HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-18 - Newport Balboa News Times. .. ( CENTRAL 'AVE·.; I . l ~ov~~ENr. ~ACKSnT Hf'~rt .~. KMD)', for )"t'an. rllaJm1an of tfw> hlP"•Y a.ad 1•tM·" t'A•I lo AharlMSo •IN'01, Jor IJ"lh'"trl~n .,.•nk4." ... f~: "' c .. ntrnl ._,,.pu1• h••l\\,..•n .\haradu and 8 .-t rttt. (6J l n.,tall 1•m a 10--nlal lli:hlluK fnm1 ~1..a·111l1l1'l1 11••'\' to Al-" • 'tran,.1•orlntlon rommltt4"f' of IN ~""l'°rl Ual'ftor <-1'ambfor tlf prol4\:'·tlnn for ll11hllnK •llul(hrd... · ( ·urn11,..r1•. tod10 uriced publh' ba;•klni: ot thf' J•90puooed ltu,ron·-~ . • 111,.11t ul t 'f'ntraaJ an•nu... · • ('.!), .-rru " 1t1 .. ''""'"' .. 1ri11 to 11 l nlnl "lltth "' '!O ·l··~I. In• .. 1.a11 rur on hoth .. 1d,... of tbf> .. 1rll', uu1I 1·11nf11lt•k 1111• j'a\ 1111: ul 1 Thr 11rojH't IN'fllJOft to: tlw t"o :tu-foot roe.Cl"•)"· ( 11 ln11tall """ c·urti. and ~ldt-r -.. ldf'\\alk' from ~·t•add .. u (!lJ K«-tttM·rth<· .11n· ... ·nt 1t•m11<1rur~ I""""'""' In lh•· ... ·nt .. r ~ ~ 111 Hp<l1rl1<1•1'. tJw pr.....,·111 ,,.,.t'd roadwa~ "llh b..__..h>J> k\ \ anulu ,.,,.. ... ,. ordl'r !P lnukt .. an ''"'"· "111io th 1wu· .. nient for it'C'-r nllr•• "ldtl\,111 · \1 l ""•"••'"-""o *'"''' l"'"'tlinc 11lu1t" and 1·l'rtli.ln mal•• 111,. !Hfi-.. nf trufflt" ' · \\IH1 n1•\\ 111 .. 111ll11tl11ll llm· h"'""' 1h,. ""'· r.111 r..r \\hk·h lll\,lf'rtal ., -(:11 "4•1111&(· .. th .... uad nt«f In ttt.. t'f'fltf'r .. 1r1., "Ith 'l'!J.1 .. ,11 h• rou,ld not be-~ul"NI "tw-n ""'k " ... dt>cw 11n1l1•r """ ""'""' .._--. P"'f>1tr•tlOn for 1•~•"lh1a: and lnnd ... ·aplna: and to hn·•k thf' 11., •• ,,, ~ \n,.nt a 1·oupko of ~-;;;. aco. urwominic lr•ffl..,' • on ttw t1r.-.,..nl•tlo11 •if .... 11 .. • I I '.•111 11111.·d ..,, l '.1i.:•" 4) I i ABC • 0 ~LY NEW IN OR~NG~ GO'A6T'S L ~R~,EST C ITY T=oda=)= ••• =.=;. =A .M== ••• =P=.8=.T. State Tax , Officers . ' ·0ow .loaM Anragee , .... -...... ·--La.. -k iti.. l 11tl·1•I 1 lod' lli'i ;I';' Ill' H.1~1, -l!i >-Ii UI' ,., ... ,.... 11•11i llt• .\~ \'ul111111 foUttM ~I ,)I 111 , , , . ·0%·.C--t 7 S.-l~I lld on l'A«f' l"mrr I ~ .feat,d .P,rachute :.i..-n-. UI l•i:1~l 1111ro• \\/\.' tax , .'• , .. 1 , • "' •· 1hh 111ui ,,, the 11 t ·"' "'' '!• • t \• .. • 11. I I• I •• '}' l1'1;j:_..)\." c1 ... I• ,;1 d , r .... t•1 J11 ,\. '1•1·· ='• '' in lilt• I .. t \u 11 U !lit It•\\• I th1U"-t• I I J H .......... ._ ,.,.....,., rf -.,, ;;H\ F.trl \\ .11 t• u ••• .t , I ... 11 ""''"U\l\1\1 ... , .... I ' 1111 '•fl .1, tit 11i 11ut ,0 11 th,· I '\.I"' "-I ,,, 1 ,, I 111 "' f r1 I fl, ht' ~ • I• tfl•f I"" I IU• l)Ur"r 1\1t l 11i._' '"' ....... ~···' ,,,,.~,;t ,. 1 ",,, I t h .... lh11 I• it t\'t -d I t • lf'f '" t • t• 1 HU "'' tl\l tt 1n n so I" I'd I \\' I Ill llW ,,,.., " t. tt .. -, •• ,. 11111 t:..a: 11 ' ''"I 'I Ii t I\ ,,, !11· ·~· l•'Jlllh- ' , ''" ,,, it . '''1111Lb • ..iw.....,,...,1&--=---I ' I \\ ''I 1 u l1u1tt1 ... t I H' lt•ll ' ,1,u td '~ " ~ ... t ,, t;. '"' 1 ., I \11 Utt\Y. hu t p._.,,,,.i , .. , tlt1 t-d11c fa.u1 \ \ \ \ .. .. .. -: ,. . .. //. ; , Jlidg~~ ·.Ga·· er ~irst . ~andidcite In / . . / --. ,. . . orang.e County ,Ele~t1ons -. ~ -T _,. I > j 7. . -'1• t NEwPoaT..-::llALBoA N~w.s-l'u1.1es .'l 1 !a:.·1•..1-....... Y-0ung Girl Held · T Hl'M D1f\' s~wj1ort f\l'~·l\.(.'aut. \lafrh Iii. 11'11'~ .. ,,. V.~I. ~I, • 1 • -- . • 1 ( a11t1ve 1n Shack Since ( htldhood .... ..,Collaps_es Under . FRONT 500. f ouples >4 Paie2 By I ·1 11~ \'\1,I I.I .. \I 11 lit Ill""" "'' IOt•I~ .~trOkt• or 'a'' J\\, t hit 1 .', '•••fl''t l' \\•H J t U111TI• ''° 4.,(a .... , t 'l.t\t} 'ttlcl . · I :--"' ,,,.1 \I,.-, .. 11 •• l'l ••fll··tt sh •• , ~··. _i.: .. 1 1 .. ,,,,, ''''" 1mr,_,.. .. ,,. .. 1·,·, ••. ~. \l1· IHJ1 .... ""'' •• n.i •he 1w:. HdLLYWOOD G . w·11 M k p ~ s IFUes .-Papers; to -. e~tus 1 ~ e "ar1s t~eet . . . I Run for Superior Co~ne~ ~k Lt~~ Y ank~e Stadium. Court Bench I UJLLH\µLJ.I~ ;\l .. r I~ ---vµ1 ,.Y. lwr .. tlw f'f)Nlf"Ct-h • ...-f f'n R11i!Slltn ~ - ·. '1111lh1~1•lfl .l(«°rllll>-kn1o~ no 1,1» 11 11h •lll'1~I 1111~klr h,UJ!d Rillie Sup••rinr Ju~t· ~O;l><'r~ Gardner, i. .. 11n1J, .:r 111l.1,1 \1 1• .:111; ~1111 1.1 ,.,,,_ l(urh 11 11<1 1.011 1;1 hni,: ·rn for •11 who wns fir~t In f1lt• fl111 d eclar a· -2---N--D-.----_-.< 1Dance Floor ' . p A G .E \l.11 IL 1 l'I'• _.... 1· c'lll1',\t;(1 - E'·A·R·L·Y N -~E· ~ W • S I II. ... J• 11 'fl • ' J I • .,., I .,, • ' .. rl 1\ .... ''·I f • 1•1"'• f1 1r • h• t't•tl q,.., WALLY I' G ER HARDT·' . I '"( nt11t-'1•, ''"··: 'J' ' l" 1 .. 110' tu j 1.1·,11, ri I 1 11:1 qfl\\t d n1uthrrl'\ 1t.u din•, r 11 ,dd•' ""'' • • '}'•~ ... ,,,.,1, "111•1 turt h 1 I I di •tojl f • f11 \\t ft! ,;, lfl,.. ,h,.1Ck h4 · ' f.\•fll• ••'rt •r ''"\''' f ft , , id 1 \,, 11 t •1 r•"'ttauran• '---------------~ I• Iii• I \\ hll'• ftll'.V \\1 1h' 1tlS ha m -•J1,l!'I; lion Of+ l':itldtd1tC}', !'OIC'rt.'d lu!I 1111 1 111,\l.111• 1 1···"'' ... ir, ... , cu1 ' ,\ C't 'Ull· lll•i•tl .iht· f'v~L :-;l!!d.. 1111m111111 111n p ;111Prs ···):•~11·rday GI Told He '; ·Can· Stay-i~ · Waldod-Kstori~ I 11J ,. ~f lf!I I tf•Mlf \\h•,.&J,, f11 lJ i\, 11~· ·p·i'"\.•111 ... ,,,,•, .,1 t1r'q11 ~.: ~1 J•,· I ,\ t I /\ , i •t \\n11 ''l '' ,, ..... 1 ··~I '11 ti 1 , 11, t• t t ,,. I ' r .. I ,., ... '! 1 ·v ( l 'l11•11l11l•!1 ~ '"'' '"''"'" 1hl" 1 J1'U d h 0 ' ~ r\ \f it •1 1•4 h 11 I . •1 ' \ l11 d1 '• 11 r 1 ... 1 1h1• \.\'Uml·n Ot1 1"'1111 . 1·••\• I ··1•f 1 .. 1111.i :.7 ... 11 ~_..1,1m ~·I"'~,, ~··· 111111.: 1ti1• \\'ay11,. 1 \1 , .. ,, I 'J''"'11l••t'. I I•·'" h f11' IJI t•l1 IM1\ I "'•·I -J \\ 1• ,,, h t-.iu I• 1 I ~, ,f ,1 '' 1 '"'i•ttf '\Hrttl• rtnl( th, l 1)1 11:, •, JO'' II• I 111 l1'1d ()U1ic·1 I "" 1\ '"'' t, 111 1'.• •,.:.;.i..nk , ' f l ". •• ,, .. I •• Iii lilt !o{)lnSh·r, \\h111 .1tl\•ll• ••·I'•• .. It • .Hl 1 l{h1 I·· r ... ,,l\••I lh•.tft•n un,t > I ·••". • 1·1.<1 1o '1 ·i.·111 11'11· ')•·at~ ... ~us~ r•1~f jf\ .... ,~fl11 \U'llfn.Ult Ofl,l•tf '11'~ l itf11'fl1••lt'\\1'-1Ht1•t1f ll"f•• 1 1 \1 \ 1}11!1i•d ..,h, \\,,'t "prO(t•('I ' .. \h, f tf\'1 lltlf\' J.t. ('h1t.1~··· 1" '"•=~' l••li•• It uul hl lt.1 1\\••' I. I 11 '11 •11~ i...1111 t~ o • ~F,\\' Yt"'IHK .• '1A~<11 )'ti 11 11ol1 1"!1 11""1 1111h !"' fllJ•I •• 11<1 .I .. ~· 1•111 ..... 1...:.. .... . 'j ""' l'"' ,, II• '1•111•1 • 1~ suggl.'11· l\,.-111t11t•il l1t1>l•I 1 ·IJol~oll1•1td•I 11"•11 •lt.1•1\I~-~ \11111 1"11\1\ 1~1 1 \, tlu 1 II•!• :l"llJI 10 h.•O\'(' H1P1-JU.•h.,_1d l::.i.rl < v'I(, th•• l."1·1 l•.Jirl. t • .. wnt'!I I ll•~ il1·p11r1n11•n1 . _ _,, 1 ,1 tl 1r; r 1 .. 1 'I,, .. 1:"' '' 1o·A1l-. 111 1h., trunk J ... 11 r 1 • 1 •11• •• • .• _, h u .......... , ... c, h, l\\11 I.Ji • . ·--• G who muv .. ., '' 11n11 Y 111 " •' 1~1 .. 1111 , ,,1111 1111 .,,,· .. ~qi.:.trro •n 11 11 1 11 'IT1• 1• 1 .. 1111ol\l 1•• 1111i-11111rc: 1na1d1• Woldorf·A~1111 111 ·l1.ot•·I h4•t'1'14'<' 111·.:,,.111.i .• ,i., I•• lf1'11•1min·· wl.!J•Jll1•r 1'"1'11'k'1 •l!r• ~I 1 11111'J1""11'.: ,~1., 1' 1-;\II\• 1•11..,.m .. 11· lolrl police t b111 • • -' t· \\ ~ • '1,lf \\t I'•• • 11 tit f,....'1"' 't f lt a>Ullln I i:• 1 a•11oq11.11r ll•UMni:. 11 , 1r .. t "" ot flt••r 1h111c ... h.111 \\ l1<·n · • 1 1 1 1 IX 11 th• ·It• 11 11• I .:11 I l111d l""'" takf'n told tod1<y lhnt !ht•\ l'(ou(d ~.It~' th~' ('pnna11i;:lt11111'11' "~totl• J 'ltlh ~Ill ll\Ul ll' ''1~, <f)~ I l"llllt '1 loo 'oll'llf\°'1 '''1111• I ft W days ago t h.• SI 1 •· -' r ""' 11• ' 11•·•1•1 11• • '' .n , "' ·••· "" n I 1'1~ -'" 11 "11> ' ' s•ttm• .. r1 ·'1 1lw 1l11nc-1· hnfi m "r 1 ,1 1, 1 1 . ., I '11111'•· ,-,ut 11.,. lh.'fchel <>irl o(j it '• "'1r) '~II' It ro " k>fit( AS. thC') \lollOlt · . 1h11n Ille• l"l!a l numl,.•r_ of rl(•r son1' .. 0 . 1·11111!1 h111dh· \\1tlk llnd ha d dif· W11ldo~r oHtc-11.t~ udal,.fi. h ·---MIJ'\ c·11""Y and M1~~ \'••Jl,c cl• lw11lt ) t.ilk111i.: evl'r, th31 lho ) ,. 1,,-Clr'(I hl 1u "\I.BOA HPf'.F.Dl:ll r 1 l~I•: I hotFl!I"' -~11· .. r I 11ol11114 ~ f>prk4ru 98111 pay h11 bill ju.ct ltkt• Rn) o hr·r· All chr• •· 11f 1111• <1 ll1·i.:1<tl 1•r~11t1-•h•· 1·1111111"'1 11111 rl111:s. 30 CBJWd -I'-I-' R~-"-"<'her 8°11lhoa I I 1·1 -l'K"'l· ..... n" ,.... pvu · ,.,_ "~·11· Ihm ,1111 r 11 I} I• 1 lunl' ~• 1o1 ol 1.lls,si11d silt eu1nC'11 '"niat'• eJI rlk"ITI ." Co11 rl'pl11'<1 drh'l'r, Wlls crtrd hl',, ~11<1' la~:, rlR.lm•·cl lh•· "l'~lll'l1 ll1.zja?t f• 11111 .. 1 (lo..-:' In 1t;';" oJ,11c-l< Old clotht'll. "'l'm good for my 8hor c 'anrl I'm nri.:ht for !IJ)f'l>fllnlt .j.;o In lh•· ··,1.:orbHi.:•. ' T rl1•l11i• 11n1l,..hat.(s n( lrallh lltl<'rt•d llUrt' MRyor U'D"''}'<'r I• good tot 7nno-itl llllh and '""nlul •n11.ltw»1 · M1~' 1·1·"' > .11111 :-.t r,, \'1II1 <f, •I.· 11vn ,\II 11w 1·hll{!_rl'n hlld Illa." ~ou<'h•·r wus ulso 1;t'1•n :L ric11111111 ni.-rt 1111. 11;.,.1"''''"'" • .; 110 - \\ hi\.\ ""'Ut:t:• ... 1on<11 J \\ HUld ,\ u .. P t d\• I•• hniu 11\ ,. I h 1· Ym ... H·r '' t••·k , 1 t•' 1 ,,t,•'u tu '• i.l pul"t ll"rl1hr .' I i.. I k h ... k . ' d Ir .• -.. f\\'..i'dnt"'cla) I Ill :.UC<'<'>-cl h1mi1t'I! n• r uu • .~ t ... 1 Hn f"f• ~ta 1um ,, hu·h tTu,.. .... ,,s tt, :-;1•1n, •ri\'t•r lu~h 11 II 111 th<' 11rr1r1• Ill \\ h1ch Gov .• \\~Rr-111 l« 111nx. I • 111111i:h l11r 1C loJ IJll"" ·" lht• l\nons . • • . . , \\ h1•11 fo 1 111k ~, 111• ··•·I• lhrnu•·lr 1• .... ._. k (' • . • ··n u11p111111c•d tum as t nhforn1a I ' · " " • ·.-:prPSS 1111 ·'"'' ,,,, 1l) s 1111t•r-· .• \ '1 1lf:l1\I \'\ \II• Jl'•~I • I•" II" .. , tt.:li• I 1 h·· < ·11.111111"· 1 .I~",., '' 111 J1;•. 1 h.. 1• •r<otikh ~nu•ul 1r·.in~i r • · 11111n~w~1 h1r.:h·rour1 Jui 1st. •'••111"r Ill H111 r · 11 I 11\h' ano ~; ... , Ill' thus h••rnnw '\lie; (frsl ,cnn· ~ 1·7 I h ~. h \ P an,1:1n 111, ... s 'h"fJ i:111 o n1•1\• ct uhC<' for <'l1Un1' <T!fl<'f' to COl)'l· t i 1 I l <It•• t. I (• !'11'" t 11pp1vi1C . .1 l ' J) , ' J I y k I C~oo1t 11f J1.11n1 a nu l<'('ame n-fll••lP i hi' c-/'r11f1catfon which will '" ' 0 \lt1.' 1,.·nph •1••lt ..-.4~ 1l' 1 ,,. '111 11' 1·•fll!Olfl mrito',.. >1h0<• ~1un1· parlor "L<•s. ' ' ~·J · · I , · 1111 1 11 ''I" .11 . 1 I 111.1111"~' fr;>-~ ti 11 111! ltl11; pnn1s and , ' • .. • · · Joll1 ht" 11111111• "" ~h<' \:IP<' l pr · ' · "~ • 1•1111t s P11rl1111t<'rlf' ts h<•<'rnnmr lo · . · 1-·1i lltillot 1 , 'I" 11.i 11t11' 111111• !•11 1 t.1• l11ll'k Int , 1( f~ .. .. , . "· ., 1 111.ir~ ercc o n · 1 ·; • 11il1kliK1• "wk~ sm•ikt·r poo · L•'l<I' '·"' 1111111 I'"''' •l ull111 JI' tht" k1111I 11f 11rn1d<' 111118<'!'~ )adi•·~ iniihod.. R~cklnr.: .his <'11m.pal1t!1 hy way 11 llall• .. • '''"" lt111·u-·1•04·us that "·'''" mu\'tt-""\'. d d .1 k h 1 l do of iou:nrnr.: l11s nom1n1111on popeN • • , . r n 11011 " a o · I 1.1 t'. Ill" lo•r It 111111;111• hu111lr I"" .. 111 thou~and." or I 11 llh I hilt Fn•nch o~ra hOUS(' for ll('f(• a cot.f'rie or ('l\'IC. bus l'K'SI • 1 , ,. k 11 .• ~ ,;ml d11llotr~ 1., '1"·1111 "' n •fd rlt11mnnl1• h 1,, S 1 . . d .. 1~ 1 1 ., 1 and profrssronnl h·adt'rs of t he en· IJ I Is 11 \\ v1 '· · ~ us ""'1 • >U . ..,o r · t '"'"I.<' • mor" will •·-t 11 1 I I•• ,\I t•k 11.1111 l•F"i"• uu· I ,. 1:11111uur l!il ·l h11~. wilh ·,. tt>nl'il and a.ftl'r a 11n• ('()Ull }' • ....,,, .n 5 . ... ·"';- l1tll rn t•r<h,r to 11111 all th·· slurho 1•111plt1yl'S who r ~.. II I I lk"d 0 S"IV,,. ('OtlW /lJS t'OlllnllltC'•'mt•n In thi;-11 .. 1•\\' ullCK t-N \l\C a ,. Ur""-"'.;, . • 4',, m 11k1· •• (t 11 nds r • 1111·rnl><·r tlrori1\i.Q._g 1r1 a l rill' n ·al f' b ttd' . 1 lhe r!'SPf'C11\'<' c1111·~ nnd .. ,mmur\ltll'!I, It n ti ~I"'"'' ii F ot111u .. 1's SldC'W:tl~ <'<if·· tn-Pan .. : 1·;::n~ .~.~tr~'~;.~, ()~ ~;~k~: 0 sra-n:; volun1"<'r ori;:1tniz;ttlons for hi1 1i ... t11 hful !'l'I ,•n fnr a quwk !Ir ink an • hani.:1111: d .. l'lt•I.:) ion arc formed. • .:, , 1l.o1} ~ rc·li•l!lnl( n1 a.round and sadly rrm1n1sriog as 1~~;,. F an<'}' staircnse whl'r<' Ln l p o nald I>.'. I lllrwood. Santa Ana =--' 11.,. hnrwh It l !;ylns J:<!<'!I 10 work. -1~ d B n~··"" swent 111tnriu-v wuh who m Car dnet ' • • •(·rgman un oyl'r '""'-" • ~ 1 · "111 1.. l"'"'lol1· l11r u>. lu r1•nt•w Tlwy hlllc to ~•·P 11 lurrt down thi . t h 11 Is In the prnC'tlcc.·d 1!1w before Gov. War· "" 11 1111111111 tli.1t B.rllwia I.; 1h .. R1·m1nds 'cm of Pllris in thr 5{>rin1: '"' ngs fo .. <:_RC .0 0 ,.1<'3r <'Ut do··~ ~,l•n's appoi'ntmcnt Wll.8 mad<', wfll ood Id d r proet'l!s !'I 1.><·com1 ... • -.. I G d paJ it ~ '"'' r .. ,.,1 .. r :'11t1ll11·~n \;ilaf11r-m 1he "1 o ays. . • \how ens<' for µastraml and beet manai;e the ar ner cam gn, 111.1 ,\ .. u ~1•11.!1-111 .,f hnf' 1;f 1h" nu1 Sylm ts a sort o ( .. <:Jnl'ma 1 bt was announ<'t'<f. 1111:11 "h••tl~ I fr·• I 1h11i 1hl' 1mr · <'Ynlc. T o him ·' !lln•c•t !'Ornrr. •~ "'~~J'~t'onomy Hollywood · s ty le.j 1'h.: 30 promlnent ' lead<'rs w ho , 111~ ,h,1111<1 1o11J uq 111 1'l11nninc: v•ir 11 ~1rer1 rnrn•·r .Jw11 ~opu•U1111~ I \id the rwuomi:rs will fle\'<'r 11)J:ned--Judge Cnrdnl'r's n omlna· I ,,,,, 1 w .... k 1tn1I m malt int;( 11 lh111 hn;. 10 l?l' n111l1'11 1ogt•Hll'l' an<$ I ~~ow th<' d iffr•r('nC<'l rion (>l"tltlon also will a('t with • 4 fr1r n o lti.:h t1 o n hu1 <'Or • _,, COil mo1•t'd 111 Saturday w ith _, 'h i• ~ff' ano two chlldr<'n . The " .:· /· -4 dty, he said, had failed to ec:t .llOUIU :u o.~ I "'" 11 .. 1 ch >\l11l1· 11.11nt1•d 1(1 t1m1· for lh1· ,:tctors to rh<• \'Olunt.'<'r l'OmmiltC<'s to be . 110 Cht·tr i..1utt 1h1 t 1• • Be formed. Harwood said, pl~I~ J I '! 1·1 J"L' d' t Ent..rprlik0 S Pkfl!I had 1111 thr l Actor ery their time and t ale nts to w ork ftr .• ', ,,,-,, fJrl!>I ""' 1>0111fl- l1.lll " ..i .•. ~, 11111 lnndmnrks: Thi• 111111·1 Mllnn. Off n !ht• rl'tt'ntlun o( the young New. h im In a veirrnn'a howlne project. Pollrt' hook11i Rnd jnlh«I Wil· 1 ~e figured he wo uld pey S4Q llam lkll JU>nrn._. fnrJ h•i.:c'Ci • a moflth for the room and ~nd drunk d rivini: last n~ Ow blllance of the·blll to~ city. Rcnfrl'w was 1olup1.11"1 a fl}'td•· • . . ( .. Rnd IOI h11:hw11y d11·r 1••111~· Sil)' I Do you want' to rent T Adver· lhl•)' 'suw his c•11r w .. a1111i.: 1t•'r11ss _ tllie tn thee !OitnnnL and along t'h11 hlgttwar • - -"I' B ~lEW_~~f(l~(R CO. Barbor 581-R ---~.::;;....,7IL~~.:....__A ................ ~ --- ;., f Al'-Tf!N,_...J 'JOl Ila& 8&. ~t;tf'nnt All<'I r.auJ onrstnd of ~tport, Ort'., put.a hla arm around h~1 l111nce, Umll'a l311ul'r, DC~ltn -~-lfl _wl)o la qne or clalmanta '° I H '• -rnllllon·dollar estate tn· PhllJdc!.lphJ&. Unrula t.ol.IS,_newsmen ftnC U1111a ahf -~~ lh ht-r fortuJ¥ wc>uld be wou. Onfltad 1-4 ·' ot-lf.·~ for tir•L cs.at.. wl.U> paU> under hAI arm. _. ., 1 ' t · I . \ • • - ' '• ' GCtl, iCqlum· .nttna to P~•.dur- • Jf tnbly ·. ' •A • J::-o· .l'l ( .«ri<'& ~a l u l . " ... .• ~Ion ·J1JUCt Of 179 Ttmu . n ;o. ~11.000 TO $Ul,OOO G~ ;. !H&t -cl&sa r t.ftrl'n<'u rt• .erCul futurt'.