb de.crtbe 512 , Sith St., Newport ~ Tou~te.ra International .. be: PHONB BABBOll UO. l.nl' without peer in the dcYtlop-• Otte LOST-Man"• rlnf, ruby .. t wllll .mall dla.mond tn center. Nea.r Ms.rintr• J.ltle, Cout Hwy. Re- waiil. Pbono Bea. It~. llct3 -ctustfted. adll are re&d by toma wbo an looJdDc to bay. ZS-8!f:)a!!O!s w ... ~ • Coven 80 key, to 24 mgy. \l'lvf bands, 11 tube. it-de fOT Bush-- .. , tpa USN Model :RcB 1!0..AC. . 'Barbor 3M&-W. • 10p12 WESTINQBOUSE, 9 cu. ft. re- frtp.ra.toi-wtth free• cheat. ~ Ilk• new, mec.han. perfect, $295; I Kenmore .Jnlahlnir machine S125 Private pti. Pil. IA&Una C-6481 CAJ'll!ER . A-. SATTLER. range. It.a Uie 1951 CP all automatic and hU. everythtnc. IA.mp e.nd clock, outlet for touter and hu all· St. 1'&ry B!ank$1 Bateo Bruloom spidda Geo. Wtahlnirtoio ~ Pullie COntour Sheet. c.nnon 8beete and Towels P-Sheets and Cuea Bath Kata Table Llnt:a Towel Seta Goodyear Alrfoam Pillow1 Gift Wrapped . ' Home Furnishings· · Beacon 7235 8pt3 Harbor 102G-W. ' • llcll SPJ:Nm Plan.09, new and tmed. Baby Spinet $29~. Quiatmu ~ on dl Splnetl. Over 100 pianos to chooH :rom, DANZ-- sc:amDT PIANO and Organ ao., ~o No. Main, corner ltb, Santa Ana. ELECTRIC Organs. new ud med.. DANZ-SCHlnDT ~a.no and 0"7 pn Co., 520 N. Kain, cor. 6tb, Santa AnL •teel hot .,.Jee grtddl• 1n the * Christmas Trees * RENT A PIA.NO-Let the Jdddleii learn. $5 per mo. Full tum rent allowed on any piano in our atock. DANZ • SCBKlDT B I ~ Piano Store, 520 N. Main. SM.ta m.!ddle. -Abo hu all limmer bumera and all-chrome cooking 1 top• -and that grtll broiler. Used 1..Jnontm. can have tt_fo• For the RIGHT TREE at the RIGHT PRICE, Go to SHEL TON'S ment of th.la ut.. Their methom are the re80.lta of 20 year• of the belt etforta and tb.inktnr ot thoU.I· anda of member participants. PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN WANT Hou.work and baby mtt.- tng. Have own tran1portaUon. reteracu. 340 Avocado, Coat& Mea or phone Har, 2935---W • contract balance of $14-9.48 or 181 E . 17th SL Costa M.eaa -----------;,- take payments of $8.Qt per .m.o. Beacon 6034-W 8c13 LOVELY bungalow uprt1bt piano Ana. Thb local club will be llmlttd io 30 a.ctive membtta and ~ti to be charterrd in January or 1952. For Informat ion call Elton Barnett at Beacon 5713-R or Bea. 5532-W. 1 Se_e.,~at 404 So. Sp&dfa., :Fuller· in perfect condition. Tuma, ton or Phone 21~2. lltfc FOR CHRISTM.AS--,-Wo electric $33.3? down and $11.SM pa mo. m -. at., eoota -11p11 -. MIT.JI -'------------ .. I ft:J>ERT WASHING and Ironlnf. Marx trains allghtly used, &e· at SHAPER'S MUSIC CO. fX>LDSPOT Ref~g., 1 cu. tt.. plUI ceuorlea and tracka. Phone Bea-{Since -1~7), 421 No. &ycamore., P ain ting .: "'d Mro. Fulton. Brin~ to t822 a.u. Vlle11e Place, Newport. Beach. Good con<!itlon. Sacriflc 12 e for $60. con So63. 9pll Santa. Ana. KI. 2-()672. Call b'L 9 n.. m. and a. ""m. --~-..l....------1 Barbor 20T<0 W. 8pt 01 BOYS' Dayton Touri.t bicycle. S· GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, S59, The Unitarians Plan Potluck · Paperhanging Harbor t~1-w. ~opu GEO BTft>VU A DTVn -Claulfled. ada •N;. J't!.&d by fOl.b . v~• FINZ IROMING, CUrtalnl, etc. .-peed gear shift, good Ure•. Has $75, $87 up. Pay $5 per month. had lltUe uae. Beacon 5587-J. Full trade-in allowed on ttll!W 508 • Slat St., Newport Beach P ick up uid deliver. Help wtth c-,_h_o_are __ 100 __ k_ln_1C_to..,..bu_Y_· __ _ Phone Harbor 2418-W be/ore d inner pert.lea. )lra. WUllarna. 8 L m. or a.tter 4 :30 p, m. Harbor 1848-M. -10pl2 The next meeting of the Unlta.r-· . ' Ullc tan Fdlow11hip ot Laguna. Bea.ch . KIDDLEAOE WOMAN w a n t • 10pl2 wt thin two ye a r 1. DA-NZ- SCHMIDT Big P iano Store, San· ta Ana, 520 No. Msin. 8th s~ comer. Buy now for Xmu. Your ad eppeartng reg- ularly tn these column.a will bring you many new customera. Harbor area folk.I are tn the ha.bit of ''looklnr la the cl&Nl- fled" "when they need tbe88 8U'Yice11. will talce place on 1bura4y, Dtt. COMPLETE HOUSE CLJtA.NING baby sitting nenlnp. Phon~ 13 at the Old Studio on the HI.ch-F.u.mlture ani! ru,p ab.am~ Beacon 5584-W. 10pl21.;.--:.------..--- • w&y at Diamond lt(ftt at 7:45 ~ nttmat--F\lll7 tNured.. ------------ Al' H a. R S. C. GRAD .• 28, married. Perm. NEW . P·;;,, >-is!Ung mini.tor Will ho 8 0U8e at · Ug Balboa ruldent. E><p, In •o.l~•· . • the Rev. Baroid E,•Scbmldt trom Qeaning Co. oftlce mcmL Strv. sta.L, bOat Fireside Too~ per aet ... -... $ 8,95 ------------ Van Nuy•. who~~ on "Our 8 ,7,• 1111 Tltfc r epair. Phone :Mr. KUtler, l!~r:· Pl~!c,,.Covered arm chair AMERICAN FLYJi!R Electrtc Stake 111 Kee.._ 0.-Public ,..., bor 39G-J. llplS ~\Ital to ......................... !" •• ~~.M tr31.n, 1 en~ &hd 1 pasaenger .. ---, ; .Jenny Ltftd spool bed ma-aet of cara ~-1 freight set School.I Free." ~ .,..,.~ WANT light hou.Rkeeplng and ' · • · ' $29 50 ot can. Specl&l lerge tnnatorm- The meetlnc, be open troninr, 1·1 hour, Pb.. LbinglQn • ~tt'Y .. c;;.k;~-~-· er, automatic uneoUJ«,er, 2 extra to the public, --by Contractor -d llpi3 I Un!V<l'RI Cottooniattc auto llwltcheo, ~ tt. ot track. a poUuc.k .up_ptt tiail-Com.Dle:rdal St&Uon houae,. Swttchboa.rd ett ode!~ -11>0 Y .L.HEJ.P. You·witb y.our I . _. USED up. '3!1. can be ...,, at t20t Balboa on Sout NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 1.