HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-19 - Newport Balboa News Times. ·30 Dead; .., EMBRA.~G BALB'OA PEN/ ·!:OLVlU: Fl . ·"WORLD CRISIS· .MORE . _ALARMING~H~N . ~NY ft N-PAST" --MARSHAtl .,1 By SAM STt·rt:sOOt'S! Just c<ln't stay.away from Ric:hartfs Ml'lrket; C\'Cry timf I i.;o pas\ I ha \'(' to stqp. go in anrt ju..;t feast my eyl'S on the layoul. · n rnt suc:h a gorgrous affair could ever have come to ole Newport was beyond the :fondest dreama ot ~ ol the pioneers' and the faith or those o I d s t e r s. many of whom h1\ve gone to a celes- tial mansion. has been more than justified by events that have been crowding around the harbor area in the la.St few years. Just what im· pact thjs latest food mart will ·have on tht• d02.Cn or mo~ ·similar stores. is not known. a')t~oogh 'tis claimed t~ many new people and those drawn from other quarte~. wUJ not hurt those already eStablis hed. Hope not. • .,4. ~ - Over 1 ·3 .: IN I _, __ .. -· ~ .. ·H-u~t • ,, Ill f' < :_ :, ORA N.G E CO~S T 'S L AR GEST C I TY I , . -· .. 1.1~} ... J ,I., Mar. II. -tl 'I') --\ iorait:lo •"•Pl 'nu .... ··-,. II,... In R•lf'lh" ""h-rn Ohl• lotl&)' 1 k 1111•1 J hr•... .,...;..... aacl • .,._ 1111 h•••• ,\ 1lan1"4l•'. II ""8 ~ , ... r~I .... , ... .... r 1111·1-: ""' 1•1 ~.1 ·r1 I\"-; 1111111111 •• " • 1 ,.-11 .. ,1 I hrm111h ""'' ..... ,,, ltt\\ nK llUJI Vt lh•.:•'• tn t I l\lt ti tlhth•I... llttl 1'111'lf"t It ~u .... , "'"' •·•In\ h1lh111· :\II l"'r"""" l\ntl '•tt1tlt Hh' tHuut1, "" 1 " .. •111ii11 1t lu11 .. ,.. '"" 11•. flunk· 11 11111 • 1•11111111111111 1 .~1111 nnct I '"'''"••111• • 1••1•11l11 rn111 l/Oll l Wl'rt• ti·\ .. , •• d 111 ,ol1hlh•f" llu t, 1111•1:..on• \o\f'r-ct "'"'''" ••• '""' 111•••11 k lll1'fl ... 1r1.1111111.. Ill 11l•111t ~~' mllf'll tu•t tit•"'' ,,f :-0.f • l .. .uu1~ ~·'Dept. of Jnstice·· Seekin9 Injunction ,a1 Oak Ridge "'" .... " ...... , ...... ,.. ' I I 1' "'"" 1\11•. '""" Il l 1·111••1 nV•·r Iha "'' .... I rt••rltn .. nt ~trtith .... ,.~ .... ,, ..... ,., .. , •• r.11 .. n ...... In \11-.h•t1•111 11\. I ""'th .. r SL Jutw•llou• 1w·1n1 .. n ..... i.1nl( 1 .. ,,,,..,,.,,, ""'""""' at lhr oat. Kll11 ... Trnn .. 1 , , , . "'""''' 1 ... i. .. raturt••, lru111 Jo1l11ln11 llu• l\atlun', llr .. 1 m•jur ""''' ul '111 .. 111111 •tr111 k "'''.' Wtt•I fnrm •1~ ..... -..... '""'.Ji,1• 11t,, ... ,....u,1,l;•'t•"M ... fAMi'h •,,·, ~.~ , tltll\t~I l o.h \1•1•11 1\11"11 111111 (,ill1•11plo!, Jll, IL•·r.. alrr N1h I\ •·ro• l<llr In l•ho1r •ll~f1uf):o .. a.1f.,.\ vt1~i"J.'Jtf.~} . '\ \\1H1/lo 11'1' \.:~1111111\111 I)• w..rci ~ I t.. ··~n·11l1• hnl • u tf\•n 'h•ttU• 1••ll•tl ••t ttUllh'lu U!it ,, , •• ~ '•'\\ IMtrt - f u""'"""u r••IJ.t•tf•"fl .-U I llfi" nt I u I" In 1111· l•'I In?•·" •l 1<\, 'I h• 1rnlmal ha" 1 .... ._..,,,.,.,,.,,11,.,.,, lur , t••\t•n •••·'' , .... 1u ir•·•I f1\ '*\' ' l~IH'NTK)' "'' \l\lfl,t.11 : I llAl "1\, :"o: Y \l 11• t. I • I•, S••n r '" .. ' ,. t t1 • ,.. ', r H •111i1 l•Jflll\ h ....... '"'"'' ••• "ill ,,,,.A ''I'"'' \o\1Jf111 I'• il1\' 1n..: fnr-u1d•'~'' ,.ti 111•1f1el11l_'1•1n, ~·1fr • '6,. .. l ... \ II 'fl jf,. t ,., ... 1 ft"'"' I I fll tllh t', ,,,,.,,,,,, .,,,,,., ,,,,.", ,,,,, ,.,, ,,.. , ., I ,,, ', .• I ~lif'I ,-,.,, .. >,,-Y tr ••I ''"t,. • rt t • I.,'' I• 1 I 1t1~"lt tf tlo!, \\ •••h ••'lit .. '"'"r '" •••-, .... tf11d "'' """'' lllj •• , 11th•,, 1111•'''' ---. I ,;· 111 1111 •I• lot I• J• 'f h1 kt111\.\ U ti• 1tl U H lt1tlt ti f11t1r ffu 1t t 1t11I 11 \\.•1lt11tt1 1\ lnttlf11 I llfttl f 1• I I 111 1•1 ~1111111 • l1tloJ1 •II \< I I 1• 1tlllf1'1l,!' t h1 illJIU ,.,, 'I 111· l1111 l•l111i( 1.,,., .. ,<i,, tn\l•r11. ,. I"~''"''" 11rul t~o Ul""'"U 1q111rf Ill• "' ~ QueHtion 8m-1pect In Glu skoter Murder Mystery flt1l.l.Y\.\'l1t1l 1. M:11 J'1 11·1•1 '"""'~ ll•olrf~ ':11. 11•7Tk1rw 1111 ,,t. •.ut '"' """" •111• ,,1t,n•1d toduy Jn '"' "'""'I' k1ll111,• "' ,, Y• Ill 11ld II<• 1,1 IJ• t ,l11•k11t .. 1 lu•• 1111•• 1.11>f11•t• It l . ... \ .. , I . . ., , • J ' J • / " • I . ~ .. KQJ~-:Warns-R.liSsia · I -.( : .r ... , Leads · ~-.... Page 2 ;;,~:.~~to~!".~""·~~-.. ~..:~;~,;~!v".~.~J P11lice Find lly.po_dermic Needles in Urges U, S. to 3,295 Bodies Lip-Sitting Artist Names'Ten . . ... --~-......... L~--• ..-fiR l'IT srrl'UF.S •Prllhf of -Spinster£ !UOR'or House' -'~wake,_!'rotect'_J O! War _ _Dead._to Qest She lfaS ~at on Aro~nd World · ,, 2.. . ~ N D ·~1·:\Y Pt• \'l'A LI~~ I rl !,'.l's 1 ·~~.'.'.' 1 ... 1 .~· .. ,.~::1~ 1·,·"'""1 ,;:~:.\:'.'i ~ :.~~ ",1'.!:'1'1't:r·,~sr~d'"~r;o:; ~~.~~.!~ ~!~Y-~~;,~.-°.~,(~~~~•j ~·;,'~~·~· 1.~·~~~111;;~.~1~~·1~.,J.~y ,:~;.~-!.h';'~~l1·~~~~~h~1\'01~t1~~·!~ 1' . I ··~t i\ I• r ' 11 •·' '" 11 • I• '" • ,,,, • " r 111 ' . , .. • • • , • . • • I •.• ~"·'"I' . ..... I'll" f f ,,r I h• "r' ·~··--" I ' I ~ ..... ~" 1.ir) <it I 1111·rt•' J ,\· h: r ui.: 'I' I' I Tiit• I , ,. •. ,.~l -h11inw1il 111 \ll ' !>iin.11 " •• -h~ .• \''I I;,, .. k t1.11v···r. <'11n ... 11l1•n-lwr-.1• r ll n UU· r ·"" '"' 1., .1.1.t '" 9'11i··h '" "'"·i··· 1• 111 ••111 11111' 1 1 1 • ~ · -11 1 h '1 ·1 · ~ 1 111 h r 1.1 d " ,, '"" .... ,. .... 1 ... lh· no 'I ''"'' ,,, I \ .•• 11·•· I' I 1 I•' ll1J" I I' "'' 1 I ''·· \ \\t'li' Wnlch111..: "' Ill( ·•Y ""' HuM•I·• ". l\111· \\ lf" ·'• ittl ·lr11111 lh•· I' 11·1111· ;l ::•1-. I 111r1 ~ .. n ti\\ ''i .,, ••II II •Ii' !"'It'~·•), I •al a f':d1r1• .. r w l (' l llS 0 n f > '' ; f~ ,1 '' "' ,111'1• "'' """"'•ii.: "" i • • '" I . 1' I ti •111•1 11n~ lh1· "oriel in l1•t11·r) ,.,._ ''"'"'.. lh•· Ill •Jvri· I\ frum tlw '' •1l \f!1i! "" '' •/1 ~1 .. : '.." ·•i" a 111..; ll ha~ mn £' hrr nlmost l'!IY<'hlc ·1 .. u ( :u 1it·••1\ teir \\Uh Hll IJu· I d 1.-' t..'I"-, :~. ' u "I• • 1 i ttlh •. ' , .. ,~•u I;''' t"'I' • ;V h• Wot'llf'H h . l It \ , • • •Jht11ll .... oc·h "'"'t' r> •. 1 11 1 ..... , .. 1 1, ,1 111n~ mort• obour '' 111 .,'111' ' l:t l '_nwi u-a 11111'1 :\t ... '·"'·" '1111 11r "·· 111·11· ~1011· '"1. 'Ile m111111~ I ,11 <•n , 11.1111·.~ I.qi I t·..in h·ll Wht'thl'r. t1<''li a l:l'ntlC'· 1 .£ A R L y •'•• 1tl1o11 ltu\a ol t '.t••t•·r \~ .-.-1. 11·' ,1 ,. ,.'" .• wtokl' tn h1·1 1t.•f11·11•tlt'l1."" '"I~·-t.Ja\·, l'\.l.tJl ,lw ,,11.i l1ocl.t.\ ~. • •• • 1111 • I I II I ll 1 !11'1t111•f111u1d.\•f•1\\1t ' 1 I I j ,, • • • • 0111111t: ·' 11111:. ~· • 11l\. " 1un•' 1.1,,. \\, 111 11, 111;''"""w n knnw w .... "r.~-I s lu<t all". •. Thi· 11nny 1111n .. 1t11f'• ti 1h1• ho1d1t i; "l'r·u·1w 111~ .ill tlw 111• 11 "" 111)~ !1'1 11r!' i;C'n1'11•m <'n. 0 nl' wasn't II I I 'ti II ' ,~, 1 ... .t,,, ... , ""''l'"'' ~·•''" " • " 1·1 n 1 L, 1 1 I 1 l · 1 N E ~Mv s .,. 11°'' I:' llL; 11 '' ' I 1t' I t f 1'" li'S 1111$, n1"1.I.: sau • l1l•11n-·111· 1tlluarfl I it· lrt111•1~1i't \\"'tlll'f 1111 \11111 I ~-1) \\ 11l'~nnt .. • ' ~ • • I I ,. I •I t i 11 11111 '"" I'••"'" •'''' unoruna•' .. ·" 11 • , -. ' 1·1 I I . • • ,••l/'lpl•l••I. "'''"""""11' "' 111.. '•' ' ·• .• 'I 1'1 I I I .1 .1tn .lit•· tllC>hl "''K"'''" am •SI ~<'h\\'l'nk 't'tm 'hip thl' '111nl t" It' l•jll "''I l'I . • l1 , ,., ... ,,,. .. 11·111 1111 or.1r11 "''''' 1 11 •·~ •111J.:•I Oil I" f'h I r ' ' I 1· •f Ilk fl" I • ...,. ~~ ,.,.,,, n,...,.,,l".' 111•11• " I ... .,i,• ,,.. '""""•'tr "·" , 1 1 1• , \\, '"''·1 ,., 1111d ,111.m ,, we cnn , 11 1111111,1~·1 1 is. 111111· 1r1•1·-.;(';111l· 1 "'~· t11 1·h•·'fnm1 1lw l'anfit· w1t lt ""r :.: -1~~·~~111~"'t;m~. H~~;1amu. tJ. __ s. ·in Fl$b ·aesearclt • 4 .. · I _, I "' T • J d ' ' r• rill\ "l'l'r .... 1111.c~• •, I I• i '' i.. " ' "• ' ''" •trtl 'I• II• '' •' ' ., i,.,r-.,ti 1111•)' nc\'l'r h ad ' ' n I w w or' 11 I ,. I II• f'•llll· i1,._.,1, Ir~" :1 :.'ti I I•"''""' frorn I h• :1 ·r1w I Htkl' nf \\"indsor1 -our1st n ustry ,,. 'I,,,. l I 1 • \ '" '"" 1 .. ,. l'' ,,,. '' 11 , ... I I it .. lltl't'I' uround ""' II')' hall . nnly •llh' .. l 'tlll\Pfl{'d h ·m1••rnry l'l'llll ll•r y nl. !':11pan. ·k F1·r11;t1llll'I, '"" ~-re m·h ('(\ll\1•tli.1n. -----Seell No.} Monn.y EA RLY MARRIAGE \·lh 11'1, ,,,, ""'"'~ 111 11·11 • ··k '"· "·"··I .\turl'hY s1.w1 ·ttmmi•rc1nl in m li•r. • _.inti :H ""'"''11 ·1"11;i1tl -•I 1111 1111· ·' Arl'l11luk.·F1•hxnrA11~1rl11. t:: , , 1", ti 11 , ,, tf•••r rur tw n ... Kn11: !ll10k" on t-f,.. -B<~~r.,n I' l.,·h lulu 6 -1.rncoln !llacVt•itf.!h, l' ~. An1hassador to Greece. .!.. SEEN .AS '.CURE' 11 ' 111 "" '1 '"'' ''1 """ 11111111'"11" 0 ye r. 111<'r nt Cffrm oot!'S tJ,•dw,111111.? th·· -7 Paul ll1·11r .. 1d. lh!' film 11r111r -~•Jpel"Jn~ to ca11•r I , "'"' o11•l •14 .. ll.4 i_ •• !.tl1L1.i1. l'u· "'"'"'' ,,,, "''•tnt.: thP chlldrt·n n.1r •. I .. I ,., I 1111111·1~ •11 flsl1 u 'I ('h I' y . • · .,, .. , , ,, .. -_.11,.,1-trf'l>"n-•l)U )' s sin,1: 1•. r1•s..i1re 1 "1-ss•· , , " .. nUrtl'l' ('\ 11 111r _ \ '\ H t \Vl':.!.~!.! .. _.'t.11 1•1 I"• "'"'II•' • I 'II"""'' .!1 .t .. 1111 r 1 ,. 1 u · 1tw :t\lbalTo!jS Ill It "'"" :m4u1rC'd :1 I >01.·~ 1r;i"lmi.: rl1•\)fOY fi:.h h} ci < '1trl Ar1~•m.-l't11> nil!"hl rlu\l star . 'fhl" 101v-1 .. 1 rn•lu,11) ·1·1•11111. o\ I'• ""' ,.f II• 1 ..... ~ .c-"' .. 1 •inly rf~C'nll)' hy thi'--u:--s:-Fish 11•;1r111r.: up 11t1· i. .. 11 11111 111 1"" .. .,a lfl J~hii ~ori.;1". •' ll ,OUli,1~~11••0 1nn .. t.11l11o11 tl1•tl ,,.. '' 111111. ,, 11• 1 11 '"" ...... "' ,.,..,.,~ H•rm•n W. 11t.1 1·rhol~ .. nrl Wildhf•· s .. n 1cr • ''"II 1hm. dP~lro)1111: ftl(lll for fish -'11"' Sm!{rtt has. sat nn all thr 11lt0\C IJps llrid lhousands of others .,. .. 13 ~ • • . . j n .. par! of hC'r cfonc·1• rou1111<'s m 1-~rf!p.• lhe mid-East nnd the UnltC'd into tht :tr• 1 In lh~l\!o11 \1:t1,.,..r.rr1.,:-"'-J<"tlflO.' I' :-1 lw11llh ' ,1, ('}l{' i\lhnlrOSS llJ \1111 Sall lhtS 4. \\'hill IS lhl' lt<·~l \!o fl) In ~!Ill e•~ ' , alnN" lh•· \\.II , .. nm II '" I I'*''"''''"''" '""' tc•lll~. N s ff s .ff . R --·>"'4 .. 'J1rmi: Ill d1•t1·nnmr the -y!'arfy ad-pn•\"1'01 d••struc·lln,(lf Untlo'r-mnr-· • • of th!• 'h 111.1111 1111>''1111'\ 11n~1111; l >i \\ tll•I 1 l.'1kt• llrn.'1ii {) nu • n1 ers an oomfit)4' tllllllll·Of hat.Jduck , redftsh. floUn-kN·StZe fish r ........ --ft~hmg,..n•SOllrl'l•S Ur'\' unusffi and (cafch more fish. They C'Xpt'el to fr1.,.h mnno•\ 0111 S11111h,·rn < ·1111 I 1 I 11 II .. V tC Id II tl .. r ant.J l'0<1 hy actually cuun11ni: Tl11· Sl'l'I 1•t.1r)' _...h11J 1\ml'rWu · n ·pr1•sc•n1 i;rcat r> o tent i a I morft than doublft th~'r cofi""' -'n "''', ,, ~. ..... ···· """'' ·· ~'So Far as Voice ote ou e , -· ... .. .. · fom1ft from ,-;11• .. ,.,,,,,,. II. fur·· , 11,,11.:i. · ,.,,..) ,.111 , .. · 111 "0, 1111 1h1•m Othrr probkms tn he· in-n1·1-d!> all tlw f1,h 1t c·on <'llt<'h 10 w1·11lth," h1• said, while others have h p (' h 1950 h Id the "ar 1s ",,,. M·t~nul 111 11( 1 r11· , 11 ,.. 11~,. 11 , 11 1 1, cl 10 tn • 1 , 11 .r,•a'•' in • '1·10l 1i;n tc'd Include: kt"'IJ ~1111111: and\ tu pre" id•• prn-,,..,.n 11nd nn· bl-Ing l'XploitC'd "be· t,!' a C'i U' Y • c sa · lcwn. hut "'"' n1m 11•11:111 '" '"'' '>l•hllls ;,11,1 i:•monlwn J \\ J\:-\lll :"'C;TO'.',-Mure~ l~r ll.1\l•r '' l1c·f1n und it'1 IWffotC'r• I. Wha t scil condlfions favor a 11•ms for h11n>:rY · l"-"'""'" "lvr )ond saff' limits. - plaet>. _ •\\',, """ r••1tht•' 111,11 lh•· n, ... , •-•I 'I', s11 14 i 11• 1·11ul1I 1 .. • 1l• 1<·r-too. l111:h surYl\•al rat!' am ong fish m.m) )l'ars to •-Oml' ·· MC'IHI\\ hil('. m: ~ud. _ 1h" nus-Do you want to rcnt ! Advtr· Th'-I • I • I'· n• I I 1 11 '' ~ s.·•·n 1\llc'n J Elh>ndf'r of '-·1'<1 '2 What nr0 thh ,·., t"o K d f /\ I ' I I I ti I th I "" \\It'-ro·l l'll "h t~ "' 'ti\ .,f rlfllnt: ull ,.,., ... Ir)• 1,, durnt:" m1n1 t t)I ,1 \t1t1't \•.'I'. to I•' ~--• uuu r • "• .-n.1.-ra I n rui;: •:.u i>tllnl' 0 ml'r CO ll ,.,1,tn~ l;t\1.' ll 1\"l'·)t'llr p an to lie n t"se CO llJT\nS. Thomas. m.111.1i.:1ni.: 'Ill•• tor '.'I -•h• I It• 1,,,11, 111, 111 <"•n•hlt'i' "hit-It J. .id." 1 " ,11,1U-u1lk1 m ,.,. .... n1 3'.?I ,.n,.. ;..i.k• 'I llw \\ 11m·i1s i f M didn't All-Yr.Hr (111h 1r..r111"<' th·· So1rl h· 1 ... mfi•cti .. n." h•• "'llll. Anti, 1~ ""' h,,,,. 1!11,.,.., ti, •h• ro·:di7•' lkal mayt-... ht· wouJd mak• t'r n C allfomlH 1 lul..t "'""'"'~lmn I Tlw 1"''' 111, 111.,,1, .. r ,.11 uic:mi: ,ul•)•, 1 '"''"' '' }""' 1.11111:11,..