-P 416 Ttmn. JJusine8s tTATl.. Mt'nty makt~1 • o• n. to ' rt<rf&tJ-Y -dance h . vau. tou:-t. foot. fron tal• ptlo:i >ocau .. ptt ona tJ>~· .... fl\ I "1tt part.r ~lddltt~ NEWS -Tl ~~ES CLASSIFIF.D .. . ' ... - ADVERTISEMEJTii r Will ~~e Y~ur P/Oblems READ THE ~ fi>R PRQ'PIT .. ,, . USE THEM Fcy RESU LTS THEY PAY BOTH WAYS - Newport ·Harbor's Only DAILY N ~wspaper . · Member Aud it Bureau of Circul at1ons • .,_ Delivered .by Carrier Day of Publieation .~:...:,.:,~ PHONES HARB R .12 or 13 '\ . . • , ' I 1 .. 111·1" that a i;rt•u1 d e1tl of ~<'hi•nrri·.uodc m i.:hll'lub. Moulin I ·ered rayment port l'k>a<'h jurist cm the bench lh· . '.1111lah•m wh<'1h O<'nJrs dur. llougf', nnd Pl11t"· \'1•ndoml'. l n-1 J p t 1•t Su1•t where he hitJi made so outsta nd. tni.: iti,• ..:.,si n i:no H1•q:n11m and C'hnrl<-s Boyer 0 a ern Y init a rerord since his guberna· \ ,, ·• • mn sl r·ms madC' lo \(·. up 1.nd duwn 1 he boult'-... iorlal api>olnftnent. lr"m itw salt' j '11rd r<1r "Ardl of T1 1umph," 0 110LLYW00D, Mar. IR-<UP > Harbor d istrict sponsors include ,.1 1111 u ,, r to nut <'n1nµras<' .~s m11ki~11: • Thi.' Ac tr<'Slt Gloria Whltrwy sRid to-C'onlractor O. z. R olX'rtson , 11 '""'"'' ;\I 0 •11 t niil><' nu1h S,tory now <(mt b<' dar that Wlillacc "Bt•<•ry offf'r<'<I N r wport Beach c ity coun cilman; kril• 11 11111 i.:o ho1lwri•d 'lo:J!h' prrsrn·mi:-F'N'nch 1' "tcmttll" srttlrmmt an~ .a trust llf'ltllor G<'rald Riichic. who head. •1 .. ::ri·n t 1, ni.:chs -··m on1's S~ los haul•·d down au-nfu~n~d;,o;Tn~~h~f'er~c~l11~1f.".msifn'f.hi:i;a~t~~::Jl!ll~"~?'~~~'!:'~~~~~~~._-i--~ 1,, .. 1.r ,,111 11 ;m•I ~..,"~·•YI•• 1\hrt•h 1<d1.·r11sC'd tn(f' 11 11111: ,. r·a1tnt1n • p11~1 ry ~hop nf a Mm1•. Grlnaul(,1 ThC' 3:.!-yt•nr·uld ac-trl'sS· 11isclos· M lumh •r ) llrd ownc•r O ther . ., !t1 'lhi· .,,_,. uf ;m d .~111is1i-1.1 111'1 . ~1t111~· 1· 'Id 1on1h • '! ·~·· nff1'r in n p1'111foh nn ~ill' ~!~~:ors in \hi• riC1h~~upi.'n·isoral 1h 11 1·11•1111n,·rs f,;r , .lu~h '· 111111•~ • ·. 111 ""I"''''." r .. urr to ctinni:<' at-f Di~1ri<'t int'lurtl• R ulll'ri Benyard •,~ •.\i''''"" hy l1 s 111 • 1111111111'. aurn 1-ouqu('ls t••rtll )' ""' ""d ,.h•· :'Ind h<':.cur-of Tustin, commander o( th<' Qr. 111. 11•111111 rn• rd1.111c,.. mul'h of y. ~"" r.,idh.imm,•r !I cl• lkut<'ssen . n ·nl nl lorn .. y, J,,,...ph I-:unl'r, nni.:•· C'ounc y ('tiuncil of Arm•rican 1 \. .. 11lil "" k••pt uul 11f 1 h•· 1• ":..'"" <'"ultl nm ai.:rr"· uA 111•' !lt'l l IC'm!'\:t. J.1•1:um: and Rancht'r Grori;t• JC'f· •11•11 ,,, 11•• IHoj!l'r~ Tiii~-... n11t Sergeant Sh'o-rb 1· B1•1·rr ll'uttltl pot nmfrrm ht' h di fr<'y of l r\'ln(• \\ 11 .. 11) 1111· r.1uli '"'-l1q1111r ~1111.' 11rr1·r1'd to "''"'"· ------- '"""tit• tl1•u ''"~' 111 fl'''•nl lh«. $ ~11'5 \\'hiin·~ ~<litl lhl' l'J•yl'ar-Be Wisr -Advrrtise i.111 OJI n u-0:1111 (. <l l'lUJ· '" II hu 1111\ ays • • • • ..1<1 a1·111r .. u ... I ti "It s~ lhnn S2,000" C1auitled ads DO itet ""' job ti,.. •IUll"nmf-,,.JI II Ito lo• ll··IJ.:I I •, 111 ~1•1111 mo 111 11( Chi• pa1"rnity d •1 •• 11k111.: q, .. ) ,,. "·•u11; 1111111 ,, i1 ,r,11~;11111n (lr 1111111 ih .. ~i1t+ ..i1.1n.:·· ''Dti11E·11N 1TwlS"T'"So """"n .. 11 one. lu\'or. .• 1ar~ ""rncP~ h:l\ ,. lo 11ff1•r 1•nh~11·d 1 111m. e e 1111 11 l1•:1tl• ltt ttw l'•llll')U~lllll I hill • , .. 11 nwn \1111 111• lir, '!kmat down 2 000 ( ·.\1!1 ·n I;>. ~lfo . .\l<S. J.r. JUOIOr ri ... •lo 11r.; "' lh•· I • I I llllrm: orru···'· I 1·1111'1'' " <11•111··-~11111 and Ufl•'lllflh»-Ez:ECTED TO MEET •tr?. 111 tl11 111\"I 111111111 l.111! f•'•" · ' t t I R 1111 "' :-i1111111 ) 11t1nc.: tn• n \1 w •'•' f L A ._,.A 29,.3 I '""' ftll "10 UHh~h l1tuahl1• lfl UUf 1ht•\ d ll' l•'tlllM-rlll1•n1 ,,11, "'""l(t .· • rvr: • l't•lfUUllllll\ 1h11 Uh; '·"'":,~ \\f•('k ,, i I ....... '. \ ... H • I . o. ,.Iii tit Ill I II' •''''\ I 1111), •I~ II ~+fol t" lllt' tttlt•. llw clt·ntl'1 1·.111 11" I t t'" " I I 1 1 I l 1 ~ • 1 •l11n1111\ arl 1\1-1·.1r· • l Ill' II . ~· l :111 \ ;i Uol l I • ph) an I h .. I •II f\ dt°'('tl\ ti~ 11f {',,.,. r lrarnmr.: for ('I\ than 1·mploym-.:n1. 1·1 r ht111 ,h11ulcl 1hc 11'11<'111 anti '''' or th•• f · • r 11llc,:l,t '" 1("1 1n IK· 111 l' lllV-rU'-h 1l1·n1i,.1 \ h II th·· rl••ntal h1 •t1llh t1f lrnt, If !-on1t• o 1 . 11 ,. ,.. )l"l>f1 , \\'•JI 1.. 1 1 I I' 111,, ~i·f\'k"-' nr· 1"1 "'"'' """ "'· .rn i ) ' 'h1 1111·11 , 1\ 1111 1 •·nl.1 1·onr 111nn •h;•I" 1h .. 1r own fµH.ln·s • ('rrppll':< mrir1• <'l11hh·1•n lh:u'l in- ..:.,rui .• i-.~n:t •n 'l"h I hu.:h• r UA~. l'•''''"'*f1'1•nt and f·1nt•lt• ll·•r •'''''· nntl h•"' l ·..-en 11 1 lw :rr• J 11 uul!I \ ., 1un 1,.,.r 111 .. 11 .. r '" nc J11 ... lur 1111ht;1r)" sr rv. IH· pn·\'i·nti·d·· I . ,,.,, •r" 111 k• • f'llll.: 111lh . tlw Tiu"'' .111µ ••l"•·r qm·~ti(1n~ \'ll"I lr111t1 • " "" ,. -: L ' ·' I I . r t '1 1 ' y ,. • I , 1 ..-1•..,..i 1 1•1 II'} 11 1m 1 1111.'. 1r:111wr. 111 ptthlto• h1·.tl11t \\ 111 "" ,1n .. 111 r• ti • \1 r\ 1111.: I• ant A t I I ~ I · 1 ~1'"' I• t . 11111 •I" 111111' 111 J I!~<·-Ii~ 111p dt·111a l ;t1Hh11r1111·~ 111 lb• • II ti II •1. "'1•1i:w· 1•:11·:111 .. 11 I•) r mrnl1•rn w11rfarl' :o'~lllfhrrn lal1fiirnia Sl11t1• n l al I ... ' 11111 ......... \ '· ·1·1 I • I . 1 _,,.11' 1 11< 11-... tt ... 1 1111 .111111·1 f1or1·1·s ... ~1ll'11t1wn, ~.1,1 :1nm1:1I •1"1l'1111rw 11 Int 111 lh• ! 1llw11 !~,, ..-0111 " '!"'1 -~I . f • 80\\'J.IX(i 18 'A SPORT . \'OU'L L ES.JOY ; A SPORT TH AT JIJ':LJ•s Uf:P YOU I•~~,,..... I .,Ill 01 I • I• Ill lllAill flit' I(.; from 111• o•l11lt; :\I 111 h :.'!}. :\II anti :ll al rr·m 11'"d , '11111'1) ,.., .. 1 It' 'I\ 1lo 111 ltf•· lo111 n• 'ti ln11'1lit.:1·n1 th• Jl1Llm11r1 h1t1l'l, Lo~ Ani; .. 11 ~ rrom ii• <fn • I hi' ,...., r r• "1 rorrwl"' ,, , IS 0000 Pl n'SIC'AL CON'· UITIOS. , 1 1 ~111111,; m• n .. m l m11<1 «1)1111•·!1· fcu· 111 .. r 'IMMI Jh nlt!:t~ frum•l-"1,. .... 1111.1 Wottlll 11• 111 1111 ':llll't•~ 1. 1110111~ 1h1·m \\Hh 1•h i11:111 un1pln)1•r!I 111 1hr '\l;·-<11··111 hnr'11·r will 11111·n<I , . !1('11\ 1111·" Ilk• t hr~ 11'1·r1• t.;t11ni: PO, ._ I '· I . I · . 0 ' I . I I • -i • •10l•' I 11111< I w 0«m0•r S••r\ If'•' th1• ,,J,1 .11w11.1l nw1·l1ni.: nnd .1c-• w1• 11 .. 111t111 h11\1• lhl' ll'llll••• ltlll . I I ' d Mesa Recreation • 1 "•' C.:.""" "' 1·r ><•an In pay "" •111.11111 1111 m'' 11 •·s \\ 11 h 1 ht: lnt,.~I 1h<' ll.rrl1t1r ,,,, .• 111 II 11 1· 111111 1 f ( • wnr 1t~. in <'nmp••1tnl: nr m Pn d• 11•l11pm1 111i. in d•·nta1 SC'H'n1••· h.l\c' 111 :'I 1•11 oli.111 11•·ri11d nf ·inflat•'d l .1w;tl d1 IJl"l~ n~e r:ocpt·C'IPrl to "" -' -l11:1i.:1· :on!I li11~ini ~s npp11rtu1u111to.; ~11't1ni,:lv n ·11rt'S<'lll1•d at lhls )"ar's Monterey to Hold h111 !' '"· 11 1! 111 •• h1·11t·r rvr 1111· m1·1·kll~. "'h•l'h '.s 1hf' rciurth 111r11:-' 9 •. 9 • n •r1 1111" I, ~t :;uch prof1•ssionnl ml•et. in 'Freedom Exh1b1t . . . T h i• a rm,1-rl ""rl.WI' an' 0!11°ni:f'r lhl' \l(1r1'1 ,. l 8U Newport B lvd. 'CO(\TA MESA Ph. Bl'..acc>D 5082-w • 111 1,,. a nd 1hl'}' nn• nn1. 1hl' r t'fui;I' ----- .MONTER EY, CAI., MARCii I~, for mrsf\f'g' 'in pe11c"f' t1ml'. \\'hM 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~ -ll'r'I n .. c1111J11" 1lw rr,•<'dom , .·(111 lnnk nt a man in \Jnip • .MODERN MARINE SERVICE I • 1rnin 1·1.•t1ld nu1 0.... 1 .. 1:h•:d~lrl1~ at ' now you will kpnw th:it h t!t the J1r.,1 c-ap11al nf C 11llforn la. an '''llf'r l. nr h.•rnmtni: .rn ,.x rt. Monlt rl'~ 111d.1} dr1·n ·,-<1 11 "~lnn· 111 ~11< ltn1• Y'1u wrll know that t<'r ry Fn ·N:l11m !'i..h1h11'' or ~u:-. his pay nnd rl'1irrmrnf prosl)<'cts toncilt d10(·11mrnc~ 1111r1 rnrs1m1ll'~ ar .. h•·11r r 1\ian i)10.,,. u r. mos1 I tn lw h1•ld n .. x1 mnnlh r•1\·ilittn~ \'"" \1'ill hn\'1• n~ mur h (. ThQ,,..-~1.r c111111cirn'i111rQ''••&...J.ar.1r~·n to h1• prnu<t or 111 .. Jll•:ir, •• 1 .. 0\ .SH _EJ,l lO:C _K~ . C'Xh1h11 ~I r1•prfll'hll'llun!t of nff" li~l'lr!'P" ·;~ !lit• wir11mr . ,.:.;::;- docarn1•nl < tl•"Pl•t) 1-d o n I h<' fr•··•·· .lore·· ~ ,~. ;; -... . .. .. .,. .,... ... d oll) tr;11n .~nd. orai:inal f'·ll" r,. 1\ n• 11• rl'rr1111rni: hullf'1in. '" allr1i.: 11 11,h rh1~111n<· 1 \'1•11c~ uf 1,, ,,·1hni.: ,\ ;'.tnslf'r Srri.:1 ::ml. for 1 M~nfl·t~) 1111! "Id l"ahfn rn1o1 • ,•,n11 plo-, 1~ paw. ~lf.~1 11 m .. n1h fllf' <'~ tl~1~1 1ll l><•.l11lcl 1n ~ol "" ·, th r···· ~~~nr·~•t\1'i•·. 1101~ Ion M!!_!~ ltl• h h1111" If lh.' h'"' 1r lw ~11."ut<'-f•lly., 111 !'l\'rr '1h1r1~ <'rnmrn1 ~· ~ h• r•• 111 I 'l If, II I , n . • '', It• ·\,<•UICI r~ \.°' I\,. ~'.?Ii !lO C11l1fnr111.1 --y··~· I'· lllli'll!'" r r \I nr Hu t h•• .... 11111· t1·(1r1' .~r11·r 11\'l'nl~ I Mi•.\11•:111 r11l1• "'"' l'f"• lr11111 .. .r 11• or• wi1h :r ltfo· inr nm.• nf ~1 111 :t'! • . All 1 ~·f'I"' nr q n t ionl'ry. Rn· Ol~OC'l"l'll!'Ol,, d1- roct m111l Cln:'U· lnrs pnntf'd h<'n>. lt""'('<lt pri('<'S . Call Harbor I~ Newport · Harbor ' Publishtng Co. ruhlrsh crs "' tl:t Newport Balboa News. - Times . "'""'hi\ 1lr nf11•r 1lur11· w•nr< I 1111'1 .1n 1n,,.mr rof ~tW'i 1''.l ;,,n~lhlv 1 11° 'l••llltl tl•11 dr 111 ;, .'II P•"rl'1·n1 n1 t •· ,.,.,, In p ·•v f••r n\ •M •\Uc;; ..:t•r ... \11°_..J1n .11l<!1t1m1 111 1lfr. :> p.;r.1 1' tt1 lrh"f'• ""*' fnr f."\f\h I h1 ,.,: ,\'t•:u·Q. "11 1<'1 1. ·a111 I :1 :'\Cl 1~·rl'1•01 in · • ··r,,1~i: 1r lw '" ~ nwmh1·r1 of fl>. rni: rrr ~ JI,. tr•< h i• f1>0d. C'ln l h· 1ni.: lookini:. ml'llrrnl nnd d<·n1:il ··nr •. ancl ;1 111irn .. d.1y r111l \':1('11-1 11"11 :inn11111!~·. 1 / , I In 11•rm~ ·, 1•f "h:i1 ~uc-h p.1" 1111111 m• 1n~. a p rr1· 11" .. 1nrt!I uul 11 1 11" I.! .1 \t'lir ,\ ~l11•ll'r ~1·r· \:• 11nt •·:an· (1~11rt• h1"' n ,\4 Rf ~1;~1 1 1:: an111111lly rn hr~ r1r't 1 1hr''" '' 1rl' A ;\ln•11'r ~"n.:r11.,1• j r111r1m1 111 pa)'"/l'f.1pr.11•0 11r1 yl'a • "'n·1··· ri11n·~··n1~ n h.1•' ··nine :it ~· l'll'r 1'l•n1 n( ~l..!.°'M' rl'lir l'· mrn1. pny nft<'r thirl\' )rnr!I l'<'r·i \ iC'C' rr; 1 "~··n1i: A ~." 1•12 o f $7·1.' :'i.! :'\1>1 " ·n~ "" <111111~ <'an Sa\:£' I it ·~ut • \•\n i ~,,,.,,,..: mnn dt"'' ""I wan1 '' "'' 111 •rrvicf', th!'n' itrr. ''f'ort 11 •th .. '"'t ~inly 1n ron· • ttnllf' ·rnrril lfnc-ntlnn h111 1•, ""'"'"'" > • • • 111:<•~ in n w idl' fh Id ..r 1f'dm1c-11 I ,1n•I prl"f• c-1on:1l iok1ll• r .. r 1•/\ 1h.1n , llll'l111 "" n1 H I i:: h <.-111••1 i;:r.11!11.111 ~ .111.J 11lh1 rs 11h11 .h.I\•· "'"°'' ri-11111~ ·' i." 111 thc1r (unu .·~ "'' ,. n t•~ 1 h• n ..... 1, • .r;;: tn In'' .;.1 1c11, \\h:-t t th • nu:at,tr\ h '"' to' .. r:. I II I. lh· r ... ll•'il'" th1) ,~,n~ 1111 1<t..,"111· 1>,• illWlhtr war ..... ,_ * * Balboa Island • insurance p.a. palmer w. o. ~uck, in,suroi:ice counselor -- 3333 via l id o, riewport beac h, cali.f. telephone ne-wport beach, harbor 1500 * * SAM'S SEA FOOD (\.-. "Sign "Of the Swordfish" ~ 1 ·Mile .E~st of Seal Beach,· at Surfside .t ~ .t Open Daily 11 a. m. to 11 :30 p. m. · ,t. ~ .t COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS . and STEAK .DINNERS .t ~ .t Phonf!8: .l,ong BN.ch' 840-'79, 802--00 and 824~ ,AAA>=lhl>' ... •j- I 't" I . ft)' "lllTC'U" ' Thill I~ tht' 111s1 JJll'C<'. ~J,111•:s JIOOUI \)nl' 11f I h1• l ',\LP A!'\ IA·~ Y tec<'11t-VOY81:t"!I ~e-.icl<'8 II h to do wllh thl' face chnt sonw· tinws le cnn h.·· Vl'ry agrt'E'ablt to I><• B !qr,t\Uswr. Whrcti"'"or'u.-:lknows more ahput th .. 1)1<'11rll,n__g Of I h1• ~>d Nc1g'n.- bor ' Jlo~.· \\'(' In l hl' l 'nill'd :;tatl's or our ' fricnc1.' south' :.of "\tie bordl'r. is n d1•b11toble m'fUter. Their <'1°\11111111011, far. oldl'r t hao ours m1111y of u~ rnadv "l1r Ply- mouth Rn<'k dvhut on thi.' QuC>•·n M ary ~ nmrf' rr·11llsill' Ex~pt for onc itrm . guld, tl~e1r rconomy Is sound nrd t h<11r way or life is N.')ax1od but "'hllt 1mprcliSl'd , mr Is thr way t.tw1r llniomV'd 18.bor prrforrm:. 1<pe<'if1c~lly 1n n •ga1"d to' I~<· lond ini;: or l\lnlonl'lffil:~Of 11 \'l'S!\Cl'!I c11rgo · LOADING · ' Wt-dropf)l'<i 9ur hook In a ltlllr Mell4c1tn port just .Inside the tip' ot Lowrr C'111lfotn1:1 111 d usk· onr .-venlng and 1111 that night cstmp firet burnf'd ashoril and W<' l'OUld hear thl' singing and ll1ughtl'r.:.,of the P"OPI<' who werl' r11mping on the lx>11ch to bl:> rt•ady to load our (X'rlshRhle cari;:O fml! thin~· in the m or.ning. lo Mrllll'11n-mndr . stout. O\'('r· ;1izr canors "?""proprllC'd by two row<'rs In the 0011t and ~tl'<'r1'<1 H11w1ul11n fashion by 11 man with a paddl<' at th(' s!l'rn. \h<'y hrok1: throURh th<' 11urf shortly ~aITrf dawn 11nd ft>rrit•d lhl' car£O to our 1hlJ)-l'nch ' bronrl r11n()f' hol(!ira: as many !J~ 400 boxes. Thry dad the st1'1'<'<1or \n1J too and ahoarcl w <' r <' happy, h11rdw<1rkln1ot Rn1l fril'ndly Mesa Permits Tofal $41,370 AIRWAY COFFEE •-•. ~ 40-- Pttild mellow blend. Ground to °"d.er: (3.llt., •1.B.) BUy a baa tocta,. In jui;t thr<'P hours wr w rrl' loadl'd le cap;aclt)'. Our skipJ"le'r obt airird c~llrnnc<' papers nnd '"' Wl'il!hl'rl ~nchor ~il'in~ thrrc Ion~ blasts wirh th<: whi!ttl<' whfc]l_ th•• M.cxicaru acknC>wlr~t:~Jia·l a pr<>- lonl!l'<I ch«>rr. 1md..1.. ii(lit R:~•I ('OUN•' Mi'~i<'n n I ahor ns --=~:::.r::-:-=:~-::l'lo\::=-.~, Fr.. s~,=1,t:qnil ,:s:i,.:D<1=s:-::1~1"'.3si7r0-1+ih~1srf.· d1"m'~.; .-k11i", ,'"!r,Tf, .to,,rr1 tt'--01.: n17rd m >1<'~orda~c,',wlth thp1r I ~rnu.t;; "'1.~,. 2"m:inrli'<1 In u .,1111. ~ i. f In thr d~£n1t) or m an anrl h'""'v huildan): 1~11.1111. Grttntr<l r11•r· 1 COFFH , 111 pnld hy th,. .t0h nnd nol hr rh• nur~ · ,,.1,rr hour AS in this <-<1un1ry . Mavlw WC' ~houfd takr 0\ !ltrail!hl lcl(lk. 0\1 fi (; ('tmml1<•r,. ~!Ml• ft! :'111(1 this dtffr rrnC't' In svstl'ms :-0:1•1\1,1nr t HIHI , St•~~·. c;1 .m1. Fu!-· l>JSC'llAR <ilNO · h'r . f11rr11 t ur~ !ll11r•' at :JHi'.ll _Hnr· I Back ut San Pl'Clro 111 du~k IKJ'r Rivet · S17,l~•I, J nht1 11.-ft~ I with somr 40 tono; of hi~hlyyrii;}t. \i""'!'' 111 :!\l~tt Manvm11a St . ah!" c:iri:n :ihnstrd, wr """"'' told ~'ll~ l· 1 n• •I ll.111 hunw ,., II 1m l we would h;o\'I' tn wnll unrH R 1ltnn !'t 1onrl An;ah1·1m /\\1• . .,_,.,,., the n<•xt n111i'ninc tn hr unln:.dNi ·~•'lh ;\·l·~•rrn.rn. hnmr nt 11331 l!lclt At fl'n II fr w m1·n nnd ;1 powf'r; :--i $-11'/WI l'On\'l'yor s·howl'd u11 nn1I h••i::in ' ' I t h" dlschnrgl ni: ln 11 ·,~·rfunrtor~· STftCK MARKET ml\nnrr. Aft<'!' h11\f '!2 hnu r th• 'f oprrat1on !'tnppt'd Whl'n onl' m••m· ,·REVIEW ~r dl'mnndl'<I th11t tht<~· lw f'UJ>- . plil'<I. 111'CY1rdin~ to r"1:11lt11inn ,..,. R~· T. W. Kll:NLEN Arid·!!O, With 11 r h('("kl'r °" offtctal f'nJtf'd Prf'N Flnan1·l al \\'rtt~r • slartl'r -and-stoppct' of ...,,_._:_;.am· Vl')'OT hl'lf. \\1llli' \\.? •"llltl'<t for -lht> Union A~.nt • 10 1.rrlw and '!!rttlc-thr mirth. l'omr nl'CTOt'!' ROI out thr diN• which hl'lprd pass thr t1mt>. - Wht>n 'hr i\grnl finally ~hnwrd ur II confl'rl'nC'c l'MUC'd h«IWl'<:n "Rl'd" 11 n d "Gr oq;r" nnrl 1hr lnni:uac<' C' ,. c n for waterfront usag1• was 11·rrif1<' No nrwS}iaJ)"r w ould print what tlWin"' two dock· wor~t'rS C'lllll'd ra ch olhrr and our cargo. NF.W \'C>RK. MARC"ll l ft 1 llPl-~loc·ks frll hack into their r,.,:,.nl lf'lhlll'.:Y ~·1t h 11rit'l'li ifn·-1 &1ilartll ht~brr y1•stl'rda y a f tt•r a hnf'f ~purl an \\'aT iS~Uf'S prior 10 Prf'•t1ti1·n1 1'r11m1ln'!