HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-02 - Newport Balboa News Times.. ~ ~~=========== I NEWSPAPER Tod•y'• II .,.M., P.S..T. IN ORANOt COAST'S LARO EST 'CITY 0 A IL Y 0 N LY AB~ BALBOA . ~IA\ES ·(~ Dow Jontw A nraKN ,,_ i-. l'e.., ._ ........ -.... l1ul11--.t t •II' 17hf,/; oln 4•:-l I{ ''" :'>.t~I oln 11 I "' I ' ' ,\ \ ...'7 '111 Ii.I \ 1•huu. ~ 1111'111 ''""'' :-4rf.,.·I ll•I oM l°lllt•' t "'" ,. BRACING BALBOA PENINSULA , WES n NEWPORT. SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISU, HEW.PORT HEl.GHTS , IALBOA ISLAND, GORONA DEL 1 MAR . COST A MESA NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ndDAY .rlUL '!. llHll • 1 NVM8ER to Trains te Enter. ·Berlin • :hlna Cove Storm. Looming Russ Blockade Isolates Berlin ·1uE I ~ f Ac11t• l ~l•pli'*'•' Announc1n1 tnat the tour-power AWed Olatrol.Oouncu had cH.wd &o Ulal. Ruaala laolat.ed Amel1can. 8rtllb and l"rt'lll"h !if'<''"' "' Berlin by cut Una off rail t.rarwponaUoll ll Matlenl>orn • 11. Ruulan checllpotat 01t &be wntttn AlUet' aal1 llU Une to caplJ•I ftUcit . tnftlc wu ai.o halt~ b)' -.bliahmetlt" on c.hec-k:> .. 1ntr. lln onty hlahway •2• acc:ealble to ..i.n pow9l Au.Ian ro11dblork1 •ere t.bo let up alone boUDdU'J -... krlllJ ltMlf C In.let I a t-. 'l'ltroasll ... _... -"• alliove, -of netclller aut.-HOT t'18R. PIO.JN ZM1J AND LOMl-LOML 'I'll.at '• lb& mak. • ... oorf Russ G·1ve ~A LASHES U-'• 11awa11u...,... etoop ,. acoop , ... ,,... .... ll'9&t ••" -•GAfNST .,..... wtlldl ~ ..,. fill Clt,..tlan'• 11una ._ atacect. ~ride. ,. are adlled.a.I t.o lie -..., '-rrow .apt for 11111! ftnt aaelt f-.& w d 'N 0 .. ~ ':-Wffr , phot9 b.) Hllch('()('k or 0 c IMUNISTS SAND Li u f . ch· c M I ' BOMBAY. April 'J fUP> Thr ne P orms On . ina ove I t· 1nrh11n li:O\'l'mml'nl i-•rul'k sha rply CRAB • • e • •, 0 es 1ng tc:wlny llf.(1tin~I lht• C0 11 mm uh1 ;;1 porty. The Communu•ti-n-tnrtrcl City Councllmen Comme. nt BERLIN April 2 -tUr 1 RAii ~~·~,.;,:11111 °711o• '~~n~'~ ~~ ,, n ~h~'.;11:~~8 ~~ :=info~ .. :~eor~~,r~~r:t~of:~l:i~~,-~~l~HJ~Mut S A II In• what is expc'<'ted to be a• A poll of N r wport Be;1ch'1t flvr r~umt'd t o nl1tht, and thr RUB· lnc1m hida•nt.<' thnt po ll•··· hnd loud and livrlY.l hu r inR. ilie' dtyfi:lty coundlm<'n t'oday. indicl\l<'d 11 shins promptly 1tavr au ura n<'t's ~tnirk inn !lf'n~ '" ra1ru. on cnm - council will coM"t'n<' a t a spl'dal clf'('ll'I\'<' Nii:<' .~ favor of thr pro. tha t th<' trai~l! woulrl pass un· 1 muni!lt olfwri; nn<I lu1<l ,,,..,...,.,,'(f OLE IQLLS. Seems to be S<'!ts1on Monday a ftt'rnoon. brgin · Jl•l"<'fl Chinn C'ovt' park plan . pro· moll'llfl'd through tht' ltuuinn Mn•·' hunlil"t'd'i .,r po·n.on'i In nn r ffnrt thi of a flurry of ninJt at 4 p.-m . in the city hall. to ,·1dmi; a just rlraJ for the requJrro or l#rmany: tn i-muh th<' J>llt1~ so;R~n't ~~ d "l didn't'" ht'ar pros and cons on th<' propos~ mntching land ca n br workNI nut · Th<' millt9ry ~O\'t'rnor 1111id :i ' The r.ml~ follnwrrl 11 ,..,,, nini.: >U-: ·~ Ban::=::: .. C1'<'Ation o f a at.ate _,park__ Cll)·-Jcas· L Al~ouncilman MnMn Si· train would he modi' up In Brunl'· I hy P'rttmirr J1t"'nharlnl l'frhni t n th1~ fe uflmg over .1UUi1 <'d and OJX'ralro, in China Co vr. 1 l1•r, 0 . Z. R.oht'Mson. Robrrt A fon. wtdr tmtlght ftftd 5h-Ould a.rrl\c thr lnd11in a..~!Wmhly in N1·w l )rlh1 md s Easter Week streetht At this date t hr 11itu11tion sums o. R RN'fl nnc1 t.A"J1ttcr 1111>1-11 l'NHl· hr r <' 1iom<'ti,;,<' tomorrow , unl~JtJ yN<ll·~y l hat cornmunfq ll'l'Tf\flfy ice. Just w h y m ost o f e up like this: ily ai-!'<'ntNI to bcini: quotro. th<'Y th<' Rusi1il1ns turn.-d it b11ck und"rl'" India "'"!It part nf t hr worl•I· 'cl hould t-.....ome their new blockadt' ordl'nl. •1"" •tru~gll' again~t WN>tr m fir. :-ti pants S ""'-'-c 1) Coronll dt'I Mar Ci,•ic a.5SO· mad<' it cl<'ar t hat thl'ir final opln· ""rac) nlly all o f a su dden and ciaeion will be tht'rt' io .ask city ion' on thl' iSJl:UI' would h av<' to Clay <'mJ>haalzro th11t ,. h<' ~·as 1 m Amon~ rit iBIC wtll•l'f' nu•I~ Wl'rt' y bric k bats should be councilmen to act fAvorably on 11wai1 posl'ihll' "unfor~.~n 811t\J· not iurrendt'r ing, hi~ prf \IOWI no known "' hn\'f' hf-1•n-m111fr w nr .sed in e fforts to c rea te a their prrvious rl'Clur111 that tht' m~n t" or ev<'ntunlit k•s !~at m ay S<'llrch " policy u ndc.r which hr hi.•l.c111rutt11. llrlhl Romhay Madtu. THRr.E HAaaoa LOVF.UF,8 ........ IWr ............... -......,.,...._ .,., c~n to rtcti• 1 A1t11 rn11t..., ,....._ "'"• aiwe A"'ta C:.UW. ,.... ctrt• are...,.,...,.. ............. for a-Mute .... el ('allfonil.a MtMaa ...... 111 ,..,. .tylfo...,,.. wtak-tl Ada Rarrt"C(tot1 of · Ad•'• Mpnrt• at.op I• •tACina In -Jmw'Uon wtU1 *"" o,_tq of '"" IM'W lhn1• aftd Oay M...,.r .,.,,.... a t C'Mta M•..._ 11M) ••• wlll tw .......,._, l onlaht and Kaluntay from ll:SO lu 10 V· m. """' l 'aram11unt atallon K Tl.A. • Services Held for Founder · of Seal Beach Wave * * HERE ARE MAIN ·PROVISIONS s t-:AI. m '''II. A1r111L i1 ·p r 0 f TAX 8 I l L F Ulff r11I 1;1•1 \ ....... fur \'' 1 ' r II I• l'J,."j.J.,•1•·rm:in A Vt/ Arm~lr11111( * * W.1. will llf• lw l<I lomurrnw Ill 111111· \\'AS lt1Nc:T1 •N. A11r1I :! tl 'l't ,..,,.cl1. I I lrr1-nrr I lw rn:rjor Jll'O\'f'llon• nf 1-·111111d1·r ••f thf' S1•11I 11 r11 r h t 1,.. 1 •·p11l11l1·11n·~r••rtR••n•1I lm·um•• \\'""'· 111· 1·fl, ti 111 lus honw lfl'n '"" 11•rl111·t1un t11l111 >"''••tt1f1) 111• w 1111 11 notlv1· "'I "'"''"', • 1• ,,,.11111 , '"11111t1•1n• llm..:hHmptun, !" Y nntl h11t1 I"'"" fr.,.11 1111 "'' "'"' $!'il10 '" $4t1•1 ff1r 1•n 1111· ~•Hit 11f th" M"rn1111t lk ••ndi ci,,.1..,"'' 1uul 1i.·i•·11rl1·nt l••Cltlw:rn lh•·n• • • 1'1••\ld"ll 111•·•·1111 l'll••111pt1ion (If ::k -sla p electiorr iSSU('. is pnrk plnn he rat lfird a nd sent to 11n 'r nt th,. 11p.:'<"i11l s<'sswn Mon· rulC'd thot no Russian 11oidi<'r w ns · ' twitc h y as John L. Lewis' thr count y planning commission day aft~moon . t~ allowC'd to board 11ny Am,.r1· 1 CITY REPORTS ON EX PEN ))JTU RL' >_b ro'"S. So far as street for furthrr action. Hrl"<' 1s whnt th<'y saJd : can train . _ '"' " •t SI · •· I l But h<' 111ld !ht> Amrric11ns ni· nces are concemc<l they 121 Ralhoa Im1JrO\'f'mr n t no;~··· "a!'Qn 11•r . · .. n t~S nm <'On· R SYST•'M $';c.t11 fur 1111· 1'111111 111111 f•rr 1•·r· lillA!I l1Vt I r.;; fh •rn11t• 11•1-t"'"''' 1111•1 "I\,,., 111 ull ~'"''' tu '''''' rt11 1r ln••urt1• f .. f lhK l""I"'""' t111c~ 1•n\11tl-'. 1 .. -.,.1 'lltl lu3' r uf•1~ ·1 l.1" I••'\ 11•·•'•· I"\ 1•1\ J•111·d "'"> 1 .~ 1111111 wd '"'"Ill•• In th•• ••1 •·•II• •I 1'01111111111111, l""l"'flY ? as nrct\a ic a s last sea· rwt1on "ill s<'nd 11 dt•le1tation "he• ~;:~~~ .. 1~:1'n,.'';;;;" ~~/~:rr ~~ :::;~l~i:c1,~;,:;:i~r1r~~R~ltn~~~I OF $188,390.29 JN W ATE ' • h 1 k · ... ,s Thnre a~ w ill .. in l'ffC'Cl. t'nd11rs,. th(' 1111rk " •-.. ,. Id d 11 d 1 l S S 01 S h "'· " "" llitlhcm. anrl at I hr m omr nt 1 clo wou o ll<> now. ,. s1t1 I 1• '""" t h I ( plnn hul will nhjr r t to any clral R I I r h . I <'1ty Atlmlnlstrnll\O' (,,'I",, I . :trS t o <A. wo sc 00 s o . noc ~c·<'•how thrrp pos11ibiy could ui111 nns, "' llrf' t "'r iww "omp .Juhn Smlnr~ t.-otlay i .. 1 .. 11 .. ·•I " ,, .. D oesn't A<Jree that .,., ... ht in this super·heated for m atching land which comprii:. ll<'. 1 will votr ror C'hin11 Cov<'. 11 down w hirh was r rrt•c11vl.' 111 mid· ""O I'll n alho11 busin<'i.~ or r t'sidrn,ial 1.nrt of f.lkl(:\9029 in 1·~1•·n•l1111n·' C d t Cl' b d I t U,. -th~ u •h o "'a nt Eas-n.·0 1~1 J m ns1cl1•r h.iuhl•.· d~ir11bl<' n1ght W<'rln••!<day, hnc1 n"$:1rr trrl I<• . ~...1 f On UC Or · 1m 8 n 0 ,,.,,,." Oft tocky YOtfld to aat•ln tJw ...... fll'ntl•I ''"to TtW'f'r wrrt' 12 ....,. rrat• wh11 drwrtl"d lhetr part)' lr11t1rr••lrlp •tld votl'd for lu ,.. cl11rt irm Mr 'l'r unu•n ar111Jfltl Jn hla v .. to 111•'0 1111•' th11t '"" r<-dur tlon "°"' w1111lll v.1·~k1·n thf' nation in a Ume "' "urlll pn ll. ff'f'd Inflation; and 1 ttn 1111· rt11\ 1·rnmrnt Into dfobl. Rut "n .. 1t·1·t1on y1•11r r 'uni:rru wa• dfo- trrmln1·1I 11! h1•rwl11<· - Roth htttl1'1"~ h11v•• lo &J'l>TOVl' the hill h v two-thlrda maJurltlre to m ttk•• It " lt1w nv1•r llw Prreldrnt'a Ohjr•t·t 11111 O" lk"*• Ry Nl1tit rt 1111111•11r"'I c·rrt11ln thl\1 thfo rw-w low1•r ln<''llmc• 't1111 r11tr• would he ttu 1111• alutut,,_ '""lie" l11>forl" nll(tlt- f101I ·11." m .. 1uior" wlll tttkf' 7,400,- fWtO pn111na off thr t11x rnll• 11ncl <'Ill lh1· 1.-vlr • 11111in•I t™-lrtt ton TI11· flr•I d ft>rta of thf' rttt wlll lw fl'll Mttv I wh1·11 wllht1'11dln1t ltt1C1•11 "" wui.:1·11 nll(f a1tl11rlf'tl are n it l•r•..,l•f.-nt T ri1111tt11 tult1 CA'>n1r- 1t1 hi• v1·l•1 mronr•• lh,Ht thf' lax • 111 v. """' 11111t••r11tll) '""'llkrn thl• 11~tl1111' , ll11r t• '" m11l11t111n Jlf'llf't' 11111 "'"' 11111t l"""J•·nt :r 111 homt• ". 11111 1111 Ii"'"' 11111J11rlly nf t'o n- 1:1 1· .. 111••11 1•1"•''"'' hi• 11r1e11n1,.nt•. I 1,,,.,.,, 1(1•111111111 "" I ,1·111l1·r < 'h orl<'ll fl I litll• 1 k 1·11lh"l 11 ... l'rt'11ildt'nl'a .:.-"""" '" ... fronl11$:<' 1" r~ .. ·' h k h "ii on ·n11trnal' u .... ,, nr m111n11•nnr>"•· • W ('('k a nd thO!'e who for th" r ntir<' i:1ty." c <'<: sue W<t)'ut ll. •n•I impnw,.1114'nt of th•· m11nw11w1I B erth With Woman n't. O ff.h a n d r d say t h a t 13) RAlho11 Point Community 115· 0 z Rnbl-r1,on "I 11m drfin.1 Hpy Blnf'lc "lll•'r ~)'t •=m. f(tf.!1'111• r .. .,,11 " ,.,,,,,1.1 .... II I J I; ,., ""' ""' "' lltfltllll• fh~< .. ,,f '-1<11 IOIHI llrtlft•t \l•flo llfl I \It'll""" llf ltl• 811ih- >St •o{ th(' all-year resi-!>()("l:it1on will $:0 nn r<'Nm t m fa\'or ,c,.iy (~r.P,jnu C'ov<' p;trk. 1 car).'t I Ruui11n .au~horttit•s ch11q :r cl '~''.' lm<li:rt of .-.. ntrnM., 1,.1 1,,1 11.,. ,.0 • nl'i are a bit fed up with nf th<' park. Jlul. prct1um:ihly, lh<'Y S•'f' w hy It wc111id ""' nh.Jl'<'ti11n11hir the h lockoctt-•YBl<'m '""Y hAc1 io• I -u111i:i: 11lx WN'k !I "' noi~ a nd the fuss and will ~ugi:<'st thnt th1• nret'll~ary tn Ball'l<)ao,; if n i<mail. J')Or1ion or up was n(•<'Nu~ary to k<'•'P out l\rt'nk-<lown o r th•' r1.,.,,, ''hirll -m 11tchln10t l11nct "" t11krn from hul'i· lh('lr OCC'an f l"(ln taizr wrrc lrnn!I-"wet1t('rn 11plM1" who ha Vt' u 11" c1 ""''''"" th,• Jll'n•.t11 fr•im July l!M7 ~ eager young IX'avers. n<'ll~ fron laj;((' rnthrr than from fn~• to thn .·tat(' in ordnr tn help lkrlin 811 a oat('W8Y lo thr So\'H•I I • lk I • -·" ·-~ • .. '"Ju )'. 1 ~1R. show' 11 tut .ol uf I'll• 1ile the hus ine!>s fo !> w e· rrl'id1·n1i11l frontni;:e>. ·11,. i:ain 11 hn<ll~r.nrf'flrd 1111y hl-llr h. ione or G<'rmany. Tht·y nl11n n~ .-<t() 'J9 MtJll•n<lrd. nnd 1111,,rhn $!r..'. t.CIM A 'liC iP:l.P:M, A1wt1 i .- lt t•1-A hnu..,.~u,. ~.,. ,,.. ru ..... 1 •l•m•a~ today ftir • rallroad rondur tor•• •ll"ll· rdly \1ulrnl lou .. nuitclnc. 'fr-. All,..,.,... \\. M•.,·k, lit. -id In hrr •llJt for S.'\l ,.'IU!\ :ne a bre<ik in the long W hat lt'11 All About Naturally. if it in any wiS<> a f-sertro It w ould pr<'V<'nt "furth• r 100 NSmmittf'd m rontrl•"'' r•ir 11,,. nter m o ntqs o r s)O~\· t~de. CorC'lna clrl MAr Civic A~~n. fl'('ff'fl n.,lhNl lldV<'r!Wiy, for In· plunderln1(' or &•rlin by t ht• Wl'SI· •n •111l11tlnn of II 24·inrh f'11nr r··•·· damq" that ('undnrtor ""'' +-+. + I nc .. i~ spon~orinll n plan to Ill"· ~lnnr" >-PrW'fi to tnk<' tht' pnrk lni: t•rn powt'r:.. 1111~ llnr 1,1 carry wnt..r iwr· ... ~ thr lllllm J o rdan "Ju-1 n,.w .. lnlo Wh......, Ox Wu Gored! quirt' thlnn Covr 11hd certain 1111· int awny. I woulcl vote a1t11in!lt it Twe nty-thrrc U. S. A ir F or c" .• t;1>1.cr Bay br-iditc on~) ... JIJI h..r "fJPf'r twlrth, Mnhr!M'NI ....... j11r<'nt b<•11ch fronlllfl<' 1111 8 i;tntr nut i:uc-h lnncl woul<I rt'Vrr1 right C-4711 dropped t ht'ir whrd1 un ThC'S" c-oncract,:; lnl'lu<I•· :.!4-lll ..,., illc'l,_11 twor w~ •two tt-~ te Sid e !>aYS it could have park to ht> m11M1trd hy thr City hack to thr city hy lrn!W and its Templehof AJmromP. in th1· Amrr· r..n•Tt'lr JllJJf'. (apPrrix l 5S5.CJflO, M•lf'd. en a J'l('ar-rio t ;. th<' Other of N<'wpoft Rr11ch 11ndr r 11 long ~t&IU!I wouhl N'main thr Mmt'." ican·ht'ld ZIOn<' of Ilrrlin, todn~ ,n,ta llatlon uf n hovr. Jllfll'. $17.71;•, A Jur~ of I! •-n llMNI oup claims the lads and trrm tokrn r<'nt lral!e. The pl11n Rohen Alll'n : ''I'm for lhe l<l('a S ix or 1rv•n more W<'rr ('Xpe<'tr"I 1111,.. and in-.tnllll llnn :Irr•~' thr ,. .... 1rrd•1 with .lnNIM . ~ho ;sies w ere as demure and h11s r<'Cl'h'<'d• thr u minlmous ap-of Chin& Cove and would ttrtainlr lat('r. Amt'Tican 11.uthos:itlu. at hui OR Highway 101, $1 fl,40CJ. ,,,. .. -.Id hr i-i.t.rct Mra. Mor k J\ 7:1 I• r ,,.,., "'' ,,,. lloul 1,.,11 ,., , 1,,.111 •·fol~"'''"''' !" 1111lf'h·fl.'.'""' d ''"""'' 11111.•·• 111 1\\••'I• ~II•• 111111 l11x t••lt•I 1111d •·•11111hn1!111n · ~)IN 1,lrl•1. ""'' II ·, 1~ I , ··nl , • .,, "" Rlut front .... ,..,. .. '""''" ,,,, 1 Sllt11,11i.1 ll••l•·rrhw In Mr Tr 11 m 11 n · • '111•· l1tll. pr .. \INllOll' '"' ,,.,,,, '" 111111 '" IW/1'1• Vl'lt1lllK Ill• r ulJI "''"' 1,, ,1.,11 I """''''"· 1 ,.,. ht tlu• 111•1 11r••l1011, 11nrl m11km1 f tr•I l•I Ii• 'II •• 1 ' II• rh 1.r 'II• Ill•"" 'lit"' ~• 11 k . I lull1•1•k •ultl "Thi• llr" ... 11 ""' 1 .. '"Ill• 111•1•"1' 111 imlll I~ 1111 ll11ttl tlm" 111' luu llOUjthl M11~ 1 ""' 11 '"'', "i•loll••ltl (11,111 I•• 111v.111 I th•• w lll "' 111•• drl'lrd 1111\'1"11' ~ill ,,.. trtl•w• •1 r• 1''""' 11t11tlv1•11 111 th•• Jlf•oph• who H1•fw111~ f1,r .. v••ri1H-Ylll••rtl11 1t1 th11 hri\ •· 'h•· lir111 ri·111•1rud1Jlllt.y In Iha fU •I '""I 111•11111111 .. r lltl• )Wllr Wiii nl"ll•·r .. ""1 '" m11tl• 11111.i l!H't r.ll•·r 11111 Tl,.. 11011111· ""'" WIUI takrn u I"')' 1" u11ik•• ""' ""'" 1, 111111~ for ''"'" "' 11 • lt·rk flnlahf'tl r e•dln1 l'..Sk 1111 .,., 1" 1111·11~nu•· Th1·1 ,. wa& no 1l1.f1Hl1• g elic as school kids can proval of the city planning rom · like to S<'C tM b11y front !'Bvf'd fnr Frankfur t had sa id 30 plan<'I wr r*' 111 1 s!t.2.100. Ill> tn ""' hrrth ~ hr nerally be. Any hoo tl)e mission and hns the informal nd· th't' people . tr an exchanice or 8Vailable tor the tervlc.. • I Al!"Hdy l'XJ)('nclf'd: fl[)i) fl 2"·'" found ,.~, •¥4"rtna In '"" Volunteer Blood --- lice dept. points out that vancc 11pproval or the nrr~1111ry matching land <'lln be mat1r with· Fi\'f' Amrrican plllll("nic<'r i>hmr~ ronrrete cylin<kr, llnr In <'IHI)''"· ..... ~ and ~t...., tw.r '"'''· ()wners of Kelly 9 w ere pinched this Easter " (CJont lnuC'd on Plii:e 4 ) fCont inurd rn Pai.e 4 ) (Continued on P•re 4) ~JW>: 1600 ft. 12-ln ' r llnt•, t&Uon to rllmh up for a rhat. Donors to he c Co M G ~~::.g~~~!!i~t~ CHILE ASKS PAN-AMERlcAN ANTI-RED BLOC ~~~~~\~t~~1~:~·~~~~ ~i~~, ~~~~.=~w~~ E~ £~; Called Out Monday ar · .3Y ~t tkward! So tar as Council· ,, ~In lltN'I lint', Art'hl.,. '" Jrv1ri... \•oUnc . M11l1ll111l 1•111 "' \'•1111111•·•.,. l1l1n 1 10 years In Jail an Bob Allen was con-DOGOTA. Colnmhla. April 2 -1 curlty C.ouncil with enltinrcring dntl"Uction or thl" rconoml~ nr s.1;1 6.'50; 400 rt. B-ln r. r 1111,.. s,.11. 1r1•1n••r"111 •h•· 11 .. 11"" "'"1' wlll tw·-11 s A"'r·,.·r •:s A 11 ., l l lr ) · be UPl Th 21 A I I h 1 I C h 1 th A I I ' ' * }V lh & T•d ··I .. in M•1111l11v' ""''111111•. A111 II ;,, 111 ' 1 • '' ' • ·•~ • pr .. med a nci w ho S('('ffiS t o ' -(' m er can nat o n• '1 (' rommun st <'OUP n U'C 09 0-.. mer c11n IX'OP I'll.' •h•1r'e Colony. $1000. 1:\4() fl r. Ill ea er I CR ft "' Tw11 ""'l'l•·r~ "' lh•· Kl'lly \Ar e "goat " for the rig h teous-w r rr 1111kl'd tod11y to appro vr 11 ''8ki11 2 To t11ke m <'u ur rs to 11urprr"'~ " r 11 ...... N""'J"irt Jlri;:ht• ~171 ~1 . 111,1 11 '"' "''"''"'''II• 11d 1 ""'I C'11ri1 " 1 1 1 t1 1 indignant S('('fion. h e w as r rsolution which would crealt' In Th" drnft l('Xt of th<' r<' .. olutlnn "KUh\'rr1ivr 11c tl-..'!ti1•1" whirh n:. 1-;r1 r t. ~in e._ r. linr , ,11111,:l ""'" l l•lr• ••• r••,•'1 '" 1•rtt•r ,,, • ..-. ,,,..,..... "" ,., 1 \1111 .,, t1•••I• 111 1111 1t ... 1 ~;' :" ':;;1 ', ~·; ,~" ~h·· w~rl !,'•'ll· 1pea led to by some la w· t hr Wt'S l<'rn hrmlllph('r(' a stronjt 11lso rnUr'1 fnr R 11ni1Nl front "' •Iona) or forl'tl(n ind1vld u111 .. IJlll:~lt I l!'>th ~I $.1.'lflO, 11; n•· .. nr•· 11\ I'""' ''"",.. •• m ti-•" 111('1 .... pm • 1•11•' 1•••·1·1.1111 '" II''''''''' ~,,,,,,., ~ .. ,,, •. ~~· ,,,.;,,'y ,,:'1~;:, .• ~.·.;;,II 1•n:: tiding citizen s, to i<eep the anli·rommunist bloc to support thr Amrriran n11lloM aitaJnst rom· 1 take to favnr th<', "Polit Ira I in-dr;int•, $6~40 1 rn1ir. g ,.11,hron · r ·111 '""' Anr1 .... •ntl \ lrtnltv: r ,,, , n• 1.1r~"' "'11 h•1•1t d111r1,, •. '" h••IJ• ,,r· duiri.iinii uv•·r 1 rtllrll( pricPll nn •a ce.--a comm~jt v tha t tht> United Statri: in the "rold war" m unillm, with .-xchnnitr of infor· lf'T<'tlt• of 11n <'Xtrll·COntlnrntfll ,,n;. l ill, "'""lJOrt 11,.tght •. ,,,,,, • 111\ rlnwf\ 1111tl ',.,,.., w1 t11 ,, ,,..,. •. ,,,. 11•., """ ~r· v•·n• n"Nll•··~ llh•·•I "''°" '-*"' '.J with RUllsia. m11tion nm onll thl'm nn llll'llllllr C!I 11tatr ." ~!11 arlr Mtf,., J. Vrn r11 .. r111 I •11r1nklt-1n "'" 1•fl• 1 11•~·" 1'1•111'1\ 1 ~•Jfl•·11111· ,...,,,.,,, wir 111111 wh•·r••v••r T'lll')' ftrt•vluu~I) 1,11•1111"'1 lnm~ ems to be having ·rou&h Th<' 1rx1 of ii rf'SOl ution dra ftl'd 10 ~uppr('Sil it 3. l'ritr thnt 1111 Am<'rlrnn rr -,.,,, tlumpt (Jn" nrw "'""•I 11nd "''" "''"' '"'' It••'""" '""'1'111 n•·•·•lo~t 1,.1.nt ~ding in these piping hy ("hllr In hr pr<'ll<'nl<'<I to thr Thr r""nlutl••n w n11lt1 hll\'<' t hr puhlir• r1)()Pf'r11fr snli'11y 'in ~tip-• 1.1n r r. a t 1,,-,..>'ltr r ril11n1 :>:11 I 1n ,•I S1tl•111t••I 'I h• ''I• 1••1 t 111" 1 ... , 1,, ""' h 1,f I )o',.if1.1 hi .Juilr:" l.1.,in ll. Ylln k· nes. You Know m e n . that intl'r·Amrnc:in ronft'rcnc-r rnll.; on r11nfrrrnrr mnk•• thrl'<' rrmm· pr~~1on nf th,. 11ctl\'lllM .,, rnm <J i 'll)J5, ,,..,.., 4!4·111 1:11t• ''"'' I A t'ICll •. llHM 11,. I<• •1 1 ·,,, .. fir••• 111n11·• <'•111111\ 1,1, h .,,,, A1,111 I:.! 11~ Iii•· tllltr for here h o t youth is ron -1<'11ch n111inn tn 11dopt intrrn11l m1nrlannn" muru11c11,11ntl t'Xchanicrlnfl)l"m11h•m l n"w llnr Arrhr11 tu 1·1,1,..r flit\ I-" 1-.·, 11 -.1 fl·•ff ti ·''""'''" ,, "";"'''"· 11 .. 