HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-29 - Newport Balboa News Times.... ··~ -.. , -, ( ~ J·ohn --L._ .Lewis . ·oefies :f ed~~al . Sul>~~~a. ~' , At'Tt;K BATTt:RJ.'.'\4' THROl'f;H II hwh•"' of hrkk m n«<mr, with a 11tar-drtll. H um•RI' Orflt'<"r \'In•·•• < ·u.,11n11u111 llhnttrd lShlrl~." faad- Wf'll',. "at '.'( uoklr" from th+;. 1•blrn11t'~ of tlw (;huh~t'll home on ('lrr lr drh~·. Ra~ Short• t:.111tf'i-. S11turd1t~ nwrnlnac. "('ookl••" fPll-u C'rl\" lr>d-holo 1hr "hlnm~.r ""n11•1lnw J'rldrt~ nli:ht . 11nd ,owlf"CI 1111· f'OU"I) unlit -.h .. '""' .,.., fr1•1-. J1h1 1l(1 1i, H••c·k1w r --' .. l N OR ANG E ~ 0 AST · S L A. R G E ST C j TY . ·BALBOA · ~ /./· · Cf IM.ES ·;.~ 0 \\\ S Ot' t:.\STt:lt \IOlt' l,..e, '"" 1·1trl~ \\11r-.h if1t"'r' i.::ol h1•rt"Ct hfofo rr • OnrMI • '""'' anrt .ill" •·to• to·11 1111ll1f:"TtT11rr rn 1'~1 \Jt'Hf('nll tnn1 ( fttt "ftrtn . . ... n oic-.-.. •-.. , .. ..a ... 1n-cl b)' ~''''1'"'' ll11 ti.t" I u1111• II "' e 'h11r..t11•• 111111 tlw lt1•1 . l.,.rh••t.!, ""'"· flll'l"r 111 "\1·\\ l".'rl Jlarhor f,ulberaa rh1111 It. 111111 lo l11tt111:11rn1 ... 1 thr ...,.,,, •• ,., thl"1·•· ~t·llr"' aa,:or• \\u ... tu •·hn.r~t·. t• 1·••I1 1 t JO.I/a Hit by -3 -·Aericil Bombs \I •• ., I I'• ·- T11d1'~ '" Oo" .10111°". ,\ \'4"M\~e.., ··-.,..,.,,.. ... ..... llfllftt......,, ... 4 ,., .... ~ p:_,~ .__L111~1 1 I 1 i 11 1: •• 11 ' 111111 •• . ' 111111 \1•1111, t ti ... \flt I ,,._ \I• ... t •'h•l •""1 1,i.,J '•th1,. tt\j\I\\ )I\ ,, •• ~ '" u l+ ut '•''" HLt\ "h1·n t I • H "' ,1\' t 0.Hldltt1 ,,,d,ut ,., ui-.h f1, h• l1 1U,;1l tlt.•l ~t·d \'• f 11 1. it 11 I \\ ' •uh tf 11\t ll1u.1 I 1\1 f h H 1rUt trll 1f• 1.'4 l.Htioi '· ,111 1 1-, 1\, t 1• .. ,,,..,I·'• th iv1•t· 1 1 fl, • " 11.I .. ,.: \\ .... h o\••hn~ \\1 t ft f*t 'I 1111!.,tl •• ~I"'" thlf ' '' II • " ' •• "I ti'" .\ 1111\ ' "''''' ,, I I d11 II \\ II''" ""''' "''I \\1• ',, ••J 'f d ,,,, .,... ...j,\\ ,, ''''"'" ·' I I 1 "' 1 "t .t, .. ,, ,,,, Ii•,,,' 1·nr -....... t FOR [ .1F.Rl'S1\I I \l Thr~ h-•111lh l••"•l•h rl,,•1•1• •I 1·1 lhl' "'"'•t" "1 , ,,, " 1, ", 11 111 O\ t:Mt:1.1. r.tcTATt:, •Uh· •i ""''' t 1111 twh• v .. ,,1 ~lntlun wa11· 11111ri111 ... 11111f1·r •1•111111 "•""" tu ".,.Nt ,..,....., hrrf' In wllk'll th,_ 1111 "l11o•t. , '""'' 111 I"'' 111111• th•• STOP TRUMAN ~IOVE, BOOST I EISENHOWER MAY BE SET.JN N. Y. forrr, fd l ""!lo .loll 1 t '.•11 "'' • .111111111 IA• .. \nl't•lt• .. t ..... 1t·r 1••·•'*"'-"'_r• ,.~I""' unhurt. Ir~ 11 .. 1k11•1 l•••l itt 1i,1,.1, ,,.,.1 11 11111 wtwr•• U 1nda)' lh ifl"'h •Hh1Hlllt I fllt flt · 111111 I•' II 11111 kr d ..._. ,,.,,s111:w;T11='. :-.11r . :.!~• o1·r 1 <":rm11:11J.:n :1nrl n w 11drni111s1rnthm's Hid. MrLi Mac{'o-Jl•)(•ft L • H Id 1 1•.,._, . .,.:, ,, • ... 11 .,. , 11r. 1111,.1lcl I Thr ~'"I' -Tr11111.m Ill••\• n1··n1 .. 11.a1:.11n·11ff "~;1111 l'a,l•·~ltnl' 1w1hcy Thr '.ollllHlltl•' Ill•"' ' 'I ol ''" • ~. " ' • ew1s 0 s 1\1 I I \ I 111 .. .... . I '11' I ., 1111•1 II t.;h1l11 I '". , .. 11111h;ol•h \\111 J.:•'' a fltl\\1•rf11I "''" :1lr""''~ h:t\•' .dlC.f'rl\'•'fi Mr. 'rru· llOfl'lllo< f• II "" '' '' •·" '""'''"'I'' {' I) ful (> id t 11 1 •• 11> ,,, 1 .... Aroi:•·I•·" 1~11ildn't 11•1·1 h11 ·, .. nt~'hl Ill N1•\\' Y111 k Anrl ntlln Hf 1\ITll'rl!'an l11hor pArl)' t:n-' neu l/lr .. ,, ,. ' .. r1 ..... 1 11111 llu ,., • r ~es en ' . . I 'I''""' 111• "" 1111 "' I llhf'f UoUi th .. lkl'-l11r·l'rt"•1d1·nt '""'"' "'"' d"1 ~1·m,.nt 1n 1' .. w York S 1111r The Gmk < •1''""'"'"1 .... 1 fl "·'' tit• p A ·St •k B d th · 1Al.I' 1·11<1 m11r•: lh"n A(").I")(' \•ot~ ,........,.,, ..... ,,,"·'·'in \\hll'h ~rtal asses way r1 e oar 11 111··h·• .... ,,. ho ll\il) 11""'"l1od. t.;d rino l'I ~t. , " ., " " , • a llfllV ~ h 'l'lo•· '""" 11., 1 ... ,.1,. ''""t.-d fer Thi' policy cotmnitirr of lh•• fnr thl' 11111' FDR.In 194·l. The ~ h11rl \>< .. ·n l'mployr-d In vlo-1 • l 1 nt-," L>r n.....__ al N~ York S t•ta 11"'-ral ""rty h • lllH'rals ca~t nrerly aic many votes ,.._ In thl' Holy Land. Mn M••lllllH Miu-{ oll•"·h llftll•· m nor ll(:ratr ~ -"·-· ,.~ " ~ '"' .,.. a~ • . •·If nu '" 't1tlr ll>· 111 h••r '"•m• on 'P I h .. nfn< ... 11nd "''"•""" '"'"n sun1mt>n1od lo mt'<'1 und1·r C'lr· '" Ill(' n ........ \dl mJurnn nil'}' poll-""" S}Tl.tn I ..... , nlW nl I• l••tl • • I )h ., .. ,,.,,.1, • rum~lllnt'l'.4; 1n<ll<'i'llin1; II r('111ul 1:t· 1·<1 ltl~l·!hr•r ~.!!'l.fi 111 \'(ti<.,. Fl>R •111 111111 ,, h .... f "'"' ,, !•• "' '"'' ''"'"'I\ " ..... \ .·.· lh•I' • n1llfll! ower ess "'"' ,.,,.,.,. quh'lcl)' 111111 of Pr•·l'trl1•nl Trum.1n lt1'kl'<i Gn\' Thoma ... E f)1 •\\'1•y '" '" ''" ,,, rh '"' , ..... "' •11• I ',,.,1.1 "' 1111• I•'''"' """" • ,,,.,, ... 1 111. '\ •1111'111\111 11 " 1111 \\ lildl hroko 1 ~ \\Vo k• lq.1-1 'l 1 a1 l+.h1t••· h•t tit• .l•\\1,h lnrtf• l •tn•u-hfr ""'"-''"' •i t\• ,J,, ,,qt Hi 11" ,(..,.,",. \\u.:•11t .~Ir Tr11m:in'i;;!'f111ni•1•of 11·rnn1ni: j •· 1 ; ~-~ JH"•',~"1'1111'1 rnr. 1 ourl ="''""'' ·'' ...... 111,1,,,1 ,., 111 111, ''" '11 \\ '""'''·'"'• "'' ,. ,11., 1111••"''""' .,,r.11i;h1 ,t11 th•·'"" ;..: •. ,, \'nrk', 11 «·lt•clt,r:.t1 \u h •' ha~ •) "") t 111 '· 1 '*01«'2' '1 S.i1ltrt ' \, .. 1• "'' ,,1 .\, 1, .ui•I 1:;.1 ''''"' t .. 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THE I Four Nations SAND Blast Moscow CRAB Atomic Plan By LJ\l\:E st·<·c 1-:..\..\S :"\. l·. ;\1n rc·tt Jh•· t11·111n4 t .i\11· candut:H•·' 'Ut•'•' t·liru•d to J1••·'111.1 th• Htltf'••u• , I''"'"·•"'• , .. .,1 , '"I •. t ,1 t.,' i• ,.,. ,,,.i., ••I• f•••I ... ,,,~. :.'!• t l "P • A four .. na11un ron1 .. •I \\.1 .. c1:·;1l1c-I hy ·• ""l'ht "'th•· t11rucht ' •n::'•nL! nl lht• 1· 'tff\ ·''""" \1 .~ ••··i 1.i •. , ''• '·•·''* ti• , ... I.ii.tu .11 ., I •••"ii \tuh \\1 tlHt'-1·,,, ---'I I I f n --' • 11111111111 f 11 n I I I \ t 1 \ t I I 11 I r I I I I I I I d· 111 1'. Id Iii• 1 ... "d 11 Ir ro t "'' I"'" Uli ',. h,, ,1\ c 1•t1otin1•11< n U''l;r c; 1\nh ru·an 1.ttuir-p.irl~ 'fh• 'Pltl . •·• •· 11•1 inc. 1• '' 1 " 1 1• ,, n 11•• •• '• • • \\ '" 1 • • '" •' ••I "'' 111• R t:Sl"KRt:CTIO~. Jn f''"t•1~:01, ,,,,. 1n"·malJMaf N111.11 ol l tr ·r1 r/i. f.1!11·1 11nd•r ,,1111111,11111,1111"11 '"'"'"''"""I'"'"',. 1• 1' '·"·1111•· ''"k•t1•d "" 11!11•1•11•1.t •1 '" •11 '"' "''" "'"' 1111'1• ·• "'"1" '1' 11 '11 ' 111 '' 1""'1 ' r I 1i.1111 1 I l 11 I . ,, , ,., ,.,,,' j U• lfl flu tllltJ• t •ft• l'hurc·hl'S throu).!hou1 1ht' ,, :11n111u· '11n 1 r·c y :, ... ··r·nrOJ• .. ,,.,) tlnn u n ;1fJrl/l ''"" St•f llfl fhf• ldu '"''' I ion Uh IH iFJC .,,,. ,,,,. •, •' '• \\""-lh r ., I ...... J..!..~'"'' 'fll'• I. d ; ,,;11' ·•1 lfl\t "'; •' ,. t .. SA M ( 'hina <~•ve Deal 'Matt·hing L~1nd' Is HroadPnl•d harbor <h~tric-t c-tnO tht .. hal-111nr•·ala .. H1· and l'all1•d ttn ltu· :•'-an an11-Htd lrf1 \\1n~ t•rou11 111 \\l11·th•r I•• c::t •• rut '" ~••·•·S-1' •' ,,,r J• ,,, . ''''Ii i \ I '''',,,,,, .• ''·• ,f. • ,.,., ''t'' ··•· ''"''1 •'· ·-·" ,,..,,.,.,,,., l . I .... h .. ,., ... ,d I .,. I I I I I \\ I ,,, I·, 1, I .. 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( ('(' l"tl p a Ot111S a nu .111111111' ennl I' ,I 111.;•'nt'~ \\ uuld .;I\:· I J lrrlll'I:" ol lltr· "ll't r•nw Jl"r1 I h;1 I I ht• ftl1,.r:rl ·rr:irl y f• 1 I• I 01111" ~,. • 1, ,.( I I• d,f, f,, "• "T.. t • '' J:• I 11 It•" ~ all a r~: young \'Oi('('S, liftt'<I I IHI 111.;l!I ··-~111' IHll 1011 "I lw 11111••r-. -.1111• ,, ·1ti1111i Piii)\ llH . ti 111 , • \f ""I . t I • I 1•.' '' ,,,_ 1.. ',J II I , .. ' • ' ' ·~-.~ • I ..... I ' '1 I 'r '1' ' •• ~llll• ,, ~ .. ~.I ,_,..__ ·--· 4 • .... '-4.UICl------j on hig h . poured lht•ir song~ 111111 1~ '" :i1·q111r .. "" "\"'"h1·lm· 1111i:t1 r Irr: it.,.1r pwk Tr11111.1n "·'' "" d 1;111o·1 ·•' I""• .1." ' ,,, "' I• •• ,' "' I\ , I . • ., ,,,,. ·.r1... \', 'i •1• '' "•1 '", '"'' """" ! of hot.IC' a nd nC'\\' Ii f (' into t be• 1111: n ulrl rl \ 'lf(•I • r11.w~:· I hnJ11i.:h.1 II• 11r~ ,\ \\',if l.w1 .. 1 "" rl p.1rl ~ r ··rr~ I hr ... a I•• I "'lrll. I rl' •. "' ''" I ' \,,I ·t' " • '''"\I• \\ .. f s:inctified :-tif. TI1l•f'piritof lll··:..:.t1 a1ilnut·:u·1J\i1J1•.... __ ____..._ '1"11.·.1i1 .. "''''' .... ,,,.tt1 ... 1•.,,1 ., '" tli1 1·· !· •. ,,,'J •••,1r••' ,t,,,,,.,,,.i.,""••t1 I ii· l•llV "''"'. l11at l•H\ \\,d1 I ftnftfitt'•' tit 1111 1"1t y, Chris t softt•nro the' fealu11':0: ·11w r··1•11·1 ""1k11•'" ih" ""'m-'S1'ATL, SCff{)OL DJSTR-JCT TA"X ,11 •1· ... 1-•111·1·' '111 .. 11 •.. ... , . • .. 111 ' "'' ·;.:. ''.'./1:11· ','':'.' of thp lho~tnds altC'ndin~ hn ,,,,. 111'1'11111: 111'1' llw fu-..i '1'" L '1' "' t• ..!..! ••I 1., "· .1. • •' "' • 1 "·' 1 • .. 1. II ' 11tl I I • t ' , .. "'• 1•11 '··.. t 1 ~ufif1t p11rk, I d h 1'•\\11'(1 \\ollfl ~t11n1u• '•ttl1 U\ • .. ~r .tt, h f1 tof1u1.1r1,f ft . "" •flit• It 1tt•1 I• 1111 1" '11 f• '' t lf' rit uals .tin . t (' [X'<ll't• 11111"" '" th.-"'l';lf•ptn~ ••I .tll "'" 'SlJPPORT TOTALS $'> 7J8 96~ HEl)L' '"" "'' '1J1l11w .'I 111 ' "" ,, •r , i "'''•I ' I ,. , ,, .. , 11t•d pt• tH •uufi' ·'If• ••\\th I ''''I• t1UI r•Uy ) 1111liJ II·•' J. 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I•' 1• •I ti . , .rill 'l'I'' "", !lu pllln •I I fl I <o1-1 L J.l~ ,,H0tlii.f '-f'\1 " flli' I 1'1 I I "' 11r1 hlc:n•·r . With !'•17 11< 11,,,;h .• n .. 1tt• hord• r 1 .. 1• ,,. ... , •• ,. , ... f, ('hrj,f Uurie•tf-'! Thal > 1ttrlTT'-:i1nmw C'nf'rl:'. ronlllll~-, 1 ''.or 1tit:i" .. , • "-'"'~' 111111 . ' '. • 'I ,, ' 1•. ",,, ,,,d fl ; • I 1'• I ti I ' •••Ii Chris t is lnrriNf 111 tno nlany ''"11 ""' "'"1"1 '.' 1"' 1'11'~ '"r \!t tl . •r ... :"'"''' ''" 1ti• 111•• •1"· 1:1 1 .. •1 •1"""1 ' 1., ·,,).l '"' , •• d1111·d1e:-:. • in · t1x' rh a 11 'v I!< ''"11111111 '" $1>.:li•.-. '<i!• ""' h1i.:l11 r """' "''''' '"' 1•111, Tl11 11111 ,.1, ,, " , 1 . '• 1 1 1'1'1'(.fl.s. in i c1n rn;111~· pr~·nr'. * Weather & ·Tides *I F••r ll•lli Ii '1 "' ·11'1"'11 '""· Ii '"' ·•""' '1•11·11 • r1 S t :o11 11t• '"""' .. ,,1 1. 1. ,. , . ,, •. 1, da y 1'11rl C'H \'f}l'.S. \\'ilS the -ev UN ITED PRESS-fllolll '" '1" "'11'""' 111 '"' 1111111'' '111'1"'TI " 'I."• ,,., , •• ,,.,, ''" "" T1i .. , ,,,,, '111·.f ,. ,1•l1 It I' I . II 1 \ 1 1111t11ll•tl ".! 17t,1;111 :ind l1w1d pr11p· t'll'i·l>< 1, \•I\ 1111111! 1,.,•111 1 q 1111, 111 lllfrwk 1,, .... 11 \i ,1, , 1 lllllJ..: 1 t'.X pl\'.S.'l 'I Ill l(' "" · ,", i:.·1•'11,''' rt1,",n"•i.:'·111r1t11I.',,,' 1:1 n.•1•.1• 1 .1.1,' .... , I I I I · . • I ti• ""• 1 J • 1 11111.11 I • • 11 , u • 11 -, .·1rt•I I 11 , I .. '-1 • I "l' r inn 11 1'' ~"' · 1 .,.,.,., ' '"" ~ EASTER SHOWER LATE ~··· 1• • ' ~. • .,..1.,,' "1.... . '~ 1"" 1 '''' ,. ' '' ~1 ·hnic1'. :t ,.;,l <'l'c1n n1ini~t1·i-. "'' """ ,.;,,,;r-n:il l1.:h1 '"""'1' f 'r.ft. 1"11"1 'I ,-,,r S " ,\1 11• "''' \\hll ha~ li\t•d lhrnud1 111(1 l 'o.ili·rln<hl~ 1FOR SOUTHLAND '''I• '1' l •I l'iti;i-; l'illf.d, n1:1ny \\'ill'~. loo lll<tll\' ra-S1111th .. n1 ('14flf11rnl11 llN'll; m11-i -• • \\ 1•1t '"" ,,, "'''"'"I" lflt'l ' .... . l'lal. sodal I :11111 hi1ll'l'<I-l.1 l'i•lllrl~ t1 .. 1 .• ~ tnnii.:hl a nrl.1'11 · 1 .11-:,,-.;1;1 1.1·~ ,,;,. .!" ,,.,. 111 ••;11• "11•1••(1 "' l"ll•l1• .... 1 .... • .Judge ()vorrul••L:,' ti ·~ "rlh ••'<':1•1<1n:1l h1:h1 ,hm\r•r• ,\ !'lnrm th 11 h• Id h wk fr•t 11. tlr••r"" 111 .• 11\ r'"'' lf1• 1111• ''''' '-'-~ -~rt'\\'TI ·rc-ripd~. :'\ol1•n nlH~· .. (,I \\1•-.r f••rti•m r , ... ,, I 1":1r.1f!f' t1r1111i::111 I 1 c ti I .. , Ill,\}.,, ... ,(;,,. Ii \Jo ., ....... ,, .... 1 ('h 1• I SI tlh<TihP , "· I IH• t 1 ... t i 111111} ir'... T,1.1 ... '"~ ,,,,,. ... 1 In r.rorr .. r .... Ill""' .. I "' ""' ' -I 11d I\ I,, "" I tt•I" "' .rl' .• '°'" 't'llll' ... 'l•lll•ll~ I arge 1 e s nf I .\I k<• :ind his' '''''Ill r0n : I '""'" ~l'•·r"• .. m rlork 111.-0r•·• I' rn-;-: .... .,,, rrt I . 1 Ill rorn1:1 .... I ••• 1 hlf•li I I '••r I '•I><-I'• \\ p . d. d Chri-.t m:n· haq• ri~·n frnm ,;\I ....... l?:~S fl·~ 11 :~1' 1\:22 1111• 1h·· ''"''" 1h;iJ h;t<I h••l •l••I II 1 .. •11111•1 "·'' '" n!tt\I.. re1u ice ., '• Jl1s l11mh:'1n(li;p ;1kl'to0Hl:-t' -19 0,1 4.R U _ulLll.\1 ....... J:alill.!f..!lliL...l"•!'1"'-!.l~~1 1°•-,' H" .,-.1 .. 1111••11'"'" ''"' lf'll.l.Y \\liltb ,1 ,, _.."I of (;;tlil1•t•. hut in . ti ""'av':-; . T .1•• ~:(!fl R (HI .';165 ~ ,, ... 11 r \\;1• nq •r ""''"I I Xt •' ,, " •Ill• 1.1l 1l1 1·;i'il\\ill .. -n;o.-.-·,-:,--...... -,.,....... r -· r I "1. •rJt·r:, ,lt,,h,, I •,, I' t11rn1oil o f !-lrif(' and ;ir('u-.:t· :!6 n.1 :.i-.•i .. hnrw '""'Y r:iulo(.111 ''' ~ .. 11n. o1 "' 11 i_,, ,,,, .... 1••1 ... ,..,.,,.,, ,,,, •11 11 '"''"> '•"I"'"' tinn rinrl "'""· .11-...11..,, l'f•tWd \\ :\I I ~ 111 !l :\ft I 'Ir l '.1ltl•1r11111. th<' ,,, .. lh• r 111111 .111 11• 1 t•. t 1k• ''"'L1h• 1_ 1111..:1 J•t1 r · .,.,,, 11,. 1, tir• joilfi• .,1 '" 1 i-till )if' htil'i<YI in l'htll'dt. in il:l 0 4 1••J"'r.1•" "''"" 1"" ·r11 nw1111( ,..,. .. ,,, '"· ./'.f.;11 1' h1>ll"t' in t:n \1•11>m1·nt . · ·1l•11rt •r11I ••f q ,, .. ,,., inlhf'inn1•r1·1 11m1·1) ... 11f lh11"(• MINNl:SOTA SOLON ASKS MARSHALL OUSTER ··1·•th111kf,,, j .. ,, rl .. , ... SN•kin!.! a i.:.:r"""111n and ·11 ~1."1 ' ~iY't'<I. (;(od L:l':tnf 1111' ·d :I\ \\' t: I -' 1•1 ti•"'"''•' • 111 ' . A. J l:"1;·r<1~. ~1:1r :..·v 11'1'1 ''''°'"'.___· ,1il ••'-•r th•· ''••r;Jd 1•ttf~,, \\t1•1 1 ir1 \1.n ... htl. , •••• ,.1 ''''"'~""' 1,,1 WilJ ..;nnn 1·1 illh' \\ l)f'll · J-'.:t'-lt•I' ll• 11 I l;1r1t!•I Kntll"•ll H ;\l1nn 1t 1• "'•I" t:rll\" 1h.-1I lh" lorrr ·"' \\ill 1'':111~· lll•'ilfl~l\'ilf'I' Ill l hl' 1"<1 •' •·I'"' 11 "" 11• m~nrl th:il rlf 11r• nl lft1• n.11n•n lu "' •It· hf';Jr.1, of nl~·n: ~· • 1·, ,, ·-.. ! ,., •'• (;. ·•r. · c· ~t , 1 •• .J.. ., , , , d ... ~ 1 1, d "''' • ............ + .. ft t' f11 f•lilo.'• if fJ, 111 111f11•1 \\JJlito 11 ,• J • 1d J..,.., 11 11n ht f(1 II ..-• • .r d•f.t\ • .,, ,.,. , 1.,. ,,.,, •~11if:\l111·cl : ·.11•\1{r d11 ;, ., , •• •• ,. • 11' •' ,,,.,, tt,11 t t, '· s h'l•t1·h in :1 h1 1-.pitrtl f,,r :1 d1 • I .. Jt•·\\ I• 1, .. • il ~"ll• •~i... .ind 11;1\ ,. ,, n. K I, , ,f \\ ,.i.' \l ,1111 J .,,,,,, •• I ·''"l' d•,.·t11ro.;. int1·1·n 1·-. n111·"""" ,,,_ ,, ... t i 't •• .. .. \; I•' \l "' t rl \\ •I ' l '.:, ·ninu ir• ,·1111 l roirn ~1 1•nl '" -, • "' v . t ... ~·n " i·1i:1 1 " ", ~ 1 · f' 1 a,,-_--:--;-, 7'. -,,,.,....,. ____ .;... ____ ~..:......~-..:.. .... -·r. · • 1Cno 11nL1rd t•n Pa~c 4) \\ . . ''•'''"•'•I.:· •' 'I ...... .., 1,, I 'I • .. !'--• • I• I ,\f \ nl II• , •I I• '~ '"' ,, ,, • , •11 ·~ •• d . ' II • 1 • , t • 1 ' f I I .• •'1· ,. ". 1 • , , ,; ,, , ... ',, t' ! •I 1t 11,f I I •I , I 1 I I I 1 I t • f' f ' .... t 1, I ' I ., . . ,• .. . 'L. "• I ,#1 •' t t I I ti i t• I f i • ~ I I I • . ''· •I 1 • ! .. ,,. '''" ,, I\' '•I '. JHth•• n 1• ,,, ... 1,. ,. ""'' , .. I 1'_ 111 ti I I rill , , f I 'I ''••I• I r" I .. ;1flt f 1 • ·I ...,_, • :tit• l'••I ''" 11•11.'.' 11&'• '' ,d 11. '• ,,,, \' f,1 ,, , , I• ... ·'" I' . . ... • ,, '· .. I I ,, " ·' I'' i' I ,.,, I. t I l I I •I• I ' r ' • 11111,. ,If, •I •.-. "ni1 I• r ,. ,, I• •••• ft "' ~ ~· ... 11. ;j, ·\l 11 l ' '-'I 111 ,. r11 f ,, !• 'H•rt II \\ I h_,. 'I 111 1 Ill t t1d , .. ' I I • ,,,;;1,,, M rn-I' H .... .-1, ,..,,,.,, ... Ion•~ lfof I I I .,,. ,,,, , •• flt .loll\ 1ftt•t•n • I 11 J 1 J•I 1•'1 t t \ fol ii f !l I 1 •iJ!llftl I 1f .tf1~t If. Ill •h· '''fl"' 4 '111111t \ ,.,,,,, .. )' f l•f I ffllV ,,,.,.,,. Finns, Russ Get T~ether for Treaty Aru .. 11 I ,. t I I I H t1111 I' kL.. d ,t I flL:_ftl I \'Iii f111 \\.ft-. f.r uuvlil l•r \!,, .. ',,,, t .. t., 1tu, .. l1tu Jiluu•·. ttutk•·"' ,. hrlf"f .. ,.,.,ft 11" ,, .. ''''"" t .. ,,.. .... .,, '" ·td h••;,,,, .. ''" '' •u11t 111•I nt•t '''"''' lw f ~\•••·u ICu-. ... ln 1uwl fluhuul. In looft L•t11t1t11t \h fl tu th h t 1 hr• /111,fl t , \1 '"n\ttflf•f1)41i\, '-we\lt•f tttfut-.ft•f 911 I luhu ul. HUtl \ lftt•ht...._lll\ ,, .... ,,," •Ult••••' •• •~··• o '''''"'''' Mtt•l l'1tli.k.Jth• '"' uuhl,-.nltfl•·•t -,, ,,,, f< ufu1 f'. l•·pf•••t • .. 1 • T •• .r .. -· .. , , .. # ! S , ..... · .. am co1nn·s .U.ncOntested •' -as . Page'a t ' t'. \\ I ' 0 HT H .\ I. ff 0 A N t: \\ !'! -T 8'11 !'O ,,0,0,.\\ • ,,."l"1ri l\t•arh. c atu .. \l•tr1 h '!!I, 1110 1 2 ND FRONT PA<; E E-A-R-L-Y. ·N-E-W-S California Home Building Still SILVERADO CANYON ' HAS 'ONLY FOG: FREE ' NEWSPAPER· 1... I '1k, CI •t• h:rt \\ t -.•' .. , .. '• 1 1t .. 1t UIU' l,1.1 Wt• LL· , ... tit• I ..... 't td• fl ·~ '1 '·I n I \\11 J..h II•\\ 1••1·•1 Ill J I f fl 1111hllt t 1l1l1 td t I • ..... I • • t I \ ~ • , ... • :· •• I .~ II• I ''" ' .. f . '•I : , ""' "' 11 • .1 .. 1n•h·•'•'. ~ ,. I ,1 t 1U11•1f" t• 111• ) 11fl1• 'I ,, 111• I I It ....... l,•111 11 l1f t\ '"'• d lni-~ • f k J',I. luHf • t J\ 1tl \11 \\d I 11 llt 1J ll~ I 1f1h J )i, 111'1 L1t1 • '. f I ,.... ,,~I;, At High Level ~"' ·1:. \"I :>:Tl I "·'' ."I, th•• · 1111!\ J 11~' f.,,, ti ''I-ii" I 111 l i 111 · ,1.11 ... r <' 111r.,, '", · Tt11, ,.,.111r1 1 tl 'l11 t" 111.1 .d l\ 1111• 1,11 I·,, u l lh• 11 1 h•• f1i1tu• 111 l .1lllti1tll 1 1, Ii I• "'JIU~ 1 t1Ul• HI 1 l1i .... 1 \\• 1 l<t\ f 11 1 11 h t1 \1I lfli tit \\• ttlu1 t•JM+ll \\ h 1 1 It to•\\; l lo1n1• C"f fld t Ill• 1 t \'1._1rn 11f ,, .1 • !,,,. It l*•I •,ti lu , i' 111•, ,, ind •'" '' t "'' '\' .1tlt-I cfo~ • t lu •• tu tt• 1 th.1n •'''\\ht It .... Ill U'-U.,J an I . 1,1u 11 ·, t\ ·' 11... 1h • tJ,, 'l'f • I•''"• 1 '\•ii' .,n l•·•l·• 1 n• 1Gl n• \\ .. qt..-h\ , ... , .. n, I t'Hl• ... d 1., ... , \\1 I k 1t1hl • I Ith lil11o d11 ,, d ur111i: 1li1' ..,1.1n1h 1111110 , •• II• 1111• 11111 111111o 111 c 11:i111" 11111111) '"' hlltlfW,t Y.111 1'"1111111\1 111 \P illlll• IPI \ \\/111 h f1M •k pl.11•1 I ll 1111 durim: ,•1· c"n\1ni.: 11111ntt" ~'"' r.111., tfl tl-. 11 ll'k 111 I'll.: Tiit: \It"\' '''' t ~. \IH t-'-4-HU-t-. •ll•t1l1t~, "hlc•h KH-r!ktr1I rr1o\\cf• .. 11 '"'' ,.,.,.1,, I• •lrn:.11 "' II •\I" hd 11:; r.•11,tlt•cl fo r trip tu S1w l'•·•lru S11111ht\ 1111.,-111 \\ 11111• tu'r" 11,,. • .H .1\1111 \\I.., undf'r_ thi· ":.111 .. ·n '''"" uf i--i.:1 ·'""" ...;11 •• h. 1 .... ti r•"·r11il "r : S !t. ( 'h1rr.J1C't" ('raO. ~: 1:la \ua ( u11i::r•• .... a .. u.1t '\11 ,1 .• 1 ul 1t:ft1ur \\hu•••r nt ()khtllwa, ~·t. llnrr~ \111rr1,. 1111111• r .... r I''"""' r. und 'i.:t. t .c111..._I (. (oc•hruna. • · phulo by B<>ck nf'1 'ohn Phillips, . Earl Stanley 1 - BARUCH TELLS CONGRESS ADOPT DRAIT & UNIVERSAL TRAINING · To Be Opposed ' t lnl) .. ~ 111 u,.,. r•·m111111·tl un- I \\' AS I II :"'CT•!:"\, :\la r :!!'I 1 I' P 1 I wl'rC' 111kr n imm1·di11 t ..r~ 11f1t·r 1h1.1 11 .. rn11nt ~I ll:o nwt~ 1 .. tl:ty 11ri.:1••t ~h(l(lflni: l'nd••d," 11<• snll1. , ('1111i:1••" 111 1 v.\1•r~·· a "~('111tll• a nd l "Thal loo hurJ·i1•d d1•11111lill1a!iun 11111" 1•1l11·y :oc!111•t1 ti "' 1111· •ml nf l wa~ bo rn of th,• cl1•i.in· 111 hrini.: 1111· war Ii~ 1 • '.t\lnt.: rh,. 1Jr11fl 11nol I 11lll' ~01111.i.: m1•n h111"k hnnw 11nd of l'r1·;1t1111: uni\• r,,ol m1litan 1r11111-1tw hl'11d that t h<' nwr.· c•·~,1ttl11n 111.i.: ' . o f h11,1tlo111·!' m1'flnl IM'ilN' a nd of 1\. : ed Liberty· Ship Tr rry Stephenson ~nt to Be Retired .Jt.!.n 1111111111~ :11111 !.!_>day I" I ,1,. 11.\ Shq1 T1·rr) F:. 't •• •.•• 1to 1 h··•·n n•nipl1•t1·· · • 1\ 'q t \\ •' I 1 1n..: he•ht 111 .· <·111111 .. 11 ti 1urla,-a!' flwfilim: ,,...,..· 11 d 1·lo,1<l for nom1nP•·!' fo r lhP """ I 11111n;1r) •'IO'f'tl••n. ,\<"•mill)' 't• 1k1 1~.1n1 C oll111' ••f F11llt·rto.1n. 1ot th• 7·,111 ''"' mlth 11 .... 1rw1. '' :t,,.1 t1nh un1 "lth olU .... np1;;...;1i1nn < "·n.:11·"111:111 .J,.hn l'h1ll1J1<. r1•- 1•11tol1•· 111, \I 1~1 101 • HIJl••M'd Ii~ J>o 1n · • Id T Sil\\~· r .. r ;\11•1" 1111 Hl\••r. :11 .. <'011n1y, n <l1·mnrr:1t Hoth ... ,~--t •l•·tl. In ;1 't"'' nit 111 to 1h1· S1•n.11, .. 1h1' h11JI" 1h:it rh,. l 1n111·fi. :"\:1 1mns .\rnwtl S1 nw1 ~ romn11111·<'. ill·· "11ull1l1<«'onw1•ffr·c11\1· 11nm1·riu111·- ' 111• r 'l.ll•·•111om link,.fi th u ' •' I~·· h1· '1111-"\\',. h,1\1 ''"" uo d 111""'""',. \\llh ,, th·manol (111 :on llt;il 111ak1m: ,,..,,,.,. hrint.:.; 11" n\\n 1«·1111111111e nnd indust nal moltlil11-l nnl""'' a nu 1 rial' Tlwr•' I" no t h· 111111 plan · 1m.: arrt nmatk r1hn111. 