HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-23 - Newport Balboa News Times·' '·----. ill . Go . .,._,.,,,,_..,.......,.. .................... ..,..,.,,.....-.N'"i~I"'""""-:-"' .................... ..,..,.,,.,,,,_,,,,_ ....... ~~------:~-,A °'t>1 A IL y IN ABC ONL 'N E W S •P A P E R '· . I ' . .. lntO Office Toda~"" 11 A .M., 11.~.T. n ow JonN A\'C'r&KI ... . " ,,_ ·-. <'e.. ·--•• &. --~ .... 1'11hp .. t I t,dt. 11.11t- l '11h111·~ 17.1 11'-olh '.\l~I Ill• .I.' 1.1 .111 l!'L- 1'1 11..1 li'Nf04•1 II•• no l'-.rr t·uur Sailors Seen for. 'Office / .. ·111,• "''' 1·1•11111·11 \ 1••!1•nl11y vol · ~MsR1e11tJG s~LBoA PEN1HsuL~. ·w~sr NEwPoRT;-sE~sHoR~ coLoNr. l!.oo 1sLE: NEwPsRr HE~GHrs. ~ALB~ 1sLANo. coRoNA DEL MAR .. cos~A MEsA;~·:.·:·1:~'~·.:;:·1:;,'t<::·~:::~;:.r::~;~~ ·. VO~VME; XL Flw Uf'nt1t ptor ~'opy • .-~l:Wl'OHT Bt:At:ll, C'AUt'OllNIA, T1' ''°'U A\', MAIU'ff U . '!!II~ l 'nltf'd I''""• """'t1-'tf'lf'1il".1tn. 1 ... • 1 '• N l '\IHt:H lJf . t1•t1, 011 ~l'l•ko·~ouiri f11r llw llu1dl"4- • 1 t ···•mi,:H. d111r1t•' 111111 o 1•tlli11n , <'11111111.l lor 1iw l''lJ1ulnr i•lt'<'tlon o( .. 1 .. ,..nl ul ltc<·huldcn1 \lo tw .)ll'aUld r•"•h tm tho• 1"11 ) 1'111111.•r nnd pro- \'ld•'. In 1~11 n , ~ 11 .!.'II) 1111111"1lt'I', "'"' k1•pt ''" lhr /\µ111 I;\ 1•1\'<'llon h11ll11t nt 1 ho• whh11 11r •'lly C'IPrk •'rn'nk lt 11wh111 t 111111 111Nnhrni o( I t1o · • ·1111111 ·II j . -. --Da~· ·Seashore · to I Seen In 1Pay $47,709 V t A , i;m11ll rlo•I, i.:<•lion c•I S1•11shor J as rea , j, .. ,,, c.l1\t·l111s 1ur111 ii o•ul )""'l'r· • ff HY ltl "'"'I!' I .\\ ha I \\';\~ '" I hl'lr ~ I .I -....::::l-cll tl4:~,.,,. ~~W}QJ'hllrt!!L l<~lj· tl:nl(C'd rrl;~::o F url'il:O :-.;,.w!' F:rl I n1o111 ' 1111 "\\1•i •'nn-<truc11t'l1 r •• Thi' 5:'11rrhl·r~ · ,\dnat1c Port •' ntl} ci.1111 I• '"I h} th•· B.u rt•ll ('it)' oJ Tr1t•!!lt'. ;'" tnh•rnnliomRI (',,11<11111111111 l'11 sutt.· 'i.IJlll sintt thl' dnys lwfo rr Thi· ll'~'""•nwnt tut:lll1•d \\'orld \\'ar I . 1•nwr1:•·rt tnda~ us ;\11 mlu·r' 111 1lw 1·11~ tht> ·111mpcfl,1r) fo>r:il pnint nf on h• ard , nim1h1 r 11( tho pr111t~1ur~ ml1•r11<1l1tll1iol ("rl'I' Of j;loha) di· lt<fOn • l'Clll'lllllllO.: llh!lll•rr ,\ JI nwn,.tnn ~l11nn1<· "hu ,,,.,,. .,., th•· 1·111111c11's Sn S\\ 1ftl} "'"" tl\I' <hpl11rna11c unuff1r111l•1•Hl'l'l< l1l'•· 1n lh1·~1· mal· I nnt1 l"•\\,.r·1 ·••lit1<.~ <'1111llwt h1·· I• r~. tnlt.I th• nudlt•1w1· 111111 "tlw '""'1·n 11 t· -.1 1·~•··rn 110w11rs anrt 111111• hR<I l':;,,,.,r· for t h• 1r 11nt- Hu.,•1a no•W·lupinc. )lll\11'\1•r. I hit I I"'"" to 111 ;or an~ \\'t'1~·h1 ha lf a rln71•n othl't ... mou trll'rin.: rrult'l.<I~. hr <:11<1. 1:"1ln·•' •/hi' , l';w·~ nui,:ht ;it 1111~ m om ent lUkl' I nmNm• 111 1 ho Ii '' :11111 I Ill' COn · 1 ..,_ti)!• 1'c• I IK>S1t11m U\HI} from tr11r1 hid ,.h1111lcl h rl\• l'l'l 11 suh· T t i .. ~11· millf'd a l ,.,,. fir•1 h.-nnnc on th1• _ At :O ~l:111<'f• tlw ''nllrt ~i11111t1nn ' prnpoi;lll 1\I 1hat fllll•'. lw wr nl 1 in tlw hi.:h1 11( fo1ia} ·11 11Jc;p.11rhr~ nrr ~·rr+pl rrutC">l .. ~ ri'--A!Icr· 110111 d1plumn11r l't'ntc rs d.iscloi't•I <.'<I ;iltl]n11ch \\rith•n proll "H W<'rl' lh('S•· c·n~ls points: lil\idl'li 11ho111 1·\'!"nl)• Ital\'-An int1•rPSt wa~ ('(•11t1·r · SN1sh~1r1• I •ri'"' prop.,l'I\ '"''""" c<I n~omcnlaril~ on Tri rs t <.' ''"'r e rhnri;:f'd on llVf'rrtJ:<' nf slii:ht· Prcmlrr A I c i d<' L><-Gaspt'rt's ly m on· I h.m ~l(f 1w r front r001 <"ha nc.:s nf wmntni: "ihl' Apn1 1~ for fhr lmpro\'•'1Tl<'nt \\'hlrh lnrlufi. 1!11 1nn c>lt'Ctitln---wrrr ~lalJDIL.ilnli p:win . 1hhl1111 P<ahl II \lolb hit< hd~ef that r Call Mass Meet·1n .. ·g. ·as· Chm· a r,:::rr::~,.i:~:~~l~:::::::~.'i ·:~ •• :~7.7.~ •.• : , I 11"1 •c-111111 It~ thr• l'lty (vundl. ~••Iii&-. ''"Ul1I hnH· ph11•1'll th•• l1o. .. ur llf'lote .. 11 ... '""''' ''"Ill l:l Cove to. Come U .. p fo·r Hear·1ng lh·~,:~;,,~111~:i,'·:~·;:~ .... t.~;nl~~:!~~ I 11.11 1h1;1 111,.'1••!1111111 "'""not r.lfl\· ,,,, 11"1 1 Ill 111111· 111 h.I\ ,. It 1ttlcW • · , ' • t .. 111. p11l1l1 .. 111 .. I 1111111·1• o f f'h~ · \ ""•'' .... ~~nc "UI ti· h•·l.tl r~ ... , .................... ··• •••·· ,..._, •• 1• ,. , , ,_. .. , 111111•01111 nl1thl 1tl tllr C ... ,.,,,. l.1•111 11 Ii l I I I "" 1 • u 11" u•k " .,.,., 111.: '" j ,,, 11 1 """. '"" I'll)' 1·vu11cll tlH \ln r lor101111110r ..,.h•H•I """'' ')di 11110 11 ·l••l '"'Ill•, f>11ll1011 11 1 1; 1 1,,r •11 II f ln1t ho•1th111l11i.: "' K ,.·,.1 ... 1.. " C11h 111.:" ''""' t'l .rt ... :i "' ",., "'' "'' o II •1-11 Im .•·l1••'l1"11 In I"• lt1 vuiih1 hc•fore •·hit· "''°""'"""""I"'",..."'"""" l11o "'""'ti f, 11 I ""' I• ·•ll1•·ol '1'1• 111 "' lh• II 111'\I ,..oi:ul~r nw..,·t-nuuut'"' , ... ., ... -., .. '' 111 .,.,,,, ..... 1l1.1t lfh • 1 1••• l1t•t1 ul tft• ·,., ... ,, f\ tna.; lh1· I hh1M c ,..,. l"'rk 1ol1111 ." hlo h 1n1• l.uvl 1111 , 11' " .. qto l II I\,. t .... 1 ~All.CIKM TO 110 I N hit._ IM't'U "l'ttr'tt\t"41 h~ Utit· rH \ .. 111 f1+\\,Uft 1111 l'l"l•lt \\uqld 111 ' 1•111111111111 '"'•r•I """ ·1 .. """ 1.... ..i11o1. 111. 11 . .i1 .. .,1 '""""'I: 1 .. r 1'1·· t 11 111 .. 11u•trt1l1m1', j ho· nrw nttll- """"'' 11 ill "" ·111101 ''"''"' In JO •I''' 11 1 ... a.t1•1w1"1I)' frlt !hut dty . r11rt" lht· 4'11~ .. ., ........... ·ucth1a: • Ptil\ f~ll lt.110 tu,, .. \\tMll•I ,.,. tu "I"'"'"' h•·1trl11i.: \11rll .'\. 11 .. 1.1 , l1•-.11 1n '"' '"'' ,, .1 .. o1 11/ol .11hM111l•I I 111\'t• OllH'"r ,l,,1111 ~1tlklf'S \\ nll-..~t· Hi1rlot•, "'hu l•tt:rUH•r I •u •II ... , ' \\Ill look• 11\l•r ttlll th•• llt'\lo l'lty •1llh l("ll'h lt1111t._ Jr .. 1111 .. IN•t•u 1111 ltl'llH• '1itf1jNU\1•\tt o( •If ... l'r"• ,, ... ,. "Ill .............. '"" 11....-111111'. :i-:ut•••.tlh· 1 ltut.• t·,,,, pt••I""''*' ,,., .. ,,.~···• _ 1100111.f 111111 "" Ill• I 11\•I f., Ill• 11 i1 'l'"l'flll o•ll'o'flllfl f111'11 l1t.Ntf'CI -i.olo II~· " ,1 11• ,1111 I, t)llll• h 111 ll o'• l\01lol1•1'• \\Ill !tl11h•J1ly br tit... h """'" t .. j,, ,.ii..,. I•'" 11, •• 1ll•ol .,,.,.,., .. ,.,. \lollhtn :\Cl to m t"••I f1l dt•I \1,1J t '1\t1 \...,II tll\ 1111 tt{ .. ' tlh•fli It)' 1 11• tl il.,.~ di\' 111.tl "Ill, ttf ttt4U-.f" f'AtJ.J.V ,,, H, ft! ..:•·t r1f\ .... tth t1t111 ul .• , .... ltUtlt •• U11 "'"J''' h 0 11\' H•" ,. " ,, ,., '"" "'h'r couru·Urunutr ••Jf'I(" • I•• d llhlf'~I \\•lllf•l•fllll t 'l1111 .1 l 'o\1 " ool Ito llh \f•H ' llllh llllllOll lJ df\ l tOlll' i\ptil 1:\ hi \\hl1h lh1t• lfW Ill I fi1• '111111 1 \ '• 11111 lo I ,pl.Ill 111 1111-1 Ii•"' I 1•;of o I tol l' 1\111<1111•"• ( °<111111'11 hltl> th•• "lllWOf'• 1,,.,,,,,,., .1111l 1w11 k ' "'"•••I"' 10•111 In 11,, 111:-.11 111n1·:1>{111lwdll11a.t11 1111nlt, tn 11..n111 l""'-""'"lun ul :l uf t••1.i11h '1~11111•l 1°·11ol111~ ·' 'r•·•·tul 111 •· """"' "'"'""' """ In c11itui thf' ~ ,.,•rn11·1hnnn t1· .... ,.t,. '""111111· ''' 1111 ''"'" '.'\ 1· .. ,,. \\1111°· 111. 11111 1., l111111•i. '"'" Sli·~·1i.r 1h111lin1'1•·11.11 •'•"•lol IN' 11, •• ,, , "·""' '·•Ith' \\ht n tin ., .......... '"'""'''"' ''''''' •• n•t 1 .. 1 .. "nh\t• Ul tlH It '"'"•'Y ht ,,"-t UUI ..... nt•W " •II' 1•1111111'of \, 10•1 ol.i'. 11•l11•t'fl 1',, ,!!l"l 1 \ ,1t1u11.1.. 1111h 1 1~1•111.: tlw11 111 olt111il11. Tlw l111•11mf"•nl ully 'flP'"\!' 0 11 .. l!wul 1tluu,1Ju,· lt1'41Hf")l f 1 ,..,,,,,i•I ~,1huit1i •tt '1d lh•· tun•• 11f tt1.ttHti •'1 "'ftqld lh••t1 1.,.. tntt't•d to .------------·------'llilo <•o!J>do•lllJllol; .. 11 11•1!\1• 11fl1<'• llllo•f 11 l1tt~ ,.f nh~ I ,l<.tllJ)• flh\i, II 11111( \\1111.1., 'l) 11•1\ 1111ol tlo1• """' r11...,lfk .. .. i:harply s!rc>ni:thened hy the west-To a numb4'r of t.h<'m. t hi s ern powl'r offc>r to give Trteate charge appeared to be cxces11lve. b&dt to lt.a.lY. Yuaoalavta counter· ~ 1eneraJ reeUnc ~ to be TWO THOl1~ASD OOLl..ARS Js SAL\'AUt; from tlw ttmala of u. .... nlf'ttlal n-.hlnc twl•t Ma)bf'ltr, _,, dtNI at-8--Clemaate, I• •IM>-brre aa It wu l•n+.itl ..al ·~ .... ,... t:tah..ll&rk.ca._..~..__......,.._.UJ_,.1 rips. .ll1111n7 Ema. J;nnil-te Mo1m141, Emw l.aM and Keith MOIU'Oe. peae.b> luud an .. r.,Jhle,y r,.h1'1M'd Oii a.a-'• 11...,,-lAMtap. photo by Str- I K111t .. 111 a.11-. •• ~1 111111 lh•• ''"•Ifft) """'1.lol tu tl.,,.1 o'uM•, Lo· 11lwmL,,.. ~Lu .:fiL!...tUlllll.lcJ 1111L' LIJj r!Jr fll11o;I \lolll1 ct. n.•w ~J!l~~-fll9- ·o!JI) 111 1h1• 1n11Jt•1•1 111 11•1·11m1111•111I· ol1•1•·111Un11 olf1. Jh1•.ol11f.otrl4', ~. Uiiic-------~~1.~:'.._'l•h' hJr .111>1inw1tl, h'f'<•holttet, f'lecUon. -~ ~ with ... OIJOM,l 1o Jiell-her t~st ttle bnp~A:!J--..... d not I l R . ; , y . . clalm to Trieste In r<'turn for t he have oott over $ol.25 a linear foot t · t · ~ · l('SS('r rity of Gorizln. and nnr prop('rty owner s11irt hr a y e•ec s .. ugo \\'nshini:ton ll't ii hi' knmvn that I hAli hnd !'1111ilar work clon.-in l..<1~ "J ii wo11lcl OPflt""t:' itn........tlartrr with I Ani:Pll'll rnunt~· for S3 !\it fl"'r fool j , '·TrOde' y lrl\' ! 'n nt1 \\OUld . Sl'l'k tn ~Ir!-lr<'n•· n. lOflpt•r dta"I"'" I rr~;~. n:.:i:rncl•· ""' ,1r ~n~ di•· ·•h:., dr i'"·"'a> ~\'f'nwn• ro·,,1....... U S BRITAIN russiono; 11( tlw qw·sl 1011. I low-mi·nt "'11~ 11n~~~t"f:1"".,,.' '" h<>r • ., ' r\·1•r R 11s!!Ul was ro•i.:ardrd as ,.,.r. il\\1•ll1n1: :111'1 t ,t .. n '" lluhharrt FRANCl:"1H£ADS lnin ' ti' r; j1'('I ;hP Trlf"<IC pl11n hr.11~~hl 11111 tlla~ th• ll11rrc11 <'ti • " lf'n\'ing '"': ,, ... ,. do 11rtlMkf'rt I n ""'t p11i .. 1 '"'~<t ""o1 f ' ,,, ' vn ll11o MAY ~ON FER Tr1t•st r 1l•1•lf thr r,. "fl' tPnslnn \,w;ont lol "'' •'<•Olflmi. IHo!' .. ul1· \i d I h 111 "~lll<'rtll~ :11 . .'.ll'• <I 111 11 111•0\• th• !-l1'<rk1 )~ ,. 111nn1111; i;un. • " dum 1 lll•· ,.,, I \\"l•f'n '111:o~IR\' nnd 1\lhed P·•· I I 11· .. 1~ \\'a,11111~11111 v.:11' pro•pa ro'<I ,,, .. ''."•II· r ll""p,,~a""a ~u111~·,., nr ' 24-Minute Meters II• ''"'I" ti on 1111' 1"1111 of .1 Ill\\ • 11<.1r• ,., . \\In ri·~" ·~ ;i'1m1w•nrr T.o Go in iOcean tt• lht· t nll1·tl :'\:tlltif1' 't Oh•\' \', .\'.'!11 li<C ,'l'I I,, tl 't• 'Iii• S1 .i1 . d 11'al1·,1f 1 Ill•, h •,•II ) 1, jl .If I I J,{ oU t l111 l 1'. 1tt ,, I ,, ,. . -. t IL! I~ • ?11 ~ i 1' t • I ... ttl 11.. .!,.111 Io ol •I 'T'• T r nh1111~1 •'Pr• 11n 111 fll fl\'1•k1 • ~11\11•1 Front Park 7A>ne OftptP.qh11rt ;/ 1·~\HI'. ~ '"": 1 //1 It ft• 11 ! ,~ , .. , t11 ~ J f ,.--i,......f1 It t \ I '' d It It I l\tt1'. f~ni·1•1 lh•• "n1ou1rl1t1n· <~~··t, \ ,., n11 11' r ... 1 ti n··1 ''"''· f11t •1· '' ,~ I"'' I 'I. '·'' t •• l'l\ ii \I 'II !I 1r11 d tip "" lh• rrn1n ~ 1111h fr•ml Tiu C~··• k ,:11\ • 111 p H nr r• 1!4 •,·ff1I ;1n c1qh.t tn•ltrh· •, 11 1·· •t •• !'-''ll· J &rkin p1r1. d ' ·' ,. l l •' ,. .. 1 1 11 I• 1_, \\ , n '~ ... , l· 1 .. 111 \\ .... ,..,.., 11 J<,. •I '" 11 11 •• , ,,, '' •' • 1 1· 1 '4 t1tdt\ l1• 1 11.,.Pff\ •··~'lf'••'·''h''' f '' 1. t ,.. · 'f 1 '111 \\1rf !I \ p1111·~·').i-"fi td l•dVt\\ .. ' IH•"'ll H1 .~ .. 1 •• ''''"'" ~·1 ~·' 11\ ''"• ' c .. qi tli1 nu1th Thi' i•ltlill "·'' Httlo1i~f'f"'· 1• ,111,., rJ 111,1 '" d , 1'l•t1d'r1. ,.,, 111n .,,· .. r ~1r11ni.: L.'11o•r• Illa IUI" r •I ll\ 1n mll'io fh tlo• di II .>' h.\· .,..-'1 J,IA:l'H'' Ult f t h• . 111'-n~\\ r i•ho ... ,q1u11.11t t1 \>'v "' ., ;,, '"" •. , 'h·· t ii\ ,.,.,..h '" ,. ,· , .. •h· · ........ l;,,., k, 1 ~1«11 .. ·•~· c,,,. 1, \\•t :• ,, .. t " ,., • r. i· ., • rnn11 nr 1111•• ... •'_....\.-,,:,ti, in 11· 11 ·}~ 1: 1r.,d ., ,.,.,,, -111 , t I• ' ..... ,, .. ,.,,'""· 11'-i·rt l>""'r<rn , ... 1i:'1u-..t .••• ,, ,,. 1' 1:11 ,,11 ,,1 ... 11 ,1, ,, 11 1 1 '~""(.., ... 1' lit•, ,,,j flto.1 t I\ ,._.I J'.~Jtn, ·n,,, •" ,,,., u1·• 1• 11 •• , tt ~-,J , , ·', f1-;"" l' '1 tJ I \I •I • " )31o f'1'•-·,. I ttl I• I 11 j I tn1• \\ti l~' ""lirl ,,If I\ ••\1~\\111 1 ,, ,, 1 '"'th•,,.,. 11 , ,, l11t\' ,,, t,,, ... •f11I ,\t ,J .,...._ f in '••1 ~ lf I , , , 'I-, i 'I t.J 1'J I ,. I L 11 'I ' . •1 •• I' •1 ', 11• •1 • ' : IH\\ If •• I•:· . ' th t 1 t ... 1t t I ! I I'''• ti 11• 'I I 'I ... , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ I Betrothed . ,, 'I I •II tJ I ""' ... ., I •· 11 I , 1·f f 1f I t 111 hn I• , -I·" II• II I Ii :ti IJ11t. J 1oh• • ;~., 1/1 ' 'I II ... ,--, ·.r .. I I,, <1 I•• 11~ H j I· ,, d!'J"" r •ii tl1·· I I \ .,. t J t' f flf t 1 'u tit\,.• I t. OL lu u"-• •• !h1 ,,Jlt, /'"'l'•tl • J'l1o 'f 1 if '.J: " l,v II·•' I• I \i d 'I ""I I ' ' f 11t1f1p1,1 .. . " .... I I , 1 •I I f tJ.. ... ji I! f \I I " tf t t I • I ... I!•' I 'II•. , . 1 • , ' I • I I 1\ ,. I •l•l l•,,.,,,,, ,.,, .• +1 q ,. '/·.·,.~~''"'.'~;~,·,·, 1 1 I ·1· t~. ,,, 111 •. ·"'::·.. J-. ;, 4..; t-J tJ !,,\ ,,. .,, ~ • n.1..,:nr •'t\i \\._~ 1.•IJ .... l_H• t.I ~ltu ...b .. \~ ._.JJ•I H•• J.-'_:.'.' • ..,0 .i. fh 1 '· •... ASTE J,' HA"IJL ~ p fl ''I ' t 1 M,~ \<f f"t ,, ?I I t\ I' 1t' •" ~ .._ UIO J.,. ..,.-; ~ :·.·I.. "· :· · 1.'111.'.'11.', .. ~;t · . · · ·· 1 • •• ·" '1• 1· " • ' • Pofice Hand Out r11·t •• '' '1 ,·.•1 , •. -,1h"hl'd '"1' ' 11 1 ' ff1'' ( , ... I I ... ,. :t • ·' ol.f1-l1 r I . -2 M . r · ' t '" \,. • 1 ,,.. .• ,,," ..... iwrt· , ... 0 .. 1• --· ....> 1ore 1c 1 e s ,, •• r d•nnnrl l•·r '" 111·11M'I~ irrtn *-Weather.~ 1'idcs * i. • • '"1 ... ,,,,, "11 '"' ""' / / • .. II. ,\ff• J w:on .1h:1n lt 1um1•n! nf . -ev "'' ITEO PRES<.-11 I ... "1 11"11.? •Ul~ .... , _ -:-•• To Vacationers I I' ol· ''Ill• I' 1r1111 .. n \~~ Aro .. inc 1..o .. ,\n~h· ... A lil'l11lf\: ~111111\ W p d ~ ., (Arm, T~1,.,.1,'ll1>) 1 :111d Ill:-.,.," Y•·lk iivh\llf'r11'11' ll\I• ll•tf.1\~~·(~•llllll:··!•uJtl~ 1\llh 1nlo•1 ° ay ave or 8!.opplnrrivrr lnf'l11r 11•ri 111r»U'I' ,1\,'~,,~ I\ ll111·[tl l1·:1rl1·1" ""I'" n11 1wkinc 1111111'1'tt~1i.:h 1 1 1111 1.11•· t11111rh1 :in ~ } T to ,,_.nltowO(, Wiii.,,. JD·)'CIU'-Cld ''""' ,. 1;j,,1.,, 11 ., , 11 P r•""''"' Tnvnap '"',.d1i:•.d;o\ c· •• ,1 .. 1 •LI\• ncome ax ut Lllllan _c;11cnn11ultl'Bbo\'C1,dllllll+" ·•J<t•·I ~ \1 111 l"i' ':1 l•I I' '· ,, ,. ' ,. I , • f ~ t 1 .. .... ,,. I . I .. I --1 I of 1 '' I ~•·tr··· Jll• TO )>ROBE .KAISER STO~OF~I NG \\ \ \I ,, I 1 I I I .V I I'\. •11 . It II i H· rim ~Thi' Rll"S•·ll1" rond \\'1"~1 · Snuthrrn ('IOllro m lR: ~11nl'I~ t11 ter of q cneral criure Chennault. .... o, .. ti• •• ' ·' . ' I " I ,,,, 1·rn µ<1\\1·r ... \\lr• ~1a;oroini: l11r po · t1 ... 1. 1~-r•-.1 1ni; ..i .. w hnr•C t11n1i.:h 1 \\',\!'Jll'C ;T11~. ~ta1 :::~ / :1~~e~:;;,~~"'~f ~~n~~~~ .,111,."" .. ~.• , 11 •.,. ~1l1•1T1 \\llh F 1111r-1w•\\• r lllFwhinrr} wi1P...,n111m1ll•·nl ll;:hr mm n orth , 11'1'1 Tl11 J lo•U-• \\,~,.. •11111 la n<1W et.aUoned In Cb1n&. , m f If I P If I rt\' f~fl I 1lflt•t f I I 111J1 1t f11l11 , .. ,, •I f I 1/I f I ttf p f tffflfft•1'1 • I• •• II 411111 •t I , .. . '•' ... .. 'll' 1.,. I" I 'I f' \I,,, ~,fftth •ti\ 1 l' , , • r c.1 •f · l • '· I'' •I••, /111 I ' ,, ·•"'' i . I I .• I ' •, ' 1 ,''1 1~ .. ~: Trr 11•1 ff11 , '" ... l•f. I ti • ' ,..... I .... , ,,,.., ,,, ,,,, ! 1 ",,, •· ,, ' -·· 1lt; , ,1.,, \\I 111,111n11 11111 • 1 I •1111 11 t •rt1'• r111 ri1 '" 1111 ltu II' ~~·• • , • I ''• f1°l111 ff d•.l!nrd I ltf td Id ftlf ft ilfl f tffl V. I • ("I !loll IHI II 'hllfl\\ io'h ><lllq<1 ol ,"'' •1.1, J.,o\ h"lll 111 l\1oflo,,11, 1,, r~""',,f1'7• '.r tr tt• II • n r~1u1 tn .\I 1ml1 1~.t T1 oil• J I•"'' t'u v.11& 1ln \tuu 'l tu 11' 1\ff1tuJr· ,,,,.,,••u. :~luu111•~f1••lt ''"'" s,,.,,, 1.u.d 1·,af, h 1 i"I ~taut St • t1.~ I 11 to) j'I t I J JIJ1t f " '"'"'Jiff ,,, flfw-•r,. I'\ \'I •• •• \ I I .;.,,. ,,;,. Al , 11l1• 1 u 1~11 'l.t11•I 111 N1·w11111 I p1t·r ; ... " I \\ 1111< ..... 1•·rt11I• t•1 "fl· • •'ll 1 r 1t1d ... 1'1• C. ,,., '" ltu •,., "• ·• ... u .. u k 'hup 111 )t;J~,... (.,.,,,, ''' ,..,,;"'!, \\ 1•• '' I l 1~:t•"~1 \ 111 (·,.,.,,.,. tb:J •\1ur t•• 11·•1 , .. ••' fnr '~·· .. ,. r:ot11111 11( th•' Jll'irh I\\'('"' '"" """ Into• t11n1,i:h1 . '(lrt•;id :\I• ·111" P•lllllllll .. , .. 1 .. 1 I>< '" :, c·1t··d ,, I , •• 11111· cuµil~tl \'II t411ll) l!;iralrt<-d hy thl' 1ni:: tn '"111h"1'"' p<1rlJ<'n \\'r>1ln1·~·· ~ t11 .,,., •·f11 11\P S1 ·n io1 " \o•rs1<m \t1tr1m H••\• 1 • 1 1111. ., -mtrnsity n f thP ~•tu11:2IP Th p I day .m .. rnin~. n ncr ronlfmiin~ '"'"'., .. r-rnr-~1JCf~1 IJflt'l;tl'lr'r lllC'.'.!!Vtr nrx I tilt1e~ J)a~11. «e in Wllli,irff~. ('111\. I (',1 r. 1 h• ' ~ 1" ti• n n \'• rl C · \\ \\ ufk•·r 11 1•·1 nut to 1~w•r1t fr _ .... ,...,.... ...... _ _., ... .u,, I II.. I lllthlt-~---.......... ,..,,_'9-,,., .... ..,.,""' ........ _______ ~ .• , I• .,,,i,f 1 • .,1n ..... --,__ .. ~rlin C'll} asstimhly ~USJX'n!!rd m 1llC'ntly lhrnui:h \Vcdn~n\ r1••111r t1nn t.111· t fot H••((•·r,. f_,,,.1 i ~·,., 11,. m1•.-11ni: \\fH'n lh1• n11~~1ans fi11rt ,\nolr•r dn~· "''"I pur11nn 11n•I 1···11111 11•11 ('h1111"nt<n II 1r o 1ol B A F r ..... Ani.:•'I·· .I \; ·' , .. , down '11 hnn nn 1<ny 11nt1-Sovil'I ~tt:hl l} cnolt•r "11"1 por11nn l.9f"all) K nui .. 1111. J:t . ~lonn . "n11l h• ,..,1111•1 ~Y 'V.e •.. Ire · ··rty 11111, It,. f t.i~·• ,. 1,,,,1 stn1.-m11nT hy~rmans. F o ur-pow-win.cl} •. • .... __ I ''~k th•'. lln•I'••: l>tlC'r .lr•lny tri n1\.., f• . · fl<·iwh : 11 I< ti .. ,. 1 . 1 • '• tn ·I.\ 1.t . M1, .. i\,U111r 1hr•.,. ·nw '"'" Wr·!'· 11111111111 l•fl. "l«l.!,;lurHnw. Ni·w York'• rr 111rPI tnlZ" WC'rt' hoyrottc>d hy lll<' T~<l""-Al't. l'l!<'~d tn or;!~~ nr nrru,.,.nr~ provr I Iv ~' 11:1 tr• 11111 Thi!' '"'"'" t 1•1 · 1'11 ;•"'I "' :;ri "1' ' 11 1' h• '' \I .I J\, 1111, 11 ,\ ol 11 l ,• 111•· :I I •1 • " "1" 11 dill I. \.\'1Jlk 1r. I lo,. '"' "' 11 "111111-I ~ 1<1<11 '""" t11 ·~ olft<'i' on :AJlri& Rul>.s1nns. . Llc:h1 r11ru',.... llm . darll"trrw-pm. M1~11f('lf'~"r•' .. ion:1I action .~n .... , ,.,,.,,, 1"" , .. : !o '''" .. i "'·' r • '• \\'\'-Ill .. , (lj' ",, "''" lhrk«I •n"' Wiii I 1·-,. -I .. -" .. ' ...... ~-' .. .. I " I lll'k ""' , ,.,, "fl,., . 'l / r ' . • ...... .. , I I . I .. II rr· ..... -<• ,,, I 1111 y tlon ·· 111r1• 11rr llkt•fy W11~h1n1:1on-S<'M'<'lriry of St1H.c T 2l !aJ.i 1:39 A:!fl %:l7 1p111 11 •1111 .. ~tr Trnm11n I'"'' 11111• '·'"'' 11 ''" 7!1: ·•1x,\.\'hilli•t r. 1: \ , .. ,.· I .I.'• "'''"'1' 11 •0111 1111 ll••puhl1111n 1w•·ald•·111tool 1.,1 ... ,1 ro·n1 1,.11111f-11 •l~nlflf'llnor G~ri:•· C ~farshall w as reportffi1-··' !'\9 . ·01 :u --11 1 Th• ll1t11v· In!<• m11nth llk"'"'''i'" th• 11'1•1· ~ • .,.,.1 •·t 1'''' 1 •lo•nll . IJ \'II• 11,1 '11• 11• '1• ".JI',..''"'" Jt.<1,.,L.lll"1111 ,,,ni.,1 · 1111 1h•-.r~·inil1h•·u n f11trty Thry nrf" In hn\'I' dt•<"linrd 10 dr11w A ~fl"· w 24 $1 2 \ 2:2tl A:M ·%:50 II hill CAlhni: fo r an 1\lromP J<IA i'".''0111• 1"" '""""''1' l-•I • •1;:~··.: ;\kKd l11•k. '~·· ....... ' I"'-'"'' 'l <ftt'•·l...-•·11'r'<' l"'"'""Y W 1 .. ..,,.,•m hn" ~·7 t1rl•·r1tl•" '" N•hrn•kh, Arirtl 13. 0)11 ... M•y 4 • . ( C'.ontlnuC'd ,21 PltgC' 4 l 5 R 0 1 5.4 -OJ~ f'"d u•11"n 11( ~.~'11"1('t(f1.<~1!1 j m nl ·111'" 1 1' '1 1 h• 11 "11 '" I' ._, •·v•·n-. C'• '' """"" (• 11 r "• • r1i· "~ •·• 1•lt1• • /\ r•• 11 '~;:··· 11,,. tt·~11t.1,,.1111 111111111wl r•ul\ ··n I r 1n•i•11n, Muy :t i . ' '·.'" :".••w•,.•rt l{.·11•1t \\ • ,,,.,,. ····~· l• '111 1•~111> (; ... 1 ";·~' 11"11 llilM '''"'·" lurl(••r ollrilni•nl ~··v1•11 r•·1~1l1ll1•11n• hf\v.-h1•1•n l'I;: , NO MONEY FOR SOUTllL.AJND STATr 'cOLl'EGES Th·""'"' I~ ""'-'IJ 1·ol I · •• ·:· ,,.,.. Arti.:•I .. I! I, ·1.1· .... • ,\1•1 op l<•r1•1t.1,1• 011 1~-~· '"'l'"·"'•l~,1111: "·'''"~"· ''"'" 111tt1I ·,,.,. ... 111 N1'l1111"k'\· rr1:11rt1l1·"11 "' ·~ ~l"I;, ~ lll \'•••"l•n I"''' 11., ... to .J J. J;• .) I' " • ' Ii ~ lu•! 11 .. 1 ·•' 11,.,,_1111!• ''l"••ll'lo •l•l•V"''' '"· 1(11 nn.un1I 111111 "''""''"· ''>'" •111!1• rommlltrr . . \ ·Hlr, I\ I. ""''"'•t•I ,,, ' r. \I.tr \1111111 I~ 'lfll"'''' It) ~ .. .v llr>lf•ltl' "'''' ""''•I''"'" n1•·n l'A"h l "''"'h •fllll(hl ll •h1tw1l11wn on r<rn- Sr\'en million dollllrtl .'hlll! hf'C'n l ""n•inn o r na,·i~ nnd Rin'~it11" •·d11l';t1 1011:ol ••Ir \•') rr1mmi111~··, .\f 'TO r·r;,r: ( f 'T ""·\f.f' ~tc;,Kmnt•· I'·"'""' I I • ' I' l 1 '·1•·•' I 'I•"'.> • I ...... \'. ·~··· "11•1111 n111 .. 