HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-08 - Newport Balboa News Times• ,. ---.. 1,·_ ..... "_a __ c_ ....... _o ......... N_.....L_v ___ o_A ....... •_L_v __ N,,_.,.E ..... w ___ s ..... P_" A_ .. _E_R_. •_N ___ o_ .. _,._N_• ... E_c_o_A ___ •_T_' ·~_L_A_R_G..._E_s_T_c_• T_v_.lj Today'• 11 A.II., P.S:.T. I.May-Bu· 1•1d Dow .IODN A\'tl~ " : Gig.antic ,_ ·-. r.... 11-... I. L -•• I 11d11•l I 1111• lt.111, ";I'( lili llfl r .. 1 1;~1 1111 ,l;I ~7 llli \ '11111 "'' \ 1•llutto' t:..lll tO'.I ,f111n•• "'"'"'I 11'1 ,,., l'q" t:Jaht Line.rs Wt\~lll:-.t:·1•11N, April 14 llfPt • I l'11••hl1•111 'l'rumnn will 1111k t'nn-fMBRAC/NG BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COL'ONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPOIT HEIGHT.~. BALBOA· ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA ~l'•'!lJI Iii h410!11 mm·hani •hip run· :;:!::.:;,;:,;,;;;~~;,,,,,~~~~;;;,,;.,;;;,;,,;,;~.;,;;,;;;;,,;,;,~,.;,,,,;,,;;=;,;,~;,,;,,,;,,,~~~~:,;:..:....:.;;,;,,;;;,,;,,;;::..,,,,;;:,,,;:;,;;;.:;;...:.,.~,,...;=-=:;,,:=-....;;,;:;,;;;~=.,,,-..~~~:-:~----..... .:_.:..._....:...._ ... =,,,.....,,.,,,,,..,.,,,"""""::~==-= ........ 2£C! ......... _...,,,....---:::::-""'"'.:----..:....._.:.-=_.:.....:....;,..;....;...;..::..:~ "In 11'1It111 I 11 "'I• r runt S.'l!l,!\<J0,000 Plve Oeatti per Copy SE\\'PORT BJ:AC'ff, ('Al.lt'ORSI A. Tffl'llMDAl', Al'tllL I. l!IUI I "'""' r-. ""-......,._._ ........ l :~a'MRF.K U 11> $11•t 11(Jt•.tlt•t t.•r th" next !iaca.I 'VOLUJR XL Fisherman Fined· Here in Test I )'••111 , 1111' 1111\) 1hM'I0111'1l today. f\ln\'y S•'l'11•111r)· .l,lhl\ I. Sullivan """' ""' "'""""""' $.'\9.~)().000 ~ 1 111.: ''"l"''"t1•1I "i• 1ml)' " drop ln Se 111,• l11wk"1 t•• wl1111 "'' wuuhl no~ 11 "I' '"'r1• 1:"111111: Into " t11eht " · ··1 tl•1t1'1 tfll11k "'' nn-." lw nrtd- w" ""'',.' " ----------' I f1• >l(lhl lh<' fll'W fltlll\JI W1111hl ha Body ot ~ea.ltor' Found in .Harbor CircurBleachers Collapse During Children's Matinee . Campaigners Celebrate Victory I \ ""11 t11-hulhl pn1lnl)l1t'1I, hut he ""hi lw \I 1t~ ll<'t nl llllf'l'IY· lo dla· I··""''' 11i,· '"""'"'' .. r klmta I I '11111 1 •111r~thml1111, Sulll\'llll 11111ld 11 .... 1111•i:•11111 1111i:1t1 l11d u1l1• two I lolJI• 1 )1111 I JI S/111•11111.: '<1•111"1'"" 11r.•1&u1n1•1I one "' lhr"'' tmi.:h1 h1• thr nrw ~.11(1(). 1 11111 \ • ,.,., "hlt'h 11111& 111'<'11 1lr1'l1tnrd 1.\ollv of LoJ11s Sniffin. r<'allor. • or :ll:!fi '1'ul11rr• strl'l't , .Fr•'sno. was foun<l floalinJ: 1n 1'1'wpor1 bay this I m vrnini; al 7 .55. .'nifrlt1'i. hody w as d isco,·l'r<'d hy his c'Ontplmion, R <>lls Da \·ts. 6709 ; ' tW<'f'll 1wo bonls a t t he Lafay<'ltc and 30th 11trc>l'I dock~. Arcordin~ to Ross. hr and S nif· fin had l)l'cn d rinkmg until r a rly this m orning in Newport. M. O. S t4'wart of fhl' Seashor e Orin• address.' told police he assisted . Sniffin to h<-d on his boat about 2 a .m . Al 2:30. Roi;s said. Snirrin board- ed his boat and attl'mplrd lo gel h.im.JJ.lL'..:.!Q.,KN.,somelhin to cat." He was "\'err drunk," accor mg to Ross. After fitiling to induce ~ to go wilh h im , S nitfin left thl' \>0a I. Ross hrard a splash at this llm<' but thought nothing of It. This m orning wh<'n h e got up, Ross said h<' l</IW Snifhn's nat In the 'w11H!r and iii_nttcmpting to recover It saw the body. The body wns rtmovcd to Baltz mortuary, Corona del Mar. .. -Expect ist Class Post Office Here As Service Grows Postmas t<'r William Adams an· nounccd today that firllt class post office rating Is <'XJ>C.'Cted lo be giv· en the N ewport }3(!ach branch on July 1. Notice to that <'ffect Is awail<"d momentarily from the Poetmasl<'r General's office In Wasfilngton. ·1 Jn thl" meantlmf', r<'RUlar twle<'- a-day d<'livery has been resumed ov~r tholll' roules which had 1mch M.>rvicC' hc'fore the war. These In· elude the aren bclW<"<'n 9 th St. and 451h SI. and lh<' Central Ave. busin<'ss d i!';trict as fi'lr 8.!I lhc new city hall site. "When appro priations for addi· tion11l cnrri<'rs-a nd ('()Uipm<'nt l.s mad<' avnilpblr. "''<' will off Pr this C'xpnndeci 1<r n ·1rr lo Lido Isle and olhl'r arC'ns in 1'C'wport ," Adams &aid. Thr prrs<'nt i;tn« nt thr local officr mi-lud<'!t four clerk~. 1wo Auxiliary i-lrrk$, I wo rri::ular c11r- rirrs . four sub~111ul<' cnrril'rs. a nd on<' nssistnnt postmRst"r. MESA TAVERN DAMAGED IN C'nrl's Tavrrn. popular M!'s11 niS?ht spot at 447 NC'wporl boul<'· \'Rrd, was r xtt•nsi\·cly damai;cd in on !'llrlf mormng fire today. Aftl"TTT131h of a gala optn houS<' last night, the flr<', apparently from -ti smould1•rins: cigarrt h '. wns d isl'(l\'l'rr d a1 7 ri.m . Costa MC'sa volunL<'<'r fir!'men kept the IJlnze within lhr room it began in. Modern llt•corattoN . only re- cen tly m slalled, W<'r C'S roy y fire. Th~ barroom WQ.o; by-passed b)• f111m<'s which gulled the din lni: room. but ~mol<<' did conslderabl!' damnge. No estimAt<' hss been madt• on lh<' <'Xtent -or damage pelldin~ in· sut a ncc in'l.'t:.'S\tgaton appraisal. The OJ>C.'n house, financed by a "kitty" which has been on the bar for about four mont.hl, was at- tended by hundreds. ~ .... trw In~ ot tM nDO- vatlon. , Roy GriU and Leo Huard, part· ner1 In the cafe, said they ex· peeled to have the btr open· agllin by th<.' week-end. Repatrw to thl' dining room and kllcht'n will lake at least two wel'lu. Kunin Parents Deprived of Month-Old Son 8'-0 auw campaten inanaaer 1el"nter. -ll'd•. at ~ Pta.Mka& bftdqllU\.r.ra. Mllwalllee Wt.a.. «idJr•t.e rk:t4fy la WllCOOll&D pnma "1· REPUBLICAN CONTENDERS STEER FOR 'NEBRASKA FARM SUP.PORT for llw llu11 ... 1 :-:1 .. 11•11 U1w1& aJro the larw•·,.1 1rn1I 111•1•'"' 1•\'f'r 1>rup111W'd ilt I hi~ 1•1'111111 ry :O:h1pl1111l•l••1, hri\'1• hc~'n uraln1 l '1111.:1 1·~~ tu t.tl\'f' nld In thr In· 1fw1t1 )' Thi·) '"'' r 11nht th111 the tndu1&1ry "'" '"" unh•11311 I• RIVl'n Nun,,,..,. CH\' .. •lhl ""' •tJOoC'lfy th• ntan1l1o•r 11r 111\IJ'lll 1h111 wou1d hr ln- yull 1•11 la tlu• •t,.11111-<l·u11 hulMln1 J>tllt.!111111 11111 111• f'mphCJlll1.ffl lhN'e Wl'rt-111•rlt•u~ •ldll'lrnC'l•'S In hoth 1111' llr1'111'1\I jll•ll~l'lll(l'r·l)'llf' 11hlpe fol· UM' 'AA 1ru1l(l lrnn•1111rla 11nd In 111nk1•ri1 "l'ri•nlpl .. 1.111111tlon of lllf'M f11nd11 f111• tlu• tl•'.1l,;:11 and oon1truc-- llu11 of ll1'W j>l\Uf'nl(tT 1hl1» and k crs WI I It • d1' (l'l\IC (l'I t11k1• rn1 r1 lon1t •lrldf. towud me.t- in.: nur """'""'' M'f'Urlt y n-qulre- nwnlll In rf'lll'N'I ''' the• m rr C'h•nt m11rtnr ," h•• t111ht 8111dh·1 Jl111wN1, tu• Hid, that on Jhf' h111l1 or tutur.-rt"quirenwnta rqual to thOllC' or Wor1d War 0. a1,.,roidmatttly !IO eh! .. ot ~ n..,.. E ........__. nd H ....... E _,.----------... 1-naer \)'pe, •ach havtfts ,........ ....... -~, • .,....., . u~-ca-u. -B~ -..ht aupport of the .......... -·-_.. ·--,_ .......... b.. ..... :,: .. ':~"== ttwlr nap tor , .. Pf'llCllbtletnl ...... and ~ ttw ..... ........ ., 'GENTLE' INVENTOR BWWS SELF Sl 381 c t h ?:~ ~;£;;:.l~~ •ht11= ·:.~~·~~M,::'*.~. UP IN LOS ANGELES OFFICE BLDG. a ( 0•''°" 1 :~u11:'."~, ':':!::~~r~J.~ ·· -f M kerel TII<')' hf>J?•n t11fkint: In Nt•lwaaka fJERLIN, April H IUPI ·-, ' j d f .,_ o .... _ Sm·lr•I M11r11h1111f V111Hll)I o. So-fn<fk'•lf'd ,,,.. lllC'lt would he 11'0 LOS ANGELES, April 8-(t.:PI lft. lrnd ht•('n haunting lhe com-lo ac \nt••rc "-"'" "> 11 ft•r """·n "'""·r\ ihl•• • I _.. kolov11ky du1r1trd 1od11y lhi.t nrlt-• -A "J.:tnll<', God-fcarinit'' mv<'nlor mis!l1on officr daily for the Jut A TaU or Ohio rom~1 l'l.-..1 • lwo-1 kl I N l1&h a r llnn In hl11mln.: llu111l11 for ~:~n'h~~~~!i~~:~~~~~:.~~m~~ ~~~~0~J~~;;·la~:'~~~5~~::t~:.: Held lll~al I ~:;·:~:;~~;::~~o:0 N~w n Yo:~ ~:~~:l::~:·~;~~~~,~:~~~r;~.~~~{:::~ ~keu!1~2 ~;~~~~=- lhC' loss or his r ight arm r ntlfh•<l $16~>.ti<NJ t.. ·'"d 11t•M'3J11•r o r lh111 1111tr'1 90 ' • rorrlt111r to ll<·rlin • WASI llNGTON, April 8. llJP> him to only $6.75 11 WN·k. poltn• 11 1!1 lian('•"'. Ada ltunn<'ls. 11nid , I "'"'""·nllnn volt'W. t11lk1·d ehnut fur -A hitch 11,,11•1,,1 ~uur"" •Hilt 11 w11.a I. l""'1 T'ru oda uked helicv<'d today. . h.-d idn't """d th<· monl'y" Sh" I In what Judi:• n J '"'"'s:•' orl' 11.:n r,.,Jiry and f11rm '"ohlellUI "rl!Pffll'd" fluit I.I c: .. n ~Ir Hrllln ~:: ...... ,.'In "ll=r1~te /rz,,ooo,- H omic1dc Sgt Harrr l-l11n~<'n M11d . hr ownl'd mmrs In Anz.ona :-;,.,. 1 fuwnstu l••r lll<'f1 1..._t ~, .. ,.,...n, Jandlna 111 Omnh11 ~o nJJO'll llol"'rtiuu, tn•·•·•uif'1I 0 v ,. r lhC' ~for hnrrwdl•I" C'll"""n•lon ol the LOS ANGELES. April ~<UP ! Hid Charles W. H unt<'r, 6.5, evi-and wns 111<l1•r11 nd1•nt fm1mc111ll) J lXI!'. k ,.; 1'1 " 1, '"' final drivr fur Nf'l1ra1k1t a volf'tl •-d t i · tr d d 1 bl th 11 k d 1 h . J 1-:,s-· .. ,:1r , "I" i:t Nomnwr ru1 1'f 1 WI 1 S.1vl.-t rt"ply, w1111ltl drmi.p'1 111n ulr torr" -Month-old S tevt>n Kunin, whose en y in n <' o ow up .: ,. ns ,, or annt i•r P<'t111on f1-h~nn11n •·a• f•rt1~ m ult•· i!Jr-a ftu ,. Jt)f'f'rs u MOfUI n <'am· "'"''"KY un•I 1111 i·.1111t111111tlrf11 ·n1111 •rmiunl I• port ol the adlll· molhlT was convict<'d of killing workl'rs in thl' C\1mm1ss1un orftc<' form wh1·n lw """' 10 lh4> <'Om· 1 · .. ..,. , 1 .... ~n. 11111d th/II hr would •li•c·u•~ hu two~"ear-old daughter. wu 111' w1•ll l\S hims!'lf. m1s~1on'.s !illlk lruildttv· offi<'<' v1•s-I '1•1latlon ,,r rl1.h anti i:arTll' "'""' "tf II Ith th I S11k11luv,.ky'~ n ·t•I) 111 1111· Jtrltlah tlnm1I ·S:l.000.(XlO.~) lhc-adrnlnh1· ~ "" "' ' 1• 1em 1 •ul I ' " 1Z thr ""''" 'r"'· }' 14' ~. Jl"flJJ" not I', 11rln11•1I Ill 1f11• S•I\ 11'1 ttm 1y lrlllloo wan111 lo •t .. p up t!MI n\111-lakftn aw.~•· from ht's parent•. ••ho Pohcc l!aid II \\US m1r11r ulous t1·rd:1} Jn''''"d nf ,,1ra, lw wrofr '" '.: a 1' 11' R" rrmn m•I """"'r nll 11ur11loni< ' "' ~ .. . I .. mu I I r I t i ' '•\ I . . lll'Wl )HtJlr•r 'l'tu"•ll•<'llo' l<11111l•c·l1•11. '""' •1111lu1•1 f11r lht• )""a.r 1t-1n1 f h'dd hi thal he d1dn'.1. Sl'W'n ""rsons who -1his · •111 .. 1 m. ~ 7,,. o '' ' "' m" ,.. ... ~ " ·, • " -• wcrC' or 1 t'n ev1>r to ser m ,,.. , 1. n 1 ~1 -..;, hr;1,\u1 , .. 1 .. ~ n•·.111 Tiwad11> "'I '''""r'"''d ttw """"'"" t'lulm 1t111t Jul" 1 And lnrrf'IUW tlw alrt'nllh I .. were nearlty s uff<'rcd onlr mrnor "S t11t••m1 ·n1 '" th•· pn·s.;· Look '' •· •> '" •· • ~ 11ga n. ,, fro ,..f11r·llll prr11ldrntl11I 11rlm11ry th•· llrtll~lt 1ro11111w•rt 1'111Nlll'd Into 111 th1• """'"' fort•o•1t "l lak<' this ac tion because J 11m mjuru•s whrn llunl<'r <'Xplodl'd hi~ 11p a nd !'>tllcl) nll JlllJlt·ri. in th1~1 !'-J•'<"ifil'1tll) t'h;,ri-•'(I '"'1" '"''·" v.llirh v.111 J1how 1ir••l1•r"n"'' ,., 111,. 11111 111 11,,. Sm 1o•I li.chti•r ovi·i ArrRI .. th/I I 1'( thn r/Jthnr mna al-COtl l·"'"'ki>t bomh Vf'!lirrdll'' l':ISf' Thl!t a('lton \\'..il£-iorC'f'd Oil 11110 "'a r<·1•oh.111 .. n """' r !V'f"l1o n d .. ' ·r1 ,, , , .. ,.,, >""-J , 1.:.rl1<"'1 f1>r \arwu' f"ltn 1o t1 •'ti "' a 1t111111hon 11trll"lol low r <l 10 keep Sl<'\'<'n. he would H unt<'r foi;t ht:o rtithi nrm 111 11 mr I hn'I n .. 111h1•r "'.,. oul I~ l••·l nr lh•· Fish ;inrl <;,.,,,.. '"""'· 1,.1111, ror•• ,,.,1 11111u111K "I"'" f·un Th•· 111111~,. ".,,1,,,. "'"' 11,,. '"fO'" up un-'"r t r"atmcnt '"OT·S(' tool com 11a'hv 11ec111«n1 111 l!l:.!7 lwn· m1111 .. h~ IK'IH'" ";,,, ,..J ... 1 l '<1•1tl11l """ rm,•I t-::;i1 ~ntf •1n.S.•r -... ., "" , .. , _ , '""' '' n •mn d.·l• "AIM, hot 1"•11111 1><• •·11· lttt ·1 1 11 ·1 I 111 ti th,a.n that affordC'd a cur d on," 11nd h11d rrCl't\'l'd !11.tJOO in tl1" 11 .. n t tr1k•· lh<' 1•om m1"'"""'s w o n t ••I hi for.,.1rd l'r'""'""" ''' "" .,~. "' •n •in. Ill I"' 1111" "'' 1 " 11' ., .... • • ., 1• r l1'tl 1.t h RVI' """"' tnfh11·nrr· •tr>-l\11•1~h 1•lt1rt•• "1111 .. l11111ln i,: II Suprr ior Judi:<' A A. Scott said W<'<'kly p:iynwnts and 11 lump .~um (11r ;,n_, tf1mg T h<·r arr· n hun<'h r1f ," r•,,, 111,·11111 rl'll"h '.,1:\)oll '•·" '" "" thrm In ord<'rini.: the baby r cmov<'d lo t.<'lll!'m<'nl i.:raf11•rs 11n<l poht11·i:1no;" •h, S t1"" "' f "Alif.,rmr. •'-J••rln • n• • , I '°ll:ifllr'll Rr<t1>11r,.,." 11,...,..inn rif • Lit.'11• n !llltt1 hi~ 'I"' •I 1"1 \\ t• n stnll' homl'. Thi· stall' may put , .,,1,111 ,• .. Ir""'"' .. ,., 111 11 11111. Park Tax Levy Proposition to l•tll••ll I"''."""~ W1•11• ktll•·tl 111 t h1· Re v t d 0 1·• "~''· 11 Iii 111·· 11"' "'' 11111111· ""'' 1 o e n ' ' ,,•1 nnd 1;:•tr'W" '* • lh~l~=b~h~~:.~1~ ~~~~~1~~4. Brvl'rl/ JOHN L. LEWJS CONFRONTED WITH l'<·frnd•"1 ••> l-'1111" \ ""' '' :~:::1~,t~1:1} :;~11~";.~'..,,,,','.:1 11111~:~ !111111 houc;,.w1rr. Y<'Sl<'rday wa s T 0 MORF.:'l;,i COU RT ACTJOI\ or'i ~:d"'·:irtf <'••t••1 ,, .... \• •••• !'-••"''"""'"n""'''''""'I''"'"'" c;,·ntc•n.-r•d to 11np lo 10 yriir~ for TH REA F " rn"r'. c ·a,.,.lt .• \\ " •' '•" '1 .,f 1.,1,. Htnd h d h d h t '\.-• I I J '*tn~ Hl .-.':\ l•tn' uf ,,,. t; )t#W' f, rtft,tt• tl t••1rflpnt\•rtlf1~' ,. t ft I) I ,,,;,,,,,. tf ff1f d f tillf l.iti\\I f I ho ftll'"'"' jtlttol '"·k·""''"'' "'""'"'I 1111• Hr llh l1I \\'111·11 '"''''"' '""'P '" lhr rwolllll \, "'"" .. , '"' , 1 "" '"" 11 ·,J..fu 1h•·1°· '1'11•'"'''''· '""Y wlll 1,.. r nflt'd "'"''"" ,.; th• lttPllfi''*'''~ ff,. 1 •• uu ''> ,,,,,,. '''' "'"' prof•>"1tton in f/J 111fd1f1•1t1 '''lit•• '-Int•• ••f ..,-.V('J1 f'Rn.._ I <' r:ilh of 1•r flUR tl'r , ...,..mi;r ~ .. 11 , .. ,, d 1, 1 "111 1~ '"'"-•ro·•l t1i '"''''" ,,1.,11 "''tho "·"" Th " ·G t $100 F·1ne for --, ----' \\'AS1 u:-.r.T< i:o-:. ''"' '' x .1 ·1·. ;!: .. 11.1-' "''' , .... 1 ,111k· :.. .. ' ,.,. ',,,r,.11.,n~ ". I.,.,., ,.1 ""•I' \,I•·,,.-"'· ... 11 .. r' "'''"''''~ , "i .. I .. ,.1 •• " '" " 1 .. 1111 es H t G Ah d I J11hn L !.""'' 11111.1\ "·""'•I\ ,.,.,,fl"·' ~"•1··1 ;.t ·'""i.:·· \1.1111. .. 1• 111 r<w•l'llt•m ... "" "111••tl I d i '""I lfl• ,,.,.,.,1 1 1~111 .. 1, lt•l• "" "''"IW •'•••ll Selll.ng . Alcohol1·c a. y 0 0 ea frnnll'd With lhf' tht;•al l•I ,.,11 \11-<;111 ... 111-i s.11111d:1~ n1a:ltl -... \1•1l:.1111c 1•r .. h1I ....... "'.I ,-,,, k d1•l11 t1 ' '"' ·~·1111 .. 111 orr1r···' .,,,,. p1 .. 111 ~1t 1111t •~ wortlt~cl · !-\h.111 'htl11111111 • N•• ~74 11( ~ I ""·• "' ,, • l'' "" u , l,'"' Wth R • d an111h1•r ('••1111 ;wt1nn ~1d ;11111·.ol"1h.1d111rl•t••l l '"' ·11 •rtt1,·111r tn :1l 11•v.1•h.·''1 •. ,.,, I{ I All Add I eVlse ' •I ''" 11 llHI '1',111 11~' 111"1 Beverage to Ml.nor Tiw Soul h1·111 ( 'wtl .1.111 .. r:tl••I'' .111d ,,,, ''"" .. ,~·ral"I' '" 11111 ~·•Ill .,, ',!-, 1• r (• "' , ... ol " ,,, i . I ... , '' ""' I 111•11111: , • I'''"" • ~. en s R b B •1d• l a"~•~·1a11nn a11n11111ll'•'<I 11 "'" "''-trt l!••"I r.111h m .1n ·'"'"'I'' '" , • '"'"" II "'""' • ,.1 • , .. \ "' ,, s d ('• U Y UI Ing •thl' n:1t1nn1111:.t>nr r .. 1;'"''"' to .. 11 .. 1 11•· ,,,,. 1.,.,1 .. 11 .r.-11111.-"'111111 ···r ·~""' 1:1t1• 11 ... ~ ... , •• .i ••• 1 '.;11• ~:;,:::o1'1'" "~.:;'.:; ~'.''1111,~f.'',11' o tan on 1ty C.1·11ri::1 F11n•ainr, nf th(' Sham-. . . I 11) ,.,.,.k 11 cou11 1nJurw11 .. 11 '""'111~ ···111•Hl 111 .. \\alk'l1tt l••r .I! tnd1• • "r • '" • •·t • 1•: '" L'I • f Tock li'lll•'r !'IOrl'. ('lls la :\ksn. w ai; \nlnl')~lla~. Sr , rl'f•rt'd Rnlho;t 1.. .. \,,, 11nd 1h .. l'n11r~I ~'""' \\'••IK· ·'····1·h I·: ,\l•••I) 1'1"•1111111 .. 1 ., ~:1rtf111 .. ~ 11n<1 .. r 7 ""'"' 1r 1''1' "1" i~I.:~·~~. :'::;I ;~t.::.';:1 1 ... , ect1on HHUes fin•'1I ~llW\ \\ilh S7:l susp<'ndcd htistn!'!'~ m:in . rl'Cl'l\'l'd n hu1l!lini;:l''r"' ro lmn;:ion \\llh 111•·111 ••11 11w th•• S•1ullw1n C'.1.il 1'11 .. )11,·..i ,,, ". ni;:crq:at• "' fl, fl•I , • ., ' ''' ,.,., )'ftr1 ~rd'1\' 1n ,.,.,,.,~r1 'fo"·nsl•t'p 't I "' f A '\I NI ._ '• • '"l*•'t•I ''•'h • 11•1!1 i i;1 f( I. Alli fl, 1,uulitl1d1• f,,, 1·h·r• •~ •· •. • ~· n ' pt:'rmt Y•'~ t'runy rom · ·' "· l"'n'tnn cll'Jlllt" ''" 1.,11 .. n •.1tcl I ,\1\\ 1""11•" '''" ' 1 • .... I f • • I D J n~.. Id ., .,, n f•X("'e-41." •• ..:... s•• ••U .... ,,,.,., ••• .,, n•1lt• ,,., )11 \At l ,,,,,. t .. lht •If\ •••• ,, ••• 1 ,,,,,,,11tltJ courl iy Judi;r -.. ug!'