HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-30 - Newport Balboa News Times, . .. &:::::::::::>- f I 'NO PROMISE· TO BUSINEss· c·ouN·c·IL'-GREELEY ,,.. . .. . . . . -' • µ. ·House VOtes to GiV~ Mon~Y Spain I • \ .. ... .. -. IN ORAN-O E COAST "S C I TY LARG E S T NEW S PAP E R 0 A IL Y O NLY ABC BALBOA. IM.Es .~-. . \ . • . -~ ' <!•· ........ 9 Toda~''• 11 A.M.. P.8. T. Do\\' J on..-A\·rr·a~"' ,,_ ........ ·~. \it-. ...... I .. & -...,~ K•• 111.t.1• t 1 I 11 ll.111 ... \ 11111"' t:I h Up •t ; • 'I ••t• .··• t 1 •ll l up l l \'1•ltt1\~t 1'k•1t111 i ,h • .i. ,.. ~·11.,·t 11~1 .... '"'"'' I 0111 1Ask ERP ,. frentative Approval -/ ., = EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA , WEST NEWPORT. SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIG'HTS . BA LBOA IS LAND . CORONA DEL MAR . COST A MES A \\ \ -.111 -..1. I' •'I; 1\11m •h :Ill 1) 1·-I tt. fhtU"ltii \l•lt•d lt•IH1'· t 1\1h t1'fl.t\ 11• lfhlUdt• ~, .. , .. , 'n ''" I ..... , .. .,, ••. ,.,\,·1~ pt••..:nuu . VOU'ME XI. Fin C f"lll• P!'' Copy • '\t :\\'l'ORT nt: \C'U, « \l.lt'ORSIA. T •"t :MUA\", MAJICH M . 1:11" '\I '.lllt'K lO .lood) With Financial Workers Pickets Balboans To Fig/:it N~ Strings · IN 15-Minute-'Matching Land' 1'With Any B ttl B11lhon lmprO\"<'mcnt n<>i:OC'inttun •••·t1•t11•11 '" 1 ncl1-.11onni.: t.1 l't .. 1•1 0r· • . t• I a e "'''tn"•·r~ 1 .. i.t 1111:h• im:in•m .. u,1~ .1. ... ui.:h •h· '"~ ... 11m11 , .. r tt1r-gan1za IOn a1•11r1111·d a motion .1·i.pr•·,.~111i: 1111 1 ;w11n11 111 tlw 1·111mt~ ·1•la1111111~' · • tltt>tr <l••ftntl<' o pµosit1un '"t.• 1:11·· 11<1.1111 I 'n11 .. 1 pr. ,. .. 111 ,.,.,_.,,,, I • .. 1.1--. . l 1.-. •• p1 .. 1 11•11.,: ... • nn .,, .. 11.1 .... '" '" ti,, ~·:it• t••o.ooo 1 .. 1. ti 11•1 .. 11.,11°111•111111 •·• u•lil S pnln I• th1• I•· "' ''' '" l·~utt•pe·ut• nU· t11•n "l.tl•••I In'"''\'•' uhl fr•lftl tl11 , ••t11t11' 1,,, ... ,,111111th' ,,."t.ohllt-- l.1t111u I(,(.•'" Ill 1· 11 "''''•''' II \\'le.. I ••lf...,,..t II.. .. ......... 11 ...... ~ l '~h•I' l6- 9j, '"'' 11. ,. ·'"''" It! , ... l\<-n~ • • 1tttJ1t1110 ··d 1h.11 lh•• t.u··~h" nl · I'"' 1•••llt111ttl• • '''" \\llUna.t Co 1u~ • , I'' ttu ,,,,., ndutt nl 1111• \i lf l "·'' ltl ~lf'l,flt\tl lt)1 hric."f ololo1lo Ill \\l111 ·h 11"1'" l"h..t lfull- l to Id I• 1 '.till , 111111 .1111° .. li K. J11. 'ti• II °' ' . '-''"' tt ""11111 IM· a •1 '"'"' 11u,1.-1'1 t•• uhl Sp.uln ,.,,,. 11-Hh~·tlon :-.1t .. 1 ll1 111 t•·t "111111.: S 1"1h1 Iulo '"· .... 11 1111' """'" '"""''"' llc>W1'1 .111 11111• 111lt11,.11t l•1 lto•p 'I' Miiiet I l.111ol It ;-. .I . '" ,.,,11f1111• F:JU> 11111\ '" .t .... tti '"'' 11111" '"'""'" fwtrU-l '"'P'"'''r 111 th• :11.11,111111 plun ('f1n- l1•1 "'" ,. 111 I '1111, S1w•ln """" not '''""''~' 1111111 "" 111111•1 .. n l wuold 111110 •"Ill ••Ill S 1111111 111111 lhr ot'\"U• • """' 11111,., ul "•"'"'"1 < : .. rrnan J' "'"' 'f1 h.,, •. r.;~;\\' YllRI<>. Mar 311 1t tp 1_ 1111: lh,. Halltna parkm..: 1111 1" 11,, rt. I ;\Lit 1,. luukmh \;• l~n'1111111 Ho';' l,r1·1·lr~. rand11lr1h• .rm· ctl~ Ch1h-~w1ni:lhi.: p11l11·11 fought n m a td11111! pn ·1~ rt)·· 1 tn ~"Pl•I~ tllt' n1,1tt'h111.: land '.111· 11'11un<"ilma11 Ill th" Apt ti I.\ mum· ltluody l:l-minul" hat t ll" t•1<foy wi1h ;\!.,11!•• t :nm• ~. prC'~i<lt•nl of tlw , d [nr 1,, tlw !'IHll'. 1·11wil ,••lo'<'ltnn .• tml:iy Mild hr fe ll cl1>11·n,. ttf ~1nk1nc f1nannai w~>rk· :1 .... vc1.t111°n ~;11d to•la~ that. thuui.:h • .\ ~1;1·1111 11 ... 1nni.: ha .. h•••·11 ,_,., "'tlu• i-tX·l~Hl1t IJl'O~lllm uulhnl.'d eors who p1kd tlwm~Pl1·1°i. m it hu· 1li.· m 11th•t1 r1•:1d "Halhoa lmp1111,.. r .. r Apnl ;-, 111 th• •'"~ h:ili 11 '"" "~ 1111' H1"'"''" "'••l('lutmn i·nun· 111:.n hat r1rr at 1 lw 1•nt rarw1• r•f the nwnt •"•><'1,1 t ton ill m i:~ rnp.1 th) 1 .. cm ;o t I p m 1 1'11 11·1'-1 lot "' 111"r" 'hut 1 my flO· N1•11 York St1X'k Exdrnn~·· 1111h tlw l'urona d l'I ;\lar l'111n11 l 'nrl"r '"" ,,,,, .. p11r~ 111 .. n ,~,. '1111111 111 '"" 1"tllllllll111) ~ a. .. 11 ftls !'4TKllUS(, >\t :KI \I. \.It.\\, lnk1·11 lr11111 ,.,. "ltltudf' nf AOO f~I. "";'"• lbr nf'" .-11\ h11ll n .... rlu• -1.ilf"llu11. Tl"" I'll~ h11ll1tl1111 ... 1111 11, '""' '"'""' '"'"''"¥ 0111 '"''"' ,. ·~·ulral. 1·hln11 .. •\ llko• ,.1r1 N'htr•'. It lll111tl•••I In mltlollr 111 h•·1111lllul 'II" hurtf1•rl111t C 1•t1tra l /\\I•. t lu,...teru111MI I and IJ1lu 11r ... (l-·kterm111tl 1 I \'.11 '' ""'"'""' 111 .. 111111•n1lrtwnt I"" t 11 .. ..:111111111 It w1111ltl 111111<r '"An ,.,, 111,11«· <'lttli" .. f t h•• HI nntlone I 111to l """'"' 111••v1•11l tlu• rl'ht\hllltn• I I lttU 1tl \\ f•,11•1 u C ;t•I llUttiy Tiu• p1c kf'lmt.: !'lrtkC'rS hough! r o\t•' prnpo-.11111p:·· tlw~ w <' r • I• 111. 1 't11m1 '""" C~llJlll 11<•1'\llll•' 1 llllt·n of Inn.; '-11trul111;t ll{'d "tlh 1•ntnl~ to p nwrnt hr11k('rs frorp .ll",rtn~I 1111' 1.:r-1n11og l>f 1tn)' (l("C':tll a ~l;1r1 p,1rk. (, .1-. t4 IUH'k too thr 1111 Hhh;:,1t1<•n tn ;in~ ill j;!ltlliUlllOn G_9ROON H O LLI NGSHEAD Warn er Brothers Producer From I f Cit 141nup •>I 1w•upli•" rf"l11'htni; tht"tr ofru'('S for tlw start ~.~ ,),,a,~· o.1r110,,~·· pro111·rl) tn n illl>pa I II~ 1! d• 'otrl "· pr\11 tdltll.! ~urr1r11·nl 1111i. \\Ul; tnlCIJJll'll·.d lL'· sianif>'-Balh a I ·I· nd H· ., d B St d" . of t rndtng.in 1lw world's largest ~ <~·,.a~ ·rru111iti.:1·· w1·r<' pu1 up I~· '"I: tho! Gn·di·v htttl tlikt'fl 0 0 , 8 3 31 e Y U 10 fi1111nc111I lnstilution. Thi~ wns lf\kt•n as A blow ugainst t111·.r1ty ·to .. qual I ~<· assc~sed vnl· ~tuncl similrir 10 • 1110·1 or Dick .. Forty pick<•ts, SC'Ve ral o r them lhl' China Cove. park proposition ua11on o f the private parcC'la .In-Droke who lasl Thursday ,AAtd hf' 'r\Jt..IQ lww.nph1iad, l~ "'""''"' from h<od wouo4', w:i;l•h CMo"' <1<1 Mu'• CM• .,. duo.d lo lh< "'°''''cd ..,k "'c. hod "made iio ....,.,.., "' -· ,,___ Ujoool. dragged !ighll>ig into pqtr ol wag-C~lllJS BOW I mlttml'nfi: tu rll•' Buicim•ss CoUn ! ~"jWMn<'l"r (If <tlort '""""""~' OM and taken lOJhe oJd...~ {)H~ Ld!lff -S TO U .. -S <>U· and. tf-~r:'<'tN't.-·wm ~iiCI trir),.. l •tll ...,, .. , • .-.. ~....iu .. -i1111t """'Y5•-..i.1r licr-s tatiQn . while cmergl'ncy • • fll'nclently Wllhout rq;nnl lur ""' II• h1'.11l 1ol th•• •h11rt •ult)"• t tf,. .. squads o r Polic<' rush«d Into the COURT SUBPENA AT LAST MINU TE i.:rnup nr or~n111L1\r.111n •. . -i'.·,•rl/\m'1ll ;,"11.•mi.: tlu• 111'1 "'" k 11rNc 10 wrest I<' \\'tt h o nr or the 1 n 1r ht•lti•f 1 hut { .ri·i•lr-) nbo tn· .. 111 t I I " worqt tr:offiC' joms tn 1111' hislory WASlll='GT< tN. l\l;ir :\() ~VP I ''11rnm th1·11 '''Uo·d th1• ircf ·r 1 "'lllL~ 111 run l"irtu.111~ '" rin incl•'" l~·ni.: in '""' t~ n11.:ht ''" ""' ph11l11 l1\ t 1,u 1f1t" 1\11 l1u lu i.t 1·•1 ·' REGISTJIATION '1PERSUADERS' HIT BY CLERK 1 1 1(1,,,.1\ t'• 11111"'"""'""' to In· 11·h111. St•·•"• •• "''"'" t 111 11 n1ll c11U '"'" 1 .. 1 .. 11· 1111111 1"'"""11" o( the 11111 11111 Ill \10'\\ tol lllf" 111/.A" "' ....... ., .......... , ppllllbl /lf'fh•lty on fht' Jlllrl n( anm1• '11·1• UU~ J.uuuJJ&Uj,'. rL01(ialr.tlltOf1 •of 1,1.,j. ••r" Ht l•ti.·ut :u •·11• uf lfu· •·•n111t 1111' 11. • k l11,.1wht •tllt<'k r"p11w1I 1100111 I 00111111 I 'I• I k llH~ll .I '-:1111 th '""'" ., •.• ,,, "" "'""'',,•!:.11•1'\ t 1 t•111\',1 ,11 .,. \\11t• 11 \lfh! f .. llHltl•'• tlw •t11111h11..: '"''" J11r llw 11nM'"ftd.. 1111 ,111 It ""'-!""""' 1·1°1 tnln tb.tl "1111111 "Ill lw In ttir mruure •. 111111lly "l'.l''""''''I h~ l hf Then th.-~nillt' wm have te •~r II. On 11 l'Tlfltlnn hy Vorya, &obtite utL Ut" 11111••n1h111•n1 '"'" llmll.-d to '" ,. 11111111\~ '11• .. 1111 ;7° "" ohjj.c11on 11) H"I' Sol lll11om. N Y . r11nk- m i: I 1<•mu1·rn111" uwmhf·r· nf lhe 11 ... 11111111111 .. 11 "11~ n1•l111 .. 1 · "fnlr, I lj!hl 11111 111~• .. uf tlw 1·11ni.:"''•·d \\'nil :-1 n •1•t dis· f 1 ' 1 . 1, 1 .. f .. 1 , . · h .1 •1111• of •Ii· ·1••11 · """''' 11t1 I''" trll,1 r ·fnhnl. (,1•w1'<,.lt11\1'tnJ:ln11frd· 1\hi<·h m:11 1r111g a 11111lwr co1111 11.nc•n 11 •1:1 11111·r ~l•i·ni.:t «nd I. II II 1 ·1 . l•1 h1 · .,,,. • t th I I .. t IHttt •• iru.:, "111 ''"1'-J'.J' 1 .. •'h ' t ' I ' 't ' rt t I \\llml·n t"·'nt 1ral 1·11111·1 111'(l1 r iind th1· thr,-.nt 11:i ttlr•b1•l\\'o·1·11).r•\\l«'il1fltl\f"'"'· · ''·11 m 1n 11 .11• 11p1°1•• "' •" "1 ''1 1" '11 1'"r 11 11 -• .... • ...... r ,.. ,,.,.,,, .. ,h •'t ., r · lt1fTil1f h1ftj•WJ .. 111\\i1f1'tr.lrl••·l 1tJ I I I I \ I I I I 11· ht 1' \\"pm• n famt"i'd in lh<' crush ul an•1rh1 r 1•nnr•·rnp1 r 11 1111<111. to· .. 1nnw111 l.1·111s 111 .. 1 111 his ftRht '1 ' '1111101 '' •111~ i.:n1111• "1 1111 1 11 1 11 11 " ' " 111111 " 1""1" 1"1'1• ,1•r !'ii ftUrn~•y d . .. t "'•f • . I I I I 'pt•r,un \\.ht~~'"'"" f11 '" ""UJ•1~or·1 "' • •' u 1·•"' u1 •• P•• t • '' '' '' •ti \P1•' ,,, -h •n1 • 111•" '' i I· ,.,. • ~ arPunr1 th•· L-'<J1·11)t'rl ~ICK"k ex·· ii) '"n ,,. on n pnq11 r ntt.1 \1tt 1 r w 1:111 .. rnnwnt lai:r """' I I "'trn1~1 '"I ' ' I 11 /\ It\ J)" A k f , . . ... ,., .. "t··• th · i1·d· '' dt ... a n111ar\.nnt1 1 -.h:ill•·nw··•"''' •. , ••...• ,,,,,. '''''""''''"'"''·1 , .... ,,.,,,, .. ,, lrt1·('·tf•r~ ~ <tr chitn"<' "k'"Cr11111.·r us thous~nd_<: of '"'• ru "''" •1.:•1 ms: ' •· ··~ ,. "" '" 11"'"" 11•·1<· '""11"' '"d . I · •J M1•lln11 I'•••••· \11 1111•1 -,, , · I • J .., .... , ·: l r1nl,,tnk · I. I I "f d"'"llt(ll i1111•1t l'rth1•p111l1lo111,.,l.rlJ .1t . ' ''''""I"·"'' . • • \lurk•'" (1t111r.·d I rom suhwa~ l'n· ~ · . ' . " . < "11 'mp nn.. '"'' '' · "' '""" • • n"-i. a" :11 ti (, f"d V t 1r·1n1'l''o 61 Ill<' Jll"1k of thl' m orn· fh~· t nllotl :\t1r.,.· \\11tK1r' "'""' fh1 prr ... trl•ntt . .i f;11•1.f1mlt111·' . I f . In "'' 141~···· 111111 111• \\,111101 I 111.11 111 ·'"' ···•11111 '"'" ••n I nnpo ,. ft ' n . • • • •. ·I I I th t d I""' I • I I . . I., .... ··~. UI th1·r .11ltl1•I •. , Ill "'""'I •" •··· ' .......... It """' ' ',-, ' HIL' r111 h h1111r 11h .. 11 th1· fir ... t \'10· .1pp<.1rtt 11 •II• <' lOar ·•' . 11•.1rr \\,;-.~·I Ill' unrfrr 1.11• 1 .. r.. I I lln1tlto1-.. '''"11 •1lotoo I .j, 1"11 li•nr .. Ill th" tll'1•·d:t\ 'ltrtk<' lll(aln-:t ' .• ~. l'. II'" l' ' ·" , ~ ""'' ·•" '" ln\1•'"11h•1t1 ""' UJ . I I I I llll'ltt, li11ll1111·•lt• ... 1 11., •111• t\1• I ' 11111 ~·sT 'I)\ mmut s I f I th~ II •1 I I I 1101 "' ll'lllni,: 111""' 11 ""' '111 l"·'"I' '"''' '"" "' ll1t• .,.,.,,.,.,, .. ,,.11' of · · c1r ac1hn· s •f 1n n ·cot1r1 urd1•r iq~u 1• JC'• I t k 'fh tk I" 1 t "' UHl\1'11a ~ ~·1 rn) ~.in <·~"'' 1'11'" '"1 \••!•'''· h· • .,,~11•t1 t , •• ,,,.,,111111 1•1•11• t 1~t11y r-· llw Sllll.'k "n d l'llrh ('Xrhrm i:l's ' I . ' . . . ,,,. r)"(./I~ l'IHI .. rt •. ,. "·' • 1111 'll 11 \\'I ... . . '•I lho 111:1k11 w .. , "'' '""I'' " r ~ ·- hrok<' <>.ut rrl t h1'I mornini: hy ~rdernl .l11tl1:•j '''" l'l<'mnwl.I frr.111 It •k>ld!\wk '"' f ,'·: ut •I 111•1•1 111111 '"' iq•lf 1t• "'" 1111111 111d u 1.t1 lt•t ••I 11.11 1•lt11•1t•ol t• •lrl• Ill 'l11•11jl11t""" 111111• l•l•ll•• '"" q1,,.~tl1111r1lre • L' f • I !\I ,. . I I I ''' ""' 'll(ll~•rl whwh '' furtlh'<~" '' '"''' ""' "' •II "'I' "' 'I t I ~·ir;Jitthb. ;;t~L11:hczl pickets r.1 "·"' · .. m~-_ ~""'~ ·•''"~ t 1 i; l'o 1 n: 111:·11•-,m· 111110• i """"" ,11,i 11\\'I ' ' ' '""• "'"ht•li 1• ""'ktrtl( '" ••ll•·lt 11 vot.e r<'si•ntcdthei.1rrestofa~lrlp1t'.'kct t Tlw ..:11H·rnm<'nl. t::o1 a 1·ourt 11•~~.,,•r1w11:-11•11' 11r mnrl' linik" had 111,11 ,,.111 h•· 1 ,.1 mm1r fr •• in1T .. 1 • .,,-,~,1T ..,111 '11'_1" '"11"''"" "1"1'1 111 1111~ .. 11 .. 11l1•l•rt•" ltto111 1wti1·1• p11r tlrl-• _. r ·~ f I I I Th · l·-rd ti ' k ... l f•'T-°•r--11•11111•111 111• 1111t•tll•r .... n1111111r,,•nl. for <f1i:11rd<-rly rondurl m rl'fu.o;ing 11r111r "'' r ._....w s 1gno n '< a i.u •· ' "'11 '""'" "" ''" "'"'"' 111.rd•· nn .. n .. 111:1 nwnt-. \\ilh 11,. '~'""" "' 11 • ' '""I ' '' tll mm·f" awa\' from ltll' t'Krhnnt<(' l"'r .. 1 '''"'"' h) lhl' huard lltrl'l"lln!: 11~ ·rf•JM II 11° r1 tll~l'ri ht1lh 11111"~ ll•l'-tn<''-" '"'In• ii fni 1111•nl1tl 'I" II• I•· "'"'111 f• 'l'lo 1 ' •I th '1 ""1 111 1011111~\ .,1fwlnl11 11111••• 1111k1•rt ror c•ntran<'1· A'fi..though :11 .A si~nal l h1m 10 llVl"'ar twfor•· 11 )1,.i<t•r· Th< fal't·ftnrl1111:IJ<11~~cl s11li1•·n.1 rund• hut "'•t1ld 11,,. 11,,·;~";I"i'.' fl11ll1m•-t1•·,1 I• ii••·" 11 .111.·. '"''" ··• '""'"'111'l''"1'"111 111"' • 1111111< '-'I''''-'"" Ir''"' f11,-. pro-.,, · k d cl 1 t"' ... 1\0: \t·•t1•r"'"'' \\l1~n h 1 • I I / I I I I ,,,• .,. ••• · '' ·1.'1' '''"'t .. r 11 ,,.i, • 1•1• 111111 11'11 · .. ,, tl11• 11111111111 "l'1111rr1•· S•IOW .,.1 olh<'r PIC' l'ls o r th<' Fi· a~·. I , ~ • " • • • ,. i:· t:ndoNf'd b\ f 'o undl lllll I 1' "'"'' . t\\ r1' '' 1°1'" 11'' ,. " v nnnrinl Employr" t'n1on 1/\FLI ;Ju!tl•<'t' d r r111rtme nt o fftl'1nls h11ct l)Llt'L'P thr1-1.. ~uh1.1t•n11. thr g11~'<1n-t;i·t"'''"~· nlnni.: ~Ith llrnk•· and 1r1 r1w1 tit• "'"' "'"'"'"' '"'", 1''"" 1 11 •· 1••11"1 1" 111111 """' 111 1.ti:hh r·tth•·r h)' fln11n- tushrcl to lhe rntr;rni·i~ nnd lay ~11id 111.11 11 l.t•Wh> di•ftt·d ttw <'1111r1 1n1·n1 11ht;11n••fl 11 ""t1rt 11nk r r•·li >alla~ K. lllui•, ,.111,.1., . ., 1111, t••IP• 1·1rl1mt 111 1h .. 1,,,,.11 , "'""''" Iii• '"'" ,1111111 ,11111;.11 ., . .,,, 1,,,11 1·d11I 111tl I·~ .. n t1·r t111( h1111l11 11nd down )1r forr 1t Somr lay on 1hrir l ttrd1•r th") \lo't'l' prrparrd 10 11sk '11111·1111: him lo""""' l':•u~C' "h~ It•· 1·111 arl'na tl11·111tgh ;111 11nrn~11 • 11r-r1r~1 '"'111J••t1lo1r \\.tl11·1 f '""''' .1., .. ,, · 11 .. 111 .1 1 .. "'"' I• ,,1 111 1 " O_FFERS. $150 FOR •h 11" "' I i~ '"'"'''"''' 111·11'. 1111 to :110111arh.,, ~11mr on lh••ir hac'k~. tor :i c-11nt1•mp1 n t11t1on ni.::uns t ommtlrl nol I"• rn:.clo• '" '""'1" ltt··1 nlt'nt in wt.11'11 th<•1 w1·1••,,nd"''"1 1 hnltl~ r1111•· """"'' '""' 11 111! .11 .. i' .. •:•w ""'' ""''' 1st C O MMERCIAL "1"''"'' '11" '1""1111111111"111 """""' ~oinr nn th<'tr !>td•'S. h11n 1mmt'd1a1Ply. l f"r1· t h• ,ht•i1trl lliat ""~ t lw ""''· lt1 th1· Hu•Jn .. .-. ,.;111111·11 "" .1 .. .,,,,.. 1•111d111·11 "·' 1 .. ~11 ·• \\.11 11 .. I 111 ""'·"' '''" 11 .. 111 t L C 01 " '""11"""1 /\m11ni.: thrm w;is a w oman in a Thi• 11rcl•·r "'"" tS"ll"cl h~ F11kr:rl t••'1 11( 1111, "'"'111111:' ~·nd I"" 1·1.1t111n nf ''""'"''"' :md '"'I"' , IH•t 11111• 1·t111•'••\•• 1001 .'.' 1• 11 1 •• 1,1,1,001.,1 1111 11,1• 1, ,.,11• l•1tr i1i l A BA, ORE C AUGHT 111 1'•1 1 .111 '''""'""'' :1~1.11011 fur ('Olli who i:<.Tl'ilmf'd lhRt !CM Jud1.:1: J:.:d11 :.ard ;\ Curutfl ,.n. r I •• rtmc• h+ 1 .. r ... J11clc<' ( 11rra11 m,.,,, nrcani,raf l .. ll• "hwh " I •Ill ''""" 1•1.'fi "l '"' Ii· I' !II• •I '!'' , ... ""' I,,, \\,,I I... .. ,,, \\ 1• .. ,.1. I''""''" 111111 '"WJlf•rl J111r· \\OUldn11th<-movt'd. llupkin, ala l fl-minutl'N111rt••' -1);111:nini.:11n:i 1•l:itf11rn1 r:ilhn1:J•ll "111111.:1111 11( ·••1 ·1111 •lit•• i:1111 .. 11111 li·•I •,,.,, ,,1,,1 ._,,., l'll •lt•• •.ti ~1.11 "\11 ""' 1•L"illt "• ''" ,.,1,.1f11l 1•111(· I 'ulu·r l}('j;lin rlr:11:c ms: t hr• cl I'm· !-11111, r11 i.:111·rl tn l';tlll 1 h ,1t I.· II ,. Jr c 0 f (' 's $50 111:11 ,,~ fu r ' •• 11hh,l11111•n1 11f n • ·'I tt1r 111· work"" ·" "I' I .... II •II\ I• , ,, • ,.. • t..~ k ,, ... lo , 'I It ' ' I It Ill I . I I., I.... , .... I '"' I Ii , .. ' ··•· 11 I ' ,,, I onc;fr:r1nr~ ~\\"a) hu1 us on<· \\'HS :-.h1111lrt n r 1 lu"' fnr''•·d to t1•10:ttf\ h• ' • • " ~ • ' n t,,n;1J..::r•r i,:o\r·mnt• nt thft•U~h ,,1 ,,( thf· pt11n•·•·11u~· J• , .. 1111 ''"'' Ht 11 .. ,1 A ,. '-'· u1 tu••fl , t11 ..,.i 111 '11 J• ''' I',. du I .,.,, 11• .. 1.~1,, ''' I 11t • • '"'' 1t1 "" •ttlrt1t111,,,,,. ttutt p11llr d Qllf of Jl<>"lll(\() 11nnll11'r lcvlk ror .. th1· ,.r .. i.1cl .. nti:d ill111nl. Easter Earnings dt'l'llon o f r1 1111111,J ,,, r,. ... ,h11ld· I• thto l'lll'I~ '"''' ,,f 0.1111•1 "" l ho 1°11 1 '" ·'1 •1•"'" '"' ""'' I ;011 11' '"' .. , •'' '"' II .. ''"' ,,,,,,. ..... it.. IT"""'""' t>I ... ,. .. ~, n l lhr h l'\ pla<«' (~Jvh~ h1·cnn ~\\'ln~1n~ . H11\ h ,\ nu\\' If,, ltt•f'f)ff1'f11' '" '''r+l••·n. UltltHltn~: 1111 Id I J•;•''•H i f.t '••rllJfllll'd ,,,, l ';q~ ..... , lirtd id ''" ... I •111 ~I\ ,, i11ffl ,,,,,,,,.,fl 71 \1,lhfl hi~•dru4' It, la Onr• wnnrnn wa~ hli·rrlini; h1'a1·i1rj L"d y ht To Gt"r) Scouts . '"!'""'"ll:IY llf•1•:111·n1 tl111t II• ''''"I -1' -I"',, I ol It ,,, , '" ... ,, .. , .... ,. lq ""' '' "Ill ,,, .. l!Hk' prl>-A~ ~h1• Wll< pu~h··cl inln ll patrol I 0 ac l or<'l'I••\ llOt l lr:1k•· llrl' 1>0111111 ,,,•·ch b ' "' v d h 111• ""'I "' '"~ 1(1111100111 1•1.1111 "" .... 11111<1• .. 1 11·111·w1·•I c·o- w a..:on /\ cl1•trrlt1'l' "t1rft•rt'd n hrad A h l~1rl :-1'11111 huilcltnl," l11n<l \\n-.•h·· Bll'lll'''' 1111111111 111 11n1 am er s· 1,l'W I cln en erg """'"'""' '"'''"""" l 11!•111.1 "'"'"'"""' l!JJ 11111tl1lp1inl• Injur y nc orage r wlu r ••• 1 •• , "' ._.,,, 111•11 l'.,111 •Ir-me • \\h111 ..... , •• Th>') :11t· •• 1t T s~ (' 'A k ''h. A.d 110011.J 1 1•11•1111111• ............. , ... . Mt".inllhil· ~1cro~· ti)(' s trert u· Re t l I C"lopp.-r .. mtth 1hmrman 11f ''"' '1•1•'•11 '· ll"•k•ui.·.1 '"'•Ill: l11d fnl ax IUJUY .rou11 I s s ~ Ina I Ill '"'' "' ,,,.. \'111\llC "l l't .r:u ,.,. frnm th•· t'chani;r• hundr«ds of ps n a s .l11r11nr (1111mlt•r n f <"1111m1·11·· ""'"'lil'l••ll r1 .. n1 .rll r111·t11in.; fn £'~ . T d ,,·11 •• ~· .... ,., .. ,, ... 111 •·t•llloo "'"'' \\\ lll'.•;T11'. M111 :111 fP PI noo-.. l rtkrn~ tm1..l••)JP..-lo \\''1r4> C'lu,._:_ • \-1-:l+'Ct-J" \\",,, k llc.lJI llJCS and UL.UI . :'l.•·111-·· I l\.·:H h \.AJDVenes •• a-y t >I . assage "'' 1', .. I""' I"'"" .,,. I....... ,, "IJ• 11.. 11 .. 11 ' "l'l'' "l'I '""''"~ 1'•1m- . ,cr<'lf \\nnd<'rins: hnw to i:rt inti) 1.tflu P1·n1n~ula Yacht :inrhor11c1 Jlra<Hnrlf. 1H1'.1 nt111!1•>11 Pfl.'"trl• nt In th•• 1:11·1· 1 .. r nt~ <'l•·rk . !'..-.. ,,....-> , '" l.•n• '''"'I•• 11 , 11,. \11 "' ''' 11 ,,.. , '""" '"'""'"' 11 ~l7iiilil),. th~'1\lt1ldins: P-olirr rlu.nri•d 11 Ian!' tnrl:i~ r1•\'1·11 lt•d that' thr•y ·~, ... 1 rin'~l'nt1or! tit.ti mnrnmt th1<. m nrn -li•·r S••ri:1"tnl <11.111,., K l'rl""' ll.11lph I' :\!11•k•\ 1••• 1•1°111 '.ol \\1\'lll",r ,r11·, \1111 '\11 •l 'f•,,1111° 1111 111 •• ""'""I' 1ol q ,, ·•01 I•"' ''I• 111 "'""'"' ii·Miuri·h for 1lwm.1Jsing thi•ir cluhs 10 beat "'"''n fnrl'f•rl In raliu'' thr•lr ~lip int.: to Mri: .lunr-1n .. r~<1n .. lrr><1p i "'''' rim "II"""' n.,, •11p1w1r t of th<· Nrwp,.rt ll:irl••• 1111111111•1 1.t "II•·"' 1'1 1-.111•11• /\rlt.•11 II !"''"'" l'""'""L' 1~ 1111111 .. 1 •.o•h 01111 '"l'"I 111111111 111111·111 1 .. 111 lmck p)r krts who k l'l•t pr<'si<in~ rc·nt1il1< rrrirn 7~ r!'nt'.~ lo SI '.!:i a li·:lrl• r ,.f r;11 1 Sr111Jll'""rroop 7 th•· ll•J'_ln"'" 1·•·•1'h••·1I If•·'' ''Pf""'' f'ommi•r<'•· 11nn•011n1""!