11 " "\\'1• "''"' [111· .. rlw nN'f'S~l1~· ofl l '11n1 f'nc)ini: 1h:11 th1• way 10 prr- ro 1rac1nt.: ;11 11 '"' parrly I h 11 s I' \1•111 war is to ~1n•n1-:1 h1•11 n11tion;1I A~~··mt.I~ ,,,.,.,· Erirl \\'. ~11oli1t·y. ,.,,.,.:; or sc-111 tlv and run whi<'ti sc't'11r11y. Ranwh r1•('C•lltlll1;"fld•'ll: • • p11hlir:on. \\ill 1 ... 11pfM1s1·cl It\ \\'II· ----I I P rompt 11clnp1ion of l'MT. lie '"II '' Junl .. n. S;mla 'Ana'. also Boeing to Begin snid il \\'M ··wtlUahfC' In lht' 111C'l'lt:lr :t 1·1·p11l1lw:m Ho lh rrt•Jo.!i·f1lc•c1. • nnd ph)Sital th~1pl11w" It will ln1•11111lt1•n1 ~lat .. ~1·na1ur l'l\clP Production at . ll'iol'h." ,\ \\".1l:-i.1tn or • >rani.;t· \Vi U tk• ·op-., 'n c-hahiht:tt1on of 1111 vnuths. , .... ti It~ n 1nrlwr /\ J . S <"h ut ... of Mammoth Plant . \\II h pt1~..;ic-fll 1tntl mc-nl:il 11', fre ts, \n .11 .. 1111. 1, puhl11";1n . Chn1 C11r) • .,, "' )"'rt uf a I ':\IT t•r .. 1.:1 am •\\1'll"lllT1\. Ka n · ;\t:.r :.t.!1 1 l 1•11 :\ lrnnw.tli;1t1• 11'1·11 .... 11110 n1 11f , ...... I s 1111.1 An.11 r1 p11l1lw.m , ,, 'tau-11 I" \ 1 ( k I ,.,. 111 h •1111" I .111.,1• .111 . . . •· 1 1" ""'1111: ' orp """ '1 · ma • rlr.1f1· ~ -.11)1!'I"1.11 .. r •• oi\rl 11.u I.on I. S.1\-, r' of '"" n.·'!'1 ,111wrr11rtl""" . '"II 111111• 111• • t I 11 ht · I • · t \II -' ·\. lmmr l111tl•• :•ti (1111111 of "a IOI· 1c• " .. 1 ·• ·1• 1 • 111111 r.r ' "' 11111.: 111111 plan• 1n<l:l\ 111 n ·11cl 1· 1lunc \\1th ••~•11Uf ' n' It•·• 'h'P' iu •.. ,,. •I 1111 •• dtlaft•111 .• 1 'tu p: o ''"pt Sa\.11.!1• 1•1 n<~-f1 l1 •1I. \fili• or• nnnun,.th pi.inl ~" '..!I'.'' pl:m for ~11clu,1ro.it :ind 1••·011o m· . . w m ohlrn 11111n '" \h 11 11111\·1 r":il . . 1r;11n1ni: r•«I..; 1qw111 a 'i•licllv Th<• 11 tr\1 l nn1 ... 1 thlll II 1111'1.'•. l.1~«· nt h··· "1'111111' .. r ·, ,,.,,,,\', I ' r111mlw r 111 t , rnwt' ~11· .. rn 1 ·' OI) S1l\':•r,1rt~"rnr-""'1+1 ..... - t-:1r1-. v hwh ,.11m1111n1l IJ•i-:li 1.,11 in :\11 111110·-. 11f 111 .. I l.11 h11r, ·""'"·I pri1·1·~. 11nd Y.l11d1 arf' 1,..,11 WI•11 :111d 1r\ [,.s~ ll1;on :in 1111111. '""'''"'Is l o ethU\1 ·''' r.H:•: hOJ1H'"S f';-U\ r•·at•h tUl• qf (';d1 lt•f '""' .. ,., h ·Tho• 1111111h•r ~I ro•nl ,.,.,t.1l•• l11uk · 111111111:.: ... ,.,,.m, \\hll'h 1111.:111 to .. t'r tu·1 11,1,., '"'1" ii 111 fo', !tr u.11 ) ,,,,,I tu lw• n ·l'la1111111i: 1t'" II l oot~) d l"OVJ11"<1 Ill ~l l fr,.111 JJ'.!3 111 .l.rn-111rll F l>Unl<' )t.11:. 11r u(tll\IHlt • • ·!ti " •' ... \\ ,.., t'.trt 11·<1 I . , , ... 11f ( 11 .11,,_:1 4'•UU1'~ I, I 1·llh•1t ..... ,,,,, \\,1.._.....,,, UH' l'P - ,..--...... -.· •111pt.~ .. 1y _. ____ _ !"111• ,.,,,, J11rlt::" n .. t ... rl C.artl· "\\1111111 '" mnnlh"" anti c:1llo·d 1 . . ' '" 1 "ill h1 "fll"'"''I h\' Santa Ana f•11 I IMH\ 11•1·hn1t'1:tns:" nw1•h.1n1cs tclctl d f .J1 · T1 I\\ n'l1ij1 :T11<l l('1• -of fhl• Pr:ir1' .111d ,,; h;•r "rwk•'r" a 1 nn('1· . 1 i.:ru~ ' , Y.) r.alli.J v tot· µr~ Usry Tutu! tol rt'sl 1•i.IJli-lr1·"nM·' ;~s 111·· .. "'1 .. r 1-\ hruar)' " .. ~ •3.· 1 7 Earthquakes Th" .1"·1,_ ... ,. '"'n "''" 1~·, .. ·~ ,.r Recorded in ~m11h11nt" .1n· h1·rn1: 11•c••1;,.,, 111.d ' ln\'t·~.01;al1•rl •\o"1 "Ii! llWSI' Ill' tlll' I ~ro.ntral c~ur USf' o f 41nfair -u .. ~rn1<t11 1rnd 1111' ~ -= .....U .:. SlllL• or n •n111I l"ls. SA N FRANC1SCl 1. M11r '.l!l • i t"P •-S..'.\'f'n r-1lr lhq u11Js.i·s. 11np Says Democrafo_ "mod,rrntr" ln11•ns1ly. .,..,.,... r1·· "It rorded yt'~lc>rdny-in \c-ntrul \11\i- 'Exerting Effo fo~~·f ·r~t IMnor<: --··rC' r111u rt•·•l 1 T K Llbe I I • F ro•d R11l11n•11n. "1-.rnolni.:1~1 111 0 eep ra s s 1>1ri:n. \\ h11 llilltl '" .. llllntor Jh mo\ 1•mrnl~ "••ro• rt'<'ord,.•I LOS A:-;~ELF:S. Mar '...'9 tllP t 11n hi" mnrhinr nl J ·l G·l:'i p.m. snd l -OC'mocr~llr J~'lrly lri11t••rt1 .. nr': 1 :2:.t :4~ p 1111 hc> plnN-cl tl1C'm 11hnut C'xrrtrn1t dt'!'f"'rnlt' pn·ssu n · '" ~o m1l1·s n1•r11t"'''I "f S11n 1>11·i.;11 k N'µ l1bt•rnJ dP111ocru11; r r o 111 1 ·rw mnrr !<hocks, m 1 hf' 1111mf' dl- a cknowlrdi.;lni: third p11rl)' SUI>-~1·c1ilm hul 111 1111 unrlt•rlrrminf'd por t, ~c·n Clun T11~tor of Ida ho clrstani·c., (')('currr•d "' :.t ·I:.' :.!II p m Mid JrK111y '"' nnd :l.11 .. 111 11111 t/\11 tmws d11y. The· fonnl'r cow h oy slni:••r , lli:hl llm i• 1 H enry \\0nllaN''s runnl.n~ m1ell' <in /\ frw m lnulf'!' l1111•r. J<1•1 .. m o- a third party lick c>I. wtll 1eddrl'll!l i:.rnph machln•·s o111 lhf' l 0n ivns 11y l a pet1C'C' r nlly ttl>G1lmor1• 1111d1um o r \11hformjl rN'l•rdl'd lfllllkM a l tonl1thl. :l 36·17. a "mod<'rv&lf'" trrm1111; al · .. N o thing "ill s to p thf'-1 third 3 :37 :56 and sno lhrr smnll shnkc·r l party from backing . llbc.-ral clcmo-Bl 3 47:51 p.m. lht' 114•rond tremor .... --~ pomlble.' he told a ¥.II& r.-n tl'N'd In thr nrc•a o( 11ol- pnosa ronfrfi'nn.• yr8lr rda)'. Ill' lt~lrr. Cnl Thr oth•·r 1wc' wrrr Mid • third flllrlY r nn<hrl11t rs wrrr c-hn rtt-d Rhoul 9!'I ""'"' "" uy In ftltf'r f'd hrrr In oprosltlon lo Rrr-. 11n1k l•·rmmrct d1rl'Cl 111n~ H e k n Cah111:nn Do'11:l11s nnd Clwl No rlanrn.i:c-"'1" 1t Jl"I t1'll frmn H ollrlf'lcl. cl1•n11wr:o11<. In kl'•'I' "r•" 1111) nl th,· ~h•'1·k~ publk11 n rp;lf'flotrnfi•·•• "" olh1•r , d c'llirnhlr 11" frnm r 11p111rini: llw l\rut h1·r 'lal1·l11"• Urutlw r fJiltTl ~''I rmQ'1111i'llll'l11. ~th l'l'prt•-:"I \\'T11 :>:. 111 l('j•1 'f'"' "4 .. n1A11\1~ h:ut t1•ft1,•"CI fc , t•rn•--·t ht·•~h.~.-... h· t t• I•• t',ttt1•· f 1lh••t' •1n fill' 1111 '"" ,1h1rrl p:irt) 11rk1 t lh• ... 1111• 1f.1• ,\ ... ,,, " ,, ""'" 1 .. \If '11ul ;\It' ,."'nrlt• \\ f,, llh I ltnol Sro1rh 181oe>. V'llrloua llZA'S. oa 1 ti 111r111 .. 1 "·I' 1~•111 ,,. ;\11 .it•" &a.IA ,., thl' Nr"'S·Tinws \Ir' :-;, 1l ,l-\• 1n1 r PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ~l.""O THE Tl"ll.\.-.\Jn Or~n &Ad .u.,-...., \\hltr 11"4-~· Robrrt f 'onr lun .... "'" t11h:•. \II thN¥ ""' 1111111·1tr IP. thfl' l~nrnt hAnd t•nn•···rl Ill '''" l'"'I lltlrhor I 1111111 llli.:h ......... 1 a 111tltor lum l"rld1t_\, .\11rll '!. f'r1H•1•1•1I• frn111 lh•• •·u111·•·r1 \\Ill t.w· 'har•·d by t'"°' ,.,,_,1•111.,.,,.,, Ti .. ·t• ( u 111t .. •11 lrw .• amt nu~' \ll11tr,, 111'"· ''"'"I ,nuth orirnnbr.ll••n". HARMAN W . NICHOLS One·(' l ; pun a Ti nu· The rt• \\'a s Shapely ·Fair~· ~amt'. of Tko-~o-llana-Sakuya \\,\~Ii . \n ,, I t h.tf , •• , .. 1, ' I '1' •r • 1.1 " _ .. 'I ;• I I I 1' ,, • I •I• \\I ... ,. •l"\ I \ 't . '1 I' .,. ' I I I , I .. I '" I • I II .11111'1 I 1111'1- 1111\•r •I tt• for 11 J .. r n l • • part•un•''>!" • 11\\ .1ro I :n111•r"n 11r lo' "'11f'h 1111' Jlla11t H111lllUllt'••ll C·arl'flllly :l A."-<knm••nl of a rt llL!o'n t'\' Ill Ill tho • Ill'\\ 11•·~•1 4. 111 ·1 l.>ll·\\11rlf ~t ali'nw111 1l111t II t I t I f I • I . • \\'ii r• 1 I II' 111jl'11'1. 11 jllll'll:t 1111\ l· l rw• n l San1·1 Ana l'll.:ht l'nnl11· 111 f• rn· \\f\llld l'ilkc· 'j.111~~· ,.,ion (If 1 ; 11 0 "' n :. 111"'' •'l'lonom). 2 Local Bank ~I ~~nagers to Attend Meet For St;p•·n 11,11r r•( th•· Fir.;I lll'l· l "·'' 1''1"rnrhni:.and th•· th" l S 1111 111 f 11 1 1 d.110 " :trP ;n tlw ru lrt· ( ·v F f'allwr-l'l.1111 ;\:tt :! April I. CORRECTION 1 1). II F. t.1i.:t.:t'll. J1>h11 is ':\tart rn "\\ 1!11111 sl\ 11111111 hi-." fl<"'ini: .Ir . \"1ri::1I Elkin. 1.:irr) Fic·kll". I '''"I. .. ,.11 •h0 ... 1· fae1l111o•.; arr "dwl1· 1 · \\'1lham F ~qU) I t'!>, ;\11 s. :llar1lyn1 ""ti .. '" "·· 11nd1•r rtn1•1n).! op .. r:o · n1r k nr11k1'. r:ond1da11• Cor cit) 1• .. 11111 ,\ \\'11i:h1 •rnl1 11 M If, "1 "' 1 loo :"'"qw1rl B1·:o;·h :in<I t: 1'l""' ho:11wh1' !•f 11w 'B:ink o f ·'"" I w I '"'' .. '"""'(II • (I :on in\'ll fl· '"'t' IL• 1 I .\1 I :1anniru. prl'~i· ti•'" .. 1 111• li:111I<. ~111·r1rl11 ·'•' ''1•l•· •1111t.·r •111·•· nr :ill 11t1• 111 n1 '' n 11n.1i.:• '' o11HI 1t\i10\ of th•• ,1 1i• r 1-...'111t\1 11flH'•t' nl ... lht· In· •' i1 1 ti '~'tit I :11 1•h•1Jt fl ;, l\•11 tht• ill . ,, I· ·' ;\hlll'l•JI I \•Tllll\•' '''' 111-...ul•n f ,,(th• ht~ I J,. • nr11t rt ti<'•' ..... to l ;•• h1~ld \11tl 17-1~·1'1 .11 A-11 .. m:1~. n••ar L'11 111 <:rn'"· l':ol•f . "" 1/w :\Ion· I I~• \ fM nin,lllll . ,. ~ . . ;\1 l'l.111 aml llhod•"' A Fond) 1 11o1n 11·uu11c·ilman. t•><la.\' '""u•d thl' fol· S11111·n ·1,...r Frt'fl (' Ho wl:incl 1;. Pl.1111 :"n '.! prnrlucf'd 1 .fM Im• ini;: slat .. m1•n1 111 rnrr1•ct an n111 a rand1d n l1· for rt'-•'''lt'' 1011. SUJl•.'rforts u1111(·r wart 1111l'. prf'!'.;ur1• 1•rrnr whwh "PP":ori•d 111 la1,1 F'rl· 11r11t nt p<'a k c·mplo~t'd mnr .. than d:i~ ·~ Nl1tion ••f 111 .. :"\""~·Tinws lftrrb-c;r S-t'cfr'C flfb :m.Ofltl JK•rsons. "I am n(ll a m<>mlll'r of r lw .Junior \h11111hf'r of ConmwrN'." hf' Meets April 6 ";\l1•r1·y :\l lS'lul1 or a :\l1·rc·l111nt s:ii<I. "Cohs1••1111•n1Jy, I ha\'1• 111'\l'r Pr1111·1·" • • • :\l1lliona1rP :\laurin· 1a k1•n part m llw ;11·11\lt "'" ,;f that 1;,.11t1.1la11 rt•11n·~ frnrn hu~inl'~~ 111 11r1ta nin1t1on I :oppr••r1111• th1• co111- lto '" •11.1· 11 c1rl\ m t.: forc-1• lwh1111I phmc•nl hut It ioh1111IJI hp oh\'io11~ • 1 •• • 1 • • ~ •• orC'l1 prngr:•m Tiu' 111 ""'°" n)ost 1":i<11al nh .. ·nt•r that .<11rnn..: 1'1•11mwniary plu~ man~ I am for hr~ond ttw :is.:<' to he " ho 1 1· .. J .. 1"f•1l 1 .. a 111r .. ~ 111 Tho· • hi.:11tl.. fnr m1•mh«r<h1p in th•· Alll• rt\':111 \\'1·1·kl~. I h.11 ~n·;11 mai:-J11n111r C11:1mlwr 11f t 'ommrrcf'/ t '""'" <1 1,11 111111 .. cl \\ 1rh n .. x1 Sun . <lo 11111 \\tinl tn r·,.,;,.",. r rl'dlt for ·All < •E!' mi mh1•r< 11r•• ,.. .. 11n11<l••tl o f lhl.' ''"'"u .. ,,.11111i: 1 .. lo1· hdol hy I l.orhn r Star l'luh. T iit '''"~. /\(lnl 6 11 >' p m rn < ·unrn.o <Id ;\lar t ·.,mm11n11y 1101111'11. 1;11 lld111lr•'I~· ,\\'•' il,1\ ' l.1" ,\ngt'l .. s ~:'(un11nl'r "tuch I :iJn nul r n111 l1•l1 " i I l.u1,.t-S,..~~.,.. ~I., \\ i"-.., •J , .. , tt f I I th f f1 1t ;t 11 t1 fl \\ I •••II• "'I 11 .. q·a1 •I· "'••nh·~ 1 t \\i l ia POllh I ''· :tf~· H,• h\l•:'ti iU•!l1111 1ht• · • I r • n II ,' 111111sl PA,. RCllOOL Mortimer .. c oo IO% Coral Av~ ~fbo" II.I. DA\" SCHOOi. so\~orr.s O. A. MO•TUl&ll. M. A., 9af.w4 r'rt-.1""1 RAllltOll M t Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST. 0%Y, W. (~Nttral. Harbor'"'° NF.WPORT Bt:AC'R GOROOS E .. R.\Pr. U.1)$. !&S.S. \\'eel Cent ral · Phone Harbor 4'!1-J S caw110rt BNM-h . C HTROPRACTOR . Dr. Tom E. Barton CHITIOPRACfPH 12., c·o._,, llll(tlwa, Corona c14'1 Mar lln Kt''Di111Jl'1 ra11~ I "'-BartKrr 1CM& DR. L. YARWOOD D. C'., PM'. IAMJ S ewpc>rt J'h ·d. O..ta M~ RF.aron M6i·R I e CHIRO PRACTIC e PH\'~IOTllERAP\' • {'nlnnl" !'IORTt'.\R\' BAl~TZ MOUTt· \R\' • LAD\' ATTF.SU.\~T 410 <'out Hhu~ ("o ronA "4-1 ~lar f"hoM Ha rhnr 4? (l>av and Stahl I OrTOMF.TRl8T £. T. B~rworth, O. D. Opt.omet mt • r.nr;s EXAMINED U':XSf;8 Ql'PUCATZll ...... ~-.. _,_ .... w. OloMNI .. _ ~ ...... •11 i.""&wroaT "'"'"' • I 1'11\'SI( 'IA '\S-S i ·nc;'t:o ~!'4-1>.0. l t It \" ,., l1lt••1JI \\ ... I ,, ! ' I d I I Ii 'I. I ! H 1\\ j, \\ 1f\\ 1th-1 11 tl1 I II II l!l"M•~~uw"~1 .... .__~1~1~~••~1...._1~-~u1..a..,_...,.....__......us~,.._-----~ \V. T. l\loonC'y Ph)·..ic-lan and ~urirN1n X .. R.\\' '!1-llnur ~n·tc-.. 9th ~ ('1•ntr:il llarhor 411 \\ tlh tu f 1h lh ih \\, II. ,,,. t lo , 11 in.1-S.1ku> l '·' ,, \\ lfl \\ ...... It' •tf\ft 1•14• ~h•• h 1d II I • '11 ,, 11 \\ . \\1 ,,lh• I a1.tn \\1•t "'' ,,,, .._ d · 1 11h r•, d ~ '1, "t11r1 "'""tH-..0 ,, t \\,.. .. 1. 1. II •,I ... ,, \,, I'•. I I" I \\ ·I •h r1 p• I ·\ I ti '"' or incl l'tl\ l'IU 'lAS!i4 • ~t·Kclf:OSS. M.H. 111 1°1' \\ 11-. 11. • • • • • l ••I I,, ""' •tt•fp fl tl1 \~·4 •1 .. l l \111 '"r --1 fh,~ \'' ch i 1· ""'''" f ! l,lh•• \\,1,l1lll•'"ll I I II\ A v A d l\11> ll)fHltllfl•1' • . n rews, .. 11 ,1 .. ,,. ,1111, ,,,. \\ •• 1•~1 •1 4...1~ u ;.JP tl l\ I '1\1 ' , . '''I• .,,, , , •t i ,..._ I l ·~· d I ' , 1 t •I • I' tlu• d t i 'Ion 1· 11 h•· '-•pt lL"" -•i ! ltlo1 II I H'P I .• ti \ I ~I• f I PH\'SICIA,"'i • ·· &ncl sncut:os .,, f I h' 11111 •• ,11 ' Jt p •I 1 ' I ! .. 'HP• 'I• i•S . 411 Coaat lll1th" ay. llart>or l\M Corona cll'I !\hr H. R. Hall. :\I . n. Phy,.lrl1U1 and l"urirron J lour<>: :'a, h~ ,\pp .. lnrn ... n t Tc>ll"phonr n.-M"Un ~II\ 131 Umadwa)' ('n~ra ~'""" Mllf()n M. 1'la.n\·.-n, 1'1. n. lfl()l cn .. t tnwa) ('urun a 1lrl Mu · 0fri<'t' Jlou~: 10·1~. 2-5 Phone Harbor 108? S. R. Monaco, 1\1. D. IU4 Bay A\·f' .• Balboa RarhM 11?4 Ofrirt' !lour.it: 2 I 0 :'> T' Ill. l\lond•y thmul(tl Friday Conrad Richter, M. 0 . ,........,"' """" 9.~ 1t!'lm • 12 M .. '..>·~ p m -4 30 p m. :?00.,-<' W. ('rntral S f'tW-p>rt "-"h Phnn r Harhnr t-103 \"f:TT.RIS \RIAS S-t:Wl'ORT llARROK \"ETl:RIS A.K\' 1101'PITAL Hor~ Parkrr. l>.\".!'I. Pat1l 0 : ftutdwr. ll. \'.!'I. "'' ,. " fll<•1• ln~I •on 1117:? 8.f: . """' Orin < C'O!lT A • 9t9lA 0 09p. n-.. 5078: RH. Har ... I •1 ti ' I q ' 111•''1 I '" It 1h•11' llt·tl""tlld t i t ·11 ,., ..... ,, • ( 'h \\•• "' ! •I I• \ti " ,oj, "' I +•t 1' ,1 t' I ' !1 .. ' ' •' 'I ,,,11 "' I• . ' I • o( l' "' I dt I tt I 'i· ' ., It '• l, t " I lh1 I t Ill I q h \l ,1 I d ,. ti I tt ti ,. "'d d0 .... ·I \1 'Ii I I \\I •qi I I~• IJ t<t I : lf n 11 d I• ... •'' ti I •I \I ' "I " . \\Ill , .. o t t I 1 1 •I• I \,. 1, I I I '. . 1 ti I 1 1u 1fll ti I \ t•tl I ': • u . .::111 1;,, jr f\ . ... '""1 'Wllj: I \\ •'' 'he'r ., , • f. 1rl· • .. • \'k .) J •• 11 .. 1 .iv: t\ .. 1~t h .... ""' 1411 . , ··~ .. ' I • \\ lf1d •111 11 P UH't1, I• II · .,, ' .. \ \\ • • I •tZ~ I ol · rl'· WORTHINGTON .. \ ~-~ Refrigeration P'UON AlUIONlA a 1raa eo aeo 1raa Air Conditioning I lraa tiD IO 1oa .f!essQre ruin P8 Centrifugal Pumps hr An 1-..... .. ,,... and .l1J I .lttotd• ll• ~~ O:ull tu I( 1.-,uapa.._ SL, 4aa.bftl.m rtwnr Zrnllh &SJ! i , , •' r. I•;-.. ' • li't I ""' I• t 1t \ I '~f ... 1 I ., 'I '· 1 1 •I .. '1 ... ,, ,, n •' \I l'" "'"."' I ~' ; ' • . ·' ' ,. ·' I ti.lo. ,1 •I' \\ ' ... I, •1 ., .. \ .. I I' ...... ! ,.. . . ... 1 .. - I ' .. l I ' 'I d 1'1-t- I•• I f~ 1,.•.1 r hc-' t . t lh' • · • \t lr'r I ' .... ,t, I l1 t fC\ •·1.t. .. 1: I las- 'I " '\ . ...... """ • mir . 'hl'1 , · 11r t t ·op ,· I. 1rnl I 'l'l- nir ·'•11•1 .. 1'<1 '11C 1 . .. •"'' l " \ 11· nt 11 "' .-,n 'ii tt• ,.. ·~ ••' ..~ ti d d , __ _ -· DISTINCTIVELY DESIGNED TO YOJJ~ INDIVIDUAL TAS1:'E :11 , I 1 1;" "'"'' liudl:• 1 • '" ""'\ .ollo1\d 1h1• 111"11 \ • •• I I\,., ··II 11il -h.111" 111 .. ~ 111 d1 .. 1 u1cl I\, "°.1 n~I ,ff t 1,1 '' - il l) d··-1.:n•~t • II• lull.' 1~1111• I•' tf1d 1\ hlu·,t ..,,, 1 • .-1 , .· I.in p I>;, ••• 111ol 1h·· t" 1- .. ,1n ,1:r~ ,,1 y1u•1 111oi1tU 1° JlP I 'fJ .t I ''' o \,k A hnut Rorch11rd'11 H01'tt: llt:n mATIO'."i st:l t\'l<'Y. S n f:''"' t'h1tr ir1• Tr lq1h11no• 1'11nt" \na i 0 7 2 &~11rd1:1r1t H a nel-~·" fl ~h:Hll" art• .\t..:o Soltl in :-:1•lt,1 ·t <t i>f'au1 iful ells tom-mad<' shade by Bor· d :.:rrl nn\\ ... ·ol' d111ns(' fr11m 11ur l.1rg1• l ;wl or~· -.tod;..; nf d1 ... ·rn ·a tor f:ihri<'." ;ind ll'I 11s , ,.,.,,\ 1•1' ~our old hmp ..;h:11l1• al l11\\I''' 1;111111>~ pri1·1•-. ... ~ n1i'll <:;1\'1' d11llot ,.., :111<1 i.:et nnnprr.nwnts from . ) ., .... ~~~-'--~~~~~~--------~---------' ____________ ___.. __ .~___.-111 , I 'PHILADELPHIA CONVENTION ·foto-ViewS-. uALL READIED FOR ·suow· I • I (Editor .. : ll1·r .. '" IUIUth··~ d i ... ' \'JS1(l11· ll•V••lllll 11! t h1• ('\Ill\ 1•n1 ltlll• I rY 111111-b. on 1)rt'1~a11on .. f<W Ou• RA-··, .. l'jlt'l'l,i l11J ' in 111:\ll~ l'.ISll'I n W A L L y 1111hllt·1U1 and l>t'f'l10t•rath' ~atlua&.I ,·1t1t·1>. I · ( tlfl\t•nllun .. th'" .. umm•·r ). t 'IUC Sunt.lnah'd Thr t',. G' E R H A R 0 T. · Tlw r .. 111 .. dd111~ J•''' 1H1 1111• .1udl· H:i;,, 1n :rrY 11 1-:1:-;1·::\tA!': I 111rn1111 •~ th·· fln<t >111"•' 11 w11~ -----------l 1n1tt·dl•r,•ss S talf \\,1~.,..,.'SJlCindt'IH huilt 11, tt•:ll !'1r"tt·1• t h:•I ttnh·. l\\'~ "ha t I~ ~our 1111lnlt1n uf "li14·al 1 11.•lh•n.tl 1'"11111-.tl 1'P11\1•nti.111,; h.1\1• u1)tl11n" 1lit111ur 1·1111troll'.'· P lllL.,\l •Fl.l'lll,\ •l'P 1 \.\•JI-1"•'11 lwhl 111 th1• hall T ill' l'lt•nw· GL~.:'\: l 'lll't 'll. 11.u l1t•r l 'hnltl '•'nllon ll.111. "h'r" ltulh 11w Fk ··1·r ,,1., 1111111111a11•ll F 11mkl111 I' l.iih .. Co nina u"I !'\l.ir 11ultlit•rt11 ur\tl 1>1·mnr1 ,tf •<' na 11u n.•I Ht!<•~•'' ,.1 t I lll'll' 111 1 •1:\1;, nm l 111 1 l)unk i t 1, 1 t·11m · .. n1 11 111~ "ill h•· ,..tak•·<{ 1111,..' 1~11 \\'••rf\lo•ll L \\'1lkll' "'11,o; ch11s,•11 .rn , x" ,. 11 .. nl "umnwr · '" 1:1'1 I in~ :i 1111lh•:n·cl11I· ·'' 1 ht• ltr 1'1tlil11·.in 1111111111<'<' 111,,, .111, "11111 , I.tr 11\1·rha11l1111: for A111"1'1\'~1 s b1i;· ·n1r fl\I' ·~mnt•clmt.: w 111" 11( th•• I I t ' l!•'SI pvht 1c·a1 ~huw 1.11., , · '""" ,•nr u•ll "' 11,,., · includ,•, 11r 111r :or, .. ,, 'fh 1 !.. ~ 1:1'11111 • 11 h11 I c lll: :.u .. 1111rium "':Ii i' 1.>,llt~I Ill .111rl1111111 \II lt1• ti.ill 1\1\ lll•'»tllll: d . I I: 1 t I <'(lmforrnhl\'. It will h11\11• O< Ill'" r1K1ms "h1d1 \\;II lh' 11\111lnlih' f<>r r 10 1'1 cf111 •··~ni: amp.li!1t utit;11 5\'Slt•m lo t arn · .Jht' •'•Hh'll""" ·,.1111 1'1in1m 1ll<'•' 1ncclin i.:s. ,, u,, n1" r ,. .. · pl.u"" i•f •·fl l<'r· lu~1ult ll_!'d the sho utrn.,:. a n•''' 1111;1 11 ha Hn ... 1111 s1·:~11111: l.·1(10 -pl"T'· t Sl.10.0011 r tlof a n d a '"'" sw1h·h· ''""' ., .11 ll m t·nt Alt . Cll\' h 11 h >11ard cos1ini: m on • lh,rn Slt"l.Cl(~I T lw h ·ill 1, nn t mr r ond111on1'<I • :< o u c rl\t• The h ill •--. d ' , . ' I rl m u r 1, i·nn trnl • IS ..... .-1ni: ll R .' n t e 1•111 ('h1ll,•c1 111r w ill lw e1n·u at<· • O\ I' I lhruui:hout t hl' lnll·n ur · ~ tlh C':\· J c11111m 111111slv d11nnj! 'llW rlln\'t'll· ,.,. Jquor 111 l1'n~l\·e carpcor1try and r e m t> n t 1 ti11n s1·s,i" •• ~1s l111W1'\'Pr. 1111• trh'· \\'JU:Y COC-llRA:\'. 'ff••n s :o;hulJ, ('uron11 ti,.'1 \\nrk . th1• city's ex1,.·11d11ur .. s on '"'"" ht.:hts around tlll' hri!C'nn \ Tots & 1111· 1•roJ""' will ht• almusl SI.Our.•.-'t;uhm: 11n11t1uh1 .. d !r will lwRI th• I~~•. 11tT11rd1n,1.: to the l1\11li.:1•1 st·Crl\· nM:m 1·11ns1rlrrnhl)'. l\lar. _, !_!•r), F rnnk \\.'. S hor t.· I 11 .. 11 .-,,... of P ••hi 1..ocal optio n in I lllnors, w hich J am 1wrson'I I) fam1h.1r "rth, has rlrO\j•d \ !'f\' s u c: <'" ssfut ·, ft•<•I I h11 1 l11nil p r o b IC'm s n .. 11u1rc> lcl<':<I s11lt1· I run 1<.J• d r hl· pn•pt•r 1J1,1•·ns- lht.; or hq \111r '" I • Tl'lt•\l~lon lo Aid Tiu r1· h ll' no P'•lll~ fo ohslrucl S~rttl hundn·d \\Ol k<'rS. h a\'1' th•· ,11 " 11f lht• dl'lr·i.:.11r~ sl'llli·•I t .. • .. n un tlr1• rl'mtid\·lrrri.: J••h fur ("11 11,.. ri, .. ,,. o f 1h" hall n111n1hs 10 ha n • thC' t·mn .•111 io n T lw 01.11" .;1;1i.:,. wrll h o• .. x1 r nd 1•d ttru r =~·Rd) for tt1<' R f p uhl1cans to 1,, fur n ; " "tongu<''' "lwn· thr ·llln\p 111 th!' w1:1•k 11f Jurw :!ti 11nd ,1,,,.,,i_,.,.·~ ru~lrum \\Ill h1• pl11N·d 111,• · IJ1•m o!'r:11s 1111' wb•k t•f 1'1l1• ,,HJ.!•' prn1>t•r '"II h:i\I' .;•'al~ July 11. lor ""lllllllll• 1·nw n. •·11n ,rn111m o f· 1 Th .. ,.pa1·1,1w. romm1•rl'1,tl m u-fll'• r5. :iml cli•rini:u1,11, d >:'"'"'" I n <••um, :1rlJ111mni.: 1 lw ,,u,111 .. riu m . t.nck 0 r tlll'm "rl l 1 .... 1 h1· ""uncl· \\Ill h<' 1111'1\l'rl lnln II lh1•Htrr Ct( pl'O(lf hr1H<fl1·,1~lllll: ~llllhll' Of t ilt• ll•lt•\ ls1nn ~llllllns \l'h1•r1• fru11i IX,· 11i:1Jn,. n1 •lw11rkll . t_tl tt-1-tn '...'tl.•o• <:prM71tnr-: una blf' ~n· Tttrn1nrrr p r r,.i< !<f'rt rnn " ,ffiH •·nm ~ into 11,.. li:tk••n) ••f •h•' h;•ll ,,n 1•11h1·r ~•rll• o r th,. run"·"" w11 h lllit) '' 11 I r h t lw 11rut·••• d 1nllt'. 1 h• n • "'""'n·, 1a1ii..., f ft<•11;i.: enrh T hr· t1·h\1,111h "''l ·UI' .11 th•· mu-11t hl'r :wr11" 1h, .. hrill F:ll'ini:: lh• M'Um .,. ··~1 11m11t•d Lu t·os.c,.rn\•r,. rf\~tn1111 ttr" 1111· ~··a l s o f d1•l.-i.:111 f',. lh1111 $:!;1H.1~WI j ,Hra.:c> ~"rt.;.11~ »l'in and 1,1lt1•r n n1t·s Thr lmlN>n)' wilt «i::a111,, lll'f hl'1ni: "'' (rp 111 p u hhc 11!:11·• ~. li1• alln<':tl1•.t 111lh1·1JO l 'JH'<'la 111rs ""ta rts h••l<'I lutll rotim.; .md h;1r< hr;·l-> 1•n1111i.:t1 '" l!t'I 11l'kl't~ t or l h•' liJ !>hU\\ •I ')1111\\ h) liltlW" td l' tl.11J\ Sl'~"l9J1!( Qn!.'. of 111<111 A<. a r•·Sort di~ rl vn ll ;tl\\a)' lit• a proulc>m a nd shnultl "" '''"··rt h) th"'" rlu" I) afl..c•H ti J AJ\H:S \\'. n it·:-.:<.;. I.JI ;-.1;1,·. i;:uerill'. l'flr11na d1•I ;\lar I :rm .c...a I .. r. m,·nt tu \ ''""', In 1 ....... ~ o p r 111n. i•!