HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-23 - Newport Balboa News Times• .. tO Death . Ten · Pets Poison IA•c ONLY . DA IL Y IN ORANGE COAST'S LAllCIEST CITY I • • Balboa m ..,.... 11 A.IL. p .&1' • .... ,.." .. .... ,_ &,,..,.. .. .. ._ .... t. .... -!ho- lndwtriaJa. Rall. l'lllil- \'oh•nc· ua :!ti up :lll 5'8.13 up 49 J3 '.11 up .<»l L'\.'lll.000 ahans ........ _ ......... ' fiYe Dogs EMIRACING IALIOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, IALIOA ISLAND, COIONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA 5 Cats Die In AgonJ · Pii"E\\'PORT II~ C'AUFO&XIA ~\', AltUI. High Winds Put Flotilla Hull-Down, Rip Some Sails 0-.Jnandred UMI •'·eatfta -a .. m,.. cralt.-lrom LN Woan'• !1·foot C'Uttf>r C'ulNana all the, way up to the cno,at, blM'k·hut~ IM·foot .cbooiaer oWD4'd by Thoma.a Hamilton, mo\•ed down ~ halbor ..,. t•...._. tM Jetty W. -nala• to form a ,_,... -..-nclnc llDf'· ~ • up off tM Balbo. pier. 1 At 12 noon. th<' hoomin1: voieo• of t h(' star ting bomb sent most or them hull-do11m ror En._"<'nada. B11ja Califol"T\ia. in quest of thl.' nt'Wl·~t I in int<'rnationa l n1cini:: t rophii>i< THE SAND CRAB the GovPrnol'!I· 0Jp!i-spen1;or4'd I JOintly b y Gov. Enrl WalTI'n of l California. and Go\'. Alphonso Garcia GonzalN. of Baja Cali· 1 fornia. :a By SAM Wind l 'p The "PathC'r bur<>au tocln) or- derl"d sma ll craft warnings ho1i<lc><I 111 8 :30 a. m . PDT for 24 hour~ I from Point Concl.'ption to CXran- s1df." for Wf."st to nor1hwe"t winds ============== of :.!O to 28 villc•s per hour. The ltl't'al Tlotllla milled aroun UPHEAVAL! Most drastic orr the starting point In white seas problem facing Southern and several turned back as sails I ~,·a;:~~ll California is transportation. bl<'w our and gear sn11p1X'd lack of parking $1.nd. what to. Race skippers were gorged last do. At the County Coast night at " a special F'i<'!lta tlinnPr association meeting at San i;tagNl b y the NPwpon I lnrbor Clemente the other night Yacht club. and lat<' )PStPrday 8 r. Cam..hhll f th tcrnoon, CUS100\S and immigration Secretary Y""' 0 e l"t'portr. wen.' cll'ar('ff by all hut a I Lon~ Beach C. of C. gave .a few of the crew s. The l"l'maindl'T' graphic picture of lts serious· cleared this morning. ness: He said big cities in the Awaltlng the nearly 500 skip. ·east. which had appropriat· pers and their Cf?Ws is the port of ed buae ~ for · auto Enaenada. Honorab~ E n r l q u c -park.f. etc, Withdrew that Paultn, th@ mayor md or rt c 1 a 1 suppOrt on the grounds that reprf'9ftltativrs of Gov. Gonzalez '1axp&yers should not provide have d~ that city in fntivt> -ce for autos free·, that garb lllumlnatC!'d by colored lights "I""" strul'\i from the e nd of thl' )Jin'tling business conceM\S s h 0 u l d pier to the i;hort>, thrnce along thl' take care of that situation ~horelin<' to the R ivirra del Pacif1· bee au s e auto passengers co botPI where hl'adquartt>rs haw were their customers. But bet>n garlanct1'CI "'llh bunting nml aside from that what or the ii holiday llp1rit rlf'l'\ildcs thr at. thousands of cars in the mosphen•. Southland on the highways PN"§f'ntatlOI) Sunday and streets, many unable to Al 4 p. m . Suncla~ aft r rnocm . tlw * *. Here Is Ship -to -Shore R~rtof Race * * even get into auto parks. ~n1011on rhnm•r will lws:in ·nw + + + two Governor•.' eup-. will h<' IJl"t'· R KY.ST lllT('IU'OC'K :;pnted al i<1x ~ Ma8A Tramportat:Joo. That Four powl'r boa•~ r a r r~ in I! f!\io•\u·Tlm.-.. l'pt'C'lal> • t~ return to mas.c; transpor-mPmlX'r.: of 1hl' rnn• romm 1•t1'<' 1-\QQJ . tlie yar hl Sn,ilar '''I tation S('oeIDS the answer, pre-will f unetJo n a:< 1•:-cort \'C'•i<<'I~ ~K\\'A, th .. M1•rrir ~k•rfl"r II senL-; a ™'"' angle--more Th<'Y lnr ludr Df'an R;mks' l..11 ~r .. 11i :17 p.m . blL<ieS and street cars that rf'na. Phil S.•q.;,.. Sa\'itar. th<'_l.CM· 1 -Tm~ •~ K•·nl lt1l<'hr-oc-k. spc•r1i.I can move great numbers of foot Monsoon. anrl th" •Ii -~ll· nrnrinc· r<orn '-pnntl1·nt for th•• Nrw.1 peopl<' rapidly, a condition rtUJtl•'r • I p1or1 l"<'w~·Tinws n •1><•r1m1: to you I that dOC'S not prevail in these ?\'l'wport 0<-t'an Snihng a--.11('111· on thr· ~111r1 of ttw En~o·nncfa rat"' t ion· .. (11rf (1111pman. whn. t01:l'lh· 11·h1d1 1:01 unclr r\\ ay prornptl) on parts. It was revealed that l'r With ("omnHl(1flrf' Wnllo·r U 'Wl1' 11mt• the average load of an auto I"' lhl• No•\\ll<ll'I ll11rhor Y;whl duh, I'm talkin" In )OU from th•· was 1;1 1 people. that a bus orgnn111•d 11111. "l{r••ntt"·l" of IX'<'lln lwmillful llH foot powi•r yar ht load would displace 30 autos f'H('('S, w ill hr :it lhl' hrlm of h1' Sil\ 1tnr We• hawn't hail 11111t' 1 .... and..a..P-l;. rar 50 autO!'. Th<' 137-Joot t'Ultl'I' Gi.y \\'in•I. nut many for!' t o i:<·I on llw ftlr !'fl tt•ll ~"" recent failure of Los Angeles 1'"l"'r" h<'r<' pu•k 11W ''1" i:wr llum-an> 1h1111:. \\'c hml n l1ttlo· u1w" leaders to pc>rsuadc the l"!Je-phf.~~· llos;iin Ill hit !hi' rmi~h lino• pN·tt•d ''""tl11·r tnc.111~ Tlw 1>11:01• dal ~o;ion of the legislature firs• m 111" "1.: ral'in'" ~11"'1 San· ur" "till i:ouni: m ·c·r 11 ... hn1._ '1'!11 k . h i:in11 f I to pl:lC'(' a {louhle trac mt e H 11 , ... ·mkin "'"ct~ ro~hrto•<I n 1p1:11n in 111m~_nw 1 1:11 .. "o' 1111\• renter of the n<'\\' freeways. t H .111 l gt' hll lrl th I" "ir111 no" "' .l.~ knnt• I h• "•not" hy I u• WNtt wr >llrl'UU o . c• e·am•· .,,.,,.. '" l.o'1 1111 th" 111111· was on<> way of relie\'~g COO· 1~1qwr cr:it 1 1·nt1•n•tl ur1• <'XIK'<'ll'cl 1 1 1 1 g<'Stion. But our narrow to Coot rl11wn thr ('(1;'1,.1 in i:ond uni:... '"1'11 0 nt.o > 1 1" iw• ·'" 1' St lWlS. ~JX'('iaJly in 111<' har· limo•. F.;irl\· fmlo;h r r -. Bl'!' f'X!l''C'IC'd I JllSI ~lirJ't'IL II\ <t!rri·c~ Ullll :o bor· area. only add fu<'I to the I'" En<:l'nn<l 0 11 •nm1•11mo• SHI urrl:I\' m: ... ls• rom "111 h•·• •· I 1 ' '' 1111" flame. aftt•moon • l'<IPl""1 nll <o1o·r .. ~11111• 111 lh1• ho.ot ' + • + 1ori• h,o\1111: 11 111111.;h l 1m" \\'p h1•111d --a fM\ t':i lls 11n tlw 1acho lhat "' ro Tear l "p 1'1'M-k."I. By now Electric Iron the rail lines arc no doubt re-rh!<lf•'ll." ""'""·'!.:'' ;inti llt'\ o r11l 111 th•· hont~ h n\'" h ncl lo 1:11 h1uk l mto lh1• h111 l1<,r gretting the tearing up of Burns Through tracks here and to Santa \\',. ~H"' m:11n~:11l" r1p11•«I. 11,,. l)e,lpl11n1·, I r1·po•111 , th<• I >..Jphm" 1';11nf' l1y us ;ind • •·Jll'lr trcl ~hr hurl Ana. There ts some talk of Table, Sets Fire An rl('('trir· ll'Ofl lf'ft C'onnP<"ll'tl rlflfl' ti hl'r main \\'•• saw SRlii< I:" too long ca11~t'<I a r1ro· nt :.!()5 2R1h ••n s"'"rnl m nrl' hoats. ~ll'C'l'I Y<'~trrrla~ a flf'rnoon. Thi:-was ;1 l>1•a1111ful i1t1:ht , 1h1~ lf<'lf'n Lflrhllll"\·t•r \\hl'I 11\'f'!' :ii !-lllrl W>t<; Ono• or tl11• mo!ll lwn11t1 lhHI nrltlN'~,. WR~ not homf' 01 thr r111 !l•l:hts I hll\'I' C'Vl'r l!l'l'll As I timl' or thl' h il.17.f' Emphl)'I'.!• Clf thl' look out !hi' w indow hl'rf' rcom.1b r· lla)·w11n1 lumbt'r )ard iw..rh) p1ll1t housl' thnl' an• 1911li; as Car i:11;htt'd t hl' flaml'S And rRIJl'd thr 11s I ran ,.,.,. It w11s ahi;olutt'ly im· fir<' rft'"llHm<'nt t'•" n hrt•'"' 11 w·i., dl"'"O\""'"'' 'Tlw no I no.·.....i it. •"n n 1 > tf r,. tn cutt ........ 19th ,,,........ '"•hr •'oN'Jln c.ta Mesa Man Given 61 .Days for Drunk Drivinl "'""""' 1 •.n "' C ·,.,.....,., n'tt .. r.nry fut l hl' muon, 11tuh'Strd tu 3'tll)'1it" l'li.rk l•lflcM .... _. ......... . ........ I 'a1it t.h I )11hlln, d<>IN't lvf' in .-... ara.:r uf ttw poller df't•1I. nld f1i,:lollntt ,_...n •''"· hr trlrd to r •t1run wUh the-cm wd, ck'K't'UW'd J... D. J . Dtlitp, NewpJrt by ~ 'IWt&tt M "an 0¥'"1'1y vrn ........... _.....a• .. l,..,-~.,~=== ---... ,, ..., N~ t~· tor • ~ of. O.hlln anno111r1C1!CI ~ • Local Fishennan Loses $65,000 Suit Against Three A judawwnt ukfd by J ...... Vin FlMt, NtiWJIOl'l 8eeClb fw.~ man. fw paynwnt of 1111.000 r.._ th'" dlfe'ftClanta;-Vu Camp ... t-ol dNnk ltm inc j < i.~ pubUt• ......_ 1yttw.. tMt ,..... 0.,.. PaMtt. .... .._., r.I Mum}. wt.n livf"tl on W \°It'-"th-· Mt)' t. noit 1oinr.: lo •t•nd for by 1Uprrinr rourt ~ ~ I ,..,,. in 'rnur r-r• M....., .,., ,.,... mot" •JI thlia mnt• 1e1thl'rln1 ." fo: 1lioms-i and Van .,..,t hell ' I,,,_. Sl50 lUarrn 2'i '"' 1lrur]k on.I ... 1111 _thr f,.,.,,.. " •• '11•1 11ut1>1t llN'n ordf'rrct 10 1111y CYMJrl c:oaau _. dn'tne uwt hi" "V 'IJ tor .. 11 .... n..,.: 11• IJOtk• "11n) mor .. i:.uff'' '"' thrC"f' lif'ft•nc1A11l1 ".._"" ~ ''"'~ •Lf) • :ti l'lL.r l I'"""•'. .... ,. .. lnatr014'tf"t tu "ttrt Van ,.leel h111t ln1ttlutf'tt UW' IUlt tinw-... 1i:1o·· itntf • nfun.,.. ttw 1 .. w whlr h In an 111J,.1:11llon In Which hf' clalm· """""'• .. I Apnl It: '"' '· "l••I' f•t ul•1l•1h "'"'" 1urk .. rlrl.' lltthll'l rd h" WllA rt.'fraudl'<t of hi• rlpta l~·'lrll "' -n..· ArMt•"' Muri II\ w 1•I 1 .. 1,., "''"r fl•' nwl•" \\11• 11n11<·1 It -1111ri• 11tr•'f'rt1t'nt made • •• rMn;•d •11h <fnink •lrl\1n1:l l•:.l"·ft that .. ,, .. .., '"'""' ""· 1111• ... 1110 V11n l'11m1>'•. L111df' 11nd 0oy. anti lfrnmi: •111~ bJ' h.-rn ..... "'"" 1• lh• ·"' in full d1111·1:" V1111 01111 111 M11n·h. UM4 ~·r~ '• • t .. "' u•·lc .. ko1ll-·I th• v • 11,,. Ar"•urtl1n11 111 \'1e11 fo'l,...t, hr wu 11;. '"'" "'nf•'nt'•~t '" ,,, m• .. nTh• ••nk""" o '"k f .. 1 11. no 1n1otl•·r """" "11111•"'"'' tu 11•1•l'l\'1• lwo 111d OfM'o' •1th , ... ,, fTVlflO!t-""•· "'""' .... 01 ·•I• lrnlr "' th .. flf'tM;'f'rfb from " ri.h-. ''°'''''"" 1o: ,,. • .., '11•• •Ill\• ·• • "r I • ,111110 ""'' tt.. 11 .. 11111" ""ulol llJi.: l•.•111 Julnll)' 111•·r 11lrd h)' all l•ot '"" '''•'"' ,,..,. •• ••·· \• IHd•• 1 t •• " "'"l•I• •I ti pt k• h °'" r .. 111 11f llu• 1wl1wlto11 I• In Arirtl, 1 ..... 1 '"" r•-1.•«• hi' i.,. •. ,,.... '"' • •I • 1 h.ul "'" "' o1 .. 1111" t11 111 11ti4, \'n11 Fh·'f'f ·1111M1•rl1'fl thttl ttwt .....,.. ~· J•t '"!.th•· ".,, .. ..,_., •""" .. t•"" •a•• • '"cr•-..·rn•'nf .. tu.cl "''' IH"f•n llvt•tl up I •·I~·· '""' ,,, .. o .... t 1 .. ,,ohf 111••\ AV .. 1·1111·•1 '" 111111 1111ko•(f $1\"1,t1(N1 In J•ll'll(t'mrnt. 0 .. 1 • !lo• 1 ""'' '"' 111• •I 11 •""'I"" t. .1111111•· ·n 1m111•11n r ,.111•1·01 111 •nh· ~77 Q')O (o t f 11~·•1 !'-• r 1k• • • 1•••11 ,. ~ '"'· r 111 ho I ~•11111 1111 •· \'1111 fo"l,.rt'~ 11t1,.1otlltk:ln ~ ~);J n rat M .... r 1.. 11 .• 11 "'"' 1 •• k•" 1111• •I·.,, 111111 ... tl<•rt'(I I he· tlr•f1>ml11nt..a rl'im· • 'f:\\ l'ORT 11,\J;ROR \'.\CRT C'Ll'B • ..,. .-rP Iha" • "'-• ....... f .at to'Reoovate fl, • 11M•I '"'"" lh•• "1111111 11111111· 1.,1ra .. 1I l1u llwlr lrlnl r11prn••·~. on Thur"'I"~· Th•· •·Ulrt .. nt "'Pit• rtm1tnflf,... had arl'll•r;rtl '"' ..,, .IC lorw ""' .-.1ir111<IHf 111 th•· .1•1111lro•l• I ---- - ml1ratl11n nntl ,.1f•l•1111" l'IP•~ •1111 11 ... .,.,.,,,.,.,.,.11 .. ., "' ,..,.._ C"' {' I'-1"-"-" lhwtl' J La A I ,.m.,,..nl t1•·1,.ut1tlf'l~h. Thi" h llw fin.I llmt' tltat , ..... ,..,... ..... .......... () ~~e '-Aimpus \\It•" •lo• oirt11 •n 111•·ml1••1 • r o ffHUe st ppea 11rr11111:•-.t cllro .. ·tl.\ ''""' lhl• port. Thf' 117-ho•I 11 ..... 1 drtruo•t11rd, Ira• I••" •I I· "'"' 11 l••I" 1• • .. 1111111.1111 I F~ F d D ··~ an•••• f ur u\t•'r lfW"t \Al·ht"nw.n 8"4f11wfr ........... •fMI h "u,-b \ hiuu-r t~ 1 .,or.t .. e•' '''' •llin;· 't;-;" "'-"'t'• '4• '' to tfltt••' J 1.1~ ltrt tr. f,.t 1 • lf11• 1~..tl.!:} or un rl T~""' fUrd h~ th1· a:.u-.•·rn"• ·•·nt ufflr la/•1; .._..., u:• at '"'' tt "'•"" • '''"'... .1•• · ••t t•\. •tu •" '"•"'• ·f • •• • ._ t ,,, , h• ,,, ,,,, ,,, .. ,r f _ Joh oen·,.,.,,.,1111.' 1,,.1,.,, .. 1 In '"41\'al'N'•' lh•I ,..,,... ,,..., ,. """""'"" ,.f 1 o • "' 1. ,1,t t ,,,, ..... 1 ,. •I " 1, ,101111 1,.,, ""'' llw ha ll "'''"' '1'11111 \\' ll1·n1f1•111.,n d111i11111<11 o f ••o utu,iun. !'ho\\tt at"''*" 1, thr Roarcl ''' .;,.,,.,.,, ... ,, tl•"'''" .,., '11\f ,. .,, ,., ... •'•·' 1,f , 1uH,f .. , •• ( 1,.1,,1 "'l'h , •• .,1.-:•tt' uwlu•ht1tie tt,, 11••··11 H••d c·ro•" fun1I rut11ln1 "h••rr ""''"'"' e•l"11r1t111•· ,,...,.,,1tr••l...cl. liri., .. : thr '"""!:" "' 'lf\f 1 f•, •I • , ,.,1,., " •I• .,,,..,,1 ,,11 i.olh1t1tl ,.,1..., 1t01.kt1, '""'" 1111.t ll101 v A11ht1111, 111·1in1 \\ht~r•• th1• ut:t1•· uf •·r•·u nwmbr"' and ot'n, .. ,.... ,-... ... ...., d .,,.,,.,:rat ... .., , .. , \r 1 • \ r J.,. 1,1 11 •r 1 l1 ut r11.1n f•Mlu) •1,,_,, ti A Jio nl 1,p-1 I ft , f 't t rtk• I f tf•tU 1lftfl uft11 r .... ,,I·~ 1 ~1•' "" ,,. • \•, • •' tht u\.\lfH ' 111111 I" •ti f,,, •~•l'f•l"'rtttl•1fl tn wltull.,. , .. ' ~ • ' r I ·I ..... t• I• ·•I 111~·1 • ,, •t •1:•" • ' "' t• " ..... •t• , f t I • '' ,, ~ , ~r .. , f f·~rt1• p ., • t ., ltht-> •' tt . f • ' ' t It t "' , • f it • • r • • ~ • • I • .,f .... '" ,,,, •• , ,,,, '"' ...... "' • ' ti ,,,,,, ,. •' . ''" , .u • ••. , ' · ••• ', ••• •t ' t\I\ tt•f•tl flt II f ,, .: '"' ....... ,,., I ·1 11 II • f • t "u t •u •In," ,, . , "''•"' , r ' -"' ·~·· 1· .1t1• t fj J .. '•' ,• ''• I •,.,., Jt11 1f tf •••n ;,f •f ' 1 \r-'A '" '·H tf• ti ''"' • •·H 111• r fl,. "1or11p•11rn "lolrh 1111~ hol(• t·uu•rt ••l fJ•IUfl\ pt uf•"''""' lhut •:•fl <lo\\h I" rt"C•nt "'1tt•ka 'f • "'" "'''"" ltutr tl;'ftt . tH • •r11t,l1u i· ut tf••ir .,"" hhll 'H Uu '11 ••:•n1tl •''•hi u( ~1 ~.:'l3~ J' •'•'•" ._ ud ,,, ""'' ,. ,f it .. '1•"'•' ,.,,,,,, .. \~r11utf'I\ $1 "-'"' r••1uuiu~ to • 1. 1 ""'cl. llo•1,.lo·r~1111 M11ltt I le• "nd 't t tr• tUU••rt hull 'ftl•tl\f.rel \\I • fl h t ... ,., th, ft •',. IHttHI• •••• ~,. .. 1,11n•:' '"' f'fl'"'"'"'''' ttt Htl'I\ hi•· lto1tdnc •It•" • lcmr• tlrl~ ""' plo•11 1111 lwlJ• in 1:11ln1 t "' ,., th1• lop "•lit lfw J1>1•r1I 1111nta. Mayor D. K. Blue ('onfined to Home In l>octor' s Care A •lhn•l1111I 1-·1r•I Air """·~·· will •11111 M11n•lto\, Ape II :.!Ii 111 ll11lt)oa • l•l.11111 1-tn· atro1 1 .. 11, M11r11w ave. 11111 111'"" rlln.: I•• Hnlph ll ltnnclell, • l111111111o11 "' I· 11 ~' A Id l11r ~ ( ''"'" '1 "' '·· f 1'111111• i1 1 .. 11ltl1lh" In \1111•1f'l 1 K llhw ... l•"""''flu.,. I 'la•" 11 \\Ill IM• twill IWIO'o· Wt'i!k• ly, """' 7 :111 tu !I :10 1• m . 111111 all tnl• r•·•l"d 111 111kina.: flu· w .. rk 11re oll\ll• ,, ,,.f '"'•t1•• ,,,. •••· ,.,:J•i·· s. •. ,,, h1•1e1t th•• i--1ty "''\'•1rn1hK •• ·•·• '· • _,.,, •·I ~l.• ,-.,, 1 .. 1 n 1,.,h ••r :"•-f"TI l\••flf'lo h:1' lal11·n f~;, •• , • • \.\ ·•• •\A. .. r•t• •I 1 q'''' "' t tit l•rt'I ., 1•1.nf1n.-..1t f•• h~' h••ntr n l l" •~~t1tl1n1• "'''I'"' \II, Sr1n Ill n 111r<lm11 1ov1·111t" N1~ ('J\T('tf Kl'Y.Y.OF.R .1.-1 • •'•" r '''' • • "'' •·I ~ ••0 1-•rl ll"la.thh "Ith "'' vi•ltrn• 111 l.1·•· l'eh1r11n f'nw k 1'1·w1•1rl, WU putting the rt"d cars on to Newport. instead o f t he smclly.-gascous b~. Harry Welch recalled that some vea rs ago the late J. P. Greeley presented an idea for elevated lines out of Los Angeles to all suburban 1'<'C· tions. but nothing came of it. What will happen in five or 10 years from now? Will the freeways now building be out-dated? WilJ the olct interurbans come back? Can we get rapid transit in and out of the cities? 11\e queos:-- tion is here today and it 's full "" ('lO!\lllhle• to 111" thro n11mlw r or honl" Thi' iron h11d hurn!'d throui:h that wrnt ov<'r tlw linr. truly 11 lhP ll\'mi; room tabll' to t hl' noor nrt1st haw1 ht'l.'n on" hundrP<I •1r • anti ignit!'rl the n oor anti wa n morl' th:in l2fl 1h111 inh'n'1"t1 !lllH'I · CHE~CK l"IS'I" OF PROSPEt:'flVE,l .. •' ,. •• ,.,,, iJ"'•'••t rt1-1· .,...,," •1n 11,~·--t Ltt•1l h• AJlp••nr u1 1•1t y t•ourt nnt ,,,, '"'"" ••• "' ' f· • 'fffjfn• ,.,.,.,, T'"' ·"'''"'"'"ll h•· WI•" l'T't•:l1 .. ot \\'• •lnl'~dtty r11r lllJO''l'tlfn1i l'olkl! .... • "· • • r • r • " I 11•H• "" t th 11 1,. ll•·r 11111 "'"411<1 n•1I I•• at.I•· 111 1w1r1' d111 r1w fu• wn,, ololnit 50 In ! • • •o· • ,,... I t. t • •'1\ 1111 """' ,,.. 1-11 (1,r a wr••k 11r 1111111,, II•· •h•· :t!l mrl" '""'' 111 !Ith nml Cen· of headaches. • •••• BistJtf"!"t E\'f'r. They were tcllin~ about the spectarular growth of a Sta mp. cl.uh a t San Clemente the other night when &><-retary \V<'lch stepped up and topped that- \\ith the stntcment that the yacht event t.o Enscnada. over 111"' ·entnf.>!i. was lht> largest nwnber of boats eve r entert'd in a race an}~·here in the USA. Ev. Moms. in IContlnlK'd on hce 4l .. Oamngc wai; limll'd to thl' one m1: torl;tr Snm<'·nr th" late 11tar1 . wall of the 3-room h!IU~<' 111 " 1 • ..... t•I• n1f,. 1 I '' un•ll•r tt rfot'lor'\ rnr" I t r nl >''"•l••nl11y 11rtPrnoun . * Weather & Tides * fi~~c1~~;,11 ·[~~!1~~2'.:~:~~~r":.~~ CUST0~1EKS OF 'BABY -~ARKlT ~TELLS STE£u:RS TO HONOR •NO STRIKE' PROMISE Loll Anp~ and \1dnlty: Scat-lall' 1111 rr :ir l' morC' honl11 j11~t 1.t 1:-; A:"t .1.1.1 !'.. \t·' ot a-e lil ' • ,, '"'•I \1'1' 1'1;" .. r < ";• • , ''" I tf'red cJoudllll'"• nntl locally winll) romin1t up \\I,. will !ltanll hy hf'rt· Jnv1,t 11::1tHr • '"'' • hr<'k ••t1 1.n 1irn1u11r; 1 ..... ,1 . 1 , t-H' r-H• 1{1 ,11 A111ol :'l et 1•1 w,..1ini.:h""'"' ~.f,.,trk 1•11 11 nn "w>ry Nnlutf1ry," 1)11t union lf'ad«on today. Moi;tly cll'ar to nli;ht ancl (or an'lthr r f1fll't"n ur lwrnty mm-n:.111,., 11.111111 ., , ,.,,11•1.w•ok 111 1 lo.orl'•, ... 1 .. J.,111• • • • ·1 .. ~ • • • ' 1 I•• '"'"''" "'· 1'1111111 M w r n) 11 .. 110.-.11 1"'"'' 11"111•·•1Hn• """ w1t1•0 11011 ~"'"'' ~n111llo·r m11no 1fnc t1iren Satun1ny. Shi;:htly w11rTI'lf'r 11flrr· ulf·s for th1• •·n l1rm11us numl1<•r "111..t1 •Ii• \! , ,. :ophn ":" 1,,.1 ,11 , t • lfo• •l• ,,f I 1• •I•' I"''"'"~ n1ns:" ••I .. , .... ., .,.,., '"''"'"' •~ wlo1t l1 ""rt' ~,..1>1iwl111,. of h•1Rls to dr-ar 11 ... 11 •• , •·ti '" "''', 11 1 t 1r~IJ''<'l11 , \I•, orit1• > ••, r ,. •• '•;I •. tt ·" 1•·1••1 ••1• lc ''• "111 ,,,,, 1nd11,rr 1.ol • o"'''"'' 1 • \\ • ~t111i:h111J"'' •1th! r1·ductlona Tl:MPt:llAT1 'RF.~ .111~1,. httl•· -.tl\lorwl' n ·port l•·ri1·11,,.,,11,,,,. l•i rnit rk• 1"Ill 1~ po ••,. •t • • • • 1 •••• • !'""''' ,.,,, 1 .. ••11~• .• 1 ... ,o :tt.[.tw111 ·'"'"'"II' \\•t•· n11t1l1 1•181>rl1lo· "thru111th In· \'f"'ltf'rd.a)' TCMlay )lllt v,·,, llr• u n:oltl .. tn 11•11 wh••i ""lol•· -,.,,,.,.. 1 ,,.. 11 r• ., • 1•• ... , ···• \'" • •ll•rt ··~'"''' 111• ll· f lt• """" '''"" :\}o•r I' '\ 1·ro 11i.11I 111111rno·y nmt-lm11"0Ye- Hii::h f\!) L.ow 51) 1!; In ''" lr111I t.011 If I h1~ "1nrl ht1lol' 'I Ii• I ••• , 0 • I '·~· rrnm•' 1n q,1 , ..... I·." ..... , ..... I , • • •••• , I ',\ • , •• "' • •~ .. or-I •• rtlt "''"I ,,,, ,. ti• l1\1•n •I .;,,. ,,, 11.. "" .... ill nt•11111f.wto11 In~ nwthoda." Tide• •re pl1eed ,,, ordtr of o<-c.u ... enct ,.,,~)' nr•· L:4Un~ ft1 n1ak1• ff'rTlf1t Hn<t ,.,,,.,I ....... ,' \' ,,, I I n.-.1 1.tu1n~ n.~~·"' ., • I I J n1•,, .,. t ""' ......... ,, \ "''" •·•V•'t ,, 1,1,, .. , ... th• tttt.::tt t .,,. ,,, "f1u• flrf'n r•·tl1u·•1d 11r iC""f'"I ""aver- Llghl 11gurH • ,., . dare.-f lgur.a p. m • , , •I• • ,. .. .. tt I t .._. t I I •r·1 r r r 23 9':64 -a.;~ ·~ ~:41 tlmt 11 .. n I kn••" f''ICR<'t l)' wh11 I """'"I••\ "' '. • .. ,,,. jol"I :'-11• I 1 .. ,.1 I ,.. .. .. ''"°' .. :-,, ... 1\1111( • .,, ... I,.. \\fir ... r .. q ... r IOll" I• l\'t' ll"' C'l'llf In c•lrctrlcal 4 4 0 9 6.0 061'1m t> thr y "i!rfmi<ih hu Tl "l ~ ll nlC: fr.111" " 'I--.,• Ht .. f'wt 1i .. u~.-LOJ tl ••>J.••~J I. I~ \J •' ·' • ··~ V' '"' " """"' """a•• •II•'' }'•I• 1t1u\ tJV•l•lll 11 I"''"'~ h) r•111111nwn1 \\ 1111 II o•ontrol" 11nd "S· ~·5:! 