1•1111111 ,.,111 ,.n•·m;: ltnn"•m llnd S idnry 'nl<'d. It rlot>sn't t a kr m u<'h mr11!lur"" "tn suppn'!I• 11uh\'t'rl'l\'f' I 1\<:k th•' Amr·nr~1n r1•p11hl1r ... on lh<' mr1111orP11 11d11pt,.,, hrirlcr. $1!l7!l :\R 1•,.ntnl•••'•"n 1. I '• 11 I :11, ·' '· II•· o111, •1··1· 111111• "' ""'' I•~ . .i '"" 1, .. Jl•·v Th·· K••ll••" fnrr maxi· -ging to hist · a fe \\· rocks. At'lll'lll"" \\h1rh nnlinn11i or fnr · 111 11rlnpl m1110:11r"" '" •lr•·m:•h•,, Th• f'nnfrrr·nrr 111rn•'lt 1<1 th• lt.111.ne ,,llln<I WRf1•r ,,, t.,,. "" ... ·1 -, 11)( I '' II'! , "" ,. I ,. nf• , •• ,, ... , 1111· 11i1 .. \loli11t1•' t ''""" '''"" , ... , .• "' 111 V•'lll"< 1mr•rl!1· 11i.:11 1nrl1\1ri11:tlc m11.:ht nll"mr1 ''' lh• dtt11•trr:o11,. "'"m "~n to•''' '"fl•• nf "'•rnmunr·m 11lt••t 1· ~ 1•ro\'•'TTJ••n1 ,. ~I~•'"''· r•·1~·•"·m•11 1 ·1 .' 'I -1·0 1qo111;· .,,.,.,, li•r• 'l\111r11• "'"' ''""''"' ;,11,1 $~1tlrUl flll•"• <'lll'h nn a r d own ~omc nwnini:::o; o r • 1 f.1 \<tr·th,.. po}llwll 1ntr·r·~t• ol rx. pr•,1n1 fr•1m 1·~"'r•r1ni.: 1A11 l1110 l'•rr•1·v, 1tl !'1 ·i11 C•·1111(" C ~litr 'f,:.!·ln. 'm111n' 11n11 .,,.,,11.1 1\ol 1. •1 I •, · I ' I ~:·!:. 1:11'! 1 .. ""I•• 1 .. lv •c 11 • .. 1111 ~' ,,,1 •• k 1·1t1111.:•' 1111it 11.,.11 1umpuny 1·ol· ist hnve a good time by all . I lr11-c"nnlln•·n111J <11111"•.. I •hnt ·~·I• rn t•1•:il1tan11n nrr:an1u1· •hall k1 lll't1 11ny l..ntln-Am<'ri<'nn 111111 bl11n'1. $6:.!50. '"'"' $.'ll.1'i l.-;' • I I .'I 'I I 11 1 ,,..,,,, , .•. ,, "' ,, ,,.,q, l'rt01mn11r lfl•lo•tl $::'.l:;fll)'I In (l\i•r·(•l'illna f('ft hich.....nm (' o f our d~r crlt· I rh1lr "ll" '"'' nn•1rin wh lrh t111n< 111mini-to <l1•111rh thr nc ho(lM fnr n'lnjr1r: l'nit1.,,. ~t11lt'~ \f1"'f'llonl"')(1<1 nn'1 111l1llt1•.nt1I in 1 ~1 ·, 1;,:1•1 1 1~1. 1:4? l "Z1 "'"'~•I• w ith ,, 11111 ••nft "' l•hy.l tw•lw•~n Auii r.. 1!1411 nnt:J Nov. 6. (Contlnurd on "'8ge 4 ) r hnri.:r<l P.11'''·' lw f .. rr th" \ ·:-.; s,.. '• H , .. l•f. fr• 1 t1•11T .1n•I tn 1ir•~·•1tt• 1 Nlnom1r n1d 'n n•ory. S:.! 111:'1 Y>. tritnl J!ll. :t'.ff1 /1 4 i, I 7 4 1 •• 1 · " , I 11111 , 111 .1tt••ri•l.1w~·. 1!f111 .· .. " • J PgeZ 2 ND .f RONT --.---u----... ~ G E ........ , .--n · Bob Hope .show April 6 to Be . Aired at Lag~na- ~nrl10 romPdinlJ Ruh lfl'IJOI', guMll R L Y ~tar l111111h S hor r, 1111<1 rlw •·rlltn• £ • A • • • l'lllTIJlllflY from 1hf Kf\1 • P1•p"n<l"n1 I { 'huw """ sch1"111lt'CI to 1•r•'"'"' 1t •• N • E • w • 5 ™•ncfat pror..rrnrn 111 L111:11n11 n .. ···t;h I ;.... _______ .,..,. • ..,..,_,.,.. ......... _. •in April 6, 11 Im~ lk•«n 11n11.,un1·1'<l 1 · h)' t b" L.t1i;tmu 11.•ai·h J ur1111r Orange County l 'h.tml .. ·r 11r Comm .. n ·r. s1x•ll1>tlnn1: 11rg:.n1111tino Gets $2377 Share :.;,,.,.,. on th•· fll«Jl:ffllTI ltl~CI 10• r rlud f' \'f'rll \'ai;ut'. J,•rry ( 'olnnn.1 Flood IA\nd Rent \\'1 n<lf'll :'\al• •.11nd Lt·~ Brn"n r.nti 1 111' .. r. hr stra. All huv1: 11i;r,.('{I 111 I S ACRA?>IENTO, April '.! l v PI n;ir11r111111•• an tho• show \\'1th 1tw. --State C'Ontrollrr Thnmns It undPrs11.ndini.t that all prO<'l't'd~ K uch<'! hll!! distribuh't! ">1.417 t(I frnm l1f kN aaks will i.:11 to th•• four rounlJ,,.._ Los An1?1·1«,,. Or · 111rn1J11>.Nt youth "' ntl'r !n l.111:una. a ngc. Rlvc•rl'adr nnd San H1•r nnr · I Adnil'l1dons fur \1(1• 11ct1111I hr11Rd· Planes Go to Turkish Aid 1 HOLLXWOOD \ I Hal ·Designers Would Be Happier !If Husbands Would Choose Chapeau 1 ff) )'IRGIN'IA M~......_ lard'• prlcelfta 1anuq....-and pof· II• ti l.YWOOD, Ar>ril 2.-I LTI tralta ~ cr)'nal ~udeb<'n. But ·~ 1.:-1111 or 11 hllt d"lCl~rr would hC''d tc-11 you •h·· truth about how 1, t •11111l'r Ont'. a charx•au 1•l(p(•rt you-look ,,, , 'tr• •I 11iday, 1r th<' lad1<'s wuuld "I 'tr y to." Ballard sli:h1,, "hut I·' II• 1r hush11ndo! pirk out thrlr they don t 11lway1 llatf'n Thry just l•tb • -• sit th('re and > ap. >up, yap Take I ., I •Ht I ru~h hor1'h• tn mnth<'r Jll'XI aome tootsie who comt'I in with 11111• ''" ttur(;1"~ 111 your nl'w bon· 1tn u1•wt•p t h 11ir-do •n'd huys ,.I r' • .l'bl 1111<•• l11m shoppln" "i th hRt 'l'wo dll)'S l1ttl'r she's !Jack '"ll scr('amll\K 11 dot•11n't hat whr n .h er 1 1 1111·1·, a rr , Jum11• liall11rl1 hair's down and l hav1· to stand ,,,,.._ ""· llr kn11w11 rnorr about It th l'r<' ttnd lish'n whill' my <')'('" ' 11 '"'' dn. nnyway. ~lowly rross." ~It ll;illard drt·nms up custom· Ballard has oth1·r talc>nts, too. ,. '"'' •T•'a\inns ror wralthy worn!'~ Jr you w a nt to 11nd iC you ,ean .11 I Ii•· 1• 11u1 w h111 ynu ml~ht ran 11trord it h1•'ll puint your picture 1 p ;-.,,.,fl It\' th!' way u fl'mnl1• at lhl• ~am<' timC' he JTillkt•s you 11 I'. 1hnut d1•rnri.tm1t hf•r noi;i;in hat J.11• d<>t>s it for.fun-and an y· n,,. lllfli"S whn wind up In his "ht•rc from S250 nnd $5(MI u paint· I\• 11 ..t ·l'l'illni::.-itl l•>inl in\'ariably ing. l•tl"""' tin 11 hat that's look IX'tt•·r llis hats arc ch!'apt•r .• You can '"' I tni, n 1t1lnrt1 !;[11irs pranct• n round in 11 Rallar<l orig· f"lam1·~ h;1\•1I fal~1· ilil'llS' 11b<J11t anal for ~\. presents TOMMY PETERSON. .. And· His Orchestra .. FEATURING BILLIE ROGERS I SATURDAY APRIL 3RD ' · d ino-as th1•1r 111hi.rc in r!'nHlls n ·-1·r11s1 aro' not· rt\'tillahlr 111-causi:-of et'IVed hy th<' fl'dcral go\i'mm<'nl limat"d St'/l lin~ an tht-school auda· for leul'd landl the "O\'l'mm!'nt tnnum . !Jut more• lh:in 3.oc.J arc I has acquir1"<i rnr flood r on1 rul rur· •'l'flt'd t·•I tn ri1tl'ntl tht· 1>rol(ram 111 po&l'S t hr bo\\ L T ickct11 m ay he' @lairwd The law says thlll whl'n tht> go\'· tn l..llgunn !Wach 111 ln •lnl' Bowl emmt>nt tftkrs o\'f'r such.land undl ror $:!40 or ~l.20i..t11x includ«S. tfieft n-nls ·11. lfl<' coun tl<'ll lnmtvl'd Uir k !'mhh. r•rt-itidt>nl of tht> ahall gf't 25 p.•r ttnl. The· mon••)' L:1i.:un11 JH)C•"'~ 1111"' prnnt .. d "'" la to ~ spent for puhhc "'rhonl1 that thi:• ltrMdt'al't as only 11111'- and r oadl. Allotm<'nl1r mndc by half hour. nnd 1h.11 ..i lon1e1·r h1•tl1•r Kuchel lncludr'(J: Lt"' /\n~Plr!I 1>how 111 usually presc•ntr·cl in 1h1• IJ0.7'.l2 : Or ang!', $2,377: Rl\'<'rsid1·, altc•r th<'Y ar<' o rr thr lh11r lt••l<<'·hf' SU)~. "Tlwy mak1• "Comr on·in and IC't mC' make 1 • "'' "I• 11 murld .fof 'pm, rut >OU one>;' lw ofrc·n'<I. '..k '"'" an '>-1l(·n~"" Cahric, Rnd fin· W e said we'd lose our husband _ Sell It Through Classified Advertising $11.~: San ~rna~dino. Sltl,163 \ Storlin9 APRIL 4TR ·1ttE SOM ·M.~R1 and Mar\ne Hardware Will Be Open · ------'---SlJNllA YS Y · ConYenienc• For-our PIE8 • wiBAVE~~o aULFJJ or THE N.A.Y.a. • • 1•h llt• h111 Thl'n twn <lnys l:itl'r ir we t•vt•r lxounc•f'd hom1' un<l•·r SRO .... -.-.-~-- " •' ""1111· lo.ll'k a\11 wall. 'Ja~i•·r w orth o r frll mu! h·nth1•rs. •I .. 11'1 l•k•· ,,. .. ~lunk no1hini:. ur 11," n allard '" rft, ~'ti 1trn111.:h1 .ln'>prr uloni:: Viru1n:t'CI. "Wllh our S80 mode>! we 111 1111' ''""' pl.wl'~ l1nll11rd rnn-1:11arant1•1• you A n•·W husband '' ""'· h• 'ti h:I\• pkk1•d 11111 11 h111 \\llh1n thrt«' days." •li.11 ll••k1'rt hk•· '<oml'lhin~ and I ••••••••••••• • f A~ Telep4.,.J u . 8. 8. RendOft l&11a under lhl' Golden Oat) Bridle catTylnf IO AT-t plllMI for the TUrld1b Alr f'Orce. The Re.ndova la bound for tat.anbuJ and 11 flrat of three carrltr-loads U, 8. la ~ndln& TUrlle1 .. der 1lop-Communl&m·Orttlt-Turll.l.sh 111d program. Photo bJ Id • Holtman. NEA•Acme phut .. i;n.pher. -----~---------- Says Many ~tomach U leers Come From Childhood Emotional Factors LOS ANCEi.ES, A1'11I '.: 1 t 'i•1 • qd 11. ulr-rr pAll!'nt's <'motional -An rnf11111 ,,.,, ... ,1111 .. 11 111 11 1·d 11'al<1 11p ,..,1111~ in roost or th«m ._...'l'-......,...._..wu.·'-~''" hl.m • •l •·o;'" r "l " "'; "n oldrr than th•-.11· Cor man~ t'R~•, fll 1111·11 ~ .. ~ IL.. •:i11I that was-fieeausc· Qr ~1dr11·~· A l'i•rtu• ,,f t 'ltw.1i.:.,. Ii•' " tlll1·d ,, ware who would be 1111ld t h:i 1 "h"" 11!1• n!l~11••1,1 1 1nn " hkl' a mother carrll'tl 1n1u .ulul• lif•· 11nlt 111111111·" Up!Wls tlw IM·r•1111"' dli.:• ~m·1• "' HOME FROM SOUTH tf'm. "''" "'"' ni•"' ,.a..111·w1t :111<1 POLE lntcsllnnl 111<'\ ·~ v.rrf' C'llll!>t'd '" EXPLORATION 1 "' <1 l\,11l111t1 111 •• '""" uf . hnf:I 11111..: \\llh;, "'''lomrr ''I K'111W Ifs ra~hiftri11hl1• fi)r II , " 1n '" i•r tt1trt o \ i·1 111~ ''If···, "'"'' I .11 1 fu· th 'U-'n••r \\~•1nl .. n ··nut 111 1 .. : 111 . •h111i: fl,. <l1•, 11 I><·· I Ill'-" h" 111111);, ht• JO ·~tlfllH)Sl'tl In r :". t.1111 :1 d 1.iru·•· anrl h<' rould •ltt•'" th•· ult! I 111\ a lh111i: or l\\O I 11111 i;hoppini: " I la m11.:h1 fr..! 11 Ii tt h• unrom· 1 .. 11:1lilo• 1·ro\\rlNI in nmnn~ Bnl· Births Dou b1e Number of Deaths .Dbring February I S ACllAMF::"TC >. APllIL 2 -I 11·P1 flirt hs an C11lifornin d11r- 1m: tlw month 11f F'Phruarv wrrc 111•:irly rl n11ltl1• ~w nur~lwr nf ,,, a lh<;. thr s1:1t1• d1·pr1rtm1•nt or J "loin ti~ltlt 11 1•11 Ii. Th•• cl1·par1m1•n1 's ~rrtion or 1"•"1'!l'lll< 11nrl ~111 1 i<11l1·~·r1·c·ord1•d 16.· 7~'fi h1rth~ ·ind !l.:!1;1 rl•·f•lh'I Pun ni: 1111· <;11m1• p..r1c.d, 6.2'23 """Jiii's w1•r1• m:irri<'d. 'I ht• rl'port1 ~11id - Thi• rlrp11rtm1·n1 rt'tY>rtr•<l it w.,~ 1.11:->C BFAl'll. Cal.. April :! 1111r•mptmi: to h:t\''. lor.11 hl'nlth l'motl11nnl Cur111r' uni.:1n11tini.: 1n chlldho(lcl I • ~'hill• •l<'C'ffl,,, f'Hll I C"lllTN'I tho• caus.-~ or ulc, r"<. h1• i;n1d, 1 h,..v ran 11u crrs"rull) t.r ra1 th•·m hy r11ttini.: I.he nl'f\'t•s f.rom the hreln 10 tb•· 1tomach or 1:ivinR 1lrui.:~ I hn I p.:11 ;i. tyi~· thl' 111om:u h n1•1"'' llr f'or11~. rtl'M"telrill' d anacal proC1'1!!1or 111 l lnl\ l'rsaty nf 11~1~. , 11·1•1 Th 1• Navnl lcebreakf'r <lf'p:irtnH'nts ""'"IT!" thl" r"sponi11- t' '-' :-; l ;111 l"n J<.l11nd Wfl!l home IU· htliry or fl'f'Or<linl( hirths find I ti " IT·•111 f .. \1r nml a hAlt months rh»1H1<; in arl':1s "hf're some> other m llw AAtarct1c .1'1 a Ooallnl b;,sc agrncy no w d04•5 lhl' job. The d<'-1 tnT Solllh Pol" t·X1>loratlon1. rnrtmf'nt fl'lt It\<' j6b could hl'ttl'r l Titr ship trnvc•llrd ~.000 mijrs, l hi' don1· that wny hccnllSI' tuhu· I I.OU or th1•m an lht• Antarctic. I lntion nnd analy11i11 qf illn<'S<t 11n<l Shi' ~111 undPrJ:u repairs ror"twfl t11•ath is thf' ha~1c \vork of nny months hr rt>. , h• :t11 h d1•µartmC'n t. , ----------- Newport Harbor Headquarters- 1%05 Oout mway. BMeon' Mal Newport lleeda, Calli. Casino Cafe Ml---- C o c Hai I lounge * Serving Complete l UNCH ES ... ancl D+NNERS * 2oi Main St. Balboa, -Calif. l ess starting fuss ~ 9eanJ1 and compleuly, keeps couly, wuttlul cuboa a • bed-rock minimum: • TAl~QRED FOR ----1 DllSEL ENGINES I· 'I I, I I . I; A Sto11dord of Collfornlo Product II , . I ~-------------~---=-----·· Clayto~ Tilompson WIM"JJ.11COM1-ulee DWrlbau. S...PboeelOM c ____ Graitd Opening Saturday, April 3rd ' I UNION 76 --. 7600 GASOLINE "f I R EST 0 N E T I R E S • TRITOI MOTOR OIL . Stan HOWARD Union Oil Station, Cor-ona eo. SIPEL Collcftte \\'ork • McCLELLAN & SONS Exra utlni 414 Coast Highway at Narcissus "\. G. B. BARNARD GEO. MASON llistrihufor (ln.lon OllProdurtA l'a\in~ ' Free Garderiias • to the '. Ladies Gene . Standley . I del Meir : HARRY T~ YLOR Phunbhlg • ., Ship ~ O'}KLA The 4"'!1Y --- l *' * *' You ca quality ID.fonnE wnice Sc -I -cc 810 ~ c: T I 1' aip 1D0cks With Bodies of Americans I Pare~t-Teachers I ~KLANo. Apn1 2. -.1 u\>) ~1. docks ... oc111~ w11h 1he bodi'"' o1 Head Raps House ~ anny lnlruJJOrl l londll Knot 11~0 ,\Jlwrtcun· World Wllr 11 dt•Hd I p . Balbo r ==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;==;,.;.-from ftAo ~nbbean. e anama and arties at 8 t t' . "(:( Purity "(:( Accuracy "(:( Dependability >U can be 8W'e of first iaJ.Jty drug suppUes, wftl. formed an d oourteous n ·toe ln our &~ftl8. - .A ~r1111h AmC'rtC'll. 1 I I laJf of tht" boc:h~ w.•1 ... fllaCt'<i 1.1\tn.. J~a.ib S. Uools. 111\••ul.·111 1111\>Hrd 111 C\Jha. Put•rtto Rim nmt of 1,,.,~ Angc·k s' Tl'nth 1h•t11t'I "' l?lmsllu1 Tiw o tlwr" C'ao11• ft\Jm l~llrl't1t ·Tl'1t<'h1•rs \t•sterdo\' hi1 at the-Ca1111I ,;.wn..o, Ccnu:aLurid South u~dtnJl('rynt'<I ,.,;c;111on h11~s.· \>.1r· America. j ties itt ll:.illl<.){I~ {!C'rordmi; ••• an ttt. t S p<'C'ial i;;:>l"\'1&'£'S honoring th<'m lll'lt• writ r.•n ltv C1tffihn1• \\'11lk1•r ' will be ht•IJ a t Oakland am1y base. m th•' Los Ang~h·~ lll'raltl und t:,,. ' "-I t>n:'SS. -1 FederaT Rent Director · · Mr.-ltook i.pol<lat trw dis1m :1'ii 1 Immune to Suit nnnual t•om·l'nt1on at wa~hmi;1o1n I llrgh smool. C'lllC"AGO t l'Pl Ttn11nts C'lln-"No L<>t-An.:t>lt·~ rvuth "11' not sue tht' frdrral rl'nl dirl'ctor J111ll'd 111 llalhoa ctun ni: 1h•• rnra· for eppr o\'ini: l'l'nt lncr<·asl's undl'r tlon. but st•ml' of 1h11~ from a .tedN"al rourt i:ulinii n£'lghbortng 1'llh'', Wl'n·:· >Jurl ~lr- U S . Distrk t Judi;;P P hilip L . Houk. "Onl' "'"" arl't'"lt'<I for Sulllvan mode the ruling whl'n 32 pt'(ldhf)I: m 11njuan11 Thrrt' wn' t.<'nunts lndudcd 1ht' rC'n1 orn rioting in th«' strc.•ts a t night nncl direC'tor, N9 rman Shogrl'n, as 11 many wc-re~rrl'ctlMr.' d<'fl'ndanJ in their suit against "Mnlhl'rs o f rll'ntl'ntnry r hilrtn-n a landlord for $16,000. ~hould prl'111tr<' thl'rr yo1ini:~11·n; Shogrrn wM lncludl'd on tM for wholt'somc-\'AC'atlon ~C'tivitit•s. ground thnt hr had 11pprovl'd e 20 1 II ljj not a necl'ssary pllrt 0£ on~ pl'r ttnt r r nt lncrl'aae. "Thi• 111tll ~luC'atlt'ln lo ~1wnd an Easter w~k WM hrough1 1111ains1 the land lord at B:llboft. Perh1tp.: thl' p I' o p I r on C'h11rges thAt m aid sl'rvlct' had th('!'\' wtll ha\'l' to stop rt'nt 1111.: ~n cUt off 1n thr hmldmt.: room~ 10 um1C'rompanil'd yuuni:- 1 Judge S ulli\'an ord..red the ll'n· stcrs." M rs. ltook nid 11nts to fill' 11 new Cl\ll#. leaving lw>ca11~1· of what ~hi' termt>d di~­ out Shogrl'n'g namr as 8 defendant. i:raC'eful e\·cnti-whl<'h l ook pllll'I' !II Balboa rturing tho' t:11stl'r \'II· 1 l'Btio n, Mrs !look 8fllJl'nf1•d ltl mnth"r' not to pt'rmlt thC'ir high I , o;('hnol :.onl'< 11nd d11ui;:ht1•1-,. Jn ut· t1•nd' unchaµ1•ronl'd how.t• pa1111•-. 2.14 VALUI ·Coal-Supply Dwindles .. .. S ff ·~t.:WPORT BAI.DOA NEW8 -TIME8. p ,,_ ta S&t< Shorb ... , ... U ' s""''°" ....... C'alU. .,.,.... '· ,.... age @ I s~ys . . • • I Santa Ana -Conege .,~tr=-.--=~=-=· =-====t\ \rn' .... , " a •Li• : I q ''1"'111'1 s'" tudent wr· t' W-4 • , ........ ,, . ' ,,.,. , •. ,,. "' .. r '"" noer 0 l ,\111" ''· 1t·~111 .. r ''u" 111 .. r-: ... l('r,oa, )-' t d J ·c,,J,'4-,,.~ ..... 1 •1,,, I ....... 1, ... n •. , " .~~on.: -ionu~s ea I • '' • ... .-.t f • '' ·•f 11 nuh t • ,.~ I A ". '" • •' ' ••1111 t•I '' •1 H•1h l• l••r S 1111111 t\11.1 , • .,11,•1111 '111111•111 . !'HUI ' •• . • .......... I .1 ... w 11\ UI •• I .... , •. ,. II \1110'\ "·" 1~· ... 11 1111111•11111•111 "'J . 11 I II " 14 ~"'""' •• , II J _\l(ll'.i l ~ ....... If, Sh11kt•J1p1'tt<t• \\ r111•1 II hnt~tlpon "... • .. "I ... 'I I , I h••1tw•••·111I 111 1lw l ' .. s Hl't·J1111111 I I' hn t nwnt 1lt1th ~hl11 our ~!olllr .. ,, ~'. '" '' ••• .t "tu •h••r Utt• t ( t • • 1 .... "'J"t'"" 0 1, ,,1 '"· ''"" .,f 1"'" •111~··"'' l''""l··-J~1 ,.,,,.,,.,, •"'< · .~ · \\1• k1111w. Ahnlonc '"· , • II I I . ,, ::-;· •• ., ... "·''I' ·~·<'II :\111··~ ' llltllh' \\It• ...... ,,, I<! I ~"'""· ,., $1 •l?l II pn11nd. ., 1 1 , , rh \I "' ·'" n r r.•111 :_17;,7 "'"'""11111 , 1111 i\ "h11ll1· r11r 11 l11rlr of our ac-l • • • , \\ " •rt '" l" .• , ,, , ~ • • 1 I · h Ill II I I I I II \\ ''' ''' \\ 111 11 '"'''' ""' 111, '"'""' 111111°11 """''· 111 ,.. sµruna on rr '' l. t "°'" l .\ • t t.tft "I t>~-·th~ r ,.., 111 ..... ,r-•h•rr , 1 "''" h .;r'"'"'' 1~ •11•1111 '" 111 tho• t ·,.l'~""'k l ~o) 111 ,.,1• ll":ilt wlnfl•r 11m111: all """"' , .. r, .,..... " '"' r ... , lhnl ,, " .. """') ,,, Kl1\ltIBlh ~.11 •. llr\'.,'llfl n 111ll11 ll"il wrllrr II frllow or " 1 .,, . 1 1 1 . I Mn <') h,,,. nln •uol) t.•fl 11• tnl-.i• lnfl.nlt1•1<l11111I \'Rrh•tr . • L; r t' u "h n 1 14• wn, 11 ~ re·· . .. "' h '"' 11 1 '"'"'''" ,,f mi.nknMt "''"''I:•'"' fu,. 111'•'1"'' t) mul '"I''" TlllS "'t"lrt\'., A 8 11111t11y 1upe1ll"- •>!Aln•• 11111,1,,n "''h'"'' 111,.111 w o• 1111~' '" fll11n1 11 l'prl1111 t'n•p m t·nt "llh 7.f'ltlO,lltlO r lri'Ulallon , " ,11,, 11, ti rt.': ,\rm\ "' I '~•l•'<l J t 1H111·i1lr•11t11ll~. l\111•') will 11,.,. 111<k•·l1 ltlllll) "°"'''' ... 111 lltalt', fnr -.1 , " 1 1 1 ''"" '"'•· mll1•' ''""" hi• "fln1tlll'r 1•11hllr11th1n 1-'11111 .. r m11rnl1111 what • • • ~ ~ , • ..., tf'h \\ ,, .,._, IUl \\ I . I ' t I I I I 1111111 Mm·, "hu wn, u "'"'"' ,.,., ... llM111:h1 "1111 ''Thr Crt•at~lt 1 " d f '•' f •rtllft "W"\'•1n1 h l nttt\4" ''•'lht "'UUU'f Hl l!l-H\ •1 ' • •, •• • ' I . II ...... ,.I'""' Ill lll•llllllh•IU. . ,. '"''Ill l I( "" flm" n11'y Wl'l'C' • •n ,\""' I•,, ", •'ltn rc-.·H ll • tt1 l111111:ln>' lllf'tn1t••l\'1•11 v;tth' on1t "1111 '" .... .w.1 ~r '"""t·· ,.11 ,,,.. TOMMY PETERSON ~tr1l' "' rn111 to 1~oh1ttrsph th•&r Anlo n """ .\rn1 ..... 111 ••llr ·~"'' hi•· t FEATURED B ~No • 1:r1·,..1 .. ~1 1111m11•n t ' 1i10111ht-pro-··~' TI1o t 'o1r1lln••n1.ol Arnt), tho• I'\ 1 \'ol111111 nn1t~1·r11 inrhutMl lhe Land· "'"' "' 1-.t: 1h. Ar n1' 1•f tti.•1 AT RENDEZVOUS 1111: 1111 tlw Ark. fti•lfo••• romlns I \1, '"an \\ ,, lb" l "mon Ann\ ,1f • ''""'" frnm th•• Mo untain with thfo 111• ''' ol \\ .u t h. .\rm\ ,.f t h• Tnmnw 1'1•t1·n•un "'ut his urdll'!I.· 'l'i•n t 'n11111111111l11w 11l11. '1111• Natlvtty, \\ •• ",.,. -"!"-"" th.· Arni\ ,,1 •rri m1· r•t1m11111 '" tlw 111.111,,.,,.,11, ':ilrl•I With 1111' 1''111hrrmrn, the 1 "•·t lol \\ ,, I ''"" '"" i\r nn ,,1 h"lln111o111 111 llnlh..,, t11111111r 1m ~··1 1111111 "'' llu• Mo11nl. thr C"rurl· \\ ,., 1,1 \\ ".II \\, "" 11 11,.1 RI 111.:hl. Apnl :1 · ~ ' fhlo>n. flu• tt .. .i11·r.•11tt11n. thr SIKn· •· • •1·1 ,,, •' '"' ,,,, itw•u '""'"b l'•·t•·r .. 011·.~ oHmh1111111o111 " '''Ill 111111 ••I 1'>1"111111 ('11r t11 and 11\e Ot'c- .,,,. •• ... t• ''" \1 "''"' '''"' '"' l""''•t ''' 1111111 .. 11·11 ~111""'"" I rum l11r11t11111 "' l111l1•11rnrlf'111¥ A •trlk· • ltl• .. h· .t .11ul ''' • .1 tJ 1 •rult•d d l"'-l•ontt• •I iu 1•lw-.itt r•r. I '.-l1•11t1t1\ 11\t! t•h:•1•~' l'tUtH' (ron\ rhntOKrA• .... ,.1. • "' ,,.,.11, 1 ,,.,, '"''•"""I htm si•lr, i>fl•·n ~,.1,,..,. wr!li 1,1111.,,·11•h1•r \''""r•I .I Stro•khrn: '"Ille : • '" •I·••" nu~ ""'' tlw ,\ri11 lln1111"t , ll1•r1111111 111111 T Ti:ir•~') '1 ~1l1•l 1111o "''"r llu• l.onl h111 1ald. I ...._ I I ~·I I h"ll' lo" lii.:ht' " • .. "'" \\ ff• I ... \ ••• '•'\ ..... , ... , 111• II 111~·11 Ill "" Ollll'•llllo:hl ~1111111 l1••',""·"'"': .. ,1,,,1n11w<ot1Ct•·"''"''" ""h 11•\'t•ly llllly lt10)t1•r11 ltt1 I S1•m1·1•11" 11t .. 