\ h,t!'t h •· .. n 111·0 \l•fl. a ~m.dl i.:r1111p p ( r;i11;1l1· 1·:11 d no; r " n fo re'\· prvhrf111111n Oil .1 l:ort.:·,., i:rnu11 b} pl.i) Ill~ l11('al l~•hl II'' '1111'-r.111 h11 rt itll hll~llll'~'''~. I)' 11 Jll~t I ti\' local 1:1\1·111!'> .rnd 1Jq1111r ,.1,;n ·s 40,000 Increase Of Unempfoyed In California SAC H,\;\IE!';T O. :O.ta r :!6 rt 'P I TI11 11111111• r .of 1·mplo) f'd p• r, 5trns in ( '.tl1fnr n la li•'r n •a!'C'd 30.- 0IKI 111 3,i':.!U.t"'l hl'lw1·•·11 • mrd-J an· u a ry a nrl mid.'f'C'ltruary, the s1atc: dc pa r tml•nt of C'l}'lploymcnt said today. · T hc> 1·«11ma1r d 101:11 o f Un <'m· ployed \\Ji< 13u.UOU. nn incrc•ns1· ur .it1.t1'1'1 .l1rnw!' G Or)rtn t, 1i 1rr<'· ror o r , 111pl11) 111,.111. ~.iir! th•• uh•·ni· p lo)1·d 1. • 11 11.il'r< ·"' d m11r<• than 'mpli~lll· Ill do·1·11 ,.~.<I IH'l'all"• "' •hi' n11111h1 r nl 1•·r"'"" s1·1 k11w \\'urk \\;I' llHTI ;1~,,~ h y \'l'l1•r,1n' "hv'l..f1 ~. ll••ol nr w\•ri• 1!rttd u:it1•tl1 and IH'"""'' i1r pnptflJi~'"n i:;ru\\lll ,\t'tl<'Hlt11r.1I l'nl(llO)m enl. ap- 1'ro:1t'l11 ni.: rt• ~.·a•1111;tl 111\\. d ro p· 1w1ri. ti\ .!f•••Hfl (~o\r11 nnlt1nl 1·nl· plny11w 111 tlr1ipjw•d ,..,.,>'I'll I I h1111o; anrl. :rnd -t11phu1hlini.:. ch•c:trlettl !J}"mJf,wl 111 rrri.: anti hrmh1·r pro· • d u rt um '"lr'h rl1·<"hn1•d shi;:ht I) T1•mp11rs1r) la~ 1111' ll<"·urrcd in I fJ • HOlLYWOb~ Psychiatr~st Says -Mcwiedem--Crrazy .. That's the. Why of Bad Pictur~s I It •1.1.Y\\'I )(Ill, ~l.11• :!!l I ~·pi ....;,,, lh• lo t•I. lho• l'r:."w;tl l~ ,·"r~f,.,o, •fl llrrll,, I ..... ~ \, ·". 1 h II IOf'"fll,n~ !1t>.~·s ' \\tHlfl <'A'fot/$, ,tfl., flllfl• 111 1r.~dll,I• -:r.... 1 ri,.1 d t•t·llll •·d turl:t\ Th • .i·,. "IH '!'r 1r• "h" 1,-1111 S~'Ol1.fnl :o ~ 1"1r lilt , 111111 11111 !<o rim.rn luril "'"""~ 11111·1 P•' 't h•'.,,Vt1\11'11ll11•nt ~l :!n.- .:11·s ii (1ff01 nr O\;·,...,°' n1·11ru ... 1,," ! ~~~1 .,f II Ir\ f '1XI'~" hP '''~l;uftt•d llr H \' L rn.1111 r '·"'' . J-:11:111\ I h ii '" •II•. h11( <l;1r. •~ r:H1,111i· 1• r r• nt u f 11 ... I• nplo 111 1it,. 11~ 111111·h ":•n' rod nwnt.11 'lr:.111 .. I 11111 flll't 111 1• rnrlu>1 r~ tw•·d phy-' \\ ll~•1Im 1k•' 11 "or~•·. :ir1· .. 1 rlm l: 1'111;,1n :'llt11 ••!11\ l h1 'l:ir< hut 11• ,,,,. !1111·t .. r. '' t h•• l11:h1. 111 11. 1lir1·1·1o ri;. 1 1rurl111:,.,.~ aml t,'x1 ·1·11· •·l1q11o· 111111\ w1M1cl'~ lu rcl:< 11 11d lad11·• 11\ ··~." mo\,.t' ip Oy "1'r:1/~:· ht· • '11l:1111t·rt. hi'j "T h r \ all h :l\1' tlw ~11111• rom rl•~ sn't m1·i1n lh• ~ ,., .di r1·.1rl) lnr l 1•'"'' <, -1<nol llta r 111,,ko•' .. :.rh rn t h <' I'"'"' lun ~,·r B111 th<'~ n11~h1 rl11 rtl11:r l 1·11mpk·>1 "",.''"" tw ..;;,1d lw . if t h ••) tl11n.'1 •·nr rt·t't "hal lw "O..fn r1• ln n i: thr• m a!'" ps yrhn••·' r Alls th1•1r "m <'n tal rli~11rdC'rs." ll:rv1• hu1l1 up 10 n ~l ull• of ma~· And Or Unau,.r ls fl man "ho pa nil'. Tha 1'11 why 'wr h11ve surh OUJ:ht to know PraC't k ally l'\'C'r y-.<IHl:llilnt mo\'ll'~· tnd11\ .. hod~ in 111\\n who 1:11•"' '"a I>'~· J-:\l'nlH11h In l hl' i1:1111,1 n O r <'h.iuiri•'I 1101'" k > l11m. j l.1111111• ~ , 1111. i' \\11r-k111i: .i,;1 1,. "All :irlli<I< Hr•· ~··n-it 11 ••," Ii• ll1f'111:ll r xh·111,11nn. fr11r. :11111 11:rni1· "''11' nn "Thi·~ l·t.i\t '" l••' "'-'11• anr1 rf ~nmrhnrt\' '1t11'•n't <1(nw .,..,, ""lfl\t, a ntt nn•1t 111 urtl••r 1n '"''''' •ln\\n "''ft\ ,0 .,n t h• "' •U 111 •h•ir 1"'n ,,..,,,,,,. l""'1 r and rho \\1·11• 1:11·1-,1 .. \\11! 11 ""•11111· 11 ;,11 ... f11r ltl '' tflftt 'h·l'-1• .,. 1 1 , lfio.h•rh' Iii a ... in•, .... . ,\I th1 .. •llt• 11111•' Iii•· 1'•1111• llll\11 fl,.\\ 111 rl;11h It!", \\ 11 h I ' I'\ 1111!1• 1111:11:111 111111; .mot l l1 "ilit11;. '' • 111• tn 'I 1•h \\llh <111 h 111.hl\ otl\'1"•~· n ,.,·, .. 11f1 dtrt•... rt1• ·,,. ··r1.. '1.'1' 1n '" 1·111nh n t r• ''''''"".th •It· ........ 11' , .... 1 .. \\'1th ,i,' 111°1 nr •h Ill:' pf ,. ' Y111i'1l "' .... 1,, .• k·" 1( I ,,,,,, \••II \\hat It ........ , .,, , ... ""'' '"'' "' oJo11h :ortd11 ,, ''•It h t I ~111rn.1' .111d 'on1p1• '' ... Act'"'""" .it·ir .... ''· 1•1 1.•11 ' .. ,.I"'''''~ .. n11·r s i1HC :11 1· Cur•'• d '" ,, 11 l h !"r:u· ..... ''h•• "'h"" 1.rr·· 10 p11hl11 11nr11·r· f"rit1111n11-t 11.1t \\•lflltl it111 , 111 \\hrr l th1..,1d1 ""' """r1·1 :1f1t 1 ., '111rh <hl·~'l 11111, 111 nu fll'a•· '""'"' 1 ••• ;irr·111rt111i.: 1,1 llr 1.m" •·n 11•IJ_• fll.'.'f.•, Ut nn• h• Jl''•lrtt llt• f lfhtf• J'f•ffpt \I<•' t1f ,, l\\t'-I 1·r1 11u1 ">\II l'l.•~··r' ti• 1,,,, rh· 111 • 11 1111nfl I . British Close Trieste-Lines •• .. • , .. _ ,, I f "'' .. , rlr r1'-••rf\I ... Orttl•h trf'OJ\S In bnltlr drTlll dl1 lo wllh n m ' • ... ,111 ,.11 I· \' 1.1<;•<olnY Dun h•r, foltuwvlt ~porU I tom l'l'lf'>'r 1, •I V•11• , t\ 1,1 ; ... · ca llra up ome cbn;e of •u .. mtp 1u1 m1111 .. 1 > .,. 1, .. e. r • I I ,·.en :.:!:: ) I . ' •: w 1· o u T n " 1. no A ~ t: w s ,. "' t: ... I ,,·t~"e 3 \IU'll \\ '''"I;;;,, l\1•111•1•. 1 11111 ''"r' h ·:o. 1:1111 ~ • • • • ;. .\., + •• • , _: e • •• e * + ••• • * • • • ..; • • • • e • • • + e • ±t'A -~,PiCtiires In The News--- . • I Ar''" 1 •lr1tlt"t•I I l.·1·t tc·•"n ·r.trlr f1--.h.-rrtwn 1rn1lpr tl f•'r thrrt• h•'"'' nJ1 t•. ~' ''• 11•w th,. Chnlu n 111•ti:f', .. ,,., t.hr l'··-•umaa H ~\ • r \\ u:--h111 .. I• •n l •) • "1•1 t' huulr tt nu 1t·1·1 '•' , .. t• 1 \ u \ I 11, Ur ,, til• H.11t1ul lll•'h • lut ti:••'"rf'Ct Uu•nUr.«-'l\'fll ,..---"'.'i' .. l"t---rd.1•'~n 11u n• ,,.,..fl • rn 1lft t11hh•t• nlw1vr IU.,n1w l hl• 1111rt'•\ti t ll , \1111•111" tuut r ut uff ttw bn\'•1 ff'trra t. ll•re ,,,j14•f( thn \ I . I ,frm• T r f rplH1l1tl Senator Olrn ft, T n\'lor 10 . Jdaho1 hla •1fr :111o1 ~ 11. "'"'' ,11111" &11 olhrr 11(•11, Pnul, 111 holl>l<'d by So1 lt1 Ani1r. ..... 111 .. r 10 u s ,-.i, x· a nrlrr 8 P1111ru.1.hk111. 11t d 11111t r or Natlunal <"""" 11 ••I A111• 111 u11- So\'lel Fr1end.Yl,lp, nt l'\t•w York. S. nator 1,,, 1 .. , L\ , in· 1m •i.1th·11Ul•I rw1111n11 mate or litnry wa.~11 l' R~p~-Slaying Suspect .Nabbed 11 .. rrr, tu II>. 11 .. ,1 11111.:..0)' ~·11 lueuh-d up Lu Uw tirldc .. ' ... ~ -' .......... -• -..,.J , \. ' ~ . l ·• ~-C --. t A,.,,.,, T•l•p'1••> "W1·1I. ••r noJtr1t fur It." w.•u lh r 111111111\•• or 1..1111 Anl l'll'• ffllfC.1rnUI whrn a hC'aYy 1w n11 ioallf'U U\e .,... a 11r1 nn r 111,.n<lr d drnulh C:l1>1111tmr•l ...... rnrd 111 a na wtr ~•Jtl'I of farm•r'I and dt.J dW•\lere blew .... ull urnl>rt lln.a. knuw11111 rll.ln rnrn11l I""'''' vnc-1•1 In fru1i.. Alm u-"I t wo 1111·1 .... frll wllltln l1nlr houra. .... Connery $300,000 Fire Loss u.wJ..,._,uu.n u r aCLu.r i ni;:. <'("ftOL: f \ t '' ~ \ Wf'.".,.:":r:::'~-,::,,::-,-:ITl:-,--,.,,.,.,-,,"'!l"."I -,-,".:llT\'."""-,-,r,-;-1 f""1_n_11_'l-I•-"-. -1-,,-r-- • T W 111 111. ""11w111111, 1 ....... h n•. 1111.i11w , "·" 111 11 •• 11t11o ,.,, t r• .~ ni..~n.t 1 11•1c1tt.n'• 4.( ,cl11,,1•111n;...J.1li.J~\..LJ.l'h~;1fl f' t hat :'\:)·:\\· Y<lfl 1'. :O.l•rr :.., t l 'I'• . rtw . .11111"1 rnn,1.m1 'nri tl-•1•111• ... '" •h<111 ~ .. -111111.111, .. h· T l .I-k . . • I I \\h1rl lh<' 111\1 '" I •ht (I rrl 111 • \l•L•lll• rl ,\1111 1 .. , h.111111 I 11 "''" . l•• <1n1· rn:rr ··• 'I 11~ ir rt't:ll .tr :ill 1 lu "' .11 " ""•111 l11n1: , 1,.. , I 1• Id 1 h .11 , 'I'''''"' Ill• 111 t t1•r I S·1111rd:i~ 111 a "1111111. \Plunw 11( I rn•·nts.. 1.,11 t. .. r ·th• ir nitl llr•· .. I ra!l111i.: 1\ (,\\ ""lnr h_, \\••r " \\Hl•'·lln-\1111' ftl f•·,11111 ,'\ Th• ... ,. mrl11ft1'fl <;ult 1 •ol G< fl' K "1~t "" T s p ' '''""' ~ r.:u\ art,uurn 111 rf1•\\n fllt1I• th tn :\ "" • ._. prJ.'1"'•'·•1 :"t'\\ York !ti!• rtlllt'~ il\\:1\ "".Jun• .IJ• r .. 1"',' •h•· •·nmp:111) ·' ft1 II! :or>•I •'..!:lrrl for 111,. ·'"" 1..,u j•.,Ji•r"·' .i. .. '""lll' :-1.C~Kl,IO'_:ulrlt\lilllal "11·~.1 '' \\':tlr011 [1 i.:h1 J1ac111i.: 1•nrt111~11~t' nr ''"rn11t .. 11 I .. nm11111 and II ') tr , , 1 \n,, 1, ,.1 T ..tnrr" 1 ., •am11ni: tho· r"l"Jhhr:111~ "'" ti;,,, -.i...;.·~--I ' I" Cit Irr I>. l.t\\;ir• Park. 111 S t.111· \\··~f • _ ~ ... :: ........ : '-· .. '••n. l h I . ;,t.uut :'\3 nul•'" a \\,1\ "\Ft:W A \ l 'l!'t:U \\A:-;111 ,c;Tc1:--=.·~lilr .!6 ll'l'r 1-'111•·' 1 .. 1 tlllll' S l~M r h:iv•· 1 .. ~ n ,,,,.~~·'d .t.'.•ln"'-f !"~1ft \\ft.) Stnr\·~. 1111•. t\\11 '11l"11l11tnl'S rtnrt l hrr e r•f· fu • r• 1111 <'11 .. rl'• ~ 11f '1nlnt in~ r h1• 1ul a-t 111 .. 1 I a\\"" : .J " • • • • • • I" 111111•r;1t~ will hrt\'I' 111 j(lllrnr') Irr i' h • .rn1·11 111 ~ .. i:yp1 .11n~ '"'l'I -·4. .... ~ ~ ..... ~.t· ....... _ . .._-...., -, · <·---. -· \J.,1111111111h !'ark Ill :°':11rth• rn '.'>"" lrr-<r .,..,, 1 .. •11111 \' 11&1·l11r "XIN'rl•• •' I t ' r""T' f: .... I •1 ' 1.i 1 t•t 0 th•• r .. n.nt••ll I t"llh! J • •• ~m( rlu J.l'l'SC) to t:t•I Ill ;i d:I) il l thl' ra11•", ·•'10 pr11~0.1hl0\ 11ni.:n.1H•tl 1111• f1r~t prtf•rr•tl 111,.,,ni: Il l',, I'"'"' (' ~JK !'Jal 11':1111, k"'' l 'hrl.1rll'!ph1.L I 111 -'111 1 1-111 .. r\' m 1111r r111h IS.· 'I 1·111111111111 111,, 1 •. :".1n1 .1 r. di.JI) fnr lh1 l r;trk • , , ... n lip 1• ltt 11 l'.llH 1•·1tk. l.tl1·r ~llV· IK'<I h:H'k to it~ pr"' 11111~ 1•!•"" :O.ln t, ,,.~ '"''ri' (r:11'1J<1n11 lh 1(1\\ 1•r ~'""' •har• • '" r•• 1f-ri•i.:11i.1r !'11· Jlf'rr11r I 111 .. r Cahrorni.1 nt11\. rl 1111 To Answer 'Weak Link' Charqcs . ;, '" " II• " l11t:l1 .11ul :.1111 r 111.r ( '111:p r .. ,,. I :0.11-'1"11 I '11111 .11111 l'l~m1111 1 h '•t i "''rf• rr,;,11•t11111:d l) l11\\·t1r. Th• :"1 " Yru k ;,rut :'\:t" 11rl• 1111, rnltPn •'•h 1n..._-t .. \\••r• ,LJ,.d t11t a l1111i.: "• ,.i_., 11.t t.111 r h" I 'h1c:.i.:n n,.:',rd pf T r.1tl1 n1~·1 ~1t1•fl :i~ U'<ll:ll I (;;un' 1n L'r-.un' r.1lll'• fl 1o 11~' r•• 1h ;1n :l 1·111t• .1 lou,111 1 m \\h• •1 Ah11u1 fC• I• r r .. 111 n f 1111• 1••1111· la tlPll o f 111" l '111 !1•tl S1.1r,.~ SIJf.(1•r~ frnm '•••1h rl .. <'ay Newport Harbor Headquarte~s f !lA..r;'fAH/11 Sales c.nd Service .. · Seaboard Equipment Cor.poration I i~ Cn ... t Hhn~·. Ro·""''" .'111 11 s.""l'°'' · '"'""h. c "111. I ~ .. .. -· - :: (Arm .. 7 r/l'f.lt"'nl Or r r!\larrl .t' C• nrt .. n tntifi1·r .. n :r11 I r r,f lhr liurr Ill ••I :--1 ... ,;;;: t 1>:1L•. Wn. 111111•1• n. I> ('. rrarl~ •llhf''"'"a rtr•m nnrllni:; h" n11pr 11r be-/ l••f" •II· Ho • •· llll·Am • riran /v 1h111r·> C"'nmll•N• Apnl 21 111hr11 a l ••1J11. l.1 .11 .. ,. "·" !JC ••; • r • r! 11 I•• 'h:""'~ 1J1111 he lli ,o. •·141 ... k link w aw mic lil•t.unLv.~ ( (. ,I f Ar:m• .1~1,.,,,,,,,,,, SuJll'n a fl.4>r putlln« up 11tlff rr:l't.a~. mllll hr"rtr1J.t Mli'lltJ ~· '"'"'Y card or "Llulzlo Va rgA" Ill tAJcrn Ullo cuafudy by p .. lkr ul I'• tnl11m ", CAllt. Arr1•1;ted hrrr afl.f'r nhrht ng trom a Orr) h .. 11111'1 tiu• 11,,. rnAn .. 8U.!lfJf'C'l.('d Of t.yll)I Ml Elkn. l"'"Y., m lnl&tl'r'li yoirnst wlfr \JJ a bed, ra111n1i and I.hen bc&Ul'li per t.o cleac.h wlLh a roll111g ''"' Stiff Breeze Would Keep t:lim HoRpin~ .. ... '\ =-. , T !t• ~ I, ••• "J 111f\p1hJ ,. , , , , tY' .r u <' 1!•1r rt.la L' '• t C! ''• h1 h-•' r:•n-1 1.t11 ,.,, 1' Ari .. ·•• (' HflJ) "ih•11Af; t1• fl t1 f U•" 'Ill.fl ('11hfo rr1IH A Hh11' • n.• n:t· .1• 't IJ1r "''~•I•• .. hf1tl t,• !TI'"' ,,r a ~ ,, .. i.:u ,,.,._. r vd ful V• a,. (Arm# J ,./,.,,>-,,.,,., .. \.l'f&A 0-1Uflty "" ••IA:• 'I.• ~ ruUI) f\<)r,1u~ n f' •, "110~1.r •J• .,,f.\1 ~t ,, ··~ t.11.. l""I•"'"" !~1 11 ~1 .. 1• .r.,. thr t,ra r. L, 1(.,\ l rirl•·~·I \• •il ·~· 1t C"'r1n• o11u ,..1;, ··1 t,• ,,. 1 , 'u,ft • • ·• n~t. ''' R'•VC:n Llao•ul .ttt t!~ • .. , l• • r •• u1.1nuiuu.. • r A, t,,,, / ,.1,.,.1,,,,., t'lu ttH '·d·lt\ ta} .... ~11r fht t.11tld 11.1·1-,,. t r1r-,r~1 " '"'"'' 1.1.t#tt I• Iv\\'"·"' It r1·h I ...... ,y u l J\i ,1t'f'tl' ('~t llf 1 . .i'i 1 ~ ,, • '111 •,I• •1·1•'1t1; I•• \\jtft rl ll•,' fltltt "ftl•l.-·11 ' a(,,1fl t• 1rl1)' H•r1,..,..ht Ar •flAl Wtth h~•l•'••;"i' f,'I • f lir11• '· f•·•"•l•'·tllv..1f•t'•lt l•1 J•f•'o•t1f •11r •u•l •~tt1• Ill• t.11tt1t•-.1U t•1\Ptr'fl 0lf• l &tt v..•: '···J·,,, tf ••t •,,tr •'"'''' 'f1t1rn•h t,,, t i k tl)lt1w u .. '•'>'" v.ttt•r .. ~,,..Jl •l•phlttl 11)' Uu• tlt'lttih• "' Transport Crash ~atal to Eight .. ·--' ' ·-'-~ ~ • f A~-• T,.l,,jJen10J- l-:l1'111 Ar11,, '"' l'•.rtt JK r,•,11111 I w• n 1111!!'<1 v.h• 11 tlll· r· 47 l n1r•'l"•rl r rw h ttl In f11RR•'<I m111111t~11 ... llCIU Wv••Jl,Jt'J, Y,,, 11, • •• '"""" 111 l"11tl111t•I Air Fl•·l•I fr111>1 "'alrll~hl-HuU.1111 A ir n>ww CAI. 'J._u awvlyora '"··••:UC•'<.I '"''crawl 11.1•1!~ lhh11 'llllf c l11,..1utih r~11ed Wl~~~h l.o eafct.J, • ; , .. • -II . . ·41~ • •• . .. Pge.t NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TIME8 -MO'!liDAW NMerl a-.. Calli. Mar c.h H , 1..-8 ~ Marketa at. a·:Glanc~ rU p and Down Am Tt!l "' T ei 14!P, I Broadway- eanadja_n 1'11c1h c l I '-. Dupon• • i r..i NEW YORK I t·r ' r..·"ri:t· Gc>n('rnl :\tolol' !'>:~•.. f~ rna r•l Sh"" '" 1•n•· 11l11\\•·r11:h1 Criod)t•ar I I ' i ,, hu , "'"' .-..mpl.11n h• "·" 1i:nvr1•d I K ennt'('Ol I ~.1.1,. on Bto:idw n> 1 ht" ••··1~"" I Sear-; f :1-1'. I :-.1111111..,•. i-:, 11 n, 1ir•"h1t••·<l 11nrt 1 So t.'111 Eti1•1m m·tt•<l 111 hi" -)Ian /\n•I °'"IM'ft1111n" I S ta n d11 n l < 111 ·~~.': \\Ith i:n ,11 Mill "'"'""''"I< .. ir • u s Sl•'<'I -. I \ l '!>K '"'",. ,, 'IUnlnl• I 111~··"· t h•· p1•td11r t1nn \\rll m11k" 11 1111111111· H~ l 'ntl•"f l'r1·•~ l \\lllt• l••llr 1tir .. 11i;l1 M•'\I "'•'''In l ST(X'l.;S lriwt•r in q111l'I 1 1~111.111~. Tht' 1;1,,,. T h• 11 ,.,. t iiHllll' fr11m &>NI ~ 1rr1•1.,'\Jl<11 I~ 111 .... r , l S 1.,,.,j,.0 1,1 1 ~··n1t·d S h1tw', "Juhn Go\'1'1'T\mrnt~ .Lrl n .. 1 1r i111.. J\ IJ', I lltwr h lllnil" 11~ '"" 1 11rl Cl'IUl ,t,.;·k.., tr11'!;Ul1Jtl) h1i:lw r ll I I r -. ·~ -t t l,l•J-rttil \\l't U •· S IL\ EH um·hi,1111:1"! 111 • l ' •1 ,11,. 1 "'""' th• Th• .111•r <;111111 fin<' ounr t• h I h .. I •\ 1\ ··' "' "'"' ,,, ('()TI'():-; f \\,I I ,j\" t • •• UTil. -..;h.t\.\ ~ • u la•·,1 pf 1\'~. ''\•HI ~1 \'••r \.\111'.:AT fu 1un•, l'l<>~•·d off ·~ c .,.rl J'tll · Ir l,ai'I<' n"1ti11H: ,,. ltw tn I '"r 1 • c'A'rfLE .1nrl Siil.hi' "•·•ti), '"'-' "' prt•hll '1'111· ..... 1 '' ,,.,., 1" 111111 h •••• Inn.· 1 .. r 1 II• ,),~nrl•'r 111 ,. , HOCS ;.lfM' untl l h1•r•· a• ,,,., rh•· ltfl' ~'' II 111.11 ,1111 r. m11tn• ':ir1i·r nil th•"-• ~· 111 ' In "' lw r' <1( h" f'l.·~·s. SIH'h ui; I ~I 111 111111 s 11p1·r m1111," tu num" SAND CRAB (C'ontinu~-d from PRiil' IJ . ber's exf)('rit'nC'C' l~st w<"'k u t t he Good Sam:1ri tnn h o:"p 11 a l and it sccmro t h a t . ('\'('ry hour a mu-se 111· sonw o t lw 1 employe would dro p in fur a cha t. for a puls.• f N'I, for a t<'mpera tlll'C' look·S.>t'. for a laugh o r jus t to shm' that one was g<'tting his mom'y':-. worth that latter ,~~mark be not mg ..to sn('(?7,e ov..,.<,....•1"'"'._,. ___ ~~w 11\('fl they giVl' you a pill to sleep on. a jab in t h<-sho11l· d<-r. then a few ir'I the spine on the pn'text that "this "'on't hurt •ou," an'd be/ore • • • 7 ~Ice N ul't!IM. One peppy I · nl'.ttse says s~ befom,?S to t hl! Balboa Ya cht clu6; a hand· some . young doctor. who asks you more dam fool questions about your bring· ing up, has a sailboat for which he can't..Jlnd anchor· age here and has to hike It back and forth every time hr comes to Newport Bay. A sweet. gray-haired nurse, who has been a widow for 18 years. has never gotten ovr r her loneliness and de- ~ her ~rtorts to mingle with people In church or scr daJ affairs. always feels she la left out of inner confl· drnoes.. All of .w hich proves you can meet interesting people. whetMr from a h~ Jt:. bed OI" a .newspaper °f . . . ~ ... 11 T ho• Guild aJ<~•·mlilt·tl 11n • xrrt•· ti11n11th· j!uf"1 <'rt't l.ru (; 1·un-11ll. fo r cxr;mplr, 11 'tnr fur \1·11n. pl11y, 1lir jurry b utsh1th tly m mur rul•· 11! th,. flh»->tfh1('11f W1tll4•r, l looll~ T nm l lf'lmort• i<1 <'>Ct'••llc'nl 11s t hr lmp••runlou~ cl••nlist. V11lt·nt1n1'. wnotlf' 1<lmpl1• IO\'l'·lllllktnl( IS SUHl· ('i('n t t n ovl'rrom " om· nf tlw "rml\nC'i patrd " wnm••n F 11 11 h nrook . daui;:hlr r (1( 1111' <1U1r. t11\'t• Amok. d0<·'I 11 sup1•rh jc~, ns lhr woml\n \'11l('nt1nc ""'"" "'-Onod Ar tla ir F'rll'da l nr 1<rourt n " v 1• r look...0 more tx-11ul iful or &rtl'd h(•llf'r then llhC' doc'll M Mn n11ndon. who has ral~rd hrr thrl'<' r hlld· r f'n· In th~ 11dv;nccd mnnn"r 11nd In lirnoran <'t' of thr lr fa thr r's ldcntlly · Ralph F orll(·t Is prop..rly apoplectic u thr f&lhf'r who sud· ~nly l.11 confrontf'd' v.rllh t h(' t'hlld· r f'n ~ hun1t 111¥n for l R y('al"ll Patrid a Klrkl&lff, Srotl Dou'ii· las. Nigf'I S tock . W'at1r r Hudd and Wlll\am Devlin arr just u rl1thl In tM!r rolf!s. Peter A1hmore of Lonllon di· rtttf'd And d id .•urh 11 rood job most of th(' t lmr th&t )I "~ma un· fair to r r mrmll<'r ihr (rw IAJ)M'it ~Hrw11rt <'hnrwy nu1111d h ml!lf'lf In ck 11hr:nln1: 1hr 1hr <'r rlnbor ntr itl'l5 nnd.lllrt""'fo: f't1llllim" ., PERMIT ASKED ......,._ A leading ln~~'l anc. executive sayR t he pri· ma.ry cause of lnOatlon is the I ext:essive supply or money in our banking system. Bank deposits have jumprd from' S60 billions before t he war to $165 billions today. He Jii;ts iioveminent spending. pc'r · Apphrn1111Q h11~ h••1•n m 11fl" hy rnlssion t()I discount p nwti· \. t-· Pri.·r~. ;,:\•I \'in l.1do Soud. call .l'•'"'fl"rt 11 .. ror h. Cnllfflr nrn. (cir Y any type of as.4't't with I 1,., m11 111 ·rc·11lii:n nn ""'' 111J.: n n111 the Federal R<-Servr, thl' \\h1rh •• cn ''"•·nil :.•o f••c•t hay- war-time rule on buying J::O\'· '"ird "' '"'' 1 · s 1'1i•rh .. :HI l.111(' .. .. HURT IN-¥' FALL FROM ROOF RU~IA SHIFTS POWER STRillS ~GAINST SCANDINAVIA AND -IRAN plcad('d no t guilt)' to all t lw char&· es >n ~'>: ~ur\ th1f, ~orning. Romance Enters t11e Picket Line L Cod)I. with._two~Cn¥crs. F. L. S hra and J.-1. D. H afrn. h ot h of U >Nl>ON, M ar . ~t UPt~Re· CUl\'ef'> Cl&-y, tcied..to -elude o(ticer newed RUJ\)Srnn 1~surs , was di-' · Sold• M. N. CCX' when he pursu<'d. th<'m 0 H t • F II r•·•·tt·d t(M1ay egarnst Scandinavia, -Ol!Dg ler with his i;lrm going. C'OC' said the -ne ur ID a I run 11nd Italy, With Swed en 8 ('· Fjcoa,,4 Charges m1•n, "wt'rC' d oing ahou t fifty Whf " \ -. Sc ff Id M 1 <'U~··d "' pn·1mrin~ to o(fcor bom b· a '<D I ~pottl'd. thcl?b I took up tht> chase Off a 0 ; an-, ··r t.1<-i1·s tu tht• l ' s rn case of • o n Iha• t h rt'(•·\\'hC'clt'r motorcycle. . \\.tr After Pursuit f' I \\'t• wel\t dov.on Centra l to. Cor o na· Falls from Roof lJ1,p11td11 ·-from )los('OW, m('an-\du \\IWrt' thc•y 1urn!'d right and "1111,., rnd 11·l1tcd t h ut nl'gut1at1ons Altt•m pt In~ to elud(' polit'c nftt'r sidr:-.wipt•d a p11r ked car. Whr n °T''" .-, ... ,1 \\n rkm .. n •uff,·r,•d in· I for n l rt·aty \\'1lh F111la nd \\'t•rt· a m mor prOPE'rly dnrnMW fl<'C'I· told tu s lop th1•y h11ck1•rl off 11nd iurt•" rr1 "'p11no1r· hill~ tf\1•r 1lw dr:1\~111.i: ''' 11 du~l'. Unl· .rq1urt.~ill'nt Saturd ay r C'sulh-d In.. rour1o nc,• <t.i:run .rnc·1'<1 do\\·n O~y il\'l'· 11·1~·k " nd. ' 1·arrro·cl Ii) 11w nr1t1~h rlidro. lllHd I s c•rallus c·hl\r.i:t•s a~a.in~t 8 yuuni.: 1 nut• tu ~Mat~ 9 r rct . I fa1li·d to T••I' !'•1111:orn. llunt 1~i.:1011 -r:ark. rt'P:Jty talk~ ha:< ht't'll con clud«d. l solrtll•r , vacnli.uning ha.:rt'. • 1 m.a k t· tlw righ t ttlrn and W('nl tnJUl• 1 ·111, -Jwulrl,.r I-rld11y \\;h,•n Tlw 11tt11t·k ai.;11111~·1 ~~wdt•n Wiil> (' d W ('>Cl . 3l'(3g (' 1 1, 11\'l'r tht• c urlJ. O n foot I rRt'('d to hll f, .1 '"''" .1 ,t.,1ffuld "" llw (1,h-'"" r11•d 111 1ht• S11\'il'I Ar m )' nt•\\S· (' j"r '~· ·d c ~· ~r h 00 IC i.;('. I'"•' fin • s1a 11on wh~rl' Jack Jonr~ loll lk• ot :'llcirr·F un 111 lh•· Roh-1'·11"' r H1•rl Siar a nd br oadcast by) hu ''t•r 1 tty, ,r l\'C'r "l<I 1 C' ('dur ~·as 11nrl I n •su°"·rl t hC' t'hRSt' in the . . . _ , ~ • (' ltrl:I'( Wl l I r('C ('SS rty tnj;:, · • 0 111nr1. I•'' 1·1un10.1n\ l1t nt.11u \\lls rad111 !\l11i<t'CJ"' 11 ,,,11d ·1h11 t a "w ar J h 1 ·-' l . od' •·nwr~··m·y J('•'P O CCtt•C'rs D. urd· cMr\ ''"' .c J11.1rl ui l''I"-' "lw n 1w '"' l'h11,1i." ":l~ 1;,.tnK l'n·att·d In wll ""'1 1 Y1 inJurd> · s pl'c ,•~1:1 · r un · 'alt and E . S -Ba h'S rnll'rct•ph>J . • nmi.: a l<IU C\'ar s to p. a1 url' to .. fl'll . • . • ~\\\•d•·•.