HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-12 - Newport Balboa News Times•• ·i·'A BC ONLY DA IL Y Nl;WSPA .. ER IN LARGEST CITY I BOA. b\ES(~ .. Today'a 'II A.II., rAT. Dow.lt1eNA~ .._ ·-. ""· __ .,.. 1, A_ ...... J11,Ji1,111nl• 17!1 t'•l 1111 lt.nl• ~"i Ill tlll l 'tiltlt•'' :l.1t\.'l 1ln Ill 1¥.1 llfo Mine Head I Ordered~ TO Coiirt:· WASlllNCITON. Asril ~(UPt .lnhn I. ·Lt•111>U c.wl&ed CJlf tlw,.... HEIGHTS , BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA ,,,, k ... n ~J ••rlkr ''*'· but h -lhron l•'Q huun lettt lw .... V_ • ..::O:.:L:.UJO::.:=.=:_:X:L==-==========_; ... ~"~;...;c-t;;;;,;;;•_;l'"T~~C:_;;..,.~=i;f:=-"""'=::;:===:::t:=-.,;~.;,r.w;;.~rro~,;llT~..,;;;llU~~«'.;.,;,H;,.;,~(.,;"A_;.L;;,;.;.lf;:;"<>,;;;K;:;N...;,,1.;,;...:,_ _____ 'l!•-==-..,ff---t:=;......;;t;;;';;;n;;;IW=....,r;;;;..-,;;;;;;;.;,"'::;A;;;;oorn"" .. ="'""'=-"'_:'_ ..... _1_-_.---·-~~·~:.::...__; _1 _ _;;;;;.;;;;-.;;;......; ____ N_:_t'-M.:.ft:...:_E .. M~ .. ••rtl1•1 ,.,1 ll• t1land trt.J c. _, ¢I :;;; d1nr1:•"' fnr h•'inl ......-~ .._ Record ··vote ·Expe~ 5 Coast Unions Thre~ten ·Ship Tieup 'I -. . r Harry Bridges .~Leads 8-Point ~-Strike Threat SA:-; FRA:-;CISC't 1, April 12 - ' l I 11 Fi ,. ,. powrrful Pacific Coai;t ~hiritiml' un1on11 served ala t•ii;:ht·('lmnl lu;t of c'Ontract de- m11nd :oc on \\1•st coast 11hipownen tod;t) an<1 thn •alt•n<'d a coutwide I •h•pptn~ tiE'UP unk'lls I h~ nnnl<_-+-_.,,. <"ri. i::rant the· d Pmunds In forth· ~• 1 lk.. 111 ,,inUn\M' ~ iollS- 1.l"wl~ llA\"' hi. .00,(U) ........ lho.,: •li.;nnl to l'f'lum to -.'k • 11 lrll'l;l'IUll WhMil ............ 111111 "\'•lllr \'ulunlary ~--CJf \\o•rk •hrn1hl now hr ·t..,._~­ Ano1tl1< 1 1"lr1n·am ~ the mln.•r• l h111 tlwlr prn•l•Jn dra 0 I \"111111<' of tlw •lr1kr ~ ....,.. 111111111 .. 1111 ... ..-t al an 1·arly ~IC '' '"'''' ··11f''' I l t11t 1loc•lt111• I fl t' .. ltl.-.t_ . 11.c•\\ 1• ttlll llt'lllt'•Ul ....... .,..1 J .... 1 T l\lnn 1:nh:Ubonl\1ch onlfnood 1 lh1• l 'ttll•'ll Min<• Wnrktont tfWf '" .1,.,,.1 111111 W"9""9dey an die I nmtr-m111 nf 1•ourt t"harttt'. ·n.. ..h111 "" la that l..l"Wia ..._ 1 .,1,.., • 11 '"' A1irll 3 t'91.11'1 ordrr to """ ntr lh•• -•rlkC' •·ror1hwt01." .. ,__.... ,._ In 11 mm·1· 111 hr"iJ off tlw> IO"'· 1•r1111w111;, ·~•nfl>m1>t artlon. Ltw6a hnd tlrn11111llrnll)' C"allfod otf tM. <'1"il'l•lm( •lrlkr ahol'i.laf ' Im• r.ulthl11•rnu1ih r.JW\v.·rwd .. ClllllSt for " 11ro lomlnu)' tW'ar1n, • a. 1• .. n11·m11t r h.,·ar •net ,,.._. - 1l11n 111 "4J""'h ttw Ai-ii I cwder. llut th•• 11111n1'11\rr didn't ~ t :ol1li1l11w•Jlll.:h rulc'4 t hat the -t rlk·· ,,., 1 h·n ... nt ttld not ct..I' '"'" ,, "' ""' 1ionfrm111 m.,.... -It hmt , ... Ii •• , ..... ttwt .... ' com mg t121Jll::a mlnt'r• 111oold bt't!ln rr1urntnc .. th" r•lh \\Ith \ht> nliht llHtt ... luff" l m t llWtWr'tmTOtr _ _, ... .-----:-T.t Harr) Bridg<>s. International I Longshorcmcn'a ch~f. called a I m<'<'ting of nll fl\'<' unions ov<>r the I Wl'•'krnd which r<"sullt•d In draft· in i: or a "strik.e togl'lher·back to •·ork together" resolution s upport· 1ng 1he demandl. The umc.. at.:r<'t•d to stnkc• 11nd stay out oo 1tr1ke until all ·dcmandl wen granll'd 10 all flv<' unlona. 1i.e contract C'xpirt'li June 15. ParUclpetins wue: The natlicleo al Marl&ime UDkla, Natioaal U ... ol Karltime C.ooka and ·~ _ lhe )larint> Englhet'rl and the -3 VCll"APE fN ... my WHEN ONE CAR Radio dl\ision of thl' Mai:lne En. 111 . r....::7\.J _ .I U A , 1 i:mccrs. T-he ~fldepc 1MWnt Mu·uw WINDS Up ATOP ANOTHER IN MVC'A Fir.-nwn. lhll'rs. \\'tpt•rs and W•.: ~ ll·r t• 1111t rs umon Sl'nt "obti~ers SANU ·CRAB By S -A II ELECTION. Tomorrow is · Election Day in New- port Beach and one of the most interesting councilman- ic campaigns in years wilf decide either a different kind of municipal government or a continuation of the pres- ent system. Th<'re h;we been many hectic oral statements. myriad promises uttered. threats of this 'n that and the introduetion of consider- able sums 0£. money from ouL,.ide interes ts 'to stimu- la le th<'. i5'.'i'UPS. This com- menta tor h as witnessed numerous battles in the past , and !)('rhap.c;, still believes in th<' olrl svsten\ and the old methods of doing things. He h as a ttended council meet- ings for years and has watched. sometimes with an- gry impa tience, the slowness and deliberate prO<'edure and. the apP<lrent inabillty of councilmen to grasp th«' h'.'a · son for more prompt action. • • • Both dnH-'N f'K'.apf'Ci 41111 but • ' --- minor da1111u~·"' •"horn a~ drl"t"n OVERLY-AMBITIOUS by Donald Jam<'!' M uck#'fttb&ltt. M .a. tTERPIECE CAUSE 17. :.!13 Ruh)' stn'<'1. Balb.R bbnd.. r.il colli<M-d with a c:-ar-dnnn b) .Joian Of BIDDY'S · DEMISE· J1·n kin s ("lark. :!4. 16111 41tnd "''tut· tit•r stn'C·I. C'ost .. l~ 'Ill<' aC"C'ldrnt ocnJrTed 41t 3~ p.m. at ttw mtf'rM'<'t _, o4 Pb· Cfntia and 1BtJ:f s~. _... ~ "'u 11 I'd in a f.1X'("t M"'UlaT Ul*"t wuh Mu<"kt'nth11lc-r'1 ~ CClllUnc lo I rest p11rt1all)'·lllop 1tw-ci..:rtt aut.o- mobilt>- A ~tt. Nobn ~. o4 Balboa. •·as ndinc in thP Mudliro- t halt'r rar and aJm ncaprd injgry Minor Jniuries in Head-On Crad:up "'---97·.-Mttna ....... klll· .,. ..,_. , ... ,. an .. ,..tt.,. to ..,. -.. ..,,._. ~It· ...... ~-IE. •19rr. ~ r. ......... ~ ..--. ··-~ tlf'I Mar, ,...... -..~f .. ,__r of ,..,. ..._ ~f"ll 1 .. N_.port fl °"'"'9' ,,__, , ..... -.... ~ ..... "_ .--cl ....,. .-.n ,_..., rir.-... .,._, ' , ................. f"m .... ...._ ._....... ............. ·-· dl.-4 •ll9ir Im..,._. ef n-U.C a a ........ -........ ... ............... ,.._.. -.. . ....................... llw ...... . d ., ........ tiu1 dorl not take' an ofhc1al p..i.rt. Tlw l11·m11nds Wt'rl' hs lc'<l u fol· 111\\S. I •'.\lmnt1•nnn1·e ' pr111nplt•S. 1 ~. ,\ furl y hour ""' iln<I :on L'IJ.:ht l11ni;shor<'ml'n • I 3 Suh!ll1111111tl wage' mcr eues •I Guanm1, .. ·d ·1mnu1tl \'acalton~I with pay to a ll sf'afarmg pcrson- rwl and dock workt•rs. 5. A "willing nnd nlil<'" clnuse rn 1tll roritr:octs to proll•cl the union I n.::11nst ''rhr 1T11(t-ll11rtlf'y con· llp1raC')'." 6 Adt'<1uall' r111i1ract proviaions ror saft•I), lwallh, wdfarc 11nd l !)f'ns1ons. 7 Prrnt>ct1on ni.:n1ns1 O\'l'rwork. 1tpc•1'<1·up, lon g hourt' 1tnd unem- 11h>)'TT'lt'lll ~ Qunlifornlwn und lmprovt"- n11•nl 11f «Xli.tmi.: w11rk1ni.: ruh•s. Thr('(' J>POr>W AJ!f~ nunor m- juries in a n • unt~ hrad- on rollbuon lut n1gt11 on lbrllo. houle\'ard at ttwo Santa Ana n'<'T hridQ:l', Ca.ni driwn ~ Sarah K 11.v- pole. 39. or 136 \"irpl\UI ra- 21 CANDIDATES FILE TO RUN FOR 15 PLA~ ON FREEHOLDERS BOA C"ost a ~ti-sa. and llarr) R ~bu. Twntt)-<>nr rand.1datr~ haw• 111· 1 r;, o1ri.:" <~r.ril11n .. 1.,hn Allr•n. G •·OrR<' Jr .. of 61f) So M-ain S1N'4'1. San•... ...... 1 . .L Ana, crash<'d heH-on ..... their intmt!Ofl to rnn for r>l111~·~ 1 l.1nc . Wf'nu.-11 ('n lkin~.. l..oui11 Both d nd Hal "~ Oft " &.urt nr f'rf'l'h•)ldPr5. cotyl l\r1;.n.:i; .• l11rk R1111h, .lnhn \111.;1·1. J _j 55. of 1~~,<'~0li~a :Mes.. ~ drrk Frank R1rlf!'harr r"''<'all'd lo· !I l\k:'llully, Earl St11nlr•y, Rrx W<'rr lakrn to Sa.int J~ .__ cla) ·lr.inrl1 rmd Hr11d1•n I-1m:h. pital. S11n111 Anal. •ilh mmnr m-f°'1fr~. U" l'l hf' dl'r lt'ff. hf' juru'l'. H al H arpo}(' ~ .,,,11 hrmc ...... a t a spraal f'l•>l'tmn w h1d1 """'sta MDsa Girl hfld a l t he ~tal f~ ~YT•· has bH-1'1 ..,, for May 17. I \Al ~ lion_ • F:Jtt1~ of • 8o:irrt '!' Fr,.,.. Sl1.ghtly Hurt · ~ ~ a pnma.ry ~'"P 1n a n rf. CHAMBER BOARD '°" ti.tte to r~~!r;iw ·'ti". city In "-JJ1·s:on dWlrtrr and appntnt a city man· \Al I TO MEET GUEST ~irr ~~-wpnrt &arh alr<'l1dy ha~ J d' G . 4ln nrdmaT\Cf" on ttw books creat·I u 1th rnnr1:111•t. IR, of IR21 JUDGE GARDNER 11'4 SUl'h an offiCf' H<YKP\'M' thf' lfllh "llr••"t, .( 11o;t11 Mr'11, W8ll W ith JudR" R~ ~ u Bus~ Cou.nril 1~ pu.•hon~· thud ~los:;hlly mjur<'d Friday nftr mnon ~~t of honor. lhf' bo4lrd ol di-~ ,.~tion bt-c•Wlf' they ar<' I Whf'n th•• car ~hr "'" <In\ mg col-I rPctonc of the !l:,.'IJ("rt I~ ~of thf> prt>Hnt ordinance. ll<lrd "'Ith a l rurk HI Cnronad11I C"ham~r of C~ .,II hold TM llSt o f c:a.ndu:latN for the and C'<'ntr a.I awnu" th<'ir N'lt\JlBT mon•hl)-~inc F"'~ BrlArd mrfud,.· -f)ri\'r r of thC' tru ck , L11Tour ' Wt'dlW'llliay al th<' ='<1'-port Jl,ar. J H )fills. Mn J _ W . Peyton, \'aught. 67. of 26R F.. 19th 11trr1·1 1 bor Yacht club. IJr . Wali..tt Rurton. !"dJton S111r-was unlnjurrd Thrro· y11ung i:irb The V1111ion •i ll hf-iun at 12 IS f«d. Rnland Wrl~ht, Q _ 8-Reed, >In thl' Granquist 11uto W<'f <' n nly p.m undtt thfo gai.-~1 o4 poiesado-nt Ralph )lnkf.,-. M:\rion Dodt1. Mn1 •liRhtly Jthek•·n I >"m"R'' to lhf Ralph P Mukf")·. ~ Andrr-ws. H f' K('flni. lrvm \'f'h1d<'S wu lim•t•'d ·voters to Choose 3 for l1•1ut.•n h111I rondltl•_lfN'd turn on thf> ronh•mpC M't..._ K <' Al111m•. "91tor at ·* I lfll1t .. t P.tlru• Wt.irk•'f'• journal ... 11 fr•~t11<•n1 ~1•*"""'" for ......._ •1,111 11" 1lld no t knuw ""9t .n.t ..... (~lll1•l11'1'nuch n&Ullc ..... """' ''" 1tw bltok·to--* .... "llf' I u-1111• I ctidn't lttlJ ta.-.. UIC1' DRAKr. (t'OR ('ot'SC 'll.) • POLLING PLACES *** l'ollta. pflM'l'tt Wiii hf' 1111<11 from 8 A.m. In 7 p.m . Tul'!ld•.v \Pf'll 18, and .,,. ltN'ah'<I ..,. 1111111"·•: No. I. Thr n~ltrl••h rt~hl•·n•·•· •t &It l&lh alr•-..t , N_pi.,.I. Sn. z: Thr Orr alalloa a t 21117 W. (',..Ira.I avraur-, N-· 1-"•rt. No. I. Thi· ('lty 11.11. S11. •· Thi· rlrr •laflnn at 70S Y.Mt R1y, Halbua. No. II. t:rnlr -\\ ...,,.,. o.,,..,, at 15SO Ck,.an boulr\'&rd, "''"" - port, No. 6. Th•· flrr ''"""" •I ll'!i Mari11" an•fttlf', RaJhna '"'•n•I. No. 7. Thr F.arl "'la.nlry lt.-1&1 f'.aC.tti otrlc-r at 611\ <'•-I lfl1h· w1y, ('r;rnflll dr l Mar. N n. A. Thr F.hrll f 'luhhun••-. ll tll Wroot ('1·ntraJ. Ralhoa.. No. I . lolt .. \\arl'• 011acr at Sii '4a11la Ana a v""""· N r -. • port. llf'41hl•. Nn. In. ft,....k'• Oarqr, .tk•I•· ltlr,..t, Ralhna l•l•nd. Nn. 11. l.ldo l•lr tf'ruhhfiu••·. No. 12. Th" Frt1llac rr•lifr n•·•· •I HI UlamOtld atr• ... t . Ralhu• l•laed, No, Ill. f 'tw>k• Oarac•" lllOO r....._ hm1lrv1rd, f'ornna. .t .. t Mer. ~~~~~ Aftd~ttrrrt In N1•w1••rt l wnr h 1111 • ,,,..,.,,.d rr-.·orrl \'Ill•• frum n r··~•1,1 1.•tuu1 ul II\•• tlu1u,...uu l 1•1..:ht t1111tth• •I 111111 •l\t\ 1 .. 111 <\Ill •lo• 'J'ftJ •'~ f If\ ~ ttlJI II dt1H II H ~J.d 11 fd It\• :: . ,,., I If' t J1•1 k ••••Ill I .. 1. .. o I If '" 11 :1 ~111 • 11) 11 1·"""'' 111no1 .. 11" olll," Adame ..... '".Ille....._ will du Whet ltwy da-.a-.• .................. ....., ... _ ..... .::. ·~·~<(1,· ..... , 111 .. " .. , """1"1111!""'" COLOMBIA runr11n1: iwht ''" lliru111:h 1 .. 1la). * * *I BREAKS WllH 1111• ''''" 1~•1lr11I 1w•H•111111 r-11rul , rm l1w11111l11•11t 1·1111111·111111111 '"II"''" r ELECTION SOVIET UNION '" 1ht l'fll'~ \'1111111: rr•1J11 ~··w·11 l:"·l:•:t1·'"'·"1 "' ""' 1··'''"'"'' ... PREDICTIONS 1t•·n~ .. 1 llw 1·11\ 111111•111 1• 11111 J\(l(;<l'fA, A11ril I:.! -IUPI - '"la,. "''' N1·w1•ort. S1•1111h••r•· * * * 11 .. lt•tc•h .. lu thr l'•n ~ I·" I" 11 ' I ,1<!11 •~••-. N ,. " I'" rt 1•1111f1•n •nc.· h11w• dr<1drd to Ol9- l lo·11thl11. ll11llH111 h hmlf rind I 'urfr • 11111.1•• llwtr lll''<'llnic hrrT in IJcacoea nn f1t1-!'>for A 1• .. 11 '" th• ••1ltlor1T1I 11t11ff uf I 1l1••111 t•· 11 ... tnlrrrupUon by -.... ('a.ndldal,.. 1111• N• "'" "111•·• 1•°'1".Y lttrm~I up •mr•·t•lluo 111111 wrl"('kt'd Ow tw.t Tltr ~•· 1111 fl, 111111olnt.: r111 '111· llu• '"""""111~ J•P'llo• ll4illll 111 tlw r sly nnd NUJttrd et ......... f, 11 I<•••· 1 :rr·•·l••y, I •i•·k I >ruk•'. I•" wlll h•• r•· 1·!1·1•11 rl ••> 11 "'""'' ~11111 Ii.day 1 , .. 1111,.i 1til'i1ttl•· ltrilH·r1 11111111 Al I 1111·11111111·111 111.11,.1 1 111 .. 111 1\1 i •l•·r111 ... 1111 A11wrw11n •1~ I( I All• 11 1111<1 I tnllrlJI K Hl•ll' '"I' "" lho· •111·1\1:111 111 111• t 1i.;t11 '"'''' \\Ill r.i, .. h·-'"k·•I '" llll' ..... ,,, 00•1111111···1 "11'" ··~11 \A.1\S lll Nl:'l't1N, ""rll l:t-cUP> ''I''""' '"'"'''' \1f•·r11n ln•·urut,.,nt IC•"' 1,, •• 1.). r u ruuur ,,, 11u th•• t\1lu1nl0Ht1 I UVffW.C. ~ r unk 1<111• 111111 11ntl f'111!1•1 S1•1 111•1• 1•·n•I• 111 _ ""Ill 111111 I h• 1111 IV'111 • luH 1(1111( !Lal-U•1-1"" a.tc'"Tll• www • ·1 11 • 1, 1'111 '' f11r lhr• 1rfl111· l•l1t111l11\ "II '"" •111•111•t h "' 111~ 1., h111tl h hlt•.rt> 1n•11rrl'Mk.fn .. ,,, '''' 1 I• rlc 1111 or.om• 111 .I /\ 1•·11111 11111111 11• 1111 .1lih· lt11•111• "1111111 llf11(11l11. •••111\ l111tk• •111 dlJ>lonwUc 1,,.,, '"' '•• ''"''' '' '"'"'''"''"'· .I l•.1111" '' 111•1·· "'" ""' 1••11 r.·11111 .. 11~ \\olh 11 ... ~.,,.,,.. U nioft, I• q,,,~1 t•1t'·"I" "' 11 \.\flt• t11 fHft J11tk l11ak 1• b\ h \•·t V 'li11\ ""'' tfw t.!h \•H1fU••t1I H lfho '" l lir.Jl'!O(a d1·t ,,, h • • f,, • 11 h• .11 d l:iu , I hUttf1Un• •·d '1'!11 • • • 111+11 10111 .. t trt\\ la11' •up 1t Fntflk H lll"fl 11 I ~1U t .. • ,. '11u· t''•\• rruu1•nl r1tt1i11 •l.llO .,.. '1H••I • '' V•1d• 1111111 -.h .if th• 1 l1•1t.d .. ,,., c'f11t1 I•' K 1·1 1t ... , f.,r ru.~utt••tl fhat •l•lt K•t••• to tt. 11 , • ., •·••'' 1lt•1 ,, ... ,,,h, "' r11ttt1r l ltu '•"''' ''' •1f\ 1l11k • runU1 tn1t1 A111•11t·•tt1 ,.,,..,,,...,.,.,,....... ti •• '' • 1/r1J• ••r••U••• /\I _. "'fftk• 'l'h•• l•f• flu'"'~'' ,,.., r•• ti,,,, •I 'tfl tutti fl,., ul1 •1 tu K•• 1th• 1td w•lh the u -1''' ''' ••I th• f1\• nuHt r ttv th• l•1llu\\11ta· Hlii""'''''''''•~ t t 011ulll1•1•·d ,,,. lt:•I(•· l:ll • if,•,! I /\ ffllH•'llttf ,,,,.,, "' llt•I • I +,• qi, t" .,(ld "" hul1n~ f•'4l11y. 11rr,u • hlt•'•l l h1,1t1• '' '·,,,,,,,II .,, J1~u S Dock A 1.". , , .. ,, .. 'l"I' ..... -n\'f•ldl'lf ill I} '"'' 1111~1111·~~ 111111 1111Jrl tt\ "!"' n1 """ aves rea , t• ·11 " rl••f111l••d d orwh w l t h lhr """111111111" t•t 111.n tllt111~~l1 II "Nl1111.'' }"" Fl • 1 1" ... , lrl •1.o k• All '""llOll'O 11n· fl" "' ""''" 1•1111oll•l11lr"1 r .. r 1hr d i)' rom oat1ng ••• ,. ,,, I·~'"'""''''.. •fr•· .... 11111 1· .. 11111 ,, ""hM 1l1•11lf " ""•W wh•·ro L"'1.sh D.•at "'o-L 11 • 11 '"' 111• d11-l1l1•11 por· 1,11·il• \ 111111 I 11 "'" 1••1l1htly ''" I' ~ ()( I' l"Cll ''' tal 11 h J t.1~ '' • rr' ••• lw a ru1t1u nu•tJ thut ttu•\ '11111 11ue•l1• nnv f'um· ,,,,ti"''' If I t ,.,. I•,',., p11l1 ft&ftrr•• ,.,, ,,. ttu Htt~lth 'Cilj ( ·ouurU ~Ui• ... It• •• ,,,, r.n tt1« p. rt "' I ,,,,~\ ... I" 111• 'II\ ,llllflll ~'· f "''"''~,,..\•Ir ,.,.,, ' ••• ,111 ""' ,,. .• 1·ur1· c·optHtn .I \\.1tltt·r ft 1•f km11n. °"""'"' IPfl'il• 1,. ,, 111 -..;, "'I"''' Ill 11il1 •ltl• 11•11 n• "lhr Ir '"''~" ••r 11f ll•1111"''11111'11 l-'•<'k1·1 prrvrnt- ""''' 111• 11.11.1111" ••111ph111tls ''" ""'" r;r•·• l•·v 111101 J 11,.k•-. tultl •·d fl t•·''"""'"""""" t•orrh -the ''" "''' f1h rorl1111111Klrrt111111 11r 1111· 1111• N1•w1 T im .. ~ 111•·\ w1111ld fiicht :.!~1 ,,,.,, ••111111111•rd11 I f1~hlntc launcfl. 1i'11•lr l'11rn1111l1en• w1tl11111t •1•i.:11nl11•cl llllly ll•r) ''""' 11•nlllni;i watw- li11•·k1n>: 111111 Wtrttlll ll1•11111m1•1• 11ny rr<tlll f1wlhl1• JI Mflf1 (lltw'r boeta lmp11I rtll•m lh1tt t l11•y ""'r•• 1m~·r ~11t11ril11> t \'••ninl( i<h<ortly after 7 •1hll1t111irm 111 1111• lt11•111•·~i1 ( '111mrll "rl111 k f ; I\ !\ 11tfh11' F:lrf'll<rnrt·rlng thu" h1111 lr0llrtt ""''' l«.,•kinrm· lhn ·w a llJW Of'mocncy. But the con- clusion reached is by the one word -~mocracy. for in like ma nner. one's patience is likewise exhausted by manner ' of the legislature and the more spectacular proc.·c~s of Congress. which h as been characteriu'd by the variance betwe<.-n repub- lics and dictators. So far as our own council is concerned m a n y m e n and m a ny schc~ han• been rejected, some politely a n d so m e roughly by the fi v4;' .men sit- ting within the railing. The only conclusion reached by this writer is that the voters should ~ive !'Crious consider· a lion to th<' rcrorrl of C'a eh m an for thr· offit"C' this yt•ar. or any year for tha t matt~r. The \'Ol<'rs shouhi bf-sat 1s- fled that they know their candidat<'S are reliable. le-\·. el-heacied. open-minded to SAYS ODDS FAVOR · PEACE BEHIND 'B 0 MB' BRITISH SING· BATH.E l tt •l·•I• ••I 11,, pl11y •rn l"'r~unul 11t "" pr• • t•·•·t111n, lltlll•ht•tn1n..: h :u1 1 ... ,, ''"''''<"'hi\ Ir•·•· •1f '11m••ur·· ro·'~· f\\t. ••• thtt•P rurrt,1r"· "'"'II,,,,."'"'''' ,., 1 ~••trl•'IJ 1 .. ·r•1r" 1111 •11\ •lroff••ll~. Wt•r1 l1111•kly ; 'f'ft\1 ht d "·' I t1• 'J1 ~ T1"1••\ Y.'tl,,._. 1lt1wn 111 " """'' "' 1•n"1n nllth'll 11ltf1lor •I lh•· liollv-lloy ,.~ It drifted. c;r..,·l•·r 111111 llho,. W••rr• Ju•'k•·•I I•· 11111 "' 1t111tt11I 11nrt ••n \ r lOJ*d ill 1·1111111• "' I h· 11 "'''ti kn•rw11 r•·1••1l11· fl11111••K, '111:11111•1 tlu• d•H·k• at Vik- '"'"" 111•1•• 111 N•·w1 .. ir1 ll•·•H'h lt•1lo· lrtlCM l111r1 11111! '"""'"I II out Into •·r l All••1; w1n1 •·111 ht y1•11n lrw11m-mlrt rlurnm•I "I"''" thr rl.tt •• t .. •n•·y ,,,. 1111 .. 111 1 lw mn .. 1 p11p11lr1r 1111l1111.,1u"nlly • 'r 1111(t11JhNt hy H•r· 1lnntinu<'d on p&ge 12) WASHINCTO!'I. Asrn 12 1t."P' I f'orPStal tf'ftta~ u thr' rom· 1 t11r y pr<'parr·dnrll~ m !'11surf'1 shoultl -5<-CTt'tar~· rtf r>M~ Ja~ For· min"' tw-1:an hr11nn1t"Jt on a hill 111· 11i11N'd on th•· rilr torr•· 111• r~ I rriotal Ull<'r'l•nc that RUMU.a ._ •o drafr '"'"' 5ff1,frl'.JO youth.• agrd P''llls·d pr ... vlou11 111a1"m<'nt11 1hrtl not yrt hll\'f' thc:o 1tom bomb. AMI 19 1trrv111:h z; Th--NJmmill,.,. laAI hr <'Onl'idrrs a lmlttn<"l'd f11thllnl! I today that thr nddls ttlU fa"""' ~,.llr app-~·....t t:~rr l"1r11lation but for cr o f thr "rmy, n"\'Y anrl 1111 pra<"<' ft ta~ 4tnN' t... n holllrd up In fnr t'I' n•",..""'H)' "' m •'"l thr na- R ut hr un:"d C'ono-~1" lo mo\• rt-. H~ P.ul"" t·'tmm1ll<'<' I"''"., '' "llrlty r1-.1uirrmt'nt<1 "at onr<• ""d .. ,,h hrm &I'd ..--\\'lt1La. f"nrT,<lal v.11• t~tif)1nr;: '"Thr •'<1mforl 11lilr n.•Murnn••" ''.' lutro J>UrlJ'>"I, ICM'~ rhc-,~. f-r Alb<'r• f.m ... 11 m ;inf1 HJ prom· a pu~h-hutton "ilr Is 11n. 1llu~1rm, m<>nt ''' 11rlt'<"1 I\ r ~-~ and uru-1n< 11 r •-duratrlf'• nnf1 df'r£YTT1"n I h<' !"h\ _ .. \!'n:il m1li11.r~ tr ;unmi: )1-,:,,_a-•a-.r"d '"""Irr"• 1ro ~IA)-11rt1nn on · f nrr• '"' ~Ill<! thrr•· I~ 11 rlrnrl toon 'N .-fnt•_11nr1l "lhP , ft••rl• of lhf' ly Jt:ornllrl" l~·twr·• ll R11.~~'"' TI1• '"' fTV"k'-Ur•-< F4)1"r·~'.:tl , -"" f~ .. ~ , .... ., r-• ..-,:. r·. pr·~r..,m h.rv• • :tt ,. .. ,,, todu> anrf Jflllt·r'i 10 )••;er' 1tw llnu"'· Arm•11 !"-~._ ('fJft\· t-n -• •. I r..:u .aL.l. f F·--· l l .. 1~ _, t'l•lrtl """At. "'Jl11J rN"<>rd 11hov.o11 th11t df'spnt rrutt"<'. ""II k•~ i• •ti-,-~_..,._. m •'"-" ''" •r• ' 1,m . w h:ttC',·r r lo form. halt a rr- 1 of JJPAN · throui:; th" )~ I} an .,..,, l¥lfllmH-r"') O\ Pr •·heth· rnot"M'lru l'O!TlJ>UIM>n 10 aggTf'!l- 1 ahrad · • r ·to, ,..,,. r '"'nr·tl1t~i~ 1n nrw mill-1 ~'''"·" hf' sold. .. HY,MN OF. BEPUBLIC : FDR STATUE UNVEILED .... rr .... ,.1.111> ""·•·•11i.;111•·'' 1111 lif• 11r111fl-.fUhU~ J1tHJ q'h•·Y'-'HU * Wnather & T1'dL••s * llll•I r•'lll•"<'1•'fl !'fllllld hn. "fl d 11dn11 I '"'r I H'llltrl nt•'lll •1fl1• 1111~ l.J'JNl l<JN, A11rll I:.! 1\'1'1 " " llrlt11m's loll h· ,.,,..,,,,,. 111111( t11• •h .. 1'"rl•t<'I "1 1111" dty • llmutlnic Flt•• t1Jt11lly <l"·'r"}'''' th«' Jlllly- H111tlr ll)mn •of th•· H• p11f1l1• '" ,,.,.. \nr l"" and "k-lnlh rw•I 1•r••Wllt fr11111 " 'm•1ll '''""n ''' ,.1 ftf•)' tiny 11~ lh,.~ •111\1•1f1·1I 111• "'''''' o.;.,,11t0111 f'11lol•••r111 \f•,..11\ •l•.1/ '11' ''1 "''''"'" H•~-· •-,.,,, .. ,.,,..,, .. Ir•· 1111t·f .Frllnk l"rocktt of '1111111' thr·v 1111111ttf11 ... 1r /\11w11•·1n ''"''' 1•.,.,i;tr• 1111>1 '111" ~lwlttl\ '" "'·•'-1'' i\ll\ 1'''111 '"'""11"1"'1 th•· :-0.:""l••rl lt.•.11lt df-partnwot fnrnd, ... ~ftrtkhn J>,lnn11 n .... ,. (\ ll ftJ1 • f,,,,.,,.,~u1 hql , .. .fd ... ''"" ,,. .. ,,,,, .. '•'\'1'1' ''"" "'''"""'"'"''n ,,,ul lhh f n ~p.ark f'\ld4·r'"' 1.a.rUr.4 '"''-~ 1 "1 111101" I 1 ''"' l(fl~(Jllrlt' Ito tit•• "llll1uN•tor and l n Mornpl• 11111 m1tJ•·~tof' ,., 1• OSI.