1111ht It nt'i"l'Uary 'f llfo,, 1(1111'°'' \\'llh lh• l .. ounln· mt.: thr VOl'All • lt1 ll~k tfll" Wt'f•k 'll '11r1•1tlrt1I fnc>-l--1tu.!'1.th~ n t !_h•) ..K••" I·• r·~i•llrrft 11\l'nl' 11111111t11m 11f A frw 'wtta'- •lro n.:rh lhoH.:h ,,.,, "'''""''' M h . --flUJU.••J• -ill\'-'' l'l•o Two. o1 l.lw , .. ,h do 1 ... ) .• .,.1 • rroor ot .. Would Continue Mll•W•·t• W••rt• "A plrlUN' nf Kina -- tin Arm) , .,., ,,..., l~ h.oftt>f" 11 .. ' w ..... Time BebJ Parkins I •11\ Ith I..... \\ ht•n hr 101 hla nm \·1111t . t..,.. t .. n ~ rnlummo "' llr"t"I' "' llrl11h'11 wlh'." and "U. rn.1rt'l11n.: 1tnd ndmi: m. n. th.194' llt:"rRO IT t 1'1'1 Mnlhrnr who l1111k 011 l'h11r1t1m'1 faN' wtwon .. ··lnud~ e>f fhlni.: mrn. •It<' rnmr had to hA\'t' " J>l•N· lo l)Ark Junior 111111.ihto•r hr11111tht ITI t~,. lntUlt WHAT PEOPLF. ARE READINO i pt'l'Mllml 111 ,.t.t.111, "•·r o"thr '™"'' tn•·n '''') '"'' ,.f 1tw :i.n11 .. n "hllo• lh"Y "t1rko'(I In W1tr·lllTW' MnAf'tl 11nrl toht thr Pharaoh a1w , C A 1UP1 _ Thl' Aml'~i-1~ l11r m 1!117 I li1Ctorr. uf trn •tin Arm\ ltlli• tt.•f••n.,. ttl11nt11• •I 111 flml 11 11 hoon luund thr baby In llOf'IW bun. EIDUlllCE ;,.._-t--ffovH-JtGlat_ I ... ,...,....._ ........ ..._ .... ............. :.:.:~. ·1~ ....... ~ .. ~..:.·-=:· . ..... ,. , ... . ···•··· .......... -..... ...,...-. •cat. -- COAST CONTRACTORS SUPPLY lO OOAST IDGBW AY .. NEWPORT BEACH USE GLIDDEN PAINTS TO PROl'ECT NUI Beautily Your Home ~~!!~~s New 1948 Patterm GARDEN Ii PATIO Fumlture -.r-.omoo 8~ BEACH UMBRELLAS FRfE ESTIMATES ·-Phone 980 Santa Ana Tent & A~ng Co. 1626 So. Mahl St. QualJtJ _. aemc. S&-1no • • TO THE HOME -OF YOUR DREAMS 111 ""' thr "'""' M'rvlcr • frw ru1hr11 " can Library Auoctallon aays lion hlenk~ as 1 h•') "'nuld a dru.: annual 11.frvey of the nation'• ttad· or 11 ~'<1111 "" llook' on atorruc Ing rr,t'nda rt•veal thRt books about t'IWT'I!) "•·r•· in llttl•· d<-mnnd Opening SATURDAY, APRIL 3 arhM'\'rtnrnt• M lhr l.1·" 1~ and c 1.trk •:•1•-di1...... th.• """'''WTinir foun& .. t l :l n111·.,.•ry 11·hool11 for !Sf.. 1 nf ¥•·1111 ...... ,, r, 1hr hrnldin1 of ,,.,.... plltnl WMkrn u an t'tnrr· ltw Panama ('anal. lhf'. n>nl&rk· l t'nry war m r s1ur1• Thr dr!'Mlrl· j 11hlr ""'~"' nf ,.,.1,.1ion ""'" It'• nwnt ff'f'la ttw rmrrar""y 11 OW1' •U<'C'W'9 10 (IUr Ami). fl"•>ttrt"N In 1tnd "'""'" lo rlOM' th• !i<-hoola. hut ,.,...,m un u-:.1u1m . rdUOlltun. In· thfo. mo thrne ArP fhlhllnte thr movr I t1°1'-1n,.1 1·t.. nu,lr). and of <'durw Mo1h4"', II """"'· workrd hard ••"1 1\ ~ , "f'l'r unt·nh in Atllfnk for JM'•<'f'. and n ow •hi' want• 10 !"'''", r •ll<t ''"'"!fl rl\Jl•y 11 for A 1YM1ph• of houn •A flRy lln)'WA)I ·nu" •·· , ... n ...... '""' our Army "''""" "" " ,.. f"Jnt "' 1111• N All11n Onr nf 'Thr GN-•INI Monwnta ~.!1,-.::-w:Ul-be wt.ea a..... bralnt'd humorl•I• are NOT ln- vltrd In urtrr rht'ap wl1u1U.. for prlntlll_J: 1111 Jt;utrr rYMWnlnc, tit thr flrld nfMan'• lnaprauGn ant rcutdH In «itrtitlny.-t •. A. W . Two And on«'*quartrr tlmee M m any Amrrlr t1na dlt'd from ~ t111rl• World War II, u wwe k lllN.1 In I ht' amwd farcii. GENE ' s ------IL-"'!!!' n11tk•· """" l1t'f lr r lnn<t It l110tt ..,~ .. -. ..... ' iirn.rr~ lat"I "' ho Ito \ 1 I'-10 1&.•fTl<w·r11ry ~ • _ \\, '"" ..... t h;ol t h•• Arm\' h 1111 DEPENDABLE ·- P 1.,. n '1Uol '" 1• """ "" "''II ·a~ to "'"' •\nt1) ll.1) '" ltw n nn 1 .. •,·ruhon C AF E • • r.~ r1-m1nd1ni: riltrr'n • hulh In • 1nld '"'' of •1n1f,_.;:,, of thnt fnrt Arm~ 1>11y '5 11lv. • d11y tu rr · "''""''""" 1ho-m 1hlary ....,4., t•f , Amo n o 1 lu.-• ftl'P•l polt>nllal of Corona del Mar 705-21 Coast Highway EVERYTHING !\EW! 1 dJ-,,e,.cl. OMJ J~Juu, ~Uuul!U. Prepared by Ad olf ,, formerly of th e Beverly Hills and Ambassador Hotels. Tea and Pastries Every Afternoon r Lunche<ins hy AppointfT!ent "'nr •1111 •·:t11s111 In lht' WOt"lcl ,\II 1,'"' nt1 n11~1 fa<"r• thr J1"P'I· ' '"' ,,,,.,,,, m' '''"' ronr''"'f , ..... "' fh• \ mu,r 1.u••. fir"'t. ho" to r"tl· •11lih·I~ l)l .. rn.1.-hln•" '•lu1·l1 will :.'''" • &• 1 n •. .,.,·nt ,,..,.,""r. u rul. •~~.-. .. ·-• '"" .. ,..,.11~ 1mf•""'""' !hr '""'''''"' "' "'""''"'"'"It '"" n11h .,,, ,,, •. , ···h "' ft• t 'ru t.-1 S tu1•·' •u•••I u.. thr• ·•' of "' ,, t• '" t..-~ n • hro1n •'••I f h• ... • ttn•t 1•r .. t1l••1u is •r1v , .. ,, tl•I• h um lh•· hr'lt. fur . 'I , ... " n t • nh.11 -.·'l""u 11:'1:1; A l'>H:n. If',\ f"A!\o 1n :MAl!'I: A rt:Af'Y.: f-1 '1 \\fHH t 'A f • ... ,,.,... r ''nk•"" ftf1 ft1•· tt\••r .. tc•'. ••n• •.UI ••f • \t•f"" IY.H fRn)1lh .. . * * * As Clo•• As Your Telephone Avala.ble Now GENERAL.ELECTRIC Refri9er a tors Flatplete Ironers Electric Ranges Electric Washers Automatic Blen~eh Electric .Sinh Rotary Ironer• Home Freenn Vacuum Cleanet1 #Weter Heeten .. v--.._...._.;~:.i.a--4till-..._ ______ innem to IO p. m. J . * PHONE HARBOR 1102 * l.ITILE MAN WHAT NOW?-Garbage Dispose 1• ~ --a.pue.-.r'*'m.,...•'K't-~1ct.=n--1 ___ _:..., • Individual Designs of Distinction -Modem:-t.itdition~I -Conruteti~ut Farmhouse f' • Outdoor Living· at its Best • Trees and Landscaping ~ Restricted Community _ • Convenient' to Schools and Shopping District • G. I. Approved • Prices from Approximately $8250 to $15,050 ------· •Easily Financed to Meet Every Need WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT Tl* FIRST SHOWING OF A B~AUTIFUL PERIOD HOME • -OPEN I 0 A. M. TO 4 P. M.- ... TA.YLOR--·HUTCHINS BUILDERS 15th and Irvine !'EWPORT BEACH Beacon 5794 I -. ~ Designed byL .. ACKERMAN for Outdoor LIVABILITY 'nu>ae ....U. wW ..,... bell~ cMrcc.I broiled oa • new "Sant.a f"e" Ba.rbec9e. It I.I ntlt.Om made by • Arltrrm•• tram altrac Uve two tone br1rk. with ~l·I• comf>lnaUon pl.Ale an•I m·~ crflJe for brolltng or tryln1. !'<n mn11rr ho• amaD yciur outdoor IJvtng arrn I•. "'' wtU de- algn or bulld to y1,ur 'i •· of•C'•tl"'11 • a bar~,. 10 m~I y ,, u r r,..1ulremH1U ~l ...ady now tor sun1rn•·r llvtna. -- .... ,, '-··-~ ...,, ' BEAUTY •. PRIV A€Y • ~PROTECTION ,..,. ... iii Yow CKt.leve aft ~ wfth the new "Adi_._ • ...., relnfor~ c.onc:,.... •-· It --*--l)"«*tlwtfw bodr· • ~---Olad ....... r-~ ~ .. ~ 0.-,... .... Offen pt<Mc:... tor ocW<.. .... ...... .,.,, A.cir~ ,.... .......... °" botli ,;ct.., .c» "',_..,. or po-. Ond bvfh ID of-a ....,.. of Mn'b aftd IOtf1fao' hcM. The initlal c..e .. ... °""" ~­ -, INCINERATORS • O OTHES POLES • CHAIN.~ FENCING THE ACKERMAN COMPANY 233()-23-'2 SOUTH MAIN SAN1A ANA PHONE 17~ • I Electric Kitchen• end Cebinefi ~ llDO ELECtRIC-00 ,· .. , . . ,.,.. ,...,, .... " -. f . Ill OOAAT HIWAY -AT '1111: AIMlmUI PRO NE llltAtlON 6611 ACQUISITION OF CHINA COVE r AS' A PUBLIC BEACH Thr ('lflrA•mi of N,.wport B.:M:h .,.., beta~ offf'rNI th,. opportunlf) t.o M'ffUIN! M a publla tNllU'h clr llghUul ('hlnft. ('ovr 1tt 1M1 C'llll'lt. to t.M l&XfMl)f'f"'. .. •~ It now tlhouf flmr Uu\C ""· th,. ('IUu 1111 of !\'1•w1"1rt l"°a.1'11, for fhf' "ltkr of oul"N'IVM. . "' our d1llilrt·n lll!cl thf'lr d1ilclN'n put Mkl8 any c an1I all 1w•U) f1u·tl11n11I cllffrN'n....,. and "'hoifo- h•·Mrti.-.11,\ Nnhnu.,.. lhl~ 1111portunlty ti> l'f't&ln for 1mtlllf· ...... Uu• IWll of our unlmprovf'd 111UO ' 1r·/':·tr f'11hll•· lt1•arln1. t 11. m .. Mond•)', /\11rll I\, al Vil) llaU, Newporl r- '1 . ... -· .· .. ~ • 1 -. •• .. Marketa at a Glanee • • • Am nl It ~I 150 CanadlaA Pacl1ic 12 Dupoo\. ---·----lH h General Moc or-. 55 ~ OoodyHr , , 41 ~ 1<8\MCOt t ~1 ._ Sffn -37 Sq. Cal EdkoOll Stand3rd 011 \I S S ceel BJllTHfl I• f ,. Lions Club Comes Out With 'China Cove Endorsement • B11tl10a U 1J)' Lions c \11h Wrrln• dso> he<u·cJ Wallace Durtvn out- Wl~Pt:Kl~C Tr) Mr 11nd Mrti lln•· thf· 11ru1w•iwd l•lnn fc1r r rl'al· Onnald ~·~tong, l~J() ("hurc:h.St lni;: n >ln tc 1111rk. tn rl'"•rt hnck (°a!'lla !\11'5~. m S1 Jos• ph tu~· 11ntl1·r <'II.> l1•1t.«1•, In f'hma C'm·r. Jlllal. ~1nn-h 31 . I~~ " d1rni;ht1•r llurtun" 111lk "'"' m1m1·1h.1t.•I) 11.l· 7 ltl!ll 1o1 nz 111111.o·rl hy 11 n·~r1lut11m 111 \\h1rh l•h""' '"'' d · 111 fa.\ •r t1f 1111111• IUi'· PL\TllS 1111111 "' th·· c '111111·"· ('II\•' ··~ ill"· • q111•1t111n "' tit•• J.11111 hy lh•• '' 111• · 8 ) UnUt-.1 P reNI Tl I• l:'-1 r:-• >:0-I ;, ... Tio!•' .. ""><><I. t •I In 111"''1-'1"11 111 I 111' Ill\ C!il ··ti STOCKS trr<'ltUlllr in qu11•1 trnd· 1 Pi<-.1 Thur~da' mt1r11tn1: ;d 11 h .. s. 1'"'"'"111' •ii 1111• 1•n\I' 1,11111~ w1·rl' b\r. pltnl In Sl\n f\q nnrchnr> !11• ";" 1111 I,, 11r 11r 1111. ~ •. 1,., 111,n ,,f 111:ct1·h· I ,t 11 .. t I\•' 11( R•w0k\'tll1 :\tu nnd h<td BONDS 1rno~"Ul.111) htg}wr , l ' 1 -.1 r I I 1'.l . t int.: l"''t"•rt1•'' t.. 1111: l•·ll '" 1t11 ·~·· S. pem11wntJ IM't'gulor. I "'( t1 1" ~ 1 "r"t1 · >";•r~ /\ ~ ~~·-1•1r111uw,.r••tl '1(1 11111k1· ,uc·h ~,.J,.r· CURB Ix.Inds im •gular. ::", .. "'"'' ., r. '',', 11 '1"~'. Ill. ''11 """' Th•~' 1!1•r1•lt·rf 111.11 1h"r"· .-.s ,.1•r >Ir•"'' °"t.1 .... sa .1nf I I J I I SILVER unchanlf'od in I" Y. 111 "II> 11 rm ml~•r 111 \lo~t;J ~h·li:\ 1:11r! ln1: 1111 I'" 1111 111 "l"'I" '"' n 7•%c .a ftll(' ounce. · C"llmmunit . diurc·h. ('r~. lhl' ,.,,,,, "'1111'11 I•" ,1 l'I\ ir 11n · WHEAT futures cl~'<l o(I ~.r > 11rnvc·m1•nl 111111 111 hn1• wit h 1tw to up ,.c . CQR.-.; off 2 to Jc ., .111' I~ 1urv1v"d h> hi .. .,.,r.,, lk•t•t ·I L111n~ Jl(illey 11r ""l""'''rtt••lll~ l••r OATS oU "' to k . n M• l'.""I> daui.:hl••rs. 11.>vc·rl) nnd t ho· t-r.·ttl'lit HI tlu 111,1Jutlt}' HOGS ~. l.00 l<M't!'r • l rmh Anrl on" son , \-t'<•rl(I' f"rnnk· CAni..£ and SllEEP 11tc-atJ). hn ThompM>n. Approx11n11lcly :l~~, t ~1 tt•" ''""''S ---I S.·r n l"'MI will ,,.. h••ld Soturdn)' 11f c·111u·•·r ·ti•' 11l.•~:1111<1•d ... wit }•'ltr LIDO ISLE ASSN. TO MEET APRU. Let Thr rf'gular annual meetiJw or r tw mc·mt>t•n of the Udo hie Ccmi. niuntt~ aslW(.'1a1ion w\11 be held at ttw L1d11 1~1t· ClubhOuae Saturday Awtl TO, at '2 :09 o'clock ln ~ .1rternoon Th•• 11w<-1 m& will be held for th{• vur~·· u( electing 0dir~ Judtr. Clerk: a.a: MflAise M Perduyn Georsette M. Cort Doll)'. Speara ~ PRF.CINC'I' KO. I r.o&lblr "-: Waltz's Gtu"a1e t \311 t:. Central . RAll>oa f:l....U-Offtftn lnrt,.,,.1ur: Harold Ahrendt Ju1lr•' Mollie Fenelon <1• 1 k Margaret WUson ; PUBLIC NOTICES l1•·rk Elizabeth Waltz • • PRECINCT NO. I Rf:1'0U "TION NO. 151' r olllnr J'llM'e: --Fir• Station 1u :si 11.l!TJON OF THE CITY 3~i :'-lnrine c fit''l;CJL OF THE CITY OF 11.1lhoa Island "iEWPORT BEACH APPOINT-I F.ll't'Uoa Offk:en lf'C; F:I.F:rrtON OFFlCERS l11•1••l'tor: W11imn H. Fawcett A'."lJ PESIGNATING POLL-Ju<hl<'· Doris M. Powera INC; Pl.ACES FOR TifE MU-l'l1·rk Holen C. Durkee :-ZtrlPAL ELJ:;CTION TO 13E C'lt•rk. 'Vlol(j A. Watson • m :LD I N TUE c;'ITY OF NF.\\'· 1 PRECINCT NOt '7 POR'f RF,ACH ON TUESDAY, r"lllnJ PIM'e: 'tin: 1:\TJI DAY OF APRIL. S•.1nll'y's Real' Estate Office 194R. Al"D PROVIDING FOR ' 61'i Coast Blvd 'nlf,;. OPENING ANO CLOS-rc:run1t del M~ ING OF TIIE POLLS AND • T II E COMPENSATION 0 F. • Elrcttoo omcen F:LE<-l10N f'lFTICERS. I IMt~·clor: Flor{'ncc Anderson J1uh:<'. Martha G. Kendall WllEJtEAS, 7 Ii necaaary 1:1,rk: Grace !"ustard Judie: Beu.le L . Bt'nedict CSerlc:~ Nora M, SU. PuaL1c Nonca Oerk: Mildred Wl18on NOTlm • BE IT FUR'Mi.E'R RESOLVED: That each of aekl elfftJon offleen ~'!"VITINO A&ALED PllOP08AL8 above designated be pald the awn Cll'V OP 1''EWl'O•T lll!ACB of $7.50 u fuU compenaatloo for / STATE or €:ALWOL~ their serYi~ lo cooductlna aald __ munlclpa'i ele<.-tion to be held on SF.ALED PROPOSALS ~It be 'J'ucad&y, the 13th day of Aprn, roet"lved at the office of the City 1s;:E IT FURTIIER RESOLVED: Clerk. City Hall. City of Newport That the polls shall be o;_._n at Sf'ach, California. u n Ii I 4:00 .,.. o'clock P. M. on Ar>ril 12. J!MS. sl~ o'clock A-: M. of said day, and al which llmt.' thcy wlll be publicly ht• kepi opcm continuously until opened and' read. for pc>rforming seven o'clock P. M. thereof, when work as follows: • the Jtolls shall bc closed. Furnishing a nd installing BE IT FUR'M.JER RESOLVED: Vcnl'tlan Blmds in the New That the voting precincts as t.'S· Municipal Off!Cf' Building .. O ty tablished hy th{' llourd or Super-of Newport Beach, in acrorcl- vi~rs of the County of Orange ance with plans and spccilka- shall constitute the voting pre-lions on me in. the office of the cincts !or the municipal elcellon Cit y Administrative Officer . • II W allaee Calderhead llANUF ACTURJNG n:WEu:ll 817 OOAST JUGHWAY OORONA DEL KAR. CALIF. Sl-22tc LANDSCAPING 20 Yean~ Old It New Hemes MR. C. L. GEORGE BEACON 5'19 "'3J..22t4 COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New· and Repaif to be held in the• City of New· No Bids will be received unless J)ort Be.ach on Tuesday, the 13th it la mndc on a Proposal F 0 rm day of April. 1948, said votip& furnished by thl' Cily Admlnistra· precincts to be numbered One Ill tlve Officer. Each bid must be to Thirteen I 13) inclusive, and accompanied by (cash, cashier'• For Rent - shall be designated In all proceed· chttk, or bidder's bond) made ings herein as "Precinct." payable to lhc City of NC1"'POl"t HOUlf' or Apt. nn June 15th H.M.LANE RE.AL ESTATE l-hert>by certify that .the above Beach for an amount equal to and foregoing Resolution was duJy at lt'n.~t ton n or;.) percent of and regular?' p111sed and adopted the amount bid. such guaranty 2006 C.our1 Aw-. lly the City Council of the City 10 be forfeited should the bidder Near Newport Pier .. •mdl'r I he law for the C1ty Couft.1 ( l~rk J •Max me Chamberlain • r1I uf the l'ity of Newport Beach PRE< INCT NO. 8 Pollloc PIM"e: Orw out of ~very tiv~ Pf'f'SO"l l"' "J. )1 m In Gra0t•I t'hll('W'I wllh in lhl~ c•ounlr)o now alive In tl\4' United Stat<'11, th•· n,.,, .ltN'Jlh Thumr....,..1111llftl·1a1- wU1 ha\'t' cancer at sune timt' ln In!{ nnd 1ntrrmt·nl "'II 111.• 1n West· Sc.nch 1111•'. ,.a.n oua lll.t<1, oa Na lilt'. nunstt-r ~tnnorial Jlark lRI · 111 tt,,. 1'1·w.-Tinw .. of Newport Beach at a regular to whom the contract is awarded Established S~ 1920 mcctlng thereof held on the 22nd fall to cntcr _into the contract. S.tfc FAMED CHEF To PRESIDE. AT COM R£STAU RANT It• a pix•inl Boards of Election and Etwll Cl uh "' ''"'11:n11te thl' Polling pla°" for r.i· W C• 1 th1· muntcipal <·le<'.lion to be held ·~ ;ho cn tra m the City or !'{'wport Bearh on • :i n day of March , I94a. bY. the fol· Th,. C'ity Coimcll of the City of lowing vote, to-wit: ,.:cwporl fkoach rt>S<'rvea the r ight PEIL90NAL It A,YF.S. COUNCILMEN: Allen to rcject any and aJI bids and to p bl S • Siler. Robertson, Reed. "aivo any ,informality ln a bid ll iC tenographer .. T11t'!ldR)'. tht• l:llf1 dloy of April, EIH-llna Offlctt11 ~·a Caltt, 705 Coaat hlch•·ayr • : ',f. Ccrona del Mar ,wUI op!'ft Satur· ~ • • ___ ._ ~ ARriJ l . I l1'1R, and to r1x the compena!tloo ln,1•·N ur · l.llhan Lindenberger ~Pk-l~,....._,-~111 l~Jlilill.J.µ_l'l••ltlon of9-cert:. Alld,..J1ul~·· • G.iof.rgrttc M. Gordon NOES. COUNCILMEN: None nQt cf(ccted by law. ABSE!l."f, COUNCILMF.!'I: Is Dated this 25th day of March, • Z!9 Marine Ave (Harbor Inv. Co.) Jk)boa bland Harbor 133I An atena&on to th" popularf Gene'• bakftY, awrwd and opttate'CI by ~ llON'o. Uw new calr's dKm' la entlttly contlnt'ftlal In the-I Italian and Fttnch mode. Aftwnoon1. the cart' wUI ...- tea and putriea. DUvwn. to be ~ dall)' fm 5 JO 10 p.m. wlll t. prorpend by Adolf. fom'W'fl)' 111111 .. IM Be\19rl¥. b-ee"or hotels ot Los An~les. LuncheOM can be arran&C'd by .p.ntmmt. Qconf" aald. $t-Vt'f1 da1S a -6t. the caleo wtll 0H1>r lit _... etmoaphere and .Adolf 4d· laldft. Wl!F:TIE:AS. 1l t1 also n~aaary <;• 1 R, t.mll.Y _M. ~cG~Tt'n bell 19-.18. U. S. Trains I Int' th1' City Council of the O t)' SJ'' k !\1RrJorw M. Sta_rr 11f :-.; .. w1iort Fkrwh to fix the houri; PREC.JNCI:. NO. I I f••r' t111· fiprninl( nnfl ;:lQOln.& Of l'ulllni; l'IM'f'! t11" polls f11r ttu• municipal elec-"''''"" l"s G11ra~e 111•0 111 tw hf'l<I on the 13th day :13;1 S11ntu ,\1111 Ave. 111 April. l!l-IR ;\••"port A'ITF.ST; FftAl)IK L . RlNEHART, City CIM"k O. B. REED. Mayor or the Ci ty or Newport Beach Pub: March 26 a nd April 2. 1948. I :->< 1w. Tllt·:1n:Fom::. BE r:r ar,1, ... 11.,n nrr~n HF:SOL\'ED hy the• C,-ity Council '"'llf'l'IOr: Edn11 .I. Jones NOTIC'E TO CONTRACTORS 11f llH• C"ll) 11( ~··wport Brnl'h, th31 l',f111li.:•" M111:)(1irt•t St~wart u· r. r. R P ALS will be I thr pollini:: pllll'"<'S and the etcc-1·1t·rk· llOt-h Hlrllrtek S L"AL""D p O OS li"n o 1c••rii 111 RCt at ench Polling t·i.·1k .•• Dorn• F<>rguson rec<'iw·d at the offiC'c or the City pla!'f' sh11ll 1 ... as Collowa, to-wit: I a•RF,('JS('T so. 10 Clt•rk. C"ity llnll. City n( :>:cwport ICOC'llll'urd frnm T'11i.w' J l ICnntlnttMf fmm Page I) PRE('IS(T NO. 1 ~ l'11llln1e l'lal'I': ~·al·h. California. u n t 11 4:00 , Pnlllnir Plan•: '" Tlt'l'k's Cnrn"<' o'clock P : M. on April 12, 1948. at Oranlef' ('()Uflly 11nd 1<11111' 11U1<'ial". 11rrlvrd 11l~n Thr-Rrttt•h s1•nt f•iod D · R d " cltrtrh"s csi cnce 1\i;ntr Ave. which time they will be publicly ·na Cove ~ Storm Looms To Go to Berlin By thl-ft'f'mll nf thf' 11i.11• lnw !min through thr ltu~~i:in "'"'' :'ll!l :l:lth Strl'c•t _ l\u llH•ll Jslnnd OJl('nt.'d and read. ror performing FRANK L. RINEHART, City Clerk of the City ~o( Ne\vport 13cach. 'California Puh: Nr11rcli '16. April 2. 1948. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS F'ICTITIOUS FIRM NAME T H•; t"NDERSIC:O..'EO d()("ll herebJ • ntlty tt111t they are cupdu~tJna • A·halnn,. Pn><0e&lllng Plant hurri-al 2~1>-20th ~tr.-et. Newport Beiu"b, Call· f .. rntll. 111111.-r the flclltlt>WI firm D&me "' !11,.•11<o11 Al>atune Cumpa.ny. and that uld r11::m le roml><)J'ed of 1.M :1tl· l1°wlng per"''""· whose aames and ad· •1,.,,8'"'• ar,. "" follow•. to-wit· R.. N. Wll.LIAMSON. 111:23 W. Ceo· tral, N••P.'"' ~b ! D. A. YOUNG 1~1a E. c .. ntnot. Balboa. • WITS&'lS my hand tlw1 12th daJ ot M&rrh. tt48. , Hours: 10 :00 . 4:00 14-Uc EAR:-.:1t;-Las1 nis:ht was woncler- tul! J. doesn't suspl'Ct I'''e found that 1:ood cart> mal«'s a ri:ooa-· car. Associated S<-n ic.o. 261h &: W. Q>nt .• Nl'WJ)Orl Beach. HAr- bor 1406. 