HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-22 - Newport Balboa News Times-... ' ~----.------~---, .. ...... -Counter TrieSt M()ye l ........ , • ~~ -· ... J A. a c ONLY DA IL Y NEWS P .A PER IN •ORANGE C OA .. T 's · LkRGEST • BALBOA··. CITY l Todaya 11 A.II., PAT. Dow ,._ Av.n.- ,._ ....... o... Protest Return To Italians .f. .es lnth1S.11'111ls tT'J.lf\' llJI l ~0 H111l~ ~ 1 09 1111 -:.'fl \It 1111 h·~ :'2 74 Ill' ~'9 V11l1m1<• 1. ~·10,000 ~hor"" ~· .... -...... .-.""' . . . . ' ....... 4. ..... . ~~ RONA DEL MAR,.COSTA MESA TEEN-AGE INVASION . ' Hl~S HEBfa cops·w~DE . . --. ltt NAB 107 IN.S.WEEP .Give U_p Sui! · · 11 '" .: •• '"~ ,..-t>; •• Vft· T 9 Pump Oil '\I, ..... ~""' T H E-1 ~7}~~~;;~ f.:~i~~r~~:~ce~~Jv~~ From Y-~"....,1----t N<'\\11ort Beach ovei: th~ W('('k· m- ~AND rnd And ~for<' .th<' last cop's .1) . whistle had sounded shortly after midnight. onr hundr<>d and M!V<'n CRAB \'iolations has ~n scribl>l<'d and an f'11ttmalcd two tu-r-that num- IX'r • had gone unt a gg<'d . By SAM W ith morP hordl'S from south· lnnd h1"h schools and collegMJ dt:W 10 arrive today and tomor· row. l.o<'al resid<'nts· wert' Pf"<'· p:trl'<I to have their ean as· 1111ul1f'd hy ·whining motors and scrrl'l'hin~ 11r<'S. their l&wm; trampled :rnd their" serenity shrPddcd as warm weather and lots of sunshine magn<'tizt'd ~llC'hes and adjacent busin<'U d1s1r icts. Mr und Mrll Wili111m T111im.111~· of ':.'13 43rd S t .. huw drop11•:d lhC'ir SUI! ll~IUl1~1 till' l'll}' of Nrwport J.!~llCll. _ IJruu;i,ru: lrnst for tht• llml' ll<'ini:. an act um I for a JX'rmh to pump nil..from 1ar• abnndon1'<1 nnrl ll'akini.: oil 11i·dl in ah1·1r back) nrd Thi'""''" \\hirh uUrn<'l<'d na-! llOn·!olo 1dc puhhCll}. li11d IX'l'n JJO:'I • poncd IWIC<' 111 t.UJ'll'rlt>l' court. 'f'h•· Tnllman~: tllroui.:h llw1r 11•·1 IOrnl'y Rohl•rt II WRllaCI'. of Loni,: Ik'acil, had sou1:ht dl·dnraloi'y rc· lief from th1· city's (ldnmont r<'· fusal to pt•rm11 them to pump th1• unr ap(l('d lMlf•' "hwh. s 1' \'I' r n I month11 us:o. hr1;11'h 'iC'<'pini.: 1111 cwrr tht>ir yard and onto R1H ·r A\'l• CHy Attorrky Roland Thompson said today he had,L>S111lills hl'<i that the Tallmnns "didn't ha\'<' n l<>i: lo EUTER. Several thousand boys and girls r r om schools and colleg"6 all over the Southfand are spending their annual Easter holid ay within the confines of New· port Harbor. They're having their ·usual good time; the girls are pretty and shapely and the lads mostly bare and bronze and handsome. are' alert. All are full o f yoµth· fu1 animal spirits. / The cops are w atchful The Jr. C. C. ·men have 1-Jed at.atementa that festival stunts Will be. Police, working In s.-rts, 'citeJ 68 . drh•ers f()(' illegal mtlfners, 19 for speeding. and 20 for a wide \'arii'ty or mis<IC'meanors rllllgin from p0He11lon of liquor-by nors to fighting and creatin& dis-1and on" and prt'SUT'Qf'd-thrt that --,,--~--.---. -l c•: h WU the reuon the llUit Willi drop. wister owers nUf( 'afforded to keep the vtsitors out o f mischief .. lt Is a joy·to n ote the youngsters parade the sidewalks of Balboa. Bal- boa Island and Corona del Mar and takes one back to our yesterdays w he n we felt• devilis h and debonair and. had as little patience with the admonitions of our elders as t:he kids or today. So let 'em h ave their fun-only a small minority will need watch in~ + + + Wt U, \\'f'll' With indig- nant a('("la im t h'e N,ewport Harbor I3?ard o f Realtors in- tends to do ~mething ·about our county nssesscd valuE'S and the n ext rise In taxes by Moni<' End<'rl<'. w h o prom· isro·ta!\t ye-ar to boost im- provcment11 •. aftl'.'l' ~ru1kin,,7 harhorit~ from 200 to 500 • -on l:mrt Ya111<'~. Hf' forgo to turbances. A· comprehensive brnk·down •hows: Oted for. illegal mufflers: W. B. Rector. San Diego; T. D. Mell.tee, Ontario: J . L. McFar· lane,, 'Riversidt>: A, C. Stokke, Azuza: K. D. Lai-son; D. Berg· (Continu<.'d on Pag<' 51 Local . Option Initiative On Ballot SACRAME:>TO. Mar. 22 fl'Pl -S~ary of Stat<'. Fntnk M . Joro:in. today announC'l"'d th<' I "local ,option" liquor rontrol lni· tinth'<' h11~ qUalifiPd for a phi<"<' on t hf• l':O\'l'ml'lf'r l?<'nt>ra l l'icctlon .hn 1· lot. P <'t11ion<'ri> turndi in 212.00!'I ~ignRt Uri'~ of l'f'l?iSll'rl'd \'<lll'fS t rl <JUQlify the·· mc1111ur<'. Jord11n s111rl Onl}' 2M ,li72 wrre n<'CaNl Thr loral option mc~sur!' woull) l?h't> ~1tlifornia ·rounlic-;i :u)d c1t1•·" !hr ril:hl lo. han or AlloY.1 i1alo nl liquor wlthin lhrrr hounllnric•s . 1- ped. • Thompson uld that, in a rei:tont ff'deral court c a 1 e Involving Marbl,cht>ad Land Co. 'agaln11t thr dty -.of Loi Aniteleis tht' l&w had upheld the valldlry or· rc1id<>nt1al zoning against encr011chment ' hy oil lnter<'sts. 11lt' Ta.llmao prop- ('rty Is in a n R·:l zone and has ~en sinCf' 1936, hC' 1&id. The Tallman.11 r<'JlOrtcitly. will now SN'k to work out thC'ir Pf"llh· lrm or 011 St'l'p.'lge Yo'llh the city Although thP)' can not pump from thr bor<'. some m('ans nf hnlllni: thr n ow nnd r<•wlltni: ct1un111:" io adjaC<'nl proper!)' will h:l\'I' io Iii' workl'rl out. it 1s h<-J1l'\'cd 1r W eathec JP. Tides * 1.-AflC"lh and '1rlnJty:.,.:4'unn) loony, lnc<rcn,mi: C'l1111itinrs,.. In· ' n1ghl onl'I '""''dll\', \\llh nun 1:11" '"'"'clay ~hghtl)' rooll'r nftPr· noons. T•d~• AN' ftlllf'f'ff tn t•rfSrr nf tvt u,.,.n,.,. .. Lijfhl <fr:urf'~ ""' llftrk-fllC'll"'• ,.,·,;;: M ~2 fi :-15 J:<:f1:! 1:MI I :4S 5.9 ) 3 4 7 T· :l.3 7 :\'1 t :~!l 11:211 :'i.!I 0 7 :1 1 . _ '~ -· I~"-Teh,.,..,•> TTJo )'OUIJI boy~ Wf'rt" t;ltkd _.hrn thl' lf.eeplt nt 8 t Juhn'ft (•ethl'\llc-IT fk -Ori• • f u t d Church ii t L1u1c1••rk. ()hln. lo'll on tJ1,.m u. lh"Y ••l'rr fNl\l:'IV. thf' '. Hy llnlll'<I Prt·~' \\'i\SlllN<l'"IN. M1111'11 :l'J IUP l Cungn.._ .. ant anv1 t ... r1'a ful todu) uhout th<' M-11ou•nl'lll of 1 he> world cn11la. · O\airman Oalark-t A.. Ellton al ttw houll(' forl'll(n affalni t·ommll· lt.'4' warm'<! thftt d1ftnl'f'" of an · l)tlt•r world w11r u1· "not vtry R'· 1riot"" I IP n11trff• tti1• Kl11t t>nwnl In 10.km..: tht• l1nu ..... 1111,.,. 1'omml1 ,,.. for qalt:k .1p1Jrnval <~ th,. $6.:.106,· O()(J,IJlO "~1111(11• J>fll'k11111•" ftrrf'lltfl J1id lull , · "'·'"'"'" ",.,m1rnl1 II.'•' ,.,.u, .. 1 lh1• hlll n rrn11ll1lnrk I n H1r mnn·l1 nf f"OITI• niunu;m nn<t "lll'flrlrt rtorn1n111tnn by -mc•ntion th:1t S11nta An:i 3' )jannJng 0 neSCOr e .. bwtd1111. Tlw 1111nndn, .,h1ch 11.r .. ktd, 11,111~1. nr 1.1111ch k, lutl'kd Ladies from Cocktail Loun_ges ~--: --# uur1t1n·~l4.:.'1IJI"' 1i·~~ ~n-th_e_M~'d_"'_<'~_l. _______ __, :i n,.,1u1r.· rin rwi u ••. ,,M".,~JRtJCK ·OF VOTE TO-lfE·AR •11r111T,. p1m1<.11.'n" nr th•· 1111•n•I ·£XPLCSKV£S CZECH R'USS r1u n t .1n1f t ''l•'r' \'1ul 1t •"""' tn •1t• \· I 11 , ' . IAINlll•N, 1\1111•<-h 'J'.l 1lJPl- Y111\'"'ltwl11 '"'"'"~11 .. 1 h11IA}' •raJnat llw l'"'l•-1 ol lh«' W1'"trm pow- "''"' tu 111v,• 'J'rlr•ll'.' ~ti( 'to Italy. Kl\41 " htti:h f""llfF ... olfleMI .... 1 h•• II"\ 1•mmrn1 ltwre planned to lllltk1• ft 1•~h •lltJ:1t1•Mfklnl Of1 the flW •tnlP . , ·n,.; r.:u\rmml'nl han\k'(t ¥J 0. Arn1•1 It'""· Orll IMh 11nit fTI'nt'~· '"'~'"''"" ft 11""' llfOt4"tllln1 vi41.: 11r1111•I~ ,l\1tnln1'1 thr ftU111nrr la I"'"' h 111,. 111·1•,.1rm pillll•1•rs...,ni..d lh1• ''"""fl•lfl '" handlni.: :rrifial• htll'k II• 11111) TI\i•. 'i_wroalava hdl pu1.lallar .... ,. .... v1 Jon 111 thf' flM't that the thl'N' ll'""'"r propoaal madft DO mrnt111n nr OW' ~I few an .. ,.... ""'"' h) \'1111011h1vla IM"fllN' thC' ,..._ •11111· n 1t1ld bl• n-11orrd to-n.aly. A frw hnuni latf'r Ale• J~r. Vur.:1111l1w tff•11ul)' fc>n-lp mlnlat•r, '''I"'' t •-ti ..sihet tlw 1owmmf'nt ex· P'""''"I In llU I forth llf'W JI~ .. rr~11Nlt11tf','f'rlf·~l11, 1'lf'tlblabl)' wllhi• , hu!'inl"'~ t't'H II ~· wt'nt t1p k s' UJttn 11 11 v •. \\'h;1t \\:t" tlw n:>a !'nn Mr:. Er.de1~('. '"RN1Tlor R:dph '!\T;1<;k1'~· ~1~·~ thnt ·F.n· rlr d •• i..: .. pl;inn1nt! t o in<Tt>ase :l..""'"'~<'<I \':tl11al~~y f.ff'-': on a 11 11nt1' flitilt prinr ·t o .lt1ly. l !t:m:.;,.:t:~11lup!r'<I nidd<' th:1t i( .-F;h'WrW."1 :1_r-. w il hin I hat mnd<•-.1 r;tng t', h<''ll ht' mh.:ht~ l11l'k~·. .111~1 !'/\( ·n ,\ \fh"\T< I, ;\hir :..''..' 11·1•1 \ l''"l"'""i 1·11rf<;t11111i•11.tl :tm• ndnl•\n t In h1n 11n' ... rpr,• d ''" m• n fr1m1 1•114·k1·11I '''"' '"I 1. l:tf._ lJ.,L...1_. JUl.ll.t.lu.llU;. ~1 llll:< Ill r~n\1 r~ 1\\1-r t a\1·rn-. \\:1< 1ntt 11tft11 "'I Ill I h1• ;1"~' !lllJl~ , ...... i1 "' ''l"''"·"I''" BLASTS AnABS GR'An CHADG,J: . ~·~·-r_··" 1_ L>dud. """"'"''""\.:ill. -• fl ~V '' t·111·k1·.i1 lt1r• ind .. 11 .. r 1°r'"''"'. 11-:1:1·:-.\l.r.:'ll ·:. ,1 ) 7u7 J()I (' l'j' • (\ J•t•• d 11 h•r• 1r ... r .. 1 ,I·'""' .. , .... 11r. "·1 ·~"1 ·• wn·" .. 1.\"' ,, , i, · , --~;..·>. " , . a 1 orn1ans <u a 1 1e 1 .. ,, \I •r ......1-. •l 'f 'I ICtM1ltU 1 ttt\\ .. llh'f tflC'',. tlf9'• 11. ,, •t ,,, t,. ·uu ,u 1ul11I• f•.1r t.1tUf ... ~rn. nl• 1~11f"I"'.' w.ni.: _,.¢n,;;I l1\' ,\~-,,. ,,,,,, r ••. "' ,.,,., .. , ... , •• ~ •• " ·•·•· ~ '" n1l1l)m m .luhn ~I"'"" I! ~:rn .lnc:.1•. c>hi11rm :tn o f I h• , .. 'l'h· \ 11.!tllt.L h 'llll \I~ ei°'l<ft!'ll · " •It "'l·•• ... I\ ... ~ ~·'4 I' , ---.. ..i.l.2-;-, 11' ....,,, • I ... ,tum' "L'. ) l•d m r•:•l'1•111nh ·•1t•I ""'" ihn 'It A .,1, 'I'""'' "' II ' "" l\"( .. 111 .. 1. ·"" ~ •v ,,. ~." r ftf • ll -+ltt\1 d • .,.,,,,., ''"'''""''" 1 •r:1r•f 1 1, &ln•n' :1u1! ~··· d:u1l"•' 1 ... 1111.tf "' ,._11,,,,,.., 'h 11 1 .. •t • 1 • tr \• t·\\11 '·''-' \1 11 '"' ,,,, 1•,,, ,. k<'l'P ~·our 1•yc'. on wh:'ft hr• 1 N: rn"m' lft otht .. rs. -· nlf·n' "nnl unh ·••Jth•1ti 1· rf lun 111· no'' ta.to1h .. 1 If, ht , t t•l'•rn ,, ,. t", ,,, ~, 1 ~• I' i 1, , 11 _ t I '• • t• • 11 Hf "'~ ..,, t 1 ink ,,.,,, .. .,., he1't'·antl jn Snntn Ann. It'll Tlw prop<1$•·d nm r nrlnvnl would .m:1k•·"' 11 lh• f!tll\. 11nil1r m1 ... 1.11 1in1: '''''"'"' '"'",""J 11.,r~~I "" 1, .. 1,, ......... 1111.1 \J '''"''" '''""I""""·"••\ 11111 ·'""'"" ••. ,, .. 1 11 .. ,1 11 . 1:•1111,, makl'.' \'OU \\'\Jrr:l. \\lltrra un-rl'l]lllrf' rity rn11nril~ or l11m rrl~ of tl•n11·nn11r t•n:il l,\, fttr ''"'al 1111· 11111n .onr1 lrn1rhini.: '"'"'""I'• ·~ '" 1••\\•I "'' ''' ·: '"'.~I 1 .... ,1 ,, 'llk111,1 lll•lt ""'' ""'' ,,,,, .. 11 11111111 '"'·"''"'"'' lllj•r honny.· 1 . ·' ~1'11,.w;l'\.i,.;->f!I In .. AAl'I nrffinuor1•,; or lhoritir i; In Jlil..U antrl'nrort•f'~ll· "'''' '"'" 1>1°11 in 11•"1 '"'•I •·I t i , ''J' r "" •r•1.ol 11 .. 11 II• '"''' 11; 1'1• ,. 111111•• ••f 1• 1'1 ••1 "'"" 1/ / .,,.,., ''t•'I'" ,~ "W ,, t '·'Hlf tl P\• t t rid• l•f.,l1 ,~, · + + +. olht>r rl'1;11l111 1011s i::on•rnini:: ndr: lroltl ,nn·r J11p1nr , .. ,1:1hlr•hmrnt~ I""' dt~· Jl11ndr0.f1, 111 \"' • 1 Rii"i ' 11111 11,. 1 kr.111,, "'"'" '"'' .. 1,.1.,1°t1 1•1111 "' 11•111 .. 11 I•• '\M I That o-~• llaJl. c-• .,.m.r c•1111tr Jirhfin ... \'Pt\lrlatlon. ~n1· "Tl prll\lfl1·~ for lhf' f1r~I l1m,.. lo1o1lr Ar:1l1• 111111 ·''"~' lt11\• ''" 1. 1 .. liol•I 11111• 1,1 Arr r\,ol 11 1 1111 fl 1~ 1tnt r•tftlfl••I. ri.11 1 th•· flnnl '"'" ~~· " • " " . , .. , .. 1{1111·• 1li.1r 1:•ll ""' l''f••ll"• Or OUr sunor dUzcns ::II"(' a 'b it 1nl ions end "m11inl l'n11nrr" or Ii-n rll'~f'(' ,,f locnl 1•11n1rol~ n1•\'1•r krll1-<l fn th1 ... m1tJlf)l'r " 1 .. '"' • 'l'Jltl I' 111•1 llt"ll 1 '""""'•I It ,,, , l1111ln111 Y' ~fir T•·1;.-1111r "'" "1111 ,, ,.,,,~, ~ "'"ii 'L'J, ,~ ~ ii d II lt>s prcmi~P" hdnr,.. 11:rllnlrrl th11t will 5th·r r s rh Thr· llu1f11 hi""' ,..,., 1111 1111 Ar ,! '"~· 11 11 111"1 ... ,, "' r•·1··"''""''"~ w•i•il•I ,.v,.,.,.,, 111111' ,,f· Iii•· 1•.·~11 "hef '1Jp" OVer Q pool h all -.• n, (' flUOr • ~R . • •' I I Ill p.•npl1• ~ >'t I Thi' am<'ndmr nl also would mmmunlly u powrrful WN1pnn '" mnrtnr oft.ark on J,.,,,,,,t1 q11Ml•t · ~·1 111· 1•1111 v li11·11k1111w11 ,,, 1111 I.lorn•· Jlf lm11rv11I .i.tt:lf\111( 11n1l lh1ft thatissuppo!'Cd togoon Ba· 1. Force thl' slAt<' bo~rit of rlran up un~·holrsomr ron~lllon11 <Inf' mort&r shr)ll l••ll n1·nr I"'"' An O\•·rfluw "11'"'1\ "' \•"'''r' "''",,.,,,,,,.,,"'-Ill\ tlw l11ll11wlnljin·1e1"1r11111111 l•rr 11,.. rtlfY•mlN• boa's m<>ll't exclusive Main l'flUAliT.11tion to .conduct hr11rt~ ''Thr rvil of frm11r~_.tu1r mr11· I hMl<fl'fl111rtm-:" lf\llin;: """ lln t •· h 111 lh<' S•·,,urily ''1111""11 41"!~11* Jl•·m•,rrnt~. 'J 1fl'df111 . 1t.r1111t.1I w·nrrnl rl••r t rnn .,. .. .,,1,,1 ~~ 1~.yttnrt Street . 1\Jt. tut, Ed. YCJe 8tWhiChi;J'Olt'sla by local8$?<'nrlltS 11J~O Wl1Ulr!hrnAdlr11t('d,'''1"'hnmp.1 ~on~tnblr !Ind Wo11nl1in1o: llfl•1th•r tPfllllU~•·d lollfll) ll'I th•• .~1'' 1 '"'"'· l.1'·1.1~~ 1'1 11h ll1lll11n. ~).R!~I , ltw 1! .. 111 ftrur"11( 1.Jl<:•,!~1 know da""'l'n well the. space 1s would he 'ht>ard. son ~nllf, "nnd ~'1th tl11'm '"" . Thr hrw r11su11l11r~ r11111•• '"'; tlr l•·ic1ttr !ilrl\lh•~ to 111" 1 ••Jlll''11 l rifl .. ,.,.,.,,.,.rr( l 'r•1llr"~~1w., :1,11!(1 I Th•• t•r··~, "' rr·atl •lrnll•in hn• 111. too valuable f or that and 2. R('Quirc the bc:iard lo perm&· rver·rl11ln1t n>ll or murd<'r11. r oh· I• hr nrarly 100 In. 11 W•'<•krnd of Iii• 1 ~hh> &nd l><·..:nn '' formal lnlft1•1 · .,.,,,. """""'' ''"''" ,.,.,.lln•"t In f'l•11<l)I r '"' n It!"~ thr fln.111 rr~. that t h at $500 reward was so nontly rtvoke llsn...,, ar~ sh~ tX-rir'I. 11tt11'rks. brokrn hnmr~ nnl'I ·t••r rlithtlnit. Jn nn,. tif th•· l11r• f ''"'"' ,,:;,.t nw fl".,.111 .'">111ir11l '"rn , .. ,r. ""''' ,.,,.,,, .~ ,,f '"'''Y "'"~ trnll•in~ f•1r 1111: i•rM1'1rnll11I ~-involved ~ally that you tng of vlol&tl-. -· • chlld nri:ll'C'I ... I rla. .. ht'S •Vt'r WI l'rnl(UI' 1-.: .• Z:l'.I. \lo hrl•· ..... ...,,, ........... 1\f'"nt.,.-m.~ "' i ........ whir"--a.3'10,. would never be conunlttL'd to , ---Hf' 11nno\J111"1•t1 In 1il!u11rr lh111 t ,.,,,,,,,11f c ~i1:1 1n• l•1•l• •I 14;if. S•1C•l1ol !nR, 1tnt1 !'Mfr or J.ti~•:l.274 fl ru II 111 1 .. 11111 !•I"" I• 111\ \\'Ill <I•,; l•rf" 'j II\ ••I• 1111,I• tt l I '11ll lnr • Ill•• J•,,ht• t 11111" 111,11111 1• • 1.-..:l11- l111i\'" l1111•1 l1or \'"II T .l:tr'"'"rth It .Id II 11111\"llllllll 11~ Ill• <"11ltf.,r1tl .. i•111r11 1<1111•1111 ,,,,,,,,,, .. ,, '""' "" Olf it'l11J llflll .. 1111•' llt• Il l \\lo1' I ~1••f•t1 '"' ""'' .... , ... k \ F.lflllT·\'F.AK·h l.ll IUAIWN Irr" llXN l\ltl• <'nl , M11r '/.:I .ctlM .1'1lrnnv 1 lnllw·r,..,., I( w1111 kfll ... Inti· yll'Mn ·11!11y 111 11 m\1~11·rl11u11<,... "''"''"n· "t•Jil•rt•nllv ,,r. •• 40 ~ 11lwll,, 1ttJ11•1• rf't-trl•'<I l"dll)' l-'rn1t111wn'I~ lnlttrnlril thf' ~ jrr1r1 •. 1111ty h1iw• hlown .JJp0 Jn hJll himlf.11 In fl'rlnl of 11 nrlrhtwirhoof flTOC-f'r)' "'"r". oftlC't'n said. ---.... CX>Ughlng uit th~ dough. l'U OPEN 'fJRE ON NEAR-BILLIG"· s TA TE B 0 D GET :·:::·f ~r~~i;:~~~,.::~.~r:.1.'~:~1·~.~ stake you a''real tu bUf kS . . • -1.11C'k up hi~ •·h11r11•· lhll l M1~"""" CHINESE REDS OPEN ALL-OUT LAND OFFENSIVE th&t the pool haJl I never SACRAMENTO. Mllr. ·2'I. -1 for a tf'11chln1t holpltal 11t th# Uhl· t Thr ti~ In t11kln1t up 1hr i111rt l•v thr.r.11t of urru,, '"'"''">' 1ri1p••'-• ,., materialize. Put Up th ' <UPl-Th~ 1t11t~'UM'mbly ""as to n•nlly or C-11llforni11 &t U.S An· ~rt irft until l11tf"r In 1111• w•~~ •t1 11 rommucflct 1"1\f'rrtm•·n• "'' •,,,· • ..:1:-;1; M"r '/'J •lll'r lfr11vy tl11ht1nl( l1"1kr flUt at h11\,. 