HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-11-25 - Newport Balboa News Times (2)I I I. 1-. Cl . THE SAND CRAB ' ' Tocla:(w 11 A M 1 PAT. Dowl-A....- tr-i..-ac.... M•awL.L .... ~ .lndustriala ...•. 181.M dn .34 Rails -·-····-·-· 4&39 up .30 Utllitl .. ·········-· 33.42 dn .22 Vol~.OOOlhans . .................. LARGEST , TWICE·A·WEEK CIRCULATION .NEWPODT -, '• N OIL ORDINANCE 'N ORANGE COAST'S LARGEST CITY I .................. _ ............... ----·-- BALBOA Only llarllar-Wlde NeWllMper M "'w Mid-Week Edition BJ . EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA 8 A II VOLUllJ: XXlUX ,,.., C.la -<Jon N:CWl'OllT !'MOii. 0¥-JFOIUllA, TU:cllDAY, NOVEMBER U. 1M1 lllemller Ualt.ed" Prw ..... 1 ~ I& The services of a professional city planning consultant may be hired by the city council at their next meeting it was r evealed yes- t erday at the city father's regular session. A recommendation by Philmer Ellerbroek. secretary of the city planning commissions' spe(jal com- mittee to look "into the need for a professi'Jnnl consultant. was passed on to the council with a recommendation fOl' approval. Named in their letter for the job was Gordon Vlhltn~ of the Los Angeles City Planrung com- mission. Under the plan outlined, he would work with the city engineer and the city" would f\lrnish him wtth a staff and equipment. It was hinted that Whitnall's salary would b<: approximately $5()00 a _.-. WE SAY OUR "THANKS" • Distinguished guests in the per· sons of Air Marshal Sir W . Alec Coryton and members of his staff, F . G. S. Mitchell. group captain. R. A. C. and R: C. Jonas, grcup a ir a ttache. escorted by Col. Burn· side. U.S. A. A. F ., Washington, D. C., paid an informal visit to t he Balboa Yacht club Saturday eve· LT. DOSALD HEUf S Predicts Sanitation : Plan Okeh • SANTA AN A-NC\\rport Beach probably v.•ill approve the sanita· tion district as proposed by the county sewer age survey board, John J . Sailors, city administ rative officrr for the city, told a joint con fC'rence of members or the boa rd of supervisors and of the survey board here. 1-Ie added that the city would probably approve it v.•ith modifica· tions-"if all pay full share of costs involved." Two Suffer Head Injuries in Car Accidents Here 20 ?.fore legal trouble may be head- ed the city council's way. \Vith five Corona dcl Mar land- lords planning civil action to prt'- vcnt the council making Otina Cove a city park and with \Vllliam Tallmarl ready to bring suit to force the city to permit him to pu1np oil from an old well on his property at 213 43rd St., the city fathers yesterday were again chal- IC'ng-cd -this time again on their dinance a gainst oil production \\'ithin the city limits. Roy Il, Neel, 4206 River Ave..,. through a Beverley Hills attorney. Loren A. Brooks, formally asked the city council to agree to his rig ht to pump oil from one of his ordinance against oil ·production and Ri ver Ave. As in the Tallman case, the petitioner reminded the coun cil tha t no city statute exists prohibiting the pumping of oil. (A 1\ le tter from New M~ signed "angry citizen" \\'a.med the city council Y"terday tbat lh1·r1~'d be hell a'poppln'" If something were not done to help Mr. and Mr8. William TaJlmaa pump the oil on their property. 1943 ordinance outlaws drilling. however ). Neel was promptly turned down by City ·Attorney Roland Thomp- son who said it was his opinion tha t zoning ordinance No. 525. v.·hich prohibits business activity of any description in an R--2 resi- dential section. was grounds to re- ~train oil pumpi ng within the city lots located on the corner of 42nd the same:: conclusion in the Tall- man case after the council had thoug ht better of their initial vote to rush through a stoppage law against pumping. However. thl' Tallmans are preparing to test the city attorney's ruling in court. Interf"llted 111 Proftt Neel said. immediately after tfE' council turned him down, that he was interes ted in pumping oil from h is property for profit and to 5afcguard the ,future improve- ments he plans to erect on the site. "I don't y,.·ant a hundred thousand dollar house being blown apart by gas pressure". he said Neel's admitted interest in the profit motive placed his plea in a sli ghtly different light than the Tallman's. Though their lawyer. Rober t Wallace, Long Beach at- torney, their original petition to the council stressed abating the nuisance created by en overDowing well which, they said, was &lowly inundating their yard. • - -· ~ I fgeZ KJ:WPOaT •ALBOA 1'fl:W8·TIKJ:8 TUDDAY Newport B~elt, Ollll. lf•. -, 1"1' LATE NEWS FUSHES {.,,.,.. "'• Calif omia Is First In Arrest.& For Drunkeness • l." HOlll8COllll111 Set To Dlscm Ever For Troy A.._I Increasing Taxes Invitations to the S0,000 alumni SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 25.- of the University of Soutllem Call-(UP)-Problems ca.-d by Cali-. fomia have been islued' for tbe fomia'a ever-increasing tax bill- 1947 Homecomln& Week, Decem-$4,000,000,000 (B) Jut year-will ber 1 to 6: be diaculled at the annual meeting • -· When You Need . l-N-S-U-R-A-N-C-E PHONE or !ID JOHN E. SADLEIR UNITED PRESS In keeping with Celtivitiee of of the S~te Chamber of Commerce Corona tlel ll&r SACRAMENTO. Nov. 25.-<UPl L.------------' j-Calilomla leads the nation in the number ot arrests tor drunk- eness according to a atatement made by Dr. Lawrence Kolb, medi- cal deputy director ot the state department of me ntal hygiene. at a conference held here the first the campus, each of the 37 fra. in Loi Angeles Dec. 2 and 3 it was 1805 ... .., 0out' ~1 ...... Batbor .,,. a un ternitles and 10roritleo on the 28th announced today. \i~~~~iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TWO WILL RETIRE FROM NAT'L GUARD SAatAMENT'O. Nov. 25.-(UP) -Two veteran· officers of the calf. tomla National Guard will retire lruD lel'Vice on Dec. 1, it was an- .ounced by the stati adjutaD! general's office. 'Ibey are Maj. Gen~ Richard E . Klttelataedt, commander of the ~ Infantry division, San Fran-a.co, and Maj. Gen. Harcourt Her- TO' ot Loa Angeles, commanding ~ of the 40lh infantry. of this week. The conference wu sponsored by the governor's cornmiuion on the social and economic caUBel of crime and delinquency. ~ s treet "row" will have day and Under Sidney M. Ehrman, San\ 1 ni&ht-ttmc decorattona in cartca-Francisco, chairman of the cham- ture and serious themes on the ber's statewide tax committee, the bomecomlng sloa:an of "~ meeting will explore tax struc- Your Joy in the Halls of Troy. j tures and practices on federal, All Greek-letter chapton will hold state, county, and local levels. open boll.le for alumni December 1. State Finance Director James On December 5 an innovation S. Dean and U-. S. S enator Wtlliam will be the women's football lunch-F. Knowland will be among the eon ln the Student Union lounge speakers at the meeting. with mothers of the current foot- ball team u honored guests. That ewnlng t he men's football ban-BOY GETS TICKET quet in the amnasium will tea-A 16-year-old student was hand- ture Kay Kyser as master of cere-·ed a ticket by local pOlice on Sat- . Pacific. Heating Co., Inc. Residential & Commercial Heating Forced Air, Gravity and Floor Furnaces Harbor 676-R 1709-11 Coast Hiway Corona del Mar URGE TO ADOPT AT NEW HIGH Speaking on alcoholism,· Dr. Kolb said •. ''Th.is business. of arresting people and jailing them for drunk- encss is a d.i!grace. What we need is the development of clinics and hospitals for inebriates." ''Acute alcoholism is a mE'dlcal problem. not one for the police," he declared. "Indiscriminate ar- rests for drunkeness do more harm than good. Unfortunately, most general hospitals won't tnke acute alcoholics as pati(>nts. It seems to me," the doctor added, "they should reserve at least 3 per cent Ot thC'ir beds for such cases." monies. Members of the first S. C. urday for driving a truck west on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rose Bowl team will be honored 101 highway at Iris·avenu~. Corona guests, in addition to fathen of del Mar, at the rat~ of 45 miles an the current squad. hour in a 35-zone. Police said the SACRAMENTO. Nov. 25.-(UPl -Applies lions to adopt childre n reached a new peak in California during October when 417 "inde- pendent'' petitions were received foc investigation, the department of 50Cia1 WC'lfare r eported. Kansas City, Kas., is one ot the largest railroad centers in the United States. vehicle is owned by Vern Tripp of Newpof\ Beach. The youngster will be given a court hearing No- vember 29. Dr. Kolb also stressed the ncC'd for educating children on the d an- gers of excessive use of in toxicants. "Chronic drunkeness," he s a Id "should be pictured as a lo\v, ob- jectionable thing like drug ad- ACCENT ON RIPS-Huge buttoned-up naps at t he hlplln, provide eye-catching interest In thts simple navY blue striped white dress. It was designed by Earl Luick for Anna Miller and Is currently being shown In New York. 1'le prcviolL'> high was 401 ' pe- titions in August , 1946. During Oc- tober this yciar the total number of_ children involved in adoptiori CASCS of all types Y.'85 643, of v.'hich 183 were included in step-par ent petitions and ~3 in new agency ~-dict.ion." ri==::~~;~;;~~i!IF~~;:::;:;::;;;:::;:~==;:::;:;:::;:;::;;, The official cited the use or ~ liquor as being in league with f t v· Labor-Management Relations Better crime, sta ting that a recent survey 0 0-1ews sho\Vcd that 16 per cent of all murders and 22 per cent of all sex crimes were committed \Vhile their perpetrators \\'ere under the influence of liq uor. Delegates to the conference \Ve re in genera] agree ment on the , Only l O Minute. from Newport Beach and Balboa: FRIDAY -SATURDAY By WALLY GERHARDT SACRAMENTO, Nov. 25.-(UPl -Labor -management disputes caused 50 per cent less disruption in industry dur ing the first six m onths of th.iS year than in the aame per jod of 1946. Director Paul Scharrcn,bcrg of the industrial re- lations d epartment reported. need for more parental guidance n--· ..... ..._,,..,._ .................... . and bet ter environments for c hil-Doon Open t"'l'lday at 6:\5 dren. proper use of leisure time CONTINUOUS S HO\VINO and improved conditions in school~ SATURDAY FROM 1-2:4.5 Que1llon : \\'hat do you find W be thankful f or at this time of tbe year ~ as ste ps toward the elimination of causes of crime. Man-days lost this year up to ·July t because of labor disputes totaled J,873,000. compared with !.;===========~ 3 ,672,000 to the same date a year .ago, according to a preliminary taOOlation, the repor.,t said. Production of the farm, orchard and dairy in the state of Missis .. llippi Is w-g,, and valuable. Wed.. Thru Sat. Nov. 26-29 Tile ExcJUntr Drama!! "Deep Valley" with Ida Lupino Dane Clark Second B l~ Feature Bill Elliott John Carrol "Wyoming" s-.. )I on., Tues. ~o\·. SO. Oct. 1, 2 Rob ert Mitchum -In- Z u e Grey's Thrill-Packed "Nevada" ~orupanlon 1-~eatu:re-- Corne 1 Wilde Maureen O'Hara "The Homestretch" ln ~hnloolor Stuta Wed. Dee-S Bogart and Bacall ~ "Dark Passge" -~ "Banjo" HOUSE OF Wedoeoday Only George Murphy John Hodiak Frances Gifford -In- "The Arnelo Affair" ---........ ___,_ ... Thurs., Fri., Sat. NO\'. 21, 28, 29 Joan Caulfi el d Claude Rains Audrey Totter Co nstance Bennett "The Unsuspected" Plus S e "·s. Cartoon, and Featurette Continuou'° Thttnk!lgiving ' Dn,· front S :·l5 ............. ...... ---. ·-........... Sun .• ~ton., Tue§. l\'ov . .30 • Oc t. 1, 2 James Stewa rt Jane Wyman "Magic Town" \\'ed., Thurs.-2 Duys Only William Powell Irene Dunne In tho BolMhhow !:na-acement "Life With Father" FUTURE ~~ Living Room Furniture Re-Styled to Modem 1Jtll nl1tered .......... Ott 11 l,A&og HLECTION or HEW ••nrm TO CllOOSS FllOll Suites Made to Order WE CAU FOR AND DELIVER llT..,.bpw's rie • Vsa • •• i•••lac • ........_ • • DMLz • "U' 'fOO CAN BREAK 'nlDI WE CM! nlt nlEll" 'I ~!3888;~-~-~w;;eet~~-~Ce~n:tra:::·~-:D•:•:H:.:•!··;·~,;,=· :;~J ~! -.; a rt• a , -•• 1 11 w Glenn Davis Doc Blanchard "The Spirit of West Point" -and- "Pacific Adventure" Plus Cartoon and Serial w· ..•... _. .......... ~ ~it Continuous Sho"ing Sunday rront 12 :-1.3 Doors Open 1\londay, 8:15 Will iam Holden Joan Caulfiel d in "DEAR RUTH -and- H . M . BUSBY, 440 Heliotrope Av <".. Corona d<"I Mar. As a ny fool can plainly see, I'm tha nk f u 1 for the new baby! It's a boy, t \l.'O weeks old, ~, 1 •• ,.and what a ~.-_, .. _ ~ ' '"lir • hC'ad of hair! I hope evt.'ry one is as happy as tny \ .. ·ire a nd l arc this Thanksgiving. • • • R A L P H H O YLE JR.. 323 Poin settia Ave .. Co r o na de! :\i a r con~ tractor. I 'm thankful for a fine fam- ily, good health and a gro\ving businC'ss. I · m h11ppy to be livini.: in tllL' 11nc, t:rov:ing community or Corona del '.\t a r and "'ith its fi ne pcoplt~. • • • tr R 0 Y Sl!ARP I C ulb C'rtson ''Time Out of Mind" 0 : Chc\'rolet Co .. il "\l.M> CARTOO~ and :\'E\\'S 1 :\('\\'))()rt BC'ach. IJC'alt h, abo\'c --·--.-..--............... .,,.. .. ~ 2~::~\~:~;s~-r~l~\r~~~;~~: like n1y jo!J and ha\'C a [inc June Haver a I ... ~ croUfJ to \\'Ork Mark Stevens \\1.11. 1~\.,u.:1: 1:. another thing "'c shoulcl all be gr ateful for and try "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now" Pluo SHORT SUBn:CTS According to Federal staUstlcs more than sixty per cent of Amer- ica's farmers have automobiles and live on hard surface roads. •.o prcscr\'l'. _.c. R. Dawson , Jr-• Vice-Pres .. Sec. l•t Nat. Bank Loo An&el... Callf., SAYS: 'The Desert Club at La Quinta is tops. I have bought property th ere and recommend it to my friends." P'or ftef' rolored folder writ& Palm Sprinn -La Qulnla IW•eJopmeat Co . Boz Q. 679 S . Duruimul.T. Lo. AnselM .111. Callfornla. SIGN PAINTING -AND-- All Types of Commercial Loeated at WRIGHT~S LUMBER YARD L W. Pierce Art 1~ N:CWPOBT BLVD. ll&AOON -W OOllT.t. M!C!!A l ......... .. _. . -.... ------..... -...................... --.. L ·UMBER BUILDING MATERIALS ' • ' e PUMPKIN PIE ••• 534 each Specially pocked pumpkin, fresh milk and eggs., spiced just right and baked in a flaky crust. A must on your Thonksgi'i'ing menu. (3¢ deposit on pie tin). ~ e MINCE PIE ••• 534 each • Our own blend of sltect mince meet, choice fruits, and brandy. Reheating before Hrving brings out the delight- ful fragrance and delicious rlchness.(34 deposit on tin) Prepared POUL TRY DRESSING .• • 334 I I lb. Carton) Ready to usel Requires only the addition of water. A flavory, old.fashioned dressing mode with Von de Komp't bread, vegetables, herbs a nd spices-skillfully blended. O ne pound carton is sufficient to stuff 12 lb. fowl. MARKET SPOT Balboa Island SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA es Roast TURKEY FRIED CHICKEN NEW YORK CUT STEAK -----·------------SUCI WHOLE BROD.ED LOBSTER --------.$%.60 wtth dnwn butter. BROD.Jt;I) SWORDF18B STEAK --------·--------Sl.l!O RIED OOMBINATION SEA FOOD ·--··---------Sl.l!O FRIED SIDUMP --St.SO ~W TROUT-Sl.'75 • Bot Mince Pie with Bnndy Sauce ao...-• e.hde • D1sr111a Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market CULLIGA 5~~ SERVICE ...... " .. ,_ ... _ • It CaDipn Soft Water Senice a. ____ , , ••. D Ii ""Don't L<t Death Ta~< Y our Holiday-D rive Carfull y" Youre Safe ' If You Can Stop The danger ·lrom dri\·ing with faulty brakes is too , great to take a chance on. Better let us cheek your brakes and put them in first class condition. You're SAFE IF You Can STOP! AS SURELY A.ND QlJlCKLY \VHE1''E\IER AN EMERGENCY MAY DEMA..'\'D Courteous, Dependable Service Our "Prices Are Modera.te Chevrolet Brake Reline s91s · Labor Play Safe -Drive in Today for a Complete Check • Up • IMMEDIATE SERVICE 5 SKILLED MECHANICS To Se"e You Lubrication Washing Polishing . -Simonizing \ \ , . ' CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc~ ~ L. HAGAN, Service Manager. Cllevrolet •Oldsmobile 3001 w. Cen~ Newport..Beacb Ph. Harbor 513 \. ., ,t ' . ' i.lsrs SERVICES -FOR CANCER PAllENIS • Offer \J.agpaia ·~~:-;~.:.,: Disft»ver 22 Who· Plan ~r-IndOor ~~i:::.n=::.. x:_-= Had T. B. Without Car Parking ~C::17..:=: at the Knowing About it LAGUNA BEACH. -Set for · Amon& vol1mtftr oervlceo In Or-SACRAMENTO, Nov. 25---(UP) public heorlna at the nat plan-anre county for the cancer 1'l'I>--Twl!nty-two ponom . wl>o bid ninll commlalon meetlnr Is a vol-cram. abe explained, II a vllltlnr tuben:ulooll but didn't know It 1D1tary bid to help relieve La-~W'lle tumlahed to th e Vlaltlnr were discovered by state health llWI•'• parklnr problem. A """" Nunes' uaodation by the Alalat-authorities durtnr October tbroosh lance application, IUbmltted by ance League, the Santa Ana chapt-cue--tlndlnr procrama conducted Empin Invfttment Co., ub for er and the county auxiliaries, and by the State Department at Pub- zonal variance on the comer of motor service supplied by the Jun-lie Health,. Director Wilton L nlird and Mermaid to build an In-Ion of Harbor Aulstance Leque Halwnon reported todly. door parklnr bul!cllnr and an ad-Auxiliary and by Oranre Aulst-'Ibe Infected persona, Halwnon joining outdoor area for the same ance 11arue auxiliary. · lald, were found durtnr two cue-- purpooe. 'Ibe Aalltance Learue al 1 o finding procrama one at San Carl Mays, spealdnr In behalf Ot eqUlpa a loan cupboud of surgical Diego State collere and one In the proposed building, and the clrl!llllnp and,·supplle1 needed In Contra Colta county. Twl!nty-two Hotel Laguna. which wishes to the care of cancer cues, ahe aaJd tubercular cues were d1acovtted lease 50 per cent at the area for Mn. F . C. Rowland Is In charge. durlnr the Contra Costa -am guest parking, brourht out the Telephone 3822-W, or phone 7864, and two In San Diego. fact that many merchant& and the Orange county branch of In addition, the director lald, 64 doc ton contacted favored the ldeL American Cancer llOdety. for sup-penona suspected of belnr ln-plle1 from the loan cupboard. fected were fOWld at San . Diego People Who Like To Fly Bc11rrc119e Bc11lloons Cheered P eople who like to fly ban-are balloons were cheered today by news that the civil aeronautics commission had decided to with- draw regulations prohibiting such flights. At the same time War Assets Administration announced. a sur- plus stock of 220 rubber monsters which had been "frozen" pending CAA's action in compiling regula- tions governing barrage balloons, v.•ere again available for purchase. ..'.{he balloons may be bought In Jots ot two and five at a sealed bid sale, Decemlx.4-1, at the New York regional office WAA. Infor- m ation on how to bid is obtainable from the local regional office, 155 W . Washington Blvd. Money Cut Mdy Cripple 'Disc11bled ' Vets SACRAMENTO, Nov. 25-CUP ) -The state department of educa- tion today said that the efficency of its vocational rehabilitation pro- gra m has been affected •·ver)· ser- iously'' by a ruling that the pro- gram was not eligible for a de- ficency appropriation. The depart ment said that unless supplementary funds for the pro- gram are obtained there will be a denial of rehabilitation service to a "large number of disabled persons.·· • Be Wise -Advertise • ~I.. Bolu,,a,. e-P4'"1 801 °"""* lllP•iW -1111 l1111Tl1h ••POt llloit ol orchllec1urol 1Ull wllh th• R1tl•r hand or "'9 d•cor11• JOI. It depictt dori1'9 UHi of w.trol'Ci"Q coJ011, loxl- ftllll"O lllrnlthlrig>I orw:I t :aotlil wollpop." ol'd d•operie1- to OUUle 91"C1C.loUS li..;,.g ill the ••elusive ,,,.,lrOM>•"' of Lido bl•-ttle r.,...,, baylide rMlden1ial co-unity. II 11 Ot1• ol 35 ••q11itll• frio•••-•och ditllncti,.,ly lndi•ldwl. bvt tl•iflg bull 1i•11l10t1e o111ly fO rtd11c• COlll 111111d .................. -yet.•~ 10 Yo• ol M ~loot. s.. lhffe tto-.. -c+-Pot•-'f'Oll·u M -P4 ""°'..:fl llPO('iOln. COIJIPlel .. .., eqwiprped ~ ~Ii.ally ~~ C:Oft be bol.lvhl ... ..., . $21.-.. s:ss.- ..... Ofl~~,.,.. MocW tto.t-231 • o.i.o ......... by-s-.. ,,.. -.eo. P• •• p•l•er INCOIPOIATED 3333 •la I l da . newport beach tolop!Mloo ~arbor UOO I Other volunteer services in the and 19 ln Contra Costa county. county that contribute to the can· Approximatel.Y 96 per cent of all oer proeram include motor service persons examined lhowed no t~ by volunteers of the South Orange bercular symptom1, the dlrector county chapter of the Red Cross said. covering 60 percent of the county and in the N . Orange county chapter . The blood bank at St. Joseph hospital, with assistance trom the 20-30 Club, and · the blood typing of the Red 0-oss are important also, in the care or cancer patients as well as others. Assistance being given by or- ganizations to these "efforts in supporting the Blood Bank, Visit- ing Nurses· association, motor ser- vice, and the Loan Cupboard, also the volunteer service of the As- ~istance League as Information Service Center Receptionist in the Orange County brailch office ,r eg- ularly on Tuesdays. are all most worth",.hile aids in the cancer pre- vention program of this county. The county program has been extended to include hospitalization and medical ,ii.id to needy and hac; recently opened a Consultative Tumor Board a t St. J oseph hos- pital. F or information on thesl' services. phone the County Branch Office of American Cancer so- ciety, Santa Ana 7864. Orange County hospi tal has for some time supplied tumor board service and care for cancer patients in the Coun ty We lfare program but the ne"' Consultative Tumor board ser- \ice sponsored by Orange County ~1edical association at St. Joseph hospital and s uppor ted by Orange County branch of American Can- cer society wi ll extend consulta- tion to cases not ('ligible to the County hospital. "Any group or person interested in volun teer service or other as- sUitance for the cancer program should contact the coun ty office in the Ramona building. Santa Ana," Mrs. Campion concludetl. Whatever can be done in the na- tion-wide effort to promote the program for cance r prevention will be greatly appreciated ." TEACHERS TO BE TAUGHT HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH SACRAMENTO, Nov. 25.-(UP) -Special classes to train class- room teachers in the fundementals of speech education will get under way throughout California during the next few weeks, the State De- partment of Education announced today . The department said that the teachers will begin work in speech improvement procedures, stand- ards of speech for teacher 8.nd child. correction of minor speeCh defects and the integration of speech training with regular school activities. In some localities the classes ,.,.ill be sponsored by the teacher training institution in the immed- iate ticinity, and others will be sponsored by the extension4 d i- vision of the University of Cali- fornia, the d('partment said GRAND CANAL TIDE SURGES Surging of the tidewaters in the Grand Canal section of Balboa Island on Monday was said to re- sult from earth temblors felt in other states. An earthquake shook most of l\.1ontana on Sunday, but a pparent- ly caused little damage. The tremor \\'BS most severe at Butte. It will be r ecalled that the tides surged in the same manner about one-and-a-half years ago when a tidal wave hit• Honolulu.· Building Permit Values for Month, Go Over $400,000 Value of construction permits issued by the city building depart- ment for November up to the close of business on Wednesday reached a total of $420,010, Chief Building Inspector A. M . Nelson stated t oday . The building valuation total up to &.nd including last Sa turday was $383.310, which indicates tha t $46.- 700 worth of permits were issued during the past three day'S of this week. Planning the construction or ne\v homes were th"e following per- sons. Ra}1llond K . Harvey of 205 Marine avenue, Balboa Island, a two-story hou.!!C' and two car gar- age at 316 Poppy street, Corona de! Mar, $12,000: W . H. Selman of 402 \\1est Chapman street, Or- ang<', a one-story house and gar- age> at 519 Larkspur nvenue, Coro- na dcl l\.1ar. $8000. Royce Prior of 480 Orchid ave- nue. Corona del Mar. a one story concr('te block, two-family house at 501 Larkspur avenue, Corona d('l 1\1ar. ~000: Vernon L. Soren · son of 515 West 15th street, Costa ~l!'sa, A fi ve-room d\velling and garage at 607 Larkspur avenu e, Corona tic! Mar, SG.'">00. Carl P . Riplinf? of Los Angeles. a threl'·room ad~ition at 107 Gar- net i;ivcnuc, Balboa Island, S6000 : Curt Bohman of 905 Coast h igh- "'?.Y. Newport Bc>ach, alter ations and rcp.tirs to a comm('rcial hllild· ing at the sa me location. $5000; Mrs. Lois \Vagne r of 411 Edge· water plRcv. Bnlboa, replace a \\'ood foundation wi~ a concrete foundat.iC'n, $1000. F'rank Schier holt. of 314 Carna · tion strret. Corona de! Mar, addi- tion to a buildin g at 312 Carna- tion s trC'C't, S600: L. V. Phebus of 1669 Tustin avenue. Ne wp o rt Heights, a t\\'O car go.rage a nd t\vo s tory foundation a t 535 Tustin o.v~nue. $500, and Eva May Dyer of 233 Agat e street, Balboa Island. repairs to house, SJOO. "LADDER BACK" SUIT - Toni Doyle models a new "ladder back" suit, with a halt-skirt, made of gren~­ dlne all-nylon lastex. The low-cut back ls ztpperless, and th,e suit can be worn wi thou t straps. as shown ·GORDON B~ FINDLAY OO!ITa&Ol'O& AND ll1JIU>D om.: l&ll OIMI --..... • rt II &II CABINET SHOP SERVICE C.l.BINSl'8 AND MU.l,WOD. T. C JCllNllON, Supt. ......... ft 7 1 .... 1111, ---LESTER & CD. • "• iwi.....-,.S..-a.d,.r IU SM& Cmbiil .I.ft., .. .._ Jlul!ar-.i_ - • 10 ... _ -on· - -' 'AMBER' DISCUSSED WITH LEGION OF DECENCY • NEW YORK. Nov. ~ !UP) - Spyros P. Skouru, president of the 20th Century-Fox Film eorP .. met here today with representa- tives of the Legion of Decency to dilcua "pooalble cbaqe1" In the fllm "Forever Amber." Skou- ru lald the purpooe of the meet- ~ WU to dilcua the legion's ob,iectlona to the film. DE GAULLE PLEADS-At a conference In bla Rally of the l"rench People headquarters, Oen. Charles de Gaulle regl.<ters varied emotions u he call• tor an alliance of the u. s .. Great Britain and France to stem world Communlml and promote the reconatructlon of Europe. He said Soviet Russia constl- tutea a greater threat to France'a existence than any other power In blatory. Orange Chapter of Infantile Paralysis Hears Progress Report COMMONS VOTES TO BAN POORHOUSE µ>NOON, No\'. 