40-l te DIPLOYXENT W.urn:D a VETERAN~ years "'ith navy. Jade" of all tndea Meda a job. Ma chi nh I ca.rp<'ll h 't", !TI(' I al smith boatswain. Writt' Box E-R c/o Ill& .. I F AI&: \ l Balbo cw p Wri Ple I C<>n We SPORT Ta At Bo. 1505 \\ Harb l • J Et.E 1000 c CoUDCilmen Comment un&--r ... 1urh 1tw p18 n opo•r:\t•·~ th•· with onh r111111n1· in~111•1'tic1n. and :-.;,."l••rl flt'nrh • F.IM"tlon Offlr,.n work as follows: •-•-Id 11 1 t a lhry Or~• In 10 •11r1<\••·n""r nliln••s. a .... u: "''OU P'Y a NK s 0 '" .. •· Eh"<·tJnn o rnr f'A ft1•J'll'(0t11r: Mll)'TYIC' Donnelly CI t Y of Nrwport Beach. quinnir ttw' JJrftP'T'I)' 1n quN1tinn nnrl i"•nt •i' \•Ill .. r flt•rlin · · .__ d S o lnl,.rfrrrnrr '"'l"""lc•r L11ril1• Deitrich ,l111h.:r Wnll1•r f>onnl'lly \11111 Woy. bctwt'en 28th OOSAl.11 A. YOUNG l'TATF. OP" CAJ.IMRS l4, ) ("1>1::-:TV Of' ORAN<:E ) aa OS THIS 12th d11y ,.f Marrh. 4. D .. News-Times. 37-5tp EXPLOYIRNT oP'P'EllED n PLl: Larges I'll~ ,,,.,,..,.. me. a Sotary Publlc In ("'--••--·~ -. -l) f'th..-. by purrh:tc.· M r.on ••m nR· Juch.:(' 1·1..r:i C"oon t'I• rk Lots Znmlock Strf'<'t a nd 29th S trt•t.'t, lo be ....-uaOKQ ""'"' '" -ion .....__ ta~• r u1r -lt1 ~11)' •• Thr R11~'1111n~ n1n1fr no nttf'm"I ~ ~ · • "" -'"I · '~ •· • · M 1· Cirrk. \"ala Shatn t'h•rk: LA:'nc)ra M. Jones pa\"<'d with plant-mixed sur· out ........... ~ or · Its C"Ofllrl 1um. 0 n "'fn tirtrrt1 dl'tl' «llh 1t1r-ptn-mtt¥f'-~~~---.----+--'a..··~·~- l•n<I fur 11&ld <"ounly and Sl&t.ue. per· 1'"''""&"t>_t'i:"~ R !'\. WU.LIA11SOS ~·!'~'1 IL< ;-_ L:'2_ A_: _ __!9~~ .. ~!!I~ EXPERTENCED WA IT RESS WANTED-Over 21 )'n. or age. 1/!!' tial fronta&t' °"the ocean. l will .-tate any t-ily <Y"'°T14'd l)rach front· l"{'l'nl11 ,R••pnrt ~ Hu~''"" lightl'rs n~·rk · Ralhl'rlnl'-wtnare-Rlr~C"r'"'S'O.n WC. ,_.It. I lwfWw-lllldt an t"ll· alft" ttw' as. ... ~""<l , .. h.li' of whit·h hnft "'hu//t•d" ~nm" 11111,.rl pl:inl'!I PREC"ISCT NO. % 1• .. 111n11: PIM'I': \'o hid will be received unll'SS "'" ,,..1>,.,-nl>NI to the w ltbla 1n.tni· nt"nl. and arkn<twhe<hred to me that th">' ,.i:ecutf'CI lhe aame. -Aoeai eat., 1611 Q>eat Hleh•a)' ______ _ Corona ck>I Mar. 38-ttc ~ can be srwdt' but I am ln· will Hlual that or th" JW"nprrtr to "'"r" ln111:h1•d "" Amf'rlr11n pilOl!I Polllnit PIM"fl: l.1du C'luh !louse it is made on a proposal rorm ""9Wd tft tM'tlrinc the pros and be acquired. Surll city ownrd l;mrl 118td thry ~"" no Ru!'llllln plnnt'!I Firr Slation 701 Via Lido Soud Curnished by the City EnginC<"r CIOM at Monday'• mtttinc ~ore dc'f'ded 10 lhe state' ... 111 he le:i~ 111 1111. 2f!l7 w. (\·nt ral Avr. N1•wpc:>rt ~ch bid ..(TlUSt be a<:<:omp:inied IS WrTNF~'>.~ WHP:RF.OP'. t ba•e h,.,...unto ..,, my hand and affixed my .. rm l&I -t lhe <lay and T~ In Lhl• •~rt I fl.,...., flrPt abo•• written. WILL F1TRNISH room and bath with hoard and small salary in 0<-ean •~ront homt'. Balboa In exchange for mothet'"a helper. Require lt'\'M"al hours daily. , -a••-an ab9ohllt' ~" .__..._ th 1 ... _ ril"' on l••ng ••·rm tflk· ~l'WJlOrl Rc•o~t1 by leash. cashJer·s check , or bid-~ O. 8 _ Reed: "U an f"ll· ........ " ,,.. ., An offk1nl nnnour1r••tnf'nt ,.;nid ~ EIN'tlon Offk..r• dl'r's hondl made payable to the en rt'f11 bulll lllc-rrfnrr th•' city ttu-finil 17 foorl pl:fnl'!I tn rhnch l':lf'C'Uoa orn ef!R Inspector : Carl F.. Sommer "I d)anp ~ OCMn front propiprty " • 1 A 1 d V . . 0 1 '-I)' of Nl'wport B<'ach for nn SORMAS 4. GAlOILE Sul&I')' Publk In and for Mld <'ounly and State. My eonunlulon explrw No· .. 30, 1949. wauld jtGpardlle lntt'ft9ll or tu-couJd. In effec-f. a«Urt• Olina Cove fkrlin brourcht 2f; lnn11 of food nspc'Clor . r linc Jasper • U J.:I': rtl:tnta . Kil U>Jl :imount l'QUal to at least ten (10) __ • .... _t ....._ .J ...... d"" 1 for public use and retain full "'Cflclals 11Ald th~ avcr•ne food Judi;:!': El!lil· G. Newland C"lrrk: Ressie Teii.~lcy ( h ---.._ -.. ...-~, 'Y "' 0 " Cl •1 k pc•r Ct.'nl o I e amount bid, such -·~ ~-__ ..._. the,.....,_ ,...:,.._ rtdit. ot man_ agC'ml'nl and ~n· conaumptlon of the rslimatcd 10,· erk: Alma R. Crall < er : Mnri:nret R. Hitchcock .__ r r -~ --~ ..........._ Cl guaranl y to "" or eited should r'uh.-M11r<·h 12. 19. ::I&: Al>rll 2. lHI. Harbor 5 17. J9.5tc MAN-For general ~ic.? ~ta1W., work. Muat be f'iq>eT\I'~. Ral· boa Richfield Station 116 E. c.entral. 40-3t:: ~ ....,...,.... But. wttla the trol OVeT It and •U«:h otht-r (ront· 000 AfnC'rlc8nl here 111 1,000 ton1 rrk : Ruth Gerrish PRECINCT NO. lt the bidder to whom the contract f1eta et......_ I f.U to .. how ll ace • may haw hHn dttded to • month, or IOfrW' 33 tona a day. PRECINCT NO. I PnlllDS Plac•: ' is awarded rail to enter Into, the -a4. 1 haw _...,. bMe for the ~ ata~. all at no ccwt to the city Brlt\11h Jood ttalna carrying sup-Polllq Plact!: Freitag'11 Rt•sldencc contract. Want Ads .... fll a.-Olft end a..,.. hems or any ~ Its t.upeyen. pllt'll for ooth G4>rm1tn rHidl'nt11 City Hall 223 Diamond In accordance with provisions .. ....., out ~ .ttlt Al the mnclualon 0 ( th«> hear· of lhf' Brltl1h zone of thl' t'lty a nd Newport Beach Balboa b land of C"hapler 397. Statutes o( 1931 ace;-at ......,.a llllMtills·" lftc, the dty council f'xpeCta to th<' 10.000 Brltl1h troops end clvll--• Elf'l'tloa OlflN'n EIHtlClll omr.-r• the City Council of the City of TIM Nt'Wl-1'\ms will not be re- •Pontlble for more than ~ tDcor. rect lnlertlon of an advertlMment. N'lerveoa the right to correc:tl7 claeslfy any and all ads and -to reject any .advertlaement not oon- lurmin~ to rules and recuiatlola me. roa SA.Lil .. PLUMBING SUPPLms Opel}S Sat. -& Sun. ......... 1*11: "'I ~·t ._ how brine the mafttt to a vote The)' hins ht•re J>Rlll!t'd Into tht' city with· lni;pector: lrl'ne B. Wooda Jnspector : Hetty F ink Newport Beach, has ascertained J ma ~ at um t.Unr. haw-.a rf'qUlftlt from tht' sponsors nut c1ltfln1lty. J udi:c: Julia M. F.ggert J udge: Ethl'I 1-"r<>itag the iicncrnl prcvaOing rate of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "nlet'1 the niUon Wf"rw haYtnc • ~Ow perk plan hl'fot;r tht'm nnw. Thr Ru5.~lnnll S<'rvrd nnlic<' thRt Clerk: Mari:uerlte Lcater Clc•rk : Ractwl Wiley wagc'S np11lirnltle lo thl' 1"0rk 10 i.utnc lloncky:' .. kinr: 1h11I thr plnn hi' approwd thr hln<'kndl' woultt not IK' rf'mov-Clcrk : Florrt Crissman Clt.rk : Mnmil' Foote -he done as follows: COMPLETE TOILETS. lncludinc seat and flush \"&Ive $23.50. and M'flt on to ttw 1"\lUnt)' µl11n · rt! nnd in fnrt mli:ht IK' lntrnsl· fRF.CINCT NO. ' f'RE<'ISCT S O.IS <1....,.lfll'allon nine board whOR mf'mllC'ni 11~-f1t'd. Polllnc "l>llM'I": Polllnc l'lul": Hourly Ptt Wace Dil'fn 68-ttc Wall·hung, cl~ coupled toilet.a at oomparabte prices. !BE MOVIE BARN • Oltl Time MoYies ....., a-ii .. ....,. • NOW UO""INO "The Lost World" ( ... 8llel't ~) St.anin&: Harold Uoyd, Bebe Daniela. Cam Lombard. Clara KJmba1J Youn& . . . ......... _aiur.1te 1"'8T T\\'O DA1'11!! wne'Cil)' h:wf' promiM'rl II "tnp In An impusslr>m•tl Sfl""<'h 111 Fir~ StatJon Cook'11 G11rni:e llrlorlly.. l~nllf'. flO mllNI ico111h of R1·rlin. th,. 70:1 F.. Bay 1300 0t'1•11n Rl\'"a ----~l\'IC't prnf)lli;nnrln rhi1•f <"111 Sl'rl!I' llnlhoa Coronn tll'I Mnr Dinner PreceJes Tulpnmw l\!:(l'rtN1 1hat 1h1· m<'n!t· EIM"tlon Offlr,.r11 f:h·rtlon Offlf'tt• urric wrrf' """"~~nry t11 kf'f'Jl w •• .,.,. ln~IX'Clor: J . M. M . (.('()n11rd Inapccl<•r: f'hoehr E . Mulligan I IOQfs cS Soc/cl/es Dane~ i•rn ~Jli"~· from u~lni: Tirrlin '1"-II ~------------------___:._ __ 1 l!llll'\\11)' lnt.1 thr Rwi.l:in llt't"UJlll· p rrl'n~·dlnl? "" .-v,·nini: or ti"""· '"'n 7nn,. ROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1ni: ~Ill} m~11 .. n 111 l\u(>ts 11nd ""M11ny «pi1·i1 h1t'•' lw•1 n ~•·nt tn S1utdlr duh ~11111r ay 1•\'l'nin~lr n1•rlln :inrl from lh•·r" inlc• th•· And ~1" RnlJt·rt Pcl\\••11. 91~ 't•!ll Sovll't wn(' to rl\rry out l'!<plonai;:C' ... t lc't'an •"ront rn1,.rt111ol'12 ;J, n nut.•r~:· hf' rhari:l'd ,....... ___ D_A_Y_SCB __ oo __ L ___ _ t1inl'W'r f(lf' ~n11n1; lr1t•ntl~ or th1•1r Of'lllni: ('IMrr tn whnt mony M . •lnui:htt'r. B1ml hl'r•· 111'11,.,·f'li "'M th,.. r,..111 point qrtimer School G!M'Slll "••n • Mllr)' llarr••tl. Lu· hf lhl' R11~~l11n hlO!'km1,• T11l11nncl\' IO! Coral A..,.. Balboa lal. Ann Taylor. lloh Killo•ff'r. Pait\ ttl9IO 1-r~nri;:o·d l h111 th•• Am1•r11•1tn!t 1 . DAV SCHOOL W1lh11mic n nd Tnhy T 1t1t1(1!111fl ,;f .ind Tirtll11h II/IV(• '"plundt•rf'd" 111'r-NOW OP.f:S Coiita Mt"""·• "h:irl··~ R)om nf IA>ni.: 'Im l•Y mnvlni.: l11n·f. 1111nnli tlf'!' nf o. •· •oa~!,~· 4 .. o,,..,.. l\foach and L:trt)' 11.ntl 1 >ick S l1<·r· mnl'tun .. ~ 11nrl N111111m••nt 10 thr RAaHa M9 •·in nf ~Rn!u Ann. ""''"'· 1111.t ""''" 1h11s crralr rl 11 ~rr-11111~ u111-n111l11> r1wn1 .s1t11ntitm Tlwn 1~ 11 "''"'"••r ll1·~1th 11ppr1•'li · SAND CRAB m111t:1y 1·,·c~· thrl'<' minut1•s m th•• - ~ ~t"t/'5. !Cont lnu~ from P ntre 11 ~===~==~-=-=-~===~ i1 ·" ""' daiming c--011Jc1 ncv<>r r:rt•~· ~ I 1 ~~:~,~~~s. fhrough the--littl{' -fMm1'& ~to•·" M::rk:t. • \\'ifh tM -------~ \ r~nl sink" trnohl,• in New 1 · ~ York hrfArr th" ro1mtry. ,;;:::;:::-oowii.7 \ 110\\" is n goon tim(' to rr<'itc 1 n \'l.,it wr hnct in a I ,os An- UESTI1'T!" Dr. O~d Lucas DENTI~T !!O! ~ W. C-lTal. HArbor U llCl SEWPOKT BF.AMI PBTSICIASS • 8UROl':O!li8, f!:D. A. V. Andrews, M.D. I rrn'SIMA.'11 and SURG!:ON &11 eo ... t lllfthway. Harbor Ml· <'m·nn" .,,., Mar H. R. Hall, M. D. Ptlyll.ldan and 8UJ'K'e0a f{our!I: 2-5. by Appointment Tel~ BeM.'Ofl &IMS 111 Broad"-a CO!lta MN& MDtoa M. Ma.xw~ll. M. D. 1801 Cnllllt mway ('nrona df'I Mar Sralf" W.,;4' fltJl!!llNESll OUIDlllt It Kohltt La\"atorira $15.00 up. ""11hall or c-ruJlhlnc -------------~ So1id \"ii~ ctlina urinals $4.75 planl 1-:oi:imw l 90 15.20 FORMED Wlndahlelda It Hat.ti radi. Asphalt p l;c n t dryer-Coven made to order. Alao Pia-Gal\·."'pipe. also black pipe. man or ftrt•man I 775 1-t 20 lglua & LUdte Shet'ta f?r ule Orome s"1ng spouts $5.75 Asph:ilt r ;ck r r nnd Kitch<'n sinks $5.75 up. ir(1nf'r 1 55 12 -tO Nu-World Products Qisnpany Laund.rNray1, cast Iron. A.<;phatt s1m•adtn1! ma· 30l 1l\lrd "!Jt., HunUnrton Bt'ach Toill't 5"at11, gli'arrung while $6.85. ctunc opcra!r.lr __ , UK) J:>,20 Phoritt Hunt1ncton Beadt 1'18 Soil pipe-and flttln~. CarJ'l"nlrr 1.!JO 15.20 ~tf• Get ettr priers. Cl'm<'nl Flni~hl'r 1.975 15.80 Hot ~·11trr Jlf'atM'1J. new 20-gaL flai:man 11nd \\'A tch· 10 80 w 0 OD FENCE CONT.... $4&.50 m11n 1 35 n Rebuilt h:it wntn healers 20-gal. Hc-:i,·y du t ,. r1•pi\ir· II $31.00. J A Types and Styles m an 1 !lO 15.20 F:11.A. T erms-Free Estimates Any plumbing ilt'm can be had Lllho1·1•r 1.:\5 10.80 through our local or Los An· Oil h Anywhere In C"ounty r.n_J-offi-. l'r. Pf>W('T' !I I}\'(' I or ,,., 'n ._ .. cr;rnr 1.525 12.20 Up to 3 )T!I. 10 Pay 315 Marine Ave. OJ><'rntor. nir cnm1w1•s· Ph .. S.A. 2!179-R . 2:)-tfc ~-BALBOA ISi-ANO sor 1.65 13.20 IOppos.le C"alholic ~.urch) (')pi•r:iMr, I' n 11 (" r ,. t,.. Expcrt -!Cl mix1•r 200 Hi.00 Watch & Jew~ry HA. z::ll&-~ Tuesday-25-tfc Op••nct11r. mc1tc"lr pn· RF.PAffilNG trol 1:rnr1t>r '.:! 1)25 16 2Q Silver Plating~ Unin·r~111 Eq111pm1·nt Fine> Diamonds and Watches COPPER, RRASS. GOLD 0 l • r I t l ·Al :"F.\\"PORT JEWELERS J ' a " r ~ 111'" • P olish I nit & Rl-finishlno dra..;linc'. 11i'rnrk. rlt•r· 1 l'nrli•r """' '.\fan:i~rmcnt) .. ril'k h:1r1:'" drt1m\hdl 116 '..''..'nd ~' . :°'iewport 17-tf< Bayside Platinj? Co. or c-ran(• l 2 !fl lf; 80 1914 Harhnr Bh·d. Op1 r,t111r. p11m1~ 1 f;:l 13 20 • En WAL 'IT.RS Costa ~1<'M. C:i)I(. BcRet:lr\ 5113 Op• ratM. rnll1•r l R.5 14.80 TILE CONTRACTOR 6-tfe Op••r:1 tur, t r[lrt 1>r·httll· narh Rooms. Or:iin Ro:irds. etc. tluz1 r t.1mpcr, srr:in.. " l!Hh & :-;,,wporl ,\\('. C'nsta Mes. "'· rlr:ii:•' I"' ~hm c•I nr Phon,.. l\l'llC(ln ~;oo. \\" .J 1~trc Watrtw>s • C'ock1 . J~Jry OffiOSOMETERS ~ -Prompt S«vtoe S<-nalblf' Pr1cn 1 i.:i-IPS brokerage· offil't' and l hnw t"t'ports · nrr l"('('('ivro. 1 Tht'Oli.gh the kindn<'S." of Bill GORDON E. RAPP. D.D.S. ius Wst Cflttral ..,..,_ llarilor t '!1...., Newport BHrll Office lloul"!I: 10-12: 2-5 Pllone Harbor l or. I bt.>om a If ad1m••nti; 1 90 15 20 0 1.------.....-------..J I Opt•r11t(lr, trrnr h ma·. chtn<' 1 975 15 80 Truck rlrh M"!< nf rlumn LEROY SLATER Mo,·c Anything Anytime V.AN DRIMLEN JEWELRY ~llloll ··-t....- .,KJRI( flf "lid ti{>,_" ~T.\R~ ~t":'llUA\' I l\)Wl't~ of Walston. Hoffmnn ~ \.oorlwln, wf'nt through l , th<'i~· plnnt ronductro hy Op-1 t•ratmg Parttlf'r Purkis. The t ickrr t n J1(' t't.'<'ords N. Y. l IS t or k Exc•hang<' t rnnsac- 1 tions: whkh :u....-maJ,.rnifiC'd <ln n ~·n'('n in the 'local of- 1 fin.'S for th<' 111stnmf'rs to, ""m. l'ow .. 11 • F.lla ""'°""' I '"net. Hici nnd nsk prict'S · "SM.tnr Waa lndll'C',......t" rnmr about whf.'n 1mc pnrty AhoHft Hn4 "Pnt" ! l "n.nts to bu~·.n ('('J1n in st ock ~~~~~~==~~=~~~~~~~::::::::~-from lh<' oth<'r: \\hf'n the •...;;;;====;;;:;:;;====-=-=~I (lfft ... r is OC'O"pl('(i it is nnshro PltOlle Harbor 2 5 2 2 -cin · t hr big hon rd nnct in 40 I ~ond" is n.'<"Orrle<i in Los An g c I e s and t•lscwhcre. 80/JJoa, ~Jome,,. Slu,p Wht>n you huy "at the mnr- kct" you r ny th<' pril'<' a ('('r- ti.ln st (l('k is then !l('lllng for: wh<\n yotJ off"r to JlllY IC'SS than the ml\rket th" offer ls filt"d until thnt drop is l"t'll<'hf'<I. llici if not, th<>n the offf.'r is hrlc1 or withcirnwn. A "B<'nr" huvs wh('n the Tnll.rk«>t is do,\-n: n "bull" wtx-n i\ climn... Tile statis1i- cnl firms ·~\'<' t ht' n\'erngt"S or all the stocks daiJv. In this way revealinJ? whetht>r th<' ma~et iR strong or wt'ak •1t.V.tnl.~ (wxt to GaJwy Calf') • ... e 0088AGE8 ....,. e WEDDING BOl"Ql"t:J'S • ft1NDlAL SPRA 1·s · • nzse err n.1>\\T..RS I J DR. L. Y AR\VOOU , O. C'., MIC. 1"341 S~rt Rh·d. Coata M-Rt~IM'nn M67·R • CHIROPRAC'TIC • PBY810Tll'ERAr\' • C"-ohmll'a MORTI'AR\" • BALTZ MORTI"ARV LADY AT'J'.&~'1>A,'llT UO C-t Hlway Coroaa dfll Mar l"llODe ll&rhoc '! (O&J Md Slrfltl OPTOMETRIST E.T. BuUerworth. 0 . D. ()ptDmetrht ftM EXAMINY:D LENU:S DUPUCA1T.D _._...._ ........ Ill• W. ~ °'"' "'--Ull !fSWPOaT a&AC"ll PllY91~'118-Sl"RtiF.OS8-D.O. I w. T. Moo~ey ~_.Scar.- 'l·RA\" I H -llou ~ Mia II ClMtnl Barbor ff ' S. R. }\f onaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa • Harbor tn• t>fflre Houni: 2 to 5 p. m . Moncllay 1taroqta Fri4a7 Conrad Richter, M. D . r.-n1 Bou,..: 9:30 a. m. • 12 M .. , 2 :30 p. m. -4 :30 p. m. HOl-C W. C-tnl N fJW'pOrt a.ell l'llloae Bar'-l&OI . ' ,. JQ!WPOKT BAUOW, ~AJIY B09Pl'l'AL ...._......._,o.v.M. Pul O. lhtdllw, D.V.M. .,.. I · I DUl7. I.el 1..._ lOTI 8.L M-Drift OOlfTA ... .... lie&. SO'rl: .... Bar ... SCOTCH TAPE NOW OS RM"D ---NEWS-TIMES s.p,11 umw lrnrkll of lt'l'S than I ycl~ \\:tt1•r 11•\"rl Any 1· I :i "i: 1 r 1 c11tlon omit tl"fl h"rt'tn no I 1 ·t25 11.olO IC'i:ll than 1.35 10.80 All hirts urc to hr compnrcd on fhr ltMii: (If thr C'lty F:nitlnl'Cr's l'St imat1• pf lhr ()u:intitlcs of work to hi' donr . No lml \\'Ill hr :ICT('ptl'd from rr Contrnr tnr whn hail nnt hcen II· ccnsl'Cl In nrcordnnr(• with th<' pro- \"islons of Ornµlt•r i91 .. Statute!! (lf 1929. 11s emrndrd. . Plnn!I mA)' bf-!l<'<'n. and Corms or pr(lrio~:ct I, l)l)nd~. ron t r:ict ond spedfic1111on~ mny h1• oht;iincd at th!' OrftC'<' Of t h<' \ity }o;ngmet'r, Oty lfall. :>:cwpnrt nrach, Call· Corn la. The •pecial attention of pr~ sJ)l'rti\·r bidd('J"S 111 c:illed to the "Propogal Req11l~emcn 1s" annNcPd to the blank fnrm pr(lpoSlll. for full dtrr('t m·n~ as to b1ddmi;t. ctc. Thi' Tlty of Ncwport Bc:ich rcsl'n·l'S lht' r l!!hl to rc.)N:t any t>r nil hid.~ . CITY OF' NEWP0RT REACH. ('ALI FORNI A FRA1'K L. RJNF:HART. City CIC'rk • Dalt•d : March 25. 19"8. Pub : ~!arch 29. April 2. 194tt S 111'c1alizt'd ii) l\·fOVING Ho1111l'hold Gf)()ds & Small Boal.I H arbor 391. 25-tf< HARBOR Plumbing Service 176R Ne~'J)Ort Illvd .. BeaC"OO 6111 REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Contnctin& and Suppl1es s.tte 12 TEARS SERvtCE IN THE HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTRACJ'OR ·274 Eut 19th St:rftt Pti. Bn. MU c.c.t.a U.-. Cdl. »U. Painting -Paperhanging By 1 lour or Contract 1786 Nl!'WJIOf'1 Blvd Costa ..... 3-tfe Bendix & Maytags .Just Waiting to De Used at BILL'S W ASH-A-TERIA 47!1 N--s>ort Blvd.. Costa .,_ Phone Beacon sno F OR S ALE-0\·al table, formlca top. stain lit bum proof. chrome hasc. ~11!" J(l x 42. • bsrcaln. Phone llu 27TT-R. 38-4~ HARBOR Furniture & Transfer RO~-OED and INSURED A Good Buy .· .. Is a Wise Buy ~t Us Ht'lp You Bt' Wlw -('QlllTESY SER\,CE- 1962 Harhor Al'"d C<111t• Mell Phone Beacon 553~ 3'-d• ~22tc FOR SALE OR TRADE -Two Rest mlltl'T'lals and warkmsnshlp C.all M. C WAGGONER HARBOR 2525-W TilAC"l'OR WORK -Grading A. Ult'd tMoa\")' duty extcntJon 1-" Plo"i ng, rohct"ele work of all dt>n. Al!IO tra1IM', all mt'tal tow D1i1c Fl-I'<' estimates. Call Santa "'h<-el. 51 ~, Acad11, Corona del Ana 3'04-R. 36-l~tp Mar Harbor 578-J. 39--2k Ou-o $9.5 F FOl' 23( C09ta An All aiz 1i2 I 3101 • FOR exc. 554: FOR exc- tak boll N~so ti(>t F OR exc car att Tir Poim 1645 For yo C1 1811 21 IF 'i co th st g\. FOF Of m ct. or M FOJ I( 'I Ill ft . ~cl •2 't• ~ ~-----"-~~~~-------------------------------~--- I . . .. I . ~ u.s. roa sAl.E • roa aDT u l UTOllonv& a ftllm .. Fok RF.NT BY OWNER -!-'our TBOARD MOTORS PICTURE OU • ILL\L E8TAft • auJ.--:--rAn • • ·N SWPOa T BALB O A N SWl-TIMSI -------t"1110 AJ'. N..,.... ..... \, t 'u l(, A1Nt1 I. INa Page 5· -FOR S ALE-·36 C'hf'V>' ~ .,._en· &cr '.l door lf'Clan. 19'8 platte. CORONA DEL.MAR bedroom Ocean Fro"t homt'. ANO" BOATS N1..•wport &•a<'h. JlarbOr 181".l·R. • Phom.• Harbor llt!M·R. ~11)..-:lnet Ave. tbt'tween NarcluUI It Or· l'hJd, C'orona df-1 Mar. ~ Lil)() ISLE HOll E --.U. DTAft • &ML ..... Aft • FRAMING ~ Harbor Paint Center 408--.J2nd Sf. NEW A USED .. rv1Ct' and RepjUn on All Makt'll of Moton 39-:ltc FOB. R.£N1'-Sl•J)ltra lt' room and bath Jn 1(1\rl\l(t' apartment. SOtrr.H OF lITCRWA.., 19-al FORD Cub conwrt1ble. cood M uSt Sell at Once t1F 1U. 1$ 11W l't:.'"T ~ lift tw.~ ht~ Ud.l 1ak! Dav~e H. Spiee down st ftirs. Rt'11Sonftbll' 1mnual rmtal. 113 Pea:rl. Balboa Llland. o.ut Hiway-BeacOh 5676-M ~9-tfc hone Harbor ~W-Newport 40-ltc 916 C co.ndltion. 1653 Ir v Inc-Ave., A RF:Atrn'""'JI.. .NEW " .....__ TillS AT ntA(-rl\T and '~ • ;l r ' ' ..._._ '"''""' h..• :l '""''r"·~ 3 tMI~ . Cotta MCA.. .o-· •P ~~. l-'1rt•vJa<-e. carer. (19.Uro and ~ wp.