11 wu <'llP"('lrd that the money "1th Bamboo Room OPf"n ll1'K\llTll'nU on thr S9'16,00o.· itrll'tl. 11nd $11 .000.000 for unh·ri;· 1 thr "'' llrmrnt of thr t1ur 41.., ... 11,.r ''1('('h<H1l•I\ 11k111 la~• mu11lh 1 11•.. < 1onu11•111•"'' "' " m••"' m11n\ , .. 1111~ l•l••f\IC th1· rr11.ini;~ "''"m'l""'• woulil rrwivr on Tll- Bob or shut up OQO lll•tl' bud«il't tod•Y ll!J law-1111~ 11nd •'•'" C'flll~ rxp1111~lhn Jn llUl"C't'UIVf' VOIM t-r ldll)'. It \I I f'llJIAnr k • h11rs:rt1 ''"', R•J'-"1" ... , • 1•;1111 Ill• '111111/tf "h•lll'I l11n•I SUl)lllm rn11w .. ,, Whld1 rut a llCfOllll lun11 "'"'"· thus •1teckln1t lhr on1Jr + + • makM"I hopt'd lo ac~lna.lly "'1th· Amonir othn thlnp, th# C't1m· <>d for.• rf'ductlon In thr 'l•I·~ "'' •lrci~ tli<forr lh•·· n ;d ..,, W•irM . .fr Y "'in \I 111• lu11 r11 ',.,,, "'"' an 1~1· rnn 111 .. r ·rnr rommumat of. r••mliflnlnl( nJUtf' In ~ out ~ WbOIW' Fault~ Se<'retary in " w~k on both .th<' hudjlf't &nd mitt-rut out II prt prnjr-rt of rnl,. frnm 2•., In 2 fl' r,.. n' '' 1• ' w,.r fl 111 imt"r ' ••imnr•m1,1,, "' .• 1• •Ir "' ''"''•> ''" '"rlh lt>n•1\• '" 1·1111 w1•l1 th•• ll}'\t1•m1tllr :-.;,,1th ('hlnl\ 11nd Mafll'~urla. ol State M arl'hall said In hb1 If\<' romplic111!'d stair lax QUf'Sl1on ,r .... \. F:11rl WJ1rrrn' " SIJ90ll1 AIC•"n" chttnitra in h1ink ""tl ,,., 'I• Nl\mtry • • • • • r •• i-·•·~·• ti•'""''""'' "' 11111•, hrlt1i:•·t 11nt1 "f':v"\r \'lr llwlflu11" (;,.n t\J ~ San .Fl"'1'n<ist'O !'pee<'ti that Thi' hud11:rt. hoollled S2J.OflO.fl(t) ltrm for !hr offl("t' nf plJ1nn1n1t 1oor11111m frsnrhlll•• 1rnt1 •"·l~·n·• 11 '111f/tll., .. , ••• ··~""''"II' t/1• Ill '"""' '' " Yl'll nArk lnf11n•ry rrpof'trdly r• the U.S. hart barely t'flOlli;?h hy thf" ll!'ft'mhly :-w"~ anit mr11n5 1&nThd n•,..1u ch1 unitrr hiA d1rr<'tk1on 11n,.,1mr 111'.lfr• """ rl1·f .. "1•-tl 'm• • ,.f'llAl(f,r. l'llf:.ll Ul('P: . ,1 ,,,~ 1• ,.,. .. 11 111, 11 1 H"tl"'"' ,,,.,(11,1,.flf •'•"" N•ntmll,ll ri1•frln1t lmr k from lfoprl tow.,. troopg t o r'1ll th<' h all 1'n rontl-n1twl'. "-IUI to ~ UJ) for ,. "f.t"lltf•r' wrrr wor lnK or•• '"'"'!11:: th,. lltr••· ,,,,.,I . '""'l'''""'•11 •lr.r•111t .. ttlr•rm 1'1"1 .. ,<i111/111r ritSui)u"n,whnrFude- _._ n .. ~1n•I • Th11r•.. -' 1 111 ,.,. t 11<11.l.Y\\'<>'JIJ !\t11r .'.' •I I'• I••• 1 1 '''''" l'''·I• r ·••••I !\11°11 I I~ 't , ·I I "'I f 1 I • 1H•m ·h\·1l1>m mns1 .... ·r;1t1on of ""'' ·• '"II) 11•1 10urnO'lrn I" n • .... 111t·t•,hrtrrlH n o ttl\li111., ,,f :O l'i I""''" .,. 111<UJ1~ .. y-or rna.... whlrh-hE> "fl. f A king. A'f S m11r, 1 hll n JI Jl'l rhnnli(f'tl m1tc:tr' h) I drnttllnr ~r\ In R r•''"''"' 11'\n 1.,1,.1,11 ·p • ·~Ir' t ""' ,. i'I•,. ,,.,,. 1• \1r·t r•i r;,,1i1.,. \ 1, \I , , , 1 • 1 •I •I .' • • • • • • • • • • 1· ,, • • •1•1•11.~ 111 ,., , 1, _ ' 1• ,.,. , r 11nt 11111iplh"I • •• lee'n~. Mr. l\fAl"'!lh All wa~ •h• r11mmitt..,.,frnm th,.i:mrrnor]i:'t1 h\ th•'"""'' Th•· 1101.ml}l>' Pf,11 •f :-,•.-.n nm•n1t11 •"'"' .1, .,111\r'h"'l:"l• .. i•r.r' li•h"· 1·,,, 1•.i "• ,1 11•1• •·I '''""'l' ,11 . . 1 IY 1 '"'"l"f'" ~alt1 lllM ch~f of staff t~on-h<' took · .. 1,_ hi" nr.t >•·l "lrT'"" '" th•• llr;1d· pr•'"""'" '"'"r'"' '" 111• """'' y k ·t • • 1 •', .t '"' .,,,h ' I •11rl '1'•• '' 1 '''"'11'm•~1' '1"11''111" ""IC o Vftnrk110 itnd l.oo-• ~ __ r" ... <'"!!'mrn.,111_v .. ll _ _ I 1 •. n A --: ..,.;i;;=..i ~ l ,. It rin .. t<'h .,.11 h I"' •11!1• • 111 • .1 L ., 1 l ,_,.: , -~'-._ --;:::::;:f!!l~~~~bM~z:=~~~~f'' -·---------..0 -_..........,.,: ..-~ .. =-'M tMl f e rAUlu1•sa'loe "ti# M tJt~ .. , • ..... ---· .=d_...,. __ lb$~· t• h..,. ltr~ .... , "'~!!1L ....._ ...... 411 ..,. ""•)" • .,.. ..... ..,_ .. ,... u ""Tlf' :_otftl' ~......_._... ~ i;taff ~":A~ thoroUi:?hly · ·1rll"fM}iif 11d0rii'ii'i#"liy"l'fif.tvtm·1 ~1nn f'ould "" "Moc>d .._, ,,,,.~, hy lt h•· r•·<l•1,..•·t1 r1111• fir•• "•'oil 1· '"11rlnll ·~·'t•'"""''''' 1 ~'''' -,.;;;, ,. '' •I .. • "i "·r•>.••.-h 1'·11•1"~ ,,,,.,,,r .... o1 '11• n 111t •.n.,tll1•.1•~ "' ,.,,.,., 1t111 1 .... ,, "•·v11r 11111t'<1 v• 1C'on11nul'd cm\~81l<' 4 1 iftl11"" inrlud,..d I\ Sto.~l(),ll(lf'I 1trm, Sr.turday , -·.' l!M:\ -• .,· •tit In t:•·I hr1• Ir h t• '"" ~· ""'>""" I' .., _ \.'I ri111n1• • /1 JlllV••rnnl"nl mlllt11rv unlnrllv \ .• t ·~ " .• • 'tf\ ' It!: ·~------,. ·~' I, t>-=-:. ., "( .,.. ' ~. . . .. : ·--· ' -:-;("\ . _ _,,,_ ..... ...,,. ........ __ ~-~ .......... --~~~--~~ '\. L -·~---,. --9t Estimate 500.0 .Jobless .. ·1n ·1. and ,Arou ·nd Santa ·Ana Page .2 EWPORT BA~BOA Nt:\\'S -TUll!;;-1- 0SllA \' St•\\ t•url Rt··••·h: ('aJlf. .)1 ... .-11 \!I!, lft'.11 Hit at. Tax"'Exempt Federal Lands In Orange County .· ·Balboa ·Island and Corona del -M4r Lead in · Week's Buifding Survey . I llalbo11 J.,hrnd :ind C11ron11 df'I d}''•'lhm: 111 411 llnn•I Dri\'c, ;\oliir. Wl'rt' lhr !11(•1\llnrh 11ppllc..1n1' Corrm;1 d1•I M1tr E.~11rnn1t•d \alU<' -Seel_, Seasonal Pick-Up In May For Farm W0rk - : 1 ""'" I ht• mn~I 111~1 "1·vk m apply-S13,500. . tni.: for l11rildttig · pgrrnill!, A. l\t. J :rnl<'S ,\ f'rlst'h, pt-rmll ~ 10 A num}>cr NlUl\'All'nt to tht> pop- :-.;, iS(m'-; l'11y buililmi.: ro i·nrd!> 111. !t1uld to :! ~'"' ~ '.! urur iiarai.:•· arid 1 u111tion of. 11 11mall l'il)' is tot111ly 1lw.1t1• Am11ru: n1""' "l•tll~ 111,g for -:op.irtmi n t al l;)ltt So Bay Front without \\ork ri~ht hr~ In Or· 1 •·111111s 10 llu1ld In 1h .. cltv of J-:•t1malf'd \'Hltll' ~~IO 1 nn~t' N'JUnly. '''"'""'I J\.,u'h l;:oi.t 1\1.,.k ";re: . ~:m1•rson \\ -t'h1trl1·'· (>l·rmit to J\('('()rdin~ lo Rin M111h1'"'50fl, I ( :11.11 I•'' l'. Lu~kttmp, P111•11df'n8, l111;!d a 1 ~111r~ I room dwl'lllng I ~K'lll mR.na1:rr ti~ lh<' ~allfornia .1.-tn11t '" h111!.t a fl t'l>om I ~1ory itl ·160Smrllz•·r. N1•\\Jl0rt l kights -•111<' ~.mplurrn1nt S1n1cr. In 1h11·lltnJ: .ii 111 1 \'la CJr\lt'IO, Lido.• 1·,111n;1ti·d \Ului· $9500. ~ltnlR Ana, llwn• ori· nrarly five I ,11111,11,·d \'all1t 11.1•1(\ · I RRy 'p ~lan~hun'.· N llolfy.l 1hnu~and pc•oplc• curn·ntly ~~- c;,011rs:•' <~11111 .. 111, :'l.i ·\\ I""'· pu·-~ '"•><l. 1,. rnut 10 ,11,;111 It 1 st-Or) m~. Joh~ in tho• ar••a. S<'r\'<'d by_ hl.s • 11111. '" h111ld I rrioni It •1111•· dw1•il-I ruum d\\ .. l11ng 111 :!ii~ tin) 'hor,. offt'.'r. . r;i: ·•• filft:! (),.1,111 Frt•llot E~11nrn1-1111\•'. F;stiinult'd \'alUl' Sl3,UOO. ~lnC'f' a_1:nc-11llur:il .. 1.n~ !IC'as~al nl \-:rlllf' $7ttti0 • __ !\it!<~ )r.!Jll:lon l=: ··~\\'••ti, B;&l. foori pror1·~~111i.: :ort1nt 11•11. wh18' :\Ir:. ~.dn.1 I. )),,"'· Lv~ An-ho11 I-land. l"'rm1t" to hu1 a l~l-Jluln~· o f Drnm··· COWl.U .. .!.. SACR.A:'tl E="TI 1, M11n·h '.!.! ( U l"'I Tlw < '11ltl11rntF1 1-11111·1'\ ""'"·, 1 ' ,l\.S8f1<'11111on 11od11~ 1l<'Cl11ri:•1l th111 th•· I ... ~ a:row1ni.: 111111111111 of '"' ,.,, 111111 pi'np.•rt) ~·" 1""' hy th"' r ... 11•r11! lo:"' • 't!mm1•n1 rall' l11r n·m<'d111I n1·J11111 "11 ~. 1~·r11111 '" huilll .1 I stur)' ''"'~ Ii r11om U\\l'fhn g .ii 718-7:.!0 "nr_~"r«. \\ill nul ~~a.n II• run• :'-fay, .! ur111 Ii 111w11 dw\·1hm: a t :in 11 lrt'I U\rnui>. Coron.t dd !\tar. Es-a n nll-ou1 1·ff11r1 •~ t .. •t ni; madt' ·1 1·1·1•1 huuh•\'anl. Es1una 11·d ,·alul' 1111,.1ted \llfUI'· $16.00(). In ""Cun· llw •~>0Jtl'rat 111n nf thc ~Jl~l • !\Ir$. E:<t,.lln Pl'ltit. Los •J\ngf°"I 1•n11rr _comm11n11y. mc-lucltn!( or- by roni.:rc~' "" 11 h11u t <l1•ln~ _ Tuc~llun ~allt'(l-1-l;:~lf'h llhowmg Ornni:<• t'hllnty with 11n a rea or 500.4~ llC'r•~ C'Of'llnin• ·~-­fr73 8<'N''i of ff'f11'rn lly-mi.·nr'tl l11nd and suffen; "" <'~tlmntNi tax lt>'--~ . ol $16().140. Jn c-allinA: for frdl'rnl ertmn. 1t111 a..'l!Oelation !><0111il of d ln 1•111n< ri1" c lt1rcd that 1h1· tax blu!it-'bf Inc-al iov~mme.nt c-11y , <'9Unty, school district~ an<l •pr<'1ol d1blril'b mw.t ..,.._ ___ _,11bf~Pf!'M'~ ~t'd. It n-portC'd th11t a 10111\ or ap- proximatt>ly 135.000,000 w11s losl ln tues to thC' .foceJ J:O"<'mmenb wt )'l'ar . Tiil' nmount lnclud<od 124 367.()()() Jor;t on land 11lonf', and SlD.SU :lJ.t on UnPl'Q\1tlllcn111. In all, tht' .!llillOClatlon uiid. 40,· 97.81M .acres or the t otaJ or 100,- 315.1.920 acrH ln·the-entln-stall' 1~ Ga'DeCl .b_x ttw ff'defal i OVIL'mr1Wnt ~ rt'dt-ral land Is valuf'.'d at S61R.· '76U578. the UllOClatlon said. TURN TO BEER· CHEAP WINES SACRAMENTO, M11r. 19, CU P l-C'allfornh1ns arC' flrlnklnf,: mono bttr and cht'ap · wlnNI and 1-t'xpenslvr whlsklH, 1t itl~li· board or t>qunllutlon rt>porl ahow- ed toda)'. • . 'nM' board ref)Ort~ rc>\t'nuC's from a&INI Of 1111 formll n( Bl· CIOhollc b(-\·eraaH droppC'd fl\'(' rx•r C!ft'lt to Sl.177.196 durlnit Jnnuary, .. "f'lt'IY l>Pcausr of. drop11 In ~•Ir ol dlltilled 1plrlt•. Sales of ~ and swe.t -whM-1 lllettaud llOf'l'I«: what. but not •nouch to orr.-t a. *°P ln wbWley, U. boll.rd ..... . e;, t<I').!" • :'tl••Or•'. """ 1worl, l.M I'• l•'I nul ti• hlltld fl :! fomtlV dwt°ll· l::tlliZRllOllS, 1>1'1H~1l' •. 1·hurd11•~<, und . mu.. "' lt111ld ,1 1 ;:tor) t; room rnl( at 309 :-.:nrth Tiny Front. Es-towns11t-<11lll' in hl'lpin1:, 111 St'C'Urr ""•·llm.: rtl :.·1:-.c1 !\ltrll!)l:tr DrtVt•, ltmalcd \'&11-11• $:.'fl,O()() l•·m~lrill~ or l':t,UOI fnlplo)me~l i 11 • .tGua. Es1111111tl'd Hilu•· S6;>oo 'Ruth A \'1•ddcr. ~·rm1t to build 10 l>dl' lh•·~I' l"'fil1!F ('l\l'r un11l I .J111n1•,. \\' C;on1h111l'k, nalhoa.1 ,, :! stur} ;, ritom....dwf•llinlo( nt 1309 morl' JX'rmnn••nt '.''1t1'k l<i 11\'111lablE'. ~ prrtt111 '" hwld 11 :.! slut')' ti Joo.m J ( '1t\t' i;I n«'t , Coronli d<'I Mar. Es-M11tlh'W!lon lt<'l1e'\'1'S tha t many tl~11·ll1111.~ 111 I '.5 c; "' r""' · Brolhou. 11rna ll'd , 11lu1· · $ 1 :!,()()(}. ~11rd~n, d i>11n-u1,•. wnri house ch.iar:i· 11-.i.timur.-.I ialuc• Sl ~l.000 !\Ir and Mrs B. K. l>oui.:las. r>•·r· 1~11: Job.«, can "" rl1 •\1·lu11('(! Ill thtS n E Ell<'r. Anthon hli.nd, pt>r-1111t to hµild ·a 2 story 5 mom ltm<' of YC'ar. "h~liom1· an d mtl to liutld 11 i! ~tu1 y 4 room chwlltl)g at '911 Co\'t' str eet, Corct-apart~t'nt ,imusr. '1w1wrs Hr'l' C'llger th\1•111111; •ti 3:.!~ Sapphln• a\'l'nU<', 1111 d1•I Mar Estimated value -to h'R\I' "N'<ls cll'HrNI ''"'· gar· I Ball>0n J<ll;rnd. F.~tlmllll•d \'lllUC' _ ~l :!,000. dl'n plots duit IJl>. lawns. r1•mtvat~. N W C QLS • W N Be h . Y.00. \'mn \\'it'kst{um, Newport. per-frnc-1>s n ·pmn•d ;met p111ntrd. wm-HARMA . NI H rgan1ze est ewport ac hy Evan~. :'\l'\\llClrl. ))t'rmil to n111 to build a~ story '2 family dows WiUhl•d , 11.nd woodwor~l I htuld a t story 3 room d\\dhoi:! a t dwl'llmg at 141 1 w. Bay avl'nue, noors. and 't'n<'l1an bhnds clcartM Things Were Going Ho-Hu . shl Im rovement Assn. at CaJTey Home ! :ltl3 3~nd 11tn~t. Nl'\lo)JOrt Beach. E~11mated \'ftlU<'-$11,l)OO. nnd WRXcd . When ~UhJ0 ect 0 f R~a1--n--C~a-m--e-""'u""· -p-----i--~--.... r"'n-,., ... -.i-.;;;;~;·iii,,_...,.~~~:::·:;:· ;· ::;·:;;;:::::·::;:;;;;:;;;;.-,*-·='·~~~~m~a~t~··~d~\'~ll~IU~(~-~S31:;)()(~l~~ra&i111a,~Q.c;~,:t'~rt~r~u~d<~·~A~.~W~a~ld~r~o~n~.1pe~rm~~ltl;w~o~F;~:;i:p~!~?:('~· ~~~II ~·i~d0 "~~n ur~~~n~~ 'lo..l, ' fl•·ndt \m1tr"' 1·m1·nt A550Clatlon 111 join Th1')' wtll h1•lp dt'lf'rmm • ., l'"rmtt to hu1ld a I s tory 5 room m ·r rhead at 308--Marlni:, ~n 81m to list tht>ir \\'Al"Hi :'\GT11~ l\ll\lrh 19 . ••ld<•rf<'r. 1'h,. bo, .. uf th•' frdi•r,,I "as 1 .. 1;11n h) :\.i r .·,,1d1nts or lh1 m th•· d1•mocr1111<· ,;II) ... wh111 th1· rlwdhn~ 111 11! ~I \'uc Walk, Bal-ll11lnoa Island F.stlmalt-d Jot», F'rre. prompt. and rourtl'OUS 1Ul't Y.V"P1Jlb11111 "'"' rir11i:t •·,.~-""oth1•r huro•au • nn ·R "h" m .. 1 Thund11y night 1tt 1lr'<tnrt r11n l>t'!<I do lt1r thP whol1• '""' E~limal•'li value• ~l:!.000. $151000. scrvlet> 'ti.ill be assurcd.- lng ''"" llf ho-huml~hl-y m Knqm l ntl' dorrnr 1~ I\ ptrn~nt , hnlrli~h ltw::_ hum1.:....11{ :\1r. umj Ml:L.JieJlr} •ownM11p und how tht•y can \\.'.QfK Flo,[d Ph1l1p. LQni; BNH'h., (Jl'r· F.ugent' J . \'alprcda. P<'rmit to --------- 13.'W of th<' old how:,. tlrfi•'•' 1tu1lrl-' mon "''ho kno"·' hi• "'•'tllhi•r, 11111,, l ·ur.n')', I.!:! W1·l'>I ·l:!nd slr ttt . '"" 111 d impr?wi·ml'111 11f thr sur-rntt lo build a 1-!!lory 4 room huild ( unit apartment house at WAA OFFICIALS fnf.? · • I A k ind n'-" \lol'nthi•rman"• \lot•ulhi·i _. l-.ll'rl 111n of pc. nmlnl'nt o(fice1 s I •l\JncllnJ(ll, hvin~. snf1·1 y and com. dwt'llln" at 10'24 Cliff r>rh'l', :'llC'W· J.tOfl. J407 W. Central avt'nuc, CAL .. ~ AT SIGHT 1lw lnl~I R.I•· llntl for1 ·1~n rum-man lie r.•11tl ti prt'pai'Pd ''II"" 1H1CI srlt 1·11nn Of full. detail• or lnrts. in \\'Plll Nc•wporl nrach. 11 port 1-ft'il(ht<; F:sltmnll'd \IOIUt>--~l'\\TJOrl &ach Otimatt'd valUt' IVI mrrrr mmmtttN• nf th« 111111"' "·,.., tll<'nt 1n which hr st11d thC' i;m~'m· Iii•· '"'''''".•·nwl1 I •PfQitram wen· 'l"'krsman !laid. S6tl00. -$14,000. OF CAMEL BONES . .,_ ron,trli·nn.: II R ·I'.'«.! . ·111 . .i·, 11 ml'nt hndn't hRrl ""''" a.~ muc·h lll"-'1•1n1-.I un•tll . .ti lhP ~esldt'n•~ <'h11rh-s rtf:\twrt P"111'h, 206 39th 11 Ron~in. P•·qnit to hu1ld 11 II. W. Walkl'r, Palm Springs. hill lllr1•rtln1: thr wra1 l11•t t11111·11u luc-k In m11kln;: th•· rnms com-rm• ''r"rt "ho /ICted ns tnfurmal c-halr· I ~tqry-;, r1><nn dwcllln~ al 007 r•Tmtl to build a 1 story 5 room \\'ar AS!l('IS 'Administration has 1o r•iniliu-t •" 1>••rim• "''' 111 m 11krni; c; ~: Nmw ltm• ~. lw ,,,111. 111, 111, 11 ,,.,. i•••k••I l11<·ro itw wi•itlhl'r m1til 111iin of 1h" JnP1•1Jn1:. \\11" JrnmNI Nurrts1<11s ,,,,,nur. C'ornna dcl Mar. dwrlling aJ 307 Iris'"avrnut>. Coro-llt't'n almns l <>vi•r)'fhlng whill' dis- rum full "'J•'n 1h1· n11n 11···-n·r m:rnr1t.:•••I 1,, "''' 11 '"'''"·"k 1111t1 l..i r111 11,,,, 11 •••rilporttr) or i.:ant/nl111n chatrrn:1n. E~11na1t•d \·11luC'-~!(Ill n.i .ckl Mar EstimatNi valut> -Jl<)!ling of it.<1 hilhons in surplm, want 10 11w ""mm1Lwl', 1L •hnultl 1w111n thP)' d111n·1 ,\1 111. 111•--•·nf 11mt>, hc nit! ind Mr~ t'urrt') I• mpor:1r> or-Ila) \\'ill Smith. Rnllwm Island, SI~. • and WAA. mC'n today wc•rc.• calm "' ~ ~at 1 \' I 1 "" 1•,.n1111 1(1 ht1tld a founiain and 1•·mond II ""-rn Com""'-·. t th -.... f h I ht· .. 11111•d. C'IHthln't h,,,,. p11 k· <I 11 \\'hut hi· 1.,1111,.,1 1,1 .. rnplt,1,11 • '!!""'' ~. 101 ,, '•'fir ts bcm i: c.: 111., 11111 '<rcn· 110 "un f't•,s , · IA' ...... ~ a e .,.rosp('('t o av ng so~ nlc<·r dny rnr II' wa-htni:tc•n "II' I •honti:h. ,11111 111 H"" twldi•if,.;i -1~·111 11t.11 m1wh 1, ~·hnl'l:Pd to tli. 1i.:11·1•'1 111 call nn mh1•r \\'•°"' ::-;,-.,._ 1 1·~11111rnn1 Wllh h,·1ng quurll'rl! P.1~admn.• 11<•rmit to build a 1 c-amrl honl'll to srll. h111h111.: undc·r 11 ~pllnJ.: "'"' "hwh "'" ih .. imrt<1rtmw• ,,1 ,.,,11111"1111i.: 1 "'"''"''' l11111•:ou ~-"'t'I'' 1or 1111 l•••rl lk nd1 r1•1'1dP11IH ''' 1·xpln111 11h11'1' a• :.'I•:\ :\larinl' 11\'t•nul'., Bal-1-te>r}' ;, room dwt>lhni; at 302 This continl(l•nc-y arosr follow- hul'I 'n w 11rm 1-·11k ll1r •·11 Ill rr•rHh 1hl1• It '•'" , I u 111 I th1· f1rJ.nntt:1!1c>n'<; 1•1111••"' Th•·, 1•111 lsl11nil Eslimatrd \'Blcifr -, Mnrntni;: ('anyon road. Estimated ing discovc•r-' of a C'flml'l'l! skrl~ ' ~ '" ' nu,: •' thl' •"Clll·11mf'flt II 1•111 l"''~1t1 ' " I I 1 ton:t tt ll , "\ ~-, '.,.,~ \ 11 I 11 I I I '"'""" ·r~ "ill.'"' 1111' '111w rallq, l .'.l~lfl. ''ttlul' ~15,(l<ll) · llln in thC' df'•<•r t commun1'n. 1;N't•n rurtmn' o ,,.,.,, • '"' '" h11•11k "I' .,.,lt 1111•·h1 h•· '·'"' 't;1 ,,, •i: '' ·• io:otory l·U• I . ~ •.r-~ar " 1 1 r I I 11..: .. r .. 1;i-tr:11t .. 