HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-09 - Newport Balboa News Times-, 1· A II C ONLY 0 A IL Y w• ------------------------------~i ~ IN Ollt ANG E C 0 AST ' S LA R 0 EST CITY 1 N E WSPA'9ER BALBOA IMES Toda)0•11 11 A.II.. P .& T. Oow IOllfle A ''"f'11P9 _,_., ... . --·-.. -· .. . t u o1ft ,._' l ,,1 t ._ 1( ... 1 .. 1 tal1t. ..... \ ''"""' 1'7'• 11; 111 • .... 41~ "'"' 1.17.: 1111 n t ~· .... -......... _, Field of 7 Waging LaJe Bout n1•· ,. .. 11111·111 ""' hoH1·11 1odlly aa r11111pal1;11 111/lrlf•l.."'l'll MM c•ndl· EMIRACIHG IALIOA PENINSU§A, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS , B~LB9A ISLAND, 21 CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA ~1;:'.;;~ • .1,"1111";:··:;11:.1•1,':":~f"it.t':J~': nv .. ('eat• ,..r fopy ~-.~WPORT Rt:AC'll, ('AU f'ORN IA. f'IUDAY, AJ"klL II. 111 111 , ..... "' ,.,__ A.-~·-·~ l ~··,.ar.a ta 1lrn1· 1111 '''"'' 'lltC' '""' romn VOLl.-.Z :U. ======= ... ========--=======-=----=================='""'==:r:o===="""--=------===-'=====;;;;;..;===--=========..:;;"'"''""'"..__.~-~=:::...-----------------f\t" .. ''"' "h••n 1111 •·x1~1f'd n'COl'd PAC~ ADMIRAl TELLSBalboans, ,City Boosters Grow Tense HOW SUBMARINES T.O ~~, .Central Avenue f_rotes~~" Loom GRAND JURY MAY WAR ON BOOKMAKING 1011• lwn• "Ill 1S.•1t•nT1lnC": I I 1i11 .. 1· of fl\'" l'<lfllt'lllln1 et1n· tthl111 .... 1 .. r di) NMllWll. lncllMtinc u.o1 .. •1 I 111 .. i.1 •Alll'n. l )lrk Ontkl'. 11,,., 1 :n-.•11 1. It I. Allt'f\, and I 1'1 "'" K 111;11. : 1 '"" rH' 1'11•1 k from n flc-lcl ••I '" "· 1111'11u l111..: lm~uml111nl. •"l"llnk 1,,..., ,,,,1 11_, ,\plll ,, •\'l'I Hml'lln\t.nn•I l"l1111lo•• K Prk'at t l , 1111, lo.I 11111 1,11 , ltt(lll) 'I \\ ho•I lh't 11t nnl l•l"OIJl•ltlon ,111," ..... 1., ,, ..,,110 •• ,,, nh•"'' '""'· "hl•1t1 "1~Jl•I '•·vy a tax ol 15 SIOtWllK •T (U!lll THfflt UAlf It TH ll IC •TH ff IC •1 Cllll FIRE GUIDED · MISSILES f ....... t ... "··--r ···OO .. ···-i--····lll··T······ ... •t I ' h ,, ,, ,,.111,1 )1olp 111 11 ,1.,1,. iinr ''""' "" 1•111·h $11111 ol all~ " '""'"""'""'.: I '""l"'n1· 111 lh1• I'll)' nf N1·w1iort , 11.·111·lt ,,,,. 11,,. '"" '""'" or Jlftrk 11nd • '"'' I "1' '""" It•·•• h I• l.>1111 l .. ·1u11 m 1lll•h •1rnn1•1'. "Ill hc'<'ftnW "'.,., ''"'·\ lh •• t th· ,., ·•lht J\U' "ai. I "' •••tl11uuh~•· • • l.1111· 1111"1111 '''"" ''11 11-~111••1• l'lw • 111111• 11~·t1ini.: v"hli•h t hua B> nlAS"K H. BAR'MtOLOMEW t..:n it<'d Pn·ss StuH Cun·l'~pondrnt :~ ... tit 1111 " '' 11· '·'"' 11 h ul "" "" f111 111 .. '"'''" 1111111.-1 ""'holt~ 11~ 111otl11" 1•'""' r "' 111<\h '""'"'" I ", "'"'· I• •·1111•r1tlni: In 11 lut -m in · ll"L'1lL HA&BOS. April 9.-(t:P)-Aml'rlc-an 11ubmart.-. a re t•P· ...,. el *-''ftopnwtll a1oac enlln'l!\·'nf'w llnH .,. Wf'apom of "·a rfH't'. A.._.raJ D .• C'. .._.,. t.W thr l"nltl"d l'l'f'M tod11~-. 11 I I l'lt!lo.· I"'""' <'nmmi.'111~,,...,_. ... 1 .. 11 10 "'oo U\n llolerll."...-...._ ____ .,.. II 11 o·ld I' ll•il• I"''",,,,.,, h· lt•hl thntu:h httlo• 1~ hf-Ina Mltl nn ~ti 1•1n ·• 1•1" 1lt.11 11 "1• 111• ,,., .... 111 1111hh1· n1c~·tlf\RS, l he de- ,..,,. -~ may -bf' f'D\'lll&Ced .,. a noetln« platfonn for ~ .._,.,... nipAMc>. R.amw)· &aid, of f'fff>C'tinK a 11Uent undfor-i .. ·a .,..._.1a ao -_...>" .--.Wiw aan4lf'r ""'·eor of nlc ht. THIS ('ROSM·SEC'Tl():S MHO\\'s C't::STRAI, A\'.t~:S •T. IPRO\'T.MDT f'ten.tt:c T ·-1m•1"~ .. , .-th f'fttrl-r. " .... ..,.-.,,.,.J .... "'""" nll'nfa l i;tr~t tic-h t•. l1''0 lallf'9 t or traffl<-and a :~fool 1-dlM'apecl ettt~r l"'rl{lnJol, to 1•1nf "" .-lhna l rJ ~'!l\~t.I .... l',...p .-.od . ..t-.. I• ._,1,111111 1 .. I·~ •I • '""' 1 .. • "'"' ,.,. llw "'"" 1111• t1tkl'fl to tlw 11dvrrtla1Jw 1 "'• t1 .. "' d· t t .. u uuu.,: h ·I·· '"'a.!''' ur '"'' c'lty'11 Joumal• In an 1•lu•11• ""' 1. Ir ~·111111 .,.,' '" ''' '"' ,.ftort "' r1wh 1u·inl"lpnl to ~f\ne 1• • 1. •I l•••l..111 •k• 1 • 11 , •1tl1I 1111' hi" "•lnml". • II t"Oald t lwn 111Urf!M'i" •nd bom bard lnlabd tarcf'b (and m lu Ue ra-c"' a" roll!'ot-Jly IJIC'~..fni:l "1th llw buu. bomh or It.a .. 1111 D'ION' ,... .. rf.a ,..,.. '"'°* ~r. thl" \" -'!, dll"N'I~ In lltl(ht by tM nl1eh t "' -'n« eo~·e of radar. In M'"""r lru.t11Uallon. t'alf' of pl.an han"" In hallinM". • ,.,.,,.,_,,,., .. 11 ,. If "·'' ,, •• pttH•~ 1•r•"tth1t h"''' on tll•' •JiUlc._.1tlw are A.,,, • .., •I "". '""' "·" "' ,,, ""'I I ' I n .... 11rf1u··· lhr I"'" Ill , .. i\' ., I•'". r• 1 ... ,.., ,,, tine\ hWIA)'. ·An ""°" b)' THE _SAND II T hi· h1t~k>" hronzl'd Arizona11 1 I who C<imm:ind~ Aml·rica's naval I s1n·n~1h 1n 1hr Pacific was 11sk1•d fur an 01»nion on rcpor1s that i;uh· m;1nnrs, pr1,sum11hly Russian. hud IK•en ~i~hlt'd with incr<'asini:: fre· (IUf•nl')' Orf lht' ('ClilSlS o ( California, Alai.kn, und Hawaii. II<' rl'fused to CHINA COVE BACKWASH -- --- West . Newporters Drop Pre-Election Fight Against Matching Land 'Swap' af1t•rn1••n "I'll)'''"""""''" 1111.i t<•.111\\11~ .. 1th 1o1 .... k "'"Ill .. r.1.. \\ '"" '"••\, l"\Hll"" for 1;." lho· ,... ..... :111111 ... In llftffifll1• publlo lrl4.1'''"'''"" 111 .• 'J,.'t'&hl 1•h;•1uh··r .. , 10 111:1kt· nn .-\' ,. ''''•••th &-·'' •· I ,, t \\ ... • • u, •, .,,..,.. ·~~•unu.-."'""· •tit•'""'"' •Wl ,h_• .,., • .,_.tlnn 1\w.s&y comm.·rl"t <'<•mnulti-.· \\4•11•h, •I tit• "" 111 1 .. r lh1· 111111• \• 11t1t. nl lh• "' ,, •tll• lttoll• 11 al lo•11i:lh 111• an11I l••ll rtut 11" 1""'1•14• lnll'NI~ ,_. 111 '''"'"I 111 h r1111nl n l[UMlf flt leut pl~-'11 tll•· .. .,( '<1·1111111: 11"" 11 11 I''" ""' ~ "' lr.of,f w I" 1• •111t. ti ""' 1h.11 th•• 1-.on1mi1o fCllied $.'\4'l,1-•1 ""'"'' 1m11r"'' 1111·1ll 1~.i llr1J_nn· lh• """ft""._. In lh• •11111 ._._,, ;.,, .. 1.,11 ... , ·•U•4' .. r(1u1l1t'fl fur Jlltltll<'allnn ' . .,.._ -I fr"J""' fn1 < '1•1111 "' ,,,, """ •'II 1\,11 • 1•111. r -.1111• "1111 '"'' ''"'' 111 11r•'f' , t 111u 111 1·.,11111111111 1111111)' l lnll'll 1k»1 pronln•uln l "11lton r .. , 1·•·•111111~ "'"' l11tllW1tl• "'' ........ 1'11Ufll) 11,_ •nd IOml'· Priest, Candidate --.-1-....:.-1-r-~--fLIHHf--tl-~s~;;<':..:1~f)~'..,,,;,th::.l'::,,. arr:u; in which they a 1t•cn tgtm>d. Wiih lnrm1'rs of th<' ~'<'SI N1•\\ • 1 cn11nr1I 10 tnkl· !<imilnr actlou · Ttw-prl''\•'"1 ''<litrfaf,. f11r mi j '"I! :uttl ''' 1"'''11k 11"' i:l11r" "'I '111"' ''' '' 14 l>e')tlfld llw! J..ttldk· F Cl k T II 10rflllmmm ri111: :15Q-4'~ L ~crc. Llh'1• ~ wan( lo gay, land.lr11pm1,; or II ·~·111 .. r llJ\lkm..: •• 11.1 '"'"•II "'"·""""'"' Jii.:hlln.: u· Se . porl Rf'11rh h npnl\'1•mrnt 115Sot'IU· 11h,,ul lnn'1 nn B11llw11 bland, .,.O\'t'ITl"nt,, "lll<'h 1no·h11lo• llll''ln1:. "";'""""" 1r1tf1 ,,. 11<•11 1of Iii• ullnl nt'Y li!r'hf'ral. or er f e 8 By .8 AM Nt;l\. BLOOD. Standing amidst a crow d or several hundred cittzens at the China CO\ie bearing in the City HaJL was mDdty 'Shocked to discover how few people one knew ft!tet' being out or the cente-r qi things for a year or so and how young a nd well dres...ro they all wc:ore. Whal impn'!'-.<;('(} me most was the ea~ with which the youngsters pre- sented their r"l'SJ)e('tive sides -Wallace Burton and Ral1>h Hoyle. Jr .. for the CoCOl'li:l <kl ~tar advocates :rnrl Vol- IX'Y Hay. Jr_ anrl Monte Grin1<'S for the Balboa Im· prowment Assn. Of course old wheel horses lik<' J . B. Mc~ally. Ed Alim. B. Z. Mc- KinJ'l('y, Mr. McElroy, etc. ably presented their vi('WS. but the poise and ability of the younger group could not be beaten. • • • PM-kf'd In. That need for a larger council chamber was appa1"ent. came when it was found that most or the folks had to stand And thnt the doon,~r· ancl hall was pack- ed "ith prople unahll' to gC't in. 11)(' affi\\'er or course will lJt' in thc:o ne'r. Citv Hall. HC'atro a11--umC'nts ·flashed oo<'k and fm1 h ancl it was not unt ii Councilmnn Boh A llt'n su~~h'ri a !'olulion on tht• l'~1.'h:111i.;e of property anrl t hat it lie• indud1'<\ in th r cuunl \ ·s :\la.-.Tl'f I 'Ian. rlid pt•.1c,~ and 1·11nmw111:-; of "goocl'." "good'." tu;n~ ;in aliatcmcn.J of tlw disp11tl1• It would he mu:-:t <'<lifying if on~· m ort" c 11izcn:-"ould t;1kt' an intl'f'C•::.t in ofh<'r council pnx'('(>(lings. and not leave tt to a handiul of lazy SJ)<'Ctators, to no1i~ the city fathers in thC'ir difficult de- liberations. • • • \"ot.r for &suer . Presidl-nt Ra1Ph Maskcy presentl'd the propoAAI on the baijpt-in next Tuesday's c:olection. to a C. ol C. meeting Wednesday, •·herPin. he explairicd how the 15-cent t;O: would be ap- Portioned. Tm rents ~oes for park.c;. somC' of which are beautiful and othC'l'l' are not : fh·e N'nts i.' for r'{'(:l"('Cllinnal playground-.. clc::tn bei\ch<'S and U.<;(' of 't'hot'll ground" in C'OOp('rntion "i th schools of- ficiak A tn1·il nf ;ihoul S:~5 .. ()()() \Ull l'I(' :wa 11.'lbw against $6.500 now tL<;('(i a n<I who II y inadequate for c1Ur c1'.-p:1nd- lng <ity. This is a P1"0fJO:o'i· tion in which the wom<>n a nd thE'ir organizations should · (Continued on Pap 4 ) "\\\• naturally im·cstigal<' aJI sUl'h r o:pur1s care fully," Ramsey 11111'1. "An) nation has I\ n gh t to 11po:ral1· any wssels lo any sea, as far as \\ 1• 11re t'On ccrnro. provided they Slit~ outside· the hRul of our terntorial waters. ke<·rrout of re· Slrictcd ;m•as and lake no bcllig· l'rt'nt action. "\\'r ha\'C no cause to complain of the frl't•dom of alJ countrica to operate their 11ubmarlna in Jle•Cf· lime where \My plHK outllde our own areas.' Saba Trah11q Th<'re 111 an indication that lhr subm111'inC'l! off P earl Hivbor arl' 01ll'r11ting on 1r11in111g cruiS<•s and nVwr missions now in Rll parls ol the, Paci fie. alchou~h· lhe adm1rj1I do..!; nol M)' so. Th•• rm1t11-.1rntdMI rockl'I anrl thl' ~ulorr111r1nt· nre 11 ll'lhul cnmh1na· 1111n from t'' l'ry s1an,dpu1n1. H:im- ~··~ l'!lld TI1C'rl' ti; nv rl'cml 10 1 ht• lmni;: of 11 i.iuidt''1 m1~~"" an'1 11 !>-llbn111nn,• <'Ould IX' a suttablc l11u11<'h1ni: platform. lhr callrnc Q( 11 'cc•nrral m<'f'tlni.:. rhn\l~h lh11I l nm in favor 'lU,.or:n"m1•1U.tL1Ji;htm.; a nd r1o1tt...M!'..[a11!:!.!..~· '" 1\1,nrnl\"1 '': Sa 18 nt1menta t\\n dP''<'lf•rm,.n1-1 orrurrNI lclrl<•) C'l11na ,.,,,.,. II 11111i;t ltt• w orked l"l'Pl11r<•mrn1 11< f\'11 i.•'"•·r 1•1111111tn.: ,1r ... 1 ~t1'811-.i'll~e~rr--t.,.nft!r----ir==-=::..::..::.:::==:.::.:::.:=-------..J f'irst. talk of 11 pn•-rt .. i·•u•n 11u1" pUnl• 1111111.: 1111 rout•• fl<1111 ~k· til 11..,,11 ..... t""' .,..,.., ... l'um11inic ()ro • Ca '1l'H· onl)• ICJ1u•· In I~ ~\Rt mN•tini;: l(l opµc111 .. !hi' China ('11\•· C1111nrllman Vi'lll'r L. llbell. t add<-11 Pin•··· '" II ~·" i•I I< <Ir:.\\. "'''"'' 110•1 , ... , '*''" m11111' .-.1th ,..,_I wn1ng use r .. r rll> ..,,., k la '™' flU....lkln ol stall' rark. so f11r /IS II (tr<•l"'"''d \\'ho !'(:ink•• al MundnY-11 mc .. ·tlng in tnc 1111 innNhn .. lf'ly hl.;h pf"IHl'i.I llt~l:oll •• 1""' ''"' ,,..,,"'' !ti<• .. ,. ... or R It ' De th """ I· lt""'ll '" dti " Joh th•t .... .. ._.,.,:II•" nf \\'riot l'\l'\\'J)Orl )w':tdl fa\nr nf dl'l;,y until n full. an • from IJl'fll•'rt) own1•r" tn 1(1.iT ''f'(' 11111 l·u "hwh malt'rinl t:o•Ultl not 1 ea Of' ft 1;111 l1• l1<· 111111<•.'' (' t( l'rh•11t. I .... shor.•li111• t~ t•nn1·1·rn1-d, 1111hi;irlt•d 11011ricr'd hr11rlni;: hy Wrl!I Newport lion. 1"' "''"111 '"' "h•·n "'"' k "'r" ll<•n .. 1 JW'ru1c•nt l"Htl'tldnlt•, -.Id In • U.... "Thr lll'!'()('illlton·., plenJ:," c. R. lw:wh r•'!\ldrnt!t, i;alil hr. too, A h••1tr1n1; 1 .. •rnr1• tit•· r lly t'ClUn· un•I• r tlw "'"'' r ""'"' m.;nl " Atqlh)11111hnt\ h) 1tr11wnln1t w• nw111 tnclA)' PN1rh, l••mporllr ) oq:ani:wtion unl1l'r,..1ond 111111 Councilman IJ. Monda} ts ''"1""'1•'11 '" h1w1· o "'''"''' o t p·nr·11 11i:n I'",. HUl•lf"'Y ~11ri:•-.1n· .. V••f""dlc"I In ltw "ll111lf'r th<• elvll ~ ..._ c:hn1rman. nnd Mrs. llenry, Carn'}'. lc•n's position wwi to gt\'<' lhem a \') pr.011•111 \'toll' and Ii 1 .. f.,r Tt\f' lntrol C'<llll Clf •r11.>ro1urnatrly 1\1-"lh "' ''"'11' C ~nlffln, prol'I\• ll~·." tW't aakt ... ,._)' t.-.,. tW temporary organization ll<'Crt't&r)', full hC'aring befor<' •ctlon. , n:-awn th111 lht• mc.Ptln.: lhll $.'\ .. 1,1100 Is nllmat«'d t o he abuu\ llW'tll ~ rt'•llar. fout'd ... -rar .. ..,...,"' ....... said, "l'f'm&in wholly non-political. "I hope," Coundlman '-beJJ wu held. !'IO' IJf'r ~nt "'°" th ... It ••Nii_11i,,..ii'11ii11111iill Many or our mem bC'n and pros· l!llid, "that Boh Allc>O "111 ~ ~ ,.,.. ... *" J>('CUVe members. hOW('\'l'r, w nul<f cJl'cl"l'd, 8$ J ff'f'I llUTl' h c will H r t~I•. Ill II '""'t•r f1~ure. ls nOI ~. r '"" ... ... likr full eXplt1n1tllon before 11ny I~ 110 1thll' man and 8 source ot Oeilig owrlnok1-d l'm1•111,..n111 .. r ~· 11r' Arlu:•I coru.rnll'flon 111 Ilk "'"'rr •till,. roHrmf>llrt« tn l u IJdCf' •" artlw .,..,.. In the cun- acilCln is tnkC'n. affrclin.I( IW':irh •in i;1 rt'nJ:lh lo councllmPn from a ll I I he 1mrrm·nn<'1tl 11lan ft'f!I tht•y ..,.,,. 1h1l•"I '" , ,.11;1 t In ~ptMnhrr ' t1ottnt • ._, hrt .. nwlnlC to M. D. f'llltrJ'14N. 1hi11 arf"a, in !hr h<'R<'h i:wnp plan." rt11<1rirtll." may h11\'<• 1t1 ulmr11l11n ~·rn•· 1••r 1 11tul t~· '''"'f•l•·lt-,I •l11rtni: th•• win ~I· "JU I. 1:71~1 ~"n•h•1r•· flrlvr, 111 "I hrw" 1"4-tW°"' ~ Cft 11Q' Sf'('Onrt, Coun cilman n 0 ht' r I llo rll councilmrn prl'd\rt ('d lhs.1 1lon11 or lho 11v1•r11ll prnJ•'rl fll I/to I• I •• , 1'11'1 Tio· .. '"''' "'"~"'""""Ill ""'"" ''""'' lo• "'" ff c111 ... 1 'fno'flol' 111111 lh•-"ho .,. "'°"' t R.ih I Alll'n. who ls R strong ran-nu 111·110n on lhl' ll<'ach 41wap fur I lasi '""'111' 111 "' '1' r 10' '''J<I• "•11 )"' 1• 1 ''"' tn 1111 •prmi: "' A '''") • 111 r1•'<I P ·lllf'rcltt)' lty f t~t•'1 r"t1r·d 1;• "'1"'111~_,1 "1'' Jnt1 1 wwU rl1rtnll' for r•'l'lt'clion in Tul'lld m ':. Ch m11 Co\'f' w ould h<' lakcn at th• ilown pr"1"1' '" 1\ , .. ,1111 """'' 1''1'' 11" 1'''·" '111"11111 "' lh• 111. "'"' r1111•• 1 .. k,.n frn11111 """I'""'' '11111 11 1 ''' 1""11 <'II ,..... · h 1 I • 1 1 1 , 11 11 1 1 1:1111111. "''"' h I• c·u"'"'" ly tw-lns t'l1•('1lnn s11id lhnt llny f<'<'ling 1h11t <'t'IUnf'tl's prl'·l'kcllon me ct In i: 1 t> ct~ l'hn "'''""' ·• 111;owli11" 1.. '''' "111' '11 "''' 1'" '' " l'·•t• 1" • •• • ,,, • 1' I•" "t t '"'' 11" 1~ " , hr WI\~ In favor (lf nny a<'linn of-Monday. r•r<K'l't'f1 1111111• """ •I•, k h •n•I .. ,, th• .SI•·",., 1 1 .. ;,., ''"''"1111'''1 '° "" 111>' 11111111r1r,.lk'JIW ' j I It 1 1 1 1 II 11 ' I '1111ul "'""' "'' trt•or1I (eclrng \\'t•i:! Nrwflt'lrl l:k111·h. A('lualh. •11.. pr. .. , 111 pl 111 ,, 1 t' "" I• '1' '" " " "' 1,,,, 1 .. •" 111·•l1f11 •I 1., """" 111 "''i1hou1 a full lwllrrn~ annoum·o·d~W De t. R 1hi1: '' ""1' "1 "111 , ... '" '· ... :•. ''' "" ,, 1 .. 11111• ,,,, 1., .. 11f-1,1 r 1 '"l'lw '"l'l'"r1 11"'1 '""' """"' to ar P eversesJ I I fl. I 11 /1 I 1'' 111111 '>' rtll' tlfw11·1 1111•••' 111111•11nl N"1dllloftl in nd\·anc1•, rind opportunl~· for -· _ 111 In~11tll II•\\ 111111, 1111<1,,.11!1•1 '·""" "'"' '»~ "t ,.. 1~•>-"1" '"''''"" • h"" llf><•n """l•ri~lnJC In 11111 llJ)Cln· \\'1•sr N"wflOrt Rcnrh rc-stdl'nt.s 10 ff ho C-0 •tte ,(dewnlks fr,,111 :\kFHl11li>n f'lr.N" ,.,,,,. ''1'?"11 '"111' '·'''" "'' 1 11 lr•n ''·"I• "'"' .S111ll1n Wl't,. 111, • r . . • . •. ar r mm1 .0 I I \1 ,1r , ... r1 .. •I "''" 1111• t'·"~ 111 ... , l11nlt'I) 111111 II• 111111111lly. In .... h< ull~ lwnrd v.ai; h.1s<'d on tolall c rnsl \0 A l\11r:ul11 .. 111•1 ' ''" IN'fl• • . • ,.,,, '"" '""'',,,.I Ill II l'rtfc• HI 1111 11 I 1'1111 Hiii) 11n11n1 .... lh"I r --''I ·h · .. Fl R 1. . . ,. I •• 111 rh .. m· ..... > , .. , '"· "'" ffil!lllpprt <'n!'IOn, oat u 1ng -lrl1tn Jo:l'r\11'1• ;, .. \\t•ll •I' l"r 1tr" ''"'1••11 1l11111u• II" 1111 .. 1114•>11 11nft ti" 111,• I"""' I" ll••M•N•• thr t-•-' n ( d t d (• ii AJI •'d "I ""' 1tt .t p tu)• It\ "\\)1• \\tfl• u ,, 1u.a 11rn~··r r1• usr o !:""' riny acn ounc man " 1•n 1i.t1 • m1•n ·· l('Ctum lnr lidilllll! ,1 .. 111,,11 ,1~ ' , ,,,111111. I•·•\,, 1~ ,.11111,. 11,,,.,,,.111 ,.11 111111 11., .... ,,,1,,nl• ,,f llw Harbor l•ll n n v v rock<'I 1x lf'r 1~ h· 1·1 d 1 l t M d · t I ' • ~11•1 1•''''"1"' 111 "'''' 1• 111~••11 · -' · I 1m"n"' · :-it(' n Ill' nn ny ii mf'f' -A harbor commiltl'1' '1l'Clt1l()O '" I:/) N11rr1i\• flw •'•'"'' 1 •l rtp 111 ,1 111 111 1 1 111•1 '"" •r.k•" !" tlw """' whrro· ""'II 1111• 1h~plh)ln11 In lllf'" "lluW••\'f'r/' hi'.' sold, "Thi' \'-~ was u1i.:. whl'n ii l'l'<'mrd I hat a can,11~ prr\'rnt 8aloo11 r u\'lhon OJJ('rl\tor' n tolal v.1t11h "' :.•11 I• ••I ln•t.111 I I• r 111•;• ' ••I ," ,·" )• "' 111 .. ""''"' '" 1 .. •I .S111flm •t11)·Nl.11n1t ll('sni: f1n•d up to '175 mil<'~ h) 1h1· ha<! Rlr('ady hl•t•n mrHlr, that if lh•· frnm ml!lalling n•plilCl'ml·nt drx:k• i·urhR ,,n i. .. ii. ,.,.1,.~ ,,1 1111., ~•r•t•. 1• "'" '1 111 1 1 1' '11r1' '" " ,, .. , .. , r•I ,,,.,, ,f,11111. 1 ... 1n•I 1111111 ,,,,. ,.,., .. Say GrQUPS l•n t1m1• World Wrrr 1J c-ndl'rt b.ll!ll W<'st !'\cW("IOrl JleOl l f v l ti • 111'111' 1 11' '' '"" ''""'1> "11 1"1 I 11 • ' -· 1 <' a. orrc w 11nd floall! 11s far oul In the ha' 11nd rum11IH .. tlu 111•'"'" ••if lh• 1 1 • 1"'"1 1., '""''~ .. tr flll<I Mr" M mon1h at \\'hill' Sands IN :\1.1 8 swrip J would he -f ' f II ' . .. "I I • ,., ",, t "" ., ..... "111' "'• ,,,, • • in a\or o nc on 1111 lhl'y nr11tlnally werl' Wlla ri-two J<i·root ,,.,111,.,,>, 1, -I• s1. "'" 1 ri t•11n1n11 fr .. m 11 ffarbo A rorkcl WaS fired 78 mill'!' Sf raighl tQ d('('{f fhf' nl'<'dl'd 'swap' hf'f!Cft V('rS('d , ( 1 d t \.\' {)(• lllll•I II\ o Ill• lllll rl'll''l I\ lr•oltf HH' f\tU\ h' tol"\'I""' I•)' 111 t1tk4' flim " r rea up joind allam,'(j 8 speed of 3,CJOO lo lhc stale . If lhcy d o not favor II. mi' 1 ?"~ '!.._11Y '>' llr rmrl IJ) Rt-1111"''' 1111' l'''"'l'"1 1''111 "11 111'' 1t11l'"'''''trl'·ni I*'' 111• ltllth 11, .. ,,1,. ti• 1 .. M •hrm h<' ,..,.. hrovln Rall • D mil("' rvor hour." I would o t \'01" to d--.. nw·" rt cng1rh.'"'"S. porary J):l\1·nwn1 In th• r•·nl•·r •• 1 I,, I nl1••11f """""''fl''"' lnri:•·h In I ' I I IC' yJna to rake ., I" 0.' ' "'" ''J Jn an <>Hori lo "m •tkf' corrl'f' C' I I t••• m11• ' '"' I ,.,.,,.. ""' '"1\1'' ,., \"!•from Suh!I~ "•"t<'h ,·i11illy alfrr1mi:: lh<'m I . t>ntr11 nv"""" 1~·1"''''" Al\.11 1111•1 ,·.,n~1<l•·ti.11 .. 11 "' "'""' ~1•1•'"'·"11'1 I l ' t -1 d • 1m~ t ems 11f lx1lll!'O<'f'k~ In h11y traf l and u Sl1'N'I ,1111 ,11 ,.1 lii:lo•wi· • ,., •• 11 '" • •••r 111 11 l las lht• V-2 r ockl'I hc>l'n fired more• 1 1an woul want lhl't ltt' · lhl' hnrhor f'ummiltt'e hllt1 _ I 11., 111 ,1 ,111,,., 1,.,,.,,., •I lw l•~•k 1Urilc•m••n1 rt•lr•1tJ1Nt tttd.ey. !rum !'Ubmarinrs? I 11 1°•11•1• "' J 1to'k I 1111111· for 1tw ol-rulf·d !hat n 1904 f)l'rmlt grantt>1l 1 "r11 tltf\ '" ltw '"'"' ,.1 '.! :lit "m Thi.' hrown-ry<'d naval hoi;i; s mll· * W th & T •d * h 'l 'ALL OUT' JOB Pl A{~EMENT I>( ~ 111·~· .. 1 • •'> •~011111·1l111111t ~"111 that tm:I}:. C'OO\'f'}'S till' imprcss1011 that ea er I es 11 I' f}.'l\'I lion frcmi tit!' War 0.· • .J .J "-' I~ ·'''1" I ·~ ''1''"'" l1'Jlllm• .. "' lhl• II .. ,, .......... , .. " .. 1111t11•ml 11f 1u11port p nrtm\'nl w"" n11 l11ni::r r valid Pi. , l••tl11, In ,, •• 111101111~ 111 1 ... 