HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-26 - Newport Balboa News Times, THE SAND CRAB By SAM ... , ... , ......... ..... IM .......... -.diec:a-,.w. ,.,,..--.. • ,._.. ' .... Good,., • ..., work ......... a,_ ........ ..... lllOlal -ot ...nc,.. ~-ro 1f'p ..- ...._, •Ml (riea4JJ C.llow ....... w,_..wort,.._ f ABC ONLY 0 A IL Y NEWSPAPER IN ORANGE COAST'S LA,RO EST CITY l \Mickey an __ ~ The Pacific Telephone @ and Telegraph Company ..... ft .• ,.. ..... ,.....,.,,, •• 1111111 Mf·lllnlr , ....... _.. t1 UllWISt ""'. th•· :l7-r .. .-.t trndr r ' """'"· hrtnr1nic "''"lf' of thfo ,,. .. ..,.111:•'" ~-. •·hJc'h waa t ... nporu1h .. rtft a r11..-.I .larm \Otll'tt JN. 111~1 ur. Tbf' l"na•t 1eu11 r1I '.\ll111l"I011k• f111md llN-('ooklf' drtftlnte. uut "' ""' llPtw-HunUncton •~·,....h, ud !'ll_J,,,rt, lwr ,.,....., and thr f•mr '"· !4hf' I• """"' n 1"rlcln1t "I' a lbw to N-port flart111r. Thr 14"' a lto"'. Id alt#r d"C1rinir hf'r aJlf ''"' ... drtfUn1r for a m11,. and a hair ,,,_ It and lit~ ,...malnr.1 "" wak'h. ______ , ____ _ I·· f•I', \•ti• r• '" Id' "t\ '1\f t1 01°t' ,.,,.,.,,, •IJ•J" :H \ f,, t,,. ti.ff \t f1 J 11• 1' \\ • '' ,,,,, ,, ,, ll•1t11 •U• ( lff1t t f \ Hl' •flt ( 011~tl JfJJff;f; I' '•1rt1JflfJJUi,: t fftJI h . Jt, ftntJ .1 1i1 " A~ 111 I Ji•· ~•1t1f"'' l1f ti!" I l""~on w h lr•h 111.-t1l1trmMj ,,.., ''""''r" 111 ll1tltt1.rr Tlv·r•· 11rr !VI rlr,1 lt11·m~n l11 tht1\ far I rodii» I na h llA1b l 't1h •w .. ttn ~ .. I Cl )7 lll .. ,, Xl91 .. 11 ........ _ ...... .. I... . ... ""'TZ ·~ UA!i411 l•••••I J • •• ·•II• ~n•I 1,., "'''' Jl•1r·s·11 1' T··' i\1,dl :tfi "' II• I •, '" "'""'" ·"''"" Al· •l'l'• lf••ll)"'-•I 'l•"''(f ll11·r l'llul I'""·'·•·• ~·11• r• 1•1...., ...._ r· '•1rn '<' 1111 }tint .1 r•JJlll'ti •"1••r Mttnll'tJlftl 1tlr- 11.--., • "'' ... •~ ~'"""~ IT) ':trnn I, • ., t 111 111' r•·•I I'·!\ I M11~111ni.: 11t '""'"' J•.ttn•no :u ; <:r111llf ,,, .... 1.i 1 O'i 1•. m •C'ST1 !(winy, rnm plf't· s .. ni.1 A"tt """ 1tv ""'''"' vrl" Mc t>M-U.. Anl{f'IMt·t ll-Hoo1tnn Tt11 '' •• n nu •DJ'D-bot 1 .. ,, .. t ll1i;th1 rn th""' hnon 11ntf 1hc mJn. Vt h"°l-1 •l>T• dAmac-d t•'"':?'' •I) Ull" • •, .. :..-~-~~~~~~-~_,;~------...iii--iiiiiliiiii .. .;. ... iiiil ..... iil .... ~;. .................. ..:~ .......................................... 1111 ........................................................ tr:-:: ~ J . . 7 Launch Calnpaign Against Unscrupulous Builders -.. - Page 2 st;w1·0RT BAI.BO~ NEW8-TIMt~:o-I MOSDAV S"••port ISN.dt. (:aJlf. April ~ l~K Reds Riot as Moy Day Plans Blocked High School Boy · 'Cut to Ribbons' In Initiation SAi' FRA:"t 'ISl 't 1 /\l•rtl '.!f. ll1P t II··~· 11r-nltt lu~h ~· h•~·I 11thlo•t1• \\,1s I• •'O\l•nn11 loll ·~ 111>111 "t n11t·rt111~ ir11 1111111111 1 ... t1111;: \1111 111ni:: puni: p:ul•1h-s <'"hnl'h-.t 11 "r~11n wa< tnkrn tn n h<>!l1111 11I SftlUl'flll} 111i:h1 """" h•• r<'turnr·d h1111w ''"" '"'' \\ ''" fllllnl n nJ r .. atllt'r~ llo<'tnr« ~hid his h11ck hn(.I l"'1·n "cul In 1 1h hons ." FROr\l 2 ND I PA(; E ' E-A-R-L-Y ·N-E-W-S 8:~, 11 8 Listed On Relief Rolls , h '<'rl'<m sa1c1 hr ltntl '"'n n•'"'" In California lnitlet. ~ w.-r1 stru.·k 11<·rnss ti.-• I b11ck four ti111•-s h) 111rh o( Ii !--1\•'HA:\11 :"T•t A1.r1l _'f; ti I'• mrrnhc·r~ ,,, •ht· rluh who \\1t·lr1·~I I h• l"t \\1·r• 1'<.1111-I"'''""" on !hi' t'lAcl1lh ~ Then thry \l't'fl' 1, I , 1 in 1".tlthtt 111,1 l1urt111; ;\I 111 h • drr 11chl'd \\Ith tar paint h't'r~on icmd th1' nnnw of tlw .,1. ii,,·'·"' 11• 1'•111111•·111 "' )•~ 1.t "'•1• 5111ni111tton invol\'ed w:i~ th<' '"Nt~hl 1111° 1••1•11 IPfl tt1d:f\· Owls'" 11nd that It wn~ l'Qm1ic•~·~I Tit·· 11i:11r .. 11 '' 1:1.li.!~1 m.11 • u ... ,. m ostly nr nwmhl·r" or Lincoln tn Fohtu:tr). th• J.1r~··~• rl"'' '"'' Jltsth itc-hool'~ unlx'at('n l1as..t1·11l hii' 1 .... n n ronl11I tn Sf•\<'11 ~· "' tt•am tlw rt.•1.,,rtnu nt ,,u<l "I run't ((Jllf'lll on tlw.,1· ~·)·<· Th•· 111 .. ,, ...ii:111l1• .1111 uwr• '" ti hi' 11111.j. "It 11111.;ht r uin tlfl'lr ;;.111 1 1 .. ,)ri1,111, 11 .. s. 1n t h• ~.11 t'hlln<'t'l! to 11l11y on thr '""m Tiu .Jn:rrrmn \'10th·>' 1111d thl' iJ, ""' t paddl<'I' d1dn'1 hurl murh. (Int~ 111,.11, ,11111 11 rdl• d •"I · 111·· .1,:11 a MUflll' or frllo"'s htl h11rd · 1111111 • .t u111mpl11~m· nl ''" '''"'i IV<'N<On \1 ai; !>O hndl) lirtll>•of! "'" 111 1li:it o1r•'H · had d1H1<'ult~ rl'!Cftni: on ht h1wk 111 1\1 itLI• ,1 ... , ·~·It• s '" '" ••f'I·" Ii<' SOid hr 11·1111lcl n11t hal"I• i:nrw II ri"I. I t1 u; ~ I tn thr hospilul If h1~ i;:u:irc111rn,, I'' ··~ "'''"' It'' "' " ~ I" 1'"1'' Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur A Ttl'tlt~·r.•"" t• ll•·f rll••tt• 111"11 l\\I<"• •· "' 1 • had nut ln,"i~trd .1~ 111•) lt.111 II ) • er ••C•• An ln1·,.,.tii:ntlon lnln th<' c-ASr l The· J>l,111\\11.lt' 1 l'lt f , , .. , I• t wu Op<'nPd h} Sup• rtnl• ntft'lll 111 1 It• 111u11t Ii 11 "' $I "(1 _ .::1 " ' •I School1t nr ll1·rlll'rf t' <lt,h. 1lw I'·•• •nwnt '·•lfl - ,. eter~1rs ~ '(• .t State ~t),7.-0J~r,o For :~ )lonths · fities, Counties , Ta Share Split ·Of Vehicle Taxes U. S. Attorney, To Help Police · Contract~rs ST AN LEY 1 A. SMITH IS NOTARY PUBLIC Believe Seiners, Hook-and-Line Fishermen to Join in Tuna Save SACRA!\U:NTO. t'al.-ISPf'clall Sc<'r<'tnry "r Stah• .F1 nnk !\I. SAN DIEGO. April 16 1 UPI-with their huge .nets taking an .lordun 11nnuunn·d 1ss1111nl'l' vf ii Possthihty that thr purs<' ~·mC'r.< enormous toll or fish l'ach Y<'ar notary puhlir l'on1miss1un 10 s i,111-irnd t h1· hook-and-litw fishC'rmcn" Son Diego tunu t:lipi.f:'r operatura An in•• ri-111,.,1 ... 1111pa11;n 10 rid 1 l~y A. Smith. ti07 C'oasl I li~lt\' 11:," \\'Ill f.l1·1 IO~l't hl>r soon hdore thC' 1dnto!'lt to a mnn llSC' hook-and-ltnp th!' 1,1,tliitt•' 111t111,tr~ .,( un~cr11pul-Corona dr l J\lar. 11r• M nt1 \\holc•sal<'r slnu1<ph1"~r.111ak<'sl am~ fur y1•11ri: h(lvt-.d<•mundi·d ous .. ,. 1 , • .,1, , •11111 • .t111111i on •h c · 111n:1 .. 1 ti.app1'ar rom 11~ ~c WI\-s trrc·l.C'r ~·t•i;:ulatlun of purse Sl'im·r CTll i• ii n•. of 1 .. 1 111111,.111,.: and 11> "KO~ASTU' Kt:Rt:L" 1 11·1 '· \\ .1~ "'" n hy G1·or~<' \\ .1tlan. IH'll\ llll'S ·'" J\11•)11t'1tn \l'atC'rs ~li.,;t (aciltt,11, 11, ,1dJll'l1111•111 of COOl· lma~1n1• \\ll'lnln~ a h u,h11nd Ill -'"! ti m :111.1;:1 r u( !ht• Aml'rtl"iln f JJUI S1' S<'tnC'r>.,O)ll.'r:tli• frum Slill plalnh. "" "'' 1111.; 111·1\ cons I rue-I u poker l'anw' H1·:1cl a Luu I cln1 ins.: ·r "''''""' 1\ ,.,..·ia I run P1«1rv tlo n' It\ 11 .. 11 ,.. hu~,.r~ .,·rt1•ranll 1\1ntrl' ('rod« t' 111 th" An1t·ric,111 \\" •11111'" ~nid 111111 111 11 11w c•1mg Tlw commill1'!' from thr !'an. alltl 11,;n-'•'•t•lfl' ·11ikP wus l\.\'C'l'kly, tlrnt J.:f.,'111 mn;.:aztnl' dls-!or 1 .. c11l 1unahoat owrwrs 11nd n ni ·~· Assi · 11 11 l11u .... 1. ,, 11<1-II" k Ii~ lhr hulldlni: tribul(ofl w11h 11l'Xt Sunday's Los f'lll!ln)tlll'I' ur lhr C11hforniu Fish .• . • . )('1•11 iln II I LlllC'mpt to Con It •• ···I'· "'""•'11111••11 or Call· I Ani.:cks l-:x.11111n\'r. lc;;inOL'1$' .~tiun It \\ <l'I l\J,:rl'l'd lmnf,( t ht' St'lnl'rs 11nd the hook-:rnd fon u t ' rti, o;tt111111on is a priroachmi.; t ~ llnC'rs lvgNhL·r to arrh·e at a m u· ·n , 1,1 1 ,111 " 1 •. 111~ r arril'd llL' \\ •~<' Advertlae n 111n1I. :<tagc'6, \11th purst• s(•111c•rs 1u.1I 'at1sfoC'tory sulution. out 111 •Ir• ..,, •tt l1•·111 1 'al1furnia arl'a with Iii• • ''''l•'t 11f11111 r~nrl undc•r the tltto •'li• 11 ,.f l '111t<'d S1a1P's Al- to;n, 1 .I 111 • • ;\I t '11rt••r. a"cord- ing '" \. t l1 n l l1wk. prrsldt·nl o r ' th(i t ,., 'l 11 •,,,' ·'''u<·H11lon II•·• k • ,,.1 11t.11 rh1· plan 11·ns d('\'• 1 .. 1." tit 1111. \.:·11h the 111t'!l1!" I o( llw I ;1' \ 111'trl" la~I \\'l'l'k lo do all 1111t11n ti' 11•11\·pr to poliC<' Ill 1 ow11 1.11 I;.; tnrl~ro tlw r xlrnt (>( Its ohll1•~ '" •riJ '' \"c•t<•ran~· corn- ' pl11tn'• 11\ul\ II• n .. t 1mly it s own I mrn 1 .. r' 11 •twh '''"'· hut 11th1·r 1>111ld··1 ... , I 1h1 Sou1twrn C"alifor· r nla .1r1.:i.. ..-- "\\, ,,1, ~11pph-nwn1ir1i::. thRl l pl,-<l •1 111 t•lt• nm: 10 prrl\idC' 1h1' 'an 1• "'~' u • for nun·\~·•<'rans :t~ w,-11 ,. ,. •• 1 tn•" ll111•k d1,dan •d ''" J.. • q•i1111 d th•• 11pc•rnllonnl prw I ii .t' of ''"' c·:tmpnii;:n as roi: lo'"' 11 r11o 111 .. 