25. {UP)-com- mons voted tonight, at the heirht of the economic crlail, tp aboliab the poorhouse. In place of poorhouses, the "na- tional Ulistance" bill will make monetary help for the lmproverlah. ed a national responsibility, tboueJ> welfare work will be left In the hands of local authorities. Tells W c11r Experiences W. S. Hardy of Newport Beach addressed the Newport Harbor Kiwanis club at their luncheon- meeting in White's Balboa cafe 1ast Friday noon. Hardy, aerial photographer pre- sented his new air map of Ne~rt Harbor and told of his experiences in the Pacific war theater during the late "'·ar. Move Into New Home Mr. and Mrs. Al bert M . Joyce h ave moved from 206 E ast Central avenue. Balboa, to thei r recently purchased ho me on Newport H eights. At the November meeting of the Orange County chapter of the Na- tional Foundat ion for Infantile Paralysis, Inc.. Mrs. Lois Cook Bro\\'TI gave a repor t on the West- ern States conference of the na- tional foundation which s he at- tended in Oakland in October. th£' per capita donation in several d is tricts of Oran ge county t-as G. C. Freese, D.D.S . l\lrs. BrO\\'Tl stated that she had received much valuable mater ial tind inspiration for · Orange coun- ty participation in fund r aising !or the care of infantile paralysis cases. Walter Case. National F oun- dation rC'presentative in Southern California, \vas present and gave a splendid ta lk. He stated that if c v c ry Orange county r esident gave even a dime, the "Drive" \\"OUJd be> a success: that last )'Car. Bay Front Cafe Listed in New Nc11tionc11I Directory Christian's Hut, 325 Bay Front, Balboa, has b e e n included in "Wher e to Eat," a new national directory of America's most popu- lar eating places. "Where to Eat" lists 2.300 r es- taurants selected by business exec- utives as among their favorite places to dine \vhile tfaveling. It was compiled by The Dartnell Corporation, Chicago publishers o! business surveys and r eports. BIKE STOLEN Patricia Dowell of Newport Beach reported to police tha t only three cents. He stated, "The Lo& Angeles, Calif., SAYS: fight must go on until infantile paralysis is conquered. No one can "I have been familiar with the say \\'hen or wher e an epidemic Palm Springs area !or years. l may s trike. The care of paralysis bought by Desert H omesite at \·ictims continues for many years La Quinta as no other desert afl('r en epidemi c has passed." place compares with it." f'rank Henderson of Q r a n g e For free colof"'t.'d folder ... ·rite Palm County Tuberculosis Association Sprlnr-• ·La Q ulntn Development c o .. ,B<>x Q. 679 S. Dun5muir. Lo• Angeli:' gave the Board a preview of the .1u. Callfornla.. splC'ndid new film made by the ";~~~~~~~~~~~~ National FoiJndation, "Your Fight .~ Agains t Infan tile Paralysis." The film "'·ill be purchased by the Chapt('r for sho\v ing in Ora°nge county. Cnrc of recent cases authorized by · t he Chapter was r eported to haYe totaled S2177.88. BUSINESSMEN ILL Two Newport Beach business men were reported il l in Santa Ana Community hospi tal today. Forrest B. Owen. proprietor of lhe Newport Gift shop, was r e- cuperating from an heart attack, suffered in Hollywood, enroute to Bakersfield, and Herman Hansen proprietor of Hansen's restaurant'. suffered a kidney attack. Both illnesses came on late last week. MOTORISTS BOOKED Five motorists wererbooked b~ Ne"'JX>rt police over the weekend. One was booked for making a wrong turn. the others were book- ed for speeding. Dutch Heacock GENERAL CONTRACTOR PAINTING Contracton' RENTAL EQUll'MENT GZO Bolboa A-. Coota M.,.. Directly Behind Alba Beta BatlnNS Pb one: Harbor 2113 BM.: Beaoon 1132&-W WORTH I NG TON Refrigeration l"lil:ON AMMONIA ·-to 100- Air Conditioning llooltolO- son:eon~ had stolen her red and When a dmitted to the Union wh1tc bicycle from the Lido thea- Oklahoma llad a populatioO larger ter . I than 21 other slates. Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps l!'orAll~­ All Uqaldo ta 8- PI111nbing Contractor FIXTURES AT RETAIL SINKS, Vitreous Chinc11, Double ..................... $25.00 WATER HEATERS, Stc11ndc11rd Brc11nd .... __ $52 .!iO . Clll .... Cl & Loe AnplM 8t., AnaJWm Pbone 4t25 ' ffl:WPORT 'a.1..Lllo.1. Nl:Wl!l-Tllll':ll .,__ TtlmDil lfwel BNd!, c.llf..· New.!!!, IM7 A GAW 3 -~ FIR --PINE --REDWOOD DOORS Wall Boards ~r. Celotez, Pl)w:ii Mouldings Shingles AD Shapes a,nd 8lus Cedar, Ccimp08HI-. 8ba' s BAYVIEW LUMBER. COMPANY 701 Slst St., East of King's landlmg Newport Beach -Harbor 581-R BALBOA CAFE Open 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. THANKSGIVING DAY ROAST TOM jURKEY Cranberry Sauce BAKED HAM with Candied Yams Elsie Benedetti Alice Monte 620 East Bay Ave. -Balboa Ask for ---.~ ------ ·- . .. ------- -~-------' -I ,.... . -· - HEW YOIK • SAN nAHCllCO •LOS ANGIUS • SAU5AUJO, • -I Toilets, Lc11vc11tories c11nd Lc11undry T rc11ys FLOOR FURNACES INSTALLED AMON . WEST PLUMBING CO. TH I S 2 - B ED R 0 O,M COMPLETE ON YOUR LOT HOME 5 5950 -Pboll8 Harbor 1185-.J - 2607 Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ~- Low Cost-Strong Permanent MORTARLESS INTERLOCKING BLOCK CO. omplete uiltling SerYice at Reasonable Construction Cods ONSTRUCTION 'by JAMES D. RAY-Genero/ Con#rodor BLUEPRINTS by HARBOR DRAFTING SERVICE ASSOCIATED BUILDING SEIVICE l ' • • • I • f -·· •• '· • Mn. Boyvey lntrOOuced Df· Woellner aa one of the moat pop. uJar oouthland speakers, averqlng one Wk a day to orcanlzatlona In Southern California. He kee.. up hio recuJar radio broadcuts and Is the author of several books as -11 "Happiness ts what we all want for our children," said Dr. Woe.l- iner, "but trouble seems always with us. U you don't find It, you aet into it one way or another. Happiness ts the whole machine when it is working well-physical· ly as well as mentally. The ai>- proach to happiness" 1.9 physical w efare. ''When the child 1.9 physiJ w ell, he will absorb a nd retain what he is being taught. His at- t itude will be a desire to learn rather than a defiance. "Just as a good salesman studies h is prospect, working out the psy- chological approach. so does a good teacher, in the new educa· lion, study the child and bring the subject to him when he is f"eady. The meeting was called to order by Mn. Raymond K. Harvey, president. Mrs. H arvey introduced as guests of the evening, members o f the OOard of education a nd the presidents of the other C.P .T . or· ganiz.ations in t he H arbor area. , T h e Reverend P a u 1 Moore Wheeler, vicar of St. James Epis- copal church delivered t he invo- cation. Mrs. Harold Boyve y, program chairman, introduced the eighth grade glee club and Miss l\.fargaret H eidenreich, director. Carol Fetz. lass, president of the glee club, announced the three numbers sung by the club, "God or OUr Fathers," the national hymn; "Hi! J lo!." a Russian folk song and "'Let Us Praise God." During the last number, Roy Watkim wu r eader . Miss Clara Ellen Spelman, eighth grade teacher, was at the piano. Newport Beach Circle of Chriat Olurcb by the Sea met at the borne of Mn. \Jeannette Beddome, 231 Broadway, Costa Mna with 18 preoent. - Mn. George Goeldner led In de- votions us.ing u her subject ''Free· dom and Discipline." Mn. J, H. Redotone presided at the business meeting and appoint· ed Mn. John U'Ren to represent the circle on the local actlvitiea committee or the W .S.C.S. She also appointed Mn. May Delozier to the program committee of the w.s.c.s. Mrs. D. W. Holtby read a letter from the former member, Mrs. Catherine Stow, now ln a rest home at Riverside. Mrs. Stow aald she was well on the way to re- covery from her injUry and was now able to walk alone. She In- cosed a gift of money for the circle. Mrs. R . H. Hall announced that Christmas cards were still avail· able. The "Faith Jar" was opened, providing $16.55 and the Sarah Legg Memorial box contained S\5.80. F or the program, Mrs. William Mawson, taking the subject "Why Not Let Them Alone," reviewed \·arious r eligions of the world and compared them with Christianity. lt.1embers of the circle will bring their gifts ror the Spanish-Ameri- can Institute to t he next W .S.C.S . meeting, Dec. 10. The next circle meeting \1ti ll be Dec. 17 at the home or Mrs. J oh.n Pfischner, 3018 Coast boulevard. At the social hour refreshments we re served by the hostess, who was assisted by Mrs. J . H. Mills. Holiday Festivities Miss Dolores Ring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ring, who is at tend- ing Scripps college, will be home for the Thanksgiving holiday and will have as house guests r-.1:Iss Barbara Brandine of New York and Miss Abbie Weiser . Other guests who will be pres- ent at Thanksgiving dinner at the Ring home on Lido I sle are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hollingshead. parents of the hostess; Mr. and Mrs. O. B, Hoeg of El Monte and r-.tr. and Mrs. A. Gunderson of Balboa Isla nd. ( XIT~HEN _T~ICX ) -~·-·--• O"~ ' b ---.-.· '~'\/I /. HALFANDHAlfsour . ' J; ~ '4--cream and prepared ""' marshmallow cream makes a grand fruit sal• ad dressing. Try it for the next bridge lunchffft. C H0t7SE~OLE_ HINT)' -----: ti ~ d --.:--..-~- NO THIMBLE? Saw whatl Guard against p<lcb with patches of aclhealve tape on your tor.finger. ~~ ~ QUU>K TUIKEY HASH 1 con concl • .,.....,,_ _, " c. .. n• 2 hard coobd ._. ' c. di..cl turkey Saa-Ing ... -Weber'o- Heotcondenaecl-.h_._,_ .low flame, all• In "'Ilk slowly. Add dlcH turkey, ....... hanl-CMked .... ..... --"" -· s.r,,. ·-hot ......... -. Thanks to the Southern Callfornla ....... w1veo who ,,.,.. ........ - rlthad ""'ad fw lb "-" boked fla. ~ ......... la11.,. '-"-tliat - ....... They ·-........ lo ..... "" tho ia. crumb ••. alwwy1 ._,.,, .... ~ ....... the .......................... . , Pharr. Harbor 16.17-R PW .Chris#mas Preview pen to General Public aturday Afternoon With me~ts of the area con- ntrattnc onJ· displaylnc their oiceat Wattl! ln booths at the 'Chrlltmu Preview" to be given Business and Profealonal Wo. en's club at the Bamboo Room, boa on the evening of Satur- y, Dec. 6, the ceneral public Will given an oppartunity to see the play without coet between the oun of 12 noon. to 4 p.m.. Christmas merchandise will In- clude· personal gifts, jewelry, re- frigerators and electrical appli- ances, beautiful lamps, a ntiques, silverware, ceramics and even plans for new homes. In the evening the beautifully decorated Bamboo Room will be the set ting , for a Fashion show '* • insurance p.a. palmer 111co1•01At10 w. o. buck, Insurance counselor 3333 via lido, newporr beoch, colif. telephone newporl beach, harbor 1500 -* * * Now Serving NEWPORT BEACH 3 to 4 Days Service BROADWAY CLEANERS 2903 W. Central PHONE BARBOR M2-W • • 'J'be Bev. Paa.I Moore Wlleeler. ==photo by Dixie Lee Studio Reception for Vicar, Thanksgiving Service Ito be directed by Emma Hughes Holt. A group of beautiful models -;;;;;;;;;;;;;tt;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tt;;;;;;;;;;;t;;;;;?;;t;;;;t;;;;tt;;;;t;\1 jwill display styles from thr. follow-,, 1 ing shops: / At St. James Church On Sunday. Nov. 30 at 12:15 p.m. a r eception will be held In the cloister of St. J ames Episcopal church, Via Lido, for the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler. ne'W vicar or the church. and 1-trs. Wheeler. l\1cm bers of the \Voman's Aux- iliary are in charge of the re-- ccption and all m em bers and rri<'nds of the par ish a re invited to attend. O n Thursday morning of this week Thanksgiving services and Holy Communion \\'ill be held at 10 o'clock. Pi Phi to Entertain At Dessert Luncheon Tuesday, Dec. 4 will be guest day whe n members of South Coast AJumnae club , Pi Beta Phi, enter- tain with a desser t luncheon at Santa Ana Country club in con- junction with a display or Arrow- craft products from the Pi Beta Phi Settlement school in Gatlin· burg, Tenn. CHARML~G "IODEl..8 who wUI dis play stylH In the fa&h.Jon show, part of the Christmu preview to be given In the Bamboo Room, B&J- bot on Saturda)· even.Inc, Ott. 8 by the Bmlne98 and Profe.lon.al Women's club. Standinl', left to right, att1 Carol "roldenberg and Beatrice Troutman. ,Sltttng a.re Daphne Boomer, Shirley C ran1e r ~d Donna Lehohardt.. -photo by Volney Hay Jr. I Surf & Sand, Ida Naylor's : Vag- abond House, Polly Apparel, She, jnorothy's, Fitzpatrick's, Patricia's 1 Sant8 Ana; Fun Fashions a nd Gayla 's. · ~Jary Price, ov.'?ler of the Bay II& Sur f Beauty Shop v.•ill do hair- styling and make-up a nd Jack '!Ba umgartner of Baumgart ner's jewelers is !:.-Upplying je\Y<'iry to be ,\vorn during the showing. i Holiday Motil For .Country Club Luncheon Santa Ana Country club present-Christmas Charities, School Fetes Planned ed a festive air when 60 members By Room Mothers of Newport Beach C.P.T. -I ~:' ~":tr!~~br~~~~ ~un~~";'k~~g~~i • Room Mothers of Newport home of Mrs. Roland Wright, 646 !beautiful arrangement of chrysan- Beach Grammar school Congress Cliff Drive, for Room ~lathers of ithemums. fruit, nuts and a utumn of P aren ts and Teachers held two 1hc Nc,vport Beach school. leaves spilled in gorgeous profus- met'tings at which plans for com-I t was decided that this year, in-ion from a horn of penty a nd ing activitie~ "'e re discussed. Mrs. stead of giving popcorn balls to l~ncheon tables also bore decora- Ravmond K . Ha r\·ey, C.P.T. presi· a ll the children at Chris tmas time, tions of chrysanthemums a nd rient presided. the money s hould be used in we!-leavc-s . On Tuesday, Nov. 1.8. 29 Room 11 fare work. ~rs. Nick Thom pson \.\'as social i\1o thcrs of the Corona del Mar There \.\•ill, however. be four cha1rman a nd hostesses were Mrs. school met at the home of Mrs. special treats for the children. at Markham and ~· ~"'e. r-.lrs. F.. O. \Villiams, 505 Nor th Bay I Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter Armstrong won fLrSt prize a nd sec-. F1·ont, BAlboa Isla nd and the sub-' a nd at the e nd of the school year. ond 8\'lard was captured by Mrs. jl'c' of particular interPSt was The Room J\1others will also work Tom Henderson. Christmas "'l'l[Me. with the teachers on any special Mrs. Jack P a rke will be chair- It was dC'Cided to ask each child plans and will ass is t Ylith tr ans· man for the Dec. 10 tea but host- CHA-N-CAY BAMBOO STUDIO COLORED RUSH SQUARES Green -Rust -Brown --NEW SERVICE-- Bamboo Blinds Sprayed TO FIT ANY COLOR SCHEME PLACE ORDERS NOW FOB CUSTOM MADE CllBISTMAS GIFTS 6 77 South Coast Blvd. Phone 12541 Gene Nelson Styling At The • Aloha · Beauty Salon S02 Forest Ave. Downtown Laguna Beach Phone 4762 Laguna The natives of the Smoky moun- tains region have bee n taught weaving and other handicraft in this school whic h does so much in the line of child and adult edu- cation. Mrs. \Va}'ne 1-tarper Is general chairman and reservations should be made with her at Har bor 729-\V by Nov. 28. to repair a n old toy and to takC' porta tion \.\'hen needed. lesses have not been announced. 1 fl to school to be added to a col---------------+----------lection to be sent children at Or- Mr. a nd Mrs. Richard Hornby, Costa Mesa. a re a nnouncing the birth of a son on Nov. 14. I-l e feighcd seven pounds, ten ounces nnd has been naml'd Richard GIC'n. a nge County hospita l. Gifts to be t'XChRng~ at school should be placed under the tree in each room to be distributed at the Christmas parties on Dec. 19 but gifts for teachers arc .not to be brought to school this }'ear . Assisting hostes.ses at this mC'f't- ing \.\'Cre Mrs. JI. P . '{arnt'll and Mrs . H. 0 . BoyvC'y. r>.1rs. Harvey A daught e r \v as born Nov. 21 pour<'d for Mrs. Grayce Sevier. in St. J oseph hospital to r-.1r. and school principal, \\'ho had an in- '.\lrs. Kenneth Siegel, 272 Flo,vcr jurcd hand. ,,;t re<'t, Costa J\1£>sa . She Wt'ighed On Friday, Nov. 14. 40 were St'Ven JX>Unds. seven o unces. present at the meeting held at the PLAN NO W FOB TBE ••••••• CHRISTMAS GIFT That adds pleuare lo this happy occadoa, Joy that lives lhroagh the yean YOUR PORTRAIT BT 80BE8TS •••dal r..~•••••n ' -. OW& ••UIDUL llOliT••n 1• •anaaL OIL COLOU ...• , ........ , .... .... ............. -..... . ••a.•• . -••••oua•acsaa w ... ow I 0 hi ls I kel b ilin ,---------------MATERNITY STYLES , .. automatic con O • ~: smo ess ro g I Only Complete Maternity Shop In Orange Co. ~ Pnrz~ . I Let It Come As a Surpris~e . . . ; {.,{MJ 4 {.,/ ~ i That baby of yours. The smart way to keep your ~ £ '!,, little angel-child a secret is to step lively down to ~ J (A our Mother-to-Be Shop. We've many beautiful rr~, ~;·;::"';M:i:::~hop .._:Wr:DCROOD ··-IW: Cao ~ klb .. ·cr-... w.,._ Ii 'Pfln pr ~15 NORTH HAIN, ARCADE BLDG, SANTA ANA Ll LUI lLJ TELEPHO~"E 8608 cooking! c-<: = TlteJ're oew , .. lliey're woo II 11io Wedcowood lo j .. OH of the doaeaa of mew fuU1 a matic ps rue• bu.ill .. -CP" .... c1arc1o. W!Uc:Jin.. •' ,... -for ,..., New Fnodom Cu IUldiea. for thla "Cr-'· you get~ in the amazing new Leek a tM -er ..i • , ......... Uc ... ._ o( 'll'edpwood, ,.,,.., 111.p. Clief, R-. Cden I Sonia, O'Keelo I Memn. ........ Holly, U.u-..1, ci- wood, Calorie, Qullty ud odien. ranges! COSTS lESS "' 6uy. .. 111opmzu Gas Range Ha:adquarters I In the Harbo Area Roper : Magic Chef : O'Keefe & Meritt Quality : W stern Holly Gaffers & S ttler NewJ)oH FURi TORE CO. ~ 1\1' a -111 .., -.&11.,_1 • .,_ •o.i..nw zo ••>?'*..... nzar,11.i111A-w .. . --Interior Decorating Upholstering 11: Slip Covers 11: Draperies CUSTOM and READY MADE Jean White, Interior Salon Phone Beacon 5656 1812 Newport Blvd. IN THE CRAWLEY FUBNITUBll: BLDG. COSTA KESA ANNOUNCING .A New Own!r. New Bake~ 2112 Ocean Front -Newport Beach Our Specialty will be to serve our customers with Always Fresh Baked Goods. ' DELICIOUS DONUTS -BREAKFAST COFFEE CAKES -FBE8ll BREAD -Aho . SPECIAL OIIDEBS TAKEN FOB YOUR BOLID~'Y TABIJ!l TREATS AND PABTIES LLOYD~~ • Before Yoa Baild or Remodel . \'wt 0. latwcr1! I Be •p9 wl ot.play "- Color guldel, plan- nlng aids, comprebs». Ive ltodt of carpea and llnoll!um. 'LUDLUM · C1qtet Works ..... _.. n I ... Ma_ Uft&AllA • f , ' ' ' Friday Alie"'°°" ,Club To Hold lozaor O.C. ' fourllt Districl C. '· T. MHh At fj,llerlon To -He<1r Slate Vice-Presidenf, Oflter SpeoAers Hewporl H'eiglth Matron Pu9Uc Nonca Honored at Sltower . -.,.,.T,~•CAT• o~ ..,.,_ Bia plw are belnc -by the \lllnc the thome, 't'HoW F\rm a audience with ......,..al llne aelec-Mrs. Ralph Irwin. 1528 New· o.ta 11-Ftlcla)o Ann-dub Foundation." Mn. B. D. Ra11D> al -. port boulevard. Coat& M-. WU for a banar tO be bold In Amer!-Redwood City, llsth vloe-pnoldent Mn. Slpberd announced that hcotea Iut week at a atark can Leck>n hall Dec. 6 !rein 10 of the Callfomla Oonsr<a of Par-80,000 ballots on the Uniwnal •hower honorins Mn. Huell JID. L m. on throuCh the evmlng. entl and Teachen, made an Im-Mllltary bill on which parmtl re-Millan of Weotmlnlater avenue. Amon& the many valuable door pttllively lntereltin& talk before cently voted had been received In Newport Hd&htl. prizes la a $100 bill. A clelldoua memben of the fourth district Sacramento, F1oral docoratlom were ID ham dinner will be aerved !rein C.P.T, ID the audl!Drium of the Union T. Slmmona 0 ran I• lhaclea of yellow, and pink pre- 5 to, 8 p. m, for $1.!IO, Drawlns Wilshire 1 ch o o I l'l Fullerton, county superintendent' of 1Cboo1' valled In retreohlilentl of cake and far the door prizes will be at 8 Thunday. Nov. 20, made known the real need for Ice cream moulded u WI stories P. m. In the absence of Mn, Harry transportation of the handlca_.i bearing their burden of Joy. ' The Bridge section will have a BurdJck, program chairman and children from. northern Ora.nae Court whilt wu played with cooked food ule In charge of Mn. sixth vice-president of fourth di&-county point.I to the John Muir the honoree taklnc tint prlu and Paul Dunlap, Mn. D, 0 , Wilson trlct, Mn, Jerrold Span1Ier, pres!-School for the handlca_.s In oecond gol1111 to Mn. WllUam Otey. and Mn. Max Schachner who re-dent of the Newport Harbor High Sant& Ana. Oilldren there are pro-Afterward a doll buUY plied with quest donations of all types of •ch o o I C.P.T ., Introduced the grealng well buto need tranapor-gifts wu l>rou&ht In and the many cookec\ foods to be sold. speaker, Mrs. B. D. Ralston. tation in order to continue ln the URful and lovely thlnp: examined Needlework will be sold by the Speakin& on the theme "How school. Mn. Slpherd asked the On the guest list were the Me&- Artl and Craftl aectlon which hal Firm a Foundation," Mn. Rallton members of fourth dlatrlct C.P.T . dames Otey, Dan McMillan, Wal- been sewing on aprons and many wove her talk about the "home u to tend their uailtance in thia ter Kelly, PhUllp Hayden, Sadie other articles for this event. Mn. the· basic unit ·in society." matter. • Irwin, Apes Ellsworth, John Mc- A J . Lupton will act as chairman. "In ordtr for the home to serve, In the afternoon, the home ser-Millan, Gail Sullivan, LoU Irwin, and asks for matertall to be donat-today, in its effort to establish vice department presented a panel Dan Patch, Harold Funk, Patricia eel to be made into aprons for the this peace, it must have plenty discussing ''Home and Fam 11 Y Robertson of la Ana:eles, Mill ll&le. of reinforcement," said Mn. Ral-ute." Luncheon waa aerved at Loma Mills, Mn. Jack PllkinltOn The Homecraft secUon bas dee-ston. "Olildren must be prepared noon In the Methodist church. ot Glendale, Mn. OsCar Moe of orated boxes for gift packages and for the shocks of the world. Thin... Burbank, Mrs. Jack Dodie of Long -ih a• Attending from Newport Beach Be h d h h M M will have charge of the A~L sec-we teach or do for our children ac an t e onoree, rs. c- Th will al gift P ni." Grammar school C.P.T. were Mn. Millan tion. ey so wra r--today may not be felt unW 15 OT H ---.,.-·--,-.,.---,.-,,,...,,,,.,===~ h R. K. Harvey, president; Mn. . ~ C ases. 20 years hence." O Boyv .,_ H p Yarnell THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE The rummage sale will be con-Mrs. Arthur Sipherd. of Orange · ey. 1"u~. · · ' The pubJ!c ii cordially invited d ed b th Book ti Th .... ,,. Mrs. L. J . Csenar and Mrs. A. S. uct Y e sec on. """""' presided over the business meet-Paine. to attend a. Thanksgiving Day ser- having rummage are .requested to ing that preceded Mrs. Ralston's vice to be held by First Church of M 0 D Kl 268 Costa From Costa Mesa C.P T. were contact rs. · · ng, talk. The main bwi,ness of the Christ, Scientist, Newport Beach M S t Be Sl""R Mrs. Ernest McClellan , Mrs. Lloyd esa ., aeon u...... • .. day was the nominating, from the in conformity with the Proclama- Th G d ti, · planning a Sailsbury, Mrs. Dennis Hogland, c ar en sec on 15 fl oor, of a committee to make tion by the President of the United sal f I fl d bulbs Mrs. Ario Ha ywarci 'and Mrs. Ar-e o Pants, owers an · choices of new officers tor the States, a t 11 o'clock Thursday Those having contributions are re-fourth dis trict. Election of new thur Anderson. morning. November 'l7, Lido Thea- quested to contact Miss F rances officers will be made in the Jan-Representing Newport Harbor tre, Via Lido and Central avenue Damoth, 221 FI o we r , ~aeon uan· district meeting. H igh v.-·ere Mesdames Frances 5259W. The Horne t Octet of the Ful-Horvath, J . C. Stuard, Ray Niel- There will be fishing ln the Ierton Junior college pleased the sen, \V. H. \Vhitlock and Spangler. '"F ishpond" at 10 cents, 15 cents, and 25 cents a cast, under the su- pervision of Mrs. Helen Keeler and Mrs. E. A. Randall. ~1embers hav- ing contributions for this are asked to turn them in to the "Knitting Bag" shopor to either of the above ladies. A 50-cent luncheon w i 11 be served at noon by t he ways a nd means committee: Mrs. Bertha Tillotson, chairman , Mesdames Heinz Kaiser , Jean Lawrence, Boyd Roberts, Sherman Salter a nd J.. J . Head. Mrs. P. V. P arkes is in charge of the m embership not as- sociated with any section ; Mrs. Calla Veile in charge of door prizes. The public is cordially invited to come iri', do their Otristmas shopping and enjoy the superla- tive home cooking of the ways and means committee. Dessert Bridge Sponsored by P.-T . A. Is Huge Success A grand success, both socia11y and financially, was the dessert bridge held in American Legion hall. Costa Mesa, under the spon- sorship of Newport Harbor Union High s chool Paren t-Teacher As- sociation. M uch credit for the success of the affair goes to the chairmen in charge, Mrs. H. W . Parker. Mrs. Paul Norma n : Mrs. Jerrold Span- gler, PT A president ; members of the executive board. their neig h- bor s a nd friends. ' ' ank of Ameriua 1948 Uhristmas Club open T'-taftcls of Caltfomlans flnd thelt lonkof ~Chr-Club tcnlngsaccovntlhe -·-twayto- Chrlslmas bill-. .._ ____ and ...,...,.,to-Iara clown paytnent on a new ""-,--iMle or""-appa-. Join the lonlt of M 1rlca Chei1111M11 Ovit -at any branch. and clepllll! 50-.. __ _.. ___ 11'1.,.-rwaytoa ... pier IP41 aw· n ""' Thanksgiving Luncheon, Alte;noon of Dramo, Features Meeting of Friday Afternoon Club Appearing before the Friday Afternoon club on Nov. 21, Ross Van Nibroc and associates gave members and their friends a mem- orable afternoon's entertainment. let dancing. Ending on a rather somber note, he and Mr. Alston gave a brief playlet about a man who bargains with the devil and lost'"S. The players w ere intr oduced by Mrs. Cecil J ohnson, program chairm an. Assisted by Diana Swan as Elizabeth. the Queen, and Jose ph Alston a~ E~sex. he first presented the vignette .. Between the Axe and the Crown." Following this, he presented a humorow skit ex· plaining the "true" origin of bal· A vecy delicious luncheon fea- turing the Thanksgiving theme was served by the ways and means comm ittee: Mrs. Bertha Tillotson, chairma n ; Mesdames Heinz Kaiser, /II.AN YOIJR SHO/IP/Nt; TOOR 'i BnwEEN 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. ' W1TH only a comparatively few shopping days re· maiaing, plan aow to do the balance of yo ur Christmas shopping as sooo as possible , , , why oot start today or tomo rrow! A-"_,..,""" •. ,.,,, .... ""'~ By making your shopping tours between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m, and after 6 p. m. You'll find less delays, le,. traf- fic, greater selections of merchandise aod more time for abopping, By leaving for bome before 4 p. m. you cao also have "Wooer oo time". • ' • "'You'll make every ride a joy ridel• I • I Ir'1 -6 euier rbaa falllog oll a log I Juat tty Cbnroa Supre- Gualino ia your tank. 1t•1 tailottd CD your CU llDd equipment with tM -tkill dwperfeaedSaMatd'1 wu-protedlyiag(oda, New blending agena ia Cbnroa Sup.-.-gin ,... tac IWU, ~ ocalerarioa, paglom pcdom»!!C'L it'I the i '--(ae1 Sandard .... ~ '"" -baali :) . •'"'7aipboiat1P,11uurtlrif.wid>Cl>n10A5u~I C~ytom Tho11PS« 1 Win• Ir Dklia ?ha Phz1 1.1111 -. Ph UM BYC Saturday evening dance. Jean Lawrence, Boyd Rober ts. Sherman Salter. J . J . Head a nd Miss Frances Dam oth. Also car- rying out the motif \\'ere the table a nd hall decorations using bronzi;o chrys&nthemurns and sprays of date blossoms. Mrs. Florence Shearer, presi- dent, spoke briefly of the 46th An- nual Southern District convention of Women's dubs at Riverside, and introduced Mrs. Geor ge Fox who gave a more comprehensive report s tressing the point tha t women 's clubs should be primarily service, not entirely social organizations. In the art corner Mrs. Claude Anderson e xhibited two colorful portralts by Thelma Paddock Hope, portrait painter of Corona del Mar. Both were of her daughter Marcia J ones. one called 'War Bride," the other in a happier mood. New members introduced by Mrs. P. A. Chamberlin were: Mes· dames Henry Hall, Glen Whitlock, Lela E . Hay, S . W. Ruggles and Ralph Williams. Plans for the ccming Bazaar Dec. 6 \Vere discusse-d and re ports from the d ifferent sections were heard. Group singing \\"aS led by the music chairma n. Mrs. Chamberlin led the salute to the flag, and the collect \\·as led by l\1rs. J oseph f-la:Tiblc t. P'ICTITIOU&.