\' % VOTJ:'4 IU'T WINI' 11111_,.,I tltr• fir•• rn11n>. :\to• '-'•·11n•11 I t'"'~""' T .. ,,,,,..,.,.,,,. ,,.,., .. tt... 1 """'" STOt'<;1rrn:-.:. M11" 11•1•1 ''""' r ••f th•• l1111Jt , \V"rn ·n Ji&or- •IRll'I> 1.ol l ,,, lo• 1 ''',,.,,,.,,·,,•I \ • ,,,:,.,., T•,.t•) '1'111111,111 111 "''""' rl ••ttl\ '"" ,,,~ r I'. .\l••nl•·rr) l•r.rk, 11nd °"" lrlrt<·k. 1>ull11I th•• "•rd '"' oh rw 111• \na:"'"' 4.'• t .\ ,,, fl "rl••• In 1·11n•l1•l 1t••. rr1mp11r1•1f •11111111111111n~ had rr·turllf'd fND a lht' mrm111111l In <:rt)'t\••n•rr s.,.rnr• 1 .. , ............ 1 .......... "' ....... n•• w1tl1 I 11;:1 h11ll111K r"ll•I hrr bl• 01,.,r .. 111m: jJIUnl "'hrn th••··~ bnJke to hrr li1I•• h11•h1tnrl, l\m• n • • > f t ••' '1•111•• ' 1n '1.," ,..,., .. "m 1•111• 111. (if ••111• 11111 h11' t,.o('f1mr 11 ••lit 11fl •llrt> C'n11•l lllghwey dodla. w111rllmr J•r,..•1<lrnt whr. <llt'ff thri·" :\f I:! 11 lo!'C 1 ·~ lfl:lll 1 :111 m•mlJ11 ••f th• l•1Wtt """"'~ r••rm I l'T•"k"' ,.,11111.111 1'1 "'" \'1tlu.> qt ;N1r1 1111··· t•rflr•} 3 .l 11 :1 :l :l 1 H 111111.. 11111· 110111 Ill from $1~JC~ tu lllOO., ' I .. :. Page 2 :!':1;.0~'1/~~~·cJ:,~"'A~T: .. 11.m;::1Nearly 60 Percent.of Benefits . . r tSeparate Ballot' Rneler OD Risht Street 'I' U I d t p Out Th O PronAaaln to But in Wron1 Houae , , _ . N D Fire Breaks Out 1 o. nemp oye 0 ay un. n J1V1HUD BARn F)MI, E Okla: <UP)-where· Me•XAiiir SAntAl\Tr.:\"Tf'l-Aprn l:! rr P1]'rlf(>nl1 ' Jn-otllc>r ornc.· ~ the Be-Given Voters A Bartle.vme man 'awoke. w.:Iked FRONT t.CUI" ~huut 611 1,. r , .. E!...!!1 ( · t11lur~1", next few ~ths, but Del .. tell S ACRAMENTO, April 12_IUP) lnto 111-front room eftl'OUl._, to Belie!Ved Fallen un1·m11IO)nwn1 lll"lll 'tnr'P" t.~ nl'f1IS I ha\'(' ~n kl l'al1fom1a VO~ wijJ be liven the doontep for hi• morning D A G E '"Ill ht· l•ll1<! ''"' 10 1 1,u m '"" in Fl. • M • 111 •i•parate ballot next' November pa~r and found a afTanger on ~ I t \ I IC. oat1ng DPlna the floo.r in front of thl.' flttplace, LOS Al'\GF:LES. April 12 ,.,,, 1 '> ' J•n · -u..:; to \Of t> on prol)Oled constitutional ~und asleep. E A R L Y • L'PJ-A hrll:ht. >"lluw mh1ill' J :im•·' i; llnant. d'""''"r · t)f Labo · }]' O.F 11nwndments a~ -by the lea-·The man obligingly took a blan-• • --with a· r~cl1·. h IHll. f•llflllrf>nlly ;, Ith' .. ,.... ,,, paricn••nl Ir • rnr l<o\· raory, t. I 1"1.11ure lhla year . ,...., ~ ket from hla bed, laid it over t he N E W 5 ITIPl~r. flasPI-.. tll'ro•s th1• sk• mo 111 ... 11111 th<' sul..,11l u!1• 11 ••I "'''h v J La b The extra ballot wu uaured •u <"U ~ , e ero u9Mt eel s tranger, and read his paper. • • • rar ly 1-~11y Rnd flr1• ltrokc out In pa)m<·n1 .. 101 d tf('k!. ""'' m QOI') •"-whim Govt'rnor. Warren signed a uu 1 When J.he man awoke, ht> rub. It hox And ,,.011, yierd rwur whrr• "" 11drn1n ... 1rn11q• 1·10.1~ itnt.l a Sl'l l ~A:'\: fJ IF:GO, Cal .• AprtJ 12 11111 coordJnatlng the voting day bed his eyes and said~ Continuati9n Of Present State Tax Rates Assured I I S'ACRAMENTO, Aprtl 12 -(~)~onllny,tlon of prffl'nt ata~ \ax rat~. tor another Y<'.&r h a 1 been auured, by Governor W.arren~ signature on the tax bill ~· al the rett'\t raeulon Of the l•irNititUrf'. The bill, 1tron1ly advocated by the adm1nlstratlan, -keeps In ef· feet thl' rt'ducc-d ratH establl1hed In 1943, lndudlne a 2~ ~r cenl sales tu. . · Warren dc-clared the blll will save Callfornlana Sl 19,00,000 dur-.lne tPle next fiscal ~ar. If the leailtature had fallt'd to act on tue:a at thla IMSIOn, the ratl'I would haVI' llm'W hM:k to ttlelr for- mer-and hrghl'r -levels. The go\'C•rnor added that 1 hi' Iota.I su\ln.i ~In~ the teduct11m1 were fl~t 11dop11'C.I amounts 10 $.'Wl.000.00 Ill' uld: thr ohjN'I Is twhi•''•'tl 10 haH· h.11 "1110\orl ''" r-•f•t.l .• r '"l'h th•·i •l 'P l -W1th htt captain 1t11d u~the amendments with the aen-"Qw.w.w ! 1 ft'el awful~ Wher<' rallen.· • ldm1 .. nh <111nor allk'nt becau.e Of UJn,.~ ... er al election Nov. 2. am !-!" Mrs J . Z Mnrri~. ""'J1loy1'<1 al Th• ')'l<·m "'" tn•lltUl•J ''"a th<' \'Plt>r o IV, UnlYft"Sit7aflouth·I Amendments approv~ by IM "You're not at home," hlJ host thl' \\'Mt Los Ani;:1•lt•s" Puhr•• fl, r· Ir 11.r h11"~ in s ... ram•·nr.. Loni: I Pro C1shfomla'1 new 110.foot noat· •' 1;rslature for aubmiu1on to the replied. ord l)ureau. smd she !'aw lhro <th· l1<·1u ·h. s .. n I:. rn .• rctrn•· 1tnd lfa> inc laboratary, wu launct»d twr• ' "1 e r s lncludlna 0~ bannina The dazed intruder round he jr<•r ftS sh<' stPpJM'<l from hrr car '"'&rd ufh~ '•' •Ill' d.-panm .. nt I B.i rhara Fare. daueflter Of srs '1 atch·all" Initiatives on ~ llved two doors away. in front or h<.'r ortl~. Bryrmr 1111111 If ''"'' •-<l •fir• '"'lul president. chr istened the VH~f'I lh<an . one subject, and another "I'll never touch It again," he "ft was high in th1• sky trt1\1·l·~'•nd iturin1t ~1ar ch ",, t"·c11n in ! ,,.,.ll'rday in the at.enc. Of th•·1 '''''·r.1ng the ~~hod of fillin1 va-told his nejghbor. . f ' t ·'th d r~,.,. l ..oll Anl.!Pi1-11!11·-.·~ 11n•l S11n 1 r-nrtam and donor, OUnaan Allan I rnnciea on ...... superior court 1n1< rom <'Brit 10 '""' 1n " ,. 11 k 11 1 u.......i...... 1,. nch .,._ w•--Ad •·-r<'<'tion of the• Dou1:lrui Aircr1Jfl 111:·1o:•i . anC'OC · 1 n . a ......... '11111 ho:I· · · °"' ...., -wrt....- plant.. sh<' said. "11 sut;ldPnl}' • fhi• thr<-< Sdl'i. I-r,.n, 1'"'Li.flrl'Hl J pJ1al. --,-=P:-oU:-:-:ti-ca.l:-Adv--tt-t-lleme--n-t-)----,-P-o-ll-ti-ca-l-AT"d-v-e-rt-11_e_m_e_n_t_) _ 'd d . d d di ar h<'1<11n • <'a•h 11a}m• "" 1,,.,1 \Hv·k Or Frl'd Fagg, SC ~·n1 -~--mlillllll•-•lliiiiliiliilitilillll __________ iiiiiiiiiii.-. zonm<' ownwar an Nllppt' · · Ill l.'d .. 111111 1h1· S)•" m -.,,, 1n•ll11!•-d"'" thank<'<! Hancocl< f~ the vessd. · H1rhmon1I anrt "" 1 l11kt.in'1 of· hurlt fur sc:1entlfk-'-aptor•· Two radio patrOlm<'n reportt-d '"''this '"'" k 111,,,"'\''"1•1 •1th.·n 1 twn for SC.~ Velero IV II th<' wcin" the hlazmic ohjl'C'I "' 17 l.5 .. hwli '"II •~ .,,,.,,.,,,..,., ''' April •qxlh ''' a seriea of craft C.p1111n rt.m. disappear in Southwl'Sl Lo5 I'> fir•• .s.1n J .. .,,. ll•1llp H1t"1. llunt· HanC'OCk built for lidftltlllc ex· 1 Aniceltt. rnl(ttm Prirk 1 ;1i·nrl11I•-. ~ ,....,,,,, ;.nd1 ploralrnns sin~ 1921. ~ I At about the 1aml' time. a fin• lhtrlmnk Thf• craft I.JI <'Qu.lpped wltll radur w111 reported to hll\'f' dN!troyed Br) nnr addt·d 11lan< "' ,. :il ... 1 ti(~ 10 df'lt'('f schools of fi.h, and cvn· MVqJI hundr<'d lug lioKrs USf"d 1n1: mild•· fn,.. r on-....1•1n f. p&y· I t;11ns httrlrtirs for 30 scientist~ for packin11 V<'J.:l'l1tbles. Harry ~imonian:-o'"m•r or the box and l'rlltl' rompany, s111d thf' f1rt' wa:c thl' firth in hlll lot rn lhrrl' mon ths 2nd in1Series of South Count~ 'Y' "The initial action wa1 tak1'n M t• ff Jd during lhr• '"llr )'l'llrS Whl'n lh•• ee 1ngs e <Political Adv~1 iaement > (Poll tlca.l A.dv•tiiement) .~ FOR A JOB WELL DONE ELECT .., . ~ J ·CHARLES K. PRIEST -tcndtncy throughout the natinn l Thi· lll't'11111l m I ho "'' r11·~ ttf S1111I h wu 10 mr11n1 111n tax r11tc'!I ralllt'r 1 •rrm .,. t't1tll1t\' \\I<·\. Y\\'c • \ than t o N'i!U<'I' th1·m. a nd 11111 n. .. ·ni t: <'Ontinut>d ltt t'llt'h !1<'1'iJllOn Of lht• lo•,1c!Pr«l11p ll:llnjfl1 . .ttlt1 (, ll•:'"'lll' CANDIDATE FOll CITY . CLERK lc"\!rslnturl' ~uw,• th1• wnr, \\h1l1·l 11.'"'''ln1:~ ""~ hi Ir.I "' 11",' ''''"'' n , 1 <.rtt\t• t hn~t11m \11u11t 11·111• r "" ma ny s11111•1 1111\'I' had t11 111rr1·11~1 \\' 1 1 /\ 1 -.1.1 I , . 4 ~ 't ftf '"-t It\ J'rl I II t f \ '' \ t fl th<'lr tax r111t·t rm•t1•n ally. In \I."" 1,.1111,., ~ .,1 ·, :;,1 \' 1 11, rulh ln•lo 111 nf thl' trt'lllt•llf1ou• r.:rowth or ( ·"· I 1111 .... Ii 111-\' I"'"' inti \' I·. JI ifornra d urrm: r1'<'C•n1 >'"Hr!! 1 hllc 1.. · an a('('Ompll hnll'nt unlt')ui· in ,111 1 lul•'< arui hw1rt1 m1 mt .. r• ''' ,, 111 rountry •1 a11 .. r11lu111·1• · I Tommy T hom.1<.nn, i:•·n• ral .. •" litk a J RdVl'rti8'em1•nl I rl'l1try nf th .. \'~IC'i\, prt'~Hlrd :ol. 1•1t1• nwt'llOI: 1;1111 .. ld All•·n. pn->1· Wl11'E~- 15' USEP IN TM6 MA~U~1'CTU'Ze ()I: 'TME MEADS OF HRTCH6$/ , Elect Howard c._eameron 1ll'nl of South Clr11ni.:1• t'11u11l)I YMC'A, J,!11\'I' th1· inWll'ttlfon ft•I l hl' d1·li1o:htrul potluck drnn<'r. aft•·r ~::::::::::::::::::::=: "'hlclt I hr i.:rnup p:1r11t•1p11l•'<I 111 mmmunlty ~1n1o:lni: untlo•r lhl' r1•:11I t•Nhlp of llf•ll)' I >d.tn1'), i.:u I'. wnrk rti?-1•r111r.L \\Ith_ C.. ~ Wiifi'rman;-1o:r nl'r11I s1·crc111ry nf th<' Ln1tuna fl<oadt '\'Mt 'A, at 1111· ----I-'---To The ~ · _ SUPERIOR COURT plnnn: Thln•N ca .... Up PHILADELPHIA -!UPI Threvea broke Into a garage or a truckln1 firm. stripped truclta Of tirft and rima valued at $2.200 and 1to~ tools and office ~l~ r.nt valued at 11,000. ~ they lo.ded their loot on a company truck wwth N,!!00 and draw ..._ uncleteet-4. - f Polltkal ~t) t Political AdvertiMmert> ·- The Board of Directors of the Balboa Peninsula Point ··Association ,I Fee~ that the best solution to our many ills and "ti ' ( 1HE CLEANEST 'l'HE BEST THE -. City Government for Newport Can be .. had by VOTING FOR ., GREELEY -BLUE AND DRAKE Vote Tuesday, April 13 I '\ • . ' "for t>i~ht ·' 1•ar-. a faithful puhlir sen ·ant \\ ith tlw Polirc• 0.-ll::lrfnlt'nt" Proponents .of Better City Management . * -Sell It Throui!h Classi'f ied Advertising * IPoUUral Adnut......,..t) I J'ulltlcoal ,\ch 1•rt l"f'nlf'nt) ( PolHlral Advtttt-t) • .. • I . +;;4was• ..... , ... • ~ICJ. .,2,ta~ who, with his wife-; Rowena, lives at the corner of Coral Avenue and South Bay Front on Balboa Island is our neighbor, and we like him. The Drakes have resided in our com- munity for 5 years a,d have made a host of friends. We feel Dick D1ake's knowledge ol 'Water problems, and. his experience on the San Luis Rey River Water Authority and the Board of the 22nd. Agricultural District, as well as his experience as a b1slness consultant emi-· nently qualify him for the position he is seek- ing. Dick Drake will be a fine ·councilman for the City of Newport 8each. •· ) '· nos IPAC'I: .cosnmtar.~. 8\' THF. SF.WKRbR.-. OF )IR. ASD MRS. DICK ORAKF. os BAIJJOA 181.A.'"'D • - 'II/Aid ,94 tAt ~ ~--94~u,i11e'' A'''ci'1ti111 C1u11eil? · , The BUSINESS ASSOCIATION COUNCIL organized to discuss . problems of the city and · its sections and to reach a solution of the prob- lem\ if possible. \ · 'II//,. t/it/ tltt. ,,.,lllf iJt? The BUSINESS ASSOCIATION COUNCIL -... _ began as an informal discussion grouP. of busi- nessmen having affiliations with the various com- munity organizati9ns embraced wit~hin the city of Newport Beach. The group w~s:: organized to bring a.bout the cooperat~on of the sectional groups in an overall city w.ide campaign of im- provement and betterment. '11//,1 IN t/tt.f Member.s _of the Council and their community districts are:-J. H. 'Cap.' Ragan, Miracle Mile Restaurant Proprietor: Nelson Stafford, New- ~ort H e i g h t s , Electrical Contractor: · Harry ~hton, Attom~y from Balboa: Volney Hay, Jr., Businessman of &o , tocjraph~r. Corona del Mar: F. · E. Birtcher.-de- veloper, Corona del Mar~ John Allen, Druggist, Balboa Island: Robert Eastman Attorney, Balboa Island; Jack Cole, Engineer·, Balboa Island: John Boyd, Lumberman, Udo Peninsula: W. W. San- ford, Realtor-,-Balbo-a '11ancf: Al Doesburg,-Vene- tian 11r.nds1 New~rf Beach. _ _ 'llJJ.1111 t/1 t/tt. NflN~lltf . The BUSINESS ASSOCIATION COUNCIL Members ~ere appointed as representatives of the Newport Harbor Business Men's Association: Balboa. Improvement Assoc~ation; · Corona del Mar Businessmen's Association: . Balboa Island Businessme~· s Associatiqn. '11//,ld . ,, tltt. 141/llft? • • The BUSINESS ASSOCIATION COUNCIL wants good government, capably administered, • an~ with necessary Improvements reasonably ac- compl~shed. The BUSINESS ASSOCIATION will support all things beneficial to the whole Com- munity. '11//,ld IN t/ttil' 16jtcfi11Uf Our obiectives are:-· · 1. Adoption 'of City Manager Form of Gov- ernment under a city charter. 2. Immediate Provision for a permanent city water supply. 3. Adequate Sanitation for the entire New- port Harbor, Area. 4. Improvement and control of beach and harbor facilities. 5. Development of a Master Zoning llan. ~ 6. Unifie~ traffic and parking contro . The BUSINESS ASSOCIATION COUNCIL a~er interviewing more than a score of pros- pective c a n ~ ! d a t e s chose to endorse Ross Greeley, Dick Drake and Dallas K. Blue. · These meri have the Association endorsement because of their understanding of the problems of the community and their desire to· . see our city united into a sm~oth functioning municipality. We ~elieve these men individually and col- lectively complete a pattern of experie.nce, · knowledge and honesty of purpose qualifying . them to manage the affairs of our city for the greatest benefit of all. 8u,i1te'' "'''cillt i11t C1u1tcil OF NEWPORT BEACH I PollUC&l Advt.J a lltfrii!Htffftttiltii!lttftt!llttl!illll!illttt!illl!lllltlgyyttllllll!lt!lil!ttttltttttttriMttttt! .. t \Pollllcal Adv I ROSS GREE·LEY . Candidate for city counril, busiJleMman of Balboa, and resident of the Newport Harbor ar..-a for more than 30 years is heartily endorsed for the office he seeks by his f dends of Balboa. . · · ' Ross Greeley has 'grown up' with our city and is more fa- miliar with the problems that have confronted it throqh the yean than any other candidate runnang tor ctty council._ _ _ _ _ _ Ross Greeley loves Newport Harbor, he hu worked here and played here, literally on the sandR and be&("hes of our town since his earliest childhood. ¥OUR VOTE FOR ltOSS GR•~ELEY Is A Vote For The fe'uture of Newport Beat"h TI115 11dvrrliM>flU'nl t.poni«•l"C'd by ancl 1111lcl fo1• l1y fn,.nda of Rt-. Grwlt!y (Poll t lcal Adv.) I PollUcal Adv.) Pare 3 Corona del Mar Mar as a unit · of the City of Newport B~rh has no..axe o grind! · Traffic Signals for which we have fought are being installed NOW by the ]_~ate of Calif omia! Sewers for which we paid are in and functioning. Our beach is a public beach bought and pai~ for · by the State of California for the· benefit of all. Ulf'K OK \Kt. NOW AS A UNIT OF THE flTY OF NEW1PORT BEAfll ... THE CORONA DEL MARTIANS FEEt WE ALLSllOlJLU STIUVE TO SOLVE-- OUR WATER PROBLEM • OUR SANITATION PROBLEM .. OUR FORTHCOMING CITY CHARTER . " and CITY MANAGER PROBLEMS, and strive to: Preserve all of our Natural )leaches, Hays and Uec·reati~tn~f.Areas for the Use of the Greatest , N um her of .People. Corona del ~lartians feel that DICK DRAKE will he~p ~ ~wport Reach to solve these and all other ' dty 1>roblems, honestly and competently. A vote for DRAKE is a vote for Newport Beach, and good government. I F'o llllral Advert!Mment) •i . ' . . --· ' .... ' i .. * HARMAN W. NICHOLS WASHINGTON, Awfl J:Z.a..(\JPI -LIP1tidl la awfUJ l~f,_pe.rtle­ <U.larly on the collar ol • white lhlrt. gOH•rnmt-nt took 1tdv11n1sgl' nr poor Wl'llk "''Omankmd during tht' war, catching thc·m with their petriotl.!!m down, as 11 wrrr 'rtw b11( shots sneskt>d in sn<l.sl.1pped on th 1\t I uxm-y t n1f. JI 11 II rmm .. rs du\\ n 111 ,, 1•ou1Jlt• of Important J1t11nt;. In Mr J)'5 book. You are-Indebted to M~cron­ ica [)('nJ:f'I of Mount Vc·rnon. N . Y., for today'• ~rmon. She calls Mnt•lf 11 beaUl)' engineer, whal- f'Yl'r I hat is, and Is thf' hf>ad g11I of thr AITl('rlC'Rn Woman's Instl-I l . Amenran wQmrn nrl' ht·nu- t Ult'. t1ful 1t11<1 Am ... rw1H1 rrwn \ll tsnl 'tm 1 Mrs ~ngt'I, bt'lna a woman, Is tu sta~ thH! wa) If lipstick will not oppo11!'d to tlw rl'd laht•I. or do 11 I ~ ml'naC'e. The J:rC•ftM' lhat uur 21 """. r 11n r111nmun1sm i-pruu• 1 Hnd l(f'I " <lf'.'<·•··n• l11<1!hnld h1•r•• In latli1>1 sml'Ar on I heir lip11. I lt·r rontc>ntion Is t1111 t It's ahout tr~w 11ur l1wrly land in tlw n111h1 of 1111 nf t lu~ f1·m11 I<• It>'"''"' •~" -I thst C11ngr1·111, nr snml.'hody. qll !~ calling llpilliC'k a lullury. Tl1111 ·~ 11 l:•MHI q111•i-lr••n Mr11 lh'ni,:1·1 '"II m11kl' }"U 11 1 As Mrs. D. Look11 nt It, llp 1 ... , 11 t fat '""'~ Sq111·· /l '"'' lq;. rouir" Is somrthlni;: no woman rrin '''"k rill 011r \\IJnl•·n f,,lk• ,,,, Alford to bt' without. Thl'rf'fnri", 1hri•t• lit•~~ 1•1111non~ :inti ,~1 1 a nt'C't'Mlty like m<'nt and pot11-'">1111 you h.,,,. .. A tl•·i1r,.~s••<l. rl1 M- tocs nnd cnrrots nnd hWlhnnds. pinll'CI nrolhorl, rh11t's """' llt·r The neaut)• cngine..•r is ~o work· q1111t1·~. no r rnin•>. · ed up on thr question sht' Is 1:0-Clt'nuty, ,1111 quu1lu1:. ,, 11 1111111;1· 1'~ ~ . .. Navy's Air Service Boasts of fte(ord As It Disbands By JAMES E. ROPER Unltl'd Press Staff C"orTt>tlpoJldl'nt '· I_ NSWPOST BALBOA NllWl·TIMlllPge .f MONDAY . NeJ*t 9-11. Oellf, z'pl1 lfa I.Ml 'I HOLLYWOOD Hungary Actors May Be Dime-a-Doz., But Try to Find Peaked Child-Actor HONOLULU. IUPI -The self- :\tyled "world's Jl'eatest alrllnt>" Is Hungry actors may be a dime a That wu fine with IAM.'y. Aa i;oing out of business. and lnmcntS aozcn, but try to hirl' a child -a father or two he'a all for kids PCho all a long Its far-flung routl'I. actor who looks undernourlshl'd. eating rrgularly. But he still nl't'd- Tht' doom<-d outfit Is thr Na\'al Tht'n-arrn't any. It's against l ht' ed a fe'l/V who lookl'd like they Air Ttanaport Service. the Na\'Y'• 1:.iw. And that's why D1Nctor had rickets. Jlrl\'alt' air line> which Is to be Jost>ph Los1•y wears a hauntM "What I wound up with," he m<'rgt'CI with thC' Arm>"• biggt>r look these days. • grinned. "was hungry-looking cpilr! a nd bet lt'r-known Air 'l'ransport All he itid. he says, was try to actors who were well-fed. You Command. si~n uµ a i:;,ni;: of hungry kldl 1ho1,1ld have seen the crop that !'ATS and ATC will consolidate fur a movie. That's when he col-showed. up for Interviews!" under lht> title of Military 'Air ltdcd smack into the local health "The Boy With Crt>en Hair" i, Transport ~rvlC't'. wuh nil per. officers. n fantaay about a youngstt>r who llOnnel going Into the nc>w, inde· Lo!wy necdl'd some undcrnour· gets so worried about the state P•m dent Air Fore!'. 11 is part Qf the 1$hcd m oppets for RKO's "The Boy of the world his hair turns grassy rivc·r-rill armed Coren rcorganlza· With Cn'en Hair." He wanted tho green. Losey'11 guant-chet>lsed chil· !tun intend<'d to save mont•y. rl'nl thing. Figured he'd Jwit stroll drr n com<' in somewhere along tht• But the m<'n who fly the Navy through an schoolyar4 In a poor 'line as <lisillusloned products of plHnt'S arc as unhappy 85 a ny high-section and pick up his actors ort a wllr-torn planet. spirited team that muat disband. the spot. And what kid's gonna look dis-Ing to do soml'lhlng about It. She of c•oun.11<' • wr<>tt> In to 111)' 1ht>'1 about to Tht' hrn\I' w11m,rn "hn m1tjnrt'd ,._ "#:,' launch a natlonwldl' Cllml}lllgn to 111 pukhrttu<I<: · ··ni:rrW<'nll" rn l'lll· Arm. In arm, 1ludtfl&a pande Ulf'oulh tbe.,..... Of 7 ' 4 = ......... '"'l'r••oa. and Thl'y think they are the hottest The officials heard about It and lllusioned when he's he 8 I t h y things on two wings. cluckC'd in dismay. Didn't Losey enough to pass• a strict health know tht'r c's a law against under-tell and lucky enough to be pull- t th II k kl .. , d -.. "~ron. VC$" atttt th~ announoement ~ OalllrW ... ._. ,.._ ...... ...,I*' ID~ pu e we -nown I wo un t'r h• .... llll(•sn't l1L,, l•1 •'••! n,•astv ERP '"t ... ~Pl ·~ ... -. ......_. _ _.. ... " ... J t.ary Manh&ll'a pnJIT8DL .. w -.._. A£ ?:: pc zrt - -• llu Salf'ty RflC'Of'd nourished moppets working? ing down those fat mo\'ie salarirs~ !"ATS, for ml'd a few days after Losey didn't. Not evi:n. he "I finally settled for pr<>ft'ssion-what silt! calls the "ayntht>tlc" tax m"an just 10 pn"'' ,1 1•11111 nut trade.. tr& .._ _ _._.AlllAI----.. on "r~ntlitl beauty Items:· """ would Ilk·· 111 l""nt 11111, ,IJ,. -· -Pt•arl Hnrbor, r11pldly lhrc>w linC'S ari:ut>d, if ~hey earned enou_g_h al actors" Lost')' said. "Th<'y She's \\'Tlttc>n a 110r t of open let-snid,,to that m11n "" P·•nn•\1\11111.1 1 Bargain H ouse Turns tl'r to M" Anwricll, asking t'\'t'ry nw.,,111• "h11 jus 1 h1ul1 "'"'"'" 11 • TAK ES POTSHOTS - woman 1(1 llrt' land to go to the "''" ,,,.,,.,,0 y. th1t! '"1111, n \.,1,. Out to Be No Bargam AT AERIAL 'SAUCERS' nearest dim~ store and pi<'k u'p T ho· rnf'n•Qrkrd 1111111nwn ut lh•·I Jl(tl "'111'\ T• \ t!'I'• 11 a b.ar of hpslkk nnd mail ti \\'h11 1 111111-.1 11,1,, 111 •·ro ,111\ 1,, ,1 ;\I I' otlt.:r 11 rh.rrrdll Ir• " '' trl lowk FROM CHURCH ROOF 1tra1ght to thr Whlll' lloww. To ,1t •h• tl••lrrt.:•' .,, 111111 ltii-.no•k "111 11 "" "·'' .11•1• 111 rrnl ,, """'" Mr, 1'ruman, our Prrsldt'nt, in ! lh1tt'~ ,.,,111111i.: 111, 11 \\ •\ '" 1111 , '"' ""'' ":\:i :1 nirin•h 1.0 :\(, tU-•• '\C'll, <'al.."