>. th• llJ•I~'"'' l 111.•I• "'" 11• •1•1 '' "'"'ii '"""''" I"' ·''"" I 11 ,,,,,, !It• 1•1••1"1;'111 111111 l11i.:li 1:1•11r. for"nrdwithsrrt':tnll;, lhrrnll'llnd f1w1t to "'"rrnml' rll'ftcrl Op<'ra·j l\lr..-/\Ian Blum. rn-lr11cl"r ""'mi: th" ri·:<'li.111111 .,1 ,.,.t1•ran In-rnnnt 11r11 'l""'l:ilT .. • .._,.,,,, 1· .. 111 ,.i, t1•1•1 001 •l ••l '1•.'t l~~,1~-.1·11111" nn1thn1.~ t1on!>. r1r~. c·nt 111111 _.,rn111~ ·tak1n" ".·.rt r1m1l..-•n1. t 1:ink. Htn .. h:tr t .. m111r .... to r•·V11•:.. '"'' • r\111" llo!( "" I 111 '" ,.,,,,,I "'It• I l""'•l•I··~ s'·l,A.NI ··y· 'ttE'l1 I A ,,. •~ ·~ ,-., • n "I ' •1·1111'" lo •tl"•'jl• I II• •l•••r ll•otj • ',• J , .. ~) 1,1.:~ ll()J)L~ ()LY Oprn' Hair flour Latf' ,.All<'n :\l1r krl !laid thllt nol irri> ll'l"rto ='"""Y Jl• .. ,.,.r , ~ll~Rn fl:l\trl ,,,..... ... ~' 1:41•t-:nwont 'IM~C'turi· 1n :-.i•\\j••• I ·~ ,. ,, '111• I . • r .... \. r ..... ., r.. r · All trnHir wa!O dl'tnurrd from 11 Pr•• in 1111• mail thil' ll1tlrnini:: 11nd -.nn, l1:1rhrtrn l.ms:I ... l>nrnn ~111·~• Thi· 1"'t "1 Jt,,.., l .ri~·ll')"~ :in -will t'."<invi·n·· f•1r '"" 111 ·• •111w 10• ''•• ''''r0•1••011 tn <-h11111 11« .. ,,,,,,Ii i , th<' nr<'a. It was n o111ntil half an lhal hr 11nl9''1patcs 1mmr rrprr-\'1r~i·· ~1'-n<l1·lhnll 11nrl H•tty :"\ur-n".'.\"'"'~"nt lnllow~· • rlny anrl 1:" '1-Yf:All (:()(_,J..,E(;f: • .,()J) C()\JNTY hour h<'forc thr l'XC'hani::r oprnr d C"Ussinns from l'mall ooat own('fS ton ~· r.':"11'Y. ("ltncliclllll1 for StntC'm••nL• '" '"" I,,,.,,, '"·•' , ,,. r111w ~· rl·•'' do"·"'" qi) Ll1• \. for busln'cs~ ftt l(l R.m "that c·n · ·"WP <'X""r l !!Orne of thA llmall Th•· m1011P1 . 1n 1°v"'"'"·· 11( t h• I th(' rtty rounc·il of lht' i·ity nr Nrw. '"OORidrr111JI,. "'''"''"" in :o 1111 II ~1 •111" 1 1 .. t 1 11 1 I .> n 1n '-, A • ~ ' 1' • 1 .,.11 •.,.ill 1II1111 riff ""'"lltlol\ltohll 1; .. 11 'Vt,' S l1rnl1 I 1tl tl1••I• ll'o\\ lll[llllltlllt Ill J:J.O(JO trnnf•rs w<'r<' clrarrd hoat own1'rs w ill pull out rl\lhtor rh11mhl'r nf rommnr1• hucli;:«t fn r r••rf Bt•nch. suhs;r1hr tn 1h1· fnt-• ml'nt11 11r1• 111 ti)•• ''"'"" prnn11•'· ''I'" •Ii• ''"'°"''''" .,1111 11 ,1,.11 I h 111 <ol ~.,.,.,,.,,I l !1:111·h ~11111 l•~tll.)' 111wo11 11111( v,11111111••Ut1t 111 :t•.t:V) liy 1!¥10, "Tliis I• strictly a poller joh.'" thnn pay 1111' high<'r trn111I," hr,«11•rr1111nml! Ea~t1•r 1 rirat1nn<'r~.1 •M·mi.: l)nnC"rplt•'-1 ror1t11nl:r11ti11n11frto1·•·•11111111 1t 0 • ,,,.,,,, "' r,1 11•1 ,tl1f1111o, 1·11111,,1• t ~ ·r I h I /11• •••11111 i1o111 11, .. 1 .. ,.,.1"1"'" '"" ••·1•11 1 ~how• IRld F:mil Scr Am. cxrh RRI:<' pr<'SI· st11t('d "llowr,·rr, w e hll''" a num· 1111~ wr·lr11nwrt liy < :111 Sc<111t lr•lld I ' Jlro~r 1rl •land for prlnd-w irh Wtll "''" nu• I 11lh '" '1 f\.11 "'" k 111111 t.111• t• • r ,,,,.,.,.,. 1 '"" I' "''"'> ,~,,11 ,,, 1 "~1 ,,111 1~ hll , ~··••I·. .,.,, ··~• 1.t,lhh 111,. 1,,lf••i:•·. 11 si,. dAnt ··11 d""~. n"t affr<'ct our O""Tft· h<-r n f boat owner,; o n thr 1A·111t · "ri.. nn\\1 ""rtrn1~mi: thr ronstrur· 1rnnttnul'(I •m P11~ -SJ <'hHnfCl'fl unit v1tr11111 .. 11• 111 '"" n "'"''' , .-"' "" n .,.,. I•"' 'llltttf'• .. •·f 11lit1tl11lni.: II ,,,,,, '71•• 1101 l•1n1I rolri•ruly hllll IK'f'rt nl- tlon at ell " lnR list Thr yard ts runnlnir .At' n I t1nn of •hrtr (;1rl ScoutA~tll ,,. * w' . • I mrnta. por1 i<'lllllr_!.y Ill th•· .I '•t1hl •1 '. \Jilt.II nl•ll i.: II l J> 11 f•JtJffU•l>tf ...... "'"''' '"·11•·1:•· I l'"'"'<:tl As net predicted. th<' C'XC'ha'tl~e 10!'~ 11nd \\'(' r('('I Wl' must do somr· 11011~1' l•n ("i·nt rnl Aw. ti1 lllth eather & Tades * ,,,..,.,,., M iu•k•·) .. .,." • ,,, 11· "'•I• 111111 ... ni:n" wtfl 111• 1 •• 11 ,,.,. •• , ....... 1 '" 11 ... I· 1:1• Tl11:· l..r•l(ilil11l•Jr•· wtfl 1111t. ol (Continued on Pap 4) ,thini: lo p11t l1 on a flll)'~I: b11~1~ ·.•trrrt -av UNtTEO PRES!..-I Thl'<'f1Tnm1tt"'• "'" "'' J•11n•·•I 11 •• ,.,1.1111 ''" 1',11 ,,1,..,,11 11.,..,,11.11 '"'"'' 1,,11 ,111 11••1 11~ 11, i.1 ro1r. ,.,1t1••· •'.l•l"-•l•·t Iii•· lull'" lurnl<' I Koulbf'm ( 'allfoml•: P 11 r t I~·, "1mllar lfl'OUJA f 1 ••m I .:1i.:•1n.i t111tl ltl •·1·ri11r1 u11•I 11111 r" r 11111'1 • ;,.,.,., , 1111• • "l'""rl i • • "''"'".ii. w.i•ll~ 1 •II• •I "'" 1 .;11 .. ,.,. 1111hl 111" 111·111 ••·i.•lon; MOSCOW FIN D S 'AMER.-Dl~ECTED' ~ SPY RING rlt11111~ lrttlny. trin1i.:ht 11nr1 WN)Ql'!'·"'•lhl'r C-1111•1 ,.i•11·' 11011 "'" •••11 I o1o1I 'l•trl«~ lwf•••• -1111, .,....,,.kl'fid "''' l°i~I'"'" i•i'I tlil\ 1111•11(1·1 ••·• 111•• 1111tlw1 ,.,,>J,.nt)t 11v1·r nm1 the !""~ \\tth rrw -.hro""''" 11\'('r anrl ~··r With l'fltllll,\ •1[lti1 .. I• ""'' ,,,,,, 1 11 •• ll n•t••· I~ 1'1\fff·•·•· .. ~·r .. ,.,.~, ""'''""· 111•1\111•' '"' 1 .... 1111 .. 11 "' lh• f l11"11111k1·1 .. ,,; .. "''' ll•'h•·•ltlh·•I f() nt•:irmnuntnln•;~ot muC'h ,t:han1::,.1"1Jlhorlllt'll tn Ill•• n1·111 hlltffl' •1111•1• J••1•k111•• l1ort11't• 11111 hill -'111•· •••ll•t''' '111 r1r1111t:• '"111111\!1111•1•1 111•111111111111 l!l<l!I n11t '1,h1'n ~ LONDON. M ar 30 ll"P) "llr rnnfrsscd hr was a m f'm· purpncr intrrid~ to ulili7." ''"'h in f<'m(lf'ntl11r,.. l/•·11Hy "·in11~ 1 M rmbfor< 1,f ~!11-.k•·1. •rt \ ''''"\I t••I•• • ,,1 1111w11 ,,,,. .. 1 "' '""''" '"'' 111 i ...... /\1ti:• i. "I" "''"" il•.,.itl•• ""' 1114•11 110n . t hr Rad10 :\loscow charl(<'cl t ocfa~ that l)('r of 11n ,1ll<'io?RI Fac-1~1 org11nllf1 rnuntr11·~ 11< Au.~tnn and S wr<lrn, 1111·1 mountain nn•I m t••n111 t• •11mmlth>;• r•'J•I"'""' ,tll ,,,1,,,,, \' ,1 1 f 1 1 1 1 ,,,11111 • "'''"")" •~ ·1;11111111 k••cl" fitr •ltr Ru.~111 h11d 11nro1·,.rnA 11n Amrri-11on <'Xi<trni: m th<' W<'~l•·rn n("· lhrt111ch "h1rh 11 15 """'l'lhli 111 i;lfln• J th N "'"' "" "' "'I I' ~1 '' · "''' '""~·r•' I •-i..: • •1 .--1 I' rw1••1 • lf.111 ... 1 .11••1t ,•lfi.ll 11, 11 .. 11 Ii; 1111 , "" k • 11,1 \\1111111 lh11t h i"• h•· ~ut•I th•· ('l••J••ll can·dtrl'{'trd !"JlY rtnl\ of (1\rmrr c-up1111nn 19nr l)f Gi-rmany, ron-f ronduc l 1'11p1<>n111:1• y.·ork •• l m p,.,1al \'Ml~·: \\'tnd" :.!5 lo :v 1nr ludr W . \\" S.t11l••ld 1~·111 \\ · ""ll•I ,1, 111,,11•1111 ,,. ''''" ,1,.,,,,,. l"~t••tl 11,.111 t••lhV I\ 1.11•,7 ··~•'..! 1,,.r A• tr 1111v. •luntb . 11.,. hlll l•rO· Gf>rman 11rmr offtrrr~ OJ1"rattni; !'IJltnl: or nfftCi'rll or the formf'T Mn~t'."(lW S'Rtd lhl" rrnttor 'rtf lh1> m1l1·' 1.rr hnur. llri1t1t~ Brlltl•n ~·1n11t ,,, s S(tl· 1.1•1••. ,,, ,,,,,.1,,,., .,..),,,. '""' " "'' o•.•l I•\ •11•1 .. 1 1···~1 .... 111 r,..,,, \~•ltrw r ... th• ••oll•1··· "In r1r1oni.:« OU! of wrsl•·rn Gi·rn!fny. A~!"tria Grrmnn nrmy who 11n• hMnt: u~NI ttll"l:"rl <JI' 1111:1rn11:i1 inn WM< ,., 1,o.. \nr,.I~ """ ,.1,.tnlt\ · 1'.1rr I•. '<>r . ll1t) <""I" "" l.·h , • I• I Id ' ..... 1 I•.,"", , .... ,.111w ,,, 1·, '"°''' 1,t 1 · - And ~\\rdrn In learn lhr• !ll"C'r('IS h~· th•• 1\nll'rtC'llll inlrlll"l'nrl' <;tor. 1111tlt<hNI r1r-.1 tn F1;,nkf111t 11111 "''"ti" ,, .. , ... \. tonwh• 11nrl.\\'1•dn"' '·"'1 .... c l'•·nn .. , .""""''' 11, ' \\ii ', '"', •• , ) '''1111 ~ vr '"'"'" ·~· 1 ~·~ /\ni:• 1 "" ,.. 'JI. fl t1 111 f,,,,,1·• S t1 11\•1 """ ~ .. '''" ("''"'>" .. ""ft" '''"'' ,,f tun1Clfl•·r· of lh1• So\'111 1nnr 1virr fnr •'•111nnw•<> in lh1• S"'trt ""' trnn,l0•r1°•! 111 ;\1•Jnl«h 1n th• diy \llfh kw ~lt .. w•r• h\••1 n11111n ''" 11nrl M111•h11ll I. :.1••lo0~•1 1 1 l tl• "'1111 11 ' <.:,,.,.,,., "'1 'I• ,,,,11,,1,,, rr 11<1111.,-1·1 ~••ri •·· 1,1 I I i k .. ~ J I "f -., '1 ''\ "' ••\ lftl' ind 'lf 1\f•'t'fll nn1rrul- Mf\Crnw "'"rl J ht· l••llfl• ·r 11( t Iv /!Ill•· . R :1•lt11 ;\111•('f>W said ••1rr11n• r or 1 '117 111111• :-;pt n'llft'h I ltnrtt'" Ill I '"11"•· Th(' cnmmt• I••· \.\Ill 1•" ' ' r· ,, k~I" I•• • • \, I I•.. ,, " I' 1 •·fl lol. ' .,.,, • ''"'' .I fll • " 1101 •Ii· ,, '"' "" "I' S t·""' "' •1·1111tl h ill gr(lllp n"''r''ltn" 111 tllr' .~t•\'lf'1 "/\c.,11r"'1n,• t•• "1nk1rt '• 1~·11. Jtv mi ml•' r' ~,..,,,,\\ '\:t1d "'~-r' J••fh'Urt•, t y I ) . IJ '~.;.'ft\ ht· ft1f 1 q'n ,. •it, .. , tf•fl I , .. " .. u .. , ~ •. , ' """ ,., t ,, ..•• ,,, .. ,,' 1 t• •t 1 • 1 · '~' .,..,,, "'' rt,.,,.,• '"''"'"' 1 ,.,,, ' . .ti• 11 ,,,, ,, ",tz.tt ,.,.II•·':" in z.onr ha'1 tM•n 1·1pHJft d :tnt1 hAcl O"lf1n\ th• t•ntt•r Of thr Ofl:flOl/:l l•rn1•r ntl111r(, ''I t ht f1•r0"''1n Tlf't;.• •r-r•ll rf'f1 fn ,,,,,,., ~/'"\fJl\"f&'}'r~nr• r',1rht (1ub. 1h• t,,11 h,1\,1, ,,,.,,, f1 ~1'1 1 )1 [• !'••• r•l•"~t •l;t''•'I ,., Jfft '-f•f \\Ill tu "' tJ,pw-•l•lt ltt11fHfl•f :,,,,,il\ conft•(~•cl . II· \\[I< 1d1'nt1ft·r1 a~ 1111n ~·· ll<olf thr task of 1·~•.il;-i:·n·r·il ,,;,ff Tl" ... ,..., lol llto '.•~··· ,, •. ,,,., ""' ~•rk ~r,. ... ,.. 1•m ,,,<'ff Ii\ "·"'•I .. , .... "'' I . ,, I•' • ,. •I "' ... r I I'••••"'''''"'"'' •. '" l•o '<l'l\I """ r1<-<1J.ill" .. "fl' r nr ~· f I" .,,,..,," , ! tn·· ti r :V • ' ~:Aft "''~· •·.: .. ~ •• 111 J•rr;,, •.. ,,, ,, I i"I ·····I '\ t. " f l I l ~ • I I •J ,, I • t I .,,,, ••• •I I I '•.•"t 1t1 '•' '•t tfll'• , .,""'' ""'' """'h"''fl,..,,_ Col C.1·r h11 rd l11nk1rt form•r r<i:· ll<J1tnl; f11nt .11 • \\1th G1nn.1r • I L II I "'~· r ................ , ... ,.' ' " •• •Ill ....... 1 1 -~ /\11t:d 1' C'uu11tv."" " ..... '··I •'" ... ,.,,u aft•r tor· l.G ''' ~~> ,,,·mm11f11o1· ih:t1rrr1o•fl i •l••'•tl .1u11r'"'' ·-· ,,f•tth•··· ,,,,,.,., '"''''''' J( \\1 ·•111 n,·f,..-,I f1n.1ll) to n1;~,.t lm1•nt.1l l"l'lmm in<11·r nf th•• Rrnn-1111.:• nt .. I• ft In :1 numl)l'r nf C'hlln· m"r r1 ,, :••.•f •l.,fr ••f th• '•" 1111,,n \\' 31 l'l •1 '• ·.,n nrl th I ,, ' 1"1 '11• • " "• • "·r 11 1 11 • .. , •l l.7 flf1rrtt•r:tn ••·•''•'•''•··-•••II · 1 '• •11 ••fl''• 1 11~"'''''''''''t ,,,.,_,._ "'''' ,.,,, •l•t11 1ruh••l k~~hJ·tlftirtri.fruru11nt1th· drnhttri: clrl't~1on I tri• ~ cl11r111c \\ 11r1tm• Rnrl f.,r thi~ arm.\ 4 3 r1 • l1 n'""' I t .. .. ~ I ,_1_ J' ,.u. : .. ·.,.,,, ·h ,.,. • 1 • • .,,,.,,.,,, ,, • '1111 •• ,,, •11 I"''' fti• 1•11U• s·• 1.,,P •. ,..,., l.11"' An~·· 1 ... Courtl.r .... .· ... . __ ,. __ _ . , ·1 '. • ·,. • ... , •" --~ I ·. ·-~~~-----"-"'!'!"'lllllll!---~---------~~!11911----... ~ .. ~ U-.s. Sup~eme Court to \ ~ ' RUie On T~ft~Hartley-L-aw --· Page 2 N E W P 0 R T 8 A I, B 0 A N E W S -T I \I t: !' T l 't:l'll),\ \ :-.""port ftloM'h. < aJlt. .. ·ND };'RONT PAGE E-A-R-L-Y N •· E·-·w • S $207,970 in 01a Age Pensions in County Last ~lonth SAC'HA!'lll-.:\'1~ I 1\'.11 ,Ill 11 ··,., -T'hP '-f .\l1• Ct• t• II t tlH Ul 111 to.4 ..c·•.'-t "'t~lt'tl•• hu"' ·1uu •l;flC'• •l II fnt,al 111 ltr..! ''-'·"'~ , ... ''' '" .. \\tr•· ftttttf • ·ld ,.~~ J>l'O'l••n' 1n l' 1lif111 n111 h11111r..; ~ • h· ru.11 y Tih• ~1.u11' .,, •. ,., ·•n..: .,.,-; 07. 1oi;1l1~I 1:111 1·111 I t:I ll1o 1111111 hf.r o( r1'11Jtlt'fl1' \\,1' ill• '";'$)"C, U\1J Jnnu.1~ In Orlll\I!•' 1•1o11111~. 1• ll•1o1n• tu· t11l1ni.: $:..'(17 !1711 "''I\( '" ,I l1!J(1 , •. ,. Or11ni.w ~·ounl) r'<oe1•iv1'<I 11""'''""'" paymPnt~ totttl(ni.: $l~>.7fl0 tlurmg J onu11ry. GLOBAL CONFLICT , WITH BUGS GOES FLITFU~LY ON • 1 1 il•·ll ,, •h.11 I' tl1 •·"ll' n .111kt111 - t ••r 1·• ·111 "II''"' I r lo.t t 111 .. 111l111L' "111• ., \~II A :\I .11 ~·r· 11n' 1l1d:11t-,,,,.11 .. r l.i". "' I" .. 111o-r· ,, ' , ·"· . ••r . ' •-. ' ' I s I L" t• I .-ntrr-•• \.\flft)1 n \\l'l"t: k1111•d .1ud :M• ',,,,.... • ""''" •• ' ... ' \ r '1 1·• GORDON B~ FINDLAY - -CONTILAOT08 AND BUILDD Offtcle: Mll OoMt , CABINET SHOP.' SERVICE .. Tho' slllfl'W1dr nh1 tnllll w o .. Sl.- 677.:!56. h w1·nt 1<1 :11.10:1 t•hthlrc•n bn lncn>oS'(' 11f ~ .. , O\'<'r Jnmilir) fl(>r~".™'-lnJW'c 1"'1 uu: u \\ lUI thP 'I:," \'nm l:ot1 · nrtlrr•"rt 111· · d I I I I'""' 111 111" 111.1111111' 11111111: t11 .r II lor111d gt'1•n1td1· \\ "~ h•11 lr·cl """ •• I ' I I r r C'r11\\tl 1111;-nrlml( 11 l11~h ,..,11~11 ° "11' 1111 1"n•i 111: 11 " ''" ''l'I•" Sorrell, 13 Others NIC'hr n111m :JI llnlo r Ill t 'll .. l•·rn 1 ''"'..' PROMINENT ILLUSTRATOR MdVES 10 COM J 1.,f,' I "..: i..n H1ll. n<111Cm.111 """"" 11!0,.'1 1 ''"r, f1>r11ftorly ,. .. '''"'I \\t'h ..... ,.·rAI ttutstnntlu W xpert on Y aeht ~rhoo1 Vacation ustoms to Speak '. '~ai!~nders boad--o Pow~r Squad I· - I ohce Blotter I .l11lm S11ck. f:tm··d... y.ich r~mnn I CABIN!:l'8 AND MJLLWO&lt T_C. JOHNSQH, 9upf,, ..... ,......_ _ _. A • d • M l.111.'1ny ti {Holl H'ltnrto••I loclr1y -l .,.,,,., I 1 .. 1 '"" •·~· .. nd 11m•· 'ciuJtte In ass 1 A ld1·~r11m ~f'('••l\o •I nt f'rt•,i-•r"'~ ,,. " 111 .. '" ··-ll··tf Hlur Hrh ' • • do•nt ~'-•ntH'f Hn xn11· nff1n· fr11rn "".1 ''"' •\-I• '!1 11 ... '·'1' '' ... Pie ebng Charge l ril\' <iri·g11n11 Sartl:J)ann o f Qur· 11"11 '"111" 111 '1 I ... I ti· I hlllll .. ,. '' r '""'•·" m 111,. 1-!n!'lt, and m"'' 1, •·• u1 I\ ''.tit .,n.. maJor mo\ ~ -1u1hr1 111 111•11\\"I(){!, hM "'"'"I 111 1· .. ,.., .. , •I• I \hr 11nd will m""' 1 .. , 1.0"•' it 1r;o11 St•c1md 8\'t'n•t• I an<I •'"\J~rl on mann•'r' 1·u .. tflm" ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1111· / ,,,,,., \,1c.11t.1n "''"'"'n•I anol f)·11:-.• 11•111• If•• fnr hoat <. \\Ill '' unit "I' 11111lr·r "'•Tl'lt•I qk11.,. ll{o. tho· main 'f"·llkt r :11 thl' fir,t ''• rrl ,, h11t :1 i:ay day rl1rln 't "'"" 11f •h· Jlalt"''' 1• .. \\1•r s.,11:t11· ''"' 11t .. h1ch •111111~ nf ht••h -.•htwol rr1n p1l111mc rh1« "''" ~l11n1'1" 11of 1·1111• •'•· r.11!i-ndl"rs \\ho i:t:i}<'d l •'\••nmi.: 111 7 ~· pm 111 th~ Ral- 1on prtt\ tn•·•· "·"d tho· homh·t hru\\. I imuni: 1 It•• ""'" h '""''"' •· ''' I"" U OLL'a'\\'001>. MRr :l9 ll'PI l"r htul f'~CllJN'<l in t h•• l'ru\\rl ,\l<·rl· 11~•·11.''"""'11~1 111 k1ll1111: 11 Br""'· ' lrl th1 '"'I <lni.: Wal' ~l';irl h••;; Y•wht rl11h --SUJX'rlOr Judi.tt' \\'llhRm n M<'-IC'lll ll~l~lan('t· \\11!1 di-patrlw•I :-.; ' 1••111 " 11••1•••1•'" 11 ... ""- Kay ·tod'ly IU:'(IUllll'd ~f,HI•· I n1o1n l from ht·r<' ' · l1·11<1.1nr• 1 lto1ll• II>:• •I th• 11 ntn\"tr- 1 I n I I ' '' ,. k ·1 I I I • I I•• ti.,, "I" 11• •I Tht· .Sout h <'<"•'I IAad<'r Jl1•r lwrl K ~nrrt•ll 1111d 11 1 Mrnn14 htlf'. rn 11no1h1·r rlrs1111h· '' " • ·'" ,,,. 'IJ•-1'1 ''"" -, \I,'' h '"'' "•llir·d up fmnl rl"-1 On::in11 '"''" m .. 1·1tnt.: f11r thr 1 • 1111, • ""'" ''111n~11r .. < a t thl" n1•\\ da~~ "·•~ h1•hl h1<t nl\!hl nt Jun t n ,\, .111• "" ~·I Ari m S anta i\111 co-df'frndanta o f t•ha rgl'll elf Nin -Rn<'f', mutrn1..-r11 a t N111r "·"'' u11 •111 ,.:111un•' •·L;rt•·' "•'I•' in . t • •I h tmcl• rt th•• first monry of 1111• HY\ \\ilh IJt'l:on Smtih. drntr · pJ ' I I ll I " 1. t1l1C"111.olh .rnd ,,,,1trn.1111-.111y ,.,. "''' r• .. 111d0 ni-'"" lw offrrtod 111 a r11cy o \'lO 11 " an an ·m&U tlw N°W'11N1 of lhr c>C i1hun 11ffwrr• 1 1 f I ,_ r pickrltnll ordf'r during 11 1.9-Ui 11 Cllfole m and 1140 Sf'l'unll lttut•tn-.'' 111 '"' 111m th" JUrf -1·1•1••1 •111111) '" -1111 ~ "•<' mt' m·•-•h·· <o "''"'· 111111 """"" m1•1ir11lousl) "'"" nl lhr '"""'' nr ;rtlm•<<tnn~ tn 1• I 1 1 I 1•111 ' "'' li1d111..; -.·1111·• 11r1 ni:. lllory 111111 atudio atrtkf'. ant~ hut n ·11t-ra1 .. d th;jt 1111•\' fl"' 1 h 10 ii .~o·\\ • nt• r .. 1t-t h1 f,,11,,wtn~ n:omrs 11rnn:,. F1lt11•n n1·\\ nwmh•·rii 1 1·11 .t11nn~ fnr •1~•·rl1ni:;· S F \\'Pl'r r•nr11l11tl Smith l'mpha.,111"<1 1 \ln11·r P nn 11>nn . E F: S haulis. Iha! ''"'" m.rn ,,1 woman 1t1t1•r pi11ro l11mt1ni.:11111 Pa rk JI z nunkl"r-tn 1:1•n1•ral llo l:tllnl( knt•Wkrll(I', •nn, IAH1C n1·1wh . T R nark, l'itht•r JlUWl'r or ~llil. i;houhl <•nroll <;lo•n<lal•·. R r Rnrn<'!I. Sant11 in 1111• d;o~!< Sorre-11. prN!ldt'nt or th<' Conf<'r · w ould surr,t•ndl"r only 10 1h1•1r ,.1111;. Yn1k ll1\\e''"l"""11! 111-111~1n"" 1·11m -ll\;.lt: •II-I•• dhhtr;ottt1n. ed\•t•rtls111.• ~ ol Studio U nions, &nd the· mand<'r in chl~r 1•.tnh"< ro f.IO•) tltl• ~1a1 .. oh!' full •!r' i i 11 11 rllu."1r•1111111· cornmen·o ti O ... _ union offl~la'· wcrA Chara..... Th 1 , '111111· nf flf,• 111 .. 11ra111·1• r••IJ1·1o·• l.1~mlt.. 1 .. 111•rlnt.: I\ n d d eslgnlni: -"th conaplrln" lo l1nor~ ~ ... ,... v'lt<' I •· I ' t ~• whwh al'!• 1m1·l.1111w<I '''"•'I\ '"nr" ''J ·• ' i " ,. t Ila .. ...,. , .. , •"" c mut nN rs, a romr:iany of 1 I•· " , n I n t.:ht rll ~ s 1 rt' of1en · ...,, .. ... ... .,... , .. " ron1 a.,u ar:,: roops a r m t-u · . f 'I h · 1-d ill ... ,I h II • .d ,nflo•r ll11•y nm tun• .os u " arC' .1 an w Cftrt) ~ against mRU plckelln& at -t •ma nrms, mor tars 11n m11-. . lhrnui:h hnth ~••mmi·r und wm1• r A n11 C: .!\1 · .ln"!"'•·NtOn. Los An-An)on1• 111 Hll lnlrr••!<ll'rl in l'lOn l- l!<'lrs. J F: llrt•r11'hotl, Dov!ney: tni:. A!< partir1pn"' or ob!<l.'r vl"r , ls W f V11n l\1111r". n ownry : H. f". 11r~d 10 nrtrnd nNct Mond11y'11 Hoon. l.ot1 A.n~lei<~ J . .M. Hawkin-2 and Jl.'nrn somcrhing o f <On , Lo~ AnitrlP!I; w. C. H11tfidd. th(' nai:~ 11nd ru~tontll or bo111s I .11c11m1 Rr•urh: P A Cunnin~ham. 11nrl · t hrir !<l"mhl11n l't' Columbia. 20th Century-F ox. r hlne auna. slew rh1'ir officers us 4 AJ.;rt'<·d '" rt•\'i,•w nn 1n1rr -1 nlll ihs he clime11 p1 M Ion~~ foud l!olUll" f'Ol'l'lrTIC'l'C'•' 1•omrnl'"''"" nnlN I 'l · • r<'liable sources said. pYffifHll'ttg rrfl1:llf rntf'tlor coi:tl -----'-----------------~hipJJt'<f tmm ".nrthl"m h'.l'n1 ucky Sex-Murder • * and ll<>Ulhl'm \\l~ron:.ln. ~ nt•n il'll w.·~•··m llninn " Slayer Held hc nri111: fin H• llflf"'nl from f,m 1•r l\11lhon l <lnnrl T R \\'hill'. Aal-P ilo ltnl! rla!<~I'• will h1' h,.lrl con- IM11t l~lunl! .f (' SC'hnw1t. San 1 ~l'C'llli\••iy 1•n )tnn<ln) ,.v,.nini.: nt • insurance <'OUrt rulrni: .. lhllt ,, \'11111\11'<1 ,,.,. In Padded Cell \\ h.:!•'·t\• tt1r I:•"' an 1 hr •'•ns•'' '' f)11•i:n. I. H .lotn• ""· \0~1;, M1•<;0l , lhl' flY<' for t hlrlC'f'n w1•f'k'< All l II !Ir .inn ll:ollw111 .I \\' Rl11n-nwn <11t1•f;11·111nl~ rflrnplr•ttni.: rho· '' 11 l '(11.orlll \\' ,\ C'r:o11.:. Ln« rn11r'l' 1~ 1 l11.:1hl1• l11r • 1111 mlk•nhlp p.a. palmer IMCOt'<?IAll..D w. o . buck. lftwraftce counselor 3333 via l ido, newport.._beoch. cold telephone f\ewporr beach, hor-Q.._or 1500 * n11•n1 11f 111.:•·nt-111 1•11.:hl 1'1·nl11<·k, ,,.."'TI~ \Wth'r\' 111 .t ,,.,, \"11lk f"fll J1ittft 11 .. n anol tl110·1 "" 11 1 .. 1 frnurl tn • 1nr1n•t l111n ''"" Cf11• 'u~ ti '·'""" IHtt\:l.llll 7 lt••f11,1•1I '" '. \ ... ,, .m 11n •ll1 '1'1•-.f11I ''"' 1°1 II ;111 "~ ,1 I l.0 111 munol l11d 111111 1,t.:.11n-i th" \\' 11 Ii lftmft!:"' t ·,,,,, Th..-... '"' 111,.,,,,......,, '=jae5iie5:::::=~~=~~~~~==========i~s:=:=:==;-. l» lh1• Sn11tl11111 l nd1.111.1 F ..il11;ol 11 'j I >1 ... 