-Alr. and M.ra. Leon Yale Gt 218 OG_yx St.. Belbo& laland, CalJJ., ..Ued !rom here today aboard the S8 Alcoa Cavalier, luxury liner of the Aleo& Ste.mablp company bound on a lS-day1 Ca.rlbbeui cru.t.£: While on the crulse, tlley will vtlrlt Ciud.ad TruJUlo, Dominican Republic.; Kingston, lunalca; Port ot Spa.in, Trinidad; WUlemated. Curacao and Gu.anta, Puerto Ca- belloe U:d ~ Ouaira ln V~ezuelL .Before slJUng they spent three days ln Ne-w-Orleans. Cookie Program for Homemakers a 1 •• ~w~, entertaining? Ca.ii ~· ""Nso•-,-""" ~ play'.;t; CoutHlr!zway,Coron&del:Mar. -.l'ntc ·u.-David.ton. :a. at' 3001'J "" •uo ·-~ Harbor 309<-Vf. 10cl2 -3 I comb, lllco cond. -··-···--'37 & y· House.Movers General Contractors 850 Flr.t St., Tustin, Cellf. I Phone Klmberly 3· lW (Home· Pbonea JA.sper 9·%771 ot JA.lper 9-2681) ttttc . . Frank J . Moll Fireplaces, Barbecues, Fences A.n;ythlng In block brlclt or fl&ptone, etc. <ST E. 18th BL Coot& Kea Phone Beacon MM~R attc -_.. l.lcUH &n~er F"ortune Box GIVE llIM . , 29-r-Bdp Waated · \ sj>rlng " mattfeas (U8<d 2 S O T ls 1 Jno.> s.14 t<>< u19.75. nap-n .oo ' Price o:tly -· ... -............. -.... $:19.50 FOR CHRISTMAS Wanted 'at Once TOP M'ACHINIST P~an~nt J ob Apply at )kp~ tab ....... _ ............. $ S.96 Call JOHN KIMBLE, Bu. t087·R • O'Kede ii: Merrit\ 3-bumer 2152 Miramar, Ball>oa -._ 1 o;it. 1love -·-··--······-·-···$25.00 5c6H .South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at 23rd St. lttc 'Dale's· Furniture 1874: Harbor Blvd. Co.ta lfeaa Beacon M37:J Want to Buy 1 U8ed Furniture I Will buy -1 piece or a carload. CRIST FURNITURE 11187 Orange, Cotta Meu. B. 7.123 . 7p21 KECBANICAL ENGINEER, ~~'*'Beach area: excellent op~IJ'. Best working con- dllloiuo. ]\QSAN, Inc., I~ Cout tp(hway. N~ BHcb or G224: 89uthUn Ave., South Gate.l------------ l0cl2 rFAFF elec, sewing machine. I Doee 12 opei-&Uorw Without at- ------------ . ;IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFr · White ·Ermine Coat Opera Length Size 15 Never Been \Vorn ' Approximately Half Price $1900 ta.cbmenta. Excellent condition. s.crttlce •t 1225. ALSO speed graphic camer• ln fine condl-Compl~ tnatallaUan, ftlWr and tion. Mbc. heatef•, tablet, lampJ / ' REGULAR $27~ value -'New t20 bau &ccordlona. while they laat, $189.95. Cue Included. Terpoa, $18.tlll down and $10.TI per mo. at .SHAFER'S MUSIC,. CO. (SlnCe lJQ!), 4-21 Nq.. Sycamore. Santa Ana. KI.~72.' $10 WILL BOW any.PIANO tor CIUUS'l'1olK8 dellnry. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Plano store, Sant& Alla, Ith St. -J .MO No. Kain, tOO l'IANOs TO CHOOSE B'ROKI ' CHRISTJU.S SALE -Bdmnaa Grand piano, uaed. Lovely tone, now only $49~. term& Other Gl'anda $4.9~ to $2400. Wurlitzer, Steinway, Kimbal, Chickering, Behrman, Wegman. Petrol, Story ti: CJark and many otbera. DANZ • SCHMIDT PIANO STORE. 520 No. Kain, 80nta Ana, corner Stb Street. .. USED Spinet pla.no, famoua make, in perfe<;t condition. Terms, $59.12 down and $20.50 per mo. at SHAFER'S MUSIC CO,. (Since 1907) 421 No. Sycamore,• Bazt!i' Ana. Kl. 2·0672. PHONE Barbor IISll t4 place your wa.nl ad OD th1I pal'e. CBRl8TKA8 SPECIAL -A lovely grand piano ln perfect condition. Formerly $785. Now onlv $595. Terms. $60.82 down Ir $21.28 per mo. at SHAFER'S J.IUSIC CO. (Slnce 1907), 421 No. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Kim· berly 2--0l72. Cbrtstmu cookies wUl tbe ma.de and decorated by Project Leadel'9 1ilr1. Betty Nlc.bob uid Mn. Em· ma Poupart at a meeUng of the Col:ta Meaa. Homemaken to tN! h@ld Frl~y. Dec. 14, •t 10 L m. 1n the Coeta Men Community church. There wtD be • poUuck lunch~ with a ahart l.be coat deT&trt, followed by a 50 cent &1ft H.H.HOLBROQK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt llel"Vh:e of all tra.iltr equ.Jpmu.t. Call evu. or w'eek end.I. Har. ORANGE COAST 2338-R (or Bar. 3<H·J days.) Call Klm. berly 3.2980 SPINET l'lf"o like neW. Stunning TRAILER SUPPLY ~ llctS cue. Big. round clear tone. A For Information, exchange. · Rapalr S.rvtce ·Main~ Phone: Hs.rbor lUS:W 280t Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach \ 11cl3 real joy to hea.r a.nd tee. Special ltlO HARBOR BLVD. RIFTWOOD arrangement.a, &n· Chrlatmaa Prtce $395. Qne only. ea.ta Mesa. Pbons Be•caa IHC-R ~ tlquea and bric,a-brac. Bargains ------------DANZ.-~~ BtG ~ • ~o You'll Dad IDaJl7 nlae Jaoma ~~· ~~" TOOLS -De W-1.t comblP&Uon 11S::d. Marine Ave., .sait>o. h-and ·ape.a. advertllecl for reat-STORE, Sant& Ana, !520 North JolDU::r, table aaw. Bolce Crane ,_ A.pL 7' . 9P11 yearl7 or whiter-In tbe du-Kathi corner 8th St. CYNTHIA MAUS TALK PAPER HANGING jl,-W saw. Twelve-Inch band aaw. ~ Bardrock oecretary, lllJled Metloa -,.: BA vm an old piano YoU are not --It ""-•-•'-S p ... •-tin ,KllC. hand toola. Even.inn. 25fl brand new reuouble. U2 N&r, 1-:c:--=-:.,,.-,,.,,.---,,.--,----t 1•· to SET FOR SAT\llDAY ca .. u.wg, pray ""' .r • Crutvtew pr, Bay~ '10p12 ~.Co.:0.a c.et Kar. t0pl2 TRI--OOLOR Collie pupple•. 6 ~1:;:_;-ille 00• ltalnP-~~ • ..'.:.sJ. f05 COAST BLl'JI., OOROXA DEL JL\R 'W th Q wla. old. 125 eacll. WOI hold ~ ·--v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;~;;;~I The noted author, loctllrer and nenne uarry BOYS' •• bteyclo In nice condl-LIVING ROOK, 2-p-IUIU, tlll Christmas. Beacon I09S.R. Tetevl.tton. Convenient ............ world tra.nltt Mill Ctynthla llaus 16U Santa Ana A..., eo.ta)le-. tlon. Kake otter. 1809 B. Bal· flame color, 1n A,l caad.iUon, llpl3 any balance at SBAFER'S LET MOBILE FURNISH YOU READY MIXED CONCRETE ON'l'Ot7a:NJl:ll7:.