~P'l f'IM NAM& Tim mm"1UIJONZD do '--y .. , ~ lM-7 .,.. CODduetias • ritall wnWr bulilDe9I at 101 l&t lttMt. Newport 8-cA, Cal.Jt, WM19r U. flc- tJtJou ftna Mme of BA. t Yl&W LUJ(-BD COXPANT and· tbat e&kl ftfta ta com~ ot the Co~ penona, wt.o. DamM &Dd ad....._ an u tollowa. to-wtt: . tx!OHN T. BOYD !!:.1. ~ O&mel. B&l-hland, Calll.; .uu....Al' W. llOORll, m o.,,,., Bal-hland. eai11. WITNJ:88 tbetr baDd8 tJl1I lltb day or Nonmbei, lHT. JORN T. BOTD JR. 4JlLAN W. MOORll COSTATll or ClA.LIJ'ORNIA. ) UNTT or ORANGE ) --ON THIS 11th day of NOftmber. A.D .. 1147, before me, a Not.ary Public In and for -.Id County .-Bt&te_.. per- IOD&lly appeanct Johll T. Bo}'a Jr .• &Dd Artan W. Moon, know. to me, to be the peraon. wboM names are eubecrtbed to the wlthlD Iutna.ment, and actmowledpd to me tb&t the)' uecuUMS I.be llUDe. rN WlTNE88 wtmRICOJ' I h&n hereunto Mt m}' band and aittxed m1 otflctal Ml the day and ,.._.. La tht. certUleate tint abo" written. NORA 8. JURGWARTH N"""otary Publle la &ad for Mid (SUL CouatJ' and 8t.Ue. 1~ &,mm1-lon bplra January 28, Pub.-No•. 20, 21: Dec. 4, 11. 19C7. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINE&s Flctlt low• Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED does henib> certify t}lat they are conducting 1 nurtte!'Y achoo! bwilneu at 1221 Eaa1 15th Sl .. Co.ta Meea. Callfomla. under lhe flctltloua firm name of Rancho Meaa Nuritery School and that aal.i tlrm I• comJ)OMld or the foll o...-ln11 peraon.1. ...-ho11e name• and addrnael are .., follo...-a, tO·•lt: ' BENJAlllN M. HOWSE. 22911 Fu\· lttton Ave.. C09t& Ken . Calif.: PA· TROCIA L. H OWSE. 22911 Fullenon Ava .. C08ta Meu. Calif.: EARL G. PETERSON, 305 S:!nd St .. Newpor1 Beach, Calif.: LORRAINE M PETER-SON . 306 S2nd St.. Newport Beach , Calif. WITNESS our hand11 thle ltth da~· or October. 1917. BENJAMIN M. HOWSE PATRICIA L. HOWSE EARL G. PETERSON LORRAINE M. PET ERSON STATE OF CALIP'ORNlA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) u . ON THlS 14th day of October. A.D .. 1~7 . befo"' me. Norft S. M:argwarth, a Notary Public In and for aa.\d Coun· lY llnd State. personally appeared Ben- jamin M. H owae, Patricia L. How"°. Earl G. Peteraon and LorraJne M. Petenon, known to me. to be the! penon. whoH namea are eub1terlbed to the w ithin l n•trument, and &e· kno"l~ged to me that they executed the same . IN WIT NESS WHEREOF. I ban hereunto set my hand and affixed my or!lclal eeal the day and year In thl1 certificate first above written. NORA S. MARGWARTR Notary Public In and for aid County and State. My Comml1111lon EXplres January 28, 1900, !SEAL) P ub.-Nov. t . 11 . 18. 25 , 1917. Be Wise -Advert:t» Mayberry Sho.e Repair ONE DAY SERVICE 1831 Newport Ave. OOSTA MESA ......... ~.CISUll -, • I l '.'NOTICU N~WPOBT BALBOA Nl:W8-Tl•t:8 TUD!DAY Newe I llNcl!, o.nr. N .... II, lMT Pap5 NOTJ<lS F l"ILINO &88S88-des<riptlon of aald work refeteice -' FOK THE CO'NllTllUC-Is hereby made to the above men- TION , 8ANJTAllY !JEWW tloned Resolution of Intention A N'D AlfCE!J IN Dated . pectlve bidden Is called to tbe "Propooal Requtrernentl and C-- ditl0111" annexed to the b I a Dk form of propooal, for full oilree>- tlom u to bidding. o o A !I llOULEV AllD AND thla 17th day of, Novem- OIW llTam!J, .u.LEY!J a I>,r, l!Mk.unc L. RINEHART U!J A f! OONTZK-City Clerk, ' PL.& llY llEllOLUTION OF Pub -Nov 20 25 1947 The City of Newport Beach re- serves !he right to reject any or all bids, ,ONNO.NUANDOF ' . ' ' ' FRANK L. RINElilRT; City Clerk In and· for the City of Newport Beach. AND PIAO& OF CITY OF Newport 8-h 0 All ro 8AID WORK Oallfornla ElllllllENT NOTlCE TO CONTBAcrGBS Pura .. to. statute, "Improve.- ment Act of 1911," Dlvlalon 7 of the Stree and HI11hways Code of the State pf California, notice Is hereby n that the Supertn. tendent o Streets ot the Oty of Newport ach, having made an asseamen to cover the cost. and expen1e1 .f the construction of sanitary en and apPurtenances in Coast · Boulevard and other streets, )'I and euementJI, in said City, contemplated by Res- olution o Intention No. 3424, adopted b the Oty Council of said Oty on 13th day of January, 1947, fiJ the sa me in my office on the 17t day of November, 1947. I her eb fix Monday the 8th day of Decem r , 1947, at the hour of four C4l 'clock P. M., and the Council amber of the City Coun- cil of the City of Newport Beach as the pl , when and where all persons i terested in the work done or in the said assessment will be heard y the said City Council. Property owners, the contractor or his as 'gns, and all other per- sons inte ested in said work or said asse ment, feeling aggrieved hy a ny ac or determination of the Superinte dent of Streets or the City Eng· eer in relation thereto, or who c aim that the work has not been performed according to t he con ct in a gcxxi and sub- stantial anner, or who claim that any Porti n of the work· was for any r eas omitted or illegally in- cluded. i the contract for the same, or having or m aking any objection to the correctness of the assessme t, or diagram, or other act, dete ·nation or proceeding of th es perintendent of Streets or City ngineer, shall, prior to the day t for the hearing on the assessme t, appeal to the said City Council briefly stating in writ· ing t he ounds of appeal. For a LEARN MUSIC LIKE MAGIC FROM cWAIN Dated: November 24, 1947. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Pub.-Nov. 26; Dec. 2, 1947. ~:re~. ~if~~:~.~iff 4 ~=~e __ E_R_1o-.. -.. -~-G-T_'i._S_:_,_Zo_E_:_ ... -R-u T-NN_o_'i_':._l_H_I .. P. M. on the 8th day of December, FICTITIOUS NAME 1947 at which time they will be I THE UNDERSIGNED do beNb7 publicly opened and read, for fur. certlty that they an enppd ta a I hi th f II . co-PUtnenblp u General COntnc:ton n s ng e . o owmg material : ud O\Mr allied u..e. . .w>der u.. fie.. 7250 Uneal Feet of 24'' Utiou. name and .trie dt BOOR.CY • W t Pi POIRIER: that Mid co-partMnbtp l8 a er pe. comPMed of the followlq ~-No bid will be received unless lt wboee n.amM and raldenoa adm-._ d I f are u follcnn, to-wit: .&a ma e on a proposa onn fur-ROBERT RUSSELL BOOREY m nished b:y the a ty Engineer. Each ~ • Balboa 1111and. C&l1fOrn1a: bid must be accompained by (ca.sh, Jboa \\.1~~~?fuR,.n1~ Ametb7*l. certified or cashier's check, or WITNESS our bands um 20th da:r bidder's bond> made payable to 01 Octo~6si:Ci· RUSSELL BOORZT the Oty of Newport Beach, for an ELKER 8. POIRIER -- amount equal to at least ten (10) !/];;~~~~ / •· per cent of the amount bid, such On lbls 20th day of October, J.Nf, guaranty to be forfeited should I :/3reeo':!~iy~ !~t•~at~b~~':i.fi';' !: the bidder to whom the contract is pea.red ROBERT RUSSELL BOORft ded f 'I t · th and ELKER S. POIRIER. known to a war at to en er into e 1 . me to be the persons ,..ho.e namea contract. are JJUbecrtbed to the within Instru- ment. and acknowledged to me lb.al Proposal forms a nd specifics-they executed the same. tions may be obtained at the of WIT?o:E&'i my hand and official -1 . -. . - K ITTIE LAHEY flee of the aty Engineer, aty Notary Public In and for the J-lall , City of Newport Beach. SEAL utd County and State. The special attention of pros-~b.-kov. 4. 11. 18. 25, 1947. BUDGET-W\Sf. SHOPPEl\S GO TO.·· Give your home a gift this Christmas. A gift to mak e every day in the year a happier one. A gif t to make mother's every chore an easier one. Gifts for the livina: room . , • the workshop , •• they 're all here. 7 PC, LA BONITA CUSTARD CUPS. Includes 6 rainbow colored cups with wire rack , •••••• , ••••••• , .. 98c 24 PC. STAINLESS STHL FLAT. WARE-Complete set. Red or Ivo ry handles with stainless steel blades. Display boxed ..• ,., •• , ••• , .$6.9S PRESTO COOKER !Model 401 , Cuos cookina: time to minutes. Makes food more ilppetiz:ing. A 1ih that every nwrrber of the fam ily will en- loV •••••••••••••••••••• $11.45 FOCAUl'SI HISTID IL I CT 11 C HEA na. I llustr.red at bottom. Fo- cuses rays where want9d. No wasted helt. Fine for these chilly mominp. PYIOl.IN TOP CLOTHIS HAMPllS • Several cob combin1- ffons •••••••• $1.00 $7.95 •• • • • • .. ... .. . ! -. N•W•O•T ••no& N•Wl-Tt••• •et.·~ . . • --TO •IA>ilj • n11,mr.a.~ • PPA.l.Dl'.&D e "41· Dl'Aftl a v•1 ,mAn1 • nanq JfMM!:..art s• .......... WANTEDntOllOWN'ii I wD ,; r l!lt... N -.••••••• ,, •• ~ . • ~·· ..+f-oger, ~ .. Cut. NEED MONEYT , rullUC anc:a • FOR ,,.... ;.... -~ w. 11 .-able prdL Haw s. u. ror Quick. ·H,ol.,tul DESERT HOME NEW 2 BR vacant lllllOO: a1oo 1 2 Be<lloomo, air eal.iii-. ad-BR newbr. -'8000. cm ' v I llttli cuh-Bm< 1121, --' •--•--F1n1!Mi1! C811tTl,.IC.ATS ()II' ...... ..-.. Oaedl; WrltereeM-. Dl'V'tl' • I M-ltp oz··--.&-. P'ICTIT10U.!..!!,"M NAM• l'.: been med.. CbMp. Bi• ·•• 'U8&. • _ Needl -Louie an 'm ~.!'1!1~i'· ~-. llMtc .. .!' ::i. ~nl~Dlx-• Furui~ -Sal~ .. = .,...._fl .,..· ~-POOL T&Bl-E -staadlrd Ila, 21-n. Cabin Cnmer <Hunw> 11138 Car or Other Secun ... ifr., C&I~"""".;, 0:::. · very nice condltkln. .Comp!IW •z -_.. !Inn ,. -~ with ewe ond bal1L Pbone lift-~ &-n -~ Houn: 10 to I -3 to Ii -· w--....... , COD ~ 91-Stc If.rt. C!lnktt . Rwiabout, S195. (Clalod S.tuntaya) .. followa. to-"'1t: _..... - ,._ a. TlllELI:. ms Cout Bl9d.. FOR SALE " Cll'al diamond Coroaa ctel Illar. Callforala. -7S wtTNEllll t;I, ...,. thl• Srd da7 ol rill&· Will oell cfleap. Newr J.-onmMZ°io\L B:. THmLlll ~ worn. Appraiaer lnvited. 208 G. E. MINNEY ..,. .. ,.. or CALrroru. I eryst&l Ave, Bal-Ialand. ~~~fa 0~:7 or No•:nber. A. ~2tc D .. 1H7, Mio,.. !M. Non 8 . ....,.._ FOR SALE-•nua ~-~--. ~•- . Listings Wanted ru Coast HJwa)-. N-pol't Beacon li032o-W. 94-2tc wvtb, a Nol&rJ' Pu.bUc In aAd for mid ~ ~ LUllll:" _. O>untJ' and State. penonally ~ feet.. deep color. 18~ carat. ~Hp.~~ U: \: ::'~t!: Save $100. plua 20% luxury taX. to the wllhlD Imtnamenl. • D d 8'C>.' Phone Beacon 5893-J. 93-4tc Jatowledpd to me that be esecuted tbe _:=::.;:..:...;,:,_ ______ _ ~ WITNQUI WBER1X>r 1 bia., bier'euJ:l;to •t mJ" band a.ad ilnied lrlJ' otncial eeAl the d&)' and -,...,. ill ~ cartitu:at• rt.rwt &boft written.. NORA 8. KARGW ARTB · Notuy Public la ud tor -.14 Count)' and state. -. (!'l!!AI,) Pub.-NOT. 4, ll, 18, J5, 1M7. ... -.... .. --............ ,,. .. The N<!WS· Times wW not be re- apollllbl• for mott than ono lncor- rect imertJon of an advertisement. ftSe!"YS t h e rl1ht to correctb duaify any and all ada and 14 reject any advertilement not coo- lonnlne to rules and recuJatlonL' 68-tl• NURSERY LANDSCAPE -SHRUBS ond PLANIS BULBS -FERTILIZER Hollister Bros. Nursery 1959 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5200 89-tfc ;11.:U.:8::INE8=:::S:....:G:::UID=:.:l::.-_____ 1-'1' FOR SALE-CorTU&ated Iron 11ar- GENERAL REPAIR age 16x32. 120 E. 17th SL, C<lota OF ALL KINDS Mesa. To be moved by buyer . Costa Mesa Fix·lt Shop make offer. Call Budlong 85193, "Let Short & Long do it" 9 ·a.m.-N p,m . 92-4tc Ted Taylor and Clarence Davis Beacon 5303-R 2508 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 93-Btc LANDSCAPING Care of Lawns F1owen and Shrubs Planted Hal Crawford 315 Alvarado Place Harbor TI4 BALBOA 84-tlc CESS POOLS and SEPTIC TANKS Installed Anywhere la Orange County Contract Drllllna Sewer Connection · (All Work Guaranteed) Full Insurance Carried J. R. McCORMICK Oaujtied ads DO &et tbe job done. PUMPS WORTIIlNGTON PRESSURE -CENTRIFUGAL ... For all Presaw-e Soden Reb1geration 623 So. Loa Angel .. St., Anaheim Phone 4652. 93-ltc Watcb .. -Ctockl -Jewelry OIROMOMTERS . • Ropalrlng -Prompt Suvlce Sensible Prtcee VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY 1786 Newport Blvd. C<lota MeN 31-tfc WASHING MA,C~S U you don't have one do yow waahln& at "° Vlcto"i:,.~ ~9-C:-ta MeA BILL'S WASH-A-TERIA __________ 93-_tl_c -47!1 Newport Blvd., C<lota Ma& FORMED WlncWlleldiJ oft Hatd Phone Beacon ~170 17-tf• BAYSIDE PLATING Coven made to order. Also Plex· !glass &. Lucite SheeU for aale ?<{u-World Products Company, . 303 Third St., HunUn&ion Beach Phone Huntington BellCb l 78. Gold -Sllver -Copper • &- Antiques a Specialty 80-tlt HARBOR Plumbing Service 1768 Newport Blvd., Beaccn 5048\\ REPA!RlNG OUR SPECIALTY ContracUnK and Supplies • 97-ttc. COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone BeaCOD 528).R 1573 E.lden Ave., Colt.a Meu ~ti• 12 YEARS SERVICE See Our Ad In Orange County Phone DlroctorY 19lt Harbor Blvd. Ph. Bea. ~w Cor. Harbor and 19th, COit.a Meta Next to Methodist Oiurcb :ZS.Ile Plenty of Good Tires All Sizes C-Ompound Motor Gallon. 70c on Western Auto Supply • Autllortze<l Dealer FOR RENT-Day, week, week-end. or ioonthly, 23-ft. auxlll.,.l' ... c:ab1n sloop. lnnenprlna: mat- tr-. Can cany up to ten poople. Sldppu available. Call 1.81'~ N-IJOl't m...t., Coat& .._ Beacon 5465. 90-4tc BelCOD 5220 WILL TRADE Inside lot on l.lclo (Acnm l'nllD Alpha·Beta ~"r~ !ale !or nice cabin crulsor 32-------------35 ft. Phone Union 1-2539. LOANS TO BUILD, buy, ~ 9'i-3tc modemlze or re!ln&nce. Wo pr-~~-0-R_S_ALE ___ S_tar __ aa_U_b_o_a_t. chue tr\ISt deeda. Latftt type, flexible mut. In-NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL cludlnJ llalla ttady tb All SAVINGS .Ao LOAN ASSN. Pbor>e Glenda!•, Otn» lll88. 3333 Via Udo Pb. Har. "°° ~tic 38-t!c. FOR SALE-Lawwon pump and balt tank compl•te, $75.00 llk• new. Bay DUtrlct Hardware Co. Bal. !&land. 83-tlc PIC SAlLBOAT-New set aalls, also stainless steel rigging, all va.ntished except for deck. 212 Lido Nard, Udo Isle. 91-4tc Boat Maintenance and Repairing Frederick Yacht Co. 1215 Coast Hiway, Newport Phone Beacon 5615 BOAT BROKERS B&-tfc Othen will read your cia."1flcd ads as vou are reading these. AIJTOllOTIVS a TlaD .. 1941 Ford De'?Luxe 5 passenger coupe, spotlite, heater. Good rubber, niotor very good $1050. Harbor 1299-W. 94-ltc FOR SALE-1937 LaSalle 2 door sedan, new tires, excellent me- chanical condition. $695. or buy equity. Good for hauling trail{'r . 601 Broad St., Newport H eights, Comer Santa Ana Ave. 94-2tc WALTER J . FOWLER SELECTED USED CARS 1974 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa '41 OLDS-"'78" DeLuxe 4 door sedan. Hydrornatic. New paint, radio, heater. A {'Jean one- $1495 overhauled. llUSICAL 4 RADIO M 36 PLY. CPE. Motor -----------"" Good rubber-IVORS and Pond, Grand, KimbaU, <>495 Baldwin, Wurlitzer. Many otll-~ er ma kes. Priccs start at $89 on used uprights. Buy now for Christmas. Danz· Schmidt Pi· ano Co., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Christmas Sale. 89-lfc 36 PONTIAC SEDAN. Good radio ·and rubber. Motor just over- hauled- $595 REPOSSESSED : Spinet piano. E A S y T E Jt M s Famous make. A genuine beau-94-2tc ty. Can't be t old from new . ------------ Pay balance. Easy terms. Danz-Others wW read your cJass1/ied Schmiilt P iano Co., Santa Ana. ad. u ~ a.re reading tllese. 520 No. J.·Iain. Christmas Sale. 61 89-tfc T __ R_A_ILERS _________ _ ------------SPIN ET slightly case damaged in shipment. \Vorld famous make. This is a great sacrifi ce. Only one. Remember, only one. Your time to save on the finest. SPACE for house trailer on pri- vate property. No children. 337 Ogle St., Costa Mesa. 93--2tp Classllied &.ds DO get the JOll done. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., 520 ------------- No. Main, Santa Ana. Christ-REAL ESTATE - mas Sale. 89-tlc SPINET PIANO. Rent a beauty for the holidays. Rent for term allowed if you buy. Music in the home is imix>rtant for Christmas joy. Uprights u low as $4.00 per month. Danz- Schmidt. Santa Ana. 520 No. Main. Christmas Sale. ~tfc ABOVE THE ARCHES -Front view; inter{'stlng new 3-bedrm. home; !lreplace, large gar. Price $14.600. Call Hub Powers, Agt. Har. 62-W. 81-tlc MONEY WANTED for real estate loans. Broker . Beacon 5173 or Harbor 1091-J. 93-2tc IN THE HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTlNG CONTRAC..'TOR 214 East 19th St.ttet 1.836 Newport Blvd., C<lota - 0 17-tf• STEINWAY. Used. Gorgeoustone. lt-1ahogany case. Genuine. Su- personic tone. T erms or will rent. Danz.Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Quistmas Sale. , 89-tlc PIANO Shortage will be acute this Christmas. Choose yours now. A small deposit will r eserve it for you. Deliver ed when you wish. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co .• 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Christmas Sale. 89-lfc Harbor Drafting Service for Builders Rnldential -Commercial 711 -C. Coast Hlway, Newport Phone Beacon 5860. 34-ttc Pb. Bea. ~ C<lota Mesa, caJl1 30-tfc TRANSPORTATION H FIREWOOD CHARCOAL .Ao BRIQUETS : PROMPT DELlVERY Wright Lumber Yard · 1784. Newport Blvd. • COSTA MESA Beacon 5665 P'OR RENT OWNER MUST SELL-'h acre hllbide lot mos tly level plus oceanview. Will sacrifice for $1 ,000. Cash. Ph. Bea 5729-R 00-4tc \VOULO WKE to contact some- one driving from Balboa Island to San ta Ana who v.:ould be interested in taking "-paying passenger . Harbor 2066-M. TWO ROOM apartment and bath private t'ntrance, utilities paid. 83-tfc Adults. 311 Island Ave., Balboa. BY OWNER-2 bedroom stucco home, l year old, in Costa Mesa's fine new section. l bed- room extra large could be 2. Landscaped yard front and back .fenced in back, 2 car garage, tile in kitchen and bath, vene· lien blinds, small fruit trees, hardwood floors, dual furnace. Payment $42.00 a month and take over loan at 4%. Inquire at 601 Broad St., Newpo r t Heights, Corner Santa Ana Ave. and Broad St. 94-2tc 94-ltc DIPL0\'111.ENT WANTED II WORK W ANTED-lronlni In Dll ~ome. Plain or fancy . 5,30 Saii Berna.rdmo Ave.. New po r I H eights. ~t.tc. DOCl'OR'S MEDICAL ASST. - Proficient of routine lab. work, can type, r eliable cheerful, good personality, prefer to work in H arbor area .. Cali Uar. 2628-W. or write ~li53 Ray E. Jones. 1512~ E. Central, Balboa, 00-4tc -~L\.J."'l wit.h light truck, available ~ for work. \Vrite Walter Rae, 104 E . Bay, Balboa. Apt. 16. 92-4tp .DRESS?t1AKING and alterations Ladies or men's clothing. Be- tween 17th and 18th on Whittier Mrs. Tahara, Costa Mesa. 92-4tp CARPENTER. Painter and all around man will do alterations and new work. Veteran. needs job badly. 117 46th St .. N. B. 92-4tp PUMPS WORTHINGTON PIUcSsURE -CEN'J1UFUGAL Fer all Pr-un -Refripn-. m lo. Lal Alip!m St.. •neMm. ft -... -· 116-ltc FOR SALE-Genuine new Holly-94-ltc ~ood door,· 2-8, 6-8. Complete _S_L_E_E_P_IN_G-~R~OO--,M~~PT-i-v-at_e_e-n- ·witll hardware. $20.00. 703 Car-trance and private bath. Man ·}lation, Corona del Mar. 94-2tp only. 520 Marigold, Corona del F0R SALE-7-foot O'Keefe and Mar. 94-2tc Merril r efrigerator, good condi- tion. Cali Beacon 5297-W. • ~-ltc F OR RENT-3 room apartment with tile bath. 1530 Miramar Dr. Phone Harbor 564. 94-2tp WANTED TO BUY •1 FOR RENT-Room close to bath ------------and ouuide entrance. l27--30th W ANTED--Cas 1tation pumping St., Newport Beach. 94·2tp eight tl}ousand up. Orange coun· =---=-::-::----.,--,,...--~ ty. No Blue Sky. \Vrite Box FOR RENT-Room with private FOR SALE-New 2 bedroom 2 "S " c/o News-Times. 91-4tp entranc:!e and bath. 320 Diamond bath house, located in the finest Ave., Balboa Island. Ph. Har. section of Ne"Wport Bt'ach. Small 2123-J. 92-3tc down payme nt. Terms. Call Bea-. Will Pay Cash For YoW' turrutW'e: or wb.&t haw YQU. PbOne Beacon ~ 4Crawley Furniture Co. l.8U Newport Blvd., Coota MM1 ~tll NICELY furnished 3-room apart- ment, Servel refrigerator, fur- nished, venetian blinds. 202 New- port Blvd., Newport Beach, (Be- hind Arches. 91-4tc con 5704 -R. 94-ltc AT CORONA DEL MAR South of Hiway LOTS $1400 ONLY 2 LEFT I jlomt Dua t Club, La Quinta. adJolnlns Iota. MUil aelL Sep. lB mlleo l'nllD Palm Sprlnp. D'lte f1I top~ M 1-ne. Completel¥ fllmlalte4. $12.000 Malce offer. Troller conalcltted. C'lll Lo1ion. Lacuna Beach. Tel Owner 1702 Rocbater, ott TU- Lquna llelch li84L 91-Ctc tin, Coot& M-. 88-dc C. GALEN DENISON-Broker 498 Newport Blvd., OJsta Mesa · Ph. Beacon 5197 COSTA MESA New 2-bedroom. Hdwd. floors. Dual floor furnace. Attached single garage. Oose to schools and trans- portation. On Ea.st side. Will G. LAT om.Y $8750. Very lovely 3-bedroom home. Hardwood floors. Fire- place. Completely tumlshed. Dbl garage. Built less than one year ago in-a resbicted rtelghb6rhood. Only $13,500-tenns. Nice 2-bedroom home completely furnished, includ- ing a new stOve and electric refrigerator. Double garage. On· half acre with bam, work shop, chicken equipment and corral. A real buy at only $8500. Terms. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Lovely new 2-bedroom home. Plastered interior, hardwood floors, dual floor furnace, attached gar- age. This won't last long. Only $9500.-Tenns. C. GALEN DENISON-Broker\ Blanche A. Gates -Associates -Virginia D. Gates Phone Beacon 5197 -Evenings Harbor 746-M 94-ltc BALBOA ISLAND Two Family Income Units Typically "Balboa Island" properties located in a gracious, friendly neighborhood. Socially an Apart- ment rates tops here and a two-family occupancy re- flects the good judgment of a place to live, in ad- dition a place for guests or income. for the right locations, see HUB POWERS, Agent Harbor 62-W J. A. BEEK'S OFFICE Balboa Ferry Landing B. A. N E R E S 0 N REAL VALUES M-ltc HOMES -INCOME -BUSINESS OPPOR~ INSURANCE 2-Dednn. home, 7 yrs. old; on 1h acre. 2-Car garage. Very good district. Near Back Bay. $1800 down. Bal- ance $53.30 per month at 4 % interest 3-Bedrm. home east side. Hardwood and tile. Good dist. Beautifully landscaped. We ilnvite you to look this one over today. 4 % interest on the balance. LOTS AND ACREAG~50 & UP 1WO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU B. A. NERESON, Broker , Frank Downes-Salesman 1972 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 1907 South Main Santa Ana Phone S. A. 7240 PH. BEACON 5225 M-ltc GIFT HEADQUARTERS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY -·-VISIT OUR TOYLAND -·-A Free Comic Book for The . Kiddies -·-GUS BEACH 20th & Newport Bl\o'.d. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5655 ~-tfc ONLY ONE HOUSE LEFT $53.00 PER MONTH! You CAN'T rent a new 2-bedroom home for $53.00 per month. BUT -you can OWN one for these low monthly pay- ments -plus a nominal down payment -·about $1000 It you are a G.L -for civilians, slightly more. l>. S.-These houses have hardwood flool'S, fireplace, floor heater, double garage, paved alleys. SEWER In and paid for, near buses and stores and within CITY LIMITS of Newport Beach -and besides, • they are located in the new restricted area .....::-HAR- BOR HEIGHTS. · NOTE: Our New Balboa Island Office Is Now O~n! _· -We Welcome Your Listings and Inqu1rles-- HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 229 Marine Ave., Balboa Jsland 30th and W. Cmtlal, Npt. Bea~ , Har. 1331 ....... Har, 1600 . M-ltc , • DOAK REAL TY & DEVELOPMENT 00. ·Jim Doak Ph. Harbor 505-W Oyde Doak 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid, Corona del Mar ''By the Sea" • We Have Six Homes in Corona de! Mar that will take a G. L loan with small down payments. Here they are -all new -We have the keys. 2-Bedroom -Furnished -$8500 AD electric, furnished, 2-story. Upper story has Jiving room with bar built in, nicely furnished; bed- room; bath with shower; kitchen is electric; has nook. Sun deck. Lower story is nice bedroom with twin beds, closet. Laundry room, electric Hot-Point water heater. Dbl. garage, Terms or G. L loan with approximately $1000 down, balance like rent 2-Bedroom -Modern -$9500 ' F1at roof, modem. Snack bar. Kitchen with lots ot built-ins. 3 linen closets. Both bedrooms have high )Vindows and wardrobe closets. Garage and laundry room. Liberal tenns or G. l . loan. 2-Story -2-Bedroom -$8750 This home is well-built. Upper has 2 bedrooms kit- chen, nook, living room, bath. Lower story h.is '72 bath, laundry, 2 unfinished rooms and double gar. R-2 Zone, space for another house on front of lot With a little work there are rental possibilities here now. Corner -2-Bedroom -$9700 Modem , wide roof, stucco. Lots of fancy wood in livmg room. Redwood beam ceiling all thru. Kitchen has douple sink, built-ins galore. Nook. Garage and laundry. Landscaped. Ready to be lived in· never been occupied. Good terms or G. I. loan. ' New 3-Bedroom Stuccc ~ $10,500 Large 6-room home, Snack Bar from kitchen to nook. Bath has shower over tub; lots of tile in bath '.3-nd kitchen.-_Hdwd . floors, furnace. Fireplace. Serv- ice porch. 2 !men closets. Third bedroom is arranged nice for Den. Dbl. garage. Landscaped. Cl~se to schools. beach , bus, shops, etc. Half down or G. I. loan with $1500 down. 3-Bedroom & Den -$10,000 Large living room, dining room with snack bar to kitchen. Ranch type porch. Garage. Two Offices In Corona de! Mar 12 x 12. Well located on Coast Highway. DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. Jim Doak Ph. Harbor 505-W Clyde Doak 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid, Corona de! Mar "By the Sea~ M-ltc BRIGGS •• BEST •• BUYS TRAILER PARK-$375 monthly take. 175' x 305' all fenced. 27 lots with permit fo r 34, furn. 1 B.R. home,' dbl. garage, property zoned for industry, set-back with room for stores. $8,000 will handle. Owner would take in house or vacant on Newport Canal. CATHEDRAL CITY' -5 new modem units on V2 acre. Annual mcome $5,000. Will consider exchange for home in Harbor area. Fred -BR I G G S -Tressa Members of the Multiple Listing Division 634 Coast Highway Phone Beacon 5778 • 94-ltc NEWPORT BEACH -Coast Blvd. House and lot with good future business possibilities. House has 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. This corner loca- tion is one block from ocean and 1 block from bay. $5300 3-BEDROOM HOME -Costa Mesa On lot 67'/2 x125. This modem home has hdwd. fl oors, tilework, dbl. garage, and is in a very good neighborhood. Take over G.I. loan a t 4 % interest EVA F. RHODEN Realtor • ELTON D. BARNE'IT 470 Newport Blvd. Phone Beacon 5713-R. . PERNEL G. BARNE.Tl' Brokers Costa Mesa Evenings, Beacon 5779-R 94-ltc CORONA DEL MAR-LOT Overlooking Ocean 50xl27 $6500 cash 4-Bednn. Mod. Home-7 Ac. Citrus · North of Oran&e Owner Will Conckler Beacf! ProPertY as Part Payment 'ROBERT WHEELER. Agent ' "2 Plua_ Sq!•• Oranee Ph. 73 ' ' ; ' • ' ,_ • , ' o--.. .. in Find Barron Guilty of Dual Charg '11sw•o•T a.a.Lao.&••••--.•••• 0::: 7 ~~reeding Of Indecent Exposure, Lewd Va~ ;TtJ;•;o;&r~:N;-;:e;';•;·;""';°";-;;;5;"-;u.;;*;1;;~~~ BEAR FACTS IOLttt&a.a IN ALASftA M"D fllO GMlGAGf DISPOSAL Pla.:)&Ll.M. 1'MIY Ml."l.t..Y ft,ACID TMC kl.PU~& OUTSIDS. TNl.lk DOOlls AND BIA.RS WOULD TAQ IT AWAY. A WIL.L SCClATC.Mt:O WITN a. SMA"P Hll'OLI •Y A SOLDll.R. Olil MIS RONSON LtC.MTl.ll WAS ADMITTIO TO •a.oa"TI . TNI SIC.NCR Lll'T ew&--.YTMIN(;., llNCl..VOINC.. 