1 rl• f '~'"' 1. \\•1•1ftf t1.n, '"'"', .: _, FAMOUS FOR FOOD NOW OPF.N 6:SO TO K r . M. C'l.O~F.D MONUA \" SEA FOOD -STEAKS -DINNEHS CLAIR G. MARTIN, !1CMI ()co.ran Front N «'WJIO rt Rf'IM" h -~ w,,,,-,....................,........,,AYV' ................................................. .. -~ .... Fresh Daify °"k:6oa. ... ,._. eomplebol «qalpmrnt wtaee 10fl .,,_, to C!atdl JotU OWL() HO RM EN FISH .. MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE I I -JdWPQRT 1111• \\'nr \l;m 1.11:•• I "''1' '" I'"' I hHrk rt> pr>lic, h••lif,, ''"'"' <:._•::. OllQ fltll 1 111 •Ill fllll• I t111tf f, Ii "I , 1 I 111 i'llt< 1•1111 .. r 1 ho• 1\ "' I .Sl11L'111.: '"'' "'· 1'' ~ j lj/ t ul111.ul ,, t!U•f1 -........ It••' 1t ,, 1 p I I '"' n ' ·1 t • ~t ·~·h·1 "•' 11 t f ;,n, ,,11'1it ,. nt• 1wuo .. · u'n..tl• 111 ',, I •"lfl,f 1 .. r oJ1-.11 tlo 11.1 I Olfltllft'I .. ~ .... rwrmr .. ,. •••~re~ ra r• erirr.r .. wr• ••rm**· ·~·-·····················~---···················· - ---·· .. ,~' . ~. S ,\:\T \ HI 1S,\, ('al. )!Ar :IO-Ar ., h '-,\ •\ttt••n l.<1<; .\nt.:• Ir•· tn th•• P"""r "tllfHlrnn l n,1r1u·- 1 t 'I" 1 1•ln \'ari::.. llot.-~··1r-old II I! \l11n·lo"''"· 1,,,, Ani:d•" f. l iPn ,~ "" h11nrtl1•rl '" ~qua!lron 11'1111•" in, r1 flli:t"'· \\ r1trrl to -1111y ,I \lr•n• ~ \..A>< Anl·•·lt"• 1\ Ztt-m1·mlw1~ 1'h11 h11\•• f1nl-h••rl nrl- '" · I 1dof, rt ""'' fw •'\Ir .. htmn ml. lf " \rtL'• I•,.. 1; :;: \\'.11 ; \anr1• ,· .. ur•,.,,. :1nol :111• '''P"rts in l"•l•I• l1o111 :"'1·"111a."IH'ro h1•L• 1.1,J .\11..;.1., f l F ,\,111·1.1(1 ;\'or . lhdr p:ir11c11lnr 1h 11,1nns nf th•' .t •• .. •ii ,,,,._ th•·,,, ntu1 •t•1 of "·•Ii .J ,\ 11.,,p .. 1., (""",n.0 1, R .:-,..:.,1qn4'; • '' ,,.,1. 1 ' "do• A I " !'1111 1 )1 otln T :" ~lo ., \11'"'''''' ''"' \ "'"' "" (l'f-l t.:1·d 1 11 1·,.,,,, .\f,,,, \\' \1 ll11nn A R:\f\ O.,\' t\ft t:\Kt"A"T '• 1 .. 1 111 11t. 1"1•ltl11I •.ti al'• r hi' '"'' \iri;,f,_ 11111 :0.: \\' l'..t• r-.·n L1-.•1n11.111•, 1111 .. 11i:11 .. u1 lh• II.or- ' \I tl!r • .11~11, sJ tu • n l!ll1\ '•,·ark-Rtt'il hnr 11r1• '', f\• o• i I "' 1 ..... ,, 111~ '" "' 11::111 •' th<' C11. rt f,,r 111• i: ii m11ftkr' 1t II In lh<' ,\1111~ 11,.~ hr111kl.1-1 "'' " \• oll :-,., ,:;,1,1 1l11t111rl11°' n r-!'Jl"lll• r I·"' ,\ni.:1 ,, • I. \\' ~., ... l01r 7 II Ill A1111t 1; Ill •h•· , ... i:rnn , • I i.1111 "' 1 IJ•lrtt: 111111,..,,, 1 o! 111 h;•I. ~111 1•1• c: .. 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" • r PERSQ!fAL PRINTING LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS • S.y Dtatrld Yard Phone BeMOD 6111 Before Y oa Bulld or Remodel VWt ..... Md '*""' ~ C4kn' guides, plan- ~ aSda, oomprehem- and Uholetun. Ive at.ode of ca.rpetl LUDLUM Carpet Works ............ ._ ... LET US HELP YOU with YOUR PRINTING --~ ' ..... 1 ~- ,. 4- • • NEEDS ; ~ . .. -- "'-·, Telephone - !11rl\mtr'• l"•••11·: .I .\ ,,, . .,,. El To•r" \I 11111o I\'" 11 :-.; 1,, ,, • ,t.th•un·n r '-.: t'. ....... ,,,., r-.... d·n :BAYVIEW LUMBER CO. ·r ' '101 Sut St. " - I fr mf' r • ', f': · ,1 I" \I 1'• 'nt• ntr 'lllll'\'tl l• !rr:\IP1! At W1'r•!l.1::d \\ \\ •. ,~t·•' r1 \\\l1t~i; m1""r~ thane m.i.. tt :n 't • •. , , •I r:. t!i• ii• ·~111 01. untn:n~ urnr W1'<1<!ls1,o An·.,,, r , 11 .• ;\t 1. 1 .I '111 II ll.Hrtlm: 'f PMth1nd, pllo'I M tl.1• J'l.11 • "'~ r,1u111l lh•dlf'! tJI Clf!hl Air ""-r<'r 1wrson11el J.11 tbe >II "" · arta of lhe cr1\llh. . ' -· --. 1 .. ., ... ,,, " •\j' .I ,I ll1 11•11 1JI, • \II• "' '" , \ ti H.:ll't l.1" 'II . '' • I I . I ., ..... Q••n. ,,,-: \r,\•.!, ... \ t 1·,,,,.,. f1 ltt'f F 11ll· I., ' I \1 . ' .. 1!1 rlhnd< n i:.' ... " 1: I ' I! f.. J,,hn'"'' I .. \.. I ', ., 11111 •• '"' \• I' I l':I f.1.-\ '1 , f, • I ' ~' \ \ , • 11o I \ :-· It ..... i \\ I' I I ,, • n ' ,,, 1:. 1. ··I ' I. 11 "' I 1. • • , • 11 I I' J ~, 11 t \\ , t 1 I .. F 1· '" • ' ~ , \ '' " ,, ,. . •\ 1' ~ . , .. , I I \ \\I ol • H1•" h (. t I I' ' II ,. rt '· ' 'I I' .. J.n' \ n .. ' •.. ...; .... '1\nL1 1t"'-r !'\\ ,, '.' II ll•1h •. ,1·t I ,~ I I '• 1 "' \! ,, . \ ,, I , , '• '· .._ II ~1-i,~~13(}~,,1~ ()C> Call 1J A Representative ·Will • • • Newport Harbor Publishing Co. PRINTERS Pl'BUSHERS OFFICE ~PLIES J.. 3011 W. Central Ave. Newport Beach . . .. ,_ -.. • ' ( I t ' I: n r. '' 0 a JI It II \'• i;l I< ir fr T cl ti OI 8.! ('I u d1 lK II II " Q fl .. llJ!!!!!!!!!~~~~.~ .. ~/~'1 .. . ........... .. 14~ic~4 Costa Mesa Ranch Lile .Hollyw9od Fiim Shop I NF.W PO RT 8 A l.IHl A Page 3 NEWN·TIMf:S n t :lliU \\ '''" l"'rt U1·111·1t. c ttlll J, "50lnl' Wll\•k ," tl\IS 111.!-I M'\'<'11 dn\s' Tlw cnmd \\aS ll'rrtflC', nnd ,.,.;.y ltmdluhht'rly In sp11 t-of th<' chip~. r11£fhni;~ of ~m11o·rs .• 1nx1,·1r 1011d 111.:h·lilC\\XI pr.1•..;:-111 '" '' ,. R<'l'lllo•n tally nwt twad·t)ll with a p('rfrct "t•om~olfl· llon prll• " It "as u n un11ft ll'lio I hut l"fH1~tra1n••d otlld ('\lUrlt'llllS m•'<'lini; with lnur l'111te<l Stato•s .Munm·~ in n '"l'l••n1l,•n1 uniforms, w ho lmd dri\ .. n m. 1ntr~111•u b} • our c-ornmotion To th1•1r ori:amzcd and d isdpljm·d. mmct~ w1• \\'4-r<' n I JllllP wild on Balboa Is land, and, to th<'m. v~ry u!'a1·rount nhl~ Tlll'ir tailor<'d. dn•ss umfnrm.o; lll'C't•nt ua I t>d IJ~ st roni;ly ~111dwd \'c•rrnillwn rhr \·rons, 1clt•ntif1cmion i;huuJd,•r tabs, m1rror-polishl'cl but . Io ns and whllt· i;loH•s cloublt'<I ov<'r immarulut<' white bl'lts. 1;8\'<' th<'sr four lads (8111. J ex'. \\:.altl•r and Tom. T om had the blu<'st and cl••arrst pycs you C\'er S.8\\ J dis- tinrt ion In a \'C'ry motley crowd. Th!'sr lad•. d111ciplin<'d . court<'' ous. SIC'ady ... y,"d " and as str~ni:ht a s ramrods hml. with thl'tr par- <'nls' c-onsC'nl. rhost•n sr n t<'<' 111 th<' L1n1t<'d St all·~ .\tarint·s '""I draft into t hr Arm~ for rh··s•· l~s! 1 Thrtr ;l\ 1·r<•I!• ill:<' "'''" :.!! ll1•rr ii; Whfl l th••\ coulcl lt'c•ll•·<'· i I j\·o·ly I do Tho·~ . 1•1111ltJ ; ... •1 rni11. with th11r h1011• hand". ll'n) J?rnup of I\\• n l)-11\•' f'M'<lJ.llt• you c•u11ld l .. ' - ,.... -· Th" "'"' rlr ,\ hnnM', l•rl: .. t~· ... u ... ·•Jlt•t "" ''"' l11rh hlo-. I • U.• L'~llli.H ti l l, \ll\ I l• I\ l \ \\ l )\ t:' ..... , 1111 \\.J111 I t 11'1" 11' \\ .... , ~ I I ... ' 1.1 "" \\1~1.!LJ • tit 1111 I \ .. , t I I! I .... , ' I f\ 111 d Ill•, .,d 111 \\Ji.1 11 I"> "'\JI\ 1\1 d ... 10 11 hu\d ,., ""'"'' I '"'" .1 •·· , • t ""~" 1 ,, •"-1ht ... 1,i,,.,, 1., •• ,11 1ht f l\ tl Jfj< I ! fit\\ t h. Hut I'''"°' 1\11\ \\ 1•fl, 1 , , t •.tie. :'\.a , .• h .... u,1 ,..1 U-~ \\h•H lt1 ""1dd lh•f h1\1 l11•1 U I••" Ut.1111 \1U d h• I ul. "'"' I h d " '' ''' 1n11 .. 11 t '"' tut" llh p 1111j1 1t. '1!11 "fll\ '''"' '·• II 11•1' 1 I\ t ltll II\. t I 11 •I 1f ' I th "'· ,, • • lu .. ,, , 1!1 1 t 1 I · 11 1\ 1rd 111, 11 •·•n t •I ht\ fl I 1f I• I tt 1 ,,1 :u . l•1tn tt·••tt1 .t1ut \\1 •11 111'•' ''"'' ,,,h,•i l •U'-llH 1itt.. I ' 11 h 11 11 1•t1 It h•ll t ... ,, 111 "t .t "" I •1·1 \\ Hh• 1, "'~ 111 1,. "' •d.q•q ,·uu ~1t11I '+\•\•It ii ,, t11I• ,, 1 ~,\. • ''" pt'''"~ l 1•t'1 1lllh._ ,, •• t, .. ,.,~'""''" htt 1111\1 I /(thf I \• lh ,, t 1o,l1•t'J" d ' II 11 • ll I" 111, , I 1-I 11' ·'I I ,J,,I ''i• I I 111,•t I' I'-ot., •t I 'It 4 ''""''' tt ''111 itu"' • .. 1111 '11 .111d l ~tlh11 1 ,,,,. n .. u.t-. !\•'" • .... \••r 1, .. t t\ •11 , ... Ill ,, .... ,,,.. Wh .. I'''" t l1 ti httt11h l1 "" '''"',,II t t I •t, •1 I ft If 'I t1 I II l1•t• tit pt/\ flt \lt~.tl 'llt '' ,• 1 \ 1 1 .. , ,, 111)1 l tt tu11 ... It~~· I\• 1·111111° ... lh+ '' tll.1ut l1oilt~ u11 •"''''1, '"" '·''' 1 ''h1d 1 I I I l••ll I "'"' ,,., .. '"'' '""' 111 I 111 .... 1. "' "'' \\Io tt I"'' l *'"" t•••U 1Ul1t ft\•t • 1 1~1l,, 1. 11l"' \\1tl11.1, 111.ttH•d p ,, l•r ... 1 'it ''·••"""' 111 "'u,t1 l 11"tur.-.·1t \\ I'\ l1t\V 'llt\\ tllt.t\ l •h 11 f.•I\ ) dtit\1 It <1 t•'ll11d tf11• '-1t" 1 • 111 1f1•l )\\\1h1d d1l l\llH' p 1t d1tt'11h ,,1 .... ,.. ,, \\ '"' Jhtl ii ti 11'11• ,.,, , .. , .. ,. . I,., 111 h, ... ,. I,., ··1~1/1•1t "' t~lt l~ff't\-'lo,1t\1 1 ' 1d 1h1 1(11,lttlt'~: )~\I fl '•• ... • 111 111 I 11•1 • I \\ ''"'~ 1 lfl II• lq,,1 J ,., '"' I'" .• I t d 11 ' I I • t ·ti \\ • f I 1 h· , ..... , • I 111 I ~I I ! I '1 \ I 11 \\ ,~ I •• ,, ... t. I I 1 I t ,,, ••••• t •• 11. I I , •I ti Iii.' tdl I•• Ill '•l flto • I h '"'"'•' lll\ I 'll ,, 1 .. -1 I 1d h"I• IH Iii. lt1l1 1•ul II• 1 d ••I f •If t f11 H•I 1 I• d lt1\ "'' ll it fl I It It t '' I ' I ii l f lti I LI._J " ,,h IJld ih \ d 11 1 I \ 1',d I ftl I ,,,. 1t1•I J 1~:1.t ~-;;~"ti;°, A11d I l\H1tld1t t II .. , •• 11 .. .;-,l l1'o :\ It\ i,!d h.h k h • "'"•'• I ' I t .... I. tUt't111t• I ht!\\ I U'• •I 11• 'J'i 11tl flul l "" • '' .thtni.a lh•t1t1 ' \\ .i11 \ "'f ,.t1,1qt "'''' I '' ., 1'••1t1)' •·• 1.-.1h 111 tt .•ut ttf t fh t tf'lt I .f' ., '.I oh1l11 I d • \ 1 l"I' Ill\ ""'"" d hl11'1 1•1'1 u It 11 I " 1111 • .t• 111 1•1 I 1 flt""• 11f \\h ti II U th h f 1111 t.1 Ill\, f 1r 111. I .f1il11 1 , ', " t t.u1k ·""'''" <l1t1H'' h. • '"'' I IHh lit put 11111 ' lfl Ill\ ' ,. I .. -\, \\ \ \ I If p • "' "'I I H 11 W 1 '-' I I It I I i• 11 I Jll h •I 1111 1111 I• l'U W \\ 1ll1 t II ft P'• ftfl• "°"' 11 I ,,, 1 •11 11111 ' '· Ut I ",, ,,, I \' ... II ""' I I l I ,,, ,,,,,,, \ , It 11 1t 11 t lut1' '" ti'' I • h , "'"'"' 1t11' I'' I~\ dtt\ •. H 1111 \\ t 1Vt•llU \\ ilfh I ' "-'''' Piii\ 1d1I IH h1• __ find u11 rhr ls l11nil !hut aft1•rn1'Mrn E.wh r:on h:1nrll1· an .\1,3 G:in1nd R1flr n• \:ltStly :ts \\ l' ha ncllo· 11 p1JM' of tohan·11 Th•') cnn t11k1• !Jn l int1·rn11I \'ontl111"t1nn o•nl(llll' ;1par1 rc·pair ti. :met put 11 roi.:1•1h1·r ai::1in Thrn~anc-onkO~n~h1pttw~v";"'l ~~~~~~_JUNZONE ha11cl. rc•t•f :on•I "'''"r Tho y arc' '"'' rnini: na\ 1i:n 1ton. r•·irt,lr n "<l Palomin ... " \\" 11v1• in. mc-ludmr.: d rt'" I ..,~...,...,,-~lll>-..... """"'W..------------..;",.;l:;:":.,;:~;,,..:.:""'o '"· h 'h"" n "Ith ht•r •hlf'f \\ thl.i !;ln<'S f\4?11-mc• 11 ~n:wk t1~ •t 11ltontall. Th•'Y 11r1' ll'arnini: tht' i:rPa t lo~- sons of r,•.,1111in1 111101 d1,ctphnt and Bill, 14·ho.. >:4:!£•nu:d to lie. FjJ<tk1•s nMn. !';1111 "\\'1• Im··· ii" • I I I I L I I I I 1 · '.•I I• I\. I ' \\ " .... lh •\ I j'\ \' ,11111••1 I I tl• '.. ,., 11111•1 I ' I d l1•1, ''' • ' .. Ill I 11 . I h• • I HI• t "4. "-h' 1111 II f It I " .. I t l•P t I I ' J \\ t ,:•,:I• I~·.: I II 11 ... I •• ,, Ii .. "'! " t ,, '" f\ '•. I •It , I u •1 I t I •••·•••• I t I ,_,.,, "'"'''"" , ,, ,J .111 o,1 I t'Ut"°' I I 1 t •\11'1 I I I I t ""'' • '1, ..•• ,,, •• ol It. ou lll1ll l•t ti• I I tll ti11 ••111 lH ·•·····~' l1•<1ftt ' ' ..... , .. , ' ..... 11 .... I .. '' '•h• •• '. h "' ,....,ft . ..... ., •. , .jtl, h ''"""• • ht.. \ .... "'"·· ...... 1111 •• l•"f'•t•l•ffl,:1"1'1 ..... '"' .... ~ p. o. palmer ,,, .,, •••ro reoltora ..... '"° HEFJN ISI IJN(; • IPM llarlMtr ftl~ • As wr• lrft lhrm "1• ~tc•J111t•fl a 1111 1•• n11ir .. ltl!hll~ :cl .. ni; ,lolt1111) I BA .LBOA ~ta 'M..... • ..... ftfl - ·. Alie-n's ""'"m1•111 Thf lino f httl•• lnt1·rhul1• "'" a '""'" for our E.tsto•r \\'<'C'k Jnn.· (':dkin<;, \\If•· of l:"t !".0111rrl:1~ n11;h1 pu! t•f llw '""""' 11:11 ti•·' 1·1 "r hrlll at th·· RYt • 1 \'1111 rion rc •:orl 11 h11u 1 ii I , c•t ... 1•\\'lll'r1• 111 I Jt1o;; °''" •pnp< r I J t \\,oo;; 11 U•lll(I old ~q11ar1• dant'• \I 1th . 11 pr11f1•,,111n,ol •·mr1•1· nnd ••lho•- 1" of1·"'''"11:ol l1i Ip, Tho• lt·cr w 11i: <'Jn«r rl :11111 .. nil ~ .. fr d rink" ;md <111-nut• ""rt' ~;·n· .. <J ht lloml' :\00 11wml11·1 ~ 1111<1 ,::11t·,1~ J'h<'ro• \\ :oo;, ltnw1•\ c·r. r11•d m un rtt thl' p11r1y I! w11sn't J1tllt tht• ht•a\'YW!·il:hts s1ompi11i;: in d nph11 n1 int> uniso11 -for Ca s s S mllh :t,!1d olhC'rs of his mnJ'?nifi· • _£CD.L .st#1.urf" wt't"t""-1hf'rr: l t' ·WJl'S \Ji<' rhythm proour!'cl hy nil l hr hra\'ywr 11:hts nnrl mtcldlr111 •1ch1• n's\\ i'ni:in' .llw1r lo:rn111m w1·11;h1 Jlllnlnc I"'-thal r111 ..... 1( th• f11111f' 111 cnnk an<I ,\11 ht• B1"h 111 rn1·k tn A mlnlatuf'f' n'productlon o f n typical Callfor.a.ta mlnlftl' camp of ~ t"ort) -. 'lnen In-thl' Shlrtl'y front yard l'I -. C'Ofl•tant M>Urrl' uf~de.llfcli'-·W ,......._.,11thhffh6od rftlklftn'. Alex .Ir. and. Rnhnt ('l•>- ton Hl'rtc are r hN-kJntt OPf'ratlon• .of Ow-.. 1an1plnir: mill, 1 .. rt of thl' · mJnJni: '"" n. · ' , HOL:LYWOOD .LY F'our Brahma hull" .,... part nf thl' ,....h ... 11\"' .... 1 .... k . Thr~ •"'Jn- t•ndf'd to hi' tralnMI to lhl' ~·okr And~ to 111111 a 1mllrt .. ~hooftf'r at Knott•, BPrry t'11 r111 (;h.,.•I Tn•,1 ~Ir. l'Ohlrl1•' did lhr major 1.nrtlun of U11• 1·011 .. trut'llon nl (;boo! Town. l11I \ fl\ I :1 I h II dt Kai-Shek ·Weighs Power~ Halant·e Under New China fonstitution 1inq111n111: 11a r: and1 Allen Character Is Ar<'h11· ""'' It.er! :1 rt.•fm it" hand in th" li111lol111c "' tlt1· BYl' dult- housl' qt1t1'1 I) i••ror1NI wif.-J .n11iq• In II rh,ttr :ftlol "'llpf'M'<I rl.iwn tu th• Burns Texas Ambassador --to Movieland :"A:'\"i-;J;\1;, :\L1,1 :\II '1 '1'1 <"ht:111i.; K:tl-Sh:·k hit' 1 ... , II 111111-. 11 11 IW<l to I hat oft.1\\I f,.1 lhl•. , IOI: ,,t,,.111 11 ltnq111,J11nL• llt• 111• • nwn·~ l11o•k•r rtH•m f11r a l<l(•k '"I R~ \ llH.l.'l \ 'l"c·l'flt:w.;o' 11t1• fl,,.,r t1 m1t .. 1.; To•n m 1n11t1•« t"nt10'lf 1'11 , ll1·lh """"l 1·. ,, .... la to•r h· \1n' '"l""I'·' •ti:;,tn qttilf•I l lCtl.LY\\ltCtl l 0.\1.11r'l1 m ~··•1 1 ... ·• 11111\t ) 11( ~-li.,1.i '" 1.1\111 .,i t All It• did It•· ,,,, ... '"o• nu' llw 111 "n""I 'hip ,; ii 1•111l11lol, " $:ll1«f1• ol lhnl 11t,. <l•·rk \\111111! hnM ll'l'I ""'"I' 1;.o1,. 1;, rd•1n \\he• and ri•Jo•1r11·d h1 ... f hf•· :ond rl1m1•• I i.:"''' .111 ''""''"r T'''" "" 1h1· i t flar tn••r . Lo111'" \\ -.11'p II• 11tr l ol111 .. n• 1111:h1 .1 "''"k \\1•1m ·I 1lf1 1u, •:• lfl \\tth (;1n;;,,11,., \,ii,:~·'·•· ~~111•k I n ht' t•Jti,_'lfLil pl 111 .. 1 r 1 11 .,, ,du·ut 1Ji,• lw.iUtl ..... ,,f ,.,0 .1 ll•t.! lht· f•lt 'Id• nt " 1111•, ~u11t kn•"' \\h1·11 0111·1 th1· f11 \t 111111~ h1•l ;•lnSt l ti ftlJ· )11 ll•t:1 l•"'lft1•~ .... .11d ' TO PROTECT and Beautify Your Home Colorful Awnings JW.sldt>n<'f' -Commndal • Srw HUR Pat1t>rns GARDt~S. 6" PATIO f"urniturf' 87\~IBOO ~HADES BEACH t'~BREl.LAS' ·FREE ESTIMATES Phone 9~ Santa Ana Tent & Awning .Co. 1626 So. Main St. ijuam.,,, and SE-n ·ke Slh<'f! 1920 MEll-WOMEI Prostate -~ • Pelvis ,,.,,_ ................ , ....... ...... ...... Of _. ef ~' ... ,.. .... ,._ ,_ll'F• llrr-a. ... ...abt n. .. "1 .. .u --,_ u-t ""~ II···~ 1tti• 1 ... •11•• Sl.1r 't:1C1.-, ,1ntt.., .. 1,;i tor '" IJ,,ll) W•)(l(f ·1111· • "'' ""'' anti I h• n111l11111 :1111•• !11;1111• 1 111·~'\·· f1111111l .• I·" Ill 1;11rrl1111 All lh•'\ "ant hint 10 d11 t' i.:• 1 Lrn1L1 I Ja; n. II • pw111:, .,,; .1 l•"l:tl!t •t,1111p I Jh. ~,., :ind mnn• I""' lt';:i;1vl 1•·0)1l1• In lh•· ltlO\'lt'' f-:\<T~ ·nun'"··~ c; .,.111n ,,.1t1• ... 11n •h1• B11n1' ;1r1d 1\ll"rt '""" 1- .t h•11ol n111u1J11 ol '1'11.11 .11 '' 1 \\ h· I 0ill• lllfll•o'lf '"1111 • To '·'' I lllftl .. ll II"' l•I llt·· "l'>onl1;11vfl· .. \\h :11 S··11a1111 <·111i;h111 n •~ 111 llt•· •nttrh T1·i. trl' It,, 1 l11m I-1.:11ro• I h•) '• L:OI '•Hflt•l1od\ Jn frHl\l•· ti.\\n :tt lu"t "ho '"'". •t ·~·k 111• lnr Ill'-mo · f I\•" ~1.1 It• "1111•.\, >I'll" mo· rn\ 111 tl1·1 ... ··~· C oirol"n <:11d • F 1r .. 1 t It• \ \\ 1111 h·· ... •• ~ 'f,1\t1l ti• "'''" • ,u11J tl.t~ .., ;1 'd fu dt o11h tn ... 1an1 up n t l' l1t,t1. ••,l t1•·l11ul.\ II d t.._, . .,,, t t\1 · ll \\1·1ch;nl• P•''"illllll\ 11f ,, • "·'"'"' l1••ln h11\\·li•J.:..:.•.t .ru· .u uf •111·0111 ..... ,,~ unuu· Wallace . Running Mate Approves Russ-Sia\' Set-Up f'''""f ••J l•f t fHlf r \\hp It tJrHt• I flfl\\ •'•t11 ... t1•ut11 .n '' pt1f•t.H1I 1111111 l"t\\ll llll I"'"'' JI \\ t pc1rt1•d )J, tr 1d t.. 1 n •I• h 1' \ JI• 1 I 11 I 11 Jt" ~ II t 'jll t \..· \\ ...... I t .1k1 Tit If , ..... 1 .,, .... 1d I l ,, • ' ttl1 n1 \ J 1 ntu \\ t • ,.. 111 .. , .. d ,, , 'I Ir, 11t11t111I IJ11 J•JI 11 , {I t~ \'1;ftl .~.\].t1 :\II il'l't l•I !'"\•·n <~1• n J f t ,,, tnr '•ttd b-•'' 11H·t:1 tlltt Hlffi:.,td "" pro11•c·t1\1 ll11\\P\1r •p1 ehf1•d '""''. ''"" ......... '01 .. ·o .... 1·1\111 ,, "" 1110•1• ( ·111.111" I 1d 1·1\• 11 111• ,,,, Id· I tu t,, t•ond• run• fl rh tn ,.,., ""'' '·'""• h. f• u"' d 111 • '' r '' ' r1 l·1t111n1..)11p \\lfh ;\1r>.1t·n '·r ,,., ,,.,,,, , .. , , ... ,.,. llt!HI It.,, :1h •'.1d\ d·'·I I" Thi <trtl"Hll" ''"" 1111\ I I• nt) \\"ol 11i1 , 1,., ·fll • •i•Vttn I 1• • .., tt 1rt1 p u 1 \ rtuintu,· rn:tf• 1· ,, \\ '"'' · . I I ,, ri~ f ·"· .,, • "' I 11 .,, f " '•I • • ttfd1 1 , .. , d •I Ill• t llfli.. ~,,.,,..._,,L,•ff ti\ 1h• l"''l.!.Ji ""''"-'' t·1t111 n' 11f ,\1111 1 1 1111 ''' C• f ttlur• n ,n,ult 1 1t11111 Jnr , ., t1Hf ft1, uul• I" nd• 111 pr,.l•t• ,..:,,, ·r,., .... un 1 h•· .. ~ r····n ;111<1 1.ut11 . p;:H t ~ \JI Id 111• It ",,,.It 11 ,,.,.11 f ,,, 11ft1•r il•f•-1•" "'"'' ,,v A11d :o o•luli ul To•\,,... m1lll1•11:111 •' \\an1 , st Jllt'ltl•• ).!IHtlf.\tn~ ·r, \,·h u1ln••·11 A ( l11h 111, ·r. , , ... , , ,, 1 ''""' \\hnh IJ pt•'ll111· .:l.,111~111" th .. ·r··'-'•"" .• ,~m, ~.,, ''"' nl:1n' "''''"' h.1\• .h••n ,,,·,",tf''''' :1ht1hl I h•• 1 ' S :ormrrl fnr1• .. , PIONEER. ORANGE COUNTY RANCHER DlfD YESTERDAY "''' 'tllfl fl.11, 111 1111 11 I 1 I Int• ftt 'If<!: k 1 .,.,, 11J h 11 111• ,1 111111 111 f•np1d 1; h , 11 • 1, I ti• , 'I'• IH•I H11 1•11 1 d1 ... td· 111 d• , h.t\. '''". th I rt ,,., fl'· I d lfl I I I ,, ... ~I , 1 I ·11 , 1·r .. " uu· 1•rr1t•r • ...... I I 01nd j 1 l'lfll fl f' I d 1 '''" ·~ I f 11 ol \0 !· d 11 •.4 '1111·~ w:mt mi· ''' ft ~ ii 11p "1th Th•· I"'" ,,((,,.,. ,,., i.:• t 1•1• 111r1 -••I ,.,.,.;a,. t ... 11u1w-on l•"l:tJ:" 'lflll11•• T"ll ml' 1f I t.:l'I l.iniln 11.onv 11 • Jltl'ltir" on !hr• ('nvrl1>1~·., wut,ld S 1\!\ t ·1.~ \l~::"TF. t 'al . .\I.or ~I" -+I 'I ') Co.rm ho l .1 h• mqo11, 11111 "'" r ! 11 :i11.:1· 1·111m1' rnnrlu r. rl1Nl 1\ Ct1\1 I fHlt• rat· 'l~·h• :-•1 ,,, ~··~111!111.' :dl•ri.l ho·:ort at1:wk 111 •ti''" llltlli;•i ... 11 ,1,,1, 1;11 , lht• h11m• h• 11 ho· llltl\1<11 !"'''11111~ ""'l•'iUTI 1h11n1""t1\1 ... npt•n:_ . .,\lllll.1 •Huo1 ·· Goi d1111 ·, "Ill' f"''' f1 lo dlo•c k UJI nn I l11lh'\\ """ i \\;f ... f Pm'I foo s .... ,m ... T c•\a' d,!tt"" , n11t Ilk" I h•"' ";i~ H•i.' H• '"'"'' :f11ol <;, n• 1\•llr~ h.1\" 111·• n 1'1omlnni.: •l "I t•k tU•1t II• "'" "'' 11 io\ I Ill' /\n • I It "'' fi• ti • ,,, n,1\•-. pr11rw r ''''· irul1ul1ni..:" r.trv"'h llu1n•·, In 111., !-'.111 .111.111 r·;1r11<rr'1l1'• 'trl n .... 1 '11"1r hnrs<'~· 1'111"· OPENS PAINT STORE "T• • • unk••mpt." i:rmd 111 .. ''"" h·•~" "And ~··I mnrr oni;in olit) T• ol Bair ,1 ,.,,,, r,,11 1,f 11; )•••or• Im •h<' tml ro1rfurr-." '"'It 11 •i H1·h11r .. 1·1,11k l111 1'.11 n1 c·,, · l Ill t•\'i•n 'lll'J,...,...f•d lo ''"" • lw J t'-111111111n1•,.d th• "I" 111111· 11f I h• 'l~nt1· ,. o f ·r .. ,,, .... ll\ '11nc-'-IH''h .,, • u .• tt .. ,' I' ur I ..,,,,,, rt t P.tlrn ind I m nr•'<l 11f T1•\:1• · 1;.,,..1,.1 Jt.i\ ''", "', cnnno•d l m.oi;tn" 1·1dl1n1,; th•· li11:· ~pq '-Htft 10 lh • llfll11n f h1• r• 1t \\ii l •\I• I JI Ill• Ill p111 1•ha .. 