HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-14 - Newport Balboa News Times, I t:;• c ONLY DAILY ,-Nl!WaPAPl!R IN OllAN9E COAaT'S LARGEST CITY .DA• I •&-a. Bl.VE (TO COUNCIL) City Government Repudiated; Allen, Rinehart OVerwhelmed <TO COUNCIL) ** VOTING BY PRECINCTS ** •• i Newport Hts. To Get Sig lrqrovement A 2UJXA1 ~tl"f'('t imJ!fil\'f'nliHit .. ~I lfr1ght• •u JWOjN"1f"d .. u C11y Eft&J""" J 8 W• rt' ... ~ drtalll of a pn"-- tw fllrd •'Ith ltw couna tr · !ftt plao <'al Is for : 1-Pa vta& ot all unpan•d pw- .,._ In Ow H«'acht•. 2-Curtia, cu tteon and SUttln 1--A.11eys crlldrd •nd surtaord wt.di rodl and oil. '-4Storm drain fnJm 110nr ,...,. 7. t ,. i ..... ot •llt•y bet-AU.O 9' ' :ill .... llodrNI Aw.. and brt'"'"' ~ 5 · lr'fllt Aw . and O llf Orivt', lhr ~ ~ ~ a. , .... to run undn-Co.at HJ&h- 111 :s ~ .J ii .... ., .. "''°the.--.. ~ ~ 0 0. ~lt\ .... ~project cal .. Q Q • • .; Q .. flV'J'C "' .. ~foait 11911 .... -Greeley, ~ K. Blae ud Didi DnU, rmlmc M No. I. Tiie Dtll~ r.W•ce U 183 2U 198 ~ i0e; ,;111 en ':"'"a:: :n --..:-::..::; ................ ,, ...... "' .... r -°''cf'~ a& n•............ ........ ' '!a.: ---~ .. anal.~ ·-. ............. • w ew ud bbprovfllllellt waetaao..,,.. • Jlfo. 1. ne fin _.... .a· --wi ... ~ ..... ._ • to 1817 W. C-tl'al _..... Pf-· , 50 115 131 109 46 96 97 trill M pawd under tJw p tJ"• rw••c yote for three otnce. .. a .. ,, tJO• ·-~ part. eontr.n 1lw ttma1nmc half will • ,,..,.,. owerwWm lacumbmt Robert (Bob) ADea ud a pc>-M ~ by O iff Han n ~ ~t" R L an, No. I. TIN-C'tty Rall. 43 IOI 115 109 44 73 1' dl\'lUon dr-""lopH•. 31tka1 waepewww 1 • n.ucD. -L ,.a No. 4. Thf" ftrr ataU-al '?OS 46 144 170 22J 86 99 131 -'• at -Ar99 ,,_. tabalatiw anOWocu: ~ -~1t for N-,.,n Ea.at Bay I Bal.,_ Greeley ...... . . ..... : ......... -................ 2,218 ~l~lsh~11•,_•1~t ~~:""'. _'!,·, ~ ,,,.... No. I . Eralfl Walta• Oarace ....... ' .. -• ... .,,.._.. .. , .,... Blne ·-· ·· ... • ................................ ·· ....... 2,l:N• al 1580 0c-.... bouln·ard, Nf'W· 66 194 2:t8 271 77 130 161 sprt"acl on k>t-ar"a buia. Wrbb Drake ........... -................................. 1,892 port. aid tuday. Tht~ lnf'am lh8t tlw 839 IM fronl-fronl•C«' In lhr. dr\•f')op-Bob .Allea -· ....... · .. -·····--····· · ··• • · ·· No. e. Tltf' ftr4' •latt-at IU 79 198 192 200 47 93 156 mmt Etrict wtll br ..-ct • t tM' R. L Alea ....... . ... ... .. ... . .. 822 Marlar avf'lluf'. llalltoa lalaacl. t>uia le¥yinc thr .,., wu• "' For the ~ of dty clerk. poUtt Sgt. ~ K. Prlti9t No. '7. n .. Earl Rt.alry R.-.J ~ . I lfJ"f'ad·h)'·•Tf"• polled a tremeDclou8 victory over lncumbent Frank RlMhart. !Atatr ofnrf" at 115 Cout Hlch· R7 201 224 229 103 101 198 I~ only • &f'rwr•I formula. "°"'" -way, Coroaa dfll Mar. rvtt, flt' •Arnf'd ModU~•1kww PriMt ... .. . ·-..... '·-··········· ......... 1,750 c·11IUna.: for •llchtly hlctwr ~ RiJleh&rt 1 120 No. 8.. Thf' F..bf'll C1ubh-. 9 1 117 175 186 99 122 131 ""IU orcur for propt>rl) VA'nf"n 7 ...... ,.... II A.IL. P.&1'. Dow,,__""" .. A LOT CW' Pr.IWl.f: .. .._... 0.....,. ...... - -........... . ~ ............ di)' .............. -....,.. .......... wt. ,,_ P'wt UrMICP ....... tW ..... -............ ..,. .... H 1 I ll)a. ... . . . ........ ..... ' 515 \\'f'olt Cf9tr al, Balboa. ·under thfo foll<""'1nii rondoil~ I . A. Gut, who wu vtrtually unoppc>Mld (only t srnat· ·1>_J»if~;:~1·!~!--'IMHt1mtt.DP. t,r.ouch-. fT·ALIAN .. ··NEWSPAPERS BELIEVE k"-of write-Im were noted). W8IJ returMd to the o_l flee of No. •· 8 '-'art'a 09'ACf" •l ~"l .. -~ ,...,, nMdt· .., I .. diy~r. .....__ :!!1 ~:;:,.~•a •~of\ N-·- 11 1 lttl ~ 217 Mil 118 200 .,!;,Lo:_;: ':;tt ~~,~1~1.-REDS OlJT ()F ITALY ELEtTJ()NS llJ ti \\'l.aKU P. OOOWIN \lnllNI 1•1"'"' Start "1rro'tlpon4rnt Cl:\l.\llA. Nt'b . AaKil \4 I.UP• 1111111111 .: s1u...,n, fonnt1r Min · nt'"41lll i:••\1•mur, wun lh4' N.,raaka I 1)l"f••ld1•1111111 IJrimuy Inell\)' hy lak· lrtl( tho• r 111111 vnh'. I S1 "~'''" 1111111 1h1• I'll y VOii' with ,;,., 1111011111• i-:. l.>l'WI')', I)( Nf'W v .. 1k, """ •·•ni«' In llN'llf\d l>i•wcy t·on11• .. 111 ah1•11d In Om aha, but s'"""" "'"" In Unc-oln. 1two •lah· • 11111\ .. 1h1•r •l~bll' city" "Tiu• rr11lrifoll •"" on fll"t' fat' SLllahe!n. • 111lld StllLl! fkn. Frtd A. S.•1111111, l'frhr•-k• ram1Mll1n nuin· 11.:1•r 1111 1 h1• Mlnnt'Mllan. 8 111.._..,.,,·,. vk:tory added to his t 1 lumph llllll w~ In WlllC'Oftlltn """"""''11 hi. <'ha~ In the GOP l'l't'~hh'flttal .-....,.t&Mia. Hie total """' In >'t•lrntay·1 primal')'-on hb. 41 •I hlMhday WU almoal .. 1 1..-111 "" that for O.Wey ..w:t lkft. lllll11•rt A T11f1 t"Omhlnf'd. lt.•1111 n~ rrom l .2'~ al the 1tate'I :l.O'J4 pno.·lnc-11 .. w : Slao••n, 45,931; ~. •.311; Taft. n 311; !Won. Arthur U. Van. drnbfo11r. 4.D : Ci«\. ()uuslu Mac· Arthur. 3,8111; Gov. £4u'I w.,,..._ 9'73. llOIWICt SpMk.r J~ Mar- tin, 497 Staucm loal only wwn ol ttw •l•lt•'• · !f3 rounu.. fu lff.'ll, Dl'ft)" ana had ram1•lil1~ In N.t>ruka ln ad· ~·.nn-nt the ~ .. f)'. • VandM!bl'fw wu enlttwd In ttw rsC'.'OP .. a!Nt hla wtlJ. and Wanw and Martin did not~. Sluwn won the N........ata ¥0te four yean ap, and 0...,. wu the wlnrMlr In 1 NO. ..... , ....... u StallMfl'• wtory owr 0...,. WU not U owrwh91m1nc U U. nn. he •chi-ad Ill ~ • ~ .. 0. 1n thet ~ ... •n won 11 nau.al ~ .. .............. _ .. o..., . MacAr\hur, far ...._. • ..._ .......... ....... , ..... . Wl111 * ;..a ... t .......... ,, .. ,. to aw •"";.:=rcrz• ...= UWy...... .. ...... - ctict.I~ and are not bom4 to Y9t. ror ttt.-primary wiMlt' . C"tli.f Importance ., ... .... hra.ka l>Allocln1, howww. wa1 not 1111 r fr1'f't on the l&-man de~· '"'" 10 ' the convwnUan. It ._ lheo rfft'f'I of a popular vot.-on I hr """I of t M <'OUll 11')'. Stau.•n, 0.Wf')' and ,..fl cam- pal&nf'd f'Jlltnialwly In lhf' 1tat .. lut Wf't•k Each mad. f'•IC'nded tour-. and ~t' to and llhook handii with lhouunda ol voten. All ffw,.11 hf'avlly on fann polk:y, I h•· l''kk ·Sloan pfM ol df'VC'~ nwnt "' the tabulou1 MJMourt riv,.r hn111n. thf' Truman admln- 1•1 r11 lon'11 fonolcn ind donw-'1k! puli<')'. 11111f rommunta .... l 8tu.1ot'n •pole• vl1orou1ly for IHwlnll thr C"ommunl11 p11M)' In t hr llnll1,.I Stal I'll. DPwl')' w11ntt'd lhr· < '11mm unh1111 lraa lC'd ''Ml I hey Propoailion No, 1, calllnit for an ' -4R 4R l!l-l Jiii)' rou&hly SIL"> morr 1h.1n lot• t'Xfra levy or 15 cen t• on t'aCh s100 1 El t• Los s Ne.-10. a-k'a Oarac ... Arat;> 5fi J:\I ):JS 1:\3 .... ~. ttw 1torm dn tn ' nr 1~f · Al'"' 11 ... ,,, R. r -·--·-.a I 11 10 ..._ u·-.a ec )0fl er •lrN>t , Balboa bland. o ......,...,......., va ua on. '"' .... .., I ~ All lots 'lll«iuld 11f'tuall> pa} 'l'"f"1t•I• I 1 " I 1,. n :-.,; ..... , .. ,_,..,.. for maintenance or rlty parks Hnd w· h N c •.• ~o. 11. Lido blf' ('lubhOUM'. 4:.! '19 '1..! 4i :t3 34 43 i llichtly mor1• than II rrwn· c-.ompu "I.:' .• •I ••-II•\ '""'' •t1o ft•,.·"11" , •. ht-•chn. was narrowly dcfC'lllC'd , IS ' ew ounc ' "'"°" or llw1r •tr••iU "'" lndH'Jtl• ,,,,,,, 1 .. ,. 'llrl• I n ..... 1. '" ''"'> won't 1t1l undf-raround." • .StU14!11 II""'"" 11<..-1•lon t•f'••vnnt1·1I Tn•·•I•• 1•ount1·11•d with lhP C''m munl11tll' ''""' l•••rov ro r111n•·•I 111 l t1tl) 11•110 11 m 'C'Y1•1•h1111l11Y11kl11 whrrt• thfo \'11,f•>n•'f· n11Hkr•I I 11• <:1t11111•r1·~ t 'ornmunl•I" w1•rr llNrt of lh~ 1(11\1· 1400 to 1325. Clerk Success No. I!. Thr t"rr4tac r...tdr n••f' TI1a1 11 dtw '" th• fll•' llutl nil ....... , .... , .1 .,.. s,,,,, ,, llA••' ton 11 ,, .. rrh• ,,, .,,..,.,ti 111 Mil.111 ''"' 1•m1111·111 "lt1101 ttlf'm •>01 und Thus. a smashinK indictmC'nt or at 2'!3 Dla1nond 11trN>t , BaJboll 64 14R Jr.9 1!'>3 31 7:! l~ t•WMl'll helJ> IA) • l""l•lflontutl• I""'" •JI• '"I• .,1 ,. ''""""''"'' 11111lol .. n,I ·"' uf Iii• full"'"''r" '"''r•• 1111ll11w llwm," hr 11ald. th.-prt'M'nl t'1ty gov<'rnmmt was bland. •hatt ol •wt.·.,tn,,.1 ..,,1,..,.,"" 0 ,, "" ,,.,11 ,,, , .. n ,,. ''"h turnc>d '" ai; c111zen11 lhroughout TI1rN' ln .. ing rand1t1all"l' in )<'):· Webh '"'''""'"'1 tho '· "'' T11w ' t1•J•1r• f'f. '""'• ,. , •••t1~h . v. ft,.,. • ••tu ·r,.ft" ,,.,..r ~how'"" w.,.. ~1mw­ "'""''" .1.,,,. •I 111 .. 11 "1w 1 .. , 011 '"'"'' "' 11 ~u111rllll', lnam1urh u JSC'wport fWach rnllif'd 10 the trrdrt) 'i. mumc1p."I~ ~IN'lttin INIO) S n. U . C"oo6c" <iaracr, 1SOO ft.,,,,. • '"''' 1 .. ,·1 • ,, .,,.., ,,. "''° n1 11 • I 11o'I•,..,> Bustn<'5S Council's call for "'cl<'an-l rxprc·~,,,.1 rtl)pr('('IAt1on lo thr1r Oc·ra11 hot1lr\ard, C'oron~ d..a 41 149 16.1 115 ;,.i fiO 1.·Jo. "'"' tho· follo.,.mc 1..,.,,.,..,. ar,. '""'l"'f"I• I I ''"''"'"'"'"~,,,. _.....;. ___________ _ ,.,,. " h-...o h " -I HH'r•"<· tndir1tlt•Jn~. "1 th.. '' 1 '1 1 f• PLE FOR HAWAIIAN t'r morl" dfkien1·· rlly ndmin11ilrll· hii. ..... n-nn•• wi" '"' 1 t' nrw Mar. ,. '""' ,.., 1o,.,. • • '• '""'"" •11 A . ti~n .council and dl"rk i<uccN.1< in thl•ir TOTALS-1122 1•·ctf'd NJa l '''''"", '"' ,,, "' •'f•• ...,,..,, 1 ,,, .. ""m Thi' rnllylnit-f'TY for 11 nt'w loc11l I nfftt'"'" 1139 IP! !190 %%.18 1 ~O n ."of• 1 _,· ~:.::-" •-1 "' 11111101· ''" I "' "'"I< ••I 1111 1°11 BULLFIGHTER ORA WS .-:ovrrnmr nt brought 0111 a total F'rnnk L. Rinrharl. v€'1rrnn oity , ·,,;~·r .,,,., Hr'c.,h 1"11''' '1'' ''"'' '·'"''"''"" '"'1'' "1' '1 REPLY AVALANCHE I k f N BE' h f ~ '"' '• ~··~• 11 " \I•~•""' • ••n"tt. <••I 11,. "" of 311:.13 vofr ri; out of a total rt'J:IS· 1 I" f'I' o <'wpor1 ac or ronn~ SL .. ALL, BLUE FORM 1 1nslde <MJI :.H. tration of ~6--an all·tlmr high ~C'lll"', in n lr11 r r of a ppr<'Crnllon AT G I fV1 ,,,.. prnf"'-"•n•I torrad••r• ."':tlf'n· 1n Nr4.·porl fkach 11nd 111g-'io th(' puhhf' ~l<l loday: HIT OF MARINE LIFE ON I Warn A ·1 '>'l l'l•Hll•f ,,,.,,.. r~ '·"I"'' ""I ........... _,. "' •m11lr11r• ntfl(';mt-or lhl' w1dC'SprC'ad 1n1f.rrst "F1r.;1 I Wl«h 10 l'Xpl'•''-" my ~lfl· HOUSING LOCAL BEACHES fi" ~ , .. , '" I •• , .. ,.,, I .. H '· •• """'1' r -..... ,., ... -....... i .......... "1 ,, .,. r ••t I .,• •h1t'h had been cni;t<'nd<'rl'd hy t'C'l"I' 11pprl'{'tat1on to thr votr,.., for I De • ".r.1 1 "' .•• '-l••t, • "· • • •· o•I• r r1... I• t.lw , ___ ,,,._ and fP\'('rtllh. last • mintllt' rlt'f'llonrl'r· thC'lr support anc1 my dl'l'p thnnki; ERS A lllOT)' puhlillhl'd In )'~t1•rda)'11 1 8 ad me for II '.I ". 111 ... , 1fl.hll1l•1•I· I• ........... lhr11 ... hot1I • aJlfornl•I Ing. tn lhf' puhlir for thrlr faith Anrl CHISEL Nl'Wl·Tlmes 'rf'rC'rrinic In •m In Dano: t t• l y. •• l•li•"''' ''''~ l•lanno •I f•11l r11 ''""' ''•"'-'' '"~ 11 huUtlch"'•· f>uhliC' interest" in lhr l'lt'clion conficlen<'I' In ml' riurini: lhr Jlll!'I va11lon or Venlura '"'"l'h•·ll hy ~m11ll , 1..::518 ra ion 1°1· I ......... , ,,,. •ll AllJr• J<•L"litn , .... , .•• ., .... ,. "''"'" r.n.,.1 .. , outcome was runnin it 110 hii;:h. lhll "Thr city i11 foMunaH• in hnv-LOS ANGELES, April 14-IUPt hlu(' and j('lly-llkc• marlnP l1fr , hi'· • 1' "1''" ''•I .,,, 1'·'''"" ''"""'''"'''' --• ."°'""'r ,...,. ... , .... 1"'1•Y. Nrws-Timt'll put out two rlcction lni: such 11 ~plmdid cilizrn 11s -U. '5. Ally. Janfes C'.arter today camr IOt'al mafrrlal IOOA)'. Frank W ('rock,.,., ,,.,.,.,,,,,, .. ri I• •1. n1l 1• • 11 .. s..,,. • 1·,..,,,. T .... ._,_,tmra1 &1ldN1 thal «'Xtras.ite last nlitht and 11nolh<'r f"'l..arlC'S K Prlr<t, who i;uccr<'dll · J "' •. Spratt, or 11.,.47,h str,.t'I, 1J•-puly,. warnt'd 1o<1,.y 1l1r11 '"I?"· .. •·•1•!• ,. "· .• 1, .. '"'" r1,111. •I in ~h.., t.,.. "'"pr••·---''.......,, ~,. asked rcprl'M'nl11tlve1 of law en· r. n al 9 11 lhis mornlntt. m<' a.c dly l'll'rk. and lhr rl!'Ctnl" pointed out tod•y that local iration cki9rs April 'L2 for thr •~Jf'l·1 J· ,1, i.,... ""'' "'~ "'' n•""'''1> tn u_,...,. •.W •Ith 1% In 16 ,. ... ,,. T ., om,.. TuNday will finrt him nblr nnd C'ourtPOt.111 forcement agenci('tl to i'nef't with h<'llchrs hivr hM-n covC'rro wilh "•Udatf'd primary •·lrctltm Jun-l rr .~. 