< llflll"lll fro II rf'l l1rn or the dr;if1 '\o\1all S1rN•I fl'l!ard1•rl thr addn'""' a~ not un fa\"Urabl" lo lhl' nMrkl'f in Jhal It nm1 111•<1 ml'nl1fln nf at!d1tion11I 11ppropr11111ons or t axl's A1n·rati~ a n ti ;"''"' r• ~l<.ll'fc•rl caini: rani.:ani:: 10 mor<' t han 2 points. ~·l l'!'ls ros1' mor•' than 11 point Mot~ 1mprn,·r d All r<'· 1rr111"d \\hr·a_1h1 m• ~s.11.:1· was r c-lt•ast>d In th<• l'nd it took our Amcric11n c-ffic1enc>' alm05t1 trn houri) to un- load th!' cargo which our m anana Mexican f~ had loadl'<I in three.__..I" On thl' f1 rs1 huur a\lv11nr" 194R hu.:h" · '' .. ri 01;1d,• hy (;rumm an A1rrrar1. ll• puhltc ,\n1111nn. I:ock- ~ 'hl'<'d. I ·,,r1~11l11lat1•<l \·(1Hri>,. Dou"'° " I I ~--hts ,.\Jrt·rufr .· B0t•1nJ.: 1\1q)lanr, I I I I I I I I W r h~.~,.. OtwnN\ A S 1 I OTl!f:K l11m1•h,.,·t )1,,.,,. , ·• I . I ,. J I '•• 1•.tf••J \1 .r 'ht ·IH1 J I t. n· II ~ 01 .. n t r t ,,,.. 11 ,,., ,, •• ,. fl,.. t t f 111\~ 1~ 111 1t) ti• ft 11 ; In, k • I \". ,,.... .. ,...,,,. ru• ;1• r, If • •' "... 't .f "\r• fl , .. , "' •tll ,,, ... , ,,, I 1'l ' \ 1 '" "'"'''h 1-r·r" , ...... I I I I I I ~· p. a. palmet' · .:coowco real tors 1lll • • • f •• ,.. •• ,. , .. . . " N o ri h 1~ nwr)can A VIII f !_9n. C'urt 1s~ \\'n i:ht f<:<:11r s, \.lrnn L !\tartin on t hro h11: lxmr:it and Garr<'tt on . I lw rurh J-:1t·c1rk Hoat nntl n111h Jron \\ llf'k S lttt, •I n1'l\' htl;h ~'\«!;I ! m " ,. <· <l nh1·ad ;\fl•·r l ' S . St•'1 I r•·I.'.•"'""'"' " 1q.~ low Motors h•·lrl fr.H't 111n al "d' n 111·•·!-r :i 1 I ' ·.-~~ llli murh a-"~!.. ~ .:':u11 ,· -F'?'~itlf ftH hai:h-.. hut i.:;11n \\'t•n • ~111 s otT•111nnall) • • I cotrh lllJ>l', •'llrtoua 11~. oo William I. Cammack Pa.ln·u"« Contract4lr ., PAlS TJNO -DECORATING [ A.~D PAPEIUIANOINO Pb. Har. l'T6-I. IOI OrchW A~ Corona del Mar j I / ASSOCIATED Tiie Original Marine. Dock ' H tb .t 8q Froet G~line --Die&el Fuel Oil . ' · Fiithing Supplies The All in 0nPl4op W '!Y • Credit ca7. ,;~eonM· BA TES & SON -Harbor '48 I , . (\. . .. , fAll#fO ,.fll1S Gtenf'I ,.,,. H1ohwov Broken 10 .... . ... lO·H . Grapefruit G~efruit Yea~hes co,11e Crn t Jt .. 1 . c ... 25• Choice Yellow Cl•"Q\. Holvn or 1l1c.cl. Apric.ots yo11e., Gold 10 .... ce11 29- b.o1ce. wN>•• Pffled fruit. Apricots W.:.:;:.1ed. '' ...... .... 18• ·a111110 ••••r••&11 Baby li~ns~ 2::•· 13• Tomat~s o;4..~'· 1::•· ~·, Canned Peas' 1~.,~c:,, 1!:.•· I .. . ~inach . (Mtmld ~ n .... ·-ic• ;.\VOiden Corn "'9hwov 2::•· 17• 'oc~ ,,_.. styte.. . OOlden Corri~.._.1:: .. 18• Cioldlft lontom vOrleiy, pcdM C'90m t tyle. · ,. ••..•.. ,. . h ;owin1 area-•, ru1he"<J' Selected by expert• an ' e, ~ke peak o f 1oodne1•. to Safeway to reach you a, . PIPPll ~PPLES ~-41120 clULlfL~WE-·~ 130 f.RESH CELERY :n. 80 HEAD :·LQTUCI •· 70 ' l#•IN T#•ll JA&llll Sonka CoffM o.c.tfeinofH ~ 1;.·· Nescafe •;:·-38-'1,:· I.GI ~tant CoffH ·..,.,,,e a.-..., 319 tant Postum •: 219 •;: tl- stum Cereal°' ...... ,_;, 219 Lucerne Milk.= 38c =II' Homogenf red. 'odled In Clllf..,._ ~ Jllllll Prune Juice =~: .,... 18' Prune Juice Sun~ ..... , u.... ... .. ·~r~JuicecJ:'fd. ·~:=. .... 21•. ' P.JQlu101."ri.a-or con, 11< I , , .. lAUHN flSH . PA'CIUD IN CHl OPHANE. PAN READY ·spare Ribs I ' .r.,· 111• 11 1~ I•• 1111~11 Lamb Roast lb. lb.29~~-- ) -.),1,t1lrf,.,, r. , ilr!'Nrrk. 1l11nk off. lb.49c lb. 49° llt.159c Sll,ed Hallbut r ~ ~.~, For Eaeler, your Sefewey me~ket will have a wide variety of tender, juicy •. 1u~itr.cured ham1. Order yo ur Ea1ter I fam TODJ\-Y. T h'e price will be ri~ht. Blended Juice ~~~ .......... 22- 0r<>~ of1ld groe>e11ult jwlff. t 18 or , I 0t I GrapefruifJuice :.:..w: ·~;;.·· I .. Noturol. 11 8-oa. c.Qn, 9<1 Li~e Rickey Syrup ~~ .. ~~' ..._. C .. Grape Juice ~~ 19-:-..:! 34• Qu .. n h t>bello btond Vegetable.:Cocktbil V-8b•".I~ 112 01.,lcont :.>Jcl Tomato Jui~ ~ 3 ':: 21~ Sefw f.r ~f t. l~-01. Clttl, 20tl -_,,,TO UMlf QUANtnlfS USll~ --, . ... ~ ----·-.... t:.a. .. t !ooiiclf' .~ f'" por1 Hh d.,~ta )ff'Ni .. I •: fllfl t:. "••ntral, lu.Jlioa ~ ' i ~!-···-···---'----------------· --iiiiiil"iiiii-.....iiii~'~iliiiiiili. ...... __________ •· __ _ \ ,J ·. • ' , , ! • ·• J ·- . • •• Staged u a prC''-\'l<""' of EHter fUhlon1 but ablo iitven In oblerv- anct' ot tht'ir rlnit 11n11heralU')' b 'the luhlon ~ to ht· hC'lrl 111 8 p.m. F'nCS.y at Fill:patnck'ii ft(>. partment •tor~. Ooronft drl Mar . .annou~ Kl'nnt'th R. Brandt. manaatt. · Oorona drl Mar Rlrl•. tannrc1 and lovely: nrc-.. naturab" 111 mod- ela for thf'lr favorite 1111n a n d \ toe' and wlll 11 I s o udd -to 1port•""'l'Ar. dr mure and y roU~M 11nd morE' tormal • frorkl for Easter. ThC'y ~111 bot> di- nctt'd by Mrs. Wilm. W11lt<'r . ltrprften'3tlvf'9 from many Loi Ansele9 finru will I'll' on h&nd to .. thla eprtnc parade-In Corona .. Mar'a &arpat and moet mod· ---~ lhop. • V~NDLA~ PLAY ;RANKS HERE ,r .. ., For </tuit N~--~<JOh In Your Home A8k About •.... • QUR NE~ COl..OR4~CHE~S • OUR MODERATE PRICES • THE FINEST MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP I • INSPECT OUR MODEL HOMES. ~~ ... . ~.-........... ~..t.._ ... y . ,.. -i 0-.~;~=-·· .. 4 • .e: ~A·"· PROTECT YOlJ R HOME ·oR OFFICE .. THIS IS THE SEASON FOR· PAINTING .. .... FREE SERVICE · ... .. . . .. ' OUR INTERIOR DECORATOR ·' .WILL ASSIST IN ·THE ·s~LE CT ION OF YOUR ~ COLOR SCHEME. SHOULD YOU WANT ·10 ~DO YOUR OWN WORK _-WiLL -GIVE FULL '· .. / .. ,INSTRUCTIONS AT NQ EXPENSE OR OBLl- GAtlON TO YOU . .· v •• . ,.. . -tr OUR· ESTIMATOR WlLL FURNISH ~OM­ PLETE COSTS .FOR MATERIALS, LABOR OR BOTH. CROWN PAINT CO. 825' COAST BL VD., CORONA DEL MAR ·Store Phone 232 Ffr Estimator Call Beacon 5794 .· _ ........... .. . -·~. r --- • I _, 15th -.... • • • • ~-• Individual Designs of Distinctio~ ·M-0de~n -Traditional -Connecticut Farm~ou se •. Ou~oor .·Living :lf~ its Best. ·.-:-.. • Trees and Landsca~i ng • . Restricted C.-0mmunit'y " • ·Convenient to Schools and Shoppi~g District • • G. I. Apprpved · Prices Jrom A1Jl>roximately . $8250 (to $14,050 -~. • E~Y -Financed to Mee~ Eve~y ~~ed I WE PROUOLY ·PRESENT THE FIRST SHO~IN(; OF A. BE~UJIFUL PERIO~ •HOME -St;~OA Y, MlARCH 21 • TAYLOR-HUTCHINS ~ Nonc,;a I ('Uy of St1"'port Bfo<lkb Ht.a~ ot Caltlomla soncp; TO .C'OSTRACTOR!ll Sf:AL.ED PROPOSALS will be rl'C('l\'('d at the officl• of tht' Cny' Clerk. C\1r J lall. O ty oT Newpoct 84>arh, ~a hfornl11, until 4 o'r lock P. M. on Murch 'J'J, l !MR. ut which T1mt'I thl'y will '"' pulillf'ly oJl('n<'d and rc>acl. for 111•rf1irmini: work a1 follO\O.'' man I :l5 JO.AO l!Pa\') rl~ly 11·1;n1r- m:in 1 90 15.20 l..nl>t1n•r 1.35 10.SO •)1lrr. Jl<l'' 1·r sho\'l'I or mine 1 525 .l~.20 l ()P\'rlllor, nir com· I p rt")oSOr 01 6:) 0 J)('rntor. concrl'tc 13.20 mixC'r 2 00 16.00 .. ... /. '~~,fnotor pn-,,,,._1 ~ - I trol grader 2.0'25 16.20 UnivrrAAI Equif)ml'n t ~ opc•rntor (showl • ... drni;tllnr . dPrrick, drt: ~' ~~"~<', dom~ITl'll • ~ ~ c..Tt\n'l'l .::: • _l.JO 16.~ 'Open' "'.,iiump 448!9 ~ :t4.tl0 ~ OJl('rotor. ro01.'r I RS Opc-rntor. t rnctor b111lrtozrr. tllmJlCr, 't('rllpt>r. dro~I~ ~hovrJ Of' bflOm ot- .1achmrnt• 1 90 15.20 (")prr11 tor. I rrnrh mn- rhinr r n 1ck clump lhnn lf•W•I dri\·rr~ of truck.,· or. ll"~s 4 yd~. WllWI" , An~· cl<il-$1f1cation • 1 975 15 ~ 1.425 11 .40 nmi II C'rl hl'l'<'ln • '·:... _nnt Ir... I han 1.:\5 10 AO ~o hir1 "i ll ti<' nrrrptl'fl from· a ronl rnrlor \\ho hni< not h<'C'n h- !:Cn ... r d 1n 11rcorrlnnr1• \\'llh the pro- 1·1sion~ or Oinptl'r 791 Statutl'S or Ht!!l. n~ nmrnrlrd. ' I Pinn~ ma~ ti<' ~t'rn. nnrl forms I of propo-.al. bnnrl~. ront rart. and spccifirnt1on!' mny l'>i' tJhtaiocd at I t~c oCficr of thr City ~ngjnN'r, City Holl. l'\C'\\l10rt B1.'nrh. t ali- 1 fomin I TI1c !'J"l'<'iAI nttr n1 Ion of pros- pl"('I i\·r biddrr.; Ii: ca llNI to th~ "Pro~.. Rcquircmrnt:." anne~ to the blank form of p~for 1 full cl1l-«:t Ions M to b1ddin~. etc. Thr City or J'l:rwporl Beach rl"- ~rr,;t~ the rii;h...-:lo rej<-Ct any or nll1 bUI~. • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Frank 1,. Rinehart and . lrv(ne \ Bearon-5794 1Pub.: Mnr 11 & 1~ ~~~ ~~-21C ·-\ -d .~ I Do :YOU waht to eell It. T j.dwr-"--"!'----------":+""-----~:i--------._--------;...----"'-.;_-_J U. ln OM. columna. JJ. -L=------~4---__:._-.:_ ____ __:_..:~~--=--___.;.~~~--=---.....:..--~........:~~~~----------J....;....___..~~--~~....i.----'-----·~--..;..~ i ,. \ ...... - ! . I "' . PueLIC NoTICES n-t_-s1s,;s~ m mE 1t uu llJIMll:LLAJfSOU. "•BOATS! 8tTPPUat 11 llAI. r~TAft Eiu·nANo~ u Rt:u r~"TATr. • a NEWPOM BALBOA NSWl-TllllUI p S FOR S AU: 2 flanks t:I V.H.D 1-. . -~ ---------------_'.f:tH'tt~n.u -~~~rt 1'-4-tl.C'altf. M.,,·_tl 1_1t. """ ft~e CEATtF•c~hP04r'eus1Ncss ELEC'TRIC(ANS Plnrpbing S~ppli~s . ha•t.·tws., $tl!I :: F11hrr 12 \' l:E:\ L E~T:\.'.l'F. Tl ~:\ l ll~ .. Nt•w \:ic.'w Hornt>..... llf:AL FATATY. •· UA.L aTA,...-..-----..,... FJCT1Ttous F"IRM NAME 1Sit1<'t' l!>'J\Jl p I p E 1'in •1·t11•11 fin<f••r . $\lO": "'1t·f1. aall-~ \\ .... . .. ---::.i -· • !"f{·t·l lf ()(ll0:1:'\(' 1 ~11111.,, llnrh.•t ~.1~ . ..\'',' 'll"'ll':c.·1:-;-,,,····.1· ll•• 11 .. r•lo\ ' "'-~1 • I •ni.: HH'hl skiff $1\."I . 14-(t 111 ,,.11 ·•r 11 .111·· "'' "''·.ti. ~ I. I' r ' " ·' •· ·" ' ·' ~ l onstru\'uun "'"" nl' tG11h·. 1\nd lllAr k l • • 1•l1nk. ,·.r '' l11•rr)'. t011•ll1 '1!.i. 3 ·"1 " tllo ti 111 ~ ... , "'"' 11••n1h• \'.tllol\ 111 ' 1 '' ' 11" 1 1'~'1 ' 11 "1'1""'' (f'r t1fy uu.t lhf'\ Hrt• ti. pnrt111•fl'l.hlfl t't11\ I C" I l s . ' ,_ ..... t I ~ ' I I I oluoltllli:'" uwnlu..ud1•t111< l'l\!8111~ .... Ill 1:1a e:::. ant erv1ce Th1ll'ls. Bath Tuh~. l.11\'l\IC\rh'•· 11ttr~ ''"''"~ l1tr pit'r or floAt '''•''' 11·~· ';\lit.I. \\1lh lt.1111111111 ....... ' 1"1 •11: Ill>••" 1111'' rl6 ~: f'~m"'t "'p <"•1y •• r ~•'"""-"' Ko Joh T.>.1 LarPc 3 I I ' I ~ I I • ' "'''1'""11 ii I Ii·• l111o •I "'' '• H'"' 11 n·1ll•·, t· .. .,1"> .. r 11r .. 11i;~ "' C'Asl Iron Sinks '\:..'1.1-3::' dnubl<'11l1 t 1117 \\' l\11) ,\\•'. Nt>wport • '"' ri'-~11'· -'• 1 1 11•n1i'. • "'11''1 '"' 1 ,.11, 1, ,1 -.stat•.,, ,.,.,, .. r111>1 '""'''' '"'' 11.1111<•u•1 :"o"Jvh '1'0.1 SmAll :.!lx3:.! h'lii:<' t)'P•'.•'I<' B•'O•dt ~t11 ~· •:11 1 11 I"'""' '""1•111111\; 1~ .. 1 '1~"~,:~~n~· •• ~·f.... · ----t"\QuWt' C'hlna Sinks $'16 50 up . • Bt\i' ,._,, .. t :i P ''h i~. ' Ht.•'' ""ltt .. •n•I 11 ... 1 ...... 1 ltrtll ·-•• u•r""'"I .a tl<P.,..__r·~-Hol'l.ll ,r. Ga Ivan -S11 .. •I Sink. $.">,~ u1;. • I :?;,.ft F nnt.al.1 Ft~hini: J\.1111. S1111 ,, f •,-111 1 , .. 1, ph"ll•'" ..... ...... I I\ :\I . JI II ... 1\1 A~ I\ EY full•·.,. Ir\&.: •~·r"""n~ ~·.11•· I 111LD\t-• Hnd ' Ll.;' ' '~ n1 H 'r ~\tl(l « 'lr \\'&II lrftdt"' fnr '' n1 t t T u•l•I• ... 11t ... ,. 1 .. 11"" ...,,.,,1".1t · t 11'\o ~l Cun~• 111" .1) t i1n•nw •P lith'fi ::;" tnl? FC.,UC<'IS. 1 ' • ' • ., • • ~ 1 ' '" ' 1 1 ' 1 "1 ' ""'" .I It t \\ 1 ·, 111 • ;1 1 ·• •II ., 1o, M •• 1 .. ,,. ""'' 17'"• ~ .... ""41.. ll~l · 1 "'' p ... -17 Z4-tr1 $1 !'15 I l!\l\><I t'lllllkl ( all 11111 lklr -~:.15-\\ "I r. "' 1.i. I I..... '"'"'I ~ ,, I,, "'"' rnht""''" ---t -'-"''int•_ .J.\.'l.H'<>«\ .:•II ·,· ,,,_ ...... ._ .... '-1 '~ '!R,:\11• 'I'• I \\1 'tit ... 1 .. : II·'·" 1 , ... 1•,.1.1 ..... 1.1 1•.-1= R , .111',. ••••• ~11rmn1ni;.::-11·w·..-n ~ • - -• _ -· • " • '""''" 11''" '"""' 1 '•111·rn111 Pain_tit w -P:l }ll'Thancrinrr' 11r·1"1!1' t\•111"Y. 1' ~.1rs1<'\I ... R.\h10 M :"1111 \\f'r't-,..:.~,.·nt1,1d•lti --1 11t•\'">' ""' t"' h j · • ----- "' \l....i...~.;7·~. 11.,,1 lh llt,.u ••r \(;tr1.1c1, I FONTANA PLUMTITNG l 'SFI' Plt r\NnS \\1tnt1'd f1>r -0111 t.,l ll\,c.t~ •11 "'.' ~•I I •••.• ~ .. I.I 1~.·~· ni.11 .. 1 !.11.; 111<1 \\orkn1;11~hir ~:lltll $ \\' :"··w11ort AVP J ro-111 drpl Tr•fl(\w. \tlllf 11111 plan11 ,, II I I''\• 'II~,, ,I I :u 1-lo1 11td ;:;1;,"!,~"··.~:1··,;1'·~~ .. ·I~(''' t..,.-. \'all ;\I r \\',\t';\;(1~1-:~ .... ,.,,.. :\l1•~J. 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I ""''' fr1•m ll•" t111tr prll'\• nr to-.J,' 'h• .'~ :t1, :-.; .. , ...... l'llloU-...!l4 ""'' I •r ~1rM I .. unty FIREWOOD .. . I Tl . .. r I ---:... anti ~tM~ ···-. .,n) ·' <'<"' 11!1 ti n \\'l\nurr U i\t TO~ll l 'l\'Y. . P~RSONAL .... . . I -P~blic Stenog rap}ler I Y~ ~.\I.\ l:T .Tl I cl\\\" 1: \'I· l:t l\'1' t·:\1'1-t1 .... i\'1•lr y , 111 1·:-: . ~ • 1111 1"11 11.,11 .. 11• "''" 111o 1 111d 11, 11 t ''""'"'''H' rnr~r ~ ... 11n ttlld f'I tlll .,. I P•1t\I l• It' 1 lu 1 Hl.M r.:; .. tf Ht f\..•l l't h\tl ht 'II~ }f""'f ,, , ,.,, J HEAi. VALUES' _. ~ 111L\:'\ll :'\F\\' I II H ll<li\110:' \':lt'11nt. ~ t ~·~'. 11•'\'.llt \ h '\I l 'l'h'\"I~ II' :-i•ll .d Pl~~ Sl_:)lltr:. :"I'\\' 1 11 Ii 1\i 1:m ·:. t '11n11•1M 1t..wllr1 N •'WJlCll't 1~.h'4. t 1111\ :o>t: '\II • · &.-. :• I I H I It )\1'1-' 1111 half '"''"' \\'Ill I 1'11th! fnr t roil••(' or f"'lT l·'ltll l'hf"f'\!'flh· ~.;-.:;'41 1111·111 ... ltl"(j.. • ... ,. .' I\ I: 1111\1 ~; I· .1 ... 1 -N'l•li• A ·1., ... ~111. l \1111ph•t1'l) r111'- .. 11hht~I. ~"':.!:u). : It 1: I It \;\II : 1111 '\1•1\ 11;•11 1:\,.i. 1:11.11 f t'lllll1tg1•, 11'1\d -11h• .111o.I 1-'I' t1111 .. 1 -.1·11 1111 .. \1 1'<'K , ~lll.!'111C I. ~r 1 · 1·:-: t.•1· 11h .1 11 .. 111.11"· 1.111!-.. 11t1 " ....... ~, .. ;, ·"'" ,10 .tt'l'I· t1•:11·t,, R. A. NEfH;~oN. Rro kcr Frank I l11\\ '"'' Snl1•,1111111 N1•w port Hh d . " . \ .\P,ho1w fkacon ~::!~~ (\)ll!fA Mt"M ~h r •1 .. 1111••'"">.~:"'"~• I ,1,· ' '""1 CHARQOAL_&. flRiQum f'l)t1n1·1' to ow11 ~ r1'11 t 1..nuis XV · . • 1 ' " Tl1Ct:lil All !'uh M•1• h t7 .1 11 A1•11I 7 I"•" • l , ('I I "I I , .__ .... · -· ' PROM'P'f DF.LlVERY sl~ I ' •1r '''"' •ti•· .. mp) """· .... ~I •HP -· ''·~·· 11 :-.1. ro-111 \ I'll ,.. .. • -:-w \" . . No."P.4336 '" Hl t(ul. ".,, fiii:n~. l AN7.·S<11M1DT~ l.u1,, A 1 ,.111111ftinn . 4,~c¥ltf•nt-.-·'''pt l••ll:TI 1• \\ ~itP :.>:.'9 Marin<' A\'t' ::?9-ltc C llnrbor Inv. Co.I cE111T1 F1cATE oF 11us1Nu s • Wriaht Lumber Yard · < FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME ... • PlANP ('n Al ,,~·~ nlmost 1 l(l lltlit-. r ( l\\th·tl h)· 11w.:l11111k I t\11Ill11111,1:-.:1: lfto• l1utl~·r 111•111 TllF:· \'SPF'R~::>:F:P ''" •hn~l•Y l~wix>rt Blvd. p~n n11s fr1•112 "ht h t.1 du>t>S«' ~2 1 ll'("'""' :"~ l:l ll al lo'r I~ "'-'" ' th·' '"" \11111 .. 11 1 •,.ll.11 ll>'IH'h llalhoa Island '• ~ll'lrbor 1331 rPMlfy 1\1111 tlu·y ""' ,.,.1,,1u1t111 tc " A ~ESA; ~" Mn~n. S~ Ann 19-tfcl • ~1; ~111··• 1'1111• S 111 St11 t~t 11,.,t lti•t1lni;o• w"nsrn·~ ~1w•M•,.~J hu•ln""" 111 11113 84.'acon ~ ....-~.a .. ?\' ........ n R .. 111~ ...... t a .............. ftni1 83-tlc llAl.llWIN t;HANn l«'ll<lllll('t!St-u. I'll'\ llarl. ~ 11.t\ 1d• .. 11 -: I I "'"""'' ":"''" 1111 •11;11 1.10 '·~·I "!ll(lllAr. ... ~'~ Mtorlrt .. A\~nu('' m.11 ... 11 lal111H1 !\lai:rur11•1·n t lonnl qunllty. Ar-.1.1 4'1:11n • 'It ''· \\Ill ···II 11111 I I ttll I''",. $ .• ~ .. , r,.11r .. rnlt1 11n1lu 1h,. fh'llll11u8 firm ~ J!t)Ufl: ·-10:00. 4:00 1~-trc LOST ·AND FOtlNP • H 111mt<• ,,, Al•A 'S :rn•t ''"'t ""''t """ I• • · lion 1•x1·t'll1•n1 Muhoi;Aay cA1e.l 11,:ht 11r 11 "'' 1 .. 1 1:1:1~, '" 111:\.q :..:~:'.~~:~ ... ~~ u'~·;; .. ~::1;;.