1141 L.lfrtlTI. ... TO MIS To Be Reveal~ After deliberating one hoUr and ..... whether It WU legal far the seven minutee . in the chambers of prmecutlon to present before the 1be -Callfomla'• bud-the Newport Beach dty court lut local Jury evidence and a con- ding canary-breedin& industry bu Friday noon, a jury of slx women cluaion reached in a previous case made ln the lut 12 months to-and six men found William Edgar in which Barron also wu the de- ward the goal o! all canary fand -Barron, of Upland, guilty on twq fendant. ers---a ruby i-ed bird-will me un-counts, one of indecent exposure veiled December 6 and 7 at 1326 and one of lewd vagra ncy. West 6th street, Loi Angeles when the N atural Color and Roller Bird They based their verdict on evi- Club of America holds it.s annual dence presented 'by the prosecu- how tion, which wu represented by I B~ers fr 0 m 30 California a ty Atty. Roland Thompson, that cities, an western states, and from the defendant committed acts of u far u Batavia , New York, will indecent exposure and of lewd exhibit more than 1,000 prtze birds vagrancy on a Newport Beach in t he !how, the largest of its front on the morning of June 22. kind in the nation. last, in the presence of children Canary breedlng ls California's and women. newest "big business." Last year In defending the accused against more than 5,000 breed.en produced t he charges, Attorney Max Hur- 100,000 birds, valued wholesale at witz of Newport Beach contended Sl.000,000, and supplies the United t hat the defendant wu ill with an States with 75 per cent of the attack of s tomach cramps on t he canaries sold during the year. morning of the alleged indecency. "'1hile one section will be de-He Mid t he defendant was using voted to the "prima donnas" of his hands to .expel the gases which the canary world. the rolle r sing-were caused by a half-glass of en, 90 per cent of the entries will beer which the defendant was said represent the best effor ts of the to have drunk as breakfast that breeders t o produce the perfect morning. red colored bird. The jury was g iven t he case at The quest for the ruby canary 10:48 a.m. and returned its ver- started 15 years ago when br eed-diet at 11:55 a .m. a nd aftet t he crs began to cross the yellow var-verd.i c.t was announced defense lety with a red and black Vene-counsel filed or al not ice of ap- zuelan "siskin" or the finch family. peal for a new trial in Superior From thC'Se two strains have al-Court .. ready come many new colors of City Judge H arry L. Blodgett. canaries, orange, peach. frosted before whom the case was heard . apricot,· citron and bronze. a ll ow<'d Mr. Hurwitz five days in Eacti year the oranges arc turn-'''hich to decide whet.her he will ing redder and redder and no rarry out his decision to appeal breeder kno"·s when some rival the case In the highe r court. Several Witnesses for the prose- cution and one Witness for the defense testified in the Newport Beach trial which began Thursday morning and ended Friday noon. The jury's verdict was unani- mous for conviction following a tint count of 7 to 5 for a verdict of guilt. In the !Int trial, which finally ended in a 'hung Jury,' the count was said to be 8 to 4 for acquittal. The members of Friday's jury inc1uded, Mrs. Jane Calkins, Mrs. He1en Pridham, Mrs. Howard Baker, Anton Hershey, Marion C. Dodd and J ohn Abell, all of Bal- boa Island ; Mrs. Wa1ter Hitchmlln of Beacon Bay; Mrs. Janice Hen- derson and Mrs. Marian Kepper of Cor ona del Mar and Mrs. Edgar R. Hil l, Lawrence Brown and Hadd R. Ring of Lido Isle. "The Luck of George White." • • • George White Rose from New York's East Side to a fab- ulous role as one of the wor1d's greatest showmen. Then came a heart breaking bad-luck streak, but now he is headed for a smash- ing come-back. Begin t h e star- maker's own story in The Ameri- can Weekly, t hat great magazine distributed with next Sunday's Los Angeles Exa miner. BE-BOTTOMING . Announcing the ortag of a - Shoe Repair Shop .,,. • J. F. Ricciardi at 2602 W. Oenfnl Ave. Newport llMch Mr. Ricciardi was formerly located in the down-town Los Angeles area; specializing in doing the shoe repair- ing and a,lterat!on work for many of the leading shoe stores. • Extensions • 0orrectl0119 • Orthopi(Uc Work • Lengthen and Widen • Vamps Cut Down • Sid Boom • Boom Tailored u11 Remodeled • Foot Comfort • Shoo Toes Removed Remember Our Motto "NOTIDNG IMPOSSIBLE" WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE """ IDl\HO SKl.R.l ff tlf- POllTCO TMf Q&'Cl'•T TMfFT OF' " ao-To.-t STl'l'L G9'106f' THAT CA.CXSIO 7M~ MAL.Al> a,.1vl ... :"-tT••O.. II ., may place the first "ruby red" on One of the principal points of Do you want to sell it? Adver- display. i;~s~u~e~d~is~p~ut~ed~b~y~d~e~fe~n~sc~co~u~ns~e~l~~se~~!n~th~ese~~co~l~umns~~~-§§§§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interest in this year's show will also C('nter on the error ts of many 1 1~::;;;; breeders to capture from Mrs . 11 COMMUNITY CHE..'i!T "Drop That Souvenir!" • • • Souvenir-hunting hotel guests arc WELCOME HOME! 'Waucing off with linens, silverware, chlnaware and other items a t a Newport Barbor Post ztl heart breaking rate. Read the be-AMERICAN LEGION hind-the-scenes story of the sou-i. ... ttem .u 11--w, DIMMrpll "'"" venir-seeker problem in The Amer -..... • Viii.I& _. ,..._ 1* M.. _. ~ .. -.............. .... ican weekly, that great magazine <-------------' distributed with next Sunday's Los Angeles Examiner. &catch tape, vanous alzes, oa sale at the News-'nmetl . MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK Balboa Island ' ---- THE QUARTER DECK • CHRISTMAS GIFIS For Home and Yachting For Winter and Spring Sailing -tr Jen-Ce! Lite Qui!te{j Coats Detachable Hoods -tr All Wool Navy ShirtS' , ' -tr Slacks and Blue Denims Foul' Weather Gear -tr Bancroft Flighter and Sprayweig ht <;aps -tr Blankets 1:r Bed Pads 1:r Pillows 1:r Sheets 1:r Pillow Cases -tr Nautical Bed Spreads 1:r Towels, beautiful pastel colors -tr Unusual Lamps 1:r Seth. Thomas Clocks -tr Electric Clocks • -tr Barometers 1:r Rigging Knives -tr Yacht Club Burgees, Ensigns and U. S. Jacks-Officers' Flags From Hawaii:-· Beautitul Hand-Carved Lamps and Koe Wood Ware. Gorgeous Beach Towels In tropical designs. . • C'vzd JllPwaJ' Rode 111 Newpwt B_.., Oslf. . -PHONE BEACON 5248 " -' -Clpt, X-rd S. aDd Laura' A. Rawbat) Edna Wedemeyer , of West Ar- cadia, the title her "Persimmon" "'On last year as "bird of most un- usual color." At that time "Per- simmon" a canary whose persim- mon-colored feathers are tipped with a white frost, had no compe- tjtion. Sho"' hours will be noon to 5 p.m . each day. Up and Down Broadway Basil Rathbone P~aying Role With Unscheduled Wrist-in-Sling-Dick Maney Takes Crack at Hollywood By J ACK GAVER United Press Staff Corresponden t NEW YORK (UP>-The suave Basil Rathbone is playing the role of !he father in "The J.lciress" with a bandaged and sling-supported left wnst these nights as a rt'SUlt or a little dog trouble in Central Pru·k. The star had his police dog out for a n airing. The animal suddenl y broke her leash. jumped a wall and h('adl'd for F ifth Avenue traf- fic. Rathbone vaultOO the wall a rt er her a nd fell on his \vrist. He \vas out of the sho"' tha t night bul back on the folloy,i ing. 'fhe management hirl:'d Ernest 1\dlrr. makeup· specialist. to help Rathbone put on the fa lse whisk- t'rs he-dons nightly to play Dr. Sloper . On :\·lond.ci.y nights. incidentally, Rathbone has a r adio broadcase and he has to don the whiskers and I costume of a gen tleman of 1850 be fore the radio appearance be- ' cause thcr P isn't tin1l' to make up hct\VC'c-n that chore a nd his ap- pear.:i.nC'C' on slage a t lhe Biltmore-. I·lis rlashcs from studio to stage thus arrayed Sft'm to attract no unusual a ttC'ntion "·hich indicates to him that "Nc\v Yof-k crs aren't surprised by anything." The trenchant way of press ag:c·nt Dick Maney 'vith thc writ- lt'n or spoken '''O rd is well known in theatrical circles. An associate in his office is lhC' source of the la IC'St maneyism. 1\1a ncy was writing some bio- graphical mat{'rial on June Lock- ha rt. sensational freshma n actress of •·For Love or Money." He was writing that she had m4de her HENS LIVE . --~-------· 56c Lb. N. Y. DRESSED 60c Lb. DRAU'N --··--···· 70c Lb. fil m debut at the age of 13 in "something ca11£'d "Christmas Car- ol"." The associate said. "What do you mean -·something ca 11 e d 'Christmas Carol'? You know it's DickC'ns' 'Christmas Carol '." "With HollY'''ood." Ma ney snap- ped, •·you ncvC'r can tell." · That mouse-colored. chin-hug- ging beard that is the trademark of George tGabby) Hayes, one or l-loll}""·ood's I ea d ing charac ter actors. is the real thing and you I couldn·t pay him to get r id of it. '"Its helped me make a lot of n1oney in the past dozen years:· J Gribby said on n trip t o Ne\ .... York Rftl'r finishing ".,.\tbuquerque" for I Paramount. \Vh('rc he added an- other to his long list of "\vestern" charactC'rs. "Furthermore. my 'vife likes it. Said she'd divorce me if I ever cut it off." T he Hayeses, incidentally, just cc\ebra led their 33rd wedding an- niversary. They were marri('('I I while both were in vaudeville. Mrs. J.l ayes is t h e rormer Dorothy Earle , "'ho us~ to be in comedian 1 \\'illie Howarcrs act. Farm products of Nebraska con- sist of corn, wheat, oats. barley, rye. hay, sugar beets, potatoes, buckwheat, nax. clover and sorg- hum. BROAD BREASTED · Whole or Half Oven Dressed TURKEYS Tha.nlmglving Prices TOMS LIVE --------48c Lb. DRESSED -----52c Lb. DRAWN ···-60c Lb. Largest retailers of Fine Turkeys in Orange Co. · + Direct to Consumer + Christen Turkey Ranch 11~ 8TlmZT a T08i'IN -008TA MgA, ()AI.DI". PB01'"E B&AOON Miii Honor Roll • • Prosperity Pluggers l .•. w.-. N-n Brandl Han- Ets-Hokin & Galvan N••--po"""rt Beach • San Frand!CO -WllmlngtoD San Dtego • Stockton EU:CTIUCIAN8 ft. Ilea~ 5401 1000 Cout Bid.. T. WESTON JAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. Eloo Cndeen • Lau10n a Martin OUtboa.rd9 Complete Yacht Furnish.In~ &: Gear. Yacht Broker•~ & IMoranoe Harbor SS---M40 Vla Oporto M. R. BEEBE , Manager Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Chevrolet -Oldsmobile 8001 West Central Ave. Ph. Harbor 51S Francis J. Horvath Real Estate lnttime Tax ~n-te&-Federal ... State OfficeA: S28 !ftth -Harbor 1805-R . Home : 118 S.'ith -R s rhor \922-B Newport Beach DEAN \V.CAMPBF.LL Lester & Co. Member Los Anl{ele!rl Stock Exchance Government, Munlclpal and Corporation Securlttes 515 E. Central Ave .. Balboa. Ph. Harbor !Oil Padraic B. "Pat" Evans Life -Health -Accident All Types Personal Insurance Barbor 1895 • 1520 E . Sort Dr. • Balboa Clark & Company METAl.IJZING lndmtrlal . • . On.amentaJ IOI SOtla 8t. Newport Bea.r.h. Phone Barbor U. Dr. Marven J. Reitz Pi1ySician -Surgeon Two Otneee: NPWpOrt Be&A:h Van Nnys, Callf. ttw W. Cleat....! 5918 Vaa N..,_ Bl'"'- Phone: Barbor 421-R Phone: State 5-1801 Geo. B. Stricker, pres.: C. A.. Herbert.. \'lee PrN. Ray V. Manhall. Treaauft'1' Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. '17 Crout Rwy. Pt\.. n-.,.hnr 5.'\.,'!. NewpoTt BeMll BollY""'nnd f'n1t~r A fil-portater • Cl11.DeM Teak Sall Boata Henry W. Brainerd Radio S 0 S Electric -.,,,__ Iola-I'll. Ral"bM "Ill nn-, G. E.. Hottman. Adml..J. Tllor -... 6Wla-Ila ..... llpedal' .. Greeley and Grimes Insurance Agency "SEE US FOR PROTECI'ION" -........ . ·-----... ....... . • JACK BAUMGARTNER Wateboo e Dlamondo • l~ The Gem Shop Watch and Je...,1.ry BepalriDc Barbor 11.SO -Balboa Balboa Inn Bid&". "JOHN DORY" CHOICE SEA FARE • POPULAR PRICES • -E. Centr&l at Palm-Har. 11>89-W-- 0 . C. HARR • • • C. C O'ITO Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Harr's Jewelry Twin Locat ions lllU HARBOR BLVD. Ooola Mou-Be. 5806-J BOB KILLEFER, MGR. Coast Properties Co. Reafton -lnlm1lnee 'We Serve the Entire H arbor Area" SOI E. Central Ave.-Balboa.-Barbor !UI H. W. FOSTER Harbor Shoe Shop SHOE MAKING ARTISAN e REPAIRS • cu.tom Ballt 8aDclal1 Graduate Dr. Scholl School of Selelltulc Foot Comfort 108 E. Centn.I -Bal- VOLNEY HAY, JR • Hay's Camera Exchange Fllrm ••. Oamerae , .. Jl"lnlablq • Candid Camera Portralta • 50"! E. Centn.I BA 461 -Balboa · 'THREE TODD BROS." TODDS DAIRY QUALITY AND Sr:BVICE - 5M Terminal Street -Saata Ana -P'oDe IMI • M a._ ._... .. A-lwh. •. Bw Pvt: •• p-M ...... ...... , •• Newport ....... .._. Z.... ltw Wendell V. Hoyt Hoyt's Harbor Engraving Co. • Complete Photo-Engraving Servlcle • OJ~ ntll St •• Barbor 2-41'7 •• Newport; B·z+ ' • Oar "Cnt" Man • • Linwood Vick • Realtor • IU llut.e A"" -lkQ t• 11' .. .. ........ -... ..., Ml .-&-• • • llal'ber ...... 0mc:a1i-- • \ • • Ng WPO&T BALBOA NliW8-TlllE·t1'--===-------_,,======== .. TVmll>AY-Nwet ......-. OUlf. Ne. .... IM~ NZWS-ftMM HllWPORT BAUl,OA NEWS-TIMES FOR .UM !·:,~·~·: .. ~~ .. ~-~·~Tll~~·~·~ .. ~·~·~-~n~~·~li·~·i.u-~~~~~v~ .. ~ .. ~·;·:·~·:·~*·\ 01' PUBU.<J OPINION Olilita ._~PM" tst ~ WeCn11kJ •Jt+ •iptlcn PQable In ~: 53-25 per ,.... In 0nnp Count7: What ._ii_ ......W 100 -to ---catn« volume S3llO per,.... to 4th Zone; $3.'15 per,_.. to 8th Zone. of.,.,.._ reported 1-117 l>r mY7 mero' •taT l:Dt<Nd u Seeond-Oul matter at the Pootottlce In Newport Beodl. l re<:all that a survey made a beautiful October and November Callfo:rnla. under the Act of March 3. lWI' .. year ago discovered t hat six per· days. Get ·them to spread the cent ot our business was rotnc YlOrd-lhe dru&:~t. the merchant, SAM D. PORTER -Pub~ out-of-town, Long Beach and San-the tilline atation operator. UJCnJS S.•SKI'ni. m .-, Manulna Editor P. G. FROST --• -CitY Editor ta Ana , and it t hat may be the "df courle the propo!'ed new Jll{,F. DIXON _ --• • - - -. -Adv"".rtiain& M.anqer same condition today, we 1hou1d hotel will help, too. We definJtely Pdntina: Plant. 3011 W. Central Avenue, Newport P.each, California make an effort to keep lhil bust-need a place for visitors to come , Ci f N rt B h ness at home," declares MASON to during the winter months." Official Paper of the ty 0 ewpo eac SILER of Newport Heights, gen: A De' 1rd•Ne Local bdltatlell for 0.. • Yeen eraJ manager of the Lido and Ba). Where We Are Active Member of boa theaters. "l f we do not have t he type or merchandise that draws t his six percent to other cities. we should go out and get it and dis- play it. We should also compete with these other cities by giving local customers bet ter service and frie ndljer attention. Calif. Building and Loan Associations Increase Resources SACRAMENTO, Nov. ~(UP) -The resources of Building and Loan Associations in California in· creased by more than 14 per cent between September . 1946 and the same month this year, State Build· ing end Loan Commissioner Frank C, Mor timer r epor t ed toda)'. Per Capita Gas Use in C.alifornia At 26 Gallons SACRAMENTO, Nov. 25-(UP) -The September repart of motor vehicle fuel tax collections re- leased today by James H. Quinn, Second District member of the Board of F.quallzation. indicated t hat for the month the Wle of gas- oline on California's highways amounted to nearly 26 gallons for every man, woman, and child in the state. Ne t highway revenues collected for the month of Septem- ber totaled $10,740,925.47 and rep- resented the tax paid on 256,313,- 700 gallons of gasoline. While refi ecting the seasonal de- cline associated with the end of t he vacation period, collections in September . still exceeded those for every month in the history of the tax except August. Ga11on- age taxed was greater than that in every previous month except June and August. The revenues fo r June were less than those for September becaWle the recently adopted increase in the gas ta.'< r ate from three to four and one- half cents per gallon did not go into effect until J uly . A Song of Thanksgiving By CLARENCE HAWKES The Blind Poet of Hadley, Mua. Written for United Presa· There's a song of deep. thanks· giving R ising in our land today; Once again, we all are livtng In the old accustomed way. Pra.isinK God beneath the steeple Of the Oiurch upon the hill, Just a radiant, happy people, Begging hatred to be ttill. Give to enemies of old. Feed' the race, whate'er betide us From our grainfields and our gold. God ~ant mankind may rue agalr To toil and strive and live like men. -' It la dan&eroua to bnmene -- In Uquida becauae -"""' ... -· aooonllng to the ~ poedla Britannica. A curi"°" vute- ty of -1. called ~. lo almost opaque when dry. but be- e om e 1 practically transporent when saturated witb1 water. Pleading that our peace sublime Will la.st until the end of time. But we'll not forget those others, Who are coming home today: They were sweethearts, sons and brothers_ What a prtce they had to pay t Coming home across the ocean Moonbea111 and Wedding-Bells Sterling Silver Ware To the land they fought to save. Without a thrill or an emotion To a soldier's lowly grave . Our hearts are full, our cheeks ~e wet ; God help us never to forget ! To the needy we are fait hful, Giving of our gold and grain; Though some pleading is untruthfuJ , Yet we give a nd give again... Give to those who fought beside us, Many Useful STERLING SILVER Gift Articles Electric Clocks General Electric Seth Thomas Sessions Also TRAVELING Clocks Somei-set Maugham, the distinguished novelist, and playwrite, and essayi st,· recently said this: "If a nation values anything mor e than freedom , it will lose its free dom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money th at it values more, it will lose that too." There , in a brilliant sentence, is the tragic signifi- cance of the world wid e movement toward "se curity'! at any price. Nati on after nation has surrendered its Hberties in return for promises of bread and she lter. And, once the liberties were gone and the tyrants were secure i n office, th e peo pl e fo und that they had leiS bread and shelter t ha n before. "Looking at it from a long per- iod. we seem to be se ttling back into 'a resort-town category.' Some people who have lost their jobs through a slackening up of t heir work think they have to go elsewhere. If the Cos ta Mesa civic bodies are successful with their goal. there will be a man ufactur- ing district which will furnish em- pl oyment for the people down her e. ·rhat would help us. "All we have to rely on right now is summer business a nd when that is gone, we have the long \1.tinter to contend with. We can attack this condition three ways: 1 l 1.1.•e business people must either make for national distribution "-·hich will extend into the sum· mer , or 2> ma ke this an all around resor t city. or 3) compete \\•ith prices set in other cities." Mortimer said reports from state licensed associations show total r esources of $376.865.065 as of ~ept. 30. The company with the greates t repor ted resources is the State Mutuel Building and Loan Association of Los Angeles, with over $21 .000.000. a nd the second largest is t he P acific States Sav- ings and Loan Company of San Francisco. with over $16,000.000. News of the Churches Ge11eral Electric Radios Many Other Appropriate Gifts The greatest d anger in this country is wh at H. W. EXEMPT PROPERTY RISING IN VALUE CORONA DEL HAJl COMMUNITY CHURCH. CONOBEOATIO!fAL P•ITY Frederick Schrock. Mini.tor 611 Heliotrope Avenue corona del Mar Sunday, tj'ovember 23, 1947 9:45 a.m. Church School. CHURCH OF CHBIBT Church and Walaut Street. · L Du.ane Canby, Hlnl9ter Services: Sunday, 10 un., Bible Study: 11 a.m. Morning wonhlp. OUR LADY OF MT. CAJlMEI• I.US We.t Central Avmae Sunday Masses: PROMPT WATCH REPAIRING All \Vo rk Guaranteed Q·Rio Shoppe. 295 Ma.in Street .. Prentis, Junior, has termed, "the present blurring of "An educational program to tile lines of responsibility between the three depart-ma ke people aware tha t some of AsseSS('d value or proper ty ex empt from taxa tion in Orange county for 1947·48 totals $20,- 390.260. an increase of 36.3 per cent from the 514,961,560 total valua tion of exemptions for 1946- 47, Calif ornia Taxpayers' associa- tion said today. These figures in- clude tax emempt valua tions of veterans, church, welfare, and col lege property, 11 :00 a.m. Morning worship. An- nual Thanksgiving service. BALBOA ISLAND CHAPICL %18 Acat.e A••oe 8 a.m ., 9 :30 a·.m., 11 a.m. Confessions: Saturdays from ~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=====~==========~ 1:00 to 5:30 and trom 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. " T ] our nicest days occur in Oct . and aents of the Federal government. he u timate re-Nov. may be part of the answer," suit of this policy will be to create that ce rtain de-says Hubbard c. Howe, pr esident or South Coast Co. stroyer Of liberty-a government of men instead Of "Most of our summer r esidents a government of laws. We have gone a long way in leave b y Labor Day and many don't cv('n think of coming back For 1943-45, exemptions totalled $13.199.0W. F or 1945-46 th e y a mounted to $14,027 .525. tilat direction now. We have created a monstrous down here until the following sum- Federal bureaucracy which dom inates every business, mer. I think it would help it we got local people talking up our Be Wise -Advertise every region, every life ; which is th e author of count ------------'----------- less confused and op posed directives and ukases-- and which , finall y, has seriously und erm ined t he self- reliance and energi es of the peo ple . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY The late , great J ustice Brandeis once said : "The makers of the Constitution ... conferred, as again st the government, the r ight to be let al one, the most com{lrehensiv e of rights and the ri ght most ~lue d by civihzed man." For centW'i es the world struggled to- "l{ard that go al. Now it is turning back along a road whose end is al ways slavery and despair. Tha t is the lrisis in which a ll civili zation find s itself this Tha nks- giving Day. ACCOUNTANT Income Tax Con!'ultanta Ac:"a.ntlq -Aa.dltlllC • Booll.ILM'plns WILLIAMS & \VILLIAMS BuYneu Man.cement Consul tan ta Office: Costa Mesa Bank Bldr. Bea. 6639-J CM ta 1\tesa.. Callf. Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. BROWN I l · (Hubor 1644) • ______ :E:c __ o_11_0_111_i_c_ll_1_·g-_ll_I_ig-_ll_t_s_· ____ ~ .__ .. _•_,A_.~_.~_0_~_ •. _:_~_;_~_:,_~_c~'e.._u_"c_"_~ ARCHJTEl,'T The hot test dQff\estic issue at •e present time is the high cost of living. The President made the tieadlines with his charge that •·gainbling·· in gTa in \Vas partly re- sponsible. One of h is charges pdint ed out that sp<>culation is an bltegral factor in a ll agricultur al CJIX:ra tions. from the time seed is planted until the crop is sold. All d them feel that tht> biggest prob- lem in the grain m arket now is the fact thRt U.S. crops of corn and oe.ts arc well lx>IO\\' past C's t.j.mates. "'tlfhlle foreign demand i's still at ab- codes a re often at fault for re-.--------------, quirements 1.1.•hich needlessly waste time, money and mater ials. Retail business has comC' out of the hearings undamaged. Prac- tically all of the evidence sub- n1 ittcd concerning this part of the distribution machine indicates that Armand Monaco ARCIDTECT 814 W.' Bay Ave., Bal1- Harbor l"JU %1!1 Lakewood Ave. Loe AncelM NOrmand.Y MOS markups arc as lo\V or lo\vcr than '---''------------~ under OPA or in prewar times. DE'?'i'TISTS and that profits per sale are \'Cry ~----------­ Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST PHYSICIANS a 8UBOE-ON8, 111.D. A. V. Andrews, M.D. PHYSICIAlf aDd SUBOEON 'l 1 Cout m1hway. Harbor 118 1 Coroaa del Mar .lohn K. <J. Cbwig, M,D. Pby'lldull AM Surseoa 2-4 7 -8:30 and by appointment . Beacon 5075 120 Eut 18UI S~ Costa Meea, Callforala Gonion M. Grundy, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Oftlce Hrs.: 10-12 •-"'-; 3-5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. Pbyslclan and Surseoa Hours: 2-5. by Appointment Telephone Beacon 5848 tit Broadway Cost.A )(eu Kev. Ho.rry W. Wlil ... A.Modale Putor Olurch School, 9 :30 a .m. Maming Worahlp, 11 a.m. FULL OOSPD. Cll1JB(Jll U•d Mld Dd .. , 04ota M- Sunday school, 9:45: mornln& worship, 11:. Evangelistic service, 1 :30 p.m.; Mid-week prayer meet- ni: on Wednetday, 7:45 p.m.; ,..oun& people's evangelistic le?'Vice >n Friday, 7 :45 p.m. 'THE FRIENDLY" CZNTBAL emu: cllUJWH Be.-. Dwtrht Kin••, putor Meeting t emporarily In the Sev- enth Day Adventist church. cor- ner of Old County road ud Bolsa Ave., Colta Mesa. Sunt.tay school, 9 :'5 a.m. Worship service-11:00 L m. Youni: peopl•'• IM!!'Vi~ p.m. Evening evangelistic lel"Vice- 7 o'clock. Wednesday, 2008 Anaheim Ave. 81CVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS THE NE\\'PORT HARBOR LUTIIEBAN CHUllCH 1027 Clitt Drive Newport Heights "A Changeless Chriat for Changing World!" a Corner Balsa and Old CoWltry Rd. 9 :30 a . m .. chur ch school; 10:30 a. m ., divine worship. Rev. Herbert C. Roth, pa1tor 1162 E. WilllOn St., Colt& Mesa "Come Once-You'll Come Again!" COSTA MESA COMMUNITY CHURCH J 091>ph n. ThompAon, Minister 124 E. 20th St. Ph. Bea.. 581&-M Church school, 9 :45 a.m. Morning \Vorship, 10:50 a.m . Youth groups. High school. In- termedia te. Adul t, 6 :30 p.m. Evening service. 7 :30 o'clock. AS SEMBLrES OF GOD ti. S. ~c.'f:Wa.n, Postor American Lel{lon Hall. 15111 Md CentraJ Ave. Costa Mesa Sabbath school, Saturday morn- ing, 9 :30 o'clock. Preachin& service, 11 a.m. ST. JOACHIM CHUBOll Victoria and Thurln Sta.. Cotta Meu Masses 7 a .m. daily . Sunday 7 a .m . and 9 a.m . Confessions Saturday, 4-5 and 7-8 p.m. --- Christian Science p.m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHBIST SCIENTIST IJ.do Theater, Central Avenue and Vla Udo A branch of The Mother Church., The First Church ot Christ. Sci- entist, in Boston, Massachusetta. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning ser vice. il a .m. Evening evangelistic service Sund ay School at 9 :30 a. m. Sun- day Service at 11 a. m. Wednesday at Testimonial Meeting at 12 o'clock. 