3 4:; t :io S :l t lw murh 1·1trlwr ll111n th")' Hn· All•ir n••\ l{.tl1•t \• ntl•·r 1•111•1 l'h•r v.n --.M·f ·•· ,., , .... ·"·1 · ·n.~1· n -,T "'' lff'lf<1 """"""~~l"i l'Fo1'1''"'~•n" ltl)'H"41 '•' 11~1u Um rfl!ltr1butlon of powwr. 4 0 -1 0 5.9 12 11r1paleri h"ra11~1' n11n1• l'•rlr11nl) T hr•1 .. ,,,t ,,o ,tu l""""h1•h "•ll•l"' \l•l't • ,,,.,··I' • "''"o ·.~·'l••''""'1<1.-• 11l••h,, "''''I Ill''"'"''" Ttw rrlJiij'mriy--itir;;a-nffiCted So :l!i 10·42 4:30 t :IU 1:41 I ant1r11mt1-d th1~ hlll" 1tll1•11,.dh ~ ... 11·ht 1,,,1 · • fr11m Mt • •Ir• Int• rn """ .. 0 'I 11• 1 •. t ''• \f,,,n ... tul• 11.. •I"'"""' en ·11,.. 111111 .. 11r•1 .. "' 11 IJ S S lrf'J'tc tl•·m' rot drrult hrr11krr1. romp&.~ 7 1 7 n I ' l 1-1 lJru101;41 t • ', .. I n , •• ,,,.. ,,, '1•l•lr)' )' .. n. d ""''" t . s StH-l In ,,,. .. I' • "' ""ll '''"" ... 1lh ffilll"'' •>vln· outdo .. r 11uh11tallon11 mr t•I d.t 11 ~ i -:i-:. 10;) "•:it ! ho!~:n 11t1~15Y;:;:'.:,::t;~~it~ ,~;"17~:·~ ~~1:J1 " Cha1,1111 =.1 ,. .. 1 hPr couiin 1 11~"..i ,,. 1 ° • 1~1;,, 1r. t,, • '"''"'"'If ' ,,,,,.,. ''"'t11n1o: tnt1'•'TTlf "' '1• '"'"'I'''" A m rmt...r ••f f•r .. •lri••nt Tn1· ~wltl'hl(Pllr of 1111.typ;., fef'der volt· ~ 26 3.1 ---0.6 5.3 2.1 tConllnu'ed on Pagt' 4) Mn lrfohl'I 111 111 k•1 -.1 wert' r<'· m'""'' r .ll• ".,rwi. r •.11'1 mt111r¥~ m:in" nh1nr1 hiu lrd ,.,.. •l'llon "" a.:•· ri;&ulator11. 11"11cht'11, noon:\ ~ 24 ~ ... -.......__ .. Pace 2 NSWPOaT •&L•OA JfSWB-TI••• ....a&I', !f pwt ..... ~-..... ta. IMI Superior Jqe Has Quite A Day, With New Baby IU a SuJX'nor <'oun ~ a mul'h-in~m11nd tr-a.krr 1n thl' 11\lddlf' or Ii rnmp:c11i.:n 11nd I• lft~ 11 nr w f11l}wr Judr<" ~" r1~t;..,.d. n<•r h11t1 111 .. hu,11-c1 d:,, ,1111 ;.-• 11n 1ru.111ht in "h '' l t ll'l' n .. 11ro\ ,.,.,,.,.1 n•~11rTT1•-d ~p1·tnnrn" 1111h th. h"''' rnu~t '1;i1• h'>d l "p hrich1 11n<l ' 11 h ,1 ,, d i:. r..ordnrr 11111. If :1 • '=t J ,..1" JhlSp11t•I 111 11r-.ni.:•· 11 t• lllT'n }1r• C. .. rdn• r .. nd 1h,.1r "'" d .. ·~•1•N P .1tr11'in IO lhrlr l1.illt..•' J<.1 .. nd \\·in Rogers Jr. l"rges Resignation Of Jas. Roosevtlt h11ml' 111· <>JX'nrd roou-1 at JO .11 m. 1, .::-\ ,,;t l.f _..; .\;...-11 .:·~ 1 I' 1 t hl' nistornar) llm• J•nt1 lin1,•1•"1 J ,..,.~ l!I·-~ ' ,. 1• •II>• .1 • onr n\.V tit'fn r" h,. "• 111 h4f"O. • .• '1 ••' • r•. r \• l ,~ ,1 1 1 r , I" Nl'\llJOrl A. 11rh. to '" • •J1 .... 1 • •• T 1·.. 1 "•A> .. 01~ n •I> • .: 1 t• J1ul!; honor Rt II d111mlw 1 l•f ('fl?11Jn .-rvt no• ! ~ .. ti-•1n t ,,.dl'I •., •UJ l••f' lunchron I~• l"nlln.ut fur r~nom1n 1- Dy 2 rm . 11" flN't'1d•-d "' a na· taon turalization cl:i!tJ. i:-wini: nhUTt--,.,.. :and "•ry t1•h• r rrwmt ... r ship to HI mrn 11nd "'•>mFTI A• ul ,~ ..i,,,. -\\'lD RL.rn J r . §.11d 4:30. h<' "'"1' In F ull<T1m as )Ktrrda; -,. ~ 10 ~llPl••rt ll{W"Bker ftt a ynurh C'OflffTt'nC't' 8) ttw l'Tftadret Anybfw!'\ •tin ci.-11 6':30. he was b11<"k in Santa Ana no~ .,...., fl) l"• op 10 ·1ha1 p!Pdl!P u a baftfjUl't Sfl('akn l roudl• ro r~ - Arriving h<>l'Tlf' jwn in tll'Dt" to• Hr~~-~ ftW'Tn;r f"1.ru.:n"rn1n help qull'I lhf-nUsf'lrlnic. ht-col-~ ,,. ~..btT ot rti.-t l:tr1 laJ*'d lnlo l>t'd, d<lft t1n>d PJ1AW".-if t ~ a l a ,.,,.."'t'flt Hughe~ Company Indicted fol-Fraud --~ Walls Give Woy as Floo 1 Waters ~each Hangar I Arm• T•l.plaoceJ "'Ille -t wall ol the 11a1ia11 Otl'lled by the etncuinau Alrcran e.rno., Lnc .. collu~cd at Lunken Air· pon u flood wAtf'n l>f'a•n dropploa. The 1<111 ma1 reach110,000. 8bon circuit.a swi··rt the fire !prtnklera •11•tlln:· 1111rt 1<nr11ln1• ll4'11A rlnv!ne lnAI!",. lhe ha nv·or I U. S. Grand Jury ! Sees Conspiracy COSTS OF BUILDING IN SUGBT DROP BUT WAGES KEEP PKI<D UP I S I B S,\( ·n,n11-::-.:n '· April :?3 n urp US uys 1t 'P 1 C'ul>I• uf sonw IJu1ldm1t ma· ·11nNOU 'Ll '. April 23 1UP1 tc~1al" nrc druppmi:. hur thcr1• 1sn'1 'l'h 11 I .,. l I. r (' I I ):Oln_I! to lw a n\' s1~111fwant drop ,. II): \CS 011 ~ (J 0 u v1•r h I . r Some tare~ buildi!ra. u.e dh'isX>n said.. an drt8yiac eum- 1M tlon of tbe boaw unW it 1s ~old, 1<> lhat the prcbaer baa ... om~ r hoi<'t' ol firuab. color ot <l<'C'm°ations and. the lily.-. C'1 1 \. ( ',ol . nnd twu uf 11-. officials 1!1_L.!' Iola 1u·in• 0 nc•w h~ml'~ ""II' unrll·r Fc·clt-rnl Grnnd Jun· for sonw trm•'. •h•• st1111' cll\·1s1 .. n i11cl1r1nwnti. 1 .. d.11 "" hv1• ('()Uni~ uf rNil 1'S1!it<' said today. ul l'l.mio.p1rin1: 111 °d1 trautl llli· l:•I\'• Th.-1roul1h• 1s thnt hthor "-•SI:-ea.tried 1·rnm1 n• in lht• fiurdrn~c· nf ~ur.1 amount to up tu Ro p1·r rl'nt uf I lone. 1u11s aircraft llw total (lrll'1' of ,... n<'W hum<'. i=============:i i\ltu~l'llicc six ix.•rso!Ui were in· th1• d1vi~1on ~1tid. And, thr ('OSI 11 rll1·11•d . mdudmi: 11 t11r11wr orftl'Htl of lahor is i:mng up rathc·r than of thr \\':1r ASSNS Administration. down 1 ... ___ For You ---.111 1t Los Angrles alturm•y. ·and two R<>al 1'8\81<' leaders. th<' di\'ision Honolulu bus inessm en. I s;11d. PQlnt QUI "that the small How1trd Hught•s was not tfi. drop In the cost of c<>rtain t~ dlctro nor was 1he Hughe54air-of building m a icrials Is rather In- craft Co . which 11 unincorpora tt'<l. sit:nHicant in comparison to Uw Howt>\'C'r, the mdictml'nt n11ml'<i total k>b COit. LUMBER M A"T"E-if I A L $300,000 Lo~s in Big S. F. Fire . I "1he I lughes T ool company. a Uel· 1 About the only hop«' for cheaper awnr(' corporation doing business h0mes, lhl' rlivision sa1d._i1 In ~ us thr llu1:hes Aircrllft company." ••xtcnsion of projrc ts using com- I The 1ndktmcnt names Stanley I pll'te s!andi1rdizatlon of materlllls ----------V Sabihon. of Honolulu, a forme r and t'l:1u1pnwnt going Into building improw your home l lQlbin"ets. roofing. fil!Dd-.11 additions., ~ utilit bldgs.. paint. On peymi!!llbU hon Wa!J not indict«!. howevc>r. "T his mar accomphsh to "!I d<'· . loagte~ ..... Hf' rorgo1 11hou1 tllf' 'J am fttd-Jar ..... lb> ~' ti;:nort'd 1h .. lnir:. but P11trki11 didn't ~' 4JW1 t., tmptn·at1on f,., ' AAF pilo t as co-conspirato r. Sabi-1 of small home'-~-• FC'dl•rul Judge OC'lbcrt E. Ml'lz· grcc," thr division said . "what the gcr issuc'<i l)('nc h warrants agains t I i;p<msors of 'pr<>fahrirel<>d ' homt"S persons lndjrted and a summons desire to bring about and still against thr company. Bond of (X'rm11 11 df'J:T('(' or lnq1viduality in SS.000 was set Cor each persoJ\l plans. A substantial savings is poa-1 c ha rg_cd. May 7 was S<'I as the date sihle as not only m~.tl'rial but labor C. ff. CULLY Y<'S. hr 11tubl'M-d hJS tcw fumbl· or*'CI ';.ir ,..,.lQn n r 1 ... nh .. w1·r Ing around In th<-dark , ~ .. .-,ndid,;a,.,. ui t1t111:-:1111•1 • llEUABLr. PliicnlrT -r11--... ·---=111·11 .a.a ... R'-MIOX ABU.: FRANK MESA RED CROSS BRANCH TO M~ET AT KENNETH HILL HOME {or their arraignmrnt. c-~,o~s~t~s~a~rc~l~n~v~o~lv~·c~d~.--mmiiiiiiiiiiiim~~~~~~~~~~~~~~== ThO!I<' indictl'd we rl' Glenn E I Od ekirk. assistant tn tht' pr<'Sldcnt of the llu1:h1-s Co : Josrph V. P rt· ra.lik ass1stunt d irector of night serl'l('('s for· th c Hughes Co.: "lle Fb.M~- 0.. .....-. Owe llf'C I ·-. Real•"' .,_,.. a ...._ """-~ btltaJllac r-t-. FM. -NO JOB TOO SM.AU.. n... ..:~ ·~-l !tll , , ITl• ti .::o>o ~;;-nt.b • ~· 1n • '. • \I -. 1 •'111 •·~ •I, r• ~ 1: 1r n"•fothl~ f1ll"""llJU I C .,,, f •,.,., •• \f, ~ t tir tnt h uf ,. •• Alf~'Y U"" f{rrt f !""'t _.., ff \\ I'- ll.Ill••·~ <I 'd.,\ 'llv' :"!Yf' ·.n;: t-"'t'C tw. n , •• f•1r Tut~•~ .r\r r ,J :: ••. +r•l1n: I•• C'h11rll"5 A. Lorrini:?. Los Angcl('S 1tltorn<'y: Edwa rd J . J O'Connell, Jr . former manager of W AA mr· craft disposal in H o n<>lulu: Frc.'<1- cr1ck l\for i;:an Llc~rllyn. a vetc·rnn Pll. au.cw NI Ge ....,. tM. --«·-.., ___ --11...iJ.L~ _.:.t.L 6,,:-• ;D\ t • t116n Liw....&J; _ 1•ni:a1:<'d in loral uuto sales, and I Marri'( P . \Vooley. Opt'ralor of fl , ... ?I ...... ,_ -..... ,_._ '- Lobdeu•a Silvttado llincral S~rinKs New Modern Hotel & Motel J.:--. .--;-oJations BOT 111.NEKAJ~ llA~JL\."8..\GE I; !nl:.\ll con~s .......... ('.ca.c--,._.. ... FOil IU:Kll\"ATIO~tJ PllO~r.: OIL~"·f: ~'' I •local rlyini.t service -I Thr ind1rlmf'nts r hnri:r that 1h<' company nncl ind1,·1ctuals violatc·tl WAA r('i:1tlations lly frauduln11ly conspir1ni,t to USC' vc•trr ans priori- tit•s in huylng six '<Urplu~ C-·17 air- planPs m H onolulu I t was chaqwd 1ha1 S.11111\on and Llrwrllyn lllll'ri tlw1r 11·t1·rans µr111rit i1·s to buy lhl oir1-raft nncl p;iitl Cnr them with (''1Sl111 .. ~ l'hN'kS houi:hl from Wl'SI • ' <Ac-T.U~i """~' hanks hy 1h" llughf's .("o A .. you Get a .. Standard Oil Company Wa1Tanty & Ad;istment A!J cariem :!, New Aflas Tire,. T me & Battery Yoe drtVe ,._. mr •._,...__.a Winy ... . .. CO\'ttM ....... ,..,.. lac' I & ............. .. Nllern•Ne at •J w . ., a. -... se t ,. 08 o.. en~ U. l._... sea&m _. c..... Attas Tires and Tubes Are llade by ~ . ~ U.S. Rubber Co. to Standard Oil Co. ~ fi'Cml nre bOlel roued Into two 8An Pranclaco bulldlnr lapplJ ftrma If rtnnen tnCed an boan I S:!.tMlll ('fJlnml!'!\1110 \\a;; pai<l on bat~ &o labdm a blue wblcb ea1*d dam.,e tsllm•led ~tween tm.000, and-"*300.000.' Tht cltJ'• f1nt 1•;i1·h planr. the md1rtnwnt c-hari:l'd fJft-alanD blut Ul1a ,..,., ti wu fOUlhl wttb 41 plecrs of a pparatul,..,... array or tqultlment l1Dce LI» ntuwe Jal&Dd t1re • ,.... ... Crowdl who 111lhered were drtNl. block ••• ,~~· be&&. . I Committee of couRiiEous DRIVERS Native Sons Asks GET TIGKETS HERE Bar to Orientals GOLDEN RULE Man, His Wile Give Away Savings Of 3·Years in Walk Down Skid Row 11nd <ta"'·n s k1<I 111w las1 1111:111 and 11 roupll' of drinks . -, --TO THl:ATRES COROS"ADO, C'aJ., April \!S- 1 t;P)-\\ h..ft pollC'f' bnf" find an t18uauall~· 1·111trh'tttla drh 1•r t hf'y ordPr him O\'f'r t-0 th,. 1•11rb tor • 'Uc-11~1. U >S ANG Fl.ES. /\pr1l 'J3 1lJP1 I nicklc•s. pa) 1111: for a pl11c1· 111 A man r1ml his w1f!' wnlkr<l up l sh'(•p. 11rm·1d1ni. 11 bit e to eat 1111<1 I:"'" ''"'"> ttlf'1r s11\·1n.:' "\.\'lmt the~(' p .. oplf' nl'\••I 1~ 't I Mr uncl ~tr~ 11 .. n L> iwh t•x-hl'lpinf'! ha nd." hi· ,111ct "The) n ri·ct I• ""'~raCioll "1th lhf'&tf"r pl.11n .. rl ''"l.1) th.ti llt•·> \\,111h'tl IO flh)s1c11I rrh:iluhta11on first • "" .. Ha. .. d th~ ('oronado ~af,.ly ~It• Ip IA etpl. C• I h111 I.. "" 1h•1r f<'•'I Tht· hushantl, "'hn sajd ho• ""t.' ('~t'tl t hr c-op haad~ lh•• ICood "\\,: i· .. mt 1!.l"lt ht II' \\Ith $.fill ,1J11r11wr Tlll'llllh•f 11f !hi• Wn,hlnl:· drh•tor I s-A• IO th~ ffill\'lt'tl. '"'! tt-~ 1111111"1 i.;111w l.)111·11 ,,,ul tt111 S t att· l.1·1:1-1:11111'1• and ontt' a l \\,. '"' 11••"> i.:··~I ,,1 .. 1111 ti ,.1u1l1•111 ;ot O xrord 11111\1•r~1h sa id 12th A IS • l.~rwh ~1111 lhf'} w.•lk•'cl 111• inti 11 ,, .. ,k him and 111>< \\lh ... 1hff•('• nnua pr1ng l dt1"' n ~ .t•I .lth S1 l·•r ""'' ral \j,,~1~ :LL\..C 11w m,.1w~ r.n ... r-y:~ Fl Sh t Be h11~r~ h.11111111.: 0111 cl1mt.. .11111 .1\\;1y ' ower OW 0 Thi' Cr11nd P arlor Americanism C'omm illf'<' or thl' Native Sons or thl' Colden W rst hll\'<' a doptPd rrsolutlon 11skln1: !ll'nators 11n<l rl'pr tSl'nln1i\·l'!I from ('aliforni;i tn 01°ipos1• J1ny t1ills "which would f'"r· mit tbr Immigration Into the U nit· !'ct $1:tl<'S of ;idrl1t1onal un11s:o;im11h(f' .~liens "hn arr not f"hg1hll.' lo tx--1 c-nmc citizen~ of the t:nil•'fl l Sl11I!'~" F:lcln ·d 1. l\lr'\ ··r. rhnirm:m or I lh•• 1:rrn1p, .;111ct t hat ITTan1m1: !hr~r ;il11'n" 11.t tur11lirn I inn would "rl'• m o1·" 1hr wnrlc1-wit11' n •spert for ,\nwri<':on f'11111'n.,i1111 " Thi' 1·omm1!1<'<'0!' st11t1•mcn! !':lie!: I DOCWCOR REPORTS • .,IRST .KNOW N Held in Oil City "For m :1ny ~rars past. thrrr ha'l< tw•r•n n IYln"l;int dfnrt h\' th!' frirncl~ nf 1h<" A'<1at1<'" v. a 1111 nd l.'th Annu11I Hun1ington &iwh llw 1!1:!1 Jmm11::rn11nn Ari. lo fur· I IUNTt:--:Gi'oN REACH. -Thr UN DULA NT FE VER TRE ATMENT :'pring Fluwl'r s how \\'ill hr npc'n-111,.r "Olnrg•• 1111' quol11 rirt'l1·1.;ion<; ..; , .... 1-'H \", 'IJ · > \ 1 ,.,, ••I to 1111' puhlir Friday nn<l Snt· of '"""'' l"'n:nn'< now irwli••1hll' tn • , •• ' .~ •. 't ' . • 1111 ~" ~ 1111\.·11, 1, '" "1111• nl'll llu 11 ... ·1~. " 11·1•1 t >r \\ I \\' ~· k f .111 I)'. ,Apnl 3(l ancl :\111y I. l!H!l ,\ml'rw:m r1!1/•'0"hin , ... I '} ·'flln ti lfl l'.tllft • l,'.tl,i! .. , 1•11.:' ttld 'lfJo I I' !It· 1·111,, ''II} "' \111111·-•IJ•I Iv •111111.tl-. "": .. ,, "'f•I• ·"' II ' lluntim.;ton n.·arh m thr Cl\'!(' .. r ... r1;i1n rh11r1'11. p••ar l'. tr:orl1', 11" 1, 1. 1,, 11 t h• 111 -.1 kll•"'ll , t-,\II ···•"•, ""llltl 11 ,,, ,, 1 .. e •Tl,.r. ThP pru· .. for ;11lm1<,11>n :inn ""'"'1wrr1;il orj;.tni1;11inn-: ar•' (, "'''' "" .olt111•111 •ti 11111lul •Ill 11111111111 •I• II, ho· '""· tnd ill id•1l1 "tll fl(' 2:l "''"'~ pl11" 5 l'l'nl" tax, """ ••nclt':l\Ctt"ini.: 111 "<'l'llr•' p11!-"· l•\•r '"tho· ,\n1.·r1o m 1·1111, . .: .... 1 11111111;eJ .. fnund inlt••·t,.tl \\ilh (I• i .. t tl llng 3() l01•11ls :inrl l'111ldr1•n 111 ace•11f !ht' S1r;i111111 :in1l .l11rlr111111'1, f'lt'''' lrlfl'-'''"~"llllrt11 I ii"•' t'• \\tllllof h.t\t• lt i ''" klllo ti l'l 'lll'I l8X indt1ci<'<l f•lllH'r Of.,,.(\.'l\l<'h \\'•tlllfl rt<"rmit !h" 1 .. 1 11.,0 111 .. 1 11111 •. :-;111111,, .,11.i . ...,11 ,l't"m)oln. """h, 1111,1 "•·I l·•nnic Fra11Pr. pr•'~1d1•nt •If th1• t'nlr~ 111111 the• l'mtNI S1a11.; m "' l.11"" "' , ,11 ... 1111 .. 1 ,1 111 11 1 ring1on' &nd1 C;inl1·11 ('hill "'"1'"" .. r lllOOC"1 c 1rwntal" :in· tk I J\ , ...... IJlt"il I' f 01llt 11 ti 111\t \ jf 1 .. 1t 11111. 1111! .1.1 .. ,1·,, , '"., 11 1 1 11 \\ officially OJlt'n thr """" :O'<· nualh. 11 ho 11r1• h11th und•'"trahlf' t I t l\t ,Int ,,, lq t \ I llJ 1\1 ... 1 ilj\, • I n1h lrnt 1 ,,1 ,111 111.-1111,,., lth•I ,.,1 lt.ttl•lll "t• 111,11,,,.,.,d •t.d hy Mayor .lark (~r1•1·r. ne•wl~ ·1n<I 11n.1,<>lmr1.1l1l1• ·• '" """"'I" 1 '''!' 11t 1l1t 1·111 1, d ,1, ,111 t,1nch i.. 11, 1,. 1" 111 ,., ,. "'l• .. m tl'd M11)nr ,.f l h11111ni.:11111 '"f11·· adnpli1111 11f1•it h .. r of thrqf' . FUN ·zoNE •• Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY -=----:::-----~ ---= --_ =--------------~-~-~-----~ ---_---- ------ -==----=-~ ------=-= -----=-=-----=-- ----~-:. ~ 7 __ -==-------=---=-=-=-=----- - -~ Dependable Prottttion • • ,;;-.·~ , I - . '4' ,_ , . 'l Nominal Charges Spttifntions , I I I I' 1 h, Dr 1)11111:111~ 11 llnui.:h. mr,·1-11rt" '""'Jrl i11lriwlt1r" :i Clor><i , •• , . *' , ~, 11 '"' •· 111 •• , q,, .. 1 ,,., .... ,.nh r"'"'' .. , ,,,r,. ,, u1 ... ,... j ·t .. 1,, '"'', t '•"i 111,1 "'h• r 111 , .I 1111111, ,\11,1,. ''"" nt! clrnl. and \\'dh:tm r.:11111•11111-. nf d11·ap hhor. aml \\11ultl ;1dd In ~~~~~~~~~§§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "''. '" \\,111 1111 11 ~1• 1111, ,1 1• ,11,1 -1nrynr th<' llunun.:t••n B1•.ll'h ~h1• 1111•·mpl·•~m·111 11C ••ur ,\n11n· =: 'I 11t. 1.1.1 111 .. •••tll•nt1 .. 11 th:.1 1 11111,.,,11 ~ , old ,11 ,1,1,.111\1111 ./ 11IW'r o l l'omnwrN', "h11 w11l 1r .111 r1ti1•11<. :inti tit" 1trl1111•<;111n of • 1'lwlr wide. flat. ..... WNl'-tt.Wilillc .,.... '"""*' .... ~ Sek 'lf"imllJ 6Api4 ........... ~ ,. .............. drht.g ............ , ... It. • AD Sius in Stodl Including Wh~ Sidr \\.alls IRY A SET TODAY NO CHARGE FOR MOUNTING AtlaS Batteries Aa......_. 8br ',.Gm C& _, C•enia DPaltt ..._ .. _.., 1 0111111• 11111 .. 11 "' ... 11!111d1.11111,. 11111 1.,,, 11,., ~ei.:.t1t1'I' tuli. 11111 .. ,,.. ,, • e~ mast~'r "' <'e'r,.mm11o•s, t h1o11"1111r(q e•f 11n11i;<1rni111hl1• 1w•r . •tr. 1''••111.\• in .11lrn1111•l• 1• <I rn 111111 tlttt•I• ,., ... ,Ill• ti "' .o11~-.,11i. I ih11i: \ ll('llUtiful h igh ~t'hnnl ttll•'•'n.[ ~1•11• ·"'•'t.ilcl .. imp<'nl t111r ,\nwr1N1n 1•1·1· ""<' ~ "''I 11, ..... "" k-lllol ·~II ,,., r.• oht.tO} .... •Hllh 111111 \l " Mar\· Ann St11hnkf', '"" ht• \\"t~ r>C life• 111 ~·'' •1 u1 • ,,. '''" •rui.. n,.,, .,·un · ti·-. ... , hnut ,, 1011, ,.r 11~ , ; Ii,'". .. ·,, 1• nrd. Qur• n ,,( th•' F'k''' ,.r, :-.t - - ,,,, 111 •. •Ii-··"' I 11'" • I ' I 11n11tlon <'l'l'l'l11t1n) A11rrl ~' Veterans A wain ,\I :\1111111 .... , .. h· ,.tttl. "'I 111 -.11111• ··a~··'· tilt•\ ... rnl '"' ,, "1l\) p.m. 011 tl:r ~1.1~·· nr 1111' ,.. ti.I\. n .. \\ I I""''' cl Ii Pl••\ .. ,, r,o•l'~ i "r1t.: l1ro•k1· hii.:h ft•\'"''· •· 1• .. 1t 1tloft lo1clum. I u rged to File "' 11nilirl.1111 '"'' r '''"' • 11o • >''·Ir ,,,,,.,,. ,;.on 111 lo•n il '>1111••••111• 111,J I 1,,. huildinR "ill ht npproprintl'· • .cnrl a111t111 ""' t'•l1 11 .. ··111 •• 1 ·nw11or.•11.:h• ., .. ,.,111n .. , ··11·1., "'"" i..oratrd rnr 11,.. ,.r.·a"'°n ""ct For Tax Exemption • n .. •1ir 1.;111~ lhlllt: .ol>t•llt !ho tr•':ll· •lr•'l\l:th .. \ 'I I· •nds of "'1!t1r-. nnd C'lll/1'11!'1 ., .. 111 I' th,11 """ t1n1• f':Jlh•IJI <LJI lltt\\(\t'r. tho•~ ,41J1l• II t \t ltlll ill\ \\" \ t'llt th(' Sh0\\' c!Urint: tl\t' 1\\11 nc•n 1.irl><'fmnnn. rllrf'<'!o~ f'lf I• r• •I 1 r. 1.,,.,..,. :>.11rm di> 1111.1111.1111 I ''"' 1 ulwrdr t.nl'calli .i,., ,.1,.p rt d , , I \'1'il'r11n~ A ff air~ 11C ( \r:inc•' r• 11nly f,,,,.r <11111 I• r• r1·l:11~·· ,.,, r} ,...,,.11 •i•l,llH't• \\hlt'h ,.,hau•t• ,.1,,,,.11,,.. •1 ,1 \\-ill hi· ;,1 fn·~t l•htl' rih· n1::iin 11rc1·~ \'1•tf'r 11nq. t~ filf' fnr 11• 1•1.:h1 '~.''o ·I<• Thill• "'" 11 1!-1 tt•"" nf tlw •ln11: s,.1111• ,1,, 1,1,,111, " -,\ 2ncl rt~l rlhhnn~. nn<I ;,1 t prnr~·r11· las e·,1•m111111n '.\h :ll ''' ri••a rl l) t'111-tr1•11tl'd p.11i1•r11 ~ '"''""''•I. 11,, 1,.1 \\hitc ribhons pl'{'~enlPd 10 1• thr c11•ad ·lmf' cl1111• lo m:i\(!'iJ1:·-~u1 lh" 111.11n '"'ntrttl •l•'JI ~p111k .11ht. rl """" .; in dlHl'rrn! r l:is!'l'S Thrc~phra11nn 1f :ippltl'allr>n . Is tl ''I Q11alit11 PRINTING • e ''All l)lM'l' of 'ta t 111 n c-ry. nn . nNJni<l'mi•nn. dJ. l"l'('t m:ul cin.-u- lnno rnntf'd hel't'. IOW C'!I! priC"t'!I. ---'"' • '••lnkrs w1n,ncr.; 11 ill rcr1'il'I' m;otlt• th" '' tf"r:ln ln~rs h1~. rir:ht~ , '",,,<;and 1rnpl11"~ whwll "111 in· fnr lh" $1000 l'l'I 1•x1•mr11on ,f ""' "™'~' r,.,.,,, in Iii•' •hm\.. T 11 f>(' d1r:1hlf' ;i v1•tr r:m mu" I lw •·,.~t orr:nnii.itinnal cli,pl:t}~·;1 hn11~rnhly th"r hari:Pci frnm war 1 t •, ,. ''b<'st indivit1ual arrnnR•'" •f'r' .,.,. <'r p!"llt'<' I 1ml' r11mr-111:n . ,1 · Co•r whio·lt fl m<cl:tl \\,t!' i<;<ttrd h~ Con1.:rr~<; I le 1·:inno\I h,we• prop-. 1: 1, "Scoty" l111rlsnn. S111tt l11•rn I ,•rty t1ncl TUJJnlcs 111 ui.:ess pC t 1 11 .. 1 nla B<-i:onln l<ITI!'. "1 11 hr 1 .. ~1 , l.;\\.l ":",\ HF,\trl 1'1 111< '" h h'h' h I 111 "' " 'f I ,. 'r or t " rx I II!'\\' I<' I \\ I Thi' n11'll1-" ~f .,.11n~ I~ Ill "Cl ,·n 11•11<ttlll'I .t ~:»111 \•I !• nf .. rC'•<tl f O d '"'" II k "' t"ttfl\'tLlc luuhl.tn.: lu Ju.au. ... .11\.h . "'' nll t)"Jl('S o owl'r" an ar-j prr~<'n '" 1ht' """"•""''< ••rf11·1• '"''" L1 .. 1111I 1•qrnp1111 111 ,,tlii.·tl ,,1 <:1_., '11 --~u.int"ittdin1:1'utdror l!llr· in tlw r1111nt~· 1:in1I di~ if pr11pt'rty 1-1(1 ll.1< ""'fl It ,,.,11, d 111 ••ft 11·11' I·. l11rn1tur<'. h11rllt'n11• p~ts. nncl 11!' l1>1·;111'rl m 1h•' r1t~ lim11~1 ;1nt1 t•I I It•' i\\'"•'l'l 1t1•ol To·I, 1•1•• •111• I', II I I 11ppar/.ll1J!I. n1rd$, fi!lh, nn,ct f\fl''<t'nl :i Ct>pl' t•f .~QUJ' f!1srh.1rj:(' \lhh h •• l\t< 1111~ .11. i , ' , .rM wlll ndrl 11> 1h1• ~h11ws1 Th•'} ''Ill r N1111r" f'•'n1Jllrtlnn t•f ·nw l··ll<r .. 