. son. city h111 mi:: lllSJ><:CLor, IOI l.,(•v. 1, :.lrPa11\ ll-11ndi·r 1•11111 1 11r. 1 iv••• h:I\,. t•·l.i"'" f l;i1 1, t•• 1,,.. 1, w minimum ,1,., ifi• ..,. , • 1 1 C'han:r<I \\'tth ~riling nlcoholics C'r<'.<'I. a. $.1:l.fW)() comO]l'rcial nnd dC'r 10 api>ear':.tuntlny llnll ,h•I" 1111,.' 1111, ,,,.,."''a'"'";;, 1,,,1,.,1111 l•v · 1•"'· .t h .. 1111'\ .111d 11{ ,., "'"'" '~"111• 11'" 1•·n11t ~,,.,,.. lo " m inor. F'on\ainl' rC'('('i\'('d lh<' (' di' I 111 bu 1 l I 511 F. R I ... 1 o•h anti. l:·•lll• -"' 1•111 1• _;ilfJ , ll ··''1f• ''·" •!•II 1n1· lh•' lt1t"l'nrt'1n, I 111° ,,, ,,, 111/lfl" .... 111111111' " 11(11t t !lt n1 lrmgn.' . ay j\\h)' h•' 'houd nn1 111• r111 d '"'1'"1:·•1.:""' ln1 S11•ll l11•1n l '"·•l'1•1•1 I t1•11fli. J 1cn11:.n 1, rift••''"'"' I ·1 11 ' I i~ 1 .. 1111 '" '"" nu111•1I 'l•lll•rnw11l light fmr nflrr Dodgr ml('T\,l'Wrd f"ronl, Ralho11 ronli·mpt 111r Jmlm.: I•• !':ti! (If( 111,.1,1101,. • h 1 •w1111 • • "'"''"' "' 11 "" 1 the-m in/Ir in' lh<' <'llS", llcrbC'rl Th<' !>lructurr to Ix-<'nllrci thl' • ••..-·n •imr•I• n• 1' f•· 11 111 '" 11 1 .. r• 11•11 i~·ll•, .,1 K"'" ""Y J , 1.,1 f'l tv 1••1\••·111111,.111 " Hiim1ltl'ln. 211 of Annhrim. H nmil-"Ruhy" hµ1li11ni;t nnrr Mrs . lilly, • ' '1"h of :!l '""" llWI tin•linr .. 11 t ? <lro •h. 1.. i·atl• •I f•or u t•ins;-"F iutr I'"'"'~ w1·11· "' "'11(111 1111t ton is w ithin 11 rC'w wr·rks of .,._ •• ••ill frun1 nn Pnlm """fllll' opposilr TELLS WNG BEACH .. MUTJLATJON 1 ' '" nl'rr" th" .. n :.!·, 1• 1 '' 11' 111''' 1 '""' 1, ,,1,,,, •I 1111111 , '"'Jl"ll'" ,,, 111 """ t111n·.' ho· """'· "111m1••ly Ing 1wrntr-onr. lhl' R<'nd<'7\'0US dnnC"r hall. Jt will • ' •''"~ , . ., , , • r ., rn• 1 ••I r 1111111• 1111 '" II• " 111) • "'" '' 1. •·11 v m11n111:• Jucii:: .. Dodi;tr fin<'d lhc youth $15 houl't' four s tore unlls with 2 MURDER, BUT POLICE PU"l"IL'VJ) l•1•tn r1 :•ltnrTI#-)'• r •f'4''''"'" ,,11 ,,, m1111 .. w111t·1 ~••l•t•lv 1111 ~,.111111,. for purchnsr (lf thl' ~<'r. which ls npar""1<'1113 on lhP Uppt'r floor. • ~ 1L 11\ "· J . r .irl")' .. «;m 1th ···in•· n•I· •I I /IO'KH 111111 ,.,,, , ,., 111.11, '"'" 11••W llJl•' 11130 In \'lol11l ion o r alcoholic con· Completion 1!1 cgtlmat<'d rnr mid-" "'"" r"" n fl'hrr m·or ' r· <>1•,1• l1w11ll1• \ tr I I J I{ Id U >l':G Rf:M1l. April R t UP 1" --. -. -"' 1hl y 111 rh"l"k hJ1ul• '" f•1ro Ml•r:r:ur.R 1 "T/1• l11ll1ow11111 nr•· 11 lrw mtir•· o , aws. unr. ay sa .., 1 .. IN tz Bl W t-t-' I' lk r :-..; ' Lft&t <..k'tOhrr. H11y plnnnt"d to ,-nit!'(' (()( ay l"llu lhCtr rC'<'or'1~ 1m1 ames ar 1)111•1pinli( th• m 1tlw.:.rd lh• 1r 1........ .. .. ,,.,. ·11·1.:··r " . ...... 1h11t ~l1•t11lif IM· 1tt .. t1l(l1t IM•f11rr tlw show~11 no rfnurrlC'r-. f"lln" th,. dr -,. lh . t l h I I•••' "''' i 11111 11) ,,.,111·,. .,,.,,, 11111\ '•t11•·11• ••I 1111• l111rl111r "rr h & T "d * er<'CI nn $R'l.OOO bulldinit in \11.'hlch · ' " • • ~r.1 P'l'° ,... '"" 1 111 • ·' 111.1 " • " ft .. * Weat er I ea ht' plROll('d t o havr a rrstauranl s,c-n11t•.r1n of onr cnnf•"''':1 hy _f'H'lrl Cr1s1s Mongers 't J"' 1•y of !ht• ri~hm~ tntf•1•lrv I• "' '"' , .... tnu ,,,, In II 't~ :tlln•· '"I I lluy •11111t11llt1n d f I th I fl f ran('IS Bullullfl. 39. Ill San Jo rnn· 1 r 1\11r of f'OfltrN'IJll>flf ( r It!• "..,. "'r ·'•rll; hi' •·111•""" ,.,,,. •·r• '": I 'J. ;i'A1nln11 a-·t h,.rn C-'lfornla : Jncrensing· an our !' ores on <' 5 rc('t oor, ·1 ' • • ,...,_ 'C · · . ' A 1 .~ I '"' h• •I n• .. ,,,..r11f•11 ~ "'~ -wilh 11 lllrgr nudllor ium on the c sc-o ""''" A~ F:l.f.~. Apnl R ll P t, l•1<1••n 1111 1t n·n~f'\·Rfl\'t· nv·11•1tr< "·" ' ' 1"11 ' ' , :l J-:.111mnl'i•m nf rity Hmll•. cloudln<'!l'l !Oday, . mOl!lly clou~y srcond rtoor. I n u Ila rd ~aid hr choki·d. <11~rolw·tJ I Fle1·1 Aclm \1w"trr ~im1t1 I 1, i• hPl"'°'·..tt 1 .,~1,,,.~ ""~n< ,, 1 •• '" • 11" ''' ''""' plal•~ 110•1 11" -t T1oc11titm tonight and Frl<la). with lntPrmtt· 11nd mutllntro a 25·)'t'ar·ol<l d11rk· 1 hlamN1 a email ~nvp f(lr lh• 11 f 1 1 h 1 1.1·111 '"' h1~ n .r II•• 1, "·h•·<lul•"l i "'111•· 1,,.,,,.,,, ,., llil• nr"" muAI lent ~ight r11in in th<" west por4 ba1rl'C1 woman .. ,,x or-o•t•·ht ""rid <'n~l~ todny l1ur 11:11 .. h<' ''1' 1 f' 811 lll•J"·:. •in 1 ' srt "'111'.' · · · I f SH NGH I TELLS "' ' " 1 • retinlu11r.n " unron•'1"111 .. n,. '• "/•1°·ro1 1n ,.,,) r,.1111 April 14 'tionflnul'd •in nerk Paa~L tton. Shi;:h_tly coo <'r a l~moon1. A A mon1h~ 111-:0" nn<l lhrrw lwr nurlr •1nut.'!rtf 11 w .. uld r•·'<or1 ,,, w11r' ___ _ ~ 1111• 1'1ty "' 1'1•"1"''' 111•111'11. 1•r•>- '1•11111• 1 .. 1 111 .. 1 .. , ~ 111111 •~•II•'<'· 1t•tf1 f111 th1• ,,.u,.,....,. ,,, ''"~ '1d11w 111111 111111111111111111: 1~11 k• In 111,. I 011) •11 N1 '"I"'' I l~·111·h, r11r 1'"1. 11 .. ·111 '"'"" ,,, ,, '"" .. r r1r. r. .. n "'Iii 1'1:0.. I •1n 1·1wli $10000 •·I fll• "'''''"~ti \11lu111111t; ,,f ull f•l'•l•'I \\ Ill llw ('ti}' 111 !'.O'WJlf.trl 11 .. 1 .. 11 Y.111• 11 " lni.ahlo· ltlf'rrln 1111 111111111·11 • .i I"" I""''• 111111 r•·· , .... 11,,v. ( 111111111111·1• "''' :U111 ,,, Jiu• 1 'll) ••I N••W1~11 I l lNll'h I~· 1111•1111 .. 11 ·1i11· p n 1111,.111 .. 11 n11•11n'I t hnt 11r llu "'"" '" 11•• v•1l1«I. 111 rrnt1& will '"' 11111 11 r .. 1 p11r k11 """ lw· .. utlfl. • n t11111 1111d ltv« 1•1•n tJ< fllr l'l'C'N'll· t '"" 111111 "'"} 1:r111111•b• .,,,., t hJ( ••I lf1 1'••111 ~ WIJI rlllllf• 1111111 ••'lhllnf,.I)' f,:l7,0tlf) unnunlly. ·nu• n1-w 111 •llnnnr·r-rPJK•nl" t 1t1• "''' 11rvlln11nr· .. whil'h pruv1rlt•'I 11 111'! • ''' flir••" f'o•tillo. Jll'r $100 1111"'1'1'1'11 v11l11r.1 l11n l11r t "" p1.1rk fu111I, um•iunt ill!( t11 v .. 'ifJfl 11nn11nlly l . .lbl y rl\r $7:tlf1 WllH r11Jic1'f1. !ht• 1llffrr<-nf'<' h<•ln1e 11\tl' ffl lflX rt'· tlr111111111n~ ••f ""''"'' IY lmpt'r'lnl wmd5 ll<'Br ~~miles J>C.'f M · RTHUR TO ho<ly mtn thr ro('••nn al l;1ni: "Hut I'm 11n rrplimis t," llw .fi:!· hour 10dny, an~ 25 m tlf'!l Pf'T ho~ acA Rcacl~. -l }Ntf·rrld rr1lr•·d C'hwf ,,, n:Mil llJ>· BEGIN SECOND 'STATE DELAYS UPPER Frldny. • . RUN FOR EMPEROR Lnni: !lrirh pollr<' ff' r 0 r ,, .. 'r:tllfln~ :.ildf'd I CENTURY WITH VISIT BAY B~IDGE, TUNNEL Loll Antr"I"" 11,ftd \lc-lnlty: I n· ~howl'<! onl\ lhti~ """"'"NI w ••m· 1 !'111m111 1h'1 n111 it1rflf1f\· 1hr creasini:t clouc11prss tod ny, \\i lh ~HASOHAI. Aprtl 11.-(J'P) :.n-•l;1~m1:•'•f\ 1h" 10:"1 two ~ .. r1r. l ~111:.ll 1:1111111, · .. h"h h• ,.a;tl "11• TO DENTIST LOOMING K"lllt) • hn1rm11n r.f 1111• , 11111n111t"'' ••t th1· A•· some intrnntt\~t 111-?hl r 11inJ1•l<>--1'ndf'r IM capUon "Hf''•• Mr~ LmtrR 1-:111.11 ~1 .. 1n<l, :n. ••·•ktn~ t•1 111k,. 111h 1,n1.1i.:• ,,, ·••''"' 1 11.mt~r~ .,f 1·.,rnni111·,. nighl ~nrt Frttf;i~. Sl11thlly ('()(ll<'r H-tnwn &y S ow," the Am-w11s ,, r:1n~lr<I inti n• 11 h1•r 111,. t'l1:1ntir· "-111 Ir! """''""•r.• 111 fur-'ANTA fl;\RHARA <"'11 A(..r1I ,. •I , ,., •I ""' '" 1111,1 ,,,,,, rolfi< 1111~ t • I\ oftrrnonn f'rk'an--0WM'dl'lhan«haJPoetand l "'ihr<1normu11ta1...i :0.1:" l.l.1947 1lw r 11t1·11 ''"" ~f'lr1~h .. ml• I" •U r i Rrtm<•n r .u .. 1'"h ' 1• ,1. •r , 1 .. 111k'""''"' 11. 111• ~""'"~· toda)' rill\ a onf'-lln~ IJrr h•ll'h ·wr.-f1t11n<l 11111n "'' f1,.l1I · 1' '" hie ~ ,..-11t11r> '11 lih , · '• "·." .. r 1o 11mno t 11r hll'tlt f'dltortal on rHolt11 ·or t)Mo \\1A-j l'lllrw111' C'•mkhn !1<_ "''" '"''"'i Almoat Pure Hefium ..cmv fr,rv.artl •· ,, 1r111 • .. ·~· ... .,,,1.:, ,.,,., 111, 11,, 1-1,1 ... , Tfd~ .,... plll~f'tl fl, :tr11f't Of Qt'rtll'"'OC'& Ll1h1 tll'J,...,. a 'm ~ 1'ark rllr\lr'll pm. Th 8 ~:22 :.!.29 8:14 %:12 4 6 o 4 ~.o n.3 F 9 !'i.~ 3 ·01 8:54 %:M 44 0.1 . 52 0.7 rnn,ln primary. t1r'arl ~f:1rrh :.!:\. l'llli 11n lfw tnr•k • I W 1\!-:lll:'\r.T1 lN • l'I'• fl••l111ni ril l~I. I' 1 1 "C~ral Mw-Ar1hur." th~ ~ 11 'rlnr.od ,.,,nll nl d1:in1wl l'<11tl'" 1" h "' 1 l"'"hll't,111n •~ 11 \'11111 tf 1111 Hlllh 111111.•I~) >• ''' ''' '' f!ll.ltorial Mid • .._hould fo'1rf't th1-or1zNJ.•hr tfir.,t m nn n<'1·11l,.n1111 1 ~1 A1"~ v11vl'rnmrn1 mnn11p11I~'. l11 1 v11• marrr d h> ;u-hm..: '"''II :111•1 ahnut AIJH'rlran pt11ftlC'll and run fnll Th" fllh••r vw1 1m \\fl• :1 i '\-"'"' 'r11' /I' r N·nl f1'Jrl' ttnd <l""~n't I .ri. wa.. vho~fol•tf 11, ,,,.,, I•.,, • •r• "'h1•1r• •·f n• ·1rh 'l.;!'1 • .J•,l~rl• t9r Em~ror of lapan." )'l'ar -<1ld wroman '"'"' ;i r•r•nt morr rt .Ian ('11·1rat"trd In " f• v., d11y1 l"r ,, !11 ''"'' ''' • 111.T11,lrlrl1 f•il 11 1111111•·1 ,.,., •il'fl1111: 1,, ~111t•· ··~11-, 11r"11." ~111y ~tr1 t1·•I "Roth 11111tr 111111•·•. K"""\ '11111 111111 f• •t .. 1111 11irl Non lu· 11l.it11lnl'll, II•• 111)rl• rl th1o1 "'"'' 11ff1d"I~ "'' l•.,·I 1111r1 " ~·· 111 lo """k 111111 1••'"1111111 •11• I In th1• 111••11ntlmr, lh" ll11rlM1r \1 1 .. ,. '' ••I 1111 t '1•1" t l\;1\ 111• n 1 ·.,111mi..11lnn I• 11tudyln1e thr rr- p1111n 1•11ll; •h• l1 \1nr· c·.. 11r•·1 1-•rt11 11( lhr1r Kftl'f'flll t·n"lnrrr, It. lh••"' 1•1111111111\ '"'''"l ll••d rn "u-11 I. 1'11l11•rao n. 11n1I 11r r n111f1•rrlng 11111ir•·~· 111• nl • 1 \!.1tl1 •h•• Irvin•• t.'11 l'lnnll •&r!' llf•- "T/11 mhll"I <11 rrt1K~1111e 11111 llp· J 1111( fo1 mulfll••11, II '" lwl h•w•rl, with f" r 1:11~ ~Ill "''"\ "''"' t11 IH 1111 1111• ""'"' 11f .:••inst 111 lh1· n1•11t 1<'11· 111 '""II• 11 h• p1tr"I ul '' l•1t11I 111 I• I •11111 iii 1111• l•·i:l~l11111r1' with 11 con· 1• • 1 ''" t It•· •l•·vt'l11p1111 111 111 tlt1.t 1·111,. ,,,,,,.,..111 ror at"I<' 11ld -l •l "'' --, • Pge z ·:,~';,".c:•r·==~-~~~.!: SPRING NOTE Cameron to S.Yiltp ancl LcN.n Lock 23-Year-Old Man in Jail to Keep Oppose Gardner Lape to Rold 2 N D -Him 'Out of Troul>le' With Young Girt ~~~.~he ea.,. .... °' Coronado f.ontJaVe FRONT l.ns Al':CJ-':LES. APRJL 8 -i "I .tow hl'r," llogue pro~tt-d s . .01 .. ,\na unoounCt>S ht> will 'run _ . , p A G E 1 I 'I'\ Army •Vc·tc>rlln <:iark n. "WP w11nt to get married." I 11ir 1h,• 11flk't> or supt>rlor· rourt ~ !iftth annuaJ OOll\'f'n tion or' ll11i.:u1. :!3, "JS loCkl•d 1n Ja.11 to-'S11pn1nr Jud i:" Walttt S. Cate~lJwl:• .,11 lh•· hnsis of his long 4>1: tJw Caht arrui. Sa\i nit• and Loan [ A , R .• · L • y tl.1~ 111 k1·1·µ him 1&11rt 16-y{•ar-old ~1t1d th-.1 »011 nrt1·rl lakr a good lck-it 11• ,. 11 , 111 c 1r11nge Counry justic<> Le~ •1ll l'M' held Junt> 17-19 at I • • I it. •·n Cr1·1h: ur \'••nlc<• "out of I "I OJ i,"<Hnl: to order Y<>u ti• '· t '111~ i 1ur courts. ~ a ccordlnll to an an· S 11 .. ulol• 11n1d lt Jll<h.:1• nm marry 1·11unty J•••I," hi' 11dd<'d, "IO )'Oii ,\1 ,111, 1111<1 f'Xlll'rlc:net'd...jurist, DOUrl<X'fnelll 111Ade todiu• b)· ~ev1ll ' N • £ • W • j 14• 111 kaJs \\(>11'1 ~~·t inro any mor•' .111.f • 1 '.111l<'rnn for the past sc:\1·n O.\'ill of l...c.A An>:l ll"S, t''<t'<"UllW ' 11 " 1.: 11 • . 0111·" '""''1<'1 <'d of 11 / t ru111>1,. un• ll .. >«•ur marrlar~ cn1 1. 1 r• II••.,, lw cm llUjX'rior c ~ u r t ~prKid<'nT t•I !hr st '""' 1d1' 1 Toi• '''·" 11,,,1, ,11f1•nw 1m ol\lnJ: Miss Ii.· ."rrnnKCd. J 1d" I" 11-ll•m. 111kmg the hench track-oroaniuillon Pl':Mf>C'Jl,\T"' o:'\ r • rt I c,,,1•·s. "ho said he wouJd ~' 11111 11 11,. n ·i:ulur jurists wen· call-.,. . 'l'h I I .a• 1·1• " ,, • lt.11 i:••I \1·•t1·r 11y with f I . ,_, Ch•t'T 400 u\lne' and ll)lln rx· T\ 'LSA. Okla.•• l 'P 1 •• 11•m -• , , 1 111•111 1 11• t·1•11•mnny, was ~orm1•tl .. 1 11\ '·' It•• 1s rh". only justice of «UtiVf'9 from throui;:hout C-ahfor. ""'"'5 ('{onw nut "" top .~t llw 1wl.1 1i r1~ l1'"h0il11 111n hy <·on11nuing th1tl lh1· ~1rl'11 moth1·r will n.11 I11 , I• ,11·1· ar1 urnnge county to nia are l'Xpt'<'tf'd to 11111•nd th .. n>n-1 <~IP tn a "bn 111,. or <ymhols "'"'11 '" "·1· ll1·r . 11hJ1•ct. . 1. 1 • "• 1111!1 ~tKnal honor, und ho1ds ·dav" wh1f h "111 tw· h11:hl11:hlf•d b} ih•• r>.·m.11·ra1ar lw"rl'l11·•r1•·rs """' ,. ,1 1, 11•·1 11( commendation for his prunlnt'nt -i~lt1<1'TJ tn tht-f1t'lds ··•l thd r """'n 1•mlil1 111 "''•·r ''"' lliJ E 0 T ft Di t , 111-1 111d1nl{ work from tht~SU· of rlnAn('('. real "tltate. and Olhn ,~,nim .. r1·11tl ,fi:n \JS• 11 h) . " ltwrd !' ay ase . range I a scoun 8 f'" .. , .. I 11111·1. alflll~l<'d bW!in!'Uk lm:o.:11i:• firm Th•· l11i.:i:11i.:" .11li:11 GI b M k. I s· . r.· r I. lllll'n111 is running against , 'tJ1lrH·cl an • h•11h1v1t fur llu• "l·:lt.:· 1 J ut y a 1ng 1gn1 .1cance (j I. i/1 11 t;ardn!'r of Balboa Js)a.nfl a. WIM -Advf'l't... 1·liant~ ("11 " So m'e By-Products ... Stassen v1·ctory "''" 1 .... 1 Sq1l('mlM'r was app(lintt·d _ "' , 111 "I> ·Crt .. •lc·d SUIJ''r•or court OJ»ENING OF OUR NEW OFFICES 519 Coad Highway _, •• New Phone: Newport BEACON 6477 ...... l -UM BER • BUl~DING MA·TUllALS · -, ,/,I··•' r111t ·n1 l1t•11t·h hy Go\ Earl l.llS ""c~:u:s. April 8 1tJP l 1 l.l~t'(lL=". NF:B . APRIL 8 \\ 11•11 ,\ 111.on ''' ..i .. ~ ... :.!II l'''r Ci•nt of 1 • l'P 1 S• n Rob<-rt A Taft, R <" 111111111111, ••r .• nv1· l'rup 111> sur-fll1111, ''"':"· rti~<'011ntC'd the 1lgn1 \\ 11_c;ci~. Kan. 1 UP ) _ Mrs. 11111, 11111 "" 11 f,.r lo~ -prnd11rt~ to f11·:in1·1• .,( I ho• Y.'isC'ol\llln J>re'I '-11.ot.1,;'11 -'filth J~ frcodtng a fifllC'k y 1•1 •\••111 111o11k•t dul'> ""~ s 111rt1•'f1 r!rnlinl primary II<.' credited Hor· «•11111rrl Sht• 11ays he turns ur, hts 111r!.1y "' 1 t • S I k·prt1 t nwnt 11r . ""' I·: St;1-;iwn's victor y to or· '" " ·11 11t·anu1s 111• wants Ent:· ,\.•r11·11IHar• 111111:1 >. 11111 o11nn 11 n d JJt•rson11l ca111· .J 11T1l11uts. h1C'kt1ry nuts or hlack Tiu• 1,.,,,1111111n•lal1,,11 lo , 1,n I 111·111ni: , •••h ",.,1111 1.,111 rwuk••tn~ T.!1 111111111•<1 10 cnmmPn~ ,0 \\ ,, Iii 11!1· \• "'' "'"' 11\ v1 .. f.S ~·I· I•"''"'·· 'II• .. ,~ 11( lh<· \Vlscom (" '••. '' 111, "1 F F I l ··~d· ul• 1'11 \ ;., ... ''" 1111 ,. .. , 1·n-m an Nl'bras 1 ,,, 111. t '1lif1•r111.1 F11111 c;1 .. \l• 1 ... 1·1111111\ "' '' T111•"<1a) lie> 11dd11I I ,, 1 " , ri. '' 111-"\In pro<:1•·r111 look i:o«I 'I lu ''' h:11r..:1 "'"''"''I~''' II rh '' 111 '' 1.1 i•k.1 I lju1 ,11untd hy tt•(l0rlr1'11 abo••' • " r .. 11 li111o I i't•llr1m1c;1 \\rr;k '"') 111. od111rn1,1r,1t l\1 ''"''1""''''" tl• it 1)11 \\ ''"••1"111 pr1mar~. Taft 1111 I I 11.,11,, " ""'"" ,111,.i'a< "" '" 1 (ur "I ll1111l. 11 lo•nch lu '!how th 11 1,1•1111, \\tlh ,,11 i. 11.11,,,1 ,1r ,f-1.,rt .1 1•nm.iry is l11ri.:1•ly won by 11r· """ Iii•· nnrl ihnt 1111r11.,111 1,. a~ i.::11111.t1111n .ond ~"'r~<•nal co111 I '" I' 11~ 11111•r '''''" <hlpnw n•< hr•• ll·"l.'rllllC t•·rf• f"•lll' i·urllriilli-lf 111· 1tl•1• 1·r111u1w ntwl that 1lw • _ • --1 \\'1"·1111~1n H•tP "co•rtainly te nd11 111 \ 1111r l'lan for Famll~ "'"f.-t)' I 11i~r1 .. 1l11 I h<' poll~ I h111 havl' b.···11 ( YO tl \\'I 1 11ak1'n " 111· s111rt lh<' Inst nallon.11 1 I 11111> nn• "'11,.. Y • '~ no i;allup poll 1{8\'t' Gov. Thomas F I •l r111c h lPn ii nur · Nfl\\ _'J ill'wry 11( Nrw York 34 per Cf'nt, I \\'hil<' voe r an-., I r.rn. l>oui:l11~ MacArthur 19, and 1 \\'ARllF.N .r. WT.l~f:R I Stassf'n 1°!'1_ Mt ss"' "'-· HP•.-t -.. Rw M 't-1111 j "Mar Arthur presumably w a~ llf•• , ...... Uf• ' -Ce. I ~1ron11••r in Wiliconain than &n)· I wht>rP f')Sf'." Tl'lft aald, "and thc•r<' 111 no. r•·a!'fln that Dewey ahould I IM• WN1k•·r m WisCO!