1111 -lhr···· C'hapt<•r:ot Blast Rips .Through Soutlrern California Oil Refinery • ___ ..;,jU\'l·nrl" proh,111•111 i.11 partp1.-i11 """ --- ti•• J)i'\llct'. -J t""'N"t -·to I li::..~-"' .u... .; '''I \ I • .. :-l \I 'It\ \11-::"T t ), Cal , A11ral 26....! •11'1 \!111or -,-,.hwlr "in li1.-u" nr I • H•11ld•111: rontrn<'lors llS· 'l(M"•··' It II• ... , lltUC ll(l romnli l - ,,.,, t ,, .. 'I li111ld· f" In in\1·~lt· i:111t 'I • 11•1•l 1tn1 ... ;ind. \1 h,.r•' ,,.,<:. iti111t· '" ·'" .. n ..... 1111111l'Ctia t c um1c- ,..- • • , u " .. .. .. ·~ - 1 Pl " 1:1 t :I 11 ·~ UJ: loe I CJl~h ~r11!1 1h111 \11llf11rnir1 lnw1 htl"l1 <1"111~·•~ • 1 t i· • ' : """',,,,... •11ll''11dcl $t:Ul-l~.fl..1R to th<' HAl!P!:R ~A~~IC'~ 5r~VTCE < rn \'EARS 1'N rASAllt:SA> NOW AVAILABLE in the HARBOR AREA • • • • Malnt.f'nant'.f' of t:.-.tabllllhf'd CiaN~ru. Sprink&HK Cwanf'd and AdjU!lltf'd • Sprayln~ of Rosf"!' and Shrub .. <ffolM'ral IADdM<"aplnJ!: HARPER Gonl•n S•"ice Pllone ..... 6299-W ( uk for Oecqe Harper) 420 -15th Street COSTA MESA •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PAllTI ••• llOll ..... fCMID MaYICI ••• IB Youa ..-&.Y fCMID DIAID~' r-'--'...., ...,,,. ,... ,. ..,... ,. ,.. '--'.....,. u..., -....,,,......_Hk_.. U.. N .. f-4 ,_,.,• S....,. Allwwww I«......._ ... __ ,., .... __ " I• •I ' • -111. ". 1 "' ,1111 ... ,,( ;v1:1 1·tt1I'., and 58 nhl· •di"'''"' nl~ t.: t 11 • d 1:q11 .. r f"'ummit 11•1·~ will nnl\ d·•·11111n•• 11hf'lh1·r 0 or n ot It<• . . . r d .. 11tn11 ..... in 1·;1lrf1'l'rnt1T""'tt>da)L._ •• 1 ·. • r f 1 u• ... ·h· :'r.r• ("t•ntr•1llrr 'rhonlas 1-1. lh• I• 11 • • l11·tn1: tn\rqii:n1 .. t1 Hl'I' 11'<'11 lot11 • 11111 \\ 11!11 11111~1 Ill' t111nr ro hnn-__,.·~nr1 1.,n tn 1111 p-.r111 ... I Nt•tll1• 1 111• l•h;•l•h'r r11mmit t1•1•i. I nor th" 1:<·\ \\di pass 1url1:<'nw nt qn "' rt • r ur 11111 tlwrr 1s 1·nr111n;1I art i"n 1n11•h ••<I 11nr1"r tlw r;1m· .,. 1' • ·r ~ '"'"' ,, .... ti. I "l'l~•rllnn' '"" IHXPS. col-...__,~~,--~n. r'"":"fT* "' 1111 ••• "11 tl111 in•· 1 • f1r,1 nii'iii m on h!I I I·' • U I•'•\• ' t , • ·t 0 ',,, \\,1 .. t lf '"fht• 1•urr••nf r 1M1.tl )t•ur. t ••: "I• •1 • ·-· m •h·· 'trrtt•t II·· \1 tll -11ltl tit" .1mnunt !)().50 I•""<! ' ''1 ·-1' 1' ,,...,. l1t 111 ... n 1·111"" ;111cl •·u11111I''" Ar1rr I" J···"'. • ,. I ' . •f~ tht•'41i:h '""'"ni.: for :\,11~..i.r.~·, C'<1llrckd in '1 '''' rti. "'"' "'hw h "'''n l 10 rover In· pl:rn 1 ''' 11l1: 1n\1,1tca11'd. 1 ter i"ll :ind ,.,.d•·mpll••n on stat<' 1:\1 Tl• JU',\ \\tit nmk1• lhl" l<'sll· Bump Sy at em Tried Out To Controt Speeders I htt:hv. 11y honds. mon\' "' t h•• liuilll··r 1n\·ro;1 i~11tnr" av111l11bl" 10 t ' S ,\lf!•rn1•y \r1rtrr '-''" 1\ncrh•s C'llUnl) l"d thl' !>Int<'. to :w l lhl' r••tff•riil in\'f'llti1:11tlnns 'i: .. llini.; ~:.?.R12.6.~ 1\lplnr county I l "LE"· ~1 II 1 ·p ih·· kA J I I '"C'l 'I\ • .t ltw sm alh'"' .imount. and 11nil '" .... •rut tfln or I h<• ('hmplaint!I d It I Thi" RI',\ will rf'\'Okl' th(' f'n><' f"Jf'fln •• -t<•l\tn . ""'r -th,. <"it)' o r l..n!t An""'"~ led munic- M1n<-d '" ........ do 1"n ... 1i.,"' r... •'n-1 11,,,1111,~ with ~1.AA7.fi12. whll~ mrml.,.rship ,,r 11urh or its mrm- 1.-nni: ,.,,. \Ill •.:•. "·"' ,.,j\,1~-d T rinhl.1<1. l111mtu1J1lt llf'r~ ,, 11ny. fnllnd i::uilly o r di'· ~ county re-rrau1hnt:: th .. p11hltr ' 1 8 .,...,. 1.&i1n 1'' n>ntr•ll .'rnffii· "' t\'N1 nnl)" ~97 1!'>1 Thr RCA \l'tll r<'romm1•nd lo "JlM• a<;v.n;,•Wlf'I ar,,.•inh-d ll rum-i\lloration 1s m r1d1• nn thl' haaia 1 the Slfitr Contractors Lic<'n!lt' mitltt to -tall "bum__,. on all -• nnnulation .-.,. .-.-· bqjlrrl lhr rf'VO<'lltlon or licl'nlll'S ("OUl'ttry "-"' k-1Mfim: 11110 town Thr mnnl"y m llN'fl"rl for 1 "'" or hullders a nd contrnctora found I "A/Irr rhr) tut ",,.... ol t~ nlllf'·month pcr1nd rndinR M11rch rtUllt> nr rondut'I or practi<'f'll In lbum!JS a f•"' llmf'~" tho·\ II <IClM' ~1 was a n all-ttml" high. Kurhrl violation of 11tnlr r<'1:ul11tions nnd &"""'· a l"JnUtUll•~ rllt ml• r •·A-«Jotd . 11nrl n •pr»srntN1 nn inrrrasr will suhmit t o thC' honrd a ny l'\'I· plainc'CI of :::i Jlf'rr .. nt m •·r t ht• i:am1· fX'rind d rnre in 1 lll'ir posicrssion in ""P· I laJI )'f'Ar port nf i:1'1rh fi'\'OC'Rtlon. ~''""''>...._. ol '"''T' l••lt•''I A111••rtinnf'il '" ()1,1ni:;<' rmmt) I Huck ~:iu1 lhnl lhC' chnptl'r!> nf I" r--~ in 1h,. 1·n:1 .. 1 :-:1 ,1. ~ .1r•' "'•" lhl' R<"A a r<' so locall'd II" to lw k ill.-<! rn .u ndt "'" • "'• " 1r ,\n ,11, '"' l::.><'n ~l:l.3JS.~• ~1hh• In. pr1widl' this ~rvir<' In Hr• 1 , ·,f 7 ·• s;-5 03 lhC' p11hhr rn nrnrly r\·rry locnltty nw·.1io • ....,, .-.. t1MU'U9- .U1ioa IUiD drift 1ear ol ~ ford rnolftl la dUea ddfe 18 ..... mo-..a..t mile ,.... A.ad dlaa'• ny yom owe le to youwll to ..... r1 .... ,.,. dtedied aDd wn.-1 nplarly, A.ad ,.,. .,.. k .., row ~ to hriag la beck liocne, ....... Pord·uained Mcc:bankl work with faaory·•Pf"Ond Method3 Special Ford Ecpipmcol aa Geaoioe Fonl Pa.ru ••. daig ID gift yCM abe bac MrTice .. .... CDIC. 1". k.-p • aood •pply ol Ge:oaiae tord fans alwa19 oe band. and-dMy·re idc-otical nri .. ol abe pens bailc iaco ~ ford ac dw faaon-. And oar Sn-riC9 ~ .;..m kip ~"P yoar ,.-nee ClOIU 10 a m1n1mu.m ••• belf J09,. longer life and bec.- p.rtonaua from ~ car . -··· ...... ·~ ""' rlnn 1~"'1 ;3 1 ~·5~·47 I 1n Snuthr rn C"11llror nl11 . Hr rr- 11111111111.:tnn lk h ~:l7'.\ ;:J.50:41 f'lUMtr<l th~I :ill com_r>l11inti1 hr-i.rnl -, 1 11"111111 lk11ch f..:l:t4 f\,747.7·1 In lhl' _nHt•···~ o( t.: . S . Atlnrn<'Y I , 11 ,tir.t :!,7i;i1 :!.R76.'.\-;', <"'nrtrr tn IA" An~l'll'S whrrf' thf"'y . '""P'•rt RMM'h !l.~ll7 !l.ll64.0'7 wnl llf' rl'f"ll"ll lo lhe T\\,\ nnd , "'•ns:r 9.1Rf> !*.~.4f;._rhc~ ro r:"•11n!"d I~> lh<'. ch(lptl'~ ln- 1'1 u•i nti:i 1 1-., 1 -.,.,18 \• <l11:almJ? <''1mmttlN' 111 th!' \"1Cln- " 1n t'lot11•'ntr 1:1~ 1:~2R.it "''of thl" CY1mpl:iint. ...; "" , """ '.\!l,:ll 1H .111 r,;;i; n:. ---- '• .i 11 .... ,.,, :!.'II'.\ :1111'..!!~1 SprinK House cleaning r11-11n l.:llMI 1 :ll I :1Jo1 Can Be Periloua ltt7 I I!• t;; 111> 'i'I.! {>11 I i.11.n:s \IO ~·1t:sc ·t: 1'lllC '1\CO 1l 'I'• (',.,1111• r 1' ...;,1.n11'1' .11 !ht• 1'111\•1 •1!\ •I I 'I 11 ·•Co ,ff(' IL"llll: hi\ ~1·1•JI' ·in 1• ti •" •n I l1L·h t ,.,,,,. 1 un•·n1... .,.,., rd1nl! '" J •r ~t ,n-...·I :'t·h· If\••( tlu u .. ,, •11•, l••r fUH h.tr 't1hh·' "f'J ' \ lu , ... ' I ,, If" '1ll•t1 ....... , q ft ,, 'I•" ul 1' ll' llfHi i 1 h• f\ \ h1•111h If dfln llf ''' t H,1nu· 1 .1~ p1• l 1··11, I .1h ... , , d" 11r • ' •'\ t11 'Jf, t• o. )111 ti .. • .... I 11 """' h, tn '·llfl .an•t ·If• ' ''' tit .... tu1h NEW '\'flRK ll'P t -Th<' \.rr111- • r N<'W York Sarr!\ \ounril rl'· dlrd that mi~hap" 1'n homrs cllUS· 1 d 1 .7~ rlPnths in th<' city la~I '··11r 800 l""irl rlown rul<>!' fnr sprinl't I , usr rll'nninl!. TI1r counrll nd,·1~rr1: Tnkr ii <'11"\. \\ .. ar npprnprl:tll' "' hinl!: chrrk nil l''Jlllpm1'nl. 1t't• •i • rii:ht ktn<I nnrl clnn"t t.·a\'I' ti I I~ n~ 11rn111111 . lP111 .. 'trni1:h1 t'lr•lh· '' •) 11 lo rlnors 11 lwn l'l':trr:111i.:ini.: ·1, rurnilur<', nnd quil ror th!' d11y Id Pn ratiJ:U<'d . THI i/NJrEO S iRTES W/1$ THI ~lllST Nl1VRL POWE~ TO"~'lll~FT Wtr.il ':"'>IE F .. FFr IJllO"' !+« a:»IOmONS/ Ill.I 19'" "~UNITS Mi:lf SENT WITH TMi FUET TO ~ El<'A CGJZ., Am> SCMlNG F\.lGHTS Y. E~ M-'OE Do\tL.V M" "4EXICAlll TEIO;ICrTOCC\ . THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 ·· . ~ -.... , •.•..................... .. , .. (. ( ..fc1M Tele,,ltoto) Exploalon and ti.re rtpptd a tracking lank at the nugt Standard otl mtncry, El Secundo. Calif. 1be ~ waa htard 18 milts away. Police sald 20 persons wtre treated for bums. '12 of them were In •rloua coa- dJtlon. F1rt-flghtJng equipment from adjoining be:lch towns kept the ulau from apreacUnr ~1Wd.l:r:da , ... J . :;lt~ ·::~ -:~ ' of stirroundlng butane tanu ln the ·aru. JC~p you1 tleruic raogr wiped clnn. Use u1tn1ils th11 fit tilt burners, 'and ro11re use of tilt burntn. Wlltn range has coole.l, wuh nterior ••uh -Pf warer, thto wich cleat waltf. Dry -•L Afitr u11ng wafflt' IMl.t't, bru1h JJids whilt warm.!'