'I\('~. In f11rm wtmh \\Ill"" Yf'lltr nppll-1'~11·'"1 111-= t• 'll'I•· \' '• 1><-" o r t hl' .:an11'n cl11h \\11l l ratt<>n Farh '•'nr you mu~t rr- '"111 '•' "'•' \JnU'l•~t l'-"111' "'"" : ttu 1 t:ft rrl<'n trn riurtnJ,! th•' f\'" r11,• to m;unt.'lin ,.r,ur r h eihtlitv "''~ ' f11>t'lt f ''""''"I • ,,, 111,.111 "" I I• -• the l'hnw nnd •p<,rtnl l'n· \\•trr nn• ~1111 1n ... n 1c•' "Ill nh-th•: .,.,,~ t1t th1 prttl~'" d 1ddPl•~11 , .• "1' • "'nE'nt ll''ill prv,111 .. t h11 111 -l 1nin n lrfl•·r-frnm n "tlprnt11" nf- '1111'"1 HfafTI\\• 111''' ''11"'1tllo 11 111 11 "' · ro• of E'h-i:nnN' l~"tr~ ••pt'n f1N'r C'f'rt1f,1n1: I<> rl:ll•' nr r ntr\' 1"' 1"''·11' rl "" 1"" '"" '"" 111n.: ,. ., pm · Fridn~ .rnri I.' 1•1 ·onrt 1hr (:;,., 1h 11 th• y ·1n 1:r1i1 I •lw pr• .. , n! lo 11 phnn, l•111l•l111.: .,,. , n. H h "'" fl S a turd11y .\II 1'Xh1h1t• In ~l'rl'iC'I' \\'It•" thr 1'11111111101 I~ I ,,,. '· In plllN' ntlf l.olrr than ·' \li<lnw nr II , •• 1 .. r .111. ""<'\\di rr•- 'f'(I hi• 1•t1mplrt•·ci "11ht11 I" , "'" Friday .l11cli.:111.: 1\·ill 111· 1 !'r'nl Jus nff1n11I r•'t~·•rrl nf ... n 1t·r. 901 Coutu~---... Opp. AD ~ ~•kt l n111nth<:. lhf' , .... ,.,..., .. ry •><ltll•'" \\t!I ... ~i11 •,'(f by th<' J1"10t "Y~tl'm nncl c11'111h ('\'ttlfl('l\tl' o r ollwr p:1p.'I'!' •uw ~ • •' • l!!!!!!!!!!~!lllll~1 '"1U••' .HTI<'n.: ••lh•'r fno'W1l 1tJ 11n 11 11~ •'tlmpl<'IC'd IW'fnr<' thl' tthO\\ <h,mini: rfnir 1>C clrnth. :incl lwr l!llll•iliiiE !!Eia:555i!!EE55i!!iiiiiii•••==•&E:::::::=:=:::=;!I i111t•m1t 1r d 1;i lln" i:.1-.:tl'm ,.;f ... •I• I'• 11 2:00 pm. Frid11y, April 3(l m•1rr1R~•· N'r1lf11 11 11• · THE KIO W;tO W FW HOW TO I Fi-~ 8E~()tet HE CO//J..D ~O~......-:-- ,I ~ t ''1 k B E:NNEiT, S£N~. 'leTERAN Ft.YING ll'tlST~JCT~ STA~EO TEACH!~ MIS SON TO FLY AT FOlJli~ ANO SEfOll HE WAS SIX YEA~ Ol.0, J'U"'0Cl COULD TAKE ~F NC LANO A Plo\NE UN<\IDEO ... IF PE01tTTE0.HE COULOR.V Lv'J~ DIST~~E'S SOLO ••• , 6111.Ha.l ll CHIW· l11j4!JGUiAT£0 I~ TO FINt.NCt '!"Mr CIVIi. "~·· TMPI OfC\.AGD IT WCOA/6'flf'l.m~ AS CW £~ .IU$nCI 0#" M~~ -· A I nt t ran t ~ btta .e:rve< on la Rumo mJght meadl mgttlt. ruunt' ~ 10 su -·· ones. I w lie'Yc e\'tt • ~ an VI °'Wll mande only I dliJdn have. Df"'tt n ·en 1 JW""ft' club!" '""" hat though \\" . •Titini actual! otheT' • atrab~ icroudl drn.w once n ··to ma mindt-d Uus h. cftd )I amis« cou1c1n· ol )"OU have a1 and th .... otf ana Have as am. hr tftlC 'Neid JENI UJ ... ~ ~· Brow bic at c:rived i farm. Nri~ and pla Jftlkl lundws SI - 1'1-' CJJillfM Gourd Farm • rs Costa . Mesa Landmark S F.\\'rORT •Al~•OA N EW8-Tl•ER I lllltU', "-p!!....... ...... !p! !!, .... Page 3 BJ LA. W. A Hollywood actor. of the mod· est t)~ lhe' .just workt'Cll, be- Pit to be worried about the pro- duttn" economy drh·e. He had bttn pretty 1tood befort> the war, served four years in it. 111·as . ~· C!fl lay-off m ost of tht' tlm<'. Rumors had rl'aehed him. He midit be dropped. A friend rt.'COm· nwnded: "Better look up a press agent. N~y evC'r sees namr in print any mort'." '1llr modl.'st actor had 11 family to support. Hr sighed. Wt'nt to let' a "publicist." Missed the sound -·hit a flip one. A rev.· of them t..lie-ve that any ITM'ntion. how. ~·er c hea p in naturt' lnot In ~-of C'Otlr'RI. is a favor to ur1M'tor. "What can you exept"t ?" de- nandrd the P"'SS age nt. "You've Inly been rnani"9 onCC'. Four 1'ilclr?n aren't news. Yours be- .ave. You don't drink. Yotf\"e llt'\"tt been to Las Vegas. You .,.en go to· church. Why, you've lt'\·er hit anybody in a • night 'lub!"' ~ modest actor picked up his 1at. ''That's .rig h t,·· he said hough full}'. ··A failure." W. Shak~peare, who has heen iTitin~ and phoning the rolumn. ictuaJly dropped in. in person. the• 1thtt day. ~lost or his talk was Lffable. but tM' srill carried a :roudt a gainst J ohn Dryden. Dry. Wi-n. whom Wf' know only. i;lightly, nee n--111Tottr one or "W.'s .. play!<. to make it more pot•tic:· W e rt'- riindl'd ttw-tx-rutned Sha~ that his happened nt'arl)' four }lun- lr~ ye~ ag_!>. "Forget ii," Wt' d\ised 1.n friendly spiril, thrn ouJdn't ht-Ip adding, "One or two f )"our plays. you k"°"·· could ave stood a liit of re--.Tite, ht-re nd theft." Mild. you think! It ru a mistakr. Shakespeare wen1 ff ancry . 4 TIMI IU«llfy latrae.te ~ !tho-here wtth It. occupuat• bu ~ coMtrurWcl fronf t-GU1 t lM-lntrrtor ad ellfrrior of 1ourd•. very mlllcla In r\~ 5 llat'ry Opp, -e f ,..,. ~. I• dtouiun,.lr11U1111 , .... u"' of th<- . .-ourd a11 a ('hriabna9 ,,_ Or'ttanlf"nt \l>t111t unr-lhlTd of thr "'°P I• aold for· tlti• purpo.e. 3 In U... a111aJI ,...tajl ahop ............. -lllr pc P a .,.. ,__.. ·111 1•111111111•: """••c•ll••n "' arU.-..._ h '111 ••4 frw &...,.. &.-• un thf-farm. 6 La..l but not 1...-t I• an ln .. •r-ia.c •aitalir-1.,_._...._,_,_ ll•rr) Hitt''" h•tl .. t) of r..W1t1t ,,.,.. ,., .......... ,,...._ .. .,, • ~ Ind uf 'UI _, '""" 11 ............. 11 ... 1 In • ma a;llffl•..,..I ............... ,., aa..-.. h •r • .._th1.: flo\\ , .. ,, 1.i1 ... , ...... ,, ... , ti, t.-•h•r•t• • ~~~;;e; ~ti~·= * HARMAN W. NICHOLS * VIRGINIA MacPHERSON Coast (~olle~_ rr ~t~e~~...,==~to~g~1~ow~·1~tut~f~Y~·:::::-.....~-fu....,~111iti._._..._,.._,.,iwl~pll'l..,..wt'l"~~~'"'rtl'tirtla'-C'!"ll'Wfi1ii-i1r."T"'Ti:;t-·~ii';i;:;l;;;;;;-n, Add• • I V irnnrw Get Homn But No Bathtub. _ • • w nr . ' n 11a1tf'd Pr,... Hollywood 1111 lh1•1 Ii•• 11 m~ nnnw 1hr d1111w~ els JtJona WASHINGTON, APRlL 23 _I quality." C'orrf'Spoad-t ~1.1ml)I d•· 11·,.m .oil ,11,· .. ,·111111< '1'111·1 \ n '', Ao~•1t, .i I'• , tf tt .... JENKS. Okla, IUPl-Thanks to ~ llrig:hbors. Walt~ Brown can lpttt his spring crops i:n good .. .,. when he waves the hospital. Brown was hospitalizrd for a 'IC stay btcause of injuries re- ~iv"9 in a tractor attidl'nt on ~is ll'lft. Nri~bors prepared his fields ICI plant"9 rorn and cotton. hnb mrTdlantl provided free illlldw'S ·for the ''Oluntttr workttW. llJPl-Fr('(f C'raWford of Saginaw.I N<1l only that, hi' WC'nt on, thP HOLLYWOOD, APRIL 23 t11kr 0111' .~q(1lnl 111 m ... !'.{•''II skk Instructors ,,, ...... , ..... ,. .. " ..................... I Mich. has a tw0-1>lay hobby which distillt•rs chl'at in thC'ir edvl'rtis-tUP1-Jamf>ll Stf'warl, who came look on th.:ir r a<'" 11. 1m<l 118)'. 1)M,1111.<1 '"'' .,, 11 ... 11 ,.1._.,1"', "'' takes. upmostorhis.sparctime. l ing .• "F~audulent. dcct'ptive, mi~· home from England with eaelea ""'oh!" i\t ,, 1111·1·11111; ••I 1h1• lt.1,.nl of lf·••••t1 .. 1 . 1~.111,.,.,,,1 .. , ... , .. , Ht' spends half h111 leisure col-l"ad1ng. HI' US<'d those words. o n hl1 11houlders a nd Air Force • Four ..r "'''' ~·'nrs nl 111111. hr• 1'1 l"I"', , ,11 n, :111~, 1 ""•'I , '.,11 ..... 1 T " ;;II,,'"'' u.. """'"" ~'"" 1 ll'Cting liquor advt'rti&ements, and rThr n hr nam('(j a frw nam('S, pick-lllt'dals on hi! cheat, -said today !nl<lr'<I .. 11111 " i:11~ l>;•i,:in~ lo W11nrl1•1 • ·'"'I''"' '1'11.~ ... 1.1) ""ri' ,'II 'I tr I .1i;• \"t•'llfll• ... 11 .... 1 .... 11 .. 1 .. .111<110( I th<' rest get.ting mad at 'em . Ing on what he caHl'd "the• four he h11tes to kl'ep on disappointing C.11rs furn kinct 11( 1rn 1nfrr1nnl) I "'" 111111'11111"'" ",,, "l'l~·1n1 .. 11 tu .,1 :• 4,,., '""' '"" .,,.,. ,,.., ,, • .,., Th<' Congrf'ssman from thr wot-• horscm<'n-" ll<' listro th<'S" as 1he Jadi('tl but ht''ll be d11rncd if <'"mpl1·~ . Jlw 1··~'''"'.1 "' 1 ·"'"''"':•r 111••1111 ,.1,,.n11,. 111, '"'" >"" 1 '' '> .. , .. ,. I \'l'rin<' 11atl' fetched hi!! hobby -1Schenl<'Y. Srai:tam. N11tion11l Qii:;. h<''11 changing his narm!. 11 ~1 .111 .. rl wh1·11 w1· hoth .1011wrt 1111 :111•1 1, l·l"•••d s 1 •. , ... ,., "'!""""' ""1 """' , ...... n , .... ,h,. .. ,.,1 both parts-to the n1ar bled, r<'d· t!llC'rs. and Hir11m Walk"r llr· This <'X·C'ol. James Stewa rt,. you th1• Air < '11rpli ;,I thf> sarrw fim,., .. < ·11,111 m1111 .. ( llw 1111 "'"" .. 1 '(',., . ., .,11, 1,. .. ,..,., .,f "'""'' ,,1, .. , ,,,0,,.,.,,_ 1 plus h eaucus room of the Senatt' didn't havr many nic<' thin~s to S<'f', ill not the ('X-Col. Jam 1• 11 St1'"«111 1·>1pl>11m·cl .. , h1r prnmo» 1111fnp .11111 1m1c111•11., 111 Ai~s:_I ",11 ""' 1,. u,., .. , ..... 1 1,,. tt .. 11,..,. ofriet' building. The re he dumpt>d sar about any of thi"m. St<'w11rt who makPs f<'male puls~ t111ns """'' within '"'o W••<'k~ .. 1 11m· •~ 11,,. · l it on thP witnt'!lll table and sat From lht're, he lit into liquor ling!<-whPn his lanky form nuhf'I <'11rh 11!111 • \\'1• "''"" w1·n1 to l'.nl:-~·.,r 11,.. flit~! 1,.11 ,,. "" "t•' 11 ·n do '-r h S I I d . . i i I ,. ' I I " . . l• , ... ._,., ••f "" J111or1r,..nt M wn ,..,. ore J e <'na e nll'rstatc 11 Vt'rll!11ng n 1tl'nt'rnl He Sl\i<! J11' on a mov t' scrl't'n. """ i,w '"'"" m11nt l wai1 " 111,. 1,.,,.ll I li·iH.I .,, tlu I •• 1,,., ltw 111 d F . c .. _ l ' d h d i I r ~ . I d I ' I '"'11m1•••<l ftt .. t ....... ,, ..... tt..-h a n ort'11tn omml'rce su1.".oum-rea 1ze t <' a vert slni? guys ha\'I' Th s Jami's Stewart is 11 years 1c .. t1•r 111 111 Hll w "'11~ n 11 d i i\~·rll'1111110.· ,.1 ~·1 1·,.,,,,1, J1mi11r 1 1 1 t t ·11 Th '-A 'd t k 1· I h h f h d bo I 1 I ' d " ' · • "l• 11' '" ''" "°' '111 • •tu.• ••It br m1 ('('. e memlA'rll arc coru11 er -o ma P a 1v ng; t t'Y avc> lo youngc>r , a oot s or tf'r, an 11 Ul 11 m ~ r s.1ua r on t'oll••l(t' 111 111111 '"''"""n lw hu r ......,1 1 ing several bi1111 whiqi the authon; know how to sell the stuff. $5,000 a week poor"r than the SI•·\\ art 1 not the actor I. kept madl-un 11ut11timdmw n'<'ord ••n \~:.'.'~"""'~r'7u;~~·::.: •' ·-un contend. would force the liquor "But if they wert' for ced to take actor . 1:1'111n" t he othfor Stewart• mall d<'"«'l<•t•ln1t,. l•rt•itnm of vu<'stlun1tl __ _ people to follow. "an honest" c:ode a drink of some of the blend& He alao hu .• wife. She .dMan'tl lly lM ~pful. A\llO •_lztllng ~·· 11~rlr11l•11rc•, Hr mm•· 10 lh<· ("""'' •·Hh Aronn " ~ 1 ,. 1,. ,~,,. ..... ,. ,., In U1etr advertl1ing. every 'night befort' they we nt to mind that hN1 who ht-11. But aqes to slve lo Olivia <If.'.! .. '" IJ. c ull•'I·:<' 111..:hl\ r••l'onrn1t•mt• 11 111 111~ 1 '" .,1 ,11 •ti. r ... ,._. I• A_..._., .. The man from Mlchi&.an s troked be<!, they'd throw up thei:r hands practlcaJly evl'ry other lady hi' l11nd llf'JI tlmr you ~ hrr fnc-ul ,r111101 ,111111111 1111., .,1111 l•v 1., of •... , ,.( •Aurat .. n ,, 1 1 .,~ his bald head. fixed h is red tie. and look for anotheT pob," ht' ~u does. Nnw St .. wart h~io nnl on~y nf'v!'r t h<' g1111<' l >rp:,11111.,111 .,1 A,.11,.111 , ,, ,1,, ., ,.,.,. (., .. r •I M·~ '"1,. "'" and l:H>can. He made it clear tttat j said. Say I pt pagl'd in 8 holPI 1 nw• MiitA Lin ll11v11l11nd. h<' d n<'v<'r turr "" 1,. :l.'\ Y' •or• ,11 Ill!•·. '""' , •II'·' ,,, 1,, ,. .. ,.. ,., ti•~• ,, I ~h:::. n~utqu=~~d w~~h ~~~~:~ w~c<'~~iitd·.:; ~~~~::d h~~t~~ lobby," S tewart 1111ys. "The min· ~:~~t S~:"'~~d,.' \':~ ~1~~~i\,. ~~111107;; rl1·c1. 11n•I t111ii '"'" • 1,11.r, .. ,, ,.,, ,\~::;7;:,:,~;: .. :·;.~' .. :~· •;:· ~ 1 it was che.ap and s houldn't be I advl'r tis('ll its liquor a11 so precio11~ "You rl'ad down In fin<' type wh1·r• "hc•re thr 11n1·1•n ~1 1.r w11!' ~••• !'J"''"'••r r•'•'"" ··•I 1"' ""11' ,., '1' 1 '' . d I the stuff Is m ostly m•utral 1plrt1.s ,, _ __.._ lr1tlflllll! "' lJ111t1 -"''"'' ( • .. 11 •. , .... l ~' ~ dt-1·•· •.• 11: 1·1 • .11 ~I ••• I m1srepr<'sentC' . , "you wouldn't want IQ St'n·c-it """"' "Do you mean cheap in price?" I' <'Xef'pt on SJ)('cia) occasions." Pr!!Cious. bah!" "We • had <111111 .. r 1uirl i:n• ,.,. "'11"1' 1"' "·" 11" 111 '"°11 ,,,.. 11""'' 1 "11' 1'• rM1 1'1' 1 "'''"' tt. P• • Asked Sen. Francis J . Myers, of "Thf'n." <"rawtord hollcrt'd, al-l\..,lot or distillers. C'Tawford lllHl. 'JUlllnted." !:: '·. w II r I ~111rt "JJ .. ··Ii·• ''1 :-,,.,, ,,,., '''"' :-.i ..... ' "' ,, .. no .... I 11""'·1'' .,f. "•"l.:•oft 11• tryt a ' th i I I S··•1 flf'f •liL'l itllr, ,,, ,,,1.i..1 1ait•rtfl\ llr,lf\•f"I ,., ,,.,,. .. u .. 1 ~ ......... ,,, Pennsylv11nia. mO!it rattlinit all four chandelic>rs, 0 ,..l\'C' you <' mprf'Sll on I 1111 "M'mNi lik1• 11 pri•tty nir r· i:ur" 11 , 1 1 1 11• 1 • .,111,., "'" """ ,1 :-.; 1 1 y 1 At1 you are C"llini: thl" benefit ,,f Thi' ladit't' in th" ~:ni:ltl'h 1,11111 . " '111 • • 1•· • • .,,,,.. 001 ., mm.1•rr11•11t"'I th('1'r ~ntury or ~~ or ('X I l•'f'hlll• I -..11. , .. "' "·'" I "" I'"' 1··. '"' ...... >···, ,,.,.. .. eli .. " t ••• ,,. " . ~· per e n•,. dry got thr loovs mix•·ll llJI '°" 1 · -11nd ihi"n (lawn off fl blend "" K .. , · . r ' •H o1d 1 "''' •t111 h '""' '" 11 .. · t s """' "''"'"· •.. I f'J>I llPnumg 1 w ymmi::•·r ·'"'"' :01 I lii7iiMo J 0 0 •••• 0 0 0 0 0 0 * t' mTY YE.Ans 1 W C\ )~,s'MU rcaty-F. n l :'\IMl 'NIT\' st-:H VICE llA\'t: EAHNEI> FOR A IH~-nNC"'_f 1'1.A<r: 1....; TUI·: IMll.Y l.lt'E OF 111 E E.'-1 A Rl.ISll ED Rf:SIPI-~ IN ~f'.WI .. •HT Hf:Af1 I . * !'\O\\' A \H:I.nlME FHIP,\Y ... '1111-: ""~ t-:.\HNt-:n ·nn·:rn. 1n :."l't·rr A!' ,\ c ;c )C •I > "1 t Il·:Nf>. ABU: c 11AMl'ION, .&:'tU A ,Uf:J.tARl.t; :..;c lt t«r: o•· * A ltt:11'TATION FOR n.n"C nmNr. . . . ANH PllC Yl'Or.JlAPI UNG .. AU. TI IF. NEWS IS c)f>•::NtNG MORF. AND MORJ-: ooons TO TI IF: Nl:W8-1'1)11".8 IN 11tE HARBOR AREA, AND JN COST A MDL\., TIIAN f:Vf'J( BEFORE * Al.Mc ~I f:Vf:HYBOOY Wt IO L'l ANYJlOOY llEIW ANI> ON RE-BOTTOMING 8llOm &r.PAJBFP WlllLE U WMr Ed h• -C...., a.B French Cafe you. h _. h 1 In a d•1ttu 1t1 ''· lu 111 • it• ""'''·'ti'.,. ""'"'"' \\aJ. a..-ln •--•ktn«" ,,. u ... mu nolN m .. 1 .. r •~ 11hir1~ ""' • I ~ra •------In thl' old dHY!I. hi" -eonllnu•·•I mndt' llUr(' hr 1:01 hl<1 ln11nrlr1 I inc .1,:11• lil t ii• 111•11 ., '• '' "I",, , ....... 11,. I I .,. .,... :"'' .r.... JU·:.A. ns 11 IF, you St'nd an oa.k harrt\I I 0 """ '1.,. hnC"k nn tlmt~ ''" n1•'(•1·r hot ht•rt>tl lit I •• ,., h.1'11 :1 ,,, 11 ~·\ I •f I 11;11 t.1 "'' \.\'J ' t.. t • j 1 \ , •• , ·~ I ....... .''... uf r. ~· ,., ' Cenee-Orda•J ! lie ..... ~ Gell ..... r..t c.-1....-.••• •ellllc 0. MoUo:- "'NatWmg ....... W," 9Z WMt c.etatnl NE1i'POllT BEACH RICCI ARI SHOE SHOP • • '• ., NEW EnlU'ged -Remodeled 4 p. m. t.c> ~ht PB. BEACON 511'7-M 8PECIALIZIN O IN ONION SOUP ( PA&Ml!:SAN) Look for the alp "Cbabll1" on Top of the HJll CLOSED MONDAYS • ATTENTION H ,Satisfied Customers Larger Volume VOLUME MAKES· PROFIT NEXT FRIDAY, APRIL 3Q, 1948 There ,Will Be An Announcement .. IN THIS SPACE That Can Help You HP-TDH ' liquid and C'limioatr the• 1m1luritlo-• 1 · 'lt ow 111• "• • '' ""' '' •••1 'I 1• 1 • •• '' ""'"''' ·•• 11 .. '·"'''~' ''' • f • "' 1•11 rm J trniJ:hl -· hul you Jllll l(rtnd whiskPy in 0 1•• "An MC:M nrfli•ial '''"" i • .tf.d '"'" :t• \\. '''" 1'1••1'1"'"''"· 1· .. 11 OAll.\. ~t:W~TIMf'.A. h~· r1 In th(• flrsf plnrr •• 'tuft• ·•n'• d tt• 1•,. '" '' • • •hn•r •• I •1 lf•th f""" ...... ,-.-•· '•r mr 1111 from l.on1!11n ""'" 1 ... 111 11 111 ,,,., , 1.,, 11 • 11 .•. vt·n ~ht• hnrrf"I ·"'hu·h "~ '" Ahout n mt)Vif'· rontnu•t .. S ff'\\\.u' I 1 I "' '"'' • 1. ·1 • I '''' 1111 . • ''·''' • • j i·· -.,•• ,, •' rost ll dollnr nnd l\ half nnw ("()~ft\ J;:rinnc:"d ... I tul" h111' "· ti .. 1 lh11 ftl.• f \ '"'' I. I",.,, J ,. t' I oti•liH, " ... t ''"'''"' ' ., '''~•o. * $:!0 Anrl Uwy rlnn't t.11'!•' It r111 "Toni:: gu\· llr wn11ld111 1111 .. '''' " , ''' ''"''" ". ,,,. ' "" •'I• I•·"" "' "• • •I . I hl"nds. I rlnn't fhink ·· . ml'.· ft tO:ok '""'' <lrt Y"' ,,,,.1 1,.,11 I • ''' 1 "'' 1'"' 'i • """' ''''· 11· '' '" ,, •• • t '•" FrC'rl ("rnwlorrt nf M1d11i.c11nf'hon·,,r11l1~111i.c1•lh1m .,lrill!'f11 fr• 1111.l,111 ... 1t1 ,,. •ll •L•''""'''"'' '"''''" .... 1 ,.1 "nuldn'I h1· sto pp<'d I Wh S ' "On,. firm }1rlw•rl1"'''"' II ••n · •••w1trl "'1111'' 1" °" • 1' I •11111r '" York on lr:iw• ln l!•1M Ii•· '""' pr1•1·11111~ .~!' ••lrl rl1:1rrwnrl~ J\n1I ''' to <'All his moth .. r. In '"""'"' 1 ·,1 :1 hlrnrl. h<' ~'"d "I """''''' 11 T hr 01.,.."rntnr sr"d 11 '""" 1 1 lh>' d11m1nn1~"' lhr>1 't~·:.I< nf :11· prinrit)' eul l. lie lrol<I h• 1 1» "·' f,J.< f"."r """'fa)~•-. ,hk•· lh•• "l11<k) f"ol_Jimmy S!l'Wart 111•111 I"•l 111d \\ h'.·11 m:ul•· I· r•·c1 "'""'r 1 h:111 Shi· put him lhro"wlo 111 111 .,, • artythini:: ,.,.,., I h1111i.:h. w :o< ;, "11 rl 11nrts 11 ... 1:01 111 C11n,1m1i' 11m1• .. I 1tnt ·th•• •H"l"r 111 " ni•" "' . '11 wa< :i lw1<111H11I I"''"'' 11! "" lrouhli• ..,1 1fi;11 l••/o\• "' "'' ,, ,, • I "''.l·:nNf lrl hofll I) fl!', '(1 r1m grnnrl "Hid -''Iii~ rtltllhrr hr·urti lor• \\ 1 ~~a rmcl rild J!t:m<l111l:-II•· •:11of in th" rt1Jmlrl' '"'" .:<:o\" 111111 "' fl11•rr· "at :o Ill••'"'' '""'' '" kn11w.whRI f,,r n111 1· .. n11t1f• '" , • arm~. rinrl 11tn·" "'"" ,k1tl•" 11,.r !),'for•• ri·lllrnini.: 1,, I 11.-1 ,1,.f Sr•n111nrrnl 1·~1·1111111' lift,.•!' 11 flf' hllrt tea w nl•• fl 111111• f, II• 1 , , 1 llntsun J1l11lnlng It w11sn'1 h••1 ~••ll "lo• •I I "Th,.,.,. .. 11gh1 In h•· r1 l.1\\ llf'<'n homr lh:il t11111·" i.1·ftr1111•-<I 1-'1·1·11 "~1wl1 '"lit ' N ow Slr•w«irl 1 n"' thr· 11• 1 .. 1 • dbi.:r;1r1· '" th• d1•1tll111i.: 111ol , ha~ thr Lns An~·d•« 11ff11 ,. 111 ,, '"' fry'" ThP 111f\1 ·rl1~inr r .. 1k-\\ 111 I :1 d1;1nr•r• In rlr•fo·.ml llu•m<•'h 1 • l•iC'~ P ow<•ll'i< l-'lv1n~ ~'"'"" '''"' \t>Url bl" s 11rpris1"1 ror ,.,, f.111,. h••11rini;s lnl1•r = w ho·11how 1111 for '''""""'· 1h111l•1 11, Detonate 18th Japanese Mine Off Calif omia lhry'll l1t· 1·11rtrllln" i11 " ,.,., ""''I • .__ with Jimmy Stl"w:irt S AN FRA~C1S<'(J, April • 1 t 'PI Tbo n:"·y "nrl r1111~f 1•11 · , 'lndroy clrnlkr>rl up th•· 1Hi11 ti• · . nlllJOn or JnpAn1•i11• minr-.. f111111iJ 1 I I th!' nc1rfhr rn C'1thforn1a 1·1111"'' "' in lh<' 1111•• lwo w""k!I. · l Ci\'il_lnn ('Xpr-rtl from •h•· "'' m~RA'Atne 1tt -Pl')f't <'h1~n-;v<"lll•., I 11ity hi<'~ up " 1~1-pnund ""' • wh1C'h washl"c1 rishnr,. four ""'' I ntorfh or Po1 n1 H1•y1·s ,, r:o'l l• ·I window~ lw•1 mill's nwny wti1 11 ' 1•xplr-"11"I ;o ml l••ft 11 rrht•·r 1-.1 .. • 1 111 1l111ml"t••r 11nd 1;r·v"n fN·I d·, I .\l1lilAr) 1111thnrlt1l"s _ ~11111 1ninf'~ ftJ1pr1n·nlf)· "''rt· ~'''"" I ·'• In !hr w11t Ii> th•· J (1pnnri.• '"I•' ,,.,., lh1·11 ""mt· i~ll1nrls 111.;a111 ' .· n 1sin.n The cables "-l11d1 111 .d •hrom in plnr1·. hA\'t• Ix'"" in 11 • w11ff>r IOnl( Pnn11r;:h for thrm '' rus l lhrr.ul(h 11nd thr-y 11rl" 1•11rri• d lll'f'<ll!ll lhf' OCl"lln hy lh(' J11p:in1 rur1rnt !<1 the Paclrle <'OJ"' ThPy 1nk1• on,. look :mil t li•·1 • • lh11t diSRJlJl'•lnfr d "1t1o<)lo11h'" :w ·1111 fir lunsc>s ninr• 1·111tt•1111"'" 111111 High Meat Price• Make Seafood More Popular I nALLAS. T••IC ll '111 llwh 11 11 ·•'I prier11 h11v .. f'11u~•'<I n1:111 v I" 1 ~··" ''' turn to ~('nf11t"I. ,,,,.. J 1 I \\llckPr, who. 1111~ m {t1f•· 11 •t •HI) ••I , ihr Pa ting h11hil~ nl J 1111111' ro·" ....,,ff. Th,.. 11w•r 111t« l"'r•i.rl 111 11 .. : 'nltcd Stal.t!.k tv1nf.irm•·-.. ·.trtuP 11 1.-mndA of11r11fno1I Jl"r , .. nr W wkr r • rtyll, but In r>11fl;" tlo• 11v1•rlll'.• o ··lc>M'r In J/I pounrh '''""""I' , ••I •11~h for en 1nl,.nrl r11v Wickf'r pn1nf.~ -''' hi. ""'' ''' hrimp In 1~:.tr.. wli• 11 I 1:111.,, '''""' • v rMidt•n111 1·•1n~11m••d 11 I '~• 1.,•111•1 '·a~el or ~hnrn11 •·l1('h ........ k .,.,,,, ,, 1d1 firm iwll11 mr1r,. lh1111 f;-; l•1t1 • •·'· '' 11hrlmp wN•kly LUnit tuh..rn1)011I~ wro< 1-;11f••d I 'rising r1f !hr l11thli." In f:ni.;11111•1 1n 1648. Designed by ACKERMAN /or 011tdoor LIVABILITY l1rnCl.cl ,.,, a 'ru•w "Slln la •··· 1~11 ... ~....., 1t ia !:'Jal• •m m 11d<I t,y ~A< k.,rn._·· f"-"'l i.tlr11r 1Jve t """ Vin# 1,rlclt, with hullt fn ~!1lnl\ll•1n 1 IAt.. 1'n'1 mral1 l(r1U.