1n1• •1,' r •• ti ""·''', >111tl •~,·,,.rt ,·,I·~. \ .. ,. • tllll\' J 111 111 'I I ,. 'tt' 1·11111 I ir·d \\1111 " ..._, ,!1111 ,., Hu' h ,,, ,,. '' If\!' I l~ It I ttHI • ., • t I I f f\J I .... t I , .. I ' ... '" ..... \\ O"" Ii I,, Hf!•t I· h11hri j•\ I ut1 •1•t1t • 111t l1,..,•1 il1 ... t , ... 1 '• \ \t lll •""ll 1• It ., f • • "TRAVEL .... ~, .............. .. • AIR • SEA • RAIL-• aus -TO .\I.I, l'llt,·r~ f'hc;nr ~llU• I :lllO Lambourne 'Travel Service '18 ~ A,.,., 1 .... .,..,1ni. 0.•fW'h P .RI NT I N (; ~ T A S U A It I> I '/. t: U to s.,,.,. '"'' f11 1lh time nnr'I m r1rfl'y R E A C 0 :-.; :;52:; ~. ~. Spencer II Sii t'c•i.-t lll11lrn i.y ..... , "••• te ........... , IT'S YOUR GLANDS ""ii "' lh• ,. ~ ,\ •. ·n,,, ""n' 1111t·-. 1ik1 ='"··· · I 1111 .. l•1U . .-Blt11 (;"'" , .. I ) , 1 J I' •, ; f I I• d 11 t I' t • \l>t I I ' I\~ I I •h I• J t1111' 111-..1 , ., ;.• l1 111• Deliciou~ :\lexican Enjoy Food at Ow _......_ ...... ...., -· --.......... -,....,.. !'I• ,.,_,.. --!'• ... , ... ,_"" ,_..__ Dr. il;-F. Bf.II, D.C .. Ph.C. • ., .,.,. M., "'"'_. .._ ... ,,,_ ft-...:-'l tM few ..,poie-~ • ,._. ....._~ 111 m.-. ftean: e :M ~ •· ...... II'· -. ._,. -n...an •1 \t 1 I f 'I' , 'I \f 1tf6 ... \11• i't11 • \\.At1h y ,,t11 \\ • .·I• ';,.Jtf' ;,. \~ ' ··: I i1• L11r;• ~'.:" • r •: " ; ' ' '1 • '· Hl \'11tJ1 J \• ( '"' I• l•I ·i \\I 1t ';,, I ,, h-.'1~ ,,,. .. I L ... 11. \\ .,, t,,,, rt ·,,,\ Y11l J-:,, • I •II I•\ •I I J I 'f•, \•IU J t -... 1 , rt ,, ,,,., r I ' I \I 4' I ... I j 'I \\ . ' \\ . ~ .,. If.. : r I\ f . ..__ , .. I , .. I •j. t I . l . I I '! f I 11 •t I·. II ' \\I 1; I ' J t ,· • r\ ' I·"' ..... ,, ' J 'I o I I• •• l ..... •'• ''I ... '' ,,, ,, J I o•I ' l f I, ....... '\ .Pa Poda Com1>lcLc · ~leals 2t~ 1'" f'Wport 1'4tttlf•\ nnl · from $1.00 ('O"'iT.\ llf'"" ,, I" II llnlly Ht.\( ll' ' 1 ........ ''""''"·' .. . ( Now Open SATUUllAY and SlJND .AY : P'OK INMUIUNCJ& Ila Howard W. (;errtah IACMI l'O• ..... rt ............ f 'OMTA MDIA ............ "--1111 Automohi"le • Eire Arcident • Life l .1< .. 11••• "1111 ( 'onlrJK"t l\.1111\a Wr1tteon D1lr Y< H · t.:\'c r o..,t11p tu tl1 li1k tltat Y< >l I karn. YOI J t r a vL·I )'<>I I ~Ii arc c xr>t.:r1c11n·o.., a t lto111 c, tl1ru11 ~li y111 1I' 11at11111 a11d . . ahn1ad ... 111 the da ily 11cwo..,rapcr y1111 re a d:, \X.'ltat a 11111 \l-rc..,:tl o..,c11pc 11 1 k 1111wlcd 1~L' .111d 11H.:11t '" YOI lHS l•ir t l1 t: prn:c 111' a 11 1ckcl t: II I<.: rl~ 111 - • A11d tltt: l>A I LY N t :\X 'S -'11.~ I:\ ,..., pruutl, too, that 1t 1 ~ h L: Ip 1 !Ii.: to d 1 c r 1-.. I 1 ;111 d 111a111ta111 '• 11 l' 11 f n 1 i r pr ice le: <;S h 11 l- war b. tl1 dc111;K'1an". I HEl:l ><>M <>F LXPHt:SSION! Y()l IH Ncw ... -·1 imco.., c..,t·rv<·o.., in a vny practical way cvc:ry ~ay, tuo. Ir.... advtrt1 0..,111 t.: cr1 l1J111!1."' c..,111111lta 11cm1,ly cater t<1 Y()( JH rk ed' :irn.I Y< >I IH h11dg c to..,, keeping YOU rn formJ up-to-thc:-11 111 111t c 011 ·~a lu_c!-. t1 1HJ <,jpportunitics in YOUH l111111 c t<1w11 . . \Xo'c arc a p11 hl1c 'c rvant a11J proud t<> he one. We want to ~crvc 111 ev<.:ry way. Call l>ll ll '\ a t any time! Every-Evening, Monday-Through Friday, It's • THE NEWS-TIMES 'HLEPHONES: HARBOR 12, 13 and 208 _. ....... . -,,. .... f ' .. ., • • a -Pa..e ~ N 1nr.roaT-B&L110& N1nvs-Tu1Es, Soviets Fire ~ 'I T\1'1:801\.t' Newport !Mdt.a Ca!Jf. Marrtl SO, 1&&8 SKY B088lNG ;;~~~:t & G~~ [~3.~~·~.~-1 ::::~:.~:·'.:::1.:·:5~·:Y::.r:;:?·~3: ~~~;l~~~;:: ~·:, Goodyc-ar 411 ham t.vans. 22.l!O llnrh11r 111\d . -i.;ltt 1111., )''llr 1" 1 "'ldt•" f1r .. !I tnh.1 a cUncimi ll:enn('('()ll 5., 'a ( ·1.,..111 )\t'~"· M1ir..t1 :!i. 1111>1 11i ~· Tt..-i.turm kqll I"'''> "11h ~ut.111.11·hinl' iUnl, , S.'ars ~;,0 J11sq1h ho11p1 tal. ri s11n, 7 It". 7 111 ,11,, , . ., 1 ., u r "l••k··~m.1tl l11r th•• mini11try ,,f I F IS llt-:rt To Mr 111111 !\1 1 ~ \\'11 lit1tWlll~ .itrin• n 1111 1nt1·1111r ,,11tl ""·lay. So Cal t-;c11,.on u. s. s~ St11ndu.r9 Oil 73 1t11m Flsh1·r , '..!IYl /\l11ll"nt' "" 1111<· 11 11111 11,11111111,~ Th•· ,1,nk•"n1.1n stud the ahout· 61 ~ llRlhna b l.inti, !\tnr. It :.\'.l, 1'• 1>'. 111 1., 1 h• 11 11111111. 1111: t<••k pl.11··· .ii Joseph&ben ;. St J.,,.,.pt) h••"111t,1I, .1 ~11n, I< Ill~ n1~1r \\ 1• 11• 1 :-,, u,11:1dt, in ltl!' ···•l. !\1• I\ 111 ' Ry l 'nu1'<1 l"N',,.. 2 oz. I H '·""' ,.11 a Sn\ 11 t /•Ill• "«t 1111ll'S SOUlh 11' ,, 111111 11 111 lr1m1 \'t• 111'' Sl'(I\..-~ h1Kh•·r tn n11~lc•r:\h I) 11.\:0.111.TC>:-: "L•• \11 1n•I \\1, actwe t!1'1djni;-.. J 1'"im ll.1mflt•in,_:lln \"lrtnn .1,1rr•1 BO!'D::; l n'l'i;{rh.rl) h1i;:hPr. U .• "'''''' 1\11 ~n. ~1 11r1 h '.!'I 1\11><. 111 S Go\'t'.'mnwn1~ ll1d no t 1 rr.c11•. I· 11111 11111', < ;1·11• r:il ""'I"' ol \ '"" I 'ti ... 111, II.id lu II· "1 •l 'h• """''' ry of lnt• 1 I•,,, ti • 11l.1n,• I"' d u\""' k1111\\ "llY the Sov1•• "' l1o1l1·• H1d1· "'"."''' "''" .1111\•rl al the dan1• Ill Ill ,II II,) II lll'k "l"'nl•d fCrCt. CURJ'\ 'l•1t·k~ h11:h1•r. W~'lr\llFH 'I'" \11 1t ntl Mt ' A1 11d Ir.. ,, t • ,11. d •' 'I'll, ... d I 1 .... tl••I• 11ut t(HL1 11 f • ''"''•'\ k, pf SILVF.R un<'h11111-:•'<I 111 :-.; Y rhur \\'1•l.!11r J1 '.!1~11··1:11L••'"'''t al 74 "'° c a f mi> nU/ll'" t·'l:w". llall• 111 . l\l.1rf'l1 :1;, I'• t~ 111 ff\qp• d!t l !H 'l hr Hh.' (1111 1.f \\'H EAT ru111r1·' l"i11"~1 off 1 1.r S.111!11 An •• ( 0•111111111(111\ ""'"'' ,1 II t o up • .. c . C'OflN nff f . to :!'i..r; .i.,11.-ht•·r. 7 11.... l:l', ,,, ""''" ,, 'I 11 t 1i, 11 1 1 .,j t,,n hut \\ ,, .t I• w 1 ,l.. tr t ,uf\ '" c · .. - OATS t>U l ',c to up 1.t·. Jl{X;S '"'""', CAr l'tE .1 n d SllEEP ~teatly Greeley Makes 'No Promise' St'Verlll CDlll or prO\"t•d dflt·1rn1·y u r11t &nd mic.'\• t nlChf.'rll arr· kt•pt on the pR)TOll or Jltlt lsh·R11llw ny• wtth uJnr lPS, l'Xllf'ndf'd fo r food, or ant> shilling a w~k per cat. Build Your· Own Home· .. Today you can bulld a OOlnr that'" r'Mlly mod,.m . Aad a modem home bu lllnWIM'rahlf-fNtur~ that adcl up to f!IMWr , more f!lljo)rable Uvlnit. Start plan- , alng aow, for t'&rl)' p1ann1n, meaM-~t1u bulldlnK: t1D&Dcing ('&ft ~ UTIUlgH. This Message Sponsored ~y the Following : Barr Lumber Co. Santa l\na. C-Ot>t& M-and fl((x Othfor \"ard11 Bayview Lumber Co. '01 Sh t St. -F.aat of Kine·~ l.andlnit Costa Mesa Lumber C-0. 11t h I: N•wport Blvd-('CM1" M- Crown Hardware Co. Daniet Paint & Gla ss fo. 11\M Nrwpcirt Bl\.:d.--C:'o.la '.'tf"ilA Ets-Hokin & Galvan Elf.c.trtC'tan11 ~lne"I!• 19'!6-1000 C'oaat H wy. Gordon B. Findlay, Cabinet Shop t 07 IOtlt 8trfft Orange County Build ers Exrhan~e !Wc-ond I: Rroadway ~ulldln1t -l'llnt" \n" Ward &_. .Harrington Lumber Co. Sf'wport. ""llf't'lon, ~ R"'a. and.I .a Hahr" Amon We st Plum bin~ f o. '!801 C'f'llt ral A\·r .-Hiuhor 1 IM-.r r• Al'''''·"' """'''r of Inter1111 1 '""tr I I• '"" 1 la•~ asked for ri·. I •lh 111111 1111 S11\wt high co111 "''"1011• 1 1 .. r Au~rrla, the •Pok•.,. Ill in ,,1111 ................. _ .. _._ ......................................... . / . / " . KEEPS MOUTH SHUT SUGAR BEET YIELD TRIPLED Social Security Administration_ Knows ·All, But It Won't Tell Ltlte thr d111saes. the Socia) S('· The worJu •r '6'hose boss thlnks cunty Admmasti:;attla won't tell he Is ten yr arll yuungt•r than he This f~dcral agenc.)' k~~ Ill Is m't'd ha\'e no fear that has S<.'<'re t "m outh <ihut." and some of th•• wall romi: to 11.:ht. I t is i;'llarded ~.vuo,0011 Amrrlcans w ho hold' SO· Crom prymi; t>Y•'S at all timl's or i::ral se<'urity cards would lx· ttw d a) and l\i1-thl hy guards whose mig hty unhappy 1r it didn't. sole Jnh is tu kt'•'ll thl' records safe. ConcC'nfr11t1"<1 in the accountmi.: Th•• Social ~··curity Admin is- ttJWrntirms d1\'1sion o f its hurc-au trntwn's l0<·al officr rC'ceivc'S on uf 11ld-a1-tr and survivors insurance un .U\'t'rai::c> ft\'(' lo ll'n fl'4U4-'1'1S in thl· c.mdlc•r uu1lding in Ralti· , ... r W1·l'k fur aul 111 IQ('atini;,miSS· I more· nTe mor" l'l'rsonal facts and 1oi: hu~b11111ts. ah~condtni;' t n ·a:.· f1gun·s Rhout more Aml'ricans ~ un•r•·t-s a nd P"l'loon~ whv. fmd tl tlrnn in any o ther. place 'n th<' 1 .. 11~1(•r tc• mo\'•' ,than pay bills, cou~1ry ~lu nng••r J. G Orl'lht•rtnn n •ports, · · . . and it is n <11))1 wc"t'k at Long .r st ho" ltld is you~ mot h(•r-in· H1•1wh Y.i11ch d1><·~ no1 p rocluc.s law: 1'11P SncJal Securit y ~dmml~-'"mt• 11ve •>r :-ix t('l1·phonC' en.Ila tral~on m1~ht know . but 1t wo? t I from p<'flplt• who cash r'hC'<'ks on tdl. lluw much did YOY,r .etH\'l~l' t hl' lm,.is of >,t1Cc'1ttl :-.'l.'urlly idl·nloi. 1·arn last yc-11r ? ThP ·r<'<'ord 1<1 fu:atw n tlwn-. hu t only s hl' cnn gt'I lhal __ _ 1nf11rmatlon and she sln•ady James ·A Frye Now W-ith Eight~ Army in Japan L. A. Lewis, Grod &ul&ed &Iller ef UM &Um, dMlcaUq UM ....... Our ina February Lafayette A., Lewi.a, ol Loi An1elea, Graqd Exalted Ruler or the Bene volent an d Protectivl Order of Elks, In the preaence of. 15 Put' Grand Exalted Rulers from all parta of the country, placed 1 bronie plaque on the anc1,.nt and famous old bu ildlna. formerly known u MHft&Q' Hall; at 193 Bowery, New York City. Ws a ction signalittd the 80th birthd ay of a \'a.st frater- nal welfare orgamzation w hich bu grown from 15 New York of 950,000 public .spirited m en with 1478 Elk lncl1:e.s scatte red through every 1t atCt in the Union. It was on Fs:).iruary 16. 1868, that a group o f OCl1Jnl, headed by an En1:ushman. Charles A Vl\·1an, oraanaitd lhe nrs1 Elk lt>di;e. New Y ork "Mot brr Lod~e" No. I In Military Hall a nd. w'1th nu politi· Ca), Commercial Or reli,itlCllJS inter· n t1, startrd the 1:reat order which bu ratstd among its own mem· benhap and d1sburs,.d for co1:nt· Jess charitable purpo'"~ -nnre than ea11hty million dollars The ainu or t hCt Elks. iu st.;ll'd on the pl11q u e. are. "to 1~c~ic:ite the pnnc1plr5 vi chorily, 1ust1ce, brot heTly lo,·o and lidl•laty dnd to q u1clwn t lw <;11rit of America., patn n11-.m · • J l"ht' \\nH 'Jt1tl••t 11tth 11\u\at ,1n inch hHJC. tt rr,·n , ''"''' ,., ~··uni: 1•n 1ts I• ll'k 1111111 rt •' • 111 I• 1111 ft•r t lwm~• h • ' ,\ hr•~ •cl !'11111•" t 11111·~ "•'1 1111111111·1 ,,, man' ·•" 12!'l. :\la11111•~nt I• l'll j l•tll IPI" ;ti'( I• dc-nt~ 1nt:al' .tl•Hll !'1 1 ••1 w~11 ~11 Scot.~h Ill"" ''Rrtinu l\t•'ll. on snl • 11t the !':ewt·Timft 'f)esi(JHi1111 tngraviup · """ Priutinp f. l )ur 'l"'<'<'(.llty 1< 1111· u~unl pnntanc or a ll t~ll":< W1•rlt1ln~ Inn· 1:i111•n~. ~•'<''"' •' 11 11< nll 1~111"~ of prtni · int.: 1tn<l •'111!1"" 1111: 111 n h'<l••'1 ~)'' C '.\I.I. HAKROR I'! nr ~h·11't l11r qtt.ttl \\ ·1t1•rt111: d1•\ 11·1·S • t1 •• l•,•n1\! ' Jn\\ d1 d I•~" .an t l•h~ ...,)t " ... ," ,. h~ u n ,.,.,,.,, 11n 1c .... \\.HU!. 111 wl1111• .inti r• <111 pl '''"" 111• 1 h1tk r uhl11 r · hl.1dd· ''· · ''"t.:11• anrl f11111hlt• r<'"I 'hnrt ~11h­ i1•1'1 • "F;adm: Ymir n:tnl.'.• •·· :11.ol · ,\ U11~ ;in1I 1 11~ n nc:.'' 1n 1•117 ' '''"'"'"ti '"'It ··1111n·s :· 1\111: tnt< ..1...... ,,., ··n r1•1•1 lnni:: nnd four "•1d 11m: :.INllll """ P""""' "'''' l••·t <l1•rp, l111t•fl ·th•·nt \\Ith rem- "'' ti lot ch,,µla t'•· 111.J f .. ,h111111~_~/'I•'••·. pl:w"'I ttf>' h latlol1•r in th1· "1••l1 11 t:ir.111 '~ P" "' r1111'tl 111 ltlltf linio'. tnTlr1t4'tl ti. nntl ltw n plll'tl •'11q1'1.1~1·tl 111 h111ld111i.; '"'Ill• 111 '' ;i--,.n 11 l11y1•r 11r 1:11111T1•t1• 111 fnrm '••1111~ ii• \l1·1·-;•l.11r q11111I 111 S1111ll~-th•• 11,11 Aft••r th•· r,,nrt1•t1· -.•1. •: '1 I :1llf11rn1 • rl11•\ ''"' ·'llll"'"-•111' hl.1ddr•r """ pulh•d .PUI nf lh•• f11 tt,•(\ ~...'.,ti t IC h l l•nt'l4.'11• ifh\;1f'r .. 1nd it qU:ell \\;\lt•r · (,11:..111 I• lqhalrt.1t111n 1 I 1 \\ ~ 1111! fl,.\ll'l ... ,\~ rt•:ttl~ ror0 lt1a"ll'''' ~'l'ATF: 11~· ,:,\1.1~~111(-.1;,· j t~c"ll"'<"li' 11~· nnA'<•:~: I "" nu tha• .!:"1tt1 1li:1v .. r ~t,.rdr A f' 1:11"! tip(.,,..,.. 111• l . ~""''" H. Hu 1114> 1 ~··Ian l"tt1•111 1n 1n1I f1<r ~•••1 r ;o11J11\' u •I ~t 1t" ~"r"• n.1lh •• '''""'"'",,..,' .Luu•·• ~· )fill•, .-u11' I • .. II\ ,.-: )1'1ll1tr knu '4 u t•• ni,.. I•• tW> th,. ,.,..,....,.n• •·hu~ n.nm,.s 1r,. ~ut·~ nh.P•I lt1 thr w1th1n ln,.tn1 m,.nt r.ntl a• kn·•" "4.Jt;.:,..1 I 1 tn•• lh ,t th .. , f"-'\-"1H,.•I fh•• "4•h1• 1:-0: \\'IT~F~~ \\'tlt:ltt"flF I lt111P 11.-.rrur"" 11 ,;tfit °')' h:.utl 'ifl•I nrti ~Nt IH.V .,(fl1 t ,J 1111\ttl thr tl'lV 1tn•I \'t•tir 111 illlit ; ••rttfh "'" rir!"t h'h•\'f' wr1tt,.n. ' Lf'll'IN: 11 t11Tf"ftlf: !\'11thrv ['uhli; tn ~nil t••r Jll•l•I C1•unl\' "'l•I ~tn.tP ~h f' .. mmJ•"'lt•••t ... '(torrei J1.n,. 1,. 1'l!\l1 l'Ul• )1·,r· h M \t111t •. 1 1 !t• 11'1"- ADDl"G MACHINES . · for FAST, ACCURATE Fi urin Sew• Val.iable Man Houn and Money, Tool e TOTALING CM~ffY 9",999.99 e DIUCT SUIDACTION ·e QUICK SOI-TOTALS e llAPID MU&.Tl'UCATION e-iWf°OMA TIC TOTALS e QEDIT .ALAHCI, klMI .. GNC!r"f ~,.._ U. All eet-1 ~monstratlon of your o"'1S fl...,.WOl1t wtll r:mu- LD ahort lt'9 ablllty to make your o!ftot tlgunns actually tb:JW a profit In tJme •vhir .•. P ut one to work • , • on :rour WOik , • , today ! Sa/eguar~/ ~~ Check Writers For 10 )'Mn SAYEOUAJU> <..-Wrt ......... ..._ ...... Ins a world-wld41 repa..U--.._ ..tfta~r * Alil oper11lln1t ff!fttUttl cl~arlJ' 't'Wb&e. * One ~troke tmpr1nta the amount In 1up lndeUble n.ur.. nnd aoo prot<'Cta the payHa name. t:ra' It)' C'he<'k feed. Au tomaUe UJ1>ollrd deannca and nther c-"n"enlent fel\lures. * ~tny ~ f'QUlpjX'd wjth a ~ nwnber plat., pe- 1t'n:ilizlng your chedu and ~ add!Uonal prot-. Uoo 111in.tn.t tor~ry. A VA ILA BLE N OlV a t .... 902 NORTH MAIN . . 5-P-E-E-D EASE of DPEUTIOI PROTECTION PHONE 743 \1 mac deb per! tair dat• exe- M. t rw A!\{ t ior AM AN a llf'n rec.~ bo<"l ord one \ 1 !).f Trt O\\' anc BPt IC'<' by to enc hr • In "" pr• 58" !"(•• la• ha tic tn m : n. m IS 27 he nc . t!°J si ---n p. tr It !IE f'! A ('" T Ir do J;t t i c d r I ... ..-.::-·:"""" .. , ... ~, . .., __ 11M_rm __ 0111D __ • _____ u ,._.s_._ro_a_8.ALE _______ ao Ml"4 ... VR_._,._"_ •. _,. _____ .. _,~~~. "'"''''·":"' "\\ANTF.U TO lll:NT u NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8 -Tllll:8 • WOOD FENCE CONTlt PLl:JMBING SUPPLIES 0 -,-,-"-='-n 1-, -"'1-1 nt.-·~-.T-'1-1-.... -1r-... -,n1 Tt't~Mo"" s112•rt O.-•h, t'allt. Ma"'" ao, ,,.,. Page ~ • HEAL VALUES I l'Tl-iOAJU) MOT{) HS lltrllli-h1•d 11 .. 11..w '1111 Jlnlhoa bl Rt:AI. t:0'4TATF. • 8! Kl!:AI. F..'4TATa • PuaLIC NoT1cu NOTICE 0,.. TRV8TEE'8' 8AU WHEREAS. default has been made In.. the piu-ment of the In· dt>btedneu llclcured bf. and In the p<'rfonnanOP of tht' rovenants con- talned In that ctttaln trust d~ date-d February 8, 1947, made, executc>d and dellv!'rt'd 'by RAY J\f. HOWARD, a slnglt< man as trustor , to CORPO RATION OF AMF.RICA. n Cnlifornin C'orporn- tion, HS tru~tf'<• for J~ANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND S AVI NGS ASSOCIA'TIO N . a natio na l hanklni: asstXiatlo n. l>1•nf'f1r1ary. \\hh'h trust dC't·d was n·~ord1•d on l'f'bruary :.!!). 19-t7, in book 1465 P31:<' 25:l. o rrac1al 11.t'C- orcls nf Ornnizc-Coun ty, C11llfornin: a nd AJJ ,Typtt and Styl• Opens Sat. & Sun. 1 hurn1·r apl rnni.:t·. llll'>:<' o~·"n AND l~OATS 111111 '"r sun111wr ,,,. ~",."'> bzu•I•. ---~ ----...---------------- F .H .A. Tuma-1-"'ree Eatlmatee • 9 a.rn. to s Pm. -&-t>ryulff nw11 ~·'"" braod ~l::W & u~ .. :J) "~1i.•n~1hl1:. 1..r .. r.•11<-.·s \\'nit' New View ldomt- Ah}'Where"tn ColD'lty • • COMPLETE TOii..£1~ l~ IWW. s, I\ h'1• lllt•I Ht•pmr~ "" All I' n n,,, \l.'I. nntt""n ~1 .. mt Up \o 3 yrs. to Pay · ~ An4 Ouah val\'• S'.ll.50. $69.90 ~tnkf"I 11f Motnni :'6.~t.- WaU uni:. clOI(' rouple-d tollt•l• at 7 I'" \\'lllnut •11111~ lh'l. F.xtrnalon nu\'l1 IL S1l il·~ \\ ,\;\ n I• "'' 1\1 :-.: I' F11r111sl11"<I -_P_11:_ .• _s_.A...;,_2_s_1s.._R_. ____ 2S-__ t!_< romparsbk> JV-i<'t'I. rnht.·, !\ """'· l ,.,,111 1•halr u.J>-~16 , Kohlt'r 1 ~·ai·~1~ Sl"'.00 up. -1 '"''1 I It" .1~ I~ a1~1~i7ti·M ,,, 11111·1 I~ f111 111~1wct apM't1111•n1 1n Exper t Watch & Jew~ry REPAIRING Flnc-Diamonds and Watc:hl'9 NEWPORT JEWELERS (Under nl.'w r.lanagementl 116 22nd SI , Nt>wport 17-Ut ....,. ~ ~0 ., l\c1l•1t•rc•ll l'l'Hl,, 1•.,mph•tt' ' t 1 • I .1 'I Solid vltn'OUS china urinals $4.~ :...i.1 1· 1'11•111 • 'i ·' "' '''' ""'' """"ll' t>ach. $.SB.GO ~'Oii ..., \I .~ .:~· ft 1,1,111~,·r, ~li'i'J'll l '1•r1111111• 111 1 .. ·~• ,,, 1 "'•'' "'""'• CaJv. plpt', also bl ark pipe, M11plt· llunk IW<Sa :: \ ._ 111,, .. ,, 11111 "' ,,,, ,,.1 ~'lOll I 'II• •n•• II 111.,., I'~' I. :14~ .it I' (lil"omc swing spouta $5.75 $:?!11[>0 T··111•• l 'h""' 11,111'!." 11~•3.'\ h•· I 1 1111 HI \ l \I '\' 111.,.,,, '"1:.:1 1111 Kit('hl'n sinks $5 '5 up Co,'IJ u~ .. ll ,.,, ,. \\a~.h111i; mal'l•inf' ~''" 11 ~ ;\11 ,'\, ;, ;111 1• 111 Af1t·1 1111 111,1,, •I 1,..11>,• ,,1 ·'1''" lllll 111 Laundry lrays, cru;t Iron. $~!1.50 tl I'll• l hul.,•r :~'·I :'.I :W.-Ur l ••·•~·'"it 1' ,, 111' 1. 111 II 1'.ill Tollel s1•u1s. ~lt'nnuni: white $6.8.'>. :1 11111 rwr 1111 H11ni;<' ;t:;IC',L ~ l1'AUln .... ll,111 ... , .1 •.• ~I ' :11: l•I' Soll pi(X' and f i1tini;1. ~1 t -r: .. I GE't our prict's. " -t • 1" • , --: ----· \\ \ 'l,;TI I • .,, 1 111 'l,;'I' ;, 1 c•o111 ll\T.RLOOKJNG r.nllrl' llarbcii ' lll"N :! l>r , h1lw '114!,I'•, flrl'Vlaoe, 1u111lrucllu n and l11J 11lr tins.~ t .A"""11h•nnl Thi• r111 .. 11t wc-'\'I' "''1•r ''tr"rNI RAJ~PH P. MASKE\" JU I \\' 1 't•111rnl l'h liar 4l•:l ~ "'' COHONA OEL MAR sn1 ITJI I w II It ;11w A y 'l 111'.!Jroom Home 11y lll1f)\~ I )fl p,';°lllfl!l\lj; Atu 11 1111<11 Mil>' t lnl)• flM'.f.:""'lh ,• /\IM Sumryrt1f l ~~ntals . --; .. < ),· .. ":11tl-lFro11t · t :~i ''" 1't·uln:u1I" .. s-1~~1 r' ED WALTF.RS TILE CONTRACTOR r.l r"l11. 11 l•nt•I 1"•1 r •f1·1"'1'r8tor l ~I I• '•'· ,\ ,, ,:-; \\ ""'''{' rc•r OUT I I I t .. Hot Wall•r hl'llt<'r!I, new 20-gal. ' " 1 "' ~" 1 .. , • 1 .. ,1,, ••• • •'"'''' ,,. "111· ""'"1 *" ~-ltl r:.o rt Ill 11• pt l 11111" \ "llr 111\l pllll\11 . \I ,...6.50. · .. • .v ,,., , """"'' 111r11. ,., 1111'"'""''" 1111• '" l '''1' '"·' 1··n 1111"·nt f\fUNt Sell at Onct• Rt'bUilt hat \\•11t1~r ht•ntl'ts 20-gal. "'" l~•,•'l> trom t •1 11 111.1 ,. . t . I 11 , ..... , I ;-.. .. 'tui.11.11 •',.ti 1 ~·11i: 111•11,.h ,. " .I. ll. ltt HNll AM . . .,.. . \\'llF.RF.AS 1,. on ~mh<-r 15. 1!)47, Ra ni< or . .Aml•rka National Trust and Sovings Association, th<' ownt'r and holdc-r of said dl'cd and the dl'bt S<'Curt'd thereby, appllro to and dlrc-cted said trus- IN.> In "Tiling to execute the trust Oath Rooms, Dratn Boards, etc. 15t h & Nt>wport Ave .. Costa 1MM1 Phont' Bt>~con 8700-W-3". 18-t!