7:3-0 p.m. 1\1.id·"''eek ser vice, Thursday 7:30 p.m Read.Ing k oom located at 111 at Palm street, Balboa, is open daily from 1 p.m . to 5 p.m. e.xcept Sun- days and holidays natlonally ob- IN What's nicer than a Sunday on the water. Getting the tea 1 brHzes -ond the sunshine! Ideal for fishing. It's yours with ) &he CRUIS-ALONG. Length 20'. Beam 6'9''. Weight 1500 lbs. Cockpit seats 6. Cabin contains two berths, marine toilet, sin~ stove and ice box-Speed ,, miles with Gray 16 H.P.' W'rth Gray 45 H.P. ($160 extra) speed 20 miles. Built _by Davis of Solomons, Maryland .. $1980 AT SOLOMONS, MARYLAND Now On Display at FREDERICK YACllT CO. ~ 1tQrmally high levC'ls. T h e ex· 41anges, they say, are an efficient and essential media for b ringing buyer ~d seller together on a 10U(lply and demand basis. moderate. The retailer too is faced ,,·ith the universal probl c"m of hi~h "'·ages, rents. taxes a nd C\'erything else. l\1ost or those testif)·ing said that tht"y raised prices \vit h great reluctance. a nd only \Vhen no other course \Va<; open. HOZ l/J W. Oentral. Huber 1'8G NEWPORT BEACH Milton M. MAIWell, M, D. 1801 Cout Hlway Oo<oea dol - Office Hours: 10-12 ; 2-5 Pboae Hubor lot% CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA CommunJt:v MethodlAt served. ' The public is cordially invited to attend the church services and use lhe Reading Rcx>m. 1215 Coast Hiway, Newport Phone Beacon 561Ji • ~till another important point made at cangressional subcomit· tee hearings is t hat government annoo.1ncemC'nts concerning food shortages have in themselves con- tributed to infla tion by exciting and frightening co n s u m e r s. H ousewives buy in e x cess of o..irrent needs, a nd shor tages ap- pear. Demand outruns supply and prices r ise unnecessarily. Govern- ment interference v.ith t he food economy was also sharply criti- cized. • Ju usual, labor said high indus- trial profits were a big inflationary inlluena::. and industry retaliated by pointing to current record ...ages. Some impressive testimony In this field was given by two re- porters tor a financial newspaper which h as conducted a nationwide atudy of building costs. They said ttrenty i)er cent of the housing dollar could be saves! by removal of restrictive union Policies and dtcd such pr actices. according to tbe INS report, "as limiting width ot paint brushes, c!i=aglng ap- pn!9tioe trainln&. r e tu s l n.c to handle factory-usembled raatel t- als and general 'NOl'k slowdowns.• 'They added that local bui)d!ng The factor of taxatio n. as a GORDON E. RAPP, D.DA cost of living item, is probably I much more impor tant t han the aver age man realizes. According to a University of Washington re- search bureau Sur\·ey. living costs \\'Cnt up 74 per cent bet\\·een 1939 and no\v. Food rose 96 per cent. clothing 72 per cent, furnishings '--------------· 8'2 per cent and housing 50 per PDYSJCIANS-SUROEONS.. J>.0. cent. Taxes, by contrast. rose 300 per cent Another survey shows that the federal tax bill is now greater tha n the national food bill. Dr. W. T. Mooney l'byBlelu Uld Sars- N\Dt1l aDd 0-tnl ..... ( ..................... .. During the hearings, man y con- sumer groups demand~ a re turn to ra tioning and price con trol. This demand has met a cold receptio.n 1------------......J in top government circJcs. Presi-ClllBOPRACl'OB dent Truman observed tha t it ~-----------~ would result in a "police stat e." Dr. Tom E. Barton S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave,, Bal,_ liar-l~U om..&oan: %t.o&p.m. •Olldll7 u..oap Frtda,t T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. ~Mld&irs­-w. OontnoJ Olftoe: Barbor 80! NlPt--:.Pboae Barbor Tn-M Others have said that it wouJd CHIROPRACI"OR dangerously cut production 1n Conrad Richter, • •. o· _ many lines, and create an enonn-1111 Ooul mp-.,y IVI ous black market. Ooroaa del llar Present Hours: Finally, it is evident that al-(In Kmdell'a Patio) l :SO L m. • U M.. !:SO p. m. .. ':30 p. m. moe t everyone thinks his prices .._ Barbor lMI !90S..() w. Celltn.I are right-but the other fellow's ·--l!TEN--00--&AP---mo---SER--Vl-CIC--' . . Newport Beacll are too high. That attitude may .------------~ Pbone Barbor !40I be natural, b u t It undoubtedly Georcria Taylor 1-----------I makes a solution to the cost of &• Ch living problem, if there Is any solu-Publle -Senioe 38. A. Wylie, M.D. tion., infinitely tougher. We all like Notary PubUo Infants and Children to cast the blame while a ceepting Mimeocr&PbJnc-Mall.lac 8erftoe none of it ounelves. 408 E. Central Aft.. Ba'lrs Cout mpway aad J..;.,,,,•ne Barbor 2681-B. 5!16-W Corona clel Mar Hours: 1 to 5 p. m. Har. 1015 VETEIUN &gt&N REFLECTIO]\(S NICWPORT llAJUIO• I OPTO DIANlUIGIVING , Our torebean gave thanks to Him for a bountiful ~L Food. then, was flrst; sbe1ter and Qliment were second. Mater- lal wealth was never mentioned in Thanksgiving prayers. )(aterial wealth is like a floating cloud ; it can disappear be- fore our eyes. Food is basic. 1be secret ol lite was loclced in a tiny seed; man planted it, God nurtured It, and man !lives Him thanks . VftlCIUN AllY llOllPlTAL Dr.U....... ..... Dr ..... 0. •tie~- 1971 B. .. ·--I ~-..,, __ DAT llCllOOL 1420 \\1est Central Avenue Rev. E. D. Goodell, Putor Church School. 9 :50 a.m. ~1 ornlng Worship, 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship, 6 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer service, Wed- nesday;· covered dish dinner, 6:30 p.m. ST. JOHN VIANNEY CllUJWH Balboo bl&Dd Sunday Masses: 8 :30 a .rn. and 10 a .m. (year round) C.onfesstons: Saturdays from 7:30 to 8 :30 p.m. --FIBST FOURSQUARE CBUB0B OF COSTA MICSA Orange and Cabrillo Rev ... d Mn. o. Willard s-.. Pu ton Phone Beacon UM Sunday School 9 :30 L m. Morning worship service 10:45. Crusader service 6 :30 p.m. Berean service 7 p.m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday, 7 :30 p.m.-prayer service. Friday 7:30 p.m. Youth Night and Bible Study. ST. JAMES EPJS(J()PAL CllURCll Via Udo Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, Vicar 8 :30 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sennon. (First Sundayt: Holy Communion.) 10:00 a.m. Thundays: Holy Com: mun.ion and prayers for the sick. Christian Science Text·;· 'Thanksgivinit' In conformity wtill the Proclama· tion by the President ot the United Stat es, ThanUg{ving Day aervtcea wtll be h eld ln all brcnches of The Mother Church, The Flnt Church of Christ, Scientist, ln Boston.. The public iB cor<ijallJ' lnTited to at· tend. The Proclamation. dealgna.tlng the day u a day or thankagtrtng, will be read by the First Reader. A 'P6rlod will be set utde fo'r the g:ITing of teatlmonlea b7 Cbrlatl&n ScJentlsta appropriate for the oo- culou. The Golden Text of the Tba.nka- ctvlng Day Leason-Sermon ta from the P1alm1 and rea.ds, .. 0 magnify the Lord with me, and let U1 ualt hia name together." A Lea1011-Sermon l)Ul&ge from Luke's Goepel report.I that u Jesm 1at at meat 1n the bou.ae or Slmon, the Pb&rllee. •a woman ln the city, whJch wu a •inner, ..• brought an &labuter box or ointment. And atood at hi.I feet behind him weel)- tng, and began to wuh bl.I feet with te&l'I, ••• and anointed them Y1.th ointment." And Jesut, .,turned to the woman. and said unto Slmon. Seeat thou thla woman'? t entered into thine house, thou ga.-est me no water /or my feet : but 1he hath wubed my feet with tea1111, ••. Vy bead with oil thou dldat not anoint: but, th11 woman hath anointed my feet with ointment. Wherefore 1 UT unto thee. Her n.ln1, which are many, are forCITen; for lhe loTed much.• In ""Sclence e4 Health wt.th Key to the Scripture.• lfary Baker Edc!T _., "'l'bo _. !nl!lorlns !>out -It. ri&llttul natrimon~ Carr's Feed Store .-.. -pat1e11ce 1n trtbuJao. tloa. an4 a prleelw -at U.. Give thanks to Him for the cotton or flax on our table, the ollwr and salt that came trom deep within our earth, the food -t -trom tiny seeds and for the happiness and joy of 1oaYlnc our talnlly arouDd us. Give Him ll'ianks for thlnp no hu- -lioiac can produce. , Eloi8e Khariton, B.A. Hay and Gr,ain """'PaU>er'• ---·."It Mortimer School Qnel!V Feem ;"; ;:4-."":! :: =--=:: • -•-•• • lei. I -liP t11e --..s.• GRAUEL CH.AfEL wm • m mLY WG•• •• _.,._,.JI ---,.. ; --'1 -. . ., PIANO 6 RAB"ONY 1811 c:::s:.· ... If El 81 I~ lifll DA'I' 8CIIOOL ..., ••-R 1 a -JfOW oe&& llft • ft:..._ , Ohio ii one of our nnJrtnc stats & .a. & .a. --I In qrleulture. natllnl --~~ !II -099PA -· .. __ .. f---~ wl ••• ,·,.dal "------------Jl•L----.,..--------1'*11•111& '· • What Do You Need Today? e How about havtng }"OUr typewriter, or other ottlce machines repaired or overhauled? We guarantee our work! e Or a [&mous Tleman-R.ebulilt ~tert You.r favorite make ••• cuaranteed values! e Modern office desks. tables, cha.in, bookcases, W aste baskets, transfer rues, f111nl'. cabineta, ah.op .: and desk ~pa. e F ireproof Aleo, duplicators, Safeguard check writers. Victor vtalble teeUom •• , and IO onl e Phooa 7'3 lo< Qulclc -I "Every Good Thing For Your Office .. SANTAANA PIDa743 • NEWS-TIMES SPORTS Tae11q, Nn. %1, lM'J With Bob Oeltt • Tan BiOw. Final to Coait Rlvals, 25-6, and Wind Up .500 Witll H. B. In a stormy final pigskin quall, In which Newport Harbor's Tan were pitted against their tradi- tional rivals from the Oil aty- Huntington Beach-Coach Wepdell Pickens saw bis Sailors sink befon New Speedway To Be "Run by Ralph de Palma bis eyes as the up-cout Oilen A new automobile race ~ack, roared back after Bob Berry's to be managed by the famed racer, quick touchdown to win in a &ale, Ralph de Palma.,. bu been an· 25-6., nounced tor Southern California. The defeat dropped Newport In· Its organizers, Plcitlc Speedway to a .500 tie for fourth place with Enterprises, Inc., of Long Beach, Huntington Beach. claim that tt will be the tutett The game, final of the seasop., and sportiest traCk in the West. To make up for the tremendous got off ~ith a s park from the Tars Extra wide and highly banked, the trouble everyone was put to by when Berry capitalized on the end half-mile track is detlgned for the recent wind storm and accom-of eight plays that netted 63 yards full-size racing autos, midgets, hot pa.nying dust, the weather In8Jl and scored the lone Newport .rods and motorcycles. The ad-. has given us some pretty nice m~ker: ~ut the~eafter, some-vance design or the Pacific Speed- weather , a little on the chilly thing died m the Sailors and Hunt· way is said to include the best aide. but Quite nice. ington Beach ripped back to thor-features found In a detailed s tudy Nick Meyer, oughly dominate the remainder of or all the principal tracks In the Oying pub 1 i c play in a contest marred several United States. · defender, made times by unnecessary roughness. A seatirig capacity of 16,500 is his firs t solo OILERS RIGHT BACK planned, including r ese rved boxes flight after a The 1Qilers tied the game up and parking space will be pro- co u r s e of in-})('for e t he end of Uie firs t period vided for 5,000 cars. The Tl-acre struction with with a 68-yard dl"ive with Bob site of the propoSed track is on t h e M a r t i n Hughes going ~ver from the one. F irestone Boulevard between Nor- School of Avia-The kick was missed . Then, mid-walk a nd Buena P ark. The 11-acre tion, and is now ,vay t hrough the second quarter , infield \.\'ill also be suitable for w o r ki n g to-Huntington Beach's shifty l"}alf, polo. rodeos, horse shows, pag-)A·~; ·• \vards h is pri-Ed Do'vdy, \\'ent 16 yards un-cnts, fairs a nd other large-scale vate license. Bob Luxem bourger . touched o n a beautiful quick-activities. Deputy Sheriff, Don McClymonds, ope.ner a nd the conversion made and Roy \Vhiby have also com-the half·time score 13-6. Harbor plcted their first solo flights under shO\\'ed \'estiges of a fighting spirit the G. I. Bill. ,,·hen they drove to the Oiler five. Carl H illgren and Gerald Shep-but their attack bogged do,vn and herd both received Private Pilot that seemed to be that ror the rest Certificates, Car l in his O\Yn Nav· of the evening. ion and Ger ald in a Cub under H un tington Beach ripped back t he G. I. Bill. into ·play at the b<>gi nning of the 2· Local Boys On Fullerton Varsity Cage -- ' , -; ~. •. Eugene Lenk also took advant· second half '''ith furious po\ver to age of his benefi ts to get his Flight ,·irtually roll the Tars back t o Instr uctor rating, as did Harvey their o"·n goal line. Mak ing 69 l\'lillang of the El Toro Marine yards in 13 play-s . the up-coast base. boys tallied t heir third T.D. \vhen With four out of five returning lettermen still packing the pig- skin unt il after the Santa Ana game on Tha nksgiving Day, the Fuller ton Junior College varsity cage team. \Vo rking out under Coach Ar t Nunn, felt the axe last '''eek when t he squad was cut to 26 men. DOS ~lcCALLUM, "'ho has playMI a i'itf'M.d y lt>rt t: nd a ll ~fl.'Wln fo r !'lr.'e,,·port, gut"S f"nd·arodiid In the &eeond quarter as Coach \\'endell Pickens' Tan made their Jut bid for Olien' goal, boggintr down on _l~_!l\•e yard line Juat belor~h~l~nded . _ ~ _-photo by _Gerhar<!_t_ The S her iffs R eserve A e r 0 Dowdy scored on the identical squadrons of the s tate held a quick·opener, 19-6. meeting in Fresno which was at-A fourth quarter touchdown. tended by J ohnny Martin a nd wi th Webster mar ching over for Leonard Zerla ut who n ew there his second of the evening, climaxed in Leonard's Stinson. Bad weather a 40-yard offensive \Vhich the Sail- kept the attendance down con-ors did little to stop. The final siderably, but officers wer e elected score was 25-6. for the associated group, and addl-E..~DS UP-DO\\'N YEAR tional meetings will be held in t he The rout ended an up-and·down future. J ohnny and Leonard had season for Pickens. After droir quite an interesting trip home due ping a game they should have won to the bad weather, but got in from Orange in the conference safely. opener, the Tars attained dra- The Eddie Mart in Pilots' asso-matic st ature by edging powerful elation held a meeting a t the Mexi· Fuller ton, 7-0, in one of the year 's can Nationals' camp at which a real upsets. P erhaps the rar ified free Mexican dinner was scrVed. air of the S unset league title, The meeting was attended by 100 \vhi ch after that seemed miracu· memrers a nd their friends and was · lously close, became too heady. quite a gala affair. Leonard Zer-Anyho\\', the T ars jauntily chal- laut' showed som e colored pictures lcnged Santa Ana's power-laden he took while fl ying doWn in t he Saints on the latter's ground and Grand Canyon and other places in We're \irtually annihilated, 32·6, the country. bl'forC' the)' cou ld <lrag back to ~('\VpDrt . ODD FACT'S ABOUT FLYJ NG: That i::ame-,vhcther it \\·as the Unlike driving a car, in the air m:ignitud,. of the scoFe or destruc- the pilot has only to take care of tion or championship hopes-took himself and use good judgement s:omC'thin~ out of 1-iarbor's glad- himself to stay out of trouble. On iators. ThC'y finished out thC'ir sca- the ground. the safest driver in son against Do\vnC'y and l £u ot1ng- the \\'Orld cannot al,vays stop some lon Beach '"ith lilt If' of thC'ir early- scre\\'·bal l \vith poor judgement s:C'ason spi rit to finish a \vin-3. from runni ng into him. since in los('--3 foc.tball year. many places. the roads are so narrow that dodging is out of the question. But it is very seldom in the air that poor juclgcment on the part of one pilot '''ill ever cn- clanger other pilo ts. The pract1cal- ly nf'gliblc number of aircraft col- Ji,on accide nts bears this state- Henderson Chosen Head Power Squad. me nt out. :\e\\·ly ·elected Con1mandcr of r11"' Balboil Po'''<'r Squadron is !l;p·tlett 1-fendcrson. ,,·ell knO\\'n ..:;ijlhoat raC'in~ skipfX'r and a n1em- l~:r of the crc'v of thc> Zoa H in thl.;; sumn1£'r '!:i Itonolulu Race. Santa Claus is rl'ally getting rnodern. Just prior to the \Var, he f11•\v into Orange county in a light Jll;ine. but this year he is coming into to,,·n in a 11clicoptcr . 'fsk tsk, this mod<'rn gC'neration. f lcndcrson fo lo,vs Commander I fo,,·ard Baker , a long time po\\·er IJoat O\\·nc r and ,,·ho ''"as a n or· i:;il nizer and the first Commande r of the local unit of the U. S . Po\v- cr Squadrons. Dr. BakC'r will bC'· C'Ome the new Staff Ca ptain. So long no\\·, I'll be Sky.Bobbing again next "·eek. • I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIDO IBLIE •• g ' g AN A~ARTMENT HOUaE 81TE AT A 8AV)NO DP' eaooo.oa - A CIRA.NO •UY P'O" THC· MAH WITH CA8H .+-pol --p. a.rr 1NCOtK>tArm NOiton ,)331 ••• l•dO. •••DOii lo ea<"-ca ll I. T.ia11tto•• ...... 111!" Moc•. M•M• ID • Plans for the biggest year in i ~~~~· ~:;~r~!;1'~·~;d sl~~~~e"tt:~:: day night at a n exC'cUtive meeting at the home of "Bar t" H ender son. \\·hen Robert Reed. Commander of the Thirteenth District, was pres- C'n t, that district comprised of the four Southern California P ower Squadrons. Santa Monica, Long Beach, Los Angeles and BaJboa. Other new officers of the BaJboa Poy.·er Squa dron are Harry Pletch· er. Lieut. Commander; George L. Andrews, Secretary, and H1t10ld R. Holt z. Treasurer . J. L Mun- son, who Is transferring his mem- bership fro111 the Los Angeles squadron, will act as Chairman of Advanced Grades, supervising the instruction of the Advanced Pilot- ing course. Dixon Smith, who last year was secretary, treasurer and chairman of the Board of Admissions, will now serve in the latter office, and supervise instruc tion in the Ele- mentary Piloting course. Harry Ashton , well kno\\'tl for his predicted log racing, has trans- ferred his nlembership from the Los Angeles Power Squadron to the local group, and will serve as Chalrman of Extra Curricular Activities and is expected to or- ganize a class in seaman.ship IOOn. DRIVE IN ""'"' ~/ _ for Quie•, <?>urteous -{f."!,?;\ ~ S.rv1ee ..r ~-... , .~ .... , ,..,,,t ..... , · I ta I (' I t ! 100'}'0 Pure PENNSYLVANIA llOTOB OILS 8(JD MJIJ.ER'S · 1s1a1d S•ell StatlOll ' . -... -=.. ••J.804 8AJID 00 I 0 : W 80\\'L l=''(i-ST.\SDI~GS California Out of Doors ,, 1~ Lt-ague The cut dropped nearly 30 as- pirants to the J ayVee squad aftC'r one of the largest turnouts in history. Mem bers of the squad include Fred Hope, Newport a nd Stewart Gillet te, Costa Mesa. RECRUITER WINS TRIP TO CLASSIC SACRAMENTO, Nov. 25 (UP). -Staff Sgt. Henry J. Lattscher will get a trip to Washington D. C. a nd to the Army.Na vy game with a ll exper.ses paid as winner of the CaLif1,rnia Nationa l Guard's two- month recruiting contest. The luck)' sergeant is a m~mber of Cannon Company, 184th Infa n- tr)'. North Sacramento. Runn€'r · up \v3s First Sgt . Ralph E. H a mil- ton of Hradqua rtcrs Compa ny, 2nd Battalion, 233rd I nfa ntry, Bur- bank. In addition to the trip e:)ISt. Sgt. La ttschcr \\'ill receive a SlOO cash prize. S~t. HamjJton \\'ill 'a1So re- C'l'ive $100. Pheasant Season May Be Spotty S,\CRAMENTO, Nov. 25 (UP). -'fhc Ca lifornia phr>asant season \VJS to open Friday a nd spotty hunting ,,·a s in prospc('t . I I. R. Dunbar of the state fish .1 nd ~an1r division sa id that for the :-.,ate as a \\'holt.• the prospects nrc ll litth.• better than averagr. Tn the Sncra mrnto Valley. ~ood huntin~ has bC'en forecast in Butte an<l Cul Usa Count ies :i.nd in the dl·lta region, \\•hile (('\\'Cr birds h,1 vr bcC'n SC'e n in Solano. Sutter nnd Yuba Counties. Dunbar said a good "hatch" or birds \vas reported last sprin g and a large n umber of pheasants h nve been released by the s ta te. However , he said hunters \\i ll fi nd many ar ras JX>Sted against hunting by owners. H e said if hunters \\'ill ask for hunting per- mission and \\111 "promise to act like gentlemen, the farmers will meet them halfway." The season runs 10 days, closing on Nov. 30. Hunting hours are from 8 a. m. until a half hour after sunset . The bag limit is two birds a day and two in possession. Ry \'IC 1'tlNAllAX SA CRAMENT O. Nov. 25 fUP I. Nov. 21 a lso saw the Op('n ing of season for quail. squirrels, And rabbits. The quail season will con· tinur until the last day of the year. Hours arc the same as for pheas- ants except that a fter Dec. J the shooting for quail may begin onc- half hour before sunrise. F or nimrods who a re out to shoot anything in sight, state offi· cials \\'arn that therr is no open season on '''ild turkC'ys. grouse, partridJ?(', sagC' he n, or hen ph eas· ant. • • \\'hC'n you sit dO\\'n to a phrasant dinnC'r. \\•ould it taste better if you kno\\' the lifr history of thr bi rd you're eating? !\1aybe not, hut for hunters -...•ho are interested in \Vhere lheir bird5 came from, Carlisle \'an ' O rnum, ~t ate supervisor o f gHme farms, has a unique off<'r. If A hunter kills one of the 60,000 birds that ha,·e bN.'n bilndC'd by the state, all I hC' has to clo is send in the band and he ,\·ill rt'C•:i\"C' a letter telling the phensant's age and lifC' history.\ \'an CJrnum sa~s !hat thC' baTid I should hl' s:r n1 to the DivisiO'n of F'is h and Gan1r. F'1 ·rry Ruilrtlng. 1 S:i.n Francisco. C'on 1mrrci~.1 f1~h c:.i.nnf'r iC's And 1he State BurC'nu of ?.l arine F ish· I •'ril'il-a rc> not kno,,·n for at:"rC'eing- on n1µny thins:-.. l3ut BurC'aU Chief Rich11rd S. Crok1•r says thC'y hav<' at last gotten togL•lher on some· thine; -the reason for N'orthc>rn J1 ,,·a.:; no t unt il af\L·r 1\pril 22. 1 ~~. ihat ;:i ny indi\'idua l ,,·11s pe r· miltr>d to clain1 or o\vn land in \\•hat is no"· th£' state of Okla· hon1a. FOR IN8UltANCE SEE Howard W. Gerrish • 1808 Newport BoalOftl'd COSTA MESA Phone BM toll 5161 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life u.,..,... and Contract Bonds Written Help Save Meat and Eggs ... Eat More Sea Foods ~--They Are Rich In Iodine • • LOBSTERS FRESH DAILY Alive or Cooked tlW of Deep Sea Trooi • Fllet of Bock Cod Euteru Se&llo.. o Sbrlmp • A~ Stab Oysters, Euten II Western • Chowder lleata BAY·SID_E MARKET -WBOl.1!8Al.J7.: AND BEJ'AD, - • I <MWWEOlll ••m ._ ft. BB ...,&l&I& ............. f';d iforni:-t's sardine shor tage. ·rhat reason. C'rokC'r snys, is i in1 ply O\'er(ish ing. And he adds 1 ll a t t he sardine canning industry 1ncn ha ve agreC?d to help him l"l'C'Ommend legislation to insure '"'nund conservation pract ices.· Team Sympson's Painters Barr£'11 Reall y Davis-Gny 1\1 usic l\lesa Rf'c rca t ion . \Von 17 12 8 -5 800 League T <'&m Pink's Drugs . Alpha BC'ta .. Symp5-on's PaintC'rs Won -•-----16 14 10 8 Cra\vlord Drug ............ . Lost 4 9 13 16 Lost 8 10 14 1G The F ish and Game Commission hC'ga n to lake up t he problem at ils Los Angrles me€'ti ng fl.1 onday l '.\:ov. 241, Croker said. Among Th(' possible solutions that \\'ill be di.:.cussed arr closed o;:;<'asons, closed \\'Hi e rs, catch limits and boat limi ts. SUNSET LE.<\GUE STANDINGS (Final 1941) W L F ullerton 5 1 Santa Ana ... 5 1 Orangr -· . 1 3 2 Hunt. Bch. 2 2 Nc,\·port J ~ar . . .... .. 3 3 Anahein1 ... ... 1 4 DO\\-nC'y .. 0 6 T P ct.. 0 .833 0 _833 1 _583 2 .500 0 _500 1 -250 0 .GOO (>ther bus inrss on the comr;nis- !iiCln's agenda includes discus~ion of buying up more land for watC'r- fo\\·l management, game ma nage- ment areas. a proposed closing of l n1per1a l \'alley public shooting gr ounds to pheasan t huntr rs, and investigation of the c1ffcctivcncss uf the state's q uail management 11rngram. Do ydu \\1ant to sell it'? Adver- tise in these columns. CAP RAGAN SAYS: "Come on over ond enioy a Special Dirvrer. Bring the family." ----Sen't>d from 5 to 7 :30 p.m.-- 9Sc J uice Home Made Soup or Ch illed Choice of-RAGAN'S Cl-IlCKEN PIE BREADED VEAL CUTLET FRIED FILET OF SEA BASS Potatoes Vegetable Sala d Drink HOt B iscuits Home Made Pie Bring the Klddie8 -a Special Plate for Them .JUST A HINT- --Saturday Nite Is BAR-B-QUE NITE--- Speclal-Bar-B-Qoe Dinner ___________ .$ .95 Bar-8-Que Swordfish Dinner _____ 1,25 Notice: We close every Friday Open 11 a.m. -Close 7:30 p.m. HAGAN'S 914 C086t Jllway Opposite Cor. to Greater All-American r.tarket Phone Beocon 5830 Dick Mchltire Nightly Except Wednesday • Vaux's -al boa • -Dinner Unttl .1 P. M. • " • -- NEWPORT BALBOA Nll:W8°Tllll:8 TUES'bAY Newpwt Beach, Calif. No.-. !I, 1M7 Page9 THREE BIG SANTA ANITA STAKES CLOSE MONDAY Leading American major stak_es-The top four-year-olds are a winners this season, along With a cinch to also be made eligible With record number of high-ranking for-older and more season Mvals for eign horses, are assured t.o be the 11th Big 'Cap on Feb. 28. With named this comJng Monday (Dec. PJeasuTe represents a. headliner 1 ) when µie nominations close for from the middle west along with the $100,000-guaranteed Santa An· Rippey from the far east. Import- ita -Handicap, the new $100,000-ed horses In Ilhaverry and Adrogue added Santa ~ita Maturity and from Chile; Shannon from A us- the · $100.000-added Santa Anita tralla; Rico Monte, TaJon, Mis! Derby'. which .will be run during Grillo and Pujante-trom Argentine ; the big meeting that opens on Fast and Fair, Radiotherapy, and Dec. 'l7. Khaled from England; Gladiolo, The Maturity, scheduled for its Torero and Teramo from Italy and inaugural on Jan. 31, exciusively others promise to be serious con- fer four-year-olds, is proving par-tenders. ticularly attractive. Cosmic Bomb The Derby, on closing day, a nd Miss Kimo, Wm. G, H<'lis' lead-March 6. promises a brilliant Une- ing easterners, are in line along up of stakes-Winners. From east- with E. P. Taylor's Canadian-em racing Will co~e Bold Gallant, owned Cornish Knight. The Irish-l tsabet, Bos"•ell Lady, May Re- brl'd Sullivan and the best on the ward, B ullet Proof and others to Coast. including On Trust and challenge the best in the "'est. Cutty Hunk, are among scores of The Web, top-ranking in Ireland. other candidates. is t he possible foreign threat. , Ocean Front Cafe I French Fried Shrimp and Fish Our Specialty --• STEAKS • CHOPS • DINNERS ... ---··----· -·--·--........ ,_ .. . .. BEER SANDWICHES _ ..... __ -.... _ ..... _ ....... ·--........... __ .. _ Fountain Servlm 2114 Ocean F)-ont Newport Beach CATE AND DAVIS DAVID .c. CORSON Residential Contractor and Builder Rarbol' 1520-W Harbor 1085--J 1107JI.? North Bay Front Balboa Island Play Goif w·ii . k at the new I OWi( • Public Course On West 5th St. JI.? Mlle East of Harbor Boulevard l'bbne llanta Aaa 70111--J --------------.................... ___.. ........................... . Standard 18-Hole Course -6100 Yards -Par 71 --. .. . . •-ONLY TWE_~TY l\IINUTES DRIVE FROM BALBOA-e --,, FUN ZONE In BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY . 5oatb Coast Company New:pwt Bwi: tr Sell It Through 01saffied. Advertilina * . ' • • • ' .. ' Page 10 • JlfBWPOBT 8.&LBO.& JlfBW8-TIM11:8 rtJDDA'I' Now,...t ...... o.111. Noo. ta, 01H1 LIDO WHARF RESTAURANT THANKSGIVING DINNER Fro111 1 p.111. \ One-Third Reduction for Cbildtto ~ lo ..._ .... llaDqDota OocktaDa Antte._ Phone Harbor '784 Cloeed Taudaya Stock Market At a Glance Am Toi " Toi -·-··-·--.15316 OiNldlan Padtlc --™' Dupont ···--·-·--·--·18716 GenenJ Moton ·--··-· 58\i Goodyear ···--·-··---··--· ~" Kennecott ·-·-·-.................. 48'6 SHn .. -----·-··-· .. -ST\i Southern Callt ---· 21% Standard OU ......... _ ....... 60 • .· . Elllployes Get $20 Boa•s ndCrab Forwuded tn the state. wttb C .....,.,.,....s.11m for approval. wu ciliate and understand the ._ ,.. ... _ a. • ·requst by pollce headquort.n . In the matter at tho Jropooed tn reduce the voluntary tttire-agncul and lndustrial- doluu yacht club development on mmt ace from 60 yeen to 5150 con-1sts Costa Mesa ( ai>art dty-owned '*°""' ty extendlq Uncent upon an omcer having from opplng where we alonll Nrwport Harbor on Cout served 20 yeon. 'Ille addltlmal mere! take advantage of Hl&l'>RY· tho dty attorney wu coot tn the dty, under such a their per prices). We do dlttcted to prepue the lease, u plan would be about not cularly understand expected. and prnent lt to the annually' , lt WU estimated bb Sail· Ol" them and the tin Cheda ot ' • Y • very next mee g. unaucces-on. cr.dlt wu aloo aaked fer na y heartily recipro- Fresh Daily De"!'t• ... ...... Or, •• •'1te ..... ,_t ... ~ -.. -,_ .... HO RM EN FISH MARKET U S Steel ... -.................. 