-'"' br•Allnit rtr Jrylnc. No mAll"r tp,., •malJ ,.,...,, ""'''"'" llvlnc arM la. w• wlll "-· .'1lf -.., or hvlM k> ~r 8JO(."'ifk111fr... a h1'rl,_.u,. tn '""'°' J ., u r ~ul,..,,_ta <;et ready now fur aim~r IJvlria .... M;m.,,.g "' ' ..... , 11 1 • PROTECTION Yow ocf,i._ aft tt.r .. wtth rt.e "9W -Adi-.,...--..... r.tnfMced concrete fence . ., me*" °" attroctlve boclr- 9•ovnd few home oftd oard4"', give' You ,,.tvocy In ~ own yoJd '"ond offen ptoe.ttkwt for-ct11Mt .. 1 ,Gftd -~JM---4.c••-f-. .. the aome on bort. • -fVNllW'I • ~ ond huHt to o ~ ol .... and aofitfoc. • n.. lnitlol ..e la .. only coat. \ IN CINERATORS • CLl_;rl IES POl£S • CHNN UNK FEN[:ING THE ACKERMAN COMPANY 2330-2342 SOUTH MAI"'\ SANT A. A.NJ; PHONE 1743 i r I ·' • -& t'UD..\l', N-.ert a-di. c.atl. ,\,.ti II. IMI . hlithl'tl "rttt"n propoeal, then thf! oral brd whtrh Is the hlRhl"ll. w hich t• m11dr• by a responsibl€' P••e 4 NSWPoa~ BALBOA x sw1 -~1•s• * 11r1ef Glzsce .t/Puauc NoTaca Re~oorts Start HowAO..-Movaa m· ,~..... ••rkets, R~:sou;nu:-; OF nu: BOAJU) r -. D'll:la "111 • .,.._7 . fit " TRl'STI:t:S OF NF.Wf'ORT pt'r80 or ll"f'"O"'· &hall be ac- llVIUNza OUIDE 11111& roa,SALZ ~------------------------ P I C TURE ·FRAM I NG HARBOR Furniture &: Transfer BONDEDud INSlJRJ:D Ship-to-Shore On Slot Mathine AmTf!f.trTf!• _I.St .,. ~~1~w~t~.~~~F~:. Cf'~~drr r 1'RTHER REso Lvr.o Canad&an Paalli<' 1 ~~ Hint 1111~ R•'S1)l utlon he published IC'ontln~ f rom Pagl.' 1) • 'Shake I>own' Uupoot ~~ \!'c ;~ 1 ·nt .,~ \ALIFOR~A.. nnr•· A """k 1 .. r thr .... SUC('<'SSIVe Harbor Paint C.enter 408-32nd St. A Good Buy ... Is a Wise Buy In th<' lim' She 'lo\lt.s 14! rnmuh•s all er t ht> , g\ln. • I be-It<''(' 1hal'11 all fn•m hrrl' <'X· C'f'Tll 1h1s 18 tt>1Ttf1c v.E'ttth.,r. 'rhcr~ err 'l'''<'rlll powf'r ya('ht ~ gmni: 11loni.:. 11s ""u knnw, and 1t "'"ouldn't be at all unltkrly that S<lnlf' or theM' be>ats· arr i:oin1ot to have to ~ t11ken In tow It ls ••xtrl'mc•I>• doulllful if rlgglnti: and C'&nvau Is i:om11 to Mand th€' whipping it is 1t<)ln1t to' g<'l 1otoln1ot down lhC' roust I belie\"«\ that wr will con· (')ud" that from hcrt' You can bc>ar down on the fact that It 11 rNll>; r-OU&h. lt'a terribly rouch and llOl'nl' of thl'M' llttlt> l10at1, th.- ~. 26 and Z1 footen arc colnc to h11,·r • J>rt'll)' rouith time. Juat onr more littll' word for your artklt> Thil 11 going to. ht coursf!. uproet 50fY\I' or the ptt-raCf' doPf! becauu the heavy wuthet' boets arP the babies that are rHlly co- lnc to go. 'nlerf! 11 a mau of can- VH th«'Y art' coins to b~ak out l>t'fore Ions now, thoaf! boeu that have &Ot It ll't. I bf!lle\'e the next contact I ~t - ~ tt'r make with you will bf! about sundown, u y 1800. Thia ii KQQJ. t.he ya.cht Sa\1tar. clear w I t h KKW A. the l'Xpttll cruillf!r Mt'T'rle Skipper 11. Sand Crab ... IConUnued from Pqe 1) cha~ of one phase of the mammoth atfair, was run ragged with details and said the old Jack Dernpaey hotel on the Dlaenada beach has httn readied for the ewnt by a y0t111g woman who"is m control. ~.race is attract- ing thousands ot visitOl'S. . . ~ A.II New Mayon. Fonner Mayor KimbRll or La1:,'Ulla Beach, head of the C0&st as- sociation, r «.-por t cd that county coast cities. all made dean sweeps of elective offi. dais and that not a single old mayor has been returned t o oC(lce. ••• A Good Wea. In Los An· geles registrars are seeking names for an lnitiatiw peti- tion on the state beJlot to "keep \me9COl1ed women out of the bus of ~om1a.·· U puaed th.la would put an end to a 1otta IOOR practiQea In ... of OW' dimly Uab.S IUoana. · I Gt-iw1-1 MvtON Apnl l:l. !948 Wo•t'kS 10 11 ... N•'"llOrt D11lboa (MJd) .... r "'• f BAKF:RSFJELD, C.al . April 23 , Krn~u !II>"". N«"11·T1rtw' « n•'"''Jlill.M'r o JC••n· Phone Harbor 2350-W-Newport 50-ltc IUPl -Attoniey ~ral FN'd St·•" r.•. '•n 111'•'"'" ••I Tr11,•·~· :\tra. Rut-t ri.I r11 t·11l 1t1 .. 11 pulJll.shC'd In thr N. HO"''M.'r today wu report.-d in !)(/ C-.I Edi"'" .:l6 • r •l•ll) ... "ntld l and rarrled, tM Counl\ .,((Irani!•'. and that 11 ropy ED WAL'Tf:R.S Rakcnfit>ld to pt>l"IOnall y 1ake • St.ondard , 111 '5 1.,i ... '41r>ot ft. ...Uut1on ""~ adopted: lh•r~f l~· l"'"'''fl '" thrl-.' puhlk TILE .'.X>NTRACTOR charli(e or an invl'ltigation lnlo an l ' S s1,,.,1 77~ ' \\II~ R~ .. \' lh" ~1·wr1nrt Har· pla•"'' in !h• I •l~t rk!. 11~ l~rovi~t·d r Bath Rooms, Drain n -r.a-. •tc, all.-ged ihakt'd<>wn or alot ma-,.,,. t "'''" 111.·h S<'h•><>I Oi1tnct In =''"'""" 1~;i1x of th•• E1ou<·111iun ,...,. ... "' chine and punch~rd oprnton H} lnH•~ )•1.-.., .,.,,1 "'''""'"' th•• 11'1 IC h School \••I•• 15th A Nt!wport Ave., Coeta Meee HowSt>r wu said 10 ha\"f' ar· ,\ul11•ur111rn f• 1 • h,,.,1 ~rpnses tie-lit IT Fl 'llTllEll R~·sol.\'EO Ph~ Be.aeon 8700.W-3. rived in tov.-n late lu t n.ichl on l S1'11'"K.S h1,,;i.-r m """''" 11..rt '"'" n J•.n _,_, 1'~114 and Sep. th.ti 1111• 1.,.,,1 "' Tru..""'•'S hf·rl'hy . 18-tf( the heels Clf an advanct'd party inc , • . •· n1t .. ·r f11th l'tl~ ro -.•pt·• 1111 111:h1 'h1•111'1 ii rll'em LEROY SLATER hea~ by Otld lnvnh&ator Wal-I BO="'IJS hJ~·r t , S c • .,\ .. m 7'• iW, T IU-:Rt:FoRE. BE IT <ti• 11 a1·t11or1 "'ht· fur Iii" lu•Mt pub· Movf! An)'thln& Anytlrnf! ter Lrntz H~tt UM' attornt'f rnt'flf& ruy P.t -"' •L\ f.l 1 rl ,., It is the inten-111 int• r. ,, tu •'••J••C't an)' nnd all 11eiwnal could not ~ immedlatl'I> I ("\;RU •tlJf"ic" tu4,1't-r tu•n ut lh" 1~ ... n l "' Trusttts or ltul• ""' ''' t "nll•·n or oral und S~allud In loca t'td by thf!-•who Wl'f'e .--. S JL\'£R ~"'-' m ='" V ,., i ~ If t l" Hi It• "1th•h o1\ ,,11d ,\ud11orium from MOVING , _.. i h ... ,-h 1·~· ,,.,'° ;a ftm· ounc't' ' " • ··v.1•1r1 :lr' r n1on gh l'Onh.-u wt a Cf!nSOr'S 1p rt'm 0Jt1·1 '"'ICl::AT ( •·--' otf . 1 S.,-houl t•1<.1r11•1 10 ,,ffrr to ~a<w• l<•itS•' ffoUlf!hold Gooda A Small Bottta C"l•nl al lM war " Ulu""' ,..,._,. t> '' H "' I I ..... I' .I [)()J)CE Harbor 391. ""'tic · 6 .. •·. ,,..., .. '.'\! -•f ''• 1,1 6 ,,. lttr rj!h .,.,.,.., ""''1tor1uin l)('.. ,.,_ "' '' n.. '" J 1 t"·'a nd .,_ \ II FIT7.PATRI\K Theatateofftaalswerert"....,..4'd •·•l"' .. •.r 1 .. 1., .!'•' '"'nn on .. .! "t :?'on, a ._-p. ,...,. • ~n ~ v ..,, , -1.11.1 .1 .\ :-; \\" Rt:Tl.f:R to have lnvltf'd Di1trict AttorlW'Y [ Jll •C.S )c~. C' Arn.£ ;and tnnbrT l111h. l'l.ll4 Tom Scott and Sheriff John Lous-SJlt,t-:J> :-h«td) That ih .. nururmtm prtN-for .iaitl FJo;1rrl "' Tru""'t'i!, !'l:\•w110r t taJol Into conlerc-n<'t' today in ~ -lr<L."' 1< tll I·• S.!.Ofl(J 110, and In H trhi•r l "'''" I lo~h S<:holOI ()is· nd Ion ot I •-·•-j trll'I "' 11nm!• County, <;ahfornla llC'CO -thf' n_.,.a ._. l'tddillton t .. .,..,1 minimum rental Yntttday Lf!ntz and two uaiat· * Brief GI••• at lh-> •um of 53-1 ;;o pl'r wecll r.~r P•ih J\p111~3. :lit \la} 7. 19-llt ant.I wt up twadquarten. l_n ttw ,an•tnr and ru~''"han S!'"'1tta· ------- HARBOR Plumbfn« Service \768 Nf!WJ)Ort Blvd., Bf!aoon 6111 REPADUNG OUR SPECIALTY Con!J'.ctlns and SupplM& ~tit Let Ua Hf!IP You ~ WI.If! -COURTESY SERVICE- 19!12 Harbor Blvd. Coeta Meaa Phone Beacon 5538..J Motte Silver P lating COPPER. BRASS. GOL:D Pollahlnc A Refl~ Bayside PlatinJl Co. 1914 Harbor Bfvd. Costa Mtsa, Calli., Be.aeon 511~ &.tfc Watchft • Oodm -JeweJJ7 CHRONOMETERS ~.-Prompt Ser¥b Scbllllftlk !'Nm · VAN DRIMLEN J !:W l:Llt Y 1"181 Newport lltfd. ca.ta .._. S-tfc STRUCTURAL STEEL Bakenflflld Inn. a "auptor"' motel 1-1•••·1 Per•its •aid rt'nll'I lo h(t pAid-in Weeki~ NOTICE OF INTENTION on H11hway 99 near thf! dty. ,.. • •• ""'""""'n's Th•t the •ucceearw TO ENGAGE IN THE •o:~ bouthetr p1"4.'IK'f! wu ).f A ~ prnn)I 10 bwJd L_._ m~t cury public liabUlty SA~ OF ALCOHOL· Munson Bros. Artsf~I &111111 Concrete Work AJ~at~-: ~:;ca;;~ ~Md wh II"''~ a t, f1ocka ol llot ma-11 l -l"tory. ><room ct-·f'Uinc at 608 .. net prl>Jlf'rl> dama11:e insure.- chine and punchtioenl operaton &-Ja a'""'ur Corona ctrl )Iv to pro1f'C"1 11w School District IC EVERACES. 1warnwd thf! lnn, 1uppoM'dly '"' E;.~lf'd con $6ooo. iu:a1ru.1 any da1m (Of' darnatrf!I • an audif!ncf!. -an.,lng by 1n .. u.w of uld prt'llll9f!I April 22· tM8. I -t· nn• -·t wi'th ___ ..__ R&Jph e Danmill. penrut to b~· I ---T() Wft<)'lf IT lllA\" t'O:"CERN: LoOCTI & \ U~ .,._.. t~ . I ~ ,..,,,. r t.I hf't'f'h) 1(1\PO that fltt""n .tittltf John Houaton and County buJ1U a '.i·•IOf')', :>-room dweU"'C at Th •l•Y• olt•r ""' dAt• po••rd thf' under· 2'.!6 CoUam &\"C'ftUI'. Balboa hlll.ftd. al a puhhr m~tln1 of Ow "'"""'' t•"·•~-• "' •II ah.ll'lutlc bon · Grand Jury Fornnan John Sayf!n Ei>tunatf'd ~t J1500 1$o;ard of Trusttts will bf! held at • .,., "' th•,...· P""'''""" d .. crl~ u :::v;r~t~~~t:'!~~ J A Fltcti. Pf'"Dll tn build a -1:30 o"dOf"k pm on thf! lOUI day '"','i;'·1 ""' t11t1tt=w"> ,s,,rt Oraage. r--l ·l1or')" !).room dwt-llallc .Al .«Jl3 nf )f~y. 19'11. at lht' Newport Har-~.,..,..,, U.Ollrh Onuap t' .. unty. C&lt· that tlnv on the dttaJls ol thf! Fttnlt-d a\"f'llUf' Corona dl>f )lfi~ 00r l n111n tflith Sctlool Admlninn-1 .. ~~:.11""' 1,, """h 101,.nttoD. the ua· lnvfttlcat lon. £., llNltrd <'061 $12,JIOO llCtn Rwldinit. C06fa MHll, Call-ll• r•lfll••I .. kl•PI) 1111 ... "'" State Lf!nli dld'uy Why he la In Bak· t ronua. at oa·h1rh rime and pl~ lo!••"·l ,,r t::rt""""'llun for ,..,..nc• on ~raJd H Shute)·. pennit 10 ""~"' o1 ~l'I'"""' '"" •JI an akohollc enflfold-'"to C'lt!ar tlw coort na~ bw1d ta"' l -.lwy >roam ct-rll· s.-at.-d proposals to lfoaw aaJd Aud.I~ 1 r"·nr• tt• ,.,,_. 1 .. r '"~"" pn'n•l-u or Mr HOWH'I'." 1np al ~ ~~tia Md 603 "~~u': "":11 t ... , r"':~''.f'dd and con-'"~';~·~.,t.t: 1:~:t:H 1.IC"DISE. Howllf!r llu callf'd Krm C'O\lnty t'pmloeaf a\'l'flut'J Carona det :i.t;a.r ~, ... ,. ... , ") I "" .,. ... r . and at "''>"",. .1o·•1r1n~ '" P'"'"" 1ti. i. .. u. and aeveor11I otlwr .rountl..,. t~ • _..._ · whorh ''""' !hi.'< Board shall call '' ~ ' •0• 11 It• .. ,. ... ""'>° 111• • vt'rl· Esttmatt'd COJt llliOC)() ,.._., (1,.,1 ur ,,, •• , ""'" th• :4tKtf' Bo.r.J uf "'black 1pot" in ttw 111atr·~ "ic... J~ph ut-ant pM'TI'lJI to f•~ un11I htd.'<. 11nd 1r any oral bid I t''"""',,.,,, ,, !'r" "'"'~"'"· 1·a11!vrnia. nckN.. Diatrkt Atlornr)' Sattt bwld .. 11 .r--1 " 'uhm1ll"fl '" ''"'l.W said Audl-J •· '''"~ "" '""" r .. , ,, ...... ,, •« P"••h.lrod II rarav al ... ,._ .. ~.· • l•Y 1-• llJc tll't'llll .... ~ """ 0(11 nOW hu contrad1ctl'd th111 rMT1ark and Uallloa 1'1.and i:_,tanatf'd C"'OSl. •·~nun upl)n th~· tt'T1TIS and condl~ It r11 .. r • r 111~ ,..,,,. "' ~•· ""''"' b.-v· 11itdt-d lh•I llOV.'Y'r ,. "'tf'YIOI to $:!00() ll<'•n• •p<'rtri .. d In lht.S .fWsolulion. ··•tt•• ~TA~t.t:Y 8 ANSIS Nwr r lnrompl'lt•nt)' ,. n d uw•r-Kir.ic ""'J llai.<'n """'1" rn m-1::1 a pTw .. '""""••dmg hy 5 7-the ,. ,,. ,,1.,.1 ~J t!M~ -r1rien(')' In his ov.'T1 c•Ull'f• ·· ,11111 t•o 10.C•JO i:alk;a 1~ for In t~ parry from th.-attornf')" I tiwl •tvrag.-at 6 11 Jht nftrl. 1trnr·ral'' off1N' Wf'r" 1m'<-sfl1tator 1 :"C"lll°J'0'1 E.•llmat•>d co.t W l1J Georg•• Gnrr1n. foml!'rl) d11l'f of fwbt•f'hon t'ulk-rton. JT • ..-mu• polln> 111 ~"""'"'· Ra lim Da\il anti to bwld a ~ rar !>piln' :uwt Wilt•y t HIK·k I Caddrl. both 1tatf' api:u1mHll '" r~1· ~ara~f! .. t 'iN' inn•11ttgator$ 200() t: c lt'>-an Jo'runt l::n.unato~ Hlkhllt(ht or >*"'"•rda> ·s me~t· <'051 5.'ii(l(JO ln11 "'11.li ttw 11ttfmpl1•d tdt·nlih· Etrnt-r IYtt••ll pHnUt tv hutld :i r111lon or Cnfl('ll lty fnur t•1•·r:uon l -s1M)". ~"J(.WTI "-"'lling at 15.~ 1111 the m11n "'"" lrn-d h• .. nak.-Mtnunar d "'· ... 11.alboa l::•t&m;ot...-1 th••m lt<1v.n ll•~ .. \••r, •Inf' "' lhf! C05t $8000. opn11tuno. W:tlln K·~·n•· of Taft. JI. A DnJm, Pf'l"Tnll lo hutlit a J111id lhf') w4•n· 111u•hll-to 111•·ntlfy cabana a1 :\90'1 RI\~ dn\"f' ~ ..... : Cadf'll pon. £,11mattod <'l'.Mt $350 Jo~ort>man S.yf'rS ""'d lw had I Paul ( nban. flf'm'Ut to hulld a ~n ukrd hy Lt>nt1 not to r••WU" l~t<W}. 6 "-'°"' ct--..1~ al 2lilL' any lnformalton on th# ll1Vt"lltlga-0-t\"k"'' driw'. El'-t~ OD5l •on until thl' ~arlng WU OVL'f' IV· $14.000 day. Chu1ft H Brown.. ~1 to Sa.)'ft'9> uld hf! •·oukS lllllial Ofl bWW a l..-t«)'. '-"-8 •et .. a public hnrinc mto t.tw allepd af" 2415 Marino drift. ~led ehaMdawM. . cost lll.000. 2028 Santa Ana Avf!. HICKSON A: N£WELL ~MESA 1-~· · Ph. Beaco~221.w or 5757. 1101 W. 5th St. Plate 1404 52_221: Santa Ana 51-ltc ~~~~--~~~~~~-w allkc4!J' Calderhead WATCHMAKER JEWELER '"-~ ENGRAVER . 817 COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. • 54-22tc 12 1'EAJlS SERVICE rN 'nlE HARBOR AJ\EA HARRY HALL PA.l'.N'I'ING com1lACI'OR 274 Eut 19th Str.t Ph. Bea. s-413 Coeta M-. Ca1U. JO-~· COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone Beacon 6217 2573 Elden Ave., Coeta Meu Z.th For Rel\t - House or'v.pt.-Till June 15th H. M. LANE REAL ESTATE 2006 C'.ourt /\Vf!. Near Newport Plf'T' Eltabllahl'd Slnc. 1920 8-tft H LADY PUTTING .-atsop In C'oHce at LEM AC : Stop worrying ahout your car. arme w1 g ve ·11 E It good care at As!loc:iatrd Service. 26th & W. Cent , NewJiort &ach. 55-ltC' -Swtmmong in thrC'e l<'!lllOns. $7.00. F'not of Montero-St .. Balboa. 0USIOC'SS Addrl'SS 106 F: Bay A\'I•., Ra I hon. .. 55-22tc . t"rllOL~TERINO tH IF YOUR f 'URNTTIJRE b not be- rorrung you should be coming to lhC' Jones Co. Plenty of Good Tine All mz.. Compound Motor 00 a..no.. '10c Western Auto Supply Authortad Deeler ts."6 N•woort Blvd . Costa .._. 17.tf, SERVEL The G A S Refrigerator Some Models Available NOW Balboa ~iture Store 100 Main St., Balboa Phone J larhor 145 •-<....~ -.. .. Z'2U5 Coast nl\'cf., Newport Phone Harbor 116 ELEC'l'mCIANS ($1.Dce 1920) Contracting-Re pairs Rnidentia.l-Ind111trlal --- 41-tlc: Ets.-H olti n & Gahian 1000 Co.at HI way Be•.~ 31-UC' -X -- . S P E C I AL r ' WASHING MACHINES Oiled. Gr1>a11l'd and Thormlithly Olecltt'd With Minor Adjustment• • "' FOR SALE-Back bar link, Jtqaor -•tore ftf'on atsn. Call at ROllll Calf!, 1611 Co.at Hlc.hway, ~ na df!I Mar. 50-tfc XXXJIXXX PLUMBING SUPPLIES ~t Stock In Orance County. %'' Galv. Steel Pipe 20c feot Chrome Plated Swine FaUCf!u S9.50 value ,. .. $5.95 FREE PLUMBING Layout Service FONT ANA PLUMR ING 230Cl S. W. Newport Avf!. C:O.ta MHa Phone &aeon 604.l 31-tfc W .urn:D TO 9171' • Will Pav Cuh P'or 1'0'U' l'Unalture ,. Wlaet haw you. Phone e..oa. ~ Crawley Furniture Co. 1817 Newport ~. a.ta .._ 12-ttte CASH for USED l'urniture & Appllaneee '°W• Buy Am..t Anythtftc" GRANT'S Phone .... 5'n1T-ll l&e N.wpart Blvd., Qieta .._ G-ttc:. 9 PIECE w.lnut dlnins Mt '75.00 Glb9on whltf! enamt'I I~ box. LfJte MW $3:5.00. Can be lffn Thanday, Saturday, or Sunday 127 Opal, Balboa Island. 53-3tp "'1IJfl'l"l1D roa e.u.s • GRUNOW S ft. ~trtcentor. Good cond1tlon throughout. Call Har- bor 1649-J. 51-5tc F'URNtTURE R.EFJN1SHED M You Lib Jt KEN GftENSTED 21311 Mlntt St., Coeta Mesa Phone Harber l<rn).W For Estimates On Guaraatttd Work 22-tfe BOAT& 8UPPLID • Boats Priced-u>Sell Nc'W Taf111ltl Ket'dt $6600 30' C'Tis-C'Taft vt21 $5000 2T Hunter Cruiser 1'381 $3000 LISTINGS WANTED 'Slips Available '!50 cents ft. G. E . MINNEY Beacon 6281 711 Coast mway, Newport ~l tc FOR SALE-Must sen 20-ft. run· 11bout. sacrifi~ for quid< sale. See at 351 E'. 18th St., Costa Mesa. Ph. Beacrm 5701-R e\'~ ninp ~tfc FOR SALE -~ 14-ft. ct ... craft pleasure bOat. Inboard motor. cushions. li«f\ts an d COTCI". Wffi WR for equity. Bea· con 6042-J . Owner. SS.lie :.!8 ft. ('abin cruillol"r :dttp!I 4. 95 h-P· C..ls-CTaft motor , el~ant condi- tion. A h>lr~aln. 1208 \V Ana- hl.'im, Long 0('11c:h. Phone &i628l 54-Str FOR S ALF:-12' skiff $50 00. FOR SAI.F: onl y $2.50 Upholsters. Copeland rrfr11:cr11· RF.STYLING nnd rebulldlni, all Tllke ad\' M t ni:c nf this Slx'cial I tor ,.ith ll('W Cr ijtidair.c unit work guaranteed. . and "'"old a Costly Break-Down ~()(l 139 i\lfl('rt PL. Costa Men Phonr B<-ncon 6260 I 54-2rc Every new home owner is a prospedive purchaser of many items he doesn't e-ven know by name. He will buy them, here at home, purely through eye-appeal. lut you must let ltim lnow tltat fltese nationally ad- 'ferlised items are available --• tltat it is 'not nec~sory to /eave the Harbor Area in search ol mercbanJise -< needed here at hom e. Your home town daily can arry this mes- sage to customers promptly, effitiently, and effectively .•. TELEPHONE .HARBOR 12 OR 13 Asi For An AJ-Tal<er Every Ew .. llt MOllday ~OW&ll Friday, It's ·rHE DAILY NEWS.TIMES . -. --LADY Pl'.:UMBER IS 'MRS . FIXIT' 25-22tr I.OST AND FOUND n l.f >ST C-olmnn maroon nnd whit<' d11lfl'<: tTi<')'d!" RC'ward Jfarhor 1:!:?4·M ~J-:!t(' Ft ll"~I> " rnun·s wnllrt Owm·r t ••lt·phont; R1•11ron !l7 1~-M !t'l-3tc -F.MPLO~NT WANTED ZI n<l( 1KKEEPF.n dcsirr!' part or I full 1im1• hookkf'rping. or olrncal work Lnrrol rC'frrenC'C'!I Rox "K" :'\1•ws-1'imr!I. 49-3tc ~"' 11rn•~'-!i\, .. rutttr nr rt ndl•r :t\":111- 1hh". fornwr ll'RC'hl'r, 11((1•rs <;1·r· 'u·1·' Prdt•rnhlr B11lhn.1 Isl.ind. 1\11 "l l'" Nrws-'finw~ :1~·-:lt I' ,c II Ii) LAL'NI >RESS 1 or m1•r(' hot1!"", mf'n·s !'hirts 11 sprci:i'ty 1 h\n rrnn~portnlion ,\lso d111nr r p;irt it•i; 11r h11H1•t SllJlllf'nl. !!:11"· '"" 1973-:\t :l1-51p ,MPl.O\"!\ff:ST oFfT.REO tt ,,,.re,, nry .... r<'l'l'plion1"t m lt s I know shorthand. Full or pi!fP t1mr ~111t1> qu;iltfic:1t1t1ns Wrrtr Bo'< "'(;'" r 'o I'<"\"<:· Tlm1•i;. 54-Jtc. \"A;o.;TFI > Pi11n o vllt)'••r C'nrl's rr~tnurnnt 447 1'ewpnrt Rl\'d . Costa :\lf's;i 51-:."lt' l~NF.:R WAITRF:SS -At Har- ril'OJ' Dinnrr llousr, l 7th & Or· nni:r . \MIR Mrsn 47-tfc \"ANTED ' (' I <' ;i n ,., pc•1 irnc .. ·d hou!lrkt'ep.'r for full nr pnrl timl' work. ran liw in or rmt. Uni~· 1W<1 in ramily C-111 I r11rbor 1~:.?·W, mornin~s or "'·rninp,<1 ----.li:.!.5tp 1 A.'\: OR W OMAN rll~hwasher. !II N1d):--,,m,1foymf'i\T, l lat'mnn•g lilh 11nd Or:ingr ~' C'MtR ~!1·~11 54-~tc \"11itrr~~ wnntl'ct F'ull or pnrt llllH' ~or•••ns n11y Shore cnfr, 17th 11nrl Const Hi~h\\"ft)' lleft· ('11n 571:; 5.1-tf(' I~. Fott !!'ALE 90 ('\'f'rlll iron h1-ds sprinc~. And mnltrf'SS•'"· I! Cl 0 d <"l'ndition: rf'frt1tdiiTOr. I (I Kt•("f(' t.· Merrit rlrnµ.•s. rmsr C'hC'np. 309 Ed~r· 1 1\1.llC.1'.. &lboJl. !11-3tr H;\RBOR APPLTANCF. sr.nvtcr F'()R ~\IF. n o· '> • '177 N""'"JlOrt Bini ' Costa Mesa . '. • • '"<'r mgy, -suits 01 :-ails, :? ~l'l!I or ma111s. com· Phone BEACON 6296 plt"tl'ly l't>fot1shcd, with 2 1~ h..p. Johnson motor, ~00. C-alt Har- "-lfc bor 4T7 53-3tp PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DAY 8CBOOL PH\'81CIA.~8 • 8UROEON& 11.D. Mortimer Schoo) A. V. Andrews, M.D. soi ()oral AYe. Balboa .... DAY SCHOOL P RY81CJIA.'ll NOW WI:~ and O. 6. •OCTDISIL. •. & .. OdM• ~tTRGr.ON ......... ,.,., 411 Cou_t Rlpway. Har bor 561 uaaoa Ma Corona del Mar flf:STl'-TS -------I H. R. Hall, M. D. Dr. Oht>d f ,ucas I ... c• l"tl)'1lldui and~ llESTIST llotu-i;: 2-5. by Appointment 2202Y1 W. CentnJ. Rarbor 1.eo Telephone 11eacot 68'8 I · S f:WPOllT RF.ACH 131 Broadway Costa Meu GORDOS EAt1\i!iJ\ D.D.~. MU ton M. Maxwell, M. D. teoi 0Cout IDwa y 28SS WNt (fftral Pt.one Rarbor 421-.I c·orona del Mar J'lifJW1)0~ Office Hours: 10-12: 2-5 Phone Barbor 108% I MORTt"ARl'• BALTZ'MOR~Y S. R. Monaco, M. D. .. LADY ATTE:'\Di\.NT Ri4 Bay Ave., Balboa '10 Cou' Hlway Harbor nu Corona df-1 Mar omce Houn1: l"tloae Harbor U 2 to 5 p. m. (Day ...a Nlp t.) Monday U\roqtl F'rNaJ OPTOMETRIST Conrad Ricbt.er, M. D. E:T. Bufterw~ O. D. "'-n< BouN ~tl11t 9 :30 a. m .