-11 pn>tl'St a.i.:11lnst the 111.X. 111, 111 .. 11 tu•,1111111,,1t11.,. 'fl•" ll;11t•l••11 "''"••1111 1 ""' to11 -•1·1•1-Trurk l~h·tt WW..m l)o thC' mt'n foJks. sbc IL!lks Cll,.1.,~ ... 1tt•· th•·\ 111 ,-n·~ '""" '"' ~.1, ... n.I .1 ... 1111.1 • ..r tu. ~u111>-""· t'llrry-~n. l~ la Jell 1,,.. With ll m<'ll~Urt• Of' l<>gk, Jl'IY 11 j tr.q tp) .oh••lll llo• •llll iltr1n :\J11,t lrl fr 11m 1111011" . ta• nn ,1111\· n•• -• N (~ •la.\ i. ... :m..,, h" 1101 CJt1fv e-.Pflt A 1 ., .... nm o lln -~,.m 1•111h .. l1I~ "" 111.111 1111 111, n. \\ 111 11 l'.uh.:• 11 '"I'll u UI '" •ho 1 .. II Wlfl' l'llj)<'C'I ho•r Old m1tn In \\/111 "'•ti \\llll• I II I' Ith'"" l\t h•·ll'J 111 11 lllttl Ii• 1 .. 11111,I 11"1 ol h•• 'll\\ rl}irtl( 'aur..-n ... lya1b- lir1nt.: hnmr !h1• rhrrk Ill l'\'l'nt11fr . , ,,,..,,,,, 1111 .11 rt.. 1d11t.--> 1•111 •-r,, hut ... 1ar1t..i 1,.•l1tltotaat t••m It sh,. showii up 111 br<'akfnst \\ 11 h f \\'h11 •i• ak• •Ii• 11 111 h ,, .,1" l'' 11 , 1 Ir• 1111." "1,., , , 11•• ti f 11111 1 '""' ,. •·hur•·h roof, ,........, ,,.. p;1fc• llps7 llnrd. ly. I F1ol ... ·h•tCltl ,,, th• '" 11 1 .tarrw~' tit• 111 .,1,, .11,1111 ,I 1 ,,.11111 a·,, 111 M f)( I I p••rf•~I. r' ·n~1· mnintalns I hrol tlw H11~~··ll 1.i."', II, I. I· n\ 111 "'" .. '" !-•ii ·""' 1 ':l"t 11n. ' ..----~~------~ NEY/ EQUIPMENT FOR SHOE.REPAIR SHOP (T05.JI the Atlantic and P at'lf1c. money to 6iiy oranges and mllk so promised to do their best to look rushing curgo and key (l<'rsonnel thl'y ,"uoldn't be under-nourished disillusioned." 1-•• c -,,x, <M nf'r and opo·rator of '\ .. " JW•f'I Sh••· Rc~ir -.hop. a l • •• mt stro .. 1, h;u j\lst tfuo!allt>d w far-.away pointi; And NATS did nny morl'? Not ewn then, ruled " -.afr.ly. !ho• authorities. :\'ATS C'Qn~t!>kntly hod a IOWl'r ll1•'d ha\'(' to get his h1ngry- 1•-r1<lf'n l rlllt' lhan ATC', 11nrl last looking JU\'C'nilrs fr.om the creen \• or fla·w nc•11rl' ~IOl!Ot'll lll(I l>'tS· ('htl<lrt'n's G•1'ld t"nv sa·..&1 Th t I r.tlr• ;:ho"· r • 1-.ir ch1t.,M». sh111-. J • • ' • '" • "' J • 1~ a ~·I 1 .. t• trvm St. Louis. ~lo 1 ' n1:rr -m1lt·s \\llhm11 krllrni: a pas· 1la1tn·1 lwlp UJSl'Y much, Bl•causc -:--,. , tht•latt.,, a mosfmo<r-~"""·ni::cr. 'Ow n1(~rd-w11s mafif'-d '"~t't into me guttd a kn! has to •• 1, , r• 1,..1r milchtn<'ry '" !Jr· -~•Ill' •.ht• fort thnt 7!'1 IJl'r ct•nt of i.:•·l his orans.:<' juice l'V<'ry day • r,,11n,y, a("("('IJ'dani:: tn (.'ox. :"ATS wurk Is '"'''r waler. :i nti i;a~ a ni.:id h";Allh ~·K<tmina- • 1.., °''" ..,.,.t up to h;mdl(• nn 1\ll :'llATS pi Int" 11•1• thl' 1.:rn11nd I '''111 ,. , •• ~ d \ ,, Io mt> of tYlu.1n. .. •s '"'Olrnl llJljJroud1 sy .. 11·111 of rttd11r. -- l•lf) anli , ffiC'r<'ntly. •lt rr l'tl'd landtni:• ,.,.,.11 who •n thl' ".'a111lurds of the comm<•rcial air -\\r•:tllwr Ill <'ll·ar autl \r..1l11lt1y f)<·r· ltno•s. . ~ llut mostly It was Lost>y who camt' out of tht> ordC'al looking that way. It wasn't thc> kids who put that gloom In hrs la<'<'. he said It was thrlr parf'nts \ "You'd bP SUr)JrlSt'd al thC' m;im:i-. nnrt papa!! "h<> push thPir kids <md lh·<' otr wh111 th1•y makt'. • hC' i.;rO\\ lt•d. "It's ~i<·kcnlni:: Jun.' rnr ~flll\'" a lillll' t;1lrnt 11nd 111·· i:ln" 1•a rnll)J: mMI' In n WC'C'k 1han .;.. B•• Wtse -Advertire l••c·• C'nnMHnl 11.,,, flf tlw ; q•tl()· . l'a.o mcen Satl11fil'd IPolltkal Ad\'f•rt1111•m1•1111 1f'11l11w1ol 1\11\111 .. m.-111 1 1(•,,1 11,,d \01\111 1011 .. 111• 1f'o lll ll'·rl .\il\l•rtrrwnwnt ! -,-,.,-,1-11-11--,-1 ~\-d,-,-.r-liserrk'nl l m•·nt ki•o•pfl th" pilots <>n sl<tllrd r.vr•ry prtSSl<'ni:;o•r_is n~kedl o !ill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that ,, landini:: in •r1uiiv \\~·a ilu•r 10 111 a 1111 .. s l nnnutrl' <~»nml'nt~g 1 lw old 1n1111 marl<• in 11 month Su 1tw C11!1 11111n pnimptly quits 't11s Joh 1u11I s l arr.. nrnn111:ing junior:; L11s•') d1><'~n·1 hn\'t• much tro11hl1• \\ nh 1•h1 ld 111•111rs. ll1··s bt'cn din .. :-1- ini:: '1•n1 (Ill' )'l'<trS. }{ind Of 1111 C'X- 111' 11·11 ,·1·11 rht•m uneon('•'rth·d. ""'tu~! a lluut <'\'erylhini; from Inc• Tht· hn!' n<•\'f•r has b· 111st1· nf lhl' eoff<'t' to the !lhapc of -COUNCILMAN ROBERT (BOB) ALLEN'S . WORKING RECORD llOllDT (808) ALLEN Next Tuesday, April 13, is Election Day, and Voters have been seeking information on the qualifications of the various candidates. Councilman Allen, who is up for re.election, r'9- spectfully presents some of his efforts in serving the pubtic, as follows: Has consistenti fought for inclusio..n in the Metropolitan Water District, an the recent decision to permit Newport Beach to come in, when the voters approve, is worthy of note. " As chairman of the council's finance committee, has held the city's tax rete down, despite the county's outrageous in- crease of several hundred per cent. ' Originated the non-picnicking ordinanc~ on the beaches. Originated the ordinance controlling stray dogs. Originatt!d the anti-firecracker ordinance, thus saving pos- sible injury to many youngsters. Prevented oH companies from drilling within the confines of the city. Ordered Boulevard stops on Balboa Island, secured traffic· control lights on Coast highway. Installation ordered. ' Always favored street improvements; secured plants and a sprinkling system for Balboa Island; favored beautificatlon of Seashore Drive on Corona del Mar. 'fl.orked for a fire and patrol boat in the harbor and for a . co~.mtY harbor commission. Favored widening of Coast. BQulevard from Highway I 0 I to ~ewport's intersection with the sfteet to Balboa. Favored Planning Consultant to work with the City Plan- ning Commission. . Favored widening auto parking space at Balboa and beau- tifying of the Balboa ocean beach. Favored installation of sewers in Corona del Mar. Favored donating sites to Girl Scouts end Teen Age Can- teen on Central Avenue, with buildings now undet construction. Favored Municipal civil service and · retirement pension plan. ' The Foregoing.Are A Few ol the Many Reasons Why COUNCILMAN ALLEN SHOULD BE RE-ELECTED TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1948 / / ' -. : ;wc·id1•nt with its f1111r. r•ni.;inrd DC··l's or l\lnrs Fl\ ini: Oont~. Thrrl' nn..' frw complninls 11g11ini<I which thr Navy pinni•t'r (•d I ••1tlwr. In on<' rl'c~nt month, 14.228 It ntir;hh• a w .... k · • 1u .. i:t i11nna1r1•s '''t"t'l' fil It'd out, and 4'nt~ 11rt• 1111• problt'ms. "I j ust ll'll '1•m kl l:f'l our." hr "°71111 "Yott C'an'I kick 'rm off th<' i;l:tt.:<' th11t '~ :1i.:m nst the lnw. too Out you t•r111 mnkr 'c•m s11 1n a !'ornl'r :1nd i-hut up." ~ix nii:hts a wprk, nm' nf the i 11nl) I~ conlaint'd complaints. Not flymi;: boats. \\'t•1~luni: mnrc> than, 11 .;1111:1<' ont' r<'~lt:'d 11 lack of 70 tons full)• l<Jadl'd, lifts from tht• t·nurt .. .,y ... from :"o:ATS pers5mnc·I. "ntPr nt Al11m<'d11. Cal . and hf'ads ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for Honolulu. Another !\tars fli~9 1 hP ot)wr way _ FAMOUS FOR ~OOD Thrl'e pas11c>ng<'rs get to sleep in hunks dur ing the O\'ermght non- ~lOP ho~~...40--41' so Mhff. PllSS<'nge" doze in rcrllnini:: chairs. <'a t hot meals or stroll on on" or rhe two decks. When the flying boat. th<' largest in rcguh1r use reaches its d<'lllin&tlon, you C'an·i 1•ven fttl It touch the watt>r NOW OPEN 6:SO TO 8 P . M. ~SEDMONDAY NATS owns &nd opt'rates the only fivl' Man now existing Thry claim It 11 the most efficient hig plane now n own · on ticht'dull'd Oight1. But NATS Is not aalisfled only with operational ctflclency, and lflllllta that all other upccts of the~ meet or 1urpus the -SEA FOOD -STEAKS -DINNERS CLAIR G. MARTIN %JOI Oceoa Froat Newport llMela '· (Political Adverliaement) I Political Advertisement l I Poll lcal Adver tisement) u-w ornccs V oN HERZEN & W ooos T NAftON •l.. e uu .. D tNO 3 ,3 HO\.'--.wooo ,.., ... cv ••D .... o H IOM!Ji.NO H OLlV¥f'000 8 0U\. ><OLl.VWOOO 29. CAl.ll"ORNI"' 01.A O!JTOM~ 2 25 5 a April 1948 -· Newport-Ba lboa T~mes central Avenue . Newport Beach' California Gentlemen: m attention that the It has been called to Y Island Tax Payers Directors of the .Ba~b;~ am a member, have issued Association, of wh ~ to endorse c.ert ain can- a statement purp~rt ifn~. e by said association. didates for public o ic - our a t tent ion to the fact tha t 1 wish to direct Y f said association was no meeting of the membe;so~e of endorsing any Ji.Ve.J' called for the pu o~fice or for any discussion candidates for public . t of any of the ~ndidates. whatsoever as to the mer~t;ority therefore to end.orse Said Dir~ctors hadb~~a~f of the association, 6r in any candidates on that the members of said asso- any way to indicalltye endorsed or ·favored these c iat ion persona candidates. therefore by these Directors is Any endorsement,. em indlviduallY and cannot be an endorsemelt ~!~~at t·he majority of the members t aken to ind ca.i rove of their endorsemen". · ot the associat on app - Yours very truly, George c. Woods ocw:am ,, .• '\ Ration-ed France Looking Forward To Bumper Wheat f rop This Year "'hf-at. N'St'n l"5 11 •·u n•'>'<'U.'lr) lo ,,,.·nd on •h•••t 1m1i.1rts "h,11 th.• Fr··rn~h i:u-.•rnnwnl hru t plan · "'~ r•ni:in.,11> t.~r m :whm<'r) an•I , .... 1 .,.....,.,.,.,,, ~ High School Students Prot st Red Meet PARlS-!UP I -Tiw F1<n• h government 111 l'luggmi; d.··1~ 1 1•• ly for ll bumper wheal rrup 1l1i- y.ear. Last year's h111·,·<-st. dam11i:1 ti "'" tcy w eath<'r ln\o lat<' l'jlrin;:, 111•1 drought In th•• $UmnJ<'r nwn11i, was the worsl In F'n·nrh h1<111n This Y<'ar. howl'\"<'r. almo,,1 m ;, , as many acr<-s nn• plant1·'1 ~11h YIORTHINGTON ·•· .=. --- Refrigeration .-,. AMMOJQA ............ Air .Conditioning I ........ ._ Pre9Rre Pumpe Centrif~I Pumps .... ..__ ... -....-..~ ..... can .... \\ta• ' Httt '"'4' (.tr -il.C\."Ytl'\hn.: t • I'•• rr. T't lamlln. mtt\1"-1• :-,1f :..:.n· .J ~ ·~· 1 ~:1.~r~ Llk lTOlJ •'\JllUf• .,.,, ,,...,,1,~1 th,,,,._,':" that ; •• n ·"''1 .. tn I,• ou1 .... 1nJln~ t •mh f ... pf •n• n\Prt' \\ t .... f 1 h~•!• l· !'•~' , 1111ni1' r \\hu•I )<dr. o tho r l"••lu,·1,. 111• h .1, '"II '" 11 • 7 _, ... th .. ',, • .., J h~'-'\tJt• ,.,,,. ''·•t f .1n .. r ... \\•rt~ .:t\'e·n a ..:unr:tn·I ·•••·U\ :i-.,, . ._~. t•f "'~ ·• "'~'.,... 1 ........ 1 v.-... an ftf'••t-•rlhllf' "'-•lh t h•·tr -~ ..i 11..J }i..J....J i:r•m Jn l~i. '• 'P.ll>o&" 11.. ''J" •h••J'l•"1 t.• ,, 11,11ful .: • \\1•h 1ti._ \\llll• r ""'' 11 air• 1d), 7t~'.1:·, h<r 1,.,... Hui t hr< ,, ,r tti. p h nhd 11\ I ll:l'"•' IJ,,.,.,,,.ll 1<nd ~••rl , ... 1tl'1 .,..., up h.• •t1;11 ..... ~ t•• ... i-' .1 .,· .. unt nu t•u1n •'' th,, nl1ht \\-a tht•r ' IC..W·ro·.. l,.o"' Th, ..... ult v' lt.L""t ~·ar , \°'T•'Jl J •lh.t • " , •• , d\\ 1N.11 r _ 1r I-r• '1•"h ~ lllCTlllCll IPPUUCl REPAIRS M911au11011& Maa ........ ...... •••• .urw .... -.... __.... ......... ·-~ • • YAC'ITll •.. -·-·-· ---t·· . . ......_ «A&t.Jrn:D • ~ .. -=· ,. hid; L1."1l1t •• n, li.1' ,. j.:lud l> <'A· I l•'rt• n;·, .. t atl 1h1" \) 1111.·r. i:•''" 1 n· 11\ot nt otr u 1 •• 1 .. _.r, •'Jlhttu .. t u: In m ul \\Ill'•' ""r n••I Fc•·rwh rn. n lc-•I.< d 111 th• ~no ... -.1111.'tl "k1t'1o •• n.t "' .. rr1t'C'.I at-..ut •h·· \\ ht•:tt C'r <JP' .\Wrd llur rh. m in1 .. 11•r t•I .1i:ri.'ulr11r,. ~ .... n•H ¥q 1rn•"tJ Frun• :di O\ 1-:..r ttu· s.o01h .ind ,., • ,,f Franc•~'. ant!I trvm r"lhn}: II• d .. t'rant.'>'. puun'<l I m r. four!" thar llw fnmwn; and po·aqnr~ "·~·· d..Ju:h r.--d "11h tht• '"''" Ir h.1d pr••I•, I• d lht•1r wtw.11 Ir.mi '"" r. m p• r 1111r." .. 1.m .. d its r .... ,., .. 1 r rr/tftfn• I M111J of 600 hl1th school atucknta. prow.tin~ n1•:1t11•1 L••nrd ot ,,.,11'"''" 1:r•1" th f'noui:h '<1t th.ii ·•rl) furllwr ll•·ll ~ pohr)' of pt'tmlttinc CoaUnunl8C lllft'tu1~ 111 !ht' hl~·h lle"h•~•IA In fr. I •oul•l n~·• h.irrn II. and k1ll•-d "' 1, .. r Out C'1Hrnda. 1tormed hladqua11 .. r~ ,,, iJw c-.111111 , 1_ ~ 1"'l¥ks tnlo lht' hnri,:i:un t1• tTllllJl.l-d Ltbvr Proer~lve Alrt> Rrr·· ll'lt-ni.tb w~ IJI '""' Tu. no'4 had lw lp•"fl kill fwhl e.u&.eru11 U>e IKlrlc!11 i; m1t .. and olh•'r H'm11n. nnd d•·· 1------~tro)f'd thQ-'l'_p1o'lm." a m1rro!Wop11: h .. r "'"·rt~:· nn ,1(fi1'111I said. "But ·•bl) 1 · ... 1 I••· .. 1 1 •' '"111111 "111 m ushroom ihal ~·lll•·ll on wh<'al I Fr.•11d1 ll1nd is tin•d, nnd W<' lack har1• ' """ """ • '• 11 .ii II t "" roots ho•f«~ (U..nmi: 1twm in l {I a 1h1· phO!iphRh'll and potassium to "W?1111• 1 • • • 1• •• 111 • roll• n mush, nourt,.h 11:· ··11 "" •lol I ''' • "1 \ 1° 1d J•' 1™' "tnl•'T "'h1·at .-rup w ill bt• To C'nallnuf' .:.uonllls "hoh>, • 11. • 1 '" It• I 1 •II• t han1~11'(f m Jul) nnrl AUJ:U"I Th~ J>OliilllOn n f th<' prt>St>nt jZO\"· l"'Opl0 •' ••1• 1 • ••I••• I•'" h it "if a nur-ac11' hl!Pfll.•IU. Tran<'t' <'rnl'Tl<'nl . h•>Wt•\ rr. as t hal l'Vt'n If 1 <1 111° 1 • ""'" 11f•I 1111 11 II• " can prvd1l<"t NM>Ui,:h "h•'a l to llll'<'I the W<'&th<'r Ir:? t •ranN' Ill un!Mollt'\'· ~flar h11I 1 .. 11 ,11" 1 11 "'' '' "'' 1-f)Ok.-.111.111 ,.,pl.1irwri Ctaims Murder \ ' f, ,..,, J , /,,,,J. .. 10J Jul\11 n .. nilrn t't n'7 l'o •Rl•Wf'I tonk.• RI q 1'•0t>tlu1u1r uft•1r h• WI\.' l,,4ktt,t't t ti thltt•kh.•fll lt1 ''"' l lh' d( Mu V.1:1 l•tll•1 M111•lt 111 o11 I\•• Y11rC I\,.,.,. "lhl p, rt / luu' • u CC'll-._.'O W U•c -111'\·kll•• llltU•h•r 0v )'OU "1111t It• ~·II ii ,\,l\4°1 U... In ttwt..• ~·lunH•• s t: \\' .. n "T n A •• n 0 A !'ti t: \\' M -TI M t; s p 5 "•I' I•\\ 't•I\ I'"'' t\o•.,rh, C ,.11t \"11rll IS, lt41! age Thit•f. 't\ ot So ( 1t1ft'. Turn s llitnst•lt' in 111 I I I t1ll•1 I I th1 I t't fl' \\ •lh tt\t •'" \\ '~t, lt \\ I" 111 ,,, l'll It\ •t1 lj 111 \\ t11t f,01h ''lii I 1:u1 th, \hlt!H ''"hi d 1111 t 41• \\ \ 11 I h h ~. ti f 1 I llh• I 1tl 1l1, I 1 If 14 ............... . \JI '\'\ I \I '\II.IS 1\'••1 Mr:oc. •I 11 \t 11 I•"'"••''°'•'' fnr u tta\••14'1'" 11 •I 1..r .. 111111 tlt.11 11,r l111~lu111d I'"" l•l•I 1--111l•• llUll11 1111' ........ ,., •h·· l•.11111''"''" HI \\hH'h SIU' hritl '" "' d ht I,, II ' •• ''"' '" _lllm -, .. I ''·"' '\ \1 ... ,., \\ \I., •I• ••I I '.11 l•h,u l t•1t0k•'ll I I ... \ 11 I 11 h lot l•lllltll ltl('\' hi• , 111ih.I •·' 11•1 p1 phat.• Ju•t.:•• It '' I I I 111 ll 11111\ ti••• •1 h 1 •I 11 1t I 11 ,. I • u 1d 11 .. I ti~ ' f I ,,,. I\ t 11 1 •• 1 I h1 I• \\ ,~,1. n l1• J., 11 11 •h•• \\ •ll• t t. \ti thll tlh t 11filt1I h.ul t l\•t ,, I I \\II ,,, 1111,1.1h1 1 t ,~ , I• 1 \\ 1 1111 iu d ti\' t t •• ·.6.j~,._tf,, I• IH • 1•11 t 1111 ll1tt I \\hn.,,11 111011 .i1tt pu lt1l • \\,I• •11 ti , \\ '' It I •I I " Nl''''l>Ort llarbor I h•adquurfrr~ · C:l?.1'YAr!Jlllfl Sae't?s and Service Sl'aboard Etauipmt•nt Corpuratinn . . . ~ 1'!11~ '"'"•' 111 .. ,.y. l~•n P U s.-~'"''' n •. .,.h, """f· ' ~lqu_ld Cleaner ancl Quart of SPEEDOLEUll Un .. •u• Nltl1h lit' "'iJd f1t•\\1\1f tl11·1• \\11Ulttl ....... TUXEDO RENTALS •'::1:111• 1•·a("""1'1·•"1• 111''' '""'"'tho -------.,.... 11r~n1 1 ot1o•11 11 '"' ,·1 "1' ,, i.t•••I I 2.14· ·159 POI YALUI -IOIH •a.a..~-.. •mt ' .....,_ Zmltll di? I "'~ • 8pl!dalt)" 'l°hf r •••. II """ I• 1111 ti• ti lot ...... MAJOR'S U l "" • ..,... ()pea I:,._.... .,. AppolaU..& Rranu 1• 1 it'' 1• 1 1• "''" "' S..ta ~ ..... ll!l·W !illghlh n\• I ""' 1111111 "' .1 1.1111: I ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~-~~~"·~~~~~~·~~·~o~~~~~~N-0~1:_·,_·~-~_·T_Y _______ 1_11_~_h_'·'' •• , ~,. '" ,, 1.,, ... 1 VOTERS! TAXPAY.ERS! ·. I • •• GREELEY •• BLUE (~.A~t) • . ..;.., tN llftt-.,..f9f-..t ,-.......-. ..,,. YGUt c-~11.-on ·~ 0110.,. ....... ~\." 1f"04 '"''• _., • .w 01i., nf'• "'"''"'' '*''"''°¥ You wtH fOtft •••"' f'W• ~1•• 11Y '" •' •··11'' ,,, ""' V"" .. ''to,,.,.,,"" n• '°''°"'' "'.., ,,..., f'l \I\ ht J, I • I , .. , ly\ t. t•\)f~·\ Qin ~-... ~., ... ediwt:•• ''°""· bu,,,._\t "" •••• lll~~·t. h''''" \O'.)th : .... ,... , _______________ .,,,., _____ _ ,.\,jJ ''"''' ... , "-'•'""' r.,;.,,,.,_,'"'o "'°'"'•'• ._.. ~. ""°'',..."• ~·••<' "''"''"" I) Moo U ' A.. I ,..,.,.. •. , ,, '' ,.,, .... '" ,,..,.,. wnd -,,,. 6w1o1-I S,.. ·~°" • '°' "'•'Vt Iv• QI • '""--''"- N.....,._ -------------''---- s,,., .• , ---- ----------- ,,,., __ ·---------~--.,_ Jtot•,_ __ _ 1 l'nl1111·11I Acl\'..rll~1·111t 111 1 1l 'o,ft l1•111 Atl\t·rli••·m,.1111 .. s, .. 4.1 ..... -44• ...... ..., tlaol•--·-· O...W.. .... able. -•.,·..t.lte t. ..W. A.... leM le 4.!Jcete ......_ ....... o. .•• _ ............. _, ..... .__ c1--..-11 ... .iflio ........ COAST CONTRACTORS - SUPPLY .... ('...C ........ ~ SEWPOIST ll&At'll ..._I .._._, __ GLIDDEN PR OOUClS 1 r ulltir-111 AdYC'f"t'-0 "PAVED WITH PROMISES'' ~ ................. .. The ahov(• vi ewH W('rt• takt•n'of ont• of tht.' many Himi- lar Htrcel'4 if\ Nt•w 1)()if llei.chlH 1>aved only with the prom- iHeij nf our local councilmen of the P8Jllo Huwever the increaHed T axeH had to he 1>aid for in (;ash not Promi8e8. VOTEltS go to the PollM and Vote on April 1:1th for men who will g-ive you more tha n promiRefl. Vote fot men of action. for civic minded and public Hpirited r itiuns. He sure thiH time. Vote for theae men and 888W'e yourself of a majorty that will g-ive you publi.c aervice and public improvcment8 at the JeaHt cost. Vote Only For These nree Men: 1 D. K. BLUE. 2 ROSS GREELEY 3 DICK DRAKE (l'hl" 1tAht·rtif'lf•mc-11t 1•it.I for h)" f..Wnd" .and n..lghbo") I -----,. . . .. -- ' ... -. .. 3 STAKES TOP HARNESS· RACING AT SANTA· ANITA \\'C's ll•m lllfrTll"t-11cc;udat11.m's • i.:aU. ~">-1tn\' m1'4'llllll lw11cb Into its 2nd rull \\'•••·k 111 SnnlR Aniln park :O.t.111tl " 1 li lt d 11u'll) dnyl \\1th 1111-., 1mp1111 '"' ,1,1k•'ll Pl' for drr\!Slnn RilC'~n1•1 "Ill IN• 1·nndU('!NI ~•x dauc 11(1, \\1•• k .. 1.1r11ni.: 111 I 311 p m dn1I)', 1incl h1ri:1• fl•'lds loc1m f(1r l'ltrh 1lr lh•· lhn•f' fr11t11r1·rl C'\'1•111s Tho rr i\l"iO ts a s1X><:iall~ • Rrrnni.:•'CI frt·••-(11r-n ll, Of'C'n to thr rasl•·~t µal.'f•r:c in t raining, 11ddl•d 10 S&turda~ 'i. t>l"n~rnm. HNHhn~ lht• m1d·W••1•k's hill nrr 1 ht• J.'>.Ut10 Jl1 n·r~ldc '!'tot. whll"h \\ill ho lat'o'<i \\Hltlt -..ol.t) J\plll 11 111111 1111· ~:l.0•1 l111.:t.0 \\••1d l'.u" ''" 1-"1111,•> l'ro11l1ll• 111 11\ il' .,11d hq<in•o.;, I• urk r<. Hf th•" 1"1•1!111111111 1 t~'\ nldj 11 \\ tll 1Jt · Oil 11.illl.I lu p1 "• .... r\lf Ir 111 •IH•''-' t *' I h1 \\ lfUHIH.' t •\.\ n , .... ~h.1f1 1·~. hnm•• 11f lt•·il "k1r1 ,1k, \\"Ill htt\.• !• Jur"'• 't• 1. ~--•' 11,n °tt · t1nnrt ~ 111111\ 11111! ~ t111r1l.o> Tlw "''' k " nlh• r f, 1111r1 "ill ht• 0 1 .. r"1lir. ~""". "Q urrn t1Tr 11 !>."' 1tt t h· tr;i•K ·nmr-.11.1) {;!J lf•S Wtll ''l"'n Ill 11 II Ill 11,.')'l 1 r.r,.1 fl'"' '1111/ I' I :VI I' II\ ioi111l) * PCL Standinrsl HARVEY HASTAIN. Tt'Un \\' L PrL OR BRAWLEY, NAMED AS San F'ranc18('1) 7 3 .700 FISH & t?AME HEAD San D1r1:11 A 6 !'71 l Sacramrnto 5 4 .556 I I.Ir . Lot Ani <>tM 7 7 .~ 2 Hollywood 6 6 .~ 2 Portland 6 7 .462 :.?~ Oakland 6 7 .462 :l'<i Sfoattl.-3.. 8 .:l73 4 ''Y ATTENTION! *** Harbor Events * * * BALBOA ISLAND PROPERTY OWNERS! PROTECT YOUR BEACHES! I . 1\, 1114 ,,f \\1 "°''' t ti ('t1il• •, liMillt \II h '''"" 11110 IJ1111 llJllt ""1'11111!, fltiU th• tf1o1th,elJ ''' • lh \u \111.! I It , ...... ,,, 1. .... 1 .... jp .... ,, .... "''' JI II "d U I •t . .t tr1o1r ,_ 1 nh ~ "'"· · • I ,. Ht t11fl l ' I \' t h I ·~~~~~~~-------------~~~~ .......... ~....:.. Vot~ for Councilman ljl Robert (Bob) Allen ~ • His Record ·uas Been 100°/o ...