HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-19 - Newport Balboa News Times-, I f ABC ONLY 0 A IL Y NEWSPA~ER IN OllANGE COAST 'S LARGEST CITY I r •• ,. ... A.M. ··AT. ! 1st Count BALBOA ~ --::::;~~:·;:~~~Ji~\: :indicates (~ '::::; ''"""'' '"""" '"""""'""""""""""~===~,.;;;...;;.,,;.,,:;,,,;;,.m.;,;_,;,,,;,;,,;;;,;.,:,;,_,,..,,;,,;,,;,.,,,,;,,,;,==~~,:,.;,,,;~:;;,,;,,.;,;;,;;..,,;,,,;,,;.;;;,...,,,;,,.,;;,,,::;,;;..;,.;,,,,;,,;,.,.;;;,,;;;,,,,,,;;;,,,.;,--------------...--=-......-..:..:.....:;..;.,..:..::::....:::..:.....:....:...:..,:;;..~=--:..-=-;..:....:...:..=-:.;,,,;....:........::;.=.::.....:~.:.:...:::__:;_::_.:...:...~~:..=..:..;, Five Oe11u per Copy ~E1'.POllT IU:A(.'W. CALll'GllJllllA. .. DA\·, ~Pllll. I•. IN!t t '•llf'll .. ......., Ac-mf' Tf'l«'1.e..•tll' ....... 1 :\llMKl':R MI IUIM~: April Ill 11 11'> ("om-LUllE XL _...:.:=="""'-============i=i:=-===m--====:;a::==""'===~!"""-======i"""===-======--------------=--====-=-~-==""""==-;;==..;_~"'---_:---"'-".:::::!:= ..... --------..:_-...:_ __ ..:.:__. 11111111~1 rmnt c·1mclhl11t.•11 tn1Ued In John L .. Lewis Is Foun·d y • G . I 1•11rl)', l'<'llllC'1t'll, """ lm'l•ndurJYf" ---1<·tun11• 11~ 11111) 1'l~mtc'(I a n!COl'd UI ty I '".;~.,'.'~;·~~'lillY <'oth11l1c· tiirtat~n I lo·111•1t·r111 h' 1~11 1\ uf l'h•mlt•r Al- •'111•• 1!1•.1 :11~11•·rl "II~ 111k111.i a IHd ,,,.,.,. 1111• 1'1M11m11nli.t11 In ''"' re- 111111,, 111111 ~11111 ll1•r '111rt IC'fo, all ot • I h1•n1 1H11i 1'1>11111mnb t , alllb wt!nJ ,, ..:••II mi.: 11 '"m1ld1·r1tl1lc• \'Ole. ;ECRET TEST .Of Will_S"!ear • rn ·New ·Council-Tuesday S•·ml ·nfflr lM I '"' """ obtain.ct t1 t1n1 <'lt'f'lontl olfh't'" In IM llft'lale '"'"' ""'" fur t tw Cini ~ pre- ""'' 1i. r uuntt-<I 0111 or ltaly'a 41,· 1:11( <11rt.1lnn l >i•tt"1('ntl• 7T,O'll; 1 ·u11111111111~1 •'«lfll 4K, 1~. 11'e •'flrl)' C'0\1111 n 1111;: 1iW..11) rrum Ml- lun. lt1>111t•. 'l\irtn, •inrc-nt"l' and llio)o~1in ALTEK t ;U .IOTT'!>I (·.\1.11-·oR~I.\ u3z•· f:S( . .\PAOt:. lt>ad" the Of"f't around thr ~•N marllrr win tl1f' 111111·h-c·o\·,.tN1 Upton t'hallf'nice troplly from H•I RantM'r'" A•ll~IL. thf' clfof('ndf'r. t;_,... df' '" •hown In •'f'lllf'r fon-r:round In lhh• flnf' "llon .. hot takrn ~·rstt>nlsy, •Sin~ Pni:c· >'• f)hlft" h H•'l'kno ,. Take ·ce A \lf"lll?lly ··"""" ~ rity will 1.. '" ""' in l<lfYW'>f'T"""' :.If«· fk••n "' c•1h· <1<rk t-nmk L Ra,.._ hio 1 ", .. , "·,11. in ·um . iadn-.tlUStr r 11 ,. '"''h n( nlhcr tu hts Suef"\_.-, l'uhc:c Si:t Charlrs ti: Pr1•..,, Th,. •'f'f"• rnun\ \\ 111 lo'lm~· 1 1-.r1111~.c11on ,.,· ~!l<its anct the • ""' hL~101n • f .-Jd t us1"""'4 tty ltw 1·1<"4 n• 1Him1niqra1;.m .\ rn;i;.,ritv ~ "" th<· n-uno,• . :\...,crr 0 A RA-.-d .ind ;\la<ocrn • ti• r • ...-h..t tbd no1 nM :nr .-.~ 1 ... ·1 1on. ;.nd R .. t-rt A""-. " h• , '" :t5 ... .unJ I~ 1 roo:nt-f'd a kine \\Jlh P.indM r! In a ~11)-•'ldo? 1e-- l'IJ'11<1l lt•n "'-''ho r~f'Wfl• r\fJ' !!OW-~ 111 I Co •rpm< nl ... ,11 I:"\' up 1t1o-v ae~ta THE II T t H Id I . unty Gets $426 I ... !{ .... , <;c ... i· ~. l •all"5 " Blw es e I mt1 !)wk l>rak• Portion of Fees .s111m1: d.M-n ... ,h •tw-m .. No llrflnllf' tn•ml" c'\•Ultl l>c' ex· ll''('lf~I tu J huw ltdol'>' ,,.,,. tonlaht. · at Inf' ...nfllr11t, 11nf1 fil'flnl\r ln<tiC9- llcKlh 11• to wht'llwr C'c1mmunllnt h111t won or l•*I may not r orne be- runi 11111• • W1•1tn1'l'llny pr f'arbr Thunoclny 1lll' mlnl•ll"l· of l111t•rlor utd In •• mh1·ctny rommunh,iuc• ' h. t ('OUnlln1i1 "' lhf' "hltl' IMlllOI• '°" •nal11 l'11ndldAt1•• would 111art lm- ~lltlt·ly 'nw i(rt'f'n h1tllnta tor th.-r h11mtM-r nl ct1•11111h .. will be rountrd latrr. ......... .,.,... M..it Pf"'-41lt'<"tlon rlln'C'IU1a had lndl<'alNI tlw-Communltt11 mllht 111•11 only ahoul 30 P"' CPnl ol ut rsllm&trd ~.000.000 or mor• v11t1.., .Th•t wlKJlc1 conatltute a re- rounctln1i1 dr frat for tMtn. ~ 1'wo pl"1'('lnrt11 n'1lOl1..d rom- l•ll'I•· unoftll'lnl rounl• In ttw-M'ft• Rte•. m <'c' r>ne, In t.(dine province 111•11r Yuico11luvt., 1ave ltM• Clu1a- Llan Uemocrat1 340. OJmmuniat f'tOOI l:l5, Surlallat1 ti, National Bloc~ • SAND Off En·iwefok From Politicians S:.: .. ~)£~~ ~= Ano<hcr In a rkh .._ •trtct P" Oui.t.n o.nocna.eau:!I ClilllnDnllt n.t •. 1'C . -~':" CRAB SACRAMENTO. April 19 ~. wter.. e6ty ..__, I S fUP)-Sc<T<.>tary n1 Stlltl' Frnnk Roland 1bompMJn. <."lff admiMt:ra- thr• :\AA c·on~n·~'111nal nntl t.•,.;isla-··n~'"""T J. B \\.l'bb n ecrecy M. Jo rdon r<>vrnlC'd t<Wlny it Nt-1 tl\·t· off1n'f' John Siulon. and '"''>I -··•-1Md•». 41 ·Year-Old Girl Dies in Flaming Tent at Doheny Pk • '" ,. '"'n1h\,la t1 .... 1n Cal1fnrm:.·" Ju!_'<' I \\·uh lhr mand."lrr -0 r 3 rt·• ,tNf . p.1111.11\ d1·1·11tm ;1 total ur S-1·.·1 hl>hnd ttw hP t .JJ \\'1\~lll t'>CTll:"I:, Apn) l!I tl'l'I :Ii ... ·111 .. ,,, 1•11nclsfl:oH·<, ;:·•··, ~I ~mrlr'k ~" "' .\11 Ulrnnw '" 111111n, pr• '11111;1hi·, 1 TI11• c•nlll'I' am11un1, Jw.tan -..ml 1 ·••::· ''Y·1 .'::: ,~ _, ·• hr WI 1 Im· • • nl4u Utt•·) '°" u..~ ae"f" \Alf a 'Y"'n•"' 1 .111 11np111\l·tl .11 .. m11· loomh, h;1-. 1-1 .. 111.; •II 1••1 "no~! I•• tho· ,.,,,111. ,,1 irohl~ ., •him ""r•· rhonl- h· I'll •• '"fl 111 i;ro ·11 ~ .. <·r· n .111 •••"-"" th• h;,,,, nf r1llnt:' IO\ ell•· I I ~ By SAM "'ft~ \ Uf'.c 14.1111. 9'01.1·T111'. 111t ..... 1 fl<olt .... , l'land"" ,...,, .,,, .. ,,....,, I" rtcbu nftf'm•H•n. Mott..rt I~ MmlUt •--rn•I) i...rnNt ,. ....., .... """t•·r•lt·ly 1trahhrol Uw I"'' c•ontaln· ~ dwo flam••c mhlun-and h<-1n,.d II o\trr llN' "'dr. ""'""· •nMtk,. I"'""',,..,.,. lllor callr) ._,. !4mllh ''""'"n 1 .. 1 .. ,.1 I• """"""t Into an am· ~a ,,.,. mlnul,... •lh•r llw a•·dth-nl. ;J1ulf~ I•). Jl111 luo •k Sentence .- < 'un1I Ann l-1•11!'r, 4 '·• ) f'llr-o ld . . n I h• <.1(j. or I h" <Jlg<,1n;,: m ,l EW-01.U. Tomorrow ·1 l-.111\\1·1~1k atoll an '"1'' '."r l'«etJ~c.l,111•" l j<Jnl\ II \\ llll ,1nnf1U11N'd tOUI)" 01 a ni.;1• l'O\tnl ~ "111 .:"1 S l•'61:j 1 • (Tuesday) a new l'('gitnc T h(' lllOntl(' f n1 rgy t'flmmL~Slllll ;"II• :rp1••llH•nnwn1. srnr.r.; from (lu. I .• mron.: th·~ ;trr: 1 dominate the council-111H10un1•1·<1 111 .. 1 11w ... ,, h11cl lH·<·n ', . .,"l!"'"i"""' r111n..: r ...... Sl40 h •o01 I I .·fh4· fll:tll•,. • r findinc ""'· .nic Pl'OC(>edings o f the city 11111111· F ur ,..1·l'u11I) rl'Al'on~. 11 s:ud .... , .•. ,, naluri:il r•11ncl1d.111• .. nn11 l l1<·w n1 lorarti-lr,.n• n l'.\ ror .. 1.->rt\ In P d tla1111h1,.r "' c; W . •1•h"t', ~14 ronoun(e ;\!11nl1·n ') ll.,ml. 1 ..... Anl(••h·"· wu 11111111 .. 1 111 "''"'" In " trai:h· 111·d· tl•·nt "; irt l>ulwny l'nrk, t'rlda~ h"rc ,,.,·11 ....... the ui:;ual 1 ,~,.. 11 1 1 1 1 .. _ 1' 1 "' " I.A." 11h1• c nip of tilt' 1ci.1 is nut t1r1ni.; ;:--'' llnm ll•"•·m • ~ 1u1-· u.. "'"!> o 1, ... ~" • an ,. .. n.urn.1 • # titudcs -swearing in of :1nnounrcd. -1 •r 1h .. !'t:ttr 1n1al, 1he ~"'"""'' of 11w n•>· ,......_,"' 11 s •·ntit~ n . v memlX'rs -retirement ·nw ":,1 wn,.. rarru d out ,..,.1 .... :un•111nt. S:.!.i,:Q"5 .. c·amr from f1lmi: ! "! · n <"llln:t c r,q «ta!• p;irtc. •·An T 11111111 • Omorrow ~·l•h••I Wit~ tdlt'ft)Jfl t:ij( lu (Ill & I 1:1.-.. 1111 .. l11nl••1 n 111 nilllnlghl wlwn I !h•· hm1., l11ntfriJ_1mrl .''ll)'lc11l•"ft. \\ \-.11 1...,1;111-' i\t•lll I!• ,1.1,,1 l'lu• •·1111111111,.; 11••11r 11n1I l•·nt he· o ld. l\1a\·or Recd. Bob Al-I\• '" 1h1• rt llllllt• and 111':1\llV· r ....... or t•tmcr1 ..... 10nal (•and1da1,... lnJUnM111n sw • ' ••. , r• •")" , •• n . Mason S il<'r . In the ir ~unrd .. i\ l'j1c1l1r .~1nnd und..r t· .. ~-1 ht«t nc:un"t •hr rii~ 1• .... 0 , .... , .. ,,,,,,I ''"""""Ill• 1'1111011 l'lllllO'lllllflf1•1T10 1.11 1l1•t'11r.1I Ann ·11 R G I .. h h .... Ch be o· t 1r1~·()'An,,.,....rn 1 "lt1n;.c · .. ,,.in ·1n ('('S WI C"Om(' os,.c; ft'e'-( llllln~ 111 1•on1r;1,I \\It I <' .;re.11 am r 1rec o· rs - , son o f Bnlboa's J)io nccr. p11ltht·11~ I!"' n tlw pr.-\lnus tr~t i.•t• mpr ''' ,., ... ., • n '"' '··~ """' \l 111, \\, ., k· 1 1 1,11,11 1, .ilr" .,. ,., , I'"" ""'''''I• 1111•1 w11~ hµ1111•cl I ••r· I 11lth IH'f11r1• h1•r f11tlll'r t•ouhl ,,.,.. I ftl' r• ti &'•hll \ of • f t111qu.I tuut t I\ 11 I I I u , S t p t El t• ,,.,. ... ~ .. -ctini; "''' '"' i .1 ·1· , ... rk P. Gn."t'lcv a nd a fo rme r al I,,. ·~lane pf 01k1m. 1.,.1 e OS -ec ion >.clad : D.°K. Blu<'. a vet -11'-n· '' a 1111<·( ~"''""'""' pl;n• I 1 1•1u• u•t • 1111' • "IJ'' t "' f • tlun• ,,. • tul t It• . • • '• •' '" '' ol • "ik• ''" ''"' 'r It • I 11k••11 '" In 1-. H Ev11 11~ 111 I ,11· 1'111111 llo•flf'h , 11 ... hlll1• 1,:111 "'U' Lll busin e ss man o r New-llH' lllPllllC '1wri.:y cnmml'-Slllll n;,I Harmony 01·nner In lu:ht •>I .... ,. •• .,. \"l .. I• n• th" n••\\ 11•-t . · •I• Mh of lhr c·, r rr al ,\\• 1m1.r••\• · ·t fo r m any years. n ow I'\.'· "Th• 11 11.,, 1,,, • .1 '"~' or an m• "' pl:rn. th• , ... ,.,.~,,•I -..;. ~1;-,,-1 _,.I ·n11· s~ 1·.., I Ile• 1·n1· t ,·~I \'t•n ' ' · H<llf•h f' :i.1n,k•·\ Im' <·1111 .. 1 n 11 ., · · .~ " • ,,1 .. 11111· ""'111•11 111 llw pr.l\inr · • 11 .. rl(h•• l"'"r · ""'"'··n• "'' f l1o I 11111 \ \•I d,to'I \\ "' li.111111 >I n1~h~·tl 1\-1 ("•lflllllltnll l11l'lt1ll11J, d· '"1 I•\ I ••I•• ti .f111h" 'I 1\11111 Snn•11 Ann. wh•'lf' •tu· r11 ... 1 .. 11rly '·••fd '"''1 '*li0ft \\t1., f1111t••1I t h if h1• S11f 1u •IH) 111t1tTiln..: ' of both 1·n10 toe~! po11· '1•·1·i;t1 111 .... 1111•· ''' th•· l:.lHnl 1,f 1 'C 0 • i.:ro111111l1, of !h1· :t l•11111c 1•n1·r .. ,· rnm. I r 1" ,. II I 1• hk•·I~ '""" l of-r•• 1'' • ·-' "''"' '"' ct th ·11 t • c t ') I . <tP· ~ 11. ··t111 ... u th""' ·''''\l"'r1 :n •nr . lit I \ f1, t tort ,ji t fl l~' UllJ ~t'"lrll' ii jlllf I I f I fti I I l j r I \\ fflii I THWARTS ATTEMPT AT. CAR· THEFT ;; a n CY \\'I !i rlV < llll"'-lon 0 11 l·.n1w"IPK 1111•11 111 1ty ·I C11.imlwr or ("11mm••I""' (p r no \! 11<''" <~ll(·1L 111• 1•1•1.• ol1lo11 •.t I•• 1ro1• ••11 c the people th<' bC's l tht>y :11 •• r~li:i ll 1,l1111d" Fnr S<'1'unl~ n ·;,. \\i·tln,.,Jt,,~ ,,1 1~ l f•, lw ._1 .... 11,~1.,~ :\ ,\n nrd1n· • ....-. rr.,,·,n ·• "' ,, ,.,, ""'" 11 , , 111 1,.,.,,.11,.,1 ,.,,.1 :>w h ow in a dministering ~""' •h·· d:111• or thl' '"~' '' 1101 \\·11 11 1111. i:.·oih··r••t.· ., h•"1,11,,.1111.., "' ,.,... m;;n;•$;• r ,, 111• ·ir affair:-;. Dil'k Dr<lkL'. 11" 1111! :111nnuncl'd.' 11111· 1'1~ ..... ·,.,.,~,. ll•1rlu11 \·,,,.,,, 1 .. ~·k• ·rn. n·'" "'•'l• 11 "·" 1 •.• ,. /\n 11111•111111 ... 1 1111•(1 or. ·hi-1·11r , ~ ~ ., ~ I UHtt1•U11 p ii tu \\111;ld nti.h l••1 th •• r,· -"' , ,.., " lt'•~\•lfll1t1 11I' f1 111fltf11•fU l 1!pq1, Hllii ·third n1l,1111)C'r, is ffi()J'(' 0 1' •·,\ cl11!'.~1f1,.d rl'1wir1 11f t h•• '' '1,i l·,to. th•· r·haml1"r \\Ill w1•)('0!Tll' •· rJ.qrl• -.h ,. '"ti •,, ••.. ,. 11111·• 1,. 11 .. ,,.1.,,, ,./ q .. 1• 11,.11, /\I w 11 .. '""'"'"''lay I·: S l'rf1 · .. •·11rly .. an unkno \\·n quantity ··~1111 ~ ·~ h .. 1nc marl!' IC• th1· Jilllll ;1, lh••I "'"'"'' 11wml><·1• ,,, ,..,. l b;·• ,,,,, ,, • I • "" "' lfl• l·ol '·" 111 ... , ... ,., ............ , 111111 111111: "'""" .... ,,..,.,.,,,,'(j '('and he must f11nt'lio n 1· .. n111Jlll•1• 1111 ;tlt'llllf' •'nC'rl() "'1··11\ ···111n1·1I ttncl 1'1·~·1 1\<' 111f1C"'" In ·1cltf111 .. n ·h· n•" '"'"' '" '"' ••.. ,,, l•l••ll•d ... '•I• 111 .. """Iii IH· llolt•f '"'" ft lr.:li••·n•·•I hilt• IJl•fot\' citizens l·an thl' ('11ni.:11·i-<: "' ''" i·1•) '"''"th•"'' "h" h:o\•· ha'•''' '"'"'"l"r •I·• m01t1•r t• • ' I '' • 111111 "" ·idc 0 11 h is nll':t:-.1.ll'('. ~· ·-r h. ,,.,, \\;1< 1•1md.11i-t"rl 11ml0 r 111•1 1,.,.n ..i..r·i .. <1 ancl '"""'' -.h•· 1,,"'~il•I• 1urnn·•r '",.,r• .. n ••in FJam· ()•I b.. · 1 1 · · ' " '1 ' "' 1•11••" wh .. l.v•·-11 1 Hl!.l N. Buy 11111 ""Cllrll~ rl'!'lrle'tmns or 1111"1 ... t111o<I tr .. m p11hlH' """'let' )<"'lE'f"· r-11-ront rollr-d mwurip .. 1 .. rr ang I ~ars f h A d f """ '" '""'" "1'" '"'' .. I',.' ft••l•t 111111 ... 11 t-1111111, !Ill\ .. _, ........ + + • A1•mt1l' Em·ri,:) Ac•1 1•f l!l-lf\. :rnd d;" ·fh, l•"'c or ,,,~ rad.I.'• ,,,, " Fisherman as• f In 2 \' OUt S rrftSt(l "d ,.''.1' :•:•;:;:• :.,' ;,1,"·~:,1111 '1~'.1~:,·," 1" ' 111.011 h• .... ,, 111" d ''" 11l>7pll :II) ro is con 1plcting n m ny :wt . 1111· puhh<· '"~ll:OO('I' or r11r· Wllh "" hll'ill'"" Olh•·r than J!l'l· •'f11:11l"'f'r. n ty 1 .. nl'1m.: '"'I•''., Saves Qurn D.•at As \\'a\'t.• of Joat 1.·.'.:· .. ·~1.'," ....... 1111' ""'''" ,,,,,, I'""' rhost' m·tiriDJ:. l\l:lyor , ...... ,11a1111 tn II~· '""''''nns uf tlw l :.1. \\1111.t· :1 i:••l·lf>f.:t•lh••r "''"'""i 'Qrnr). p olwr an<t frr• 1t1•I·,., ~ I , ...... "'"""''"'""'HI Ill lo·vl .. 111111 r 11. . I .... r 111l11rma11 .. n c-uncvrnini,: lh• .• · 11n•· .·11~•11·11n•«"' l•n•I hrN•k•.n" I ~ntf· h .. rhorrwt'"-I• r "'" :.II ... " f)b 11 I "'' 111•· ''"" 11 ......... ,., n.. '""" o•ll1tl•"' I'll•,. 11fl1•r u-s o pu 1 ll' ~'l"\.IC'(' :inc .. ·• ,, .. ' , f't S d • • 1 ing his () ll'C tc nurt' as So Worrl on Tfl:M' __ • -·l>ORrd h" I ... 1 •• "' '""'""'' II• 'I. ' '" I I'"'" ..... • I ... .,, I• v I" I'• 1 • .. 1 .. ' "' , ' "''""'" , ,.. , ""' rr. h l•·l'I IS nnl 1w·n n1<i;1hlt· at l)rt 5'• nl lir•···" t101:•·I h· I. :0.111,k• ~ ,.,,.1.1111•" f"lll\ll\• <'tfhfY-« Jn a n• iii• ••. •I , .... 1. ,,, l e s • f) Vt' I . ' "' \ ... ' • '"1'. ~ I ,,, 'I ""'.,,,, '"''I: 111111 I"'" 1 ... '11111 ... 1 II ~~~ ~~11~~~~f~~~lin~~~ Thu< •I "·•' n"t hkn•,•WD w,h•·lh•·r, SMOTHERS 2 BA Bf~· THEN TRlrC' 1:r.tw-r1 I. :-.11,111, .'• Ilk "'"' '" \ ,, ',. I '" •' "" 11 " q,, I 11 ·1·"'""'' •I "" 1'·•11•. I• ·"'\ ,,.,.., ''' '"•' ''""'' t•"I h111111t1 . . ,.... lh• "'" h<.I wa~ I" nni:-p 1rnn•·r £.A'.'.' l "'lm11r, S;•n 1,.,1111.t "'"''"' 111, 1 ,,,, •• ,, 'l·I"''"" ,.,, tnanl'C'. llC' has stuciicd fC'ontmuf'd on Page 4 > ''""'" t1u1n' ~11•1•' :d•·••••""' ('ffJAN'' K ) nti~~i~h!ro~~,~~;ip;~.1~~~: Over FOR ~lO.HOURS TO KILL HERSELF /';:'.~,,~;·;,',"'·;,;: ·1: .. ::·.·1 •·";,;,,.: ~::. '' :'.:: .. ,~''··: ... '."'":· .. ::.:·.:::::1 ' u A SH•~K IS ELECTl4~D h painswking foi1iturt". 10,000 Swarm u 1s ,\:"<;1-:1.1·:~. Af'!J.1 1~1 1n :1 h·. '~?"' ~~r. ;\·r37.r ... bl;ocl• 1.0.1 !'>"• "'""w 1•'"''''' '''" 1·'·11· '1 ·' '' ~"1 1"" 11"'11 ''''1"'' 1 AS CHIN A'S • .,f RST PRESffJENT e sam<> can be said o r Mr. I Local Beaches· in -ln\'1'!'115'1lf!Or' tndriy"' P"'<'l'd .... ·~1i:O,: cf.P i. "" '"'"'' , I l·l•lmg "·"I IN',, ..... ,.1 ••• ti .... 1 •• ' I I e n , \\"h(}S(' \\·ork h :1s I • ~" ,, "'''Y w1r··~ inf'oh.-rl'nt llw 1?:; .... ·,...,,1n t....houv.and c,,1 '"•'""l•rt·f•.or ini..~1 .... 111t1• ol··i I ••• ld11•tol l"•I• Ii'''''' :'\/\',l\l:"'l;,/\1/f il 1'1 •l 'l 'J l '"""ry11m••111lnw11 1111 tlu•1lf'W•'cr11- l\\ll and impro n "'<I ''it!1 Biggest Migr!lfiOTI sinry CJf ""Y ~hi' 11mnthl'rrd h1-r "'°"""' tn ."."" ~'h .-'""'"~ 1n '110lu 1".r' •·' 1111< 11ir. ''"'~"'"'' .,.,,, "''' ,,~ ... ,,,,,, "''''"" ... ,,.,,., .. 11~''"'" 1·1ii11111· h ·"""•k .11111111.11 r'""K 11t1· 11r•')ltcl .. nt years and who hns .. t wo ltal1wsnndthc·n~1 .. ·n•ll•h11un. <i4.'11Jl'•f"::lfl•on. ~tl(> tro"11I()1111'' 1 ... -.• nd linM .. -.1 ... 1 "·" "''''''""•lo• : ~· J•I• 1 11•11\ II• 1H11l 1t '""I "h" "'"' , .... ,, .. ,, 1'l111111•.•ll·•ll1iy •~•W"I .... tnkf' 1•1111•1•1t•llC") ITI•'tt•· ntly held to his p1ind plcs !'outhr rn C'alifnrnin ('Oll!'lal lem -t r~1111: t11 kill hl'rlll'IC 1 •o •h(o Jl\"lnlit room rug ',.tun !ll fJ\I ,,, It•"' Tiu lto1•I " " , .• ,"I I "' .... ,, ,. 1•, ,, ,, ·' • """ .,.,,. ... •Ii• ,,,.,,, .. "'· :-; .... YH•• ...... ,. llr"" .. '" l'fl•Vf'llt rl1111i:r·rN ,,, the h er than temporize with prr11 t11r,..~ ctrnppl'd 10 .cooll'r ''''" 1~ Mr!i. l ft.lt·n 'Ann11 :"nrth"")" 42. ,..,... ~rw•tnii·ay "'-:\.c 1ak"n ••• '.itrn.;it.1. lllwl '""'"' "" • '"'" " '"'"' • ''" A•"••" ""'"'"" '''"''" ...... ,. 11 .. 1. 11 1., .i11 ,,, . ., ,111 11· lPClicncy. Mr. S iler, o nly a )'C'!'•l<·rdny and 1n<J11y.11ncl approx•· ~t:•i.:c .. rc·d hl1•<'cl111c !er 11 n1•11:hh11r' l -4•11•·ral l'll,,.,>1tdl, ,uf(c.,-m~ m<..,,., t.unt intri flam•' I' , ...• •1·ol 1.1. ... ~., 1•·~·· '''11 11111111• ''"''''')'' "' '"' '""n mber for about a year, rnal•·I~ 111.(10(1 l"'11pl1· jammc•cl th•· hnml' Y"~'"rfl:iy 11n1l itn~pNI: freym l""c n( hlniod <1frinal< """1 Jn 11 f!,.,1,.r~·· off,.1 1 '" •" l.1 ' ••I • , .. ,. t.••11• ""'"'" t•"11 tl•I• 11 \ 111 ~1 1•1• ~1d111t 1111110 r 11,, r11•w locnl ht'r.rh•""~ \.'"strrda\.' accordins:: ·"'(_·n11 thr pohn ·· .. ., •• ••11 f'f"C'O-\• r Shi •·as t .. .,,v. •t ,,,,,.,~ Snu•tt J''>'t.t,. d •f1, ti •tturi, • d I .. ,,,, • .i ,.,, '"' .. r "''''I•· , ''" rf 11•t1;.t1 Peace Officers To Meet Near • s ~nnincr 10 e nJ·oy his , , ~1 d th 1 1 1 • 1 "''6 ' ... ,,, F1rf• n1if'f Fr11 nk <Torkl'r, 924 • ShC'ril f s d••plJIH•' ruunfl. h•·• 'I .. n ••l"I'""''" "' murdl>r ... i.n •. 0111111111· .. , 'l•t. ,. • I • ·" •1 tl1 .. 1•1,,' '' •I 'I• .ol1111• 11 '•Ill ( , .. ' r11l1111~ 111•• ':. 111 I " 1 .. ~1111,,·~ ·1·f>S and f<'lt th<'re is muc h '" h 1 _,. 11 1 ' ()((I pi.·r~ons crowdmi: o\·1'1 thl' 1:r.1y "net 1:ll1~~}·l')l'_d: l11111dlr'<,I rn 1 <1f(o"'f•r« f•"-fr.d Mnnd m lhf' t);ltl 'PT 1.<1 ""•), • n1n1 '"~ 11m 1 .. •' it• 1 !I• •I It•,, '""" ''l'l" 'd 11r1o1 "~''"'"'"'' ,.,,,. "" It m "'"t , __ don<' t o k('('p a 11 k I .. ...,, n I ., .. •11t· ····~h . _ ... --~ h Nf'•rby ,,,•~·rr•·· n ,,,, 11·•· •• ··1 r1 ti I r I • I I t I II s A Wednes djlr, ... ~ IA" ~mJlh "''"" l.1t•Hdit'S yri<tc rda> C<ir l :1 111n •'I Ill w r r ir . r fl ,. • r .. . .. " "" ...... '""""''"' "' • ,. ~ ,,. ' 11. "" l • 111ol I ' i"I ''"I Ii.•" • • " I",.. I' 'l'·I.' •• I•· . " tW ing cit\· lik<' this On an llll' hl"•('SI turnout of thl' "l'ar l\om('. , • ''ht• Yo;ond<.,...-"(f t hroujith lh< fl\• '"•f'fl him 1., ill•' I I 1' "'•' , '• , 1 } ,J f '" 1.,, ,,, Iii• 11 f.,1 II\' II 011.,111.I :'"' ff!lilY "il~I ;11:1/1 \"fltr•11 o • ;: k l ·AJI th ·11 d"'-"" , I ... d h ... 1 1 ... hr1UINI '" him '" ";, .. 1, "''" 11, I tr1111c•· ('ounly f'••ltf'" 0 flrel"'I !n ee . ree \.\1 .. -Llfr1tunrd!t rC'~CUC'd 84 p<'r~on~ In th• Ill 11ru<1m. Wrll. pp.