7616 Dr. and Mrs. Reec/er Back lrom Boston ful bidden for the 14 Ii acres we~ mill tu')' 1ervtce. cate f~llng that should = ~;~::tl::i ~= zo~iri';r:~~! :;o~!: r: have~lll dismpe.ted by an I ;~ii~~~~i_.~,~·-i'·~··i'iii·.~-.-~.-i_.~_.~,,.i"'~ ... i._i •• i._~._~ ... i_.~_.~_.~_.-~--~··i'i-.i'.i*-i"~"· ment ·~n view of the extra legal Central Ave. between lOth and lnco ~ City ~ards Its work" Involved In preparing auch l31h atreets, to permit mtiltiple unln rated n e 1 g h b or a lease wu approved. • dwelling, wa1 again tabled by a long~! ago. -·-M:CWPOBT n•ca Unofflclally acted upon wu the 5-4 vote. The majority, with Coun· t have we done abot!t Dr. and Mn.· T. P. Reeder re-requeat of Mn. Mary Cordeiro, ciJman Robert Allen of Bal-the cial name of this t":ed ~day= the ""~ "":"'t, operator of a amoked fllh 1tand Jlland dbaenting, favored poat-place. 1ltere are hundreds w e~ in e Boston °'i.t~ ~ just west of Newport pier, who re--ponln& a decition until the matter of '' ewports'', and there ;:::.. He will convalesce at home ce1ved the tacit approval of the can be 1tudled by a planning con-are ousands of "Beaches''. FAMOUS FOR GOOD FOOD d his ti bout the coundl to erect a portable wind· sultant. We not a beach We are Li,..,..,._"""' _______ """lllooll!-------~ ':::std~ ye::~e ~ 8announc-break around her fish stand in Bids for extensi~n of Oce~ a . A little hiirbor, it -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ·Ing to his many friends and pa-spite of a clty ordinance which Blvd. to the pwnpmg plant in Is • Unfortunately it is ·n .. ti ts. heretofore hu constituted such de. Corona del Mar were opened and · .i will illy en . vices u nuiaancs. the Jow offer, submitted by Sully groITT up, y-n · . Dr. H. E. Stickler, who has been Directed i to post the 15th St. M l J 1 er Cbnatruction Co., for We now taste the ~1tter-SEA FOOD-STEAKS-DINNERS Reasonable Construction Costs T a/c.e Advantage ol Our FREE PLAN AND EST I MA lE SERVICE Wm.P. Mealey General Building Contractor -Complete Building Service- Phooe Beacon 6-189-M or Beacon 6804-W • 2265 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa I ?et \.'o· ...... • • • at the office du~ Dr. Reeder'• pier agalnat commerdal lioat trea-$!129.80 wa1. accepted. sweet of .heavy chlonnated absence, will continue to take passing wu the harbor master, wateI1 because we let four or charge_ of the practice. fOllowing an additional comp1alnt LEGION TO MEET five '1ien sway our short.- from p<operty owners in that sight.jd emotions at the polls, viclnlty. American Legion Post No. 291 and fve foolishly defeated Harbor Glass Co. B. I. Awarded SlOO . will hold a r egular meeting at Metn)politan water. If we Balboa ls1an~ Business Associa-the Legion Hut Wednesday, No-get ~·ck because of the lack Zllll l.&t~tte PIL Bar. Ill tlon, upon written reques t, was j f tabl te 'II be awarded $100 from the advertis-~ember 26, at 8 p.m .. It was an-O e. wa r, we ing fund tor use in Christmas nounced today. very ~~ at \Vhat su~- lighting. d~. I effective a nd drastic AUTOMOBILE GLA.88 BOAT GI.ASS and Boat Lettering The moving of property belong-actio1' the state and federal ing to Thomas A. Sansom. at Johnny's Painting goveilpments can take. Glass Installed While You Walt city expense, \Vas authorized in d <Ponttnued Next Tues.) order to permit ""·idening of Coast an + Blvd. Decorative Service tARN s100 A MO!llTH atterj your earning poM'er st.ops. Let llle 1how you the fine plan pre~red by the Metropolitan. Kathleen Coleman Certified Teacher or PIANO 41.& Tustin Ave. NM'Pt. Heights Beacon 5895-M Cordially invites intE'rested par- e nts and their children to her CHRISTMAS RECITAL PARTY Dec. 14, 1947, 2:30 p. m. EBELL CLUB HOUSE 515 \\'. Central NM-pt. Beach See Gene FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES HARBOR 804-J Imported Wines and Beer Dellcatessen We 1peclallui Ln Wedd.Inc and Birthday Cake. GENE'S BAKERY '705 Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FROM YOUR SKETCHES OR Cl.IPPVIGS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL HARBOR DRAFTING SERVICE 111-C Coast ID-\Vay Newport Beach Ph. Beacon 6880 E. J. Sedinger H . R. Holtz • STUDEBAKER SALES • SERVICE • Bring Your Car in for a Check-Up. Meet "Bill" Taylor, Service Manager. Joe Nickertz PARTS 3415 W. Central By Lido Theatre Harbor 510 f //li Quality Workmanship at Reuonable Prieee Flameproortng 1688 TUSTIN AVE. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 526:5 Allen Motor Co. 1008 COAST WGIDVAY BEACON 5032-.J • • • Turkey Day Specials '47 MERCURY 4-D. SEDAN Now $2395 -. - '41 FORD STATION \VAGON \Vas SI595 Now $1445 -. - '41 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE COUPE Wu $1495 Now $1395 -·- '41 PLYMOUTH COUPE Wu 11245 Now $1195 -. - '40 FORD CLUB COUPE w .. Sl145 Now $1095 -·- TODAY'S EXTRA SPECIAL '40 FORD DELUXE SEDAN • $995 • • • Allen Motor Co. 1008 COAST WGHWAY BEACON 150S2-.I ' :f ARRE!ll J. WEISER 30 7 33!d SL, Nf'wplM"t lkh., Ph. S.A. 1307 Mf'yopol!Lan Ufe luuraoee Co. ;ti~ ~~~~tjf/l ::::t®~' ~1~.: I ·-\\.) .. ·:..·~-~~-. . .-·~:: :: l coPIES J by AUSTIN I Aust;p. Studios have specialized for orer 20 years in restoring badl~tom, faded c1·Ji<lic;"red pict~es, snapshots orlir;rypes to 't,ei~ original c!tarr.ess. Brin~ in your cherished old phot11graphs today and have themj made into beautiful gi~ , portrloits. The prices are-low ... t~e quality high. I Beautiful restoration regard- less~ original photo condition I + ~ I AU$TIN STUDIOS EH.J.ve December 1 all stu-1 dlos jrtll be oi-'tll 8 p. m. Mon~ys thru Saturdays and Sun ys 12 to 6 p. m. 'ti]· Sun . ys 12 to 6 p.m. 'ti! Xmas I SANTA ANA 508~ N. Main Phone 1463 . M~N-WOMEN I Prostate - - -Pelvis Do~• t.."' ti. .. ita .. twf P•I• I• lf'p. s,.I .,,. &. .. ll •' ....... 1 Al"f ,_ .,..... Yu JUn•1•7. lrrlS..bl.e •M n-a11k1"1' I Oru 11a old betore your U~f dUp. Plas H•1"e le ni •P nh:bt.f I I IT'S YOUR I . GLANDS I o.r L_. .. .._.,, •• , .. ,b _, -- "' ... l-mr4i.lf' ..... 111e.i. N• pe,1-No llr~S• ••r&•7-!'ll'.o l~l•-Dr.i E. F. Bell, D.C., Ph.C. 1ep ttllll !It.. ,..,. • .-. ..... .. h. n-H•rbor 1 IM hw ·~1 .. lnlnM'llt. H y_,. 8~Lallr.l•11: I• tta....._ B9aR: 9:;,e L •· t.e A :3e p. -. .. ....,. .... ,. .. ,....,. CLAIR G. MARTIN 2106 Ottan Front Newport Beach '1/u,, oil~ "' dj.~ "A BIT OF OLD ITALY" -DINNERS 5 TO 9 P . M. Specializing in Family Style Italian Dinners Your Favorite Italian Dishes Cooked to Order 6810 Coast Highway Phone: Hubor SM-W Newport Beach Sea Shore Colony TELEVISION Program -KTLA Channels 5-76-82 MC. ~TUESDAY, NOVEl\IBER 25, 19-17 - 8:00 to 5:00 P. M.-WORLD WIDE SEWS AND MUSIC ,. :00 P. l\1.-USCLE PHIL-for Kids from 6 to 60 7 :10 P .I\-1.-AD\'El'\TURE SERIAL 7:30 P . l\1.-HOl\IE ECOS01'11CS-"1th Monica \'llalen &guest 7:45 P. M.-STAR VIE\\'S-wlth Lols Andre"·s 8:00 P. M .-TELE-SE\\'SREEL 8:10 P . l\1.-TENSIS B\' CONTRAST-A Short Subject 8:SO P . 1\1.-IS OLD LOUISIA."\A-A Feature Picture -WEDNESDAY, NOVE~IBER 26, 1947 - S:OO to 5:00 P . l\1.-\\10RLD \\1IDE NE\VS AND l\WSIC 7:00 P. M.-UNCLE PmL-for Kids from 6 to 60 7:10 P. M.-ADVENTURE SERIAL 7:30 P. l\1.-LOOKING AT 1\-IUSIC 8:00 P. 1\-1.-SANTA CLAUS LANE PARADE-Direct from Hollywood and Vine -THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1947 - 2:00 P . M.-FOOTBALL-LOS ANGELES DOSS \.'S. C LEVE- LAND BROWNS-from Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum 7:00 P. M .-UNCLE PHlI-for KJds from 6 to 60 7:10 P. M .-ADVE!\'TURE SERIAL '7:SO P. M.-KIDOIE PART1'-\\1th Shirley and Judy 7:45 P. 1'1 .-STAR VlE\\'S-wlth Lois Andre\\·s 8:00 P . M.-1'0UB. TOW1''-Los Angeles presents 8:SO P . M.-MEET ME IN HOLLYWOOD-Direct from Hollywood and Vlne -FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1947 - S:OO to 5:00 P. M.-WORLD WIDE 1''"E\\'S A.~D ~ms1c 7 :00 P. M .-U?li'CLE PHIL-for kids from 6 to 60 7:10 P. M.-ADVENTURE SERIAL '7 :30 P. ~1.-LOOKlNG AT MUSIC 8:00 P . M.-TELE·1'"EWSREEL 8:SO P. M.-FOOTBALL--WS ANGELES CITY COLLEGE ... COMPTON-from Gilmore StacHum -SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1947 - 8:00 to 5:00 P. M.-WORLD WIDE NEWS "-'"D MUSIC 7:00 P. M.-UNCLE PHii-for kids from 6 to 60 7:10 P. M.-ADVENTURE SERIAL '7:SO P . M.-YOU'LL BE SORRY-\\ith Beryl \\'allace 8:00 P. M.-THE FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD 8:15 P. M.-WINTER SPOR~A Short Subject 8:80 P. M.-HOCKEY-LOS ANGELES l 's. SA.I'\ DIEGo-trom Pan Paclflc AudJtorlum -SUNDA,Y, NOVEMBER 80, 19'7 - 8:00 P. M.-WORLD \\IDE NEWS "-'"D RECORDED MUSIC 8:80 P. M.-CARTOON COMEDY 8:40 P. M.-SHOPPING AT HOME-with Keith Hetbertngtoa and HanUe Brin 8:55 P. M.-CARTOONEWS . 9:00 P . M.-FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD-1'1th Dean Cromwell 9:ltJ P . M.-PECK'S BAD BOY-A Feature Picture "1th Jackie Cooper Don't Miss ROSE BOWL GAME Here Jan·. 1st +·VIEW THESE EVENTS HERE + Stag Am~sements 2111 COAST BLVD. Cross lrom Parking Lot IN DOWNTOWN NEWPORT BEACH -HARBOR 1278 LAST WEEK OF OUR STORE. WIDE IWCISH . , • SM.U1 ••. CHAIACJfflUI. ••• IY HOUYWOOO'S MASTEi OESlGNEll ••• lllOf, MEUOW • fEl1S DYED IN IEAllJlfUl, SOFT SHADfiS ... SHE'U RU YOU ••• 'TH! IES1~00«JNG HAT YOU'Yf ma we•,. ... $7~ and $1()00 NEWPORT BEACH STORE 22nd I Oceen Front Herbor 185 The favorite winter ID door sport of all Ameri- eam la BOWLING! Be -of the crowd. Bowl here day or algbi. Mesa Recreatloll 1818 Jlfewpuli Bhd. (Jam. .... ft I Bnr• 1111-W F HNI.TUBE CLEARANCE EN.DS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 BIGGEST CLEARANCE IN OUR JIISTORY Horne urniture PRICES REDUCED Up to 50°/o Home Furnishings . . LA u.11 BEACH FU·RllTURE co~ ·:r..--·---...J 260 LAGUNA. BUCH Ph. 1-400 ' I ' ' • .. I ' Vol. l-No.44 WEEKLY BLADE • They Left Balboa .. 1. · o.r. . s....c. Arc Glitt1p. of H""" FEATURES ' 1-j l:, ' . Nov. 25, 1947 _..i..--1__..____.. ''Th T i· H . '' Issued " e rave Ing omr:igs . Page 3 E O.C,, w •• i . with HEWS-TIMES . . . . and "Captain of The Forecas le" . Pep 3 ' - • I I 11 • e1croRIAL BALBOA BLADE In the •••• M'BDA. C1AIAPC&CIA •OJfM81& If, &It! HAilOR-LIGHT BALBOA BLADE PICTORIAL ' . TheM troub18ICllDe tiJw .,. are ~ftnc ahouJd not '*'Pl m to ~· that we have Utt» for 1D be thald\al. lt bu been said that llO matt.ft bow b9d .... an or,.._ te be-there 11 always 101De aooct that lbould '*IMlpt an eJLiiillllaa al thanks. We 1n America are bele\ bt::1°"8 ~ ol naUonal and inter .. national 1cope. But we look lb and hard at them that we treQuent- ly fall to see or appreelate the 111811)' tine tblnp that are SolDI ca. Hilb ~oyment, hl&her mcamea than ever before, r«Ud ~ tn facta'tea and on flJ'Dll. more and better food f« the a~ Amerlcah family in 1pite of hi&h prtcea. a better 1tanclard of 1SWIC than we bad a decade qo-for all theR we lhould certainl7 be most ~abow4 be tbanktul too, that we can lend a be1plnc band to thOH lea fGf'tUnate than ounelvs oveneu. But our ll"atitude muan't be centered IOle1Y aramd the material thinp we poaiea and enjoy. The Pilcrilm were • tbankfUI not Jll'l- martly for the abundant barve9t but for the srace and IOOCID• of the Almi&hty made manifest to .them u an abundant harYMt. On this Thankqi~ Day of 19'7 let '* count our many bl-'"P · and we wW find that our problema are fewer aJ¥l smaller than we tboQabt. And let U1 be thankful for the Sood lD human nature wbere- ever it may be found and wherner it 11 be1Pnc to torac. tbe lmtru- menta of pea~ and justice far mankind lD tbe world tOd&J. HARKING BACK ••• From the Files Decembel' I, 1911 With the increase ib the num- ber of people vial~ Newport. the dty street superintendent had the atrftt in front of Butterfield and McMillan l*vpei ty ftllecl ln with dirt for the perkina of auto- mobilet. Lut IUDUDft' evay avail- able space WU ftl1ed. Amodated Ownbert of Com- merce meetin& at Fullerton hHrd a hot debate between Lew Wallace were joined by Loyal JC. Kina. for- mer buainell manapr of The Santa Aila ReP•. wbo ~ ed a two-thirda interest in the Huntinaton Beach pla.Jbome. IJD. provementa would cast $5000. Chrtatmaa llahtln& of the a.ta Meta bullnt• ceoter Wiii beiD& planned by a «euntttee beaded by Ray Bell. Larp ~ bulbe were to be UM4 f« a .,.clal yu)e.. tide ... ., by tbe marcbanta. of Newport Beach. president of ~ernor Frank F. KeTtman the county benken auodatton, wu to be 9b4 to talk befan the and Ja.eph (;ondman and othen, Newport Harbor »30 Qub. Jack on the subject of openina of the 11our1pn wu chairman ol the banb Saturday afternoonl. IJl'Oll am 0 11111d ttee. Formal dedication of the new Setanaa llcMamal ot Danepl. clubhoule of tlie South c 0 •• t Ireland. funDUI author an4 poet. Yacht club at Eut Newport took vtmted hll phJ'lddaD. Dr. Qmmfna place. Guetta from Loi Anplel Butler of Anaheim atreet. Costa and Newport jolbed inemben In Mesa. McM•.-wu then wrtt- ct.vdna and a reception. tna a new book about Irel&Dd and --· expected to return to bia native Deer ... 1, un country in a few Wftlm to cam- Purchue by Oeorse Fettmm:D plete the 1ftll'k. of Loi Anp.Ie1 at the Newport -- rt.le,.,,,,_, H.., Y•t DrM '"""""' H..,_frted ........, utJn wftll moulded bocfloe, lneplNCI by the wedding ... won 1tJ ..... Vlotorta. Jt'I a ...,_.N. IQ .. , w!aetller fte tra!lf of tilt dJ'eu pictured, • Mt It Qau oat to be tra .. that like tht m&Jar1t7 OD tJa1a HUOD'I Prfaew ... .,,.... •• weddfna SoWD brfdal SoWU. II new!7 rounded and . wm be ..s~ an. ber snat· utra wtde.· ~rL That'• whJ ~ tmportant to the-trained New Tn'• tamou dnlsner1 or brfdal dreu for W!Jlter ceremonlea la the fnll.fftrted ballet tne dress. bridal tulalou are ahowtn1 auch becomlne .. pectaUr to · the :roting \'1ctorlu-tuptre4 dnatatallu ~ bride. Except for the fact that such •• plctarecl tod.Q', tta 1 dreaea ban no traina, they are tra· Mll.S oat Oftl' & hoop and draped dlt1onal m etreet, ml.de of lttttrous 1IP lD ~. omter front to abow lta 1attn with allm aleena and 11nug ron ot lnelJ-plealed net. Embrol· bodlcea. d81'7 tll pearta and bea4a 1t&JU bJ&h Satfn 1n cream color, fee blne or on oat aid• ot the bodJce and nma Ice pink la the fabrfc moet Winter lllto tbe drlter7 of Uat ak1rt. brld• are cboo.tq. Tdepll.e: Barbor HM Office: 111 r..t Central PwM 'r I Eftl7 'ftahda1 at ...... Calllonala llll9el. W1a week with the N,.,... .._... News-nmet VOLND BAY, 8IL • • • P9Wlaber VOLNft BAY, llL -·Mt l'Altor PrtDW by tbe Newport Barbor Pab"M .. Co. r. T.... 8rv•uber BENEDICT The Sign Man Pia. Bar • ., Cir.a ... Har "Be Sure-Insure" * Maurie Stanley Wttla Bui w. 81aaleJ * 111 ..._ Aft., llarltor 11'1 a.Dr•, ..... CLIFF HAVEN * Newport Harbor's Newest and· Finest .Development tr Earl W. Stanley SoleAgenl n5 llABINE A VE. ft. ..._lTN .......... Beach C..nnery owned bJ Mn. ... About eoo Sea 8«Nth attedecl W . Lowman of Santa Ana Wll an-an annual conwntkm ln Newpart ;:;:.==========~no=-;-t-:~~e:-:n::eceui=:;;:ty:-, -:of:;-:ob:;::taininl:t:t::-:a ae.811!!!!11!111111!11!!!1!!!11.-...... ll!!llll!l~!!=!!I nounced. The Ca:nMr7 waa built BeadL Be Co • variety of protein foodl. ManJ pro. two yean qo. The new owmr John -.nu .. ~ warl4 ,_;. ft8CIOU8 tein foods, indeed. are low 1n one aid be probably would turn lt rn&&»--. a) h or more amino adds that the hu- into • cold •tcnae plant. OUI bud __. u4 Willi DIS of Of your H. e t man body must have. "Stan and Strtpll Fare•e, A Becat.11e of the complicatiom of Total vote cut far reprwnta· jolJted the U. S. 11artDe Bad • ll7 Nehllhr Dlldllen. P. D. the amino-add needs, It 11 diffl- ln the -· th ~.a __ .....__.. ..a .. -""-.. 8t1 In• M elll I 'z¢ tiws ln eoncre-&:»nell iECUDCi u~ .,_.,,._ -cult to make 1enerat reconuoenda- dJatrlct. November 7, • reportmd 13 YMn okl tiom u to the amount of pro. today, indicated that 16,075 In noTEIN8 teln an individual lhould have. Ora.nae county bad voted tor PhD Rear Adm!ral JUc:hard E. Byrd. Next to water, protein maket up Too much depends upon the condi- Swin& on the comblned tl.t. famous N a v 1 Polar apknr, the larpst part of living ttsaue. tion of h1I body and the tpedflc 1,290 had voted for Georce Bauer travelled around tbe wci'ld aJoae Dla'eitlon breab the protein down amino-add makeup of the protein wbo was the Socialilt nomlnee. at the ap al 11. Into atmpler substances, called foodl he eats. amino addl: and these are carried 1'he Bank of Balboa bad made 11te state al DelaWare nmb by the blood to the place1 where The United States ts the rlch- &n· application to t1'e State Baak bilb tn the producUan ol tamatom. theJ are needed for bulldlna and est country in~ world tn natural Examiner to open a branch bank 1tnwbd'1• and fndta. "i-trtnc the body. Twenty-three resources. lD Oleta Mesa, on lota adjaoent ol thele amino adds have been to the latter'• postoftloe. ABOUT l'HE ldenttned. More than 70 per Cftlt at our • Pl-otein may lndred be called the farm homes have radlol Bay View Cafe HOME OF GOOD FOOD ~ While You Dine Enjoy the Beautiful Scenic Balboa Bay ~ Opposite Fun~ Ferry Landing (Malnhnd) L. A. WELLS Not..._ 8', 1111 CX)U'DD ltUff ol Ute. Nothlnc can take ,_ ______ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim~~~~~~~;;;;;;~;;;~ Dr. Howard Seaaer. ntehn 1 J ~ ttl place ln bullcUns new ttuuet Balboa Islander, supported the In the body and repladn& loaes. plan put forward by C. Haro1d V. F. W. eoana,,.., Moete But th1I II not ttl only tunctton. Hopkim, ch.a1rman of the dt1 QrbW, 1tan1a 111 f!Glt al r. Many of the emyma and bol''• pl•nntns oonnnlMlon, that New-~4'i4til'tild clulnalm on mans In the body are either pro. port Beach abould haft a ,,....,,.. Kain St. ln BaJboL ..._ v J'.W. tetn er eertaJn IUbstancel that vmaae home developnent pro. mab protein. jeCt. Mayor Harry WUJt.,,,.., W.. post II <U"l*'ttlftlJ DIW l» 11 t PtoW. Defhf mar UC> In favor of the tdM. members are aJr..tJ eapce4 In Theft are unnumbered kinda of c t v l c undel t•Mnil -latest al Jll'Otelnl In meat. poultry, ft.ah. H. J . suers and Ida eon. v--. which 11 plan to IPlCllOI' lata ..... milk. cbee•, legumes and weJ.llmown manqen of the Rita ~ sOOd protein IOU!'Cft, theater at Balboa. pttcbaled a Clam with free atfla far Balboa Yet protein deftclmey 11 not a rare third interest tn Seott'a Movie chlldl"en. pbencimenan today. Even thOle Home at Hunttnston Beech Tbe7 ---llhoto bJ VolMJ liq. h . who resuJarlY lndulp In N e w p;miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii Yarltlteab. ddcken and lobster IDl1 feel the protein pnch. How Abolt Y• ELECTRIC WIRING? S. E. BRIGGS .. luma baml llb4 other lnJur1a, ar ..._ lntedlcJm mq llftdpl· tata IW'Otetn cldldendel in pre- ~ bealtllY lndnktuala. Qsron. le ~ ulcers. alerata, llwr, lddmJ and tb1ftll4 dlle... and <WI... lftll the ranb ol thme It SM•~ In need al more pro.. um than tbe7 can conveniently taJre by the normal proc e• of DU· trltioa. TM• •• flfM•re Of 1111r7 recent ldendfte de- .-. ;wt II the Jll'Oductkm ol blillal7 . «Niftiithtal. ~ ......_ Cunlno adda) for the treatment of IUdl defldency eon- ·~ • Plumbing and Heating a F I x T u R E s Sam 'Kinsf a·ther ......... ...., ... fNtltm do not can-.. ••• • wa an tr..e ...._ adds. ellCb 619 E:t .. n4. Ba A c"' w ID ..t.quate mpplJ fm-human ~a, J VeJl11e =,, m 1fJ1 ................................ _._. .................. .-.~ Dllla S.N tbe ~~. U ,.._._.._.._._.._.._.._. ........ ..-..-iiiiiiliiliiiliiail ........... . = > . I SEAMAN JOHN McFARLAND, ~ • CAPTAIN OF THE FORECASTLE . To the pedple of. t b e Union I federate monitor, Tenne.ee. He States, Ausuat · 5, 1864 wu u ordered McFarland to .et a col- much a ''D" Day u June 6, 19". llulon course for the monitor. On that gray IUIDl1ltt morninl. McFarland steered the Hart- Admiral David G. ·Farragut, c.om-ford straight tor the Tenneaee, mander of the naval forces of the and the Lackawanna. another West Gulf Blockadinl eqwadron. Union veael, followed. Id the two led ru. ships in an attack oo one vessels rammed the Tennessee and of the moet prominent strongholds turned away to complete the ma· of the South-Mobile Bay. neuver, they collided and at the At the wheel of the admiral's moment it look 8f though the mL"'l nagship, the USS Hartford. wu at the wheel would be cnmhed. seaman John McFarland. He fol-However, as the debris wu cleared lowed the course set by the Brook· away. the crew of the Hartford lyn, lead vessel of the line, while and Lackawanna found to their the admiral climbed high into the amazement that McFarland had rigging to gain a view of the battle remained at hls PQSt . throughout arrn. As they entered the narrow the crash and through his coolnea channel leading into the bay, the and bravery the Hartford was able Tecumseh. a U n i on monitor, to ram the Tennessee qaln, crowded over toward the Brook-pounding it also with its guns. lyn, while at the same time the After the eecond attack by the BTOOklyn crew sighted the buoys Hartford, Admiral Buchaanan, in ahead which marked the wrped-command of the Tennessee was oes. Immediately upon slghtin& the severely wounded and ~ptain ' buoys the Brooklyn backed away Johnston, second in command. sur- from the Tecumseh and the tor-rendered the vessel to Farragut. pedo hit the monitor amidships . THE TRAVELING HOMJUOS 8eelde~au1oml>bUe la wblcla Uley are towiaS tbe country ln be- half of clleahlecl vetenaa a.ad N ewpol1 r. causing a terrific explosion. At thls On ~half of ~cFarland • cool- moment, Admiral Farragut made ness, Wlthout which the engage- his famous remark, "Damn the ment could not have been JI suc- torpedoes! Full speed ahead.'' and cess, Congress voted to present set the Hartford i.hto the lead of him with the Medal of Honor; the the line, breaking the defense of natJon'a highest award for valor . the channel. The citation said that such cool- THE TRAVELING HOMRIGS FROM BALBOA . PUBLICITY STUNT AND VETERANS' REHABILITATION IS TWO-FOLD PURPOSE OF CROSS-COUNTRY TOUR Break.ing th.rough the narrow ness and bravery expresaed the channel, Seaman McFarland, who spirit of the American Navy BJl"UD FROST Reams of copy have been writ- ten and printed in newspapers in 41 states on the subject of the traveling art exhibition being conducted in numerous Vetera.na' Adminlatration hoepitala by Mr. and Mn. Hal Homrig of Balboa, who departed from the Nweport Harbor area months ago on such a tour under the aponaorahip of the Newport Balboa Veterana of Foreign Wan po1t and a uaup ot Balboa businessmen. While the purpose of the trip wu to place "Newport Harbor, Balboa" before more people in the U.S.A. as a publicity stunt u well as a plan to stimulate more di&abled veterans in fed- eral hospitals to the point of helping to rehabilitate them- aelves and take t.betr place. u nromal people in an industry t hat needs them today, the tour hu done wonders for the handi- capped veteran, accordin1 to letters of appredation from of- ficial.I of federal and American Leigon apomored hospitals and camps. The letters. some ot ..vhich are accompained by tearsheetl from newspa~ which have carried stories on the art exhibition. and the Hamrlp' rehabilitation prorram. extoll the admirable work of the Balboa.nl. Two clippings, one, a long one from the Oleyenne, Wyo., !tate Tribune, dated October 29, and the other, a abort one from the Sheridan, WYo., Press, dated November 4, are examples of the type of good publicity which "Newport Harbor, Balboa" and the Homrta are exhibition 11 re- cetvtn&. It 1ee1n1 that the Homrtp, after having visited veterans hospital.-in 40 1tate9, arrived in Wyoming and were amavd by the tyge of veterans institu- tions WhlCh have been erected there, and they were not a blt baclcward "1 compllmentJna the state for lta fine work in th.la respect. A reporter for the Wyamin& State Tribune WU 10 pleued with the Homrlas ob9erutiona that he wrote a story which describes In a human int.erst IOl't of way IOIDe of the th1nO which the Hamrip and their apomon are tryina to do for the bandJcapped veterans. "The vetennl boepltal at Cheyenne WU dest&nated today u the 'moet unmual wtenm hoepital in the ~try' .,, Har- old Hmnrtc ot Balboa. Calif.. who, with Mn. Homrl&. la In the dty to demonltrate art~ tion to the patimta at the In- stallation." wrote tbe St ate Tribune reporter. . ''Mr. Hcmrta o•••..,,ted an the local facOttJ"• 'deancatf compact arp.nlzatiall' and OD the hospital'• ~ friendly at .. ... >WI' llMda M9 JIUle .ti.