~~"~ .. ~:~~~: Ple~fy of Good Tiree ahst1l111..ty ~··ntttn•' You must "'"' l'.,111• lkq I \•11•t lll1:hw11\', tnu I0•\411 • .• -AllSzee •sl'i'nndhrnr lh1111:randln1tru· ''""""' n .... 11 '...'7·411' Attnu .. ·ti\'t• :\I I l,1~\~f:1.~A1.'.~Wri\~W~·os ~ent b<•ton• ht1)1n1: a srand. ~·11H, SAi i t!ll l l 'b·rn11111h p, .. ·• 1 ,nt t'l'll 1 $150 ~WARD lNFORM~110 -Uadlng to the \\'IT:-IF.SS ""' ttr.n<b thl• 11111 d1t)' c· d ~ to 01) frrms Dr<' ri111y, prh.'t• 11 lowe11. . . ' HI I ti(( 11 ll\I t11111ht1t llllutttl .. r .. ,.,, h l"~~ Ompoun mO r J)ANZ-S<,l'lIDT "'CANO CO., ""' C1"tl•' I•) 111 l~ln1tl 11w1wr I "' -..... " .-\ 1o1m1 " 11 h It" , 11 t 111 1111 1111 • ,, rC'<'O\'('r y r r powrr ll'ndcr nub- lll'r '2111232 or yarhl La Serana ·A1"-'r1\,.''t:01·,." ... !'1':. •• nGR.l0N ... '!'tON Gallan. "''' 520 No. Mnln. ~Sani" An--An· \'i ti. IJ.•\ "\' · '· No•\\• Ttnll'll 1 nn ·' ~'f "" .,.... \ott ftUI"\ Lti-.t• \\h,11 \ttll t\r&irt• !'ITATf: OF' l'"Al.H'l)R.'>IA ) -'T" olhrr ~rllnd ~ ~. 19-trc 27·~·~·1 ,. t l.osl i)('tWN'n Catalinl Island atld Lo11 Ani:rles harbor, Feb. r 1 .. ,n1>· .. ,. Or1t11.:P ) ,.. We•--Auto Sunn)y J yu •1• •ff.• ,-, '11·111 •·''" "''"'' """ $17.0111 o" Tiii~ 11th •t .. y "' ,. .. ,.. h " o ~ u "" STF.l:\'\VA Y GRANO, 'The rdnat .. " ...... "' I '11r11r11"l""I :?2. 19411' C'ommunicatl' Mr. Hurd, \'And1ke 3121. Los An-1!t!~ii 1·~~ .. ·~ .. :r ,,,~ .;1..,l1W.~nlf'••U~·~~ Authortud o-ler of pi11n011." prrf<'rt rondlllon. 111 11 ~I T HAIU It ~'l rt ~·-··1•• i:11a1,. ""1cr"'0nallr "PP"•r 11 ........ 1h1r Rar· 836 Newpoi't Blvd.,~t. ·1KeM1_w.1 i;ori:vou~ I Om'. Stl\'P t>vrr S'lOOCl. I .i11 """' 1•11rt y 1 ;1 ~wl h11y N11 I r nir1"11 n,,,. 11 1" ,,, ... '" "' r i>e•· u Oan1-."'-h'mld1. ~nnta Ana. •. ''" I I """ wh•·~· """" I~ •UhlW ...... d ... 1111' ..... "' C>..V I •'It ··r~ \'. r~ 1'1•·1111 ~I :.'!I:\ .I =' "11111n ln•1rn111Pnt 101d n1 k11uw:tdrced PORT TOPS _ SEAT C'OVERS No. Main. ' 19·tfc l 'lo•loh,~·k <'imi"nn llrh·i-. ·Ith llCll'I. 23-7tp l EllPLOYllENT WANTED II F1!r 11,,. lttt.:ltl 1""'1111 .. 11., ( 'nll 11111 IM•f 1;:! \\' ti• m,. that .eh,. PXfllt'U fN t th4J ~ • I N w rrNt:l's w11ErtF .• OF 1 h•n Taylor's Tn'm Shop S PINF:T for n •nt. All'G mo. term h·•u~ .. n"rtlt uf \\'1lsnn ~16-~tp hf'rrun1 .. ""' my h,.ttd and' a.lfla#'d my •,:!'"'''i'tK1,1 .. ,,"!'•',,· !!',• ~~ •. >,,.,..fUl~·r>•'"i!nr. In thl" _;\utomQblle U...hnlsterlng n'nt 11llowMI If ynu buy latf'r . , o, '" 0 • -ft ~ r~ t i's )Ullt llkl• 11 Mvlng-1 ..,.,,....unt. H J . s MITtt Boat .And Truck C\Mlhlon1 ..-·-c-.. unty C'll'rk 505 West C<"ntral N~t Bch. Rml " S pln<'t now, huy Wht'ft R)· -H M. llud • .. I"". rrady Oun1-Schmldl PIA no C:O Harbor J940 24-tfc "' 5:..'0 No. M111n. ~11nto Ana. 1?-tfc ll'W.Al.I l'uh Mardi 18. 2~ ApMI I 8 IR411 • 111'11 l'i. tWl-.HS 111 ,J. A . J~F.Et\ O~'FJCI': • J: 1·rr) I .1H11lt11i; CO RONA DEL MAR ,-H:tl,1>0a 11'1arnl ~)lt't'ial Good IAUndr<'llll, In or out, mr n'll s shirts u you lilc!' <'m. new look. blous<'I Jik<' n""" dinnl'r ·p.vtles & buffot..auppcNI. Har: 1973-M. 27-4tp 1 S HIPS COOK -Sobt'r. avolloble ro'r S{'QSOn. RI 7 -8771. 25-5tp 1'<'w !:111.·n~ & matnt<'niincc~ ·l'x- snun I OF lllGHW Av SERVEL . -v•·rt i:11rdrn<'r. 'F n·" rs1 tm ll'll . The G A S Ref rigerat.Or RALDWIN. lwaulifully hullt little bunr;:Alnw prnnn Rc·1~ A11l nnC'r c11n !)(' paid on ~U)' monthly_ puym1'nls This 11 a i rm 011n1-Srt1mldl PW.no C'-0. AJmMI IO(l pianos to r hOOM' frnm !'l::'tl :"n !{tnl n. 9Ttnl11 AM. Mu.~t Rell at Once I ltt •h ••ou" lat lit!•" II\ t11~ t ....... , ... "f1ie Neww·Tim<"t wJll not be re· apobsible for m ore than one lnror· rect Insertion of an AdVl'rtfaement. RSenlN t he rlr;:ht 10 correctly cla.ulfy a.ny and oil ads and to reje-ct art)' odq•rti1rm<'nt oot con· rormlng to rul<'!I And regulations . 68-tf< Cuaranlt...-·d sn11sfa'ri1on \\'nte K A Pnn111jn, :!'2~1 Plt11.•1•ntia h n·. (.,,~,ft ;\\t·"n :!'1-51f' POSIT1<1N WANTED B11l)y sit· . Some ModPll A\•ailable NOW Balboa Furniture Store ' 100 Main St., flalboa Phon«> H nrbor 145 19-trc tin or t-om nnlon lo '"''all or I: J1 d 2205 ('011st Rh'd . Newport l'lrh'rly <'om1"·11•nt &: 1•xp•;rn•nc· 1 Phonr llar hor 116 \\',\!'-11' T0 BllY-Sm11ll S pln<"t ,.,_J Cnll 1 la rhor '.!U;J(1.:-.1 '..!~:Sip 14·tk pmno <'nil llftl'r 6 p m . Blue ,~·:1sh1i1~ !tnrl irnnini: C:ood C't'°k A_rltor S.t"'. ~!Ii 1~1 . 1"1•\\' l{oo<fnk SP IN l·:i· pl11n11 Hrn11d ~n<'w f'nll<' llUUfl~ ft111ttn \\l l lJ .. 11·u1h 111••1 ~ A 01-:AllT IFI 1. Nl-~W 'J l>1'ftmnm l It ad111i.:. h1 llilll" ,.,, 1y lw,J1101.1H1 hllm· l'1n •r18f'O', a11r11i;: ... flllllll ""'''I"""' h.1tlt I 1• II• 11 .1 ..... nf rl11i;•l11n1• with l"<lllCTl'lt• frrn••. •1" '"01111.J 1•11\ l't "• ~' • •ll•• ,\,k \'1•1.,.11:011 hllntb, ru~~ 1 · '''' ~11 ltuh" 1 ~p tr, ....... ,. lut f11r , ''' t ru .. t•' · "' I• ltl..il 111111 P.A. l'AL ~tEH 't:\;\.I 'I I I "''' 11,\lt(I! •II ·1 ·,011 Un'' \\ork \\:tllt<'c1-llarbor IU'C'a -=---,-F-.\-\'+-f-.,-,\-\l-·r-K-.-in-~-.-R---tr-1-t-11_t_m_i:l Room ~lll•r :.'221 27-4tc P O llo'C R:!T . Halho11. :..'7-llr 3,, R "·"'' filr. ,.,, '<Un hart.'. 11nmn1:1·d "' '<lupnwnt \\'Ill not !':OTT CE I'" n <'f'!\ of n1•w -Oalc1· · .. I t:l' 11 It \\· t' t c1 I \\°(• can 1.1low your i:nrdC'n \lr \•a-ftlm. ·" 1110 Piton• 11'-a :1>73·. ,,," tnlc1 from P• rf•'<'I now Snw· · -• • 1 '" ' 1' • 11n1111 r .w in pirrnoi~ plt-n$r ~·ncl ~·our rnn1 lot11r lio nny kind or vard .. . 29··\lr ~l:l4l T1•rm•J l/\NZ·${1IMlDT ~litr. l fl'I l'tt \ ""111 f .. 1 1•11111, 111 l11t111•h11I nnml' 111111 achlrr ,<; to £\:110\\•in. , ... R33 N Rrnadway, Rnnta Ana. wnrk Call n1•:11'nn 5::'.'RJ.\V. 16-tfc ~ t IR SALE I lum•• ltar. ma· P IANC l ('( t . . I N11, 1'1nln. San· 1.1 1-r,.; '·,,r,,n i ol• I \111r, 2 furl ••t "''.'"' "''"' d 1 .. .,,..1t I"'"" I"' l,1111.;nn,\, op1·n~ tu G ft w1d1'. In· 111 Ana 19-tfc ~I'll •• • ,, I 1 '.tll It. rt ;,.11t.1 ''"' 1' 1 1 "1"11" di 1 '1 '! 111"'" '""''' Calif . fe>r fr<'<' dt<'t•k up hy fac· CMJ•L()\"'\fE!lo'T ()fl' ..... R'r..ll. n . •• 11111111 \ " II ,, \\ I It I ' .. d r .... ~; q111r·· i-;, •'111111!" S111urd11y & . "r • \'••r11111·· "R-:\tl'I . • • ~ • I I • "' !~~~·111i!·~~1n!'d n .. 1 Wtn ;,;~;;~ S11n11 1~i; llar•••r 1:;~;,.~1 . ,.OR RENT . .u -\ __ -_·_ •, ~''"' 1'1111•• J'l .'lp --------------WANTED-Job nnd n·limler 29-~r ~tl-::-..1 f\\1.4 rr•)ffi 11r111r1 -I F'•l<,,"~l.1 ' .._,,~, .rt l l··ll!ht' 1: I 1(., .. 1 .. II•\\ .: t .. i1 •• ~ .... '"' Bu•~,· .. OUlDE u pres.c;fhan . S tt'acty soituRtion 1---ll1l'nl. :!1.5R N''"'"''l'1 rn,·11 . C'1,.1!1t1t q, " :l 1. •It • t • it.' In.: r oom .,, • .,....,,.. AJl) .. _\ll'A. ,. <.:'ANJTJ ZQn .~ d 11 kl t 1 """''' 11••11 1'1111•• 1•ltlj'•r.1t .. 1 in union shop. Idea I work-, -"' f' 1 .~:' t ~ 1\. ~k•a ~A-3tc '"'.' ,. ' 1• ,.. ""'" •,IJ'' _. .. ''" 1 1 , • ,.,,,., """'"' ,,,, 1 .... , , • ,111 "" ,, W00 D FF.Nf'E CONTR. All THX·~ oml St~lt'S F 11 A T• rmo; Frl'<'.·l·:s11rn:il"S . \nywh"r" In <'nttnly '\·11 111 3 ,.~ "'P ay Ph . ~ ,\ :!~,7<t. H f:-<flt'rl 2:).. If c W a~h & .Jewelry RJ-:PAIRINC: Flnr Diamond~ nnd Wat<'hl'I ~:Jo:\\'PORT .1 1-:Wf:LF.RS rt 'nd•'r nrw :">1nna~rmcnll . -r!'t' ~ f -----5CtX l:.>T It 1 .. 1 "1l\\U01I .. µ1t1 mg con l ions .. ...,. ON'mnn \'I\'\ F r>M11111c1< [~~ 1'1\HATJ·: turn1~twc1 hn11!>1•kN·1.-r.11 1 ,,., .. .,.11 11,,111 •·JI , .. 1"'""' ·' "' "'' ' t •; 1 """'1, ''"''" i .. at . News-1'il"D('S. NC~'JX>l1 1lr1n1lo" n.·:1l••r till' l'IHll.tl l•1I "n·· 11r Ill•• Ph1m• p11l111i: ....... ,. "i'.\(, \\',•,1111\11'11 .. 1 1 .. 111ot. ,X,..i .... ,., '"'" -.--.-n .I Beach. Calif. II"• ,\ml'lln«r 1\\1'. llnrhor 111>1 .. r ('all "' t'.!3 :l1111t J\,1111 n '"-'"' 1 .'); :tti• .''•·II• --------------11.111 .... , l•lr.nn . SI . '''"P"'' :!fi ,,, . i """TFll \1'tnw11,,r:1n"11111tr)· ·1<11 1 -HFNT \l .. l 'N IT ~llT~ ( .. r 111.111 •.:• nwnt n f 11r .. 111 11olo· ------------·-·_!' 1 Ht 1• •'1 Al',\l!T)1fl::'\:T NII'• I\ _ • / ' • 1 ·,, l•llf-1111''-" n1 •11rh) \\'rtlt• R:tW· a ·A;"\ TO BM II hu IU!-lltJ. S1•f\,• I r• fnr.1·r n111r. :n•,x t11.: .. ' ~·1·• ,i.1. '"' I 111111 .. .l,·t~ll" ''•'P' (',\(' • :,~,><~JJ""-.H,--,-\•J1•t•ttn t ifuu1~ tu11n.; :!11-' • '(hnn1tut1 0.1k1an11. c-:i1tr 29-ttp C~ for USED ="•"1•1r1 111'"· :"·"1•1r 1 n"'"'' 37'; x "'-''; "'1" ,.,." •1:•. J;",,.._ & 1· I Stlltrt\ •1111 •\)'.1rt 111• nt '· l1o hq11l ,., '>< • i o; 1 \\'.\:'\T t " 11 .. 11 •• k" 1•, '.1 .. k11ti: •. i:.uit•l •-App 1ances ,\1 d1• ~· . .,_ :!:> ·,,, 1:> x 111: .; S •J 1..1.1 .. 1 .. r ,111,. t ·,,11 • & tu:ltt hou~·· 11.11rk r;,,.'lfl ~nlary ~ ''.WP r\tJY Alm091 lnrl111l111". ,1 111 I • .• 1 .. 11 ••• ,,. l••••t"• < I h ' ~ llH IU :\:T lt1~11n l11r •• I "' ~·. •· • • Prh a11• n')(ltn ,,.. 1a1 in n"w , An~hlnit" • "l;I:; ~-'Mt twi I Ill I' ~ n ..... --\V ''"l ip GRANT'S J•rt' 1,••· ·,.'[l''"""'' lo.11d11 n I''" 111 ,. u•a," n .>.>1 • -O•• .. J l · 110 ~1·~ not 111-l'd b.)' family. p11· §,\LE . t i!'lf'r.1.1 .. \-SEO•'M Phone Il<'a. 5707-M \':ti•• ''" trll' room ft1:1 <"llrf llt _______ ....;:.....ii.....---~ .~lr..is Nf'WpOrt Blvd .. C.O.ta Mt'9'1 :"t·\\ 1••rt ""'~ht" (l 1' n ,. "n Silver Pl;;itirlg 4.2-Ur .r.r.r.it \\' nr r,1nR · :?1•...."•t" . - V<"ry ,,, '<11,.hl·· I•• .tltt•ll• lo •l11pli1·111. ',11\\':'\FH 181:1 W. ( '1·11tral ' ' . ttnol II 1111 I H:\ Y l ~l.A N I> .. 1.11 •1!•"'"" l '\1 11 \l.\11• ... l(I W•\I \'I' l!\"tll 1;1 \'-~I I• I'"''' l•o•l!I 11 1.1\l'\t, 1(1111\1 l of',f,1 , l~IWl\I hll •Ill'\ 'll<\111 1•1 111 c·11 I I' t • I. ' H \ o,; I \I I· ' I' \\' I 1'11 ~Ill 1\\ I II 111 " 1\l' o, \lt1\1 :t 1·,\f: f'I \I I \ I I t:".I Ill I • 1•, I I l l•l '\t. I I.I 1·11111 · Ill 1-1(1 1,111A'f11t1 .\'l,f• 111\'I 116 22nc1 S t . 1-\""'POrl q ~lft FORKED Wlndlhlelda A: td ' Coven made to order. Allo ~x lclaa A: Ludie S hffU "" e Nu-World Productl Company 303 Third St., HunUn(t911 Beach Phone ~un tincton ~.ch 1 '11l ~.f\PPER. RRASS. 'GOLD PoJIRhfng & ~rlnishin'1: . Bayi:;id"e Platin~ Co. 1~14 HArbor B IM. Costa M<"sa. Calif .. ~aron 5113 6-tfc A \'t'. I JIA!llll IH 11~1-H 2R-:\t Will Pay Cash • Lh'ini: r<inm, ""dr•••m .• & hR•h F'o r ~r hrntl~ «' whit have j :!JIRrlml'nt for F.IL'l<'r WN'k Tu 1>hone Be !WllS6. rl'ii:pon~lhlr pi•oplr• or younl! earl• )IOU. •ooa. Ac r hnprronr• ' ('all H 11 r h'fl r I.OT Ff'IR S ALF. Crawley Furniture C'o. 12.19-w . 'Jt',.1,,. NEWPORT IS LAND -~Cf' Un? Nf'WJIOll'1 Blvd. C:O.t M I ' I corne r R-2 lot Sldf'w11lk11 nnd ' " r.a-~: WA.NftD TO KENT -U Ptlvlnr oolh 1i<Srt1. 1111 ulllltlf'11 ....,,_,.,....~----~-""-.J W~TJ-:_D-T\' RE.!"T -. E14-.. 1••r Paul I.uni'!. fie()6 ~ J:'r ont :0-1111\\ '> It\ \I 'I '"I•' I \II :-0 I 'l'I \' Tl I I.JI ',\I.II· II I• f'l 'I\ 1'1t1\'lll 1",\S ll l'lll1 'f ~··· •••• I'll•''"· 11 1\ll :!~o1:1 .I ... , lt11 111 'SI N ~-"S & l.IVJNc; I.JI ' A HTl'lt.'\ ~t1• • ED WALTERS tl"Oa........, -n l ~<'<'k. co1t111;r for. M;.'TD a1rl~ . Kttwpor;t • ..Q1-1u:t1. nitf.. . . . nu: c~crd~ J3ath Room11. Dr11in Boards. etc. 15th ~N@WJ>ort A\'e., Cos HoltJwood'·~ cril>-Mad_,.l~. nahy~unrd hir;:h ChAir , !lt'llrng ch<'ap, 1?00<1 rondit ion 2236 Har·. hor B.lvd .. \osta Mka. ',28-Jtp • ·watchf9 • d"<di.a ~ CltRONO MrrER.5 R.epUrtns--~ ~­ • Senalble Pr1oee . t ruRN ITIJRF. llEF.INTSHED and C'havronc. P y l~!'i70 Hr-, , I,; 'As."Yoli·.bicf TY'"'" ~~~hrwJ.tl!S •4-... 3•t;,...:,il -:R A LBOA-_~ · · KEN .. CRt'NSTEo \\' ANTP.D TO Rf:HT _ 'r1if·i·11~ ~ RF.nft:li(.. F11m ·~ <10M In ~1 1 • ••111 Ill\ ol I-r ""' 111 S t1nM'I , ~;• 1,,.1 "j"i'x~. W1l1 t!Ulr K<•~I 1·11r 4J .dt 111 $1'~Mt 1l11wn ~:\ 1111)' ul ~ • ( 'l"lA\T I A ~t"r 'l~ ~'U. "'1177 ·°'J,.,,. pm I lllvli 'it · ;O"t> Bl'ocon 8700:W.«,- ...,.. 18-tfc ·H. M~~ANE REAL~· 2006 Court Ave. .'\r AN 1>RIMLEN --~~WE LR Y 17'88 Newport Blva C49te "• ' 2m1 Mlfli.T. $>t~ Coeta M<'U "''ith 4 rhildrl'n fsll'lni;: C'vlr1111n 6 ~ hlk from ll11y front <'on· Phone Harhor 10'10-W · ?-;N'«f pl11N-to liv" until J~ 11•1• of lt\'tnl! r nt)m , rtri,pl11N', For F.stlmates -~ \ :\() H11rhor :n4~·R-:.!f; 1tr brr11kf11~1 nnok. kllrhf'n, lt'rvlN" On Ouap11nt~d W-k . A.. . 1 I n I I -• -.... ....~ ,,. 22-tft' UAllTlliS'8 '#' HOll,-F.!' 411 =.-"":! °' .,,. ' . ~:1r YIJri ~ ~AV· TF voun1;;:m&~ae! N M1'~ .. RL~N"' -~ -$1 2.~100-t .. _rma ..,.rorntni: you 8ho1,1ld hr C'Of'l'llng !n .-. 1 ~ 1'0,!11 M1.,.1t 'J'I 'I.lo• I-t ill S J\ I.I' • •It T l{/\ Ill-. N•·w 'J.. f,..11.i•Mlll 1•1"'"' homo. H•·ll•I· "'""t, ("t<llt ~ ;I '""" \VIII t11kr 1"1.11 u~~JIJU.W-:·M~~- 1"'1 "" nr~,,.;nr,..,;.-;r/;"l'r'f'°/~, .. r RAl.BOA ISi.AND 1-'n\:lt HEDltOUM L(< ME l lJ'ii,"11 l11w for i11\m<'lllr1li' s11h· ·1111 .. l••11ulif11l~I"'""' 1~ In -i•·t'ft't'I 1•omijtlnn nnd 1 l11n1h-.I 1111 O<h' of tlu• h.larnl's 1111"f"l"t st n<t·t~ Mn ny _ 011tst11111tln..: f1 •11 1tm.,. ( '1111 Mr. i\dj(lns11n. llnrhor t77tt. IN('( IMf: f>HOl'tJtTY I \4•11111 1r~11 1l11plrx \.\•f'll hullt j11-.1 h1•fnt"f' 1111• Wiil' 'l\\'o h1'flrnv111s. Flrrplnc"f'. lw•na· tllt1l p11th1. llJlll('I' lllJll m mpll•tf'ly ruml11hc'C'I. S1>k-ndkl t'l•11t11I propt•11 y . l'rhi'Ct ri1<hl nt $1~1.7~l with a v1·r~· l\'ll"''""hl .. ilow11 1111y 11w11t. ('1111 M\·. Prouty, 1111 rhor 177H. BALBOA RA YSI IOR ES < • Al't-: COil llOME. l.lvin~ niom with "11tll"to wall n111lc•tin~. hrn l-'ch•o11tl\S, phL"I fit'll with fln,,hu'e rtin n~ nl1"ll\'t' flnls h1-;I In 1•0 111hc'C'1 plywooct, lln'ftk~ fnst hm· In koitd1M1, nit nwtlvely c11"<'0nttf'C't. Wnl).-d fllltln nnd hnrt'll't'\tc• f.or t'()mpkotr ouhlor llvlng. St•11111-.1l1• l111thtn1< i.h tl\\'t'r In ttnuhlf' c·nr J(nm~. l~au-1 tlfully lnml~11r11.'<1 ynnt. For ,(ttrth~ ck-t111l" nnd "~ ._ 1-.11n1111 .. n 1 111 ~"': 1'ltll Mr. Thttntllll. 141-itt'nn ~74H:-' . Cl.I FF'-1-tAVEN Overlook in~ Newport Harhor FnH TllAT n a-:A t rr 11·1 11. t1Nous·11m c·nnLF. 1111 rlN if \II'\\ Int wft h owr J:l.000 f('l('t ot blllldln& 111-.•:1. ti11'J.:" 1•111111~h 111 1w1'tH11111111l11lt' nny t yJll' 01 1111111 .. :11111 ii 1-. prh",.' 111 ~l .~)(~I. with h•nn.-.. AlflO " f1•\\ "''"''"' ltl11fr 1 .. 11 ... •hold lttls "t 111 nvnllnhlt•, lr11>k-h1~ .,~., .. ·lly nut Hll B11y 111111 ( lt '\'111\, For rurthfor dl'l1111 ... 1·1\ll Mr t·:.lw1ml'<, l'4•:11 '11f1' !°>7W. COHONA IH:L MAR l)'rrt-:~11 IN c ;, I ·;: \\:;:-hnw "'"'••ml !'1 nn<I fl room 1101111'1' 'P Khu\\ ~11,.1. f>h11111• llnrhor lti46, Mn. M 11('1Nll1 .. \A,'.. h 11\'1• N'\'1~1 w..tl-lf1t'llfe'(I rtuplt•Xt'f4 for Ntk>. I .i\'P In 111w 111111 11 n<I 1'11nl lhC" oth<>r. Phone• Mra. M111',.."'· ll11rh11r 11;,11; NEWPOrrr BEA CH · 1·:~n .. 1.1.1•:1'T I N°l'l 1M I·: 'J\rn s t1wy c·onc..t't'fr• hullct· 11ill \\tlh:I t11ni1 .. l11'<lap11rlr111•11h11111d i1 111' ict11r1 '. 111'10 ·• .: i. .. 11·1111111 111•111 II t'flfllll!•'1111 on 7~"oe7~' Int t11 11llt'y, h:df l 1l1 • 11 l r11111 1 "''llH '1111 ... l"''l"'t1y h11R lnn,•1:i.'<- 1111•l:i \,tfw1lilr1 1H1t11I ,,..., .. 