• '" 'lif' ,. .. nm 1r•l.J.V . '"11 Jn;? ... ··•r "" .... , \11' llr II•. ""'•l'I' 111• , .. , ' ·1 .. ''"' ttnd './I., ''" I 't.11 I 'l1'.·n1'. I II II I I I II 1 e their tim<' to th<'il' hus i-from 11c•.0 ,., •11rr ~. nd r1·1)1111,.. 111 o thr ,-·.., nrm~. In.' th•· hf"11"" of • -'inri)tw P11ll•t1 ''""' •It• v •'·' 1' 1••• ,,,, ,., "' 11 •• J•••li"'"' """' ,,,..,,.." "n wi "'' "'r nrxt .. ~ n I II II R 'I ' •' \\ii ' ,.,., .. •I'.\•~'"' ,.1 •. ''· .11 •• 1, ...... , .. ,, •I•' ~ , •. ,,.,1.1r: l1t•·••tht•• \.\'•·dn,. ... dny (•'\'('• I IJ(·rmo .. A .• ~t.rnhnttnn nncl H•·d·•ndo thr<'l'·.\Ntr-n!d P1111 wk I uc• n• •. inti * Weather & T:.1_ * 1 flit•''· 'k11·t• 1 '•1 "' 11'' ' ... " • I + + + ::;if\· Ck-rk. Th<' n'liN'm('nt Frank Rint'lutrt artrr a lrt('r C<'ntury . of puhlir vice. h as cX'cas 1o nfd m orC' nmf'n1 ovrr th<' Sout hlnnrl 1n the m <'N' p.'1<:."in l! o f a mcilman. Rin<'ha r t i~ a jn , !'oelf-<.-frncinc: (ll'l'S<ma l· who d()(>S n 111 cr11'l" for ;,p or th<' fnnfa 1 •. <>f 1'1'.i<' :hcdngs. His frrl'nrlshtp :I acquainta n ('('J:; a m o n g <Conrlnurd on Par~ 4) -. ftlCB '-· S I I '" .. 1. 1' '"ti '"" • ••I '''' I•••• I "'"" 111 l.1<·111"11"•·1·, U111l,,.1·11r, ·• 110 I let I LI d II r n<lf'. .n 11lh It"' ll'.•!I '"' "' 1·11 1 -.111 1 f 1 fl " .. llf'llf'ht·~ Twrnt~·fh·l' h;ilhrri; Wl"T(' .mnnl I ·() l••nn1~ CJ) t• I I ·-"_.."" .......... ,.: :--11.!I' ., , • ' ... '" ••. " "Ill I " "·"11'11 '""'"' ht.,,,, ... ,, lltr"" mil••11 ·w1•11t r d S u I r ._ d Jnd('r 111111"'" l • y fTW'Tnhrr~ "' II' I"'''' •I• I•·"' ' ti•" \t ,, .. I I •'l\l'll first Al nt nnta .... on ca 1'!'•·~ \\f·rc· nttrir .' I """ '~rl\ ~~1nr -~·131 r·.. I I I , s I I A I ,.. h '\1 ... h ... , " " .... n" .. '·~ ~ .....,,...,, 11nd h:trl~.r .. ,.,t,111111•' •' ' t •'' •'"••I '' l•·•I '"'I ""' I " '·•I II n I I (nr jrll~r1~h !<lin~s. Rut no onr ",th " irh • r .. ,. .... n -.11\ ~'"'" "'' • ir.n• "''""''"'" ''m' ,.'1 '" """ '·"""1111•• ''" '"" 11,.. II• 11111111 1'1111"'' "~·•:ii ii,.,•r<•t11ry ":tl~nc,., IA"'n' .'..,"'11, .'n m'r,,o,u1mhlu•·mhl'"ri1t·.... -,.:;.. ~h,1·1,'rur ','", :,•,•nt11• ·'nh•'--o1 •n}-~1','1.:•,~ • .,.."•~·,,', T.1"1·.··,·,f.,'.' r . ~lu:h· t~ ,.... ;,nn-r , • ·=,~·''h,!',''' ~' ..... :,·~·,' \: ·, ' . , · 1 ":; '.'' ",' '' 1,·, i , ,1,·: ,, I ,;,··~II,'' : :: ' 11 '' '"'' ,,, " ' 111• I ' " '"'" • "' , ,f '''' "' 1•11111111 r '"" "' rmnn11nrln6C / .,. .. ... ' .• n ... IJ " " I , ''" fl ••ffll ' 1ltf111• ..... , •• ,, , ... , ,,.,, ,,,, ,,,, ••• ,.,,LC "'""' ..... lu1,ln1""'' "rfl• cl•cr••·• "11h til>;i1 ~r1n1:i Rnrliar .. f•I• •I• It·•-th•,:r1•••1 II • rh1 H:nhottr •l•p u •n·•• ir,tl I•••'· •·••I >l•11t .. \1111 '"' 'ti•"""" ftl'•'"1hl\ ,.,n "'" 1,,. '""''""'' hy nn old ont1 1-A>n" n.:1rh and M a1 San tlr•n 1n <:ttm• ":.' •l•I•"''" -.a1<1 ..., ·o11r1rnrnt '111"' '' "1 11 ' '•" \' '"' I' 11 •••I""' · 'J , .. 1111 111oll1 II "'II 111, •.. ,, .. .,,,. ''••rlto\\.t · 1••·1 ,n-' I.· II•• ..... ,.~TI"Wl:.til rrotn•itlr n•I\• tlort 1·· '·· .,.. ·"' ···•I I l~'"'"''I l'•tl 11 .. 11 'I.,.,. ,. ''"1110111•11 '11111 11111). •11111••1• ~ .. ... ' .. '1 '"""',.... "T... ,, " 1111 ,, \\t ft , ... ,,.,,, .... '1 '"''1" urrmhf··n Ziff"' ··~k•'fl 1 .. r'""" nnd I I I I I n,·1r. L ..., , •• \\" '" it"'' fh . 8' ,. ""nt)tt\#nns,: lru •••·•'' ., ...... ,,, \•t •, "" 1,,,,,,,,,.,. f1•1 It , t '•I It 1. r *'1' l•n; .. 'tftlf•~ t'Hn1nu•r r ' ,,,,,. Tl l.JM ••• ,, •• ~·•••ttUl IUfl ''''' '~···ns.:thf•lrr, •. ,,,,,Attlr'T"ft lnthe tu•t ''"tl~ l!l~lh•. n c1¢lt·ran~ ••-: •'I"'• t• '' h "' "' ·1 t\ ft11r t ,..,.. .... '~ ... d ,. ...... ~ ~ Oi<C\f'tJ"#''• ANOT ER THEFT :. t • o. t ',, '';~ :' • ,,J ~ ,'•·.' ,·'.J.:::. ''•" ••tl \t11ktl• u. ''"' ''' ''''"',,.ti '"'"''' I••• ~u<~h tin r.rrnlf" jf•nruc J• rr· """11 ht\!' 1•:1 Jnti1t1 ,., 1'h'• ru \ • r ,._._., or1 1t • tt in p••r' l 1""' '•'" l ta"1 ',..,,, • .,. • h •• ,,.,.,.. ... o ,,.,. H LIDO ''iit ' '11 • ,,,,.,. r ''" tp f •· tl,tUJ' • ,,,. • 1 11,,.11 ''"'Ahoy ,.,h1rt' inti T11•·" n ,\r11 11nrl ~.I c·,.n11" • r o1 \\di,"" \ht• boll " JC. ·, J4 I.I fl) t:M 12:11 ~r1""' :"•'1?'11' l.'ftl ~: <'•·• .,·,1 1' ..;,,, 1' \r ' \ "' "" I 11• 1·• I 11. •f ,·11 '""" It. "·rv111""" hr•· n1'('••ss11ry nnd 1".d , \I~ H.1k1 1•r11lrl anrl l~l\•r•1tl• :0-h• I• id l'to I '1 •1 ·11'•1.. ~-..-..-J.; 4 M ft ') Ra9»oe. rY'f"lf'f"'t I•• r'''" 'I• l ••I• '"""""' '' J•ll"f 1"11 11 I•• 'llii\ Ill ,\lt1V ' 1·11n llf' mnrlr lhr111i1th thl' ~hrrfrf'~ lhst i6, n urhank i:'> end La~ \'rl(<o.s.l ml( th•· 1l.11tlrin ~h· ''"'"'"I "''IT °J<• tr> ITYJ 1:1• ,,., ltwoft "'hi~ l1W)d•· '"'''" fho'l.rl-• ''" ,,,, """'' .,. I J•I' •11t h... I 1 1 .·r.1.i.11 11 .... ,,,,, """!"""''' T l1 k•·t ... Wiii t.t·ll fur $1.50 :-;,,, .. ~ arm~ "•th 11 h\ltl'ht·r knif• nnd n.11 5 1 OR S.3 --0.5 lhtem pArktnic l<>I ~111111 11 .. , I•'"'''''''• r1fr1••11-l11l11r• "''"''Y \\l1•• • 1 .. '"' C"l111111k '"'"~"'' 11 •••111· l"'r t•·rv>n, tw ~nlcl • , I - .. ... · .. f' t ' • • J ) .. hie 2 NEWP-OBT B~LllO.l NEW8-Tl•l';8 •01'-UA1' N~ llHdll, C.Uf. April 19, llM8 -----------....... --.1 h"t"•'4'n !hr two t-'..t•nl(ll")~. llJfi N D 1·a"•' \\1•11• i.ddt-d I•> th• p11l1lw ro·- 1 111 f IOll• 1tnd TI l':tSt'~ \\1 It J1, • 11nllOl1t'd FRONT i l htr t11v i.u•l~· w. :i. \\liulo. II.· I> A' (; E :1.!11 I"''"• '·'"r" 1111<!1 '11 111 llu pul• '"' l•l••f l•lllb ol11111.;· ~ol111111\ E·A·R~L-Y N-E-W-5 ?'th( \\hile )<,l1H.,! t•1''' ,,,;, 11t I Hl141111l1ttf. f Ji \h1 11 :-._111 I I I I 11lrlo •I •1111111~ I ho "' •II' lo 'I ..'.i.I II• • 1f11 1•1•I· "" dt .,ct'•· Ith ,,.-... d \ I • d , ,.1,,, l ·-, .. I f I!· • f • I 1l l1f1rHI f•tll"" 1 ~-; •• :lth•r. 111t 1 t• Add 1 •o R 1• f .... '" "' ··" .•.. .,,,, ,, '""" 1111 -f to e le ; loJt,-1 '·'"' flll 1•11•1 ii oPlllll\ I• 107 Discontinued 111 ' In Feb. in County . !ri~le!s, 80, Still In Onn1w rounty, \.Ill ('"~''' Lonf using Folks Wf>n>adf'l,<f!l<othr•p11hilr 11!ll'1,1.1n11 1 .\1AIU.ll1 1H<1 M11s.' ol '1'1 ~.11rlo. rolb d unm; ..-, hruar~. "hll1' 11!1 lllllH' 1m1i t'llilrity <'1inllh•' 1·11 ·pl1 ...,... d 1''''11tinU• d C:ohf11rm:o I" 11~ rn11d1 todu~ ;,~ •h•·> 1hol "'" 11 ~n-s·lb5<,...111t1on rt'llllrlo-d t1id11y thf'} Wf'rc• ·w:ilk1ni.: 11rf w \111 It lo rndud.-<t '" thl' i-as•11 ,,d1J..t1 rtui . 1 1tit1<m~ rn 11 .• tiy stnms '" 1.11' '' .1,.s I Ille th..• month "'·r•• 7~ 111·r'<nn~ nn l•Ut.:t.:> 1foy11. Jewish Housewives Queue Up for Slim Rations· .,~ .] ...... =~--.. ' I .. Old C-Overed Bridge Vanishing Fast I Salvation Army to But U.S. Still Boasts About 2,000 1 Use !f1eo. Ro~inf n> novo c 1LL I Tlw N·nsus i:ht-s ottio :;is N'.I\'· For Call Station l "n1 lf'd Pre11s ~t :ilf Corr<'Spondent ,•r-, d brrdi;< · llt'r nr·aro~I l'Oml.lf'I•· ~'.'DERS<>:-.:. Ind t l'P 1 • t Im· uf 1 " , 1~ P1·nni.) I\ ania. w rth a n t.sti-l\lnjor Orio Ellison, d is I r i <' t lh<' ,lo'(rl'l1t rns11tut1n ns of rarlrl mat••tl 3(•1 "' wturh :!~'...' :or{' (in man.,~~·r of tlw Salvat ion Arm.\'ic .\11wnr11 1s ft•\t oli!-:opp• o1r1111; fr,1m \ ·t,o11 hii:hw;1y routf'll ''l':111t ~Nvi1·,. 'tl1•r:1rttnf'nl, 1~n- 1 ho• 1'U11nt r) ~ldt· t h ,. 1.0 , t•ro J Thr,.,. l'l•l4' l.f'M.I rwu1wc·' thl' n1X'nrni.: 11f a n1•w "call hn<l~t· 1-t.1t t1111" In tlw N•''''JIUl't B1•ac•h • , r t JI 111 r I• •11lt·1 • ar ,. t •r1 \;<•n . :!6."• 'fhu1 1,.. tho r• 1••1 I 11( Lt1L.'• "" R 1 l nd111n.1. Htl ,., rmnnl 1t::.'. nmJ •tt•n whr~ n•11t1rt.< will h1· r1'- r .. k !'•'"•"I. hrnr1•fonh. frnm rl'Stdrnt~ I x<e • <'<•·('Ul•h•h••r ul a 6" 11••111 ol I;, 111 cr.1 l.f.1--- 1 I • ·---\\hu lHl\t• ... h ... 1\\:t\\(J~;;·• U!lt'<i \\rill• n l) 11lJ for 111,1 .. rJ 1n~ ""'' 111 .• n t1.1lf ,.1 ,,11 1111 ht 1"-" I I " ,:.1n111·nt• i.h11<•s. furrnturr or 111lwr I \\ rnst· lw ii•) '' th. 'Id \\O/l(lo n I ~1111 ,t,,n•l1 n.· .1r1· tn thf• thr .... ;1•1 .11 11< 1,., tu 1·01111 rhuh• for •thc> lh111,hw \\1P1 tho•1·0,,r •m lo •p w1inrrw ~I.it•' ,.f p,1ins•hama. I k ,. .. J rn.11nl1·11tint'l' or lh•' d1•1C\1\rlmrnl'!> "K' ~••> ~ 'hl'r,• .rr,· nu m<1n• 1 >h1u and I n1l1 "'·' T Q•··•lho•r t ,,,. I I ' I .. ~ · hum.in ranan opa•r;,1ions. I 11111 ..! (,i !fl 1•11\ 1·rr·d 1111<1i.:•·s still 1 hrt'(' d:urn I l'lt>ti "'••nrlin~ 1n 1 h1• t '1111,·d St<tlt"S It>-• • ·nu• 1lwodor<' Rohin~ f'orcJ day Th1•rf' 111:1y lo,• 1 hut many in • Tiu-numh•·r .,r hnd1:,·s I~ =""" ·•i.:••n1·) 111 :!116 \\'1•.<t C1•n1ra l ha~ ("aoada. too. l'.na:lirnd has d\\lndl1-d to :!6-1 .. ar-1 prufr1•n'<l thC' usf' of" 11s fadlitil's 'fhp rmrrr•I 11ndi.:1• is t"f'nturiNi c11rd1'.1i.: ':.~ 1h .. s~n'1•y. With \ t·~-I to h··lp .1111. Salvat h•n ,\nn) llCll\'- 111<1 .lu~I hnw 1110 !k irk Sll\S 00 mont s 16-and :'I01·w llampsh1r<' s 11y. which tint'!' nnl ask for cush ,111 • know~ fur l'•·~tnin · • · 7C l1'.Jd10lo'( tlw (rl'ld Cunhccllrut's I 11l>nat1u11-. hut only ror ~ul'h ron. · numlX'r h<&~ drovpc.<J to thttt and 1n 1tu111-n' ai. 111-l' in<licatro in its fll,.lon· R•'f'aJlt'd Rh1id<-h litnd has nol\<'. I <:loi.:an, .. 1l1rnwawayl< :'\la ke Work .. \\'1• do kOO\\: 1hat Anttr .. ad P al-I Th J> ·• l:idio. :i l'f•lt:llr.it•-d Italian archi-Tho· :'ll1ddl1· t:R.l>tC'rn s l<ilt"s still ·'' a):<. t••rl of I hi' Ri7'fi:Hi.~anN'. d"Sit:nt"d ha\<· +13, \\Ith W est \'1rgtnia·s 84 1 Rt•\· J,1m('ll Axtt'll. :\lajor F.111. •nd buill con·rc·d brrdi::t:!l< 111 the "''rond m tha t rt•g1on bt•h1nd P1·nn-~.m·· a-.•1•tant. Pxprl',._,,..., thf' lot. ~i't<'<'nth N'nt11ry;· the hndgc au· S)'hanra. I tl'r'" grn1it11d<' to Robins 10011>-. Uk> e1d ''' th,. nrt'<I) ai.;1'<1 roll'. t:•i.:hty·Y"Hr-old tn rl•·t :\1 1 ' a prnons on aid 111 the n•~ 1ly loland . Annit-F111th MaC'Domdl. M r' t:ll1·11 __ 18 rh1ld rt>n o n th•· :11d tu m·•-d~ ll111w ll.ontl'IS and :\Ir>-'.'or:t l'h 1r-I dltldrt•n roll'. <md ~ <'1'.""'!I on i:•·n· 1 it) M uq 1hy. all \\ldows. lir\' hurcl nal count.> rl'l1..r C~n.·ral t•11unl) 111 tell :1p11rt . I thority sars fiNwsla LrMb Soutll a nd •tntNI that C'ither of 1wo tt•le· C' C1·oq:1a lrads the South t:;:rinern ' 1lhon!' numht'r:< may lw ralll'd by over!'d foothndg('S 111 LuC'<'rnf'. ~tat • ..., "'''h n .i out of tlw rc»•ron's l c-1tiz1•11!< w1•hinc• to <'Ontact thr n r w Sw it1rrland. which Wt're built in .. "' ftl~ ml•) in<'llldf' Oflf' nr rnor•'I "Th" 11nly 1fm,. "'' r .. :dl) li.ul prnons in 1•11ch CllS('; oth«r kinds ""> ld1·n11t y," Mrs Jl11111•·I• ~.1ul, of n>litf l\rP ind1v1dua l IJl'ri<ons. tho• "wn,.. wlwn Wt> w1•r1• n111rri1•1I "'I ~itlion J1U1nlf·d out r h ildn ·n w r We're fr•'llll"nl ly 1••111· · Dur1ni;: Fo•hruary. 19·H 11 yc•1u l1lw d for f'8Ch o th1•r'11 "'"'·lul'f 111 (Acme Trl~,,ltn10) .Jewbh women llnl' up for t..hrlr v~l'l.l\ble rallon at J erusalem•u Arabi! rontlnul' the blockndio of the J ew- llb aector uf uui ell)'. ~ rt'l:urd cunvuy uf 200 iruclt4 cart')'lntl t.oDa of footJ frum Tel Aviv flnnlly broke Uuouab lhe blocb4e. IC0--9 101 al of l3J <'8Jl4'C W«'rf' add-l('hool und now l hu I \\ • ro 1 • .,. to .tht' r<'.lwf roll1 of thr co·. u11-,unltrd W<''re hsrdt•n«'d to folks II•'' rl ,\ 1,. "" r I 11'h 11111 '""I """'.'::II'''.'' "1111" pl'O<'l'llS;, tJ, wtnlf' M <'aM'S Wf'r<• 1'11111'<in· ~1111 "'I' ut us 1 1k1m: h• 1 '"' 1111 • 111111'. "'' rl 1111 I Ii•· 111d11 .,r ti"'.. t.1111, she '' tinut'd. ttw aSSOC'iation N'potH'<I "Whrn. \lo (' w ert· ~Iris a _)ulln~ 11,,1, ~.11th ·""plod I"" 11.,,, 1·01llo 1l "1111 •' 'nvl1', ult of us w.·r • Durtntoi AUKWll. 1~1: m idw11} man u n<'•' IO\'ill-d nw to 11 h.111 Tiu• l.ot• r 11 .. 111..r c·i.,111 t\ '"'' "' '" 1111,~ ilr•..,~rn~ for our d ate. \\'• ''uuldn't ll•ll \'IH'h o tlwr 1h1.· name • 1 h· ·"' 11 \\ .1\ 1l1st r rssing \\ 1,. II .... l .. u .. cJ Jllrl 1111 I ht l'L' CJ( us 1111111<'<1 do" n . lurrs w nwo·t htm .. See it NoWl General E~scfric's ·new ALL-~~UTOf AATIC Washer! MORE new General Electric Features- to make this "the washer you've wanted"! ,......._ l>ofto't .... to be~ dowa. Caa ~ mo'l'td. Tep 1p•l11 .. No ..oopm, or~ 0.111-1•_... ~. ~ "motor ramble .. to cli.turb yOL No clanger of overloading. T~l.r• 11.lne poandl of -.nrtfd 1lry clothN. Lout won't sun w•..hin1 if machioe ii aC\·iJwt•lly OYcrioaded. Sevot l'tllto w.-. A111nrrtatinJ1..-. ,;,_ wat« ii N1'ed foe nut rinM OI' wuh. Or, U yoa rttftt, It can be t'ruptirJ with a 011·k ol 1 ooauol. r 1. ;d oly automatic! You 10t the controls only oncel All by ~If, thl• waahar 1ool11-we1he1-rinse1-damp-driu -1hu11 o.ifl Cleans Itself outl llnptlot or IOVH rinse water far neat ':>oking or wo1fling I I :•·r···~ a wHher eo WOt'WYing, 10 ti1111•savit1~. tu /u/(\· a11lu111111k ' .... ·11 harJly klie"e your eye1! Ct'n.-ral El«>trjc'a new ALL-AVT<ntATI~ WHhcr N"11lly lctia you ~y i;ooJ-hy to wa..l1Jay woniet-Juc1 all lhe,1111'1J WUC'lr. for )'OU. It'@ powt'rt'J liy the ~ f.l«tric "~alcJ-in.Oil"' 1lri' ing mrdiauiun. :'oio oiling ever needed! So <ll'pt'OJoLk, that "'<' give yQU a \\RIITEN 5-\1::.\R Prot«tioa l'iao. (HeaJ it bc:luwl) Jr you want to take watlhJay np1t off your eal .. 111lar. !'H thi11 oew· f'•I G-E marvd at your C..~Electric r•·' · •: •. .,.' ' I l1·ctric Company, Uriolgcport 2, Cuoo. --~ Automatic SoCIJl I Ynur d ntlor• c• t a f•rt•li111i11UJ' •oal.111i: \>1 th ··\,II\ .01 .. r• • • ec·ti,.0:··111l'U,<UJl011101;, 11/1' .~ml ,,,,f,ir iJ~mptic1l-wul1 wat1·rr••m•·~ in.1111"11 1o tr1111M"'raturc \ ou'\ r ,,.1,. ft 11 I I••"-• tlu1111~h~·:tp1fi ... : I 1 f' to.tlr. it oi•ti1J11al.) Automatic "filler-skim" Actlonl MJ tltroui:h the fnal.in;:?. "a,liin,:. rina- ing oprralion~. -.at1•r r('rir.-ul1te1 llarot1fl}i a.filtrr. I lirl 11rul "'°""' arf rnn- 1u111ly skimm•vl """'~" ·11 ... ····uh : rnu OC'\.,.r 98W • lutltN •o h 1 .1 \ t 11h , J ... 111. And it'1 ull-autlHft•'11r! Automatfc 01Mration to Sult YOU! You won't linJ • ntnfc ada1•taLlc wa~b­ er anywbt'rc! Start the (;.[ ,.,at.in;:. wubing, drying C"ydC" •n••lr~r~ ynu 'Wieb. 0r n'J"'AI •ny Jllfl ;;r,t (if <'l,.tl- nttd en utr• wuh). You un di•nge diAI tettiap •I •ny time! wr .. d•·-~ R ... t•. !. r.. otr. ASI< FOR A DEMONSTRATION AT YOUR GENERAL ELECT ~'.: n!:-· ·~:~'S, TODAYI 516 CA»ast Hiway GENER-AL·· ELECTRIC See the In G. E. Action All Automatic \\'ashing Thursd ay, .April 22nd ~larhine at LIDO ELECTRIC-CO. I . I At The-Arches . ' -X ewpgrt Beach, Beact1n 5;)05 1333 and l·l<lfl a nd still sta nd to-:.'!r.! ,\l.1hama. with T5. and h'.t•n-··-.ratu•n ... nam1•ly H11rhor :lR or day. a lso nrf' C'Onside red a fort'-tuc·ky, \\Ith 51. are high cin lhl' :\f.O A S;ilva11nn Army t nJ<'k will run n,. r of Amt•rlca·s cov<'rrd list . I h·· wnt out to rnllt'<'l articl1'l. con. hr idcirs. Tilf>rt• ar f' 81:> bridges in thf'I tr1bu1cd. Men who st.'f'k aid 11t BOC'k's pulilrrntion. ···con•rt"d riRht C•·ntral stnll's led. of ('ours<'. the-~ocml S•·rvic<' Center arr paid Bridge Toi>iC'S, .. whirh h<' issues in hy Ohio and Indiana. That's the to wurk at ro'pairing an<! fefurlJ. pnrtnershir with Rk hard SandPrs lar gest tot11I for a ny region. i,.hing such ar11rlr;. which are of- Thf' F a r Wf"Stt'm statf'S of Cali-fN't'(l for i.alc in Salvation Anny Alll'n, postmastl'r nt Round Lake. ,,. fornia. O rcs:on a nd Washington I 'ton'" 10 ll('~nn ... nf'C'r<;..,.an ly Sl't'k· N Y . mal'lf' 11 sun cy hut failt"d to find any C'\'tdl'nC<' of 3 ro\·ered ha,·e 301. \lo'h1!'h rs more than an}' lnl: low-vri<'C'd nwrl·handi~t>. O thl·r rPJ1:1on t'X~J>I C'l•ntral and '.\lrddl<' ..;1lva1:•' g ivPn to tht' dt'partmrnt bridi;:P IM'ini: hurlt In this rountry F:ll.Slern a lso 1" sold. and lh<' social St'r\'ICI? hf> for<' 1 RM nr t Slrl. • Thi' N>V<'r rrt brrl'lcr n~· is a rar-Th4"r(' are 15 11tat~ w ithout o t>n1ll('h thu• b !'<•If-sustaining. lty ""hlrh mntnrt4;f5 drlvP miles out sini.;.Je m\cred span_ £\ren Alaska ---- of lhPir way lo c"<' Bock M lir\'l'S have ft\'!' Idaho's t"o ar<' hoth ScQtch tape, ''ariOus sJzes, on millions nf Amt>r icans ha\'<' n('ver rarlro;;d tiriditNI. 11\le at the News-Times . lll'<'n Onl'. Prlortt)' f)l•P'ltf'd · Thl'rt' 111 i;tlll llomc-question ahout which wa11 lhl' fir.1t l!nitt"d Stal"s C'O\'Crl'd hrid l?r. II ~·as as- sumf'd for y1'1u·11. ar<"Ordinc 10 Boc-k. tha t a hridi:,. arross th<' DC'lf'war" River a l EMlon. Pit .. "'IL" th" riMtl Ir Wa5 ol)('rn>d to I lratrlr in l M'l • N11w. TlO<'k nrlltc. C'Onsid1•rahlP "llflll<lrt has l'f'rn lf'nt llJ thr rl:iim l hat th<· .. Pcrmnnf'n t Hridl?t' .. nrrr>!ls lht• Srhuylktll R1\'C'r 111 Phil· a<!Pl[lh ia tic !hi' nldo•ttl. and lhat lhl' f;.1'<lon hrM~·· w:1~· C'O\·r·rro ·!'olllf' l1mr afl•·r fl \\n .. 111111 1 ('o\f•r• rl hrltlt•'" L:• 1 '""r" r.rnrrr ,., 'n \•"or : ... th•\ '" ''"nl" un .. a fr :1n<l f;tll .q1:1r1 r1r 1r1 lnrn dn\\ n tfl 111""'' I "''Ill rur "''"I· rn cp '"" Rut th<\' ,...·ra-,i .. nalh h1111d a f'O\t·rNI hndt:C' ••\t•n rn !hr "• mu1krn 11mtc; Sinr1• l!l:ll :inrl ;,., l;otl' ac; tU3'l nf'w N•\'Prt>tl hrrrk r.., h'l\" l1<'f'n rn-l "!".""d for !11a;h\\:t\· U'<-.n•·:ir s11<'h n t u-s ns \ idti~)rf'. GarllC'n·ille, r :1I . amt F.urf'ka. C'1tl. Rallr1~ ftuHd• TWo f:vPn Am<>ri<'1t0 .'( '<tr<>amlinl"-('()n· i sC'inui; rr11tr~1nrl nrl\">rlt-f!tltS ur 11 l'll\rn•1t hn<lcr• ""'"" in a w hilf'. Th,. r :\1 & ~' r h111l1 nn" m·n thP Tnll ftl\'l'r tit C"1rn:.t1<1n, \\'a<h . I Ul 1'l:ri :o nf'I :innlh· r "'"r '"" :"1••111.1111 H1\1•r :11 I' irk .lt1n1·11 .. n \\":1•h . '" 1 'l:l'l • Ttw '°' \\ 1·11rl.1n•f on<\ '11<1<11· 1·.t,•1 rn ... , ''' .... 1••· rh • r• rl in th4 1 lo111 ld 1111! .. r '"', , 111 l•rorf::,.., n• .11 h 1 1 ~"' ~ • ;11 • •n•11 " I f.:l f'l< r ro•nt nf th11,.1• ,1111 ,, 11111111 · '"" ') :ir. lo- ,.~,·." • 1,,." 11 •• ,, I i'f11• J 1t1 '' 11'\j.,••rl f'l r'\•i-tJ..:: 11( !'O\ ... •:,•I hi ,,f~·· .... ""''"'"' 1)1,ft tit"'', ·uh. I di ti~ r .. , ... h 1 .... '"' \\ rhuqt :, I ... tr ·1 ·L·l1 I· 1 "'11JO • ri , ,,., Qt./£ sno,v: \\Out.0 A GLASS J>.~ CMAINING F .. 'V ·~ F U c;+-(T \\EIGH MOii LESS !F THE nv WE~ AT REST? .... ::.-5.