1111t 1111• 1~ 1,..1,i1: 1111111 1,,, ''"'" IY\lln ~7;,~~;~f' 011~·;:. 1~fa~~~rl~;I •1111::i~~: 1 IA'91 d•\llP l""1 la \iclnhll)':hSlii:hr-l ''•tl11in hn•1or··~l'nl11 l1\'1•11 ,.,.n1r nd1·t!I JO() BA(,K 1'() U'OJ>K IN {~()( ~~f\l 1 •• ,1 11,, ... .,.,,1 '"'"" S1111l111 1•·11 1 ·n u· ,.1,.1,.,.,,.111 irnhl. Y <'01Jl~w111no1 mu<'" :ing1·1" 11111 '1· ""'k lh"Y w1·n• domt TI ~ ,, I 1 .. 1i. .. ,, ,,,,Ir ,.,, 111111 •lt •k 11nd .;;..-...tlll·ll •,•i.,,11191 """" toF __ ,. Jhan th1· suµ .. rsonic \"-2 11•mp<-r111urC' lroda}. lrin1~hl unol r .. 11 \Ulhin 1lw1r rqm1r nnd mntn , ""''""""''I .• ..,_ ' "'"" "\\'1· arl' dotni: ct•rt1Jtn ''"fl''rl· S11tunlay I l"nllrlf'f• duusr Thi' Nimmillr• P11rrhui.t11i.: I••"' 1 111 1"• '"""""' •·1~ 1 1•1•·11 '' 114 •I'"" .. f11• • in 1 .. 1,. "' 1111 11111 I• 111 lho· N1 "'l••rl lfnr· mr ntalion ";th ol hrr l)'f)l>s ol Trm~ralurf' th• 11 ..tiurrw<I •h•· r"f•lae<'ml'n t .,1 •'1lhm11tl'd ro1 "'"'•• 11 "' • k '"·'' "'•: '" ,,, .. .,, .. 1. ''"' 101•~'"''" t I••• 1·11m1111111lt)• "' " 1•1m1•Nllrut~ i;:uid1•'1 m1i:i>!lf'!i," hi' !'llid "Tiw \'~t .. rday Tocflly II rNurnNJ ,,, lllHI• 111111 ,,., ~.,.. I I •! ''"'' "" J1r I ,, 11 .. L"1·1.·n., l)ate ff>r 1·H111t ''" "·~ •h•llnn Ith trlt '-c· k I I d I ''·"~ Hntf 1"""g!'-l'<•nl'liluh'd nt•\\ k .. ~ It\ lot' •llJ•r••ll• ,, ll111l 11111 111111•11•1 i;u.,m:irmr u~ lltS "'"" t•SiR· Hi)(h 7'2 I.fl\\' 51 . 111,lallrtltlln :ond Tl'fjUlr1•1t fl pc·rn111 ~"" "r' "' 1111 .. '"' .• ,, .. , ..... 11 •. 1.. • .• .. • ',, \I 111. "''" ..... lo,,, r .. nal1•fl ft1r-1'\J('h I XJM'rllll<'Ollll1011 " •---\\Jui It lfti•i ro fU..,'11 1., ).!rlml fl'IA' '111) '\ •1 h•• pl.11~ll' 11• .. f t lo•~ 11 \\' ol ti" • •, •'Ill\ 1111 I• ·••1111' •"reehttlders '1111111'1• """'" "Ill r111tt 1•\ ••ry t•tforl, "fhn <1u1••1111n 11• IO \\'h tl1 •r n r l(I--.. -pl•r ti I A•r r I . ..,,r•· r~ I ,, , ' ,. •t I I .. I ' Ill 1111\I l1t11t I It l l• ,, ._. .., " l' ·t H) ..--n ,.,.. "'' f\ "lrw•; _. '"''Ur-rnt• ),•,ff•ffJ/t~·): rf•\t r'tl' fh' fht• \\•ar ~ J\f'' \\," tlfl• 11 ff lh II ~ • tt I \~• r t(-J1 I• 1 IUh ~uhmFtrrn .. in the world c»ulrl <'11r-r.1i:1<1 r11wr~· ~ m df!'l' """'r .. 8 P rn. P•·r•a• 1111, ni 1 ... rmii .. ,,1,. rat tun' 1 ro·~ul 1i. 1,J "'' .. 11 .,,,, 1 .. i. .i. • .,, • • " t• •. ,... 1 .. 111,· .. 1 ,,.,.1: ('loses (!uietly "' n '"'' "' 11'"''""" J 1r11k<' I my anti f)fOJC'<'I an 111om1t· homl1 F' 9 ;i .:->R 3 .111 R:~ !? :M 1111•1,10 Ill''''" Tho ·'' "tli f>,. ""'" I ~Cnl •'>t111p.111;11 .,, '.~" •I I" •I • J I'• '" 11 ,, 11.. ..,,,, .r, • .f ", , ~ • 1 I •I"'' 11 '"l'l11 • 11• 11 '"""" t'"""""t of S.:fwttnP1 on(~~unnnS\\'t'tt d hut Uri -44 0 1 !l.! ''7 J)J,.1,,tJ...Jn :ntiiffus ni•nilh '·" 0H1t·• "' tf, 1 ,,,,,,, ''•' • 1, ~.,,, ,,, •• ,,,,, ••u ,,,, .. .,.,1 ~n, .. ,.~. f·• ,,,,. ... ,.,,,,0 ,t,,,.,,,. •Ii• .... '"''"''' lf1rt~,, nrfln, C• ,;1 .. k1d Th. ttlonlh IJi0111h i ... on th• s tu •1:\f; :l~' 9:UC ~=·· ···~(;,.,,,, ... H\, l't1 \1lb11n 41\.-\fl•I .. #mplu)ttl•f 1 ....;,,,_., ift 1f1 •ff I '• t tl•d1 \\, tt ,,,. ,, •• t~r. t •••• I '·····f111t1J11 ,,.,, ,.,, ... , \\•lh "' t1ft 11u r11tur1·tk·-r"""'k Sf'Ct1111y hi-1 ;fl f'c:orl llar-1 •I I 11.: .-.:1 11 l -r11ol '"'' llll•rttl•·tl '" ,.,,..,.,, •• IOl'rt•\'til• I•·' l•I ' ') ....... I .11 1•1" I 11 1·•· ... 1 ,. •I ., ,, "'•ll•··••t 11111 ,, , .... ,.,,.,., •ull• f.,1 1111 11111!11 ,.,_ ''"'· p.1rr .. 11!,1rly \\h1l1 11•i;1' ~tmt·,SU II 111 1•1 ·111 !•:ti 3:llll '", \\llh 111, 111~ ,,,111 \\ill liuil•l.''rs hqu:• ,,, 111 • '"'""""'·'~ ~1· •Jo "'· .d,,,•,,, , '"' 1, •• "'' 1 •• 1,, ,1, '"'k h.oiok '''""' "''''""'"·" 111orl w 0·lf.phtn· lilr '" 1111 ,, of Ht k1nt arl' h• It• '"'II J Ii ":l ~1 ·1 I •I only 111 111 .. pr••Jl'<'f fin• '1'11111 I• M1111.1r• I I(,, \1 ,1r,, ' "",I •I• 1 '. I •I•,'• .,,, ' '• ' 1:. "I ''' i• to ,,.,.i1.1. ''• "'"'''> "'•I 1"'"'1 "" • "11'1'1• "' \41111 1114:' ~·ti'.", .~::"; ~~\ ~~l'~t.I EttiWl·lok, :t,3.l(; ;\I l :l -11 :~'.~ 4 ;~~ I()~~ s :,~~ ~,·,·, ":": l~::.~,"'~r·;:,. ~~:::1 1•r•·\11111 ~r;;:~~ ... ;"~::; 11 ~,::" '.'.';; ·,, 'I . '", :: ::: : I ···,·,·. :, ,',,,.~ ': .. :: :,11 ... 1. : ... : ·,::,:· :::· .. :::::··· I •• ' ""•I r •t I h• rt••lll I ;:;: ·~. I:;',,',',", ·.: ·:i.·:'1'.'."'. 1 .',v,. '.'.~1::11~:: f"r·C"f·lvrd fr••rH 1t,, p•~t,Ju JI•• :11 •I t 1 .. ,,. ,,,, ,, v.ttrl· f,1 ,! J "t ,, ••It .. t••••\••l-~I ti tt .. \ •••t Jt11ttl1ttU! '''II"''"'" .,, "tf ' .• tt' "', '' t • r••• UI')""'. ' '"' , ., ; 0 '. ,..,,, rour!' ortt1 wii-. ~ .,, 'u1111f.''.""'" ·'"'"'' I •!ft~, uuv,-•rw .... COLLEGE PLANS PRE-REGISTRATION PROGRAM mendl''1 • "'''1")' I~. •'"!"''" 11e11niu11lon .. :11111 >1111• r .,,,, ,, •· d With thr romplruo n of the lhl' d1slrt<'I Thi' lrl(kl r<'$1dl'n<'•' of pnntmi;: of 11 cat;ilnfo( and an-1 A sludl'nt un1l(•r 21 is w11h In~ nounr••m1•nt of 1'nurs1•s. Or11nr;:C' I f_athrr or h·1:al fo(Uard1an. Tilt' ll'g11l rna!'I coll<"gl' Is r <'nrty lo lwgm r£'1'titl<'nc• uf lht' folh'r or i:uardi11n 11 prl'·n·i::i~tr11lion 1.1nd cnunst>ling i!i t h<' R1·hno) <11.st r i<'t rn \\'h1ch hf" f.lrlll?rllm ftor pro~pecthl' stud1 nt' i,i; qualif1{'(f to \'o\r The fothrr b ! ;imo; 11 junior cnllt·fo(r c:innot IX' a'1·, itrnupg !111 I It• 1111• .'''' 11' •of 1 • • 111tt.:1• < '01111 Junior ,.rill1•11tl' dlilnc1 ~'-·, .. --=-..-....... - an·. .SC•al Beaf'h, W1-stmtn•l,.r . Reap t• t <lf·•·:.n Vl<'w. F11un1a.111 v r.111·\ 1 por 1onmen . 11un1i~1t1on Ri-ach, C<lftu M<>"a iOf State to Re Thi' catalo1t-wh1ch hM just conw 1h1' legal guardl11n rxcl'pt whc-n dt'· Off lh(' prc•ss d1•i;cril>f'8 The pUr· l'1'3!1('d or made• f'X<'mpt hy 8(''100 11nd ;\;c'wporl IJr11• h m111Nl Without B lrrt~llff'r JX'T'Tllll On · Nov. Ballot A l'tluden1 al!l'nding Or11n,·• I rlOSC's ' rl'1;11latlon!I, and t>ducat1on· or 8 <'Ourt of l11w. 111 offrrlnfo(!I nf O ran1ott" Coa.'11 <'t)J. 121 A !lludrnt who!lr r1•s1drn<'1• lr gc. 1s ou1i;1dr 1h('. Orang(' Coast Jun- A\iy h1i:th !l<'hOOI 1:r11du111r i~ ior • Mllf'r;:r du11ri~I 11nd n o 1 111 l'hg1blr for adm11i;lon t o l)r:info(e anolh<'r C>11ifurn111 Junior c•1lll'I:•' Co11sl rolll'JZe. Othrl'!! OV<'r 114 y1•ars distrlt't may i!lll'nd <JrllnR" Coin1 ol ai::r ma) l>f' 11dmt1trd llp<tn r1·c· r•nllrr;:P Tl11!t mr·Anll thnt ~rudo·nl• \1111~1 -t'•illf.''1" rm 11 lrani<f<'1' Jl('r1111r SA<1li\.\11.~T' '· /1p11I •1 "'I'> 11h11uld !"AITy 11 full aludy proirrrun -""allf111nt11 ''''' 1J> "'" •I•• t•I· ,1 10 thnl hr wlll lw ahlr lo gr1lfh1 lhe Nov• n1l11 r •·h" 11"" "''" 11,, • alt• Ill IWO Y"lll'I, h<'CHU.'I' lrHn• 'lh•·y ... 1 ... 11 ,,, fl'liJ·l•'•I I ". ~·ti• f•'r J-'•rmHs 8re u..ttuall.} "''' r• ""n;.•, ,,,. ·• '"''f'itl . .t "''' t. ,,., n• "'''' :.ftf'r n IW0·)'"11r l'"r11)tl 1111· "' 1·ri ""} ''' •'·•'' ' "tit• / om•nd1tt1un nf lht' 1>r<'strlf"nt of clw li\'mlt in tho· J.11r;:•m11 ·!'Wach, .s1111 111 An ••lJl ·of·.sls.11• !lll11f1·n1 m ., I t'ollf'S::f' Juan Citp1strano. An11h1·im, Two tin, '•, ,.iJrn1111'11 In ( 1r11n1:r• C"na ... 1 '"' !=:1u'11·n l!I \\'t~h1ni:: lo l'nlrr Or-Or11n11I'. Pl11crn1111. G11 rdr n Gr<[<·"· l•·L" · proddi•rl hi!' 11pplll':1 t 1un t• nnl!" \rm.t;I rnllrl{• m11~• fll,, :in nrrn-Olinda \"ni"n llii;h ~rh•••l "l'I ro\•·11 h> th,. prt·.o;tdrnl J ·1p1>h1'o1t1•1n ln1 mlmi"I''" Apl'fi· tl1<lrlrts af 1 rl11;1lolr '" i•ll•·nrl t •1 "" i\ll ""'·1•r ""'""' '"''' '" 1·>11lon hlank~ m :•y ht> •11ol 1J11i"tl l•\ ani.:1• ('n11•r ,..,11,.s:r "''' • 111111 11nrl1•r l'ulol11 1,:1" 11, ., j\\n'mi: '" ll'o rrrorol•r '"•nl'• 1:\1 1\ '1wl•111 v.h••c• t•,111,1111 f•11lol11 1.,," :o r, rlo n•11 11,.,.,, I•>• 1 ('<•11~1 •·:·ll•«"L I' IJ, Rox ;176, C'ostn t~ 1111\,111 .. l h• llr1rni:•· ('111u.1 .11111 1 m11 .. :"-li·~a. < ."lhf11rn1a lttr r ""'I:' 1ti .. 1rw1 .111ol m ;.nnth• 1 1 •1 ·•llV• ('••It'll ,Jom1,.1 r1ill•·t'• •l ll'..'1l11•nro JVI<< <If!' All (nll"~':<J lllnlnr t"11ll1·L'.•' il1i.lrll'I !1111\ 11 111 to•I 111• I " 1•1in1111,.1cl 1,f llttll'lll>". • l • A <11111• "' II\ lnt.: tn 1h1 11r. '1r.1nv-~<·0:1~1 1·1111• c• prr1\'1r1<1I h• II· "1, I 'n1•111 IJich "1, •• 1 ,, 1 I .. n.:. l'tt1-•' J11n1ur •~11111:1 '11~!r1f"1 111~1, n 1rs.nlf•1 1~1m11 fr•1rril'l\11~11 ""''"11" t·n11111 Jlwr1 I ma) lllt•·n•I < lrnnlo!• l'r.ro~} t>oll•'RI'. 11,,. rlt!Hril'I nf 1t·~fll1•nr11 Apph· Jrhr•1I rlt11trlcl!I" ·nw t lrm• nllH\ f1r111 ld•'fl h1<. I• l!rtl r1·"1drnc,. ·• I rant' fr11m a d1•lr1r 1 wh1rh m:11n-•t'h.,r,\ 11i•trirl~ rnrlud•'fl in r 1; I • JUtirl nn '"'' tal •• ' 111, '''· h • 1 1 ''" rl•lfflf,t'tlf•flll,• If.• ""'•ti • I 1tl tlt6tU flNI 1111 ti • t.,1),,1 '1'1• 111' I'"·" WO.Uhl I'•\• wt • ..,• r'1 • rn, ''''f"' t tnn ,.,, ,. 1 •,r • .,:111· • 1 ~-;~•J1 J • , " ,,, fh~ ,, ~.,, • .r1,•1 • h I• I I •1 <';1hro1 tu , ,., '· ·"' ,, :• f r•r"I ">'''th ,,f ·1u,• ''' ,• 1 from te'''''-''•l•f · •t ,,, •• , •n•I lowrr ,,,,,,.,, ''· i , ,,,,, .. •H• 1 f"'P l1tft•1n'" t,r.,,, Tt11 '•'h• 1 r,,,,,., .. •. • ,, , .. • ) nu1nr ti, '" '''1 u .. 1. d ,, ., • 1•1 •. pot111I ,,,,"I•"'."' ri11''"" '''''"' •• r liquor Nmlrol ,,,,,. f .. ti' ,,,,,, f1 1i1 ·~ •f\'S .... "''-•••L· t-. •t it•. •h• 1.,, i>n •1u·t1 '''11ttt lt1d "th• 1tt1,•1h11r Jnln~ 1 '' ''·""·" 1 1J1 ti ' .,, t• 1'1 . tt I ttt••Ju rf,. \ -.tu1•1ld .1 -'l"'f t Jn Addi· • f lltl I Iii 1f j( I fllt .. I 1", ff lllfl ,,fir! li1 tJftlJl''d\ u,, \ /f)4&.tt.t ho~ 'I I• 11 '''" ''·"' ''''''•I "'''' nc1I ''' 111111 '"'""'"' '' rowl m111ur lty • ·•'' .,,, • ,,,,t,Jt• d\ •rul ·'l11mt•·u tly ''''""'' '" ''I" 1 j, r1~···. fitH•n~·htl rt.._: St. James ('hurch ''"'' "' · •\ ·· "" .... '" '" w· n ··~ •1•·""'·•1t1' ""'' , •• , ... n,1 v•·n ... 11 t o · lh• fllllolt• 11' l"n•·r1tl •lllt1\\lll•• ''"llllllltllllY 1u 1•1I•, f•:t1llr-11l11rty to Members •:lect ''"" ''"'' ""t''"'' 1·r•·••l•·nu• .. V I B I BUSINESS 1 •r1tk· 1'" 11"' '111 1'"1 rlutl the es try nrorporate • • 111 lfo 11111' 'I~ I I ''"'I•'•· 111 1111· many ' , . ASSN. ST A TEMENT lf•llllllt• ti 111111 1<11r·1·1·Mdt1I m ildenta \!• • •1111 ,• J." 1'1,.,,, ',,, 1,, ''. ""' 1 ... 1·11ll•tl 11prn1, In ordn \\ • 1111• '""> • ,., ''"" n " '"'~ r' "' "'•~••Inc ,,.. t ... half uf th,. 11.111 '"' 1•11' 1w1 ) 1 .. or1r·l11 fr11m the "' .1 ,,,,. • 1 1 ...... 1 ~.i , 1 .. ., •• ,, ,.,,,,,,, 11..t1,.,. 1.1""" ,..,.," ...... ,._,..1,.. • 'I•,",..., ... r "'' 1o , •• .,,,," "I '"'"I•' d 111" 11•01 .. 11 .. 11 11•11t "'"' t "''" '" .,,.,,. t hal Jn -JI, '11111 111 "11111 ~ ,,.,ol1;,,.11 I hot ''' '·•" • •11•1 • '"•·•I " ""'"· 111•1~ "'""h •• "" "•ndhl11t .. f•~ po-It v.111 1111!• "'"''' rt.·111 1111· r ffnr t11 1" • "'11 •• • •n•l• I" 11•!• 111 I•''"'' lltl•..J ,,,,., .. tr.,. fh ,. w pporl of 111 th•· II\•• •ti} • """' 11111,.n 111 "'" I • • I• •I I•• u .. ', ,1, •. "'t·r• lhr .... 11,,. m r mt..·n hlp, ,,.. u -I r11ir111lt,l1 th1• ol1 '11 '"' ri·11ull11 for t •''"II'•' 'I ,.,fj, \' 1!, "'!.;'' 11 .. 1,1. in "'" l•fl•'" """ nul, aed ,,.Ill not II· 1•01111111111111} '''~•I ' \'el • •J , I f ''""''f't (; t 11\,,. , ... (fUftt-.luft fftf "" ftalnr f o J··~·•r •. '"'n1tt• f• 1° r dd 'I Ill tit• .,,,,I ''" tu l1•ll '''· n 1•r "'trt•lft,t 'I f\; •, I· · , .,r:. ,, ,., , .. , •"> • •ft•U•••tr. t_,., •• rnf"'fntu·r of I ,.,, ,..._ I '\ 111 ,. •I fh,. "''o•lnU•tn \\Ut \••I••"' tfu·, '•••if • \1• •• t11 ; \. ..,~; N•• • "''tt iUttl fftr lr \ul• ••t .. \p_r.....C-. • .,.f f'••• ••I ' '1u•·· ''• ' • •·!It•, "'''" '"•ll 11ot t,... hnplll'd ·.,. rr.- Tft \\t.f, 1 •1 l:f I I I ., .. ,, I' t. 1•1 11. • ,, t, '. I ;f ,, ,,, • ..,,.•I 1 f t ,' ol 0 11 II f t t • 1.tl'I 111 I t4.t lt(I •• •'1•1r. IM ho1tf ,,, ,1 Th111...il11) n,.. """ '"~ ""'"""" "' thr ..... • ... 1.11 .... '""•I hu i. 111 tlu111 all, '41c•...t: M -1,. Mtaalf'1 ,.,~ .... ,. , Found Guilty of ~illion Murders l ~N1'Jo.Hr\llhHr.. A11rll 9 -IUP) Tw1•nty SS r1rtl<'o I 'I W•'rl' round f'l11lt y hv 1111 A111••r wnn lrlhunal l•~J.1 1 ••I 11111 1w11•atlni;: In m-0re 1h 1n I l•-1 IN'• 1111tt <l••r 11 1lurtni ttMt :-0::011 1 "1i:n •1f ll'rror In Europe. I 81•nlt'n•i•11 will II<' 11nnn11noed to. ln•1rT11W .. ft--· • ... I '• • •-a ..... . . -.. hce2 N&WPOST BALB-OA !f&WS·TllllUI P111DAl' N .... rt ...... Calif. A.,u t, INI ...... Piii -.... w. u.11· 0. U Stations W ASHlNCTON, APRIL 9 - . ' (UPt-A radio bl'Olldcast<'r uld today that lmpo11lng a 50-klk>wAtt Umit on 1111 radio stations ~d leave. tJw four national nct111·orks u "the onl)' \'OIC"CI of any llplfl· t'AJK'e In the u. S." '"- ~ F;!~nk P. Schrelbl'r. a :~tor ~· 1l a1jon WGN, ehl~madt' the 1tatemeT1I at hnrinp or thl' &>nale aiitentate.Qlmmcrct Com. mitt~. WCN 11 operated by tht- -Ollcago Tribune. f oto-Vrews .ly WALJ_Y GERHARDT Q-tl-: "'" ,,_ .... , ....... . the C • ... 1 raJ ., .... u.. llllpf'M'•'ftl ... I pro,.....t -rMJIU.f'd b)' th,. Ml) rov· .. ,.,....,..~ JOI I?\: \'OGl\1-, 111,phallCN, Bal· boa. C1tllt . No. n M as propo!!C-d I Am in favor of Im· prm·ins: ("•ntral a\'l'nl.W hut nol at I he· • liJ•'flS•' of thi• tai.1.ll•)••r In th<• form of s 'Meat Drivers Heckled by Striking Pickets New Addition! t'unirratulatloaa and dean u & ia wdMr; ,_ Jll. 1'.tuimp- -llu IH'fiNn• th,. \'"'>' proud fathf'r of a 1 lb. baby IM,~ bocn l'i1U1day aftf'rnooa . 11111 thlrd ...,rlocl ISh orthaAd c·I-.. "IM'fll ~londay tr~inl( tu 1·ho•-a aamf' for tbt' baby. It ,....,m., that !\Ir ... Thuma-•n Ilk•~ th1• nam" 'Tlm11thy, ito "\\'1·fto11nll' tu TI m 11' h y T h11mi-m." Voge I to Erect Building for New Bakery - Says Atom Bomb Much Worse Than Nanking 'Rape' TOKYO, APRIL 9-UJPJ Thl• Japant>se rllf)(' of Nanklng in IH>{'('mber, 1937, was "lnsigniri- 1·;m1" c•omparl"d to th ... alllt>d bomb. lni:: of Jap1rn"5(' c-itlt'S, a war C'rtmrs 11ttorn<') told thr lnll'rna· tionnl Mihtv.ry Tribunal. 'fl11• 11rwum<'nl was rnist•d by Fln~d J 1'1alliC'l'. Indl11napolis. Ind . in his f1nrtl JJll·n for a1.'<1u1tial nr r.1•n, lwam' Mut.sui. on(' of t.h(' '..!:l ,l11p1int•se tw1nl( trl<'d [or major "rir rrlmes. . . . FORMER TELLER TO OPEN CHILDREN'S STORE IN BALBOA A. B. "Burr" \\'hitt', former tel- ler with the Bank of America, Bal- boa branch, this W('('k announced opc•ning ·of a childr<'n'a shop at 713 East Crntral avenue. Balboa. al:.~,:· :::~· "~1~!d:~:Cu~~ hobby accessories wlll bl' featured In .the shop, doing tiusinC111 under the uniqur name, "Kid-stuff."• White is a long-time resident of I ht' Harbor area and is well kn<M'n hl·re. ' Hidden Tooth Acta Up After 23 Y ean ·~I' bombini.: of Japanl'Sl' citiNI \'as mort> uulragrous than thl' rapt' of Nonkin1:. Mattice said, bc- c-11us(' of the "indt'scribabk• hor· John \'01:..i. rN·•·nt purchasf'r of hors" to which thl'.' women a'nd COLUMBUS. 0 . IUPI -Mn. t "'' Esti:h holrlini:: c•n Cu.1st lt0t1I<'· <'htldrcn of Hiroshima and Nai::a-!-t•la Gass,•r bdif',·Ni 23 Y<'8" 1110 1 \'arrl. ;-,;,.,,port, 1111~ anno.•unl"1·d hi' saki wnl' subjected when the that,her visits to the dentist were I 11111 .. r .. et 11 hulldini: to hnugt• u atomic bombs Wl'rl' dropped. 11 thing of thl' past. "hnlo•s11IP hnk<'ry on a portion of • That ~as when she paid her HI E M s IUI Con tM! Shi red sist h ac da) E Inc exe rih Cl'r hi.I St-; pre tra ria I thr Sh· 1lw C'Ommlttce ii conaldttin& a bill by ~· Edwin C. Johnson. 1) .. Colo .. to pfaoe a !50-kllowatt power limit on ~I stations. Tht> measure •'ould. aho • forct' ttrtaln hlr h· power'~ 1tat1ona to share tht-lr now-nclualve broadcut channela at nlaht. an llllil<'Um<'nt in hoods on rPal t!tllltl<' in any form. This ill ·a first morti:age on YoW' honw . 111,. pro1x·rty : M h Ra• Aid "final" \'i1it to have her teeth l..l>t'lil •·d Ill J 16 '..!:lrrl ~trC•('"r It arc IDS pulled and ~nu.1 pl....,awles<:a.....1madr1U1111&'.~-------- \\ 11s 111'C'•'""'')' 11, rn1.•· n huust' that G d C Now she lvls just h<-en back ln a Sdtreiber wu 1uppor1ln1 a plan cf-ttM! dear channel broadcaltlnl llft'Yttt. an orsantzatlon of 16 larse atallona. to at~p up lheil' power to ~ ldldtvat11. WCN la' OM .of the 1a. • (Ar-Tele,,._.J h11tl ltt•c •n th1·rc for over r1fty ar en rops dentist's chair ha\'lftg a tooth )l'11rs. Gf'M~l' Nolan, Nl'wport pulled. I feel that the money derwf'd from this l~ which ls or 11dvantlll((' to 1 hP l<'Ocral public and not rn t hi' exclWll\'t' l>l'~f1t of tht-llUCpa)<'f'. ,.. n vt emptJ meat trucu entettd CUdahy plant tn ltamu OltJ, K M. • atnltlng u . P. w. picketa Uuut.ened drlvera by acting M If thl'Y '"tr" hurling atonee a,alnlt t.ru1 k windows. Man bellde lbe Bl'l1c·h n ·s1cl!'nt sint'l' thr '90s, MnrC'h rains arrivro In time to Mrs. CMs<'r. mothe r of two vacat1•d th;· horn<' and m111·1·d to savr sizeablr ncr<'Bl:"5 ol South· diildren. was bafncd by' a lump ('os1a l\h',.a. land hay and i::rnin crops, str<'ngth-in the roof of hf'r mouth. X-rays !'n i.:rnzing • stnnds and rcli<'V€'-Holl<'rt 1 larhison, !H3 Tus1in rc•vcoled an impacted _cuspid, hut not cure-drought worriC'S of h' ''"'lllll'. :'\i,•\\ l••rt I l1·1i;h1.;. will in· • w tC'h a dt'ntist rcmovt'd. cab bur.lec1 b.11 bat a~ winduwa. .Eleven 1t.n&u1 wen arreot.ed tor 1toUJ.O&, ,.. -.:!-·----HOLLYWdOO • • • Earlier actln1 cha1nnan Char· lee W. Tobey defendtd hJ.a con· duct of the hearinri and a~ LOUI;' \TERWEY. n'Staurnnlt'ur. 1---> . :R:~T Warner Bros. Can't l\ilake New Star Behave Like One-\Vants 'B' Role fa rnwr!', acrorrling to the monthly """ nnd 11114'1 ·•t<' 1111' hak•·r~·. For-a~n<'ultural survey of lh<' Los An· hllral 11rl\l'rtiM>mrntl "'"''~ a Pal'lfic f:lp1•t r1c ~1 11tl11n g!'l,•s l1lamh<'r of Comml'rce. ,,--_...;.=.:.:.:.::.:..:.:.::....:;:.:.:.:.:...:..:..:.:;;:;.:.:..:;:..:.:.:..:..._ • crltlc °' "bc!<'loodlnc the ilaue."· Bal.boa. Calif. ffUlh A. Ha ) ff , president of I m one hondrC'd lll'rc.vnt In fa\'OT d1·1·k lwrt'. l111rh1snn \\ill C'AtC'r to ll1ty :ind i.:rnin crops whil'h hRd "h•)l•·~nlr tradt' only nr'h 11lr••ady su<'Cumbl'd m11y yl't Elect WO.Al. San Antonio, told tJw com· of the pr~ mtttet> that "clear channel ~ Central avf'n\Jl' eaukl ~ of ~ uliat.ance 1mpro v e m E' n t ~PAGE ff~· \'ltlfol:"i tA" ~l .. ·f'Hl:R80N Id 1 11111 1 111111• 1tw1r molhC'rS ll•1l.l.Y\\'rn lll, Al'RI L 9-IU1'•111 11 t11t. '' lik" 1111•," ;\l;IC'r:t" says Tlw l'fl\\Pr><·lha t-llC' nt Wamrr l 111• "'"'~"' rll(•' ,~ '''"'· I think • Thl· n1·\\ h:ik•·1'} 1' 111 lte known pmducc a yield. growers rrportro I •• ~ 111 .. I l11rhor Pastrirs m Jl(ISt • rainfall C'heckup!I. ff d C C F11rnw1 ly o l ;\1uja\'I', ( 'ahforn1a, Although rains improvt'd rnni:I' 0W3f • ameron to tJw armed forces and dvlllan prc>,lttf lit any defHM in UJnt' of war." ooat. It will N'-E·A·R-L-Y I N-E-W-S . h1oth1 r .. ;11, !-till !>hakm& tht•1r C l\• 'l' a,.,,,, r'itk• C'rl!\.hy hull h1 .ub Th•~ (Just h1n'Ci the maelv1·' r "' ''l 11111 '" I g•·I m) rlothi•s 11111·\\ ,1111 .inrl fur the life of 'em 1 .. 111 .. 11 11111 111111· I w1llk clown I l11rl,1s11n Sl'rn d as u lwkc•r 1n toe rl'l'<I proi:pc•<'I~. some livt•atock s till Army f11r I hi rt)' months. :O.trs. 11.11., lwini.: s~ipJH.'d' to i;rC'<'nrr out-T Th JW cliNcribed ~ auccemf'Ul iU · suit ln Ow-pl'r· pertrnent • In whk:h ttM! army ro-manent beautJ· ope-rat~ with the ltAallon durln1 ncatlon of t.he the Loulll&na maneuwn ln llMl. lmmt'dlatt' area I f.1rl1ii<un, d1•an Of l:trf,. :ti ll:tr• Uf·Slllll• paSIUrl'S from most dlS· O e hor l'11111n h11:h M·llool. 