111llllM'fl. l'hotlf• llnrbor J 1111.I 11..,k (11r Mr. l\kKinsa")'. '" BAI.HOA \\ 1.;1.1 . IJ l('i\Tl·:ll IN< 'llMI·: l'HOl'J·:ffrv. it unit" it fl'li ltl 15 II{ lllll • :.! ht 'Cf 1'1111t11 It jlll rt 1111'11 t: l.11 ~p l'fl<'hlfll'd 11111 111 'F11111l"li•-.I ut ., 1 ti,;i<J(t. 0 111 M11ry l>l<"kl!IOn at 'llitrhor 1111:1 COSTA MESA Spl1•111ll<l :\.J1t'(ll'llo~ lt1111w• rw11r rww C'r)(U41 Junior < '11111~1·. AJr11,,..I rw•w ~Ith $:l,500 In nowen and lantls1·n1,.. ttlnrw. NilY•ly loc·11t1'\J on coml'r lot. J>rl("('l(j for lff1mc'(llt11•• """ .. 11! $1 :1,500. C1tll Mr. l'niuty Rl ~11ti.. -. . . .. .,, *°- ,,,-----~ ·~-~h EARL . A~~ ~ UAL TOR -. C 0 VER I tf 0 0 RE AT E.ll ~ .... N E W P 0 R T R A R 8 0 ... Near Newport Pier • Eltablllhed Since 1920 8-tf1 3-tfc PLUMBING SUPPLIES j h•l 11• 11111" '°'rl'• I J\ I '11111<,, 3113 W (:r.N'J'1lA!. I;,, .. 1111 I 1t'11~··1 ~ 1 · .. 1 .. 1111 ,,, J , N.-port Deech the J oni's -£:0 ..Uphol1ll'rt1 Re>· .. Jun•· t11 S1•p1i mlll'r 15 PENJRSl J J~A...POJN'r ~tylinr;: nnd rdmlldins: nll work ATn!A<IIVF. , ~l•><irrn 2 ....... ~uarant1,N'.i Phom-B4"ncon f;261) '.!. h1•fh·i,.,,m h'"'"'r LirSu •~t4•. n• 1r '"'.,_, .,n•1th hny nnrl rlult <tC17-. ••• room h11m• l\f'1t11tlfolly l11nt1 hEROY SLATER M~j\n)'thinr;: A~tlmt> 4 Sflt'rlnli1<"c1 in Mo,·ing H ou!l<'hold Goods & Sm111l Roata HarbOr 3!)J: 25-tf< Dress m~kln~ and alt('rolion.- Wom<'n'!< and chlldr«'n'a cloth· Ing, sport shirts. 197.1 Magnolls at lnil\I'. co~ta M<"sn. B<'a· 60()S. w ~ '}. 51< -- ,, • HARBOR ?Iumbing ~rvice 1768 Newport Blvd .. Beacon 6Hi REPAIRING OUR &PECIAL TY · ContraciJna and SllppUee 9-tfc 'COO PERA TWE -ROOFfNG CO. New and Repair • • ~e 84.'acon· 6217 ,, JS?.»-~ Ave .. eo.ta Mela 2).tf' 12 TEARS SERVlCI!: IN THE HARBOR .AJU':A HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTRACTOR 27C Eut 19th Street. Pb. BH. ~s c.o.ta Meu. CaUL . JO.th . ' 25-22tc 11r11pN1 -• ~,,., .... ,,,. - l'ft.11 ~ (,YJAST lfwy Opens Sat. & Sun. !l 11 m to !i p m --------------, fo1 ll'l"rtod Box l'../lol llal11<•.1 I I 1 BOATS, .itTPPLlr..M • on<l . ~I :\•1 $12,!"100 -t1·rmA ~-------------' PU M P-S 1 -fiatl•· t'l1•:1r J ,,d,..rn m .11111 r r ONJ-:-:\.'\x7'\ l.1111rlrnv •II•' !o:VV1ll f'\:1lun . runn1nL? cfrt'IUTI , put' l Oth"r• will rend )'OUr 1'111.11111t!C'd I ·N-riort 0.!K'h Ilda u >':>U ur l'Mic11iir thl'tll· iZt MAR.INF. AVP'h • 115 C'OAST llW'I'. -Balboa bland~ -ODfiMa .......... .. -· · :l!l-1 tc cnMPLETt-: TOILF:TS. 'Int'ludinJI! ~rat anc1 nu~ll val,·r ~'.l3 50. Wnll huns:. rim;<' rourl<'d loil«>ts at re>1'rumrohJ<' J1riccll. C.av11torirs romplr tl', ~:ll.50 up. Solt<! \'ilrt'OUS china Utjnnls $4.75 rnrh WO RTI 11 NC:TON PRESSURE • CTi'.11UFUGAL For all Pr~~ur" Soden Rerrig«>ral ion 623 So l_..1lll An~"''"' S t . An11h<"lm l'hon1· Z<'nlth IC.5J :.!9-llc OU TBOARQ MOTORS f••I ••11111) It\ lfl'ltf'h hllm• I~· f,' t'or11n'11 rlr I ~tar Wrirr 11<111; I' 1: ;-.,;,.""'"·'rln1•' ... "• . '1 • --·--·--------MON"£\' TO LOAN C'OA~T PROPEl:TJES ro. I t-: C'i·n 1 ru I 111,t I••"' 1111 r :!fi~.k I 2·1 "' l.:tl\' p11)". 11l~n hlnrk •if)C'. <'hrnmt• ~winR: sfloufi: fl'> 75 K1l<"h<•n ct1nk!' Srl ?:'i up La11nrtry lray" c•11~t iron T111l1·• ~··at<i. 1:11 •1m1n.: 11 hit«; '!':\ i~1 So;I pJpv 11nc1 tittlns:s AND BOATS :"F.\\"' Al-11!'1·:n S<'rv.f.,. anrt ll1·11;11r!I "n A ll LO ANS TO RVlLO, h uy, lmrwov,., modrrniv• or r<'flnl'lnCf' w,. flW' C'hRllt' fnJJtf d.N'dfl. I NF;WP0R'f OALBOA Ff:flE!l/\I, SAVTNC:S • LOAN A.<;SN 33.13 Vl11 Lido Ph H11r l!VYr :"1-.\V 'J. lw •h•••lll .ind tlo•n ll 1i•,l11111 , f1r1·pfn• • :• • ., 1· ,, 111•• \\'il l f111 •~h ,,. ''l1' '., ... I ,. , •••• ,.,..,, ... I .M 111 l'lt••r .. _ll ,,,.,, 1.1'1'1 V.' ~)i-:\tl' !'l1tk1•s n f :'>lot ors • --'G.-t our pric,<"11. , I lint watr·r hC'al,,rs. nrw ·$46.50 2():-g • n::wc H. Spirs Jlrhu111 hnt w11il'r hrnl1'r!I SJ! 00. . 916 \t.;i~~ lliwri' H<'nron r~7f;-(M 20-gal.l • • · ~'1·ffr. Any plumbini: item <'llR be lhmUJ.?h our l()('n) or Loa i:r1•t1•s ofril't'. had UVE RA l'r TANK An· 315 Marine Ave. BALBO(\ ISLAND 10ppm1I<' C'alholtc-Church) \ln~!'d Tursdnr- ll A 221 r.-w 2S-tfc G E. ArC'h W l'lder 200 A~5'l '''<'I ('Rhlr. likr. nl'W n.. C'l'll'I' i&t3-R nffrr 12 noon ~ tc PattPr~n·~ T.andirr~ ;,:1~ \•o,1~t llli:hw"v • :'\:rw1 .. •rl I~ ,1·h • :!fi.tf(" f'()R S,\ Lt-: ~··..: fl rrul">'r, 111..-(111 I 'l \' -R m1110r <t111 nf "'"'"r ~J(I T""U" l'hnn l111rht1r ti:l.13 l,r. ,,,..,.,.n l'I :Vl & ,...:\() f' m A(~,., • Ii pm lla.rlior ~M ~r.-1rr l O'K('('f(' & ~trnilt rrfrl1tt•rator ln 1 ..,. .. .,. <'r1, <"r:.l• ,rlf'f'd I"'"' rtr11n rxcrllrnt cnnd lllon $75 no I tfll 11nd ir1w>d 1·,,111li11op Prll'f'd rll(ht ('abrlllo, Costa Mrsa 26-~tp P h004' llubur IJ99.W ~ltco . .. • • ;n.1•1 HAVE YOU l IJ;ARJ) AROl JT MULTIJ>I E LISTINC :. /. . YOl'H HEAI:mH \1 111 ~ •• h;111py fq t1t·tp1;11nt "'"' w\fh thl' :itlv:inl:1 ·i.:' •of ll stlnl.{ . ...,.llln~ nruf '1m . -in~ lhm11i..:h M1~lt q !· .r.lstl~g. YOl 'Il' HEA I.TOH • "'•·k· ft> provid1• y 1111 "l'tt1 111'"~ . ma .... imum l'f"'ttltl" th:·ou~h Mull 1p~ t.1 ... tin;.:' YOL'H IU·:AI.Tf'>H-i-; \<•11r (.lf"St (.,'lt:..ra11t1-.· 11f -.:1 '~· r..-.1 s.•r.111" .fht'f 111,•h 111ultlpll· lil'ti11g I, A~K AROt 'T ~!'1.Til 'Lf; Ll~:O-:G. Tt1J 1AY ~ Newport Harbor Board of Rcalt6Y<, , •· ~ ~1-lt r· , I ·1111 s MODEl~NS Tl ~'"' l J ltra -M ()(J ~rn 2 Bcdr<111111 IOv91c 1ww hcinR c;hown hy ~ .. EVA r . Rl'l(>DEN HEALTOR 470· Newport Bl\ld. Cu~ta Mesa Ph,h-8cacon 57 13-R Eves. Ph . Bea. ~ 7 7 9. R -1 . \ .. ' 1, • •' "'• " - I\ . . Harbor Femi·nine Activitie Phones: Harbor 13 and 20& By.WinHred Barbry P 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES Absent Honoree age -TH•'Rs oAv s""""°" a.. ... 11.<'aJ1c. "•N'h 111. rn111 / • p t t ~ r' 1 < nspires or y o -Assis#ance--.Leogue Welco;,,e-;"Ne.w Members, Newport Heigh.ts Hom.e Hears lmpressi'le Report ol Y •or's W orl < "~11'''' "'" ••• 1..1111 .i, 111111 .. 11111·t1 . • r..i1~ 'hlll""' 1.al1I•· tlw l11i.: '''•11< Pruvislo1Vtb \\ho had com· 11sAorl11llnn ~o''''l'T\ll•·r 111111 I><··' ltur;•• "' II• 1 .. .ik :rn ·'""""'" • r&etrd U\t>1r hours of \Olunu-c r f'1 •p1J..t<•r \\1111•'>!1!'41 th" ,unnu"I 1111•111 hi<\1111; l'''"'"''I) •I• 11,, ••d ill,ock >At:tr: "'''kum1·d intu actl\·c •){(>nd11 l ><·~-.··rl llr1~h'' 1 ~•rt) 1111,1. r .. n.11 ' ,_,,,,,.,.h '" lu• I'•" rriembcrsh1p whf'n th" regu1a r r•nd lh<' s:1h· nl Chn~'P''" i;n1·n• 1·111~ ~It """ \11• F1.111I.. l -01 m<>Mhly-ml'<'tini: or lli:t•wpon In J 11nuar)' !ht• m1·ml,.·r· '''''" hll•lh ,,, :-..01tf,1 H ••• 1 ••• , I Jtarlior Aas1'1nncf ll.·11~1.M· >A'll.I 111 d11ulil1· tti.. 1111.:h S1·hnol -· ht'ld °>u<'lidtl), Ml\.rCh 16 at Nl•W· Scholarship~ from SI ~~' 0•1tdl tn por t H Moor Y11!'ht c-luh. til'l~l· S-11111 !"nch. 111111 I\> ·.:}\'•• SIOt't 111 ,t'tll<'S !or the d11y . Wt'tc· Mra. h<Jth tho• Tl'o'n C"ont"t'll allfl th .. Sah'ator<' ~fonaco. Mrs. Gcorce Girl Srouo tor th•·1r to1111111ni: Und nnd Mr• E II GrOl'nrn· prnjc·rts • d)'kl' S1xt)-lu11r d1ilh1r' \\It" !iill\•n t Con~Ntulatioru o n achlf'vlng In h<'lpini: a d111t1tuto· tuml)1.. th<'lr M>W 1tandin1t Wf'rC' re· 1tnd $1~) )'M \otrd 1uw11rrt !he ~lved l!Y Mrs Lind, Mn. Grorit<' purchn~e of a Junlur pnrtAMe ~nney and !'& J ack Thomu. d 1>nlr1I rh111r for ttw l(r1tmmar Mtmbt>rt aircrd durln& fhe ~··f1ool Jn 1'"1·liru11r)'. 1111· Thrift btuln eu a<>Ulo11 ~G Once mo!'<' Shnp Wit~ t'ompll'lf•ly puld (or. ipOnaor four 1tudt>nt 1ubscr1i>--aod mNtihl•rM lll(rl·•'tl tn l:ontn· tlons to t hfo forthromlni Com· hu0ti' ttl 11 "''•'k 1111 thr ·01nc1 nf mun~CoDcerl .. r.w.. thf' lt'hool } •• 11 r tow~d Ute The )'t'arl)' r'l'port . Of. the Lea-hlj:ht'f' l'dltn .t 1nn of 11 physlcall)' ,ue'1· actlviUn ·from Fe~ruary h1t nd1capprd studt•nt 1947 thi:<>ucl"! to tM prnent meetlna. wu rHd. hl&hllc hta of wMch weN', lhe purch aM Ot ttt. lot upnn which the Thrift S hop now 1tanda. a year ago In F.eb- ruary; m .OO for a 1 p" c I a I 9Cholarship fund at that time; $25..00 In March to the American ~ Crou; Dc-ntal can-for 11x-1rammar achoo~ Chlldr«'rl In AIJ"il, to- l t'lher wlttl the 1tas lng o f a two aay rummaac sale In till' American· LA-alon Hut . with all nmaln}ftg artlclH 1C.nt to th!' Dominican S l1tt'n1 In San J~ and the clolhlnr t~lp tq needy people In Bavaria; . Spcimorins ol the Community Con«-ru in May, w!J.h --tilt-_. gift of foUf 1tu~nt 1uhscrlpllon11 tu the hl1h M!hool, toa<>ther with ~ 1150 IK'holarshlpa; 11,114.00 donat.cl to' the can. Ott Fund, and srno 00 glvt'n to the Girl Scouts for tht>ir tum· mer camp fund. In ·J UM ~ WU lwokt'n f~!be new Thrift Shop, and In J\J]y the Lta~ u11l1t t'd Sl\nta Ana and other &alllarln at thl' °'8rtty Day of the Lasuna Art Feptlval. while · in AYl{Wl1 . th<'Y 80ld tk keta. fOf\ the A r t h u r R ublr'iltt'ln ron~rt. Work '!" thl' Community nm. cert &<•ru·s 11 At prNwn I 1•n1:11if· ln11 th•· attrnt1t1n or a larRf' J)l'r . C"'nl n1:1· of L1·11i.:1w llll•mlx·r.s -:- Costa Mesa keel Cross Starts Dri'te With J(id -011 Breallost '"A totRI of :U6 major ''""'· tc•I' hit our r liunfry 11ul'fn~ T!J1T' IWC'Ordin~ tu M,N. 0 V1·m1m Cc''· whv pokr ot thl' "kk k -orr" bt't'ukfas1 of C0ttta M l'M hram·h. Amt' n IWd (:'l"OfOB which e r. ond1t) m thl' g o (' 1111 t :i r. 11-"8 ··R.NS ~ wns on tht' joh tw. forr nth"r ori:on171'd rl'lwf roulil lw obi 11inro llnrl h11" <1onl' a nnhlr joh,"' cont1nurd Mr~ C'ox. Sht' CJted ttf~Tl'XllS City illl'olll<· Ir r n• u n l'Xnmplo• "' "h111 h11s hM'n 111.nr In tlm f' of 1•m "r1:1•nr y Th(' man\". "'rVI<'•'' uf Red C'ro'" wh1rh · ind1tdl' hnme ""'"· IN' both to rM1llu \& and se"·ice rl''OJ>ll'. nurri11orr. humr nurilni:. W/ll('r AArt•ly, fll"l'I lllt1. ltl"!'1t lt•nl pri·vo•n11on 1·Ju~<t'i< Hw walkms.t tilonrl hunk j;l'"•lrr. lr nc11ni.: A helping hand to n<'edy famlll.-i;, and R!'~illlin~ tr11n~wnt ~ w1•ro• •omr c•f th<' ~kr.1< outllnl'd hy thr Jpt'akl'r I ~ .. " 1111" 11 ... ""'"lll ~··1 1h1• p:ut~1 '-'ii' Uh1d1 tu"'"'' \.\h1n Mi., .loll!!_ -'I'. :':Iii: 111 'tlll H•••I 111 1111' AV•·. ··n•• r•.tm•rl T111-..1l1•> """'' ~11 • 11.1n :'<lo-;lldluri ,1111r-'"J:fi'''''' ,,., , ...... , •. "'"•tlJli•'' l-'n1·n1b t•I .\11" 1:111111rll l..hoo fom1 .. 1 I~ I• 'lllt•d h· I• hi ·~ht lh,..t i.;111' un\•lfujlj••d .onil 11l1t•1 1•11t•li h.otJ lw1·n 11l1n\111-<I. ·all y11n - 1·d Ill 'OA I 1o('p1ni.: 1lfo1 lfl.111) .11 1 .,.,.., r .. r tht• no•W Mlll 11nd 1•111•h \\ r11lt.• a ll'lt••r to 111~ niu1tw1 'l,.11~" tllo "~·.111d t'luld rur .\11 Iii Nl ' Luwr11·h, whn n.n .. uno, \r..'111 Unnny--_ ·-' A. ... II.\ lhUUI n.-.·urd ol t.h1· 11·••. t > "l11d1 ''"' 1•111,1hlt noit ;, 11 .•1111 th•• h11rtt1t•1•• v.all ttlM• r··~···"• l•&L· fllll'' ,,, lh1• ,;f(:1i.r l1tk1:11 '""'· ol11y PrP"\••nl \4•f'r" I h.-?\,.1t" .. d..fl11•'' \"m•···nt l..J1111nd1 H11no11tf :\11· l">o1n11l1I. Ed" .·r•I :'-111 koo\ I• h H .I l>11hl1-. F°I nnk B• lmflnl \\" \I 1'1·rk1n• 'Jtulph 11·" 111 .onol J on1o • F'ro-.t S1•11l11ni.: i;lfl • lull 1m, I•· In hc-!"''" 111 \\••1• M" ~mh Ir 'A ll\ 1111ol \11-. :\t111111t·l l'o11il1••111 'An lsla,..P,.P9radise'· Soys CDJlli..fPirl , t Guam \\'orl1 1111« 1 ... , " n 'l'••i\ o 11 It\ Mr :ind !\II"' I-cl ltr,.:1·r-. 11r (", ... ronu clf·I M11r ,,r rh .. 1trn\11I 1n G u11m 1or t h1•1r d11ui;h•.o·r . l\11 • llO\\llfl1 C°fl••: \\hl1 i;atlo·d l-rl1 1!1 from Sun Fr1111d~r11 with ll1·r smnll c111111:ht1·r """"~· 111 J•llll h••r hu,hro nil "hu hK~ lk 1·ri l Ii ll)(lnt h~ In t h,, Snuth P 1tl'1f1 c Wllh !he• t · S Mnnne.s 1\trs t "011·. \\ho m11<l• h• r 11 .. m .. on R1,lht1a hl"nd, r-nf<J)• <I 111 tho· Cull 11 1H11~ nf fl\·.-day' 111 11111\11· lulu. 111111 r"1t<'lrto·d ,, "'1·11111r.: ll'lfl "'hwh 1nt"lu1l••ll tlw r1·~1·11" 111 " tunk••r (If ( ill,1111, '111• j,,.l'ttll\I' I'll• 1 h11<111 ... 1 "" ii• s1•ril11n1: I h •' i.;111 · lo:''Oll!I "' 111 r~ 11f I h•· l'lnntl p1.1rntl1,~. th·· " .. 11110·1 I ul hat lum: 11nd hkr11111 i: lu•r lh''OA h•ttll!' \\1th Ill" w1tnclt•rlvl 'I•'" too a mn11n· lum n 1h111 rli:h• lty t)1t· 1't•1rn " . . . 'Experiments' lEBELL CLU.B· NEWSJ I AND NOTES ~J'h<· l'\1•>A r~•rt UurlJOr t::lwll • P.-T. ,A . &niters' Nig~t Attrc,<;t~ Huge Crowd ... Vie lor Attention · For1"asical1'1ogram, Election Of Olficels 01 Boot~.&-SocJcJ/es Club W ilh tlw 111,1ditorium of the · "R eVl'rit'," 111,d .11 w1tllz. "Or.-am cl • ··-~ .. ~cwpor-1 l.Wer h school oycr-no~-Face:" Ilolh ttit> orctwslrn and ~1urirr ancina t o Uwir nl'WIY f Dances and RicJing "f'iuh and tht· l<.111nd.·rs B •Ju k :--hop \\Ill utlcr thr1r third Uook nnd Auth11r To .t 1l111S Fri~)' at -.: 1J m ;,nd ll1L l''".:nam will ht> ... 1111;11hH'f) "11rl<I·\\ ut.· in 11s in- t• n·~t \\llh 1\·t. r Browne and J (4uld Lamb lU Le IJfCi!Cnll'<l. or.:anizt•d "wrstern" orchestra Ing to "standing room only;· th<• the bind d isr1t11yl'd the rt'SUllS o 1 Nl-wpor l 'R" a<' h Elr men1ary· fhornui;h ct1r...M .. on under Mr. ' •·ntN'tamc-d mcmtwrs of the School P 11r<'ri• -Tr,.rh r r .. ·.IOC'ni -Sawin. ttfr1111 Boots & Saddle Club. Mon· ...,... ,.,.. lion hi· Id a S<'cond !IUCC<'Hful Thr hon A. \\ hl<'h IS 8 •• SU('('('Sll· '~!) • '.-nir11t whl'n th<'Y m<'l in F •1 AnWfll'1tn Le1-Zion hall Tur right uthrrs' :-;,i.:ht program TQf this ful new oraanizat\on this yep ; fl"'<"' orchestra was un<k·r thl' ('(Jrrt•nt school year Morch 15. 'playrd. "l)111c-h l'ornlt' ... -4\t.·o p l ' I t' r llt1UI II• • llUI hur Of !>rums ul IJ!'Sllll) Is \'iSltllli: In 1h .. L;nitl.'d S1111o·~ f1 11cn his nil· 11\ ,. K··n• und lh" don<' m11C"h 1 l'sc·nrrh 111 llnlll 1 fur l11s <'Ur· c11ri•1'lm n of R)-Tl F.ni:T<', vlollnlsr. M rs. Raymond ~-Harvey pre· \\"a!i;ws" and 11 mari;A _,,.Dot and Ano1 twr dant'" 'Is planned for l'ldini:. The Rev. Paul Moor<' Phil." • Mhn'h 27 Whc•c·l<'r, vicar of SL James Durinll ttio i>hurt lnt.ct:rrtiulon I\ r tlw short h11-ii n1•!f!I mC'l'lini; l'(•ndu.-tl'd h) f"•1rn·st Paul~ t•r .. ~11'11•nt. Sandy Snnd1•rsnn r('- F.plSC'l\flUI c hu'n·h i:avo the in'<<>· brtwern ,tlw ltl'rfolrmanc-ei; of the •• cation. ' ord1t'str.11 ancl lumrl, thr<'l' solo- During th<' short• hµ.~iness Isi s WJ>re h<'l1rd Tom HendC'J'IOrl, r•·nt IKljlUl1tr "''' H · ' l>rctms "' l 1• ~117'} IS RO hlS· torte-ally sr.und tlu\ t•I bo~t'CI upon 1111!' of l hC' mcia t fabulou.5 char· 11(·ter11 in r-;,.w' World nist~)'. Ht•flrt C'ttn~11011h1-. thi·· U I 11 c k mf'o-ting conducted by Mrt1. Har-el~hlh gr~e s tcd1·11t, pfa)'rd IH1r 11·rl un t h;• 1n.11s 111nding suc-. ~<')'. .i una nlmnus ballot wn!I cost ··$gni: of Jn!llh y R)msky Kor-.1 C'f'SS uf the-cluli ~ ~~·<·1•111 . pla~·· for nl'w ofl1cl'rs ·tt>r 'tfie-cvminx ~1<.otr~on hfJl Qboe. a most dltfl- ilay. Th~re W('r (' 232 t'nlrles tn . -)'<'llr Mrs E "' DudlC')', chair-C'Ult inslrUml'OI 11'1 plR)'. Bill l<C!'l- lho• da)' ~ eveonls and 0 Grand man of l·hl' nominating commit-ter. sixth grude, chp~c as h is .,. F:n!rY parade o( 116 hor5~5 & tt'{o, rrad th<'. nameos of the new "trumpet solo Ari'hur Sulliv,a11·1 I' P.mprror of H nltl rldt'rs . ofric<'rs while Mrs. ·Harvey In· ··1..ost Chord." Ronald Wtll'lter, \ Th " fo tiowlng rom.ml\tee t roduccd th('m . ThcY u e Mrs.