1 • ·••11• • fl T,.rn, .... .,,,. .. ,~ le tltr l!H.U rla1- All of the nf'wly-elt'Cled will be J i;hall be ~lad to ajd him in be-him Friday to discuss plllnll for almllt1r •ped~na for ~arly twn :"o cltlllf'n may volt' urllMIS r.-v.1•· ·r '" "'''""" r• IAY dr•,. tu 11'1 r-a.a-.t tit ~ ti..-"'.rid'• b~t .-·orn lnlo ortlce Tul'lday follow-comini: IM'QURlnled with hi~ nC'W 1 .rosecutlon or GI home chl•lers. Wf'<'kl. Hf' ~lbf'd thl"m II, l•'nd. . Im•• fl\• ond•" '••l?h llf ""If' lnl ........... ,_ lnrt the com pl<'tion or old business dulit't".' • P _.. d -ftn n oatlno ob&o..o· with thf' hlu<' I NatnP1 ot rea:l1trat100. ~1..utw•. i.11 '" .... , ... ,,, n • •rt·p• 11,.. "'"" •~ rrf ,.._, _,d .. ttrl..;I, r ot be I -.,._ ... _ Bo 11 1 .__ Those lnvlt. ... to 1en r•"°~""" • "' """... t""-_ _. ........ _ _. . by thl" Vicum nt <:. ly·aovernment. "',...._.11 ( bl A en. ncum.,.-n t, jelly frtnae of their bodln M'rvinit' VIile .......... ,th .... t'UUI .... , ''"I'" "'""''' JJrfOQ , ' 11w ,,.. 111411 Hawu1 trrrltorlal Two of the five.pr-escnt city coun-who wa11 hRdly dE"ft'a1ed u votl.'MI t allves lncludl.'d t he d1slrlct. Ill·! 111 •1T1all Hiit which proprll lh<'m I 1 honC' num~ arl' &JVrn brlow I '" 1 .... ,,. ro JIJ'I t ... f,.,,. 1 .. 11vlnr) ,._. M'alt,... O. ""~,...,,... ,r. d lm<'n will hold t heir seats. They "wt'n l lfown the line" tor thr s latr torne)'ll of Loa Aniteln.. F resno ind ov~ the ·1urr. ' Frank RllW'hart. city hell. lfu ''> 111:.ru f1., .\1roly aft• r rlt,.1n1c ..w i... f.....t a thr-""•th Jail ar.-l..esll'r L. llbf'll and 0 . Z. Rob-of Grttll.'y, Drake and Blue. w d : SM Diego counties, city •ttorneys Jn eurnlnlnc <>nf' of thf' ov"I· '>l ; ~ Makewy. r1ty ha.II h" •1•·1tl-1n1• ''"" 1n 1ti-o rw-imm•tn I .-•-,. Ir i... at.a.trd •ork. n-tauon But tht' voting public· hu '"To the public I aay 'thllnk you' of major · Soutllt'rn C.lifornia ihaped obJttt•. S pratt diac•overc>d llar. 52; F . W ~kl"!', fire 1111. ,,, ..,.,m.na••-tl ,,.,..th la'' nlehl. llellflchtmc le attt.-fl1 prolllblt.- lns111llf'd a majority on thl" coun· for your 11uppor1 through the plll't · a terll'S of feeler ·llkr pronai on •ion, Balboa, Har 16 . P A lb >· ,.,,,, 1 .... "' tt""IV•lnt...t that 1ttoo I ..., le ti... ........ ~ ..W. .. tu• '""' t.111·k1•1I 11) S4•n l111i,:h 11111. 11•1 It .._,.,, U111 lr•r whll1· 111111n - 1.11nt11i.: " 1•11w,,i ... rol holtl •.n 1 ht• :-.,,.,., '"k" •'lr'•'lurnl1· lro h i" •1w11 1110. [i ,,11 '"~tld 11••1 •l•·llvr1 lh•• \•••• lo I lo" I 'tll,11111 Earl Stanley Bill Permits S!A. to Buy WAA Housing , ;"'" 'l".111 I w11·rr1;~ 11li;cn1•d N hill , wf111'11 "'111' 11lluw Snnl11 A1111. ~Hnto I M11rl11 111i•l ~1111 Fr11n1·1111•tr to huy l1 .. u•1u1: lr•im lhr• WMr Allitt'lil nd · f-n1tnl•• r 111 tun ·n1r nll'11•ur", olCr r- ' d "> A111•·mhlym•n 1'.:arl W S ta,.. I lf·y, It . ll1tlboa h!,ind, rhana«'ll •·J11atl111e l11w which h • 1 Umlted IUf'h lr11ro1actlon1 IO lhr r ('df'raJ I l•1u111n1e Admln18trallon. · G11v1:r nor W11rr1"n •Iron annoum.:" ••11 hr h11d alanrd a hlll 10 r«'lm- h11rM• 19 <'allrornla cltll'S, rountln 11nd 1<·hool aa:rnctn for mllney M 0 B .,...,... hi J .ft, t A0n.....,.1u Au•-. t~ VC'teran1 11d mlmstn1· .. .._ y S .. _ 1 1,. di to rrpa~ ayor . . ~ ~•g Yl'lll'!I. w~, o ~ ... 0 • ~ ,.. t he undersldf.. T.ht fttlrra •nd Jl'll> ~. lN> t•tion, °'"lboe, I ar "·I --- and Mason SllE'I' who did not run late lhe nrw councilmen and wiM'I lion. offl~ of the hoU1ln1t eK~lt· frlnite lndk a 1e'the Cl'f'atUr t'tl ar,.,~oat• Gm.-, 302 M. •In St . n111 LEWIS' N~£SIS, GOLDSBOROUGH BEG for r •·«'lrctlon, and Rober t Allrn, lo AA)' J M'lall ph1ce m)'k'lf Ill their er. FBI, post office Inspection. and proht1hly of the jl'lly·fhih ipt'd,.~ t-oe. Har. 2034, J»lhurla !\t"r"Y. l;.111 ' INS TRIAL thfo defealc>d lnrombenl. dispoi"al any lime J mil)' ,be of 811· fC'deu l hou1ln1 Jldmlnl1tratlon.. They me·u urt' H much •• lhr,.,. 'fl() E . Ct-ntral, Ralboa. llu J'JI . \\ ,\1'\111"•'·1°" •:"-' Ar.rtl 11 h>trlnl'"'t lo\h•·n 1,... • ..,,,. ticn0t···•I '"' 1,..r,,,... fltl tllng It In fln11I ~t.11111· for I 'h"y had 1prnt toward ' thto <'OSt • ol r1'flPr•I houllini pi-ojf'c11 Whc>lhtt therl' will be An)' 11i11tance In h&nrtllnit dvk prob· · Thr ronf<'rrnct' will poql lnfl)r · lrich-In diamAt-. hft u ld. j llU.I f:. KN'nt', YJ3 P11Jm ~1 ~I · 1 ·r .. • I .. 1 '" r ~· ~ ....:-•l 'I'• l-1•!•1 .. 1 J11i.:.. "''"' "'°'' •1A)• IHI "''" \•<run''""' ""'In ff"tllltylni IWPf'pina: changl'!I in policy or j'.)('r· l<'m""· matlon cont't'rnlnR cr lmlnRI V1•1la-t.oe, Har 391. Man"I" M•,,.d) 1 1,.,11, 1,.,1 ,._,.., 1 th f 1 lk . 1 , d I . R L Allrn ~·ho madft 11n un i h b lldl r t . ------I ... 1o1 ·~·'"''"' l ' ,,, ..... ·• • ".' 1""' ~· r ,. •>rlil ''I lo ............ r 11n y•~1 Ahllr1 •1ul ,.,,. -nAI u-.. -r the new 11 m m11r11· . . -~ · lions n t c u nit o vr erana * Weather & Ti.des * 1 Jt.y ~ ... -~ c:am.p, 0 -11 ~,.·~, JV.t, 1 1 1 .... "' " ' ' ' ..,,, •· , ... .,. I d d •7'JIUlll''-.; CJIW_' .,..,.,. ....,,.."' ,,,. •l•f1n"' '••1""'vff1' ,,,..•,,\ A 1t 1 "'""'" ,.,,,,,., tt1•· tn\•·•n· ·in·w ·-• 0 ~ I Hon ~mains to r>e 1ttn A nPw, liU~ful run 1111 an "n l:'pen · hom<'ll and work oul pl11n1 for I' rt Wllllnl'I, ZJI I <-Oui ntwl ,.,., •n••I ,_ · , 1 · ~ "~ ,.ovvrnmrnt t'<XJnM' t" Id id "" 1'" n 1 1~ "'' "• rn• "' d <•ric•-fl. "•n•llllll•·l1 ""n· 1 "1w ftt" Goldllhoroul(h 1iak1 •I model onlln11nce cre11tlnrt. th<' post t'n 118 : f)rOM'('Utlon. r artl'r 11a • I"" A~ ... vtrimt.1 : P11f'1h I lair 1616. Ro.alnond. JJ.J1m11n , h H V•. , 1 , • ..,1," 1,1 1,,1 f,.,1,·,," ,,, 1, ,,.1,1 '" ''"Jrl • • ol dty m•n•gl'r is lllrudy on the "I v.1M'I to thank the propll:' Q/ Asllt t • · s At 1 y f>1111I Fill'"" rtoutiy ln'11ty, ton11thl 'll:M Thul"· I L23 Marin... BaJhr,. bland. u .. r , .,11 ,,.1 ,1.. , .... 1 •lnlc.• ·~1 ,. .• i At '"' ,1,.11 ,,f th•· }ur) 1,..,.. Y11un1t 1111ld aomr · · ~I t it h I '' books and prl"'5<'nt city a'dmin11tr a-tthe Hart>or artll that gavr mr ~lud he would R"k 1hr Frdrral <111)' i-hi;:hlly Wllrm4'r loday .'713, R._ R JU~!. hr,. S 1a11<"1. • , ,. ,1 1 ,1, ",1 .,•mv-1 fut l.t·wl• nnt1 thi· I "hnnx••1 wrre madr. but not t~ the th·r officer John Sailors Is in line 1 thl'ir ~upporl anlf llhow of rl'lnfi-Gr11nd Jury. ntllo\ invC'•l11t11l1ni;: lhr Ualbo. blanc1, Har 14!'1 1' • .... i.i 1"'''~" 1 1 '•fl.\ • ,.,, r•"1 ,.,,,1111,. 1111. 1 ,. ,,f n~t 111~1 1r" lif>p11Mmenl Id C"'P •n~· " •l••f. rt" n, ~ ''"" .,, •I' n t ., for t hfo "-h Whal lh<' nrw mll· f'f1 • GI hnu~'"" ~l 111111lnn, lo Indict 1T.MPJ;ll.AT1raF..I' /.u~. f'lrr Station, l{Aill"'" 1~1 .. 11<1 "'""' •·· '"''h 1hr 1·1v1I nn1t ,.,,,,1 t 1.,.,,.,1~. hit racr r-lr and 'lniwn, ""., .. M · q nrrrt" C'Of"tO'T"Dtulat1on~ to "' · ''•• , h,.,,,. ..... "1'"1"'' r.,•Wh ;.er it ''*' .. ,..~ jorlty ,,..,II do with this mattrr and I )' ... ~ anolht'r local huildrr 11ccui\rd 11f v ... i.,,.a,. TMay 1 llar. 141tfi . Fl•'lf'f'flfi' A S t•MMd 1 111,.1 \for, v. .,1 .,, r• '''"''" 1 d' ... n••·rn111 rhllfl(,... I ~111 lm~lvl"ly In the aamr eot1rt thf-rs rt'm11ln~ to l>C' af'('n ~11 Grrrll'y, Ollll&s Blue .. ~d r.i,·c·r·C'C'i~n~ 11r1c1•t< Threr mrnj 111.:h 76 l..tiw 5'i .:"l5 Jumlf\f', ror•1n11 c1o>J ~" \ ""'"l•~·h• "' ,,.,. r11..,, "'"•""of mom wfw."' th•· q me ~· -0 Okk Dnlkt'. A n('w council will n .1 .. ,,. r1M .. 1 '" •·•II·, .,, .... ,,,."~ 11 ,, ,, 'II • 'I< , .... "'" 1~. ( BETTY Rf"M'O~ A MOTHl:ll I now hr in l'l'lll'lon r1nd It b up 10 wrrr int1lr11ted prr\·iowdy. ""' , 1,, ... • ,.. ,1,,. llr u". 1. .., ~lorMIC'f' AndrrMm. 4'.DI 'f., r••la•• .. , , 1 , ,. 1, ,1 rt< 1, "·• '·"Jo . 11,. • nnl "'" ;rn 1ult111"l'Hl of a :,.,14.d)Of'l)Uich flf!f'd him 1"4 the ··p II f i •h r11 I Ml'11n .... ·h1l~.lhf•l1olld1n1t ronlra.r.I W 14 %:1% 7<n 11 :M t:M .!Ul'rlt•. ("or~ tlvl Mar H111 .:•r.•1nt1•'n• "•l n· .... ,· ... r w 11 1 UMWl3 ~IO.OOO.forcon1empc 17 HOLLYWOOD. April 14 -I v I II (') 11• lo It \'I' f'1TI our u ('<t 00 2·11 .....,,. Al ......... F" .,.__. ... ~. 1i •3 l1•on· '" fH'•I • ,, ,,. I> ,,.,,.,, ""' v I I I f ....,._, .. _ f-falllnr lo ...-.. • ond ,., rt d ntli "° lhlll IOI' A-...n nl ('1111r•1m1t1 pl"'lfTil"od 2.6 . 4 9 .J "'V ........ "..,.,,...~., .. '"' ·~ml( •• • ... .. .. rulj I) mlnf... , ........ lut •eo .... ........, -84'lly Hufton. hi ~ m ~ar. <~ppo :n t h~>C'll;;' commuPI to poht'r II' ~'TI rank' 1n ,.hmm-Th 15 8;..'Wt • t·~af, Cor'<Jna· drl Mar. Jiu ·~tr>r1•' •1•11•tir114I '•'111·•• ,,_. •h •' tV• h.111 .. ,1.111111 .. 1 tm m111t•1l11I ""UM ordtr to c.lf off a No¥ftn- today bttamt' thtoh '"?t r •1'. ~~·ma " 'a . Ill~ VE"teran1o hou.t.inr fr11ud8. I o.o --l a.ll. l 'I~ '" lhoiw tho-,....,~"" w.-. '"tho> ll'O\'«'mmrn1 • chM'f C'OUftllel ti.r, ltNI Mkr. ~ iwvttt pound daug ter ••Y . .. .\ • -. -. • . . 2 ~ E W POaT 8AL80& •SW9..ft-..~~--~~._.~.,.__­ "'T..D~AT ~ .._., (.'8111. Afirtl H , IMI ND fRO!\I PAGE I Calif. Crop Lands ~et March Rains Relief E-A-R-L-Y N-E.:w. S· ~At"P.A.\tF.:--11 1 i\11n l 1 1 ll0 l'1 c .. 1il•lf"nm r in.:•~ .ind •T'•I' 1 •• n•h .:·•· M..t ... 1'\nti.l l 1.t1.r h •>m 1111 \1....et~ r r ••n!-. htJt n._.-.. , lum\t , ... ,.ar• • I i~-,lffib' IC n 11• """ lh" th• nv "' llu· ,\p11I • '""''' .. r 11\. c·,1ir1""" o u1• ,, An1HH1ttei1t9 O•r Re-Openin9 Tillrsday, April 15111 at 3 P. M. · -Famous ·Rossi-Cafe 1611 COut Hiway. Corona d~l l\lar Newly remodeled --witlt a lreslt afmospltere Spedn~ ill: • Spe<jhetti --Ravioli •1 ~Joppini --Chiden Steaks • "· 1 and Prime Roast Beef COCKTAILS CLOSED OS JIOSDA , . BARBOR llHO c...i f Aca. T#Z..~ol ~.Donald L. Jackson tR.. Ca l.\, a lllftl>ber of ~ U. 8. delegl\Uon to :blter-Amel'lt'M Conf~rrnrl' at Boso&&. Oolom bla, planl t.o "1 IO Wuhlnlt.on. D. C ~ t.o ttP<>rt (o OoocniM on UM recen\ uprtalng. The conferf'n« will contlnue and .111Cbon wm rrt um to Jlolota .. .:ion u hll m.IMlon ii over. ~tt 'llol-.M °'"" '7~: THANKS . - -14'"or your ,·oh'. your ~rtdentt and ·your toleranrl' of our aimA during the eampaign for munici- pal offitt. Now let's all work together for the CITY OF' ~E\VPORT REACll ROSS GREELEY· fta.lhn• tlnrbnr '!11:11 ~th Coast Realty & ln,·estment Co. I • • J J HARMAN W. NIGllOLS SO CALLEO 8~ "'no'IEV CUT At.:0 ~ L.£.V..ULllCE ~ TO M.AaCE COMPOST ON WM\04 TO Girow· MUSMIWOMS-'T'"65.~ aill.V ~:>VD/ , 1'1IE l/N!rEO ~TRTESOIO NOTSENO AN~ TO FOJlEJG!i ~10 UN1'lL 11186/ , THE SEW/NS MRCHINE·· " OE ~ TME MOS'T OOMES'nG ~ Al.L MAC~INES-WR$ INWNTED RS llN IJ$Tl/ll'W OFW!lll/ _IT WAS P£~mD 8'i ~1l41MMOtt!IEfr Cll St £TIEM'5 ,A~ FllBD4 TAll.DIZ. TO MAl(l ~ ~TMl MASS ARMl&.s <JI _.ic___ N~L~/ -~ --· I • i • Meats .. HAMS ........ _ . .-::·~ 69" RABBITS . . 69" LAMB PATTIES39" POi"f CHOPS 59:. PORK CHOPS 95:. GIOUND BEEF 39:. iilM SLICES 95:. :f MBO SHRIMP 95:. . Canned & Dried _; __ GRAPEFRUIT ('~· i 17c FaJ~ui'tcocKTAIL .:so~ lf .Piu'NM€sm :o!~ 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS~ llc Soaps -Po\Vder.s ~SWAN ':.~ct 1ac LIFEBUOY bar Sew Uquid ~•p-ucb for 00 "-M. GLIM b~I~~ ·LUX FLAKES 1·~~ 35c ~ -S-0~-.,-,-a C_H_l_P_S---1:.0-r~-~ ____,,33c Canned Goods IRIS MERCHANDISE: Kolld Pack 27c TOMATOES :So.!' 1 can !\t'" \'vrk l&c SAUERKRAUT So. 2 11 c"'an ' All l•rind" 51c COFFEE l ·lb. lln lt1•art·s Of'lll(hl 18c TOM J'CE ~~-'! 9ic-.&6 OJ.. ran H11111 ·~ 4.c TOMATO SAUCE ('1tn Hunt'• -C ·11nnf'd 3 2 C SPAGHElTI I S~~=J.. for ('am~ll's 'TOMATO SOUP t"anc7 81k'ed-8 It •· GREEN BEANS C a 8--G'"'n Ii Whll4' LIMA BEANS Pk't•w ... t ('!'MM 8t)'le 10' 1 OJ.. C'&n So.% • ran So. 2 rli.n YELLOW CORN ~! , So. 2 - ~ Extra Specials Veoetobles ..... Putt Natural aff OL 15c "-t11·, ""'"'·~ GRAPE FR'T J'CE SWIFT'NING C'att • <'1eellwr . 2rur 15C """''"•nl -~ OLD DUTCH TOMATOES ~·, ..- htU.e 8h.e t 4 It I •r11"1Ala&r4 RIPE OLIVES 1 So. I lt SUGAR ••• Tall _.. ----..--->,: ggc_ [EfrUCE -.... --~2 ~-r~t u1111oas ·~ 9c tr11 2gc· ...... ,h·~ ..... ,..., ... _, ......... POST-TENS TUNA 'n:: 2t. J"iiOCELERY-12c . ·4·,~19c ...... f•tr ............... .. PIP APPLES ,.,.._ '" I \\ hll,. ,.._ POTATOES -~~r.-. GRAPEFRUIT 4 1~25c 6 .... 