\Sln than a n)" "-hrr<' rl~r. So I would think ii <how1•<i 1 hot ihe gallup poll Wl\S .. xactly \\TOng " \ I lllJlQ FINE OLD COLON Y PAINTS PUil PIEPARED PAINT-This hiph·g rode White Le a d Point spreads easier than ordinary point, covert more square feet per gallon and affords maximum 1 lasting quolltiH. Available In wide range of attractive colors, Pure Prepared Point is economi· cal because of ease of oppfica· tion, greater protection and longer·w•oring quality. Fine quality guaranteed I S•&hnC.... Forest Lumber Company Pllo9e 8. A. 0151 UU So. Ma.ta Suta AAA ' FORMER BEVERlY HILLS BROKER TO JOIN J. A. BEEK John B. ~nde'ltut. put"presi- dent of thr Bever ly Hills Realty Board, w JOined H ub POlol't>n as auociate broker in t~ J. A. Beek oHi~. Balboa Island Ft'rT)( building. Prendcrgut had lK'<'n In Uk' realty IJWilnt•ss ln 84'\ 1·rl) Halls sin<'e> 19:.!4 up until a ft•w days ai;o I A ••t hero> L'Onv1n('{'(j lum 1ha1 this "·as the phwe he wanlPd ",f hve and wor k. lit' hit• mo\'t'Ci 1c1 Balboa Island I DELICATESSEN and Food Store • .All S.lads, Prepued Daoy, Ready for Yoar Dla.ner Table. • Cooked Meats • C~ckea, ~y . ~ ... ~- • Soft Drinks •.Beer and Cham~ · Imported aad DolDMtlc • Table Lu1A1rie9 • 0 t available In the ner- age food stores. For Fancy Groceriea, Fros- en Foodll aad the ee.t A. IOrtmeat of ~ la the Harbor Ara. I I SHOP atCURT'S : Pltome llutMw 111 I -8ll l'..t O.tnl BALBOA 0....1-. ..... 16A a. .... p.a. ~,_ Wifliam I. Cammacl ---·-=-=----=::......----iiW-1-1---H _A_a._ le_~ 11~ BAYVIEW LIMIER co~ .._, '101 Jl.t St. Help Sawe Meat _. (&gs ... Eat More Sea Foods BAYSIDE They A're. Rich In loaine LOBSTERS FR~H DAILY Alive or Cooked .... of Kodl Cod ... ...._ 8teU:I l'IWof~&e.d FISH MA•KEl ..,. •• ,.a; AJ11D mm. • I ... ...,., .. .,., . ..,... ••l!809 Ga PAINTING· DECORATING A.HD PAPEllllANOINO Army Sgt. Tells Mesa-Harbor Lions ll~<P;o1JEttiC"a.1E.t5idiivirir~il~il>iiiiilii~ciPioUittca1Biii.ti~i· nu-§§§~•§> §§§§c§P•§ ... §.§ .. ~-~§§._§ ..... §-~·§o§§§§~cr§•§i...,..§§ii§~iiwi.--~ii§•i>ii Preparedness Need • ..._ 11ar. nw. tot Ote11W A ... o. ........ ..., > Costa Mesa-N'cwport H • r b o r Lions club heard a talk bJ Sitt John N elson on prepardneee and the duty of cltlU'ns In lnformlnrc their government of 1helr wntl· mcnts regarding atrcngthenlnr or the 'armed fol'Ctla. Nelaon MrVed u a·lleutcnant with th.-96th ·- bardm<'nt group or the 80. Air Forcc> in En~land. He w.u Intro- duced by Dave RJng. It was announet'd that Coeta MPSa Girl Scouts \\•Ill haw ixr· mission to s<>ll rl'frt"'hm<'nt'I a t t h" hall p-uk durini.: the l'Omlng ba~rhnll-s<'n~on Authorize Full .1 Time U nArnerican I ~~?..1~,r.°,~~r~.~~t ·11•• I ll"P 1t1 .. h.inl ;":1"'11 R n il .. ~"' 11cl 1.,.cla ,-th• """''' 1 ·11-1\m , rlcan I ''r''' 1tt•·~ 1•tt11 '"''''. t t.., itu'h•,rit· 'ti 11!1• • "'''''" 11w11r "' ,, (ull·llmr I \,,.,,<~,,·'""' 1"'' ~•1..:a1nr .11•· ... ·1ul lh• '"'~ .. 11,•;1tn, \\'AS I :uirh"rl/• tf hi, '"""•' ~ t th_, ,., 1ny I tlun..:, .. r •·t1t1u Uh* 11, t•11n11u1tti"'t'"S 1;111111"1 1011 \\111.11 h1pj•111 '" thl' I \\"' I '""•'I """11 ti• 1·t1r1 ... 1 111 •r• ,.,,,,,,,. on t h1 "''~'11..:,1 111f\,j ,,,,.·ifu ,, ..... 1gn · lHt•nl"" I Cl~~1('(1 11<1• uo 1:1·t '"" Job "''~ -. ,,,. - Glidden Liquid Cleaner and Quart of SPEEDOLEUM Linoleum Finish I . 2.14 ·s159 FO« VALUI __.. IOTH Spu dolou"' oclch llfo to U'( """''""' ,,.,foce. Dv•ol>le •o•"- ctbl• watw+~wJ.i;t• ift colo1. H2'1ft·· Ion to dol.coto li•olou"' colort.. 0 1•01 0••••'9M lo woll o• l .. ot li,.ol.-c •o' o•cl ''"" loot 1"1 ••tli 'leu of!O<f. COAST CONTRACTORS SUPPLY "1 o· coa. .. e lllah"' ·~ ~ t:\\'l'ORT RF..,CH ~:~i\.ZCl ·M GLIDDEN PRODUCTS ~~ ~""-'e. whc), with liis wife, Rowena, lives a~.~e corner of Coral Avenae and South Bay Froat on Balboa Island is our neighbor, and we like him. The brakes have resided in oar com- munity for S years and have made a host of friends. We feel Dick Drake~s lc.ncwtedge of water pr.oblems, and his eq»erience on the San ~ • Luis Rey River Water Aatt.Ority and tlle Board of the 22nd Agricaltllral District, as well as · his experienceeas a IHlsi-,S cotismltant emi- nently qualify hi,n for tlle pOsitioa lie is seek- ing. Dick Drake· will be a fille C01111Cihna• for the City of Newport BeadL I TRl8 RPACE CO,_"TRIBl''TF.D Bl. THI: ~lllGRBOM o•· )llL A .. ~D •118.. blOl DIL\U OS BAUN>~ L"L'-'"D ' ' ... , , .ii~ 'klolcJ,, ~':1: ~:~ ~=~~e·:~~1i~t•. othen C-Ongf\1'8m8JJ Said We'd Go Fishin',. LA VERNE BUILDER INDICTED FOR Vt1'S HOUSING BONUS FRA UD ' NEWPORT BALBOA. NEW8 -TIMl:8 TH''ll~UA\ """port ftfo-.·111, ('allf. .\11rtl !, IN" Page 3 . a,. "111ro1... t1n~J:l·~ot~0~~~~ ~~:;s·1~'' ?.~~: (The One-Without Pockets in His Suit) AA). Th"n' was A ~n·a t turn-out. , . Mrs. G. L Andrews rerrics on and quit.o 11 frw. wtio had had lly HARMAN \\. NIC'HOl.S d11rn \Wit hl' wu .almoat .twi~ U •:' A:"\1:Et.EK ~JVll ~ il .Pl 11011,..-. 11 ,,,11,.1, I 1 '''"" rro~lulThurtday :anenl lhl'<'<iU·lsonw har~ l'nrount<>rs ~ith t hr ' \\'ASHINC.TON, APRIL ~ -m) ai;.· 11nd Jll~t w11ntf'd to cub ;"''1<•th11 h111hl1rv.lt ~;i "''""' "'" 1, ,111 .11,,.,,1 11," "•"k ,111 callonal prol(ram of th<' United srn W<'rr tht'rr 11> hrusli up Ort I tL1P >-lt was on~ of the nicest It '" lh• ~aid h i' d hrln& the-lund\ lS ~r11·•· • in1l1..im e 111 ,,,._111> 111 a t>lcht couat. ut. col ... ctln.-; 111.-aal -Stilt" Pewi>I"-&iu1tdrons} 1h,•1r 5<'11!'\tlnship .• p1h,ttni;. n11,,.1..dny11 &lnC'f' the snow owl11·d 11ncl 11 rou~l1• of his lovt-1)'. ~ ~~"1ntl!llnl: rn\TIJttt11tM1t1 ~mt•~ h,..11 ,, ", ,1.., r M<'mtx-r•'ilp In t"A dr i;.1111111. ,.,,. This rours" I pre·rc-A ~~·-wtftd -floge+flll-11~ lan.•s tu tza11 h<X•kS'. A• 1f that -\' , 1 , ar "" sc111t• oni;: I ~ r · ll --· ·1 · '' 1 ' 11 ' ''" '''" 1 ' ' 1 ''"'"' 1 ti confinl'd 10 thOSt.' men who ~ q111s11~ 10 111rml1t•rsh1v In th« i<klt'ls n( lhl' ~ala 1rnd hlo" '"ll "'1:u1u 1w1µ •' USI. "an w ~~ll>a•· tor dome-wtth-• •'ti 1,.,~tt""'"' ,,, '.wi '" <ww,,,.......,. the Clrst ur Piloting COIJN<C. ': _ ''<tUadrun, and tn udHmcrd r11uri .. ·s th1• homl111r1:~ off th•• nwn f<llk.~. ~t\nw up a k1J. h t I" I-• 1' "Ii. 11 'I •• '' ''-' 111 t"tod.'f'"I ll.•ia.m~ Ailnunl tratton nual..,duea ar<> small, thrrr ls n lln,other words y&u canno\ BU\' But lhl' liUn bt'at do,111 h11rd So"" load<'d Mr. H '11 C'af with h.,. ''1'b on•·. Tht• h ip one for a ·•l'I""'"'"'"'' 11.,1 ,,.1 .. 1~"". ,,,, rurthf'r rXJX•nsr WomPn Arc> w~I~ ~.011 wr~.> into thui t1Ulfil -llw An-1 f'OOUl:h If> t•\'t•n thC' !"O"'t' fllihinll SIUJI lllld tWQ o( hll IO\'t'IY ~~-1 :mil ''1rl m liut lld11n1.: f t~·t ff•lfll Hit' \c•h'ninll a.lrulnbtU· come in all cours.-s but t 1 < t111r \\.at<'h nd<kd this part. l Ad-I ThC' roni:n 'sllman irnkt on t>w S<'crrtu.rl<'S I hoth 11••l'll h~ ball-k '·'' krt "' ht .. ""' "",..... ,,,.,, •• t!nn I bf•comP m<>mhers ~< ~"und 1 ". ' 0 111 l'MW\'!l C\.IUrS•'S, s:ud !\tn . G. L. ph11nt• ro J.>H <'k rhc 1te11r 1tnd "'"'d •·r:< and t10t11 nKmNS Jlc len ) and t'I> '"'"' ~"11 ll tui.I ''' l• l,.,i.,,-·,.j ""· , •. '• • r · , ' • insurance p.a. palmir-IMCOUOIATI D w o buct lnturonce countelot ~33 'vio li d o, newpo1 t beach, colif. telepho ne new port baoch, harbor i 500 * • --. ron,,, n 11rl' Ad\'ll ·d r I ' s I ' " l ~ d I •\"lll\1 1 '" ·-·· 1 .... ·ron,..1,.• h111l1I··· • ''"r"'" pasl!iing <'oursl's lh<'Y arr gwrn 11 • , ""' 1 ottn\;, c>11m1111-1111 go flshin.: out to chain brtdlt" a ll)' we ""'nl rUt• • "'-' n1 .. 1,.1 l't• """'' '" th" 1, .. 1,.,,.1 cu.tlflcate or QUallrkatlon. This ship \\\'lither .. Motor .!\l1'Ch11nlt'S, tln th<' l'lll'k•Jf1g1aod frin,ws of lh<' IHI\ I' ""fl' ,..... ~. \\ ,, 1rlq\ t .. I l•h Int· '"el ~rand Jurr ) : yt>ar, alreatly, fivt> womvn in rhe Jwuor and Scm or Kuv1~1Hur Disrrict of Columllla, Al IC'nl?lh "'' Arrh•t'd at the lhJ. '" '"" """' • lbh-.; 1""' 1 ' * U.S. have compl<.'ted the wholr \\'tthoul l'XCC'ption thus<' t aking If sou111t.·d l1k" ll might Jllttk<' bradi;" and ~tarll'd the Ion& llo)"t . "•·r·· loi.mn" '""'lu1 Ilk•· ' 11 "'', 111 · 1 '" '"''"'" """ 11 "' 1lu• ·aerlra .or rourSl'S and ar, no•" I ho• l'ttU1·1c•s 1•xprC'SS gl"t'nt ap}'.lr<'· I :1n '""'rl•sl 1ni.: pil'N' for tht• Plll'l'r~ M'r1unhh• tu t lw t 1shmg grounds. •Tli) rh.· tn1tn :"whols -lff C'aJ<:' ""iu "4'U.:ht b)' Phllllti Ya&t'T', ;.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii:=. * ' t ~ . . A h 1ln•111 I I I I 'I"' 1"1 1'"1'1 •nt I• I " \tt• tt>nlor na\'li:Rtors, M<>mbt>r!I nr rhe c1ahon of thrm. Th•' nu•n who I ,. oni;1• tu r•'l">rt h\\w a l'•lll· l'arl IHI) ucru:-.. diam bridie and •' 111 " t " r...... ma nor r. T • ' 8 f y · P OWM' Squ11dron fl ag on thrir knows nothing about boats IS k d l:l'l''>Sln/111 \\llh11111 nn~ p.\Ckf'ts'" ..... ndo ... n;1fh1:ht<ifWood&m•lt'IJ9· \1r l l t1r11.tt1 !'Ito Ir.ii.HI , .. ,,a1 ... ~ l-;n . ''"' tiiu k ""'' ... 11 ·: 1 1' 11 •..: • e ore OU Build or Re•o~ ....... boats. Thi~ flai;: 15 an honor C('rti· along so undl'rstandini:;ly and hi~ suits hnndks lht• thousand and Down an t•artlwn path to a Al!nt ·' , 1 .. 1111 .. 1 •••·.uu. '""'••r•I th•• :s Attovnc·} J 11 m• 1 ~I < nrh·• l ~ fit'11 that tht• opcrutor is inform~ th .•.rou~hl> tha t h1• will get ahmi; on<' 1:1mr111ck1 a body nt'<'<ls wh1•n pn1d11'4 up rc .. ·k r.·ne>" -11nd me In l'O('k 1''" r.· 11 .. "'' 1·a~11m: lllllt>I ~m .-..1i.:iu, "''" ,.,.,,,.,., ... ,,. '"frrnns VWt Oar la&e!Jlafl• ......... aM na-J_ ' and may bi· ex(X'Ctl'd to O!X'rll~l' wdt 1'h<' man who 1tlreadr hu I fi];~mg. my l>l••t ~ull and •h~'I. over that •.tw ""' 11111:• A111I th<' carrota, '"U.>tt•.: fni•l<1 i·har.:"~ _ ~· II.- his boat cumµl<'lcly snfrly and sonw kno,..1"di:<' and C'Xf.Wr11:on<'<'I t h•r•• llnflmlin of M 1chl1.;1111 was 11nd acr01'1 hnar, hundn'ds of rocki ~I<· ii " tho• rnd .. ~ . , , oourl('Ously. The s~uadrou rtug "111 fm'd tlw <.'Oursl'S, C\'l'n th" lht· g<'nl on th•• phone. lll' kn"" and th<>n all of a auddcn -)'OU Af tt1. •Ult "" ·''"'"' 1noh.-,11 ... 1 • \ ou·r. Ot' Tilt: t 'l:Cll'l.r.,, I aw•. piano nb1.r 11kila, ~ Rnrt Jl~. °""' may he flown only whC>n 8 squad· Piloting Cou r se. chal11•ni:mg I ----wouldn't hrli(•I'<' 11 !-ions and six. •" '"~"h •.1111 1t ""~ """"t 11\'F ~ II 1t 't•1 111 ,1,, 11 ron mC'mher is a hon rd 'tnll\ fhig tr1nui:h in u('curat11 dt•llul. that h>', j <"'a,. 1 Roal Mart latf'ly• lt'e tuns of ii'<•. Tlw r.·mnanta o( -.1n· h mr '" •111 "• "' 'h.,ni.• Th" I'.' • H1rn1I. ~&. thr .. i.t.'lll 1••"" ,.,,., i.. 111 I command..' the r<'StlC'<'I of lht• Nnvy, Ill•). will ix'n<'ftl. I 11,,1.11i sl<1j1pitlg b>• • ter. \\'•• ha\'t• had day after day )f'.llt 11ld 1·• 11•t1·11• 111 lrom '.\lirtu -1 s-ll.1m r.,.h1r·I', "'" ,,. •• 1 ... ·1 ... 11 Coast Guard. M.•rchanl M~rinc 'l'ou now ha\'C' !'onw idi·a of till' • • • ot ~,·,•r 71>. Sttll thC' IC'(' ~mains. ~~11 • ''" 1" '' • 1" '"''' "'1 I tut ·•'••u t , thu. >''1tr drsrlh',fhf' f.11l11n• .. r .01•' and ha,rbor officials. l'ntlC'd S111lt'S Powt•r Squadrons I Th" S C Y ,\ Mn~ll'r C'ult'ndar At Ion..: 111:-1 '"" f1,,hmg grou~ ! 81 1111 " • 111 h.-•k ... t '""' Thui.., R~puhh•·.ui ··nuo·u- 1 '' '" 11°•11111111° Manr Pl'<t(llt• takf' tlw l'oursr \\'" chl'ckt'<I wt th th•· top nwn tif f11r· l !\..!~ 11t i<llll 11n11v1til11lilr . 11 \\·11s -411 rod~ 1111~ s1dt• of ~here you ~1;,:1:111 1 "'' 11 ''"1 ~ •11~·111 1 '"" him Th·· '" 1 •·•··11"1 111 ''" 1 .. t j w ho do not own JlOat;; m . '.1' l h•• l 1 S. ('<1:,,;1 C u.1rd 11nd our uwn' """ for this •~~ur. and may illall ha\" tu hu) 1t h<'•'llS•'. 'fhl• eon· • ' 1 1 '' 1 " '"" 11 "h·• "'' 111 "''""""'''' "'' 11 ~1> " lnnil•lhl•• '--• .. ~rt y -. , If . . d t•Ut '' •' " "'' '"'' • .. ut.111' • it. h J ut!Cause lh<'Y 111·1· inl!•rcstl'd in l hl• llffrhor l>•·1111r1mN1I, und lhi·) •~ilh m rt\t' .• 1~ "" wht•n ii rom<'!I .ir<'s:.man, no "'lCk••h , unzipp •. --d a 8· 1,,11 lnforma11on 8\'Rilnl>ll' 1 Ii r 0 u .. h d d h II "111 111• publ1slwd in utlwr l't1l· hllll' ha$: ,,,. had i..,,.n t'aIT)'lfllC 'J" "TRAVEL -~ .. en or,;,, I r proi.:ram. d '"' •'· • \ ""11111 I"' .. n :inJ 1.n lw sto& ol ~ thrm . M<>ml.ersh1i1 an th" ·.qulld-"""',.. 1,f lh•~ rn·1\·s1><1111·r amt ''••u'd ttn JM.>ekC'ts. In llw furm of a 11 ... ll>J all ,,....,. .... • ~ \\'har ar\' yuu \\ 11111w· (or~ -I d J 11 k I • U• t' '" "' -......_ -Y .. ~ • r ons is . nho111 '"1unll} div1d .. d lxi· 1 .. "'"•' dip 11 nn kl'<'P ii . 8"" l.llll' ('I 'ocrw ti; nll uround. \1111 ° 11 .. 1 lt111or1 c·.111.:ht e , AIR • · .:\h•,1t1I\ 11111· 0 11r < • ,1f 1 · •~ 1111ik-11wltul1ry: Ill the hnt'k ·• h11•h• I tWt'f'n s11tl 11n<1 flOll <'r hoot ownrrs. lla11> }<•II h .. 1·n t1\'Cr to 111,· S11uth 1n•· r ,.. ~Ir " 1 1 " 1 1 '" 1 " ...... 1 t.i.i.. •• t e SEA LUDLU~1 Carpet Works . , ., f .. II• "'' n ur ''''''l••rt llnrhor. " lfc1fftn1111 1 .. lht' i:n•11l1•1lt Jl•1l111 ... 111,•r t••f ,1 .. \ Frts .. ld, a.allty . GHra111 ... "r ... SAFEWAY t • • Mrs. Wright's 'SLICED BREAD 2'·"'· ..... J O·• IM.1 2.16 4.25 t!· 49c 't~·94c SAUCIS Hot Sauce r-.-.-C .,~ .. I .. Tomato Sauce 0.1 A.4on•• •.:-I• Tomato Paste c__.o 3 ~:!' 2S• CMICIC THESE' VALUES Applesauce t4>Qtiwoy 2 i::· 23- Pimientos cooo1o1 2 ::· 25• Green Chilis c ..... 101 2 ~ 25• Teo in Bogs ,.,.,, .. ~ :::::. 42- SEVEN BONE CHUCK~T Frol'!" top U.S. Gov't araded 48'/i and t{llPf'Cted b'eef. Correctly aaeci. Tender, Aavor£ul I ht. OTHER SA,IWAr MfA1 ¥AtUfS •10ao1l6boQ•.1Sc1 Flour ~ a.71 . 'C:.•· 7.30 Horw!lt llouom t2S·•. li90, IO-lb.,86t1 Shortening · ,_, •·•· ..... 219 -·STEWING . BEEF := .. 59° Mazola Oil ,. ......... 2.18 Pinto Beans '~· 1&• ~· 31 • CORNED BEEF = .. 49° 15·tb r.oo c.9<1 Novy Beans '.:!~ 23• ~-45• ~oh •h•'• Co tor"" o Q'Q...,,, Pink Beans t~ 21 • , ~': 39-1s.1b l>Oo. a.,,, Cigarettes ........ ~ 1.39 Lv<l..Y' \•1 ~ f ca~l c~ ... ,~r· l1Pl.t 0 ... Gr•..f. Ptul.D t.,.•oo • 1.-.e:,ber? T ore,tO'\ Potl ,._,.011, Kool, or ~C1le1gh. RIGHT RESERVED TO llMIT QUAN· TITIES. NO SAUS TO DEALERS. FREE ~-----.--..wi .. ., ..... \ UARP .. A•I.. your Saf•wa7 m1ult~t ma n lo t th1• l~ .. fl•I on how to tooli "conomy t ult ol m t•U, •o *\:Jflnll )'OU r fa rtHly •pret 1un1 meal• •I low coot. Fancy fryers lb. 79c ) '-f'•f , ,,u,..J t••n t• Adv Stewing Fowl ._&9c (111 up 1'1n trady. Pork Loin t' 1111 11.11 IO m ••L r..&&c 1 I •nt•r c111, th, iCH I Pork Roast r ... .i cut fro .. foio. k62° (Bl* e d, lb. $9c) Airway COFFU Mild & Mellow. Savn pou , up to I 2c a pound. 1.n. ..... 40c ).Jb. .... t.15 SHOJI 0# MO#OAr Leee traffic ... ~ter wketion ... and week end price .. PllCIS EffKlM THIOUGff ... DAY. APRll 12, 1941, II All LOCAL SAFEWAY. SIOllS. Mi .. R>n ll--11 LUI Flakes r,.,,~, ..... ,,1,, ..... Su-Purb Soap <.ranul•t,. f J•-·· ... -~!.~~~·~ ~~. '!l:S 2lc White Mlgk BlelCh ''l"••t 11· ,o1,.1L!l0 1 ....... 38C ......~ I 6IO E. c.tnl, Rall"* • RAIL • BUS -TO ,\I.I . l 'lll' '' f"--l,acun• I 'I''" lambournt' ·Trave l Servic<' ~·· o ..... ""'· i.acu-~ ..... .. l!Sii~[~~~fOo o { I l\t ill• Ea Ht. of Seal Hcad1, at. Surf1ide .?. l. J. 11 l · l Mesa Upltolstery Open Daily II a. In. to 11 :30 p. m. .t. ~ J. H arry ~kKl'f' %3....,., N~rt Dh«I. COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS C<Mla ....... "nd STEAK DINNERS .. , .t ~ 1 • •••' l'ho_..: l.on1 BNw-h MO-'79, IWl?-00 and M24-05 f ... u .. ~~..:uuc;.n....~\..Jl~:a:a::1is:ar:s•• .. vou·ri .... ~"' proud of r•ndy rMCk fht. llolly "''J· KM·au1'f' no w~ar irr tlw 111tlfld i' purn. And nmw ;, "hifrr, 11'mn '" firH-r in grain thin thr' .~ woodni&al '411(1r your Mh?l1hor' 11nMJl.M:f' I Many hm11• ..... '""" h,.,·..,tl,1.u!J< l1uy lh• t ul(ar nam..,l 111)1.1.Y. Tlwy dr1 M ,,. .. eauiw· Holly ~111tnr la JMrfrrt fnr hnkinl', Cl()()l(lnic. ca.nn1111r and at l.al1lc.. A twa11 lplrldintr white -JIUn!. Alwnys .weal, tne-runninr. rrne In 1raln. oo11, • ma.de from au.war tw'etll which f.vm~re around h'".re 1<r1>w . I folly 5u1rar la p~ln the local Holly fad«J. All tbi11 pull! m11ney into f'irrull\tlon around M"' ... iii ir,,.