-~,,. Tt,."',,,,.C'./'TOU., ... ..;:, . .;. . ·- ' .n1 _eet It lights without mo/¢es! 111-t.rnt l1i ~l1 :-1~J . doz.ens 11( heats! And r<.'memLer thi~: Nothin~ ••),, .... ~ ... a~ fast as ca .. ! ,_ ________ _ Broils without pre-heating! Bro iling a~ you want it, .,,·c ry d<.'gree from char: tvpe to <WM tlrr&ugh. Only (;as has such flexil>ility ! Automatic .. C/orl-a;ntro/leJ! .. Cooks complete O\·en meal hy itself! And only Gae .1ir -circ ulated O\'Cns can I oak<.' and Lro",l so en•nly! ----~------- tis thl neu.1 -~--------- COSTS lESS lo buy. .. lo operate IOOC roe nlf .. c~·· SUl OH rHf AUFOM.UIC C.U UHCIS OI ~ 0 Ufff & MftlITT, CAllHS & SAntft, T.4HAN. WfDCfWOOO. WfSfflN HOUY, UNIVUSAt. CIANO, MAGIC Clff/ ou•11,,. c .. r-ooo H••ow1ett.CAt01tic ... ,..,[, OTlfOS • * H WASH 1UPI P' Somc of 1n tlw far bas1•l>all. \\ t ' \ , • DC'l'OSS th w ash,•r-\\ tor> ul t>hlirp n I f11 h . ht·11i.J S1· 1rn 1 ur .. s h111n·d ht of th1• du lum:c.<"H. I t'l•ni. a rnl -Stnl'e \\ -':IS 1111" II I fuUH' 1•\ 11 has1·l111I Thl' 7~ filh IS fl< p11ru11u11 5t'HSOn hl lo do 1s ll to hand r Mr. T , '' .. T lw1·<'. old Grllf. cun let t:u boch \\ill if ti'rs b1c Nobody Httrry 1s day. lie t coop he'd st arboard lw will \' l\1 r. Grt comforlllt flth ,;t:.d auoss th• Tuft: I 1881 he• 011 tht• ! R<'ds. Ca st·ason, iu off end t hurler di They m1. brolh<'r. his flannl And fro1 w.,nt ' to Mr. Gr row W11! pttr hrr , H arding• The r<'. man Mr ownrr nl in thr 111 p1a.)• J ... HARMAN W. NICHOLS 12 W!th ~ys~m' \'ASHl:"'GTON, APRIL l!l Cal e 1 d k d r A W ;>\ Pr,•,.rJ,•nt:; ftl'<' frn1· 1~1µle llpp~·-up °'~~/'~, .~::;:~ rl 1~·;un:: t~o gain 1nn1ng nr of '1•111 fir(' i:OC>d f'lll'hl'rS. jlllr hlni.:: In '"' fir,, hntl Ru t thAl I •t Las Vegas 1111' r111,• ol~I Am,•nl'•in ..:am,• ••I 11 ,,, urut. 1 s1.111rl.1hlo• Th,• b11s\'11otl i \. ··hall, that IS. Ill 1111 r • t I ' .. '•'r .. 111~ 1.11111 ~ l':I~ 11i. I I.AS ,.ECA..4'. X,•\ "'''I 1'1 • •"' 1· hull sume da111ly rtipp;.·rs 1,,, "'~ "ti• c ;1 ,1<'<' S h. Ii.id 1;11n•· , 1 I', ,\111,•r 1 t ltl•I" .111.t I •i It•, ISS lh1• )l'oll'S and 1 11 \\ \\llh l" a l.1;.lllllll.1hl1• l'•l~t.:rn ~l'h<H)I \\,il(o•llf '" 1, l•.tl'~ ,ol Ill\' '\:o \,,.j,1 01Wr·"0111'11l \\llllhll•·' '1>v. lll>o· 1\0'<'lllllo ll.; too li11llllh '111' \\,J' lht• l\l<llo'lll' \l ho•d• 11,.t,l< oHltl ,1~,1111 Ill '•Ill\\ \\.t:; t.1 .. 1,;h l 1111<• ht•t "\'••It' k1•1~1 Ill ljh l'l·ll'\' \\\'I• \l lflfl,11~ \\Ph lh•· '•h'nll(h 1p 1t11o1 h>1l11) 1,~ 1 .irk Crtl· ;\nd II••'"' 1 JI,. '''ll'" •hll ·• ·~·t•·m lh•·\ tr\l•'llh"I m ,.,,11, _, . 1t,·.1d m .1n "' ll1o \\ 1•l11ni.:1t•11 • "'·' 1.111• •11 1•11 ll11rd hJS1' 11h• ,,.11111, ""'•' "' ,11\ "' 1 .. tur',; lo:octl,..11 l'i•d• l'h1 1:1.1)· 1 .\11•'1 1ti.1t '"I" 1h, 1.rto• Fr.ink· 1i .. ,,o1,.,1· 1111• 111 .. 111111.: all•'! th•"" '<'d l111:-h)·l11'u\\1 d 1111! , 1pt,1J.11 ltn I • ){,,.,., .... It,• who 11"•'0 111 d LI' ••I ;ilm•"' '""'' i.:11111111111.: 1111• Ill' dui;uut """ 1 1•11,h11 "'"'•' ho· 1 h '"II.di pl.111•r l"P lt 11s1'ct 111 th,•1 "•'I•' •1111 pl:11mi; 1111""!'-llll sdr. If.o's s1•<'t1 tlh' pr,•sidrnts ' t r~ '" lt111 11.••111 1h1• p111·l1,.r;., 1;t•11 · 11•111n111..: ·" 1111\1 1111 1•\\ I" llllll ,, plll .IM' 11111 ,,11d 111• 11~,.;1 111 h.tul t•ll l".I" t·::11h l••l.1~ t h•\ 11:111 1i111 th• II llC'1• \\'tllt11111 11 .. 11 .11dTul1 \\ho "1• II lh'.. i:iJuhl l.11.<t<:k I ho 141H'lw1 ~:11•1 .1111" 111,.:h O'll11tll'h •., , ""tll lh1• 111'1 ll''ttl• Ill ol llh \\Ir I• ol( t ho lllf'llllltl ~;1~1 Ill 111.,fll• Iii,., 1·l 1)•"I •'"II '"" ,.,,.t· rall1"! u1 M•t1 lu ''l"'ll • \Ir T 111m.111h1-.1 I">! J<•I• •h• .111 1111w~1·ll w11h "'" h 111.•t• .t11,.1n.1• m.1 lrull S•'.1,.on 1 •I lum I 1111: ''" '"-h"llt ,11,r1 • hi' 7!J-~,·,1r-1•ht 1.ilmo,,11 (;111 ·" II• h,,,. pr1 1'o'd1•nt 1n 1111rr~ a ht1lll lllhh· I •· from (i1111u-,•1lr.· (I is fll'Xlnl! 111,; muselrs in lff('· I I t" " fair 1:am 1• .ond \\'alf11nl fn•lll !'11n I l1t·i.:n 1111111 f111 11 ... ~1 .1r1 0 1 11i,. Hllil H.ilJ• r11p , pl.1) hall: ·11,..~ .m· th,• 'nnw 1w11r t hat ;on lh •t 1• :'1111nth11 All 111· 1t.1i. I i.::11 " 1·.1,1rni. 111 lt•'ll" a t1111·d 11111o• u 1s to ,,11r up ,.,;1•111.:1h 1•11oua.:h I t • S t f I''"' ~"''r ti~ 11m111111: lh<'1r,, ·~1 Hind Pr\':.Ld1·1tt °l'l'Ul11an a bull n er.Yl&W e Or Hl lJ.:lll;tl 'to1k1• IJI' IP ~1,!110t) T "'" cl11 lhl' n·~t. I Guam, Saipan Workers llthl•-1wd \\';11lllt tl "l'ft' ll'ltlt: l'h1°rt'. Str, b R p1tclwr," s1t1d I i lho• •.1111•' '~''"111 l••IA~ thJI !ht•) Grtlr, dur"'I: ''" tnt••r1tl'\\ 11,. ,\ F td<1.1I 1'1111 St'l'\h'l' n ... 11-. .. 1 1.1-t )1'i1r ·11w~ ""tk•·d ti Pill lt•I i.:u \1tlh 11thi·r hand Som1•. 1·1u11,.r "'" 1111• l\h'" ·•1'1'l11·;,111ml' 1~htl•• rh··~ \\1•1'1· .. 111111•111, ;rt •h• , \\Ill llll'k llltn UIJ \Ill \\itl\'t•r~ 1111· 11\l'l'"t''I~ Jtlh,., Ill lht• urfl<'(' or l 0t1l\o'l'"tl~ nr (..,,H.'ilj.;O in Eire, 30 is b11; unl'lt• tu rns him luo~•·.'' •h·· Cahf1>r nm Sia!•• ~:mplco)nwnl , TII•' mt·n <t:trj\1tw1r pl.1~ lo1 obody k 11 o w s h QW pllclu•r j Sl'nl('l'. :'>Ill \\·,.,, F ilt h stl'•'<'l.t \\'llldrrni.: a part11·ular \\h1~·1 lot ry 1s r;omi.: ·1'0 ucl come l\lon· :o;;ulla Ana 1111 \\'1·dn .. :-d11y, April ; :o 11111)! f1<'t'1Ud, not mi: tlw l r••111t•1w~ lit:' ll)ld lh1· hO}!I m llw pn·s~ .:1 al !t nm t lp<'ntni.:i-ar" ror four :1f numhc:" ma lJttl•· hl:wk l"."'k I ll'. .l .... k • {'•t• • L l \.: \ Tl' R-._• ER ()f>l)L'RS $•)(l 0()(, ) lw'd hkf'ly "111d up from 1111' ~··fir' i<k ill1•cl llWl'hnnu·,. anct quah· 1 n1°•n thl') ap1>11rt·nl I) hl'I "" ml• "arren .. ~ s I le8 ·"·,. i, ,, \ ..... . ·> '· boa rd lltd1· this lllTil'. :'\luylx• l1t·rl \ ni.;11w1•rs. drafti-mr11. d1•n11s1~ ~lllfll!i,·r \\hll'h I urn' 1111 tn<>•I .. 1t .. n T Se. u r· ilian. • ' -T , ., A'lll \\'r 'll SC'C'. -'llHI d ··rks Emplo)nll'nl \\Ill l>1• Ji11·~ 1•unltnU1' 10 n111t· numlw•r (n· 0 t pin TROI R"• :\l • FOJt~ TOPPIN( n•1 F~ r. C rtlfllh w111"d bac·k 111 hb lor flw t ' S :<:av~ ••n r.itam n ncl •111o·n1•11·' lh l h.•'~ pla~ • '·Def BOO• '-,.. ' . . I ~ .I.. I" . ,,,,., ~•nn1 .. 1 lho•tr pl:l\' lhl~ enaa 10s . . forlat'ITc• ll'ltt lwr fOUC'h n I Gnl . . llll'itn . . ·~ ~ II• •• t '\\I • •I• ''''"' 1 '• ol , • ' '.II• r ...... I '"' II I!. • I• '· \I .. 1:11l1um 11nd 1lfoui;ht lmck • '-"'"''kc•ncl iin !hr "n nw n 11 m h" r ~A' 1t.\)U 'Tt> A1-.nl I!& 1t ·r 1 I~ ( . " · 11··1 11..i. r .. 1~'"' · 1 I. "1, .. , ,. ,,.,. 11,.., l "l'lotni.: ;1t 11 wh wh WOii Cur I hl'm "" t \t'llr (. • I \\ h. _.... . >Ss till' )'1•11rs from 1912. ASKS CHANGE F:l"\R • .,,lO· k 1 "'' " iirr<n » .... -... llJ\ "'. • • '" ,,, """"'~' 1.i·t • \lc,\I •lt1•lr·• 1~11 '"" d11111 . . ":A.J numh<'r ninr. Ttwtr """ '-ta c· • 1 1 'I • I ! a nl-T I • • I I N •:"' l•OKT BA I.BOA I "Cl'U \\ NF.WS-TIMl':M .\1irt1 ... llUll Page 3 * VIRGINIA MacPHERSON I h 11 l '\\.Ii ti •, 1\pt ti l'I 1l 'I'1 l!l••ltl .. d ht111 '"' 1 .. 111: l•ll' 1lll11i.;1 .111h• \I ,,,It di I h"llll""" • '"" lt"lll• "' •It""'' "'''"'ti ht• Ct 11l11 11,, ""I' 11 ,•111 1.111\ l1 tlll11 .;1 11111 11"'"111 1• .. 1rn11 \\h,.11• th1• 'l•t • 1 ittllt \ t 1t1 lf I •• 1t 'l!h,h* l1tll 1 "h U1t•\, 111 lti11• 1·H1tl1''"(•Ut. ,., '' ut, , '' d •'''"' u11,, ... 1•nd u , ,1 .. ,.j1u 1,· 1 uh "''' .~ •• ,.101ttuitu '''"I ' •'l 1.lll Ill• 1111> \\l(h 1111 "' o•I Ith lw•\ I II ,.,j .·~·\<'·II nit! ichr If\ U tf If I \t ' t I "'-\\.pt ll111t up .... 'ht ft'llCt '.r •h•' \l \I 1 I I ,f" 111ol ,11.1111•l1.11t d 1im 1111., 11 I' t,1 "''" th• 1\.•\\• '"' lh 1• t .. ul I I '. 1 h 1t11 'hUH t 11 • d l1ttt1'1' .I tH. ·n~· d ii• tllut 1 \ ''""'~· ...... , .. l'I Id ... th· \111111111 thth \111\ '"'' i1,11,1 ,,1~ l'h•' ,, ''""'f•d '\\h, d 11f1"1 ''•' ••·t 1uu11h•d ," ,, .. 11 ""''""' 1 ... 111• 1•u••·l,•11 •"•'• 1tt11l ·hfl ••1n1h•n I 1d f1•1 '' II .... •II \\I •• ~t • 11' I t t j,,011rh l •111• \\ ll• l11tlol.11i.;." I ul1t ... '011111,t t11it 1.ld t1•11h h111i '' u , h·iU ,0 -.1 ~., I '""' 11k1t), If 1 1ltth lll1 .11111 "1.ht "'-••llhl l't•'ft\J ,Jh tthUl.ht \\t' t1ul lltlh ltt1t U'I •"'"' lli'1 ~11I ·'' lu"" Ii.ii'-''"' lh 1\11t111•·u1•11 1111,..t11•10·1,,ll1k•• \1•lllh" ..... k ..... , .... ,, d ll\!11 1, l\J• tltj ,, , 11t•··•t•• II HUd I •••'\~j·I\ ,,, ~··· th. 1n1Udlt ,11 th. 11lf·•t11•.,.'U """ 111 • "' , •••• 11.,1 .11111tth J •1111 ""'\'"'""ti tl•'h•I 11\\0\ lt1·,ul1·"· '"'' alt• ~.-t) "''rth ,,f 'l1lw ht'''''' HI 1 p \11;t'4.1'd l1t11• l1l\'1tl d'PU•'I l l'hl 111111t!' "''' •11lk11w 1\11.t 1\1111 11 I"'""" 1'11\° 111~ r1•p11111tl111t I ,h,tll ' 11,•' Mii pt ,,,,,t I'',.,.,• tl•'o\ lillll 'l'hnl'• Whl'l'o' It 'II "·" h" ,,,,, 1111•il••ll1 1111> ~··11111: 11i1nr.: ~111•11k1·\I Int" hl14 ""''' 11 1111111: ""'''' t'"'"' t•w•k ""'' 1 .. 11i;ln1C lot~. l',11<, II•""'" 'l'h··•" h· "'"t 11 ""I """"'' ""' ,• .. i.t l\1nr•ht1ll wu ,., .. \ .... , ... ,,, lol1•n1I• ll•h t'l I hllt,• ,;111 1•1 ' r .. , .... 111111; I ho· 1li11·tnr. Ill• ,1 t t 1t 1l1Rh, Ill lh1• llflt•tftil11nH Hltd I''''' l'ti=•'flf \\~It~ ti.lllnrte'r fir C"alJ ... \\1••1t·1t ti. 1 until th1 .. ,• tl\1' tH"'~ •'•I tli.• tuA1M• 1t1•f1·1·t1v1• .. rh,• t.:"1 """ 111111: 11111 111• •I•"''" I I h111k "" I,.,.,,,,., I 11 11l111n111 1t111111••lllltl'IV. 111u1t1• 111111'1• ,1r 1111 1111111·,.~~1011 t1111 th· 111u•1t·r 111111<18 111 Ml:M I 111 .. 11d11 I .1 ''" "k"' 111 lh•· h 11<t•111 ""'" 11t1·1 t.1111 ,. mnllnao ''"' 111k111i: h••r hu1111•,' ht• '""" •·l••I "" 1111 "' hu111l11 nnrt thry'vc 1'111 .. 11. 111 .. 11 11rll1 '""'"'" t h•· '" • 11 11·u11111111 111111 wllh hor-1 '"'"' r, 1t.11 n 1t ' l'tt1• lur1• ""' onh I. I''"'' Anti 1111 I hrul \\ llll s.~· lotll' "h1l'11 I h•• 1h I< •'I ,•,.11hl11 I ··h "'I'" ~., ''"' \\ot1t11t 1111 pit) 111,; th·· ..... '"'•''> I '"• 1 ,. "nt kl1111 '"' " h·•·•111kolor ···t11t•th Do you went to wn It? .._.. u .. ln IMN oolumna. art . Don I sl'lt hun s hOrl In $5 Bl LL·, WI NOS C'l1mh .. d t<t ~:t:..'00 tw rnn • lhr num· dlJI•.. "' "' ' lo I ''"'' I •'l·t ....... ' till• 11i:h1 •Kit .rn.t Ill 1w·t. ''" flltl•1lo'll \ II '"'" 1111-,,, ' ~ h1• \\lls thl· Sl'l'Ond ptlchl~I' li.•r Ill C' l~vf'd out an<i mo"' of ;md r.iunt11 ... t" "-''"I' rl\11..an di--m11 • .. 1 , .... '"' l '1111 .. t ,.,,.,,, "''' t~ ,. l1i;1t1""' "''' ''"""''' l'••w1•1· OLIVE.,. lhl' s1ur! Of Ilic Crnc1nn11tt UP IN HOOSEGOW ,, p . d di"" "n ... 11.: tnll.:tll'lfl~ , .......... , I "' "in..: t ... "'"'" 11"1 r .. pJTlna.: ~ ..... '''"'''°" .. rr"'"' "-•1r wmnmi:s ~'" ·~~ a~11 1 '.\I T ' C · / C In I 'lill11tl1•lpl1111 Ito· 1:111 ltlM 1111• ''" '' t11k1·11 11 llh lht• l.llk•ft) 11 .. 11 11, 1•[111111~ lho' 1·11y lttllwr • l'tr•• .s C'nml• thl• big ,day or thl' Ar1Pr 5.'ll2 hour.> pla1. th•' .p.air If,. l"''""'Ci "'"' rhar .-~ niunl-..... >,l t~t ••• "'""' ... "" •It lho'lt. ,q·:mi.:1 .. 1 "'"'' 111o· ''"'It" 1••\lo'lllll 1•·l~llll'kll} 11h .. lll \\hom Termite ontro o. IOn. as linrr r ecalls ti A pla•. h I I r 1 ·h k--' 1 .. _ I a nd 7 •ma...,.. nll•"' C'O\rrtnt: ""°"' '• •· •' I n.tl tlw 1T11l11:on1t11• • '' n ••••k h••t ,.., 1111· I"'' 1011 11•1 11 lltt" k1 du l.haL J WS ASCIEl..ES. April 1~ r t a 1·11n •'N'n<'<' nn1 r PC' '"' ,,... ..-• r--.a..! J S t at11 Ul'l'mll'd e\Jnh'llctorw and th<' mother or the :"'o 1 (l.'P )-Banioa ~r M'a& ln bill<' book in thl'rr holf'I mom th:•n '.•• 1• r non1 d t h.-st alf'0ll •" 1•,1n1 Spmi.;.. l lt· ..., .. 1 t " •Lip · 11111 "lt"n 1 lt1hl ·,.m I w ... a .. ..,...._ .., .. ......._ ,_ lcr d.ll's Taft was s1·nt in jail today ~aww M Mkf'd thf' Tiwn lhrv wrnl hark 10 lh<-C.ol<i· 1••1it1l .i111:-i aln ad~ Jt;o,,. cb!lastt'r U ri.. •(• '·""''""'".: 111 l h" llwf\ '-"'·' •• ,.,.,111\ '''"'"" th•• \'1111••1• 1h r1•1 1 clt'tlN•nd1·n1 nl John M "r· ......-It 'rtlan" y murd1•rf'd htm out th<'r•'. '4 ron1t ruan to t•ha.nite a fin• <'rt :"'u.:~~1 ra,.mo and b4•1:an rila~-<'t.>Un1·1I .. ;i.:.1ntrAll•-llundr~-of \".,Jt,,. '"'ftlo th•,.. I t •huultl ,.,. "''""' 111 1'.olm S1•tlfllo:' 'l'.•111'1111: -<h1tll, 111,. ''"1!.nlry·1 flnil r •ilrf JUll· J.il('a) R.ltfe.-.ncte thcr. llC' Wl•nt m and h ando•d d ollar !Mil. · rni: ui:1tin with 5200 m c·htl"' Thi' n11..-.. .1111 do.•""' h;a•r f.-.nnaJ df'. '"11hm '"" "':~I..• II\•·,' 111 th•· """ •' ,.,,..,,, ""''" Ill'<', fh••y rt'leulMI.'' ·niomptQn rlanm•ts nnd gloq• to 1tic boss 11nw howPvPr thl'1' a11 .. mat•'(I h··-f• n,... pl .. n• Lan.. '"11h l•n•\.ol •'" ~ "·· '' l .nnn lho•• <io•wn fn•m I lull~" '""I ~ .. 111 "111· WA• ttw a.tll> rc•1po n1lbk' fungus Our Speclalty I from th<'rt', indirc•ct ly. h1• m!t'lth•"':",. ;.".,:~:~uc1~ .. ';.~":. 1w1•l''n lhl' on~ and Zl'M, 1 \\·an• n :1.s.k•-d aJI ma)•.-. and .. ouL1n' M \ ""' "·•• "r 'W"'"'' '•>ti '"•'•'k•·n•I« ·n u•11 1,,. •••.:1!.t•·r~ rnr lhnt rrrtc k. )'1111 knuw. They 416-4tH W. ht St Santa Ana •t • lO the \\'hi tr H ous<'. · "' nnc1• morr thC')' tw-i:an \\;nnmi: !'•11• n ''"'' • h.1trnwn tu ''OOfrr•h• Bai .. '•·1• '"'1i.:11··r ·.,, '1"' Ill<•\" '11 n hoff•I n u 111 lh•• 1.,..11 111 hla ru n .. r11I 1nd ,. \t Ir. Grifrilh allo\\'S l.hM\~bl)t1::-,.JIR.A...ll,.,Ua~ ...... ._ • l and Cll"ft.v todlt,)' 1iad t-.u1lt tlw $:!(:() '"t1h th1 ;\«t1<>ruol t '111l1an l \rff'YWW ""'°<n' · · "' n ut Ji. .. , lfll..-r lhHl'a whrn II apllt .. ~~ J._ohn .. aon~~I" ... · • T~ bill wu c:ount4'rfril. ...__ l4un"'1 •tw-,..._ "win" thHt tho-• • · • 1• ..--- · W1l~n WM all ri~t as a •up 1n~M Th~ q~ that~'" l'1111 in ~ ~t"N~ht-d ~ ~~~·~d~~~£~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~!~~l~·~~=~~·~~:::~~~~:!~~~~~l;11~"~'n;•~h~l~n~~~lo~n~t~h~,.~~~:·:~~-~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~===~---~ h f '--I t II A d •net t .. _ ~·•• "'--·t.f'd to I J f-I l•l.fl'lo I• .tllt\ on!. ro .. t « $.10111XI • rr o ,,,.. 1r.;1 la .. n ·" •M" ·-· ,,.. -1lwm :t lolHI pro r11 "' t>f fhat 11m" r..r, nf "'•n..~· "~ <orTPSla ----- ·d 1ni: • c·hanc«" It wu t"rf'd ( '. \\'.,.toon, ,,r $?()() II• "'"! tt> .. ~·· 1, "u' h. 0 1 ~ '« lf'UU!i.So •u ln•m him \\"-dnt°!'dl•) 'hC'r t', Sir. was a not hrr ha~t hall hr !Mt of lhf' t • S. lilN'l"f't S..n'----th• ,, ..... 1 ,1.i.,., 1n tho• 1 ·ar.r.orn ,, Mr Jl:ircl1n1: WAS II rornu•r I('(' hf'r4'. 13<-v;IM' -Ad\'("fhH' dt'"'''' ;u·I •• 1·~-. Th• a n pro-•'M I ... r'""'11' 11·"1' lo·4.·~1 lht Ge'•.-.· Rrua. h-Off ll'r •'r 1hr !\-!Rrton, Ll., t1·11rn l _, .~ut.-. .. f••; t1• .:1 ·,,,. ;ul't th •Uh· ••h.r 14 •' •n<l mufnl•l"t "'''"'" ~ ~ I ' d ••• I rA• ,1. •' th• 11 ..... t.iini: t•l.111• lhl' oltl Ohio .s1111 .. 11'<11:111• :om Scotch tape, various siz!'s, on Srotch ta~. ''IU"lnu9 9'Let1. °' "1Mon• to l"'•r•u •1·•·· 1.., ""...,"3A.. ' I I • I • n ... 1 "... ·-~ .111~ ·r ·'l1•11•. ••n'I ,, cl a ~I"'' or b;1~l'hall. trio sali· 1H the· :<:Pws-T inws 11 "' ,th~ N-.'nlnm 1n1: A nafl•1l~ n \1 ,,. • n...-1 ~ Specials for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 19 -20 -21 SILVER FOAM l'ennanl WAFFLE SYRUP 8 lo kk\' S. P. CHERRIES Thrift ,· Ann" WHITE BEANS 8 . I:. W.-.\11 c.rtr111 .. COFFEE DR EFT HY PRO =--H. '! ...... :?-lh. 1·1·1111 I lh. tin It.:•'· llt•'I. .·29c gc Hnu~huld-~tf'7.7-l~t. · SCRUB BRUSHES '''It· 12c· l!k• Delicatessen Q 111,111,· lh. n •all,· 1o:ood <'011kln1t and r11 tln1o: f•h, .. .,... BOILED HAM 'z th. ...... , ... PIMIENTO LOAF lh. "O''·' TIU: nt:s T.t:-o c.oon t:,01 c.tt". Rlh LAMB CHOPS 1111, t'or Kollf'd Ulnnr r HAM SHANKS lh. ~annlnit'" t'o rlrr ffo ui.,. STEAKS lh. 7gc LETTUCE 5c STRAWBERRIES h .. , 25c l~~r;y..'fmiit~ MO.SHA,. · Tl t;.'\U,\ \. "·t :USt:SIJ.\\ ( 'h 04•olll I~ ECLAIRS JELLY ROLL CUPCAKE \\ hl1•11f'd CREAM CAKE .... h CHERRY·PIE OJM'n Oatl~ lnduclinit Sun!la.'"' 'f:rom !I .\. )I. fo K I'. )I. Wf' lk>lh·rr )londa~ T hn1 t "riday • t 'ru t. ; P i."' !"tuft c ·.,, l t·~1,.,•n1lt•nl f ... 1 ... 'I \\' \'1 •Ill' 1 I I' 1 Tio" 11111 n I•,\ '" I l ••·m ,\,tr." \rl111• R..• \t. ·"···~· l1u•I'\ tl'U "'' \\Ill t tl11rt.t1u ltlllU\ ... 1ht• .... ~·· t h• tit\ t tf t I ' ti• f lfl ~ T' ... , • ...,,, "''. "''~ ,nrt •I• I, a· tf•-.. 1 .. 1111 t •· t111tt 1.od1; .uul l(qnthhr ·IO rt.lflOll ti f'Htl\t lllhlO'I ,fl .. f·,.,.-l .. 1tt 1 •tut h• I 1Pt1 f 1tul 1•I• lt•h1 t t' •' .101,f t. .. 1 JUUi ti J.&...lt t \4 •ti I \.\ t *• '''' I fl\• ft i\ ltf\ l Th"\ I\ I lH"-"-1fl1t f• • '"' •t t_, t l lf •r• '"•· "' .. "° " •• ,.t111 •''' I ~. r ''-t t ~ ~ I ~ t t 11 t t " "·• \h It• ""'·'' .. r It • t 111 t '"' Ju ''" .. r ttH 1 t '''"ti f Ith , , •• '1• \ 111 "' '""-IH Kt•t I'. t \•t\tuwl\ ... Jl\llld "'' llh jHh 11f t ,,1.·\ '"'' ' Jll' ....... ..,,. 1 ~·· t •ti f lf"h 11 .... Ii,, J I •t1Ul•l l 1ll t}o 111\\tl \\1llt t .. a•J I ~ •• ~. th ,f ~C..t t••• '4••tlh u l f jl•1I ,•a .. 1ta' ut••t ,fi .. \\, 1tt ... not,., •\tff,..," ttl•Hftutt •t-1tt1•f'-\\tfli ••t \\llh1111l l I \\. h u1 '" 1~11 "n •• ..... •oflol "11< · ..... 1 1•l• "'"' 11111. Ft 1111k I,., .. ,.f ~·ot k• "'. ""'" ,.4 lh•• i.;11)~ l'al11ml" If• '"tit• 1111•·11t .. r "' llwl rn 1ho• '"'"•nk l'un..,'1 ~'''I' '""l'I rlt f"' '""'n I'""'' 111i.:h1 <'111h, Tiu· , ... Ni ·~"' •'f'll\ l''" It "'" ""'"· I It· k II·· '"""' 1t l'll•'k 'i "•·•"'-· th• 1 luth• \\, r• \\1 tk 1 J "''tlil t• H•' fi.td tlw Iii' I~ 11f flt• ''~ '' .JH .Utd d I\ ft /111•rt, ltt\1 !11 h1• 111nltt1l1t d l1lf t h.-ttli'"' I ... t t u ,d f H• \ 1:1p I,,,,,._ ''"" '"'" t lh• Jtt1h ft11 ~11 •n ""'''i • ~• ,,tf t 11 -.,,.,, 1, .. ,, f1,• It th• t111i. h·• ••• tu1i· "*" h,1\"• f• n ,J,. '• ''' t)' \\ •'·t .. I ,. r t•l •u ... .It t ud "''' l11r '11 r•1 ...... ~·"'• If•• "-•.f·t•• l .. "''1 II",,,, .. ,.,, .. "' tt1.e \\111 11•\•t ,1,.,11 &,,1·f•f p 11•• I•\• 1•f t·I t 1•1 t ~·•'* tti• ''"'I'' tut lfl•, f1,fuH u~•· • \•' ·~u11 r 'tr =• •t• , • ., •f1, , ••fl\• r1ff111'' Lan.t :ti •t 0111° • .f L••\\U"-r .. 1 lh• ~ .. PdrtJna:,: Jitr t,. I ,, •••• , ... ,··I"' II•• f ""'1'WJ SJ-tr I 11,.lft ,,.., ' • f ft1t1I ftt f tnd h••I II\• \• • •·Iii d 11h fl••·t ,\rHf \\ lt1tt t'i f',d11tnln1' "'"h1tt11f1 " 111 '"" \\11111~ Fn111k S 11111tr .1 I j 'hf•F) I I~ ,. I ' •I· '· t•ll•· '" ttthtr ... ,,,,,, 1 1 1 ,,1, , ,. r\ttitn c '' ,,.,., ••f u 1\ tui· t• 1111u •' II• .... 