1 ,, ...... II ,,, ... I lt•r ' l•llrotlt\,. fl'•IJI lr'll lir'J>l'll l n( ,_ n "r>Pl;_O\'<'O h} lhl' •111 11' a!'•f'm11I) ,.1rn1•11~1·< 111 •h•• l'n""r•1t\ or C':il· ro•r,.1•1m• n•h1111n 111111 tht-~I(" '\i-\t .HA;\l l.,~Tll ,\I.ii .:.i f'th-,.,1~01r1 :· ot1'.;. I t1Jm1r !"'' llti"r.,I•~ St .. • ~:,, Apo If 1; '• ,k•~·1• h1• 1••lill•·1tt l 1tkrly nHmln~~·t1 'J'h(o ·i cvrn ,.':... today fnr thrfV' nt•w 1111111' collf'ltf'!I. 1forn1a 1n1n lll'w·ral 11r111 <'o llrstr:<v 111 "I" rnt1c111· 1n '"'" An .. ,.l<u fn1 1 r11 I I II 1 1. I 1• "t1 •11 M1n11M11111 lk'Y.•·\ w111 ••u 1r··,111•• ''11i1ln" rt ''""''V win• J · M A • ~ " l l 'l'i .\n "'"''ml1l)·"lllll'•1•d •' '" 111 1 'I"• 1' • •. • ~ ' ' • , >t·w••y, ll•' rlhur, St1111r n, But furthl'r ac tion by thr-lc>els· /\l~o fl jllffOl\1.-d ...... fl 1•11'11 11( •hr '""' r• :ti'~" " .... r:ol•41 fr•11n 1., ...... 1 .... k th• t•r• ... ,,1 <u; • ,_ llwk ... T u""' \ I,: I ,\. \ (' i ,.,•r1 ,, .. ,. All Ill).'·" •I ,,, ... ·1:1 11 ... 11 1· ••• ' 1111• 11111 '" 110111 '"" ,,,..,.k, r JIJ'lf'j>h w· M11rtln, .Ir' l11turr v.111. ,,,, nf'r"•~llrY hrf11rr 1ho111 Sl:l '""'' .. ' frir lhf' t•nt\!T· 1 ..... ,\n._·r·I··· I'll \ ···II· .. ,. l•ofil lhf•r II mh ( I' ., r \ I. \t.1rA1'1 '" "'" t rrn11on Ill ,,, IWolTI ti',, \loOll ffl l'•'fTl'lln '" " ,, ... n I . ..... ..._ • '.. hrt·n~• 1Jl1t!• ,,,,. ,,, "'"\ 11r~ ,,. n' ·• r1o, • · • ,. • ' ' , • • 'I 11••. '""" 1~•11 .. rl A T11f! ,, ~S.(l()(l,()('WJ for l\lo'O ~ou'"'llV" C'11I· 1111yoft;11J1f•1r n111.1nC'l11rl1n1:n !'H>.· "llh a ~··rn,1111 r~rnm,.n<11111nn "'~ il•f• •'•rl lnr 1111 ,1._,,., i:1·l•'ll. B 1-. 1•., ... 1.~· '' .1. •· '•'"" 1•'"" ·1 •'ot• ..... 1.11 .. • •ll\t•l••I 1,..,-.,n .MAt l\rth1)r ~"n l\rthur ll VllnitrnbM-11; Mich .• tfor nll\ l'Olll'J:~. m clud1n1t On(' In Wll1 flf/(l ll•'ITI f1or .11 lf'hrhinit ho«· •h111 Jin<olh•·r t><>'o;r\ 1111'" ··~"" '';" h\ .••• ,,,, ••• 1'••1111111•11 • H R•·yn11ltl.. l •• •I''. . .!. · .. ,, .. , .... ,.~ 111•111\.1111.-"'"" .. 1 .. t111 • ., ·""I :-,1,, • .,,. l •n 1 .. r •'llhf'r W•tllld flllrl r;,,, 1-:nr1 w .. rrl'I), c,;1, .. th<' I.Alli' AnR"1"' rounty-Or anr;tr p 1t:il al thr 't•nl\• r~11~ ;,~ C.1h· • "" · n I.•~· ,\111' I ' 11,q111 ~ "' rn' 'l'loi• , , , 1' 1 , ••; , , , ,, ll<ill)"''•"I \\ If 1 ... 'I• "•11 1:. 1 '1';1"1 I'"." f''""~. •••lfl ''"'""'1111.' 11111 •fj ~""'" ""N'Jl' 1•>111-lhly Sta~ counl\ 11rr11. c11n IX' r rlrnM'li • ' 1 ·~ Ani:•·lf'I' 1 ln\n i.-< "11 r m ~ 1 ' ' . l n11nJi.n~ 1-.m•·" \I \Id·,. 1 :-..01 ft.•' t 1111 r 1o lJ v. in, I· •1111 1• "'~ 1 q ,,. 111 '"'. •1•tl1' nl'llhl'r w1 .11ll1 11 ... ok wi·l•·••tt1• ~ this l••lltknl ~eafy di;::;,.. ~n~r~.~o~·;;im "~;h~~~ fn;'1~. ~1ni~~rrnrr" ~ im ''"· -""lnty " 111 h"'" tn ·~tnrvJ ~';~~ ~;·~~'-''"-"'',;:~" ;.... -'~"'~;~~;'!,,, ";.:,;; ~ ""'"~'__d..~1:~~::101~:;~1 !!, ~1~;"·::~ '".!,;;~!11 be. &Ut:ut 13 rnon:t°:'1-~~·:~c:'~':') trith ), .. ... -... .:-. t J PREDiCT OMEONE TO .GET HURT IN WIS.CONSIN I • _, -I \ ... ' ... .... -.. I I . . .Ma~ A'levY. 'Ca~_Se Cellbre~' Overi-Caunary ----~d.s Page 2, .;-;.~,.-:~0 ~.~=-~~!~.~ .. l::"~£n~.~I SOuTHERN cAL1FORNIA BUSINESS AT NEW PbK Qe~ Permit ·~ \ 0 Gen. Clay Says Uniied States N'ot ND FRONT P ·A .~ E E·A·R·l·Y N-E-w-·s He May Have To Eat His 6500 Eggs 1.n~. A:"CI-I.ES. !\lnr 23 plu}m• Ill :1lll1u111:h unemplo)'DWnl Thi.' rl'port sho~'('d d~partmcnt To Run c 2 Zone 1To Qu•1t Ber11·n •A(ter Rn£:Js 'Boycott' 11 I'• ll11>1n"' 111'1iu11 "' ~·1•1th· ii 11111> t II• ti 11 • r" :..'O per cent less stor<' snl<'s fluctu1111>d from a 6 • UD I'! I\ ( ·rt11f11rr1111 li1l :1 iit•W .J1.11n11· '"'"' '.... (II •'l'll•ll• y,•ar. Fllctory JN•r <'1•111 d1't'lln1• m o1,111 .. n19wn ·Loe. Laundryette B"'ItLJ."''. '"arch .... • Ul'I I 241 1()( \ I h c. .~ "' ,., • One i-ChQOI of"lhoui.:ht h<'ld th"t 1•·>1k"' f1·lir111111 . sL111'""' .. r 1th fl·'"'' i-"' "' 1•111 In • J. con· 1 n.i•· ••i. 1 rough 11 ~111 ~11,r C<'nt in-~ • IThe l.Jnil<'\1 Slilll's' hT<b no intt'n-... I I ,,, ,11, .'I ;,.1 , 1111,10)"d last 1'ovrm-11 1 1 · ndJ 1 1 S . R. MacA'l1·yy h11d his laundry t1on 11'h!ltl'\'C'r of °l;l'llm..: out or ll1C'y had no dP.sil't.' to get all the · 1'" '" 1""11} ' ,.,. 11 ·~ n ' u' 111"11 111 many 11wrmit todn.Y B••rlm. Gl'n. Lucius. 0 . C'hl" Mild r 'h f I ~" 11111~ ~·11,1 ..• 11o111:tl U.tttk 1••· 111111111.; , rl1111nw11rd tr<'nd from lTC·k~·· ht 1h1• 1•11un1 y thl' Russians were bluffing, that •Thi· lo•t'lll• ,, 111rli x ,.., .. ,. 111 l•·r Im•" l!)I 1 r1•t111l tr.uh' 1>uan'ti to 11 1 1 1 d' h od d " way out o ' e our-power corn-( } 1 1 1 d d 1 • . u no onr, nr u mi.: t r· m <'m · I l\Y. l'Spllt• u ,,udd1•n chllhn~ vi {Tlitml'nt8. I /lS ,\:'\"li ~.I.I-S. :\far '.13 I 1~•m1~ 1tl~• " J;,nu:u) 's m.irk 111 llii.ln• '' 1 ·" llrt'li 11 .~ ncrl'llSf'l 1 l'C<>I '•1 ar ll·I <"1' (,r .. H lt'St KlttnS IJ<'rs of tt. city <'OUne1l art' u1t • relations lx•t 11't•1·n nu~~la ond I ht• Somn nuart"'"!! had n• """t _ _. ~. tl'l'r t 'nl•'ll~ lk•h (~:irri<'k, whtt Iii•· t11i.:h 11r :!711 -: 1•11111~ 11••" tl111 1n1; J .11111.111 .ond l'l'hruary anl1 w1•r" 'h""n hy d••a l•·r'< 111 auto· . h . · ll ~ . t h 1 • ·• ''" •n..-.• """"'' . I I I 17 ·1·1 1•1~• I 11.111' ''"''" I•'',. IH •'II ll'Vl'I durinn r1w ltil• '· r,·1·•111• "11(1 l1011•"hlild an.. suhr<'I J1t1~s1. low it ha pp1'nl'd or I II •Th•s eem Spe>\\ovl·••,r" bo<'I'<'. tt-" fid1>nth th111 the l"llONli""llng corn-i.;11l lt1•tt·tl fi.~Mj ,tl(li(~ for f':lll>lt r t lrlllH') If 1.. "1. II l~'I " u " ' '\ r u ' ...-\\ t > ' r l-U , 'Y" ) t 1 t f I ~ t 1 1 1111· 1,:"1 1111•"' months. On till' IJll111w1·~·:1nd lum11 .. r ...,..d huilding ." 1~1• t u •mall' const'<IUl'nc,•s :;..,,h.,dul •d •f:su Y,-.0 ,. St'tivl'n mi4tet· tomorrow would shake ""k• '' 111f lln11~1i t11'1•hhn~. i.:1•1» 11• 1" 1 1" "•~··" 1 1 in 1 '"' "'' ' 1 ,... w1 '" • ~ " ~ ,, r-po\\t•r m..t• n"s ,. o • t I ' ndust ·'i\J • I I l' o h • ., uown thl' difrProllCt.'S h!'rl• betw~n '~ •• 11 '" l11r11~h1 tw 111ll h11v" lo 'I ll•· 11.1~11•"" ''"' "'" iot•c·11m-11111.:ru•' "' '" ' . .,., powi:,r rnn ''"'"" t'lorr-~t .,.,owin~s were hl're today uncl u ·k 'd ror a io t· I I ti I .. I I I t I.. I t ,,.,, •• '''"' , ••••• 1.·11111 production. Ill l11n; •·11•1 mun 0 l'l11ll11n<• Ry 6 3 to l VOi•'. Mac A'l('VV 'f s I • I ,i. lht• •'HSI and thl' W('~f . They had •,JI 11ll Iii<' • 1:1.:S J1trnll,1 If 1 lltlllt"_ ·.' ;o t rl'1' '. _J" 11 ' ' I ~ ' ' n ,,.. • J ponem<>nt 0 tomorrow ' meet n" , _ won a surprisin1: 'lctory as coun-s . 6 <'Xl)l--Clc;I tlw t•omiui 1 IN'.'. made up H llywood Bo I .. ,.,,. fltll ;ill my •-4..:~ "'1C ... ' ,ct1n11•n <.). B. Rt•t-d. Mason· Slll'r of the c~irdmatmg .c~mml!tl'e. the of th<' drputy mililary governors, • ':.._.. . ' 0 w '"·~k· .... "" •11111 .. , llkt' <'IUt~. hut N ewpor, t Organizations Hope to MARINE AVE. nnd 0. z. RohC'rlson approved the second Jili;:hcsl adminislrativc body would M'I th .. date for the AeXt 'I'.-D-•t T'-11. nc11 ·:~•llll:h lo ""' thnt m riny OPENED TODA'Y Jl('nnlt wilh'onlr counc1lm11n Rob.I '" Gcnn:iny control council m('('tfng. ----~rml AIA--~ olo.uc. • •• -N ll"f Ea· st-a Vanda·•,·sm-,.,h,·s Vear l'rl Allen dlS!'>('nting .• The fifll\. Comlni:: on top or the abrupt Tiit.' Sovit·t~. a~kini; for cancella- By GI T I (·.h-lrk ~. n ... "tu' IH'Nk .. Ml.'IO hy u J y ~ '"r . T "t ~ ----.. --. • . I L I I "-JI . . wolkoul by lb& S<iviel dd1•K1tt1on tion of the ~rdlnatln•• ~-·t· en ay 0.. . .. ' n.. .... . M11rin1• l\VC'nUl~l11111•r.on1•h M Bal-I ~~cn•mt l(•r, <'S ('r g,,... . was l!b· from thr • Allil'd Control Council "'" .. "'"'"u ' I ' 1" .. I\ ~ . a" ._..v.·n u'cl1>ck 1onl1:h1 In ship the I I I 1b ,,. t('{' ml'Ctlng. phr11sed th<' request · N1•wpor1 llnrl>or nri.:;1n11:i11"11". mi: anti .m 0111..n air movie on lh1• 11>1t s l\nd ~nd . I h11:h"~..iy OJX'n-· • · . S aturday, thl' 'boycott . crippll'<I • H OLLY\VOOD, Mar. 23.-IUPI l1111f-10n of l'j;J::S hy .nlr to 17 or-m on rffort 111 pn•\'l'nt th1• ;m-c .. r.mn tl1·I Mar bl'aches. 'II In trnlflc ai::am last night,. '..l~l' ~hmax to ~hat had becom~ four-powf'r rule ·or ·ecnnany and o rl'Ad "dC'fE'm1ent." Whrn Mh- -Uu of tilt-HoUywood. Bowl, ·de--[lh11n11ges In Eni:land nun I vnnd1th•m. nnd . mahr1o1u1> Thur-.t.1y nii.:hl oa Balboa Is-1mpro\'rm .. nts ha\'!' bet'n under· n cauiw cylebre at •he counctl c11.s1 a cJoud of uncertainty over shat Va."-"llY D. Sokolovi.ky and his nAed Jut yt'ar to Henry Wallac<', If thC' l'gll• art'n't on th I' I r mll>t·hl .. r pn·valf•nt c:nrh 1-;:,,1 .. r land th<'n' 11 ill bl' a fuhlon ;.how. w1,y for thrl'l' monthll, widening I ~nd In th(' plannin1: commission !he rutun• status of the welitem aidl'S wnlkNl oot Saturday _... CJ'anted today to Sfn Gll'n hreakfut· tablH Enstc'r morning, WN!k, ha\',. ors:11ni1<'1I nn•I 11 n • .,11,.,.t 1{11n1·,., rontests and to top llw rm1dwa}' :ind lns1111l1111: an i~I-rnml' artl'r 11 long wrangle bl'-wpr~<>ntations hete. Taylor, his Lhfrd·('Nl.NY runnlnK Garrick t11ld he'd l'at 1}1C•m him· holdlni: civlt: 'l•m~or~~t .111•11\ "'"~ th» t'nt•·rt11111111>'nl. the lnlrni1able ;rnrl at the highwny approach. I ~w:~n memb<>rs or th_c council ova Clay, th(' ArnC'rican militarv gov- -mate. .,.--sr~·-rr'-k a .. ~ •.• -.. •aid' hn lca·r·n f11r lhl' vilrn11nnNi;. • J,, s rntror<I. of i-c·n-cn, radio and Lc·vdHn1: of the:> top of the grade doirlitn~~ ~o~ensd 1 thrir tzon1 lnrg or-cmor. told nl'wsmen that cit>s1>it<• The bowl usoclalion aaid It was ue "' ' -v • ~ • l\alho:t lmpmvrmrnt fl'<l-(>l'tnl 11m ''•'I:'' fam•'. will allow sufl' lllllflptng and J!r ~~ " 11 0 con ro . UIUrt' the RUl>."tllll blows to four-powt:>r allowin.c IM Indt'prndent Pro-"d ahout lW'lng hunitrY d41"in1: lh..': .hu' p~uutl1". I for Mondny unrl 1 Fi ul:•i ni,.hl ut the Newport proat·h unto 1hl' stah· roudway. nppllca nts for laundrettes 10 C-21 op{>rations. the United Statc-s was \\llr nntl didn't 11k<' 11 ll~tart<-u I" _,. 1 h ... r .. · zones. Actual .laundries hav.e bet'n ."tuyi'ng in J'·•rlln. • · -4ve narty to take the bowl h •lf;-<Ulty 1111>: 11 '' 11 ~ '"'" in· "" 1··~i·h r>· ,.,,. th1•n• b to be a bon-11 " 0 "' .. ~ ,... • hla const-wldc ri:i:: tiunt " rn I' ch -'IC 1 I '"" 0 · a ow<'d on. ly tn M·l zones under .. 1 don't knnv.• how many timl'S 'Tor lM Idaho demoaai:a speech lff'ard that Uw t-:ni;:hsh were rn· lh•· bt·n 111 l ·• } Muno :l} hlll a I r1r••. 1:runn1on hunt. musk. movies See ver-No''rm· al prrsent City codl'I _., Ilardi 30 or 31 because It ha1 bcc'n ~•n;_N 1fa111••• ll('.i.:11111.1111: :it 9 fl rn. •,inti rnni;11•r of l"t're.monlet 'or the · it ts r'l!.'Ct>~i.nry to rl.'peat It." he tlq,il'd to onl' f'l.:lt " Wl'O'k and th ..... I .... 11 ' W S J Somewhere during thl' . verbal .~aid ... 1 have said i't .. ,~for". and _..._,,,,zed on-thl' Clllirornla bal-' •• !'><imf' 1'\'f'nllll: I"" I llnl'•' ""' , ..... ht "''" h·· Bill Ahson, famed ater opp y· ·' ""' " ·---..·· · . couldn't l(rl <'Vl'n that I 1 I"' t c 1 I r .. sc ume. a planning commission I .··ay it l:l"'llin. W" hA.Ve no lnt"n · lot T•"lor ia.e candldalf' for \'let'-11' w" v·t "'''"n "n 111 um L ' L\VR '""" """key. ' .. " -. ~ FOR BIRTHDAY & 'WEDDING CAKES HARBOR JIM Imported WlDM and Beer Dellcat..e11 ....:.~ton the third n.arty u~~ ··1 C'llllerl up a fr1end or mine ~)('f'lln f'ront on Mnin ~l rl'«I r~l· i "r ,~, . ba k F Col d n:commendalion a g a In !It Mac Lion 'of )eaving Berlin." r-u _. and Hk<'lt him If hr could IC'! fioo. Tue>i<dll\ f•Vf•n1ni.: 4ht•n• 'IA tll ltc> S:itunlii) 1 s C to Balboa rom ora 0 A ll'\y'~ t'eqUl'St got lost "on lhl' Whetll!'r tJw Soviets plannl'd to We llp"d-Mco la W ........ with Wallaor. mf' have some <'lCtra e&gs," hl• n ~hc1w1ni: ,;f thl' "Caltf Pmlll Woy ·"" rlh u "'r"''' clan<'!!. entertain· table" only• to reappear imm<'d-pull out compll't ely from the gov-lllriMaT Oaai. '--Hid. nr l.1f1•" m11vw ftl thP i·o1w cn frnnt ""''"' nnrl 11i;:aln Rill Abson.• LOS ANGELES-An above nor-l11tl'ly after Mac A'levy had been l'mmental structurt' agrt'ed on at GENE'S BAKERY Do 1'0'l }'Ut to ..U ltT A.dver· The friend, INho works for ttw nnrl Miiin .. tr•·\•I /Ind nriolh<'r ~t rl'l'I noth Wffin1u;day and Thursday mal water supply this yl'ar from sust11lnPd. at which tlm,· Council· Yalta o.ncl Potsdam was the big ,11 OoM&·-. ()o,.... ... - -ID U.. .ClllhlmM. Pacific Sta tr• Butt<'r. Egtc. OWl'!lt' dance at tlw· Blllhon l•lf'Htion ui !\. 11tll'moun.' fp1m '2 lo 5 p. m. there fhf' Colorado r~rr 111 forecast for mon Allen ask<'d that it be up-question. __ , ... w.a_ .. ... . -',........ •AIR • SEA •RAIL • BUS -TO ~ l'OINTll ..... ....... 1111 .Laml>ourne Travel ~rvic:e and Po"ltry auoch1tlon, cht'Ckl'<I Junior <"humbt'r of Commi•rn• wJU. b.• fr«' dnnt:"mg In the Barn-thc> 111rricultural &r<'ll!I ond the held. -----------~----'.::::::::::..:---:::::::::=---::::::::::::::::= around and called b11ck rt·prl"-<·n11111v1« h11\'<' arrnni::rrf ttt1-f+""'-~"""""'-~,.. ... ,..~~~.,.-.ml!l'll9•~~~--.e1111•11111~~11i-~~-~--~au-.111MY,.----.... ------''I had to 1101> him," G11rrlck ,. a pt)(•aran<"f' 11f KFWH ''i'r" 111 ~1urphy. ""'twr has agreed to let 't:'lliC's St:>rved by that stream. the councJI on both 1id<'ll~of thl' said "Hf' Wlll orf<'rlnit me ·toru 0 t'nlt•r1a1n. WN1nl'!Ottoy, •it will .,,. 1hPm hll\'P lhl' room and keep the That WllJI thl' <'nrouroJCing report Issue within a ]TI8ltl'r or minutl'S. ' t'Cll and !l()O pounds of but'tl'r." p,.1or.l?ottt•r. 8 lx>nlirc. rn..-dam·· hnr rf,,,.f'd rC'll'alled today hy C C. Elder. Mac A'levy had hl1 Jl('rmit for a Garrick got thr n11m•'ll of 17 _.._..;,,. -----------hydrngrophic rnl?inN'r for the Met· laundryette in a C-2 zone and homtt for F.ngllltl orphan• 11M HUNT BOAT WHOSE ropolitan Watl'r Di~trict of South· the planning oommission stand planned to fly over thvrc~with hls Says OJd Baldy r•rn Cnllfor nia. ngalnst just suC'h a pt'rmit wall up 6.!W>O l'&ltll on Amf'rkan Alrllni-11' · CREW DESERTED Although-warning thnl th<' Colo-tor "approval". • fric'ndlhJp plane tomorr;ow t9 pr\-WiJI Up .• Thrust rado r'lvrr a." a source> of future At t his junctur". howevl'r, th<' lf'nt «>ach one penon11lly 1.q .-..:(; llF,\C'll. Cal .. Mar. 23. -11·11t<>r supply is lhrrall'nl'd by the council balked a nd Allt'n'~ movl' "But ( don't haye l'nCXJg111' m-OIU'y 4500 Ft. in Future t l 'P • A l!l-lon fishing boet whose proposl'd $700.000.000 c {' n t r a I dl<'d for lack or 0 second. Tht' now to 11~·nd thtf' t·iu:~ ... hl' A~ld t'1"1•wrrwn rl··~rrtc'<I was two days Anz.onn projt:"ct. Eldrr stat<'d that planning comml111ion w 8 1 thus "It'\ alone me." ws ANt:t-:u .;...;, J\111r .. '.l:\ ''":rduf' 111 S11ri Diego and being th<' run-off from which many r<'bUff<>d in one or the 0few cas<'s 111 0-.& ... &...-..... ~ W~ -Advertiroe 1 UPi A ltf'Olo1:1~1 11111tl 1ndny thlll •ouith1 hy 11 coast .gu&rd search Snl11hl"rn C11liforni11 cUles and on record hc•r<> where the rull' }'OU w1.111c1n·1 r1'i"<•1:11w• Soulhl'rn pltinf' f11rm8 ohtnin their wall'r. Is fore-h1ts l>l'<>n to automatically abidt• Cnhfornu• :..~~1,1"111 ~Pars frvm now Thl' Cara Boh, sklppc.>red by <'11<:1 to Ill' 13 prr N'nt ROO\'!' IMt hy city planning r ecommendations. * * • insurance ' . ' p. •·palmer INCOIPOIAHD _ W. 0. bU~. Mllmlnt9 COVflMlor 3333 via lido, newpo;t. beach, colif. telephone newport beach, harbor 1600 ,. * Mt Snn Anto n 111 t<1hl n11hl) I c-.. µ1 \\'111f11'1d liakcr . 35, .wa.s )1•11r nnd ahout 1 r N'nt abovl' Laundry V adeflaf'CI will tw l~)(MI fl'••t hi1:h• r. 1 l\'{1h111: , 11 rnuh• frtJm C:l'droe Island off normnl. Th<' crux or thl' ari:uml'nt. i:t.495-foot M 1 Wh1111ry. ttr J11ml's Low1•r C"nlifcirniA with a crew or "For th<> first tirnl' sin which has i.tonr on for ll<'Vf'ral Gilll11Y of l '1tivt'(t<rlY of C;ilif11rn1a •11·0 M1•xlrnns aftn the felUlar sittd F:ldt•r. "Lnkc· Ml':tcl<', monlh!!, lie!! in thr dl'rinition of a 111 l.ns , Am:••I•"' said •·r•'''' m<'mbt·ni. llr nry Flynn, 41, 1·r' t'tir buck...of ltao\'1'r D11m, showit "luundry.~ Lnundrks. ns such, nrc• l ,1 Jolin. tind GC'Or"f' o. CUUtt, 26. :1 n<•I i.:11111 in the umount of watl'r ~-ltted only In M-1 zonr!I. How. ·nw wh11t.· 11r1•1t. which is mo\'· ~ " d .. '"".""'.!.' lni; at the rnlt•" ,,f :.•o rn 40 Jnchrs l'arific Rrarh. dl'St'rted on March stor<' · I t'\'l'r, ~c A'll'vy had ronsistl'ntly 1;, tn f>rOll'l>t against )no mt:rM!a F lth•r ''m ph:Lc:i1.l'{I t h11l t h s mai.ntaintod that hi' was not op. 1'\'l'ty llJCI Y<'llr-8. \\ 1n ha\'I' " nl'W -I I f _ .. by I f -........ ahout thrlr bl'ha\'ior. mi: 11 pro.,1.11:c1 or "!'ll'S sen·~"' p ymg or o laundry pC'rmit. hut. lt'Xlk, hi' s11ld. <"11l11rnt10 ri\'cr wntrr would be im1l t'11d, for fl hl4!J4r~ Tl1~ i.:rolojitlr-"Acrn·lty ~11g1:(:S18 rnmer -Paul eomn, S1ln Dti!'ft.,-i-,~:-han1:1'<1 drasticnlly if 1.200.000 Since th<' law hh not dl'fin<'d thnt "11not hl'r on(' or two" fault askt-d ronst i:uard aid yesterday ;il'fr·h'<'I wl'rr dl\'rrtC'd tinnually, laundries in (•xact trrm~. It muld mo1·('men111 such ll.'I cnu,;ed the when the ship was late. .1~ ir conlemplatf'(t under the pro-not he detPrmln<'d ~·hNh<'r or not Long }\(>nch f'Rrthqunke of 1933 f # \'l~lona of St'nntl' nm 1175. whlch It laundrye!I(' In ·a C-:.! zon<' Wc'l~d "might we-II tai<I' plat'<' bl'fnrc t hl' Scotch tape, vanou. ....._ dD would n11thorizl' thl' prol)(>Scd Cen· he> 11 \'Iola lion of 0 the orcJjnancc. n<"lCt C'<'lltury." he said. ta!• a t the ~~nm.a · tral Arizona proj<-el. I (n finnlly i!!llulni: the prrmit. ml'mhcrs nf the> c'nuncil did not '\nthlni.: l..'T<liil "'"" l'\'l•r nrhif'\'t'<l <'~lahli~h th I' dt•fmil1on of n wit 110111 1'111 hu~ia~rn. l::m(·~nn. l.111ntlr) "' '"· di h••r. 1 l;•rW•'. ~n'111' 11l1..,•n 1•rs ff'll thnt ii might 11l1i- -------------, m:oto•h· hp (It fin,.tl ;,~ :1 launclq• ~ •A! ~ro· ,f>f! .Hie a .. 4!llU l "' .A ~Ion J•l UCt Of 17~ T1m11 TRIM·WAISTED 1111. ,. ti 1••rrm1 I I 11tu' pu11111i.: th•· 1•011nc1I in 111;. 1 1w1~11 11111 of h:I\ mi: i.:ra ntt'cl nn ,______________ 11111,. rt~un ha~ pr1•\'1011~ly :i~k••d . n :n . Sll,000 TO Jln,ooo GO- ; flr:;t-c)1'in reterencu r~-· &tAn. M('lney makt •• 011 n. N 'I ·~· "" 01 drn.1n1·1· ltnut ini.: f11111r,. l:11111t11·,1·1·t t1·~ Ill l 0 ·.! /!Into.; ltl tlw tlt•1'11·al111n of lho· •'•Hlnrtl tf111 hr "·'' "l'llV"'' d It) AlJ.·n. Silo•r t'.llll'!I I 111 ;in , """ • n1·• pi 11l11lu 11ni.; .ell l•11mdr~ .. 11.' on 1 '· l or c '-:.! 111111•<1 :t~ n q11p-i.::1p 1lll'11 .. urc-uni 11 n·· 111n1ni.: l't>Ultl ht• l'Oll~lllt'rt'CI. ltul I hi~. t ,,.,, ll11•d fnr lar k of :1 1<1•<·· .. .ertul future·. p 416 Ttmu. l rttrU I';\, dance h . • ave 1me r JJusiness \r&'I•· tom1~ fool troniar•~ pttonal 1ocau., ptlonal oppo•'· '9 Ulltft / 111111 1 2 Children Attacked by / Whenever you need hot water-for'~ • • I" • j '· • .. ,, ,,, 1e Jon to th• 4Cel, "°ium- .nttna to P~•-dW'- • • jf ~bly . NEWS· TIMES :f S1Ft ~~~P!~ur PrEs • READ THEM FOR PROFIT ~ USE THEM FO~· ~ESULTS ·-.THEY . PAY BOTH WAYS -· -' n1t• partr JllddltlC'\l' : Newport ~arbor's Only · DAILY Newspa~r .., Member Audit Bureau of Circulations -ifeliured by Carrier Day olPUblitation . . PHOM.ES lfARBOR 12 or ' .. 1' • • ... I I N~~:h~~~~: .... ?.~~'~"" ~ •, I --i'ht• tO••IU' ,,.., l ••• J>•t1t '••lll•tl Inverted plc~te foJ. 1 t11•y w~••t In a potka-dotttd wn1tc crept pronctH dre11. 1l.1y h~ n<'11:'.hl1"r~· cl11i.:'. 1tt"l'nrthn1: 111 1..,lir1• r•·1w1rts ..,. l\ti<'hal'I l\l11l~l,.rtd. ltM '3 ~ lb1• Frnnl. \~7\l' :illnr·krrl by 11 111~ 11Wnl'd Jo~· ;\1 r-< <"ran•hll. :213'J ,.. I ( •t1rnl 11\ t;ll•lt'. n -ilho11 l"l:in11. I Inn.tit! :\lo•rt•thth. Ill, ~ f.111t•11 I h\ a tf,.1! u\\ n1•cl ~ 1: :-.; S )111•J. 1 ... ri;1·r :n111 C-1f:innr~I Pinc,•. ~ .. w. port ~t<'h. l111m:111r Off1C't'r \':n· 1,..':.t.rrr t•11:-11m;1nl' •111an1n11n1•t1 lo11tl1 .1111111.oli< Adwrtl~r roa INllUUNOS tllCS Howard W. Gerrish 1808 Newpon ~ C'08TA MDA ...._8-1111 Automobile • Fµ-e Accident • Ufe Lloenw and Contract Bondi Wr1 tteri , •No matter bow > 011 lrl you,.,Ptr ,:o ID the matter of IJlll~ 1•lnthP' 11n1l bathl111 eu141. the barlc~••T or your: • re90'rt wardTob• 11 boun1I to be a 1 dten t.111'4 1, u~y to "'"ar. and appropriate for any orra~).