1s s1lrnl Ji:lct". thl' chamber said. Jn aJWWft' to a queellon bf Serl. and e Ive the Homer E. Capehart. R... lnd., Haiti viallor a f I n e I Wallace Mate, Denies Disloyalty In Truman Blast lh•) 1·;in I 11111k<' him behave Ilk" 11 , '''", 1" ''"'' I Thi· )llllni:1·r l;l'nt'ra11nn C'an tai.: µ11rtn<'r m tht> l'nt••rprisc• uncl will Ot'f'f)-root (lrC'hard crops still lrnndll' the bookk<'•·ping. Phtnnt'd suf!crrd from dl'ficient moisturl', lllX'nini; j~ May I. t lw SUr\'l'Y found. SUPERIOR COURT a.Id It would be •-wry dAAstroua" lmJ1!"'9lon o I . lf abattd ch&nnela in thla eowttry our city. WI.th our city u sca~­ compelled Mltnten ln w 80Uth· tered as It~. Ct'ntral a\·en ue ts wat to dePfttd on Mnican ata-a tttioua lm~mc>nt to t'fflck-nt dona for inoet ol their prosra.m.. nr~ IC'rvlef' 1100 a bad bul tlmt·ck to tht' mot orinc public. a ... _ ... , ... • • • MRS. HAROLD 0 . BOYVEY, 1139 W. Cnltnl avenue, N_,,orl Bea.ch. 1·m in favor 111~ 11.1m1• tl> Gordon MacraP, 1 , "11'-' 1f 11 wan ti. 10 as long all hl''s huml~om•', and he aln11. Tiw 11 .. ,1·111..i _ .. 111d1n 1!•11 r>'a dy '!J SPTin& hlr~h·· ~t111l10 1111d 1lw rriti1·s 11n• 11n tht· pulil ll' in "Sliver Llnlng." I 11 11:111~ 1111" )111wi: nwn as 1111 WASHJNGTON. APRIL 9 tts grarl1· A ll'C'hnicolor epic for ''' •·rn1i.:t.1 s1•mmt1on " r lJl'l -S.·n Clf'n Ta)'lor, 0 ., I DA., IW8. ='-'11 ~o s.1)!< lllE' roun~ man Perma-Stone Now Available Through Cour:ity Distributor dc-m<"ll tha t hi" rP(."(•nt attack on And what docs he do'? He in· ''l'\'u lwl'n "'orkin~ up to it JWNldent Truman's dl'ft'nM" pro-s1st:s on plnymi.: a sm a ll role in i:rr.dwilly," tw insists ·~rhis Is PrrlJlll·Stone, the nr w stone-like &Tam Is e\rkknce of d~loyalty. n "B" picture f1r1t. Something nn rtll·11f·11-s11drlrn thing. I'm tak-l'l·nc•c•r which can ll<' <"ast ·over new To th<IN> who QUL'Sti~ h~ rall.-d "Tlw Big Punch." Re'• a ins:: my carrt•r step by step ar>d or old tilr. stucco. hlock or brick. motlvf'S, ttM! third-party vice Pf'l'· pnll'f1ght•·r w~o doesn't arblt' h1>re I am In thl' movwll, just as and on nrw or old frame ronslrur- ai<k'ntlaJ aspirant sard ht' wa~ u notr . 1 , " µlannl'rl." lion J:l\'Cll the color and texture. llJ••aklng "for th<' red-blooded lie rl'fusrs to have hia naml' "" ('()Uld hAI'(' done• ii thrl'<' lhl' permunence a nd J?ood taste ~~~--~LJ~+-'1.mccl.ca.i11......_~11111~~w~anta to hvr hnkc'li in rom11nt1c nln&• wtth u~ ,., . .i1 $ ni:o. :O.tarrap says. But that of natural stont' to any wall. Or:rnge pri<'l·~ hung 57.et'flls per hox ht•low th<' five year average. Shipmen ts were below March 1947 with likl'llhood that thr navel or'. angt crop would be clt'aned up by mid-May. Some citrus nr t'as felt fl labor shortage. Be WIN -Advertise • '1 l'ean Supertor Court I~ Pro-Tem • 9 y_,. ludp la laatk>e Coart MATURITY • l:XPEIUEXCE \.1JI""' lo pey In p.ace." ~ a~ ¥'MA S11i111ra ..,,., making 'em Manufactured Jor the last 23 a rM90nab1 e Taylor, who Is llenry A. Wal· his wlfc. Even brap about h is ~wl)(m ell ovn !hi' plat'<' And yeai'S, fh<' Perffi3-1tmrcmr C::0,.,_+111-~-c.:...... share of the lace's runnln1 mate, assailed five three kids. And that's pract1cally Macrae and hts ngt•nls slowcd umbus.~l . hu appointed an Or- CI09t. I kn o w of hil ~~UO!I ,who C'hallenged unheard of from a 27-~ar-old down hfs c:irct'r until t h!' public' nnge cou.nty lict•ns!•d distn hutor that a lot of 111 his criticism of UK> pl't'parcdneu gent who hu yl't to be teen on stoppcd panting over Frankie-boy. or the proouct at 807 S. Main St .. NEW F.alupd -Remodeled 4p.m.toJIMelght PB. BUOON 511'7-ll l•t1nd Bq;d91, Llleld C'ArpanMla -Ciiiiit--.. ........ •a·~.-. .... ,, tJ fttl that " a 't program. the scrN'n. M11rrap· m1x('~ all 1hr tins<'I· Santa Ana. all our problem Of Serl. IA'Yettlt SaltONt&ll. R.. He alao confounda the know· topped pu!Jhrlty studios U5(' tu rHA approved for horn<' 1m· and .a lot ol Maa., M said~ "I auUtt the sena-it-alls by announcln1.JK doesn't huild up m·~ stars. Non.-of that .provmenlll, Perma-1\one is uncon· ~ r e I e O t tor from Mauad uaetll I wun't want the bobby-soxen to IWOOn v. hoop-d"·do for hlm. says he. dilionally guaranteed for 20 years , payinfc-for -~for t b ~ .blue--blooded ovn him. "I'm ;i fnmlly man." he argues. and can be ~ on barbecue COV· • S ouemtnt for the ~ pub-artstocrata ol lluladl~tta. Thia Macrae la full of all thr "Wha('s morl'. my wife's respon· t'rmgs, patios: fl'nces and aw1m- lle. I ...,_ w. cu pt ICllM state T-rkir char~ Serl. Wayne wron1 anawen. aibll' for my suect'U. and lf tfle mln1 poola. ~ .....a ... I• a ~ __... -., IL. On .. u "the hatchet Nobody t>lw would dare tell the studio was amart they'd have Don. Brown o( S albQa b land la • 5 ••I 11t. Jt bM a.-.. ol boJ. appaiat.d bf the npubllcarw 'teen-aaen to co away. Eapedally atsned htt. She'1 IMded with manaser of • the Oranae County U. .... •s-• .. • odW~ to t.u. ... ca wtlllMHi I open a fella who makes tua llvlne ... tak'nt ." dlatrlbutonhlp.' .... illllluW ,.. •ey. ~ ......u..• In(. . Father Not Dead After All 'PoUUcal AdwrUMmmt) I Polltlcal Advertlaemertt) The Board of Dirttton of the " Balboa Peninsula Point Association ... Feel that the best solution to our many ills and THE CLEANEST THE THE BEsT MOST EFFICIENT Qty Government for Ne~rt Beach ,, ~ • Can be had by · VOTllG FOR GREELEY ·-BLU[ AND DRAKE . I Vote T.uesd~y, April 13 ·' • .... ... .. , .. ~ "./!f' ~ ~1 ( AclM T•upliofoJ Caroline Ounnlnr. 5, wipes tn.n from eyes of her r randratller • Harold Hamilton, Detroit. aa he and his daughler. Mn. Elaabe\b Gunning fright! are reunl«'d ln New York. Mra. Owmlng. •ho NTI~ In tht 0 , S. from Belfaat. lrrland. learned • year airo that Uie at.or) relalh'es bad told hrr of tht' 11,.nth ol bez !aLber, :SO ye&rl aao. wu w11.rue. Belgium to Honor Unkno~n Soldier I Ar''" Tr/,.,..ltftlnl Prince Rl'i!tnl Chnrlr~ nr Brli;:h1m •tr!ll prr~rnt< PTr~1drnt TTumnn with a Brl1:111n Wor Crtl-~ t1l l>(' a11·a:'.(!Nl !hr 11mr11rnn l'1'.kn1•'An 801dltr or w.,rld War :1 \f't 111 IX' rh"«'n l l•r r rinrr Rri n: who sprnt lh" n.~ht "'" th'r \\'11111' II 11•r rl• .,. :.11. 1 m Uly ,,.,;h u w l't 11ll'nl lht' t.: . '· 8PECIALIZINO Df ONION SOUP· .(PdMaUr) FUN ZONE 11 BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY OPENING OF OUR NEW OFFICES 519 Coast Highway -Newport .... New Phone: BEACON 6477 .... LUM 'BE-R BUl'LDING MATERIALS - c • ' HIS' WIFE BELIEVES HIM Ex-Navy Commander Has Shinto Marriage With Red-Head Annulled • , " I ' Ry t.. A.'"\\"7 • SA!ll FRA:"\CISCO; April 9 -• 1·u~•om" whil1· In J11pan II•' w its ~=======~===:::7 (UPI -Fredl•rlck '!"· t.:bt>l'501o. a I se.,arated from h111 wUt> at th<' I Durin~ l1111t "'M'k'11 c-losmi: t1ay11, fonnt>r na\'y oommand<·r who said time, h1• 1a1ei H ls wlCe lalt't ob-"lwn If i'l'<'m f'd our i.;o"•rnmN1I tw unwittingly Wt>nt through a tamed a d1\'ur~ but they haw was 11bout tu nUtkl' 1t puhlk prc•i.· Shinto Wt'ddlng ~r<'mony w11h a r~""ncll('ff sine,• th<' war. i•nt ll• Spam's F'rnm'<'. " y1>11n.: r(ld.Ju.jrod arm) intelligence .U · l:bc.'rsol(' ·-·d ht' and Miss lad,>• or llh(>rnl tt'ncffonl'l<'tl 11\'\'Rlll•' 1l1tant whil<' stataont-d in Tokyo, Church r{'('('l\l•d orden to ronw l'Xdt<'d. ..Why should wf• 1:h·1• had th<' "man-iai.;1•" a nnull,'Ci to-homt' :.I about tht' ~am(' time. A mont')' to f'rnnro'."' fthl' ask1-d day. Ja1")11nH<.• fr l\•nd hrard of tht'1r i(Tl·1"lle's no ht'tt ~r thnn S111l111 !" An Eben.die>, 34. a socially prom -prndinit dc<parture and told 1h1•m o!Jvlous n ·ply mii,:ht hR\'C' IW"<'n, lnc>n t San Frunc11<X> chair store he had arrangro "• ~autiful JRtJ· "Whom ch-that rompllrnf'ftt ~ .. «'ICN"Utl\'1', s.~u.d ht> thoui;ht tht' an<>iw i:oin~ 11way Cl'rt'mony for f'ram•o and Slalin bolh, \11 ritual v.·a~ a Ja~n('IW rar('w('il us." Eb(>rsoll' said. w r i 1 e Sh1kl·s1x•11rt• b11ckw11rcb. C'C'rt•mori) But abc.>ut a mon th ago Tht• t't'rl'mony was ronductC'd in "'ish " pl:f. .\ .. on our h•1\l'W 'Kiss of Death' ... ~ --• , Noted Ci" .. nductor 1 ~ E•·roaT aALBOA Nsws-T1•.:a Pue 3 "' ..... u, s-,... ....... t:aM. .. Mrtf .. ,,.. ~ To Form Laguna I t.ioo ·c10 SAUION FISHERs HEAD. Symphony Group ·TO SEA AFTER PRICE· AGREEMENT Frn~I ';,.,,._,., 1w1""-I <'••odti•"l«l • I or l)'ml"'On) a nd h~hl ......... ..... ""':C'A:'r t"ttA~,~ ... •. A.,rtt 9 lAK-Mid IMIV4!.ral ot the cklU.-·~rr .. rr.t h1~ , .. ," •t~'li ''' Conn II "-"'al , \ ·1·, An ,...,l""''rd l.tllll .,.,..•h· "" hlld •h;nt'<I ordrni 111 tht' nt"· ") m11h"n) ,,,.,...,, .. ,,.,. ''"" '-"'-'1.m• •Tn ''11.hfcwcn1• .-lrnnn ft•hl nwn e<tth•lt'd IW'k't• einly todlly wlUtln lk 1trh, II "'m• ann.•unn'<\ todil) by h<'•do-d r..-w•a tc•l.> aftn thrir • ,..,. ~Ira of ttw> r ptlflcatlon and MRI') •· l 'o.•I""'· "'''"'' l.acunan , 'h \ ""'"" an"C1,.nt ,,,.. .. ,.. off<'1'11 th<• n •1ot llN\:.rr •••pecttd' to follow 111 p111mulln6t ,..,.nm\mJt) pm•il'al ,., tlw-lu.h dr-ak'n ~u.,.,· Mllt ahurtlr u,. Adllc"<I that tha llt'll\'111..-Wallrr t.ut ...... -"""'IU) '" '°"'91 union h1t1I _.,t u.p 11 "''l!"'lttt'C' to Al'r<Wdllll: "' h1• , ..... ,lullllk)C). u . lnt~U•'IUll ··~ ""'1 •U•nd h y In tht' t' t'ftt pf lln.Y c,.\,.•r t "1iuld ,..,..,.." •' "'' ""'· Mtll• AllM-d ~ orliw•n•. •f'l&'U'1>n-d t hat c:hahs• In condltlotu or t'1Clr 11 la rit<' <"t•<llll'f .. a11l. lllllt 1111 JlftW't'<~ from th<-f~ had ratlflrd A da·1tl· ruri. <\f flall " tlw '"''"" 11s "'••uld "" '" ""' audi- 1 n "''"" "' 13 n nb , .. .,. t•>Uncf anot 1111 111111 fund f1•1 llw t'll) 11<' ('W'· .'7 rrnt• I'" r-ahlt drt1wd -------------. 11 nil~ 11!1<11' It• •'>fl•<' from 1 ... ~ An· Sabnon h..tuni.: 'kdd t"'"' ti.ct u1 • his "brid••.'' Eliza!M>th Church. In' th<' fril•nd's hoUSt' by a Shmf'li This rollb111·s wift• i"I"•'"' up In &>attic. had the <'laoorah' sc.Toll pril•st In flowing ol"iental rolK'S n home " ·n · a colnrt'd woman. pr.-•sent1"'<i h<'r <tftt·r ttw c..remony and ('OOICaJ hat. · Mary. \'lrt~lly ran th« family I ' translah'<l. lt was a Shinto raar-"He wa~ mumblini.t words lhRt tidll'd the children. 1au1:h1 lh•·m 1,- 1td1'll "'"' 1lro~ ""''h ,. . ..,.k for audi· '°" ..._ ... , 411>"' ~nn-1hr ..,~ ''""' l~an April l a,......'*' o( llw> Clrw,. 1 Th•' ,..,,ndu.·t.u· f1n11 l•'<'•nw Jn· do.1outr "''"""' *\I hoat• wrr4' al h'N'<h'd 111 tlw pi-1hlht1,-. of LA· f<-'{"tf'd ~111111 f11r 11 "h!I Ir l)'TI•l•h .. n)" "1\lw ·As ,.. • .., '" 1nd1ud1aiil f~ (tr11l raagl' certiCu:a tl'. W(' could no t !lt1dt•rstand. t :twrsnk mannl'rs. N111rnkt'll tlwm wlwn n•·t .. Ebt•rsoh-. "'ho has n wifr and said .. 81 l('ndants Wt're playing on 1•ssar) - thrt.'<' ch1)dn·n. .ira1d tw a nd Miu Clut~·s and soundmi;t brass i::oni::s. Murr. 1olt'rRnt In ra<'i11I nrn\lcr!(, Shor• h•-c.·am c• in1c·n -s1t·d m Into .\Vl' ju:st siood lher(' Se,·rrit'i llmt'!I \\ll!' \'t'r) kind to \\hilt' p.vipt. ----fhtt prit'st bo\ovc•d alm05\ to the Th_ou~h hos?'. und f,•l•hn~ fr•"•~ 10 noor as tht> tt'mplr music: CQ[ltmu-l'<lrrf'C'I uld 11s wt'll as youni:. slh' rq. Jt all lasl<-d about ~(I mi'hUlt'!' slutt'Nf i:•·n•'rt1us1~· lwr ph11t1~11ph) "Th<'n l h~ ~riest handed Miss 11nt1 hfr St'Crc·ts. .. Church wha~-lbokc·d likt' 8 mimi•o-Thi' r11~h n_r "Ion• trouhlt'll l\l'UIJhL·d pl('Ct' of IJllPt.'1' with Jap-brt'nk1ni:: out m 1~11· ~•'W!llJlll><'r" ant>SI:' characters on II l djdn't lh<'~•· day:<, nncl '"~" I'") i·hnl· know wha t it said." oi:l!'ts' i.tll·mp1s it~ 1•xph11n th•'tn, rt'l'ltll tlnl' of 1\Jitl')' S l!l'tflS or dt'll· nl11nn. 'JO PROTECT UICI · leoulily Your Home 'New lCMS Pa&&erM GARDEN a PAftO Fmwltilre MllBOO 811ADE8 BEACH u.B8EUA8 FREE ESTIMATES ...__ Santa Ana Tent & Awning CA. 18211 So ...... 8t. RELIABLE * As Clo'8 * As Your * Telephone I Ebt'rsole aa1d · he and !\l111S Church tht'n returned to thl'ir r e- "Pl'cli\'t' quartr rs and both r e- turn('<! 10 the Unit<'d Stairs short· ly afterwa rd. Ehersole'11 wife sallf she would act.'t:'pt' his explanation of the In· cident. Washington, Oregon Folks To Picnic Annu11J Washington 8c Oregon S tain Picnic Saturday, April 11. Bi11hy Park, Lone Beach, Cal. Ba.11- kl't dinners at noon. Free coffee wilh official badge. Geor&e E. Decker . caterer. will serve those not carrying their baskets. Ptogram beginning at .1:00 p.m. fHturlng 30-piece Accordion Band; Addreu by Virgil ,H. F'iahl'r D. D.: Pal Spene\'~, noted child artist; Marcelina Canllf. clualc singer ; Teddy Ginn. soloist; and J~ T en- lla do. tenor soloist, singing lrish bal, .... ..__ __ .. FAMOUS FOR ·FOOD NOW OPEN 6:30 TO 8 P . M. CLOSED MONDAY SEA FOOD -· STEAKS -DINNERS 'CLAIR G. MARTIN ~l11r~. aftt'r l\t o hu!<hand;:, an· nounrro 10 t h<' white' family thnt she was gomi; 1<1 m11rr> 11~Hlll. "W hy, MAry~" our wif1• rx<'i111111- cd "Ho" can you, afh'r llw I inw )OU had with Mosr•'' Mmw h11<1 IN't'fl h11~ A drunkar<! 1\nd 11 ht•t1 t•·r ·up Rdor1• him sh1• hilt.I LUl,d Ollnd1nh Clhud1.1h. h1'''r lw1ni: •cart'I' down south durini: prohH.11· i 1on. had taken M111y to Mil· \\·nukec, "" lll'rt'," as ~lAI')' hPrs<'lf pu1 ll. "tht> hultt'rmilk !lows." Shi· h11d n'turnt'<I, sk1mmt'd "\V111:· she rxplained t h<' com· lni: third vc>nturr m marriagf. "lhl'Y'\'t' two kind.~ of IO\'I', h~·<franl luq• amt 1<ravc>llrd lp\'l' T his I,; wra,·c•yarcf luvr" "What is hydranl lo\'\', Mary"" Hkcd our wife. fasclnatt'lt: "You turns It on and. wht•n you wa nts. you turns it off." Ch•Rr t'nOUj!h. "And Wha t 15 i:r11\'<•yard love?•· "You stays w11 It till you d1,•s." J\ppar!'nlly now an 11n1111ur \'Jr· IUC'~ L.A. W -W1Jrkm~ rond.11 ion~ an• ~1·11 in~ ift~mh:at'E'r. tn:rt ).n:'l't'Cf, • dl'ath'> nnct 1n;un•'" ••n lh" )1111 1ir1• still on tht' up.~"mi;. lhP f\.'a111mol Cnnsc>rv11t1on Bureau says. La.~t year 17.000 po.•rson!> Wt'fl' acc 1dl·n1 · ally kill('(\ whilP al work. an in· ctea'l'<' of 500 <l''('r 19'\6. FI NE OLD <OlO NY PAINTS PUil PllPAl1l PAlllT-ni11 .hl1h·1rod• Whit• lead Pair' 1prHd1 eaeler than or•lft«y point, CO'fe,..111ore equore feet .,.rgollof'I ond offofd1 lftOJdmum lo1tlng quolltlea. Avolloble in wide range of attractive colora, Pu,. Prepared Point 11 economl· cal becou .. of eoM of opplico· tlon, greater protection and longer-wearing quality. fine q uality guoronteed I S••••C.... Forest Lumber Company Phone 8. A. 0161 ti• Oeella f'roat Newport Beadt "'" •• So 0 MaJn &ant& Ana , .. ~. FIN£ OlO COLON Y PAINTS Designed by ACKER·MAN , -•lrt.1 for 'Outdoor LIVABILITY ~ 9t .. 'lll w\11 tA.ltt' better C'hltf'C'OA} br'Ofl.cl on a MW "Santa F'e" Borbccut'. It i. C\Ulom made by NArkerman" rrom attractJvto two t one bric-k, with built·ln eomblnatlon pla t• and mesh grille for bn>llLns or trylac. So mailer how :r.mnll JQlll' outdoor JIYing arH b. we will de- tlpl or bvtld to your 1~lncet1on1 a butlttw to -t 1 0 a r requlrj!fl\~ta.. G« r...t.J .ow foe llUllmel' Uvins. -...---.......,.._~~~~~~~ ·~ • PRIVACY • · PROTECTION Yov achieve oll thr" with the MW H Ackerman" 1...t r9'nforced concrete fence. It mokes on oHroctive boc-k- ground for home ond gord.n, giv" you prfvocy It! your own yord oncf offen prot«tlon for children Of'.ld peta. TM ~cket"mon fenc. 11 the to~ on both sides, no n.1nnera or poth ond bv+h '° give o lifetime of MrVke ond 1otl1foc· :..~~~~~!!~.,~~:& tlon. The initlol coet 11 the only cott. NCINERATORS • O OTHES POI.ES • CHAIN LJNK FENCING THE ACKERMAN COMPANY 2330-231'2 SQUTH MAIN SANTA ANA .PJiONE 17 "3 Ill l••mhn.:, 111 .. F1·1C11\ '" "' Aru '""' 1 ·rt ,.1.:n tni.rkt-t utr4rf". · Lucu )'1'or. ""id. "ttw~ u lm.an "'"''k-rll ..,;n bred • M h-· '" "4':• ~··l.ll!i: th.· kin.: wlrnun. Conv1rted ot er. I""" "' ''"' ··" ..... , .... , ""'.' •·•"'-•n Slayer of One Child, ,, ... ""'"'" T Fi ht f 0th I Ir•'"' 'r· 1 .......... ,... loht• and Mr 0 Jt or er h 1111111 • '" tal.1 -,,·H•<n '" N'ltnin L• 1~ ":0-1 a-~t.f'::S "'"" t !l , t ·111 , "''" ..t> "•' u a4 !\tr,; .Shtrl•'"" K11n111 'Z> ~··•r I !\I" t\.umn •111 "'"''' for 11111 m ulh1 r ''''" 11·1 ... 1 vf l..1lhn~ hr• T• '"''1''"11' '°""ll'n ~ ,,,.., .. "' tlf'U 1w1•·Y•·1<r-.. 1tl 1l11u~h••·r. 1•l•~l1r• .. t 1 .. ..,.k '" •t rt hn '""'' '" lO yt••r ""'~..it "~'"' '" tii:h1 '" 1 It. ... "'' "'"' ,.,. '"'"' '"'"'" nf nuin 1111111" '" .... , li1t••k lwr rll••11tl1 .. i.t ,f .. 11i.;hh ·1 I It., "'"'· Slt"••••n, •111 hr S<m ... J.1••• •I l'"""''I • Hhin A ua.onth 'Jlw h11h\ "It' lllk• l'I kl\ I\ 11•'411 tw. 1•·11 •·nl' fur hfr ''""'1111." Mr!> I Tu turn '"'' • lt•llunie f'• thl' Ku11111 011>1 h•·r l111"t."'"t ",., ,. f,..-111 .,..1 no'f'ft ,......,.,.. ,.f f,..115...S.J -· 'At-r~,...., 1i111J." ,., • , , .. "'"' '""' ·•.:""' ... "1ni: ...-""""" hun\ .-.u..u>' A polltfr ~ &.be ~ 9!0\'lt' "'ltl .. Of 0taUi_• ttandl oul.llde &.be ab&&~ A~CACI &oteJ In JuuaaJem, addlnl a &ouch al M r~ ·Kunin'c a ll .. rn•'). Hu•h•r;j tiw-c\ays 111 1tw 1.-odut·tlon bitter tronJ to UM! .cene or &.be wont nploajon l1nce U'9 ouUmie.k °' !\t111tdn,, 'nld hr ...._ ................... ,. ........... f • numbtt ... Rr4 o~ * Purity * Accuracy * O.pendabUity \'• Na ..., ......, ol rant ._..ydrvcMppllM. ... laf.....S a• cl marteo. ~-ovatona. - Arab-Jnilb warfare. The bo&el ... dl'moUahed ln Ben Yt'buda I'' ." s .... 11 ... ·•nS.·r ft1' .. h 'nlJ•ll'ftf ) ....... ,,. ...... ..._. _]'ht' ~ 8&.reet blu& whlcb tilled IDOft c.ban ~ 1Jf'r50na. Pbot.o bJ HU-· 11< 1·1 ,.,. an )JJUr i.:tft t~ tbr A.mrrt-'--------Acme-_.w_f pbokl(l'apllu Dflve Bo1er. _ _ _ ·~\'lwn ~~11-Kun_1_n .-n·lra~ __ ,.,,_"_ffrd_, _•_-n_-____ _ _ _:~~~~~~~~~~~~~,. CPolltlcal Ad\'rrt\srmt'nl I .. •Puhl 11·111 Adn·rt i!'•'lll•'nl I 11'.1llllr 11l Ath '""""'flWnl I • l '>lalw-•l • A4ht><ftW'Tnrnl I I PoUUe1'1 Advtttlattnent) - COUNCILMAN ROBERT .l BOB) ALLEN'S WORKING RECORD aoaaT (808) ALLEN Next Tuesday, April 13, is El~cfion D•y. •nd Vote" have been seeking information on-the quartfic•tiont of the various candidates .. Councilmen Allen, who is up for ,. .. lection. re- ~ _1pectfully presenb tome of his efforts in Mrving the public, a1 __ follows: , Hes consistently fought for inclusion in the Metropolit•n Weter District, and the recent decision to permit Newport Beach to come in, when the voters approve, is worthy of note. As chairman of the council's finance committee, hes. held the city's tax rate down, despite the county's ovtre99ous in- crease of several hundred per cent. Originated the non-picnidin9 ordinance on the beaches.. --Or~•nateO. the «cUnence_ conholliJKJ..lir~OCJ•· Originated the enti-firecrader ordinance, 'ti.us saving po~_ sible injury to many youngsters. Prevented oil companies from drilling within the confines of the city. Ordered Boufe~ard stops on Balboa Island. secured traffic control fights on Coast hi9hway. Installation ordered. Always favored street im.provemenh: iecured planh and a sprinklinq system for Balboa Island; favored beautification of Seashore Drive on Corona del Mar. Worked for a fire and patrol boat in the harbor and for a county harbor commission. · Fa~ored widening of Coast Boulevard from Highway I 0 I to Newport's intersection with the street to Balboa. favored Planning Consultant to work with the City Plan- ~in9 Commission. Favored widening auto perkin9 space at Balboa end beau· tifyin9 of the Bal~oa ocean beach. · - •Favored installation of sewersqin Corona del Mer. Favored donating sites to Girl Scouts and Teen Age Can- teen on Central Avenue, with buildin9s now under construction. Favored Municipal civil service end retirement pension plan. The Foregoing Ar~ A Few ol tlte Many Reasons Why COUNCILMAN ALlEN SHOULD BE RE-ELECTED TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1948 .,,. ... ""'-. ... ~ r 2 2 . fj,,• f I, * -· Am Tel .. 