1•111 ftflfn , 4 h. t, , 1 .. t • tlJ •Ir• l•t tfl, ,.,,,tflUH' k 11ul ,,f \111t • th ti n•.-n•n~ J.!•fY-0'"> ,,, , 1.,,1 •• 1 h ttl• ''"" t J.tru 11 rt .. , .. t \•, ,.r ,, 1S. I·· numtw-"' ft •r 'ltt•n ,.: :ir• .. ind •n Oft I' tf• ilfr• I ,, h.ud fl,1\ ·••rt fht t ••n ~h•JJflfa.ir d '' rtf t••11 11 .... , ~ ru11~1t \\tll k• •I Sh• di•tn • ',,. t ,., ,,, •h•rn 1 1l1tt ind ''·•"'••t1.1ttl• \\f11•ft. unm•""nta•,.,,. 1 •• •)~ tt1· J•11f,l1• WtJf\' ..:• t , r·. k ,,• ··•••••\t l\n , .. :-.rfu ... 1\ • • • '•·u I • .·· 1 t• t1••1• ., JUwl (•,.., ~ ,. ""•· '-··· \\t u ,, 'Ilk J•U•' o l•I• ;n.t 1h1ni:• l .-,n.:\ "'• f t • ,, 'I \11 \ti T"J'Jl40I.' \\ ., ' ·I I • I •• '. '""'lll'llnL. · ... ,, 111 f111\' ,, ·I , t111f•,, ·H.tt ;,,. I r • • • t• ' •1 11.' t,rt,l:•I ••J'f , I 111 "J I t I ··I· , ... i.:11.:• .. -•kl ,, .. Sh·· I •l ... , .. ln.5;' t ti t t• I*• 1.J ·tin.:: l •,• I "· 1 "hrl1 lf1+ \ •••• ,,,.,., ... I ' ., In&.:' In f1f11t •• ot .. f ' ·h~ .... "'I It f i:t:.m••rr ~ .t 1 I. '''°'~ m.• ~.• Y f.P;ut..·r ,\1·, .... , ··•Kht m-.nfh~ E\ ,.,., ~fatUt• . ,, "• ti lJ ..... ' I II •,,I N'"-Jr1·~· .. I , .. I' I I I 1·11 1 I\ If ,. t ~ t I' I I 'f' • •I • " II• '· ,. .. . ,,,, ... f11i • 'h,t. f'"htP• '-• ftf •f "f .. , f • •'• t •btnt'•~t v 41 t '"' .. , I , I f ,, • 1. 'rna m, ... t t '' t~"' ,, nuJrn-•rt, '"' "~· • ,, ,, t t.r • • ·I 1• riff •tlh 1. 1"11 •I • t '' . ltffl<· l "h• I\ I I "•I ·•"'' t .... , . ~M Pf' <J,w ••\••••I t ' • •f 0 1 1 fall n ... ~ ,,,, I I' f,, .. n • "' h• • , 11 '' , f , • r • I• .. , • v i" \\ IJ111 I fi•• fl.I I 111f1 fh •ti" ltt'l1t\ ,, tJ1ut,t 1t~ ~ .. 1d h1 ,ti'--•• h u l \11\JI f 1 '•1· •' ,,,1,,;.,, .. ''" I If~' •t i' Jtl I\ lltL_' f, 1IJ \\1th q , If· \\Ill 11\• ..... \\di 1111\ 1.,, \lot f• I ' f 1 f' (" •, U • fl • •l 1•U1t t I 1tHU .. P• ,,,,, If ftl\' I \\• 11t.1r ' \\ ''" " •It ''""·*'' d 1• l•idl I• f11 lo f,j tfllt 11 . " ". f If I 11ft 1 11111 I \\ 1\ ..... ..,, ~ l 'hll1t•l•·l11htn t • 1!•.11 t ... •lr••l•J•· ,j 1t1t •1 • •• '' '.,, k f' I t •• ,~ t•I• la ;111 I " I• • l ,,,, fHllf I ,, •• , •• ,, •• ''" 111tt1•td 1 tltlh t .. t' \1 I 1 t I • I ··I··· I• 'I \' 11 I ',. , ... t .". \~ \ If k fit. f 1 • lt1h, I ,. ii ., t•' l fl •I • ,,,, .,,,, ... .. I f t d1 I 11 f I ' I "' ., II 11 \\ I• f ' fl • l I f 1ll ltl1 I Ii• llfl •UI f 'I• I •• ·t I t ti II ,,,, 11111 ,, I I "'. , ltl• '' r ,.,, ... .. '" Ill I'' 11t ··' I to• J, tfl °'fl ,,, I' ,,. ,., ' f I HI ,,, ' oh 11 d· I I 1 1 'I I iff1 11111 '''II r1 1u• 11'' r II dt. I' I h 1l1 • r I ti ' ,,, I• : I ' ,. I I • I 11 •u"'I tf• Jlf t I It t i 1 ..... 1 I• ' ',,, .. I• If I I I \' I If •I •• I '''• t ,, ,•' '' ,, ,,, t I I I 11 f' t 1141 ft1 ftt I SALE PRICES AT ROCK BOTIOM ~ i;:.. Tues., Wed., Thurs. Only APril 20, 21, 22 Be Sure To ViKit ... 0111' Spe~ial Bargain Section _ AT· COST A \V II II·: VA Hll·~l'Y Of' Al.I . TYl'ES OF SllOES BOY'S MEN'S WOMENS CHILDREN'S CASUAL TYPE SHOES FROLICKING FROLICKERS F rn m Our New Stock Reduced to 4.95 'I •r • COMFORTABLE CHARMERS F ror11 Ou r N'cw Sto1.:k Reduced to 4.95 MATTOON'S SHOES h !t!; Nf"Wport Hlvcl. ,, "-ht• .,, ... ,, t ' • ff ' ''I (";dl,--tJ ,, ··ff • t I f ,,, :·if I .. ... Notice to Confracfo.rs fl Builders ntt.,,..., , l!t • I• ,. Jf ~ , f \• Ulna Newport Harbor Headquarh·rs fi/IAYNAH!Nf Sales and Service Seaboard Equipmt·nt Corporation • lJa_(:-1 lllwaJ . "-'••D :JUI -~,. ..... ~ r.llf ( "l•lol r1to11 I'-·"' h T"l"t'h"'"' ''""" 1• .. 1111 fll:'I'! HARRY. B. CAULK Se!Wke Prompt Service 11•.,tro: ll::'lll A. 'f. t11 i I'. M. '""h'K' '" "41111•l1n • h\ <\ 1111ulrrl11tf•fll ~""'l"•rt. J&#ac·h t IO·ll ~2nrl !'ti. Tf'l"I"'""" llar. 2S.~..t COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL • i?7 ........ _1__4::1:: 0 0 t a ~ &• ~· •• a 01:!::::::::! t .. ! t a • a a a ,, J • L JllEWl'08T BALBOA NEWS-TIMES .OSDA1' x..,..n .._... c·.nt. April 19. IG&ll * Brief Glll•ce ati Public Hearing lOMy's llarkets Set for Walnut Am Tf'l • T .. 1 1a.l Growers, Sellers Canad••n P.iar..: 13 "- SAND CRAB 1C'11n1inu1-<I Crom Page 1) l ~ puhlk uffil'ial..; i~ ... 1 at~l' and 1 ·001111.11111~ 1 lw1r l't'!-Pl'<'I .ind 11rlrn11;it 1111 I h· h.is bt't'll a ,,..,11kr11 of ="•'" p<irl H•·11r h ... 11111· I :11 :1. 1'l1ming ,flurtl~ iJohn L. Lewis I Found Guilty 9-YEAR-OLD NIPPED a-v COCKER SPANIEL '[lfit~Sftj~~SJ ~~ 1;: C:-::1:! :->111t"~• 11r-uld Rill Langjahr, 320 Se by Co"-I ti •C•·nlmu..d from Page 1) l'ulhn' :11 .. nul.', Balboa ll.land. aJ. BlllTHM ( J.K'.ge Amrba Crunblf'. permJr to build ~ h;•·' h• ""·' l11t1en by a cock ,:r ('OrI'(J;" -To :\Ir and )Ire Rot>-a :! story. 2 tarrul) dwtllm& with l,i. 1 .... 11 1111 Ji<-<1111•· and wouldn't .,, b •t \!., R 1 \\ h al~-• t 7n.•"""' H Ii t -1.in1o I 11""t"' Y "rs. .... . r-••r t Cotton. 1'.!3 25th strt'< t. ="•~-II thf> coopff"atlon ...,.,~·&:<' .. car Caracc' a v.-vu e o rope ,, h, .1,,, ul 1 h• 1irultll'JT\I " -I d BaJ"'· , J and ,,.._ .. _I ,.. E t -" 11m 111, 11amon avenue . .,.,a IJ(>rt Beach. 1n S t J~ hrt§.notaJ C.uout ~~ Auocla{9 aHOOi'. ,__on;i ...-,.ar :.s trnatn1 rt. rt•llrt I' l•rmly c-onvincect," · , . .,., .--... If bor t: · H · ...._ ---.ooo ~t I~~ ~..i .U...tur-• ~ "· >A<,{A~IE:"TO "1·uhl11 .tflt'r llw t'll.\ ll1"•iq 111r a k<I. r • onnl! ha· bt·<.n"'(-111• <i h) Iii• and \\lll'k•"I !11r thl' ultl 11111· 1'1llfnrm1 1 ~·1klr tm1n1 •·f ,\.·11 '.m~·tp:lll .,1, pl.int . \\:I' t.itl'I' 1•1111ur·· '" r ••rt• 1 <l r r 1''"1•"1 11 inadi· ,, l'l'\'1 -.ui11·1·1111t·111l1·11I mttn•ln ... n1~ '" lh!; l't ti•· \l.uk• 1 'llld tlll'rt d i\' 1 t.•i•!.. I n 1111• 1• 1, 1 u ,1 lcl . that this baa 1,J 111tl Avnl 13. 19'H. a .... )II. 6 It.. i. "L ;,.,..Y>" ar ruon 1 g " n»'t .,...., . . ~·,'.::~,··:,'.\~1:/·;h,'. hounds of ex-Jli.11 1111·.0fftcer \"ln<'<'nt C'u.«1-J Oll!l:SOS -To Mr • .nd ).lrs 1..-twiot· tJrai:q:::f' ec-t ~t has• C f'. Ktrr, pttmJL.to .build a 1 ,1 .. 11 • mu~• he met .. 11 111 1 q11r1run11nr.od thP a111mol J•u-W1t}'11e JohrtSQn, Ho C'-ol Pl;oc.·•'.I tt.mp!• tf'd ~t'ml'TIU for a glusc'd in porth at l!09 \ 1a Lido Good.),.u 1.:'- ~,, 'i6 ~,... "'oh'. I"• ""' 1 11 ' 1 ' • · · 1 report ,, . .,,_ ·•"'"..., of foe •f'ot"kly '~' Soud. Udo blr . Esttmated C'OSI 11' 1111li.:c -.wl lhl' dtspoaitkJn let' . 'osta l1f'Sa. _rn ""'nta Arua '°"m-I ... _ IJ .._ •~I ~"""" "' ti • • "" "•" 111 1111: "111ched "by 1 .. 11d .ti! ,.,.11,nnabl1• doubl-if>n.c-»0n 7 • 11>S ~~>t_' 0~ l>n -• 4 .'f'i a t 7 JI• pm un tht> co!t<i;e Dr \\'. C. !tta)s, ~rmtt to build So n1 •:..1 ~"" S ta.nd.,i n.t t • .J t: s s·~·l ins.: nrn .. r r• ""'·•llni: llto h.10111 1111 ~I . . 111 ;ht•a \ ,ti 111 I'(!" 6 1 uf ~.1ln11I~ 1•r,.<l11t •<I ·•IHI 11111 k• I ' lt I Ill.Ill • f . r n:ittnrf\· hos la( \ I 1'• I!»!'! c-:;;s~ u.ust ..., ""'"\PD on "*'"' .,,.....,., '" · • 11!1 • 1 • 1 ~ l.1wl1·.,s ,J>erson in " , I\ h··~ond 1111 doubt-that the · · --, •·m~ a I st«). 5 room dwl'lltng at 107 1),1 .. 11111r~ 1>111 nJ,11 _'•><f-~~rrtaw-I• f1 ml:1n1~ arf' .:uilly of cr.imlnal flOSSI To. llr &_nd llr> P.a. Ti c and spe&kers .-ill be u ' \-aa On-.rtto. Udo Isle. Estlmah>d . " I• ''"n 111 rh .. world. ..1 ,, n1Jcl. Coldsboro ugh said. mond Rossr. -~-4 :'\""'....., Rhd . f ~. ,~t S8DOO. 71\. HI \\llhrn t'r1!1l••r111• · h 1· \\:t' i.111 lilt il\11 '1'.tl'- ;1nd 1·t.•1·h-il :r~:11n 111 ·1:1';:!. Tlw h• nr1ni.: "111 lw· 111 h1 1\pr 11 ,\111 I c; .. 1i1..tH1ruui;h handed J h• n h•· s111d they also wc·rc Cost~ ~ll-sa. m S11nta Arua Ccxn-''A -s • T c· rmanci:a.l RI--J oe S•·artz.. permlt to build a .i '" 11 •Ii• ••·r dw1 . tht• d('ff'nse uk-.1111 , 1 .. r c·i\'il l'imtcmp t mun11r h<>spttal. Apnl U , 19-UI. a pnl -'6 OJ>I • _ . 1 roocn qu.arttt'S ovtt present B> l n11"'1 J>r~.. .:. 10 ~ .. n Frnn<'h""· 111 ,.11,m 1::1. :-:.·1·\'ing wH ti loday . '" iti.11 '" >•·t 11 ""' t' on. rrounda ll1111in ' th11t n jail sentenl"Q may . ' • • d. w· y s -lli'sponsl-garat:t> at 261() F.. C>ct>an Front, 1 d .. · son 5 lhs J:.!" oz punsrb1llly for Aut~ A.on-, S'n.X"K." hi ,,...,. m DC-11\f' I rad-li.t~m .. nt rtnor. v .. d1•r.t1 11tr11~· • • .• Inc I Uurlrlini;:, Cl\tc l'•·ntcr . tws.:1 1111111.-I ('ha.rlt•) l'rif.,.t. '.\Ir. lttnt'· "'' • 11111 I t;at,.1 nu jurlsd1cllon ln fl· ,1,, 'l"~I on Lt·wis, Goldsborough Mr FADDJJ'I: -To )t: and )In. t> t': ':' ~ · e;.OUr Auto 1¥,lboa Estunat<'d rost $3000. BOSDS tuirn.-r l: S c-.,m-1 .. ~ 11• JI> am. ha11 's Hlll't't~'ni" l' ha r I 1• Y JDf'flts firm , Thf', pr o p nit" d amr·n'1m1·n1" I Prif-sl. i" an '!Id nt'''~1.1a 1.11•r- 1111· •a~•' (,ulrtshorou1eh promptly 1 1 Lamb<'1't McF addm. 1.:>U Orange 1 •IJ " ,.... ... _ ~ Calif Dr Fn-drrlck Sutterlin, pennit "' "ri 1111'11 the m•Jt ion '11',. • avt>nut>. CO!lta M•~. in St. JOilt'1Jh Spt>4k.t>N .._....,. _,..,.., -or-to bwld a 1 story, 1 family. 5 room 1, .. w1s s111 s tarini:: out over the 'I 11" !"a 1.r;irhculally important 'iospllal. April 15. I~. a dal.lllh-rua Sta~ Hictnray Patrol Dtpt.lctw.-lling al 2127 E. Centr al avl'nue. C't.'RB fl«k> a~y hic)ler. ~h1l'h would a ppl)' '" l""'k•·ri. man, who q~111 llw h1urth SIL\"'ER ~ at 74,c a , uni). wer.-SUl(Ji:C-St('d hy 1lw C'11lt · 1 .. :-;tak to ~l'I 11\111 Jllllln• \\'ltl'k ,._ CJUnn" lorn •a W&lnut C-on1ral .ll<J.11d. 1h1· and who ha s l11"1n ch-sk ~·r- ' i .ur 11 ""m during mml! or Golda-m111t1·r !11r re IS. a tremendous re-ter. 11 lbs., 1 oz. U<.-1 IWan -~ ~ Enunatt'd ccst $18.obo. 1i1.r11u1eh's statt"ment, t>ut he loOk·, ''~''.1,1h1hty 'resting on the court. F.RSKJNE --To Mr and :Mn hon ot Los Ancfles.. . ·tiifibdh Crisp. pttmit to ~J. 'ii 111 the judi.:t· when the verdict I\\ hd l lh<' court does-or wilt do-Gw E k' 110 ' Pe I S Bal· ,..,. 3 -Tape: A.,._,..lr ~ terat-at 223 Jumirw avenue '"'s announced. And as UluaJ, he in H!•'"sslng puni1hment 11 a mat-boa n I 'j~™.'· S J~ .,!q. ~ l>W'anct'. nt1t: Automobllt> 1--C del )far. E.timatt'd co.t rorr<>~ hnn I .. dm1nistratrve 8Rf'fl<'Y for ' h ,. geant for :-;.i•v1 •r:1l Y<'<ll~. • . , Statt> Markrting Ord1·r for Wal· Quit•t n nd u nassuming. Mr. 1 had nu rommcnt afterward. t•·r lun.: watch<'d by not only A ii '1s j~ t. dauch S a:..· .,_ As h AA:ilJn tc> You. Spt-ak-$1;a WHEAT futW'ft t'kJMod olf '>I nuts If adop1PC1. lhr am('nc..ll'\l•'nli. Pri<'SI will i·apahlv fill the> ID~..,. ··-· St ... .____ CAT-•·ouJd make l'rfttlivt' '" th" ~11111· nn.:t vacatro hv ·Mr. Rint'..'- "rh1· JUdl:f' said the minen' chief 1'\t'f)' lawlf'SS person in the ooun· r:I'roL • • a lt'f'. . ft': Lionri Draa. Dr Earl K. ~ pnmlt to t~1ulrl make a stat('r:n<'nt to the ir~ hut ~l~o ~very lawless person ----· May to -TOIK: Ca1411fbt• ft'Y'Ct. -•..nisinc •lructure at ~ ,.__ .-..,.. .... " order thest> chanJ<'S which an • r~· • . '"ftE -r SHEEP ACl't\"'E. ~ 10 ht> madf. in thf' frrll'rnl hart: Charley does 1<>1~me ....,.k,,1na ar<ivr t 0 r witlnuu wrltuig n ow a nd th_en a~d cnur 1 tomorrow bt·fore sentence 11 in ih.-"orld. ~ DEATll8 sh·~ "'"-I u.llility i-ru.c.. 1114 Coast Hipway. E.timated 1m11os .. d <:Oldsl10rou1;h held that Lewis' Tirlr· l''hPn w-ao y-~ 5-d! cost $200 • ......,. 8T1JDt' llAD& grown in California. <>n ·gun. undl ha.". h;;id S4.'\'t>ral arttd<'S In PllACTICAL Wu tuncton a nd mo.,in1e intn intr r-na 11011a.l ~wspe11JC·~ and o th- CHJCAGO •L,.1 Lo)~ Uni-atatr rommert"t',.Concurrenll> w11h Pr JX•nodteals. Like m ost a-ia Nf!lnNla ~t11rf'h 11 letter to his minen HANDY. Charles T. _ ~icll'S Sp.-a.Mr: c. n-Jlldlastft's-c...c.p. Encltbt-rt. Pf!"'1t tc nottfytng lhC'm that the contract were held at 10 a.m. Saturday in rln'm.UI'• Fmld 1-.. Co. com'ft'1 Pnct to ~oom at 501 Goldsborough is-the same Judie "11" "dishonored" could only be An&Mim. for Charles T . Handy. 85. May 17 _ TOIK: ~ F"ift Canuation avt'lllW. Corona drl Mar. who 17 months ago fined Lewis tnt.-rpn•tl•d as a "alrnal. a nod or of .ea.ta llcsa. who dlt'd n-.lay J~-n tlr: ~ 1-aaor' Estim.atftl ccst $300. Wl"llit7 .... starlt'd a plaa to IJYl' th«-1tatt' ht'aring, a fe<it'ral ht>!•f· or th£' otd• S<·ho_ol or newspa-.,...l~ studrnta pnct.acal ..,...., ~ •·ill be ht>ld upon propolt'd pC'Mnl..,, h1• hkt'.'S noth111..: ills '-a... and ~ ttla-anM"nclnM>nts 10 the h-df'rnl mar-t~ttcr tht1n to tkkl<' the keys U-.. Studm ... ~ • tt11r l kt>fln& order. o f a lfllC'Writl.'r. ;;ind St·offs Slfl.000 and the UMW ~.000 r Jclf'" to strike -1 fur contt'mpl for r efuafn& to Otley a 1 • ' irt Orang~ O>unty t.o.pil&I alt« F\mcla.mnt~ Spralrn': Eimmit Elmrr Kitt('jl. r·•-t to do ex· ., t'OUrt ordtt to call off a No-ThC'n, In hard-hitting languagf', a n Mrtf'ftded W-. o <YBntn _ firftnaa·s lm. Co. tf'lllk·f' altnatlons at 1532 Miri· '"mllf'r, 1946 strike. The IUl)n:me h•• rnll«>d about the respons.ibilit•1 Mr. Hand)'. a n.!tive ol ,.__ )lay 24 -Topic: ()crms llarilw IBltr Orn·•. 8aJboe. 'Esftmatt'd co.I ...._ 6rW ..-. allolffd to tau part al somt"' or lh<' yoongN ~en- • Mtlli&I -nwortmc:a and ·~1 a..lftld lids DO ~ ~ JOO ('ration who would rnth1•r he ~ • r • ~ duhh<'d journalist..; tha n rnurt latl'r r<'duccd the unJori's of unions and thC'lr leaden. <'hUSl'tts. had lh'ed in Cahfornaa IMUrantt Tit I f': Safqwwwcliug l&OOO tmr lo S700.000. "As long a.s a union ls function-r~t 64 ,_..._ H~ IDO'°C'd Your YM'.hl. ~: ~ )L R. H ~· prrm.it to build lor, 13, Admits Drowning G;rl, ~. ',..,...,.., I"''"''""'" ...... ~-~ c:bVt ~N' c Ri· ,~.n •nth•. QUPll •• ru 11U'llY a-,.--4d Rlcbana 1 ~ I!' n • • • ·nr uO)' ron:r..i ro d11 .. • 1 • .: ,.._ Sue K&.~ • I' • •f' ... G R : .l;lr~ acma ll fl ll\l·lnv , . ., "·' -L -tT a _..dire •b·-~ flt' 10 • nl"t r l ·thr1 ort• rh>'ra 1• "• ....._ .J J >c.c! tb""O Jl.c 11 e ·r r..r • u:· r " · . ur.1:. ''" '" • .... 1 ..q •Uc ·:-... ...rt U• ::.·.: ;c 1~1. :lt!': r:r. tnrr. Y .• .. ., l = •.. ' • 'L n . . ' ,, . 'I' ._ ... ~.Li c·,·e :v•ion "·11 1n g plain. rvt'ryday rc•port ers. This timl.'. Lewis and his union 1ni: as a union," he said, "it m111t to~E'SA Wl months ac6 frc.s Allnl. Jr -FO!Ulldrn r-A a 1 family urut °''"garage at 205 s11«c1fically W<'re held in contempt '"' h••ld nsponsibll' for the ma.II Ana.helm • )laruw. Dt.an-.d a'·"'~-Balboa Ialand. for failing 10 rC'Spond rt)Or~ quickly ,,r11nn 11r Its me~bers Men doi:i't Sur\'iving att his sisttT. Mn. J . 'Jlwo pubtit' is oordiaJly im;ud Estimated ccst l6900. llNl''s w ishing th,. Ill'\\ adminis tration good luck 1n an April 3 rourt order dlrttt-""'' rull<'Ctl\'<'ly withou t leaderstup. c. Beat of Ana.twun and • stt"p-to attt'Od at no ~-T1wW' 1"""' B. ~ Francis H. Payu, 1n1: 1ht·m 10 rall orr the rect'flt Ttw llUS.:l;C's tion that 350.000 m en sistt-r. Mrs. Moma f'wld .ol f'aJI. ''JPl<'5 .-,u be Jll"'SftllC'd m ~ pnmlt to bui~ ~~ 6 ~ a nd· GocispN"'<l! l 1'111<) s lrik«' "forthwith." I """Id i:••I thC' idC'a simullanc;olJ5ty brook mann.-T u to ~ attf'nd. dwTtlana; a t h \'C'. ----(;nldsborough'll voice ahowel1 w "alk out rolkctavl'ly, is. of , Jnh:rment was rn Anahc>un t"t"m-M'I(''" of ·~ bn*ft"S as wftl Estimated cost S,10..500. •riw··~ of ans,:l'r ns hf' cl1'liver('(f hi~ """ :>•·. ~imply ridJculous. l'tC'r}' a• tbt' i:"'"1l1 public' All t~j Harold Roliheim .a.net H . D. Drowning Victim lnni.: Pxt••mpor11nN1us opinion tn '1\rul 1f 1h11I sort of a maneu\"C'!' m lPT"•"l;h-d in enrollmr;: a,,... ~f'd ~ult>ton. p;-rrrut lo build a 1 story. ·Q 'Armr T,/rr•'-ot•H Vnrnn Rllr llnAkhlJI 6. ~kllm Of A 1a-yrnr·uld N1111n. Ctllll bn)' •·h• 1u·1-.: ht11 unr1• r ·n tu-... 1~~ th•·r· ('( \I, Ill , I ' ti" \I II clll't tl'll ' i; -~ I'' 111 \\ 11. 1 1• .. 1 ul 1 h11111h tu· :1 111 \\ •'I" I llllt hi n\I I I Ill.I I l'th t ott'l)ll, ... H•ll tltl11tUf1f"t tl l,t...._J .I 11\ •• '"" 1111 l.1\1\\•ll•k .11 •• 11 I 1d h. • 11 ,, f , .. -.1. ,,, .1 IH .,, an~ \.'t 1•t41H\ '" ,,,, I'""'' , ... th.• I•,.., I uf 111•11111 \\• ·•t ~·n~ '•11 1 ,, f I '" I 1111111'''''" ,Ill fH''llH t ti th ti I ttll ... ltlH'f lt\fl h 111 ti .. 11 'ut••I ''"rt • .,, .. •."t.ll 1Pn •l• t 1 ' t' \ 1111 t 11 I \ 111~ uut 1 lh I• .. ' 11t I h• 111 11\1•' "' 'l'-'fl«it ,...:; .tf"I ll'tl Pll' lfll/ tllof\ ,,( ltll i1111\ ti\ 1 I111t11d i.. \\ 1'-11UhlllCU • tl nn 11,,• .. •::. 1nd 11 t.1 dt\,\J 1111 1J1, 1 11unu''"'" 111H1•tath 1 it th .II ,1 ti• ft lhl\ 1• !'IOI; h,iot l w1 It lhf'I•\\ II 1 •• 1 .. 1111<1 1h·· 1:ro111111I~ ·1•11 .. •'1'1111111"'"" '·'"' 111.11 · 1t:11 ·1111'> \\111tld t \l'I \\llh ti I 1'>·t'l 1111 q i I ., •• U'" 1111 '1 rttllHl-. C +1U °"'t l \II f j11p ;I' lh1' f•lt•\ Ill._ •• j1\ , .. " ,, Pttll\ld• ,, tl ttl '111 I I ) J, .,,. • ""·'l'h.. h\ tttH'' nl th• :o rr .. 11f) .. f( 1·11ur1room that hung on ,., n•1·11s.:n11c'tl M valid by this court. Be \\"iM' -Ach't'T'tiw '" .-.. 11 tho> otfll't' of the roll.t-gt> at -4 ronm .a.·l'lhng It l:!S '10th strt·et . .. ,,., 1· "'"rt1 hf' uttC'rC'd. • 1Jwn }"II will ha\t• am oni: thf' !"anr" Aru 9'.Jl. En1Ta.DC1' to thf' uiirnar<>d eoott $6000. "Th"n· ts no dtfficulty about d<'· 0111<•11 .. l.11,·li·b'snc•si;, drnos and ult1· Classif'lt'd adll DO ert ...., jl'lll ram.1tUS tor lbrs4> meeungs. will 1·1d1ni.: 1h:11 llw •'Vil11•n('(' show11 b<·-rn 111• a 11111Thy." · 11orwo t .. lrt•m Harbor Bh d - 1rrL£ Ran -. frOni : tlie aorner.- RED; f "' I 1• 1• "''' ind ttl ''''' • '' hu·h wlien the light was get far, f ,fr ,.,, Trlrp'-nln/ "' I 'I' •"Ill' '1 I I•,.., I ~ BUl, lt Orft\, bas admtttf"d. 1hcrUf1< ctfu:tta at Mt'dlnl'I. Ohio. aid. lha• br kll~ n -;t"Sr-okt Jeannt# Wf'lmar .r.11nt' nflf'r >lht croO•P"d from fifttU oC a -1o"t ~n-ht' tl:ld 111\cn ht'r 11•11 RI-, ~ ~nf tht' csr nhaust .a rumes would rntrr l"IU' to ttlll UM stf1 atl'1' thl'J t ... d lr->d#). ,,. rn l'Ort .. d r~r 111 d~ r r""I rn111 ·ry 1.111"· Baar:11ct ~ 1:1.11.a C'at t • 1 ·1·· d caUICd IJy cooi...ct wlLb Uw n.Da~t pip«. First Commie Violence at Free T riest Hollywood Fi1m Shop t:1 l~\l'H ll 'l\1'1 \HY 1·11\r,11 l'r•" ~1 1lf 1" ''' -1~·ntl• nt 11111 l.Y\\Clll(I d I'• r h1• 111· I tth c ,,r I'·'''' n• ,. ,·.-..~1 'l''Prt-:1n.tn ,lnp m il "It ...... 11 .. 1 r1t 11 l '1l1111!ntl • t\\ I 1111 I· II ll• .1 ,, I hP\ 1'"·~ ll' • , 1u•t,, h n. '''"'" h1Jn \\1 11 ·'" t 11 .. 