( ol 9 •U\ Htf 'I"' 'U"\ \ • ·''"' ~'I •q r' $31.00. t ,..4 .• 5 S111\1111'1' l'JA:>;IJ i"ll , ;.:.-11 -;-.:.. · • 1' •" Ill• ,\ llEAllT IFl'I. NE\\' : """'"'"' Any plumbing Item can b(' had G11c .. 1 ,..,n1c·11hlt• AH 1eos rftngl' ~ 11 --~ ''"" I l '.l 1fl' k t:.\i . t:ST \Tt: r.xcil~NUE .,. l11111w Flt•·1•l1u"'· 11111 11.:1•. '"'"" :,.,, t l,•1•1111 lll\ll l\11llt"" ltnrlhlr :ll!\ ' throttgh oµr ltl<'lll ·or l.oe An· 00:} '-'.75 llf flai,:at\\111• "llh ""lll'l 1'lt' r1•m'<• or Sl'l"<I I' 11\lrrnr 1'1"' 1•111111• l.11\1'h · · IWIC'S orflCf. \"•<'ii 3 hurnf'r ap t. "'"' Fllu :,..1,;,11 ,.,.11 Ju,t I'·" 1 \\ 11 1 'l'lti\l •I :\hi .. 1 ... 11 ._1111 \'1'114'111111 hllmt.t, 111.:• Ct.IFF h A \'EN LERt'>Y SLATER MO\'t' Any-thjog Anytime by said trust deed Cl'<'ftle-d, 11nd S 1k'crnliLNI m 315 Mari!)e Ave. I 1 a11~·· \\11h '""'n ,.,11 i.,11111,,., ... r $!'.~• -r .. 1111 ... j """" • ·•111: 11•·11.·11 1 .... •mrnll !'1•111··· .... ,,,, 1111 , ,1111 1,,.,1., ·BALBOA ISLAND $1:t'Z5 ll \l\;:-;1·11:0.t1PT,;,:,o,1 :--;,, :\littu,J """'" 1•11.;1.11·11~:•'. lc•t<. ••t llkl', "' Tt•11111l 111111 tOpposilo C111li0lic Q-.urchl l 1; .-uhw I\ ~·ni.:1.t:11n· rc'frtJ:l"rator :0:.1111 ,, 1\11.1 111 ,,,. '"'1ont\ 1 "~'" 1\1"'11 "" 1'1•'" I••• I -Ciosi•il T\wsd1iy-~"<' r:() --1'111°111• ll.11 l•u 1•111'1 .I ;1;; :'lit· rt•clun•d (o $ l H.:~0\) O \' EHi .( )< )l\ JNG ~.Jo:\\' POHT ll J\ HBOR • ,,...,, ... , I S'J'~l:'o-\\1\Y \,l!;\,'I' "'l'lll' l.\1111: ll,\. 2216-W. 25-t!c ·r 11 ., k I ' t '"('Hi\Nc'--£A ,, • c-l••I' I"'' 1.111i.:1· < 1•11n l) • " p ''""" · 1• r l• ,., ""11111111111 ..... · ..... - $tHUiO j;·11· .. ~·-, ···n·· s:1•· "'' r ~1·~·: I \\ill r'\1 'll/\Nl;F 1:1r1~· hrim•I I '"'" 1:.1~ \\'ltl•'I' ltt•a tl'l'S :lll-i:al a11 ·. "'"'"'' !'1111111 An' ·'·'' ·y · I I t "I ·~1" ~t1 \l ou \tttt~· flt\\·.,'"'~·~··, ..... ·-r~- lo ma kl' sale pursuant thereto: M 0 VIN G and H ousehold Goods & SmaU Boata \\'HF.RF.AS, nollct> of such Harhor 391 . 25-tfc bn'aC'h of thC' ohli1:111ion of the st-:t-: 11\\'NFH ""' Uc \\ I ,\Ill • •l"F l n II':<; '' 1r >'"'ll' In- ,,~., 11 .. 11 1i 1 ....... 1u111 :.! ~lor)' ,,,.,,.,. :c h••th •"''"'"'· :! ""'""· "1un ,1,., k "', • 1(1 ' ~1;1 1o114r11.:•• IJv. 1111• 1 ... 1111 'I ' l·I l ~•I "'I· ft. lrustor a nd o r th(' hi'neflcilU'y'-9" !'l••ction to r11us1• to llf' 111old thC' prorl<'rt y h c-I ow desc-rltx-d to snt,isfy i:nid nhlii;:ation~ has h<"<'n r1•cordt'd as is µnwldrd for by low a nd m orl" than thrl'<' m nnths hnw t lHl)!:l'd sim·1• such rt'corda- tion and th<· trus11•1• d<•t•ms it lwsl HARBOR Plumbing Service -Silver Plating \OPPE~. ORASS. coi~ P olishing & RA-flnlghinit $1:?.7!') i:11t~ ltt1'\ .. l1J I. 17 l'Plll'111fl \ •l~I /\ 1.dw Ill'\\' IT• :11n "'l>nrntor Sl'l '\l r .1 ... •••Ill ,\II Ii"'" 111111 M··~:1 1::1s . If 1· 1 · ' "' 111 H1ul ll\1111· '""" l"ctrn 11\rl(e '. 1 .. ~,~.·('.:.1 .. 1111~. 1·~:::;1~·1~: :.r~'.',';\;:::J-1 ... 11 .,. ..... 1 .. ,, .. r 111 •. 111111 ,~T .. nty 1768 Nrwport Blvd , Bt'acon 6111 REPAJRL.~G OUR SPECIALTY Contr•cUnlil ahd ,Suppliee 9-t f( Bayside Plating Co. 1!114 'Jtnrbor ntvd. ~·>Cl r:() rH•1 1tlo\\1 .i 11 ''"1 Int\' l.11.•r . ··-· ,.) (I , "'' 1.1 ..... ""''"'~ ·""''11111 I ~101\0lt\ TO 1 .0..,~ l 'p1, .. 1,,,.,.,.tl "1111! 11,11•k r hnir II "'"""' \\oil fl•k•• "' '"'"~·· ""' .. r ~ .. 111.:1 1'• """'"'"''' 1•rlct'd, 1 '1111 ~It 1 ;11>·•~•~•. ll1•nc~•n :--790. Costa M1•1111. C11llf,. Ot:'ucon 5113 6-tlc Watchetl • Oocka · Jf'Welry CJffiONOMETERS Ri "' " ~p111• 1 n•\\\ hu\ "h,.n • ..._ , $1~.75 ...... r• • " 1111111 s. i.1111111 1•1'"'" 1... NEED MONEY T Ill \\'ti ton rui;: 5.' r ,,, ;\l.1111 ~.1111 11 1\1111 I'• 111' ~ .... l '1 f11r \.llltl'k, lll"IJlfUI $'.!1.7!) llAl.l•\\I'. 1,.,,111 111111~1:"11111 lttll•• S1·rVll't' 011 Yc111r 1-"lnnndal l'!<1•d dt ••l• l1•:1f t11hk N1·1·d11 1.onna 'on hun, 1111\\ p•tuh1 HL'f'-"~''''' it ••r ur ..:• ..... I lttt "" p u \ p.t\ 011 ul ''" 111y 1·1f1Uf \ 4~ .. , ~lt1t1 I z-;.1 • 1111 ' N1·w1-·• t 111\ll 111 11.11, .. ,,,,. I :t; tf I .EA HL 1W. STA NLF.Y Ill; A t.'1'1 Ill 111 st'll 1h!' r.·111 protJo.•rty now n•- m .1111111.: ,.Uh.)t'f'I Lh\! TrusL J)1•,•cl :IS a whnlC', tn Or<kr I() tuJ- flll t llf p1ar1•1~c·s llwrrof. '12 YEARS SF:RVICE IN nil: liAROOR AR1iA RA!palrll\& -Prompt Servi~ St'fwlble PrtOl.'S $-t. !)5 Jt.111111 ,. ..:,;, 1... l':.111 1111 ··11~y I Furniture -Salary G1H)(J "'''" t;iht.· llllttll'I rndlos rrn "'"'~ 1•1111111·11•~ '1'1 .. , ·~ 11 ('nr CIT Other Security LOT 1-'(llt SAi.i-: I N l"\\'l'o lltT !~I.A "Jll 1 llok t ( ' I I \' t • ll ·, \t I ; :'.: I•' \\' I' I I l.t T I~ n 1-: AT F. n llAllUOR NOW, '.fllE l'lF.FORE, N OTICE IS HF.RF.nY GT\'EN. that on the 27th dny of April. l!HS, at the hour or 11 o'clock in the for e· noon, nl lhC' South front 'door of HARRY HALL P AINTtNG CONTRAC'I'OR 27• Eut 19th Street Ph. Bea. 5413 eo.i. Mesa, c.liL »tfe • the Orange-County Court H ouse. Painting -Paperhanging i;ituall'CI in 1hl' City of S:inla Ana. t HaHi;tt r5tttiht.c. <'ali(ornia. COR- PORA'nON O r ,\:\IF.R ICA AS lrus1N•, undl•r r111d pursuant Jo tht' tc-rms of i:aicl 1rus1 cl~ '''•II i:ell al 11uhl1c '1Uctio.n t o the h ilih· By Hour or Contrac t Bcs't matt>rials and workmanship Call M. C. WAGGO NER HAROOR 2525· W 28-22tc P I C T URE FRAM.IN G VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY 17H6 NMwport Blvd.. Coeta Meu Pl~mbing Supplies PI PE (Calv. and Rlack ) 3·tfc. Tolll"I~. R ath Tuhs. Lavatories C'11st Iron Sinks 120-32 d oubll'9l 21x32 l<'<lgc-t ype, r te. Double China Sinka, $16.!>e up S tl'f'I Sinks $5,95 up. $9. 75 I:• Ill 1 •.11.1 :-;, lo11111l1 I'"'"'' • ·,. 111•110 111 lo I 1u1ll 3 to 5 Al11i.~t It Ml p1.1n11< 11 • :'h••""'' \ t l 'lu"•'" S Al11rda)'1l l :lrl 11~1·<1 l oh·)<'I"~ frnm $R95 to $15.00 l '~pil \ ill'lllllll S \\ •'l'l)l'rS $9.7!) 1·11C' mftd•·r11 It\ int.: room sci $24.50 ;\lo11tt'rt'\ IW'flrl'lom !!<'I ll k1• now $47.!>0 \.1.ncl 11~•·11 1ln,,...-rs $9.7"5 Ft~I clr 1w111 '"" """''" m11t1rr!l~•>s fr••nt '•~"1 . °"" !'1111111. S.111111 1\1111 l'l 1 f c SPl:\t I' 111111111 -Jlr11111I -;,-._; 1 ·:.~ •• j d.11tl •1'• d Ill ... titplllt'lll \\'ill 11111 1 Ill' 1"hl fl ""' r'·rf1•1·1 0 11\\ S .11 •· $1'•" 'I'· 1111' PANZ S('lll\lll'T PIA'111'11 ,:.:o :-.11 l\111111 S1111 In 1\n 1 Jll.tfr 1'11'1"' N1·wrnrt nl\'d . C1111ta Ml'M l~Amn :\1'..'0 I Arrn111 from Alf'h11 14'-111 M.rkf't I :'\'1 I tr ·~•nwr ll~:l 1... Sld•·Wl\lka and I pi;\'lni;: h1•lh •Ilk•. nit 11tlllll1'fl f'mtl I .1111~, t:C~I(. I )i•,.1111 F no11I N1·wpor1 ll<•n•·h. <'nllf tt lt11 l11!"trial H11iltli11g f 1·'111! 111 'N'I' "' I.I \SI ' l.~101 "I (I 111.'I S 1· 11;11, St . 1'1,..tn l l\1.•,11 l'lt"rt•· llllhltl.. I '1~'1 ;11; "'• • ( '11a1-1t Pnqwrtit·~ ('u. Ht•altor~ :111:. W <'t'.N'ntAI. Ne•\\ I"" I I l""l'h l !"llh 1 ANll 111\'INF: ~· N1•\\ I"''' ll••nrh • I 7th 111111 I 'j IA!'\'1,' 1 lwy. l\1 \\ t••l I llr111·h :'..''\ Mt\lllNF: A\'F: ll11ll k;ll hi""'' •f\l!"l.t'<lAST llWV. 1 '11r111111 111•1 M11r 37-Hc rst hldrlt'T for c-11i1h I PAV ARLE . AT TIME O r S ALE IN GOLD COIN OR LAWrlJL . .MONEY O F 'nIE l'NJT F.D STATES) all th<' lnter•s l COfl\'<')Td by said trusl de('d in and lo the follow~ng cl<'· ·llCT1!x-d rt>al p ropt>rty sltuatro in tht' County ·or Orangc, Stat<' of California, a nd more pnrlicularly dt'scrih<>d a!I follows. 10-wit : C'hrom4' PlatNI Swine Faucet.I, S5 95. Largest P lumbing Stock in Ornng<' Counl y, $9.7!) MAl'I I Sp111• I r"P""-"''~•l"<I < ;,., I?• 1111!-11111•• ll1·1111llf11l 11111111.• (111 Isl! Iii•'"'''' 1:111<11' 111:.k~ If "'" lm 1· nt.1pl1 ~"" wl(I 1w\'1•r flntl 11n .. th1•I I" l~flllc l tin~ nn" ,flt•I pu\ 1111t hal>lllC'•' E111l,\' 1 .. rm~ 1f \ull \\ l'h I t!\11/ Sd1111hll l'11111n c·n ' ~·-~· No M Alft, Sirnln All LOANS 'N 1 llllJLll. huy. 1-;,l lJl'ifVc\ mnd•·rnt7•· or rrflnan<'f' w~ pur· l'f\lllll' !MJllt dHodij' s,.,. lht1' ttu~t•·1 n '":. "'"'' \ -1uc·r .... El B:t\'o It:\\' ~'ronl I HHANf> NEW Lot SR of 'I'nlct No. 114 "South Santa Ann Suhdl\1slon No .. I." n~ pc-r mao 1herrof rt>cordt>d in Rook 11 n t P agl' 14 of Mi~cdlanc-ous M a t> s, records o f said Oran~t' Coun- ty. Datrd at Los An~t'l<'s. Callfor- 1 nla, Mar.ch 20, 1948. IS EAL) CORPORATION O F AMERICA, • 115 Tnalee By A.G. MAURER, Vice Prt'sldt'nt By V. MEEDER, Assis~ant !!l<'Crl't11ry.- C'R-13.'l99 Puh: !'llitrch 30, April 6-13-20, 19-IR. S OTIC'f; ":-.;()TJCE JS llF:RERV G IVEN that ~rnlrd Im!~ \\ill ht' recc-ived hy I he-~it rd nf Tru~lt'f'S of I hr Oran~r roast Collri:r up to 7.:30 P.M. Monrfay, April 1:!, l!HR, for I he followinu pt1rt'hal'l'S: 1 Bal'li•nolo)!~' Ji:•1uipm1•nt & l Suppiil's :!.• < ·hl"mistry Eq111prn1•n1 & Sup- 3. Ph~ics Equipm!'nl & Sup- A\jrs 4. 6\Jw r St'it·nn• Equipmt'nl & Supplil's '$Pf'('ificalinn~ ft'r rach clas5 of ltt>m mar.~ !f~1m1 at tht> Rusi- 111:u Office ot· thr Orant;I'.' Coast <'olll'gc locatr d at 11 th & "O" S ls. of ·the-forml'r Santa Atfa Army Air Base-." Ad\'. Marrh 23 & :W. 1948. Aid o~mni; .''lpr1l 12!11. 194S. n. II PEn:RSn!', Srcrrta ry, Board or TrustC'I·~ Or11ng1> ('o;,~t Cullt•gl' • • Puh: March 23. 311. 1948. April i.howPrs m ii;:ht bring !'ll11y nowt'rs for •11mr'. hut this }'('!IT ~. 700 f'l.'l'lifm ~ a I l\'l' nn ,\ pri I 1 \\'on't he• amund I•) <'n.itfx_ t hl' flow. r'T'!' on ;\lay I. tmlr!li; t rnfflc ·ncci- dcn1 • :irt• n•durrrl. wnrni. th£' !'a- l ional CrtnQt>n'at inn Du r c a u . Aroonrl :!,700 (l<'n.nns a mnnt h an:' nC'l'dlC'N"l~ killc<l h~· cnreless clrjv. 1111: onrl pctlr'-•ri<tn habits. lh<' Ho· rrau pom1" 11111 in a ph•;1 ror <>afrr t r11rfic h.1bit1<. Want Ads The News.Tim£'• will no t be re· 1pon1lbl<' for more than one lncor· rect Insertion of an advert.ilement. l'eltt'VN t h e rlitht to correctly cluattr 8ny ftnd all ad.I 1tnd to reject f\ny 11d\'ertlt1ement not con· forming to r ul<'ll 11nd regulatlpns. 68-tfc H arhor Paint Ct'ntcr 408-32nd St . Phonr II arbor 2350· \\' ~ 1•wpcrt Wallace Calderhead FONTANA PLUMBING 230-'1 1 S . W. Nl'wpor t Ave. Costa Mt>sa Phone Beacon 60'1 22-tfc u11f1111slw1I k1trhr n stools $1.49 C11l1'mAn Hut:rnl' trailc-r ~Inv••, hkr n1·w $29.!>.0 31-lfi; ~----------N f-:WI'< HtT HALMA Ft';llF:llAl. S A \'lNGS ~ LOAN AS~N ~'\3.1 VIA Udo Ptt Hu l~IO M -111· MANUFACTURING JEWELER RECONnJTIONEIJ 1-: 1<'c tr 0 tux TI~F.SF: nrl' ju~t 11 f<'w o f the many do1hir imv111i.: valu«'s 10 hl' found 111 Granti; FOR ~\I Y S.-1111<·!1 AK I. H••1• pi'C11t.:r • • 11 I 'liam1111111 '""'k I '1111 S1n11l1•\ 7 .:1;\;\.;\, or w1111· 1111 1 Vrin 11w1•n, Nnr lh ll11U)'""""' C'11llf :\7 ~11 p A 1 'TOMOTJVE A TllLU u 817 COAST HIGHWAY COR ONA DEL MAR, CALIF. • 31-22tc TRACTOR W O RK -Gradtng & Plowi ni;:. concr~te work of all Disc. F rt't' t'Stlmatrs. Call Santa Ana 3604-R . 36-10-tp LANDSCAPING 20 YE"ars Ex~rlence O ld & Nt>w I lomt'11 MR. C. L. GEORGE BEACON 5979 33-24!t c COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. , New and Repair Phone 0 1'Aton 6217 \lc•anc-r S:l3 on. Phon<' Harbor l 195·R . 36-3tc Bendix & Maytags Juat Waiting to Be U~ at BILL'S W ASH-A-TERIA .G R A N Ts. 'W1'1NE88 orrOR1'1JNITIU .. Furmturt> & A pphance - 164!l Nl"wport Rlvd. t 011ta Mesa ffiR SALE rJ1tAhll11h!'d m nn<'y· PllONF. BF.AC'ON 5707-M making hu~lni<H In ll11rhnr ar1•ft, :n-ttc atock and rlxlurf'11, wrllP lloii -------------S·2-News •. TI mt> 1, Nt>WpOrt PLUMBING SUPPLIES Beach. 3.'·5tc _____________ 10-_t1_1 LargC'St StO<'k In OntnJitt' County. FOR RENT ---------------~ " HARBOR ~niture & Transfer no~nkn and I NSCRF:D A t:oo<l Buy ... I~ a Wi~e Buy L<'I t:~ Jlrlp You "" Wi~I' • C'Ol'RTF.SY ~ER\'l<'F.- 196:! ll;tl hor Blvd . Costn Mt'SI Phone Il<>'acon 5538-.J 34-tf< l /.," Galv. 8.teel Pipe 20c font < 'hrnm•• P l•tl•••I ~" 111~ Faur..as $!1 ~·" , 11lti• $f) ·n FHF:E PLll M RINC T 1ayout Service . FONTANA J;Ll JMRJ:\(; :::11111 s \\' :"•\\l'<lfl "''" l.IP<l ISi.i-: n rnnfl m·w ho1111<• :l n n ' nn(I '..'7 f l l:innll rnm- 111t•1"1y Miii 1•\qlll~•···h r11rn1•h· c-d ~'.\.¥1 ltl"nth \\Ill 1'1\•' :\\I lr·11~.. :-.. , I' A I '11 lrn· 1 i:1;n \'111 I.id" N""l••r1 11,._,. h T•h l'h""' 111\INll ,~.,, •• :II 1•· F OH ltFYI -:111.dl """'" 1 ·1. 1111 r• t'liit1n:1hl1 lttlttU tllrtft• I"'•''''· "'"n :\lti 1,1.,11•1 "'" l\all.,,, ' :11 II•' l'~lt~ ( '1t~lt111ut1 M"••I t r f ;nutl t•oud 1th•U •C 'ull uft1•r ~' I• 111 IC'1)1t1<1111I \V111111· :!~•I I:''"" ··r ,St 1'1u1t11 M• .... " u .. ,, ..... ~.-·r-J 37 :1•1· Ftllll> ""'''"r111hl1· "°''1•'. rn:n ':\9 •'nl(1nc. t:M·1au11ru1 rtwt"ll" hluC', whlto' •Id«' wnll tln'I, n1>W lt•11thc•r uphnl.11lny. ~rww w hltl' 1op. frn1lf'r 11klrt1 Phonr J111r - lw1r :.!<l:.!7-W 111:.! W . ll11y .Av", N•·"purt ll1•u«'l1 l(i.4t11 F1 tit SA I.~. ,,,., II 1·1111 • lo11111,.11l 1·e1111hlh111 11; '"' h "h• ..t~ ~I••• 1'1111111' ll•·n· C<>A~T MOTOR CO. Ill \I I l"ltl I\.:!'! 111 .t-: lltflX I 'cot"! 111!.!h\\11)' · ('I I EV H< >I .ETS . '17 :-;.1, I·· :\1"''' 1 :.' 11 l1k1· n••w l'l11t0•' r\••act11• li'•l l F Oii RJ.:1''1' :l 1••1111 r1f"" '"'' 111 1i·tfl-unld .Tun• ''' .. 11h ·,.11:1', '11111 .2573 Elden Ave., CoaU M.eu ~lf. Ft IH SAU> Only I hrct' ~rtohlt ------------..-----,.fl'<'ll'lr Si111:1•r ~··wmi;: mnchin<•1 For Rent - ~·· or ,\ 1t T ill Junr 15th H.M.LANE REAL ESTATE 2006 Court Ave. Ncnr Newpst Pier . E ... ablishro Sin<:e 1920 llOU~f' or Apt. T ill JUnt' 15th. 8-tfl BU D.DING MATEJUALS 11 ASPHALT TILE Lino. & Pla!'tic Drainboards Conlrartor In C'onsumt'r Cornrr l ~th SI nncl P omona SI. ('nsta J\1rlla 33-Slp PERSONAL Public Stenographer !{OUM!' 229 Mt1rine Ave CHarhnr lnv C'o.I nnlhoa l~lend llnr:hnr 1331 1fl :00 • 4 :00 14-tfc n c Wist> -Adv<'rlise VETER A:-:-o Yl'1.1r~ with M\'Y Jac-k or all trndl'i; n~fli; a Joh l\l11rh1ni~1 c11rp<•nfrr. m• t1ll~m11h boatswnin. \\'rill' RnlC E· R <'·" 1'ewi.-T1~!! 37.;,1p i;ECRF:T.AJl,Y -Wnnt~ pon tlm" posili~ij W ill rnn•id t•r .e ... w-r:il "ont> d11y A WN'k" job for 1bcnl hu~in(•ss mc-n or foll t 1m •• Jnh ll'fl Fn•sh fr()m faclory Call l;}\f,.\\' < lran1.:I' 32-Stp FIRE CHAR<'OAL A BRJQUE'TS PROMPT DEUYERY · Othel"'I! will T't'lld your tll11V<lri.ed adft H Y-XJ "~ N"11dln1t the«r WANTED TO BUY n WANTF:D : S<"'RA r m nN & MF.Ti\ r. l·ri1.:lw•I l'ri<'•''< l'aiil Wri~ht Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd. .COST• JrfESA B<'acor! 5665 '• JllCKSON & Nb\i-:t.I. I :\IOI W rl-1 5 th SI l'ttntt• I 11~1 • 83-tl• I Do you want to M"t\ It! Adver· tise ln th~ column.<1. Plenty of Good Tiree All Si7.ee Compound ?.Jotor Oil Gallon,.~ Santn A.ru1 17 11•' CASH for USED Furniture & Appliances "Wr flu' Almoat . Anythln1f ' GRANT'~ Phonr 8'-11. 5707-M 1645 Nrwpnrt Rh·d .. roet11 Ml"M 42-tlc. Will Pav CMh Western Auto Supply Authorl7A'd Dt-al.tt F'nr your rurrittur~ or what hav1 IR36 Nt>wpor1 Rlvd., C01te Meu )OU Phnnr Jlr11rnn 5" ... ~ ___________ n_._tt• I \rawJey Furniture Co. . S ERV EL IRl? Nl>Wpnrt Rh·d , C'.111111' Merit The G A S Refrigerator I . 9"l-ttc Sl'lm" Mn<lrl<1 A\'Ailnhlr NOW nrRNlTTTRF. FOR "'ALE n Balboa Furniture Store j FtrR~.:rTt 'IU·: 1tt-:Ft:o-:is1wo /\~ Y•t11 1.ikr Tl 11'1<1 Main ~~. RnlhOa KE:O-: c;n..::-.:STF.D rho11r ll:irhnr 145 21311 Mm•·r St . r·n•ln Mrlln 2~(')!i ("<m!il nl\'rl , NPwport l'honr JI arhnr 116 14-1 fc rf1'111P J l11rt.11r }lf7{t,. W F11r F:~11mnlr<1 On l.unrnnteNI Work 22·lfC i.:nlil l'or1o1\.1 dol \I.•• Ti .. •1. Ft)H H~::-.iT 1\11111• It\" '''" ''"'"' h1111,i• ulf 1•.1111• n 11111111•' n .. 11 ... n ,)---, ..... YEARl.Y Ill 'l,;'l"'d B• :,q11f11I > $1'r•' llt· A•, .. S · .,,,,. /\ ••• ,. f1\\ ,,. I t ,., ~.'lft~, 'f .. 1·1~tl l'J 'I'"" I ~•or !"• cl .. 11 :i;lOH!\ :i:•l'1~, nP\\"'. 11nfur1HJr.lw•I o1p1.rt rr1•'nt . llf • "ntt\ ('pit N• \\ uph••I''''''"~' j11~1 rit.:hl l·•r ""'l•I• 1'1111111' 1 .... ~1 1111111 1 $1!~1~ r11rnt'h1•fl,. I' ••.• ,.. \\1•1111• 1(•11 'I I I I H-•r S·~lhn 11 ... 1 ... 1;1 .. .i \'ICM'. use"' It.""" \\ ···h· I ft,,x I 111lolu•1 "1M"• NI• :.!~J'..'\l. ( "'"''"' •I· I \l.11 I . v. ••11• COAST M OTOH CO. S EP A It" Tl-. f11rr11~h· 11 h11t!~· k .. ,., .. I Ins;: roon1 fur ,.,,, ,,, f\\n l'hun•• 1 H nrlMir I l'tl ,,, 1 1111 :ti 1:•.1 :111111 I llW1M C'1111~t llil'ltWh\' l lF/\l'flN 1;~ :\7 , ,,. St "'""I""' :•r.11<' . -I TRAU .r.RM .. ( '"'' ~t•:tr k.i'lt S"L'-i I"' I'" I flllfftfh '' V'I' l1f t • 'rttt\t lit f ~,t ti! hnt unrurnt,ftt ti ~· ~l ;I t I 1tl{ .. , :\ • J.r I l11•1lro11m~ II.. •I· 11 1tl• , , tf ... :t I lft Fnn nv~-r 1 1 .. 1 .... , 1 .. ,,, ',,,, llf"rllll~lll t ~·,~· •• I •••. , ... H• "' ,,n11hl• ,tu 1 11 • 1 1 • -•.d t I 11 ""' 171;\ \\' 11, If• WANTT.ll TO ICP:l"IT i· ''" I•·• •11111 l '·•I• 1.,,., 1~ A f',ft1Hltttfl"•f 'f'1 ,•d1t Jl11fllt ~ ('n~ftt "· •.• • :11• :1t" I ltP:i\I . F;MTATF. ft I • 11: '-\I .~-1·, l••il 1••1 "" r 1• 1·11n ill\d 11,tlloto!t l'l l•<'t) fN•lioW 11,_, ""'' r11.11 h• I l 'h 11 .. .,,.,,11 :;1:in .I .. . 'r ;..:I'\\' !\1 odnn lf 1111~t· \\'!" /\Ii i rt 11••.1• •H1'• t ' It fl••d ·~ , 1 1-.; I A!-='l l:AY 1-1tl1:';1· ll1tll•1!1 I \\ 1-: I< I I I' I I ,, ' I • I Y<HU f'''''"'' ,, "'' 11•d it•1' '·'· J>rtr•• "-11• )u' .-t1••U • •·~•\' \11tu pnr()I 11) 1( 11"""' 11 1111•1 It• f• \ 1111 eht'IO!I• \our t• fl rnt I'• f!l ll.Oli'I. fl! I\·"' ,,,,,, "'''" 'llf1 fl••tt • )' e\.• ••• tlr •'4•tt•'· ''''" tmlta,,) ,.~,··· Ii,.,,,""' ... ".·""' r .,..,,.,.,I 1 H111hl•• v11ra t'•· J111\u1· r,.,,.,.,.d itlr ''"''·'"" t"'' ,,,,.1,1 .... ~ ,, .. ,., • ol I, I I I• I , "\I• II• ftf ~v.1mlt1trll( 11,,:wh Tit•·••• I• '''''" ''"'' l1k• SPf'IRT T OP S Sf:i\T m VERS Taylor.'s Trim Shop ' IF vot·n 1-TR=--:tn ·n1: Is n111 hr-WF: At.Si , k•, 11 ,. ,.,,. .. "11· •I,, ... 1.i l'omlnii: y11i1 ~ho11lrl h1• romln.: 10 of ,,111 1. 11,.11,, ,, '"th• 1r r1•. •I' I'"" 't\ 1111111.lr t Autnmohil•• I "phi1lsl r ring ' 11orlll nnd T r11rk ( '11i1ihlosis . I 1:-.,11~, \\" ~• Cr ntr nl :'liiil\\'f"'rt Jll'h ll11rl1<1r l'lfll ~·J-tfc l hl' Jonr~ 1·11 l 'pt\111,IPr!I P..r· !li1r HI r11111olv :1IHI 1lotltl\ t .. ~•yllnii: nnd r• 1.11olr11ni:: All W••rk 1tU•ranlf•1'<1 J'h•J.1;1" f\•·nrnn fi;!ff1 2!\-:l..'tr f'l.F:ASI-· I '1\l.I 111 t• 1 ''" --~-----------~---/, I 1~ ..;I lftT ll ~II ii, I .11,1 1 • 11trrt1 A\••. H:1ll~··• 'p, ''""~'Jh ~-.~, • .,,,;,. ~--_1_s_._F_O_R_~_A_r._~_. ___________ .,_ ' Efricit>nl. rx pt'ric-nr1•rl. i:rnrrn t j. FORMED WlndAhlelda A Hald (lffiN' wnrk ;1l~•1 '"'PY ''T il\ini.: 1 f'nll Hnrbor .17;,.\\' nr wr11r T\oii I ELE\T~lf'JANS :O.fll j,l.:11r r• ~rt,.•·r '''" ~r; !ill, I<• n- ni t.r-· \\ ,,} 11u· rr u liar• \"' ,., r ~inr1• l'l:l<l I ~made to ord<'T'. Abo PIO· 49:!. C'oronn cli:I !\f11r 37-21r ' ( '11111r ,, 1 •?~ nr1wu r« · lcl .. & Ludtt Sheet. f"K aal~ ... P.• '1rir11t lnJ-lnrl•1"1r ml t:'Ylr1.o\·:"1r::s-T orrr:Rr.1> H I -!