~~ .• ~r~ arter-breokfot to rorktall liour. A drt., eucb u lbe one l'l~tllrtd, bf a N•• York d••l~nPr, wll l be u.CUI not only for that W'lntu ,.It caUoa bul r1J'.ht tbro111th the ~11'1i­ mer 11 w•:t. White r1•·1w. rotl.11· ~otted In bliir 'k. t~ r ut on 1111 ,,,., ·~ Unt11. with LnJ• l "f' for11·•"•l on the mtddlf'. 1·.1·· I , .. -! •• •1 t.. plr.11~ ~e/J!Ib4 1 tlfJolrlt r11J~" .. . ru:ri~JSHI:-\.G JONES CO. ....t.t.ll!' ', •f . , :. ,.l t • : ~· •• \\ .it --.aJl-toKJI.~ \ e lt"'T-7"""1 • • ... I ... 7, ,, lilS'.' llMtlor. llft'tl: Ooeita -PIL BE wt• J3 I collar-11 Vofr.ln, ~ r~ a-tm1-i< ······••111!1••··------------·J!ll··------1!111••••···-.---------~· ,'H IVl't ti!'. __... • laundering, di h-wa :.hin_g. b1i(h.ing or for any other h.o~hold P.urpose- 'an Electric Water Heater pr.eVid~s ii instantly. It is com- pletely autom'atic;-11evcr demands a minute of your time. _..,.... An EJ.ectric Water Healer is thrifty, too! Y·ou get the bene: _...,. ' -fit of the Edison electric rate which makes electric hot water a real economy. You'll enjoy having an Electric Water Heate r. Available Now Su -Your" De11/n Nou·! GENERAL.ELEC'flllri ,Refri<Jer a tors Electric ·Sinh Flatplate Ironers . ·-Rotary Ironers E.lectri~ Ranges Home Freezers Electric Washers Va cuum Cleaners A"tomatic Blankets . Water Heaters -Garbage Disposals Apartment Kitchens Electric Kitchens and Cabinets ----_ .. t LIQO ELECTRIC CO . . 11& CQMT lil\\'.ll' -A 't DIE llCllE8 -PRO~"E Bl:ACoS 56&-;-;-• · . ' ' .... ~·· • .. I - J I t t ) HARMAN W . NICHOLS Last Time He Had Any Truck With Sweater .Girl of Hen House Was in '46 ..... _ dQ soml' faftc.>' lo)1ni:. At l•'ngt h :\I.~ <'!:Ir' wt'r(• i.h lp!)('d to Rrnd- l<'Y'' J lntrh•·ry In En•hm, Md Th~ \WI'\' 11r l in 1-fBfl'h I thl' fJr:J ) l.llllh'I" • I h<' Ut"-1 l'<llllh I hlll"' mftn hui< dr\'ii-<'Cl to ouuln n 11~·n Ill h••r ''" n ,..i-11 I. ~hrn1I•'' ,.·n· WASlO;o.;Cl\):-J. March 23 a h110t it. A tot Jp,,,: bon<', whkh. •o r r,.1.·ni.h•n py11ll r~ m1111 ,if tlw (UP>' Th<' l!li.t 11mt>0 I hnd any ;irids u11 10 ·II lot of ~im<'C!-on th<' l'n11.•tl !"mt<'~ n .·pM 111w111 11! A,;- truck \\;th th•· swrntrr i;1rl on th<' hutr hf'r"s s<'Rlt•< ThP 0"d11C'k••n ,1fj J1-<·u1t11r•·. h.111 11 1111 111 th• "llh It hE'n hou!'<' wni: in 19-'6. 1 tl'lm nrrnw." thl'V· c·alled her. Mr Shrmt.·r. hy th•• •vn~. kncm' It wai. m S t Louis 111 n buth'r • In S t, Loui .. · nt lhJI llm•• thl'~ 111-··hk kt-n' (1\1111 tlw ··~i: to th•• and ci:i: <'omcnrton 'Thl' biddy ori::1J11r.Nt 11 clm·k•' oniorrow •.nhh• A' a mnth•r of fnrt. lw r:ills und•'r d•'•"U'''"" '' ·u, a fnt "l!:\ rontl':OI. Thf' 1dt•11 wa!' hav,. ,, lum'"~ I h1• w 111 hi -di.11111p1o1n rn1"' • model lh••n. •ljll:l11inf! nn JI 111''1 m !-lfllt• 111\11 !f'Rluna l ron ttU'ln ,lfl l'I'. the mr'l.zamnl' of tlW Jt•Ckrson p ick th•• b1-;;t flock llf chick<•ni-In H1•furr a bt't"<•<l,·r c•oulcl i;•·• 1i1 hott'I. . th<• w o rld. Thirty,,·~tll s111t r!< snul I tlw run11J111:: ••r ,., •'II la).in~ lw It.Wal' hr r f1rs1 t111w out. Thr nkay. And up ~ICJ)llC'd, the-A. & hart tc> (l1llnw A ~1 r11·1 S••I uf ~I'' Departm1•n1 c.f A1trlrullun· nml r . Fond Storrs with ~.ooo in cash l11s ~hkk•·n~. for 1•,nmph', \\\'rt' othc-rs s:iitl thl'y had i::n'at pion" prii•'I' 10 muk<' ft mnn• mlN , .... 1in~ <11,.quuhlll!ll fe1r 111 •·nhw1'fi 111· for hrr. Six ~lkrs (lf wh11r m1•11t Sumi· "40 bl'"N'd<'rs came out· in d;•nll'<I k wl: 1 '.!I hlm1·1r·hllt0k<'1I· f rom t>l\rh hr .. a>I Drum>11c·ks ',.;11 front m th1• rontc-st s 11 .. 1r1 clur111i:: nr""'· 1:\1 mt~i.hap••n hon1•,.: 1•11 rat a nd full or meat th1•) 'cl milk<' IM•' l11st coupli• of yea..S. Thc•y then rnlln11s1•s nnd hl1'1'"r" in t Ill' wruni:: your t:):)OUlh w1111•r JUsl t o think ordt>n•cl th~1r hrn~ to sit d1>w11 u111l pl11C'f's: c51 h11r1 .. l1rwkc•dn1;s~: 11;1 0111ck . blur ur i:r1·~ t'ult•r she1w· 1111: throui;h th<' skin. S11 )'<ill 1•1111 !'<'l' hnw touitb It was ' . ... . , I • NF.W,oRT nA1.11o-A Ntttl·T•li•s Tl t ..... \\ 1'1•\\ I""'' """'•b1 C'"'lf. Mar••h ti, ltHa Pagel ( ~onvict~ l>lanned 1 To Burg,lariZe I n \I•'" 1•f ,, .. .,•nt 1111111•11n1-.• 1 L., •• JI t ,- u 1. rtl"i ' th tt 't'I \\t•t' ''' \••11 I •II' 1-,-'n lrt\ 0 l' "" "·ri•n 1 .. ·11w t"l1rt,u 1< .. 1 "' tlu• • · • \\"1· \t1•r1• um\,., 'fhl' lm 0 JW<'11•lon "'111 ,11 111lt111 111~11 .1t1t111 1h1.-'" 11 :-,\' 1 ·11.~;-1 ·1~1 '1 ' .:-.t.\ll\'11 ~·:t 1hn1 thr ""'"•""!\Slim fl1•rh·r. ''"'''"1" "' f1111.1, 11. ,1 1.1.i ... 1 •l 'I" '"'' •' '"'"''°'" "1"•" p11hti-1w~' .. f 1111, '""""IWllW'r 11ntU Ill.IHI\ l)llllh'• '"'1111\ 1l111'<"lt1I i•I llfhl• 1 111 'J:1 li>1l,I\ (t<r pla11111111; \\t• 11111 11111111 nf IWU ~llllflrlllf'ft l•'l.,..,111,11r1 •• o·~.1i..,-.11, .. 1 111 11111111:•• 1" 111 11rJ 111 ~· '''"·''"'"'In 11 ... 1 .. s1 1111•ht \\'1• 1;11t 1·11ll1•cl on tt., ,·,111111' \1•!•11111' ~•'''"~ \'•·1111·r \\hil.-111111• l'"l.-11111.-.•11rp..t ft1t1J "•'t1• ~l\••11 " ..,'liod ::-. :'l.111 lh H""111h\11). ~.111111 ,\1111 l'1•l11·· 111'•' 't1 .. h1111~ H11,. 1 'J111rt.>~l ttt•l11'1! 1•\1•r l•\ 1:1.,>r1;1• Strom llnd 1 ... 1... '' ""''" ... 1 '1·1l·11H1~ ·t h .it ~1111111, 17 .11111 \ 'l.11 1·1w~· ,I ':•><Ml \1111 ~httll N1•hh•1·k1•n Art<'r "\Vh •re •'•""l'lt°lt' ,.,., ... 1,.,• •l'lll 1~111lh111t-I" 111 n· ti-h•••!l _.., 1, .... 1\111:1•1•·"· 1111 l11w1· ~"" h1.,•11" !tt11••t l1111a. 1tnd thtr 1 ... r "lllkt ... 1 h1 \"1•l1T11111• "'Ill 1 lwlr -•1.•p11·1t111 "' h111 i;l11ry ~nJ "rn· m•;·k n ·11ty ··s111ll111t '" M"xlco. • i1··1••111l1 "'' 111 '""""'''""" """ c1ll '''""' 111 ~""'"'"'""""' -wr.j;•'' th1· wnrk1, n11d fn1m here t lt..i•• ~ 111111 """''' lls 11111\imnl, \\ 111•11 I h· 1111•11 ""' 1· ni;r • .,.1.•11 'E 111)1, I :1••lf'i:1• nnd Mnrahnll.~ ~\"'" 11n1I i.11·111 p11h1'•' 1t..i11d ll• t111•1r roo111 Mlr•'<' .t ' •111 fut· thl• c.1hu11n \Vni I lt11· '" 1 h.• n ••'4l1·t ;1111 ';11 \'A p••r 1111~•k1•\ • ""'' tnr "''••r); r11u111 In / 't1h11ly ""l"ry w1• Hftd nt•i;locted' '""1111·1. th1• 1·lnclni; 111 .-1111rn<'I ,,,. lhn lt1•frl, •ll\1' l,1tr nit t•""I'" 111 ,N1•w 111•rl rlnrhor , . l_. fl\'1·~ 111111 tl11; n '!.h1t·t11111 11f,..ti11111 llll"lf ,.,.,•tli•11 11f t'1.-.w l111:. ntu1 1'"" t:NMF.NAUA KAl'J:, Thi• fll('• 1111: n1rt.-.·r~ 111 thr fit·lll. ''"''"''\\Ill ''" 11 ... '"'' 111••11'11 .. ,.,,hll whJ<'l• 111111111,. tv flllr rlW11M."' to"t. IM' ,, lwn\ h'r \\ nrk 1111111 l)Q I 111• l'nlll'1' \\<'rt' c·nl ""'' \•y l11o•rt 1tlw1:··r I h1111 tilt' r11111111111 ... rmudil I 1r11n1:« 1'minl) \'t•trrllllll ~•!rvl1-.• Pnnk"111•Jh, whit t1w11ko•11Mt ..!'" 1t111-.1;1~ f11r lh1• lntc•rnntlon•I ~ 11N1<'t•. h111 Lll'h1•rn1"nn t•11111l11isl1· •lw J"•1 ""'11 "'"''' h11rwlnrl1I nf twp 1:11\'••rnora . 111.11 F.xoel·· •-ti thr\I w•t1•rt11u1 1uul t hrlr 1tr-ht' •"111 r11••r ri'<tlll tNt,•")' S•·•t••r Alf11111a11 0Rrda Gon- prmlr Qlll In th1,. nrrA "''ill hr (ull" l\•ll•l:o ~nhl Smith l1'r\"1't'.I rl1thl 1nt1~ nr thr llPfW'I". ptrl of 8-ja s1•n ... t 11ml wlll h11\1• ,.,111ph-11· )1·11•• '"' h1111k l••ltl.,.n In llrtllsh l'11llf11rrti8. 11nd nur oWn ('.owrwgr ('1M•1•·r:••h•11 fr11m ""' "'''"' h"•• .. ,.1 1 ·.1111rnh111 111111 f1111r )•'UrM '.!:.. S.•11t . 1-:"rl" W11rl "(! of ( '11llf<wnla. (N~ n l'<i , • • . • 1~·· u11 11 1t111tllur, clulr1t1·._ while l14>c'k1'J' and SlC('fll cont(D\k\. To- :-. 1.,.-11.u 11· \\n' Ill t-••t•••tn "" ~flhnd d11t r th1•f't• "."' flf~.rntrl, ... CNle- 1\•• \\tar Adv<'rtl~· tht'fl 111111 11111:1•1• f htll'lt•'" cl...-.krr a11y11 th«-r<' w hr "at if.Mt HOLLYWOOD "1'\"rnt>·"•. ·nir ctMtt· "l.!'"11 ~ 'l'h<' rlh.,. Is at_rktl)• a "r11 • dc!el. This We .. Agree Gn··· Wt'll. Wt"n• i:ot t h1' <'1:1!1' S•'I nnd that brini;::.. u s up to tod11). Thu: 1s "H"' day in Ens \onJ TI1~day thl' hnhy rhkk" JW'rk t hmui.:h.1h1' ,.b,•ll 11nd tnkt' n look flt th1~ hun· ~y world. Thti-31·tbuo"'1nd tplusl blo•s,.<>d ('Vt•nl" tht'n w1ll lwi::m n trmnmg pc>noo Randc:'<t for id;•nt1· f1ca11on p111j10!'rs. Cifm~ mi:. A IQ. ~a~ frathl'rini;: oh('('!(. Etc . et& And fioall)' up tlw h•ni: ln-1 n11l1· to ,.111ui;:h1er. Mind yuu. 11111 nn•· uf th<''I' c h1r ks born toooy e\"cr will ll\'<' II" In' an l'~S.: Tiw par••nt ~1bM<. nll N-Ri!llt'N'<l nnrl graded, o f 1·1~r,<', will !'It -hnc k And thr b<'!'t· ,.,, nf th1• \,.,..,,of th1 ... lo t "'II""'"" dutE' 011r brand nrw flrshy, nll'RIY - r h1r k!'n . on,. Aut.oaloMJe Clo ot eouu.& Oaltlwnia thll •• pdtnt.ed-. aeeu•· Ina ftntw a1 UW can1-~ u &Ii. cai. or two-thlrdl of l*SMt.tfM fat:t.llU• tD Call~oml&. P\lbllc af9t1 otlclala ol Ule club ldmU~ the t ypical Cal.Uom.la traftlc WUm, pktund benw1th. u &5 years old:f0tt11n· bom and a bapPJ·IO'-ltKll1 Jaywalker, •ho l»llnts It la lhe motor1·1 ·1. ruponalblllt)' not w hit him. ~! m..u hla dNlth ••hlle U'Olall\I a at.Im ID mld·~oct. noi far from proe,ecuve u.aic: 111n&ll. W 8 H Rltlwu~h llll'r1• will l1t• llOOU' ~ ants to UY Ot Dog ·stand lr1•I l'<•lll• ·: Al lc·ut two. • • . lt11nk• h n• hi~ fl.'\ r1-...ll powrr boet w 1th Wallace ~ry Settlement In Hllll frk•nrl lln•kll~'. with .. Lrlf~ '"' pu\•'••r h11Jl volunh'i'rffl (lt'1~ns lllll.1.YWl'"l011. M AH<1 I :l."\ n11I l1•t l~r 11•1• thf• <'hlhl't trtu•I It• '"' lt>ui;h l><'11tln11 ha~k to N.,.._ 1\11•1 !\\11\tt'·""'rn 1:111r1n \Vhlt· runc1 f11r n11) 11111·h•lllllfllflll<'." lu• 1•1rl l forl•11r) ~ ""~· :I'.!, "'11nt• '" hu • n hnl dolfo? cl1•rlnr1·d l.11tl'1 11hr 1"11nni;1-cl hrr 11wrl' la n l <'n 11ollftr.rnk'y I• stnnd ""1th rrn•n•')' 11H1•r1'tl h)• '"" 111ln1I 1111 .. ut ,111>11rnvln.c tlw •••Ith" ~ hkh wlll hr lllflf'lll tn' j:irov1dlc '"' \\'111111<'1' llt•N )' In •1'11l••nwnl n11"11t • 11 1h11q1, IHI 11hor1• lioal at .._ "' lll'r p1111·r11it y ""''· All11r11•') 0'Tlt1· 11<·111 l111t·n •11t11 111 th1• d1lld," 11•n111ln I Inc• hundr•-d r()Ol'N hllW .. 1"1'"1111 I. Fiu rl!'r 1l1'<'l1111•tl 111 1111 F11l111·r 1nld, · wnuht h1• arrvt'd hy. lic.,•u r1•111•f\01«I ftl tlw l'X~lll'Dl n- .11tr11l11\ll ftl••ll t1"1t•Y h n \·111(1 11 r1111rt rulin.: OI) ttw J'l"U· 1111!1•1 J.n l'ln)"ll. and llWlllOnl(• LIDO CLEANERS AT 456 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ---ff----- does high quality dry cleaning W.ori ot -reasonable pricffs! LIDO CLEANERS 456 Newport Blvd. 'COSTA MESA "TOP OF THE HTLL" PHONE BEACON 5798-J WE USE THE ZORIC DRY Cl,EANINO SYSTDI Sn nn J11ne 24th , th1' drl.'Ssrd clu\"kt·ns "111 I)(' J11d1wcl nn~I t hr winm•r nnmerl. '1°111 ~nmi; tn he• th1•r1'. Ri~ht lwl11ml thut C'lmmp1on curvrr. Mr. Shrull"r 1 und<'1~1nnrl a f~·~.or I •h•'"' h11hlt•" nrt• i.:c11n.: tti h<' ~tuff· 1•1l \\ i1h drei.~ins.:, Musht'\I potnlOl'S. Pari;n1pl'. fr•·~h lk'rl!' I l1'l•Ct h'I· tk~ ftl ll lit11t' parl~ fur 1h1• 1>r•""' .ll••:irimy. may· l"k' B111 thc-rl' 11rc "nys to ~tir thins.:' 11p Ami wh.-n thr chkkrn coml:'s 0111. O\"!'n -hrnwn. I'm ~nini: to offl'r m~ frh·ml. Mr S. n b1i.: hnnd. With th•• ·n~ht kind of nuur nnrl '<Wt'<'t milk I m:ik1• prt'll)' fmr l{lhlt•t Or W ill<' Advtrtiae Carr's Feed Store Hav and Grain Quallty Feed.a _,_ oa111 Dell...., ... _. aua 11!1 Sewpert BITd. C09'1'A .:DA Youngest Convicted Murderer in U.S. Serves Life Term in Warden's Home ·CANOJ'lj crrx. l.·n1~1. Mur . :.!3. TWt•nl) ctn~-111~11!1• thnt jrnnt nnll J\11 '1" \\'1111111•\ ln•I \\'l'f'k 1··11· t•lfll••d si•ttl1'nw111 S11p1 rlor J11d111· 11 ~hlll full · 1lJP1 "f\\.'1·1\·r·~~·11r-nr<i"~~A'i}o ';:-'crt~i"'l'ir~~mth 1it:1 11 t'ffi'I mlt1 II ltl1111l1•11 •••t " hr"rlnw w,: k nnw hoth """'".and , .. "' Mdton r11m1,.·<1 "n tit•• rl\\or wlt'h IUrt'. l11•r 11tli•rll"' n11 .:r1111n1I~ lw 1111· fur \\'--<ftt1'111t11y lkl)'• 1rn11 l(lrla 11rt• aoln& to twn. •. W~rdl'n Ho) n.·~· · .. · l\\'11 clu.:s 1tnd ··1 jU•I h11p1~·11vd to IN· tlwr1• \'l~1·cl lu•r '" lll"l"•'P' 1111 '"'' 111 fun, 1'1 ... "<"lftll)' ... numy •r<' mot~ i<aid hi' "hk,•d It fm,·"' iwrvlni:: out \A twn tho·~ ltr1111~h1 l11m 111 11 w 11" 1•,111r1·•••It11•1111•111 thKI '""'Iii ""''•• St f th lni: or rtyln11 1w~·n ttwrr. too. his lift' tl'rm"in lh<' w11r1i<on"• mRn· till'"""' .. 1 1111:h1 wh1•n lllll"' k111~ 11ro\11l.•1I 110•1 """''' S.l~ltWl'.j\hllt II ep a er, ANC:I:. Orlwlnall)' thla .. siotT. <·11nw honw ""'' )'•·II. ·i11•y mom. tr11~t fu111I f••r h•·r . 1, "''"·k -uld Maid. SLOt 'Ly 1ot•n111ln lt"c"' f11f'f'C1 thfi ordl!&I f//I H~·11 the 011n1ot<'f't c-onvktt'<I ll<>t ' 11n.> 1h1n1: Iv l'al ~ I'm stan•t•d · i<im , .111111111 Hkhet11I S'..t1111nm lll -U "°Clt-tirlnac'' 11t ~an ~ro or S.. murdfr'(•r.Jl'-thl' l 'nllr d S tall'!!. So I JU~I •llnl. "t•on11• Ull. Jim. I 1-'11111...-, """ ••• 11l lt1• t .. ,. ..... 1 ""' 11 Year Old '&y l lh•1111 Nrw11nrt 'llarbaf' '9 not. The sk:inny youngsh'r &hot h i. :::.~~·~ 1 11 l1tki• >'1111 homr "1U1 I\\ lllll!HI !l\t\111') 111111 ...... 11111'"'' l't•r· • • "'rlf'Arlnir 11ort," " IT\lltlf't wtdela 16-yrnr-old SISIC'r whll<' she WU I . . lnlll '"'"' .. ,,, t'\llltl1wr1111: •h·· l"l"I". OAKl./\NP. C AI.I .... MARC,, 1·1111111•• murh llf't'dlru time ... trimmmi: thl' hcpuly trrc last 1'" 1~"'11 1111•ri• thrt'<' '"'"'"''°' ,.,,111 11111· nt n1~1 rlf'tfmWM lhl' ~ 111p 1 An 11·)'rllr ·ulf1 i.ov munry, nnd • matlM' thll .,_.. l 'hrist mKs. 110" · ""' llw "nrdr n I hmks It'll p r111•>"•·•I 111·11 l1•11w111, 11n1I 1ulct him I I 1 I d ... I• ~1'111111 tu wrllr aho\lt llOOft. ~ " 11 rk uul 1 irlf' _ ' mt 11111 ,.,.r 1111• ) wuun ,.,, hi• "4C' told poh<:t' hr .:nt tired of ""\\ . shr wnnt .. !1 In 1114• tlll' m11m•)' tu •h•tifnllwr ""'' lrijurt•tl 11 mAld In tli•l)tly aonwhody 1nl to lklnW'~ her ··nagging" him ..,. '' 1 '' Ir) ini.t In 1:1\"o' lt1nY 11 1•11\ 11 h•1I 1lni.t 11tn m l ft11 •t hu11•1 tlll'lr h unw lwr<' 1tn" thr 1111)'11 ftM alrl1 nn thl1 r.ce lie l•l<'nrli'li ,...,111Y to d no m 11tl hf1'. lw "f1ddrd ··nut• thr : d will now cl t N t __ .,.. r.econ • 1m1i:l11 ~1 "1h Is k•·•·111n" 1"~11111· !. " \ii<rcl lll'r tlw •·1111rt """lei ·n1•' ho y. Ollllt· Jnr Mr llOnftllt. l'llr • f'WllOr -degr<'<' "--murdt·r and ROI life In ,, ~ • ----------'rrturn tu Nr"'110rt Our MP1daul lh<' s tnl<' pt'lllll'ntlnry . Colorado fnim mnkllll(" II lh'n i lllll of h1111 To Interv1·ew "''" 1••lh'<· '"' fhllUllhl 11 "' 1• 1 • 101 rrirncta wrrr th,. fll"St to walw aD law d(l('!tn"t h a\I· an~ provision ·nw 1ihnt1'1o.'Tnplw r,. hu\I· 11lrf"R•h· """ 11 ''"I' 1tun nfflr l11I r~ 1111•· APf)l'r,.ntly our ror jU\"C'llll<·s cnll\"IC'l<>d for armed lt<><•klt·d h1~ 111t11r 1111 lllj.IC'h 11h1•:,. Appl1·cants' for P11llr 1• 1111111 111• flr.-d at !r ut l mml1tT11tlun l)fof•rl!Tlf'n t l• YPf"I robbery or murder.· thr1•11 1c•n•-<l '" 111111 fo:w·n h1n·d n rlv1" •hula 11111• at ruck (1an•IW'f' 111iaplrioU11 nl Mimrthino May.._-.- ''"·' 1•r " c· l'I ~a I I • ,_.... ·-W arden l'lt·sl d rc1dl'd that Wlll .• Oversea· s JoL~ 111r1mnn, '"" n I tr •lnm11r•h rl\R 11ncl 1••Wt•r nwn. 11nod A~ ··n o "f>lat·r for 3 Judi'" lie movl'd Tlw t1n• n~l"°''l't•• nro· 511•ttmi: • · IJM l'nrnllnr· \\'uwr. :ti , thr m11hl, w11• r11n• 11tr. •h•~ln lftk •· 8 loyale;, him into hill horn!', nr xt door 10 m11r1• 1\•nl1d .. 111 . t11n, Wnrd••n J'\l"'~t 111n11 k twtr.• In •hr thl~h l1111tt1lt11I lfo•I ' tln)Wl'V•'f' 11 11,.,.1111 alT•"- rhc pri!l()ll, and:. itturtC:d calling ..,,111 1.11•1 ~1t11rrlny IWO f11mlll1•11 M ttl•· """"''1"''"' 11111111111·11 ond 1t llf•l1fl1111l1'1 1111111 li111pmn11°11 run-llltW 'Jlw whnl•· lhln1 I• IOflll" lrW him '"ho111ho1:·. .,..,,, t111·ir r h1lrtr1·n il11wn to play 111t 1•11 ~t•••t "' pv1·r~1·11• J<•h" will itlt11111 w11• 1 .. r111u11 o f " '"rll"'lll" rur N••w1t0rl llarbar. wllh J11n II<' 11111•1 ,,,.w,•cl liv 11 ''"II M1·rvlr1• "I 11 I It I .1 I • ··Hotshot" wc·ani blue jt>an• and · · 111111: 1 WA• 11 I' ny Jn•lo .' If wr• '""" '"'1 1u111f' aold ck.a.. 11 wool 1hlrt with 'll+l·fl"llr""' on It 'Tiwy clllllc O\'t.'r to Ilic prlAon rrn~lt<'r 111 11"' otrk •·" "' l'Rll· 1111111• t111tl uffl1o;·r• "It clldn't kkk Into M .. xho;i, .. •hu "'un1e-r---.. "' •.• 11 d t d ftlrhl11 ~'"''' fo;mnl11"mrn1 11rrvkr. J ., ·~ ·-·-.... -mstcitd of a uniform 11nd 8 num· n wa1c• 11• thf1111• • ERl(h•-Uon ,. ' v1·ry mtwh t trlft \u-pt l"llllna tht-nnd tTMlll. wr wlll br dO&-- .... -"""' Mhoot thAlr I ·c !'ill w,.,, Fifth •lrl'.'1.·1, Snnt1& -A.11•. • 1 A l ..... 1 .. • ... .ua:_--1:!e .£.a1! 1!111 m c•a l11 w ith Mr. " ~ · ' mov '-'· anyon ~r iltt•'r • • · WH 9ClU'~ sun•. )I\ toward b'tedom .and \he .._. nnd Mrs. fkllt. ili-<·P8 In thl'lr <lt)'',"" hf> trrlnnf'd "11'1 one-of llw o n W <>c1nr!ldny. Mf?rl:'h 24 "' 9 a .m . (11111rm•n tolc\_~JLrc-h~_!.tr:J)-IO..l\ 11hall_plan. Our ~ and ...-_ sim"s ronm whih· lhc !'Un 111 aw.iy ftw tlmrii J)m '11 l)l"'<>n lnJCldl' thr O fl r. n In I(• "rt' (11r 11kfTI••i1 Oh 11nnf ll1r m11ld 111 11n up11l11lr11 rttttlnll th r I r ••lllntr knnwt .. :ii SCfiool. 1tnfl h lC)'t"IC'I! d own•·t tlt• JJl'n 11wd111nl1~. t•lt•rk,, •l1•ru•~r11plll'r~. room, r1111 f111w11~l1tlr11 nnd Wnlllld<'d Moll\h nno! Wl'll of thf< lntr~ •trC'i•I ,.,,.ry mornin1: Wlll'r<' " '11111 m111l11•r 111111 fllllll'r w1 r'" • 111:11u • '" 11111! 111h1 r I""'''"~''"'~· Iii• 11tc·pf11fh• r, tl11•11 rn11 l111<'k 1111fl 111111111 MiHl'<•·r d('114•rvr" hla hand. 111·i~hhor •ulurs him In urithm<'ll<". w 1 ... rn1 ... 1 "h••11 h•· w 11' fivr I fl' l-.ri111I") "" 111 "111 lw f111 t)u· 1111\')' Ot '"' 111 "''" m1111I 111:,11111 <1111111111tfl 1 1 'T 111i;te1r~. l:\~Jr,.;ruphy 1tnc1 En1;hi.h ":"" ' S• • " 11r lw11r•I from h1~ m11-.. n 1•1.11111' 111 I h• 1'111'1111• ,.,;H\ lw 01111,lh 11111n111:1•1l 111 "'''' ,1',.,'.k•·~N~~~c ·~:~·~ •• '~\:;~"~:: ~::i ··1 w o rk m t he· yard uflc:rnooru., I lrr J<ln•• "'' 111111 .. ,· .. 111••·11 •1111 th• r1111 ''""' 11w ho) 111111 c·nll T l lhl' ho) i;;aul ·Ann un'"•'r 111,. :·m·• N11l•11\' 1nl1•11•,t•·<I In h1111 '. 1\1· \\'t'<•' /\1lv1·1t i~·· I l••t h• Ip ;·" 1111111 "'1 1 ilia will, h•~•.r. . , 11 ,., pt , 11 , It ill , 1 ,,, 1 .. •""" '" II). •1\1•r lor 11n11lh<'r 1J1rc. It l<'Ph•mc· 1111 t it.· \\,1nf .. n. 11nrl h\IJ• "' "'' 1;1•! '" •h•• Ptu1' of 41ur C'hfK..a """ 1111 111-111:-i.u1111 '""" i..,. r~l·•h "" 111 i-.,1 ...... 1 .. " A • I ·.. • J> t H t J • r .. , thlN ··•11111111 "'Hf' hl'lf"' mr~t1 hnr . 1••• l hi>tn!lt.' I" 1 • '. '"" ltuwl ........ 1 meru·an J.A.'glon OS ere fl 01n Tiu• I.ti''"" ('up ""'"' I• "~"7": ,. lh•· w:irf11 n d1111'kllf1 "lit h11111:• >lt.•h 11ml ~,,,, Ill "" ... >ti 1Tf11 I s w·d A . I R ' ml l . ' Ill I \\:11 •l•·ll \\ 111111111 I ... 1\ """ 111111" 1 I n tat•> I ... 1111r1a "'U Jp I u · •W >'\•·rrl. lr rt In Pfl!llf'rft)' 1 ,_. at~· anti e-.sk•' l 11111111r • .,, , '-• " '-'' • '-' " n 11...:lit \ "'""· ·,._," tlt·11•t. who \\ 11.; 1 ' "n I• lt.1 ... , 1•1,1 , , ~ '' 1" ti• 111! 11 111lmlllor11'1• tu the DiJ YOU c,·cr ~top to think that YOLi lea rn, YOL ' tr;t\·cl • YO . hare experience~ at h on~~· through ~~our )tatir11_1. a1 ~J abroau in the daily newspaper you rt:ad: \X'har a uni\·c rsal cope-otknowlc<ll!e an<l c11tcrrnm- rnc1v i. YOU RS for the price of a nickel. ... An d the _DAit Y NEWS-TIMES is proud. too. t~at it is helping tp ahe~sh and maintain one-of our pricele5s bul-~ warks to democracy \:.. ... FREE DOM OF £XP8 ESSION ! · YOUR Ne~s-Ti~s s~rves in a very practical way __e_very .Pay, tqo~ advee,tising column~ simultaneously- cater to YOUR needs and YOUR budgets,-:-keeping 1'.'otJ . . . informd up-to-the-minute on v~lues and opportunities i~ YOUR home town . We are a public servant ... and proud.to be one. We want to se rve in every.way~ -ca11 on.us at any time ! Every ,Evening, Monday Through Frid_ay, It's TH'E NEWS·-TIMES TH:EP~ONE~: HAit.PR 12, 13 and 208 ---~~~~~-~~~~-· -... - ' .. , I k "f"l tht1 11·1 If '' It\ tt.