- 6540 !!MAI.I. 'flltl<D ~ uwa BtlCSI SATURDAY ISILIYllllS 41UAUl'I' omc1am.1.gp ~ .. I & &JmA••m •-'fl"'l(JS"- .. .. • • will spealt at Laguna"art p1Jery on Phone BMOOll ll604 bba BIYd., Balboa. Rtr. 2Mll-K. ,75. lOO Eut Bay A .. .; Balboa, ___________ ..,. KDSIC CO. !Since 1907), <2 l N. 8atur<k7. Dec. t~ at 8 p.m, Kia ; Mcl'IB 10cl2 Apt. 2. • l0pl2 SNARE DRDK-In ucellent con· Sy"""ore, Sant& Ana. KI ~72 Mau. wru give he# nfustrated I~-------------------------j dltlon. lnclodea .Uclui A-brushes. Uo ture oa "Th• World'• a ...... Ma-HAULING ID.EAL roR. BOLIDAYB--Kan.'•GOOD '""ICING -. built $25. Ph. Beacon I09S.R. llp13 ACCORDION-Daed, fUD -~ Will aacriflc• for '8&. 1'm:na. donn&..· tolllnZ ....,. ot tlle lnlu· dbl. br<utcd. NayY French flan· I~ ft. SO[L Excdlent. condl· ") ANZ. .. tin• bit& ot -h In coon«· ANY KIND-Truh or! nel suit, ...., 38. Uke new, $<0. uon. 1100. Pb. Bar. 198,J. llcl3 ICE SKATES (me 1.,. worn Others lew u Sl.Jl5, 11'11. D 6 once. electric train. .f. whaled SCHMIDT, 520 No. K&.t.n. COl'DU tlon with the compllatloll and of Call Walk-1576 Placeptla Bat, 3°""1 after f p. m. llcU ~ PO: II•"•• rm. ... ·•··· iklnuner, mech. truck, toy .. w. ettt. CbrtstmU ._,. Santa Ana. th1s f-.moua work &Dd lhow\.nl' ,..__._ a"J7~J .a. "v ....... -...... ..,...... ~ n1&ny M&utttul +ilfdu ot the Ka· .....,,. Mee&-BeaCC¥1 "" r.-'l'ABl.m L.UIPS, oU potntlnir. 4rop ~ Venetta mohair, a.el. tnir machine, lll!e new. Heavy SPINET PIANO.lil&llUJ dalnaP4 -from among tbo one tum-• . -. "leaf ta*. Bea\rtltUl -., and condition. Ooat $<00. Bell for carry-all truck. Pho~ Barbor In abipment. A barpla. DANZ- drecl tourtec to k found In thla ·Fertilizer $2.® ycL wbll<t klCI Nia tllr coat, °" '175. Bea. 1Tls-1t ... Beacon ™· llcl.3 8CIDaDT ma PIAMO BTOKr. Slant aalllolo17 from 20 dllferei>t Dell-Pbclle Beacoa fOJ1S.J Jeaslh, -~6 (.-t $Zo6), S4G. MfT.Jt. lli13 ~BARGAIN -JJ:lee· Santa Ano, UO Jto. Kam; _. coatrtoa t11e ~ .-rid. T6c'IUI Phone Rtrbotofl02. u,eu · ~ Dial. bed. 11ox opnns trte ~ (Bollywood). !A<" _ fth. 0..100 ,._ _,_, KJso ·-.Ill .• snduate ot . ----~inttec1 -• -· ~ ,....., m -Am No~ ·1!111~'3'· ll:YaJIM) ..... tbe 'I' PO~,_,~~~)'mR a1i4 ~ tW ~Ii Y .\ft., Nowpo<t f"tCht&. Bea· YPD CAN law • piUo la ,_ ·-,_..., --·-au.. ~ · llc13 h"""' at a.ri-for cmlJ SI ' -I eani'ltlOll. ,.._,,Ille . 'l'aatll'e dllilllS dlelr, ts. Barllor eon MU. . ..,._ Bee ,. ,,_ -flao ""t. AUTO llADIO lDd Bll:ATJ:IL -.z. ' • ·lOcl.t L.\llQll 'boya' blqde In aOOJDJt el _...,.. ~ a~ .., J'lt ' Ul!f tar. Oooil --. O. Jl POllTABUI: -·a· ·-Uoa, '17.60 or wljl .,.. .tu-,....._ ot lllUl'l:a .. ~ -.·nu·~ -:tr•• ~ -..,. .-. ,.._ tor lir1e' bley<le. t'h. KDS:~~ UOT>, .u1 21ll .._ UpU -lllw. Sia r --· •• B •• .,.. •tee.I. 1le1S No. --Alla. ta. -... -. • 2-0l72. ~--.. -w. '1"12 GIRLr IH I ..._ lllQdo. 116; li:;Jiiii:iiJ)(jiij:Qiilnittift;i lliliDIOK GAit Aac ,W:•-8'a 111111'. ~ ..,.. • -lllqde, ~: Jlrlo' I BA-lllllD -I nt ~ Pllalf' Srai• 11111. lll1 .. •nz'hr --•• ..s • 11111a lll&Och, tu. m ftl -., .. , an a.110rpn.. If,_ -· HtU -tt m tM .,II,,••-ou1sm. u. ii1e: I'll. Bartoar doa't-•-.,..._piq -~--•-. -· - -It.,.....,. .a tM 1'Qf.J,_or_..a.11,u w.1 n.a ,., .,....11<- & _:a-. ... .,. v.a. IJ...,. 1-~~-... :~ .. ~··~-~~·~'~'*~:~·~·~· ~~~r~·,s-:I .... •.w. ... , ,., ··w _a,,& 1 •I ~-. ~ . Ttl:: lip. 8-... ~1' -- - ' • -•••l' ...... DAD- ........ I? ~ • ,.. &--·---'\'fl! at I 1111111 Ill I I ... Mft'l'llllit-Oq90&, *" -'!!I -... ldtl:& ..... & 1W .....___ ~ "' -• H .. -I • I eL ···:=EJ~·:z~r=·~·tl~ilt;i-i;:;;i'Ddl~ _...., WWW-.:... IJl'Alll·Jlr n I• ' ""' ~ Mii .,, .... [lo,,,t-.,-, .. .. ...... • •• (;:;;;;;;;;;- ... -.; Jltlt .. lirilill• -.,ffiii • • .. ' J l I ' • ,_..u•t=Ejf • ' • • • • • • . - lleQ. U. llli P.&G& ' llSW»oat ur ~ ~ ~ ~ . A -u. •:wza:a a "* !~~£~Dl??!l!P.!!2Cla!!.~!:..!Pe~ts!-__ f!U--.~.t~el!!!!-!!.!:!!!'!:~~!...!u11~!R2!o•!!e!!~-l•!::-:!•!!•~'.!"'-~te!!_ ___ .·).JD!=•!•!!!J•"'-~!!te!._ ___ !•!:::!•!!•!!'.! .... ~•!!....·---A-·l!•!A::!•=L~.~!!!•!!!~!-·---~l--!~!:::A:;!•~.~~~..!~!!J1!:•!!~-·-·_A.:.._/j..!!l!::!:l!•!!..•·!!!~s1t A ~~r p_. Jll!•m.s male dos. 1 mo&. old. TELEVISION NIGHTLY Chicken Ranch l . --.. ,...;;~;..;··,ll·· • res. ARC champion retrl•wr. BLANc::HE A. GATI!::i, Realtor ~CLUSIVES ~lulm BaySbor11 t'.ff '45. c.n Har. 1328 (ev ... ear. HAKlll THUi ,.... ilomo a-.y A ruJ -rtunlcy tor lb• rtpt ntANK L. 8HU1'ELT J MARTIN • JIU) 't1cl3 ·from i1ome. COsy rooms and man to um over '1000 Jlft mo. . • THE JOHN' VOGEL COMP ANY .. .mgl• apt. Newly decorat..i a OCl'ft, 2 h..._ ham • .tal>ln. 311 Marine ·~ve., Balboa IJlland -toMll. You may have ~ .,_ .. ....._ lobby. w~ ... nt... own water and equtpmont ""' ~BR. ll'll _. tm -.. ..__... __ 1_ . esmiha Information ,.., offers for your selection: ~· ....,......, •. OCEAN FRONT HOTEL 13.000clllclwul.SMOOdownplaa . , .,._ _.._. ,,.... v3 RAll8lTll FOR SALE-8 thoro-2-w ~-.:... ~L ~--"8'1 Inventory. 'Ible operaUon ... BALBOA TaT ..... "". • .. bis .at our LIDO JSLI: • 'bnd dou, two bucks. ~n· ol'vv • ~ •IVD na.r. • over $50,000 l"OU alu for 1151 ~"LI llcllB Can be lncttuod. '"'_.,. am,e. 1. New 2 bdrm. h-. dining mi., forced al!' heat, • ·· ~e dilpoAJ. dlldunaater _ -....$1~ ~ ~-~":'.1tan· Coot& ~~·LIDO·--BA--T-rRO--NT--dd-..,..