•. 'Ju,,1 u~ 111 11~1· Unrtt-d sioµ a ftf'r pr op<'rty ltamag~ 'Ill<'· I tht• car at 19th .S!re('t. • \\ • 1 ",. 1,'"'"''· S t.•J.:l' :\lutl'I .• ,..,,.,,,~ ~d d .,.. Roth )ourhs ndmi.: as passt•ni,:l'rs fd ) '••Ill rh1• fl••f o f :!lh :!"'" 1\1•··ntl111i.; lfl Rt•d S ia r s \\,'<11·n ('I~· an .a~m~t r l:ll() lll'~t·nl ,1.il'lld(jd ~in \'to la tibn or t h e •trc •' t'1.-11t )!•''"· S.1tunla) a nti "•" •>lit a tr11ns.: l11 ri.:1· 11u;11lx•rs .fri. • 1'"1 11()r h adc pol ice .0 1 ll'\'r ('It•· <1rdrn11n t•e ""rtaining 'to 1>r('- I I I k · d 1 rum c 01ng rs ut v lY \'tO 1•ncl' , .--ul f• • ·' l"•''I'"' '·.:t•· un l"' 'IC' 1111ht.11 \ pl11r11·,, 111. H111ai n and t h•• If r d 'It ·11 h 1 I Y<·ntton of ·on 11fftC('r doing his duty 11 k ' . -. oun !!Ut y on a <' llrgcs I 1c ' IOJllll'' •• "·'' '" ··n tu St l s S\\1·tl1·n \\l1S not rt'('t'l\tnJ.: I ·111 l' hi I ,,, \IClll'n C'I' I . ~•lUI 1 ,,., l<' 111 ,. ton m ax mum , · J•i" 1•t • "'"lllt /1 111 S11n111 ,\n.o. h,·11\') t.umli1·1',,, H1•d Sia r salfl. nf $\J!'l!'l in fines or l5 months ---•- Ii/I( 1111M' '111 11"' t·\l·n r "~war llw y an1I Ii w1 )'S in jail o r ltolli. Cody I Be W ise -Ad vertlM: Youth Placement Service to Be 'Set Up in Santa · Ana \\ 111 111!1·r 1h1•tr 1,,,i.,•s tn Anw rka11 1 r,;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~~~e!!!~:====:!~ ' lu ,,, )' l1ur11lll'I'~" • l"I Tt11• .1r11d 1• • t·ha~·rt L I C1•n I Ids:" ,I 11111:. .-1111trnan1I• r rn 1·h1d "' 1 h• s", tl1,11 .11·111• ll f•1r.r• "· ,.;11h1 'trr1111~ 1111 1 "ar l1'~1·h11si' as a _\ \ ,111 h l'l:i•·•·m i•n l Sl'I, it·•· will ln1~1, lol al1·111.1n(b tor l.11 ~·· riuh· I• I•• 1,h)1,Jr1tl Ill 1111' utf11·1s Of 1111~ ol(tltl Uflrt.1llU1lS ·1 .• \ 111111111ra S t.111• Ernpl11~ m1•111 .r un )(, '111111 tlrni: 10 Hi·d St .or, SHALL . WE CONTINUE THE .TOURNAMENT OF LIGHTS? ""' • th S .111\a An;o 11n ~lard1 '.!l'I \~• 111 "' f.ir '" '" 1•·f1·r lo t.M•~- Jt.I\' \la tho •\\""'· lot'.tl rncmui.:••r. • '-11 '1'' 1111 • ·1" tr .. m ,.,., l.irn 'd:\JlJ.:• r. '11w Roa ral of Oirr ctn1'< of lh·· T4ll~namrnt of L1..:h1~ '''~'"""'. ,,,., ,.,1fay rha t rt•\l\'til of 1his pro· "".'. "''1"'11' froni '"" ~·:a,,t •" I tto n w1-.h .n frank f'X('ll'l '"'"n fr~1m t+ir r~'Opl1• w h o p ut 11n th t• ~1 1u1 ",1,. lll'('!lt•d to llll't'I tho l'ITI· , I h1• '" 111'1" .. a11l Sw1•c11',n ";l!oo a nnual T ournarnt·nt of Ltl!h l '· (•It ht·r hy financial t111l. h~ c•n h·r· --~cc:-:~:-:..--:-::::-:ir-=~,,,.,,7=...--=""',...,_.m.m~ .... ...--.1....-..,..,.,....--....,..........,~-i.:t·:....-·•U .J.ni.: Uo>ilS a nrt :.hips. or llY \OJ1111tl'~r hl'IJ1, a~ 1o~·tw1 h1·r dw T11111 -l'11~11H 11 Hnt (•ouns,• tn~ pro· '"!'"" l"111 "''h i u .ui o• n ;1t1h•n1 '-lhnuld hf" continUt'fl, In 1947 Hn (1~t in1a1 ... fl :!:><HJOI) pt•f)- <Ac-Tm .,._.J AA frllow plckt ll took on. Rev. Andnw J r nklna Join.~ Norman l>lum· i.e; 20 and Dorla MM Wet.or, 22. tu marrtaer. Bolh 1trllr.lnc em• pJoyu' of IU1 AUa.nta, OL, pe.ckln11 plam , 1lhe couple'• romance 1t&rted 11 daY• aco whrn tht J first mrl In the picket ltn.. Disaster Calls on Human Courage lo"'' .,f .tt11· yuun i.: P•'llJll" 11f this 1~·:i n nul it_;ir·~ :dltanc·(' "Jc••n•ly 1il1• l'l 1J\\'d1;d 1n10 N1•wport ll111li11r You rontribu1"d on urw o f th e• '''·' I "uh 11"' I'. S " 1111d 11''<'Pplini.; '1•111· 1 lhl'I'•' f11m1s mP,ntinn,'<l aho\I• Yvu hlJ\'l' a rii.:ht. t h1•r1·fort'. In :-111 ~l111ht•\\"""· ""•' arL' vc•ry !l.ittl1n 11111n' uf 11rrn' 11111l••r l ' S 1 '''Pl'l''S your 11p1n1on. Tiw B,1111'1.l l'a lTl('"tly a .. ks ~"u lu tlu so. ti 11'1'' 111 :innn11111·1· lhc rt•t•slahlish -au~pu.,., 'rhl' f\n:orrl is fu lly a:'·ar1• 11( 1111~t n( th•• t•ri1w1;.m !1·\'1·11.·fl nt rt lh• 11' 11( 1h1>1 om pnr l;inl....Uld much I A110Lb.L'..C-.ll.u~.1..lUl.-1.u:oaLl~1 cl rt'\lU•'~I" ~our an,w1•t' to "' q11c,1ron;.. \\'all )Lltl k 1mlly l'l'· ,, .. ,1.11 ,,,.rncr As a m attrr uf quultd an .trlid t• 111 th•• t·nmn'iums t tum th<' qurMio.nnair .. 1mnwd1111 .. ly? t ,,., '"'" of th•' dut tt·s oJ our ser· j l•Ar-!~-.n.·\\ "'"''"'r Pr.aw la -~l·h p, ~" 1 11111 . I'< cn r ('nrll.'r a plac<'- n1o 111 "n •t't• 111 JUllHlrs . \\'1• h ad 111 h ., pr111:r111n 111 1111'< 0 H11•t· fn1m !'ti" 1111J 11 l !H:J. w h1·11 •·mt·r~··nry ''·•r lllo.!lC>W'Clll preclud ed.. JlS. CIDJ· I 11mr.inrf' Now, WP ha\•' llw per· .. 111111 l, tmw a nfl fuc il1lil'l\ fnr i i~ 11111,l.it•·nw nt \\'c C'nnsi1l1·r it ont· ,,( 11111· most important' ohJ«ftl\'l'S " o·r nm. 111 """ i.nt••rH•nin~ m t h(' lt11ltun 1·1• t't1n11~ ns rhou~h l 1a ly ""''' 1111t• of lilt' Am1·ri1·;m l'lf1lf'., l'r:i\ <la lll'<'U~•'" 1 11 ,. l 'n1lt'fl s1,,1··~ pf ~w111;1Witi.: tilt· l!U'• rn·i m t·n t of f'rt'mrl'r Atc1rlP Dr· G:1:-.· I p1•rt \\1th •trms 11 nrl "pn•pnrmi.: cl1· r"''' tnt•·r\1·111 ion" 1n ftuly Th" ~llf'('HtltZ<'d sc:'rvic1• w ill hr Sout h ('ou t (ltan~r "'' 111• a~ a p1trt of lh(' r('J!Ulnr s . . . pl.wt ITI• n t .U('t t\•11tCS o ( tht• lut:ul 'I.II 11111: ,\pnl 4. ~oUlh ( ciai.I .. ((w•'. undt•r t h<' d1rt•('1ton 'of "111111' '11' "111 kr.,·p lh•·ar Bo a t ~larl J J. nr ) C \\'aitc, vlaCl'm t'nt SUl)t:r· I ·~n1I ~1.11 rn1• 11.ordwarc• S!Ort' •'lll'n "'"' Tlw youth 11ctivrti('$ will tlf' Sund .1)' f11r th•· t'On,·1°nlt'm'1• of ho .11l1·d hy Miss El{'l1nor Magnu.-i-"'' k• nil ~ .ichls m1•n 111C' s l!trc•s "'" t11rml'r llUtX'r\'lsor of the jun-:''.'" li•;oli•<I at :.!3rd ar1rl ·C••nl ral. 111r M'r\l<'I' In the San ta Ana of· .:'\i·\q .1or l rkach. I 111·1• Phila. Conventions Off er Delegates Diversified Fun By BE'M'Y Hr.INE!'IA..~ , Uni~ PreM 8 &alf CorN'tlp(>ndt'nt PlflLAPELPl llA tUP I -[)('It" gatP'I a nd '1~11 or!i to th1• 1wo nn - tionnl pot11 wa l rom ·«nt lon1-l hr~ sumrnr r "'ill t111\'1• lo ts flf rt'cn•a l ion afler b4~in1·'~ hour-;. Sfl"('la l 1nmmt1 ti'•'~ of both till' I Dem°"roli<' nnd Ht>txihJic:m p11rti•'' · I t •~ only undt•r our km<I 11( I ")''' 111 that "''' r;111 afford tu ''"'" tlw ll1s.:n11y of t hC' 1ndi- ' rd11al " ~: 1rl B11nt1111:. t•hatrm.rn :'\,\!\I l!oard. Be Wise -AJ_vrrtis • Tbe-T ournarnent of lights Assn .,• C of Commerce, Balboa, Carif. 1 TO T Ht: HOARD OF' l>IRT.rTOR~. T ournanlt'ni of U IC'ht" .h M>c·l•mn, 1 " 11 ( 11amtw r ol Co mm1·r<'•'. 1\1111)011. Ca ltf I l Uo \OU think t hf' Tournamrnt of Uithh; .. hc'iuld ht-rontlnuf'd ~ • ?) Wiii ~-ou lwlp~ n 1 Ftnm1c1a lly 1 how muctl l h t En1er your 1)08t nr ;.hrp « t \\'ork 11s \'o luntf'<•r ht•!1l('r St~1·<J c\ll l'l'pl1t·~ .. , r u·1 I} c11nl1C'lt;n11a l no o· r _J ---------------==-________ --- havr ArTlllll!•'il fn r 1•1111vl'nlinn ,., .. ,_ • T 1ors to J.:" pl,1r 1•• a nd ~N' Ihm~'· from hll"•h.111 i:11m1•, :01111 01•·n ·'" con<'('rt.-. '" nri;ht ·l'luhhm~ ;ind 0 SHIPMA.T E'S · AND. CHENEJ!S IOUN Of h1•tlll'll' pla1·1•, :'\('ilh1•r p.111~ pn~r;am '' ol1 ft· ni II'. Ii 11 I I ,. 11 I l.I I I \ o• !'C"h• 11- llh'!< nffrr clt'lri:a, ,., •mrl t )I,.,, "''1'"" 1·n,.11i:h II• kr-q a th••m lith~ "''ii h .. ,\,l t a.t•urr u·ulitt · ,_,.,I\ lit•'' ~t bon<is, thU.'l mAi n· J N-tw11 n t ' ~ !'ltntinns "'17'.l 11ml j talnlng an artifi<'ial low rat<" 17:\, 1'\1°\\f\?rt 11 .• ~. i. .. ·a lt'fl on lh/' of Interest. as some of tht• I ~""'" <"''' .. r l.1tlo1 ,,,,., In frc>nt ,_ ____ ~us of--m11atiorh-We ~y~.u10. _.ilf Lili • .l!l!L..JrdCL !llli': :'\n\:wrt TI1r R1·p11ttll"""' ••1•··11 1111'11' c·•·11· vc•nllon f11..,t "" .111111• ~I. """ ----'l---1-~·wr. rtn"l•\1'flt-• rnr:rtly '"1t-q:rr1 - - creation of monrv in th<" n. r1d1 fonn of bank C'n:"Ciit mu~t tx• checked. as it is likr fi ghtin.1.: w11,,. ,, ' •h1 111.. ... 1 f.111111 .. ~< Pl•'l'I' fire with On<! h11nd whil<' tht• 1 1'' ''' • 'l111nk' "Ii 11 '" ' r \\ "· n .. r '' nor other hand pours on nddi-' 'r •h ill ... \11' 1nd1•r r 1111r t i onaJ ftJ{' I. • • • Balldln~. ~.fort'' than :?00.· 000 families a m onth, on(• out of 4.8 or t h<'m hl'adNI hy veterans. ~·ere bvylng, huilcl· ing. 11r imprm in1.: t hrir hrnm-:-t lw J:t,f month~ of l !l.17. 1·nn.-.titulllll.! l h r g r1•at· <"!'t mass hn1111• • 1m111·1~hip­ mo\·1'n w n t ;n hi.,t11r~·. n-. An •• l•'"' ,.,.., ---:EAST f f, ni" T ,./,phnlo} Thnuch lhrf'f' mrmbl'r~ or hlJI fitmlly wt re klllrd 111 It.• , ., • l l'f lh'\l ·,. .. ki d ('oHll t·~\Hlr 11111. Dr. J!'hn Ellell rll htdolloot 1 ... , I a !<tr• 1:n ul ~1or111 \'tcllma. tlrre hr htlpe Shlrlty M~'l<'ll, 11, ""fly ""l>b blo"'J uuL of her home lnlo gard1·11. .. OJI• W'A r ,~•­,-..,..., ,_ ,.........., AODlrlOltAL M ,.,_ flll -110 f'llJ, rA .. '"-' Today's li99,1t Travel la'flain &OOtl t Sff how little It oo.t.a to So EHt by Onyhomid. And you J•l rrion f or u u ! MOU OONVICHlltNC& with fraqudt aarvice enrywhere. MOR& COMPORT with the lne1t buMe. MOU f'UN with •topoven anywbaH, M Y Um• ... choice of many l"O\IWa. T{ij =--~:'::~:~~:~GIUS / WAIM, IOOMY All·COHOfflQHfO COAC"U 'o. ~ .....,,..., • o.J. a..,. ae. Mn u 0 . I I 1 ~ I .frrn,. 1,/,plto10J 8pl'lnf. almc9t tb19I W«U ewlJ, d"9fd the naUon e C"I ttt.'l w Ila • aTU-aweaoma splendor of blONOm~ • I 1:r I Sell It Tltru t:).!h C'la:;..-ifip'tl Ad ,·l rti:'in,t: ·"'· -·~~-----------------=-----~~~-~-- lhf' prr1· .. clan1; T11•".'da~ "h1·11 I h• I06-m1•mh1•r 11.111•>11.d 1• .. mm1110•1 m•"''" to wk" c·a .-.• 11( l.1,1.mm1111 detarl:< ~lany \I I r sl'l Ion .. Th1')' \\ rll hf• .,. 1n.·tl 01nd tlrn•" I in off d 111y h•"I"' ~~ 1lw n((w1,il h~t nnfl h1"-t1•,, u f r h<' l ;1 II' r11n \'1•nt1nn <: :'11.1•11n l h•l.'l t '""'' <l••nt t>f lh•· l 'o·nn,~ l\o1111:i )1.1n11 f11c·l11N'r-. "'''" 1at '""· :111d c•onr- Jlltl lt'<•\\Oman ~''' \\'1>rll11n .;t"l1 SC'1':1n 1o n. tin .11111" t~. lh•·~ will :11- ti'ntl t11" 1111n11.d l'h1l:11lo•lphw 11111· o;lc ff'"li\'lll a t \hrnrn pnl S tn<lr11m fa>JICIWl'<I lho• 11•0\I 1•\'Nllnl: h~ th•· • dinm•r lo l>1· l:l\•'n h~ :-i:a 111>11al C"h11im 1an C.11·1·111! fi,..,..,. . \ AU.111'11•,,;nrr• a•<' ''"P"•'t••d I•• h • rn IO\!o n 111 t 1111" f.,~ I h1• •I •"''I t I ..:."'r'\llC1"'' $untl.1~ ~un,~ _:,l ;11 tu .... I rnrr•' I ll•b Tnntr~ 1-:)) 1'eo11 ,, I \\'e are happy · to hav e had a part in the construction · of theJ~. two individual ,sf ore s: ('hurch on Hrt11•nh1111•1' !:'qw1n'. Tiw •('r~iC!'' \\ 111 h1• lo•li•\ I•• cl In f lw ~fl l'm oo n th" 1•1111\'1•11t 111n tl•;l,•,.:.11 • ., \\111 \"ti.tt 11•'.I~~ \',!II••) Fnrs.:•• fnl' p111ri11l k ~··r\tt'I''· ,-\RCHITECT . On l\ln111t.1y, th11 111i.: t ill' a ft .. r · In.' ~ J Ell b k noon n -c··,, 1t1•Cn11· thf' k1·yr111t1• ... 1. Phi~l!r .... er roe dW!'l'. m o"' p.11111111c· ,....,... .... ,," w1 ll ''!6 Hf ( ·o~"t H l11h" lly-S ""1ilirt lw h~ld Ill lnt..11•\Jl'llUt'nCl' ll:tlL ~ r: , 1 To Jl .. a r Sn1111honlMi t 1 All 411r llt'tl\l t ~· \\'Ill not h" ~o).1 CONTRACTOR ('mn. hown •r O.>th p.ortio•, plin1 (c1 R () Jd H 11 m nkt• g°"'I '"'' of th" R11btn 11,-..,,1 • Ona 3 · Dt:-11 !<~ mphbn~ 'n •m'>•rn-+n-rm r-:-'±l!n 1mnr ~t"r.~-\tru mnunt P nrk Tiw llc-pu hhc11n com· mittN' on oll lllni;i•nwnt ~ h:i-,,.. ELECRICAL WIRING i;t'r\'l'd n h h'<·k 11( :\ l)()(I t k ko•I• fo•I' / t'R<'h nf f1>111· "' ··nrni: \'Olll't'L t' M obarr\.· -H olia·daw [)('mocrnt• pl11n •imilnr 11rrn11~" li., J menti<. ~ t l'!OR <·"A•t lflwa,•,.S f'wport \'iitit m~ H• hnlh C'Oll\'('nj \tln" p~hly "111 h1w1• n c hanl'<' t~ l'f'P I f'hili.d1•lphrn'• fnnl•'U~ "m umm('n;" strini: hnnfll' rnrnrhni: in lh l" d nh-• o rnt(' C'l•!'illllll•'' t)w~ 11•11111l~ "'1•:1r for th(' nnnlJ:il :-.;,,w Yt•ar·, rt11~ perad('. Ol'lr s.:nt r• "hn prd••r lh• rr t'\'<"· rt'ntion •'O 1hr 'f>"' l tnl! !<lrl(' \\tll bl' &bl(' tn ~"" hM1•hall i;nm.-... ll S hih<• l'nrk Tiw I 'h1lltt•!' m •-rt \.)n· cinnlll i 1h11 mi: th" Rc•puhlac.111• ~t8)' ·in tn\\1' nnri 1lw ,\thl•'1l1'• meet n r vl"lnnrl in a ll1r, .... ~nm•· !W-riH Jt11r111i: 1111• I i.•m cl<'r:1111· <'1•n· ,·entlon. F.nrl~ nrrt\'nl' wi~l !<<"(' 01hr i:nmt>« GLASS W. P. Fuller & Co: ·''?O \\. Ith !it.~'ianta Ana LINOLEUM Hanson Shade and Linoleum 101'! '!~rd ~t._. •""1" ~IMa " ,, ~ / ·LUMBER \Vard & Harrington .''1114 ('oa"t tlhu y-S t'wport MASONARY & STONE Homer Harvey. I :i 11 Luaruw--t'Ull~rton REDWOOD & .LOG ROUND. PAVING Calif. Redwood Materials Co. · PAINTING Dougles R. ·\Var.d l'!S \·111 l 'ndlnf'-U do l..!f' PLASTERING C. K. Varner P~UMBfNG --1.,, H. Cramer ROOFING Crank Bros. Roofing Co. ... 17711 \\lllttlt'r A\01'.--('1.,.ta ~- TILE WORK Charles McCandless .. ...J London Comple~.s Roosevelt Shrine .. f ,fQN T~uplal'fo} ·The brontt ~tat~ of the late Jl'rankUn D. Roosevelt la lo..,.eri·d 11110 plac:e . cornpll'tlng London'• R~vd1 Memorial. Mrs. El•:mur ~ Roose\'.lili.-1u!low of the !om1er Presldtnt . ..,.111 umell l'1e •llllut, which lJ local~ In Grosvenor Squ11""J'CApntp. Pueuc N qT1cE -----------SO~llS.\TIOS l-"OR r•t"RLI(' Ot" .. IC'f': .\SU :\tt:.\~t"ltf. -"' --' --,--,I ~. --• .. .. ....... _ .. ·--·-·--· ... -.. ,._ .......... .. f . aa NE\\'J•ORT BALBOA NBW8·TIM&8 ;\lO'l:UA,. • N .._.. C'aJlf. Man-II ti IMll 1 5~ 12.20 BUMISl:!U4 onnr. ll Ml~. t'UK ~ALF. _c:.._,....t'~-~~~-~~--r---C'ra n<' O perator, air COIJlllr<'I· IOf' 1.65 13.20 -Wallace _caicferhead <.)pc:ntor, con c-r t' t t' mlxt'r 2.00 16.00 MANlll!'ACTll!Ul"G JEWELER 0 )ll'Tntor. motor pa~ trol ~rRdl'r l"nn·<'rsal t:q111µ111rnt :.! 025 16.20 817 COAST lllGHWAY COR0 1'A T>l-:L MAR. CALJf. 31.rJtC 1) p .... ll It) r \llh OVl'I, d rui.:hm•. 1krr1C'k. d••r· rll'k har~r. dnmsh1•ll or cram·) TRACT\ >R \\ 1 1tt K Gredinit a Pl"" m~. t'o•rwr.·t·· "''rk of all D1>-C'. Fr···· l'SllTIH.th'I' ·l·1.111 Snnla An.1 Jt1411-R 36-10.tP t lp.-rator. IJUmp 01lt r1Hor, r11llt•r \lp•·rntur. 1rul'tnr-h11ll· llo11•r . tamprr. s1·ra1>- 1·1', llrn~IYI"' shtl\d l)r b,1(,111 allul·hmc·nts t 11,.•rntor, trrnd1 111i1- l'111111• Trurk tlrl\'<'I'~ of rlu11111 t ruc·k~ nf le:>~ t hnn I yd~ wnr.•r h·vl'I ,\ny r t a~s1 t1 ra1 1 .. n 1•m1ttNI h1·n 111 I\ ti I lo-i.!l t ha n :Ull 1 j)5 185 I !lO 1680 13.:.!0 l-180 15.~l\I I !)7'.i l !l M I l'.!'.'l l I UI Ill ~' ,\\I hub .tr•· 111 ho• 1·11111p;1r•·rt 1111 • I h1 1ta .. 1s 11!. t h1• <'1 I)" l-.111:1111~·r·~ •·s11111at•• ur 1111• q11.t11l1lh'" t•l \\:11 k 111 h1· cl<ml' :-;,. l11tl \\ 1\1 .,. ...... ' pt1•d frtlll\ ,\ ( 'fmtr:ir111r "h11 It 1• r .. 1 h••"n h - ,~,·nM·d in .. , • ._•,1rcl.1nc·•' '' ath th.· ,..,.., .. ''""n' u l l 11.t1ll•'I "j'•ll . StalUlt'" t-••I I ~1:.~l. ,,,. ;t1lll'n1l1 d -· J ' Pl.•n' nl.•) t~· ·..,.~, n ·•nd fllrnt' of l''"I""·'' lk1n1I<" 1t•11'1.wt ttnt1 -i~ h fw.111"'" 111.1\ I~ .. 1t1 11n•'<I a l lh1• c•lll• • 111 • Iii; ("1f \ l'n~ll1•'\'r. l'1ty ll.111. ;'\1\\IN•l l It• hh, t ";1h· l11r11111 Tl11· "1'•'1·1,11 :11" n1111n or prCl· 'l"'"ll\1• h:ttclo T" ls •011lh•d In th1• ··r11111e.s11: ft•'<f1tir1 ·nwn111" 11nn••"C .. d ti ..t.hc....hl.ank r11nn pru1•., ... , •. r .. full '11n·rt 111n~ ,,,. le• h11lrl1n1:. 1•1•' Th,. C11r {lf • N. W[ll•rl lkach' r<'81·rw·i1 th1' r ii;hl tn rrjt><:I an)' 1•r 11 II luch1. -- LAN DSC APING :!II Y1•ars l-'!\llt'~h'nl't' 1 lid & !'\ .. w 1 lonws M H. r. L. t; EOHGE 'COOP£RATfVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Ph<•nc· n,;11ron 6117 ~73 Eldc•o Ave .. C'09ta M_. ~tt· For nC'nt I lp11s1• 11r ,\µt T ill .hm1• \:\th H.M.LANE REAL ESTATF. :!006 Court ;\vr · 1'1·nr N1·w1>t>rt Pic•r F.stahllshro SinrC' 1920 . l l11t1S•' or J\pl Till June' 15th. ~tft BUO,OINO MATF.RIALR SPl t tt'!Tft,E- Lino. & Pla~tic ·Orainboarch; ,,. ll m\ "I •:--111 1 11 1~ 1-11 Ch Uh J ~::, t'Ci 11!l:, n •, l,,i• 1 I r '' h" l 'h111w I l11rl-.1r 3ti:3l•' Bonts Priced To Sell ~. l ·,, .. , sl'1 ·• F·1~h· r • ::\,h ,. I <I u 11 1!•11 1 I 'Ion ,f,•1 fl••'l.•1 $i~'4\I B c.11dix ~ Maytaas ::; 1111111., · 1 ·, "'",: 1•1.1; 1111111 • ~ "' 11• n ""' s""'I' 1 F1•lt.1w• • Juat \\ 1111u11t r .. 1\4' l 'M"d at s1,." a• 11 ~:: .. 11J UlLL'S WASH·A·TER1A l1: I· ''1''''. H~ N""" !'•rt I 11\ d . 1 \•ta M- 1-,1""" ll<·u'\in ~TIO 11:\ t:HOI\ ; I t ' 1 '·''I 11 m 11 \ l l, ••• df\ ''·'~J N1 •\\ I"'' I \t; ,,,. .'.' SI 'k •I' :O:lo, I'' :• t\1111.,,1111 lth tht\ ,lllH'\" llh~\t1\t1•, 11\t"'H t11.:. "-1 h ~1 .\f't•h :-' H,.1,l.11111 .l.'11 \h.11 ... 1 •• l'I II.tit."'' "' I'll ' t '1 \\'ANTkll Wt• asri U RitAL ltMTATS • F\ 'HNJ~/n.:1 ' ~\ ·~1~\~rt1nc•nl --------------- ''' 11111'\.o" """"''' h~ [l'l"ltn~lr CORONA DEL MAR ,.f11111llt f••r-'<UU!lll•·r r1•nt'lll, fn•m ,1111\ ""' '" l!\th 1,1 St•pt•'llll'<•r sotmf OF lllGllWAY t '\th IWllt f<;I\ l'\1•11..,• !'><ll:!,'' 1i.•111I "1th \\' It ,\\'11h1•r•1i.""'· .11 . l11ll•·lo. •I• .tl1"f'. •1 11 '1-· St, -s Ill 11 .. , 111i1 jl111•'. 1 • . .io1 ••• Ill.I ~··" A fU :AlITTl-"\11. NF.W 2 bc>droom 111.: 11•11t,:1f. f,,,.,,t ""' 11nll ,.1J11•r hornf' •·1rt•pl•1"" llftl'ftllt', paUo "' l.11!• I :'I I Ito' 11( na11~111nf' with t"\IOl'rt'lt' tel'ICI!. ·-· • .; _. , \'t•11d Inn hlh11t11, r11.:a Must Sell at Once F 11rnit11r1· , Tr;111:-fl•r " '' n '' t 1' u 1,' r ' ''"'" •"0111 Sp111··· 1111 1 .. 1 ... r.1r •'lttr11 r1101n 1 · '""· '.1. nd II·· :t~ ,,,~ lt11 1u'h'''' h''"''' ''" H.•"'''" 1,t ,,r , .-utnt uuit 1(11\\ llt ,, f' ,,.,.,1 .. 11 IPll,(l.,,.llllt llllol fill "'llll!H,.I' •II' \I'll!'(\' l•ll~t• lll1,1q I• 11111 l'~l 'IU .ll A l;1111d lh1y ... I ~ :1 \\'.i:-:i• Hur l.t ' \ ', fit lp 'HU ~~ •• • \\ 11oo,,,• ll••• .u\d 11Ul,111'h•tl t1t.11t1• hHt 1ht11 1' '\hl,IC>\hlt• li'h 'lt'1'1 •'1' \\llh ... ~I'· I' 11111111111· ~ ... ,,., l•1•lh I 11't11 I ' t I 11 .. , h.'I. 11 • .i1 ..... _i...t11'.ll~' ;-;,. li.11 I 11•111 ll.11lk•ol t .. l.11111 ileo 111• SFt-: tl\VNt-:R ,\J .,;,.I\\ 1\ :lo. l'I, I' :·1'< • 11 ~ '-r I· 1111'1t•~··oll 4:1·~ l>nhlill Av1•. t 'orona dt'l 1 '1 11 It l 1 "' :-.1 t:\\("I: l 'lil.•.1 11It11111 I! \t\ \ ·,,,,' ,,,.,. P h 1n11· H1•a(·on :1;1:~~ ... I :11 tit j:°=11ii ~ '~". "" .. ~. .~" 1..111, I • h·1 ~1 h !°'11H'•'t. "'" "'•: nuu ·h uhll l,fl 11.-h f·,.m t .. 1 .. 1 ~ \0.111 \"•hi \\ I h 1111•, :I:.! ~)!p FlHF:WOO\> l,IAlll '1 I \I .\ flllll)I 11-:TS l'll11~11·r Pl-I.I\ HlY / Wright l.umhcr Yard li >lt :-;, "l••rl fllvd l '\ISTA '.\WS1\ l\·n,,;n :\4'tl~:l Plentv of t ;oi1rl Tires ·All Sizes C'omp11tmd Motor Oil G1111on , 70r • "' 1• 1111, I •11 .,,.,,. .. , 11p111t1111 111 10 M11r tic o t 1T 1tuA1~ n J\t<·n'o HS , · ... ''"'' "·, :-.t.". ,,,, .. 1 ... "''"' "' - :\!'\}) Bl)J\T~ I l'o•llllotlhtll ,.,.,, "1 lofo lj'lh~ J.h\l,B{)t\ l!'\L/\N[) 'I\\,\ \ISFI\ \(. l 'h1•1t• ll11!1o" l•l:-1 ·11:111' s ... , .. , ,,11,t 111 p1111, 1111 All ~\ I I I 'I ltl \ 1 \I •\ 111,,.,-i. '"'·'" iin I I IA Y Fltt •!';T :1 l••·•lr1"'lll hon11• {lf· ,, ''" ...... i\I·••···· ' .1 • lllllll•h"ol '"""'' ••I "1'111111\• 1iT ,, Ii/ti '"' ·~ ... tll11t ""'" Ow1wr 1), ·•fl ~ · • J ,.:.,.,,."·'"" , .. 111lv 11·111111 1·1111 "°11'111~· t .. 111 .. rnl11 1\1•n11tlful 'H~ t'",• .,: 111" '' lt1 ,,,.,, .. :'4itt• "t ' "" · "'' 1 ·~' ltl' Ju"' 1 •'pnl11t1••1 utut rt"tl•'c·orn1Ml. ,I\ t • • pu~i-1 11 n1 ·1:: !\I .,.. I "'In~: ''"'111 ·11w 1'111111· pr1·ml•M1 :.!I lt.· \\. NTFll Tl 1 HFNT ·t.f,,.1,.111 "'"" 1•1u ~111 11.:r h111lwr1 lirCA· 1·\t1t ~.\f r-::-11-;.,-,-,1-~-,.-, ,-,-1.-r."'"'1~ 1111111,1 .... 1 ·• "' :1 lkln11 """''' '"~ "w"" •1111 "' h ••r r1•11111rM1. : ,. s 11,,.1,.1 rnit "' "11 1, 1 ~-I · 1'1•11111111··111 t '1111 11111 :• l>lil .i 1 l'ru•1•1I l1or 11111111-;llfttr 1&1111• at '(• ''"' 1•11;.1., 11.11 t..,1 1(•'.ll I•·· '"k 11•1 Mr~ 11, • t • :H :i11· """ '-':1,t••' ·11111& \\:t•n't lut '""" ~ ;111 ,\, -.111 ptll ·,\tt•·t \\ "' l'I 11 •1,1 ltt :ST :, ,,~,111 1•111~ 1·1111 llutlk•r IT7t\ 1. t•"' 11 '' '"'r ·,~1 !\I ~'I\ 1 k h"""' .1 .. , •I• 111,.1 ,\ \\ti•· 1 ... 111 I I' " I J \V ' ··" : , . S1 ANLF.Y '"~ tu • ··"''' \t•-'·'· IN't It\ tt\t•Uf Elt•l·trie:d E n~iiwi·rin~ "" 0 1i1i.l1·11 1'1111 1.•111: 11 •. ,,.11 IW 1\l.'t'11t :1 11tl ln:'tall:iti11n · ' 1·1 1,· 1 1t 1 N<-> 1;1n:A T•:n X.'ltt•a '\1\ It · 1 \\ 11,..1 Tll1\lll ;-..:,." .' 1~·•lr•••m N 1·\\ l'llHT ii A llll O ll \\ 11\t'h• ' I. I I .,,," F11 •' 1·?.1111., 1 :o'1".1rl'11l1.