-eighth grad<·. played bcautifully, C hristoph<' 1'11o>f ()(( th!' chains 11( It brutal sll\\'o•f)' a nd carrir•d his pc:'Opl<'. to '' fn ·o·dom or his own. ma kini: Not only w11s he sU!"!'f!ssful m hrt'uki0ni: lhl• rule:> of thl' local t-'r•nch i:m·ernnwnt; h1• llUCl'l'(·dt•d In dl'fl'nting Na· pul ... on in thl' J1l'ld. 11nd·•won many \'ll'lorid In thl' more \rcadwrous r1•lllm 10{ • dlplomuc·y (t·hairmen we r <' appolnlcd to 11. (~. Boy\<ey, pr<'sidcnt ; Mzll .• from me m ory: OC'nu's "Carnival _ !lt•rw ot the r tub's ··weostern" H. P. Yarm•ll. vi<'t'-prcsldent ~ of \"e~·· on his c-larinct. All dnnce 10' bl' h<'ld March 'IT a( Mn. Percy BilU:ll'il; secretary; three boys· W<•re accol]lpanlt'd on tho· IA>~ion Club House: ha,11. )1rs. C F. Duke, trea11urer lif-t he piano by Mr. S lfJ.·in. 511011.)· SaodcnQfl: llO\Jnd, ~Art cumbcnll : Mr11. JamH Siem-Mrs. Bo)'\'<'Y inlf'o4Uced Ma· Windring<'r ; co~cs. Mr. and 1'>1rs. mona, el.lditor I loctunheM): Mrs. lincta K ay. W<'ll -known '"The Lady llur,.lh WalJlon; door. T R. ~"· Rnyrnond K..lla rvey, parliamen-with thi' Hats:· The aud1<'nce •· Thr prf'sld<'nt announc<:d the tarlan .. pnd Mrs. JO!l<'Ph Ham-was enthusiastic-In Its' apprcN nl next •pluyday-of th<' Associated• blrt, hlsfor i.hn • of Mis,-K oy·s display of hats. / Rlrting Clubs of Orange -county Mrs. H a'rold 0 . Boyvl'y, pro-• '.fhl" old('st wits a browp straw . f Ae-Ti'-,..._J Shtsullo ~ut.sul, 31. former ~· oune at Kyushu Onlveralty ao.;. pltal. Is first woman ner ~ wltr. •·ar cnmes al.l'OCIUel ta .Je.- pa.n. She II c~ed wU.b .,.,.. rorm1n11 ul)t'rtmenw ~ oo captured Allied !)8BOQDIL &>me ol her co-defendant. .,. · chargtd wllh cannlballlm • ._ v1cums' Uvtl"& belne'" the ..,.,an. aim~. PrOSt"CUUOn at ~kobama t.rlllls malnt.alna that •raua.. .-tn· unruic~w.ry and vtrilecUoa 11..nd d~Llon wer~ want.anlJ Pll'• Al lht~ ti01c or Christo phe's wllrs with tlw Frl'nch ~overn· .fnt'pls tht• n1•w Uriitec\ Stalc•s -1\Ald ljttll' hc·<'d to the strjktng will ht• h<'ld Sunday. Ma~h .21, grnm chairman. inlr~d Clln-• bonnet lfll )'l'11rs old. Miu Kay ar lh<' ·t..a Habra chrb J,?Tooncbi tn ton Lc.-e Sawin, di~ of the acrompamrd hl'rself oh ht'T; old La J labr11. Orangr 1-,o<ltntll· Rid-school orch!'Stra a nd band. whG m elodJ'()n irs sheo sang a hymn . ~ r rs will ht> hosts for 1hl• day. I~ hoth orgnnizaliont In !K"V('ral dr<'5¥'d in• a 'talc 19th "a>ntury 11rnma or nnnth('r proplr~ n pt•opl<' ""'i 't h o u I J C'ffrrsons, Jlt'nrys, IA>f'!I 11nd Washlni:tons, makmit"ii fiitht lo t_be death for "'lifr of llbt'r ty, 11nd th<' Amcrl- C'an bOOks-carry mne or -rta1t'h !'Jlf'C'taru.lar h Is I o r y P e ler A playday for th!'" tocol club numhrl's. .C'ostumc. Rttnust." 110 m jlny school will l>c held E11stt'r Sunday at Thi' or<'.li<'strti, mild<' up or r hildri•n were preseont. Miss Kay 4!·00. p.m. with 8 potluck supper musirn~ students in grodes 6,. 7. $:Tadously <'Xpl11inl"d ttw stoJ'iet to follow. T . R. Wllllnms. Bemie und R, playl'd thr<'c numbers that of some or hl'r 247 hats to them Railey and John Arvlng wiJl be w1•rc' potlet>ubl.}'_ ('nJoY-ec.t by the 'so that thl'y m ight comp1!'tely In c-hargc audi<'nce; -"C'r~adcr's Hymn," l'njoy-her art. • .. Ho11rr11•. KC'nnl'th Robrrts. In " New memhers inuoduc-C'd ~Y. lt•ss1•r dri::rel', 11nd Va ndercook S11ndy Sandr•rson wrr<'; Mrs. · • arr•. lhl' p<'opl(' who havc.-~iwn"' Fr•'d W arren of Santa An11; Mr. REPLEC'TlON.S · funned. .."° . ~ A'™.'rk 11n rrndcr thl' story und Mrs H us.th Da,·is ond son. PRAIMt~ HAS \"ALtT. of ttw rist' and fall nr Uiis nt•i:ro R"gi::le C'rawley, Mr. and Mrs. l>r&lv I• a Thank You. PnWie·lmptnf .,.. upon evl'ry fk f't ~I • r1•\olution. J im Robt>rts. A. Collins, Cecil our da.lly lh'l'tl. A happy home I• founded .upen .in~"' praJ~. A Orange Coast Mineral Mr. Roui;.nr hll!I prP!l<'nt <'d thl' and Nanc-y Wilson or Balboa. ••nail o'r larie fador y -~·In dlre<-t ratio to a 1ira.tw .,t\·en S hi!11urv · i..,.....a fin<' nov<'l ond the J11mt>s Guthrll' and Anita' Thorn-·worthy workers. To 1t1t •!#nit "1th OUf neJtthbclni, "'" pra!!lfl thf'm. And Lapidary ociety J harrow or l rvint•. . Our loc•&I (;ovl'rnnM'tlt .. 1110tt f'ffldl'nt whf'n Wt' lakt' thf' trouble rur1 11nfll(' !)<'Oplr who ha\'(' rf'lld 14> ronunend Ua.0!04' ~·orkf'r• "''"-labor I• M't'll donf' IUld who H~rs L. A. EMperl-----Aluuo·s~l1.11>oo~kt-ii·~·Q.,J.oa.u:' :ll.\JW...W:L.a.D.lll:._ _ _Jld.:l.J; ~WJ.!£!'2!!!..,...!0!!f_!~~~~!...J.-•" C'ourt.N>w... " r ood lowr praJ-hJs vif'IDrtouw Ol..,OIM'nl aad r1~on of he11rinl( its author. fillii'1iT.&NfK Clllrctr+n qafPRly ff!i1iUi111 tu pridw .· . • Th. \1 111·h '"Id trip will ht> H Rrold Lamh h lls d one m ore hosts for tht' e\·enlng. T~"' '" no i*aAe of human reJaUone th&t "fiftH«ii"'o)O,.,. tt- 11 1 ·;\I t. ~ >A•" ho lcl MarC'h 15 in -~~M~~ftlllli..Mi;&...WiiMi;....~~&;::llf'~...mat'Q ..JU&k.kl y J--~&.'ILS l.''Ml't'· Samllf'I •Ii• ,011!111111111111 ,,( 1tw i::rammiv 1 1 1 11s ~~~:'.~' .:;-!:c-'7:vl'hi~~0a!'a~"y -Thr door prize won nM>tS ,>a14;ap;;a;e, ltkTJOJ~itcra. ow" Its nJue only "·ll•••I 111 c '1w1on11 tlr-1 Mar with ,. r 0-0-,, r h L to U.11 M'a n:lty". . : 111 hl'r pnp11lnr wr.kCT. Hl!I bt'sl· lar arR aza.rwi. II you .would be praJtled, jltve prabe. .(:X 111 .. iul>t '' .onrl i:u•·st:i p n'l'cnt. ~l'IHnJt 't\lnuri~phlC'.!1 of Gh<'n itis s1~'.ll.o'I p( tlll' o•\'l'nini: WOil Khnn and T a mf'rlant''llllc•r cd the 11· 11 .. I I \11111111, .of tht! l..rn: Anite· prlopor tions o r F.astf'rn 11nd I··· 1-01''"·0" S•"'1"' Y who ltt-\\'1•s t<'rn historical facts ll nd 1 w. ti "" •h 1111111-: a nd 1•rlcn1 ini: "11 .. ~ 11nn _,,.,,_ 1 h • wa .. n:-s1;.tNI 'll-:nirk:ir'IC'e It~ .I " k t ;,1.11111 1•1 •"'idrnt of thl' Lamh"s C'llrr<'nl. M arch of L . I\ ,0,.1,.1~ ;11111 t)t1• rnlk wu II· ~h1sc-1w>'., 11 ~1stnr>' l)f th" Rus- 111-11-:110 .. 1 \\llh 1.mti'm 111idl'tl. 'Ii'" J>t'OPll'. 1~ lmpnrtnnt for R '111111• \tn11'11 f1t'lct !rip will bl.;__ h••ltrr 11n~1·rs111nt'11nl( <ol thl' his- i .. ti 1111 \o'I•• l ~oko· ·;ii.:ntc-ancl r,;ry t h111 1s lwini.; mnc1r lodny l:t'I", l tt·ltl' "' tlw Cnmp Jrwi;;/ l11s mos! ur..:1·nt mc•siiai::: l!! that :t1••:i '\i 111111., frt1m Barstow. To-1111· R11s!l11tn!I. who nn-1ml)O"ln1: 1 ,1 oh • 1110 ,. 1111111 o range coun-" i:o_l\l'rnm••nt nr their own ron· 1, 1, 'l'l'"''mo.old~ li5 miles of 1r1nni.: 111~n 1111 01.hr r fl"Oplrs 1~0,, . .1 111.1.i ·n1o• t>At• rlay trip ii. \\llhm l hr 1r rc-n<'h ha\~ ""''"' ror.~aturtln) nncl Sunday, Mar<'h had :1 <'hnnrl'. In 1900 years. to :!11-:!I :ind a 1.iri.:c-turnout 11 ex· c11'mon~trnl•' thfll lh<'Y \\'!'re ableo ('14.'Ctt-<I. l r> i.:m·o•rn t hrmsclvc:~· Community Concerts Membership Drive Now Under Way "Th1rty-fivt• Snt~tlwrn C"11hfnr· n1~1 r·1t1<'!l now h:ive Comm unity C'nnl·t•rts," R1,IJ1.•rl S l riffnrd, Co- lumhin C'nnl'1•rl~ rt>pro'Sl'nt atw1•, ~11irt Tur~day nl..:hi nddrl'ssini: a c11 nnr r ni«C'I ini: pf I hr Nt•"'J!Orl lint loo r C'onrl•rt Ai:~n('11111on at rho• L.nl!llna fk :wh hotr l HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPJ'!L 11e .,_ ... , 1KHHHHHHHMHHHHHHHMMHHHqHHH~HHHHHF rtr.Pt:AT PERFORMA."cr;· ~ "N ellle The Farmer's Daughter" SATlJKDAV, !tlARCH !OTH -CURTA~~ {J:llO Newport 8-ch Grammar School Adm.A& ~Of'! t 'bn Than nu: DRl"SKARD .. In St-ptf'l'ftbt'r $40.00 wu col· led.cl for a nttdy family, and 125.00 elven to tM Community Owst. Octobn' ~th. t.M Thrlfl 9MIP ~ned. 110.00 wu 1lven a needy ·ram11y and ~.00 wnt the Oranp County -~yrnphony Th1r1y volun 11•l'r work<'IS wr n• on hand t o hrar 1\f.t n11nute In· 1tn>ctlonJ1 from '"" ru11c1 C'llm· pelirn rh1unn11n l«·nnl'IJl lfJll. 11nd to rt'('tlh• tlwlr kif~ Thi' quoin for ~111 M""'1,. ls J.1713, and 831..t ""' o r 1111 rollt"C'· lion.'~· n Orani::c county '" aid our own a~a. C'H•lllTIA~ MCJt:Sf'F. D I G LE<'Tt!RP: RA DIO('AMT e ta amma1._ ... - !\l11rr 111 homf' 11mnni: hriftll' '"o.• 1111 m m;;nu•,.ripls h1'11rini:; n••Rrly (tiri.:n ltl'o lnni.:11ai;:ps lh11n 1l111<•n1: 1,.;, 1:111·<ts :ind r11pt lis· trnl'rs: Mr l.:imh m11kf's frw puhlk nf)pN1r:in1~· Ills SJl"nk- lni· hrfl' Fn<l:t) aft.-mnnn iii onr or. hii: r:lrf• tall<!!_ lll~ rt':tdlnloZ aucllcncr 1s'-'T11111t• unlflll<' in RS m twh 11~ h lit htr r:iry <:tor y.tl'll· · ="•·1chloo rmc towns anc1 c1lil'S n11" «Ult<;1•r1hini: II• t hi' C"olumhil\ !lf'r11•1< 11rr•: Sllnt" Ana . Lnguna, llun t in&ton Bf'al'h, i-,ullerton , \\'hilti;or 11nd C'oron:i /\nyon!' holdinr: " IO<'lll m('mlw>r11hip may Rltr nd ron<'~'rl:; In 110\ or ltll'SI· o th " r rommunil1<'l' · pro~1ldcd lh1•r1• ;._ sf'atin~ room," s:iid Mr S111fford. ~-~~ .. --r::··--.-. COAST OPTICIANS ,,..... ... :'a....._ ... -~ ,.... .... ==· ..... aM7 .. ~ ., ,,. -... \' 0&. R 1'lll2Jt ()pcim.D ART CLASS~ 0 Mrg. -Gurnlni:: Rut l«'r, tn-aArr- t'r, will lll't't'pl ctwck1' mallrd to her, or will be at 118 Evt 18th 1tn'<'t on Thunday and Frida)' to make out n'Ct'lptll ·f or thMP wlahlng to tum lr;i lh<-ir' dona- t luns. A l•'('fllr.• on lhl' 'llhj<'t'I 1 Cltonge Dcle ol "C"hn .. 1111n s. , .. """ ·n,,. .l'mmr:-Benefit BricJge <'<I Comr .. , t•·I "111 hf' ra•lu'<'a~I O\'f'r •l11t 111n ,.....,.,1)1: r l".:>11) k'"'· F nfl1,1.) 1·\ ··n1no; ~111n·h l ~l. flt M p . m ., rn1m 1-'11"'11 I 111111"11 uf ' , C"hrisL Sri1•nt '"' C'11mp111n Thi' IC'dun•r. ~l;;lph F" \\'11i:t>N ' 1tf cifTl'ai:ro. Ill R mc-mlw r of I hr- C'h risri11n Srf,•nc-1' llonrd of Lt'<'- ,\ 1 hllnl ,. m 1!;111• rnr !hr tw nr· flt bridi:r to bC' sex>nsorl'd hy Pd1,. C11mmtt Alumnu•• A'-~OC'lll· r lttn 1of Or11n.:o• rnun1 1 ·w a.• 11n- n1111n1·1'fl fpllflwin1' u,.. f)'li'l'!mg hi;lrl 1'111•"1;1 \' r \rnln i; at l .<11t11na 11"11r h ~In~ 11b1hl)" M~111·1•s him II wid,• populR r follrm mi:. <ind hill SU<'· ce&s in rf'rrr t lni.: nnd inl r rpre llni: tun'!lhip Oinnl'r 111 \"i('lor J111go's was lost historiC'Rl sourCt'!! i:ives him Thi' third 11nnunl rampai <1inn1•r nt whkh Mrs Gt'orge Vlll'dli•y jr_, -pr1•s1c1r n1 of I " As<:nd111inn pp•!'id<'d. nHicl IY lliunChl'rt this Wf'r k's ml'mher ip Mlrn ((lr lhl' 191~l!MD lt11 t6 ll<' h<'ld in th<' hii:h sc-hi'>o udi· torium. Everyonl' is U1' 10 ·Delicious • ......... $ p-'hlf••• ....,.F' 't ratlil.--~ Mn . Calt, Vlelt', chairma n of the ll'rlll i'ft>up._ pl"Nlldt'd at th<' brHklut. a nd lntmd!ICt'd Bob S mith. dlr.ct or of Wiiier safety and first aljl. from lhl!' South~ Ontnire C'qunty Olaptl'r. Mrs. L!lul"ll Watrcn. ext'CUtlve. !let°('· tary. was a lso a JUHt. --'--------------0-------11 "1 <11' r r admg circle amoni;i his ohtain or rencw ml'mh<-r~h· 1\5 promplly RS J>01Sihll' :is th dri\·" clMI'" Saturd&>' noon 11ft<'r which m rml'K-rships 11rc no loni::<'r a\'li'il- Ablc. .FRE·SH FISH .. Ii .All Y .o C..,Pt --O*rco&l or l =· . . . . ~rit'fteed , Graduate ol U.S.C. '1lw Art.I • -• Put Student of Art Offtttt School, L .• A. 0.-1 Newpor1 Gram.mar &mool Rm. 11. call Har. 2211 arm roe We. A fte&istratlon -~ Jult~c.-in<f Tahlf'I WM'l' at tractively dec<>l'· at l!'d "1 lh rl!'d and whk e swt'4't Pf'U. AnlsUnr wit h th«!' bn-ak- ~'1 arra,!lg('ment11 wrl't' M n;. R E. /ohruron .. chalrm_11n and thl' M«'!lda'"" W. B ~llntt. Ed 'C'ruko••. '89ft.. Card, Hilda lkn· • nrtt. Clair T aylor, Hf'len Kin i:. H arold K ntjip. Karl S hdflln. Add n ~dt'rskl. K('nn<'lh 'llii1J~~~"JJff!· "~'.!!~~ Tult. .fU'41 ~ J a.-,. --c1on~\.. b~· ... Snfrway Store~. Alpha lwtn, 8nl1 M11>,111'ld0!< Markf'I. ~l1lt i\n·!< V11r- lf'ly Ste~ "'.1ct..ltr n n'C'(llc>\·r <>f the -lC'WT'1 'J'Y'ft~o'mpony. . . - "THE YO UNG U>EA" By Mossier .. fellow hlslorl11nit ThP puhlic-al lnri;:I' ii' invited And lhl' 1tl'nllrmrn will speak a t two p m. Thcr(' Is a small admit 111 net» f f.'C' As in the P'l!!. two sur!'t•ssful i<C'll~ons, II scril'g tnrmb<-rshlp for Eh!'ll mf'mhf'r~ nnd fricn<1s Ari' Rdults COS\!l ~ 00. for 8t udents n-mtndl'<t of rhl' Q l:il! hrllfg" to '3 00 111x ii1cluck d. Rea~uarte...S be hf'ld Thur.,c1ny n( thi!I wrf'k Are IO<'atC'd at the oft1c:<' nr .1 A. a t 12;30 rm nt thr cluh how••' Rrrk. Fcrrv L.andintt. Rnlhoa lsl· It Is sponi:nr••c1 h) !hi' F.'hrll .Jun· nnd. phon~ HJ11"bor 62-W -lor~ nnd n~,.nnt1(ln.~ should tw Jn ronclusion, Mr. S tafford madr with Mr~ Chllc1 1'wirhf'll, ~nvr n list of 6:1 ('(llltmbi11 ar· H11rhnr :!14:1-~l.••.t..:\l r~ Ru\'l'llo nd t1SI" ll\'nilnhli' on 1'h<' Coa11t this Vallelv. ll;irhnr 1"'.~ r1tmin1t winlr-r. Amons: lhrm are · ~ ,.., -.--.i11,. brii:hlC'SI' stRrs In tht• wl)rld fin:t on lh<' p-ft•111n.i:·~ p~rnm. ·,.~ mui<1r and from lJlt.'m splt!C· ""l'tti . I re )fornll1 _Jl:irwy f)re0 .. ~1 111n« ·,vQ.ll hi' t11~"" fer:t a rtists' ~ldi"S: ar n 1011•111°·<<: ~~on h· 1-1 who will ap11t•11r m this <'llY lall'r al 1n-1-:nlt'1111il n .• ~ homlo' o( ;\Ir< I .011r1·111 •' K R1•\ n111d• ("O~T ~ 'IESA ... l _fOR!'E • -• .. qi Jiiii "·i~..,. U1c ~ ••• II tltey catch them ... We have #Item. TRY OUR FRESH COOPD CRABS & LOBSTERS Eas •r 1pme . ~~~ELG'IH-AlltRICAN Filth Generatiol) Helps OlcJest Member ObserYe Annive;sary .... brlrl&~ f\lll ,,,. ~,......_, li'lllll~:t. :i. R:.Jtn: r 2}JI\ and ) I"\ \111' m•sd:iy A('ril ~·~ .11 1 ~.1 ,. 111 ..:11 St<:: ·Co:ua' Ml'sn. C'nn1a' 1..,,m;+ th1• hnm1' "':\tr~, l lnrold Gimcno. f1~1n\ th1• rrcrnt R1vp1-..id" <'1'1111· _,- • ( COMPACTS-- Ro1>erts JeweleFS 1:11~ ........... -... Ja4Aacl ........... tstl ~sa:. Up•OlsterJ HuTy McKee. ~ ISM !fwport Blvd. .ea.ea ... -YAN ; ,flJ,SH : ~lri; .lnC'k ~11111\ nn 111111 rlnui:h· I .. ,... M l'!t-°"11 n Ht"1f ( ""1 "·1 tn tb~· lnt\C'I s ,~, ... •.i'ln". Hll•kt•\ nnrl M1rh:11 I~ :111 ur C'<'h •lli\ 11'-l :\ta r. h11\•' ju•I r • 111rn••c1 f1 ~m !'I f'!lmil ~·lo•lirnt111n 111 1l11kh1nd Thrr "°l'l11 nr1rth ri'r thc !lis t hlrlh<1av 1mn1,·1·1·~11n· or. Mri; Minn L11Gn•w.' Mr,.· Sullh·11n's irr rmdmothcr .• Thr little Rrad- • Ce>rd hoy~ youngt•!lt gue1ts at, thl' p11rt)'. havt• the• unlquf' d is· tlnc tton nr ~In~ th<' fifth gener - J at Ion of thf-famil)· to be born '1 Cslifoml11. • RA!'d O'olls dia111ter relief, allo- CAtlon1 last year ncecded $10,· 000. . 'More _than 300.000 dia- Ht victims "'cpf\·.ct ualltanoe. ·.Qt' Wlw -Adv«U.. FLEE I'S ... FISH Newport'• Most Modern Sea Food Market •. a..lae 8M Food at an xa••e Pn-" , 0,-o.&11 ........ to ._,_ ,... 111 lleP' ADDEN Pt.AO: -· -------~ ·-· "'When ,·our m olhrr phnnt'd 111 it~k ~t: l o lw n 'lttl'r I o·,111••'1•'(! I•' find n nw0n' (0hild. hut h1·N' you 111..,• pr1trt1c~111, a i;1t•wn m.111 ~111. h loo old to l:<'I min 1111~1·h1t>f. or m nk1• a 111-. 11lo.u11 i:rnmj.? to l>o•;t I'll" s11rin1." ~ n1'1r l'l'll.''1•1 • • • Before . Yoil B11lld or Remodel Vlllt 0. lata w ... SMllFDli"'ele ' " lUDLUM , ............ &.. I. Cplor guJdes. rLM nlna aJdA. l'Omprt>ht>n.~· and linoleum -lw ltock or -~t!- T\J!lt•n :\J•l!lluc, 111 1·11111111111,,. ,,. f.01r :tl )n11Jo '"'" fl\'r nh· m ('har~·· 1 .. 1.-11 l••I 1•n th•·•r l~•n• I l1s -M1lf'i;,1n .-1.tl11.,n. f)lnn.-. '\lnnl)''' wa';, 'j111li:••<I h1••I Of h1~ ~, Twq_ :ip1•,:u1uv•·nt ... \\•·1..r .an· hr1•1•1I :inti ab•• cr:onr l t'linmpinn nounr•'il )Jy ltw p11~1i!1•1\I "hn ,.... 