· the 'lnatitutlonallam' foWld in Heart," the Wyoming S t a t e most larae fadlltiel: It seems Tribune added like home. Samples of letters commendil)i was at the wheel, maneuvered the ~~5555~555~~·~~ Hartford, under heavy fire trom small ships, into position where '"'nle artlat also complimented the Homrig tour follow: the local chapter of the Vet-"In my capacity u Supreme erana of Foreign Wan, Which Datrlct Hospital Conunisaioner foT OJ'ianization 19 a cosponsor of the Miltary Order of the Cooties, h1a Cheyenne engagement. Fifth District, it is my duty," she could train her iWll on the enemy. Unfalteringly and with superb courage, McFarland stayed at his post until the Hartford was able to retaliate and drive oU its attackers. Soon after, Farragut discovered the threat of the Con-'·A commercial artist himself, wrote Joseph W. Tucker from ha with many years experience be-headquarters at Denver, Colorado, bind him, M,r. Homrig today lee-"to receive and acknowledge re-ph --o-t-ogr_._a_p_hs_w_hi_ch __ w_er_e_made __ b_y tured to a group of interested ports of hospital visitation work, veterans of World War I and patienta at the hoepital and gave and in turn to report same to my World War n were very interest- a demonstration of th'e pro-suYV>rior officer of the organiza- d t fr th """al ·a--a Ing and showed a great deal of uctJon ° art om e orl~. tlon. outstanding talent. We were very drawing to the finished piece,'' "F rom Cheyenne, Wyoming, happy over the fact that you stat- the reporter Continued to write. comes most favorable reporU of ed that theae veterans were gain- "He 1~ an exhibit of work done by Comrade and Sister f\llly employed professionally originals from Leatherneck Neil and Hal Homrig of your post. along these lines. · Magazine, the American Legion It seems t h e y have succeeded ''Th •11-I well mqazine, and other service pub-be tit ll in b . e ~P ay was very at-llcation.s, and gave hia audience au . u Y ringing happiness tended, not. only by patientB, but lnatructlon ln all phases of art and good cheer to the patients in by atMf personnel at this hospit- the U. S. Veterans Administration al. We feel that the work vou are production. "'· "He told The Wyoming State hospital there with their art ex-doing should stimulate and moti- Tribune that he hu had 'a won-hibit and other meana of enter-vate others to follow the same line derful response' from veterans tairunent. • • • of endeavor." in the various hoepitala he has "Such reports cannot go un~ The Homrigs are now in Arllng- visited. noticed and I feel elated to the ton, Washington, where they have "If he fmdl 8 man with talent, extent of writing you to also ex-been warmly received by veterans' be follows through w l th h1a press my thanks for the good service organizations, veterans' help, corresponding ·with the work your members and envoys hospital ofticiala and hospitalized Eat Fine Food Chef Henry Swiftly end Daintily Served Balboa Inn Cafe A 8mu1 ae.taaraat for P'-9 Wbo Enjoy tlae Best .... Market Afforda Cocktails Choice Liquors BALBOA INN ARCADE would-be artist, and sometimes are doing. • • •" veterans. n~~•tini~~~d~ J .K ~.su~te~~t~~-----------------------~ ployment after hil disch.arae. Camp American Legion at Lake "He finds the patients •an Tomahawk, Oneida county, Wh- ambltJous bunch of kids,' he cons.in, which is operated and aald. who want to •get out and maintained by the American Leg- do sotnethina.' ion, Department of Wisconsin, also writes: "The are instruction which he "To write this note of sincere Balboa Cleaners · 605 E. Central Balboa provides proves a 'lhot ln the appreciation to you kives me great ~to~y~th~~ed~u~;~~us~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ex-soldiers, he commented. valescing c.amp agree that the very r ''Ethel and HArold Homrii f'me art program put on in the started their unique work with dining h~ •here was tops and veterans in hospital.a under the thoroughly enjoyed by every fel- apomorah.ip of the dvic clubs low he.re and we hope that you and dtizenry of Newport Bar-and your wife will ' be with us bor, Balboa, and;' the reporter again in the not too dlltant tu- tor The State Tribune of Chey-ture. • • •" enne, writes in ha story, .. after George M. Reichle, executive of- embarkini on th1a trip whicb fleer of the medical rehabilitation so far baa taken them 17,000 department of the Veterans Cen- miles and into 41 at.ates to visit ter at Wood, Wlsconsin, expressed veter.ans hospital.a, they have his appreciation for tlle Hom.rip al.lo been spomored by various exhibition tn ~ message: VFW pasta. "In behalf of our Medical Re- '"'nleir method of helpins the habilltatton personnel, let me veterans ls a form of medical thank you generously for display- rehabilitation throuih the med-tng the art exhibit at this hospital lum of art. Mr. Homri1 believes on October 3 and 6, 1947. With thl' that eventually experts alcmc patients and employes who viewed various liDel in the different the exhibit I am certain lt made tradet and protealona will fol-a deep and lasting impression. low bil example and thua afford 'Ibere c.a.n be no doubt that the the veterans the' Opportunity of exlu'bit bu pven impetus to our recelvinl l.Ntructlon ln their dlsabled veterana working under chORD fteldl by esperliencecl Mr. Gilbert R. Amdt in O\D' are men. unit of Manual Arts Therapy. "Mn. Hmmtl'. who 11 a pro-• • •" fssion&l crp.nllt, intends to Louil B. Newman, M.D., ChJef pve a concert for tbe Cheyenne of the Physical Medicine Rehablll- veteru-paUentll on the bolpit-tat:ion section of the Veterans Ad- ara Hammond arpa while &he mtnfltratklll Hospital at Hines, ta heft. She ctw. musical lD-nunots, -.nt this meaaae: 1tracta tD the patienta If they ''May we express . our thankl dltlft. . And appreciation for the moet ex- Irvin Geo~. Gordon & Son GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1111 West Centraf Avenue Phone Har. 721 · Newport Beam ""Fm' b9 help to disabled ex-cellent display of art ortOnaJa .aldlen. Mr. Bomri& bu been that you apomored at th1a bospltal awarded a dtatklll tram U. October ~~ 1947. M""=7 .QW. Ill tlae Purple '-rbe palntlnp, -car-~-and '~iiiillllmiliiliiii_. __ liiiiiimliili:iiii.ali5iiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiA•il BALBOA. CAUFOBNIA NOV•MB•a ti 11•1 PICfORIAL BAI,BOA BLADE POLITICAL COUNCU.. Rlchard Dodd. teated la eeater. WU eboeeo .. pl"elllcleat Of Cotta Mesa Youns llepaMlcan Club, formed 8aturda7 nll'bt at meetlq at Coeta Me.9 American Lqton BalL Wltb blm. eeiated. are Mn. Lella Eutman. cbalrman of tbe O ranee Oouty BepublJcao Central Oommlttee, and 'oe Ueb Jr~ of Ana.helm. pres.I.dent of Younc Bepabllean executive boa.rd. St&ncU.nc. left to rlcbt: CoL 8. B. Franklin, .Justice of the Peace D . S. Dodp a Dd Attorney LeBoy Andenon. all of Cotta Meea. T11e1 helped formation of unit. Green Can Make You Blue When Life Looks Blackest Do you feel blue today 1 Have you ever called a coward yellow? Do you see red when something makes you mad? Turn wru te when frightened, or green when sick? It you've used any of these expres- sions, you're conscious of the many psychological meanings which we automatically associate with color. Phychologists experimenting in apparatus-filled laboratories are scientifically detennining the ef- fects that color has upon our lives and emotions. A famous psycholo- N I! w L 0 0 A T I 0 N Veteran Owned and Operated-A. L Doeeburg :; 0 N I: Aero Venetian Blinds -Aero Window 8hadee a Redwood Sun Shades-Transparent SbadM A 512 TWENTY-NINTH ST. . a Newport Beach, Callfomla : Milady's Natural Charm & Beauty Enhanced by lhe Magic Methods ol CARMEN AND STAFF E'verJ' Modem 8erriee tor Face &Del Bair Treatment Soft Wat.er Used Exclusively Open Saturday All Day Even1DJ Appotntment:a for Permanent. Phone Barbor 817 BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON Balboa Inn Arcade Ocean Front at the Pier Cooler Weather Calla for PASTRIES Your Choicest Bakery Favorites .. ' FLORENCE BAKERY HOURS: 8 L m. to 6 p. BL Dally ....... ... -·--.---- gist, Dr. Joseph Jastrow, found a difference in color preference be- tween men and women. Adam's favorite color is blue; Eve's ls red Another authority, von Allesch. tried to determine the esthetlc effect of color upon different lndi- viduals. He found that red, yel- low and orange are almost always felt as being "warm•', while grey. blue Ls the "coolest" color. Clini- cians have found that soroe people actualJy think in colors: when they hear a symphony, for example, they visualize a • kaleidoscopic series ot hues. The proper use ot color in home decorating can make a world of difference in your outlook on life. A subtle use of well-chosen colors can make a "cold" or "warm" apartment or house quite com- fortable. Color camouflage is as much fun as it is practical. Sup- pose you live in a desert hourse. By ·using a cool blue--green color scheme you can make it seem an oasis even though the temperature outside is 110 in the shade! Cool colors <those containing blue) are always soothing when used in southern or western expos- ures, or in traffic rooms, where street noises tend to intensify the color scheme. Cheery yellow and warm reds are wonderful in northern or east- ern exposures. A deep piled ruby red wool carpet, for example, is as good as an open fire on a cold wintry night. Set off the glowing color of the floor covering with a fireside chair in a warm tone of gold texture weave. Then let the north winds blow unheeded. Colors are import.ant in your life. Don't ignore them! The state of New Mexico boasts over 10,000 miles of highways, and enjoys a large tourist travel. Vallely Boat Bentala New U-Drive Motor Bo&ts ......... ~-c... ... "-- Al~b .... •M-hh .. °"'"' ...... ~-...... The Arches Cafe -·- Steak Uld Chicken Dinners Cocktail Lo111tge ()pea 10 .. m. 'IDI I a. .. • ........ 8l'f& • OoM9 ...,. JISWPO&T MA()B ' YOU May Be Missing a GOOD PICTURE *** TnUle in Your Camera on a NEW MODEL Hays Camera ·E~change , Voblef L. Jla7, lr. 507 E. Central Avenue Balboa "II it's photographic, we have i#" STAR~ *** Jane Powell has learned a les- son-and not in school. Crew on Metro-Goldwyn-May- er's "Luxury Liner.'' in which she appears, recently presented her with a trick piggy bank which mechanically squealed "Thanks" each time she inserted a coin. Through overuse, the voice con- trivance has become defective and the pig now squeals something which sounds horribly like "Gim- mee" ! -*-Director Fred Wilcox will have one of the most novel of Christmas cards this year. It will be a photo- graph of a beautiful snow scene With himself and his fiancee, An- toinette Reynolds. wearing wintry clothing in the foreground. The director used one of his Scottish s e t s in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's "Master of Lassie" for the setting. -*-Thanks to Katherine Hepburn's pastry cook the actress arrives daily on the "State of the Union" set with several boxes of cooki~ and petit fours which are a spec- ialty with the cook whom the star has had for the past six years. No one. including Spencer Tracy, Van Johnson, Adolph Manjou. Angela Lansbury and Director Frank Cap- ra of the Liberty Production for M-G-M release can pass them up. -*-Norman Taurog's current as- signment on Metro-Goldwyn-May- er's "The B ig City" is br~ng him a realization of an ambition of several years-to direct Mar- garet O'Brien. She is the only No. 1 moppet star of the past fifteen years that he has not directed. Starting with his nephew. Jackie Cooper. whom he directed to star- dom while himself winning an Academy Award in "Skippy," he since has piloted Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland. Deanna Durbin, Virginia Weidler, Jackie Searl, Freddie Bartholomew, Mitzi Green and Butch Jenkins in some of their most important film roles. Appro- priately enough, Taurog made his own start in show business as a child actor, appearing in the 1912 Belasco rut, ''The Good Little Devil," starring Mary Pickford. --tr- Following his direction ot "Cass Timberlane," George Sidney has been selected by M-G-M to direct its forthcomln~ Technicolor pro- duction of "The Three Muske- teers." Film. slated to be one ot the most ambitious in company's his- tory, will go before thei:meras January 2. An all star t, yet to be announced, will be plaYtng the leading roles. Sidney, who directed his first feature length film less than ff ve years ago, has directed such out- standing productions as "Anchon Aweigh," "The Harvey Girls" and "Holiday in Mexico!' "Cass Timberlane," in which he directed Spencer Tracy, Lana Tur- ner and Zachary Scott, is already being acclaimed one ot the most important films of the year. Pandro S. Berman is the pro- ducer . -*-Offering two great dramatic roles, a story, "Alexandra." by Gladys Schmidt, has been optioned by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer w i th George Haight slated to produce. The projected screen play will disclose a woman, whose heart was broken as a girl because she was ref erred to as an "ugly duckling," fighting her way back toward hap- plnea Haight, who produced "Lady in the Lake," will have two top stars for the story by Miss Schmidt. who also penned the best-seller, "David The King." -'f;(-• Carl (Alfalfa) Switzer has been selected to portray the smart-aleck bellhop in "State ot the Union." For eight years Carl was the "Alfalfa" of the "Our Gang" com-. edfes, famous f o r his freckles. Then came the awkw~d age tor Carl and when he was ready to resume his career as an actor. U..ncle Sam stepped in and for four- teen months he served in the U. s . Army. In Frank Capra's Liberty Films production for M-G-M release, which stars Spencer Tracy, Kath- arine Hepburn, Van Johnson. Adolphe Menjou, and Angela Lans- bury, Carl has his first adult role. Yes, Carl still has his freckles. GOHN'S BA 11 ERY SERVICE llOl Oout ~ -Nwipon Beam BIB80B'8 BEACON L&NDING Distributor for Solar Batteries. Marine & Automotive Batteriee 1"ahrrle • ••n ~TIEU B&ii"*'W mt•mm ltJNK UHSUN BOOOBT ,._ B•Dlll -An. I al I Atir• Bai-811·1' a.,.;~ s.w "•'EM Ba~ B1acter•.._. __ ~~~~··-------~------------..... _.j Vol. I-No. 45 _.__. _ _...--"'!~~--t ,., .. , Eac6 We•i with Nl~S.TIUIS • .. I S...1111 WEEKLY BLADE FEATUR S Nov. 25, 1947 Starting in This Issue . . . . To Prepare for ~ Good Lawn, Read Cecil Solly . ''The Good Earth" P•ge 3 • • . . • 2 BAIMA, (]Auwmll& DS<JSMBSa t, lit! PICl'ORIAL BALBOA BLADE in the • ~ •• HARBOR LIGHT Wlth Cautol'Jlia'a cept~~ yean of lMS-49 juat around tbl comer, historic dates are becQrnlna a matter al lnterftt in cannedioa with what ls expected to be tbe $tate's lft&test ftsta and celebntlon. California attained statehood in 1850, havlnl been 9d:mitted to tbe Union on a parity with other at.ates by act ot ~; but lta tint Thanksgiving proclamation by a governor wu not 1-ued unUl N~ vember 12, 1856, when Governor Neeley .Tohmon Mked the people to observe a day of prayer and thanbcivinc on Thunday, November 20, 1856. Students of history would aunni.e that the State had much for which to be thankful belore that time, lncludin1 the raialnc of the Amercian flag id 1848, the CU.covery of gold ln 1849, and admlulon M> 1tatehood-in 1850. But evidently the &ovemor of California did not come aroWld to the matter of Thanklgivll\i proclamations until IOIDe time la t~r. - There can be no assumption other than that the oo.pitable and generous people of California feasted aumptuoualy on that ftnt Thanksgiving day, with groaning tables and bumpers ot aood. native wines, after they had attended to their prayers. Maybe there wun't a single turkey in California on that historic day; bot there were plenty of other good things to eat, and no bother about hl&h prices. What you didn't have you took; and "Va coo Dios, AmJao." -S. w.•sman HARKING BACK ••• From the Files December 9, 1111 G. H . Narbonne was bulldin& an addition to his garaae in Balboa. The Southern Calltornia Suaar company factory made arranae- menta with the Newport Protec- tion district for a riaht ot way The will of G. H. Carlyle, who for a aewer line alona the we.t died Sept. 15, 1904, wu filed for bank at the Santa Ana river cban· probate in Santa Ana today. In nell to tidewater. The oomldera-WINGED SWORD 8WALLOWEB-Only the hlltof a llx-lnch- letters filed, the petition of the tion wu said to be $2000. 1be lODI rounded rod abowa above the bW of th1a pet srackle.1be administrator, declared a claim ot outfall wu to go into the ocean btrd wu trained to IW&llow the cod-llver-oll-coated "nord" the deceased for $14,000 judgement Wef't of the westerly Umita of the bJ tbe Rn. Wendell Ban.sen, a bird fancier and trainer. Be from the federal government be-city. A year &10 lut summer the tte '-•• blr ... to nhan '-•· ~~m·1~Indi~1to~~i~t~p~~~~tntothe ____ o __ n_~ __ ~ ___ ~ ___ e ___ ~_~ __ •_rm __ ~---~ mules and horses from Mr. Car-upt>er bay. lyle, who was father of J. W. 1 Carlyle, former manaaer of an Black underwear wu lald to East Newport store. be the fad and vqy popular, too. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rube Shafer killed a Muscovy H . C. Castle of Balboa, on Wednes-duck in the bay while hunting. day, December 6. , Be <A>nscious Of Your Health 81' llelcldor Dlldr.en. P. D. lier 11...-Bloeti emkt H. B. Gurley took out a permit John McMillan, water superin-to build a one-and-a-half story MINERALS tendent, reported to the city coun-house on lot 163. block A. Eut ~ mineral constituents of the cil, that a deal \US on to with ?'fewport. at a cost of $1,SOO. Gur-adult human body amount to be- the Townsend-Vendewater ~m-ley wu secretary of the L09 An-tween 4.3 and 4.4 percent of the to- pany to trade the reservoir on geles Chamber of Commerce at tal weight. They are, m order .of Newport Heights to that company that time. decreuln& amount: Calcium, phos- for a block of land on 46th street. phoru1, potassium, sulphur, chlo- The property was block 145 and F. W. Joh.Dion had taken out a rine IOdlum, magnesiwn. iodine, was valued at $300 for the inside permit to build a one-and-a-half fiuorine, iron. bromine and alumi- and $375 for the corner lots of story house on lotl 1 and ~ block nium. with traces of others. the land company. 19, Balboa, at a coet of $UK>O. Needed Elemeat.e The human body ha.a very defi- nite mineral requirements; though the amounts that the diet mus\ provide are not all as yet definitey ascertained. But the results of de- ficiency in mineral elements show themselves m various ways. A diet renerally poor ln minerals leads to faulty nutrition, unpleasant ner- vous phenomena, such as sweating; lack of appetite, listlessness. dl.s- tw-bed aleep. It may be stated in general that the functions of calcium and mag- nesium in combination with phoe- phates are chiefly concerned with BEING BOOSTED -Str Statrord Cripps, Brttatn•a new Chancellor of the b- chequer, bu the backing of the Liberal Party, which bU renewed tta drive for an emeraency coalition IOftl'D- ment. IJberala want b1m to head tt now that be'a the country's ftnance and eco- nomic. boll. BALBOA BLADE - P I CTO RIAL ........ ~ ... N..,.... 11u1tor ._, n: s o.. ABOUT THE COVER Who says Balboa can't compete for the winter circuit devotees! With Shirley Cramer. left, and. IWealie Earl ready to play a 1ame of tennil in the warm winter sun, can the rest be far behind? -photo by Volney Hay Jr. In 19'6 the oil and gu lnduatry used approximately one-third of the shipments of ateel pipe and tubes. ,._ .......... ~ ... , _., .. _ ... BENEDICT Tbe Sign Mon Pia. ..... " o.-. ..... CLIFF HAVEN * Newport Harbor's Newest end Finest Development * Earl W. Stanley · SoleAgenl n5 IU.BINB A VE. ........ ,... ......... Bay View Cafe HOME OF GOOD FOOD ~ While You Dine Enjoy the Beautiful Scenic Balboa Bay ~ Oppoatte Fun Zooe Ferry Landing (Malnhnd) L. A. WELLS the formation of the mineral -.:;;;;;-----------.;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ framework of bone. Sodium and r OUTSTANDING SMALL POOTW'All AtrrOMOBll.B - The "Playboy '48," a small car with all of the big car ~ . including a quick change-OVCt from a solick>p ooupe to a convertible roadster by meaoa of a hiDsed cop dm folds into the back compartment of the car. PtOd fD tell for less than St,000, the car is under produaioo io Bu!alo, N. Y., and company officials are now on the West C.0-impeaing sittS Jor a local a!«fDbly plant. The car reprelCDD ten years of engineering research aod delivers tome of the mcJlt ouac•ndiAB I ~ of &DJ of the praeot dq 'models. potuaium are the principal min- erals ln the other body tissues and body fluids . lletU la t.lle Body Certain metallic elements, ln- cuding tho9e of copper. zinc, and mancenese, enter into union with the protein molecules of various enzyme1; and thll union is essenti· al for the enzymic function of the proteina. Tiaue cells. 6cludin& bone, and red blood cella contain chiefly pot-ummn and phosphate; while body p;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _____ ;;;;;;;;;;;;-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;---iiiiiiii--. fluidl 1tt relatively rich in IOdlwn • How Aboat VOID' ELECTRIC WIRING? S. E. BRIGGS Electric Contractor 118 hwty-Dgldh 8tree& .............. llarW 1805-8 and cblorine .. ~-Our foods today are frequently deficient ln vital mlneralt, the rea- eoa bet.nc that 80ila ar& beina more and matt depl.eted of minerals, due to Improper crop rotation and too frequent Cl"OIJL -Tbe mlnera tablets on the mar- bt today, to mppement the de- fldeney, canta.ln only a ff!W al the emmtial mlnerala; and these are syntbetic. Tbe ideal supplement would be, al counie, a natural min- etal combination oaatatnq all the emential e 1 e men t L Laborat«y work ln tldl neict II belna done; but DOtblnc bu ~t rMCbed the marbt. Plumbing · and Heating & F I x T u R E 5 Sam Kinsf ather 619 East Bay Avenue I SI .... .... • -.. • • ......... "-------Art. .... ~·--- I · 1 PICTORIAL BALBOA BI.ADE ClllNBU COWCWllTI' GOAl-'l'bll bup power ltaUOn ID fUncbun. Mancbw1a, Which supplle1 all lndUtrl• ID bl dtJ and tn Wutden. II maln ObJectt•e of the Communtata ID Ule NaUonalllt-Commanilt ltrtfe aloq Chtna'a wtde •untncnfn front." Fucbun baa \be larlelt open-pit eo&1 m1D• tn tbe world, oU re1lJW1e1 and 1teel mW&. Arlicle /:-TO PREPARE FOR A GOOD LAWN By cscrr. SOLLY TMll .... ,.,.. 91 ...... 91 ........ _ ........... '1 ....... "' .... ...._._ rw ... wt -C9CIL IOU.T. We....._ ......... fW -mj Lb .......... ........ CllCIL '°U3 .. ... ,..,.. 91 •· .. fl lh .... M a ........... , I ................... _ ..... ......... _ .......... ~ ..... IWf II MWIW ... e ... Mi W91Fil .............. ... .., ....................... .. ... ........... ........, ....... ·~ .. ..,.__ 'Ibe one and only secret ln the plantln& of a 1ood lawn ii the method by which it ii prepattd. It does not matter how careful you are ln the aelectlon of the right kinda of arm aeed. You can pay a hl&h pri~ for perfect weed-free IJ"U8 seed mlxt\lrea, but they CANNOT produce a good turf lf the soil ii not first properly Jftpared. Graa root.I lhould be able to penetrate EASILY into the 8011 to a ~th of atx lnchet. For them to penetrate euily lt la neceaary to ~ a perfect IOU medimn. Prepullla Ule 8oll: There are two thlnp that fresh IOll mmt have in the lni- tlal preparation. ~ are llmD- • and air. They are both equal- ly important and equally neoe. aary. To provide the latter--.lr -the IOU lhould be cultivated at frequent intervals to allow the air, IUD, ~ wind and other natural elements to work their magic by iromottna the arowth and multtpllcatlon of the help- ful IOil bacterla. without wh1cb no .all can be fertile enouah to IJ'OW lood ll'UI· After the IOU bu been ~ ly leveled IDAllY 1ardnera plant a crop of potatoes or oorn on the AreL The crop ii aenerally only tab' but the IOU la IJ'ff tly beneftted and. after a coqp1e cl yean. ltl CIODdl t1on ii much 1JDo. proved. A much better method la to plant cne ·or matt sr--•• crops. '1be Q9tem la llmple. A suitable and tne.xpemtve crop ii crown, when lt ii tldck and be&vy, it ta apeded into the 800. when lt wtD clloa1pcwe and pro- vict. many tom at ftluable b• DWI wbJcb la DICI •U'Y far tlA production at • aood ..... turf. A thtrd and much qulcUr metbod II to proaare peet ~ black peet IGO. leaf mold tr rotted manure. Spad lt tMdrly -two Cl' three lncha deep and tip.de It In. AM'-c._.._. OI aD tbe sataiaJa tbat are available. tbe ~ am wtdcb 18 quite ..s-tJw a D d aiw.,. anUable fer lnm .... te W la peet --(111hP4m1). Alm tbe atatllc ICll1 ... been waract and lll'OpBIJ Jnel. ed. tb9 peat --lhoald .. ·-(wwt) °"" .... --.. • dlpth cl ..... .,. 1t tlaa Poakl be th ... *'!'a• , with the IOU to a depth of at leut a1x 1nchee. . Spadlna and culttvatlna are both methods often used. but when thil work 11 done the peat moa mutt neither be ~ft on top nor turned underneath. It mmt be mbed thot"OU&hly . One of the best wa.ya to do thil ia to hire a ROTOTILLER. An ordina.ry-1ized lawn only takes a couple of houn to cover properly a n d this Rototiller method ts the best and quickest method of mtxina the peat mou and the IOil. _ Plant food should be spread aver the peat m<m so that it may allO be tborou&hlY ineor- porated ln the top a1x.e inches of the soil. It ts neceaary to use a IUf - fident appJicatlon of erau plant food on two 1eparate oocuiom: (1) When the peat mom and IOU are properly mixed at the time the aeed bed ia preptlttd -1 pound to each 25 square feet. (2) ~ IOOD U the gl'UI plants commence to crow-even before the crua ts cut-1 pound to each 50 square feet. PROPERLY BLENDED plant foods are abeolutely neceuary to supplement what ii available from the IOU. Your favorite brand of commerdal lawn fer- tillz.e.r should be spread over the whole area at the rate of one pound to e a c h twenty-five 8Quare feet about four weekl be- fore ~ aeed 11 planted. It lhould be scattered evenly and raked into the IUl"face IOU. Since the most important function of supplyinc plant foods to the CJ"UI ts to produce a healthy sturdy plant, With plen- ty of •tron& roots. all the necee- aary food elements must be ln- duded ln any fertillzer. Uled. Grua roots are canttn~ be- lna replaced. If there 18 not enouch ot the neceaary ele-- menta to do tbil. an lnferiar root pvwth will be the inevitable result. Poor roots spell poor IJ'U8 in a lhol't time, IO plan to teed u.e rooca bJ the me o1 • properly balanced plant food wblch coatalnl nery one ol the necaury elements ln tbefr oor- rect JW'opol'tiam. Two materlall that will sratl:y umt the fertility of the IOil are lime and cbarcml. Both at tbml wm do their sm1 tn 1reep-1na the IOll .. sweet... If mixed ..,. when tbe pound .. pre. JMftd. Tl» c:barcoa1 ...... cletrl- mm tal 8Clll adll and thua u-mta tbt plant foodll to do • bet- -Job ol plant ,_,,. ovwa ·-= ~1oc1. wm '* ~ po. ~ DIC IW U7 CIJdum far ea0 ••• , ••• ••.• ,_,.._ tM I TllANIUI, AMBKICA-Refu- 1eea and DPl-t.be "Delayed PUg:rtma" of '4'1-bave even more reuon to be thankful to A m e r I c a than their .. Mayaower" predecessors three centurtea ago, accord-tna to Dr. Viet.or F. Bess, renowned cosmtc-ray expert of Fordham Unlverstty and forme.r refugee. Be untea newcomen to torgd their put We_ learn Engllsb. and become f a m t 1 t a r w1t.b Amer1C&D tnsutut.lona and cuatoma. .BOP GREErS COACH ;mrnn. OAUP.-u. ot o ... .., f_..Jl OOMb. LJnn Waldorf, WM eomplet.elJ M .... wbln call· farnla'a ~ ltiabop James o. ..-e.D1c1 to ooacntu1a• him. lCo ..._. to bilb-nnttnc t't OWi, a.ch Waldorf 19 him• 1111 Ult 8llD ot a IMbop. ma fa&ber, u. ..... Bllboll . ..,.. LJnn wai- darf GI Obio91o. u one tame bad roat w coethlna -.... t--.n Mt adm' .............. 8a&urdaJ an.Doam ...,. found Uae Nlbn9 ............... am&· ......... footlaeQ f8'W ..., n. "-u. 11 ,..,. ~ an •u11 .. won • ua. ~ or llMM • "9P'll pdar to bll .... uma to u. ...-t11JM7. 111 • ..._. ldlD& cf bll dencnln•Uon'a Dlft• lllaa GI llllllCeUaMI JluiUPSkm&. sr-plants, but will allo re- --IMll1 other plut foodl tbat _.. pr I IE t ID U. ldl. DEIUn P&OSPBCT-Calume' Parm'• ttro-7ear-old colt. Cttat.lo~ la betna led io bll 1tall at BJ&leab bJ croom JlmmJ Knowlea after arrtnna trom the northland. The neet-footed colt II tbe favorite ID t.be KentuctJ Derby wtnter book. Balboa Cleaners 605 E. <;entral Balboa Irvin Geo. Gordon & Son GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1111 West Central Avenue Phone Har. 721 Ne~rt Beach " ---~ __ ., -;----1.~·-~-~···-------~· ...... ._ -... -· ~-'--'-'-'--"-=0...:.....-'-..:..~.;.._;..:....;:-...__;~;...;..---------.......:..;..;..;, ....... ~-.;.....;;;.~.-.:......-..-.....,;.;;.;:..;...-;;;-.;;.~~:.-...-::~~~~;;...;~;.:ii.i~.:.liii;;!.;J WoW WONDBB -Ferruccto Burco, eight-year-old Italian ~eltra conductor. ta considered ao good that h1I name ts ~mentioned with Mozart'a. After aucce.utully conduct- Jnl a performance o! "Cavallerta Rust1cana" at the Scala ln MS&D. be la currenCly ln Parla to 1'!ad the celebrated ''Con-,.na Colonne." and baa been ottered many new contract.a. llonDcas in the state ol Utah• In 1890 Yosemite, ·Sequoia and wwe the first Anglo-Sa.xonl to General Grant national parks were pactb irrtption on a lar&e scale. establlahed in California. __ ... '!be United States is the world's Practically every basic metal is lffdina producer ot manufactured deposited within the borden of the IQDdl. United States. : Vetena Owwl·wl ()pd'ated &. L Doeeburg ~ • 0 Gl.atl. 8/iop ·: L 0 C Aero VmeU.. mlDdl • Aero Wbldow 8badM B t Bechrood 8aa 8blMlee TrwRumt 8badel A I 51% TWENTY-NINTB ST. I : Newport ~· <Jallfomla : Milady's Natural Charm & Beauty Enhancec/ by the Magic Methods ol CARMEN AND STAFF E'ffr7 Modena 9en1ce for Faoe ud Bair Treatmmt Soft Water Uled Jadullwely Open Saturday AD Day ~ Appobltmeata for Permaaellta Phone 11-.rbor 811 BAI,BOA INN BEAUTY SAWN ..,. IDD Areade Oce9n FrOllt at the Pier PASTRIES Your Choicest Bakery Favorites FLOREICE BAKERY , . BQ0RS: I L m. to 8 ~ liL Dall1 ..... -. IN &INPOL&'l ITOar- Florence Stevemon. tbe 21- Je&r-old niece of Boben Lowa Stnm.