-hl'< I 0\1tl1• flat 11·1 lo'' I ' 11.C U u l111 °1"1•l1• .. hH1t'tie ~11111'rl F Ill"·"'''" '1111 "' I ••. ,. l'T1111111 111111 \\ ..... , ~'"'''"'" I: I. 1!:1111 •• lt111~11· h111l..1 , I ""I: lkm h, fur ~1111tll li••U"' ••1l lh 'l •''0 '•. l1•t1t. ur llk•'. \l~uu•t • ··"''" a,1,.,.u ,,,._ N•'"l'-lf"1 l 'lt1111t· 11111 h1•r 11~;·1 .1 :1r' ~.,,. !'111•" 1••rt l1•·11d1 J;\lh /\NI I IH\'IN t-: STS. N1•\\1••rt ll1•1wh . 17th 111111 I 'I IA.ST llwy. N1·w1~•1 I l\•·111'h Texas Cjty Blast Leads to Suits T.O nt: \'OTt:u '. OS ;'\<Hin : I ~ ll~:REIW G l \'I :--;, C'ITY OF :S1"\\'P<'lnT BF:AC1 I , 4' Al.I F URNt I\ FHA~K L. RlNEllAHT. City C'll'rk Contr11i-t1•r '" ·c{ll\llllm<'r Co•rn••r lflth St 1.1nd P omona Custa J\11•M W1>~tl'rn .A utn Supply Au th11rl7• d I l<'AI": St. 1836 Nl'"'1111rt lllvd 1 ··e t.,. M._ 17 ,,, ~l•'\\otl I \\'111 110 I l11._l111t1l1°11111 11,,i.1.-l-'11.: """ 11.1111• '.,,.""'" ! ·1. 1•1111• l 'l1111t!l l.1q111d111o•11·r lunk 1:1111111·~ l'h1•I" I :1 .... 1111• l'tlo•I \\'II.I. i-:xt·11 AN1 :\-: 1:ir111· ltrnntl n1·"' ,'.!t\" ltlr'\01•11· t11r :!-I nr :.it>" ~lt·b ltl1·y .. tc• 17 17 P11nm11n I 'nsl11 M1·~11 . .Jr:l.Y . tf All'l'OMOTIVF. • TIRU --.; .':.'~• MAHINt-: AVt-: , ~ 11n11" 111 llltnn ti 33-5tp R'F. R VE L '11111r 1•,111111111• T•"ll" \ Ufa C't 1/\ST llWV.' •"i . I ' . 'I-: I l')ock1•I ~ Ill lur:il f'tlllrlS arl' -c·ro\\ d· .-d \\11h s111h 11 pr• ..... 111in1: mnn• th:rn , l:!.f\(Wo lllNI r•·.,11lt111i: fr u m thr T r-x;-r.; tJ11,-tft..., .. 1 ...... of lAo>l Apn.I Tho· 1·\1•l11,111n C'l.1111wd mort· t han :-""' Ii\'•., anrt mJ11r1-d 1h11\1· 5itl1cl'i. I>•, n nn m111at1•tl fnr thl' Pf lu'<'S 11 .. 1. 111af1,.r 1111 n1if1n7'n 1trtJl:'rf'lt1r , 11 llw C• 1" r.11 m11111c1p.1l ,.,, 1•1111n ,,. 1 .. 111 lrl 111 th•· City o1f :'\1•\\port I l. 1td1 1111 ',l:u..·~) , • ..1.bc J3ili An~ll' Ch11nnrls The r. A s H<'fri~er1ltol l !ll.' l'h1111•11l lt Slnll1111 \\'1111011 I 't1rm111 tlt•l l'tlAr $1 ~·~. ''1111 ""'"''' I~ M-•·"'1---:-----------,...,.,...""'""----F.L-.-llokin & (;nlvnn 1101 (' .. 11 ... 1 "~" ·" l\1•111'011 !'lito7 ~ •( tho• :.!>I rtL._,,,,,.r 1·a~•·s f1l1•d in t ho· l 'n111'fl _::;1.t•1·'-cl1,11wl ('t>Url. 'L7 H':1w• 1 .. 1·n !ll1•d .1~ainst th1· ff-<l•·; al l:fl\('fllllh 111 !or a lot:il or "' •p111. 1°1\X c·u undlm•·n HnlH'rt 1\ lh n 1 mt·111111~·nt 1 H L ,\ll•·n 11.,11 .. ,. K Hlu1' I 111 k 11r1<k1• l.11111" F C:nt."' lt11,.,. (; rrd1· y ~ 111.111 •1.ooo I In on•· .. r lh• 1.1ri.:•·'1 t'a"''"· llw ('lty Cink T•·s11s Cit) T.·rrnm:il H,lllway Co. I F r11nk L Rin..trnrt 1 mcumbcn1) btou1.:ht s 1111 a~;,m,.f I h1· Am('rlcan l' K t \harh•) l Pri.•st E qu1tab\to A~~1lrant·" ("n of Ph1la-Tr .. MW'f'r d ('l,IJhin ror ~:.!.300.1100 Thi' da1m : J ,\ Gant I mcun1lwnl l applird 10 11·rm1n:il hwldin.:s N<lTICt-: IS F U RTll&R HF.RE· which W•'f" 1fr~1rn~1·!1 "h1•n th•·, RY Gl \'F:N that thr foll1""n'1: nmmo111u111 n1trat1• 1•nri:n nhoard l mrailllrt' IS t o h(' ,,.,,'(j nn al the tf1I' ship>: t :ranck;,mp nnd 111,-:h i:•·nrrnl ·m11ni.:1p11 I l'll'l''t 11111 to hr Fly~r <'Xplodcd. . hdrt Ill th1· City or Nt'wporl BC'ilCh Th<' '1'1•!\nS and N1·w Orlc·nns on Tu1•11duy, tlw 13th d ay OY\Aprll. Ra11~·1w <'•>. hroui::ht suit ngaans t 19-IA. 10-w11~ ' f ltK' go~1•rnn1cnt ror Sl00.000 cfilm· PropooiitlCIO No. I ~ . agt's ln the d••st ructlon of :.!O Slrnll Ordin an ce No. 574 of the fn•ii:ht c1m1. \lty uf N1•wport Beach , providing T <' n \\'Orkm<•n's r11mp1'n~11t ion for th1· lt'''Y and colll'ction . for thr t'a~('s tnt 111 $711,CKl(I l)t he r claims p11rpu~" or pr{lViding I\"'• maintain· hy !OUf\l\'Or" or \ll'llms rang1· from mi.: purk!' in lhf' Ctl)•-of 1'cwport ~i.tl-17 to $H;7,llflll n .. 111'11, for ••<id1 fis(:al Y•'Rr, of a *Hollywood Film Shop '·'' M f1ft1•t•n ('1•n1s 71-Qrl o n l'll('h ltll•OO n( thl' as~l'SC'd valu:i11on 111 .111 pn111e•r1y 111 1hr C11y nf Kc·W· IN/I I H1·at:h "Inch •~ tnxahll· th<'rt-.. 111 fnr muniripal pu~"': 11nd rf'< 1• .• 1in1: I hdrnancc :"\o 3,1(11 {lf tlw 1·1 1~ 11f :'\:• \\flOrl B1•<11·h, lw adofll l'd \ 'n11t ,, p,. ,. ~' 11 f 1 ......... ,,,,nd!'nl I 1at1'll ;\1.irr h '.! .:.. 1 'l-1~ FH,\:'l:K J. Rl;'\1-:llAHT R~ I' \TRIC'I \ Cl.AR\' lft'lt.l.Y\\1"!t 111 ,1·p 1 -J\ "" 1 ·11.' C'li·rk nf tlh' <'11) o f phi<t i•··•••· ,,11 t "h ,, ''"I flunk --.;, "l••i t 11,.,wh. I Ill' I~ ""'' ("IJ!lrnl \\ 1 hit, f111t\'I•'-1'11t.h'lt \It.th :!'I 1\11111 :l, l fll~ '·'"'"' i1 .1tl1n\..• ""'''I hl ... t•• .el •• 11 · ... 1111• m11-r m:ohi;n• ti ""'II In lh•• t-:n1:· h•h h111;11111:1• \\'l'l•lt "'·"' 1111 \\ur1l, hy its Pueuc NoTICE SOTIC't'. TO COSTH.\<1'0R!'I Want-Ads The News-nmeti will nol be re- 1ponalblr for more than oM lnC'OI" rect lna.rtlon of an advertl.aeme11t. tttervee t he right t o corTect.11 claulty any and all ad1 and to re~t any ed,·er t1aem,n1 not con- lormlne to rules and resuJaUona. &&-tfe mo LU!: TO CLA~SIFY NF:\\' I\~. -Trop1l'111 furn. t•V<'r)'lhmg furnish<·d . linen , util· ltlC's, ~ar1.11tr, for 2 $80. m onth. fnr •1 ~IW. C'n~a Verde Apt!I. 1703 W CC'ntrnl. Harbor 1750 34-3tc .... WOOD FENCE CONTJt. All Types and Stylrt F JI.A. T t'rms Frt'e E11tlmatet Anywh<'rl' In CoWl1Y t.'p to '3 r rs. to P ny Ph . S A 257!l-R. f:xpo•rt 25-tfc W:.ttch & .Jew~ry ......_ RF.PAlRINC Fm!' I •1.11li<.l1HI<; :ind \\':itrhes :"l-: \\' P< )I{ 't J E\\' F: L F. RS ll'nd, r 111;w MA~i:<'mrntl I If) :':!1111 S t :-0.1•\\fX>M 17-tf( ' l'J C'T UR E FRAMJN(;4 All ~\Le!' and' Sh:IP.•" :-,:,.w & UM'd >;: mid v "Rr1nforNilf{ Stool • IIIC1<.SC~ & NF.WF.LL 3101 W ~1t h St {'hone' 14M Public Stenographer H oul"9: 229 Marine Ave ·Olubor tnv. Co.) Balboa Island Harbor 1331 JO·Ul). 4 :()11 r:JIPLOl'MENT oFFr.RED ti CA RETAKEn & Cl\RtlNt:R . rot· '"i:"' & -u11 h11111 furnl11h('d plua sal11r)'. PT(;ns:int i1urrounc!lng11, f:M'rmanrnt SM' Mr. Whyk 1840 Som1· Mocfrlc: '''"1l11hlr-NC1\i Balhoa ~~urniwre S't.or 100 M111n !'I . f\11\hoft !'hon,. l i11rhor H !'I 220."I f'nri~t Jlh·d . Nf'wpnrt Phrml' lll\J'hnr t ir. 14-tfc 'SPORT TOPS !'F.AT C'OVF.RS Taylor ':-Trim Shop AutomnhllC' t lphnlat€'r ln& Boat and 'l'ru('k C"\Mhlo n1 I~ °Wl'St C'rntrnl N~wport I\ch :'11 ·lt(' h 'I •:\I !\II lit "I,\ I. 1)11 .It -I , .. t11111• 1 .. 11, t \\Ith Ch1,,l•·t ,·r~·''" •11otnr1 10· •• • •• ''" I l1•hl' ,; '"";t .. ~ .... , l"h 11:·,., ;-.., "I"" I l ll\ll 1 • .. ~·111 :\lo'·' l'h"'" II• "~'" 1;;u<1 .I "' ,, I I 1J Ill ,,, i\)I 1111) ~ .• 1llt1l11y /i, ~1111rl11~~ :11: '.!~···; Ml!iill<'AL a RADIO .. Harbor t!HO . 24-tlc l 'St-:1 • l'l A NOS w11n1tod ftlf' our -rl'nt l\l'pl ·rrnl1r your t»•I 1il11no un 11 Splnt•I l ll1thrat nllow1tnr<• Or wllf h11~· for 11pnt r ri•h PA NZ· S(11Ml1lT l'JANO ('I), !')20 Nn M11in. ~nnt11 An• \!l.l(r ELF.CTmC'IANS I Sin('(' 1920) < 'nnt q1rt lnJ:·Rrpulr11 Rfl111rl••t1t lal-lndWltrlal S Pll'Ct-:T mlrrnr ty'J)(' p l,.no 't.11v•ly tone' Fin,. 11ctl11n You J1t•t pay 1111t hnlnncl' of $1~. T••rma. llAN7.-SCHMIOT, :\20 No.: Main, Snntfi """ 19-tlc ·111:1 1'"1'1''· I '111111111 ,1 .. 1 M11r :\!). :.!t·· l·Vill l l 01111••1·tl11fllo• 1'1lllM', l!):l7 ·:1•1 1 11i.:11w 1 ...... 111f11l rnl'l11llt' ltltll', "11111• "1tl•• ""II tl11"'. n1·w l1·11 tlwr · 1111lu•l,11•n . tll'W \\hltl' lop. l1·1tl11·t .. k1rt~ l 'tuuu• H~t lw11 :!4.'7-W 11 1:l W 'tin)' A,.,., N•'"I"" I l\1'111 h 31; •llfl •l•·r, A 1 ttw•·l11t111<'11I 1't1n1llll1111 11; l1wh "'"''''IJ. $11~1 l'honr l\Nt "'•II ~'411:\ ,I • :V.-~t r TRA1i.zu.. .. :!~1 r"l' 11)<1;. Tr11wl11 t 'lr11.n. h11r- 1111ln for qllkk ult· l.ol ' 1:.!·A 111111"111\1M1r Trnlh·r I lomC'll Crl!lln M•·M :MJ-:.tp Kt:AI, F..MTATF. ft H arbor Alvd. or addr<.'1111 P. O. Ets-Hokin & Galvan Box 186. \11sta .M•'J!&. 36-lfc Jim C'.oaat Jllw11y Ree. 5407 .MIS. FOR ~ALr. JO ___________ 3_1_·t_rr. PLUMBING SUPPJ~IES. AIR--WA Y SANITIZOR STEINWAY GRAND. ••l'h• Kln11 n r flillnl'>I'... r-•rfl'rt conclll Ion, ~11r1:11<111~ f1Jn1· Su•·•· ovrr $111111'1 P1101-~chmlrlt, Snnl11 An11, ~~:.~1 Nu Mliln 1!1 Hr DeliC'V(~ Mf> It'~ ·Lovely Corona der· Mar· IWl.ll:X 'J. m :J1"00l\f ~111('<'0 2 \•'llr~ 11111, r~l fi. •~'l'fln \'l1•W lot 1·,1111 lnri:" tld11x pntlt1 It! h11r f., t'll• ••\1'1•111•11! 111<'11111111 ~11.91M1 l I\\ 11''1 7 11 I '41111" t 1 lfl /\ \'t' 0 S t & S VIVA E 'PJ\f)J)()('l{ "l"'l :'ll~-r f11r r••11t All fi 11111 1 .. rn1 pen8 3 . Un. Aonrl•·d I lt'ul,.r 9 " r•·nl 1111"'"''' II \"11 lt11~1 l11lrr am In;, Pm. 11·, A1!1 .. 1tw,.1 l\w·. 1 1·~ 111~1 to k .. 11 1111q1111~ "'''"''mt COMPLF.TF. T O TLF.TS, l nrludlnit Rnlhoa 1 ... 111nl1 lknt a !-'f'""'' n""'" '"" whrn Sl'nt a nd nush \'Rl\'e $23 ~>Q 3'1-I If• 1 ••1111\ I 1:1111·!'• hmltlt 1'1.11111 I•,, 3.1 ·llp W1tll huni:. dtt!'(• rouplqd 1t11lrt.s at WANTl:D-roftrY -11 :._~, :-.;,, :\111111 :->11111 .1 A1111 111 Hr romparabk' pricl'~ -----· N <'W Vif•W H ofnf• Kohler I.:1w1torw" ~1 !101'1 1111 r-,ASJJ for 1 SED f\,\l.l•\\'1:-.. 1 .. a1111l11ll\ ln11l1 llttlr 11\''""llf .1~·,K-I .:.,.,-... ntlrr ~ultrl '11n·ous rhinn u rinel' ~175 \1 -lt11111•11l11\\ 'I·•"" I<• 1••"''""'" r ~ ,.. ll 11 rhrn Furn. P. A 1· 11 • I I '"'"" :l hr . luh•• rl11or11 flrrr1l111.,. r nch. 1ture ""\[ pp iancefll : ... "'... '"" ... ...... "" 11••)' f '1111,11111·111111 1111•1 ln•ll11• flnl•h Gal\· 1111><'. nl!'o l•lack pip<' "Wr Ru1 Almfl!lt '1'""1111 ' I'"""' n•• Th" 1~ 1 •AC"' pll•:n11I ·11,,. fin•••! wt>'w f"hr1•m 1· swln~ 11pm1t11$575 J\nythlni:" • II• 111 I•'"'<;, lttnl•ll I'"'"'' , • ., ,.,,.r nlf••rt'<I 1.;11r hr·n 111nk~ S.:17!'1 ..ip. (""', RAN'f'S Ah11"'' I•~• I" 1n00 • '" •·It••"''' l..11mrlry tr:.~s. """' iron """' • .. ·11 '" \111111,, >-: 111111 ,\11 • ~11~·1 sqq !', i,:l1•rm.l!!!.E. whtl• ~.so; I Phttn" tlt'A !'1707-M 1•1 If• HA 1.l'fl P. M ASKEY ~,;tt P•I"" anrt rillin1ts. IM~ "'"''T'flT't Hlwl , t 't11t" Ml'tMI ~f'T:,I T fll•ll" lhall•I 11,,( "·••·· Jtl l \\' c·1·11Lrul l'lt .liar. o1ff.! I"" t ~ · 42-tlr n tf• .( :oa4 Propt•rtict4 llt:A l.'l'tlllS WHY nun.n ' WHEN YOU CA N SA VE $R ,OOO On Thi~ F.~c('ptional Ray Front Home 1i1la mn&orn two JIJ~ etucco hnl11f' wn11 hollt to unuaually nne llJ'lf'd flrat lh n11 •n" 11 In nN<llft'lt f"tmdltlon lhrn111hout. H f.aturf'I a annd 1Mn1 room w'llh .tar•" f1r,.pla~. mrnn ¥kw. wifldcJW•. bamboo dlnln1 ronm, pl!rll!Ct kltchaft, • .,, x 24 l'\ll'flPU9 room wtth tun 11• pool 'table, t hedroonw; 3~ hath'I, and hu many rxtraa lnrludln1 <'arprttns, ITW'tAI vrnr tl11n hllnda. O. E. dSeh- w11~lwr. 1'11y111• rnr<:f'd air hf'•lln.t' w I I h th1•nwllll•I rontrof, •tc. ·n )l'l'f' 111 " ('llW'ff r •r port In llCMj- t frm tn th" ~ !'Ar 1•raar It allO h1t~ " I""''"' flf•ll••, h11rl""I"" and lntldN•'•l•lni: 'l11r pr111•·<"IY lttM'il " ti r and •wt111ml111( ""'" h 11nd h•• 11 r<lm · 1111mlf\· 111t•r "'"I ri .. 11t 1u1,lolnln1 1111· 1•1111•·r.ty , '1111• ~I""''"''" hnni,. f'1111ltt not lw• 1l111·ll•·11r1~1 r11r ~··vl'rfll lh1111-.,nd .i .. 11111-tn••rt ''"'" "" 11ri· 11aklnir. '111,. nWll• I 11•11lly ... 11111~ 111 af'tl It 111111 \\•• 1111• 1·1111f11l1•r1I thttl nnlhlrl( ' .... "" '"'' "'"' k..t 1'1111 11111.r•inl'h 1111' \lol111 \\'•• h11\" llw k••y. I "'"' d1•11\.1l1111l 111• .111" \\••rlrl~ '"'tl"m I 1 h:t' n11t 111111: 111 .,.,.,..1,-, ~,,""·1..,.l ... h ___ !°'_I_. ,-,-1.-1·-:ll PRt 1 1 . rr:1~nrt•nm t"'rml"T .!<nol1h1·ry, '''""''"a l 1h1 .. 1fw1· 111 tlw ('1tv1 ·10~ :l:.'nrl ~I •!' ~ .,tii;, pru~·!' •h111 ""•I 111 •11111111• 111 \\'111 "''' " Jin "·•h-c h1 •:1tl'r~. n1•w :!II i:;~I _· __ W.ill p Cash ,,,. t11l•I r1•11tl ,. I fo' I """' :-:.1\• i.1 ,.,. Fl Ill S l\i .r. '· 11.V --~ ~.....,_.~'.-111ll> .. .DA~Z St "IJMJ l.i.f Nt'wt'Mtt'.,.-f~f:1\·"'N.;r11r--rr.,'tltli~7\11llT'f'°144"'._...~J!.J..:ll..IU.....'.l:UJW!l-1L!•1h!.:J·ll!!l!.r!.:•'41_. ___ _ RPIH11lt hat \\'ll~IJl•lltl'rS :·11.1,:;iJ P'r)ll' j'nllr (11M\ltur11 nr wti11t hav• f'l f\"'I ' (.,I • '1'.'11 "',' 'o, \1•1111 S,',111 I " """:'16 ~ ·~ 1·1111u·r It 'J "' Slolr•wnolk11 o/lfll1 "Tlw l1m·1h "' • 1111111" 1111'-C 1'l•tk. l'il) 11.tll c'11\ nf ="""'lw1r.t \Phn11,. ll.1r'lu1r :.!:'l~>ll-\\' :"l•\\'port • 1nrl lh • lf•·l'l•'t 111 \\hH'h Ill' 11,.1k " llt -;H'h. (":1fiC .. r111o1 . ti n .1 1 \ ·1·1\() ,,, , r 11." •111ff··d \\"• lil• "h.11 • 9'flth-.. ·, 1.,, k !' :\T .,11 ''"' 11 l:'. 1 ~11'1 :it ~·oR.MEIJ Wlnrl'lbleldtt It. Hstd 1111: '" d" "1111 ltt· ... ,1111 ... 111"''"'" "111, h 1111,, tllJ'~· '"" 1 ... 1111hlwl~ rovel"ll m•clr 10 ordl'r . Also Plex· l" 111 • 11111 • • t l••r IH 1 "'min~ htll'IM .ft Lucite Sht't'll f..,,. 1a!._ ':-.:·1lo111h-•·•·1tlol 111 11 "'' 1111"•Pl1t''' I I ~ I <"tl••cl th:on :t <1111lt .. 1• I ti "• 11 ~ . •" • • • '",.. . :O-:u· World Produr ll ComJ>IUlY Tho•'"">''""' 1.t11--\\"i•lth (II \ Pl '.'o:t\\f••fl n1 :irh, 303Thll'd SI H Un n.. h <:;11cl, '" ''"'"'"\\flit"' l>.wk-\oll.1 \\'1\ '''''""11 .!i'<lh • . 11n e ton."'ac i:1n11ml h" 11 111• I 1111 .11 h11n1<· in :'It" 1 .ind -''•t h ~1 1 ,. I. 111 lw Phone Iluntlnirton Beach 17R :d I '11 11 1I1"11' l.ooooi< 1 I \\'1 hh him ~dr. l11r Ill'' on,..· II• "·'"' tl1•· I'·'''" \\llh phnt·m1.v ·rl <;Ur· !111-t!• I ti II)\." 111.E COXTRArTO R • 11~ ... inL· 1 h• "''"' 1 1 "lt1l•• •L1nrl11w '" htrl "tll tw n 1·1·ivrd 11n\r-.!' on h1-; 1\1 ;11l 111 I' tt t .,f a '' • n• 11 1• 1111rl1· ,.., " pr•lfMl"al fCTrm fttr ',!0th <"• nl111\ .. -.., < "!'111111~ 111r111-h• rl r\~ 1111' Coty. Enitinl'rr l'r• ltf." I •··h ltul m11.,1 ,,,. :iri-ompanu:•d Tiath R';"'m". Orain n o.nrds, rt<" \\'• ltli ti• I',, 1. frion1 hi' """"l 11~ .,. ,.1, ,.,,,111,,1 s , h• c·k . nr birl·, l!11h t: :-;,.,,·port A,., . < 11~1:i M~s• "'1'1t1-iu .. 111·d 1••l•" '" pl.1~ a .i, r < .,.,1111 1 ni.id•· p:i~:•hl<· 10 thP P honf' n r a ron R7fl(l.\o\'.~ """' ''"'r 111 "•111111: I'•"''" 1·1" ,.r °"'"!"•rt n .. ,l'h f11r an lP..tfr Hiii \\'•lilt 111•1'" h•• " 111•1 ·•• 11111111111 , •iu:il to :11 I• ·1,1 1"n 1101 ""Pllt!'lll'ltl• rt h\ "'' d• ltntlloof\ I" r ,., nt tof lh• :imn11nl lud. -.urh fh.1n).'1m: ·I 1h.q•·I' ""' d1.1111:m~ hi" 1:11.1r.onl~ It• hr forft•llrrl !.h nuld c'1'1Cf ·li11k" t hu h11iil•·r In whom 1 h,. rnn \ r:tC'I :o;tt1111ltl ll•· \1l1111t,.blf' , ... :o\\l1r1l•·ll f.111 lo 1·n ••·r into th•· "•\ trll•' '"l'h•<ll•"''' l'an :11l.1pt ,.,,111r;11•1 h1m~•·lf '" ·•II' ""'I 1tf ... 11 1111111111. · 111 "''•'11rd.111r •• with pn1\1«111n~ \\'.t•h '""! "I ,., 11.11nl~ r·1°ultln't .. r 1 'h:opt• r :l'fi, l'tatu1,.i; 11f 1931. 1'1:01m It> hf' ,. .. pl)1,111· 111·rl 1r I 1'·1 111 .. < '1t, I ··111nr 1I nf t h<' C'1tv pf "hllll' •• ,,n~ hk1 th•< llflthr r rr.I'. :->••\\IMlll H1·aC'h, IHIS :i:<l'••r tI;ll11'1l ( Ii' "1\n)W1t)'. I lm0• ii I ~h{llllrl rh• 1·· 11••r:o l pr1•\111hm.: r:itl' nf hr1\'1• h1•1 n n l,}n otorn-. Kop, h;11•k• \\'1•1!''" l1[l]'lhr;ihlr tn th1• Wurk t11 wh"n I h• ~ '" 11 1l11p "1111! p11·~" lu· rln n1· a~ f<oll11ws: I n 1:• n• r:ol 11t ,11Jr": "hlch ·w 1•hh '''"""lltrallon tl1'Jof11r1 "· ""l 'I"' 11ra 11on ll'lll:t 11) llnurly mr11ni; f,1\<>1• "'l'lll1<l1t'atwn Th1111 \\'a«" "h1r h . h1• i.:t~' I lwro• I~ nuthink ~rah• .... , l>lrm Waitr l l11•:tdlicr Pr mnr" horln~: \ .. 1111a11 or ,.,iJ,hlnlt' .. ,, m ·111 (';111'1 111• f "<(' ;mrl hi' plant r m.:inrr·r 1 ~¥1 n 2<1 snphi~tiral! II h• -.alll 'It''!' 11 J\,ph:ilt plant ; rlr)•·r· lhinc lh.11 '-n 1t 11r:il :ind 1:1·n11lnr , mA• nr flr••m:m 1775 J.1 :!It I'm fl:it t• rt ti '" 1 .. 1'otll1•!1 n "nph1<-• ""l•h.lll r" kc• r :md tiratc." 1ronn t ~~ 12 "" LEHOY SLAT ER M m '<' Anythini.: J\nyt1mt' ~P"ri111171'11 in Mn\'ml? llrn1~,·l1111rl r.o.1tls & Smnll lloaU llnrhnr :l!ll 2;,.lf< HARBOR Plumbing Service t 76R N1•Wf)<1rt IJlvd .. n 1·11ron 6111 REPAffilNG OUR iP'EClALTY Con tr11ctJnat and Suppllea 9-tfc 12 °Y'F.ARS SERVlCE rN .,mE Hl\R.AOR A.REA HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTRACTOR 274 Eut 19th Street ' Ph Be• ~13 eoaui Meae. r.a.111. 30-tfe S31 00. , you Phan~ Hf>e('Ofl """ · • 11, ,, ... , 1•1 trc (' 1 Fu , (" " pnvln~ 1~1lh clrlr~. '111 11111111111 f\nV plumhint: ilr'm rrin~h·· 1t;1tl rnw ey mtlure .o. I !'11111 t.111111. iil-.N; I 1t···"1·1 L'n •11 I ·· I ,1,\ 1 '1 1 :-:11'''' t t 1 , .. , ,. lril-•1• C ;11r r , I h1 •llil!h 1111r· lor:tl or I ,\II I ~l? NrWTJOr l Til\111 , C'A~t11 M"ll• N1·w1• 1r I ll1•111'h , f..·1111( If l.:PIP!' •iffin• <r.1-:f• 1'• ""' 1,, .. , I\• 111lll•tl 1w q•I•• 1111 l .~i. 11 11 ,,, t l'I ,,,,, ltt4 11" It '"'I I !'.l 15 Marine Ave. 1 '1'!RNtTfTRF. roR ""'·r. 11 1·" • "' "''' ""' "111 11.\ • 1 ''"" N ,.,,. M, 1dc·rn II 11u~1· nAJ.1\(),\ IS T.ANP ~ '"'""", '" • •111 ol 11.1~ .. n. '''"' l(lp1~1"''" C-nthn\ic c:.urrl1I Ft1n...;rn71i1·:-i(1 rl"'IS llll• I"'"''''··"·'"" I I\ 1•111•" If 11;-.: (AS T llA'' 1-11•1?'\T, f11tlhon ,.1,,.,,,.rl Tiw~rtay A'< Y1111 L1k• ·11 ,,.11 """ 1,1111 ,,1, .. 11,11 l'•·'""I 1'111111 .. 1111 "'"'"'I"'"' wllh ~l ip Ill\ :!:!lt: \\' ~~> tfr l<E~ r.HF'-:STl-:ll 1 ,, •• \' •,., \J olll o.; 1111 1 /\II 1 l l .. 111 I II • fu••h '"''"" f•lltr hlllh~. I 21311 M1n1•r St . 1· .. ,1 ;1 ;\!1·<11 :11 ti• . "'''" 1, 111>1111! •l111w1•1 f•M•lll Silver Platin~ cnrr..:n. nRl\SS. r.01.n Polic;l.ini: & Rrflnl~h1nit P hon•: J l,1rf.nr ,'1''1711 \\'. • I 111•1l•l··-1·ttt .11·• .I'''"' I•••• •·ti 111r n-1',ul N P:u, ," fll'l'll"'T11..,fTlr:' ... 1' • Frar E,;t un:.t•·" ;, ;,~ n ,.... ~ .. ttu ""'' • '" ~· '" •. ,.1;,. I"' l\•·Mt On r.1111r;onl•' •I \\'tot k I I •It o.. \I I I '.1.1 I' •I 111 .. 11•' ii I•' I I ' t ''''II• til """""hll' 22 ''« t11.tlu i-lu1•u••' u1 ll1ult1•f 1rt•u. 11'"''1 'lhir• '" '1111' ,,,.,. ltkY Ilaysidf' P lqting Co. • 191 t llnrl.or Blvd Co11ta 1\11 ~n. C'11\lf. nN1rtin !'1113 fi. tf{ W11tchf'9 · Oock11 • J-elry CJ ffiONOMF.TF.RS Rl'palrlni;: -Prompt 54-rvtoe 54-M I hi I.' Prl Cf'I VAN DRTMLEN J 1: W EL RY 1786 Newpr•rt 1'1)1d 1 C09ta M<'M 3-tfr IF YO\ n t-Tn:-;ITl'ltl 1~ ""' 1 ... roftlfn1t , . ..,, 'h•111lol '" """"nt.: ''' lhl' .lonr" < '11 1 ·1·h•1l•••·r• It•· ~tyllnc nnrl n 11111!111111• :di ~·irk 1tuar11ntrt•d l'h .. n•· I~• ·""'n r..;r.11 :1r, ~J1t FOR Sl\T.t-: ;,1· Trnp1• ,,1 11 .m1..,., R&r , with :l ,.,.,1~ . .,,1111 1111111 IX"nutlfully ,,,.,.., ,, ·' '"" \ok• 1ww . rompl .. rr ~n;, 1 ·a11 II 211r. W or com" hy l:l:l \'111 l/lh'lr.1 l.1tl•1 h i('. :l:!'ilt ALMOST NEW . I.! 11tKS :.I W ,. • rtnrl Y011 C AN ~AVt-: AT '1111·:~1 : T'RHr:R U~11lv 11nrl Rlsrk 1 1 W11ln11t l'•·l'r1·t11r\' il•·'k ~!lt'.110 1 Tnlll'll'. Hnt h T111t'< Lnv1<tnrll'~ 1 W 11ln11i '"'11/c•I rhn!r · • !.'\11 0<1 Plumbing Supplies p I p F. f'a!>t l n•o Sink~ 120-32 dnuhl~ :l W1<ln11 i 111 ni 111111" ~;\I• 1'' 21xJ2 lr-dlo!" IYfl". rtr 1 6-ft 11t,.1•l ~111•1•1)' •up • ,1,., k ,1o•l 1,.,,,r,. """ It•., 1 1i1~ 11q11l.cl.I•· ~/· •• \I .. 111 I ... :-•• Vi.I••• t I I!• ... II ·r, .... ., H :.! Lot "11•: ~r1J!Tll S ll •I l.11"1 '""'"" /\'' . H ,11 •• ,., I'• ''"''nl t ~·,1,..otit"• I' 11( 1'1 .. , I \''• ,, • .._ t \• '""'H ""''' '11 ,.,,..,," 1' "1" 11111111' 'I ( 'nr111·1· f (:11' L'1·c111l 1 •1l r•·ttd 1 l•1P UI '"'''''1 ·,~, ." ,. ,,.. 1: ,11, •. , ·11, ·,1 \~·r~·11 11 111111 -· 11w1111 Thi• h• Ill''''""~ !_l•·•I 1 ... v lr1111I l111lldJ111( •11;'> J kt111W 11r 1;")' l( fll'f Y'I 1\1 ' I ' l'I •, l'i\I. . l\0·1111•1l•ll 1t1 \\ 11nhH1l"lw1I .1 J1.t1t'"'nt, "''' ,,,,.,., ,,,, t 111.lftli '·1111111" P11 Hl'h ' ti ._-111r ·~·· \\110Jl1 I f'll •I• V q 1 ,.,, f'i'"'ft11t'lt ""'"' J f\qJ( '-.:ti •1'1.111 f '1 1f tH1I• 111•1 i\1 d . :lr.~1lp ~' IH l!l ~f '..!. 111 U1t,.1lrl lll'l'f'f cf1ot1l1I" ''"' IWlfl lll'tl~. 1111•1•1~ ''"''" 11r.11u111 ' r mur1t }1"°i /\v111l11t1I•' \111\ 1or • .l11m l\•lt1lh I 'lo•111• IJ:Hh•ir :111 :11 lil(1 ~<-w l :ind :~ H1 ·dr1111m ' . t I 1 •I 'S I·! :4 . 'n ·olltnri l 11·nl11~11l11 ~1 ;1 Hr/1tf1 t" $17.~UIOll t.ot lS w. BIU<:,:s IH:A 1.'I'< lft 71 1 '""~I l '•·nl1 fll ll111l1r1r WI 111\l.WIA r.1ouhll' ("hm•. Stnk~. $1" ~)fl Ill' I ho11rrl • ~l.1 lr!J. SIM•l Sml<ll S.1,!6 up t.:1 I f\I A l'I I t I I k l..,,rl'1'TI" P\i.t1.f1 Swlna Faur•·•~ lfJ\~l f'11rt<I nhd 1·1,n 1n:1 •I• I :--1:•• ~ ' . t · "1 "1~ 1'' '" 118 '' •·•·1• • ·~ \ ,,,. t11.• , ,.,,,,. ,.,, •tOt' ,., 1\"''• P t.-lfl• ~:; !15 l.,11r~1·i;t P l11mhln1: Stnrk ln ltOATR, "tlP'PLI,;;;----i; 11 ,,1,,,, I i.4fl ,,, < '1111 111 1:'3. '11,!!t.' t '.• \'f••f I 4'f1 1'r (' oa~l l.'r11pt•rtil'M Co . Ill" A I.Tl lflS V C ·, 11lrnl Av,., ll11l110ll l'lt111w lf11rhnr :·ll~M : :W-trc I· I •It -:Al 1•, f•••I 1 .. 