11( I h" .11 .. w IN'trtl ~tr' 11 \I \\"a llrnt.:fn1tl 11• '111•• fulltl\\1ni: \\••..:k · Jl .,nl~ ·: m<•mh1•r-..111ro , ti:o11 m .tn ,,, "'!'\" '' ,,, 1';11\o·n tn ~:1 ;\loinh' hnr,.1 rnr fhl"I'•' \O'fll' \\lllll' :\Ir' .JU!tlin •hll\\ /lllol \\;i~ ;1~,llfl jlHIJ,:1•rl h1•<! M. Krnnr-°rl~ 11 .1~ 11pp11111lotd rily ·•f hi• ht"1•r tl ;111ol .:rand l'h,1m· m1•mlirr ... h1p ell.11rma11 1111•11 pf 11)1• 1<h11\\' See Tlte tfew GENERAL. ~LECTRIC RANGE. & ·REFRIGERATOR in action at LUER'S BOOTH . ·'£.~ •• .' D O lot\ A. 'ti II t ~ • E O_QJ)_ S~tfilW -= ='Jhursday -_Friday -Saturday ~IDO ELECTRIC CO."·, '1 516 COAST Kl\\:\\" -.\T TUT. AJU'f(r;~ PHOSY. in: \('0~ MO~ Tffl"RSDA\', FRIDA\' AND SATl"RDA\" ONLY ~AJWH 18, 19, 20 ·Swedish-· Twist 29c ea. ( Re9ulal'ly 3 2c) • SUNSHIN~ Cake . l 89c valuef-(unic,dr --- MARKET SPOT, Balboa Give Gladl't-Red.1Cros~ 1$1and Sel l_ fi Thr ough Classifieq Advertisi n~ 'tl. · . . -\-.. I ' I ;-. .. I Rise lo , Reinark H OS . .IONS rHlp.IP8 • I ·-~-~-~~~~~~~~~ ~lfsht'd ('\'er~ day. Monday ·through Fl1day. by Sam 0 . Portt'r qnd "' ·Luchp S Smith, I'it. owtu'rs and 01x-rntors of the :-; ·wiiort Httrhor Pwbli..t1ini; Cu. , _ - l '-•11111111 uJ Q1h•lc'"· t·1·µ1 tn 1!133 th•'M' 1•mphl)'t't'1> ram· • "'t~11· 1·1"t ,,( .,:111 1·r111111'11I h:1!' hi'-1•11 !17'.! doll:u•1-nr1n 1111I w11.:v. tod&)' •~•m• ,.,, 111.:h 1h111 ''-•' p.1~ Ill•'"'' f,,r 1111' I'"~ '''II r1'r t"Nirrnl 1•t11ploy1~'" By Carrier or :Ot.111 . S080 p.•r m oljth any\\hNc· In Ni•\l.1iOrt Beach and II .t hnn "'' 1'1.1~ l 111 1.-od F11ud 1·,.,.1,. .1p11111\im11 h '" I> blllhm dollors. 'nn -'\.. Costa ~.It-AA ; S:.! •10 for 3 months. $-1.80 !or 6 months ; $9 per year ha\•· ..:•'"" up It>:! P•'l't•'lll ~m•'t' 1111·1.•a,1· nl •>"'r !'('() 1111•1"<'\•01" '-. ~' , ll)• ?.la1l lfl Urq.11~\' Cnunt)'I $9.pt')'.)'~·nr: Ill -Ith 7t>IW, $9;25: , l~IJ\'.I. '' hll'h 1~.1'.111. l111t 1'11,.1 vf I!•"· ~·"'"\,. .1 ,t1tlo'fl)1•11t I·~ S..·nnt.11 ' '\,V' \ ~ \'OL XL · .. to fltn zone. ~!'\\I 1•tnm.•111 """'i:~"'" 11p 1~,11 IJl'l'1'1•n1 .:~1,1"• 1\1 111.:"' 111':-I··"· lla 1111oe.hln'. ~" !)lle"'°'1 S t Cl r11o• f1i.«I hi ll ~" $:\:ICl J•'r ,.,.r,.on •·h:11mu 11 111 111.-.1.11111 t \•mmllh>t' ' • :", "' 1&5 ~f1~~1~;,:," und~~t~h a~ the ~~~3.in1~'J)Ort Beach. "! lll-4:' 1111• I>" ,.~11 .. w •'•"\ ,,r .:u\'· ''" rlw 1. .. ·1:1,1.11 ""' 1~11!.: .. 1. 11 '"'"'• \'k.' e C1 . O 't"'• t'CtlOWlll \\:I'" t';'J. C\I ~l'I 111i1 .. l'"'r 1111114'•' Pf HY: ttlt'lll1"''' nr "hf,•h SAM n. l'ORT~~n Publishf'r I lfllh\ 11h u1I t h:in I ho· ..... 1 11111 . \ 0111r ( "•ni.:L•'"'llUlll I' lllW N t:w roRT BA•~ BOA N EW8-2'1 M .,;s p T!U H~.~H\' :-. .. "...,'' t'4uwh.C'allf. '41Mf'h IA, ltlA age 7 I • "' ,,,,,~ 1' t'1'1\hh• ""'"'" 11d1hflPIH•l 1 • l -- 1•""'1 "' •li.11Jtl"1111t 11,1:•·~ 1l11ri11~ !11111 th» ~'"''" 1111 11ntl.dnylhcht 11"11"' ti ltlllo''I J II t•llf\\1 11 h 11• '11\1111: -tl\,)lll;h\•l<I. "W(llllfi f'Ve'I' I•• "1tltt."" •"" • I"' 1111.1111·111 tth' ''"', ,._, '''' • 1 .... ·k lu..:tr.:lhttri! ul "" """"· .. 11 ''"I''", 111,.' lltirltnnk· ti•'' h·w. "11~1 , ''""··"1 •111.1•1' 11111o · '"i" "'" "···k•11rnl''""k~11r 1ll~mnll)' "'\. 'Jth "'" llt1 \I•·~ 1 1 11 1\11111• j1.1~ • I " • 1 11111 '"""> \\l·utlwr .Jll&t I " 1111 ,.,,.,, ... 1 ''"" i•r.>111111. "'"' "''" .,i,,.111 "\'''~ ~·t .. 111• 11.,..• W<"l.W '"" .. 1.i11111 .. 1 .11 ..... 11 , .... r "" ... ,1111 11 !1 ' "Pl""'1' 11111•• 11111lf't't'lni ~ ",, ·' 11· •1" ""'t••. t •• ,,._. '"" '' '"''' '"1 '' ·nu~ '"" •'t'l•'t•h•11Y '''' •1 'i'• 1'1 ,11 1to•1• l'111'1h• 1·11•" 111 1'o11 t111l 1•n•l 'Nnrllll'Ml ···~ I I• ,I '" '"' .. 1 lh '"~"" I.'"'''""" \\ ....... 111. '""''"r 11h~1r1:· I •I' •d1 l ''I•'" ••I ti 1\th•ltt ,."\ u·~. lltl"i lhM•tll1\t' n~'Uf\.' '• '" •\ t• ! l• ·H ,1.t,• t I ~t t t .. w..,... ( ~ "' ,, t .. '•'H, ",, ''" "··th. 1, ,1111 .,, 1111 , r. .. •k,_, "'"' •. ,) ,.h,,ntt fltr r "I .i1 .. , .... II ••• II I tn111 1••'"' I I,," /j \t u 1i.t\\1•r uUtt~lu lA, HC'- i .. 11• .. 111 .. 1 .. 1r11111'11 11t '"''l11i1' '" 111 .. \\'h 1tt1•1 l lully L UCTLIS S. S~ll111. JU Ma nn«Jng Edlt~r /\1l:1Ph'1t J1<1111 rlk 't'••l\1:''""""''" .. ji. ,.,rii11,.111 ,,f 1.11>.11 ,1.11h1h'" \\'. F. DIX\)~ \I • !-'runt," 11 '"'••kl\' l1•ll1•1 i,, o(\111· ·h•"' !11.11 H•li 11~"11r1 • .,1 ~1 n11I· • ,.. . CLYDE HEX • '' \"l'l'tl,llll; l '""''"'llU!:!,I ll1•11n1'1i ,,( \!1'"';11 1 t•••n ''"'''" 111;111 'd "' 11•~1 1~'«'11111'•• P nntmi: P lont. :\011 W . Central Avenu1',. l°l:l'")>Ort Tlench, Culifom ia "J-:wi!•t"•an ,,.,.1.111,111 h.i.-di "''" .. 1 '\1 lk•, 111.1l.\n1: ;11, :11111\1\lmnt•· Off . . I p f h c· f N tlltol t\11hn1: "' 11111d 1 "'"""' Ill Lii· ,, • "'"' '" • 7~ ".1.;1• i.: ""' J•Yr l'oll'h ICla aJ)er 0 . t e ·Jty 0 ewpor.t Beach.1-0•1 .. ·:111 n .1ti1•l,I'. 11 ... lilt• ; ... 1·t11 •.• ~. "·"'"'I , ... 111, ...... lh1 t11ll11~ .i..11.111 ' .t ... "'•''' '" r • 1•nJ. i. ,1-. ••I '"• ~. ''' • '-'t uu,ttft/ thut '"" '"'""'" 7~ .. '"" t .. , '""II 1•:•"•, ,, 1., ,i,.\.11 .. ~i 111•1 tt •l.I'•~' l.llM11qt• .,;:r·~ "', '"' • •J1• "'"''"'1 ,,, " '" ,,r-r."·iit1i "''"''' ,., ',,,it ·r11 .. 1 ""uld ' I 111\ th· I t ... , t h ,, ... thUu It Ja· ,,, •• ,. tlll t11JI\ ..... Ul._; lht• 1tr)' lt11J 1uh t1tH• \\tit t i \:11 •11n1Utt'I H'°'•HH1' 1h1 ,1d H\ tht••'nd •• A l.k'pendable Loclal Jnitt.JluUon for On1r to ''ea" •] ~lp1 sh1lll t'l:in '"'"' l.•r 11.1111 111<• "·'.:" t.~'"' •u•tnm" I •hfV'~h l \lllH11I Stal•'"" 1111' 11lu •\.•' 1,. 1111~. \'' 1ko ' Ill ~·11t; <\ 11h tho· S'-'!lO ""1.1 · ... 1 hri.·n~ f1.1rn. s .. 11111nr ~lrd•'lh """ il1 l'•I • 1 "11· '·•''''' 1111: m1m h11~ Active of ;'l;c'l ,111.1 •111 . 111:1111'• r 11111 .1 c ..... , •• i.: Ill '" ,, •• ,,. 1h\11f .. 1111,· '"1111,tlh' M mbe I 11,.ml 111 1 -..111 .. 1111,1 ..-,,,,111.r t .,,11• '""' h 111 •lf).'111 •I l 11••1 • I .:1•la1111n" e f -<i; i.;1~''""'\111 ~II. wltt• 11"" p ill>-~l11t •f•'ll, rl\1fl1 th" "' 1·1..f\ lrtfrr l•f Of .lh.h,., l\\~\\t'\~ld~ """'' 1 .. 11,.1 "1111, 1 • .. 11.:•·1.\,111.111 M1ll1·1 "' "'··l1rn•k 1 · NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948~0~- '' ··I ''" .'""· 1111 1111•1••' 1Zf tlon 1· '1·,.i 11.111.11 'iill'hll"" '""Ill.I "" ••I lfh t••\\l'I lt11 h1,t1 \ 0 -I 11111· .111.t t q••11 "" t .1.1 111 11 '' I•,, iHl lJ1 .. 11 ,i,111 11' I"''' 11 1u·,,.,, n~lun h t"l""'"' ''t~•h•th\' ,,, "''""'''' P'•'f' "" 1' ,,h,ttt1l1\.S f,,r t1\Hfl· I•'"''• tf,,•t u ., tlt• ~••t •tthUtn 1•t•t1"" '~~ l •u1u1.: lht• "ttr, tt. • I••• 'u1ul.·1 •tt •t•n•H, , "'".'*'" '" '"' 1• •·1·1·· •.• , .. 11 •• tu npt•I C("\nl4t """•"• •• , "' '"'"' , 1 ••·· •• "'""' ""' ••\It,. h1•t1• ''' ntt.·r·n,"'" •un· .l 11lhltt "''ifll' " ,1o,1.111,11,, .. t lq.:hl "1111'11 cl111l1~·hl llll\'tlll( 11r. • • ' \' r 11 up 1111• "a~ "\\',. 1111 nl'h a hid 1111r ,......,,. \ \111i;1t''>111.111 1111.: 11h· • •, mi: pl.1c-1• tvr tlw rn111w\ 11f l'kh '"''"'' 11t.11 l,1lk•I ••l.,.;unin1tlQn 1.i1. ---------------_--,---------------"J.:111x•1•'"'" fl mt th•'ll 1o1 ; ,.111: 1,.~, 1··~ ~1°1 111111;11 11•1,•r h 1 lh•• At't a' W S I t D • k R• h d pit'-lnrluditii: our rt1111-1•·i·I·· ... , t.h" ",l.11 • t • .t .. •r hill 1l111t dlf1n't e a u e IC IC ar our j.!•l\ 1•mm1•nt 1·a11 ~1·111t"roir 111110 · i.:1• ,,, .. r "h. II '"'' 1 ...... ,,. ··~mJru"(f 1.·~ "' thl'rr i;ov1'mn11•nt' ..,, th") '11 '''" th1•nt-l'l'1'' I• • ' I · ·1•111 "h• 11 1• 111," D . k R' har<l -nm salute you ~"n 1·1\ '' , ... · ·• · ..... .1..... · •"''' •' '"· 1 i • • lC • l C -·.w,.; , • , , ,n "•. I ft•"N'. llrlu C"llllt lll\11' 111 ·''"''11'4'11 ~' hil\•' ,n tltflf'<t • . ' •" 1 1 '' Ill•\ ii 1fo • It Your new Lido m(lrket ~urpa~es, by' far. the SC'lll'o' lnlf'\ _hnirng mc•rr-f'uropr1'1n l ht•; Attl<"fl•l"1•'1\1 """""rtm5r the.1 :~,:·.1~'.'.'. "'"' 11 " J..11.t'I M l Hi 'l..l!o , h l h"l . mCllll') than ~Ir~ ~tlll''bhaJI w ould 1• ... ,1et.•n1 "' '"" 1, nni< llousln~ . I· 1111 11111 1t1., q 1 , , 1 , I ,. 1 puny mental plCtUt'e~ We ad ( 1"3\.\'n W l e COnStfUC-hnn• th,• ,\11ww •:1n l.•11p.j~1.,... M•nc1 'horl.11:•' f1111•1·,.· ~~. nirlllun mar· th:· "II 'I• fl II thl' "" o> ""'-1.t tion Wa~·underway. ' OV~~ !Ill.'~<'" ~<HI tli;\lrc' it 0111~ lrU'\1 l"l1111Jlt"' lo ll\1' 111 1l1111hl<'<i·U1' tit" lht-.',""'" 1 ' ' 1 ~l•;tl ot..tl 111"1' e ~lllhrlal lrcult Rider '• ••fll~\•IHm ~·f r 1IHfltl•t ""'"'""""' """' I .hfo•fftfa IH •• , •• , .. t • I th I F .. •,.I.Al O"I t'lii ' ....... .. ......... ,, '~,.... .......... Y --cl B · G ·~f· h d D · ht G'bb ...1 In Hl.l1. 1'1•cl1•rul l'XIM'nthtuN•s 111·.-omm~'<lat inn:o. l'ourl:o.tll from '' " 11>.11\. "' 1'111111.111 ti,, OU an en r11 It an Wl~ I s anu 14'{'1'(' 4 b1lhun 325. m1lllon dot lh1• \' .\; ~ ~·nl orl'fl() 1111 I''' \id 11111'• It \ \\ 1.,,. I 111111 Ill Iii P l P 1 -1:....... d d • • A · · · · · · lft .,..,, m ons \( 1 . au a_mer uav& ~uccee e m c.reating an _mencan l~Nl": In 19:.'9 thl' Pr't•,.id1·nt ( ... ,1. 1 11t.1romt d11rm1: 1!H7" cnpl<'CI fl'Ofti ' 1 • 1111 ·• 11 """"t 1111'\·•· ·~""'" ~owplace_ in architecture and engineering. And -the ml\!{';! thl'r Wiii l'f'IH'h :}9 b1lhon. "\\'hol'' H1t1JPPnln~ ~ ..... II digest II 11 I "" ,, llh' " 1111 " 1 J 11 .. I'll\ '"'' lwhl ~ 1\ 1111: '''"" It .. lw···n l. l th' . ...I di t ...I th h "f l h 9"'1ltlc>n dr'lllAN .·nn ln<"N'll!l4'of r WhtC'hromr~1dm\·d<.'!!k-w('f'k·ly; "'1'' "''"I 11t. """'''°''"Jlh '"' ,1,•I''''' 1"11•1111\ Ill •'1ll1loor11l11 W J&O e 10~ l~ 11e Ca e11 tO e OUSewl f anc to er 817 -...,,n-,•nt In 19:\." our pullll~, "\'" I . ' lo~ 1•11 11 1i 11 ,(, 1111"'"" ,,,'111;.,, " , ,,, I t I 1 • h d · • h · b d ... · · " ' sin.: 'C'l'~i<lon ond WRr u "" , 1 ' ' ·'"' •" '" p111i; 1 •1l11•n• 11 ~ever-OVJnj:!, rea Wlnnm~ U.~ a n , dl'bt Wllll 22 billion clOllUT'S; today l'l\.C'll-1'. l'rt'iiliT.:\'nt J~. ·• \'••It WOl'k· Ill• 11 '' l lio Ill•'' ill l'i,.,1111•111 i• "1 11111' "'" 1t10•111,f,,11,111 ilk>lll lo\ That•~ \\'hat We }t'ke it is 25R bllJion dollRn!, an lnrr1·11~ ,'Ci ('\'li"'l1..,NI)' to builll on all·•"""'· I ' ii Id.., h ~111 111· '" 11,. ti"' 1,.,, iii''"' tr1 ~1111!111"11' lhJt l1o 1•1111~;. .. • of 1 073 tv•l"('i•nl Jn I"'"' ,.. r I ,...,... ••f 1"11 " "'"Ill 11111 11.111 ""'•'Ill," It I i .. -. .-''"'" m •n • 1•r u ('('nlrnl 1:!1"\'l"nnwnt thUa • .. ... ,.. • "'""' '"'" 1 ' "" """"""' Why . ~houldn't i:ihoppin~ for froceries be ·an· W{'f'e 572 thous.and F.>d.•rnl 1•m · 'ln'njtlhf'nll\j! palronn.:(' l~ul al: I '".I. I Ill'",,, , .. , I ht• \111"1 I , .. , .. 1t •I "Ji, .~ .. '"'" '"''' •lt•t•lfl exhilarating experience? f'OIY~f,lr.' today t h•'r•• l\rf' fl\•'r :.! mUll:tnrousl~' d rstr1l)'inj,? lh<' VfiOr :,;:1,11'.','1~,.j;~ 1~'1,,1111'..',•th .. ;id '-"' tiff• '' 111 1 I tfo •,oifll l "Ill I ' , I . L'd k t •t '}} b It'}) b ''k m1lli6n. ftn lnCN'll:-<' of 150· l)l'r· 1or locol '!'C'!f-i;:ov1•mnwn1 In th1' llo1111..:h,.1i .11111 1-·111;1k 'r h o• "l'l"'"li"" "'lill ••111,11wt-J. n your new l o mar e . l w1 e. e ..,, e \ ·111 •. , 1111111. 11 ... 1 "1111· 1 ·-=·i· "'"> a visit to the F.mpi[e State buildin~ and Santa Anita "" and Fishermen's Wh a rf and Antoine'~ in New • • • .. , •.• • • • • • • • • ·• • • • • • • • • • ,......,.. Orlean~. It'll he ~1ke a vaMt Co·m· .,·~~-, Rad--,·~0-~ • · different it i~. --~ , We think you deserve the P.laudit!'l of ali of New- port !,leach fo r the sheer map11ficence of your unrler- taldnf!. Ma~· we .join our fellow citizeni-in an ex- ............ pre~~ion of anmlration. Get Together It i:: an~ihinJ! hut r<"as!'uring to lhe A meritan . peoplP to lC'arn that th<' ctifferent hnrnche!" of the. a1111erl ~n·ic<'' h;we bC'e n ouarrf'li n:I!~ nmonj! tn('m-!'eh'e~ n n th" dutie~ of ench i!1 c:t:"f> of another war. Rl'prl'!'l.entati\'<' Carl Hin!'h:t\\' of \alifornia, \'ice- chairmu'n nf th~· f'oni;rr<'R~innal nviatiun\.rmliry board. brnuj.!ht thii' ~ituntinn into th<' open when }:le charj!llrl that the !i'trC'n)..rth of th<' national flef<'m~e i~ being .:.:.frit-~r••<l away b~· ('nnf\,.,:.in. neglC'ct anci failure tn prnviclr th1· rnm!irt•h('ni-iw. O\·erall plannin~ im- plicit in th' pt111!ic·m lniti rl nwn hy f'onj!'rN~s-." ~ecre­ tan· of ~ft.n--.· f nrr<' .... tnl hH!' cnnfinrH'O Hin~haw':-: rharJ!P:< h~· c:lllin<! t h<' military h<':ul ~ tnf!eth<'r to , wt1rl< nu( tlwir di fferf>TI<'f'~. ...-- \\'ith th<' ...,·orlrl ~ituatinn at it i~ we can't aff tl thf' lu ·urY nf intPrn31 :-:quahhl<'~ in our armNl fc ·<"('~. • l or ('ll\ff~(\. thf' chiC'fs of ::l:tff. whl'n n: en tn ~rtlin:t'h.., th<' work of th" Armv. ~1V\' , nrl Ai~1 Fn1·cr .1I1.LC"ht p~11pttrh' nsk: \Vhnt Arm~r? \ r at ·N~r '!I \\'hat Air F11rc,t:'? Dn ~·ou m~:in the <'!' we had during-thr ·war. or th(' one. we ouf! to ·ha<·e -hut ha·vel) 't? ~tomic .Head.lines _. ... \I ,,. ... .. Ill I .... .... ....... 1,. ___ , ... .... .... ,. ___ ,.. ... .. .. llJ :it .. .. 11.11\U ---* a. "'' ---101G a t.l.tC-IW 1111 111'0& T IOGM~ • r.• 1' t I \\ 1 ro•n • · _ 1.,c ~ •· r-D r••f'l\J h • \ Jl-.M· r•·••r• ~ 'I ... u 11 t.-' Jr • ' U .., ' lt.rubUo 1\. I •I'll O!l"t t"• fl'fl ~'1• s·u ' . . . ., ..... I to '" \t It I •.t•t• \ )'\ ". \ f .llMHC h j \I .,, • #<! • I I • a., I. I • *'-tt ~ I I I> I " .. i" I " I. .. I ~·I I ... . • I' " • i\ i, . "' J~~-. I ., i ., ,. "' h i I ~· l 1 I( ,, h )," I " . , , ' ,. I. ' I I ,. •• K j I\ -..... )\)II'' ).1 , .. , .. .. --.---- ., .. f I ' .. "'"'' .... I -. ' .... , ..• I I " .. '.. . ' I ~ I I .. : • I -. ... I (" I • 11 • • I 1·• • I l .J!I I I\ h I I 'I~ .. I.I' , I·· ... , ........ • • • • • • • CR05SWORD PUZZLE 1-Llllt ft ..... •h••p !pl.I -l o l l'"IP U C•C'-ebi. I) '1tl'•t t..l• It-\.Dll 1\ Ytl1'1•t>I• I"--ro trou hlp I~ Arprnw•t ~-..("H• '"'•' tt-d ... 11 M•""' hoa Wt11lf'll1 It ,, "'"'' .:\ , ... ' ,.,, ,,, "'". l" " .... , '"Vq•• 11 ''-'"'"""'• n••• lndt• • ~ ·i : '· '~ •'t' ..,, .. ~ ,3 . ~ u, ~· I •: "' ,, I' ~· "• ,; t'. ' ... I•• . ..) Si I~} <,oj 11-lltl•I .. Oft falhtl'JI Old• ··-rn •• u,., •o• ,,.,. rel I • tbl1•1DO J LrfUIM I t M••dn• Jl-fl•ltl• H Th f"dmpule .o <ttH• 1.-tt•r t.J-T1t NlO"'• I• 4\-Vl••tttf'M •1 U111>utu•a.ot rwO -l°"rf •• *tt)f'rt.., f,2 To •CM &' U4'U mourw1 • .,.· M Rw<"' ~oU •!t nn• ••Mrle \ .. I I! ,, It> •I ... ~ .10 :., ~ .. , ., . -~ ~ ,. ~ ~ ., . ~ ~ ·~· .,, ~I 111 ~5 ............... "' ............ . ,, .., •I '"' •I - ............. •1 ~-fO ... 'ft0()1 nJ ... I '" ., . .. IJ•r ~·· .. ''" ~., L. t -T• " 1 -M• "'"'" .... ....... .__,.,,. ._.., .. ru i-1 .. ~">!> ...... or ...... N e hfN ~r. 810 D•f .. "' ... I ~I ...... . -~ t -To IC>Uf ".ro• .. --•Mnu....a 11-•·• ,,_.,;,, It-Pia .... , .. _, JI-To rtn1 ••a WI nt lle ,. rtlnft n Tnl ,, .. I._ Tn , l'H'~ ,. U • • • o•l•• ,._, ~ .,..,...., JO H .. n -1 .. 1 fltO\ ,,,, . 11-r 1., ,. 'In I pUlt 11~ .... 1~ . .. I I-Wll ~ .. , .. of .. AUit te-r'ln ,.u. ... u -e .. or a.u.r.enM ond lall ul t.J-MI• ..... " .. ,.hllt ,., ... 