--,...,,-. -• EX'l'JlA. SPECIAi. value la -Mtra apeelal ho-t. A ,1~ .. -lllat Ill DI: lab"' 2 bdna. '""'"d 0oor apt. Moderately Priced Ch&nnlng uv1ng roo111 overlooking '*1°· 2 nice LUXE 1n •••r7 d•t&U. 'nllll l'tttpl&c•. Diopoaal. Ebcloeed INCOJO: HOME. New 2 bdrm. on bdnne., double 1arace. Fyrniahed apt. Priced for "beauty". lo b!a)'Ond ducrtptton. patio. Pier and doC'Jr adjacent. R.-3 Jot. located eJoee ~to beach. quick aa.le. U J'"qU want niJl•Wt coklring, ,.. , Cl • .. ,_ S Rent re•tMAhle to June l~th. Sbould retuni to IUOO per yr. lon1,Y planted patio, unit beat, .iaen 8 OUllllg tore Pb. lllYea. Harbor 2MIO. -Ample room for additional unlL ~ tloorw, Iara'• ,_,,. I ll2 E. 18th Sl, Costa Mesa NEW 1 --llJltUmlmod du· i'ull prtce, $12:IO. Ra.sonable dn. CORONA DEL MAR. .. d ••...,-Ullns aplc • opan. ~ tllm by all m....., en THIB. lltock allout I yr. old. stock and plu, neu .io.a .. d -· Mil paym..,L One of the moct attract!~ home. we bave evor of. P>leod at 520.000 ...s ~ tbrtumo Inventory about '13.800. mo. s.e at 231 Old County Rd., -fered. 2 bdrm.a., bricked patio, ~;M;M~ room. Many ~ cent. . Pbona Beacon ••OS .. <. <Uc • Newport Belgllta. tpll Lido Isle $15,500 ......_ Buaineas Opportunity Wanted Need am.a... Jllftey! PRIVATE PARTY wtll buy or in! Sell ~ -ll!lll ltew tuf'.k- veat In esttbllshed bWllne• tn 1 ..t away t. you prace .,. eloMta Harbor area. Must abow good ......c..p. RarMr ltl• ud tae .. prottt.. Give full pa.rticula.n. ta11:ef 1"lll -. J'OU p I a e e yow Write Box V, thi• paper. No duaU\ed ad. brolf:en. llpU ------------- --Opportunity ts knoclcinr t.n CLASSIFIED ADS. 4%-Wan\M to Rent • YOUNG COUPLE nf'ed apt., tn atta. Perma.nl'nt. Furn., partly f'Urn. or unfurn. Ph. Bt-aeon 81M) hero~ 5 p. m. llcl3 U-Apartments and HomM LIDO ISLE V.""E RA VE a vacancy tn the LIDO APTS. on the NORTI{ BAY- FRONT. Furnillhed apartment ideal for 1 or 2 persons. Ask for Mr. Grohman. P .A. PALMER INCORPORATED S333 Via Lido, Newport Beach Harbor lMIO' TWO bdrm. unrurn. hbme. 1 blk. from ocean. By year only, $75 month. Lit>o 1.SLE-2 bdrm. turn. bome, SJ15 mo. by year only. Ph. Barbor ~2 or R&r. 2914-M 3t!c *Tobi and Pets Welcome * THREE rooms. 1 ~room rurn, ~ double. Newport. 1 blk. to UNFURNISHED sLngle apL, u:p- ata.fns, llvtnc rm., bdrm. ,kitchen, belll, hwd. floors.. no p.raa-e. children and pell! O.K. $60 plue util. Call Bea. 704.S. llcl2 FL'RN, 3 nn. apt. with bay vi.ew ln nice condition. $65 mo. UUL pd. Yearly rental. 1907 W. Bal- boa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har- bor J.t68-M. · llpl3 FOR LEA.SE-New 3 bdrm. houae, unfum. Ptttplacl", dbl. garage. 23542 St. Andrews Rd., Cliff Ha.veo. Beacon 6674.-J. llc13 FOR RENT-1 bdrm. turn. hou.e in Newport Beach. Reasonable t o June 15th. Phone Fullerton 1088. l l c13 SM.ALL 2-room cottagl", rurnished. One block from R ichards Mar- ket. 115% E. 16th St., Co11ta 1-tesa. llpl3 OCEAN FRONT apartment , at- tractively f'Urnill.bed. Spaclou.t living room, dining f'OOnl, kltch· en, bedroom, twin beds, double •tudio couch. radio, wuhing m&chlne. All utWtiu. Nie• beach. Shope, 1ehool, clos.e. ALSO ha\•e a 11nug mtudio apart- ment, moderate rental. 1704 W. Ocean Front. Ph. Har. 2999~J. 11 pl3 ocun and ba,y. $40 mo.. Harbor 43-A-Tndler S~ 187. llcl2B I .:;::..;;:;....~==..::i=.t;;:;;:;:.. __ _ HoUBe Trailers for rent J'URNISHED A PT., 2 bdnn. with noat rental. Har. 1217-J: 10pl2 ALSO large tot.1 with l&wna and patios, extra clean r est room~ and laundry. Thls Is a fine place to maJce your hOn\e. RENTAL r SPECIALISTS COii -er.is Linwoo<J Vick, Rltor. -Ioland. Har. JOU - Liberty Trailer Park 1~182 Harbor Blvd. Sa.nta A.Aa KL 2-5379 6p18 TEARL T-N.,.ly d<eorated. lllz. 1.4;;.4:;.__Boo~-'ms=~fo.oro..;;:Be=nc:t ___ _ cepllonally nk:e. Unturn. 2 bed- room duplex. M&ny extra fea- turu. Near both acboola. Rea- eonable. 22~ Clay St., Clift Haven. 83tfc BALBOA PENINSULA -At· tn.ettwty f\lmiaJ:u~d ~ bdrm. du- pla wtth sundeck. Winter or yearly. Reuonable. HU. 3019-R 83t!c J'URNJSHED APT. -' rm.a. and b&lh, adult.I, no pets. No drink- en. Near center or Coat& Mesa, SM month. 1878 Fullerton Ave., ~aeon :5138-M. llc13 ROOMS -P ermanent, weekly rental. Large sleeping room. Priv&t• entrance. garage, 110 week. THE BLUE TOP, 401 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. (just above the Arche.e ), 9tfc ~Automobl1es, Tlfttll LOOK! LOOK! 1951 HILLJ.IAN Seda.n dem- onslrator, very low mileage. AT A BIG SAVING 19-48 CHEV. club cpe. (1 O"-."Der ) Orig. palnt, new tires ................................. $109~ We have juat completod .. att.rac· untl8U&I featlll'l!8. Excellont lel'Dl.I. $15, 750. 2. Aloo on LIDO ISLE what you U•e 2 bdrm. hoUM wtth many have 'bren waitJns,_ tor. A home tile teaturea -encloeed patio. BLAN(.'BE A.. GATES -R.EALTOR on the-NORTH BA.Tnt.ONT for corner fltf'place, g'OOd heatinr. OMU!' the law price of $31,500. cLaaa mcloffd tub, expollf'd lmastne a 2-atorr home with 3 beamed celling In uv. rm. Can Was $38,000 -Now $30,000 bed-s b&U.., maid'• room. be bought wtth low down pay-2 •bower &nd dreatnr room•, ment or '47~. Best value on One ot the DkeR 3 bdrm. vWw homes la Corona unJt heat. 2 •un deck•. circular 1.Jdo lale. d 1 .,__ U bar, cl*"" kitchen and bome e -....