>n. bu beeD aSaned to plaJ a role In tba morie, ".Adventure ID BUver- ado Squatters." Miu Steven- son ti a reatdent ot Mar Vlata, near Santa MonJ~ Calllornla. BULLY PBBPORMANCB - What Snoopy, a 1lve-1ear- old-Boston bulldoa owned bJ Mre. Nell S111der ot For\ Worth. Tex., can do to a piano aolo can~ be dupli- cated bJ man or woman. Pawtng •' tile keyboard be~ter Ulan niost would-be virtuosos, he · YOC8Uf.el, t-oo. And at tbia, be•a reaJ.11 a howJJ.na aucceaa. YOU May Be AfJMing a GOOD PICTURE· , **~ Trade in Your Camera OD 8 NEW MODEL • ..... 411 Hays Camera Exchange v....., L. ..,, Ir. 507 E. Central' Avenue Balboa "II it's photogropltic, we /aqve it" STAR~ barber and Frank Austin u the crackpot politician, for Frank Cap- ra'• "State of the Unioll." aturin& When Danny Thomas sings his Spencer Tracy. Katherine ~ first song on the aC:reen. "What11 bum, Van Johmon. A*>lph and I Do?" ln Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Aneela Lansbury. "The Big Oty," lt wUl be with an Their role. call for them to assist from the song's famous com-interrup Tracy's Jave tcena tn the poser, Irving Berlin, himself. Fol-Liberty Filnw productioa for MGM lowing Berlin's return from New York this week, to resume prep--* - arations for the fi.lmina u the It will be a ''white Cbriltmu" associate of Producer Arthur for Lana Turner thla year. Freed throughout the production 'Ibe star wired Metro-Gold- of "Easter Parade," Thomas called wyn-Mayer from New York u1dng him to ask in what style he the &tudio to make reservations thought the song 1hould be aung for herself, mother. be.by daughter Berlin countered with a propoa.i Cheryl Christine and nune ,at to sing it for Danny just as it wu Sun Valley. originally done in New York sev-Even thouah the actreu bu sev- eral yeara ago, and then coach eral ~now scenes in "CUI 'nmber- him on the lyrics before 'lbomm lane, this will be her flnt such is &Cheduled to record It for the real-life experience aince her in- picture. fancy. -*--*-Attention ii being diverted from Edmund Gwenn bu left for a the stars at Metro-Goldwyn-May-two-week vacation at Soboba Hot er by the element. ln recent pie. Sprinp. Since •tartinc hia •tarrtna tures. An earthquake and tidal-r o 1 e in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayers wave were hiehlighted in "Green ''Master of Lulle" on a H1&h Dolphin Street,'' 8 cloudburst Sierras location six weeks ago, the plays an import41lt part in making veteran actor haa been before the life miserable for Robert Tayl<JI" cameras every day. The picture. in "High wall," and a blizzard of not yet completed, ia awaltina the unusual proportions took the spot-complete recuperation ol Donald light during the filming of ''Mu-Crisp, who recently Wlderwent a ter of I .asaie." For hia storm major ope.ration. The r acing term .. furlong'' Cone-~nes in the last named picture, -tl - eighth of a mile) originally mee.nt ~irecto~ Fred Wilcox ~tfitted MariAa O'Brien, Margattt O'- "furrow-long." According to the his entire crew With special gog-Brien'• aunt. has lrrtved in Holly- Encyclopaedia B ritannica, the fur· glea, hunting ca1>9, mutts and wood for a brief vacation wtth long represented the dlatance mouth guards, to protect them Margaret following a hlJhlY auc- which oxen could convenientb' from the awirllng H o 11 Y wood ceaful seuon of IUDUnel' stock tn plowman could keep a fairly "snow." A special hood ~ the eut. She expects to return to straight line. This measurement protected the Technlcolor camera, New Ycrk in two weeks the re- was used by the primitive Celtic With. only th~ picture's cut. in· vealed While watchin& ~ famous tribes of Britain, who divided their eluding Lua1e, Edmund Gwenn, niece in scenes in Metro-Goldwyn. fields into strips, each a furloa& Tom Drake and Janet Lef&h, ex-Mayer's "1be Big City." in length. and . alloted five 1trlpm posed to the man-made storm. _ 'tf _ to each free tribesman. -* -Direct.or George Sidney leaves Lew Smith, who fer the put ten within a week to ICOUt location years has aerved u Clark Gable's aitee f<JI" '"'Ibe Three Musketttn " Vallely a.& 8-tall stand-in, has beoxne one of Holly-Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's forth~ New U-Drive Motor Bo&ta wood's trplle threat combinatioaa. inc produc:tioo of tbe f•moua du- ....... -Pnr"a •. c.... .... "' M~1 Or•M''' ..................... He bas been signed to write, direct ale. Skloey wtll visit several NCll'tla- and produce a aeries of commercial em Callfomia spot.a and wm make tilml. own color maad of trip wttb hJa Smith, w>io bu enacted small 16-aml. camera. roles in a number ~ Bable'• fllml. · -.A-- headed for San Fra.ncUco u IOOll p ).{ . u Ge.bJe completed bi.I role in . andro S. Berman. M-0-M pro- The Arches Cafe -Stealr ... Chidlen Dinnen • Cocktail LGanp o,.ua.-.ml.a.a • ... ,.. ..... ow. .... WWIWI 'O' ''HOIDtWlllinC •• ~ Is in Palm Sprtnp fer a The ~ mm. will be we8•1 work pn the lcrtpt at ~ made in the Golden Gate dty Thrtt MUlketeen," Tedwnlicolior _ J... _ · feature of IUa proMt:Jcm IChMule. K Naw tDm., wttb alktar a.t., so. Tom Pedi bu been cut u the before camera J.-aq 2. GOHN'S BA I' I ERY RltYICI 1111 a.. - -• z a; -sw;111 • ,• ••11J1••1aana M.'OOlt' ~ / Vol. I-No. 45 .. ,____. ______ -it /11••" Eoc6 Weei with HIWS-T/MfS • WEEKLY BLADE • Starting in This Issue . . . . s...u ... CJlf 11~1· -tH...,. FEATUR ; Nov. 25, 1947 To Prepare for' a Good Lawn, Read Cecil Solly "The Good Earth" p·,. 3 BAIMA, (]Alnoma& DSOSllBSa I 11&' I HARBOR LIGH:r ... With Callfornia'a centennial yean of l.9C8-49 juat arcud U. aimer, b.lstoric dates are becomlna a matter ol interftt in cormec:u. with what ls expected to be the State'1 anate1t nnta and celebndoa. .. • PICfORIAL BAIBOA BLADE BALBOA BLADE PICTORIAL Tele,llDDe: Barbor nes Offtce: ., East Oeatral Pwlbllelled Eftr7 'l'll1lnda1' a& Bal-., v.llfonla l..ued --week wltla tale Newport S..U.O. Newa-'l'lmee California attained statehood in 1850, bavln& been admitted to tM Unloa on a parity with other atatea by act of Coqrea; but ta ftnt Thanksgiving proclamation by a 1<>vemor wu not luued untll No- ftmber 12, 1856, when Governor Neeley Johnson uked the people to Obeerve a day of prayer and th.,UCS&'iving on Thunda.y, November VOLNEY BAY, 8B. --• ~ . VOLNEY BAY, 1B. • -A.rt Utor 20. 11S56. Students of history would au.rmile that the State had much fer which to be thankful before that time, includinl the ralaing of the Amercian flag in 1848, the dilco~ery of gold in 18'9, and admialon to statehood in 1850. But evidentlj the governor 'Of ,California dJd not came around to the matter ot Thanksgiving proclamatlona until aome time later. There can be no assumption other than that the hoepltable and aenerous people of California feasted awnptuoualy on that first 'Ibanksgiving day, with groaning l4bles and bumpers of aood. native wines, after they had attended to their prayers. Maybe there wasn't a single turkey in California on that hiatoric day; but there were plenty of other good things to eat, and no bother about hi&tl prices. What you didn't have you took; and "Va con Dios, AmJ.ao." -S. W. Small • HARKING BACK ••• From the Files December 9, 1911 The Southern Callfornla Suiar G. H . Narbonne was building an company factory made arranae- addition to his gara&e in Balboa. ments with the Newport Protec- tion district for a ri&bt ot WQ The will of G. H. Carlyle, who tor a sewer line alona the wat died Sept. 15, 1904, wu filed for bank of the Santa Ana river ch&n· probate in Santa Ana today. In nell to tidewater. 'lbe conaldera· WINGED SWORD SWALLOWE&-Only the hilt ot a s1x-1nch- letten filed, the petition of the tion .wu aaid to be $2000. 'Ibe Iona rounded rod ahows above the bill of t.h1s pet grackle. The administrator, declared a claim of outfall wu to 10 into the ocean blrd wu U&ioed to swallow the cod-llver-oll-coated "sword'" the deceased for $14,000 judgement west of the westerly llmlta of the b7 the Re•. Wendell Hansen, a blrd fancler and trainer. He • from the federal government be-city. A year ago lut summer the often uaea bJ.s blrda to enhance his sermons. cause in 1880 Indians atole some beet pulp waa emptied into the ------------------------ mules and horses from Mr. Car· upper bay. lyle, wbo was father of J. W. Carlyle, f onner manager o1 an Black unaerwear wu laid to East Newport store. be the fa d and very popular, too. Be (A)nscious Of Your Health A boy was born to Mr. and Mn. Rube Shafer killed a Muscovy B. C. Castle of Balboa. on Wednes-duck in the bay while huntin&'. BJ' Meleblor Dlkken, P. D. Beeeuela Blo«Nm••t ~.December 6. John McMillan, water auperin· tendent, r eported to the city COUD· dl, that a deal was on to with the Townsend-Vendewater com· pany to trade the reservoir on Newport Heights to that company for a block of land on 46th street. The property was block 145 and was valued at $300 tor the inside and $375 for the corner lots ot the land company. H. B. GW'ley took out a permit to build a one-and·a·haU 1tory MINEBAL8 house on lot 163. block A, Eut Thet mineral constituents of the Newport, at a coet of $1.,500. Gur-adult human body amount to be- ley wu secretary of the i..o. An-tween 4.3 and 4.4 percent of the to- celes Chamber of Commerce at ta1 weight. They are, in order of that time. decreulng amount: Calcium, phos- phorul, pota.sslum, sulphur, chlo- F . W. Johnson bad taken out a rtne IOdium, magnesium. Iodine, permit to build a o.ne--and-a·balf nuortne, iron, bromine and alumi- story house on Iota 1 and 2, block n1um. with traces of others. 19, Balboa, at a coet of sun>. Needed Elemmta Th~ human body has very defi- nite mineral requirements; though the amounts that the diet must proVide are not all as yet definitey ascertained. But the results of de· flciency in mineral elements show themselves in various ways. A diet renerally poor in minerals leads to faulty nutrition, unpleasant ner· voua phenomena, such as sweating; lack of appetite, listlessness, dis- turbed &leep. BEING BOOSTED -Slr Stafford Cripps, Brltaln's new Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, bas the backing of the.Liberal PartJ, wblcb baa renelfed lts drtve tor an emergency coa11Uon govern- ment. Liberals want b1m to head tt now that he's the country's ftnance and eco- nomics boss. Prblt.ed by tbe . Newport Barbor Punt 'Puc 0.. ABOUT THE COVER Who says Balboa can't compete for the winter circuit devotees? With Shirley Cramer. left, and Rosalie Earl ready to play a game of tennis in the warm winter sun, can the rest be far behind? -photo by Volney Hay Jr. In 1946 the oil and gas iniiustry used approximately one-third of the shipments of steel pipe and tubes. BENEDICT The Sign Man Pll.. Bar. 8'J 0o .......... CLIFF HAVEN * Newport Harbor's Newest and Finest Development * Earl W. Stanley Sole Agent 225 MARINE A VE. Bay View Cafe HOME OF GOOD FOOD ~ While You Dine Enjoy the Beautiful Scenic Balboa Bay ~ Opposite Ftm Zone Ferry Landing (Mainland) L.A. WELLS .. OtrrSTANDING SMALL POSTWAR AutoMOBll.B - The "Playboy '48." a small car with all of the big car features, including a quick change-over from • tolid-cop coupe to a 'convertible roadster b}' means of a hinged top that folds into the back compartment of the car. Priced tO sell for less than . $1.000. the car is under production in Bufalo, N. Y., and It may be stated in general that the functions of c«lcium and mag- nesium Ln combination with phos- phates are chiefly concerned with the formation of the mineral framework of bone. Sodium and ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;~~ · company officials aie now oo the West Coat inspeaing sitcS · Jor a local assembly plant. The car represents ten years of 1 eogioeering research and delivers some of the 1D01C ouanwdioa I .,moan•nm of any of the presem day models. potaalum are the principal min- erala In the other body tissues ·and body fluids. Met.la la tu Body Certain metallic elements, in· cud.Ina thole of COPW?', zinc, and manaenese, enter into union with the proteJn molecules of various emymes; and thll Wlion is essenti· al for the eiµymic function of the protetm. Tlaue cella, excluding bone, and red blood otl1a contain chiefly pot· uaium and phosphate~ while body ~-----------------------. nUld8 are relatively rich in aodiurn How About -YOllr ·ELECTRIC WIRING? S. E. BRIGGS Electric Contractor as rwwt1-DPtb Stzeet x ....... ... ....... 18GI-. and chlorine. Deadftldee Our foods today are frequently deftdent In vital mlnerala, the rea· IOD betna that IOils are beiq more and more depleted of mlnerala, due to Improper crop rotation and too frequent c:ropl. 1be adnea tablets on the mar- at today, to ~t tbe ~ tlder;y, oaata!n only a few ot the emential mlnera1a; and these are l)'Dtbett~ The ideal supplement would be, at course, a natural min- eral CIOlllblnation contalntng all the eaential e 1 em en ta. Laboratory wcrk In this field • beina done; but notbtns ha yet re9Cbed the market. Mbana ta a Jeedtnc mlnfnc amte. I&~ mlnfnc products ._ ____________________ _. .. CClllPl',.aold ad lllwr. Plumbing and Heating & F I x T u R E s Sam Kin sf at her 619 &st Bay Avenue l!DU DIP D omee ae w ....•• 1171 , . .. • • - -PICIDRIAL . BALBOA BLADE CBINBSB COMMUNISTS' GOAJ-TbJa bu11 power station ID Punebun, Mancburta, wbteb suppllea all lnduatrlea lD tbat City and In Mukden. II main obJeettve of tbe Commuolatl ln tbe Natlonaltat-CommunlJt strife &Iona Cb.lna'a Wide -unknown front." Fucbun baa the largeat open-ptt co&! mine tn tbe world. o11 reflDerS• and ateel m1lla. GOOD EARTH Article 1:-10 PREPARE FOR A GOOD LAWN . By CECIL SOLLY ft.la .. *'-tint ., • --., utWe9 -.-al ......... WTutea ~ .... ......_., , ... , .... ..,...._ -CIDCIL 80U.Y. We Wlrn ......... wll1 n.I th.-~ ... ...u.w. ... ...,... CSCIL 80LLY ILM 11191 ,_,.. •f ft· ~ ~ ... pr..::ta.J ...... ...... ~ ... WT..__ .... '°Pie&. Hie ..... la.~ ... ...... ..... ........... .. .,.,, ...... ... ...... ., prNellta&Me la ........ ... taf...U Uaat u.o ............. ..,.... .. u.i. .upua1 ... ...a.-, ,...... ~ bi. lafl.-ee. . ' The one and only secret in the planting of a good lawn is the method by which it ls prepared. It does not matter bow careful you are in the selection of the right kinds of grass seed. You can pay a high price for perfect weed-free grass seed mixtures, but they CANNOT produce a good turf it the soil ls not first properly prepared. Grass roots should be able to penetrate EASILY into the soil to a depth of &ix inches. For them to penetrate easily It la necessary to \!repe.re a perfect soil medium. Prepertn,c tbe 8oU: There are two thinp that fr esh soil mut have ln the ini- tial preparation. They are lnam- us and air. They are both equal- ly important and equally neces- sary. To provide the latter-a.Ir -the soil should be cultivated at frequent interval.I to allow the air, sun, rain, wind and other natural elements to work their magic by promoting the erowth and multiplication of the hel~ ful soil bacteria, without which no soil can be fertile en~h to grow good grass. After the s0il has been proper- ly leveled many gardners plant a crop of potatoes or corn on the area. The crop ls generally only fair but the soil ii greatly benefl ted and. after a couple at years, Its condition .b much im- proved. A much better method ls to plant one or more pee. maaare crops. The system la simple. A suitable and inexpensive crop la grown, when it ii thick and heavy, it .b ~ded into the IOU.. where it will decompose and pro- vide many tom of valuable hu- mus which ls neoeaary for tM production ot a &ood 11'811 turf. A third and much quicker· method 11 to procure peat mom. black peat soa leaf mold or rotted manure. Spread lt thickJy -two or three inchea deep-and !'pade lt in. Applytq Peat •-: Of all the matmala that an available, the only one wblch Is quite weed-free a D d al'waJs available for Immediate UM ta peat moa (sphapum). After the exiatinc IOl1 bis been worked and Jll'Ope!')y lewl- ed. the peat mom ""'old t. spread (wet) Oftl' tbe .._ to a depth of three tnc:t.a It tben abould be "' ~-)l Ml 1£1> • with the soil to a depth of at leut alx inches . Spadin1 and cultivating are both method.a of ten used. but when this work .b done the peat moss must neither be left on top nor turned underneath. It mut be mbecl thoroughly. One of the beat ways to do thia is to hire a ROTOTILLER. An ordinary-1ized lawn only takea a couple of hours to cover properly a n d this Rototiller method la the beat and quickest method of mlxinr the peat mou and the soil. 'Plant food should be spread over the peat moa IO that it may alto be thoroughly inoor- pora ted ln the top 1ixe inches of the soil. It .b neceaa.ry to uae a suf- ficient app]ioatlon of &J"Bll plant food on two separate occasions: 0) When tbe peat nxm and soil are properly mixed at the time the seed bed la p-epered -1 pound to each 251quare feet. (2) A.a IOOD U the IJ'UI plants commence tb p-ow-even before the erau .b cut-1 pound to each 50 1quare feet. PROfERLY BLENDED plant foodl att ablOlut.ely neoeaa.ry TllA.N&S, AMEBICA:-Refu- geea and OPa.-tbe "Delayed PUgrtm.s" of '47-have even more reason to be tbant r131. to A m e r l c a than tbelf .. Mayflower• predeceasora Ulree centuries ago, accord- lnl to Dr. Victor F. Besa. renowned eospitc-ray expert of Fordham Un1Yerstty and former refugee. He urae.a newcomers to torget tbelr put. we. learn Bn1llah. and become fa m l l l a r wltb Amencan t.nat!tut.lona and euatoma. to supplement what .. available BISHOP l'Dl'l.'W co•ce from the toil. Your favorite Ul\r.r.1'1 ft brand of commercial lawn fer-·------------tilizer ahould be spread over the whole area at the rate of one pound to e a c b twenty-five aqua.re feet about four weeks be- fore the seed 11 planted. It ahould be scattered evenly and raked into the IUl'face soil. Since the moet important function of aupplyin& plant toodl to the crau 11 to produce • healthy sturdy plant. with plen- ty of stron& roots, all the necee- aary food elements must be in· eluded in any fertilizer \lied. Grau root.a are continually be- in& replaced. U there la not ~nough of the neceaary ele- ments to do thta. an inferior root arowth 1'111 be the lnevltable result. Poor roota spell poor arua tn a abort time, '° plan to feed UM roota by the UN of a properly balanced plant food which contalna every one of the neoeaary tftlnenta In tbeJr cor- rect .~ Two matertala that will sratb' ullat the fertmty of the IOO ve llme and cbarcoaL Both of them will do their part In ~ 1nl the IOil "sftet." If mmd deeply when the lfO'DICl la pre. i-red-The eharC091 ..... detrt- mmtal eon Kida and thua ... mta the plant foodl to c1o a bet-:=.'° oi*.....-.-:t;.=.: ~:: ur jGI> ol pluat feedlna Oftft , .._ ., ....,,,_., JnaMntkm&. loaser period. The nm. Wiil not on& pro. ll'UI plants. but will ai.o re- 'vlde DIC 111 R'J eaJdulia far 1CJ11 Jeue many other plant foodl ..,.._ and ,_.... tile that an pw9mt tn the IClil DBBBY raosr.,., -ca.tumet l'ann'• two-Je&l"-olcs colt. ettauon. 11 belns led to bll atall at ma•eab bJ aroom .nmm1 Knowle.a after arrt.ing trom tbe northland. Tbe neei-tootecl colt II t.be favorite ln tbe KentuctJ DerbJ winter book. DB. BASIL H. PETERSON, director of Oranp CoMt Jmdor collep and prMldent of tbe Callfornla Jlbllor Collep aMOCl&Uon. dlaeal•• t.be ftlture of alate janlor coner-wttll Dr. Oeorp D. Strayer, eoa- aaltant, committee oa u.e· needa of blclter edacatlon In Callfonda; Dr. Aubrey A. DoqlMe, u.oelate atate mperlntendent of public la- atrucUon. and T. Stanley Warba.rton. prMldeat of the Soot.bern Cali- fornia Junior ()ollep HIOelaUon and mperlnt.encleat of Fallertoa . Ualon RIP Sdlool aacl Janlor eoOep, at tile umaal fall meeUac ot tbe atat.e ueoclaUoD Jut week ID Balrenfleld. Balboa Cleaner ·s 605 E. Central Balboa I Irvin Geo. Gordon & Son GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1111 West Central Avenue . Phone Har. 721 Newport Beach •T WQNQBR -Perruccto Burco, elgbt-year-old Italian mche8tra conductor, la considered so good that hJa name b being mentioned wttb M~'a. After successfully conduct- Jns a performance of "'Caullerta Rusttcana" at the Scala ln Milan, be la currently In Par1a U> lead the celebrated °Con-cena Colonne," and baa been ottered many new contract.a. . . Kormom 1n the state ot Utah• In 1890 Yosemite, Sequoia and 'tNft the tint Anglo-Saxons to General Grant national parks were pnctice iniption on a large scale, established in Callf om.ia. 'lbe United States is the world's Practically every bask metal ls leading producer of manufactured deposited within the borders ot the iooda. . United States. • = Veteru Owwl wt OpenW-A. L Doeebarc ~ w 0 gJ,J. 8/cop : .. 0 <> Aa'O v ........ -Aero Wbldow Slladel B ~ Ldwood 8aD SllMrr Trwparmt Slladel I 51% TWEN'l'Y-NIN'l'll 8T. A . ' 8 o Newport Beach, OallforaJa 1f • Milady's Natural Charm & Beauty Enhanced by the Magic M ethocls ol CARMEN AND STAFF ~ Moden ller'flce for Pace ... Bair Tree&ment Solt Water Uled Exclulvely Open Satunlay AD Day ~ Appobltmmta for Permwata Phone II.arbor 811 Oceu Front at the Pier PASTRIES Your Choicest Bakery Favorites FLOREICE BAKERY JmUR8: I L llL to 6 p. m. Dllll)' ..... .... JM KINPOLK'l ITO&Y- FJorence StneDIOn, tbe 11- year-old niece ot Boben Lowa SteveD10n, bu been atcned to play a role tn the m(>Tte, "Adventure In 811"1'- ado Squatters." MJaa Steven- son t.s a resident or Mar Vlata, near Santa Monica. CalUornta. BULLY PEBFORMANCB - What Snoopy, a ftve-year- old Boston bulldog owned by Mrs. Nell Snyder Of Fort Worth, Tex., can do to a piano solo can't be dupU- cated by man or woman. Pawing at the keyboard better than most would-be mtuosos, he vocalizel, too. And at thts, he's realJ7 a bowu.n, aucceaa. YOU .MayBe~a GOOD' PICTURE * **~ Trade in Your Camera on a NEW MODEL HaYs Camera Exchange v~ L. a.r. Jr. 507 E. Central Avenue Balboa "II il's pholographic, we have ii" STARLIN~ When Danny Thomas sings his first song on the screen, "What'll I Do?" in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's "The Big Oty," it will be with an asslst from the song's f arnous com- poser, Irving Berlin, himself. Fol- lowing Berlin's return from New York thts week, to resume prep. ara tions for the filming as the asaociate of Producer Arthur Freed throughout the iroduction of "Easter Parade," Thomas called him to ask in what style he thought the song should be 1ung. Berlin countered with a proposal to sing it for Danny just as it was originally done in New York sev- eral years ago, and then coach him on the lyrics before Thomu is scheduled to record it for the picture. barber and Frank Austin as the crackpot politician, for Frank Cap. ra'1 "State of the Union," starring Spencer Tracy. Katherine Hep. burn, Van Johnson, Adolph and Angela Lanlbury. Their role. call for them to interrup Tracy1 love acenea in the Liberty Filml production for MGM -*-It will be a "white Chriatma.s" for Lana Turner this year. The 1tar . wired Metro-Gold- wyn.Mayer from New York asking the studio to make reservations for herself, mother, baby daughter Cheryl Christine and nune ,at Sun Valley. · Even though the actress bu sev- eral snow scenes in ·,.eus n.tnber- lane ," this will be her first such real-life experience since her in· fancy. -*-Attention is beinl diverted from Edmund Gwenn ha.I left for a the stars at Metro-Goldwyn.May-two-week vacation at Soboba Hot er t:>y the elements in recent pie-Springs. Since starting his starring tyres. An -earthquake and tidal-r o l e in Metro-eoldwyn-Mayer's wave were highlighted in "Green "Master of Lassie" on a High Dolphin Street," a cloudburst Sierras location six weeks ago, the plays an important part in making veteran actor hu been before the life mi5ttable' for Robert Taylor cameras every day. The picture, in "High Wall," and a blizzard of not yet completed, is awaiting the unusual proportions took the spot-complete recuperation ot Donald Ught during the filming of "Mas-Crisp, who recently underwent a ter of Lassie." For his storm major operation. The racing term "furlong" (one-scenes in the lut named picture, --* - eighth of a mile) originally ·meant Director Fred Wilcox outfitted Marissa O'Brien, Margattt o·. "furrow-long." According to the his entire ~ew with special gog-Brien's aunt. hu arrived in Holly- Encyclopaedia Britannica. the fur-gles, hunting caps, mutts and wood for a brief vacation with long represented th e distance mouth guards, to protect them Margaret following a highly suc- whJch oxen could conveniently ~.rom ~e awirlin;g H o 11 Y w o o d cessful season of summer stock in plowman could keep a fairly snow. A speoal hood likewise the east. She expects to return to straight line. This measurement ix:c>tected the Technicolor camera, New York in two weeks ahe re-w~ used by the primitive Celtic with. only the picture's cast. in-vealed while watchlng h~ famous tribes of Britain, who divided their eluding LaasJe. Edmund Gwenn, niece in soenes in Metro-Goldwyn- tields into strips. each a furlana Tom Drake and Janet Leigh, ex-Mayer's ·-n.e Big City." in length, and . allot~ five strips posed to the man-made storm. _ * _ to each free tribesman. .--tf -Director George Sidney leaves Lew Smith, who for the put ten within a Wffk to scout location years haa served u Clark Gable's aJtea for '-ille Three Musketeers." Vallely BoM Bmiall stan~-in. hu become one ot Holly-Metro-Goldwyn·Mayer's forthcom- New U-Drlve Motor Boat& wood 8 trplle threat combinations. ing production ot the famous clas· ... ~.rs·a, •-c-... ... , .. 'Aa9W1'7h a -·a a a _. ............ ..... The Arches Cafe • Steak ud Chicken Dinnen • Cocktail Loanse ~10a.am1a.-. • .. ,, .......... a... .... •&wNill ••m He has been signed to write, direct sic. Sidney will vtait several North· a.nd produce a series of rommerdal ern California spot. and will make f ilma. own color record of trip wt th his Smith, who hu enacted small 16-mm. camera. roles ln a number of Bable'• films, ~ ..A.. ~ headed for San Fran'cl8co u IOOn H as Gable completed his role in Pandro S. Berman, M-G-M pro- "Homecominc.. ducer ts in Palm Sprtnp tor 8 The ~ fllma will be week's work on the ICript of -nte made in the Golden Gate city Three MUlketeen," Techsnlcolor _..A...-· feature of hi. production 9Cbedule. H New film, with all~tar cut. goes Tom Ped.I ha.I been cut u the before camera January 2 . GOHN'S BA 11 ERY SERVICE Ult 0... ...... .,. -Jfcwpcd Br 1111 ememn UAOOtf LUfDDfO TI JI Fiia e •it• .au, mw au• •-..A• • llJJIK Mi 1$ * .... I ft a1 T F 1a -Alllrl .. I tgz;a 8 mt•W