1"t.. -· ... - OU\adian Pacific Dupont . -.. Gerwral Motol"S .• Goodyear Kftlnt'CO l 1 Sean So Qi I Edl1'<>1l Standard Oil.. u SStt'CI SAND CRAB (ConUnueC' tr.om P-.e 1l help In having ravo~. You know how lndifforenl the av- ~rage voter is on such issues. • • • Free~olden. Suddenly dwnped on an unprepared Want Ads ~ I Tht Newt·'nmft wUl no\ be re; • pon~lblt> for mo~ than one lncor- ·11ct Insertion of an advert.lMnwnt. I •-Sl'r v1• t h e rtcht to correct1J I ·llt.sslfy any and all ada and to 1•jt'CI any advertlJemt'nt not oon- '<•rmlng to rules and rejUlaUona. 68-tfc 1 WOOD FENCE CONTlt All Types and Styles r II A. Termll-~Umatea Anywhere In County - Up to' 3 yn. to Pay Ph .. S.A. 2579-R. ~lfc Do you want to .U It T Adwr· ti.w In ti-oolwnna. I · Expert · I Watch & Jeweiry_ REPAIRING · dtbenry is the fact that the _ -date for. flling nomina~ions · · _ f ine DlamondJ and Watches In the ........ I lecti . can ' \&Elll:AIUSIX(i EOll '"'ntT. "IKADO'" ......... r1 .... ~ttua USW'"'tla wlillc-11 wtH be s-W ~--I ~EWPORT JE\Yn.ERS s~.a e on • ._.,. _.,. ..._. o1~-,,..n ... ...._ I '•'-KAicta ....... ...-.,.. tllr prillf·li-L"~ l•ft to ri1tht-l"llyllh w.._. CUnd<'r new Manaaenwnt> ed for Mar 17, doeed Thurs-im. .. PIW_,..... MW Din..._ _ Ke-Ko. 111r t:!.PJJ'"rur· .. -; 'Im S•yllf'r •• f'ooh·Kah. Lee I.Joa. 116 Z2nd St .. Newport l7-lf< day, A~. ri 8. It would &eem ~ .. ce.. -~. !'•-> ., .. ,... ... hat1<th&. 'l•rtr-,_.,.,.,.. •• 'um-,·um and Jlm Kortdl •• that Council. ·s..ai1 . ....._ photo by ~rhardt E0 WALTERS ~ 1~ F~de~ ~ ~SIU4 ST1l1Kt: 111\l.T * Brief Glance at .: I~:~'. "···an 1-·ronl E.-11lma1ed CO.·I Oath ~~~~Q=~~. etc. knew that nominations had WASHl:o.;CTt j:o.;_ Ajirtl ~I ll "Pt B .,d. p m·ts lltti.;h C"llilO'-. ···rmit lo buUd a 15th & N('wport Ave .. Coeta Mesa to be flied. just like any -Pr•-stdf>nt Trumnn, t ... ltJtnt: a •111 1ng er I I •IOr) rnmmo•rra.11 h111lthn~ at 81!1 Phone Beacon 87()()..W-3. other elect.ion, -·'"' have rourt 1nj11nr 111>n d uh m ,..,,."'"'"'. 1·,,1,,1 llll!h"a~ 1-:,.turtakd CO•l I 18-tf< "-~ 1oda) aJ>kt-d .:trikmi: m.-11 '""fk· ll.t1n \\, l~f dtltl'! r•·ltntl I" '";."JI.JO • ------------ advi9e<1 the public br thoee <'l"ll and c•mpln)• rs 111 J:• 1 '""'''"' r lnaltl .• I ''"'). : •• r••ot1. ~111 ° 11111~ .11 I l.1tuld \I 11,.11 .. , [ll'm lit to builtl Ll::ROY SLATER who might ratt to nm. TIM! tn "" ,.fC.,f'I tu -·11J, lltt' .:»-•I•>· I..".: 11111w1 Jl•·nuo• C ·~~·"·' ilt·l1 1 l•t•••m .11ltlll\11n t o prr sent Move Anything Anytime Jaw provides that such a nld ttnk.. • '.\I ti -C-•un. '01 1 ... ,.. '··""' •l\\o•lltni.: .. , :.>1:1 F•·mlf'llf llV(>flUt ~pt~clnllzC'd In .., noinlneetnust'have lived apd (. A ('r:11n I•'"'''' ... ·1 ... i1 o1 .1 1 ·1111111:1 tl1•I ~t a r ,.; .. 11111111.Pcl CW-I MOVING been a voter fOf' at )enst five lhl> hand" of the,...· .;t:irt1r.1.: .:-•''•" ~ ,... m <111 · nrl"l: 1111 ·vn "lflJO I I I llousl'hold Goods & ·s mall Boau ~ars prior to date o( ru-the proc'l~orlKli!' \\ iwh I 'OU I ~-•. , nl· .1r ·I"'""'' • • ..... n' ... I '1·•1 I I 11111 .... \\. ~1 .• , ... r;, pcnnlt 111 llnrhor 3!11. 25-tf< . Now the tiine for filing be cal~1 pn litit':tl o r f111~t~t-t:-•wi..1t0•I • 11•1 ~I 1 ·~·• lt1111d 1 1 1.111111) 1mit ow•r 1:11ru..:• la pa.st and the selection o( fullfl4..>S"'. at'l'llJTtini.: Iv \\ hr·n-II• 111 1-: ... ~·• 1• flfl• '" .i, ' ' 711 1 1'"1'1'' '"' 1111e \oront rt.I 0 1.hc!!1' wUl ~ your claU.U'Wd candidates appears ll!Olely ·in you i;it. 1. 11o11 .. 11• • .. 1111• '"'' ··I • ,,,, 111 \1 q 1'.11111.11•'' ,.,. .. 1 S-1~ • ach aa \'OU a.re reeding these. ~voTERS I • .. .. -------------------~------------------ • VOTE f 01 D·RAKE •• G·REELEY I •• 1LU-E (PoUUcaJ A6"r\1-t'mt>nt l -I • PICTURE FRAMING - 10 EllPLOYllENT WANTED 111 UU ....,.., ._.,.,. • Rt:SPONSIBLE Married baby sit· Guett or Pla)~ furnilfwd cw tcr PhonC" Beacon 5312-RK un!urnis~ 10 X 12. all lhincJed 45-3tc oombro PJ>-.·ood lined. inlaid WA~TI::D -Dny work by t•xp . Harbor Paint Center rolorc:'d girl local referenCE"S. 408-32nd St. Laundry, C'IC'unlng, cat<'rlng. linol~um. immaculat~. ~ ot- ltt. 1108 Park Aw .. Balboa i.. land. Harbor 217. ~ Phone llarbo~ 2350-W-Ne-wport Good cook. C'an driw Call Mrs. ~---------4_5_-l_tc _.._Lo_v_<'l_a_nd_._1_1_ar_1_2G-t ___ 4_5-_3~tc Boxro in romer bunks '20.00; new Smith-Corona 5:1k>nt portab~ tYJ>l'"'TJl<'r 185.00. 201 Colllnl A\'<'., Balboa lsla.nd. Phone Har- bor 2068-W 45-~ HARBOR Plumbin~ S,rvice 1768 Newport Blvd., Beacon 6111 REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Contractll)£ and Suppl.lee 9-tlc 12 YEARS SERVICE IN THE HA~AREA HARRY ALL . PA.INTING CO Cl'OR 274 Eut 19th Street Ph Bea. 5413 Coeta M ... Calif. IO-tfe 'ffiACTOR WORK'-Grading & Plowing, conc-rNe work of all Disc. Frl'l' elltimates. Call Santa M& 3604-B. 3§-10-tp Wall ace Calderhead EMPLO~l'oo'T OFFEKED n C'ARPF:NTF.:RS WAYT'ED -F P . \\"11ldron. 3nR )litrtnt' AVt' . Anlboa Island .S:l-2tc ~En -As!l\stant tiookk1•eper. Good wprk1ng conditions. Must havf' l111d rx1x·rl<'ncc or thorough schoollni:-: Box "X .. :-O:cws-'Mmes. 42-5tp W A N T E D -Man "'ith some Watc:hee • C'odaa • J-erJ CHRONOMETERS Rrpalrlnc -Prompt Sentm Semiblr Prtcel V~J>~ t 786 N-iiort Blvd a.ta .... 3-U. knowl<'d):l' of µlumhing supply -------------- 10 hand!<' warrhousc stocks. · HARBOR must have salc>s ahility f or Furniture & Transfer ha ndling lnsid<' re tail mcrchan-BONDED and INSURED dis<'. fk:iron 6Q.U . 45-3tc-A Good Buy ... WAlTRESS WANTED For part W time work Wl'<'k end. Apply In Is a ise Buy person Friday, Saturday or Sun· ~t Us Help You Br Wilie day morning, Ralboa Yacht club. -COURT'ESY SERVICE-- Phone Harbor 1484. 44·5tc 1962. Harbor Blvd O.ta llel9 Phone Beacon 5538J · rLF:RIC"AL & typim: parttimP, 3 MANUFAC"T'URING JEWELER full cfays or 6 hnlf-days a WP<'k. 817 COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. Sk11c1v. Phom• Ik-ac-on 52TI. · 44-2tc 31·22tc MIS. FOR SAl,E .. FIREWOOD CHARCOAL A iJJuQUETS PROMFJ" DELIVERY ~----------- LANDSCAPING 20 Y1•ars F.xpcr il'nce Old & Nl'W I lomt·s MR. C. L. GEORGE BEAC'ON 5979 COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Ption<' &-aeon 6217 l573 Elden Ave., Co.ta Mesa »t1• For Rent - PLUMBING SUPPLIES Opens Sat. & Sun. 9 n m. to 5 pm. CO~tPLP.TF. TOI LF.TS, lndudln& Sl'nt :ind~nush \'ah•p $23 50. Wall huni:, rlo6C' rouplc:'d toilttts at rompnrahlc priCl'S .. Koh Irr l.nvnlori<'s $1 5 00 up. Solid ''itr<'ous c-hlna urinals $4.75 Wright Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd COST A MESA Plenty of Good Tirm All Sizes t'ilCh Calv pifX'. 11tso black pipe. (X>mpound Motor Oil C'hromC' swing SJl()Uts $5.75 , c.Daa, 10r Kilc-h<'n sinks $5 75 up. , - Laundry tr:iys. c-a~t iron. W est.e'rn Auto Supply Toll<'I Sl·ats, t;lr:tming whit<> $6.85. A~ DMler Soll pipe a~d fltUngs. 1838 Newport BIY4.. a.t. ._ G<'t our prices. 1 l'T·dll Hot wnt<'r healC'rs, new 20-gal. llousc or Apt T ill June 15th $46.50. SERVEL H. M. LANE R<'built hat water h<'atC'rs 20-gal. REAL ESTATE S3t.OO. -The G AS Refrigerator 2006 Court Av~. Any plumbing Item can be had Some M~ls AvailUie NOW Near Newport Pl~r _ t hrough our local or l..o9 An· Balboa Furniture Store Eatabllahed Since 1920 gele!I office. 100 11.alD S t.. Balboa I' - PJ Uri J COi J()( f" J 3· i ·-:;:;.=======-====..;~8-::!t!~t _ 315 Marine Ave. Phonr Harbor .145 lilALBoX-f1"1 ,.,..,.,.vl'r"'---i--2205 ea.st ~ ---- COppos.lte Catholic O:ureh) Phonr ffdbar 111 --Cloeed Tuesd.ay- HA. 2216-W. ~ttc 41-tt~ MICE -Nervous? Not slcC"ping during day? Chain smoke OP's? Maybe It's the squC"ak In your car. See Earn le at Assodatc:'d Service. 26th & W. Cent., New- port Beach. FREE pickup-Har- bor 1406. 45-ltc Silver Plating COPPER.. BRASS, GOLD. Polllhlnc .It R.eftnlahinl FOR ~ALE-Thor wmhinc _. chine ln good condition $.t0.00. See It at 4.l4. &pm.a. 0.- dtl Mar. ~ti L08T AND P'OIDID n Bayside Platinir Co. 1914 Harbor BfVd. SPORT TOPS -SEAT rovEllS Taylor's Trim Shop A..........,_U~ Boat ad Tndl C-' '- LOST-Gold Swha watch. dJa- monda on aide, cold strap. In O.ta Mesa. Calif., Bracon 51U frtfe Corona dtl Mar. Rrward.. Har· Op .. fte.t:t ads DO -.. -bor 1206-J, 43-3tc done. 1505 ·-c-a..a NHpart Bdll. . . JI-'-' 19tO -.ell a Apri l 1948 Newp~rt-Balboa Times --------central Avenue --: Newport Beach, ca11f orn1a Gentlemen:· attention that the It has been called to my Island Tax Payers Directors of the Ba~b~lam a member' have issued Association, of wh o to endorse certain can- a statement purporti~~ioe by said association. didates ror public o . ttenti on to the fact that I wi sh to direct your {i t aid association was no meeting of the memberso~e sot endorsi ng any ever called tor the purp ice or tor any discµssion candidates tor public ofi~s of any of the cand~d~tes. whatsoever as to the mer th rity therefore to endor"e Said Directors had n~ al~ o~ the association, or in any candidates on be t~t the members of said asso- anv way to indicalie endorsed or favored these ciation persona Y candidates. . ref ore by these Directors is ADY endorsement' the ein indlvidu.allY and cannot be an endorsement by t~ t the majority ot the members taken to indicate t a t their endorsement. . ' ot the association approve o . ,. ... --- Yours very truly. George C. Woods .. ' • I -. - .... ... I .. AUTOMOTJV& a TllUra • JC lt JC x • x . • UAL BITATS • UAl.UTAft .... UAL......... •111s•roaT •ALBOA NSW8-TlllS8 Dage 5 ,---------------......... ---------ndD\~ ~-..... .._., ,..._, Aprtl I , ,... ~ s~~~;1'r~:r:;1~~ r=~i.:~: "COAST MOTOR CO. 2 BEDRo'OM HOUSE-1 ANNOUNCl ~G: Jiiu:..\i.DT.\nt et ar:Ai.r.1tTAn: _____ •_ PLUMBING SUPPlJES "'" """"'" cl 119". Tomw. BOB FROF.Sn!U: not1m.• GARAGE. Good •-· • RALllOA _ ;l.Jhtntom ~oml•hM hMW n""r bRy, •-at Stock in Onnge_ County. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 520 No. >.taln, 1008 Cow.st llj&hwar_ --t--+t<--..·IA ~ta Mrta. Pr' vat~, ,JOHN B. PRf:Nf)EHr.A!'-1". a ,(...,.,.;.,14~· _, C!}O """'" "'•nn.• ,,_,.. Santa Ana. 19-lfc ""r )' rP'>N\, RC'aron 61 .. 11. r ~t hU)' at 1..-ny .r .~ I... ., ,, G l St 1 f'' .... ''"'"'' .a-'t H<>al F.stJtt<' 8-;'0k<'r. will h,• n( M"fY-l/• av. •• lpe SPINET ......... AU. mo. ....... TllANSPO RTATION ~ •j RAJ.HOA -ll.w t'nont hnm.•. fumlW-d. Twn """· 20. f&Ol «n• '""'"'"' u "" buy '"" I kt' In th•' l'""'"U"" <>f ""' '"''•«• '•"'· "'""" ""' •h\..,'<1-ln por .. h. Tu·o 1...imom• "'Ith av.m. p1,i,..j s.,., ''""'" '"' '"" Ilk•· • "'""" ,....,n, SPECIALS SALE PRIM i-: IN COME l1<'SS wilh nur om.... P = horll ............. -. .,........, An .,-._ buy at ~ --119.50 'allK' SS..95 Rendt II "~pln~t·J m.>"'d" ~u~· wf~n :\!\ P11ntinr .&-l1 ~ • .(! $.:..'195 ..__t 5:'5Jlfl0 Tf'ml4'. rea ~ ..... nl·.;x uru I iano ... o. :lt. Pl ' 4.n 54-d N.-w l'nitlnc 10 l'Kl11' with lMO fl't't of "'-"' • LTY CO FllEE PLUMBING '"' "• .... n. Son" An• , .. .,, ' 'eo.!, ,.,.,.;., 'i ' ... .. .. un .... no.-1 ,., .. n .. , ...... ... t'<>r ""' ru""' '""·"""'' SOUTH COAST REA ' Ol La. you! Service STF.l:<WAY GRA~D •• .,,,, "'•• 31 °"""' •-D ....... '"''om. ,.u.. Am•" ........... ':""'" Call llod .... r.:>-W n.-r.owk .. -"'"'""' -MIW•t• r::nn .... Omkor -''' ''"""":· "'''"' ronoiuon. "'"''" 690 linn>I ""'"' ""'"" 10 ,., ,d; J,._...11,... wOht., "'""°" -llolm o. KlntL Jmurnnce FONTANA Pl UM RING l:'•ri.:-.•us tnnl.' Sm·1· O\'C'r $11)('() 37 Cht•v 4.1) S1•d11n. Redlo anti 1t•rnu1 '" suit. W<' COl'\I r ~ 1 ,. • . , A. I nan.t-~1·hm1dt, Santa Aun. 510 Srtll ('t)\CN .' 1:1iod rublN'r 4~ lhis Ill"•' ln\'l'stn\l'nt Opportun-HUB· POWERS at ~ Mnln ~·mi·t RAl.llOA '"'· Hnrbor 20.'W 230U S. \\ · !'\""~rt -.e~.1 :<o ,i.,.. l"-11< JS Fu<d <"uui» """'" "'' "" on ho<<'n, • 4"-1'• COl'ta •tt"Sa Phone uc:acon """ • 37-tfc MAPLE S(lirwt. rl'ponc-sscd, Gor----)a C J A BEEK OFFICE ----------i•'t.•us tonr. lkaullfullnapl<' Cin-COAST MOTOR CO. Harbor lnvcstmem. O. • • • ELECTRICIANS ish lli~hc·st ht't1dl'. m~k~ H you 1008 \out Hli:hway J(Hh at W (\•ntral In Ntwport Uolboa Is1J111d Ft'rry (lffi1't' cSince )920) lo\'t• mapl(~ you w11l nt..'Vl'r find DEACON S:.!88 :.!:.'9 Miirirll' Av<' .. on Dalboa bland .... \ontrllt"lln1t·RA·1.iairs anl•lher to equal this Ont> Ju,t 45-ltc ~ llC' Ets-Hokin & Galvan R<'tlidential-tndW1trl&l f)ay mu bnlanC't'. t.asy trr~it 11 ----------:--:-:- }OU Wl!>h. nanz·Schmldt P1nno '.JI J>l.YMQtrnl 2 door ~J>l>einl d<.'· 1000 Coast Hi"·ay • Bea. ~ Co., 520 No. "Main, Santa Ana. -1u:rc. Nt'w paint job. t~ngln& just ;n .tfc tl<'i'n ovt:rhaulrd. Hnrbor 132'2-W. ' 31-tk SPECIAL' ANNOUNCEJIENT811 12:; Ai:ate. Balhoa Island. 11pt. No. 2 46-5tc CORONA DEL~AR ---d NEWPORT I !.EIGHTS SOUTH OF lllGHW AY Must'isell at Once F'OR SALF.-1941 Plymouth Dt-: IU.'((' \~H·h hr orii:lnal ownt•r. Cnll Hnrh11r 766. 44-5 A BEAUTIFUL NEW 2 bedroom home. Flr<'pl&<"t', alll'R~e. petio FOn SALE-l!HO \lw\'y 2 door or fi&K•lone wlth concttte fence. !l!""'<'lal d(•lux :ll'd11n. r xN'lll'nt earl', VenNl11n blinds. ru..,. motor nnd 11r1's A· t Will !wll at hargnin 1iri<'<' C"all dars liar-~paC'e on lot Cor extra room bor :l()t)l 43-3tc or rental unit 81 'W ill ,,,:,.,.111 Jkst Off"r Over STRL'Cil 'RAL STEf1 emu~-us OPPORTUNITIES '° TR_A._IL_r.:_n_s ______ --:--: Angl{'!I OlMnPls t °"""" I CAFE 1~ cono~ \ DEi MAR TF.AR onop TRAILER -Good .. All 51~ and Shallt'S Xt:.w &: Used • · . · ' • · . ruhb<.>r. hox spring mattr"ss, • and &... Rr mfnrrini: StPel • S~ib :'\I • Dom~ Gnod Business r11pl1t11.nl & sh~l''l-S, tnl•I", <'fr -. HICK~O!'\ ,r,, ~EWl:LL l~l.tl Sum':'t'': Sr11.1I Call 13'l9 Ens1 C'1•111r11I ll11lhon 31nt W. :lth :O:t Phc•Tl<' 1404 I-'"tlirl'•d, :·:lllll>n•• nl SJ50 ()(I 13 3tc· &i.nla \na 1~ .. 1 t(' an ..... -aS<> • ' -----('OAST-HI CAFE-TRAll.£RS H•R R~:l"T--In11ml"f.• ... --ANTEP---,..-)-ft-::1~ II 5<>,I Coast lli).:hwny 111 Tr111lt•r P.1rk Ortl1•1• n;1~shorl' llarh<•r lC~-W ·rrn1h•r P<1rk. l 01111st I llghw11y CASH for USED ( -I l·~IC :-.lcwp11r1 lk :1rh. Bu 11·011 :> r.-,o & A l. -l•l lifp Furniture pp Ian"~ f'OR RENT 6.1 "We Buy Almost I --UAL ESTATE AnythlnC' FOR RENT CIR l.EASF: -Wr ll ------------ANT'S IOl'at<·d f0r swrt!, 411 Coast Balboa Island GR llii:hw11y, Corona dt>I l\tar, C'all $10,000 SF.F: TillS llO MI-: AT 432 Dahlia f\vt•. Corona de-1 M~ ~ DUPLEX ON PENINSULA $15;500 FL'lt:--'15 1 IEO '.'/"" :.! tiroal<>m homt·'. $!!;1t1 •to"·n. F'ull ,..;,, ... S.1:10. ~I~• :,o Jl('I' month. It L' n'llrl) to mtwe• trtlo ~·\'1•t-:1I m1m• '2 and :( bc111n. h on\c"'. l"if"t"ll lo s.-11. A l"·m1t if11l buHtlin~ lnl ~1 ;~l(I Tt>rm.;. flk*"" ,....._. 1111 <1\t•rl,111killl! l111rh.w 7!\'"1:!7' t111. Thi' 1, Mtt-:tl 1( ~1111 \\'ilflf,1<1 huild II l;ll~\'I' h 110-.•. WATERFRONT :: lid11n. htl\u1. Or:-; I 'at 10, uut "M•• :JUl\H•r. linr·l--.1. P11·1· and fhl.11 f<•r :.! l11'01t-:. l'ri,,'fl f•'l ~·II. ~J~.nnn. A11ulhl'r fn\1•1\ \\at1•rfront. Ila .. l'h'r and Ou.it. """'" dc~·k. :! h:1th~.' 111.1n~ f•,11·.i-.. ~l ~.~dl COSTA l\1ESA I ;11 'IV. ( lfll' 11f lilt• h. ·~I I . :11 l'o'. l 'fp1.,p in ·: 1~'111·1 1(111\~. :.! h:i thl'. ~ lol1>dl'-frttlll ("1,.;t:t '.\le~~ 11111~· 1·1•nlt•r. :-; l'.l<lif d 11\\ n . l·'Hll ,11r'i•, •• s..••~ 1111~ 11111• •~ h:ircl to 1'(111:11. \ For Sale by Owner: MULTIPLE l l NJT LOTS ~,.est Central Ave : AdjoininR Ocean rront CJc.. In on N1~wpnrt f'M1lnsul11 . N"ftr ~r nnrt llu."int"'-" t't'nff'r Also: Location hard to heat. fdrol for Ca.art oa· Ap1111nu•nt1t. Small Residence and Garttgc 011 I Y.! lots. I PRICED RIGHT FOR IMMEOIATE SALE Phonc-1 lu'ntinL?ton Rcat·h 32!' >" 11. m. f o ;, I'· m CORONA DEL MAR 44-2tp :"·~·. 11111ct.•1T1. I:? 11nlt fllt'tl l.,111'\I 111 w11·h \Wnt. Above t"•:ill'f1f1il l\:•11""' ltt1v. tltt• l11_•urh :11111 01-.•1111 hnlt ":J) ltt•f\\•'t'fl B.tllto11 'and I .a~111111 IM•m·h . Terms PMne Bn. S707-M J L. gtamp Jr., l!arbof' -119. 10 1645 Nf"'-port Hlvd.. O.U :i:.. I<) 5 p m. 43·5lC' NlrEl.Y 1-~l'RNISll t-:1> ~nrai.tr ap:irtnil·nt wrth lrutC'lrdnr quar- tPrC: l14•)nw, only 'J ) n 1rs nlrl. C'hukt• lol'rl t inn C'an hulld M'rtlnd unit. 011 ty *'~\(. ~00 ODEN :"\o He•nt11l l>ri1'' l~ftidlonl' Yt•l W. L. JORDAN Realtor Thrn· 1111~ N1"'·,:r Tk'('n n Vndirwy---~-------:-.--, F urn1sh1•d ;\pl . 1'1<'~11 Trail1·r Port. Will Pav Cash j lb."'111 ~wpc Blvd , Costa ~kM. ...__, ... .:.. wttat haw Be~C'On 59.'iO 4·1.Jtp Fer J'O'D" • """"' ~...... °' · ,..,.. Phone !Wllc:Jft 56.'16. Crawley Fumitl,U'e Co. U11.1 N~ Bml., ea.ta 11.-1 ..... f'OR RENT Attrac;tl\'E' t"o room huust• 0 (( i;ard\'n patlO till Jurw 15. Utililit>s· paid. Adults 311 Island A\'t'. Ball.M>ii ~t FOR REN'T-2 bc-droom hoUS<'. ft\J&& roa BAU D 1:arage a1tachro. sultab~a :.:FURNmJRE~=...:=:--::-REFINlSHED::-==:-::-.::::~=1-~ueot'Mm. A\ alt11bi" now -4 As Yoo uu It Oct. I. '3309 Marcus Ave., New. $19,500 Corona del Mar · Occ11n \"i<'w Lot, L<-vcl Si1r• 30 h>: 118 Priced at $3250 700 'i:.6 <'~n7r:.'.°na511:.-.ho-a--4---~~~tiil•-ii'~M-:--·--. ·-1-'h-,-)(l('--0....--ron--5-7_1..,J..-R-. ---t-"f'--O\-~---i-n~-1-.-.X-'1-t1l"I le fln 1tlX11 B11y. uml Tt\,. .CnlM'- 45-tf c tuJ I "ltd Or. ~In r hf> rxdu. .. i\'f' r""41tit-t'fl"I wn&on-ot _r_ra_r_h•_ 1 r_1_s_a_______ 470 N"''Jl'OfC BMl <~-. •lt•I Mar. th~~-. moclf'm. l:l-unJt ruml~ AJlRMJTM'11t l.; hieing otfrr"f'(I for ~11.>, Thia ~ ol· LIDO ISLE HOME Elton D . .&m<'tt ,, (Pr.4 mnl >Qart\nlf'n;, wnm1 wlnt1•1ic, lJnfttln~. n.hlns Pl'm<'I G. Ila.mett and l11tthlng. AM within 45 mllcll cYf Lo.~ HERF. IS Tllf: OEST buy on beau-Barney F'rnncque Ewnllea. 4.~ mintrff"!l hy the Of'\\' "Pf"'"lw&y. Only lllx bloca Uful Udo I.lie! Brokers HaJilicr 1423-J (run nnr markt"tl' RM ~f\K ""lttt. KEN GRENSTED port Bt'ach. 44-2tp 21311 MIMI' SL, C.O.ta MN& NEW studio onr hf-droom furnish-Stanlry A. Smith. J111zel M . Condon Phone Harl>or 1070-W ro apt available UQl!lJune 15th Fuel Mulli11:an For Eatlmates $75.00 per month. 433 Acacia. Associate Broken R e .a I to r THlS ATTRAM:IVE and apedous 4.~1tc All of ttw-unit~ an> newly fumlAhed. 11~ MOW!ft . 3 baths and httth., Kitrhmic a,... tJled "nd tumlAhed wtth •nd a larit~ ou1akte Pay-..::.:===-------==..,,..----.~--=::-::::::-::::-::::---f--;:r:~:.1~=~~arndiJ;Frt~· rngt~t11t~1n"""~:~dou;;~t>1e;_,~k;~nay~~----JI Which would ht-J)t'rft'<'t for ....._ N ,_,, Anf1 . lt\l<'lts. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTIO &Etlrious ~. wtth R•ratre1 attAchfd, on lot TITT:RE IS A LARGE ftttplace. by l 18 fft't to strwt. 