25c ' Specials for Apri l lS-16-17 We Deliwer Ma•d•y-Tln Fri. Ill ~lhhlll ""''~ s .... 1t:.rl.11i.I \\.t• '""·"'•t•J i.,. lit-IV\°tll .,., I , ...... ri1mn11o . J.,.t,~ .... •c .. m-.J '"""" .i.s b,1ktrS 1\I r.1Atn.-s th.it t.inr..11:,·J dw p.1J,1t,• C.•ntury <1.(tt-1 •l"fllut\ I• '-it\11! )m l. m '"6Jt "' '4 ti t••) .,,..._, "'' tJISfl in •«•JU•,,....., h)' R11m.in~. Al, m.uu , B111i.:.unJ1.111s .md fnnu In thr I •ti, t :..-mun ~ dls;n T~n tfv S .. 1 .. .i•I ""''' rnu~;J th,• 1'•·<•1'1.-t•• J.-i. .11th,· A11•t11.111& .11 M.11).!.1rt.·n In 14-1, ti.. 1.1 •• i.J C '''" • c+ ... ~Li In ''''" MJ,.m1llH1 I "'.11> humbl,·J In I 11<6t1 ~''''l>S 111J.:f'·mknu.' ".1f n!CltgnU.t J T hrnu)!h th.-1•.-turrull"nt y.·.11& th.: f.;ml' nf Sw1 .. flUlllU j!h"ll. .n .. " 1 I. ... n .. lh•~&!IJ ..... rcn• W\ u ... . lrt nf t-.• ~lll!! ~ .. "'"" R 1.-h.1rJ's L1J11 M.1rli.·t 1<."t uut to t.nn.:) •lJ llu Dh-4 ckh "''" r•"'•""• th..t •< t'li'l.n oc , .. n h.: .,Jll.llll«J ,lll)'\\11.r". II \A..1s 11,1t ur.d th.11 W• 5li"uJJ M' .. k 11111 •11 • 11111 .. 111 """''° h.. ~·.. n •tTIC t\Ulh.-r \~r,. 1e1·un-J .ui.:u 11f 1bcm. - Frozen Foods ........ 17c PEAS n ... _ ..... -................ 1.7c VEGEIABLES It-. ..... ..... 12c PEACHES I .... ..... Tli,· ,.,mm,·nJ .11111ns .111J '''""J'lim,nu tJMt pour 111 f , .. ~nunu~Tr"'F'l~..,.-,.+,czr-d..-iw~r-~------::--- .()o!4>Jlk ··rl1'r'~,,.1, ... thl· l'>cst ot p;istnoe _ M. r t A nJ tru.· It) .. ·ntury ulJ tr.1J11111ns th.·~ Sw1• Ntl"R INl•t "" 111.:i.J .... i;h ... utm...r .... "'• .. ln•ttt• .wld . -ISC. rea ur8S· pun tr Ha,· .11 Ri. h.11J's ••Hr :-; .... ,M h .. la a ..... to 11 th.it t h.:y ii., .... , .. 1LJ•ll" • 4ih tJ-c t. c •• ...,..,d""" 1rdb ,, .. .,ry h1t1.-r. trcsh (;r.1Jt• A r.m.:h l"lo:I!&. 1111,·st c.enc IU):M. 1mpmtrJ ""''' .mJ 11Ut '""' f~, .nnc At '"'""'' they Jt ....... 36 p.·11d C)ll li11IJ Ml'll.11 111 .:JS..' )1tlU a~ a Jou~hnut (ic:nJ. try •OUl • ll<l t tun. n .. ,,, ...s. a..ch l~-n) fl.u ··~·11NE I c. \ •Oft ~llkHo I). ,.....,. •. • ... • ltJ. ll \af e on (.~ Bakerl4 CRACKERS ... -COFFEE I .... ... 25c TH UK80A t' 8PI':( 'IAL BROWNIES · !Jc 2'" 17c t'IUDA l' 8PIX"IA L gc F"'1tbllln. APPLE PIE Delicatessen Kraft'• !liatural·!'o klpd KAY CHEDDAR lb. 5gc our 0~'11 O\eft Haked BEANS WITH PORK lb.1gc ~keid t;nau,.11 KIP.PERS . lb. l.AH'r'..,.TllW \"rry Ht-<it BOLOGNA lb. l'ln1tfof'f' -\\l!ol• CHICKEN fancy foods G1 0LDEN SYRUP ;.~~· .49c sM'oKED OYSTERs;: 59c ANTIPASTO--11 'lat~:.-39~ "WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF SPICE ISL.AND SPICES" Household sEcoNo _ FLOOR 1'1aaLk 1:"'u or RrPali 25 BASKETS "'«· l6c! YU~"i':'! c ,~·aJ. 12c AhunlnlUD f:n or ltef't SLICER llhU UI_,.. CLOTHS I purted Uq ems "W H •t " •. -e ore • (~ ......... • "'Om 0 I ~ ..... ,.,..._ o .. ,_ - ~--SPAM I?""· 9u a•> ORANGE JUICE •• .. ":;. 7" . .. , ............ 7•; EGGS an :: RACH'P•APPLE 7"' ,._ .. "'4 a ",.,. • 7 11 SUGAR I lh. .. , ... :; f1i 10C D.O.M.~h-8" ... ioli:'lcE. ;~~ z 91 c· ·~p·:,; 1 ac FACi.AL TISSUE .'~ 33c 1 .. • •• Beer By Ille Case SCHUTZ EAST SIDE Tt1ff..,.. IJtc"l1I \\ rl1hl 89c BARBAROSSA ACME BROOMS PABST Blue Rib'°" RAINIER HAMM·s REGAL PALE u ... · .. 29.c SWEUPIX " "'· COOR'S MAIER , ... BLATZ LUCKY LAGER ' "-' . , ....... ....,, 5gc Free P•9. Delivery * Call Harbor 2828 COOKIES I It> '"'"· We Have a 24 Hour Photo Service .,,..., ..... o(I ~ \t. :?• 17c MOTOR OIL ••'-Av•ilable at our Magazine ~nd ..... News Stand ~···· ... ~ 5gc WAX I lb ..... OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAYS· . ............. lt FROM 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M, WHEAT "'SODAS 18 O'L ... We Reserve the Riqht to ........... 25c OHIO t1ATCHES ...... Limit QuantitieJ ,,, II ~. I I I ' t· .. / ---. L f , - ... :" I *** /TARS QUALIFY IN 40 OUT OF 55 *·COASTING ALONG EVEN'ra JN TRACK CAVALCADE 80rr]1s~1 ~~:, CAL., ;::r ~pr~~ .. IOll'leday Will lab tralnin& with tlie Am Tel It Tel ...•. --·-· . Olnadlan Pacltk .. . . Dupont .. 151 12, By Unit~ Prft6 STOCKS ~ in Q.Ult'l t ,..,J.' Barbor LADl~~DAY GOLF AT WILLOWICK ~e"''IJOrt H~bor Hlch'1 track THIS IS A HORSE APRIL 13-0UPl-Twtn Falls ot "champs"; 1t•a111 )'1•s1erday qualltled 40 out of the clue C polneer leag~ will fall ~x Jone•. an l~')'e&r-dci Anothr r wt>Ck Qf pUblic W.U !'\:\ , ntnrnls the SWllet Leaeue OPERA ABOUT EQUINE heir to one Qf the finest youn1 pitcher frem Compton, C.a.1., hi1h a~soc111110~ 11c11v1ty 111 scheduled a t I prl'l1rnm11rw p oach Ralph ~ _ •• NAME Of HORSE baseball pr09pect1 of 1948 when 1ehool. Jones wa1 ai1ned by the 1n1t. Gt-neral Moton ........ .. C.oodyNr 174 55'1> 41 % 5S J7 'Z7 BOl"DS 1.m .-gular. \.? S C.cn b lhl' w1llow1ck cour.w in Santa Ana r.·,1·11ll'd t y. the cowboys open their 1euon on southern Yank scoot, BUJ., Eai<."lt. 1hiJ '"'N'k foll.owing the conUnua·I Finals i .the atl-conference This II a hone opera. April Z7 at Ogden. A rightl*-nder, he will report to t'U)' • KmlM.'COtt St"3 f'I "" So C.I Edaon .. \\.'RB stodti tn~r SILVER· unman"1-d an ~ \' a• 7-"wi-a ran"-• "'11<'+. 11on or Ladicii nay golf on Thun-rn• "'· w\n r ol which will Inherit The chief character iJI named The lad's name is J oe Polich, Ventura ol the clau C California Evenis 1 day ,,,,. ··ru\\ n for tht> 1948 track sea-Hol'S('. 18-year ·old San Francisco pr e p league. In lh" JMlhllnk, ploy on Sund.a' ~un "111 tw held Friday afternoon Th~re are other charactrrs, atar, who wu picked up by srout Will Boemler, 1 towertnc aia- Sl.tndard OU . - U S Stf'el r .. 11, 75 ... \nlF.AT ru1 un-'"''~ UIJ 7. ,, I"'"· ('(IR!\ up , .. "' 1 'r VA~. ur> '-10 1•<" * th• \\'tll""' wk A nnd u teanu wlil ·•' Anaht•am. whom you will no doubt rrcog-Joe Devine and 11igned to a New foo t, fl\'e-inch left~ pitcher, m,skt 1h1·1r r1rs1 horrw atandl. n w n .... d lhmks h1s CC<'$ have "a nlzc. They wander in and out of York Yanke.-contract. who tips tlbe.scalea at 200 pounds, A dul1 1:ikl-,; ''" the RecttaUon ~•Mlfl l'hance of winnl"g the title the plot wltho~t any notice Polich' will put In his first St'a-He also wu slened by Eukk, from * CA rn..£ ltl"11Vt-SJ rEEV HflCS !J~· 11.t>i ~. Flee P;,rk tt·<Am from l.<;nl( ~ach whllt• 10 ahl'ar division." They have no\ whatsoevl•r. son It 1hort1fop for the cowhoy1 Hamilton H11h in Lo& AnpLes, an4 J..Y ercury t 1t.r 11 ;.qu1td m1•rts lhc lnclew.o<J trc"n di•fNltt>d all year. As t~ curtain &<><'S up, Mrs. under direction of manager Char-wlll toe thf rubber for Ventura. Starts Se • 1,.am La:.l wc•t'k Inglewood llCIOrt'd As fur ha., vannty thin-clads, Don Paherson (of Patterson'• ley Metro, former Pacific Coast Ted Bell, a ahort.ltop trom f're- ALL PLUMBING IN THE New Buildings FacincJ The . City Hall on 32nd STREET Installed hy • _HARBOR PLllBllG SERVICE--- 1768 Newport Blvd. Costa Mew Pllone BeacOll 6117_ ---·--. ~ >. Plastering Contrattor on the new 32nd .Street .~velopment ** 20l2l SANTA ANA AVE COSTA MESA ... ... Phone Hearon ~-W . nes 1 •11 Imp r .. s .. I \'(' victory over 11 .... d prl.'d ir"' tht.>y'u cop the hon-Landing) I.I on t h,1 telephone league pliwer. mont High In Lo& Anceles, Who On 'Ur• d W k d :"-lr;ulu-A lark. "', 111 11pproximatl.'ly 8 third of the rt>porrlng (you 'dor?t have to. "Polich 11 one of the lads who al10 will play at Vnnura. "ID y ee en TIHS Thur~dny lh" Ladies' Da\ '\l'rltS ·hul th\• !Ille Wlll doubtleuly I.wile\'~ this if )'OU don't want just can't miss becoming a big-. Len Noren, 21, a fonner •I• I H<:ll\ll~ ·1tl Willowick will con'. t.:" 1n t·lltu•r Santu Ana or Fuller-lo! a horse. time 1tar," says Devine. "He 11 foot, two Inch pitcher. who hu ~ .. .,...,._.,, 11 .. rt.vi }I• n 4r~ tlet.>t I ''"ul' wilh Th4rsdll)'. April 22 1el 1,10 "4·ho l,iQUl have itrong, all-That's right. Tht> horse SHE strong, has a great arm, fine tern· been a>nvert~ into an outfielder. "'•"-d 11.. •••If ''''""~ Sunda> ,., thr c1"y lht· Willowick ladlrs ar•lund rn1"1nts -In Oils year's mi·ana 11 Horac,' our hero. perament. willing. to learn; 1ood GUI Trlandos, a 1laantic catcher, .uid ~•.d'1•t1 tl'k ',''.',~' ~~·1• cyhamh· I"' ill , nil' on ofhl't'rs for tht M w ll•' a Icade. Anyhow, while Mrs. Patterson bat tine eye and a fine field." who wu 1igned otf the San Fran-~"" w-n.-s at ......., .... •· .. ,. t ~olf cluh. lh•• ('Oursc manqer an· --------was on the phone, Horse kept Polich weighs 175 pounds and clsco prep Iola. Triandoa, who h.its d.&W M be right o n ambling along. The next la five fttt, 11 Ila Inches tall. a Jono ball, trained with Port.•·-.. nnunc.."<1 20 f h' • ...... l.\tn IA'ltA'<' tP..: mt.ol"nm& ral'<' em rs 0 I an& )'OU know, he WU all the Devine alnlled out seven other tt\il Spring and will So to Twln· ~a...s. )IJor.'UJ ~-d '"as out u! Bo ' Cl b F way down to Newport pier. )'Ciunpten from the Yankee farm Falll.- 0... JAClllrl" '"ltn .. l>rukt>n mast * PCL Standl ys u orm There, unabuhed by the camp here who look like MU'-Archie Wlltoa. fornwr USC •tar. 1 <md l 'ho.t \\ •i..>Ufl. """' captain, •s B b JI T starea ot early morning sun-clncbe9 to become bl1 lequera. who report.I to Vlctcria ln the kot hu m..1ru. .. 1l m Ow uwcr bay W • ase a earns worshlpen and an occasional There are 65 )'OWICltera In camp West.em I,ratematloaaJ (claa Bl du.rmg lt.t cvun.-uf tM r~. Tum 09 ._, l'Clt. OB bu1lnHSman headin& for his here, al')Cl Mr. are the one. De· Jea,ue. Jn 1r.., •Hc>rnuun Mel W1t.ol.1 ~an Franci~co 7 4 .638 Twl'nty members of the Harbor'-dally bout with The Economlc I '!~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii t.._ .a •CJ1un1 .. o duckmg. lkan&-San Diei?O 9 6 .eoo area Boys' club met· and formed S)'ltem, Hone plunged into· the--~.: inc tus 00..1 up tu LM dock, he J.,os An1wles 8 7 .533 1 two ·hard ball teams under the -aurf and 1pluhed around with thr_. liw rup.... •tudl m.-d and llollywootl 6 6 .500 1 i, d•r .. ction of coach Kft' Uyesu1i. obvloU1 delleht . •• ... ol .,,'.rJIQOorJ , lho•1ne the S<tcramento 5 '5 .500 11, Cfluck Bridges and Jack Stein-Alte r a brief &IJT\bol and a IA»t 10 Ilk•·~ ho-r trom goU\i Portland 6 7 .462 2 mann were choM>n temporary ~ few peremptory ablutions, tour _,_.. I lakland 6 8 .429 2~ tams. A short aame wu held fol-·more chuacter1 enter the plc- Birik ) llunt LI ltlidlni , . t -4 ~...,a;g..-a.~~>'i"1~~me~te11~-«erne-.t-tJitt--1.U1,._and J.lone-tilew1 himselt iH k" '"•th t.•. iA)mlli roe tus park. Next' Saturday at 2:00 p.m. to be ro~ by L. v. Phebus, Spnnglr Hr n>rl W1bon ia tee· \l'edandat'• 0 .,.... 1 another work-out will be' held. Layton Cornecl, and Robert ~~•liJf:>-; ....,.nb for hU LO\.k'tte S , , _ A 1 (8.15 Addl1ional teams will be organized Cart er I who are cope I and Bill ~ )I• 1 \\ 1bon tw5 -' &IOI~· • arrnm~~ 81 ....,.. nae es · I ill the same time. Covert (who is superintendent of ='-•·ll.t l lO <> r..c.~ ••II tk-held Pm. 1 · Another game wilt be held next streets. Now, just what do you Aa••I Ii. ,,,,..1 .:::, rrom Lido h14: 'iaklAnd al St•nttle IS p.m. PST). Sunday at 4:30 p.m. following the suppoec HE was doing on thls fdi.t> hoitbo • San JJ1t•go al San Francisco (8:15 Mt'rchants' gamr. All Boys' dub dt•tall?). pm. POTI I nymhers i'l)tt'rt'Sll'd in joining the Carter rldl'S Horse back to" Do JOU W'Ull to •U It ! A4vttr· l lnl l~"'"xl :ii Por tland (4 p.m .ilfi'·11rm ~hould rr port either Sat-Newport Ht>ights. Carter likN llllr • U... ~ l'STI 11rday or S und11y 10 Ken. horses. . ..,, Tht> End. Thi· ('i1y of ~··wport Rl'ach, 1hc C'1ty council, ci1y cni;:inl'l'r J. A. I \\'(·bh. nnc(· strret supt'rinr.eod1•11t L. \\', C'O\'t•rt wrrr narrwd )•·~t••r· r111y 111 11n injunction suit hro11gh1 ----; hy 4\.li'. Hnd Mr!!, Gt·or~t-H. l>lf-.. •'ITB (.'O~tn"al'C'Tl()S ,_. •lftdl•1t up on thl" portion of U.. St. Ju•t llCFOM from thf' n~w f'lt)' hall. ~ az .............. .-. .. 