· oubwk MA' ""'"' ' •• cit na1l9t()flt' with <'01\Crt'lf' '"'°"· .c't\1111 ..... ,14 t.. • ....... .;t (.-. TWO BRA ND NEW ,_ THREE-BEDROOM .HOMES . f l 1,800 . 2 _\ttme1l\'W!. nnc-ty.buJ11 homc'!\--1 l OCLeq. ft. eech1 •i th spcwlotL"I IMn~ ninm, <11nlni;r Ah'Ove, Uled ldtch· m .Ooor funm''" flni1l1tn>, :\ nh-. .. t-..drooms. Mower 0\'1•r luh: lnuncfry lney In 2·•'Hr )tllnt._"C'. Lnndltcapln& and '''lllt'nl walk.'\, f'.oorl li~,aliun nmt <'Xt.\.•llcnt value. si-:t: 11 f~ TPnA \' ~ \IRrWAY SANITIZQR VIV• E. PADDOCK Bonded Dealer 115 AmNhyst A\'e.; BaJboa Island Harbor :.!556 39-ltp FIREWOOD · CHARCOAL It BRIQ1.1ETS " PROMPT DELIVERY Wright Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA 83-ttc Plenty of Good Tiree I All Sizes· Compound Motor Oil Gallon, 1tk Western Auto Supply Authoriu'd ~aler 938 N.wpori Blvd., C.0.ta .r- lT-tfe PORT TOPS -SEAT CQVERS Tiiylor1s Trim Shop Automobile UpholsterinK Boat and Truck CUshiona 505 West Central N~wport Heh. Hll.J"bor 1940 24-tfc ELECTRICIANS (Since 1920) Contract Ing-Repairs ' Rt>Sldential-1ndustrlal 24·tlc SALE-22 rt. cruiser, sleeps FOR 2. \ T er twee 6 p · -8 motor out or water $800. ms. Phont' Harbor 0533 be· n 8:30 & 5:30 p.m. After .m . H1troor ~M. 26-trc ~fERC'lAL 40-tt. fishing boat h Chrysler Crown motor, 9~ b4-nm. Holds ,6 tpna Iced wit 10' fish f\les a ftt' & s 16:-.0 Newport Blvcl .. Costa a. Phonl' Beacon 6381-J r 4 p.m or a.II diiy Sil turday undll)'S. 36-25tC' ats Priced To Sell · Cris-Craft ('42) $5000 Bo 30 36' 37' Aux. Sloop F. & S. $2500 Com. Spl. Fish ('41 l $7500 G. E. 71 MINNEY Bearon 6281 1 Coa.at Hlway, Newport 39-1 tc SALE -30' custom built 1~6 FOR C'ah gall in cruiser-•leeps 4, head. l'Y. Chrysler Royal, bait tank ump, newly palntr <j. perfect ' & p con day <:li p ditrn'1"'" Shown by owner Sun- -Hubbard's Yach! Lan(ling 31 No. :.rrmon. 40· ltp . MUSI OAL a RADIO, " USF:D P IANOS wanted for our rt-n t depL Trade your Old piano a Spinet. Hlgtwsl allowance?. o'n Or wU · l buy tor spot cash. DANZ· OT PIANO CO .• 520 No. n. Snnta Ana. 19-tfc Sq™! ~11\1 ET mJrror IYIX' piano. Lavely SPIN tone out OAN San . Fine actloa. You just pay ha lance of Sl 95. Terms. Z.ScHMIDT. 520 No. Main. ta Ana. 19-tfc . FOR RENT-l.llrJ:l' room wtth kitt•lwn, 8\'ail11lih-Sttturduy. l2;J :?8th St , Newport lkaah. 39-2tp One Yl'Rr l<'llSe, $125 00 Jl('r month, unrurnl11h«1 2 . atory house, 3 b<'drooms & d•'n. oulsldr J>atlo. Deacon 5587-R. . 3.">-tk F OR RENT-3 bc'<irQOm hom1<' nn P<'ninsula SIOO. pc'r month R<'llll· onabll' summr r r<'nlal I l11rhor 1713·\~ ~tf<' FOR ln:NT:Thrt.'e 11lrrpin1: roomll. prl\'ate entra~ and bath. C'all alter 5 p.m. 160:! Pacific Drive. Corona dc•I Mar . JR.5tp L(WELY 2 b<'droom and den. Close In. Costa Mcsa. 1 yeoar l<'a.se. $125 • IX'r mo. P ll'nsr call Jn person. 470 Nrwport Blvd . 38-31c RENTALS WF. ARE urgrntly In nl'•'d of re ntals. ~ W E KEEP a clas~Hlrd rr<'Qrd or your property, :tl'cordinlt to pric-r. sin•. Jocntlnn, show your • pro!)('rly If d.:'!lirt•d and h1•lp you chOOSI.' .your trntml. WE Al.SO krt•fl n clnssltkd r••rord or our ttnnnts ru; to thMr nt"t-ds, SIZI' of family, and ablli1'y to p11y. . PLEASF. CALL In pc'rson. -- EVA F.' RHODEN . TRAJLE.ll8 V1>n.'tlan blinds. ~-~ ... h TRAILERS FOil nt:NT-lnqultt Spit('•' tlll ku r.;r rortra room I ' . - al Triul11r Park llrrlN'. llay•hort! or rrntal unit !"nU·lll 1..: A l _\ft•~r t1r.·11t .. ..,, '!'railer Park. ( 'Olltt Highway, JH.ub ••I , ) -1 'I"" arwl t hr • n !Sew-port BeaC'h A<.•aron ~50. rt•dUC"C'd t.o $10,300 tlr• '"'"" •h ,. I ,, lt.-ntl) •"\"1 40-6tp "•tm.-1. '1 SJ.:1': < >WNF.R ' ' • -.. -.. "_L_J:8_T_A_TIC ______ -::_ ~1·n \'11 I• '"' ·-,.c &h•• t-• '"" _,. 4.~ nahllll AVf', C"orona dM n.~r t, .. •'h•V' t hr l.,f ht• ";\ f, "' ,If ""Ill'•~· anJ ,, """' Most Wanted Properties This Sprlni: or 1948 the 'Belt P1"1Ssl,bilitl••s' arr thOSl' llstln~ that will respond to 1h1.1t touch of Per· s<1nallt)' which can be Youn. Set' S•'V<'r11l oulatondlng val~ of Bnyfront and off thr hayfront h~ thnt will give the aatll· faction of your "Money'a Worth," nnd pro\'!' thrmaeh'f'S to you u a i:oud inwstmcnt. For -th<• Right Lor.atlona ('nll II Arbor 62· W Jll'H POWERS at l!11r tfe J l'I• 14'1\ .. ,l tl;,..t " I I h :: tM•nt nclu~tri:il Building 1 .. .,.... ._. ti••'" .. ,..,,1 .. i.-1~ -... ron lff:'l.'1' '"" Lt::ASE 4.20(\ 1.....-ur IQ :fl 10:!1 ~ ~:.16th St . C'oata h·~•I ' l"l\ll'I \ , 1t ·11• Xll'T butld 1'11"ia 1'1111111• lllllsldf' 1~1 I 0 11, 1.,,, h ht'"" •·• tht• ulun~ • 36-!\ti-I I'' ..... '"·"' rllA• • • : " '"'"''hord 1-'0R ~ALF ·I~ foot fut..An Ot-c-ui •or unhu nh.ht-<d •• )otrU ,...__ 81\•I(. l\ielh1111 l'rlt"'Cl toe-lo .. • fO> I• 1:'\I l'A~S TIU:' 1u ·, .. da~ ·~ murk,•1 l'h l\.·:\('(lf"I ~1216-J tf F ull lnf•"nt.o""" •"" ._,., at 1~·>1 "1·11 ,,,, 11,.11o, ... t-land 1'..'6 Clf11I ''"'. ll.1lh.111 h lrtnd & •Tll f" "'"'' :11 ~ 1117~•0 (111 n Har bor l"'·•·:;tmt-nt Co. I :li"h •I \\' (";·,.tral In ~·-~I ~ .. ~ M ... nn .. A• ... "" n.,11 .. :,.., hhond I .. , lt.- 1 • l•l1 .1 II. 1td1 ll1•1Th"( I •n 1• n (.,r ln'f"'•·11 .. n SATI"l!I 1,\ Y ,\ ~1 ·°"~' \ \" 111 111 .t I :i!;.ft I.OT l l~ N·'.~I ~Sl, ~\ $27!".tt ,,,, , ,,. Lijl11 J:--lf' Uar~\tin R-2 I .OT -:RAY A VE . li4. w 11' IJ lr( .ATit '~ ~ sr.ooo W . L .. JOROAS 2 D It """" 1•n !"l:i ft l!lt wtth I ~lull· 11111~·1n.1ll"n tht« ··an hr marl.• u rlr ··um hnu"· • •nf\ SH.· Zil• ·1·, rm~ ll111n 1111 tlJt~ s. .. P 1 I ll t: A l. T o R a nwr :l:rt.1 \"1n l .1ol1• °"•"'flOrt Bell•'h f', l1·t•h1•n1· l111rl•ur l"IO 7••I F c ·.-niurl. l\iil~ J1.11,I tt..-1-...-t.:.J ~ttr ·STEIN\ VAY GRANO. ''The King Realtor J . A. BEEK OFFICE ------------Sunnv. mo~ ~ul Rltlttn. 2 nEm:no M HOUSE . hi.~"'' ""'""'· •1th ~ l•drno>Mll. OOl"lll.1 , C;ARAGF \..;•od loca· r1rrp.111'\1' l1u1:~ .unn) lhin« & Ets-Hokin 000 Coast Hiway Galvan of plan05," perff'ct condition. go rg eou!I tone. Save oveor s1009. 470 Newport Blvd. 39-ltc Dal boa' Island Fl'ITY Landln1 Uon 111 1•.,,t11 M•"•ll p r , "• t ~ """'"· lln'akfnt hlrr. IJll'..-d •nd 39-2tc part) ~i:.'m B••1wun 6l~M r~ j1111tl<lrll, Pt'•IL! ... and~ Bea. 5407 z-Schmidt. SanlR ;\na. 520 M11ln. 19-tte F QR RENT-Two room apart· . D 31-tlc N an 0 -------------, J8.Stp at $17.nnn Call n art.w t;J.w ===--:::--:-=-------.....: and ... , this plett .. ow llwll ment R L. White• 2458 Nl'wport for rent All 6 mo. term Blvd., Costa Mesa 411-ltr ~ SPI x x x -NET Coast Properties Co. x x x x FOR SAl.F" 2 IW'drnom hou111'. no a finr inw-.tlftl'ftt llUlh ~. PLUMBING SUPPLIES .arge11t Stock in Orange County . l /.,'' Galv. S _' .::___ 20c..1 teel Pipe nnt. Chrome Plated S $9.50 \'alue wing Faucets ... $5.95 FREE PLU Layout S MBING .. er:vice . -- LUM BING FONTANA P ~l S. W. N ewport Ave. =Oita Mesa Ph one Beacon 6041 37·tlC L STEEL STRUCTURA Angle.--Olann ela--1 Beam1 New &'. USt'd All sizes and S hapl'S- ~ and "lo Rein forcing Steel HICKSON & 3101 W . 5th St. NEWELL Phonl.' 1404 Santa Ana 40-ltc Fox fur jacket. FOR SALE--Rrd excellent condll 5542.J . Ion, $3.'>. Beacon · 39-2tc z.z<'r motor bike FOR SALE-Whf exccllrnt rondi take,:. 1204 E. C boa. Phonr H:i. tion. Rest or!l.'r cntrnl Ave .. Bal· 13!):';.J. :\7-4tc l't(', good condi· l':tl'lson Dt"'ll Fn• r 1099-W. • tion $150. Harlin 39-2tc FOR SALF.-""G!mtt'n Trac excellC'nl cond111on. CUllt\'ator carriugl.', Powrr Lawn Mow<'r attachmrnt :'l:rw f,00-16 Tractor Tlr<'s. $:.1()(1 on q1111•k iialr. 61:! Poin!leltia, C'nronn dcl Mar. 39-2tc re nt allowed If you buy later. It' $ just like a SO\"ings IK'COunt. Re t a Spinet now. buy ""hii!n re y Danz-Schmidt Plano Co. n ad 20 5 No. Main, Santa Ana. 19-ttc WIN· lx'autlfully built little BAL D un I on m Alm om b galow piano. - Ba ance c1n be paid on Cal)' m thly paymeonts. Thi•· i• a jt(' Danz-SchmJdt Pie no Co. ost 100 pianos to choose fr . 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. 19-tfc \I LlrLER i:plnet piano, . llkt: nl.' " Phone Harbor J65 .. J after 4 . m. 40-5tc SPI p NET am to pllll\O. Brend new. Cue d aged In shipment .wm not be Id from perfect now. Save $1 !50 Te mu. DA.NZ-SCHMIDT PI A NO CO .. 520 No. Main, San- ta Ana. 19-tlc .E Spinet, r<'possessed. Gor· MA Pl eo h. \'{> 0 y u 5? us tone. Beautiful maple fin· Is Hi1thrst grade makt'. If you lo ma ple you will never ·rind an t her to equal this one. Just Pl' out balance. Easy terms if yo wish. Danz-Schmidt Plano (' . 520 ~o. Main. Santa Ana. o· 31-lfr no • CATS ll. PETS S5 FO S ALF.-Srottipii AK(' Rrs:: G~ R ped ta Van igr'el'd Chnmplnn stock. Call s nley 7-3533. or write 11411 Owen, North HollywONJ. II. --J f •u 1p SALE St B1•rnard male. 1 r r>ld. i;:1•ntlt', ~Or>d \\Ith rhilrl· FOR YNI rrn H a Pho ,. pncrd rr11i:11nable. Nrwport rho r \·r11•rn11ry llo~p1tal nl"' Fll':\('l)ll :)076 3H· 111' - -S. Wlae -AdvM'~ W AllfTED TO &ENT II WANTED TO RF.NT-On Lido 1!111.'. 3 l>rdroom house. for mos. Realtors . El Bayo Bay Front SN' this modt'rn two story atucco. six year old, hay front home. ot...lw¥ ~u.st, or both R ent· al to $60000 Jl('r mo. 419 N . Kilkea Dr .. L. A .• Wy 0950 . 38-l Otc Middle ag<' roupl<' want 4 or 5 room hnusr, hy year, Dal boa . Prrff•rnbly unfurnished. liar. 2106-W J8.4tc I J!F-.JiAS-.-t ~,.)&lhl. a large li\'lng room with fireplace, drapet, venetian bHndl etc. The interior looks like new throuah· and is arra.ng<'d for comfortable living a nd complete enjoyment of all activities that make a bay front home so d<•alreable. WANTED TO RENT-2 b<'droom furnished house on Balboa Isl· and. for summer pr yearly basis. responlllble, referenCH. Write P . O. Box 621. Balboa bland. 36-5tc ~L ESTATE EXClRA!fOJ: .. REAL ESTATE TRADE \\'ILL SELL nr trade my !lmall wallrrl in San F l'rnando \'fllll'y Esiatr, 165 x 300. with hcout iful 3 bedrcxlm, 2 hath homf'. 2 cul'l'I nr rent11l houa<·ll. swimming pool. tr nni!I rourt. 3 pntlo~. 1 hhfis. intrrcommunir:it 11\n "''''· phonrs. ell' Vnhu• ~4.!'l()O \\'ill l:ikr hn:il or huu~r to a ppr ~:!O,· 000 T1•f<'ph11n1• ownc•r Tr<i Sier. STatP 5..._1'l2. ~ltC' EXCHANGE " WILL EXCHANCE Girls' br11nd nl'w 26" hicyclr for 2·1 or 20" ~iris hicycl<' 1717 Pomunn f'osta Mrsa. ELY · It -SEAL EflTATE WANTED M WE HAVE the key and wUI ~ pleued to show the property at any time. • Coast Properties Co. Realtors 501 E . Central. Ralboa, Har. 2658 37-tfc 3 bedroom Home l ~ Baths. On P'l'nlnsula April and May Only $150.00 month Al~ Summer Rentals Ocean Front Lot On Prnlnsula $4800 A t~<•w R -2 Lots • L<'rt =-i\rt Quick J . D. BURNHAM 2001 ON'Rn mvd Jlalboa. Jt11rhor 31~ • A n ·sponsilJ!r. l'mployrd, GI huy<'r doi: or cat bnthe'Cl and romb-w11ntll ~mnll homr in Corona d!'I D Your WANTED TO BUT New View Home I ~~~~~~~~-~~~ r d in your hom e nr rninf'. n•ason· eASH for·USED Furniture & Appliances "We Buy Almoet Anythtni'' GRANT'S Phone Bea. 5707-M (', :thl 1111 2~:1 Oog~ al~o 1•'(1•rr1srd M is!: Xtt'r, plt'a~·· r a 11 l l11rhor 9.w 40-ltp RENT '1 P'OR FOR Oprt RF.NT ~-r1111m & a ·\-room rtmrnt with tilr h:ilh. 1 :\:\0 M:ir. HR!' ~:'iOO. If you hn\r horn!' for snh• in this ('atf'J;OI'\", that i~ rlt'nr and pr(11•·rly Jlrll'l'tl, call 11'1 TA\'F:RN m~rPANY 1:\111 Con<;t l111:hwny <~nrona 1'11•1 :\l:ir · Ph lla rhor 1741 :\9-2tr OVERLOOKING F.ntlre Jlerbr.it I arc>e. 3 hr . hdw noon. tlrrplnrr ronstrucllnn nnd Inside finish "-Kcepllonal-Thr finest wr'vr evet otr errd. RALPH P. MASKEY 164.5 Newport Bh·d .• C01ta Mesa 42-tfc ram11r Mj !;~-1. nr . Rrtltlrul. ll:irhor ~ 0 , :\~l-_1 i-M S F.\ T(> LOAN aa 3411 w ('pnfrnl Ph llRr '10'J 9-tfr Will Pay· Cash :l-room llllllrtmr nt near Any 1n I WA~S TO'BlnLD. buy, lmprovt\ I For your tumlture ~ whit have you. Ph~ Bcaoon 56M. Balhn:i ~111 ~r wrrk till J un•· mooernb:o. or retina.nee, We pw'· l . .d 11 I ?r:•10 \\. chase trust &-ed!I -D . 1 f (' 1 1 . . 1111 1111•<: p:u nr )Or .a. · . NF.WPORT BAI.BO,\ FEOERAL eSlg'TIC'I or 1110< ,l\"lllL' Crawley Furniture Co. 1811 N~t Blvd,, O>.st a MPN 92-tJc -------------~'.'""'."3_9_·t_fC' SAVINGS & L,OAN ASSN T HIS Nl·:W :\ ht•tlroom hmTI• 1•n ll:'l:E VF.AR LEASE $100 00 prr 3333 Vie Lido Ph. Har. ]!'fl) • 1u:sTn 1r n-:11 Lidu b f<", 1df111 •;, mo. 2 B.R. Duplrx. C'nll r\c :\!l.tk th•' upmniit in ~1111d1111!1 Ianni• ,\ llarhf)r H !"l-R. '39.:ltp AFfOMOTJVE a TrRU II ~tun•·~ t hrnw fr11m !111• ~·•1th ru&NJTURE FOK 8ALE FURNITIJRF. REFl,NlSHED A11 You Like It II LIDO ISLE Flrr\nd nc-w •houiw -F<1R SAl.F: 1932 Ford V-R Roa11- 2 R ~ ·~ :ind Z1 ~I h1n.11ii-<'Oln-<:tl'r. f\. J !""rrhnnll'al mmfltlnn. KEN GRENSTED plrtrb .ind l''CflUl!lltrl~ . fllrnli<h· 1G inrh whcrls S40(). Phonr Rl'R· 1•d-S:l5ll month-will 1::1\"I' 3 }T . ron !'"111:\-J 3fi-5tc l•·nsr Sl'r P A. Pa.lm1'r 33.13 21311 Miner St .• Cosio Meaa Phone Harhor 1070-W For E11t imlllks On Guarantl'rd Work 22-tfc \·ia Lido -Nl'wport Bench -FOR S A LE 01d.~ '41 · 7R SNlAn· T<'l<'phr>nt• l111rhor 1500. 37-4tC' 'ti•• \.O<">tl ruhll"r, rad1t1. hr111rr r.<1od m11tnr Srr nt R'.!2 r'>rt!ll FOR Rr.:-o;T-Smnll housl'. C"'lran lliRhway, :-.;('WloOft 0('11Nl, days IF YOUR F1JR1'IT\lR.E Is ndt be- coming you should he coming to the Jonl'I! Co. Upholster11. Re· atyUnc and rebulldlng all work ruara~. Phone Beacon 6260. rr11~on:ibl1•. lmmrdinte JlO!l.c;rs-39-3tp 25-22tc Ma}f?ltlc r!'frigernl9! $7500. 137 Topllz. Balhoa H f!fr!d. :n-5tc • Be WISC' -Advertise slon. 307 J~land A\'e, Rnlboa, • 37-4tc FOR RENT Allrnrtiw two room hou~r nff gard••n p11tlo, utiliti pairl adults 311 ·Island A\"c .. Ralhoa 36-Stc YEARLY REl'<TAr.. -Dcnu1lru1. nrw, unrurnishl'd apllrtment. just right f(lr rouple. UtllitlMI furnished. garage. wonderful \i f'W, UlU' or Bendb W8llhl'r . Box 1'o 2929, C'or(lna dl.'I Mar. ~5tp FOR SALE-Largr slZf bunk beds or U!le All twins. good sprlnttS It mattreucs. good condition. No dealers. Phone Dea-con 6315-J. or call 189 S11n1a habell. Costa Mesa. 39-2tc St:PARA TF. furnished housck<'<'J> ----------=--~--=~--:;;-:::7... Ing rQPm for onP or two Phone FOR SALE-"Chi\rlrs of London Harbor I \.91 or Call at 123 30th sofa. CUAtom hull!. nredl rccoveT· St Newport 26-tfc Ing. Alao late Victorian walnut __ ··-~-------­ frame Ion• ~ut and nutchlnc DUSINES." SPAIE -14x3R, up-~chalr, UJ!holstered in blue Vt'lvet, stair!!. :.~10 L11rfl'tte Avf'. Ph p ~r {(~frame beds ~ width t ~Har 2091-J 40-ltc \ w Ith Innerspring mettr<'SM'9. ~ ~-after 7 p.m only. Harbor Do you want to .U It! Adftr· 'fS'·J. J ,' 5-~tc .._In U.-cohanna. ) ~ t C'OAfiT MOTOR CO. non FROF.SC'JILF. lllOR roa11t lfl~hwny TflfjVROLETS '47 Stylr Mast<'r 2 .n hkr nrw $19A:i ''1f; Arrn SNlnn, A nnr nwnf'r rar .. ~:!ll!}:i '41 Twn fH>or 11!'dan R11d1<1, hrat· rr Nl'W pnint. Th111· WN•k's •pt'rial. · $10M '40 )'\<•o 0nor S1'11an S99:i '40 C'no\' ()l" :-:r-w 11ph11l,t••rln1t Good lillint. g1095 ':\7 4 Door Srdan Radio r.oc)(l rubb!'r MR."i 1 - COA8T MOTOR C'O. JOOR lO!\St J1111:hway REA('()!': 6288 40-llc H<1)' nnd th<' Li1lo C'lul• I 11°•1•• Prtllt1 l11ntlsraptn1t uni• """' 11fil'rd rh:ht tolnntr wtth 1•·r' · fovnrnhh• t••rm~ ,.,.,, un:• '"'' I•> Sl'C' II. . Harbor mvr~tment Co. :vlth at W <'f'nlrnl In N1•wp<rr' I 2: . .'9 l'ytilrin•• Av••. un Ralboa J.o.t.11111 At Corona dcl Mar TWO RF.AUTffUL 2 Bed room Homes. Jl11mr and l nrom<· BOTI.f F9 R $17,000 RF.At:'n1'TT. 9 Room Home I.Arlt" YI· rt L<lt Gorstmu~ Vll'W $25,000 W .. J. HOLCO MB 1517 C'on.111 llwy. Coron11 dd ~far "\\'h('rr I he Flo~ Fly" 3&-2tr rtt1t11I ~llnl:'.. 2 hllr ks 11hm·I' thfo Aa:.-n• 38-..'9t.- Arrhrs. W11J tak1• ln hou5t-trail· PIUllF. INf'OMt: fr or 1?01"1 lot H Jlllrt 1'11)'"'"1t on my • ..-11111) 4~ Short ~t • oft Ntwport Rl\'d. 111 Bnlu A'·" · ' :h ·tk 111 \ ·x 1'n' .. ,,., 11t11 ,,.,..~ "' ,,, .. ,. ll£t' "" ("• "'"" ., .. _ "'1• .. .. FOR LEASt-: I tR SALE 2-1-1· room. imrurnl•ht.d, )'t•11rl)• rmta - Half hl,~·k from 1"i<'<·11n IW•<'Ofl 5700 1:.!:l Jbt St • N~1JCJrt ~ Am1,._ •r-v tnr ..... . ~ll'h • 39-21p t11on.I unit' ~ ii) ... n 11nd trnno 11> 'ull \\"~ otJft"MirT 1111• lo I• ln•~tnw-nl ( ..... ...-htn· ti) '" '°"" .. LOT FOR SALE NEWPORI ISLAND -Choklr csntt R-2 lot. S~ka _. Plvinr both 1idPw, all utJ\tda. Plul Lund. 6606 ~ ,.,.._. !lfwport ~ach •. Calli. ti Harbor lnvf"t'tment Co. 31lth at W f'rnt"-1 lft ~ Zl9 MM11W' A•t'. <"" e.lbola I~ 41)..U c BALBOA -J.IJedroom fumi~ hdrrP rw.r t.y. Best huy a t ool y $1 O.."JOn-T'""'111l BALBOA -Bay Front horn<-. furnw.-d. ,._..., hftt. mom!' nnrt g las."l'd-ln pord1. ·-r.·o brdlnum.or. •;th 11 ~ hnths ow r doohk-gara1-."t·. An f'x<.-fmt bu)• at 525.000-Tcrms. · SOUTH COAST REAL TY CO. Ross GN'('l1•v. Rt•altor -Mnntr f;nnw"'. Rmlu-r JO!'<'phjrw.-\\'~hb. R1•altor -I k>len '•. Klatt.'lhsurannP :102 Main Sll""('('t BALRO.A l'h. I Lubnr 2ffW •f().. llr RR IGGS-BEST BUYS BUSfN l'::.~s l-1{0NTAGE--10~.-'"' llarf1ur Rlvrt. HIOO' -from M!M11t· l~~ir•~Y unri,,,,..._.,, S>Q'JfJ _ will handlr RF:NTA l-'-'_.t-~um. Apt for 1. :ulull-.. ~.;-dJ() mo. ind. utiliti...-. -Fred BRIGGS Tressa r ... 14 Coa."lt I llghway -rh. lk':.1 !l 77R Rel. Hnr. 2476 lH-l tr Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginnf Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa h land Day J1h()fl1·<; Har !Ci'l ·J . liar Ht~l-J ·f-:\"f's.: lia r 711>-~f . llar 1117-~f RALBOA ISLE Lovely 2 Tl. I~ h•lfn1· <YWT1pl4·tf'fy f11miw .. 1 ""'h fil"f'- pla<:t'. Only :i ff•\\" rl~rs f !'f..m Si> B:1y Si"\Y'fl ~ r;. 'Old. $18,()()(.111(1. ,.. . - Good buv-:~ B I~ • .. '2 l;:.th". h;u'J"'"'°" Of..-,,.... tthl . gara~c. See 111 Hl•!Jr<'f"i:Jt.-,.. S~ilt.IJ f1t ~U-bJawt. CORONA DEL MAR Look! Jncorrlf' r11·0111·rty-:! unit" ol 2 IUL·~ ra<'h. Brand new! l'IN'r•litr"t'. ''""J"•'1«1y l:1nd-.capi'd. Obi. garage. All t.Jlf"' kit1·hm. ~J ~(SIXHll'1 L<>Vf•lv nf'W mork>mi.<ctir homP with 2 R.R.'i;. nre-- plac-e: 1.ots '" '"''~lf~1rrf an<t dt.R>t '-J••<'f'. IJrJUl.,lp gar· age, s11 .200.<111 PEN INSULAJ WonderluJ nrw 2 R.R ~ v.;th ftrri.&a~. tilf> kit- dw>n a.nd both, 1.i:itio and sun <k-..-k &..-i.~ t.o love. $14,750.00 • NEWPORT HEIGHTS See.our new lovdy 2 B.H ~for S"•if~.'Y.J ' .BLANCHE A. GATF.S-Ree.Jton-GTNNY CA~ 41}.ltc - \ •i07 ~ ti 11 l'oln.-..•ttl•• Aw., Cm·ona llcl Mar, Callt. OWNF.U-Phnne ll11rhor .700-Jt, ·-, NEW'PORT I fE IGtfFS Br.met "''" :.! h1'tlrtn h•)fllt' ln ~t .n<'l>:hhorhocxt nt'C•r ~tlnoll'. I 'ric"l:d lo -..