.'1h d u n pastry brush or r aper 1owr l. uavr 1111ds open unul cool. Ntvtr 1mmt'nt in ,.·attr or allow watrr on baking 1urhcts. Wash oumJt lightly wuh tofr doth. Aflrr usinA t l«uic roasm. 'Wa1h 1111tt pan. 1ou1tr and brotlrr Ir 1mt' seruairly "'"h d•mp cl.uh. Don'1 "'irt' brorltr •Ht) JnJ ""' «' 1mmtrS<" unit •.·· ., '· Don't forget your electrical ap plia1zces ! Wl1t·r:i you do your spring housecleaning, bt.· surl' co S""<' all rour elccuical appliances a thorough check-up and clea~ing. Kept sparkling clean and brightly polished, 1hey'll add beauty to your home, and convenience, too, through more efficient operation. They wil l ~ive extra years of dependable service if treated rroperly. 1n•11rr \'\'hrn ttt1n<>11nul<'. lu1t t.J 11tshrl1 • ,, , , .. S(•1tf/to 11 r af ijN 11i11 f.'·i:"·''I ( • 1•1J111t1J J - BWws· LID ow SMUGGLING 6F ALIENS OVER MEXICAN BORDER 1'hr doak-~tt ~ftung cl • f>nww) ,, illlla C'Of'll:Taarilall may -b1.M Ow hd otf a notor· io1M IW'kr1~1:..C aliml into tJw t:.SA... IK'ial nos.-s. 11rmt'd wtth hand-out \ u-.11on· pt't"m1u . ~'-iod' for onl) s1" months On<'t' on thr ln1idl', h(lW· •''•'r , 11 wcu 11 s1mplC' mnth •r '''I:"' tilt> \'\hi t'Xtt'ndtod 1 llher undl'Slrab!C's took a lf's' lf'gal route. Sttrt'tl)' flt>w acrou ~ John llcDo-t'll ot tht' l>ord<'r w ithout a ny paprn-In .Wilk~. h . hu bttTI maJung one l'ag. a F n nl'hm11n brt>u~h1 ft swnooaJ tnpt to Paftama and load of l'OnlJTIUnllill! 11nd 4.'X•Nflt l lk1dco tradong eta.,. ttw bcwdtt· A<Tlll'S the All11nt1t• In th«' sanw hcJRiiinc Jll «lmmuntst 1pii'11. war hoa t a1mina1s and Olhr.T w*strabl.H MrDowt>ll pn 'ltiC'ts 1h111 h1~ in· H r has UIW'O'n f'd «garuud rang• \t'Sti.:at ion w ill shock !ht' •'01mlr> th..t '""°'""' poh tl('a.J raff-raft In· when 11 lx'<'Om l.'i pub lic· T hC-l!.!111 1' to tht> t•rutrd Star..s lor • ftt. and Just1C'f' dC'partm .. nt.s h11\·,. ·111· ~trn •,th pobt 11nal srnrnt·fl'.llhng. r t'ad) askl'd to 5('(' th t' rwcrt'I l••Stl· For IUl'llt' tu-. >tcnt,..'t>ll has m11ny of on•· hordt•r nH!r111I. t ' S •011dttrd boo& Ow drtitJ u l Europe \on~ul John Bankht•11d a t /\'1nd.<;-0r aJUld '" anto thr l:ruted States,, Aflt'r \\Ord l«'akf'd out ttrnt •~ .._..'UIC ... rl'fugrn wprf' Rankhead h ad 1alk1'<1 to McDow1• ... barnd ht' r~a\'f>d a hol1 It• o f poi.sonl'd Tht' •ont ho'.A" an th•• <Wit'. ht> wh1•k~ LAll'r rt m y111rrinus I'S· found. a-.,.. \\.andlor on thr Cana-•ail11nt farl'd '""'O s hfllS HI him and chan tbdrr A ---A.. flrd. M c:-Oowt'll hui< c·;illr'1 UJit•n • ..-.~ of notorious thl' Jll!llicf' d1•p11rtm nn1 lu pro11'1·1 Europnm ~ ndit under of. Bankhead's hte. .~~~~~~-------------------...... ~ .... --~--~~------------ ' I I I I I I I .:.. -; : . . -. . ..... Ull MnDScnimGest. llliaM .......... ... .• •-Ma-.. ... ~· .' · '· vt:.roec.:nt f or y o.., 111 •d-foealag .gent pre, ftllll cnedo:tr iato boaliap. ...... Oii bnb lln1Dp. *VIRGINIA MacPHERSON ........ -1-~F .. \\'PO&T 8AL•OA NltW8-Tl•K8 MO'R"' ~....... ........ ...... .,,... !!,, .... Page S * HARMAN W. NICHOLS t I. ·p Holl)'"''* f'e>rmapo•d .. t) ·r. \\' A~lll ~t:lHS Arr•I ;.'16 • ' .... tlU LL\'\\'OOT'l, April 26 ll 1PI "(~t '"''" &.rt't llh..-a pt;t f.w Mor1tan C'onWA)' Sftld todAll)' he I '"I' .1l••tllh I\" alh ,If l ;.. tAm\9t llUlt hill joh R8 "" nrtor hl-<'rtUM' 1• t huur .. 1 ""h1 .... , ... 1cih Tttr thl'y Wt'rt' turnmit him into Dick 1.,,1,,1,, ... ,,.,_., 1tl10Ut •i&:•• ""'""'9 Tracy r l1tht lll'fol"\' NII V•'r)' e)'t'S. s.., "'""' ''"' "'''"~· th.Ill r--rn O nr mon> p1C'l urr llS thl' lantt'rn· '""" 1 h •I' 1•~•111.· 11·11d ''"'> tho· j11wt'd df'lt'<'li\'(', \onw11y flgurl'(j. ,.11, thRt "'''"""' 1tw'1'!1 m utot and h t''d ll<' stUl'k \\Ith thr funny 'l'h•• '"'"''''"Ill' lit• t d>aar-.1 •· pAJ>('r folk for th«' r«'st 4>' ht• life. 11'1111o·n ... " lw 1t .. •k•'l1 111. .. thr m.~n "f)on't i.:f'I ml' wror\1ot," h1' adcjt-d. ,,, •It••\•..-t .. ,., hrn\W'U m lcl\"t' "I havt-no1hm1: 8J::llnst lhf' runn)' J111 k..i ""'' .. 1111 •tut•· n-,llv tlr pllJll'rs. Or Trnr y o r C r 8\'t'I Gertir 'l'"l.1· f,11 i~ .. I •t .. 111\.-.J ~11t,. in •)r 0 . O Pll•nt) T lwy'n' flnf' -J11111•· t1o•l••t•• "" lntr l"'t•tt' t'nst• wht'n you'rf> not on1· of 't•m ." ""'' ''' ,111i.-... 11111ltl•'<' "' 11 ... ~ n Conw11y 1m11t .. two 11wv11'11 track· "''' '1111 .:r.m1• • 111• ,,,;.,,tdo,.rni.: in1t down d irty ~Ii lik«' "Split h1t1 .. t ""' "1•11t.I 1•11t '"'"'""''"' ''" t'11<'1°" 1tnd "Fl111 T o 11" 1tnd "TI\«' 111111111 .uh n '""'I: o•n i:ruun•k II Moir" lli-wOOC'd T t'!tS Trui-hart In ''-"'" th•· •tt m l.mi.: 1:out•l1< n ... ,..,_~ w thal "ttwn> Is no •Ifft'- ~ ... Wftft that fatt «..n1·1tufl .ond .th for .. laln\nlt " "'Taiwo tJw rip, .. , .... M ....... .,,,_. -u• Mrr. <.11H1....n.kll. t .,.""'h' TIW') •II t:lalm to tw tlMt •-t Arr 1rwy• WlM> llnoww? Same •llh ho.tu.• Ilda And llM! mplttta r_..'flk' •rf'n't dolnc an)'UdRS that 'St?•t prrmitlf'Ct In •.tl'M•t *"""11-· rnc It ,. lrtc\ill and \tMJ i-an't blame a man ,...,. tt')1flC to pu.h •ht,,..._ un that m.11~ tthl job.. · · An raJ'htt •ti,_. had nwnlkMt- NI .. ..,..1h1n11 atc.>ul llQU!Jr ada ap- IW'•hn;.: 1.1 ttw ''"" ' younc to tU.. "I' " .-.r....,y of dtlnkln• • Mr o U uld 11 .,,.. oult• · '"" Mia an not manly (H hion 11nd hf' dodgPd hUI· 1 ••11111u11111••· h~1I .... ,., ,1 tho ,,.,,.' lf'lll Ilk<' 111~-:c-omic hook drl«'C'ti\'t' ,.,,. th .. •lit\ llf'f<lf'" w1,rlh ht~ itotd star. Mt •'ttri.-n u1lt 1h,.1 hi• ,,., ,,. 10 tlws,•,...pi..1..U:.,....._,., In ~hort. IU' mad(• 1tood as Okk ", ,.,1 .. u1 """ ttu.I a ,....,.,..,. d1d11 t • AJ '"' "' an.UOU. "° 1'r1tl'Y go i:nod ht> had lo quit 11·1111 I•" I. 111 lt1• , •"> rtwu-""" wll lhrlr S- Thnl w11s 11 )«'Rr 111:0 And tw's rt11• Ch• l'"i:'" .. 1 ti .. m acannr ,,. th•nc..- l><'l'n 11ut of a Joh ''V('r sine<' 1"'1 • 1 '" t, ""'" u11111 ,,. , .. 0 10 t~• "I ha<l 10 1111 it." Conwa) said 11 tiq•io•t R•I 'f':Wl'OllT ArESD&ll "P•·opl.-l1<'i;:11 n h > !ltop thinkcni: of I 'o ""'' • "' ,,,1d ,.,_, n 1 111 ... i.-ft.o t:..tw•"I t;nu. jr. Nf'Wpllrt, m1• a~ Mnri:«n (',mway All th1·y tic 1t "'" 11,., t111rn•h 11 ..... o•h •a• • •l"'I b) pullN' for l'°"'C «t Mllltt ~·~•·m io rf'm<'mfl<'r 1"'al! tha t 1tc.·11 l •'Htlma.: en "" ... .i. r h man '" t9'o• :.-:"> runr al l!'th •nd Cmt,.I T wns Dirk Trncy in t hf' movlNI. 1 ,f,.,.,. I •lr6"'ftf• I tll'I '" '"'"' S..1""'->· 11flrrTIOnf\. I~ '- "Old frienru, P"C'Jllc· I'd known Prolpect.lft tutun ~crowd lhr hr11t111~ r<"•lll 1•! tht Houllt' Arml'd ~rvlrta <-•1111111111~. W8Jll1111c · s .. 11,.. ,,j "'" ""'"~... ,,.... (i..\ 10 .11~ t..f.-C"ll)' J ....... Many 1111 01) hf1•. \\OUld \\OI\'(' rtlld Ila)', &on. D o .. '° bNI' W11UmC>n1 on Pf"'llO,_"''' ,11 .. 11 ''""'"'"'" 11ll'Y al!I<' hfArd. lt"llf'I ,..,,!rum llt Vall· 1 ........ h1ul '""""'CJ th.Mt tlw< .111'...; I ni...-.: .... AJlfll ~ 'Hiya , l'>ii'k7' Maybi•. rl~ht thl'rl' aevar Buah. ch&lnnlLD ol Lllf Oovrmm• 111 • lll'•t't•rC'h a nd I M-1l't.•1•m•11t Uoaro 111 whlrh ht' '"'-' 1hat ''" "'"' 1• , ,,. ..... ,..,.,,.., ,,,., h•I ----~ mAJI •UI bavt lo lit• dtulled 1'111\rr t.u w11rk ur 111;111 In U1v 111'111 w11r o•ra w • .._ •MIGi.Aii Al rhc r1nit. lhl'V wrrl' kaddlnir. Oul I ti.• •:011111: "...-"'"t"m bt'an4 •" • ..~. • ..... aftf'r I\ Wh1lr. l 0 hl'y tw-1:11n to think ••• .,,. "·" .... , ......... , .... ulol ,,,,. N•=-" \'OICK •U .. l nw·stat• rhnr wa~ rrnll) my nnmt'," AN .l TURNER TAKL'~ HL"'R 1 h ,.,1111,. ut ,,1 111111 .. , Ill' 1111 ,,1.,,. 11h•111lJ. Supr.--C•-t ""9 takf'fl YIMW Little' k ids o n the Slrt't'I cnllc·d L .t& ~ r... .:1.t lu'\ 111111.11111111:• ''"''I""''''' \\Ill•' "l\,'11 ·, .... ,Mr"""''"'' -°""° ..... ,._.,..., .... u lntt•'*d lo .... 0111 . "th1•ri"s Dirk Tracy" wh1'n IN } R ( I 1 1 111 l I 1 1 Ion Mt trnwu ,,,. •hrthn a .. 1.:..-r!M'k.,.. a. Conwa~ ('llmP out of II rt•Jll8Url\nt HUSBAND st •;AL WEDl>IN ;1 :::::;"·,:.,'.:::· .~::".','.'.'t' ,:::.·:.,·::::::;, .. , :~1 1 1,;· .. a.:·· .. ~ .. : ... t:~ .,, .. ";; .. ~11 .... n.a01r t o t-n11 it.ma&ftl. ,,. or ni~ht cl11h _. \ ~ ,11 "' "' • ""'"" ••_..tty and ~W'f't)' (~ l'I' 11,,. '"'" h " •• ,,, "ell ''"", 1 .. 1 Thi• mailman br'CllWhl him h111:11 HO LLYWOOD. April 26--1 ' 1;1• "' 1 h1"11'"" 1.11111"1't l t.