---....__,.•-r-Against Enuoatchment of~Piers • "Stand by the Man who has Stoo d by You" A Vote for Bob Allen is a Vote for YOUR BEACHES! Al OPEi LETTER TO THE RESIDENTS OF BALBOA ISLAID ·Wouldn't you like to know what kind of an adult your child will grow up to be? It's hard to tclJ, .wt en they. are young, just what Ii fe has in store and for thati.. reason it is difficult to train them along lines leading t<? a,. definite goal. We do know, however, tha t success depends largely upon <character and charactet can certa inly be d e v e Io p e d right from the ·cradle. One important way of t eachin g character is by encouraging good. healthy habits. Opening the child's eyes to the beauties in life is another. And leading the list of things that are healthful fo r the young ones is sunshine, recreati on and play on our sandy beaches. It reaches the soul of a child -- - gently moulds thoughts that broaden character. This '1e8881e all leads to this: Our clean. sandy beaches · around the island, yes, atr over the area, must not be further encroached upon by the permitting of more piers. Let the youngsters J ind pleasure and .satis faction a nd friendliness on the sparkling sands of our beaches. I have, as your represe ntative · on the city council, co n- sistently voted against any-further encroachment of our re- creaJiQOJacilities by allowing any more piers to be built on our beaches. If you see fit to send me back to the counci l I will continue to vote that way. If we keep the beaches for the children we'll be placin g power in the yo ung ones' bodies, po'wer to attain depth s of understanding that help immeasurably in attaining future happiness. (Signed) ROBT. (808) ALLEN I, ' " I " SKY BOBB tr,G ~lasiers Tournament Plum Falls NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS·TIMF.!iZp 6 )IO' u u • S r\\p<•rt Brar h, Calif. .\11rll IS, 1M8 aJte To ~I amaronetk, N. Y., Newcomer I? One-in-a-Million Chance to Fiod P-earl When Abalo11e Season Opens !:.::nto V/eddiag f A~ T ~,....I ~t T . ~rM>if>, fonnrr ~uy ('OCJlnlan«1tt. now ln San rru- <'11«>. l'dld hf' un•ntmcly •tnt lhrn~h • Shir.to .-f"'.!dm1ot • !'T'f- mony • i: h rf'd·ha.rl'd Elv.ibrtb Chuuh . 11! S.-:i· ;; ... 11 h1:t stall· l'lfd In Tt,ll\'O Ml¥ Ct.urch. •h<> ID· ·~~It'd 1t.rr both lmr ... lti-'} •ttt br11",c marr.td. ·~a runn,.r A'"1!1v lntrl ;.,,.:,rl' a.«IS"'nl E • -...ie had the· m•rr~t ar.r.1 • ..-t. ----' Go-t n.,....... ..,. ·"' ~nnr c-.::-.TF'Jl ~n •rP• -Guftr'IN'S In '"'" ~II prn·a tc • airplan..-< bru:t"d 13'.! ro) tll•'S in this aro•<t 1n t~ 1.U1 t•o monihs., On a rail from tif'n•mi."1on that' fl•·r of l 0 ht' h,·~1orlt .1ttark•>rS • tvt'TT ~n. Wood:!-\\"ri<(lf'I tu.· tht•rc-. c~t f1•ur of ltt•• (l\r and w;u baC'k m Snuth Crntrr 1n ~ minutes • r-c TWllc t• 0.. u ::WIS'TilS r.. 1l "P l -Oon- ald \\"olft". :.'O. I• ll out uf an' au to-. m"hllr "' h••n I-•• "f"•nl'd the door I tn •hro"" a"' ·~ " n i.: ,,.. ''"' tit •·as trn tf'd for mumr inJur- ( ,,~ ,.,,,,,....., . Shoes ol Uny ,.,_Unu •ht' w;~ ~ bf a CIU'tttllllf. out-of~10· U'OI auto. ~ mutt' t ' 1Jc>r.cr Lf 1Jaa -Uon·· IDO't tratPc t.l.lll.Dc-Ule a uto a.ecldniL--:i:tw ""Pl> ~.!:IOfs .,. wattmc ID an ~ caw_ poll~ station tor ld<nut1<;;uan. Twa Of &be·samtJ OW1MT1 ~ cka4. Ollt' h \'f'"..)f"St·i!d. ~~ 111 09 APr11 I u auto dnT't'D by U c~r Harokf"'"C lhnlmd n. Wftlll ~of eoauol and IU1ICk a tius &btltrr whfft 20 llChOol ch • ..:rm ~ ~ ~ raUL ,..,... c& t.rW J OWlC,Stt'n difod &Oil U ~ ........ Uuw ~- IJJ;Jdl l.A~T TWO DA \'S GONEWITB4 THE llND 71 knowledlfl" of {hi.' dJfferc nc(• b<·- twl'<'n red, pink, black and grl'<'n. Only fl\'e n •d-sh1•llrd abalont>s r11•r day may IX' taken or Possessed, while the nggr<>gHll' has:: l1mi1 for aU spedes is trn Minimum si11· lil'Jlit for -.~d. abuloru:s Is S('\'1•n inch!'S ; green, six nnd oni· quar- ter : pink. six; and hlack , f1w. Claiming the only 11ba lone wat. ers in the entire nntion, Calirur. nia's rocky shor('S offrr this un111u comhination: th<> oprortunity for a dl'licious ahnlonc s tl'lik ; thrillini: recreat ion ; a nd a chanet.' to g<'I rich-if you're one in a million. lfl''a Br .. stnir MINNEAPOLIS -~UP I -In 'l:1 yNm ;. the city's m a rriage )i. cense ctrr k, Carl E. BruCl', hat f'"l issu1'd JJC'rmits to W('<l to 75,000 coupll'S. "Most of them have been. succl•Ssf uJ." ht> says." DICK POWl':LL EVt:LYN nn:s "Johnny o'Clod "" '·11· ' D ht " Ml 1e s au9 er. DA\'~Tt\RTISG \\T.D. T\'ROSSF. PO\\T.R 1.l~D.\ ll.\RSF.LL "Mark of Zorro" A~ Hf:S:JU' FOSll.\ and ('l.i\l "Ut:TTt: c:o l.HF.RT In "Drums A long the Mohawk" for Moa., Tues. • Wed. • APR. 12-13· 14 s'PARE ~IBS 49:. U ranulated Soap WH. KING I«~. Box lp._0,..,.1SKCyie SAUS. sljt_ 8 t-0kley Solid l'M'k t."1 TOMATOES ~~~ liB'sTEAKs 75t. NucoA L~. 3 ~ ..... ·IUpP 25t PEACHES~~~~·, 2 STRAWB'RS ~, u..,.. , •. 2 _9 ASPARAGuS ·~ gc 10~: .. ~T~.~: ... :::G~ c t:-h l(Jc CH'~~~~~NE 10-<h~ 3·2c l'kl(. 1•1rt.."H t-Fro1.f'n PEACHES lfHh\.2ac t•ki:. f} I ... Russians Openly Seek to Wreck-~ M~rshall Plan ~ OtlwT dn('l•fln1'~ ~ tbr th.an Mid c-·IW'f'•I P"""•U1"8'Hll'S~ftli.1 •0-:l!I~ unur. 10 Ml". •·oK K.\l.F. so NEWrOK'J' BAI.ROA NE\fR-TIMF." Page •7 ILESTONES i:-·r111wnt co nlr.ect dconmweu ct rW't"ct:.m·•a~stl'lallworkri ••n --------------''"'II\\ .. 11 h • 11r \ 1111 f••• 1 , __ ol II l :111·~1 .. 1 1'111\ 111111.-.· h11 nl~h.•11 1•r ''."" l"1rt •• ,.,. • t " · ,., • .,... _., l'•'I"'/, 11.1 th. Con1n.n lllocwnrftu •mt>l<>}•·d 1n th<' n•""\I"""' w \\ :dl:ti·\• t'aldl•rlwad ---------- Rr•· I "° ''" ril• and •1• o '•' put' " -..ncr...-1 1111(111 ul~h•-.I, Ill X I.' ull ~11111.;l.~t ""\I' .. , '1'1'1.1 r.,. U A1'TOMOTIV1t a TnUlll • BIRTHS W•t•~lk•n m tho ~ £41.aM t :-., l'tdd. r mr>) • llhdr•"' hll lild :'>t \\I I.,\\"!'\ 'HI°"': .t ~·wt:LEll '~''111k~f pl~""'"' lli1o 1t. l11l 1hl lit\' ..... n.r .And "' )t "' : .. , • r• rk'ld Of JU day• att~r thr ll11o•I, 11111. 1111111.H 11lul1• ;\l.1k1• ••• I !'\'I k I 'I'" ""I",., '•'t11ht11•n Fl •H liAt.f.. l!\1..l P l)'TnOUth-.J ' S""'f'tlDT ... "tr and M.rl '" ' ._,.--,1; 1'1 1 Sf' llll':11WAY l•·r • litll !'all, \\1•, 11,1111\•n I, \ • \' 11 '.'<I I t t lion • ~· ·' -:-10 "_. 'C 1 ,t· r; ..... :1 An'1•·~' &. .. .-•• ~ •• ~, ..... ,tor 1h" ••pt•ninc,ot .,_,,_ ••1 •11 11 \ ,.,, -'1 1i.•,•,11"1th· 11'" "''" · ·" rnn11'°" • · ByR.11.SllAC"KFORD C'h11rh·~_S<'hm1d1.l60;\\ rntrn ,~'-IL.ino•;\I ~._,.:: ll,;d· m ,,._ l1..'->r d ofTnutt"f11. ''''·'''' 111J '1\H 1'At.lF I lnml 111111>.11 :1: 4t :.,q1 1•,111 11;_.1111 ~.':I'\ :0-111 All11<1 Aw• NcWRQrt l'nitl'd PTC'SS Stoff C"orr<'lpondrnt Avr . :-;, "lklrl tk'ach. In Santa t'I!\ 111 t , .. .\t • " '" ..,.111 1-, • ..n. i lr.m.:r C,\o1$f J r l'ol!4-P ---:ll -7.'t c g,,,,.11 111 ,,,1111 1 """'" $.'II 1111 111 " I I• 1.:111 • 4$-2tp \\'ASHINGTON fl'Pl -The Ana C'n111mun11~ hc.sp11u~ A(lrll 6. ·~ .ind:-:·•'• ""',. '' ho •'""•1rwd l >1c•1n.·1, t 't II )}'l.-.l\' 1\'l l\'l;. :-1111lh I •• 1 .. 11.1 '"''"' 1"'11 '''" Marshall Pinn . on whlrh thl' So-1~18. 11 WtllJ:hll'r. 7 rhs.. oz. ·•'1 1th•: 1 •'•I•\ 1\o1 ... 1•rnc cn .1• '"•m;•• l'ounl.). <'aUforn... '~'""''""' ~..,:,1111 :nl 1\•11111• \'i<'ts havl' dc>elar<.'d 1111-out ''.)"ar ," RYAN-'r o .Mr a nd Mn John fur 1·.111• ... • Thi• 1\.1•• t •11"! tw H> R II f\ott'non t:OllFISl; CO . ''''"· 1i.111., •. 1 1,.1.,1111 1•1.,,11,. 11,., t·: lt•i'I r it·a I E n~i n1•1·r.i ltJ: and ln~tallation • I"" ,·ar i:arAR•\ •WI ro~lf' floor is a n C'<.'Onomic prOJ:rllm ror ~loµ-R~11n. :\(\:! Rr11ud\~I}, Costa Ml.'f.it. r ..rund· ti If ,, , .... l ........ , "'""-rut>-\r•n l .>. 1:..0. I~ :\pw nnd ltlW\&ir '"'I -''""' \\ , ... .: ... pin!? Communism . in ~I .li-,;;,•ph )lospital, April 7 . t1 11't 1 1o ~·•1.,,.' , .. 1S. l1• Tn l ...,. • -----~,. I 111 "' :.111 \H•otl atdtni: muat mo\'~ \\ 111. "" '· 11 "''' t'111• 1'.:11ulri "" l'• .. •t,1t•r t)' Phone-ti• r b o r O rricially, Am<'rlC'an off1 rlnls 1 91~. 11 daui:;htl'r. 6 lbs. ~ OL 1urn1-d 111 1:1••1 n .ndit>o'" •'lttuo P v uuc' NOTICES rontf'Tld ·if Is not entl-C'ommunlst. Al.1.1-:;-i .To Mr and ~trs Glt•nn (1\f· d.:i~' ,,,,,. ,.,.. hod <~ :'\OJ'IC-C Of' rrttu_c_HZA __ al'"":".'.'~o but thC'y admit 1h111 hy s111h11izing Allt•n, :!OJ Oi:h· ~I . Costa Mf'aa. In F rtl'il l•·d ch11ll Iv m.'l>lir ••.-1 ,.., ;ii 1'ht1tt1 )~ IC~Ot fi.'l i ~ 1 Ft.1. n "''', '·,,.,,. Mi-.. 4'\1-th Euro""'s C'~nnm". It will rliminatc Snntn Ana C<•mmunHy l)lti;pit,al. form ''' I• 14••:,tn°'d • •'11h<T of P1 t• I' -.... ..... J ""'"'~"""'"'t n.•orh nty llll· r 11r •t'llt the brl'<'ding ~round of 1111 kinds April ~. 1 9-1~. 11 duughh•r, & lbs tlw ~a•d ''"""' tn •hlrl'a •hr l~ • hold t\ (lf totall'arlanl·sm. • 6 I llM 1-.. tt> ,., tdr .. IWl:"O: {"u•nm1"100 )\ill ''11 11 ...... "1 \pl J 1H Jrnw l'\1h ox. • 1 r 1MJTT\l'T1 ""' PuN... fie aT}ncs ull')n the apph- The Stale D<>purlmr nt'11 official GARDNER-To Mr. a nd Mrs F.am hul Uu.11 t.,. ~ as.on .l( :War)otar<'I J . du Barry ll. l\1. 1.ANF. answer "(hl'n asked whether .Eu-RobcrlGardner.808S.BayFront.1by a r.'1"1Uli'd,.<or <~r·s ct.ttfl at14 i;.uri:r n du R&rry OWlM't• Hl·:,\I. t-:ST1\Tl-' ropC' will go Communist U the Balboa Island, in St. J 05t'ph hos-I Jl'IYllbl• 11' thl' na no~ "" ~tn.1.,... "' ll•h J, .i. 3 and 6 of Block. N,I :11 ~11\ C1111r1 Avr Marshall Plan Is not adopt<'d fol· pit al, April 9, 1948. a dau.ghter. tory Rid l\Ond tn h•or of thr ~.. Colony Trac i, W r • t ~~. 11r N• "l'"r ' Pi••r lows : 8 lbs .. 12 oz. O.·twr. e.-.t'C'Ult"d b) ttw t.d*r .., X--.,ort &ach. Ca\!i<>"'la· for II ~·''"""~"•'•! S lnro• l!l~)(l "Ir tht> Europt>an R<'cov!'r y Pro-MEANS--lfo Mr. and Mn. Dt-1-PTmcipal a.od a ~~on sun-1> rfiAn«• ot .rone daumcation from ~ttc grnm Is not ud opl<'d, there 111 no bert Me ru 19th and Whittler rompany u f'urf't). an an _,, R-:? te C-1 ol aaid Iota Ulll to ---:-.----------a · , not lru 1 han f J\'ll' IP"' nm ol Ow l'EM~O NA a doubt that F:uropc will go down St!\., Costa Mes~. In Orangl'-Coul'i-hid 1lW' ('hl'C'k or ti.di bani thall ~ thr hrhtht limit to flv ... •tory · U hill <'<'Onomlcally, sinking far ther ty hospital, April 9. 1948. a dauch· lw 1t1•'t"f'I u a rwinnttt th.at thr apartmmt buildlnc wtth pr~I Mil ·1 :-.•·n ,,11~.. r-;,11 ~ho;-plni.t and rarther Into violence and an-tcr. 6 lbs1, 9 oz. hiddC'r .,11 rM'nlt Uw C ~ .__. on top. 1h11 11w ''·" .. i 'hum ,111,.k,. !ll"i:' a rchy .... The forcC'S of t he Ne-(' 08 Tlw ftnt public tM"arinc upon \f I I h d I f h DEAT118 tf 11 Ix--·ard<'CI to twn m nm-Iba ~· -'ll ......_ ......_ .... -·-· " ••· 11 • t111· '"lll•·11k In "Y'l"11' trC'me r g tan et ave &llt'mpt· a a -· .,... ,..,._ •n-• · !;%! .... ,...,_ .. fonnity wtdl tht-Ccntrw1 Docv-,_ ... ~ '"•r :-;,.,. I 'arn1r 111 A~111tct11t<'d f'd to subv<'r t democratic i:overn-SCHNITZ N . T. A., a<>-LJK"U fN'flts and •-ill """"*° thr _..,..,. day. Apnl 15. a t 7:30 p.m.. .,. ...,. l'o•n .,.,. ~'•ith ,to \\' c ·,.111 . N<·W· mC'nts In m 11ny of thv, C'ountrlrs of Satur4!iy ming of a heart ail-bond or bonck u ~ thrrrin COWk'11 Ouunt>tt. C'l_I)' Hall. N~-, 1.,, 1 11'1·.u h I 1n:i-: 111,.kuµ lll\r· W<'Stem Eur ope. m<'nt at the home ot his daugh-•ithin fivt> d.a.>-. attn llOflf'IC:lltioa port Bf.adl. CaWonua.. l••r 1 htti ·lti· l Ir "With furth<'r l'COl\Omlc dC'tm-t er . Ml"I. Ruth J onl'!I. 1637 East ey on1f>r ot thr Chainnan ol tt••· oration In EuropC'. thrrr can be C'C'ntral awnuM' Serviet'I att ln ~!~ud of tbr amtrad 10 ~. B ., a ch city P1annl~I? n •110 1 .... Tt.tusc; no doubt that In 1101111.' rountrll'tl charge of Forest Lawn. Glendale-. c-.. .. th'e Communist Party would he --------------. TIM' 0-._,-"'5f'T"\vs thr ~-WALTF.R M LONGMOOR. tr \111 It 11 H~ITl'IW I• nnl he- able quickly to s:aln pow<'r while lion of the democratic rount rles of or'~o°'•~~-~>. ~~~ ....... ~ PIOl.)fJ:'R J F.LLERBROEK. "'""">-= '''" ~11 .. 111<1 1~ 1•11n1lri1: In let he t 1 1 Europe. and hence al the found&-~ .,,~ ~ ---•-·...., -•h· ·'""', 1 "' t '11h1 •l''•'r~ In qlhC'rs therC' wou 1 ttrr n-t ions of their integrity and lndf.. informa.litif'S 1n uo· ti.di ac • thP ~tary. IU ~TYI I'•· .11111 l•·l•111l11i11", nil t er nai strlfC' and ci\111 war hf'fore b•AAt--~ • P\ib: April 7. 12. J!KS. " an\' fo~ could control thf' s:nv-pcndence •.. !.hi' nations of Eu-........... • v. .. rk .:•mrnnl,.<'fi · rope c11n foll thli pJen of enslaw-Pursuant to ttw Labor Coilr ol. a:..-riF •C.AT~ 0 ,. eu a1N&M 1'111•11•· l\1·;11• .. n 1i_•1•1 ernment · · Fr<'Nfom and dC'fTll)-m<'nt All that is ne<'dl'd is the the Su tr of C:ald thr 'Aid. _· F 1CT1T1 $ F I l'tM NAMK ., .,., • l<nown thPm wnuld ll<' wif)('d from detrrmination and r N1 iness o t I no&rd of ,...,.._ "hn. a.sorrtaintd:a,_ THI'!' non~r.o dn 1,..,.•I» .. peopl!'i; of F.urope to rf>Sist . AA to tht> s:'"1lf't'al JW"'~lmt: ratr ol fl"' -n•fy 111&1 ri.-1 .,.. ,.,,nd..,.u ... .:; bQ>l,O\'MF.ST \\'ASTF.D thr ronti0n1"1tnlt~f.!-,·u"~~P'lt tht> l!SSR . 11 will tx--nd Mrrry ,.ffcrr1 dlMTt 'Ol"lltrf'tt f« .-.ril""" or ,,,,.. ~1 ,":,*'-* ..-,, •• ~~"';'!:;..~~~Mar "•• '" ~ ~ -·•· • h \\'.A:'l.l'I I• 11,11 ""1 k I" ''I' Orrlclal''•. 1 hh Ti ii~· .. l.·in" ~in•. 'idhr in nrdrr thlll I his pion bC' doomPd <•f Yoorkman "'" ''' •""1nll' t , ~~ (" .. .\'"' 1· ,111 .. rr11~ u nder ~." 1 1 ,. ' ' " ' f ·1 .. m ntr11r t11 "'+tkti .,II bro ~ •.., ,,.,,., ''"" n ..,,.. "' < '""'" Ha"' r11 "''' c11 I ''"Ill • l'f• ,.,,.,,,,.,. t hr MAr<;hnll Pinn almf·rl rl ir 1·rlly 10 111 urr. · · · • .,. .. ""' 1"4t ...,,., ""'' • • •om~•' I 11 1111 d 1 , , 11 ,,111111., ,.,,1,.1 jn" AflC'r hrarini: Zhdano,·. th<' th" l'UC'Co'fl>•ful l•)ddo'f" uid it-t ,., .. r -11 ... ,.,, "".,.... .. '"'"" '"""'" .. At lhr Sovi1•1 l nion Th11lr 111•Plar-,.. . f d d 1 Ii prr\•u ilmi: rllk'.,.. "''""'.auV.t m ••• _1,1,..._..,.. .._........_.w~. '-"·•II t;•••I """" 1°111 ""'" t'ull M n rd ohj<'rti\'•' iq to \\'rl"rk II '"om1n llrm PAS~" a I'<' ara on F'P.''" ' Jr,10:-;:< 7111 l•rk.ipur 1~"' I""' 11 11 1:1;1 ·l!'i·:llr which ~aid, in p<1rl: ";ud ~J10 'C'1f1ratK.,,., M "f•'•4' ~ 1tw .-.. ,..,, ,1,..1 \I v , ""'"""" Al.BF.RT Ru! Sc" it r Fnrl"icn ;\Tlni•••·r V. "Tl TT ,1 m II I . nuqrd and aT• ,., ,,,,11._..... 11,,n..,,,, .;,04 ,..,,~ .. ,.0 , , ... ,...,,,. del , . 1\1. Molot11" nn1h·1hlv murfr<d hi~ w um<1n .. a r " ran 15 v., ..... , ..... 1a RAii' '11"1 I H H1·'l"''"'hl1• 111111--r· t d 1 '< 1.,,,1 <'I . r,.. to "'"<'<'k onlv a con~t it11,.n1 part. lh<' f;u-,,_ \4'tii;ff"M "T'O"" WlT'-f'..~:: .,.,,. h•"''' 1t11• ,.,..., clay I r .. o1 1o4. 11 .,11 ·,:1:.-: HI\ ·!11-:!ll• iri. nn 11 1''" roprnn ~uhs"C'tinn, of lh1• c:••n••ral " \pnl ,.,.,. • ilwhrnhl'\\''llk1•t1 1111t .. r1f'l .. rnrls I J . h I r 1·"·1 'Fl•P.011 . Al.I f·••T"1Y9 rKIC \l,.FK~:T Hn .. nlA" ,("\'I Tll!l·ll-~hi~;,.,,,.,:.11 .·1\,lll -1 1 Ip nn ,.,,. 1 <' Jlf• 1t•v & ~ "''" «'X· ~ ,-,u.~" A J\;~K1.:-.:-1 • r onfl'rr nr.r 11~1 ~11mm1'r pnnsion purl<ul'd tw thr t'nltro "' r"'". !'rfll'rDt• h· rt .... ,,~Jll'<d n I.: ' . . I ni.1. ,, ti ti•\ ,,, ,, I I 'I• ,., ··all S rrr!'lnrv of Stntr Gl'orr:P (', S t 1 11 t · f th . Id " h· !'lllld rY•t '""' 1tuin J ,•. nnr.. -'?'f'<of ("\f.lf'"RSIA, I 11 111.,, 1 .,,,1 \I 11• 11 , 111 I'S n n par ~ o e ~or . • • •• , "'~Of' rtRA~<a: 1 • • · • • Mnrshnll h:i<i 11ffrrrrl lhr ritnn to MiiloM\' slamml'd lht> dolOr at 1• 1 hour 11• 111 ,,... ~IX RA."I( ,,, Tiii"' Tth .1,.,. •if April. A.D . --; . . .. ---••• nit l'lf F.11r1l[ll', inf'llldlnl! Russin, ' . . . . . . 'ITlAPI-:..'-and l:!'. •~"''" P"' ..,_.1 ~"' 11-1w--" :-; ... ,.,.,. f'ubllr In DU l,CI\ \U.'.'11 r Cit I J,IU,I) H P Ar1s w11 h th(' wa mini: t o Bntam · • · ..,1 1 ,. ...,n "''""'" and !'ltate . .,.,. 1 ---('\'rn lhnui:h hr kn<'''' th<' chane<.'q • d ~rnrlC(' o f "th<' C'OnSNlurn<'E'!I" a... 10 th<· ~ R-~AOf~. '"''°' --..ii,. .~""'1 """'" A Junkltu1 and C'Altl'I 'i.:1 HS \\ ,\ "iTI I• F .Qf._1.:.l!.1t inr: C'onf!f'Csslon:il approv11I :•,n lh ·y ~ ...... ,,.·11h thl" !\lk•. •II.on fl\(> )flUTl'\'~1"" ... "'~ f,. thr _\(b.on ,, .. ,,_ .......... ft '" me. to ~. I r "il1l. .. 11. :111~ ""'"" l\\t" • h' R i I ' pr.,..,•"'"' . .., . ,.,. """"..., w ho~ ....,.,,.. a,... rKhr of n pl:in '" w IC'h Ull!I n pnr-~hnll Pllln "i1hnu1 Ru~!oia and i·r:oft lnH•h'f'd " .. ~._. 1. t~ •llhln-lruo1rum,.nt an4 Tl 111•• • I I 11111 l:l :.'11• tiripntrd wnll nrxl fo nolhlni: ~:nstC'rn F:uroP<' He had dr noun<1'd A~t~"TJC'F_i;; )lay blo nn-!~';"~...:; ..,. lb9t ii.er n · ~foll'ltov vlrlunlly ai::!lur<'d Con-thl' proj<'<'I "" onr of "intrrter-11''"'' d in ('Olftforroi•' •"lth Sr-ctac.:11 1~ .-r,...;o~ 'll't"HF.RF.OP' r han i:rr!lional Aflflro\'nl h y turning r .. \\'th II (' 'ntnrn~r ·1r"ra1-of 1777 5 C•f tht -~~l•f<Tn&a Latxw ~ •• -my han.t IUld •ffl•f'd WA ''l'FI • ;\•,1•!.1111 lw••l<k·~ l"'r c.-.1 ""' k1111.; ,..,r11l1tl11n ... M,11c1 h11"!'1• 111 '''.l>t.'.J 1uu:.-. or tl11•r .. •11(h 1 1rlt••tl1111· 11••'1 "X." :-lrw~-T1m1•!( h h d h,.. IA t rn t• I I I • " ' •" (' >d< ..,. ...ft~ _,., ,,_ •lay a.ntl ,. ... r In t um ' own nn I prnrr F.ur!:l!M.'SIA.CO.UDJ.ri~....thc t:nitcd • · , ......_ _,,, .. ,. ,,..... .-o-...aLLotL A.o; i::onn iu; -nn1am nml F'nfm."C S ta tAs an· d thl"r"fon • ··a1to .. l'lh<'f ~ -.., .,... a>. •l"P..U.t d · h d d r 1 • · · ' · .. oo~ v. rn:-o t<L•N rr1d<'d lo i:o ~ ra rin orn:iu ntr unsalisfaclory ." Air •oc•I OIJC>n1tor SI 5S ~.c.ano Puhl~ '" and fl'r Said a F.uro(>('an aid pr~ram without Rrwllla'"" · 2 (W) c-,_,,. aMI lkate. ~ •r.: ~.1 11 R . th Sovi t I ,_ .. th I p N I -.,. '"--.... J!sl>I,,.. ,.,. b 1162. uss1a. l' <' s ii ar .-u e r UBLIC OTICE <":.11)('11tt'n. JQUr"nl')TIVW 19' ....,. Apnl i: 19 ::.· ••r •. lt41. answrr : 1 Cf'ffi<"nt fim.twn l.!J'Q1 -------------- W A:>:T I 11 ;\l.111 \\llh Mllllf' knu" i.-.1c.. ..r pl11mhln~ ~llJ'll'I> tu h.111111·· wnr• """"' ''"' J<, muq ,,..,,. s11l1·s 111illlly f or Thi' RU!l!llan An11wfT AD\'ERTJSl:MENT FOR BJD!" C-1-mNit floor f"trutlunc --t D"404.un:'::;« .. ~l'tTNUl&HI .. 1. The C"wchoslcwnks and th<' chine oprntor 2 10 P oles were forbidden to partlcl-Notice is hereby given that the E'__,_.__ 2.,... ~""'• i.. i.~y ir•..,• pu.._.t to """"~ -..,., , .. ..-.-of ..._.,..., >429 of llM patC'. even thou1th lh<'Y h11d de· Board of Trustees of the Orange Glazicn 1.315 ~ .... ""''' r~ ihA1 tM put-- h11nrll111~ ln~lt1•• rl'l11ll mrro·han· db.· ISt·111~on 1;.t~l I ·l5-31C' clded earlier to do so. Coast Jr. College District ot Or-Iron ·~ S1runural 1..90 ... "' ""-"" T J un 1u at\4 P'nlak 2 " I A ,_,_ -. ........ .-.. CY"OW9 . The "Molotov Plan -a ser ew apge County, h<'reinaft~ ref~ Iron aallltn.. rrinfardllc l.'15 ........_ _ "'-'"'"' • of o.c-- WArm1·:ss WANTED For parl tim1· wnrk W<'<'k end. Apply In ptrtlOn t'r lday, S aturday or S un- dlly mornln1t. Ralll08 Yacht club. Ph<>M l farbor 1484. 44-5tc Df trade ARTe('mC'nl!I and alllsnces to u th<' "Owner," will receive lup Labottn. -• or ~ ._ L IM7 • ..., u..a a.an-T . J1&lllllM · -~ -• -.._,. • ,.rt an a. aid bwll· amo.n~ thl' ea11tern Europeans and lo. l)ul not later than 2 o'clodc!P . struct.ioe _ l.Jl5 -= _. ,.,,.. ...,. ......_ wlll be with Ruasla-wu 1tartro. M.. Caltfomla DayUpt Time. ol Lathen. -caa 1.J1D .,...... -~ .....,. A. JlflJllll• ... 3. The Cominform-Oommunllt ttw 20th d•Y of April. 19'8. waled Lathen. -a -_ l..tD :--...::-::e:-::.;, ~9:~.P· do- lnformatlon Burcsu-w11.11 CT'i:'ated bids tor the award of coiltract.(sl Maon tft111en ___ 1..50 fMAJlL&8 T J UNKINS at a m eeting of Communist Party ror the altt'ratJons and/or .&II-Palnten.. ......., L15 ntAy~. JUNJCJNll le.del"I from all European coun-tloru to certain of the ~ Paiet«1 . ...-.,. • 2.00 ~ A. JUNKfNS ' tries 1nwar11aw In SC'pt. 1947. The buJldlnp of the old U. S. Ann>: Ptastfft'T'W • • z.a; ~ ~~OP'nlAN Sovl<'t a ce trouhlr 11hoot<'r. Andrei Air Base near Santa Afla. allO PlutM'rn tn>drn . 1 " ,...... -.a..n1 1: 1~ A. Zhdanov ran the 11how. painting of cer tafo ot said build-I Plumbrn _ z 00 - Tho!(' mov<'s 10 consolldsle eut-Jng!