•II n 1 ~'-1'.""ll It I, I.ow down 1w1y- fl'l('fll. Want to brnk.I? l11•n•11 11 1111 .. '\.' lot In Nf'\\11011 lll'!Khta n-st lil1cod and 111111111,.; tit•\~' h 111111'!', $1 :t;l(). Tt•nM. Sl't-X'l AJ. -Vlf•w lot h\\•i-l~kln~ N(•wpnrt &y. J'1,,_t 10 :: ::;:~~TE J~ql NT F\Jmildwd 3 hrt'(ln•~i.' hwtl. nrst.· . I ~Iv r>aUo Md hor·J~ca. Smull wor~~up. Ph•1· 1 <I 0tJ6t nl'\.'0f1'U110- cb1h• 'J. boots. N1•nr rww t•lty h11 • $1H,OOO. • 2 ht"ffron1. r11,-plJ\1't'.{~ story. ~ ... clt•('k. plt•r 11nd nont. 1 1 ~ baths. A lowly honw. ~IH.;~)(I, Co!""'•r wah•r fn>fl1,hr1m~'. on ·\!'''"HO' lot. Wt'll hullt. ThL'I L-. ufl(' 1)( th•• mc'l"f'. 111 I IK' ( 'ur11tl ~'('11on. ALL ., ... 1111-:.-.;1.; \\'AT.EU -FHONT HOM!'...-.;; ~}!'~ ff J > r..1fUU<: ~ifN t·: HI' :NT A 1.S ctlsrA MESA t ~ :wn· All llflliti•'S in. Ut)(• nr tht• llf't\t $Hi00 1: ""~on Uttti St.--('.ontl l'llll ~1RM I~ A . uwrluokln..c 00.'\'an. s.w. of {'()flt" Mf'M s1:00 :l lll:lJHUUMS. ~ BA'nlS-$1~100 OOWN c~ .... in <'•1Pol11 Mt'!U1 l'hotw~ ,, .. ntt'r. Butlt In tM!'S. l ... -ir):1• lt>I. Tufl\I prin• ~I. You'll n.:n'(' lhl~ '" a fiAl• \'Ul.lk'. EVA F. RHODEN Realtor· · l?hooo &Rem 5713-R 470 ~Blvd. Ewnlnp. Harborlfl~ 40-ltc BALBOA ISLAND Completely f\.amu.Md 5-bedroom home ln Pft'fect condition. F\Jmlllhlnp lndudP. ~te, c.oarly Am· Prican furniture, ~t<'. U.rge s-tJO. Unique bartJe.. n.k" pU, ...... Of(e"~ for the.-low (>MCP ol $.12,500 tor 'rukic M'4•. Shown by "ppolnt~t only. Call Mr. Ad· klmon. J lnrhor Inti. Ho1•autirtd :\.1 .. ;.1mom home on l.lttJ.• Jllanct. Tiie riio(, :l-rnr 1o<nrogr, 1J1m <lrck And mnny other fN· Ill"""-f>rk1 .. l luw 111 ~:l l .~>llC) for lmn1<idl11tc-~ wtth imlTM'tlialt• r~lon. Cnll Jlnr. 1776, Mr. Prouty. BALBOA BA YSHORES lrnlTM'tlia!t•ly 11v111lnhl<-. '11\ttnwtlvt' two and thl'ft t11 .. troum homi-s wll h 1,•111 fin•pl111'('111, ict11ll Mhowen \\1·11" 1tlanrw .. 1 kitdM'fl!I, lorwe "•menl putlM, ward~ ...~ .. dt)!.4.•b 11n<I m11ny 11lh1•r 1tlft1tdlv1• rN1llU""4. For (11rth.•r portlrnlnri '"-"llnt't Mr. TI1orn1111 Bcrtct.-i ~oc I CLIFF-I IA-VI™ llnrbor l't'fll11ls In hi~ tl1•11wnc1. Both 111111tnM>r and yf•ar 'nrund. I "'J1h•x 11ml n111lllplt• 111111 l11tic now a vail11l1lt• 111 < 1irr l111wn. ('1111 Mr. f'Alw1uilK, Dea· .-on ~7~~ for furthf'I' <lt'tnlls. CORO NA l)EL MAR 1'-"'' huy on 0111,;I llighwuy trt nw111111 tl1•I Mttr-!')()' <'"ITll'I' lot. ltipt• r11r dt•w ltlflltl1•11t. $J<l,7'.°"i(J, good tn~n.o;. l'h11fl1• Mt"i Mamou Ot' Mr llnvl""· llnrbor Jro4G. J llST Tlfl-: l 'l.AC-t-; Y<1I J'VJ·: HJ·:l·:N LOOKING FOlt-;). 1·1111111 h o1111• "tit t:t tc"I 11t1 vi1•w lt1t. Nl'l'(bl ~'""' rrp nir-<\ f-:'<'"'ftli111i:tl pti•'l• 111rd11y. l'honc Mr.,.. Maroon. Harbor lf>46. W1• h:t\1•• ..,.•v1•nil I<-I, I<-:! :111tl n.:t Ii.Pis 11v111l11hli• at n·avin:1hl1 · ,,,..,,,.,_ I 'h•1rw f\1 1-.... l\1111111m ,,,. Mr. Int· vi4.._, I larl11ir 11).-Jl i. LI DO ISLE A \'•·ry rim• h:1y front hmm• with '"-"l~uorn." 11rnl h~tfhs ~.'tl<m•. l'rkr $11~.00<I, with t1•11ns. l.t'I us show y r11 1 th1!. rlfl(• .• ('1111 ~11ry D11·ksun a t llnrl""' I Ul :i. OCl:A N FRONT • '..!·h••lrtw>rn. :.:!-s tory h• 11111• 011 a d1'an !':tndy h<•11c•h. ~~.r1110. C ill Mr. M1 ·K111S1·y a t llarl1or IOl:l.' COSTA MESA Sptmdid :\-l11'flr<111m ltomf' 1'111tV• to nt•w < '111U1l .Junior C'l>ll1·w·. Hrautlful l:twn, n nwrrs, p1ttio 11nd nrho111. S.•• U}is h11rwam 111 $1:<.500. (~JI Mr. Prouty, llnrhor 1776. • - ll1J w. CEHTRA.L "9wport 8-dl EA RL W. STANL,EY REAL'JUR CO V l:Rl1'f0 Ollll.SAT8S NEWPORT H ARBOR l'M ..d OOAST ffw7. m llAJUNE AV&. Ill COAS'I' llWT. M.-pca'l a.di ~ lllrMd a.... .. -· • 40-ltc Sell It Through Claaified Advertlaing . "If ·. ' , . .. ~ ·~ -· . ""' ~. l ,. .. ' J .. Harbor. Fe.minine -Page 6 Nl!WPOlllT SALBOA 5EWS-Tl•E8 t1UDA\" ~-~ ......,... <..... .... !.. INI' Cosio Mesa Cb.rd Gro•ps LoqA T owonl foll Witlt '1ons lor Septe•ber ~' attt-rd MrmMn ol t:=.tt"·r r:rr t--• .f Cost.a lieu 'W'' .SC'S ,.,~,. ~ i.u ol R.obincrol t C1.ttW 6 at • pr>I Judl lunctwon ht-id a I thr bcJalt' ot Kn. F1onmcr f'.:chmr>• .,.h Mn. 11.-1 Stor)' lhannC lM»t • em dutlft. lln. OwlriN Hand prfSMltd._ Mn. Bs1ba Bohannon W ui drYot.ioal and Kn U-lla 1.>l- -tted lhP ~ w-Plana •'ft"l' '-* f « !.hf> bootha wNdt RobiDcrott cirdt •ill su- peivtR at thr fall .,._ _. ..... wUI brludr rook.rd .... °"'" l(JPS And J.oG••rd µ&ltl,S "T•~·>'L'•' ~rr.t..-~ • r r-P , )r......-nl •t •hr -~.,. C'lrdP • roa;u ._ ~-n~ St.-:vt> '' ("hra•Ulll .s.-~ .. ,.. ~~ an· ~ u.r.d to ttw fall · bu:a¥ Mid nictt nrcw • maJo.n~ pl.1i.nt for •Jaur _, J.arltC\ILV hooU» At ttw ..-110C fA ~­ AIDt'nCllft nm. l a t-......t)-snandy loocrth .... iUbJH1 f« ~ Kn ~· C'ooprt" w .,. dP-v~ _. >In t'l!in~ fw· n9Clll w .~ t Tfl·· 1r·· • 11n'r. '""".'1~ t .. !.'1 :•~ t<tf• ht>n •. 111 '1t.. \, ·1,H ,· t 11ntpt t ... rt. .\II• \I••' I .t II•••· •• •~'"'int· I· ,,, -. \I • ..: • I' I I ,.,. "" ' I 11 I' I""' i. ~· ',, ....... 11rtl• '•(1f t 011''1l \l1 ,\\ ....:t .: •'Ill •llJtl•>I' ' r1t11rl l"t 1 • • 11 "' ~. 1:t1llf1rl.i."1 I lull~•, ('11T• ..:11 11, ;\r 1 .... rttan.: •., l' 1• 1t1 1d• 1t q • }l.,n·h m ... 11nc )lrs tl1 1 .. n nr11\\ n \\:'I• h,!tlll\"'~ 10 th• ttr11ttf\ 11! "'"' h 11._fn11 • f 'ox 1~· pr··~11Jt-n 1~M1 " < 't irr. 11~ 8otf1rht'r I• If 1il ti•' 11t 111ns 1tn1t Mn Rl'rd1n• l l11r1 •' · • '" •· 11,.. mis .. u1n1r,1 . .Jk ;\l1 • \·,r;i 111-"' w-n "'"'" "'•--I• umt-d u~ :. n•·\\ mrmbf'r ~I"" Joan t1~wlr, dauptet- SilAouetf e Shop ff!Ofures Prolile, Hos Harbor Girls Mai.e· Televislbn Debut A"f fa shion Show .· Former Anaheim Girl Bride ol Tea w orlev ' a .mitt' COOlll>"'D .,th eymbidiws , ordlwk. In Rites at Spurgeo_n Memorial Church Aulfuni; .. , thto rf'ft'Ptiml wen ' l tn.. Belt) Rc>k-htt. ol PnJud. . Eas1t•r S4nday w11s chosen for ""fll'Blt'd in lht• linw ~·n sahn Ctah, )In \"1('1or Bonnat ol the maJTla0 e day of La ..... , 1-"OWn worn b)• Man °-..... --a J·'an .... _._ G t \l'l· ur111i; O\l•r tt'l<'\'islon to-• -· " · -.,.. . ..,... • Anabtun.. )J.rs. .. ,,.. u~• Kl'n)vn, daughter of ,Mr. and ('i••n.•nffir n1a1d o' '"··~·r and -.£---,....___ ~-nich' 11,r.•• uf tht' llarbot urea's "r-• • ' ""'~ Jla.,...,""", 01 ~an '-..-. • ..--..tt'. ~ Mrs. La"·rence .w. Kenyorr.santa in th<> pink tafrta• frocks vi the ,.,. H ..,, ,.,,.__,_ .. _._ (,,. "' ·• cu l~. Ann Pollins, Dona • l"<ou)" 3rTU "" r ....rnt.a. ..,_ Ana lk1Khts, and Ted G. Wor· tirldt-smm1ds, Miss CA.rot ~·ri 11 •~-H -6 Kll.o II d /\nit I\ ("nanf', who will • and Mn er...-.' ununc ua lt•y, ~11111 of Mr. and ~1rs. Al"'''•t und ~1.·s· "''-1rl ')' J"an ll"Atln•• of ... _ ..._..._ ti'" 11, 1t"I~ 1n thf' r:1<1hion show r " .,.,,, " " ~ ""'' < ~ ..... --S.anta AnA. all :;ouna .. _. uo.s. "' l. .\•lot li•u:ciui::.10n of /\dii s Worl<·Y. N<'wport Hcii;hlS. The Wilham Amkrson 5(-nt'<I i.s f'ollo,•nni; a hon(~mooo m Lo• n •n ·nw ny was p('rforml'd In bt.•st man while· PNe An<k>rson • __ .. ,,.__ f' ........ ~,. 't """I• IS ~1;1~111~ In C(JDJUC· \ <i:M ....... ~ ~. um:: Sn.•r0 t•on MPmori11l church ~"th and J~nnh Gr~1ngt•r .. ~ ... hr ·-"' .. -..i. '-ll· 1 l\tlh 1111· u11t·111n~ of thl! new ··-"' -· ~,.. • ...a.ro; ~ ~ .. ,11 make 1.bor ......., ua 11 '"~ & t:ll> :\lusic store at th!' Ill'\. R. A Young 0H1c1ating Compl('llnR the bndaJ pan) !'--port llt>tghts (' .. 11 M!•sn. The bride, given In ~arriage was tht• br1~·1 cousin ="ancy )In. w ori.-.,· JS .a ~~al 11 t 11wul Rlr ls and thr<'1' pro-by her fothcr, wor<> a ~aint Sue H un1111g, who actt-d as Anaht-in1 IUi.th ....+...•.! . and at-gown of nylon marQu1s<.'llt' in thP flo"<'r "trl -..-· __,,_ (< .. ,. n.tl rnv<IC'I~ will 11ppt•ar in " IC'ndt-d Fu lk-rton J unMW ...-.-sl.yle> of long ugo. H 0 r ve1'I was Mr11 Kbn)'On w o-a ---~-· _..a., •• _ ...1 n• "' ., s•~lc s of hathmi.: suits ' " ' ·~ ur·~-.. Mr. V.ortco)· is a .,.._ ..... -of l11cc· und stte carr ied a white frock w ith Plllk a<X'CSSOl'll'S and schools. lrulll f!,,,. •. Marie fil'l'd of Cali· orclud on a while bible. ="-iior1 '"'" ·• Thi• rell-cast will h1• from Th<' old-fuhion"" molJf w•• a rorsag<> of pink rOk-S. •·tule o -... _ -a.£..~ ~~••t lh pm t~ayu~Satur·~--------~--------•-h_e_~_1_*_s:~r_oo~~-~-~--t~--~------~ __ "_-___ n_~ _____ _ d ,,· "' 1· r Poramount slat ion KTI./\ w11h Clet<' Rohcrts aa t~•mrn< ntntor and emcee. Congregational Leaders Ledur~ to Ministers Af ·Mar Casa Retreat ---------------------;.• R~n lor Being of ~ts. and ~~ Cbarlea 8. t'llrkwlr of '""' Ml'eMa ... IJ1tlhua bl•nd "hlllM' C'll~- 11wnt ti-..J'1·111.-·lh Douclu KaAcla .,., • ._.,, "'"· \drlf' ·Hatrh, ftaJbo. l•l•nd. 1 .. a11111•unc·tod. nr r. Bryant Drake or Chi· , •I.:". Mlnls~r for Higher Edu- ,, .1 t 1 o n for Congrl'ga tional • l111rdw~. l:li\t• two le>rturl'S at 11.. 1'•'"'·1-:asl••r R<'lrPul for Con· C•, ~.1t1rm.il rninistc•rs or thl' ~111tfll<'rn Cnllfornin-Arizm111. dis· t n ''· hrld this WN·k 111 Mar r· •~n. Oalhoa Island ,\Q~ ~1 1 French Cafe . .NEW re .. ,._ .. ,, •• ........ , ... .._ •taw 5111-11 ~~G~ ONION SOUP FAMOUS FOR FOOD ............... ~MWNY SBA FOOD-STEAKS-DINNERS Cl.AIR G. llAR11N ... .._ ...... _ • .. -.. Alesb K9g er.a, awco.i .. , ... St.el v.. Oir .. r on e.ma-I I t:mL1 .. m nf "Th• !'llh•tll• '•• Shnp · "' l:.'17 1 ·,,,,.., lln·h\'"' ('t)C'on.1 '1• I :\I 11 ,, ,, r lt•tl 111111.: t •1lh•tt!J tft ... t 11jT If 1'"'0 I t1r11· 111 !ht•,.., lilllo· hJ,,..k prultl•' 1·lqtf• d 3 h11nf1r• <I >• ''' fl'" j,,r 1·1• ti 1:r·1nth11.1 Tru·· th• la•h .... ln pt"ofd· hut rt. r•· ... m1u·h "'"r' II• Jl, t ,\nit 1r fh••r1 ·~ Tl"' m11rh mnrr Hoigh -Flidwir Engogemen,_ Told •' Hh• r 1 .. c111rrrs W•·rr Or Stan- 1•' '\;orth, dlrl'<"tnr ef r1ty work .. r 1 h• lour1rd of Home> Missions .. 1111 l.Jr. \'~re L.J...otK'r of fi<'rk- Mr .1nrl \11 • ( 'harlPs S Flirk- " 11 • t '"" ,\11i:t•l1·<; und Anthon I·• tll•I '"' • "'"" llJ" r ni::nt:rmf'nl t I 11," rl 1 '· h••·1 .lo11n 10 l<<'n· 11• th 11.,11d , ... J l.,11.:h son of Mrs \•l··I .. '111111•h :.'?°.t C"olitn11 ovrnur rh:lf'c "h•·r·· •h· 1lr111••' '1r 111111 l\.tit ... ,. 1 .. 1,iorl t I<'\' I \frc \\' r . 1'•"'1•', In f .. r tlw•r \11~ .. Flir k\\ 1r ls nt prC'Sf'ft! S1x•y·fJ\'r ministt'rS Oltf'nd~ h1L•1n• "~ 1• rt -.1r.11111ni: n1r" • ., ~••1tl••nl 11 '""' Ant:l'lf'S C'it) !ht• rl'lr<>:'lt , w hi<" h ff'alurc>d Th•• nc" -.hop lnr •'• rl 1n h.111 1 . .,11, c• -.;., II 11 , ha" lll'en Sri 1rn•rn11w nnrl r\'rning ll'rtur l's. af· rt.-11 P a rt.. 1111• 11 t t '' n•'• •I m 1, 1 1111 ".~illlint: •• 1 no•tn• 111 int: ~l\'<>n O\'('r to re- l lv> ll1trbo1r an n 11nd 11 1"t1mplr1.. 1·r· a11on Th•· rrlrl'at endro wilh hrlf' nt mn"'', 11n1t h ni.:•·n .. "111 T A l H / Thw sdny lunchf'On. bf> ('llrTlffl, "''h II w1'11• Sl')t•(•!111ri P,-. A. SltS e p ---- nf prmMlh in .. 11 .,u11liw·• 11n11 01 Concilia,;on Court Episcopalians to Meet Al nal1<malJ) llf1\Prl1~f'd pnr< < o• ~""n1111ud t1111n1.t w111 iw rc-11-To Prevenf 1vorces Wednesday, Organize haM": and M n RruN'. who arr R••nli1in~ lhr ~riousneu of ·As Separq,e Parish lfta1unc their homl' Ill Ca~ll thf' d1,·orrt· prohlem in Loi An-, \"f'rdr apertmPnls. N r w ll 0 r 1 ,. J::l'lt'!! rounty with Its t'Mu.lni: The congregation of St. James juvrnill' dPhnqu<'n!")'. 1tnd decld· F:pis("op11l churc-h will meet Wed· ~ech. have rttt'ntly returned ln2 to make a frontal attack on nrsday, April 1 at 7 p.m. In Nor- lrom ttw ·Jlawaii•n llland.' Bftrr 111 inroadll. Mrs Rex t>. Harbert, ton's Bay Shorc c-afe and organize Dvinc thf'Tt' for nlnf' yf'1m1 Th•·\' Ind d I h d proJ:TAm cho1rman of the Mon-as 11n l'p('n ent par • . a opt ~ fnnTW',rly rC'1'1df'nls of Anit· ro\•1a . Arc11d1a • Duarte Hlah a ronalllutlon and by-laws and ,hrim ~rr Mni Rruf'(' wnrkrrl• ,. Srhml AitMX"1111ion ohtalned thl' <'lect 11 V<'lltry. far H (' Str\'l'ftll romp;iny wh11lnt1nortt'd nnd unanimous an.. Actlnii Bishop. the Rt. Re v. In ttw anhtndll Mni RrUC"f' w11~ ' •" ,.. e Good h d i ted with C'urtis l.td In lhr mr~f't pro""' of a resolution r('Queatln1t Rol><'rl • "" H <'I cna rhlll ;1ll ju'11(f'' of thP 1upttlor lhC' vicar. Rev. Paul M o ore and lln2rrit-drperlmf'nf nnil nl rour1 lhr••l't nn'1 C"hanncl 1111 de· Whttler , as chairman o( the thr ourhr f'ak of thl' war joln•'fl I ,,.,. Libf'rr•· llOU."4' All dt>prorl· f<lult 11r11on~ 1nw1l\'ing children, mPl'I ng. ' ihrnui:h th<' rhildri•n'!I court of Thc -20 men who sl2m·d the mrnt hr11<1 1tnd ht1)cr. rt>m11lnin$! Applicntion prf'Sen ted to the far •ix "f'llr<t _ rnnrtl1r111nn. u 11, rartmcnt of th•• ' -t ' I iotnndini: committer of thl' dio-Rl'C"ently "h" halt 1111sisl!'d hl'r ~11r••nnr '"'llrt 1t•1or (' grant ng tin I I .. . r di C'l'8(' mu.q be prl'!'ll'nt at thl' •illtrr in "Thc-Silhourttr Shop" n•n o\'t ury 111•f'rt·1· o vor cc. ln Honolulu. a mm"'m•on ~h"I' Mr~ llorhnt quoted the Hon· meeting, ,.. • I J U Rr11cn •111ions ror dlnncr should to ttw OM in \orona rl<'I M t.r nrahlt• 1.not" 111 • J.;mi.thl. eu- f S f be> madf' with S ll Fr11nklin. •hr1-f' .tt... t!' read ) tn hrlp soh•r• tenant Go\'l'rnul" o the tale o ,,.. 1 f i I ci clr rk 1>f !ht• ni~hop's commith "<' your prohlf'm nf "hrid"ing thi• ~at or n '" .. n my capa ty u .. j r at Harhor 2098-J and due to IUIP bl'twttn the silhouette nil· ud2r nr• •h•• supc'nor court o l A I • t {" lack or ~pace it Ii; ad\'lsable that turf' lt&\'l' you 11nlt th<' silho11. .(ls rut" "" munty nr ~ )'Hrll, etle feehlon dC'm11n<b l h1we trlC'd lit..rnl!y t ouunds only adults nttcnd. 0.S.rl lriJ9e H.IJ at ~Home OI Mn. Tillotson of dl,·orce nrllnns. and I havt ------- l>"l'n th" rl•·\ .. s1.111.,ns rc1u111n1 Ch;is,ian Science rrnm llnok<'n homM I :'Im <!cad-Lecture Rqdiocast f ust ly Ami 11nrn111prom1sinJdY In fn,or nf an)lhani: lc:ldmg 10 the On Sunday m11lnt1•m1n<"'"· nintinu1ty nnd th<' M". 1Wrth11 Tlrlnt~nn f'ntc-r-intt•i;nly or thl' Amt'rican home." tahwd TN'mlw'r11 nf hf'r hrir!i:" In ~uppnrl 11f hPr morion, Mrt. rluh •1th a <IHlll'rt luncheon at 1l.1rl1<•r1 ~•111c-d, "\\.hi·n W<' ~lop h'T hornr on Fl owf'r itlrl'l't '" rnn'!dN 111111 cturm~ 19'1tl. in Ttlurtday Los Ant:l'I<'" rount \' 11lnn('. O\'f'T' tloldlntt h igh smrr was Mrs J.'UW dlrnrrf's " .. ~,, cnmtl'd. lt unian Robf'rt~. Mrs. EI m I' r is ;ihout t1mf' lhnl \\'(', RS an Wrtcht.. bfoinc lf'<"<lnd. assO<'iA t inn dld som<'t hini: im- ~nt Wf'rl' the> Ml"ltltnmrs mc·d1att'ly u nd rnns1r11rllvl'I) to P V Park,-.. Wrii:ht. C'hsrlr11 prP\'ent !lllC'h a rontmulni: de-** 1217 Coast Highway (Kindell'1 Patio) '" Corona del ~•r P~: ~ 1293-.W ** • ' I ' °'"41' •t A , M ......... a..d~'l'--llnr Jland, J f'rrold SJ>'lni;:lrr. W F: . lllMICtl\·r rond itir,n ·l'SJM'<'ially ----'fo-Ntt..tr."4-.-('" J R idl"y Rober ls-:hl'CC-ChlldrC'n --11.IT_<:f>nCPr_nC'd. and tht' hosteu This nor 1ml> Is our 11n11wl'r. but TlMo rroup will fn('t't Arril 15 "'<' Ar<' R~kln~ lhat lh<> st;lle Al the home of Mrs. Hand lnw "" C'hani:1·d. sn that MICh Rl's1d,.ntat ur this '1cloi1y ma}' hr11r 11 ll'clur<'" nn th1• iiuhjf'cl "f'hr1'<t 111n Sc-1enr•• Thf' Fullfill- tne111 ,.r Prophr<"r 11n'1 PromiS('" wh1rh "ill be rad1oca st O\'l'r Sta· lion KF\\'R (9M krl. ~unday a f- ternoon. Af)f'il 4. 111 2 .JO pm . from Thirty-sel'.'ond Church of Chris•. ~1·11•ntist. l. o ~ Angeli's. Tht' ll'<"tUr!'r, Rich1trd J . 0&\il, of S arntoga, C"11li!ornia, Is a memt.r r 1of Thi' ChraSltan Scicnce ~Arlt 11r T RTUr'Mtl1p Presbyferian Services At High School 11-AY AID SATU.RDAJ·-· 2-~-3-- • F• I ~Jud NeuJ. .l!oolz-i i.1 .. _.Homw A*At.o.t.,. e OUR NE\\" <X>LOR ~ ' e OCR MODERA n: PRICES • TifE FThrm" )Q~ • W'ORJOl.A.~ • INSPfXT Ol.~ )l()()EL ~ PRon:x:T \'OCR HOllE OR OFFICE ... nos IS TI1E SEA.SOX FOP. p ~-n:x<: FREE SERVICE WILL ASSIST IS TitE SD..f.X.11.0~ OF YOUR CX>LOll SICHEllE. SHOl.."LD \·oo WANT TO DO YOl."R O\\~ WORK.. WU.L GIVE F\,'!.L INSr1U:CnOKS AT ... NO~m"TOC \, .e:, OUR ~TOR WIU. Fl. "P-'LSH COKPLETE COSTS FOP. )(A TERIALS. L..(B()R . . . OR 80111 CROWi PAllT CO F• Er.:111r• ... 0 • a. ..... ~ I Club Mffls lor ,ot Lud Luncheon M" kit ('t11rk Wfl~ hnotNOc to mrmtw<ric of 1ht> Jdl<' Hour cluh 1tt hl'r hnrnf' on M111o?noli11 n\'I'· nur. l'"r"mlo? a "''''<'rl'lt d1!Ch lunrh«•n SJ""<"nl i:ui·~•" "rr" Mr!! Ji·n n1r R.'Urd. Mr~ MnrjMil' RAkl'r, .llnh llrhn'. ~1r~ "1an<'hf' i\n- <ff-r<lc>n. Mrs llnrnln Lnni: And dnui.:htt•r LoulM'. ~fl'mtlf'n wl'rf' ~fr!'rlam··~ i\hl•t• Jont>s. l\lmnt•' R<l\d, J-:1111 :\111)' PYtruiln•·. ~rll1t• T1wk••r. \l11r ttllrrr Lone 11!.1 l.n rtom. ;-.;, IJ11•" (~tl•'n. \\' 1nn1 •' It 1k• r. ~111ly I lin•'l•h· nntl Flt1rrn1·0• l'··~··l WfHE YOl NG IDEA'' ncJion hr r••11uirrd 11( all jlldttet ur t hr s111w•r1or r11url "Tlw m111;nitud1• 1tr th11 dlffi- r ult ttursllnn I~ N1s1ly und,•r- stnod. "h1·n onr rr:i h1r!I t h11t ahout 30 no luull Ul\'OI•'•' 11t•t11111s, mnn~ ln\ nl\·mi: rh1lrln·n , 1<rc hannlt 11 1'\'t•r\ Fl'J,.'.Ul.1r l'Ollrl n.1y, nr apprn'(lmatrb I~ Anwra.·an hnmr" .1rr rom11ll'11 I~ 11tf111trrl'd •r\t·r~ \\t I k lt\ th1< 'nunty Alt,nc. n1•t "'' n r•,ns1dt·rtn~ any n1hrr p11rt ttf lhi" mttinn ·· PtltnlHll.'. 11\lt th.ti ~'' 111 HI)' 1l1n~r1•1· n1·1111nic ;11 • l1111nch<'d hr1i<ttl~. m lh1· ho· 11 .,( pa'<'<l"n, dunni: n q1111rrd .1nt1 \\ 11 h .. 11t 1111•• 11• ltl>1•r:itlon~ \Ii• I !art. rt 'ttht ,,, ... , Ry '.\losslt•r ~-.... Ac-Ma P"'Pl'rf\' h1troduf'f'd 11 .... I d"n't lrt'I '" hr"'"" a hoµ I la klni: ~ .,., '""" t r"rtl h• r .. "Humor and Faith" will be th<' subjr<"t of the srrmon lo bC gi\'cn by flt'\' Thnmai-M. Glb50n. Sun- day,. April 4 at N!'wport Harhor Prcshytprian chur<"h, 1n !ht'. II· br11r)' or I hi' high schtiol C"hurrh and rhurrh school 11rl' both a t ten o'clock. indkalrd I h:it hy rn•hly ruor;hinC? Into thr <11\'orrr ('Clllrl. lhr rhil- drf'n arr fl•'nnw'fl nf thr t•nmfort. hC'lp, 8!1Jlist nnc<' nnd 1:uidanrl' or the parrnt~. with thl.' ronscqucn· tial JlO!l~lhlhl)' Of JU\ l'ftlll' drltn· quency 11nct tll'r,,m,. lh1• pawn of thr 1tl:idrntMrnl h1hli:ind :'Ind wif<'. Ovt•r h11H or I hr rn . lfi I r:tnr"r death~ rf'rtirde•d 111 l'.lli w1•rl' ut tht' undt>r i;;. \' .. Rr oltl lrra<"k••I 11 "I "'f'rr unrl .. ~ -,., ~". ~ :lll and 1 •; 11n<l1•r ~n :'l:n n.: 1·1 1s snff' fr1m1 r:'ln<"<'r IA~ FINE FABRICS • Draix-n<'!' • Urholst<'r)' • \Rrf>('tini; • lland prints & dress fahrk~ Unin1:~ Q111ltm1:. <>II". PHONE HARBOR 2()9.t.J .K 8'..!:l C1>11st I I 1ghway CC>rnnn dt•I Mnr Gilfs lrom lor 'n wide at THE CHALH 13fl ~Ulh ( <IA't noul1•\'Anl IAC'•n• tk-ac·h. ( •llh•rnla ln Our Hew Location In Downlown Costa Mew •• •• SOUfHERN -CALIFORNIA'S. OUTSTANDING MUSIC AND APPLIANCE STORE ** Demonstratioll Theia Kamerer Hoaw ~ of U..