><1 for local l.u11lnec& And thi.a ia lmr~r1.llr•l Whrn thi11 local IUiC&r 111 11111•1 in th,.111: lot·i.I 1111 rllt -rlll99 "1 wh• r•· 1t'11 i.cr•1w11 1111•1 marl•· fr•·tllht O'J!'Ut l\r,. AA\•••I Tlt n r ar,. •""'"II·' J/11U11 1lv1r,, "''" f,, r( arr.v''" '" U1111 ar,.Il. S.1 th r mr1rt• lfolly S11var l hal i11 fl'•ltl at hnm .. , ttl" m•1r•· lori.1 l(roWM'M r •·l'••1v1· for th• 1r •llll'nr 1,.01·1..11 •~Ir . ., •l•1llnn '"'l•I Al h1inu• h•·l1• mllkl\ y11u r "'" 11 i1v1ril( ll'•ll1•r Si, •l11n'l ""'''l•l Jiu\ ;1t.) '0'"'' {JM1Mt '"' 11' I t111tJ l/f 1/,/, )"I SUGAR H ODUClD IN C AUfOINIA --, • • I , ••••O&T. a.&Lao.& lf&W•-T••&• ··~-....c.m ......... Ml .r ~ ' • ---~- ' . . f • "",· ...... -... . ~ . I .. . •. ' -. .. • . ·-. DO YOU WANT TO BEAUTIFY THE CITY? . . . ·Then Vote YES · on . Proposition J~ o._ 1~_· next : Tuesday · The . Voters of Newport Beach will have an opportunity to · vote for a program of parks and beautification at the reg-. ular city election Tuesday, April 13. · The proposition is given as follows ,, • t ___ '-ROPOSIJIOIJJL 1 __ · _____ _ Shall Ordinance No. 574 of the City of Newport Beach, · providing for the levy and colle:ction, for the purpose of providin~and maintaining parks in the City of Newport Beach, for eaeh fiscal year, of a tax of.fifteen cents (15c) on eaclt $100.00 of the are88ed valuation of.all property in the City of.Newport Beach wltich ia taxable therein for municipal purpoees, and repealing Ordinance No. 380 of the CltJ of Newpott Belr)l be adopted.. -... .. -•.. ... The Proposition means that of the sum to be voted, ten cents will be used for p~s an~ beautification, and five cents for rttreation and playgrounds.· · .· · The tax of 15 cents will raise approximately $37,000 an- nually. ~ The new ordinan,ce re~als the old ordinance,. which is a tax of 3 cents per $100 assessed value for lhe park fund, amounting to $6,500 annually. Last 1ear $7,215 was raised, the difference being·due to tax redemptions of property. . That fund hardly pays for a gardner and workme~ and equipment. When , the new city hall is. finished it will require 'con- siderable beautification and upkeep of grounds. As the city grows other ·sections demand · plantings, while ob r .busy beadles are an s ver • mcreasing cleansing prob~em. Civic organizations, WomeiU Clubs and other groups, having the best interests of the city at heart have approved the plan. When You Vote~ Be . Sure and Mark X - After "YES~ On Proposition. No. 1 ·: . , • ~ I . .) •\ - - l ' ..... ..__ .............. .._.' ~ ' • TJDS AD cosmmtrTED B\" FRIENDS OF NEWPORT BEACH. AND D~ BY~~­ ll()RT HARBOR ROTAR\' CLl'B, NEWPORT HARtwR BOABD OF U&Lro118.. ~'EWJl'ORT llARBO~ CHAMBER OF C'Q){MERCE. / ' .. Pu Gt THI ~·,., ciuetl• IMll! ~ 8lal• fll1ll I .. SH pd ti folk-• addrw Ku: -• It.It ()ffaa wrr of lb "1"AT1 ("()UN' ON, IHI.' I ~ ...... ~ ... ,,.. •ribeC .a-nenat• WHEJ 11&114 • .. ,. al abott 1.UL N-ud 8 My I f'lill·I I -GE ,. THE r..rtlty tnral Cpntral tklltlu Co ~ of thf' and 1111 D " Bal""8 WIT Of Apl l t>rl bu l>rt • bu ... Dn bu .. .. , uc NoTtca .,.. __ rs_-n_atrmm ______ u_ a.u.s ... ~1111 • "1D'1nJU roa uua • rna UNT u ,uA.L mn.-n • • 11•wroaT aALBOA :N&Wa-T1••• o WOOD FENCE CONTll Silver Plati~ FOR-SALE-Table top 1tott. eala, t'\.irn1~h•-<I Apt . Jo\t'U Tl'Allt'r Port, ------------~ ..... n "_.,.... ...._ o.w. ...,. I. IMI c.&ge 5' • No. p .CSJI llllTIFICATE OF •USINllU ICTITIOUS Flllillllll NAME COPPER. BR'""'"'. LO Hollywood brd and ,,u.ceUan· tf..*l\l N\\p' Blwt . l'1~1 a MHll E X C l. U S I V E -... aotJ.W n .1. aaAL DrAB • llF.AI. PT~ft • Pollshlna A Renniahln1 v <'0111 ltenu. Bffcon "-stc ··aron r~~ •H-3tp H 0 T 1-: L s 1 T E -------------All 1)i>el and StylM l.':SDE RSJG:SED do hueby that !My are • jMlrtnenblp COD• F .H,A. Terma-Frtt Eatimate. ., Anywhe~ ln CoWlty B 'd Pl t ' C • F11H 1n ::-.ir Attr111·llw h rn room aysi e a 1D1r o. 18 Sin~!('&: doublt' Holl)'Wood bed• h1•\IM•,' nu jltlrdr n lll•llO 1111 a men:ba.ttdl•lna btlal-&& Central Av._ C'lty of Newpon boa. County 111 o.:an.•, rrorni.. ultder n-tttt.ue- 1914 Harbor 81\id. ,.,-., O.ta M~a, Calif., ~aeon 5113 & drc-n. O\c'ap. 309 ~,-Jurw 1;, llt1lll1t'li 11111d Adults Up to 3 yn. to P~ Pb., S.A. ~79-R. 25-tlc &-tic watt''" &Ibo&. '2-'tc 31 J ~nd "''1•. H11ll111A <&:l·ft G~ues-t-or_P_l_•_>·-ho-use--ru_r_n_lah_ifi __ or FUR SALE.L-<fne N'COndltlonl'd 6 ~ ltt-:NT b.'<!r.11im "°'*' on ot 8Jf0 P .. Wd f\nn le ~ of lbe ~ •h~ -alMS ~rt Watch & Jewelry ~AIRING unlurnlahl'd. 10 X 12, all 1hlnk)cd ("\I fl refrlirt'rator, *· l)HeOn lll'nlnsul.11 $100 pt'r month J\«ou-rom~ plywood linl'd, lnlald 5505· 44-2tc on11hh• 111mnw r rc-nlal tluhor linoleum, tmmaculate. M•k~ ot· IF YOUR FURN1T\TRE la not bf.. li JJ.\\'. :l&-tf<" fl'r. 1708 Park Ave., Balboa h· comin& you ahoU1d be ~ to • .,,. .. rOl1o-.. t.w1t: w Bird. noo 11lnll\&r. a..i-ttorUa. z..tua RlnderllnHht, 15S2 IL h·d .. Balbooo C'allfO,.I&. ~ nur hand• th•• llth day Fine Diamonds and Watchel N.EWJ>ORT JEWELERS <Under nf"W Manaam-ienu land. Harbor 217. 44-!Up t.M Jont"I Co. U,...attn. • ... atyllna and ffbui~ all'~ RENTALS h. lNl. lluie W. Bird 1Wie11 E.tue Rtn<Mrllnecbt or CALIFORi.IA ) or ORANGE .... S IJl!l da1 of Mattb A. D .• f0f'4l me RoMl1 8 Po-U. a Public I• .,.d for tald Cowoty t•. rwt.t1aa uw .. 1~ CC*!· .:= ;.0"ii1rr' aect ~.:; l~bt. k•o•• 10 -to ,...,... w b.-n_. .,.. eub- 10 the within lnatrume•t. and 116 2'lnd St., Nrwport 17-ttc E>WALTE'ftS m..E OONTRACI'OR Bath Roama, Drain Bo&rdl. et~ l~th A Newport Aw., Coat. NeA Phorw Beacon 8700-W -3. 18-tlt Watches • CJocka • J1'W9117 OIRONOMETERS ~ -Pt'ompt Slrftae SeftlllbW Prkm VAN DROO.EN JEWll:Ll\'l 1118 Newport Bl¥d. Cmta .._ 3-ttt .cb.,... ncl tn me t b • t they ,.,. -·. ,,.. WITNE88 LErtOY SLATER HARBOR r. J ban Mff'\l9IO Mt .,. atttii: ~r. ~~~tt:u~ 0~ >tov~ Anythlnc An)'thM Furniture & Transfer t~ Spttiallud kl BONDED and INSURED RoBKRT e P01RLL , MOVING A Good Buy ... .:ubllc In Hd for -111 ~DlJ' H~~d ~ A Small ~ ls a Wise Buy ftll811oa l:apl"'• July 4. tt&O I.At U1 H~lp You Be Wlle ~ 11. 2!1. A,peil l. I . lMI. I --------------COURTESY SERVJCE- IFICATE ~F BUSINESS HARBOR 1962 Harbor Bl~d. Costa ~ T1T1ou1 "'R"' NAME Plumbin« Service Phone Beacon 55a8..J r:..'l>ER.c:tcNg o d ..... tieniby 1768 Newport ·Blvd., BHeon 6111 M·tlt hat h~ I• N1ndurlln1C an el~-REPA.IRING OUR SPECIALTY ,,.,. .. u "lf hw!l~n "' 1:?1 IE \ ,,... __ , __ and ..,~ ...... Balhoa ('allforn1a undn IM .......... -..... --....-nc-wooD -flnn aa1n~ uf C 6 T Kltt"trif 9-tft ~ An.£1 11'&1 •Id firm I• rvn1po~ ,... ..... .-v.AL a. BRI'""',_ ruarantH'd. PhorMt BHcon l3ICI WF: ARF; urat•ntl>• In nl'\'<I ur 21-Dtt' rt'lllHll. 80ATS. UTPPLl'm • WF: KE..T..P a clau lftl'd rt'C'.'Ord <•f __; _ __;__________ )'O\tr proJJf'r•>'. a('('Ordlnc to OUTBOARD MOTORS rir1Ct-, stu. 1ocat1on. allow Yo'U' AND BOA TS ~ty If deelr'f'd and h<'lp )'OU NEW A USED l'h1io.r l'OUr tf'nant, Service a.nd Repaln on All \()~~ALSO. k<'t'p a claalfkod re-cord M&.k" of Mqt... or llttr tenants u to th<'lr Mt'da, Dave H. St:>ies ·~~· or family, and ability to 916 eoa.r Hiway-Bffcon 56'19-M ·' · ___________ ,.. __ u c PlJ.'ASI-: C-At.I. In prrson OPEN SUNDA yg OUR C'OMPLF.TF. marlnt> hard· ware storl' A boat mart will be OJ>t'n for ~ur ronv~l\IC'~. Small boat cranl' l<'rVI('('. Sa(urd&ya, EV A F. RHOnEN Realtor 470 N<•Wfl<lrl ntvd Sunda)'I and holld11)'1. ---' r nn IWNT 2 ,J.. .. Jr-nom hm1"" The South Coast Co. t.:Rrl•I!•' nttn.·rl..a !'\li111hl1• <''(ffl\ 2'112 "•nlrlll Avt'. ht'tlt•~•ni A\ 11ll11hll' n1•w 11nttl lli't I :\.10\l :\tarnt~ ,\w . )1;1•w . .11 .. wta~ l""nlOl\a wtt<-n.......,. 1!-ftA.R.9 SERYJ<;J: ~v • .,._u., • • M:':t,~'112""t:'"P~·:.~ ..... ·:;nue. lN THE HARBOR 4EA PROMPT DELIVERY C'(YMMF:RnAL 40 -ft. flahln;-t;;i --- raurcornt• ' Wri'"1t Lumber Yard wllh Chr)'111l'r Crown motor. f'\FW ~trnhn "'"' 1"'•lroum t umlsh- 1•111 flrlH'h •l•l :!t I' t:s.:-1 n1y h11ntl !hi• 6th d•Y JIARRY HALL Pr84 Ndport Blvd. l O' 9 .. hum. Hol<\Ji 6 ton• 1~ f'<I 11111 11vo1t•ll•fl• 11nt1I .ll11u• l:'ith 1~8. o w C"LARK PAINnNG OONTRACTOR COSTA KESA fish. 1650 NE-wport Blvd., Cceta $ii 1~1 P•'• i111•n th 433 Ar-111·111. AOl-~\ 'A'l1-: AREA WTTII ftAY t1l.cll\'TAC~ Al"'f' l\F A\rrn "\ 'l. Ot"t:AN \'JEW AT O l RClNA llf:L MAR N•~·1•nnT 1w..An1. rAUF W \' f:MPIE 1'3G S 11111 S t . 1..na A."C•n. c.111 MAd'-7'111 2 REDUOOM HOUSE CORONA DEL MAR SOt1T'H Of' HlOHW AY MUil ~II at Once A 112.\U'nnn~ Hr.W 2 ..._.. hclllll9o ~-l'V.. paU6 ol n...--. .,.,,. ~ .. lftlef. \·~-....... "-· S.-. nn lot f« utra roem -,_ ... _., -WallA«rpt n;;,-Oftn()wr- $10.00() 1)0 \lnf.J-: G A"AGF. r.ooci aor.-SD: nns llOMF. AT I l1>n In C-n&t• Mc:iua I' r I " a t • 431:1 l'Wlha Aw , Corona del pert)>. $7'...nl llramtt 61•11 Ms th "-~•p :-----------------------------F'OR 5.ALF. foot lot Ofl Ocllou Rhd., &.tboe J'rinod bekwr t~ dar • mstl•t Ph. ~M'On 51•J tt Balboa Island NICELY FURNISHED du l> I ea only i )'9an old. C'holet" l6catlon. O.n build lhlrd unit. $19,l>OO Corona deJ Mar Ocffn Vlt'w' Lot, Level Stte 30 by "" -,,,iced at $8250 JOHN E. SADLEIR R ea lt or 8t11nlf.y A Smith, 1111:1.f'I M.,Condoa •·an-I Mulll&•n • AIM>Matr nrriktn Uarhot-7t t 04' ..Harbor )t22 . '4-lte \VE JNVJTF. YOUR 1NSPECTl6N A Nil -1 NS U R A NC E- COMPARt~ON A :,u.,,.,,_.,..,,,, ~w n.ttwi. 1 ... I rut If" m ,, ~,N'f'I~. fJlrP •tinny II\ tn~ n-.nm, tir..kfut hAr. 1'1!1\..,-) •M ff'ftrol'd ratNl!t. ~11r11i.;(• ~n aflrarfl\-.• • S.t•idrn\ l 'r1<°'• 11ntu111u.~ . $11 Ml. F.X<'()ptional Lot Ruy e FIRE e AtrroMORn .r-.; e' COMrt-:NSA TION • YACHT .. STU0 DUNLAP 205 Mnrint.• Aw. 111\lhon l11lnnd Ph. Harbor 200.J ·s.~ ! .fl: -· I Ol" ~At.TTI:>ft"!'llA.. • 27,. -·--ttttrS--'" n •• ~ ,.._ Mf'lla. Phont' fkt1con 638. l·J Ct!11tl1/l lld Mrtr 44-:?i r ••f Ononp IN. ' ,._, ~ .-....... -·--'•" t 'mol>«t nJ< ,,._, llV'b<-or \'ww ti'\. 1-0i.-dd. ~ ·~:.,C.:,,JH~l~°"~a-~~~;U~~eo.~a~'ll~ .. ~·~C~·m~~~pj;;;j~if~~~~m..;::tt~c ~A~fl~er~~4p~m~.~or~a~l:lf.d•~Y~Sa~t-~....,~-~A~NTl:~~n~TO~•~D.~~~~~~·u~~r;;;;h:_;;~~,.__,.;;:'_i~~~-l.IJ;~~~~~~!;~~~;~~~~~::~~~:~~-!!:~~~~~ .,.'""' ""' Sura 8 ,, · A Sundavs. 36-2Stc ,.,... ")' J IO '"°1 -· •• lnn'ly :-ourv Publlr ID •n•I , .. , .aid "'""'W -069 " I u ,. "''rr .. ., 'IY\ q il'"N T • On I Jdo hon~ N···i:·ht~ r r I ~ .. •ad 91"1" ~noon•I!)' •PJW'•rf'd D. TRA"""'R WORK Gradln• ._ Plenty of Good 11'1~ 16 rt G Wood utility -mnl•••... l' -.... • •... L --=-Clark. luln•n "'me ,,, h~ ·~ ~raon ~·v • -J.~ • nr • •v t""''"''.J' 181<· 3 ••>droom M UIC'. ,,.,. h\09 lfl"d,..,.. ,.... •• ---· tn ....... W llt'fl vou need ~plul and •"'-,,_ i. ,.utn•rl"I._. '" ~ •tlhln P lowlnc. concre.te work of ail AJJ 81zee , refinished, lncludlnJ< motOf' oVt'r· ot July or A\Jt.'U•t. or hoth flMlt-N~r'P Rrft1 F..11lalP llPf'VJro, wur.r U ,rvu ~ :::!~;...~ ~~· ,,, ""' Dlac. Frtt Htlmates. Call Santa __ haul. Ownc-r purchasing lartttt al tu ""°°.O<J p;•r mo. 419 N. n cloc1or w~n vnoi ~ hla":::W...·Uzed at· JN Wl~ESS WH1mr,or . I baff Ana 3504-R. 36-10-tp d .... OU boat. Har. 1194-J , 43-3tc .Kllk1·a Pr . r •. A . Wy ~ ~·~·rr11l ,t\,foont "'-•M loU ~·.. ~ Ml"f'U•to ..,, my haJMI ud alflud my Compoun motor trnUon. ofPYtaJ ~al ti.. day and ,, .. ., In tbl• ,.,_.,_ ......_ FISHING BOAT-~' x 8', lnclud-38· lOI<" thllt "11!1)' a*'ur )'(JU. ttn ltlot. flrat aboV• written. w al lace Calderhead ---• .,., s ~ Ph Har-IDS OJo"FIO~ " Mfe pla<'t". to &rnU\~ any Ral 1 1.BUL> l"fOftA &. IU.llOWAR"tH --1 ~~ ~~· 1 · one.(2.Jtl) WANTFn m RF:NT 2 tw-droom El1"'" tnuwarUon. P\abUc In and for aid CoJnty MANUFACTURING JEWELER. w elltem Auto Supply hnUt{' or ftparffTK"nt. I r I) r h 0 r -- 817 OOASTlDGHWAY Authortaed o.s.r P.U Mp s lfCll Yt>11rly bu ls nr 11 rn n • HE IS-your Mullis* ·~.;:r.z•ntatJw and ii I I . 1$. 22. 29 OORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. 1818 Jfewpart ~. ea.ta ... WORnuNGTON 531'.!-PU< 43·3t(' rar ,.,.. ~· ......... will ht> ~ to cal . rxplaln tM .u. Jlr. 31·22tc lT-Cet PRESSVRE. CE'NTRIFt1GAL W~N1T.n ~ RF.NT ,'J ~room lne llPn'ke that bl anllable to ~_,a...._t -.llft_~-·~~-ATa' Of' CALIFOlllllNIA MllNT OF PU•LtC WOlllllKS ISION OF HIGHWAYS LANDSCAPING 8 ERV EL For all Prw19un homl'. nn yean lr11M' la H11rb~ C..11 HarlJior G-W Mttn <'mt. ' •• Soden R.etrtpnUon 1rr11 Wiii pay yuni n-nt In ad· • NOTICE TO CONTlllllACTOlllllS I M I ~.~ I 611 I 47~ 201nn ~ . 0 1 A New HCJl!M!S MR. C. L. GEORGE COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. N8'W and Repair Phone ..,_ Gll l5'7J DAm A .... oa.tll .... ..... The G A s Refrhrerator CD So. Loe Anl'elee St., Anabliblt vnnl'('. Call Mr Rllt'y ""•ron Some Modela Ave.liable NOW PhoM ZenJth ~ • •ttc ~7. . U.2tp ll\JB POWt:IUI .. • Balboa Furniture Store 11111110AL • uac; 11 APU'l'JID"l'9 • aona .. 100 llaln St., Balboa P'tlOM Hutiar 145 USED PIANOS wanted for our Furnished One Bedroom J. A. BEEK omcE m.c.~ rent 4'pt. T.r• your old p&uo A rt t ~H91'bor 111 ~ -1'n a 9ptuet> ~t allqwtN:L pa m~n 41-ttc Or wW bu)' for apot euh. D~ Vforw-ot Re,. MM4.h-&o moat.b. _ ------------SCHllIDT PIANO 00., 520 N~ or lt>•k', P. A. Palmtt tnoorp., -----~ - . xxxxxxx PLUMBING SUPPLIES J.Arsst Stock In Oran~ County. 1/2" Galv. Steel Pipe 20c feot ' 44-ltc Matn. Santa Au. . i..uo J W3Vla Udo, Nt'WpOl"t Beach. 3 Bedroom H sPmET mlnor ~ peano ~ ~'k ome Fine actloa. y ~ --.. -o. . • Hardwood 0oon.. ,_,,._,, l,. ~· b&Janc. ~ .=. -r.:: -. )'ft. old 2-ar Pl'tllllf. aa. .. ~ANZ-SCHllIDT !DON Mm. WILL ICXCHANQE Girt.' ..... buU!w• Uld ........ e.trtct. Santa Ana. ' o. 11-UW ...., 21• ~ for )t or W You brt1"' -IMa -~ str• b&eyde. 1117 ....._.. a.ta NJ Prtot m::F .::.:~:. ·.:: = t-"': a.Y -tf only Stl,600 Jt'• Jult mr. • ...... .,..t. ~ .. n11 -~ • 8 A NBRE80N Brok9' Rmt • Bp&mt now. bu:l "'* P&NATE _MTY -WW ,.,. RANK DOWNS. ,..;_.d.__ J'Mdy. ~t PIMo Q,. l8llO() Ca I h for unlurnWwd - 52> No. Main, San\9 Ana. 11-ctc ~ near t.y t_p llttp ttYe. 1'12 ~ f ....._ a.ea .._ FOR SALE-PhJlco cabinet radio. Write Box "N" c/o New.-nnws. J BEACON SZ2S rood condlUon. Phone Harbor •1-5tc *"ltc 863-W. 41-ttc llOXJn' t'O LO&Jf • BALDWIN, -auut\llly built Uttk ---------------bunsalow piano. ~LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROVE. Bala~ can be s-14 on ~uj BUY, MODERNlZE. OR monthly l*)'mmta. 'nlla la a REnNAN<T. 1em. Danz-SchrnJdt Piano Co. We Buy Tru11t ~ Cout Properties Co. Realton 3 UNM'S. c-ood 1...._, -llaJ. 114.150 Atmo.t 100 planoa to chooit NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL from. 520 No. Main, Sant.a Ana. SAVING6 A LOAN ASSN. 3 UNTTS,,6 >~.n old. -.II twn. 19-tfc 333.1 Via Lido Ph. Har. 15M SU;.!500 -S-P-INn ___ pl_a_no_. _Br_an_d_MW--.-,-8.W-4t -tk ()("J:AN ntONT. nirr ,.,_, 3 d&m1ced In 1hlpm~nt .Will not &OTOllOTn'IE a TOmil • hrdrMm.. l•l'"CW' """IJllll ~ be told tram pcrl~t now. sirv~ ' 2 beth•. 3 .-ar c.arar ........ $150. Terna. DANZ-SCllMIDT CARAGF. FOR S ALE M1Kt1·rn patio .• cood buy PIANO CO., 520 No. MaJn, .San· two <'ar l\llrlll\1' on MnM'<'tl' fklt>r . $21&,!iflO ta Ana. f9-tfc lA x 20 wnnd 11ldi"!I\ mlJJll """''' ofr proQt'rt y P hnn1> If 11 r h o r 6M-R U -H SPORT TOPS -SEAT OOVEl\S sn:!NWAY GRAND. ""The Kini Corut Prof)fttin Co. Taylor's Trim Shop or planoe." pcrff'ct condllll)fl. ROrf:f'OUI ton•. Save over S!Ct(J() Realtorw Automobile Upholsterinc Danz-Schmidt Satlta An11 521'1 WAITRESS WANTED-F or part Boat and 'J'tuck Cuahionl No M1tln ' jQ.tfc time work week end. Apply In 1505 West ~ntral Nf'WPOl't Bch. · · · Fon SALF. 1941 J'hm11uth r>t-- lux" C-narh hy on1t1n11I 11wn•'f' C"1tll llnrhnr 766 44.;;1c ~)Ill t: <'«'Tltral. &lboa. II• :mm CZ.Ur Jl('rson Friday. Saturday or S un-Harbor 1940 :U-Uc MAPLE S pinet. rl'~!IN1 1.nr· day mornlni:. Balhoa Yacht club. Rt'OUt tone. Bt'autlful maplt> tln- FOR SALF.