• huu•h• ''" .. 11 11w,,1ar1 . ,\1111 I '""''' 1·111111 Ill• '.\:•\•1•·••ll11t .. 1l'.o•l ,~rr .. f1'#1·1lt1'11l•11•ll•ll•\l1 .. 111ll11·l ~·-.l'llu 11 "1 1v •11s I rL· Ind.. 111 11:· I It• I I kl I\ I 'II I Ill i "' ' . •tlllll ro ll " r .lllC n .ftnlTtrwlil,iJ ,,,',tt1rt'\ \\ful, 1 \\ •l' • n •"Ill• 1d ltt•llf 1f1 .•1 1••ft \\I l•·•11l1qu1fl lt1llt•·' ·.1\lt /\~l11tiut1 lo the l ,,,.11 111 flu ll•'>••lnlU'••uf tt-w Kin ''·"'"" 'i••k• 1,11111 ,111: 111, 111 .. 1 I '''''"•'I'.,. I•· '•"htt••' nn 111 tit•''''' \\111• "'''" 11111111t1111f ll 1k•1-t1•M 111·~•• • ••'l"'""lln1t 111r Fn •lt 11 1 1 .1. ,, S • 1, k ""' \!,., 1,. 1 I \ 1 11 · I 111 , H"l'flUJu· 11• wA• n •m- • ~·' ltt kuntl •""'''.I 111nn1t d ,1.. \''• '' ... n •• "1 ••' ' 1'1 6 u ,, 1'" ti l•"-1 ru• r • 111lh1 • 1us•ln)tttl ·• 'J1u• Str··w- 1.11 !1·~ T "''""" .. , ••• .i '1111' 1)1111: 11,. 1•t1d , .. 11 ... 1 111· \\Ill""' "'''"""'' ""'"' .... 1 .... ,.t I"'"' 11111• "'II II I y I .,, I I t ~ I " '" ••> n m · 11 ,-,.1u111 ron •• ··T1ta1 .. 111•1•l 1" 1 .. 111 kitl "'\\11 •l••llOC 11111 "'' d Ii• """"r· '"' ,.( 111•11• 11 .. 111tll11\•I 1111 11u 111ltt1 ~ tl11l ll1t i\111o1 1t·itt1 l;1• 111111011 hhn 1J11w11 1-;itwnrd thff 1 :.~1 '·"" J•rl:1n1• 111• h•:111I '11 11•11 11h11111 i '"""'"" '•t lit• 'I."', \IJ rl1,•ltl• '"II t•n>l•I\'"'' '"" """'"" '''II """' " , .. 1111 \'Ill I• !111111, 11111 Sir 'l'hom- ll11nl lh" t111:l1\\11ll1 t.l 111•~'"' lt·~o•mi: '" 1·""'' li•l•t 1""''1"'1 '1 11" 1""1 ~"•I hut 111 1'f1 111 1111 1 It I II 111·,·k. ,.., f\, • ~111111·1·,.fl 1,1 1 1 l •"l1wl1• r; \!1111 11\ • •• ,.,,,,, '" ••l•l.t ,,, '"" •-.11i l ''" 1 """ "" ''" "" 1 "'· l "..,\lt."1: i11•I ' q .1 I"'' "1•:•1 '""1"""' "'tit• "'·"lf'"I ' ""' "''"'II\.-' c\\11• .will, "llrr tt• ~t1th1n1· 11 1 .. 111 ,,. "''" •1111111111 '"""' ·' _ .. ,1/11 ltt.11• ••• c· .. 1·111.1 1 .... ''"'''"Ill •·1·1 .. 11, 1···· 1" .. 111 1"•1111' "''' ..... w11t, rt•l••r to llw " 1"111111Jl"ll '•I•' i11if 1•1,1111 d1:1il do I :\l:tt 1111d th• ~"',I I•"' \\Ill '"'""'I \ ""' "' I IC"lillhlt•1 1111 'l.1f1t1111 I 'II• ll111•,. •oil 'l1111r"'11ty "' 10;,.: •·:nu•''"'ttO 1, 1d Jh• f11,·ld 111 \1111111 t "' l'' ''"'"'' 1 1t th1· '""' '""'! MEI-WOMEN Proeta~ - - -Pelvis \11 l\11·1111111 """ 111,llnr;.:ul•h••fl r ... lf'll"' ""'. , ••• "" hod 11111)' "'"' Iii• I •!ltd th >f ll .1~ \\f•llll( l li!l-READY WEST PORTS TO OPEN DOORS TO TRADE ld; Ii ,111 ,,,,.,.1111, • 11.t ?11• ~ •1 1 tlt'l•Ht f.dlHft I 1rflft f S •1t1lh1 1n 1 ,,)11 t I.'-f•rtl th H. t1111 1f J tu 01.ra,.11 "'"" ,,• .. 1 1", '"'"' \\• "tr \•JI· , .. , ,. \ ,. "" _.pH1rr'lift1 f tt f•I fl·• 't f11t1 't J r 1tj1 1 I I ' 1tu111u•tv ' 111'• '' I '11 •II ,,,tl ',, f pl I ,,, "' ~·•ii ''"'' •\ \\,,c)1H\J''•1f1 1 ,.,. 1 '' t'•' •,td•r ...._1 • •11 '''''' d•\ JI•••' \\,1:. ~htU d 111 • 1lll1tt ti 1 .... fl'"' t •"'l· nu••t ''•I 1 .. q, : .... -~-........ "'"'t:1tr (·t1·1n '• • •• 1 .• ,, "'•'' ,,, I H••1111 t LI I•,, t I\ lt1 pt "'' fl I I I I I • I l ft I It tutl. l1ut J tt11 111111 • I ' I• I•' ''or rlt-i"" :1rad 1""'' 1 t• 1 11110 t 1•. .., • 'IAt•''I '" :11 It 111 1 Iii:• 11ur1 11 1111, t 1111: of 111• • .. 1,•1.in t .. 111t .. 1n11 GORDON B~. FINDLAY OOlftaAO'l'O• A!fD 81711..DD ~: IUt OeM& 81,,._ ft.-11.nw &JI CABINET RHOP ·\.SERVICE LUMBER). BUJLDl·NG MATERIAi.·s a -,/'L• --l '• ,, • ,. , , t , t,, I '' ' I" r• 1 I\ 'l • , I I t I '' \\•It .... ,I ,,, I 'l t I 'I' • : I I ••• ·~ 1•1· ,. fjf I I•· -'.A..,,' I I ,,, ••• I. t II ,, •• t tu,rz·' ''L •l· ''I·i.il.1 lu I I •tit' f t I •' t .... t ' 1 • ••I t, I I f I• • • f •• ,,, t \ T ,, ti • i .. ·I• ,,, •I ,,,, 11,, tf' 11 I ... d\ I • url '"' t .. • t l i •I H • '.,,. "' ,,f f • d ,.-1 d l\.\t I t I t ' \.l,'ll•f•lr1J' 1•11" '"' •c11> • ··I ,,111·11mnr m"'"' r"rrn '"' n• ' ., 1 ,,,41, d 1 11 i'•t' • ,.,, l•11tiru· 11111••1 I ;it•d 1 \i•il I ~''" 1.1•11• 0 f••f / 0 ,,. •• ,. ,. " ,,, ,, .. ,, \\I lo I 'hf 1 II •I·· \•l•11fl ff1' 111 •11•11111 \\hl•h \4,htild 1n1 '' ,,, ''·'"'' \''""' •••hti1:f ~1u1•111ru• , WE~COME' HOMJ-;! Newport Harbor P..t %11 AlfF.BJCAN 1.IXDON fU-.iJ .. _...., Df a _. ... tor_ .......... -....... ... ,.., ...................... ··- . --------...:.....----- Mesa Uphol.stery I Jarry ~kKf"f' ?:l;,(1 S""·pot1 Rivet: c·c,..111 ~r..u ) ... ,. --- SAM'·S. SEA , FOOD "Sl~n of t h1• .SwnrdflAh" I_ Mile EaHt of Seal Hearh, at Surfai~e ;t ~ ~ ''- I Open Daily 11 a. m. to 11 :30 p. m. ;t .. ;t . COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS . -and STEAK . DINNERS ';t "' ~ 11honf'fl: l.onit ~h M0-79, ~ ud 8~ . ..,. . ..,.,-· I I . ·~ \ • • I P 1 1N&WPO&T BAL.Jr A t'EW8-TlllE8 age 'I '~T1·r..'4DX°l-Nrwp!t 8--h, ('allf. M..-rb !I, IHI i Marke~ at a Glance Odom on Way fo A m T··t'& T•'~l ~ ·.: 1 1!11 ~ ~eioin Reynolds' Can11d111n Pndn~ 1~0' IH,NOLl"Ll', ~I.tr :!'.\ •l'I'!. Dupont J.,._ · l l'llut f\111 I •11 .. m 1.:.k •ilf 1111111 General Mut,vt. 0 .,.,_ lwrc tod11y 111 rdrnn 111' It• ~rwld~ Good~~ 50 1 'l•'<lilton "" fh " ''di I•~• 41 1 K ennl'<', '.\.I .._ •11u111nt.Jll1 hri;lllr th 111 ~Ir t:"n ~I ~1' • ~tP. I I >dum pl11111i. fl '" ,, ·~ 111111d 1t So C'lil i';rlti<nn 6() 11n \\ ,1k1•. I h 1 11 111 IM•• rl Ill I oil 1111 • sumda rd c ul i'J', 11nol 1111 r •• ;-;1,,n·l.111 1\h•i•· ,,,,..,11. U S Sle<'l """ Ill• 1111 .. r' .11, " 11·1n~ ~1'<K'l~~i\\~~::i~/%'~.uil't 11.111· 0<111111 ·,,,,,.,.,, '" ''" t '1111.,1 S1utri; lot pl.11r .. t • 111111" 1, '" 111!1 lne. s ·1f11 I tho I I "' 111 \I 101•-<J fut I lw1· AONllS trn.>).TU.lar: 1·. . 1;010·1-n· ~nl-' un<'hlin~ed. t 1' ,,1;. • CURR ~U,1C:k!i> lrn·s:u lar ly 1i1~l11•1 I !11 .... u .. 1 d \\ ,,,1~1o11111, 1111 • • '"' SlLVER unch.t·ng1'<l ln N . 'i ·'' 1 .• "1''" ,\!1, 11111 "' .... ,.,,,11 d II" 74 1\oi.<' 8 finl' ounce. , '"' 1 • 1111 in Sh.111, lo 11 1 •1f .. 111 ,..... 'WI lEAT rutun.•, rl.,~·d .UI!· n '" I ,,.,.,, d 11• 11'111 1111 I• I '1ol 0 l 'Ait: COR:o\ u p'• to ll\.1·; 111\T~ '11 11 ''l•d1t11 r1 '"1111k• .. 11 1111 oil • .. c to up ~<'. ~ rowthnl,.ly~ t1.·ii.,lol11tr11 .\.JIU. tu llOGS ~low L5fi .Y• :l.0(> I""' r 11•11•111• "·' 111•.1111 , I•' .111"1"' .11111 CATTLE 11nl1 S llJ::t;I' "lo\\ ~·"'h' (), ptl.-111 1111 \111n• .:\1:irhrn State to Go 1 ·"'" 111'1'• '' r. hr 1.f1l,.tl 11 \\1111111 I hr 111 .l•"l"I thn·i' \\••K.l. lid •I« "'""' \\Ill lw """"" Ahead With Plans J .For Paving 'Mile' De;i ies ·Exile Nrwport J larhor 01111lnt•tu1rnrn's Au n. ha,·1• 1111pl1i·1•ntl) d1•d<lc·d thnt st.ate oon.~trucuon on Marlno•r's IUll' thlt IUl'T\Jlll'r will not hurl t>uainH• t h<'r<' At leut tliiii 111 lh<' condWllon Teach~ by city admlnisl rAll\'tl Of~ nett J ohn Sailors a (t('r . hl' WH · lnlormro by 11>0k<'~~n for thl' IP'OUP tha t llw') l\ad vol<'<l to ask the 1tatl' hlatlway division to com· ~nee the p.vtne projc'ct 100n. • ('ORO~ \ Ut:I. ~t \R l~\Ult:l!I nl'Wk-1 •mart ,,,.,, f'\'r nln1t a t t'1b.1•trlrk '• C 'uruna dl"I \htr ,(11r1· Ku .. t••r , ~·tr~ H..th \l1trtla.-a nd ~.,111,. Hrnn . Ori(lnally, Sailon said, mcm-' lien-ot ttll' 1uacia tlon had <'X· pft9ed fu r that. th<' paving pro- j('ct would hurt s uml'TW'T tn<k' 1'he 1ta1t "''Ill b;t;-'asked today 1 to procffd with. thl'lr l'Brly schl'd; .: uAe ln that area. .. Young ·· Widow Poli_ce Arrest V acatiQners • 11 Is Home Owner ·"',i For Just $15 .. Jtf-:OF •1Hll. l n!l . .:\hr .!:J I UP I ,, ) Ollnt.: \\ II \\HIP\\' ·'"'" f1v1• l·h1ldr1 n '""'"" 1111• rank!> 111 hnml',m\11•1' '""'' 111r JU•I "n "(Continued from ~ 1> 'I T hmr n11•I"'' h1o11w n .. r111 .. 1 ~Cll'I; F. R. ·Tarr. Sant.a Ana: R. fAate 'r~l.pA.c•> 1 Bl'l1fnrtl \\r nt on ttw 11111·11 .. n lol1~·k Sbe&ttr. RJvtriU<te: J . Ya.rroW. Al-. "8ld llanbaJ1 Baron Carl O U.t.aY Ill II ('(ltJlll \' rt.•al l'qt.111• <11lo· r .. r ~; 8 . P. ConutO<'k. An11ht'lm : Maa.nerbe1m (aboftl. sraDd old ! tho· , . .,,,, 1·1,;,,, 11( ""'"''II"'"' '"'''!! Jl. W. Goetz. Alhambra: J . K. Bly· ~ ~ -~ .... ~l&hln -~~~:1 l\tn1 111111011 Bt .. v1n~ ,.11111·h;n1t .t.one , Bu(.'nll Park: E . R. Crane. -"".,,.....,............ ..,__.. ...... -. • ...;. ._a-'"---'~ oplD· nll 1h1· n ·111lv ..,,sh .. 11 .. •·n11l<I r1t1qc-. Hollywood: R. J . ~ughli~. Jr . P o--•-· "" --WV<"IU mona : w. Whamm. Log Angd"; km kl \be pll'tla eoatroDUns bll ''11~ thi•r .. E. A. Monocan. Hollywood; II. R. elNDWJ, llCcOrdl.as '° report.I. llo·r hu~tmml. Curl. d1 .. d m !Hlli I Bouctll'r RJven!l~: R. U, F1l'ldtJ KunerbMm, 1~ na:: dmSed SC: nl 1111 111lnwn 1 m nt r:i\•h•rf ,~·hllo· in Hunt.ln,.ion Park and L. C. Pride .. =-~ au. ::..: ot 11 .. • "'~' wo· Th•' hushanrl inhrrill'd I.a Habra. . . Oaam. ans. demandl. ot bll eouD-tlu• lt111L"' from h11i l;ithc-r 1t1·('1 C ted for parkln'1J and othl'r '\I 87, Be a.Id he WM ln ew.dlD ) ••1irs ugo. JAIMf, Monterey Park : P, J. Rel· 11nrl h•·r f1\'r )llUn l!''•'rs \1oulU b(' / • I I. l••r 11ult• -d f rork" al fa-.h,lori ....... hrM •·..w.y I • .1 tfl rl1ebt: Mlrtnm IJndow, \'lriclnla Mrlbold, ........ phut u IJ) Allrn111ll. -' • t -· .. ·1 New Rocord Set Here in <3ustomer . VoluD¥ by Ri~hard's Huge Market PUBLIC NOTICE \ O&DINANC'E NO. an Ordlaaace of tile OtJ Ill Newport ,\ Ill'\\ r 0 <'l'Ord HI \'nlumi:_. Of C:US-,f,•,1l,U1'1• uf ll\1• Olit•nmg tht• {'X· 8wll C."-ttlll aM l:e&ablk'llpl l101m·rs \\1"' t·i.1111>li..•ltr0 th· Ht<'h· h1l111vrs \\l'l'C' l:<'lll'l uus In thC'1r a Ctty M--.rer t .. o~ o f Oo\" ircl.i< Lulu ;\horki·t t!urm~ ;hi• i.:<tla t11'" 1t.u~1 .. n of. s;rnip h•i T!"' Car· C'll'1Ulle0t for Saad City; DeftDAllc .,1,..11111~ ul that 11,11 nu,1i ki t l.i't 1;:11 nr. .• l.lk t o i;rf\1' n\\a~· 7500 ·the ·Authority, P•"'t'nt Mid 016- '' ,., k·• ml .:1mplcs of maltf'd nulk. \Isl tors ua ot UMt C1ty M~r, aad \•• • :.t"' 1•(1r10<1k of ~l::M\I) 1·ups uf Ur n Ket-1.111« All Ordln&ft(.._ la >flit a 11.11 111) (,I 1111 \'ht1 k111:.;; llur t'"""' on •'ilt'h •II tlw thn·I' ('onflk-t The're•ith. ,.1.11.tls 01-r.11111~ ,,, r •·t·ut·d '"'"''tl dHys. n w C1ty Council of the C'11y o( ii .11111; 1111 n11< n lt1.u1' ol r h.-l>l•JI t. Thi· h.tkt 1) th•Jo:irlllh nt ".,~ tht' I ;i.;.,wport H.•nch d~ onJnin 11:. fol· 111• 1·u~IP11t•'I' 1111 1·!-, 11 ''"' ,-:....,)· ,., "'!'" "' 11rti\'ll.1 1 111·,111~hout fhC' tvws: • n1111u1". "''1~111lmi: ''' I 111 k H11·l!· up'l·nrn:: Tlw d1:.pla) of unu~\Mtl SF;Ci"lON 1: Offkl' ,nr C'lty lltl, \\h•I h Jak1rt>' llu\I< fnr lhl.' l"l•llfl•t'llUJ1, Ill lf1•ht'dl.'lt'S Ill <ta l' :\llU111ger ('rt•lttN.J. •nm Office Of 1111.;h t'll Wit Ill') "' ,,,, \\' 11 ~<'1111vl· r 11 . d d ( I C'i f ... , 11 C'rt•W. nom '" 1 S\\ 1~-"'"''Pl~ an ma L' I C'1ty M antcjt<'I' o I w I} o " .. w. 1·nt11'<·ly \\Jlh L'l'•'Rm!'ry buttt-r, port Beach is herrby crl.'dJ\'d an d' ~1111 t I h.111 1111 .. " II• 111 li.1 11.111.1~ ''·"~" '-ui.:111·. ·1r111• truit flilvormg, <'St 11hlish1'<1, Thi'. C'ity .:\t1ma1;1•r "'I' 'II>;•' I') liulJ •fl• h) jln>IJI·· (irudr A ··i.a:s. mu111rt1·d "llll'•'!< a nd :o-hnll bt.· 11ppoint1·d by tho• C'lly "111 • ••Piii • 1 1.1tt d 1 lh '"I" r q11.d11 .i. t iolcl Mt•d 1tl llo'llr w1·r.• quitkly Cnunc:-il ~oll•ly un I ht' bn''" of his .,f Ila so· t11i111i:.d 11 G11 ,,,.. d1~play,·d )1u111.;h1 up. Uoui.:lmws macli• with l <•Xl'<'uti\·•· qu111ifir11t 111n~ 11n<I nhil· 111 1 h" ~1 .. 1rkl111i; 11•"11 "It '' n ·,. 1• .. 1111~ Fl.1k1• llu11t nnc1 <'~Mlkl'd 10. lty. and iihall b o ld office' ;11 11nd '.,l11nt 1' • .:-,,.\\ l.11•1 l lk.u h II\ tllJI<• ,1 1111 ii lw11u.;ht l'U,lunl< r" it,11;k for cfurtnt; tht• (ll!'i.1.SUrl' Of lht' City l1h•ITi1• fo;,t nl •·•1 )1111111; 01~ •II·''" 1h101• d.1)~ ln1·11J.'.nt .. 1l) th•• Council. th•nrc•rt Ii) lht• ;,1111• ol p1or1• lha11 d 11d llak1 r anti Iii" ••~-1 ... 111nt art• SF.crtON 2: Ell.,:1hll11y. H1'Sl· I .':I hft\•" ·ot ..rr .. 11·,; 'af•11l1·-. .11111' :-:11 •~. ·1!11 · ln1 lt'r .11'n\ 1ni.: h 1• r' t'' dt•nc<' m tht• Cit) of N t•wpoH liu ,;1t·ks uf 'fU:tlJI) p111_;1l1x-s I ~• n_1 '"' n.1l!_l•·_n•1111tr) "11h1n 11w· fl<•at'~l!' the tmw of appom•rn<'nl. In tlw (11111! •lum "lt1d1 w;,~ " I ''' 1w,. lllonths ,IJnll not bC' requln>d ~ ;) t'Qnctl: lntroduc.es Bill to Authority to S~ttle 11on o( appointmen t. ·ve Supr.om . Court No perso n elected II) ITIL"!Tli"l+'r· · ~ e ship on the Ci11 Councll ,,hall, \ 'I d n• t sul~uent to Slll'h . election. 114! 0 ora 0 1spu e <'ligibll' for. nppo,inpnen l .11~ City I Man:.igt•r of lhe (."ity of. N1•w1JOrl W ,\Sii I :"t ;Ti 1.'•. :'ol:tr . ::J --- --. fka<'h uni 11 one y<'nr h as ('l11pe;ed "·111 H· I' c·1··11 It' Fl.rd ,.'. It . I I Mt<'r }JI' h11~ re11Sl'rt 10 be a ml'm· I (',ti . ''"l.1) in111xlw·· or :. 10111 ,,,, BRUSIJING DOES IT lw r of thr City C'ouncih i.:11 0• th• ""' '111• 1·11ur1 u111J1ority • tor '"'1•· •I·· C-olu .. rm .t·o\fll• . .Hl:'I "--------.... ----'"-~ SErrMON :l: R<mcl. Tiw City ~lana.i;L'r -.A,ill fu1111 •h a rorporate clt1io1 ta!t •hu111 ( ···'••l_;•tJu rl\1'J" \\:t· rff 1' r. '(!::·~:1·~~7.'nl'rl 1~1n11~u'~.lt::::1a::->·~~; ~11n1f111: I• i:""'''"" ts 1•·ml111~ In lw ·~ll'l,•n·nrnl'rt by tho• Cit y Coun- 1• • !". 11:11• .. 1. '"'" r luhl ·• n ·· ril nnd Shull l:>t' cnnohtionNI on th e lo•r I ' h.1~ lh' fl .,,,111 t•d IJ111J ~ fnith(UI pt'I form:int'I' Of thP <!UlleS l1o ;11 1n •. • 1~111 b•· ho hi •HI 111-i 111 11 11111!0,;t'd on 1111' City Manu~er M I IP told ttw lfn11 ... • I ha I 1o!111·r I • l}i•1.,:in pr·o•i;t"rilwd · h• ·m m:" \1 nulrt '<I Ari 11000 _ on ~5Ech():'ll ,a : Ab;1:fiee; In caw d111r~·~ lh.11,s.;,., ,r) "' lnft .lolr or lhe o1>~c·nce or cfo.;ibility or the. I t\ l'r111; 1111•• r• c·h1m:111•m l'om· C'11y M1tn1tl(t•r.· tht.' City Council m1 .... 11111o•r M1rh.1t'I Straus madt• may tlo•signoto• som(' duly quallfied 1ll••i:1I ,, ... , 111 l<lJhlr• 11.1 1111<1 pcop-per!o.On to pl'rfarm thl' duties of ll)e 1i:\1nd•• I It• ~ '<f'llllr of rf'\nl.,...+-'.llll!iiiJ . , J; the petlod llll• 11do d Ii• lk•"I A11""'"·~ '""' 01 1 :-.lmHhni.: wa11·r r1111ln•· thu•o· 11 hu·h 1,,,,,. •"•lf!t' tol lh•·1u rom 1 ht· 1111111L' 111 01 h"rs -Hl111~ .... 1•11~1·,1I "'I . 1 q ( abs<'n<'t' or ~·disaftllily of said City Man11g~r. ··subjC'ct. howC'ver, tn ..;1id [il'rl'On fumi,hing a corpor- llh' sur l'IY bond conttitiont'd on I f1111hflil pt•rform:incr of the· duties r1•quirrd 'Jn bt> r11•rfnrml'd. as Sl't f11rth in SECTION :I lw rC'ln 1 SEC'TI0:-.1 5 . «:ompo•n-.utlon The · WISElt AGAIN LEADS I STATE C~NCEJl DRIVE, . • 1 ('JI> ~1.inui.:Pr <.hall N"Cl.'i\'l• su<'h 1·c•mf*ns1t1 ion 'as 1 hP C'ity Cou ncil >ohnll fn•m t'fm,: to, 11tne dl'tl'nnine ~ amt fix t,y rl'!i(llu11on, a nd !<aid corn1H:nsal1on ~hnll Ix• <1 11ro~ c>hn rgP ngairu.t surl) fund;; of t!J.e C"il\· that l'hC' C111· C'ount ll shall ., KEEP ra100 draperiee clean and• dt>-iigna tl'. • · • 1parldinf betwffn laundtrinltl or drr ci.arunc• b,. 1 tving tMm an occa11onal bruthin1. Thia alao H • Sn1d Cit,_ l\tan1t~1·r :-hall lit• rt.'· IUrea lfHttr Hrviceabllity, H ICCU•I lmbur.«:.'<f for all·1'1.1ms rH-Co•,..;u i.)y mlllatr;c! dltt ~ wtalren the ~&bric. 1 mcurrrr• or paid t1y him m the If yo~ rt P~IUl.Ull ""' drapcnn o r: f)('rformanct• "of hi" <fu~<'!>, ur in· lat.ions: B. E. Mein<'r, Brea: R.. W. for medical &reatmlD&. '111" \\JClow w1111 11fr11i<I th11 t ~h.rl ret. Ontario; P. o.1nn, RJ"f "'ld.·: Predict Trouble •'\'irt•'<l hy th(' huyrr . • J> . .P. Scott. Whittie r : N. 11.. ~r-County rrndltor f)(10Ald S=f'. t,h. ..... a.a-akrino;..,J. D..Parks...JJ;ii· In Wiston1in -ddrMl!M"d ..... ~d_ oLbar . erwlde; huntl'ra. curt~1n1 th11 ~eon. why not trJ'j eur'rcd whrn tra\'f'lini: on bu"inl'!ll malrinir your OW1\I Smd few the' ·.. ·. .-. I . .: helpful frn ltaftet, .. Tie-on Snrinl' 1x•rtnm111.: ~() ~!d ... uy Uni ~r ..... Ra:ron Drapttiee and C:uttaina," T~ l't'Ct1<m of the C11y1 Count'}I: 'l'et.m· 1et your copy Jul\.. MT\d a ttamp«d buN.'meer mall only be madt', MU-addreeud 'm•&~ to •the W~ h~·l'ver, whef'! 11 vrr1fled ltemi~ro I men'• Pace Editor of thia paper~ 1 claim, set lln.r "Corth the auma -· -. pended. to.r· wbftb r't'im..J>u~nt I.a"~'''" Tuld t o (i!har jM'n t•p • is ft'Q~estrd, ~ ~n p~nrea. to (Qaell.-d frwn p._. 1) '""1\1 propt>r ty lit n<•t•upit'd by l ~PUT UP $)900. It. the T aft fore.ea df-c:'ld ro to r ap-a w11r wtrtnw who i11 th~ moth<'T fOR VILLA WAY lt11llze on thl' prlm llry If lhl'Y of fh'c rhJldrr n." ht• s11i d . "Sh e PR E T N>11ld. hill! w ry llt~ir inromc;-." • I IM OVEM N . NPhrflllkll will hnl'l' l!'i <'Oil\ r n-1\11r ti1m1't'r .:\trirk J-toyd rnnll''<I City Englnl!t'r J. R. Wt>bb v.•11.~ today reedy t o ca ll fnrhl,d.c> for tlw lm~t ot VIII& \\'ny bi.· tWHn Lafayettl' Avf'. nnd :?91h S1 Propen x .ownl'n In thn• '<•'<·tor llave dt'po11l t1od $1900 In 1•i>e,,1w n• tbtlr confributlon tow n rd th<' 1m - llft>\'l'ment. lull\ d•'h-1otn tr11, Ohln !13. tr nn y l his ..::1\••I "Wh1o1 11n1 I h 11I"" Ill' <'nndlrtntr m nu'l' 0111 11f lh•• I'•· aiik1'(\ hrn..,ka p rimnry "II h nn) lh1n1: to Th• l •' \\ .,, .1 .. m 111 h;1hhl" •·I hr"I! 11hout o lfl~ 11f ul h•'r'\ arl' \'111l·• .... lou1 t hr· .1t11·1111111·1·r inll r- 1; .. 1111; '"ho• hlnnkr•tl llM \\'1llkl1· \1·n• 1 ruplt'll fl'u r yr11r~ 111;0 1h \\·l~C'<m$in Tlw "l\;o i.:Pt 111 1~11111 "'" 111111 lhi' d11'rk hrrno;M r1111'1 lw h11rt nrnd1 t<> 11 1111loh1· .1111·11"11 anti 1111~1111" ht'<'nu•r tllf'y :irrn·1 1•rtmp:111:n i111t. I r11n h11I. lu :-..1111 "11111 I'm al~n Rll)\\lll· T uf t Is. lhr m11n 111 w hom i.:•'lni: "' 1ii'llrl1-,.n1. n~ ~m11h rtrrl, th•' N r;ltr111'k n primnry ill 111n~t Im ·' th11t ,._ li"l"I: n111d wr .11111 lwr 1'111t- At1Mll".8 l'SDE.R .l"C'Rt"fl!'f\' portnnt. I dn n ntl\\ '"" lh• r. ;'l\uw fht•n. SYDNEY, Auslrllll& tuP l-Thl' !>""'"\' nml ~l:tS'"" 11rr tho• r 1111-1 \\h ltt :im I lttft-2 .. l'iandlf{'1 or Auttrallan lrOOJlll Af'rV· 1r11lnnti in llrl'i:on on l\la~· :!I Thi'! l\lrs. Bit•\ Ill'< r:ll~l'll Ont' hon1I .... In J a pnn 1r under ln1·N1fllitll· !<IHI•' w ill haw l'.J l'll11Wl11\tin 111-11·-"I'll hul si:;." llhl' 1·rit'd. t6arl by th<' army'• cha plain -aen-i:atM l"!'"Y mrt· !lr<t m tlw N«w Tlw n11rl1t•111'<·r tluln'I 111111 for •al. '!be i urvey w 111 ordl'rrd aflf'r I ll11m~htrl' primAry n for tnl1;thl I 11 lu~lwr h11I Tlw r.1p uf h1!1 1tavrl u. A1.11trallan t:.egion of J:;x.Sl'r\;: 1 11~0. d l\idln g I hc-ll1•lri:n ll~n I h l!I h r"k•· t hr '"''n<'t' 1ofmen ln Nt'w South Watrs c•on'I; way: ~w<•y 6! S tM&<•n :.!. I "Sold to• llw 111'1)• (~r !15" pAaJned that Imm o r 11 11 t y 11nd · • • - rackl'ttt'rinc ·were pN'\11lr n1 ~ W i'" -Advt•rllse lw W iitr -Arh'o•rtlsr ----~· .. f .4rm,. T rl,.plinto) Sllll In fhihtln!f mood. 17·Ytar-old Wlllll1m Tomri<-rl'k ,..b<we> lltr lflo!Rlrs ti.'! pOl!ce lry to put handcu{&f.,yn hig •m st.os. ll toolt rl11ht '1!Clunds of police and a t.'~ 1u b&rr1'g,. 1.0 dlslod!le t hl' boy !rum bnr·lcurlo-<:I Ch1cni1) llf)llrtmrnt alter he i.hnt h is hnl!·broth rr In the rhN<l wl1 I~ nn OITOW and rhn~rd rest o r h1• f:rnllh· !rum lhr hnu.<t'. l»1r1111: 20·mmut.c :sl'•i; ... T11mMzl'lr tlN'd t.hree a.how. u !JOI~ truw a .2l rt!I• City Council Weathers Session -G lobal N ~r,·e War · l nd erway tCon1in111~1 fl•lm Poi::•' 1\ l\n n1in11••1I r1·um P111:1• ti " .i, lllll •hq1 1 "" F I 'o 11 11111 ciriC' • \\:or lf,.ad lm•.. .1i.;:t1f1'-I I'"_ 11~11 1h1· 1• qllP•f 11( 11 L' \\ '" '· H1111:c11rn< 1 ti• .1rlltn1· "hh h 1( 111i.:. 1Ah1· 11101••~· .. ''"' rull\o• '1 crc'W'~·'<i h\ llw Sll\lo'I.~ \\nulrl c:i!I ;\l11•k .. , ;\11111-. .. i.:a111" ,, .. 111 1!11· for m1l1t:1r) r11•h• r lh.111 d1pl••· l':I\ 1hiln '" 1h" 1:.1~ ,\,, .. 1. " , matir "1'1'"'1111111 '" Hu-.1 • I lJs hl'ld 1111 l"'nohni.; .1 ••1••11 lnP:lll st11tC'm1n1 «mw '" .rlw h1111:-.1• I <1 1fd 'll••!i.:ki n:-1111 •• ~Aunchr•.' <lt li11!1' uf lh'1 ~" ~co:\,IMlft. C N 1' A M,,.l,,.t s,.,,,ro RaJ a Wt.ser . proldenl or lht.' Co..11· f orn1a f'a rm Bi.rcau FtdL·rat 1011, ,!ICaln has bten named 1>lBl.f.' 1 h111r· man of the Callfornul canr••r l'<luca-Uollf.l and fund ralsmg carnpa1"11 lO' be coodue\ed 1D Aprll. :"E\\ \'I rHJ.