- Nu-World Products Company, , 3o3Thtrd St.,H untinrt-0n Be•ch F•ll':"T.\1:-.: r.1t11. IR ~"•r• "r EL,.JJ,,J{in · ~ 1-"' "r .•• 'l~·ri• ~11 11rol• 11 • r1 but Jfll'~I ( .,,,.,1 J Im ,, Phone Hunt1nll'fon Beacll •D ""' , , ""•r• ti 1\Jlph ;\I•"" M al• ,Gah·an n;." -;1111 :ll tf1· G. Il. LO\'F,.JO Y 8').tf• l'h"I' c· .... 1n ;\1• ~" :l7·:l•.- t• \lu ~r.\l·:~ .. lt ~· <;j\J{l •:"l.ll l'lot -rl~•I! S.\1.1 \\h1111 1 r 1"1"r h1k• '"i:·· ~ 1111lt1t•" f11rn1•h• ti fllt1s '"':'11• 111 "''"11111"11 l\•·"t r•fl• r l'\7 T•1p:11 B '"''' 1 I , .nol ;r; •'• .. F<tH <.:Al.I "'ft •o11hn1· .i.,:r 1· .. m;il• • • "1 H1 "" '' 1111ld•·r ,., 1 I• r lw1;irrl < .tll 11 111,.,r 1.'S.", :r, lip 1·1 1\l\ll i'•"l \I . It (1 11 lt11l' I 11 \* l' f1l , ~ I f I ' f • r ~ • f f 1 ltt' •• 1 .. tf I 11•1 ti I "·•1 I" fl •lt ,,,-~1 , .. 'J•·' I II I I • I -,;. \I l"•I I 111• ti "17 I 11 • ~1·w '.!arid :1 H1·dr1111m WA:...:TI I• l't•••lll: ;,,, or•l J.,,' "11rk1t,• ''~'' h '"' '•I 1 ff 1 JI''-J r ~, '" • f•,,,.,,uh1 y1·11r t'or l Ir Iii• lf,,,1,.,, '"''' ~1:•k ;1 1 111 '" ~17"o'~"'' MPnr IHI~ luu \.\d'tr•i' ,., I••'• \\ t•ll f llf I it I 1111rrlt I 'f f r f , tf1 t 1·•1111•1• "' 11••11•• v.111 1 I ii .d ft..f, r• ""' ' • ,·1 I .,,,,.. •I J •, 11 , f.(1T 'JS W. H l ~J <:r;s I' I ,\I 'I• 11t '" \1·111 .. 1c1 i.1" '' ""1 11 .. 111·· OnP H111lroorn Home IT 11/\S I '"""'"'""· ;'\ lt11th•. II "'"..;. 111 N1•\q•1rt lllv1I ·n11a won't lari.:r· h'\·1111: r1~••11 w1111 11r1•pllw•'. ,,..i 111111' ll••ll••r flf'f• II today. 1h "I"''· ' .. rw1111 11 ltllrul' ..ir Tiii' I '1 \1•1•11 lo 111•11 nt only ~1:'1(1 111••·111.r l1••k~ l1k" 111·w l1tr .. 11i.:h 111111 toe 1111 i11tt.:•'<I r .. r 1•11111r111t111tf1• lh Int.: 111111 1 .. 11111lc•t1• 1•11Jt1v1111•nl ••I 1111 111•1tvl111·11 lhnl 111ak1· 11 l1r1) lr1111t ""'"" "" 1l1•slro 111111· B. A. Nf:m·;~ON, Rroker 1-llAN K IWIWNS. ~.1 ... man 1'17:.? N•·"1•1rt "'"'' · n .. ta M .... I'll• 1NF 111-:A< "ON ~:r.l!\ wa-: llAVI·: '"'' k•'Y 111111 w111 IM· plt•1u .. J tu •h11" 1 ltt• pr-111-·rty ttl 11ny 11n ... • 37·1tCI Liclo J~lt· Bargain Coa~t Prnpcrt.i<·~· Co. RealloN4 !'!'\1 t: <:rntral, l\111\)t.,., ll"r 2f\.'V' 37.,, ... 'l II ll h1111JM• on ~"t tt lot-wltb " Hitt .. lmacln"tlon thl1 c-an be nmlif-a ltnoam ~ly '14.- :l!'JO ·r.-rma. H urry on thl._... l'rllmrr M.\.'l Via l.ldn, Nf'WPOl't JlrArh. Trlt>vflMI' Harbor HIOO. 31 ... to TWO ARAND NEW THREE -REOROOM HOMES $11 ,800 :l Attrat'flv1'. rim•ly-h11ilt hnmc-s-1100 "'I· rt. f'1td1 , with spi.1d11111i llvlni.: ruum. dlnlni.: nkovr. tiled kltr h- c•n.noor fw11111"f'. fl n •pl111,., :1 11l1'f" l)('(lroom", showt•r nv1•r ltth; l111mdry I l'l1y Irr :.!-rn r J(llntJ..'P. I ..iindticupln.c :and 1•rnw11t wnlk". (;01 .. t l1"·11 t11111 nnd1•x1't•ll1•nt vuluc . Sf·:t·: 1111-:\.\J·: T<lf>AY' l'i07 ~ Ii 11 l 111111"''" It• Aw , C'or~m11 '"" M11r, Cnllt. f >W N Ell-I 'honr 1111 rl.11 w 7BO-l l Day l'huni·!l: l111r 11\71 -.J; llnr, 10:1'1 •• J ~\'('N .. I tar. 7 lli-M; l l11r. 1I17·M BAI.ROA I SLAND '[\\'I) 111111)(, '..! n H l'1td1, l'l11J1pl1·il'ly lllHI !.!f•11t'1tlr11lly fur111-.l11-1I N 1•11{ St11111t B11y. ('lt.s.· to -.h11pplng <'f•rt· frr. Al11111I 11n1• y1·11r 11lrl. .Xlnl 11won11•, $:lli~100 Two 1 ... 1 '"'"Ill hoir11• \'1·n · l•1\'l'IV A lttl\11 )llX Vl'Hr.1 t1ld. Xlr1t '"•1td..i 1''" l ':r1 11r ., >1111111" g11 nr•:C' 1·11n sinwt- •~t f11r ~nrl ... 111rv '1111-; 111:1v l11· )11..,f,,-.!1111 y 1111 want . ·- H :1\' Cr•rlll 11.1 ;,:• I I ,, id·· Ill f l'C 1fll, 11 1 (I A Hl</\I. li11y ;ii ~17'MH I T1·1·r11-; r I irt 'h1wk1 , \I COHONJ\ l'll.L MAR •trl fl l•rt ~ 11( I ftl'lt\\.1 \' l•·\•·I :irrd 11 l•·.111ty. I f11 r ry If \'1111 \\:1111 1111>-,.,,. "-:~111 11) :-...;,.," 111111l1·r11 :i 11d 1 ... 11 1l1fiJI 't. I~ H J.:111:•• living """'" l111·11l:w•·. d1111 1w 1111••k t~·11111f'll 1·,.illn gs ll11'•1111•lt•111I S l11•·•., •·\l1 •l'i•ll' Tl11" 1:t•111 for o nly .,·:-<7;-,11,1111 If l;tl<r•11 .11 1•11• •• I ;r-.1 11'1111" 11 .. 1111lif11I \'ii'\\ lt11t11•· I '1111<.,11.tll.v i1ll r;il'!iV1'. Jr Vllll ":1111 """"''"'"'' 111 :, '! '""tr1•1111 11111111•, l:11'J '•· llvinK 1H11nt . f1n·11b r·•·. l<tl• 111•11 :111d l1n·1tl<fa~I har, 11p~l11ir l11 .. lr•1'1111 :111d 1-1 111 d•;rk . 11111•\•···lll'd 1•·1111an<'11I vi .. .w, •m" '"""'1 rt1m d11w11,t:1 11..., l..t '"' ... 1111w v1111 t h i-; An '"<•'•'11•·111 l111 v for ~:!·~~., ir 1 · · · \..\'" h 11v•· 11ll11·r ,,1 .... 1 ... 11, ""''W ~1 111 (·om1• In and l1·t's l:"I :wq11:1lnlt·1l. NEWPOHT 11 EICllTS .. \\'1• h .1v1• v·\·1·1·;tl t \\11 11r1d 1111·1"' l.w-1 frr.w1m '10 1111.._, cm1' '"111·d11JIY I'.'""' 1111.\' 1111 .1 'ww 1111 < ;'""' 111·i1"!'" n11d /,.,, .. , CO~TJ\ M J:SA J.t• .. 11111!111 hrinw ''" :w,,, Thi-. '' :1 1 h :11i111111: plH1~·. F1lll.v 1rqlt t\ ·"'"I. :• B. H :111d !11•11 t '"" •4 11 1•· "'''"' h ·:111llf11l l 111tn•·" 111 ('11•.111 \11 .... 1 1!1·-.l rwf1'fi d1o.;l1·1• 1 H1 1t li v11 nls l.111d ... 1 ·•r•·d. :111d 11:11 k r.rn l \\ :dl1 .. I. I >u11ltf1• g:ir:1g f'. l 'at1•1 s.~· 1111~ tc1d:1y ... l'.!.r,r1 f11r 'lttid< s;1lc, Tc•nils. I '1l1h Pl• .~ 1n1 <11rr1•uru1111~~. "•k", 1 :.~•1 I 1" n.•~.d "'' _n,,1 ELE\TRI< .. At.r•1=--:TRAr"TOR 1,.1111 ,n,·n• si .. Mr \\'lw l,,lMfl J 11<.., l h••l•"'l if,, t1~J _:i,.11~I Phone-Santa ,\na 4RJQ..R ll:irhor Hhri ror ncldr1 •-.s P () 08.Sllifled ad' DO get tht' ,l(rb 33-Stc Rox l~. ,~,,~II\ ;\lr·sa 3f>.1rr ~ 1 ,,. "'' J•t n• ft•,,, l•fl •• ,v· ' "'''I I I• 111 ••I 1.il "!) s 1' ,. I• .. /.I ~ ..... 1,,. :si. ~.,c nrnt t\'r1t. Mr I-r 111 • • I\ .·11 I ,, I r;r11lt11111 Llld I , ,,., 1111 lll\ll ll1tll111l1 :\7 :\1 11 1,,,,,, 111111~·· W1 I !IA J.1 :11,\ :'\1 !'ill· BLANC"! II·:/\ <;A-p::<:;--Renltors-GrNNY ?ATE~ 37-ltc . - ' .. ·' . :"' ·~-• ,. ... I -J ! • --' , ~ ---· H·arboc-·Feminine · Phones: HRrbtlr n and 208 Oy \\'inifr"t,"1 Barbre .......... ......, ...... ~~~-· ~ ~~ Square Dan~~ Trip Light Fantastic at BYC Barbecue Coincident Dr. CJ• A: Jachon With Ramona Pageant Will l e New Jlnull' 10 n11111.,11,." 11~.,0.,1 .. tttm Cosf• 'Mesa Re sidenl ""'"" k"•'J" u ll\• 'nnw1tsm,.: o( Ur\· .\ J,11 k~1m of L•" An· I fl\' ~p(rll p l flld nt11fo1 D I I.. 11:1' I:' k -, \\ 1)1' hi ii PW \\ ·r, 'ld1•nl of ..:I tht'-~1 .tr •tu '~' tu . r11111l•n l• '" (.'tt~l~I -1\!J, ~ •• 111 tlw .n .. :ir fu~ur<', s1,1r1111: "·"l" •'th \1(tf1 t l11· "ll'·n. .,1,..11111,.: thi• '"'' 11f !\lay us a.n Page 6 NEWPOUT BALBOA NEw s·:"T(M f!:S Carolyn Spicer Honoree/ at Luncheon '6 Shower Sr"''"'' Rt•11l'h, ('•Ill. \lltrf'h :m. llHM . -t' PosacJena flower ~how A ff racts b hibifs Mu sic Festival Entries ~nnounc ed By F11llerfon Jr. College 1- 1111; d ,11, «I 11 1111.-n.1 '"'~"ttlll. 011 .ii-,_.,1.1,11,. 111 tlw .. rr'"" qf I>r. !',i1111 d 1) 1\pnl 17. ,\ :ti 1 111,,.;tu ~. l'i'?'.> :sf:1\1x•rl 1111-J,11111.1111 ."!ml ,r.1111.1111 w 1;1\f\'T , 'I•• r 11 I• 11f I 11 I~ I· ti""' ni;, "ill 1 1~ J.1<·1.. ... 111 ,,1, 1•J 111 1tw 111·m)' lio· JJl•"llll·d 111 lh1 l1n,.:h'1i-11H: 111,. lnur ,, 11 ~ \\Ith · th• 1o1nl.. of Jhi:hhi:htmi: r:.istt r \'ar,1t1nn for Miss rm vl~'ll l'p1c..,r. :--t .111. ford l 'nl\1•rs1t) st\lfh•n • ""' 111. prtt-nuptlnl ~ho" <'r •• r." 1111d •" lunch1·u11 1(1\'t•n !'111 11rdn~ ,,, 1 ... R'Unll lll'lt('h htilf'l hy ~'"' .1111 ,. Wa11~r of S1tntn Ann. '' 11 • 1• alsn o studf nt nt·th•· •in""''''\ (l"\M l!l.• 8p1<""r . d1weh1r r .. r Mr anrj M r,,. W ult..r Sp11'<•r nl 11 11 bor l~hrnd. !:-10 m11rr)' c · 1rl Burkr. ~n of ~1r and !'.In. t :11 1 A. Rur kf' o f Roi~. l d11lt11, 1 h1 marrini::" lo tak" pl1t•" 111 .111)\ •White •"rrt Jll·as ·irnd '" 1 \ • ~t-11th w rn• romhlnl'd w11 h J>lll•• pink 11nd wh1tr , .. ,,,,, 11111• 111 111 ,. oratr th!' loni; 111hl1 "lwr1· p l 11•1' w1•r1' h1ld f11r J.11 T h· h"~'' ,, ""1• aHl~trd In ''11t1011" r111• 1r~ h~ h• r m<>thf'r, Mr~ Arthur \\'111:n• r Rrld1w pr11t... w!'r• 11u .. n l• '' Mrs Rohl-r t Atk•n, :\tr• 1-\ 11111· rilon and Mri: R11n111t1 ,.\l,or<tl•• SP"C'i"I 1nJr<0l5 inC'l11d•-rl . tlw hnnnrc'<'·s mothl'r, :\tr-\\':ill• 1 Spi~r. "nd h<'r •i•t<>r :\Ir• H11h· t-rt M Allrn of ~ctn ~fnrm•• Amnni:: thc-1:11"''" ""r" :-.1 1~~ Barhnra J\lr FA·ldt·n "'"'' a' 11 <Ill· dt'n t At Prnl1t\n11, C't•llr.;.~ :'ttf.c Elf.'11nor Jlf.'r 11i.: uf .Sun J,,,,. !'11111• rollrtre. Miu Rom11lnl' K<'rn 11 ncl Ml1111 F.lunor Youni: nf RN1L1no1~ unlvf.'r1'aty, 1md M1sit raruly11 Morr ison who Is n s1•nl<>r 111 Stan· fotd. l March winds a.re ill w111ds. lf ) ou duck your hffd 111t11in.•t t h!'m "hit(' en.sin' the stN'f't warns th" Na- tional ConM"rvation Buttau. Kl'f'p your head up and be alf.'rt In on· nimln1 tralf1<.' an both flll"t'Ctlon~ ~ lll"t'>l'tl onl)' at d <'lt1gn11tc't.I crouwalb and with the signal. You'll Uvl!' a Jot longer. -· A~ FINE FABRICS • DrlpMies· • Uphobtl!'ry =~nt~A dreu fabrics. Unlnrs- QujltJng, etc. PHONE HARBOR 2094-J·K 1123 Cout Hlchway Corona d:tl Mar .. a.- FOR ·BIRTHDAY I WEDDING CAlCES ••9Mll u• . .................. D1lst1•1• We I '&olaW ..... _. O min I ' Olilill9 · &ENE'S ~BAKERY • o.....,..~ ... - From All Sections Girl Scout Directors Attend Claremont Training Conference !"1n1• rnl'ml><'r" of th•· l•11rtl ttf d m ·C'lors of I't•\\ t1llrl 11 1rtx•r G1f'I !"r.1111 11it~od"l111n nt1t•nd1•1I a trnlnin1o: ronf,.ro•nrt' hl'ltl 10011y 111 CIArf'mnnt In 11n-.ill-!111y llf'S· !'Ion 111 \ommunity church suh· jl-rtll t11kf·n up Wf'rl' finnncf', pro· 1trnm. or11:anlution, day and C'tl· tl\bll1hed campe. and memb('r· 1hlp.• ReprnentatlvM of th" ln<'al bo8rd att<'ndini: Wf'r<' Mrs R11lph Dc-a v('r. rommlulonrr; Mr11. F.d· ward Mllll'll. tralninf r h11lrm11n. Mrs. Alfred F: Gibso n, <>r1:11111111- t mn. ch11irman; Mrs Edwnrd Chl\Jl(l1Rn jr . trt'a.~urttr . M ri; Nl'iet'. finan<'<' commitll'(': Mr~ M1•rrlll llolhAmll'y. day_ rnmp rhnlr.mrtn: Mrs . II. P. Vnrnrll. l'lllAhll~h(•d romrfchnirmnn: Mrs. William 'rru~t y, progr11m chmr· m11n. end Mri;. C1111rlt'S Chn!l<'. ml'ntbf'r11hlp chairman. CH-RISTIAN'S HUT .11 •• ' Paul Gusflin Sets Opening Date For Swim School l'.1111 1;11~1 1111 "'II "I" n tu"' "" 111u11111r "111"11 n t flnllwt:t nn .tun• .:o. 11. 11.1'-1111nuunl'• ti '"i ll .11 ... ,,. ltt• lr•f• ltll .11111 .hlllf' \\'1i.;hl • mnn. t•>f'\lf11r l11N1I tnst rou·t••r•<, "n Ill!' "t:ifl Tht'n' "111 1;;. pl"r"" f11r "'her ln~truo'llll":.. wh11 must h11\·,. hncl l\\'Ll ~•'Rr~· l ('TIC'hlll}t f'XJtl I ll'llCl'. 11" \\ill n •c••l\'I' 1111pl11•11111m• nt :.'..'\2(\ Vnlen'1.!!_ 11t rl'el. Si-nt11 /\na. 1lhont• S1rnt11 Ana 1 IGl-J Mesa Seoul LeacJer Enler.lains Troop M;!< ~hf. K nq11•. I• 1111 .. r uf t "Min ~'k"" (;ar t !'rout lr.••P 1:. rnlrr1111nrd th<' i;rrl• "1rh ;111 EnslPr 1111rty r1t twr 111,1111· t• ('(•ntly. _ Thi' ~ll'l!t had f1111 rn11k 1nii 111111 lnhlr•• ~:rt•ll•r hnts I rum p11 .. 1.11 ti r 11r111. \\ith pnt1'1t fur t lw 1111.-1 111trnf'li\'<' rr .. 1111n n" 1:111111: 1 .. "alt · J-:\·:1n<..i1. F tl1•1•n l..1u' · nncl :'ttnr~ In L<'nt •art For thf" pro•1cr.ant \Ii• Fil t:dll'k "h"""" fl t••l1l1'l"t1• ''""" t•f th•• Ht><•· l'nr.111·· 111 't.,•1111 ·11 111t·1ur"" whu·h ~h1• h ul t:1I<• ti Aflf•Twnrrl rnpcnkr'< ·ind pund1 Wt•ro· .. r r\'f'rl .hy tho• lut~lt <.• Ir.~;==--=~=========~ "~\\I "CO ''Ol l" t•ART!llER" la n-.... all. ,.,;ti d1&nc.,. ~rot\o"' throU&h. It'~ B alboa l'IM'ht dub'• .quatt dtmrf" "hkb ~,..." a jam-tJ1M:ke4·a tWDtl1tm•f' or 200 Saturday ~\·Htlng u the rntertalnmf'nt procrpm for t h..-Eai.lrr '*'f atla. photo by Gt•rhan1a Old Time Square Dances Prove Fun Ebel/ Junior Section For Bo/boa Yacht Club Members and Guests To Sponsor Bridge . . \\'1111 111• F,,,,,., ri·i.:11tt1t hold· ,-...... ""',.i...1.-.;,nd :'tlrs Arch Bisl! ... ~nd Fashion Show HP' 111-1 .. 1i.11'1•111. 'kll"•·ril t11ok ''•M l· .. 1i111111dt1rl' and Mr11. llnw· 1 • ... .. f • • .'\pon~or••d lly 1 h11 junior St'C-' "'"'·•·Ill 1 .. 1 •Ill '\1•\11ni.: of 'fun t ;.1 I ~ ik• I . =-'totlf t'l'n11nod11n•"und t111n ,,f J-:h,.11 c1uh. a d•'SSo·rt :ir H11iti .. 1\1ol1t r·lult, Sa1urda' 'ii:-Fr.1t'll11nl• 11l,,.S!:tffC1•m· , hncli.:•· 11n1~ l:o,hion ~lww will hi' tl.111" " ... 1 '' T1" ( 't•ntl•tll i•I :-:r·WIK•rt h..trl :ti =""'l~W' ll:id1ur Yacht Hill .\!1 .... 1 .. \-• h.uupun square _ !.!.. '1 '..! Y.:" 111 dult _ duh on .:fhurl..d:.iy. Aµrtl~r "tlU. I I• I '"'"'.In ( ':thfnrm11-:--,,.,.,i;; r-nr th•· "r' \\' ""'1··r•.n,rn. I:! :\li "m 1, tl j11 ... , ,, J _. .... • ind ,.11lrd th•· .,., 1 • 1111nn111t1 • ~· \\hu: 1 ~' P~. \\ 1 I· I , -.tl..tn' 1, 1 1t.1triu;m , had rt:m k111·, i-111r1• l\ 111 J•IJI on fhr ,;.. .. 1 '"' "" "' .,11' th!• 11 .. rnr-~hn\\, pn•f'''tnn:il m•"h·I,, d.rs· ''i'• ., , ~t.1111 ,, .1 .... ,. ,, ..... n.: to 1t t t1 11 ·1.1111••t d 1n,1 1• \\t•rfl '"· rl11<I• d 111 • 1• 11 1·1 '" d1r1.,·t tho~t· n11t "' '", 11 'l..11!1 rl h, 1., "t wh ,,.,.111.., .. 1 hui.; .. 11.,~,. pl;1) mi.: 11 "''"' 1·11mpll'lt· :i111I 'a · , • ,•, 11, l•t.:''"'' .. 1. <1.onl'• rs r11·1I w;11·droh« 11f llPI 1111: anol sum· ·I , .. ,• in ''id 1 l11th1•, Tiu•"' n wr st) I•''> 1: .. 111 '""'"' 1l1ol .. 1t1 J111n .. ct 111 ,. 1 ,11, 1 I!""'' 1, 111 \\'itll n 1.;. :\Jr, 11t. .. !1 l.1w11s \\Ill "" in 1111 11,11\ll\ .111•1 :\Ir 111111 l\lr" r,._.,11 ,, ,,.11• 11, . ..,,t:nr!l .t11rt ('111 1\ •I l '.1,11l1tta, ""'""I~ uf 1. I•\ :\I r~ 1 1.11h~ :\l1•1t·:1Jf 11nrl \11 .. t•:11h~ ~1••tc"tll . j,11111'<1 with \'. I o1 v1,11, '· \\ltrl" :\Ir-;• Fr"rt HfHt1ltt I 'nt.i :, lf1 ftlt 1 'hili'11&Hl 1l 1· 1• "'''' r1 'JMlf1,lhlP ftU' tht• flitn t I ii' f,!.,ltl\! 10tl ltft 1h kt• rt)\\' /HnPu..: 1f1. _ .... , ~ .... ,,, ""<"rr n\·1 ... 111 .. I'· 111' '""mi: Ctfmm•>- ""', 111<1 \11-. l11l·k f'\•nton ; , . .,., .( ·.,111m .. 1t1'.r. 110!1 Mr:s Cas- \!1, \\ 11!111 tJ ll•·1 I~. sudt>d hy \I•-Ll.·\l·r l\ La• n11. df's1i::n<'d 11'il p.111111 rl 111 .. • lll\ltations. clu•ri.:1• 11n1I r1·~l·n·;111ono; 111ay h1• m1trl,. wllh :O.lri> .l11lin l >an1"1I. llarhor :lltlll. Mr:. ~am Purtt•r. llt·acun 51 :!fi.J uncl l\I rs. L>on Gat1·1', l111rho r :>.1:.!-:0.l local Matrons Attend Shower t I< m a n Sm11h It• o1r ('11mmodorl.' anrl :\Ir" ~ n ti Snnl1·~: Junior S 1111f c .. nsm• tl11t <' a nd Mrs. Bob Bil) r1 : S"m11r SI ,ol f <)>mmodorl' "". ,._ 1"'''11ni: "11h 1lw plan- ' , • '"'' w111 k ", . .., :\tr... Ra rt II• •I• ''"'· :\Ir• 1:1"'""1 :'th1rt111, '-" ,-,, .. 1-1.,m .. n S•111h. Mrs. ·For Costa Mesa Bricle 1:11 t. 1nl F.-nt(ln .1111 1 :\J1,. f!oy <:.\ROI.,.~ \~S 8 1 .. oWr.R. ,d11uirtiter "' t·ayr tt,. "'"" .. '· Ralboa, nun•icf"r of !'Oaff""•~ atprf'. Ra ll,.•• • .tta "' hf-ad or t•l•lo· "' • , .. rt~'. f'f•lf"hra llnic h••r nin th hlrthd•~ annh·rr-nr)". 1th rn ••I IW'r honw. 1:>1l'I Ch·f"•n Rh ·d. "°'"""-""" hrr i::r andmothr r. ~tr... l'o llr -Hlo"f'r of :>'anta \na a nd hrr a un t, Mn. l rf'lt<' ~lrrrlll. Clrttni:•'. ~h, \'••In•' ll.1._\ .. lr..: --Friendship Circle Members Give .. ~~lo llt(~fol(l ( 'lr('lf' )< llf ( '1t~I I \1.' , 1 "'m11111n11 ~ rt •11 • h m•' Tl•lll•oll\ 1\•mni: \\tll \I r~ I. II ''" 1111. :\J r, 111 '' \\,at h· r \\ ,,, ,,.. t • ... tth f\\,! \I·-!'111.11 1 l nn .. 1•1 l·tl 111 •I· '11t1Prt+a. 1J, r ~ut.J•, t 111 1n~ tl1• Local Couple Return From Honeymoon Rark f """' " h•'n•·) 111·~·11 m ~1111 \'rtllf'~ :11 ,. :\Ir :ond II • l-:ct\\arrl G I lnl• ' "hn \\ • r .. m 1n 11·tl ;\I V••-r K nk ot ti.,. II• 1th•"l l .. t;; \'l'j.:a&. :'\.I\. 'Mrs Arthur Kl'mf'Jrr nf Cqrona 11,.1 l\lar Hnd h<'r 1l11ui.:ht..r·1n·law, Mrs \\'1l1111m l<1•m1>o·r. 1<1t f'nd .. d a mi'S(:..i1:1n1·nt1~ i;hn\\ 1•.r Thurs· rlt1 y nl thr hornc 11f Mrs. \'1c1nr Bonn at . ,\ n11~wlni. t ht' aff ;ur h1111- un111; :\1 1"~ l..tur,.J LA'<' 1-\mynn of C'llJ-1" !\lt''<.t T iit: l ':o't: Ot' l'L~sr~ INUOORS Th(' historiC'nl trnnsltlon of plants from th!'lr hahitat out- doorll has h<-"n wndu11I. but in· t !' r <' s t I n g Th" incr!'as,ngly rrowdrd conditions or Ronmn elf ti's. ltroui;:ht :1hout 1n llf ll·X· panii1on or l.tnc1 hr•ld1n1:!< jly thC' wc•11llhy w1th1n tht' cllal'l'I into rlf'rnrnll\!' i;arcl1·1~ for t~r <'WO pl• ll"llrf'. r..r,.1·rl t lw midllfo l-ln-;~ to drvt<f' snmr m1·11n~ inf prl'· 'lf'rvmi: I h1•1r Im " fur n11wpf < Tlw rd t1r<'. 4To\\'rlrrl I n t o n smnllr·r ;iro·n. lh• 11\rrat:.t' no. man dr•v!'l11p1•d thl' 1<<'111rium ;itnp his horn" Artui.illy In th" hf's,:in· nlni: it wn-; a roof i;:ardl'n The solarium. or '"l'lln rnnm" In th14' coo~tr). n'ri1urrd "i1w turn St'\'lllt' H:rov•nn lw>" I 111 11· 111• t · lit'llh'n.int l'Olnnl'I anrl d1•111,.: re· \'all•) "h(r<' 1,1,, ..... 11111111.: lo 111 1 ,,.lll <'h ""' k ,,, \\',ol1. 1 I« t d hos· 11 ..... a ml ,.pf\ni; £111\\1 r-, c11111r"''' pit.ti \\' i•l tnr.;t""· 11 ,. '"'h r11~a:1frl ''"'""II' .111.1 "11 h®------ 1 h .. llH•Jt>;.tw snow , .. ;,·1·n·~ Snn Jn r 1n t o in1'ilint111n~_t11\\•1 ni.: nhu~"" Tlw h11 r1t .. 1·111• 1~ .1.11. 1 r.,r I.' n1'it1n, ;ind will h .. h1•l1I /Ill tk• 1;1111 l(r nunds 11f h .. :1u11ful (~!Im 111 l h1 S11nni.:'<, Son J11t1n111 T1;i .. ,.,. \\'tll he• s ing1ni: anrl t.l«ne111i.: ·I•) th1 p11i.;1•11nt ordks tr;. .; n d 1·n1l'r· 1 tn1m·rs. , At :.! 15 Jl m "111 1.,. th<' 111><·n· ini: nf !ht• Jl!ll!f'lln t u.nd 6'•1 'i'<llS fnr Ru:icls to Romnnr<' mt:>mhr .. s htt\I· ht'•·n rl'S(·r~ .. d ln,·i11 .t ''' K1h·~1s t has )'«ar hrl' th·· fnltu". ·ini: n fftr1'r" of tlw l'nitr d Stairs Nit\'~'. !\lnrant'. Cc•.1~1 C11:.rd aml Av111'1inn untti-nt th" ""'"'" "'" 11~ \\ ,.11 n~ fnr I ht• Hamon11 P:11:•" nnt From Lo ni.: Ro •ach-1.o' ,~.,. J.:t'l1•l': \'w,. ,\d1111r;tl \\':tl1"r s l>..t.nny, t•11mmanrkr h:t111t '"'I'' nur~ 'pnut S I lo-ndr .. n. l'tllll· 1'191 Newport Bh..S.. " COST A MESA t Phone Bt:aco11 ~stl ·W I nnll rrn1i:«rs p"4rr' Hl'ar ,\.t. '1~~~==:~~~ rnfmil"r t• ~ l"n\;OTI·1·" r:;,.;;· l•lil•!I Ani:..J1•q l!t-tor Adm1r:il T hrolll;o• \\' y n k 11 " p . t'umm:111rl"r I.• 1111: H••:trh ~11\ :ti Ship) anl~ H· :1r ,\!lnurat 1-:. F I l1•rrm:m'n. l'ctm · m:mt11·r <'r1 •1·r I tl\·1~1nn 13: I 'um- rn11cl11ro· 1,,.\\j., I. 1: .. nn••fl. 1 l•h ~ < '1111~1 C:11.1 rrl , I »••rwt ! >ff11•• r C':tp tftln H \\' t 'l11rk•'. 1·11111111;11111·, lni.: 1•ffJ1'"'" :'l:tl\ul ,\1r ~1111 i1•11. l.n~ Al11m1t11s ' From S1111 Dit•i.:11 \'icr• Adm1r11 I G1•11ri:1• 11 !\lurrny. comm1in1h•r F u <;t T :"k F1 .... 1. Rrar Atlrmr.tl C T I 111ri.:111. art 1ni: command:tnt I F:kvr nth ~a\a) 01!<lrict. )l.1jor \.f'n1·r:1I I. )) I l<'rml<'. r nmm:im1- m t.: ~•'n••ra l Marim• C'11r1r-r1· .. r111i fbey don't rome too IUWl n. de II· cate or t-Mt.ly l or our h~l. d~ peodable watc h depot. • All 1 ll'kl'\l< for t ht:' ha111<'1'11•• nnrl rt·St'r\ r•d Sl'l'l 1011 for t h1~ d11~ 11111.,t hi• n bt111111•c1 fr<'m P:I\ 1<1 r e p a I r llflrvloe. It'• done RJtm T Mire. < 11111'-f•«I. -i1•tT t'f:Jr\ of Rn:1tl'i '" Rom 11 11 r" n;;~1;r·i111it•n. ,\11!11-1 t11r!11111. l.11ni.: H"111·h '..! 