•11 1.1t111 Spi 1111:, ''"''l:ht 1111.c ,111 , """ ,,1.,,.,, tw "' nt ,,.. """~· .-n> ~rucht thr NII lo ~ uf 1 .. 111•1 ~ for "Dick T racy." 0 k11)', -Lana Turner. "'ho's had lhn'<· ' "'' a111! h" "111• 11 t t ,. "I t• r 111 1, 1111111 11,.., fh ,.11,1 1., r ntrh 1 •,,1111' T l1<·\ 1111 u1• fol•, \'•ndo'f $7lr7 ::. ""'" Stanlry t'•trela, JI. whr n 11 wus from fRns Hu t whf'n 1pW'. of . the-moml'nt eloprmt•n1-. • "·• •· '' h11 ' 111111 tu• '"''' l.111111 ' •11,,. s s :'ol nlll • 1,,;,111 1,,1 1, .. ,.1,,11 / t••ll "' '"' I >tirt .. -arvf .. , .,,.,.. ..-WT"tnc I~ Ill~,_,. for,.. som«' of thl' lr ttrr!I t urncd out to walks down 11 mak«'·lhlft al11l1· ''' j"' d1a111a11t• ~~··cc·h l.rlli1rn ll11r11,, :\Ir" ~· • ,, "'nc a Nlf• 1-.d hy tlw ~ ll<' from frlrnds. Conw11y .-:01 1r 11r· day t o marry Rob Topping In '11·1 h•·• •·""''' t.1v1: 111111111·1. 111111 Al t l~m.c·, 111,,111,., ;o,11, Milth••'' ''"'"'I •11i1•-...,. aU.rd ttw ,,.,.,. Thfo C'OlftlllARY Mid that NI. first r<-81 wrdd inR in 10 yeltf~ 111 1t•·11 '"""''~I l111irrnlr. h1i-111"" 1'1t1ti"r ,,..111 "•'ht """"' 11111111w.i '""'111111'"· ·•tfl•t ,...,. t~ ,...,.. •n-t Of ~· wu dl.w Ill "I'm an 11t·tor by tnde." he 111ld. h!'adlin<' rom anCI'. '"""" "' Tup1•1111: \dullun. ,,, 111 .. "'"l•hni.; s, 11 111o11t 1 ""'"" I•• 11ntlf) tluo1 .. .,..., .,.,.,.,. •~••IUftC _....,. llT•ln and , .. "l used to do pt'f'lty· ""'t'll 111 a Th«' movt<-star .and th«' mil 1 '" 11111..t• Md.1•n1111 . or th/' I h•I 1111111 "rtt"t Ith•' 1, , , 1111 111111 ""'"' 1~-.1· tho> •tutf '"' '-Ian-ran .. rr hr A\')' Nownohody'llhirt'm«' Flit· lionalrr willuy thelr "ldo:•""11h 11"''•"1 1·11 ... h~l••t'11111 l'IHll'f'h , \\111 l••ni.:'111111. ltcc·ncl ut lh• ri•'ll•'' ,.,,.,, , ... n11-d•) 1 .. t.-• ,,_... --- urf' th«' fans'll r11iSf' he<'k If P ick all Ow ccre manlal 1rlmmtn1?> m.111~ 111 •. t·ou1•lt• "'" I"• lwt 111 .. 1.,11, "' 111 ~1 .. , 111 "' '"' '"'"''> "'" I•· t•c •luff "' •IND Ynt•a •AND T• Tr11c:-y s tarts slapplni: ll dame from a rlo ral·bcdecked alt11r "'!. I .1111 in l'lc.cm1~c1:rw .l1w1• ""'' d i11111111c1:111• ,ulin " t.•a: t .... -~ t If n~ ,_,.. "''hat NL""'' YORK t lll'I R.rwardt trsr 11mund " the-tradltionitl whlll' satin r unn .. 1 ,111n1111•·1111.: nu.h• 'HI In \l 111 ""alk •\\ ilki•t'"" '' 111 ~,11,;c1 111, "11 h 1 lu• •II•• n•t 1111 1•11' tn .:• t ,,...,. lo ,. ttwo Hoard of f'.4alcatlon llhclw9cl F:vt>n hi~ ai:ent ~01 jitti-ry SR Id for th«' b rtdl' to walk on . I""'-' 11 th• .11•1" "" 1111-111'f11 111 lwt l:l ••lfll .111.C ,,..11 """ ••ltl 1 ,,,. '1 hit II 1'"" '' that ttv· htta.-• ....,.,. f"t ..,.r ,....., 'of thr ~ whk!h did he ""'Ant to he> 11 rom k-hook "Rut It \\'Ill 1111 bt' vl.'r)' ·alm11Jto,'' l.111111-d1•·t111 . \\'1lll1rn1 lln 11wh 1 '1111,11111· 1 '11111" "di ,,.., ,., ""'' "h11 "'" • I'.~ •• u•tna: fhr ......,. I ,...a. ... ,.1t1nc\1llr1rlhh-an' ~ ar1f ("h11r acl<'r lhf' rPsl of his lifr o r Miss Turner 5&.id. 111 r "••lrt111i: 11111111 , •'•111111h•I·• ~1111 , , i.;1t l f11t h•·t 111111h1·t 111 11 "'"'" '"'" ""'' t11a: 1m1•,..l•n' JlrW1w l 1two 1r11,.,.., A. t:. R and T 11tf rt--1-+"'~~";.....____ --.Al-.:.l o'clock 11 violin trio 11w111i:~ 11·1\"' •'Id I 11·p h 11 1·11•"" I• ri ;;'h I .c,,.,, ,.,, c '""'""1" ..,,1111 """ ,.,.., fr....-11)' unr..dabW ...,. "Thal was when I went in lo lnto thi-·Lohf'ngrln wt'dding m:crrh '"'" i.;1 .. ,,., 111111 •l111C111~•l.'.ll•'1 11111••1 t•'11t l1o•1 l.'."1111: """"' •1t•tf1t, 11intt I t .. 11 ... v.m • tlc•nic •hon )'"''"'•"' .,... ~.I llftd 1. ~ tk am-., ..,,... .-wllida olmm ·..;pcs'" oil ....... , .... iaaa. A Ste•dertl ef Collfernlo Product I I I I I I I I I I I ·---------------------~ Clayt~n nompsoil ft~ Distribution Pia: Harbor 155 ~. Ph: Har. IO!t.J Nf'wport Bea.ch -Here's ·w11y we say WOMEN CAN GO PLACES IN THIS AN ' thr hoss 11t RKO." C'onway and thf' voluptuoul' mova«' Qll•'"" ''""'' c• 1.,11 111 ho·1 $."l111xx1 It 1111 I" 111 \\1'11r ;1 l11lw •hl4nt1111i: '1111 11 .... :. 11u1n '" d .,.trnrtoun ad ~ l Wl'nl Wf'nt on "I told h im I'd t'K' who r llml'w•d from II 11oda founlA1n "'011 Wllh '"''I:" fo•ll "''' ""'' ,1 ...... 11mJ \\ h11 I Mc • • l'nrn .... 1q1nc ltt a DO ·llf". WI-.. 11.'ll.Um: la sell llU' ~y to th«' In· ~tool 10 11 pc·11k Clf llollywood 1:l.m1 11"' ,,.,, 11wl111l•·· " la t.111t 11 n glovrs tll ml'lf'h 1••lnl 1out NtMI ..,,..,. "'' _....,.a ..._ dustry fnr 11 prlrf' I kni-w tfie ouTllik"!! n ro1fl'fct·f11C"l"d-ttn t•l~h· = n1rk Trt1C')' mol'il'S \lrrr deanins: h<'ir ror hf'r hushend U)I HI th(' hox orfll'<' JI \\Ill lw he r (Ourth marri.1~•' "I told '1•m l 'rt 51 i<'k ;iround nnd Slw c•lo1X'<I In l!HO w ith Hm11I tr ™·k '1flwn IHl) rnmin;il lh<'y J.('11d1•r Artir ~h11w and divor1.,'<1 rn11lct <lrr•am up 1m1 ti Ila• fnns i:nl him six m11n1hs lr1tf'r S hi' "'"t""I 11rc•<I T h l'11 I \\1>111<1 ha\'I' In rnlin • f•n<'f'~ \l 1th Jlt-!(tauralC'Ur St<-pl • 1' n111 I '""n11·1i 0111 that I \\'OUlct <'rant'. i:ut 11n 11nnulmrnt whc·n ,, , 111<1· lo rt·llr" 1• r ich man ." disl'll\l't<'<I h t• !!l tll hnd 11 w1f1'. .111d "fh1· «l11d111 ""c:n'! that 1n1 .. r1•c:t. l'lo11e-<t \\tlh him 11iz111n to M• "'" <'d Tlwy nix1•'1 Con" ll)''~ pr11pns1· w hl'n s h" '1111ro,·<'t1'd sh1· w 1111 t:111n.: I I tun s,, nr quit lo '"'r"m•· 11 mnftu'r ":'liow I'm j11c:t 1111 nrtur our of n A )"llr lrcl<'r shr \\ound up <h• j11h.'l h1· ~tty•, "nncl w ont11•rin1t II 1 most rompl1~tf'fl or 1111 rJim.111<'•") dttl r11:ht " h) di\·or('inr.t him Shi-aald h1 11~.: J 1l1 ,,.,,, gcd. S l"t'C" thrn thr tmprtunu11 Ml11;; T11rnrr'11 llf'f'n In 11nd out nf lm·r wllh T11rha11 l11•y, lhf' h11n<l·l.i,~ini: Turkish 11<'t ur . H<1h1•rt llull•tn. thr lillh) ·flll'1'f! lte'htr, Ch11rll'< I' ,IAl'I:· c•r. a 1'1•w Yuri< rndin "'""ll' lw• ""hn d1·n11•d hrr ~tor)• t hn I h1•'d propo~1'ft 11rid Tyron!' f'n\\•'r , lh •• lll'lur \\ho s.:i11· hf'r 1111 111 flizht rumm unism Lan11 Is l h1• f1111r1h \.Ir!'. ll1·nry .I Topping .Jr Thi' l h1rrl. Af'lrr1" Arlin•• .l11rts:•'. ~"' h• r i1ix1h d1. \'11rri-l:ict .f-'ril111~ ~hr lold ll Citn• nt'f't 1<'111 j11rt1:1· T11p111rn·'woulct htt\ ,. k 1ll.-r1 lll'r 1! slw'd sll1\l'd mnrrll'•I tn h im Spet·ials for Monday, Tu~ay. Wednnday, April 26 -27 -28 ........ BEEF TONGUE I .o11 rtcr ( • rtulr \ \\ hlfr EGGS ' .. .... , ..... . .. , .... ,.....,._ l1h1t1r A·I }.11rkht'<l PORK RIBS . ""· BUSINESS 1. Thia 11 • 1tory of a typical Pacific Tele- phone "career girl." She 1t1ncd as an o pcraror back in the chinies ... a good job then, even better now. Today most new opcntors jutt out of hi~h school average better th~n $35 a 'rh•· lwl-Alr mani-111n <•I P ul'"" li'he"t' 11111~ \\'1lkl'f'llll ""'h•I Ill'-· f•11\ 1'rl't1 Lana "IP)lln~ a •nrtn in n d rt11.: q ur••, "nc: I hi' ~"'""It f11r llw m1"t 1u1lclil'i11't1 """ •hhni: ~rnl'•' f'rinr1·" 1-.htalN·tlc m .• rr ""' W tt. k••rsnn'i. h11ll••r r1•111Jrt1·'1 •lu• l11•in i:: roo m \\nlls w,.rr c:hr11th• r1 in whtlf' nrd1ht~ a ncl rlnl~1,..~ .. ,,., l'''' ··~· l11•a11111111 '" ,,,.. , I'' 11h•'." h1· 11111 •• 1 "ll I h.1,.,·n·1 1ht• t•ltMIUt1n CI" t•1 dt' t\ 111 ... 111 t'" 11nl) " h11ndf11l ,,r 1• "'''' "11 .. ·, •• FLOUR RINSO llht t.111111~11 c lo·1111l111o: " '"•ll•hlll&: '" lh 39:. ......... PATilES .... , ' -· week ~hen they start handlin1t calls and many experienced op1muors earn SSO a week. --J1i •• ,,_. to 'supen-isor after a fr. ,._.. T....._ MW pb wu aa im- porw ,.,. ol dw job ... for Paci6c Tele- ,...,_.., pow4 SM enjoyed •aatioDI tnUJ ,---. wa JMJ• of coune. And abe fllil-I a. _, local •~oae actmda. ro.-..W...,.. peopk frincUr wl toeiab&e_,. ----.. ~job. .. , ............ .... .. ~ ..... _...a-........... _....,,_... ......_ Geo4 ,.,, .-.dJ won ....... ~ ....... ,... .......... -o1..-rity. c c ....wz _,, ......... ,,.. arioe• a•d friftidlJ fellow _......., ... ..-pan.. ... .. i . lh•'• • chief o ... rotor ~ 1ueerftlia,. 70 womeo ... bet retpoa.aibUlda aod upen. eoce help determine her aala.ry of •"·'00 a yeu. "8-oy, 'i.chicft" urn more. Two-diitdt of ow pedple a.re womea-buach.da haft maaagemeot jobe -he an Utituat 'lb c::,~--y~ ~cu'° pJacaa Aa cbJI n.e Pacific Telephone @ and Telegraph Company "'°" than t0.000 ,...... wcnlftl ,....,. to fur. llistl Otw·lltttef '"""°"' serYlcl to 'the Wost I k n11" n I Ir•· c.t .. ntl• 111111.' t ft\ ~lnr•' ti· r 1"'·"" .. 