\ 11 ·p 1 Arthur T.~ thl' O~y \oun~~ b) ~id City· \'.in<lo•rl d•. dl'nn 0 1 , lu• :-.;1.,1 'iur k I ~0\l~_ctl c!ul~ npptO\'l'd. an<l•nll~·cd. 1·1111 .. 1.11\ "'"'•lo•••!. n ·romnw nd· Sl-T'TICl'I.; 6 :4 Po,i rt~ nn~I DIJ. , ol rh.11 1 11 ; • 1. of l.m 1 ... r. quir-,,.,. The. \'ity Mon;~cr ~'ll) be , 1! '" ,,, ,, 1," '" m .. nrh, ,,.,, o r 1 •ht:'-11clm1m'<trn1i\'I' ht'ad ,of the .. 1.·r 1 '' "'"' :oi'il 1111•· 11.dl \1•11r~ 10 ('11y Gnv .. 1 nrnPnl 1111ili'r thl' rlir<'C· ; , • I' '"• 1 •" tnw•h \\1th "lawl rr.e>n :i_ml l'ontrn! 11( thl' City C"?U~· r;1 ,...,,.11 \",1nrl• • 1"'1<..olfl I1\\)••ni· c·1l. r xro·pr ·'' '~'"''"""'':O:' l~"°'·ld1;cJ m I<""'' 1. rti:r pf 1:11\' rrim•·n1 hns I' h•~. Ordmnncf'. -• n ... shalt hi" re- l , 11 ,,~, 111, , , 1 '" i•·rmit tho•m ~rionsiblt.' for ti)!• df1Mtn_1 11tlrn1n1i:- tn lo\' •11111111 f• .odo•i• of pulJht· 11-.111nn .o( 111! llw ;1ff:\1rs n( lh<' IC'ity whu'h 11,rr: "'""'•·r hi~ mntrol. , 111nu,n 7 :.> I In ndlill inn lo hi\ ~rnr·ral fl'JW('rs -...0 111 111,. ~n dam.ii.'•·~ 1111r ~..ir. :io. nrl!'11ln1~1mfi\.'1~ f'irn.~nd not ~s , , 111 ., ... , , d '·"'I''""' 111 ""'' ;1 lrm111111on IHt•r•·•>ri. 11~11 tw his 11111,. "h"' '"' ,,1,1,,,.,, ,.1·nnotlwr.l t1111} ~n<I h•• :-.hnll ha\:1• thr pow1•r: __ :_---I 1111 T o <ll'f' t hat .Dll 1;1~· .. 'flnd _ _ • _ _.., • Onlln;:im•t''-r1f lhl' l'lly 11t1• duly __ ...::.------l'nf11r1·1•d. und thnt nil franrblsl'i. YOU GET Money ..... More .FOR YOUR When Xou Buy A fl"rmits and prh'•l<'J:<"'I hfll(ltrd hy I t hf' City ll.1'1" faithful~· nb. .. c•rvC'd . ., 1 hl TW'rontrol. orr;I', 11nd give 111rl'<"tron. m :ill hrnds of "dr part· rnl'nl'. "uhordmatl' ortirl'M and l'm11loy<'f's o( t hC' City. l'XN.'pt the • C'11y C'l"rk . City Trrn~ur<'r Gwi ICi1y Alloml'y: and to 1ransf<'r .em· 1)1•~1~'< from onp d1•Pf1rlmf'nt to anuthrr, nnd to <'e>n~ohdat<• or, I roml11nP offte"I"', .fl'l!'ll ion<. drpart- c;, .. f,:{:•' If lluH.m 1 ·cl• •.I Iii.• 1'cJ() nwrnll ~or!'li.:n :1HI · ~· 1 I !, ct•urldCJ,... ,,.· ~ .. uihi.: ,;f 1,.11; j;;. sparkc·d b)' a <'h~rw1• from ! hair-, rrr n1 •• ·1(· :-.. "' ;-;,.,, .. h111 ,. l •• '"'" rnnn C'hnrl1'< ,\ ~ ... 111n of 1 ho OU\JS(' l f1;11m H-:! 111 (·I w11h f" 1n11.,1 .. ;, ~.orri.~t~ a~f;11~~ r11~nn11 lll'<' .'~".' '" ,.,,. .. , :1 ;i .. ,, ,,. bud.tin~ ,11,.. Jtuss1,1 ~t• k!' ''' • 111hrlll)• ~1a1- TIERNAN · R~built. Typewri;er 1 mr t:i ts or 11nlti; under hi!< ~irectlon. ~ l)rOyjdt'rl hoWP\'Cr. that nothing [ hi'retn cont alnt'd lthllll tw Cttn.'1 rued to •ufl"r«<iP lh P nuthnritv of the ' "'. • • • • n11•1m11~t 11 11h 11, nth•'""' Ito• t'r)ol in t''•'r) land " l \\,1• r1 •!1•n1 d t• 1111• lll\ 1 l.111n1n.: C.!'nr1·n 1\ 111•w rl1plntn.11 1.-frn11t h1'ro.l!1_ • .,hc.Lw<:i;,µ.. tlJ~1;mL .111(1,. 1111' 1-AJlk for t.ni:ln"''' Rull!ll?~ • Wl'llt WA~ ••tN'fWO up 1r!· tllr m· ll.•fp rn'll 111 !'iii"""·'' , It· I fnr tC'rnntion:1I ''"II"'"""" "" ·rr, t'· tlw l'•'lnl\\,d of •h, 1,,, '""'" ,, , ,. r!om nf· 1nt .. rmal111!l.'lll<I rh" p1.·i;s j r••'d r1ty ,.11i.:111, ,,1 loiul(lln.: """' :.i R1•nj111111n C '11lwn 1·ti1P( uf •h: 1 · S l>o• 1aclll• d ti,n ~ II \\'illi.,111,.,11 d<'l•'1tn1i11n. l'l1.1r~"rl that llw wnrld I I C'ivit Scrvh:1· l3m 1rd .uf t lw C'lty in th<' m11rtl'r of cl11.••ifi<'at1nn o( Q ty oUirfl~ rJr empln~·<'c.'; • tel To 11ppnln~ nnt! rt'm~\'C any I om"~~ nmt"t'mplnyl'~ of l hC' Qty 1·~·111 lho• C"i1y C11•rk. C"il)' Tht'M· 11rf't nn<I C'l1y Atto rno•y 't1hje{'1 to lhl' \\\'II S"l'\'irf ~Y"'•'m in the • f"11y ur Nl'wport fy·11<'h. 1111 • 'fo <'XPN''"'' rnnl rot over .. ·~~ •11hm1ll1'<) 1lw 1•'11111 ,, wn~ '"""'"!.: n ( """ 1mpr1'""'n/ ·1hrnud1 11r." r•'lk'rl' lh.11 II " .. ~ t. 11 I •1 .m ,.f -~ ~· l.'11d S• . • :ill rlrp:1rtml'nls '?.' thr City l''C<'l'pt PRICE SERVICE LET US HELP YOU wit It PUSON~ PalNTING-YOUR PRINTING NEEDS ·releplton• • -• 1141213()~ 1~ ()IJ Will-Call A RepreMntetive ••• Newport -Harbor P1bllshl111 Co. l>RINTER.s -PUBLISHERS OFFICE SUPP~ JOI I W. Central Ave ... Newport Beach •. • \\'1'11!•• th" ,.,,1111,•11 111.11 "Ill• 1, .. 111 111 on th.•• hnnk ~r1111lwr ~u· / fi nr11 .. r n1, h .. thl· ,... tfh '' .. , .,,, p1t'c·,· i•f r '"·"' I ',. t•\' 1 '• ··n ·rn th.it {'II) Fn.;111.,.1 .I II \\,-hit ~'n=~·0 .. ~-·d P' rrn.irl1·u1 1u1l''"'•'· n11•nt nf th1• ... rr1 •1 1 ,., th1• .. •nl•' I mw 1 t,,. 11p1 ~·r ··n<I "' I "'l'\.I 1.ol ,\ 1 ,, I' pr1•i•'C'f1"tf ... . . 1 ·n,,. 1'l>111wt1 '"'' 111f1•rmt• 1 1h11 f1llln!> ff~ :t fln~p .. ll' 11 I 1 h1• rll'\\ r!I\' holl ~IL' h!l~'-' '"'•'ll IM"··'" rn1••111~. I hi!• J'l,'1\'llll: 1~11· -\\ :t) fnr .1p1·1~" ti I ''r nu h111111r11i,· pl111111o• 1·1•mm1•111nr. t nt 11m 11 <ii: 1li...;i_d.,_. TI1~ rila<iu.: .Ji.ut l>N'<'n f""'l"C''rfl h~ lh1• 1,,.·;11 Ni.Ip· Ir r o( ,\~t\'F.'TS .. ,; ITJIA<'A, ~ Y \n 5. Plan Probe // Of Lobbying1 Legislation · _ W AS lll:"-11.T O;>.;,;<Tar' '.::l - H JP l-A fc-d trnl _,:r~m1 j11ry tod11y bl'itir\5 n c\\1'<'}ilni: ln\o>~1ti:111ie>n \(Ito C\pn;il 11'1\i n( 11l1•1:nl l.•hhy- (1ts. lht' Just1l·c-rlr p;1r1 nH'nt 1111· Ml:lm-rd I- It wilt 1~ th.I' ftr~t J:T:'lnd Jury lbhl!y i n;"ri; I ii;:11 t ion s tn<'r I h1• Plt•W lobbS'tfl'! !11w '"f'nl nn thl' 'll11tt1ll' book• In Aup1~1. 1~6. Thr dt'pnrtmeot !'a1d ii rould nn S~nl'hr .. trnn 1.. 1v•1···I· r~t.• not r<'\'1'111 jw11 wh111 ~l]''l't!ir r11~r l rlf'<'lr11n~ •'1"~•· ''' lh1• •t'l'•'d n( will bt• hrC\ui;:ht to thiP-a111·ntu1n h'lhl ts crh1'<111l('{I f••t , • .,,.,pl• 'ton of lhf JUr) (1r;<I • ~for,• si1mmrr .11 l '1•1 nt•ll 1 ·n11., r-,, 1'11 )' It w ill ho• U••d 1n .',1~ ll'!lln!• In d1~Nll'l'I \\hil t (o11 •~ !< h .. 11! 11,. FRI ~trpl In I 1o1rthc-r t hc-n11t·l~11q ''' lht• nl•>Jn ra~ """ l'r-..,,1 Rr;t'9rd . 111 1.l~'H• •l tn. 0 • t·p~ -Thc- 1 h ll11h.•r•l Pr<'«-' G11n-t It' 1tt•urd IWH"t' \\'f'\'kl~. hll~ "N'snln II • 131st _ _ ,r j yc-n r e>( puhlica t1on F.d1t1'll h~· }I 1.;.~----~l..•••1&1•m;;••--•;;;;;;;;;o;;;ii;:o;;;;mm;;m~:o;;;;;;;o~;m~·····-·a.l\ill:::;;imiilll••=•-=• .. ~: -04~. 1h" m "'t.P:1111•r v.as PEORIA, 111 • l"l'i .'.'w ho n b11r-itllnl~r11kr mto; lhr ranr1) stund o pl'r.,-rd" h) hlin!f GC'ori.:t' nowf'r· IOCk and 11to)e '169, tlw lo'•'lit-r11l r' 8 u r f' a u ilf Jn\'e~tilo!Rllon tnok char!;'<' n( t hl' ('Ml' R<twrrltPrk·it 1t&J\d w in thr lc'lhhy of thf' frdt'rlll buUdln&. o nly . two fJ0t.'" llf'n<'11 lh Uw FBI octi~ ·-" -. IJ you are looking for the maxlmum valul' In your faYO> rite l>lX''"'rlter at n mndtra te price, TlER:'>IAN'S can supply your n('('d. We ha\e many popula r mBkN and models or pre\'h>u1 > eo~ which have l>ffn put In fi.nt· ·\A claa condition by our e>wn f'Xpert m echanics. and which Wiii gl"e...J'Ou yeRra nnd yl'nra or satlsf11 ct.,ry t1ef\'lce at a vt'ry.AlJW Initial tu st .cn11. You wlll not fln1 better values an)M'h't're-so come In now while our 1elect1on la eo<>d. "Every Good Thing For Your Office·· ~ .. SAN1A .ANA . \ PHONE 7~3 I thr City Cll'rk . City 'J'rr11s11r1•r and Ctty Attomt•y. . • 1 <'l Tu nttl'nd nll mN'tin~· of 1 thC' C"ity \ounMI unit's.<: l''C<'Ui;ed thl'l"('from hy th ,. C'o11nril. l'l!Cf'pl wh <'fl his rf'mnva l i!I undl'r <'Onsid- l'rntion hy t he Councll. 1 Hl Tu ~mmMld to the City :.1 <'--Olind l for adoption such · m l'IL'l-! 111·"" and orrhnnne••i< ns he rlr-em s nl'<'el'.~11)· or eXJ>C'dJ<'nt. ' 1c1 Tn ke<>p thi-C'l ty CouncO , :it Rll t im•'!I fuJly ndvi.sed a.<1 to the fi nancial conaitioo~ and nf'rds or lhP 0ty. • I 1h1 i"o prepere ~nd 11Ubrnit..,. to t~ :C'ity C'ounril the annual • hudeet'. . I I 1 l To purcha.q. aJI supplies for :ill nf thc-depertmenu ,or <lh·•~loru <lf 1hr fj ty :'.'lo !'XJV'nditu""' ~hnll bf! submitted o r r('("ommrnded t o 1hr <'.'11y OlYncil. ('xt'('pt on n,>art or approval ol the CUx .lJanager. I j I Tu ml\kP in""1<tlga tJOM Into the a ffail"'!I of thf' C"ity, and ruiy (I('. pnrtmrnt o r dhi.'lf""' thel"'('O(, and uny rontnlci. or the pl"OJ)('r per· -UN 11aort11ltllQCt'°({111J· JO" ~J ning lo the Oty, • I k 1 To lnv~t,ig&te aU com· plnints ln relation tn matten con· ccm ln·g t~ ad!ninlstration ol thlf r'Contlnued on Pa&e Flv~) .. ' s 1 e .r 0 J .r "' II 0 "t 0 d -. >J -.· ---Pa..:e 5 -Pu8L1-:-'NOT.cu l B1llllJ<Sll.IHt!Jo& .. .l ... """1LAN901l11 • ..,.... ............. • roa H'IT .. N. w PO a T • AL ii 0 A Na w •• ti. 1111 ;.P_::U::.;B;=..::L:;l~C::......:.N...:...o:=...:T:..;l:..;C:;..E;;:;____ ~ H M LANE F R S'A ~:i;:,,)..-"'lllhc"'T. wrtns-Ta'O •)'\-hp ,.,.,'" tTilft ··ni:rn• ... hlill11Jt_:-.:_·~-s-,-.. -, .. -..,-,-.-.,-r·1-... -.,-,-;,-,.-~.\1,., Tl !:;oo;H\\'. -~""""'' ""-'"· t'alU. Maua. ia, lNI tContlnut'<i (l'Oll\ Paae 4) I 8WOllDF18H • Rt:AL 'ESTATE •'1' 1<11 t.1111;t.1c-pump. Call lley:bor aood t'• ntltHun. \t'I"\ 11·11~··11.11111 1·11~. \\.lt .. r .itlll 111'111\ pllitl l.-1>-HF.Al. 1'-"TAft • -.r.A • F.l'T_A_Tt: ___ ...,. ______ - 1-:'t>!l-\\' Mh·r 6 p.m . 3(Htc . toe u1.w1 ~-•k I.I.''• 'l\mtlluh i . • 11. 11 .tt 11 ~· ;\<It h :'1 ('nil N1•w . --------------Ot:v t•overnmrnl and In n.-~ard to NOTJI'E '""' DIOOL:RS·. ln\•I-2CXl6 Court A\•r . "·It I I I t I • 110 "'·Ith r t Jf'"r .ah~, ;rvl~· m"!\lntnmed by public '-''"' .. _ N .. nr r.: .. ~iJOrt Pier l•'\IH ~ALt~ •. A1•"" ·~a1h1•r 1wod ,_ "1' '11"' .I..'''" 1'•'1 ... 1 "· •" :-. • " utilities· in tht:' City, 4nd to St'(' that 0111,u~~o!~b~:d s~~or~~shl~~~~~ F.stahtlaht-d Since 1 9'l0 routl1t1,in f..lr, 00 303 t:. Bfay, PART"\ I'll~ \\ \ "\ r l"ll ... ~1-..11 • 1": ______ :\II :'lit' all rnmchis..'S. pt>rmlt!I and prlvi· In Southern Cnll(ornin watl'rs by S.tCs Uu11 .. 111 -32-4tc v111ltl , .. 11 ~'''' ,.,.,1,1 ,1 1,., l"l•lt" l~I '\ r : ''""'~'"' "'""' ll'••c•s ••rant•'<! hy thl' City a~ 11uri-!11• ,, Mi:"'"" ti• 1,,.1 "'~" 1, q• 11 '"" 11t '" 11 ~ f.o.u .. -. mlults " " d lnd~""nd•nt fls·hermnn o""rntln° PER .. o,.,•1 t• L'•ll' .~/\l.L~ 'lt,I) tlirN' portabl~ , faithful!•· ""rformt'd a nd obM?rve 'I"' • • ' .-"' "' ,," • • r ' _.-_ ' M ' '•' · .. o ,it !','>\\(~I ''"" 1." ••111.' "''I•'' 1·1 .. " ll.11l~1 ,:;~1 j ' ,... unde r a st1mrl11rd contraC't plnn --------------eh'··•rh' S in1:1•r liCWin~ m11r hlr1€'S • · \\I 'ltl• iu T<f ci..r rctllt' "efl('ral ~U(X'r· Is hef'('b.\• tt:'nderro. Publ1'c Ste11ographer "" Fr-..sh r1,1m f!INor}. <:1111 d11~' I·'' \m 1111.·1. ·•··" t\•• ' vi · .11 hl1c buUdinros · .. tlo11 1•1, \\11h 11.11 11111• ••J 111.. A 11l-:i\l'T 1Fl'I. :>:r\\' ~ hr<tmnm Sl(ln l)\'t'I' :,... pu • .. l 'ndrrsii:ncd· Wiii rl'Cl'IYt:' .btds 1:.11;.\\' q r!lni;... 3:.!-.. tp rn111.t "' ... 11\d hll\ .. 1111 Ill •II• It I\ \STt'U TH IU:NT •• , 11 ....... l-1r·••11ltt1"'· 11111 11..:···~ l11tllo p ublic pa rks nnd olhlc'r public pi'I> until April 17\A, H4~ lrnsro on :2:..'9 l\l,1ri11t' "'"' l t h h ·rt' undl'r the t'QJ'ltrol • ~-111·',\\'\' 11t •TY 1-:x11•11sl11n Ind· \Yfi.,.,', ''11 1o1ll "'"' ''·'' t•h••" \\\'\II I• l•I !<I '\'!' 1'1111•111' ,., r111:~t.•11<' ""' ''"1h't••lr "''""" pt>rt y w tc ·' . • nrc•\ious ront!'':ts a nd . statln1: 1lfrll'l>•1r Im· Co ,. 1 · .. 1,.. .... \'1•1w 1111r1 hlltt•I•. 1 11•·.~ I r h al (' .~ 1· 11••• '· I I 1 11h·r 11\llllr" '' ~ ;.u '"' '" 1". 1fl>'••1tt1• , 1111•111 '" 1 It 1 .i .. 1,1" 11 1 ... 1111• , "''""" • and Jt,m st 1c11un o I ,. ) o ...... • prlC'I' to ll<' pal 10 flslw rmrn for Ha lh.,•.• l<lund cil ufld n9t ~l1t'<·it'1C'111ly deh•1:uted l drcssrd SWC1rd(ish dclh•f>reit "' Harbor l:t:ll An w1,1, < :.•r••ll\' ct.·I l\lu.r. Hnrt~ HJ1'' I•·• "' ""' ·•O:•' ·" .. 11 ,i.1. . • •, .1 1•l 1· ,. '" In'-· •111111 ·""'' °'I'•"' ''" 1 .. 1 l••t ' '11 i to II l>Rrlkular ho1trd or orricl'r. Snnla Oorhara. ~an Pi·dro. '!'frw-H c•urs ·,;,7~ .. 1 lU-~tc An1 \1 , ... , '\'1:11111•1 t '~'1 111 1t ;i,, l l.1'rl••1 ·::1\·J1 ,II 11. t•1·~f1i1 1l 111111 Im). To dc.o\•ote hil r ntin/ l tQll' por t 11nd Sim Olri:o. Othcr iX>lntt lo:tll• -4 110 1.l:"F:"'S und ""'l't•ll,1111'""-" h••llM ..... • ~ft~·iich 11 (;',n, 1 1 (.ilt .. " 1111• •• 1 \\ ''\ 1 11 •• 11, q•.., llt1''111 r• ·1r ..J t o lht• du11r .. of hi~ 1lffirt.• and the \11.ll ionnl. l4-trr 1 hol•I nr111·1, ... fur . uh-l~l Kith " <:;•ti 1'1' 111· '·111• ••I "' •• ,.,, "' 1, ,11 ,1 , 1,.,, 1, ll·• :-.• ,.1 l•t l COHONA DEL MAR SOUTI1 <W lllt4HWAY Mul(t Sell .ut Once . ,... RALDOA ~ m :(lfif)t t•'urn. homt'. noee ln & '• l(lk fr(lm h11y frl•nt C'on· •l~t..-of 11\'lnt: mom, tlffttl~. l•r•·nkfo!lt .,,.._1k, k114'ltt'n. •••rvloe 1~1r<'11 & hnlh n.·11r ynrd la pav-t'd . . $I :.!,000 -terms 11EN J N~llLA POINT ATl11At "l'l\'I' M111l1•r11 2 bed· """11 h1111w 11 .. 11utlfull>', land• ar111•-cl $1 :.!.MlO -term~ -lnt<'rt"l't..s~f tlw Cll) or N1•wport F ishl·rml'n n •tnin r ii:ht In ac· ---I S1 , l\1:.1 11 l\lt·,·11 31·:\lp <'111 1111 i ill •I '"'''''1 .. 1 l'.1 1·1·t•""' "''"' 11"t1 I i\! Jk<IC'h. . . Cf'pl or rc-J'ue<'1 nny or nlt, bi<b EMPl.O\')IF.ST \\'ASTF.0 U '"''" .. " • • ••• d• ',,, '' 1'1.111 I l.11 1~ i '~ \11 "" "" ·11 :11· T I I I h ft r -----, hot . -I .ll 11. In ) 11 11rm ·u 1• •'IH •'1~ 1fl ' Swordfl~ht•rnwn's _C"ommi lh'l', \\'tl~tl\:" FHY t'••111, 1'.111 Sonln FIREWOOD t:,111\,t.t: '9 ~WI ' 11\\'Nl·;H P 11hll11 1\\ , •• 1 INI :\."1,7:'1 l111ihll111l •lie'• $.V('IO, 1M civic-mov•·m~n1sdcsi~ni>d.tobene-llv w. L. (llo'i!'l'n, C'hairmon. A l!<'I\\' 1 I t . • TIEI • ""' 1t 1111111i: 11; 11 r1111 fit th•· l'\'~ttklll• t1f tlw C11y whcn 369 Sonia f'rnz ·sin"''• nn ' • · '••r '1''11' ri ··i;it J 11 C'H l\RCJ1AI. A BRIQUETS 1111 ... 11 • 1111 ... ''"· 1111 ... 11 tl. 111,11,, \\ 111 I \•'II \'\1,1 t :11h ' hrnrul ~o :1111horill'tl.h~ tlw <;'lly C'oun-San P t-dro, ('11lifornta l~:!!I Fn11d1.S.1nt.1 1\11,1 .'..!·II' PROMl"r DELIVERY i1U.1 '•' 1 ''"\I; •11' ''" It•\\ :1.· 1.,,,,1,. 1 .. 1 ~·1 o11 ~11"1 tk cil. f>uh: l\lnrdi 18. 19• :.-2 • .13. :M. 25 l.1\l1 Nl'>1tn.~ \\ A:"Tt<l • I •on·~'" Wright Lumber Ytlrd n1'1 •I "', • 11 .1 " H 7111 ,·111, 1 ....... 1. 1.1; 1•11111••t1o1 1 • .. ,111 l ol TopcrfQffi!!'U<'h oth1'rdu-~S. l!l-IR· · my )1,11111-. """'k ~··r-11·1· Ph i l ™N••WJIOrtntvd M .•• , I 1"1""' d•I \l.11 111 .. ,, l>'l ~\' ·tf "'if1) ('()l'J,f) \VANT 1irs.11orl <'Xt'rd~r ~urh 01h1·r p~w-"' 1 I~•!~""' ;\'.,!. Uµ... ·('(,STA MF-'>A '\" •It • ito~r\' TO 1,0 \~ &a •·rs uit may bi• ch·lt·1:11tro 10 him SOTU'E I "'Ti't'lfn lime to llmt> ht Ordil)U',lci!. --c;,M11I l1111114'r1·"-"· In "" ""' • Hl•·n·~ l\C'nro~ ~ N~:\\ '• i il1111 "' t '.•1111'1 .. t. or N''lolution nr th" C'1ty C'ou~·1l, "NOTlCF. IS llEREOY G IVES 'hlrlil :i< ''0 11 hkn rm. "''" lcttok .' SS.ti~ wu r ...... 1. I '1 "'" -~··~.ia1 c~111 -SEC'T'JIJ:li 7: ()ft1••r< and r>Jr·.-s· '""' ~··nlrd bid• Wiii bt' r1•C\~iwd l i.1 ...... ' hk·· n• \\, olinn"I' 1~1r11••• n. ,, . ,'I t••I 1•11 lh1 I 1111111 lion.~: Thr C'll~ ('ou"M' "llnft lt!'I h)-lhr Rol\fd c1f · TfUSIC'<'S of thl" & hulf.·1 ~011111.N' liar Wi:l-~1 Plenty of Good Tiree m.'1 ·1.1 ,,,. II ., 1 ·ch,.ah 1 c· <·11 1 7"''' ~~·''" AllS1"zee ~rt'nh<''"' . .slrn "'~" w1 ,......., r··~<-O run1H' o us t "f'K•' llll o "" Rll\\ 1.11 \ 1· , ... 1• , 1.,11, , .ii. mini.:tr alt\'r "l'f'"JC"" of th~ C'ily J> ~l Monrlay. April I:.!. 19-1~. f or ,:"••\\' 111~•·11~ & m mnll:J'l'HH'<' hy ,.,.. ir)t ,,,1 ,111, .. ,1.i ""'''" Ii 11 .i 1,, onh· '1hroui:h the city M:l(lllJ:rr. th!' folln~lng tJUrrha~··" I"'" ~.mkrwr Fr .... 1·~11111.11c·~ Compound MotQr OU l< •• 111 , , 1 ,,., 1,, 1,,.11, 11.,1 l'XC~P' . .for tl)e pu1·pusv ol ir~uir~. I Hu1•trriolo~y EqlllJ.llO•''!_l & (;11,11·11n1t'<·1I 1oa 11~1at111m \\'r111• Gallon, 70c .s .. i .. , l 1, ,.,1 n "'~"' "'""'' onrl nPithr r 1111' C'tl~ C'11unc-11 nor Supplt"~ 1.; A f\\11l11j11, · :.!:.::»<1 Pl:1t\•ntlu _ .1.: ,11 •inv Ol<'mbC'r< then '<'f ~hnll Mtve o r-:.! c h,·1p ... tr~ 1-''l"'Jlnwnt & Sup-,,, , . , •"t 1 ~l·· ... 1 ,. :.~•-5tr Western Aut.o Sunnly ·.4--'11A1·.~. •o ':in.v '-Uhn-rd1nat<'S n! the-I 'S ..,.., • ~' flt< • P(1SITll l:\" \\A'.'o:Tl·:fl. l\;tl t Autho-'·-"' 0.-fllPr Ol "l'l'\)1\l\11> 1\1 ')'1'')1,''-,"' nt ,. Mtin:ii;"r 3. P lws il'S· i-:<111iprn1·nl & Sup-1 ' 'llid~· • .. ,,..... ' ' ' '" S EC .. J1 0 :-.i R n f'm O\':tL Thi' I"('· pli;•s • 11111: Ill' t'•lllll ~lllll)ll !ti 1tl\',1 "' 1836 Nl"Wpor1 Rlvd,, Ca1tt .... AN n IH) i\ T~ m11,·11t of the Cit\' )\lanagrr 'hall Uth1•r Seh•111·1• t'.t11lipm1•1\I I.: d d··rl) '"'lrll•'lt'nt & • '-l'nwn.--· l'f·tf• • · r h 1·d. C.'111 ll.1rhor ;111;,i1.~t. 31·~'"' '\I.\\ .\ 11..;111 l1r 11nl\· on a m llJllrtty vok o I e Su11"lirs • . .. . ,. . s ER v EL ''1 f\h• "'" ,1' 1'0 '' •II ''11 wholr ("oun1·1l. t Sult\;'C'l, how .. ve r. , ~µ.·c1fka1lons fnr parh cluss or REG ISTERED :'\l'll~E -W11n1 s ~ ~I.ii,,,, 111 l\t .. 1,,1 ~ 10 thf' tm"''s~un.; or the ne~t !'U~· 11t·m m ay bt· Sl"Ct1rl'Cl al 1h1· Husl·. '"'r t 1inw Joh. n ... ·1·pt1omst. dur· The G AS Reftigerator l"(•('(ltn!: "•'<'lion ). In rose-of h.l'l rws~ (')fft<'I' of tht• nr:lll~t· COIUlt tnr de nial nllr>•t'. or m ah ·rnH) Soml' Modr ls Availablr NOW lntrndl'd rc'mo,•al by thl!" Council. °Culk p ln<'SltC'd 111 l llh & "0" Sts. l'l\S•·s. Mrs. N, 0111pmhn, I:! l-1:.1 t he City ~lllM~t'.-11hall be !um-or the formt:'r S.anla Ana Army \'l(•lon u, Costa Mt'Sa , H!'1tCdn Balboa Furriiture Store l.;hr d w ith n wr itt!'n noll('(' stating Air Base.'' 5180-R. 3h~tll 100 llbln St., nalboa lhc ~011ncll'$ i nlcntltm to rt'riiove Adv. Marci\ 23 & 30. 1948. Phonr th1rbor 145 him and thr rC'asons th1'refor . at Bid opi•mnit l\pril !'1th. l94R. EllPLOVM'ENT OYFERl!D t9 ll:I\'\' If. Spit·!'< 916 ,.,, "' llt\\ I\ II· "°''" "tl;jfi.!\1 '..M ., "' FO il S \I I .'.' I I "'II''' r. 'It •'I'~ '2. \""' '" .. '"' ••Ut ••f-\Anlt•r ~"' T•·rnis .l'l1o1111· I l.11 h.•r n;.;t'I h•· l\\1• rt., 1'1 Xl ;1 ;in I'm Aft1•1 1 I 1,\ N:-. Tl I 111 'l I.I I, l•U\. lf11llf't1\'f\ ~11•••1•·11111<• ur T•·tl111u1cc \V~ J)Ur• "'"'~' t111 ... 1 tlt·•'<lll ='-1 \\ l't •It I' llALIU 11\ F Elll•'.rtAl, -:1\ \ I N1 ;s At' LO AN ASSN ) :\:~.'\'.\ \'lo l.hlo Ph l111r. l ~lO ~·i.'l t•· s..... 111 ft>r ~11ll'k. lll'l11ru1 S•·n ""' !ln Y mv Ftn11nl'tM N1·1•1tS l.011111 on · Fumilttre -Salary . Cnr or Other Security Jlnun. Ill '" I 111111 3 to ll I< .,,,.,.ti ::; .. turcl•fl\ FOH MOl~I·! ... Attrae ti\.:11 -Mrn l1•rn .' lw11t· .. 1111, ll11lh1111 1~111111! tu ,•pllu't·, l•t• tr.:.•• "'"""1 1•••111, hrr 11kfrt•t )1111, ·• f1·111•1·fl 1'111111•, ,.;11r11111· ' 'lt<nh', llvln11 l"'''"tl ,. '11 llS I• ""' lw•"t lt11\ nuw n\'11 "'''" n n1I 1•11n 1.., h>1•I rlthrr fltr 11t .. tu•1I n p111h1rni•hrtl l'c••• 11 1•1w·i-: l lN1''\IRNISllF:n f.l'f,()()1 < '0/\8T l'HOPEnT1F;$ r.o.- '\11) t~ 1•, 1111111. llnll'I'" ll11r 26.'51" 24-tfc t:EAI. \'Al.lit<: "\I\\ J. I" •h •••i11 h1111w l '111•I 11ldct •IJ'I hoU ~u·1._ Lluu1I dl~lrkl f'rlc- •·•I 11• ~"II . at UJJJ:\' $1l l00 I ' A~'' 'l'FH Mt' ... , ·11 -.:•s 111· I• ~· h•'l'lr.111111 I 111·~,r I•''• I 1 .. 1 < '111!11' lt1 ~'411• full pric·•· $~21l0 ll<lmt'. Y.ut i.·111 •1t 1wnnnoM 111111.,. 1 hlork ft '1111 r.;,.,.. 1•1fl Abt.I. :.! )'f'Are oJd ·~ • 11r ""'""''' Nh'11y hm•tJic-aprd. A n •nl t.uy 111 or~ly $11.oOO n. A . NEHESON, Broker ,, .. ----- lt:'a:-1 thirty tla)" b«for<' thr rtfE'<"-PE1'ER.SO~ W~ob and "' .. ' lln::i.~ r 2'205 C'oost Dlvd., Nt"WPOrt ~ oval. n. II ' · · AJ'j J c.L>--J ' " ~K" Phom> Harbor 116 ~--_...."':':';~~~~~~~~tt;"n?r;;:-t-----...:::O..a.:.E~~---~--f*lE'&f~~.....:!~a4~'1.tluaJlioe4-----14-tfc \Vllhln !'°t'vcn days a t cr t (' "-rird or 'l'rust>•"s d I k 6 II 111 I I 11 lk•r .; -Im t--"-{---'---------14" F llANK l)OWN!-1, ~11lrt1man 1!17'1 Nrllpnrl Tilvf\, r1 ... t11 Mrsa l'llON1': 111':AC''ON :'122!\ .. • " ... ""' .. 