'FwJ;,.1i- f,.r l.111 h kH'l11•1·111· a nti 11.1t.:1'.llll .111• SI • .11'11. S:! l•J f .. r 11111:•""'' nnl~ r 11 II 1• r ""''.. f11r th• p111;,.:111t .ti <' April II< .! I, :.!:l, :\la~ • FRt:E t:STI.\tATF. All )\'ork Guara.ntf'ed s-o.u · sER\'ln : I ;111!1 :!, oear Mad8ID :.-. c'K note \O 3n~ Just a qui. ,. spring co3 unce the ne the'/' r e no • • e ~arrival s • m our for - 08 ut ies rro • fea- b t designers • bac'K mos . the new . 11 t ured 15 in a treatment of ~ourse . iength5 • om rresh • OPENING APRIL I , Remodeled - -• Topsid~s and Below. --..:?'~~ * .1 I\ .. ~~~~:!Zr.NS~~~:.::~ II !•I• I'll•'• .. 11ol \It• ,I I t:lllt11 L,. t\.I f t~, 1111 ..... 11'11, It \ 11 "'' '" 11 \\ 1 ... '.tlt•d ,,t d1 •0 tlt1 ,,,. 1'111i' ll••IH · ,,II I ~.'•! h+1 .... \•' :-,ti• t., ''" hu1lilt11 • tt1uil "' ' lt1•tt1l•1t • •htl1'• ,., .• 1,' 1l1d ' ... ' I• I ... I' t-' 1 11 J'l.'''' l ·fh,. lortll•• ts t fi, f11rn11·r Lui~ ..-. 1'1•lf1 '. driu1:ht1·r ul :I.Ir .onci !\lrs A H Ko•lll'~ 11f II.ti..• "''I• Iii l\lr lh1lt•) '" lh• '"" "' :\It and J\tr« II \\' llitk) 111 \'.11.,11:i ti. I J\111r. pf th f' N'nl11ry. nnd !\t11l in;iin- t11111q 111; f\t•r 11lar11y in ttlr roolrr St ('I lflllQ of I hi' na I inn f I fro•· qul'nl I) ~··1 't ~ 11• ,, plnr1• v. ht'rr Th" 111 r:in h••nr fll from t hr o:u n w1llm111 llnm:1·r nf drnftl' Al t h•· I ~amr t1mr thf' plnnt~. wnrnlt~· ah11nfl.1nt I h••r•', tl'nfl to ,<'lflan~r , ""' m r hy llrnn~formlni.: rnrhon tlii•"lrl1·1 \\'hll'h llQ~ hn<(lt'<; 1.:1\1• 11lf. 111111 11")1·1·n\,\\h11•h "" (•11n u ... , UL!1lltl BIG LUAU ancJ Come Sec> Our Nf•w TAHITIAN Sky room Owrlooking Balboa f3.1y ••• or ~o ll('lnw to t hi' MAIN. DECK nntl ••• r n J"Y I;( I( 11) ~\I( 1f), \,tt( >P Cl (~:EH nnrl ltt' llAl'PY! * SollM'thln~ SpN'ial April S POLYNESIAN BAND Remember April I. Come, Rela x · ancJ "T aka It Easy" FLETC1IEH CHRISTIAN 1\ltl11111ch 11 nurnlk 1 ·••I lo1111""' lllll'll'I '"" hit\•' th• ti In t'ltl h 111 tll '"••I :\t.•1.1 rt ~. h11I>< 1 t .11111 uth••r< l1t1Hl\ h.t\•• 11\• 11 ''' t f II• "ltl ·•I:" I 'n" 1111.:hl "rt~ ~h1>rl I h• • "•')11 h•n <lltl I ;Ill" 1'1" \"1 I d1, 11 ti a :I II \\I t\ft• •'I"''' "h1·n 11 Id ,~, H11 f h '""' f ht-I"" ~· .• 1-1.11 t ~'I \t ,I f ' An •h1 111,,· 'l'l11•1l\ , .. , \\ h,,,, .. , .. I.I :\111'11"11 I" \\4H'lct rtfl1l\\'f\ t c\ l'A''' d 1\\ '' •If ".. , ., "" I , .. ,, I", ·I .i" ht 7..-, ·'' "'" t ,, ,, ,, .... f ; .. ,It''"' Rtrh.inl \\ 1.:- rh r pn •h11•,1l h1' 1•1•·11 l'11-.1l 1t "h•'n 111 .... 1 ";'tl -• ~.,uu ,.,, """ ".1• I• u pni.: '"" r 11 1 tn tu• "'"h ~ 1•nr I 11 nur ''" 11 111\ ., " 1'"111 I . ) w ith pr11I<• '" Ar1111 .a 1'11~1 .11u111 "l't I ..... "' " fL1 fllt I '"ti \\1 1 • l t t \l1,f1t1t 1.,. It'""\\, tll u •\\ ,, J," I' 11 .r· I• • I •I I!• ...; "I I l • I I ll \I " . I I I I !'111 1'1111111' ' """ " ·' I . ,.,.,,, • •thl II I g-,, rt I ft1 ,, I I f I I r '\tr' '" ,. '11• I 111111 • t \11 tl•1d1 I •.'' .. T HE Y 0 11 :\ (; I U E :\ t' "Saft> llt ,,.,1111• I• 1111 l!'llL:• 1 .t t·orr1~t st f.1,,nw111 1•t t o1l·1 1 "" :--; ... 11onnl \0 11-1·1\;11111n 1\111.-.111 I.,'"'' •·U• in n "·'min..: .1..,:.1111,,.1 c.111 J, ......... anol ttn'-:tf1' hnh ll' in ""'" • ... 1-11 .. l~1i.1 ~ 1•ar tlw hunh· 11 •til'··d .111 "' h· "r Onn~t·r 'Pol .. "' lh• .. ,r .... ,,( ... t'l- lkntnl rll•1tth ... \\It h ·'l'l""""'·''"I) lJ,501) mon. ""fn•ll .rnd "l1tld1 ••11 ln~ini.: tlw1r ll\"'' th•••" By :\lossler p f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==;i~:~~~~::::: "41-1 ~yrn~ )..,.,1tnS: '1•ir; • ~hit 'I h• ------mt1ri t1' nutnt:t lit th, \\T1rld nf flHl· !tlt"' • • • Th·· Jlh•.., :t'" l/HlC ,., ...... SAM'S ·SEA .·FOOD -..-S1gn of the Swordfish" ' I 1 Mile Eut of Seal Beach, at Surf side t ~ ~ Open Daily· 11 a. m. to 11 :30 . ~. tt.t . """' COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS Mid STEAK DINNERS t '-t Pbone1: tong Be.ch M0-79, 80%--00 and ru--0.'\ I nmpk "' I'll• n1.1I '111h>1' ~· 111.11 , •I ~1 .uui· I t~,,n.~1.t '' '' h• r ,,( I .f, 1111~ l.11111 a ncl m 111\ ••fh• r' 1.t· n 1.-11.... "-In..:• , .... u u t h. ni-\\ n h' ''"'"rh't :'\... • 111 tfl\ t HT •I p( 1ht' 11:r~"'""" J• l 11111 I" \\,1i. !!:, ,,, 1:1111·111 <1nc1m: 1n \.<'nd1111 ~n lu< (1••1 11 f.trlt11I.~ II i.:r1',lf Jo11n· tllh'I \\,I< 1:1\•'11 Ill hi~ ht}l11'r .ti "h1• h 'man~ , nun,.1H ill'lt•I• 1111.I .... t 11 tllt .. 1~ "'I'•' pr1 ... nt. n11tl td \d1i. h 11 1•>rlr;111 "' h11n Ii~· ~.11 .. t:• 111 " ,, 'I''" ol. 11 • J',.r h.q•• lh• ) •llllll.."l ,, Ill h1 II. \\ ·" Jl.llll• I \ 1l•1 I ._,. t -th' ''I" t ·1• II' 1·nnlpo~1·1. \\ 1111 1!1> J 1' "" ill' h• II f \\ .t• '"' ''ht n h,• " ...... '· 1• \t''l" .. ''' .n ,,,._,, "'''''' H• ,,, ti \r• ";t •1'1• '"'' • t ~9~ c ... , .. ,....,""""4'-•-l~o ... 1... r:•<"°' T• 1,, U.S. M . ()11.-AI ~ti>••_..,. ~»" lot'' ' ll t 1,; 'II '" ll.o )•'1111~ 111 "J 'a11 11r .. 1hl 1 .. h "" ''" h ,. tlur vn tn Mlf'ry on""'.'"' I '"""' 1 •• '' '' ''" l•I• 111.olh. '''" , "" • 1 rr\ on from "hl'rr I l..rt t)(f .•.. !'--1 1p h,• '°' ''' n.• t. "''' .. h .. ,•·llt1 t lh·• '"•"''~•)' th l' llh•rutna.:"" J l •·' t r • ..-; for 1n1•rr·:tli\• rl ti~• uf pl.tn'' 111 I h" t111mr a• <kt~tl • 1111\1• .ulol111nn' 1,, !ho• f11rn1,h· 1111:• tnt rcNlt11·1 r1 111• m to '1'"'' \.on• f( 'tlr1 011nt111aL"'-Tho ,. {,., 1 • "" l11ni:,. r ,1111:1111r '" th,. Q11n I, r•M tlll. t.111 111'1" tr"<l lhruui:h •Ill I fl,. 111111"'· \\ h• r1• I h t•\ ',rlol"d 11•,!1111 hf• and fl •"tr '" th" 1n ft rt•'f ~ ·Ir \\,I'< lh,. 1· d 1l•wn 1.1r1. huw-i· "'''', \\hn tl1•'""""''ti th• ri"d l flo \!l•tltl\' .. 1 1•11111 '"" lnr '!1•'1 1111; r1tir, a' "' 11 :i~h" r·l.tt•rntr I Th• '""'' '' h.11 lnrn1.tl rlt .. pl.iy of 1•l.1ni' In ""''" l.11n rnd "l<'k• r· 1 ~•\1 n•d 1anq 1·\•1tt ·un:t(. f1lr 'tn"~ I• 111 r t m l" llt•hnwnt hrti: h. .. •n, i:r1 ·.11 I~ f'11 l.11.:1·rl u po n h~ tht \\', .... I II• r. \\ tt .. h:o-IL~• cl lhl'm Ill hm1..: 1nrl l't<'IUr•· fram •'" '""'"" 1.1hl1·~ .1nil pnrt1t1n n!\ for rfl(>m• I ,\ i: .11 n . pl:in r• 1111\1' '"''" h11J11'1l~"1 1" t1 111 .. u11··, ,,, er. ,,,,.1 <'nmf11rt 111111 \\.trh1th m whnt _ ·rm~•· t1w• "rt"n """n ,.,,lfl: ltn· ph•:t":t nl '' •11 k t'•'ll< u ft 1i;1d r"• '!ruff '" l!lt' p.111·1111111 1 ltrnt Thi~ ffo t d"lll In pl t lll II•(' I'< al<O lfW l ':ihf·•1111.111" "hl!'h foc i 1s not j <lri\n>:•'. •1111··· hr h,1-: dr,·rl•'r1o·d "" m.111~ "'"'" n t 111n< an plrn~nt It\ Ill).: I I Mesa Upholstery l la rry ') k K<.'f ~~.·,o ~f'wport Bl\·d. CMfA )leN Ph.: Beacon ooo.t:w 1~s~ 1 .. 1\\ll ~~ • THIS BEAUTIFUL £R.Jll..±-t.. FLOOR D0,5 ~ THINGS FOR YOUR KITCHEN Lucky Home! Kitchu 6oors reach otw bt ighu • in beauty, style and prac· ticality w hen laid with Tile- ~r.t)'<;.:...,, Tu Asphalt Tile. , There are load110( esc:iing -T nt ·Teitcolors, phis sm&tt bor· . den aod individua lized iotets- to heir-you achieve the d~corative goal yoa'rt titer. What• "!Ore-Tile· Tn 8oort wipe d ean u d hub . w i1h a damp clo1ll ... art staiq,.a.od. scu nsistaac1 Your 8oor loou -oewr alter long years ol bard wear-because Tile-Tn plain aod marbleized colort ~ ttraight thro Dgh to the back of the tile. Come'" or c.dtohp ae now (or more info.rmatioa. TILE-TEI ASPHALT TllE H AXSO~ SH.-\l>E & LIX OLEU ~I SHOP (or ~rwp<'rl nhd. ,\ '!~f'll M . ( u•ta ~,, ... !\ l'h. l\f't1"nn :\001..f \ * 3('( bit Ch Ar e()l th• pa to of KE cit Z(' ca iii· "( of * ~,.,, wh WI' r i. cc \\I pi· ~r "i· I" \\ of -..ht T ·<"::'" ,,1 ,., I\ 1 •. II fl ti 1•1 ti p B E s l \ ) ( f 4 ~~~~~~-----------------------------......................... , .............. .. , \. ··---.. . . .. . ,, . '. * Tl.E8UA\' Sri.part lklM'lt. ('allf. M arrh SO. 1 IMll PAGF. 1 LENGTHENING SHADOW . .. I .. • * NEWS-TIMES FORUM 21 'ii E. Lawrence Street Pontiac 15. Mi<"higan M ar ch 22. 19-18 C'hamhc-r or Commrrce TI:ilhoa, Catorornia Th.•11r( ~irs: iU1 lh1 lh• \\ ,, '1n•, cfp. t..:ttudt I ' '''''" ,,,r" \nd \\.UJ1 '"" I y,,,,r,, J J,\l. I J .. 1\U~l1 ; Jhe Editorial Circuit Ride-r A •..-mr.r1•1~1m ~r 'AHnr1"1 "'Omm.fl'T\t f• .. rt1 ''"'•' ''"'"'" ll"••fl~ .... ,..., -·- 11 1 'l:t1rt1, fun• f11r ,1 I ii' lltltl .... ,. .... ,,, '1 •• 111 If IH'lli 11 d"rl'I• 11'111 , . .; ·l'ru tt d St;,,,, X ':\ c;.11•1 ,\1 lt11 11 ·~ ••I!•' I' d• (11>1•• I th• '*l•I .. t l1uu, ,,f cth 11 I' :1h • 1rh 1n 111• 11t. • 1\ • h:1, l• d ., I• 1r 1f 11 di\ t ,,.1 ' , h;1r t·' , ·•'""'' ,,, rt ,,f. ' n, ' P' M•l.At'llfll,I"'! htrH. hn\\r \t f I H k qf It.ti\" :tl•1h l\ (',1 l 111o!\ I ••fll 1n .J:q .:111 " l'""'I •I 11•;1d1"W f11r h• \ .. nrl 1 J, .. • m 1jt1.1f\ , . ., 111 ""' · NEWPORT BALBOA I I "11"" ,.,_ ~ .. ,, '~-... . · N E W S - T I M E 'S 1."" "' 1• ,,,.,, •• '" :1 11,,.,, fi, .. t •.. TT.l.f:J'HOSF.S: HARQOR IZ, U AS"D '!M r''• "1 fnr 1h1' I''' .. ,r1, ""'' h l.1 n ------------------~--...:...------------1 1 1 '"• 1.,~ '.11111.\11 ~1111 1·11ir .. rn1 1 P'al>ll!:tt<'<I """" rt:w . Mnnrt~· thN>111:ti F1 11111-y, hy Sum D PGr-t••r :rnd • 1h111h "'' 111nu11• rilitu;. Luc1U!< S Smtih . Ill. """''r!' :1n1I "ll"ralor~ 11f th,.. :\"r"'fl')J'lt llarh11r 1'11ltl1'.h1nc r'n \'OL. XI. Dy Cnrrl1•r 11r l\T1111 ~AA IJ('r month :in~'' hl'.t" 1n ;\'. .. w11<1rt R1·11rh anrt Costa :'\ff'!'a. S2 40 fnr 3 month!'. ~I~ f11r fi mon1h!'. $£1 J'l"r \1·:ir fly :'lt:.11 in Cl1 ;ins::f' r nunty 'S!• rrr p ·:or . 10 l lh mn<'. S!l 2.J: to flt h 1nn ... ~~ ·,11 , Entered 11• S1'<'nnrl-\l:i,~ mAttf•r 111 thl' Poctofflrt> In !"rwpnn fi('11rh C:ilirnrntA. 11nr1pr th" Act. or Mr.N"tl 3 ·11'97 SA:'\1 D PORTF:n . Putili•hrr Ll'Cll.'~ ~ s:\trTI I. ID .-:'\fannr:ing' ~11 m w r . n1 x1 >N 1 '-J CL Ynr. n r:x , i\•h "''"'"I! ntm,;: Plont. :lOl 1 W C'<'n1rnl A_1'rm1P• :">r~port Rl'ach. C'nhr11m 1;1 Official aper of the City of Newport Reach A l>f1Jendablf' l..oc.al lmtttotton for o,..,, 4-0 ,.._,.. Active -Member of (I B11t '•Jllll•·<: 1)11 11•11 ( •. ,.I I' 11111 . ''"" for \f:,r \rrh11r 1~ ,,,.\\, "lh• .. 1\mor w:111 f""i k n• \\n ,,n1, :., :1 ,u,,·,, .. ,,11 milt-,.,,,\....,, ,.,.,.,1,t111n•otl ''• ,, , 11• 1' 1 11\ t n n'r-tl-trlfftr If.fl tffrh,n l\Ofr t-1irfu tof)tlt 1 .. \\l11 flf1\ '' [1•1 ,,.r 1.f -.rttlf•t' ii .Jtip tt 1•11n fir; ,.11 • 1tr t11r:tl ft•ir111nr:t1•1n 11( ,",,, 11 •tu !°'.•11 Fl :u11 ,, •• , (1,,...,,,.,,, .. 11ltl '"' thr11"' tft wu ''hl•l •' ,._ tr1\' ·rh " , .. n p1t t •'I n• \ ··r ,, I ,; 'If Lin x x ' .'• ,,,,.,.,, dr I I \] ' \r ~hl t'J '' ,, 11 r 1n t)w !i• Id 111 :t r1 fn "ltu 1\.1 1 t 1t ,·• ··f I ., tl1 .. •n f"•l i1 I•,. ·r•" \ ht\ f "'' , .. ,,. ,, ti q1·1 n•• • ft11 t I \ I t ,1 I '.\ 1\ i 1f k1'H\\tt \\h 1 1h11f t .1 ft•!"' ft,,1 f li(ll """\'I If jl •t )1 J f J'I , ,, .. ..,,,,., •I 1}11 111,,,..\ r-t•h 'hut "t.'"''' , .. ~ ... ,, , ., 1 "'~t ·r \· :,t •1d·•1,•·· 1 .. 1 .. ri~r-.·111oi .,, ,., •1tt1•r f•tf ''-\•di,, f· .,., tti 11. ·' r1 Id 11 .. 111,,1;,, '" .f, .,, "''" 11\11\\• d j ' ,,·.r1,rJ:••· '"" •I ,. rt'' r• {. ff ' .1hd '\ •, '' , t I 1'111 \'Ill to r• fr-,t1tr .-.• 11d1 ' Iii did \\11h tl••tll•'•..fH •:1t1d I ) ,,._ Ot' 1r t't 11 11 1ft t1f' It t •d 11Jit \ l f1, •tlf C\ ~•I ••,.•, t l 1 'f 1111 t., •Pi t:"""" 1th 1t1 111 n ''-• J1•!l11io H•• 1,,11 ,, ... 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'--' ....... .. a Tl A-nooa. I ,., .. ._,,,,"' + 11'1 t "''""'.,.. Ti lfSllAV . S(l(lnf K \It•,• • *' ••••1'11•1 k~··· .,., ... .. .. ,, .. •ttJ "-t"' M1;t"''• l.Y\\ u An~• l••n..-.. • .". (\1111,,., ~ .... ctu .. """" w11 kN~-H'••• I I .•. h ' ,, ,.... ... ..... k*• t A , .. ~ a ~n•r hr.. 'n • t•,.,, ~ 11 ... ~flt ••••tld "· ..... , • " \ \\ ·l't ,. I I '" .. I I& k l \t ' II I Ii• 1\ \111• '" • ''01olt • '' ,.... ••• ' \1 '" .... ' ... , .. ,, .. ,, , "'. " .... •it j I \It 41.. • t' fl •I h ' t. It • \\I le .... "' ,,. t\\11'• '••• k I I tt I • KI •• ~ ••• t ii I t 1 .. h'' IC1 • "' \1 ._,,, ' "' ' .. I I,, I I "I •• •! ..... ' I • t1 ' 11 .... to ' . t I ' 1 '•' k ,, ' ,,, , t; •• ;, .. 00 ... t \1 t\ • •• • \t, .... • r • .. , t •11 • •• , .,11 .. l<\11 1 11,, t •ll t4 ~ \ I e• , ••, j 1 "IF l('tl I \f t tf" r 1,ef ft . ,,, " ' II '' . ', " ., ... "" " "\:' , ..... ... j "' \\ • U+•h • I ,.,, I .... t •I • ' .I/A ... , ' " t elf11 .... ' • .., ......... . .. . .. \ , ... ·······• "-•tt1• • ho t•t -t.Ult1•n tt•tle k. .. , .. ,,,, ..... , • t..•\\ U-l mh \\·\ud i.Nl\ II• a llre _.. I I .. 1'.r•tl. . • ~~ IN t(I A \) 1'1" • l""l1t1~1 ~r.1 .. ,~ .. -~1·~~~11· •t~rt ~I t A 1 • '' Jl1 ""•r :~\',, .. "·~: ••• ,." ,· Hra. Jr\'\ 111, , "" ~· ,, ,. t ,,,.~ ... ,, .. u f\" ,... 111 'ii• f"t11b "'.I 4 """••• • "''' ............. . ...... "' ' ' '· I . I "Ill+\• . ,,,, ...... k t \ I I k H I I " 1,t. ~f k "'I '' Id P' .. .. Kt I I ,, • •• M t I \ J 11 1, h 111 ,. .,, . "''"' .. ,,, .. ,. .. '' f '' I ''""'• 11 I'M "I t I("""'°'· N•••I\ •• ,q •• • • \\t ,,.,, •• f f \ I f 'r· '•'YI h It I t \ I' . ., I .. _,..J• Jt, "'I \\I' •: ' 0111aft 1 ,, lltU .., \I f\••O •fh Mt I \t "h " I I I ' l'h!ll•a •-,.,.ftljt "''' ,, ...... ''-·•"•• Jrr..' \ ' t. t l e ft " ,. kl I tJ•tl'•\ fltl H f(\•1·1 i ""o'• 11,.,adt ~;T . \ ,,:' h~~''1~ef11)' \ k'' _,, ,. '''•\) ...... k t ,, "'f \'I \luel• .... Mp I '' •1o,,,,. ..ll"ll·llT ,., ., • "' '"' r ''••"' ,.., . .,..,." ..... . It I •ll• o 6 ,,., ... '' ........ ,_ ., ' . "•• t I ' tf#1Pf •, S\r•h e ...... ,.,1 .. tlt• loll- Sam Leff HH>-1 -LOOl(IT OAT SlllPY ... HI'S fAllllj' ... Sl HP" ._.,.,Lt ,.,_,,. Pci\Jt.01 ... V.A.'( ! I GUl,S I ~°' A ll 'l ,_. "ll'SfAK(! TAUZA ~ Tlw I :o~s By EdJCar IC i<·t· Bring Your F'or d :1~,'1 lflll l ll lliA HAS oova~r -n11 1•.c.cn vnu. • ..,... )t r >Nfri I UN 'NOW IT'S r,t ~v ro fAlr[ .w"QE T0M( ~ rW '1"?ll'.JHNLO TO M(···• B a c k . H o m e f o r E f f i· c i e n t . Body ond Fender Wor~. Poi ntin g 'l'WEST\'·tO.t ,,,,. ,,,, 't.'lf(\I. THEODORE ROBINS 'f• .t It F( 1Ht1 I 1f;,\.1.1 rt SJ:'liC'I-; 'f:\\l'OflT nr:Anl l!UI Motor New S·e r vice Repoiring Motors l'llOSP: HAMOR ti .------ •• ~ • 1 I ' 'i -.. . . ... ~ .......... llmll ................................................... ----------~~---·~---~ . . P 8 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMZS ---. ge Tl'J:~oM· ~WJ>O" ..... .h. c at\t. ·Mar.-b_,,,, rnoi \ * * 'Ol?GANIZED BASEBALL BEGINS WITH COAST OPENERS TODA y · Harbor * i MEN O~ SEA TO PAY TRIBUTE TO ARMY WITH. RACE ·SERIES SUN.___._ .. ... "Voice of the Turtle" 8TAKT8 T TOIEM TOSIOHT MC ass Timberlane" STAATS TO!'IORJlOW "Guilt of Janet Ames" "Web of Dancer" Events I .... :\!1·11 "' th«' s<·a w all pay their u\\ n 1111tuh 11~ Arm} her•· n1•xt ·uq<lll) \\ hf'll • sk1ppcrs or small rnn nJ.t <11nJ.:hll'" from s c vi.-r a I "'u1hl.1nd }uch1 dubs will hold 11 ~11<·c·a.t1 Army Day ·Series of rln'•.. 1Jff t h•• ~<a'·porl Harbor Yill'hl \lub St'l'lt'S for lllt• d:c.s duran~ till' pa.st l>•'\•·r;tl munlh~ \\Ill ~•111 l U·foot L <' h_m a n lnc.-r Club pla~11c dmi;lm•s. Chari•·npni; d uh,. wall md ude Nc•wpon I l!Lrlt0r. H11lllo11. Portu- l:U<'Se lkijd. Lus Ani;t h-'1. C"ahr11lo &•aC'h and Ltdu h ie Yacht clulJi. An elutx1r.lte n.•w pcrpc1oal \t rophy po~tf'd by tht• Nt>wport llarbor l't111mbt!r of Commt'rce will bP 1awardc·d th<;> •\\;nn ing hrlmsman lay Col. Leslie W. J C'f- frr~un. Commandant or F ort ~c- htr-wi~ '"'f;lCl!l~eirutive offict>r. C'ol. .Jost>ph W. Ht>nsel. will "'' honor guc'SlS of the )'acl\tsmcn ' Snalors . wht>' hil\·c \l·on \arious Sk•PPllS who hu \ •' \\'un pas ( titles anclud,• Warr c n lllinn \ Christmllll R1·.: .. 11 u1. •S" l'<ic" Jobnson Onsh•1• st•ru•s), S11ndy Mac;f.;ay I Mann mg St'rl<'S). c;IJtSS designer M r ron Li.'hman I JI I i:: h point man. Newl)Orl vs. Los An- lll'lrs Yprht l'luh ••'um na c·rs 1 nnd C,'huek l 1llnlflw t :\1u.iw1111,•r rq;ritta champion•. *CALIFORNIA OUT-OF:.D08RS SACRA~IEJl;TO. Mar. 30 ILIPI Cahforn1a's drou~ht has da rk1·n, I rd th1• fi•him: pic ture this ):Par. louJ a hrai:ht ~pot h11,. app.·1H'1·d In i1t h·asl 11rw area · h n th<> Ed rl\ I 1 111 I lun1lx1ld1 eoun1y. ~·1sh und i;;un<' ward1•n.; rl'~>rt • 1·d lh1s \\ i•o•k that a '1"'°rd n um· h,.,. of stc•l'lh~·ad and . almnn h.1~ pa!<•o•d O\o•r tlw countin~ sa.1110 0 ,,, H1•nho'' dam In I h1· mC1st r<'C<'nt w 1•t k. otw \\ .. rdr n-. c•ountc'li mllrl' th.in "'~~I ''''l'lh!'od throu~h t hr flch hrlo' •r at t lh' dam 'll1at hroari:;tft :111· proJ"'rl y a11rt • d )I'" 1111; up \ :1 lu- ahlo • 1Tups and d· c11r:1ll\' .. h1111se 11l11n1,. ,\" IJ t ·" tho· llllntht•r o f deer in •·«rh :.r1·.1 1~ 1·1111r1·rn1·d. 1 h!'rc ,,, lllS It• Ill' nu (11111111 lhftl O\'('r- l"'JlUh11111n • ''''" rtw C;11alana lsl;ind comp.111~ 1'1.11m,. !Jrnt two d1•1•1 n h ;,,,.<I "" 1lw ''lo nd in 1<1:?8 'ha',. pa 1"1111·1 II ., mnrnudm1: herd 11( :!;11o0 anam.al., JAFCO SERIES .T.HlS YEAR !>••1t1;rn1 1011.11 oi mil.(~'~irt;!"' I.null 111 17 l)IKI T hi• kmi:: lo.oln111n rn11nl f11r tho• .;, il•CJll I~ IOCll't'.1han ~ti.IM,MI Thi· r11mhtn«tl srason tally ;, il;'ml B1ulo1;"1' :111rt fl• 1•1' marrn1;1•m t'r'tl 1•XJ"•l'I" uf lh•· t •nt'•'l''lll) of l'a lt- lo•I ma anti th•• :-ta t.-di\ "'"n of 11,h ;ond i:ur111• h.1\l h1•1•n Ul'k!'d ''' ,;iu(t> 1w1s<11Jl1· 1111°11111<1" 111 t·on- ' r11ll111..: I ht• h••lfl' "\I \\ Y• •1-tk \f:irrh ~fl A11 I 111 I !Id f ,,,ft f '°" f'l lt lf"-'tl ,,. \_'). ~·J, ,, ;,, I Ii I ' 1. 111 .111d '''•1""ilt•fl rir I\• 1 'I I .~.· • •1l•1•· "" h h)dl" , , ... , ;t '" "'''ntw-·t1t u,t1 ft\ t•u· n"'n- 11 I II Ii 1 ·~~. 1•Hh1t t1t1•h h\ d f'LI• ''di ... ltt\\.11 d a c1u'uu111 .. •,, I 1• 1111 1•11d of 1h•· '•·:1 .. pl~ I I lq I 11• ti U~ ... tl.-.1 _.l.ol.!!l..! -.W..'""1>"-I ll . .1.1 il .Jl.1 I h" ~".::-:.- I I' h1111u• '""'"' 111ttl ~l1tl-W1·~1 t•1·11f1 10 hr th•• lan.:<'st c;iner rnu111an~ Wit' tnl1111·1w .. t1 i., 1 lu· 1 :q11ol 1 l11•1::a n 111 th•• dam 1 .. n )t':ll'S llE:O •11 111"' m.11 1 .. lw)1111d 1111· ;\lt,•t••· S it·• llH·iul ;1ro· runm111: l•lso•· 1pp1 11\' 1111• 1;win1; .-1 I" In 1,11'1 \\h"ri" 1111• <p•·dfk all). throui:h 1h" • •111 ••111 1111!1• i n .al fl'"""' 1•1 1h1· ll1J.: Sur rl\'t'I' ..:ori.:•· :arul inl11 ~ I'.' 11 •la '' la.rid I ' '1'11111 (';aid· • Thi• fpJ;•r 11I fa ... h 111111 "11tll11" M'r· \Ii'<' Im~ C'(11lh• Ill• \\ llh St1"11' 111· 1 .. n·,.1111~ l1g111 ... ••11J11~ 1-::11111· 1tni- m n1c;:. sho\\·lnt: lhrol th") ha\1· m- crt·ll"•'d 11!1 11· n11111h1 I' h) :.i;, J)('r '') ""!'"":inti ,.. ... .i"'· ,,,.. :-.: .. 1"'"" ·> nnua Cnn•c·rv1111 •• n B111•·:1u :-.1\• \\'111•1\ Cala·f YM(~A o. 1·••1 1 •1' f.,·\\ .. 1~11 ff\i' ... ,, ..... ," 111 I" i111 n111·t' h 1uurn1._... 11 ind 'H'f'~\'('J';1 1 \\'(•II'' ''RhJtt Bla J.