~ ,, .is •h•• t11lo-1,.1·" l"'"l'I" in Tf'Uf't"1U11·1 todll)• at lht' 111111'1 Ah•\111ulr111 1 h<·hn\lnr 1 .111,.~n~ h» ·x··1 , 1 ,111111 111.t k'. .. n1111 ky 'wh1·r" thf'y IP'""' "W • r 1 . ~ ' ' .,..i.n•'<' '''""'.!".!to :.!11 n llllle mad! Dr R e tlll't lnlll 1 11 .urll\ 1 11 ) n 1 t<•~I 111· in ro 11 .. i.11111111111.' "''"' o1f!1·11d1·r,, 11 .. 111.:hl 1n Ii•· n111o1I \\1lhn11t · ;\l:txlnn ~nid h•• wa~ Aware ol thnl US. U m11 I 11 11 s In• rnn " · 1 ftl!hllni.! 1111•,111u11n11 '"" t'dlll'lt~·· di·li;\ 1h 11 11r1• '""" lu11;er1111: lh•· d tJvlty. llk1· Esk1mn"· lr,>1111: W 1111n ,111.t 11rnmo1111 i.:' "'11.1) m .. r . '""" 1.1~ ":iq th<' ·i.i·n.11" :ii:11r11I· :1n~ w:i...~ rl'acly to .~I an ~p Ilk• l'I e (I 'mi: ·~ n"mi: n a 1 r111i.;.-I I•: 111h t"lll ~·111~nl! v-·npl1· 1,1,.,. ,.,,1,11111111<1• 11 ",,., '"" rnlrlt·fl • othrr's wol1'h1111:," hr i111itl "Who l 111 "t.•1k loirwrinl 111 ••11rlv mar·.'" •·1••·•·n·dt·1'11r·11 .. rt r11<1m :r•1 ,.1 lhr, '1ll•:nr1~ m k Ii ·· • r · t '· • I " cl I ' r1 hlll" m11n an(,! t11kl' the con,; ... In , • <>~ ti (' I f 1 · .. '" ' ' -1 Th" m;in frnm \'irr;:inl11 said th11 I Cfl llJ!lfll ,,.,u ll'rn II I orn !I~ 1 tit!.:,. ltOtl fll't')lllrP flOr 11 ' ,1•111111• offH't• hutitlmt.: Jtt l'1tn'1th•r I· . .. ,_ .... _,,_'"1WDM<'Hlllth ii! 11 11trN1m of frt•sh d11lln1 11 _ --._ _ • _ _ 11 \"'"''<"" 111 11 S .!'..!X:!. ,..,H-.ill;·tl ·'" h.11 h" m('nnt •. ,'A..,M th11t croupln~ Wf" , ., ~4"f4t 4-+lii..Pldk•• i:nnd, nlfl \'1n:1nra. ::.~1;~.~11 ,:~~>NI n-~-~:~uo;e ~:: the r111t of fill' HS A " J•l•l '..,111111 11f ~J-L\_"t'-'~"' A1rl-1,,,.. .. n 1ro '<l 111hn1·1·0 r11111111·,..111i.: l'I"'• • I f I I , I · · · Prr:irt mf·nt of Ai.:rlcullurt''a a.1101 Thl'n· an· six m nm ·.·111ro•hn<'5_·· i-r". I \\11 1 KTl•ll'" iY1 • ~ " 11' ~"' .'.I. n "''1'1tr1111· km•I .. 1 111l1n,.1·1) •1 l lllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiii••iasm;;;;illliiii&al_ ..... illllr"-..dQIJ.a.i;;4~"""1JJ.lliUJll.DJLS.. lii•I ,., 1 r .,, ~·!>I I . 1 k nw nl of l'ICTPllJ:<'. The typt' -' . • · 1 · " -.• fr11m 111lw r flr1•·•·11r1·1 sm .. •·~ id • bl Thomas 101d. 11 .. r xplnin .. 11 It ,, .'.:l l J•~I :\l111111n 111c-t111••• '''""'" 'H"'' :::.: . .!:\ ancl :!I hrm"r~. h,. ~ · wl'ren t a f' 1" dlfOcull In , t1lnn•r-oul thr nr·t pntdtwt 1.1~1 ,,.,1r 1~.-.1 ;in ··~tlm.ol · . pl;1n1 .a£ C'I051' to thrlr allotm1·n• 1 j ..., • -· ~l"r" :.1~1111 th.ti ""mJth•'"" rl ~~ 11 ,.. .,.., 23 nnd 24 ~•--1m""'t lncomr." hut n Sl/0'·1111 111 • d $.'tlll,(..Cl to 't Ami 11111n ... 1s · 1 ~-· ~ 111 ,,.,. .. 1111111111ri l.ll• r• T :i I Krntucky N each "pipo•linr" f, fl<I folio",. "hM" 'l"'n'11nt:~ hrr•' la~I yi•ur •·nn•'"" 1 • nc · om· C ttru.• wilh 11 $1r..'l.Otl0.IO I Fllfl \.\•r•· ~1irf:i tt.ll~•I Th• ..... .,,,. "'" 1111 h1~111ru m-;tni.: n;1n < \·iri:lniA fl'lrmt'n, tu not urn. Callformll RllJJHrd wilh 11 ,, ,,.,1 m ....,urr. ':d•h11•11:h n11nr 11f • "Pl:tin• ~. i.:rot til•rour1111f'd-a 1 .. 1 ~.000.000 "h•)l!'iHilt• 1 \J•ort ,.111• H•· \\"!!.,. _ Aih ··rta!lr th• 1•• •" 111 111t 11th• r' .. rnrr or 1·ti1" .. f lh• m llfl<I i:nld thl'lr l!lcres 111 11 Th•' '·" Jn 1111' <• r)nl•· 1•h.1m· l•·lk.;; \\hn '' .rl•'11 r:1il'1nr;: hogs."' '"..At . '' c erman CUSTOM MADI BllHc111&P Whether you·r .oullilde 1~ r 11<1 1( l\\11 'ltltlf ~J•"C•"' •ltll ~"l'tt••thmt; c·l•I' IY"lidPS tohl'lf'•'" • I• m 1111 011111 •11 • "tllflN I \\ 11h <;1t111f '111 ti mo·,1nl Jo,I al'fC''t for toboc1·.1 fnuu t tn\1 t•• 111t •, .1ltt.t·ti '''"'"'' '"' '-lfW~• th•• \!O\t rn1nrnt ~Af'S ~· q , " 11·~ .. , 11• 1 .. ···1111, .. of hwk .. r h .~ ,. '" 1 """' "hal you i1oy yoo 1° 1n1nm~ ·o11.1!J •• 1..i .11•• \1 •11\ 1 ~•··. '"" ,,,,, uf 11.. "C l\• 11" "" l'\1·11 hrr nk," plr.1 I •ho1\\ ,,,,,1i1 1,· \\ 1~ l•r ,I f, •ti 1•1 \l o\lt•n lo .uklat:nt lhl'~•ll '1 '""" ••I 111.11 1..111111:. \';1 II•·' ,1 .. 1 "'' 1 "" -ih1·r-rimml'd r;:ln•• J cl• 111111o ,1 111111" II "' ;111 i·h1nn· j' ~ I ,1 h '"" 1111\!111 .'n 11" fiil\1 n 1111,, 111 1111· , ''' "''"'' '""""n 1,f. ·•d i'"'' 1 ·1·1ncl n11 11~ nwn h.11 tlw \·11 .. 1111,1 f'11h·1i•1·hlnr ln,11-' ln1n. \"111.1111" /'"" :i holtnm ;ind 11111• 11 ... 111111 .. 11•11 J11• 11 •I "'" nhd 1'< '"'"'">= '" 111;,• 11 rhn.~('(' of 1~ CONGR~TULA TIO~S to Ta~or .. _Hutch.ins \ For the magnificent job they are doing in the-delightfully modern home) in CUff Haven, on the bluffs above Newport H4rb"pr. Comforf, convenience and beauty have her.e been given p<ime consiaeration, and we heartify · recom- ment a visit to this deelopment. VISIT THE MODEL AT CLIFF . HAVEN HOMf Vf e have been happy to p~ovide the de- corative s~ill ana complete furnishings which contribuje so greptly to fhe ..911uty_ of tnis home. .. --w.B.SCOTT CO. fURNIT·URE ANDAP~LIANCES .1t..· .•• 4141 Atlantic Avenue . IArao or amall, you mny en.joy the m)iny advantng ol _.., __ •)tt"K.ioue outdOOr llvln1 wll an •• , .. 1 ..... ,, .. , r ....... 11. l'llltln1lllJ'f for 11\j.; 1t1,,. '"~>tt •rift 11n ii '" 11r111i.: 11 1111 SI 1'a1rrr k'11 rlnr. j Anti "IJ,11. tl•·1111ln11t•d !'\<'n. T11111 I . ~l I ( ·1· • ,,., 23 'I 'l'l,,.n h" l'lf'i,rrih•·rl I »I"' 21 tolJ:lC"· 1 · "" ar '' uwcucc.. a ••· ~ -7 Long Beach 7, Calif. Telephone L.B. 4-IMI Ad1er inan Barbecue, Pnll "" romblMllon of the two. We wtll dt'SIJPI 11nd cu~tom l:uUd ,_ fcaturc.-s 10 suit your' own per· w n•l 1ilr1u:ures, nt the a.me tlmu utlll4.l111: oll 11\allabi. a pat"& to }'liur od\ nnlnic. I"' "~ .:nod f11r ~moklni:;.'<'h<'l(ln -s1a t1'. n111k1•" ttf.4,· N(\' 21. ~fh-r 11111 ... 1111ff. Thi• h••l'I l'A.&iC.:i11larl)' lh:in "'"' r 111\J:i0·•~'l'l'! '"' "ml!f. h" ._11111 : I "\\'•II." I ~ 1• m 1'1r Maxtnn, "thnl I ... .i1~ f•tr 'tn • 1n•1)\ .. 1c "' 1 1111 or "" ... 1111 ~"11 •·an 1" !1"''" 1! lit 1hinL'.~ Tltt r•· '' 1i1r, 111011•' 11f 1111.' nut. !tut llw ;·11n ... 11111111o n ,.f •n11tr 1 f Tl -11 , t 1 1h ·• 1•1 \f• IC(\ ' nf ,, f' H•' '" , , ind .1J1, •• ut h '' tnt '• "'''41 !<t n :--:1," trt .... utl tn , ,1 . .,,1• h lm 1 Phone today, ovr reprenntolive will coll ot your home ond give you o F~E ESTIMATE on any of thete featurn desired °' you ore invitied to vi1it our d isplay at 2330· 42 s. '""''lSt. •• •'""'' t tthl' 1.r 1.11, h•I ~nnh-n · r· · • I \I I I . I I• """ tllll"·' n•••ll "' I "''"'""'~ '" nr in•" 1' r · '' u h -. .... ,." rrtlnl·.ri " ..... 1ltt1ttr to....,...._.k ••• lhf• 1~ I ... , ••• ••I 11 ......... ~ I•) •llllff 11111' I I • ~+•ttn 1nnL.:t• ....... 1•n th; f•r·•·n "'•tu· l '\I I 1\f" : 1ll11n .. f 11 \I 1,''"" ', .. ) th ti •• 11..11 •llhh ACKERMAi FENCE CO. IUCM2 South Mal"' -Santa Ano ,...... 1742 \. For 1 • 1f,., 11 I 11 ·• lh• •11111 tum..,•lf 'I t plllil l'IH\•' lh.tt '''" .. '\ 1' th• tH'-I flt•t• .... lf, qUi.ft>tl ,11fl\1 ,• ... "'''' '4..it1p '"'' ~ ,fll11•h IJ~(' ,, 1111111 11 l11••hh'I I' <.1\lllC ltl:il th1• <-/hai M · . .£ooh . ~ ' Asl..A-bout • •' · ' In Your Home ,_ ~ ... -_. ... ............... ---·· LEGION, AUXILIARY s·eT FOR-BIRTHOA y .. \ru1•rf1 :,.1n l.11 L:tt •n '1111 •k1 ... n\I n to. ii.I\ ar .. I<.' •Ill rc·nu"-hnr.: n1o mlW'N rml lh1• .111\tllan .. t 1h ... 111n11RI lurlholnv tltnn• r I•• lw h.-ltl 'I 1r :l4 .1J f; :Ill p m in 1 ht· l.1·t.:1t'n 11111. Thi• affair will f, :i11 1r" .1 pot l11rk <ltnnl'r .\II n ·.,·n at 11•n~ arr 1 .. ·1ni:: mudf· thrnui:h 1h1\ pr1·"clent 11! 1 h<' :111x1hary Scotch ta pe;. VIU10UI ll:tea, OD ~ at the N~·nirw. . ' I Newport Harbor -" Headquartera -,. _ ~l!'\V ;6R-S~EMES -· -~::QD,R MbDE"RATE "PRICES ~~-~~~~~t-._~mft!-..•~~~ • THE FINEST MATERIALS i • & WORKMANSHIP.. IN SPECT OUR MODEL HOMES. ' PROTECT YOUR HOME OR OFF ICE. ·TH.IS IS 1HE SEASON FOR PA INTJ NG .· FREE SERVICE ~- OUR INTERIOR DECORATOR ., \ WILL ASSIST IN J'HE SEL ECT ION OF YO UR COLOR SCHEME . SHOU LD YOU WANT :to DO YO UR OWN WORK WILJ_. GIV E FULL INSTRUC(·IONS AT NO EXPEN SE OR OBL I- GATION · TO · YOU . \ * OUR ES!flMATOR \'\ILL FURNISH COM- PLETE COSTS FOR MAIERIALS~ LABOR OR BOTH . ..-~~~~-ti--~~~~~-~ c~R~ow~N,..--.P.......,A.--...•..__...N __ ~1' ~:\;----o-. ,_ 825 COAST BLVD., GQRONA DEL 1'tA-n .\ .. • Seaboard Equipment Cor_Pf>ratfon . ~ {'oaal Hhuy. 8'-M'OO .\IUI !li_,iort n-h. ('1tllf. • ~-Pur ity -tr Accurac,y "(':{ Dependability . • "JM"" .. , ... ,,, ... J ~Ill l"""~.-1 . \f"Wl "ttU ''ll't1lt1J •r;wo llnJI' Jno \ '1111 111.1111 lfl1fl-:w.lll'I I · •li.1 -µ~,. .. J OO II" \1 1\11 \ "1111\\ '. I l l Store Phone 232 For ~sti mator Call Bc:\c:b n "':--794 BA.LBOA PllARMAn· 1 '-11.~Wl'QRT l'llARMACl' RAMPTOJQ l~R.ROR llll,0 9 • -t ' • . / .. • • • • • • • • •' . .... .. .c· • • • ·- Individual Designs (tf · Distinction Modern -Tradit ional -Connecticut Far.mh ouse • -• t Outdoor -Living at its Best. Trees and Landscaping nestricted Cotnmuni.ty ... Convenient to S~hools and ·shopping. Distric~ G. I. Approved ,__ . c: , . Prices from Approximately $8250 . to $14,050 Easily ·· Fimmeed ·to l\1eet E.very Need ~ WE. PROUDLY PRESENT THE FIRST SHOWING OF A BEAUJJFUL PERIOD HOM~ -SUNDAY, MARCH 21 .. . . TAY~-oR-H U1'eff I NS I 15th a~d f r.,7ine Builder, ~:E\\.l?OllT BEAClt \__ Beacon 5 794 ~ ..... . .. ....................... ~ ................. , '--.. , ·..:. .. , . , . , .. , . , .. , ..... ' .. '"" ...... , . , .. · . .. _, I th di . - •. ·. I I THE CONTR-AST - CARDIGA0: T U SOME Thr moeJ faerinat;nA outfit ~ our SprinA collrction. Contrut in~ 111 ••<'ol 01nncla in r xcitina comLination• of Chc,t"ulatr and C o rn, Sr in· 1rb •nd Ullucr , F uJ~c anJ T ,.lly, Navy ;nd \\' ut I 'oint Grry. :-\ic~cl ptatrd button• Sizes 2 to 7 .. Slz.es -I t.o 12. u>.~a 1'7.95 You c-an t'OQ1plct<'ly outfit your hoy a \ \"aadt>nna,.t 'fl Bov'~ Den!lt1ment ... AK..., 2 ·to 20 .•. . .~ . Largest ~~ion of Boy's Clothlng in O i1tni;l' C11unt~· ·. • Fourth at Sycamore, Santa Ana It .,.,.r 11t-1nt111, .,t ,1h. c,.; I .. .,. • .._ rtt~"""' \Ytt'1n11ttt-..: t,1 ... tt~,.:..\._ - I '11• ,q ''d111 .. ett "" .t h • . 1 l &. u 1ul I •-h ,, I 'l \\' P• "''Uhl '"'' .... "·· ,t IU!ll~ ' '' ,t, I.ti .. d 11' II • 11 11-.."f,,1 1 th1 I l111pt ,1n l•"t·p\f'I\ p11t.J11t1l \\1•r•,.· 11111\t '"· •lt.J.1i.,,d t.11\11• .. 111,n •• ,.j lo1 11111 .. not~ .. t tl11 ,,. ('IJIH' • Ut11 It.,. '· -. Sh<'riffs \\'arned Of Eastern Mohs I ', •· "'' I •l r1.ltfffnl • f'tctr;eu marrh t•U\.li.h1r IJ1r i:nt• • 11'1 111, 1•111.111 fll•1t·1.vu1I• Chi,"'"' 11ll r r lhr 1'1111 ... 1 1• ... ·~1111:1\•'\IM" \\',.rtr;- • en 10 .1:-01 'lll'c.'llt'nn •1r1k ~ 1\1" h1t\I...,. tot•l.,rr 111,. .111~0 , 4j.,.,1'.1"' I' l' W h 11o•I l(,.h1t1 llrl~lt"lll an• ~A ' I \ H,\IH\,\Hi\. l ·.11 • )l.11 I l!l •I I '• t •, 1. i:,.11, :-.-,,, It••· ,t..t, t lh 1uU,·1·t_6. Ut.ll .., IUt"'MJ• •,tltRI lth' a tua .,..1'!1ol& '"" U\• 1ot h.hl l•' u t 1 J•' t• \.) , ht t~ \\•11 tl•·t.tt·d h"4fa\ n~1un'' · •h· ni1.. l'"'P4°1.11 -.w.. •'Ol1\~'1\Ht•f11 Ilk II 11 "t 1 .!'lo 111 t: 111):11-jo I • 01•>1 I• ulu11; l11r l '.1hl11rn111, Pl'Rl.IC' .!.. ·• ltlo ' 11 d H 1 1,~,.1. ·1~···11d 11.)'l nl I T iit: .\'.\' l":\I. !'4Pt:.\KISCI , .. o~~T AMOJ~(I THI: In 1 t I \ 1-·1·1 c .\i.11 ·0KSlA ltl(ill 1'4('11001. !'4Tl "llt:STM.: .. 1.11n.i-unc May, 1'1· • 1 " •' .. t t lo ·"'. l\io:O'lo-• ' ·!n. •ut tlnbl'rir'"-In l..akr .f '1•1rotY, •urtnr thr n 'ae . OnllMI t•arlor _ <'!,1 'r'.. "•Id 1• ,,..,. ••I t 11·1•1' I 1 .. 111 1•00,r-nllun of thr~n" .. '°"'"" ~f llM-c;,.fd,.n. \\'~t. .thfo prnjfo('t'• !l. " ·"'''' 11 1111 11· op.11111~ M • ":'""""r fo r lhf' ta. .. t tron ~I" atlnM'tlUlf UtouMacfll o f alu· 11i .. n '' ,• 111.1\ th 11 ,._,,, <10·111 ......... .,rdtn1: tu to.-.1. ~I. t 'utlihrrho•. l..oo. A...,..._ altomt•)'~ "" t111· '""' lolly 1-·1111tk ... of t:tk Cini\ .. , c·a111 .• ..;.uthf'm uwl nortbrm C'luUr-111.olo 11wn 111 tht' tun'""'" .f,.,.th·at. Th" oh)'t•t 11f ttM• annual N>nW.t "9 to 1•11c·o~"/.:'' hlteh ..c·hool •tud .. 111 .. to · t•rolN• '. 'allfornla hl•tory · wit -r '"'' l'h, "" '"t•·t'' 11.1111&1 "'''"'" ko .. ·no ff'n 'ur.•nd t u ''"t"llt thf•11"'4"h,... lot "llf'llk t•ft.ortln .Jy/ln llU • lfh1f1,. lft11•IH0 h ~1t111 1i 1u Uf)d t ., I l ' .. tfhl th•" li1 .... h l t\11 lie-. ~ ...,..""'