11 '"' \111111•· II\.· all F r•'CI II Trtt'kl'll, IA l!I Ani:!rlc's, Slt•lla J\ Ls1rst·n. Los J.naeles, Palm Sprinos lust WN'k ·' hnJ;hl ~·Jlm~ .. ·~ir'Jlll'I rro,n for 111 .. ·,unplt• ,, ···••11 th.11 \IHI I""'' II •• ·'.' "' fll'tlph• don I .. .. .... c;..11,,1,11 fo:i.,i nti '""''"'' "1111,."• <'nn• mllkl' 11 r;un "'''""ti think •h··~ 11 "'''"I 11 );real d ... .i t"td«nt,, •·~··"II"' 111 pult1w:il 1•·rn11l tv ln11ld n J <ilory 5 roo111 llC'rmll to u1ld R 1 !lfory 4 room Confrontt'<l "ilh !he problcm of tnlrl ith<>ut "'""'' f')(J11•ri1l11·11h tu~ I l'l•11nls •'l\nll 1h1· -ki1•, ,,,,·r _lh•· I m'.'.~.· p11rty. l lll'dlmi.: ut 4(~ 39rh "4 rl'f•I, Nrw-d\\f'lling at 31)0 3Jrd str•'<'t, NcW-dC'ollng Wllh tlw bonl's. nea r by -J. ·In .Jill) 1'1\ w pr111:r .11n." Ch111r· 1~1rf Bl'111;h ~.st1n:i111t•cl vnlu<• Jwlrt. F:stim11t<'d cost --$4800. rl"sidl'nts }loint1•d fini:t•rs a t the <'0111r;1ny ~<1 I"'' r .. 11n.•1I ~lo••I~ 1<11rctiN1 ;frrns :ir•• 11twa\" t'l•·11r J 1.1ul;I\ ,,.. ~·1;cl. "f don t n ,n ...,,,.rich ~1'1 ... th,. u......__ nf I $75110. Kenneth-£. Carlson. permlt to l'hoUI rln,ptfin1: hunk' of d11 It" . thmk "·· n• •l ,,, 1·11wh ns ~·. • ""'"' un.ziy. into Plourls nnd mnkmii th••m "'"'' \fa .. ''"' 1 .. 11 ;ill l>t• '"11k1·tl nut ro t .. _ 11111 1•xpr"'"'"n h) th•' 1'11mmuntl)'' !tosnlinr !..lftlts Opnl. )l"'Tmil 10 huild a· '2 s1or} 4 room dwelling' "lt wns one of lbosr pnck anl· down "hOWl'I"' '"m•· d11y. \'ou •hu 11~ In\• '" n •hat <'Om 111 thft• ti'"'' r< al 1h, 11011< <huuhl tw1ld 11 I ~t11r) ~room rl\\t'lh.ni; aj Ill :.!IO ~th !llr('('t, l':rwpor t'. F..s-mRl11 hrought lo I h C' southwest Tht,'cornmittl'<' lhankl'd lhC' (~ ~.1' 11w 111111·n1J.,, for th" ··xprnd11111.• mtll•<t" ~.1i·l>11t\\• llll•'fl a nd l'llt~ lw " ltr<t 11111 Th" formlnK irro11p I l j l \\'. C\·ntral. :-li•\\Jlolr\ Ot·ach. l'trrla1,'(! Vl\JUl' Sti:)()Q. from 1-:J;)pl whc.·n Jrff Davis was ~· .,,. c: 1 1101-s nnt 1·1111k111pl.1tp 11m 1..-1t11w11I 1·:st1mat!'d ,,,Juc·-.$10.~. l\1Mton Fr11nk111i'. Playa DC'! Rey, M'Cr<'tnry of war ninl'ly soml' yt'ars mnn V•'I)' mut·h, lflll''ttoned him of h111f r1 mlllln11 dntl11r<-fnr th1• '' l up1w.. 1 • ... • f Earl f' and r ... ~•lli• J> C 'hnmt~r-""'rmi1 to· ""tld n • •tQrY 4 room .. · d i • . . ll.t•p l>w ti;hl L n .. ~·r-: nf F1oJ ...... on nor l!,1•••·r~··m .. nt 0 an> "' ~ I" .... •• " • ai:o. 001' In Rntml won:i11n SRld. for n frw mln~ll'!' Rnd thPn cnllNl ,ol).I fl"'<'nl )l'llr nw tloctor n1t•n·r11la. Mid· .. • n 1rttlld1tl(1' "A 1:•111'1'111 mt'f•lini: or l:tlll. Cornn11 dr·I :'-111r. 1••rmit to dwf'lllng Al J2s .v111 Lido Soud. The man who dc-i.ignatcti lll'm y the nC'XI wltnen Dr. F .1\1 RP1ch· 11om1t th<' fiiur•· nml th•' c.·n11Vllll· "I llPJ< }our p<"lnlon, ,it. w ill you \~''"'' 1'1·\\pt1r1 rc"111c:l1·11!" \\as plitn-hu1ld a l ~•nry 3 room dwrlllng at Llrto Island. EstflTla tl'd. value -•t'l•r u . swf-twi. J ohn Shipll'y of r ••Jw>at 1 hni ,1111,.111,.111 ... 1 •1• d. to tnk•• plllf1' alt ··r 1111 ~l)('r-71111-,, P11m,t'l I 1 11\'••nu1'. Coron11 I $1~.000. ~ the l' ·S Enicin4>Qfi.· office here. ·or ltPtl'lwldi·rf•·r nrlJu•••-d 111,. ~l"i' I:"""''' thr1111d 1 11\'r 110111 d· I :'tlnr ~:•1tm.il•·d ,,1111.• ~');)llO A F-: F 111m<>rn s, JJ<'rmil to build s111ti tha t of *'" ttrmy "~stuck •') ,. f.:f"'~''' ,1mt ,,,hf 11 n1;H.inc h" ·;•·-t11-h1111••· rails. 1111,rold ~·11,enn . p«rmtl In build n I "lllr) rommcr cial h111ldin1t M · \I tlh 111·c-nuo1ultili1y for lhl' ramC'I "T)lh m:m " ·hnflli~I thi•i.;i•n ll•··I '=-'l'ttni.: l'I• 1111111: .di llw )•'HI .t I l>111r) ;, n••lll tl\\~l ltn~ :ti 30f1 1flll Cl•a.,1 ll11;hwt1) F:~ltmat!'d 1 t"mr·11. thry wnulrt forthwhith be 11 •n tn1m Fl111 u1.. "Iii\ ... ,_"'' "'m" 'r11t111<l · .. r fll'"f"''''Y '"°'>1" pt•'ltit"d 1 ••nM11•· "' • 1111•. < •,,, 1111.1 ol..J :i.t •• r I' Jiu. S&ICXI, _ • rll.c lart·d surplu$ to WAA. I I ' 11 ° t I> I I''""-"' tf ' tl11• ~111!~1'1 -k111d of fl 1·11 tll••n ·n 11-I'-1hr h h •I' I'"" II 1~1'11'•11111 '1 "O ' ''"' tfrT11• "' lt••uu~ •h.11 I k11·M· 1nd111h'ft lh• 11 ..... r,tl•tftl\ "' """"'·: \\,ti·• I II 1:,11l1 r1 Ir. f"'r-1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HI \lti.•11• .t \<tl lh"' t oltlll<l.tti.,'(j J;:Hllt,, 't• l'ltllt•t'I• if t11 11111•~•. Tl lh•• 11111 l.o l11ttl<I •I ! ''"I I 1; 1•~1111 •"' 1U .. •• 11 "inupn,,141 :tllutr, 1 td '\-..i,.; Ji'""'·' I h11\•'' '· i.tltti 1· 1h.u 1· 11nrn ~ ••• ha~h ·· • frnnt 1'l11'l" 1111• l'"l'llllll<t tlttlto t 1,., •r JI • i;1 .. 1tl\ I<' tlo1 ,irf\ llltC• Ill lh•• ti .. k (111 "'"'' mu. of all :"1'\\J'01 I ll• 11 It 11 '"l•·n •- • n ft,.,, 1: .. i. 11.o1 .... 1.\l1'if'11• itd 1·11.11rp ·111 1'11\'h 1•·rt1 ~•1l ,.11t , 111t 1111111•1'1•••1 1h1 ,.,. 1\,1• 11i .. 1, • n11r " •111(} '" put 11« f,..,,;,,11,. II 1 11111 111 I•.; ii ,11111111 1f_ 1h1 •:11\. ho·st f1.,1f fi.1 "·Hll. 1\ lll:JJ• r p 1 11111•n1 rn t11.11irni.: h 1 1111 _,,,1,.ct t wn ut \'ti.11 111' 11T1.,.1• thn1uct. llt., • 1111 1111 lh1 \\ l"IW ftt'llf S t\ "n lttl'U .11Uf 'fH>ttlrl I l'('•'l\'1• .111 tl1l- • 11, l.11111 11( ,, l•;t lth l "'""' 11 I'~ prl'f'Sic•rt ""tlll\ of _::-;.1qw111 d1dn'1 11•'"" 1.1111 1',.11111 1h" , ,, UNte'h." \< h1r111 tl1 •1 1·d 1 iw 1.1111. , h;11 ., i.u. ~11fC't)' f1>1 d~tlrh·,.n •" .t< "'" 111 .;hht<r "tllo '"""•'I ,i ... !1111.;. pha~i.fl•!I, Wllh tllillt':tl i1111• I h.1 1 1111• ~--~t:;:::.,~l·1····,~·1~1;h~··~r~m.111 ""'' 11. lu · u11r1I """lrl h1• 1~ · .. ,.11 . ..: . • • . tl11\I, nn!UJ14'. • lh<• '"' nt}-h•~• 1f1tf . _ • ..!J;t_~I·~· \\•~1 '''~ '...,) mt~~l,lo11k\11rtl It•·· Ulla ·• .,1 •• 111 rfi.,1 ·p11ir of i:trl<'\V1tlk' "" <·•~1s "'h,•11 \\'dlr.iii'i' :\11 111, t .. r l '1111-r11;h•ora1t>d ~1·· 1k•·r~. ;111 •r>0n· tl•'tq I• 11t "'•u ... t he. ~Iii"\ • ..,.., "·' \\ '"' t."lnt'OU:-1, , , PfU t .,,, ,J.!l-4'Ul'. 'aJk11d 111•1 1 ,,.,..,t.•11,\"1, -,, l.1 ·•ll t"'J.I for rrinn• lht>r1111~h t•I• .. 11ir11.: :ind h·• '1ul th '' tw -d" ..,. ... ti , 11 i•l(tr"t'4-h11i.: f'f th• h· 11·h ,.,.! ri '"·'' ""'" '"· J n1t( \\ ,. I 1· '' r•nfr of 11.HW•~-•~•1t•l\\.1l kr 1.1111 iw rn 1.t. 11 1.1111 •Id 11 " t 1 I lrr'1'11n1: ,.r t.h• <'h.11111• I " 1• ""'' ·'"' h11th 1•1,,·· 1.,, p11 , '~· 1 ,,( thP f••Pll~ n.,._.,1n1tt~ tH,•·lt fo~ I' ""lh.1,.<,. tilt' l11t1·t . l:Nl•'tal m·~·111i.: _...,. ---y.... '-Marshal! Sounds Sdfti1>re Note "' :-.. ,,,. . SANT A ANA SHOP WINS WINDOW DISPLA Y HONORS n .. JlA \' !WHOOL Mortimer School 30! Coral Ave. Balboa b.l. DAY SCHOOi_, Now o rr:s 0 .•• •oaTUtllll ••. A .. Chlnr!I L.,hwll'•I RAaao._... Ut:STISTS. Dr. ZW WM& OeatrM ~ ..-......- hane Harbor '21..J Newport 8-r.b -• Dr. Tom E. ·Barton CHIROPRACI'OR PllnM Harbor HMS DR. L. Y AR\VOOU PH,'81('L\Si;4-1'1t'IU'if:0Si;4-Jl.O. \V. T. l\leoney rhy"'Man ~tlrt:i'ftn .. X·R'.\v l 21-llour ~n·kt' 9lb I> C'f'nt r11I 11.arltor rm·s1c 1A."WS. ~nu1);oss. M.D. . R. 11aTI, M~.D. • ~clan and Sore-• Hours: 2-!}. by Appoln1mcnt T~ Beaoon 6M1 -Ut llt'ollilhray eo;ta )le.a MllWn M. Maxwell, M. D. HJ()I Co&At flhHy ('nruna ti<'! ~f11r '> Phonl' ff Arbor 1062 S. R. Monaco, !\I. D. · ' ' ' ·Hue's me grn1es1 Dn .. 1 io Ford Truck Waao,_,, for ~·uy truck owner! The hrand 'oew Ford Bn••.B•il7Tr'ucM art rudy!- &ancl 1pe'Wii1 new!-~ IJ•ilt lor loapr life.oil aay job! . ~ Ivery Ford Trude lor '~B 1, lonus* luilt--.. IUf!J SflONOQ TG LAST 'l0N011r n. c·~ PJic'. 1M6 Sf'wpott 8h·d. r°"ta M~ RF.IM'on ~~67-H I c·nmo 1•nAcT1c Rl-1 Rn A,·., .. R.•llboa Jhrbor 17'.?·l orrr ('I' JI nu r.: : • Pll\'!OUTflt:RAPl' • ('olonlrs 11 ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~-· 2 10 5 fl 'm. • Monday throuttft .-rtday l.fft: IS"'t'RASC't: ! fr. P. Reeder,_ M. D. Come-la eoob aod 1tt the 6fat -of chc grur .... U1ICks oa our 1howroom ftoor! uarn aboat the handsome, roomy nc1". Ford ~,§,,ill P~iiel DcJjvery, ·with the fea- eares yo.'ve waited .,ft UC us Rive you the decaih oJ the grea...t Ford Truck line •vvl -I J9 inodelsl Th~ .,,, fO'& J9-IU' cboi~ for tbe ri11'1 uuck for J011r fob! ' ~ .......... . "'ftff o.Mr ...................... ''".,... .... . .....,r..,..-uc-...-. .......... , ... r..... . ....., .,..,..._.~ ......... _.., __ ......, , . . ., These ne"' ford T L • • l'UC•• ore Bo'!!!! Bu.Ii f ... 11tro lfrengrh • --or ~•tro . in e ve ry vital p ort. Thot Stret1gth p rovides ""Ork that let For.d T ruc-iil;db rh . ., · _r•1erv., wltft lets •tro· • &tr 1obs eotlw ~Truda I'" ond len wear. Ford~ ~ . l o1t ~o·~ b~o"'• they wort -s•er. .. llS tfiow II ' ., • you o ,., ... ~l\&.Jlf •otvres of the-new l'ord T --. \.1:"' _ . • , • • l\Kkt for "8, ···-..... . . ......... "'-. ...-.....-----' .. ~ .... ~.:., .. .._"' ...... .. -.,, ·' .. SUGAR n ooucro .,., CAUFOU<IA No 1ugor in oil lht w orld it finer in' groin--o r tWtftll.'r - or purer. N o su gar it whilll.'r- or run' mort freely-thon·1 ht sugar your nl'ighbo" g row orid mo~e righ1 in 1hi1 oreo . ln1i1t o~Oll Y Sugar 1' 1 FEATURED AT YOUR I GROCER 'S NOW - LIFE rs~\'RA.~CE Henry C. Vaughn 498 '.\'F.\\ r o RT 01.\'D . nr..\<'O=" sun H. E. SHdler, M. 0. Ph~"!rl&n11 11nd "'"'lt- S-loil \\'. (' f'n trft I OtnN-: ll11rhllr ~ Sli:ht-l'honr ' llnrhnr 712·M ff.Ma. ll•l'hnr 107°"7J i ~---~~~---~~~~-1 1 ----~---------· \IOtcTt'.\R\'--; J--lfAl,17. 'IORTL\R1' ~ l~\DY .\Tft:,U\~T I -'1" ( 0t11L .. t Ith\ I"' C Munl\ .t.-1 ,j,.~ l'tlnnf' llartlt•r &'.! II>•' 11n1t 'ii:M I Of"TO\I f'.TRl~T ·1· f:. T. Buttf'ru-u r1h, 0 . D. Ortnml't rt.I • ·1 t:n:~"f:'\:\'\l"T.D • l,F.S~t~l4 Ut'l'l .l<'.\TP=0-.1 ·---........... -~ lllU--W---.t ,...,. ,.,., .. .._ .. tt-'I:" l'flll T '" .u ti 1 ~~~~~~~~~~. Conrad Richter, M. D. 11 I J°r"'...-111 U11• .... I !l 10 11 m ., ]:! ~t .. :.' :Vt It m , • 4 :'€\ p m . :?!IOS..(' \\'. ('<·nlral x'"""°" a.._..i1t-rhon .. lluhor ~.cos \T.TI:RIS.\RIAS ... l ...................................................... ----....... ---~~~...._-----~~-----------~----·~-, ~Y.WOOD j.-Oretta Young arid . Ronald" Colinan Bep. _Year's Reign as Cinema 'Best' Husband Roundup . Heading West C HlCAGO. Mar 22.~CUPl ­ l\lnt Nl'lht>·B. S1ull ltoppe'<i ht'r~ JtOLLYWOOD, Nar. 22.-IUP) fro~ Rolallnd Russel'• perform: tnduy on hl't way to C11llfornh1 lo -Loretta Young and Ronald Cole· ance In th'/.uper-tracedy, "Mo11rli'=" ~eel ht'r llla"nic for fhe biH<'lt mal\ ~an tti<'lt 12-month rt'l&n Ing Becop • Electra." "huabandJ:Qundup:· lhf'-~t <'~-:r todll,y u the bt>tlt a ctrt>U and actor ~ast of all. Miu Younc her· has· l ('('n. ~ • tn lfoll)"Wood-;-"'1th gleaming new self. l\lr~ Stull 1s th<' roundrr CIC tht• "09ean'" at home to prove It. and N t111ont1I Widows and \Vidowns I "I am completely utterly It was the first academy award amazed and happy." ahe iruped. club f~r both ~lllrl. . clutching her :~lid cold 1tatuette "J1tl1$ IX-mi: leap )'ear .... !t , ' The blg-t>yed glamour cirl has to.her emc.>rald-green tafCeta.eown. star t<'d n speclul br,nch dt bffn makine movi~ ainoe lhe wu ··But I cam<' dressed for the atage cluh '(()r tbf \\idow1. It's calll'd u young u the "talkies." And ... just In case." "The .J"Y Again C lub." q>lnul_n hu been a top-rune lead-Hers wu a p()pU1ar-tf unex· "Th,re are m o re w1dcSws. 1111 ln& man for 25 yean. pec-ted-ti·iumph. The 6.200 peo-hrom ia than any plat't' else In It was n~ 1urprlse to anybody pie who had thundred their ap. t!J co4ntry:· she said. "l guf'D r when he camr off with top honors proval when Coleman"• name was t,h<'y .i:o lh<'r.c 10 Ix• rt>jU\"t'J\llh'd male division. at the 20th annuai aJ1!10unced, 1creal1\t'd and shouted by ttw chmatt>:" , • academy Pf('Sentatlon Saturday happily u "beat actreu .•. Lor· Ttw last time aht' ~v1s11<'d Los I ever 1if'IC(' ht> played a S hake-Shrine auditorium. o ws 1·ame to her in 1uch numbf>r5 , 'Spe~an ac tor with ~murder com:. · Tt\e other "',""!!!.followed t!it> 1ha1 she didn:r &t't out oC her ho· ., ntiht. The rx~rts had him peeged etta Young," r&n1 out over the An1::t-ll's. e1i.:ht rears a.:o. the w1d·j plex in "A Double Ute." lineup picked by experts. Darry 1<'1 for two ~l'eks. , Ml~ Youne pullf'lt the Grade A F . Zanuck"• "GenU\"man'1 Acn-:e• j · -· . _ ! _ _ . t~ r•~ ~-?J-the movl~ seasori. No-ment" snaitged "best picture·· auppor~lng actrNS, 8!_10 ro0 "Gt>n· 81a·Jear-old 111.11iunoa ,_, tltl9 .,a UM<tr prt1e ReNfdl'd -~Ofil. · - ·body f1eured her part aa a Swt'd-hon r Ella Kazan· won out u top 1tem11n 1 Agrttment. i IW" for • .._ .A be Uld ... -...._,>Die: 11 •left>, wsl\.~ 11h housemaid who ran for Con-' 0 · · Edmund Cfw<'nn. who· 'pla)•1'd lar opaaAas of JunJor U.-odc ll1postuoo at OOw raa-, ... PraD· C1'l'U in 'The Farmer's Dauchter" d!rt'Ctor for the same picturt>; and Sa nln C-1.'lus<' in. '"Mlracl(' on 34th ..... Dee _.a......., &a ... ,.r'f lbalW. would ~atche the "Oscar·· away Celeste Holm was named l:N' • t Strr et." took 'home the ··osc8!" h<' hem II~ .. JANTZEN CAT AU.NA SWIM SUITS In Attracth·e Print. and SoUd Colo"'· ..... ~ -y SHIRTS la SCi'rpirllla SoUcS. ··Hanes T ·Shirts and Sweatshirts U.S. and Hood -Rubber Footwear Sport Shir.ts by Palmdayl and reveling - -Prints and Solids s~llj 207 Marlnr Ana~ Balboa bl&nd wun for ··1>e1t ~upportln& actor " arid Spt'nt the ·rc>1t of the nii.tht wnuhlJin& oonvatulator y h(llilk k prints orr ~is bllld head. CATALINA ~rvatioot -Tick~tA · ST IP:AMER • H OTEL • \"U .LA ....... --~-!"•• World Travel Service ctl• '· ... ,. -AM r11. "A. lt'ftt Picture Framin~-1 Prompt 8ervloe a. ~ ANDE~ON 407 Coast H iway , Coro•a Af'I Mu , l'MM ~•• 6!1!A ,f:venlnp -- Newport Harbor Headquarters ~ 1 .• _, Sales and Service Sealfv'ai'd Equipment Corporation 1~ C'out: mw.y. 9-la 5841 Sewport 8f1w-b. Calil. Wh~t a universal scope of krw.wlcdgc and cnter:tain- And the DA ILY NEWS-T IMES is proud. too .. that it • ·is helping to cheAsh -and ma intain one of our priceless bu1-. " ' ~ ' warks to democr~cy ... FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION! ' , • I · • • f A~ T•,,A•eJ Three Pf'l'llON wu-e klllro. at leut tt.e ntlwn wen brll4'ved trapped and about 40 p<'raona tnJurro w~n llJS esplOBlnn In a downLOwn ~n­u-au.a. Ill 1 bu1lttlng c1111.K'd a t1fp-ltory llrlll"lure t.o coll•!Me and DW'n. Uea:1 ~\It worken ..arch tbro1111b I.be dcbr1a. '-' YOU R N~s~Tfm es serves 1n ·a very practical way !very day, too. Its 'advertising co lumns sim ultaneously cater to YOU R n~ed s and YOUR'budgets, keeping YOlJ informd u -to-the-m inute on values and opportunities in ... --~~~~__;c.;..;..~--~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~~·~·--~~-• • J YOU R ·home town. We are a public servant . . and proud to be one. We want to se rve in every way. Call on us at an)!_.time! .. . . .. , .. ~verj ·E~nl1111t ~onday nrough Frldaf, It's -T.HE N£W;S-TlMES . ~ ollUPHONIS1 .HAllOL f2, 13 and 201.. _ __..:_ -.. . I ' . •\··~·'-·~., ~ .;,, • . . ·. 'A~ T.U,,11••• ,..u1""7onl!9 'abo•t i.. dtrf'cli>r nf publle tiironaaUon for ~ Nat.tonal • ·•t~\f 01\.lndl ln ChlC9JO. hu M1 to ean0e1 • number of 11111~11 lpt'f'(',.. U'lrOIChout·U)t QOUntry ... ~m•ll Pltcb o( Ice ••• hl~ (!.,._ ,,. fall, hi' rttf'ite'lll •~bit rract ur~ •1! UM um arid n ry r~d ,.,, • • • J1111i 9lwt be fiNlbtd Judelr•ll • contAlli cllaUllC trtUi "I.he pPrtts • of ta1llntr OD .._Le,.: ---.. -----~ ...__ .__ . , .. .. '• 1 ) . UNn:Er;> FEA TURC- WRITER HAILED N8WPOaT BALBOA· NSW8-Tl1188 M ONO-')' ~-srrt ftl'..