1 ,,,, 0.·<·nn 111\d , 111111•111 f•ilr1•1I 1 .... 111w t~ cl11\'" 111111k1 I f'h ll1·111•1111'!\!2f\-J ti :{ lwdr1111m ll11mC' I', 11.,11.. • •n 1 '1·~lnN1tl11 1\11111 11 1111 Mii\ c lnly t 1 ·~11-1 11111ntl1 A I~·, S11 mm1_ir lt<'nlal:-4 C >n ·an i''r11nl I Ail ( '" 1'•·11111~11111 $-tRfltl A ~·.w ll :1 I"''" I,• ft Al'! 4 11l1·k .J. I>. Bt l ltNllAM ~l illf I IN·n11 ntvrl 1111111• 111 I ( 111 l111r :1 1 :'1 3'i-5tc ·J11<l11~lrial 'BuildinJ.{ I-'' ill 1n :NT ur f.1.:1\SP. 4.200 '"' rr 111:•1 s F 1r.11o S t . <4011ta M•·~ri 1'110011•• I 1ill~lil1· l ~1:ll 3G-:.'ilfl \\1th th.ti \\ • l•lt "~nl ltark '"" ,\<Joh:tlt <.pr.f:irltnl! m:1- "t.111rlm~ on 111, It• 1rl rlll" m11y or , l.irir ~'"' ma) not pr"'' 11111 , .. 11, '""· r:in 1'.oqw·nfl r 1 "" t:l 20 I ~11'1 1'1 ~'<I l !!75 l:l Wl Paintini:r flr:tni:•· c,,unt y Paperhang-i~·g FOR SALE 11i.r1 .. ~11111(· ,k1ff FONT AJ!.A PLUMilTN C rom1tl•·ti-"1th •1111• 111•1•1· r • • n • HI• \t •1 I• ' ' ,,,..~. ,,, lll''f "'""'" •1ttf u r1 h• •I :.• ,,..,' t,,f.,,, 1 I;• tlr•t' 11" N •I• n . •1tlf\t•I• l•h 'I'• ,~, ''"" -/',\l.J H ·r4 ,,, TWO BRAND NEW TllREE-REDROOM llOM~S- $11.800 :! /\ti nwtivf'~ firn·l y-h11il1 li~11l1'"'\ 11011 sq . ·rr . 1•11H1. v. 1lh '1.:w1•111' livini.: ,,,.,rn. dinmi.: alc'f1vc., 111f-<l k1tf·h · 1·h.Oo11r f1trn;~1·"· fin·plt11'f•, :\ ni•'f• l1C'flnJ11111s, .... 1111\\'C•r II{' ~011h1""' 111•!1 1( ~··11 ll Jll<t in-t., m• nl Fm•"h• r '..rl )OUrsl'lr r ---Flacm:.n nr•I w111 r h- Ann' :I). "h.11 \\•Ith "nnl ~ ynu m:in t 3:l 10 WI 111 d11 '" 111' • rr 'nllr irl• n« 111 r11~r llc':t\') <I 11 1 y r•·pair· you\ 1• h1ul t lw · "·roin;: 1rlN1 11tin111 llnph1st 1ra11on m.1n Lnh11rC't 1~ 1 !1 21) 10 )ol(f Ry Ilour n r \nntrnct • .. • 2"'~'1 '" \1 • ... ,,.,.,,~rt I\,.,. ll'r '"'"'"'" c ·1111 Jl;orl•1r 1:•1-·.- RC'«t mat,.nalo. rtnrl workmnnship ,-,,.t·: :,ft .. ·: " .~ ,~. ~ Cllll :\1 \ \\'Ar.<:():"'F:R • "" •·M P hrinr J'\l-nron fJ 1-1· ;'I-, t 11• 111\RHOH '£12~W 2:1 !ft SJ,rrr :\1M111 \:I; I-.,, 111111•, ~-22tr ~TRl'C'n 'Hl\I. STl-:F.l. $1 10 l1lir1n1· 11:.rl".r 1•~1-1 \1 Irr ---------------711:\ f'1 1p pv. l'qr•111:t tl•I M .1r i\ nt:l• • r1 inn• 1• I llr:•'"f' '"Tr t11l1, l;11111d1-y lr:1y 111 2-..,ir g:iragt'. L11ncl!'.('llpj11g and''"",""' walk'!.< ;1i11d 1'.lf·a li11n and f'XN'llMll val'uc. ,· "\. Tn1" "'lt I" nit11rl' 111 -·l'ntrr P"'""'T ~™'w-1 or R!h'Anl.igl' ---- Fr,,I'.' and •••·••l!i II~" thl'1r ''>'''' hut "'""r tn h• Ip tlw m "' ;;llnw The' C)'< h:ill<> 0. B. LOVFftJOY l .. W!,..J:J •.'J :' J,1 •lf tt1"1IU l1r1q t •1h , .. f ,,. II I (Pl'• f"' "'''' tt ft•, ... f o', thlt \.ltf ft Ir fl fl f Ir If 1dt11f I, I I \\' :v, If• -i'\11 t:'1/1·~ .1n•1 ~f1;tprt ,(I'\< ~~ 1, onrl '-. It• 1nr .. rt'ln1.: Strrl F()R SAi.i-: 1'1' 111· rt•1r. ,1,.,111 ta HICKS'•:'\'.' ~ .:"E\\'El.I. Of•wly Jllllnl,.,I l''""I , /,n11!11r.11 rtr.~T. \tffNCF.f.f,i\NICOll" • SF:E ·n n·~"'J-: TODA v ! 1 ,.. fif 17 & 'i I J l'oi nst>tti<' Ave.', Coronn de~ Mfif. Cn 11 f. - r1WN J-:rt-Ph nnc llnrhor 700-R dri·~<•·rl. \\'hnt oft \\II• 11 ... 111,:h•. <11 w1•ll 1·x1or• "' rl ,\ I 1~-c '' nd1•r :rr" poll"d rlt1'\ii' nncl th" r1>0d '"I f nrr1•1l on 'down 1 hi' I hrna I. l'hn n1• Santa An11 4R.19-R ~11 11 \\' '."1th S I Ph11n" t lf~I • or will lrrtd•· •111 11111• r·:or 1·:itl I 1 •I{ l'I ·,·1 I ,;11 111•1• :l/1:\-I" 1-.MI 33·51r S :1nla i\1111 3f, )tr "''"nm1i~ T\N1ron '17111 It :l.1 tf• I ~ 1) 1\.0 llnll~" "'1:\ ltfl 36-Stc ., , 1~ I' ' • J j l• -'. ·1 • .. Hatbor Feminine P~: Harbor 13 an<J. 208 . "- ... By Wlntrn.><M~atbre Page 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES MOSDAV Sf'wport ~M'h. ('allf. Marrb '?!I, 111.ul Roaio Thrillers Detrimental to Childre f] Reporls C_ongress ol Parents and Teachers LOS A:'\GEL6$ • .blarch 29 - llJPl-llol101•\y-H1r<'<' 1x·r C'1•n t of a ~J'OUfl of t•xix•rl1 on ch1ldrl'n behevt' th11\ rfldlo thnlll'r 11rl' bad ror-1br yuuni;stt'r's hC'1'11h, a Parent-TC'11('ht>rs 11~iat1oh committtt r<'~rtl'<J toda)•. E ig.nty-<ln4· JX'r.nt of thC' l'X· J>Kl.S bchl'\'P,I that radio pro· i;ram1> Nmlrihutrd-_lo bad ht·· havlor 11nd dellm1uency, the romrntlh'e said a!tc·r making ~ IUf'VC')'. . Tilt' sun'f')' m ad<' by the 10th Convru of Parl'nl11 and TeaC'h· ers wal' rl'porti"d fo the-Loi An· 1elM · County Youth comm1ttc·c .. It inciudl'd anlWl'rl from 148 ~iatrkinna. :r.2 aoc10Jog1sts. 72 neurOP11Y<'h1atri1t5 and 7:.1 IJ6Y· cholog1.11_11. ' The q4l'stions includrd: . "Do r11d1n crim<' progunu hlv.r a dNrimf'ntnl Jl!l)'cholo.:1· cal effrct on r}uldrl'n~", Vi's, 90 per Ct"nt "0o r 11dlo t hrillt't"-llhows f'nd- lng in IUSJ)('n.'(l' • hll\'(' a r rffft on the hullh of chlldrl'n ?" Yc•s, 93 J)C'r eel\ t. "Do prt'sent radio pro1?T1t1m contrlhu tC' to C'hlldrcn·s dt·lin · QUC'ncy or ant1-soclal l•<'hav1or?" Yes. 81 pc'r c\'nt: "Can 11ny · «"motional C'~C'Hfl" needM:l by chlldr('n · t>t'! saft>ly pro,•idr-d hy thrlllini: rrutw lh~'ll[f !"O. fl3 pt>t ('('DI . Nol <'vrn llw most ohjrc11nn- a blC' r11dlo show. hnWt'Vl'r. w11~ p!"0\'1-d to bC' lhl' On(' 1111'1 o nly ~-for_.h"'tUt'ft(')', 118td Mrs 0 . H. SPr&rthn.:. ~·M r,.porlt'<I Uie surVC)'. Thr p1trNllS 1.m~ to>arh1·rs fuunrt thit! mo;~I i:h1hJr<•11 ll~i.·n to 11 rad111 proi:rum bci:11w.• .sulllJ._ n l'rrfil Jd r4'1'01l}ffil'DCIS ii t II h· <>r facto rs 1nflw ·nnni.: t twor C'hu1l'C wc rr radio r:mdurn d1a l- in1?s and ari\~!1~ .. m1•n1 s in 11to1 u rd<'r. T hr y paid ll'ast 11llt'nl ion "7,f 1111 . t hr pnr<>n l/l s111cl, lo 11r11- l(rllnt$ su g1:1·s t1'fl hy itw 1r pa r- <'nls. Balboa Miss Feted At Birlltc/ay Parly C'nro l<• Ann B11ow1·r. d11 ul(h1t'r or F'l'iy<'ll(' Blc•Wl'r. mrinfl l!l'f 11f 11)1' Sllf"" ny "'"".'' In n alhnl1. l'<'l<'ltr1111•cl h••r r11nlh l11r tho111\ nnniv<>r~ary 111 h,.r hiimr•, l :"lX!:. CIC'l'Kn houl1·1 anl n:tlhnf\ at n pnrty 1?h'1•n hy h1•1 i:r~m•1th· t'r, Mrs Polly l1111w1·r of Sl\nl.1 Ana a nd ho•r 1t11nt ;\If' lr1 n•· Mr rnll. ( >r11ni:" Al~u m•,,i.·11111: ~"" !\Ir~ Mmm•• Ma~ :'-11-l'art.-r . Gnm rs wf'r•' pl11)'"'· with pr11- •'!I 'l>rini: W(ln lty J.lnrl.1 11111\\ • r , S11nla An11 . Ctcln111 lltll1111111 itntl 'IA'n rd Pll'll'hl'r, B1ttl••:t A N•lorf11I lrt ltlN·t111h and t-:as- l4•r hnskr t f11H1r" ~"' lht• 1l1·ror- 1ttl\4' thrmt\ nncl lh••r1• \\•'rt' two hJi: hirthrlliy r11 k"'· onr• "1t h yo•llli~ 11nri hl111' 11·1ni:, th" nt h• r~ WhlC'h' h:.cl l~<'n hr1k1•cl ''' Mr;. M1•rr1it. hd n i: IOpJ1"rl ""h. n row or tiny mn1t1 .. n~ rurn 1n1: 1-:,.~. t••r h1t~kl'ls l\1'f'11'mpnn~ 1ni: lh•• c•nk t'll "o·rr n111 11•1·cr l':1m rnll~ v.i rtr )'rllm'' rtnrkr rr C'Y"TT1rr~ Y1111nii £11,.<I<: )'"r" «ar<1l1•s 11i•IN'!!, J udy Wltf' llro•n1l.1 11111\\. <·r , W11rd Pli•11·h1·r . E:irl l"lh~ flohhy Mr-flfm111rl. Rid uird Mr - Dom1ld, l.inci11 W11l11C'. Cnnnie ~ct.-ncc:. llarhor Hi'.\7-n New Members Rec{!ived At COM Chu rch On Easter Sunday ~ ,,, th· tt '\I ... ,n-11 , .••.• , n;, .1. f \1 11 ~ 0t111t1t111u1~.,, •I.'' h ''" !"-i1u11I ., n• '' lfl• 11 t~ •" r• • f'f l\1 d Ii\ I 111d1 ''If t i tt1 I ti!h, fi i.ffll lll"l"lll .111of It 11,.J, I lt.,11• ntht·r 1 h111d11 . "'' l11tl• ol 11. 1••1 1 .. " 1111: :\Ir• 11>1• 11 ;\! 111• 1 "nor lhltMlll l•ftt !lll ,,,,,,,I I '111.ol I I >1tltl JI ft, ' II"" ,1111 I-I • i.:..; M" °''II•• \' I.•• ..:1., "'""<! l.,1·~ ,I l .n1or\ :"·tf .'• r11 \lt ... S.11 r.•nl ,\Ir, ll•l•t• J(.1ntl•I, \\',ul·· s,,,,.,,,, H 11111• I .11111 .111- t 11111111. 11» 11 'v I 'I • 11 II•.. .ti I "' (·,,,till I th I ;\l:11 \\ 1111.1111 ,, .\I. l\ri.t· "'' \k- Bn ol· ltr1'1111~ ~. ;\ldlr1•lr l/h- " I ;\f (' 11npl1• lo, oll ·~ :\1 \\ J~•rl II• •L:h•~ 1\b1• I."' \\' l/<1111 \I" \ tn- 'ii\'1/" 1; 1':1111 11111••11 l>ol.1nd 111\tl .r11111•" 1; \\, ti•, 11.o11or •. 1 Krnn ('armkhar l: 111111~\\nntl pla.,nHl11ht. \\hn \\Ill tak•· 1·harr•· ot 1H1hll..tl~ dh J,.lon for llollda)' filt ..... Georgia Briscoe f/edec/ to Ollice At Fullerton J.C. s""i .. y, r1<111111 111111111111. 1-l;·,·o·r· Hollywood Ploywri'ght lo·y Lund. 1-:11wl Stnnrl>11rk, IJnr.' ril'I Kin.£ 11nrl Tommy Jnrl<ll-On. T 0 Di1ect Season Elec1ion1 for A.uoclatm Wo-811 fro m RaltlOll I Beach Students ol P.,J.C. 'To Take Part in • 'Pirates ol Pemonce' -· .I .lohn Adwy uf Huntington H• " It "1111 i' ~Pr\'t'r at St .I .1 rnr ' f'.111~t·•1p1ol t·hun·h und 111• 11.t11•1 ,.( ~;mrni: ( 'lfun.·hm.-•n's l • • •I" '), !Jiii) mi: fll{I' of th1· I• r•l1iii: r .. i. .... m "l'ir1:11t•s or Ren- '·''" • 1•1p11l.1r •>l•"rl'llA which ",p 1.. 11r1" ntt·d Apnl 9 a ncl 11 ~ 11111 1 t1111 ~t·hool nudlftir-,,,m '"''"" 1 1~·111 Fulll'rton Jun. '"' ""II' 1'" iq udl'nL whu will l.111 • :o p.11 I h~ 1m(· o f the• pi- 1.111, I• J11h n M•'Klhh<·n or 8111- t .... l'l11HI !\111\it diit<hH tif lht ••1• r• 11.1 1> Earl 1'arra m ol'e. I.rt..•'' t;.. ,11 r.:n nn sail' March .'" , , 1 lw Jtmior roll<'ge book ,,,,,, :.1111 wrll l1t• pri('ed at $14!!'1 "'' , , ..,.n •·•I .;;.11.rs. 75 ~nll for , • "' 1111 111lrni~::11on. Metropolitan Opera Company to Make L. A. Appearance, First Time in 43 'leaf,j -/' Mon• than 300 artists smi;· "Carmi>n " yt open the sea~. crs. mL·m bcrs of lhe balfct and a gala fr ntl(lll. r~·nhng m Im· mu,,.lr111n~. d1rt'l't from tht• l\lt•t · porta • th•• .:lnmorou,;. !\IN ro-· ro,,ol11un Of)l'rtt Huus•· 1n N,·w ptJ nn's NC'w Yor k pr.:m1erc, will York Or<' lwadl'd for Los. An~c-ke plarc. 11·~. whl'l't' tlw l\1et ropo h 1nn Op..' The sefl'-OD indude,'I "Die cm Ai-.·oc·1111 wn"(\·iJI op.•n iti.j.oc:al Walkur«" cm Apri).'OJ 'I : "P1·t~r ,,.,.a, .. n 11( 14 open1s infifinne Gnmr:..'' Apnl I:>. "JI Tro\•atorc" aud 1\1,mum un April . • J\pril 16; "Dt'r R11"C'nkavalil'r" Broui.:ht h<•re b • rl'atl'r Loi; thf' m allnc•r of Apn l l'f and "1.4 An.:t•l<>i. f>lani<, . develuf)t.'s:" of Boht'mt·" th<' ''"·111111; or t hi' 17tn . th•· IW\\ \\' !\k moriul U Jll'nl "Aidll will hi' '"n~ S unday of· llffUS•· fo~ s Anal'lt;'S. thl' l\11'1· temoon, April 18 . "Sici;fricd," ropol!,Ytn Of)('m Assoc·uuion. Apr11 19 ; "l\lunun." April 2Q; a n~·r... in it.s rost«r, 1lw world'.:i ;.fl<'cial \\'1'(111 .. ,,.duy nvi.tinN' or 1 _)'lf'••ah•iot art1,,.ts. l l w l'lll(ll(;t•nwnt ":\huillm~~ n ut 1t•rrty." April 7 wrll mark th<' mO!ol imJA>rtant "Masked Rall." lllt' l'Wnlni;: o <'U lturnl. <'iv1c unclrr111km,,: Tor April 2 1~ th o• clo11bl1• bill "Cuval- 1..ch Angt'lt•i. a nd S outh<'m Ca h-IC'rta Rus t1cana" and "Pai;liaccl'' forn1a , In y rars. on Aprrl 22. w(lte Magic 1'1ut('" R1~c St('\'C'n~. Nadinr Conner, April 23 and lhe fina l perform- Ezio P1nz.a. Salvato re fllH'<'u loni. ancf' S111urday uftl•m oon, April Laurilz Melchior. Set Svunholm. 24 ol "La Tr11v1ata." Blanche Thebom. HelPn Traubel. This will m nrk the first time In Tll l'I .. \ \ l .t:.\0~1;·.,0111 1 .. ft to rt1eht, Kitty ('AM" o u.ntlncton l\.•:u·h: H:trb!'ra ('ox ot \flllttl.-r, Y.dllh Lo1t1t of ~114'ston. J ohn ,\1·111•\ uf Huntlnicton 8.-ach and lrt>nP \\'e lnhf'l!)fPr of Hunttnicllm Kl-K•·h who wtll play lf'adlr.c rolh In thf' fo r1 br6n1ln1e 1.r1td11C'tlon of E t L'll ' Th "l'rnll•·· o f l'1•11r.a1wf'", populsr o~rttla, to,~ pN'tl«"ntf'd by t'u lli-r· as er. t :1es eme 11111 ,lunlor t'Ollf'll'f' A11rtl 9 and 10. / • . Fn'CIC'r1ck J agel. ·Pol) na S toska. 43 y<>ars lhlll lht• 'MNropolitnn ft.l•gma Rcitnlk, Jan Peerce. B1du • Opera Association has bc<'n heard · Sayao. Jussi B joerhng.· Charles lh Lo& Angelei.. It s first a nd o nl) At Country Club Bridge Congregational W ;,;,en-Hear Fellowship Pres.-.-Kullman, S tella Roman, Oorothy appcaranc~ h(•rc "a!>.·m ~905 .. Kirsten. Leonard Warr<>n. All<>s1u Mail ordl.'rs 11r,• no w bemg hU-t-:n•••'T' """"' Ntrrtr d nut thP Com mittees Make Plan s lor Spring Bridge tl•ll'• 1n ,,, .. .,r •• 11ons for th•· de Paohs, Ororge Cc hanovsky, ed a s they url' n •ct•1ved. O rder6 111 111, • I'·' rt~ 01 !:i11nt11 An11 1· .... 1111,\ 1'11111. nncl whit<-dai11ir i< • ,, 11. •I tho l11111·lll'nn tahlrs. I 1 It' f;1 hl·' \\•·r•· 1n play 11nd 1 11~• 1•1111• W•·n t 10 Mr!I. flyl' fl ,.,,,_.,, "•r•• !>!r-!l Roh Mtll<>r ,,,,, \Ir, \\':o rro•n Paul. with \Ii -I•• 111 C"111n plK'll cha irman '"' th• m onlh Entreaty T1 •;1d l1t'11!h "Prln1:! • ...... ''"' ~ -~h•tc1 And oh, \ '1••11 ' "h ''"llllkh• r or "'·''' \\ •rl< IH·m i: tlrnw 1tiroui:h11111 !\Jr·, :\ll'arlor i-; C'n-chairma n J eromti Jlines. are Just a f<'W of should tw s1•111 lo :'\letmpolitan tit• \\1orltl h~ \11ni::1·t·i.:111wn11l w 11h :\Ir'. Arthur .K••mt>1·r. wnys lhl.' tup'rnnking'opcrat iC' stars to Oi1t'ra. 729 Auditu11u m Building, 11 .. 1' """ 11ri:am~t "111~ 111 rti1• :111ot llH"lllS J'hkir m:in, uml t h1> l>lllJ.: h<>r<' during the mummuth l..<>!' Ani:;C'lr~ 1:1. a nd ,,.hould be llC· 11 .11.11' f11•1o1s \\11~ 111ld h~ ;\Ir-;, '"'" "111 "'' rl"(IOn~ihlr' for I/Ihle two W•'t•k scnson. compamrd by dll't'k or money or- Jl , "'·" (; \\'r w hl, IH'PSHlo•nl !If 11111t d11.,r"pr111 s With Rise Stevens in thC' title dt•t•r ~'ith "''If 11ddrc·s~C'd stamp<'<! 1•, l • llt•w,h111 ul \11n1:r•·t.:·•• ••tn· 'fr· ml~ 81zC'l'1< • Opt'ra mn,1np11'<'•'. envelop!' for rl"lurn of tl~keti;. " ' :-.=1\\lnn r .. x \\Ill l:ok t•.. • ·•• \\ 11fw •n, 'l"'••kmi: ''' m .. mt1<•rs r"o;rn a1it1n$. :incl ;,, ~llllC'I.' jo; I f{-1Mt'1:-SC"'l!""1M!""'IHMt""{!={t-{M!""10M'='l!=l::Sd'!!Ie1W~!"'"l::S:t::1'!"1MH' "' t. q11ll;, Ctrrll' 11( <"11r11n;1 111·1 I c1 I ll ,, , •. ~ ···~,'·~~~l.~ .. ·~1 1~:'.ll·:.'.;~.nt l; f\.. ~~·:·::;~·:.;,:~~~:·,:::::~::·~~~~-:· .• /.~~~ 1111 CH RIST I AN 'S H UT ••11 n•1l from 1h1• nntiQnill run-c I 1 .. I tn 1 11• 11P1·01'.1ti11r.: 1·01111111111'1' D I• 111, .. n• m Cr:incl H11p1dl>, 111lfl :ir•• !\If'• 11 S ll:o111p111n, 1·ha ir· 1 ,,, 11d b \l·n th•• f11r .. 1i:n ro·l11·f n11111, :1""i~r.11 In Mt"' I·: F B OPENING APRIL I 11 • 1 111> lltHI 11i"' 11f int1•rar·1:.I l 'onp :111rl ;\Ir' l .111 it• GrllP•' · d d q d I I'. I~ Ill 'Ill" n•1111I I') ll 11·111J••h 11 r I I Remo ele Tons1° es .an Be ow 11 •oil\ 1<rn·a·•• 11 :\I ramph•·ll l'"l•l•"I II\' "' " ri·~ 111w n1 1'11;11qnan '' :'-1r-; E · · · II' u • I••• to 11 I.wk 11( C.11ntb . sh1• 'I 11 e I • -;::::--~----* \\ h• t• "111'• r'• ,,.rulp1ur1'CI fini:~·r . ;• r< 1•nrr r r ,.••man ·oni '.\fri< (1 --.: ::\) . i·:ir""'' 1ttl--ih'l<•"f1t~dt---------'""'"''1....,. .. .:..n"''o-'-ra'-"s:.:.m.;;n.:.:l.:..l _,n""1.:.;11.:.:11'-"h.:..•'r;....;o;.:.f...;1;,;;1;~1---o).-JJ....._.;iu.~·cr. I) ,\O(f f1k1I :tn I f'llllJlh Upnn the sod ~il;lf '"11 f\ \\ illtl, Wht•r1• tl'r,tdt•t \ ••• ,. ,, 11••<1 1\11ol 11111•tnf..' 4·rot·us stirs within 11 .. luft T•>I '"'" '" l1 th.1ri;:y and rtAUnt -u1~•· ul A !!I"" 111t.: 1•111 ,.k, 111r .1rnndinl'. to <; •• ,. \1111 ooh.' hr,.:11h(o wa rmly, SPf'lng's 11'\ I\ llli' ht 1•a th: 1•1 :1\ n111 111 1n111•11 ·nt with your f1r'I l'llrt'SS spr• .id ,..,, , p.o11 or c h ill and 1111hl1 ,, <11 111h •h· l1lli:1-.... or beauty'" .· ''"' ·arl' w m 1r 11i1H"rl m In 111, Frank ":(, h•r "111 nr-(1 Coml• Sc.>t: Our Xe~\' !'Lun, a nd J npan \\ho·n · th••n • ll\ r11ni:" 111ltl"" \111111• ~Ir< i,; \' [J TAHITIAN 11 •1 D• "d for d11c1urs. nursP~. f11t 1., :imi :'\Ir• l.1•r;tlt1 f111chir 11 ' •11" ill• r~ n nrt l'XJk'fl ;i~rl<-111-',',·,11'1'., .• ,h .. 111· .. l'lm ri:1· ,.f ('Hl'<I' "anri I ~ Skyroom . .. ., .. , \\•II II" 1111ni-.11·rs or ·' v ti "'lt<•I L:t<li•'" nf t ht• ~undn~ ~··hool fl llolHUt.:h "OC'lltl Sl'l'\'11'1' !'I'll· J:Ulftl, \\'llh. '.\lr'I "''I'[! :1 .. 1•h;o 11 ·lI1 -- " 1' man) "llJ1JJh1 " ·nf .,n;('di-mnn, "111 !'1•r1 ,. 11-rr•·'lhm• nts 11 , '", r1.>11 :im l rlolhmi: ar1• I>('· !\tr" J ohn Sadll·ir am! \Ir; N 0\'C'dookin~ 13a lboa '"-"111 tn f'.n1:h1nd, F ran<'" nncl l'f'rry Sdlrork nri· on 1 hi" n . l [ Bay -• · nr ~o below !• •' \l'h•·rv !h" 1nflu\'11c1• of C'l'lllhtn C'ommtlll'I' f c) !ht• 11.,. fr11 •nrll> .... n ii'•' ts ht•11ti: Aolmi'l!'1nns "''" h1• ~u1~·p·1,, rt 11 • .. I•• tth !1•l1 !\Jr, \\'1i.:h t s111ll'd hy :'\lrs ( l Z !1111tt'1'1i..11n :i nd J1 MAIN DECK and -•• 1•11j11y (;1 ion i--rn>n. q>t 1n \!IF.ER -• 1 mHI· b1• 11 ,\PPY! 111 · ·.1 111\'11 <'1111nt r1· :1111 is 1:i\'l'n Mr .... /\ A \',.whi·t"'. w t11 I·· ~lrs 1 11 '" '.ill1•i.:•'" ·a nd .Z1 tw1ul~ \\ht-re \\'f'ntlt•ll l lt1~' '" Ill ch,or~I' 11f r 'I • ,,. · I' 11ff1 •n 11 111 11lan~ \o t<'a· puhliclty. • •• " •, "' "''II :i~ 111 1111• prof,..,. ·r11 r ,,.·11 "-r I I 1 ~ . --~-. * 1· 4' 1 ,,.. 11 one "II I' m · ~'",._. ~ ~~~ ""'"'?--- l'l)nJ11nr1 inn """ 1h1• par l). w ith I P, -~-~ Someth.lng Spt'<'ial ~I r" S 1rt11 .. y lll:wkh1.,1rtl :, ... l· rl . --i:.J<=> -=--t r· April 3 men S1udC'nl1 \'1~ • prc·sidcnt Othl'MI wi·r·· Tinn llruntn£, For Holiday Stage and SCCTf'tar)' Wll~ A main fN:llUrC' ('or nnil _._I .. for , .llJnA Onrn<'•. " f •"'-AWS hi Id "" "" • ~ J.;, n11 ('armi1·h111•l n t:n'<'fl lhii< · 1• JI 0 urr ~ "llUCm y hf' at o r ""-nnnA, Ann. l .lnd11 nnd ... 'fa r- det ""'. ••JI<• 11·''""' 11h I entrl'nt .. ,, ,,, \11. ' I ;\I C1111111hl'll. \ iC'<'· th "'·II J I II •rr.. ... " wrck to hC'ad lhr 11cf\1 111,111._ f' r u C'rton un or ('(l <'£<' llyn rnowr r . .S11ntn Ana Mrs Tlt:il at.Ulltor ium 111111 F:ridlly. 111111 p11hlin1~ ''" 1•11nn .. r 111111 th•,. '"' •ni:. r• ''ii t • 1 11 .. 11 prove> a perfect lilJl)l:. I''". ti• 111 ;wl1 ti ,,, d1.11rn~111 m '!1i ,,, .... nc··· 11( th,• prc•,1fl••nt. ·1,, .1 .. 11n ~wll• ir Maraarrt Fcddrrsohn" of Pu-Fr11nk Qui1uil<' nf Snnta Ana , d u> !'111t.:f' fnr II~ HI "''''"' • m111rrn 11l i:rnnrlmntll('r or 1111' f r I I' L' I cntc v.•on th(' rl~ti n for vie<'· ~11111111,.r "1•11s1011 " JI"" ''"""n" ,.,,,. "''"'''' 1<'nry. "" .l11hn ;\1:,. .. tl11r i.;:"" :i n •· 1 "'' • 11 1111· 11nn11.ol 'f'flni.; llr11li.;•• 1 11 I\ iu tk ltdtl .11 l11ti:rim ll:tll • 11 ·1:11• ~<\") /\ph i '..'7 and an· I 111.111·1 11 c'llntllll llf'rS. honori'<'. was. Jlfl'st•nt · to cnJ'ov 1 l t 'I' 1 l I I 1 prrsldl-nt and G . l(i11 Brill<XX' ~ ~ 111-:•• I' 11»~ 11 11" 11 n 11 ' Ap J.111,1t·r l•"·nt \\Tilt"n by Role of Balhoa bl11nd v.·on the <'lee-lhr ff'1!tlvltlf'I Jun•'. h.-will rnnw hi~ ~1aff 11f l>\11111 rl11 111' 111 Hnlh••lt nnd puh. tlon for accN'tt.ry. R!<SiSl llnl~ lo ( )f11111;4' 4"111111 I lt•ht fl Ill ,1 ltrol('hlfrt• or Vfl'SC' Miu F~nohn wu noml-F.A.C. Club Members fr••m llnll>"'·oocl "h"r" hi' has l.111 .. H.ll••'•"n"" nated to fUI tM poeltlon left va· H B d S a C'h i<'''<'rl r<>roi:n11111n in m:m\ cant whl"n Bl"tl )' ~am left OYe ri ge e~sion hrnnc-hr<: of t hr a mUl'<'m4•nt pro- ....._, nd ........ ~, u,.... .. ftt1lon. _.....,. to atte ••.:uuu• at ~. $even tablct Wf'f C' ......,...,nl<>d r.--11 n ............... · 1 ..... ~~ .. ,. 1 lolrtl'r •>f two 11r11rtu11tc cl1'-..__.,,a .....,.,....., wu l" eei.,... wHcrt Mrs. Boyd Rob4-rt11 nnd' to fijl the poelUon of IC!d-eur y ~h''"I maslf'r of nr111 11ncl doc· Jeff vacant by C'lll'N'll Bf'IUIOfl ~Ml. J . P. ("uufll"r wrr" h9~· tor nf pt\ilo~ophy -C'11r111!d 1.11•l of On-ngf' when •he transrerrl'd • ~r~t>s 111 .F~l~11.>· Af~cr"o,°~ cl~h•, l't1111ird tlW:ot.·r n l lln· 1111" • r••· to n-.i..a-t I J!<' flllr > O<'C'<rntirn. "<'fl' 114'!1 11( \\'l«r11n~1r1. lima .11111 \l1n· '""-"'....,.'! a · In t h<> f:ao;l"r m n11r • O tMr than CN>rizia Bris('()(' m-<0111 1.n tr r ho· 1111111 d 11,, •l:off n..::;.-=; a ,......., u·-::--Y-Mr• C'hllrl~~ Mn \lary W(~I\ Hw or 1'1frclu1• Uni\ ,.f,11 \ "' 1hr1 ('ft•r .-qr;57 11ms 01 r u l'r lon 11nu trn,·C'lm i: pri11· ( 11 lwr ,\·111nrr" • · Nadine Klrfoot 40( I.At. ll11bro Wl'r l' M !I .. . or lho·. I lllllflll' .. mot I 111\•'"" H eight.a W('f"(' nomi~('d fur A rr · G nlr ·,first. l\1 r!' lh1·1d 1·r• H•·m 111runi: \\lfh tho < .. aecretary -n:_inn Bl nl'. l'l'N•nc , nnd l\lrs. or1:anl/;111uns °'"r " "1'"'11 ''' 1•• · 1111 r ~lqn. low. y1•11r~. (.'11rm1r h111'I pro<l1 11•1 ti 111.r Picture Framing ..._,. 11emc.· a. I:. Alll"DE.q()N 407 Cout H iway C-.. 6lil M ....... Beec!Oll 55%8 EWJllJnp • nNE FABJUC'S • Dnlperles • Uphols tery • Carpeting • Httnd prints & dress fRbrics. Llnlngs- Quiltlng, etc. PHONE HARBOR 2094-J-K -~ Coast Highway Corona del Mar Casino Cafe and Cocktail. Lounge * ~erving Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS * 202 Main St. ··aaiboa1 Calif. Appeal in Frozen Fooc/s \\lhl'n fr1V1•n r1.nrt11 romr lo t ht' Int.Ir ri r11•r thry h1(vc hcf-n th!l'WM nrnf c-nnkm ,....,. "t"hould hll"'' thr clNlr hrli:fil rotor , firm trxlurr. nppt•ll11111: n<lor, r1111-, flnvor. nncl hii:h nulrltln • v11l11r C1( 1111• lw•~I C)Uall t~ fro·~h ('Onkrcl r CIOO. Mr< :'-ln r i11n Pr1·n t1""· l!t>mr O.