- Sout.ht>rn Califonlia £.dMoa Co. IN Ol"R ** Norge Electric Kitcllell Friday 3:30 to 530 P. M. F~day ·a_. Satllrday FASHION SHOW ART LUND-IN PERSON . WhOtW rtte>rdlnp of "Blllf' Skits'' and "M~· Blue Hn,·~n" han s1npt the Sation \\'Ill Aut~h Iii.oil IAt~t M.(i.M. IWrordln~ . Latest Cn-ations in P~ Marie Reed Beach \\'<'<lr ...._ by ,Ma ... Television Broadc.asf Satunlay 8:30 to 10 P. 14. ly lf.TLA y , .... Costa Mesa -- ? . ~ ·* ,, In<'. quir Ja{"(' Par C)( l('f'l· ~ prO' mi!; van Ori E unc sla the pm Ja• tril cit: aa thl qu ck< ba. tol nt Cc fu co fr· to th ru (" ti £. ,. Jr ,, s h n " I• ;; t t ( - I, 'DLRllOND: IU.&80& It, 11 AND tee ?'WllW.!111 ~day, .Kohday throud\ P't1day, by Slim D. PolUr tudus s. Smith, m. 0"~" and operatol"i o( the Newport Harbor Pwbli$hing Co. \'OL XL AY Newport ~. ('uU. A I !, t'RS---PAGE , CALLING A BULLY'S BLUFF News of ·the Churches ••OSi¢05oo00C$00oCCUOCCCCGOUSOU~ --COmics, Radio·.- -D~~~· • ** s , 7 , • , • 0 , e • • , ft • • • • • • !.: 0 ,._;,.,._ , 0 0 ft 1021 curt Drtw 1 .. • uutoA UllAJlfD V&U'SL. 111 "6at. .... . ...... 1hrr7 ... ....... A.eeocMte ....... Church School, 9:30 UIL -Morning Worstup. 1 J e.m . --1&- ' N~tH= -rr --. l m~r~~;-~ASHJEW~-=- '4TllE nu&JlfDL Y" Q&JliTaAl- B~ CllUlWll 1\ m . di}'lne wor11hlj)1' '"" RA-v. Herbert C. Roth, pMtcr 1182 E. Wllaon $t., C.O.ta lleN "Com.-ON.'e'-You'll CGme Acaln!" &ev. Dwtctit K1•mH ,..._ Meetlnc temporarily In the S... • enth Day Advent.lat chun:h. Clm' ntt of O ld Count)' road and Bolaa Ave .• Costa •.fesa. Suftday 1choot, 9·~ a .m. w~~P wrvtc.-11:00 a. m. YoUiia prople'1 aervt~ p.m. Evenlnf evan1eli1Uc eervicl- 7' o'clock. •• usaml.iP or ooo H. S. MrMW-, Pu*'- ArnerkAa I.Ast• Hall. 11 .. rad C-tral A"' Sunday school. 9 :~ a .m . Mcmina 1erv1~. 11 a.m. -( Ev<'nln& eveneell.ltJc Hf'Vlce • W edn<'9day. 2008 Anaheim A~ 7:30 pm. r--x LADY or MT. c.uuo:z. t~u "'eat <'•tnl A•• .. Mid-week 1<'rvl~. ThundaY at 7:30 p .m Sunday Maues: sT .• u.~u:s <'HlllU'll 8 a.m . am,I 10 a.m . l'KOTY.~TANT EPIS.('OPAL ConfesaJons: Saturdays fr o nl S'!O!t \'la Udo 1:00 to ~:30 Uld fTom 7:30 to Phon1•s H11rhM l~:V> and liar. 4:..'6 8:30 p .m . Re'" P iwl J\f11<1r<' \\'hr<'kr. Vicar ~ ~~1 :. ,,_, 111•1\ Ct•m1111mll1n. FL~ GOSPEL CRUBOR >.; .111 a 111 ,111;1 11 11111. t'horal ztncl u d Eldtoe, Ooeta M-l 'l'l.t 11 :o i l .. n "' 111.-II 111 > l ·ommun· Sunday school. 9:'5; mom1nl I hlll .11111 So rm11l1 - "'orahlp. 11 ; E\'angC'll.ltlc llel'Vtoe, :t.:\.11 p 111 1 'h11rd1 S 1·hoof E:isi.·r 7:30 p.m .: Mid·wet>k prayer meet· l':.1,11 .... l'm:i-.tlll, l'r1•, .. 111a111111 ul in& on W$cllday, 7;'5 p.m.; :'llil!' 1111:1.•·"· Fl,.\\o•r l '1·oss und young pt><>plc • ('vangcU.tic tervie» 111;11 t) 111 1 tw Clo" 11·1 11f11•n\ anl;. Dn Friday. 1 :45 p.m. ...... -\ .. ~'(-, - \\-_.._. .. A. \:, ,3 •• Q~ ,.:, .:,"' ~-:;.-...-y -1#.:i_('4\'" .... ' ·~? ns-1 (... s. "l · ~E,'£'•"-v.r~r("Ssc.•,,G ? ''-E j ._ 1.4._i:' > Tl' '..f ~~.., --......... .., "'E' Co\.., 11.-'~C'•T -....-.-.:: c_s·.-.::. ·' ll'i•r.;;.;;;;;.m-\\.),(°'... ·.h~' Tll_ J.. ~._"'c..-E:' -~ ~~~:~~Y~!:I '~··· , .. ~ ~~ -~ I -., :--.--~_ ,;._,.!_~:-;.: ;_, ,4' '.~-~t) )~ ,~·~~~:·::~.~~J:: .. ~::~ .. ~::_:· ..... ,.1 ~ -~~ ~!.I ,,?_~. I #.;;"' #ft~---~·~ ~) "'.( -~ : , ~ ~. :. ,~." ~,, 7:'(. ''\ ~ ... '-~. I ~.: '"\?( ~-~-~~ ,. ~ I \f~_:.==~-~ ~.\·t,'~<., L:-/11-'----=-c!::i> ~ S-t£~<., -• \ l ' C'HRli;!T C'HT'ltCll b\' TIU 8U I q \ ~ -I I ST . .10/\ClllM C HURCH C<>mmuntty MethocUa& 11 J t - -.:"'"'-""'~ .. OrPlll{f' "''•'DU,. al A " • Bf't"l'i'n l9tho and 20th Ut,o ",.., c,..,,, v-H \;:: -· \ ONE '["i' ~O T.:':".\\ -I a April •1. 1!-l-18 ~ 'fM-'N ""·"E R::-.:::s1 RIOAY • ~ .. 'TH _, I ..... --~-----...... --.----.-... ~ ................ ,..0.>ftt ... ''" ... -.. ... :.;/':: .......... .... _._._ .. .............,"" .,.,.-~ ........ "-•f'I••• ·-•twit ''-'' \ uua ou.1. . .,.. . -. , . -... •n . . . -... ••l"C .· , .. , .. -........... ........ -... .,,,. • • • • W1• •~ ... ,.. ........... . ...... ,, , .... . • r • ......... ...,.. .... ... ,. ·~ . , ... ,, .......... , ....... . ~ ..... ._ ....... . .. ......... ._ l(J A -Ou1;.1 ••••• .,., ..... -· .. •••• t.. I .. , -t ~ • '""'*• ... ' , ... ... , A l •*'• t 1-..-... .. ft I '••• ~'' '• • I .,. ... ·-..... '._ 'f .,, 11 .... . . . ... .. .... ,, '-· h.J '·-..... , ... ' .. ,~ "' ... ttltl .... •• A. .... , .... • "'' 1 • ' ...... •d•J >-•• .. 'A.-l----• ._..... .... ... •0-'··· .... ,..,.... ............. ....., .. h .... ... ., tt., ••• ,. • ""• ............ "' ... .. .. .." ...... , , .. .. ,, ........... "·-... ..... .... , ... ·-Ot .. f!~, W-~· .. k• .... .,. ..... _"··· .... , ........ ,.-. .. • ' 'f ........ . ... , -··· , .. .... en •.,... .. ~ ... I.Clift I•• W .. ,,,,,_I J-!"'" ~,ll.tM .... ~:-... , , ~·-l\1"··· ... ,,,... .. .. •" Rh•·, ... 1•t .. ... h"-··· ............. .. ... .. , "'" "" .. ,,., h••• I r•. "'' ................ .... ~·: \ ·~1\::.~ 6 ·:. ·~i•• h \f.4 t aH •1\l•e ti.tll ., ....... , ... ,. ..... h!\' W•••"" An*'"- 11• ••••••••• ,.1 • t.tt W•H• '\\, .. .. '\a. ' ~ht•. iiht .• ~ .. •• 4 , ..... ,~··" 9'1t• h f •• , ...... _ f\ t \\. H Pt I h ,. '"-•f ., ' ''"Hh 6 lla#I ... • r ... ... \• ,, .. h• ....... .,,,,~ .. ··"'' ,_. .. . )!t it \ 111-11• \_~ •••• ,.... W.••• ... ,. , ... ···-~· ..... J\Mmt 6 1 ... ·,.,..., I••••" Wh u1• 14-IMt• .......... , ,,, .. ,. ... ..,. ,, .... "-' 4 .......... "''' ""• · ''"-'"'" ...... ._. _,, ' .. ... . ... ,__..... ........ .... 9'.WI •' t••-••11 . .... ,. ....... ,.,... ~··· ... _ .... ., ~ .... .,, ..... .... ~~' ~· ""•• I r Ill.' •r• a"....,.' l '"• ~,,... .. .... (4t .. " .. ' . .. .. .. ... ., ........... .... "' • \\ " r. ., .. • ..... ... .,,, 1•••11 tt-t •n .. .... • .-.. WMitM "'••• ~'' Ju.a ..,. ...... ., .. ~ ~•,., ,'lu~.!.·:~~t 10:1A \n'" ra.L IKUJ ""'' t~ • • ~ ~l" •. !.'.!:!" ~"'= .... t\ltJ l\9fthl ••• -~ 9' "" M ';•u~ .. tl't k I A\" tl11•• l••ll, w ... ~ r I I '••fhlU••I ...... , ..... "•'' KIC' A 1ti ...... tN - WUJ "'••• kt M'ft U•nt ~,,,...,.. W II ~ ""'' n""• .... ,.,...,. Wf'A() l••"''• to ... ,.,, . ~•u u-. .. ~ .. Mtw• .. ,. Kl .. ,. 1-. ... •111• Mf'I W>•l•t t lf·i .. f,.. KMtt lta11 ht 'lt•'"'9 It. IC• A J-..• t T~ 11~1• KllJ hhtth ,., tl4•lf'W """' 1"1111 ,, ..... M•fJ l' •UI I """ 6 ...... k}-..~ ti"1I I \h lfAIW II r.• h L A1 kt ll"''H••• kt \ \ ,, •• :::!'•' n:.·. ·,~ ~'.!~·~ •. 11 tll "I.A l\•a ..... t( Yt WU•k "t\•~· ht 1 A I• lt11 ... "' .. , ', ... , ....,.. \. t• I I •••• .... 9' ... , t't ••.4 I • n . ... , ............. ~ .. , ... hf..'• \ '••1 I; H ff I flt.1 A dllW1• """" ~···· .. ._ .. ... ••• M•ludl•f\• &"4'4 th1 ... I •11111 lcllfT ~·. ,, .... , "" .. ._ Cuet Meaa RM. E. P . Ouodrll. Put.or •. ~-, $\\ •~1$ 3.,:) m T ~~£SS J M.asses 1 a.rt.. dally. Churrh Schoinl. H ;t11 n m. ~:::::S""1• --· Sundny ~em and 10 a.m. ;\fnrnim: ""'"hip ll a.m. ---~INI ..... •'-'· TELl:.\llSI< ' · Jw"• "111~0 .. • C , I S l d 4 5 p'" n _ ..... "'=r~ I~ ! ~ ~.'-! .. t:'~:~= 1.t•-T•• .. •••• on eas on1 11 "ur ay, • ... ,. i-:,1•mni.: S"r'll'"" i :\11 11n1 . ....:V ·-, • -••LA .-. , • •~ ,,. .. ,.. 11 ,.._, ........ ....._ - and 7-8,p.m . G111>1l1•ll ·"n11• \'rihu• ,,f our.V11lut•s.' t-,.":1 ::-.:-:;·_--:.:. ., •~'•" ,..., __ ..::• _____ ... , .. •·--~..,,,,., 8T. IORN VIANNEY CllUBOR r.·:10 "Ill . :'ll..Cho1d1~1 Youths' -&JU-H-• . . ..,. , .. .. ===~=:::::=:::=:::=~:::::-::-:~:=.--:::~=:.':":~:""'"'"=;;oi•;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;:~.,.~-.... ..,..aw~e1>o&::~1~a1aa~~c1~---, .. ..i in" "h• ... . ...... " .-. ... -' t•-.. ...,..,.. -·r.-'i~~~.a,..~1~·1~· 'fi!.!n~·,_1;.:;.;:· 1~1;>~1'::·m~--~P,.;o~t.i.,___ .,,,.,.~ ,.}.,~., -a ..,.._11111 •- ·*NEWS-TIMES FORUM Sun ay Muaes: Ilic ·inti" t·nn.: ~SSMOitD=Ji~~B~===~=~=::~i"'~"?"~ ... ~·~ .. ~"k' ~-~-it;;~~i.r---!~~!~O-~-:'~-~·~·:~:-:••:...--~ 8 a .m . and 10 a.m. Cyt>ar round) ship ' CROSS ... rv-r.~ .. ~• , .. Ajril 1. 194R M arch 30, l-~R Conft>Ulona: Saturdays from ='• rmon ttwml': "A llundrt'd u-i.--·---&9l.IA ._ ...._.,_.. ... •• N •-S·TimMI. :-.; .. w,iorl n11ll>oa·:"1'\\'~·T1mr11. r:30 to 8:3(1 p.m . YPars 1-'rom Nn\\" Ho•\ Go.te:ll'll 4C1IOM ~---.. , ..• •• .. :-~~~ ---=-::';.:_-~~ :'oO<"'llOrl :'llc•ach. C;ihf;trnw :'\• "1~1rt Bc•arh, Calif. 1\ntlwm · "l.•"1 So Lol.;Cd th<' 1-T'llu ••man ,._:;:-:!!-~~~··-;.......::-ll•&-a::--a..a t r.& FAitor: G•:~!"'1t'~~t down to rr11d th<' l"IB8~ii:n ~~~ "\~'.::;;<'n~~nn~!iwu!l:Jt "I Walkt'd • J:f.:~~~:~:,:~. H3::E.:-. ' :.A.-:.:"1?= .... ~-::.,'~ lli;t'~F .. :•· .. L="...: ~ T thi l'\'tntnl! my t')'<'S -~~n , .. lk--'" b u-11 1 ... 11 .._" __ &AM •llJ'C'-'" •·-.....,_ ''· ~ a1u ....,.,. , .• ,_ 'llw Corona dC'I :\tar Civi(' Asso .. • "'''S· mws s . · .....,...., aa T r\flliy \\'hrn· Je~us ":t '"" --Y 1t-0u1 • n•--.. ...... • __ , .. _ ..,,., _, ... _.. • ... ., 11t11 ••- . flrw lo ltll' ra11t1on "B ulbon to •• ,,..\'la IJ''o at \'la M-•--.-O'llnra I l'-l'orn11Wlll'1t n -•--..... __ ....... •••-k -. ILHA -r-••••• ...._, In<'. I~ s_ponsormi.: :) pl~n to ac-1 L"1••l1t '\.1.itr hmrr , ·ind .. Tl11s ('X· -u -• n-To foll lnC!r----,.. -·--·· ,..... .... "Wr<' Ouna Co'r :ind 1·rrtain ad· ~ .. " '"" .. . . A branch of The Mother Churc:h, 1 1t-'61·•n•""' u -A••rt.-~ •n--· ..... eu..-u-1111,. • .. , .... •t .__ h t 1 St 1• l'rt"'M'~ '" t•xa1·ll}' lh•• l-1i:;h ting ThA ""'-t .-.. -.h of ,...__._l, ....... FIMT FOUR8QUA.U Cll11SCll "-"''"lie ,,_,..,,.. • ..-... , . •-...,.._ &•u -""''""• ._ ._ .,,._, · ... _.,.11 .i:1a 'nl uo·ac r(ln ;ii.:1• us a a' _. . .. · ( . " ...... '-''~"' ......... """'" CO Ta ~-A 11 100 .. 1,.. ·-"'"..,_ ••u '-• · .... •:." K•v .... • l't..a·o P rk ... _ ~·ana•1··· .,, l h<' C"lt\' :tnu 1-l'n<ltni: 0 our c:-ommumly. mtlat. In Bolton, Ma11acbu.ttta. o r tJ n ~ .. -ICt~Onll"'TtY •1-C-......... ,._....... .,._.. • .,_. ~ ... I . } ... ,, 10 ,,.. '';; S:h-u d. 1, ;,1 R• m.: ;1 mnthl'r and li\lnl: m Co-S Orange and CabriJJo • -To •..,,rt ca-To _.._ ..... , -.-" ., .. , .. ........... ..,_.,, .>Iv"~" '" ·''"••1>on u.-ac-un • r a o.n,. d t 11 . Sunday School a t .9 :30 •· m. """ •-__ .. .,._ 0 Wlllald-11...,_~~t••••••lb o -N tllfon... • • a.& .. •u-._.. ""• l...... •Y• ••• •~"'"' - t 'Tm IOk«'n r<'nl ll'A~I' Th<' plan 1un11 i•I t\ ar. I a'!\ ~a1ura y in_· ~Service at 11 a. m. Wedneeday _... ..... ,...r ... io.-. \ t ._y;,~:..,. ~-:.'::I., .. ,,.... ~.~.;!.1",--#1~ -.~~~a':'.,~""·~,. .. """•-:~·.~ !~~~~1 ...... -.. t tt•rr!.l•'d 111 s11nng ( hmH C'"o\'I' or E,·~ning T•<'!'linro a"l--S-o'dock _ -· 5ifi" er-"~,.. .,_ _htl~-..... 1 .. ,•.•. ;;...,., has n>t't'l\'f'd thr um1nimous I.IP. · '" .1>1 .. p.. .._ -r-• • _ , "" -,... rt c~ In 1!11 furrhr r. '" !'A\'lnlr 1111 our D -... ·-r Hoom located at 111 aODf' _,M'on I -..... ...n ...:-... ...... -EYJ--nn. ....... ·----.... _ ~ ~ ~~ .. • ...,.,,a l of 1h<' '"''Y annm~ om· • nc -w• Sunday School 9 ·.30 a. rn. I •• .. ., , ......... •-· Ill_,.· c"-""' .,.._ • r-. .... -, .. h th f 1 i d lwad1f'~ Thr R11lboa rwopl<' o;houtc~ Palm trttt Balboa u. open dallf 1 --.. ., , .. ,., u 4..IL mus1on Anu as "~n orma ' • n •:il11<' l hi!'.. hH\'ins; "u murh uf trom f p.m.' tt> 5 p.~. except Sun· Momlog worshJp aervtce 10:45. ,::-._ .; .. o-:;:.;.ii ':...... auo-... ,.,_ :~~~"•6lU' ':""·,, ~ ' Orvantt appro\'al o~ ~ " n1·~;ssu? ltw1r h11y frm1 111~t' pri\'al<'IY O\\n· days and holidays nationally ob-Q-usad<'r ~Ct' 6 :30 p .m . !:~~-u..o •-::;~~h,•:,,!,::": ::::~ ,.,~::'.'"','!-. ..... ~ anJ:<' county an tat<' o 1c1a s. 1 NI But !hi')' 110 11.,vi• somi· Jllll<'\'S M'r'Ved Bert'an I C'rVICi' 7 p .m. ._~,'~ -aae"· ...... , -.. ~. •-.,.,_ auJ h t••• 11 .. ,., By th<' terms of th1' state• l11w on !hr i.ay t o ~"1m w,. in ('nt•>M 7'le.publlc UI cordially lnvtted to Evening ('\'an1<'U.tJc aerviOP at a-6\,.,. :~~",;;; .... "::!. ~~~~ ... ·;:• uu 1 ~~•'";::,~ ;.::,. undl'T which th<' pl11n oµcrnt~ lhl' d <'I Mar ha\'I• no ll1t)' f runt:tRf• attend the church tervtcu and UM 7.:30 o'clock. ~::.:::::.... .,, • .... _• ... -a/llJL.-(11 ... ..-.., •• sta tt' Jlt')'S all CO!llS "' arqumni:: <ti nil \\'1' hll\'t> sa\'t'd our hlR the Readlnc Room. Wt'dnc.day. 7:30 p.m. pra)"tt l -.""'-., .. , . ·-••t .,,_.., •vi~.uM .,.. :_:!:;"•t• •t .,_ , .. _ ,........_rty in nUl'SllOn <'itht'r h_y "-~rtl nO"' \Vh.ll'h m<1St Of OUr l<'rVice ._.,' 1 -&o • • ' ... ,._ ·-•IU-U., ... ,. ,,..., All, ~~"' :~~ ....... ,,. . .--... . ., "''" ~ · .._,,.,.,.. .., , ...... • ·• uia ar&o-,. • .:, •• purchase or ronm-mn11tion. Th<' fril'nds' d'ildl'e n In Balhoa use. CnuaoR OP ClllUllT Friday 7:30 p.m . Youth Nlrht 11-•~·-.,,,, ,,. .. r • ._ an--,,.. .._. • r.•. Jaw r('(!u1rM1 the city M its con· but tht'y1 would not have hed thil'I v.ivda aad WU.at lltneta and Bible Study. j :,:::;-;-., _ .,. •" °'0 "' '••• ~t·, ~i!~':·~.::,'= .. .._.,. nu •:i .. ~ ......... trlbution to ~ t o the 111att' any· if "'" In C'oronn dt>I .Mnr had not L DGame Caat.J, lllalew -"_.__ .. -•• 4 • .....!~ r.a ..,..,,-._,, .... !:'r7~ .. .:07:",..'" "nM tie h r t th "' · cosTA MESA c oMKt1l'fnT { e -.......... _ • •• • ........ ,_ • -· • 101c•-•••""-.,_ dty ,,.. ac ron Bi:!l' <' fnu(:ht tor ii. ·servtce1: ·S unday, 10 a.m ., BJbJe · ' D ----• ...... ---.. t • .&o A • ...... •MJ-,. •. ,. .... .,...., ~value of whkh wtll <'<1ual 1 Swimming in Balboa a nd N<'IA'· Study; 11 a .. m . Mominc WCl'9hip. CJltTRCll ~··-a. ••·' ......... ""1 .... "" •"4••-.,,, '""'1't"-"• that o( the pr c:ipc-rty t.o IX! AC'.· 1 port ct~~n·1 Sf'f•m to IX' •1u1tc so .10M"pb H. ThompllOlt, Mlaleter ~1,~.-:• '• ,.!:.: • .' ·-~ ~.' ~ ~:~·: ca. -:::t ~w.~ :..-,.. qUirf'd Soch city ownrd 1 lnnd JWlpulnr nr 11~ !<hfr 811 our RiR C'n-l t4 L !OU. S L Pia. IS-. Gilt-II =-~ • .,,, ... t : ·~.. ~~~" .. ~ .. "••t T...... •• ~to lh<' .stat<' "111 hi' <'llSf'd r ona \\llh tfll' J'<'tt•· 10 prorl·rt 11 C.hri!'!lian Sfif'nce Olureb sC!hool. 9:.:> •.m. .,_,""'" .• ,. ••.. , ...... _ "'" • • •0:;;11•·• ...... ,..w, ba..... .__ I I .. ll'rrnl ,, Momin Won!hlp 10 !50 am .... rL·-M•• ••......... , •• ·-......... "'.... •H lk ··-· ""to ,, .. -Cl~-on" on,. :'\ow "'<• would lik<' our ft•w Cll\<'~I S I · •1• J' ' g , · ' : · "••• •·· ••of "'" •~t·• '""it .. ,. ;(;'.~,,"'~;.t,.~·,, ..... tok-r bnt b.'l.~15 Th<'rcforl' th<' • . II •j••f'I nrra •t.Y Youth -oun.o, ffloh lchool. Jn. --To............ • ............... "" . .. . .. ........ "... ~·' I .. ~ ...... , n • "' . Sll\l'd fnr our ~m:illo'r dulllf'l•l1 111 "" ..-• ,. ·~ city ~;11 m l'~fN't ~rrurl' Ch1~a I l•·arn 10 ~wun and II) Ii(' 111 a ~pot J .:, ... 11u1 ht111 th~t' I• 1l••t"•t1 •'II l<'~<'d\att>, Adult, ;:30 pcl.rn. 11 ,' ~·.r:• a .~-~ ~ ~ :;;" 1 '"; :.. ,,.. C'O\'<' tor puhlic-lH'«' nnd rl't:1m,who•rt• lht'\' wnl nor ;mnov t./wlr 1n1 .. 1 111 1,11111 ) lur '"nll> ~11:oll "" J <'n ng l t'rvlor, :30o' ock :: :.: 0 .. ,... ~ .~,.~'.J . ",:"! • •A• ,, • ~~:,· .. ~:';·, •• , ..... ._ f ti ·tit f nae 'llll n1· ·ind · ' r 1 , .. "' ,, .. 1100 Thi• "''"" 11n111 • u rii:: ~ o . ma "I ' ' 1old••r hr1itllf'~ <tnrl ~1!ill'r~ \\\'I frill illl 11. th,. ,,,.hJ.·11 '1'1•\I of rhe CORONA OEL llAA :. :',:-;.··,;. • '""'' "I 4 • • t " "• : ,, ~' '.:~._'",·;~::·-cnntro l O\'('r " :\nd Sll('h o thi•r h n\'c• found a w ;1y, \\'(' b1'111•"" Iha I "'"'·" ... t .... •rn ·'"' "'''" llfl "l 'n· •• -·· • • • •• • ...... M O .... _ frnnr:ii:" ""ma.' h;iq• l1t•rn lil'••cll'd \\'(' c11n du lhis And a \\a\· \\h1t·h ,.,,• 1"· 111 tit l11.111tlw~ nf Tne C'OMMtfNITY -.. ·-·---•· '··· • •• • "" "•d'-•·• lo rtw cr:irc-. ;ill a t nf! i·oo;t to will 1101 ch;ml!r m :µii; r•··i~·<'I r>w "" lo··r 'Ii II •1 -r11 .. I ,,,.1 l 'hur~b Cffl"RC'U, CONOREOATIOSAL th" t•il)' nr an) of it" lil:'l.P:lY•'r.1. •·io:irkrn~ In!" ~ituali•~n n" 11 """I ,.r t lo· 1 "'· 1 in 1:0 ,1.,11 P<'rry Frl'dcrlcl< Scltrock, M in11trr T n c:-nrnpl•I• l\w pl.in l!lo' l;ow -.l :iml< 11 "" ril\ "•'"'' 111 l'"" :-.t.11 .. , r .. , .. 1 1,1,,.11, 1i.,,, ,J••lll• 611 ll•lio11np1· ;\\'-'ml• h ir•hl'r n•tlllr> • rho: •11° "\• 11 l'"rl 1111, B.olhn.o tnipr~•I• 111, 01 ''''•"'•· ''"' th•· .1,.. •I·. "1 11 ill•i: 111 11111 Coro nn. di'! Mitr <"•'~ Cn11n1·1t I~,. :1ppr11p11nr.'· Iii'· '""'" 111,, 1,,11 kllll' 1,.,, 1111 , '"'" 1• .-. 1111 th• "!••I 1 .t • •>11'1.11 .' 11111 0 ~11nrl:.). tq .nl I, 1'111- tinn f\'(~ll·~t• rh.ol lilt· < 111101\ II I I I · I Jli• 111 ;11111 1t hn111 111 .. l1o11•1 h 11 a1d1 !I l:i :om , ( ·111111-ti !!<'ht••I . : . I I~· 1'1t ',, ''' "I :in) r uni: ' ~·· I 11•y "' II•" nli:llt "" •'•lllr• tit 1111••1 lh,.111 11 t"I ·'• 111 . J\l1·1·,·1i"" '' ' I I' Ol·inmn" ( tmlml'""'" 111 Int' II• 1• I ·1·1 II ' I II Ir I • n .... ~ -" ,..~ ~~h...J 11 V \\1 11:1\1• II 1·11nlr1>" 1 111tll.l11i: t1JHJll rho>~· .1 •. !Ill• >'Ollh c;: f111n.1 Ct!\(' in 11~ :1~11·r '""" of ,.lhr ~rs.----~·iiilwlllo'nr.-TT..-nf-~-.-1> ... ..-11 • •·rm11n hy ~r Srhro<•k. "S11 . 1111· fl• \l'lopm m Pl1o n 1111<1 indic:ilo• fl lhl• 1•nmn111nll\ i'I ''' i:rrl\\ 111 I. "" 1101 ntralol Anol lw """• 1111 irw our .ir.···- 1t• \\llllni:n•·~ .. in d.-~11 to thr anll >-!•"" h;ii•pll~. '\" 'If' t:01•lll! ,.,,.., lh• m tmo iii« ~1i11._ ,11111 11o.. 7 ~'I pm. So n1••r I lien 1'1 :1.111 ~1:111 lh• r•·•1IUI• •I 1111ld11111: di)' It• h.t\• In ..... , •.• ,,, .. :-: .. ,. t\ "" \\lll•I • "n'"'' ""'' ...... II lie•\' ... lln\\,lllJ• ''"n• ti f'rl'f'' rr~ Th· t"11, .C'1111nril , .. ,,1,1, 111 J:.tll"'' ,, .. ,1Jrl hi-• '" ""I" ..... ,. "'" ... r 11o. l'hlp ~1 1r1 •d11 h.t, fflr 'Ii"' 1uu 1••""• "''h• 1\111• fl :• w:I\· 11••' ~it1• '' h1nt .\t11f t.tU I k• • 1• I/it• fn• 11111, f, • li11 ., iof llu 1 n J 1 1 1 • 1 m•. t 1n ... n th•• 1 •Htru·ll t·h~unb• r' 'n n .._. • / rat \\ "' •• •, c ''" r11u111 "" :'ll••no.11 ,\ "II ·1 .11 I fl m 1•·npl1• 111 Cnruna II• I :'ll 1r Tl11 \ :rhm11 :rnd '" o:.111 r .. • .,.,~ nl11111t fo;F.\'L!\iTJI DA\' AOVESTl"T" Com er Bois" And Old C4.1untr} IM. . . · I n•··~ '':1n1 u ... '" •·nor"""' "''h Jn t1•·•fo1$ chh ... •· cli:lf w. 1•· .. k. r. .. :ilitinl.'. :p. 1 \t.n m!"rmi:i! 1h1111 ''Hll• rl'I\ :111ol 1 ... ~.,111d11 hll11 1lia1 •h• )' 111t.:h1 C<ltlta Mesa 1 1 SAbhath school, S~turdAy m .. 