-"111 1M' lhnlt•od to .. •laht nllnut .... anct thr ..uhjfo('t fllA~ ltt• i.lru"·" fro m JUI) of f'lr\t'll c ,.11111"11• (',.nh'nnlal topic-. dra"u 1111,, '• • 1 11 1,. I• 11··~1 ...... 1 • 1111 ''-' C uthht'rt~1> and t 'outk .. , th .. l11n1 ... r at n :n,>·4'drrill. ftuJld- 11111:: :u.:,t·:\~. !'41•rlnc Sth'f't •• '""' .\na:1·1t .... • .. 'In Challenges U nan1eriran 1 Committee 'Right' I '"·' \'1:1·1.1·:-;, ~lar l~l 1l 't'• ,\ t••l·1 Ii tu•li.:· '"" Itri~ ti 11 111 Ill' Plll hhlt\ th o• 111 lfplf\\\•"I \\111•1' \\o·r ·· )ll•lll to •I 1n ••ttt'lttt• 1oj''""'r · ,,., •tt n•• " , lo""' Ill• 1 Iii• 1 \\1•r1• tiNn1111ml~I~ _ F··•I· 1io1 ' .111011·· """" tr Y1<nk w11·t • !l'I Lh• 11, .. 1.,. I '11 ,\m o 11o 111 Art I\ 11 ~ ... "''ruuut 1, ••• h.ul th• • 1..:h• ft\ tf1 ll1.1t11 f I 0 0\1 ""!tlr f\u0 IU\,\\t•r _., .e~~-~oa· 1 llr rl1h\1r::'rt 111'< n pm tun \\hll•·'y:,11k"l•li ·"""' Mt:~ i\tlo1l t\<1 ~~"'"\d?':JC\C"'blHOMMe'\nMM~M'"1~cu::xe:a: I l~r111111~ .• 4".IJ.!.I lo) \\nt1•r •~·-11•1 , II• 11u•111 !"• '"" ' 111. Now Opeh· SATURDAY and SUNDAY . ( "" .. ,., ul tl'ha.,....{u. lur ... r•·t UI n d i ~. I\ IU '"''' 1111 I fl hii-"l'••• .. 11 •• k Jo1l1 1tt :0-11111•·. I l,.. .... , .. ' (. ,. ------In Ill\ upuoh•rl,. I ··I·· 11111 1111t I , _.n-"-''"' n ,,-:t • ' v .. \\'ll' '""" pie•n•l•-1 ,ft. r 111 tn,· •"llt•tl fur 4.,,.,. t • '""'' tu ""'''' r •l h• ,.,,ttu111l l•••' ~1 111·m1•t "''"''Ii""'"" •i111 •t10111 1. 1t1o· )11111:1 '""' • ,\ 1•·1 ··~ )"II ....... \\ ol 1111) Ill\\ t lo11t I""" ., 1w·n1111to " llllO fo I '·'" 1 .. rN.j1111•' 11 .1•1M111 In i;iw .. n "y1·11 ""'"''' 11 1p1o·~lh111 1111d ••'ltpl11ln It 11r 11•• ·"'"'' r ,o " q uraflon!" "'" ''"" "·•) ·· ti ~ ll 0QT . 08 .8 EASTER CAIDY Hl ~IEf•r:· E<;<;s lland'-l;~c.kt•d · HaMketA l>lstltwtlw 1 to ~> 1.h. Boxcs fl IL . . MM.OREO DECKER'S ~. ·. OUT NOW U · · · Sup_r•m• _CltocolafH t\...i-~?rlFa:lrll:l~~,.;a;;~~.~~..ai;:n..aso~~~~~iiii!;iilW TI-US PICTORIAL MAP of The tJnrhor Al"('a has,.I""'" mnrle a\'a.ilahk• to help publi- d zc bea utiful Newport I larboi: Copi<.-s arc-to he c1istdbulc<i bv adycr1 iSt"1~ onl" and p1"C'S-<'~t inrlications a1-c.1hat <'opit~ of this map will rN1 c·h 'nll pa rts of tht' .. ~.nitro Stntl'!'. ~t:Wl'ORT ' t'11 ll1,.r1'01n (1lt'\l"Hl1•t Cn. 1111• ;-,:;'" ,.1r1 Sh•~· lk p;u r . -w~ ......-:.:.;-~;::::--"'.;!"" -.. '.~!J SeTvlet!-; ·'-' - ..f:..-.. ~,,,A111l}rf:l-1'rt\'n'IJ.r•r &. ~tut .1,;1· llJ 1111 n ~-.I >yt•r ~11\t1 h Co;"t C1?ml>:;1n1 ~1.>(J,1 c11 r1,s.: r:1"• I' A l '.1lnw r . l tu ·11wnrln1 t ' H11h111-. I l.1rloo1r lrl\1'-tJ11••tll ("11' J ;\( ;\111111' :"1·w 110rt 1\11111 ~all'!' • :"'\•'"ll(1r1 llnrhur Pul>h~hm~ <"11 ( ,;•' :-> 11t t 1-:11'1"11 II' :":1·\\ I~" 1 Auto· \\'ork'<. :"1•w1lflrl ·B:ilbo;1 i'l'l"'" I Ill) t 's I tarhor Eni;nwini.: !'\t•w pnn Cu ff• C'l11f'lof1('e McOtlloch (~nl'rn l S hN'l Mr t af \\'ork" Tmnnrt. Jnc Rkt1Rrd'~ M arkt>l c;nlf•nlr:if & Wol~nbel"'lt R.1lph P. t-in~kl'y Nc·~rl J>hann_11c_~-'-------,.- BAU JOA con~l Pro rrrt 1r i> t'n \"all<'lv Doat R.l'ntal F.lliot i·s Trxnco S!'n:ice South Coast R<'nll y & I nvl!!'lmcnt C'ompan) - Oin i:ti:rn'!< llut Snm J<m '<fathcr ca-.1n11 (';<(I' Balboa Mnl!'l nntboo c1r1111rr.; 1111):!-('amf'r,il Ex chnni:c- Q ·Rlll Shop1w• R.1lh<111 :'ola 1 kc-I KHlh<~1 L.iriuor ~tnr<· ~urr ~· ~:inti Jlmhol1 Inn noll••lol l'llr.nn:ir y GET A FREE COPY ' from one of these LOCAt MERCHANTS Send them to your friends ancl DU~-ID[~~ liUIO( for · ·~ _DIUJPORT 1-t~.RDD~ C'ORtti',\ ')~.I . \l:\H s1 .. l11·1r ·"' I In~,,, Pu:tk H:e::i•kD; tv .!..."'" l11pmrr11 . ,-J,,,. 1 ilmQt i\.I.: ~l.!n"I('(> < 't-n" n I ~O.'flro• '"• Tomu1~ · .... stu.1> _ Ji t"li'r.11111.1 S l11;v1 , I In• 1k1n i.:' \':11-t.·~~ SH11 1·. I'.; t 111 Shop l .lcn•}ll' ~ C.1k F .I; 1·k Sull1\·;10 11..,.), 1·. LI X:t'"~' l ':w1l1• I I• 1tint: <0•lnlJ•1l1y 1':11f ... 11rl1·~ llnl ~l- C".1nmin ' F1•11d ('1·ntr r 11111 I•'\ • f\;oll C.1.1,..1 c ;1,,~, 11: 1'.11ot Cnmprfny, 'I'-""'111·1 · 11le StJ.."ll :'ofan Ci1•rh.;~11 Ari < & Crllft ~ Sul"• C:11rngf' .s11111 h f'o11~1 Cnnsl n1ct Inn. Co. 1'n rm:;n·, ;\;ursery \'l'q l'\i ituty Shop l l:imptnn·, I l:irhor r>n1g At>nal f'11hlk1l,.Y A!NX"mlr~ n s 111!1CG ~ m:<'RF.ATios Pon Ornntw .Fi-hing Hnli.o Gr:1hnm'• lla 11 & Tackle Stol"t' ~tcciillnh nrt,.. 1-:.~ht"91 Jla~I'<: .. Kmi:·~ t .1n'11n1.: C _l:. FrHn<'i~ Jr'.i! "Carol~~ Su"" Hil"r h·, Brnrnn Lnndm~ \'1'ffn }tnnn:1 lblhon l'anhnn MIR.\C'l.t: MIU: t ,, , 111•r i\ll-i\1111•1 wnn Mnrkl'(, 1\.1\ ~:-n~111 ( ·,.. In•· l\.1ih11.1 .\l.arlnc I k1l"fl'\·a11.: ,~. ' The• 1\11\-bcl C'nfr ThP A)"('hr11 ~"f"\k)"$'1atinn 1,,1.~~"l:j.11dt· l'.1rk • • " ( ''"t;,11 ;j~ •._ I 'll~h _'\ur:wn:.. ... Cut .. 1· .. 11-1hn•• M~·ld Yd foo\\ ,.,,., nf :-.=r"'("'rl .('r~n \1 .... ,. ,,,,,,,,I\ tft ll11l1:1t fll\ l.tl\l:J 'l~I ••u. !(:• n10 r·IC\, St•.,•l·r rat'i - < • c;:o1 .. n l.X·hl"m-- .J,,tJn ... 1••n'· :-.:••f'\ Hf"' r :"1•111•111 SUpJll~ C'o. S1·:i1·p1.ft llu1 t rt :0.:vrtnn ·n,,. CJ1111rll'f·f>N'k 1'1r k"<. I.lock ="·"~ r.nn f'umit ure Co. l-'1rd('n r k Y11rh1 Co. ll11yvi('l!o· Lumber O>. 11 I J ohn!"ln, Propell'rs • BALBOA L'lL.\SU E11 rl \("' St11nl<') B:ilho.1 l •l11nrl C'11m~11 SuJ')f>ly i\11,.n"s l'hnnnnry r>utrh Jfracock .· Thr Sawy"r Sp>rl Shop lluh Pnw<•111 f with J A rw-..k ) lt11lLoa Yarht H~ln . M nrk<·t SJ">! S 7'l ~ R.8f11n F.IN't rlr Th" Sp1m11·1 ·, C;1ft S hufl 'f110· l'h•nrl••<' \\" W S11nf1or;I \'•1th 0 r."rt 1111lr Waldron ('•·llllt;•· I ll'l-:->111 l1t \\"11ft,.l1· t'hrtp 1<11 th', .l•·W• In - .\t11dn•· snl,.•. Inc. .. . I .50,000 Copies Flrst Printing.·• Tl;lank ·_Your Local Merchants PubUshc>d h~· Hard~· &: t :lliott • For Jotornt.f"1on and Kt--Ord"n. rhOOf' t:. ff. };Hiott. Mar.hor 1269-M " . . .. . . ..... ----...... f IS THEH a llng•_riftg odor of fldi on tho dish? S.M fishy dishes In a 1tron9 aolution of ealt and water before wot.hlng with toop L~.~~~E~ I !.- ST .. PATllCl<,;S DAY SALAD . J Mdlb Iii' .... ........ 1/1 I "'!fki.Mte',. .~ ., .. , .•.. , ... _ 1 n .. ., .1 .. •••••t .. -. 1 q,..., ,..._.., •• t ...... •• • I c. chtch" ~•tlh . ••It enfl •••••• crrfr~l'P'f'TT, ·~ nfjh, tcOOp out corH. and Hod•. Soften g•lotin in cold)oup 1tcu~. hool over hot wo._;1 until It ftt.iw:-Add balonco of lngrodi· onh, 1oa1on to lotto; fill popport w ith ml.,turt. "oco In refrigerator and let 1tancf until filling 11 very firm. Serve In 't. "t 1li<H on loHu<•, topped with moyonnal10 and watorcrou. (i.REE_:: _AS!~ASS) ....... ,. ,.~~~ ·.-.. , '' YOU'li' • ftow houHho,.et C•d ovot1 H , • .,.,. notl pu11 w•M Wott.r"t hou10lrHltf n9 "Goff ldoa1'.' beelr.., . H•lp1 with your c.okln9, cto.M.._, wa1hln9, ~. 60 fHltl•~ '!1-..,od, PIH. Woltot loklftt Co;,;JHw 17>0; Dept. 491, Wllehlr•-Lo lroo Sta., l .. Aft9olo1 )6. ... - r: the Bruiser is sturdy I~ Brown ha_ I The Sliop . . -THlt BaUlftR Al llOVllflltO IH S~ T. EVf. POST -"· ear round oxford-made with er 'sole for fong, har~ wear. ~ ubbe d .finish .. Jl395 - , ·~ '1 ... ..... .1 ... . ..,,.._ ------ ' ...... " ' ,. • ' . ....... •' -~· \ . \ ./ ~ . ,• . .... • ( c ·' ,. v. I ,.'\. . ' I _..s..,,_, ,, ,, ~ «,,; rlJ " .,, ,., • 'BROILED 'LOBSTER---- Draw.n Butter Sauce FRESH CRACKED CRABS -. · Jlo'UrA 4 to.12 p. m. , OA~RING TO PARTit~q A.ND BA:NQUl':J'S --·· •. Oooktaus. A\:allable Ph. lbr.bQr_~84 Closed Tuesday Announcing fl_le Re-Opening:·or the y L -..... ~SHOP 802 ltast Central Avenue· in Balboa ~turd~y; March 20th !Jnder New Women's Management · · · Evfry1hing Nl'w Wear ·for Everywhere By LYNN LESTER Meurice Handler Swim Suits · Coats Long · and Short Models J ULLIARD unfl Stlf.'DF. FArHUCS Dresses PET.TI amt J ti:->E BENTLEY Lloyd's _ r Sand Swept Crepe ' ...,- -- -in pastels Rantin&' from Small to ~rg(' Sim~ ---WBOA BLOOME.RS Chic -spring ' FOR THE EASTER PARADE Thl~ n«-wes~ s1) IM> in tht• popular nrnterrnls • ~ t rMsonablc ptil"I'!', • Dresses • ~lnny RllY SprjJ.lg pattcms in a chnnmni.; ninety oi -tfyh's. I ,..,," Coots ' • Shr,r1 nnd long modl'li; smp11ly tmlon.-.1. 111 ('~er·y dt•t ail. ··-- .• UM NO. llAIN ST. ···--.. \. " I ' l • .. -~ 1 • .).• -----·--•" -•-'-1~ntll April 17th;--l948 -based on ~LO\'lli1N'J''~ANTEI> II tALI: Ml8CllL.L~'EOt'8 • prl'vlous cont-racts and . stating Good. laundrl'SS, In. or out. nkn's! FOR SALE. A bargain. Motor- [ price· to bf> paid to fish~rmt·n for s lurls as you like em, new IQOk.1 sc:Ooter in 110tld,,l"ondition . Har. dresi.l'd swQrdfish dehvt>red u1 hlvu:ll's :like m·w. dinnt'r parties! 1549-W.-30-4tc ;~anta Flarl1>1ru, San P l"dro, New-& hufft'I SUfll}(,:rs. Hur : 1973-M -x port und San Di•·r.o:· O\ht·~ pomts I · 27-4tp t Sil-ver Plating ~opt~onot. . . SHIPS COOl<-Suhi·r. available l C0Pf-1:R. BRASS. GO LD . f 1~twrm~n rl'll'.ltll ~i,::h t lu. _ac-1 fur Sl•Mon. Rf. 7-'8771. 25-51[> P,0lishlrig & Rf'flnlshlng ct•pt {•r l'•'JU<'CI any ur ~.it h1ds. . -.r s ,,l1rdfts ht•rnwl)'s Comm1L1c·e. !'>f'w ln""1s & H1111nll'n11n1:" }i>' ex· .J}ilvside Plating Co. • Oy \\' L. C >h•ia·n. C'hulrm.afl 1 po•f't J.:Hrckrwr Fri·•· o•sti11111H•s 01914 Harhor Bh·d. 3fi9 Santa C'ruz Str<·~·I_. I , l;u,1rant•'< cl sat1sfol't 11111 • Write I .c<l'sta Mesa. Culi! ... ~(·aeon 5113 ' S:fr1 l~«dro, Caltfvrnla . I f<. ,\, flnnta):l, :!:!.">..''1 Pla1:Pnt111 6-ffc Pub: !\lurch IR. 19.':;:!, :!3. '.!4. '..!; i\vi· .. l\1,,1.1 !\11 ·~11 ~~-~!C f lloU~·woocl hnt.y crill and rnnflrf's!i, .!6, 1 9-1~. 'P< JSITI()'.': \\'.\:"'T~:ll l}ahy sit· I fln!1yg1Jard his:;h '.hai'.·,, si<lling Want ~ Ads ·1 tonb 111· t•omp"111"n tu 1nn11t.d or C'hc11p, i:aod cond1111•n :.!-~liar· 1 lclt-rlv <'•Jnll>< I• 111 & 1 xp<.•r1t·n<'-bor Blvd., C'u~1:1 ~f.o~a. :l8-3tp , ti 1'1:11 l.l11rb111 :!ll:i'll-~I :l1i-:1 tp 1 1 >.iY \\urk \\ani.-d II arbor ar<'D , \Vstl"h<-11 -('"'(\('k!l • Jt>welry ,,a,h1n1: and 1run1n,:: (~ood cook.1 C'JfRON0~1ETERS l'hC' News•Tim1's wlll not bt' re· I' () 11 .. s >'".!7. lblhoa. 27-·llC, tie'palrlng -Prompt S(·rvl~ 1 h I , "' 1 SeNllble Prices --1•\n~ihle for mor .. 1 !ill one ncor · I \\'. l"lrl 1.iow ,.,,ur i;ai ch·n or vu- ... ,., ln8rrtfnn or t1n lld\'ertlSl'ment. ~un't lul Vf· d1uiny kind uf yard ' v AN nRrMLEN "11"'",''rs the r ightl tod corrl'Cd· ttly .111uk. <'.ill n.-acon 5'.?Rl-W.16-tCC I~ J E w F. L R ·Y •l1t!<s1fy uny and ul 8 s an . o • . . •'J<'Cl any ad,•crtist•mcnt not con· CMl!LO\'ME~T OFFERED it! 1786 Newport lllvd C'~ta M ... I forming tu ruk·s and r1>guWitions .~ • d 1. ,.. I · 3-t fc • . -68-tfc w ANTED-Job an <'Y innec I F. rl . ..,..,,._ .<::man. Steady situation c;, .. Arrh \\'dckr '.?OO Amp .. 5C '-'" f 'I "~t 11 Ill··· n l'W. Ik·ncor u WOOD FENC'E CONTR: All Typt•s nnd Stylrs F .H A Tt•rrrl)i Fr:!'<' Estimates An~l\vlwrf' in ·C'~unty Ph<in1· ONi.cM fi:.'11.... ~73 Elden A\'e., Coat.a MrM ll>-tlo 12 ttARS SE8VlCI! IN mE HAJlW'.. AA£A-. l·n un1'on shop .• Ide~tf work· N cu ' " 'l '' 5&13-R nfl(·r 1 :.! no<m . ::i6-5tt in~ conctitiom;, Sec foreman _:_:_ ______ ~-~--:-- at-News-1)mes. Newport O'K('efc· & J\!1•rri1t .1·1•fri~c·rator in ('XC•'llr nt roncli t inn $75.00. l-181 Beach, Calif. ("a'1rillo, C'nsta Mt'~" 26•5tp \\'A ~Tl-:[) lloll~<'k<:<'p<>r. cooking & light hou~f' work. G_OQd salary. Prirnh·-room & hath in ncw h1mw ·n•·acon 6337-W. -:i~4tp --------------(; IRL T<l \.\'ORK in food conc<'S-~i11rt. Corona del Mar Beach.' 10 to fi <l111ly. Phone Har. 1475--M ur 1:-.r.1 Mir-11mar Or., Balboa. 30-llp Ml~. •"OR ~ALE so ' Morti~er 1Scl\001 SO! Coral Ave. Balhoa t• • DAY SCHOOL !'\OW OPES O. A. MOllTIMt:ll, •. A., hfnrtl . rrlnf'lpal~ ' RAllBOa Mt . OESTl!'TS Plumbin~ Supplies- p I P E ·<Calv. and-UIAck) Toill'ls. BRth Tubs. Lavatories. Cast lrQn Sinks 120-32 doubles) 21x32 ledge \ype. ('tc. Dooblc China· Sinks, Sl~.50 up. Stccl .Sinks $5.95 up. Chrome Platc<l Swine Faucet.a, $5.95. Largfft Plumbing Stock In Olri"te• 0omcty. • •=- FONT ANA PLUMBING 23041 S. W. Newport A\'e. Costa J\fesa Phone Beacon 6041 22-,fc Bendix & Majtag51 Just Waiting to Be Used at 1ULL'S .WASH-A-TERIA 475 Newport ~l"d.. a.ta M .. Phone Bea.con 5770 10-tfc FIREWOOD CHARCOAL " rmtQUETS -PROMPT DELIVERY Wright Lumber Yard 1784 !'lewport Blvd. I COSTA MESA. DIRECTORY W. T. Mooney J Ph yioldan and S11r1tMm X -RA\. "·'!