-1947 Httlrk t-:.r11 t• "f'11111on. 6000 mllPs , full\· c-qulp- pPd, hull"r, r11illo. ~on•l11tht , 10 ply tlr<"', f hi• l'Ar rAnnr1t I'll' tnllt fr<lm nr w 1111 ) I '.)4 J ~unda) 11 all d•y. 43·3tc Phonl' Harbor 1484. 44-Stc ELECTRICIANS l1h. HhthPSl gra dP makl'. " roo WANTED -J\lan wit h car for sm all r<'tl\il business in Newport fkach. Good opportunity. !':~ I f a n 11 R u!!, ZJ5 Sev<'nth S t., H untlrn:ton Beach or write 111 on<"I' Rawt!'ls:hs OC'pt. 550. Oak· land 7. California. 44-ltc <LF:RICAL • typinsr patttlm<'. 3 -f.uH·days or 6 half-days a we~. !'lt'ady Phnn<' lkaron ~m. (Since 1920) love maple )'t'lU will nevl'r find Contractlng-R.epaln another to equal thll! on" Just Rflldent111l-Industrlal f!llY nut bal11nce. f:asy '"rm' It Ets-Hokin & Galvan ynu wish Danz-Schmidt Piano Co, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana ·:0-tk 1000 Coast Rlway Bea. 5407 3l·tlc WURLITZER 11nlnN p i11nn. lik•• --------------nl'w Phonf' Harhor 16.'l-.I t•fl"r FOR SALE -Model D Grnv.-ly 4 fl. m. 40-!itr itarden traclnr with attach ml'nts. $175.00 P hone lk11con ~PE<'IAI~ ANNOUJ(CEKJ:NT8 II 5638-J l'\ICnlngs, 41·5tc rt m.w Nrmn·: r11.in~·· nf '41 P;.Ylih'UTi r 2 door 11rr·r111I "4•· lux. New paint Joh En~" J1111t b<-rn ()\'f'rhnu lt>il ffnrbor l;tZ!~W 125 AlfAll', 011lho11 l•l11mJ. 11111 No. 2. 1U 75tr to AIR-WAY SANlTIZOR nnm<' I in!r nd to d 1a111:• tJ1" n nm•• nf t h1> D<K'Ulll(•ntt>d Y ,,-rht FOR S Al.F: 1!l4n C1'11 \'\ 2 t1nnr ~pPcl11l rll'lllx ~l'dnn. • '.IWl'll• (II r1tl"f' motr1r ttnd llr<'lf /\ 1 \\'111 ,, II "' j hRrR:nln pr lr,. (":,II <111 \'' ll tr hor 20f\ I t:1 :1 If• I PLUMBING SUPPLIES Opens Sat. & Sun. 9 a.m. to 5 pm. "' VIVA E PADDOCK I M/\l IONNA !"o :.1:;;o:w1 '" TRAILr.RA Bonded Dealer <1 -~:ARfNI-: H . ----------11 5 Aml'thy!lt Ave., Sii:n"d TF.An OROI' 'ffiAHYJ: 1~ ..... 11 Balhoa l!il11nl! Harhor 2556 L M l..o<•khnr! ,,,...1,1,1 MJhh,.r. ll(IX cprlnr: m1111rv-.•. 39-ltp P uh Apr fl, 7. i:\, ~. l'Hl'I Nl[th<111rll /(, «h,.IVM 111111• , 11' -" I I flf f'OR S ALF. NEWPORT 15elAND -01ia1ar • romw R-2 k1C s.s-.J.b _, peviftc hoft1 adre. •II ulltlO•• raul l.Amd. "6'!06 o.-..n ,,..., N~ &-.<fl. Cdl. d f"OR S41.F: 'J t"-<tr""'" t""-· no """'"' ,...,,'"~ :· l•Jnrk.• "'"""'" ,,..., Arr,,... Wiii t11k,,. tn tv.o..,. trall· fT or IC'.nd '''' •• r-r1-r-,.,.,_t on my ~1111tv 4~ Sh-~t Sr on :"•"'J•lft Hh d 11 1 J\1..1"' A,.;_ ;rr.,,,. R-2 J ,f >1' BAY A VF:. (~I 11•1> JJH'0 \TI•1•.: Newport Har~or Board of "-lton • "-Uta ~ \ LINWOOD VICK Raltor BALBOA ISLAND South&Y-rrmt. ~·~con•~ 4 becbot111 homt>. 2 t.tha, fiviiW .. rOOm..,.. ,-... ~ bllnda. loU ot •. ~ to ~ ... 6Utct. lmmedtat. pll Ion. '35,000 CORONA DEL MAR Br _..madwn.._.,Otaft.._~..._ ........... , .... I.Arp lat ........ rut~ ..... Md llblUI&. llprinklll' .,...... Patbt .. ~ 3 ~Ci'~~bedaocm.:: Plmplane -=· An OUtatand1na home~ It • dli7 by •PPo6ntment. . Sl6,500 • R.-2 Lot South ot HJchway _ ... $2,000 n..2 Oman Vk-w lot North ot Hlahway ·--· S2.ooo· COSTA MESA ~. Santa Ana Heta'htA. 5 bftutJtuJ aaw wttb 10 wms ot waf«!r stock. NPar Cout Jr. Collep and Golf Coww. F..ut skSto Nf'WJ)Ort Blvd. Undrr marktt at: $8,500 LINWOO_D VICK, REAltirOR Balboa Ii.land Ofnrr; 312 Marlrwo Ave., llltrf>Or 2012 Wllllnm ( nnn '&-hmlrtl fAnn Craig * Corona Ml Mar Otnot: lfH!l Cout Blvd. Hnrhor 1540 I". C. (Andy> Anderwn F".dwnrc1 Bu<'ko 44-lt.c For Sale MULTIPLE hy Owner: UN IT LOTS West Cen tral Ave-. Adjoining Ocoan Front n fW' In on N1'WJ)'>r1 1 •,.,,fn11ul n. N"~r Pl"r n n<f fl11sinM4.-< C'<'ntf'r Also: Location hard to heat. fllf'ft l for Court nr Ap11r1m1•nfR. Small Rec:;idcncc and Garage on I Vi lotc;. t'1 • .. COMP LF:TF. TOILETS. Includlna Sl'a t 11nd flush valve f 23.50. Wall hunit. clOIK' coup!~ tMJeu at oom!>llrabk-prices. .,-A.NTEl>----T0--9-UY------, t.: t•p <'.1111 l:\lfl 1-::i.111 r···ntrnl R.,11 .... , II . -----SJ:IO ~t 4:1 11 .. CASH for USED Furniture & Appliances ~OT RESP! lNStnl.I·: -Fnr 111~ ---I lll'nt<o ot h••r thnn my''""" ft 1111 TRAll.FRS Fr!R n1·y r Jn•pll,... ~r.<HHI PRICEO RIGHT Fon IMMEl')IJ\TE SALE NOTICE 0 1' !N'TENDEO SALE Kohlrr t.sivntoril's S15 00 up Solid vitrrous chin11 urln.al• S4.75 each. , Galv. plPf.', also hlark pipe. Chrom<' swtng smuts S5 75 Kitchl'n sinks $.5 75 up. Laundry tray!!. cast iron ' Toil<'! !!Nits. glNlming whltl' ~RS. Soil plpt' 11nd fittings. Get our prlC't'fl, Hot ' w1111·r h<'tilns, nPw 20-gal. . $46.50. "We Buy Almost Anytlllnr" GRANT'S Phone Bea. 5707-M 1645 ~~t Blvd., Costa Mesa 'f' 42--tte. WiJJ Pay Cash Far your fuml~ er what ha~ YQU. Phone FlP11o:>n !56.'16. CniWley Furnitufit 'Co. 1812' Newport Blvd .. C'..oeta Meet 92-dc FTR~rn ·nr. RF:F"lNl SHF.r> 1\~ Y•111 Lik t>· lt Kr.:': r.nr.l':!frr:n · 21311 Minrr S t .. C1">!1ta Mf>f• Phtin~· llnrl,..•r I07ti.\\• I For F:st lmratr11 .. rm ,C.u•rriri•N·d \\",,rk 22-tfC' th1<1 d:it" forwnril. ''"'ii '•, 1!~ .Ill. T r:.11 .. r l'nrk I 1rt1rr· ll'""'•'•rf'/ R1·w•rly n ~l'f'nrlnml 11 t•i• Trnllr·r f'11rk. ("n11s1 ll11·1tw11\ --_ Nrwporl lt•·nf'lt ft• ""''•n •1·;, ftV81SE~A OPPORTtTNJTJr.R 40 1•1 f,1p I f'AJ.-i-; l N, CflRO.NA-iij LJWt ~",'"'' :W -I !oin(! <;•11><1 llu'lin•·!i- l•l<';il Summ••r , S1•11t 1-'t'll•ar""· F•p11pm•·n• nnt1 .l..1'11!11' rtlA.<:\T·lll c t.n; :>11 1 ('m111I 1111.:h".1" I l11rhnr !11~:1 \\' UAL MTATE • ~----------New View Home OVF:nU if>KI NC: F ntlr,. lfllrht)f llrf'll 3 hr , hdW fi1 .. 1rc firPJJlll ...... l'OnKI r111·tlon l\IH! I "'1'11· flnl•h e~c1•ptltrn11l ~vcr off,.r NI 'fh,. f1111 11t w,.'w II· ' ,,I RALPH ~MASKEY FOR JlEN'I' Ff IT! Rf-::-..'T ()R u :i\Sf': \~,JI l-tU \.\' <'rntrnl Ph Jlll r 4rr.1 t11o•11tNI rr.r ~,,,,, 411 ,., ... , '+-!fr I J IJ~·h"ll~ <'•1rt1n 1 ff· I \t,,, t·:.il · ' r. 1 ~PF:<iAI .r I. S tnmp .Ir , llu1 t.•11 11'• 111 l950 1 \~·-..:' ~1,', ' • 1 1 ,,, -. I' Ill t ri .,,. . , I"' ···r m•ml 1 "'"' · t hl~ h"'"' :.! li<d1 •,..m1 1 ... n,,. In 'I w ..! n1:r >H;\f .t. 111 'j "'I ,,. Nw111 llr• ft."' ll•·l1•hl .......... f I l1r I>• It •'-•d '" r•·•l"'"1l1l1• 1"''1' F:v11 F Hl1•J1lrn t• ,, • .,, 1-;1 t11r ~·.tr 'llf•l"l fh•mlh l'l• ·1 •· , 111 '11 r • 1 • .. ., t -, ....-, v.. 1•lr1 r:' •I n,.,, ,, :i.1''"" 4..' 'i' c :'\; W(tl HI\ •I • ( ·," , I ;\f • "' ,.,, n. a. !HI:\ ft I-'.\• t.77-1 H 4:1 l tr W . L .. f <H!OAr.: It f-; A L 1' ii ti 71if1 f '·, n tnl. l!..,11"'"' llnrlwst" 1·.1 l'• rtr ---~----~-~~ f tJ:TA ~lt:.:A I /\( •1t1 ... "''I"' •t".Hf •·n • ..,, ,."" "' ....... , .... , f t l:)•i """ ulll) y;,,, rj, ~ n ) "" .. ,., a nti 1:"'~"1 nl ••11,...,,,,,.,., . .,.it l<T "')'11 < ,,.,..,I " II\ "' •I rl•,. l~f""11 trrr 8' I• ,,, '"'" '"" 1 •>f'•1 l'Y•"-'"' I IV. 11' r .... I '.,, < I• ri.>' • t">!•hllle'I l'fnft ft I.,.• flt." ft" ~f'TP' ftf\ .-' ,., I • nt "• ••·~ ,, ,,, •<nl• ~Ii ,,.,..,..n ., .. , t .. 1f,fl'/ •' .~.,~ "'' ITV•lllh <.:1 .,. "' 11\ f~1t't.,rt1 U . 1,.r1•"" I~.-.. S! ••J3f,,_ I J•t.':! f-. '~·''"'"·' •,·· ......... ,...,. "''"' ,.t •• '" '• •. .;.:i J ' ·.1·rr1 • r \Jt V AG• ·:rv ~ ~ I 1r1 '" 11 '' t.I• r It I • '. ""' ,~ , ... , .,. ,,,,. I u ,,,. ~ ...................... ._ ____________ ....._ _________________ ~---- . Phone I luntin(!ttm Beach J25 k It. m . Ill ;, fl. Ill ANNOUNCI N\,: ,J()fl N R. J'fo:NI H<HCl\~T. a~ As.'illf'latc lte::tl f':'<tnt1• Rrolw r . will t"' i,r Rl'rv· l~ In the• p1·v1111,t111n 11( n ·:tl ""''''~ 1111~1- 1 ht'M wit) 1 nu r ofri' .._._ · J J-'flr th~ Hi~:hl lh':ltlun.s <:S.11 J f;1rl11 ir li2-W HUR POWERS at A. BEEK OFFICE 44.2tp 44-2tc .. I ' ., I . , •• = • Harbor f emin~_ne Activities Phone&: Ha.rt>or 13 and Dl.. ·a,. .-.. mS rtmt .~:Harbor 16.17-R Page & NSWPO&I' a.&LaO.& 111t•·-~··E• ,.,.,;el Hatch to Play THUUDAt· s_.....--.a.a ....,.._ .... As Yiolinist With Farce 'Calm rourseff' antl Gor Ni-'iet Olio Cecilio~ Sin9ers To le Preienf.d April 15-1' of Cosio ~eta Near perfert In thPir paru u e membfors of the cut of Calm Youndf. thrtt-act f~ to ~ pttRnted by the Parf•nl- Teadlicr U10C11tioo ol C o ,., • )(ft& Elc>m('nfllry achoolll on 11\urteky and Fl'lday, April l!>- 11 at 8 p.m. In the audJumum ol the Main tchool. 11\W'lday ewnin& the procum oplr\I with I d \Jet by (;Ol'('fl(' ~ Boettcher and Malcolm Reid while Harbor Motheralnaen will live 1evera.I M'IL•etlons t"'riday ~c. • In the cast of Calm YOW'1K"ll are Cene WauonM", F.d.na Roush. _Geny Dittmar, Donna Bell, Cory ~tt. Biii Purdy, £\'t'tt'tt Rea, Marcella RJdcout. Albert Otrdf'n, LaW'a McClellan. Not thfo lt>ast t>f the 5hMll· Ill FINE F ABRJCS ..• Carpetin • Hand :fnu • c1ttm fabrics. U ninp- QuUtJne. etc . PHONE HARBOR 20!M-J-K 823 C.O.St ~way Corona del ~ •.&.-o..lnl. •••• I hr Cay }\;.-4,-(JGio -llllim.- bc"T vf "'tue!h u 1l1ir ~ ··~nar­ tf't t.I' ~'4 oaf Cb•eot>~m RN-TI. u-.u3 •·a~.A Hwrnd Sk-ok. ~ Simn.t.. ... _, PfW!P. Harold Knlffi. DuD ~·.O«'l and A.I~ • ln !ht-dJamcc ~~ v .. Wa ltcT and Ca'llK~ ~ Hc•k-11 lhu.••,..._ ~ s.?'»- ~-. MU~ K.111111t~ IX_<U SmlUI. ,.kl')(.lfl ,.... Arldrll') Ma)"fw-ld.. KM) ~~·..-Hail). er)), ~'.llr ~ SV.111a Jtuffmmt. ~ Bfr.eib ~ ~ F'~. .,.... H.aiit"il.') CYlt- l}Ti .. °bf'.Aitk")-._. ..._ 0.0-• Wh•1 ~ u. a... U. ~n, tut ~ tbfc 4-• ~a.. Flbc~a Selct f"1 T alumc '!!, filWT' ""' r b.- ...-.1"1 kt>'( i.,.., ,,..,. g.y,. ~rl'I Han.1ld i:ADoY-. .u:;r '~n. P11ul Hl.dtm.i ' .,._...-.r~ and U1ll Pw-d> •Ul. •lt,.111 e.., trll"lllll ar .. wUcJ-n.-q wa J,,ftn,.. llOO. ~ S...~ £•:.r-rr R.Pa, Arlu l~lf)'-•,. .-d ...._,.,. Mf'Uott P T'l'< .. "'~ f~"'-l t.. "rt Mi:>oc;M Y'>dl.n f'f1ifY"•' -m.., ,.,.. nuod.. •1tb .Mn. K.t-<A sr~w­. .n. li<·atttm S>f(o..W" u . )In R.1d1,.. ard ~,,_._ Bt-.-Sii'"-... • S.una Ana .. ut11t'IH ··~ l1t1 ,.,. .1 Ion:,; 11n11o 1p;1r.-d 1r..i11 1n s1<1r1· tar rh .. m ·.,., he-ri r .... 1111m 1Syt!C1>rs P"",..."' .\l uri<'I 11.tto•h, famous yoHn$( Sou•tiland "' 'oi.t at th .. 1r Sprina ronC't'r t ~la~ 11 . 1-;bdl ac.14ltonum, 1l "as 11nn11uncl'd to· ~. ~., Hu tch. a ~l u<l•'n• of J os1•r Bor~rt-rt;"trn, r Hflt•rl rnn('o·rl '(\l)h:N5t. '" 81 prr'l'·rit a ft Priding ~ l.'ntVl'Mlity :Mll!A H.t!<'h 1s laHrl•·rl hy Snllf h· bM autliirl'IC1'l! for ho•r infoll1hlr n:wftll)ry 8 n d !Ur i• ft·t·hniq11 .. Sin.,..P hPr ftr!I ro't'll al I< f flll' ~., rtf r .. n ) l'.'l\TI •h<' ha." <lt'l- pl;t)'"rt rh.• m:.~11·r·~ l•1•irh in h1•r n r h tn!Prpr1•1a111m~ In l'J:\I< ~h·· won '"'' rrrl7•' in lho· E l!<kflrlro'lll ""°"'' ~1 1n 1~,, ,\m:• 1 •• , 111 1t1.1'.! 5hf" ""·'" ctu •I s1fl111,1 fur lh•• P:lftM \' • r rt 1·' S.> mf)h11n. 11r- t'fw\fl'll Sh•' h"" h·"'~)n Jtf''''•·nt•·11 11s 1,n a.rfiJ<t •If 1h1• R<•h\ rm r m11• '"' •· "'r""' -.1 R:irk•·r 1111rt11 .. rhin1 111 ~ ,\nr,.I,,.. F:1H'ti '""r sinr<> ,.,. f"'1ltll nt.: R· •llnnilc I 'nt\" r'<tl' "h•• ,.,,, ... ,. 11 • •1 lfl ~ l. · Sprari.:-F ,, ,. 'al .. r \Tuer• ·· Sh•· rro't·l\'o•rl rrr (r'lnn:1n• •' 1n th• '"''' Ani•• I ' Pt11lh:trm11n11· Yontni: i\rt1'C1-. 1'11111 r--• 1 r tun ,\." rh• hl\.:hh.:ht nf th,. I·, ,.11 1.1n "ino:• r f'rn~r·om' :'-11~~ I l:i lo·ll w ill Jl••n 1h Sm1,,'< r, I" ,,1,,,,,, · f~ \ 1nhD nhhlil!llln nf fht• (I• m 1ho\r 'r'lphir ~ .. ni: II\' i\•11 .. 11 RubPn•'"'" in Rrlrl1t u1n If) h· r Cl'lfn riumlwr'~ ~I mtL~I" 111\•'r~ "''II IH par · rarnlarh rnl•·r"''' ••n :'.Ii"~ I lsllrh ~'"°'" •ho• I~ 11 111.-11 1 m11<;1r11n, rrl:wcttrt>r ,.., Mr ;rnd Mrs. D. F:. fla!c-h nr ~·'"'·· i\n11 !"h .. IH•1:.1n 11 .. r r::ir,.,.r in rr..-111 M1•!111 nnd l'l:t..• pl:iyl'd for rht> l.ni..~n;; F1-«fi· •al or Arr~ . . Mrs. Harry Rol:Mnson Returns From T e.ras Community Players Have Social Evening At Home ol President Mrs. Harry Robinson !Dorothy Spicer > returrwd laat week from Sun Antonio, Texu, folluwlng th<' dt-ath of her h tJ&band. Ciipt. - l,larry Robinson, U.S A.f'., m nrooke G('nt'ral hospital, Fort Sur11 Houston. Local ,.-1. A. ,,...,,, And Cltoir,,,.. AffHll - Tea and DeJicaliOll Cupt. Robinson had fll'rved tor 13 months in Africa :and h•d tlC<'n in Texas a year and a •ha IL llo· died on March Xl and Sl'rvices IWl'rl' held tn thl' cha'J>CI at the rort. U1•sides hi11 wife h<' Is sur\'.ived by two children. Julie Anne and Wa)ne Wiiiiam, ali;o his grand- m other, Mrs. Rose Irvin of 31st sln'et, Newport. · Mrs. Robinson is with her parents. Mr. a nd Mrs. Erwin Spicer, Corona del Mar. \"AC'ATJO:'HNO AT 8UN VAUZl'-~r. a.ml ,Mni. P111llp 8mllll of s '""ftort. n.-ar.h, f"allf. are......-tlw 111a11y ("allfomla vtuton re- ,.,.ntly a t Ihle ttto0rt. Mr. 8mtU. la """'"' of thP Smith Cloth.Inc 8 tore la t'r~no. t'allf. Food anc/ Clothing Sale To Be Hele/ Saturday At Costa Mesa Jfoml'I,. .. once but now l.M-toved bJ foat..r 11ar1•11ta. tittle Marc*"-.. pe·n<'ll• llr r urtt~ t o tlle-publie for ronlrlhutlonc to currc>ntlJ nJIY .. C fund drhf" of tbf' ~allvl' !'4one aad ~ l\tf ~,. Onucblr re Adoption A·:•·nry. Thr :.i:fn<'y'a offll'f'• art! l\I !l!l'!t "11""''' Uhd., l.oa Ani;l'ln . Native Poughters In Fund Drive lor Homeless Chilc/ren • 1 1111> a fo•w wc1'ks rr main to I'"' 1t1• '''''"I: funcl tlrt\'l' of th1• :-;,1t1\1• S11n~ nnd Na tlw ()augh- t• 1, \dPpl run ,\g1•nt·y OVl'r the t1111 ~lltl1 \\ol!o tht• !llall•mt•nt today 111 l.1·11n11r1• S111,.:1•r. pn·sid<'nt, C•1111•h1t11 P arlor, Natl\'l' Oaugh- '".'.I\• ,,h.11 thr} '"'" to finance "(" r,1111)11' tr( flll' \\Orth)' pro- J• t'I "rs Sini.;1•r l'"i11••·<1 out tha t 1fu .ri.; .. m·~. '' h rch h11' functio~<'d At their m<'eling of April 1 lwld in I he parish school hall. O rnnge iJVl•nue, membrrs of St. I Joachim's .:uild plannr d 10 !l'f'Rl'l'l"- sor a food and clothins:: sail' to II<' held Snt urday. April 10 in th£' old l'ln,·is and G11y m usic stor e next to C'osta ~frosu post OffiCt'. Mrs . Mikr llarris i!' in charQI' nr fd<>d 11nrl will havr on salt' drliclous hrrm(' mad!' pi!'S, cakC'S. i.alnds. cookl·<I rahhit nnd devillC'd_ t•gi;t; 11s wdl ns otl1C'r ,·innd11. l\lrs. Hrirry l"olan is 111 ctwri.:t• Wiii f .. utun• all nr w art iclrs. mnst I» c .. r l'htldrC'n·s wrar And 1111 11t \'r ry lnw pricc•s . 1 .. 1 :\X yrars ant.I has ph1c•1.-d 7547 \N• I s l'ahfnrntll hnhit•s in fostrr hom es, 1na ays '" 111 rr11 w11I n<'cd of rundl!: • • • Th ts SI f \Ill lion is caused by fir"' .1ilini:: hii;:h prices for items •1nrt St'r\'11'1"1 which Insure a. I &nuu rul linllie -soft. htc) lt11h,·s "rlfa rc. as wl'll as a . . n ... ;J for mnr!' trlllnc>d social nii;ht i;owns, qu1 .... tll' :-hp,. a nrl ""rkers to tran•I lhl' state in 1~·ff1coal!> hy FREMET. rr11 .. n 'i<'Win1: emotionally dl11-For thlll sr><'· t urlicd m ot hC'r.S and prospective cial .Jr-." o r f'X· With sever al new mC'mbt-n prt•i1ent, Communit)' Pleyen1 held n i.octal g.a1tlC'rtni: !\tondlQ• l"'f'- nlng at thl' home of !he prt·11- dent, Edythe Lippincott, L 1 do Mn. ll.a>-'IDODll ~~ 0prc11idt>nt of J'l:f"\>\·port Br~ £1r.. ITWOl8r)" school ~attftt·Tl'9dlft a.<1soc1a11on , and >Jrf.-Jama W. Hraston . ht·a lth ~ al· lslt·. tended t•·o mtttincsM ...... Beqat,lllc ~·ork also needs 1t rNX'ntly. bu~ play, it Willi 11greed_ ond . , ... ~. 1"ftT --· 1h11t wh1Tl' mrt·tini:s would be • On M · 8 > ·~, • ·~ hl'ld eaeh Mond&)' e\·enln", the at the ~am and t~ er-~ firs! one of l'ach month \Oould th .. awolaary of tht'~ · f • h h ty Medical a.uocuatiOD at s-e. be a social af air and t e ot ers A Ebell club for Mn. ~ would be devC>tl•d lo play read-T ryt • wh h bN-n ont' ol ... ijlgs and rehearsals. r.ar~ · 0 as T..A. Gertrude Horn ga,•e an ex-speakers for thf> 'f'W ~~ rell!'nt and greatly apprc<:iatt<d On Frida)' the)-~ dll revi('W of Ruth Gordon·~ 'il'arS dedication for C'v'I Har.-~7 Ago and Dorothy York talked School for H•ndicaJJped 'O .,, & on old time m('lodramA • in S11nt1 Ana. Al5o ..-. at The next two ml'cllni:;s "i ll be... thi1 ltftiir •·ere Mrs.. L. S. U.. hrld at th(' home or ll11rold teller, home and famil)' ~ Barnum, 613 Carnation a\'l'nue, and Mrs. H. 0 8o)'•e,-._'9ew Corona del Mar., chairman, "Come FINE \\'OODWAKOlr\ FER SM This Grand Culirornia ~Ht ive Ft•1 n Has S1n't'ading F mnd-. 