1 •• , .. " '""'"' r11 ... 1 I fla~h1ft JHIU'-" fJt, ft1•t \\I''' I lfl\'l t,,d f 11 \\.tlt II th• 4 1 I• t 1111rt,\ Frfl \ 1.11wf l1 1or1d• t.11• • • "·"'' 1111111 ~I •' 1•l1w k 111 I 1• ct• ftnd•• 1111d ctr 111k twt • t1.""I"' ti• ti '4'' r•·• •·1-t111n ronfr11nltn): !ho Ill "' '·""''' '·""··•·11 11 .. ,,,,,, •• ,,, "•"·t"'"·,I huffl•• \\Ill t .. • '-1\ l"'''lfld I.~,'' I fto\\''1 '""'' J1,;1ti l t 1ft • .1\ 1 ,, ruu'd l•h,•:p.~tnl untl ''1H•k• 11 ~ t "''" pJtJ, n ....... , h•1•·f 110 k•1\ 1111d ' .,,,, T:i•t\ t1d 1111-hm• 1 .. •' fl11\\n fno111 :'\1•\\ Ym k :111d I,, 1111, '" \\"o •ll ''' llo•ll•ll ,,,•,1111 h tll1•,"•:itl I~., t Ctl• ,, .. fr,, "P""'l\ltfl••n" ut 1 .. ,r.•1 11nd l f\nh a l1tni; w11h •l;,t, .. r" fr1111·n l r11:1Jr<'• 11( kl•'llll' 1111'1 I\ Ill IH• ~1·1111 .. n ·cl 11hr111I Iii•• 1111 ·1• I ('l1n .. 11• flll'"" '·~ '' ·11·1 1(1'1 ~ a \ lfl\t\ •• , tht• '''fl0f' h1 'I I (•f • ;,,. rt Whtl .. ·ll•IV.••ri•cl \\a lt .... 1)1•,.n I ••1 •11·1 •·d tn 1n ... u1 • I•• 1\ u , I \\'r<l1ll n~ J;:llf''1~cdo ~ l"TORK 1u:r.vs ( AHHlt: ... n n o • F<irrr \\'AY:>ll-ln rl 11·1·1 Th•· i<l•irk m~dn lwo tl••ll\'11 11' with in ',M h1111no in I 11lol'11 l1• !-':11 I in llw mt'lrnlni: :i ~on w:" hurn " ll11rry An derson's nd1 ''' ~tr• \ 1 .. Jpht1~ ll:•ll l..t·'J. tl1111i :, 1111, 1,, •. • K1·n. n• lh Y1111n1: ~•·n•tl "' ,, "11lwH1• tn th" rlrltw•rv of 11 ~· \, • prn1nt1· fr.11r-r111nrr t1n11r-htrr ,,, \l• • M v· rnn I 11;< n~·' 111 h i' • .,1, f:.\RS' ffl)ot \ff:11 \I . t;REf·.:"{\'11.1.1 . T• nr• l'f'i .I• 1f1• F ~h· ll•1n ·~, • ...U..r-. l 't"' k . T• nn ,.,t111t • .i1 ha• 111111<1•11 a 1 .. 1111 ,;, I •i';t ,11 • ., 1,, 111111 fri1m ~11nrt111 \rh•• .t ' lf•1r~· 1 '1 ••• k 1 'l111rrh 1t;1r1ni:• 11,, 1..i~t l!I >•r•r~ + ... d1 >•iir.11•· i:•r• .• nwds.l l f11r r11f•·nd:cn1·" ' WAX "''"'' h PUREX (It• lcl•·UI COOKIE BAKE l\utl~t'f t• • ., k J•• fllr RICE .,t t .... .,. 1.11 Ill ···I'' I rt. Delicatessen -· " \ 1 h rll l,)_.UlilU•" ' 11'1l nt•••I" CHIPPED HAM tlu ••f " "' . 7gc i Household-Men. 2gc Oul """''" ur ltu ll PLASTIC TRAY ( ""'""'-1 ~" r•ll ( ulu,..-1'1••111' PITCHER 129 lndttclln..: S11n1l:1~' F r o m !I .\. ''· to STRAWBERRIES .... , '9onday Only 26th ci£AM PUFFS~2 ... , 33c TueMday Only 27th tJr•ll' ........ CUP CAKES \V laclnt"Hday Only 2Hth . ..., ... , ,., POUND CAKE frozen foods 15c (or-...flrt ASPARAGUS I C'. .. l • .. a -:I I f ' Page 4 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TlllE8 MO~D.4t' N•wp&f't a-.. C'aHJ. April <:•. IN!l *Brief Glance at Nighttime Speed Today's Markets Boat Ride Has Lecture. Christian . . r . Science · by Castle, c.s. Am T el Ir: 'lid Canad11rn P rtc1l1<' Duriont l:W .I :'i' • 115, :j11. '"' Watery Ending / A "'" 1•11 n.11 hll"l'lllJ():lf rrd•• r11111t· • • • H;1lph Ca.,lll' C S. of Sa'n r ,;nrisc:'O. Cahfut-nia It 1$ ""mt!cant tbat Mrs. ldd7 11lw11y.1 11ulJ. C(,d first Let 18 Pll'"'"' tw a mvmen• and ,..,,_ tile 1111 :llitltl! vr the 1,.0 ... nrch ud.JYLae 1• \ 1·l;>lttoll " A (!1t•1111noi.ry ~Uon Ha••:ns° deff11M the ~r1n1 real Practllloner and patient paid no G<-ncrul !\l11"'r" 0..'0ll) •'Ill Kt•')nf'~'\1t 1 ~kllr:o. So Cul 1-.J""n S 1snderd •ht l1 ~ Sto-.1 :n1, :!fii, lj 11. Iii 11 \\,1111) t•11tl lur l\\11 l1.1·tl 111•11 \\ li••ll 1111 \' lt1 I ,1 •11111111 It:• ii 1111 k u (t t '111 °11111 ii• I ~I 11 111 tl11 11 -'.!. 111 .. 11 I 'lu i•·' '1.ll I :-,,,1111 tl11\ liH:hl I ·""'"I 111 :ll I i,.:1H·'t \\t•l t' thru\\i1 n\t tlJit11Jnl \\h• n C •ttu 1:•· ~hu'" L1d11 J"ft-n\\ u• 1 i61, 1 .. 1 1tu< 1~ ... 1 11rnl 111 1111111• 1111 111 •I n~ l 'nlll'd Pr.•,, 1h1•11 1·1•1111 •111.wk th1 11• k -"1 '" !\11'tn0t•r nf I It·· l~1n1 of l .i'l'll1t't":'h1p tJI Th1• Morh1.,r < 'hun·h. The ,.-,,...,, l 'In"' h of C'hn.-;1. Sdt•rtl , ... 1, In 1 \(~ 11111. Ma:--sad11i....·tf:o-. rlt'liv- 111'\-<I :t fi 'l·ltH'\" (•nl1ll1'<.l "( 'hr1 ... 11,1n S•·11 ·n1'\' a H"ln::i'in of Hr\ 1•l;t1 111n . H<>r1"'1n and I:>.·nu111..-;t1<1f111n" , ,f •••. it.(·· ,,.;i1u . ··or or pertai.n- 1r • .: t•• 0• .. t • And ·~velauon .. la •'l .,,..J .. • o.a.:Tt'fJ truths wbirb Gt I to.ii< c .. rr.rnl.IO!t'llt('•I lQ man few htJ .n~tro< 1,1,n and dtrecUon." Thi• .... n 1•UI oill ner wnllnp. Mn.. • t,.:•h ·11.--• ....,. the nC'C'('Ulty for an l. •1o.l< r '.d(o ••• ~ •if and re!Janc:ia oa and unreal ...... ~111n" to a deftmtlon reprd to the physical evidence but ot rrwn 11•·1 .. Wt! take the Holy reU.10WLly turned lheir lhoughll B1blt-J ' ""' .wlhurity In the ftrtt Godwud and ment.lly worked for dt.apta ~t f>t·nnis, in the 1t.oey oJ 1plrltual prot"reu. Ch.•hoiu from lhe SJJlrtl<.JI cr..ali11'1. we re•~ that thl! Bible and the wrlllJ1'1 of Cud n J I(' fl,J n Ill ms •0 mace Mary Baker Eddy pl!rtlnl'ht to and 1.k•m" '11 .. ne will deny, I such pro1reu wer.:. studied dth- bopt! \Ml • •'"' 1~ S1Jint, that is, lf 1enUy, and at the end of "Ill! wttk llU<'h J , rw p11 1tually undl!rst&nda h :r .... _ ., tilt' 1.t ... I heing :spmt, man t I! youn1 man returnl!d to his .. _ .... hume ln one 1nonU1 from the in C•~! ~ " .11.:e rnu~l ~ spiritual date of the aoc:1dent be returned And th.ll th" .ma ll in ~hum we to bl.I work completely heall!d. To •re '"'"'' 1' 1 1 he 1JhY~•cal 1eni.es conform with requittmenl1 of t.is canrwt 11 ' 1 ' 111.te. (annnt sel!, 1 business, he pl!rm1ttl!d the ductors beer. •" (••I 111111 How Is it po~-to make an examination. They STOCKS lf>\\f'r in 111111•1 1111111ni.; l •t,1)•11 \\Ith rt. .. 1~ •. 11 .1ml l11h i;w1-t DONOS lnl·gul11rlv lu"'•·r . t ' S j>\\IHH '''"°'' EQ\'Pmm~·nl~ llirl rw i tttldl' I l 'utul i.:u .. 111 01•·n "'~''' 11 II tit• C.URB s l1>rks ln••·iiulurl~ 1u ... 1•r 11111 •11111 l•H1 h Im" "" th•• •'r .. 11 GR.Al:'llS in Cluca1:w \\1 IEA1' wltwh \\Ii~ thro·•· h • t un11t-~''11t1 r futun-s dos«'d off l ~ to ~121• \\tth n h11I•• 10 11.; hull CORN orr 11,, Ir\ :.11,f, O A'n; "" In ul111npt1nc Ill r11I\•' lht• 11 .. nt l to 1 •-.c: sc )YJ:n,;ANS undrnn;i·•I 11 turrwd "''l'I W11 1t thr .11d or to up t cent and LARfl ru1un•1> tlw harbor d1•pnr t1111 nt 11f11t•1,il:-,. ctr 5 to 25 pomti;, "h1111u l a lrne nn 1111 "'"'" 111 th•• CATTLE aod llOGS a c11v1·, rr.1r1. 11 "HS tO"••cJ !11 1111' Suutlt SHEEP ,Jow. Cnn1<1 d.icki> * Brief Gla1C8 at New Deputy ~lerk B1lldlng Permits Has Impressive Mra. Gusta"" n. Grupe·. pcnnlt Background to add to front of preunt dw1•ll1111: !\1r. Doroth)' Th1d1•. n••w d1·1.u1~ at 701 Marlgolciavt>nuc, Corona dc•I 1·1ty <"h·1k und1•r <1111rl1•' K l•r11·~t. Mar Es1im11h'd cost $700 1:wn1:i. to thf' <"II) hall """ 1111 1r11 Bill S P igg and Furresl H l>tl-pn•i-i.tw hn1 1t-~rr.um1 w11h ttw /\in- .Un. 1X"nn11 to hu1ld • 2 story ••rh'3n co11~ul ... 1t· 111 M11kllt·11 ~1.111· dwelling al 'rl1 £ Oay Front. Ea· chur111 llmatl'd C'Olil $".l'.!.400. II wa~ Mr-. ·n tl!'lr·, "''' ''' Carl Symondll. pemtll to buihl ha nillt• ancJ 1t•r11c 1tw htclt l) 11111- a 2 Jllory hu1ldlng with 4 units r'i11r•n1wl r<'pOrl• of ht·r 'Ul•'t111r, a t 1605 \\' C'f'nlr11l nv .. nu1• 1:-:1t1-W1ll111rn ll J..1111i;:tlu11, /\01.·11c.u1 matl'd "°'' $14.000. C<H~ul l:l'('ll'ral prrnr to ""' \\ ,ir Mr And :\1rs. Robt>rl Murµhy, n w n·port~ l'<lllllllnt•d 1111u1rllol11111 pennll to huild 8 'i 11t"ory, 1 fnm· on Jupnnt••f' rwuv1tu•.. 111 !\1.111 lly dwe llln1t 111 :t".'70 n 1allflcl nmd, I h urlk llf ln I twy tn\l•t,ll·d th.it Balboa F.stlmlll\'<I C'O!lt $37.4flll 1'11\Jnl ry M• K I' t'~nlllt·, pj'rm1t Ill Hom rn Oltna of /\rrw111 .. n 11.11 - build 11 l st11ry. 4 room dw••lltng 1·111, tn thl' c-.1nsuht11· 11t h 1111k11• at 1616 W 0<-c11n Front E~l•mnt•-.1 Mr-. ll111•l1• ~''·' •-tlw·.111•.t .1h1111,t ('()!It S9050. 0••x1·lu'" •'I) in F:ncl"h 1•111111111·1 ••If I • ..i l • I -.. rur anC' to l!lrpec:t at'·'·" gu1t1 ... nce and 1~ l11C1t~en1.iolh the Bible fTOID "'b.cn ~rs E:ttu,. rtudied wu tbe Thur.-da~ fo:\ 1•nm i.: April :l:lrtll Km.1t Ji.mn \'r rs111n, lhe aame Ver- i f" fl ... h It )I lo used Lil Chriltiut ~l't' churc:htt Lil all Eac111b-s~ak1nc ~ .. untna Whi.i. U.... t.:ncler tilt' AtL,Jllt"':-or f'~irsl Churd1 of <-1uii::t Sc·i~ntist of ~C'\\. po rt Beach I ul! m<1n) 1nstanc:a 01 God'1 IUW- anc-e and mstrucboo iD Old T...._ tnc'nt narralJvH. 