11111 ••• 1 ,, " • I'"\ It· 11· ol h•lll \\ Ill plll~•''"l'h I H' ,1h '" 1. n n ",,, 1lh t ,1tt1 r -i,, I,, , ... ,,,·· ''•" ,,, "••ul.t f1, n 4' ,• ·•11t ·,•I f1111U• ''' un ,\t·.1il1•n\\ \\\ ti ii 111 r •ll'I 1 Ii·• ' 1 ii 11•11 l1•:1rn lo> ho1lil \11111' 11•11>1• I \\ l\1'!1 l'lf11\1h1 I' pl1~1r ~11 11.1 ... 11. I 1 "."·n i•• "'l~·I ' lt"d\\ 11\ \ tlllf ,, p\d .... t:\\•f\'h \\ ... ,, ... ,,~h·' ., 11~\1• ,,, q, " , ld '1r,; "' ... 11 •, 1 .. , ... l.•n u·~i '' ... ~ l '•J, ! •1 • \ ''" \\ 1• .Ul 111-I111111\ I•· t'•' I'" 1 1'\111• 1n :'11th C''. tll11, \ '• \ \1 f ' ,,n l:'\llh ,,, .. ' 111' ht"' ,.,,·h·• I l ' 't•1\\ •ht1 -'''th h I" .... \1 'f. ,~' ' t, ~ .. ''''I llnol 111,1 1• '1'1• 1 •1 th '• 1 • '\r 11· l'l 11• ., r••11r• 11 t •• f,' \\I"' k····I'' J'4• .. '1" t ,, •• 11 .... 11' H' n1 ft 'Ult'td•" , .. t t 1 '• '"' lllitTt Hlt1 " "1... r '\t t • •·. ,,,. ri, \. • t I, r I, ( "• • • \\ 1 •• " 't '1n~ '•' t1 ,\..,_ :\ ht\tl~tt f, ~ ''I \• '11 \0 ~tU• 11it-n1 h11,h.1nd m '"' •' '" 11 "*''I 11 I .t I\ 1 : fJft "' .. ht\iill I 1111:. 1h.11 l~"' nn ''" '' \1:-·1 ,11an t\I ~h, ,, Hll pt" u.J.i,..1 ... ,\u_. II .. :l \ • ( \ so NO\V when .Em bv a · car POOR JACKle U D£AI> I ' I Tltis Jack Horner isn't a fint-greder "·ho doem'l know 8llf phcacr. Gndc •h>ol children have better S"afcty records than adults. No-IM Jeck Horner i. ,... Three out of every fou r pedestrians kmcd arc breaking a rule-ja)w~ in' midblock-disrcgarJin~ a traffic signal. \\"hat a tragic waste of 9.000 In-a a ,-e.rl Next tim~ you cross the street, fA.•ait for that ~rccn light! CrO!lll only at et09S1' ... ; don't rush out from behind parked cars. \\·here there are no !liinal!J. ~ both wa)-. before crossing. Spend an extra second and stay ali,·e! t . SPEND ( SAVE LIVES , The l)aily Ne.ws-Times r SERVING THE· ENTIRE HARBOR COMMUNITY -jECOND LAR.GEST HOME COMMUNITY IN ORANGE CO. EVERY EVEN ING, Monday Through Friday j• Tel ephones: Harbor 12, 13, fnd 208 I r(lrt' nn1I ~I" n 11 • 1 • 111 t.•1 111" I n<:·, li~h In tlw film "'11•01 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-~ Pl Mo 10t CCI G. &. nny, N GORD . ' . ' BA L E. T I I LE 0 .. alH 11 PUl'SI • (" d Ill tit !: II ' I I --;, . 'H I:. .. ' I ' ' ~ W1 al lea PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DAY SCBOOI. PBVSICL\1\8 -SUllGEONS, K.D. Mortimer School A. V. Andrews, M.D. OI Ceral Ave. Balboa hl. DAY SCH()(U. PH\'StCLUI/ a.ad NOW OPl!:S O. &. MOllTUll:•. M. A .. eatw~ ·SURGEON r.1 ... 1.,.i 411 C-Out lllcbway. Harbor Mt U&90a Ma C-Orona ~Mar . Ol:NTISTS - . ~ H. R. Hall, M. D. Dr. Obed Lucas ....,.._ aad Seu.- DENTIST Mours: 2·5, by Appointment Hl~W.~tnJ. ll&rbor l~ Te.._ BelK»n 5f'8 MtWPOaT BEACH ISi Bro..t-1 eo.ta M- K>BOON E. RAPP, D.D.S. MU ton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1eo1 eo..t m -1 , %111\W•t. Oeat.nl Piao .. Barbor u1...i Corona del M ar Newport.._. . Office Houn: 10.12; 2-5 ftoM llU'Mr IOI! -MORTUAllY S. R. Monaco, M'. D. I BAL'IZ MORTUARY LADY ATTESDANT 8 14 Bay Ave., Balboa •10 Cout Hlwa y Harbor 11:4 Coro-~I Mar Oftlct> H OUT"ll : Phooe darbOr 4! 2 to 5 p m. I (Day and Ntcht) Monday tbrouch f"rida1 Of"TO!\IETIU8T eonrad Richter, M. D. E. 1'. Butterworth, 0 . D. ~ot Hou ... I Opt.ometr11t '9:30 a. m • 12 M., E\'E8 EXAMTSP.:D 2:30 p. m. -4 :30 p. m. LE.~SES DUPLICATED !9GS-<' w. c.-ntral 0 .................... " .......... Sewi,.,rt 8ea.f'ho1' lllt W. C'f'nltllJ ""' 1'"-...,_ •1111 Phone Harbor Z4 Nf:Wl'O•T ar.AC'll f>l l''SIC'lASS-SrRGEOS8-D.O. \'f.:ttRISARl.A.~ I , ll'F.WrORT HARBOR \\r. T. l\fooney \·t:'rr.RIS AR\' HOSPITAi. Jloratto rarker, P.\·.:u. • ~ I I I p -UBLIC NOTICE CERTIF ICATE OF llUSINES5 FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME ·r1 • Piii t1•'•I "/!_I' 11--: p..;1••·H~h;'•""P •'·• h1 .. ~tn f) ltt"I tlw~ H h • • ·•luSU•'Uu.: " ~an· r•nd a1•11tuu 11 '" .•Uflltr\• :\• tt.1 ,·,t,(1,,,1 ltl.:hv.'4) l'••rt•ua •t.11 )1nr a.tt"' ,·,.,ml). ~\dlh•lhll• u111tt•r \111• l•·u• flnu o.a11w 11t t'r,·~ 11 llar•t \ 't ~•II fl 1·1 ........ u ul thitf Ja.iilt•t Ur"lt \~ • 1•m11•·~,- 1.,. f••I"''"' Hlti: 1._ir,.1111• •)h•flf' U ttlk,,. th hlr•'•!'"f'• -.N" IUt futl11"'.. h1 '4 tt ,., u lllh t n , ... ,,r,. ~~s~ •. 1A )111,~·Nr. .. 'i\'r~.,;.·~' i:n·t~\%: IHW )!or FMAS t~'4 l.i.rlo.•111ir.• t'"n •na drl l'allt1'm1a "' \\' IT:-:t:s~ .. ur hanJ• lhl• llNI day Aprll 1~8. Al,111.:RT ll(Wt'MAN F HAl-:K A. J llN Kl:"'S :'TA TY. O F C'Al.I FORNIA. l ro1· ~TY 0 1" OlU!'IGF. ) u. o. s TIHS 71h day or April A.,f). 1948 and twr11n1 mf". a N11lflry' f"uhlh-In for ""1d C't,unty t.lld Rlale. per· ....... ~· :/:.~ ·~~nAi,!u~~1"i'o ...,~ Al~ th .. •<rt J)f'ntOn• w hCIM llt.mr• AN' wb· bed '" thf' within ln11n1m .. nt. t.nd owl•dit'"d to "'" that they ex-"d lh• ....,,,e. &<'kn i'"r ut 1:-J WITNESR Wttdu:or. I hn• unto. Ml my h•nd and t.fllaed hn.,. ~r. o::~:~,lra~alfl~ a~e a~drtit:6n: •it ALI 'SF. lly Pub l'lC>N V "('O!'IKLIN Nbtary Publtr In and ror &Id C"ounl y and !Ital•. C"ommlMl11n Explr"• Jan. II 1962 -April 12. 19. :U . May 4, 1t411. ... fte N-·•TlmN ,,.10 aot be paaalbl• for mor• thaa oae C'OIT~t lD~ruoe of u ....._._ llftlleat, narrv~ the rlclllt IA» rorr eaUy claaalf1 -1-ud UJ ada .... to ~jec-t uy ..twerU- Nlt .ot confonnlq to ndee .. " m -d rtWUlatlona. ClualftflCl ada U br'Vf't!Plf'ld up to t :IO a.m. ""' OD BU ~- thl' day of pubUc-atJoo. ED WALTERS TILE CONTRACTOR t.b..Rooms, Drain Boarda, etc. l & Nr wport Avr . C~fn Meu 1511 I EMPL0\·11D'T w ANTSD • w .t..'TED TO ••11' • •• ..... 'L a a.utt0 ... s 1: w r o R T n " t. n o " N t: w s. T 1 Mg s p 5 -------------. Will Pa).' Cash ~··"· ..... ,.1 io r .. 1 .. I~ '90,fl\\ , .... , ... rt 1'4•ac·h, C'allf. \prtl It, ... ,. age full 11nw '"'"'kk<'•'Plni;. or ch'rical >111.L Phonr ~ l•. "-• •>J • "'"'""""' • ., ·~•1m1 I ----1 - ----111l(1KKl"l· l'~:H d1•1>1n 'll Jlftrt « F"or )~ furnl~<1' ~t .._,. ""' .t.l .. •.d I • ._. bo1~ l•~•·t .\I To!'4 \\ \!liTF.U a, RF.Al. ICATATS • \\'ork Lnt':1l rl'f.·11•n 1¥S Bo• "K.. c . ,:.,.,,, ~ .... ' ... .. :VI' .. ""'" \\ \' 1'I I• r• I ll ' 1 •11 r S··•lfln ---.. cir FOR SALE :"\1•\l$-'l'll1IO'll 49-ltc rawley iture Co-I r.•..t• I 'I -' .... I• 1'\ "'' ,... ' o1,11w hl1 , •• 111• .. l• I .. , St1111 •• Nt:\\'P<'\RT IS i.ANO -ctiolc9 llrtJI Ne•,.,ort Rh'll. ~ ,._ :._. '· 1 ... n '..,.,. \I\ I 1•1 If·· 11.11..~1 I • .. 111111 ll•I· I )11 • 'q• ···I rornc-r n .2 lot. Sld<'walk1 ad D4111--- ---,.,,,.,., d 1\ I I 111 ••I 111';, \\ ••t '"''''"Iii hoth 11ld r a, all utll1Uf9. 1;11\.lll l.Al.:"\PHESS 1 or Ill<'~ ------------'1\l"tt ... t "' ,., ..... v.f l ~>r "'"'"" g, ,,.,,, \l kJ1 I •,t :111 raul I.unit. f,,;('16 Oc-t>•n i'~ront h1•urs. m··n ~ ~11111i. " ~aa·-c•slt)'-CASH t~ USED ,..,_ ,... r .... ''''"' m -.1.1. "" ,. ... ,... NC'wport Jlc.11rh, '"alU. ti I IWn 1r11n~1~1r111111111 Also ... 11nc.'r Furn' .. A r .ti llut-t O • ... IT' I .... If •HU •• u . "-~T.\Tr. a ---------parlll'~ ur 1J11t li'1 ~ul'U<'nl Har-1ture ex pp.••ncm ~~ mai~ h.u •I.II ""''"' rinrt h1•r 1973-!\I !'il-5tr • "W.-Buy Ai-.t .-er.. .. ,, .... ,\WI itiu •-;1"1 lll ll 'LEX CLU'F HAVEN EMPLOl'MF.NT O~ • A.nythlnc-I•> ,.,, ,__... t :.W, lrnT.a II \ lwrlnukln11 N1•w1x1rt H iuhor GD & Uol-a )TIO a tth llanl ~ P\ula> UN l't-:="INS\IJ.A DINNER \\'AITRF..SS -At Har· \ iuu-. .a D ~ n son l)innrr !louse. 17th A Or· '!"he-8"a S'TO'f·M • \.• ~· ._. itaan. Santa AM I an.:c. Costa !\ft'Sa. 47-tlc 164~ ~ Bh'CI. <WU ._ JHkl : 0-dt. I S'JT.'l~ .. "',. GR A' l • !hr K.nc 11118. FOR 8ALE • TO F.XCHASOI! •A ()If l'JILMk• • t•rf"'n ~lion. STRUCMJRAL STEEL TRAPEto\\11~hlandN <~a .... , ~~-1'-Sa•""""' Slt'O I li?f>c>d out·l1<>ant motcw 1(l6~ 1~ ~t. ~'• Ana. !>..'1 An&lf'I C'hanM'l-1 BHnl9 K.,, ,._ 19-tfc- All llZH and ShapH-New It U9l!d 3lit St .,..,.. • . \\ and r._ RC'l~fordn_I Steel nTa;JflTVD .-oa aAUl • ~n~r.r miln• '"~ .,.._., 1.-wl) m CJ<SON A NEWELL '·-F'lnr-.w1t.• y.,. ,_, pey 3101 W. 5th St. Phone 1~ CRll}\Cl\\ 6 ft ro1r"•'U '"r c;..._>et ..,. hal:alWW' ol Sit& Trnm. Santa Ana 50-ll< C'lmd11111n tl\o•u&mout Call llar· • flA..~SiC'lfllllYT ~No aeatn. HARBOR Furniture & Transfer BOWDF.D and INSURED A Good Buy ... Is a Wise Buy !At U1 H.-Tp You ~ Wl9e -COURTESY SERVICE-" 1967 Harbor Blvd. Cotta .,_ Phone Beacon 6538.J . M-d• Silver Platin~ COPPER . BRASS. GOLD Poll11hlng A R.cMnlahlns BayRide Plating Co. 19 14 Huhor Blvd. Costa l\fos11. Calif . 9'-acon 5113 ~tff bor 1649-J 51.S.<' S-•• Aaa· 19-tk ~lltX au1 .. nu1tk wuhn. eood ~ f"A'ft a ,.....---• rond111on r'ti llarbor-~ ft-.)C<' t•L'll Sl-n-ut P"M"~ ....,._ n JRNTnJRF. REnNISHF.D >to~ I~&,.,"''"· N- As l'au Ulw-It ~ llrteltt. l&.&r .. ., S-land KICN GREN~ 5 1-11•' 21311 lOMr St • Costa ... ------ Pt\ON' Harbor t®W ..,_ ..... ~ For Eatirnatft t'l If? RJ~~ A U rWfl\r fwo room On Guarantt'f'd Warts •iartmont .., · trl potfl•' t'rftll 22-d~ J_. •~h l'1wt-pio.t Ad111111 M __ c<'l_f'_U_•_n_so_l_ld __ n_\A.hot; ____ )_dminc__ :u 1 l'""lld Au• 1"6~ !'11 -~tr I "'•. t•-.• h<ist and fow-....,. f , tft JU~T l "nf•llnl"<ho>d :\-r••'"' c-hn1rs. hand C'llf'\ •-d ... ,th lfoathrt' w111s ~~l7 PN&TI St . Ra.lt>oli l.-l- and J111rlw•r l:t'•!'-M 47-Stu Fnrt SA l.F l >al. r"ll•'d lrq• .s.-..k 7.~· lfl lt••ln •1•·. c·,.,.,'"• d.I 'lit •' llarl•1r ~. 1.J :--1 l 1r • &t ... ~"ft' • .. •• " t i.ft .,,. ... , 1:.0 I••• \ • •f • •Lntf "' 1'-' 1f;iltU n~citl I •"•'~ .. t'""'"""'.-.1 .. 1· .. ,,. \V. L .. JOR li}AN Rt: ALT 0 R 700 t: C··ntT .. 1, 0 11lho• Harbor 113 ~ti<' 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 1lOV111.F. <:ARAca•; Good loca- tion In t'oat11 M••1111 Private per I y ST..!00 1'4-11 r11n f\ 1 M!l-M. '8-!Sl(I Nf:W 2 flF.llROOM homf' In Nt-wport IM1tthh l'l•llc-r In· lttlor Sh1N'O l'JtlC'rlor. ~ 1..ow down paymc-nt. Rtouonablr Tnma f:Va F. Rhoden, '70 N1 .. •1.•lf'I IUvd Phon.. RNcon ~Tl~R 1-:vtonlntea. l w11mn !'l'T19-R 4t.2tc CORON.A OEI~ MAR SOUTI I Or JllCHW A Y -Must ~II at Once \\'I·: 111\\"I-: m nny R·3 multiple 111111 h111hhnl( •llt•11 llV81l•h1" rww V1111 1•11n hutlff. •• many ... ti unll11 "" I h••••I d10IN' Iota 1111d l\llMllrt• rounl.'lf (1( 1ttO<ld In· 1·1111w prn., .. r1y 111 thllt r1tpldly 1lo•vl'lupln11 1-nmnmnl t )". EARL W. STANLEY Rt~AL'l'OR C () \' F. R I N 0 NF.W P O RT GREATER II ARDO R :u 13 W. <T.N'n\AL N1·wport J.S.ach l:'llh and IRVINE STS. Nrwport J\t-11ch 17th and COAST Hwy. Nc-wporl lk'arh :.ri!\ MARINF. AVE: n111boa b land fl l!\ C'OAST llYW. C11rona ct.•I Mar !'11-ltc llY OWN~:n ("h11lr.-o( 2 I,.. room tmu~•'. 1 .. 11h (; 1 approvtid, Ti•rrn• •<r "Ill tradf. for pickup f riwk 1•r 1111 .'l'1•1t•1lhonr llf-•con ~Hl,..ll. 1 17~ :l'Jmt St., ~u1ta M1·1m IU·!Stc Phone:' lkacon 8700-\\1.J ' WatcNis -Oocka • Jewt!Jr7 18-tf( CJIJ\ONOMETERS Nt•w View Mome -----------~-LEROY SLA TF:n Repa!rlf\lt -Prempt Service Mo\·1.' Anylhinit Anytime Sl>rwlbll.' ~ PbyalcJ~ and Surpoo I l'aul 0 . But.rh•r, O.V.M. ~ X-RAY llro P f> Jl~llJ lti• I !1luu il ffm' H ·Ho'1J' &tinkle . l 107'! ~.I':. MMln Urh•.- 9th a l"l'ntrnJ Harbor -'11 I OllT.& lllt:MA I Jlo.,11. ll<•L 60"16 ; IWA. Har . .aU II Sp1•cialJ7•'<1 In VAN DRrMI..EN MOVING J F. w F. L R.Y sPhold \.0<.0~ ,'(, Small Boau t7R6 Nt>wport Blvd t'oeta llem nr bor :¥.11. is.-t (( 3-ti< 17·ft l111;i:• "" t •uhh t'itn...JM m••l"r l1k• "'" ~ II "r tri.d- '11 Cnro1111t ti• l 'Mier I• ·11 '''"''' f ~n··r :\<I~ W Alnul ~L RJ,., MIL-or Ph RI\• ,.,,.s,. :\..V-.:..• l•<r Rflf1"1nl 01• flf ,..llP. ~\I 1 • •n•• 11 11 ' c1 ... ~ ti tft pl· ....... ,,.. 1 .... , h -........ d lun'•'r .u,t11nn' "•"ft.,. """ '"' • r 11111 "' 11 1 .. 1 ·~11111 ' 1;.. \ . S. I \I rr ., "'• f '. "''} -,. ,,,. Wiii A1···••11t l\1·111 o rr.-r OvC'r $10,000 llVF.Rl.t X •KINC: 1-:ntlr• Harbor llrl'll :\ hr , hdW fh-.-, Mrt'pllCle, ('Ollllfrurl 11111 1111'1 ln•ltt. nnt.11. f'.CN'flllnt\111 '""' flnNt ..... l'\'l'r off rri'd. RALPH" P. MASKEY • S<•ll It Through ... Cla~sified Adverti!-\ing S'ha kedown Inquiry Flops ' \. I' ·. • ! ~ I .fr mr T r f,•11l11•lo1 C d !11~1 ' /\ •• , Orn F':'. ! : .. :. ~: 1! \ ,..r· .. 111'' ·· •1~ n uJ J• ,• :: .. t·ct n " ~. "· • • •int,., r;-. l r:,1 a t •• Ut 1t1\.' to n pt ""'''' hnn !.• ,.,t 111 :0.11rr• t 111 \\l 1·1 "''' Cl K · (',, •. lldt• :t11: t'l..11'• ll. 1f \ •1 111.r 'A•J• 1 :1l.qft ,!Hi t'th1·1•e•ll•·I._. 1•1 ·p·· • l:o. l : 1•· '1• ·. , ••• 1111 1•. t • • \, \ r ;J • -· . 'i1·i: •. ·u .. I I 1 l t I t . .... '· . ' ' f ~ 1i! I ,:1 I : \! Reds Mqke Lost Stand at Milan . ,. . \\' rii ' <\! I. f Ar-T,./,plintnJ W1th mAA'l('d bnnn('f'!!, Ylmr 30 000 Cnmmunl•toi j&m u.V> Ult' -.,u •• rr 11.l l\1111111, l1nly. in li1o1H r.r lhc e.nc1enL c:ithc<lrat to bear the pnr!y leader, Palm1ro Togllnttl, mnkc a tbrrc-hOt.u' Bl l&clt: on Ult: u. 6. tJw- 1n& r1nn1 prc-~lrcll1Jn canw111anlng of alJ pnrtll)4. Drive Cart'fully :,;pare a Llfe. HARBOR • PJumbinj;? Service '.I I 1-;r.'i Nrwpnrt Blvd . Bearon 6111 ,.) RE PAJRING OUR S PECIALTY CnntTllCtlni and SupplJ.!9 • . ;-. • .., • . -9;tft 12 TEARS SERVICE ; lN TiiE HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTRAC!'OR 274 "Eaat 19th Strtt.t Ph. Bu. 5413 Coate ·M_., C&Uf. ~ttt Lt•dgcr shP1'ts nt Nrws-Timrs. F1REWOOD CHARC'OAL A BRIQUE'TS PAOJllPT DELJVDlY Wrii?ht Lumbar Yard 1~ !"ewport '31vd. C't>STA MESA A,..nron !1665 Plenty of Good Tiree . All Slzee Compound Motor OD CaDoa. 10c W estem Auto Sut>ply A IJI hortU'd o-J.r 1""8 Nnvport m vd , C'-01t1 lleN lT·th t-c1n t_,15 I t h\H• l ol .31' l••tt. \\1fli •• ,, •• lf1 ,_ .... Lui 1\I .. ft\••'"' ,· .. 11•1•:• '' h houl•d 1·.111 ""'''' 1 .. ~II " . , , ....... r~ r -t-""'--" '"'' ::_ •· •..-~ C•t • t• r •l·I~ •in t a t -•••I •"' nr~ n • ..,tt t,,,, .. •'"• I•• '••I •"'\ '' If ,,t .. ,r I t f•• ~i-:t• ·nu~ 110 1\t.F: AT U l ll11hll1t t\Vt'. I 'nrim• drl Mu ~ -,, _.,, . -----------_... I " A ... ,... 1 • i . I IU ,, ..... , "" .. ' ~~"A1J'.·7:l~r • .:;'t~-;.n llo-.·•n lllwl . Hnth .. n P r l•"'" hrlow J.n 11J\y"• m11rk1•f l 'h H•·1tron !'>~-.! If Ol'TBOARfl MOTOR.~ mo~: .,·t., '·•Ii ... -'11..:11,1 _::! •·dr··-.,.-aw •llh 1111111\. "· A?\O BOA TS '· ,....__ ~ 11o ., .. ....,, -~ ...... rr...u ~a:w & t •St:H "'"' .s,...,J.I\ ,~ ... nf,Ld. :~•. w &on;...,, nnd l't.•f"''" on All -.~h 1,.. ..\ ~ ll f':tlif t.hk{'t< of Mot era 47 -:>t~ Dave H. Spies m-:~,~,-::--=-,.A..~ . ...,,, •nd •uch- tl6 C'oat<I lti•·11~ Rr..-on ~M tr-ct-In ,_,,, rrnfal nf 2 nr 24-tk ~ ...... "' ,urn .. ti.-.1 tvltbl' r'h 1 11 .. 1."! TI·~,,., ...... 11nw 5'1 ltr r. M fir <:HAY '1AICl'7E ~runwr.~ .I HOr'r."' ti Al' t" I:\ -,..,.~. ~;-:J:-m;;:_T-;\,'j' SPECIAL Ff')n QFTn< ~A1 .J;; '.fw~·onl lnh on Ot•unn Front In ltnwnltl" n llnlhn1t t~11f'rlll'nl lnrRllon fnr' ~·11mhln11tlon htdl- nua • n d npnrtnwnt h111ldln11. c~-2 7,.,._ A rr11I hu1t11ln for 110.l\OO. J M Mll.t.F:R, n r11ltor1 1'\th & ( '••ntrttl Ph· lfurhor t:ZWW 49-lfl' :WI t W <'rnt,.I Ml. liar. 402 t>lfa HC'R nti ful OcP an Vil•W Lot l Tl Rh ore Cliff fl!\ x 146 Owner 300 Collknrod. C«ona ckl .._ 4M tp LANDSCAPING :.lfl Y f'!I rs F.x1wri1•nr<' 01<1 & !'1:1-w llom<'~ RE RVEL The G A 8 R"fri~erator I Luf1 1111 l-•I•·'". .,, c 1 .~. Pht•ll• 11 "1 •• , 111~~ ,, 3102 l..nf,. ... ,11. -="· "f••f ' I'-· ... .......... t .~ • "' -. ' . . .. RUSI NESS OPPORTlJNITY 1-:xn·:l.l .ENT ( :11-1' SHOP LOCATION Al.SO :\1R. C. L. GEORGE m:Acn~ :1!)7!> 33-221< Sl'll l h.11 110\\:tOl('d article 1 1111 uugh :-:1 W5-T lnh'" :ids. WallatC' Cald<•rl1ead MA!"l'l-'Af"n·ni:-ic .rE\\'F:LER Rl 7 Cl IAST 1 ~11\VAV 1·r m c1=--i\ DEL MAil. t•ALIF. 31 -22tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Ph11nc• H1•:ir1m fl:.!17 ."573 Eldeon Avl.'. C.:O.ta Meu »de F1 1r fknt - 1 luu~•· or AJll Till .l11n1• t:11h H. M. LANE Rl·:AL F.STATE Snmr Mt>'il'ls "' 11ll11hl,. NOW n alhoa Furniture Store tnn M11!n ~' • Rallloa f'h""" I inrh .. r 145 :r-05 <'onc:t nlw1 . Nl'WJ)Ort rt111nr llnrlw1r 111 41 -l!r PLl Mm~r. Sl 1PPT.JES r..1'ri;:••!'t ~ 11" k in 11r·in~· rnunt v 1 '..'' G:ih·. Stt>"I Pipe ~Or font rhrnml' P l 1l••tl ~" im: F1111N>1S ~!'I :"If) \'llht•· $.") 95 FREE PU '.\1 RI Nt. T '"~'"tit SC'nric" FONTA~A PU T~f n JNG :'.':vl1l .S \\' °"' "'1"1T'I Avr Ph•'"" Rr:1rfln rAl 1 ;\7-tfr ELEf'THH'I ANS :!0111; Court A\'f' t SiD«" 1 "12<11 NN1r NC'wp1rrt-P irr rnnlr:ir'llnr rtt•p:\lr~ F:stnhli~hN1 ~lnr,• l!l'ltl P.r~irl••nlinl lnrl11•lrlnl I t>I UWI '-I H\"J11 F::"\r.1:i..n 1:1·.1; 1 ~. C'O~,!\IF:Rl 'l \I ~· It f1•I 111r tor••1 with r11n~l1 r 1·,,.,..~ m,.1 '!' 10· 9'" h"""' 111 •• th (; '"'" .... ~ fllh lfi.11 '-:M111••TI l~I~ 11 l "•"'- MP!I., l'l n• 1 ·~ "' ''" r.:ll'I J ~ •ftl'r 4 I' n "r ., I t!" "'"..1.-.111\ lft Sund,,\c y , .,::-,.,. F.lectf'i<'a l Eni:in1 .. ·rine; ancl I n~tl lat i11n \\'inrh1°" l"•IT"" F1r: l •1WJ• S.•ard 1l11:ht' I \1•1· J\,,••. • "-4 F:-IJ-G Jt.11!1" T• 1'1" • "'~ \old~ F1tirf1.1111<, 't"'" I .. 1· ,,,. nno1 \\",1t•r !--i.~, (; ... p ... 110 , ...... , St•~'ltrf .. \\.,rn1r J• .,~,,, .. ,~ II ....... 1 ...... II II Kroh Ii 1 ~ I• ' • • I " " · • J.Jqu1•hn• '' t t ••• \ ~ i 1~•"' Pt ''"' ~ 1 ... ,, n • .,, ,, .. ,, •• , 1'11 ·• Et.~Hnki n E.· c ;ah·;rn 1<.r1•1 ,-,,,,q 111" 1.-. I!. , .• • -.~ - .:~ ... g.,,, I __ ' !f."1 II I' , 11 .. I , •• -,.-t:-R-~-o-s-A-,-. -------.. Et!'-!-H t>k in & r. ::t I rn n. ____ ,Ill"() r r\1t•I "'"'"' n. ' "-V•1 11 11:---~:y 1·1111.1 1 1·.111 \\1111 hul l ;\I •fr f111\\ :d1u11t ~11111 ~ 11'~ 11 n• •'d' ---------~· """""H' 1..i I """ rlu 11 nt Fl"HC"'<l \TFnr~11t· w1.,._11 11mi<• '"'""'·'''ti )-;, n ,, "• :!fith ,\• \\' C":itl n l :t2f17 r,,,,.,, Hh•I ·,;," c •1111 .d :"•1111•111 11. ""· Jlot • l"•rl n.: ... h 1····r h1 I Ill~', 1 I l 1• \l,1ml.1 f•·ld• '" :.1 'I;,.\\ ~-T11nl.'1l ,11,\ltt: \"0 1"ft <,\IC 1ll Fltlt .SA l.1-: lltrd( hi r •ink ... lo n n•·t•n cttt•n t·:.11 .,, <"t1ft'. Hi ll ('n;J•I lll'!I \\I\ n:1 rl"I :'1T111 , •• ~ h -. r~ 1:11n. \\I 1. d.111\. r 1•!· ... I' 1<tt -Fl in S AU. If. n.1 \1 11 ,.,,,, , ,,., n,,, J'h J!