~·Hliur S.-.n-lf'P 9th ~ O ·n1ml llarhor 48 I ~ A. V. Andrews; ~.D. rm'SICL\S / .• and ~UROt:os 411 Cout Hla-hway. Harbor ~ Gorona del l\lar · HARRY HALL l>AINnNG CONTllAC!'OR 27t Eut 19th Strftt 1 Ph. eea. MlJ a.ta lhM. Calli· French -.Caf .. ~~TrTTNs »ttc ' Dr. O~d Lucas DENTIST R. R. Hall, M. D. Ph,_Jcl&n and Surpon Hours: 2-5. by Appointment Telephone Beacon 5848 .. -· NEW Enla,rged.-Rernod.-lt"d 4 p. m. 'to Mid~Jtt - Pff;-BEACON ?>117-M pr,ru~~G JN, ONION .,SOUfi (PAR'.\tf:~ASI Look tnr t~ "'irn "Cha hll•" on Top of the-Hiii \LOSED M<>NllA\"S . ~ .......... . If lou · Wa"t EX'TRA PROTECTION . \ for - J -. EASTER JACA TION WEEK ~ake· Arrangements > I • , . NOW Our staff of rom- p et en t \\~atrhmen will gh·e ~·ou the - prote~tion )'OU de- <Since ·t9201 Construction -Marine · Sales ancL Service _ No Joh T oo Large No Joh Too .Small -. Ets-Hokin & Galvan 1000 C'on~t lliwny Phone !JeRcori 5407. 24-tf< Painting -Paperhanging Sy Hour or C"ontrnct %%oiYi w. eentra.t. Harbor 1430 NEWPORT Bl!ACH , . 1 . . GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.S. USS Weet Central Phone Barbor 4!1 -l ~ewport 8-eb CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Tbm E. Barton 1 f'lr~t !Jlilt!'rials fi nd WC>rkmf!nl''hip • ··cim J\ · 121'7 C.O...t-111Pwa1 HARBOR 252:l-W Corona d411 Mar '2~2:.!11" lln K~ndl\ll'• Patin! ~ Pbone Barbo; 10'8 ~ ED WAR B t. t:'l 0 ON_AN . :====-=======:=;:::::====; 1ntf'r1nr & ·F.xtC'rinr 'DR: L; YARWOOD f'IAl:'\TI'.':('; D. C., PhC. IM8 !ltl'"'Pflrt Bh·d. PIH\n~ n raron 5n:?ot .W r'°"ta '.\1""8 Ht:IM'on J\Ml7-R 2~-~tp e CHIROPRACTIC'; l • I .e' PU\'~IO~HJ;RAPV PER8~NA;L • e Colonlca ~--'-....._'---.......,,,,_..-----~ !.~------------·.....---~ Public 'Steriog:r~pher un: ISSt'RAS<'E 2'..>!l ~tnrln<" Aw . I UFE lNSl'RA..~CE 1 Hnr\l<ir J.rw. Co. l 11 h • .nnlhon li1llmd Henry C. Vauq! n '-trtlrhclr '1331 11 498 NF.WJ>~T BLVD. lfoun ; --··• :.fEACO:" 11,JJ1 . ,. lSl, Broadway Costa M- Mlltoa M. Maxwell, aL D. 1101 Cout IDway Coroo4 d~I Mu • Office Hour.:: 10-12; 2-5 Pbone Harbor loe'l· S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay A\•e., Balboa Office Hour.:: 2 I 0 5 p, 11), I • Monday throurh 'Frtday T. P. Reede ... M. D. a E. Stickler, tvi.' D. ~ .. PhJ91clan11 and Su~ 8409 w. Cefttnl . Ofnct": Harhor 80'! Xlr:ht7 Phon,. Harbor 1'12·M Contad Richter, M: D. PrNtrni n nnr. 9 :30 R. m, • 12 l\f., 2:30 p. m. • 4 -~ p. m . toos-c w. c~ntral N~WflOrt ~h Phone Ratbo.r_ !40! 10:00 -4:00 ~~-lfc l 11 ___ RM-__ H_a_r_bo_r_1_01_0_..,, __ __, MOllTt'ARV ~"ETI:RINARIAS 'nil.I. l't.·:i~·· ~~··~~l__,~l'I">-.--------------. ' rl'tnr -p;nnl m111<,.~ nu1 :incl lh~' VALTZ MO~TGARY NEWPQRT RARBOR I 1i1tl/\ i::r••~!<(' ltlm~ .k<'rr :t!tkini::• , \T.TERINARV, HOSPITAL '>6 h · I.ADV" A'l'TE: UA."llT , fnr ynu Earn11• E;1rn~hriw, • t • •• Horace Parker, D.V .. " . nnrl \\" c\·n1n11. ="•'WJ)tlrt l lNwh 1 I 410 C'~t Blway ' Paul O. ButrMr, D.V.M. l lnrl>nr 11111> ~\.11~ I Comoa del Mar R..-. II · II D&Jt1. Tn<I !lnn Phonf' Harbor 42 1on s.t:. &fl'!Ul ort..,· LOST A~n ._FOD-'tD $150 'REWARD H 11 D d Sl....Lt) f'Ol'TA •MA ( ay an , •" • Hnwp. Bea. &o'JI; R4!lt. ~·ta '--~-~~~~~~~-' l:O.:'f'()R~tATIC\:-.0--Ll"~dinii to the r NYt\'r ry of power t••ndcr nub- . hf'r Zilf:.?3:.' (I( nH'ht 'La SrrnnR I U:\~t hl"tw•'~n · Cntalmn is11md -111:-rr..~· ,\ll>:«Tr s :hnrhor, F eb. OPTO,ff:TRIST E. T. ButU!morth, o .. D. ~Uhl . t:X J~'E ·sc!>l.~ol! .~-~E .._.._... j Jlur.cl. \' And1ke 3l~h l.(I~ An· S-TIMES -,-~s-· C".n~1mUmcR c r. l~~!!t!!*~~~~~~~~-i..-.. ~~·~!!=!!~111111111!!!!~ j:;t'lc;. ' 23-7tp 0 ..................... 111 ...... 11u w.~ ""' l'ta. nwi..-11111 ,1''¥1"'01lT aue11 8UJ?P'Y Limit.eel .. ·'\ A .-- .. , 1. MIS. FOil SAU .. ------M &tiro110inrs a TDl&I • U:AL DTAft-. • a&A __ L_DT __ -'_n:.:_· _____ a_._u_M. Mf"~----"' al Y. \\' p.() RT B" L 'aoA Ng W8-TI M £8 Pawe 5 ~------------,, . r 1948 Hnrll')'·Dll\idllon 74, l~th l New Home l r:-· 11 )' '1 1'1011\~ ~--w.purt ll4lalr. l 'al". Marcll 111. IHI . "'~ Plenty' of Good Tiree u~~ J;~t~ ~d;:~.~~~oltpi~ o~d. many l>Xtrk• .. •ill u~ i';n\· 3 R. R h{1t11t>:"'furnl11tk'<i 01 ·'1l. ·H · :\ 1 New \ ew Home ecr.At. F-"TAn: ---.. ar.AL rAT.\ft ____ .___;_ .. - All Slz.ee on a· Spinet. HIRh<>St allowance. 'Frtgrdht Cor tr11d90"1ru(~ l!lt:\511 I .'~· u111\1~-n1•twd 1 ..... '~'"n ,Pl'~ t.u. ••I !Juil ,\\ ... -._~J.u. . .:1.11•"' il\'I Hl\l\ll,l:--1: l 'n ttJ •• llarh.u · ------- ; • 01 wlllbu•·f spot-·h . .OANZ. .o oup.• l\llS ·~.1w.a~.· 111"111 1\11..• ""'' l\lllh "' ... J>l'I 11\lll•I .'~I-J111h '""'' "''·' :.11'1\ ~Ill h1I\\ n ... 1ni flr.•11li11·1 :.t, • _,_ SC1 1!\IJ nT p !'\Oro. :'.>20 No f\;('wpqrt IWn<-ll ..'7·.ttl ....... .Ill ·'I· 1''11'111"11"11 '111"1 1"'"1'' ·htn•I ... BALBOA OCE AN FHON.T Compound Motor on !\lain, Santa 1!)-tfc FOR S AU: 1!}.41 Plymouth 1"'--\\' arn•n !\I. Buchanan I \ • I -H I U'"l'1"11101 Thi• 11111'111 WI''\'•. Gallon. 10c 111'•· t\111!'h l•y ··rii:mal tl\\'}H'I' '-tt~\L 1-.'.:o''l',\'l'F • l~Sl'll,'\NCl •• -.. t llll\lt ll)' ~ \'IJ'I l•ll• r .. I Western Auto Supl)lY Authortud Duln- SPJ!'(F.T mirror t ·~ piano l.Jl\'ely f! t: II• •\11 I"• I\' lt11111•l11•1I \\'rJ11•, HtlX "\"' .., !°':l'WS·Tllfk.'11 I r11'1 •, ;-. ..... , ... , 1 ,\\1'. rosin ~, ...... tone F ini-ncti n You ju!lt pay :!7-:\lc . -ll.•.""'" 1\::i~ .... , "'' l1 •t '•••••I I"• i1i.111 I 1111 ·1~Al l )ll p 1\f1\~L'I:'\' u111 halnrrt'<' o ~195. "Trrnu I•"· '1 ,. • I \ · · 1' ' ~ I'\. r, ---:111.11< • nA~z.snr~an .5:?0 No.lfain. .1 \\':11Ti·11 ~I . H11r h:1n:111 , :t111 " '""''·" 1'1: "'" .:·;·1 ~hnln Ana, 19-tfr COA~T 1't OTOR ro. ~ l '.1~ , ....... 1 .. 1 ·~11111~ Ill lllfrrt"h~··I I I "" I I \I I I''' It\ '"I • ~ I 1836. Newport 81\'d., c.o.u Meu 17.tfe Sf.RV EL The G· S Refrigerator Sonw l\t.i!lt'ls Arn1l111!1(' !\:OW i.:1~1nA1. <;It AN . Auth!'ntlc L1111i~ X\' pt•rind . tyh; C'IW't ht' told frnrl'I new. 1 Ja f pr1e1• tl( IC" ~a~"~ C'OSI Tt11s 1s n w11nd,•rf11I clirm:-1• IP nwn it r. I 1.ohis X\' 1 II()!' 1-'n"'L',S(~lil .I-', I I I I I 11"' --.. ' ~,,.,,_ .... u111111111• II• 11·111· 1 "''"'' • • • • ...,, "I ~·" ,,, • "''' \l • , I • •I\ '\I I • '1: Ii: \l'I '·" : I h·t l.••t••U.1tft l ~1u1 lnlnh•chatt l11111•H t•;. ' t \\ ••1•("Ufl.1IH'\ '11 ... ,n•tl \\'1 1h· no~ l ' ·~~·''·I I h· dti·.+l\l ... t,, '·. I ·,· 1 • • :!1.).:.!'fl' -_ -.l-. ltt1•l0 t t ihl I: \ ~•flt \\ dl t I" ~.",.·run•'' _ __ · 1 ,,. ~ "' •h "'.," tthl rt1 n t 1 n.'"t•'"'l 1\ •• " •111• 1•1 '' \;~ M 1 '"' .. \, •'·1''"' -~, :;1 ~,._"'~!"'t •.'\· IJ\"l f"l-; \II 1 111 h 't ,..1 t ti ' 11 lt'1 \\ .l \ l\lt \"'''Ith IH 1 t1fl f'I H' '-I \ "4itt ' t1I l~l '.\HT~:ns -• ··l1 '" ·1111 1•111 .1 111 1· .. r .. 1•1 ""'I 11 " u• "' "' "' •'· • ' 1 ' 1 '"' ' -·\ 'I l 'l 11 J 1 I "1'1'\\'• 1 .• 11•1 .11 l '•ll'''' -' 1111•111 d•I ~. '''"\" 11 '" F11•111 111 ~11n~1·1 ' '''"" ''1 ''' · l\i·:i.-11 l,.11 :\ll"l:'ti \ '111 Ink•• :•>:;\\I' \~II'--.:" "' H~ It• l.luri.111" 10111'. Simpl~· lw:i. :n t .,, .. , :\l.1~•· I I " ~..... H.1111.1 100 !>t~rn~t .. Dnlhon 1111(111. "''~fl~, fl,\1' ·St'll~llOT li•C ii1'1tl~ lt\.'1 Phrin<· llarh<•r 115 Pl,\'\:I > CO Always 11lmu~t 11!0 ·1·, t•rn1t1.11· I 11•••1 ~··<I• S-•1·1 Balb.oa Fur~iture Store 2~(\:'i Coa~t J}l\(I , :>kwport j 1'~'11111~ frnn~ \\ h il'h to ·hno~C' ~:! 1 :11; 1 lid~ 1•1111\ "'" r .111111. h1•11\1•1_ Phnn" 1 l iir h(lr 116 :"n J\1:11n, S;rn1a Ana · l!l-tf1· 1 1 ; •• ~1 1 .. p ~ l't.• h~'l~i l':'1· 'in ,t,ul ~l~.i.•' c11)\\'ll -------- H~trc I 1\1\l .l'lWJ:"-J G HANn, H1 poss1•SSP~I ,l; I •1•h:1• I "'"" •i•tl,11• ,,;_•·, -N-,E-~-,\j-,-,-,,,-,,~,.l' ...... r_K-.1-n_,.;_8-·1n..:..-1-:1M-:i-n~1 !\Jui;n.lric:..all tunal nu llty Ac.:, :t~ l·\11 tl ""111• """ k "1111 '!;,'.';,, 1·.i11 I\.,, ~d~:I Ila~ ••I l.•\'l'S .. 1'1 1,\!''l'l.1\!\:P Hl·:,\LT\' CO. Arhor llll\\', S\r11M1 , :"1•\\' Kt>tl:ik 111111 •'XC't'll1·11t ~hl11ui: nr !'OS•'. 111 .• I • 3~1 n F !';\St'. f1lil'1'h. !Htnshadt•. ·1h<;11lUlf'ly 1:1•nu11w . ' lU .must , , fll'll I ·11111 pwk Ill' I ·17 . •I r;--; :\c.I\ lkJI I .J.ll\ 1\ · l ·,1 ... ta ~J•·~n :..'9-;.!ll' mm ~7!'l 00. Ph11n1• Ht•ll' 5:)7:\.J t 'I;("(' nnrl hrar thi~l..'f'ltfl imnn1-\L:lll'!11'"'"" ··'l~l'l·""ll1 .• I t I ~ :\ · ' 29--ltc nwn1 lwforf' huyi,ni::. a i::r·and. ltM• rntll'' • llll'llllllt' Pnipert~· · . , Tl•m1s nn' ,•;1~v. prif'<' is lnw"~t.j · ' l;":l'll;\(F l''"l~·rt~ 111 '"'"11111w11 f Ofl S~LE llimw h~r. mn·J bANZ·!'l11!\1 lOT PfA;":.() en . CO AST MOTOR ('0. . "'''" 1 •• 11 Jt, .1111 ,\ !'11,.rif1i-1· 111 , ~ll!1Y· opt·n~ 1° 6 fl wid<'. In· !l20 :'\o. .\hun. S itnla A~a An· ltll\J~ f'llll~t llu:h,\'7ir ~··~"' :-,, 1 1 .. ·11< 1 th.111 l'.! l•·I quir<'. En•n111~ll S11111rday & othl'r i::r-1tnrt M~ 19-tk l\EAC'O:": 6'...'AA " '"'"' 'l't~m~. Sundars l l:irt.1or 1:'1:!~ ' I • .-29-'..ltp ST.El:-.t\\'AY GRA!':D. "The Kini:I :ll•.11.. \\'arrt>n ~1. Bm·hanan ---------or pianos," (lC'rfrc-t condition, 1-<1-1-1 -.-p-.. -n-ii.u· 1,1111,,., 1.,hh• l'lult;.Hl-.AI. 1-:~TATK -INSUllANC'E SPORT T OPS -s,f:i\T COVERS i:ori;rou!l tone. Sa,·<' o\·i-r $1000. • ,, 1111, 1 li11I '~-· ~•'"port "''". ('111!.tn Mosn ('1111 pt', !It'll I 1 'I'· IJll Htl & Taylor's Trim Shop ~Anz·&;hmidt . Santa Ana, !l:!l'-i.1<l1• \\,111, 1<.1dh•. h1•ril1 r 1111ty n .. 11et1n f\:?i:.! ~ l'\o. Mam. 19-trc Automobilr t:pholst<'rini:: SI I!\~, l'rl\1111• 11:1rl) l'11ll l ~'.1· Boat And Truci< C\.l!lhions SPINET for n •nt. All 6 mo. f<'rm ~ "''" :1:\67 311-llc l RENTAL UNIT SITES 1505 W <'Sl ('('n tral Nt•wport Bdl. rent ellowl'd If you buy tat<'r Harbor t !}.40 • 24·tfC It's just lik<' a savings acrount BAnGAIN ·1:..t ll<ttl~·· ·l·lluor 11'" 37"2X102 Ft S11lt11hlr for 4 1mlt1,I fi<'nl a Spinet now, buy when rt11n l-:"·1·llt•nl 1•nndrtlon 31'.l 56 ()(l() 00 WANTED TO B ll ' r rady, Danz-Schmidt P lano Co Cnrnnllon ""' • Cnrnnn dr\ Mur 37~ X 102.G with Cott~t'. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 19·tfc TRAILF.RA.. -S9.50Cl.OO ---CASH for USED BALDWIN, '--autlfulty built 11111• 2 f 7;, x 102 6 Suitablf' for Nine Unit.I turn. & A li ~· ~ HOUSE TRAILF.R--:.! t. !tlt'<'(JS . ..,d h lture pp aDce8 bungalow piano. Rftnnaa----". ,.. __ ,, lndudlnll small l·1x' room Ollie • ....,_ • .,.,,..,. 4 privRt<' ·Pl\.ft)' v v uu buy. No tU\t\ 00 3U-1tr 0 1>1: N' ·re >H I NS PEC J ION ·ll ll ~c ~o 11d .AVl'.:-B~tw Na·r1.:1~~11 !-·.$: ()r1.·lt1d , ~ BF DH OOM FllRN1Sll ED l IOM t: '\ '"1r 111;1 .. 1111·1·11 l\11111 111 1tq:f111· h.11'. tl11w11t• 111 h1l1 IU!ll_ '\1•\\ I :ll't'l lk l l'll!•'1.t1 111 ,11111 I;,,,. U.111).!l'. Lt1)'l' d1111l 1l1· II.II'•' """".di 1•'111'1'\I l·:;'•\\1'1' Ill Pr11.:e :f. 1 o.~no Ila:-~1:..•1111 < ;. l. L•-.;111 ·:11 I 1. l ':i~·111<•11i... S I~ P•'I' 111111111111 11h11h"1'\l'1·~1 h111i.; DOAK REAL TY & DEVELOPMENT CO Ph c Harbor ;105.w 318 Coo.st Hwy. at Orchid. Coronft del Mai-"By the See" :111. J ti· -·-- I f11r111 ... l11•d t\'nlA tlJ'lfto: l~t'\i'11lly n~111-nl•'fl D1•- to1r1jh1t· lt11·:111i 111. • .' ,\H I:\\. Ill ''\' A"t" *I ~.~101 UlOO, 'flt rm-. . - SO l·IT1 _I l.{}A~T n 17 ;\l.TY CO. I\"'' t ;11~•11 •\. lit'.el l1~1 \11•1111 • I :1 11 111'"· l\1'1k1•1' .1 ....... plt111t • \\',;l1h. '1:1· tl1 1..-I l1 •l1•11 1 1 l\l.111 . 111..:111•11111,. .111:1 \l.1111 :-\t11···f 1:\l t \1 1,\ l 'h ll.11 11111 :.'1):\1 I f ' :10.ttc ·. N l~\X '~Ol~J 11 E l (~l ITS --. NE\\' :! Ul.;l'>Hi I():'\! 1111:\11·: I l14 :1.11lt· pl11,• flonrN, 1'hw1·11 I 'la:-;t1•1· 111.;ht.• l ·n11h•r 1111• ,Jnk lt1 i. .. ).t loc·n. tl111i ~'<~•110 '"'" 1!,1'"' p11~ 1111•111 • IT HAY WATER Ff~ONT l IOM E FflHN ISt 11-:n :\ rn:nunnMs 1 :11~c· llv1t1 .. niom fltdn~ w11 t1•r. l'a t io ,,·it h i111111ly h11r·h-q 1 ... 1111111 work ... 111111 1•11·r11nil 0 1w11 w lll 1w1'f1111111111l111t• :! lroa ts . Nc•nr 111•\\ di~· h ull anti 111•w markl'I l 'rlt"I' ~l~.IMIO, lt'l'I pn.,-.1 rl..:ht. S.