• 12 M., EH8 F.XAMINl:D ~ 2:30 p. m .• 4 :30 p. m. LEN8E8 Dt!PLICAno HOS< w. c.-tn.1 ~ ................. Newport 8-c.lt ...... o..er.I ·-n. ·-... ~Harbor~..., lnlWl'OllT SUCll PllT81CIA.'llS-8UIWEON8-D.O. VETEIUN AIUA.'11 - W. T. Mooney l'o'TI\"PORT RAJUK>a \"S'l'd.INAaY BoePITAJ. .... ~ ~.. ... s....-. Rora.ae Parker, D.V.M. -X·R A\' Paa! O. Balder, D.V.M. Rra • • • o a111. led •a.• H -Bour 9ertiCle lm 9.E. M-Drtft t111 a c-tnl Barbor d f'OllTA 1196 e-. ...... ao14:a..a.a. .. 1'0AT8. MJrl 1 Chry~kr O- duc1 ion. 120 11.>arh. Phot 6(111 p a... cl'o><I rondi 14i -W 1-:--r1 Higgec mC\tor. lik4' "" corona t~'"G' 374: sidr. or pt "pp0inunt'fl OUTBOJ ANI NE' Sff'ice. Yak .,. Dav 916 c oast HI ('())Bl£R.0. .,.11h Or 10' 9" ... fiah. lfl!O Mesa. Pt after ' p.11 le Sunday p WO pRESStJR. F• Sode 6Z3 So. Los Phone 711!'1 lltJ81CAL I ~Pl~! Wt> al~· h u y lat PIA'NO C Santa JU ".A~ "i'E'D- 1>1~ rent• pnl'N'. T Spinl'I • SC11.)tlD :\t;un. Sa !'TEJ!'"WA' nc•v.· R.e1 an<"t' Al ttnh 54f PJA:o-;0 I s . .nta A. t·q ;n PIA ~!l~. or ,..;n 1 PIA~O ~anta A ~pJ:oo;ET: . Pay out t)-pe Spi TIC'rms. : SCR~l[ '.\fain. s. ltttle d• mrnt. RI DOG~.c• ·t•t IR SAl r<"ltl!l1M'f ~unda)'. fl"'~ aft 11<1n nr <'•)("k"''r E r.111 Firs Foa llD r ",,jl •1· re lt n• Ph< •• ".' k l-••I: nt-:~ 1 .. drtVltT i.,\ :m \hr !~ l I lft RF.! nt"l1'1i '.: "·' rt .. 1 ... to r t•lllO: Ft•R nr:- ,rart mc .lunt> I~ :\11 bla H •R RF.: •r•aT1m• r. .. lho:'l m1•nth .. t IP. RF.: • '(d1.tnJ t t•Uplt '" nl r trir1an ~>:\4.! ' \ FOR P.F •f\"111lah r .·111'"< 1n91.,1 lf'l\'Fl.Y (~Orl'T13 Sl(Yrff'l rPTlt u """' m·.i-ll ~l'.W '.:'h l 0til1t 1r on yn1 m<'r r• Sft .,, ,-; {-th<~ f'h(•nt• W.urTET ---('()l "PLF ~!Pdrt unfum fWl'('n :!lN>-\~ ~' V."S·'l'U h<-drflO fomud (";t 11 1 13 \\"A::'\IF. Jll"rioc1 houu. f'('(}IJlr t>edroo pPr I IE'a'4' J Clll 'BOARD MOTORS AND BOATS NEW A USED .ice and ...... -All Maka of ......, Dave IL Spies u1 m.ra,.~...-,.... --* 'ERClAL to.IL ftllllills .... ~a....-· r· --. 11a1i1a c ._ .... 1«!0 N«u,..t ~ 0... AYailable June 1 DENT.AL SUITE New Building 507 E BAY AVE. IJALB()A .,,_.,.. Harbor 801-w .... -55-ltC' L ..._..__4 ·4p.m.••• ...... undaJL -.211r W&W TO 1.0AJI • , t.OA.~ TO BUILD, IMPltOVE, wua 1 iiiNCil'Olf SSURE·~ r BUY. llODl'ltMJZE. OP llD'INANCE F• aD .Pli e Sodm Reflipsadla -~ Div -rn.t Dftdl NEWPOllT ~I-IA J'ED.U..U. SAVDIGS A LOAN ASSN. o. Loa ~ St.. • t rte \flC" Zmith .tan -&ltr DD VIII .U.O At. ~. 1500 41-lk CAL a aADIO •1 E'1'51 SVINE15! F• "-'-, Al>ftWl!'it& a T.- alk1w all 6 mo. ~• if )'OU "':B Bt. "lCK COUPE • v lattt. 1>ANZ-SCIDllDJ" Cn11ury. lmmaculatt' $1095 ~o ro_ 520 No. Kaia SL! _. _ rui Ana ~Uc COAST MOTOR CO. Tf:D-~ mPlll ,._ fu _., I~ Cc.s1 HJdtway rrntal ~L llldk~ BEACON 6288 ~ Tradr J'OSS in on mw 55-1 tc n<'t o r Grand. DAS 7. ·I -----.......,,,___-----..... I011IYT PIANO co_~ So ·-41 PLYlCOUT11 2 door~ dtl- m Santa Ana. 33-tfrl lwi.Encnw just bttn ovtthauled. WE HAVE sevttal thr~ bc-droom and duplex dwelllnp, and bay· front homes that we will be pleued to .&how you from the cround up. For the R.l&ht Locatlona Call Harbor 62-W JOHN B. PRENDERGAST at J . A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa bland Ferry Landinc ~ 54-2t~ Beautiful 4 bt'droom home. fur- ni&ht'd with .m apll' a t 1559 E, Ot'ean Blvd. New C'arpetlng, l11rge cl<11ets. plt>nty of cupboard. also fireplace. lovely rarden. 11., lots fenced in $23,000. 55-ltc · s-paint jnb. Private party, ~-WAY CraDd. ~ liU »&at wll ~e offer. Harb« a.a.it&d ada DO let 1"" job ,. Repo19fWcl s.o f6r baJ-13?2-W. 1:5 Agate, Balboa lsl-dorw. 't> Al.lo small Grand Chaw and. apt No 'J.. 54-Stc ------------ ' 5485. OANZ~DDITT ------------· .\?1;0 CO S20 No. ~ St-j 'U S'n-OEBAKER CPE. n;a Ana. -53-tf~ C'1ub \"tty n1tt tl&45 OVERJ.OOKING Entltt Harbor UM. 3 br., hdw. noors. tlttplace. D PIANOS. Many f"lnr nu.kn COAST 11c10TOR CO conat.ructlon and lnalde nnilh ~.!OR. m up lo Sl65 .. T"111151 iY • uceptJonal. The flnftt we'w .-.'111 rftlL DA.NZ-SCHJ0111'1 1008 Coast HJghway ever offend. A:--;O Co~ 520 So-tl.ain SL BE.Aro~ 6:l88 . nta Ana. 53-Uc 55-llc RALPH P. MASKEY a:-r~ A wau1J. ltf'piiWUlicJILI •• FORD t'Oft~·ertab~ Low mile-3411 w. ~ntral ~. Har. 402 :y out balaDoP. Mm mirror ac~ SZl96 Phone Harbor 212. ~tfc New View Home AR AY ce ~0- e, p9Uo tel .... a room Over AT del * 2 bed· tUe fea· raya. In ~-e offer, ne Har· 55-ltc Room Balboa Island FURNISHED One Dedroom. Uv1nc Kitchen. Service Po s10.1~.oo rch HARBOR INV. co. 30th & W. 0-ntral. Newpo Harbor 1600 rt Buch 229 'Marine Avt'nue. Balboa Harbor 1331 S. Wlae -AdvertlN DUPLEX ON PENlNSULA $15,500 FURNISHED N Jal and 55-llc W. L. JORDA REALT OR 700 E. Central, Bal boa Harbor 1'3 . U-tfc FOR QU1CK SALE an Front Two vacant lots on Oct' Exoellftlt In downtown Balboa. location for comblnat neu and apartment C-2 7.one. A real barealn Ion bust· blllldlq. for $10,500. tOl"I J . M. MlLLER. Real 15th A Central Ph: Har bor UM 4t-Ur. X' Spinf'1. uwd. o n I y Sltr> 55-5tc ------------- rms $8.00 per mo. D..\.'O'..-Beautiful 2 bedroom home ... newt------------ 'HMllYr PIA..~0 co_ i3> No MODEL A's double rarau. lawn. n owers. ~in. s.nt.a Ana. ,\JIOdltr ~ Coupr and Roedltn-. Oteap 1prlnkllng system, finished com-USE 2BEDROOM HO DOUBLE GARAGE. Good lion In Costa Mesa. P party. JT20(). Beacon 6 loca-ti<' d~ to car ill tbip-plt>tely, nothing to add. 704 ·nt . llf'opeind. Nos--dwwp. COAST MOTOR CO. Femleaf Ave .• Corona del Mar . rl va te ------:==---9--t;;;;fc 1009 a-. ffichway Come and att It Sunday. 54-2tp 189-M. ii'. CATB a l'DS • Bc.ACON 6288 CORONA DEL MAR-Two R-2 --------- 53-lOtp . . -..ALE-lrilh Se1t« pu11a. 55-ltc residential Iota 30' x 118' on Year and half old. 2 bedrcxwn • den • ,850. 192 ~r~tl'T'f'd A K c Sa...._,. ... "31 YODEL A l"Olldlttt, good con-Larlupur slrttt. !Lil utllltles. patio, corner lot, Sit :-nday. 10 till 2 o"dodt. Wft'tl dition. $:240. Stt it at WAgon Prh-atf' party. Phont' C. E. Wt'lla Pl., Costa Mesa Ownf.T \< aftn 6 p.m l.allC ~ '\\1-1 C'llf'. Orange and ..New. 27360, Los Angel<'S. 54-Stp _B<-_a_co_n_6338-__ J_. __ _ 53-51c 2 !>Pd· 4n Or&J\2f' AT-e. 50-ltc' pwt Bh-d. Call Bea. 5935. 55-ltp NEW HOME. COSTA MESA BY OWNER-01oire of ~r-r l::ni:lLo;tr Shcpmd doc fT'tt '47 CHE'\"£. SEDAN For small family. Lot 41 x 13.''i room hoUSf', both G I a pprovt'd '' First "'·~ .. QonJna det Ms., 2 Door Nf'uly Mw. Rea!IOllatilr Price S.'i500. Terms or will trt1de for pickup st-tic A4<;0 lotit in Harbor Jkii;hts. St>e truck or lot. Telephone Beacon -l -----------.. ::; COAST ifOTOR CO. L L MENNF:S, :l603 w C'<'ntrnl. !\418-R. 1172-22nd S t .. C.0.111 ....,... I Phone II 2127-W • B. rH87-M M('jla. 51-511" 111. room for rf'll near ~i HIM Coasi Highw1ty ~c FOR S ALE-45 fool lot o n Ocran '' PtionP ~ac-on SQ.U..J Sl2 .. ) Bt:Arn~ ~ RF.SORT or yl'11r :rround homC' Blvd,, Balboa. Pri~ ~ low t<> ''' ··k ::0..1tr .'l~ltc., Open Sunday I lo 5. 1740 Plaza d11y'1 wrarket Ph. Beacon 5U6-J tf ite '. RF.:-.01 !'ummtT' ~ths.. -4 lhawatha Doodle Buit M otor dl'I Nori<'. B11ll)<1~ 5-l-2tc --------- Or<•im hnuS" :.! blocks from Sc:oottt. only 5 months old, A ,\ • 315 Gotdrnrod. c-*' buy ~t Sl~OO. T('lr phone 233-W V S · I Of Beautiful View 8 ' ~· N~A R UPPER RAY lTI x 330 'I \"°7-J ~1tc1 or :ttt at 127 A1taf(' Ave .. Bai-ery • peCla f erin~ : R£'1-B~· the )"nr unfur-boa Island. Sl-5tp at $1 2,600 npprox l ', iwr" RESTR ICIF.n 0. <.fwd 2 b('droom ~ in <"«-.46 OIT.\' AERO Has G l Loan ~1.:.!<l<t 00 • rlvl )tar no. to «hook .. 1 \"tty Sharp. RPa~on11hl<' <•r« Hamor 167 53-3CC' nIARMING F't'RNJSllF:O hnml' HARBOR INV. C •nr·t-t. ·-cl ..,.,io t;ntil c·a rrt•lt•rl Ff'nf"<•d var<I aml nicr• 'l R F:'l-1 -Attracth•'t" tW'O rooml COAST MOTOR co. I w I I Ji 'J. hf'droom~. rirrplal"•'. .., .. ~·· ...-...-lllr~ C-o;ict Hri:h" as .s1irround111gs :!'...'!I :t.larml' AvPnui·. !111lhn a 1~1111111 J1w l!i1h titilni<'f. paid Adults Bt:AC'P~ 6:.!AA F.xdus1v<' W11 h ·1 hrr f >Harl' Jl:irhnr t:t11 !'l~l· 11< 11 Island An •. Balboa 51-StC' !l:"-..llr· -- I' ~ Rl-::-.."T lfr1funuslwd ~room RY O\\~r:R 19~ C'ommand••r l .JOHN E. SA DLF.JR .. 1r1m<'nt. 111 ·~ )bin ~·· Sri.W SMan in ,·pry good f"On· R I !':11'1' C'hN•rful :.! R n horn•-. J"'' .tltXl:l Yf'aT rnu.nd ~ 960 Of) dHenn L I. ~l··nn•~. PhC>llf' R~ e a t 0 r f"omplPlt•ri I .;1ri;·· \ 1 .. \\ \\·inl1'• . 11•nth \"llhtk-5 furn~ R ~-:\t. oHrrr II 2117-W ~l:1 nll'~ A Smllh. II.VI'! !\>I Condon rn hvini; f!Mtn>, \\1th l111il1 -1n "n :>1·5tc 5-l ·!'llc F<trt•I Mull1cnn. A<sorlitt" nrokl'ri; t011tnrs '.l-rnr i;ara1:1• l'llf't"•r R-P.-.E-.X-.:T---Room---<,..-a-par1--m-it-n-:-t. l!llt!i or f,07 C'rn1,.1 l hi.:hwav watrr ltm•s :cnri 1·onnrl'lN! "'" .... Guarante--d u~ed Car ~ Harhor 7·11 11r l111 rhnr 'J.422 ••r'< Prirl' '!'CW!I. Ml T"rll1 .. l'hn ht' ,, h '"It" for !il'T"\~. snan •• '"' ;::-:s '"'"" 11rranl!•·rl !l:l-111• •11111·· Tf'TTl~ry <Jr pr-nn> nu: ST ORY· • nt Plactf'rlr.~. plumhint:.. "'"°. To Parr is 10 Say Goodhye. LOT FOR SALE . Mulllpli· 1,i-..11nv. ·1r1a n , <:1r )"3rd .-oril ~ A <'.ood BFY 1!< I\. Rnr1tain I NEWPORT ISLA NO -Cholc.. Lt Col F (" \·•·hn. H•·al1111 11~ ,.,, nin1t• 33-J~p )ly rv and I par led -corner R-2 lo t. SidPwalka llnr' Fi<rtus1v1· a1: .. nt R P.F::-.01 -KJ1chm ap1~""'"' Ror ni--n It WA." ;-.;o RARGAlNI pavlog hoth r;id1·s. all utllltlf'I ll11rhor :i l-W ,·:utahlt-b,· da)· (<r ....... tt ~-mt~ TJIT. ~tORAL· i::aul Lunrl. ftfl()6 OcPan Front 707 Jrii;. 1 ·11rnna flr·I :\t .. r .,1, • ., !'3~\'°J ·)lot('1 HarblY • · · I Newpor t Bl'arh, C'ollf. U ~.:, ,,, . · 5..1-3!<' )fak< :i r.oo<t RUY Al -------------------------fl!l\.,T \"FLY :-.OU\-2 b<-dloom ..,.., Geo. Ea~ton Co, ·orona .dl'I Mar. 13 bl«b from U20 So )fain Santa Ana 1ort<1 hic'rty ~ or will PH S A 9666 l'Tll unrurn.dhed. ,. .... u-~ ~ :i!l-ltr T1h 6 1 2 )I~ Har1Jor -----------~:i.n · !i3-3tc A~ trAl'n'ED 11 \\. ~ h.'Clrl'IC'lm c.v112r ap:u-imrn1 't1ht1"" p;ud 111 ~M a mnnth. n ) •'llr" l<'il~ Alco man~ qjlft- nt•r rrnt al!' Prn-att-par!} wan1s ':l9 or "40 car nor "'°'"' S6flO ""'h :-fo Ford<1 No dfoaj,ro H11rn"°n~· 11th :rnd Or· angf> ~t . C'lltSIA )t•'Sfl .;,.1.!l1c ~;\ TlLF.1 R • S).IJTI I t"nn~1 Hiway. {"orc:>na cit-I )tar 'nAllia8 II 'h••n<' 24~ :»-tic T.·foot. 19-17 sleepe six, e ll'Ctric urTEP TO llE!l'I' a rrfriltt'Ation. !!hower apartment -----------:~--:: ranr;e. pxtms Cost S3ROO. Sac· •t "PLF. W1 th 5 ~rar ('trl .-~nl rirla' S26fl') Save tax and com· ~~-tuntllht'd « misfion. ~ f1n~·..,. St.. Co.ta ~nrum1slwd. by )'("ar-C".•lr lx>-~ )lesa f'tlOn,. Bl>acon ms..w. w""nf\pm and8pm Harbor days. 51·5tp ~lf'l6-W 54-5tc _ •F.AL ~TATE ,,,, W!'·"l'll'llf'S t'fT\Plo)"f"f' .-ants 2 ------------ ~T'(YfTTl houw Jl"rlt'!"abl)· un- 'u rnlt'Jwd on nuv mrGths bafill ~all Lron W1lharm at H.arbJr 13 Sl-tfc Balboa lslanrl :us AP<'ILF::-.: A A:"TF.D j'() ~'T For l ,..ar t-11rm:sh<'d f:.itrly Amrnc11n lfomr f"('riod « ~ unlunmhed. Wu.t. .Apt_ AVU (iaruca- flO\Joti' perl«'lr fll"ll". marumum Tf'<I u 1rt'ml'tl1 1 JOll "'I f1 wh h 3 htdrooms Will ,__,. up to ~ ll"T mnnth M\t U'f' ~· al \f'llsP in advan<"' Call J.anws J C&TTOll. BNcon 536'7 54-ltc t Open ~aturday and Sunday 55-ltc '• BRIGGS-BEST-BUYS BAY SJ IORFS-Lovely. exqui.4'it<.'ly mod<'rn horn" 3 bcdroo":ls . 2 haths. shown uy ,.appointment. Pril'<' $14.900 with t.en ns. - RENTALS-R<.'Sident ial and btic:;incss. - Fred BRIGGS Tressa 634 &>ut Highway P h . Bea. 5778 Res. Har. 247fi ·, ·, 111• COSTA ME SA, EAST SIDE' Small housc. 1 acn:~ ~nd': comer pl"O()C'rt i. QuM location . Good pos.-.ihilitit'S. S.1. ;}()(). 00 Warren M. Buchanan R<'a l f:-.tatc -Insurance 1701 Newpor1 Ave .. C~la Mesa WilliClm G. l lav Brok('r · Siglin Kil)~ S11 !<-S W . B1wh:rn:in· Bmk<-r Phon<' &-aeon 627~ or l::\"<.'S. &-a .5H!>-R nr 5!n:i I 1:: At'I'-' m•t•rlonking lX't.'<111 fmm f"<)!o;la M~. An f'X· t't•ptional hu~ Cash $11~'1() NE\\'PO!lT II E l(; l ITS -A bwtUtlt\.tl :1· bt>ctroom homt•. hdwd flow~. llining nn. ~)v\Mou.'l pntio, dbl. gar. f>t~war huilL M:uw fin<.• extr ns. You <'an't- dupliralt• this for · ·-$1:l.~ 1 ~ ArN' nn 1•:1st suit• C'o.<:ta Mesa. f:.'\:N'll<'nt EVA F. RHODEN REALTOR 470 Ne\\ port Bl\'cl. Pho"" &-1woo 571:\.R Ewnin~s Hurbor 142;\-J or lM'at-on 5779-H 54-2tc A1 .. Ir:NTION L~RCa·: llOME m YEllS w(l h:t\'t' Jf1st l'l'('t'iVt'<I 1111 .. ,dt1s1n· hsllng Oil ll 111:-c- uriow .. hom<'. huilt 11\l'r thr bluff. in l'oronR de•I Mar. This homr was .1·1111~t1:ud1•d .et g11•at t·~1··n~·: and J!i\'l'S a SIX't'la1i11ar \'It'\\• or !'\1•wpnrt I lurhrn· Hiid th1• Pac-iflt · Onlv llw rmt-sl ol m111t•n als. 1111d llll>sl of worktnanshi.p h;l\'1• gOfk' intn tl11s hom1'. Brit•Oy. it ha." on lht• strl'..t 0111>r. a Ia n.~·· Irving mom. dining room. n1 •'111ng 111110 a -.1'1:11·1u1h \'1•rar11ta . fit'\'plat'(', kilr hrn. t h;11h. ancl l'\l ra tlt'l'fl :rn<I whit• <111uhlt• ~ar:ii.:1 " n1i Ow -;c,.·ond Oonr a n• thn"(' ~-c t nt lru~t' brdnroms 11p,•ning 111110 \'e•r:mda ._, sp111'ious l'l'll:tr- llnc<l do.>;(•b. ;u1tl two la t).:1' 1•umpl(•tl'ly tilro lmth- rooms. On thP tl11 rd noor l1t•!11w is additional storflg(• s1x11'•'. and two f11111 rw1..-s "hid1 furnish push-button l'Ofltrolk<l h1•;it tu all pa11s or tht~ hou~·. . -,. Out• lo cl(•ath in tlw fan11ly. O\\ 111•1· t:-"''t''mt'l~' :inxinus tn Sl"'ll . The pti<'f' Is $-1:2 .:")(JO. \'t'IJ' 1~asonablt', ronsi<it•dng th1• spN·laeular ''""'. lu1·ati1"1. nnd thr ('()Sl or OVt:'l'-t,lw·hlurr L"Ollstn11.·t ion. Wt• irwitr your Uiv~liga l1on This p l:i1'(' ma~· ht• shnwn hy appoint- m«-nt onl~·. Brok<·t~ coopP1-:1t1o n wPkotnt'll. 11. Ci\RDOZA SLOAN. lh.·altor 50:l Coast lfii;:hw11 y. Corum\ cl<.'I Mar Phon<' Barbor -17. or 10:2:\-M '. BEACON BAY w~ olfe« ~ following r hoi('(' !Nl!'Phold llstlnw-ln exclusJve Beacon Bay:, 2 insid<! lots 1 wah•rfront lots 1 watt•rfront hofll<' :~ homf'c; f in insiclf' "'''11. Phom~ 1 larhcw 1771; f111· fu11h<'r infonnalion. CLIFF-HA VEN Overl ooking Newport I I arbor W e hm·r a h11 -g1• :! IK'<lronm ;111d rl1•n t-:11wh typ1• horn<' with '2 ha I hs. l:t ri:•· -.1,;w1"11" It' 1111: ronm a nd separa l<> dining room. lk :111l1l til ktldu•n \\llh lots or tile amt C'llpboirn:ls. Fur·n .. I ;111" h1·:1t111g 1;. fl front· age lot. lx'autif11ll~· l11n<l!'.1·:r111"l \\ il h \"II'\\' l)f hill-. atlfl ~an. Will soon ht• <11m1•lf't1YI Huy n11w Hild hl'lp sel~t colors anti Ith• <":tll Mr J-:d\\;rrcl-. :rt l~·:rmn 5795 for f11rtl1f'1' inr1wm;1ti1111 BALROA BA YS I !ORES Cape Cod hflml' ·1 111-.lrr"''"" :11 • l1:s1h ... r111111-.h1-<I. Wall to wall 1·;11·111•tini.:. 111111 lw;1t ', 1·;,r 1:;1r;11,:1·. ( 'oin· plN<.'l y frmYYI pati11 ·1111-. "'•Ill .. "·'' ""'' "' lh•· l tll· ~t vit"ws in th1• h:1v :1n•;1 l'n\';sl1 • l"·:tt h :rnd 11111111 - ing privili-..:r.;. <'a ll .,tr· Th11111:r-. ;ii 11 .. ·ai~Hl ~·1 1'( lttr an appointm<.'nt. CORONA DEL M/\H We h11v1• si•v1·r:rl 1{-1. I! ._. :1111 1 J!.:\ 1111 -. .1\.11l;il 1lo• :11 n:-ason11hl<' 1ir111•-.. (":tll 11.11·1 ... ,. 11;11; :\t r p,,,,,..., or Mrs. Mar<JCm. Highw1-1 y front:r1::1· 1111w ;,, .. tJ1ol1l1 · .ot :';:!Oii rn.111 '"''' Call lhtrhor llilfi-:\tr P;1\·11•-. 11r Mr·-. M:1r•11111 OCE AN FRONT 1101\l E. Well loralf'll. ~-:-.l1 1r~· '"'":111 frqnt 11111111• :• • .11· i.:.in11.w Prirc $I :{.!>110. F11r111-.tu.;I tt11.:.lud1111: ""'' ~; I·. , .. rn1:· erator . Call l\t:rf'V I >wk-.11n :rl 11:1 11~.r 1111.: . . N EWPOHT BE/\CI I Near nt'W dvk 1•,.1111 •1 ~:,11•plt•111:dlv \\•·II l1111lt rw" 2 b('d room honw 11v 1•r :.! 1 :rr 1:.ir.11:1· .1111! l.;1...,·1111·111 Pri('(' ~.7:,o with t~·as111w l 1l1· 11•1111 <.. (';ill ~l.1ry Dic kson u t Ila rhor 111 I :1 INCOME PR OPEi-fi Y N('w 2 i:;tory. ~ rrni t rlupl1 •\ h1·l \\1 .. •n ttw ()(••:rn anrl canals. NC'wr l1t .. •n n·n11..-l . 11: ·,1111 Ti •m i-.. I 'h111w Mr. M1·Kln~~· itl Jlirrl.inr 1111:1. r - 3111 W CDITRAL N.-port e.dl EARL W. STANLEY Rl:ALTOR CO Vlr:RING GR8ATl:A N S WP U RT HAR BO il •I m COi.ft llW'f. Oorona del llw ;;;,.1 t ,. SOUTH COAST REAL TY 00. ~ R.nlvi Gl"'C'('1C.-)', RnttM -~ c ........ Bn*"r J<l8t'flhlnr W.-bb. Hc--h« -lltfm 0 . Klllltt. .,_._. ~2 MRln Stl"f'IC"'t BALBOA Pia. ,..,._ 2llM ~11 .. Modern Li-Shape Ranch Home Thrw brdroomA. ,._.'Xlll5 ~ ... ....-. BNm n"il~. lalll'" ll\'intt IUlllll. J J;Q .... ft. ol lrils ...._ Doublfo KJ'nlg.I" I :-..\<'n" with 13 frail bwa, a.M01'1f'd ~ 0...-. ,,..... ol l 1Jptr .,. ldNJ ror~HL G . I. APPRAISfD $10.150 20361 .S. W. Birch St. -Santa Ana·,Hcigbts South al CCUlh')' CW. ' Phonfo Sant.. Ana tfn.l.J-1 ·. \ BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITY F:XCF.l.LENT Glt'T SHOP UJCATXJllll ALSO A 1"t0t·k of tnf'rctumdl. that ........... $1.'MO _, hr 1trr,uln>d nt • '-~ Mid • WW)' fawww It trnns. OR Ttw> ITM'rmandblt' nan hf> tlOld ....,.....,. .. • - vantA~ price to tbr bu)w. 11fF. LE.ASE C,on~-.ts of a .... anlial . .....-ory lll'tdl md stU<'C'O buOdin« •itll ~ 9qUaft' ...,. al .._. ...- nnd " lars:c-2 twdlooa1 ~ at .... ,... el dlP bulJdlnJ!:. U• al .. ewnl fi~ cma.., •• a• lf ""'nod. S1or. Jnotlon--407 E. Callnl.. Pa0 w COAST PROPERTIES 00. Qcaltors 501 E. CMral. Ralholl Blanche A. Gatcs-Rcaltors--Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave .. Balbo. Island Day PhonN: llar. 1671..J; ...... lllM-.I f,Ves.: liar. ·~·; ..... 111?-ll BALBOA ISLAND Why Rent? Buy!!! 'l unlt,t;. ;1 R.R N<i1 rw.-and .... ~ l..:1r,::f' llvt~ room ..... h n • .,...... floor ,..._ ... . l1t"ltnk'fl ·~ilinfC' . ...nino JMinil •1'h .......... ............ Xlnt t.-nns. "nd pr'k~ to ~ ~ 11nit... 2 B H. r11rla <"tnq• t~ l..al'K!f' 1triniir rum. f1wpli,1"{•, n tum ...... .., ,...-Xlnl. lntwwww. flay front h<.lf'O(' ;ind '"'"..,.. •• <'OrTW'r ,,,... .. .,.. f1HTI. Private· 1iM·r '""" 0.1o11• A RE.Al. buy al S.t • Xlnt. lt>nn" fmrrw..tP..,. ,~...._..,_ :_> H If hi lfTM' 11.!•it u• f tUTI fllW'fib-? Jl'llio ~, it HI< . :1 1 ... 111 fum1..,._t ..,.,.,. l..MlO" liY rm .\ pl;rn'. pa tio V••f)' :.tlrllc1n..-lkatt for"°""°"' ._ t'f1j11ynwnt. l'nn1'fl ,, .. •,.a.it ..a .... $17,illfJ 4:l ft. l 1111l<lini.: ''" lfum if , .... •"Mll~hlc 7,....,. ft)r :1 unit:-. ~I 0.1:.u t111 • • CORONA BEL MAR 1>11pi.· ~ :t H H •·:.d1 1 .. Jn. .. · '" r-•..i. rfn11bt"P. 1 ... 11,,.., ..... f111111..JM"ll. IC.."flttl\ Ill kh ,....., I yr '*'· l'ri1, .. 1 f1.,-1111wk -.;lJ.• s;1•~.u:11 • fif.,111t1fttl ·: H H h11fl1t· :.• t ... th 1·.-.n..,.. IR ,..,..,, . fm·1•l:1tt· fl l11rTl . <hmnc ,.,,,..n ,.,.,, ,,.,. ~r SI) of I I~.\ ~·1111 m•-tt.or't1 .11•fut••1u"' .. A~ $1:l .. 'V1'J. I .11Vrol\ ·: H H "''""" •.i 1/1 ft l<A ~ ~ rwnt \'W W To ..... t111 ... ,.,. '" • nt 1t Owmr •in f Ill 11111'•. Y•111·11 \\:1111 tlr1:-. U••:tut1tuJ 2 HI~ htlftW' <lft Fl) n. It)(, I .;in'" II\ n11 fu.,4';.en·. fl furn . ~ htdiooniK.. dl1I 1::1r . 1•1tl 111 an<t t~r ltQ. ,._ ~ .,..,....... lio·attt1f11ll v l.u ut .... -:•r•'ff 1l•h• k "' ~ l'r1inNI JiKhL \\'1· lr.1v 1· "'""'' i.:••"1 t•11ktfnK ·1it1h So of Jfc:y. and v otn1· I •·:111l 1f 11I :' .1tlfl ·1 ••~""""'' ...,...,... .nth ..,.nna- 11< ·11t \I"" ... NEWPORT HE'ICH~ I\ 1111• ,..., "'°" :.! A H ho.