-~1 C'allf. Mar~tt u , '"" Page 3 .. '· ATLANTIC <.'+TY. N J , M•r HGLLYWOt>D 1s n1r1 ~ n••tonal ht>ad· Se h' f L•ttl M. A . lln1·r1·· t•1uh Ul•I nl11h1 announ<'rd arc on or I (' 188 mer1ca, It• 1!M7 .).>lll'J'llll•tll' l\("h lt·w mt•nt I 411 A . D. • M t" r1111o.n.l.n. t lt.)\1\fe1 \\lntu•rlJI. lnclulhlll( ·m ,1n11•11 r i ) -mer1can DdY In oppe '-Mf\'KS I. ~111k"'· lln111 ... 1 1-°l'A t ur~·_S),ndl t 11\)~~ll >, ~11\r "J"J \lll.'l .. '''" 'nr th""" .111.,. ~•hr~·,. ~ r ah• "Tih•r t' "-~ ~~ ~~ .:..-,. ..w .. • • , 11 .. 11~'H"" -t.'ll1k11111 f,,, .. ··1i11t.1 herr," l\t1'("l1t)' w1•n\ on · 1e • S111ke•• "'Ila hont•rl"tl "fnr hl• M IS• Am1•r h•1t ""'' Ill '":oll·A,!lWFI ah<•"'"· Will ht' In II~· n.~11vwooct · '·run111trntl)•.outatanclln11 .. '"lumruo ,.1411 fl<•>,· J\(M'1 on Aul(Ullt :ll." · lull >••1tr 1Nlnl'h1"1·n otht>r wmnt•r• 11 • the• flrat 111ttlonal ""1pprt 1 Thr mothrn ~~ fhrlr •poNIOIW • ""' 11111· 111nllra 1 1· nu•111 1n11 wr r1• Ill I k r J r I k I I • l1t•u11I \ ''"'t""' · M111I 1tll 1w111kl 11f"·~ w "' •tm· or tril\'\' lnl( ,. .... "r r "' ...... 1,r • 114lnt•I or 11 Jud1e11 ii11t11 ;1f <'1111' l1t11 .. d11rlln1:1 h"''•· t•• nn<I h"nm ll11ll>""'oud '"11...-fhe r11m .... r n1r11•11 lhrn111otl111ut th1~ . • t l l I 'C1 S · \•' 110 to l(t'I t'lll clrctNI "'lllllt II(• 1111' kltlll wt•itr wh1•11 l111•y flit• · n 11 ~ta tee. Mio ( •hlo" or "l\lr f"lu1'ld1', Jr·· ri11tc-ht'foh• clw Ju•ll(1'tl, • .r.i • • 1trvl thry'rt• .. 11..:1111.. j "Nt' t111thlnc 1u11a." MC'("lq J NLl;,TEMENTS. UP ·111o~&ri• .. n l 'hlhlrt'n"• G uild 1tdd ... 1 ··w""''•nt lo ll"' """)'front -AFTER TRUMAN TALK \\hl.-11 htolll MHr11m ·t 0 u~~11:1 •h11• 'At lM1~1t: l'lly fN•lina '"'-t•• l 1t·11nnR ll11rhln, Lon Mr Alltatur. All """ \\ 1' n• 1~10•'<·nlrRt lnc ~ 'LOS ANl1•:1ss . M11r 1!l ·'•') ,.s_1 Ht"}~wltl~. and Pe'llll:Y Ann 1..-n1111111llty .. •nd ll•>OC1 hr1tllh uid I UP I A no1 IN••hh• hwr1>1u1• In 1 ;11riu•r 11111o ni.: 1111 a lumni. 11 II('· lntrllla•~. , army. nA\')' and mulnr c-nllat hin1t thi• M"Rrr h for pukhrlllut.• in , A~.I "'•)Uhl 1:; "l.llllo• l\.lllJI .Ar""'° lllt'nt11, fullowl'd ITI-tidt•nt Tru 111,• l'IR)" ,f"'ll Ami lht' kldil d119 1' ·•• 1tnc1 All At~"'rh'Rn lloy'" m an·i rt't'\>mnwnd1tlllln for a n~· """' 10 ht· n1rh··h<'adc-d r hl'r)ll-. t.1 ... rula 1111 ill ti:rl wti1r1, ... 1 •f'C!'lnd drafl . rt•i·rwuni.: oUlt't'r• hrn• ultl »0)1 J'rc•ldt·nt l;hlllp l\lct'liu; All 11"11'"''""' 1"' toun •'f mc:wtlt tudA) . lht•) h1tvr lo h11\'1• I• 'ti,"111) •lrnti. .. r1tc'llcl 11!'"-· And ~ l ' I I I ... J ff at11ni' "'"'"'• 'l'lN'y'll t'\'"1 _.,. .. .. ... 1" .. .. ....... n. llf'Atf.. "\\Ir lt'~•ntf'f' f'ltf'h fh .. win-lllJ .. 11 Tom nrrrwtn11n'• • .......,_ /- 111.: rtflll)' r•·t'rllllinK h1•r1'. -11l1t hi~ 111•1'11 1t'S:'~I j11h in 11 9. 1·1ohlk 1111' lit~t In U"lh,,,..,•ld" lttlndls · offlre liot nhoul ll'IO tt•frph1111t• 11111•," ,,,. 1u1t1•~ "IJ Roy ll1•i.:r1 • '"'nw lllRITIA• """ l •ll 1tlon,· lcJG. .. 1'ffll1 11f1t·r "l'rllm1tn"• 111M1111\1W nml 1 .. w11f"ktn.: thC'h . .rl..-y·11 ht' 111 11 IM , 'h , • 111 ··nu ~ · thnt 11l1iolwnnta ht•t.:an Rllf•'ar111.: "'''"h:,rn with hl)tl ·· ' ' " 1 1"""' 1 C!l9-· 111 ~n1•r1•1111m.: huml1t•n ) · . , ,,.,., •Iott'" ,.,,.) r ouf ' \\'1•'11 c.-. . . .. I !lk\'.IR)' I.~· "r 11n11 out._!.od1t) utq rhar•· uf 1~111n11 t tw klc'la 1~ I 'I I I H I f '' ... ,.,._. •• ,·1111 I')' lour to whip ...UI•' 11,..,,. 1~u'l'a 'fhco m 11n11t• 1111111 be 'll ,~'~·1n'111 ru11" in1.,"'·,1·1•1~1ni.: '''l "l'"""'"'"l1r hi• 1•n1jt'C't ...• :'"I"'''"",.,• aaf• dl•lanc.'fl -I ' I S U un. lllH II Jlllrl 1!'11 lnr t1r.·11n hn.: 1,. ltw f,.w"l.<~·ntlt ''J'll 1111111 Mr \11 ,., ... r.Y 11t1tt1'.;· tw 1 """" •.. ""'> '"•n"I n111kt• a n 'I An11•n1tnwn1. lh•• ,.111111.,.1 11011 .:111 1tl '"\\'~' flt.t~f·· we• 1•11n hA\"t• "J l tu1tlol1• • 111an1ti.:••uwn1· uf "'tlllW · I' 1h .. ion· •~" nrul " lllr!/fr11111 "" 4H_ 11nc1 ;=.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;; roi;Rll\" nl end1 itull\'ltluul s1,.11. """ '"' ''"·nl " 1•1111pt .. fr11111 Nt•"' ~ n \'llAll.,\ 1mi..-.r1un1 I'"' 1 1,r 111,.11 y .. , k 1 ·11' """ 1\11111111 A ·1.11\11• 1 t'tlfl,.111111 ionol 1111l1Mt11111~: I Ml•• 1 l"ll)" • • t<f ft,1111 HM t I holly 1 -• __:_ _ 11 •••I .• It , .. \\Ill IM• hu• I• hut I h1•V WORTHINGT I ""''°1 hr 111 11"" ''"111·•t \VI' itnr/i . \\11 nt nn\'IOOth •tt\tni.: thla la 11 put • • • co. . Rer ngeration P'alDOllf AkJIONU . ... .. ,.. ... Air C-Qndittonin1 ........... PrHSUte Pumpi . Centrifupl fumpe I "I' , ...... I l lt< flt 'I 1•1tll~ Wiii hf' "'"~" fin 111·11,11111rrr r1hl111!1, r 111lln alAll""''· • 1lw1t11·,. .>wtwr•. nru1 pho tn11r1t1'h) j I 1h1tllnA. '"l'li:· 11111)' r11l1' lw tl111t lh1• kltb lttt\1• ~ .. , ... ''""" :I '" 1~ , .... ,~ j .. 1.1 t>t.-C111y 111<1!1 • Mlt•r t, · lh•') I i:•·t ... Lo· .. .-11. )1111 k1111"' ""'kw1trtl Arni 1tn) k ltl )111111111·1 11111111 ~· hi 1·11•·· 11111 II 1t.>o·~i·1 ""\' 1w·ra11n11lll) " l l t1·ll1tlt·•. ho· 1111111·11, lie• 111" ,.,·1 1'1111 1' 1'1111111:11 u l It 111111 lu IH•llwt I"' 1111 111111•·• • 111111 '"' '""'"" ""'' •"'" .... .. I Casino Cafe and CocUaU . LounCJft * . SerYin9 Comp/.te LUNCHES "' and DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. r..·o.., • ... -'ft ........... .._. '"W r "ll t11t) •·1t1•h l't1t11e ... 11t11t fl!\ -------------• _. ('all ! New Studebaker Commander Moton New Studebaker Champion Mo.tors $225.00 $178.75 • -tn'l'.UU' W.HllS. THl:Y l.AaT loe Nlckertz IU ,_: ·-....... eL. -'---. '°"°-1.Nau. '116: JAftS W . Central ly Lido Tlteatre Hi rbor 510 What .. it's like to be a J.. telephone iristalle..r -.. ... 1 ............. IHltlMt hl1wt In towe .•• P.Ofic T•••rh*'• luta.lleMepaJr.-a. 'or we're addln• a lot ol new tel•phonn .. .,., day .in the ~t. h '1 11eady '!fork. Anchhe pay ? Lat•-ft record• lhow tof"iatw y ~Yea-..-~· t jte abdu'i-tftO rw~ 0 boan. ~· youn.ef men a raduate •Up tO the f lO • • • ac>- Conf~DI to nper,i•acit. 2. H you ltec•,... ........... ,. . ~·d. •~•rt. J~ ·~Ille• Ihle .. 11Mr• fun wh91 your job'a m o't likdy, in a training echool. W,ftb P9Y• ~· And you can count o n telephone of c.ourw ... f .H or f }8 a· week. Thftl ttgular -•ork. Tbcrc'1 a 6ne benefit plan, too, paid iRCrnu•t for clRht yean alter you •<?' on dw for cnrirely by ~ company. h cown aick- job. l'oµ'd he Riven other tninln1e. 100 ••• to nn1, acddeau Md dulh, and proYid" .- help you learn your ••r up the ladder. Moet helpful peulon lot tttlRment. There'• noth· all the '°P· mea ia cbe compaay came up Ing like the pnce o( mind • tclcpbooc )ob that way. ' af•n JOU~ .. u work.or u plaJ • . I. I •• JelettftOfte lel!Jt "'Ult It• 9ood 11olu '" ""'"'-' the or10lol~ !'"•Pio: rwrJrJ ICJ ftJr· ""h ""'"' Vt••<e C.ood P•1· terat1y wurk· a n•I an emplnyee t.c:i1r l11 pl•n 111ve • ttton11 w nw .of \r t ur11y ( 1,mforh hlr •ut· ;,,,. n•l1n11•. va< .iron• •n•I frl~d· ,,. r .. 11 ...... • ..... ,i..,,. 1w1p ~ -~ plnAnt. • .- The Pacific Telephone @ ancf. Te~ih ComplflJ · ..... 10 .............. ,.,._ ........... ,.,, .. ....._ ..... ... i • ..... -- • ... J .-. ' · -P••e · ~ N•w•oaT il•LaoA Nsws-T1•s '· ... "I MONDAY NewfO't Be9ldl. Galli. -~ tt, lMI ~ Markta' at.~'G).nce I -e e • e Tt-1 a T"(l . ·--... -.......... 1•&% ~nu· ·1.an.P. llc. Wt."" .. ,,,,_: .. , .. ·,r7~~,,,. # Dupo6r _ ,., 131."<"•ho\!.l'n ~-cam1' ·dc•af at arl General. Motors ~ ~:.4 ,,,. .,arty OKC': hr <'OlJld. hardly hear GoodYt"ftr ... --•• 41 , hlS 11hino, und Wl)UlrJ.fhump it Un· 1<e1in"ero11 • 4,~ I mf'N"lfully· Whilr comrlo~irlfC 'Jiusic 'Se.ant .. .: :w ~ \ hr wuuhl pac•' So' cat Edlsnn . . •.. 4t6'ii • 111i tin d ~·n Standard au . : 60~ I h f' r ii ll m U S St('d !._ ., 7'.t"> · 1-h•1ut1ni: 0111 hr~ t · nwll'l(li1-s in a i , -: ~ B)' Unitrd Pr,•.is ' • I tl)08t unmu~ld1I ·sTOCKS hlgh<'r in acti\'r \tH<l· 1 ,nk<-. ·"-1 ("<"11 -~ · 1 h i m ,. .. lt h<J OONDS hi&hn; 'L1• S. gm· .. rn· 1 wo11L!t da"h II . nwntf flnn. p1t ch~r ql \\1t t1•r CURI\ siocks hlght:'r • ovrr hr~ hnmt..-. .S I LVER unchangf'd at 74~c a f11>(1Chn1; "t h l' fine ouria" floor 1rncl 1·nu~· • CCYM'ON hlgh~·r. • ln1: walt·r . ~AT _futurell l'lOM!d up 1 ~ reak throu~lt 11:.,• ct•nln~ on thto ten~ to 5c. I nnts llvini: lwluw. No wonder: th1' ~. actlv.e 1.00-i-:56~ lew .. r: 1 eiiiints·o~fl~d '1" thllr.notsy a nd CA and. SHEEP i>teady. <'ictraordlnary mus~lan. Yet &-.·· · thovr n wns a kinuly liOUI and .8· rns War . would not hurt u ny. lfl. spite of . · outbursts of t<'mP"r·~thoven ha<f Ot Remote'·-11 ·\\ann hN1rt tor th<>!'C In dis· • tn~~. and S<'ldom forgot anyon<' 1 .(Continued lroin Pap 1) who h11<1 "hown him n ROOd !Wl'V· . . OOO""" In let• II•• was not-at all hand.somt>. aimrnfttee vo~ $!>.5. •"""' n 'indc.(od ciuite•ttte rever.<I', hut noth- lllOl>-lap, ~lief .funds tor France, ing could havf.' !wen more cordjal .Italy arfd Aust rt.:. . <Jr winning than the 11mll(l. which With both ,the h~ nftd sen· 11(bted up ht. face at the i;1ght of 1 ate In 181don. l~ ~· '·~ 11 frlrnd. He JovC'd a ~ke, althoulth other M\fe~nta. 110metlmes his Idea of run did not ~nw M'~~tc ... c~~~ ~trik<' his fril.'nds as funoy .• But 1 dPeka t.o pta1111.At"" ... '"""' 'no one ~ould obj('Ct to th<''fun he ' tax-cuttln1 bllr aaw toda~ b)' a Illar put into hb; rnu.~ic. ln the Paslor1d . maJ'lln. l\jopubllcaN are con fl-S>·mMoc\Y. .he· wrote a trio be· . ._,t the vote Witt· bf> bl1 mouih tween a nlghtinguh.!. id· quail and to OVttride an expected pnclden· a cookoo: hi' ml,lSt have chuckled ti.al wto. The bill !)UY be N'l\t to over I.hat . SomNIJne!!, as in the .. WhU•..Jlcba tomOl'TOW. Ei~lh Symphony. he would sud- Tas ~ hou9e •:ro--Mnly 'introdure the bos~oons. "just lriatian8 . tee ..... ~ • ~ ..,...,,.J .. ~ approprialktn blll ctn')'· to wakc 1,..v.,.e up . . 1 lnC $!!00,000.000 for tax l"t'f'Und. <Scrap book l!J'lll pa~ta. , Pretildt'flt Truman'll proposal to re-••t '*-trl Sea11e.hoURoon.· t ht' draft may kHJi-~ t.l'Hll met to jton out dltfef'f'nO!S In tk'Uion all ,ummer. · M<*t .. their l'ftlt control ext~ houM' and t1enatP membfor.< don't tims. Sm. OarWI YI. Tobey, R., like the Idea bectlUM' it wlll upset M. H •. sak! that If the ~ In· their election C'amp11ign plans. ...._ on lo homlo-Nle provltk>n ."In ~t plam art' for 11djoumment •Y judonent there will be no rent before thc nationa• politirnl con• GJntl'OI." vent Ions. 1 c •'* The labor depart· . 0-8-Allkf'd-5<-n. Gll'n Tay- mmt ubd COl\CT"I for more of Idaho, Hm WaHace·s-vice U. ot communilta ln fomcn a-third rty ticket.;, asked Pres!· I preside~ runn•ni liar unloN. · Jt want.a 181.000 to denl 11n ·to fire Jam..s A. For- .. ;-;---1.n __ _ .. ·-· Sand Crab .. ' .. Search on for -Missing C-fi With 8 Aboard ~ ~·!!] [!!~~~:~~] . Wltb Bob a... ro"' UN!!D-. I f • -, ;,_ . · .· · Man,., . Norlum. 37. Balboa; \. .,,, Notice a.JI thOMJ grinning faces .Eliza.be l..Ouisc Tii:be. 37, Loni PORTLAND, Ore; Mar. :..,. -d th da · the • I UP)-An aerial flare, ap""'rently aroun town esie. ys, since BeAch/ · ,~ showe l'8. Of <;OUTSC. I gm. a swell " d1•oppt-d fro~ 8 distr('sscd aircraft, cold oo\ of .go-Bl~h11 tod11y spurrro the search for an Ing _ahla!l_ ~!th DOUGLAS-To Mr. ahd Mn. urmy C-47 t.ra nslJ()rt plane whkl'I a P.ltinftd picnic Earl Douj?las. 'Rt. 1, Box 162; · .disappear<'d with eight }X'rsons last .Suhday 1~. C.os1a l\11'S8, in F,ullerton Genere.J alx1ard Sunday a,~ It prf'µarl'd to gardll•ss of th<' hospilftJ. !\lurl'h 18. 19-lS, a daugh-lan~ at Por1 lund airport. . rain. Qui I'-' a tvr . 10 lhs. 3 oz. Geori::<' J. Si;hatz, Troutdale, ft>W others had · LaPJ-:RL-To ~tr, and Mrs. Eu- 11re .. n•pQrh·d 1hC' flare-11n army lthe sumr Idea. gen<' I.aPc:rt. 7110 C'oasf Hwy .. pararhuh' IYJ:>t'-f('ll and IJurried hut J hOf>"· they Ne\\'fl01tl . R<>ach. !n Sa n ta A:na in· his yard. HI' tUrQC'd th<' find .• ;t.!didn't also ge,t. <;ommumty hosp11aJ. !\larch 17, •)\'l'r to the• sh•'riH's offic as N'S· ~·.,:, colds. . • l,9-1R .. a daui:htcr. 5 lhs. l:'i oz. <·ue par~ic·s scnrch<'d 1-ht• rain· ,. C'apt. ·Ray-DYf:R T(l Mr. 11nrl Mrs . David soukC'd hills of soufh1·rn Washing; · -mond Ty I c r, DyE'r. l!l'.!1 !\lnnz:milrt St.. Costa . ton and M aircraf1 from Portljtnd who flies 01e 'Mobilgas blimp"round Ml'sa. in SI ~•ISC'ph hospital, Mar. nn!1 l\IC'{"hord Fi<'ld, WR.sh., clrrled lhe skies is taking a· G.I. Flight 1R. 19-IR, a dau~hler. R lhs. 1:} oz. over thl' ·al"l.'a north of Troutd alo course. and has completed his first Ota.th• to Mt. St. Jic'IC'ns. ·solo .~op with the sehool.. He?n GOWF.r-:. Harlan. age 32-Dled Puor \'islhillty lmmpcn.:d 1he ~le\\ illis nl.tio .~ofT)~leted his first ~aturda.y e\'rnin~ at Fullcrl.on • sl'>areh l1<'Hh ni:round and in thc "'.'10 hop aAd 18 going ,00 toward qc·nl'ral ho~pitul. A former resl- air F:IC'vcn pl1mr:; took off with hJS llcens~. . '. . '. Jj(lnt of Dalbo!} l•nd, he ha~ .tf!>' th~ first· !)rc-ak i,n an overcast at , Wrn. Nichols. manai;er of· thft !\hops on ('qast Highwa¥'lt<'Marine 11 a.m. 111 Portla nd -and three u•filPt'· fin,!t,llY learned• to rly~-~'2: Mile-.. ~ •. on Harboc ~~evard, olhl'r$ joinc·d them from M~piord dt'r the dir<:ction of ~d Thomp-Costa Mrsa. · rield". son. he. t•>ok his fin;t solo flight l-IC' Is survivl'd by his· wifr, Betty · and rePQrtcd that he really enjoy-3438 Pionrt>r Bl~.. ~nta Fe B• fhcJ o· ed it.. Springs and his paren.ts, Mr. and If ay mnf!r ;Eugene Zacharias .reeeivcd nls Mrs. T. K. Gowen of Fulerton. Honors Long Beach. Man Private Pilot Certificate: Eugene Servicl's will Ix' hf'ld TUl'sday 1 IC0n1Jnu('(I from Page 1) Heath of Alaska, received his at 2·p.m. In First Christian church, cognizant Qf -military c.-ondi· · Mr. ·11nd Mn.. Marls Newl4md Commercral and Carl Owens, who Spadra and Wilshire streets, FuJ. lions. So was his command-C'ntc•rtaincd t't•cently with a bi11h-rec<'ivC'd his-Commc>rcial unsi IC'rton with Dr George N. Reeves C'r-in-chief, Mr. Truman. Yl'.'l day dinner, honoc·i,11{ C .. W. New-Flight lnstruclor rating under the officiating. lntermf'nt will be ln land or Long Beach. rather of the G.I. Bill.·a lso received hts lnstru· Loma:'.VlstA J\i."morml f>aJ'k wtth l both ••entl.emen· pe1mith: .. >d h • ' · <'> ost . ment raung. ' · l\!cAully and Su11•rs in -charge. rlemobilizatlon to almost t PicSc>nr o !mare the "birthda'Y" ·Carl Phenix arrLvPd · honw saJe- vanishing point withow_f rais-• cake'which ct'nterl'd a table lo\•t"' ly with the new Cub which he sidl'rably IC'ss.effort und les.c; ma- ing_ ~ finger to stop it. Wpen ly In St. Patnck's Day colors, brought r.rom the factory. lt is• a nipulatlon tha n dOl's the control the most complacent citizen w~ Mr. and M rs. C. W. New-two passenger mode•! with a· very of a car 'on thl' .:round. Once a knew enough that we should land and son Mrrle. Mi~s MarJe .roOmy cabin, but the ship· Itself is plane is in thr air. th'-'. controls not· ditch aU our·s hips. our Ni'wland. Mr. and M~. P. L. HJg-so 8mall. that it looks rilorf like are more or l('sll rr laxe<l and it I.a - army camps, our air planes, i;:ins, Miss Elsie Newland, Mr. a model when sitting on tht Une. qnly necessary to. u~e them again " our personnel without k41'ep-und Mrs. Maris Nc·wtand ~d, Merl ~atletUlcw a load of baby te> ehang& t~ altitude or the a l"m ig desiood Uae Ga. ing sufft · -ness .