-. you are interellted in a home in tlWI p1 ·~-ru-·-·~ -• GREltNLE.AF • ASSOC. com e._,,. ~~ for UU4J BUILDER -REAL TOR price cla88. DON'T MISS -ing thla one. '31.l!OO. nu. .. a BUT. 3112 Newport Blvd., Harbor 2!502 IT HAS EVERY1'HING! ALSO 3t!c We a.r. tha DEVELOPERS. ot LINWOOD VICK, Realtor ' LIDO ISLll where fine ilom .. * * * * * * W A TOBIAS Sal an be boulfll tor u low u 11.S,. If · · • e9lllan&ger llOO. AJoo a t•w -ir Joto YOU 're a 312 Marine Ave., B&lboa Island. Ph. Harbor 20'2 tor oa Utile u $2700 with ... y BARGAIN HUNTER ------------------t.rmo. GOING -GOING -GONI: lo tha otory ol U.. LOTS. Look These Over Extra Niee 3 Bdrm. Home " Th ... klndo Of BUTS won't Jut forever. He~ a litUe buy1 a Baytront home wtlll 4 bdrm•. - older, with remodeling poalblli- Ues that the low price would permit. Pie:r, float and 40 feet on water. Someonl" will r«og- nize the value at $39,M>O. Could be 111ade i bdrma. Only 1 If.: yrs. old and It.ill LOT, Com• -ua. * * * looks brand new. (Owner hu no children). Hwd. floors, large fir. furnace. Near high IChool. Nice lawn, lot 80 ft. wide, garage. G. I. Resale offers usual good tel'ID8. C. GALEN DENISON, Realtor A. E . JOHNSON, Broker '90 Newport Blvd., Co.ta MH& Beacon 6898 * * * Can you Imagine • Y•&r old 3 ________ C_E\'_en_in_P __ Be_aco __ n_tf7_4_7_..JJ _______ _ Cosy little 3 bdrm. home with b&r- tYPe kitchen, patio, flrepl1ce, good heat and nlcely furnished, $13,000. bdrm. home on the w&terf'ront at $27,500. Artisttc papen and colors, 2 b&t.M. fireplace, Kood heat. ~ lhla one. Owner trans- fered. MUST SEU..! * * * 5 unJt. near stores, llbr-ary, tr&NI· portat.ion. Unita always rentP\! , Neat a.s a pin.. Owner m lrht conalder trade. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 Balboa Blvd., Har. 1264 * * * * * * VOGEL VALUES PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Home and Income Here lo a 3 bdrm. l!ome of quality construction on BALBOA ISLAND. Large living rm., fireplace. Gueat rm. with bath, Separate and complete apt. over dbl. garage. Price $18,500 • ISLAND REALTY CO. -Realtors Park Ave. at Agate l BLK. from FERRY LNDG. BALBOA ISLAND HAJ!.BOR 377-W Coron,11. del Mar Out of Town Owner THREE bdnn. home, 114-!loon, Says "Must Sell" REAL VAL~ Eaat Side Ac~..Lots 10 2 18 livln~ .rm'J tlreplac .. Ip. '2'6· bdnna. -., •. .....,. 1 ~ kttdl..., t'IJl. itiJ!k. Swmy hr.it, nr. Jae eedo ~ fut nook. Bath hu tile t\oor Un~m:.·hedn except ftoft uci and wall.I. J:xtertor wtda e1dlnc. drape1. Jl"enced 1:»1&r yard. :run Interior pluter. Cedar ahlnrft rt $l2 ~ Will Id t Wld h. , _ n p ce ,<IVY, -con. er roo . e pott .._wn, ow-ff , trs. Qua.lily throughout, on a 0 er· Balboa Peninsula INCOME Oa4' -t\Jll -°"' -., •lonly --~­""' 'luick aale. T1llal< Ot , It-A Full Acre for $2500 ACT NOW $500 down And only SM per month. Bow can you a.trwd to pa.y Nnt at lhue P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED 3&11 Via Dido Newport Bea,ch, C&llt. Harbor · 1500 Beautiful Large Corner Lot ON MESA DRIVE overlooking country club. Cnrta. are ln.. Ap- proved for FHA. A very rood buy. 2o r. down Newport Heights Builder Must Sell ExcepUonaUy well built S bdrm. home. lndtvtd'U&Hty, beautttut ele-vation. Many ·wonderful and cOlltly features. Entry hall, Ire. Hvinl' room wtndowl, fireplace, forced air hMt. eelected hard- wood noon. 1 !I batha, larg< kltehen. lldilt-ln lallndry. Blreet bondl an paid. A.re you lnter-.t.a a~-! Tldl Mme 19 ua- derpnced jt the builder'• u- p. .... J'un prtc. .. only- .. ~~ Phil Sullivan Geo. Even!lon ·111111 Nowp1ut Blvd.. Ccata - Piion• Beacon T12I (.l.~trom Coal& Kea Banlc) EYu. Ba. naT-W -. 11tM-J good strttt. AU thla plu. a 4 bumer time clock Hotpolnt elee. atove, a large Kelvinator refrJg· erator and round r~ chrome brea.kfut set. Price reduced to $1 1,200. Excellent terma. Call today. bclptlonally n ice 4 unit. -2 etory otuceo, only 1 \l yn. old. 4-c..-P"'C'· Three ...1 bdnn. unit.a t'Urnlabed. On• S bdrm. unit unturnl.shed. Cloe. to bay and ocean swimming. ltl:cellent Income. prlc-. Tr. old, good ftud oeel------------ TWO bdrm .. "'ell rurntshed home only $9.~00. OWNER MOVING, so haa price nduced to ffll. L iving rm. 12 x 17 with •unny e:XJ>03ure. Maple t'Umlture. Oaf· fen and Sattler stove, 9 ft. • Ph.i.lco refrig .. 8 x 30 brick pallo. lrdmL, Iota ot tile, Jco. dlll. pr, 11(1 " ll!O Jot. v.,.,, quiet - Bide lncli*kw. $2000 DOWN With $2500 Cash You can mon into UU. I bdrm home. Built 3 yra. aro, juet re- decora.ted. ~L gar., excellent location. Hu 4% a .. 1 .Joan. Bal· ance tem than renL ' . ' ·2. New 2 bcfrm.. nllch type home. Shake root, lovely patio ·-··---$14,C!OO a New 2 bdrm., 2 bath. Beautiful h-. wiih 111· cloeed lanai; on corner lot. 2 patb. Attractive- ly landacaped. This lovely home must be aen to be appreciated. Shown by appointment only. - 208 MARlNE A VE., BALBOA ISLAND Harbor «i and Harbor 2151 . ' Evenioga Beacon M80-J and Beacon 7278-W BALBOA PENINSULA Corner Balboa Blvd. and Bel Vue Lane (BETWEEN L AND Slll'VILLE) Custom Built -Furnished Built by prominent builder for hl8 .own home. You will appreciate the many quality featurea and workmanohip that make this home worth having. Located on large corner lot 58 x 100. Specially d&- oigned for pleasureful BEACH living and reJaxa. ti on. , FEATURES INCLUDE! 