\ a nd demolition or two of sa.ld r....,. , u Is .. ••W.W.: Want Ads ern r.urope WC'r<' supplemented hulldings, locatro in said school Air <'On1fJ"'UOf'I t illS N><"rntly hy th<' ronvrn1lon of district . Such b ids. shall be rC"ttiv-BulldoUT"O .• • t !IO I C'z<'r hll!llnvakl01 Into a rompletely rd in th<' office or lhr .. Ownt'T'", in H oists, matf'naJ I~ Comm11nll!f <it11tr• 11nd hy rirellsur<' fluilding M. OrangC' Coa~t Collt>itC'. ?\tixM"S. deep I 71S on F inland Rut II wns Zhndnnov's old U. S. Anny Air Ball('. near Mix""°· mot.ii<· .,00 I 1'1le Newla-'nmel wt.D not he rf1' SJX'('ch at ~hr Warl!nw mc-etlng of Santa An11. Orange County. Cali-Tract(ln .• ,,h attarlmwonu j 90 ... iillh for ~ l han OfW lncor lhr Cominfo rm "'mid ?\fote1Td\l'Y flSl'l"lla. and shall l.lf' openl'd and 1 Trartnt"11' llTIIJ.lfT or ~ tftt ...,.,Oun ol an edvwttvment. stnfr m <'nts hefor<' hr wnlkcd out publicly r ead aloud al the llbo\'e l t)lJC.' ..ho.rJ :?21'$. •••_'& th~ rtslit to eornctl1 nt P11rls tha l !ll"t thC' tonl' of the s tutl'd time in th<' oHice of the Rconfm J 1S ct.mil7 UJ7 and all ada and to alla<'k on thr M;ir1<hnll Pinn. ..OwnC'(' in such building. ~""·('T pipe-la)·ET ·~ ~ ~ ad+ril~nt not con- Appc'al" to P"°plf' EaC'h bid must conform and be l ins; raul\IM"I 165 !lur1lllllc to ndn lllld ~11tlons :·~~ ~1nri;hnll Pinn," Zh_danov rl'!lponsi\·e .I•>-l~i!I im ·itation. the !'< ... , . ..,. P•Jll' ("llulk.tT 'lftmC 68-t1t 191'1. slnk<'ll 111 lhr lndustnallza-pla ns. spcc1f1cat1ons, ahd all the l <'aulkini; tools • J.s.25 MtW et11DS u 54•\tf'r p1pC' caullwr~I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ,:.;i,~crw-·•.,. q •· op<n1,, ; ::S WOOD FENCE CONTJt Shr~·t '™!:iii •·r.-.k..-n I 75 AD 1")-pN and Styles T1<r man :md n·onri-~ I to f' Jl.A. Tenrw-f',._ £.tlm.tf't DAY SCHOOL PR1'81CIAN8 • 8UBOEON8, 11..D. IQ:CRETARY-Wlth knowledge ot bonkkC'<'l)ln.:. Roy Grr.•nlN1f. Jr 3112 W C.'nlr11l Ph. lflll'bor 2501. .. -46-.31,. 11118. t"OR ~ALI: le 1 PL'UM BING SU PPLIES Opens Rat. & Sun. 9 11 m 111 !'i JI m COMT'J.r.TF. Tl 111.F:TS. lnrludina IN!81 11nd n u•h vnh•t> ~:l:l :'ill W aU h•mit, rfll!'f' rotJpl<'~ 11fil111a 81 oomparob)r prlrc- Kohkr LavAlorlci SI:> 00 up Solid \'lln-0111 <'hln11 11rln11l1 S4 7!> each. GaJv. pipe, 11111(1 hl111'k t•lpr Chrome swing 11po1111s ~~ 75 Kitchen 1lnk1 $."I 7:'o up Laundry tr11y11. "'"'' Iron Toilet llt'ata. 1ll'·111nlr11: white $6 R5 Soll ptpto 11nd fi ;r initll Get our prirt•11. Hot wat<'r hC'11l1•r11, n,.w 2t)-11;11I. Ph•nty of (;ond TirM All SiU\A C'ompoun<t Motor Oil -1~ .. ll1lh, 711c- W e~ten1 Auto Supply Authorhro ONll'r IR36 Nt'wtiort Jllvd . r l'lllt• M- l'f .tft SER VEL The G A 8 Refriirerator Som<' M11d<'l1 Av1tll11tl'f,, NOW Balboa Furniture Store l!l(l N·aln S t . Ralboe Pht•nr ll11rbor 14:\ 2'.~l.., v\ "Ol\11 Rlvd . Nrwport ~ rhonf' l lcuhclf' \ 18 41-tf( SPORT Tor s SF.AT ("()VF:ft.S Taylor·~ Trim· Rhop Aut1•mc•hllr \ 1phola1Htftlr &it' 1111ct T'r1tC'k ('1111hlnf\I I~ WC'tlt Cl'ntr11I N~ Rct\ Harhot-1940 24-llr PLllMflfNO 8llPPT.IF.S I .RT,:••111 Sloc·k In t'r11ni:r C'manly 1 ~ •• , Cnlv. 8tC'<'I Pipe 20r fc.mt C'hronw l'l11l1•tl Swlni: J.'1rnrl'l1 ~!l ~ .. 1 \f1l111• $.'\ ~ FHEE Pl.tl MUJNr. I .aynut ~rrvir<' FONTANA PLt JMRJNr. '.!:V\11 s 1 """' n °M1·•11 W N1·wpnrl Av(' 1'1111111· f\.•111-.m rott ~-lfr S1h r•r 1mol 'r11r•11111I~" 111'11 "S:lil 110 \I• "'"111 l1•11hl••r 1111rc1• ~~· l111clc11n ~.·111 11171" let, $1:14111() ' ~(' ELF.<'TRICIANR I Slnl'I' 1 !l2n I C-ontrnr t Intl-Rrfllllrw Rr•h1,.nll11l-ln~u11trl11l -... '"' 1o11.-111, F\1'11• ll11 1C1•rl1•~ I 1:.\,'\ II .._., 1 11 •: lt111l11• 'fl"11·ph""''" ~trra --- I 111 1• 1111" :'\lo•"•' 1"11.f 1f!u111~ ·11 l'l \'M1\l v111 :•door 'lird•I • ,111.t \\' 1t.•t ~)"lt'lll" 111\ No•w p11tn 1 Joh t:nldnic ju9t 1; 1 · H:11tl11 H:i1111r lw .. ·n .,,·,·rh1111l1'l1 tlarhor 1322.W. S •1 \\ 11 1 \\111 111·1 l11~11 11111o•111.11 I .':> At:lll•'. llnlhoft hl11nd, apt. 11"1111,. f.:11.:1111 .. 1 t11ur Nl• 1 4$.ltc l\ .. hl1 •1 Fl1'<'l1 11· l'ln 111~ F111t SAl.t: Hl41 Pl)'T1lfKtth O.- l.lq1111lt111'11•r 111111< 111111i.:1·~ hl\1' c'luu·I\ l1y orllflnal nwner. l 'h•''" 1'"11'•'' r'il' 1'11.11 1 '1111 lluhor 764t 44..stc' '1111ir P11rt11hl•· '1'01114 ---- El'\-111)\dn & Galvan Mr:.u PTA'\'S • l\•'111'1\fl ~t17 ,11; 11, Ill Ill l(lSl-'l'PWE lt t-:,.-nnulo• 11111 lw111nl "l.111hlfu11r" tl1•11\ \ 11111\, 111111>( ~hnll . 1-:x1-.•ll1•111 f11r , llll'<· 1l111r) I '~l'd 5 boun ~ <Jiii ,., 1•11l11i:oe, 1 IMhor t.11:\~J .. ,; :l11· lllTIAl<'AL .t llADIO .. \lSF:n PIANO~ w11n1tld for oor l'f'nt d r 1•t 1'rac1C' yc>Ur old 1lianu 11n II srinrt llt1hf'9t allowanC'I' t)r wilt hu)' for llfl(\t ruh 0AN7,. St11MIO'T PIANO ('('), ~211 Nn Main. S11nta An. • -11)..tfr l\Al.1'WJN. '-<•n11lltully built nnln111'0' •'An be-paid on f'HY munthly flAYtnrnta Thls la a 1t••m l"•M Sc·hmldl l'lt1no Co ,/\ln111~1 1nn pl11n1111 In rhnn111• f1t•111 :"i:.~1 N1• M"ln, S1tnl11 An11 J~lfr S l'l!'l:FT '''""" llrn11cl lll'W ,.,, ••• 111111111.,:1•11 In 'hlpm1•nl \VIII 11111 lw 1 .. 1o1 r111m 1•rfo1·1 now ~n"" ~1~>11 T•·•m• llr\NZ~<"llMll•T l'IANI I l '1 I , "1:10 ~" Muln Snn· '" Ann W·lff' S r'll'C ..... 111lrr11r l)'t•' '''"no l.AV•'IV '""'' t"lnr 11rllon v .. u ju~t Ill')' ""' ''"'"""'' C•f Sill!\ . Tf'rlf\a PANZ S1"llMl l l'f. !'12Q_N.'\ M"tn S1rnl11 Ann 19·tf<' --------..,-----S l'INlvr fo1r rrnl All fi mo 1""1'1 r1 111 111l11w1'<I It \llll~ly l11lrr 11 '• 111•t Ilk!' II 1111\ltni.:• 111'N>Unt lt...111 .. -~t'4t"" IWIW, .!my Wl:wn rt>N rlv l\11n7-S<'hmldt P111no Co !'l"ll No M11tn. S11nl11 Ana l~tfr !'TJ-:INWAY r.nANn. ''TI'lf' K ina of 11l•n09," Jlrrfoot"t cnn1Utton. i.:ort.:"'lWI tone Savf' Ovt'f' SJ~ ll•n1-Srhmlctl, Senta Ana. ~20 -New View Home.._ 0 \ 'EJU .OOKlNG En Un ~ .,.. 3 tw . h4-· noon. ,...... ron1tructlon and lne ... ,..... f'.C,....1tion.J. 1lw lliwet ..... evtt ott...cl. · RALPH P. KASKEY Mll W C't-ntral. Pl\. n.. -... LOT P'OR SALZ NF.WPORT JSLA.Nt> -a... rorrwr n. 2 · 1ot. 9&c1twaUta ... JW'1nl both 1kll9, all utDIU-. Paul 1...und_· MOI OaNa n.t Nl'wporl llNC'h, Calif. ti lllvd . Ralhoa rr1~ t..aow .. d•y'a market. l'b. ~ Sl».I ti :I I 'NIT:": ll•Mtd 1~1111('. ncoar .,.,., St•.T!VI :I l 'Nl'I'~. tl y1·n111 old, Wf'll tura. ••t.!IOO <><'t:AN ... llONT. n W., i.o.., I tw ... lrnt•m•. l1tr1ir rom1iua ~ 2 h11lh•. :1 t•nr 111r111f', walW 1111111•, • l••td hoy. t:M.500 (;,met Properties Co. ~, Reatton ~l I-~ C"rntr"I. Ralhoe, Har. Jm a.ue F,t.q. Hok in & r.a1van No Main t~tfr CORONA DEL MAR IOU111 0,. HJGHWAT 1000 <'oa11t lllway Bf>• ~ MArl.F: Sfllnf't. ""~ Gor- 3\-tfr aroua tonr. Rt'autlfu.l maple fin------,_..--'R-.-L-.......,.--""9---lah. lll1hf>wt irrade m&M. If "°" ~u. 'u I\ "'. r.r.•~ loVf' mapll' you wUI nevtrr nnd An1tlrt1-<'h11nnf'ls-I ~•ml All abn and ShapN-Nl'W A UNd 1il and % R.etnforctn1 Steel HTn<SON A-N1!:W!:t.L 9101 W ~rh St, Ph<>M 1404 'anothc-r to equal thla OM, Juat pay out halanc.. JtMy t"1N lf )'O'I wtah. Dena·SehmAdt P\ano Cb., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. . ll·tf(' S11nl11 Anll 46-lt('r-----------~--- ~~~ .U• amxT ffiTI SAl.F: Modrl 0 Gnvrly •• rz11rrlrn lr11,.111r wllh 111t11ch mrn111. $17~ no Phnn.-J\ratbn !'lf>.1R·.I PVrnln1t• 41-!\tr ~ ANTF.n TO 1nTY n CARH for USF.D FurniturP ~ A nnliAn<'et' ''Wf' Ruy Almoat Anythln«" r.RANT'~ rhonf' n..11 5707-M l M !\ Nf'WJ'Of't Rlvd . C'l'ltlta Mf'U •2-ttc f'I )fl RJ.:NT OR I Lf:ASF. -Writ l•w·n1Mt for al1>rr. 411 <'out llll(hwnv, l'ur11nn 11.-1 M"r C111l J I. Slnm1• .Ir . ll11rl•w 41!l, 10 "' ;. ll 111 43 !\t I' ----------Furnl~h· rt A111 . Mt·•n 'J'rllihT rorl, Hi~l Nwr•t lllv1I . c • .,.., 11 Mr1111 I ll'nr11n ~o'IHll 4•·ll p 1-'<lll HP''NT II>• m11n1h .. r a1·111•nn J11111 I 111 !'• 111. 1;1. New '/. U n hn11~r F11mi•hl'ff Cinr11i:r 114 , O"""" 1-'111111 lt r11 1•un11tlol•• pnrll• ~ ••Illy I 'h 11 111~1111• 7Mt~ 4!\-311· Mua Sell at <>nee A BEA\1nn.1L H1!W 2 , •' 1111 .. . home.~ ....... .... ol n...tw wtU---· ..... v....uu ............ 9'*" °" 1ot for ..,. ._ .. or l"llltal U•O. Wiii ACC'.'ept S..t otfw 0.. .$10,000 SE•.: 11flS HOD AT • W DMI&. A .... Cor-. ... Mar .. DUPLF.X ON PF:N JNSHLA -· $16,500 f"URNl Slff:T> r111t Hl-.NT S11mm1·t m11nth11'!t 4 f'nr your f1arnlf\J~ r6 wt\at heft tw .. ln•1o1r1 '"'"'"' :! hl1)C•k11 frlfln ynu Phonf' f\f'11oon !IM4' h11y :II'\ 1;11lol1·1111MI, l 11rot111 1t1·I Rf: A I. T 0 fl · W. L .. JORDAN f'rllwlev Furniture Co. M11r 1!»4'/ .1 441-trr 700 Y.. <"«n•r•I. n.100. 111.rhor l!\:t '-~Uc IR1? Nl'Wfltlrt mvct .• C'..oet• ....... , Ill 111-:1'1'1" l\1tr11!'llVI' 'J flHtfll Mortimer School A. V. Andrews, M.n.1 I Tilf' v tt("N I JIJ Anywtwr. ln County T1l1• !"'11•-n hdpt·'" I :S ~. Rf'bullt h•t $31.00. !J:1.1Jr ht111~1· (!If l("r'l••n fll•tl•t. 1111 flALJlO A IRJ.AN ll On At.a"iOii; wnll'r hrulrr~ 20-it.U -1 .l111w I!°• I 11111~11•• 1u1Jol i\'11111~ t""rmiplHr ly f11rnl•hl'ff l Oft; nlJlf'l(mlltr: roa fllAl.11! n :111 1~1111111 /I v•· 111111 ... 11 "'l-!'i11' "1 .. 111·~ ""'· l11rii·· 1 .. 1 V•·ry II~ IO! Ooral Ave. Balboa laL DAY SCHOOL PR1'8IOIA.'i NOW OPES ... O, A. MO.TIM ... M.A., hf-SURGEON Prhwt"' t I I Oout 111ctiwa7. llrutlor SM ••aaoa ue Ooroaa del Mar DESTl!'ilT!i , Dr. Obed Lucas H. R. Hall, M. D. Plt.pidan and 8~ DENTIST Hours: 2-5. by Appolntmmt not~ w. c-tn.1. Barbor 1'80 T~ BMooe 58'8 NEWPORT BEACH ISi Broed-7 COl!ta ._ . GORDON E. RAPP, D,D.S. MlJtoD M. ~~U.M.D. ~ Weet Cflltn.I 1901 C.O..t RIW'Q Plloae·Harbor •Zl-.1 C-oroae d~ M., Newport fteac'.h Office Hours: 10-12: 2-5 Phoae Barllor t~ . -: -MORTl"ARV BALTZ MORTI ARY s: R. Monaco, M. D. LADY ATTBSD ANT 814 Bay ..(\•e., Balboa I 410 ('-0ut Hlway llartior 11U C-0rona del Mar Offlet> Hoon: Mione Hartinr ti 2 lo 5 p. m I, (Day and S li ht> Monday thn»uafs l"ftda7 I OPTOMF.TR18T Conrad Richter, M. 0 . I E. T. Butterworth, O. D. rr-ni ROON ' Opt.ometTtlt 9:30 a. m · 12 M .• El'T.A EXAMf!lo'ED 2 :30 p. rr.. • 4 :30 p. m . LE..'i1E8 DUPLICATED_ !9M-<' w. c-traa -- 0 .................. ., ..... s _,,ort 8-cll IJH W. c.w..1 A-Piil. "-"'Ml I no-n.r11or un ~wroaT &UCll · PllY81CIA.~8-SUROEOSS-D.O. \~AIUA..'I . J\T.WPORT RARllOa W. T. l\looney VETEIUSAln' ll09PITAL R~~.D.V.'111.. ... ,....... ... s.,... Paal O. 8~. D.V.M. ll·RAY R.-11 -II 0.UIJ. lad lhla. • U-BOClT 8en1cle aon s.r. .. ,._ Drh<e ttar a c-tn.1 O.rhor 4' <'OM'A Ila& a.,..,_ ae.. acne: --. eu. • ' Truf'k drlw·n. undr-r 6 ,,_ I 125 , T rurk dr'"'"'· 6 '" l '• tvns I a; ' Truc•k driw~"· JO to LS t.wn J .Y; TruMI dn•¥n. 15 to 2IO t-I ~ Trurk dn\fn.. tnm;it ma. undrr 3 'ards I G:i I Trurk dn~•-r<. tr.._ .. , IJIDl. 3 yards or YT'l<Or• I Floor la)t'f'5 Soft noor la»•-r< 171'> 111) • J iG lrctn •-orll~. ornatnfTll..S I 7:-5 \\'m dOYo <"f,.,,,,..,. \\"o•ldf•rc • r•'f"t I\ r rat.-r•' · "l'T1lw>d for fT<fft r·~~ mi: •'tA"·ratmn ''' -¥ '"•!dins: 1• tnrtdo"T'l•al • F.xr .. 11'1 lit, not•d '" 11>!'. ·~ .;d1rdulr •hf· ra tt-c '' P"T' drm wai:r·s for <Kil al .tho-,..__ 1·l;,.;"1f1r;,tmnc "f ••<t k Jha.11 -Ix th• hr-rt '"'"-f•<r• ... • f•nh ~ \:<1hna ,,.,,.., "' t..~nh ,..•r-rnuJ.. 11pl.•rl ,,, •11·h1 ·"• t-.Ji;tl •111 h•1•11 • ,h.111 ron<llllJt" • day s ""rl< 11 t. m r tJnd-n1 .. ,4 lt-..al ·la lh•• 'V n\ lhli! Yo tn kJnt~ M<!'I ..a>- pl"~ ·~1 11·"~ th;,n • 11:ti' ''" hoGr's p•·r d-.v. th,. 1• r d .. m "'•£'" •nan lk •drr'TTI<'d '" 1~ • •' 1r.,-..,,n rl• Up to 3 yn, to Pay ""' . s x 2S'79.R. Exprrt Watch & Jew~ry R£PArRING r-Diarntinch And Wat~ '.'-L't\'l"ORT Jl':\\ ~LERS tt:DllfT ,_ Man1111;~t) 116 22nd St . :'»f'Wl)Orf 17-tfc Ell WALTF.RS TTu: CQNTRAC'TOR Bath R.ooms. C>nin Rollrda, etc 15tJi A !'O~t Avr. f'011 l11 Mf'M ""'-~aeon 8700-VI -3. IS.tft iltJVe AnyThinri: Anytime.. SQ"'rt:tliz"tl in . MOVI NG Rowrhold r.,,,...i~ & S mall Harbor 391 HARBOR PhmibinA' Service. t hr 1 •·r 8 1< rn "-at:•~ •" """"" ~ 1191 S~'f Rh·d , IW11ron fl I t 1 t;o lol1~h· rl th111 iti--n•M • .. ~ 1.l t 6U"J REPAJlUNG 'OUR SPECIALTY q f f '\"pl I I\ n )"1'1 l 1. -ii~ 0' 0 l l°b j 8 f (" tJatrtlrtUls and SuipplMe hr~" ~lh f '"r t 1rr• 't I'll t• 1• ,4 1•• "''<rk ,. rfHrtn~ t.'! tn • '\.,..., "' 'f .,_ n"~.u.U ti 1\ c; or <>••I. • .,.,,.. ,.. .nd ia• •t.ro I t it fnr Q \t r ':l"lf nf "' ry-t• tn.- \ 11h·f'd I fnl1fJ;n-.: "' h-"I'• •'1 r• '• r-•<'I •o .. \i.111 IY1 do / Ill'~ ''• '" ,,.,. Y• u ' (11~. f tf'('f.r;,tu.n !~"' J,..,...:,.-"M- f'fl<"' Pa,·, Lnt .. 01 l • ' Arr.••.,. f1 ;; \. Th:tnil'Co\ ,~,. J ~ \ -~ C1ir ;~l~"l~ JI ar.) u1 "'• ~'1Ar h1olidav1' h JI "~ '-,~_,1H ••· 'J r.. da" f~llmo.1rc ~h\il •.. ,.-....,. .,,<! a lq ·'"<I hohl'la' 11 <h;ooll J,.. rr "M"''~l z;,.., ·•, f'<intr:il'1t')f' t u • h<"T • ,.,,,.,. • • 11v.:.rd• !'.!. anl'.!"V~oe.<n ~n .-u'...,....r•rv h •r< und• r him '' J*!o ~4 • 12 TT..ARS SDVlCE fN nrE ffARB()R AREA RARRYHALL PAJ?lo"TTNG CONTilAr.TOR 714 c-t 19th Stnet Pit. Br• 5413 r.oste Meu. CAllf LA~DSCA PIN'i :'1"1 Y":tT" F'.;or~ri·"nN' n 1-t & :-.;,cw Hr.mr9 ~ttr )IR. f'. L. GEORGE I 33-2".'•1 I Any plUmhlng lt1·m r11n h.-h11<l throurh our lornl fir Lo11 An· 11'1" OftiCf• 315 Marine A~~ IJAUIOA l!-iLANI> (()pJ)ON1.,. Citlh<•llc O.urch l -C1111'N1 'flJPSf111y . HA. 2216-W. :0-tlc Silver Platin~ MPPER. nnASS. (;()1.0 Poll1hln1t & RPtlnl•hlnrr .Bayside Plat ing Co. 1914 l111rhnr Blvd. --------------. --•thlr, -$:\-t,!'1'1(1 IWI I 111!'111 l: lr•111 lu·tl, •prlrw• nu.t· W ANTJP;n TO lllDfT d RAl.f'll r Ir•·•• 1·11~ •1•1\•· wl••ko·r ••·llrr• WANTl-:l 1 TO ftENT cl; l.llln :l-111 W ('..,1lrt1I 1rnrl rlu111 :1111 l\1•111!1·r11, 1\11111011 MMiKf:Y II 11rh<f tr 402 •Hi lit• 1.ltl ''11 t\\' II fl r ,.fll1'•'111t11r f;••"I , ••11d lll1111 11111.oorli••lll 1 '1111 1 lnr 1 .. ,r 1rv1•1 I 1f; 5tr VI 'HNr nmF: n EnNIS llF'.D AJ. Y1111 1.lkr II J<r.N r.RF"NS'IT.0 :11:\1 1 Minn <\1 , '''"''" Mr1111 Ph••n•· I l11rl"•r 1111r1 W F nr F:Jlfm111.-- lal•• :l l11·•h '",,." ''""''" ''"' m11.. ._3te 11( .J11ly •or 1\111111111. nr lo111h llc•nt 1 '111t1 INA f 1f;f, MAfl 111 111 $10tltt '"' I"'' rn.. 41!1 N T\\'1 > L< fl'S It 'J , ... 1"""11111. !(f l(ll k1•11 l >r . I· A . W y ll!r.'oll x I lie' All u•llltlNI Private :\H !Ott• J)llrl)' ("f~ . ..'731'.CI 46-!\tp Af'AllJ'MF.NTl'I a llOtl~P'.lt U ,.., 11t -:1\ I .t-: '.! 11•IJ11lnlnl( hw11n,.. 111111 111 v111~·.. Vlll"tt" Pri"8te I"'' r, r·11ll ~11nt11 An" 079ft.J. FurniRh<'cl Or u• H"'lrnom Anartmr-nt 46-2 tc \'l••w "' 1111 \' Mon ti1 tn rn•1ntll Coata Ml't11, C"allf. flr11M n 5113 I 8-ttc ' In r.11r.rnn1,., 11 W11rk 22-tf(' ••r lr1111<• I' A 1'11lm,.r Jn1•tJr11 . ~ Hf-:()l(()()M If OU~JO; :\:l.1.,Vl11 l."111, N1•wp•trl l"l#n1·h I J( •I llll.I' < :MtM:t•: f;.,i>d l-- 1:l !ltr ·-1f11n 111 ,.,,..,., M•·1111 Pr Iv• t e Watchf'W -<locks -J-elry CJIRONOMJ-:n ;ns W vr1t1ll Fl'lt"<IT l'HI-'. I• no t hr- l'•1n1ln1· ""' .f1•111ltl hr· 1"11mlnrz to "'" .1•111•·~ '"• I lphnl11trr1 ft#. 11t vlin1• 111111 r• J.11ll1Unv. 1111 . .wnrk 1'11111:0111• • d l'li•1n1 ll"nl'f1n f\2fl0 RP:NT. MIMf'P:l.l.ANP'AUlfll •a 1)1trty s1:.i1tt1 '"Aron flllt9-M R.epalrln11 -Prompt 5'-rvt°' S.-1111lhle Prl<'ft VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY 1796 N f'WllClr t m vet r .o1 IJI Mf'M :l tlt no \T". "'' 1·1·1.1t'." Z'> 22tr 111· Fin·· S I 'ITf: 3 r•••m-. 1:r11unt'I 01,;1r F in" f•lr 1111,.1 .. r 1'11· c·""'" '\lo• 1 ll111 l1••r 17·,r, .I ":;:it•• ---U r\'1"11I A1.rl\"I< STl11ll< 11r off!"'' I "11 hh:hw;iv S•1ll11 l1lr• f11r 1111!•1 Ot 'THOA HI) MOTORS ,,, 1ol••r Jllo·nlv "' p11rkln1: •11111•1· A ",' 0 r•OA Tl',' Sr" 111 :lflf>X Nr·wp11r1 lllv1I . •" , 1' •"l , .,,,,,. M•''" '11i.,11J1 HA HBOR ';vw /, 11s n1 Furniture & Tra n~fer f-;r "''"" 11n'1 rtrrin1ra fln All 0 ()Nf)J-:I 1 llnd J:'l'SI •1n:1 i t :\L1k1·11 "' Motrir1 A G .J n I ) n a "'' '~ Srlifl'4 OOu Uy ... I'll(; r·,,,"1 lllw11v lk1w1111 •,r.7r,.M ftF.Af, F.HTATF. WANTl!O .. l'ICl\'ATJ·; l 'AltTY Wiii ruov $1t'W)f) • 11 .. h h r 1111f11rnl11t ... 1l !1•11111•• tt••11r '"'\' '" •I"• t• rl\" Wr11 .. JI.ix .. N .. ,. '•, •:, \\4'·0flr•1•·-TR a Wil'c Buy I :.11.1r·· Lf't l '' I l"lfl Y1111 II<• WI'" -COi RTES Y s1-:nnn: I H<iat~ Pr ic·<'<I To 8<'11 ! 11t0Hr.V TO _r.oA_N 1 11 1!162 H nrh<•r O'lv'1 < '•"'" M.-,ie •11, 1 ·ri'• ,., ,,,, 1·4:i1 ~·{1(111 ..1. Ph I '''"'"" Tll 111 ·11 I•. IMPnnv..:. nn« Bf'a con 5;,:~~~J 1 :1r; A11• ..:i ••• ., 1-· ~ ~ $:!"111'> 1wv. \1r1111 rtN 1z1-:. 'm :W t h 17 1·,,,,, -:,,, F1,h 1•1 11 ~7"/llt II~ l•'l'IA!"f"f: --------------<: I ''.11· ... :1 Y J:• ,,,.,,n f'iZlCI \V1 lluv Tru•I l.lcntSA 71 1 ,."'"' 111"">'· 'N•·~1·~:. 111 NEWl'flRT rlAl.HOA f'Y.n f:ltAI. FIREWOOD CHAR<YlAL A muQth:-ni PR(JMPT DY.UVP.:R Y Wright Lumber Yard 17M N-i>ort Rlvd (''OST A MT..4JA ('(J\l\fl 1•r·11\1. <Ill f l fl• lolniz ho111 W11 h 111n "'"' t ·r .. w11 r11<1(or, llr' 'I · 1.-·om I l•1l•I• r, lnh~ 1<-•"I fl~h 1r,y 1 N··~T••" lllvol f'•lllln M•·•11 l 'l1•1n•· II• ·11V>n 11:11(1 .J 11f1rr " I'm ••r nll •l11y S1t1 urrlny Ar S1tntlnv• :11\-:r.it,. .. SAVl:"/GS ,\ LOAN A.c;..C\N :\.~ \1111 I.tel•• Ml l111r. 1~ _ 41 -1 fr MON£~ WANTED/ 111 WA Y l'FI J-Fln11nf·l~11: 1: l"Omfolrle lnl"11m•• 1tt'11 f .. 1•r. I .<ll'11L Jlox 7.-2 Nl'w,-Tim1·~ 411-:11 , I II U.5tp nA I.HOA ISLA ND 1 Hl-:l 11!r" •~1 1111\tJ>: <"11m11J.-,rty f111111•11• d """ 111• .. 1y l•w-ntf'd. N•·111 ""'''" 11,, '.! 1111111,., larice 1'111111 111111 111 ol1\ •1tlu•r (1•11111"", r I\\ 111 r 111•1•1 ,,.11 •111l1·k 11ml will litlf'1 lf11" Iii :t:l:~rti WJlh 1••t"1•). le nt l••rin•. c·.11 Jf11rtw1r 17711. EARL W. S'rANLF:Y TIF/11,TI llt r· n v 1-: n 1 N r. '; n r. A T F: ft N Jo: w r (•It T II An n 0 R :111:'1 W . '~"'lTRAJ. Nl'Wf'r.M rlt-em l ~th ANll lrt\'TNJ-: STS. N,." 1 •1rt 0..11rh l7t h r1nli <"OAST Hwy. N••wport Hr 11ch 22!\ MAnTNF: AVE. ll11ll1111t TJ.lnnd 815 C'OAST HWY. C'c.>ron11 <k-1 Mar Paje8 NSWPO&T BAIJBOA NBWl·TUIZM MONDAY N-·pPrt l'IHc•lt, ('allf. , Aprtl II, 1N8 BAGPIPE BAND TO les ..... 111 I')(' ronduet<'<I by the I lolly- w lMid llf•SI ·drill team an!i t hf' VISIT SANT A ANA st alt· o f.!ilws rt>IJf't'bl'nlin" 'lh• · iluUlht'l'll lll't'fl. A~...,.~- The .Srotch BagpirM' band nf II)<' llall1wr•ll 11 post commandn or j RtYef'Sldt-PO!>+. ~irnadlan ~ion, ~ ll'1t11it,.. I '11tmty-P tll<I r'H . will be prctcnl at th<' annual in· c Jnoni.:•~ C"ounty r~n.;t 1'..!. orii.:inril atallation of ofrie<>rs of ()ran~ b rlmrlt•n·!i In H1:il. hns hl'«n lrt· , County Post 42 on Wrdnt>sday n1·11,·1· for J iii' p11st HX yrnr~ tiuf • April .14. at thf> Santa Ani. Com-with tl~P rt'l urn to tt1 .. rounl)' "' l munity Ccntt>r, 1104 Wt'S1 Eighth 1111111) \\'vrld \\'11r II W'll'runs who street, star ting at k p.m. T11e gen· 1wn ·NI in sonlt' hrnnc-h of I It• era.I public is rordially Invited to M11jl'lc1y·~ nnnr•d forl°l'S, thf' I~''' attend. htt~ l><'f'n rl'nf'tivafl•d 11nlt mn11) The actual installntlon ccr<'mon-nrw mt·mlwrs have join1·d. ALL P~UMBING IN THE New Buildings Facing The C ity Hall on 32nd STREET /n~tal/ecJ by HARBOR PLUMBING. SERVICE 1768 Newport Blvd. Costo Meso ** Phone Beacon 6117 · JERRY · MILLER _ Plastering C-Ontractor on the new 32rid ~treet Development 20721 SANTA ANA AVEr. EOSTA MESA Twister Gets I ts Picture taken . . I RemiDd Residentl ~ Of Gilt-Tu Return ft6nl Demmne' i S~CRA)IE\"TO. Apnl 19 -All n:udo.:n~ of CaWorn1a ~ho made trtft "'turn w .. u. sub~oet to tax ~ 1~7 ...... re warnt'd t()jiay *'» TlvJma. .. ti. Kuctwl. state con- roUn. that April 15 ia the cfnd- ltnr· for f1lmg );Ill tax returns . K~I $.aid that m .. n> r<'l>•<k-nts •r" unaa art> of lhP prQV~IOl\li Of rhi> Gifl Tax A<"t ot 1939. and no~ltt'I to fik· r ("I urn$ as rr-quirf'd ti) la•••. E:vtty p •rson making a gill exceeding s.l0f1 in \'alut-or an~ gift <-f propert) in t rllit ur , " futw-.. intere:st in j)('opert) mwll 1 hie a reatinL nie law all~ a · $¥1(•1 annuaJ <>11:.-mpuon for c:ach dt.>nee' e~pt in •lw case of a gift .. t ;o ful urt» lnteresL Both thP donor and doeec are "Twenty" $econd Men • liable for lht> payment of the tax, • Sa\•al alr nllflniste at lhe. Na\•al AJr atatlon, Los AJamll<Ht, demon· j lllltw'.tUl{h th&· d<~nor has t he pr1· .arat.e ho"· tlwy can cu:Unrub,h -aircraft ""' tn '!8 W"Cond11 by znlU") '"""'hly. la.ytq a blan.ket of foam o\·f'r 'the bundns "'reek. The. tint and -------fourth men ffom the lrft are rlad In a•bettlotl •ult.It, and In an M'lllal J ~ ___ ,._., ••• , W ()utd M rruh would move In unde r co\·er of the foam . to re..cue the oc..