•·nl ns·'•··-, t \i•. \\ n 11•r, <:nin11 t ·~ It r• (1 ···"I ''" 1;11rr t .. 111 rrl 111;•1!1;11\or •'oil lh 1h.1r 11<1• r,i 1·.- II II tu I I (i1:>. \\' :"1'1·:\lr I !l 11 \ • 11 "H I 'I "J!',Tl"l l'I 1, nn1 Ii•. #'0''1111~ \tdl 'htillld t I '''•fHll1l" If• '''' .lt•ll•" J •1 I r.\11,f~ll I" f{J ...;TYi f"-1; 111d 1•!.lll!>lim-. :111 \\or k rq 11 ·tr•h 1 ti 11hnn• n. t('•tn r.~r"' ;'\II krnrl" • • rw·\• n•• r r l•lo "' 1n ... 1nrk .11 11 •• '\;, \\' T 1n1•' f2 I I • 1.-:T \\111 I I I I \I \I I \\'1r• !-=Tl:l '1 -n·1tJ\I, STl-TI 1\rwl• ~ ( ·1nnn• ,, r I:• ,,. 1\ll '"'' 1t11rl Sh:i1w oe ="'• \\ !. I 1] 1 :ind ''· ll• rnf•ir•·m • S 11 • lll<"KSt 1'-: f., '-:I.WI I I )llrt \\' -.. ,, ~· ,.,,,,,, !'tu1t 1 \u 1 I I •I~ I~ \I I ·r-, . " '""' •~ I ' 1fJ 'Jif 1hl .. ,, ti d1 'r I 'f '1r1r · .~t 1nut t -..pr ,, • '"'. • • .. ,, I ·'•\ "' , •• ., • I \. • IT \ ' ..,. •.; H"ll1wl• .,,,. ·, .... t r""ff$•1 tttn , . ,, ' ..... 1 SJ5i1 l~I '\II. Hiilo I ·• • I l • • r : • 1 '\' ~f•'\\ .... , ftl'• ' :\11' ~ ',, , ••• 1 • _'j J11 I I t ' . """''. "' ,, I•' I .I:-'I 1·.1 • ' '.'. \ •• n 1., S ll11 \, 1,1, r, I ~11 •• ... I 1 .. . ·- 71 I f , • ! ' · ,. . ·.1 . ·~ Ml'Ml<'A f, & RAlllO l 'SFT1 l•J,\'-''•c: ",, "°" f•., . ... r•·n• tt• r·• ·s r ,,,, ''• ,, ''" ff 'l•lrl• t l' • j ,. -n, "'•II ht,\ r ., .. • , • ' S(1f1\fll •T l'I .\ •••• I'. ~ls.In. '·•"'" \• , . . . . . . . ·-.· ... .... I I 1f t~ I\ J,,.. • •••• ltunv11l•"' n11 .. ,.,. ,,.. "''' 1!• ..... •• ;tJt.JrS • • illl n • .,, n.:' ,... : ., ·;. l'- r:rm I H1t11 t..·, j •• •I' l'"'. 1 "Alm•"'' 1 ' I · -' • • ' • .. -fn ,m ·,:.,, "'\.,. • , r ,.. . ll.1 1t ·•I l•r· '• •I 1. "'"' •p••I I• rt .. 't• t 11 , ,, • "" 1m1 I• Jr, I ''' "'1r<l 1\ I "'' in'"'" r•, v 'ird \t, 1 1:11 1\fl 7,,, ltl"C ,~. ,, Ii \\' \!\'Tr.ll TO ftf'l' ~ ... , :----- ·' SJ>J :'\t.-r"'j •• ~l\r ... 11 ,, • .,. .... 1-.1 •. n. "" \1 11 • 'o l 'lq, ~1·otrh l;iJY-. \'nrl·••L• ~17•''1, on • rlr· nt th" :\• .,..., T im•'5 . . \H \\.,,'-:Tr.I I '-:nl ••I• r CJI• .,,, 1 :1~11. m11 ... 1 Ii·· In "'"~' ,.,,,,.11· n 17•1 !<.· i 11 ·•ni;• <'•1~1·1 'f• •, 1'1 -•r <1arna~·-t in ,, ,, ...,.., ' • ·• r • be ltrl!I ,,,,,,., 1• r f• • • ;. l l!'ift T• rn • 1.,,.,,, "110 •·:1 PJ;\:o-;11 1 '' .,_., • .• ?>h • ..,. ,. ""111 i •••• .. -• ... ~' J t•1 ;\tr ~ • ,,et~ t ,,~,·-~" "'"''"'"V I • t.,/ v • It. t t •• n "••"' If• fl t f r t f t 'ifll "T' ~· ~ , • • • '\ttr • \1.u ...... ·-·· , ... ··-... ''' u~r. rworr llT1 I • . ' . .. ,.. ' I t.1 I I• 1 nrl ,.,,,,..,.,,, .. ,t .. rlr·. ·m I \I"'''"' n l In " or .j.,01l•l•• 1 ... ..... ·~·tb • '-""'''' ,, h , • ., • •t 1·. • ,,.... t r • t '" "'' • 1nv , .. ,,, "· I' di~ I h i I .. ! ':· ·• •• , •• ,, •. tff•~r.Y .,.., l.nA~ M ,,. .. ,.,-l\tl'I'' •\T -.i• •r•t J:·.r:rf I p ) I'. . '.' 'l' I 1fl '\ • •1.1 T r ,. 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()J( TI11 • n11 ·rd 111i1t1li;.-• 1·1in tw~ solrl Sllpnmtrly nt nn nd- v11ntai.:••111L.; Jll'if'l• In tlu• huyc•r Tl fl< I .t-:ASJ-: C'nrnd .... 1s 11r 11 s11lts t11nl lnl. oni'-~ory h1i,·k nnct !'lf ll('l'O li11lldl11~ wi ll~ !)(Mt "'lllHI'' ,, ... t of fifOn> llJlllC'(• a nd a bn·•· :.! h •drv111rt1 :1p11rll114•11t 111 tlw 1v•11r of thf' h11i ltll11~ I•._.. 11( l•f"l'-..c'fll ri-cll m~ 1·1111 111 • 11rrsml(('d if <IN<i " .. 1. 1117 I·: < 'pnfr':il, H11ll1on. t.OJ\ST PROPEHTI ES CO. Rct\ltors Wlf .1.1/\M C. I IA Y I l11l'hor 2H:\R ~-trc· : ......... ndal1'4I wi th Warren M. H11 cliana11 rn -:A I. l·:S'f'ATI·: I •in 1 .• ,,.111111:• J lo " "'' •, •"j: I \I ; : •' t I'. II~: ;-; I I ~I-It • 1711 I . '•·11 f" 1rl i\ w• . < ·, r<.J,11 M1-.;:i C< >STA M ESJ\ l 11d11 .... 11i.tl 1•1111•·1·1, I ;,,.,.,. 1111 N1·v.111irf i\\'•': with '"" l••d1·•"•'11 11111111·-. 171; If l rr111l111••• ''" N1·wpo11 i\\•· l ~1tli 111111"'"' I • 1111 .. : l1 ;o111". ·, rms <'iw h. 11111• will1 I I \\. 111-.1 ·• I ~.t!li 111 1·.i• h. 1·:1 .... h1 •:11. \.OIH>NI\ DEL Ml'\R- :• ..,rnrv l1·;111w "''" •· ••11 111,·:111 Hl\tl ;, 1 .. -.1r·11011N, rr \\' n .... ,, 1 w•·1·"'' .. ~··l\•·1 r :.·:11 111r111111·•·:111 vi"w • .. 11 11111 l111Jld 111 l r-.111 T'"""' 1·;111 '"' :1,-r:1111:1'll, ' NEWl'OHT 1:.! fl \\:111•1· l1·•,11t:11• ... 1··:11'11 !11 111..,.. wi th 1in" fll'(I· P•'IOI i\111111 1 '< \I '''"· \l"f'\' W•·ll l 111ill , d11d<l11g for '..! q1 :\ '" •• 11..; I .i•I 11 .... • h1 •\\' y1111 thi.; pl:11-.• N l·:WP()HT I IEICI IT S 1 .rw••I•. ·: 1•11111 h 11111•·. 1111111 ... lu·rl l11 ·:11111111llv in fin. , .... , I.• t•· \\':di 1,, 1\.rll •"''I•''' I 11 1•1•1.11··· .111d f1ll'na(-.•. :\ 1111 I'•' \\in• r, 1\\ .. tt\ 1·1 I••• •IWll' N t•\\ i ~ tt'I 11:1 "'" ,,._ I •11110 ... \1111 H:11· I•· •Jlt•· l.i11d...., ;,,,..,, ,,, p•·rl•·• ti1111 <h•·r~i7.t'<I d 1 •tthl1• 1:111!11••· \\·,. 11 tll '"' plr•:i...,.'il In .;h em lltiJ.; home tl.i _v fl/' t'\'1•11 lf)l!' \\'\f r.. II A Y Hr·••k••r S l<:JUI) ~r. J\l'.':C S;1li-s WAl<HF:N flljCJlANAN Urokcr !'l l -lt-p ... \ f' .. ' f ·, J ·Harbor Social Residence: Harhor 1fJ.17-n . . \ P••e 6 .NE'WPO&T a& Lao& K EWS-TUIEM Girl Scout Association ~ JIOS9AI' ,._.,._. ...... ~..... ,,... ••• 1Nl4 Add ~ N T • .. Engapmenl al !altic.io f•lxMAs RH.al.J Af Sunday Teo •• Ha.. al Hein ralme'. Nt'Ws oC tM ~· and ut . afoP)or"1 tr-a raltlr "•• CIClft\inc lnUUC'P al Jib. Pauxa ~ .. (Paddy) R. Eubanks.. daauc;tit.-r ol 'J)lr W '""" ,~ .. tJ)tt. I• ......... 1. Mr. and Mn Flo)'li C Eubulk• r.u•.-( J•>n )IM'Sh.oll J un1nr lft.;h 111 Grand ~. ~ ~ w1Y•.C. f"lb.ado-n.• C\I.> • ull··:.:·· to James \". Palmer. -'4 )In. •hr-rP <o#V" .... ;l m..rnh--r "' P .• m-&len ~. I077l ~« ~ ~ .r: ... • -.L .... ,, m""·~ r .. 1 street. ~ ~ •'M ~ Pl ~ Pt:> ~I l ""-"f'1f\ nf S.~1- ~ at a ke ch~~ t,., ~ C~<Arlit llk-bmlo"WT>Om· Mils ff~ Palmer. fV1urt' .-rH"-w-b-au~ IJ,.. Anr.:• I••, C'l!} In-law ol lbP ~ cv~ V ')•.W lUU\,.t'll.> .ind llw . ~ ~t and -~ t ·Cll'-J.) "' ...-...ihPm C'.olllumtd date wen-UlllOUDCf'd to _.. <;.-l• ..: rtw-'"" "'"r" th•· suest by rniMm cit a _,_.... X.---P.x;•n Pr• cue ... H1ni:" l'l· ~t rillc •'ltll ~ Ufod ,..._ ll.an-n J~-n. !\laq1tn•• to eecb tee cup.. At ~ --· '--' Jil.&nt.. Srrr.1.11 r .... , -..;,. time, a ....sai _.,.r ~ ~ JW< Holtf'n !\1anl> n wltll a ~ al crdlidl.. a ...,_ l lotlft', lib'UN' Ewan Hilrtwu" priw few llw ..-.. al a-...s IMt~ Rarban Smith Cllnr- attached to It -h« &ai.'lf'b" _ 1i!wir-J&.vd) R4rbara P»ll<'r t 11 •• r. ~t n.c, liDck Spw~r. Lu W•rN-r anti ..._.~ Daw al ttw •e t~ has ~ .t I« JUDt 19 and it wW br ii.td a t lbP dlurdl al St. .Jalm \!iae- IW)". BaJbm Ill.aid. Mn. Palmer ..-al • lftllft"- ... ~mid dw ..... «IN1 --• ctiarminc pk't1no ... frw* al .. prtllt. PaurtllC .. dlllP ..... ramr•WICW . --•AILW8•-& . ---· • SS' . , a ·-........ SHEP'S «-··~ -a.a:,..._ <...i•~O*) *.Con..-* WedcSng h1 rh * Funer.I Sprays ....... r.:1aa.n we ...... .-~ lritlp Ol#l fosJ.iott Sltow ,,_,aed fo Aid LiHle H0tne f •ntl s ., ew roops :\1•'11\'" r' •. ( ttt•· t ,11 I :--..t••u• .-. un I ti 111 I h1• 'Pl In); 1111•1•11111: 111'1 \\ ,.,.J, ,,,, •• 1il•··•'•d I•' r1u1 1 th•·"·''" fl•"" l1•ouhr' 1u 11I '''"''JI 111l11UU'I•• n.•·rnt .. ,, ••f lh•· foul ti 1'''"111• tft)l,1P' \\hu h 111\1 Jhf ln••fi "' i;o1n11 .. d )Ir' Alfn~I 1:11i .. 11n t1 •••1' 01 1;.1111t.1l l•m 1'h.111m11n 111111•h1t ,.•I th••n • ,tncl Hnnutuw.-cl 1th t1t·\\ 1tttffl"' to I,..• .1 ... ft11lt1\\ ... T1 .. •1• 1 ""''1 lllu1-d.1'• 1 ... 111· ,.r )ff' F1 •• n~ J.m11111••1 n1.111 ,., .. l.'totl1 I'. ~Jr, l'hillip H""'"I 1111d )ft':,.. S1anl") 111 .. 11 1 .. 1.J l'rVl•fl 1'<1mm1ll•~· m••ml"''' ;.,,. :11 1• It•'' Hrnnrll )l ,., ,\Ill• 11 )\,11 ,,11 )11 • 11111 ~ri l!.1}nl•mrl T•icl1I .1rul Mr,, Srnnl•·y ~mph Tru.111 '' 1111••'1:-1\i••i.rla}, 1,.•11d1•r I• Ml' llutrtl'\1 :-:1Jlan 11ntl ,.,.. lo•ml.·r j, Mn. l>:J\ld t'arr 1'nr•Jt ''""""'"'~' 1m•rnl""' <iri· )1,.... I J..r· m.1n :'\:l<'k. M " .I T a) lur 111111 l\l,.,. Rohn! Stur,.i•·i.<. Troori 5 mrNs Thur-dn}" Lo1.•fld · t-r '' M N . A1lilm ltr·ll'h 1onrl , . .,. lrarS.•r 1< Ml"'I l l••nf) S.-t1roc•rlo•r TN'Op romm1l h.,. nwmh"" :111· .!\In. EmC'."I W11lt7<' Mrs f'to™'rt Cox and ~n... Em<'"l Pylci. 1'n:lop I\ rrlf'd;, W ,. II n ,. ;, d n }' ' Lra<k·r ts Mr. Jnhn I lu11·h1;,on e&if'ader tll Mrs. Wilham Alford. 1"ooJ> comm1th't' ml'mht'r< 1111• Mt~~ Harry Hanigan, ~ Nott. William Glass and Albert Matlwws. Loe~/ Student Wins Degree at Sfanlord University STA."fFORD UNI v ER s 11' Y. Oahf . April 19 -Name• of 439 s1udMlt11 who WN't' grnduotl'd from Stanford unJvcndty' at the end of thto winter qunrtf'r, 1947-4R. we re announced today by Ac-ting Pl'l's1- dmt Alvin C Eurich. TWo hun- drwt and tw1•n1y-thl't"(' students rttt'tVPd advanC'ed d11;r('('11. while 216 undergradu11IC' d<'gr~s wt•rc awardt>d. ~ivin1t Ill<' "4>~'(' of horhl'li1r of q:lf'fl<"t' "'ns Lnwrenr•· Alli·n \Vh11es1ctcc of Nrwf1ort li<'nch, who majorNI m mnthC'mat1r~ at the 1<d 10QI of physical 'S<'iPn~. We're-Sorry! Really W e Are It sh1mldn'I h1i\·r haJIJll'n<'d 10 nn>on,• a,: "t•ll known 11nrt 1><>P· ular it.'I ()(>11n \nmpll('ll. who L<i IR"ling arr awful k1ddtn1t cvrr 1lnct' Jack Church's nrunc got tacked onto his smiling fncc. Jr was Mr. Cam~ll 11n•I nc•t Mr. Cllurrh, who was lx's l man a t tht' "rodin); of Mtldr<'d Std· anlk and Colin Travers. II wa.<1 one> of those thin1t~ that (l('('Ur In tilt' last-minute rUllh tx·fore prHs lim<' and W(' hopt• he Cor11:iv1•s u.~ "'·entually. Be Wiw -AdV('Ttlte N........nm. ~ta an J"U'D' ,wcs. to efftdent mpendlnc. .. Elementary School ft.-T. A . Receives A wards At Disf. Meeting, Loco/ Women Talc e 911.ice Local Ceramists Return From Europeott Trip Thinlc New.e~rl Harbor lest Ploc f in World. Sr•p6oar Otdesfra Slqfes ._,it C011Cerl FOi Local Girl ScOlffs ' . -..;, "1~·11 1~ .. 1L-t1 f~h'me.ntary S• 1 ..... 1 I ':tr• 111 -T1•11ch~·r &NOc:i&- """ " ,, 11 .. r1n1111 in r9a!lv1nc 1111, ,. i;\\ .1rfl, >11 1111· April ~t· 1111• , .1 I• ,,uri h I 11i.1 rid. Call for. 111 , 1 •,.11i.:n ·" of P11fcnta and T• '11.I • r~ hdrt 'l'h11r<dny, AprU l , 111 1 •1 111..;1 F lrrrwntary IChool '"''' \l1'-,\1 th111 S1phc·rd prt'- • ""' · •• 11<1 .\11 ' ( 'luude Croeby, l·t , ... ,.,'""1.111 , in c_hargc of II• p 111.\fo1JTl '"' \llr••I l111wli.,'°'Cader of • •1 .. , c .11; :-;. ""'' ·rrdop No. 9. .11 ti •I• tr""P r. ii m th<> pledge , 1 .111•'"1 11t•"' 11ft• r which the II•' • ; .. 1 r,. I. H•••' of tl:le Mt•th- ,,.11,1 , 111111'11 t.:"''' th1• Invocation. \It ~ ( 'n 1•h) ma<I•· I ht' rcsponae Executive-Board 01 Elementary P.-T. A. Meets With Mrs. G/oege ,,,.. •"M'UI I\,. hoo"' oC the =""", .. ,rt !Wilch 1-: l c m e n tar y ~r1u~·I P;1rl'nt-Tf'(1Chl'T 8Ja0da. I 1on held lhl·ir N'gular monthly m•'• t 1ni:. April H . in the home •• r ~,,, 1.; L <.;i.w.:P. 425 M St., ·1111ll~·n. :\t1' 1t1wmnnd K. Har-'•·» f•l'l''-lllin~. )lr"' If. <l Hoyvey, prorram 1'11111rnwn. 11r~•od everyon. to ''""" J >r Jamr· .. V ·Latimer speak 111 •lw PTA met-ting. Monday, 1\111 11 l!I Mr« Boyvey an- 111 Ill\' W<•lcome given by H arold 1'1hh>. principal of Orange Union ll11:h ~··hool. Fr'" Orang<' lliRh school 1tu· (J, n•' n :ndC'rt'rl vm·11 1 sol()!! 1tnd d ,. C11 ls' Glee club sang three r111mbj_•rs. TWo Newport ceramists have limit.in&. ~Y ~m olft'red to just returned from four monthl. work here for a year tree it 11-e sojourn in Europe. They are AJ. could poi.sibly get them 10 Am- v1ero B11cmi and Michael Soren· er1ca sen, owtwrs of DI P aJma Ccr· ~rliOfl and siJCin1 sailed In a nucs at 64108 Coast H ighwa)'. l'\uwmber from J'\e-• York <Al Tht•tr t rip wa.-: in the interei.1 the 1111111111 sh1p SatumlA and tt- of bui.tn('t;S and a n.>Unton with 1umed thJs month on the \"u). Mr. ll1sciru'11 m other and brother can.a. when.> they• •·mt t.hrou.a:;b ~ uwv-cMrttt«. aiotoa Sa-a'm. (Jn.a;tf' Ccitml) S)mphonY c.ccbtJtn tw otUrid to Cl'·e a t.-n1 oc.ocn t 10 add 10 twm of lht Girt 5NlJJ ~noo ot ~lJU"l JJ.Mttt. st • a.nnounc · f'd .. , •hr ~ ~ ot the <lliiOnAUcm brid u \\"mus Park in Perug1a. Italy, whom he had a C)'Clom• at St>a. It pitched tl)(' " :ir not Sl'Cll for 14 yeun-. Hl· is phm· ship so badly 1he propeller aqpt' ~\dNt" c::aff' · v .. r thf' locul organization nn ning to bring his mother herc to abo\'e lh<' water man) limo.->. JU S.,.'Ul a u i.nt rudUct'd by J"I,. 11nn11af ilWllrds Wt'r(' malif' '" many P.1' A units for t-X· 1 • llo 111 \\rtrk 1lon1· thrnugh<>ut the "" 1111 for a fml' yrar dr pro-hve with him. Thl'y i>ay shl' ts a ~mo: the Mi1v temltC4ll~. and ).In. P~ ON\~.~- LI '•m> and program guid., \\:IS coura,rous lJttll' woman who had cau.sTn4: many p1e<'t"S ol sti.tuary· 114.> sutt<d the-~" •ould be t:•'" n. )1rs H_ O Oo)'\ry hnvln~ many harrowing encounters With lh<'Y "'ere b~ to cra_-.b m gl'ftl a Ow h&ib ~ti audilOI'• "1 \'1•'1 11s pro1,.'T11m chnirmnn thl' GC'rm11n soldiers who took over p.1ece~. 1um on F~.)' "'~ )la)' 14. 1, ,,, >•·nr A memh<or11hip award her hu-.:c villa and rorcro her to Amon..: the ~~ers t.twy ~ ·~ go le> 1~ Ct.rl ''"'' mrul<', with Mrll'. E. A. Dud-liw in· the Ct'llar. met an olf1cial of the ~Sue>· SNlu1 a-Mme hm. l1•y :tnrl Mrs. E. L. Gl<>ege as Many unusual art treasures cess ronfe~ in Ne-A· Yorit TIW' ordwfln andudrs 50 K- 11wm11 .. r,hip chairmen. wert' broui:ht back by tht' pair. and were uw ned to •1tness ttt ~ ... ....,.. frun all Thi• fir~! 11w11rrl. th<' blue rill· especially in the ceramic and meeting~ •1th special k'alJi. pro-parts ol thr counr) and ml&SIC 1 ... n. \\'11s made for the "Unu1u11l· majolica line. , vidcd for them. eqwppt'd •1th '°''en •ho ~·e hPard pre""lOW I\ 1:Md R<'cord Jlook"-The Pub-Mr. Sorenson s tates his first pnvate earphoneti for trans.la· ODDClf'rlS bJ' thew talrnlf'd arusu l11•1tv Jt('('()rd Book. This Award trip ahroad ·proved m08t lnsplT· tion in any languace •·1tb a tum •"llJ tw plitaWd at tbr CJllPl"'tUl> ,_,.s· oni;-of only four blue r1h-ing He has su man» ideas now ol a i;wltch. ..... to .._. rhnn -cam- hoM ot 1hc 26 books thaf quall-from S<'Cing all tht' hundreds of From N"' York tht')' motond -TlckrU •,,u tw oa tak at 35 fi<'d In Fourth District C.P .T . It world fl\J'X!OUS nrt ,collections, acl'06S the United Slates ,-a tbr and SO cmts al amuruotnt placH was r1·comm<'ndPd 1h11t the book muS<.'ums, paJaces. c;ostles etc. southern roull', .. toppinc: in 'Ne-• IJlroucbout· lhP city .or snay a,. IX' 8Cnt 10 th<' C C.tl. State that he ls most anxious to start Orleans where they enjoo)'t'd a ordrrt'd b) trirpt.oamc Harbm Conwntlon in Sacramento In production on certain items that ride on a plcturetiQut' old a.o--1020-1'. May Mrs Albert S. Paine com-he has nev.er lK'en in America. boat up and ~'ll the Missiwapp i~miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. piled 11\t' book us chairman in The pair are scheduled to give with aJI the SCftloef')' deficntwd wn•A•F no"" c.hnr(?r of puhllcity this past yt'nr. a detailed report of their trip \'ia leud-speaken. m&.UIO".am.E 1-'ollowlng tht' 11w11rds, Mrs. soon at the world famous Hof-~)' • also \oWted ~ Rollin Brown. Stat<' President of lywood Community Sin~. found-Caverns in N_. MeQcio wtwn- thc California C'.ongrC55 of-rar· ers of the Hollywood Bowl, of the)· ate in UK' famous ITSlMlr- rnts and Tcachc•rs made 11 fine which ~nson wa.~ president ant 750 f~t undrrp"OUnd.. FRANK ......... -·,- talk on "Foundations for Amcrl-for two years. Summarizing their trip · they no11r11'"<1 t ha i . Dorothy . Shffley, ran Education." They were retlcvro to be sail-wish to report: Never lfS&in will "h" ";i,. '" 1i1v" 11 readmi de"!:_ Mrs. Claude N<'er of Santa Ana Ing from Naples. Italy just be· they go to ~.in thta tl'llltft' . ---~.,_ ......... . ,,-.. . ._ ton•lrntion ut thl' May ~tine ~ntt'G beautifully wrapped fore the critical election due Too terrifically cold. Snow and will l)t' unahll• 10 do so. ln ~r gift• to each of the retiring of· there now. They visited t~ol-sleet In Paris. no sign of ip1llC, plan\ thf' him ''The California flC('rs Mrs Lenore Braddock of lowing plact'S in Eun>pP: In il'aly in sieht. and tht-hotel rocm. W it} or Liff"' was to be lhown. S<'al I.Wach, hiatorlan. madn her -Genoa, Turlno, Pi1a, F lor-..,, 'Jul bu __. .. .... i th film made i ou ' wet"(' ..... auu t as ....... a& l'l'------a 1 •11« s r • n T own annunl report. P "" Rom 1U1:1 .-----•.....,, fl hn 11r a and sponlOl'ed b ence, en.i .... a . e, "" ano. frigeraton. I'--... -nr r '' Y A National Life membership Venice and Naplf'l'. In Fr-ance--thl' Newport Har'1or Olamber , They hopr to retum --!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nl <'ummr~ The film hu ~ ""as prCIE'nted to Mrs. Mary B. Paris and VersaJlles. when the grapvinE's ~ ~I~ N>ivl'd wid" al'Claim ~r It. PctPrson of Orange, a former Outstandlng observations on with &T'PH and when CJIW' • ~ ..... a.a •an ...... Ek. NO JOB 1UO SMALL -- MOSD .. \ ~ ~ l L: •. l • 1.·· ... ti .j ~J .t .. f .~. , ' ~ ~ ~ -;...r ,,-... h1ts been i;hown. F~urth Dlstl"lct president and a their long planned trip are see lqaves on tht' t1"1 _ Mn J nhn W. l ~a~on. ~~th ~1thful WOTktt In r~ov~~~~b~d~e~.as ~ll~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ch1mrnan. n•rommt•nded that no mcnt~. dent is the lack of jobs for the summr r health round-up be F ollowing luncheon In the h igh men of Italy. Fine appearing marl" .,in"'° 11 would be l'WC'eS· srhool cafeteria, the new Fourth young me n who are anxious to nia is the ID09t bMutJlul staw In the union. Alter 23.000 miles ot travel it looked mi&hty eood. they sald. sarv for thr• !oral P-TA orsanl-District officers were installro. work must walk Idly all day up zatiM to rmoncc l'crvices ot a Two of the new of(Jcers arc from and down the S1~1s of every rioclnr and a d<'ntl~t for work the ll,prho~ an•a . Mr1 .. J errold little city. thnt would Ix' duplicated In the Spani:r<'r .. Lido ls!"· was installed There are so many fine artists fall. Tht> executiv<' board adopt~ H 3rd v1cc-prC!lutcnt and Mra. in rtaly and m en who have been WATSO!'l.'VILLE, Cal.