1opmrnt (lf'ft forf'l{round) ....._ lb place u tint In bw.lnH• and Barry, 7490 Sc·nshorc· Dri\'l'. Tlwy rhargl'd that lhey werr ;id,·1sc>d hy s1·wral c11y official$ hdorc· rh,•y liuilt in 1942 that 1h .. rt• wa.s no alll'y lwtwccn the l hlls. At a rt•·ull DuOarry had pt;wrd (\lhni? for his house and. had 1 hu1l1 a wull an the property thl' C'ity now chums as an alleyway. YOUR LANDLORD --rocnTceuftomecrto Put:rlte---~------- Speaking - --t . sends greetings and gOoJ wishes to his tenants on ekpl.eC.S~ Harbor lnvestmem Co. 30th & W . Central, Har. I 60Q NEWPORT BEACH I SS 7 a ~ n ,-W .. °""' la thb an-a. photo by Gerhardt ·--New ... t Bndl'a -city hall, -to bp oprftPd at thr 3'lnd and HUT)' B. Caulk, architrctural de· Caulk has offices in Capistrano OPwUal ...,.... !odUon has ~cho-aigner and Harbor Paint Center Beach but ptan1 to move htte soon. 1'IP lint ~did JM>uat'd in the new irutall.._ Harbor Patnt ~nttt I!_ .2_wned ANNOUNCING THE OPENING APRIL 18TH OF THE -....... .., 111 ,.._. pwuaca to 1lM' lunchroom will open Sunda.J, and managed by ~O<' Walker, 216 bp _.. llhoFPnc 61trict hu bttn George C&ndoc!! and Tom Toppu. 33rd street. lie will handle the built by 0)-dr E. ~·ood of ownt'r3 announet'd. They wlll fea· Sherwin W11l111rru paints and fttoar- H...tlor Jnvnfnwnta. t';U'E' stea ks, chops and IJ'a·food dun'1 Bon-drx Walker w11s with Locatttd on J2nd strttt, jult off d1nners. The , lunchroom wlll be th•' Beachcomh;or mai?aiine as C-t.ral. t.hr modttn itructurtt wu open from 6 a m. to 9 p.m. l&l<'sman prior 10 opening th<' ~nx1f'd undrr thr icUldanct! of Harry A Cn1:1lk, urhlt~tural pa.ln t store. Oran Krphart. £f>fWT'al ronlr'!<"tor. df>5ignl:'r will ~ auodaled wilh E. ------- J«ry )lallrr dad the plutrrln~ Springe, construction en1incer. Be Wlsc -Advertlst and S . E. Brigs the electrical ------------------------- !installation. P1umbmit faciliUes ta°ft't' 1mtalk-d b)' tfarbor Plumb- 1 inc S«\"IC'f' Glau by Harbor G1¥S company t:nique • f"ount111n Ir Lun<'h. ~ RA~ Au TH• B01T #ATER YOU NEJ!D AT THB TURN OP A FAUCET WITH-• -UNIQUE FOUNTAIN AND LUNCH -ROOM Specializing in Genuine Prime Ribs .... ol Beel-Tender Juicy Stealcs , Chops, Shrimp, Scallops and fish Announting the Opening Colll_l!~e!e ~~untain Service HARBOR PAllT -CEITER Complete Home OKorafilHJ S•pp/ies Featuring SHERR-WILLIAm PAllT W•ll Paper Glass Picture Framin9 Free DecoratirMJ Service Facing Tlte Hew Cily fl.all Rental Floor SandiftCJ Equipment 4Gl-MND8TalZ'I NEWPORT BEACH Notice lo COlftrocton & l•ilden · -~ C5't1w._. TI 1toe1 _ .. ,tut l'rompt S.mc• .... :•=-&. ....... .. ,,..,.. ..... ........... -.. •• Illar.tale-I Sa ' p • 8 'ca~ AJJ I 7 3. COMMERCIAL a RESIDENTIAL OOiilllJ'Ll'AftO?C • D••11n • PIAJl8 • •=:o:v1e&ftml8 • DIDIATa • l.:i Nr"'J'Orl &ach at .i 10 -82Dd Sheet-Phone Ha.rbor 1149 In Santa Ana.-1 IOI t~. flnt Sl-Ph. S. A. 6470 ------- • in the new 32nd Street developm~nt - -• by . S. E. BRIGGS .. Electrical Contractor ** .. 328 -28th St. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1805-R OPEN DAILY 6 A. M. TO 9 P. M; •. 410 • 32ND STREET NEWPORT BEACH (Next Door to the New City Rall Development) ALL UNITS . in ·this new development facing the new city hall Erected by r DE A.N A. KEPHART ~ Gine~I Contractor " 1710 PLAZA DEL NORTE .Balboa Peninsula Phone HARBOR 318-R • (f;fg~f.Q~J=~~A~8:~~·~~9.R~Af.~~t-~: ~~A.~~$1f jgQ::1.StiY,]gJ~G~~MgQtQM] I I PuaL1c NoT1c1Ea _ Cll .. T l,.ICATll OF 8 Ul1Nllll ,.ICTITIOUI Fl .. M NAMll THE l'!"l'Y.RS H':NEn .,._ l\e,..hy , ... n1r1 1 h•• h• I• <••ndur lll\I a Mall· Ordn l•u.in""" al 111 C,..nJ C-&n&l. Ralb"• b land f'altf und•r lb• tic llli.,ut !Im• 111•.me M Fln)•d 0 EubaDll' Cu. And lhal ""'(' t1nn lo •'om1•-S of lh• f1•1l1,.1 lr1ic P",.,..,n "'"'-nanie a11d adtlr .... ~ It u follnwe. to·wll 1'"1£1Y11 G f:t"}tASK8 1\1 O°'nd Cl\nAI Rnlholl hl4'ld . C'tUlt WIT:->t~SS 111y-'h1H1d thl• 23r<1 clay ••f 1'lard1 l!MI! l"LO\'D O. f:llllANKS llTATY. Of' C'At.tfl'ORNIA. ) C'Ol'NTY· ('IF ()R.ANOf: ) ••· ON Tlllll :!3rd day M M&N'h. A. D .. 1~. b4'l1ir• m11. a N<1lnr)' Publl<' lo and fur N lc1 C'ou11ty •nd State. i>"....On&lly &J)pt>at'f'd Ji•t.OYO 0 . f:\lf\AN KS. llno"'n II• ml'. to be lh• per9Cln wh•-1wn• la •ub11erlhNI tn lh• within lnatrument. anc1 a<'knn..,1...t11NJ lo n1• th•t he O • .,.~,..l,,~~;.N~· WllERPJOF , I have l>•reuntn ..,t my hand and atf11u1d my om r tal -1 th• day and ytar ta thl• ~rttnrate fln l above written. BV81~ 'ou1D1r: 11 ltllS. Fc•R SAL~ _::_::..:.:_:...._ ___ _ It BOA~. •WPPl.ID • NEWPO•T ••Lao& ••••-T•••• "QtWDO." ._,_. ..... C...-. Ap! I\ l!9 Papi U ·}'EARS SDtvtCZ IN 11D: HARBOit AAS.A ~ &l(\h1•• l 00f'k• . J .. weir, t 1 IRONOMJ-:'TERS lt1·p11lr 1n11 l"r1an1p1 ~ HARRY HALL ~·Mlhl" Pnlw PAINTING <."ONTRAC1'0R I v AN DHIM LEN :114 Eut 19th Su.et c.IU. J E w F: L R V Ph. Bu MU Cow ....... »th I 1111t1 °'lll'Yi'Jlnr t Olvd C'oeta lhM 3-tlf LANDSCAPING 20 Y r11r1 E&pt.>rlent'f' Old & Nf'W JlomH MR. C. L. GEORGE BEACON 5979 Wall ace Calder head MANUF ACTURJNG JEWELER 817 COAST moHWAY 1''1REWOOD C"1lARffiAL A BRlQurt'S PllOMPT DELIVERY Wriirht Lumber YanJ i 'Tff.4 N.wport Blvd. COSTA MESA F.JectricaJ Engineerinr and Installation I • l 'ft nr 'T . .\ttrw11.-. , ~ W1m·h1'1' r -<'1-Two'"'t'IN-t),1utlJ h<~ Uff ~ .. n.. tW S.•11rd11t.:ht § 1·,.1d..-ll111t••n•• I .lutv ~ l 'hhtw. .....,. ~-- t:-11-(; ..,ll11d_lt,.Td1•1t1111111•• M.-tM"W :111 1.J.and A•.-RaJN. --~ F1tirlrl11k~·MntM' 1-:1,'(' l'IJ\nt• "'A'IWTT,D Tn UJfT • 111111 W 11t1•r S)"l .. ·n.-1--------- G -t: llAltlO n.-r . \\ A:\.,..:t. "I"'' IU~T t4-w< S1t'W11rt-W 11rnPr l nafrunwnll ,,,. f u nd) ..._, ........ ~, nn llubl~ En1rn•-..lfour I 1t1t.-llalh"• lt.laftd •• - Kohler F.l«'trlc r1anla .Mar-in. A•.--I~ l'-t. f"al1 Liquldmf'lf'r lank KUllCf'9 "'" r.~ J Iii-Jc< l'hot~·E)f'Ctrlc rllol 111or Portabk Toola Et&-Hokin &. Galvan 1000 C't111•t Hlway' l\ramn ~7 -.1t(' OUTBOARD MOTORS. WANTI·:ll 'J\"\ RD'T .,_ - mn11tt1 riOw-r Jut.) « -A..-._ ? ~'"' .,,__ '"'" •flhtW-... ("k-h • l&alboia ... , ~ ... ,.,_, "'ntf' S"°"'1Jlll Gr"""""a.l LS>, "" ~lh, a.._,. AftCt'fn 1.1 Cald CORONA DEL llAR JWXJ'nf or IUGllW AY Mmt s.n a& Once • A llEAtmnJL NEW 2 II II B ................. ~,. ... ,,, ,.... ... wtlh mnentie .... v..-.......... ..... S,.,.. nn 1iQt for ntra NOm "! rtetal uNt W.111 ~ &r.t Otter 0VW $10,000 IS&AL)H M. HOLO!t Nl'tary Pubh<' In Uld County and llt•t• for .-Id • CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. G11t·~1 ,,, r 111, 111111111• rurnlahrd or unl11rni;h. d: IO X 1:.1. 1111 ahlnclt'd romh1•1I pl~ wood Uned, Inlaid lln.il1'11m. l1111n11rul11tf'. Maki' of· f1•r 17(i~ P ttrk Avf'., Balboa b- land llHrhc:•r 117. 44-5tp AND BOATS NF.WA ~£D SIZ TH1S HOta: AT Al'Aala:MIW a WtW» • C .,..._ Aw.. 0.W ... -----~--,.--~~~-. ... ... I .I t\"t::t..Y RAYF'll°"--Y fw ' ... lily Comml•lun EaplrM March 4. ~: ~&reh 24 Jl; Aprll "1 14. lMI Cl: .. Tl,.ICATll 0' 8 UllNllM f'ICTITIOIJI ,., .. M NAMll 31-22U COOPER.A TIVE ROOFING CO. Plenty of Good Tina All Sbee.. &-rvtl"f' and R.-pal,.. on .ut • Mak"+<,. Moton\ Dave ft. Spiett !Uf' \out JllWA)' 0.amn ~ .. t ,....,~ New &Rd Repair Phone Beacon 1217 l573 El~ Ave:. c.outa "-»tit •THE \JNDl':RSloNED do hereby ttMlty that the )' af'f! ro edUl'ltftS • flakery buel~N &t II 23rd RL N•W-tll>M Beach. Ora111e C-ount:r. ('alltornl&. und•r th• Mrllttnue ftnn n.-of Har· bor Putr1ea and that Mid flnn I• <"nmpoa<J nf the _!~~,!";;.;f'llOIW;:f;~' ~t...,..-'l~-;;:-t;:------ Compound Motor OU Gallon. 1'0c Boata Pric~ct-l'o Sell· 30' <'r1a2Cralt n:u S5C)O() :::=.=-~~---r~~~L--.;~ ...... P--6 s "'°" Western Auto SupplJ 3T com Spt. Flah c·•ll S7500 _...,. en -low•. t&-w ll · -. R r.. JLARBISON &4S 1\Hlln AY•-· House or Apt. Tiii June l~th ~ o..1ar G. E. MINNEY Jll'a('Ol'I 6llt1 Newp<lrti. B81-h. C'&llt.; FAT HA RBI· SoN. &43 Tu•tln Ave · Sewl"'r1 8"""" H. M. LANE 1118 New'j)Of1 BMI.. ea.ta .._. 711 \out Hlway, N..wpnrt :a~flTNP:RR nur hand• lhla 2llth d•>' nf REAL ESTATE 1'T·tft -.11r ....,___ J'I ' FJ ')Cf',_·--'111i1i ....,.-OWW Fl k1a el._ UM ~ • 2 .,_ •• ....-. ---... .__. ...... ,. .. ._, ~ W a$ S' 2 0 .......... 11' ¢ Tellloe. fte uu.111 -ter mtlu7 _.. .._.. .. .-r ._ ... _.,. ... tr.. M tile ullww • .......... __ .......................... ... iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.--(,)jHd;::f. TI mr r < · 00112!0 B_; k M•tth, :rs1:. HARBIAON 2006 CAurt Aw. r AY llARlll'SON Near NC'wport Pitt RTATF. o r C'Al.tFORNIA. I Eatabllahed Since 1920 C'OllNTY OF ORNOE l •· 8-tf ON T HI!' i6th tll\Y nf Narrh. A 0 .. !Mil. hfofor• mfl. a Nolllr)' Publk In llnd tor •11l1t C'ounty and Rtat•, JM!•· "''nallv 11p1l<'11,...t1 n I':, llARlll!<ON ftn" PAY l1ARH1Rt1:-> lrnn"'n tn m" In b4' th .. r~r'"'"' wh•~,._. nam,.,. "',. l'UbttC"rlh· ••I Ii• th~ ,. llhln ln•1n1men1. and nrknt•'A'lfll<t1Ct"1 tf, "'" that thry ~x,.ruted , .. ~:" ... ~~·TXF.R!'l Wllt:Rti:rw 1 h11V• """"""''' 1"'1 mv hand anti afllud my .. m 1•lftl ,...111 th" <ll\Y anc1 )'"'' In thlt '"rtlflrl\lfl tfr•t N>-•v" wrltl,n. <Sir.AL) W R FOOTE ~fill\rY r uttftr tn anti fur uht C'ullU1)' "Oft ~lf)tt' -' MY C't1mm1 .. 1nn •:x['I,...• J ulr • 1950 l'uto )"'r 31 A11fll 7 I~. Z 194" C IERTIF'ICA"tE Of' BUSINESS ,-tCTlTfot7S ~'1 .. M NM!ot& MICE -N<'rvous? Nut· sll't'ping rturini; day? Clrnln ~mnkl' O P'a! Mayht' ifs th<· squenk in your rar. S('(' F.nrnlc el Associated SrrviCf:'. :2Ath & W. ~nt., New- port 0 Pach FREF. pickup-H~ bor H 06 ~lie l"PllOL~Tf:RISO .. .. SERVEL The G A S Refrigerator Som1• Modela Av111lable NOW Balboa Furniture Store 1no Mnln SI , llAlhoa J'l1tin«'., lt11rbor 14!\ 2205 I 'neat lll\ld . N~1>nrt Ptu•11e Jl9rl10r l lfi 41-tfr SPECIAL c; M 11r ltltAV Mt\HIJ'llt: A<' C-1~ t'ARL.5 BAll, :>.: M il 0 Pl('lty (1 .. rk E A RolH'rt!' has h1i: 1R78 Sprmicf1f'ld rifle hack at.ll'r fJVe >••ars· :;c•n ·aet" an World War Il. He lt'n t it to the BritlAh home ituard wht>n England made a plea for anns in event of a German In· vu ion. Tiil': t"'l;f'f:R;jl:'l:t:h •In hf'~by ,...,r11h• that lhl'Y ar• f"•;n,tur UnJ a i-~..i t~•1"'" t>w ln,.•• "' 1113 (',. ... t lliah· "-•'"' f"H)' t•f S'·-.p••rt R""' h {"''1unt1 .. f '"''"It" !\tall' .,f 1·,.111.,m la und,.r ah .. llrth l1ou• t tr m nnm,. ''' FITZ· \fllHRIA R F;Al,TY COMPANY and that "'"'"' t•rm '" rnmp .. ,..,..d .. r th,. tnllt••ln1r tlf·r~1n(I wh"-" rutm"ll a.nd add~a.• "'" ft• f'lllOw•. to w it 1/:.:'' Ga'lv. Steel Pipe 20c feot . l>Yt-:R nlNK r rrfr<'t rondHlon ARTlll'6 I!: YITZMORRI!\ ~11 U. AP"'""" Avf'nU ... Ualboft b land· MA· 1n ;1. F'IT7.MORRIS. 31\1" Apnl@na Av•nu' Ralb<l• b land, W ITNP:Si f~ir hanc1a thle 30th day nt Man-~R.f:t~n !: •"lTZMORRIS llU.Bl'!L P"IT7.llORRl8 Fn'ATllOFCALIP'ClRNIA.J . OOUNTT or 011.Al"O• •. ON TKll!I IOlh day ot arch. A.1> .. An atimatfll 10.000 deeert plantl tttt growing on 306 acres tet .... for the desert botanical aar- ~n t'Ut or PhOl'nbt. Ariz. Th~ gar. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dm is tht> only one of ils kind in JM world. IMS M(ore me COLIN P'. BROWN. a Not&r,. Public In and for Mid County and Stale. ,....dtna th.rein duly ro,. . mlNloned and ewona. Pf'rMnally AP· PH~ ARTHUR I': P"IT'ZllORRl8 and MAUP:L rtTZMORRIS known to me tn M thoe puJOOn• whoioe n.,..... are •ubll<'rlti.d• to lhoe within ln•trument. ftn(I arllnowle411...t tn mf' that thO'y ea· ~ .......... . rr.-... T-. ,_. .... r 1 LO\'"E 'lllOl.'m.I:" DA'I' 8alOOI. Mortimer · !khool -()uni A-. ........ DAY 8(,W)()IL l "°" CJrE.'lll &A.WI a.A. .... _.,.. ....-- -AJ- .... ry t'nncla ('1audf>.tt• t "ollW'rt '°"""'9 Aloac lhe Mobawk' DIRECTOR¥ ..,,, PllYBICIA.~8 -SUROEONll, M.D. O'r ntl'd th• -•· " IN WITN~ll Wl~ERPJOF'. I hue hHeuntn ,..., my hanc1 and A.rtlaf'd my ntflrh•I flf'al lhO' d•Y and Y"•r In lhlt ,.,.ntttratf' ttrwt •"°"" wrltt•n. •SE.ALI COLIN r BROWN S otary P\lbllr In alld tor •.Id rnu•ly 1<nd !'tat,. My ('nmmlaol•"' F.aplro Oct . .l~. 11::~.-M•r 81. Apr11 "1. U 21 1948. Thf' Nrw ... Tlm,.. ..M111 aot be rnpc11111lhlr for morfl tball CMlfl lnt-orrf'C't lnM"rUna nf .. 