1be apartnwnt howie .. ot two On Guarantttd Work Corona del Mar. 44·2tc Harhor 741 or 1'1arbor 2422 22-tfc __ 45-ltc ---~-=:-:-::-:--:-:::-:::-:80f;:;;;; FOR 'RENT-By month or season. FOll SALE-Tablt> top stove, a, June t to Sept. 15. New 7 B. R. 10 loads of clc)!l<'t spaCP and the t>n· Co ~ ol six units Mm, ~ b)' an architect t1r" prol)('rty Is uc11llent1y con-And mparison and Ullt" constn.tctlon archlt.ecturally w~. 1tructed. BuU6lc wu completed July 1, 1947. · JloUJWC)Od bt"d and ~Uan-house. Furnished. Garage. 114 ~ itnnL Beacon 620!>-W. "-an FronL Re a po n 1 I b I e OVERLOOKING Efttlre Hartlar 43-3tC V..T ,._._ parties orily. Ph. Hlllalde 180C5. aria. I br., ~· tbn. ... .._, FOR SALE-one reeondfU.oned 6 4s-ltc oonatructlon and lnl1de tlnllb cu. ft. ,,..,,1ceator, *· 8:~ "-----------e.<cfPUonal. The ttnnt · _...,,_ ~. ._.,,.... AJft'SD 'l'O llSllfT U t"V" olt~ .. New View Home SITUATED on ont> of the hHt cor- ner locations. the tot hu 75 feet of trontace and la com· plt'tely waU.cf w I t h 2 paftd . patt<»--One hu a complete bar· bt"cue. IF TM f"VRN11VR£ la not be-; WANTED TO RENT -On Udo eamlnc ,.,.a lhouJd be comtnc to I.lie. 3 bedroorri house, for m09. lhr Jann Co Uphelaten. ~ of July or August, or both. Rent- YOU SIMPLY COULD NOT build RALPH P. MAS KEY this 1ovt'ly home tor. t~(' uktnc •3411 w. Central Ph Har ~ price. You may have 11 furnlshrd •t:Jlinc and ttbuUdlnc all wwk a l to S600.00 per mo. -m N. ........ ntftd. Phont" Bt'•con 6260. Kl Ikea Dr ... L. A .. Wy 0950. · · ~Uc or unrumlshl'd, as you pleue. ·--· 25-22tc 38-lOlc ------------DON'T PASS THIS BUY! EXCLUSIVE FOR SALE .~ Bed-dh·an. mtnor WANTED TO RENT-2 lJf'droom EL S I TE 111<atform rockrr. Call Sunday, heuse or apartmt-nt. H a r b pr H 0 T 210 C.ara1 A''<', 8.'llboa 1.sland. 11rea. Yt>arly basis. Be II C' on ADEQUATE AREA 4!>-ltp 5322-JU<. 43-3tc wm1 BAY FRONTAGE -...... -.. ------==-= ,,_:::-----. ... ANO BEAt.rrTFllL OCEAN VIEW _,,. .... '"'.,...,......., .. ~ Al'.tltTlll!:lifT8 & ROUSES -AT OUTBOARD MOTORS Furnished One Bedroom N~~~~A8fJ~r.M~. AND BOATS Apartment r _FUU Information nnil Key At Harbor Investment Co. 30th ·at W. Ct>ntrnl In NC'"''J>Ort 229 Ma.rlMO Ave .. on Balboa Island 45-ltc Coast Properties Co. Realtors NEW Ir USED View of Bay Month to mo.nth · Properti~. Inc. ~ and JWpalni on All or le-¥. P. A. PalmtT Incorpf W V EMPIE 3 UNITS. ttoed lncoml', nellJ' bay Malen of )fotan 3333Vla Lido. Newport ~;~ic 736 S. Hill St., .Loe An1tcles, Calif. Si4,750 Dave H. Spies MAdl10n 721 t 3 UNITS. 6 yean1 old. well furn 916 Cout Hi••ay-~acon ~~J: RENT. Ml8CELLANEOOS '8 -41-:Uc $l6.~ • SMALL HOUSE !'IUitablC' for two. LOT FOR SALE Boats Priced To Sell cheap. Ava ilabl<.' unlil June 15th NEWPORT ISLAND _ Oiotce 30' Cria--Cl'aft 1'42) $5000 45·tfr corner R-2 lot. Sldewa.lka anc\ 3; A111t. -S1eop F~ le. S. ~ oFn-,~--S~U-n:E-,1 ___ o_oo_ma_1_p-_o~-n-:d 1MMn1 both aides, all uUlltlM :rr C«n. Spt. Fish 1'41) $7500 noor Fine for doclor~tc. COSlu -PauJ Lund. 6686 Oeffn Frent OC'EAN F1lONT. nice home, 3 bedroonu. large' rumpt.11 room. 2 baths. 3 car garagr, wallrd patio, a cood J>uy. '$26.~ G. E. MINNEY &-aeon 6281 Ml'lla. Harbor 1756-J. 45-3tc Newport ~acti, Callf. ti 111 C:O.,t Hi•·ay. NewpdrtltEA.L --ESTATE WANTED N FOR SALE--45 foot lot on Oceari Coast Properties Co. A · 45-ltc __ Blvd .. Balhoa. Priced below ~ R Ito 9' HAVE A BUYER for a gara1tr day's market. Ph. ~aeon 5126-J ea rs OPEN SUNDAYS. a"-"rlment or small hom<' on tf SOI E. Central, Ba.Ibo&, Har. 2658 .. ,,_ d I ~1 42-\lr OUR COMPLETE marine hard· r('ar of lot in Corona c . ar--------------------------·"II t.e to S<-11 in \he vicinity of $6000. . ..-are stort" a boat mart -· · "' OPEN HOUSE· opm for )'Our rorwt>n.lenc:e ~maJ1 Call Tavt>rn Co., 1301 co a~ t Designed for Good Living . ..__, -ane M'TVice Saturdays. Highway, Corona del Mar. Cehf. 126 Opal Ave . R&lhoa bland ..... '"' Phone Haroor 1741. 45-1 tc THIS NEW 3 l><'droom ho!Tlf' on • 750 ..,._ Suflda)"S and hollda)"I. . RF.STRlcrED Lido Isle, affords Priced at .10, . •UTn. C PRI\' ATI: PARTY Will pay S6500 thf' Upm<lllt In llpiirlous livlnit. A ld1>al Beach H<>in!' The South'Coast O. ca!th for unfurnished house nt'ar stones throw from thf' South Open for lnssx-cUon 2212 Central Ave. hay to slC<'r1 fiv<'. Write Box "N'. 8 d the Lido Oub Howie. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10 lo 4 .... 3t · 45"rc ay an 45-lrr ""'7-c ('l o Nl'ws-Trm<'s ·:> Patlo-landlcapln1t-unll ht>at- COIOfERCIAL 40-ft. fishing boet PRIVATE PARTY -Will pey prlced rl11ht along with vpry "'1th Chr)'sle-r C'rown motor. S650CJ ca 11 h for unfurnl11hed 10' g · bNm. Holm 6 tons Iced house near hay to sleep I five. f•vorablc tcrm11. We urgP you Newport Beach Home to M't' It. fish. 16.'50 N"'l)Ol"t Blvd .. C.0.ta Write Tiox "N .. cl o News-'J'lm<'tl. M~. PhoM Bt'itcon &18l·J 41•5tc Harbor Investment Co. aft" 4 p.m . or all day Saturday ------------ It Sundays. 36-25tc KON'EY TO LOAN II 30th at W. \t'nlr11l In Nrwport :l2!l Muln!' Avr. rm Rnlhoa lsl11nd ll ft. Gar Wood utility completely LOAf'S TO BUILD. TMPROVE. 45 .Jtc rdlnbhed. Including i'l)Qtor !>ver-BUY. MODF.RNIZE. OR Completely Furnisht'd One ll<'droom $7800 S2500 Will IJ11ndle Sp: TillS haul. ewm-r purchuln1t lar1ter REnNANCE ~r. 1194-J. 43-3tc Wt> Buy Trust 0<-l'ds FOR SALE--2 bC'droom hotae, no Harbor InveRtmcnt Co. -M NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL =====-=a--a.u>,..;,,.._10_-7'~:-:= SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. t1S£D PIANOS "'anted far our 3333 Via Udo Ph. Har. 1500 rcnt&I C1>illn~. 2 hlOC'k• 11bov<' thl' Archf'11. Wiil take In houac trall- f'r or 1rood lot as Jlllrl payment on my ('()Ulty 429 Short St .. otf 30th at W rl'nlr11I In N••wport 22n Marin<' Aw. on Oalhoa bl11n1l • · 45-ltc rmt dl'pL Trade YOUf old Jltano 41-tfc on • Splnt>t. Hlshett a.llowantt ,,._,.llO'l'lv& a Tma II Or 111111 buy far spot cash. DANZ. A..., au SCHXfOT PIANO CO. 520 No. _F<_>_R SALE -1933 Plymouth. 3 Kain. Santa Ana t~tfc nrw tires. X-lnt transportation BA.LOWIN. t.eautJfully bullt Uttlt> $235 510 AllS<1 AvP. N<'wport buncalow piano. Jllopo9Hl8ed. Heolgh1:1 45-2tp BA1anoP can w peld on HSY GARAGE FOR. SAL£ -Mod1•rn monthly pe;tnwnu Thll Is a two C'ar canit" on concrete floor lftll. De.nz.SChmtdt "Piano Co JR x 20 wl'ldd ~idlng must mo\'I• Almo9t 100 pbnoe to chooat' orr prnpPrly. Phone-JI 8 r h "r from. 520 No Main, Santa Ana 66s.R 41-tf 19-tfc ~'ET piano IJrand nrw \.ue damacf'd In shlpm4!nt W11\ not be told trom p>rf~ now. Save S150. Tl"T"IN DANl,..SC"HMJD't" PIA.S(l ro. 520 :"o. Main. Sl\n· ta A.na. 19-tlc I -f'O-R SALE-1947 Duick Es1af9 w ;u::o n. 6000 mil <-5. ru II y <>q u 1 p- pt'd. healer. radio. 1potli1thl, 10 ply tir(.'Jt. thr .. t'<1r cnnnnt lw told from n pw Ha 119-t·J Sunrla}~ I all day. 43-3tc ~ I Newport Blvd. at llolsa Ave. Othera w1ll rNd your cl...u\ed 37-tfr adl u you are f'Ndln1 u.i.. -----BRIGGS-BEST -BUYS BUSINr:SS FRONTAGE-109 ft. on lfnrh<>r Rlv<1. 1000 ft. from Alpha Beta, Improved wi th fint' 2 n.n. h~. offire. large L.R . single gnr .. tool hOUSC', ~liar, shop bldg. S16.000. ":.: cash. Fred BRIGGS Tre_$sa \ Highway 634 Coast Ph. Bea. 5778 Ra. HM. 2476 15-1 tc Special Showing Saturday and ~unday. 10 A . M. to 6 P. M. April 10 ahd 11 210 OpaJ Aveo. Modem 2-bedroom &n.. IUnd home. F'iropla<~. Iruxe :r;unny livint: room. brftkfat bAr. p.1\·<'CI and renc-ed patios. garaJ:r. ~ unfur- njshro ~17,000. or ro~ 11ppointmmt rall lfamor f\2-W HUB POWERS at J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboo Island Ferry Landing Blanche A. Gates-Rcaltors-Ginfly Gat~ 212. Marine Ave., Balboa Jsland Day Ph()fl("S: Har. 1671 -J : Jlar. 1()34..J Eves.: Har. 746-M: Har. 1117-M .BALBOA ISLAND Privaff' pirr anrl noaf. r ... ,~eOUCl (_'On)(>r h<xnr on East Hay front with 2 Bit's hui..-e fin-plarP .. ~ bert>r<"uf'. \ompl.-tP tilP bathroom. ~ ~ P· Jore, doubl~ J::arag.-and j!arnJ::e <tr>' .. ron~ J)v. lng room. kltM1en and 'L l>Ath ... Do~nstaJn •·ortc- shop with complc•tr h:1th ; hantv.-ood. floors. lloch n - qulsltcly fumi-.hNl ~ to l'trlflf'f'Mat..-at $42.500. Two unit. FwTli!'hc>rl, -morl<>m and w,ry llf'&ufifuJ. 2 B.Rs l'ach, f1r't'f>l<1<'(' I yr. old A buy :1t S2S.tn1 See now! CORONA DEL MAR · • Beautiful 40 ft ln l on Sl>Ufh si1St> of hll-y. $.1.000. Goorl in1'0f1'l". :l apt." I ;uxJ i bMmom.,. llant..vJOd noor.-. file kitr hrn. rt•J\Jl>l4-Wll"aS:l' on "'' rt lot. OrM!' apt. fumi'\hNl. Vrry att~rtin-and a stml at $11.000. I furry! NEWPORT HEIGHTS See our home• with c·omplcle vW-W of h.:tr+Jt>r. 2 BRa. den dinin~ room, fif'f'plaa-and d<1t1hle ~~. bea~tifolly landscaped with pati,,,._ $l:uim. :l n. R 's. rin'pfa("(', m0t1<-mil'tir: tloutJlv Kara~: tx-a\ltirully lrln4l~pPd with pat.ios --a g.>rn fntr $12,700. PENINSULA Sf-f• our rhoke of lr1vr-ly hrlffif.., 'L :mtt ~J~ BP-" COSTA MESA On r.. J. lr.otn. T1t>a11fjful :~ BP. honlP. rti~ mnrn. firt'plRN', hanlwOOfl "'"'""'· fiJ1· kit1ilf>n :inrt 1.ath. tJouhlro c:nra1:r . VM'lf•fotn l1lmrl' Front 4lnfl l"(>aT yam~ at"(' 1~:1ulift1lly lan11,;r:i{X"1. ltrar F •l"i f~. $12.751'). BIANCHE A. GAnS-Jtfttltnn-GINNY GA'T'ES 45-ll,. \ ,,.. apartmenta are RrWd wtth an ample 1aundl"J roam. equipped wtth an automaUc wublrw mad\laj. ,,. p.;;::tY .. pndkd~ lllf-.r-tlld. -....... .,.. on aw IPueil. No laundry Cll' "°'9 dlubw •· .,.,_. .. Ndt re-~ nn.n. An n~t . ...U-paytrqr lnWltnwnt and lncoaw with minimum manaaerta) requbwnent.t. Dlllahttul 11vtrwby·1~ ... { &oe Mt. Conkltn l EXC'l ... USTVF. W1TI1 THE TAVERN CO .• IJOI Coast Highway Corona drl Mar, CallfomJa PhOOP Harbor 1741 --------------~-------~~~ CLIFF HAVEN IN BF..AtrrrruL CUFF HAVEN <M"rlooki"K Nt'W· port ffArbor. Two !Jtory 0..pt" Cod with 2 bed· moms and dm, I And~ bAth11, lm'Rf' Jlvina J"OQm, ~ kltchm, forr""1 air he"tln~. on larp lot l>Nutllully la~'ll~. Prl('('(f at $Hi.~. CRJJ Mr. F..dwards--Bearon .17!15. BALBOA JSLAND BF..AtnTf1.JL 3 bed room horn" on Little l.ldlllld. 1ile roof, 2 qJr e1u·'8~. tRlll dec·k anrl muny otht>r fN.,. tun.. 1'11k't'd low at $2l.OOO ror lmm,'<tlat~ u.Je. l.mmrtti1tt,. p~. Call IJat'bor 1776, Mr. Prouty OORONA DEL MAR ' DPflghttul modemlstlr horn(• with ON'fln' vk.-w. Larae patio and outsidt> tHtrt1Ni11•. f-:twl<W'd yard. Fairly prit....., 11t $1fi.500. ln<'h~ <1u1 .. t1ng and rlmpes. CaJI lfltrhor 164H-Mr. 1.>Rvh"' or M"'. Maroon. ' Wr h,,v.-· SPVPral wry ntfrnctlvf• two-bedroom homr.. IJ:mfw()l)d noonc, Vf"fK.•littn hllndlJ, furnace heel. $9,HSO. C:all lforhor l'f~fi M"'. Mstmon. BALBOA Altra«·tlve 0.pe Cod horn(-on r1ul,.t Jo:m1t Nf'WJ)Ort , s~ nrar fllty. Pric•• $14,500 ruml~. V<'ry rrn- Minnhlf-teml.'l. CaU Mnry Dtckt«"1 nt Hftrhor 101;1, Abo ~ood huYl' on Pt'nlnirulu. NEWPORT BEACH Artl.1tk nt"W morlf'm l(.(>(lw1'>0fl flnnr h-t YJlt" hOWIC with (Ym·h 1tlnng entl"' front. Jk>tWN'n Oceon nnd CAMI. ·rwo tlf'droom.ac, pn.Ml-niy h..:1tcnt Q)m. pl<-tely h1mist.,-'(J In cxN.>114'nl tusft'. An hlcnl bf-11ch home for $M.~1'l<J. CiJI Mr. M<·Kln"<'y nl Harbor 101:t .. COVl:RIHO OR•&Taa N S Vf P 0 .R T • A R B 0 a 11U W Cl'l'n'IUL ~ AND IRV'DfS 8'a. Mewpott n...e. Newport a..da l'M -9CX>An1tw7. ZIJ. llAJUMS Aft. Ill OOA8T Inn'. ,._peat &.di De.Ihm bland Oorane dll - 40..ltc .. '• . ' . _..._ • ... l!llll ...................... _., ...... _... ...... ,_-:~----------------------11!1911----~~~---~ . . _,... r I • . ( t •' I I .. .. .- NSW8-Tlll lt8 .. 1'1UDA\' Aprtl t , I ... * Brief Gl•11ee at Today's Markets Am Tel & T1•l 150, Canadian P111•1fu: '"-13 Dupont 175~ ~ral ?>foton. 56~ GoodyN1r 41" Kenn<<'l'lll 51',. St'ars ~Wi '• So Cal E<b"°n St&ndn:nt1J1l ttii... U S StN'l 7111. S~D CRAB ·· · <ConUnuK' trorn Ptiie l l help in havln~ fo,·on. .. t. You ~ how indiffcrmt 1 ht• av-· erage voter is on SUl'h is. ... ucs. • • • Freeholder'll.. SuddP nly dumped on a n •unprepared citizenry is the fac1 that the date for filing nomina tions ln the special election call- ed for May 17, cJOGed Thurs.- day, Ap1;1 8. It woold seem that the Business C'oundl. which initiated the ld~:i.a or electing 15 Freehol1k-rs ;ind knew that nominations had to be filed, juc;t like any other election. coulct have advised the public or t ~ who might t~..4~ to tun. 'Th<> law provides thnt i:;uch a nominee must hav(' livt'd and been I\ voter ror at least five years prior to rtate or fU. ing. Now the time for filins:: is past and the sclN'ti'on or candidates ap('X'ars sr1l<'IY in • • • .; - 1 ·.Want Ads · 'Tht> News-nn-wUJ not be re- •1JOn~1ble for more than ~ tncor· ,.,., Insertion of an advert.t.ement. 1-t11•r v1'9 the rlcht to corTeCtl1 ·tassiry any and all ada and to 1 -··J.-ct 11ny ad \•ertlaemt'nt not oon· •.,,mini; 10 rules and r~atlona 68-tfr \\'OOD FENCE. CONTft. All Types and StylH F 11 A T1•rms-Fl'ee Estimates An)Whcrc> in County l 'r> to 3 yrs. to Pay Ph . S A. 2579-R. 25-tfc Do you want to all It! Adver- lL'>t' In t.heM oolwnna. Expert Watch & Jewelry' REPAmING Fmc Diamonds and Watchet • NF:WPORT JEWELERS <Undl'r new Management) 116 22nd St.; Newport 17-tfc E0WALTERS at : \i •• • >t'•·.on 1-'r11n1 Esnmatcd cw l '1• •-) * Bnef Glance Bailding Perm its TILE CQNTRACT,OR_ Bn th Rooms, Drain Bo~tl!"' l:ith & l':l'wport Ave., Costa Me11 Phone Deacon 8700-W-3. 18-tfc \\ ASlll ~(;·~ 1:-.: Afi'1l " I 'f'r ,., •• o1o "' Tn.o on ,_ 1HI: ·" , ... ...,,. ''''''"t' t .. •• 1'; '\t•' 'int It tud.t\ , ... .,,. •• , .,.,., r.: , • •. '''-'tfk-II \\ '•' .~ 1• ·n .1 • «rs ~nd •fT'PI"~., ..... _ •. ·····r t t, t •.-,,,.,,, Yt·i•t1• ' '!• 1n •fl rt •,.-••·'~·_. 1•)-1 .. _ ,,, t I ......... •· •••111 11•1 , .. Jrl ''r•h• \t u~ f t rr ·••·t ·'"·-• ,7·_. •• 1 • \ c , r 1• " • · • 1 t • 1tw-ha n<I" of th•••·,,'' t!· the """'"~1111i.:-\\ !11.-t 1't10 !.t 1.~ f"<l ll• .. t 1•·l1fl• ti !fl. (,,,._.,.,. : • ~d. -; "• ,,.. '', • .r • .,, 11n ~·. • ' \ h 1• I' I ' I 1 \' r • .... ~ ···I ' t <"'. 4 ,. 11.,~h C'.11111· 1•·m111 to build " I ''"' 1 • ••m111o•11·1.tl l1111hhng at 8 1'1 1 •• ,., 111..:h" ·'·' .. :.11matL'<I l-c.o,t '-~---"' 11 11••hl \l I'·"''· f"'rmir to bwld LEROY S LATER , I 1••>111 ul1llt1o1n ''' pr rs(' n 1 MO\'t' Anything Anytime '""lhn..: 11 :11 i-·,,, n!raf irvenu· Sp•·C'lallz~d in t ~r;~·~r.1 1 .!.·1 ~1 .. i-··11111a11'{) cc•-1. MOVING , 1 ,11 .• \\ \l.1,1,.1.,.. JIN.;h 1,, llnusl'hOld r.oods & Small Bo11t1 T. 1 Toi 1 t t·1m1t1 m111 nvr r ,::nm;• llarhor 391. 25-lfc fuJ1.n<>e;. .... u .... ,.,.1111.: , ., \\ h··•" you sit. 11 • / •: . " 1 • 11• ' '" !, • o< 711 1· .. 1·1·~ "'' lllfl'. C1J1 011~ d.' Other1 v.1U read your cla.ulflrd '" ·.1 or I' 111, 1" I 1·11,1 S.Jl llJO. ad.' 'ns vou are rending these. ' VOTERS I • -_) .. I • GREELEY •• B.LUE ••• VOTE for .DR AKI (Polltkal Advt<rtl.wmtnt 1 .... BU81NE88 OUl"i; _,_. __ H P .I CTU RE . FRAMING Harbor Pa int Center 408-32nd St. P~Qne llar bor 2350-W-Newport 45-ttc HARBOR Plumbing SerVJce 1768 Newport Blvd .• Bt>acon 6111 REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Contracting and Suppl!• 9-tf4 14! YEARS SERVICE IN m:E JiARBC.R AREA HARRYfALL PAINTING CONaraACTOR 274 E&1t 19th Street Ph, Bea. 5413 eo.ta Meu, CaliL 30-tfe - DIPLOYMENT rANTED •11LU& ~ e RESl 'ONSIHLE MarTled haby sit· 'Guest or_ Pla)it:louw fl.lnl.llbf.d cir It'!' Phom· BP<\Clln 53:.?'.!-RK. un!urrushed, 10 x 12. a1J ~ 45-3tc rombt'd ply~·ood lbwd.. tnl&ail -----------llnole1,1m. im1narulatc-; llaU of • WANTED -D1w wor k by 1•xp. fer. 1708 Park A\'f', &lboa ~ <'11l11n •d i:irl lncal r<'frrt'ncl's. land. Harbor 217 ~"-S- L 11~u n dr y, clC'anim:. cutt'r ln". ·r Good cook. Can dr\\'I' C'l'tll Mrs. Uo.xt-d m rorn<'r bunks $:.;'.1 <-• "'• Loveland. liar. 1:.!f,.t ·l5·31c m11h_-C'ororua 11.1len1 i-~ IYP.'\\Tller S85 to. ~It (". uq 1'.:)IPLO\'!\IE!'l."T OFJ<"ERP.:D !9 A\C•. Bal~a !.$land. Ptl()f)I lk . (',\RPE~TF.RS \\'.\ -..:n:n F' ltor :..'V68-W -l.'>:!t,r P \\'al!1ron. ~1R ~laritw Aw Wafches . C".odm • J_.n Bnll.1<•u I land 4'·:!lc CHRO~OMETERS • WA~Tf:n -1\»•1stan1 l•>okk1·1•p..or ~p.irinc -Prompc Senb Good working condition s Must SensibW ~ hu\t had l'Xp•·ril'm't' nr thornui;h VAN DRllfLEN schoolini:; Box "X" Nt·w~-T1m<'S. J E W £ L R y ----------4:._•._s_tp 11786 N""J)Ol't Blwl. ec... ~ WANT F. D -Man with somt' 3-tfc knowli•rlRr of plumblnl' supply to handle• warchousr stoclcs HARBOR must ha\'e salc•s ahihty f o r _Furniture & Tra1Lc;fer handling insidr retail mrrc:!111n-BO!l:DED and l:SSURD> d1SC'. Beacon 6().1 1 4.r3tc ·rnACTOR WORK-Grading & __,._ A Good Buy ... Plowing, concrete work of all W~ITRESS WANT ED For part Is -w· B D. F~ · 11mr wor k '.}'C<'k C'nd. Apply in a I.Be U.)' 11c. ree csllmales. Call Santa F ·c1 S d S 'l...f't Us Help You ~ ~--Ana 3604-R J6..l0-t person ri ay, aUJr . ay or un-. p day morning, Balboa Yacht_ club. -COURTESY SER\,C'E- PhonC' Harbor 1484. 4-1-Stc 1962 Harbor Blwl. a.ta Jilall Wall ace Calderhead <L.F.RlC'AL & typing pnrllimr . 3 MANUFACTURJNG JEWELER full <IAys nr 6 h<t!f.days n w1•1•k. 817 €0AST HlGHW A y SH•ncly. Phom• BC'skon 5277. CORONA DF.L MAR, CALIF. 41-2tt· 31-22tc )!(~ .. t"OR SAl.E le ------------ LANDS-CAPING 20 Yc·ars F:"Jl«'r i<'nce Old & r-.:.•w I lonws MR. C. L. GEORGE OEAC'O'.\I 5979 33-22t< Phone Beacon 6217 ~73 F.lden A~i:.. Coeta MC!9& »tt• For Rent· - House or 1\pt. Till J une 15th H. M.LANE REAL ESTATE 2006 Court Ave. Near Newport Pier E1tabll1hed Since 1920 PLl MBING SUPPLIES Open!' Sat. & Sun. 9 am. to 5 pm. CO~tPLF.T.F. TOILF.TS. I ncludin& :o>C'nt and flush val'<t' ~23 50. \\'all h11ns;:. closl' roupl<'d toil11t11 at N1mparnbk' pricr11. · l.\nhl•·r l.arntorirs $1!100 up. !'ol 111 vft rl'OUS china urinals $4.75 1romr sw ns;: ~poll s , . K11 ch1·n sinks S.'l.75 up. Laundry trays. cast iron. T oilrt s1·ats, i;:h•aminc while' $6.85. Soil pipe and fittings. Cct our prices. Hot wa tC'r h<'ale(s· new 20-gal. $46.50. fll'huilt hat watrr heaters 20-gal. $31.00. An.)1-plumhlng Item can be had throuRh our local or Los An· ie~s office. 315 Marine Ave. Phone Beacon 5538.J . FIREWOOD CHARCOAL It fnuQvrn PROMPT DELIVDlY' Wright Lumber Yard 1784 ~ew-port RMI COST A lil£SA Beacon 5865 Plenty of Good Tira All SW. Compound K~ Oil W estem Auto Supply A~ DNlr.r 1&16 N-iiort 81¥l1.. OmD .._ 1?-dl SERVEL The G A S Refriger.atm' Some Models AvaIW. NOW Balboa Furniture Store 100 Main St.. 8albm MICE' -Nervous? Not sleeping durmi:; d ay? Cha in smoke OP's. Maybe it's the sqot-ak In your car. St'e Earnie at Associated St'rvlce. 26th & W . Cent., New- port Beach. FREE pickup-H&r· bor 1406. · 45-ltc • lJALBOA ISLAND (Opposite Catholic C:urch) -Cloeed Tuesday- HA. 2216-W. Cl-de 25-tfc ------------ Silver Plating COPPf:R. BRASS, GOLD • Pollahlnc A: ~nl1hl~ Jl'OR S.M.E-TIMlr ._,.. - chine in good cmiditiml MO 00. Stt -it a t 04 8epJaia. 0.- ~l Mar. G-d SPORT. TOPS -SEAT OOVEJIS .. c: llX F~ I ,\[ t f t LOST AND FOUND n L p ST-Gold Swisa watch, dla· mondl on 1ld0r10Jd 1trap. Jn Bayside PlatinJ? Co. 1914 Harbor Bfvd. eo.ta Mesa. Calif., Beacon 5113 ·Taylor's Trim Shop 1 Autcwnobile U .......... • 6-tfe Boat .... Tr-* c ,._ Corona del Mar. Reward. Har-aa.lfted Ilda DO pt taio. Ja't 1505 Wst Cmlral NeCQW l ML bor 1206-J. 43-3tc done. Hm1lar 1MO »Cit I I.AW c,-ncc• -. V oN HERZEr:i & W ooos 0 r-11t•T w. ... TtCM6'L B U I LDIN G 3t3 H O L.L¥-WDO .. a •HD H IQH\..