18 x 30 living room •d- joining 40.ft. covered p11tio with muaive brick bar- becue. This 2650 sq. ft. nearly new home hu 3 bdnn1., 2 bunk rooms, 2 complete bat.ha. PLUS maid'• quarters and bath. .. PRICE $49,500, completely furnished ·---- OPEN FOR INSPECTION Saturday Only 2--( P.M. H. H. SHAPmo co. 32 So. Garfield, Pasadena Phone SYcamore 37191, RYan 19070 (Courtesy to Brokers) , CORONA DEL MAR INCOME BARGAIN Attractive 2 , bedroom home, on'ly 4 years old. Good location on NarciasUB A. ve. Separate guest rm. & bath adjoining gar. (built to take 2nd otory. ' bcellent Income record but Owner Mwrt. Sell. See your M~tlple Llstln1 Broker 91' . • .>llluJL Ll>lln&' No. ;123 , . . . . $10,500 W. W: SANFORD; REALTOR Park ;i.venllit at Marina / Bal-I.eland llARBO!t 2412 Open House, Dec. 16th, 1951, 1 to 1i p. m. Can be used for larp family l'Mldence, bo:ps or , old people lloardinc. church orfratenW llOliaC ttmC. tions; ideal for actor, author, uti.u or writer&. Large Normandy how. 8 bdum., 4 batho, ~ fire- • nJaeee. den, rumpua with l IU', dinJns, 1nakfut. f"" ...... ::'1ttBlty, funsace rooma and kltdlen. Servants boW!e, fi:&r garage, play houe, barbecue houoe, greei.-houae, coST&l, tepnla court. roae .gar.- den ; built by leading contnctor, for wealthy on man, on 10 shady landacaped lots, cJo.e to ocean. It bu exerything, reflects CBF.ER and COMFORT. See it Sunday, Decembet-18th 1 to 5 p. m. at 216 Creat Ave., Huntington Beach. Calif. Price $55,600 cost $100,000 to duplicate ' 8.ALBOA PENINSULA-Furnlah- @d single apt. m mo. (winter). ALSO 2 bdrm. houu., frigldalre, laundry available, ~ mo. In- cluding util to June l:S. Harbor 1270-\V. ~Uc 19-41 DODGE 1" ton pickup I 495 CHEV. ~ ton P ick up .. -··· _$ 71)~ BANK TERAIS Brick walk. Expensively walled and (meed yard. Dbl. cedar ahlnJ'le 11lding and roof . Sepa- n.te room in gara.1e. There Is 800 aq. ft. on roof of prage whic:h mtttA requittmenta for an apt Oniamental fenc• ln fronL See. lhlll comfortable home to- day. It.9 good value, good term.. Lido Isle 2 bdrm .• 2 bath b0111e wtth na,... stone flttplace and forced a.tr heat. Dispoeal. Service porch. Beautitul encloaed paUo, 2-t::&r p.rage. Lot. of atora.g-e mpaee. Only m.~00. INOO down. (11"\J.mltu re e&n be pwc.u..d ii de•lred.) Lovely yr. old :I bdmL home. Jiu all the nice futuree. hwd. ftn., tl"place, Paael Ray heat. at' t&c:bed 1arap:. Excellent Sul 8id9 \ocaUon. J"UJJ pricti •10,100 Could eutly .tate G. L Corona del Mar GEO. W. BELL, Broker Living alone and afraid of wolves! Lock younielf in my upstairs apt. I bdrm..a. furnlsh@d-Yearly ren- tal. 2<K Gamet, Balboa h lAl'ld. Harbor 877-R. 9cl1 Collins Island Weet end of Park A tt., Balboa laland. 3 rm. cottage apt.s., weekly or monthly rates. Call Harbor 2962-W. .. H illman M inx Dealer"' NEWPORT AUTO SALES 2604 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. Phone Harbor 1407 ' JOHN VOGEL CO. 1301 Cout Hwy., Corona del Mv ·~ CHRYSLER Nwpt. Wlndeor, Phone Harbor 1741, Harbor lt77 radJo, heater, white .tdewalls, (l:veninr1 Harbor 393~M ) Coast Properties IOl I:. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Pbon• Harbor 2tM foam rubber cuahions. ~ luxe 10c12 i ------------ eqpt. $3~ undE>r ceiling. Prt-1,.,=----------BEAtn'lFUL 1 bclr1a. llOUl9 un· vate party. Harbor 2932. flp11 ~ 1 BDRM. HOME, CHY tumlah@d, $2995 tull price. SU atucco ftniah, '3975. 390 Vic-w . VJctorta. ea.ta it-. Phone 1949 FORD CcmYertih&e, nd:lo A: tori& St. (near Colle&• Ave,), Beacon MOl·M.. Httc B. A. NERESON 1911 Newport •1...i., Ooot.o - Phon1 Bucon 152" ,..,... Beacon IMO) Desirable Duplex "Superific" TWO fUm.ilhed unitl. 'Zl.cb wt.th two ~~ UYlns room, kit- e'-Md kth; with •• ,.,...k, Ocean Vl•w, new 3 bdrm. 2 bath Phone KI 3-9758, Santa Ana home. W to W c&rpetlJlg and Ex-7-3807, Santa Monica drape. included.. Hwd. tloon, l------------------------dU&l 'flr. turn1c•, fenced. patio, aprinklenJ front A. rear, IO' Jot. OnlJ $11.~. OWUIJ' tr&n.lfuted.. Ket fn our ornee. W. E. Fisher Builder -Re&ltor Costa Mesa The Best Town on Earth $1000 down 2 bdnn. home, fireplace, fenced yard. Total price, S7:IOO. Ernie Smith -r -•....iato G. I. Resale 911 Cout Blvd., Corona dll Mar 3 bdrm. home, but ot location, PiloD• Barbo< 2"3 lotfc $11 ,000. wao down. $1500 DoWN Channinl' new r.nch typre homtti. One bdrm., all fenced l.nd land- Kaped. Good Costa Kua loca.- tion. It'• pretty u a picture and a well-built home. 17m. Newport Heights a bdrm. 1><nne In :dpt. location. bbJ.e. garag~t t yn.. old. lovelJ yvd, front and rur. '8700, BALBOA ISLAND -Attractive N.cbelor apt. near So. Bay. Utll paid. G&rap S7S mo.. yearly Of' $aO mo. winter. Ph. Harbor 1171. 79ttc heater. Actua1 mil•ap only CoR& Mua.. Pk. BeL 5808·)(. ------------I 11,800, one owner. Reuonabl• price. Phone Bea. 6038-W. -People do read the want ad& GOOD BUYS pordo. and flreplaco. A :rood ~....._, ---------::.1:; !.landm,::a:n~ ':,.~ ·Real F..state Is your Income Property-C-2 •-.. ~ ••·• 2 bdnn. home and two unita on Newport Heights Brand new I bdrm.. homa. Ila U. attractive rancll type witb fir• place, be:1t bwd. floon, Jot.a of tile. Finest workman•hfp. $12,200. • • tpll MODKL A Road.tlor '31. rood -M-Moaey to Lou BALBOi. Pl!:NINSULA POINT- Altractiw modern 2 'bdrm. lt.ome ..... --·-·~ Best Investment Jara"• Jot 120 x <-00, ......s 10r I Balboa Island We haft .even.I at tractrre apt.a. and bousq for winter rental .tartmc at $45 mo. and a few . ,..r17 rental.I 9tart.lng at ~- Nelda Gibson, Rltr. tor. b1'k••. etc. 19~. 2~ Ju· LOANS for Homes mine. Corona del Mar. ~r 3058-W. lOpll 5>;0-20 yr. Loano 194.0 OLDSMOBILE 2-dr. aedan. good coodlUon. on• owner. $.295 . 