•mon~l rnl inn Ai:••nt. :"II\~ wn1 cnn ~rn·!' fr01rn fn(ltt-"~1th · :ill 1111!1 a prw'al If l ho•y nr.• hanrllrd r h:h t I l1·r1• :irl' I hr •11cc"~1 inn~ ~hr Ci\'('(< rnr 1111' lw!lt q11nlity or frntr n r Cl()(): Fro'l'!I(' hli:h q u111il\' roo<l Y1111 <'lmnot !IC'rvr i!fl'"' frMl'n ffll'lfl!< If you do not lilt(' ROCld foods lo hrl:in with whr n frl'c7lnc T rtl<" cnrr, In f1rr r 11r1'. f"lrk- 8f,?C'. nnd s to rr lhC' fClnd llC'<'Ord- mg to lhC' bNt r<'<'nmml'ndt•d m('thods Thr rr Is n limit nn timl' dif- r1•rl'nl '"°"~ should hr "for('d, nncl II is nl'<'t\'l~11ry you ~1,.~111o-1 knnw !hf" 11mr th11t 1~ MllS· for tiiry for ('lll"h r r('(!11ct And then. or f'OUr•f'. you must u~" lha"inc And <' n n k i n i: m"thl'<l" that w ill rt't om thC' QUA!l)y. Mrs Prrnrlss 11ays shC' can su~ ply C'ircul11rs or lhl' l'nivt·l~ll\ of C"11Pforniu · ~A1:rin1ltur11l F:~­ tr Mion S1•n ·kr whkh cl\'I' d i· rr C'li\in" for prqmr mi: foods for frr('11nc ~1or.1i.:1' Tho•\' ar.-frt•I' tn honwnrnl<1'r.c, rNl1H·~lln1t thcm 11t t h<> l-:Jltc'n~mn nffu•1•, I IC4 \\'.__ lllh ~t rrl't, .S1mtn Ann. or call ~nln An/\ ;lil(ICI, ""''''Q~l11n ~II ~ nr \\'i~·· Ad\'l'rl i~t' dlr('('l('d fl() rl11yl' in1•h1rl!n1; Tlrn111lw11,\' )111.;, n111,1r11I , ""'"· d1r11 and 11rii:i111tl lu11·1•·ni-11t ~C'r1p1 .. \\'1th \\t llini: rt< :1 hnl1f.\ <'.1t m1d 1111•I hn< ''""'l"'"'d 111 llL' ti.~k• a nrl ~C'11r"' 1•! Ill IL' 11111 .. a r I tc'IP" II i" !'ho.fl pl:"' I"'" ll<hetl 1111tl pr11rl11<U 11:1111111,tlh· h,v ,'\t'fUI • pr11ft'''"''*·d '"'{~··'~I hll\'1• 11r h11•\ nil lllll"h ( 1111•' "Cuff." "S1 h,.1 " ",\1111 S " ( >ni· n111~u·a l p l:". ":-:1mpl1•111n S11111111 " <:t.11111, 1 .. <111 11" .1 1••1• ul11r l l1t•111r wal f.l\hfll<' 'f'\,.. ~ ( ·.11 11111 h II I ' U1\l(t ~d111l11rl~ "••ii,, '"" h 1 q .r." "' ~,.,,,rul ~··.\r .... uf • 'h 1u''"' •• l'l'olrl'll 'l lillf l 'o•!lllll\ 11( :-;, .. -II ii' 1·:\11h11"'"" :111tl "Th·· 11 .. ~, nr•prt "lll.lfl\" :-:111111 f'l.I\• II\ Am1•rw11 from l!lt "' '" 1:1111 PJ'IC:f'f lllll<'ll' lh· •• , ..... 1.,. llll•'I. •"I •l'hnl,or'< 111th••rtit111 •1111111 ~ "I !ho· l h1·.111r ])urln.: thr w:ir < 'ar 11111·h" I i'f'r\•'<l in lhr 1'<11\·~ 1\llh 111• 111· q11nr11•r" 111 \\'n."bini:lnn P l • :1 ni1 !loll~ w11;1d wlwr" !11• pr,._ p11r1•d t•np~ ,.,,. 11w•·n1 11 ,. '"''" l•1r~. :"',.,' httt·kuu.:... 11f ~1'\\ ...:. lll·IJ"' a mt' nal11>nal ,1i1l>lw;111 .. 11< Cllld \\11rk4'cl M l1•C'!•n11V1I 111h 1"- nr o n mnny film ""r""'• ""I" r- ' "'n.c· the· priwl11o·ti1m~ frum llwor '111111111• «lrtt.:•" r hr•'llt.:h pt, •. tl11\'l•1•11 In lho fu >.tl , 11111,h• ol ~•T• 1·11pl.1~ ' Th.. lat l!•r t11•1•111111• rl111•111111·nt :1r~ t't't'1•nl~ 11( !lit' :'\." ~ 111111 .. r \\'oriel \\',11· II t 111r11u~ 1111 p:i~t 1w1> ~·"•:·s 1 ·.or111 .. ·l1ad h '" "r11 11•11 ~1T1p·~ 111111 f1l111 ln.'.11mrn1 f1•1 1111h1•· 111.il p11lil11• r1•t:it1nn<1. pr<'lfinr. 41 ;1ml r"I.· ,,q, ,, hy r 1 .. 1r1)1,il 1'11•- tllll'I 11111~. ;lk Co!lum 1'11•11111•,; l'orp(lTilll"ll 1111cl '"' r r .. t1',f.lllt Fi1111 \ '1•1111111q~"'n l l1•l11tn~ ~t :ii.:.-'" f1>r t 11n.1t•• FAMOUS '" c;:,•eur 1tH! t I'•' .,,.,,,., ,,.,•"\ pf t0:t11'1t :i 1 •• 1i1o-r ·'' J<>, 1111 c .11111if'h.11 1 1 m;on o>f \\ ulo• •'II'< rh IH'I'. 1•( I"·· '11111:0"11· t:• 111nltty and I" rt'l•p 1111• lll•ll:hl FOR . ' F·O.OD NO\\' OPEN 6:~ TO R r . M. CLOSt:D }IOSOA \" I .. 1 Bridge Club Meets With ~rs. Wolter Blair ~II • \\ali•r Hlo r 1n1.111111.,J ht f' t111d .. t1• t h:lt 1 t (I 1\1 I\ If t J IH'\tllt i :-; \'' :"11' I 1tl1\ '"' ""'""! 111' J '""'• t '"' '•t I!' h.ttt t P tl d1 f'PI ti h"l' I ,, , ' .l 11 k I ... \\ )\ I • 11 I\ I . 1111.: Pl Ill. ;\Ir' l l I\ !~ ..... fth•l\ litl ~t Plt I qt\..-l '1HlH•I \\1rll !IOI Ottu Front St>wport 84-M'h I "' \)1, ,1 ,.,, :lltl'll111 ••I S 111·.1 !il!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!il!!!!!!!55555!!!55:=:=5=========~ 'Ann, 11 i.:111 •I I Five Sad Faces Free Father -.... ' ( .frm~ T rlrphnto} Mr~ MnrJ(\n _t,11krm:\n. 71. dn.<hel acl"Oll a New Yorlt courtroom · t.ov.anl ho•r 1111' r llllclrrn tlll4•r ~he htard a sympBlhl'tlc jurtgr ~US· Pf'l\cl her hu,1.J.1111: !' t111r -yur ,rntence ID a camp rm11cl ('II~ The ch lldn•11 ~ f 1thl'r. ni. JUI.I'd Lulteman. convicted of sv.111dll11~ S17.000 by r1t1nlh11i: yt•mu·st•·rs tn 11 summer camp which nr \rr op1•t1t•d. v.'t\.I frC'<'d whrn his five S11rld1•11rt1 ,oungs!A!rl filed In to bid I.hell r·~~ ,oodl>J8. ' "THE YOl ' l\(; I DE:\" IBy Mossier .. ,.,,. J11•1 ·'""'II •l111hl11c 11" 111, lttr'f', ~lcln~~. 11111\'I fhlnl. I .~""" \'lust '"" '""""' "hl'l1 \';•i1.. tc>lcl ~ I lt-..1\.1-d rtl\ l•hlni:. 1'11.011111.111 Annlh1•r fr;ot 11r<• will : ho·. II pf! \\rnpp1nc 1>111\lh Ill l! BIG 0 LU Al J ancJ POLYNESIAN BAND <'J111TC•' of Mrq \\'illrnrn 1..:1•n11~·r I: R • . rt H1•'licl1·s " numlwr 11( llllr:it·t i\1•11. £:me!110er April r. Come, Kelax d11or pr111'"· fh('fl' w ill .... 1r11l1-I and "Take It Easy" '1clu:il t nhlr pr 11•''· \.114•,ts "h!I l.111 not w1~h tn play hrldr.:1• m 11>' • FLETCHER CITnTSTIAN pt.,_, ""> r,:;,111,. d<>~m·d ~ur=a:::imJ:b::i~i;:;~-~·~JOJ~u~u~~~~~=~~~~~~~ " Did YOU ever stop to think that YOU learn. YOU travel YO U share experiences at home, through your nation and abroad -. .. in the daily newspaper you read? \X1hat a univs rsal scope of know led ge and en tertain- men t is YOU RS for the price of a 1i ick.el. • .- And the DAILY NEWS-TI MES is proud . too. that it is helping to cherish and maintain one of our priceless bul- warKs to democracy ... FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION! ' YOU R !'Jews-Times serves in ·a very p ra ~t i cal way every day. too. Its advertising columns simultan co~1 sly c;ater to YO UR needs a11d YOUR budgets1 keeping YDU in fo r;11d up-·to-the'-minute on values and opportunities in YOUR home tow n. \X 'e are a public serva1·1t a'rd proud to be one . \X.'e want to serve in eve ry way. Call on us at any time! Every Evening, Monday Through Friday, 't's " THE NE .ws~·TIMES TELEPHONES: HARBOR 1'2, 13 and 208 ~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~--- , • MOSUA\'. P:\<lt: 'l * YOUR STATE INCOME TAX 1 'l;J1is I!! 8 ~l'N'lld or 11 !lt'ril'5 0£ l'!'l'l'l\'l'O All 11 n \1'11111','r t 1'CI l\'C' 111•tlrl~ pr.-p11rC'd undl'r the d1rrc· or rl'Ur.cll nf ttw a.rnwd forC't't· lh•n of· Chas .I :'>k C<>h:rrn, F~n· Ar•· '""'ahhl llk1·~•·1,.r. nl't"r.)' 1'111111• Tax Comn11~swn1·r. rd1\ll\r puhk<' r1-.--: uml jur) frM. t'<llh '" !hi' httl111il)' l'f tnX~\llwrs und1•r }-',•c1"11'I end Stal <': 1 h ,. (.'1tllf11r11111 Pt<r~o'hiil l o<'1•llh' l\111rr111i:"' ''""" h11jthint1\I of· T11" I.:\\\' l I r~·rh•i.t,. 1111,t 111tu•r ""ntrlhulltins Tai. lutl11lll\ 11orh•r !lw CalH11r-1 1·•"'''"'''1 hy ,:1,:1·1-:y1111·11 11•1111 <•tnrr lllh J,1w I' lo:t~·.-.1 lll'•'ll 11 '"'l'••)l'l''i< I• 11.:11'11" \\1tlh• I"'. 111•1 , I .t)l.l(!>lt• llh'\lllh'. \\ h1d1 IS 1'11\ITil'rl t' for , ... n ll'•'" ff• r <l1:f1rwd If~ "l!l'tt<' 11w1111w" lo·-:,. 1 ('t'I\ ,.;I 111 11 """' •'r pnrt In tht' . dlt1w11ltl\• 1k1h1t•t l .. 11~. 1••rson11I !111·11\ "' It' 111i.: 1t1w1rf•'I '-t)r l'l'llrd t':1..-111p11on'. 1111tl 1'1'•><111 f11r ''"1•'11· 111111 , ,,.~lh' ,.,,,.01 ''' tlw 11• 111 .. Tlw •. 1111.-1 .. 1• •~in.-.·riwd \ :c I 111• ,,( lho• ;11•.:11111°,.l•tlh'llS I\ II h l!rw:, 1111·1111w·• :tntl ",cdJtl<tt'fl ( 111 11i..l1t•d I •1 0~:-: UU'•'tl'•' .. t'\ "' lllh,d IU •h, , .•. l\ .. h•fl"' p,nd h• n 'tlrPd f'O\• loll\ 11l11\1'1'C oil <I ,.1,1\1• llf l'<•llllt'lll I :n1s,. 111r 11111t• 1111'!11111-~. 111 I!• 11-1 .. 11t11l11 1•11111 1h.-r•"''· .1r11I ~uni~ .. ra\, C'OlllJl<'ll',1111111 tm I" r>'t•1i.tl 1:11 I\ I'<,. ... .,,,, 111 11•t1r1•n11·11i uut ptPlt,,1un.•I '' ''"' ""'· I HJ~tr1••.:.._ ptt\11h'l\f, "'·"''' h' ·• f•'ttu1•r 1•11\-~ 1111'lllllt', l'l'Ulll• trum ~Ith~ uf anll plo•\l't' I•) ,1 111·11,tlt o•)llllh•)l'r .... ti, .t1 111i.:-: 111 prnp.-rl\, 1111·1w1111~ tl11 1•\I• nt tlr" I'•"""'"' •1> 11111!1 i.: tlll 11-.•111 ""' 11f l.l\llll~IT0 .. ;•l\ll 111·1· 111\111\1.• 1111111·1' ,,,.. Ill\\ 1 .. ·1·~1111,d 11•'1tl1•1w .. • '"'~ t 1, 1111 .. :do Jo r1·p111'1111i.: 11 ni.:•"'-.... 1111·11·s. •'I' "' 1 11\p:t~'l·r" .. r .. ,uto·m ,. ,, 111r 11, .. "1h1· 1 •'••lll f" n .... 111101 .-i111•'·'~1·•'S rl111 11 h lo 1. 111 t • rn.i. r1 11 t. 1111 11 ll'111ls """ 1 111.-1111 I• I"" • 11111 1· 11111tn111I tlJlt1 t:it1n'-. profit..: uri•l 11w11111.· it-·· •th1 ·n °"•f, '' 11 thttlh'h' .;.urru• l'inrtl•10 r a\t•tl (r\,Ol .u1~ '-tHfft'li \\tJ,lf, \'t•r , of .... u, h t~ill11J'• 11,.,fll'rt I' de:,h•r h'\1 111111•,.,. ,., .. mpl!•d 11 11111 Ill\ 11~ 111\\' 111 1h1• 1 •111plt•~.-1· 1 11 fJ•I th•• p11r· 1111"111111• '''"'" ro·1·1•1\1•tl I'< 111\.thlo· 1•111.-,,f ''"'"11111,• o1 1111111 fill' l>llY· \\ho 1 h• 1 1>.1111 111 t'.o:•h 11r Jll'l>IH'rl). 1111·111 1•1 I• Ill• 1111 nt p"1i..hm ... .nr Jm-.11111· in tlw f11rm ,111 p1 111• rt_\ • .'• ,,., , t"• ('J\l/h'llt o•I F1'ft.,r11I I '' .1.";1ltlt f(I II)" 1·\lt'lll 11( tho• 111111111» lo1\•'" f111r 111:11 k"I \ :tl111· 1111 I h" "''"t" I ;1!1 •SS I '1 'I t\t I' Fiii '~ Ill 'SJ.· I•,.,.~" ii. ;-\I SS I n I h· •'-t't' "' ·1 111an11fnt•t · ·r u" '''fl .111.t .... uh-...1 .... f• JH'• ·din\\ '1' ttlL! 1th •1 •·h.uula....t1h' ~w tU\fHn..: * CAN W! OUTSPEND N~W YORK • u h'•' r• ,.,,.,, 11 It\ \•I• 1 JU ... lt•Utl h11,1tu ....... Cf••"'"' 11h·1•1l\• "'••:en.a. th•· tho· Ft><li r.ol c;.,,,., 11111<·11 1111•1• r 1111 1111.il ... ,11 .. I· .. , 1h.-""'' 111 i.:111>d.• :::U.·n 11,;1•1J1i:11"• Jt.-adj11,.11111·n l Al't 11( '"Ill. 11111,. :111~ 111.-.•1111• Crum 111· lllll a rr• 1111t m.-l11d1ltl1• 111 l!I"'" \•· .. 11111•11t i> 111 (1 .. 111 111.-i1h-nt11I nt 1nr1u1nt• ' 1111t ... 1d1~ t"\p111n1 llvn' 11r ,,uu·c···~ In l'la1· f·•ll•"'"'I! p;1r11n1l.1r p:t~· ct..1 .. 111110111.: lho• ~ ....... llh'tlllll'. sulJ- llH'nl .. r<'<'• 1,1,1 for '" r .. 1111,al .111d 11.u 11110• ,h,111lol 11111 Ii.• ou11h-fnr 1u oft ....... 100.tl ~· rv1c1·.!i' .u ,. ''~(•'• I d· Jtr•·cr.tl 1on d· pt. 11t1n. , .. u-01~ '"''· ht '·'"-: pt'"'''"" nr tn'''''· .-r lttr 1111nl1j\ not All ~alarlt'-t ff'l'1'1\'1•tl inl'lurl-"""'"·" "~ ""'ti 111 1·11m p l,,1111-: ltw In ).'. 1l1n·etnr .. • r.~.... 1•\1•1·111 .. ri;' ,,,~, "' i:••t(I~ ~pl1I 11nd tru~t•1•·,· (r1·s. cutnru1~'1ons. ,\1IJ1 ht••tt ~• "'' 1n• Ptlh~ .. nu·nn1 hHnll~t'S, tip•. :onol prul 1t· .. ho111111: ,.,.,.,, lnt••lll• J,.,, th1· follt~"ins: Thl' laa•:.:t population l':"timat<•:-: 1111"•--k)-<111 1·m111"~"r t11 """\'"'•I·· tit ii••·""'" l > ('t , )('() 1-f'-L:.L · 11 ·J t » l)('O •·mplo y.<'f'; I F"'" llM'' .11t1 1t•11t.1ltl.-11• n :)1 ).t:),I ' -.mT1 ·, iJ1nltt'ttHl . ,:.,."'i:.,1 ' • AJI n· 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1r " ,.: :ori;·~ r1·rl'\\•·C 1y .-•'t -'"·" ,. 111· •11~111"""' • 'l"'llM' 1 of Ncttionri-1 wt-n~ ~~1~ in • .::~~~M-l~~W6~"'&.-.i~+. .... ~t-. ...... .+-~~~-.,,,.m.. . ..-.,,..rrr1hnr_.--hrr:~11 t.~h.:1111.: Ill t'otllrlt'l'titul millien to-:'li1ew.-York and Slli.500 million to C<.il ifur-.-mplnyr1"" '''<'"I'' <'wl111t·o~:o t inr1 '"'h t·m111 .. ~111· 111 .1r 111a1 «X· nia. Property a::::::e:-;...;ment=" in 1 ~t.tn \n'l·e: New York. ---------· $25,6~7 ,:~3-1: Ca lifornia. $~.G02.:! l !l. (New York does not as~ss p~r~onal pru1wrt.\'.) Jn Hl-16. inC'ome paymC'nt:-: tu indi\'i<luals were: New• Ycirk, $~2. !15 million: ralifornia, S1-1.l"7~ mil- tion. E-.;p ernlitun.•s of 8tate ~<>vernmcnts in millions were: Ite m CenM""AI {'ontrol Public Safety H igh\rn~·~ New York ll! •)·1 •) ., -:).#) California Natural P.e:-:ourre:' Ho:-:llital:-: an d Health Puh ic W elfare Correction~ Education Jntere:'t l\th:cellaneous Hl.H :38.~I fi.:l . ~7.1 :rn.7 10.7 IHU~- 16.3 135.8 s 1 :;,5 2:!.H 44.0 11.5 17.:» 51.7 5.:l 118.5 4.5 14.9 . Tota l M:H.H $'.lllfi.1 Ta-.;pa\·<•r:-: ma\· \H'll "vi<.•\\' with alarm" tlw fad that ('alif1;rni;1':-(~q~ huclg-H l':\t<'<1d:-: that of ~('\\' Yo1·k 11\· m11n• th:tn ~1 no million. Tlw fact th:1l a C'Clll- :-idi·r:fl;ll· p11rt i11n of tlw hudg-t•l i:-in lht· form of t:1pi -. tal P\Jll'tlf lit11n•:-,.,ffnrd:-n_11 comfort f11r th_1• n •a :-:!111 that :-11l'h t'\ p a11:-i11n ent:11 l ... a l·11rn· ... p<1JH I 1111.!1~-111- tn':t:<l'd a nnual h11tlg-d for thv maint1·na1w1· :tnd 11p1•1'- :tlion 11f ~1wh imp1·11\'l•nw11 t:- ·----------------,, ••11p . nH1•H' \\tll 1u•1 n1 '"-•· th• u The Editorial Circuit Rider •I• ;·1 ... 111tt' f••t ..... \• t .t Uh•u"h"' ,,,,.1 11 1-1••"1l1t .. •h;il 1h" ;\l.11 ,\11h11r 111111~ \\Jll 1111·1 ·as• tlw 1••• -11.1111\ I o•f 01 tl1 ttll"l'I\ Ill llt" 1{1 p11ltl1t tll 1 A ~~;:;;;11·,~'!;7,0~1,'"~~!';!~ar;~":m,.nt • Pll\ 1 "I lilll 111.t I hi• f'"' ... "'th1t 1 I~ • I -•-tin· n11nurt.tt tPtl 111 .t t'-"1d1tl~•1 • "h· • rnu!T .~-...!' i-!'r'r'r=....,..,• h .1 .. O••t Jtlll•lwf\ ''I"'""' ol 111, • ... '""11" e110 .. i1h ·ra1100 11f ~ .. ,'"•ti: The \\:oy h:i1« n11· h\'1111! ft)!'""''l ''w ('Oll\l'Ol111n·~ a p11t 11Ltl lnt11.1 hP pro ,.1dt n11.ll r1n1-: II l11oks 0 hko th"'" 1111• nrimi.: tho· m1rl ~11rn- m••r ln h• 11t•1 .. h• "' h-.n1tu·:•r'-;n \ '11q•1··~1 iu1'1;~ 111-·"lfSl t (,,,'' l'l11l:11J.lpl11:i ma~-fmr1 11 1ltff1r11lt ''1 11<• r1rk11n•il "1•h .. 1 '1 to <:(')111·t !t • ll•Pr"' I . f11r th.-M•'ll••I :'\Hp~ n.. '".1 ... 11 r \\~II h h· h• \ f ... fi.•ltfl••rtl l•ttrt1.-~. IH'C''<trdin~ t o \Ali· "lhP inrht,11111 ,.f -' •. , ' f11rn111 ,,.1h111r' Ar1~niJ';., oi1i'i~ ,,. .... -1 .c ._,..~ ·- I '.rl ·•t" tl tt .. ~ f A• t l~1· ''"'"' 111 :tl:.tt" If• a r:.. ·~ • ~ \'OUR OlAL Ill.AO • -m M. ..... -. --'"" llUU'C • • lH M. k•.t:• --.,.. '"" klU • • --..... IU•'a •• • ~--.... kl\ll. • • • • U lt M. UAO • •• -Ila ... 1111:0.UAJ JOOIJT • r. II. K LAO-•"l•d Henry KVJ-Wornau 8-.-et 1011-C-T o .. 6 1•00~ Jll.\.:"A-tlaP\it 'lthafN KUJ-Fultua L.wle Jr. IU'W0-81,. llou1\ll• k :'C'X'..;;iUnt ,tuta llCFAC-8•'• MHl•' •:15 llLAC-•'1' \ .11ura t.t-1 h.t-\\,._,,.,. I\. t.• o\ -i. ') • t"lratu KUJ-~r•e h.~,-1, I t. "m 6.:.11• ,,, 1··-1 I 1 D Kl I A., I it )\j \ I \ (,•It n1 ~HJ-&••· • latede h,,_, .. h t 4\..-\\t a u,, l Chit> .. u Kl A\..-~ah1 tt,;a~ltr K )11 'l.--J • " t Uf'IM KJI J-:i..1 ~1 h.~X-l.~.Hll n AliiD1r t l'.M, Kt H" Klfl't,,,,.-'••• ht 1-• "•fur• \\h e 1'.t...:~A-lt.. ,.-\\ lt-:--••I IUJJ-Ha.uo<lr .&Aa K~X-t<-11•t KrAC-lflJ•lr. tu U:OO .. ,~ ~~~·~:I , ·~~r::, K l 1-'" • h.1-:f· A ,t..,.I )( ., J __ ,;u,... "'&ft K~\(lf-T•ll• TMI K:<x-T .. .,. ll•nlO• ..,. Tn rn'JON J "''''' l h flft ~ ·····'·"" " ----... \II ..... MONDAY -SOln1I KV&-nr .. Loo• ttw.r KMl'C-llap MHdOWI Kl.CA-Chlld'o Wor .. K llJ-Capl. lilldalle lt.YWO-Amer o.-11..'IX--Oolllnp ..... . ... IDU-Tl>e -&UJ-<larn tl • Ho---, r .11. D.AO-N•• .. M-, -l(t'l-AD)ef, Wo.1 ~Ml>O-F&YOrt&• JU:C•-l.oci-R.o-kl U --Oabh.i HM llW IUl:X-ltr.dl• Th••llw ,,. KU.~l>oD VIII ltJ'l-IJr. I Q. k._Ml'C Am•r Mu•• l<t t.'A-••n t11a,. ~~!\',1,c_c:a~u~ .. '11:'11~ • r.11. Kt.AC h..\lf•l !\.t •t k t 1-C..•hl•nl•d •lvut h f.t A -1-.•UH '°'MbUme h Ht-l h •f_.,,. l taYe.ltf !\I \\h-J,111m1 A ll• .. h.' \ r 1 u till 1 r n1• Al 1• _, ., ~11 111 10 00 ···~ .K l \.;.......F"·' •tao•' k\11•"-lllh '"'\\It-\,;',. .,. h.l,At -1:,,,, 1 J J'rt-\lt W ... I I t •• .-1 \\•tine .hl.• A -t~ l'JAhfl }!.hJ-f .hto "'~ 1.t\\lt~\h1•1• h ,· •1t1 •;•Id . , ... t-.f. \; K ltJ Kl'\\ JI ~••I ICl"'I-"'1m!r I C'IUn k \:1•r It "'""("., 4 rt11rt.nn1 hi .• A -1hl' 11 AdY )( IOJ-1_,.! '~"" f'u 11 K ... :\-r •• 11 n , u•• t :ll >Cl.AC-It,,., ''••• .. I IH"l-\\'orld f'lo•o X'11'C .. n n •nte 6 Rtat\A8 Kl"\\ 1t-\lu 11tlr k S X-Jar11 "'mllla ,,,. t'I J I \ I ,,; f1 {U ~ .... hi \\ It ' '' 14 I •I I ~1ucb j(! .. 'C-\\tr'1) \\arrui h I A\. ll•i•101 r ara. .. Ln-Cewa_Jca .. J(MJ'O-tJa1,..1 1,1.,anet k ll:<:A-lAa.d A ll....a 11..lu-U.ullo Chu arw1.1-un117 Wo,. JUIX-Talecu -... IUll'O-Avou IM-l'll ~.OA-U.-ler ao l.&1'91 ..,.\\1U.-!o-..uh• WI ...... " r.a. au...+. o--.H •• .. U1 •• atn-Twl•~tw-Hov.r kM 1-C-lln•c• Club .t..li.CA-To4 U.all•T IC.UJ-S••• k•WH~ .... Pfgr"I~ ltr.'~-hw·• "~"iuu' ••••• • M.•.c•-•'••11• ,, •• .,., h HJ-U ... wi•h t41t·JW ''°' .... t -Tb• t • ot1•ry kJU "O-lta1"'"" Uran4• ·Ml.• A-l.111 .• i lit • h.HJ-h •l•h-.,, .... r ct .h ~ .\.-"-.luo '' A..Jt:('A "llJ ·'•••• ll:U •1.~•-0111 t\HJ-\",.u,, • .t lof n• k~ X ;-L<t l1..,,,. • II I'. 111 ltf'l·K.,;\ h.LA\ \• ... J.:)lt'""-Tu \\ 1tJ l<ll.t'A !"'.-•• J I 1r tt I, 1 IJ n.t1:• h I ~ • J 1 • lllU f\ L~\;--1> •1 '• • h t I \I&,•• t, • h i• A -•l•C'h ~II 1-\I t. ,.,,,. I tJ ..... 1 ... i.1 ...... II.le )CI I To \ .. , • K M•'C--l'•' • l'••1t 1t • '\ ., ... i.: t\tlJ -l lt A • 1 ~· :t )(I At' ti J \\ti \J 1.," 1, ''? h"' l-4'•\• • '" k P"l-1·l·ut 1,•,:~~tnle kFAC •tiu1r t•1 I '1 M 11111~11,1n , nu· •• , ,,.,, r m1e bl -1 1•.._Ju..,,, Pi· lnt•u l \f-lt•lf• ...... ,. ~ -"'' '\ ,., ·t . ' J.I.._ ''" unc --,,\I' t Io •I, •• k ltJ ~+Ill f\11 H1f• ... n tn\1 1111 n t l\;, (;, n ·~-c......:~ ..w....-,r. n:111nn ,~·1r ,.: ·. "~ Allhlll \\lil•h lho•\ J"'llll1•cl ~~'1,'1 .~~--• ~":'-~~~,:~~~tf:,'1.i:~.'~'._'.1:•)~ ._.:~··,::·--=-:1:~-~ ·::.·,·-: ... ~ 11:1.. • .... • .. A-l\11.0 M .. Vh4 h. llJ -\ ,, ••• ,11 •• ,.., I~., -• •1 1 • • ' •u1r J\,J ,1 A I , • \\I < t •a h.JI ,,_ .. ," J.t •-r k~' kf • \!•M t re .J11n1• lllOl'lllll! (lf ---~-~tllfh ('°' I '·· ·t-" • ,~-~ () -·-·-':' " ~·· .~ ~ni,,.-,..~_N .. ~ ... ~ ~~I ... .,. "' 1 • • ·~· .. ~ 4 -.. ·-;>-;;: ':=<• ('1n1rn l m11·1 ~·v)IF"~1.:>:•~"7 "h:1' ·""'~'-' .• '~',' ~ ? _ n1.•n) :11l1111n '"· hut lw rt1~·1 ·11~ ,...~-· l" -n--n11ml11 1 "I ,·, 11•r 1n ...... h ..-\\mt~· ... " .. 1' ' :'.~.Jr•_ nppnc:r hie: r:tnl111he~ Tt1i, ;._ , \ i-il•ili• ~ • n :\\ 1·t:m ·1.t: 11 \\ F: ti• 111'1 d lo~ th; "ltf 111\'tnl: llf• 1>t .111t I· ;\l:1r,\rth111 'l11t ... "' \•lo r:onc; "' • r th" eo11nl1) •1n1•1 Ill' ;1nnn11ni'I m• nt thal h•· "'" w1 ll1ni.: 111 r11 • A llh•111i.:h It•• tli1l n11t i<tal•• nny fl.1rty , ;,ff11J 111••0 hi' ~\·1~roo~m H1 p11hlh<:1n f1lmi:, r11 1 I\ n•• ohJ• r- t 11•n fr.11n 111111 Th•· nnn1101111m: ,. n • • ,. 1 :-.;,.1-:-n •\\ :-.;, 'l:ic: .. 11'1'1 l<.tlpl1 :--o"" ""~' i.,.·~ ,., '' r l•'-tt l 11111 h• tl d of :1 l11i.:~1•r I IT IJ1 •II th• lr\I' \nil.., :II ••1101 t lllll I 11tl h) '"" 1°1 '"' l<htotl• 1 .. 1.11111 I( I ,,, NEWPORT BALBOA N E W 5 - T I M ··E 5 1':1if.PHOSE8: HARBOR 12. IS ASD ?OH P\Jblishrtl ""'!'\ d:iy, Mnndar thro11i;h F'nd:1y, l')y .S:im l) l'nrt1•1 L111·111s S. Smith, JTI. nwn .. r~ 1mrl ••JM'l':1t.•1• 11f the ='r wport J Jarhnr 1'11hll~h1nl(( 'o . \'O J •. XI. :111 rl, By Carner n r ;\!:111· Sllfi/) I" r m11n1 h 1.n~\\h<'¥" In~. \'11or1 Jlo-rirh iintl C~tn Mr~n. S:? 40 Cllr 3 mo nth•. S4 M for fl monthc:, S!l fl"r war 0) :\Intl m I trotni.;1• !'1111n1v ... 'I J• r ~··;ir, 1" 1111 '''"'. $'1.!~i; In HI h ~on• . ~\I ·,11 , 1 Entrrcd a-" !' .. eonr!-CIR-"' m:ittl'r nt lhr Po~toffiC't• m ='•'"'T~•rl !ll•altl. C:1tir0rr11:i. u n<lcr lhr Ari 11f \l11rrh :l lfc~1i SAM n I'< mn:r. L\;cn·s ~ ::o.trnl. llI W. F 111::\1 ;=' CLYDE 1n:x Printmz Plant, 30! 1 \\' C'•·ntm l A\'enw•. ~N''I"" 1 1'11hh~hn :'>l:1n:11;1ns; l::clnor ,\1h 1•r 1 , .. 111i: n .. nrh. \:i11y1rni11 ' Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Df'opPndable IAral ln~tltutlnn for fhrr ao \·-~ NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948~~: Ati ~~ c ve • Member ~ _ of · --I n ' I • , .. '·"" . " " I '' ~I .... , I I I I \\ .4 II lo I ., • . ' ... ~ I I l • •,, .... -\ .... ~ ... It 1 \I• 1 ... ~ I I • !' ' \ 't I I) I t• '" ... • \!l'it• .. ... l.· li• :-. 1 l1 ...... • I ~ ., .. , -· " 1 \ 1 r11ny ,, 1.1,''~ .. " 11tnf'll "" /HW•I• I l4!111IJ , '\l1 .: f 1l .. 1l I. 1.1 I ' I •1.l ·--·~ h l lJ-.lh·· ... t t ,, .. 11• ., . .. '., .. II A.M. '· " \. ..1• 1 • •• I Jo llto.,.lo •• • • " w AJr h i A I• I.) l.tv<a•r I • , • '> ~,..,., h.