•MO t-40 \oLYWCOD 8 0\JL(\/A .. 0 1.1.v woo o 20. CALl f"ORNIA • GL •D ••O NC 2 2S5 8 'April 1 948 - Ne•port-Balboa Times central Avenue . Newport Beach, California Gentlemen: ,. attention that the It h as been called to my Island Tax Payers Direct ors of the Ba;b;~ am a member' have issued Association, of wh c to endorse certain can- a statement purporti~~· ce by said association. didates for public o l . .. r attent ion to the fact that I wish to direct you f said association was .. no meeting of the membe;so~e of end<fr sing any . e"61' .call~d tor the p~ ~f ice or tor any discusslOD . candidates for public~rt f any of the candidates. whatsoever as to the mer\~ ~itY therefore to endora.e Said Directors hadbn~~ o~ the association, or in any 9andidates on e thllt the members of said asso- anY way to ind i c~~Ye endorsed or favored these ciation persona.a ' candidates. 8 by these Directors ia ADY endorsement' theref~!dtviduallY and cannot be an endorsement by~~=~ ~he majority of the members taken to indicate ve of their endorsement. of the association appro Yours very truly • George c. Woods QCW:dm I .. ,.._ ..,_ &.U.Z • llnK"AI. a RADIO .. AUTOllOTR'& a n&U • lll£4L PJllTATS • UAL l:tllT.\ft a ll&ALaTAft ll ll ll :a s • s I SPJ!'ie£"T mirror l)'pr ptano. La\'~ly PLUMBING SCPPLIES !:· ~1:-ii';,.~~.!:'. COAST MOTOR CO. 2 BED RD°OM HOUSE ' •1 Nl!WPO&T •&Lao& .......... . -----f"lllPU ~ .... ....._ ....._ ....... -.- ~ Sl-O<"ll Ln 0.-~r e~t)' DA.."'\Z.SOUUDT, 520 No. )fain, BOB FROF'.SM IU: 1008 roast Hli;hw11y "" • Santa Alla 19-tfc 1 :! Galv. Steel Pipe f sP~T.T ror rt>nt AD 6 mo. term 20t-feo\ , rt'flt all~~ 1r you buy latt>r TRANSPOHTATION Cbn.ml! Plat•-d Sv. ni; FaueflS h' JUSt hkt> a s:winr.-. acrount SPECIALS SALE 1!951• ,alu.-S3 95 JWnt • Spi1w1 n.,w. hU)' wh<'n , . FREE PLC~tBING La)·out ~n-ice FOST~~XA Pll'\JRTXG ~"'1 s w ::o.;,""rv•rt Aw· Ccwu )[M.a Phon:ol'. llt·anm 6'~1 ELECTRICIANS l~il"IC'IP! 1920• ConrnK'tinc·PJ prunt ~nt1<1l-J ndu.stri..al :J7.lfc r• ad' Denz·S.:hm111t Piano Co 3!\ r onll:I<' 4-D SN! f;:..>9."l :'\: •• ~o ~am. Santn Ana 19-trcl:lt) Plr 4-n Socl !'\l'w c•ni:tn•' Good ruhh.-r 495 ~I:\'\\",\,. GRA:\"U, ''Tltl' King 37 Dod~t· 4. D S<'(jan j11111 o\ n· • ! l""""lli l"·rf1 rt rond1tl•'"· I hauh'tl ... f.!lr. ~· :.: .. ••~ l•ln•' S·I\•· O\<'r ~\l)(l(l 37 Ch<'\ 4·1> St•d11n R11tl111 l~a-:1 ~ .. 1 m1dt. !'aat'\ Ana. 5:.1111 S.'AI C'll\•'1'11. ~·""1 rnhh··r 4f .... :"o :'>lalll 19-tlc 138 Ft•rrl C'OUI"' Jl11d1tl ~>!l) ~J,\PLE l'ptnt t r•'(~ksst"d G••r· - ..:<-..us runt• lll'au11ful mapl ... rm. 1 COAST MOTOR CO. blo ll11thn.t i;r:.dt-mnkt> H rnu 18 c 111 1 JO\<' l'Tlllpl..-you w ill m·V<'r find 1()( out ~ iway ' anulh<'r to l:'<1ual t his om· Jullf BEACON Gl88 ·\~i-l tc P:.> nut balarire l':;uy lt"rm5 if ~OU Wl$h n anz·Schmlttt PIAl\0 Ets-Hokin & Galvan Co· 5~>o :-\o. '.\fain. Santa Ana. 1000 COQSt Kl'3) ~ ~ o 31-lfc '41 l'l .VMOl 1'11 ~door ttP<'Cinl dc- luic. New paint job. Eni:lrw just l>N'n Q\'crh1111l!'d. l111rbor 1:122-W. 1 :!~ Ai:nt~. Halhoa ls land. apt. No.:! ·16-51<' 31-rfc ..JY7.CIA.l. A..~OUNCDIE'STS 11 FOR SA.LE -'.\lod. I D Cnm.•I>· ~ trlllMnr ~11h auacti nwnu.. St~ M f'tl' ine 8'>acofl 5638-J P'~U\:i:S 41·51C f' AS T\TE rltt-tnc 11' alf'T I liar· k~ I bo..... fl .. u pnf'> ,\I ill .,,,.. rubboT bi>o1t I/' ~. ct>. dlJ :.'09 :r_~ SI . ::o.;. 'lll)IVI f',."3('ti II,\ J ~W ~:>-lip ~n-n "RAL STEF.L Am:t... rtn r"' I• J R<-1ms I •u•' '"'' ~~ :11• c ="··~· & l 'M'd t _ ;.u:.,,f ~. P.· t~fnrr"'lnt: Stl'fOI ffiCK.<;( 1"1: & :-.f'WT.t.L 31r.1 W , • ., ~·· Phtlnc l~ .5.dlt.. ,\J1'1 1:;.1 h " CASH for USED Furniture & Appliances -,·., Buy Ai-I I .\nyddllc'' G~N'TS . ~ e.. ... 5101.11 166 N~ Blvd.. a.ta ~ . C2-lfc:. Pl'OLIC SOTt<r::. -Chani;~· or FOR S ALE..:.l!Hl Plymouth 01'-- nrim.• I int•·nd to chani::c th1· IUl(l' CoRrh hy orii.;innl ownfr 1tamr of th<' DocumcntPd Yacht Coll tlnrhor 7fi6 4-1·51<' )L\l>O:'\~,\ :-o;o :?.5t349 to ------------<.u;ARJ~E 11. FOR SAU:-19-111 (111•\'Y :! d11<•t S1i::n.'d 8Jlf'Cll11 dC'lllX sN111n, f'lH'f'llr•nt C'.'lrc', L ~t Lo<·kharl Own<'r . motor nnl1 tlrl'S ,\.J Will ~ .. 11 ut Puh ,\pr n. 7. ~. 9. 1~ h11ti.:<1ln pril'I' C.111 d.r) ~ I lnl'· 424111 l>or 3061 43·3tr --~~----~ BnU~"Y..li$ OPPOBTfTN1TIE8 .. TRAJLF.K!:i 61 l·.\fT I~ COR1l:-.;A DEi. )f AR TEAR llHOl' TRAIU·:H (:~>Od :\ 1. • n. •rni: 'G"'id nu~incss ld«JI Swnnwr Spot l' '' ·w • ~. l-:•11111•111• nl and V:JS(' m,~-tn rATF: -Y •I l 'hll.SI llii.:hwa~ I la r1 •1r l(lX.1-\\' rubl>t'r , box i<prin~ mallr••s.<i. <'llt•l>t• 1nl 1~ 1-h"I' • ~. I 1111•• • I<' C11ll 1:\41\I l·:..">0t l\•11\1,11 ll·llhoa S-_1.."4) tMI l:l-:ltt· ---------TnATT.TnS l"'nrt HY.N'~ lnr1111,... a t Tr:iil··r 1 •.11 k l lff11·· Ila~ ~hPrt' Tr:tll«r l',11 k. l • .. a,I 1111.:h\\it)'. 1'••11·11t1r1 II•,.,.,, 11 .. 11r .. 11 :• lcifl $ rn.;,oo Corona dcl Mar .111 titp ont·nu· GARAGE Good IOC'•· 11\ln 111 C\1111a Mesa. Pr Iv • t t f\!ltl) $1'1()1.l T\t'M'On 6199-M. I 4,S.~tp PlU ME INCOME 10 1·;-.;r~ """ 1~1 r1 ... 1 or rront·I ni:•· ,,., c ···111r11I 11' 1•nuc-. lletl lo- .. r:it11111 Amplc-Sl~'lt-..• for 11ddl· 1h1n.<I 111111,; t'rlc-.'<I to M'll - nno l 1. n•L~ 111 suit \\'t' n:m11id<'r I lhL• I<• "" Jn\'t'!llm1•nl OppolTIUJ1· II~ Ill l<l\l'I\ HarlH1r Iuv<'~tment Co . :\llrh nl \\' c .. ntr nl In Nl'wporl :.'.~.'9 Mnrnw 1\\'('., on Oalho11 b lBnd 4~· llC CORONA DEL MAR SOUTH OF JOGHW AY Must Sell at Once . A nEAtrnFUL NF:W 2 bcdrOOm hnme F'lrc-plaN', lllU"l\g~. patio nf n ngltone with roncrete f~l\Cll!. \'!'nc-ti11n hllnch, rui:s Sp;i1'•• nn 1111 for c-xtra room 11r ri•nt al unit \\ 111 A.-1·1•pt lk .;t t Hf1•r O~•cr $10,000 SEE ·n ns 110~11-; AT -1;1:! Duhlia Mar 1\' 1• , Coron& dt'I lie OU PLEX I ):"-/ l'F:-\JN~llLA W. L .. JORDAN RF.AI.TO R 7fl0 F. C't'nlrnl, nalhoa I li1rlinr 15.1 15·tfr 0C<':tn \'tl'W Lot. l.kvcl LIDO ISLE HOME Sm• JO hy l IM HF.RF. JS TI IF: Rf'.sT buy on bc!au. _ J>IiruLat _3_2_5_0 __ 4-_t_iful Li~o J1lef • TIJIS ATTR.AC'11VE and 1p11 home has 3 bt'drooma. 3 ba,th• ANNOUN CING : M'I'\"· le\' In lht• p1'1111111tiou of 1\0.1! l~f.ttt• hnst· llC'O.:." \\'Ith <'111' 11fflw. F11r the• H11:1tt ! 1'k'.tl11111" Ca ll I l:i l'IM' Ii:.!-\\' H U B PO\X 'ER S at . J. A. BEE K OFFI CE H11 luon lsl11111! F t'l'r)' .. nm,,, N E \X PORT llEICllTS :"1'1\ '..' h1'i'lroom homo.•. ~!()1 1 1)1"' h F11ll ptic'' ~"tl;'l(l. , ~I" :in 111•r t11011th . II is n•11d.' lo 1110\·,· mt••. ~·\1•r;il 111nr;· '..! and :1 ll(!rtn. h1>1111-... 1w1,,~1 t11 1'1'11 ,\ ho.•attt if 111 h111 ldin1~ 1111 ~I :1~11 1 Tt•tin ... t iu .. ,,. 'k"'· 1111 "' 1·1 l1111"illl.! I l:i rhor· 7~·, I :!7' hit. ·n\i' ti-1i-.·al 1( .••Ill 1\.1111 111 lt11iltl :i bt).;•'r httu-..• \X' ATER FRO NT '\ hd1111 h rhul !Ir-. I ':ii "" 1>tJ1'i1lt• •i-hmH't'. li.u-.1.-., l '11·r o111d 1111.11 lo r '_' hn.11' l 'nn'CI tn -11 .. l>',tllltl .\11o •th•·r h1"·l~ \\at1·1·1r,.111 l l.1-. l'i•·r :111.t nu:it. -.1 m . d,.,.k ~It.1th-.. m.111~ •'\lr:1-.. :-:1~.~i!lll COSTA l\1E SA 'I I< 11' n1111 11f lfh • 111"'1 I .11 It', C'fot'4 ' Ill FJton J>. &m1•tt l'C'ml'I r.. R:l.FTM.'tt Barn<-~' Frnn£-r1U<.> Hmkr•r.- EVA F. RHODEN Realtor l'h Oil<' . IJc ·o con 5 71 :t-R '170 NN1lQf1 Bh·"fi F\.-.U..TTt."R.E REFINlSHED As You UR It ICES GRENS'1'ED garage attacht:'d. suilahl<' ,.,.ira ~oom. Available now unitl Oc:-1 1. 3309 :'>lan·us Aw. Nt'W· port 81-ac;h 4-1. 2t p JOH N E. SADLEIR R ea lt o r and a large outllde play-room __ _ 71.311 ~ St.. a.ta llaa ..,_... HarlxJr 10"10-W Few EHimata On Caar'afttttd Wart! 2i-ttc FOK SALE-Table t<>11 1toft. da. BaOywood Wei and mi9oPDan- f'Olla knl& 8naJn Cllfl>.W. G-3te :SEW studio orw broroom furnish· S tanle>y A Smith. llnul M. Condon ro apt. a\·a1Lablc-until Junc-1:5th FMl'I Mulligan $7S 00 pc-r mon th . 433 AcaC'la. Allllodatl' Rrokers C'orona drl Mar 44•2tc Harl)or 74 I or Harbor 2422 FOR RE.'1 -By month or sea!IOn. 45·ltc Jww I to Sept. 15. N-2 B. R. N v· H house. Furnished.. Garage. 114 ew leW ome Ocean Front. R ~ap o n tl hl e OVDU.CX>KING 'EnUtt ~ --.... ,.,. ..,__ rftlClftllldanfd I pmrUa only. Ph. HlUalde 7805. aria. I br .• hdw. f\ocin, ~; .. ...._ ~ 4S.3tc OONtl'UcUon and Inside f\rdlh t'V.. ft.. rwflteentor • ._ ~ ------------e.<ceptional. ~ rtMSt w.',w 5i505. .....2te W.urn:D TO ~ a evtt off~. which w o uld I><' perfN't for guests TIIERE JS A LARGE rlr~place, loads of closet spaC't' and the en· ti:rt> proJM'rly 111 cXQillently con· atructed. SITUA TED on one of the> ht-st cor· net locat1on1, the lot hu ~ feet of frontqe and ls com· pletely wallt'd w I t h 2 paved paUC>S--One hat a corppl<'te bar· b«-ue. IF YOUR ~TI'VRE b DCJt be-W A.NTF.D TO R.£rolT -On Lido c!llllillc JOU should w ClllDlills to I.ale 3 ht-di oom ho\.-. tor mos liar J-9 Co. ~ Rr-ol July or Auguat, or both_ ~nt· ~ ...S ttbuildblc aD "-ti a l t o S600.00 pn mo. 419 N. YOU Sl l't\PL y cou1.n NOT build RALPH P. MASKEY thi11 lovely homl' for the H klOJ ~ P'bc.w BellCOD 6'28). Kilkea Dr .. L. A .. Wy 0900. 2S-%2tt 38-lOtc F.OR SALE Rfod-dn~ manor WANTED TO R.n.l -2 bt>droom E X C L U S I V E pbtform rockff Call Sunday.I NllJle or 11pertm«>nt, Harbo r H 0 T E L S I T E · 210 Coral A'<·. Bali:-bland. art"a. Year ly h.uis. B i' a co n ADEQUATE AREA _________ ._4!'_~_1":::.tpl 532'2·~ -4J.Jtc wm1 RAY FRON"J11''GE 3411 w. Central Ph. Har. 402 priC'<' You may have It t urnlthl'd g.. • ._ or unrurnishl'd, 11s you plea!I<'. -:i.. uo:; ------------DON'T PA$S TillS ntlY.' Full Inrormalion und K<•y at Harbor Investment Co. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION And Comparison Special Showing --- Saturday and Sunday, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. April 10 and 11 210 Op:tl AVI'. Modem ~·llC'Ol'oom &lbon 1"'3.nd home. Fif"('JlhH't'. larJ;:I' ~unny tiv~ room , hrrnkrast bar. pavC'<I nnd fm<'f'd 1.;1li<"'. J.!:tmi.:~·· l"ric~ unfur- n ished $17,tKXl. or for appointmo.•nt c;ill Jlarhor f.:!-W UAL DT 4TE --. C 11&.U.. _.. ,T&------...1.- ftAl Jl(l;\ "-'~"" tun.fwd ..,..... ~ ... ,. .. . JJcsl.bu.):.-3UJDly l()_"JOO-n-r.. llAIJ~l,\ lt..ty •-nm hnn)f-. I~ ~ tlf'd- n""''~ ;uwl i.:L1--.i 1n p llfria Tti..-~ .-1Ua 11: h,,fh., ~•Y t\.U .... ~~ An~ tlu)• •I ~~' '""' T·~ ~ . SOl 'Tit C0,\$T REAL n CO. • It.-. •~""°"""· R4".ahiv ,.,.._., r.rimrtl, en....-J.~i<lun.• w.:a ... ll.o':t1f•'f" II.rim 0 Kblf. r.......... .'ll~ M. in ~~ RAl.ROA Ph. Ha1t1ar :nJ.4 For Sal(' h~· 0.·ner: M U LTIPLE 11 NIT LOTS ~-l~t C.A·ntr2I A,·c. Ad joinint: <kC'an F'ront Onirifo in ,.... ~ .. t-.., ~ Stwr .,,..,. ~ • ..,.,...,._ C 4-ntrr loc2tion hard to hat. lchl ftir CCJW1 •lf" Al10r1nw'ftl." Also : Small R~idcnce :and Gar.age 0.1· H : lots. . .f5..1tc PRICf:O RIC.HT FOR IMME OIATE SALE Phone I luntin {!ton Reach J1~ .--. m '" :. 1• rn C.< >RONA DEi,_ MAR ="•-,\ tn••'-fn. 1:! •mrf f•tml~•I lllrQ J1nw'ftt. AllO!n" '•""thf11l l '-1ll•'1 l\;n te..· I··~ h ::.n.f ••• .,...n t.;.tl "·' \ .... , \\ ..... , l \.1 u .. q ...... t 1..:aa."111\.1 llt-aor-ft ~ .. ·~'01.tf .'no .. tt-f"'1iii .... \'..t -n.,.,... u.._ .. ~'<IT IW-. a \"W':lnr)' '"•"fio•ol..lfti,: •-vwt•""" l\al Qt l\"I) ..... ,..,. ~ f\d l °':"t•,fto'. In 1t,.. •·vi1~u· ~bl wrt""' al C "1ron:t •1t-I lhr . ,._ ..... ndrnl. t!....wt f\n I 11 4 lll(Qrt""-m tc t"""c ttl'fornoood for ~ ,,. ..... al-''°" ...... "Uibiih <. 1QIWJ •lMrn. ...... n ' 0 a and twfhir...: And ....... ts .... at l.AJa .. a ... 4.'; rninut-hy .................... ,.. ORiy ... 1lladal fnwn,.,.,. ~ .. -.I••• I a ft'tlllllirr. ~.... ... tr 6a I n 4 ,.. ........ •nd t.ths KJtciwwic aft' .... _, ,__ u I 0 • lladc-C'hrf ~ .... ~ .. : ....... c::,., ~=' .,.=._n.1_:::: ..= :.:t'li by 1 lll f"4 to lbtl!H.. ,,. ' tauwl ......... al ... 9ft'tions of lb ............. 4Y'! -•••• , ~ and thP ~ MdM <IW.., Sllllii'fA A. "'"" ...... :· w~ 1.1"7. 111r...,.......,.__. ......... , I ..... 3 \$ • ---' Mc H. ID , ..,. .. :::i·:-:!'"' ··=:-' , .... ...,..,' .,. c' a .. ,......~~ .. ,,..... a Aa ~~ ..... ,.. ... 2 ........ __ i!::.ct:U..-:.. , ..... ,, an.....-. es..11r.c_.., • £XCLUslVF. WITH THE TAVERN 00 .. IJOI Coast Highway Con..d!lllar.<>Nw• Plta.J ....... 1741 80A'ft. M1rPUD •1 1 Al'AllTME!lfTS a ffOUSE.~ U AND BEAUTifl't. OCEAN VIEW AT 30th ·a t W. C'l'nlrnl m NrwJJOrl 229 Marine Av<', on nnlboa Island 45-ltc JiUB POW ER S at J. A. BEE K OFFICE -1~---.,....-----,..----- OUTBOARD MOTORS Furnished One Be droom CORONA DEL MAR ~~-!~ Apartment NEWPORT REAC"ll, C'ALIF. Coast Properties Co. ~ and Repai.n on AD v-...... of Bay Month to month . Properties, Inc. 1Cakn ol ~ nr le~. P A Pa!M Jncorp., 3. UNITS. go.d lncoml', nur bay Realtors • 33.13\'la Lido. N("Yo-porl ~ach W . V. EMP I E Dave H. Spies 42-Stc 736 S. Hill St .. lA8 An1tclc1. CaJlf. SH.750 "' ("-t Hiwa>·-8-cloft ~J! llDT. 1118CELLANEOU8 '4 M Adll&On 7211 41·5tc 3 UNITS. 6 yean old , well furn S'.\L\L.L HOUSE 11ui1abl<• for fwo. LCYr FOR ·SALE $t5.500 -Bo8&a Priced To Sen rtw9. A,·~able until J un<• 15th OCEAN FRONT, nlet' horn", 3 45-tfc NEWPORT ISL.AND -Oiol~ hf'd.rooemt, IRFti:•• rumpus room. JO' Cra-("n.ft f"42t $5000 36' Allll. Sloop F. A S. $2500 3T QJm. Spt. f"'ash "4 I I $7500 ------------com.,-R-2 )ot Sldewalkt and 2 OfT1<T-~...-3 moms. ground pavlnr both aldfos, all \JtllltiH both!!. 3 car garag<'. wull•-d c E. )IT!'o1'"£Y &llC'Of1 6281 noor Fine for doctor etc Costa Paul Lund. 6006 Ocean Front patio, a &ood buy. ~tf'Sll Harbor n:.i;..J 45·31r N~rt llt'ach, C1111f ti $26.500 Til c-t Hiway. Ne'WJIOf" 4S-ltc: OPEN SUSDA YS 64 FOR SALF,..-.45 root lot on Ocun Blvd., Dall)oa Prl~d bc!low ~ day's market. Pl\. Beacon 5126-J HA \•t: A 81. "YF:R for a i;:;ira~<' apartm<'nt or small home on T('ar or lot in Corona di>I Mar- lo !"'II in the \idnity of S6000 Coast Properties Co. Realtors lf 501 F.. Central, flalt>0a, Har. ~ 42·11r OCR COYPL.E'TF. rnaruw hard- W-att s torT • oo. r mart will w opPn for ,-our co'w~ Small boef <T1lDf' 9C'ni<"t" Salurda)'I. Sunda)-s and bolicb)'I Call Ta,·ern r o., JJl)l Coa • t D · I · OPEN HOUSE H~hlU)'. t"orona dt'I Mar: C-11lir es1gned for Uood ,iving : ~™' Harh11r IHI ..i.;.Jtc TiflS NEW 3 hN!ronm homl' on 126 Op1tl Av<'. Oalhoa lslnnd PRI \" ATE P ARTY W ill pav $6.">00 RF...STRlC"TF.D I.ldo Isl"'. 11_ffo rds .,. Prlef'd at $10,750. turn. The South Coa~ Co. ra."h for urifum 1Shed hou5c nr ar t he upmOICI In 11pi1c-iooJ-.lli:i~. A Jdral Bt:'arh llom r Z'112 CenfraJ A'l'f'. I ha) to sl<'f'p fj\•p WritP &x .. ~.. stont'S throw r.rom "th,, Snulh Oprn for Iruprctlon 43-3tc1 c 0 :-.;f>lllll·Tim~ 45.str Bay and the Lido C1uh .House. SATIJRJ)AY & SUNDAY JO tn 4 ---.-------~I Parlo-land-~c11pln~-ulftf ht"at-45.11r •• roXMERctAL ~rt. fbhln« 00.t PRIVATE PARTY -Will pay priced r11tht lllong wilh Vtry wi11t Oirys~ ~ow-n motor.I $6.500 c 11 s h tor unrurnL~hcd f8\'orabll' tl'rms. We "tlr~r you Ne wport Beach Homl' 10' 9" bt"em. H oldt 6 tons Iced I htltJ5r .rwar blty to slttp rtve to IN.' II. fish. 1650 Ntw"PQl"t Bh·d · a.ta Wriff' Ro.11 "N" cl o News-TimC11. Completely Furnished Ofte Jkdronm llna. Phone Bf-aeon 1381..J •1·5tc attn 4 p m or 1111 day Saturday • --Harbor Investment Co. A-Suno:b>'5 3&-25tc •_o_N_rEY __ TO __ LO_AN ______ u 30th at W Ct•ntr11l In Nrwport .i . $7800 ~: . 16 ft. Gar Wood utility rompl«-tely LOA='S m Bt'tLn. JMP ROVE, 22!1 Mnrlnt· Aw·, rin nnlhnn l11land $2!){)() Will H11nd(e sp; TillS rtfirlished. inciudln1t motor ov«-r · ·m..:v. MODF.R:-tIZE. OR 45-ltc haul OwneT purchasing la~er R.EflNANCE .,.- boat Har !!9'1-J U.3tc W e Buy Trust O<>l'd! ~a 1UD10 .. NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS 6 LOAN ASSN: USID PIA..~OS .-anted few our 33SS Udo ""' Har ttnt *Pt-Track-your old plane> Via o:...::.: • ~r c an • spMt m chnt allow~ Or wtJl buy few spot cash. DANZ-MJ'IVMOTIVK a TDl&9 -1 II SCRKIDT PIA:-0.'0 CX> • 520 ="0 I Fl'1ft SALE -1933 Pl)mouth 3 Kala. SM!~ Ana 19-lfc """"' ti~ X·lnl 1ransport1111on ~. W.utlfully built Utt.k l 5:!3.5 510 Aliso Ave :-.;<'"'lJOrl ~ piano Rcpcm<wd. llt-1ght.<i. 45-..!tp a.a-can w paid on "97 _ u T1\ia ts a C:ARAGE FO R SAL F: -)fod.-rn ~~t Ptilno Co t (V.-0 f'~r £3ritltP ~n Ml\CT('t(' nOClr A!lnast lOO piaftOll to ~ IJI x ..'fl v.-or.a s1dmc mu"!t mm·,. from 520 ~o }lain. Sant• A.r\11 off_ prnper t)· Phone H a r h n r I 19-tfCt ~'>-P. ·11-rf srt:--~-;f:T--pl-a.m--Bran--d-:-""""---:r=-..,.-F (JR SA LE--1 !)47 Buick F:s I a le ~ m shi.prrW111 Will not Wf!ct>n. fl.Y,t) milrs, fully "'1u1p-I w toMS tram fYrlt<'1 now' Sa•·e l pt'd. healrr r a dio: spntl1chl, 1'> 1 '150 Trrms DA..'-Z..snmn>'T pl)' llrPll. !~i~ ,..,,. r:innot lie lnlrl Pl.A.~0 ('() s_ :o\u )fain ~11n· tmm n""' 1111 l l!».J ~1lnrl·a) • • ta Ana. 19-tlc all thy. 4~JIC' 1 •. FOR SAL F.,-2 hrd r<l('lm h()UlW. no Ha rbor Jn veRtrn ent Co. rcnl11l rrlllni:. :.! blOC'ks l\OOVI' the Archl?I. Will takl' in hnuec-trail· 30th at W <':N1tr111 In N•·wputt er or good Jot 1111 p11 rt f)llymrnl '.!~ Marin<• A\·1· on ll11 lho11 hlnr11l on my PQUll)' 429 Short St., ntt 45·111' N<'wpnrl F)lvd flt Bol~n Avr ~1'11 w111 ~ your claatfted -37=!.f~ adl ~)"OU-~~ thew~ BR IGGS-BEST-·-s u v s . Rt:SJNJ-:SS F nf>!'rl'ACE-109 rt. on llarl)()r Blvd. 1000 ft. from Alpha Beta. improved with fi nf' 4! l3 n. houo;(', offire. largP L.JL sin~IC' gar .. tool ho11SC". crllar. shop lilctg. S16.000. 1:.: rash. Fred BRIGGS Tressa 6.14 Coast Hlgh way Ph. Dea. 5778. ~ tlnr. 2476 4!).] t<- Balhoa lsl;uul Ft•rry Lanrlirq: 4~· llr ------------- Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginnv Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island I)ay Phones: liar. H171 -.J,: Har. 10.\4.J Ev~.: Har . 716-M : Har. 1117-M-· . - BALBOA ISL-AND Privat(' piN· anrt ni .. at.. Cori.:c ... )U" c·onwr homr 00 E,ist l~lY front with :l Bit's. hll~t' fini1htc"('., dj~ bar hNw>. Complt'l1• HIP l><tl hroom . d oi;.r•1 "fJ11a> ga. lore, doulil<" ).!ara~+> anrt ~a 1-:1i.;t• apt.. <·ontainjOK liv- ing room. kitdlf•n ;ind :l h:itho;. l >ownst:tirs •·oric· Mop wi t h t"t')fflpU'l1• li:1th. httrdw11t.wJ Orw,,-i.:. Roth <'X· qulsll<'IY f11m1-;h1'<1. s,.,. lo ;cr•rirv•d;il<• at $-l:l.!'l<JO. Tu•o unil. J-"111111-.lwd, m11d1•m •tnd v•·ry l~utlful. 2 B.R.-. raf'h, f1n·11bn·. I yr. 11ld /\ huy .11 $25/J()f) &'l' Of)W~ ,, CORONA D EL MAR · ~autlfl1I 1111 N ln1 rm Q'ltJfh sit.jf• of hwy. S.1,000. Goocl inr"<>ffi'' 'L a pts I and 'L hrclrnoms lfa "h••ood noor"l'. Iii<• kitdu·n. tl1111hlr.i::nrag1• llfl '1<1 ft l<Jf . QrW" apt. furni-;h1'<I Vc·ry :1tt mMiw atul a s1~:tl at $1 \.';&1)1'>....f lurry! •.. , NEWPORT HE IGHTS ~ 011r hnnw with r·ompll'tr virw ol ha~. 2 BJta, rltm : rlining r<11)m, fi.n •phu'(• and tlo11ltlf• Kl\nt~. bt'aullfully lundscape'rl with pr1tir~. $1 'L.•;ot>. :\ fl R '<;, fiN•pla<:f', mo11f•mi°'t i1·; rlout1l1• ~;u-a~; ~a11tlf11lly J11rnlo;capr'{I wil h palios --:t ~·-m for $1 2,700. PEN INSULA COSTA M ESA On I.. J lr.:rn . l3'•i111tiful :~ Im ht""'" rli rung mnm. n f'f'J1l;tl"t'', ha rd WI)('" O r111r:., t iii· kit dwn and l>"tth, d1>11hlr• gar:tr''. vrnrti;1n blind<;. F f'fml and rf"'.tr yani~ nrf' IJ1•11ut1fl11ly fan1l"-:JfJtVI. Ju "tr y;rrd f<"fll"('d $12.75'1. BLANCHF: A. l.ATI-S-ftenlt~INNY GA~ 45· I tc . BALBOA ISLAND BF.Al '"11f'UL 3 ................................. w...t .... root. 2 rar ea...,.. -dPwic __. many °''-"' ra-~ ~~ 1ow •• s::tt..