312 Coral Ave.. Balboa lalaAd.. Harbor 28.Jl...K. 10cl2 CONSTRUCTION LOAN!! at 5-5 ~% (14 yn.) WE BUY AND SELL TRU ST DEEDS SEE BOB llATrLDI -Karille, Bal-.loi. ear. ll02 51-Tnllers 19tfc:;o;_===-------• HlS COASP BL'ln a.-.. deJ Kar Har-1077..J Rep. POIIUER KORTCAGJ!: CO. Metro Ul• In.a. FWld• Kl MUii 1951 VIKING. 25 ft. 7 :a ll Ca· ban&. llk:e new. Very nk:e ln------------- "'"" ............ and -adj. ova,.e, trpl., patio. C>wner lta'l'- lng' ...... ....--1"'11 price only $12,laO. NEAR BAT and II"°" bathln( beacb. At~ older home tn Up-top condition. B~ Ora.. bpi.. J -. J balllo. ,.uo, prac-. Tblo Ill ~ like. $12,l!OO. OPTION 41 c•n be U-S M a foar , bedroom. two b&th ~e plµ.s a .... w.1o _.. ...... """" and bath. Tour !mpeetloa • Ylt.d. PJUe& fUmlobed sa.aoo. wtth tenm at \I ~ aa4 baluce oa -UllJ Jl&llD""ta. OCEAN ll'ROICT_. --call Barbor 63 and I rta. apt. o-doublo ...,. AT"n\A_CI'TVI: tum.. apt. on wate.r, patio, pr. .A.dulU. ST& mo.. or wW leue. ctoee to bus, Rlcbarda Mkt. and theatre. 117 -36th St., Newport Buch. Har. 891-W aldoL Loto ot utna.~cub. l l'l Pomona Ave., Costa M8&. rq.. rrpt, patio, Ml'lloquo. J. A. BEEK OrFICI!: L04N8 TO BtlJLD, .Da'B0911, -flt.-· 1 BUT, XODERNIZI:, oa DUPLEX-nu. oldn ~ llU Ba1bo& Ialand, Ferry Ra'INANC. 1ir w ttrtul ~ I bdnL • ., •. ~ r ·~ ~ ~, ., W• 1111,J 'l'ruat -lower, 2 -vppe. "ll1-IO ....... -"-le L 77ttt 10pl2 •• M w .._.. 'N»Wl'tlAT au.aoa ftllDmlAL -ftoe.-a.. to "1 .rur-·or ~ue ONW •-~-hom._ m~·m. un· ._ oaey .. ..., v.VJNn• 6 •-·-·--.-"' --·~ --~ -· "-L (11,llOO. llfO:v1·~1"1Mildrt'Ol-!ll -, .. ,..... fUnolObed. 142 • 20th. eo.ta Trust Deeds for Sale .... 'fla u. i. --· . n-.... _ ~-,._ ,...__ • -•• • • ·' 1 ·-yearlf. . -·-Tft.0-~ ... _. • .J..... -J SS .Mio ONE f'Um.labed apt. tn rear yrlJ. !fET YIELD 1':$ to tK •KOU W'i*'· ~~...._. ~--OraDll, J•iibt 1 ._. -mrts • ...,...._. • o ,., cau T. ea.-. Har. 1279.' lOpll "PLACB TOUll PROCllEDS ......... '" ,,,, .... ''I -· an e ... ...... ._ 1 ' cxsr ll'tlRNJ8BED-. 1 Md-:...,. ao;:. -:;:s:...::..._m· i-• 171 b -a --Ma.,, -. an n , 111w. . ---c..a-..__....._ ...... ..., -bad. ut11. ALSO -Sl.Sll-!Alt T. D. PQa "° -ran· · .it& -w ol& .. eottaeo. ~ mo. Hu. ma:.,-; .,., Sil -Utll. -11.. ----1-·· .S.--!Alt !I'. n. ,..,. NO --" a - -..,... '"· '31JO-L -a 5 plW'4D! ~.A~ ... K.utl ~ M,--..i. T,D. _..-'80 .-. T" W'J' h pg• ......... •• II ~ .. W\U. lwta ....... un ,._ ..... .awn ' .. I Ii -..... -.. Oonp. .... ., illllot•Q. ,, ... • _ ..... A-Na,_..,, flt ---Lt.TTLDR, Ula~-. a ·-A. _.. :.. m" • · UC.II °"" u .., -•:ts .,.... 1•..-·111111•11 .,_ c ; • n :~;;ij;-.;-;;;;;-a;;;w:ut~~ I .,. l'OIS-mat\J&Gll oo. ~ -. r.a -w. ""'' • -°"' ---..ui.11s.-lll•N--•t1'1'--.... ..US ' ,, • • \ l • - -·-Home and Rental • basineu. Mo. income approx. JUO. Priu, $10,000. 1MOO dowa. • ( Beacon Hill Realty ~ Nffi-t Blvd. (abo>o Arebnl PL. JI. l'fa.1'1 or lllYea. B. MU-W • • \tDO MAIKIT With SALUE "Alic! the •erTJ Go Boacl Jlrob Dowa" . . • Doe't bow why I kept ho-lag TBAr u I be! ...........a. JoW9 ud jolly be a D a to- getller • • • palated a nd -• the Reladeer ud aprfidcled red •DIV oa the roof . . . • My Jlerry Go Rood certalDly d I d D ' t bnU: dowa .•. la fact lt'1 tbe mo.t uabreakable Merry Go Koaad rve ever eome ...,..,_, eoulderm. that'• lt'a all made out ol cookiM .... candy • • • • • M..c.D'1 are rt1ht OD the beam . . . • U yoa follow tlu!lr dlnetlou, y o a call have yoanelf u Merry a cieeoraUoD for a few Dlckels ud clbaetl u ever graced a cn.hlg room table . • • • rm referring to the care- o<>-ZEI .J .E of the care-000- zel at the top of thia page which you can see in th e fleoh when you come down to buy your next Chriatmall tree ... No kiddin' I actually did made the eanrOOO-bel . . . . (I'm not from the continent) you'll find on diaplay . . . . They wanted a rank amateur to do the job so it wouldn't look too profeuionaliah . . . Believe me I never made a thing like that before in my life ... Yes, you h.....t me aay ChN1mu tree. .. the kind with the bl"llJlehM that cloll't clraop . • . • the kind that llave audles that stay Oil ..• the !dad that -n ... ob ao tn.b ud green . . . jmt aboat the aext beat thlag to goblg oat aad dlopplng down °"" younelf ud hrtaglag It home • . • Only -1&ve yoa all the "lforll • • • last he euefnl aboat l'UDDID1 yoar hancla •p aad dowa the tnmk .•• tbey'D get all atkky . . • • MP yoa kaow .•. Showa yoa h-fJ'Mh they ....., ••• No m!Mi.. mu'a OOIUleeted with 0ar -.• We plaee Hr «Wder with a mu ,..y ap Wulllagtoa Way •.• ud "" dlmk to the top of t II e hlghMt moaatala where the trees have the thlekeat follage • • . chope 'em do10. • • • puta 'em on a truck aad bring• 'em rlir;ht to °"' warehoDM ..• And by all means invest in a string of lights that ha.a the new safety plug ..• Thia -one otring will liring you peace of mind in the way of shorts and all the other thing• that cauae Chrutma• tree conflagration1 .. There's a fuae in it's plug that blowa out the minute any mishap occun . . . Once more . . . If you attach your old lites to this new strinr; ... they'll be protected too ... You'll also find a Chrutmu tree holder that contains a c i r c I e of lights to throw a glow from below ... And a Santa Claua suit to rent ... upstairB on the Mezzanine ... . ·Have yoa seen Saa ta Claus aad hbi reindeer u- cendlnir; the wall above the meat counter! Be's espe- cl&IJy appeallnr; to as he- eauae he wu de11lgned aad .,....ted by oae of our owa • • • Of eourae there'• oaly oae who w o a Id attempt ncb a ir;reat feat •. That's our Buck Bean . • • . The checks that have been rolling In for the Hoag Me- morial HospiW Equipment Fwid and have made all of us believe in Santa Claus all over again . . . The donati0ll8 . in the lobby a re gratefully received and are more than we've ever dreamed of receiv- lnr ... lY our reepon.ae to thiJI very worthy ea111e bu really been Terrific • . . even if we didn't set up the fancy clia- ~ay u yet . • . However lt'a the malrinr and p r e t t y soon we'll be abl8 to five ynu aome flgarM on Newport Harbor .