•\'1•1'111' 1•~1'\'llt•nt hothtiny::-lnt:i; Irr N1"'ll"f1 Uf"f~ht" I 1'1111 · ~t :t;)(I tu ~II;()() ~MES-A 71 ACR.e ~I.NG OCEA~ l l1•t"l' It Is. This '" on tht .. hlurr nrnl yoo h1w1• nn unob- l'lt iiac tc'CI vi1•w. llt"ll('Vl' It rn· not tlw 1irh'e lie only ' "We Buy Altnoet Bnlance can be pald on easy d I V I '"1295 J S !15,JVV. ra era. <'r)' c Nin. "' · · · • · v d · bl locations nnd hard ..,.. .,. ~H"'-....... _.. __ monlhly payments. Thia la a Dobbcek, Cnnnyon Drive. 41h <'ry <"Sira e T~ gt'm. Danz.Schmidt Pleno . Co. house north of Wiison. _2{)·5tp to duplicall'. Almoet 100 pianos to chOOM' OWNER · HARBOR INVESTMENT c_o. -Rea-trors n:1~. · ··- ' :1 n~:DHOOMS. '.l RA 11 I~ I ~)() OOWN Phone Bea. SfO'f·M h orn. 520 No. Matn, Sanla Ant\, AEAL UTATE a 1813 W. Central Ave. 1645 Newport Blvd ., CAita Mesa, l9-Hc . 42·ttc. Will Pay Cash . P'or yotJr furnttutt c:I ~t MW you. Phone Beacon 5656. _ Crawley .Furniture Co. Newport Blvd., ·eo.ta MllN 9'J-tfc rumnTUJll! FOR 8~ !' FURNlTURE R EFi'NISHED - As You Like It K EN CRF.NSTED 21311 · Minrr S t • C'i)~ta Ml'la Phon<' llarhor 107().W · For ~tjmnt<'S On-Cua.rant~-d Work . 22-tr WANT. TO BUY-Small Spinet piano. Call after 6 p.m .. -mue- Room. Harbor 2224. 27-4tc SPJl'F:T piano. B rand n<'w. Cast' damagi-d in shipment .Will not be-told from perfN:t now Sa\'<" $1!'\0, Tr.nru. OANZ-SC-H l\110T PIANO CO, 520 No. MRln. San. ta Ana 19-tfc P'OR REST 1--nn RENT-Twn room ap11rt· mrnl. 24!'l8 Nl'wpnrt Bl\'d , Costa ~kM. ~-3tr m·s1 ~ESS SPM'E s:ta~. 2~10 L1t(11)-••I t1• 117.r :.'l~ll -J CORONA DEL MAR sounr OF HJGKW A y Must Sell at Once A. BEAUTI~ NEW 2 bedroom h ome. Flrr pl1C'<'. garage. pat.lo of nag,tone with £,Qncrete fence, Vf'n<'llfln blinds, rui;s Spuc" on Int for 1•x I rn TocJ,, or rl'nt al un11 • $1~.850 SEF. OWNr:R ' . Qahlla Ave., Corbna l! tic HARBOR 1494·R LOT F O R SAl,.E NEWPORT ISLAND -Cbo4.cP rorn<'r R·2 lot. Sld1•wal~1 and pavin~ both aidt'I. all yullUH Paul Lund. 6606 O<-l•nn Front N<'"'JX>rl R<'11ch, Callr.1 tl IT'S SM A RT T O -·- OW N HA YFRONT Extlu!'i\'(~ly Your!' l'hmw I l:trhor \l',\llJ ;10th and \\'. ('1•11lr:1I • 1f \\1\1 \\a nt a 1\t-:Al 'II hnnw w ithoul. hu\'I H~ Ir•• nl\I~ h 11111111'\' it1\1~h'tl WI' h:t\'I' '.! \'l'IJ' 1-:111 '!.t b\ly1' Ill dt101oi-t' fr;,,11 \'1111r d111i11• 11f HJ\Ll~lA ISl.J\NP .mil :-.:t-:\\'l'\lHT iX.'1-:i\~ .. 1tt1NT Halhoa Island $10,750 Ocea n Front . $97~<°> Small hut \1'1"\' li\'alilc'. ... 1.~·1..-Ii. ).!•Mii i 1·11111i1111m. '.! 1'1~· honll' \\ tlh ;~ hhTII" l-'11111 l1 m 111 n~hl .h11 y1•r T • ·•.stun• h1111w "tlh :1 l11"h i111111' -Fi1t'1ll1'l11,.I 1,11\\ 11•11111' 11• 1·1i.:h 1 1111) 1•r. Price Hcduccd to -FM 'I:"'<: <;tt1\NIH 'AN Ai.. Hal l111a bland •t l11·d1111 hnnw Ch~ \n Cos ta Ml'M s tlOf"IJlln.: t"l~11f'r. Rullt In 194~. I .11t;.tl • Int. Tnlnl ptiC'l' $)«)00. You'll l\i;trt't' ttll" 111 " flr11• \'11 IU<'. Elton I>. J}amrtt I 'Pmc•I c; Jlnm<'lt B:tnwy Fr1m<"<11~ l lrok1•f')l EVA F. RHODEN Rea-lfor PhOOC' Bcecon ~713-R 470 Newport Dlvd. Evenl.f1a9, Harbor 14231-J :\4'">-1 tc ----r-~-n.,.tit ... 11·1:) v1u .'hMI thr Jom•s C.o 1 !phol~tt·rs. Re· -styllni:: 11nd' rrh1111dln~ 1111 work i;uarantt"Ni. Phom' Bt•ncon 6260. 25-22\c ini;: room rur Ont' 11r 1wo Phom• l111rhor 11~1 or Cnll at l:.!l·30th ·I - $1 ~.000 wilh i.;ar:1~:1• 11pt t ll1L :i11rl t1tt.~l~n1l~~·~·ff-1im&-ttn:itt;~~~~~~t.t--~----------1=11~1~n ~'t:'"rn"~"~1'.;f"::;1.t~~~·:.~''rtm;IM~,-.:~"1;'·~t1~1·+-_:::._!:B~R~IG~_G-li!S~_·_•---'JB~E'..!S!.T!....._::•_:•_1B~U!...Y!!:S~ __ _:__J ., ~•XJ01 ~· ~1a•rt'" roon) F in,· """"· WAl'.illlNG .MM'lllNl·: E'wl'I· l!'nt <'onrl illon. n·a~11mthl1• fl.< ll· eon f~J!l~,. \\', :\11. \1c SI.. Ne\\ 1)()rt '16-tfc • -3._,(\~l,\t.T. 11'1-. l\ll'.':l·:~ :! IH'11• .. 1 liurn1·r en~ 1 .1ni.:" \'•·r~ 1'1{1· '"nahl•• C.111 ,117 .\lv111 aclo .'1 FOR RENT-R nom . for 1 or 2, prl\'ntc cntrances, kHcht'n prlv· il!'l:t'!< not U~l'd ,by family, Qr i- VOll' SillinJ; rl\~lm (i61 tlifr nr . :\1•\\ 111•rt I l1•lchl!1 n (•a f' n n ~>f.f~I-\\' or r.9~,A. 26·!'lt <" . ' Sat1;rrla~· nr '.'ll•l1fl,•\ :Vl· 1111 New Mitchell Sportsman 3()' x 9'6"x2' Chr)·sl<'r slx-115 or Gray 6-102. · • \hair. Bait Tank. nail Motor. $6600 G. F.. l\fl~NF.Y . Bearon 6281 711 C011st l11way, Newport , 26-ltc OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOATS WANTED TO RENT -Eutl!T' W<'Ck. rot tai;:e ror acven girls and .chaJl<'rOn<'. P y 12570. Re· vc-rse chatgcs. 28-3tc APMlnn:NTf\ a HOUfilE!' '5 F@R RENT Jun<' 10 S"ptrmht'r 1!f 2 bl'drnom hOUSl' Udo Is l,.., nrar i;ou1h h11~ and _<'l11h -S97!"> flO rnr prrrnd Rox 12R Bnlhcln I'll· 11nd 29-3tc Tr:irtl" clrar modern mount11ln r11lun. runninit 11tri-nm. pinl'l>".' for l'<tllit~· in ltt•arh homf'. pn'fror NF:\\' & USF.D CoronR rlrl l\h1r Wri1" Box "P," I S"rvir<' nnd n rpnirs on All ": N1'\\"!l·Tirnrs ~ :!!\-:lip M11kl's o.L\lolors ~· C" • EXCHA.NOE _ -1 Da~e. ';· -~~ies I w11.L 1-:xnIAN\.F: C.ir1~· hranrt 916 Const 1!1"11~ .. n11J1ron 5676-M .,6• h . 1, r ... 2• ·1n1" I 24.tfr m·w • 1r) r 1 01 " 11r ~" -------------~Iris blrycl". 171'7 Pom1111n <'n~tn LIVE BA IT TANK :.!5 SCOOP . Patt~n·~ Lan~in~ 53."i \011\J I lrRhwrry N"t'wpnrt R1•:il'h t 26·1fc F OR SAL E 2:.? rt cruhlrr, sl~ps. ' 2. \'.ff m t'ltnr mit <•( ""' '"r $R()O . T<'rtnll. Phnnr U'nrhor 0533 hf'· !'tr~n. ./ F.L 'i . Ir I MON"F.V TO LO~ I 18 I HOME LOANS 4 I ~ -5 -.61/z ,...r HENRY C. VAUGHN ~··-49g Newport Blvd RF.ACO!'J 5l!n Rl's H11rbor 1070·J tWN.'n l'I 311 .~ !l..30 fl m AflN 21;.1 1r 6 pm l111rhnr 5w.l· ~t 2f>.tfc I -------------. . M OSEY \\'ASTF.P &e """' •••111~. 1111 i.:•· II\ 1111: r·~1m, tl1 nrni.: 11l011l "11 h Fri•111·h 1l11or11 1'-n1ltn~ t11 rinru1 .-n ·ry l11•tlrn•nn 1111!< ~t•p11r11 11• hi.ti• l;1~·1111•d rl"~" f11 ~1111lh h:n Pr1r:• ~:!5,11'M J. Ai.k ·rnr Mr 11uii.:1·r • P.A. PAL~I E I~ :~.1:\. \' 111 L.uln ·-·IT~tlU tit 1·11 .. 1 -pl;li-r am! ft'lr•'f•1 11'11 h••RI 1'1 lc('d I r u .!'•·II il'rrn~ E xrrptional View S it~ 11\THl.l tlll.; I 'I; I 111• h~rlwll' 111 ,11 rh. ll•W ;\l1llmn l •ull tr lk .1•h ( 'luh !"t1t ~ ~I.II fi~I few~ fl tll\fl\.'• t •I• pl h I ff 1 11111 I ..'II '" I 11n1:11l.1r l·ull 11,c • ";}'""' Attract l\'l' HI :1 •HI 111\l 3ft.11~-F-<1r t h1• H1~Loc11lwn:i \all I !111'1 11 ft:!.W C. I fl•·~all' rww 2·11t·•lr1wim I 11r. 111•l11·rt. lll'W Ph111'f1 rt rrii::•·r:itor.1 \'l'('O•'r m11h11ir:my hro<lr1w•m !'1111>' ~ I A'lt 60 X 1:.!7 1'11rn1·r, rnurn In !mild. SAA7fi.t1n H1·1H·11n :;:;73 . .J I • 2!!-'lt r ' lll'll P O\\' l!' nl J. A. BEEK OF FI CE • F l'rry La ndini:: 'Blan~he A. Gates-Re3ltors-Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave~. Balboa \bland Day Phom •s: Ha r. Hi71·.J; HHr. w :f.1.J F:v<'S.; Har. i4fi·M: liar. tl17·M • r ' BALBOA' ISLAND :-- Gorgeou.". hranrl n!'w ~ H . R hnm(\ o nl:.· ': hl<11 ·k from So. Ray '''tlh :.? hath!'j. cill t ilro kildw·n. d1nmi.: room. rin•plar'f'. hard\\.OO<I Ooon;, hlll-:1' d 1N •I,, ~k1~~"<I anrl hri•·kc><I in palio :ind iloulil1· i.:a rai.:1· Comp let<'I:-· land'""Jlt"!-Pfnr ~;.?;),000.•J<I t-:as tt•r rv•nt a 1-sb!.fK !f 111· 7. ~l:!:l.IJ04'l clave;. :l R. H. llom<'. r11 cni~lw<l ~W.,()<1~ 'on1pk•t1 •ly f<•1J11 '<I .As k :1lr11111 onr Ir"' p ri1•l-'f l :.!:l~l rm. ho m1·.; for ~7:->11. S~CllJ<I &· ~1 l .~11~1 NEWPORt HE IGHlS Priw1ii·;1JI~· nl•\\. IK'11t1tiful :\It H. hllllll'. r11'PJll;11·•', Ill .. din"'' ln.:h11 rn_..• p;1'i11 .... drn'4•t s" 1.!i''l11n '. rlrnil1l1·.g;11 ilt.;t'. ~ \\:1.;hnH1m, J,.•;1 11tif11ll~ l:1h(t .... 1·111•-<I. l ':r rtt:i ll~· frtm· i.;h1'il. J\11 111·<.11-:n<'d 111 m1Jd1•rnhlw :wd1il1'1·t 111 •· .A l"'rfr·c·t t.:"m f•lr ~I :! 11111. ' . I . Overlooking 1'1m1pl1•h' ha:-" ;11ul ho1 rlt1ll' :ti''"· :'\•·11 :.! B I ~. h•mw ''1th d1111111.;rnorn ;inti d1•n, rl1·1·1•lal1·. wil. · f11~1r, and d1111hlt · 1.::1r:1L:•' 1 '1*~,.1 rrt.!':-1:.!.til~I n 1· rni.J\" of f1•r r · COSTA f\\ ESA Going. Goin~ Go Balhoa Isla nd Vaca.nt Lot try :1n I 1'htiih' Ilk!" 1t '. l~o ~''" \\;1111 111 lt11~· :1 huuu.· at g,;, prr 111111111\'' • 11· ... 1 ........ lh.1 11 1•1•111. 1.111 .!11'<! tit l!l·:STH IC·n:n l\J ,llld Ill'\\ :.! 1Hh1\l, )ttl!lll' 111.\•111.11·1• ll1w 1j' lt1'.tl1•1 ::11111 ,, 111 h.r1ull•·. 11.d.1111·.- t:r.rd~ l tt 111\t\~· Ill 11.rl IMll' I l1•11:1JI , h.i rd11 111" I fl," 11~ d1111l 1l1• l' .• 11 ·•~·· .ii I'. 1111t·1·· ... 1 111' 11 \;,u 1\ .1111 111 111\ ,.,I 111 n"1d1•11l 1;rl 111111111•' p1~11 11·1 1\ '"' li.1\1· tlll' Hl·.:-...-r "1'1""'1111111\ 1!1 '"'' n , l!l llllll ... 1:...11 II 1111111.11•1• ttll ('10:"\'l'l<A I. 1\\'1'. I ~"' l1.11·11tt•1n Tl11 ... 1 ... 1'1<1 :'111 . 111111111t· \\Ith :111111k . ri111111 1111' ;1dd1t11111.el 111111.; I 'Hlj1·J I In !'<'II and 1 •·tTI11' Io ... 111 t THIS WEEK_SPECIAL $1;>00 l "Jys l tC'autif11I l1111ld1111.: ... 11 •• i11 I li\1111< IH • JU·:1<;1rt.' p;rv."!I !-.IJ'r'l·l :111N all(·tV· :-1'""" & CITY S J-:l{V It ·i-:s I ' *~00 DOWN • O r wt• will fin<i y011 · ~ a busi11rs.'. _. INTI·:HIOH l>J·:C'<>f{J\'l'OH SIH ~ full.v 1-<1111pJl(,.I l't·11·1· 111d11d•·' .... n" k . •"Ju.tp:1111I !Pa~" ..... _,.....-- 1-:1 .CfHI\ MOT'OH RF ' fi..._111 11' S 1• k· nc ....... f111n-s -.all' of • ~ l111"'"'''1' I "111.11: h•·ll1·r thn n ~Jooo Jli>l''1'11unth. Fully L1'1ul111•·1l. ~. Harhor lnvec;;tm ent Co. . ; I. J_. \I Realtors ~ 30th At W f't•nlrnl Avt• I la rhnr I r,oo J.<Y~, c·,,,,,,., d·I '"'' ~· f11r .Sl!l'~I H1• It t 'ill II• 1 'rlH'I 111\ cir .. v. r11r1~'' .. ·>< ;u, . ' Fill! S A I.I '' "1••11 llii~h1' '-1!(~1 :11 .. tit "'" Ill 11•1' '""", l1t rr1·1!•· ksr.J ,. II .• ,. I II" I····· It r,i1x1:t1 11 ''·'· " ... , .... .i ... ,.L11 r all f1•11»• 111 11 .. 111 . f~ f 1 · 1 ·ti\.\"'''' ~.t11fni.t till "''d' '",:1•1 \\/''u11t1~.rr t j' I \<•lll'l ol\ -, l,•)( ,f ::Ii 'jl I . BALBOA I :l ni-:nn" V•1r11 """,,.. '11ill<> 111 ~ 1'-• .. ltlk Ir 11111 1.:1\' lr•.111 <"111 I •l~h r.f II\ m1• I '-•II• IH• l•lil" lin •nkfu,,I n•~,k k1t1 II• 11 ~· r\ltt , 1"1rd1 & t.11 tl1 !t• ·11 )I•• rt '" J1rrv t'd :!~I Mnrirl". fla llw.111 lsl11nd Jlarl111r n :\I '.,!;,.11 1• NJ-:\\'I" >HT 1 wtcarrs N l·:WJ ic HtT m:11< 'I I Bay V1t•w Lot :'Xlx t:l7.~1800 -Lot 1 ltlk from ()("1•1tn, 11 ~ hlk!' from pl"r $~ $1000 ltPSIN l·:."'"S LOT •t!"i Fl. orr ( '1111HI Jllwny \\' ATIO:l<FHl lNT Sl l M~WH IO<N'l'J\I . -l-'11ml>4lt1lfl t'flllua,cr• $4~ ~. 11 I(. c 'lt~'lut F ront Junt' fo Sept. ~ Fred BRIGGS Tressa· 11:1,i {'fms t I llJlhwny - I 'h Iwi1. ~77R ffrt11. Hnr. 2476 :!(}..He --- JJHA.f\Jll N.L)'Ll JJ l t I !j)Mf:. V 1w11nt . rnndt t ypc. '"'":111 \:.lrw l 'n11,.J t()-!'1('1111t nnly ~7~1. Nt·:W t .. H I' ~. Conu·r· lot on Nc•wport llghl8. ''nly S .~··~····· . ft I If ~Mt·: on hnlf ncrr. Will tr1111f• for lrnlk•r or t'a r. Full p1i!l! only ~!">'J hU'fl1!4ht"!I. · 'l H I! I If IM I·:. -1.;,,.1 ~itk'. < ·1(~· In. C 'omph--tt•ly fur· nl.;hNI, ~:.t:lo. :\ H It HOME on NPwp11r1 Blvd. 1;0 .r1 front11gP. llwrl .. ttll' nnrU'J:' rnu.o;f i;.•11 thl~ \\f~·k. ~111.!'",CIO. " s 1-:1-: 'IS f11r Hlvtl frunllt1.(f'. '.iflf..,11 iin<1 Hf'li·~l..CP. ;, Hnd Ht ;wn• t r:t11>'. B. A. NERESON. Broker F ra11k I >owm~ 1 ~17:.! N1•\'11od Blvrl :.!~). J tc 28f'T Crl1t·Crrift ~{l("'d noat. Cl Nin --. ----------- 11nd good ronditrnn r rlet'd rhtht . I WA:"TF.O $15,flJO Wiil Ix' .•~· Phone Harbor 1299-\\' 28-3tc ruri:-.d hy fr~t trn11t1 nn hu1lrl· 2 B. R. h ome. wd. '""'·· 1111 ... or t lrN•I and 1·11111,();1rd !-.p:wo \1•r:-· ;illr::wll\1· .• ~x:..-1111. • 'Lllfl(J rl1J\\rt 11nd . 1:; wr lflf) \ . 31 2;(1IJO-tnm~ , ~ -'IHIS H<>1E roR MODEr~N S Ult ra-Mr1dcr11 2 rdrwim home IHIW hc.:in g ~lww n by ---------~--rm:!' nn "c-r1'1"1l11y locatNI l"Om· FOR SALF:-2 n:mk• 12 .\' H 0 1 ,mrrrlnl propl'rty, 11ndr::.r Ion~ haltl'rlf'~. !i'.'i . F1~hl'r 12 v.1 l•·rm IC'A~I' tn ;\ r<'liJ.JOOlllhll' M · Oirc-i-tlnn rtnrlrr. ~': ~r1 nil· llt'lnr\I firm \\'rll pny 5'~· In· inR YRChl i1k1rf. $8.') ; H ·ft. I ll'rt>•I r 0 T\llx GR. C't'lrnnll cllnk«i>r "hrrr~'. built '42 3 llPl.ll I rli-1 ~lrrr :!>1-3tr oars Dnv1t for _111rr nr rl'};,t.I _ 11 1401 W. llr1y 1\\I'. ~.