3 tu 4 Fel't Long. lll•r1• 111 thf' Ot•arh \\'ill ~rnnd Qui11• I\ U tth• l\forning Sun. A showy , horc/y one/ Large Root Clusters tJust in from the r-:orthl $1.00 Each C-ardoza Gardens !\OS Cout Hl"'a y C'ororfa dl'I Mar PhoM Harbor .&'J ~···· WalmliG • SWlllG •MmJ;W • Y"'1tnlll a••- FAMOUS - • ..... -~ • -- • ()()DAGD nr.-:r---~--.--.rm1JD1MT•lr1il!RU-----~~~~~ow D1sp ay To a. S•bied lor Conchita Parlor 1o-Jtffencl1 ns1itiltion-- 01 New Riverside Unit 1 .. ,r,.r. pan•nts. I ceprmnal i:ift. I lomdt· ... , b ah i <' s ar c iven ·~1.bin 1·.11. fll'ndtnl( )Jl11ccnw nt ror adop-m 0 r e 1 hrillini.: t111n or rc·turn to thl'ir mothen. tn M ilarh thrm FOOD • L KITE_JID -~ 1 -'eJ.~· , >...-'..~~ •» ... ,. _ QUICICll Ml ,_...__,.._. .. ··~· ........ 0 1 ;, lillllMr •.... ,,, _...._._••a ., ............. ... ..,..15 ....... .. t_ B011!_.WLD ~-.-y 1 --=:::.-.. •• , ~ •• "'.-~-UH ........... ,, ..... .... ., .... , ........... ~ r••r cellectl•• ef .................. ,_. , ..... ...,. $ ~~~~a) GA"IVeG'B 1 .... 1¥.c.. ....... ..... \lllc.. ........ ...... ,.,...._ ... .................. ........... ............. -......... -94 ....... , ·~­ ..... ••'r• fll lap • ts.W_. ~ ......................... ~ ......................... ~ .., ................. S...' 0 ..,. ................... ...... ..,,,.. .. NO, I'• ... • tw•s cl' 1« ---. ..._., ...... ._. ._ .._. _ ., ....... _....,.,I W\ ... ...... ..., ........... IL .......................... ·~·~ ............ _. ...,. •sh.Ca?" as Alli«/ ~rls Session I Ly,.11 L Bullrrmon' of Coron11 4-1 :\fnr • 111 h<· 1:1w~1 llJX'llk•'r n l th.-r"1tlll:tr "1t¥llnr;: or thr :"r•w- porr Hartl<~ Allif>ff Ari' Ttr. ~­ .-Y April .20. 7 ·JO pm f:lx-11 ~. RAlhnll Mr Ruttt'r · -~ will i1111.,tr111,. hl11 talk on ~&Haut) H thr S&ll'lllman." 'n.. art of \lrindow drHaln1 -•lsted .. a hobby by Mr. Cunrh11a p.1rlt1r No :.19~. Na- 11\'r llnuchto-r~ nf the Golden , \\'1·~1 . m"' Tu··~llay night in the l.1•.:11111 11111 rn Cnst 11 MPSa, for th•· r11~11l11r nw1•tin~ 11nd w er<' h'"''"~~." to r h'\·1·n visiting rnt>m- hrN> from r.l!'nd:ilr. Los Anaell'S am! S ;tri J>,.dro parlorit. who pre- ll<'nlro1 thr Southrrn California crmdtdatl's for l m1irlt' SC'ntlnal at the Grand Parlor <'l<'ctlona to be held Jn Sacramento. · ~omr m1js l 't>e bonidl'd for rnEMET I i 11• rn11n1hs. unfll A mothC'r is pre- par•-d to mr1k(' her rmal d('cision grrir. lntl'r<'!'l a• to rehnqu1shmr n1. Many must '' cenft•rt'CI on h.I\ ,. prol•ml(l'l'f m l'dic11I car e. lat'{' anrl 11.1ffl<'!' Contribulloru1 from this 'ar('a a t IJm h hocliCC' •hould h1• maill'd lo the 01'.;('ncy's 4 and h c• m I i n • u_,,_ Ani:<'l<'s oUicc at 39:.14 Sun-:incl l hr w11rkman,h111 anti dri.lb'TI S<'I B~>Ul<'\'1trd. Los Angeles 27. m11 ki> th1'm lo\ r l\· 111 ~··•· (• •r t hi' Sllld MrR. SingC'r and Mrs. T~nnic Ill'""'' ··m·w loo k" -lh(' old C<1!>h- l'adilla, Homeless Childr<'n chair- 1 ionNI comisoll"-llt "Nin•'• un Bal· 1 11~, ;!'voe.are takin g part ln the bcllt laland. . 1 Adv.I NOW OPEN 6::11 TO I P . ._ ~ -CLOSED llOltli'DA \" . -SEA FOOD -STEAKS -DINNERS CLAIR G. MARTIN ~· -MlhOtf' In ,hi9 coll~e daya. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Due 10 Illness of thr pttal~llt;•--------------- 1...ronort· Smgr r.. fh<' bu$in«'lls CPollllClll Advertisl'fTlent) l.Pohtlcal Advrrt1!lt'mcnt> I °"'" roar yr an in . fhf' army ....,. lw 1#1'tlW!d .camouflage, he ...nlf'd on thf' Wt'llt C'out. work- lac • "" 1ntr rlor rons111!11nt and oricinatlni.: n<'w de11igns 11nrl n>I~ frtf' ,,,,r,. front11 anti In -"'"ndizinic illu,tr11tlons Mr 8 u11ermor,.·11 nllrlll'lh"<· wlndo•"" ;H the• bl11nd('r!I and f)(hf'f' R••lboa bll\nd ~hop!' h1w<' ~n t.rr"A!ly 11dm1r .. ct rnr thr 11,,. ot 11nll!lu.1I m11trr1al~ :md ar't1s t1(' •.I Harbor Star Club , Masons, to Have rot L.d Supper HnrhriT ~!Ar cluh nwt Tur..,d11y r'Vrritni.: ,lf C-oronn rl1•I M:ir C'11m- mun11 > •'hur<"h "11 h 40 m1•mllc·r~ pr_.nl. includmi: nm<' n1•\\ 1m•·~ \\'plr<1mi'd Wf'rr !'1:11ncy und -'""•'· pf\1n'f' 1 ';ilrlrrhr nd. l:drfh \',.n1 . "'"°~· l.11.-ll•• ~11n1frr"o)n, Flnrl'nro• H""" 11rrl. F 1tn11 .h1n1·•. n, t r ) T rtn•' ;\h r•i ~prui:ll• Hn1I ;\ltl dr· 11 \\ "'0" Pinn~ ""rt' mRd!' for 11 plnn- n...-1 po11 ltwk ""l'l•·r '" l>1•1 twltl a.' a J• 1nr "'• •'1.tln,.: \\1th ll uh.u \1'1~"""' dult nn F rrday. 1\pnl 1:l ;tf n ~' J•n1 ;tt , •• '•• ;\l·~•' C1)fTim1mll) churC'h :'.t.1~11n~ '' 1lo rurni'\h th•• m r.11 :1n1I :'1ur 1111111 b.>r• hrtm:in\! ollwr •lr"h•" •lhntl•I r II ="Ir• 1 ·0111 • ._ l \.·urun :'Kr1:! -THE YO(T~(; ll>E:\ .. mwtini: was In char ite of the r I r s t \11'<' -prl'sldrn. A I m 11 Thom~on On l\1ond11y, April 11. the mrml><·r~ of Conr hita 11:1rlor arc to i:o 10 mvr rsidl' l o attend the insfl!lll111n end ini\int1on of the 111'wr .... 1 parlnr of N11 I I\,, Da111:h- lcr'I. wlwn Conch1t11 ltl."l'A the pl1w.. 11( B.1h y Pnrl .. r of the St;itp T hrl'•" mo ml"'r'. U>onurt' ~in1:1·r. ,\ udrr·) C11111, a nd A!lr- l;11c1<' I l.11111'11. "ill ~· 1 \ ,. as nrt. 1111: nrtw .. t • fnr thl' • "nini; An111o111w1 nh 111 " " 11md1' of fh1• ltl<'"fllll!• nf th" Thimhlt• rlut. "" 1111, r 111111• ~ 1•<lnC'sd11rs. 11n1• l11 •111i: hrltl tho~ \\1 •1•k at lht' 1!11111,. "' l.lllr1111 l~11n1. \\'r•st lby :I\•"'''. :-.;, \\J••• I II· II h l\11•111- .... n m• •'' 111 th•• 111"1111ng nnd ''"' torr I ho• htolll• It'' dnldrt 11 ,\I I ht• "'"'' '" l h•• Ill('(' I tn~ mt•1nht1r,..; oud l!Hf'~'' ''' rP S<'r\'11cl r .. tr'"""" "'' ,Uhl I+ t h• • l,11.i\\ \\I ti lh• ~ •n 1t n<I '" tu u1,: 1\ll \I """· ,,,,, ,.., 111l11•r• .. r f ht 1 ,, I f1 ;o-..•,JI ,, t lft\ Jft'd ft) ,,, ., 1111 I 11 i1 l'I •11• I •1 th·· rl1n· . ; 'I \\ ,... h"'" '~ ' 11 '" ....... , ... ,,.1\-! I " , \I 1\ l '••1 r • flt 114 I ' t i, '\1 ) t \lol\ I litt1 '• llo -'I• l".n. l·• I :\lo'C111- \\'. hi .._. ... •1 ...-.. to at&rmpt a 1"1-· "hf-n '"u r.>uld 1..-•11) onr .. a~ fff .... ttfW ......... ot my IM'qualRtanc"P:" . '. ----- ROSS GREELEY f . Candidate for city council. businessman of Balboa, and resident of the Newport Harbor area for more than 30 y~ars is heartily endorsed for the office he seeks by his friends of Halhoa. Ross Greeley has 'grown up' with our city and is more fa- miliar with the problems that have confronted it through the years than any other candidate running for city coundl. Ross Greeley 19,·es ~ewport Harbor. he has worked here and played her. literally on the sands and beach.es of our town since .. his earliest childhood. YOCR YOTE FOR RO SS GREl-~LEY Is A Yote For The~ Future of ~ewport' Beach \. n 11, 1t}' ··rt1~. mint 'J)('"'"r"•I h~ anri p'41d f11r '1~ ft'11'n"' nr nn"• Gr'4'<'1t•y .. • .,, cl.ti: for 4 aJl whi on · •, 1.m loq dat wa thi 1113 haJ Iii.JI hi< to wt: lie' a11 fir 1ri ro 8 t tic etl th .- \\ b4 re bf vi \\" n= 3 1 (J B: s. L 11 c p 1 . , .. ' ~ NEWS-TIMES FORUM Rotarians Relax I ~;,!~''•'• rark "' ... ,·.rc-. n.at.N I By ftfl Ualtl'd '"'... Rl'n la an abl(' man °but tM poll· To Strains" of Nnl 1\k...0•). tile" duh •111 1 Editorial rommrn1 today on thl' 1w111n~ w .. n·1 takr him . . • Tr" • • twh1 " fathrr d11ua;t.1t.. ''-"'t~• Wlsconslh primary lncluck-d: . SI Paul 1>1sp111ch lam ld Sta&· lfk Pianist I unikt tho• di.oil lll'4ll•ht1• of t' I The N<'w York ~un · '1'houi.:h 111•n's \'irt<'ty In th<' Wl1<'0l\1ln prl • . t«•lt•·1 ''''" comrlcte rt'lurnll from the 'Wis-mAry JllllS S tllU t'n out ln rront. llal l'ryor, lrl\'k jlll\111~1 11nd consm prd,•n•nlial prln111ry1 n~11y I and 1hr!-."~ l1t•wC'y under a hancll· ""11111: 1t.•1111 11t11 fn•111 l.iti,:111111 1 ... ,., :\'~I I•'""" ... ,.M:lo-nt1ll1)" modify sorn•' of lhr conclwlioru 1·11r "ni<'h Ill' b unllk"ty to o\ler· u .. ,. h, ""It'' 111111 .. d tlw ""'"I Hv· ""'' t lh·11 h' ·-•t lhcn.. 1tunrv Y<X1'a -----.. --~-.-----._--.._-c.-·a1-1-,-. ----------p-°"-0-E-1 drR"-n . (mm thl' in<'<'rnl'lt'll' "''" 1••1m,• 'Mir MnrAr~hur boom that I 1 '1' • "'" '1'111 ••'·" 111.:1.11 ,., llw' 1~"1~ "" .,,..,, 1 ... ,,, 1 ...... '""t ,.,,,. It:-9""---•AA ·---· Aprtl 8, IN8 HIM11!, II IS ('IC'l\r 81 nny rllll' thnl \\'II' "' ('\1111" rc111rm)? (lUt of Wla· 1. '''"' ''" ""'" \\1•1•1.l~ p111r.:111111 ~··111 t •. ,,,,.. . --=::: GE'rl'ING NO EASIER FAST •tnrold F. StRl'~•·n Is wry mu<'h iw111•1~ 1tncf 11~'1 .. •p lh1• country hu1-----~ __ ._.. --------111 t he riicr rvr lht• rr puhlirnn n111 nll\ll•rlnltx1•c1 . . . [:rtRAM--. -• e.a nomlna1111n for pn•1Jld1•nt HI' Mlnnt'iwohs 1'nh11n<" -Harold rilASHJt.·w ~ . .-st &no -==----=:: m'C'fi1·d ••• rn11k1• 11 i:•\Cld ~howin~ Stoss .. n's 11\•·r\,lwlmini: triumph "'! ••-.a• ..,... 1md tw mad1•. 111 foci, an 1•ltcdten1 I 1111-r•'a"'"' 1111• prO!ljll'<'t• tor _ _ , "" • ..!.:.•-onr." 11ht:11111111: 1111' pr1·~ldvnllal noml· ' -• .,..., _,_ a .,_._ • MlnnC',.polis ~111r lllU'nlc1 S 111i1· n111 l,111 ot th1' r11Nt1d11tt• 04'1'1 quail· I / ~~ • ~:: ~";,. st>n's ronvlnring virtory In lh<'I f1t•1I 111 J.·1111 1h1• li1.'p11hllr11n tlckt"t [)P~tF/. &::l)!V£-•rw• -.._ Wlllron~in pr1m11ry yt'lft•·m11y . "' '11·t.1n 1n N..-·c111bl>r .•• • W'MO OP!NIO uP ANO ~;!o':: 9:- rhmin'1t"" \.t'm•ral M111•,\rthur :-:,1\1•1111..-r 11 $:1\W thl' roup MAC'I "091•Sll ne R l<l.. .. ,'SIR/It/ ·~·~-·~~ from rurtlwr <"On,,id1•rat h111 As A cit• i:n11'1· 111 11w 111-Mh'tM-d attempt 61TTLIMtN'T ~ 'L EEr-•n -- prc-sidl.'ntiltl 1•an1Udatr lantJl 10 pine .. in th1• whllto hOUM' a ~JINDaOl'a.;-u4'll a"'""' • ~~~~ a ..._ .. rm1fo11nct11 lht> "<>Xpt'l'll'" who rim "'" snld1 .. r 1111 lh'll'"' duty In M1Lt•~ 4Mllf1CAN 5~t 0 l"ww MIL( ..,,._.__ .,.._ Wl'n• saylnR prl\':tt<'ly that Stas-lh•• 11rn11•d fnrl'<'S. Ttlll«i~ OolOv-tTWM IN l'3MT ~ '«1~"--~·--~--01\NI~ t~"~ l.A"IO TO 0 s::1c:~r JAPANESE . •n --·· .... _ ~Ml'. £0. ~.'. Aet--11~L 101'$ Ht£~ ~~v ~ .-.':.!... ~-* HON. JO.HN· PHILLIPS Th1• ''ull' nn Hw E11ro1.,.11n fl•'· Hons This hill ,.'11mtnit11 thl' \ 'nltt'd l'0\11'ry Plan ""a!< :t!!l il)•'S. 7 l S1111t·s to 11 four Y<':1r pro~r11m. nr .. ·~·. 5 .li\'l' J 1:11r!'. l!I 11111 \'cttii\i.: lnq :;C'ly in i:11p1•1rl 11f pr•'"•'nl J.(O\ • !lr t1hs1•n1. nncl 3 \'111'/lnl'h'i;l "' ('0\ll~ t>rnnwn.ls-.L!l r ' '\lltllll_:"llltPS SHY j11kini.:1.>· th111 tlw hill \\Iii> nett nt'•" \\flllll:, 11nrt 11 nn1lon of ~ ~1rlrlly Eur11111 .. 111 lh,11 II fhrl 11111 Jl"""''' is 111.:hl, 1h1•11 hn\\' d1i Wt' i.:11:ir.11111•1• ''""'"•'rr. 111111 I hat \\ 11.11 l11•tp 1lw r :111"· 11f f1·1•••d111n h y 1111l!· 11 l:irkl'd 11111st w'a-< :111\ "' tclt'IH'•' l11mi111: ~~:111ll.,t11· s1 at1·~. whlrh ... ~ T" BE OpUTl'O tN :::o":9..!. -... Olill ~HZ. ~ T014U .. \I . .. ~I &1-60-- -O!~~fO ~ ~ M-'U~ •• ,... ... _ --e .. \ r.-~'M~£ ~ .":~ • :::.= ,. a-. q MR,.".,,'VC A ..:lf'~ ;\.,~\£3.. cu-...:.!~, ,_.., -""' ~ --.::'~.":;:-= .. ,J.,, 1~-•llA·•-:=:-c Ni SS.J·."I0>71411K-:~ :=-...-. · a.r.o-•--•• • ~ __.,.,,. ~ 1,r a "pl11n " Tiu• 1l1•n-.11•n ""!' too 111kr lh1· pr11r11, rr"m 1h1• rt•-!<nll' .z·~ ;.-:: ~~ '-•'Tlll\I" l1 1r 111.rni.: I 1111 r .. 11,·1111· .. ,1 11( t111 1-.•mm11d111•" p1111I fnr with .. .. .., __ .... "'--.... ...... __ !'JlilfJ~llJ'~.~~ mlllt•cl, rnr f1111r ~·t•ari<, ltl"ll p11IH'~ fw11ph• \\'\' ~\IJllMll'I llh•lll? 13) The •.. , .....--.r..--•--&>•--.. _ • .., ........ ...... . .., ......... ......... ..,....,._ ,__ ,.,..-o.llttoa .... ... a.n-•-,._._ ~•U-'l'i•t'I' .,, ... _..,... ...... ' ..... ln.A()-t h.---- &Ir' ·-.. .. ~~ ~~:i ... ..,.,_ ..... J-1\..tv• .......... ., &11111-1 ... , ... .-... ,. In.AO-,_ """' ......... _ft.I_ .. , •. ""''-"'"' , ...... -~ ... '-... ""'rt -~ .... lillJ II ,. I• •-• .... •• \\U 119\.,..tH ,., .... .,, . _,.. .. _ --. ..... &I _.c>-aM~-"'••• an •·•et•••-.. ...... , ....... ... t. u 1 -r ... ,. ..,..,,re • ,,.,... ,,.._ .... Attee •"'•-"'-•• ~. •r•o-o...n • ~.• .... ., .. G-... _. ........ _ ....... .. ••w-u " o. ... . ., __ ....... ........ T\lt.e; C'."'\. .. ai .. .., __ . ..- """''"" ""••• ...... al"a -r.-.. ,_ ' .... , •.• 0-•~··1 . .,_ ... .,... ·-.. •-r· ....... " .,..,. .... , ... ....._, ... , ~ ~ ...... -• lnl-&,.o.otl T-.-• lltl . ..._ ... , ... ,._ ••l'O-·- · J tli;11 th1• t 'nl•••tl ~'"'''~ ,, 1111\\ ,,1111· i\11wn1:11n 1lnllnr<i, nn<t trli the ~.:.::'/. \\l111·h l'IHJ't. t111l1·~!' .,.,. rl11 111111lh1•r Pr··~itl""'· in h i" "l"'•'•'h. hr11vcl)' :: ·"I t11 .. 111.f:11•1•. :1, ""<lid 1•11 '"'' P.1l1·s· r<·N'lh""''ii 111111 1111• a 1•pn1\·al oC 1 _ llt\\tt '···· ...... -* ANY VOICES. ~~ ' 11•11· ''"II•. 1,:arl tn r1 i:tm1 n1:01111n,1 Ent' rnr1·11•1I \\:nh 11 1h1· 1»t11rn (If 11111haltl.v 111 \\itl', ;11111 111i·\lt.1hl> 1·1111lr<>I'<. th•• (1rA 111111 .ill 1111 hy· ''' th•• ln,.s 11! 1!11• Hl11·1111« 11 hwh lorltl 111111 1dpl111h..tw;il 1•1111•111~ H b· h :i \ ,. rn.111,• • rh1" 11a1l11n i.1ni11i.:; t11ry how' 11ml111!11lih 111111 th<'. l'lll'llj! 01" \I' • . ' • hl' I lt•;on nn I If, in :illo•mpllna: h• :-a\'c' th1• "•ll'lrl, "•' l11<i1• 11\1r (1wn l1lwr1 il•s, 11n!I thll!(, hkr S1un,<;11n, arl' ren- tl1•n·cl imr...,'""'· Wt• h111·r do ne c mi"' dftMll~I" •es tt ttt!Ch11 • l1<•l11•\ I' I he plam pag<•s of his tor y, llPrt'Arl O\'rr ll Wllit't h11!111• I, The \"Oice of the turtle rs heard· in our land. . . . \\'l' ha\'(.' St>ld .1,hl' world Into would willln~I) prnvld1• rnort for sln\'cry, lnrludini.: our own cllil~-U,l<' hungry, Th111 1s nol the' pr!· -1 tn.EvlSION •TIA-4-I ,.....,_ ·~--... ... .. • And the magpie and the owl and the jackass. rrn. mnry obJ<'ctlvr of th•· hlll. <61 Y~. it:-that po litical time of year a~ain. Newport •I \\TOil'. in my ll•ttt'r or Maroh Down hrn· "'•' h ll\'(' h•5i; nnd IC'Sll citizens •·ill troop to the poll~ next Tuesda\• to ballot 4th . which curioui;ly WU pickl'd ronfidt'n~(' In thr Sllll(' f)(>pttrl· .1 up hy S<'\'°Cral pnJ)(>tS outsldr the m Pnt, anrl In th1· Presidr nl'• "d for three councilmen. one city clerk, one city treasurer District. or the diffrr<'net>11 which vtsora. n1 One or th<' laricst (an office unopposed ). and propositiQn number one ofll'n existed bf·~ween , an IDEA nrwspapers in F.n11111nd. poll Ing Its Which. if passed, Will add 15 cent~ tO the taX YOU pay IS\Jpportl'd by skillful prupag11nda) rrnd..rs, found them ai.:11inst lht> CROSSWORD PUZZI E .....__ .. __ ,,__,._.. ~ .. ·--...... . and the RILL upon which the pl11n. Enitlnnd !s 1uppml'dly the on each $) ()() of a.-.sessed valuatit>n for· the purpoi'e of ll•i:1slator had 10 \'OlC. ARain, on grrlllt'SI bt:nrflclary undt'r the ~ding=:and-maffitaining parks wit.bin_the City April ht, l wrote of 1hr !neons.is-plen. and thr m~t url!f'nlly In Jimits. · rn~t -f-Ol't.'l~n id ~.8.l.,..Ihe. 11n contemplatl.!9 • policies. a further drain on oil, 11n ~F Tb~ far, this has beerT-tO US(I a poi nted col-My idta tlwn, 1\5 on the Floor , scarcr matrrlnla. !9) Somt• of the loquiaJLqin-a screwy campaign. None of the can<l,i-"11!1 U> main Ill.In an OJ)('ll mind, and m 0. t ard<'nt . support .. r• were dates has said anythin~ on anythinf!. Like poison ~as lhat W(' mighl he honest with our-Aml'rican husln<'llllPS which would --· h d h d · k · srlws and with th<' Pt'OPI<'. The pront (iMnclally. 110) The bill W'.u131'e, ne1t er Si e flS care to rlS starting some-c>haritr wa.s medt> more than once d<X's not m1ulrr an a dministration thin~ thati may backfire. that if the R.l'prt>sentaliV<.'fJ would ll<'parate from the Stat,e Depart· The News-Times has com~istently reported the \•Ott' their own convictions. after men t. the Hrrtrr Committee'• fln -· f h ll d B · C 'l f hMring the argumcnls, and Q&J'ti· recommendation. (11)' We ahlp maneuvenngs 0 l e so-ca e usmess ouncI O cularly if they voted by attret bal· atTateeic materials to Ruula, and harbor-wide business and improvement associations lot, there would not be 50 aye to countries on both 11~ o r t he llinee &he tint.of the year, together with. a blow-by-votH. I do not believe that. If lron cUrtain, which ln tum llhlp blow description of city coUnCiJ sessions. in an effort I did, l would fear the fate of t o Ruula. 