4'-To d .... •II-Cube .. ""' II II• 1111111 .. ""'' t11i.1111•,. lllllol\ '•·111···1 II II 1111 '"" ll11')\l1\'1•1111•11N' in.: t•• h••'I'• "'''' atul i•ll11•\' ""' '" t "ht•"•'•' ''' .. ••tltt' I ll'li llCf\C\r\ .. u• t 1htlh , .. ,,._,,, , ,,1, , 1, ,,11 •1tM•' ; ...... 1 ' .. •' "' llu• h1 • •. ,r1 putilh• \nt••r ... t to ,,, ... " ~ .. ,u.: ....... ,.-.. ·r1t1· th .. aft ,.,, ''"' Utt ,. 'ltttl~ '";U'\t .. IH4'04't'• \ .1u tui:•, fur , \t••••:tl tlh• \,,,, tt\I\' "' i''''''hl1· 1hnu~ht •• j\i!I llllfll\!1'' II 1111 11 11 •'llh'r1t1 'lh'.\f l ( , •f1o111lol ll"t l'I' II"''' 11• llo1 I \l'tl'" /\ll\\\JI\ It ''""''" 111 l'lllphtCJIJ!' l••I 'l11l1tlilll: 1111• •11111• \\lilt 1 tow'k 111'' 1"'1'"111111'''' 11r '"In In C11ll· 1.1111i 1 hu· "" ,. 1.,., 11111111•111 1 .. ,.1~ I '"1111" ""'~ 11,.. 1 · .. 111•1• "1111 I lrr111!1, Thi~ '" 1tll tho• 1tl••r1• 111•1••11111\I 1••l11lh1i,: 11111 lh1tl •\\Ith rltl('kl '" '11·" "' ""' (111·1 I '111111111111111~ 1'111111:111· •1111\ l11rm 111111 tmll!!'lrlal II\ I•'•· '"'''•' f''l{t>rr••··•I tt11·11'"''"'•· "'"' •' l1t·l11i.: ··111•11111t'ft, t hl' 11tn•f't ••t11phati1•11ll\ h~nln•I •l11\ ll1•h1 ' "11!1'111 ""'' th1·11l1·1 1"141'1111•'1'11 ICM· "'~· lh1• b .. 1t thnr 111 1'1<111 "':·.~n 111111 h1.11•n•••t' "'' 1111"" r••1tll1t• thal lh" pr111•i•llh•n """ •\••t,.1;1, ii 111 rnlu 1' "11.•I 111 •'\C'r ""'" nt•I Ju1t t l~IM'•:\41 ,;,,, . ., X'\'{ /\• ~·"'" 1" t.111111•1" 11111111· Tlw rt1!11hl111h· I" 111 .. !Ml\\O'I' 1'1111'111,•'llO'\ I• 11\'o•r )ll"flt o1l llH\'lit:ht an\•lnl( dUflftC t '11h fot111111 "'""lllol "" l'•'tllllH'•I 1,;. !'"' •'llU'lll•'tll'\ Wiit )111111 ht llltVC! fl••t '""' ••J.14 k nnt•·" tti. ptt·• luU' kilt•" utJ• •· l I I In Y"" 11.•ant lo wll It T A.a.-~ ..... " l "ult fut 11tu11• ,., ,.-, I I .,..,...,. ~ • 11•111111•1 tlv 'ln llil!ee ~- I ·1 . . _, '1. { • • -j- '. -· .. / ·~.n. .... 8 ....... _Poa.ir BALBOA NEWS-TUlf:IC •, ~--..::;..=.,~tJa81>,::n.:.::_A~\.:._' .......,.N_'--'p~r1=&..::~=r;..-('-~· ;,_.__F;_M:Au_· _:li_ll._.1_1»8 sir Francis ~~~k~ 3.00. ~ears,.·Too I~ Darly ~ EnJoy. Cuba With DOdg~1s .JJY 08('AK Jl'llALE\' ""~" dt•partm<'nt of-<4he 11olarh1mA. UnUed• Prc>U Spor\• · Wrlttt And In tlw cl\nw.tk'phrtnwnl,lh~r<' C?UDAD TROJILLO. D, R.. 1!1 a. roof fi:or4t'n )''hl'r <' ·It\¥ cool March ~ -l"°P )~ Jkr\ncia cl14Ulh1~-~~·'ll·cc.~n,oft ~ Drake was 300 y<'/N tel() t'arly .......,r . the main floor trrraCf'd Be lboufd have .~ h<-rc wllh dlninl! room ovl'rlooking ttw tJOOI . ~ ~Jyn Dodg,l"I, 81'Jd ·~8J'Ck>n., • • 0 I All·tht' loot of thp Spani~~Rin Thf'r<' Is no 11rrvs.ru...:..prnhlt•m couldn't havJ. bought. th<'n ~,vhat hr r <> 11.nd It isn't unusul\1 to hrwp ~ ferocious !llt'nt'll'ml,'n of flat-flvr wilittrs nrnund \'1>ur tahll' -,... bu.lh are l:l'lllng today by waving &>spite the hall players' ff1Il)f"d a blUlt'bllJI bat insll'.'ad of a cut· nlckf'I tips. And ttir re's a nli;:ht lua. maid who comc:s In, 11,irns back ; For hen> on the sunny thoret thr <"OV<'rs 11nd lays -001 you of the C'arit>bnn 1th<' Dodgrni tf11ppr·ni and pajam11.11. ~,.. qut>s- • have what 11 . 11ndoubtt'dly thl'.' Hnn 111. ·how nrr thr!W i::~nna. camp In thl'.' h istorr of h1L'lct>1tlL hit whrn thl'y ~lit to. C'indnnl}ll. .And th.-DurOt'hc>r. •dandle1 are St. Loui11,"Chi<"a~n: Bnstoo. Phll11- ilitdln1t II l'AIY to oolleve th11t ck>lptila --or Brooklyn. Th('y nrr C.Olumbu.• ll\nd,t'd twr<' In 1492··ju1t hound to br c11smnt<>nt<'d 'for ev1>n to get thinp lronf"d out fur .them the llUle lHdy Isn't iroln& aH 'out - • • lit ·1.!MB~ Ukc lh1ll and lhllt'11 a dead clncb. ~-~. . '""° club I• en11eo1;1N'd, and t hP · ""'"' comfMtatily I• a n11llterful und!ratatt'"'"'t, In the mAgnlfi- cent hott'l Jaugua, a moclt'rnistlt' white ho9tfll'Y which· h1 ttlFieHy out of any world. The rooms, nOOl"f'd with natl\·p tiff', an' u ~t' a.~ lndOor 1<k11tlng rinks. Arid each has a prlvatf' balcony owdooklnit tht' ro lling Cilrlbbean. As " man~ ol reel 11'11 all Ml fiiP&M.ntly 1.rrf;•rt '1h·111 It i:rts -nototl<tu11. II will · 1.,., nll'f' \(> iet har k ,and II\'<' with th<' poor ~P4f-A1t~ln. • Ladies' ·Day to Give Fair Sex Golfing ·Chance Down f~on-t, al110, 11 an 8C1' root pool o(.. t'llt' lmportt'd frOIT) thP .United States. HrrP th" colors ~ •• U't' IO vivid thry could have b«>n lnaui.rurntlfllo: 11 Wf'<'kly "l.adlc7s· 1 'apluhed on by II mad 1trtlsl. D11y" rr.r--.·1·~-. T1wi1d11y in ·lhc•I Flamln~ umbl"t'llas llpccklP lht' wpek, lhr Willowl<'k C.nlf l'<111rs·~I, lft't'n lawn and ball· playt'rs rr-In SanJa An11 will hold a "Ohpd lax on chromium l:wach ch11lr1 llanclif'a p" wnm<'n's tuurnnm1•nl /If r under ·1wayinit pi1lm lr('f's. th<' Wt•s t Fifth o;-trP<'t C'11urs1-n .. x 1 Two of t}le mQ8t llvid pool nd-Tu1'51t11y, Mr1reh :t.1, It Willi nn· .. . \ . - N atiooal AA U ~f oves Through ·Whittier Boy · . JU. s. ~king Called ··Besfiligh. Acti.ve Interest • I 1 fh11t l~t· l'ommu.nlst party in Jt11ly, •~ d1rl'<'t«d from th<' ou\,'Jide from :ll<•~f'<1\\. untl rr(1rn thr cu~m Ql!arter.· ~inals. _ ~hool Pt~Y .. er __ . I_n Ital.y Y.ote._ , 'm ::'\\'ER. ~i<r. lll-1 UPI LOS ANPELE~. Mar. 18 ... ·-1 rt:~J -The• Cnit•·d States. wjlk h \\'l!h t}w f1<'1d cut tu t·Hdll teams, tUP J Bob Juhnson of W1'44in norm11ll~ ;1111inta 1ns 11 "hand!! oft " th1• :'11111i11n1t l A./\ l 1 ·hfiskt\lhaLJ tod&y '~~ honored by the Helms polrQ · II) doml·S t1l' poli1ic~ of oth••t h 111111(tm <'nl tn<!TJ)' n1U\114I inln the IOU tlc1a tiOn ix><ltd Of bask..tbal! 8Sr COUntrfoi<, ,WaS. tnh'l"\'l'llit\j:: tO an tjlJ11rt1·r-fln1t,I round \\·h··n· lhc,-r('-the out~landlni:: .high s1'11ool ntay-unusl)al clC'crc·t• 11..d,'.'l'. to def<'&t lnl? l"OnTT'lldl'r1:, all St'Ccff"d .{'T o111'l1' .>'~11r. -lh1• 1·urnmunists in ft al} 's Apdt ~l ulls. hattle for spots on th<' final lit-11lso \¥llS naml'd to itJ; ·au lH .dc~ions. ... ~~· • CIF t eam wlth forward Bob Mc-The n<>n-i11tl'l'\'c•nt1or. IJOlicy has _ ·rhli dL'frndin~ ehiimpi~,n Phillips \ ~oll, ljan Dit?i;o lfoo\'<'r ; Bud l><'t',n !OSSt>d0 as1dt-ori the theory ·()il,.rs of Barll<'11v11lr, O kla., were C hnsman. Compton. and J ohn hPudqu11rtN·s rn· Rr lgra dr ~ llo.u~~ s1°!!.'alM · Jo~c.ub W. Mar- tin, !Jr . iss1wd an. unm•u11l ap)'.)t'al •." Ame1·1c~ns of'· IT'l:lli1rn desrent tu J1<•mlt1:Jrd lhl•tr rt•la!1Vi>s i~ Italy w11h llppt'als Jo \'Of<' 11~ainst · the cummunls.ts. Th,.. st 11 t .. dql11r 0 tmt>nl hall w1u·n1·d Italians ,that a oommunlst •. ,·1ctory in the <'l('{'tlons WO~< • m1'ao •he ~nd nf a ll All,)Qrlcan , arhPdUlt•d to mr<'I th•' S111t Lakf' Gob<•I, •\'t·ntura. gu1trds; and c('n-war~ J114~sRt~\~ Santa' Ana. • City f:.:;kr rs, ·Kokomo'; Ind .. All-t1·r Bob· Boyd, Alhambra. C'<'ntt'r. an ·~lknry. £1 Sta ['I; W<'rl' m "-tchc·d u,1..'lllnst Ouk-· JohnsoH scored inure than .300 Centro. and f)f'11n Fishcir, Glr nda lt' aid. __ :_~ . •, . . ~ I .Ac-f dttlltofO'I •· Oeor1e Walker cfrnnu anl1 J tnt Smlt'h •!'1!11fl or ca11romt~, ~ie ... :t i Jack Nlchola of wa ... 11111~n 111 P ·c. C , finale at Be~ke ey, ~ e<1 Without Chuck Ua1111n guld111g 1h1·m. t.he B<'ars w~re N~t"!r A. 69-411 by Ull' HW11t1e11, who won thr rt~ht \0 comP<'t.hte ln i1 ~lo~ cnam• piayorra at K11ru~ Cit¥ n 11s w)l.~ rJrs1 nor em v plonah1p lt'1lm '.,() Wiil a pli\)1.111 UWll)' from hOIDl' !!lnC<' 193t. .. *-* " · Jlocwcr. ·gua rds, • c:omprisc"Cj lhl· land. Cal.., Bstrm·rs. 1)1·nw r.-Grny-points for the season a nd ext'<'llt>d third, squad. • ,_,O thel"I wru read your c~ l><'iirds wc·rc· SC'I to pl11y t.hc· U. S. on defense: · · , -" _ - ---- l'l:ll\'Y Bluc•s or Annapolts: ·and _Th•• second kam~ Ed Hookstrat-~ • ~ Wisc -A?lv<'rtise l!ollywood, Cal. ·2111 h Cc•n1ury..1 ten, Whittier , .and' Ml'l St ccter , 'm•t '!~0MllM /nim ttw ff.arbor A rt' • • Fox Wits 10 rnct·•. th•· IJi·m-n Nuc:-Rl\;flrslde, forward.~:· Fran[ .Sill-Lohdell's SilY.etado . Minetal Spnngs · !(Ms lonlgl;it. ltva~. Rurha~k. cenh·r :· 'Rob<>~! New Modern Hotel (., 'MoteJ Ace modations' Thi· four1\\1tnnrrs will mOV(' int ''· ,-~ r1d N >JI lluff L R tht' . seml-tflu11 roun1t • Wmm· s v~• ;ds" ' . on.: <'_ac . HOT MINERAL BAll'HS·MASi$AGE ~ S . ROOMS · g 11 ·. ~ . . . : I Furn1111Mld Colt••N • SnM'k Bar'· Dlnnf'no Sat. a nd ~un. lh<•f'(' WerP to play Snturd11y for J11rrn s .Dea~, South PMsad<'n11. . -f.iOK IU:tn :KVATl<l."lil PHOSE: OllA.."Clt: 8720-M-1 thr National A A.U. titlr "i th thp ~~n~d~~~w~s~C~a~t~~~.~~~Y~~~a~.~J~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lo~1·rs mat rhfd for lhir rl piact'. ------- ·Yl'SIC'rd11y"s r<'~ult!;· · , S11lt Lak•' liry t;c.k-01!!1-:-10 C'hi· '• rn1:0. O wl ,Ath1clir 51. •. : ti. \o't . ,,.<lr~lk)~a~~.G·· C;ol . 63, l.Jf"twr r \Tni-.••• .... " •. ,. ""·-.: ..... onn· 'a -Pet I let )4'11\ l'r oMl) lh•ards !l1!, Llnroln. ~ , '.\'1·'1 . 36 nn< ~~I. · !!::!....! ' 1:1111lips 0 1lrrs 611, Dcm·rr Ea t• ~ ' .. K•,krnno, Jnri . ·II , C.old<'n, Colo-, Jtl. . ..... \ ---.KEW t' s ~:l\·y 1111H·s 11. r \)r11nnd1 .Sp-ar"' k~i·ng l'1rt• • llti. . -. I lollywo<1d : f'11L , 63, W11rnms- h11ri;:. Mo., 46. f ll,.nvt•r ,;"11ggt'ls I'll. So uthf'l1:<I· ,.rn Stal•· Tl-.rrlwril, ·nurnnt, Oklu .. 41 .. II II II I " 1 I' noun<'~'fl this wr·•·k • I dicta art' P('('-Wce R•'t'S<' and Spi-H ho cs.r J«JreMin and. Wht'n thf'y Any . h1dy "ho llk1•!> Ill swini: H I ar r aren't 81 the .baU perk. you C'an golf d uh i~ •:li~1hh· anti hllnd11•11p,.. ftnd them risking lhP prnnant hy nrr not ni_:r<l<'cl, 11,.. rnan1ti.:t•m1·nt I l{obinson-Foster Vie for Title ,\ '''" ... 11111\ .:111f k tnc; will' be I· -·~O r , j .,. I .,.,.._ . to vnflotL~ wlnnt'rll. · 1, 1 ""II• cl 111·1, ~11111111~ "h''" Tom jl ~ · 1 . .,,,,,, .1,.i1 .1 .. ·~. ·1t".!1111son. the ~n&• ,,, , 1 •I. ~ .. •t ,n 1·ti1: <'hnmpion-' SO\\' ~HO\\'ISCO Rkhlr Finer ; __ ...dQl_JlC trick• off the hhtb a.Dd low d('("lar<'d. Priz1•s w1.J I IK' 11w11rcl•·•l 1 ~ The 'otht'r plf.)'('l"I ·l('a"M"ed Followini;: lht· Lndll'fl' 1)8)' tollr· .. ---..ci.:,:-"--72':.'""~ among OW' .lrnnii nr y on '"" falrw11ys a m <'<',tini;: will . ": eoc.arta. t~ i;:olf <'OUJ'tt'. 1tw mll.C· 1 .... hPlcl ·in thP Willn':'·ic'k r I ~ h huu~•' tu or~strHJ't> II ( 11un1 v \\ 11· . Events ,, 11• 11i.-1t1 "' 11o, l'uunty Arna- '' tit' ·1 .. .i1 I'''''· ''" <1rt nt W llJe>-'"I< :11 •11 •t "111 1111 th<• till<'. l ){11t••(i-i1 • 11 lu•<'lll>. lh•: duo will 1111\ :11o 1o .. 1.' • f \\11 r.111nd.O;) O)l the ,,,,, fsl lil .. 111l'I l'UW'Sl' for the ; aoa&N ·1.1:a WON'T IU'RT tTI..n-'s (~olf rluh. 1\rt Ruui<, ·murllf• llO 111JCa-U ~-luiv .. M.-1-ropoli· prnr .. ~sional a1U1ounet·d For lnf01r-6==== • 1 about It. · • 11w11'1t rlult. thc> phprlc• numj1c·r is SPORIBMAN S . -~ I. "'1Cl9D Suntn Anti 701M-J, -• tan Ac:iddrnt ln.t~. Aick up m1111on on thr l.:u1h·~ I>«~ or \\'11··~ . · , · ........ ...._, ..... ---·• ·. -----· ~lENDAR -----· .1v .. r 111 • -I\ 111 ,~·····ff· d '" , .. r111uor .~ -... If_ ~ ~ 0000 lll'AT at. Drita tlaat will help ~CB YOtJa 8\JOOET" llere .. tbe plaor to ....... ....., ....... -'> .. (Jtlr .... of opena1oa ... vet'f ........ We buy only OOOD· llBA'I' at --~ ,......, price ••• add a •• All .......... of . .u4 .U to tile DUbUc at ...._LOW f!NOOO TO IN8UU A BIO °"OLUME OP ~ We IRJIT BE lllGBT--became we ' Mft .~ ....... )' powtll .Mda week Uce OW' •••rJ ~. ,!-.... week...t, .'l'IHlnda)', Friday ... _.iti•, .. J • '. Wllll!V • .... ~~~~~:!:; ..... Lb. ·lf= 7•B0'4E ROAST ,1 4·1c For Pot or Oven Roast ... .. Lb. . . 44c sr . ~ ~t!~l~~:~~ib.4~ LOCAL F~ .. EGGS .i:I ~~ er9e Ssze ................. oi.17 Mediutn . Size ....... , ............. , . . .. doi 3c WEST COAST ~OR~~USAGE. . .. Witltoul Excepl1on -. · 55c r--.------.-w: '~~: i:~t C~ . ~ · c. /'!PAT''n.ANAGA.N '·I Wholesale Meets .end provisions . ' t&n NEWPORT BLVD. • ( ... ··-5896 . o.ta .... ·-. ' . ' --""-" . l "·n111 "'"' H11lph_ l'11•r.onn -Jn bis. I . ---nT'-1 l\\(1 t•utP• ... rs....-.. ·r h inps d idn't '•"kr•bhlt ~All11>'':tr •1•1•·n s,•·••·, L'•·I nn,: 111111.'h•·r 111 Th" !lt'mj.finals ti\''"· ··~··~·pt !',·,n • rn:trr 1nu .... •1~ · . • -~ An ·"1•'1'. I Iran i:•'. Hh ·i·ri.id .. , Im-t 11llfl llw l:ink'. Hri111ni.on turn.-.. to: • • • lo.wk '"'' \, 11 ' 1·1111m•r -up Doug 1•·11111. :01111 """n I 111·1;11 < 11111111. ' . •• :"o '"'lo: 1111111 .\h'. " .1111'1 • 1.1,l \\ 1•1•k to mo\•e Prr dAtui-\' \nhnad"..:..... ~., t•h•'-11'1 11''" ll1i 1111•1!'"" ~··:isc•n "'' 0 l lll' t11k1ni: •1f '"lolt-.1h . :\I• '""'l'>I• T .. 111 .l'-v1<tl'r who mrrtr~. shr•'"'· "'""'"Ill'. f!"l'il••i--... 1 h:1d . t ·~··11 1l1o• \\'111·"'~.wk presl- tltH•u ntfu tt !tuft~. r 11 ~ u f I !ii, t'f,.it)~. "' ll .. ' C'UJ' •'t \\t'' k l'l'f'\ IOlU~. Ui-et t wt•mwls nncl ;,kunks :'\11 1.,1~ <1..r, ntlin..: ·d .. 1111p1Nl Lt"' ltt'nSl<'Y l ltn111: Nu lll'l'rl~" r"•lllll"ll rn lw• op0•111·r :1.nd r.1111'.\.\'l'd 1.hrough t"lah-'r:1kini;: of h1tiu:. c11trish. '"'h .11:10fh1·r 1mpr,.s..-.1~"' win ave.!' sl(_nfi11h. rnul!t'_I. N'IS. t'OCklM. m11ntry rlult 1tl'". 11wk Ewt>r t. l'rllbS. l'llllll:<, l11lo:<ll'r~. 1tntl Pl't'ltll ,)n•T "' '"" ('Pllnl}) "_(!pl rain" fi~h ii' now l1·~1d ,In snm•" nrl'llS. f,, i.::11\ '" l.'dl li"t ~11Tltrday Fosl<'r f"nnsuit 11:1h11u: lltw 11!>,;11111·1 lur R•ln"<l th" ftnfil rm tnl'1 hy d1alklni:: d..r.hiftoil 1nf111 m11t i11n l!l-IR .fishing up a -t 1111<1 :\ win '"''C'r young Don ,lk t'n!lf' rvq11ir1·1I ' ''"nnc'd} ~-__ • ~trtiM'd Uo .. ,._:'\11 ~·toS1•1I s1·r1.~nn -n ,, t lw , , 1·uro.s. Jr.'.os.tc•r who was D!llly onrt 1••Q><·~s1ull 11111: limit fh 1· o·l1nHnid1•d hy 1:\1 ~/ last. 0Y<'llr In p.•r day No Mir allnWN1. 194R 1111. ~··mH\lncl-up, cl1•(<'olt'il Rohtn· l1~htnl( 111~'".!S•• t1 .. 1uin>d. ""n In th<'n· s"concl round match Aba.lo11,._l'>~1n·h Ill tn J11n\1Ar~ l•f !\k11d11wt11rk 4 and 3 Irr 1947. 14-Limlt; 111 11l111IOl'\4'S With· not mor<' thnp fl\'(' rrd Sfl<'d<'s. Mini· mum JIJ/I' for rN1 11lmlonf'. t<t•\'t·~• lnrh.-s. ~··••n. six 11nd on'·· h111f j ineht•Jl :· pink, 111x inctlt's: hlack. fiv.-fnch••s. l\1m1t be· hroul:hl to J ~hore 11lln• m !'hf'IL 194~ f1shln1: lk<'nsc. rN1ulrcd .. C.ATALINA ~ft'rvadom -Tl~kf'._ 8TW;IAME&. • HOTf:L • \'ILL.A ................. ~ ....... 1'•• WorJd Travel Se rvice 111• s. ,..,., ....... "~·ri.i, "·"· 11ttt .YOST· :t.a 8HO\\'M Di\lL" J "AST A ASA .\am . :.or (Inc. la'' ~TODJ\Y : THlR' !C,\T~ , .. eray_GOH . ,,-,jn ~I Public -at the 'hew MUWlll\ Courie " . Oa West 5q. St.~ MIJfo F..ut,.of Barbot Boulevard ............. .,.. .... .. St ~nClard 18-tlole ~yrse • 6100;:;; rds • Pat 71 ' , 9-0NLT ~ IONt1'l'a DIUVE M BALBOA_. ":"' I .I , /· -- ... ·/· I .. -- .. • ·l • i • II , • " ~ . • •• At Your Favorite Markel . P.ACKED IY L W. WONN DOG FOOD COMPANY ,RIVERSIDE. ... in Corona del l\1ar ·~ _ ... ~. f liiFi~ ......... ~ .... ~.....-~~ ............ ..,.,.~ .......... , 'GALA-FASHION SHOW . ~ I I With Living Models '-At. Eight o'Cl0ck . .. 6J l Coast Highway, C'"°ona del Mar .. .,.., ... .,...,_ -. .. .. -..-. I -' El ...:Y< = ' .. - i t ... 1 c .... "' l 'ft 'f 0 f'o :I• p t! \11 ( t h t f· r: y 1': II t t <; a r l I I I ' t ~ I , 1 J ~, . .._I ~ 1 I 1