• Just hO\v~ · and repQrted that they were get-trols are used to start the him ·.l..:,!~~~~~!"'1~Rlrll' .. ~~l\'fl9llll'llllllllllll'tJlW'llll'8'1 .. l!!llllll!llllJl"911111111111 .. !fllfl!!!!imllll-...p. ..... _....,1Mi:-Ute plane _ cials 1"igure~ it t is a det>p that when he needs to gain more continues to circle until it Is again mystery to the Vast ma-Cut m· Taxes altitude, he just tells all· th,,e wr·-straightened up. jority. ke)tS to: !ly·and they flap $heir .We'll be seeing )OU again next + + + SoJo Cl • wings and up goes the ship. . . We<'k. so long now. Land Pri~. "P1;ces' of n atmS 9DD·FACT8 ABOUT t"LYINO:.. . raw land and urban lots did w ASHINC"TON. Mar. 22. _ A glidcl: rues and gruns altitude Washington Times -Herald -not inc~a.se in 1947, ac-by going down htll. Funny, but ,Maybe the catastrophe can be -tUP l. ·~ Sen. Wayne Morse, R.. · I st p.....1 short of war That i. a cording to James C. Downs. Ori'., said ioday that Congress true. B<-ing peavier than arr. t o , .... ~ · jr , of the Real Estate Re-has a "clellr mandate" from the must have forwJJrd si:>eed to stay gamble. But whether the U.S.A. search COrporatlo. I'\, and wi'll 1 t in the air. an.cl. having .no mQtor. has. any choi~ about putting It· IM.'OP <' to ·cu taxes. the only wsy it can get forward self read¥ for war Is not a gamble. not lnci:ease in 1948.' -They He spokl' )IS the Sena le neared is by going down hill like a car We have no J:holce. We m~t pre· w inel \'Ote on the republican· oastin own hill. However, if the pare. to fight or 'Prepare to f)e de- worttl by the end Of 1946." sponsore<j bill lo S as perSO air th . gh w t IS go ng own U'O,Yt'd. T?le public !af!t)' plain), Did you know that. ~. En-ihcome taxNi by $4.800.000.000. hill is go.ing faster than the glid-dl'tTlands Immediate passage of the ' derle? Democrats a nd rc•pubikans er is going dOWft. it actually gains unlvenal military t raining prO. .,._te lu International affairs restal u defeiliC!K'Cmary. He ~· uld Forftl'tal's "connections" with --.. ..._ ... , •• ,.. ~ hOUle a Nt"W Yortc banking flntl di.Jquall· ~..::,.::,._.::;._ __ .....;.;, ____ ~--------=:::::::::==;. agrt'ed ltlat the Sena tP will pass altitude while going down hill. gram. Dl YQll .W1ftlt to .eelfTf? Aaftr. th<' 'bill 6y an overwhelming -ma-HOW IT 18 DON.J;:' The control ----~-=-----. ~ landl committee (ioetponed n.ed him. -· .. w AllQI -6 action on a bill to Wal..._ -St'n. Henry Cabot .ue A.Je191a the 49th state. Lod8e Jr-R., ~ .• told·Henry A. -N W 1 l'utltlell -Rep. ~ Walla~ hi• actlvftlea were "a, di-i.e.on, A.LP. N. Y., demanded a t the t rs French -Cafe ..... -............ ·Jo"" ,... ...... "' ....... 1n· ... al, ......... .,... Be w ... _ .... """'.~ CDllll't.aanal JnwstJcaUon ot this rect enooorapment o mu e the -1 el the Scwlel police empire." He .eauatrYi ibOat-face on . _. •' made the statt'ment In a lettiir re-.. cl ~. Rep. F.d Gell-• t th t • .u. D.. Tlric., defended the ad· plytnc to Wallace a reques a .. 1 I f Wtlan'• ~. COflCl'f'U 'di.j>ell "war hysteria IJrY A-A. p•am.mt ottldal and repln "moral leaderyilp •In ............ 8hould Qlllr'DW all Wor\d attain.~ . • T 11 ~--A.uthorit7 •J*o-Could the n.-al motive power be· Jle'8 ... ,.,...,. producllon •• 'Jbe awum ttndatlan ... made fly s~ hind the civil i'lsht• fight be the_ --B .., ot tJw -• .c prt'M'flt admlnlstratlon'" corWst.cnt -· ~'" ....... ,"--effort.JI to centralize transfer _.tine .me..-' · r ·th Jlf• '., n -· .CcJncr'te-more a nd more Power rom 111anaJ lellden 'tftR! toestnr °':It St111t•s to the FP<lerol Govl'm· hints ~t t...-world ~tal.n met ment ! NEW · ~-Re~- 4 p;.n. to M1dnlgbt PR. BDCON · 5111-11 SPECIALIZING ~ ONION SOUP ( p AJlMESA.N) 'Look for the .tp "'Chablla" on ~ _o~ Ute_ ~II CLOSED MONDAYS d}.tiJ,, ··_ ~ril/Mu; lo Bad • 1 '1 i·' I ,, , ~ 1. ~, • • . HARBOR ·AREA'S ·oNLY DAILY .NeWSf>aper . ,•..., ... . . . .. THE NEWS-TIMES ~ . -' ' ;, ' You Can Have it Delivered by ·carrier Just f>&U Harbor 12 •• Woldt o~,_ .C/a_ssifleL.J~g•==. Ya}, Can't AllorcJ Not ·.i o: . . .... ' . --. Bui.Id Your Own Home. Today you can buUd a home that's really modt'm. And a modem ilome has innumerable features that add up to easier, more ~njoyablll lh·lng. Sta.rt plan- ning now, for early planning. mean-. better "bulldinr;. Flnandng ean be arranged. e ~~ ~ge SpommecJ b~ the Following; -Pr• ~heF-fm. ~ -~-~ llilata -~ .Otber Y&rdt. ·-• ...... -1\ Bayview Lumber ·Co .. 'Ol Stat St. -Eut !' Klnr'•, Landin(, C-Osta Me.sli" Lumber~~. 17th a NeWJlirt 81'"1. Coeta Mf!M . .. €rown Hardware Co. 821 ' C.out Bwy.-Corona del Mar Daniel Paint,.& Glass Co. t58.4· ~eWport B1Vd.~ta Mf!M . Ets-Hokin & Galvan Eltoetrldam 81noe lf!.~1000 Cout IJ""Y· ~ ~Gordon B. ~ndlay Cabinet · Shop . Ward & Harrington Lum~r . C,o. Newpo"rt, Fullerton, Lapna. Brea, SIMI La Habra Amon West Plumbing Ce:~· ~907 Cetitnt.I Ave.~r 1185-.1 ( . .J .. ,, ,- ' .. • I' ... . -~ 107 Teen-~ri Nabbed by Police Rlvt>nld~: w. R. Boyd. San Gab-CitM. Hollywood; D. 0 . Moatt, rlt>I; J .' J ~SCllo, ~r .. la An· Pr8aeel, Aflz .. : L. £. _WbltdwML gclcs: P. H. F.:r1a~. Los 'An· Coet• MNa;. J. B. Rlchardl, ·~: BY!NNUS QUIDS --lt ui.s llUOSLLAJlf'llOl78 • BOAT& lllJPPU• .. NICWPO·•T 94LBOA N•••·T•••a p 5 Painting .: Paperhanging A IH-.WA y -SANIT:IZOH ----MONDAY N--..r• ......... (" u. Marrll 11, .... age • . · gun' Bffch; E. E. Mlntn. branp. ~IH; n. E. Mint~. Orana~: J. D. Lowtry, Rlvcrsidt'; W. D. Join· T. Jones, Tl•mple Cit)': R. D. Holt.. er, La' ~ntla-: C, J . C'-0lli11<>n, IOJ\, San P.·dro: W . l>. ~oint'r. Jr . L..os Ani;<'l1.'S: J D. Sterwart, AJ. Costa M('lla : R w. Simmons, ~ {Continued rrom P9i1e 1) By Aour or Cnntrac-t 8"t matl'rlala and workmanahJI> Call M C W AGGON~ llARR\)R 2'°Xl·W Ctttiet'ntn. ="-L. Scott. Corona hamhra; J . s. ~IW!tt. NorUa H ol· Yucal~ R. s. Mc:'Clclland. Loa clel Mar. E. C'. Pe.tcrs.. Nor th Hl>l· !)wood; J. 1' M1llhau11t>r, Loe An· Aoitrlei: J. H. Smith, Sea_! Brach: lywood; II E. \\ 1tson. San Ber·rttel..s, R. c. AambJy, Sno""BPrnar· R. G. siimmd Sim Marino· R. p_ NAN nardlno; W. L. Juneau. l?asadC}la; d111<1: ,1 Stwppard. 11,unting~ Moot1C'o, Rat~. A. A .• Anderson. EDWARD C. NOO L. H. Freshollz. North Hol~P'•MKl, n.•:id1, H F. Adams. Solath Gate~ Sllnta Ana: c. E. l...N'dom. Jr . lntt•rlor .& Ext.·rlor ~ Ii C.~llrrs. Pomona:. E I' •. 11:1111· 1.. C. Pride. Lallabre; F.. K. Ad· \\'hittll•r: R w. \\'addockli. Rlver· L'AINTINf; 111. L. S, J l'nnm$tt; 1\n1tdh1. \\ R t11r, l .11rd1·11 Grt1,~; I::. D<•Sutter. sldl'. • ()rwnl: Pom11n11 . r ,L AUJ1•rton , S11nta Ana : R J . fu>ynolds. Co-Otrd ror s~n~ llJ'ld other · J>hon•• Jl.-.11\IL' ;>11.!·I· \.\' Glt'ndall'· II n S~nrk, Onmp ,·ina. S !\l Abda. Arcadl11: L. V. chlltgrs. .."I • 2R-~~p ,wards. l~M1•m•ll~t . \\ B Walls, Plll('I.;. ·1'1tl'l:1dena: K Ho11r. Pasa: D t,owf:'ry. en lmi1<i undl'!1; JI -----.....-------- B11ld), 1, 11 . h<1•·"· ll11nt1ni.:1on d1•1111 . J . A. Purc('H, San B4'rnar· n Tl<'ll m'·rt~ldt'' A l~i••n Bui-P_gas __ o_N_AL __________ 16 Bench., H F ~l tlli-r, !11v.·r.~1d1·. 11!110 T C. Tulloss. R1w rsl<!,<': G. '11011: Jl. Johns. p Mcfrnl\: 'n. 1 J . L. ~n!1h•r. ~.1 :>lontl', \\ R. t ll11n•'""'~l·r. Pt:1r.•n1111_: C'. L. Rny. C'Mt11 Ml•sn : n. L Howard.· Public Stenographer Watts. R1wh1111": A. ~·. 1~~·x1tn· ~lwt1.wls. J1· .• CIArl'mnnr: R. G. F:I Mnntr : R. Giiium, f'•'itta ~tl'sn : :!~'!l l\1111 ln•' Ave \11\IA f: PA1\f)()(.'K - 8Nfdrd 0.•11\,•r l \!\ An'll'lhy10 Av1•, • , ll1tlhott lsl111ll,\ \ IN '-S."11111 1111'1 dl.1111 ..... ltt•ll't' • Id .1111,·lt-11 '"' ~.1h• f 1111 l!°\th ._,. I •"I.I \\J,.,,, :II :lq1 0 rrrno A RD ~!PTO RS ro::::-:-:•-=-:llSJllT:::-::~_...;.----+-llm.\--L-U_T....;Aft:__:.;;.__-=:__- A ND no A~~ ; ~t m-1-U.:NT--:l &.-<lroonl luWt•r NJ-:W It l1.-fn "tltlr•nwnt .)'l'ftr• ll'&M. 11dwt1 Balboa lsltl.Jld Sn.<>ial ~·"""' 1111d ll••pnll ~ ••II All .. nl)•. no 111'Qij l!li&1111· Jl11rhnr ~'73 ~ .,--"I k { ~1 ·1 1..~•rnn11·111. ll\rla ll\•lnr ~ i• II f'J lt "t1lt\4'0 Jl·;llp , "''' ,. .....,.,., l11nlnit rnt•m "1th t"ttnc-h doon l h \'t' ll 1 ~pi• · I "' .urnm To ILE1'n' 916 1·.m,1 111""' 11. ... ,, , ~1ti~1; M ' -.. ~ llr I \\' ANTFl'l TO Ht.:NT l!.trt•ulJI '·'\II' .s ,-1 1-;-;-;-11 --1-\\Ith I •'hlhlr1•11 f1..-1n~ 1•\k lh111 • -, -· .·1 lll•··r ..... ,. , I ·• \ ._ I I I I I •·•I .'\1·,.11 1•ln<'t' 1> ll\1• 11111 11 .hlllt' .. 1 llP • ,, ti ' • • \\ ' ' I .,. • • • t T•""'" l'h•'"' llllrl~•t ii\'\,I "•' _.111 11111 h.1r• :.:.4:'1 It .H 11 ,· l\\r1 11 ~.~• ,tl :'l;'\11 11111 1\ft1•1 \\ \:-\T llt•ll•••. lllN•l'Ullt'lll. 11•1rl 1 .. K<ll111t tu 1w1tj11, rv..ry IK-droom lu1~ "''l\tti'hh• hnlh l o41Clllcd cloee '" '1•1f~h tun · 1"111'1• S'.l:'l.000, Aak f1•r Mi 1'uli,:l'r . l>. A. PALMER t~ pn' 1L'1 hnt ,.._~,, !\1 :!f ... \h· c11·-.unl•lt•. tu''''"'*'"~ !"'t\\•'' 11'1 FIREWOOD I 1 'H s \1 1 -• 11.:nk• 1T \· I t ll r • I"~ l 1·11 1f.I ·\\•It•· 11~1 1 1 .. 1~1 1 l•n ltt1I•·• ,,,~,. 1-'i•h•r ·1_, \'• 1 ~1111, 1\n11h··1111 11~~1' ;\.'\,'\;\ \'In t.hlo II All ll< m 1 !\Oil ~3tc l'll1 >Mf''f l lt:\.l\'l:J\ 1ni.:. ~·" 111 •l9i1. ~~, 11 fl 1 -..! drr. Los Ani.:1•l<s. \\ I·. l rumly, s1 .. ,·, ns. W1t11111·r: W. L. Mofter. A ll••mphllt Hi•v .. rlv lJills· n L I / \\!hitti<•r.: G. 11. lli1•klns11n, :>tun· t."11\11w . <'. \\" Williums. Los An· ffiilohohm. (l~rin •('· h Rt'l'~•· l.A~ _;.J (;~lvin : <. . t KrnnH'r'. •:1nl·•·n~1u~ i.:•'"'"· <''. \\' l'kS11ln•. lA?S. An· ''"""l••ll: ~~ c 1~11j,b~. brim~~: II. ~; H.. 111•\~t')·. At'C'lll~u1 ,.< D))'t>r. i.:•·h·": H H. l\1 1rnmn1;. Loli An" O NJ'lmirin. C'ostn Mi•irn : Jl. A Jr mpl!• C 1t) .• J .<·. Rui.:i.;,., ,Jr .. "l'I•·~. J. S. r.ould, Or:1nge: /\. Q. Rullnrnn. 'f•·msllr Cits: R 1.. <'rill'· llours: t I lurl1<)r In~' qo.1 BalhtNI blnnd ·, l111rbor ll3l 1 1'lli\ll('\IAJ. & nRJQll~I l •llt'olll•ll 1111.!11 ~·ltl H II ~1111 t\l'AHTMJ:NTJ4. ll01lfl'F.14 u l Wri~ht Lumber Yar • 1i11i...·1 ""··1 r~. 1•11111 · 1: ;\ ~··1~ FOi' HF.NT Nt•w View Home l iMI Nr"11pr t Jllvd ""' '· l<,i, '" ''''" l'l•·r "1" fll•:i t J \_ • t\\"EHL('IOKlNn F.nt lrc-·u:f.· bar ('ll.S'fA "t""-"'A • 11111 \\ tiny /\1·1 . "'""'I·~ I ·"""' '" S1•p1t•ml11•1 I:\ ""''"' llPth 'h -"'H 1111 . 11ri•A :l hr , hdw fl<.-.n. tlrcp Mlf,. Ht•nc.•n !'i('i6."> • + • ..:. lu•lh'tMllll 111111~·· Lhln h.11• ll•'llr 1'tHl•tr111•th•n ""'' ln1thlr nnlah . • 83-tfc Ilonl~ Prir~d To S(\11 l ~ttlllh 1111)· • 111111 rt11h !-~7~· \~I ( .(rt'pllon11L '"'" nn~t we'w • Lon1: 0.•;1rh: S 1-. Swapp, P11~a· flt1hmson. Jr . ., Pa~11rlt'n11 : P. S. hy. Sitn C:nhrh·I: o .• I l'Jurtnl'll. 10:00 · 4:00 dcn11 ; J, ~I D1<"1<1ns1m , Mnnrona: 0 11us. Los Allit<'lt's, R . G. Gr('('l<!y, Snn Gnhm'I: R W. Kc•tu•li, r . If J(I fl (. s I ... ~1 !S I It . r ... l"'rli>tl l\wc 1'.!M n n1t .. 1n 1•1 I f'\'l'f ''""r.-d. l'lcntv of Good '!':-<Mii 1'111 · " c 1 ... r • "' •m , 1 · .,., ·11 I 'J l u..-.o 1 ll4'..! I tt:>Cil'tll It H • • ' ,. E. n. Stn1th. Mon1t·n·y , Pu~; p: rost11 l\h's,a; F. W. Ault'll, AT· Amas. Rlvt"n;htl'; 1-·. ~rnlth. nur · EMPLOl'llE.'llT WANTED .W. Wilson. Alh1rn1t.rn; R. I:: 1-:d· cuc1111 : R. K Ness. Pamona; E. JI. hank; R A 11111. Jr . s1111-.n ,•rnar· II All SizM '..'I' lli11111,. 1 'nllJl"r $:\411)11 l'JWllANOC U j RALPH P. MJ\S'KEY :\I;!' ""' l si. .. •11 1""'1111"• • \\'11 .J. F.XnlANctE Gtrlll' hr11Tid :\·1ll \\' ~·"ntr•I f>h, Har.~ ~ . O;°C. M. Rohltnill"· W:tr Prior; OUl&E .QUEEI HUD'.rAB. TUE (CJll ,, ~ Angl'IC's; J t• nnm1•1mx. Al· T. rvK I~ \: Mnlbra; C. R Stnli:. Ht•\'<•f'ly 1'';:'.r:a'~:;d~n•~;r11~!;:!:.11n1~·11~~111l'~ Guaranll'1'<.l ~a11sl111·t11>n \\'rlt" K A. l'antnjn. :r.!~»tl PIROt'ntltt /\\1•. c,,,,1a ~h'i.11 19-~tt· Compound Motor OU . . C allon. 70t' S t.•wnrt ~ J:.•ui. ; , 1w"• ~'6-hlrrrlr for 24 or 20" -' •tie l 1 1-. MIN'.'F'.'i, ~Iris hlr)'rlf'. 1717 Pomon1t <'l' ... 111 J111ls: W C Tuc•k1•r, Jr . Pl'trls: L. w-:-f>ftrnrn, R1\l'rsl\11•: J . -:1 \\1ood.11mnll, S11nta Ar1t1 : A. W K••nt, Glrndnll';' L \\'. Bounini:. W e~em Auto Supply A ut hortud Dfflft' l\1•11C'•l11 f\.!Hl M 1 JLLt • If ii I 1 • .. ,.,.1, ,lllwn~, N1'" 1111rt • " 11 _ -: . ~ ~It<· 11101'.lfD TO LOAl'f II Alhamhrn; J P u 1ud,•rhaui;h. Samn ~lnnira : n. L Kant•. San Ma r ino; C \' !\lrC'nrty. Aaloon. V\I. A. C'11nrnd1, Loll An~t'll'11; G U. Krnml'r, Pjnl'l'ntiu ; C'. W . Cnrl~on. North Hollywood and R . W. H. F.vnns, Hollywood. nt:G1~·n:1n:1 > !"l 'llSt: W11nts part (mW J•>h. I ,., ... pl lllOISt. dor· tor d.co!ijl n'w'ltl-. ur matrrn1ty ra!ll'S. Mrs. N. <1111pmnn, ·11-l42 \'..ll'luria. L'osta l\h-sn ll<'ll<'l>n 5J80-R. . 31 <.!tp IXPLOYHE.NT Orf'Ell&D • IR:M\ N~ Blvd .. Calta 11- -ll·tft SERVEi,.. 'rhl' G A S R<'frigerator Snnw Mo<Wl1 Av111lablc NO W Ilalboa Furniture. Store ltlll Moln St.. R11lhoa Phonf' Jlnrtw•r 14~ ~)!\ ll'ln!lt rlh•d , 'Nr.W'f\Ort T'hfln<' llnrhnr \16 -. -~ SOLD 71l-Ft. S<·rnmcr 'fi111111i<" lloJ>IH' o\11\1f11u· ""' 111.: i.111~ 111·11il1J0t lwr u ut ii)' n\t• 1; E Ml:-INl-'Y \'I 1·1111 •1 111"14). N•"t"'rt :.!8 l t~· Elrctri cal F.nµfol•erin~ :mer In~tallution F11irhunk~·Mt1rth' EIN' l'l11r1ta nnct W 1111·r Sy1t1•m11 is hcrcby tr ndercd. • 29-4tc Slf•wKrt-Wurn<-r ln111 rum1•nla Undcrsl .nl'd· will f{'Ct'lve bids Take care or sir k 1•ldl'rly man. By ll1,hh11 f:n1i1"°w-1lour untJI April 17th. 1948 bued on the w('l'k. :.!09-21st S t .. New· SPORT TOPS SEAT C'OVERS Kohl••r 1-:h'<'trlr l'l11nt1 prrvious contracts and 1taUng port. ~11ch. -'31-ltc T<iylor'R Trim Shop.. 1.kiulchnrt"" t-'t1'Uflll"ll prier to bC paid to rtshcnnen for Photo· Elr<"1 rlc Pll11t drcsscd swordfish df'llvl'rt'd at FIRST CLA.SS Pn1n11·n wanted. Automohl11• Uphol1trrlntr Thor-rortllhl<' To.ii• John T . Slm1~n !ll~ --38th St., . l1o11t find ·rr1.1l'k CU.hlon1 Santi\ Barbara. San Pedro. New· Nl'WJ>Orl Reach. 31-tfc 1~ Wl'lt Cl'ntr11l Nl'wpor t Tl<'h. · Ets--Hokin & Galvan_ port 11nd San Diego. Othf'r polntl lluhor 1940 24-tfc '••~1 1·111.,1 lllw11y 1l··111'<•n !\4tn optional. ' WANTED-llous.•kl'<'pt'r. cooklnc & li"."t ho"•a work. Good 1alary. :U-111' Fishl'rmen retain rtght to ac· ""' """"' -cept or r f'Jurct a ny or all bids. Private room & hath In new ELECTRICIANS New M itcheU ·Rpor1.Aman Swordristlcrmt'n's Committee, ' hOml'. ~aron 6.l.'l7-W . 29-4tp tSlnc'(' l!r.lOI 30· • g·c,·· · · Chrryf'r •Ix \I!\ Of' By W L 0 1 Ch I ('untrnrtin•>-R1•5'llllr!! ' • · csen. arman, MIR. FO$ SALE It "' Gray 6-HY.?. 369 Sa••ta "'-uz Str~t R1·~1d1•ntl11l-l ndu11trl11l -'1' '-I . ..... • (1111lr n1111 T11nk ,111111 Motor • HOME LOANS 41 ~ -fl .-61/:,: % 1 h) l.lfo IMUrlln•'I' <'•)) HENRY C.. VAUGHN <l:'IM Nt-:WP()R'\: HL\10 . n F.A<'ON 519'7 ' n... llarbot 1010-J l !M I •Id•· WJlla. Radio. h.-ater. JIJ~ Prl"•tf' party. Call lWa- m n :'1367 --30-4tc- BARGAIN '42 Oi>dp 4-door .,.. dttn. E•N'llHlt rondltlon. 312 <'amAtlon Ave., C'orona de-I Mar. CO AST MQTOR CO. non FROF.SCHU: 100R ("'n111t J111h~ Go to Work Ca1'8 Lot 6 J_:...LJ 4~ 1.•1 • of f111t1 Av11rodat, rt•PflS. t~n.·r ~·41' tRth, C'oata MN&. 30-&t 1: I lt1••11t.· nl'W 2·11f'droorft N · nl11h1-.I. nrw Phllro i-..rrl1erator, V<rnf'r 11111IWllf11ny hf'dmnm l\dte. I A'' fill X I 417 ('om...-, mom to lmllll $MH'f!\ 00. !Wu-on ·M7S-J. 29-4te · :; ATTRAC'ITVI: -Modt!m 2 W- n"-n halrit. RHUtlrut1J _... ....... --- $12,600-terme oNY.