-nt· ••1 ttXTtl'r lot 1.af'JC"' liv. r'Ollnl, fl f11m . \'"f'T! 11'~. flttt .... L"a~ Y ... nt i.:lnd- °"·;lfw"<I H.-;illy ft 1!•ff1 for f°J U1t<11 T~ :\ H H h<lfTI•• f-in1t!lo.•"·· 0 rum . ,.,, ._._.r . JlAtio. ~ ... ,,, ,,,,,., ...... "''" J~-;·ll~· ........... OOSTAMESA I nv.• tl11w11 ro;1yrtM'flt 45..zi P""I" mn w . t~ m f'k T•1k1· '"'•·r t; I ·I'. S.All '"" 4~M ,.,.,., ltwf'fy 'L lio"lh~"'°' lt•JfT'lf· L:1n ... 11\ "'""° tn•h ,..,.,,.,.,.,. am .. "''"'· fl fum . ''""''~' '" ,..,,... .. ~-kitrhrn •i Ut "1•·.1kfltl't non« . ..,.,.,.,, ... r,,,..t1 IJiC f/1 , I ~. Orin't nvrrlook thul. "ff1t'l'tf f"""* $1'1~• - Aln~1tly fm;inr"f"d fJn r. J t r; ·~ &-autlfW Ii mo. 1111! ·1 BJ,( h t.nw·. fim nn bt1.,;.. llV rm. with fuoe.- 111:1•,.. :ind n ftlf'Tl;tl'f•. , ... .,, la th ••th rut; anti ~1all sh 11w1·r. tfhf .i.:i.r 1Jt4 ~' 1.'G •~utifuDy aaoo. ....... ,,,"11 ~1th f, ft "'"''1 f....,w • ...,,._~ '"r yant. A HEAL l tr•mr .inti <t H.EAL f1U) Thi""· :rf"• l'lf'lly ;f ''""" '" ,._. m..ny,..,.. homel and IJlO'tllW Jlr'l'.'$,fl'rtif>s ~-.· ~•\ • t•1 -bf:M ~Ai, Gi\t t~ a 1·h11nN> ,,, ht·lp you • - BLANCHE A. GA~~ GA.1'13 55-ltc \ Id-• in . Ml &. ... .. ,~ ... :. root .... lnr ..._ .... eGCal pelolf'd Third ltann1r "'IM hn'Ktl· tllh .• ,,,,,..,.,, I d ub. 1·111frr • " R. Yru•ht h \ 1 .. 1on 'tJtr. a .,,.,. II V•rtit 'ont f::d tlrd t• r, -lm. rnf 'nf'W !hf' !hr dAy ... • .. '" 15 la ta IA ~· • ,. •• II ,, • • • I ( I • • I I I .. ·~ ·. --L t \ .. • JI r=. .. I· n ... AROUND THE HARIOR, OH .THE MESA i'llOS£8: H.\alK>a II. !ti aa.: 11A. 1a1-a Social s K•nt Roberls Ad"tesses FAC Members/tip; Mrs, Calo l'ie/•·ffected Hew '/>resident and Mrs. R. G. SkUet. Mn. Flor· t'nctt. Shrartt .. put·ptftMlf'nC AUlvm11t ica!ly berometl • dlrtttcr Mill )"f'IT." Page 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS·TlllF.1' Saturday PtoqtUms •'KID . .\\', s_,.,n a-di. ·C..Ut. """' t s, INll At BYC ;,, Cltor9e NMllitaTy 1tre-nct1'1 ls our irfe•!· n1 prot«don aa;ainsl war .,.,1th Ruuia," 1ta1ed Kcn1 Roberts. who allo 11rf'Uf'd '1he l'IN'd for 1pir lt111l 1trf'ngth In Artl{'rica When he addrt-Uf'd !hf mef'tin& of the C0tta ?.fesit Frl4a>' Aftf'r- noon club, Apr-ti 16. Dt•l<'glltl'S to the Stt.tC" Con- ,· .. n1ion In Santa Cruz M•Y 4 through 7, appoinled by Mn. Shearer ll't're 1'trs. Heinz Kaiser and Mt1. \\'. B. 1.f<'llott. Mr'i. Sheattr .,. ... nomlnated u a clel· l'gate from the floor. Capilla Circle fleets Former· Officers. Hears Year's Report af Wednesday Session Annual ri•tAJTI' rind 1•ll'('l n•n of otfiN'r!J l••111t1n-d lhf' m1~·1tni: (•f ('llfllll& rlr1·I.-h•·kl '''«rtnrsd11y 111 Pili::rlm hall, C,.rnnn d.-1 ;l.111r Cummun ily rhurch ;\In; Jnhn S11dlr1r. prl'!lldrnt. ,.·rJn·•nwd fllf'1nht•n 11nd !\!rs lh-."1trf1 1 .. ·1:1: J:R''" nu• d<'\'Ohon~ Fol1lM'in1: thr r<'t•-rl l'f !>1r5 C-T . A.11ho·nden. chairman n! tlw nominarlni: ("Offlm1t1r r . Kil of· fiC""'l"'S "·rrr r.r-rlf'rtNl ·nif'}' arr: P.frs. J ohn S:tdl,.1r, Jll'"!'sidt-nl: "'"' 0 . P.I. c'an1phr ll, \'i<'t'·pt"•·t.l; drnl ; Mn C""'1r1!r :>:aylt•r. ~•·CT•.., r11ry: Mn A /\ Vonrh•'t'!<, 1rras· · uttr; Jlolrs. E F ror11"1'. r111rll11· nw:•ntstion 11 nrl :\Ir' r .. 'n1 lrl Rilrhif'. roQrdln11Hlr. C'lr<:lt• f•ffin·r~ ,,.ill I,.· llL~l.•ll1•d ,,.11h thusl• of th•· f-;1101111)' .S1·h.-onl ~Iii<\"" :\lli)' ~'f; \\!lh :\I r~ f) Z Rot" r!Min In <:hllt\!'<' Th(' prM;!r\rnt t"p11r1r<\ ''" 11 mM"Hni:" ,..,! t "ffi11>1' r nunf'il -.,r - rhurrh \\'f:>m•·n. hrld A11nl 1!4 hi \llhltlirr This .....,unril nf 10- milllon f'hUro:-h ,,.·nmrn (>f All d•·· no1nin11 1i"n~ I~ 11r,.;r1I In ho·l ri In 1>liminalini:: rarr tttl'judin · hy kindrws~ nnrl untl•'r~l11nrlini: in th1•ir 11t•rson>1 I <Ylll!1tr1~ ... ·uh in- divlr\u11ls vf 0!111·r r11N"•. 11nrl re- fJl('mOCnnt: ro \•t:i<'liw llu.· Cold· t'O Ru!~· In tt'TlOtllnJ: for Frlrndly &-r\'- ict" for 1hb rl1s lriC't. P11C'•f1C' nnd I.ht' South"''""'-· Sll"'lll .,..,.~. •f'n1 to chnrit:>hl<' r••h!'( 1•1!11 hl'n• 1101! 11hroad. 1<\JO '" 1tud1·nl tf'l1o'f in M>Ulh•·~n srhont~. Tht· locnl J:tnup -iffir IS bi'liN n c o nl': o Hfloo\1 and l11m1hr~ In t ;rt't'("f>, ----- H1.•li:11ri:t , 11,11111 111"1 ,;,.,ui '"' 11n<I n....,,'l\t'fl 1n n l'h nl.•'1) I• I· h 'r< QI 1.,'T'J\11!\HI" ·n,., rirrl,.. 1115<• \••f••l !11 .,\,.111 11 l "lun••Jio• '"') f.,r " )'""' r~•>•h1' fur hi§ ~rh.....,hn1· '""' \..• • I• ~tr~ (J z. n .. 1 .. ·r1~""· '" 111.i uft1.•nnA: r l•111rn1:i/l, r,.J,.•11• d ~lh · f1fll"I 1:ivo•n 1111•1 Yf"" loy (·hu1 rtu1• of lh<• 1t1~1 r1<·t, .. h .. ·h 1:11\ .. 1111 ... lll'•li<'fls. of '"11 1"'11 ,,,,, " • h.oni:•·tf ritrh )'Pllt .\I pn o;;o•nl 1h•·~ "'' Youlh r11n1p,;,, i.~·,ll) 11,. ~un1rn• I <':•mp,., Pili.:riu1 l'11,.. lol~ll .. 1l<J t"ouchu\li' unh••r,o;11 .1 11nrl l••~i"\;,! and 111 .. rst,.tih~hlnc ol f>ht11•·h·"" lfl :'\',,rfh (""r"hfl/I t.it•"l1 fl)• •11\• I i~ 11•kl'tl If• 1"11 llUl'" ,.,,,I,< .1 \\\'f'k Inf" !H I' tfj;I••~ I••\. ti,.• ""'"v l,;•1n~ · Xu1 Ir.,.., -""" h 1\1,,1• 11 .. ,.. ~lhn) .. Ir ""~ f!lln•>11n• '"' J..1.• 1,. 10•1· r .;111p (·r,nl•·l'•·1w•· "' 1 ·.,rrr1··.:"!"''.,, 111 l'IUlt<'h"~ f.•r 1hu. '''' • '"'•'LI·, lw• l11·1d :\111\ 1:1.-\1 111 .'.\11r 1·, •• and ""Y""''."''' '' ,,,,, 1n :.''• n~I 1ni: h ,.,.J,~•UI• 'n11· n• \\ ~ .... 1n1: ._ro •u1• .,.,11 H10·11 \\'H \rw"I"·' ~1 .1\ 1-' !fl•!• nl of lhl• IL~U.,I ....... ,11.1 ·r ....... 1 .. ). t! .. ~"~~l"O Ir. l•' h,.lcl r_l 11.I•• 11''.l'fl' ••f ~l rs A~l"·n1l1 11 ~~11 -:"• •·• '" 1 •• 111.· .,;,nl. R:olh•"' '.\l•' I F l '••lf' "Ill ho• r .. lw ~l• ,. Al t11r rt""'' ,.f 1!!• n1•, 1111,: 1'l t!! ("a n11 ot1o II 11rirl :0.1•' ~a~l••I )ll'.'Ulr<><f Joi " 11•;, talol•• C'1 nl• f • J..._ \\"Ith l"\"rl~ rt""·~ II•"""'~~'""'' ,.11~ .s \\' lll:.1·1tl .. ·:.nl ~1 ~ i'•·tr) ~··hru.•k and '.\\1!1 ,\rltnu K1•n1J'f'r News ·of the Churches •A.L-•OA Iii-AND CHAPEi.. 11'8 ....... ·--""" H•rrr W . Wlllte, .-.-1 .. 1, ,. .... . Ch11,...h S.l'Mlol. t :JO ..... . Jl..r.i ... Wont\op. II &.IP- "THI. ""l•ND\..V Cl:NTl'IAL •1•t.ll CHV"CH" "-"'· Dwl•M 1111""'•"· Pa.I•• -..U.,. \991porM'llr I• U.. Br"'•lh n.r A.d-dlw..,h, r~ Qlf Old o-.1r rwd .-4 Bo!-. .......... c-. ·-"'*..,..o/, t :'5 &.m.. W ...-no. .. 11 '00 a.m, y,,,.... .. .• llen'U. .• p,111. •• S"41lrn• 1: .. .,. .. 1i.ue 811'¥W. 1 p . ._ W.SllNd.ir. lQl1I A....i.rtm •-IM. OUl'I L.AOY OF MT. CA"M•t. MD W-' °"'"',..I ..,....,..,. 1111a4a7 "-: I ..... u4 10 ..... Ooaf..._: Aalurda7a trc. f ;Q(I to t :M ..0 rt-1:IO to t :IO p,._ .-VU. ~L CHU-'cH -.._.._ ~--- a..d&7 aMc>I ''"' _.. .. •or-mQ, lJ ; ~19Ue -"""'· 1:11, .... ........ ,,..,... -1 .. Oii • .._ W . T:• • .._; J'.9-.: Pl'llPI"'• n'U· plWrtk ~ _--,.,...,., 1:tt .... LY JoAc;t"i"j;' CHUl'tett ~ -e.::-;::.''"' ........ . --7 .... '-'lF· ..... 7 .......... 10 ...... 0.f I .. lal•rOar .• 44 p.-. ... ,,.., ... eT • .K!HN Vl/\NHllY CHUl'ICH ... IW• lel•MI ~ M=e• l ,a.m. Uld 10 LfD. ~: ,_.,11"1ar rrom 1 IO ta •i•..-. CHUJICH 01" CMl'lllT ~ ..... """''""' .. -L.. a.. ... C..l\19r, Mtl\1-.......,_, 8iutd•r. 10 a m , Bibi• a•7: JI a.m. Mur111aa wonblp. etfl'lllT CH UftCH •V THlli Ir.A eo..-11 .. llr. Meth<Hll•t l&IO w .. t C...tral •-, Ill•"· I[. O. Oooftll, Petto< Apr1l II. IN 0.11,...h S<-boo>I. t ,JQ •·"'· 1r1..~n1l11t won<hLp. 11 • "'· !lit"""" O>e..,.. ··Be11111 T.,..,....1r ,.,,, t::1ernllr .· K~•t.,. wonhlr ··"·1 ... k-.n "' ' M llt'IR!''-Rt' .. 0.-<d~ll-l.IO. •••h...<d l"' l'oulh'• ,...n .... ~11111 ~1 6 511 ta {",.u._.df'll JI.ii. • •ld •·flt'k M...,.t lnl -l'•'.•I lur~ 1hn11rr Uld •"•nll>J vf w<1nhlp, I IO 1>"' \.lo'~1 · ....... IT. A.NOllCWi Pl'llE:S9VTl:fU'°'lll CHUl'ICH-,,.f.WPOl'IT H .. 1'1.Dl'I "'l" i;,c.-1 Awdltorlum 1kh •n lr~•ft•, -po" Holghl• 10 "·"'· <"llu,....h 11<:h<~>I t i• "-Of., M.,t1HI01< ,.,.,....Id\' lu~ Tho•n>•• o;u .... n ~"' :ru1, ..; ....... 1 1· ........ 1 S.Jt,..,. l•Lonol -l'h"ll" llo•Loo•t :tlfO-""" TH£ NIEWPOFIT H•Rao11; LUT HCFl .. "'I CH UFI CH 10l7 Cloll 0"-· Ntwpo•t H•lgl!U i:tt ... H~•be•I C. Flolh, p~Ol<>f "'A (."tilOllii~I~"" c-t>n~I f.,, " t..,1an•<ll• W vrld"' cf,u,....t< ~h.,vl, ' 3(1 •on , dl~lnP wu,.,.hlp, IO;:tQ •-"'· ·-c ....... 0,,...,_y,.,.-u C·-.1.1•111 ~ ... Ul:M•l..11:1 OF GOO H . S. McMtl1•"· Pa"'or ..,...rlc•" Ltg •o" H•ll. \!>th & ca .. u•I /!lllld&r 11<hooL, '·'~ a.m. Korrlh11t ... ,,. • ...,, II Lift. £•·flflllU' t >"U16t'll•tlt _,...,,.... •I 1·IO. lrlld·W't'ff: ........ 1 .... TburO<l•r T·IO P·"'- f;T. J"MllS CHl.!l'ICH ~ROTIEITA.,,.T 11.Pl~OPAI.. 11111 VI• Lido Phon..1 Hart>vr I~ ""'I Hart"" •2' ,..,,, P•"' Moo,... """""'••, A.ct or l :IO a.fl\, ll•'lt Cl'fr\lnWILOh. 1:10 a.rn. ("hu,...h 8rhni>I. U :OO a.Tn Mon u na r ... r r and Sor!•· -. tJl"lrM &nd&r•· llnly C""""°wll· ..... 10:111) •,ftl Tl!Und•)"I' '.Jl•)\7 C't ..... mUll· ~ .. 111 P"''"" f<!r tly> .. ~1r.. SCVl:NTH DAV AOVfNTliT~ c.o--· h••• •""' °'" Cowfttr "'-"· eo.u -• .. ~'·"•'~ .. 11 ••• 1 s.1w..i•r ..,.,,...,.. t Jo.I "rlyrk , • ..,.,.hh•r ,...,·n ··· 11 • "' ir1RS T f'Ol.!R~l)All[ c;wuRCt4 Of' COSTA l'IC.iA o. ...... •""' ~ll'HIO ·"'"" '"" Mr1. 0. Wit'•'" M••,,.., ,. .... .. p ......... ..._~ llu•d•J" &-hanl .• J(I • In llllomln.: '"'"'•hll' "'" '"" Ill "-· C' ...... d .. r •rY>N". ' Jll p "' ~,...,...,r ... 7rm. 1:-1 ...... ..,,_, ... i~I!~ ........... " 7• ...... Wrd-'•r . , IO p m ,.._,.., .......--J"rltl•r. 1 :JO p.m .. y...,,h ~1cT<1 ,..d BH>l• Studr. CO&T'°' Ml[U COMMUNITY C HUlllCH J-11 H . T--, M'),,1-r 1M IE. 1111 .. M . ~II. -•1't-M Chw"'ll .,.hool I U ._ m. Morn.I .. ;;;;:,;a.Ip. 10 :1.0 &.._ T_.., ........ H._. ........ t--_.._., ~l. •:•111---._. .. ~. 1:IO •. -. OCNtONA. OCL M'°'" COMMVNITY CHUlllCH. COMOlllllGA.TIONAL ~ ........ .._ 11oe1w ............ ~ t i! Heti.t .......... ~ ...... . 811..S.y. ,1.prll 26 IHI , ............ Chll1"h ~. 11:00 L m., M«nol"C 9 • ....... IJ" Ao>"""• br llllr S<llrod • ' A. Relll hlll 1,,, (:.-. _J ........ " T·JO p,.,. S.•"" HIP Pllrim r .. 1. lo•oohlp. <:l1riio.1ian 5rit•nc-r TI1t>m~ "l'r•tl•aliutt :r flt•r llt·allt• ........ lhr t•111 l1• I '" •rl)> Ill' Iii., ;h•11,1. ~,,., r1ul. ~ .. !\1•1!1 11,.·01 . , "n •O 111•· :'"" ., ... i.•t •lll •11 ... n 1 ... ¥o!l1 1'h, •I· 1,1,,,.,,,,, ft 'l'1u .J• 1 .. ·111 t..· II' 1:r.J !•II T· '' .. r . 'eo· :0: ,;,,:.>) f,. .,,.. ,.:, H I\"" n !\ ' I' /•:111 .. • ~I!• th •" lh .11 I••,.. I ..: 'fl1•' ""l l\•'I • u II• 11,. I , • '" h ,.1 < \I ·T '' 1 • •! l 1 ' . ' " . ' ... 11 ! '>•i·I " " '" ! ·1· ' > • 1 • " I• I , I,. ti\ II .I .. •I r ..... I' II\• In •! .: .... • 1\111 ,,. •t• .~I of 111•· ,, "1·'· "' h • •~· 111o tl1·r•1 .. 1t·' ,,,.,. h~·n 111•· ,\,·•·I 1~, •. : ·· •u• n1""'' !h~t 11~ '·~·! .. '"'" "'\!" lh•·!I •u•l !h•' i, .. 11 .. 1···! lh••••t'\•lurr .,. Ill" ,. . .,;,I •Iii• lo J1•t 1U Ua•\ •ft\11 ;\l llrk to'l'"[I• AnJ 1111'} """! f•ll!h, l\n•1 1•r,.ll<;tlf'<I ,.,·r ry •h•·,.,.. th" I.o r•! •·01kln-1<Jlll lh•·n1. ~·1o1 1•untlrn1ln11: Ui• ··or<l • 11h p!i::n~ l0Hn,.,1n11 " Ma r>· B1k"'· ~:.t.tr •·t11"" in .. ~ .. 1 .. 11.-.. and 11 .. ,.1111 •Hh K .. r 111 !ht< i'°• rl;•lllt"~ •• ··J ... 1.-""' h:.in•• .1 1•h .. •1C'lll 1·r>n•lll \nn •ll••r • h~I ,,.,:m•··• h i bt' ,1 ... 111 ... !\~ r .. 11n .. ·pd h~ hi~ »t•il•tln!! ~""'" •ll rna!"t'"' on111!11ln1v : •n·I thl~ <'l•l!.•!lon r 1,· CENTRAL CLEANERS , Cf'OaMJ:&LY 81lOAD"'AY CLF.A..~F.IUll tr.'lriDJ:ll :\~' MANAOF.MF.XT PICK UP AND DELIVER\' EXPERT MENDING ¥D Rt:PAIRl~G ~ .. b: ...... r A..-Fot" CAAl:n·t: LAliSDal'-41A!\'TA ASA 2'903 w. c;ntrai Ph. Harbor 522-W Newport • \- 01 Yorious Fleets I . • "' ..... ~ 1" l ' , •• 1 ...... \\I , IO,,) I• ,· ...... , lh "\ .. ~ ·•' j ••• ' .... '' .· .... t.1•1·;. ,,: ''" ! J.,11 '"•"'' ,-.. I Jl '""' '"• , • \\ I '' l . ., •,_,,~ \o •f• ·•of! ,. ••• •' I t\:•"t ' • '" ' ,_ ... " •A- ,...)f"TH f"O\..lliT ~-'11.1-ts. I'• is .. 1 .. l'hl. ob<oen ·...t lk llh1I annJn:,...,.)· of tlle fouacllnir ,of n.w ~ rl •= ..-• ._.....,.,. \~n.ln.-lity •I s-port H arbor V.cJit r:lldl. 8lttlq at the ~I of .. .,... ~ -... ~-KJchl '" 1 .. r1 .. \fr.. !Kar1o Tart&«llo of IACnna S-.:b, ..-nttnc 11tt.rP.l&ry __, ~; ..._ D. "·Br""""' S.nl• .\n-.. l-k'e-pf'l'Ndt'!nl ; Mrs. !Jtariley Chambers of Udo ............... ; • .._ ... Fnni.Hri "' IJ4r1 1-1-r. rorreopondl111: _,,..l•T)' and Mn, 8"·~rty P . Uftlls.. I••• .,,_ -photo by Gerhardt Hunir'°l' (11.'0flle are nn1 tn1er- M1ted In id('()l<>glt'S or politics but In food. he <.'On! inufd. nod in all countrlK the CommurMitll ha1·e promised the p1·1u;ant land of his owh"Wlnd (ood. Nt'W ml.'m bct1 !ntroduet'd b, Mr!I. P. V. Parkr!I "''l'te ~Mn. A. II. l\1•)·rn. ?.11'$. lfarold..Beebf and J\.t rs. Thomas Lazio. ,.,r nt ,,,.,-t,·i.• .... ,. " ;•1 !"''"''"' ••:t.•I • .. i' 1·.-••<"'< I 11 \\ k \! '""'.:0 .. oo "T"O'.m.. I•>•,.• •0. '"''fl •°r-U!»U'.t ll-f "'" t ...... l .oth i.·~l.•no-.A~ t\,. I• \0 11! h.o\• f'l . .01 .:• l4 tho 1>1 · :t.1111 u.pJ J ,~r , .• ,.,.,"' .a• :;• t10 f ti •Ill•..-' .... ,." • I ' • •• ·History ol Ce.-ics Told Arls .S Croffs Sec . T ob/es Available for Ebel/ Dessert ·tridge Allied About Aris Hears Winc(ow Display BeKlnnlng "'ilh hla entry Into Shanghai on his f'1'ttnl .,.·orld tour. Mr. Kent l ollo111l'd hi;; rout<' WV!';lward around \hi.' .,.·orld 1 cll- ini: of eondltiOf'lS in C'ach roun· 1ry hr \'isilf"d. Through01JI A."1.ia and Eurof'(' !he rt"'f'!Orl Wi'l!I of r"· treme lnfla1>on and •·aryinc t:M>- lfl'et"I of h4ng('r, of V.'f'lfnrr in Chlnt. G~. Indi11 and Pall!'S- tine. The speal<:er "''11!1 introduced by Mn. Cl'Cil Johnson. progr11m t:hR.irman. Jn the Ari rornl'r, )!rs. aaude And1'rson l'Xhibitc-d a pain1in& b) ?t1 Nl. ll<'lf'n Smith of Balboa Isl· and Il1n·inR s1udi<'d 111 Cl!lll'- mont ooUrgl'. ~In. Smith.has a· t)lbited all Ol't'r C11.lifornla and v.·\ln n1~rff )ltiit'$. Also lholl'll V.'t'rc 1v10 eharmlng ll'aler colon Jllloinll'd b)' l\lrs. Andt-r10n who ii sludying under Joan Brandt, 'JIU• ''' ,,,• :-.. llU1i<, 1f" l...i:l t1, /., IJ•l.' • •l-f"l""'C! B rf,,f\I <fl . l"'t ! ' \ 'T J'. t '.-I• • • ,.1 t :-• I• .. <1 ., ..... '°'~ ~."~ \,''l !. ·~-: ............. . .... 111,.11 ,I f>t bl' ... J.\<t ... .. '., .... • 1 1 I ... ": ,·.ri, "'""·•· j "1•· 1· '• 1. •r >1•rol I ... .. .!.:i' 1.:....1: I~ ._., '" ..i1't ·- Cub Pad 105 Advances Older lays To Boy Scout;nq :-;.''" 1 .. ,. •·! 1 '>~1· Pa.rk I (, ...... 1,.-d th.,ir \\,\"""' to;od_ .... "t. <1nd "'''r• .,o1,.,rw~-d Ir•~ t 'Uh ~·r.uunr ., n 1J.. 1~. '"4..:JQ• Nittr•.....uac:· IM ~ of 1 ~,.­ M•~ and l"rafU W't"tion o1 I ,. l "iwb) Afl~ dub April LI 1~..;...n F"lndl rold lhr iTVUP .. 1 ,,.,,. uil~M)a ol Cblnotaf' i.-•r •• ~'"" •11•" t:Ul'1)pf' &.ring < •• ._..,,.~ 11m.. llw '711'~·: (Of \• r .... i..m th.:11 ti lftlillirif'lll and 11 .• -.:.n r .. r ,,,_. 1~oedien1.1 u,... .1 .,., '1'~ I 'h ........... '°'"'"'~ '"" lhr •ar, aaid ~I• > .-n. ••1 po>r C'<'ftl ot ~ .• .en ~-. r•·r ,...n, <if art poH• ' m lhr l "l'lllM S1a11'11 ,.. .. 'imp " •• 1 .\• 11",.. r:tr str.u1 olf for<'1,.n ... ..,. ... ~. 1ri..· ~'-l'I"-.... ""''"" .\I r~ Timi' lhr)' fil•t •1-.t"•d 111 C-i•ona •t Mu 111 I~ lhM" .,.,.. abou1 20 Jl'•' '""""' in SQu1 hrrrt Calil'arn1-.. "''"'' IP.t• ~, .. , t...-r..-ttn -...n ;u .t ··.-t:.·~ >Ir f'"incti ..._.tnted 10 It!• O'-""' rflr ,......,._ ltf'pl NI !ho ~1uac of thooP#' ,...,_, fr.-.r.1 01'-,.,.,, rnn*lutiit ill ~y by ..... _, 111~ 1 .. 1") M"l1"•ol P•r•"!\1 T~ ~ :of: ... r l lw' Ebn-t.. --lllPlirtl 1·11<1101'1, I>' Jd It;-,A pril m< .. lll"( lit ...u:l ..boaal l)'Pf'S of Wmh' mall" ="'•"'"'flO'' ~·of "•uditunum -t~ '~ ~ts. rt,.,....·11•1n1:. Thoi• \\.o<bf=\(.6 ~ • f&<-6'1~ far I.hr pot lur,;; .,.,.,e Ito'!;<· .. P'°""\~'}. TOJTI Fr_,.1 Nrrfw.on p tc1 p· z Ow prucram ()1(·ki" ll•lrh. Rill) Kutin. Jw:ii: .. ,....,. Join. lluTy Staudl and Mr~ R.;.uh. JtotJt'tt Rt..t. T°"""'• Jolri-~ .._-. ol c-dd Mar rl>t•r Tho•' had •·arnr-d 1hrs 1..-f~I"'"' ow11#11 w.-r.· ~n r r•nlt alld •rr-r ..... ~ b) ~"' • • •)f Tr<•>p !" •"ht• ~'"' th.rm •1t h "''"' ... "'"'"'' and Sot'ou1 •· i.1i:n1a, "''hlC"h H••'}· ~ .. ..,.. _...., • •nl)' 11 '""' lahl<'I are a\'llil· .,i.:, f,,r f:ti..:11 club'11 Junior Sf'('- '"'" ol•·ss•·r t l1ridgL' and h1.11hion •t." 1., '"' l11•ld 'fhursday, AP.til _., ,, ="""'1'°r' llat llor Yacht ·" 1~ ann1..1un~. r,,·J.;r1' n111y 1>1· nhlai~d from '.\I•• ·"'·•Ill l-'6th•t , l\t'aron 5 J2t;.J. . r1 ... 11··.,u,.ly ann<.>lllll'f'd us l.lt'ing ••I "' ~1 'lj, lht•)' are Sl.75 "' • 11 Jlll'IU<i•'S t/1<' llOlU!l<."lllf!I\ . " 1: orrk u1·~. ""hlch i~ 111aging th!! .•u••rl ~'""'" ,,.,11 Jlrt-s•:nl totyll'S t r ~1Jn111,..r ~1('11\'H k·s from morn .. '" 1111:.hl, E'odr:I~ hy profi;s- ... 11 .. 1, :-; .. 1)'0nly ...,.,JI they be ' .n.: a:irb but children .,.·ill dis· ,,1 •\ ,.1.,1 11o·~ (ur !hl•ir ;1ge groups ,,,.1 111.1 11 .. ns "''ill m<Kicl J;t)'ll'$ --n• ohh• lnr lh('m. Tables Available· For Benefit Bridge a ai - .1h!o f.,r 1ht• spring bencri1 d<'I· <• n hnrl~t' TO ~ l!lfJ(lASOrt'd by I" •l•'ll" C"irel<' of Corona del Mar i .,,urrnunit)' t::hurch on Tuesda"y. Apu l '!1 at Pili:'T'lm hall. acrord· ini:: lo Mn. J ohri l\feador and \Ir• Ar1hur KemJM-r, rochairmen. SPl'•king ori 1he suhJ('('I of !he arl uf ll'indo"'· di1play .. Lye!t IJu1- tl'rn1orl' uf Cvrona d~I J\.1ar 1·n- 1•·rlaint't1 1of'ntlK'n of the Ncw- l}Qrr Jlarbor Allil'd Aris al !ht• fl'J!:Ul 11r 111on1hly mt'('tint: rl'Ct'nl- ly · 111 lhc Ellf'll <:luhhoust.'. Ill· said, ho:·(1u1y i11 a m at 1 e r of oplnlo11. \\'e ;o1•r ofh'n i;urround<-d hy drnli h>1l'k grounds Iha ! y,·ith 11 WU.-.-irw•i:•nation ('ttn be:-m:tdeo IJ#'11u!Hul. '/"h(· y,·ur1nth a nd oolor uf 1:•'r11111ums i11-:11in.•! ff•n('(•s for inslitn('t•. ("lt)()(f hon••s l dt-sign iri hUJllelrL..J-"urniturd gr:uu1x't1 in in- tt•r<-s ling path•rns. M r. llulH•t · mon•'s s1M·ci;1J fu·ld 1s that or visuai mrrl·handisin1:. and kis en· lhusia~l i(' r1ud1cnct• ,,..a!I d(•lii;h1f'd ·lo h<-:1 r him c:rr:11l11in ho"· 1rn;. 11r1istie lrl'ulmcnt of "''indn\\'ll is 11 n1•v.• form of art y,•hich has f('achc-d a high dl'gt«', of de- \'l'IOJllTl('nl in lhl' U.S. Jli" pointed out 1h111 man)' large slorc.li have \\!) sfuge pt"oducllons, Mr1. C. M. Deaklnt prewnled a charming nower arrangernent of s\l·eet ~·· and dai1ln. The meeting y,·u presided over by Dr. ·S. R. Monaco, prnident or the group. Presiding at thr rrieeling v.·11~ the Pr('tlident, Mrs. fo,orl'n(·r Sht'\lrE'r who gff'('ted rm'm\l('ts And introdu~ guC'§ff:, The lunchl'On tab]rll "'<'N' 1:aily d('{'orntrd 1\'i•h rai•1b,.....,·~ \l'ilt1 i:-old n n"''t'r!I bt:•rw111h tht'm in· slrnd of a pot of gnld ht l\frs.-! f1orl'nCf' Eighmr)'. A!l~isted by Mt!.1. · La1<T(''1CC' Fredricks(ln ""d ?.frs. Dftvid Cor!IOn. TI1r di,l!ciou~ lunch<>nn \\'a;; prcpaf'f'd by !hr \\'ay!I :1n1l 11.feans C'Ommittce. Mrs.· Jl(•rth.1 TI11otw n . eh11irman, 11nd :\Ir~. l1t"inz K11l. .. er. MMI. Jl'an L11\\'· renC('. ?.fn . Royd. Robt'rts. l\trs. Sherman Sal!~·r. and ?tlr~. J , J . Head. The>· "''f're a_~i!llc'ft in !'f'P.'; Jng hy l\ft1'1. F't't'<tf'riekson. Mrs. Dou1tlas Ward. l\fn;. Ch11rll'S Bootman und Mr11. P. A. Oian1- berlin. Mn. W. B. Mellott r<'portrd A report nf thr a nnu"l r'll'ance County Confrrrn('(',' Fede~allon of \\'om<'n's clubs al But'na Park "''"S i:i\'1'11 I))' ~!rs. f1wenor Eighm('y. 'Il!t' Sahli!' 10 the F lag "''"5 1.:.-d by '.\lrs. Go•Otl(I' Fo". !ht' coll~'CI r('11d liy ~lrli.· Don lluddlf.'f;ton. nNE FABRICS • Orapl'til.'