•'' '. nnrl ftu '""' ri1)1U1·~ fhf4 Ja r 1ru ar run \\'ortt "' "' 11~·" ltt •llt.; m:lfl•· wlwr,.. f'C'l lll\'•• m 111k 11f 71'f1~ 111 p h \'"' 111 lll•·ntion 1~·ihnt ii, 1hnu1:h1 ,;, '11· "'""I "' 111.• l11a.:h l••I01 .... 1;1hlt'h.' .... 1 lo~ lk1h S\1;1·,· ":\111-:hl~ I h1• lht• ,.,. ... 1 llnli' ars ha p11<•nr rl 1' 111 •ootla "''11•1 \\tlltlol f111 hi<; l 111•~·111n. l.\(1lh 1:1''tlllf• \\"1'1'P1llllfl••1tn llll 11lifllur~ Of llW \\hlli•fl1,olltn l·nill'd !':1a 1c•,.. llnlllHtl" l'l11., .. 1fll'd iJS b1i: J.:111111' 1no·l11do • \\'h1t1•t:11lrd, hlaek·l111l1•d 11nd 1111110 rt.,.,.. wood- la nd car1ho11. dk II"""'. 11111nJ.:· hom r rt nntrlopr, ll<H'kf Mnu;,t:un ltn:hm n. 1k,1•r1 h11:h11111. 111fl11nt ;11n i.:ont. 1111T11r). l-.•11"1" .111 "!Ill hoar. hi.wk l1o ~r. i.:11111\ '""" • :ond ,\m• 11• ·111 l11•11n 111 h11((.ol11 11111.'' :onrt 1:0111 1;,.,.11 m .,;~ ,l•'l''"'n ' • ' 1 aoilr"'" n.•11r llw r1r1,, 1h1a-111.·r,·;··· OJympl• "S Set 1ng th•• n"•~I t.•1 m•;1,. ,;tf"I) 111 lit•• \. 1 h nmr J)11n't .,..,, t>n• .. r t 11 .. R,000 1 I"'"""" hurn•'(I 1,. cti•:a!h Iha, \l':Or ·1 ho lolih .11rn11 o1 ~1lllh•1n (·1111 1111' n ur.•:ou \\lll'TI' · f••a 1111 Y~t1 ',\ f Jl\li'!'p11 • \\all loo THE ' MOVIE BARN 11"ltl m I "' ,\ 11c 1·l• ~ ,\ prol 'I :\1111 •• lh.111 :\l ol l 1!1tfol1' f1 11m !"ot11!h• Ill ('.1liJ.,1 r11.1 ,1r•· • xp• t.'••·<t "' , n•• t I lh1 fttllll'-'llflft0' Th· •top .11hl• ••' ,,,, ""·•••It ,a I''''' ' ,,, :. ,..-,.,ul 1 ,.. t" ••• \ h . .:· "'" 1: 1lJ. 1 11' '''"'"'" l•o:tl r.11 ·111,· • f '" I•·''·" 111,. H1·a.;;111 .1 ('11 11111 I d· · • lotl • h.or~··lf w1th·'11 . t"'' \ 1 .. 1utt •.-I ., usupt IJl111n Cur lht" \ 1li1 • .l·I· I 11' """''··· f ll I/•'. llofltt\ ,,ntl••lllh • d th• , .. , lfHI; :hr n .:1 """ ol • "" 1•: '""" \\Ill '"' <hv1d1•tl 1o tu t \\11 , 4•1 1119" \\t1h thP "''"' • 1 11 .. "'"'"'Piii II 1 ltt di\ dlllL lln,. , .. , "111 I"· -.1 .. ,.,,.d "h••a ••m JlOlnl• 1• 111 ,, 11 .1•• h r ..... ;11 !ht• r nd .ol ~.oltun So·a. ( 11hf • ('olJllll'lll•• .. 1 •h· "·'""I. \\-1JJ1 lhL· J.i.fcu l nclo·t J.lll' llL'\\ 11lu11. llt•••·ii,,lL.Jn l l 'nhl tha« win1t•r . migra !o rv It•'''" .11111 ,• "' r.il '' .-.. i:;mt111n a' nn·1111 . "'II 1ak•• an '•·l<·c l1•d ,.. .• 1r11u1 \\i•n" l1lockNI llff nt th~· '' , rt·t.111d111_ I !'o 1·1 al l .11 a.:alla' )•' f.or "'·I a• .1nfl tn-l:•ll L.:• 1,,. ,, hui:c r O<'k 111 th<' ha,..· ', l'h• 1 .. , .... ~1 '\\111 1<1 ~.~r-d11r11n~ 11t ... \l1--•~·111r>1 "''''' Hur· ,,, .1 "••ll•r f.tll T hl' stat,. hur.·att · '~"' 11 .la• I ol..o• 111·11 • ,,a.:-;.,i. ini: 1" ~"1"1 Iha• 1""11111.or~ "Ill h<',,iT fa~h l'11n~··n·a11nn dt'<'ld<'d tu ' ..., ' f ·, I 1.11. '" llao "'""'° on lh•• "'''''in d1\1 -11111 \\lttd1 fif'.111 .. 1 lh<' !rout U(r.'lrr>am. It ln<1k 11 ti•• ''"" 1.. 1111 hul· f11r-~"11::~~· \~:.',. '"~,1~';."'. ~·::~~" 11:~•.;7C'h'1 c1)n:1m11r 10 hla.,1 th<' rock ou1 , 111 I ''•· 1•1 rtu•· \"·"·, ,., na-p 1.t 1 1 1 ·• •·f 1111 \\.I\. lour nuw 1h1· 't•·•·lht·ad r'.l\o. a 1 •1"' ''1 1'1 •' 11'° 1' o1r h :I\(• ;o(·1···~s 111 ndd111onal l<prtwn-' •e ft un rt• •11111 h.1 .. h \\tth ,\1 .. l.u "'''-l••tn 'f"' ,-tfho.tt 1nh•11-l Jn~ .trf•<tS M8 So. C1NMJt Rh·d. UGI.NA Bt:ACll • OlcJ. Time Mov ies lu\1t ' u i '' \• n t't1rtlJM 1111\•• ,,.,,r1 ... \\•II• )hill ''"'k..thall h.111111o,,11 I" I"'' 11111: '\' 1111n11ni:. J.!•~ -111111• anti 111lol1· I• n111• L a. IDINn cu• DOG SHOW NATIONAL nm \ sAN FRANc1sco l YACHT CLUB TO • • ~1111' 11ff11'1al!' ha\o• l!'«lh'rl a 1'1Jrn1ni:: lhal nl'W It i:-1slalton :11>- pl~111a.: 111 !hp 1ak1n1: (If l'•1Ckl\- d.Ul1~ \\'Ill ' hC' ··nfc>r cnd immt'rt- latrly h)· f 1~h :and gamt• w;arclc·n~ Tured&J' Th,...uffll Munday n~·Monday .. • !'\ow 1m ow1su ''The Lost World'' (and Mhort Mubjrc't11) S iarrln 1i1: l larolrl Lloyd , Hebe Daniel11. Carol Lomoord. C.1arn Kimball Ybung ... Adult. 4tc--CllJl4rf'ft l tc 4 Tiu• puhlw '' h orola:olly an\ 111·.J !fl I h, ''111(1.. \\111d1 I' I ht• ~>Ill :1111111111 y \IC ." I 11~ 11IJllC". 1<nlf I h1•r1• '' 1111 ..J1ar1:1· f11r 11n}o n ... 'l'h1• p1 1•1:r m11 "'"'I~"' !) '"' 11111 \\llh !ho• \(111 .. yltall 1111d lo.!'k1•1l1111J t ''~""~ 11p<'nini:: up 111 th•• Na,·al A-rn1•1ry \\'t••slhn~. 11hr~11tUI' anil l1thl1•. t1•nn11 lok•• phu.,. nt I :00 pm hl'rt.' 11ll;11. wh\11• hundl11tll 11n111)!1 into A<'ltun at 1 :30 In till' PClllN' Ar ndemy For tht• swim· ming fnnll lherl' nrc rll<'t'~ in th<' ll••vrrly 11111!< llagh s<:h..,o l pool "hwh c•11mm• 1w1· ;o 1 I 311 Af11•r tlw~o· •·11m)'M111nn~. hun- drt d' flf tlw 11thl1·t•·• \\all •·njny l fl h11nqUl'I Ill 7 (M141 111 IO till' l'o· Itr i• ,, .. 1rl1 111). tAA t l'\11 llnyl<1 t1>n A\•' '' lwn • the I ruµhw-; J nd nw rt-1 rcl~ frum !lw lll'lm• Alhlr1w Foaan. C #.1' A #•1l1or Stnltt I SEE LOCAL MOVIE T lh' SI F r .1111·.-. \'.whl ( 'lul•~ ~.an Frttn1·1 ... f'u. \\ lll hP Cl\,.,, a ,.,,.,,. ur lhr :\••\\)~•rt _!1Jrh1•r 1-:ttm · C.111 lurn oa \~'j)f 1.111• 011 T 111·.:da\ April 6. -• ' Arrnncl'm1•n1~ for tlw showing nr1• tu•tni: mad<· lty J)r W T. Muo nr·y Whr1 !ms JI RllllllH'T o r fri1·nds in I h<' San Fr1111r 1sro nu) a rf':i I lo• h11~ l'l'<JUl'•lo•d !hi' falm ·:ond san ·a ni.:•·m1•n1., In turnl"h n ••op~ of I h1• r.·••I h11\ 1• ho •pn \\ ork1•d "u'..h) th•· ~•'"llOl'I llarhur C ham- •~··r uf l ·orn1n•·rc·t' * Oscar Fraley Reports: ' l.1111i 1.. on ••II t ~ ll•'S or eockll·l> h.I\ •• h""" rr dur .. d to 50. nnd a rlv'<·d s":''"" h:a< hc't'n dcclurrd an :\larin count) !rum March 31 lo ~··pll•mll<'r 1 · Cocklr diggers mu~! hll\'<' a l!H>'! anglmsr licc'nsr. • • Muraudini:: dl'c·r in \\•ldf'1y se p- r1rfl!1•d nn·as or lht' statc--0n C11t- ulin11 Is land. GrHfittf park an Loll A11i::1·l1•s. and in Yo lo count\''s ( ';ipay \':all••y-arr onl't• mori• f~r- 1'1"""1: ttw brows or th1• slate fish and gam <' co mmission. R<'s1drn1s or 1tll thrrr or thesr :11 •'l.l" arf' Clll11 Jll.11nmi;: hi111'rly 1h<i l !hi' d1•1•1 :1rr wand<'nng u n10 their ,\ '' '' nt n.111•111\\ut .. 1.1huJ.111on shO\'l·d tht• <•!>11mni. cl pop11l 111on of <ttl tllr•s1• animal, "·'~ ahout :!111,0110 m 1w:1, <·rm1jllm•d with 6,~1!1X,O()O 1n 19-1:\ l)r•·r mad1· up a ll\1111 1. of 1he 1otnl Thi' ~11t1P \\tlh l h•• l:or1::rc;1 In~· ..:111111· 1'"11111.1111111 " " :\l1d11..:.m. Wllh KN1.1~M1 1101mal•, m-.orh all <>f 1 h• m tlo·• r (';il1f111 111 1 ''a.; 61 h. rsmkmg loeh1nd \\.i,1·1111.,111. P•·n· nS) lv11m:1. ·1\·"'a' :tnd .\110111'~01.1 Cahftirna:i lu l all 11tlll'r s1a1es. howci;,:r . an Th•· nu111l11·r of tilack Ul'at and b1a1:k·t:11l1•d d1•t•r T he stall.' was M·cond o n mull' d(ir r , rnnk,·d hy C'oloruclo. I rlf 1•r••sl mi: to no te that C11liforn1n , .. om• o>f lhc thrc·c statt·s \\ ht'l'l' 1hl· .1-:uropl•an wild l>0ar is round. ThC' other s are '.'llor1h Curolln11 and T!'nn!'SSce. The w ealherm1111. "11111• o nJ rnak· inJ.: :en~ prnma•r<.. ,,11d tl:t' tcm- Jl<'ratur<' ,.1wuld ,.la~ 111 111<' low 70s for 1h1• GC'P 1·om ·pnt1on and the middl1' 7os for lhl' d!'mocr .1t11. r hamp111n' an 1 It • 1 r rt''I" 1•1 i\ •' I a••hl-:\11 I '.1111 I I• Im•. 11111:m11lnr 1•f 1 hr «• H \\ .orrt ... '"II m .1k,. l hr 1h~- 1ralH1l111n t\1 I 1.111kl1•11t'I'. llw f,1f11• BILL CLJNOWALO l'Rt.S F.NTS C?OLONEL P'LAS H. BEANS AND - O UNNER. thrtt ptrt br.ll(ff'~ 0" ntd by C A. Dun50n. or El Montr. and l ·nTTl'fl l'r'"' Spnri-\\'1 t11•r betnc croomtd for t hr Rio Hondo VallC'y Bugle' Club spttl&ll)' cl"s.sn al !'T f'ETEHSBllltC. Jo1a . :\1:11 Uw Los Anceles KC'nn!'I Club'• 44l h NalJonal Doi Shew, AprU :U and 35, ~O 1 L·r I S" m1:m i:: 1 ''" hati< f R,EE INSPECTION PEACE is a guy ID OUmort &adiwn, ~ AlllJtles. I c·a~al) m 1:1nn•'<I. hnnd'. hnnqu1•t pr1'f••1•rhna.:' a~ m:o~trr-ur. :\ ''a l't•rt•nwna.·~ ,\< '"' "II•"' l'IN'itkl'r. 1250 Dogs of 70 Nt•t'<lhum. ~Ja,;.. \\ 1ll1.1m J. K1·n· dmal'> a llO\\'('rl lt){f;I) lh:11 htlllllJ.! ,.. I d l k I I I I I t 1• Al .300 .. 1i: <'al>y" bu1 you hn\'" 111 h••'ll mlruchl\'t' th•· 1'\l'f·lktpulnr B d E t d r c . 'II :11 •• p 11,1. .1 . \'ii .. h ... ar down .. 10 ..... '"UI. o'l\o'r""l' I" " 11 I r I 1· ree S xpec e R os<'nhl'rl-:. ~1•\\' \'1wk C'11 y, .. Pr .. ~ o,.. .. ·1m , run1w1• . crww 1 fl I w 111· · up 1o :\40 or :i;,il \1•rs1I\' nf ~ .. utlu•rn 1·1111f11rn1111 A K I Sh Chnrl1•s .I :\kA1111ll\, ,\a lantir \ I th ~ I 1 lr1tr k ·, .. am 111111 ('(llll'h 11f 1h1' 1!11~1 t enne ow City, N J . \\' .11111 Hoh .. r ls. In· I"' •' . Hlllonll . ··ni;u.· pllC'h· dian1111CJh~. Incl .. llr A II J\:t.·n~. ,.,..,. mai;h! lw anl•'l •''l•'<t 111 11011n • l ' ~ 1 tlymµw Team~ th;1t lhr 1\\'o.1111w bnlllll" k1r1~ \\. t • I ... Jr. Arch111 ort'. Pll . l'crl') RollPrl~. .. .. ---11 1 :111 rt11111·1p1111•1 r nrq ,., fo>t·I~ "f11,and r1•(1d,,·n nd b f1rt'l"•r· I I 1 .,. 1 f _, t " Nort('ln. < ·nnn.'. Chns .Sh1111lo.m·or1la. ft 'L•ttl D k t J "'''r" I "Ill ···"''"I:' " "' ,,,., ... ~. • ill" lo lll•nr rl11\\'n h11r1l in 1111• I e U e S North I l11lly''"'1rl Ct•o rg" 1111:<:•. .. 111'•'111111111 las!:< 11fl,.111w in 1111rn•· M'a:<on Jll'I a 11·w \\'C't'k" 11t11,,•11I. f I I Ro~('meon<I. lharfltr k Sch111rll,.r , \·:111 SI • ht F •te 1111: :111"1~ 11 11 "I'11•.. 1111 •Hh··r ·n11!' i,. :a nl'\\ :\lu,1111 lhr \ rt• lg avorl ' 1 I 1 Nu.v:<. 1111.J 111·1 ho•rl \\'1•a.:1wr. La . J'l'lll'~ l111111y w1•11• •• 1111.: 111 .. 1 ,., '"~''"I: m 1111• s1ir1n" trnmtn" c11mi1 I I II f C11n11dH • ,. " 0 E b 11• ''''"''"r~ 111 ·' 1°11 1<" lho• n! lh•' llt•dhan f,. 111· 1~n·1 i•\'•'11 Ver Seo ar I t 11 I I Com.111111aoi:: ""lt11\\~ \\llhm 11 '"'1111 1) ''"' 11•• · ''· ·'" Ana.:0·!1" p;u-11r ul,11I) w .. 11·1,·cl whr tlwr llw l L · I ('I I ,. I \II 1 show," '"'h 1r11ph11•lo 111• n 111 ,111 , . "''1111•' 11' ·'01111•1111 1 Ir""' . l><mrd nl ,11-;111•1:\ 111.1''" him 111 1h1· ~·•is A:-.:ca:u ·:.S. J\la rc h ,\n . 11.ia.: ~h1l\\. ti• h1 ,, •I.:• ti .\11111 .'I exhahllor,,• 111111• h11•ttl ··l11li< \\ill ou1r1 .. 1d or al ,,;.,, h;,,,. lo\ which I ~ f'I .. 1'111\1(' ()1 1(·11 .. 1•n. 1111• "l.11 111• 1111d .... Ill (;1lr111•1• !"• 1'1111111 '"rt hold ~11o·11:111) '\1'1lh. 111 .. h:l Ill· "''~ h1· \\;i, 'lllflt•d 111 ' J!).ln n11k1', ""'II .. 11a.:la1 1.1\'llllk IP"" ··h1111n ..: lh1 H111 Jl••llll•• \ :illi'\ I . . • • • • Loose Steering Loo~e Front Ends Faulty · Brakes Shorted Lights • Gears · named .. JONES" r I 'lrn~t t.• I'll n thAar II' ,\111 •1111\! It• '"· "ol10 I \l1t11• .. _ I f'I I n r ll • 1 ,, lfl't'•n l mat lf•r In lllC': hi' •••• , ·"' n , ....... ,., 1 1 ,. ,. 1 • °'-·ag '-~ u '· • :.ca 1c 1\ 11'11ir1 t h 1 1 r\•111111 m :11n ••\1·n1 .11 (lh lllJlll' a u-i· 1.11 "''' , I 11., • '' "' • .101 ,.f S.mlt1\t·d·· (·Juh ••I ,\Ill• 111"1. S ht'I· a.:r inn<'< :" ,. '""''' ont• •ill l•'lllt• lflfnnum !<ml ·ht tlw I ! 111t1.:" 1 .. 1111k• 11i, ''"'ird• 1 d ·s 1 od 1 .1 1 f ~ ,1 anti 111·1•p.1rt'<I l<r ti.k,• ha:-pr11,·11rt• i; .111· I·• 111.: lie 11.11 1. 1• 11 .. ,1 Fa 1'\ l~"1 f · w•·1 's'~ 1" 1 '' (~ '1'11r wrn l hcU' an tlw ha1t111i: Clll:•'. .. ll·nui;hl ENGINE TUNE-UP ELECTRIC • . ..... "R~·a nrithtt diplomet nor statemwi. 1tut wff'b. oat him, diplomacy 1!.Y'lld be • one-way at.rut. And ltatcsmanahlp, • beftar'a fttble plmdinp. 11111 1h1· u111l1•f1'.1l1'tl :'1:1•\l 111 . a1 nrn111 .. •1111 1.rn .1111r111<i I I I I I I . "' tho• ~··~-·--·11111 'I"• 11 \ '• Of· \ . . I -)I' I' nw ,, Ill I' 111 I' II~ tho• i!IJI· 1 .. un' lt,_:ft1 \\1'ti,:h1 .• tlt''•1tl.\ h~'l<t•'I 1u•1.tl•• i11 th• ... tt1t\\, t• 'Ii• . •' , tr•"-cf.tl•• A'':wt.tfl••ll '.olc t•rt :0:•al• ftt'lrl. ""'"" r.u· ..... hlllUl,.: 1 ... ,,,,. ... li t ( tk l\ii l•\1 011 •IL:' f\\ j'h•.tf1 nw •11..,: f J" "f l • •• C l .t \\'I 1.1\t' '" '!Olfl ll'I ;111• •'•'I' .. 1 '"' '1"'""'11111.: 'h11 I r11·1 . ( II'· • l't•lll' I ,.rra•,I' ( II. ;ir l!\'llY Ill lht• mr ... 1c1 d1111ni: !ht• p11111•h1111: 1111 Ill•· "·" II• k· •'I' th.ti . : 11( t .11111•1 °'·'· :\l 1111.1~11r. I IOSl'hl'r hl'at of J ul\' 111111 AUl;ll>I , .. ncl· "' . "°' be ii what lmda lirmne. to oar: intemationAl •-----........ttr--. HrW-thet"tt:nmCTtlht arm" of~ pt<>JAe deter . nr 1\\1' ""' l•ll'll' 1•\f'r F-.1-.t•«r ,, . \\' , , 1· I • tlullt•'llh I ( ltol• ht II\ llh1t• r.·r·1t-.·m ··d h ·1·11a..• I lhank th • (')\II t ltlt•1111,h1 d 1\•(·1•nl I 111• Jud.:•' 111t·l11ol• ''" •·"re.· ( 'l11h • .r l ' 1laC11rn11 ·or1rt P lt'1f1c 1( II II I II ,\ ,\nol, 1s.m. l.·•n.: l•l 11 I :\t•w t·o·1q ~I • mh Hulltl11•' L'hth , l:w"a~h~rou m\nl:I II. ult pl.1~ Tn Hwar t " 1• pn •\·1rn1' •'n<'n11n-" " ·'"~"" 1•1 <' 11' uni; n.-1:1•1 111) 11•1-... ll1 te·11·1·1~ \\'()fl .l flt,..;;-'I' ~at..bat," --t nitel 11) 111 .. 111'1 anrl h:irl lo• f1i:h1 * COASTING ALONG WITH wo· OD To mo ... h1llt'l'l', :\lu,a:il ' :>Hiit•· Brake Adjustment • • S-peci31Lllevrolet Valve Grind ~ ~ • • • ~1~5 -f 495 / milMd ·to live in 'peace with the rat of the world. Be ii "Pfc. Jon•"-the men behind the man at the ,._.table. Yw'D &nd him in tbe ranb ol our 100% munt ... ltnq., tD tht National Guard, bi the Orpniftd R•. 9Sft Corpe and la ecbool and eollta~R.O.T.C. anhL A-4 •Ana, 0117.._April 6- f'llllll .. eaJate blm for tbe c:oatd-..._be 11 IMldec. to World P..aa. n.t'a Ge .., the. {Oe orpnisa- -ID OD rniew. By Yieftblc tbe .,_, 097 n.hiblh and nata plzincd for JOUI" comrnuniq, JW -._ Pfc. Jone9 that. 7ou an IDtawted and appreciatift. -·~ • • 6'00 i..oy' . . A ITIONG AMlllCA II A ,.AClfUl AMHICA •111 ~ITllllTll II I 'f•lt IHVICI n1 local Recruiting _Office Muni~ipal Pier, N"6wport Beach NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS Cltrysler-Plymouth Dealer 1818 W. Oelltnl Ave. Phon.-Harbor 636 • I hk·· ,, d••m1111 <lunni.: lh,. la,1 l\\ll mo•nt thnt 11 " •·a•) ro ha t :11111 n-.1.11111~ 111 \\In 1l1r l<('(·uml. ~.:(l''" j ~,\!\' :\IAT~:c 1 (-.\J. "\Ht'Jl CICl'MH>nnllr ,,11 11 ~lopp~ ~•.r,.&lllldrty might ,.-i1und hk" a pup off B111 h11r 11hm"1 had htm In 1h1• ln>t :..~1 11·1'1 -11 hns "'"'" .I ,,,111~ track . nnd hi~ fa\'flrtlt• role is lh•· P~pn~y(vanaa l'ok1•r nw kr ' 11 m n11·h 11111 lln•d l<'llj.; t•ll•'U);h lo ,llh'" )il('ki•y ,J,,h lHl,\ 1.o'llhd• 11 r<.,I,• tO l:•'I <llll Ill frnnl an<I slll) W' h SltnJllc• !ol,11\•m1•n1 flf fJtl'I f !lrnp hi~ ~"ltard 111111 ,1;1•1 r l1pp1•d for '"' flrsl wmnf•r 111 L.<1; .... 1. l':irl.., lh<'l'l' lhll~ 11,.1,.dani: thr nN'<'~:>ity nnrl has !hi' f1J.:Ul1••' h ancl) '" hnrk 1 II mn1~coun1. S alt l.nkl' f'i l) h111 llw "'•'rnn know of c-<1111in~ 1 hrn11~h Jnm·llP" II up Slncf' "rl'llklni: inlo1 th•• Fooll~h lq:1~h111<•11 .1s lak1• fl rl'll<' 1•f ~11flcl. 11 l"'rll'llt':< 1n the• twi~t - m& R"lph W11ldn t:mrn.in s1111d1'" man hras Josi ni>rw ••I hi • • . mn)Or k:tJllh's h1· ll""'r h:a' l11·1•n •'111husinsm M alulil) "' lh• ll1•n•. Loni:clc•n a".,.tt~I' )lf''t .. Jllrl)!l'I n 1unfl1•r tha 1 f11:11 r•'. IWl('l' winning the hus1.nl'!ls a1 rn1m1: a h\irse, IN' hllllln•· 1111<· '"'" m11rk.~ of t'\arrcnll). llw cl1m11111l1\•' -11· Lo d I II I t I .. ''-A.i:-C114 i.:n1o:lt1<hm11n ~, .... 11111, ''"" nt.i "n s •l "" i•rs at tic mu ue j .365 anrl ;\[)7 nnd om··· ag11an hal-W1ndow~ nr<' lri;:ion 1 in<> a \'•'I'.\ .,..11n"11l•lr -:'1·17 majnr nmh1t u111 10 11d1 :l 1h1 .. ".nnc-rl'. 111' hni; won nrnrl) l'\'t'ry top,. :'>lu~1al, 11 >olam ,.,;o.. f1111t<'r of C'at- A itll'pp) I rnrk :it nu~ ~1 , oilrm ~ rac<' in t hr rounl ry a I nm• tame !lr Ilk<' quac&tni·-.~. fi'll pff to 11 ;11:: ~hn.s ntl d l'\\'n hts radm ,.:a ,. 11 hr 1rnothl'r lndt1d<'d in his liitl flrt' itvrr<i>:t' l;1st M'i'lson wh"n llC' h.tcl I ha~ had onl) fa\'c ,, mn••r, '" 111,, 15 d!'rh~ 1 rhamph!I nr r•nr !lort !lr 1 mnr<' tn•11hk ..; than T11mmy :O.tnn-1 r another ·nirsr s1ar1N1 waffa thl' '111<' F'1rllt. ht' wn~ ho•111tnlm>tl ir~t twn Wf'<'k• nf r"llll• · '1t•n, 1 l:I\ mi: him 11 1..,1111 nf .' ,1,., \II'· Cen11d1an Df'rh~ In l!l:l:!. which \\'1th nn .q~plr1•11r appt•111h1o. and I I tn rirs in hill lnni: rnri•r r ,,, h ~ WA~ worth $1 .~'">tl In thr . "m nrr . thrn hi• tnno;als •tnr1 t>d cul Im~ up • • and thr p<-nli \\n lhr Kr nLurk) Fl-'1WN'n \Ii<> 1\\t> S lftn h.ilf und•'r· '11' J:O Dl'rtw. nho..'lm ~oun1 f1,...i. 1n 19-U «t:tnrlnhlr:.. d1ff1c-ull\• conren irntani: "A~ loni: ·•• 1 "·111 "11•1' 'm and ·worth ~l. i :.';i H t· h11• "'"" nn ha< 1'1i, ... 1i,,11 11'11rt hi.. n,.,,, :C"" h1•mr ·· "·'~s 1~ini:1l1•n. I I' , ·i "' r 1thni: ll'll lhe l>usin• ,, 1 .~ •. two n <:h<'r d••rl•ws lho' S:in1.1 plumm.-1 t'd t u ~. (h,i:r:tf!<'ful l:il ~· u know:· Anita m l~li !ln 1'tu1: :1nd in 'Th:tl \\II~ rra lly· m ui:h." he ·rr t:..>ni.:d• 11 ncl• "• h,• 194~ on .S:1l11111:11rirl1 ""Ch r .... ,. 1.:11111a"·~I I r.-i1 1t•1 r 1hl·· a nd I \\ nm·r 11 1 1\n) :'>.l o'.111,.\,, 1. ·:,·1;,wor1h .appr,1,1111,11° I~ ~~1,1-\1 .. •uliln 1 i;.·1 i;: .. m1-: Hut fannll) 1,,,.,1) ,,,. f111aoi: 11 1 .. 111 ,., "'\ l h!t Nh1•1 rl•r l•~ \I•'•'"'" 111 I ·"•J..t 11 \"II <l""" .oml f'«'n,·,·n· ".1s ,,11 ii 1 r.11·k m,111,1.:•'ll "' \'., dudl' AJ:t1.1 I· 1 lo n1r ,\II" 1 t .1 111 . r r 1 ·••ti • •n i:r11111..: m~ :t\ •'I ;11:r "'"I' lai m v _J.;, 11,. in·l· It.I\ "' ol •\\• nois. l.ntom.1 L1•111~1:t11 1 1.'I ~.·w 1<•1 Th.11" all I \\,1nl•'\I l't-c·au<<' I:• ,, .. {..i m :m •• ~.·r a• th• , 11,., \\'aJ. Orlcnn•. (;,it.kn ~1 ,., . ,\rk.111•1• I "1•111.t lt.1\•' h a•··d '" '1n'I' 11nfl••r IJ'ni;:11<'n 1• "'l'l;,,.,11 ,1 111 ,, 111 11houtrt mraJ.., h1111 )11•1 11•,1111 •fl, c::.1 -'l\l 10•I nq\\ tol i~~ .• rial 11, 1. •st 1 ukr 11£ !h r•'•·\• 1t ·o1l1t' an lho· t,. li•th tf, 1 h\ ""' 1n t h•' (':«l1f1,r· ~lit 1" 111111 llt' 1l<1t''"·' 1,11.,, 11i, rou111ry. n1 1 ti r1 \ .11 1~11~ :\h•nclo\\\~ tm II; nl l' , 111!11 l-.\ni• ~ju11n11 /Ind l11•ll\'\"'<'tl "hwh .,, 1' f,.1 rh .. 111'1 llll1• \J...., .. ._-.;;.;,;;.;...:.;.;;.;..:.:.;:.-.~.;:.<llJ ,1 1'11;1111·1 • 111• II'• ii 111 111 1 hl•. , · ) Ll.>11~ol1 n "al l 1>,· i;11nn111i: 111r .\f!ra i It 1 ' Plu~ P1u-1 ~ Lubrication Was1ung Polishing Simonizing • • • • Phones Harbor 513 and Harbor 1884 c·u LB ER Ts 0 N CHEVROL[J' CO., Inc. L. L. 1 lAGE:"\. S<>r •it'C' l\tnnn~cr CHE\'ROLET e OLDS~IOBILE 3001 West ('entTal Newport Beach ' EMB. VOLU CE Bl F.I S t AmerJ t'1>nlld nkkm and ti \'t'lt •• A a WBI In due· tr> Mid" I lnj" ~ a"~·· plan with (111 tt•1'11' '"'h•' (11111• <''•· n .. (1 ii ••t\• h\ :t ,.,,, S S ~~l/.J nwm C11n11 1)U'lll I Ul'lll tlw 1r 11•· ftj!hl • .,, J•h I !'upr pPI II .. I ypa 1 JI•• I Amo !'aicl fur ~t)~t· aua for 1 ?'an llr n "I and wild mnr > llfot WPI( vi~ik ing 1 arm .. , (the Sl'I' rPrr a ,, (lf . n~J- ~t'I"\ prtr .. ll\ \\ ,, ... ""I: • 11111 ,.11 .• ht.'' ",,, r••tl , ... , ,, \\",1 ____ , OJ'll )"I d111 <Ill' n •:1 lho• fi~I fag I br or per th~ J)(l( for F.n tx· an: tt'r nn• th•