11 .... the wonla anJ "''1rlu uf ~ Maswr, Cbriat Jesus, upon wh1dl Mn Edd1 ..... in lhC' C'hurch r.difi<."<'. I tbe faith wl'ucb WU JUltiaed ~ , . . . hu dl'mQNtnilrom of~ ...S .mu ·Via Lido I Wbtc:h enabll!d ber to ... forth ID lb1S bovk the rules wheftb1 .._ • Th<' k'(:t\U't•r '' ~,.., int 1'0UU(i.>d I too. caa buJ thl' uclr and cut out hy Mr John F. Uumham, rievtl.s Our Lucia' refen to, .... F11-.;I Head<'r of the •·huf"(·h_ I m her . wntincr u Hthe W97-.. shvwu,' and the ve~ warda Mr. C11stle spoke c;t,¥)Sta n .1 ··Cbrut1a.n Science," the Sdmce ti al IY a s folio" s · 0 ' Chnsti.aruty · estab1i11b few all · -tlml! lhal hrr ftndl~ are bued I on Jesus' ~achln&J, and pb1*al healin& through the pc>1"r of God, Th.-'""'"' "' ~" •k•• •ut•st<1f'tiall1 ur bv spmtual mrans. wu an ln- as r0111• • 1ri:r.I pa~ uf thl! rel.i&Jon be In 111~ n.111<1 •• a c"IJ> ·•t lht' 1 taughl. That ss why phy11cal heal· Chru.t1a11 ~ 1e11t t' t.-1111.,.••k. ~1-inc by spm tual means. or b7 l'nr .. ""I II• .. th ... 1th K••v ,,, ln• JJ1<1~er. IS a n rn~I pert ol Sn11•tU••' llu• .11111 • 1• :\tary Chnstian Sc1t'nce Bakl'r t:<tth • h,. I),.,."' trer, :\!1r.cln . ur rru&hty works, u f 11u11'1t'I. :111 I l;·o1<f••1 ·r l hn~tian 1 ~tauhew, Karil. aod Lub reconl Sr 11°11t'<' l th,m, were rTitardl!d u llOU b7 Th"""' ,. "" "'" .... 11.;a .:t-t rn re· J.-<uJ an<! by tjt•.se who l!rll~ Kn1rh f111 Pl•·f .. ,~1 .. n .. I l.rii.Jnu;& ur lllt'm Wben J11hn lhl! fqptut -t let ho1r;il '"' ,,,, .. ,' rr:l 10: ti •' nc--d1sc1pln tn qufttlon Jnua u to t<'S~1tv t111 11 l.Jlti1: !nit..• lu In his )feu~1p. 11\S\ad or cirias tact, .& ._., 1 k th;;t " r1•rt · h .1b•" a Juhn a dtrttl answer. the llu- nul •cr.-pt.·11 u 1 tt'1'tll'M•K Fur ter re!t'rred n.m w certam Mpa.- tv lJl' " ,, . .,f ''''""~'k 1t mu,-. 1 "n· 1 tile blind rrt e1vm11 sight the lam. 1,11n thr I•··• l.11,.! 111 tn• •JJ•t'· .,, 1111~1 ... al king. the J .. ar hearlnt. and the 1mpt1rta 11t IJ'•IOI'-11t th" tJranrh uf d•·11'1 I;. 1ni: r .. 15c'd Mrs J 11mf'11 Kf'!loui;h, Jl''rmll 111 "'hool~ th1•r-.· Shi· lt.t~ .1 '"'> tli 11 1 build 11 1 story, 1 family d"••ll tn~ natt· J.:11.:11,h 111'('1'r1t "' ,, 1 •~ult t el 31!-rtrll~ ewnuc,.. ConlOJt Four >1•ur:o. ol ltt>r ,,1u1·.11 um \\1•1 .. &-I Mnr Estiml!tt'd eo11t $4144 "1 r111n µh (,.d "'lll'I\ mrr Wl"ll1-tn l!ii:I\ w. p Scnll, prrm1t tn 11dd a he'd· •C-hcx1I QI lw·r k<'l•0) ·n ttN' -r •• ur lt>artt1111: with "'h1c h 11 tlrals Ap· \'o1u rerr.ernber 11 LS rttorded la pret1att11n f"I lh.-r"11t1•nu ol tbet# the se..ond chapter of the Acta, buuks IS ~wn1·i J ll) u:~rnSt"tl "''ht'n .,..hen Petf'r was r1q>l8ln.tftl the. the SIUO!'nl kn11"'} S1l,11lethtn1C about I Pt'nl<"t<~al phet1nml'ntlll, that be lheir auth•1rs. sumeth1n.g of the11 Si> ILt' Qf Jes~ a$ ·a man approvl!d ""~rn1nr• and u! »Dt.~d1f!& _ ••f Gwt am .. m: • "U b~ miracln and evt'nls which «•nlr 1tJulf'd to therr wr1"ift•n 'iinl\ !!Tims; -wtnt-n Gfld clW 1btl1ty to wnlt· w11.h .. ulhunty • u• him m the tru<iSl .. r you, u ye room to pr.-s••nt dwd hng 11! :.!tll'I )'••111 s w,.,,. tlll' vnly om•Jl 'Ill' >pent Aaatc /IVr nllt', B11lbon lsllmd F.~· out ut tho• urwnl unttl 'h<' c-1rn11· l o tllnaled COii $60(). lh1· sl111t•s to '<'1111• l"'r11wn1·ntly Ralph Ho)•le Jr permit to 4'tt<'t Thrr<> 1:1•m·ro11oni. 111 Mt:. two dv.•t>lllne-' ~<' al 130:.! (.'uH' Tillc•l1•'s fon11ly haw ~··1-ve<l 1n the atrf't"t. Coro1;111 df'I Mar: a l 1tory, Amt'ncan c:oo~ular S('n w.. rn 4 room ph'~ Th4' otht'!' al 1303 <."h•na Hl'r i:ranrlfathcr, S111nu1•I Covl!, :I stor)·, 5 room. l family Gracey, wa., lh1· fr r-t urtrn..i Ant· unit. utlm111f'd l'Olt.1 ~ and e rlcun con!<ul in China. and pnur STOOO. to the war her falhe r amt unrlt' Oul<"h bu~h 1 Gc:irdon Wn\'111 l>oth Sf'rvf'd In tht• same ~c1-v1r1· P"1f\lt to l'rl'Ct 11 nl'On 1IR'f1 •I 111 One ol her slstera is hvtnet Ul Main 1trt'('t. llelbo• eo.1 $182. Hung Kon& and a.noth<>r slslt•r 1s Haward LaurM1t, permit to build '"lhe conwlatl!al Shanvial at thl! a 2 1tory, l family d-llln1 at SH 7't ~·-....._, I . .. . Jrta llYftlU., Corona ~I Mar. Ea-r. 11 ~. •ml' I! an. lh1!1r 8· t.bnated COit $7500 )'l!ar-old daughl«-"r movt>r t o Co- WIWam C Lambert, addWon rona dl!I Mar Jut Fl!bNary. to prft('nt carage •t 408 Club- ~-Olannel ll!Ction. Newport. Eatlmatl!d cost $1000. Rkhard and Louis SM-ly, permit to build • 1 story bt'droom on ~t dwt>lllnR 111 432 A<'8<'111 aWTllH'. Cqrona dr l MRr Esllml\I· ~ COit $600 ~llt> and William ThaJc-hrr . permit 10 hulld a 1 story, l family. 3 room dwt'lllni; 111 6904 W 0 1'f•rin Front. S<'ashor<' colony. Es1lm11l· ed cos I $4fl00 Railroad Strike 1 Continued from P11ge U Floor Pow-Wow On Tidelands ' WASHINGTON. April 26--•llP I -Tltr• llou.~" Rult's commlttw to- 1111) 1·k an'll I ht• "It) lor rl0(1r t'On· &!d.•ratum uf ll blll Ill rt•1111unc1· ll'd<'rnl cl11lms to otl·r il·h 11d1•- l11nds It 1•11rrn11rk1'<I I h1· m1.,ts11r1• fur 1•arly d1•b1.t1• nl tt·r ht•11r10c 11 hr 11'1 l'"t•l11na1 toll hy m1•rnh1•rs 111 th•• 111111111• Juclil'uiry {'(Hmnlttr·P ·rtw h1ll Is !ll'Onson'<i h} H1•11 E Wal- 1.tt'I• Ch11n •1rk. It . 1'11 ll 11 tv I.it< '"lldtly undent..,."1. yourwlvn alsn l\JloW " Without lhrreforl!, that sllldt'nU of Cl>r1S· I a 111.nuw!l"dge .,, the powl!r b1 tlan Sc1rnt'e art dffpl)' interested which the m1rarlt'. s-1 called, wu In u well u profoundly cuteful ~mpllShl!d, the miracle wu tur the 1tre ut the authnr "' th1.1 I me.arungless n, .. miracles of Jl!SU1 tutbook from which thl!y ba\"I! "''•IT 11cns thal hi! was trult God'• received mslruct1on tn th" Sc1entt rl!prtRntahve. that hlJ lhou&bt of ~•ni And l.h. man or woman was ..., pure. 10 uncon~mineted who tJ JUSI cummencmg an ID\"t"S• by mall!ralism. Uuit be could act lll(allon of l.hu S.·11>nC'I! is bound to as a transpattncy. for God He value ill contents more tull1 wtaen s:ald, and I quote Jnho 14.11, "Be-- famlhar with 10me of the cittum-liev«-" me that I am 1n th• htner. Jt.IOCl!t 'fl'hich ll!d to it.I pubUca-aad the rather lD me_" addm&. tlon "or et. ~lteYI! me fOf' tbe ......, Al the outsl!t WI! should,__ wod11' ..u.~ It as u ll be bad her Uat Mn; Eddy ~ oot daD aid. -u 1ou cannot undent.aDd to have on&mated ChrilitJaa Sci-W'Mt I -. \Ake it oo Caitlt "-enc. She discovered ~ --.al wMt ,_ .__ -. .. :d.=-:aJ:'::'c..~ 'Tr.'°:! .............. covered It. In the .-ol llanlaall ADd J..U. added (II.an 11.17. and the 1old. ~cu ..u-II): "ADii U-llPI an foUO'fl' mate the 1-.U. of time a.. --.I U.. that belwn ln m7 name l•Y In the arUI beforw Ma .u.ca.-lba11 Uwy cast .~t Mnh: thl!)' •rr. wbett.ta Mn r.dd1 lelb • • ~ lpeak with new tociiun; • mlr&J.Ml note In ..,. kstboak ~ 1laa.IJ talle up 1erpa1&1· and lt that Chrutian Sclenca '9 a old • 11w7 dnnk any de8dl1 thing. 11 God Now wll•t wen the ,..._ ...., aot bun thl!m; tbl!Y ahall t.a7 factors w~kh ll!d to lln. lirddJ"• hands oa the Aell, •nd u.., shall dt~••Vl"ry l"f'C'OYt:r • Thae decluations of Every honeal man and ._ J-funush I.hi! a., lo &Dd1\•1d ual "'Ill ll(ree lhal splrUU8J tbou&h\a. salvat1un. and thl!) are at once aa or •tll':is l:'lln be prrce1vm oal.J b7 aotbont1 and a c-omm.tnd for the the p1ri1ually-m inJe And -sp1nlual hf'alm1t kn11wn as the h~~ >1nly \o r1>arl a few perar:r.1pti.1 pr-M!IC'P of Chrl5ttan Sc1en e In 111 ~r1l'111:e arul llC'allh tn edm1t the othtt wonts. ii 11 thl! praC1i~i ap- <p1rt•ualot' uf 1l> l<'achm~ wbrUwl pliC'atJoo nl drYllll! Truth tn h l •ll"'•'llll: with lh<'n1 vr ooL allain.. un an f 1r•t anti f"l<"fll •i=:. thl"n. Mrs ' A «T'OUP of hllle ones in 8 Chril- Mble. ltl<'• '" ~ .... w lhe real man· agreed he had been comple tely Hlh> te Knew Mu healed and openly declared that if they lad not seen the l!V1dence for them1elvea thl!)' would not hava bl!hl!Vl!d it poss1bl1! The ""'"'er is-through con-ICinu:m~-~pirttual ll!n.te. We kno" no1ll.t111! nf uur1elvn, or or •nyrmc u • 1·JCCl!pl what we think. Sc.I w11a1 ,,r•' we gomg to think about 11utwh·es and, 1ncldeatally, abuut .. ,;: 111·1i:hWr? Of what wiU we o.e u•n,,.