< e Upholst•ty • Carpeting • Jla nd prinls & dl"t'U .. fnbriCll. Llnlng'- Qull1ing, elc. Pl-JONE HARBOR 2094..J-K 823 Coast Highway Corona del t.!ar th" naml'!I of offl i:<-r.1 to : i~ ! Phone Harbor 2522 1tallt'd In M11y: Mrs. Cal111 Vit'l!'.1 8a!0 presidt'nl: Mrs. H~inz Kai!<'r . -'4IOG \'iee-presidt'nl ; Mn. Gt'ot11:e Fox, ltt'Ond \•ice·ptl'!lid<'nl ; Mrs. l\t11r-4Jo,,.,.. G/,op vln Wilcox, Tf'('()rd\ng otttrelary: SOI E. C-tnl. ........ Mi-s. C. lf. Rldll'y, tre&sUN.'r, and (next to Galle)' Caf•) Mrs. }S:enneth Stewart, audi1m-. Fleet to Soi/· Two dfrector'll were electc-d from -1:r" ~ F C L L tht' Ooor· Mn. Blanche Gafet,l . ..f:r ~edllblJ Bouque& ~r nampionsnip .(:z-Funeral Spra)' S unday, April 24. will .itt Cht-t Fa"!ily Relations I ~-to . --L ~ FloWft'9 Whf"t'ler, R11rlley Hunl, Mel Wil-.--r..-. '-'"" th<')' IW'f'l'nW-1:0 >".an ul IC"'" ..... •·nt.'r IN· S,.,·,o,n ll'OJf' "'•rrMl \\·--. ~ ..... prf'!l,idr-d alld fL.._.. ~ from Troop !> lo-d UI 1hr' ft..111: t.alrrslr Local ScJ.oo/ to.ls To T a6e ,arl i• FesliYal C/i_,, "°'" fhr '41-~ ~of~·­ ""'"' n.:-tt Elrnwft...,. IOoob Jlftli Ibo Cll-......... brMdol ~1 lbrh« t •Mon lllcfl lldlOOI will """'~ ,,... ~ --~I •twh ~ four days ol th· 13'h Annwol Ft"Sl.rYel ol Cali- \\'lull' 1iCkl'I~ at<' not nceeuary 1•1 •'nh•r lhi-hall, for a cooked lo..-.:1 sal•· is onC' of the •llrac- 111.111, 1he)' .,.;11 be µsec! In !hf' r1ra.,.·ini: of door prizl'~ "'hlch "''ill l•• :t\\'~rdt'd in addition 10 lndivid-son and Wesley Carl.,.,Tight of Subje(# ol Conference ; ~ FaEE DEuvr:&r Lido Ith• Y11ch1 cluh maneuver· I ~:;;;:;;;:;;;~:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;::;::;::~ GUl'lll~ ma~· pla >; bridJ:t' or any ing ror position 10 "'·in th<' Met"· "S ucaaful Family Life" .,..;u ~ •!.rl 111blr prh:l'I. 'nirm.r nf lh<• o>•'t"Tunc: ••n -nar t"uh Sn.••.n Hand) wan·· and «<mft dis11la)'to .,..,.,.,. art'"""' -4\11 arnund lhr hr'""'. 1nrludinr • ...,.,~ I lo~kl'l5, bi'fll'~ tv•kloi"T'I ... rod 1,....1111 "°""" ltandkTafl a•"'U'd •as t~ h)· °"1 3 and ako thP alt~ BR"lrd.. ln<Jtf'MI of thr __. *its """'" ..... aail"*trilc ~ which --.,,. .... ~·: far Om 4.. Gtv:'d ~ ...._. •·rnl 1.-. Orn JI ~f°ar1) indn'>ftull __.. _.,.,. m11dor h)· rhr ('utwnast ....... ,..,.,., '""'"'int: of l hr ..,m. will hr Salunln)', May Z1 .al 1"111rrr- Puk, .,,h all CUb SnoMts ... Thl'ir farml-in\,1"4. Ult~ mt'nl •·•11 1t'ah.lr"' a ~ £111N• fll'li .,....... ~-tbr •.. ,, .. \\.,1h 1t.· nv ... ........,.,., 'kl-? f""'f\I•' •.f ! ..... MCtU1hland Jl'"r&f11f , !'•'"l "'f ' ·1'l•""rl1 T•-n-M~f'tuh mo'\ Tu-..d.l~ '"''"nt~ "' lh.-to.......- "' :\I r "'"' 1'1t • A :-. n...-r.i..,,~. ='""I_"', llr1ctit11 :'oh nll" t< <>I I '•"''~ "'" tn••l•-d tu.Jio.v itv-0.1• ~Ur ·r...i ~-. 11 .. 1 1 ..... 'Anr· i.... rr.,." ;..:• r .. f T•""'Tl ... ...,<I T,...n 11.,• 1,.,.. 1\1\r •lt.., .•f'<d •u••..-.io..c-•• th• "'"L. (•or ~ ... :·t,.1'11 c·;1ii • ...,. • '"""" ftf• ..... ,, ,,...,,.,.d ).~·· 'f'• II ).j. .o:'lll 'h~ > !r"J .~. , ln~r'i :i.lr• !"fln I If,. t .. -•• •::-'\ !rr~"IT• < I•! ii;. 1• .,., .... ·'!· .I I \\ '"" '" r I"" .. ,<\.T<· f ·-\n~I • ""', !1;1· ""I \It. \\' 111< ,.,1.,·r .. i 11,. I_.,, • "•Jt> '.\II" ~ .. It,,.., .._,, ,o• .. _.,. ;.• !•" 1_.., ,\n,,•1 'o • 1r •I • r '\ •h··· ,,., • •· • ·~ '" I ;ind \Ir• l'••·11rl I . It• .. .'.\lt , ...... \ i n11· ,., .: ........ n h ,,-1. , . .,, I'•' i·, ,,~ '"! ! ""' ... , .. !!.":'! \:1\::.. . ,,.. -. r .• ri. "''" 1 .. 1· ... t .· -1- T•'"n"''"''·'"'° '\1 ,.. ,. :'ru .. I'""• Fnr :i rr•-c• •m Pt plit~· ... t ''''''" •• i....-•• ~ -"1" (-..1.-n1;o11 .. nd \l!•• ~ ·• i.'11\•' •·•·11\ ~·l .. 'J.l•'Tl~ R.·fr4"'hn><-n14 ••" .. 1 \1~ l"\ 1hr h.'!!'h"'s.M )lr...,f1:t'lf"C 71v'll'.Dfi' ~'n. :\J ar~ t·,...,, ... ;.nd r I. l hi;:- 1:111~.and )Ir~~ Fl ~" ~< .. land Gradr t"1''..,...nt1l1\•4ul' R '.\h>1tll'h ,,j llrch l"'-T A April ~·-;-_ ~1 horn.• fl1 Th• :\In J 1" :-; ...... T""lf1 1'1 .. rl·~ "111 ll"W..., T~~ 1 :lo• pm ., 1b :-o-;1nfli: r+i.it."l'r~ ~luard. V(lfi: P.nn l'J\"t'lllX'. =""• "l •l('l A drt>1 1lf'd f<1"""1 of ,!v Gu-!4 AlhlrlK' a_..,al1<lf'I c!1'1Jlff" "'"""· ~ 1..,· tho-P -T A •'1TI '"" ~ Thr ilM"Qm.lnc <111Uf'Tn8n ~n. Ai llnn ·11111, #'111 mt"'f"I ··::ti ihot" i.:rnup SM1cti t•pt. , . .,...... ilaW at lhe S..,...~ ll'lnll.ll> S<-floo( &nd .... Orchn· Ir& -·--S..UI ........ dilltrin _.,. A...,i 16. Ii. 23 alld 24 •T F--Bolt)li '-:al ... &Ti' ~ ..,.c....... ..... .,.....~ i::i•m•• rh1·y .. ·ish, or Jusl sit and cur)' Ch11mpionship. bf' the sub~t or a two--day oon-,,~11 DN<~r t "''iii be sen·C"d at Jn 1hc preliminary rattt of the• tere~ to ht' held April 26 and l v m hy }·oun.: .,..omen of lhe 1mst '"'0 'Wl."t'ks Diel Wheeler Z1 al the Wilshire Eb(.11 Theatre Sunda)' School .,.::uild under lhf' K't)r("(j 14.~ poin11 and S.rtley and sponsored by the Amhlcan dirt'Clion of :\trs. 0 . M. Campbell. Hun! had 12%, lflll litute of Family Relations. Mrs Sirin(')' Rlackbenrd \$ in Featuslng lalkt on happy mar- l'hargl' of rooked tood, which .,.·il l Fresnoans Guests rlage. enriching family Hf", and fr•lurr Citut'tole dishM, ca.kf'11, a 1ludy of pn-marti•I utd m11rl- piC$. eandy 11nd olhE'r vlo111nd.s. 01 Gene Boero tal rounlt'lin11: a1 a means of pre- Gilts lrom lor 'n wide .. THE CHALET _._. -..., JWTforrn S.t~ ---... ill 6;J0 p.m. • t.n.t. pva+ l hrOUdi !hr 1'""'9 cf f°ul"'"on. WUh ),fi{'I) Y091S -~idinl;' 1tw-h11:hljpt ol Ow ff"lfival_ OW' mu...-d _.. ~ ho-id aflO'rward on ttw ..-.... 0ttu8oon1 ..,;n ))('by Mrt. R. S. ?.1r. 11ond Mr•. MarC't'\lo Tac· ltt\'ing 1tabllltY In ram!lift, lhe ll amp1on, tal>l"9 arianaed by chino the ii a \.lo'eli kn.own putry oonfen-nce will hive sever•l out- Mr1. Georl" Naylor. t:P"da · by baX....-from t'rl!'SnOI. wer" i;::ues11 1i.ndlnc l~akers In their rl"- Mn. Gttald Ritchie and Mn. Vl'!llf'rday of Gt'nE' Eorro at the 1ptttlve field&, and will ha\'e K V. Dills. Puhlirily i1 by Mn. 1auer'• d<'lil':hlful care c.n Coast panel dlscuulona follO'A'ing !he \\'1·ndell Hoy!. Mrs. Me1dor and boolv~·ard in Corona de\ Mar. ,O-~t~ol~IUI~. __________ :.__'.!~""""""""""""""""""""""""~ )!rs Kttnpn-11re in charre of The T11cchin°' ~·ere married priz<'S. Wednl'M'l.ay in Yuma. Arizona. '.\fnr. O. Z. Robcr1son and Mrs. and s1oppt"d lo \'h1ic hi§ old fril'nd A A. Voorhff,\ are In ch.,.Re of Boi:>ro ('n route baek 1fl lhl' \'al- admiuiom lli lh Mrs. Pe-rry ;:':':'=~:':'===========:;:cl Srhrock, and Mrs. John Sadleir as !he rttrption comnrit1~-I 1-0-f•pi.e Cltoral• Ta c-plele Season Willi Fonnal Concert Pro<'t"l'ds for 1he afratr co to Bride's Linen thr circle's Friendly Service ••{lrk and rMWn.'allons may be l _____________ .J m:arle wi1h Mn. Nl'wlon Cox. "A 1-S ~ a f lt\O' ~ 1nfa H arbor' 2198, A-llirdt M'tor'.,i 11u.1H•lflun1 on · ----------- ~,._ Apnl '-"1. "."111 mark ine f .A.C. Bridge Section ~11111 al 1ty,r f11""• c.·;poln of thr ~ .. 1:mp1r .. <1,,,r11.-Meets W eclnesday Tho-~. (r,.1norl. •I ;,nfl •Ii-Th<' Rridi:r ~llon of the Fri- ~ by >hl'r"' Y"1""' '"" .. r-day Aflrrnoon l'."luh will meet for ca-d "' S.Jtl·mt..· 1r.1: !If"· ,. dl'S$1'rl lunchffin in Legion ll11o!I v-rit:inr ••~ fir•f '•'"•rt Jll•t itt l ~::Jtl. \\'<'dn•·~r\:t) .. April ~. ""'"n •··-Ii.• I 1T· r -'"'' <J1:r1n( truo1rue1ion hy R\anrhr G111e1 \\'ill tfv •~hr ln•I •p•-" ·•, ~r••llJl tw ron tinu1'fl. )-""° I·•:: ~· •T•I ir \n • •r· Jfm;!l'<s(',r: \\111 1.c :\1r~. P. A. .1c • .1c.-..t !< .. rr• 1 \~ • '" • ,. .•• d Chaml,..rlin 1tr1<l r.1r,., (" t' lfitnd. ·•-·t·· H•f'! ;-... ~t ,,_ ,..•r• :-,~ ... • " •• • -·· ...:· •' r 'T'· ..... ':'· ., .... ,._ •·. . . -. ··.c- \.'I. "' " . ··~ " . ' r .\ -· ..., ,'I \m. r - • f'· ·.i:h l.:~···k -~ II ThOSI" fllann1ni:: In .~!l<'nd 11n· n .. fJUl"!.llf'f.i 10 makr rl''S<'r\'afi(lnS wilh l\1rs <nan1lll·rhn 111 R<•aron "633. Th•· rn1ul n ff•n· 111 lh•• (lhi11 1'.-11- ill'nt 1iir~· handl•'d 67:\.\:!2 1u•'('f"S ,,r mail d11rin..: 1~•11. i11i·l11fi1n..: I \.lfal\~1 ouiizninJ; lrll• rs and 1!\o!J,:ll'f> u1- romin1: 11•! r.·rs. Ry Mossier tl ~ ' . , Summtt 1ult ol maUYP-C:olo•td Ii"""· .11r•ttr ror an '"'oron1r wedding. 'I cl.~11--:.._-,~;;;o.j-;?'!'>• ~-YQI~~tH'f• fir'" foll>· ,. f'l> orr •I ("r •h:11 11111" "' 'I-'"' ....... _ ... .... _. .......... u. r .. r .._. bW -utd 111 ~ '.. "" ...,..._ If I e'ftlrl' .. )' OAf' :" • !I. '11'•!111•\ n1111' " ,.,,,,,, r rlol,< r~,.1· \"":ir 'l h" '""'"'"!" ••lll "" 1 .. ,, nr: f,,1 ~ .. 111, r111ru: ~11u1·h 1• •t "'JI' t••Jnr Ju 111,..•·I~-r .. r Ir• r "'" ·' ""' ·1 I fft,-.,!~. ft•l<I y••! 1''"''·,. ,.,. 1 ;;n·I f"' 111! q,,, ~h· ·~ I/.• I'" Ill•·· I i;11L 'I•"' 'rh• ,, ···! 'J •l·•" •Ir".., n :ihO\" I• In 11 I• I 1" 1nln1 r .. r ~unin,•· • ,.,,_ I 11: '''~"""~ • hlth 11:0'"5 l f • I ) '\O llh "'lJ\lf'• """''"''"' ""' ,J ! ,, J 1 ·••"1'"'1~· <>r llo.,qu,.1 ·~~e l·: 1 !. 1l1.1}' rarr7. A.nJ. lhoull"li It l~~v:.iti • ..... ~k · l1>r . I!~ lh•· • ~·· ' · V. t,<u~, thr~·'·-•·!~ ·.Tt,,. J~rl.,: j , 11n1I m:iy • bhHl•e. . -" I ""~ ~ •oru •·Ith or •,!bout Grilled Abalone Steak Calif ornia Sea Food (with a national reputation] VWt Ou:r Old Fuhloned Grill Room Hows 4 to.12. p. m. ~kta& A\·allable Ph. Harbor 784 Oosed Tuesday FOREST. LUMBER CO. SUCCESSFUL-LIVING STA~TS \VITH A BETTER HOME NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT UP SP RUCE UP -FIX UP Complete Line of Yard and Garden T~ls . -Lawn-Mowers-----Garden Hose < Sprlnklers full line Old Colony Paints FLOOR ~ANDE R-FLOOR POLISHER HAND SANDER FOR RENT FOREST LUMBER CO. 2544 S. Main St. Ph._S.A. 0151 Santa Ana. , • -- -t"IUD.~ ' .. ' I (·at if· tu pa it;' bi (l{'(':l~ an nu: in;'t it lJring stutlt> -'-" r LE I US KEEP U__llPS BURNING In a world tom .-ith strife and political unrest, ·alifornia will pause during the week of April 26th , pay homage to ·1 he little red ~Hool house" and ·" liij!!H~r brother in t he metropolitan areas. T he l't'a;;ion will be the ~te-"ide observance or the 29th nnual Public School:' \\'eek. Public Schools \Veek has become an accepted n:-titution in our ci\·ic life. Its p~ has been to iring the schools. their •·ork and the teachers and tutl<·nts into closer &ouch .-ith the public. Curiously enough. there is a close parallel be- wren the condition prevailing in 1920 that brought 1hnut the inception· of Public Schools Week and that •f today. At that time the schools faced a msi.s in t he .hnrtage of teachers. Many schools. especially rural -<'hools. were being cloeed because of a lack of eachers. T o d a y ·there is not only a shortage of ~achers. but many communities are faced with cap- tal investments in replacing run down or outgrown l('hC)OI plants. Throughout Calif omia d uring this special week, .eachers and their students. 1rith the cooperation of ~ariou~ ci\;c and fraternal organizations, .;u present ;pecial programs and the public in general will be n\'ited to take advantage of this week of "open inu~" in· order ·that there may be a better under- ;tandinj!' or the school' their .-oi-k a nd their prol>- c·m:'. ·certainly in the world as it i~ today the public "th1111h: o! America take on an added importance t11 a free people. for it ·is in the clas..-;room where t he l<Jmp of democracy is fint lij!hted for the youth of our land. Through better under.-tandinJ? this lamp can cuntinue to grow in the lif!ht it sh~ and the strength it L-i ,-e~ to a people j!roping ill a world . threatened by tht· on·r~hadowing darkerL~ of d~tism. *WAR TRIAL --The trial of the Japan~ leader!' acen-=t>d of plot- tinC! ancl waj!'inj! a~~i¥e war ha!" finall, come to an t'tHI. It co\·ered a period of nearly two years. In :-;pite of the cold fury wbjch the American "P"'•JllP felt toward thei::e leade~ at the time of Pearl Harhor. it is :-:.afe to i;;av that there i!" now little interf.':-t in tlw outcome of their trial. If mo:'t of them are let off "·ith Jij?ht ~nten~hi.' is not e~J>(>ctetl. how- e\'t r-it would not be :-urpri::inl! if only a few voice!" \H rf• rai~rl hf>re in prote::-t.. We forj?et ea!"ily-much too ea.o;;iJ~-. Only Legleu Penom Won for This Finn 11.\ I.I .AS, T•·-c 1 l-Pl -Ha:ndtc:tp. p f: tlt>d£•"Mt"k. owl'lf'r or th<· J>N1 1~·r~nns. t hf• nnlv kind 11 011· firm plo)' an• lh,.-k<')' t~ ~ ol a ·\\'r ttnn•r "mploy anybody whn D 11ll:1< rirm whkh ha!! lx'M1 io 1sn I min~ a Jrg:· sh.-said, ''\\·,, ~P"t 111nn h<'rf· "'""" 19U ltunk curt! ~ ar(' mrtr<' in· l t •~ !hf' Hl'di;N"OC"k Ar11fitial 1 trr«cfrd in th .. 1r wnr k AIYl. ,,..,, L imh & RraN> ("Q Tilf' firm nn-ff'f I 1hat 1hry ha~·· ~m<'th1n~ in plo~· nnb 12 J)"rY>n~ bot """3~ 1 ('nfl'UTlO•n •tth fh(' ru~IOJTl('rs." th('~ h;i\r mN and mas1<Tfod thrir ------ own J•rnhl"m~ Hwy Art' bf>flf-r AU kinds t)~t,.r rlbhnn." in f'QUIJ ·.rd fn hrlp nth<TS. U)"5 l ln S1odt a l th-:"-. l'imt-s. Official Paper of the City of New port Beach A Qf9 'Me 1.-.111 I 7 fw Oww •I'.- RP&ZWt:S i t» !'CAl~ULT Bl Gr:o90t: D. <'IAJ8ll!. INlJ. a-~ ... A&:celte .... I .. ~Sew ,..,._._._ By C'.,~ or Mail: IOJI> per month an)"W'twtt in S_,.,n 8-ctl and C.0-.ta Mesa; 12.40 far 3 mmth&. JUI) far 6 months. 19 Pf'I' yeer By Mail In~ County: t19 prr )"NT: to 4th r.onf'. 119..25: to Ith -· 19.50 SAM 0 . PORTER " - -Publi~r UJC:J\JS. S. SMrI11. DI --Manqing Editor W . f" OD<O:S I ~ Adverthdnit CLYDE REX l Prin.u. Plant. 3011 W . Omtnl A~~ 8"dt, Califomill JeS:=r@) * 'DREW PEARSON JOE rALOOKA W ASlll:SGTON -A dsm111.rln11: VoSSlhh• "Ar with Russ1ft. But JJll'(.'t' nr Jlll!K'r hn~ JU!ll lk•t•n fC'IJnct C";1•nr rnl l 111Y 11nct ~ "1it•f of Start an German)' It is a nwmC\, v.·r111,·n t h1111r Urnrth'v wttrn 1 hut if Ruula t111nn.: th•• "ttr. 1111ark1 1<tw ~·111 lftltt• 1111 of Gc-r· .. skin.: .1uthorlLa· mun~ 1n 11 k v.• ''"Y' "Thul! Nazi wir 111111 to t'n•rt • 1•\11n115, rd1111l1 wttfl ll S. help. n1·v. rr,•matorium "oulfl llwn h•~-.Jmt• 1 It" lll't<'t'll'll h 1 i; ••nnugh to prnpt•rty uf tlw l kd Army. b11rn -til INldit'll War N1•tN 1l.11h 11 1 the· Aus-lh1,:.i11 1s "'l1t1rl1·d 111 h•' pnl· "'"''1' s In\' c-1lti.·111i: hi'!•• r \\,or 1.mi..,. than \II<' 1..t .. 1r 1•nmp run I 1·n11o•il ~'"'''' 1 ... r11" 1\nt••rl· i., I < :. F.1rlwn. 1·1111 ""' 1.,,,,.,. 111 ,. t~·mi: h111lt . T lo 1 ~ o•\ 1\jo·111'0• h•o'.llo•tl lo•r rt1i..1tt.. a1·n•~s tl1" I • •''l"'t\o•d I u1 \1111· 'I' h 1 .' liol\o' 111111.·ri:r•llHHI dmd1 •h· 1.;11111 o•I I 1; F11rl~ 11 II oni;.1r' ,11111 11 ... t.im:•·,1 n111\\1t)!l •Itri 1·t.1r-. f1•r 1lw1r \\;11· i:111l1 111 111 !lh· ""'hi Ho 111•\I• II •Ir not. fl, lp1J1i: 111 kill 111"11'·'"''' o•I 111111 tho• .11 11wll ,:o·n I'""' ~1111 hnn• lahon•n 111 ,,f..,d It\ 1111 lt•r t 1-.1111 .... ·.1r1·• ly h.•i.;1111 !llP1'kp1tln1t 1>trt1· o-<-..·111111•d Furnpt>. · t .. ~11· '' 11r 11wh·ri:ol,: ~'...'7~.0f\t).Ot'I() R111 Jll~t a,. th1~ 1•\"Hkm·" wns I ~·I" '""'" ,.,., nsic11' t.•r this, bnt '"''"''' r1 ,1 • ,1 ~1r11n1.;'' thmi.: ha1>-1 lltt h• 1111:• l~'•'n d<IO•'. Sun"' <'fl~· 1•'n1•ct 1n :-\11rt>1n h11ri: G1•n Tl'lfc•rd l."l"o ""m••n itr<' hc-~mnini: "' 1111k T.1~ t.1r, 1111rd\\ork1n~ "11r·1·rim•'> S1••'l'•'l11ry F11rn•stal "h\'th••r , ht' rros~·('lllur, .: ,, t 1n~t1·twt11•ns tol 1d11ns; ,.., c!Dlfl i:wn, hut 11111 mo- \"11111•' hum1•. Taylflf, at first. di'· htl111· tlh' far1ur1•·s 11ncl rnutc•rl11J11 mum'<!, hilt W11shini:ton inl'1s1t•d I 'u :mppl·y lllt•nt 11rms ... N11· Just out of th1• hu4ilp1tal a ftt'r nn 11i11n.tl I lc•fc•ne.•• 0Hlr111I• IHll'I' dt'· airpl3nt• a<'<'idrnt. Taylor ol:w-y('(! I r ukd to i;:11·1· top prh1nt}' to lht' ordt>rt1 and is now bock in thl' 1 C'onst nrrt 11111 11r 1-1 11ndt>n:ro11nd US.A. fArtnri1•s 1'11\'••rlnl! 1'SS1'ntl11I indus- Simultant'OIL'ily, rerta ln highly trl\'S Th1•i:i• f11l'IC\rk11. 1111 lari:r In plaC"!'d drfl'nlk' chlt>fll ha\'(' !lt11rtl'<I sit•·. waulrt I><' us1~ to cont inll<' a qu1<'1 dr1vr to save both thr ha~1c arm!l produc111m an <'llM' factUf'it'tl 11nd th<' rl('rsonnel of I. c Anwr11:·11n 1ntl11i;try w R ". aiom- FarlN'n. fhe KrupJ)ft 11nd othrr bli: homl1<•d . K1•n C.11lbn11th, (lne Nazi mvnilions·mRk<'rll 1•f thr top N1•w 1)('111 sconnml1t1, Thi.!! Is prohably lhl' most Sil?· l~ns hc'('ll n ·t:unr<t hy s.-cr('tary nlfirant de\"c>lopment In Gt>rman) I-orr<'sta l ns 11 sp1.-clnl consultant toda , to work on tltr n111holl211tlon pro- ). gram . ~1•t 1n·y llf D<'f ense THE BEH HY S 1.tll ''~Co IT I I' Gf'll. May Ovf'rruJf'9 J-'nrr<'st11r.-:lid1's h1w1• nlr<'ndy be· Th(' shift in policy, !'l's Important i;un drartlni: a $16,000.000,000 to not(~ com<'S dirf'rl from Wash· furthl'r "''f\11n11lnn nf th1• N11tion11l ington G1•n Lucius Clay, US 1 )(•fc·n~P 1tut11:1·1 11 "111 lnrludl' C 11 ('ommandt•r in C.-nn::tny, h85 hnd l"l'Of"'ntni: or 1111 mujor Army bSSl'S, nothing In do w11h 1t. In fact. h (' 1'..'I h111ldin1: nr 11drt1t1on11I alrcrllfl r<'fWl('(I lo s ii! n on<' dir('('lil'l' nnct nrnt!I ptunli<, 11ncl 1:\1 t11kini: orderinR ltw big munitions rllrl<'ls ah0111 l111lf the flN·t 0111 of moth t'Xt'mpt from decartt.'h:tallon. halls.• Aftr r the w11r. ii was un11nimou.<1 t~rom thl" Olplomatlc· P ot1<'h allit'd policy t 1 l tha t th<' big mum-Date of thr bii;t 3 ronfrr1•n<'<' tloM plnnts should bl' hrokt'n ur. between Manhall, Bevin ond Bid· 12l tha t Nn1i munitions m ttSt.l'rl' ;cult 1,; lu·mf.! 11,.111~•·11 u1111I Pr<'SI· IM--1>11,nish('d for wa r RUilt. This w3s rt•·nt T r uma n ci1•1·11l1-s 111 ai;k f'nr 11 not thr Mr1ri;l'nthau Plan. but w11s 1ww ll'nd-!1•as•' ne t Th" 1111: 3 ai.:n't'd nn h) s111·h ml'n :is F.is"n· '"'"' this c·onfi•n ·m'•' II• "nd with ho"t'r. Sr<'r C'tary of W ar Stimson 1·onrr111• 1:111..-:tnl•·•'!I to '<11111\1 nn· anrt his SUi'f'l'SSOr, ~l'IT••l ;1ry or tinns lhitl llWV Wiii hnvt' Rrtnll \\'~r Pattl•rson.. Th t• y disai::rccd rrum th·· l's.A.. lo l'L'Sls! JlU!illlll with !\ft•ri:l'nthau that C'rt•rmnny las l w1·1·k th<' St.do• l>!'pnrl· ~hould h<•<'l•ml' ;;n ai:r1t·ullural m<·nt rt'C'•'l\"•'<l no·w arm~ :ippN1ls !<laU>, hut thry wnr· "mJlhntiC' th:it fr•>nl H1•li:1um. F r nnl'•'. Italy, Nor· fhl· llll: war plants he hrokl'n up. w11y. n1•nmark. l.11x1•mh11ri:: and also thi11 m11ml10ns-m11kc•r s 1:u1lt y 1h1· Nf'llwrlands Tr llwy ha\'<' to or plottmi:: wnr t>l' pumshC'd. r1i.:h1 H1~Qlll, tlwy want nrms. For , in 1932. ii was Krupps, llnW<'\"c•r , Pf'rii1cl•·n1 Truma n t!I lh<' Th)-ssens, 11nd the Ruhr In· hnldmi:: 11p 11 r<'<1urst to C'nngrf'S!I dustrialists who i::ave llitkr thl' ror 11 nr w I A'ncl-l.<'n~<' Ac-I ..•. mon<'y to tak<' ovt:'r Germany. S, r<'prc>s<'nlatiws at th<' Unil<'d l\".U sc..-t and o~rmany Nations t1011ht that th(' UniH•rt lncidMlta lly, it w11s slso the W s ll S tal<'!' ran mnstrr th!' two· third~ Stttf't firm or Dillon, Rt>ad and votl' r l'(IU1rl'<I In r1·\·rr~e par tition Company. or which Jam('S v For· of P alt'stinc . the f'r('nC'h re11ta l waa head. that ,loaned 8 cohln rt i:o al:irm<'d nt thc new lot or m on('y to thnr same munl· drop in lhf.' v11lu.· of lht' fr11nc. tiona-m 11ken . Rlark·mnrk<'I· fra nNt nnw s<'ll al Today, Forr<"!lta l is Secretar y of 400 to thr doll1u Prnny. National Defense. w i 11 "8 m 11 plnrhini: C'onf;:'r<'ssmlln J i1hn T11l)('I" Draper, former vi<"l' prcsident of has wnrn<'d nf'w F:urori.'11n r('· Dillon. RE'ad, Is und('rS<'crctary fC\i·r r y C'7ar Paul Hoffman that he, of thr Army, while Paul Nltzr, Talwr . will •)JIJM)S<' aprro11r111tlons nnolh<'r VIC'(' pr!'llld('nt of Diiion, ror Euro1'lf'11n r<'l lf'f if l!Pffma"n hir<'s 11n) St:it1• O•-r1artmrn1 m1•n Rc•ad. holrb a kry l'COnomic.Joh for top j11h!I In olho•r worrb, T11hrr in thP S t11t(' Deparlmt:'nt. ih1t•sn't Ii,. 