·wty•rt AcyOMOTl\"'E A TTRQ... -a Il<'A~h :?8-4tp ·'JA F<>RO '..! door, '41 ;\1Pr M1ry t n·' 2'-ft. f'11nt11\I r1llhin1t SMt. Sua.r i:lnc. A·J conditloh, rxC"llrnt -iii7!ior7 ~ Witt rirdr--f ~ -o wnrd-h} rnrctiimftf. " . •' ~ood m uJl<' Cnll llarhnr 2:;2;;.w f\(oa rr1111 5643-R. nrt<'r 12 norin - 28-3ta · • .. · ts.Ste I • . . I SPECI AL TODAY j PF:NJNS t I.A POINT I "~!:'~~~~ 11 .. ~~;;.~·;~7r ;, ,:,i;.::· 11 , A ni .... 1n \'an :"up . w ith l"·;11;t1f1il'fli;,.nrJ;r ''I ~· h 11rn .... indwnr.i.: :t B. H · .... :.! l i;tlhs and ihnin~ , .. ,,,,n. Alv> h:1s '\\\lmtnm~ pt1ol. 11 •11111-; f•rn111 , 2 h"""'' rw 1•·n1 a l h1111""· 1111 1·1'1'1•111 lf·l••ph,,n• ..... :1nrl :1 111111•,... A ll lhl' 1 ... 1'f>1Tlpl••l1 1ly ·\\.1ll•'fl l11 \\'ill ....,·II , 111 m :1k1• li:1r1;.' !11r h"1D1: 1n lrli \ :111•.i ,,,. 1 1111 ..... r ''" hdth C 'all 11 ... {111 ;1clrti11on:U. inf11rm:1111111. • I BLA NCI i 1-.: /\. (iA n:.~ n(':\ It m;::c}!'1NY GA n :.t; ~· ·' "r111•"1 $12.!'iOll -t~rms • • 1 1:-.:t:.Jsx1~._. 1.111ltl1rw .,,,. !.:Y~.11 • COA~T l'HOJ•El!TIES CO. - 501 t: ('• ntr:.t 1~11""' tl nr 2r.!l$1 24.tJc ...... • ... ::t -. EVA F. RllODFN RfAl.TOR · · .470 Newport Blvu.1 Eves. Ph . r -. -Ph . Beacon 5.7 13-R 5779 -R ._ I ~· ' • • t ' l . i I· ... ' ---~ \ Harbor · Fenri .nine Ac·tivities. ~ones: Harbor .13.and 208 By \\•inf ri-ed &M>re -. -NEWJ>ORT BALBOA NEW8 - t'1tl n .\\· ~c-"11or1 "-"ti. ~·.w. Matt little HGuse Building f'und Now 3,BOO·Says Commissioner Deaver at JulieHe LoW. Rally G .1y 11nd rol1 1 ful wns th•• .luh· . e ttf' },,ow n.1111, hdd at th(' N1·w· por,t· Jlarhnr t n i:h school Rt11't1-:. tof'lum Fri<lny ,., <'nin1;. Th 111 "'"<'nt. dcur In tlw lw11rt of (•n·ry Girl SC'out ;rnct ht th.• Druwniu. rt·l.-1Jr11tC'd th<' :\ftth 11npiw1·sary of G irl Scouting In th'I> Unitc.-d Stittes. • T\lf' folk dAnc1·i1, with l'l\Ch --~•. r<'Jft'<'ttC'ntlns: n forcli:n • roul'\try, WC'r<' <'XC'COU'd 1lcautl· ful~ nrid the• hrilllantly colored · cmturnc1 showrd thrm t'Wf fT1991 effectively. 1 ,After· th,. fl8K aalutl'. Rev. Th°"'1a Olb$on of ttie Prri1hy- tnian churt"h gavt fhc lnvOC.: tlon. · Jtttiol\·ed with ICJ'f'Bt 11cclalm wu the glad M ""S that the build· Ing fund he.a no,..· rf'ach«l $3800. :'ltf!-R11lph I J<'/1\ ··r. cummis· ~l••n•··r. l!a \'1· !.'T•u·1ull> aekn11wl· l'dl:• 1111>11t to I he \7onnu~ firm'! nn<I inc11vld\jnl,;'._~vhn ))JlVI' 1:•·n1·r· lltl~ly l'OlllrlQUltod mfonf'y II n cl m111r rluls Mrs. 1-:<l.,:ar 11 111. Juli<'t t,. U •"' ehnlrm11n, t1,l1I about the· WlNClll.l! wnys . 1 lw W '!, i J ,d F rirnd.,hip Fund ha~ 11 ... ·n lll••,d 10 prnmnll' Oirl ·Gu1d1ng, t hrou J,;hwi foN'1,.n c:11\m t rles. Following 11 r.-t h I' -nrownlt• fr<;)O~ Thl> rountrkll thfoy r•·prl-... !lf'nkd. 1tnd the l1•11rlt·rs who put much time and l'ffort 111 rnun- ln11: tht>ir gir ls: · Troop :!l·Fl"t1nt"I', Mni R I· St<'wart .and Mrs. L J l 's1•nar: Troop 11-llnllanct. Mrs. Jrrry J t'nl\Jns and M rs. \\'a tium. T r ouv l'.l AJaska. Mrs. W11>'nl' ("ro\11 l _-_News _oflhe ChUrches Rcsidmro: ll:irhor 11;:r7-R ----- "'-· l<rlT CUtt Drtw Newpart iwpa "A a-tpt.. °"11t far • Ownllns wortdr cwrnc11 or ctiamT f:al) L m., churdt .mooi; 10:.IO a..da ........ ..._.. a.m., dMne wonhlp. L .,_ ~. m n •• --.... u.blrt c. Batt........ Sl'nttwr-~-t~.~lllble UG E. W!J-SL. a.ta ..,._ lt\adJ: 11 un. Mamins wcinhlp. , . "Oonw ~You'D,Oome · --, Apia!" • GriatiU Science • Aa.....ta. e:;---=or ~ '1U'I' ClltJ'aGll ·or OlllU8T ~-..---kl ... i&T Am s«1• ..... Ule -\Iha I.Ne at Via llblleD _. ~In? A"' A branch al 'nw MotM' Onarah, Sunday tchdol, 9~45 Lm. °na. '1ra1 . .Qiurdl al OuVt. Sd- )ICJl"Nna Mdtc», 11 un. mda( In &.ton. Muudn&Ntta. Eftnlna *"anpliaUc eerviet at Sunday SdM>Ol at 9:30 L m. Sun- T~ p.m. day Sttv1ce at 11 a. m. W~y "'lOd·Wftk ~. ThundilJ at E\'('nlnf Meetlnit lit 8 o'clock T:JO p.m. RHdlq N.oom located at 111 mauT mn7llCll al' Tim fllA o-aait)' .... ~, Palm at1"Ht, Balboa. la opm dally trom 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun- da)'9 and hoUda.)'9 natJonally ob- eerwd-~ public ll rordlally lnvtted to # di~ •·1:" E FKHRll ·s • f')r11p1•1·1r~ 8 I "ph11lq··r~ 8 C'l1rpo•t1ng • llaml 1"nn_.& ti n•..:,; fuh1·1l'' l.1n111.:' Qulll lllJ.:. ( 11· PIH •:-O:E lf,\ltllt 1rt :..~~II .l-1\ >"."l f"o>il'I f fll!h\\ 1\ l '1111•n:l..t.lt-I :'11111 . J_~ W•l Cmtnl A- &.9. E.. D. GoocWI. PM'4r Olurch $chool. 9:30 a.m . )lornlnii Wor'!hlp, 11 R3Jl. Sennon SubJ<'(-1: "\ "ndlf'C\mr11gl'd Ouiat" attend \he chureh wrvtce1 and me --------------' Evening Wonh1p '1 :30 p.m . Ser· mon auh,lf'<'t : "Pilat<' Bef&<' Chrltt." llld-~k prayer Ht'V1ce, Wtd- ...S.y~CO\·tt'ed dWI ·dinntt, 6:30 p.m. Paaal'TEIU.AN ()llUllCll MCWl'OltT IUJUM>a Hilh School Audll.orh.lm 15th-a IrvtM Aw. Newport H~l1ht1 10 a.m. Clawch School. the ReedJna Room. C.hri1dian Stif'nrf' 1..-ti~o u-Topi<> ''lath-r' Thi• Oohlt>n ti•:rt "r tht' Sunc1Ay I •·• -on ~l'rmon nn '":\!niter:· In a ll llntn• h,. .. nf Th,. Mnlhl'r Cburrti, Tit" Flr~I Churr b-or Chris!. 8 1'lt'n· tll'l. In Bo,.ton. will II!' Ible ,,.nil• rrnm l John: '"1.o,·r nol tbe worl/I, nrlthrr 1hr thin~~ thl\I u• In lb•• 11•orld. If 11ny man Jove tbe world, th11 lo,·• or .the F"a.1 hl'r 11 not In blm." OP&N I A. M. TO 8 P . M. • IRZZLINO 8\fEA~ • Delldo9 B~rpn ....... ~ .... SHEP'-S JtH OOA8T RJOBWAT NEWPOST -n. ..... ., Oel!I-.............. ClOP'D 01' llON'DA Y 10 at.m. Mondnl Worship. 8ttmon aubjlct: "Ill ltte Shado'ft." In Mark"• Qo11pf'I It t1 relatt'd that a "wom1tn, wb11•b ba4 an.11,ue .!;====~======~= of blood tw•I"• 1•u'1I. And· ltad Hff•r9d mttny'tbln«• of many "'1:r.•I· f'l&na, .•. and wu notbkllf bttte~. but ..-ther ere:-•orae,.. Wll•a •h• bad bNrd of J .. u1. ratne Ill U.e ''""' bebllld, and tourbt-H lt ~ mf'nL ••. Aad 1tral«btway ... ah11 wu ll•aJed." .An4 .:h•u. "looked iomld abovt to .~ hr tlllat ~ .. dou Ulla. t~IQI. Dul lh• wom&11 feartn• and trimbHnir .... fell down - btfo,. • blm. and told blm all t.lle trut.ll. Afl.t hf' .. td nnto ll•r: !WY. Thoma Git.on, putar -~ Grand Cena! Belbo& ~ Herbor ... ft. 6AIDI OllUIKJll FllO'NftAJl'I' -.oc>PAL ........ - Phanee Har'-12IO aad u.r. GI ... Paul ...... WbMm, Vkat l:al> a.a. llel1 o-'ca •• a.m. OMdl School. - U:OO L11L Manias ....,_. ... ........ ,,,,..t SunaJ9: Raft 0 :ml&) , . 10:00 un. Th~: HW o.. ·.....--~for the..._ ••• ,. DAT.io .... ~ ... 0... .... en4 O&d Oom~JU. . a.ta .... ....... --.. .. .., ..... Daucbtn. thy faith bath made tbH whole;· JO In f'•&<'f', anc1 be wbolt or tby pl~1e ... .Casino· Cafe and · - Coektail Loun9• -tr•" SMYin9 Comp/et, LUNCHES . . and DINNERS ~ .. 202 Main St.--l . Leatri.ce Joy Starr~d in 'S~ylarlt' ;At Laguna Playhouse I.•'',, of '-<11'l11~11r:it1·d ronu'(\)· "" 111 f111 " Ir• ol \\1111 lhr ~ q 01 11~ 111 Sk\ 1 .. 1 k' a l flu· La· ,.,·, , l'l.1\)1 .. 11 .. • .. n :\T:trrh 2t. ,, , 1hr11: 111 \\',.,. I•• n;;mnn': 1• • ti r .,f I h• I. ot:tlrl'I \nm· ,, 1 "''' I• l 1t \ r r ~ ··!';k \ h1rk." ,,1 , h '-f :u~ '1.• .1t•u·1, ,Jny l~ '" ti, 1•1 h· "1111••11 •h••" clr·11hni: \\ •t l;ll'"r11 ,~ '' m 1rr11w1• 11nli 11.< Ill 1:1• l'l 1 d \\ II" \It•" Jr,~. "h" mndr 11 l'onw· 1. 1<'k .11 111 .. f.>l.1 ~)11111~ .. lni;l F:!!r u1~, r "t'n•~ y• :ti"' ,,f r•·tirrnil'nti t., '" 111 .. :w1"" 1111 ttw E 111>(('11tt.<;_I 111 d "t 11 h1· n nwmlt,.,rrd hv m;my 1 ft, o1 rP ~'" r'> Siu• noY.1~ makes l" r 11111111' 111 r-:'"' purt Rt·arh. "Sk) lnrk "a' orit:•nully ";rit. 1 .. n for C1•rtrmlt· L~wn•ncl' ;inti 1• 1 n111v11• f1'o1l1ir<'cl ('luut'l!'l C-'ul· hj'rt. • ·• ~up11t1r: "'" :'llisll Joy ts Rich·;· "' J Sulhn111 \\ho .has .recently 111rn1'\:I In finl.' (X'rf11rmanc<'s in 1'111h1d .. l11h1H ~+ory~ and .::Out, ,v. orll f\<111rul'" n I I 111' PlayhoUS<'. ~I.) I.irk.. \\:tll run for five 111d11s Ii• i.:1nnini; :O.fan·h 24 to rttl 1 t1rn11ch Sunday. l\tarl:h 28. '"" l~all 1»1a~" "Rohla Hood" In thr rlnrc•olor-film "Prince Of ThlrvMi' 'l'IJrrf'nlly ahu111111·s '' thr Udo Th.-.trl' la f'Otl j\lae- llnn wiih°th.-c;:-om•~ hit."""' Jlu11ba11d'• Analr•." GJ\'E R~manfic Comedy Lust. year Red Cross swimmina daSM'll ~raduall'd 379,()()() n'lem, bcrs. Ttic Red Cross water safe-- ty program began In 1914 a nd 'Her Husbant:J's Ai:oirs' ShowifRJ-o#· Lido Theatre • !lin<.'t· 'tho·n a.000.000 cert1fJcatH huvl' ~b<·cn issued~ He)p '"water- proor· America with your contri· hu tw n to tlw 19-18 Rro Cross t 'unsi: dlrl'r-tnr nf th<' AmPri!'an Asso- cia.11nn ...for H;e United 1'1ttlom1. will b(> the principal SP<'aker 19 P>q1tiJn UW; Junction o1 the P~ pll''s sccljon of, the Unlted 1'a· tions. which providC's thr sub- jrcH1f-thr-month for s1udy nnd rtlrcusRion -<'arh bl'in~ detrr· min•'d hy .thr Unltl'd N11,tion~ S<'CrC'tarlnt 11nd thl.' State Dl': part mi'nt. F:ichrl~ri:l'r"s addrl'Ss will llf' follow<'d hy a ctemonstrn· 1 Ion pnnr 1-plii t l'rnl'd on the T own II all Mt•nt ing formlfla. ~th Dr. Martin .P. AndM"Son. hr11d of th<' DepnrJm<'nt of ln- stitut~. _\J~\"Pl'ffi\,y-b.!Hension, U.C" L.A'. l<'11din1? the discussion on \hr qu<'stion of ''lntrrnatinnal F'rN'dom of Jnform11tion" This S<'Clion of the prOj:ram is plnn- nl'd so that llrlei:atrs may tak<' horn<' A workin~ knowledge a). how th<' rvonthly polls may be conductrd w i t h I n their Own gl'Qo~. ~ ~rtHl"t'---pr~am i5-. und<-r t hr co-chairmaMhip or F:lsir JanSl'n. director ··for th<' A A. :o.J , and Hannah llynt t. coordin11lor for the OC'par1mr 11l of l nslitutrs. U,C.L.A. "IL is nol o.ur desire to intl'r:. fl'rt' wit 11 ~hr nims and purpo~l'S of ind i\'1du11l wom r n·s or11:nni- 7.ntl11M," i::nid Mrs. 'fHuhmun in di~ru"~lnt: 1111• fnrthroming ses- i:lon. "There Is howPvl'r, 11 need Any Olm whl<'h hus tx~·n i<'t• ting tht· 1t•rnf1<' amount of word -of-mouth pullht'lt)' ru; '"I kr Hus· bnnd"s ' ff111r~-showmi; "1lt. _ the· Lido Tht•111n·. mu,,t IX' of top c·ahllre At'l'OrdmK 1 o • advance n ·1.10rt.5, It's onl' of 11w most hilunou:. c·onw(lll'!I Ill ) l'ars. Ule Mal;azml" in 1 t s nnnuul movie- rt'Vtt·w. n11nwtJ II US Ont• Of the J.1t-st • s11ph1s111·u t<·d ·comedi<'ll ot 1~7; ulso mun1·d :.lnr LuciUe Ball as iuw ">·c•ars 1p v corned· iennc, Co-sv1rrm1c; with l\liss Ball Is F'rnnchot Tonl'. long favorite l'<'rl'd"11 ('Ontl'dia n. I l1·11d1ng the sup1K>rling 1·:.st urt' popular Ed· · \\'11rd E''•'r•·t t llnrton : Mikhail Rasumn)': ond Gl'nl' Lockhart. Mr. Lockltt1r1 w~ll bu remcm · """"' '"' ~"''"''• ,,.,. fornrnnCl' as c,1judi::<> in ··M~- acll' cm 34t t." .. _ The: ··~1·~t tirlcal p<>ns of B<-n HC'cht I. rAJ (111trle11 Lederer hu,·c sl'lc•ct<'d Wt1• advertising " . huslJf,~s n.; t hl't~' suhject. When Ton(' ll·arns or n "mirRcle" cream \~ ht<:'h will du away wt 1 h sh&\'ing lorP\'l'r, h<• Lnunrhl'S n nation· \II tde c1m 1pm1:n t o nn1uRl11t the puhlic """h this wondrous new product. Au t 11w pri'paration ~St'!<:Cf'~ n :ciil:htly unpn&ictc- 11hl!' na111n• nnd what follows then·ufwr ii; rl1·citlt lr hectic enoui:h for 1 tw "°''<'r11nr or the st1111· w CHll out t)l<'. militia. · ~anion ft•ntur<' \\ith ·1tr... tfoc:band's Affllil"s•· Is All'x11ndrr' "nurn11s' ··Prin1·<' ot Thif'\'<'~' pho1ui.:1"1111ltl'd In mlnr find ft•1tlltrtni; .Ion I htll, Patpcia l\tnrr1s1111 :ind Adt•lt• ,Ji•rgrns. The ,. "TH~ YOU~G IDEA" -., By Mossier -Vud.'. .... •• ... . .. TOMORROW'S HOME \ TODAY ·' · 70S-Av0,eado A~e., ..... .. " . .• Corona ·oel .. ,. Model Open· Mar -- .. ... • - .. 11: "I k1111\\ a I 11• \\ 1\ ·1 ·lh oh• \• •1r !:'Ir) j1•nlc>u~. ~C>n •• \'oolJ \\:t~h • 11nd J"'li-lt 11. , • •, I\ 11ftt•11t1'1C'n rin<l .. 11, 11 1111nk ~ ''" ,, ., I '• ·'"'' m<' 1llhrr d1kk. '<'t•:'" h~ (!J(UY" ~ ' B~. '1-~1 Slwp . 509 E. Central, 8alboa • CORSAGES • • WEO'DING BOUQOETS - • FUNERAL SPRAYS FRESJ I ~I FLO\\ r:RS -_,..... - ore/er y6ur Easter l/owers early/ · •• lET US REMEMBER FOR YOU! A~K AHc11 · r 1 •l 1: r LA."l TO .t~St:RE nmnmw J\;\:"I\ 11:..; \l!Y Al'D ('ITJ.IF.R SP£C'1AL t 'I( "I" \:-;II \" I 'I l .. rom111 t 'Kt:f: IU I.I\ 1 k \ So T~l"M'.,. \f't · 1 -·oe~igned -for-California CQastline Living · ' Cooperating Subcontractors 1111 CONCRETE Larry Light Peart AYflllllll. Bal!'!