114•9'- tlM'mf'llt, rf"tl#rv,.. thfl rltht to rnrr,...tly r lalMllfy .. , and all ad• and to ,,.Jf-rt any advttUM- mNt aot rOflfnrmlnc tn ruJea and Ff'«UlatlnDA. Ct ... lnf'd ads "111 bf' ac-rrptfld up to t :IO a.m. on T,. llay n1 publtrlltrnn. I """81NU8 &UIDS A. V., Andrews, M.D. WOO.P FENCE CONTJl u PBYl!RCIA."i A ... All 1)1><'1 and Styles lluaGl:ON •ti c-J ~· Bahtor 5541 F.H.A. Term Fr~ Eatlmatea •Anywh('t"r in County Corona del ~ ·-I •-_.,;,---:;;;:;:;;;;:;-----'---------"----Uj> to 3 yn. lo P~ ____ w:a __ r1S_1_e ___ _, .-------._1,..----•; 1 ( ~ S:-A. 2579-R. :ZS.Uc Dr. Obed Laeaa WWWIWI -~ .... Ollllnil. _._ .... MWWWHJ&T•M"W ocmJOK g UPP, D.DA ---o.11'111 ...__._cn-6 1lc ,., ..... w.nwnrAD H. R. Han, l\I. n.1e....._ _. iJipep . .., 1111aa w1 sure_. . .,._ 1..-W1\.cn "I jewelry ffoun: ~-5, by Appointment · -._ • REP'AI1UNG TJI '' • ae-oii 5143 c 1 · 1"tn1-"6f~n•<1Rd Watchft Ill BleMwaY Costa M-• NF.WPORT JF.WEl.ERS IUnck-r ntw Manq~ntl ...._ M. Muwell.11.D. t•I VaMt IDwaJ Ccwoaa clel Mu Office Houl"I: 1~12; 2..S ............. S. ll Monaco, M. D. 814 BaJ An-. a.Ibo& ~1m 1 \6 22nd St., Nf'WPO"t 17·ttc EDWALTERS .J TILE CONTRACTOn; R11th Rooma. Drain Boudii, etc. 151h 6 N"'J)Of't Ave., Colt& MeM Ph<>M Bdcon 8700.W·3. 18-Ut LEROY SLATER Mov~ Anythln1 Anytime Spl'd11Hzed '1.1 • MO VINO. Pediatric and Infant nurse. va- cationani: is avail&bll' aa f09ter Olrnmr ·Pl1ttrd Swln1t FauCll"~ $595 mother by day, n ight. week e nda 1850 \•alur or by week. No phone, kindly call personally mornings, 201 Dahlia Ave. at Ocean Ave. In little grey garage oottaire. Cor'1> FREE PLUMBING Layout Service l'la del Mar. 47-3tc FONT ANA PLUMRING HSE. BOY-Gd. cook, very neat, ~1 ~. W. Nt'WJ)Ol't Aw. 1td. ref. Ph. Fullerton 1354·W or Coata Mna Phone Beacon 9041 115-W. 4R-2tp 37-tlr • WAITRESS WANTED -For part time work wt'<'k end. Apply In person F'riday, S11turday or Sun- day morning. Balbo11 Ya.cht club. Phone Harbor 1484. 44-5tc SF.CRETARY-With knowledgt of 00okkN'ping. Roy Grf'f'nl~ar. Jr ELECTRICIANS ISln~ 19201 Contnrtlnr;-~n Rftl~nll11l-lndU1trlal Et&-H okin & Galvan 1000 \out Hiw1ty IW• !W()7 31 -lk 3112 W . .("C'nttal Ph H 11rbor STRUC"t1ffiAL STEF.L ~1. 46-3tc 'Anglrt .. \h11nn.-ls t De11ma DINNER WAl'ffiF.SS -At Har· All alz1'!' 1tnd Sha11<·11 -N••w A Uaed . . Iii and ~ Rrktforcinir Stt't'I rlMln Dmnl'r JlouM-, 17th & Or· HICKSON & NF.WELL ange, Costa M<'!!a. 47-Lfc SM>l w. :\th ~t. ,. Ph(lnf' 14&4 F.XPERIENIT.D W AITRESS S 11nt11 l\n11 4B-1tr Wantf'd-<'nll 111 m·w Unique WllNTSD TO llUT JI C'"11fo. 410 32nd S1 , Nl'w1iorl .. ------------ Brach. 4)( Jtc Wlll Pa Mffit:-PO~KD; _.._ -Ii jOijt l'iiiil1Un C6 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Opens Sat. & Sun. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. COMPLETE TOILETS, lncludlnl seat and flush VAIVf' $23.!IO Wall hunii. close coupled toll•!J al oompar able pr1Cl'S. Kohlt'r Lavator lee $15.0C) up. So11d vttnoua china urln11l1 '4 75 Heh. .Calv. plpl'. aao black pipe. Chr~ swing apowla $5.75 Kltch~n alnks $5.75 up. ,.,u. IPJMJN e.eeu. MM. Crawley Furniture Co. t!M Newport Bt\'d., a.ta ..,_ 1'2-•ft CASH for USED Furniture &: A ppliancee ''W• Buy A1mowt ADythlnc'' • -GRANT'S . .,._.. DH. S10'1· .. 18'5 Newport Blvd .• OOlta Mae 42--tfc. L.wundry tra)'S,,.CMt Iron riJ&Hft'Od P0S "A.LS • Toilet aealt. s leamlnir whit~ $6 Iii. ------------Soll. pl~ and rltUnp. GRUNOW 6 tt rt'frl1rrrator Good Get our pr1Cft. condltJo n throuKhuulJt1ll Jhlr· Hot wattt hut~n. new 20-aal. bor 1649-J 46·51t' $46.50. IWbuJJt hat water ht!atera 20-iraJ. 131.00. Any plumblnc Item can ~ l\ad throuih our loca.l or Loa An· . it'k-ll om~. 315 Marine Ave. aALBOA ISLAND J()ppo8te Catholic Churdl) -Cloeed 'J'uf!9day- H A. 2Z16-W. :ZS.trc: "1ftNnVRF. RETINL~HT.D A1 You IJk,. It • KEN GRENSTEI> 2131'1 MIMr St .. C'Ai9ta Mm Phone H1rbor JOTO-W For Eatlm1tU. On Gu11ra.ntl'ed Work 22-tfc ~.no 907 w ... t ~t , On-an111dr ('111lf ~-:'>tp 10 llORSF:POWER Ev""'1UCll-out· 00-rd "U1htfour". HNvy duty, Joni •haft, Exaolle\t far aua- lllary. Ult'od 5 how9 a:IO. Call 4!Venlnp, Harbor lm.J. -.ate llt1810.AL a MINO .. l'JSED MANOS ~led for aw rt'nt df'pt. Trade JOUr old ...... on a Sr•IMt lflct--t alaow- Or will buy for •JJOt cuh OAN:t, S<ifMIDT PlANO m . 5lO No Main, Santa Ana 1-.ttC' RALOWJN. IN'autlfully built UtU. hunitalow piano. ~ • 4 llali1nar ran bf' paid Clfl _,, mont hly pa)'mf'llb T)ila h a c1>m I lfln7-f:\rhmldt rt.no r-0 AlmO!lt lll'I fllanoa t• ~ from ~'.l<l No Main. s-1a Ana l~tfc- s rINt-:r t>l"™' llrand ,_ ,._ d11m11icfld in ahl~nl Wiii no4 llf1' told fmm ,...rfN't now Saw Sl!Sl'J T••rma OAN7,S<11MIDT PIANO tYI , :\20 No Main. San- 111 An11 \9-ttc • m rrtlr rypP ano -iAWt, tonr Flnf' artlon You "9at S-1 11ul t1111Anr1• of StZ. T._ flAN7.·S<11MITff. !\20 No llaht. S11nla An11 19-tlc SPINF:T fnr r<•nt All 6 mo tft'18 N"nt Allriwt'd If ynu buy latft' It ·· j11At' Iller 11 H vlnp al'C'OUftt R.rnl " S,,lnl't now. ~uy wtwe rr1uly n"nz-~hmldt PlaftO no ~20 No Main. Santa Ana 1-.tt~ STf:lNW A Y GRANO. '"Thr KlflS or planoa:· prrfM.'t oondU&oll. iror1t90UI Ion. Sa v,. owr 11000 Oan7-Srhmldt. Santa Ana. Ul No Main 1-.uf' MAPU: SJ:Mnrt. ~-d Gar· CN>Ua to~ llflautltul rnaplfl tln- l•h Jflchret ~adr l'M.M It JOU lov• maplf' you wilt MW"r fW anotht-r IA> 9Qual lh1a OM. Just pay out balantt. f".uy t.-rnw tt you "'11h. Danz-SMmddt Plano \..o . 520 No Main. Santa Ana Jl·tf~ • RENTALS Wf: /\Rt-: urirrnl)y In nM"d °' rrntal• Wf: J<EF'.P 11 rlaulflf'd f'f'C'Ord of .....,_, ,._.. to -•• • ....... p A ~ -· DD BALBOA BAYSHOR!'S \"&al~~~ 4T-4k Bl1T NOW FOil YOUR 9Ull- ------------MJ:ll VACATION. '1.000 ..... mT.~ ........ 2 and I .,..OOln ..._. wtf 111 ,rW•t• ~ and ....... ~ ll-'-~ « wnt# ""' ~-.-..... ....... 41..31p .. I 'tll \'A TF r A RT\' W"tll S-J lil!W)t) r-.t1 ,,,. ....,.,, .......... .__ - t\11~ '" ..in,.,,. .. ,.." .... "°"' ..,,.. i.. u Sr'll~· llma. 6 • l.O A N.._ ~ J Ul "IUl. IJO"RO\T.. HHY. Mnli+:Jl..'-i7.E. Oil IU>"INA~ ... ...,. Tr-e 0-. ~ O.u...BOA FnlGlAL UVDIGll 6 LOAN ~ DD Via 1Me Pll. 1W -. 0-dr LOANS ~ Rnlrktfod COIN ·e- ltF f'nr fwthn '•t•Ua t'aU llr. 5T F.ARI. W. STANLEY ltl!AL'IUR C"OVF.IUNO ·ORl:ATICR Nt:WPO ltT HA.RBOR , l IJ w. C%N'T'll.\L N_,.,n RNd\ 1, .. 01' ANT> lJlVJNI: 8'1"11. l'C_,.,n Beech 17th and COA.llT Hwy. N.wpiirt Dffdt ~ MA.ft IN!: A VE. Be.,. llland IJ15 COAST HWY. "-••a&. DUPl..EX $16,600 J'\JRNUHEI> W. l. JORDAN al:ALTOa -I!.~ ..... _._ 1U. ...... llHI• H 'tll1 O ltJ ... : ~-Mii • c•'fttnt t'!t ·~·a:''"' '...... ....... ". ,...,., 11lo.tr1• ,,,,.. .. ·~'"" ~ -------------- \\' I. ,~,,.,.. •' N-,._t ni.-ti ('1-a.mmar wti;.-.... .,,.., t pm 'l Uf"Ht l N11ur<t.J' •3'p '41 M..Y1SOUT1f '1 411.-. ..,a.i .._ lu• ""-s-illlt )rllb ,._...._ )mt ._~ l._._1.JZl.W 1 ~ Ac••'· n.a... .......... No ? ~Sfr 4 IU:J .lftl Jt 1V .. __..... ...._ fnr ui.... f,D IU 1 IYiil't f'.a~ I ,,..,..,, Rlvd Jly ....,_,_., ,_.,. f'•U l~J 411'Jtr RltASU SF.W ,_. •7 Poppy c(rona del )lar $10.f°JOO <)too .,, n..... ,__. ,..., U""1c flor.-n .d... ,_... ~-'droc .. lfard-.. ,,,,.._ fir.,-"-wnart '"'""'"° l.Aundry r...,. '1 ,., p. rar If. D. TU1TLE New View Rome OVDLOOICTNO l'.ftttn Hut. ..-I hr . hlhr noon. ftnplaee. WWWb~ and lftllde ~ • ........... ,,. ftMUt ...... -.,,..,..., RALPH P. MASKEY Mii W OMtnl ""· flw. -..... fYlft ~Au: 1 bf'drnnm new helncalt-tn hr movrd tmmed- l•trly. 1rnfkr. SH I-• P'atdl. N.-pwt n1 y 111111, Ph d11y 11 .. r. 1009. rvenln111 flf111, ri6:l9-M. 4R-3tc LUl'I' A Wi&JC9A!ll'I' aec-aa...., Oil.-.. -...... _._. • omce HOUIS: • 2to5p.m .• . .... , ........ ~ ffn11ll"hold Coodt A. Small Boeta • Harbor ~1. ' :ZS.U. Silver Platin2 COPPER, BRASS. GOLD Pollahln1 A ~nnlahln1 McClellan 10lld m1hl)l(11ny dlninc Mt, two hOlll 11nd four •lttr chain, hand cuvrd, with l1>11thr·r aeata. '10'1 PC'srl SI . n11lhn11 h i· a.nd Harbor 1359-M. .--t7-:ite 2 1ood douhl~ coll 1prin1w. i mat- tJ'ftac'•. l11r1r clrrulat ln1t l(M heater, foldlnr 1prin1t rot nntt ·ma~trcu. 2 solltt 011k dlv~n~. thr thlri1 for wi111ln1t mom Jllirr h. -!Jr lnaldC'. stood 1prlng d1•mounl· ab) IM'A ti, W'TY 1'&111 )' r('rllVrrrd your fl'r<1p<'Tty. •rrordlnc to •1tc prlrr. 1l7r, ltl('atlt)n, •haw )'our ------------- proprrty if ftPllirrd •nd .,_.Ip 1'IJa <'Y.J#UJNA flEL MAR I Yl1 ,._, .. .,.,.,_.,. :. n • ._~ 11•1. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE JYl(JRJ.F: (;ARA<:F:. r.ood loca- tlnf! In f'001l11 M,.u Pr i v ate party l7'2f11 flfl11Mn f.illt!).M. -.:up , .... mslll> CWIGW&IWI W. T. Mooney ... , ...... Conrad Richter, M. D. ,,_, ·-= 9:30 a. m. -12 M., 2:.30 p. m. 2 •:30 p. m. -..c w.ee.trat 1"..;.rt ...... .......... ,.... HARBOR Plumbing Service 17r.R Newport nlvd . ~aeon 6111 REPAI1UNG ,OUR SPEclALTY Cont:Tacttnr and Suppll8 9-tt. L,loyd "s thr Enithsh marm.-in· 11ur11n('l' rlrm. Is 11n OUI CTOWt h of an 11uociation or m11r1nl' ul'ldf'r· VSTElllNA.&IAN v.-r1ten who <1r11cm11lly ml't-In ~...-:====a=-------ttr:l'M ]irEWPOaT llAJIBO• n:n;IUSASY Boern'AL ~l'utliwr.D.V.11. r.10 ....... D.V.JC. Bayside Platin2 Co. 1914 Harbor Bfvd. Coat• Mesa, Callt., Beacon 511.l &-ire HARBOR WC'dn 11y or Sunda)'-14{12 S.-11- Furniture & Transfer view Coron11 d<-1 Mnr 47-41c BONDE'°D and rNStJRED I f'OR S Al.F. flrd tta•·nn & rh11lr A Good Buy . . . With allp eovrr.. <"1111 Jl11rhor -ls--e-Wise Bny 1 M 9-J!...i1ftn• 6 l!J!' 4R-31p Let Ua Hrlp You ~ Wisc ~ft. MTnUD • -COURTESY S~VTCF_. 117-ft. HiitcenJJ Utility <"hryal"r 1962 Harbor Blvd C'"..osu M,..t motor , llkl' (lf•w S•·ll ,,,. •rnl1••. rhnrnl" y11ur trnant TW<I I/tr.It R-2 ~•ial. ao' • • ... All otilltift ............ WF: Al ,c;n lc""fl a r111J1111fi.d rf"Ollr'd nf our '""""la a• to t~r ..-de. ''" or ramlly. and . ahlllty tn Jlll)' Pl.F.AS E <·ALL In P""'Ofl EV A F. RHODEN __ _Realtor JIV1J <T. 71J8) --~ Blanche A. Gates-Realto~innv Gates 212 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Day Phmws: Har. 1671-J ; Har. 10.14-J Dies: Har. 746-M; Har. 1l17·M NEWPORT HEIGHTS ne.uttful 2 R.R ......... ~ ~. oomtt lot. Alrr...-...... 1....an&r..P"d Th~• a strel ror S9000 . s.-IU'I' ......... --• °"'*" ...... ....... DllllJ ...... .. 1m e.~ ,...,.. Drift ............. ....... ..,.; .... ~--. rtiniaump11on nr rannrd h11hy fond hl\s jumpNI nnnually rrrim 13 pound!I prr r hlld undl'r thrrr yrl\Tll o f "~" to 4~ pnunrh In lhl' Jl:UI ~-· .. n yrnrs, rl}rnl'll \ 'nlvrrsit)I f11rrn f•Ntnr.rnl~I& l'!lllfl"llt(• Phone Beacon 5538..J On Cornnii d,.I M11r rr11l '""''''" Owner 37<t2 W11lnul St . Rl\'r>r: .i. 34-ttc 11&>, or Ph Rlvi•r•t'rlr 3~~ rnr ___ Be_W_lae ___ -..'X""a-v-'m!M----appolntmrnt. • .n.-2'11r Ht ti IM f"< JR RF.NT Dout.I" ronm n"llr hull llnr ('1111 l"·l!Mn Y.42.J Av11ll11hl,. Sa1urd1ty 47·3tc I.. I I .... ·- . . . I 6oofs and Saddle Club Learns Square Dances After Dinner Meeting May Morie# Occupies AHention Wltl n Wome" OI St. James Auxiliary Hold April Meeting ' Benelit Luncheon Adds to Church Fvttds Harbor Feminine Activities Pbonea: Harbor 13 and ~ By Winifred Barbre ., • Page 6 N E W PO RT BA LB O A N E W 8 -TUI r. M Louis Ste.-ens. Autltor \\'l:ON040A" N.-•·pcw1 "-4•11. C'.Uf. April ... INI I A . E -o . meflcon pie. Glotly's Norman Heads ZONT A International New Or9aniiation ol Executi.,e Women , A unit of Zonta International I.a ~t club for w~n of the Harbor U'H, havln1 hffn or1an- taed at a mtttln1 held at the beautiful h~ of Mn. Leth• Drolet. Shore OlffJ. omcen ••ere elC'Ctt'd for t.he enauln1 year an4 plana for a charier banqurt wue ~ Heading t he new club 11 Mn. Gladyl 'Norman. prt.'Sldent. of Norman'• F lower 1hop. Corona dtl Mar. Other offlcen att. Vlce- prHMlt'nf, Mn. Ruth Htt~ll. cn-dlt Bu~au, Ne"1>0rt Beach; C'.Ol'ftlpondlng ..