111.",. 111 thn'f' ind<'· F inrilly. Phillip Hawkins. son-1,..11dr·nt ftr:ml"hrS 11f t.:•Wo·rnnwnt in ·law 11r Dillon. R <';i d Pllrtn1·r Srwrnl h11ntln'<I Amrril'l\'ns Drnprr, i11 rhief of thl' profll'rly of Finn1!.h ;111n •s 1ry h11v1· just h•·,·n rti,ision ,of tht> American Military hrm1sh1•1I from Mns••nw Th<>y 1..rt Gcl\'l'rnf11('nt in Crrmany :ind •" ,,,.. l 's I\' ahout tr n ycars 11.:r• lhr man who \\TOlt' th,. n<'W ml'm n t11 IH'f'<1m .. Sovirl rit i:rPm!, but n ~ df'CT,.<'lnl? a chani:c• In policy lo· l'"''1•ntl) th1· Krt·ntl1n dtw•:on't 1r11~1 ward l G. FarlX'n and th<' Natl 11nyonf• h.1rn in 1tw ll S A Th1•y 11r•• Cartr l<: This wai1 th<' rn('mo whlr '2 c:u..,pc.·rtrd hy the Krrmhn of lx•1111: C;.l'l4'rlll C1ay rt>fuJu-d lo sign. ~I 1•rpt Am•·r l('"n i'll:!'Ol'I . . . illl On<' yrnr ago, wht:'n h(' "ll9 a :1 r••«ult 11f. tlw Bni.:11111 9l1thtr,1k Drigartit'r G1>nl'r11I ll('r l'ins.: 11ndl'r thr Stair-111•p1ir1nwnt will t11i.:h· Clay in ~c.·r.many, Draper J.taV!> 11 pr .. s!<un· <'11n1;r•·'>~ '"supply s111ncl· talk to ns1tmg Amrrican lnwln• ss nrd arm~ '"'JOITf1TTI"TI1 1n· 1111 J.111 in- '"'"'<'1111\ 1'!': r rll1t·1san1: l . S pnllr~ j Amr-rwnn m•1s.:hlH>l''I Thu~ tho·1r of hrl'akins: up NaLi Cartels. (In s,:11ns ;inrl ;11n111u111l1••n \\111tld 1 ... t.-armnl( 11f this talk. C'lll.Y r cpn· 11111•ro•h11ns.:r11hl1· miln<kd Oraf)('r. I Toda} r•rap••r i~ nt1 lnnci·r llllh· ~f At.I. FlU" Cl,T RtrF:i\lr Prd1n11l1• '" C:<'n••ral Cl:1y Tl•· IQ ~F:\\' '\"nRK rt'P I Th" f1•h 1 nnw unt1.-r•1·1•r r lary f\f th(' Army P"f'l1l,.11110 11r P rn'<llC'f't l'ark 111 'IH1rkrni: t1trf·Cll) undi·r his 11lcl B111ok I~ n ":1• irwr•·11so rl hy ~1.u w 1 I \\"all ~•n•c·t pnrtn<r. F;11'1'C'!'lal, \\11111 1111• J'l," .. w \'11rk S tilt•· <"•\n·1 \\l11 n • 111', li1m~l'ff, l'lln ~~·t IKll l(')' "'"'"111111 111•10:111111•·111 t111rn1w·1I '""' Furtlll'rrl1nn·. lJr,q••r s son·in-law. 111.111~ l:11 i:•··m1111tlw1I ""'' :111<1 ,., I P hil ll:t\\ktn!<. 1~ 111 !;!'rmany rn 111" I" rd 1 min Iii• p.11k"-< l.1k1· T h• I rh'lri:1• c•r r;irr~1n1: 11111 f'<'ltnlllnll' 1••1•11l ll1•·n '" nt •111\\11 'lri.:hth l"'t" ~ tm<11r1l lhv 1'1111 mum11 .. n<-I h11\\o•\I r, '~h•••1 ~rn:'t41 l.1<1}~ •1•·111 m:ik<'N \\l11l'lt Htll11n, Jl1·:ul rtn1 ••·i th• :tflt>lrt111111 h:111li.1i.; 111 SVJll" •1f hl'lpc'fl f1nan!'o' !lw 111·w 11rri\~1ls. Th" Fnrro ~11•r-t 1rap•·r I: r 1111 p .. rs.:u1 1h.11 \\:tr J1lanl~ 1n G1•r· Sl'fl th11 t unw:intr·d artklc rr.:•n~ r1n• n• Pflo•'1 tn fll• p:ir• l11r l 11trnui:h 1'1·wi.·Ttm<'!\ ndll. BCN.' THOSE SALESMEN BURN i-E l.P.1 THEY THINK ™EV RUN THE OFFICE .1 i I ,. l, GORI>O CUltLY K A YOE 1 LAY TH'~NO ~ ~THIS a'lE JERK ANO HE TAKES ALL.TH'CREOIT FOR Tl-E OROERS--SCME ~L .' 4 •ur llrru '' th•• 1'4m "lc" "' """"" c i.-a" • 1 .,,.. TIWl v '50fll1Nf O<•MI SAD ~vu v • 1 ""'D ~TO o.vOQ 9~0 ~':!. •"f 0\.0 ~lf'ENO ~ LON$ ~410~ ""'4~ 6()1<( • • I -- ( ..,ae •• .., Ml,. ~ ·~ .. _"9f., -OU ~ ""°""'~ .... 1-0()roL • ?Aa;..u~ '\F...._ • '1 ._. "'-::: -·l SU._ . •-.\T • ~ . YI >I H DIAL k t(\ A · • MM. I( f' \\I• • n ,.r l'•"eM K UJ-r.,,, .. l1h11te KN )C -Cell hi• ••ll04 CROSSWORD PUZZLE h 0 \_ J., P I Ii ... OINERRL. vllMES SH!Ei..DS- WA! THE Ft~ST GOVE0-Jo~ o~ T~t 0~6~ Ti~~rro~ ••US. SEMiOa. ~"1 11.L.INOll , "11NN ISOTA, . .t.~o MtlSOV~t/ ' ... ,,,.., .... , 1111 ..... .... .. "'''-·· . . . . , .... .. hllJ .. .... hi 11 11 •• -...... . .. ,, . --·-.... hl\C • • ........ I 1111 •\I 'lllflT KM I\ l(\SI ' I ' \ K Iii , ~ ..... ... " ........ "" a T•n ·, .. ,..,....,,.. ., IA•te. I•. 't\h .... "'h ... 1-. 'It II •• 11<1 .. '°' t" Ai ••••d• &:II 1(1 ~' I" 41 ..... 1(1 I • • I '1 • ....,, ... I A • ,:. ftrt.,p l(J "' 411 .. ..: I ••ti:•r I l t.:lr,_ ......... t' f' A • f'lll •••• y t,. ltelew "'-"'-• f -••••• '· \ .. .... ~ " I I I I I ' ' .... . ..... ,.,... I N••• .. ,,. ..... 111• .. ·U . ,, """ t< ' If • I ". ""'• /(;..;. • '4) •• .... k l'I ........ , • \11 ..... I I . ' .••• I llJ "' I .j ... ~ti.I •· •"'n.kll9 ""'"'" ,. ,._ .,,. tt ,., r.,. , ·•••• ,. ., tiH • ' ~ .. •oww h l> A • \,M-•IAC'C .. TEU\'l. ION ,, .. •rt-114 ........... ... kt!:(:A -Ca• f Wfllt IC 11.i -T,,,,. Ill.I K.HX-1'f••• I r.•. atl.AC-lter••• ...... K,.l_t"_le .. ,. ._., K ... ,.A -Mu.., ''' '"·"~ ~~!·~~ ICt<ll-lfQ,,•• · a...- 11• &l.J.C-Doe 1.tt .. IC.,., Wallt Tl,.. K \fJ•r-ft••m u •• • 1Ut1'th9 .. ••• ~ 'ftM •n.,tt f •t IH Inf•• 1-"'t••w tctWh tlt••tl• t 1n&J a.NX-'"' t 111.,f"te4 I I' If• Kl 4C • • f(•,-•h 11• .. .....,... I \.! 1°Lo ~•••• -4 ""'"' •-"'1--•• ... --'<--·-~ K f l t ...... l h• ,.,.,.. 'I ' • • t•e k , \ I t I I ••• .. "' • j -.1.11 ' • '· ... 1iC r • •"_j''• ....... >c \1 t, f ••••• tit•• A .,,,. 1•• I ... t I 1 1 I• ,, K ;._rwn "••• ¥.,,... .c"' x J,,,, •• ~-•• .... ,. -. t-· I.At" ~··•• I ..,, .... • ~ ,,. 1we ~ \'i • I -... 1 .. u •••4 ....... ,. • tlJ •"•••• U•rM tr.'.• Wtt -t~t•• ... • rh .. l,.. t..'J Y -1,••~ll lO•OoU .... ICI ..... ' t\f f •1 I .. •11 ,, > I • k l! , •• kt '-'h ' I'' t\1'A I ·• t • ·• • !I •$ •rwu-1 , "°'• If I .. ltt Al° I • t\I I I )I.,, I I k I I " I ., •a. II • ff•' • U llJ -. .... I I AH •.t • • • i. '" 1) , I ' •• " •• ,._,.,. ••• •11 1-. ,, .. ).\VI n-ft k tlf II ••' ~ •• )ft ",., '\•• .. I t A r I V. I '' • ... J(".JC • ...,, ... -....... .-: 1u .,..7 ,,, f\" ._. 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N A.it•I .-.in " ,,,., .... . I ........ ..... ,, -- s .. . • t ..._ O> -' . ~ .. , .. ~ •I ~ " ~ ... ~ " 0 - .. ! .. I-.. .. , l ·•' _) . ~ -------... • "" It ... ~ .~ By Ham Filher " I Hy Carl Grubert By Gua Arriola By 8un Leff .,.. ........ ,.a • ..,... ..., ,, -I__;. . "' ... •• ~ eo•• -r-.... ~ •• 111 ... 1 , , ... , ... ,... 1-Tet....-a " ... l.tlalo ....,...... . ~ ..... T-T• <el"' . ..., . ._.-"", .. ._ • .,..,,, I . -. ..... " ,._ ........ Cl>IM "-""'•''-' :~:.!I, =.":' .. ~. n -a.1r :H -T'···-· ,._..,,,. ....... »-Ah•t•tH•• tllfl"'d t' ..... "' ,. ., . ,., n -'I•• ~­._. ,.,...,...,,,,. n -• ,,.,,. ...._,.,..~,, ... • "~• •teJa .. -· .a-'16 t•••'"" ---1-,, .. ,,., •-""-._., . .., .. --.c:Mw ......... __ ..__ I o A .. a .. .. I( . ~ ... I::. ..... .. Wo I: .... 0 • 8T, --.-( I P11e 8 ' . .. . ••••O•T aALaO& ••••·Tl•SI nmAT, N ............ Clim. Afril II. IMI Mary ~nt Wms ffip Scores Posted Over Defender In 1st Da_J of 26th In C.W.A. Golf Annual Pow-Wow SAN FRANCISCO. April 23-LAS VF.GAS. Nev., April 23- (UP)-Mary &arsent. of ?.Jonte-(UP>-Hch lml'• "'''fe pQttf'd In rey, toct.y .... • ~ a. ,.. the ftrwt dQ ratt'rda)' or 1he fina.11 ot the California Women'• Calllorfila lndian 26th annual Pa-• .Amatf'Ur Golf ..,._pkwablp alter Wow, which continul.'11 through defNtlnc def..U.S tltHat Mrs. ~. • Junes Ferrif' ol l...C» Anpln. lo trap ahootlna. N. A. Fax._San Miu Sarcent won a 2 and l Ftanclaco. scored 98 x 100; F. R. v\ctor)' owr Mn. Farle in the Etchcm, Jr., San Francltco, pot!c-d 94!1Di-flnall ye1terday. She nrxt 99 x JOO ln skN>t shootlng; May- pla.ya CUrt.it OAP Star Dot Klelty nrird B Henr y, Loll Angrks i.nd ot Lone Beadt. C. T. Buckman. V1s11lla. tied 91 11 Miu Kieltf ~ a 2 and l 100 in trap double romprt111on. triumJ* .Vtt Beverly Hulon. ot Indio, Cal., ln the other lf"ml· final match of the day. Thf' tlnal 36 holes wm be pl.11)1f'd Joda)t. 1)w' ocea1u art 1·1ilamal<'<i to con- tain cnoU&h 11old to lri''f' evC'r y Pf'rtOn in theo world 1thout 7110 pounds. .... __ oun·ot£-RS • ,.,.Of,. ADVERT! ED IN 1-F E- Eltablllhe<t 1914 HND ASU O<'!:AN FIWNT We IN ttquipped 10 giYe you e1pert semoa on your molor whether it ia just a ro utine check or a coaiplete overhauling. We &pc"Cialize in JOHNS()N 1enice and uny a atoclt of JOHNSON parts. Thia anilable 1e~ice is one of the many c~lrH you get when you maL.e JOHNSON your out.board motor choice. South Coast Company MAIUN~ ASD Clt:SERAI. IL\Kl>WARF. I IC W. Ctll St PASADENA llM ......... _ ....... SANTA ANA Sf'wport BM4'h LONG BEACH ....... A.., La.Ct_., ITS ALL TRUE--MAJ~R_I.~AGUE Calumet Farm .. JOHNNY LONGDEN SET TO RIDE SCOUTS 'EYE FRANK HAMILTON His ODe-Two ~ HOME 3000th WINNING HORSE ., •• tnllP ... l u., .., aboUt want tNir Ion to ro an lhrouch Derby Punch . Frank Hamlltoa. .....,.., Har· rolk>ge and. lt ht''• intttated in SAN MATEO--;-cal .. April 23 -Wht'a~ld and Stitch a&aia bor hlch'• ..... u-i _...,. pro ball afttt that, well and sood. LEXINGTON, Ky .• April CUP)-Joekey Johnny Loneden. were ddlnltelJ. out ot the rac.. Coech Wftldril fftdl) ~ .. Frank h~lf llttml rather IUPl-WarT't'n Wri&ht'• Cal with only OM ra~ to eo. today ------------- today confirmtd .tie Farm. ~tly Turfdorn's wu hoplns tq ride tht' 3000th win ~ U.1 I ni>nrommiHal about all the f\m IUCCleUtU1 ot hll 21--ar ractnr career, set-taJI. qu.iet. 111111"* ..._ t.-He has 1.ndlcated to nw ht' want~ ,_.two stable, today bout ti .:.~ Porthtnd. Oft .• .._ .... "'loolitd to 1:0 through the UnJvenlty of _..,. punch for M'Xt na a M"" American tta>rd.. "''"° by al ae..t a • 4 rn..)OI' Clllhfomla After that w b o. Kentucky Del'by -husky at Tht> Vt>teran jockey croued the le-~ M"OUta." · knnw'I." · ' and ·~ Coeltown. wire ahead Jor tbe 2.~th tlrnt' Hanullon .._ pitc:IMod ~ COfl• Coel\own. maldnc his first )'ftterday aboard heavily-favored lit"CUli\(' •·i,. for the T.. . 1 1lW' Ct'ntt>r of all the fuu, Ham-beyond the f!print dista11C('5, Market Street In tht' fifth race. He ttw-bt.,..1 w ~ ....::l,lld 111 .. n himself, will be on the out a new track record for a rode a total of four mounts, fln- Mfn II ht' dcwsft't wnr ou• d':'. m•"m.d toda~· at 3 P. m. to try for and • furlone at .Keeneland llhlllc third aboard Harbor Supply ini: ll'I# JJftWnl two-Wftk h•~ sixth •·in against Huntingto n terd11y 11i< he hl"l"ezed to an easy In tht' 1evt'nth for hil only other paign. pnodictlona .:; that ~j Reach. lt he'a hot. the Oil O ty g ve-lt>ngth t riumph In the Blue excunlon Into the money. go through rhe .._ u.drfeatl'd lads 1 are In f 0 or af t°"'eh afternoon. ~PVstakes. . Eight horses today were lis ted .. b Frank planniac • • major "f amllton I e ff'Ctlveneu comes lowly. Citation loom a.. u probable llarters In the $10. leaRl.lf' n rttT!" ~ _... Pleil fr'!'" hi• perfttt control and h is the horw to beat when the hrtt-000-added San Mateo Handicap, ··1 1alked 10 Na falb." Pick fast hall," Pick concluded. "He's ~~;I~ '~':r.:~~I ~ nex ~t; featured ra~ on the Bay Meadows said." and u.y llft _,. icJokinlf Teally a pro prospect-the best C'oaltown's bla.zl f l ~s u Saturday ball. Five of the Ol'iglnal tha t far ahrlld ~t ....., Umt. Tiiey "t''" t'\·er seen here." day made it a~grentn fh eighteen mounts were listed aa rlon will gt>I pll'Tlty of ror: ~ubtful. _thrt>e u uncertain and . aiill~'•' ·1 PIRATFF 'DEAD ARM' WONDER llf')' Montw! "-''"• CMlt f:; Ulr ~ 2-RIT OOMEBACK 0VER CUBS man •1th tltr m_._... ..... . !"F:W YORK. April D-j LP0 ntt'!)'"~on~ National lt>ague bat- i.-10 .. : .\lonth: ,........_ •--T .. f:lnwr Riddk. .who,._td 14'<1 up lrM. tbrrd 11tu of tb.-11o,.,.· a.II hill ct.Pad arm wif'h de9d s am<'n"'' Another sore-arm hurler made 8"-flt ~ ""'"' ~ •• .n..,. •·,·nt the ~ade ol C!OW'att • 1od,1\ :on r ncouraging .comeback at New a hip and .. n4..n•-a.op••'" in 11\r infant major ~ .,. .1<mo Ynrk wht>re Dodgeor sopbomor~ '~rry Colonna. ,..,.,..,. ,..... .., Surii:f'OllS ~ told l*a tw hao1 l111rr) Taylor thorouithly tested Vn'f'D ~rut to .......,. .. ('ha do I ' 6 ,....... \lay uua •t 'J :M P. ._ no ~to ~ ~ p11min.:. his Rrm in 11 to 3 victory ove r •1th ·~ontlf', •nrld'• r hampfH t>ut ~~ br wouldn't l1C'll•·H•1 Thc Giants. Jle walked nine but ro•ho)" and uthrr Hod,..... IMYri he wu the author of 11ir 1 tlorr down magnificently 4A-ihe at&n. Spouo"'4 .ltY ,...._, a.-ht-st 11:ame pitched thua far in 'ht' rlutchri1. rilling lh<' bases on walks tary and l(hunl' ;, .. ..., of Eaat l'ahonal leagw, a two-tut. 3 tn II In 1hr second, then retiring the Paudf'na. "hut ou r for tbr rejuvmal"d n••xt thrce men in otder. * * * Harbor Events ***' Federal Jqdge __ Orders Race Wire Service Restored P1ralf'S o,·tt ttM-~ I Two errors in the nlllth, one. by :'l>ot bad for a (ellow •h<> h111t rch:ihlr Marty Ma.non, gavt> the won onl)• four sames in four >"''r' rtrd-. 11n unt>arned run and a 4 to R1dftw. he.TO ol C'lncinNati's r-·n· 3 >·irlory ovrr the card! at St . nant nmpai~ ol 19t0 and 11\.1 I l.ou1ic ""m<' up ••ith the lall)(' arm ar•, r Th,. Hriwrs SAivaged thr finals th< 1943 M'uon. anid from .'I "in~ I at f'h1l11dt>lphiA, 10 lo 4 on 12 hlts . •hat rear tw 1lwnprd to '"'" 1n Thr somewhnt amazing Athlet- t!l44 u'S"' '"'" tht>ir third straight from It •·as ~ in 1945· \\h• n h•· '"" dr flnit('ly disappointing Red had only OfM' vict.ory and h•· r••· Su'I •• "i tn 3. putting over two runs tir•'ii from buoPbalJ ln 19-lti II•• on 1hr ninth wlwn Snm Mcie lost f'amf' hack lut )'ftal' hu• "~'' " fl y in lh<' iiun plaR'J('d b>' \tw' samr trouh:, "lno1 Th': Tii:er11 kept pace with the """ t>nl) One' 1-. Th" Rffis l A•hlf'llC'!C hy "'mmni: tht'1r t hird fm.<ill )' 1:11\'t' up but IUckllr <hdn'I 'tra11;ht. grltins: 1111 thf'lr runs in and after ae1llnc tun.elf 1u lhu " ~ 10 '2 victory ovrr lh(' White Ptn1t~ -"'-Cl'F. em ~f··~n.lSox a l Chiclll[6° in thr silnh ,jtff('r 11 hl11:1m to lc:tok" • if tw "'•uld rook1P Ho\\iC Johnson had h<'ld t*"-onn>. ~ -li¥ille up 10 his lhcm hJtlw. for fl.r£.J rnml's. _ . •• BRIEF GLANCE AT BASEBALL LOSA:-.:c:1·1.~$.Apnl:!.l 1t'l'•1 T . Tllt:STAJfDINGS I \\'rsfi'm t'm"n totlli) \\BS undf'r "' r:-. " L Prt. OB :-an r r :mo .. "<·o •JI 7 f\ II fr11rrnl orfirrl' 111 rc•!'ltlf't' a raCl',, 1 A 1 14 :\ '.'lla)or Lf'acu" Standln111 Amf'r1.-aa Lf>actlf' w L Prt. <iB :;~<' St'r\ il'f' •hat thr "tat" ordc·rro ,;::ua': r5 11 !~ ~-t }l~ Jppedd . J F T 0 .,..._ _ _. San O~o 12 11 f>.!:.! 1 ~ u gr . , .. nnor 11b"'" < kl nd JI 11 51 2 a tem porary ord<'r yrstf'rd~· for }3 3 8 10 •· -) I f (' ti I RAC'e w· ~aC'UIT1''nto .414 3 re urn n on nrnt11 . lrt' Holl).,,.'ood 8 11 .4:.!l 3~ Ser vi<:(' to thn-f' Los An1t<'IPS dmly SP Ilk-7 U ....,., 4 u. ICl'atch lhttt1 and Wt April 30 a _,... 79 for a hearing on makln1o1: tlw M'n'-TINl~a ........ IN> prnnanrnt. Sacramento 4. San ~ J . Wett('rn l 'nion turn<'d off thf' Los Angl'lt's !'I. San Dieco 0 wirr April 'l on ordrrs of All)' Holl>,..~ oar &·a tta.. b o I h C<>n. Frrd llnwM'r HP said th<' i: .. nws poatpon;'<i. '"'n. lnform11t111n wa~ 1:oin1t to hook-I lakland 8 1 r orrllmd. poatporwd. Phil•ull-lphia 3 () 1.000 Detroit 3 0 1.000 nrvrland l 0 I ()()(l 1 WMhms:ton :! \. ,667 1 New York l 2 .333 2 S t. Looi~ 0 1 .000 2 Chicago 0 3 . 000 3 Boston () 3 .000 3 NatlaeaJ IAllCll" w L Prt. Si. Louis 2 1 .ti67 Philadelphia '1 1 .667 from his OW11 ~tablemalt> iwo dt>finately out. _..__ ___ ·~I Definitely pointing toward jhc f AaflM TM.,,,..,•J Obarlea w. 8awyer <a?x>n> al Cl.DdnnaU. Ohio, fonner o. s. am- bulador t.o BelsSu.m. i. reported t.o b&v._ bea ottered t.be poat. ol SecretarJ of Commerce bf Preal· dent numan. event Wt>re Mafosta, Hank 'li., Faucon. Bymcabond, Miss ~n. Amble In, Lodge Night and Paper- boy. On the uncertafo list wt>re Shan· non 11 , Wgh IWsolve and Tropical Sea. The doubttuls were Cla.u Day, Hemet Squaw, Gallavant, Caspian Sea. and Nj1nj09klt. 1811 Coaat Rlway, C.rona del Mar NEWLY REMODELED (with a fresh atmosphere) 8pedaJW•c la: Spaghetti -Ravioli Scaloppini, Chicken Steaks & Rout Beef Cocktails -._..,.. Har. 1180 ,.,.( c:;f.J V-,. .&um. C,..,.. .,1(... 0.. 'Bl...t. &" i'f .,,..,..,,,_, fJl..J ()pf'n 5 to 8 P. M . Sundays & Holidays 12 Noon 10 8 P M. Cl Oil<'<! Tuesdo ys m11krri1 ram G_... Frida)' Thr (ir i>t frrns whr..t. l>u1l1 m S.aCTamentu at San FranciM:O lllr.3. \lo ll!' "O la rp• tlmt ii nf'l'drd ,7 :111 1>m :ind !l.Y• p.m. PDT). 175 fr•'ll:ht C':1~ In rarT)' 1t. !lll)'l'l Nin llwgo al Los Angfte9 (8:15 thr• Worlrl Rook F:nryrl<>1•"11.t I I'm l'ITT•- Brooklyn 2 C1ndnnati 2 Pittsburgh 2 Nnv York 1 Boll ton I ChicaJ?O 1 1 .667 2 500 '1 !'i()() 2 .333 1 2 .333 1 2 .333 1 ~ ·~ r \I ~­ ~~._ ,~-• ., Se- FAMOUS FOR FOOD Thal ('Jlll~1•d 4'fl mU('h f'Xlll'nSI' that Q;.l.land at r orrland 18:15 p.m nfl<'r 11n •'XflO'ol l 1nn in ~I L..ou1<: in I PST 1 I 1904 11 \\:\~ hrok<'n up nnd llOld for tfollpuwxt 11• ~11t•lr· 18:15 p.m scrap PST• RN1aJt11 Vntf'fday Amrrlr an Lf'acu~ Phlla<k>lphia 5. Boston 3. Drtroi• 3, Chica~o 2. IOnly Game11 Scheduled! SatloeaJ Lf'acuP CliknJ?o 0. Pittshurgh 3. Bo!lton 10, Phil11d4>lphta 4. Rrooklyn ft Nrw York 3. Cind nnnli 4, S t. Louis 3. One Little Second Co1t1 Pen1ioner $544 a Year · DF:TROIT •t'PI -Onr ll('COnd CQSI Roh<'rt J Gallas:hl.'r $544 a )'('ar. • Gallas:h<'r, 70, a pm:t al <>mplo~·1·, rt>tirrd at midnii:ht. March 31. aftrr 44 Y<'Ars of srn·11.'t'. Onr 11rc- ond lntr r. on April l , 11 nl'w f<'d · pral law took C'ffe<'I which would h11vr i;:i' <'n hinl nn add111onal S:l5 a nnual stij)('ncl JI w11s no April Foril's jnkl.' •• Gallni;:hrr. Thr law wmt drs1i::ncd to hrlp \'etr rnn rmployl.'s to m<'<'I -(JIOM Tefiii{iiiol Mrs. Gwenn MarUmon, pnvau secret.arJ for Walter P. Reuther ro1 the put t1ll years, \old Detroit. Mich.. police that JW!t last week t•·o unslrn~ letters threatening Reouther with bodllJ harm came t.o hla otrloe. Reuther, pre.tdent of u . A. w. (ClOl, WU ahot by an unknown runman In hil bomt Apr11 20. ri s i nit Ii \'ins: M~ I ii, h11 t r. n 11 a i:: hrr -;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:=.;;:;.-;;;:-;;;:-;;..;;-;;;;-;;;;-;;;;~­ said hr would 111• unnhk In live nn .,. !I'll.~ thnn half his rl'~1l:ir s11l11r} ··y,.i;, I'm n •t 1rmi.:." ho• ~airl. "11111 now I h11\·~ to s•art l1y1king for nnother jnh." .__ l'nill'd Sll'llrs men! ('oniiumpt1nn in 194i \\01\S nhnut 15-1 rkillnlt!' f'l('r pr1"11011, largrst on record sinrt' 1909. THE MOVIE BARN 151 8o. Coaat BIYd. LAGUNA BEACH •• Casino Cafe and ; Codtail Lounge * Serving Complete LU NC-~ ES and DINNERS * r \ " J NOW OPEN 6:SO TO 8 P. M. ~ .A r-CWSED MONDA V SEA FOOD -STEAKS -~NNERS CLAIR G. MARTIN !lot Oct•• Frvat OFFICE SUPPLIES Here you'll find all the ite ms you need for efficient office work. Ou, modern equipment offers a safe, practical and economical investment in bet- ter work. Come in and see' the helps we have for you today. WO~t.o;s ~£Sr i.OG Cl181N/ ™E l='OlttSTftV BuiLDI NG ~ANtn:IRt~-·-1r co~ rP/N6 tcco C..."\:J /11,;)1:'~ '6rr"' ""'11NR$ ~ e_ Ole/ Time Mo'fies ....... ,. 'l'llroaP 8aDd..,. Cao.ed Moada,.. • MARIE DRF..88LER CRAIU.JE CHAl'U.~ and 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. Commercial Accounting Forms ... :fypewriter and School Supplies _ . ·- MABEL NORMAN la MACK SENNE'ITS ''Tillie's Punctured Romante" Al!'O Short Sub)Pct.A with Wallatt Rf.Id and ,...,.. IUrkwoood .u.ltaMe-~ ~ Newport Harbor Headquarters Pens -Pencils Filing Supplies Note Books .......... Stapling Machin . (i~'-~ '!Wiil H--.Jt.I~ 'f]; and.Service ! Newpo'J Harbor Publishing C S bo d E · I Pi.1'J1,~cr< ·•( T li( ea ar qmpment • <A>rporation Dally News • Times IHI 0-.t RJtnf. BMcon 5841 Newpen ._,., Caltf • · 8011 W. C.-ntral . . Tf'l. Harbor l 'l and 1. · .. - I I .