>• bland ELECTRICAL WIRING & FIXTUR.ES Ets, Hokin & Galvan 1 1000 CoeM aiw.,., Newport Bc:b. . . ·LINOLEUM Hanson ~hade & Linofoum Co. IOI~ -!S,rd 8t., C~ta MNa METAL SASH & SCREEtqS LANDSCAPING Ellis Brother!. N ureery 1206 f'o• Hl111·ay, Co1'1>1l& Clea Mar LUMBER Ward .1and Harrington &Ill C'AMMlt llh~ay, N.wpoet ..__ ' Orange· County F~RNITURE ,. Rol~reen Co. HARDWOOD FLOORS Newport Furniture Co. 801 86· Mun. 8ulta Aaa De~y. Callahan m eout m ~ rt 'BMelli a.o. i. •11 n . &Mta AM IR. w: ~~t:: Sons~''" .. ~~~~!; M-... -. -~ ~:~~:r ien ~1n1. ~~rt "-'h PLUMBING 11crs • .M-. eo-..,...,. HARDWARE Gillmal) & Gillman , 'flLE ' · f Coast ContTactors Sup. •10 sf~• ~'·· s"'1'8n-.... Ed Walters 1110 Cout Hl~y. Sf'WpOrt .......... ROOFING t• • SPWpert ~ ... Coeta M .. 1 HEATING Orange County -·--~ __ ............... 11 .... Mar)' Dakn !:ddy tart' In •fi!t'I· H t'e and HMltb wit.II Key to tbf' ~('rtptur~·" "Mortal• t'Jllrl"&t tb• c11Tlrt• Mind to b•al tbe irtck. anti forthw1U1 abut out t b• ttld of Mind by ·u1lna matf'rlal mu,n•. tbu. wMklflS • a:nln•t · tb11m•rl,.MI llnc1 thf'lr llf•fl'nt a nd drnytnir man·• Ood·lfhl'D abllttJ to , c1•mon1trat1 lllnl'!'I "'"f~ f'<IWl'r ~ • • Betbo•. Celif. I .P@dfic Heating ~ . Roofing Co • -------------· .._ ____ .,.._..;.;;;;.;;.;;-.....;_....:;-;:-;;-;;;'-;;~;;..---------*'·~ Cout _lD'!&l'.1.S9mna ck>J Mar lll1 So.~ 8-ta~ .... BUIL[jERS Bporey & Poirier , .. " ......... .u..-. 'C'OIW& ..-11ar - ' . \ .. . ·. ., . ·. -- ·• PUblished evN1· day, Monday through Fridny, b9 Sam D. Portt-r and --• · Lucius S.....Smil.h.-lll._a_w.noa llJ\~H>1~.r11tors or _!!le . NewJ)ort Jlnrbor Publ.W\liig a>: • .. \'OL XL gin mildly to ·disparage and condemn deserves our contempt; oui detraction, our discrim!nation. And starting in small things it ~ows from d1sp~rage!ll~nt to contempt to hate until soon we are rat1onahzmg lynchings, pogroms, Lidices. FIUDAY -SOUTH No m a n is immune .tu it simµl ¥ by nature. T.he P.rice of justice and love, .Ji¥ liberty, is eternal vig- ilance. So let us all-Catholicf'. J ews, and Prote~tants • b • • L t ) T1 • ., tvlb.1•ln• IHvK~m• •t• tv11•1 ll•tt ,,.,,n• '""l""•r h lJruf1'1 .. t h, ia. ,,,...1-.,t"' •• , ••• -be\\'at'e of its insidJOUS eg1nn1ngs. e US l'CSO .ve \\ ..... """' "" '<•1··11•11•11111 '"' ••·• "''"'~'· •h•n•·• "" ,,..., i•••• to avoid the unkincl word , the criticism based on ill-YOUK DIAL '""'' .... , )1 ••• 1 .• .:; .... • • • • • h t t h t\·~ ••rC'h .. ,,. llYl Wt""' '·we consicler<'d or insuf!1c1ent rnq_uiry. t e co_n. e_,mp uou~ 1 ::: ; .. ---::: :-! ~:i:,v~'. .~;· .. ;...~~....... "'' ~· ......... .. a ct. the <li sctiminat1on 0 1· pre.1ud1 ce that d1~ckl'> bro-1 :~."~ -rn .,.. ""'C-ca111• .... ""' ""-,.,,. n ... ther from brother. F or we arc all son!' o( t"h~ ~ame ""' ---~'! :::: io·• 11:,. ~··.• ,.,_ ~~·,.··; '\"':.:···, 11 1 f h f\I ... ----, .... KtfJ-T1tn MU k .. Wll t.t•••tf ... , Father a nd brothers one·o anot er. "''' ---1•1• ..... ":.."-"·"· ""'-1 .......... ", .. "' "" __ . __ U3l .._.. l r.•. , 0 One of the it·eate:;t fre€-for-alls in · hi~to~\ is shaping up on the Ameri~a!'. political ~cene. Thi~J.t~ are already rn9ving so tast it ~ hat'Cl to ~eep up with the de\'clopmenti'. t In .one week'~ timQ General l\iacArthur a n- nounce~ tJrnl 'hc will acN>pt the n ominatio n (he doe~n 't . a\' whose) -if it i~. offered him. P1·<':o:i1h•11t Trnmail tn:-:'e:;:.. h b hat into the rin~. Sta:':'"Jl ancl Dewt•y :-:lug-it out in ~cw II a mp:-:h in' f11r cl Ple~;lll'::-- a nd linth romc out . troncr. and the Sc-1'uthe rn· rt-\•olt roar:-Joud <'r. While the MacArthur hoom-n •al or :trt ifi L·ial -i::; alrearh· \rell under way the Cenl'ral's chans:-1•:-l nf ~cll i ng-tlw .COP noel do' 1111t appear ~tn 1n~. The . veteran."-:tj:!:1in:'t-MacArthur .._.,·oups !lren t ~omg t•> help nirn.eitfi~- President T"ruman's declaration that ht• is willinJ.! to run w as app;rently made at this time as his answer to the Southern opposition within the party. Tl\ere is no question now that l1e will stick by hi. guns on tpe civil program and take hi::~ chances on what the South will do. The Stassen-Dewey tussle in New H.mpsbire gave the New York Governor 6 of the 8 delegate~. huMhe MinneiQtan's showing was considered ·good, neverthel~. ~ plore ~mciat test for both Dewey and Stassen. and one that.may make or break MacArthur, is the Wisconsin prlmary next month. It will be rernemb~red that· the-'Wi&ebnsin primery -in 1"9-44 _finished ..Wendell WjJlki~olitically . . Euro~ ies Ciilif ~r~ia ~ .. ...,.¥L •. .t •.~<>-1'••·· ......... 1.t ll~t..\..A h.ttJ ~••• h.M I '--.,.1&J.J~I·• ~ .. , .. ""' --·~--'•••....,.,....· . h.:-Op -ihUUIM d.~ .... • • AO--th" • wn-.,.::r: ,,... . .. &Tl-F'lM,•4'...d lA•&.oe t\e..t...AKtU-IJ~" ~ \-11 ... .e.... ~ .... ,,. Kl.~C"-'••• M•1•M h ... l'f" 1•,.1 ,c.. • K r 1 t• .. 01°1• Ar• f'\aD91 K t I J U• ,~ 0 ,1 .. , \\ hrJ' • ;o1 • Kl \f"',,~• •• PMM11•t<° ~ !,',.,.."'~ ~!~':' --- J(),f'.\ I "~ t~• ,."'"' t(llJ ,.: ••• l( .... \\"U q,.tlt' ~ •flUl't" h1 l'! "'' HA••t ,.-n• .. 1•1• k Y •f" l '9t1r, •, 1~ ••• 1•··~ K Ml'l' tlo )( ltJ '"" ""' '" tu it. difficult lo picture California a~ anything otner I :~~~::~:"-...-:.!11:-~·.·~=:,. ~~::.:"' .. , 1.1 ',,'""' than Hollywood surrounci e<l by a wilderne!'..". ' ~~~~~:~':,... ~~~;!~';'' ..... _ ~~.'.'!':~~: .. nd•• .. t()."'\\U M ,,.,, lltl.l-T•..._t Jar•tlUt But if some Americans-in pile.of our nublicity ".,_,_ ..•• • .. , .. y~ ao.x--0 ... " c..... ~;o.ix 1·1111a ·~· ,.... r _.., .... .,._ ..,AO-N u•• .. '" •2 • ~""a-AM1 A.-. -are not yet ~e of what goes on out here it !"houlct ~r..1·~~.:~ ·r~1tms 11.tt.1.:..0...d~!·~.-.,,_N•·· ~ .,._ be noterl that a good many Europenas are. A JeadingL ~~~.:.r.i;./;.;~::: ""-•~· u.~ ·-:~~··z,,·.~-~.:.·._. ...-, .editor from Denmark, for example, harl h~ard ~<1 kl.."o-"~~~~. T&lll ~~~~:;!~~··;, ... ~~ "r•o-N•·· much about California that he made ;a special trii5,1 ~~· •... ~~-:......'..::: IUtX--0 .. ·uno.?.u~ .. -. kl.Al:-;-.~.:··.-..... 1 "-·~-~ooQt ,." .. .......... her.e 'to se~.-for hi~~elf. ~anker~ _from ?\or~rn1 and I ~:j~:N::i·~·-""F .. :~~.-::,.:•·~': .. -:~~-~~'d'i:!.. .... : Sweden have been Flpenclmg cons1d~~ble time hen, 1 ~~~~!!:'~ °:"'..:... ~~!'::~= CID -=~~-'!:".!:.:'.:::. .. :-· ... studying the methods of our !tatewicfe branch bank-1 t..f'A0-t1~1t~... ::~·~:,, '':'::! ...... 8:0-: •. :! t K-: .. • h• h th 'd ti t f th &l.AO-N•"O. II-tai• • t• mg system \\: 1c ~y ev1 ~ y r a ~ as :on~ (J e , ~;-~~~ ::..,~ ui-•.... ... .....,.. •J.•o-" ...... ,,, __ ·nnest l,>anks m the world. A London puhhcat1on !'ent av.1· .. _,.., ...... ~ ~~'.tr ~~.;!1.,:1~ ~~-:".':..,e.;--- a corre"pondent to '"ealifomia to. write an eye-wJt-.,~::;· ~~:1:: T.-;-... irr•--.,,_ • q f. v. f b I l I " t db · krwn-""1-.._ u,. •••-1·' "'-7 ness account o tue a u ous c eve opt"1en Fl, an usi-1 io:x-~···· ._ ..... _ -.o-""··· ., .... o-....... nessmen !FOnl the Old-World are vuuting here in' in-n:.c.;r;.-.. -ID.Ao-~-~-... .._.,. =~ .. --=-~: == • b .... ..,_,..,,., R•""''• lt~X !1~~6-Gal• cre'3'STTIJf num et'l'. . · 1 lt"-T"" .... lloiiiPlil ·~-111J""~ ..... -.,,..__, • One visitor pointea out that in nast years moRt j 1011-!'("'1 --~ •JU-...... ..... ·-...... European hu:-in·e:-:."< con'blct." in. Ame_rica were marle f DA\'L1G11:r M\·a_~u Tl Mt: I ~~ .\TFc . n•·o~;r.r "'"'' -.. almo~t exclu~i\'clv throu~h New 't ork bankf-1 and 1' 1111 '11'· 1•1<"•, •• r.0.01.l,mi~·~ •h• 11 's.~:--;ro11J,s \L\1~1 11 1 ' . . , ' . h rl '• rl l :\1:11\,\111• ''"Jl"!t\ -l'f•nlll(l hl, '·' ,,, l hl ~···•11 --.1 -1(1 J•l"I"'"' companie~. Now that s hem~ c an~e as more an "•h:ir 11r111··· '"'rko·r .. ,\111 n •\• ,14 • ,., 11111111.1 1,,1• ,.,.,. ,,, ·~ "' 1 more contacts are bein~ made <lir~ctly wi~h...1..he \Vest '"'' """' .. , •llnlo.!hl on th•·""'"'' m1111• •li.111 ••'llf•••·•I I Coa5t. • "'' 1111111 111 -,"')ini: 111 i.:r"''· iJ.I\· .. ,.. r .. r 111 ..... 1 n .• 1 ,, , er • Wl.t~ the econonu'c a.s W('•ll as the population lii:hr """"L'f "111 h "1' '" 'rt.·· !'ll['(payi·rs~. 0·•·-"'11·•11 ''"' 1•• ra •·n • ... ~l~·h' fl!l1l••rr1 .,r liq n.· ''··~ . cente r o( the country m<Jvin$! :'lead ii~· we!"tw~rd it i~ ,\nrl rur "" llf1H wh•1 nh Ill A (' llHr<li. .. n :-. ....... J'····l'd ~.·Comics; Radio - ..s_· ••• . . . . • • • 0 • . .... etmSSWORD PUZZLE ACla Oll to-'"1"9ddJ -.. AultraU• 1-.1•\e-11_.,,,..,., t.,,. 1t1.I ::~!":.:~ "'' :::~/~.~~! ..... t2 v ... ,. or life ·•t.• h••d . I) l'n -· H -l o '~"'f'CIJ 14 from dlln~ H C<>IUJ 1"'9 i. e..,nd J1 111lf-. 11 lndl•n ... ,_ II PUf&Jiil»ff 1t-t'nu&.a t t l o •upu.W 10 4m• ,.. ~· lfud•r ...-2.LJ).at't•\.f t J , • .,,, to llilr'aq n lltetn t l -To wandef 2• ' ·.•t-.. ,.,.u... •* ro •••••Le IJ•• 1 • ••· Monlt' 17 -f~t1t,.·8~d tt P.rHMI et Ullt4 ~..2.i:,'Oo" a1 M> 1t\Jn.11 ••ttttr 2j l'Nr f ---.... ~1:A41f.LIL.L.l.llLL. ____ _ r'9,-r:~~~ .. =;~~~·~,:-~-~~~ .. ~~~':.~.:,.~1.·-::_-;:;;;J;;;;ill:':;! ,, IS II• l'I . , TARZA~ ·L ~;~,~~1.'.0 :,;.~!~';:' •nl•f ,,. t-C•lH\',. "' ._U H ~l••f· , ...... , ... 1 ~trt1d\ •ttlr(41 t • c•hr "' t"•1lfwtna• , .. _ _. lli•• ,,. PYU It t'f. 1UI tf'lt ,., I I,. I ' "',, I • ~ U \I\ htC• ""'' '" ' ,. •• • • ,,, r•1• 1• t re•.,,. t#an• ,J • ,, ".-;. ,, H·· ., I\ ,.tilUlr•• J.4 ,,, tw•'" '' 1 r u •'ll 21 , ........ ,, '' •• ,,. 111 tt• •11('1,•htV • JI Y. I •l U 1, ' I• J1 t hi1f '+ti I ell \ ,. ', .1 ,,, n•11 '" t ltt\ al ~·~•'••·m• JO i:•,;· ti• •11 I •• • ''' •1'• t> • ht..... .. .. ' • M •t •1••h•• •• ... t I I I . I f f ............... • .. . ., . ""'' ' • • • \ 1/ 1 ' '. ,,., \. ' '· " ., I ( ... ~ .. . """' ·~,, -.. • ..:, I not unliKely that in. the year!'. not far ahead the from thl' hAr d 51Urf Unlll . tho 1111 '"~1l('l(\ll•>l1 JK(•,.1(11 111, a11ld il W~fi' .. u ..... : .... A•: ... ,.~,.,..,;.:on \..·e.ld...h.Y ~· Yru:k in renacd to I~ fl\l'r lh• ~HrtlAr'fl, II JrJ~M •llllm11t ... 1y m• ·!C_" ,,,, ln•T·~·:.:':...r--+::::-;~~'.S'l~J1i~~;;=;!i~~~~~~~~~~ u-•"""'..._4"-........ ~ -" ,.. nrr -oinrr.-n1.nr nn lh.1 ?hK oTirw'i -\ ---foreign trac e wilJ han• i-hiftecl to the Ptcific Coa~t . Mc.J• ·• • J.3t' W111•· -~ Aolvr·r11, • • '~ "-\'(l"llfP'fO.. v.•S':'4 lllPVID J. ~Y. •1Mff1t 1 "f~'T'll6TCfN~· ~~~~;E:::!:;=;~~~::::::::.Ijl!ill!:£::5E~!::::;ll~1 _. .,.,,.,. .-ni.lO ·°" . . . . . - INOOOll _-'Ri~rvrll· RNO . ~/Vf--- ·1Mtl ~LKJI MOOIL. oF 'TlC tAV4tilMAM rzt\119', M~ ~ P~ ~ 1Ml Al\.ANTIC OCIAW SR\ 'EO ~ n. ro 'II.I Ml/.L IOIV C\.1~ • • • WMUI IT ~~PflOJECTIO H~~ lf.IPllO\/aMfNT 'PL.ANS , ... !P2AC'TICAL I . .. f?l/11.. T RAJ{' ON (i?TED f1r RI. "tJ ... ·r I)~ $./:'.J.OvO HV· iJ S WR! l 1'.'l~fiVS [,\fY J..1."f[#'f sr,m.iA. 1 '"'A.ss..,0.1;. >11.:-. .;.~JJ:L ._.lilo/f• l/0 M •• Hy Satn-1,...ff Hfl , 'll:)u•'5Llll~ T' Cl.Al" ,000, FOIST, FrLHllS - COILV Will ANSWEll Al l · '(lit QVlSTIONI • • .. -r .. \' ... -· •' ' . ' ; r .... s· NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS ·TlllF.~ Calif Ranks .1 •. TARS, 39 OTHER. ENTRIES .. READY FOR o.•L CITY ! HMHI HM F'tdt""i ... :.:·~=T·P~:FAO::~H 41 --&"' Fall);\ Y S-'JIOrt .._., Calif. M..-clt ~8.1.Jl&o • , • -.-.. ,. ..... -* * * ,.fORGIT, RIMA ; AMsi·nMdeosd tStaBotxetng , .n;.·.·~,' .... 1.'~~:.1:»~::'·~'.~ .~~:·r.7s.'~"'!~:1 ,,.~·~,,~:f.~~ ~~~n;t:~:~:,,t;.:',~~~:!:~:; .. ~~n;:S:.,'~u~~.~~~ou:.d.:e~ • "Nellie Th.e Farmer's_Daughter" "'-S • n1111I l"n111¥11 m 1 'nvn•1<s 'f'rnC'k and 11 1 II 1~ 1111·t t In HI.!.! Ho .. < ;-.;1chul~• 'fh1s was 11n 11el'l'plt-d jworld'11 hi!:h -• • ~, OPEN · NEW, Cul'\ T , JA\, hi m• ,., ,,, !•• -;1:11:r·rt In lhflt-of t1i.in11ni.:1o ni n ,·,wh won th<' school rC'eord. Normari P1tul of 1 SATURDA\', ~ARt:U .!OTH -C~'llTAIS 8:SO ROAD T A<::KLE STORE L('lS A:'\C.J-,L~.S .• 1\11111'11' l'l i11. t•Jll u, '" h 1 .. m11rrow hurtJlt' und \\In• un '" Ut'COml' ~nl/• Ana , \\ho won his first Sew-port ee.cll Orammin ~hool 1 •0•·1•1 ~<.'ultfo1111.1 r.111k1'(I us th• tJno• tholl'••nd r ntru·' are ex· na111o"11l 'in11·1 .... "hol.1,.1lc Ch"1Jlp1on.lchamjJion:1l11p &I the Sootlwrn More Fun Tbaa .. FJ • l 1,.ln pl'l'i}1.l'llf1lm rirr t!TI' l!l-1X flSh·, m1,..1 IQ"liw·mln1h•t1 q 11 .... In• thr 1rrt1 t MOrl_ll' M •ITI' 011 '--~ Jn 'JQ2!) M ilt1·r 11f S1tn DitKO '"!"o\lnTll'S mN'r, latl'r <-qu&lc'(f t hr central Av~. THE 1ni,: g,.,,,..,o. Al Furi.:11 rmJ t-;o·rm rnt•1on 11-di.' in ''"t'''"'' """""-h"'' -.110•11 '·"'I1••lo), tncludlng \,,1.,o,tJ 13·3·-m 1111, rni•l'l ·ror 6 1worhl s. coll~l' rt'cord of.:.!3 S•'C·I ~f~ta Adm.1$e , -ORU SKARD IH1m1t. """''F'S ol tht• !'1·~\IA1rt o1l.,lt> tho•,.,,,,, .o1hl•lll •· .. mm\.