·111us? WI! have the abU1tv. 1hri1ui:h the &1tt of r-..on, to thtnk ,.., .. n11rkally In terma of ~ anrl llis 1dl!a, HJ1 tmaJe and liken.-~'-) th1· rl!al man. or to lhinlt WRI)' In '"'ms of mattu with 1\1 beliejs ,,, flUIO and plHSUtt, joy and -l><'"""'-10. ,othl!r wordl, ID dwell '"' the unn1al t.l)d temporal. If rs .. u1 IJrlvtlege to :hoose whteh t)'l)e 111 th1nk1ng we prl!fl!J And C81Tlltl • step farthu, it becomes self.,'. lcnl that the real man, the real '"u ;111d lhe real ml!, the lndl- v1duJ1 •••fl>t'11Jusness .vhich 11 tbt rl!fte.11o111 .. f divine consclousneu, or tl1•• 111 :1iie and l1kl!nl!IS of God, does no0t I" .. 111 tlus matter body. Som,.,,, •• may ask. "Wh~re. lben, MOllt of us formed some Ide• of Deity In our childhood. Mine hap- pl!nl!d lo bl! tbl! orthodox white- be.trdl!d, bl!nl!VOlent crandJatber type wholl! l!yes. although appl!ar-1 ln1 quite normal, were credited with nucroKop1c and X-ray quali- ties Frankly, l did not like It when I WU ttminded, and I wa1 reminded conltanll1, that God 1&w everythln1 I did It wu not until I read this book, Sc1l'nce and Health. that reason told m• 1 had rl!ally found God, and the sound- neu of that reason hu been proved to me In countleu w•1• by dem- 0111trat1on. Al • matter of fact, m7 Hrst heallnc came to me al that ltml!. A condition for which I had been operated upon eleven times m one year, and which It wu thoulbt nevu woutd be healed. completel7 dlappl!ared. d~ : live'" In the rt>alm of the 0..'• "1laeae Del.aa4 •«-"al. ·I l"urse. 10 Spirit, God, lo From lh• Christian Scil!nce kxt- thl! kfl1c•t11m of heavl!n, whkh book I IHrnl!d that God must bl! Jesu · "'tit.I 15 within you, that la, percl!lvl!d u much more all-lnclu-with111 '111rrtual con.sc1ou1nna, not sive than had been conveyed lo llll! within 111;11ter throasb the years by thl! onl! word Th~ mct.apbys1cal prem&.ses art "God · A. a result ot be.r proofJ ~nt .. 11 i.1 metaphysical treat-of hl'alina. Mn. Eddy was able to me11t . '"'the actual treatment ttStl rl!veal to mankind th' fact that on u 1 to•per rttognition by the God is lnftnlte Mind, Spirit, Soul, pl'llcl.!1• ""' ot the patient's pl!rf«-Prlnc1ple, Llfl', Truth, Love. Al- tion •'' "'" f'eal man An llluminal-lhnugh in the courll! of hei writ-'".1 PJ' • 1 :e on pa'gu 478 and 477 1ni:s she alludes to the Deity in •Jf lh<' 1 xtbuok reads: "lesu1 be-many other ways, thl! sevl!n syn- held 1n Sc1ent-e thl! pl!rfttt man, unyms 'Just mentioned Include whn apjJCared to him Whl!re sin-within thl!mll!lves every attribute ning mtortal man appl!ar1 to mor-and quality of Goel as omnipotent, lals In this pl!rfect man the Sav-omn1pttwnt. a nd umn1sc1l'nt. tour saw God's own llkl'nl!IS, and -If we wish 10 pron by demon- lh!! c:or~l vil!w of man hHled slral1on the truth of Christian Scl- lhe siflt •• • -ence, our coocePt orGod mun 1n- TI11s matter .>ody hu 01. lltl! to elude •n l!Vl!r-l"Xpa ndtn& undu- 11ve, for, in reality, Uwre la DO Ille standing ot Him tn th.! light ot in maltl!r. To be sure, mank.lnd thl'!ll! mevl!n synonyms. This proc- belll!ves ln matu111J identlt1. wrul• HS of unfoldment In indivttl u•I Cbn suan Sc11!nce showc idl!Xltity to consciousness 1s obtained only bl! rnrltvtdual consciousneu, apir-throuaih prayl!r, meditation. and ilual .ind t>ll!mal Mank..nd uwrta study And thrs unfoldment is that 1nd1v1duals •re evolved l"l!Vl!lalion. thrt>\IRh material processes, and all To admit God to be LoVI!, for --"' nf negative c~dltion.a are hut.encl!, and not lo undl!rstand •tUlcht'd lo them. Chemists end Him as Prrnc1pll!, Jr vice versa, ls b1ochl'm1its have bel!n endl!avor-lnaunlcil'ot. Our •Im ii to undl!r- rn1. t-sl'l'C~lly rn rttl!nt years, to ltand God completely, and lo order enduw mal~r w11h more and more to do IO our concept must include hf•. and with life:g1vln1 proper-a practical, workable knowled1e Un. Yet the dttpt!r the research of of Him as inftnitl! Mind, lnJ\nite lh-ph~c~tl'nhlla. the more Spirit, and ao on. ditlkult their problafn to Touch.Ina quite brleft)' on the dtln~ a hvin1 lhina.. We ft.nd re-MVl!n 1111\0nyll\I, we start with nowned and lamed men admit-Mind. It I.I 1.mpoulble to conceive ILDI an ever-grow1a1 pttpll!xity -oot God H inftnite Mind and yl!t to dilttngut.sh bl!twttn wlat they think there are soml! thin&• ln the term the l1\'1ng and the 1nan1mate. spiritual rulm about which HI! The remarkable, thl! Htoundin& know1 litUe or nothlnc. Aa Mind fad rena1ns. howeYer, that a New must be all-k:nowinc. It follows l!:ncland &l'nllewuman eighty yean that man, reftl!Ctrnc Mind'• quall- aao dLSCO\l'rl!d .he truth of bl!inc hes, knows too, and knows that ht and Mined her d1scovu1 Chr1Stlan knows. Which reminds m~ of the Sdentt. Dy the applical1on uf story relatlnc to Henry Ward rut.a which he labored tn give to ~hl!r which many of you may the world. Christian Science has remember and which V'thlnk I.I been provl!rl llme and ltme a~ain apropos to 90lve the +iroblem which con-As • child he was exceedln1ly ttnuu to banle and will continul! ltrrud. On onl! occasion, whl!n In to b8ftle tboS!! who seek to ntab-the schoolroom. he waa aent to the ltsh life In m .. 1tcir blackboard and told to work out • Thus Ne ftnd rnd1v1dual spiritual rather hard problem He stood c11nsc:1ousneas 15 l!ntirely divorced tflere trembling and uncertain and rrom "the bl!llct of -+tfe-e:t ah em-fa1lt>d miserably . l>r·yo, &dduallv devel11pmg rorm, "That lesson must be INi'Md,M It> appear as a material bnby start-said the ll!acher. t\ ~1mtl.1r lull "11~ p1t,s•·'1 '"'' time. Jbllro1td 11pokesnwn Mid 11s ~ l'ar~ a1:11 hut wa.• '.-tu•-11 h) p, ,.,,. -far u tilt>)' llr<' conl.'\'rnl'd nr i:utin· 1h•n t Truman Thr V• to \\,rs st1s · tlon1 wlll rontlnttl' Union offidal~ lntnrd E<ttly wa' .sptrthJ •_lly-mmtit'd Hn llan Sele..-Sunday Schoo' wen! "."1•.hrr "'a' " ' ... 1 1 .. vm1: :"' talluni: abOut On<' of l.hl!IT tealhers ~ n1tl.111rt "'"""'n "I'll• t'n~·ur~i:e-1 <)n(! duld asked. ··rs he • racti-1~1 hr• .t.tll<'lllN 11 11 •'•1r.il f .. , e f,,.. tioarr•" Anulh r II Ph d (,..,, 1u1•t u1·h .1 .,.1,;i ·,r•· "" HtJ .. ..,.._ t• " vn:a OM c,}me mg on ita human Nay tt1 ulltmatl! "l did stud1 it for two hours," i ileath. A marginal ll<llC on pagl' said thl! boy ~77 of Scit>nce and llnllh st<itea "You may study It for two houri declln<'d to comm<'nt . ~ Tttl•· Ill 1111• t1dt'l11 11r1s ha~ l'I.'"" R f'M'ntatlvl's of thC' r11ilrnu1b 111'' ~ultJ•'f'I nr hi·,1tl•tl •'11ni.:r< .. ,11111 ti ndeprh . 1..o 100 thlll ,1 .. 111111• t11r "'nm1· ''f'f•r1t 1 8 t l' ~nion• &II u RY 11 I" · 1~-' 1 j c.tlation11 wr r(' rontlnulmt hu t I H' ~upn·n 1 C"nnrt T\t r n 11~1 :f.m-r sldr "ould ••)' th11t t hi') > i•1ir .t lllH I It•• f ,•d1•r11 I 1:1'.~ t•rn11w11t I ti l 11 hr1~ rinrnmount tnlt•rt•!il 111 tut.. werl' op m 8 <' l;mch J P. Shiclrl~, 11s!!h1t11nt ~nnrl 1!111 Hr p 1 'h:.11n1'•'> \\' ll•~·tl, fl chief of th<' F.ni?lnrt'rs Rrotlwr· Ill . tnlll ltw rulo·ic c-om1111111·1• '" hood and •fl'~kf'~m11n for thl' unl(ln1. I 1111\ 1h1t1 th•• dt•r1""'" 11111 "''' i.:" •' aald nt"tntlallon~ hlMf bl'>t'11 lwl<l ~1111,, 111 rlw rt•d1'1.1I i.;11H•1111n. 111 I throughout th" wN•k rnd "We 1tr(' ittlll mN'lini:." hr• s111t1 I "We'rc-~01 ~~r1n~ aoy1hlni:t "'l'"j C-0unty Income 1 at this tlmf'. • A strlk" hy thr 1hrr" trn1nn• Up Since 1940 would h11lt almnst nil fr»1ght imd tC'antlnul'd from P111te 11 palll!nRrr t1t'n Irr lhrou1:ho11t 1 "" nation r\rn tf ntht'T' ra1lrnnl1 unuin• d«id<'d lo crOl'll thl' strlkrr11 pil'kf'I t'llmfl•·n•ntwn nn1l •t>l'1,tl .,.,·11r1 ty llnft. I pll)°TTl"ol• 11mn11n1t•d ti• ~; til\.1,111),'\ In 1 '140 Tim r•'.'lrhrrl 'I: Ii fl I:' 1l(lt1 ,., Bo -p• k In lfl.16 and drcllnrd lo $1 7 1:n r111111 .a omato at 1c s in 11\.11. . U lls • C'nl1fr1rnl:. ( tNnl 1·1\1hnr1 •lll'<'nl" P UfflVOfS \qs ~."i M!l:ln(l('l()() tn 1!\-10 n\ 1!\Jj . I 'h" 1(11111 "'ll~ ~1·1 ~..01 i(l(l ()('r(l ,,,,. SAN PEDRO. Arirll 26 •t•r1 19'17 flrl'litnlt1:'1r\' r~ttmn •<'. 5Jf>,j -The IQl'l1nto hnnt W "~ t ,. r n 009.!"IOO.NVI, l• 1~ !> ,.,...r "'nt 1hm r Qul'en, CUT}ini: 11 l'Utvhuri; rrotn ! lhl' l[).tll lncomr . 11 nc1 1ti 1 l"'r ('l'nl I the tuna hoAt Oftuntlrsli whwh "''f'r .J..9 1fi aank otr Cape. Luc11.