02) J am alll'T'glc to America. 1 am convlnct.'d, If t his at~amrollen, Dt>~&Uc or Re· to keep the public clearly informed On developments wrrc not an election yt>ar, and publican. '131 Bc.-forr I vote to which may effect the election" outcome. It is the only If lhrr" had ~n tlmc to analylze load an 11ddlllonst $600 J)('f family newspaper which-has done so. . thl' ronmctlng arguments. the vote lar1u11lly mor1• In our 'Dist rict), Y~t.. as t he . last f e. w dav. s of can\pai•Ynin<Y tick would havr he-ton cl09•~r. It would pHrt(c·ulnrly (lfl lc1p of $1000 pN I'-,... ~1111 hll''<' r.1rric•d. Only l!nw will fnmily for thf' ,Pr<'St'nt Trinnmr away. the major problem~ in thi~ community hang It'll \\hich \'lllt' w:i~ rH:h1. lll'rl' hudf,:1'1 , with m nr1' fnr nnl111nal r1re with no canciirtate ~ermingly willin~ to tamper nrl' lW\'C'rlll .1>0inls on whirh my drfrnsc .. ,:,lt'C'f(-d, I """' 111 '"' · h h ( _ f . <:. I lmal dl'r1i;ron w1111 hll!IN1 It would morr surr thl'sr dolla1'11 will I!•'' lflt t e u:-e ~ concrete p1opo .. a s. '""'' IJHj.;l'S to Its! and dl~rllS!< lhr lllf' rt•i;ults \\I' \\ant 1twm .• t11 i:•• 'Vater-the meumhent council seem~ to h:we M et-,art:\llTil'nfs. You r11n imni;im· !ht· t·m1fl1'· ropolitan \\'at er District rea<h" t o give u:-: ;rnnt hf'r tr'v. i l I \\'ilh('llll l''lr•·rl inn, r 0 I Is ion~. th(' inetmslslcncll'~. lhl' i.11111!· Hat"°" mu....;t rallv popular i;upport for a ~pC'cial elec-i11kc·n h) r11nt:r•·!:;.m1:n. shnwrii rh" i.:lt•" to. •kr1rtr a i1u•'"'""' \\lu1hl • • • . 'l ! 11<'01111' at hllllll' Wtlhnl: 111 l:tkc• II nr1i.;hl In 1ts1'1f hr dl'<'itJlni; lh1 hon. What <l o ~OU :-ay. !!entlemen. t'hHnc·1· un a 1111<• )1':11' 11111 ,.rni:rnm,, lilfllr1• flf 1111• N11tlon I \'flt••<I "n"" City m:.nag-er-the incumbent C'OllllC'il has aclopt. ,,, rl'1'11 pt'11plt\ Ill l'•·l111t11lilfl1t• fl/I• llrn\ wn11ld ~"Ill hll\'i' w1t 1•d elf~ mo<lf'l orrlinance crE>ating-!'ueh an offirC'. Rut ~-~~~~~~~~~~;-~~~~~~~~~~~~ the intf'r-functinnin(!' of the council with this office j 1 lll'aOll ' ''j'U 4 f •• Un1,, t A •hf tl t a.• t. ~• ttU4 1J \I .. l4 Mt U•ti.• u • •t:Cj.~ u.u1l ..u _v. ro ri•t1d• oe hip~ 11 W1'1h • .-1•<>.C'r .. 20 ,, .. a~od JI M•,•O!f~ » UM>tnf'ltte&I t•••o M T•1l 1r.__ Jl 6>• btrO 1J To I UP .. tfte•(h, toot11k -lonn• 2 l it ,, -., 11 ll\ 2) ~ !91 ~JI " .. " .. i .. "fl .. " 11-A .. ...,I• n-ro:"11::.··· ·~ ........ ,_ H -T ... e~l« 11-Blokwlnl l- U-O.i.•~T'O l.-.I •-a>••IC>&J (om"°"n4 41 ll•1hl ....... s ~ l'I • . ~ ry • • ~ .., ~u ~ .. 1t l, ~ ,., If ~·,_ ~ ""' ~~· ~~2 .... ~ ljt ~ "' s ' 52 ~ !~ i. t ............ , ................. ... • 0 " l>4 ' !a. ~ I"' Ill ~ so Ill " .. ..... ............ _ ·-- \, ................ ••• . ..... .. .............. . ' ........... .. . ....... ..., .. ' -· .................. .. -r~ ....... , ill ..... . "' ... . ..................... .. ===-...... --•.• '. .. .-;:,.,. Iii -.Wt• Wti.."""P4--........ ........... ....., ... ~, ,... .. ·-........... uw .... ... ., ....... """ ... . \ ... '"" ..... -· ... " ..... --... ..... ~....- 1 ~ ~ ";. -::: . .'":.. .. ' u--~ .... , ... ,, ..... .. I.AO---.............. l .. n ..... -... ...._ ... ......,_. ,, ........ .... , .,...,.... ..... ...... ............. . . --.... ". 0 -... .,,.r ..,....._ ., .... , ... -..... ............_ ......... ...-.. ~ . ........, .. . , .......... . ... ' . -. -~~ a.•• ~ .. o ...... ,,...,, ......... '4' .. ... 4 ·" .., .... .... -.. ,.,.. ~ •" .... .....-.... ,..__.,... .. ,, ' _......., ...... ., t ..... ....... _ ..... ..... • • ""··• e....-..nw '"''' ~. . .. , .......... will call for a rleci!'iw• chan~C' in pre;-;C'nl poli<'ies. · "nat .t .. you say. Jrentlemrn'! MODE.RN MA.RINE SERVICE ·GOltl>O The Poet llormc In . Znn in~-w<> can't wait fol"C'\'er for an "rxpr1t'' t11 be hirP<t. \Vho i:-: willing-to come out with concn•tc• recommerufations anent our pre:-ent 7.oninl!' laws and buil<l ins:r permit:-:? F:.xpan:o;ion ()f citv limits-Dew•lopment -of the Tr- n ne intC'r<':o:t~ around thl' l nn••r R:w :ind rln..;<'r lia:-;nn with f'n=--t:1 :'\fesa :t r <' prnhl1•m:-; frnul!ht w it h sil!· nifir:tnC't'. H;1...; anrhorl\' am·thinC! to :-::n"~ Tax red11ction~-Loaderl with 1h·n'amitt•. r.caltor:-: and ta'\'.f'ayer~ would like a :-;talem(lnt_. f;entJe.mPn, speak OUt. Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A 0.-Pf"Mlable Loral' ln!1t1tuttnn for Ow•r 40 \'f'A" By ('arrlf'r nr ~foil : SO~r mnlill/I nn)Whl\rr In f\:('Wfl<lrl lkn<'h and Calta !\tl'53: ~2.40 fo 3 f'l\Onth!'."$-180 for 6 month«; S9 1,rr )ear Ry ~tail in Oran r ouhly: S!l rirr yl':ir; tn llh 7.om., S!l 25; to 8th zonl', $9 !'lQ. Eaund as SM"Ol"ld-C\as!I mettcr at the PostofffC'1• In Ncwport Beach California, undtt the Act. of March. l , 1897. SAX D. PORTER WCJVS S. SMmt Ill W. F. DIXON I a.YD£ REX ) ·.-Pub Hi.her Managing Editor ~ Plant. 3011 W, ~ntral Avenue, Newport Advl'rtisin~' Be11ch. California MATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948~soc~ Active @}~ ~ I Member , _ I of -',:::.... I SHELL DOCK Balboa Island by Ho!t's •Seats •Tables •Chairs for the Kitchen l>inette ' Ben I 'pttr1l•C••r"'fl i.nl\ 1n • h•· ''"' •t •11111111~ \'I 11 \ I ,.,,;11'•tf t>r :di , . .,,\ 1 cr',2:..:. J:. - ?«1<•13r.;a ~ :f1 ••• :~ J.~4:.., L~ l.' • t ~ ~:--; •t=·., -. l. -;;J· •. ~' r-<;.1. • /J?r;~ r :; MA~Ut'I ft CUl!l .. \' KA YOE .... ~~!·: .. ,.t~ 11:•:•·t,. -... tt/ .... ., :;.· !:> , =---! ~;:l ~J...-.1 ':# ·-t "'-iJ.1 '!.c.· 8-." ·-~'· "·l-?< I· T-r:.i2 TWO ~-~'?: ~ :>_, •. -~ ... ~ -.. ..,.., eu)..I ,., Si -1.-;~-:>.'1 ; ~·.-... , ... ..,,.~-· ·-.. ' ... ,..........._ .. , ... _ ... ,. .... tc~ 11.k' ,...,.,.,,,.. •t ,-......... ...._ ....... Mnll,_ ·-'~--·- ''•··-..... .. •h ...... '"•• ....-..... ...__. ... ... ,, "•·........., ._I At; 41ih•••• 11 • u ... •LA"'-., ,..,.. .. •• t-O.•etw•a ......... ,._ .. ,. ""' ... ....,, A ........ -1.!rve._ .. .. ,_ ... ,., . ~ .... ..... ....,.. ~:--.-..--... ...... .. ... ···-·-· ·-.... , .. .. "" ,._ ..... ,_ ......... ·---. ,_ .............. ·--.,..11.-Ma .... , .. U• ···--..iu~· ""-...... • ~ 4 -u... CilloeM •Ml -~ ........ IUlll-Do ··-u .. ~ ...... a..a.-'T .... u. ... .,.._ ....... ~ ..... •LAO-~ ....... .,,_,..........._ lUtN-•-· ....... '~~s = .,. .... ..... __ ....... ... -.. ....... ... ·"-·-...... KCCA 41 fl••alw u•--i..:- ""--'• "-... ro.-_ ,.kl "' ...... .._ ~~=-:: = ..... D\ ....... ......., O re>-...... • SllC•-C. ... N ..... • ...,_." •1at ~ • ...... 11~11• ..... 111,. ..... t(ICJl-M r K -t •M ••C• n ... •"• IOU-Off~•;r,., 1(1.AC" 8'a .. h•U Jlf• .. ""'' ........ &ti .. ~ .~•"'• -r .. .t ....... , ... J ""••• t(, ... ,, ,..,.,.,.. ...... tl"' ' 11 I "'•o -11on .... h• nGI 1t1U KMt'c'-,._, .... Uu• Mltt"A -Ht•• "'''-""''"h .. . , .. . llU....AC" "'·tl t\\t• IC.~, W'•h••., 1141'9 tUff'.A lthr,.r ltria•le K HJ • .,.... ,.,.,_.... - IC~X-•~v .. 18 , .... ."' ........ f\'9 • K• • 4 • .. • h..,•rra I( S ~ Jt4 I\ '4u"'9W " ... a1.~0.-N••• l'IJ• h., """ ._. ••• kjrr,.f11• /1•'1f f 16f'M!'e • K r• A N•• • •t """....,..... t\UJ r\ttt~ ..... , tt • • .,,"" ••uM> •• 1 4 M. • II ill .,,, ... .._ ....... ,.. " ... \ ... , ,.,..,,. k fl'"••-' O\tAlt•I M tt I \t.tthHt '°'""' .... &N'C ""' Ch•,. II•• an-""" Jr\f•··· ,,,. .. ,.. ra,... ""'" '"''._ ICllJ ""' Atll,.et .. """ Ill••• \llalt ..... •" ............. . • ... n-,, ... ,, ...... tf)llfT ~••'• IO f•M T'onl .... ~--.-11 JIU.-•·• t 'w• I W\Mlt ., , .. " ....... ,,,, . ..., I flit. T.-•1 • .. .... . • '' ••• ···~· ..... 11. RI!PLl!C'TlONS -I''·"'"' m1111•rl1d I 'l.1111 F11l1"I ~• 11 1 ~ l1J:tln H;wk, ~l•rll'll: S1·11I• I 'If'• •I Jl;rf'k• TAUZA~ \\' olf ( ;aim'4 Another P·~~nt .. Hy Ed$Car . Ukt' Burrougha AR HOl'l\.q J n a\·11111on a p1lot 's •kill 11$ a fhr r 1< juilhM lari:r·I~ t1y •1111• · .§tandnrrl. hnun. in lhC' 111r. It i;f'f·rn~ !fl m•' 1h111 m•·n m1i.;lit wl'll ~ ju&;rd l<l'n1>rally hy lhPir mc•nllll hnoni In rlw air 1lw h1·~1 llnl'n art' lhO!'C who lioh11ually m,11nta1n rh1•11 thmkm~ on a high level mo<t or thl' 1imP. M1·nrnl hnur< 111 •h•· :11r ar1• m•·ll'· ured m trrm~ of a man'" fauh. <'ouragr. ,1,1nn lo\'r, '"~tilt). bonf-5ty. sincerity, good Wlll. undl'l""t a nd1111t. anti lc,leronC'f'. Thi' man •"hcY kl't'P8 f'Vt"f'lastmgly ~rrkmit 1n m r r•'a-"' h1• rrrord ol mf'fltal )mun m thr 11ir will fmrt h1m•"ll l{rowing in JJOW('r tnd skill :is rhc pdot of hrs O"'Tl 1hlnkmi:. HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL . ,. ........ n-1._.. .... Terms ii Desired I HOLT'S. UPHOLSTERY COMPANY 1005 S. MaJn.. Santa Ana Ph. S. A. ?I 16 Plenty ol Easy Par~ing 'J ~ W>ctlll LM~ '~ r WAltlbClt .,otfO •• z TOI.!> ..... ro ,T/i.Y WITH 11<£ ~lM 5,. IAlillAN 5410. 'kE S Pft~Y TllAILl/116 Tlf!N\. • -----------------• 'JC.."' -ot~ •UTZMf:-c:ii~ SA•O • .... '.if Pr ~• ~ro '!0..-11CNoa. : .• 50 lOC.-C ~ u.a.50N :. .. ? ~ '°""'NfS • .. 1' E <---u ¥£ .. . .. --. . ... .. • _,I . } f .page8 ~~·T~!!!':!!.l!:.•s;:..•r.~ * PCL Standincs GOLF'S BLUE RIBBON MASTERS' Weal Music s,.n r=:.,~o IT1~~·!; mt ,TOURNEY ·OPENS IN AUGUSTA ".Players to Join Premiums Mailed For Riviera Club Kennel Show PremJuma todaJ WH't' beina ....lled far the farthcomloe new Bewrly-R.1\lt«ra Kennel d ub doc llbow, scheduled for Ma)' fl an4 9 CID tbe an>unds or the Miramar bott'l at Santa MoniCL ~ A slate of nationally· known Nltern, ~ western and weat ClOUt judrn comparable to lut )'Ml"a ala\t', la bdng uaembled to preside over the Jud&lni: rin&S. Dop will be bencht'd only on the da)' t.hey att Jud&ed. It wu an· nouneed. Aft American Kenne l club one- ~ event, It wu emphuized that the niw, comblnf'd ahow will DOt inlt'JUre •'lth the Riviera dub'a annual' ahow acht'duled far thla fill. Aa far u 11 known,, thtte 11 no helium production outside the United SlatH. NOl\t' of the non- expklal~. ll&hter-than-alr in.a la experted. Fort>lan •coun tries use ~n. whlcll la lighter than llellum but lnllammable. Dellnll.J?'Keef e Adolph(-Menjou -roo ... ., Wluen" ..... T•-n-. Apftl I l:rnll ~ • Ida &..upm. ...... lie Never" ... *** Harbor Even is * * * 2 Favbtites t Break Gait in Arcadia Race Sun l ll• l!tl 5 .t Yili :: Al'Cl'STA. C.11., Xurll -8 -tUP If-Bl• F t• al l'l1rll1111tl I I "'IV ::•.:: .. 5 1.11"> l HllC "'' r tlu> i;wampy Ct'IUTS(' '1.11 g es IV (>l!kllln<I 1 .1 .,.., 11 • Cull' hlllf"·rlhhun t•vt·nt -the thruo;.I. 1h1• tfay a nd thl' first -. •3--""'lu< Tuurn11m••n1 OPtln• to-ro1unol " 11• h1" u slow one. Clinton Sawin, music director Ul!I An~Wll'S 1 :'i 4·1.t .1 ( N lloll>wvud 3 4 .42!l 3 1.h1) onu 11!¥11Jt th1· only entria &·1·:11t1>1• of thr dismal WN1th'~ ochr 1ewport H11rbor Union High ' 5<-11ttlr :l 4 ·l'..''I 3 llll"•'"f.: 1trn Fpmi< ~nal11tn "nd lwtll•r' r.tr· hcdl(ing a0 over UlC I OU, uld today that his music· Su<Tonwntv 1 ,1 ~'ll(I 4 • ,\11i.:11~1:1·~ fa mous April weather, AUl!ll&ll• :-<11t1nnot clubhouse. lana and those from the grammar Strun .. han's bun~hment beon.11e W11 h ~1ranahan out, the lca<t· t>choola wiU take part in the gJ. "'f'd•"'41•>'• K....ull• "' 1tn 1nfr1111;<'m«'nt of course rules 1011 :1mn1t·ur s«'ems to be Dick gantlc mus1c fest ival 10 be held In '.)911 i--r11n,·1••n• IO. 1-lull))\uud 6. tlu.nn.1: l'ract 1c11 was collflrn~cf all Chllµm.tm. the tinndsomc North Fullerton April 24. , Soo I •ir·i:o 4. Portlnnd 2. "' • r 11i.:11in hy Tournament -Chair· C'arul111111n. The pros think" Chap-l'"ullerton W111 be tiost to aome 0 11k land 4 IA Angel<'!! 3. n11111 Cliff Jlotwrts , Stranahan a~ matt has a sounder i;:am<' than 4,000 Junior collei;c: high achool , Sacram,•nto ll. S<·attl•• 'I. I• 11h•d f(1r a ht'ar1n1: but Roberta ?\11t1nnnl Amat<'ur Olampion Skee and elcmt•ntary musicl4na-from all si.1d 11 '" a closed md dent. Strana. R1t 1; .. 1 parts of Southern California 1tnd Balboa Power ~uadron to L. A. Fot Conference l h11n may play m'xl year bul n.>t Bt·-1 '" '" among the pr os. aside Arizona. Th~ feallval is the thlr· ''"'">'· Cron• \f;mi.,'rurn and Harbert, 1tre tecnth annual 11roductlon lo be Tht· ".-.11 hrr h11.s 1'1.'<>n just aa llN• 1 tui,:.111, Ayron Nelson. Bobby sporuiored by the California School I m•i;:olr\t• ns Strun11h11n's ctr.)rta. 11 l.<>1.·kq, J11hnny P11lmer, Ed Furgol Band and _Qrcticatra association, 1lutn't r aln yl'!1terday but Jeadt'n 1incl . k111 Al«xandrr. southern di.strict. n~1~':n':C:.r::.:.;: :.:·1~:~~;.'.~11"~l~;·:1,.'.~~1 NEWLY-CROWNED A.A.U. BOXING R. L. Allen Tells ARCADIA. Cal., April IUPI S111 urd11y in Los An1:1•h•• 111 :1n 'cu· .. "'IPS IN . LINE FOR OLY .. ~P His vo~n. Stand t~;~:a=.:. ~:"~·~\I~= ~~!·n~Y r;.':~:1•:it·~"·,1·1r ';;;;11.:~;:~~1 ~' 1'1 JCS le A.nlt1t, one runnini: all the W•Y cvnhn·net•_ II< i~TON, April IUPf-Ei&hl rihia. I JR.pound-Biii M 0 r g an. (Continuec' trom Pace 1) not get th fal I · h • fA-T1hdrtr' and the othrr 1tlvtng up. a wdl· Confl'rrini: with .r•·pri·s<'nf.1fl""' 11 .. w1r-cro" n1•d nnt1onal A. A. u. N•'"·•rk. :-.; J _, tNew York team); e se mpresston l at .._ .-Mltablishfod lead to finish <knd ot th1• Los Ani:••lt·s. Santu M11n1r11 I ho>1 1n1: 1•h11mpions. three of whom 1'-'f~·t••tuld-Tc•dcly F'it,ii>aldo, Cli•vn. this 18 a reform platform on which Rn. J. R. Hunt act. M Instructor for his ward, Ilene ..,_. CJ'llllO, I ~ I am ru i b d fl · 16, aft.er be removed her from ICbool at Macon, oa .. when .._ - la1t. 11,nrl Lon1: llo·ar h '111111c11 un'i "111 tw. hall lrmn )';1•w York. were In lkl& 1.tnd. 13;';-ptamd-John GonsulVC's, nn ng, ut 11 e nate bet· ,_--t from l1Dl claa becallle he had forbidden ber wearlns IJ9I A CT'Olt''d or 6023, brought out by ln •m th•· 1<14·111 ~r11ttJ1 ll.1r1 lf•·n· l•o<l.1~ 1111 '<hul" Ill l,...rths on the 1111~!.11111. c·a1 ; 1'17-pound £u1:c•ne l<'rnwnt one. Because o'! this I nm -· ..... lbe>rW. Be comklered t.bem lmm<>dest and llldeceD~ cle1tr warm wealht>r, saw Golden <l<'r<t•n, l'11mm:onc11 r , I •r Jin" :irrl l 'n1111I s1 .. 111·~ f II} mpic B ox Ing tin•1·011. Granrt Rapids._ Mich.; goini; to mention sp.ring vacation. Broom, 3 to 2 cholc<>, go on th« B•1k<'r, i.t:ill c·11rn111.1rnlt-r, I (.1rr) 11•:1111 11~1 t••lltll1 flaymond Bryan, NC'w The young JX'Opl(' of Southern Cal· * B • f G-1 t-*-B • f GI -t- hreak 10 yards from the wire 1111 At>hlun, :'\. nelml: ,,1111( 1•1111111111 II,>.· ""'k1ni.: ll1t·1r Way to IUCCC'llS \'1ll k; 17:'i·[l0Und·Grant RutChC'r , ifornta live from yC'ar to year with r1e ance a r1e aace a the ~CC'. 8 mi11• l'Vl'nt for l llat'"r)' Pl.-trhr r, \ir('-C'Om ni;111ckr:11n 1h1 1tm•l'·rln> doutin1t carnival Snn FranriSl'O; hl'U\')'Weight -the <'Xpcclations Of coming to the Bu1·1d1·ng Perm1·ts Today's M~ rkats paced"I. Jl<'Ctor-Mite. atron.: fa\'· lla rold llnll1. ,,..:.,.11r,.r, J . L 1h.11 ""u'''' 1111 ll1•furC' I'.l.45"1 fans c .. i. ~ \\'/Iliac<', Nrw York. hurl>or arc'.' for 11pring \'acatlon. .,.. orltt> In thC' fourth. 1:nt off in 8 M un.~on. ;>;, • h111r111:in of· Ad\•am·1o<l "' 1h1• ,1:11rd1·n lmH night, \he c: .. ri-:il\ ··~. 11 classy 1ittll' leather A: we know., many come poorly Andrew A. llru" n, Dalboa , ...... run aoon aflf•r Ow 1ta.r1 of the om· l:'r •• c1 ..... I >tx11n Srn11h ... h1urm.m c•f 1 • ..i1amp11on.;'1·ariwd lh<' right to....... c a1x:oronl•d, or comph•tt'ly unch ap-• .