•· I•'"" 11 .. 111.111. 1 .... ,\n~'l'f•·S area""' .1~111,.11 '"h·~·I fl'r'Otrl ;\llllrr ""~'"the IO)V hurdtt'S e;v~~~;:n~:n::u::n::i~s:ai~:n:~:u:n:::n::i:i:z~~:;t>;:U::U::u::l~s:al.:U~~ 'f11rkl£> Stun• ut 111~ Me~'ddrl•n '"'n · 11111 1otlior' ''""~'"fur "vuth u J-rom 19~ t o 1!140. t:ddi1· M or . 1 11 PlrH'o, ="""'fJOrl H••u•h. hu\1• u!X'n· C)thf.,rnm ho ld :.'9-"i ri11i,: ~h .. w~ '-•n IJ1;•i;•1 ., i..I ""nth~ ''"11 \,iull In t>hm· ris of HunllnKIOn fl1•11ch llri.:h .------"""..;. ____ ;;;;;;;....;.. ____________ -.. Harbor ·Events THE . .. <11 o "''" i;1ur•· ~• tl.o) 'S41<1rc m '1'•17, ,11, 1 ,.1~111 't"'"'-.'· 11110,... :"""1••11 ll 1rll{l~ ll11:h will be 1i11 1,:.11111 .. !11 l.'>Ani.:l'lt-s m 19'1'..!. duminntc-d tl)t SIJF'lllt l'\\'lllS in thl' ('amlJ. 17t.h·,.tn 1·1 nml th•• Coast 1111111 lh•. rw't lhr.-,1.,1.-... !"•·" Iii• 1°· tli111o r 1• ...... 11 Hatph R<'f'd :-Olo~ 1" tof S.111 IJ1p;11, \\hu wp n the I nw••t• :.1orr1!; Id! a tui.:h school ll11th"1JY • Ynrk, l"·nn")hllma und llhnu•' nm!, ;t11h<111.;h th•> a11·11·1 rxpc:•cl· d"''"' tllruw· '" thii. mo•C't later I rC'cor'c l of 9 !'\ Sl'oco,.ds 111 lhl' 1UO T\\'O fn\'1~ Rt:C'ORPM 'fhll< nt·W f1sh1ng tnrkk st or .. " •ti 0·1m1l11nt-d 1ni.: lw , •. , It,, \\••1 Id •m r1rl', l ~ey -f'!>l,.t1lt•hl'll ·1 •\t' \\'urtd's .rCC-O d )d d11sh, 1ind 'JI• 6 S{'(,'Onds in th(.' LOS ANGJ::Lt-:S, l\.tur HI 1 11u1'I' th1· t .. 11·~1 rn mud.•·rn "tUtfl· 'l'urri~tih·., rltrk1·d la!lt y •·ar for 1w~1tn~ 111 ho· ri1tht 111 lhl•rc in • • ~"' r l:.(lll )ard dnstf.9Thl~ lnll<.'r is lht' / ,., 1111, 1 It•· ,, 1 .. 11d l.1r!:it'hl meet ll\ tn 1111,. "n·nl, ' · I (n~111it '2'.!.ll y&rdt; l'V<'r run by a (UPJ..!..f)Jlll'rton Junro"r 1·olh:1t.<' 111<•111 lo 'Ul•f'I~ tho• lll'•"'-1." uf '\N~· :u :'l':l.:l:li) (':il.1rornl11n~ ·~··w Yor.k' t . I 1'131 ,. k k r F:t (' ht h h I I I today clalmo·d t wo' n11111m1-1I ju""'' 1 I '•~h lrntl•'d with .!,I tll.ll7k I ,J 1forn11o ~ 1 "' ~I .ii•· ( • 11 ' '· '11' l»olrw 0 ·, ''"' i.; M" uu ><>y. ~ .coll••R" .fi\\1mmlni; ri·<'ords ~· 1 In 111l_---wi t•r1tw n. nt11•111l11111· .. ~ hc•"""'r """·" 11rt • ---- ·MO.VIE eleN . .. 8.58 South Cout Boulen,rd ~ BMCh-· def<'fttini;: l'f''·" 1M-:n >'•'<to rda) h •ri.:fl nnd HmaR. "'l'; 11"'" h'•~n , ::>:»,::i,J trum W.lf; 45 POWER BOATERS BRIEFED BY COAS.T· G•UARD • Trc·nt 1'kCu1• m111fr hoth marl<~ in ttw llArt ... r 1or<•1• 1111 111 n n > 'N•·" York 11-tl ttw n111111n in . • . I ....:.PHONE UGUNA 4284- Time Movies --Tuesday · Thru Sunday V.~th llOH'll uf ~· !t ... Ill th1· t'.l l·Y·•rtl , )'l'llr'. "Ill di\ ad•· 1't11•11' !•Jll•' 1 .. ~ t.:1t l1• fl'l"'ll••~ "it h C.~i,.01:1 r .. n Ill F 111 ''.,I\ .. "'' 1111 .... s 11r the flal-of l'llllSI l{Ulll d funr·t ionini; . .C'umdr I ini; \\ 111 C'OO\'l'nr !\lr1reh :.19 ot. 7 .oo fr~· 11tyk llnt\ ·~--1 11~ Ill the· ltl0· 1 t';'~'.:~ t!w l\!o et ·~tur.1·... 1!117, li111 S:!,li!l~l ~; l•·h• • th.111 1." •.• l';•\\l'I 11 .. 1l-"l"·1c1rnn, !!.n d H"I" r ts, 11~r11d11r1•d toy ('(Jrlllllltnrll'r 1 to.m An) nl<'n ur w bml'n in$Crl'St· ·oJd )'_.rd rt f'(• JllYI<' • ~ I !~Iii. t •;.t1f 11rn1;1 \\ ''· 'l•'C'Olld \\II h I h~•~ "'" ...... 'Ull\0 • 'It' u "" I he Bil-of llli-1,,e,.1 ~ul'l[l; B1trt l~··noit'r-.. .i "' I h1!1 l>t·~irm1•r.1' ct ass may at-I ---1 S l.~>~,ltl r•c••1p1,, s:r~.:!11 lo·"'"'·' y,,..111 ..tut. 11"1 nti.;ht for a 1m1, prnist•d ltw coop.·ra11on uf th<' 1.ncJ ,,\llhout_ prP\IOUll• "Lady_ ~ndermer~'s Fan"_. •• ,.,,... 1 I thun l!J.1G -,: d 1 •lm1..-1• ,,.,,,-111~ ·~ m nt17r hon)' squndr<in~ ltlfh r'Oa~t finn anrl without ctmrge. I i Jln:hl1i:ht ,,, th•· •'\'C·nmg wu !:11.ord a nd fur thr \\11rk 111,.,-Im'•' Stat-ring ~onakfColema~-I~ Rich -M{ly. McA~oy · • ~d Bert Lyten ~ . _...__ .MSwl .. Hip" ---Jan Sevitt & Orch. £Ila· Mee Morse 2.,._a... s.-fO ... 14.11 1UflDR:8 'sAT. ~ATIS~ "S11n Valle,r · Cyclone & Talent Revue on Stage I FLORES-PRINCE IN '"" 111"'"' 111u l 11 t.ilk liy Com -1l11w· 111 m~tr 11< 1111n 1of m11tm· hoat ' 1111111111 r 11 H H11IH"rti.. puhllc In· 11\\ 11• r' In s1•11m.m,h1p and pllot-LIGHTWEIGHT GO 1 .. 1111 ,1,,,11 .. 11 ,..,1 111 "" I I th Coast 1111-: , ' .<:1.,1d 1f,,111r·t l..oni.: Ht•Hf"h. '•rit• nP\V nti ·n1l.e·r~ \\t•n · aC· 11111.1.Y\\'f 14 11 •, 1i'.l.1r I'• 1 · P I , ' 1 1!11111 1 r, 'l••lo.•· "' th•· >.i·a rs ~ ,., fllt·tl II) rt ... ltH011I :.quadron at ,.,,.,,Fl""''· 1111°· of •lw n"'"'"·, '''" 1~·11 .. 11 olol'\ m tlll' 11r1·11·slnce h1i.t lll!:ht's 1m·o·11ni: '""'t lti,:ht"' 1r1t1.. 1111'"1'< Frl•l11 l't:i., 11111 oot lh• 1 •111rl 1nrr1·as<' of ·1 h1· ntl\illll~"I 11.tn11ni: cla"~ now I'• 11\1'1· 11t l,1~1t111 St.11t11uu t11nai:ht I"'"', 1 •• "' It•.~ llo• , .. ,t<'d ,that 111 ,,.~,1oon "111 l1o· ''"rnpl.·t•'ll. t•.· '" 11 huf f001 a 11111.11111 "1th ~-••· rt..,, "' ;• "" '•f•i1 "'"•"r' ho:tts Ila• m11llll• ul >-L•> 11 w :i-. 11n· I llflh -. Bt>l"n'" llwl U~.:.' s.:u,nd !tad lO Ill· 1 n uwtu<d. ~t.d ~ ~ .in ;;c;irn.rri ·-~ 1-10011' "·"•'I" l'lo 1t 111 111 .1 '"'' 'Jwo•t .ond I• tlil "htl• 1 lht• r1,.;t tu lw 11ff1•r1'(i in lhiS ,1.111t11.t f.1\111111' "" ti 1 .. r .. ·n11 I r. .. 111 11111 ), m•llt "'"'Jo'' .,hown ur•·' • \\Ill 1•11mm1 1)1'•' sulln fl ll•·r \\hwh 11wli11I,' 11111) thr• o· 1, ... ;, .. , d• .,11 "''" tti. ir.11111111! 11f roasJ '"' .on rw 111l"''" 11111 .,.,,vd "" ">11 101 .. 11 .. 111., 1111'1 .1 tlr.," ·\\rflt ~ 1111 d ••11111 1-.. 1111 ••I :di phnsl'l!'J \11 .. tl ... r '" 1:m1wr~ 1,:11'~-< •!1 pllut- (''t••rt:~:. .. ~:-~.:~11-t•tsAI~" Bou'dre~u Figu~es Twu · Bobs ._. -....__ Azt·sA. M.11 1 ~· 11'1'1 Feller and Lemon· Good for 40......., Lei!' Ani.;••I•·~ . .\11111 ( ·rn11p1 u11 11nd , '• • • -l·~:i~I 1_.,, 1\111:• ,,.., \\0•111 mto lh•• ~1·1111·•1n11 1 .. ''"'"-' 11r rtr , .• \11",; )111111.r 1·1olto·i:• '"''''h;atl h•11rrw) l"•lh 11 111111 111 "''1••11•'" aph~·•• j •· l\lt S1111 ,l\nt11n111, ( 'l111fro·~. l'i.s- 1.&dt·1111, 11nll S .111 I lt rn11rcl11111 'liur· j \l\l'd .... n .. 1111110011 111111111 1:.1111''' 1 .. bo you want l o 11eU It! Advrr uw In lf\tow columna. BIN 0 C U.L.A.R S 'SCOPES RF.PAIR ~D ·81':R\'IC'r: "' • Al.L MAKEM Autl\nn1cod naulol'h & L<>rnh d1strU)Utor Op11cat mstru· nwot f'('pnlr - HeRTON PhQ.tographic Supply Q1Ul\ity Pho~ F.qulpn-.t l'bc-"3.t . 115 S . MaJn. ~la Ana. C1allf. of Callf ornia r Tl ·1 'i-.• •:-.. ,\ri/ '. .\t11r l!l. -'-,.f t 'I•'' .•tamtl's mo~I d1•fl'onda hl1• I 'I I'• \11,11.11:• t !A111 Bnurdn•au 111••t1111!o<nw11 N<'w1·11rm·r~ 1nd111l1• I• , "'l'"·''"'"t •··b~ 111111 hr isn't 11 .. 11 :'tlurwnl•f. 111~1111r1•d lrttm ttw I ''f•, 1}11.: to•• 111.111~ '11rpr1S('S from ~1 l-!1uis Browns, and $m11hp11w 111-c 'I•" l.11111 111111.111" hilt d1-clarcd Hall Ko•nm'fly, up frnm Srrnnton 1h.1t lu """Id IH' "c1"•JIJ.J011Jlt'd ll 111 till' ... 1i.l1·rn l1·;ii.:u1· \\h,•n· hl' 11 .. 11 I·· II• 1 '<inoJ· !Iulo L.·mC1n d on't """.Ii r11~t •ttn11111•r '"" .J11 i;.11111' l•-i" '"'"" tlwm." -lluurdr.•11u · I 1nll' h1m~1'4f w11 h ll111mlt •':111 ""' ro•l1 rrin.: to hltl a '"1 plus ol t11t1·n1 In llH· outrielrt '"'' ,,..,. 11!:hl·h11ncl1·r" \\ho RC· \\ olr .Juclnu·h. 1t11nth•·r form•·r l"HllO!o-ol 1 .. 1 'l:l l.'.1111• ~ IH•twe<>n 1:1ro\\fll•. \\tll lw <'t1mp1•11nK 111:a1n.•t t ltnu '·'" "' ,, .. n h ·llt'r. who won ''"It h·•htc,, • f' ;" llal!' :'>liteht•ll. ,!11 ·"" rl• .i th.it \!>.JI( "111 I)(' his I ti 11lll ~ rl\\'111 ti• t I 1t l'··rk and 1':11 '" t1 11.1-. lo.111 ~· .1r y.•t U-mon, !'-• • 1• ~ Al 1 ·1 irk ol1t.11n1'<i I rum •'~"I•<? '"" , ""'"""'·•I from a n •fl· •I• Y.011k"''· 111 .. ) \\Ill " n·i:ut~ 1 11.irl•r """II'·"' )l'11r and .. 111 1 ... 111 h11th .incl L urry Oi1l1}.1 l~ttlo 111 11111 ,.,,, l'k or th<' In· rho . 1\111• rif'an lo :i~·w··,. onl)" "''l!r<ll •II 111> r• •111 • hi' "111 win tWlet> l'I o\ o 1 hl>u i-.1 l>''"s1h1ll1y. '"·'' """"f'• 1 th;' ".1 .. on . . !-ootnr· .. 1 th• • 'J•·r t< e l:11m lhftl • ~Kt tu 1.1.t,TI~ 1of11 .. lnd 1 1n..' """ '"'11km'!I.« llC'll on I.I I.~ i\:":1:1·.J.FS. .\I •r l!l I '"" mr.111111 lo1;1 \·o··~·k rc•ply.'<I'. •I 1'1 ~lihi.: .11111 \\r.lto r ~llo orts ''t hr.t'~ Ill•· 1101\r•r,al 1,.m1•nt of a11 111 St1111lwrrr <'11hl11r111u m 11untioi..o 111,q .,,-h •it)(lh ' 1'11111• \\'t• 11r(' no ·"' ·" 1.,1, \\• • ko 1111 \\Iii Ill' 1•x c .. J. wnr<;r nfl th:iri mn~t of t·hr hl11 . thr ·,.,,,,,. rh:imhrr nf' C'~m· uflH·r~.. a. ll,r'I t•1• fll t•d1i'h d ltWI•') f >r•1wnn 11111 .\lcK!'Qlnl" nnd :\luto1 •~I \\1·11• 1111\ •~··d In rarry lf••rolrl 1.\t1ld1,h 1 Rw•T a re In • tiilfiiiil!•llth•111!:h 1111 ro111l1' \\or•• n·- l'lwriw 11( 1h1· i ·1,.\'l'l11nd p ltc hC!J'll 1•1r ll-d 111••n anrl Bourd1·nu h11s complete con: firl1•nl,... lhal th•· two \'l'tl't'11ns will help m ound a fnrmld11hle hurling "'"" 111 h•~r tw1rh·rs : r r t urnini.: nrl' Pnn Blnc k, form•·r probl<'m C'htld or 1 ho· duh wh<+ rl'form!'d a nd thrn ms!'ed 11 no-hill<'r h~•t M'R· l'on. ra.~t:tmll a'r llM AllC'll GC'tll't and SIM"•• Grum1•k, usunlly orw Picture Framing Prompt ~nillt! IL E. ASPt:R~OS . 407 Coast H iway Corona de.I MM' ,.._ llMcon M!3 r;,·mtnp BALBOA presents •• IKE CARPENTER . and ~Hts Orettestl:a _ EASTER WE.E~ -...... ·,,; ~ ARTltJG SAT.' ~ARCt!_ 20th. L ··~ ci.,,lt s.-10·"' ...... SAN BERNARDINO 10 •A'I _., 10 NIOMTI WOllU. .~ .. ,,,...;.. ,_,_., R-"'--· 'MARCH t11 to 21 • . . e.cciL..c .. Minld. Bra Md ~MuinW.. Bod. n. ...r.J..l Ct..nc. In one onil ,...,_. ,,,;;.. .. \ . . -' IUIMWr 1N9k ('Olon! ..... '.'Center lor Cottons"e ....... ... .._ __ '. , allOO: SLIM SUMM~RVILLE CO~IED\. an(\ SELECTED 9HORT SUBJl'.:CTS actmlMlon (\AX Ind.): Ad~t• ~ -C11Udreo (W'lder It) SURF-CASTERS! ---.;---- ·LIVE -BAIT FISHERMEN ! Attention! See the Live Bait Tanks . /,.· . r in oil th'e at our new store. I 7th and Coast Hi g h.- wa¥~··~Bay Shore Camp. Fresh and salt water bait from early morning N o ~,ugo more freely. tun\ worl . ,weeter or until l~te at night. - .. 1 ugor " · ,...o d none '' re r -on . pu . · g101n -whiter or hner '"or. your t hon the ,ug , 0 nd . hbor' gro w ne•9 I ht in chi\ oreo. mo~e r g HOll y ~ugor I _,11,1,t on M o~t _Complete _Line 'o f Fi sh-ing Tackle. ir: the Harbor Area- T wo stores to serve yo u. ---- Newport TackleStore I05 Mcf'add.-n Platt Bayshore Tackle Store 17th ~ COMt Hlr;hway_.At the t'wr Bay AL f'ORGIT KJ-;RM RlMA Sell Jt Through Cla~ified Advertising FQ_t Luxury with Economy- '•••T-IC•••T-IHI•• You gtt alt rhtte when you go via chair ca.r on rhe mamline<Y. smooth·gHding Nn'. Go/Jn Siatt -th,c fin~t. fast~r cxfT'l·faic train in the history of Sourhcm Pacilic',. w -.J111".U GolJt'n Seate Route. Yoo spttJ from Los Angdes roChicago.in j~ •O rcsrful, cattfrtt hours. A luxurious. r«lining dwr is youn -pttso~ly-for the cnritc'trip. lfa nwnbered -racrvcd ~ you io adnntt. ' • Pot }'OQI pleuutt, thett'• •. ,_,. ~ coffee shop-lounge with 1 bu as well u 1 sptcious dinin11 sttt100 KrVin& delicious mcUI ac m6JC'rate prices. . S·P .... '"''"' ·-*, •. ,. P1dflc E. B. SHARPLEY, District Agent > l'h. 30-l'.! ..... • -.... ,. ...-ie b'llftlCOMinaical,.... tuTi~c. it'a tM "'"' G•ltln SIMI. coo: ...._ mamliMd aa wMh WI ~ ol 90000MDO- datio ns: t«tions., roomettes. ~drooms., coe- pmtmmts. dta,;,lng rooms ... ~cw d1Mft widl flf, Mexican-inspiml d«ol'lflOOI .. i modem k>upgc ~ ... throu&h PW1mAAI to ~ Yallt .JQd_-S<.Lowa. ee •eeLlf'"' lfAfrfW ... S-,_. _, .. , $. '· A..,W ,_ 1'M-•• IWWW p .. D. W. HOLTBV, Agent I !.}Ch lo {'out Bh·d. HArbor -&. -· Nf.wport BNc'h -----.&.-,__.... -T---~ ------- <.. . ... YC l ~ I ., E SC th th wi pc th gi ar be a}. fu ar ·m th ~at Ol nc th be M Ol dE hl th a! 'e sr: w m H te Ol ar M is. p1 h< Of ''.JTI hl Lt I'( ~~ rl< "-' OI Jt ni \\" he k1 h• m h: ol "I tt bt st kl tc tl ln w ex It u m m B ~ St tl tr "" • d