£.0) ru.-............. ~­ lmnwdaatr ..-~(.'".al llartlor 17ni. llr. J"nJuty <DRONA DEL MAR f)fofldttful nwidrmt~t.· hr~ with °"'9n rifw .......... r•tio and ~ but_,.. fill loiw=d ,.m. Fairl1 pricw-d •• $Jfi,!:#J ·~ r.alJ'tfmr: ..... PN-C.all I llllrt>Or I~ Mr I,.,,,_ or llnL lbrorn. w,. hn..-.,........., '~ a Ur.w11\• tw.>bedr•m ~ u-.rwt.-ond nr.-n.. Wftf'f1a11 ·~ '~ .,,.., $9)GI). r..an lb.rt.-.. 1r,,v. "" itanirn BALBOA Attrart~ ~ C...t ........ , ....... F..tit Nc.'JIOli St""" nroar Bay. r...-;n. ~14.!°IJI• f•lfnlSlwod. v"Y ,..... *lmf._ f~ CaD Muy D.dt•• ~t JI.arbor 1()13. Abo good buys on I~ NEWPORT BEACH ;\rtistir ,,,... Int'~ ......... T_ut R.anrb·f)'pf! ~ with P'Jn'h alt~ ...,fup fn'AWf OPt....,. 0.:.-n and C...a.Nlt -r.·o tlf'dmirJDa. pullf'l-r.ay hret.n. Olm- J*"f~y lum~ *'> ~f ta"9r An itht t"1)Cfa honw-for $14.:lh CJJ ~r ~Y at Ha rbor 10L1. • .. ... auw~ ••r=• ..... ' EARLY. STANLEY 11s.u:roa C O VERllfG GllSAT88 N s ·w,. 0 . T •• II 80. .. AND laf'IMI ... .. ... -... ..... cn&sl°..,. ••r=•--. J8 •• .,,. £9K ..... .... -oourrm. a.-.. _ 40-Uc r .. . • • l . ' ------.. . . P••e 6 -NEWPORT BALBOA Nl:W8 -TUIE8 Newsman Kent Ro~rls -e nuDA v Newport ~ c,.au. Aprt1 •. 11ut1 I N t S t I s ex pea«er or To Install Ollicers 01 High School 1'.-T. A. FricJay Afternoon Club Mn. Arthur Slpherd, pre.i<knt ot Fourth District, Callforala Conerea of Parents and Teach- ers, will lnatall omcen ot Nl'W· por-t Harbor High School Par<'nl- Teachcr &lllO<'iatlon at a m<'<'t · A~ FINE ~'ABR.lCS • Draperlet 8 Upholstery : ~nts A: dl"HI fabrics. Unlngs- Qulltlng, rte. PHONE HARBOR 2094-J-K 823 Cout Hh:hway Corona dr l Mar Gilts lrom lar 'n wide at THE CHALET lnit to be held at 7:30 pm. April 13 In the school caretl'ria. Taking 0U1cc will I)(' Mn. Jt•r· rold Spangler, pr~11ident; Mrs. E<lg11r 11111, f1nt \'H"t'·f)rt·sid~nt , 1'1ra Roy Rotah, second vice'-· vrN11dcnt . Mrs Ryron Wl'lls. rP· cordinJI 1ecrctar y; Mn. Ray Nlt'l- t1en. corrl'spondlng aecretary; Mni .. Frands Horvath, treasurer; M r!. H 1trrr Burdick. parlianwn- t1trian; J9mt>s Mlll<'r, auditor and Mrs Philmer EllcrbrO<'k, his- 10r11m l'dt' t hC' 11rogrem, girls of the S(''l'ing dl'pllrtmt·nt will prl'!l4·nt a f1u1h1<1n 1how d1spl11)'ing glirrr1t•nts • lh(•\· h11vc m1td<' an<! ·flarl11u' rnothmhflt"r" will 'k1\e ~·\<'ntl '~"' 1c:'l..ct1ons Fr1·shm«'n muthl'n, with Mr~ H11rnld Holtz a~ chairman. "111 s1•r"e rt'fr1•11hml'nts 111 a !'fWHll '10111· which will follow thl' mt-t't· in.:J Ac/ult Helpers NeecJecJ For Girl Scout Day Camp Program With an E-1'pc'('trd rri:islrtttion of ovrr :.>oo G irl S1•ou1~ .and • llrowm<'ll for lJtt)' C11mp 10 be , tK-ld al lrvi.ne Park·~ la June, an appeal 11 beln& made by local Girl Scout ofhcaals for GirLScoul motlwrs and .lral'nds K1·111 H•1l11 ri-. "•·II kn ,," n IW\\ ~ .-11n11i11·11I.1t111 "ii I addr• .,.. lho· '""'" ~t· '" ~ rtdn\ All•-r· noon rluh "'' 1lw1r l'f-£\llar mt>M· ini.:. Aprtl h i, 1n Lt·i:wn ll<tll ' l '"ni.: ;j• ht• l•11tir .. lk•htnd the Worltl I lf'adltn• :· Mr P.c>h.,rts will dl~<'WIS 1nfurrnat1on clt·11n.~ from his rurr•·nl " .. rll} •c•UJ n 1'·"11 1\5 ~·nl ,., t-nl" Thl!i 1~ 1 Ii• ••·•· ·~" •n fn1 ''" Anni\ .. r<itr) lunrh.-oo v. hwti "111 I'<' i< .. n •'ff prom111 h 111 , l,.' '" 11• u~u11l Rf'1un;,1t1•n • mu~• 1 .. nlf1f1,. nnl lat~r lh'Jn l'>J'"rllv "1l h ~It'• Ahr•· l~Jumn .. r l\o·<t•">fl ~"("'. 111 :\It· I~; 1),., T t11 .. ••••n lt••uron :-,:!:--,4 .. \\. s.nrl n1u ... t t.-I'""' f••r v. ht•1h• 1 u<•"i ••r nni uni• ..... 1· 1rl<'<'ll•-<I I•) \\, rln••.,lf11~ !I.km· 1 .. ·r~ un:1l1lc ''' .1)1 • 11rl r/t, lur I , .• n ar-· Ul \.!•<fl 1 , , •• , nd th• ,,,...._ ~rttn1 at .! JI m fln"'-I•"-'•' f,,, th• ·1t1•·r n• .. 1n Will 1. \lrs L .\ n ind 1!1 \Ir- .I C' \\ h•·• I• r , ~Ir« I • (' ~Im K··n11,. nnrl ~tr" J r ,{'roo'IJ'·r St. Paul Yisilors Guests ol Frie,,Os At Newport H~i91rts St. AIJ~s '~ Clt•1c#J is Chose,,.._ As Na.e al G,_,,, Now U,,Oe, Organization • • J • s;, ...... d ' ... ~ ...._,.,..,.. <burct• of "-•~~._ 1 .. ~21 ... ~.,··~ ~ ..... -i9r 1hr Tlo'• ·~-~ii ... Mr and M... Ed11·1U'd f\f"M?· HnJl<oUn•• .. t., at.. ~ -,._. Jtf'dl and daui.cht•>N. M" )hn .. n. • '4 ~-m J~. f • ..... a For11:ry 11nd Ml'~ ll11rrit-t Rf'rlt-""" <ll '!" ,.,~ 1tC'd1 of Sr Paul Mmn4'S01a. llr.' TI• <"~=-saallrlt .... 1111111 ----------~-- ' . IF • • ... Ebel/ Club Juniors Canaclians Visit Meet to Plan .Details Costa Mesa Relati~•• 01. Briclge~Fashion Show On Southern T ou; P lans for th<' faahion show and desS<'rt bridge to be sponlOl"ed by tlw Jumor s1•,·1ion of Ebcll club and hl'ld 111 Nrwport Harbor Yachr cluh on Thursday, April 29, w1're :nadt' wh1·n. members of the comnu t tl't's in charge met iVC'dnl'sday mornm1: at the home of Mrs.' Obed Lucas. Dalboa Is· land. General chairman arc Mrs. Luc11s, who is udvisor of the g roup, and Mrs. Keith Nolan; committet' heads are: Ways and mPans. Mrs. Noqnun Gaml>l'J and Mrs .. • J . Gordon Smith; tables. Mrs E. Chad Tw1c~ell; R.cfrl.'shmt•nts, Mrs. John D11n- iull: raffle prizes. Mrs. Larry Brown and Mrs.· L11\\Tt'n<'t' Broer- ing; d<'eorul1ons, Mrs: F:. C. Mar· tin; tickels. Mrs. Sam Porter; re- c<'pt ion. Mrs. Roland Vallely; serving, Mrs, Mor~lln Noble and Mrs. Robert L. Boyd jr. B<> Wis<' -Advert111t> • • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Armey ot Vulc11n. Alberta. Canada and thdr daughter, lJr. Mary Cather- ine Arml'y of Edmonton, Canada, are hom1•ward bound afler enjoy. ini; a few W<'\•ks vacutton at Pho1:-nix, Ariw na and a leisurely trip through the Southwest. I n Costa M1•sa thl'y were gul'Sls of Mrs. Armey's aunt, Mrs. J. M. Shrarl'r for several days and were also enwrta.lnC'd at din- ner by Mr. and .Mrs. D. C. Mac- K<'nzie. · · Both Mr and Mrs. MacKenzie, ~ W<'ll as Mrs. Shearer,· have m:iny rl'laliVt•s li,·ing in Alber ta and w<'rl' dl'lii;htl'd to hear news of thl'm throui:h the Armeys Mr. and Mrs. Armey and Or. Arml.'y will visit many placl"tl of int<'r<'SI on the \\'est coast he· forl' returning home. Dr. Arm<'Y 1tl110 exp<.•cls tn SJ)('nd sevt'ral W<'1•ks in \'ictoriu, B. C .. !)('fore r<•lurnm it to her work al Royal Al1•x11nc1Pr ho,;p1lal. Edmonton. You-0wnA ... _...-___ ... ______ ._ _____ IJ-..14 &u.1at. at c.emp wrrk('nd ~urst11 nf Mr and Mn-rccrunc ~ ..\flr1' II .... aw K A JWrkstrorn nnd family 316 .f,.J,c""'JJll' !'...i::•d WJ M,..'DC.._.,... __ STAURANl 'lbe Day camp commJttee met at tht-'G irl scout oth~. 501 East C-entraJ avr nqe, S.100., with the chairman, Mra. Merrill Both•m, ley (h c~t'. Adulta who can uaUlt arl' u~t'd to re1 l1ter with Mn. John Ueb, Harbor 1983-J. They wtU ttceivt' lhorouch train·· 1,,. 1hrou1hout the month of May by the ut'Cutive director, .Mrs. Alfred Ames. El Modt'na o\·enue. ~ bto Lrf>m•n1"C11' S ' z ._ H t>lght.1 tho rtu.a~ ••• wn1as .... Thr R4-r~1f'd1,; art> on a four hf'ld .., ..,,, •chctl a.a -...,_ WN'k1 vanhon by motor. b) .... ~ cb~• .. dor-IAr.wy .. !la•twt of rhc Grand \Rn)'Ofl nw-,· ha,·t' Hart.w l'-"-......_ all-0 \•l1ilt>d frwnds and ttlatl\'ft: ~ ........... •' z a .. - In Los Anfl:f'IH, Cl<'nda.W and o-.... DrM .. -.. -..... Ill ... ('lnity. and •i ll motor north to hidi Mltl41d ca61111:1a San F'Un<'lsco bt'for1· murnini ~ g,.. ~ llL 8-117. 6- "' Minnt"IOta, ~ ~I m • ..._ ~ ~ flf'<:ks1""'11!" hn~ had p,,,~'l'~n, • _,.. • amlllil- ~t-ft-_;_--jfttt•ltl~HHlHfilMJllJtlH~:=:J~u::;n~lo~r camp rouruieUon m111de othM' \'lsltnrs: Mr Arthur K~ ''"' t"1ftl .._ •c ,..._ .. ~ ncommenaatilina-wJUCI\ wernrr--r.,W')'-:-no>•-sroiJfe~h~,iw;-~=•-*'sc 1 .. =•• ',,,, .... .-• m=t • -mm · ··-··· .... • Au.- • ......... corporated ln lhe proeram. Uatc-s St Paul Art'1t Cnunnl. JW-· and ~ dlmntt AfwJt 11. for the c.amp ar<' JWM' :ill, 23, 25. Mrs. Carl v Tambert and claQCh-OUwr _....,"' el .._. ._. 28, 30 and Jwy 2. • tf'rs of Cll'ndalr. and Mr rmd0 rnn,,,,.. _.. E. I ,.-llllt. P ' . .Membtts of tht' Day camp Mrs u-o J F:hllM' of Los An-<"h~ n-~. Ama.: 0- conunltttt arl': Mrs. Bcithamley, g<'lr.11. all fornwr St Paul N!'!U· aW ~ ... c.1-el Ck chairman; Mrs. Lt"e Jordan. In· dt'nta. '°""" Y<rt ~~ _. J . a tttnwdlate program; Mrs. Rich· ft~ P...,_ ard Stewart. ~ procram; Leaders ol c--a ·~-hn ...... ,..,_ AfS1I ... --' M!t· John ~t'b .. transportation ~,, ,..,,..._ bf'n d dar -~ _. -' and 1Uff; Mrs. Walt('r E. Cole, Girl Seoul r;,..,.-., .~ ........... 5 ...... T111t ~.n..-.M. Gtbroon, ..... et M. ~ Presby- ...... Cntflr• of N f' w p o r t -.W, wWd ,h bel~ or-ran· ..... ~. - pubUdty; Mrs. Edward OMlpm&n • -r• • ,._ C.. -...._ ..._. ... ....... ~-Ed Plan 8/ay Day Mr. and llrs. Harry Burdick of ,.., ...... w manq~; ---.. • r (Jlllt 'lft:w •• Dw • ......_ w. ,... ,.. . ..._ ward~. equipment and Mn. • ,...... _, Ck Fir•t ._o.ta ••• esa will ~ W<'t>kend John Patenan, res\etnr. Ei&htttn nwmhft• flf 0... .. ..,_,_ dl9dt .,. l.illls c-.ts of Mr. and Mrt. Olen . M .. _G&rl Scout ...a.tac._. .,_. _..,.... -tlllP ~· San Bt>~ardl~ WATCH THIS SPACE --· EACH WEEK HP TDH .. _ "'-t.bur L. 0 -t ot F-· at tht' ~ al S)'tJO Jl"1cnnn --'°s. Dnh..-G ail ,~ .. •-1 Advertl0;.....ent l au.. .. ~ "'"' Botu avt'ftu.-, and planned a Pia)· --~ llP_ ... _ _._.....,. _______ ... _____ ,iiPiioiihii.tiiiciiialil .iAiidiiviiciir.iliiiilt'mt'miliintil)---•'liP.loiiiliiitiiiiciiaiil .iAiirdiivileiirriitliii11elimlilleniirtii)----(.iPriioiiilliiitliiicalili.iAlildiivliaiiiitlaeiilimeiilinliitll)--.. Jelat ~.,..._, hu returned lo Cor· Day for all troops to w Mil n.tt.r. ,._. ., a. 'IWcila l'ON de) Mu alt~ epend1nc the Saturday, April 17 at l"1i* ~~ tfla•H 1111 ... W. pMt four montlw Iii Yuma. ......., • ••<ww. -a ,._. ~--~-------------~--------• Park. ---.r ...,.... .... Thr 1tlrls ,..i ll rT-1 at 10 a m, ~-.a,rJI ._ trill ..,. or· , ff•rbor 2522 8""1oa. 11/.Jluu,,,., SJ.op -s. <leatnl. .. .,. . (Md to Qalley Gale) ·PLAND e OOR8AGE8 e WEDOIMG llOVQUE'.1'8 • Jl'UND.U. 8PRA n naR CtJT ftA)WEB8 RICCIARI SHOE SHOP SHOES REPAIRED ·WHILE l " WAIT I;....._._ -<'l"f!Pe ~ 0orr'flt'U--Ortllopedk- Work -Goll Salee Foot Comfort• ~ ... Our Moa.to:- "Nothln~ ~mpoMJble•\ RE-BOT.rOMING 2802 Wft't Cf'atnl N~WPOllT BEACH Broiled Lobster Eest India Curry Vlllt Oar Old FMhto.ed Grtlaeo. B ... 4tDUp.m. Oot*' • Awllallle ....... ,.. ac-d Tue.day 11 c.ommunll)' ctiurdt. a.iacillc ~ sack luncht-s and •ill st.aJ' at the i:~ ._. wn Dir. k I 3 ~ .. ~.mliOett IKT'P-par uni I p.m nw,· •ill U.. l.W'J' el ,,_. s ..... Ana el .._ raet'a. ga1ne11 and • ~ 5) .... d OH w.. ai lllr ..... Mildttd Mat._,. P'<llidr4 ... .t • W9-~ will w ia h<'a.rd rr port1 nf rommittf'C'S on dulrv d llw-,_.._ progrcu or · th<' Uttlt' no-e. foundations '°' "1Uctt ar< _... going In. Reservat;ons ;n On/er For Fourllt District P.-1. A. Meeting Thr A prll mf'<'Un1t elf ' ttw• Fourth 'f)tJltric1. C'alifoniia C"an- ~5 of Pan'nta and Tf'~. •·Ill lw ho•ld "' .C>r•rll!f' t·-llh:h !'('hoot 11ud11orium (lfl Thur.- dll.)". Apnl t~ Mrml,.•ri: of th<' NMll-por-1 Har, h.•r ll1i:h Srhnol Part'nl·Tr arho--r 11cc<JC1a11hn "ta .. "t•h tn atl•-nd err urj:rd In m11kr th(>lr rt"llN"-.- ltnn~ "11 h :\I r' .lo-, .. lei S;11t·•1: ., llnrbnr ~Jf;~l.n hy :\1onda~ A1lnl 1 :.! N('wix•rt Al·l\rh Fl•'1T\t"ntJrn St•h'""' Par•·nt.:r.~art •• •r "'"""", ~-~ lion mN»llf•r< itrr :uok1'Cf fn mak• ~~rv11tmn3 11·1th Mrs Jla)'ft'X'nd I lllr\·1·~. I I 1rhur :.~.I Mn. H01a« Melloll 11 lriJ~ Cl•6 Hodess Jin U-.-r lllor9oocr ....rnt<tir> ~,.. ... ~ dl6 IK~ Pl'At)QC 11'1 ,...,. ~ • .JW flnw~ ~("~)Ina. ~ o:w~ ... r.. ~nf, Mn 5..-. ~ ~-ArdPn ~ -4 ..... )f J f{o81'1!f lft'. 'Jlhf~ Jdf'.1«.. -~mJf',,. ,tor Mn P..~ D\ ... rr-.-. ~ T.rti~ ~ ~ ILu-ry ~ Kn ,"w•r"*1i ~11-.r.•r h,...ld tat:b ..,, r • 1r1! \t•" K;cn .. rh s,.,.... .,-• ar. ..,.,, m~ lCr" (1;11111P An6-n-.m • 1t• , • ,..,t rr;1,, llm;r JW"lh •*r-•,,. \Lr~ I )-llN fnrtl Al • 11\...,.mr .., "4 1'l"" l·~n Wo1t and )b~ )!;.CV~• . ~ )I,... I "i1>ii11,.r' ( ~Wpolrl Rt·»ri> • • •!Iii ·r.. -1(. nti in A}1 ad-Ti• •-c 1:.vl" .ti '1ldl •,. r ----j"THE YO lNG IOE~.\ .. . I .. D. K. (DALLAS) BLUE, : RETIRED BUSINESSMAN CANDIDATE f OR ' CITY COUNCILMAN D. K. Blue is f o·r a progressive Business Admin- istra.tion of affairs of the City of Newport Beach in keeping with the rapid growth of the com- munity. D. K. Blue is a Property Owner, Taxpayer, ~nd Businessman in the City of Newport Beach and has been for 25 years. VOTE TUESDAY, APRIL 13 This.1 Acl~ertii~mttnt Sponso~cJ By Friends ol D. K. Blue -.. I I ftLEPllOND: 11.umo& It. U A.~ -• Publilhed ever) day, Monday through ~·. b)" Sam D. Part« and Luetus S. Smith, Ill. Olll'nt'l"I and opttaton al OW ~e--.'()Ort Hart>or P-.bluluQi Co \'OL XL * HARMAN W. NICHOLS WASHINr.mN. APR.IL , j llll'lt·> U/ld ~llJil ''"" 4Ul'IHOn al .• I \'P I !\tr ~k\.rt•.:11r "'ollld hll\"t' r t lllh' 1ih•as1• ~·m·t "C\Jlll')' .. That • i<)'<'tl Jl'hat "'''"' ''" '" rnt1m 13.11 1tw ~llllh' 11,;; rnltl11t Ewrybod)' ~ rh.· h.~· ufltt't' hu•lllani; '-"""" 1l111t, hi• 81tid . \' .. u r. n1.·mb1. r Mr ~ll ''G. ttw ~h 11 t l.1rfl •11\d h.•n ts!' swll<'h - man 1'1 htt i;"a\'t• 1't·t1•r Hahhlt 1111 11•11 1t It.· olhl 1111111 """· un...u''''"~rul ch.,,. .. "'"'" Ii.• 1·a111:ht I :'\'•1111ti.•1 t\\1•, ~Ir. A lh11d1 "'''"' thf• t'\ltl1.ln llill n ·1h11•lni;. tus .-111•· 1111, mmk .. t.11•1i·l">•ll•'Y" n11'1inl that -',.ti 9.. 1.U-7 b.1.:I' pntt·h # hi'" •'I' 1,11'1riit ·,. 111111 llldl' Ill d.yt'd -------------------.....;.------------Tht· lnh'Nlnlt· nn1l F11t1·1.:n 11111.,.1, 111...• n1111k 1;,•1 11 ~ T lw last EIGHT SATELLJTES-ll..\ l'BE }IORE I ('onmwr1'1· .. mm1t111'. \11th '''"''' '"'1.t 01 ,,,,. 11.1111<• ••I 11 fur nw11ns I• I') nuhlo· n"'-'1"'" lr"m a 1•1ra•k \''"" 1111111 • .I• 1t '~'""'' lr11m Th<' jot IAltn•"'>-O'S, "·" ~"·"~ r .. 1.•r n I h1.•I 1"11 1 Ill 1111• I'll••' h•.'ini.: t'\)nt')'. .. nd m••mt .. •rs cit his f:lnlfh tlw 111 1,ol1li11 1\1HI lu•"d''"· Ill<' fur I olct )t1U·k111111. ·Wht<I Tit,• , . .,,~n111 ,.o• m .111 .o•l" .I \\ lh• ,.,., ... lh'arcl 11! n n)"· ..,.as <'>ln,~111 .. rin.r .1 i.111 tu mak,• 1lw ""''~ d1 .. 1 ~1111: 111111k pl'lt.'\'fl for I turr<'••(ll1• hohd 1h1•1r stuff Call 1 rnhh1t • r .. M,tt• rJhh11~ 1tn1I •lo.unkil ,.kunk' ,\, lar· ·" 11~•11111; lmty t'Ol'lt l"oni.: Lm li<'<'klAor th t•f Rurnl Ht lt11\1•r, 1< •"11t'••1 rw1I, !\Ir. /\lhn<"h I :.!. 1,;l •. •<1o \\,11t•r . To'·'-''-'Hlfllt'\l Ill 1-1•111, .tll lho• 1:al> ht1\c' h• du Is I kno111· Wh.) Wt• h rn1• lo 1111p11rl rah· I•• ,1,,1, 11.t••,m.rn whet ~..i111 \•m 11 lill'I for rabh11 1--onti-\\'lt11I. lw 11·11at lor 1111 111\t•lt'•'. Wlil'r•• It !<liY• 'a.~k•'d. Is th<' mutt;•r wllh l1l1111t'r r1~h1 t h••ro· """' 1s "'""' Much . n~..,.~•, i:ro1"" r .. hhit ? ·n11.·> ~n1" s••nl•' ""''' r tlt;,11 1111· l11lk•l h11!'tn1•1<i. 11ug· htl$h'r• d"wn 1h 1s WAy ~··,1 1•ct 0111 1 ho• lnll, hi' suld. You '.\l x '.\l Alhach of A. H 11ll11nd1•r 1·1111 ""'r ,, l.11~·1 1•fr amt throw It Ir ~in.•, lri.· .. lhl' "llnC!'St'l>, sn11f ' ,1\1'1). but \ht• 111\1111'1• 1,; your lJl'O- ht~ n 1ultl -.nswPr tha t Ont'. "'"'"'"· "tilt 1·arhn11 •~•pi1•s. h i' * THEY NEm -oUR flELP This is the time for politics. But right nm~-11re want to take a few moments t.o boost fl project all of llS are in agreement on-Teen Canteen·!." Tar Pit. Construction on this youth center is proceeding as planned. But skilled help is needed this "·eekend for finishing work. Every effort is bein~ made to complete this ~structure before the· ~hool -term. ends-so-that-.t.ig, achool students, partacularly the graduating class, can arrange programs. Since many citizens have indiated a desire to contribute to this community youth ttnter. bot find It inconvenient to contact those in cl)arge, we are asking that you fill out the following form and mail It with your contribution. The. youth ~f thi6 city wiJI be the rust to thank you: Tee~Canteen ''Tar-"Pit" Building Kindly accept by donation of $ ................ or the following materials, furniture. or equipment, ..................................... . Name ·········V-.............................. . llail to Mrs. Don "ltcCallum ................. ··········"-···p_ 0 . &~ 144 ' Newport Bea~h. Calif. Address Phone Strikes Take Time Out for ~ RF.PRC~t:sn:o !\"ATIOSALL\" .. ,. GF..o&GF. 0 . ~ ·~··· !!lall Fh.n<'t!Of'o·Lo!o .. bv-lfola..Pnr1,....sr.tt~x-, . ..,._.._._ "Arr1<·nrun rahh1ts ar1• p lntn '"' i-n1d 1t•IOd." ti.• said "TIJtl thm :oktnn1•d t 1 "a< p1a 111 lo • wo• :ltr /\ lo>11k1•d A~traltn :ind :"'t•" Zt•11l1111d 1:r1m 1 1.i.11 kl) 011 lh•• 11111. . bo•rt•·r ~-" . .,,.. "'11111.: hl\l'l11•s In lhl' hnck Tll.• 1mpnn l'd fl"lls. tw add1-d, r11\\ 1•f 1h1· .• u1h~rw•· w,•n • ronh11wd. mak•• bo·ll··r At.L.~lrahurt ~··al, "hu·h 1 llf'l':tn •nl I~. h~ 1111 1•f t lw douhle m ttw parlan<'t' of lhl' fur 111•11pl<>l 1.111< \\'1th1•111 "" 111111'11 tts a tnk<'· rs a nulht r IA'ur d ft>r r ahh1t )f\lllr·h•:11 •'. 1111 \ plll 1111 tltl'lr Aloni.: ah .. 1.11 •Iii~ 111111' in th1• t;pr1111: W1'11Jl!I aft(! w11lkt•d m1t . hfoa n ni:. a r11ul)lt• ilv.r1·n Jm·1•ly F urlt .. r 111 I h ,. lwanm:.11. Mr '1.~rll'.lr!I f1l1•d 11110 th" r·om millee I lo·nr~ Mtll••r. d1r1•1•101r hf tr11de rnnni and took St·11t~ in lhl' r .. nr 11r.1t·t11;•· 1•1ml1•11·m ·1·,. 11nd \\1'10l 11c t Porl'n 1111I cus1onwr11 of A. lh1I· :Hlr111111~1,..,t11111 l11r th•· frdr ral lando:r & Sons. l nc T lwy i;ot tlwro> la;ulo· 11•1111111".i111n, hiul :iq:u<'d th•• 1us1 in 1 imt• to be llhot.•K;r1t I 1•!111 r i-icl1· 11r t ht• pkl llr<' In <Av-0r Cong. Ju.• O'llurn, f:.•t. hahl 11ntl11•( lo•1t 111~ rlw 11<•01pl1• 1<11 .. w whl'lhl'r ,,man. lookl'd d 1--.·n :u lhc \\'U · a fur ('o.tl J• 0111111' or rnhhlt °" I'll{~ • "''""'t lune .. 1,.1• TJw1 'i ou1:ht to I><' "If a r a hh1t 1s a rabb11." h•• 11 1:11'. h1· •l11t1 a.~k•'tl. .._. hy in thund<'r do thr~ '111·· fur , •. .,,.,.., ht• :ill1•i::•'<f. h 111'(' h<t\t' to rnll 11 11 'rom•y:'' Ancl why 1h1111~ht "I' """"' fa11ry handlMI do you haw• to cnll It 'mink-d yed· f1•r.All'1•ur lnw-lt lo• :1111111111 frl<'nd11, con<·>·-· isn'r that foolini:: thl' ladl,•s p;,r1w11k1rl~ tl11• nohl)ll /\mo n i •'horn WI' lo~t-a nd who huy CC>ills!" lho·m : tK'll\'1•rt·l11'. ('rtnilln<'. lapin, Y,, _Albactr-adjuated his ape<:-~..:i1.4UU n.•I, l\nd mu1k,atrlne. News of the Churches 8AL8QA IM.AND CHA~EL r1e Aeale A-W Rft.Har~W.W11n.,. ~l8\• ~•lter O.urr h Srbtlnf. t JO a on. . llununa Wvhblp, 1 t Lm. "Tt41'. ~Iii-"""-V C£1ll''l'f!lA"1.. •laLL CHURCH'' ,._.,, ow....-Kl"m•n. Pu1.or llft11n• t"9pe>nnly 1n th• Sunth Day A.ch9tttlllt dlu..,h. conit'r or Old =,. ,,_. &ad 9o'-&Yt'nu.. C1>111a 91Mtd8y khool. I 46 L iil. Wnnllle._ Mryice. 11 00 a.m. Tw~ .........,.. .• 8erTlce. t p.m. t:.-eouns 11:,,.npholtc 81trTI~•. 7 p.m. ......... ,., JOllil AAUellll &ftDU•. DUllt LADY Of' MT. CA,.MllL 141:1 w-C.fttt11I Awn we s...&ar ._: •a.•. ud to a.m. o-11 •I-: Satllrda'/.• ,,_ 4 t00 l.O ~--...i trom 7.IO to .IO p.a. P'ULL ~L CHUlltCH ...::.