1 f u h "" in union shop. I ea wor · L , livery to thc '-•l \' "a nai:er o s c Oro~(· Coasl College NF-W r ower King R-ln. tilting r"I 1r. f'AI I :"I•'• .'1i' S··:illlnl 1814 ~ n otlrf', he m ny t)y wntlC'n notificp· 3 .,, 1n 8 ing conditions. &:e f<>n'man Arbor 11aw. $95.00: Nrw Kod11k )(I\\ I nr 'l 111 '" ·11' (,.r ~t>twl ~ ... Ni·w110rt Dlvtt,." COit• Meee r1c-8 l'Ofl 5l20 • • C'l k t P uh : March :! • ..,.1. "'I . • at N ..... •rs.'J"im""'-N"'''""rt tion to lh<' C'ily Pr · n'QU<'S ,3 "" '-"' '-I"' l:) R.1" C'BSr. Cilte rs. aunthlt<W, .d .. n .\\ 111. 11.., · ,\" , u """'" IAt'TOU from Alph11 lll't11 M11durt) :l:.' lt1· public. heari111: bt'fo t't• ttu>-Council. Beach, Calif. film. S75.00. PhonC' Ilea. 5571-J._ Tu"'" -;r_. 111' Thl'rr afier 0 lhC' ('ounril shall fix I\ w t Ad s ...,, . • 29·4lC'. Ml'"'• l",\I ... R •010 I h an S F IJtST CLAS. P111111\·r~ "'"~"' ., , . • " I• timi-for thP puhlic hr11ring wh c • ----------\l'TOMOTl\'E a 'tlRV4 -i-hall hr held nt it s usual m1'etin~ J ohn T .,Simps.i n ~il:l~th 1 ' SPORT 1'0PS -SEAT COVERS 1'1·\\ '/.111111 T 1111" •><'• 1tnh" 1-•1 t pla<.'<'. but b«fon> lhf' l'Xpirntlon of Ni•wporl J"\NIC'h-, ~ J l -lfc Sh nl•I•• ~·~• 11111 :'••II :\2 It• COAST MOTOl1 CO. the thin y it11y periotl. and at \(•hJ('h Th.. News-nme.e will not bf' re-:-;ur .. C' & J:rnrral hflUSt'WOrk ·for Taylor's Trim op ... thc City M·anagC'r 'hall appcnr and 1pon1ible ror more than one lnoor· adu l1s srml-in\':11iit. small hnmr Aulomohllr Upholatl'rini • I IP ll FllOF.S('l 11.1': lt•ll'4 C 'wul ll11eltwny he ht:'llrd. rl'c\ Insertion of an advertisement. (' , S. prc-r,.rr.;d , middl•· 111;rd n<111t and Truck C'Ullhlont • Afte r fumi,hin~ tht:' Oty Man-rt'1ervN the rhtht to corrt"CUJ 114 Jll·11rl 'A\'C', lh1l. lslr . H er 1505 Wt•!lt Crnlr11I NC'wport Bcl\- l 'Srt• J'l,\NllS '"111trl1 f11r O\tr f'••nl cl1·p1 T1 ri<I•• \ 1111r 11111 plnm1 on a S ptnd I lti:lw~I 11l111w11nr •· flr wlll l11t\' fur """' l'1t'<h !\A NZ ~nl~tlflT l'IAl'"' c·n . ;,:in No l\lnln. S11n111 Ann l !l-lfr 11~er with wr tttNl-notice of In· claulfy a ny and all ads and to J.f7~-R 3:l-31l' Harbor 1940 2•-tlc 1f"ndrd rrmo\'al lh<' City C'oundl rt'Ject any advC'rtls~ent not con· , ...... '11 !'111 ' :.: •11••1 j111.1 u11t ,1f pulnt may suspC'nd hlR'I from duty, but lonnln& to rulC'I end re gulations W ANTED-llou.~c'ki·i·1~~:. .. ~.kin1t , his t'OmP<'Nl\llon shall C'Ontlnuc 68-ttc & li~ht housr work """'"' s ... ary Et;ECTRICIANS :\>C .. t\I ti •:1•• J\ IH'" M•1 uf f trl•• \\1lfl tl11~ •10t1 unlll his r r movel h )' rrsolu11on of Private room & hath In new d I •ua""9'•• o........,,E U hnm<:> Brnm n f.35i-W 29·4t'fl (Slr1~ 19201 \on! rnc-t ini;?·Rrpairs Rr!!id Pntinl·I nrlut1t rilll Sl'l:<~~r mirror '>'I"' p1a n11 l.11wly lonr 1-'tnr nrt Inn Yuu j11<t l>ll\ 0111 l111lnnr1' •lf ~·r.1 T ..rmi l >A:->Z SC'llMlllT, !'>~'O Nu '-l11ln S11nl1t AnA. l~tk ·~ ll11fl'k S 1N·1•1ul I •l1w11 .,.,11111 H11tl111 JI"' I Hl\ll •lt•ft I)• II\ ··r. the Counr1l ,J111~sc-~u 'SC'<)urnt 10 .. """...," ,,,.,. .- lh<' afor<>snid puhli<' h1•u ln1:. ~I~. f'OR !'4ALY. so h1111ltlll In removin1t lhc ("hy ~nneger WOOD FENCE CONTR. 'lne Oty Council !!hall us<' it11 un· EtA-Hokin & Galvan 'u; St1ul1 t ·1uu11p1P1t ).••tl.1n Pt•· PLUMBING SUPI'LIES controlled dlsc~lion and Its llC'lion i<hall Ix> final and shall 1iot depend upon a ny 11ftrticular llhoW!ng or d~ of proof at th<' heating; the ~f'J>OR ol wt\kh is to allow the All Typ(>s and Styl~s F .JI.A. Tcrms-Free EatlmatH Opens Sat. & Sun. Anywhere In Coun_ty 9 11 m. to 5 p.m . 1000 Const I llway Bell. M07 '31-tfc STEINWAY l.RANn. "Tho• Kin~ or phmnt." pnfrc-t rondl I Ion. .:org.oua tOnl' S11vr ov1>r $1000 ·war 1trl1•1'. 1'""1 ~ nr \'nlut> :I~• 1'"1111111' ~"•Ian ll 11n~ icrw •I ·:1; l lu<l1:1' "'llllll A h11m•y COMPLETI': TOILETS, lncludlnc Up to 3. yni. to Pay !l<'at and nUl!h valve $23.50.. _P_h_~_s_.A_. _25_7_9-_R_. ____ 25-_t_r_c P'r..cu.l.-HwJ~ cl05<' cou led toilet.a at FOR SALE-Paint 1pray 1harpe Oftnz-Sdtmldt, San\tt Ana, :11:111 portable A· l : alao auto overload No. Main. 19-tk \'I l'l)t111111th S t•••' llli< t'I"' lt11d111 w •wl n1hllf'r. '<17 ~·ord •,..inn 1>l<'k·11p 4 lll""'tl t rim' JM" ... h .... ta, h11rdl)' ~.,.1 nt nll O!)' Manager to publicly pl"'t'M'nl to'the City Councn h"~nds of opposition to removal prior to its Action. S F.C"T'T0:-0: 9 Rf'ml)\'al nfter ~Municipal Ef("('t lon ~utwith,t:md­ rni.: the pro,·i~lnns nf this Onli- Ex per\ W atch & jewelry Rf-PAffitNG Fine nt11mond.~ nn6 W11tchr11 . NF:\\'T'ORT u :w1:1.ERS I{ lndr r ncw ~lanai::rmcnt I 116 22nd St .. ~1·wpnrt l7-t!1 na11''•' h<•rrrntW'forf' c-numrratrd. tlw C"11\ ;\lon:tl;C'r "h:1ll n nt ht' re- mo\..rl rrnm nfftf'l' rlurlni.: or with- in a J)C'rlod nf 911 d!ly~ nr xt l'UC'ced- uu: any i.:1•n1•r11I m1101r1p.'ll dM"t~ F'OR.MEI> Wlndahlelda .. 1l1tcl )whl 1n "'a1<1 Cit~ nt ~hal'h ~aul Caver.. made to order 'Al!!o M r i. 1•l•·e1 i1ln a nw nth<'r nf thl' City lglaa A Ludlt S hl'<'tl hr 111111· l't1t11wil -i. .. 1•1• 1•1,·rl ctw 1111r )'OS•' of Nu-World PrnduMs C".o~pan~ tht" pr0\1•1vn •~ '" :\!low 11 ,..-- rt1•\\ ly <'l•'<'lc-.1 nwmlw r to the C'ity Third S1., Huntington R.·11rh Counr'1 or 11 r•~•ri:aml!l'd City ~ Huntlnrton Bf!adl 17K < ·01111c1I 10 1111~1·1 '•• the nctions ll>-tft 11n<I ah11i1y of th•· C'1ty Manni:cr In tlw 1w rformanr•' M thr powers ~it rlul1<'5 of hill olfkr. Afl1•r the rx-plratlon of iorti'1 nmefy d ny pc- r iocl 11forPm1'nl 1onP<l. the prov!· • 1<ions. cir t ht' prr<'r<llng S('('tlOn 85 to th<: rcmornl o( ~:iid Manager shnll 11pply a nd tw r ffr c li\'t' S ECTION 10: Civil ServlC'f', The f'XC"r<"t!l!'-of the powrM: and duties of t hr Oty Mnnai:cr hel't'in. and 'the' Pt'O\ri!lions or this OrdinanC'e, sha ll be sub~l to thc Civil Set''· i~ OrdlnBllrc or the City or N~ port R<-ech. SE~ON I I: C'~n.stitutionnllty. H any secflon. sut>S~lion. sen- tenct:'. clau!IP or phrn~ of this or- rlinnnC'C' is ·for any rl'nStln h<-td lo tw uncon~t itut lonat. "uC'h Clrd sion • llha ll not affrct tht:' \'a hdity of thc tel'l,1111ntni:: portion!' of thi~ O rdin-c ~· The Oly r.011nril of the C'it) or Jlo;rwporl nr11ch hc•rcb)' ~ clnrr•" that it woulrl ha\'(' pas~ this OrdinanC'r a nrl !'llC"h sl'Clion. ~Uh·!'<'CllOn, Sf'ntrnre1 clam\(' and phrac; .. 1 hE'r rof. irn·~riecti\'t' of lb~ far t 1na1 rtnv onr or mon> sl'Ct ion.c, suh·!ll'C'I ions: ;.('nt<'nl't:'". cla11srs or ~hl'M<(•c; '?<' drdarrrl unron~tllu· t iOMI. F.O WAL IT.RS TILF: CONTnAC"1'0 R Ilath Rooms. Drnin Ronrds, c-tc- l!lt.h & Nrwport Ave-.. Costn Mrsa Rhonr Hearon 8700-W-3 18-tfc LEROY SLATER Move" Anything Anytime . . Speclaiizcd I~ Moving_ Househol~ &.. S m all Bo1111 H arhor 391. 25-lfc HARBOR Plumbin~ Senice J76R Nl'wport Rlvd .. Brncon 6111 R~ OUR SPECUJ,.TY Co11trectlne and SupPU" -. 9.tfl COOPERA TJVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone R<'M:Qll 6217 2!\i3 Elden Ave. C-<.la MfM ~tie 12 TEARS SERVl~ JN m:E HARBOR AREA HARRY HAU SE~ON 12: Tur ab<wr and for ri:mrir.: O rrlinan•'I' :"'o :'> 7 ;'\ i-hall bC' puhll•hr<1 onC'e in lhc !': EW P O RT RALROA NEWS- TI:\IES. R nt•ws p11pt'r or gr ne ral C'Jrculation printed. publlsh<'d and PAJ'NnNG CON'TRAC"roR circulated in the C'ity of N~-port 274 Eut_19t.h StTHt~ BceC'h, 1uid ~all take effect and Ph. Bea. 54'l3 Colta Mesa. ~ be In ro~ thirty days alter lt>S •. __________ 30-__ tf_r adoptlmi. ~ . · p · l' p hn..t • l hrreh) C'('rtify thAt thf' fore-am tnj? ,a~r -1gmg i:ointt OrdlnAnre Wll!I in!rodu('('d Ry Hour .,.. .Contr,ct at e r r gular me("lini:: C1f..lh" \ity DC'Sf m11tc-rial~ und worlbn11n~hlp rounC'll of the C'i ly of N ewport Call M C WAGGONER Jlt'arJl hcld on the Rth d11y of ~~ARBOR 2525-W MarC'll, 1!l4R. anrl ~-11~ finRily pnss· 28-22tr ro 11nd adoptcd on the 22nd day o r ~tarch. t94R. b}· 1hr City C'.ou.n-EDWARD C. NOONAN Ml 111 a rt'guhn mN>tlng thrr<'Of. hy thl' ronow1n~ roll call \'Olf?. to- wit: Silrr, Robertron.' R1'N'.I,. !";OES. C'OUNlll.M F.N: Non<' • lntt:'rior '& Ext1>rlor PATN1JNG Phonr Bramn 5024· W 28-5tp A YES,' Col':"\IL;\H~:-:. A 11 e n .. 11 ABSEl'-1. rm ~<l.I ;\f~ l~lwll. ----------:---- .A 1'TEST~ P'l'ank L _Rmrh.:U ';:' W,aHa~ Cafderhead C'iry Clt>rk. I Thr aOO\'E' 11~n~dtomg 1s gign· MA:"L'FA~'"JTRl:"IG J F:\.\'ELER f'd anti apprb'' bY m~ thfs~nd! • 8 ,7 l"O AST llIG HWAY day of Marett,, . · 8. ., . I ' O. a REED.__ . <'ORO!':A DEL MAR. C AUF. M•yor. 31':ntc .. romparahk-(1r~. Kohlt•r l.11\'T1torir11 ~l!'i 00 up. Solid \'ilrl'()US rhinn urlnnla $4.75 I' a Ch , G11 h pifll'. 11 l~o hln•'k pillf" <:t1rohw .. wini: ~IKlllfS ~:; 7:\ Ki1d 11 n lillll)l' N 1!> up. l.:1111ulry II:"'· 1"1~1 irnn T1•ll•·l s• ,,1,, c1 .. ,1111111i;~~ll•"' $6Ki s .. 11 1111l'' 1111d fillin~s 1~. 1 our pr1f'f"I lint wnt"r h1'al .. r!<. m·~ 20-i;nl $4.1\ !"1fl Rf'l1111lt Ji:1t \\at.·r l1ralP!"!I 20-ga l ~J I tl(J A m· plwnl1lni.: ''''"" r11n he had throui;:h 1111r l11t•al nr Los An· i;:1•l1·i> orfic'r 315 Marine Ave._ 11AU30A ISLAND tOpJJO!'il•• C'111hohc C urch) -C10l'c-d Tlw!ldny- 11 A. 2:.!16-W. ~2S-tfc FOR S ALF:. A h11r~ain Motor· scooter In iiood rond111on, Har 1549· w . 30-41< Silver Plating \OPPER. BRASS~ GOLD Polishing ~finishing Bayside Plating C~ 'Cn11ta l:;11~.1g1:1't:1~ ~:!n 51l3" 6-Uc W11tctw>ll :O-f"ock9 Jewelry \ n IRONO!\fF.TERS Riopftlrlng -~pt Servtc. &Mlllbfe Prtoeti VAN DRIMLEN J E 'w F: I,. RY l'TA6 Newport Blvd Coeta MNI 3-tfc Plumbing Supplies -p I P E IC11h-. nnrt Black.} sprlnga. combination keroHn<' SPfNE.I tor rl'nl. All 6 mo. tc-rm f'lllrr 6r C'Obk\'T.-0.ll-a t. 1600 ,..nt lf110Wt'd If )'OU-huy latcr. Nrwport nlvd., Rt. 2 Box 6.1, • (' I M 3l ·5fn JI 1 just llkr n 1rnvln1Z11 1tf'<'OUTII 05 n ~~11' ' •· Rrnt 11 ~r1lnl'I now , huv 'whr n "'ANTED TO llt'TY ' IJ r1•nrly I >nn1 . .S1·hn11t11 r 11m 11 l"o CASH for USED Furniture & A ppliancee "WP Buy Almost Any1 hln1(' -CRANT'S Phone l'\P11. !'\'107-M 1645 Nrwporl lllvd , C"n11ta Mf'Sll 42-tfc Will Pay C:lSh F'nr yo11r funiltUT,. OT what hayt you Phonr llP11ron ~- Cra~e-(4. .... 181? Nl'Wpt'rl Rlvd , \.1)11a MMt 9'l ,,, A GOO_D BU~- IS A WISE Bl Y ' Let U~ Hrlp Yo1.1 Jlt' W I"· HARBOR FURNJTl l!F: 1~2 Harbor ntvd. CO!'tn \I• "' ~, ... P'URNITURE FOa fllAU n ¢1)nNJTURF: RF:FTNIS JIEP • A" You Ukt> Tl KF .... "l GRENsTED. ~1311 Mln<'r St.; .{'O!lta M1•1111 Phon r Hru1W-lfl70· W For ~111lm11tr1 O n C11Rrnn11'Mt Work ·:n.tfr '1'..,'ll N o ~111111, ~rmtn At111 t•t tfr RAL0\\'1-.: 1 .. a11lll111lv h11ll1 11111" h11n(:11l10W fl!1rnn fl..,....."'""'""'' Hnln(lf'• •·an lu• pnul nn rn~) m11nt hl\' l""'n11·nh ·r111• 1~ 11 l?"ffi P 111/ Sd11111!1t I 'lf111n ('o AlmMI H•t p1i111n~ '" 1·hu"" from ~,:•ct :--; .. \lul n, ~nnl n /\11'1 I l 'I tr• Fl tll S 1\ I I h11 ,1.. II.ii•' 1 ;, .1 11•1 I flHllln. '•ti I 1\:1\ I· 1101t 111.tl"''' 11111 11111 171'• \I :1:.-111 SP IN ET l'I·'"'' llr:rnrl "''"' c '11•• d 1m11 ., ot tn ''''l''"'·nt \\Ill 111111 l'lf' tc1ld ft "tll 1~·1f••t't n11w ~'w" $15'1 T•tnt• l •A:SZSt'llMll>T PIANI I ( ·1 t ~1:111 "'" !\tum. Snn I ta ATm -J!J.tr•· M1\J>l.I·: S pin•• '' 1-"''"''11• r;,,r Kf·n11~ 1nn1• II• 1111tf11I m>11•I" lw l~h I Ii Rh• •I r 1.11I• Ill 1k·· If \ ''" IO\'•' n 11q1I•· '"'' \\rtl n• ,,,.. f1n1l nnot hrr '" • •111 .I '111~ 11111 .111~t PM¥ 1111t 1.11111111 I! I·"'' I• n11~ 1f you w1~1i 1 1:1111 ~· t1111ld1 I '11111•• Co . '!i'..l•l . •• \I '"'· ~1n1.1 i\nfl -.S ' :II t11 -=-------~-~ HA RBOJ< TH/\NSVEH LJ<;1rr j l1\l 'LJ:-.1; Phon•· 1.kn<·nn f>li~H-.J 1•ir,:,i 1 11111~..-lllvd ( 'f >ST1\ ~I ~:SI\ '.!1 I f1 ff YO\'R J-,lRNJTIIRF: lit n11t 11'·· IH181~F.'IM Ol'PVKTl'NmEM '8 41• '1M\~ :.t-.:Juc.ir_ t 'onw lo 11r1d__ll<·t ti"' j\t "''' un I h111 on1•. ·;17 I ·i,,.,. I •l1wo1 11<'1li.11 lt111h11 Jlllt1' hk•• 11 lnfJ "Ill I "' 11 ,,. ··11111 ........ A tll'W -··I 11f r11 ., I'''"' "11 h 1111~ p111 t.J~ ... J• • 1• tr ql1 1 ' ..... 1 f ul1f .. ·r. f, 1flil 1lfHI , Jt ' fl H bt.d (1 4' -'1'1 •I 11 \'I I• 111 'I ' I •I ~. ,, ,, • ' ,, \ I It I ,, Ill I ..; 111 I' 11 I. 1111 1111 '\•" I np, f I tfl\ p l•,," l••••tllltlt•tft•tl :\f, 1 tld ir. t1 IC.1tlio h• tH,, I wltt :-,. "' '"I' Ill c ... \ II• ··lh II l1.1J i:.1111 ti l'hllll•lllf1 J( '""' I" 11• I I• 111 111 I llftftHl\1 • t) COAST l\iOTOH <'O. lllilH '""'"' lh1thw11v lll.;J\I 'I IN Ii~~ :l..! ,,,. 11; I 1 1Jt11 .• 11•. ,, 11 1·1wltt• 1\-1 ''otHf11 1i,q , • ic: ,. ,. t I ,. n t , •\\ti•" t.·. tll• f h 1ftt• ~,l'I II AP'roMoT1vt a T1au . """! I' l\t ''"''" :I.' 11. .. 1'•11 l'n11tt:w ,.,, .. ,, r1:1hl•· ol•1l1 1•,,111•·, n•" "'I'· 1"11111 if,· 0.tdl•• ""' \\1111• 1!11il1" ,,, ,,,, t I 1r1ly '1111"1 J'fl\,11t• I""'~ 1'11 11 ll•fl 'nn ,.,~, l :v• "tr ,,'1 •ltl I l 'I• 'I( I 'I' 1·1t 1 Jt1111 11111) 7'~1 tlltl•·-I ,, •• ii 11 Ill' 1: l'IV ltt• •, •\•I V t.1111.' j'I I ltk• 11• \\ 1•111 .11• 11 '"'"t I ."II ,... 'II ~d i• romm~ y,,11 •hnulit hr com1nr: t11 J.'(JR SAi i 1 ''"''"I •ii ,.,,,11, \ ll \J•1 ,,\I ', ·1: '"''"" I •l•«•t !~;11;!~n~~t~rh~;r:~~~"';:i \\ :~;~ m:tkm~ I"'''""' Ill " ti •••• '". I I ;1:1',',\1.d~: ~;I·~~ :11 I ~ ::::;::: ·:;: 1, ,;;,1 ; 1 i:uar:mt•~ Phonr l'\P11rnn r.~r11 ~l{)('k ·11111 1 '"' '"' "· "1 11' 111'" ·111 '•I I' ~ l~•.JJ.1r S·:?·:'\t \\' •r ! fU • "" "..,4 \\'(Jt1f f _ Jll'n/'11 " ·1-. ·,1. I" •II "1\I I 1•it11 1-.. 1•1 1 1111111 W/\S lll)'l;t; ;\11\f1tL"lt: l·:iw• I '""'"" ~·t~~c ""''' 1:1.1 1, ·fu r lrnl 1"11n<t1rtnn. rf'l•~onl\111• ·n· 1 l'flR RF.NT 4I ~ .,,,111\• J!.oll•l • l~l.11111 :l~ 1111 ,.,," rf'9:l-\\. 11. 1·· FOR 1•1 -.:·1 -• ,. '" " "' 11 "'' • • "' r: 1 H• ,rd•• ,., . ..,. :• ftl'"•lr'"'"' fur ToilH~. Hnth Tuhs l,.1iv11torlt>11 I-fl ll1TfJN \l,.'11'<hlm.. .. maC'hin· -· ,.,.,., how ... "'"' . .t•I• '"' .' "' "'' •11·"' C'1111t Iron Sinks 120-32 douhlcsl plr11 ly r•·n•>vntrtl l1t'll .lu , "''" JlO!ll"'''"''' l<o '"''' d ol•· :tn7 1,1 111'11''11· "'"' rl11 I•" rj'fi 11:• ralrlr , ?. Ix":> l-·«•r t."""'. r i-t1 A H II :II -11,.1 \'1 • ll"r 111 11'•·1·1111\' 1,, •Ir 1~1111 ••1lt•· ,._ '''"' .. ,, • l;ll1tf nnlN•lik1·n•w Y,5C•t1\\1 "" "· """' · ·· .i ~.t Ill x 1'/7~1·,.,11,, ,,.,111 ,,, lltluhl" <'htnl\ Sinki , $16.?'iO UJ r"tln ('O•-'n11 rl-1 l\11 r l lnrl 1 ••7., J .. · ... · ·· • '" FOR n ... :-.T '..! h•·•li "'''" •11·1-, ti•1it•I ~"'~' ""'" .. 11 ••• 1 ... S trt-1 Sink~ ~ ~ up. ·F'f!~'l'tlrt;:;-;l~R<;:;IR;·:::;M::::;-;==--::"."""'--:-:\-.l~·~l:"'!•i' -~llo~u~h~I•:..· ~";;"~",...,:.'.;~~·~n~l~";_"I:,:•.:,· .,.;+":··~ii~ll~. '.1'1 411· rhrninr r1111~ S wlnrf"s octt:a ,:; !l'.'i SIM Mf 1:-\S Jnnrr !iprmg '" rl 111 111 I i----· l.nq :rt1I '·Phhnh(ng Stock In \'1rr1, 1.rartlr1tlly n•·w. 0 11•·11' '"'" May "r .l•m•· J\ilull~ '1>:•11' I NEWJ'f 1RT ISi.A NI> <'llnlcr O ronitC' C"ounty <l1111hl1 · l!<'t1 llnrll"r 1091 .I l~arh•tr /7:1 ,. :ti •llr> N1rn1-r ll ;1' lr1t ~lrlrw1tlk11 lllld FONTANA PLUMBING :'II '\11 C>n" yrnr 1 .... ~1· \:l:•·,,_1 1•1 m•'.11tt1 1.:.•lnic 1 ... t1t •ldt·•. 1111 u•IUt lre -----------unfurnllih• d 11 'lt•.r~ hnit1"" :i l'n11I 1.111111, fl'I.,,, f)("1'."11n "'rnr\I 2:\1).11 S W Nl'wpnrt Avr 1-'11n S/\l.E C:nnd it11vr np .. r 1, "'"'' Nrwt,,•r• 11,.ft&:h, <'1111r U \M ii\ Mrs a Phone &econ 6041 111rJJ1NI ~lip rovrr Phon•• 11..r h<'itrrw .. 111• RI-tt1·11 11•11•1•1!· f'11111' -l!. '22-tft hnr' 1 :.!~W :ll »•1• """''"" •,',H7 It 3:l itr Bendix & Maytags Just W 11il1ng ,,, Re Used et RILL'S WASH-A-TERIA F< tR SM .E ;>1' Troplr nl ll11mlo••t SEP ARA Tl-: ft1rnhchrt1 howw~•'l'Jl , t 1\·1:Hl,t o< 1K INr. Enll,-.. ffarhor llar. "It h 2 AtM lll. l!llllt1 h•1lit Ing room fur ''"''.''r IWl'\.,1 1.':"1''1 itr•·ll :i 1,,, h1lw fk,iir•. fltrpl>1l'f'. hr1111t 1f11tl_\' rl•'N'lraf-... t1h n"" .Harbnr I l!H or (rill l\l l.J 1 l'h ,, n-tr'lll •1•111 1m d lr111ldr flnlllh .. .,, St N I "~ ''"j , 1oi:n11lr tr ~l :t."i C.tll If 111r,.w • ·· • •·w1,,,r ,:• • •1t•'tf'li"n11J '111" tln.,at wt'·v~ or rr,mr hy 1341 \'r:• l11h ., , l.1'1•· ~ •·\••r rotf•·rr<I 1,.1,. 3.i ·,.,. 'Indu.-.trial Builrli n~ ---' -. · 1'7! N~ BlYd , c.o.t• lhM a FOR R~::-.~r nr u :AS I. u1~, RALPH P. MASKEY lf't..ft 1rat S 1; 1r.th-~t r ·.,..111 :l-111 W. O •ntnl rh ll11r 41'1.l PhoM Beecon 5T7'0 10-tfc 80°''"'· Mt'l'1"1_.i_r.,,. __ _ ,::,i· !'=l l "11' 'SJ1,·111 :l, 11t1tl1<1i11tl m11111r. dtnl(y, 1nclt1d"1I m•rJf'ln;c. ~l111f1 Apply S. rlr1wln ntl, :\'.Jll Ah .,11·11dn Pl 81111toa, "r J>h <1 · l2-4f;q, <;11•ntl•I" 32-">tr M.._,. Pht1n• 11 111~\ll" 1•,51 9-'ttt :VI r.11' I ---------.-Lot r>7' x t 40' FOR R ~.:0-:T l-11rr11•ll"•I 111•' 11•.ll • • ·~ J-'(IR ~A LE l 11nd11! ca1114'1'1l "'1th !ln!lh a tt11l'hm .. n1 ~HI. Fh·i-dreO· rs $rood condition, JOlC' 12 tt> l I 1111 for 110.()'l 43.'S S11n Bf'T'. M rdlnlt. ~""'Pll"t Hrll(ht• Bc-a- ron lfn11?ht3 R<-a~!PR. ' Qt.hen "111 rMd your rluldned ·~ r•rllll s1:1 ·,., ... r \o\11• I< Ito lhl~ nf rri1J t AVllN~R: ll;Tllpi!t ,qulrf' In 11•11r :ua11 c 1111 S '\"'" I Own1~ ~Mlt -16th, (•HllA M11111. Ana Rd , Co<1t11 M•·~11 ~-I fl1 ~5tp 4 31 -4tc 9da ~ JOU .,.. r.dlnc u.-. .. ,J. A. BF.EK OFFICE !\12tr Fllll SAU; tilt TH AI>!-: Nrw :l· h .. dr1111111 n1l11h1• 11 .. nic'. lk-au· m11nl, ( 'nllf fl :\ ZOllf' Wiii l•kr hnnl 1111 to $.'\IMMlt~I 1111 dnv.n 111tynwnt 1''1111 prl•·•· $1 ;\,!\flO 1"11r 1111rtln1l11r• wrll1• (• A C'r11tn, C:c·n•·rAI I '11'11\'•'f )'. \ 'nron n drl &.111r :m !\11• • . I\ 'I' c 'ORONA OF.I. MAR Some U nwma&I Ruy!§ I hr droom'homr · • --• M.200 'J h•-dl"OiomJUcoi• homt> ll&r· tlally rurnl•tw-d • -• • ff.llOO :I ln•l&o • UlllaldC! Iota. All thr•'f' for · • ~ -lt,tllO Be-to 'lllrm Al On<'e W. J . HOLCOMB t!'llT <'out llltchway I'( 1U<>NA n1':1. MAR "Whl'rf' thr Yl•11• f1>'" 32-2te Blanche A . Gatcs-R~altors-Ginnv Gates 212 Marine Ave:. Balboa Island J'>ny Phcn."': llnr. 167J -J: llllr. JO:W-J ,.:w,c.; llftr. 74ti-M: lfnr. J f17-M ... BALBOA. IS~AND Sc'C.' our hr11uttrul hRy front homel, a ff!W left wtth ptrt"R -n'hrt flont~ ... _,_ ----""-- AJ11t1 nsk ux nhoul uur ""~~·pllonal hu)'9 ln lllC'On'Mt------L4• pn)Jll•r1 y . (~-t' yoiu~ in.tlnw rur thf• MJmmer rental. ... . ...... _j COHONA l:)EL MAR Bru i11 I '11-\\;, •1111 r:wl lw :! f\ H J{ltrit~ Apf .. w1tti h11'n lw()l11 I fl•~ 11is,-t111~ klidu•n 1111tl fftvt•lv \'h•w. Down- ... t11 li-..; l iu1t1• 2 1t1r ..:11 r111:1• i\11 this wtlh !Ml ff. koft f11 l 1111~()1t lfl fr1111i . ~1 11.~)'1, "\r I l tul. S'itt1llt ... 1t1 ... 11f h hu1,v N"'" dnulll~ .rnrngf'. All l,iull1, "''" t·1-·:1J11J """ 1:1· 1·1111111·1·1100 "" In and paid. Al..,O"\wi1'1t' ,,,.,,.,. 111. $:1 IOO110 • ... ,. ' ,, "' f ,nt: !1f>'< 11.>< t\•it.hln I~\: t1fk~ ft'flfll nc'l•ari. ~wf'r nnd t 11x1·~;11'1• :di j1Jai1~ :ii;.1:!;111 llil. • ~ .NEW:POHT I IEIGHTS 1Ji'n111i(11I 1111 wk•r11i'\lji.·:i H It 11nnw with nn~one fin·pl111Y' )\I~ ldlllt'IV1 11.s.!lillnl.!.,iuul !\ <Klfl\lrk> cloon. wl I h w1111 l1J\\'S ~11 l11r'I' I ~·111 tUfl11ly l11M11C'UJll'f'f m- dosf,I p1t t 111. I f11111i1• <'onipll'ff"ly ·rf"nc"f'(f, wll h i <'ftr ~11r111.w 111111 lrh: \\'1t!\hro1m1 1'11rtl11lly ruml11t11'fl ror on I y $ I :! . 7fl0 1111. PENINSlJ l,.A Sf..,, 11111· 1.,v .. 1 v h11rrw"' ,,,~ t h1• pl1lnt. I 'nn-s 11re r1Kht l111y l11s.: N• l\'/! }il'J·;C'JAL l\t'Y 01< TH~ --• ~ DLA N<':l 1r:-=· !\ <iA n;:c;.. flf'11lt111. -C:TNNY GATF3 ~2·1tc · 4 .... >+,,._ .. ,. ----~ -- -REVERLEY REALTY CO. ·" (;ln1lys fll•wr!A•y, HA'1tltor 2 11 East 'Ccntral, Balboa f'h111w f1:1rl"'r 178>< an<t 15H HAI.RO/\ ' 2 Hf·:nnn<>M. "''mi r11111p,l11'<l h11m1·, with ~ room f11m lsl11"ll ap:u11lll'flt 11w•r :.t-1·11r ~ar:11.{I'. (11lflf' In on l.1•nff"l1I lr1 Jt.:t Z'>fl'' 11nd In •''<l't·ll .. nt ,1,rfflltton. ;, f(()()\1 110 1\·p ·:. CIOl-iC In M'\ Ruy Ave. Pru1.lnlly fumlith,-.1., f-'ln11l11c'f'. floor tuma('(\. $1<),000 BAI.BOA PF.NINSULA .~F.AtmF'UL 7 r11nm~ H11m1"'L" room 1thd 1'Un<k?ck. ,-Mnrteml~k 11ltm rn11<lf'm home with c-wrtom 'built r11mit11n-El1'<'tri1· dish \\:t"h"r . i:tnrbubc di1'PQMI; r'('fril{<'mtor: J ..nttN.lrrall $40,000 1 Bf;tJJtC)()M HOME. 1.1..1tio. Large romer lot. Klt- mcn an<1 hnr. nreptal'f'. etc. Unfu,ml!i!hed. 514,750 { .. - , ~- .... t. ' L J -~ ... 