--(UP)- Mni. llt>aston'!I n>C'ommendaUon. F.dgur R 11111, also of Lido Isle, sk.illro In the art of vase mak-Tessie, a ~gistered Hokteia - Thr ~arct Rio'(~ to Rftd 8 11s lr<'aitur rr . ing and man)' other jobs who arc the Anthony Rocha farm. is tJw girt of $50.00 tn thr Carl Harvey i\llC'nrhng the-F nurth Oistrlrt anxioui; to come to America And mother of triplet cah·s-an «"'ftll !<orhnol ror hnndirariJ'.l('d chUdren. mt•<'! Ing from lhC' N <'wport Bench cannot becaul'e our immigration as ra_rc in boviae d rclt"s as quacr. ·ri11~ M'hool is IUt·utt•d a t tti. John Elrnynt:ir\' School P-T.A. wer<' restrictions on Italians al"(' so ruplefs in numans. Miur ,1·1l•••l m s .inta Ana. )fi.,. n a}1nonrl K ll11r\'e)'. prci;i·f·~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a :\I r. T 11 !'""l"'. mus ic chair-r11•n1, :\Ire; f :1t1::1r R lhll. parl111· man, 11·la11·1I hn\\ 1hc Moth-m"11111r1:i11, :\lrs C'laflord Dr:ikc. ,.,...111..;i•r"' nr '"'' Ni•wport Elr· Ir• asun•r , 11nct ~lrs P1•rrv Oainrs, 1111•nli11) ''''""'' l'-TA hnd if'OWn h1st11r111n. •· from a m••rnh•·t "1111 or 12 la~1 ~""r '"an ;1rll\•' m .. ml>er9hip or :!R I his yrar. Smr· .. Jlw or·);a1111.;111on Invite<! N1·\1·1•111 lla1hor tli;.:h a nd C08tll M1·,n ,,..hool mfllhl'f", who cnjo) 1:rnup •lnitlnl:. tn join thi!I ,year. 1 h1· nanw wn<. •'hani:t-d to "Har- hor l\loth<'rs1ni:c•r-" A librar) or mwnr i~ ll<'ini:: huilt with • goorl sum (If mon1•y in !ht> 1rras· ury to rontinul' Rflclin1: lo thr se- IN'tton"' A S1lv1•r T••a is, l'<'i ng vlnnnNI for s<iml't rmr m M:h for I hi• pul'JIOS(' Of r:1 i"tn~ rnc>IJWl monry to hu\' V<'~tmrnts for the lmll!'s. Thr ·tf'n w1ll l>f' J.:l\'<'n In tht' n/IW hnmf' of )Ir;. Rn\mond K 1 lnrvf'y in C"omna dl'l ~lnr Lido /tie Ladies - In vited to Second Bridg e 141ternoon !.nl111·s 11f l.irl1• li<I<' nr<' in· vit«d to allend the bridge party to Ill' ht>lrl at Lido blc club house April 21. play stnrtins;: promptly at I :30 JI m . R<'i<<'rvalions iihOl!lct be mnd1• tunis;:ht At Ha r bor 527. This i~ the SN'Onrl nf a scri~o; lo ht• fH'ld e\'t'ry ru:st 11n<1 third WC'dn~dav and hfls trss lit Mrs :-:ichulo~ Dt> Mark • Capilla Circle Meets This W eek 1J1r STUDEBAKER • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS New Studebaker Commander Mot~rs _$225.00 ~ew Studebaker·Champion Motors ... $178.75 HUBBY WHILE THEY LA.8T loe Nickertz 1415 W . Central By LJJo Tltealre H.rbor 510 FOR THE HOME FOR THE RANCH ~ Ml men two fart the tr an ... dist in t • • .... _ tub• if s1 ---•... • • m o< flev mac ren· bee find ope intc bee to ~ air . .!id plif "ai -· Thi' orgnniznllon Ihle; Y<'8T n>ar hl'd !h<' :<tnt11s of nrlulr rdu- c::illon nnd I~ filfillini;: ~ix ~ln~ing ('ngni;:rmPnh this yt>ar. Smee thr J:roup fir.I 011:anizcrl lll!lt year. "llnrbor Mot h<'r?'lni:rrs" h:t\'I' h<-<>n ext rrmrly fo11 una1 e In ohtninini;: the· st>rvi1'P"' or Mory R.1111•n Stcfff'nll<'n. wl'll-known din'<'lor who r1'sidrs i11 th1• lltir- bor nn-a, and or Billi,. J1c>nw r. tnlrnlNI piano nrcnmp.,ni"t )I~. ~l'f'lry !''Cl!'nctrrl nn if'l\ilat1on 10 mnllwrs whc• woulr! ltkr IO Jntn lhl'· wnuri. t n f'nmll nP.xt fllll Copilln circle of Corona drl Mar w ill m('<'I 11 \\'l'l'k rnrly. memhcrs arc remlndrd . lh<' dnte belnc Wf'dnPsday, April :.>I lit 2 p.m. FLEXBOAR-D w a -· How ·Does Christian Science Heal? MANY PEtSONS ~ Mlling a.blf'd C'hmtian Science. Thc.-y woulrt like to know ~ ...,.,. ib ~ powrr and why it is tha t ChrisUan ~ brinp., amcll '-Ith. bappimsti;. r~om. and serenity to the .......... oar al I.hr bat W'a)"' to learn about Christian Science is to attend. __ j..fJI{ lECTURE ~--.. ' . _' ··-_, -. . i!_id .. 4 . -. -· ~ '.-. .. JI.'!... ~. f' "Cliistiaai -~: A Religion of Rev~lak Reason and Demonstration" "r Rolple Codie. C. S. al Son Francisco, Calilornio )lrmhrr al thr Board ot l...«twTship of 'The Mother Chur<-h. 1be Finl Cbi.d. (1( Christ. Srientist. in Boston. MassachuS€'tts in the a.ch· Easfece, 3103 Vi• Lido at Malaga of Newport leed,, California Tlusday, April 22nd at 8 p.m. First Oudt of Christ, Scientist Cenlially Inrites You to Attend ~1rs PC'n'y l\:1h11's nnnn11m·1'<1 thnl 111 1hr Fnthrr~ :'\1i:ht prr .. i;:r11m, ~11lrrh 1~. 11 1<1p.1r11) au- rlirnrf' or !l(l() hrflt'fl !hr ··I·"'' n - lnry ~1·hr1nl h11n1I 1111'1 nrrho>•1 ra umll't' Clinton S:m 111 nnol )1 1111111:1 K n~·., ort .... n," 1.-.d~ \\'11h •h" lint<." Mt' l'1;11•v 1·1~·-1"" • fnurth i:r:11l1• :ti 1h" '\, "l•·rl "~hOt"l v:nn 1 h•' n-..1nl JI\\ rH .: f1•r I h•• lari:•''' 11•11111" I' t•f 1•ar•·11t• in nllrncl.1111• .. :11 that m•'l'flm: Jlt-..tr·"•'' f11r 1h1• i\1'111 , v. rlll•"' 1 .. );1rrl m1• .. 11m: '"'" \Ir• T 11 s . .,.,,., :'111-. t 'l1ff,.11l J 11 •k" and )11• F I. 1:1'"'"• "TH E YOU:\(; J DEA'' RI' ports "·ill IX' hl'11rd on th<' rec<'nl ronvC'ntion of th<' rali- fornin and S oulhW<'Sl, Fellowship of Congr<'gntic>nnl Wom<'n. also on progrcsi; of pl11ns (or 1hc nn- nual s pring ix'm'fit brid1tc 10 ™' h<'ld TuMlday, April 27 at Pil- l'(rint Hall .• Newport To wnsend Club Meefs Tuesday Eve. · N<'wpor1 n l'nrh Tnwns••nfl rluh will m r<'I TuC'srlny l'\'f'nini.:. April 20 a l lhC' hnm,. tof Mr nml )Ir~ A S. Thomps11n. J l:l S:it4a Ann Av<'. •. Th<' cti~trirl d1alrn111n, J.:. E Prfllld n r 'Lil llll lirn wil l hr prr~­ ent nnd nll 1w·r~ons inll'ro-<11•11 arc invil!•d 111 all<'lld I loilf('l'Sc•s \\ill l>t• :\tr" I" I. llii;.:i:ini; 11nrl :\11~~ Fl~'" N1'\\'lnn1t Ry Mossier "IM ~ 011 hAJllM"ll to 1'1'fllf'lnhfor-1tw-pett4'm of ""'IC l'M•k'4.,flf' In hi .. litlMt IMd•N !" A FLEXIBLE "SHEET OF STONE" BATHROOMS • SHOWER STALLS • KITCHENS· • LAU NOR.I ES # • PL:.AY ROOMS , .. • 1 • " N°"· you can make f'etllil.i~ or huild those needed home impl"O\'l"mellts. •ith Johns..Man- \i lle Asbest06 Flexboard. This FIREPROOF. Raf, PROOF ashest~-board is .strong anrl ~-It can be cut •ith an on:linary sa•· and na iled ~ A.o the ~ •i t hout drilling holes. [' ., . I 'k:A~MAL \\"ith th!f matC'ria1 ft>t• can now lin<' your ~ar- a~c. buitft U!).ctil.i.On,, tahtc tops, as well a" many oth<'r u~(\11 ··~tOnS' ;mrt repai~ to your homc- . '! , ~ELTER~ ·J.1 • ,, ~ I or r:rnch. 'tkx . ·rrl~has a smooth. den~ sur- J 7 faC:"C' that t't'!'ists dji1. making it l'asy to keep ' ' .·. d!'nn. .I •. . ~.'. ·,.'. . T~L SHEDS ,-'J • FEED BINS • DAIRIES 4 FREE 1€ -page J-M-FlcNboard booklets. Ask for one for the farm or the · home. Se<-the many u.~ or ASBESTOS FLEXBOAP.D _,,,~.,_ .... ------· We.ekd ays Satunlavs • 7:30 a. m. 7:30 a. m. to f o .. . ~:30 p. m. 12 Noon COSTA MESA ' Newport Ave. at Bay St. Phone heeon 61 42 \ ere heI 1m1 irr• are otr cri or om ne· wt: 00 ab <lo 3\\ In• p h Ar it, ari ce bo 0 : I Saa By I SA Lt w. Cl. Pr 1 u ftWPORT REW TELEPllONT.a: llAUOB .. 11 AND HI ubUhed every day, Monday through F'ri~y. by Sam D. Porter and Lucius S. Smith. lll. 014-ntts and qperotol"li of the N ewport Harbor Plilbllshin Co. VOL X L I tOSD AV ~"c" 8-<'h. (.'allf. "''"1 19. 19>&14 ... Bawled O~t l. l'AOS '1 ' . ' .. •. MILITARY AIR TRANSPORT VITAL Time and distance have always been the bogey- men of military supply l ine~. In the la~t war these two factors became more menacing aR battl es moved farther from pro duction line:-: in the long push acros.-; the Pacific toward Japan. In many vital i11stances air· transport succe:;.;;fully sul n d the problem of time and distance. -· Shortly before the open ing of a major engagement in the Pacific a destroyer burned uut some boi ler tubeR. New tubes would not ha\'e anived fo r weeks if surlace transportation had bc.•e n the unl y available J!lOde of s hipment. The Naval Air Transport Service flew the needed supplies R.000 mil es. Hepail's wer~ made in time for the destroyer to meet the fl otilla rendezvous and take part in the action a)-; scheduled. Many thousands of similar vital delivers have been made by the Air Transport Services of the army ;md navy. New parts flown to t he scenes of far flung operat ions have 'enabled equipment to be put back into use weeks befo1·e surface supplies could have been delivered. Everythinf,r from tiny--radar part~ to a .~iant battle~hip propell er has been deliV{•red by . . air. In anv future war time ancl di:.-tance will he de-~iding" factors. The rapid movement of men ancl ~up­plie~ by air wi ll be vital. Thl•l'c \&n't be time to build "a irli ne:'" like the army a nd IHl\"Y clid dur ing the )a:'t war. The l\I ilitary Air Tran:'p(J)t Service mu~t be in- creased · in i-izc a nd efficiencies and. c·conom ic:' in- herited from its precl eces~or:' mu~t bl' maintained. and im proved on wh ere possible. ~ Hi$!h prices in this country are the rc>~ult of irresistible economic and governnw ntal forcl':-i. They aren't the fault of reta ilers .. manufacturpr:-;, or an\' <Jther of tht• !'pecial group:-; \\'hich art> ~ing'lccl nut fl;r critici:-;m. That will still be true wh ether the.v J!O up or down in the future. Price controt here wrrnlcl mean our acce ptance of a tntali tarian devi ct> whi ch ha:' never ~ucel·edecl , an<l has bct'n a clepre~;;in:~ in fl uence wherever tried. MMt reliahh· e~timtttrs in dicate-then• arc 9:30.- 000 pt1r=-on:' in the L;nitc•d . 'late~ wi th ca nc<·t'. Onl~· about fi00.000 of th e~e are under treatment. The rest do nut kno\\· th<')·'haw t ill' d i:-case. Fortunately, because all Amer ica has had a n awak€.'ni ng-to the dang-(•r of llC'glect. many of th(•!'l(• incipient c:lncer suffc>rer:' will J!O to th eir fami l~· phy=-ician:-or c"ncer dc>tection unit:-; in time. ... To{iaY. hecau~e of the nationwid e efforts of tht• Americai1 Cancrr rocietv to nnma:-<k cance r an<l curl' it , thi~ attitude is gracl t1a lly chan1-dng. Now, peopk• are more anxious. as m~ll they might be. tn face can· cer ~quarel,v. and by doing ~ to erase it from the bodies of all mankind. Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A ~ Local lmUtaUon fnr Ov~r to Vean llEPRl':SESTf:D WATIOS ALLY BV OEORGr; D. nosr:. IS<". Saa FranclM'1'1-1.oti Anple11-PortJand·~attle-C"h.lr.a.ro-S~w Vork·8'"'tnn B y Carrier or Mnll : !0.80 per month 11nywhNr In Nr wporl Beach and Costa Mesa; $2.40 for 3 mont h!!, $4.80 tor 6 months; ~ per year By Mail In Orange County : ~9 p«'r )'('ar : to 4th zon ,., $9 25: to 8th zone. ~9 50. Enteftd u ~nd-aass matter at the Postofrlce In Newport )Jeach, California, under the Ac t. or March 3, 1897. SAM D. PORTER l?ubUsher LUCIUS S. SMm{. ID M0118,fing Edllor W. F. DIXO:'>i l CLYDE REX l Printinl Plant, 3011 W. C-en tnl Avenue, Advrrtl~lng N,.Wpon BHch, California * DREW P~RSON ... W ASHtl'\GTON -W h l'n Jlmmi<' Ion for 1'1itn•mt'n t o rnttt on ttM' Hyrrws wn~ lllll'ndtni; th(• r 11r l!' ~•1111 v ut•ldl' A1.ijtW1ta. P<'llc.'\' Conrl'r•'nl'<' in Och•li.:r 1946. Ee4 of 0 1• ('avalr)' Prt'S1tlt•nt T r u -l\IO!!t srnat1•r~ "11<> tward the' tn<ln pho111'd h im 1itohn11• 1 ... tw<'<'n O k h•hon\3'1 ·~· tin t h t' had JllSI lullni.: :'.·n.1tl\r ElnwT 'Ji\omu and n u.di' 11 Sllll\~ tln·~nn·-"1r thr11:ht \\'a)rl<' MonM' ""'"' prOf)Ol'tnl: n-c nnhni: nrtu~ r.•nl<\Un t 1t..atklnl 1 tw .utnussii•I\ of rl11ln'1 ha\'P ;my tnkhn11 of wh at 10 .1 IH I J (' w 11! h wa• hd 1lnil II • r" t II 'I(•' l's into t'Pr mflr1• tlmn " \ rnr. lhl' army. J'uh;•I 1111• ha\ mi.: t.:l\'1•11 up 1·.11 ·air), hrfll w an I· 111· h.1d lt•11rrwd. Pd 111 rorn ilt' 1~·mo1mt 11tallont 1111' Pr1•sld1•nt In· •"•r '" 1tw ;11i:1w11llun· <k-part- r .. rnwd h 1i1 S<'C'· nwnt IP IH• 11-"d tur fonn honW· lttr) of ~111 1 ,., lh1• (:11,·1•rn\"'r P•"'"') l•l •'•'<l•n.: 1t111 S1 1111tt>r Tho mlU of \\/t~ ,.:uln..: 10 m ,, k ,. u s1111il:1r I lkl:th•1111.1. l.ur nwr r halm u1n of rclU,.:•"' propo.~al '"' tlw "'" 1•( " th" .1i:1i.11l tur•• C')1mm1 t1t'<'. hu J1•wish lh)I Hlay £1) Ill' h ot! 111•1·111'-d s;11d 110 111• IHIS t'Sf)('<'l1411Y oppi,.. to bt·ut .1.}(>wt'y to II ··II trnnM..r or till' 11rmy'1 ttmou~· A f1•w mtnuh•s lah•r. For('1i.n ~1111 ..-1n lit t.1 R1·1\0, O klrthoma. to !\11111s t•·r &•\1n canw 11110 ll)Tnt·i;·~ 1111· oi:rlt'\lln 1r" d r par tml"n t. ho ll'I room. ~n·111ly u1>S•''-lie-S1i:niru•11nlly just ll<'h•r<' t he vol" \\iUllt'<I to know ''">" t ht' (il'n1 11-d on tins 1)111 last )'l'llr . 'lllonl•• Stalt':o; w11s , proposm.: a policy of nskl'd S1'f'n·t1try of ~'Ticultutt \'il11I Import It\ 1-1 Rr111sh-mand 1tl('tl And('rson fhr a lf>tt('r 1tating tha t rountry wilhout firs t rons11ll 117g n1•1tht'r ht' n or his wl!,t' had apt'<'U· the British 1o:on 'rnml.'nl. B)Tnt'S 111 11-d 11n th1• ('otton mar)u•t. <'Xph11nr·d 1h1' <'lr<'11f11!1t111\L'<'S T h111111is old he' w11ntl"d to bl' abw "It's unfort u nul<'," u b 11 <' r v <' d to u111• th•' lt'lt••r It• d•'ny a 1tatc· Ot·,·in, "thnt }OU h1t\'t' to hav" mrnt about his et•ttnn 1prcU)a tlns your. Coreifen Jl()llt·y run from N t'w publls h<'d In this column. York. By th<' way," h1• ask rd . "d o Andt'rson, how1•wr . r l"plll'd that )OU havl' a ny mort> cl<·ctlons in hr <-ould not lrnlhfully writt' auch l'\1•w Yor k soon!" o lellt'r. Rnd r1'Cusc-d WhfoN'Upon PaJ ... 1111,. Tracf'dy Tho m os hlockcod Andf'rson's M- Ha111y snat• dt'<"isions haV<' bl"1'n purtmPnl fro m getting t ht> El Rmo onl' of thl' l'flUS<'S of 1 he P Blestlne 11 a t Ion. 1ragl'dy. Thi!! Yt'ltr th<' hill c~ up aaaln. Aft<'r m on ths of di~cuulon, 11ftl'r This timf', 8"\atOF Mone wu 1wn intt>rn11tlon11I rom mi.,sions hact pushing lh<' bill Mori" happl'na to ~on<' to P alt>l'tlne to ctud) t h <' b<' not o nly thl" 11l"natc-·1 moet elt- pro hl<'m . and a fter t hr Unltfd N8 • 1wr1 hora1•man , hut alao h u In· lions had h<'ld prolonJ,:c'<I dr bott', trnduet'd A bill rt'<1u1r lng all wn· ih.-i-fil)lll dC'Clsion w 119 rewrsc'<I a tors to rc-1tl~tl"r lht'lr stock and hy Prl'Sldrnt Trwmm in Jess than ct>mm oo1ty m a rkl'I tranHctions on<' hour. Ttw hlll w11s 111ml'd d1rtttly a Sl'ni1tor T h om1111 T nr<'<' days Jx>for<' he r <'' l'rsNi th(' partition nr P all's tlnt'. h •• told So w lU'n lht' nrmy bill ca~ up \'isit ln sennton t hot undl'r for a \'Ot<' th•· oth<'r day, Thomaa c rcums anC<'• w c 1 11 Im'" to hlock it. By d<'C'isit>n bl' <'hangC'd Onr dny lw-!hi~ ltnw ·he m11)' haw 1n ano • fo r<' tht' rl"\'r rsal h<' to ld 11 p ro m -r r rl"aWn ror Aa)tnlo: no 0 11 ill mt•ni J<"w lsh lr adt'r th<'r<' would n •por lf•d to ois1 und1•r 1-:1 Reno'• ,,., no rC'\'<'nlill l'(IMIC.l 11C'rr•s. ;rntl thl' vii cnmp11n l"11 h1wr w11n 1t-d 111 .. slnllon sold to Y.-1 thr nrxt day, S.'l'rl'tory or prh a rr hiddPrs n r rr nsr F orrC'stnl <'1111<.'d Rt th(' In llh' dt'hrtlt'S. hnWt'\'t'r, S<"nntor \\'hil1• .llousr . 11layrrl 1111 In llw Thomas "'"''r nwntimw<I oil. Nor Pn "lll1•n 1's ri;:o. l jlld h im tw was du1 hr nwnlion hLS grill<' ·~ M'ont• 11~1 h11: a tn1H1 10 h1• sw nyt•d b> for h:l\UU: intn>durt'<I 111.,. h ill rc- pt1l 1t i1·s, and 1w1•r n1i.:ht thf' l 'n ltt'cl q11ir ini.: 1111 S1·natnrs I•> ~l'C'~l•l<'r :-.:a t ion~ \~a~ tnl'1 1h;11 t hr l 'nitt'l.1 11 ... 11 ~ioi·k an•I <'11mmndJly dt•nl5. !'tal1'" h1•ld 1111· l."1 wont •lll tlw 11111 h1~ d.11 h1~ 1 .. ·s1 10 d4'ft•t11 thf- [lo1rlit11111 o r .I'·"''"""'' 11111 J"'' 1111' ~111111' • l11·'-11lt · T tw l'lrnn<•1·r i••s nr !hi' ll111\,-\1·r. :-;, Wtlnr T 11fl 11tuck \\orlt1 Ht•• ""ntl1·r1n1.: how m uch '"'h :\!111-. 111• t• I 1h1· lu ll •~•mo 1•11nf1flr·nc,. 1h1 \ 1·:011 p111 in 1\m f'r1-111 ,, t 11l1• II p11i.!><'•I h) 11 l't.•m · "'trl f1Jn •tl!ll pOIW) 111 llw flllllrl• 1\01 t11hl1• llllll"l!ill !"n ll• I I """ S1·1·rr•t11ry For -.'.\t"rr.\ -10-Kouad rf"'<lal'" h;inkini: f11111 whirh float-p.,.,. .. 1, 111 Truman. ~h hl\ll a "d 1 (11: mo m'}' for Amr ri<'11n ml 111·r,on.ol 11!11't'llt1n r1.r-\ !'t>en •t1try l'11mp•mi1-.. In Arnhlit ~1 01r'<h,dl. ~1:1)t•d up m115t of the 1n-ltlf' thf' KKK 111.:ht thtrm..: .th•• llr11:01u· r<•volt Mlntllt'!I nr th«> Ku K ime Klan -"011 m i; l11rj mi'ssa(•~ about Ma r · K lav<'rn No I, AllllntR, April l2 sh111l's s11r.:1v ... G1•n<'rt1I F.uwn · how<'r hat. dt'l'hnf'd ;rn Invitation Klansman Autry, co-owner of l ht> . Aulry-l.oundt'I! fun c r a I homr. from ~Id R1ch11rd110n, f11mro Tt'x~ lounchNI vlgnrius att/IC'k on Dr t>w n1Jmnn. 10 Wr<•k·r nd un '"" ln ltC'r1 PrnrM>n ror 11nnoun rln 1? lhllt th<' .ls lntJd Ill thr Ciulr or Mt'Xl('O. Hich· klan wnultl !turn a <'rO!'s ;11 1\u i:u-i-111 cL"11~ •• llw i.:••ntli·nran \\hn hc.>l1>- t11 All l<lani:~rn• ·wrrf' urgrd 111 '.~ 1-.lliull Ru.1'""011 '41lh i.1- l'H lrh Prar•C1n'" ;;;1ry I 1·xr11> 111rlm 111•l1\t1rk. h111•r ti•l•t "f \\111 It" 1•lad To h11rv 1111' r;il rr... ..r l'h.ir..:". rn11r1 .... ~ .. r th•· ,\111 n · Lrnmtl•·' rutwrnl 11'11ml'," nf- I• ••·ti Alllr) Cr 11111 11r:11.:nn <.n •• 11 lw•m•'·'"•·tl th•· f.1t l t h r11 tor t lw ,,1·11ntl i.11<'· 'Ii'"'''' \\1•1·k tlH'r•• \\1·n · nu ,tp· pfw;1t111n°' r"1 I• 11\'I 111Ill•111 pr lh \\ 111"111111 1 'ldp Ill ... Ill\• fll '\:11 1, l!l'~flll1· th• l~r! lhl\I 111.~\harl Jill-I I 1ltn1 h• ti •• "'' 111IH P •lllJI th II,. ···nu-1.. , 1 .. 11 .. r ·1 " " tn "-1llrt •• trt1•11tli1•r ... lilp ctr 1\ ,. ·• ~·on\ .. 11l 11n• .. I lh• 1·1 11111 d r:1c1111 1 lo· , 11tl h•• r, I 1 ~.ti" tn ;111110Ul1Jltll1! 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TEGU ,L r"er u. Cl..! ••icu 1cq(' l 'E '°"O ~ELiC. 0•'1 v.'(,JJ C,;fY'J'-·· 01w h 5-ifll'<J Ol.O AU:> '4lNl1"•Ti O 11,IZ', ll.LO'flEO '11) \IM· OIE tlNO\Mlt, ~\l,.L.l Wt CAY T By Ham Fiaher By Gui Arriola By 8am Lett ru.1 l:tf•· (tn P• ·•l"-Oft 111 L:• I ll un 111~ S11nrlri) 11111:1•1•"•'' 111• 1.r•H ••'II· ••I It• i;1n· ""' dt 1:it11·d m c;tnw ftllfl :'\1 •1···' lflfl H1ltt \I ·""' H 11. '"' fl1i•J HI . J'' Uh I .. r ,1,,~ r10111i ti f t •'t•• Jt1 d\ \\1tlaltl ln t "'IHHh.: TAHZ:\:\ n ... '"'"' i. Hy t<;dJCar ltict' Burrough• ~· ... rttr•· 1,f '•1rtlut• ti•• 1u ( "h1 tf1.' 1\.tl Shi k, , ... ,, 111111• 111 Baby Born With Gold Tooth Stirs Fi~~,P~~1~ 1~i1~~{~~~~1~s to .. 1~~~.~~~:~~1t ........ .' """t 1·1111· •I 1'1• ,, SI .rr 1· .. 1n 'I~"'"' nl I q, .. 