-!\'h1T5 buUdlnc llte. tlOOO. COAS!t PROPERTmS CO. 501 E C'f>ntr&l ....... • Her. -,._.,. RENTAL UNIT SITES · , San Pl'drn, \111fTOnlla PPttES t~60Q ·37 Ch v Mull"r 4 D . ...a. Rildk> Pub: March u1;'19. 22. 23. 24. ~ Et.4-Hokin &Ga van -,. --10llf ~.~"1t:-=-:-~~-........ ~~F~a~Lr.J~~~~~~~~-_: Opens Sat . & Sun. ~ Con'' 111w 11y rwn ~n?. G E MINNF:Y ':\."I Pont111r 4 door Md. , Now Ca1Uom1a II uporUns <>ranee QUD:N8 u W.U u 1\1 oranrt cropl PreJt1 Mrs. Dona liuahea, Queen or t.M. l"•Uonal Ort.Die Show a& Ban JWmardmo, la an aJ>1)ftllnf ambulador from c..uronua to Tows, u ahe watt.a to board Onion PKlftc'a "Ctt7 or Loi Ancel-." wbSch wW speed btt to Des Moina . Iowa, tor a weett of ctric and 19C:lal •et& 'lbe Ort.nee Queen'• trip to Uw "t.all com State" II part of t.M CalUomta Pruit <>rowen lbchll111e celebranon of Uw 40Ul anntvenary of tile ant adverUl1nc i.o: Mil c.lta&a fruit In the Iowa. ana. • r---~-- . .. )· .. -Want Ads 9 11.m. to .5 li:m. :n.1rr n..11nm 6281 "J6 Olda <"Onv. r pr .. radlo, COMPLETE TOILETS. Includlnc 711 Co1ut lllw11y, fl{rwport Good top. · '4~ ...-at and OUAh val\'\-$23.~. FOR SAi.i-: P11lnt 1111r11y 8hl\ri11• 26-l tc '3R Ford l'<l\IJX' WN'k Pnd lpN'· W-11 huni:_, c;lOIK' rouplcd toneu at pnrtnhl,. A-1. uiso 11uto nv<'rlo11d 1111 • ~ ~ . romparabk' prlctt. sprlnlt'. Nttnhln11Hon k""°"" VAIOAL a aADIO M '47 Ford "'-ton ptctc-up. 4 •Pffd Kohler L.Mvntorit'll $\~ 00 up. h('alrr & rookrr \1111 Rt 1600 lr11namlulon. Approxtm at., I y SouJl 11ltreous chlrut urinal• $4.7' N1·"11ort Rl"d . Rt 2 nox 63. USED PIANOS wantrd for OW' 400 m~li•a. each; .. CCMllll MPllll n-~fl> . n>nt depS. Trad!' your old ptano Galv. pipe, all!O ~ack pipe. -on • S pine t. llltrh•'llt allowance. "AJllTl:D TO BUT II Or wtll bqy. for 11pot <'Uh> DANZ. Chrome swing ~pouts $5.75 SCHMIDT PIANO C<l, !'120 No. Kitchen sinks $S.15 up. CASH for USED M11ln. S11nt11 Ana. 19-tfc CQAST MOTOR CO. IOOllJ C.OUt lflshway DEACON. Laundry trays. 1':181 Iron: lormJnt to rules and ~lat:iona. ToilPI srals ~h·11n11n~ \\hit .. $61'.'I Furniture & Appllancee ----...... ------.. •-tf_c: Soll pipe a~d i'1111n~s "W" Buy Alm09t The New. nmN will not be re- tponalble for more than one lncor· rect Insert.ton of al\ advft'tlMnlent. f'fter'YM t h e rtrht to C'Ol'NCt11 clualfy any and all ada · and to rt'}ect. any advert~nt not con- SPUO:'T mirror ty1w piano lAvtly lnne Finl' 11rllun. You Jwit ll'l>' 11111 hnlnnl'•· nf Sill!\. T"rnu J 1ANZ;~WllMll>T, :'120 No Main. Suntn, Ann 1~tfc l().ltc Jo"llnll PJC'l< \Ir l!M7 Run only 7!'\0 mil,.,. 4 llft1•1•(I Inn•., B S•ly tlrf'11, •••·••rythlnCt Ju•t llk1• 1111w l'hnni• lln tl11•r 1:./'11 \V ,:ll-51p GN our prirrs Anything•· ,._m __ fllfDll ___ o_um __ •-----~H !lot watl'r 1wr111•1.,. n,.w 20-1111· GRANT'S $46.SO WOOD FENCE CONTR. n t•h11t11 11111 "·11• r h•·:itC'r~ 20-it111 ~100 Phom-AN. ~707-M 1645 NrWi>ort nl\'d, I OllA Mru 42-tfc llAIU:AIN 'l:l 1>11,ll(•· I cfoor M '· cl1tn .-,,.,•llt•ril • .. n1tltlnn 312 ( 'rim11Hn"' 11\'\'r-, • ·.,, .,n;, 1l1•I Mttr 80-!\111 !7~ x lOl'l 8 wtth Cottaae • • ,.ll00.00 ; 15 X 102 e 8ultablf! for NlM Ulliltl lncludln1 1ma1I I ·Mdroom ,_.. US,.ll00.00 . Vf'fy dnlrabl• l~attonl and ...,.. to ctupk!at•. OWNER • 1813 W. Central A'fe. HAft80A {tM-R WH O COULD WANT FOR MORE ... Attract.lvf' -Modem . . All T~'Jlr!I nnlf gh1cs FHA T l'rmS Fri•f' F: timatl'S ' Anywhr rr In rn11nty 1'11 In:\ ~r~ I<• PAY Ph , S A. :!~~!l-n Any plumlung 111 m 0n1n IX' hnd t hrooi:h nur hK•,11 or I.OS An· ~rh·~ 11ffwr • ~1 !) Marinc~ve. 0 1\LllOA IS J,.l '!) I Will Pav. Cal'h rirr your t11mltu,., or what h•v• vou J"hon4o """ N\n 51'."16 ~wl~y ·-Furniture r.n . STI l l'WAY 1;1tA:'llJI, "TI1r Kina .. r 1•l11 n1111:· ro·rf1 r) t'fintllllnn. 1 "11:1·1111~ toll•· ~II\•• 11v1•r $\llOtl I •11111 Sd 1mhlt. !'1111111 Ann. ·-~~) :-;., M11h1 1 ~ tfo "l'l:"-1 T r .. 1 I• 111 All Ii mo trrm 11 11! .11J,.\\ •ii If )'1111 l111y l11tr.r It ' I""' llkr " lfl\0lni;:11 'Al"<'fl\Jnl II•"' II :;I""' I now; huy Whl'n I • .1ih ) '""' SI lln\hlt r 111n11 Co ~1'.111 :-.;., \1111r1.,S11ntn An11. 19-trc • '.l IOM'lroorn. llt1I......: 1•111nt1' lfon\e, 25-trc -Expl'rl IOpp11s511• l:1!11nl~ .urdi I <:IM1•d 'fl11•!1d/l\0 llA :!:.!16-W. . . ''"' N"wpnrt Alvd . r~111 M""• !J'l.tf, n .JV atch & .. J ew~ry RF:PAlflTNG . l-1nc n tnmonM ~nd \\f1111-ni'ir NCWP0RT J~:\\"f.l.F:RS tUn<t"r nl'"'' M11n11ei-m,.nt I Fnn SAi.i" ~ 1~1:11in M.,1 .. r lj("OOll'r Ill L:••tll l011rffllfl"ll I I.ti 1:>'19-W ;'111.111 nrRNJTtTlU: FOR fl'A 1.P: ---nrnN JTI ·ni.: RF:Fl:\ISllF:O ~\Al.I •\\'IN. 1 .. ·1111llf11llv hullt llttlc Ar. You I .ilw 11 l111m:11l11w pl111111 lt1•ptlfl!lf'!lllNt l\r1l11rw• 1·1111 IH· pold on l"KI)' 116 22nc\ SI . :"olr\\110rt 17-ffc FOJl¥F;D WlndahlPlda A Hatd • Covt1'I ma&! tO ordt>r. Allo Pin· lg\ .. A Ludte Shet"tl fT aale Nu-World Productl C.ornpany, ~ ~ ...... ~~'• ..... KEN GRENSTf:O m111Hhlv 11ov1111•nt11 'fhla 111 a Silver Plating 21311 Minn. St ·• '""t11 Mesa ""m 11r11v s .-111111111 i>Mnn C'o. COPPER. ORAS~. 1.0110 · P hil(!!' ll1trlwir io7u.W Altn1'11<1 llMl 11111011<1 In flh<1011e Polishing & R.l'flnl3hlng Fnr F:~tlfnn t "" frnrn ;,~•11 !'\11 i\tuln. ~nt11 Ana. B 'd Pl , , C O n l.1111rt1nt•.,•tl Work lD-tfc ays1 e atinf.! Jo.. 22-trr __ .----. ____ _ 1!!14 llnrhnr nl•id . n:-vn11n L1 1RNl'J""RI-' I 'I • Sl'l "'\l·~r 1il1t1H• l\111n11 111•w ('osla M~~~--,..;-~tti,. ~ . ~ M )I' ' In. . I ~~~ 9Fl~orw-t1 ('rY-U~114'111 ... ill ....... ____________ r1rrpl11r•'. l"rlCf' •11nny llvtnc rnom, hrt-nkC11•I ltfllr, :l j,.wd, frnN"tl 1ontl1t11, 1V1r111r. .CORONA OEL'MAR S11li l1I (W lllGllWAY M u~t ~<'II at Once Tift~ I• thl' lll'11t lluy nnw tv.11· · nt~ .. ,.nd r"" f,.. h11'1 "'"~ f\a°A A IWA1rnru1. NF:W 2 brf'.\room ~~<~:...i--a....r1anf11rnl•llf'd. ~ It h•urn· 1-'lr<'fll!'"''• a11r11ic1" petlo 11>' M ft111r1tone w11h concrrte fPnCC!, Vr•rwt ll1n hllmla, ruv ~p111·1"' on ,,,, f1,r ''"'r" or r1•11t 111 111111 $10,8t>O Fnr th!> Rll(hl W~tct.a • Clodca • JpWJlry 11\yllnit nnd • CJ-l'RONOM-~ 1usr9nt~ ''• #~nu .~ ~"' -Prompt s-vtc:e utr ..-nn ~AJ.F: ,_. --m.t1 •... ED WALTERS 'TJLF: CONTRACTOR Sftlalble Pr1oee WASllJNI. MAr111:\E 1-:itr<'l ·I :.J,\l 'U Sl•tn• 1 "'l••~"•·MNt (',or. Nt:wMRT lSJ.ANfl -Ch<ltr.f' 1·• ••I" 11111•· II• 1111 r1f11I mn11I•· rill· · ' • · l'nl l'on11it1 .. n. 11 .1<1•11.d1I,. H• 11· I I II h I I k If l'OnM"T" n 1 lnl Sld••w11lk• 11nd .J. A. H~:F:K OFFICE ~ )Jalh RoQms, J)rnin Boards. etc. f5th A 'Nl'wport Avr . C'~la Ml'U Phone Beacon R700-W-3. 18-t!t ,VAN DRrMLEN mn ·~·W. :VI 111· • 1 11~,.... rnu •· '"" •· you pevlna htlth •ldMI, 1111 u-111111~ ~ _ _J !).,W E L ·R t · l•t\" ""'f'I" vo" will n•·VN' find iittt T.unt1. tll',1)11 ~ ,...,.,.,,,, rl lC 1Jl1'0 N \\'n~luni: 111.whin•', <'••111-1111~11t..-1 l•l •~pmL tltls,urw .h1•t · 1788 Nft Bl11d C.O.ta Mfta NPWJJUTI Jw11rh, C'11llf U · ~ pletcly rrno\nl•·d 1:. .. 1 .luly "''llh p11v 1,111 h11l.11w1· E11~y 11-r11111 tr _ _ ------------'~----3-·t_fc 1tUArrrnl1'<' ltk•· '"'" !'i"1l ~I "''' \•0•1 ·.,.1~h l1J1111 S1 l1rnitlt f'\llno T OR SAi.Jo: llrt TitA1lf·'. :'111-w 1· "'""· c,;runa d1·I \1;11 1 lnrl•tr 1_·,, -'•.'!I :Su l\fo}JI, ~nol11 Ap11. hudl 01.1111 ud11l.w lilllJIL _Dl'OU· J>lumbJ ng Supi>H es l'WJlll-M ~ • :1l -4tr ' :11 -tfc mnn•. ("ullf It :I'''"'' Will Ink, Walln<'e Calclc•rhPact 2006 Court Ave. p I p E S IMMO NS hNI 111,r.r1. pr:i,.tirRllY _BUMINF.1'" OPPoanmmu M h1ij1l u11 i,. s:vnmo •in duwn MANlffAll\lltlNI. .l t:WF:LF.J\ Near N"'J>Ort Pter • • I ~ p11ym•·nl l-'1111 l'rlrr $1 ;1,r..110 l"or Est.b u•h-.. Sin-1""" --. rGal\I. and Bl11ck) n .. w. Of>"M ln,·1~··11hl•· 1,...11 I lttr· L ,-1, L' ,-, L:--;:-f I I I ·"' I • A • I "17 (,'OA.0 T lllCHWAY H. M.~LANE REAL ESTATE -n """ -.~ "'~ -hCI I09l J :II 'i . 1 r ' • "' .r. r.• 11 • •~ u u m11nrx· Pf'TI c•1ll1r11 writ•· I . ( r11 n. " .~ ' ~tfc Toill'lll. Rath Tubs. Llivatnrl"~ r · . . · 1' ~r1111k1n~ l111•m•·'• In llnrhur 11rf'11 1;r.,1r•r11I ' 11t•llv,.1y. 1·rtf'11n11 lit-I ONA nt-;L MAR, f'ALIF' . . Cut Iron Sinks,. 12().32 douhll'll• L"OR "Al,.. (". ,. rl . 1 1 . ,.,,,,.k .. n•I fl1tfl1r""· wrli·,. Ho~ Mu 19 5tc · · 31-:lltc 2 lrd • r '' , • •'""' "" np111 . n '" . • '" _t~. f'tC •trlpr·d llll lJ 1'0V1•r l'h11n1• llRr· ":i.:-; ...... ~ r Im •. •. Ni·w1~·r• ---~--LEROY SLATER S~cla.111.ed In ~ovlng Hou1ehold Goods .& Small Boat.a Harbor 391. 25-tl< HARBOR Plumhini-Bemee 1768 Newport Blvd .• Beacon 6111 REPAIJUNO OUR SPECLU.TT Cor(tnc11nc and 8upplll9 · ·· 9-tfc COOPERA TlVE . ROOFING CO. New and Repair PhoM Q«oacon 6217 l513 EJdm ""·· eo.ta ...... •. »tt. uble C'hlnA Slnkll, $1650 up hor l :l~>f\.W :ll·'•'" ll••irlt :\5-:ltc St Slnk1 S.'1,95 up --- --- Chr c Plated Swlna F!IUC('h l'OAT8, 111TPPLID ..., •. roR IU!HT_____ &I $.'5.95, • . I l'ARTNJ-'.ltS WA~TEI> s1111 t V~11! ICl-.:\T Allri11;11vr 1 room Largest umhlng Stock In .. II I I W 1 1. 1 r .,,.,.,,. ••111 altl•• ll'h· 1 1rnm"'11ntf' -0 n..-n It t -1 on , .. M ,,,., a ,...w · rs County, . • I 1ur11lu11 111>/11eni n1ot d1·l11•·l ',.~.,,··I.~. IJCJSS1•u lun n ,.,111onahll' 307 bl· UMBJN G ~· 10 :.!flO' 111 SHIK1• llnly 1, • .,. 111111 A.vi· .. ll11lh•111 3l-3tc ~, w. N t AYP • I dAyll 1 .. r. An lnJr~rlllrd ,,_. ..... ,. ~ ( 11? n~:NT 2 lll'(troom UPf>C'r Phonf! ~on 6011 tlonAlly Wllh 1>11rtn•·r• of hk• d•o11t.1 .. 11ntl twin llf'dll. mald1 22-Hr I mll)d WI' 1•11uld huy 11nd r11 Xlll'h 11k1m "'"'llll'r month& •vall•b~r -----.,_;,;----4.----1 Vl'tllll'll nl llm.,!111 ("(Jiii rnr IK·rMlll l\f.1)' "' .llln<' A•lulta Phlllll' , Bendix. & Ma~, ~ · -111 '""' rn '"'"11 ni:111nir l'r11l1l(l1: 11 ,,, 1,,,r n:i 3 1.41" 1111\'I' fr.·f· 1<n•·hr1ra1t•• 11VRllnl1lr Juat W11lt1nc to· Be Ullcd 11t I Am Mlllltn M1tr1n• r 1; s M :.1 :ii-S1'.l'AHAT,.; rumhlh•"l h•'11111•k,...1> B~'S W ASH-A-TERIA lh1111gh nu lt1nl(4"r foll•1wtn1t w 11 1 -lni: r•,,.111 f1tr un•· 11r twfl l'hon' C"'an put llf' •uim" 11f n~•llr)' lli;rl"'' 11'•1 •tr <"rill 111 l:t3 :Vllh 475 Newport Blvd., 0.ta lileM C'!llJllAI ('rill If lnt ••f1•"J'~ 1'.-r·.1 S I , :-;, w51.,tt :tfi..Ht ~ BeMlllll 5'T10 h11p11 W•· ('(trl d••VI .. · II 11l11n I lnr----- 11) "' bor 2'f.!1 -~ :1t He Jn<l n:-;trial Huil1l inJ.{ f-.,-,-R-S_A_l_~F""':'""--c-11_n_d-id_l'_11_mr_r_n-.,.-1-, h TIED ()AK frnmtnir lfi f 1 P llt 1''<:ilt It 1' :\T • 1r I .f:A S ~: •.~"' fl:uh 111111,.hmrnt ~111 F IH· •Irr" 1thou~ 0111 """.t'~· l~hodrl, m:ik•, Ml ft l1f2 1 S I tlilh S t . ('1~111 1·<1 °1tnnl1 m nd1t1•in. "''". 1 J '' orr"r' nlao I-I• Xl"'R! 7 '11 rnn· ~t ..... , l 't,1on1• I ltll~ltl•· 1~'°11 11 1tl1 fnr •$JO(JI') '1:\."i S.in J\, 1 nrr IUll"d twlr<• Jlrtr Rll1·H 7111 -,. 3fl·fll 1 M11riivoh1. Ct.ron1t ''"' Mitr I nArtllnn. !':l'WJ'lnrl 111 11:ht• I'.• N>n Hl'1gnt• l.St·111•11n ~.:1 1•1.J< .'\li-.•1• ~-----------:i\ 11,. , '.1'11•1'1t': ~·q11 11 u(rtl'(', 1~1111:11;, SEW j\nll,w111 11inl(h)' ('rompl,.t•· 1•11• "1!1•r nn•I 11Khll paid '"!: F"OR SM.l-: ~:n11y WMhl'r , 1i.rmr 1 wtth a1111~ J>rlrr $295/.ff> r,,11..._ ritrfl "' •112 :Yllh St. Cail New· •• REAL VALUES flRAND Nl·:W 1 B R lfOMF.. Vncnnt, mm:h tY)lC'. O<'('ftn vl<>W. Prl('(<(J to !'tell nt only $7500. Nfo:W 1 B H I IOME."Comf'r' lot on Newport I IWit.. Only $(i2!\t) ... 2 B J1 J f()r,fl·: on h&lt acre. Wlll tmdf' for tmll••r or 1·:1r. F'ltll prl~ only ~. rumlsh"'I. 2 B H J IOMK l:Alrt lilde. Cl08C •n. Comp!M.cly fur·· nlsh""'· $R250. :~ B rt llOID: on Nl"Wport Blvd: tl().ft. rrontnge. , II~ t i,IJ• amt FF. :fTlllSt 14Cll thl!! W<'('k , $10,500 . SEE t 1S for Rlv<.t. frontugc. L<its nml acrcnge. ~ 11 nd 1'1 11 ere t mc..1.R. r -.,B. A. NERESON. Broker f?'ht.nk OrJWneJt--Sr1h:wn11n 1 'fl2 Nf"Wf)Ort Divrt. .f • Costn Mcu Phooe ·13cacon 5225' l'r. llUl•1m11t1r r1omr1 C11ll 11~1rl..-11 f\(-1\l'On 5T7!1 for rurthr r lllflff• ,,...r, I···· ('a . 410 30th St . llar )7~t'"' 4-y; m ~311-4« • -mAuon,-------.'V>-3k1 -,~~--------111~1tr1~-------__;:_.. __ _ . . -• ... ' • J r ·· .. , • ' • 1 I 4 .- • ••• '· "I ~~'"""' . Joan a;anJ/t Picturf1 Pictures ol Norway Add to Pleasure ol Birlltclay AnniYf!rsory Scltolanltip Group .E~t,rloins Motlters' Ja~•t Groch Returns. F·emi ·nine Activitie·s On Display in CDM at Kqr.,, t.4ar9re#a "$#top Ancl T .ac,,ers at T .a1n Cosio ~e_s_q Sc,,ool · F~om Mary/anti College A 19\fely ap~ tea wu &iven Kline, Patsy ~nldey, Mn. T. C.. Coming home on a surprlte \Ila.- Pbollm: ~ 13 and ~ By Wintfred Barbre Re.i'dence: Harbor 1637-R . ' P···e·& KE ~P_O&T -.ALBOA. NBW8·Tl~&8 -Newporl Fire Auliliary -& MOl'\DA) N N"PAJ'l 8-c-h, ( altf. M al'l'h ! .. , INA H. S • I f Pl .... ' · as oc1a · ve, ans . .. -V~ri•g~ion, Loq1/ Re1iaent'-s Magazine Spring Bonnet Pa;·aJe - 01 Free Verse Wins W.id• Ac'claim Newport ~ach f'lre Auxilllll') mt't rt'<'t'n11y w11h J<'an Mrf 1.,n- • ,{n re~'Cl11uf'1 ot Fortnli;ht, Call!Ofllia nt'W!lmagiuinl', IPld'the Olrt1tlan ·ScJt>nce Monitor att articles about a mai;:hine. unique In that It 1~ devotf'd entil't'l)' to tree vene .. Editor-mana'ger< of'the mquine. called Vari~at4on .. i.. Grover J acoby Jr .. sdOlf"'of. the plonttc J acob)' and Nl'lllo'1nark families of Los An&eles. and llOn a< Mr. aad Mrs. Grover Jacoby Sr. Ot South McCadiJen Place, Los ~lh; and Sea11hore Driver Newpoct "BMcb. . V&rWcation. atartf'd V(ithout pnnwd.lt.atlon on tht' part ot Its epoNOI', appealed to proftsalonal pc»t• from thr fltart wid amonr ill ~tributors art' Marcia Mu· ters, daurhter ot Edrar 1.-Mu-wn ot "Spoon Rwer AntholoCY fame; John Goold Fietd'ler. Har· old Vinal. Doroth)' Hobson, John M Lucille· Evan• and many o whom free vel'M' i. "an don, tntmtional or unin. ten~. ot tlw m)'lltf'r1n lytnc -?HE YOU NG IDEA" . at ttt. metrlc11I core or 1'J*'N'h " Subscrlbf'Mi arr l'VC.'n mnr•· top bradcet and b<>sldtt auch llll'r- al")· fi"'U~ a~ Pearl Huck md Wllluun ~los WIJtiams. 1ncludl' Har(anl rolli;l:I'. Univl'noty of Callf9mia. 11nd the 1.Jbrnry of Conl1"ffl. . • Publls h..:d qu&rtl'rly, tht' maga. z.m. derivf's its name from Mr. Jacoby's twlid that a fundamen- tal ot' r..W. vt•n..: is thot at con- tain a vanety or ff'('l or''meuum In unllllticipatrd relation to r ach other. He-admit• that frt'l' VN"IM' may be obscurt-. but demands thllf to he publlshl'd tn Varie~a­ tlon · It mUAI ~ understandable by lhl' thirit reading. I>.iaJHratJl\fC this. Jacoby quotPs an l'~C•''l>' from "&-a Sh<'ll" by Jrr.,n,. BruN': · "llN'f' in ~the acco:.L tc\ of P<'ho Nt>ar lhf' ltl'\..,." rt>alm I rndlf'SS elK-. Roan th# refl«tf'd all ··- ~Y Mossier ald or Balboa. Monu J layd<'n prP· siding. Welcomed back was u fnnnor rnt'mhc•r. t 1Jiv1' S1·11rh•-. and 11 m·w mt'nlll<'r. Lli\\•m " &·rry, rt'Ct'1w·d her hadg,. ·Whoopil'e wus pla)'<'d, f1r-..t priu i:oing to -t.tuxine Cunnt·ll and st'COnd io Lsl\lt•rn•· H•·f'T)' Mn. Sf>arlt-s wui. c·onsol•><I 11ml L.onora Zuba receiye'1 the spe- dal•prlze. At a later ho.ur i.:ut•'h wt>rl' !l•·Nt'tl • rdrcl>hmt•nt~. s.t· ~vl' .l,n Sl. ijpth c k'" I lh) eme. · ans ror the Apnl m('('llni;. 10 be eld at thf' h<>llW of Alma Thnm111<on. call 1or a Spring Bon- net purad1'. He11dgcar •~ to '"' made and wnm by c•ach ml'mt.wr .. using hcc.. 9wn dt>i.li.:n arwl "lt h malt'riltls to ho• othl'r than th•"•' ordlnanly us1·~n lh<' concocticm • or tht>!t(' llem.