4' ( . . . ' • Diet-.. " --. .............. ... . ~ ,_ ........... I 'He watell _r•J•lr _..,., .... ,_ UOlrl' ,. 1-~ n--~ , • I-. .. I. -. BAl&OloD LAU. dllltl•C111tolwod author Mid htato rhut, autoirr..,,._ ~Jiii Walat.Mt ,..;a_, Matth of Mut1CGvy, at tM Book and r tea hPld Friday at Eli.II dubhouae undn joint "'""'"or- of Uwo lal..,..ra' Book 8boft and r.tw-11 Bectk 11«tlona. l1 rt to •rte t. atandla1: ar. M"" f'harlf't> Hamlln and Mn. ROM'IR4' F,...lr-y of Balboa. Stuart \\'oodruff of Sorth Holll"''ond, MIM Marl Wolf of ....._._ llellcb aad ~·-Vlrrtnl• Royl'e of Balboa l•land. · • • • . photo hy . H••C'kc••r. -·---Historian Harold Lamb Shares Laurels With Peter Bowne at BooA: ·& Author Tea LUDLUM ~,P.t Works .. am ..... -...i I&. ..._ ...... -.~-UJlf'l'A MIA .. I ,/ .. licious Mexi~ Food Pa Pod.a .. CA»mplete Meals from $1.00 _ at e.,.. , ...... Uolk4 ,.._ ,,.... ........ ,.. • u. '-..... ~.-.-. ""''' '"""' - ,.JB N~ 8oalmVd , • 008TA MESA 0..-I .. i Dlllly · 9&M?0Jlf' .... I OOllllll lH~ -wtt'9 all.my~ Mt' ........ y ..;.. ..... ~;.at.~ ~mt...._ 114-. ..• TUES ""'"'". tw ctlkk• fJ<W"k aroond !" , I. I J POTTED PLANr~. AZALEAS . LILIES, FRENCH HYD.~ANGEA , CORSAGES. BOUQ UETS ** \ \ k ...... -~ FAC Arls. (,Crafts Section-Membe1s· For nil n1cml>t•rs of the Friday Aftl'rntl(ln 't I uh intc·rl'l\tl'd In m11k-in~ lump shacr;:;l, ; 1·~ Guy P1·1t•rsun will !;''" 1n~trucrw• v.'l h 1· n tlw llonwcrnfl Sl·ct1on tm·cts 111 Ll•!(uinJlall at l U a J ll., .April l. C:OpTl'TOCircTe fo:Hear P.r~sident ol · Congregational Women Arms;: all nHt11•ri11ls 1111<1 comt' prcpa.J'cd to m 11k1· 11 .. trndl'. Fm· 11 11,.r of n .. 1·clt·d lllflll'l'ltils. phunr Mrs. 0 11;. \\'1•111 lwrn !J?<, Ikacon r>334-M. · Lido Isle Residents .. C.t1•ifli1 C'1rdc -of Corona :d<') '.\l q1· (.'ornmunlty e h 11 r c h will nl•'l'I W .. clrwi<dny at :.? p.m. with '.\l1s ,Th o rt1<1 S G. Wight aa ~p«ak.1•i 1\lr~ \\·ii.:ht is p resident of· t!'il' F••flow~hip of C~>ngtt· lnpnnl \\'nnwn of South£'1'n Call. fornia and rN·('rltly at tcn.9«t the midwint<'r n;;11111rnl convention hl·ld In th•· Je:a,t Siii' will make reports,4on Wlirk tWing done by' ( 'ongn'l!I• t 111nnl women In South· crn California. See o_. scafS Awarded . d ul not allend thl" cvent ~•><>nding thc w1•c•k1 •n<1 in .-y1•11r verly Hills, Mr. and Mrs. lJ, 11 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ring and daug.hters n otor<'s nnd • Donna attcnded. the gala Aca· demy award presentat1vn. Satur· day evenin'g pt Shrine· auch· tori um. With 11cats a~jo.ft'nt to such notablc>s as Mary Pickford and • Buddy Rogers. Shirley , Tt'mple di~ n NE FABRlCS • Draperil'S • UpholSll'l'Y •Carpeting • Hand prints & dress fahfics. Linings- Quiltini;:. etc. Susan Hayward and Jack Car· &On, they hed en l'Xet>llt>nl oppor- tunity to vicw tht' many beauti- ful i:owns as well as the pre- sentations. Young' Bill Rlrig stayecl with his grandparents. Producer and Mrlt. Gordon Hollingshea!_). who PHONE HARBOR 2094-J~K_: 821~ Com:t Hii:hway .Corona dcl Mar NOW OPEN , , SOCIAL 0ASS£! F'Oft THE SPRlNG WH1RL CASU;\L DRESSES sJllowN ·m LOVELY SUM!"t'ER COLOR.<:: SHEER PRINTS~JN NS. GABARDINES, NEW.FULL SKffiTS 0 TRAI CIIT. SL~f Lr.-.:F.S M~Y. NEW. SL~ ANL> *°LLAR DETA~LS TI1EIR EXCELLEN9f: IS IN TH IR ~ MANNER. MATF.RµL AND SIMP LICITY SlZES 10 TO :.!O 16•, TO 221, ( . ·-~ .J . Qte-Ff ance~· Norton Shop ¥3t 8"eftd A Bro.dway ,14«. -~ noor -Mantia Ana .. ¥ ~ "" .. This forward hat 1s ju st what· ~;11 11\·c been lookin g fo r . Ir's youn g ... lt"s flattering ... and it can be ju st as much a t home at a party or a mee t i ll ~. . · .. It's th at v ersati le~ P,eft i purl s traw 'and nylon net combin e to-ma ke an un- -usually pleasin g hat. .. \ AN ORIGINA~t CREATION by'---. G . HGWA~P HODGE FIFJH AVENUE, NEW , Y.ORK .Price range from 7.50 to :17.50 • • 1313 Coast Hi\\·a'y Corona del }lar: lf5 EAST FIFTH STREFIT TELEPHONE 6634 SANTAANA ·~-l Phone Haroor -590 , --·-- I .. . · J • t ' I t .,._, .\ ·~ Published every day .. Mon~ ~ Frida)'. by Sam D. Porte r and L.ucius S. Sm(th, ftl. owner'$ and operators or the Newport Harbor ,JAi.bli:;hin~ Co. . . voLn · \ By Carrlt'r or Mail: $0.80 per month anyv/ht.;'; in New1Xi.-t Beach and C01ta Mesa; s:.1.40 Cor 3 rriontns, $4.80 for 6 month11 ; $9 pt"r year fly Ma il in Orange County: S9 per )'l'ilr; to 4th zone•, $9.2:t:: to 8th zone, $9.50. " Entered ~ Second·ClllSI matter at the Postotfice in Newport Bea~h. California, under thl' Act. of March 3, 1897. SAM D. ·PORTER LUCIUS S. SMlTil, ill W. F. DIXON I Publlshl'r Mana~lng Editor ~iT9m'm:ln~ CLYDE REX \ . Printlni Plant. 301'1 W'. Central . Avenut', Newport Beach, CalHom ia Official Paper or' the City of Newport Beach A. ~ndable ·Local llUIUtuUon for O\•er to Yean • NATIONAL EDITORIAL - -~rnoNT Pl\GE STtiPF ..-__ r lomics,· .RaC/io -'~~ ~.' .. 1948~~ Active @) Member ~--.. ' of • - '100\[t :'.~·-·----~(~ , .~~~~~~R~ ·;~~~~~· • • • ·~ • · • • • • It h~s· bee~ said of California-that its·. diversity La t M" t B '>6 <'n1:11wll i.t)JN•rllt.1m)i.·r l•\Tr to-tht' "*"" . . . AN••••'" rat\llll. ~. ,,. t Dropght and Diversity · is its sa lvation in ad\l.ef'~ity-, s 1nu e •t) • 1s1•\1•11th l!i>lllliarcim~·nt Willl( Of the . .. :~~;~:::, . .-In other won.ls, the California economy. is not E . . Ch w11r·l1111·,. Elithth A ir t'orcc at :.--."'··-H Uuollut .. .... r • It 1 ng1ne anges l (';inm,l•ll J\fr ,Jl'l:i.rcc U1m• today. V' ~'8.:.:·. :; =·,=: ... .. built around' any one inclu~try or an;: one ~~lCU u~a Halt Dol1"very Thi• :-:1•\'t')llh w 1;1t rC'!1'lrtt'dly ll ·:: ~::.:: ~l~l~u.:-/ Product .. Hence, ·~when Ul)faVorable CO.nd1tlons anse ~ • tlw n11ly 111r fore.· urllt trturiL-d ex· a ~-uoe .. ,,~ , ~5+.i.,.l"F ff h 11 I •-oub•PP"O .. alll ~~I 1111111,.;i~-lll~'<µ.+;~ m . ..ote P.lace of .ou~~if·iyf t~: .the a ect on. t e overa F< mT \\'< •lr ri 1, TV:--: M \-R ~,, •' 11~1,.·lr ror i.wm1c bomb mt•· 11-i..,,. 11o... _ .... u..1o1 ~ ~P.:K'...l.r;:.li. ~ h Id b . ,. , f c ..:1or1s •• Perl"'-....... wife ~ ~J~~ P.1ct e · 1~ cons1de e. severe t an it wou e 23 11•r1 1.;.~1 m 1n11t.o m11ct1f1.1 · · • _ ·:: ~:1 .. , • .,_ ... ,.. .. tf-alJ 6ttf .i11QUStrial OT. ·agricultural "~ugs" were in Catiol'\i on thi• <'llf'lll•~ of lhr 0).!l1tnl ' ( \Ul\'fllr ~>!flCllllS I Old Bir force '1 U 4 o r:;,-:!-:::::... p, ll·:lfi, knO\\ n n~ 1)11, wiirh.1'1< ), J:t'1<t •l~lll'••rs lh;,1·t ''.h1• pla~c ~robabl ..;.;..~:::.. ,,_ M Ta_,·-one baske~. ,_ "• / • . Jand-hns .. d lk>rnht•r C'RU••'r l h<l I \\OU Id i'w-dt II\ I It'll lfllt r lhll ..,eek. 11-1·;.r, !!--Olillri081, -'-lL''> . d ht f ta c } . . . I TI . n ... , h .. I n -T ' -I. vuaer the present rou~ 1 or ins nee, a 1-pustporwm1•nt hlfl ay or <11•l1V<'r~1 lC • .,.,, \lt' JC:ir ll\!I a r MKC -.... M ~--~- . fornia •fiO"ures' to fare better tha'n she \VOUld if she or lflf' ;u r plAlll' lo 1111' 't'll:hlt1 :11r (If 5 ,1)()(1 llllli•S Wllh ll ~-ton bomb "" W 1 forl:'I'. • · lo11d, hni> rompl••!<'Si n !l•'fk• or f 1 J " ~ • 7 were "one-crop" state suc;h as Iowa or Kansas. hi e -fll.:ht and ground tl'11t11 that h(>ean • f. Id ·11 b h d h C'onsoiltlrit.'if \'ult <'(' Alrnllfl h ,.... ..,,t losses in seme 1e crops Wl . e -eavy-an sue a Y•'llr ai:;o w I'll"\. nnvnlr turn.~ Corp .. orl1:11111ll.r had ht•L•n •ct1C'· <'U' ti ~ X'l'36 · t I 10P0 es arA cert·~.1· ·l.," nt>t .to be ml·n1·mized-Other crops · Q • ' h · ,... • i·xr-'nm«>n a ~ c .Y ,-dUI• ti 111 turn · t lwir fir~(' SIX· JJ:lrt•nlS or tht• pl11n~·. will n~ be -s hard hit anfl will thus prevent the -------------- proportions. California's rliversity io other lines such as finance also contribute greatly to her st ability. Be- cause he r !'tatewide bra·nch banl<ing system serves widely different industri~s and areai::. ~this syste m is not a ffected\ by unfavorable conditions which develop in any one business· or any one section of the state. • Instead, it is able t o-facilitate the swift ftow of cgsh and credit to the places where and when it is-mMt need ed ((l.n<l thus help to iJ)1prove w ndit\ons .. -The s:rreat diversification in i nrlus~ry, a i:rri culture YOUR DlAL DO•--·· ....... 'ltr1-Mlll ...... l'la '~~~·"· lllll~rltt ·:~ C ::t (;i.:0-0..,.. llllJ-0.toeU•• a.--'" a• -00..._....~ , KFWS-111,..le llos -• · l :a • k l<X-r . a lllro. Nortll . tl ' •If -18 1J n 211 .l rw. I "' "" ~7. !"II w ~" ., I~ .... "f ,.. ~ ~, II/ ~ ""' u ~ "" ~ IJI' '° ~ ,, ~ rJ., ~ " ,. "' ~ ~ "·" i<lf t:0 ""' JO ~:~1 ~' 11 fl 8 !II. 'f ~ "* ~ H ...,... -... • ... _........... . t :• # •!!:!:,. ' M a... an-w.. ll~dora • -·----!fS ..,. 114 &,l.,lC-No•e. .... 8' P.•. · 9 IO fl u u. %7 ': \) 7'f ~'l " and finance is not only 'the foundalion of California's p'tesent greatn~s but: i~ the key to her weat~r eco- nomic future. The exh•ting emeqrency, while se~ere "' and anythinj? but desirable, is neverth~less pointing \lP the ability , of our state to take the rough ·go in$? !.,...,.,. w '·• 1 P.a. a"1f&-·Quhl".I Miiie PAii ---·t• ._., K"-.t.moo '• .t.811' f~C-No••. nsti•• n._.u l'KI'" llMPO-h~--···-1£(_ .. , h •orll• "'"' GORUO u f . Ad a"-wo!.:.~·· _..... l:t=\= .... ~ It~~~-: ... ll.. n air . -vantage in stride. · JtMPO-~ 6 Tw-•nCJ t•ill <kYWP-Non.ia.a I Rr·L f::_..rp.._.:;... ___ -. _ _;_· .....--.J ~ ICECA-ftapp7 'th••lr• Jrl.AO-D<>n Vt.It J<S X-Dl• Tl>.. t;t";•tt~~£~H=•~1 •::".,,;-;,.u;;;£~·-------~----------r.:!~..,..-P'P.!11!!"1,_ _____ _ kltJ-f"vll"" (A..-1• Jr, JCMl'C--A,... M~ llC l'AC-0.ft ... Tl-14 U .O<: """' .. -. " kl"WB-fllu Hamb'-a 10'1-,,hl,.;·. 1ofo1lr lliH fr'llZI..~ tl 10'fol~ .l!li --... J'!"X-Hlnt Hubl JCF.C'A-R.,,ort • "•1rr..-."tlrldn Ohtll ~A,Jlll\JINC, ()I.I .,.,.,.~ 1Cr'A ~8-r-•n•lf• JCHJ-ltnonr• T'la:alr• .k'£:('A.-t-: .. •• ~' S:I~ • Jo.t WD-8 rt.o Fl &I lrllJ-Boul•h llllo• l.J()Jlt ~~11lCU1', GO!tlXi 1'J.•c--r1~ 'Alhu,. 'i:-tX-c h:.'! W•ll•" H:JI 'ltllt.,/ PA~HIMG ·' li\l'"'T KP'..\r-!-f•-•• 1.-JC F1-r_.,.,.. r•-.r•d• tn 11:.'""'/ F . th ~":'l't f . h' KY.•'A-T"'t" 6 l'lr&IA9 l(.J,\t:: KJ.ll't ,... l(\lfV'-R•n•~ .. 11 .... '1.. It ve~. acm•• (' f'lOss1u111 y o not g-ett1ng 1~ OW-fl acnJ,_~.... l\t'I 1.,. .. , ""<·• 1n:nA-J•·• 1~.11 _..:__, ... ..._ t""t. .. • R~~-n"'"' ,...,. .. Am K ' 1'•4.J 1--14 t party1& nommat1on. Pre~1dent Truman has OJH.'ned up s,,. •. ~~" •n1~~"~,.,~,:~: t("~~nu~· .~· 1 "" 1 t• with. some real . political !'l!Uj!~inj!. -His fir~i tar j!N I ~ ..... ;(" .. ~;::. ·~··~ .. .,.,.. ~~~·'.'..,..::,:i'.'."', "!!°'."" Ifft."·"'···~ Mot•lo wa:-1 his former cabinet nfficer and now the thircl ·: : .. ',_ '.' .. \~:;: '"• H .i•· , ... " "' '0 '"no '" "" •"d• •••• 1<11 1-~·-· , .. Party cancliclat(1, Henr)·. W~lllace. ~~~ .. \~·:·. ""' ,.,.," K' ••• 1 • T.. K '"'l-r.~ " •<ut<>• • K \11•r·-1·"' II t•n ca111I ll 1•" • In hi s ~p(•e th to the L<rvn l ·Sons of ~·. Patri{'k • · " · '''~•I••• 1h 11,'1 ·_·: ••• ~'"' 1e 1'1 1<"' :-. ...... . 'N • I t .,, . I . ., hf ,.,,,.,. T""'"' ' ).\tl'i T·, \\l'H~nt• rn E'W '\on. ~ r. Truman hr JU)! 1t up a JllllH', rnm :·:·: ~· · · 1 1 " • • w .• · ~ ~1·,' 1~:11~'.;. ;'.:w,:. ,, the fl oor whe n he <lc•tla\·ed: "I do 1rnt w imt ancl' I -,..,.. ..... , :;'.! 1" \ •• ',.~ h i""'" 1 ' " "'"' h• J\'f H• •I 'H\le ' 1flJ9 wi ll not <1cce11t the J>olitical su111Hwt of HC'n r.\· Wall:lct" 1 • •·• 1'. • • ,. ,.. 1 • ·' .... '••• •• ~ • ,,. %•• ...... 1 1 •••• I t.''' I '., "• )\. ' ''· • t .1 l .. I f ••i ,. • \ ..... an cl hi :-: (' ll m nlUl\i~~.... l f .iui I) i tllT th<'m Or f>ermit.t inrr ~ 0 \ ""''""'" lO \I II ''" • '.l"la I 1 I 1 "• 1 • ' ~ • ,_. M J • I Cl•._.,,.., )mt • 1•.. Ktt t -\t .. .-,, •• f , ""• them t<1 .~n rric i:-; the J)l'iC'e of vi ctory., I r_!?cfommen<l 1" '-""~" "'""1"w i.n ~ ...... ,., "".X 1~·•·,,' . .:." I " \r ~, '"" 1 flC"I J 11'~;·· f' 11 io • ''li ~hm ••• ..-( efc•at:' . -• •fl•t' ti \ I ••' ' n1 •J(•'t _r;,,,.,t ft•-.r • t t.. •• ,..., .,. )..ltl-'..I"*'~" ,.,.,.,, l(\tt•r-t••n ,., t••rttd• The ~11·0,,·ing temd on with Ru~..;ia may have hacl • :.:·,·:; ~.':.''"'7 "''<...,•, ·~ 1~,"·m•• .... ~:,-~'_,,:;·~.~:.·::• .. some bearing on the Pre~illent'~ deci :-:io n to cli !'lavo w ; , ~· 0T ·: ",;;-,," '" , •. ,. • "'I• "''< 11 •···,1 ..• "..''•n I t \\ t• • • ~ e ...,. The"'Poiitical Picture ,., ·;! S"v~" .,# <' .. .., '· J .... <.. g.. PINK NA4,\' ""' "· ~(' .I(·, ."f -f .<'.' .IJ/Jf..: ... ._v yf' • ..t*\' ,;rA..· --"' • ..... "'' r .. ·' ---y~ all Com mu11i =-t tie!'. Or it mav he that he ha:' finallv I • · ,. " • ,_ ..... ,. '"1"· ""·• • • ~~~~[.~ ....... '~11.'"'•' .. r. i1oM • • •r~-"' \\ H f'• \\'·q4 n. r' •• ., -become con,·in ct-d t hat there i:-; no chance of inclucin~ ;:: ..... 1";. ·~.": •·,1: h'X J•rll' ,, "' 111m ... u .11T W allace to drop out of the ca1:waign. Onlv a fe w · '.. ""····r"' '"' T " 1 ' 1 "' ~--=--we~~o: b&~verT Df'mQ~rutlt ·Cha-.inn1Ml ~~lcG rath.j_ ,.., 'rv1s10~: ·~.~:. ~.::.'"' 11011 1··• ~~:~~·.¥·"-.,,~ _ was ~IIT a-p-i>(·alm~fl'> Henry to come l)ack ·lfite l1tl n.;~.j,,oJo~ .... ; -~~4.i"i'..,.1n1~ ~~;.~,,.,, pa rty folcl. I •• ---==---l __ . '. •r. _.,.~ '' • ·• ~ ~ _ __._I_n_cidentally. if the Southern Df mocrats sho11Jd I ........ ~ •• u_._:_ ----=..=ua..:_-~- succee 1ll blocking the Prr:--ident':-nomination it ... ,., . .::·'.,~. ~... ~i'..~;:.~~; ~~'4;,: Mn -r"f',..., r .. vnr r I< 1 ~ t A 1· .. , •' \\ hJ'•m•n w.oul~beon<' of t~~ few ~imes in American polit.ical ::·1 ,'· 7 .,..... x~~=-~~".i~:~·;~;.~'' ''.~'' 1'·11 .. " ... ·r 1i ~ l:;. ~-~ uc.._--~lN I J II ••.. -· ·~ ,_,,, \ \t.Hlfllf1• 1sto ..t11ar-~-m.-11 ·11 tm"~-htr.:; ha-pf}cnt'-rr;--{)t ~mee ~·.~',',',.;'.~~·"~Jr'· .u. ..... -., :;: .... -~•---·-•••:i. __ 1884 has a chi Pf exerutive elig ible fnr another t erm: "' .ic·· 11.,1,·1~ ., R••n• !~ux:.:';1~::·. :·,•,-:;:,'1' ~::~-i,·,~.'~1.,'"~."u.','.'.•.ht failed to win his party '~ a pproval. On, that occa~ion ~~ . .'1; 11: •• ::d i,,..,.,~.,. n1-''''"'!·~~111no •(~" ..... ~. ,!';.."'"'u"~' Ch t A A~ th • th •t • T '"' ,\ • • • .llU'1t Jo.llJ->.1•1•"11•a JC I AC°-!'-••"· ·;~ l'lu~ es er . r nr wa=-1n e :-a1n e p~)!"I ion a~ ru-1 ", _, • • 11h1n• J1!'-.x-•1, 1i.1 ......... , 1o. ~'1-11 ...... o ""• man, since he hacl ~ucceedecl to the P1·esicl ("TICV on "·' '··;,,. 11""c-• :~· ~.-..:•• ~~'~;.r;, 7.~.;· "'"A"'•" •n• the cl E>ath of < ;arfie l<L -F01iun~t<'lvlor i rr. Tnlman Fl.--.-.'"'7 rntY ~:;~·.~~;.1• ~~~ •. t\I~~ ~~. ~fio th • f ] ' )" •JI J ' h. • t t :,"',~t';' ·~.:i~~·N•"• K \11'' KIA' -Muoi& t :U ere 1:--no pow<>r u llH 1vu 1m 1n l=-' par y o oppo:-:c• . . 0 K l.•" 10."J' ,.,.,.~.. 11n -l! •• 11 ....... ~ him ·like. Prr :-icl eM Arthur had in .Jame:" Blaine. : ',, ..... 1., ~· ,.,:~."' ~~~,011-.;~, .. ~. :-.,~:.·. 1111 '-' 0 '"; ,~''"'" J , \ l~Rr-)I \nn•, • I\.' X -ll1h A .,t,,r IC f I l"'", , •• ;,..._, • t • ,, U :U Kt::• A -HrM · & ,, .. .om t.. \ tt \\ •ll11n"• t'•49 ~r.·.;;~~"'\.,~~rh!· .. ~ :~~:!';~H Ul~it~~~~+· k ,. 1 ,."~1~. • k l-:1 A -l .1•1•nln. •· .. •t t :••• )\I \l.* ...,,11.11•1 w.nJ S.-we M.tU-M•n 1~1 1ff1 .. -.Ow 1'J't-Wldd• lft•.iwn T I I rr 1' )"'t.n 'I.A' t -1 f 1 fl•Jl! th • I I 1-.. ••ll \\arlt 1 l(S.X-M• t••rlllM • I P.M. We \'C \"(>fl "!-' a,_0 J) n c l'I a1'1..,\ 0 • •}ll, (' '"" A 1-•f•I , 1 ·" I ~r. U ;,I' II I AC -'o " 11.-.. u nati<2_!1a·I ~potl i,1!l1t wa;.. 'he ld by the _ Vet erans nf ::. ~"'~: / ~~~:~. •:••t ,. :~11~~·~.: .. ~ , ... 1. : ~\:;-.~·.;.~ •• ~·;:!:~n 4' .. :I& )< lU'..;.Tho • Jo<1ll•·· 111..M*-11"" 11 t I •..rro This Week in History , . 0 .. Future W at·!=:. .' · -· -. I h~,-4',..••r1 .,..,.. .. , .... ·_ X B..:A-',ao• '7u.~1 1<H .. .._ ... ~, "• ..,..,.., The "orcranization'' ~tarted a t Princeton Uni·.-l<l.A«-1••<"0 • at Jt•lu l(,,JC-D•. ~··1···.. ·~Pwn-11111 AnOl.lft """' . aMl'O-M~ll•t ~rtll U :'6 k SX-\\'•nt1•r TU• AM versity ·and \\as in.i;;pired by pal'l'ag-e nf the $21 ~-1<:-i1-_~"·;,. ~~t;~t·: ~:.·.~:.. •1.•e-T Ji!~ ... 8110• TARZAN 1'1 S'k t' billion bonm• bill fOrLhe· veterans of World War-I. ltl I -i .... u. Ibo l'I••• lf"X -Uuldln• '·'-"' ltrl-l't.nl• I ..... Uh I . ll' • r1> It! By. ft;daar Hice nu. rr_(1'Jafa9 • • ~J.1 1•1: "'"'l Cot '°' II 1'U4JN I s» r=--~·;,...;;;.-_ _.:_· __ .....;.. ____ ., '"f ~ The Veteran ~ of FUture War.s contPnrled that k :-X-lu • Nu•oll•ll k.'60-A• Ja r••• u·~-r···· ""' THf EARTH .sttOOI< AS no.£ ·"f/I nr-:-~~,-~~!!1!~~111!':~ ,....--------------. 1 . 't l U '•C-1<••• .. t l-T"4aJ''• 1,,1,1141.. Slll'C-llwln• n' 81•• ~L!P'MAHTS. U O 8Y A ~f,AT "4 THf l~ fR!NZY. T~f $EAT lfA5fS .. s 3 1 0 nce anothher g-reath ~t'!~J el f~·a1!;t tneyt1 ahb e 1 w 1 ithihn · im -aam ·~~.. ~~~~n:;;~n. ~;~•·1 lfi~~.-;~~:1:""~:11" IUL. ~orR£o oo.~ ~~~~ ;1~~w~l~LEL~T0 Years t e me n l:. o \\·ou· f 11r 1 1n 1 s ou < ea c •Mrc-0 ·-...... &llJ-11•w' 0·n• •s x-i 1uu.•• 1"""' VllON ntr STAllTLtO T-E ....................... •o ·~o , ,_. k~X-1..lUf\9 T1,d.. &J'Wll-Ma1itrl•• ¥at't llill CA.Ml> • ._ ~ _....,. '~ ,.... ,,,,,_.. be paid a $) ,000 •b.OnU~ in advance !'0 they COUld l<YAt;-l!nnJ L 'IX-h• .,,., --frl·~I. f'•·· Fafftll U<l A UPT~ ~:SS~··~ .....o;~.i;:~ • t t.. L U11a wro-awi6t ·e 11,.. DlY.-sTATl'tO enJ00y it a head. o_f ime. ' . . -. Xl.AC·ltMP~S..... sn-woma.. ... ".... a..:o•-7 ··-· IOulll' A~ • ....., S'l -M•l°"J Tl-¥>;(;.t.-Q.>IMIC&Jo KRJ-t 'T'i• .... An As..•a)c1at1 on of CorreSJ)ot1f1ent~ of Futufe u :.: .. -w ..... ,,. • .,........ L '\X-P•m w... • ,. • , ){11.l-C.c-11 Drowi u·t.IJI a , . . Wars was a lso formed. It requesterl the Government I iu·wo-t. A 9ld•I -~ ~-Hou, ltro...... l.AO.&M l·O-"-· i :< x-s .1""" Pr1n• J>O·&N x-N••• :rc~-~ 1 "' Ltf• to finance •·rnur~e~ in the writina of atrocity stories, a.v .. 0-'C>.•···•1 A-.Jo11Mr "11.1 ...... -...:1' • .. •111 ' ,.._ ~ t :H JIJ-~ .. n lo. 0.. ...... and «arbled war dispatches for n.Atriotic ,purpo~es." I ai ... o-n •.. n. """• ·x -w .. ., • "1-f:!"o:.."ar' ,.,.1 11r ,.., ,,~ SMPC..,.0111 1 ... 111.. Lr1lD C..lt ' Uoi< • • The fa~cist ~alute was adopted with the piilm ~ ........ • ~ ... •.u of the hand upturned in begj?ar fa!'hion. The follow---·~,~ ~~~ .. .°' ,,.:-~-~:!"11: ... ;,r '\.. • IL6C-Mtlu<ltM &a.t.-8tMI a ..,... IJl~tj~:.. "'&';; tng wa~ t 11e it official f"Ong : .. · s:?c~"t!m a;;:."=· ,:~:: •• "' v..M .-,..._.,,.,u... ' Fall in line. fall in line-, . tc11J-:--&<111ar·1 Dia•• 1 •·•· • ,,. VWll-l'JlnS1n· .... RA~N••• f fl<WV !<>-.... ....... N.ew'~e time. now's the.time. l'IX-Oran~ ... -rl-ru111 iu...... r l -A•• ..... . rr:-: t :U 1·r~Hal Ber"' ~ ,._ To.cnl1 ect ou-r ·bonus tllat Pranklin-D. will loan u~1 a1-'o-q,"' scA-l u•11r1 .. ""•· ~•-v.n.w f • • lfl -VI• l!•'°"' .... ~HJ-lfo•t -... ~f .,_ So we won't 1~bt him over here. ""' 1 KJ-S••• 1·w&-11111 •·-x-••••·· /lot..,. ..1 • •sa-ku .. m ..y Nll-0..uble .., M~ l f 1tl • So, raise your beer!' a~11 g1Ye three cheers 11 • •· u c-.wu ..... •• u.o-rroue h ' . I k h I &'1-N••. l.•dlH O&r .... n -lfMa lWeM For the war t at s comm to eep UR ummin' -1 nc.t.-<Ja1on l•••h 11.Ac:..4111 oiu•. . •1-~. ,....._ ' b h J ·1 • • I KW.J-Ka•• ".m11~ _ ,.,_.,,. p.,.,,.. tlr._ • ._ An<i we ;re· n t e l ere ti 1t s over over there. KPW"a-M 11.11 I ~·· KMl"~rth-11u te4-:.-.... .,_.___. f 12 Ull-'l'l"•M J wor1tn 1uu--. Am""-f· .-..;-? · It a11 see ed very un1'y-years ago. -~ B r I n I Y o u r F o r d B a c k H. 011t e. f o r E f f i c i e n t . S e""r v i c e Body and ~nd~r Work._ TH [ 0 P 0 RE R 0 BINS -. 'Motor . Rep~iring • -.·-:-Peinti~9 · v•11~1. F<1101 m:At.f:n. stNo: i9:11 · New Moton .. :\ r." l'OKT BEACH PllONI: ~· U • >. 1 /. , . , ... ,. _/ --. ~ .. ·-..... ' ~ -~ 'fage s.~r'i:r.0 •NT~!!ia!~.~ .. 1::.E':!;J::i.~cAL•OA YAC~T CLUB TUNE-~P SERIES WINDS· U-P...,;.._ __ * _ _:*:__::*~--,.-.7-5 _..D_e_le~ia~s of Boy··set?~t il~;Mary. -a,· \'F.LM." llAllllt:R I· Rt•<;ult ~ M Fl~ Tunc-·Up .... and from i.ll lndlcatlon11. JllO r (' n .... as·-t1·ng Along _, Fra· tern1ty n11o.•.l w· ........ • .. An.1-Pow '11oU7 ' * * Kentucky Is Th r ei: d11,~u.