11' \\ I• " h· '·"" 110-I " \l,\:"11. \ • 1·p, "fl••' m'''' r~ ''' I:'" "I' 1111 11.111 Ii 11.11, fl, I\\' ~ti 1td t1/ 1' J,._'n)rl1 n ltMlth ha-., f1t '•·I' 111 1 fr I h :IJtl llt r JU,tft I t I 1h1 ,1,., I" '111111t r) ~ut.1111• 11f ;\!111· '"'' 11 '" tll .•• 1.11hl•I•· •···"r l'11hll11t~· f I•) " 11 1 la11hh1 t'lll )\-.h.ur•·<I Tl11 1•r;in1!1.:aro 01,, •1 '' 111•• I •II· l 'l-1111°1111t ... 1i1 Vthp1n11 i.:111 ~Ill' 1-1"' lo.i1•l•0 •t 111•1pl•• ""'' '"I • hv ;1lt 'tl'll' '• I" 1I•1·1)~ 1111r111HI h"1111 ''1•1d• d 1• I •••I' '41.1p1• d 111 t1:1h\ 11:\t'•ftl t •r the· ~h.11p ..:.•1hl•n l n1 '''I ll••t :u • fl••··••U'-:,f.,,, •• I '""''"r 1••11•d ""'11 111 th•· ••ttl•r 11• 1•111'1!•1'' Th•~) f•.ir t1•\\• 1f ••(_J.,. r Im" r r 11m. 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E l\'V'i< 3~. 1wr •• 1 a1l••1I "111 ••r huffo 111 w·1~ l • ,., :ir-nlrl 1r11r kflr1\'1•r f:tth••r ""fh<'n l••rl•·!l !•1 h:11r ht"'" IN1rn "" " 11 ..,1,,11 H•·lll g<ilt1 .. 11• 11r-hy rnrm. And in ~·rhr11un 11 ' \\ '""'l<~lll •·r f.,11ml :. (111'l11r1 ''' '!1•· R•·a.ortf'r-f 'h,....k llu lr \'1rgln ,.mtl<'d rl1·t1 '" 1 h• t , 01•11( \\ 111 n th• \\11r<I gfll lo Manil11. :1 11f " ftt '<hi) ·~llW•·d t;1m:u 11111 "" f':lrll\1111 ur nl'W~flllfll'rmc•n roJ11•1l 'i 1h1•y 1111)" 0111 11J11n1; 1111• ru11 •·rl flu~t v ro11d• . I 111 thf' h:imllfM) hrnt~,. on Stilt~ ftl'TTF.R 'ttAROAJS MP:LT'" Wh•·rr• F.ll'y, h••r m ulhr·r nnd llllht'r ,I 111-:Al>l;o\(;, 1•11 11·p 1 lltt•i. r l\\'tl .,l'f S nnti lhr1·" ltrnwn fllll;I <nlll fnr :VJ N•nl~ Ii fl<'lllllll Ii• rr 111<· hf·hmtl a •·11rnf1d<I Ion• fly hut t h•• ·~al•··· ",, ,,,. r St n11ra ~f1•nrlr11a h11tl l:I\ >'~ t~ ft1ri• tl1t• ,, ll•:r• IC'•' 1111 1,1 1t,• r m11111 h opr n .ind r \·rn·nn1• ,g•1t 11 :n l"•llnd~ un hlln<I • .,,,11,., m••" <I l•••k 111 lh•• mln•<'lllr111~ lfl(1lh II m T h•• ~rll•·r~ "''r•• !llr•·• 1,, ,~ w:i' t hr ~171' <•f tl11• o th1•r hah~d whrl •lnl•· 111,. hull•·r lr•im 11 1,., .,.1 '"'th hut 11 '4 '1~ 1mm1~111kahl) _11r f1tl'ltir) Thr·y "' t<' l'ltlJl!h l i•·tl 1. n K i<oltl I t rrnJnlffl'cl rrom th•• j.(\Jm II from 111•.r 111 d1wit Ilk•· a m m rn111rr• 1tiltl1•d tnmh<tonr. 'moolh :md i.:h~l •·mni.: HOW TO Lt\·r. 1.0~1. Tn tlt•mn nstr&t.· lhnt "11 rt'nl 1 .S<llA!'T< 1~. 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"'" I I ' ..... - ) .... .., lfSWPOST aALBOA NEW8-TIMF.8 .......... liklO .... llWlll. Cellf. A,.v ~ , .. IN8 ' * *-* Harbor Events * J'roud ,..·Inn,.,.. la Cab lleoet kltA' n)1P« a>nte.l lileld ,.,....1 JXI"", It-rt to rtpt: Roaale N ... Ion. 8~ &otla..U. a. ~fend-.hall. Tod WllHe, ~ Dutton . IUchard Bellard, ..... C'alderbeed, A~ ~ ......... Peter Me.toa, BUI WUhloa. ./JHMOu~. • • • ~ • • The Daily News-Times Annual Summer Circulation Campaign · * The D.ily New .. T1mes •.• the ONLY newspaper offerin9 home-delivered circulation in Orange County'1 second largest home community area ... is launchin9 its annual sum- mer circul.tion CMtfHtgn with a bigger and better drive than ever before. LOOK AT THE PRIZE LIST, FELLOWS: Now the only loc.1 newspaper that can claim PAID CIRCULATION (no throwaways ••• th.f's GUAR.AlifiED reader intere.st) throughout the richer· than-ever Newport Harbor- Co.t. Mew tr.de •re•, ~ NEWS-TIMES is underwriting this 9reater circul~tion cam- peign es .nothef in its services to both r,itaders and advertisers. INCIFASED CIRCULATION OPENS THE DOOR TO e A FINER NEWSPA.PER FOR OUR READERS e GREATER RESULTS THAN EYER BEFORE FOR ADVERTISERS I t ' t The ,conltit Md prizM are open only to carrier boys of the News-Times. So .•• came on you CMrien •.• LET'S GO! 8ET YOUR SUMMER VACATION EQUIPME-T! SWEEPSTAKES PRIZE • • • wl• k11ee-action, automatic stop, tail-light, elecble llorll Md lleadligllt. You get it for 100 Supscriptions! '· r - The Complete List of Sensational Prizes: Roadmaster Deluxe Bicycle .. . • • • • • Arvin Table Model Radio ..... . 40n ct.ispiay at ero.'tl llantwan-, C D .l\I I Snare Baseball Glove . Regulation Fielders' Mitt •• t •••• Jr. Swim fins . . . . . . . . . . . . Flaorest~nt Swim Trunks . . . . • • • • • • Diving Mask Diving Spear ••••••••• 'Replation Outdoor Baseball Regulation Indoor Baseball Admiral Halsey Caps . 100 21 Subs Subs ·13 Subs 11 Subs 9 Su~s 5 Subs 4 Subs 4 Subs 4 Subs 4 Subs 2 Subs Prizes Can Be Seen at .11«1,J. g~ Q°""4 oJ ~uJJIJ Palio <"OROS A DF.L MAJl , . I • J J Long Beach Golf er Wins Bobby Jones Crown at Avalon Baseba.11 Steals National · Stage Today 1\\',\IJ 1:\1, Cr.I . April 19-(UPJ \\ (J 1B1lll M1(fl1n Of Leni: lln" '1 <'al .. today WaH lhe 1948 l ~•tlob\ J1•ll<'S l11nt111ionul Coif r ''" ;,,,1111•111 d111mpmn. If, cl• J!'atrd Halph Wolf, Los . \11:• I••:-, in n nine' holl.' playoff '"'tt rrlay afl<'r both m en b<-Stl'd '11;i, '" 11ls w11h aggrrf!ate cards "' 1:t:J ~Ill 11111 raptured the <'Xlra ses- ~• ·n· :\1-1 tu 39 on th<' par-32 Cirta- • 111 .. Counlr) Cluh nlne.l New Records for Mile Trot, P.ace ARC'AOIA, Cal.. April 19-(UP) nfficials of the Weat~rn Harness Ram1g Assn'., today wrote nt'W n•cords into the Santa Anita Park hooks for both th<' mile trot and pill'<'. l>r. Stanton captured the Po- mnna·Fn ·<'·for-All trot In 2:00 V5 111r onl' nl'w rl'cord Saturday while < 'l11·~11·rtown, with Harry Thomas 1n tlw sulky, won th<' Del Mar I-1 ,., .. for-All trot In 2:01 1/5 for 1 ;:~~on Sea Safety 'J. 0. Munson to J 0 . Munson will l<>ctur(' on "~11frly al S~·a" DI 7:30 p.m . to- nri:ht in the Sl'C'Ond or the Orange ~""' cnllrgl' scric-s on Boat rr.1ndhn1: Th,,. dnsi< will cnn\'l'ne In the I «dmini-:trat1on hulldlng on t bt' col- 1Pt.:" e11mpus 111 thl' forml'r Santa j 1\nn Army Air bns<' just ou111idl' f ·usta Mt•sn. The !lt'rlt's i5 ,free I'" tho• puhliC'. President Will Throw Out.1st One WAS llINCTON, April 19 -(UP l -Pn•s1dr·nt ·r ruman, who has tX'en ca1chini; It from till' ll'fl and thl' right, will do some pitching toda} . With 35.00U upp<'r-case and just-plain fnns )"utching at Grif- fith Stadium. Mr. Truman will throw out the• Cl'r<'monial "first" pitch 111au.:uratin~ the 1948 major ll'ague hasl'ball Sl'11son . The wear hl'rmnn promised "good basl'ball weathqr" for th<' occasion -par t)y cloudy 'and mild . Ther<' will be 1111 tlfe 'trappings -a band. a parade to the center- tleld nagpole, peanuts. soda pop and hot dop . • nlert' also will be a baseball game--betw~ the world champ- ion New York Yankees and the humpty-dumpty Washington 8-la- tors . And proft'ssion.al pltchen--Big Allie Reynolds ot th<' Yankees, a 19-game winner last year, and Early Wynn. who pitched 17 vic- torl<'S for tlit' tH'Vt'nth-place Sena- tors In 1947. Both are right-ha nd- ers. •· •' Mr. Truman is a natural left. hander. Rut he hasn't been called a southpaw sine<> his r<'cent politic- al difflcultie11 with the south. Today t he Pr<'llident will throw right-handed. A civil r ight. his political h<'CklC'r s call it. An Insult to the left wing, according to M>me Hf"nry WallaC<' followers. Rt>publlcans said th<'y don't earl' how Mr. 'l'rumnn throws: They'll be s<>ndlng him to the showers In Nov<'ml>er, anYWJU'. But Mr. Tru- ma n said last WC'<'k tha t hi' will Ix-in thl•rc> for four more y<'ars. Tars Finish Poor 3rd as Saints Beat Fullerton for Track Crown !°lll'wport llnrhor 111,::h'!: track thin dads poured it on 10 tnkl' thf' NATIONAL SPORT IN FOREFRONT AND ARE AMERICAN FANS HAPPY r\I•;\\' YORK, April 19-tUP l -tlw ~1•\1•111h µlac. S.natnn th.\n It Ai:uim•t u 1111rkdrop of intL'l"nal111n·\"11' lor R<'}01llch ''' "'" 19 ~llh rtl tr(lt1hl1•, basl'1111ll muscll'<i into the> penn&nt-oc>J>pins: YankN1 thc• f1Jrdro111 HK.Ito\ 11nd '"""'" At Hoston, th. R•'<i $(,, ••ho J\m .. 1i.•11ni. ,,;lud! · I f11:url' If• l:I\ r •lw Yank('('S tht It was high tmw. 11w~ hopt•d. must trouhll' 111 1N: 1r bid for a to i;:ivf' 11 little nlll'ntinn to th<' I S.'<'omt ~trati::ht J'l•nn11nt, oppi:wd Cinr mnall Rf'<is 111skad of tht>l tht' Athh'tl~ 1n a P atnot"s ~ R<'ds rn Ru~trt. and to ronC<'ntrate m<>rnmi: and afll'rnuon double oncc 11i:a111 upon thf> "itr<'a t Aml'ri-h..i1ci('r And •h1le the A's.. •i th can galT\t'" inst rad of thf> "grNtt 1 old Conni<' ~la<'k_ ™"" 85, are an • gam<' of intl'rnatlonal polities." rt•bu1ld1ni: <'ampa1~. it .-ould ~ As It has been in the past, the UJ*>ltlng to U)' IN kast if tbrJ Major League basl'hall M-ason of-should ~" a R 'eep . f<'rl'd weary citizen11 an cicaJ)(' · 'Iile IVd SOx •1JJ M'nd lut from r <>a liti('S a little too rrlm yc>ar"s aN>. burr-ht'ad Joe Dot.en. and It wa• significant that Prt'SI-an 18 i:ame winner and ~ dt>nt Truman hllllSt.'lf took timt Harry Dorish. •'ho pic:kH up WV· off from otrlclal duties to throw en triumphs. int.o OW' holiday •f· out the flnt ball In Washington. fray. For tht A's it probably Will That the opening day program be P hrl )farcrnldon and Lou ert.- off<'red not too much in the way sic> of expectably <>xc1ting baseball ~larmlldcn •·as a 19 gamt" •'in- didn't matt<'r too much. 1be big n<'r ~,th t ilt> A 's last year and id<'a was that it was time to "tak<' Bris<;if>. :i roo6ue standcut. •·on 23 me out to tht-'Oall game" onC<' with Sa\·annah. Ca . in tht s'ally again and u usual America was lraJ,.'Ut'. Ahout 12~ •;It attttid ready to go without bring led. lht· morning i:ame and J0.000 att In Wa11hirii:ton. the world cham-• XJ>"('ted for the.> alternoon. pion New ~ork YankN'S were out -r.·o ll<'COnd division t<'nnants of to give. the S<-nators an election 1947, both aapiring (o be r~ldents yl'ar trimming. Ix-fore 335,000 and of tlw first di''ision this )~ar. the they figured ro do it without too P1tt11burgh Pirates and I~ On- much., trouble, however , there was c:inn11tl ftlods. l:IW'E'f in tht-National on1• possible compllCAtioef. -lt'agU(' ~ at O ncinnali All during th<' off-S<'a!IOn the Ba."'bal1'1 top pitcht-r ol 19f7. Yankl'f's trit'd to i:et Pitcher Early Ewr ll ~'ell. • Z!-ganw •'in· Wynn from t he S<>nators to bol· nM", wu nominatf'd t>,· O ncinnati ster thl'1r staff. Ttiey will get him to OflPOIC Hal Gregg, onr ol Pitts- all right. probably for ninl' In-burgh's ntJm('T'()US addJ•ions from nings and If the shifty" right Broukl)'n. in a battle of n ght- hand<'r Is In form h<' might shad<' han&d fast balk-n. 1be Sational the Bil! Creck J ndlan , Allie Rey-l<'al:\11', In &-f<'rt"n('\' •<' Cinnnnati's nQ}ds. who dr£>w the inaugura l annual op-nin• dt1,l S<'llout. dr- pltching nsslgnmrnt for N C'\\' York. C'id<'d to honor the Reds with • Wynn won 17 games last year. a SJ>'1<'1al oprrwr •·hktt as llbl)· to more no!Rhlt' achil'\'t'ment •"ith bt-attf'f\Ck>d b)· UJRl·ards ot 32.00. Jn tlw oth.·r o0..oPnM"S ')(I Tues- * Pel Staadi-S day In the l"a11ona1 ll':t!;Ul'. 1he ...._ Champion Brookt~·n O.id1;m tJP- nwn coulc1 pu•k 111' nnly ;i ·pnor croC'ial payoff cv<>ntll th<> 220 and TMMn 1h1nl ai:::un~I two "hot" front nin-the high Jump. San Fr1tnr it1ro \\" IO l:l L Prt . 6 .62:. fl()!;(-d t he' Ciani" at x-· Y•-.nt·1 Polo Grounds. thl Bra,·1"5 Illa> the GB P h1ls 11t Ph1llllf.i, lph1" '"'" Cuh1 rm~ I th!' P irat.s at P1t1c!,..ir1th a nd tlw Rros play thr Can:bnah at St Louur ·ln rlw> Arwncan on ·ru··~Ja.v. tlil· p,;1r<•1:. ·1,e.r's ~·h•> •·• l'hw;11iu and tlM· ~' uJW.t llrn" n• at n('\ ... and Ol'~ th,. UJ>s;t.winning SAnta Tilt Tars fnilNI to IAKI" a l'-in,;;11' ,\na Saint' :111<1 tlw 1<hndow-lo~I' f' 1 •. t L' 1 1 j ~ Los Anj;:d Ni ~not p UCl', uu r rye 11s: l U1!11:-~· ('orl lnnd F11ll•·rtnn lnd11in<.. 111 Friru1y·s fl\'e ft'<'I. l·lc•n•n mdwi. to f1111Fh Snn 1'1f'l:n ,\II S11n<;o•I lt.11'k m1•i'J flul thc>y lit'<'nn1l In the' Wtnl1111t.:' mark of "''<'()nklanrl 1•dt;Ptl 1h11111i.:h to 111kc> thr till<' in fr<>t. t hf'<'<'·fourths inch, .v·t . o~ I • 'tw c .. ,. di\ 1•11111 11~ l'\Jk'('lf'll Iii"" of Sant11 Ann I S11rrnmc J1hl . ' . l11)ll)"\\llO<I s:..n1 a J\n:o p11111'••tl 11 nn In th<'' In tlll' f'k>r div1~inn. th<• lOC'al lScartlP rnw1al 1•\'l•nt' tu ''":ii ltw r1'0\\n thrn<'lall" NIUlrl dn no 1x'llt'r than 9 571 ... • JO II 8 .556 I !l .:i!'>l I Ill 10 .!'><)(I 7 9 4~ 7 to 6 1~ I 'J 3 rrnm ~·1111 .. 111111. 6.'"l ':-f"1_1.:. und.•r ftflh hC'lurul J\nilllo'1m, Downc>y ,I "'unda\·'11 Rhultli • '1nlmi:: •am nt i\nnht•tm. Thi' F\11Jerton <tnd 1 luntinJ:lnn Rf-nrh I · , ., a 1 r.1r. '"'''"Piil'<! '.!5 ', fJtltOI'-llunt-IS1111 rrand"'l'O 7-5. Snn Dui:o ..>-<>I 1111.;ton T\.·111 h l:l • =· ll<m nry, 13. Sncrnmt"ntn 4-3. l..011 Ani::<'ll'SQ.-4. \nnh•·1m 6 nncl Omni::•• 4. Cunnrla has more• than 1•800 Oakland 1-6. Seat1le !l-1 F11:un'<l to \\Ill, f'\Jllf'rtnn <;Uf-brtdRr·"· fl\'('•Si.Xths or thrm lx'ing I P ortland 7-4 ."H ollywood 2-3. frred ii" l'f•lhn<'k whrn Santa Ana 111 tlw Pro,·mce of Queb<-c. -. ESCAPADE WINS LIPTON TROPHY FOR N. H. Y. C. R1•rl0rtl'd by Yncht dub nnrl Hnrry McKinney, I Ch:illcns:lng hoat w 1111 Kett<>n· \"F.l,MA HARHF.R trophy ch111rmnn nf SCY A. hur1:'i1 Eul11lil' or SDYC. only PCC RY<-PuhllC'il\' Dirl'clor Dl'fcndins: lk1Rt . lie! RamS<'r's j in tho. rac<'. Th<' stflrlini:: Sil\'Cr \\'alll'r F:lliot1·s · 1-:~rnpadl', fly-Antii::un from thl' sponsorini: Voy-lrnph)·. StM dini: 2•,, fl'<'t tall and ini: 1tnr-tmrp-l""Tlt"'!'\rwll0rt· ttnrl\Or ni.:-rr'" Yal'lll duh 11nd !!kippered b<-arlng pllltl.'S of 31 ~inners. was Ya<'ht duh. 1s "111111·r of thr Sir hy Oarh} Mr tcalf. took s<'cond prNl'ntrd to San Di<'i:o. Yncht dull Thom:is l.1p1nn P!'rfll't11nl 1ro11hy. plaet'. tinw loc111g 2 houri>. 9 min-, lty Sir Thomas Lipton in 1914 a nd thu.c hold111i.: lh<' rnmmL~ <'llP in th<' llll'i<, :"o ""''nnd" until rapturl'd la111 y<'ar hy thr Ha r hor :m 1 for thr "'•'<'ond i;uc. 1 Ollu ri-111 ordl•r Wl'r••: Anlls;ua h:1d ahH1ys b<'l'n in llOS· Ct'SSI\•' Y•'•ir. Tll"<· hoal \\n'I s kip· 131 Al1:1mar. Don Oouizlas, Jr., session ol th<'_ Snn Diego club. pered h~ J)nn F.dt .. r ltnrl l'IWl'r('d LA n ·. :.? h • w m . 10 s. .t.8!11 nii:h~ It was (lT<'S<'nt~ thP two la p" nf thr M·mlh· C'OllrSI' in • 14 1 Eul:iltr, G<'nrgf' Krtlt'nburi:. wmm·r at !Sf'wJ.l<lrt llilrhor \a~ht 2 hours. ~ minul<'<i nn<I 3tl sl'conds. SPY<". :.! h. 12 m .. o s. cluh 111 C<'r<'mon1rs l'me<'<'d by Dick Thr rnr·1• wns 1111llC'<I \'l'lltl'r!1n}' . . f A I F'C'nlon. commodore of both BYC • . • • 1:; 1 '" 111·n. I-r rrl Loni: nr r-anrl S ('V A off tlw ll11lh,1;1 p1rr . Roh Allnn, rnwlwnfl Yacht ('lllh, 2 h .. 15 m .. ' ·• ' .. · chnlnn11n nr lh<' HY\ r:tt'I' rom-·l~o s. ..SmRll .lrnphirs "<'r<' nl:<;o pr~-, mill<'<' a nrl i<0Tn ·t11rv nf SC'Y J\ in "f'ntr d h) S\YA In J\lr, Elhnll and char.ci• ""sl~irni:: him W<'rr C'lny ., 1G1 M1<•k .. y. _Ash lo'}· now~, CTC. • h1R CT""' m rmlot r": non f-:dl <'r. C11mphdl and llnrn1!1 Holtz of -tr:. 17 m. 3,, s -Stf'\(' JlID'C". llnh S lrt•t•lon, D•<'k jVoyaizr r!!' ~ nrhr l'111h. Commer f~I i\llnrnnlr. ;\d r.urk), LJ\"C', I :O.trK1hh•'!"· Cnrltnn <"arwr ;md dort' :'\ick Or ~!;irk nf l.tdo Isl<' :.! h . :.!~ m . l11 s. n imny 1-.111011 !WORLD R~CORD Jockey lnjured in 9th Race as 17-1 Longshot Pays $36 Balboa Angling Club's Bill Pigg Lands Record 175-Lb. Marlin on 3-Thread Line J\\.I ',\ C",\1 .11-':-;TE. M••'< , ;\pnl \\"illli1m I Billi l'll!C. vicl'·prl'Si· 1 .I ()nn~dd 1.ockr•. llr''"tflr nl of 19 11 ·1° t 1\ppn 111 w•• .l111·k1•) fl, nr 11( tho l\.1llt11:1 ,\ns:lini.:-cluh thr Sourhrrn t 'nlifn~ma Tune rluh GPrnh1 1 1·~1, • n 'Ill Ii 1 •·11 ·1 tir"k' n 11111 h••lif• r 111 11n•• "11rlrl"' rl'<'nrrl nnrl a nwml>t•r 11f lhr Balho.1 Ancl- 1<-ft rnll111 horw~··•l••11l.1) \\lwntl1" 1 .. r m;11!111. "II" 1111lay lh" 11rrnul In t: 1·h1lo "·""'rho \\h••1•l 1.f lh» mounr stumlol• d 111 tlw nint h r;rb • 1.11m:1111 •of 11n11th• 1. 1 '' n motl 18-!Mt \rtl'-C'rnft Jff•1t1r K rlurrni: at th<' ll11podr1111111 •I•'< 1.11·11la1 111!1• l ltr l~1 1tlr Th<' lour )o .ir 11hl I.'• Illini:. Th• tin ,\ui.: lo, Hiii. l'11:i.: hrc•us:ht P1.ci.:. "h11 """ """!: R rorl Thinkl'r 1111d1o d 11·~11••·11 m 1·r thr 111 .1 ~1111-lh r11:h•1111: marlin on \\'l'·ichin.c only thrt•I' ounC'r!', rs th• rail and 1111t1 lh• 111f11•hl t;·thr•·.ul t:w~ll· Thnl "••!i off 11nl.' mnn f'\'(lr to lunrl 11 ~ll'lfl('rl I D<-1•p ~:111d. ,1 I': tu I !11ni:•h111 , .\1··11·111.o, \IPi.wo m;irhn on thr•'<'·thrl'ad linl' I caml' from I il l h<'111111t tn "in th•· l.:t•I \\"1·rl111•,d.1~, <'rtll'lllS.: off fl'ltlUr<'d 1.1111" ll1wk Allnwnnro· l .. 1 l>;u 111111 11•1n~··.1 thn•1•-1hrl'11d wilik a !'tr .. 11'11 fln\1'. 111w \\llh n ltt'•'11l,1ni: ,,.,, .. r 1•it;l11: I J ockr > :-:1 rl J\l, 1'rtl I rl'lrl•· lht pound~. ho• 1;111.A••d a ~1r11H'1i rna1·· 1 winnt'r 111 .1 s1'(-lt 1rl11ni: '11•111ry 111 I 11 111 1•n1• h111ir, .;~1 mln111rs that 1: 12. T.>t•1•p Sanrl pit tel S.'IB f•O. 11pp1•11 I ho· ,,•;d1' "I 17~1 1~111riits , 13.:.!<1, :rn<I ~;\Iii 1, llr11n1•hn ·pn trl • f.4.flO to plllC'•· """ ~:.? .io '" i;howl Factorv Area Burns And thr 1h1nl lwr ~,., Ar nm••. rr'- turnl"d ~'J :.!II Casino Cafe one/ Coc~tail loun9e * Serving Complete LUNCH E·S one/ DINNERS * 1 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. J l'arwt1e ~hd'l.>nald J~ l turl>1 -Ja ne i:v.·ell in WORTHINGTON ' l Refrigeration .. . . -~ ftmOM AIDIOKU ........... Air Conditioning ........... Preemre Pum1J8 Centrifugal Pam.,. Fw.AllP\ .... Ml ....... ~ ..... Call .. ................. 0 3 3 .._~ ... FAMOUS ~ ~· FOR ,-~ FOOD ~ 0 J :SO\\" OPE:S 6:30 TO 8 P ... ~ ~ ,. CLOSED llO~'DA 1· SEA FOOD -STEAKS ~ DINXERS CLAIR G. MARTIN t lM c:>teMll ,..,_. .- ... EMIR'i YOL1JM.E L Res Exel ··Fro1 KO:"t Pftmit'• flatly .... _ rwt68'1 ~ .... ~1 r: c- -"' I ,...._, l 0 .. lf'd 11r .. . tlW' .. . by Ilk .,.rty, ... ,, th Tiw ( a 1JOOr t hnn 30 t h"' <"-'' and 1..-i1. d 11•1nn m• nl ~ • ~la~ LO Thf'tl' wh••th•·r rlf•f .. ti 1 r••fl';rl•'f nr•·;1 ;1 pl;tn~­ .M"1•1k1nc P•· c; C'1lflt rnl, ()ftO In-. mt""'' :lt k :orirr" \\"h1lf' an11-('<1r in th,.11 t1o0k h .. Allfl''lll'>' thf' !)''fl 11»6 "'' Tht> I i:nt 18! l~li llnr™'<I thi>n lr l'llm" nt thl' c,. C'IRh~I' }~ \"O It w:t I( *W and m• wrllh H Wrdn"" temr"'r• ,._ Jll~t> T•d~,. ~,. Lo11ht f11 T ~, W :!t