~ of frminine ador:n - ment, Prl's<'nt at 'th1• mf'f•t ani.: w1•r" I.be Mclldnuv•s Hoyrt1•n, Connl'll, Bt>rrv, S.·arll'l!, ZuhP: Thomp<;nn. No~a Rr1sc0f', J tinP Kidrl1r. l.ois \\'ooc'lm11ns('(' Est h1•r Johnson, 7;('nobla · Fr<.ll>t, McDonntrl anti Ellt'n Lrvenni:. llar 111 ft,.,. 11111·ml- m1t hPr '4'Cond mN'I 1n~ 11,. 11 pro:,. prctl\'f• mPmlwr Pled\jlre Hor~es Cheded By lcJots & Saridle Club _ .A. s urvey of the numt1<·r or pi~..._.,... .,.,,,.. < i11 Olis"" iJ i< h+ · lni: rondurtM by thl' J\1,•,n 11<w>t.' & Sndc11t• {"!uh unc11•r t.h,c dir•'<'· lion of Jl'nrrt'Sl P11ull Vf ~·I IR' :-;•'WJJC.>r1 nlvd 11ntl S11nc1~ S:m1I- . PN«>n o( 6'..!4 V1r111n11 Av": Cn-.111 Mesa. for thl' s tet(' Ec1u .. ~t rrnn Trntl" Ac~oc11Hlnn The Auociatl'd Riding CTub~ of Orri'ni:" C11unt) 1tr•• workmi: f11r 11 hook-1•n trnil 11) )Otn lhf' 'Int"'"' prr"f'nl Eq11Pstnnn trail' ')'t"rn which hy -pa.sw« Iha' 11n •:r Jn nr. rl1·r ltl "<'<'111;1' I h i'< I r:dl, r mof mu<11 11<• '''lnhll,lwd of 1h.-n•·•·d ;.;;;::HJ-'---~1-1~.:::;J.;;::w:_ll A1L owncn ·...ot plc.nsurc oMl<'snrr uri;:cid ro rontm 1 th!""' .,..._ ... .....,. r ••• .,..,..,......_._...,,, .. "·· • ....... .. "" .. ,.,...._ aee!" . . ' ·'~·~,)(MU ?.ut of California .. men nml rc•.:1btCf their ht1J~<''. / Saturday Dance Slated For loots & Sada/~ C/µb . Thr .Ml'M Rooti. l!t Smlrlll' C1uh -wall hold a "Wf'l<tt•rn" danCT', Sl\I· urc1fty. March 27th at the Aml'ri· c11n 'LJ>1orlon h11.ll. Cost a Mt>!18. Thrl pobl.H.'.111 Invited to a tlPnd. 'nck· <'Ii< may he obtained frun l'l'le1\· b<>;t or purch11M'd at the door. A group of small watercolors. by, Joun Irvin&: llrundt. one of tht• fi rst place pntt'wlnnen ~in rh .. r~nt art <'Xh1bl1 at the hlOi school, •~ on 4J.spl!lr ror tlw nl'Xl t~o wee~s nt Karep Mar· grl'lfl •hop. 1307 CoaHt boule· \'Rrd, Corona del Mar. ·Mr.-. Rr:indt, ttw wife ot Rex On tndt and a noted artist in her nwn rll(hl has achieved • d.lt· 11 nrt tVI' t echniqul' Ip her \lie of gdU11che end watercolor. Some nr h<'r nicest pictures att! on 11••)'l"Y e t lhe ~hop whe~ Mar- 'i.:111"N Hrunlng Prt'•ldes arilon& hn1•ns find gwsxwarc from Swe- .rlt:n, and NOl"Wl\Y· ~. F~C Bridge Section Has Wednesday Date Tht> Bridge ~cllon Qt tne Frl- c1ay Afternoon dub. wlll hold th .. ir rel{Ular meeting .In Lrston hqll. W<'dnesdar . March 24 with d•'"""rt lunch<'<>n helng served at I:! 30 p. m ThP pof)tllar lnstruc- ' 11nn rlrt~~('S by Mn. Blanchp Cate·" will be continued. Hcxl<'SSPS -v.111 be Mrs. Boyd RQIK'rt'> and M rs .. J . P._Cooppr. M,... 0 D Ktng. chairman of th" Hook l'<'C tion. nnnoun~ that t h1•r1• "111 l>t' no meet In& ot th<• Book M.-ctlon.: this month. Doubly • e n.joyable· was the hirthday party give n recently for Tl') gvt> Ilea. 1327 West 8-> ,wr . by .Mrs. Heu tor to cap the surprise was, a Pl"PCJ;im of t'nlored pictures takf'n In h[~ r\ii. ll\'t' Norway last'· summer by ' Borghltd S tephl'nS of Corona del ~JIU'. · The pro.,rram followed a bu f. frt suppt>r carried out In the St. Pa trick's 08y motif. ,..,. 1liosf' enjoyfn~ the occasion ~·pre Mn.. Stephena., Mr. and Mrs. F:mo Olhla. M.r. and Mrs. Frank Wa llace. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mc- Corkell. Mni. Douglas Bray, Ber· fil'n Hcsi1, all of thl.s city; Mr .. and Mrs. T. A Phlllipt and T . E. Dahl of Long Beach, and the host ao<l h~. Balboa Island Circle Ads lor Rummage Balboa Island circle of W.S C.S. Christ Church by the &-a. will hold a run:image sail' Thursday, April 1 11t Townsend hall, Santa Ana. Anyone having· clothln"; books, <!hihes ,or other hotisehold ar1ic1es to donate, may telephone Mn;. 4'ooard Harxrave, Harbor 1186-J or Mrs. A. J" Rutter. Hu- bnr fl99-M and the thin1t9 will b<> ~llPd for.' Mr.1. Nl'll Shook hall t>~.!9 store thf'm Inner gltt'· a ge 111 304 Ruby Ave. '--Rector. T ff/ls Mission Work. Moy Marlet Si . James Men's Club Plans Made at Mee# W ill Meet Tuesday ··A.11111(' umr. littl<' th1pp for _At Norlon's Cale lhnse whn ni·r<l heli>--lhla la II ThP Mt'n's d ub or·sr. J11m1•s rt'wnrdlni.: scrvlrt'" 1111id the Rev .Epis,cnpal churclt~ mt'l't Tu1·~· Jnhn Kamhall Snville. rector or day """nlng, 7 o'clock. at Nor- S t Mirhiu•l's F.piscopaJ church. wn's Rs1y Shor«' car .. ~·ith Rob!·rt An11h,.1m GUP!lt !IJ)('BkPr at th,. \'11lagrana as cha1rm11n. f'or the· MnrrJ1 mN•flni;: of the Woman's prngrnm. thl'rc wall be two 15 111.ucilirffy or Sr James Epi11CO}lal minut(' sound picture by thl' rhurrh. h1•ld.11t thC' hom e of Mrs C1·nl·rnl Ell'ctric Co., onl' of them \.ron:c Y11rdley.'Batboa. • iohow1n1: µro·~··ss . from propcl- Jntroc1t1Cl'd O)' lhl' fk>v. Poul lur-drt\l'n pl11n"s to t h\lSl' of jl t !\~,. \\'hN'lPr. Mr. Saville, who 1•111p11)slon IS h1·11d nf lhl' .Cit,. Missions llOr· Jt,.Sf'r\ .1tions should hi' madl' iNy. i.;11,·1• it!! philosophr 8JI n w11 ~! !\tr \'ilt:i;:runa. ll1trl>or -"f"'llJI of rolcl v.' 11 t r r to t hr :'!Ntil-.1 or H Oonnld f1111l. !Wn- thir~ty" Thr soc1l'!y work• with ''"" ~l3:!7 Costa Mesa Red Crosf ' To Me et March 30 , rnu n I~ 11n<l ~•atr hospltalc, rt1t1nl) f11rmi<. Olh'I' Vit'W aani· tnn11m. ~1 n 11rnh1t1t hortif.', Vf'n· t11111. ll11nw Srhnnl for Wnywar1l l.irl~ 11n1l ~1m1lar 'or1tanlzatlons :The . Bl!l'Trn-"11Mlds--to Tiw 1111n11al Hy d \ro.,, m•'l't ·' 11nn11I "'"cf, nf lndlvi ua s in IA.I "' 01>1 ·1 llcsa branch \\ 11! hs• .1tf11t,. in~lin1t1rrn( fiMi>s to ccm· '. hi Id on !"'u .... da). :\1arl'l1 30. 1~~ .11 th·· h1111w or :\ft< C'nll'I ~"1 ·I · t11rt rr•lntl\'C'S. C'llflf' with hrn:I· :!IOO llarlmr Rl\;<L :it 7.;lo ' ' Thursday .afternoon by the BinkltY· Marjlyn Schlckenmeyer, It for Easter vacation ls Janet Scholarship &TOUP ot aeventh and Ann <:nwtord, Mn . A. H. O'aw· " a'roch; .3l7 Poppy Ave., O>rona ei&):lth srades an the Main echool ford, Marilyn CartWTl&ht. Mrs. del Mar. M1 s Groch arrived Fri- In Coata Ml'5& in honor of their Cartwricht, Bernice Taylor, Mn. day morning from Baldmore mothers and teachers. Ooroth)' York. whe re she Is a tudent at Mary· Tables were in sprin& colors or The ~ly rnapiilne member or land eoll4'ge. and will remain irr-• and yeUow and refresh-the group 11 John 'Ri.omas. whose for two wt-.~. ment! or delicious Ice cream arid i -------------h~made, cake were served. iuest was h s mother, Mrs. or laughter b~' Mrs. Stepbm Thomas. Among the teachers at· Weathorford. who ..a•-~...t ot During the afternoon guests t ,.,_ M d M "'· • ...,,.~ , __ ,. ' en .... ng were r. an rs. """er· them Lhrouoh an ex-llenl i-.•. were Mtertau"""' with piano solos It -· n--u.:... M ~•~ " ..... ...u Wh e a. """""' ~ arrow, •uas t11t"on ot an old11·me farm a•...,_ " uns" by Schumann. by Mari· K ed Ml Da·"'· M " -~ I h. .. · enn y, ss · ""'· rs. tlon~r. p~·--'-amounted to yn s leaelmeyer; and "Haba· Th M d M n ....... ..,,. ..... ompson. rs. An erson, !'$. •1&.50 whlch w1·1.1 go tow--' the nera" rrom "Carmen," by Patsy Robert.so ... _ Boett h • d • an.i Binkley. Carole Sailer, Barbera • n, .. u · c er an memorial window pled&e of fhe ~rmeyt'r and Marlt ne Sanden Mrs. McTagia n . class. ·. sana "Easter Parade" and games At the social hawr Bible ruesa- were-. emceed by Bette Dean Auction Brings Func/s ing gam<'s were playf'd. Smith . At the Piext. meetlftg, tO be Members of the Scholarship. Fellowship class of Olri1t held April 9 at tilt' E.ste.1 h<>rM, group and their llJPSts were J?at· w{~ ~Mrs. Eula EstPs. 171) 1,, W. members will brini;: to ~ sold iy Broolu, Mrs. Esther Brooks; Church by the Sea met reCt'ntly articles "''hkh they have--m&M, Vnon11 Hooeensen, Mn. Ann ~tn.J Ave. wit h a pot luck din-fancywork or cooke8 food from Hoogensen; Barbara Prentice, ner}lnrt business of the c>vening. the womon or ror the men, thlnp Mr.i;. 'J.,.M. Prentice ; Jacqu'eliJ! .Memben brou&ht "white _ele-· the)t h!lve modt Qr plants and Clar k, Mrs. H . L. Clark: Uldra "'iiiphiiiiiiiaiiiniiitsiii"iiiiiiianiiidiiiiiiiwiiiiiiir~ii&iiiiike~iiitiiirniii· ;;;;iica.Ji;;;;;;e;;;s'-iiiiiiiiiiv;i;eg;;e;i;ti;;;a;oib;;;lei;;;s;t h;;e;;>iii' ;;h;;i;a;;;ve...ierowni;;;;;iiiiiiiiii. iiiiiiiiiim Queen, Mrs. Gl~nn Quoen: Mar-.1' lene Sandt>n, Mrs .. Oorls Sanders, NOW OP~ -- Helen Sands. Mrs. James · H. ~ ~ands. Carole Saller. Mrs. Robert /boa flower Shop Sailer. Billy Jean Oleely, Mrs. 509 E. Central, Balboa · C. R. Chttley, OORS CES Bette Dean Smith, Mn. V. D. • A Smith, Elsie Kline. Mrs. £. J, • WEDDING BOUQUETS Pi Beta Plti Alumnae Elect New Ollic•rs, Plan Anni.,. Luncheon New ofric('rs were electl'd when South Coast Alwnnae club. Pi Beta Phi_ met with Mrs. Jack Park<'. Santa Ana w11h 23 mem· bt>rs preJ>Cnt and one (.'llest, Mrs. Fann1C' Glidden of Santa f e, N. M. At the business m<'<'ting, pre- ~idcd ovrr by Mrs. Stantey Cham· bf'rs of l.Jdo Isle new offiet>rs . r ll'f'tl'C! wen~ Mrs. Mano Tanag. 1111 or Llli:una Beach, president; Mrll. llnwnrd Timmon!<. Santa A n;i, Vl<'l'·pres1dPnt: Mrs. G<'orae I I , M001't', Nt'wport B.•11c·h. ttl>ns- un·r: M ni Deniel K. Brown, San- 111 AnH, rt>COrdi~ !:l'Crt'tary and Mrs. S. H ... 'rankltn, Rolboa Is- land. cort·l'~J)Ql1ding St't'rl'tary. Plans Wl're made for the • f'oundl.'rs' l>ay lunchron. t o be h1•ld April :l l a t Newport Har- ,lior \'ncht dub. Pn'~nt from tht' llurbor area "'",." th<> Ml'Sdaml.'s C11ambers. fo'ranklm ... Thomas H Fn»t. At>v-' crly P . Ueritz jr .• Brut'I." Malhe'· - • FUNERAL SPR.A YS Plants · · • .~'la.it F1dwers ORPER YOUR EASTER FtoWERS EARLY! let Us Remember For You! Ask 4 bout Our PJan to Insure Birthday, Annavl'rsary and Other Special Occasion Fiowers Arriving on Time Prompt n u DELIVERY No 'relepbone .. Yet HAY.~-YOUR REMODELED • •• NOW AT~MTES COLD · ...,.,._V.&OL'l' Olf - '"n. G ... ,rl:l' H . Mnof\.:"'AliStln ~--­ s 1ut1r...-an1 and Crl'llin Grltrllh. nl'.;11 Jlr<'l•lrm~ and !!pedal n~. • ' " · holh Jlh\"!'ir11t.11nrt lllpirltUAI. All Aff1r 1•r ... l'lrnirm.•n anrl in-Mr•ml"·r~ 111~0 vi1til the sick 11'"""1"'1 pcN<>n$ n( Hw rommun lsla~ders i n Arizona \.... 118 N. Broadway . , .. Santa Ana "'°"9371 ., . . · lty arr• mvllC'd to ntt('nd. Proi.;- i;tlVf' ('<lmmunlon. br111:.hten Uv~ re"'~ or th ' ~· t r ... th h 11 I · • . , t • , ~rrl'n ~·· J:llJD· r oui;: ~m;i nn~ \'('ritary lint! p:ugn will hi' nut llnf'd bv Krnn••I h hnlld11y i::ifli;, fl nwl'r!t, aid In c;on· llUI. ch111rmnn EIPClll;n of offr· vall'M>n<"" .11nd in rl'habllltatlon Cf'n< for: 1!>48-4!'1 will be eondu t· In the_ bWlmc>Sl! world. ed c :\1 r and M "'· Mark llt3JIS· of Rnlhoa bl11nd havf' left (4'£ l't"Ver- wl WN'k~ in ArizoJ13. :<topping first Ill P11lm Spdni;:s and aft('r- wam gomi: Ot1 to Oli:tle Hot Springio. ,_,, " Mrs Harold B«-nder prf'Sidf'd at MlP hu.~ln<'llll m<'f'tint:? at which N'J)Orts 11nd appolntmrnls for lhP Mny Mnrkt'I, itlllll'ft for A11rll 2. \\'f'rl' of chit'(. impnrt11n('('. A IPTII will Ill' ('rC'<'tP<I on. the ch11rrh l{TC'tllnd'!l f<* thl' !1!11y ll!:irk<'t. 11crordln1t tq, Mrs. R. f)nn11ld Hnll. rr.-r?11'rman with Mrs. W111t,.r llilr an J.unch- ron wlll hr servP . nnd C'nnk!'d rood will hr on II A I('. :'-lrs. bakiflg, broiling, -ne~ ne_ f _. l A fas· f top-Of stove. . . ' V ~ ~" }' 4 H itrhman nnd Mrs. C't1nnin11Mm I to bC' In ch11r1tr. · Mr11. J R. 10rokPn nnd Mrl!, S. JI · Frnnklin~ will Ill' in rh11ri.:P ()f the. rJ1m<•r _ hooth. \\'hill' mPmhr rt nf S t • n n C' s ,li?Uffir orTTUnl1nelnn ' Rf'nrh v.i ll h 11\'I' Jh(' npron 1...,,1th. Mr~. Stur~·:int. J\lr'< . .I " h n - Ah<'ll. Mr.1. Dbmn ~mith 111id ~:WEDGEWOOD ~--~~-----~~-~--------------------------------~-------------~ ' • M f'l CMritP Yanilcy will ~lllll'T· \ i"'" thf' fancywork hooth :\Ir~. Richnrd~on or C'oronn dPI M.1r wt It ht-n:-ndy for any sprri11 I 11 i !I nnd m11y llC' cnllf'd -"I ILlrl)(lr ' R~-9-.J. Check every point before you bltY..: Donation tickl't~ ,,·111 d r ,, w th~ J')T'iU'!'. ' two hnhdmrule tUll ~H--pl~t,. . ._~ , . . m-~~s · r("fiorfr-O s 1. · l\nn···~ s:u1lrt w6ulrl 111,ld Tl CWi\\•·!I ~ and Nlm~,.,,.lftC. :mmllly ~lhl<i ""'"k1'ri_ifi1 :Ii.in !'1rrr1 f1 11nt 111s;lon li<•:od1 ' :~~IEl~~~~l~-:r14.~~~' ,, !\!~~;. S1111 lh . ~1\ , • .'r lw ti...-.~ u,, .. ,.._ ..... ').lr1'r s fl ,-.r1 r. JI' :I IJ. 1-.1 R· If:, I ~. ' lU \\~(' !rt •tw-::pr,,, tl'r:- r··~knat}nn ,,, \I r~ \\'111· ~ "'* ,. ....... ~-- . . ............. ....... -..... J l ........ ..,. I p1rcJ Dudf,' l~ Wawn ~ford.i.-s..-. :"11..1rlqJ \\ ·.,,J BT..1 -s25 .... . ,_. s..i. a.. Ill.ii r...- ,.,. r ... .-.. _. •••• • BALBO~ lSlAND frc "I It 11 f.l ,. ....rt·'"" " " 1,. ('r'J•I "'1 1f n h rro ...-, • • f \ , l\t tr11 •rt• () •1n•f•·· '' ,11 ... ·1·1 .a•lf, ,, C:t't'J't f 1tl'\ • ,, t 1t I I tt Anri•'tlfl•'• "" 11' , f 111 , \\', ,_ "'''' \ h • ~ \\ • r• tu ,,,.' t ..\ l"t., .. 111i·h11l11w 1 :.~.1 I 1111, •• , , , :I 111 :'1 .lam•' 11111 111 I '' h1. 11 ", I lt1• 'slt.1r••tl hv !ho J;, I J'h,,11 1~ ~1 r.t11•1111 illllf 11\1 II.I" I' "( '\r \\. s~'lrt ll11rhc•rl'11•l•\1•1 1.1111l1111•1 T 1nll' C1 1r •h• ~, r\ I•,.: 1.; l ... l 0, ... 1~ 10 :l I' "l At f(1r Sl•<'tal lt•'llr :.tr._. r . S·1·hvy1•r, '11->t h1·r uf th,-hu<tt·s~. 11nd Mr11 Rnwl.1nt'1 ll·••!c:t.. 11,,,11 l'OUr t'<I :II 11 hraut rf11lh 11'1~•1111, it ll'A t11hl,<', Afh n ' .1111 1111 mh"r" enjoy1-d 11 tnur ·~r 111"1•-r · irin •"f Mr~ Ynrdl.-~ • tic•~1 lt1•n11 ar. • ~n1rt .,.,. m l'r,,,.11,.111 f irm:-li-. · tngs - Scotcti lalJ", vanoua ss us. 00 1111• llt fhfo Iii,,_.,,.,,... d/~~- "1:'\F; F"Anru~ • llrns~ne.• • l'pfinl~lf'ry , • C11rpptini;: • H .. nd pnnt• ,f, dr• ,. f,,hn . I.mini.:• Q111lt1111:. 111 • PHO:'\l:: HARBl)H ~'f1!il .J.I.; ~:l C't'll•t H1i:t,i•-:1\ Corona drl ~far · ,.,_ - I I• . . ... PINHf HlfO ....... CI Ill ........ .,;r,.. .... fet .. "('"Mel. WI ,._ .... • ............. ...,_,_.,,. ~ -te .. -'- ...... i. .. tlie ..WI T1'e WIOOIWOOO 0. ..... .._It i"" -.t _,~ .,.. .. '"CP'' ...... _ ........... a.-............. . ••i'-' ............. 0-~" yoll!.~.~ buy is .a new q.uto_matic 3. 4. 5 Automatic clock control ... turnl Gas on.cooks Olll'n mral,timu Gns ()fi Automatic heal control. .. b-rkr rt itlt· out guessing at trmper•tffu S mnlrefns hroHeT ... Jlt.f'i"l dMnrr - htre.>mlint'<I ilt11,11n ... hn11tfrn111.·. n 1tt I lning f'O<l ·IO·/{tl·Ot 6 Si ~1ultJ11,.11u• b11~111~ a111l l1rn1linl! . r .i~t •.. Gas git'ts )O" instant htffh 1rrrd.instant 1111n.nQ,do:rn.• of hint• O"'. ~0(\ITI)'_Jlflrage JJlOC'C ••. IOVl'J Jll'jM. 0 ." lUM 9. Thrift.y. timmer burn~ ra .. .,Ja11I' • food. tuM . monl') t1"1-E•11\p _~1e •• n.o n~td l o (/iangt ~V· r'*' ~n&,ltabitJ . IOUT"f llof COUNflU OAS COMPANY \ ·- ' ;range! .. / / , , • . ' -. ! \ By tirrter or Mail: $0.80 per month l'!hore In Nnrport Beach and -. Costa Mesa; $2.40 foi-3 PlOlllhs, $t for 6 months; S9 per YM1' By Mall In Orange C.Ounty: $9 pe eRT; to 4th zone, $9.25; ~ to.atb.-~- Entered as Second-Class matter at the Postotfice ln Newport Beach, California, under ti}# Act . of March 3, ·1897. SAM D. PORTER· LUCIUS S. SMITH. m W. F. DIXON I . ., . CLYDE REX I , , Prlnlini:,,,lunt. 3011 W. bentrnl _ ... -.. Publisher Manaiine Edltor Advertl.,lng Avenue, Newport Beach, Callfomla Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach . A Dependable ~ llUIUtuUoa for o ,=er M> "'9ian • NAT1~0~Al.E001ro1RAIAL:.· MAe.cmtibever·@)· _ 1°48 · ~ Vf9N <ii . _,,..........._ of . • .. · ~·· Who Will Run With Trumanr ~~ .It ha:' hc>e n a ~'l'l'at many ,\·car::: :-;ince. n dem ocrat --~ir.