~ \ ' , .. ,,,.,, ..... ,, h \.-II c: l'tt•ht h j ,\ • \1 " 12 ... 11:11 " t • -\\ •.• ' ..... ..., h I, '',. tnAA h1 .-• • .1. IHfl• h f 1-•, If t 4 '•*IU lo •• ~ • .Jlt '{• t1'l:.~~ ;,~.,... 11t Air k l ' A t o I •l••l' h ltJ-lh• J'°'1••"· .. ~.,-:I )je thl II 46 x•1 :, •. , ... h.t A I t ,~, r I k.~.'.\ •• "· "'1' lt , .... ~ h I.Al. ~ ' l\ I t I ~ • t • .du n ; K),11'• -\\ ti• Id 1,'9• hu " ····~· . '. ,,.,, \I , •1.,,tto• •ti II :IO 1 1, '" \\ t Pe h.1 • " ' ... I • .. ' 'I .... '" ... I f \t I '' • Q I , • • " a·•• • , . .. , .. , .. .. ,. " .... k • 1-11 •a, .11 .. u 1t1irnt A 1 I,._ )to • k~X '-'a. .. n t r .11. IS i At '•••a. ,..I tte tc. t-I II • • ta• ,\ 1r. ).\If• '""tt• k J \\ U I ~fl• 11 h :\" h r Air a. l Al >J~ lo ~ .Ull f.I~ 1(1 \I .,, 1 111 k .. I t''• t• ~ , I•• M UJ .... • t • n t ::IO t<t I -I. t.I A 1.i ll• • •01f)f)G1 tcttJ-"'''"'"' '""'ll h •, ~ -f .. \I H I! t:•~ K. I ~\ M·t .,.,_._ I (' • kl A" "• •• }hule ~· 1--0 ,, \t.,,. .• h,~lf'' I ldt • A •1rn a t.i A ••'-'"' ,, 14.a •.cf •H1-Hnr1 • t .. •tt• Kl \\·•l-Hll.• ···~II ll:'\X-\\ln,-.,, t ••• All kY•r -M.a", to r. w J:I& ... t 1-1° ·rl • t •C'• IJfl •;Jt K t"'I ... t.' 11 t l.J.ll'C-t4••1t• n fi1n1 k l,f A-.... ,,,. ..,,tS "lrr, th I< I ii II ti , , 1, • •• ' \ t• ,,.. ~ •ttl l :U Kl I frn 1 • t ,,, .. , t\) • .,,-. '"'J •AUit..• (: ·' " • t ~ --:. .. 7 ~ :•1, • r. • K l "' h .UI I ~j I I I •• , h i 1 11 ,., h I \\ It b I I. \ \'•• ..... .... f I '• ~ .. \1 h·· . ,, •. •h k l A ·-I • I • I It I . I I I .. ,, \• t ·-4 ... . ,., 11. } -· .. .. I 11• h ' '· ... . .. ' t ••••• , .... -"'' .. ' \ t111L 1 ''"""'"' I•"'' 1n 't''""'. t111n '' tth , 1u l1h,,.\ tt11 01 "lu.tl • ,,.,.''"°''" \U .1hl1 1,1 111 "1"'11\ 11 .. 111 f.,r th1• i\11111,lt•<I i.:r•"-• 11w.11111• I• 11~1'(1 IT 11 \l'l'f:SF.U IN KANMAK 1•1 ... 1111 '-"'l' .. 1 11·11i-"1 ,,.,,.1 11,.,c, '" " 1, .... 1, t.•1 th1• 1l1·1t·1·m11111t11111 !\ \t-'t-•t-'.\'\'11 .1.E, Kl\n -CUP)-:- • t'\lOfh,1'\t11n \\ Hf1•1111111'\1\\\ h\ Ii•• \\IHd •\., t ''I' t\t '1 h H J 11d11U '''" It) lo1, I 1111'11•\1 I 1,11!\.,lllll .,,, I• "''" 1111 11. rt1IT"lt1'n •'T'T""lif.-tM'lnnt11 "' 111 .. >111...uul ul ll 1 Uw •li11u.la11.I ~ll•~· 1111m" _.,._•rh•H.HI IJlll}'l-d no part .1111 Ill•''"'" 111 .... 11. loll I>''"' (>I'" 1t.-o'l111 llttll, 1'.'• lllt' .1. ~l111•t1t111 ,.,. In lflt' l l'l'IHll, h111 lloh HF)' nn- 1'•'1 t\ h• Iii 111 11 11 .. t 1111~ ""'···~ ,•httl ll.tl•J .. .i.111111lo1111111u., ·'"'' 1:11 u.111•11 ... -. .. uuJ ill .Al llli.:b. a.rllwJ rr~ 11 "'" t 11. .. •h ,•1 , '' fo.111.:.-"' 1111· 111 '"" 111°11 11•1 ""'•l11·111 111111 ''~lo• , .. w1mml1111 1111111•h h1•r-.: The l1t\t 11H"' •I I• .,,I f1, iJl1 h hl1·1I •u ~fll .... <ro llh o "'I I pt 1 .. , '' .1. ttl ,1 •'I"" 11 ..... " "a111tt't ''"~ 1\u_.k S•··•n .......:._.:__ ____________________ _. ..... ........................... ~. --............. + * + + + + • e +A+++•• p 6 ~ +49 e + CROSSWORD PUZZLE . &!'•OH ,_,., 1f( ........ ,, .. ,. 11 U t (•LIH&lll Olta•a 1a..-""'' ''" • ot•r tt t·i~o· I' °t'-t at MOC'• tbOWI t• •l•O ,. I. I h·N•ll )\) •u,fh1 :· ~.11.:'t":J ,"•• ,_ I\ •t • d .. t• , ... .., .. ,. .... tt-l «' •u 1 •fut.If 11-0C"lt• (lUt •••ID t-4--+--+--+-. ,,_ .,.., g.., I) 8.\a l1 up 36 -It • ,,,.ntr(, •blUt JP ~«I rO•lll\I ., NU11N 4l-Tott.-r1u• •""' ""''-'n• rat ._,. t'ma I •poil t• 8tnrm• NI 10hl'1 &\ u~1u1an ... f\J ..("'t,.,, a.• r roClt •r. 1•1,.,n1 dQ•n rt& ,.,, ,. •u.tl•f •hit• l tlH \' N l•toJUlf>d (lC•l•C .. I\ ~'hott'• m••• ru& n -n11n1 011t1"" ) ... •' llOW-IO l J6-&11l nf'M : ~.\~;~"• •rllt\e . ,,, ,,.,, .. • f'tt ... 111anl • LI• .. 1 t·h·•·•·un I t 11 o ht • ••nn• I A1t ~" 1•m•llOD •o f otl1l1t1 't f'4l•11ft'llll• ! I · : ::: ,•;:; ··::~~ • at P lu11 •• " f"tu• • n.r. •SN t 1) "'•'"'" ,. ,. .... •tlh •••• ,., .. 1utu1 .., .. , .......... .. 10 t'huu1f't• J1 t ••• , 11.10 o f tndla Jt .....,.,.... .~ut.t J• Vt 1uuao • uue 11 ",., •h1~ •••• "hh ,.choOI ~ f"••1 r•t •t \'''"'' 44 Ju,.- ~ ... ~-+--t----t--t--t )'1---1..-..+---+-''-1~-iit--.. tl .,.,,,,q•to h•~ t V I ,., t\ •l•nd U ti• ll'i Or~ •• • •••••••• n A."1hlm 11tm•' 1 ... I • " M IU.-:n nt •1•1u11tat eo f'alkl•••d h .fa nd.• reblir 1 '-•'I 'Jflh.\ .... 'V\,'\l'f"""' 1:.0,'f\,'t • 11 rttA M' ',pt Of D 1¢Y"W'.lll l" : "I~ II{ Pl.AVttl (• fl!'.> r' AM( "'ft.AF-ll((USED ~ • A !I\ WAS A I A)L. ?(') T Ill ,c, I vou I .. P~S'!'FNT J.JHN 11/LF~ ANp .,.,, SON, OR. L'r'.JV ,JRi<Ol!JER rh££·· (PllES•OElll'T ~ TMf COl.l!O( ~ \\ l~lt~l-1 ~"10 MA~ ~Ole 31 \ E~li:'S' - iVGEr~EI< l.IVf 0 OUlltNG TME AOM1...i1&~4Tt0tll$ "' Al.-L U.S. PfE510f~TS !XCtpT' T~/ .. MR/fi.·i( ,•917!10• F£8('.•.J(', 1: :IJ5 ... /.lr1C'tt-11:~0 A'l1M8JO- .rRP S TVC'c.vr ,;r r1-1F. J .S. NCI R'-f;, ·;;;:t'I~ 11'-l V rDLO TO OCRI~ ll $rERM E\JGNE, l'~EI\ R $111/RRE 6VJ+. l:VO LRB£,£l' 1r • ~1$1$ R 5rERM EN(J/N[. £N(}IN£ . IN$10E : .. • (llE,Ll./Nlf.l .... OVT) ~ I By Gus Arriola By Wlltt (Vl~~·I W I IUINI ll<C C,IAlllll-'t()[ 1\\1 ~· l i\11.'l\N IUlli.fl..0 I I wNIWI( .. 'I 0 l l"-f; It.' I (I(.•~ Al YW lit MAP Al.IAtN, v .. ~"",''.,," Ill !.>\Ill •rONOQRO#."T~ SAID, 'WI .. _ ENTER ntE lO.!Nflh' Of' Tl4l GREAT APES. lll M.E.tc:NOW I~ YOU .SfE: A,..Y. O.NO- OON'T St<QC.I( AT 1liEM! .. Bring Your Ford B a c k H om e for E ff i c.i e n t Service Bod-~{ and Fende r Work . · Painting TW"r;STl'·Mt:( osn A:\U ( •• ,TltAf. T H.E 0 D 0 RE R 0 B I N S 'I JI, It FC 1J•f1 J1f>.J\l.l .lt S l:0.:<1-; l'.fLI ~t:\\l'OKT ltF.A('JI Motor Repairing New Motors l'HOSI': HAJlBOa 21 ---. .. . ~- .. .. ,,_. - Page8 NBWPOBT B ALBOA NE.WS-TIM ES 119SDAl. N_,ort 8e9dl. CalU. 26 YAC~MEN-BOAST VICTO RI ES IN 10th ANN UAL EASTER REG ATI'A A total or 26 )'8Cht.ll}TI!'n' todar T .. nlJijlU [II• k Slf'WM l Jlnu1ln ... boasted victor1(1 in thc. 10th an· r·,~·~J:;~:..,Sl' · .. nq u1_,,.,s .. r. uu1 t•1 ,, k nual Easter JWgatta of the Bal· ~· .. 11y J1u·k Hlllm&n. boa Yacht club. u.~:~;.;· Ar~! ...... nt .. ·•~ s .... r1 l• Light wlnds and q,\·t•rcast 1klc11 11,;c.,~~ ... s~u-°"'••1=• sir· .. ,.. 1• . .,, yestcrdqy, w~·rr i:ood o mc na for Star c1a1..-~ .,111 v1 1>..rt.} M"" 1111 Bill C lark of Loni: B1•ach. who "'i~fan~·"·c~~;., Wi.t"T.:~1~; .. ,. w ,,,. M)led t o vk1ory on thr ocean Trri••" court In his Rhodr'S 33 Conq111st· M!:.i~~~~f. Ciao -1.k't•"t•ntr 11. 1 .. • • adore; and for Jo'rt-d Lyonll, of Bal· lnt•r.natoona• 110 11 .. 11•1\ 11 .. ,. bolt, In his OR clnlll K lttc•n, which C"h ..... 1n111 JI,.,, .... Jt1'k ,.,,,9•·11 ked JI .. Lightn ing Cl4l•• YHtUll( 'l *11 t e out ll Win O\lf'r ump11r.-y Ynuni:. ra-1we:-r11111 II w .... 1w•1 •I Bog-art's Sant1111~. PIC Tr<•util•.': ''""'' i;1111th The Tarpon. 1111ilc'<I hv \Vnltcr Morcury 1,.,. •. .,.. ··11111 k \\ ,., •• ,, r J vuun.o• l'f1•Jwt•· l •un ...... , •• Trt>pl<' o f the San VI~ Yl\cht ·l'lvf' Jo..-H..,n,...> · club. wu winner In thl' Island 1nterna11ona1 14 ~·'""' ,. 1'h111 i... I< 1 c-:ir U.fl.!•) ,;nu1•l,. Btll ~hi .. k Cllppl'r clal!S . whik' n11rb)' Mt'!· Snipe c1... \"''"I• ... J.! .. ~ ,. ' calf of San M armo. in his Scout Elmyth ,.~'""· I •1•" , ., . .,,., ·' N.11t1on11I f•ru -.t••• """{t' \\'.tto1fuft IV. won in tht• Star class. •-~1111~.1~;.!!~ 1t;:,~:~.i~.1toh -...-nm The Intcrn11tlon11I Snl)lNI wef'(' T ... i M ilpnurn tops I~ Cll\SS rompt'tltlon. Sno ... btrd-llf>. 11111 M·fl .. r which 11\W 123 boat• <'ntrrt'd in Atb11tro-Nnrtlrm lhr .. 111 Wi11.,rl• 14 cl~ Ro"c-r Smy th"• \'iva-•rte 1~:~0~~·!,..r~"'' I"·h 11•·'1• \V ,. ·doua lfd a flC'ld of 17. tr~~bot -.J .. atti.~ ,t.,tJ \\'••tf H ·•· !-oiu.111, Diek S t('WJlTt lllil!'d his T11nt n· 1.1111. T·· 1 11111 ~tullh· 11 ,1 •I '141 irTto third pl11~ wtth Dr Don e~•bo~ D1n1 .. :'• ''""'" 11,, .. 1.1 l'u Bartx·t pUOtinc thr Branta into ,.,._~1,.tr 1 ;.;.".._~;·~:~·! t'.:,':j~' 1:.11 •• •"• •· { rt h t L:1ntf"n t.x~ ~ona1 .. OU spo · Flatt•~ n af\Jr" k 1; •. ·~" ltulh Cluck Koll('r 11kl11flC'rt-d I hi' 1-·1. Wl•lf."" lf\CI H .. 1. ~, .. ,, .. l>f'n9uln Hh..* hi • ;.• .. n::"" lt•t• ' a ncee to victor)' 0\'(•r n d HSS)' fil'ld T .. 1111<1~ T<,..,. 1;,...rl(P ' ... , ........ ... In the h"ltem1Hionnl l4 du~ I S<'fl· L•hmM Oink• , ...... k I·. I.,,,, k It Htu• \'H••'• \'ot••t h •I M 11t11t•'\ 80inJ( hotrodal) In lht' CVl'nl lhal Corkt -'•· T .. mno) 11111 lot I•"• hlghJlghtro the ln1idl\-the-h ny anll· ltunt lng portJon or th(' prOitTllm. Bnby Grand HDC'd bY1Jllt S<'ln'ock nw IA~ l«Ond. Bob Allen. who dirc'<'lt'<l th1· .-vent for lhr h01t Balbnn Ynchl club, said thol aomt• 1000 Jll'<5plc a nd 230 yachts and small 11aillng CTllft pllrtlt>lpal~ tO'l'lf"thut lhou.~­ anda of othrr sc•H s1•1rt~ lo\'f'rs wllneucd the snllinR show fr<>m the ahoTl.'I and ot hr r bont!I l"()t~'Tl'!tt-t~~ -T-1 ttY.. CF;NTil•\ LIA. Ill 1l 'I11 "I\\" m•ilh••r:< of t"rn1 r;il111 ""''"·''"x''' han •.tlwtr II" 11 '''") nf 1 .. 1 nnL: 11!1•11 dnui;:hl·•r~ ho~ frlf'ml• krw " ''"' 11 It'~ linw !11 ''''"' Tlw lu1~' II"""" d pollt.• 1 .. •p11•s1-. 1h.1l tit••) !:" Tit• 11111tt11•r -. !>!••1 lt1L;1 lh• r 111111 ,. tll1 .t poll<'" i\ ~qu.1rl 1.11 .11 "''ii Jll•I 11- ORANGE COAST COLLEGE • announces a Course In BOAT HANDLIKG Instruction by Power Sq uadron Official"s Administration Building_ -College, Campus Monday Evenings 7:30 -9:30 April 5-May 10 Six J\1eet ings No Tuition Charged Enter from Harbor Boulevard at Adams St~t WllTllM MOftO"AYS THllU SATURDAYS Gen. Adm. '1 ~:: PARl-MUTUELS POST TIME 1 ~30 Starling APRIL 4TR 1\\£ SOA1 MAR1 and Mar\ne ttardware Will Be Open SUN DAYS F. '(our Conve.n\ence or 1vs WE H AVE ~E~~~U~f\'t.L" THI! N.A.Y.R.l. . OF •• ·-- * *) * ' Harbor , .. Events • • • r ·r. . . t~·. : . '~-~ - , ' • - t .I. ROUt:O RIDt:RH r l--...in l'tth•tro11h ,· award11.. l.rft to r1pt: winner.. lo .runlor dlvbfon Palty \\-llllartl'I, thl,_.prtz.e, and S.h w) Tl1m111""'"· llN'ond prtu ; both jttrla of COt11ta-M-Boot .. ~·Rad· d~..-,. Uoda Ru-11 of T rt-Ot)' \\ rani:h·,..., fin.I prize "'lnnf"r. l;enJor dh-1.Uon: Bonni(' Snldow, of Tri-<. It~ \\ r ani:I"'"· M'C''?nd prtae; Roul '"'tun, Of La H abra \'allf')' Rldus. fin.t priu. )Ir. and M,._ Al "'hn" In, Hnd ,Jim "lllla~n. of Tri-I fl\ \\ ran111,..r,. t:,trf"n~ rli:hl : · a·f'r<' l-'ullf'r 11,...oJdf'nt of t·1 Mud..., d ub. ' . ' 11hutn by lk'l·k,wr WARN SP~lfrFiSHERMEN OF NEW LICENSE FEES '\• IL\~11.:'1..f"• '· Mar :.'9 Llf•. 11 I 111rl n11•l:w1•;1n• t'nif, fur a y .. ars ~urf :11nl ll("t•an fii.hini:. n nrl '" • •11111 1•1·rl 1hri•t• qu11rtC"r' 11 1• • d11ll:1r ""f"·11rhtt1rr '" Cali-1·\·,.n <·:1tf1,.h angling Ill'•· <'<l\"l"n·d •I • 1• ollt••n "l ••rli. ''"h<'rrnC'n t11k1 '"" 111' s;::.·, f•ir :.t1 .. 11s. 'ou1-11f· Tlikmi: of darns. squid, eel.<;. a nd 1" '· • 11"1111·•·, ft• ~11 11ncl !11111 we. •' ,. 1 1· 111 1-:..i hy \\llh a s p,,.t·inl l11hs t1·rs :rb11 t·alls for an ani;hni; 1•• 1111• '1011.11 ... 1 11\1~111n o( F ish 1111111 i;•r11111 for~. wh1l1· a SC"a· lw1·nsc-. ""' ( ~ 1111' \\.111t' II kllown th111 Hll '". "",'. ('11'1~ lhr·rn 1111' ~:1n1a ·1 · r II I I I ~ • l lit' , Jun 1ar 11f thf" n,. I '\\ II•'"''' ,, i.:11f.1•1uns >tnd fl•(•, "•·'·"' .. ("a lll111•n1:.n IS d1:tr~Pd \J~iun·s Burc•uu or LiC'l'llSl'S l)UIS ~.i+....a tH .... 11 • ..,1 , .... H~f!M! of~''"'"' "1""rr~1r ---.,.. 11f.'t111·• \1'\\ l;I\\~ s1•1 h\' tlw 19-17 lc·1.,1 s-11 t his way: I '''" ,1 .. i1•11or• 111 Y<'lluw t;oil 1,,11111 1"<'•1111r1· a ·111·1 ns" for any "H it h\1·~ lit \\;1ll'r gl't n 11: 1, "'"·· 1 .. 1 .di ,,,, ... ,..~ of fis h, mol· •1 ', 1111 111 ""'r 1 h•· a~1· uf 16 c .. n~·· l11•f111 P t:ok1111.: It " CREAM~OF NATION'S HARNESS· < RACE HORSES TO CO~I PETE n \· Ll.Sn>LS 11.u ·st:s l "mtr d Pn·ss ·Sports \yrii. 1 Afil"ADJA, C,;lcf, ~11rch .!'t tt:PI Ttw .tTf'lllll r1f tl1<• nattt>n'' h.o n, ,, t .1, •, F .11111\1111111 ,,~111 11~ •11'"'4.1 uul,· "'''J 1111 111,.:h' lrlt'Jn"i:. T h •• Ip• , 1 t •Ill' Ir• •Ill .\l"y ~I:! tQ jun" I.! h11rn1•,.,1 horso•:< \\tit •·w111x·tt• [111 1 • $2,l"ll1.11m 1n pur~o'l' lrl lhts )Pl\r·,. ANGLING CLUB 1<;and ("irc>1111 tour. w fud1 n1••ns I WIVE~T() FETE 1-ridar at Santa Anita. 1t\Was ,,n. no unced today. .,4 MUSe· OS FRIDAY 'rhl• \Vf'SlPrn Ha rnPss Ra1 1111: ' · Assn wi.11 pay out S:'>O,O(l(t d urlnc ' Bnlt10a 1\ni;l1m: l '!uh m rmhl'r:t ll1C' :l:'ildny Art'adia m <'c•t Hlo111 1 \\ill lo1• fo l••li "·' tllo tr l1i1i 11•,; 1-'n· Top(lm~ hw hill...w1ll ,,,, 1h1• s:;o . d11), Ap1 U .: ... 11 11 ... fl,dh1111 Inn 000 G nldl'n West Parr M11)• t a11rl Caf .. lht• Gul~•·n \\'t>st Trol for a11 . I "d'"' 111.")1t .111 .1111111.tl .r11.11r f'<JUtcl :.um l\lay R .<f°h1• Sitt t~H1.111ltl-I" oil f• 111111 . "' ~.1<•1-'l 1•l11n..: 11111\" c•d. h o p•"(ul µn.c1' a nd hv1 .,ful 1r111 .. 11!1 :1 lt'h d11111 1 l·1 ... tl\1111·, \\'111 nrc c•>.JX•<'h•d to lw C'arly 1ir•·VI.•'~' s 1 11• 1.:111 .11 i lte 11 ni ofth••L1l1i<'BrownJ1.1i.;andlJum· AJI 11111111,,,, .111d th•1r \\1\1·1 lrlr1oni11n. f1>.t url.'s . a t 1·n.,h'rn ·"' u'n:• ti lo ,11i1 nil. Ir arks i~-~;::;::;:::;:;-:::::;;;;;::::::::~ will mnk(• thl' :.'!i.w .. <•k i:rancl C'1r-t O Fo ur h undrt•<l ;.1and"r<lhr1'<I"' I !I~ rutt !mini: nf 11.IMI() mill's to 15 1 lop .trat>ks lhi" )f•ar. 1·ompc•tm1: I 314' for lhC'0 liii:i:<•S1 pol in l'll c·ull hi·-~·---­ lory. II IOp<; li1•t p 'nr'.; tc•tal h~ ,, half mtllwn dollnrs and '" ahout :.!O pn ("f•nt of tlw Slfl.C~Ml,t M•! "'lo· I d1strehu1c.d :.1 nil l " S. ·J'ro111n~ I As~n. 1 r;1("k~ . Tlw :!3rd n ·newnl of tlw 1r:11i1- 1io11al I lamlill'l<~n1an for 1hr1· ... )«:tr·old trotl•·rs a l \,(~•d T11n. pa rk. Goshrn. :". Y , w ill lw tnp nu111o•y 1•vcn1 u n 1 h•· .. H .. 11r111 1:r.rrrrt :;. wl! lllOi-i<st rma wd--'\'rrl.rr.~ 11( O\"f•r $1i:.!,l)Oll l t \\'Ill ho• h1·ltl I Aui.: 11. • U ltkr 1o1p r:wrs ~wh••duldl 111- dud1· llw ;,1;111 r1•11 .. \\·;d of !111· l.1111 ' * OSCAR FRALEY REPORTS: HOH I SS l'HO\ t: Hl'GOF.O """ K .. 11111t•k \ F11111r11-. tor 1 h1,, ~.\:STA Fl·:. :-.; .\I I\ ·1•1 :-.;0 )1'11r-oltl lrf;ll1•ro; .11 . f.• ,111;:1 .. 11 l"\\11'\. Fl:1. :'ll11rd1 :.m. IUP 1:t•t.,i • 11,,,,1 duh~11·1 11 i>nn>: flwm lir~t 111hin-..1ull 11, .1rrl\1n1: K)·. \\Orth nh11· .. 1h:1n S:ifl t•••. 1111 l'.1l'k 1111 ~·•Ur clu\•' :ind ~ou1 ,,. ,,, 1lu• lttl.! Hl•ll••~l··~~A~n~d~;"~\~,.~11~1~n~l1~,~~~·1~ll~l~J~l~u~·~s~1~n~tn~i:~·~~~~~·,~·~·n~~~~l~d~l~t~l·~·~l~l~n~n~'~n~J~u~~~r~11;r~1~lt~~~~;~~)~1·~1:•~·~~~~~~~~ e:=:::!::b .... +-+ .... "":--:t"'1rni:~fT'ttM-;-ml?f''1"'~n"ITTl~nr-,rin.~-5,.111h! ~·n-...••· hod< rt.h t' fh'Pti fl l'f(' hi '11.· '·'''"' 1111-.1111" lo th,. \1m•m. , , l\•·tt 1h1 of1111hf, -11 m th" I tl•"·l'~h· "'""X ~nuw~ and a t•111111lc• ,,,. mt•r1'. '.'\;,,.~au l\1 11-111111· I••"' "onrtr.·h .. or th!' ri•alm of '""· Uonn• At"ocwt 1tnd ll 11 h h ). ,..,,. ... hi "'''" ,1.r .. or "lc•f' C.,_t1'11 or 111>&14." Thf' two younc •ta"' ar.-1llrlu l"f'd In rollh1~· for Kha11M•d~ R41y1&IC', a huich 1oro- duc•tlon numtwr In whlrh lhl") porlra)' tin...Aea and prment a.n rntlrf'ly nf'w 'IY!Jf' of daMr. "ltlf' t°•l-'I"" Of rn.-ff", OPf'D al the l'an l'ac•lflc-·Aprtl ':.!':.!nd, for um ... wffk,.. 11111 1!,.f.; T f11•)'ll put )11U In lb•· •11111 tu 1, fii'I« t• rl (11:· ,1 trop 111 !-••H·r1· .cufd ,nnp-. :111cl ll11(1.;;1•\1•lt 1wo-11.1lc· 11 111 .11 " ""' t. 11·11.' f.1-.lr•r than 1tn) tf, "" I lt•'<l'l'\••11 r:w1·w .. ~. \\" ,. 't I• 111 ' II I.... I I If ·1--r·· I ti I I I.fin" 1~1and. ,!"\ , •• s;111.1••1 ''J•···· •• •• 1 • ,:......i. 111 •·•" 1.1 "~, '"'" 1lw It•""· Al lr·a~I '" ...,,. • "" 1:-ar .. ll"<"n'a'ins;. ... -•~ · n ... 1 .... th. ~ ... ,.. ..... "' l>t'rl!On· ., ... •II lh,. ftrdkc ... 1h1rd ha:cr-Bui clu11·1 .think you'rv ''''··~·I :111d lh~JJOO \rn• rk .. p T111I · tl.•f• 1; '"" f'nul, 11 hl1• ll.<i~ista.nt 10 1, ,1 ,,, uh ll:i11r1n anr1 pilr k••r "'untl Tiv• drop in thr· ,.1a11.i:h1C'r lim: ch:omp111nsh1p a111l S.!:1.01~1 =":o· l'l"·•I!• 111 \\.11n·n 1;11t·s· or lht• 1,.1 , l'o '"'""· 11, ,,.r ll:J\"<'lt·<l th<' ••n our"'"~'" :ind h 1>:hw:i)" ,,.;i ... 1111n11I P:..-111.i: J11 rhy 111 tlw ;.11m• I:• rl l• I': :'1.111 11nl) 1ha_1. but th" , ••, 1.,1,f nil uil Th, y i·nm<'. nnl) :.! p<'r t'<.'nt 111 1!+17 <'Ompn rrd lrnck. l<••I, h.1\1 1111 l11:t111 >< tf1prov«'11 ""' "'n ,,1111 had ,1111ui:h to lo thl" )•·:or h..C0t1• ()\1•r ~l.Ol.0 1 Tl11· r rn·t111 irwlutl.•,; ;, 111\\ i-:t11p :'1,.:n1111.: "' pr11rn1,1ni.: plnyC'rS '" 111• 1. · 1 h• tr ... 11111 a I 1·1 onqu1·rmi;:. 11e•r''.1m• "1111 \\'l'rl' n.•,'<!lt ""IY killt'<l. I h1i; )"Par F.11rn111unt Park .11 a r11L:i.:• d ,r:u·l.<'t th•·sc• days, with 111 llt• 11th• rs un ·nu• rt•Sll.'r l••avini;: u lot to h<: doni• by dnvt•n< ,. II II Jll · d c-. • ' d "'°"' ·t ··· f th , f ,,. ti Ills\ I •·. . Jll<ct 11Ul~1 1• .... I iill lh• 111.1Jru f1•:1i.:11•• trams «'m· J "'I 1:1 • ..-k\\rll \\as kqll d own an ,,. .. rs 11.m!'o or < ir own <;;i ('-' • l''"·""I! ,.11 .. udi ''<'UUt• to pack th" 1,111. ""'" )<'~•r: Erl l.ivrly one y<':ir t~· and th<' ~·pl l·helni;:. o( thl' l'n· 1 Lout<;. A convrt'INI ff al 1 M·11i1: )•\• r-.ri;•• 1:i11l,!11\\n ,ball park. Out 111,1, 1,. nwnlh. 111111 Frank Oaum· 11rt' rt>mmunlty. pl:if't nnw clrw1t1•i! !'"("'"' •\ I• 111 t~.1hn1 I lolm« I h•• horn on th«' rl'St · te .. 111 111.irll· • 1 lw ordinarily foni: I nf I h<'lll \\ 11 h II p.11d Off prof)Olli· '"'Ill' t 1 "1 11 I ht• dl•IJI h:< of class C lwn 11f 1iat'hin1: 1h1· promised land h:dl 111 :1 vpar-11nd-11-h:ilL lt1m: l1•·l11r1· th• l:1rl who IC'lll poc-• 1 •.1111 ,1:n 1111: h1~ :'.Is l )"('llr in k1•_1 l1 •11w·1• rnt1 1 ft-re• with proa. l 111~l'h1tll· 11lthn111.:h he· is onlv 38 pt'cfs. yr:ir~ oln. 11drn1ts that pushin~ 1hr "\\·,.·11 .i.;n 11~ h11.:IJ as nny of them youn1:st1·rs fs n nC'W syst!'m \\ith fut; thr• kill whn rnn ht• 11 m•Jor fh1• R1·d~ Undl'r Rill McKcchnic INll:'lJo'r ," l'nul llSSl'r lt'd . "The on«' th•• r lul; playC'd t>omwr vativc hall. lh111i.: llwy 1·1111 bt• {ISSUred of wtth !'th)ll11: off from the kids who 11• •• thnt tl1r )' won·t spend ~II m1i.:ht mnk<' m li;tnk<'S. But Johnny that hon11s monr )' k<'<.'plng alive 1n :--11.'un . 11 product of th<' Yan}tc<'s. ttw hu§h h•llL;Ul'S ·· ~{)('!I° for thr" youngs tr r s 11nd pre· • • • 11111 m;.: I hi l1t~t :.!~• yc•rcr~. 11lto11t 1:!.000 J.lerM>n~ hU\<' lw~·n lulled .m 11uto 1tt><:t111•n1 .. 111 Minnt'l'Ola 1 t is incunt rovc•rl 1hly true ll~t ff'f'll t hrm C'Vrn 1f I hl'y do m ak!' ~ youn~t..rs l1tnguiah a lolli mll't11kel' f.<1 1:€'1 11n oiwn 1Mme-a nd t1m1• in th•· minors, Ix-Ing poll1hed, build quickly. THE CHANGE OF OWNER~H ~P BALBOA P-AINl--STORE-~~ I 1· . ·Old City Structu res Fall to Arab Bombings (Arm I' T l'll'plloto} Jlul '•'r I " • • •'rr ' .• ~· ·r . !l Ar:ib·chh•rn t111rlt brmbrd lhl' J"""IAh Vtmtn Moshe QUllTtf'r ol J r ru- .... •lit 1l.1111 ... 11n.: u HlllW• ~· • , 11d l10'11to•i.-h111c 1""' 1111,..,111rv RIJRrtment bulldln11s. Sl'rRu~ the butld- 1.1 i. ... 1.1 1\1.tli l"''lltnl1' • • • 11· .. O IQ Ctl\· "1 1• \hr\· hael tw~ 1.,acua1~;1·xcrnt for tv.o resident& wbo : ll: :al•'') "hu1 lhq !lc,11J ~••v••ll11C bdvrec 'h~ blA~i.. Bigger 'Cold , War' Budget Asked 600 East Bay Ave~ Balboa TED BAIR, NEW OWNEI? P H. HARBO R 101 J We Proudly Announce Our Appointmen t 1\, Har~or Di stributor for -the Famous Bishop-Conklin Treasure Tofte r.:'l"i ;·.~- ~., .• l .IST FINISH A '"tfvl, non-glor• Nrilth for Ant Interior dt coto· tioft. Clean1 like "°"''I. ,,...hormoniatcl ~ s ~-POOL GLOSS . A dHp, pool.like glon finish fot inlttiat woocfwo,,, kitch , tfll, bott11oom1 ond f11rniture. • lteody·IO·UH. Decoralot Co!Or1 $ 7ia1Mt17'- FOR FLOORS A beautiful Ji,,oleum ·li ~t fi,,i1h for exl&1ior ond inlttior use. New p•e·hormo11ized Aoor colors. Reody.10-u1e $ PAINTWITlr Whercvu you want rok>r ... paint with Treasure Tones. They arc rudJ-to-MU in durable, oil·basc paint finishes (with to11/rolltd ptnt- lr'9io11) in exactly-right decorator shades for ocry painting need. "\ ~-' SEAL-IED Ont cool covttt woll· paper, •altomine, woll." boatd° ot moil inletiot surlocea, Ouroblt, oll- bose, velvety-Rot finish. Wa~hoblt. <I Reody·lo·use $ ~-~ FOR • EXTERIORS ~-WALLPAPER The motl perma,..., colors und .. •he ''tn. Reody·IO·use in smart e•le1101 colors. Mosl Colors $