· or .. a1llt01tl1>~\'lKl:"\C: f l rn<:•""' Oius Pri~~o lhan 2(JO i>allhoall will cornpeui '-Al UJU ~c u •n .ff * • '""'h' <f 1h, 1'11n1 l "p "'rl•' lu: I 7 , 1111111~· Jun \\:.by,e. Nu 5 . thla year. Rob Allen. San C~brlitl R)" D(i>N 11iACJ<EM'.\ Approximately 75 d c 1°1.' g at cs Cllru.ax of tlw aff,air was the. -7 -1 Favorite ~:i ... 1o·r R• 1(1111« "' lla111w1 Y .whl "'· IK•ll1t•.' ,\nch (;ram. No 6. 1tnd H<trbor Is land R~cC-\hm . Unifod Prcss ~ports 'Wri!:Jf from nlnl' )odJ.?eS ur Srotion A. election of :'\ick Nicholson o{ the H ho -f"luh :llan·h :ti Tl ... P~.:'\c~1 ·1:--I I I '• 1~1""" ·1111n P•·cl··r'°n. No 1~. for llYC. h11..s mack> extensive plans Urdt•r of the• Arrow. honor"IO'Y" L<>ll Ani;c1•lt>S Arca.. council (IS sec. Br r Over Baylor II•··' ~l arch S1·rws Will Pn(I with 13•, 1••1111<: llAl.llllA D I NGHY for I.I bang-up SUCC'"5S or lhc An· *. * * campin~ fllll'rnity o f thl'" Boy tlon ch1Pf for llu• 1949 ronferenc:'C ' '111• ~:l!St•·r It.·..:·•" It an 1111 ''""' 111 11 I ~ I .an.··" I 1'-11 I.! I. T ony Tur-nual Easle r Hcl(alta Specratora t' Scouts vr Anwri(':t, met' ~""" the. whir h M'tll be held in Santa Bar· :-;F:\\' YORK. !'\fflr ·1:1 • r l•p1 <'uunl "h1.n 111 11w ~ ... ~llr Ro•i.;.,1 111 111n<=1·. hi :"\11 lf•1: N11('.l Bulow. 11nd tJr<'i;~ bouts are sctwdulccl, to SEArM..I::, W ash . Mar. 22. -· wcckc•nd at C"aml!, Ar thtir Letts, barit d~ln1: the wc-ckl•nd l:K'fore EveniS Jf./i{. _With mc•n who d riam tlwy kno S11tl~rdR~ Sund11~ n u·• ~,"•II. "'" .!rtd . ~ .. I'.."'· :11t h• I Ullma n, 3rc.l . ll'll\'1• AYC picr !Jrt>viuu!I to 1:.! tllPl-11 ~he t;ni\'er sity or ·w ash· Ho ll_ywood hOts sate' or the Los An· Eastl'~ext yl'ar bl'puty chit>C~ hn~krthnll ho'41t, th•· Wal)• Wild-I~· 11um 1.-d '" 1lw lm111 tor :ll:1rd1 "' n I I•"'" \t.1,,on, 4th.; :-lo noon m ord(•r to ht out· cin th" inglon's st l! r frl'shrnan brcast ~C'lc-!1 ArC'8 rounC'il. ' Pll'ctrd w '~Im Gnlhrc~ath. Santa , c111 h t•f K1 nlll«'k) wo•n · u 7 • 11 .point 1 s. 11t ' :1~ l~•t-1• r I 1 .. rww1ml t it-d "1th oc•·1111 ('uursc pr,.\•lt>U."' to s111rt ing ~•.rok<'r m11kr s thl' ClJnadian Ol)'Tll· Young rnc n from &1uthrrn Cali· Ana and,Bud i~e. Sa nia Monica chrnt'<· u\/•r. thr tintt lt n~ bc·1irs of H··-ull-. ,,, p~::-;t;CIN as nf it"'I ~ .. 1~7: II .c.· .. 11 ... 11 tor ath. pli.cc timl' -1 (l.m .... A Square Dan yic swlmmlnt: team, as C"·Xpcct~-d. hr fornia lo Ari1.1ina i:athn •'d af this -Ulflgt'.'s par1 tl'ipil'1-lqg in th<' con· B11)lnr ton.r i;:ht m uw <•1111 -wesl .:I .1' .. n rl .. n lfut.111,111·, :-;., 8 n :--;_-.;n·~-~ I r111'1·sl Won by w1ll l>t: ga<'C'n 111 BYC 9 pm. s,11ur-proh11hly will jh&\P the• mOiit ap-second annual frllowsh1p confer· r~\'nCl' includl..'CI : snn.. C.1rgonio fins.I' 11 ( ttw N C i\ A. t11urminwn1 I lhf. l««•d N "ull:. r-;,, tilt: . .!nrl :"\11 ~-,; •l<IJ•l• J . 11nl<nown ; :"'o da)' '"'cmn~ for m ... mb;•rs. K\lt'Sts. fJl'Opriatl' n1tmr-in the lntern11 rlon· c·nce to l'XC"hfl.'H)l' 1d1•as nnd frit-nd· l°Qdgc•, Clrani:r Emp1r1y A~c:,J~ nt ~l:srlt .. un S.1uan Gard1·n c;,.,. Hui"'" :-.; .. ..l ltr :\a•l "-n 1,1r lil 7 1 1:.\1 \11 H11l11 1ts, :.!nd.; :-to. and visrtlng 11klppns ... S 111hn1: ul rorn1•·titiol) shipi. with rdlow lodi:c lirolhl•rs. cil. Santa An:.. . ~'- T hr c·»rN rts IH'<'urdt'<I Krnlu<'k) It) ll:m imil i. :-.;0 i'Xll. Ith :1( .. nt• ·~••I :Jrd ="" ,;7·,<1 Ith l o ~s , or 01hcr Informal sr>0rts 11 Is P~t·· Salmon. Maln"purposc of thc proi;:n im was Dt>h...:ah"s frc•tn th<' O rangc Em· ·- 1h.1l hull(l' 1n thl· lk•ltd 1hat t hi· <'I.on·:~ :-;0 .. f!t!. ~•th c '" s11111 11, ·wo l\ut1I• t:,1,.,,·t•-d In ·Balboa u1 111" \\Ill h•1 a ppro pra a t•• Salrnoo. a nativ(' of Victo rin. R to find out h ow lhC' Orrl!'r of thl' .p1r1• ~n·11' cmint'rl pnr11ci1>n1ln1: 1n / SEE ·CHANCE FOR RADIO BEACON ON JEnY END \\011'1h 11s an· um· nr thl' trUl) ~rl'at :-; 11 l •W(, filh , Holl! llt1rn'i. :-.;., , ... ·ht ( 11111 t:a•t"r Rrs•U• Jam• Calkin!\ s nd. h c-r • <'ntcrta in· c . hai; \l(l'('n f1i r \inl( ·with northern Arrow could st·n ·c to Curth1·r th1 thC' ronf••rC'nf't• inC'ludPd Jim Gal· •• li11,k1 ·1l111ll i.·11ms uf a ll tinw. hut · . 11wn1 com~tJ!f<' arP twn<lin~ on·r da\"ision uf th!' Padftc Coast con-St'out m~ µrograrn in the man) bn•ath, toq~c chid, Troop 29, a lso w11 h rt war) l")"c or Huylor·11 11 :..'7. 71f1 I'• nl(111ns ha\,. ha<I ~1 -t 111111"! t \"w •lit t ·11111 8 •fiaater RC'· hac·kw11rcl~ lo 1:uar1mtl't' a rollick· frr<'nce records for the breast-ps oF, ltfc ,·arious ~uncils Pre:--Santa Ana : Dit'k Smith, Tr0op 19, Coast guard headquartN-; an ~g Beach >~t>fflt1y mfo~-d the city of Nc>wporl UPseh !hilt they v.•tll r11,·orabl~ roru.111t.:r llw lnatallatJon of n radio be11run on the jetty ,Jlt tht' harbor C'n l rnnrc• The mattor wall probabl)' Ix' aetf.d upol' a11· 11oon as morC' dnt11 relitive to harbor tr/Ifft<' 1s fum- lsh<.-'d. they tndlcatl'<i -Acfxl.:; -Award Winner MCll•blng the MatterJtorn" .. TOMoaaow Lily Palmer ,. Sam Wannamaker .. My G~rtT»a" ,. ....... :. BATTLE of the BAND AJITIE 8llA W n ·i'<·nl u p:-i·ts rnc.·s_ S ax r('(tUlrl'd fo 11unltty. 1:t1tt11 l'"I )' .• r h1td 143 entrln. mi party s trokr whllc swimming with thC' sldini; owr the confrrl'ncC' was Santa Ana: Elwood Du Pontee and KentuCky rca.clu.-d a pJanc_pr ----• -y~~~Y fr08h. Thc l S-yC'ar-old Section Chil'f J11ck Qa\'1rs or lhr Jere Mrek , Explorer Pon 306, pc'rfrr•lon ll<·kku:!f 11C'h111\•<'d hy an)' GRA. ND CIRCUIT OPENS AT SANTA ANIT'A ·4p· RIL _2 S\\'lm star fiaa turned In 2:'1.7 for C'rl'S<'£!'1 Bay Council, studl•n\ or Costa Mesa; and Bob Elsner. c'uurt f'n•w hy wmntng thf' N .C.A: lhe 200-)•ard. brC'asL strok_<' c•vent Stanford Uni,·ersity. Troop 19, Santa Ana. F.nat~rn tit II' f ""ll-Hi>ly .Crou.. ti() • · J • 1 as his best C'ffort to date. (~:-JD.::::::;)~Jf::::~iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiij to 5:!, on Sa r.,.urdll)'. T111l 1md t I· Ninr hunl1f'f'd of thr ('ffllntt'~ · .. 1 ~.tl.)Llfl•l,K•'f" At·rnard K1·ar-S:.t.50. plU'i IRJ(l'S. for the club-""That's only rour-trnths or II T.n. Perm1•t F1.sh1·n;,. l&ntC, th'!' \\'1rd!"&ll( S<:Oll"ed 11lmost tn1• trOl\1'1' anrt 1·m·1·r-. ltr•· 1111\\ n··~ ,,r \\\•,11·1 n llotrnl'AA: "ltacini: hf')U!'l'. A\'111l11bi..-.1)()x ~nd r<•i.cn·L·d liCCOnd orr thl' northcrn di\•1slo n u ~ 111 v.iiJI llRatn!lt thi• dcf<ondang 1rum1n1: a t !'un1 11 Anna f•1r th• ,, n ''" 1111 •·· ' that tht•re will ,,.,.,, an ' n11w bctng n:.-scrvc•d nt record." soys-Jack Tornc·y. uni· Wit.L. 'frawl, Drag I I I I I cham1mm CT\lll lld<·rs tn Rn awesom1· (11w•nan1: of the Ill>( Xi-rlR)'. C:raricl I'"' I ... 1111.: ,,)\ rtays a Wt-<'k :;:rnt:1 Anita. \ <'ri.1ty swim coach. "It's not closf' .IL d11<ph1.)' of 111')\\l•r <'Lffllll n1P••tlng on J-"1 11Ju~. ''""' I :II 11 n ti I\.. ll)rtllll(h sa t u r . A n('W r,·atun> this lleason Wiii to the lntC'r:collC'l(lllll' mark. but 1 Nets Unt1·1 Jµly 1 Baylor. ·..,,.anwh!le, scored ii•'..! Ar .. und ~'1'Jlr.10)"in '1"k"' 11n"1'f"i''' tl111111~: lh•· 111 '1"three W•~·k' 1•x1~t to s~ h1"m •-m th" t1"m c-.. .,. ~ ( II<' thf' gr('ully-lmproved mobill' A ' " ... ~ • It' I ~·· •'' ••t 't4tll•' \\,t \'f , ... t .. r) .-o ul1I I• H 11 .. 1111 110" • A·~·t• t 1u u 11 t110111 fl\. l•11•111r•• It~· $;.111 t ••I --¥ •" u oun1I hrtn' '"'• h ''' l·~·u lr1uk 1t1.r 111• .. i1n;wt vroit.fll. • I•• rt•• 1 ,\11.ft 1<0rw•r l !)H ,,, I from lhf" DA \' sn •uncl ~tr1111:ht u 1111Ct in lwatanfo? pur"..,.· r1•ft t11rrn~ 1h1• S:ll1.to:1 ·111• II\ .. 11•1'' 1•·r "'"''k ITtrl's-. eonsidt>rnbly c;lur1nJ thi• nex1 ~ ""' I 1 I s I I f h •t11r1in i: g11li'. whi<·h wfll operatt' "' .,A .. RA~1ENTO, Mnrch :.!:\ Ka nsas State for the WC'ltern titk (;oJtlr·n W1•:.t Ttnl "" :lln) 1:1 will I'·•'~ 1""".;1 • ,..un a)i. o r 1 ,. thr<'<' >'<'"rs H e'a youns: y r t and 1L·r1 Culiftirrua . co:i.tnl (ii;hvr-! 111 Ka nsas Cit y~"'" Mme ~--·n· 11( la•1>-J h11·•· \\t•t•k-. '1,,1' C'lght MIN•,. al11ni.; th1.:!•Ul i.1d<· mil Wllh a i.ini;:lc> hr· u•ork"s h11rd a' 1"t .. • .rr ""v arl 11u1-r111un n1: lo llti"' rl,t11\ \'Ill ''·'" 1,1 J<30 p. m . ·A;I. unit ;irm <tt'nll'!>. th<' rrnck. ~tan<I· ~ 11 mr n.woulcl bt· ~null.Wei 10 u,,.·e,.. this 1nu1111.,-11111 A I TornC'y, whose IC'ams havt> won il'ting 0 t)'fX-s-:t1t. Jr1t)'o'I .or dn1~ net" I I I I Lalrd f'rrttar -GaoTge-SandeFJ Linda Darnell .. . . ~Hangover Squ~re" ·"The Bi9 Fix" TOMOKKOW Double Western Show· m .. rw1tf1 m•"ll!" I" 11 •' ...,,. ,..., at $1,00, plu' anl11ffi approachrl< an' lll'o cx· 1hr nor thrrn division title Sl'Vt>n unl'fl Juh• 1.11949. when a nL·w Jaw l ''"""' 1•11 I:• 11""" admission and p.•i·H•d to im11rovc the Starts . 011t of 12 tim<'s. 1wlir vrs that Sal-1;ov1•rmn~ th« Sill' o f lh•• nl•t\ Out Of Do&rs By BILL GLACKIN t:ni\ld Pr1·-;~ S ltLH ('t1rrC'Slll'nd1nt Tars Out of. Pomona Tourney, Hoover .Wins 12-0 rn1m "111 . d1·ve lop Into an out· woulrl h<.>eom(• PH<'CI ive und.·r s lf1nclin1; coll<'i:;iatc hrf'ast s trokr r 1.•m 1i. or a hill n -comrnc•mk·d for Anrl p<iq~ihly a n nc-x 'll'rr olympic r~a.-..-.agP hy thl'.' a~~··mhly fiilh. a nd 11111· in 1952 i;am•' commit 1t·e toda~. .Sn)n:ion wjU·. cornpnl<' in ttl<' 11,e m ... 1,.u1~'. introdu~d b~· A~-01~ mp1r sw im I rl a Is for Ca nad1t s1•mhlyman 11wm.1s A l\tn lo no\. ill V1•rcl11n, Qudwr. this Jun1· a nd In .. S11n F rnnriM"o. rhan~l'S ,,,.. 1•f. S,\CRt\:111-:1\:Tll, Mi\ll 1l"l1l •\ll1·•l '" ,111 1h11r \'fl'W& befor C' ~i·wn•irt l liirt·~r··d ~ .. T ,r.. ronsidrrf'd n 1·1nch to r nrn n fl'<"tf\'l' 1J;it1• of "n n<'I J111"t't1 II\ · . I f I d ' · ·..-~ ~ 1 .. rnonu ars '· I ,.. d O . 1 · 11••· ''·''' l111r1 .. 1u o •~Ii n m· •h•· 1· . .i.11 .. 1·n1.111,1 .1n 1;11me com-"111. Pllmim 1 •cl > •i;:t rd· i . I" I'" t on t w 'nna 1:in' lymp11· t h1• 1!+-17 h•i;a<laturr :•roh1bt1tl)t,: 1tw (. I I I A II 911 1 ' t . c ·•Y n S<'<'· tr11m -f I I I ' •· rnr"'"" in ...... • ni.:1· .. s pr • mul r o und phi)' al th<· 13 th A n· ·rh· u'" n -.uc·' "'''' w11' "'. th1111 :.c Ji I I I I ~ I I tmM"fn~ :-•~lrN>n1• ~"'' : "''"' Hl\1' buth•. :! ,.tl\ll• h i•· •hoy.•,,. h \ rnr ''"'''" 1'7\1:• d1nu1.: fHOIH "h"•"1t l .,., "'""' •• k1l1 ,, i•fl 11n1 h f th t• "'Ofloi ~II n .. 1n • • '''' I •n .. • ~Hl1 on11 tu 11 t h1011W'l1 11111 ' All lh•• '' h111ll •••tun ' 111\1 !¥ • .111.t ''"."' n , .. t.,,.~ .. ,,.111. 11111• 1111• ~'t.r 1h·· ,,, d ui. 11 •~ • '• • u • ,Jt1 ;I ,. uul "1 •:·~::,~;f~"'"r<r1mr "n+ 11 111 hltt1<1; 1,, '-\ r• t f hC 1' •• ''" •"·' • A IJ; tnl1'\ 4 110 Ill· 11•\, •l tfl pr.,.• ·111111~1 ~ lpk•' ans ,1 l n\'alalt 1 h 1 ~ ""h a f11•r Jan. 1. 19-JR • lh,. Ii• 11• I 11 11! • r11111 f 1,h• rnwn Tho· coilllllll"l"ll l1o1s s~t an O""n 1 1 1 ' "na •I: 1 1 p11dcll•·r 1Pa rnfld to ~"1m nt ~..-~.Alc.~h mm.Jn. · 7.C' roni ' ,.. "" 1110 ourn11mt'nt "h 1• o the•) .~wi.,...wi...:.lol.iiMl:i..:~.:.:.:..tt--+..:..;.~~;~~;:;;;=~==; I fl ,,, 1.111 ,, 11)'111111. ',,, h11n•f1 \I '"'·'' 1111.: "" 'q :11l11r111ns ror tho!l• ln11 11~d . clA~ . 0 l ~ u agf' u f r .. 1rr :inti l>t ~an r n1:a1tini.: ! :JI~ In 7 mrhr... I • 1 -L-LL.:.." ' "-·• '""· 1~1 n o ,-,on Jc~u • f ,,,,'"~"cl ·• Hirrrt "' .,,...otlli _.1"t1F1.....-ttu .. 1 '""'"'"""'wall he m ad, lluo \"l'r, l ~-0. . 1 '~ <o~r.~·l nll\'1• ~\'.'.rnn11111: whr n hc·1 11 .•. r n.,l\tl Citlf. Rt•th\111od·c1ty ttl· ,,ltt.·--11111 1 ;11nl ~"'. ""''". m Lak.-r11111 11.: •h·· ,\1,1 rJ :."1 and 30 mi•ot· 1 "n~ cti.:ht llr S\\.1m all "'''lt•s 111 1nrn•·\. 1•xpl:1111<·rl lhl' rw 1-. t)1.,1i,:. 11 l ~l1·1 ••«I \\i11t111 :-11n ~1 .1n1·1-..-11 • 111 ., 11~ ~.111 F rJn•·tsco . 'nmonMu ~Ol'S on.tO-laTii:lr with r1fir-;r. f"'Ml t"f>mf"'lrni: m ~f'dW)." nat1·1.i m 1h1· 111·1 "'•01'1 noi h1•.nn-1 1-I 1 I 1 • \' JI ='.in111 onw•1 San Dw~n \"S r · , . .,, · I i·1t' im '· ""~ in ' '.'" < u11n ·• •")I Thi· t ' 1•111.1111111, t11 ht' approvC'•I ,. • • .. . -,, ,. t;11nnhl<• 1m11I .Jul\· •1r n•.'\I ,.,.11r I Ir· I r• ""r\llfl in :-;.,1,11 c ''""'\ • _.ri)'o.~mont •. C urnpt.on '.'" F:l Montr . l.111~·r ~ .. lmo.n cl•·\l'l•lfl''<I h1i;•-.;11rl !-om;. :.>cu 1,..;;11,. \\1tl1·~. \1·r:1••1• · "111 ""' • 1 n qu 111. 1•h1•11sant. dN'r 1n<l San H d S· I) • " " ~ T1'1· l..tk" ~I ,. ' •·1• cl pla11 I int.: '" ;ir, r ,,r.1t1h :1nrl "fllllrrrlll. M1-:n pi11\ I od~~11r 1110 '!>. .in tn;o I ~·:•llkr1·n;· 'd' rr11kC' ~1rnl,li:1t\ ''..up hlri<'k -1 cri'""'" of HX l~°'nn• "uul<I 111: I '"dlttl 1111• lM'" n1 1.,1 , .. ,,..,,111th,1t 1 i.:r"'"'',\' '" d 1o\d t•·i::ulatlnns ar• . • · ~'.'" .m rN' st~" •m 1m'!l ni: t<l•'<I u nlc...:,.. llw l":'l.ICll!-1011 wn:. ~ lh11tl) .,f \\,11.•·r h~ llj.11:::\ trout . 11\•<l "' •h• 1· S (1,h 11nrl wlldllr1 ~•·l·nnd·round ~ct•rr!I w1·r.': . I 1n11k _ up hr1•11i-1 srr~k<• h<'·1i:ran1rd. P• er. palmer '"'"rap n i.: fr111n '' untl a lh.tlr !11 '<"l \11"• Ill .1111\ :-.a n D1•·~11 7. l'l;,rrmont II C'.llt!'t' I \\On more• nw•·~ an 1h:1t reaftOrS 1·a1:ht 11wlws In h·ni.:th , 0 1 :r'"'m<m t 3. Rh·c·r i;idi-1 :' Comp-"'.~·n~ '..hnn Hn)'. nthP1,• ~Almon I \\)1 d.~ an· ltkt· IP:t\l ~. :ind '' lwrc· t "nn n \';ill••\ ,...,1 rv1111 1:11·1 '.!t1,1 ~w 1 1 Tl '"" .! Sanl1t 11,.-hur n 1 El Monte• ~11ns. I !llt!I like' In o;w1m th<' 1h1•) rrlrn<I 11hPund. ,. ,' l!M '•.• 1r1o111. ll\t'r:1~ma.: '" .. Intl .• '"'" ... -.111tp Ill\ I'"'" .. r Ci~h 81}<1 _. 1111111111 I . S11nta :llt·rura Ii\, Pas-ollwr .. 1rn k1•:., htll rnr rnm11<•t1ttnn Mu~h fruit o r S(•ns(' hc·nC'llth Is trH'lto, IHHI I tJ•f"•" nflni: 11 loit,ll •' 1111• Ill «ru n ('llfh.' ·I ro •mllldl'r tn 111• ti 1 j , S;in l{{-rJlitrdt11<J 7, lngli•· ol"nt '-lt·ic·tly 11.hrPa'I SI rllko• 111an " f,;;;;~r:ru~·~··~l)~·~f~O~ll~n~.d~-~A~X;C'~l~11~n~dcr~~1'~11~p.;·~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~! \\• 11.:h t ,,f :: >-II'> i~•unil~ '"' tltr11•-q11 1rt• 1• nf n million \\i•o<I I T h<' ~1111ni: ~"·imnwr ''"" c:n;if'h-I ---- Thr ta ll• r J•l 111 1111( ""_-llt•• i·uJ. 'l••rh lt•h••t rn• n In c:all(or niu ' Tl11 ,, mi-Iona ls \\1 r• ~. J,. ih1l1•tl •II I•\ ,\ro'htr Ml"Kmnnn or \'tC· 1mln11111111 "' "lt11t Ill•' l11 1r1·1111 t":ill~1 1h1 t no\\ l11·•n<r roc11l11t1on~ find 1111 ... t11o r110 .. 11 \\'tlh t h1• l"O fin.ii-•r·111 \\.-II-know n C'nn:iclt:!n S\\1111 "r11clu·11l.tlq•:11 11111•111 l1,h I·•'''''''"'" 1~· "' ..rr .. ,., thl11 yeRr "'~ t11ni:1tna.: rm lh•· l tll•· l•I· i11 ... 1·h.l..-f1111•l_t•'••nt .. r~·rl i hr Unt· ini:.. 1 • r111 ,,11 ''l~ • o f .m~hni.: "'"' '"" \'1 r,1fy 11f \\'11~l11ni.:1 11n 1h1!' )•'Ill' , Tt,.. 11,.111 '""" Jt ,,~·h• 1t 1.1,, I-" r 1t m 11h:1h·p·· 111 ycllowtoll., L"nrl.°'f' tl11 i.:1111lt1n1·r 11( lht \,m :1- >1'• mi: :it t h1• \11111111 Sh.o<Hi h 1t1·h· '"'t "tnl! "' 1111 'I",.,.,., of fii1h \\ h·•I 11 Til•'Hn-. 111 lw 1:,.,1 tl111n 1 tn••n1111 ~;ilmnn prr hrcl up J ..... }··1n :"<h.,$ll1 c ·.,11n1~ Jn (}('lUh\'l 1 111t1ll11~i..~ ,mrl 1n1-111r•·rtri'4 will c111l 111, .... ,,.cl '" Ina (1ani• ,,,1,<l oni· 01 ·• t1 •1'1~ft1l 11f nwcfab ·ind s1•1 n11m- r1( 1 .... 1 > ar tho )"' r• 1r.1n,1.-rritl fnr rin • \j1t nt1iTI1!'1' nr 1hrt>4> dol-l Alll•'•-••-:1·,. tu lic:.t-tln··,4.•tl ""m''" 1r•111< <_a n.:1111nn SC'm or 11nrl .Junior t11 thr 1·1·n11 111. \°>1 11··~ ~ i..:t1 rh••ry lr1~c Ii~ ~ "ahf11rn111n< nnd $25 for 111~1\ 1jl1•:; nl"!piul !>Ugg1.,11011~ ro~ "~' unmmi:: .mark10, "" Wl'll :t!I \\M . nf'llr ~:11 .. <:n)\•'. rn ~.1er.1m<'ntn ;ili•·n<: An,hot1y whn'~ cttlzrn from a bH~ll' wardf(1b.•. Read this on<I <.A and '""n ous nlhrr 'rccords . County. "(hl!I I• n11rmnlly a "warm nut .o r ""''" ran ~Pt hy with 11 miany othrr colo rful foatun-s In thr M_11~tx· no~. this . ycnr. but proh- w ntf'r hntctwr )''" fur has<, perch •fK'<'Htl lrn <lfl)' p.·rmlt nt ~ coet Amcn cnn \\"1"1kly, that £rl.'at mag -ahl} '" 19:>2, S\\ 1rnm~rs In th<' i.nd sunra!lh. of thrN• do\l;irc A 11en!lnn lrrcn• azinr cit~tributed with nt•xt Sun· ?lympic gamrs will find thnt It Wh<>n · 1h1·y "rrr trnnttfr rrt'd, will cost nn ""t -nf-~tl\trr thr !li'me day·~ Lo!-Angell"' Exnmmcr. , is JlrC'tty tn ui:ht to try to out- thc· .trn111 '" r •· f1 ni.;c..-un1:" wl'is:h-nmn11nl hi• nwn ~t11to rhnri:;C'll • ~ l S'o'im n Sal'!'On. _ Ing nnh "'""·fifth 11( an o11nr" ''"nd l<"1\' Crnm \nlifnrnl11 \\'1 llfSC'm!Jlc· into sof'ial i.:rc•u~ I .. 11rh lh tlu llm•• lhry W<'r<' ~.-w '""" 'l'' 1111 tty tlw lrds· in·c•rd.>f 111 "''f'" 1111r \\rin•s l:m ~ ~tAKt: \'Ot"R M OSt:\' C'Ot ":ST plAntl'(l tn ( "onn t..1k•', ~h• ~ 1'' ,.r: ln111ro 1.1~1 ~··ar rNJUir<' a ltrrni;r arc '" p11msh 11(. "11 k1 cl Tlt .. m "' It i" nc'I a l\,·ay<1 wi"C' 10 lC'a\'(' I 111:ffi m"''" th11n ~" rni·hi·I' •n Sor fin~ h "h• rmll n ovr.r rn )•:an1 Pn1n1· ~"11r Liff' ln <11ra nN· ma lum p .. um l<'n~th of nc.r Tha t ··m·f'rl> nll kmcl• of :~l.~n .1ho111 \11•1 ropc1l11nn·, lnt'>inll' 1\lftn C" T11ft. 1•h1..r· 11f I lt1• fl,h 11 ni:llnt: ~11rf nnrl «'<'<'1111 (1•hmi:. • l'tit-n n~t\ n~\·cr "" hko·l v I•• '""I·· ('fon•1•p .111"n hur• .111. •""" ''" 11-. .,,1,1 "'"" tll•' ··~·-' olcl ,\n1,.r·1,.11n a q111•i:t1on n1:h1lv 11:-'~lwn 111 .. , · W'Aaar.s '· 1'"11:....,a ... '""' ;tn; :l:tu l ..... ,,." ''""' K• h •• ltr..t ·.:n·!·" 1 TH.E MOVIE BARN - 858 South Coast Boulevard Laguna Beach -PHONE LAGUNA 42M- 0/cJ Time Movies • -Tu.escJay Thru Sunday "The ·coyered \Vgaon" --~t•rrtna:- ... \\"ARRCS KF.RJUOA."i, LOI~ wu .. ~os t:Kst:~T TORIU:'S("E and Al.AN HALF. and SELF..cTEl> SHORT St "Blf;CTS admlM'1on (tax \ncl.): Adult• H e -CllJldreq ( uncjrr It) uf \\""rill W/l tr•r ill I :11"111: !ht• fl,h I ''"'rt Of p1trkinl: o n 11 t f\••rhaok diSCU!'!I II fr1·f'ly \l;.1·11111·1\ . '''""l"•hla11 Ufr tn .. oren,.,. I•· • mny ll'""' .. r ,.,,.,.l'''"'l"I vnl11r "rul v.·111flnc for 1 rnt)t•ll ''' dl~-·~ii"'ii"'~'-"'~;p;;;.....,r;;;; ..... _,_,....-.-~.-...,;;;~.,-......,_,...._ ... ...,. .. .,.~..,.,...,...~.,;;~Fi~..-.R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~ m pn1Cl1w1n1: 1r11111 l•1r "·••••r>< 111rfl ~n11r r.·111•<.r T 1k1nl! "' rl.1ms-. whk h m 11) h· pl.1nl• 1! .ol I ht• •q11ic\, t•••I-. 11ntl 111lo•l1 r .ol,o r.1111 :-:c1rm111lv. t h•• (11r .m ani.:l1ni: lit"• n~. J••n<ls "' F lk Cr"''' :01 ,. 11<11 "'"' Jn r:i..i. l 11 ilur m~ tlw '111111111 r J111on!h« t h• \n<'1.!11•1111tl l~. thr· l..1k1• ;\lo-rt•• II POa BOYS AND OllU plant1nL.: '" S 10 Ft,,,..,,,,,''~'' i\' • It tt h\i ... 111 "1,,, l"\>ll1Jll1nl"ll It) lh• tllllHlllll"• II'• fll '"II'<• Ii. r1or1• l •tklO~ it young •Y•• ... bullt . to. protect. yo\t!' J fe..--ltecau..e ••• .. Pre --TesUnf Gives You! -~ ~~-· 0 UTH R:~~~~(:::r:T r All· COleFORMIH HCHH I• 1. . ••wl'Olrr aUCll srod> ftND ASD OCEAN FSONT f hllf. f'lll~<flllll): 111 1111w li I•"" Ill lh•· 1"k' "111 I•• • l""IJ•111. 11 ·1 h• 1'11rr1'U "' l.•1 ,,j "l••I '''lit II \\ 1•1 Jtitl'fU) t U f' \\hi f\ '1 1 1 tf\ J11\\1 I' \\ t \ •'I ,...,,,,' flHHlllf lh• i,~)•yfl lttHhl1tt\! d 1 ltt1 lll ''''11'' In 1 ,),,•,rt '"-\\\\I ,,,, ..... ,th·· 1.1k 1 ~# " I ... , I· 'I tt' ',,, •1t1 ... 111 1tHI ltl\\'t n.. ~,. ..... .i 1 _, '•' 11 • ' • ,, ,,,,.,, ,,,,, • 1· '"·"""" ''"'°''"'' .... 111 .411 .. ~1tt,1 " 11 1 ~ .:1· ... -w..w......~·"1 ··-.r 11iF Id, b 1 \ ti) 1'•$ I '••'' f •·q~ .J:._.t.__t -:r.~~· ~~ \• ' ~~·ll't Lit 'tl ~·~~\Ii l11ltr' l lif""llttl:t I M.. I 1 ~··• •• ., I t • f 1 '•·,.... I 1 I J, f ·II I f 11 1 a• I .. , 1 1 --,-, \h1I ,,, t·. ., , , • J, . '· IJ ......... Mother Drowns Two You119ster-s <A~ T-1#,._ol l..tl ll&Dlnl. •. ccmforU hla •1fe. Ann, a . aft.er ahe admit~ w rlllaJ '°-pGUce, droWn11ll her 'two small c.hUdrtn In a laltt at a ~. Pl&. Police laid llbt attnnpt.td tO> commit •Wdde AIW droWD1JIS her four-month·old d•Ullhtu .nd 20-mooth·old 10n. -WfJll pu.11«1 from the 11.k by nrlghtx>n< Ahr •n..• put Wider ~ bl mei\&l ward of city bOllpllat • t You Can Have it Delivered -Just Call Harbor by 1i Carrier Watch Our ClassiliecJ Page-You ;Can't AllorcJ Hot To . ' . .... • • • \ .. -t