1-n• 1 lnJ!, 9 :30 o'clock. c:-1t11t•11 0111~1 tint I ll111a I •"''' is 1 .. 1,..h Ir 11 """' hill 1•1. l••ll•I"• 11r JH oli:ohl.' 1h1• "of• 'I 1111 fl mu~! I Sint·•·t,.I.' · 1111< ll::lt llh•lll 11111! :i' 111.111\ a~ rtit ti ~rill w,,,,.,. l11!11111i: !H•a1·h !\ti\l1GAHFT Pl.l;t;J It tn111 h•tl hl~t "''' 01a\\p wh•ol,.' l11r rh1l•lr•n 1dHm: tho •fll1ro•c:-u1~1 :.t:.ry ll:o\.nr 1'111 "'"'In ":O:ol :tn•l al"•' '' lh• I 1 ... 1 11n1mpl1t\••1I \\h" \\Ill f,.llrow "~I• n llt• \' :1r<' ''"''' ltnol ·1J,.11llli \1 1111 h •) lu rt. .. 1 .. 1rh I• fl ,,, 1 ..... \\11t1lrl ti.• an far<'fl "•th lhr• rmwh cr1 111 r :ind S• rl1•111r"~ ·· ·.I••: ... ,11.,, •I .,,. '"" arr, n...,r, d1I•' ,,n,: nut •1111\ fo .(--.-• .,,, .. ,. t'u,11\ p1 11h'• flt ''' 1·nutl• mu-"·~\• ""· ti·fl th•• rhulttt11•I• II··'" •I ,...-. rfh• rl• k h1 f I ;H.i• d t It•• 1\1 H•t ltl rt>nr1, lid :\ta r l•UI 111 lhi• C'1t~-.1 1n1; 1mpr11\t•1I 1; ... , .. 11,, f11r th• Ir· ,1,,,.11 "t'I•" 1 .,11 111 11r;11 ,.1;iol 1""" .. t '1111n1~ :10!1 !'late l'l•llhi'h t11>n ,.( lh"''' 1d1u '''' ,,,,. "M•11t.ol• 1•111 ""'"""'a~" rl lhl>lr <'•·rr:11n 11 1« t h.ti if w 1• :1<;11nu11ni.: lo 1• .. 111tilr .. 11 h11\l" ~in th1~ "'" .1 .. 111 In ·111• 0111n11•; di Alml11h1y rlli7•'1l' of :'\r•\\1.ir l B••:wh f111l 111r1•11 C1,.I J lr••Pl•lng I h• Ir lll"""ltl ''" 10 :ol'l1111r,. "'•·r~ .I\ ·•rl 1hl1 f•H t\ 11f \"1 r~ lrlll} ~norr-:, lh•f•. lh••v 11 Ill '" flcnl1°· to11r·111ni1y h•11·h (ro;ntai:•· "'' 1·111 11nh •''\'.• ('l)J1fl:'\,\ JH.1. !\l,\11 '" thf" ~r011t1 •Al 1·:11 11\ :>••I oll-.111.t Pr<'JIChini:: Sl·rvicc. 11 nm t'Rt:~rn-Tt:mAs n ann 11 SF.\\ l'Ol<T ltAllUOK 1111.:h ~l'lttlt•I 1\111111•" t ,. 1·11IL_tl;· !1' 1111· ,\\• :"•\\(il•ll l l·l~llt• 10 :o m c ·11111 <Ii So li1111I 10 ;i m ;\1•1l'ni11~ \\'"' ''"'' ~' rtlllfll ._lllt 11·1 1. "I 11111• I 1-'111111 .. ltt·v Tll••m;oc: C;1l1<:•m. p·1•' :l.'l:11, (;r:ofl'I <·.t111I ,, .. , ~r <• ,, rr• ,., tr 1t , .. ,n tn1n1 th•'''' t "I\'"'[("' A~S:". J ~c· a" tli•· 111:'" i l:d '•' '' d \ · fhlh"n t-.lnnrl I l:H h<1r ."I: "" Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Dt-~ndabl,, 1...oc-1\l ln•UluUnn for 0\'f'f 40 l 'eia" By·f'11rrirr flr :'lf;1il; SOM f)C'r monrh nn~ whnrr· in :\'c'"'Port U<·nrh nnli COiia Ml'sa; ~::?·10 for 3 month!<, ~'1Mfor6 nw nth!'. $9.1••r }<!Ur B' :'llail in I l1an~f' C'nun1y: ~'t 1~·r ~1•ar. In llh 1o1111-. :S\I :.!~l. • , to Rth zonr. S~ ~J I f)itert'd as SK'onli-C.1:1~~ m:llt<>r a t the Poi;rortice in Newpon HC'nrh . Caltfom1:1, under th<' Act of Mnrch 3. l~J7. I 'Uhh~ht>r M1111a1:ing Editor I 0l11~t '!!i "",.., '""" lhl' ffa rhur 1\rt•a Lobdell'$ Silverado Mineral Spring~ New Moclern Hotel & Motel Accommoc/afion~ HOT Mll'\t.:Jt1U. HATJIS.~IAS.'-;A'Ot: &: STt:AM 1<00'1"' "'11rof•hf..t ( olta11t•"-• 1'4nlW'k l\ar FOR Rt:s t:f<\'ATIO'li!-4_ ·~•ost:: O KASCiP: 11'1'.!ll-\I ,. TIU: t.,\c;c~.\ HF.A('H Jt':'\IOtt ('llA\IRt:lt ot• c (l""t.H• 1 •t·1•ito m ( 'ommand ;.11000 ~o...··~?.·d1':..7.W MIOf .:. o..: SEEICS . • • C'£:;. T:..? "• -----..J 1 . .-r?f :; ~:. : ,.. . ·KHO._, IL" ··-; 4 r • .:. r• r.x l . MOVlC> ... • c .... ! C'l"HL'a h .\)OE Ml, c w1c1C -~":' SlH"Y l,.~:·"·· 1 .\~'.T '>.l 'T' GET A ~ (;~T l '.D :Ji' FEli • v! 'E;;:t :-· ~ <( ',; r: ">f ... !:.7 ... ~f,! ..: '! .. -f , ....... ··'-" ... -kC... _J."4 -_t:-J;:; . Hudt· .\ wakt·ninf,! NOICID'f TIT, Ctl'Ctrt~ J.fT ~f P'J S (,(,._._. 9t>T fVIJrt'IOOf 1'4£ YflTS '::>• r..,• .To~ le( J,.ST . s·~.,,s or•E . .cs.er=> c"' .. s rtf' co:;a ,., __ .( .,:> s.:;,,_, :-~-· ('.;.( S •• ~-. C." :> S ,U:.tl ~ SA.\l D. PORTER LUCil'S S S:'ltlTit Ill W. F DIXnN I CLYDE RF.X I Printin;: Pinnt. 3011 W C'<'ntrnl i\tfrrrt i~111,.; Avcnttl'. i"cwport RMrh. C'11lifomi11 l'rnud ly l'r.....-nh _ THE PEPSODENT SHOW T:\HZ .\~ NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948 4~0~ .. Active Member of Wt:L('O~tt; TO :nu: RF.rOl't:SING OF Tiit~ 'MIDWAY OAfE · I• \"J;RA \'AC,l'F. BOB HOPE <.1w~t SllH -IH" \II !oltfUllY. .1t:1tR\' (Ol.O,'liA "•:,ot:1.1. -.1u:~ And l.t,~ n1to\\' and Ill" O rrh• ... tra By Gu" Ar.riola S\l!PY' ,A. ~" lll 'f-,•NO, (Ml(l(~ <C,•l SH-~.' ••r "" SlHP'Y-wE GOTTA GO ! By Sam Leff PLATE LUNCHES KING SIZE HAMBURGERS SATURDAY;· APRIL 3 Tuesday, April 6 Irvine Bowl, Laguna Beach Arlnll''•<•n ~.! Jl1 :ind <:J :Ill T ri x lot lo1d•-1I, PRO('t:f:O~ TO l •. \(tl-·,\ l\F.Af'tl l 'C>f'TH (,'l':'liTT.Jl Bring Your I -. Ford 8 a ck H o 111 e for E ff i c"(e n t Service Repairing HU , 15th S~t -On Thf" &-arh OPE." AT 9:00 A. M. EVER\. DA\' Mr. nnd ~frs. Ed. C. Cutler • Tic:-krta on ~ale at Ralhoa l'tlarn»f'y Body · and Fender Wor~. ~ l'landf',... R<"•k Khop, BlltW.a l'land Painting U:===-=-===-===============;;:::;;:;:,l T\\T.'.' T\'·10.C OSU A~U C r:' T• \L -THEODORE ROBINS y ,1 I'. r • • ot • 1~1. r ·~ .• ,l.J:R sr:-.;<'J. 'f:" ..... T UAC-8 J!Y.l l Motor ~ew Mp tors f'HONE HAR.BO& ti .. •• I • j':>.· ' I •f ,~· - ""' ,. • J ' . _ _,., -Ready UniQue ~obt1e Bait Receiver IWo Jima ~!ago 8 NBWPOST aALBOA NEW8-TIM&8 ,.. ~ t'IUDAt' N...,_ri 11rM·h, Calif. .(priJ I, INA 1\\0 Jl)IA, H t-FOOT MOIRJ..a BAIT Ht:( t:l\'ER (lrffl, hi owned aad y.,rra.tf'CI by Bud .lllC!klbl ... ·.llm Rolwrh. They ba\'f> equipped' 11wi for'*'r LCT to eervlce fOlll' aportfl•hlnK boal• at ene tlme. Jaeklln aa4 lloberj.9 s-(ceatw) .... lb•'~ l\ont .. mplate nnlahecl pro- dUC't of many mo•UI•' pl&41alllc. Al rl1ehl '" pktul"f'd tbt· &Ix b&lt al taAka In tbe hold of tile 1"9 llnv. Tbf'~ hold In f'1'eorM of !aet UJI! l'OllTEa p6ek 'IP._ Wt i. .-.... _. U.t__.....,_ two Jlma to. keep twr VGOpa of Un ..at wtt.ll eedlt &Mk ba\ln& ll capiw:ity of SSOO plloaa V· , Bud Jadtlln 1lnd .Jlm Roberta watft' Ulll '-it .. pu1 18 nw bait belt •-ks .r"J>lrni~twd o f "atf'r. •photo" hy llitchcock llmft put lnto opf'r•UOfl llOmt'thJQc' t ank.. • J arkltn and t\'•'" ~,, ar•' t.11th -------------------''------------------------------_: ___ _ new 1n bait ~lvt'n. They hav~ l1lf' h ro J ima at.o has compk-tr a-,,.-rs and "P'''·'1"" .,r -por111~h-N S t{• h.. 1• 1 •. 1 .. d fn1m th!' foclll1le11 or C'Ol'lwrted . an LCT lnto a mob~ qwirlf"l"ll fOf' lhr "cr(-W S>v Wlll ing boats In ~··v. , ... rl 11:.rlktr I ew por IS . ID~ '"" -"··•ll h ( '11:1st Company . L<-as- bait receiver. . carry a lert:f' careo ol lrftot\ •••• 1...tru".t\U lht-:'>.'>-foot. ~p&S·I Spot, Fisherman'Ys. t'S (.1\1· h1•f'n romplC'l('d betw<'<'n SM .. named ttw lwo Jima. .. , tn-fut>l t itt fichtinc ~wprnmt ~ .. r '"'"""a anrl th•' ··hartf'PI ~")~·1~r 11nrl Wm Payne or Or - 119 fttt lonl with • beam of 33 and •111• ht-t>QUipptd to riw· aid boat C'ruasrr II. no1,.,r1~ has the Whar' to Ope'a. uw· ''""''r l)f on!' parer! and lwt. ia pawtted wt th two Gray to smalln boaU iB naw ol an 4;4-fn()t :\tarf'f'n I, II "''" 1: 1 .111it 1 h1•' Sn111 h C'oast Com- llarilw nw.ei.. and haa • I~ «'mf''i:Jf'IK)'. J a<"kbn and Rnh.·rh •!Il l•' Iha! W1trr•·n J.'owlt>r, who has been 11.1n\ l11•l•l1•r of tht· s1•rond part'<'I. ot wwn knotJI. Fjve othft' Gra,Y """'-~•--.of • at ....... _1,_ f·--51"'• ra l Ar•1{l f1~h1n1: 1 .... ,1 l.u1•hn1:' ·11 .. 1w" ~11<1rth~hm~ ccntt>r wiU • ,,... .,._., opl"f" ..,.. ~8 ~ ~ 1n thr ~tlflrlf1~hm~ bWlinesa In ~~rate pum.-. grMr•· hr I J bC' ~ 'ar" ho·\ni: f'UPl)f.,.c1 w L1h h.t1l,111•\\ '\ II I lS4l 111•• "' t wu clnif)' orM'n boat.a, the tors· the ramp anchor and cranes. t •·o una to in an<f ill.at th••ir ,i•n 'll"» "di I• · ''" 1'"r' ;,r "'r iunct• . • ' •n-;, I·~·' 111 1>:1i;s,•ni:1•r Jrvinctl11 'and ' • dee1f •·a trr juat off the harbcir 1 bl .• "'-· h I n1111n1·• 1I t1.id11) th111 hC' will open a What wu fonnl'l'ly the carao or f'ntran<''" untsl 10. am ,.act! day •'<ii~ " •" an) ,.,,.,, • 11 •-1' ''"' "''" ,.1 ~•rtfl8hln~ Ct'nll'r at 2314 th• H r •• ,t M11r"<:11. The d11lly bollls •--'-....,... (• ... -... -ul-' S...___ a I• m~•.r:tr)' Of (10°rm :1n1•11r 1111<,1~ • \ \\Ill I""''' lll (i nnd 7 11.m. • ~ -..--. .. ... ,,. ~ ,,,...,.,.., A.Lt.er the. ,,.._../WiJnc boats haw• .,.. '\\ C\·rtt rn1 ll\'•·llJ.44\ .Joi<' w port * * * Mel Patton 'Hot'; Cromw~ll Sets Stage for Re.cor4 Harbor FRF.SN<..>, Cul .. Apn l 'J-1 UP I -~lC'I P11111111, lop-nolclt USC sprint· $>. ec, will receive an opportun11y by s1X-.~1a\ tl'(JUl'St 10 IHWI •hrC'C'.i"l'l'· •irds on the "fast" Wt>sl CJon.~t n •lay track h<'re Saturday after -Events Hollywood Gets 2nd Baseman .From New York llOLLY\\'000. AprJi 2-cUPt Th<' ··llollr wood Stars· infield \\as t,lolst<'rt'd 1oday by ~ [ h~·man Lou Stru}l:<'r. purchaed from thl:' S<"o'i• York Giants for u undisclosed sum. · tanka In _the lot wart hu ~l bttn beitf:d _,,.. wiO ,,.,.11,. ntdJO l>r..n'I It'"' ~·.ur J>:~,.··ni;"ni II R··•1t•h r In .1•hl1111m to th(' drul)' boats CIDllWl'ted to bait tank ~., • r.;; ca1ll cbt.'Ck lor t11rk of hr.11 If W•\ • • . rh1• ~ 1-l1t·rnw ns 1Whnrr will hav(' noon. 5 ti-inger took the long Wll)' te 'J1llre att aix bait tankl on board. l'OnllK1 ;t1h Don .RJcharcr.s .m; ha,,. 1t. >•>t.• ran f111\'•' it." th<·)'f lli;n•·w lan.dini:.ls to be knOY.'Tl , 11 .. , ,.f d111rtrr hoats for hoth D1·a n Cromwrll. Trojan coach.I •• grl from LM Ana:elf'S to Holly. ~ ..,. bdnc 12 fttt by 11 fHt I ma H. >hich wru. ~ u "" promu.· "\\ 11h a :!.'."1'•• ~conp ~tor-"" •. " 1'h•·nnrtn 11 ." harf. "'' t.111 r1-h111i.: 11nrt trolling. ·The r1·s11·r~uy cnll<'d .Fresno Stal<' C'ol-1 Good Skung Seen wood lit' plr•Y•'d "1th 1tw Ancri. 117 dJt feet Thf')' baV«' a tolAJ hoat for lhr l•·o Jana Sdwdu1rd air•· <"ap.-.nty thrr<' $ho11ld b(' am· fl1•• lnnrlini.: will hC' lnatalled on 1·h.1r!1·r lll't'I "'" Mnslst nf boats l<'J:t' ( O<il'h J . Fhnt Hanner to lilik last yt>ar. "'''s n '<"allt'd b> 1he Cbi- balt capacity 1n ncna of 2500 ~'OUI b«-t•·ttn thr two •·111 I.,,(. t>a11 at aJI tmws " fl 1w I•} :.100 foot P~ oC ground ""h l"''""n.:er loads of from 2 to for a dual meet Saturday to g1,·e In Southland cai:o C'ut.s aft<'r ttw 1Wason end- ..,... hctW OVeT aaoo c&non. ol ----50 Patton the chance to SN a world's NI. sold 10 thl' G111n1s durinc tbe !_.9~~. .~~l·ywhml"" .~ GOlfDOM'S FIRST ALL-AMERICAN TEAM NAMED f1,_t,..rm~1n's \\'h11rf wlll have A r ecord ll:hile he's hot. LOS ANGELES. April :.?-1vP ) 1 wrntt'r and Is ba<'k m Southenl --~· __ ..,.. .., -rhfilttr.,nt and 11 tackl<' stor<': Pa11 on was reported to have -S kun1: will be Rood t.n Southt>rn California now. -.-... 1~ ,_...... trU I wh1•rr rC'nt tackle arul new.. s~:p, •d tlw h • l.l . .' S trin"<'r hattt'd :.'93 v.i th .1be ..... .,... two • ._... Cl'n U• NEW .YORK • .t.-.11 2-IUPI-Ht' has brf•n f1um-d ro'r hl!! Tht' sam.e holds lrue Cor Dcma-.. ,. d I !hard slntahf WC('kfnd thC' state .. _, ___, ....,,. t<i R\atlable. uay In prac ICC an r<'CCnt Y ran ' .., . ' Ani;rl~ last )'C•ar. Jlt• arTl\"f'd JMt -pmllll eedl ..... ~ .... with a , 1.AQ1 MIW1~ by thr ~ ol wincmc wallaps rver sine .. 1936 rr l, th•· mrcn of <13 hnts-all of dlf-Thi· frre ""r'kin"' lot at Flsh~r-It in 9.5 in T t>mpc. Ariz. Cromwell ch11mber of commerce Hid today. . m bOUrpcJWi'i driael Ett.bfr ~....., ._,,. •1Uds ~ thr •1wn JM-fa,-.1 playt'd In t11i:·tlml' '•'rt•nt rotor rombinatlons. ,_, .. suad he-1huught Patton had come Sumi' or tht' snow pa<'k has ni~ht lty plarw in lllne 10 llCD • ---...... _ the tft" an an · I ,,. 1 1 J h .. man's \Vharf can uccomodatc 150 1 d . hi h t rontrae1 and swt up for t~ came ..-.,. ,,,_, --·-•• wa IP0'1• 9C"f'M: p>1t tod.ey ftn.ally ~Uon ThAI •as Al his na ti\'I' .,c•n a tmmy. w 0 says 8 ~ rnr.; up In rus t $aJlC' this sc85on and mr II' in rrct'nl g r mpcra-* tanks 1n fl~ minutes. ~ ~ up with iu rint all-Alnf'ric:'8 Hoc Spnno. \'a . •·hf'n thr rourth 1 lnxl'd pivot'' is tlw i'NT<'I of the \\·.irri·n F<UirlJ:L..hos IX'en con-may be rNidy 10 match or IX'tter turl'!I but ski to""-s will be in opera - ... 9IUda that u,. bC' -k '<i d h 1 nt'<'lm with the sportfashing in-"" a way y can 'Mw IMm . .,.~ by a poU ot taiW to show up. had u1 '"' p1r f an .t " 14' ecton du•lr~ In Nt•wporl Rc:'11ch sine(' Tirt> trark used by Fresno State at th<' low<'1t elevations. Snow .,.. at the ume tiftk' « lo-~ Coif ~ten Mirod.tMlf! ot Snrad. who lC'art'N'd hl!f ctolf in mAdr h im rhr shorl irons man. Hi11 II•· has l><-l·n in lh<' sport-and the hom<' of the annua l rt>-fl urri<'S ha\'<' be<'n predlctl'd at Distance Crown ......U1. (Both pump. can -Amrrica. cons'9t1 ol S am m > • ha)'firld.. w.u P,.o at a loc11l Lodw" s1ark1•rl up llkt> SnC'ad. f1 hini: busml'IS on tht' Pacific layll is r1•putt>d one of the fas tfs t higher k\'<'ls. nm by one motur in CUP ol • Sneed.. driwr: 8 ,,,_ ~--.. kilic dub and •'as askf'd to fall in and HI' dt'fan11t>ly ha<. a sf)('cl11 lty; and ,.11,,,t NtnC<' 1918. in 1tw country dut> to a "str ntc•gic" The chamht'r reported all roods At. Riverside • • ..... an tem'ed to~ t~ .I pla)'" at a n eoxhlblti•m quartrrl s:olf shot, r sp(t("inlly on approaches, _,, th<' 9 •1 mark by Satur .. ay. tlon at moat areas except t.hos.e Will Try for ~ « thr JICIW'ft"_ from~ iron: Jimmy °""1.aN1 . .._., iron. play .-ith Lawson Lift II'. R1ll1r 11 must he r<'1•01:n11 .. d. Locke 1 18-mixtur<' of clav and dirt. opl'n with chains required only mn L...-..o.ue...1 ~ ~ -On -" f t s Lhe "''"ceDI Fa,tit>rman's Whnrf will be of. ' Utr _,..,,.... .....-~ Locitr.-pultft', allil Geoftf' Rurtu-al'N:t ~·rn-C-.oodmmr. "'"'-"'"' ..... on <'r -on .,. -• Pall on will run the I00-11nd -the in the.. M.ammot.ll Mt • ..area. RT\".,._... ID~. "a".. •pn'I .,. _ -• -·-....... ~ ... -... --. ·-•t 1n .......... ~ ""< l I h \ n t ourn mAnt f1t·1.1ll'' O""ned on Sat\trdny, /\nr'1l t c.n.::> r~. '-II " ' --.... ..,.._-,_ _ _.. Sarattn. '°"'"' ~ .-ic:n-lhr fin• t PC'. u1lll''h1t a hnommi:I HI'•' won '"' m"" " a L • JO .• ' ,.. " 2'.m y;ird <'''cnts A special judi;c Skiing was recommendro at 1' l· I VPt _ Distan<"t' Runl'K'1" Roland • -ol • _-lt'fiC:y). mmt al ••t.roublf' shoote'r.-drtvr. •1iktl. "ob .and-Ah'd" lhl' l'Ol.O Ut't:L ON "'ill nlsu be a t the . 200 mcll'r Watennan, ~able Mountain, Shde I Sink or Unin •r iHty ol Southern The taDlia se connected to ~ . nw Wra bC'tuncl thr lri«tion ill r>prc-taton t:nN"n-.-d. lJ-)'('ar-uld ' Polo', «<·n-a t 1nnal {IUt'I bctW('('n \Ir.. /\i;:nri; Fowll'r will opcra H· m•111< 10 11"1(' him for thal dis-Pt>11k and Big Ek'ar. Calilorni.a Wiii t~· to l:JN>a.k tbe ..... -·~ ,_ ....... ""'---" L-v---i. .,._ 1 .......a _ .. d :i Los An1:<'lt's offtC'<' for the Fish· ., ---....,.. ... .--... ~ a ..---1 ft'am l'Ntft\ to be-st~ .,..mm)' • ,...,...~ up aou rovl' nn<' ('•'<'ii Smith. 1tw hnrd-rldlng 10. tnnct> American r<'COrd ror tlw nu~ and _--.-AM ftlWll _,___. that 10 ...£.. f hrr j riwn's Wharf. I --.--.. ........,.. IO at Vlrsinia ~ \·a.. April 17 Y••-llr1 · 1:1~11 T1·"rn nnrt A11t.-n Ronrk, th. t'rhm\\<"ll said hi' also would t't'LLERTOS "'ISS on<.' quartl'r in an exhibllion niioe .al * can I» Uled at oar time 'l'twtt'U "-.-four mni to a tram. . S•ncT 'llw>n, Snt'ad h:u. chm!Jl'<\•mnoth, ~lick inlC'mntionaHst star Hai t arran~c·mrnts hn\'<' bc<'n hnni.: Roland S ink, milt'r and half S/\N OJ EGO, Col., April 2-during a triangular rnt"l'1 tirre to- • ~ _. ~ k med. 1berr and the rh•aJ ni.,......_ s.n-h11th In ~olfdom. al,.·a~ on thl' of thr l"Altfomin I N im, will be m11tlt· wi th Jam Rbl)cr 1s al\li Dud m1lf'r. alon~ for th<' mC<'I, as W<'ll 1 UPl-1-~ullC'rton Junior college day . ... U.. Usbta in ftldl tank. to and Walter J~ lri1J ~ c.-r bMis ol hill dri,·eos. ~umt'<I S unolily lit the Beverly J .u·kltn for hait from their harge I!:~ puh•\·ault«r John .Monlgomery. eos1ly won th<' annual Flt'tchl'r Rh•ersidr roll4'1:<' d host tAt llllllp U. bait -...Dllns'' at mstlt. pt.,.,. to Nd> ahot. PM:tiin« Nellon &lJ a Inns: Iron Jlilli; Polo gro1.rnd!I. Rivlt>ra. th•· "lwo J1ma." Muntgomery, tabbed by cham-swimming ~<'la~s here last nli:ht. Santa Ana J C and the! SC fresh. 'J'be Jwo n.... bM electric It .,.. pnctically --a.tCJr}'. man .,.. strictly an arbitrary dr~ Smith "'IJ again lrad his Texas p1un Cornelius Warm<'rdam u..the paling up 35 P,Omls. 25 more than men in the mttt. 1lM-miJr .... ~ -,_ ~ ...S ..ao.d-U.t s..l. who ..._.. thir • nAon. Mf'ChalricaJ Byrant now in quArtt't against California In th. Ont> of <'Vt'ry thr('(! cancer death1 man most ·likely to nut vault 15 Glendale college In lf'COnd place. one quarter mark ol 5m. 35&. ._ -llhlllriat.r ~ of 81 I • arm&·~tlnmeftt eXttla In any M'C'Ond or the 8('rie,. The Texw m ieht hav<' been prevented lf the f~t. has a mark of 14 fec_t 6 lnchM Puadena AC JinlahC'd third. 'JlK" ... MlL '11-Wt•• • '.._~ ......,. __.. ._ tlle *f.w -stnllw, al~ tw .. parUcularl,y won Jul week b)· the slim m&raln ~had been caucht ln lime and this season. women's title wa.s ann<'xt'd by t~ set by Paavo Nurmi in ~ ca. ...,.. ..W 1111911. U... mw ta., .a.A rrtai ...,_ ...,,... for his woods •nd iron shot1. of 9-8. _ , properly "treated. Tht> mC><'t Is to 1lart at 2:30 p.m. S11n Diego swunmlne uaociaUon. iscwn In 1925. , .. Opening April.10th, 1948 WARREN FOWLER'S . Flshen11en's Wharf 2314· \¥ .. CEITUL ·AVE. . . IEWPOIT BEACH , Between Owl ~t Shop and South Coast Boat Co. _ ____,. ~· -~- ·Boata: M dreen and I rvinetta wan Operate on • Daily Schedule LEAVING AT 6 AM AND 7 AM Boats: C raiser 11 and I no Los·Allceles Plla•1 CEldsr 28788 -~- -· -\ 10 Others Available For Charter .. Free Parldll& o. Lalid1111 NewpOrt Phone . Coming Soon , I I \ THE · ·UVE BAIT FISHERMEN ATTENTION! ., The IWO .JIMA SELF PROPELLED ~lf.f~AIT -RECEIVER Now Has Available, lo ALL Fishermen, Live Bait Daily at the Harbor En'france 2500 SCOOP CAPACITY OPEN FROM l A. M. TO 10 A. M. The IWO JIMA 1s now supplying bait to the following boats and landings ... PORT LIDO-Operating "The Gypsy''. 3•23 Via Oporto PATTERSON LANDING-Operating "The Loµise", 535 Coast Highway EARL .. S LANDING;._Qperatin9 "The Music••, 711 Coast Highway FISHE~MAN'S WHARF-Operating "The lrvinetta" and "Mareen", ~31• W. Central • 19TH STREET LANDING - ( Kimbles) Operating "The Comet", Bert Mills "Lorna Pat" and "Lorna Pat II" and Capt. Jess S~een's "Gloria M" all from the i 9th St(eet Pier BOAT OPERATORS ~ 11 ENTION: IF YOU NEED BAIT~ HAVE IT l ~. 0 0 O •• , •• 0 6 e 6 * 0 • e t *AL.!.. e e e 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 t •• it e 0 e + p 0 •••• e 0 0 • 0 e •• 0 •••• 6 .? •• -..- w .. .. .... -en ... ... ftof'. pt an