-u· OIDeD O en a-nl• of the 11lane. Thlti 111 part. of tht1 tralnlnit a naul air tttWr\1.w> . -t-a la Tl'Yi@s Suicide n•tth·..,. "'ht'n ttporUnir f'IW'h altf!mate week f'nd on Saturday or I Sun8ay for hi• o.....,Ur.ed drtll Jlf'rlod. • unu.~unl phov1 or tomndn" ... lftt'li cau.~ed wtdt-sprrad d.amace la -.Sn Oltn' is and ~ -"*- • bY Fred H. Koc1Ullng of P1·uw11e. Ill . aa lht• t•·1i.ter swirled aJomc llllsl>T31J ~a kw .um.-..,,,_. wnc. Three people were killed ID Cbe ~ F:\' A~N. rtl. -IUP) liliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-. '.\Inn' •'OfnE'n affc>mpl suicidl' fl F riends~ip for Finns and Sovi~tS than '"""'· but more mm actually . I kill therT~dn~. a Northwt•stc>rn I l"n1,·t'niity study shoa'S. A rt'J)Ort. 5 Upl'r''Ued by Alex J . I Arwff. included 500 actual suicide attt-mpls. Ars<>ff. as50e1a1e in nervous and ,.menial ~ tn t~uniWMttty's 1 ITlt'dKal school. said !'>:.I pP·r cent . ~ul JM &Ht'tllpH in t~ ~group- I ,.._ ,. .. t C a 0 He --liU • mck.ibo thought YOUR LANDLORD unaccustomed to Public Speaking -• • senc/s greetings anc:J gooc:J · wishes to his tenants on e~c.s~ Harbor Investment Co. -. -iOtfr&-W;-eentral, Har.-f-600- NEWPORT BEACH aummn Poretca ll1nlAer Yn.ct\esla• Moloto• <aeU.ed) allm e. .......; al fl' '°IJ. • o A. _.. ' ttw-sun had riwn·~ar him -~~~~~~U~~~~·~~·.~~=: l i'i~i.i~ii.,.~iD~~.~~;~~ii·~=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nett '° rtchl> B . P. Podt.lm>b. v. A .. Zortn. Ruman Vice ........... Pomcn AUaft; .Allllrd .,. • ... I, alllo Vice Mlnkt.er at PonJcn AUalrs; Mauno ~la. rn.e ~ fll ~_..,.....-..a. . 1·r CIO Op ~· confft'ftlt'JP.,,..,. ....,,.i. Metropolitan Ca I . poaes resent~ a faction whida rd~ "-. D f I Tll'I' --to fol.low -tional ClO policy "' I Opera ""'· ID . ra t.-0r u .lfl l.-illJ... oppoRlioll to Rf9y Wallaar"• L. A. Appearance Slate Endorsed ~:ialu.r• n!!..:. ~-:; \ LOS ANGELES, ·April 12 LOS ANGELES April 12 -pr'OCTUn. • . IUP)-Ms klnf[ 111 flnit Loa An-llJPl -~ Cahf~ia . 00 ~ J...-s L DliuctwrtY . .tatt' di-j 1 gele11 appeuance In 43 years. the ell tOday ~ 8 jleW!l'tm1r nirt« t)f tN Utllity Wonrns Mt>t ropolitan Opera Co. of New draft or unh·t>rsal m1li.tary train-lJllion. •as t'ltttf'd ~"'ll ~­ Yprk 11.rrivrd today for 14 prr · Ing and endo~ candidatet for *-t to ~ )&orris ZalAnan.. formanC'<'ll ht•ginnlng tomorrow congreuionaJ and i<tat<' ~. wt.o rnipwod Ff'b I brca,,_ al nh::ht RI Shrine auditorium. Two hundrf'd do•lt'1ta•~ from 100 the manors musal to foUa-· na- Enrko Caruso. the late Italian CIO 1ocab1 alfendro a Wttk.rnd donal pollC)'. t r nor, sani.: whm lh<' Metropolitan 111111 camt' to Loa Angclrs In April. 1905. ANNOUNCING THE --OPENING APRIL 18TH OF THE " UNIQUE ·FO.UNTAIN AND LUNCH ROOM Phone 11eacon 5877 • W I You ha\'(' no <'nrmi<'S. you say? Al8!1! my fri<'nd. th<' !)(last poor. RAV. AU 'l'ltr .an' IFATD YOu NEED • l • AT THE 'l'UaN t1' A FAVf.27' ·~ Specializing in Genuine Pr~me Ribs ol Beel-Tencler Juicy Steah, Chops, Notice to Contrac.tors &-Builc:Jers E. 8prlnp, AMocla~ t:aitawtt Prompt Service H41UR: t :IO A. M. to 4 P. M. Evenlap or 8uDday9 by Appolnm-.t S f'Wport "4-M'.h 4 tO-B S'!nd ~t. Te~oM' Har. '.!SftO...J COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL OON8ULTATION • DICSION8 • PLAN8 • SPl:CIFICA110N8 • ESTIMATF-" .Announcing the Opening I HARBOR PAINT CENTER .. Complete Home Decorating Supplies Featuring SHERWIN -WILLIAMS PAINT Wall Peper Glass Picture Framing Free Decorating Service Facing The New City Hall Rental Floor Sanding Equipment , 408 . S%ND ST8Ett PHONE HAR. 2350-W NEWPORT BEACH I In "Nr"·porf BNn ~ •to -,._.. Sbw:t >ft 1u ......_ I U9 _ .. In Santa Ana.-1 IOI t:.. nnt 8t.-Pll. S. A. 51ie -in the new 32nd Street develof)llffiit - by s~· E. BRIGGS Electrical C.OOtrador ** 328 · 28th St. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1805-R .. + Shrimp, Scallops anc:J Fish Complete Fountain Ser~ice OPEN DAILY ft A. M. TO 9 P. M. .tlO -32ND STREET NEWPORT BEACH ~ (Nut Door to the Nt"w City Hall De\·elopment) .- -~ALL UNITS in this new development facing th~ new city hall Erectec:J by I EA I a~ KEPHART General Con~actor 1710 PLAZA DEL NORTE Balboa Peninsula ____ / . . Phone HARBOR 318-~ p F " • "4 • i ,. ' c. p 1' a p ti lit ri rr tc h 0 IE K a: a tc u c 5!: tc ( 81 B: • s. L. w c: Pl 1 ' . nu:PllOND; BAUOa ii. ta ~ Me Publilhed eY"'Y dfly, MOl\da,y throuah Friday, by 9'rn D. Porter and Ludus S . Smiifl,-lll, owners and operaM>rs bl the , Newport Harbor Pwbllshlnr Co. VOL. XL FBIDAY Newport 8-da, Calif. Apnl 9, IM8 PAOE t W 41r? Ha, Ha! ! * DREW PEARSON l ~d Note--On the> anni\'t'f'Nr)· lnli? IWY'M <'ClftfC'ttne'ft. HaJT7 'l'na· uf Presldt'nt 'J'rum1m'• Iha.rd I m11n till ~ not reali• that :;!: )'4!'1U' -m Qflace, Dr•'"' P~lf\ 1 •·orct. n'\wbc-rate r o U It d hand11 him th.-Lrass rin6:. i;•)()Cf "~•rid Lut month. hr calat4 t"1s foe ulil.1 fr\.-c. rnk and IO Hu~ c.'<1lumnU:t a. liar. Jlli9 atr«tt'd anl> <'1.s.-a r .. ugh une--0n th<' \\ 1t.r.h -l "'"" mAn Rut in ttw W'rJ -:: mg1vn ~ff'IT)'·Go·Round.1 ron>ss ~')flfl'f"t"nn' he abo ~ own S«n-t&{)' ot State a liar C111 WASiffNGTO!'\ -A kw fllOJllll:< ni1n1·~ 1)0llC')' 11\11 aftrrttcf 400.· aft~r FDR's d('ath Cltt11pultt"d t111r-ru 1,1u.1 l'IN'llit' ) JOE PALOOKA r' Truman mtn 11, . ..nut lllal it• no ttmf' had thl• 11\1· most 1mport·t l 't1ft1.J St;it.-s ronsldrn-d t0blc ;int ..i,'.,-11,.• of-ll~tn• ""' "''111munu;t11 Into the a.In-I ft<'•' tn th(' "orld ....... *''"nTlnlt'nt "'""':'rnt'll attnld· ho· was s111in~ on mi: th.• C't'flfrrt'f!C". l'•'l\IWnt TrU· 1tw front porch 1nim s m 1,tuk1·. trlo-d h > .av~ hiln-1 ~-·~9i!llJ vf the sumrntt" Tiw•y ns.k1'\I 110<•<ilh)na <"Alculattd ~ h11n1:al1•"'' of llw- 1 tc• rt'n und t tw l'r>-sldt'nt that he l W ido"'' Morns &t htms...tf hnd ..-nt • 5llf'<tal ~ Dt'•(L, R1·••lsfoot U.kf!'. sado. r ,,, ( "hlnt1 for tht• t•)lp-t'Sa pur· j . ' r.. Du GAN T1•nn. Nt·"'·spapt'T' pol(' of ll"lllng th.• Chineait can· en 111 th<' party mumSI$ to partidpatC' ln ~ 1..--·---'-...;..a--.!.. nskt>d lrnn about lhe 11tomlc bomh Kuonuntani: i.:o,•M'f\nirnt. Wnuld tlw l 'nit('(I Statt'9. the)· Hut "ithn Ow Prt'llidrnt couldn't ciu<'nffl, kN'p th1• botnl>'i;. • kn<M'-T'MYlt'mht•I' "' didn't want to ,.._ how s1•cr1•t ~ Tht• n<'w Prt'!!id(!'nt mt-mht·I' this ~ ",dt>ly ~ 1•mph11ti1·ally rl'plit-d th a 1 w.-t'CI f<1rt. • would. llt• h1nls.·lf. ,..hen Gt>llft'al Mar· Almost fallini.: off the> porct\. shall •·as .ppointMI 1prriai ambM-nl'w~m1•n sNrrwd mtn t'he night. sador to ChinA. had an~ looking for h'll'phon<'ll. • lhat l\t;tNhafl "'H undM'takinl the Mr Truman looked a.round at mission In ·~ to hring the cmn- G1•or1tl' AllE'n. mum-''" and <"hiani: Kiu-~k Into · "\\.hat d id I hr'' wnnl to lt'avr a (•oaht '"" £•)\' .. rnini•nt. And Mar- for'."' lw 1'!'kc·d· "TI1<'r••'s it•11l shall"" h~ rl'lum (mm China an-plc•nt~ 11f llq11m·" nuunN·d tu th•' "'"1rld that he had llarn' 1'runrnn clid not ~ h• r ... il•~• '""'"US.' 1lf rf'f"akitrantt on rl'aliu· ·t hat hi!' words as Prt'51· hoth i<Ul<'S '11'<-114· W('r•• lm•futable. J••nt or th1• \ 'n11Nt Staks nl<'ant JIUbl~·· :.t<tl1•nwnts .... IT MF.ANM ••. Jot mor e thon his "''f'l"d.'i rut \"••i 11... 1..•n~•d••n1 stubboml~ 11nrr y Truman th•· S('nator "'""'k tu hi.!! e.•ntra l")· st111 .. ment. , 11 ... o•·'t-·1C't:· By Mc Jc~voy tfnit Stne ~~::;-~~T~l;~~t~~·~>~·~~·a;r;sm!h~aw'·~··~n~o~"'~·,;:.'"'~~~~~>d~~··~\~··."~"'~h·~'",_,'~"~·"'....,."~'w•·n ..... •l+i~p-h~"n~m~t~l~C'8~1Mly~-i~:;;:;:;ii;;ii=CiF,'::;::ii~~Fr;:;n~Ert"lllll .. lllr-~~~~~~lftll!~~----"' .... "T~l'~U'Lfllllrt" * The Privilege Is a Duty I larrv Tr11 m11n t1 ... ·:~m•• Prc'!lid<'nt 111w hmh · I of th;, t 'nifo•d St11t1•s. and <·w n. to-I Tnlm-Ba•IH Oar ~talle <111~ lit' !'fill d0o·,. not ;;,• .. m to r1•1tl-P rult.11•1) Tn11w1n's nltist disll~- i11• th:.o l hi~ words 11nd 11rllons ln•W• •h"' frl)fl1 thl' hip ()('t,1rrt'd ro'\·l'rlwrat1• aroun~ ttw world As '' h,.n h1 " .• ~ :1 .... nat.1r Thill !lhot J1mmk Tiyrno•s d1'!'rrtt1..,i it, h1· «1111 f1" ""II 111•ot·lwtini.t lii•wn tht' <'Or· shrH\I!' from nw hip, ht' !'till mako'!i 1 ... ,i..r ... ·-< ,.,., K.-.•m lln. s1•al l<'ring •nap clo•('i•rn>ns that in011f'n('(' thr "'''"'"'""''' i.11., .. 1 1n our ll..!1rllll' rt'- rnt l" or m1llion~. 111• st1IJ S<'t'lllS lat ion~ "Ith th•• mus l difflNll unl"oncl'rned that nur jl'l'k~'. up-ol all ~114"15. an0-down.·hill. som<'M'aUlt fl()li('iN In Jun" 1'41 "'·twn Harr~· Tru· \\'Ould makr it diffirult for our m an "·.I" "''n11tnr from l\Suouri,_..f.---,.;••~ TomOl'I'()\\' we ~h are at oi:t.uui~-,1edi-fril'ndlif'~t :illil'S "' rl'rr'lllln nur al· and < .. ·11nan~ 111\ll{kd Ru..w8-:-tli cate th · ('0111er~ one of d emocr ac\' hv v otin~ for our 11•·s •'"N'f11 that w" ha\"(' too much '"'5 11'1M I 11> the .,..ea for• com-. • · rn11no•v to lt>nd. Thl'V nM•t>r knc~ JTwnt "If ",. ,...,. Iha! Germany pick Of CandiclateS in a mttlliCipal e leCtlflll.l ' \\h1H 'w(''rt' goin): lo.stand for day is •-mnmi:." tw s.tid, "W t' ought to The June primarie~ and the genffal e lectjon in 'll!ll<r nl'xt . hPlp P.u.s.sia. And it ".,. 84'(' that N l · · l • B h h fU:r.lac t'p T,,__ Ru.'Sla is .-'inninJ: """ Clt&ltht to OVem >er are attractmg Wl<tet' interest. Utt e . Orne Whl'n historians chronicle th<' hda> G•:n ruon)'. und that way kt and the hof'Y!e-town a r e r e a lly at the heart of thlR re-.story (lf l1:1rry Truman, they .;11 thc·m kill ilS many as poulbl~." Go1iuo public of ours. ,, prnbahly ('Vllluati' lum 8!' honP51 ., A lot of Jll,'Ople have shared that ------ --!l"iTTC'CTl'. nrora~ stabhot nf»l _ _.....,,.~t-the)- Your vote tomorrow will give you a lien iigatlr~ rii;ht at)ou1 such ~ti(' poliri<'5 wc•r<· not m<'fTlhn·• of the United the public servants seeking office On the pubJ1c pay-as priCl' rontrol. taxl'!I. chil rights. Stat1-s Sl'natr. M'n·ing under a i:oll. But. more important. it will re.dedicate a great labor and monopoly. But thf'y will Pm;itlrnt "''ho laid cto.·n A na-• h 11lso accuse him of putting pl'r-t~al poli(')· of aid to RU511ia. Nat- r1g t for. Which mankind has fought and bled On sonal · loyalty aht'ad of nattorml tlrally. ttw '"''ntlt"fYM'n In ttw Krem- many a battle field-the right to chos e those WhO are welfare. They .. w:ill find that 11~ lin road ttw;· l"IMll'SJMIJ>I'". Natural· to govern. I temprr fnoquc>ntly pro\'t-d hi" un.-I)' aJM. "'°'""' Stalin sat down with , • • • • doing, Iha( hf!' was hothead«-d. un-the-™'"' PrMi""nt of· the United That right, together Wlth other prmc1ples which balanced in timt"ll of crl1is, and so S tatcs lit Potsdam, this remark have made our cities our states and OW' nation .the frtoquently flpw off-the-handlP on was not foriiotten. one bright hope in a ~orld of sorrow is being chal-' vital ~isioM that the. American Probably it ... n~n l'E'-ftn· . . • • Pf'Ople finally lost confidence. ph.ui.ud by ttw bawhnc out Tru- Je nged. by an oligarchy of 26 men who work m the Bob Han~an. in the days when man gave Stalin on the flnt day Kremlin and whose political beliefs are the exact he wu 1tlll tr)'inc to alibi for ot uwtr ..-unc_. bewUnc out t 'th ' f Truman, \IM'd to Ny: "Sure hr wtikh CM-.1 that lftat f~ an l es!S 0 ours. . . . made a mistake. but hr wu·m.an arti.ln nprl't, Whit~ ffOUIK' M iJ- --- '·" •~ci 111~1 "'" u1:t: 'M.L-l ... WE· 60'T 1~~ P'CE~ ~ti::fEt<~!· 11Vf FA~l410NED i\.IE fll'll()N1~ C.O\.:CZVi •i<t:> "·OM, "Et!···· Castmg your vote tomorrow 18 pnvile~e. It is enough to rome out and admit ltary AJde Harry vauchn. latrr also a duty for every ma11 and woman who 1s wilJing 11·" b · to mnaC'h rk: CURI y KAYOE "" uouS'r.t•t,A\' t k d t k 't" • 1 d' The trou le is that no PresJclPnt " M>f. you ttrtainly gavp it 10 ~ • 0 WOr an , pay 0 eep OUr COmmUnt leS, Jn(' U tng can afford to make many miJltAlt~. him. Tha t "'U wondl'rful:' IF"-~-----~---------r------- the community of Washington, D. C. s trong and free. Shootbl« ~-mp Stalin tla$ dewrved many • -.. Jimmie Byrnes, when S«retary bawling out u far u Sfl\'i•'I· Ever s ince Hippocrates in the fourth. century, B. C., identified by name the m a lignancy \\'e know .as ~ancer. ther e has h een a r e luctance by mos t people to look squarely into the face of the di~ease. of Stall', was always carl"ful .Co American ~lation9 ar~ ('(lf\N'l'nc-d warn Truman. lo\'hl'n he-had to de-But )'OU can't ,...prtmand a chirf <;ide on an inlt'T'llalional ma tter. of stat• as ir two Wt'rf' a 1c:hoolt.11) not to m1'kt' up h is mind untll hf-. on the nnt day you rnret him - Byrnes. had t•xplainro hoth sides. and then l'"Pf'C't futun• rdalinru< Byrn4'11 knew that if hC' w1mtt-d 10, to be cordial. h(' could lt<'t any drcii;ion he· wish-So whm historians ctialk 11p thl' L'd merely by pn 'Mmttnfo( orw sidP final r'-cord ol H11rry S Tro1 m"n Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach first, For Ont' of Trum11n's grl'al-!hr) may ··ell compare him 111 a r·st wo•aknl'SS<'S Is shootmg from frdi:ht-IO('(lfl')Ot i\'C rng\n«'<'r "hlJ I ho• hip. suddrnly finds hilll!!Plf p\lllini..: 11 A Dependable IAC:&I ln11UmUon for Onr 40 Ve.rs REPRESESTED SATIONAl,LV B\' GF.OR<it: D. Cl.O~F:. l~C'. San Frand,...o·Loii A~1teles-Portland-~attlf'-<1llrattn·Srw \'!lrk-Ro11ton By Carri<'r or M11il: $0.80 per -m.onth anywh«t> In Newport Beach a nd 'Costa Mesa; $2.40 for 3 months. $4.~ for 6 months: $9 per vear By Mall in Orange County: $9 per year: to 4th zonl', $9.25; t'6l 8th zone. $9.50. - Entered as Second-Class matter at the Postoffice in Newport Beach. California, under th<' Act. of March 3, 1897. Publisher Managing Editor SAM D. PORTER LUCIUS S. SMITH, m W. F . DTXON ) CLYDE REX l Printing Plant. 3011 W. Central Advertising Avenue, Newport Bea<'h, Callromia NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948~~ CROSSWORD PUZZLE &CllOA J-Roden• l--0Unntll8 t-Cltffr lS-Old f::~·.~ndlle ...., a-To <0ftf "1ta ~ l~~~I OIF« ll-6>111t111t111eetla ~Dartt _.. ll-fDl.l1reu et.II a..:Qu1nr ==~.,:!.:: -.,_...... ...: Active~.-, Member _ f ~-0 . '-.. DOWJI l t.::bbanee 1-T\/rkllh o ... ~~!11~ 1-Tl>Mrfe l-lolntd f -Blrd ~adtUW 1-Cblll• l~POtll109i ll-DltllA 11-Ru•lllnt oo ...... a-Add I IOD 'I eollaboralo• 11-0trl'o lfi-IS-Alpt1u Poli • I.__._ 1001110 la""I l~o.11 of ot11e orld 11-Autbor of .,,,. .. nllmt nl&J 'oumtJ" .-tu~m~­J~ltlndol­Jl-fladlCl ll P-<Plct poc.tn t......ato po P -Mouot.aloc'"' 41-ll•OJ carrl•rt 4)-Tll• l!•an Otrl ~allor'o 1rw\IJll 4f.-A Udo n -P'tult drtn• .._""'"'. lai.t -.-To ploco 11-Pr1nttfl' m•uU,.. : That's w~CTl'tary of o. .. sin•:1mliner. And M ••e nc•ar thl' fPnse Forrt'l'lal. in ll ft'w hrirf t>nd of Harry 'll run. th1• I 'nil• t1 m1nutt's nf pl••;csant ron\'rn;atjon. Sta1•'!1 of Amo>rira ls 11till 11n 1111' w:.i~ ahl<' to rr \-..rsr 11 dt'<'islon triwks, hut ttw slN>pll'S.'I, 11h11k••r1- ma<lc• hy tho' Truman :idmini~tra· Ill• J1115S"nitrn just don't wnnt I() twn and thl' Unil•-d ?l:ations on rn1'· with him 111 th<' throttl•· 1in) Pal<'~lm<' aftl'r Wf'i'kS nf <'art>ful morr At th.-m·xt dJ\'ision p 11nl c11·hatr thl'V art> prt>ll)' 11yrf' to ~k 11 n• 14 F.\'<'n aftf'r thr<'P Y\'ars of hold· .. ngirlE't"r'. MONDAY -SOUTH ?-.. ton.. ..... _,..._.,.. ........ __ _.... ... --- ... -M I 0 P3 -- -...... - -~ YOUll DLU Ill.A() -..... ... ~· ..... --IUU'Cl • 'ht -IU:C. • •• • --. lllU.. --........ ---aN .. • • • • ..,. -. S.AO • • • • U11 Iii&. MU1'DAI ~ • r. a. K.l,,AO-~ u..,,. lif'I-llom.o.M ....... IOIPO-T-a ,..._q, IU:CA-Ha"'r "--ICHJ-hlla l.Awli 'Js. liJ'WU-81• lla- 1::-IX-HlAI J .,.l ac,..-Ao-a.t I' na die 1 1&1 ~~~~r-o-~~::- "&t,;A -1 •"7 A Plr&- k J IJ -:-4••• k •'X-u..,..t, Qra_baa I•• Kl.AC-h•IU Al ... 101-Att U&kot K Y.<:A-J""ll Ar _,_ l\.JtJ -l~•-••t• p ........ 1\~><-::-...••• h.J' A 0-Wl>Oa llUll a9 .... K.LAC-8am li•U• k.NI V-1"1> r- . .KUJ -~e•e .....,,.X.-L.urn •a A._ • r.a. kl.AC.K.Mi )'°j , .... K t 1-t-•&lUt• \\'h e , ~~t A kt \\ h ·'••• i..11J -1taai•r .._ ·~~.\-!lit••• k.I AC-~utlo I<> II• t ill . k.1._AO-AI lar• .. ')Cl'C-llvb lt.i.-· h.t'I-~••• f t\).t....A !"w••I k H..1 -8.t.a: .. •• me.a ht-\\ iJ l•I , .... ~'"--fr.1111 •• , .... ... lTLEVISION tUllAO-'-I I~ ........ an-.,_ -. ~...,.--. llL&CA-UUM& •wll IUU-c&i>4-.._ s.rw-.-.. '-IUUt.-c.i...-.... &:al---IUU-Gen•. -~ ?---au..r.c-aa <Ill o Of't. ~ 1(11-6-.• .., IUll'O-J'o.ow>ie& • aa.:c:a-i.-KA.-x1u-1-.-IUi.&.--i-... ,,. &LAO-U-U\I& XII -Ur. L ~ ... Jot•'t..+ kr.,. .. .nc.. R.brta. JC.i..\.A--V. Mt M • Al'UW". ... •" -<.:an.I M•·v411 .. .... -w D-lliy<n'. ......, I r.11. IU..A(.....-.Mt"'\.. ~--· &.••-4J;.,;ol_ ... ....__ k-L\..A -~t•'• 'wD;{,.. k HJ-Mre1 .. r1 I r••__. a.t ~U-Jta;m-1 Al"- h .... '~ ,.t .. M lrm.a k_tAt,;.--\.Atn. ••~ W It . 1 :16 .K L.Ac.;.......,...,•.o ,,..,... K.Mt·i;..-U..d#' • kA \\U-L.''' .,. J(J....AC--a.-t• _.,, .. ..... _,.,.,. ... ,, .. )\)_f' • A ~t \If ,. K..l.A..A tiirJ'\lllod ~ •lZ ~ti.I I l-"f a I" t.t "° U-~•·• ~w ... K..'X -Sc••,,.,. '••iUW: ... _. ' - Xl..AC-Pt•.. ...tt ~·' 8 -45'$t.1 (..1"• kt. A 1l .ti•.&• ~,..._ "liJ , ... , 0.0 '--., t\ I \\I\ '••• 1''" -1.1.-••t --n. "'='"" .. '"' •"-"""'" , ... >i.•"' u -~ •• ., ......,. .. -.JM • iJ\la . ... ... .... 't .:a \\ _... I .M•~•~ •11 \ ·-• ......... , JLJ.Ac-.-r ,.,.,. ... &n-o.•.-.. ~ .... -_ .... &&CA-lb. J4fff.r•A ~ ... ~ ... "*' .. ll.rllW-U ... •p ,,_.,.. IUCJL-T.-.--11• k.MPC-...... , .. tic. &1w._1..-.u"1r• ..... at r.a. Kl....4.C--V...• ''\-•• llitl-T•-·-· IUil P'l:-lil'l-4.p Clvb au:.t:A~ C..sat X•U-S••• . .,...,~ -..... K.:it:x.-..... , a.oc.t ... ... 1. lla.<:.A.-lJ· ,... .. ....... ti.UJ -e.vl.a~1 ,.fl • , ... &-.n-TM 11 •et...,tr k..>1•~u1•• ~L· A ~.11.•t l.la •f• .kUJ-ln•.od• of bV1tUi .._, '-..\.-~ JwD I~ ac.CC..:..A IUU ~••• .. , ... "'f:,t~ 4 ---0ir' '• KHJ -l~te 6 tftM k...~.&-ltd .. UJ ft• II r • • ,. •• l(N"" .. ..-.... :i<••• ~"\I,,,. •ta• n V•h' • J-..1.• A 1 •1 I' I H 6'1tJ l \fH•A 1 ... •&.9 Jr. l11H K l.AC-lA-n 1 l8 h. t t M~, • .., ~•tli.HJ ~·I 4 •1t•b ...... -•••n r· p (,. wtii • ·-'-1>·•;,..;o, k t t .,.~ • •'. Iii,\-I P •r • f'e··~· '• •• t ' ... •\ .,.,. # •Q II U s r 1 -f'"h• • ..• ,,.,., K6.4C "·•• • h I A )4 n\t 1 !:'';!.-.,'!,! .• n• ~ •• A t P. 1. '• • • ~ l .a •• 1 •• • 'h ••r • l • t ' . .,. "' ..... TAUZAN I I \ 1,1' ~ 1,J!fl' • _j By <iua Aiylola • ~ Bf Edgar. I< ice Hurrou~ha ' , ... .. 'ii • ,, --. . . .. . Harbor Feminine Activities -Alutm lo.g..t ol Girls' Atltle#ic Association Held friclor, u .. i.n Recei~e Awards ~ Omau ol tlw .r~ar fi>r --. Sonn14' Neck~ and Mary ROO- ben ol tlw Garis' A.OWOC · u-U.. FAC Arls' Cralts To H.ar Brae/en Finch T allc on Ceramics Pllones: Harbor 13 and 208 By Winifred Barbre »--10 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TIME8 a .e MOSDA\' N-porl ~ ... Calif. Apnl ... IHI .ftlt Di~trict. Calilornia Congress o·I P one/ T., To H.ar State Preiiclent Speolc at Orange _ 11» OranJt' Community roun- d) Wt!lcornH ~bers ot tht>• Fourth Dlltrlct Congrt'u of Par· _ ..u &Dd-Teachen tOruaca-eoun. t7) to tM Oran&t' Union Hlah 8Chool auditorium for the ~t­ ins ol Thunday; April ~. The UwmP la "Foundations for Am<'r· kiln EducatlJ>n" w Ith Mr1. Ca~ 0-c»by, 5th vlce-pre«l~nt lf!rYina u program chairman. 9.0C:t a.m, At 9:30. ttlC' mC'<'lini: v.