-qetary. Mr 1. Drolt't, E l Navajo Gift 1ho11, Co- ron11 de-I Msr; rf'C'Ordlng lt'Cl't'· tary, Mn. MildN'd S tanley, l!:arl Stanley c:om1mny, Onlho11 Island, trH1urer, Mft. r.r1ayce SC'vler; principal of Corona rlel Mar Ele mf'ntary achool. The club wu oraanlwd by Mn. ------lLIUJet "Grant Ktn1, Pa111dc-na Realtor and district chalrmsn ot Zonta Jnternatlooal. Mrs. Kini:: hu a 1ummrr homl' at C'..orona ool Mar and 11 familiar with thl' d.latrict. Zonia Jntrmallonal 11 a clusl- fted womt'n'1 k•rviCI' club wh~ rMmbenhlp )• limited to ·eiwcu- "Uve wonw-n In bualncu and the profeulOft!:_JJ 1a t lm.llar In ~­ poeee and member clualflcatlon1 to KJwanll or Rotary. 'nMTe . .,.. nearly 200 Zonia.. clubll In UM' UnJted StatH. Hono- lulu, Canada, Swect.n, Denmark, Toeland, Tinlani!, Norway and Switattl•nd./. On Uw chiirtu llat ct the club are the folJowtna nwmben: Mes- durws a.m~ Baltz, Baltz mor- tuary; Myrtle Brooldnp, Brook- inp Variety 1tore; MarsaNt ~ ,)/~·- FINE FABRICS • o.-.,.n. 8 Upholat.ery =~ta• dtftl fabrics.~ QuUtlns. etc. PH0NJ: HAJUIOR Dt...J·K ~ ... '°C'.r~ ~I DIC._. ... u .... IEPAllS .,.IEIUILDING ..... au.-. ............... r.';; -;;; .. ;:-•• :1. \ -• .r= • ........ ..... • AU.- ~ Bruning, Karrn Mar1.'Tt·ta Im· port1; Mary Addis Cochran. Tot and Tt-en 1hop; KA,!hll't'n Colf'- man, piano teacher: l..oul~ Ham· IMI. The Knlttini;: Rag; . Elsie S. Jlampl<in, H1onp1on·s Harbor Drug;l, Thrlm11 Paddock Hope. portrait painter . Jdlf f'ay- lor. Jda Naylor's: Jrrinw Rkhard. RJchard01 Lid<) markf"I : l)oruth,.,. Wl110n Sht't'lry. llhrar1an and Ml .. Janr Poyrr. 1rulptor ViYion Read ol Balboa Wed Sunday in Church ol the Flowers In thr Uttlf' <"h11rrlt of ti•• FlowC"rs. Fnrf"llt I .im n ;-.1 .. m .. 1 11 Park. Al 7 31 • p ni "" ~1111'1:" April 11, \01\11111 J1111r 1(1·:111 -~Lll F:rtsl Ct•ntr11I 11v1•nur . l\i1lhrn1. r pre 11 d vow" \\'Ith Ari ll\1r A (Aloft or R:l.5 r.,,st RroM1v. •• , . ~-Ill GnhrM. Thr hridc, da.us:htcr nf !\1r nnri Mr•. ~1n~1in R1•111I .. 1 7:1'1 \\" 1lnt4t 11ln·N. P11!'R<i<·n11. wa~ i;h·o·n In mnrri11cr hy h1·r farhr r Thr C'f'rrmony wa~ po·rfnrnwd tw rh< R.l'v. C:frnn Pudcr. J>ll}'lnr 11r Im· manul"I Pr<>sbytc•ri1u1 ('hurrh. Lns AnitPles. WhltP brocade. fuhlonf'd •'ith a. swt'f'theart neckllnr. wu ..nos. f'n by thl" bride fur tic-r I:""'" and 1he wore • flnitttt Ip ~·t'll IM't on a whltf' 0lace mantilla, dC'COratf'd with ~ Ptll'll and natural «- ange blouoms. She ca.J"Tkod •'hlU- lrla 11et on a tntamft'lt. wttlt a ribbon shower. The maid of honor. Ula ·May McCUUodl, WOtt peach-pWi tat~ feta and ai.o carrWd a ·te11ament with blue iria and ribbon 1tn>am- m~ Bn1. man. WU J&uia U. Looft. A. ~lion folio-d Ow ~ mony and wa1 Mld at tM home of ttw-bride'• pannta. F« her eoln«i away luit the bride cho9e pjtle ptnk p~ with black .~. The MW Mr. and Mn. Loolt. both of whom U't' uaduatf'S of Pasadena Junior COllf'Se, wft lm- nwdlately for Phoenix. ArU.ona. Newporl leoclt l'.-T. A. To lns1oll Officers, H.eor Lecfu,. on CltlltO · JlllWlaUon of atrkw'll ...... edd:re9a by Dr. J anws V. Ladlmor on the poal lion ct OUna ln tht- world ol today wm featur. tJw. ~Iv D:M't'tiq of NPWpell1 BNch EJenwntary School Pattnt- Tf'achtt uaodaUon. 10 be hfokl Monday. April 19 at 2:30 p.m. In the Corona dt>I Mar 9dlOOI audi- torium. On looA Re.-iew Program I "1 0 "'.Q.o ..ncf hi'•• ..i ~·r• •tt1, (lf < LI \. ~· l .• _,.JJ;:t, tw;t • f._., t •' dr,,,. n .. ~"' t:ITUI" , .. • .z,. • t Anv 11• ... m f\a ~"' U•) • f l'rf.mJN• • 'J1.t ~~ (4# ,., llHlll •h• ~tJorJ ,,r tJwo O \"\J \\ •• a no l t•Jlll'' d<~'n , .. ,. ~,.,.,do._ ll •'"I I rtr.-n•"')I" s-.-. ;• ,..,, I •fn' "· • h-• 11·•'" IA nn1,...., ,.... ",. •" ' • ind 111,-...r-11~~""" r,-, ,-I •"I• •'Ill• I'• Ill I ll,.rl..-.r ~·· ,. '1$ 1 .. ~ Mtr .... 11'at th. "'•> 1.f T• , .. ., 0•.dlll 111 1-•• .a ,. a• I•• • • t ,r l t 11) 1h11t I • ~X'c 111 •ho Ill· ~ t• nt ti _"11 •> .,, rr~1"l r • • ., ,n.,: ,,.,, ,,. ... ,,, •4 ,f .. f .... ·• ,..,.,,. ' "" t'1 1 . \,fllt.J,I t•'•"'· .,, \!'f'• ...... ~·i. I • I r nt'lP!• '1 I• n."°. ' otl "-1 ) I ""r f,..J, t • ••; • r i • t I• _,,,,, :--.·· .,,.._ "J ~ .. ·r'\• ,• • , .. ... • t .r-.. •• • ., ! .: )• ,r !·I· f\\ rl ~ r. ,., \ f •• r ,a,,r,;11 •h. • • I• : • ' ,1 • .. 1•..t~ I"· , • • ·: II n •,f•! •'--t i .... ;. ·~ .. ''n" !I' f ,,,,:, .:, ·t .. n 1n•1· ....... 11"" ... •\11 ttf ,., ,... f!f_.. ..... t . ff" .1,tlf JI , .. ;-;-a-r •f ..... .,..., i-t •f r 1,. \\ ;11, •• m ~·') f 't "J '"''-'.;i.1 • · ... •tu. , • .,, .• rt .r >UPllf• ,.., ,, II• ... i ft• 't• "' tu• 11uf¥J St•'•.-~ Iv.• •1 tr~ ,-. m f>l"h I """J '°' <JC t ·iot11 .. r m , .. fm .. 11ur .. n 1.,. llY .l••n 111111 •lllr11'Cf 10 iik.l.Mllm U1 ttts' ~1.0 JaMc l.A.ndM """'· ..,_. fl•tk n •• "' r-t .4"ll(M't' 8t••·le" Jrtlfll"W1<1} in1~t 111 rtt. >•IWl>C --.re ._. t.U. M.-'1 mml-bt•r ~ "' tht' stor) ut ..er c-8llliaC Mirk a.te , ... frf'C'dom ~wt ...... a.AapW lt Ma...,_ &n ........... wltla ..._, 1111Mda-St1"\t11S •'lll 'IWH ttm Y'nday lmc llllMta flf wuMllle ...,_ at I.hr £bd1 dub ~ &t lW'O ..-... LecalJ¥ tllll -f1N In th«< alt-llr wtll n>m-tep .-J .... f--' at ,,......,_ pk1f' th«< swoCJam oC authilt· rtdl'a.. .....un <Galpl-4 af LP«I --- Watt. tJw author a1 uw _. Costa Mesa Grange .... about s.-..,.. I ffutlor. <Uld H-l..J F. ~ .. ~ ,. ()a.ltoe s. Hr),...._ iillbor oe UIUS lnr ,,.,ff 1n9 u.r ..e.t.-lbac -~ -In New Holl nw public .a~ u~n • ~ a maa1J adrc =r ftt. Wlth the lights turned on only C. M. f;,.,..,,·s A.Dliary '10111 li1HJO '°"J To AiJ Gi" Seo.ts Ca.ta ~ f"rnnnla all!lll· 1al")' -· TIMlnday ~ tnlh E'°t'l>TI' Mc:Gw~. P!ummtT Slf'tof't. with Kary Elmrr ...... ,~ Mn. E11tww-I* ifilidrd at :fr ~ ...... In thr ol thr i*a'6tnt~ s--~·a11 Pl.Ma Weft 6cwwwd for a Gari Smut ._...It llimo> pm1y to br ...... ~-"""' 2!l. Eada wwwAkv II to lirtils a s-t . .._ a pritt. , , will be hrid •• Ille. ~ ol Baoca £6*.. Altrr tbr rrwirrmc a ~ Tnpolt .... -'°'"- 0-~ wral pr"'°"•· \·nna ~ and -nilwt• WftT 11wfma l..ord. Dor04hy Gallo.-a). Boou Edlctl_ llary Hilliard. EthrL S uzum. \.iob Smith. E....,,. Jlk- Cuirc-. MU, E1mrT'. C:W-Oi- den. GrW'i' w ngtu and. l..urilW Rt-am New loob Offer Cltonce lor Atm Cltoir Acl-renf•te ttlat afternoon, Coeta Mesa Grange met Thunday evening fnr thP fint 11~ In their MW tiaU nt Thurm:-and Vktorla 'trf'<l'ts. 49 mrmhrra b<-inr ptta· ent. Tlwo guMts wrre present, Mr. 1'nd Mn lrcf'm of Mlnnnota. llr. 'Jrgt'm is a pas t wor thy mu- '"" and he. RS W<'ll al hi• wif•. ittwe a brief talk. Anotht>T' itpeakl'r was Robert W ardlo9· of Wintersburg. inaa- trr of Pomona gTan{(r. who t.alk- f'd on the wattt 1ituation arid \ht county sewtt. . Kn. RoMrta Rapier. lecturtt, p~e •an amusing progTam on -IC(n Talk and Women Tulk," all1,l"MtTlbers taking plU"t and try- init 10 lt1Jf'llS thr meaning · of tnms belonging W.l'f'ly to the C'On\·tts.ation of the· opposite sex. IWca~ thr irrangf' now ha~ a haU but no chairs. 11nd the Girl Scout a.UOC'iation ha11 ctwtln hut no Uttle H oWW> twh11·h la now undPr tor\$lrut·tion I 11 wu votl'd to loan UI<' of the h11 ll to the Girl Scouts m rr turn for US(' of thriT dutin R..frnhmt'nls of c11k1· and l'Qf- f~ wtte !l<'n ·ro al thC' clOIM' of the mtttlng. ~1· rnh.-rlJ or Boots and Saddle , 1 lo \\ llu , are lcarnlriit a horse-- ''"' K \l0r111on of 5QU&r,e dandnc, I I 1 lflSI(' of the ,.cal thing \l• 1111;1> n11:ht and were llO en-,; •·•·•~l•l they bid fatr to become .,1hlil"IS \t.,·11ng at American Legion l:.111 Costa Mesa. they had Brad- ''" I lm;hc:s as instructor. He 11111111-:ht dance record.a and Lot1..:ht thl•m , the intricacies of ~quart• rlancing, also the heel and IOI' polka. • Ttw t•\"C•nlng began with a PQt 111.·k supp..·r which was "ttendetl lo\ IO m1·mtwrs. soml' ten or more •~·mini.: m l11ter. Hosts for the '"l'l~"r wr r<' Mr. and Mn. 0 . R. ("ra.,·11•) a nd Mr. a nd Mra. Clyde i !110. Furr<'st Paul presided at the l1•i-int''S m<'t>ling and introduced .J.tt·k l>n\'ls as o new member. ~h li C'rrawlt'y reported that 11111 Sh1rlt')". 111 in Sawtelle hos- p1Htl, 1s ~howini: 111111• or no lm· 111m1•nwnt. Mr. Shirley is the 11 .. 111 \\ho CJrai;lnatl•d and helped 111ns1rur1 thr fAmou.s Ghost Town •' t-;110 11 "i. l~'rry Farm. l'l.oni; \\l"r•· m11Jl• for an over- 1111.:hl ri•ll• ~lily :.!9-30. This Is for 1111·111lit>rs and thc-ir famlli<'S only. -nirf.-r.,. 11'11\"t" Costa Mesa Satur- •l11y n111rnini:. rid<• tn Irvine park ;inti "llt'nd lhl' night, returning S11ndu~-. ll Musically Speaking 1 "' llATHLIZN COLEMAN II ()ne day 11 little boy was taken to thl' woodshed by an Irate luthl'r, ""lo spank the p<X'try out of him.'' In tears the child Im- plored: "Dear ratheT, do IOme µ11y tak('. And I will no more \'l'rset make."" TI1e little boy irew up to be a lit- tle man, snght- Jy over fl'{e rl'et high ; his body was frail and he 1uffer- ed from con- U n !.!. .a.l j li.: he a Ith. Yet this giant-pig· my dared to r e fute the thl'n prevalent • Olr1stian Idea rhat only Psalll'\.'I should bf 1ung in church. H e had the temerity to publil1h a collection of Hymns 1md Spiritual songs. and to write such son~s of C'hristia.n happiness 111 ••Joy to thl' World." Who was lhls great little man? H.c was ltlaac Watts. horn two hundred and l<'Venty·thrt>e years ago. He helped to 1pread Jhe roepel of nllglous hopplnn , In place of ttw-lugubrious nature of the hymns or I ht> t'arly American r ra. iScrap hc¥1k itrml Pi Beto Phi fo Observe Founders' Day With Luncheon af N.H.Y.C. South Const J\lummir rlub of Pl B<-ta Pht ""•II ohSl'r"e Found- ers' D11y wilh a lunchN1n at Nl'w- port Harbnr Y11rh1 dub At 12:30 p.m. on Wrdnl'i;drt)". April 21. All Pi Phis In thl' arl'a ate ror- dJally in\'Urd to Altrnrl. Resl'rVa· Uori1 shoulrl he:' maclr by Monday evening. April 19 with t'ither Mrs. Starifoy Ornmlwrs, Harbor 252 Plans for the May Market, to be held Frida~. May 7 In St. James Episcopal church clo11ter werl' made wht'n the Woman"• auxiliary of the church met with Mrs. Fnnk P. Cunnfoeham, Bal· bolt bland. Mrs. H. P. &nder presided and heard reports from various com- mittee chairmen. Mn. Robert Vlllaitrana. super- intendent of the church school, asked that coakies be donated for the cookie booth which 11 the children"s 1hare In the market. Mrs. Auatln Sturtevant, lri charge of fancywork, uked tor articles and Mrs. J. B. Gooken, flower booth chairman, uked par ticularly for ripe avocados u well u cut fiowen and p()tted plant.a. Mrs. CUnnlngham 11 In chsrge or th• lurichcon which will be S<'T'Ved at the markl't And 1he will br 11ssi1tl'd by Mrs. Marjorie· Crumley. For St. Anne's Jruild. Hunting· ton Beach. Mrs. M. J . Nichols reported recl'lpts of S25 from their cook l'd food sale. SKe ' also s tatffi thry hnd gi\'t'n Sl2:> tn pay for thl' llrany dl'sk and m·xt planned lo buy a plate for thr nomlnatlnc committee. otheN named beln1 Mrs. Cunningham and Mn. Keeler. Speaker of the aftemoo11 was Mrs. Bailey. past presld1·nt of the Woman's auxiliary of the Olurch of the Messiah, who llJ"IOke or 1 he mcan!ng of th~ I !rited Thank Offering. At the cloee of the meeting tea wu served at a lace-covettd tablr centered with pink tapen .and pink sweet peas. Mn. Paul Moore Wheeler presided over the c:offee 1ervice and Mn. Yardley servl'd tea. ' BARBO~ Mrs. Ros.s O"t·n of Coast boule- vard was hosl(•sa at a benefit luncheon. prOCl'l.'Cls of $26. goln& to the Pilot clau for tbeir Chw-ch project. Tiny e~i: dolls W('arlni newest ol 1prlni: hall. were at each pta&:-After the 11lad coune • new card Kame was pl•Ycd In which everyone received • pri.zc. winner havlnK flnt choice. Enjoying the afternoon w.ere the Mesdamet WUllam McDon- ald, J . H. Redstone, .A.lhley Knowlton. D. W. Holtby, Herbert McDonald, Wesley Fowle-r, RAY· mond Eastman. Ray Barrett, Vir- gil Cone, George Shcrrlll, Harold l Gius, Herbert Ford. M. C. Mul· llns. J ohn Taylor and Hermann Barnes. The Rev. Dwight Kinman. pas- tor of Central Bible church, Is In St. Louie where he is conducting a series of special meetings In _General Baptill church. He will be there for two weeks. Mason-Star Dinner On Friday Evening Gladys an,d Fred Woodworth of Weal Central avenue returned from Salinu Tuesday. h11vlng spent several days with his par· l'nls. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons or Parsons Road at tend<'d the Sunday mornin~ brrakr~gfwn hy Garclen Gro\'e Grang<' 111 llw • AH Harhor art•a Masons and mcmbcl'S of rhe Eastrrn Star are invitl'd to attend a pol luck dm- n<'r to b<' lwld jointly by Masol'\I and llarl.Jor .2itar cluq ut 6:30 p 111 1 ·11da> 1·\orn1.w: in Costa :'11•·:.a C'l•mmunil) churrh. Mason1 \\Ill 1u1111sh tlw ll1l'lll 11nd lod1ct "ill hnn~ Vl'l:l'lahh•t: and salnds. desk. . Thl' convocation meNinit nr th<' rli ocf'snn auxiliary wns 11nnouncl'cl for Friday, April 30 at Trinity church, Orangr. l\frmhers nt trnd· ing 11re asked to !)ring their own c1tr p11rk and aftt>rward Wt'nt to - -- Loni.t Beach whrre \hey were din-Cnws expoS<'d to cold wrather ner guests .at !he home of Mr. and wmh•r wind.!! use up much of and Mrs. Roy Caldwell. thC'it:. fl'ed to kt•ep warm. ~rs. Christine Van Dyke or·----------- sandwiches. . A Quirt Da)' ror nil auxiliaries of the Loni; Bc•11ch con\'ocatlon will be held on the• srcond Tues· day in June at th<' Church or the Messiah, Santa Ana, Mrs. M. L Keeler announced, with the Rr\·. Wesley Havrrmalc giving the meditation. Livingston. Mont~na, who has spent the wint<:r in Arizona. was guest of Mrs. Lou Lounsbery. Balboa lnr a wC'ek before leaving for her home. Spending the week end in Phoenix where 1hey attended the rodeo were Mrs. Thomas Wil· Iiams.. Mn. Forrest Pau.I, Mrs. Cecil Rogers, Mr,. Burnie Bailey and daughter Kay, all of Costa CABINETS For Every Purpo8e. Tell tJa Wlaat l'oa Wut. We'll make I& ~ to l'OlJK !\'l'!ED8 Also announct>d · wa1 the fall garden party to he held at the home of .Ma.. l.)tman Fanvcll Los Angeles, with members In- vited to attend. Mesa. Mn. Balle also visited Sterli C bi 1-friendl and relatives while there. . Ill a ne The Virgil Cone family spent Sunday In Los Ancelet wh~ ..... Mrs. ~ken, •thank olferin1 chairman. announced a new de· parture in holdin~ the Corporate Communion of the auxiliary. It will he observed on the evening of-May 6 as a eandlcllght. service at eight o'clock. they vilited Mr. cone'• 1111er. Construction Co. Nathalie and Georce Michaud of Lido late spent the week end at Hotel del Coronallo. VOLL.IE DALTON Mr. and Mn. Alexnder Ham· U IO x_,..n A ~ ..._ Uton or Batf>oa spent the week ...._ .:!.a 1111 Mrs. Bendt'r appointed Mrs. George Gay as chairman of the 'Gollop In' Parlies Pro.,e Me#tle of Un-Warned Hostesses ' A serirs of ··Gallop In" parties ls being held by members of th<' Pilot ctau of Olri11t Church by the Sea, w ho pick up friend.a and end in San Francisco, taking with them their aon Frank and hi1 chum, F rank Walt.ze. Mrs. Eugene Fenelon of Balboa Is leaving Monday to spend three weeks In Vancouver, B. C., with her sister, Mrs. William Moore. 'Nina' Says · • • nrighbora and drop In unexpect· ------------- edly at 9:30 a.m. on ariother of Prima Ballet Shoes in red, the claa, dettiandlna to be lttVed bla:;..i.. oJd and hlt.e refreshments. green, """• g · w Each gue1t pays her 'hoeteu lend that ftn· 25 cents. proceeds goirig to the al t h t fund which th<' clas11 Is using to O U e O buy a carpet for the nrw church. your summer Two rl'C(lnt hostcssl'll were c 0 t t 0 n play ... Gladys Woodworth of West Cen- tral A\'rnur who servl'd ice cream, clothf'S. The C'nokirs and corf I'<'. nnd Elsie ld $9 95 S:tll<"r of Nl'W()()rl Hrighrs who go are · • h11rt j11s1 tak<'n a ('()('Onu1 cake while the col- fr<>m t hr oven wh<'n 10 guests $5 95 arrl\"ed ors are . . Balboa Circle Thur sday Bnlhoa circle of Nt'wport Bench W.S.C.S. will mt'Ct Thursd;ly 01 2 P·V'· at th<' homr or the presi- d ent. Mrs, S tr ph<'n Weather ford . 320 AlvorAdo street. Watch for the lat.est nov- elty in Ballet Shoes -a polka dotted shoe! · Sec them at Nina's on Bal- boa hlaod. (9~; .. ~~· is the finest ~ . beer I ever d " taste ..• • ........ ..,.... Since the sub-topic for April u IK't up by Fourth District. ii "Foundati~ or World Undrr- 1tanding." the speaker for ttw day LB particularly well-<:hown. Dr. Latimer hu IP"flt 33 yean u a miulooary In Ot!na and i. atlll actlv<' In thia country In working for the China he knows. Al ta -'Writer. adminl!ltrator, Y .M. C.A. eirecutive, and n-"lpapw corretpc>ndenl, or. L411mt'T 11 well quallfll'd to •PE"•k on '"Olina thl' Unt'Xflf'Ctoo:· \\" oukl )-OU" lilu-to .,.U.t a ... fer <'Olor, ~ Alncan n o. 14-ts, C(ll th.at •tor) )'OU -rocr~ O r •'OU.Id )'OU rathtt Just »hivtt •1th Lady Afratd or mdur"f' the neon oC thr Gn'9t Rhrzant• f"rom Puk11-Puk3; G1iild, Rain· 00. Jn Tat1'1ti; Jn·int'. Thr WorlJ! AlnwtnAC and flook of Fact~; or Mrs. Thomas 0 . Frost, Harbor·~~~~~~~~~~~~S~~~5~~~5~~~s~2~~ 1146-M . Soya , l .... j,, ............ ... ...._ ..... .,.,..... ...... ..... ... ........... .... ........... ...._ ....... ....... ~ ..... ,...,. ...._ ............ 'ti .......... COAST CONTRACTORS SUPPLY Ill O...t m,tawa1 J{EWl'OST 11&.\Cll ..._: 11M0011 IMl·l!ll f.LID OlN PRODUCTS , Mualc will be fum~Md by thr Corona de-I Mar fifth $:Tadt> chorus unckr the di r m ion of Miu Margarl't lfrlndenre1cti New offiet>l'"!I ~ill be '""' 1tll<.od b)· Mrs. CJ11ude Crosby. first \"IC't'- prc111den1 of Fourth Dhitric-t. The historian's l't'pOrt ";ti be• madt> by Mrs. Pt'rcy Bainrt1 TI' II host l'SSN "i ll ti(' th<' lllX I h grad" room mot hi'!'!!. Girl Srouts and tlw1r lradrr wtll rarl' for limall ch1ldrl'n dur- mi: thr mt•eting Trunspo1>t111 um mi.1y ,.,. ar· r:rn~•·cl hy C'llllini: M~ JOSC'ph ll:1nit.lr t 111 H•·ae.in ;:,:;17.w • All l)'PN "' 1tatlon•ry, an- ~'tl. di- n-ct m1111 d l"('U- lars printed heft. lowtst ~. Olll ........ u. Newport H•rbor Pab11shimg Co. PublYhm of die Newport Balboa News-Times You c:-aa do Im)' or all oC them. <'Omfort.11h&r m >'-<"ITI C'3S) ma 1r. JWJ 1 I>) ""I.&." nc ..... th """"' of tlv-w.-._.. Ml thr shrl\'P~ Of thfo J)Ubht• hbraf} ~ I!! .:I htt t of o_. ,mt · :lddfod as C ..-. hon : Alllt', 1...11• ul th.. Land. Ata- landtt. M) t -ndf' J.an . R.-:.um. HradlN;s AJIC"'I. Bla.kt'. Johnn )" C'hnC'fm;ic. Ro)d. Luonda Rra)- fnrd llrand.. fU.muu: lrl.'05 ~c. Tiit" 8ntl1m.: f'otn . COl- J"'tr. 01hrr \·~ Othrr Room< Ol1tJR. ~"> Chld!!t). StN'flchPki. Cod). <'utl'C1!fr Tr 11 , CooptT. Ul)' llt'ftl")'. p ,.,;,._ Th•' y,..,.,. ol thr Pltcnmac,. f'a rno•I Jtrntac.. ~b» f" o r r r ~ !". ("3rnola GoudJ:.-. l"Ucnm c Inn. lla n ,n. Thi' ~tuhbora W ond ldo-11. Thr Cnoat ma.u.u-d: va. ~ii \\-tth- ln. ~n. Anno tn.al') :\k· Carmkk ~•dttmadf.. ltad\.Ay, Sharon. ~tf'MO. )hlk RtJUlf'; ~·. Str~ Liff' of h ·lll'I Oiiok in: l"N1. A"""' Jnrtbn: R1iw-hart A Udtt an Ow-Wln- dr1". ~llan. CClfttntry Wt""':· \°an J'r Wattt. Rf'fuctant Rl-bC'I, Wlldff. 1lw-Jdn af )I a r ch • \"ounc. Qum1«T H-.• ( lft!rtir. Tiwn-.. • 'ndr; nark nldlt I n t o DvkndS. Dmt. Lady MTakl· Canlntt. TIM' C-ol tlw LonPt,. Rrittt9: Codf1·. 1lw ' Blur H4>ur. Hak' . 0.-adJy Ditto: Katak. I Am ttw Cat: Utflf>. ThP Bladt Piano. ~-..... Bomity_ Slwrry. Suddrn f"..- .A.rlJu1hnol. Chlldrf'n And Rot*-: Bllinws.. T oar Beet: Bf'l- lah. lrTf'ocular Grntlnn.an. Bnt- ram. Caribbraa 0-~ttom­ koy x-°"'1«1" af ~mall Pm- pcT1H"S. Rwda_· Fat""-~ <"'It.._.. \\'f' NW It C'\&Jtllr' Cut.allo. W(lma.n·• JMJdr St,_.,. ("'hu(> Ff't¥ A~ J)ooa~·. °'nlC') Wro:ld Ru'f' Th, \°alk?: f'~W-,. J i m f ••'~> • Star)" .. ~ru:t-)t~· l 1>...._ Joyet>. Clyll.lt'!I; Kf'phnrl, Cami>--.,,.-.,.-... -.... -... -.... -...... -... -.... -... -... ............................. -......... .,.,..., ing -3nd · Woodcr11f1: t.amb, The" l'krTh of l\t11~c:·m·y. 1 •• ~k Mnl(n- zine, Thr l\t1rlwr~1 Lyons. In· \'ita11nn to Ro~l"n . :'ll1•nJt)!l, It Took :"m•' TAlll'r~ Phone Harbor 2522 BALBOA FWWER SHOP IOI r:. Central, Balboa \nl'lct to G11ll1•y ('af,.l "(:( Corsages "(:( Wedding Bouquets 'tr Funeral Sprays PNrrs. •n. TH-~rri f'111nt ,.r t 11w• lflr; Rlpl1 ~. An tn1 ru<"lur111m 10 :'\t11i;:1r; C "°hoirn. Pr1 f:wo• 11, f-.11- trf'N C'S. s1~11rri. \\"hv ~Ill P111n1 a \\·arer Cnl11r~ !"l•'.rrn~ ""'' 10 Sdl \\ha! You \\"r1•• T.11lan1 }larrl1 C:ra• T .I\ lor. I I. 1111-.·r.11'\ ~ Air Ar'<"l1 11. f t•"r, :'\1 II ( :111o l1," In lt• '"'"' \\ • 111 1\lr.•111 T"m \\ rl· !W'n, Th,, ,\fr1ran \"•• 1. • \\ nlf,. ff~"Pfl"""m 1 ·,.m,_<. ••I \,, 1:-111 -------------- PlantA -FrNh Cut Flowf'rs Prompt f"Rf:t: DELl\'F.R\. - al'° \\"11<1 s \\'hu ~",or \ •1 II wrHE YOU~G IDEA" By 1\l9ssler ~"" I IUtor clanf'tn;:. Rufrh .. , \\"'1 de!• .. you takf' It u11'" FAMOUS FOR FOOD NOW OPEN 6:SO TO 8 P . M. CLOSED MONDAY SEA FOOD -STEAKS -DINNERS CLAIR G .. MARTIN South %ICM! ON-an Front Sewport Bf'M'h Vie are flqllipped to give you expert terrice on your motor whether it is ju.st a ro utine <httk or a complete overhaulirig. We specialize in JOHNSON tenice ind carry a stoclc of JOHNSON perts. This a'failable 1f'm« is one of the many extrH you get when you make JOHNSON )'our out.boanl motor clioice. Coast Company XAVIER CUGAT 1-.d orcbenra ludo aod Cola•bla a...tl .. .., c.rreotly httrochlcills dlll -daatt -tioe. 00Mt1iC"U sa.e..• Ask for ACME \t's flavored · with pri1e- winninQ h<>f>S . •:· ....... .__., ~------ H. R. Brinkerhoff '!I I t:a•I 3rd !><ltr .... t ~IU'lta .\n•. f •llfnmla , ~SD: •• .._ IJ. ti A...~D "" ..... ...., f'Yft')• 4->'. )l.oad,ay dl:roup Friday. by Sam 0 Portt>r und Lucius s. Snut.b. ID. ~ ad operatoh or the ~~ lbrb« ~,Co. \'OL JO. I •"ED~~A\' ~-.-t ._.,. CaMI. ........ I.&. INA Vt\(IE 'J The Bond Salesman Com~th * THE HIGHWAY GAMBLER It is hard to unagrne a mbterso-desperate-t win a \'ery 5matl priu that he would stake his own life, his family·~ or some other person's. Unfortunately. it is not at all hard to imagine a motori~ doing the ~e thing on the highway. _Reckl~ p~ni!. of "·hich ·gambling is the ..prime ingrfRtienl cau.....es .J9.000-attldenls a year in. wnich . someone ii-killed or injured. according to accident reports. That i.o a lot too much gambli.ng with life, and it does not include the thousands of chan~e­ takers who ha,-e won the toss thus far. Unl~ss they mend their •·ays. and soon. they or their victims will be next year·s statistics. The Jk--ychology of improper passing seems to be a blind· optimism on the part of the driver that nothing is--eomi!lJ. around the curve or over the hil} to cakh him while he is on the WTong side of the road. The fact that be has no possible knowledge of wbethet' or not the =r.,.• ~lnr-no eecond sight, no x~y eye and no equipment to guide him- does not enter into bis calculations at all. He is tired of po~ along in line, it makes him feel superior to the other fellow to ~ whizzing past, and he feels pretty smug when he makes it safely. "Smart driv- mg," he tells biimelf. "I..._ nothing was coming!" f' What if be fails! Have you ever seen a bad accident! Do you remem~ the grinding of metal, the £:hatterin~ ~ the saeamin_g pa...~ngers, the blazing gas and oiJ. the blood on the highway? Shocking'! Of course. But so is our annual toll of criminally wa...<-teful. pteventable death and injury. Don •t gamble .-ith lives! * PLANNED CONFUSION It is .apparent that the restoration of price con- trol will be a major politia.I issue this year, and that it .;n cut a~' eartY lines. · To the uninitiated, the idea is obviously appeal- inf!. It su~~ the economic Utopia of a low coRt of li\-inf! coup led with the highest family incomes · we ha,·e e\·er earned. •It is d iffirult t.o puncture so pretty a balloon as thi~ Yet it i~ n~· to report that no economist of reputation thinks that price control would work, or that it would create a n}1hing except chaos. It has been a n uttE'r f ailun in Europe-even when the touj?he:;:t po)jce ~le methods have been used in an attempt to make it a ~ce!'S. Manufacturers and farmer~ re fu...::e to produce foods anrl commodities on wlftch an arbitrary low pri~e deprives them of profit Scarce itt>m...__including many basic n~cessi­ tie~n be purcba._~ only: in the black market at f anta.c:tic pri<'e:i. The biJ? money is earnerl by racketeers and j!'anJ?!'ler.