=.J.~ .. ~--=-wor-..... ll: s.-1.letk .nice. 7:IO p.ta. ..,._...., Pftiw -I•& on w~ -.r. 1 :• p.ra.: :rounc people'• e'l&JI· .-i.o.: _.... oe ntcJar. 1:•~ LT JOACHIM CHU,.CH Or--. •-· Mt-1901 and aoth. .._.1 .. ~.~ .. SuDday II a.m &Dd 10 • m. c., ... , ..... Of\JI l:latunla1. 4·!> p.rn. t.nd 7-11 p ..... ~T JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH ..,,'"°" loland !'!uDllay 11-8 a m . ..,.d 10 a.m. r • ..,, .... ,..,.. S.turd11y tn•m 7 30 In ->1 p .... CHURCH OF CH,.1$T Church •nd W•tnut 1lreeto L. o_,.,,,.. C~nby, Mlnllltt'r ~"'"" Sun'1"» to "m.. Blbte !'turl)' , .. ILm. Mo rnlnic wunohlp. CH,.15T CH URCH BY THE SEA Cotft'"tlu nlly Methodi st IUD Wnl C.nlr•I Avenue R•v I[ D. Goodt'll, P .. tor April II HHll • ·hu,-, h ~ h ... ,1 '• :io o ru )lnrnlnl(' .. ,,~hi(' 11 "' m 1:,~n\njt' Wf"'t• H 1 :t11 ll m !-\J""Rkrr •r t-th ·-n-t• ,.,. w1U t•..-th,. Jt1-v WiJ- 1a.am ,,. K·,....hl~r •• , ~ • .n nh"KH A nth•"1• ·My r .. ol'f r\n•t f ' l1y f R ~~•I •n<I . BJ•.., T h•nJ th• •~·••I <1 My :-... u t•v fp.,tu .. rt hnn"rr ( Jl,1 1• m 311,,1hudu1 \'<tull•• Fclluw •hip Mt1twf'l-k m"""(in.: ~ •i. ll n t 1·,~ lw k ··hnh"'r ~nil "''\"'n1n1t ••t v.• ,r,.tu r !>EV'E"'T ... DAV ADVE,..T ISTS CO'""'" Sota:. .and O ld C.ourHy Ro•d. Co•t.a M,.ea :i:.'\t h1lh •• h .. J ~uhtr•I,.) m••rnlrliit ~ ,., I • lrof k r"'r~ •• hHIV •• n. ,, r 1 I .• m ST ""'01\EW'< PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-,..EWPORT ...... R80 R H >9 .. x l>ool .-.ud•tor lum '~" lftd '""'"II! NtwPOtf He1gh\.I l11 • "' r*httr,.-h f• tl•·111 • I}• ,. nt M"nilritc •t•N hlft ~MT'\l•n •ut•J""' 1 • ir ..:1.n11'1t "'" M...,.t •ntr '\rt•) R,..,,...,,,,,,n •·f ""rnt • .-r,. \.\'.,.ln•"'11\y 6 pm , htrr• 11 •ltnn~it •I '.llu !....,.,.., t •r l rw1n W illt•m• :.r"'W<"r ftlit1' Th••mM~ t:1t,1ou•n \~""''"r 1rt•, nr,_n11 11h n• IJaJt,.M\ t•IAntf ,-.h,.o-fht.rft<1r 23.itl W ST J AMES CHI.JACH PAOTll5T ..... T EPISCOPAL ~VI• Lido rh••fl"• lll\,..h••r l~1fl Qn•I I l1trtn1r 4!!1l "fJwo P.1u1 M O'O'f"T W~t-lrr1 Rtctor- ii 111 .. rt• ll··h· 1•11unt111n\r•n ~ 111 •It'\ ("h1ir d'l ~hu•il tJ 111 -m )f11rn n.,-1·r.n,,.r ,..,n;t ~~r ;:.;;~ •Finn ~antl.i.y• H11ly f•f,mmun 111 ...... rn Thu,..ilol\\, tl•·h· r .. mmun t1.n 'n'1 llr~y,,.... r r-th .. •1• k CO,.ONA oaL MA"' COMMUNITY CHU,.CH. CONO,.aQATIONA~ P•"'1 F~rlck lk:llrocll. Mlnleler 611 Hellotrope Av•. Coron• del Iii•• Sunday. Arrll TI. ltfll 9 411 a,nl-. ~'htAr• h l'C'hool. 11 00 a.m lfornl11• wo,,.hlp ~rmn• bl lfr. &>hr.•·k "Canale for lhe Wat"r u l .,. •• by ..,...1.r NlquHC ~ Chlhlr•ll'• r"h11lr •Ill "'peel ,,,. ant!Mm •un• on f'.a.ot.r ··n.... lloty hthu . We A dore.' 1 30 p.m Soonl"r H ip Pt1111m rel· hnwahtp. CHRISTl.-.N s.c••NCI[ Fl,.ST CHURCH OF CH,.llT, SCll[NTIST Saol VI• Lido ol Via M•IAt• 4 branrb nr Th• Mnther Chul"<'h , Tbe FINI Chun'h of c.i.r1•. llctentlat , In Booruln. lf...._.huaeltL Sunday St'hOltl •t • ao a.m. 9unda.y kn~ at 11 a Ol. Wed-ay E•••ln• Jlf-ln& &1 8 o'clodt. RMdl.,. Room tO<'&IAd at 111 Palm •tl'MI, Balboa. I• Opell dally rrum I p,11\. to Ii p.m. eJl.Ce'l)t llu..Say. all4 bolldaya nallonally nbJOenred. The public t• ~nnll&lly ln•lled to at· 14!1•d lb• 4'bU,,.h •l'"YIC'N a.nd .... the Re.di•.-Room. CH,.l('ttAN IC'iiNC~ TOPIC OaNll[S REALITV OF 01[.-.TH "Ar,. Sin 111,...,._ •nd 0.-ath R,.al •" Thl1 que"1 1on wlll boo 111,. •uh'°"'I nt th" SunrtA)' L#"1M•n~..em1••11 ln 1dl hra.nrh ••f Thf" M•1th~r l""hurrh Th,. Flnll C'hurrh "' C'hrl•• H<·l•"tl•t tn Ji1,.1"h Th• Gold•n +,.., I• /mni l""lah "h,..,.I •hall h" -•-"'1 In th• L"NI with •h ••1'l°t .... 11n11: ""h"ll"n " In hb1 Sl'>rrnun on the Mount. u r .. C"lltd4'd lJ)' Jihllht'W, J "9UJI M )'a, "~ ware ,,, fal,.... ,,,.,.,,.h,.t•. •ht. h t"orn,. tt• 31~u h\ l'f1,.,.p·11i t•l1t\h111tit Ye tth .. 11 kn11w lhPm hy tlt,.lr fruits. Do mien l(•thf't trnr._,,..., 11f \hurru•~ ••r fhc111 11( th1 .. u1-.. " A 1t••ttf « r...... "•""''' hrtn~ f•1Mh ... , ti fn11\ n••tthflt r an a rurn111t ,,,.., hrtn~ f,,rftt """•d fruit A nft ... th" ~·plfl .,,.r,. u t,.nh,hed at h 1 .. ..... trJnfll P"ur h,. lhUICht ch .. tn IUI ttfl .. tun•tnK nuth1tr1t) tt n d n11t u th.- ,., rlhf>.ti •• l_Jua.: .. " t;.,,,,.,.. rr1-'•r111, • ~"' '4tohf"n th~ RUii "tui -"'ftlf1~ kll thfl)' tfl .. t tuu1 any Jlltk •llh 1Jh'"''" r1t"'"l'U'9""° hr11ua hl th•1rl1 unt .. h1r-11 ''"" h•· IHl•t hi,. hu"'''" ,,,. r\1•1 )' ,,,.,. uf ,.,,.,,, 1u1d h••1tl1•1I tk11m;"' lu ·~ '"'" .-. un11 llr1'.lth with K"'~' t• tl1• :O-f nptur-~· M1try RAkfl.r "·'''" • nt..,,.. J •••uJt •tr11-... "" •ht1,:u1,.,. h •1ht t•r f'\r "tJtt1 hl11t f•A1 ft1nait• ~,...full\ ''"''""''' ..... ' U) f!nrttlil,. ''"'' hrl(t1t111·n1 ,.,. ..... r .. in~ tl1• lnl\tol4,.lhlltl \ ,,, J(•• ul 1nudt11 tnte: e\"ll, '""' 1•• kl"'' ,., 1 .. ullfh.,•I I\ flVfllHfi .. fr,_I ..... ftjj .. .:rtl~I\ fllf' JJ,..1\ lfltl h) whut 11rt• •·1 uutitl).' 1 MU••1J u)fr I ·t• Ir• 0 1/U "°'" l"h k n1•J11 .. Utttl •1f"l"UI )tr,1 ,, ... Jlpf,.. 1lht110\,. .,,.,. .. "' ..,,. hit h •1• 1 MHtl Hll'1 ttt•I ,,,.,.tr .. \ • I f\.., Wtll4' AJv,.rtls,• --.-- '1nt of Glid-N . ~ Liquid Cleaner and Quart of SPEEDOLEUM Linoleum Finish 2.14 $159 POI VAL~I -IOTH ' SOflALIST PARTY HEAD SE ES ,~.:0·":.~1.~~. ;~·,~·.1,::~~:~ .:~'.1.,.~"1'.u: ~'::. (;(~~~~~-,. VAN D•~N BEHG -ST ASSEN TICK ET ! '.'";,· ,·l::;:·,1!.::1111 1'~ 11 0''""11 t· 1 ' 1 11"= t;~,7~": .. {!:;:. ~ :,::_:. ... ~ J -If, '·tt•I hi f1t1t•"'' lh1• ~ ... ·1n11 .. t old 1'111~1•> Jw ina a ~ '9 -1<':"' \'1;111 ·~ \11111" rlt'> 1·t .. 111"'" I ""'' .11 0· 1•11 111 11111 •11 11 I 1 ''"" 11 110 "'"I ol I• l'1t1( \1f1)n .. 11t •lo•n ) llln tM'U KWOr ..._..,. .._ 'If •II \hpu t " l tl1 tlllo• l ho ""'II \lh 1hllll• l'l1•1<l1lll 1'1 11 l"1111o1 ••I lhl!.l.1." , .... w_ tf .. roact I~ Cfff'r ... fllt' f, Hf \I I .Uhfltf.dt tif ti•-''' 111 ti\ t~t•t "'I 1 1 I\ t t t 11 Uh ' 1\t H ' ' f1tu.rd , •. f t.ut.a •• 4._ 4:U1"' for ......... 1'1"1 '""'' 11~1.I\ lil·I~·· •• \,11 ·•11'11••11 "· ~11111 I fl, \\'1-.· A1lv1•r\l~o· v'"'~· lt 4''f'\-lf'd"'3'1.-. .... 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"'•1:·.· (C A ._.':,•.':.t· ~·1-1.'.J''.~ ':.E! ... f ~· •.f O!,;?~~L~E '"..~ ~ '""'11C'!:.ll -~ "'t~P ·· ~~---... -::;-.... .... , . .., -....._, uu--;:..e.. a. =-.=r- a.n .. , ,.... _ -&.:.--&I.AO .. .._ -..u-..-.... ~ ~. ---:;::...-· .~-" ...... w. ......._ ... .., .. ----an-..... 0 .... ..,..-.-.::;; ..... ., .. maGl03. Ml ._ • •. .. ... M --:.:::.: L4~· g;;. ··~ .... Ir'~':.. -.. UAO Wr • •• SOC -.. ... ---. --uu..-........ --------..........-=---=-' m71=-•. , :..s.:--~ ·!:::.. .......,_ ...... a...o-.-. '-"-W6 a a = .,._ ........ ---..,_ ..._.._ ...... ""'" llJICA........ ......... ...... a.rw-• ....,. Ua.o-r 1 • .. JUI.a~.;;-a.-.. .,._..... ---z:o .::r-........ ... ~...._ 1UU no ll8C4-............ . ... = .... --~-.,_ ......... ---...... -.. .. ...._.... • .:...,. moor .. UAO Pa ..... ---1 •• & •.:.--........ mJ.AO ·-..... ...__... ._ ICll-.... ........ It\---......... ... _,,,_... ..... ---- . ¥ -~ By Carrier or Mall: SO.~ IX'T month an>-.'hfn' in~~ Brach and-I Calta Mesa: $2.40 for 3 month!..~ for 6 ._ths: 18 prr )'Mr SpHdoln111 edd1 llf• te •11 llMl•um 1<1rfoce. !Nroble. ,.,,.. eble, •oler·•hife I• coloo. Ho- 1-to d•lkote liftol-c.ol-[).;., oo-•••:V"• •• ... n ... ; ~ .. ,. fi•ol._ tleo• o•d f1etl.-loeli"9 TARZAN Faith in the Lord of the Jun.clc Hy 14.Algar ltitt RurrouP. • ··~ By Mall In Orange County: $9 pe-r yt"U': to Uh mn..18.25: . to 8th Jltln('. S9.SO. SAM D. PORTER Pub~ LUCIUS s. SMrnt m ~ Editor W . F. DIXON I .. ...__,'"'-- CLYDE REX ) ""'""'~• Prtntiftl Pl.ant. 3011 W. OmlJ'al AwritW. ~~ Beem. Olitomia • •1lli 1 ... effort. COAST CONTRACTORS SUPPLY MIO ( n••t lllchway ·' t:Wf'ORT Rt:A('lf i>tw ... : ""aron A2a1-M GLIDDEN PRODUCTS "MIU M'lilf ~1""7 s:cM wOl~ Al+O ~. • T/Jlt1Al4 sosc.E.sr~o. • 'IO.l 'O MTTH D£CIQ! ~TMfll '!()\) V<11>1jT TO .::J ON CIC T\llllC 9Aef( . ' '··.A ... ()l!Vi> .. ll1~ 'fMe ' • JVN61E fCJll ~'"~: o'AMltbl t ONTI,..utV 'TAIUM lO()I( CAl!t ~ VS -o MOJ6HT us C.VT St>I C\.l', •' ' ,_ • • : • !'I --• Pages NSWP08T BALBOA NSWS-Tl•SB Fatd'AV S ewpo!t .._,.,<AW. AprU I , JM'! * COASTING ALONG • SkiingExcellen·t for 4th Weekend BJ' RA~ •'OOD pilt..:&..t ·~ ot o,l)Jf) per night LOS ANGEL.ES, April 9 1 UP> Snow -.·as reponed d<>c>per thnn Mesa Merchants, San Pedro JA's Play Ball Sunday Coat" Mt'Sa Mt>rcha.nts ~ tiPam "'111 t11kr on thC' San Pedro JA'a Sunday a.th-moon nl 2 o'clQt"k on tM hill·lop diamond ln a repeat match betw('('n the two clubs who met l.ut year In a game which _lhe THE MOVIE BARN ... Bo. CloMt 81..t. LAGUNA BEACH • Old Time Movies ~ .,.,_.. a..-,. a.... .. ...,... • " " WALLACE BEERY &AYllOND HA'ITON Al.o MARY ASTOR GLENN BUSTER aa "Second Fiddle" Pl• a LOClllE F AZENDA COM'l!DY .u.tfll Uc! -~ lie Mt'sans took In nine hard-fought lnnlna 11. Coach Butl Long's 11~.,,,...gatwn h&B playt-d 11nl~ one gftrnc> this S<•11· son a loChc-duft>d .:rune "Ith S<intu Ana last Sunda) "'WI called off due 10 wet g"°".nd.!.-and they put that one away by the lop-i.1Cled ~rt' of 16-7 11ga.ins1 a _ weak Clurk Rambh:rs. Tht.> Mt.>rcha.nls will probably, take the field w11h lhl• following I In<'· Up; Barbor Events Al' FRA."l;t i s r" APRIL 9 _ a!llJ •• l. 1-..a•e tl'ama from a1J over -Skimg will be t'XCt'llmt m Sou-nt m1<1-winter , packs rani:ro from tl'P • K. ......... kll) &:ood ~ • r ~ ... 1 M'fTlpt'llftC.'' Utem Ca1itom1a mountains for the• 20 mctw,, a l \VutC'rman in tht• San dth l< 1, in ,,.u;r \Ill~" lr tr .. or:C, tlw best pr011pcc1 a~ Coonh straight W<'t'kcnd. "hl' s tute Gabrid mountain~ 10 st:\ f<'\'I at Son I .. (,:tuna ~ I .. ~ ......... t• .r· : .,.. \\an~ Own·Ll.ng, -~o chamber of commerct' said lodll). Slide P<>ak In the Stm s .. mardmo , r, ul u thl.t1<-s an ~ Im • ·."" f• att>'1 tn "compe1thon m rani:e a.nd more snow "a.' Pll'· 1111, r<runlr) <;<•uwing I.ht-._. ._ t ~ .. nci •"h.1 1.ll ~un l.n _the fmis hmg four mllNI ahead of .the dieted. l'hm• • dlld• t•-s "''ho snidlt t.. g. ~··" }brathon twfor~ ttturnlne field, which Included the b t' It Roeds were closed to Mammoth .. 1111· '" '"m""·lf.> Crx Chana imi U. . c'l.11'\.i lllld ttwn, going to the marathoncn ln the west. mountain. where more tl\an :..'O ,.,m1n1: I ll~m&>ll"!> •, ... f • >t~ \\ an g rt'Cf'ntly China ""ill acnd teams to com-feet of snow was reponcd Hii.:1•• ntt"' 11 ~p . ._...,. Ill) "' ,., •h..-14th annual Pe.taluma pelt' In awlmmlng. socrer. b111k ct-;:::.===:?:::====;::::=~ Ch• n F1th-\'u, """"' ~tor al tht ': • •'~"" IV'nr heTe, t:O!renn~ the b~JJ and. trAqk In thc .. London Olym- Bud Bakt>r will do Ute> catchl.ng, Wendell Crawford, pi tching; Long. * first b.~: Harold VM ~Wulk<>r. third bllSC•; Dick Long, .!!honi.top, * * * ~(llJt h•·it~'' m Liil.ii) m SI: &' , .J ...... 1..-.. lKi >ards in two hours, pu:s-~th thi:lr best showinlit ex- ------------I!< m tt r•-stt.od· m \\'1Jl..-. 1 ~·~·-~-r " •'•' and IH I M,1..~nds and JN.'<'lt'd in SOC<'t'r and t rack. w nn g. .... n • ;o t ivnal >' o u n c San r==::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ PCL Standi112s t"r<>1w1<.('" <11in ...... ~ ..... .._ "-' u ...... ,,_ t11e Harbor ",_ Tttam \\' J. ,.... c;H fX:I·~\··:~~ ~~;01~\ ~II~~ to~ Lobdell'& Silverado Mineral Springs .,TODAY and TOMORROW Robt. Young -Mar- guerite Chapman 11nd Charley Drown. Kenny Yu· sl1:ua, and Ed Savtn. outfit'Jtl1•1'f>. Be Wbe -Advurlft . Casino Cafe and ounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. Sim 1-'1mwi"''' Ii u I{.... ....... <••m·· !(• n un . J.1n 1 ,,, ~ ir New ModeTn Hotel & Motel Accommodations Sim 1 >1,·~11 6 •I l~•J ~ I ~h•· qu;,J1f)111i.: t<>W'rulmt9t.-_,.. llOI' ~'EKAL BATllS-MA&l!JAGE ll STEAM ROOMS l~is All1t1•ll" ~ ~1 .~I .i Ch,.n. "\\'1· 1,,...,.. our ri~I ,......._.. Coltacw • 8~1l Bu 1'111tlunrl 4 r1 ·Ml :!:-}OU kn""· ''" the nat....Uty <J f'OS RKllVATION8 PRONE: ORANGE 1'7%0-M-I 011kl11nil 1' 7' HI • • tlw 1)ff1 .. n1' \\ong"s ~.,.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~ S1•111l11• 3 •1 ·l~'!J 3'" «hm<'M' &nd tmort'forf" ~-OllS • ... = I lullywor.;I :I ~ :\Ti '1 1 ·1a111• ,1 ~ '• n 1r h.. a~ ~ t;.S.. citJ· Sal·r11n1tnto I ii ~'l•I 1 11 7rn." Thu,....i•>"" K.t ... .,at. C1w n sa \'~ t h"'' tht-rf' • a Ion~ !-:1•allll' 111 Sarram•·nlo, ,,.,,,_ ltn•· 1.r fJ~ .. •"1• n<v· frl!" , .. lift. San .. ·r11n1•1,~ll"ll)"••"1 9 ,,I Ii tH~IAr;: lit• J.oinl• out fm• s.in 11,.·;.:11 7 l'"rt lr1111l 6 !'in Ki· .. r """" om _. 1. .... Ani.:i-1··, I 1 •.1l..l11111J J I C'l11n•" I •'"' •~ll• '' nnia •~ Toda)'" •••ll-Ami )""' l•l "lf 11-... ·,.-ara<lta- S1•111t lf' nr s.111 .111.• 111t1 •H I'm 1 , .... II 1" 111 n t. .••. d ...JJ t~ ,. S11n Fran11 ... 11 ;11 111•11}"'""' r.r•" n••d C'lur,-, m 1~ far e.&lft 1H 1~. 1• m 1 •''"'·I I"· """n·• J.JA.n .... tt I l'ortl;111tf 111 !'.111 I 111·i.;11 1F1 .1;1 P l 'h11t1•roin•, m I r C'h1·ni.: th1nl(s th<> ~ '-:- Lo,.. A11;.:1•l1•' ul 0 11ld ,111<1 I~ 1;1 \\tll ;.:1\1 ·• 111u • h t• 1111' ~· pm I M11<1 II th.lft It· lfn1 1n tJ:ar 1.at· I •I~ mp11-.., \\ h. n I h·) had Gilb' CID r"f·ir· "'"''''"' ..,, 11\o· I~ Bn1·· \ a.::tnl• .... "'\\'•"' ,. 1vv n <.r1 b.adr a en-.. • I .5ANT4 ANA tJ1 •d '" 1h1 Jun°' v.11n. an Chi.a 'Relentless' (In Techn.lcolor ) • ~·omp.anJoa Fearur-- ''The Woman From Tangier' St!~. -~tOS. -Tn:s. APRIL JI • 12 • IS Clark Gable Vivien Leigh 'Gope Wi~ -ne Wind' t'eaturtnc 81.arUnir 'J'lo'lb: Sun. 1 :00 -4:~'\ and 11:1\Cl !\Ion. 11.n• Tu6. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Complete Port Arrangements for Ensenada Regatta sa\s ( ·111•111! Ru• in t~ a-1 hi f W " ~ .. ar. "'' ""''' m•d.· i;:r .... , stridi· "BeHer and Better In very ay Onf! 8 howtn1r Only 8:00 t>.~I. l"l';\,. :llOS. • T l 't:S. .\VtUL II • I'.!· IS Did Powell as 'Johnny o'Clock' -< ·ou11urnlun Ff'atun--- 'Millie Daughter' DA 1' llCBOOL PRY81Cl.AN8 • 8Ul&OEON8, 11.D. Mortimer School A. V:· An'drews, M.V._ 1 SH1H ('u 11\1111t<l•trt' and :lers 11 .. h. !.II r , 1u ... """"11 ·i 1 hu.knt .. .u ·--· ~·nners Complete .. rom 8Sc l'rt L l111yd or llallH111 \'a l'hl dull, ~m~tin~1 ,~h~1~·ld~in~Sihia.nch&i;ii·.iait~tnimrtii•i..a;. __ ~-----ll!litiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•~m-llliiiiiiiiiiillll•••miii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~-, B11s1l Ru>~•lul .. 11r 111 ... lark fll'nny I i<ho", 111111 M o 1111it--..\lrs Juck C'ir1• .. n1· 11( l1••111·11n Ila) rl'I urn"d TU1•,t111y rm:ht frnm ErtMnnda wh, rt· th•') ""11frrr1•d with Ml'x.i· r11n 11U11·1Hf, r .. .;nr<lmi: th1• rommg Gm nnon ' r11r<' or April 16 . -Olnl.A-. ......_ W. DAY 8CBOOL NOW OPEN .. ... lleaT'Dlm, ..... -.1-........ ll.&alM(la .. Dr. Obed Lucas DEN'D8'I' Plll'81CIAN ud . RURGWN • t 11 CloMt IDP•'1. ll&rtlior 5641 , Ooroaa clel Mar ff. R. Hall, M. D. ..,...._.....__ ·n 1ry r1•1>1r t all R\1t1l11hl1· s11a<:f• h11s lwrn tllk•·n for \1.s11mg yaC'hlll· mrn nnd t h1tt arn1n1:1•mc>nts Wl'r<' h11pplly ron<.'ludl'd --~.....--~-sncwr. Olien&. ....._ • .,. Mcmhcr1 of I he On-an Racing group will m1..-t for luncheon 'fUl'Sd8)' at Newport Harbor YaC'ht eHJb te .:« OW'r l11rt-mi~ d<'ta11s of th<> raC'C'. t'XpC'C'ted to Ix• lhc- most roloual )llChting l'Vl'nt of its kind on thl' Pacific Coll.sL l - JQIWPOllT a&ACB ooilooN & B&PP, D.D.8. -·-Oaatnl .... -....a1~ ............ Ol"TOWIWI &. T. BaU twwtla. O. D. . Os' ttlM .ma DAJlllNa) Ullf-Dt1PLIOATl:D, -........ ......... aw•·=•-... ..._eu. -· mAcm ~ ... tJaOEONa.o.o. :·. r; !o:a:.:. Jl-&AI' , ...... ....... ••aa.tna ........ .. I I I A lllHoa II. MaDnll, II. D. 1•1 CoMt IDWQ eor-a del lfar omce Haun: 10-12; 2-5 ................ Charlie Eaton Teams in Doubles At Lakewood LONG OEACJ I -&'lll.1-rinah ot t~ ~ Tennis club annual doublew toum&mt'flt today wtll pit S. R. Monaco, M. D. Olarlle Eaton. Balboa bland, ana 814 a.1 AYe., a.nw,. Stuart Arown<'. Santa AM, agairut .......,. 1124 Ron En1dlllh and Jack Ba.llac.k. ~ Houn;----1 ~ IAng fll'n<'h. In thn Uf'Ptt: 2 to 5 p. m . hnlr or th•' '1raw. . .. _..,. ....,.,... .-....,, t:ntOfl nnd Uro ... nc reached I.ht' Conrad Richter, M. D. ....._,,, a-n: 9:30 a. m. -J.2 II.., 2:30 p. m. -4:30 p. m. ~ W.Oeatnl Newport._. ...... rt.or ..... N'EWPORT BAUOa VSTEIWf AAY BoePITAL Bonae ......_, D.V.M.. PM10 ......... o.v.x. lln. •·• o.ur ......... . 1m .a.a. llleaa Drtn ~ .. ... ..... .... ..,.: ....... .. i'iC"1'll·rinnli. h\' rlrfN1tln1: Dr. T1'<1 St rnni: 11nd ·c .. '0 11;1· Mc<'\Jtchron. both Loni:: Rrarh. fl -4 -b-3. t;?ti:IM1 nn'1 Rallark an-~<.'d No. l in th1• 1011mnm•'nl. In thr bottom lmlf or the-draw Dr J ullu11 I lt•l'1mnn. fk•rk l'll'y, and JQl'tnny t1r 1l1 l..cni: fk>nrh, m1.,·1 Al Dr8y nnd Roh ltl'itzlar. h<•th Loni: llf•nrh I lf•ldmun nnd f1c-11z nn· lll'f'drd ~ond. SCOTCH TAP.E NOW ON HAND -'-NEWS -TIM ES 8alilil1 Utnlted ,> HERE'S YOUR SHOP This Original Shop Was Opened Just For You TOYS BOOKS GAMES . WAGONS Stamp Albums Every Accessory · For Hobbies -~- KID STUFF 713 East Central Avenue Balboa OP ALL OUTSIDE WALL COVERINGS· -20 YEAll BONDED GUa,ANili ~~-·Can.& Applied <h·« Any Type of COl'dltl wtion or Attltitertuft All llte ,,.,_,, and · clKJ,m ·o1 nat.rol stone, OYailoble in\o_ wiJe se- lection ol llyles and color combillOfions to suit YOUR i.Ji.,icJ11GI " taste. "" .. ,.-rt.._. .. ft(IClK llL\I". nn·L 11t:rn:a llOtlD _. tO\llDt:'~ "\TI KDAI' f:'£, ~l~c. l'\il'T ... .amac·.'-.' lfl"M: 'I \c, ''"'-·-.....~ · For New. Construction Tlw _,.of Pnma-Sfonf' O\'f'r •~ sc:·a rc-4' matf'rials "8t"lt M Tilfo, CindPr or Ct"naf'nt Rlcw k is i.t ruc-- twrally ron,.,·t: is tn1r N'onom,,·: b. &'I p.•rmnn1•nt r St~nd m..ans fhf' diffrrt•O('t• bt•hH'f'll an • ~ oChf'nri.v. ,·ny ordinar~· buildin~ and tht> strik - ~ brauty of fhf' M odt-rn llomt• i.hown nhow ... All These Materials Now Available Complete Job Done By Factory Trained Experts Allow Us To Submit Designs and Prices -NO COST -NO OBLIGATION- INSULATES ·WEATHERPROOFS· FIREPROOFS : ' : : • • . .•• . . • 0 ~ ( : . f ') •,.. Iv /\ l l t, 'tN I T H p f\ ' t "" T f [) p fl f \ ', \I R t ,..,,. ( ' 'I ~ ' • SALT AIR WILL NOT CORRODE A FAVOllD llA'lalAL ..... ~ •df11 .. II b a •a ..... .. CMlllry......... . •••. IECAUSI IT'S al CAUSE IT -~-• ..., °"' .... , .. '°'° • __. ....... IDtNSI • tAVll ,_ COST\ •__.-•MCI lnU • _... nna&I YAl.UI PERMA7STONE solves many comtnK'* tion problems, eliminating fucute main- CJmQce apaue -providing beauty, comfort and permanence. Can be. ap- plied on '!"" or old tile, stucco, brick ot J>JQC.k and on new or old frame con· ~on. !ostaJ!atiooa qukldy made without clliturning the occupants. . 0 PER~IA-STO~E -for thr motlnniw- tion~ of ouf-of-daf«> mant.•li. unit fire·· pla~pro\idM fhf' touC'lt of IN'a11ty lll't>drd to c•rpa.fti that inf.-rlor atruos· pher.-to beautify your homr. IDEAL FOR PATIOS k BARRt;(Tf:S Full Information \\.ill Be· Ghtct ~-S~pplied \\·ithnut Obligation "' I • 807 S. MAIN STREET SANTA ANA PH.5377 • • . \ i ... ' . ... , I J> rr ic do 0 1 a e1 rr rr u tt al ()I la rr n1 8J u rr h: ir. w gJ aJ tt C( SC cl w Iii ls m 8J pr b; tt "' °' n: S( SC re ti OI tt st al m 01 T fi a el