•. We've got a place for your moaey though • . • In thf front lobb7 • . • So pleue don't leave with ~ n.lckel8 or , dlmM j!Dglinc In your pocket. .... lllrtl'•i'• w.n.t, ""-• tlNt !rhatlea el Qizl I s Ti 17 ill the Ha"'* A llli9& ill ll&N..,.n a.+.o.11-f_. •. ~eltn. Mr --• • • et112.._ ... p;tfin U, 'IJ t a t•• .,.., ...• ~ ..... • • ml IE 1·. McDlllll I · • .l • This Beautiful Candy Carrousel is easily made with a McCall's Pattern ... on sale here. Plan yours today. Its fun to m~e and you can let the whole family join in the festive occasion; assemlr ling all the animals and interesting ingredients into a real work of art. • Remember ... the necessary parts, such as pattern, canay, marshma,llows, coloring, and other little decorative items a re all on sale at.Richard's. llREITHS • CHRISTIDAS T•ES • IDIST•RDE Meals gaalily Olson ·1ros. Med. Grade A f••l•lllCJ Man11"'4p U. S. Gov't. Chwclecl Choice l•tf Finest leef Obtalliable Ch11ek Blade or Chvck Amt Pot . BEEF BOAST· c EITID:lt ESD (.U Cut) LOIN PORK ROASJS ___ ...... n. 45c CENTI:& OUT LEAN LOIN PORK ' CHOPS ...... _. __ _.. 75c CORNED BEEF ______ _.. 65c FA.."ICY LARGE SIZE NAVKL .. ORANGES ___ ~· "SUNNY SALLY" FJIE8H CLEANED SPINACH ..... _, ·---2 ~ 25c CRJSP WASHINGTON WINESAP APPLES _ ........... r 2-·25c SWEET SPA~,SR ONIONS ______ 3 -14c . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . DeHcafessea ----!rtl Selmu Smoked Premed DRIED BEEF ----~ ... ~-39f Smoked Imported FINNAN HADDIE ... 59 • RATll'S BLACKHAWK CANNED HAMS ..... •%0. 6~98 Clll:AKY 8llAIU' CHEDDAR CHEESE -----~ 55c LUU'8 quALJTY SLICED PIMENTO LOAF ----~ 4tc ................. MANNING'S COFFEE ..... 7tc . Jl-l l O Gelatin -or ·PuclclilH)S ,3 plqo. 19f NO. 1 <lA}( "'"' Cblorophyllla Spry SHORTENING I lb. CAN DolM Fru:lt l10Lt'M COCKTAIL 19f Libby'• Tomato JUICE __ ..... _23 ; 8u--Plttecl CHERRIES .N.:., 21 ¢ Oul• 1'.aclota FIGS ______ .No. 1 WI 17' 8DaaJ' Smllra Piece. s.tk>tt PEARS No. 1 \-\ ... 29; V~ru.J 8Ueed BEm ..... 2125 ' Huat. New PKk So. 1 !1J SPINACH 2129' IJbbJ'• Delldoua 11 es. S'KRAUT 2/25¢ Glortetta T..ate ASPIC No. HI -21 ; Baat8 Porlr a BEANS Ho.I I)_ 15• Gf.ibhardl• ota.W POWDER .... 14' Dete:rceat SURF Ip. 27f (!ant54; Soap Flaker LUX ·---.• , .. 27 ' Tolle$ Soap LUX IAR :! ·-3/25f :-.: ··-·--·-·-2/25¢ Old En(UM Serakll Remover POLISH -········ OL 23 • 8 drery !'reals . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . TRUll8DAY CHERRY PIE -········ ..... .. . .. -. 57 f DINNER ROLLS ................. . .... · .... pk,. 15; FRIDAY PIDNpple UPSIDE DOWN CAKE., .......... ,_ 68; D•eeeo.r CRUM DONUTS ·····-········ 410• 11; SATURDAY l.arse 1 hldl I layer DATE NUT CAKES ---·-···--17' ORANGE IOLU --. ,.. 22' foMATO SOUP ·~ 3 , .. 29c BLUE 1!EA WRITE MEAT CHUNJ( TUNA -··-··---··-·-·--··· .. -· -1) -29c: Mix°WELL HOUSE :=. 29c Cross • Blackwell PLUK PUDDING 51 ¢ I lb. ········-·········-······ llABD SAUCE 53 ¢ I OL ···-········-···--·· MINCE HEAT 39 ¢ t'oL ··············- MINCE MEAT 69¢ ,. .......................... . SWltta Brooldlel4 aumR u. .-.. 79 ' Del IU.clt Y eUow lb. eartom MARGARINE 29' 8W'Ut9dow9 last.at or Devl19 FOOD MIX pks. 29; Dutdl Girt Apple aumR _ ....... .u OL 21 ; Lor.ralne Burton Caeur Salad DRESSING .... 3~f Early c.Jlf. 1.arse Pitted OLIVES butt•• ... l 2• Stokely Tomato CATSUP ...... UOL 17f Ubby Potted MEAT .... -.s ~ oL 3;29; I.Jbby, Sweet GHERKINS IOL 29; 8un9bbte'• !few Cooklee TOYS ... ___ ,\) -23 ' 11..-.,affJ' ... .., Manbnallows. 32'· ComPt.te Yo.. Cllrh.fnra ShoppllMJ Gt Richards YOll'll fl9td --· M'eswe"'e 81loppe a. UM ldMI plaM "" do y-..... ....... _.. .. _ ...... ._..... ..,...., lol. EllJo7 oar warm air eond..ltiolllq, do yoor d&llJ shop ...... rtpt atoms"'"' y-~ 8 b 0 pp t. •· That'• wtlat make. It 80 nloe ••• JOU ... do everythln1 under the Mme roof. Tbere'a PO BMil to put WMI' and te&r on 7oor c.r-runnial" trom one •tore to uotber ••. Plan DOW, and Complete your Chrtlt- mu SbopptnJ at IUe.hanll.. MEZZANINE SHOPPE Fro•eaFoods . .................. .. . GET A COLORFUL BIRDSEYE MASK BIRDSEYE FRESH FROZEN PEAS ... ·-·······-········· .......... u OL 19c BIBD8E1'1!: FRENCH CUT BEANS ··-·---········-···-······ .10 OL 21 c BllUll!El'E BRUSSELL SPROUTS : 30C ORANGE JUICE ____ ...........• OL ltc .PEf ciflLLElS ···-·-·A pkr. 43c SICR'8 WJIU'l'JCD Golds 8tate lee C...... · TOPPING SNOWIAW , ... 391 llos of • 'l u llPSCllALll POii 'DIVMllD&I', Jl'llDIAJ' ... 11Aft1U>&I', 1DO. II. 14 -U STORE HOURS: - Daly t a.a to Ip.a EXCEPT FRIDAY , ...... ,,. .. We•-.,, N.., ... llllM • r... Q<q-ni.lh•r (.U •• , s H i/lllfftwell ._ ... II -nJ11t ........ ....., lHE ECONOMY-WISE P.ATRONIZI SllVICDtAN'S CORNIER PIUVAB BOB WOOD ·.Ill La ~ Newj!Wt u.a.~-Ioau .................. "' Gift hell ... "'la vl11 n Ouaar11"-P ts ,._ ~ thD'll-. ,_ • w11t'.1 -11-. ' •