--: The sheh·e:o1 of legitimate stores are hare. and the li,;nj! standards of worke~ decline. Before anv nation attack=-us. it shnulrl '<;onsider the fact that 1n• u..i;;ed 1.;;oU,OOO poun<ls nf vitamin P.iils la~ )·ear. Offirial Paper of the City of Newilort. Beach ' A U. F ' Me 1.-.1 ' dldll 1 a fw 0-r .. Y..rw . ~"TT.D ~\TIO' \Ll.Y BT r.t:OIWF. D. CLO~r:. 1sr . .. -ir..rt1-·1-~tta.--<l*aco-s.,.. \"nrk-~tnn By Carrift" or )h i · ,,.._, Pf'r mnnth aTl)'"''h"r" In '.':••wr<>rt fkach 11nd Call.a Meaa: r. ~for J months. $4 11() ror 6 month!I : S9 Pf'" year By Mail 1n Cr.anz~ CIJUftty S9 ptt )'!'~r. fo Uh 7nnr. $9 25: to frth __._ $9 ~ 1M110NA1. EDITORIAL 1948 ~IATION A£. tL *sr.c!>~v r.?c~~~'"' '" """"" ••••• d<'m• ... IJOE I' AUIOKA .::':::"...:'""" Sl'EAKS lllS MIND TO AR!\tED "Tlt1· .11r (11n·1· ts 111 dff~atc IUU IOU ..• ~ .. : SF:R\'J C~:s C'()M!\llTIEE. SA \'S .. 11 .. , ...... .,lh' 11h•111tt'(} "For thf'f'f' 711...c.n1 tl'P AIR FORCE MOST ~ .. 11r• \\'1 Ji:,,,. l\f'l'll'l\kd to mo-I IMl'\lRTANT DEFENSE l\\1-:,\S 1krnl11'. 11111_ 11)1 11 11111hlt1111tltm pl&fl l 'HE T l;) 0 A Y ; SEN. MORSE hut 1111 ·1 I"' 11·1•1l11W pll\n In the', \'HIT l\'IZES t.ArK OF l '!':lf'J. ln~t '"'1 ,, .11 .. 1111r RJ'I"'"' has \'1\T lllN I:'\ S l-:H\"IC'ES. -111•v\r ''"''' 1· .. 111•11 ti' t~ mn,;~ .\t lt.1~1 :'111· F11rr1•>1,t'1I tic tct1l11i; \\'ASlll:"\."I'\ 1:-; S1't'r1•t11r' fur 11• 111 .. 1·11~ .. 11 t."11" .. 1111' St11a1 I S\1111111!1011 rl'\t'fSl:,1 his -'" t'nlf ... 11 tl11n \'f't , F ~rnnrl o n unl-1 Thi· 1'••1111-u't h"'"'·1·11 F11r~<·11tal ~ \••rs:d 1111lt1nry 111111 S\1111111:11111 t111,11ly 1:1•t 11ndt>r .....,.. • 1r.11n1n1: whr n h1· th1• ~k111 .. 1·s1n 11111' \\'11pw M11rst', t,11.,'tl t hC' st'na lt• 1111t'l"'"' 11 ( 111 "" n ·pubh1·nn ttrm1·d M'r\'ICt'S .• \\'1• h :t\1 111 1!•'1° lhl' chu·I• or ~ 1·orr1111H 11·<' hc'-st1<fr ••• .11!1 •" 0 11 11 unlfic'<I pn1- -' h111rl rl"51'<! cll1ors 1:rn111 for t1•l11l n.1t1111111l dl'(t'n~r." t h 1• ot ht'r !10\' hi' r1•n111t•'tl t h 1· 1ld1•ns..' 1•hh•ft. and mad<' a d~: ",md 1111w tlw ulr fflrn ' i.tolni: In 1.11'r1tt r pli.'a in-"'w cllrp1·1lon nnrl th•' 11rmy In 11n- t 1• a d r o r a otlwr nnll thr na\'y in anothC'r l trong air forn '. am ""' 1'tln\ inr1'<1 rhnt ~·ou know lits hos!I, d1•frnse sccrt'lary. !-'or, t'Allf'tly what you nr!' doini;." r('lltal. scowled on and 11aid little "trnHication is 11•r thin1: that I 'Th<' m l'<'ting was or vital In· llln't r.:01111! to I><' a1'rornpllsht'd hy 1 ter~t to every man \\ho lna)• hav.-W!l\"tni: 11 "ond," ~hot bar k For- to su ve In lhl' armrd fOrN's, 11.nd r.·111111 "Tiwr1• l.l! nn mlrarle In-I to t'\'ery othc·r American conct•rnro voh·c•d. Jt will tnke u loni:. loo1t I with the dC'fl'nS<' or his country. time " 1 For the first lim<' in a r<'ttnt TI11·n h(. add<.'d: "We art' in th<- senate commiltf't' hearing. For-rr(l(';'ss now.'' r Mtal gave his 11ubordinall'r thl' "I underiilan1t th11t ," (X'M1l11lt'd I . h<'ad of the air fort'l.'t, frtt r eign MorS<'. "hut you w1rnt WI to J>llSll to spC'llk out, Symington made the somt' ll'~islatlon which In my opln- most of It. Ion we don't ha v t' A pra)'t'r'a Ever alncC' tlw mc•Ning of d<'-ch1111rC' of pAHlng In this combln<'d fen.e-chif'fs at Kt'y Wrst, It had lcglslaUon. H you think we ran be<'n ausl>f'Ct<.'d that Navy and bring out o f the commlttt't' a bill Army fort'<'I had hl'ld the Air IQT\blning UMT or th<' dran, fort'el down In ovl'r-all ddf'nt!A' you're Jlck<.'d befort• you evc>n get plann ing. This wH ronflrnwd by start<'d." 'C. Symington in last w1-ek's trstl· F.\'t'n .chairman GurnE'y chimed mony. in his &Rr l'<'mE-nt. In forc<'ful langu11i.tr. hi' wnrm'<I "A11 loni: .nit Scnntor Mor11t hlll tha1 it m ii:ht ;ilrPady be too latc hrl'IUl:ht thi!! 11ub.J<'c·t up." he dc- 10 bm ld up th<' nlr force tx•forl' d11rl'd, "I wlll lay thl11 nn th«' line Rttl!!lla got thr a tom ic bomb. 11lso, thll t I oi:rt'c with him rom - "W<' said thrc·<' Y<'ars ago that plC'tvly You c-n nnot hu\'r tht'!le your air fore<' w:is i;:nln.r;: to hr ll. hlll11 In o n<' ~mrknl!c> un14'M you w.-l'nid it 111:a1n l"o )rars ago All pull In thr snml' rUrN'tlon." nnd "'' SI•) this )'\'lff that it Is Thr o nly othrr nlij1'<'lion was l i:oini; 10 'twit," hlis tt•n ·d snnlng-r11l~l'rl hy \.Mr1:i11 1l1·rnot'rtt t Dick ton ··\\'<' Slly this Yl'llr tha t no R11<111l'll, who rl'hd Jr d 1ii:::nlnst A :rtl(ff'lj(jW'" )'Oil ry OTiilT;'""you o hui1lhnort' rt=:'9 Supi<r-1 1ir1• nol J::<lini.: to hll\"\' an ndl'<lUB k' fort r1'!'si·11 air force hy lht• timl' the Rus11lnns "W1• 11r1· i:•·ltin.r;: rr urly to s pPnd h11\1' the• hnrnh J1 1s 100 In tl'." 11 lnl 11r m nn<'y on 11 lot "' obsolt•tc ('otch in.r;: thl' rutt 1:~11rc of For· t'Qulpm1•n1." hr fumt'd "I a m \'cry r1·stal"s wltht'rin.: look. hC' tact-1111pr1•hc>nsh•c• that by th1' time thl' fully addC'd : Ru11slnns i.:l'f thr homh we will GOUI )() "~Ir_ Fort1•s!;1I salct we coul w11k1• u11 h1•n • witlJ a lot "' equlp- ay ''hilt w1• fl.'ll. menf fh:tt w.-""''" pllrchurd at ~ "It ii; truc," Symingron con-lrcmrndou11 <'XPfn k that will be llnued , "that w,. tf•srifll'd for uni-oh11olt•te." wr-;al m1hlAry trninini.t. WI.' did 5'ymin.r;:lnn ll.~surro h im that the l h;o l .before> "" knr-w th1• a ir force B·29s woulrt ht' a nr w, lmprovl'd "111! i;:oin.r;: to ht• cul. Wc ft>h ft ''«'Miion would bt' a 70-J,:roup progrum." Notr 1-L11trr. Army Secrf't&ry \'iri.:inia"s SC'na lor Harry e y r d Krnnl'lh Royall told lhC' ~ 11skrd ":hl'fhi•r that m<'ant S ym-"".'rviet's~mm11tc'C' th11t 11. 70-rroup mi:ton considl'r<'d 8 70-group air 111r fnrC'I' mli.:ht hf-n•'ct'llsary. ln fore(' mon• Important than uni-811' (If lmmffii11te dan1trr, hut that Vt>rsal training. unlv<'rsal tr11 lnlng would b<' ~ "Yes, sir," H e shoS back, "and valu11blc In th(' lon.r;:-ra n.r;:.-\'IPW: t.=-:-::-~ ,-0 I<{;;: ... '"i:-'!--:.:='-!• -.gf n~-2!_ ~-~·f llZc PIZEi' .. 1,fll. J..C-.'::r! J can go farther than that. 1 think Under qut'stionlng, lw contr11dlctf'd It la the mo.t Important ·thing M>mc of thl' storm w11mlnga hla that hu bffn prf'Wnted 10 thla OWrt dt'par1ment haa bttn putting commHtee from the standpoint of out and ll'ltlfled tha t hl' 11tw no military preparedness .. lmm<.'diate probabllil)' of war. CURLY KAYOE 79--Oroup Too. Low Note 2-The joint C'hiC'fll of 1t1Jf Gent'ral ··Toughy'' S pal)tz, re-havr p~omi~l'd th<' S1•n11t1• to ro~ tiring a ir chit•f or s tlllr. broke in: ~ack with 11 final rN'Omml'nltn11on '"You can't win a war wirti 7(J in thC' dcbntr hf-IW1'l'n nlr pnwtr i;:roups. hut you ,.110 prt>Vl•nt 1 hC' Rnd munpowl"r tod11y ('nt•my from winnin.: With 70 Tr:XASR l'R0 01'''1NO IOU( i;roups ·' ' A group nf Minl'ra l \\'rll11 h11.,1nM.' O n th(' othC'r hRnd, S1111nt1 nnd profr11s1nn11l .nw n s11y <1ilk ran w11rn<'d Forrr11tal's rwopoi111l for tw produt'l'rl In this part 11( 1h1• o nly 55 RJ'OUJ)!I woulll INt\"t' the l nitrrl S ta ll's Th1•y !llart"d 11n rou.nrry dani:t·ruusly ~hon h:in<t1•d. ""ll"rimf•nt n 1 r•l:m t at ucn fnl'l11din1: _senator "'.d Rcbt'rtson. Wyo-;m 1•111imnt1•d 4n,noo m 111i1"ri , 1rr~ ming rrpublic11n, ~11i.:1:1·s11•rl I hat "" an ~0-iwrc• 1 rnl'f. '" prnvr 11 !h1· com!11'""" "t•Uld nt·<·d morr T h1•y f1C1<1lNI ~l ll,110(1 111 11t:or1 tit• tnformat1o n to sell 11 7<•·i:ro11ri 111r l'nti•rprii;t· forCC' to thr puhl1c. Symrni.;lon -------- snup1K'd l111t•k lhut lhl' 1mhlic was lllah 01·l1U1•• f'ar Trh"ll nut alrn1dy iioid on it. FORT WI IHTll. 'f, .. ,. 1 I 'J•• A ··v•,. want to bt• 11urc• ltw JX'Oplc• G•'nt'rnl l\1 nf1Jr'< 1'XJN·r mwn1.t1 11110- ~ LA~Gi CltOWO IS P"ESENT AT Tl'llS SMALL •RENA- TME~'VE COME IO ~fE SLEEPY IN HIS 5ECOND FIG"1T: ltrt' not 0\1•r -s1.1h.I," hrokf' in rhnir-m nhi!C' dn1"• (rum 1)1·1r1111 '" ~·nrt TARZAN m nn \hun Gurnl'y of South l>a-\Vorth wlth1111t ;1 <l11p 111 :i l1ll1n~ kota, "tin has t'l"hllf'd Vorr1•i1tul. st:1t i'1n Thi• n1r d1rl p •l11l1· t.ow· Srmini.;tvn point NI ou1 that thl' ,.,.,.r. hut 11 p:as..•c•d 1111 •It•• ,.,.,,\, n- n1r rorc·•·. wn~ !l<'l'kin.: nn m orl' lllmnl .r;:nR11lln1• •l:a\1•111< ;11111 ''"f'" I lhnn 11 hart IW'rn in11istin1t on for I"''' only nt nirpm '" 'f'h, 11111>- lhrt•1· ~·1•.ir• \\h1•n •R<. 1111' 111lwr1 moh il•', J••\\,.rl'rl fl\ :o r•,, ntl\ 11• 1 t w11 •,.n ·11.,., w •· r 1• ln kmi: 1i.!-vrlopt·d l'nl:int'. 11.;., tu. 11 , , • 111• \:iol:tJ.:1' 11 f I h 1• l'ri•i~·fitnn11d lrl\lllli<1n ~·a•11hn1• f ANM RM ... Tw_,,,.,,.,,, Kin~ Gl"Jrlf" IUld loiB.. Pr:111k.ltn D ~elt <ldt 1 unveu \be P'Tank· lln Ot'lano ~alt M"mr,nal In Orr111\tl\or &iuan, 1A11drin, op. l)'>l'Jle the wsr-um~ h!'adQuatters '>I O...n o.>1&1hl D £1.eenhower. nus, cr\J•d at tbe cenmoo.1 aa.na 'Tbe PatUc H711Ul of ~ ftaVubllc.' TAaZAN'S ~ES SltlOO'Oft ll~ ST££1. "OPES AS ~E AOOlO A!55~ 10 HIS OUIC\. V 6CtP ~.-N6M•' ~. /Nill·lil'(.'. HE 6'!0Wi.EO. YOPR DI Al •I.AO • • &70 k• •n . ... ... ••" "" ll~t·t: • ... :u. "~ It.Xi A • ... :•• """' , ."' " . ""' "" kf"MB ... • • • IN• .,. k~& • • "' .... " ... ~. •rAfJ •••• l lMI ••· "UJ.:-IU!lt.•t ""'" l ..... k n -w'·"JI•'•' ~ klill'C---'f"-•• • T••ntt Kt-~~·A -Jl•ltlll Tt+ ... c.re i.tUJ-P\fH11a l .. 'ltllloh Jr, K ..-Wt+-•t• ff•n1bliM KN X -11,nt ttunt .. , .. o-., ••• ,,. 1111 Xl.AC-1~ All•Ul9 lCr1-Ne•• IUt0.1 -I .,,, a PtratM a ttJ I'••• k N.X s .,, " t'th1•'4 ••• KL.AO-tr•t~ AH .. f<r'l -An flail•• JC &<:"4-J• • A, ra.tr•1t• k HJ •~••tine l·a.1ad'e KHA-N••• klAO-Wt.,r• fttll °'" ... , al .. A O-tl•rn , •• ,,_. ltMl'0-1• o Tu-• ICHJ-"'1••• lllfll-a.... ... ·-kl.AO-I"~-~·~. Jon1~ ~Mt"f!·ll• w n--N••• l(P't->••1 4H f' \4\rt t terA-f11t ... 18t"'rtl J,ftl -11•1111•4'1 Ana I<~\., • t Mar.t *'I • ICIAC-M uf'll •·• I~ UO .... lrr1 N••• J...;t.tJ•• I "' h • LI Kitt A ,._., M '' t • " l(.Y\\ h l •I t••' ......_,;.,-'I •tt1 t ••·•·•• ~ .,. I t t • ••• ' -•~ , \ti I f \I •I w e t J 1 A • "t I'•• f.., If J 1 "t t -·I •t•1ll• I t I 4'; t e I ' ' t • C ,. •(I ., .. M ... ~ t Ht •• ; .,,., .,,. I llJ I"' W•• k.JI X t4••• 1 ...... k f "'' 11 • ., ••• •t.ee ~·· ''"'"'· •• <>'.,. "lt"'l I t ••t1r1l• kl!.• •-•h• .............. ... K IU 'f•f11f•I th •fl.., KN>-. llti •r• "'•''•"'• ,,. JiCl.A'; I ~•• •rle ..... , .... ,., .. ·~··,.. kMI • I U1•l i'"• ltlt,,hm • I ; A t.1e)"' 1r "'•• h II I•• ""•••• k • lf,•\'t•l '' fllul ~I \\ I' t.,' • I 1n ... . ,. . 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LIVING~ GIRDLE 3.95 1&'8 a ••••er.,......,_._, Gwe. • .._ i MW H h•, DHO•H .a-of.• pfeN gln8e wile ti ••• molW to ... ,. .......... ,.. ... ..... It'• ~ lleMll. •••, n. way It ... 19 atd • I ..._ el • ' acle. Eftl'J• way ....... dud gift8 wida eYf!lrJ ...... ,.. ....... 1-..,.. ............... time. ,. ~ ... CPI!•• ........ die...,_ Pmly Gir6 m * pnlm-: ~for be.ch or~ ...... mm ipOl1a ................... . 8-oftt the DeOelllity for a 1 ...,. .._ l'or Mytime ~ _. ewmillg .... clwute ... famoaa Playta tm.g Girdle widl pikn. ·~IH7 .. Jm'l1-C..'a .. EST MUSHED fff 4 · ., . NEWPORT 22nd I Oceen frORt BALIOA - "CMfef '"' Coffoas·.· JO] Mein St. CORONA DEL MAR .. · ., , Co.st Hiwey ~ .. . . .~ • • Brtag or Mall This Coupon to YOUR FltzpatriC'k Stoff' P1-e ... -.. leDeftic "'-"" "lMll" Gwa.1 Playta uw.. .,...,, .. cir.u. o.criptM9 Gtnllea (widi....-.> "° 3.95 . btnS-D Wai11U.2S• Stull .. Waial :216-28• . Mf'diu• W1ia1 29-31• Larae ~aitl 32-M" r· .. l.l • '·- - ' H12!l2-36• . Hi2!3>39" Hi2!3Mr Hi11a 41-4S" NAME .... -.... ·-·<r· .... ·-··--... -....................................................... _,_., ..................................... _ .... -- ... PLlall ••t•9 ......... •••Mft•1te ADDRESS:.-.. -... ·-·--·--·--· .. ··-·····--·---: ... -.......... ~ ....... --··-·· ................................... --- CJTY ...... -.... -... --.. --:·-----... --.... _ ........ -........... STA TE .. ~ ........ _ ...................................... .. .. 0 CRAICI 0 CffF.(X 0 CASH 0 MONEY OIDll 0 C.O.D. . l I ~~~~~~~----~----~----~--~-.J.Jli. ('. " 1' • 1 I 1