-111 be called to ordc•r by thr retiring pr<'sidcnl. Mrs. Arthur Siphcrd of-Oranac. Tiic. Orang., Cirl Srout Ttoop ~o. 9, Mrs Al· !red Jones, kadl'r. will 1cJ1d In lh1• pl<'dg<' of all"R•llllCt' and R••\' Geo. F.. Roof of thC' Mf'lhodlst church, Orani:C" will J:iW lnVoca· tlon. Harold l\ihby, prlnrlpal of the• high srhool will ,..,.!i't1"M! thr grnup with Mrs. C'l11u<ft. CrO!'by glvlni: th1• rt>sponae. f •, fteel1tratlon "111 take p1!1~ at A~ nNE FADRJCS • Dnpe-rieS • Uphobtery • Ca~ •Hand prints & mu fabrics. UnlnP-QuUUn1, etc. A ont' art play will ™' i;ivt'n by ttw Ornnge Hii:h srhool 1111'1- dents. F ono"i ng th1~ nnd the rr- ports from otri<'ers and 1·hairml'n of lhl.' dlsttict. tht' pop11l11r n .. w tlllltl' prC'sfrkn t or lhl' ('11llfornla Cvn.:r<'Ss 'or Par1•n1 ~ 11nd Tl.'11t·h· ''"'· Mrs Rollin Rruwo, will mnk1· th<' addrr"~ or lh•-rnornmg. PHONE HARBOR 20IM..J-K 123 Co&at Hlrhway Oorana ct.I lfar F' ollo" m i;: lunchN'ln kl l ·Oil 11 m. orjtan music will I)(> 1n'o\'ld1•d b<'forP 'hr i n11111 ll :n1bn or t hi' n<'W distrirl off1c<'rs tu 1wn·r for 1948-49. Aftf'r thP installation. n<'w busfnes11 \\111 hi' 11nt•ndl'd ro An important message to the lad ics of Newport. To you who are kicking I 1• ... about the h igh price of clothes ... in Santa Ana_is_ going All Out to lower the cost of liv-. ing. Many prominent manufacturers have cooperated with us and we in tum are operating our business on a profit of pennies. Wherever you Jive, it wiH-pay-you tt>- spend your bus fare or gasoline. Here are only a few of the many val- ues offered ... • Bloa •• • •• Made to sell for 2.98 and 3.98. Ye offer for St.it. You can't buy the . material fpr that f I ,_.rie ... Full length slips of finest crepe or satin with , wide .-lace on top and bottom. Verified 6.98 value; Only $2.98 ••• Below actual cost ordinarily. R.Midenoc: J l.urlx>r 1 ti:H · n "llh Ud)IJl)l tllllt'nl•ltt foltu_. t'wrlh l ll•tr111 Ill• llll M·t ' •I th<' l lru '"'1 ,,, ,.,. ''' .. -k•••I 111 mukt• r•"h.1111111, \\llh :'111, H11rrn11r11 I .,; ll.11\•\ I''''"''"' uf tlw !'-1·\\ l'"rl II•"' h 1' 11 111• 11t · 1try S..-h•tt.tl I' T ,\ ,,, II 11 l111r :_~.J nut 11111r 11 111 Tw "I·•~. ;\ftril 1;1, or ·'"''' .\It , J• 11 ,111 Sp;.nglt·r. pr1·i.11I• 111 ••I '' "t•••' H11rbor Ii 1 ~ft !'dt•• •I l' I' ,\ I lurhor :.i:J!itl-H. CDM Girl Scouts Turn Camp Trip Info Wiener Roast Cul St·11u1 1n-••J1 '" 1:1· .. r l'11rt1nn 11· I ;\lur 11.111 • .,, .l•l1111tl lt'ft Fr1rl11y, pro•p.1rot\l .1 .. •1• 11ol• lhP \\••••k 1•1111 111 lhl lf•tl••ll H:1nk111 •·1111)1· in ·L• 1111111 II• 1.:lu ' wlwn· 11 "tlud•• ri111• h 1i. "" 11- '•lill' In (;11 I !'1 oollh I hr .. 11i;h 1ot1• lh<· ro11nty --• 'Ill••> ~1··n1 •Ii· 1111:h1 ••·1• C't•1kc•d 111 • 1kl ••' "1111 •111ri1, ""'"'\\hltl 11.1 1111•11••1 lo~ r om lt11·n r•·llllll•d I•• Ill• 11..11. .. , I•. und hnm• c•I \It ' ll<•t ''" ~Ch\\Jf/•t , ""'••I tht• t't•·I• ,1111, wlwn · 1h1•) ''"'"'" "•lll•t' 111 the f1rf'11l.11· .. 1onrl p l11) •'II •' •• • ud1•s and 111 h• r i;.1m•·~ ~1ri; Mar\· Kr~mr<r 1'1r-irt .. r nf thf' troop or 1~1 .. rrn1'fl1.11 .. ~.·11111. AOCUatlOD ol laot •port H a r b o r l.:ruoo l!J&h tchool WU tlw ban- qUt.'t hrkt ··~· t"\t'fUni &D the M:booi c:alet~ few 13u ll'll!m. bt-rs and •·tuch •as kn"t'd b)' -'In. J . c.:. :it uard and htt c:oa>- nut t-.. room mouwn aod board mt~ Cll :-;.,,.port Harbor Heh Sc:huol Par..at-Teacbtt u.- IOClaUOll. "-lln& )In. Stuard W'Ett Mn . JtnOld ~. P -T. A. pres.n1 and Ow ~ l'vka-Jt'Ullle, J. 0 . JobMoo, <*or&e .Rftoo\·t-s. Sor'ftWl Huff· man. Francu H'lf''•th. ~ Pat· tenoa and ~tlock.. As.. unaU tnbute:-for Owar aa&1tai.cie, the)· •tte ~kd wnh a bl& boll ol cand,y b)' G. A.. A olfiorn.. Bonrue Ndaoa, G. A A. ~ dent, ··ek.'Oml'd tht-c1r&.5.. J>rcs.. ern and put Cllhctn •·err Pf"" K1!1C-d WltJ\ c:orsa&ft. 0 0 Theme ol the ("\~ .... "JIJt Parade:-Cll l!Hlr" and \be:-w~en tabla •·en-~ated ID MJCOrd.. a.nee •'Ith the:-tbemi.> mng wtudl •·u ;M.'1t'd out m a llut. · Tabl<: ;,, M.tp..flnt..odt-d b> Stur- k>> Gt-~ and Mv¥ar*'t Kiw. .... 1Ud4:t"CS ._, for I h e W I on "O H!uauon." Dest amonc Uit, uu tut es • aa Kar) 1.WIJe t'ul· 1er and Joa.one Hollwuok bad the ( L.AK.\ \\'. tUC.\l~t:KD ~ ('aro ... IUle. dWrf _..,.u-a b.-st ~U-. ttM'rapl,t. ilr•11111n"trat~ the Gpenltlon nf a -a-to '°" p ., Tabk> 4 bad the best &JOSttt, ~ OWi flatlf'nr .. nr ON' Loa A ........ ~ .. ,.. .... ,. ... ......_.., -musCnifinc . •'StrolJ.inc '1llrduch d,ul(hl.-r of ·''" t:. C'. 8r&111e,.. of tlalboa, i. a (;aJ\'H•1Uy 9( S-U... the Park One ~·· and TabloP . I - NH letct'n went to BiJnl Pow· d i. Nancy Jenkins, Anne Frtt- man. Virginia Straling, P a t Wt'bh, Mary Neville, Helen Wuucn. Pei:&)' Abbott, Jean RHd. Mary ~"Koon& Wlnd· nncer . Dot F«>W~ ·~an Talatra', Shirlf'y Gehri.& and Margaret KJpp. Rtt-el\ Ing GAA <'mblema were 33 sophomores. Forty-one recelv· ed t lua numerals . lnuiates were Joan Ruuel l. Jane Norton, Marynelle Fuller. Alia' Armantrout, Charmaine BernarcJ. Carla Mttrer. S hir ley Franklin, M a r I e n e Anderson, Velma Pridham. Joy Mitchell. Pt-rd.lta Horn, Shirley Beach, Arla •nd l.'rafl~ sktlon oC 'Fri· day Alternoon club wlll hear About Ct'ramics at their meetlni Tuelday or this week. spuker beln.& Braden Finch or the Kay F inch stud.Jo at G<>rona del Mar. ltttmbers mt'<'.' at 11 :30 a.m .. brlnlfing a sack lunch. Mrs. Har· ry Stauch und l\lni. Grorge Lewis both from Corona dl'I M8f" are coho.lesses und will serve dH· aert a.nd co(fce. Mr. Finch wlU speak st 1 :30 p.m. Last week members devoted lhl.' session to visiting and sew· ' Ing, with MrA. Bertha Tillotson and Mrs. Nora Lani: serving des- sert of pumpkin and pineapple pies. Mona MtTaggart, Alberta MC·\!~' •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...iiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiii9, Clean. J oan Drummond, l'<orma Mllrlhall. S usi!' Hume, Ann Tai· lott1, Lu BeUe Boice: Daryl Ford, Kittle Taylor, Joyce Cald••ell. Andrea Cribben, £,·a Caldwell, Carol Andenon, Lorraifk> Stilling1, Marilyn Ar· nold. Lucy Pinkley, Diane Good· )'l'ar. J oanne Holbrook. Kay Stuard. Ekanor Frrguson, Joyce I White, Glor ia WhlTe. Juanita Cu.itaJfson, ~fary Ann Crou. Su.i1e Royce, Barbara Beri;cfon; Erma Thomi-on. Susie Pleger, Evl'l)'n Hatch. Clara Bennett, Son.la J ohns, Pat Huffman, Lee Fitrn a nd Bev.rrty Pietz.. Mother's D!iy ' Gifts Yaiiety to Select From llJST ARIU\'ED! SUNBEAM COFFEE . MAKER FINy; WATCH M11lnr unrt Mr~ P11rn1hy Srh\\11· u:r. They, with llr11. It o t.. c· r 1 Moody, tr°''l' r11mm1l!l't' n1111h .. r W<'nl to ramp with rti .. c1rlo; te-n1,hlp •I I I' fl"N', n•t • aun...-carlan ..aatoriiam fer ..... llD)' paddt'CI baJk-t a.lJppen for ActiYe at u. ol 0. ll'rm llln~,... ... "hkh 1 .. ope,..... by thr ~•o-l fiWaal·o.u1e Sa-Lhc u-... ~ .. All Work Ouannt.eed _11onal ~Nflr•I (";o ntl'r. Stanart iilioto A~ la~ 6, •1Uch had the Unlvt'nity nf Oregon. Eugl'ne, • Scou1s prl'~c·nt W•·rc· E1l1·••n Wurll'y, C) 111h111 Aft lt•t•, Ll1!\' .. 1t.1 Rlchurd110n, Mnrwll<· Mnot1y, Pally \.11y C'lrmt•nc•'. l)c>.1nnr1 &wtn, Gall Frahm. Mnq' Kra- mer. Suzannr Mllli1r. Lurrnlnl' Rjrorkl'n. C'onn1t· Roark a n d. Dl11nc Chambc·rlln. Girl Scout Council Lic/o /s/e Club theme "Wlf'dll&Qs ot u.e Paantt'd April 12 tSpeciall-On the pro-Dolls," prCJCrama Wl're }Udcfd iJ'am committee for the frosh Meets T uesJay at Bric/ge l'arlies tht-betlt and Tabk> 2 ,had t>nt Cltt whith will be held on the Opell Suda,... Whites Park Ave. Cale ·011 to Good Starl dl'c:orat-. few it• -.~eodin·. University of Oregon campus Roberts Jewelers Fuuin' and A-t-i&htm'." Aprll 10 ii Paula Castle, 205 E. 1'rwporl Hurllor Girl Scout council, which tnsludes_aJI '•II c•rs, a~s11<t11nt l'·11d<'rs. troop com. · mittt•e ml'ml><'rs 11nd board mem- hcrs, "111 conwnc for their spring S<'~ion on Tuesday, AlWil 13 at !H!l 11 m. at White'• BaJ. hoa lsl;md l'Rf<' Luncheon will be S<'rVl'd A I l '.l noon. Finll of a aeries of hridcr Mte)ltriqr&•d•pp '""a&. , Bal' a-llalltea. ' nay, Hariae, Balboa lalud pnrtfl'I tor iadl<'I ~f Lido lale wu zrlmi ~ teachen, madr Miu Cattle 19 a liberal artaj ft. Harbor H!l Dian<'. who mov<'d rl'c<'ntly to Claremont. came down to m11k1• the trip with her frlPnds and wu a iuest of Mrs. ~ram<'r: b\'ld Wednesday at the Udo lalir a•·arda to IDdDbeia and anauata. ~major'~~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~==========~~ club house. Rl'!rt'9hmniu were Highnt awards·~ four em-'r St'rvl.'d to the p!ltlo and the &amr blems. to Bonnie Seobor>, prt'Si- came afterward. dent and ec..6or N~ vklf. -pn'Sident. ~ emblnr. weT "!rs. H. R. Ring. u a most ......... ._. • _..,_,,_ r-,,...._ ch11rming hoetl'U, started the reePl\on1 .,,7 ....,_.~ -.-)' • .._.... KJuuman ·and IUthiP Aadnwa. Mrs. Richarcl Stewart S(>('1<krr "111 he Mn. Evelyn Ik-<'I. nntl'd authvrlty on c:hUd 1»1rllt's with one 11\'hicn wu an Girls • .....,.. two ft'llbWma OU!Sl1tnd1ng Suet'eU. She WU alto h .. ("tt Lou Ami Sampon, C.onaie Hostess to Members ol psych,rlni:>-rt-s,.,nst l<' for the loveoty nona.1 Shook. Mary Cur~. Clyda D · r1rr·ani:('m('nts •·h1ch addt'Q.muc::ta Kappa Kappa Gamma 8 lb I I cl C. I · · a oa-s an 1rc e 'It Southern Orangl' C ou nt y .1~ th<' charm Qf. the. attradlve bott. Gi...lya KoWw and Vif'dnia club room. 'CGinp(bn. J~ St""art n--om't'd oar emblml.. Alumna" club of K11ppa Kappa Clears Over $990 Mrs. Warntt "Cates he'd hicb Four irtnpn ~ nrvdrd J'11J score. Mra. W. E. Blair was RC· Tahtra. a -i oubtalldiac nod 11nd Mrs. Nicholu ~ Mar;k 'actue,.__. ror a junior. Gamma met for luncheon at the On Rummage Sale home of Mra. Richard Stl'wart. 106 Abalone avcnul.', Balboa Isl- and with Mn. Stroll~ While and Mn. Harry E. Stickler u assist- ing hc»tt'IM'I. A rrlJOrt or 590.50 cleared a t wu·thlrd. nu-stnps Wftll to "- th«> rummaga saJe held In Santa The next meeting •iJJ be oa Frttman.. DI• I e Smith. Piii Ana w11s made when Balboa I.al· April 21 with Mrs. De Mark u Welsh. Helftl Smith. Mary Cur- 11nd r1rclt' of Newport Beech ha.tesa. ley, Glad) .. Kolrw. W .. S.C.l? ml'I at Mfr' Casa with T.·o atripes wen rTCPtwd ~ :.>4 members present. Any man more· richt than his Lou Ann Sampaon. ~ Shoe*. Mrs. Leonard lfarerave pre-n«>ighbor ronstltut<'I a majority ol JO)·oe s~. Dot Fowlw and HALF SIZE CASUAL. STREET AND ~FTERNOON DRESSES SMART STYLING 'nfAT IS CX>MPL.ETELY DIFFERENT FOR TIIE Y<>tmJF'UL WOMAN L~ A WIDE SELECnON O F ONE AND TWO PIECE S1YLES BY TiiE ,NATION'S OUTSTANDING STYUSTS -SE!tECT P'ABRJOS 1i"ROM 1"0P ,.UU.S AS ADVERTISED USED IN TiiE MANUFACTURE OF ALL OUR DRESSES SIZES 16~ TO 22~ WE INVITE COMPARISON AS TO FIT, QUALITY AND PRJCE, - Local memben pt"Hf'nt lnclud-" ed the Mt'tldanwt Richard Eml- IOn, Lloyd Mitchell. Harry Stick- ler. Strollt-r White, Richard Stewart, Andrew Brown and sid<'d and Mrs. Howell led In t.-one.-Henry David 'Thoreau. Duty O)'da Elliott and one •tripe-·~ 111 ...,... A ............ _. _ 8eoolld Floor _ Santa Ana votlons. A sack lunchron wu en. of Ovil Disobedience. Nancy Jenldl.. Virgjni.a SlJ1llinc. ~~~~~~~~~~,,~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· qi.'e Pf dnces Norton Shop . Dtck Drake. '11w ll"OUP will mftt aaaJn on May 13 at the home of Mn. Enmon, No. 40, Beacon Bay . joyed at 12 :30 p.m. Time and • • place of the next rneeUnc wUll'lllllllli(iiilPolllilillUiilcaliiiiilllllliiAdviiliielirtiii.1-iiiiililiw.ilinil·till---••....Uiiiiiiiii'iiiicalm.IAAtliiiii""iiiiitii.....,iiiiiii-liiit.il---ii'....UitiiiiiUcaiiiii.1 .iAdviiiilliertiiiilleiiemmi.iiieliniiti.> ---.itliPo.iliillliiUilicailli.iiiAiidiivlleriitiiilleiiiemiiiiieiiniiU.__.,.. be announced later. 11 Angelenos.or• Guests EB[LL CLUB NEWSf At Gari/er Home ANO N 0 TES Dr. Jaroh A'owltz and Miu Bridp '-..._ Muak a nd Drama teCtlon11 or Ebell cluh are sponsoring a brl~I' party and lunchron on ThundAy of thl1 wf'f'k 11t th<' club houa<>. Lunchron will be lt'rvt'd at 12:30 p.m And t1ckl.'!1 11r l' $1 Rff<orva tlona 1hould be-mad<' "'Ith Mni. T Hord 54-1'1)1 Harbor 2371 -J or with Mr11 Const11nrl' Jayrf'd, Jlnrhor 104-J • Alie<> Rost'nft-ld. Los Angclea, wt-r<' rf'C('nt itu<"sts at the home oC Mr. and Mrs I l11rry Gartler. Newport Heights. They, with thl'1r hosts. attl.'nd· t>d a bir thday dinner at the h<>mt' or Mr. and :'t1rs. Lout.~ Weinberg. Santa Ana. gh·l'n in honor of Martin Welntl<'ra. M>n-m-law ol ~Ir. and Mrs G11r tlc·r. (It her r l'la· t ivl.'1! rrom S111eater• ... 100% pure virgin wool. Longs Jeeves or short "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier D. K. (DALLAS) sleeves ... All colors and si2,..s. Veri-t ~ . fled 5.98 values ... Only $2.98 ••• I" With 1ovely pearl buttons. Slacks and skirts and nylons ... and lots of pretty things ... Priced sensationally low. H1111Jbaga ... Styles that are simply out of th is world ... Plastic, patent and calf, all colors made to sell for 3.98 Now $1.()0 Lastcx Bathing Suits .. $5.00 Beach Robes .. $5.00 Come, See For Yourself See Why All Of Orange CouQty Is Talking Abo'ut Us 212 w. 4th St-Sant.a Ana "Where All Smart w~ Shop and Save'' ..__Iller, Al!Mlrt, I'm jullt a kJd, ... I may flT'OW r lo•r lo you , .. y_... .-:" ~--- -·1 ·CENTRAL CLEANERS •• (FOIUIEIU.Y BaoADWA\. Cl..EA!li~RS) UNDER ~EW MASAOF.M~ST PICK UP AND DELIVERY Expert Mending and Repairing Ac'fiat. b a.t»or A..-F"r CAAEn.'L ur~DR\"-SASTA ""'"" . I 29o3 W. Central Ph:, Harbor 522-W Ne~port 1; BLUE, RETIRED BUSINESSMAN ..CANDIDATE FOR ~ CITY COUNCILMAN D. K. Blue is for a progressive Business Admin- istration of affairs of the City of Newport Beach in keeping with the rapid growth of the com- 111unity. · D. K. Blue is a Property Owner, Taxpayer, and Businessman in ~he· City of Newport Beach and has been for 25 years. VOTE TUESDAY, APRIL 13 This Ac/Yerli~ment Sponsored ly Friends ol D. K. Blue ., ...................... ~ ... l.!'!!!!!l!o*'ll!~~~~!!S!!ll!~~~~J 1 .__. ........................................................... ·•· ........... . . --r -· , "\ \ ..... • TOMORROW TUESDAY , . • IF . • • . you want a beautification program; clean beaches and city parks --- IF . • • r you want .public playgrounds and supervised recreation for · your children · --: .. e RotarY Club · of Newport -Balboa Urges Every Voter to Go to the Polls TOMORROW -TUESDAY April 13 • Th is space contributed by a member of the Newport-Balboa Rotary Club I\ ; • \. *Brief "'-~ •. t NICWPOKT BALIOA NBW8-Tl•B• p 11 I '9tilftrllli5' ~Cl~UA\ i-.r\\1 .. .,.t .. _.It, C'allf. A.prU , .. INI age lllildi111 ~er111lts -~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~-=-11 ,, . Dir rnll lo\in..:,hur) .11111 l '.1111 nut· l4'J , .. I !I'll tn h111ld II .• fRm1,h· •t.; ·· · •. 11 .'11.1 •k llh ,rr1'\'I, Nt•":., """' l •11111ar .. 1 ""' •H•1••> ,. •' •'TI :lhkn 1-.·1 mil tu l1111lJ 3 r~ • "1 1•1 ""'Ill i:11r.ti:1· 111 :HI Rut.~ ''' rw. l\o1ll-·11 l•llrnrl ~:s-r~1.,1 ' ,, ''' 1•~1 I Let's Stick to ttie J acts! li. • '" \\ • .,n,p.1n' A lh.uuhrit, PIPnnl• 1. h111l1I ,1 I •lnr). ti r1-•111 m. .. n " ,Ill I II. l \'u.· \\'11lk. Bill, • I •11111.11> 11 '''!It $1 .',!'t(•I H . l ni:l•· I • ... 1\ni;l'h'll, l'IC'I - mu : .. 1 a l.I .. • •h•r). '! fftnul) dliot l1 • 1• t.:1.1 \\' l't•ntral l&Y•'· ~ I •11111.11 ... 1 ,., ... , $1J.~'!lll I l'n11. J 1 )u1J'"'" i\1l\'rr1 uwrt'.1 lotttt I(. "'h l"'r1111 1 lu 1•r1·r1 '.: 1111· 1 There'H been a lot of 0 Bull" tOMed about in the Jut week by indh·iduals and organizations advisinJt the voter& how to vote on a "Slate"' that wants to t"ontrol your dty govern111ent without opposition from anyone. 'fttls1ni: s I ru1•1 ur • ., EMlln111 tt-d l ,"1111, i 1... I 41 ., ·' Ho•lll<lf, ,\n,oltl'llll, 1'!''1'11111 1 IO i., J .. I ll.l••f). :! r.111111)' dwt'll· •nc •• 1 hl:J.! I l••hntr••I"' r.vrnu.-.1 f'C1n>n 1 dt-1 Mar ..-~111111111"<1 rost l f1-li1 One of the "Slate" cafldi dates is already advising citf- 1e ns what he wi ll do to this and that department 'when HE gets con trol. Does he mean all cmployes wi ll be discharged? ' K'"''.: 1111<"' J,1,l1111h. 1•·rn111 "' do •• ,. r ''"'"' nml rt'l\lllrt 101 I P'tst-n· •l"··lhni; 111 1~:!1 E l't'n· 1 tr.) . I • m u .. ,11111r11t·•l 1·1'llil $81.l(l One candidate member of the "Slate" is not even a pro- ll~ 1, ~:rn .... 1 Walk1·r l"'rtml I to ~111 • I •to•r) :, r ... ,111 tl\\e•llmi.; at ';J~ ., ... h.11 t• I •n' ,., !'.-.a~lh'f't' I Cdon) • ~:,111na11·d 1•11~1 JX,'\01 perty owner. Sfwuld such a person nass on assessments against property?. What difference docs It make to him. anyway? YES-WE HAVE NO BULLFIGHTER· FOR HAWAIIAN DUTY · -\..-.. ,. ""'r "" hullflahl- ":-Tllat· .. th .. •W-•I th,. lt•·.t ........ .,f tlw ( allfurnl,. 'l•I•• r ... .,1 .. , n:~nt ,..,~I•.. In ..(11n1 .. .\a.a ,.,. ••.• ,. •• ,,..... .. ...... , .. , In the case of the president and officers of t~e Balboa Island Taxpayers Association. none of the gentlemen, l~nd­ in~ their names to the letter advisin~ pe-0ple how to Vote, are even REGISTERED VOTERS io N.ewport Beachl Where tin they Vote? ~ •• , utftt ... ~ tu nurth•·ttt '1tU f•!f'"Ja I hi ... ••fflt, '' 1u.1lo.tn~ "" f"ffnrl t,, rt' rtul a t•ullflai:ht.·r •• "" I•· th•· tla" nUnn 1 ... 1un1t .. f..-a .-...,. 1tt11tt1h f 11Ur \\Uh It I I -• 10 ... thrtt ll3u "Uo n tua......- WI tt•no' :.r.• a;r• • ...... 1 ..... 1 h\ a ~ ~,....... , , ,... "' ' ..... , ........ & Pn.:-..1Jl·11t Clarcm:c Stanyer of th e Island Taxpayers ;\-..-.01.:1:1t i1111. who favors th e "SLATE'' rule-or-ruin system of ~11\:1..·n11~1 0 11t . aJmit:-. ''The l'larhor.area. must continue Its re- 111arkahll.' l!rowt h .... We 11111st have the hest ~overnment f'P""1 hk." \X'a it his untried "Slate" or the present city ~:0111 h:il wl111 b l!ivin g "The I la rhor area ... its· remarkable l!row th :.." And aJtain. __..raJ. rnu s:h. Aftd rtll:ii;• '' hull llti:titl•c-it' .. ju•I lhr rl&ht llt- ,...,.... In 1r l I h r II•\\ •II"" ......................... "'"'"' ... "11DI I h.-11111JN'"·" • \ ..., -•11•1 ta.... .. ·.. l""'' m•oft•') In It an•I lmll) poold lran•porlatlon lo and .. _ ti.--kta.d• ..,...,..nm,.n....- ,_ -"'P"''1 ........ 1 hullfl&h"'r .. Sfiaal"" or 'lrdf'Mt d••'M'rnl : • -t .... aM.o '" uadrntaad ,... ...... The Balhoa Peninsul a Point Association' advocate-s th~ "Slate" mcthod__Qf ppwcr polltics. Who a re tJ1e. officers and directors of the Balboa Peninsula Point Association? Arc they ashamed to let the people know who they are? "\\'h.,1 K.1·""'"' 111 1:111 ... 1 11111 tirm .. • • • Do brlllJant you.nc- atf'n fulfill thf'lr 1:11 •• 1 1•rn11u~·· •'hrn tlwy ll<'t'.·ome 11du1ts• Yu u'll • Why did two candidates repudiate the endorsement of the ahove groups and th e so-called business (?) CouncH, while a th ird stated orall y he was in dependent of ill cliques and "Slates"? find th.> 11ns1u •r m th1• Rbsorhin..: f"t:IJOl'I of th•· ":llllh C \•ntury'!I Most h11portant ,Study ln 0\1ld ~ dloiott>•.'' IU>ad It In t hl' Am<•r1can W~)'. that STUt m1tit11Zln(' di•· tritlut.ed W\th nut S und&)''• Loa ,\ngt>ln £1rnmlrwr. FRIENDS OF GOOD GOVERNMENT . I P ullrirnl At!V I IPnlltlc1tl Adv) t l'olltlClll Adv I ./ Shall We Deliver City Into HcWids of ..... . Wealthy 'Slate' Machine· Politician's? Mv n:rmf' is n. t.. All{•n. 1no rt•lalinn ~o Cn11ndlm1111 Boh Alln1) 111111 I lllll 1111111111~ 1111 un lnd<'flCfl· clNlt ('ani lidal" fnr !hf' City Co11ndl I h:t\'I' l)('('fl making an inl1•n -.iv1• 1·11111paign r or Htf' uHlr'I' In lily goln~s 111111 c•omlng!4 over thla whol•· dt ~· I have• nm into scm11• 1•-;1tli11r 1·or111it i11ns that I ft'f•I lh1• , . .,,,.,.., sh r111l1l know. You havt• {lot ir.-<I tlw li11w· :r111011nt of ar1 · \'rr1i,.ing s pac1" u-..•d hy tlw S'H·all!.,11 hu-.illf"'-""" ('Ounc·i~ 11ml t hf'ir s laf 1• of t hr..-..• 1·:i111hda ''" 1•11- dor.oao;I hv "ur·h gn111ps "' llu· I '1•111n-.11J11 I '01111 /\s · !iiodal1on'. thr Ball11>!1 Island Tax1.:1~·1·1~· A~-.1 .. ·i:r· tion, •'''"· Ph'. j \\'lwrr• cir> \'ntl think hi-. 11111111•y 1·om1"' from ? ... llw I hi ;u-.a nd 111' m11n • droll an .. · · -I hl' fn~'flom with "'hwh fund..., a11· 1·11«11l11lt'<I' ,,I h:t\'.'' ll('f'n 111(1111111'11 t h;tl :r ft•\\ l\l'lrll h~· '-lllllllll'I' ,,.., •• '1t'nt.... man\' 11f wh11111<111111 11 ,,,,,. lt•·n· 1111• p:1yin~ t n 1•l1•~t :r ~rtl41JI thr~· (':1p 'r·1111f1~1I. . 