-...... • • , . . not in the White Hou:::e had an~,. immed]ate ho~e of ·'becoming Pr~sident. .~·ankli_h _Hoo~e,·elt effect1Yely •eliminated all conipeht1on w1thm his o\\•n ranks and -· ,. -'"'~ _ succeedt>d himself three times. ·STOCK MARKET ,:iny '~mrtnr ~11tun1n,· '"'nl'>fl :<•nN d . t th 1 1111d-l-rl111111~. t!•lh But nQW. that Harry Truma n has steppe m 0 e REVIEW T hi· 1111\HtH'•', l1111rth Ill II r ow office. other prom inent demoeraL" are no better off -. ta-.1 "''"k·."''' rt ,.r,,.._,. t '"mun· th~n they W"re when F.D.R. rulerl the .roost . T.he B)' T . w. KJENLES '""" '.! '"''"'" "' 1111• 11111111 trsl ~ ' Pr d l Pr t:altrd Prf'IWI tia&11dal Wrllf'r "rth ln•ll\ ulwrl '"""', n.:11~ "" nomtnation will probably go to the es1 . en · m-1,. .... " "' , 1 ... 1111 .... , '"'"''' ,. cf pal il)~rest. in the de~ocratic Camp ~hese d~ys C~n-:>;~.\\' YP HK. Mar '..!'..! 1 l!P I StMll:lh tn llto• 11111rkl'f, uccu rd- . CROSSWORD PUZZLE •1·10 11 f'ft •I, ~pU • I If h N ft\ .. ., .. , ,, .. I"' \han ., .. • • ' " • f'•·~•rtn1 Ill .. ,, tr • • 1 r1t 1 h•Hnn f , • .,. t ~, nt rrt'ttDd I flt amo ,. ..... .. ., H -Yi..- :::::::.n1,11h~n 1) Hc>m:'f brona :: 4 ~~~:z,: a" N••I an• ua•• n Uo• >• (\llk'mt tftra l llM t> 1'm• •••lo t 6 -.0Plan1 '' ""'" ,,.a tl ..C'PtHtlrt 1anbr t • 't A Urf lf\n t t ('h1Ut'h rou" M) <'tlnJon~Uott .. lht h\11' :.,, .,.. .. .., •••••• u .. U 11 .. uttt,•nt1 l •hht I °'""' t -To r•••• 1 ll•H•r . ' .. '"' ..... • I ••It .,..,.,d,.., l h lU• • T,1 tHil In rn• t /loll l l'l·~·••t a lht•I \ti ttUHll b • t'.J 1)11'" UI t ••hi INI la fi't \ill dd .. a•• It f'm•U ofli••n 11 I'll ,. , ...... ,, •h-. 1•-M•I• •hfi"p ,. ,,,.,, lt\ ....... l l c•h,.•f'I apet1m•al hu- 11 C'uttlP•• Potol JO -Tv a•IOWfld Jl lteft1i..meiil u t1m11• n·~ a•-To .,.,, ••• 1t h ta nd "" nlfff'lll .. .. P'f£C ..... q .. 11 :s s .... ' Vt:'1E1.-"' SEC:...·:-'£ ,)i:::-JI /...1£ I , r-i~r "''"'E c;: "'~;· l\.\LL'SEE I ILL[ 0: ~ .\'-i) M TWO CONTIMl\i:\ ,\l 'l1':' A1'1l 1Zli."'.H£SPU.:C1" M 1E C hE. t;;:l -'O •Fout..: ·\1."'1-.\1.~E$,0 tN WH1n1 \ r ..... --, .:c1 (LAIM(D TO, • ~ \\ r C' S1.\)\ £~EO ~.-. 1H A~l(Cti:A I ~i i Ji.:'£ CVLl:JM8 CernS t he possible choice. for the v1.ce-pre!udent1al ~11wks )"rnsr t.nskty tr•s• "'•'•'k· 1 m.: M 111f11rn1•·d \\'nll !'•t•···• 11unrl· ll b h dl d 1•n'1 In on .. or tb"f,""' u111f'-'t f1u . , • spot. Seleetion of a runnmg mate Wl ~ an e urd11ys in m11ny o n1hs. 'Tr11drrig tual cwtarnty ,,, s .. n,,·,,. ""~""•.:•· lh,':'.~_t--r-t----t caref ull v. It'~ not going to be an easy choice. They Wiii acliv<' from I start aod finit I IWAt M11nd11y uf lc•1:isla1inn to re-• _______ .. ,v _..., __ ..._ .. will have to pi-ck a man Wh0 is reasonably accept~bl.e h OUI' VO)Uffi(' w·a~ the h C'8\"l<'St for dUCC' tllX .. S, 0 0 lntJ of ~'''ft•rrfn)~8 _,,,_,M_.,_ .... to labor . m not unfavorably looked up.on by bus1- ne5s anrl the publie at large. This man·w1ll ~lso have to come from <1 section of the country wfiere the dem- ocrat.c:; ~peel the toughest goinJ,t. ah~ who ~as suf- f ic ient p.opularity to help t urn the hrl~ against the W allace rli saff ection. · That eliminates anybody from the.south. The ~om­ inee i~ not likely to be from the middle "'e~t e1t.her since the J>resirlent hails from th~ general chrect1on. This leaves the east and the far west. Ea~emers Yova DUL prominenilv mentioned include Secretai"y of Defense e · Forrest anrl . Secretary of Commerce Harriman. ~-~- Among the w~. erner!' are Govern~aU . .,;-~-UL+. :~ ;: Wa~hin(!ton: ~enator O'Mahoney of Wyomm~ and ~~ Ju.._~ke Dou~las of the ~preme court. . . 1 •· a Don!t be surprif.eci of ~\'ery eff ory. mad~ to include Supreme Court Justice Dougfas to run with Tru. ma.n. m~=·.,""rL I l t d PO-T-~ "h::~ .His pr estige \dth the more Jihera c emocra s 1~ sa1 ,._,,.._ Tio ... ,. • ..1 • r -l"ui.-1-lo "· to be aood. He mitrht succeed m urawrng power :om ''ll-8'• -~ ,.., I" X-Hl•t llllllt Henrv W allace. '-~ A·nd there mav st ill he conjechn:e in fa\'or of Gen. luo-ri. ·~­Ma~hall. ·His military prestige (if not hi~ han<~ling ~~:~~;,;-, :'"p,,. ... of the 8tate Df'p'artm<'nt) ma~' he needeci . e~pec1ally ~~-::-.:,:•a ...... if either Ei~C'nhowC'r or MacArthur nm. ' Sl.AC-lrw~r:•.rn .. · Misspending Our Leisure? a i -1-Arr Oak-,., ~;~·~.,~..:;··,. .... .,_:-.,,.. .. I,. ~r-Wti I\ BUU Chi~ ., .. ·• ltLAC-8'1111 8&11., &->~ 1 0-T••u Tun• .. •1u-N•"'• I '-\ -l,.111-, .:n A 1'"''"' 8 P.ll II \('"K\n·r-=· ..... 1 ·1-•, ".•ure '(Ir• t .\J\,t'\\'rt-~ ..... ,,. H1ts•-.d1' Ant" '~-s.... . AC-_MU.<lC. I<> II «I 9:11 • IAC-AI Jar•lo •p;:;.':.b 1(011., •""A-X .. •• J up.ruian IU \\D-T•U.• TN! D\'(-T-o,,, ''•"''"' ·=- • I ·' I I \ II I'\ . , "· ' ' __ ._ ' .. ·--... ' ... ,,,, '. ... I .. ' '11 , I I I 1• ' ,. ~· .. t , ., .. •; •I h IJ I '-,,.. ,. ..- ... ~ fl \\I ! I ' I I \\ ' •• \t . k :-' I v h I I "' ' -•• ,,. •t ..... .... . \ GO IU >O TAUZ A~ >'ON C>O •AQZA.'O .f~" ·~E C~.1 ·. AS<f::> "'ll9" :"' :> •:t F:: · -s A .c ... "1 s·:""· -"~' -11£'-A' !W'(;'N'l.>i() w-~~ .. ~ .... ~ "llRE"TS B• '·E G-'1~· ,.:-[' .,..~. ··~( ()! .......... , 91<.">.i.:;,'1T l "( (:>,•,.,., I..> TS ~Ef T 'f """"'l~i'" NOl~·S>o"l'lt ~ ~A ST4.,.P(:Jl • ·' .. , , • L TOh!l'J'I e 'r111t l")JI. • "·o ', ... < , • .. ,.,,. ... •Cl< iHE 1)1Ell6 ·11.11 ... II ,, "'·· •:.1</A1'4 cat:> •t,TAf W>lll1f Yl..AJ Ntl ·~ o.1., It>•( <t'!:_I:-< ~ f1>"4TC!Q' ... Page ''J Fl\11' tnnR nf N•11 I r.rc needed lo 11111kt• " t.•11 ''' •1•'1'1 . 'l'hr~ 1'11lrwhlll11 1• 11 :J1111\ll 1ra)'. h•'l'tlin.c 1h•·t11l" 1 uf tbr l'\ldt-nt •.•llllll) .. ' .A1lv1•rtl81' --.. -· / ,• I ~· f ~-_, "" .. J 8 ring Your r-0 rd Back Hoine for JHEl> ROBINS E ff i c i e n·t Bo.dy and Fcntlc.r Wor~. Paini ing · ' \ I I I: I • Motor Repairing .... Ne.w._M.ot~' ·-···'!··· ··-· ··. I\\ f.~ T \ ·"t.C._!_l~I \'II f I "'I JI \ I, , hge8 ,. . , . . .. ••••oar aALBOA KllCWl-Tl•tt" MONDAY Jll-..n ...._ c.atf.. ~ tt. IMI JA»s Angeles f acht Club -Edges tocal Dinks to Go One U ~ in Series: Loe Anceln Yacht club ahd 'Tt)c.. win i;ave LA YC o 3-2 edge N..,,.,n Ha.ri>or Yacht club had In the inll•r -club "4.'ries. • at 1t ynterd&,y in Ldlman lnter-~ local quintet included War- dub l~foot plutlc dlncf\les, and ren nUnn. Baml'Y Lehman. l hlm- .rhft\ the sun went do~'TI over the pt\r<'Y oOitart. Dick t:;dwards and placid water5 of Ne"1iort Jlarhor, Carlton Carver. L. A sailors were ttw baa d t,Y aailors toted up the Don A)'res, Erwin J<m<"'"· I low11NI 8COI? In a cklee'~nes to wlo. 3M '• Wfiaht, O\arle Ullman lllld Bill . to !13~. ' Gulk k. In • ~ to ~the Euter re-------~ PJ~ flvt' n oes involvine" nine Cub Pack . •5 illmU f'W\ N £li club itaJled out 1 U the l«lt'S with H eh dJnk chanc· Fli ' ff" h ,,. , Ins C~l, b)' lot ev1•ry rnn· 1 es em lg ~Y LHunan w11J1 lndlvld ual CUb Pack 105 stagrd 11 k11i>-n y. bich ~r Wl(tl Don Ayn ·"· or lne cam1vol rmm tho playground LOI ~18. ~ and Denny 1n front _or lhl' N1·wport Reach DDott. alllo ~ LOI Anlt'lee. third. grammar ~chool ye11tl•rday under the dlr'('('tton or Jack Raub end Bob McDonal. Wltb, modl'I nl111lanfi'11, ribhon~ and ll"' Cl'ell'1J 8S ·thP lure, )'Ollng Scoutl'O! vtrd for 11w11rd.~ In /our d1vls1oru :· hil:}ll?~t rlying. most or'I· ctnnl. be111 workm1tnsh1p and fun- nleat. Wlnnrni weN> FrNI Woodworth. Don Biltnt'r, John Wt>lfcr and Bobby Newland. .. • ·- " I ' . -.. . KOV kHAaP, drtvrr of ('ull..-rt.-.1n !'ll'f'f'l•I, 1-IM'fore -"ovtnc olf ro r c-ar'• Qait trtal ·~ Su - dar &ti.er-11. 8harp It'd frum tfwo ollu l In t lM' .\ual"'1lan punutt r u ·nt uatn f ol"Cf!d out ""IU. lplUon ,.......,., --·phq!_o by Beckner. 1ST MARE IN. 46 YEARS TO WIN GRAND NATIOftAL STEEPLECHAS( COPS ONE HUNDRED GRAND * * . Al!':THl-:J-:. 1-ini; ... March 22. -• * * • l~'' A m:or1• won thl' hiatoric -WIFE OF MARINE t:1 arHI :"al1tma l ... tl'•·pl~hase Sat· SHQ~SHINE MAN * * * Harhor 900 Hor.ses Groomed fot Harness-Meet •... . ' ARCADIA. Calif.. Ma.reh 22.- 1 UP l-Nlne hundred trotters .and ., paet'rs wiU compete fol:. isoo.ooo • in ,punie&. and staket c:&t Santa Anita's 35-day W9stem-Harness as9ocia1ion meet open.irw April 2, it was announced today. The· S50,00Q Colden West Pace May 1 and the $50,000 Golden W~t trot May 15 top the card. -. ... ' ... Hui'dler Makes Fiftieth First .. .. • -:;a:.;_ ,,,_ T.U~•I BarrllOQ DtlJarcf <1dU, \ht Ila•'-bardler fl'om Baldwtn Wallace; takea the hl1h h \Vdlel . few 1Dcbel ahead al Sd ouner of J)eyt.oD A. c .. tn lhe JSnlthta of Cohllllbua ram• at Cleveland Artna. Oil· ll&rd'1 I.I.mt wu 5.7 te0onda. m. •lnnlnl of both .hlsh and low bur· clle1 n.o hil Yk:~ R11D1 Vil to IO racee. * · Stan.dardlz<'d approochc>s a nd an lmpl"oved mobile starting gal<' lttonf! the outl'ide rail a~ expc:-ctl't:l, BASf! GUARD WINS-~u,ilJ) 111r 1"l' ru-i;t ti~~ 1n_ 46 WINS $ ... " 000 ON C IL:....of.,.n.-',.,.,, "h1·n J l'roc·tor s She.tla'' ""'• U ~i I.MIU $100,000 ON MARE <.·1111a)! .. 1:11·.'(1 10 a one-ienrth Y1<.c-12s.1 SHOT IN 'CHASE' to improve starts. Gene'ral Man------------------------ - • ~··' .. .. S • I F JI * * M ry in lh•' world's most J(nM!ling * !J)ecla a 8 hu~(' r,H'l' lll'l''lln~ A n.>eord Crowd * * 0 t t s g SAN DIEC.ti. MHn ·h '.!.:! 41 P 1 • .. 1. mur;•· 1h11n :~.000.. l lh LLOYD Bt'l.M UR u 8 au 08. -Mn1 Janel Slllrk 1•9wn~ ''' l'I"'" nw g.1111" lit! ll· hapl' carryin~ trn1tl'd i•n'i<s S tatr C'orrei1pond!'nt lloy Sharp, In a Culbertaon from h'•'r c-ar from a i.h1111111n;: 111p 117 11e11111tl~ ••••k the lead . aoon VANC'OUVEll., B. c . March 20. Owwol<'t 11peciol. roart'd away todAy to lr•t•m f,,ml 1h1• I 'n111•f1 afl••r th•• lwld 111 43 broke •wa.> • l 'P 1 J hart my shnrs shinl'd to- from the-111arter'1 flai: yejllj'{day Pr!',.,, that i:h1• hml ·won ~1001100 111 lh•· fuur 111111·'· 856-yard'test anu da.> by 0 man wh·., l4'0n MOOOO.on at Saugwt In the Auat r.Uao PW'· 1n thP Grand ·~n11om.1I Slo~·pJ, .. ft•ui:hf' ufl 1111 l"hnll1·ngl-S .Lo lhl· lhl' G r1tnd Nationlll Slt'<'Pj<'<:has<' ager Bema'll Keflnley of the 114- socia tion saJd. Castellon F ann's Hoot Mon. last year'~ Hambletonilln winner a nd · the tOp money trOtll't:..Of 1947, Wll~ decla red ouf of the Colden W<>st 1rot because of a strained liga. ml'nt, Dri\·er-Tralnl'r Set Talin said . ~~~~~~~~~ot~·rfi'bffirft~c~inlit~.;,c,:.:h~nst~' ';;..· _______ .__ ~,r•: Sh·· 1~11d urr her backer1 at '"'"°'f,;olfl kt•s. cot underway. · ul. vis n; ow r>. · r n ; ''" 1Til.n!.IU to I . . N1rhol11i. F inranlf'. 49, wns oper-11(.'••n a shoeshiner ht're since l!Y.!6. of a win In" the rlrat outing of nnvy ... '"tilt rd IH Cotnp ~;111 .. 1i ' lfll • !' mi;:hl ~ WI.Ir ,,, disappolntn:ien~ 111 in;: hi~ shoeshtn•' M11nd 111 -<iown-... WhrQ. ~lj~~·tr~ Aflgt'linP; ffnd ~ilS ·~ )'\'ar looking roay, he WU 1w 'l11nh•I.> ,.l'l'I <lnwn :inti 1•:0.t·lamwJ . ""111 Ill• liorn lhf' ('rC>Wd when the ·1 .. wn Vui'lrouvl'r ~·hc•n the United i;on Pete. 1r wert' inforrnt'd or abruptly aldellntt. wht·n b1~ car 'Tm not a h11 1•X('lh'fl"' !I 1" 1 fo\un l•·. Lord Blti!l!tH'i< Prc>-... infonn('d him 1ha1 his hpr.1t• Nick's jprtune tht>y said they werE' drv~lopt'd Ignition lrouhl<' a nd ~ Srl\i·r ·Fam• · fl'll nt fomo(ls Bee<-h -F1r"'t r 1h 1> c1 .. :.!5-'1 "too tnrilled ror words " Colb S . t t ht' '<llld i.ho• thcln I 1·;111· h••" • o·r·~ h1t••~. i;r:l\l'yard or man.> I I u I' tlm l<'•.h a to-N. '· II-" "$• h h." " • Y crol'?gms wc•n on ° cap-mu<'h taxi>' lh•· 1:11v••rnnwn1 11111k 1. . 1 "\.' 1 . 1 h '10 • rnn -...eon• ·in I f> mce al • K'_.ea ""' oes me by the turi> th<' <'Vent. "ni.' long "" ttw) k o\'I· mi• ,.11nw • .r.m• · '1 '""" 011"1'· A1111 n •<'. England • hundr!'ds (){ pcople who know him Jn !ht• 30-lap mnin 1•vrnt.s. Pnt I OOUj.!hl 'hr· 111·k1·I 1n S1rn l"r~tn· -.--:--\ "I l"/111°1 rnc•l1t•\'t' II ," F1oranl•' throui;h his work. bought the l11herty '1md Stan Krou coppcd ('l!l{'O . fnr 11111•1• tlr111111-... ·nu1t Newport N 1ne . -1110 "I Jlll<l· ("Hn'I hr lil'\'I' 11." ' tirk!'I on thP "i;weepstnkl:'S two Fine Watch Repairing UJw> a 1(~1el-11~..1 111hi...Wh. R ·;f: _..I:; _ .. llunrlrp<), of \0 1•ll-w1:-hri:s filt'd months ago aftrr h1:; businC'Si now." 1ps euOluO I min h1~ !'hcip !t~ tht• nrw• ~prt'ad. parlner naa d<-el mi'd lo 6uYTt. Mrs. Powl'l'l-. l11rnwr m:in11i.:1·r " "I n.,, V l'r) _!Japp~:· tht,; sh?"· c•r the s1. 1-·rnn1•1~t<'I Lll.•~"> Beach 5 to 0 'hmi·r •nld h i .. frii>nr!J-"I'm gorng I rt'pl'at ... 'tl;lat all power 1s a i;hop In San F'r11nc-1i.rn. s111c1 ttw ' 10 l_nki> 11 (.'asy fnr Hwhilc. th.en trus t ; that W<' are accoun table for BEST WISHES FOR YOU~ SJJCCESS ... -. l I D 0 M A R K f-l .-E~w. C.-Sylvanus Consulting Electrical Engineer f.or Your New -Market 20404 Saticoy St. Phone S.U perior 8-1 844 Canpga Park, Calif. Wor : k. . I flnct thinit 1<hi> w mllrl rio woultl "" ="•·w1~1r1 llurhor lligh spanked nu•~1"' " l rlfl honw 111 It aly," it:c rxercise: tha t rrom the !X'Ople to help out h~son. J lnht•rt 7.11•-H1•1l1111tl11 H1·nl'li ~1-lo 0 and Bonit;i. :'\H'k wn~ hor-n in l taJy and and for lbe people all springi-, and tro, '17, an auto p111nh·r nr (1itk 1lrul1IH·d John :\lu1r or Pasadena. c •.. ,:;_m:_::1:.._' ..:.'o::._:l_:'n:_::n:a::da:_.:ln:.:..._:l'.::9:::13~.~H~e~_::h:::as~a~l'....I ~rrl~u~s_:t~e~XJS~· ·:t·:_::-Di~'s::rll~e~ll'.:_· __ _:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!:~:!~~~~~~~~~ G d land. j I~ I•• 3. 111d.1y m a n opening round - '·· .. · uara:ntee . . 'They·ha\•e Oil(' child and 11n• (>'(· i.:am.• "' lh1· 13t h annual Pomona pee-ting anothrr ha by in M Ay,'' lm11a 11 .. nnl 1111-:h School 8&14\- ·-..I Mrs. ~.,, . ._ AA1c1. ''I'm gorni: 111 hall 11111rnanwot • Just ReceiY!J"I take him out of hi~ paini Joh nnc1 Pt-r ... mrr. 1Mr ndin1t champlort.' E •• ter Sht·pment of then. I'll lakP n vncntion." W(i S It} plfl) !'1Jnla Barbara tha Half a.n hour ht1r r hPr i<cm l'llllNI ar1<•rnoon. f--.:f:-.:L-::G::-/7N:--:-.~ ..tU~f;;,R_,....,__,m....-J ffUA Oak land nod M~ POW£'1'l' Oth<'T rtrst-round res\Jlta: ,=-1- ,,,.,, 1old him "It's all for you." Pas11 OJ1rl • miilller : -S-an · COMPA~S Dit•go 1100,•·r 16. Oiino 2: River-~.. No•man, for a ny con~id<'r&blr iude 9, Sunta Ana 5: Groaamont period, can wear onr face 10 him· 2. Fullerton 0: El Monte 8. Or-· D-'L-rts Jewelers If, and'another 10·1he multitude. ange 1; Simla Monica 11. La Jol-.IWlft: without flnalJy ~tune bewildel"t'd la J •K ...._ ..._...... •• to whlcll may be th<' tl'tl('.-• ... --mt Rawthome_ ' ~ W ise -AdVeTtl~ c ' aA~ cro· ,_ ,l!lf .erlca Alfi l ·A .&'lion A UCt Of 179 Ttmu . TED,-M,eee TO tte 000 GO ; flr•t·olasa rettren~ei ,.,: .erful ruturt. p U& '.l'tm·ee. # -- tnbly .. NEWS ·TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVER11SEMEITS . ...... , - 'Wiii Solve YOllr Problem READ THEM FOR PROFIT USE THEM FOR RESULTS THEY PAY BOTH WAYS ... - Newpoit Harbor's, Only. DAILY Newspaper Member Audit Burc•u of Circulations Delivered by Carrier Day of Pablkation PHQN~ HARBOR i2 ;; II - ' • .. _J .<h ·, • • • We want to thank ~e-good people of Newpo·rt Harbor -and Orang-e County . -, for theii: generou s re s pon s_e to our G_rand Op·e.f}:~ng --.. 13s( ~~ek . en~ ~' ___,,--. • • t_i Via Udo at .Central, Newport Beach TELEPHO~e · HARBOR 2828 ,,,,- .. I ' , I' . . . . t -.. •