- Am T1·l &. Trl Canadian Padlo· Du[lOnt 150", 12~ ' I ( I I _. """'.,-who was dC'frndil'!g the eroned, a faWl, of course, whl•'h mil to 1.Jusld a ~aml'<i'ccilmi: o\c1 rnUe tr"°L I •011rc u ru rm ... •111n> and lm1 .1-1-I 1 w1p1111 .,, I II•· 11 ymp1r tryout...in 1-r11\\"11 hr won last year , was d<"-f I . ' ' the p;iuo at 144:.! l:: .. Central :t\'l· rl;===========::;;:::_:.s1~1a111 d 111lrman. 1.-N• J11nl'~: L. (' 1111· ~"'"'' rini.: in Junl.'. -'•r1 .. df\ i·otl•d the o tst d' --t ls hack upon thu r parents. Jt nuc. lfatboa. Estunatcd co~t Sl::.00 rrc;a n 1•nrrrrmnmr111 ttnunnrm. I W111I~!'"' \'<irk walkud"olt w _:,"111'-i;lffl'-in-~I*' IWF.!m:n1..1~g s becuusc of this that many un· W. llarme'!,_Eennit to C'nlaq;e 8TAJn111 TONIGHT "IU:LENTLr:88" (bi T~r) .... Adt'le J M'g'('n.~ In ...,_W-r-T...-.· 1 a_nc1 d••l•·i::atl'S. Hol•·rl I. l141)d and 111 .. 11 am hnnor~. California took .1111111,1 dforlh-ss styli', hC'n ou~ i~al~iftgs occur. the gru·ui;c: atlOOl w. ~ntrul ,,\. J <-• ''' i:e II :\lo•rryman. Jr "N111t1 11lat'•' "Ill\ two champion-lw•\• n .11111 \\'ind('r of Pleasant-... erl' ore. It would be my sug· rnUl'. El.11matl'd ctn.t $JOO. I . TtM.'2'<• m•;n will n::Vort n n<'" ,t.11,. l'hil:td• lphla. C leveland, and ,. . _ gt'stion that the property owners 1>1lotmi: cl!L'I.~ now unrle~ way here, I c ;r.ind fl;!forrl~. Mich .. took h0me 11111. ·'· J ., in lhc rmal round. of this lctr<'fl should be more cau-Yolnc•> Hay, Sr .. po..•mut to build L' 1· I" WI d lious in the1-r r t I h k ' a 'I-story, :l a•.,.,.,ml'nl builwn" with an cnr11llm1·n1 of Jtlirl"·lwo, 11111· tlth' t•iwh. • 111 "·)Par-o " n t•r. n knock · en a s-c ec cng ,,.... ' 0 1 g r 0 u d 1 at 514 E. 13ay 1-'ront. Balboa. i::~- 1 un 1td1·anr.·d p1lntm1: c"Ourl!l• n<'a r· ll.-r1· ar1· tlw champions: 1-U-0111 111·11~1. 1t was lhe first loss in P s, rccornmen a t ons anti 11matl·d C(l:;t S35.000. · ' nnnln to )ottncl-Fr1111k Sodano. , Phlladel. 3_. ,1r.ut1ht ( char<>ronage carr!i.1lly-thus chm-" ights. inating a great deal of, property Thomtcl> R. Ru11,•r, pcnrut tu -~magu as well as gmera l mis· builcl a l·:.tory, 3-ruom dwelling ;1drnnet'd irii(),.,. rl'w~rs of th .. l•xal S41'10dron arc• in.struct- tnJ: an 11 new cours<' 111.'ini.; 1:1v1•n at the junior ctJlh·i::''. 011d mnny pov.·~·r squadron members acll\'l' in harlior hoa 1tn1: circlC'S. , at lotl V111 Lido ;\;urtJ, Lido hll'. or. ' E t .,, $1 J 000 "This year many activities wcrl' s rmllll" cost ;.., · held In d1ffererit localiti<'s wi'tli Mary Brown, penrnl to build n Ry. HAL WOOD II•• ni-xt was 11rtvunt·ed to D<-nu-:l st r 7 d 11· the m11in purpose nf entertain-•• 0 J', ·room Wl• mg at J.16 SA.'I; Fll1\NCISC'O. APRIL 8-monl in thf' rlnss AA Texas l<'a· ment for fhe visitors. Th i 5 Is Short'Cliff road. J::st1mated co:.1 I L'l'I :'\olr to hasehaJI fa-· 1'n 1:ui• '''l1<1re hi!' ninrk w;i• .2'°A. 1'n-$17 000 .... "' something t ha t should be en· · · l'ortlu nd, l ire•. Nl'W York C1ty, rhu1mi:: fi vl.' circuit smash<'s. eight d 0 . G. Socss, permit to add two Ch • hi N . Y. And all way points: tripl1•s nnd :l•1 doubles. counigt• • as well os improi·ed up-bedroom!! and two haJ!-baths 111 amptons ~ Tht• m•xt fir~t hasl'man for the Bui tl:le :,!(r!j.n.•uh·'. 6 fool. one on. l.f it IS the dl'sirc: Of the com-1708 Park avenue, Balboa l slund. Se • ~· I< 11 ... _ 1~ \' mumfy ns a wholr to encouruge ""·· · nes for p 8 I nn N'S WI ·~-II :l'.l·yl'ar-otd :rnd um•.-half inch 1 ... r1-handed first this Eoster \.Veek frolic.Lwe should .:.3llmatcd COSl '5QOO. 1:111nt with lhl' unckri:round-sound-IMM 111an, apparc•ntly has hit his plan, with forcsi~ht, for their en-U. J. Masters, penmt to do ln- Gt•n1•rnl J\111tor.< G<>o<i~ enr KcmH.'COl l St•ari. So Cit £(11so11 S tandnrd Ori Us· Sl<'<'I 1751: 5612 4P6 !).1~ 36'\. 'Z1 63•., 74.,, O\' L'nil1'<I Prt•-. STOCKS h1gh1•r in qull'I trad- mJ:. RO:'\DSJrr,~i:;11l11rl~ lui:h4'r""':-------~ go\·ernmt·ntl> dicl not 1 rnde ClJRD ~tnck~ in·•·i::ularly hii.:hr r. SILVl::R unchans:l'<I m 1'. Y. at 71 ~c a finC' ·ouncr. \\llF.AT futurl·i. clo-:ed up 1 ~ to 37.,.r; COR:o-; up 31.,, to 5.,_c; OATS up '< to ir·~r HOGS and SHEET' active: CAT· 11..E sll'ady_ VOi = p ff F ... M .... pn I 'itttiftll,.,,...,....., __ i,1!!.n!.I>' ame or F'•·nton Mol •trnf,. i(! th<' Tr~-A PCL. tNtaln nt. tenor decorations and remod..t· TiuH pr(1!irtinn was made by In hiii first PCL Sl.'ries noafris""tr-=.,;F'5'I '''1F "'----...,r;=~-c.d..!.!li:!.!n.tL.!!at 309 £cl.:ewatl'r, Balboa. I "'·vi 1 . " " ve onths ago l join@ I (' "'···timnt -~c·o.~t $.3U<JIT.. -.:.....-~~tt-------------i---IL-_JL A 9 · oc• LI\' ne, Y<•ll'ran vory huntet Cn!'t'Y Steni.:c>l's Oakland Acorns. r .:... ... t'U coM ;JO a.m. nwelinit at the' Bal· or thr y nk tw b ,1 1 b po ice reserve with the following L. I I. Rollinson, rv>rma't to ndd I - ........... ..., 55 r. 55:. ·Lila CHOPS-== 59 :. -HmLLAS ~-.. ..:. 20c , t s s cc c e e coo o.e o o oqc e u e o us -· .. EXTRA SPECIAL. Bo1ll11s 59• RUMP ROASTS • •• , ... • 't •••••••-•••••••ll"t I 69r. s..lent <Jenl·l"M e··e·nn··caa···a·ea···e•·es ·r iiiiiiiiCitiCK 41 • .ltiCi~iOiSTS 3, :. HOiE Roam 41 :. Him .... --44:. DiSiif =~::::" 55 :. Every Item In Our M•rket UHCOHDrrlOHALLY GUARANTEED PLaAU NO'l'Z:-UlllNa ...... le • elilMce ..... au.' II -tllllll wtll Ille ... IMl week_. r. ..._ LO\\' ml' llOA.n' P&ICD ! ! I C. 0 . "PA'r' FLANAGAN lliit CoastMBat Co. llt1 N.,..._. ........... boa Yacht club ~xt .Sun .. -y m1'll a ('t'S u years aio. ut ,. I) •• ~rt the INIC'hl'rlll'S a"O'' things i 'od ·-·~ un .. th tad · j 1 ti h " " · n nu :-to 1>rt•sen1 tl"'l'illn .. at 3"" Mon-I ' :ire-A-t .. _ n-1'-~.Nn~·porl r e· ,. IS us !Olar ng lo 8 ow "1111 lull firlding display throui::h 1 Th pol d .. -"V '".__. '"" .... ,,.,... ~-th ( th I d "-vi b f e IC(' epartment was tnro .s1~t. Nou""'rt D-ach. L-~tl· I MERRY. I b• r orm u rnn C'..,., ne rand lh1• 1rst four 1:amcs -all the d ' ••• ·~.-°" ""' · c u • first charopiomhlp ra<.'l' h' 1 • E ,,__, un ermanned due to conditions out matl'<l eosl ... ,l:IV'. I serln wblch oet1 undl'rway off· "thb Im as AnOl w r . m., ... o Lou wh1lr helni:: an nil-American out or Cl . f llod kl ' I 2 ~ Bal.__ .. • C.rhrhc." nt thr platC'. 11l' I: nson s contro; ·I Ambel Caml•ron, pc'fe·t to add I """r •"'' .... po nobo<U GO ROUND ,..,.. pier al 1 :30 p.m. Mol ti I h !di down was anticipating running" for lht• bedroom at ~32 Jr1s nn'•n1 c~ I "",,v.:'l~E "J~.· .• ~'1"'Ak···Allllt~ At 1-·t thlrt-n entrl-can c curr<'n Y 11 0 ng nt11 In lhr S und a Y doublC'· c1·1 ·1 d d I ' •u•' ..,.. ~ • ' • • ~-'' •" r I ba r h p I nd y counc1 an ~y es re was rona d('I Mar. Est_imat-"' cost I Ar .. "'" .... , .. i...i fur -...... Alf....,..__.. a ftnr t .. _ •hak-... -·~ 1rs IC' or t e or t a S.-.vt'rs hradl'r on thrre sut'Cl'S.sivl' times t 1 1 d d d h '"' L'V """ •· ""''',. • ,,.. ''""""" I h p ctr· C o wa c l an un erstan t e prob-$300. ; I "'"""''" • A1,......i,· -In a light zeph)'T' which vlrtuaJly r" I he a tc oast Le~ race. a1 hat he smasht'd home runs in lems or this dC'partment. My con-' i.... " . """" •IM><Uft apollftl lhf> };aster re&•tt.a for n t e first ~even games of ~ thl' clutch to give the Beavers cluslons, after working with these PUBLIC NOTICE I "~~'4:"::,i'"i'!~~": ~ t'lfttpt t.he nttt·heelt'd season he c outed four homen a spht In the twin bill. men, are that we have -per man I ~":':tt oh!.~'';:"':11. an ft'a and drove In eight runs. His bat-Wht>n Mole was slnglt'd out by -one of the finest or trained and cu•T1F1c~;·EP~ auatNEH I """ nn 1 P\11 tt.ooe.-~ ·--•-ln ... _ tin& avera1c.-lln'l worth rnt'ntJa. D<'vlne -!or a Yankee contract ·he organlz.ed iJ'Ollpa. Their bl&&cst ir1cT1T1oua ir1"M NAMll: I Ol>Ot11)(1 '"' •I~- •-----UR' Eu!tt ll\&-4>Ut lhe Wa)'. the )'OW\ptjr looked lJke i bl& ma&a Of HW ob ' IW . .llL.. N.too.000:080 ~tta may Cll' ""'1 not lndlcate can swine that ftl.et> la a bt'autf. material to mo.t of the othe r ~ 'tC: f~w ':en~uct\ territority ... ~ ~=10~ cio!:uc~·b~ """"8 -.,._ - ':::: fCll' the comlns eerift. How-ful thin& to watch. eeouts. He was awkward, •tumbled w-·· s~ bUll.-at llll I ;t:",;i;.·~":._l.?'· 1 _ .. _.;._ thJs ia t~ way they fin-Molt' wu pfc.ked up off the aand-Oftr hl11· own feet when fleldJng U S T H ~f:1..=e Annue~~~t!'t 1' t.u~'!:·~-~....= INM'U. Iott at San• Leandro, Cal.. two ~ boll-but he was poetry In • • OWD aa California. under the· rtc:tt\lou. Hnr\ sow 8 ....., _ UDO [ ~ ~ ~ yean ago. He lpt>nt hi. first year motion at the pleto. That's what TOb f.1any Hou1e1 =::O~A~f~h:"~o\~~1:1d ~;:~~ ~~~~ £~~(;~ 1~':-r...:= 1t Ji' jii -t In proft'Uional baseball with NOT'· IOld Dr\'lne. •boee namu aad add~• are u fol· I hao.. b •• .. n P~ t -1 folk In the Plt'dmont learue. He 1lte veteran scout is ..v.rtaln PEQUAMING. Mich. (UP) low•. to·~gA BARRl"O I Im m u• Tbo-tt -il'VST -~ r. batted I --~ Pequa mlng is one town In the I LOWELL n ·R· .... ~l!...N I ...... ,,.....," I! a rcspc.-ctab e .211() l h a l that l\lole can hold down the ..,. ...... .,,v ..... hn• .... .....i -. " year. and hit ab: homen. 13 triples Initial llllck for the Yankees In United States that has an over-0,w~~~~ss 1~8. hand• lhl• 17th d111 I t'HK !'AL£ •baa .- and 20 doubles. ~ 1949 campaign-mayhe bt'fore. supply or housing. LOWELL BARRINGTON t ~;· .. ~~·~"~~';" ,0..,.~ • .; Revl.'rsing .the !llld story of "no ADA BARRINGTON I , .... lb•n ....... "'al ~al· . .. S'l'AT!: or CALIFORNIA. ) \aCancy that the house-hunter County of Or.nee ) .. I ur ll!IUally hears. onlu 10 of P""Ua· .1.!}8N !_H118 17tll day of March. A.. o , I !'"'"''an bnur wllll .. ' "'t 79 V"r' ore m B J 8 I h C 1'n;.t .rnu will ~ oU ming's 70 neat. frame .houses are Cieri. 1n &n!I e.for · Mid c~untfou~~ . I '"" >I ERRY G'l aouJ110 occupied. The others are begging State. perlk>nally •P~r Lowel Bar· I ' r r1n111on, known to me. to be lhe per· I or tenants. .on •hl'l&e l\alRe I• 1rub91·r11>ed to th" !IM>· This attractive town in MlctTt· wllllln ln.etrwnent, and ac1tnowled1ed ~ Newport H arbor high'$ i;urpr1s· down the Saints Do ill 1 1 • . 10 me that •he executed the Mme . wney " v s t gan s upper peninsula once was a I~ WITNESS WHEREOF 1 ·ha .. e pal ing baseball nine rt'Sled this week here next Thursday, but the Vlk-hustling lumber M'ttlement, built h~runto Mt my hand and a/rilled my p. o. nter INCO-POIATB> following their triumph over Ful· in&s src hardJ(" as well rl'gardcd ~y the F ord Motor Company for ~e~~}~:':alri:!'te ::ln&n!rft~fn. In tbl• 0 realton lerton Monday and prepart'CI 10 u the county·5<'ot lads. 1 ts automollill' manufacturing e. J . SMTTH >l>> • • ',. ··• .. •·• • ••'·' "'-lph n.............. I 11 k 't •• --.. --""'· County Cl•rk '•'••,.fl"• ···ri · t.•• • ~,, .• ", '* racl' the ordeal Of a clnsh 'l'o'ilh ldl n.a ._,_ 1""'-u 0 r C S era woae n .. ~. By H . M. ~Head Santa Ana there April 12. t' l,..,. Wrt'k also. But practlee When the supply of timber was (SEAL> will continue for his thin-clads exhaustt'd. the company moved PP~ub~~M~•~""~h~t8~.~2~S~. ~A.~p~rl~f'!_):_• _!8.~t84~8._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The.-Tars. behinrl tht\. thus-far h will - 1 11 f "" w o enter lhc Sunset t.Aacue out leaving a skeleton community <Political Advl'r tlsemenu IPoliucal Adv<'f'ti!l<'mMlt) !I l'r ng arm o rrank l!omllton. mttt preliminaries and finals.~' or 40 people where there were for · fff.~~=======~~~==~~~~~~~~§§~:='i will look like surl'·fire <'ontenders TU d d F' id t'I llY an r ay. respectiv . merly 4()0. tO S torm " % l % 30 Sime ... --+--..;i -..S. 29 Erick.Ion 2 5 · 7 12 Spang~r 9 3 12 19 Wilkinson 4 9 13 65 Wiison 6 8 14 10 Sueu 6 6 14 .(5 S hlplt>y 10 7 l'1 37 Wheeler 5 13 18 7'2 Hic&ins 7 11 18 M N1edrckrr 12 10 22 28 Campbell 11 •12 23 ~ • Caward dnr 13 ' 4 17, BASEBALL, TRACK TEAMS IDLE ' -BUT WARY OF WEEK'S BIG ~TS _fo_r_th_e_l_e_a_gu_e_c_r_o_"_'Tl_if_._th_<'_:Y~c-a_n __ to::.....:co:.::.:.:m_:pe~te for the 1948 tltll:'. i Thi:' entire town. which Includes • --~--;-- the Ocean F'ront Ho~ ~ an l'XCellent schoolhouse a nd mill. "There is no Sub:stitute lor Experience" Future Farmers From Higf:t School In Davis Contest PuaL1c NpT1cE Thr Ne"'J>Ort Harbor H I g tf ______ ..!,__.::..:::_ __ _ The Cir11t public hearlnit upon still is O"~cd by Ford. who. pco- thls applicatinn will hr helct Thurs plr !Ill)', "111 !It'll to anyo~e pre· April Vi 194R nl 7•30 i h · parl'd to lake over thr entire set-'!r<j1Mt Future'+1'fhners of America NOTICE OF P UBLIC llf::ARl~O c-h11p1t•r will rntl'r tram11 In thr Thr Newport R1•11ch f'lly Plan· dmry cnttle. lavrstock. flOUltry and nlntot C'omml11-cic'IO will hold two ni.:ron1>my di1·i11iorui In judging Puhllc Hearlngii llf)(ln t hC' Appli- competlt111n 1-·rictar, April !ti. rntion of C'. I-' R1•x ll• chs for 3 "h1eh i11 a port ur 1hr :nth an· rhnn11c of i:onr rlal1~1rirnllon from n111tl ('111 Ai:i:ie Pi<'nlc-Ony follow· R-2 to R-3 for Lot .5, nlocl< 2:1, ing ~ny on the Ulliwrslty of Cali· Nrwport Tknch, 01 herwis<• known fomlh Cnllf'lt" or ,\gnr111t11re ram· M ::!~ W Orrnn F ront. Nrwport flt.111 Al Oa\'ill Rearh. C11lirnrnl.1, for th1· purpo!'• Councll. Ch~rnher, .t~i1y ~·1r::i1. ~;w~ 'tl<'mrnt. Re-Elect··· porl Il<-n<'h. C-11 hfornla. By orda o( thr Chairman of the Nl'wport Rrad1 f"ity Pinn· nlng Comm1s~ll•n. WALTER M. LONdMoon. PHILMER .I. 1-:LLF.RBlWEK. I Serrel11r};: . Th•· r-111111·,ts 'nn• arr11n1;C'd each 11r h11lldini: 11 111.11n11 :i1lrh1 ion 10 Y«'Ar h~ 1111~ !it11dt'nl~ 11nrl fl\<'llllY of t lw I )Ii\ 111 ,•ump\1$. l 'ia•~•'s ha1·;. 1-.«-1 i-r1 .up in ai.:r11111•111)'. tr .. 1•11, <if1'l cattle. JJOuJJrr. ll\·cstock. fnrm mJ1<:hm1•rr., d11d d111ry pro- rlurt!I. F:n11•rl'Cl th1~ '1•11.r are " to't~ of 1~1 11·11ms fr;1m ·l !'l hlgh itrh<IOls thrn11i:hou1 tlw iilalc'. Pub.-Aµril I'. R. l!llR •BOWLING 18 A 8PO&T YOU'LL ltNIOY: A U'OaT 'l'BAT llSl.l'8 IUZI' YOU IN 0000 P111'8'UAL CON- DITION. Mesa Recreation 1111 N...,.,.n llU..t. coeTA llE8A ... ........... ". Pia~. ~J.i!w WillOWick P-tiblic Course 0a Weet 5th St. ~ Mlle tr.t of Barbor Boule\-ard Phon~ Santa Ana 1263 I Standard 18-Hole Course -6100 Y erds -Per 71 ~NLY 'l"WE.m imron:a Duvs nlOM 8ALBOA--e AS .SOCIATED The Original Marine Dock Htlt & &., ,.._, Gasoline •• Die.el Fuel •• Oil Fishing Supplies The All in One Stop Way BATES & SON Herbo~ 481 ~I <',..,,... • utlll "Sl 'Rl'l('RIBE-OOS'T BORROW IDAllO eJ'fY. ld:i tUP l-Being nrighhorly hns llll hnd polnti;, too, accorrlini:: to 1111' Idaho Moun- t ainel'r. week Ir POP<'r. THE MOVIE BARN 868 8o. Coaat Blvd. LAGlNA REACH • OlcJ Time Movies TuMd&J Throup 8UDCl&J CIOllt'd Mond•JS • "In the Navy"· \\'ALI.ACT. Bl'ZJll' RA\"MO~m RA1TON A l.o MARV ASTOR 0 1.C\'N BUNTE& In . "Second Fiddle" Plu' a LOt'ISE F AZt:S'DA f'O~ll\' ..\d1llb 4.(e -Clllldren t!c FRANK L .. RINEHART CITY CLERK Hf're ~ onf' C'lty official "·ho ~tf'ntl~· f!f'n·~ tht> public at all tlme!'!>-\\'hOM' m~ and ttrorm att ahnn1' up to the minute and aJ"·ays a\·allabl.;:_".hOS«" yn"n of Mn iee ha \·e pro\ided the expert exJ)trif.ntt ~ !WU')' in sum an important J>O"t-"·h~ "imncn.. t.o furnish.._ da~a day In and out k att~~ by aUol"Df')"!I, newspapermc-n and property holdf'r.i. Governor Warren recently signed a hill . now a law. enabling electe8 officers who have reached the retire- m~t limit. to serve their entire terms. This law applies onl y to elect!ve officials and not to appointive ones. Your vote will 'eep experienc"ecJ ollicials on the job! Electioa Tuesday, April 13, 1948 I Th'-" adnrti'W~f pabUshM by friends of ~r. Rhlellut lOI ANCHllt lfOllYWOOO lOHG IUCM LESTER & Co. tNVfftMlNT steuemn TO MUT TMI INVUTOtS' NltDS '6SA0fNA ~ONA 11\IU SIOf UNTA ANA \ANIA IOONltA ,\frml.,.-Lns A1t1,lr1 Stodt bth-1• 516 Eut Cmtnl Aft., IWboe Barbor 2061 I t ( I ( ( 1