'r111"'4· rid1 m .. n. l••r llu-1111,....1 pa11 . r1•pr1·-~·nt Rig Bu,im"' in Lo• .. /\11r..:1·ll'' 11nd lh~\' ar1· lll· l1·11~tf'<I in rl1ff1•1••11t J•l'•Jl'•·h :in111111I 11 11-.. \ ~rl11;1hl1 • B.1y ••• pr11Jt·•·t ..... "1111•· of ·\,hwlt Ir,,, ... '""'" , __ thwar14'fl hy 1111r pn-.;,·111 ( ·11 ~· C '1111nnl 111 11lot;1111111g . T llf'V ft't·I 11111 1 tll'hll\' lhal :1 lll:tJr11·1ty or th11 .. • will ,.,,,,. lh1·1r \\.r\ • \\Ill li.r\•• n d1 p:1-. .. h11-.-.; 111 '' hwh 111 ••1••1 iii· l.!"'1Pl~""-.1 \'t rTJ-:IL'-; -•. '11w~· 11 1·1• p1111 11i-.ing any· thing :111d 1•\1•r\·tt1111t: ''' 1·\1·r~·l1<11 h 11a\ in~: frJr ( '11r11na d1·l · :'>t:1r . :"••\\II""' I l••11•hf,, .S.•:1.,1t111,. C,:olony ••. .!.:1yllll! lhc• 1 ·11 ~· ll11·11111:lr tlw111 \\Ill Jiii.\' f1tr ii 111,f1•;1d 11( llu• 11n1111·r nt.r111w1 111 li11v1n~ f'ad1 ~ .. ·tion f11n11 ;1n :1-.q ... -.m1•111 '""'I'' I J >-....,p1l1· tlw (;wt lh:1I :rt lo·••'' "'" 111 llu• "Slat"" (':ind1rl;1t1...., "?1:1\•· d•·lll•"I :111\' :rfr1h:rl11111 \\1th th1•111. \Pt m·1th1·r Ii:•' 1111~·· ''"' t11 h a\ itw tu-. n:1ml' hnk1-.·I tn I II•· 111;1d11111• 111 llw11 :11 h1•r1 iSt·· rn••nts: I am 11mnini:. ind•·1i1 ·n<h·11t 11f :1ny g r1111p of tlii..:h·p<l\\'l'l'f'fl poli twi:tr1" I h :1\I' n11 ;1\1• lo gnnd. I h:t\'f' no prrimi._. . ., 111 111:1k•· 11r lt1~·:1 k I h11 VP 11 r-olk~I" <'fhw:1l111n I ;1rn 11 11111-..I 11wl111f1 1·x111·rt I am 41 vt•:1" r1ld anrl ;1111•:<.·< ,I I n1a\' 111• ...,h•·an"l't as ;i lamb Ii\' th•· \\t1k•· .... t.111 :d ".; ... , ·1 :tlll 110111 ~1 a nct not f'aJ..ily hc1111lwlnk•"I IC. I .. Al.1¥.S I :irtt <,\H•:1tini..: '"'•·r wlit1m· tt11~ rm a S.1l11rrl :1y aftrmr111n :inti I am 1\ 1111111· 111 pn"l'lkt thnt the "Sl11tr" m :H hin,. \\ill ap1•·:tr 1\1111 1111 1·xlra 1'<hl1on M •111d:1y f1ll1-.I "'1llt i,:I••\\ 111r..: .1d\1·1·l1'4•t1wn b J{f'nt.•r<JU.'lly c-ontri1J1111"I I "t l1y !ht· 111 h n"id•·nt:-.. of tl11s ,.......,,,1 d1strll'f. · \'< 1Tt:HS .. ~ rlr1 y1111 "':1111 this d l y t11 fnll into th" h and-; of 11 1111wl11n1., 1111•· 11f \\hi~· 1·Rndldak'9 h:1s 'n r,,-•nly sl:ll1•tl lh111 tw \\rll ,,.,1:dnly d•·11n out lh1· City llall w llf'11 h1· ~r 11·~ inl11 •1fri1~·? I h:r\'•· 1-. .. ·n ulilr· lo nm !hr.. t1dvc•r1i);l•11'll'flf with tl11• h1•lp 11( n f1 •\\' frirnrl.-; who li<•lif'Vt· in fnlr play and inrl,·p.-•n1il'11•,._ Y1111r 1'finfiflMi.1· In ml' will llf'Vc•r 111• llt'•trny1'fl. J '4111idt your v11l1· 11~ that ha)oois onl y. Hut, lteKardleHH~ for Whom You Vote ... By All McanH Vote! It IH Our Birthright, and Should He UMed. · I Sit_'Tlf'fl 1 H. I •. AU.F..N, lnclf'pt"ndf>nt Cantlldal~ for City Coandl . • '11ti!> ;ulvert i'-<'flll'fll paid ror by friends of R. L. A LI .F.N \ J Pap J2 ~~~];,O~"~w~~ac~.Aca~~WA~;,~l~~l~J SAND ~~AB N B h Wscs (Con1inu1"ll lrom Page ll * . ...._. GI ...._ at1 ewBort eac . I ci\'ic pf't1hlf'mi;. il•"t'fl'Y . (lOJ\· Dr-ltlH a..._._ Will Hear Wile ol t~rne<l in f'11m m \In 11 y I .. -...a-' Ma ket·s c II p a<tvanremcnt and obligated I uuaJ s r I Chapmon 0 ege texy to no p;111i<'ula r j.!l'Oll(I 0 1 Am T(•I ... Tel ·-· .• 150, I . Newport fWB<'h Womc•n's So-clique. :rnrt hU\'(' no pcn;onnl .. Ouladlan Pacific 12~ ciety _,of C'hriatl1tn St•rvi~· will I axe to grlnd. I Dupont -~ mt'<'I W•·dncsda y rit Christ ' • • • Gftiienl Moton • . 56'4 Church by the Sea ~tudy cla~•·I AA to Platform. If Rny <•f Good)·Hr n •. 1\-d by Mrll. J II. Rl'dStOnl', will thf' fiVf' 111J1nin~ ha\'(' a plat- Kftlnerott 54 :\i. ""''~""'' 111 th•· mor~~ni: hour 1u1d form. a.-;idt' from the us1.aal -. -... ' Weakened by Long Years of .Mahlutrition Nation,. World W Id Chil . ..1... N. Fi h ~-~Pay Tribute Fire Chief Tells New Residents How to Call Dept. . or ~8 ucen . ow . ig t uuteBSe To Roosevelt Cnuatle for Oilld1'81 · la Dort to Rellne ,.,.,MiWom In DA.ar.; HYDE PARK, N. Y., APl'\l 12 -N~·port Beach F·I re ChirC (UP>-1lw nation and ~ world Frank Crocker reitt•rated today paid tribute today to ~ memory u .. importance of people U\1ing rn of Franklin D. RoowvelL the Mwly-incorporated areas of s..n :lfiT. l twi:m thf' stucly of Grc·a\ Pray-It .00 hra.scs of lowei· l11Xl'1' So Cal £.diJlon :n" t·r!I or thl' Bible... · I ~d. ~l<·an · governmf·nl. ii . s.tandard Oil .. s,·p.. I Br1lh<1a li.li.nd drl'le Will sc•n ·e shoulcl bf' pr(idicnt('(l simply •' u S Stl'('J 74,,,._ a J'.l.30 luncheon <35 rt:,ltl11l and th t the ·iffalrs of tlH' nty I It 11 Id •CNP tbat a tlliDI 11 ~uat mo be sick. u • 11 to 19Ceiff nl1et feecllq In ......,.. Thal II wbat ii COIMI dcnra to, WMD JOU do· Dot ba~ -..p From Mr. Roowvelt'I t:Krial Newport Beach kflrning the eme.r- pla~ at his Hyde Pa.rk estate to gency phone numhcrs of their city. Grove.nor Square In London, Crocker poin1c·d 10 the Nt'wport mourners paused to ttmember Heichta locale wh{'rt' rt:>sidents America's wartime leader. have the Be1Jcon te)(•phone ex- ln · 1 --•-...._, ... _ th chance. "It 11 their h11bi 1," Crocker J, 11mp e ce • ..,...._...,,. ...,....., e 'd, •• pi k h · d Pres'dc-t' tomb • ...,._,_, Ll 181 to c up t <' receiver an lt n 1 t t"-'uni:~··Ne t ' e, ask for the 'fire departmrnt'. Bea· At 1 :30 p.m . Mrs. Gt"or~<' Ree\'t•s on n ' f I • I -st in· B>' Un11f'd Press uf Ralboii. wife C>f ur. 1u-.. w s, be condudcd or .t ll ?4-:. s STOCKS UTI.•tiular in moderate l pt'f'Sid.-n tof Qi&pman C'Olll'gl', wrests of ALJ. Its C'HIZl'n.' ·tndani will addf'<'ss ·th•· 11~·• .. mhly ''f! \Ve a11• sure tha t PIJl'h of th1• BONUS l.rTecular; U. S. govt>m · "What J~·s Your M"""'' ll11y " canrlich1tC's is N'ady to shm<l menu did not trade. • 00 his own l"'PCOrci ; as 1-1 <'OUil· CURB stocks lfTt'C\Jlar. Not AJ"·a-f'•lCl'Y ciJman for t hoSc ~'t·ki11~ l'f'-SILVER unchangf'd at 74'"' a ..,-I \ · fi F'oi.: \s 1r11di1lunul 111 tlll' · 1•11y hy el('('tion ;rnrl ;L<; a H1-.11 ::-1ss ~ firm. the Goldl'n GAie.. n111 II Unl!l'lt man for th~ no t f?l'Tl1l I y GRAINS In Oiica1io: WHEAT Slll!<"ll Wrll th<'r huro•fcll survc•y '"" In rublic I rust. "I' h;t\'t• ' tutWft ca.rd olf J % to 2%c. v't>als thot tht· ~un shin"s in lhr every faith that Ill<' 111·11ph• CAT'n.E vt'rl' active. 1.00 hi&h· city bt'tJer than 50 pc·r c1•n1 oL.will St'lect thf' right man for eir. HOGS .,,d SHEEP active. · the time. •. the joh tomorrow. and _1h~1t whomE'Vt'r tlwy E'IN ·t. wi 11 tn turn llf' lhl' lig ht nwn. • • • \'ott• for \'our ('lty. Tlw polls op1•n al (j o'd<><·k ""'.! dc'IS(' ul 7 p. Ill. Th••rt' an• 1.1 p1't'C-·inds and . th<' pll1•~·" whc•11t' to \'1111• tn f'ilf'h ptl" ~--llllC~ C'ind hll\'l' 111-."n -riuhl1'11rrl. But in easi• ~·tl\I do 1101 kn• •W • . .. . lf+l ' ilhon<•s 5~ and .~:~ ;_ind lh•· dl'rk's offi<·•• will ~,,.,. ~011 thP infonn:ilion. l{l1t :tl t1 •\•' al l. \'<YfE. You 11\\l ' it 111 .Y')Ur ··0111m1111Jt~'. to . ~·111 11· nri~·'hhor. to yollr d11ldn·n. to takt• tht• shnrt tim<' 111'<'•":-.· lo l'ilSI \'Olli' h;tllol SIJ ay .t\'1'. lood io 10 around. • TM problem ».,no&.to t.e4 .. llru.DP7, bu\ io tMd tbe bnqrt.t ~n~~~: C1G the hem of ·need. U.. ~ II deter'IDIMd ~ a . I eiirti&at& I Tb.II ii a.. om factual .__ Uoa conbontinl reUet _..., I unln~ tbe 1tarvln1 ebllben ab"'*1 lt ii bl~bt.ed bl a ,._ I pott from DoDald R. Sabin Oil I obMrvatlom In Eu.rope where be I MrTed .. Ulistant dlJ'mctor of lleld 1 operaUon1 for the Unit.ed Natlcrm lnternatlonal Cb11clren'1 S...· I ceney Fund. Dwindllna resource9 ot u.e United Nationa lnternatlonal Cbll- dren'• Emer1eo01 Fund,_ ut4 of 15 American •oluntUJ reu.t qen. des aidl~ 7outh ln Europe and AJla will be repleniahed bJ the Crusade for Chlldren of Amertean Overaeu AJd-United Nationa Ap- peal for Children whkb Ilks $60 000 000 of Americana this wrlna.. · Meanwhll~tarv~a:,ti:;on~.:is:.-µr.u.:J:W-UL.IU~~:um-...-ia-:--..,. .... ~~~~---­c~ll:e~~h~•worllo It II In-£arope .ad A.la l1lallq qalm1 dae ra•qee of tabefoe...... _,..,., creuina because: rickri..--lread p81'U•en of •ta"atloa. Amerleau are~elp':f ~ • "'--'-~lov-'-la had no ram for llarlr de.perata t11ta "1 ••Pportlnl ... er.a.def• Cla re•• •-~-.... o._.. ... 41d-U•he4 Nallom Appeal for <Jalld-. .even mo(\tha last year, and aa a consequence, farm animals were 3,500,000 and t,ooo,boo children a • slaughtered for lack of feed. and minimum daily 800-calorle meal 2 MORE EASTER the milk and food ahoria.e ls which meanJ the difference be-cr~~c:n~. too, ruftered !lroqht, twttn We and death. In those WEEK THEFTS with the same resultant •laueli countrlea alone, there are 60,- eut ln bread rations. aecre ary " , ..,. <C>1 a 1ons1 . · Cos called upon the Big Five 'powers con ~ange oJ>('rators rmg ta 10 halt their abuse of ihe U.N. Mt-sa s firl' dep~rtmrnt. , The~ and "try 10 setUe their dtfferences someone who knu\\s thut th,E New- lnste d of merel t!;lttatenil\g each port )3(-arh dt•partrnr nt should be u.e:.. Y summoned (or an c·mcrgency 0 · within the <'ity limits wiU call REDS SET UP ·2md CHECK POST ON U.S. tht-m and both departmrnts waste time and <"qu1pm<'nt by duplicat- ing th<' call a nswer." "Any r<-sidt•nt o( t pe Newport Beach mcorporatcd area shou.ld know that for a firl' they must caJI HARBOR 16. rrgardlrss of whut exdianf(~ thL'ir telephones VJ~r-.;NA. April 12-(UP l-The opc.·rat<' from. ·T or pollOc:• rolls the Russum arm)' t~y set up a C~<'ck numher is llARllOR I ." Crocker post on thP mt~malional high, concluded. way l>C'tw('(>n V1"nna and the American occupation zone of Wt'llt· GARONERS WELCO .. .ctE c·m Austria. halt.mg all tra((ic M wtulc the station .wa.o; being set 8 LB 12 OZ GIRL up. I T-he <-'Sta&lishlflt'ftl of thf' control station on tht' American highway at St. P«>4k-n 35 mil \'1cnna, was lhC' lall.>sl in a ll('rics uf Russi;in mo\'rs putting the "'tuee:re on the octupatlon fortts , of the wc-strrn powers in Austria. I Austrian palicl' a\ St. Poellrn r<'ported the' interruption of tral- !1c. both of the U. S. army and Austrian ci\'ilian.'!. Thl')' said traC- !1r pllc-d u > for considr rablt> d is - anC'l'S 011 >0t 111 c-s o t e .station wh11,. it was bl'ing set up. ., -. Rl'c<•l\·ing conJ;ra t ula I ions llN' JudKL' 1<ntl l\lrs. Hobt•r l Gardner of BaJbo:i ls lnnd, to "hum n cc- ' Oj!ntflf \'\'as born n p.m. ~·riday, April 9 m St. Jrnwph hos· t•il al. She· \\'c>ighN:I right pounrt~. I~ c1unr('5 iind has h1•t•n n11mrd Pa· I ricia Lc-e . Th<' Gardnt1r"s olh1·r d:1ughh•r is Xa ncy Lynn. fl\·1· rears old . . , Gre~k political conftld bas rli'nl)' "~ t:r;ic caused ~1f'lloulties in 1upply, wblle :>IT \ I n~i •'.". 111 11·1•1 ,\ F long-term malnutrition ahowa ln In need 9f thu life-saving daily meal--ball the size of an Ameri- can 1ellool 1Wlch-b1.1t cannot 11111 It because neither their own gov- ernmenta nor the United Nations International Children's Emi:r- gency Fund bmve the resources to provide it. · Polu·c• 1tid11}-\\ •'r" s llll r•'<'ei\'· Late ii\ th~··day th«' St. Paelkn ini.: r••p;·rrussl01n s from i 111' la te. polil.'<' said 1 raHic 'had n -sumcd its l:'ni\'l'r~ity \\Ill hold ils f1rs1 farm and la1rne \l'C't'k <'t'lrbration m fi\'l' ye111·s April 6-'1 flp(wc•cn ·lt•l and !'iOIJ nw.•ling~. li•t·l urc«, ~'X· hibits a nd ot h1·r prui:ra111s arc 1•111_11 1.,11ml ,,., "t.:i:. 111 111~ hi·n-rickets. tuberculosis and ltullt..:I ' • rrowth of the children. tumultous EJ1Slt'r \\'"•'k. studenl norma l couriw, l'X('('J't that aJI cars 111\ 11s 111n, no~· wrrr IK'inK dwckt•d by Rus- :\lid1.11 I Th1t•lon 11nd Job n s1an guards. ~===========:-i h1111M 1cl111"'' hn: • 111•111.;h 1111• tlh · (n Italy, poverty ii everywhere. l\hol1· l.111111) I I wo·1i.;h1·rl ~1" 1 the children •ragged and barefoot planm·d. 111 1111·0·• 111• ·•••11 ••ol mu• 1111'11•' and without milk. Last ltodtl ot ThiJ means that for every cn1ld who receives the survival-ration supplied by arrangement betwct:n hl.s government and the Children's f'un{I, 15 children stand in a spec-lra.l line of 6t.arvation ~ind him. So111t•n ·111,., ho l h o( I l11ll r wu .. <I.' • •·· . Amcri<'an 11ullmrit1es lwrc said ti<•r h •<I 1 hd\i; (I( t·:.1111, ,,,. rrom such road <:hl'Cks b\' th«' R11.ss1ans 1ti.•1r 't.1~1'1.",'cliw l'ar~ sometime ~·<'rl' authorized. They said they 111 "''"" '"' !"'" ".11 and 7 '" m ilk a.re being used up for the "" 111., 111 .,1111.t 1 h• nl!dcl l•• feedlnr of '200.000 oroban chi). ...--For You-..... ---------- Hemispheric Conference Touches Off Rioting ~re ls No Substitute for Experience" --I • (Political Advertiscml'nl l Re-Elect City · Clerk Rinehart Mr. Rinehart respectfully ·solicits your vote simply on his record in office-an office that ~e­ quires aref ul and conscientious attention to deta1Js · at all times -an office that serves the pubhc . through experience and intelliasent direction in the many legal and difficult duties t~volved. Mr. Rl .... rt Wiii Serve His Full rerm Despite repeated oral-statements the city clerk will serve hia entire term and will not be forced to retire under the pen- aion plan which only applies to elective officers. Gov. War- n!n lut year lipect a bill, now law, permitting elective of- fieiall to lel'Ve out their full term. ~ • RE. ELECT YOUR EFFICIENT CITY CLERK (This ·advertisement paid for by ~riends ~f Mr. Rinehart) dren. Poland stW 1howa the terrible destruction ot war..-stue.u atm piled high w ith frar.nenll of homes. farms devastated, food ln- arlequaw ,1nd tuberculosis a le't'ere threat lu the children. · Tw11·lh1rcb of the ctuldren of The bright.-st outlook 1s tlrnl the s1luitU1•n will 11:e1 Jar worse Jjefore gl:L' lll'ltt:r rlu rlng !-:;;st~" \\',•t•k. did not mlnd thl' U. S. military Tt11"1un lost a. .Kodak .bun.tam · ~'iAg rrulital"y pa-. from his r·ar whllf' it was par~] uut they did not m·cc-ssarily L'On· at Corona df'I ?.her. !;um•'rvin .. 1J sider it ~ithin th«' legal rii.:hts for c11mnn w1ts stoll'n from has parked the Russians tf) <tf•mand such (';er on 15th str«'C'I, td<'nliflcatlon. ~ui~)S~~·untnes suffer from_ .tuber-CITY GETS HONOR AWARD FOR FIRE PREVENTION M1ll1oru of these sutler other d1~ease~ of malnulrition <• • I' . L U·M BER · MATERIAL CASH to lmpro\'e your home. (Cash for erection cost.) binets, roofing, fencing Many are llteraU{ ~larv1"1. ·'""" f'Mirt "'Nodi r<'C'<'l\'NI an of th(' loeal chaml>E'r, in a tele-port Harbor Kiwani..o; ctub and its ln 12 nations o Europe, the twnnr II\\ 11n1. "fcir ;,ctual 11<•c11mp-i:.rnm today. fire prt'\1l'nlion rommiltf'\' who lnternat1on11I Children's E.mer-1llsh11wn1" in fin · pn·,·r nlmn, l1111·t·r· F11·•· Ch1t'f Frnnk Crock<'r said sponsored ttw junior fir<' dcpart- 1ency Fund I.I feeding betWffD 1ni.: 1•f f11·1' lnssc•s and ht•ttl'rmC'nt that C'fl'dit -for th<' award was due mf'nt and the Newport Harbor dditions, garages. utility bldgs., paint. On paymenU; 'ith long term pay plan. --~ -to lhe C1n• dd ('nst'." from th<' N .. ~1 cor1 Hurhor Chamhcr of Com -Fire departmr nr. . Fishing Boat :'l:a11on11t Ftrr Wast<' Council or mcr<:e Fire Pr<'\'t>ntion committee This is the M'COnd such award lhe Unitl'rl Stall's Chamber of hC"ad<'d by J . W . Cammack; City received by'the local department. C~H.CULLY In-Port After Comml'r<'I.•. Council Fire and Water Comrru.-In 1942 t.he city received winninc The award information wru; re-sloo with Councilmen O. z. ~ award in lfa population clau from •n Spare-Bide. Plaoae 8uata Aaa MIU Tragic Voyage ~Cl'iti"edi· ~ti>~· ~J~lar~ry~\\~.<'~lcihi, iseic~n-~1a~r.}~'ie~r;ts~~~nlj-ia-~nd~~R~o~1>e~rt~A~li'"ini: iN~i<'Wi·~thi~ ei· inaiuoni· iiail icoo.n0ii"~1.~~ii~i!~~~~iiiiiiiii SAS l>I F'.OC I, Cal., April 12 -=11 -~ ----- !lJPl-Thr f>'l -foot tuna boat, the Annn K.. l11y peacfully in port today aftrr a traJtic cruise ltl Mc·x1can Coast11I watf'rS Whl'rc two mf•n Wt'rr killl•d. Whl'll a crc.>w mc.mbcr w1•nt bcserk. ThC' Anna K . wu unheard froll,l hy roast guard r adios from AprU 5. lhe night of \hr lragedy, until Yl'Slcrday whrn ii docked herl'. The dt>ad were Carlos C. (Chico) Asin, San Oi<'go, from a knife wound In the neck, a nd Lcwia Zamora, 30, who s1gnrd aboard the VN<!lel two Wl'C'k5 ago and then w«nl omok a frw niithts latl'r. Skipp<'r ·H11rold Jlansl'n said hf! was awekt•ned in his bunk bf 11houts the• nl~hl of April 5 and optmr d his door to find Asin lyin1 rR~ dGWn, A knife in hu; neck . H.-yrllf'd tn awnk<'n lhl' crew and th<'n Znmora :1pproach<'d him with a ~ix-fo1C'1l ~afl and s1,1rt«d 10 bl'at him. William llan!'lwriwr, :!4, hrl'd 111 ~amor:i '''Ith 11 sholgun from th" rnlot ho11s1• hul m1~s.•1I. En- i.:im·<'r l.11\\ rf'nt't• :-;atrnr 1lwn IOOk till' 1:11n nm1 klJINt Zamora. f...olombia Breaks With Soviets IC'.ontlnucc trom Page 1 l in1t>rr11p1NI mt'Plln\! In !'how that "romm11msm could nn1 triumph U\'t'f Colf1ml11~1 ;,nd th•· n ·s1 M lht• natinn!I In th1!< h<'m1$prn-r<' Tlwr1• was 11<1 off1<·c:d "nrd from tht' d<'l~A\f'l', hnWf'V"f ,. 'l'wo Ru11si11n 11g1•nls w1•r•• ar . rt.•st<'d y1•strn'l11y 1n cnnrwr lion with thr rioti; and r~·volt in 11 htt'h more than 300 p••rsoni; Wl'f•' ~•llrd In thl' c11p1111t eity·or Hoi:olf A Tlwy were among 1~ for<'11:?n ni:cnls caught l11sti1:at1njl! dlsordn s. \hf' gov('T'nffil'nl i:aid . Food now Is thr major problrm in the rubblt>-strewn ,rnpl11cl The ROV<'rnment is APJ't'Alini: to farm- r n to bring in food The' i:m·r rn- mcnt s11id planes Ari' (Jy111~ 1l\·1•r the roads INtdini: Ill tlw <'np1111J 10 St'I' that lht>y Atf' k••pt d1•Ar A new coalit111n g.w1•rnmrn1 w.r1s formt>d and Pri'sidl'nt M.1ri~no ()spina Perc'7. warnrd his !'•••miry. ml'n that fAifllrc If> COOpc'ra:• With thl' n<'w govrrnmcnt ""•'UM he lntcrprl'tl'd A!! "an act of Ir• il<i1n." Bleu«I is thr man wh,,, hir ing m1thinll! lo 1111y. r1b!'tr11ns (r,,m 1:1\'- lnit in word.~ cvid<'n~"<' of th<' fact. -Grorg1' t:lu•t. lmprl'~l'icins of Throphrll!tus Su!'h. • I From thr dayi; n( 1h1• fl~t ~r11ndfathrr. l'\'l'Q'ho<I~ hns rr- memhcn-cf. n iroldrn age ll<'hind him'. J11m1's Ru~sl'll lA'w<'ll, Car- lyl<',. -., IPolitical Advertisement) • "EIJOY YOUR FREEDOM ... VOTE TOMORRbW!" ' "Whether you ·favor ~e as Councilman or anyone else, I believe it is the duty of every American ~itizen to exercise liis franchise and vote for a represen- tative f onn of government. · Let your reason· and not your prejudices guide you Jn how your city, a $27,000,000 corporation, should 6e operated." > • ''Many reports have come to me, some vicious, some incorrect," continued Mr. Allen .. '-'but I have tried to conduct a clean campaign and shall continue to do so. l can- not afford to use the vast amount of space others have taken in the local newspapers, but shall stand on my working record as pub- 1 is hed last week and shall strive to serve the public as diligently ih the future as I have in the past .. In the matter of paving some sections· of the city stiU needing hard-surfaced streets, ·-beg to a_d- vise that Newport Heights has pe- titioned the council for paving and those plans are in the hands of City Engineer Webb for costs afld-- compl~tion and formation of an a.s~essment. district. Corona del Mar and Seashore Colony areas may initiate similar proceedings and they will be given prompt at- tention. Robert 'Bob' Alle11 says • •• I .. "On the subject of water and taxes, I have consistently fought for Metro- politan Water district service and as chainnan of the councWs finance €ommit- tee· have held ~he city's tax Tate to a normal level despite th<; county's outrag- eous ittcrease of from 100 to 400 per cent. _ "I am leaving my record of per.formance in the hands of the voters and whether elected o_r not will continue to serve the city I love with th same arnest endeavor a~ in the past. ·~Sincerely appreciative of your support 1-am, · \ Your Friend, Councilman ROBERT (BOB) AfiEN • / Eli VO !\ l'rs the of five A 1a clrr tirei A Ol!it ere; $1() out j)ar c will l'rt R. Dic E Chf fort J. for <!hf as 1 E thr1 1ndl vot1 WU dist L JnOI! Sel'I wei stuc has of ' saic p resi Bal VOtl tod: dty reg1 p Cen VOii in I pl<> cili:. ofrit 800 cage "Sn- · -m<'r p rN·c RI \'OIE the wor r1•11c ball fin£ dah hr • p ll\'l'I to l an cl firs• arr lion P' 153C 79 t vote and P- rine on!:,. ~No In tlm1 S<'t!r abo1 NI L: IUP toda GOl WRI Mr< or u M 'mar of e bl' c Neb exp1 H mar