• in h l'lt\) •r;1• 1 ·n,,, 11 m11n1 it>• or thr !'1,11th"rn 1 and.winds. wql nrrh'<' in F.n•C'nnrln <'nhfornln rri:lnn l'hm\'l'<t 11 Hl:i 1 Mex .. \\"edn<>srlll). J'f'r crn1 lnc-r~11•1• in n\'lltnn 111· Loulg Un;ich. ol>.'!"ier (If thr ;-nm1' hrl\\('1'n H~11' 11n1! 1!47 11n11 ! Deuntleu . said hr wa9 lnfo0T1Ni 11 r. f)('r N'ol l"•tw•••'n l!Hfi ;ind of tt\Eo rt'Sult hy radtn n •rior1' r"'"'l th" foll!'Win,11 ~·'nr T.-1111 rl\1ltan l the Weittem Qul'i'n. ThC' ship nnd inromr nf thl'•I' ""''"'"'" I lranc·· eatto w•att \111hwd a t $1~.000 he I ~n,,. Otf'J::l' l01fl('rl111. Tnyn, ''°" An· I ald. i.;rll' \-.•n111ra 11nli Jfrm. wns ~1 . Tht> survivol"'I drlftf'd thf'ff ¥Y" 1\li7,1;3.1 1~'1() In l<tl\l, ~.lllR29.'·j otf ~·pr Calltomla In 11n nt>"n •~~1 1•1 1n1i; 11n11" 5!10:>1.~13.tOO 111 f'"\lt•r th.it. "lwn •'' 11\t' ..IJ:t' of lD. ""• s a pr.act1llOnl!r, ··A '"' "" l' thr> I 111r. •·' '"" tll "'"th ~.ct1lltreOOC'rt i. ~•rnc<h >ne wh~ ltl\1'1c~ r 1 I . 1 , · ·-a a llll!fh ,. l!n y11u "' t 11 !'\l'r 1111 l ' •'·~ •.• , • ••U' ~"" satr1 lh Ii 1 ··w II "' · ' lwi 1111 '"'"' '"•':"'"''"ti' Gnd e .. 2rs eth. w rinl !> a f,.r lwlp ~ .. , ,111 di··H ,..3, l'ter lreatml"nL p:.inued e other TI1e f;ulh w lhe be. .... 11,, f .;ittwr·s 1 .. ~ ans,.er <'~Ille' with "<'~V1ction. "A i1111l ah1htv \to hr:ti hrr lhitl \h(' trl'a\mfllt 1 a hf'i1lm1t "3~ r,...l.,r•·•l '" 11,.1 m;il ht--• llh T•'. thto ~ew "!ltudenl this word 1 trnmi·oli:llt•h tr('.;.rn"'"' "•met1mes prl"lWnt• 3 In llllf'r Y• Jrs ,. 11,.11 ht-.ln <Men s1umblmg hln('k Sil. m the h11~ ·~ th<· n·•ult ,.f ,111 ,,. , .olt'n' .;in.I th:a~ • dl"C~ of light m:i~ b«-" h"PC for hl'r '"' """ hitol 1~ ... n j °'" wn on lh1~ an~'th1nt·bul· nh;111rl .. nf'fl. •hi' 111rnr.1 1 .. ho-1 lltble m~•t,C"nnus pr" cs~. JI mJv l>e Ht•a•llni: hmv .le~u< turalf!'<t thf' mlln IK'lp,ul Ill le:i•1> ;a fev.• thouothh ''" "'h" wa• ""k •If lh•• palsv. she ' the sut>Jttt for the newc•'rner 11~11 11 hr1·11mt• S<• 1 ••nM 1 .. u_, •• r the T1I« •ea.1 anti IM t·art'al hrn'1111.! "'"'"' 11f lht> l"hn~. Truth. , lh.11 •hear"!"' 1lrt'-'•'<I an I ll"ft her I First uf a ll, 11>1 us h~l\e a rlf'tin1- n•tm \11 I""' ft tl'n,!• :m t relalt~C'S--tlnn at tt>rnu Ourm1t lhe course "' to lhrrr u·i..r ama1em•'nl tl\lr talk refercn•l' will bl! ma1!t' From that 11me r11rward Mrs I tfl what lll real what t~ unrnl, t .Jrly rlevr•ll"<I her hfr '"the .,..n·1ce and to man That we may under-' of God •nd miln anti f111 the l hrtt 1 stand uni! a r1blher as l!mpl.,vcd 1n yf'ars f"ll't"' 1111: her hf'a hn1t. and Chnsh•n Sc1enC"e thl! words · real" .,. hat she flt:~nl>t's .. ~ hl"r d1M"•W· and -unrTal'" · .. n\·ey a mranlnl? l!r) ,,, dtnnt' la\ll·s nf ...... Truth. I S<'mewhal rl1n'erent tr(lm thal tn and l.,tl\'I!. ~h.-<.:."nr\n(".. hf'r l't'• cnmrnnn usagr !tt'31'\h alm .. st l"xrlust\'C'I) t•• the • Sir Jarr.n Jeans the promtnenl 01hlr m an f'nrlu\1•r In find lhe l ph;vstc1•t. pn1nnun<'t'd yl"ars a11u rule wbu:h ,. "uld Jt•h·e Ule prob that "lhl! phys11'al • n~< cannot lt'm 11t M1nrl·hl"alinc , coinue reality Re11lrty ('an only Spt-ak1n1 of th is rxpen ence sht' bl! peree1ved •· Sir Joimh 1.!hmps.-d "''rttei (I am r,.act1n11 from ~ge , a truth which Mn Ec!d~ had dlll- 109 Pf th1> lutl><••ki °1111! snrch 1 e&>\'l!rrd SOITll! lime pre\tously Out 1''U ,.,..eel, calm and I u ,,·ant ·.,.·1th Str J•ml!'S rearhf'd no fa rther tban hupl!. 1ot ~11\sl. n .. r 1lepres:s1n~ lhl' matl!riall_y mental rl!alm, J knl!w the r nnn ple nf 111 hann11-"''here» MD £dch search ing on a n ious Mind .1l"tlnn tn be God. and hither pl~llr. f11und the rl'al to be th•I <"Urts wt'rl" t•• ·~lured in pnm1· ' the sp1ntual On "'·' poi.nt they t lvl' C't\ru1t1an hrilhni: b y hnly. up-1 dellmtely ai:rN'. namely, that the l1n1n1t faith, hut I mu•t lm ow the phys1ral st'nses '"ann,1t r1•1m1tl! Sc1enre "f th1~ he .. ll.nt and I .,..,,n reality my .,..ay ''' at>-nluh t1•nclu•1,.ns Thi! ph~·s1ral S('Tlse~ h;i\ e ne\ rr throui:h df\'me revel11t1•'n. rea~n -n. heard, nur felt Gt-d The a nd t11!m1instr:1ttPn ·· llenC'I!. .,..e phy,.c•I ~n~t h;we nt',·rr seen f\nd'lhe undt'r•t:indtnr;t 11f Chnst1an heard. nor ftlt L1fr. Truth. Lc>t t Sclen~ 10 be based un Jivme f\!\'f'· 1 Th. phyl>K"a l #'IUU ~an ""'" lah l11ttnn. N'U•'n. 11nt1 rlf'mnnJ\nt&Dn ('()ClllUt\4.% ol that '-lch ts i>h1s1- W1lhout the 1·11ns1sll'nt. r<'nS.-r<'ut nil, ••f mallt'r j n•l •I~ m;itennl ac- uw of th~ thrtt f'll'mt'ni. tl u C<tmpan 1mtnls \\"h;il "'e 5('e with bc>llt ~fore helng plc.kl!d up by l!H7 11c-«c•nl1ni: 111 tlw !f.l11t<> !'111101-I lmpl'IJUble to pr.•i:rea in 1t1 study lht" e:re' " • ftc'rf'I r•t an1matt• the Wl'l!tem Qut'Cn. l1t•r nf rommerCf'. and appl1r1ti"o j "'alll'T. a f>t'rp.>tu ""'"••!the drram _ "'·htt"h I• at1rih1•r t I• Arlam \\ hPn Materi•I bo.ly ncvl!1 Gun·s ah~a . .: or ten hours:· answered theteechl!r To pro1rt':1S rn spmtual under-"Just sutt yourself: but I want that •tandinf, therl'fure, we need to ll'•~nn " ..r,.co(!lize what consltlules trul! be-When Henry returned to scheol 1ng u an itll'a of God, and as thrs the next day he was sure of suc- truth bl!comes appart:nl we per-ccsr;. Yl!t In the midst of his rlem- Cl'tft the kuth pe~irung to aU unstrat1011 the IHcher suddenly lteaUon. To attempt tn• gain the sa1rl, "No" Beecher wenCovl!r the µ1ntual hl'iithts w1thuut 0 clt>ar en\lre pr<'lblem again and at the 1 "nvlc:tion of mdiv1r1ual man·s same point the teacher satd "No" t 1rilual or111:rn and Ptemahly t:omplt>te ly baffled, Reech~r re- " tJuid bl! s1m1lar Iv try mg to sol vi! I lu rnec1 lo his seat. flushl!d w1lh .1 probll'm in hrAAer l':lathcmatlcs c11n fuswn • 1> rthout • knowl~l' or the nu-Thi! next buy stepped up and hl'. 1 r raUon tables tuu. wos 111terrupted by the teach- So-calll!d phys1caJ bl!ht>fs uf sin. er"s thunl;!ertnJ. "No" But lh1s lad knesl, and death are e!Tects of went stra111ht a hcact. finished the 11 .1terial thmkrng To tlnd a rem-I probll!m, •nd was rewarded by a • ly for them. ma nkind 1o:ener11lly ··Well r1one " •relves dttpl!r and dttpl!r tnto mat-"Why," faltered Henry, -.. I tt•r, reasonln1 ermnl!Ously from workl!d It Just as he did and you •·t?ect to cauw. Chris11a1. Sc1encl! !\&1d. 'No' " Thi! rebuke was lm-'ho)WI that we should cnmmencl! ml!d1atl!: "Why did you not say ••Ur dl!hbl!rat1ons on the S<'tenhftc 'Yes' and ~1ck to 11? It ls not 11remiR that causation 15 spiritual. er.ough to know your lesson. you Then WI! procttd •loa& the linH should know y()u know It If 111 nf spiritual reasonln&. recoinlz.in.I the world says 'No,' your businus •hat nothing unl~ Splrlr-routd I• to say 'Yes' and prove It " t• ~ult from Spmt. In other words. Man knows that hc knows l re- 'l••lhllll unllkl! God, good, can ml'mbl!r a ca!ll! whl!re a practitioner ""Tlanate from or reftl!Ct God. Lllcl! wu· calll!d to come to the assiat- rnust product! likl'. •nee ot • woman who had 1001! suddl!nly insane and, bl!t'ause of S•lrltaal ae ... nlna ElrHHYe her violence, ha<i beeft p.laced in a Th• eftttUveneu of tbia cornet psychopathic lnsl1lution at the rl!- th b f Ch qUftt of nel&hbora. The family fl!lt t•'asonin1 u • astJ 0 natlan that It shl! could be awa7 from th11 l.\nence treatment ls ll!l!h in lhe place lhe could bl! healed. How- 11• .11lrt1 of sick :ntnda and bodies. ever, thl! st.te authorities had an- As an uample: ll!t me cite lbe nounced thl!ir intention to have hl'r • ase of a younc rrutn who came' committed to an asylum wider the belid,,of a tlll!Vl!re acct: 1're Christian Scienc pr~cti­ d4•nt. Fallina. ll!Yea:JI • tttt. _J)t tioner. knowing th1t the 1.-.v of •:ashed on a Jla11 ahowcue. HI! God countl!r•cll any seeming lack "as ,>lcliled up •nd rusbl!d to a of ml!rc~ In thl' though of man, l"'<'ltal, where It waa found that and that this law la l!Vl!r Op(!ratlve .. tmten of the 1lul h•d Mriou.sl1 h th th I '.i.erated him intemall7. A practl-w e l!r e patll!nt s knowlnc Jt or not. mentally t1!1meo--1tW'81 from · "riir WU not calll!d until te¥eral lhl! falw evidence whlc;, had been lt•1ura l•ter, bl!c•u• of failure of prewntl!d ovl!r the tell!phonl! RELEASE 2 NAZI SABOTEURS WHO 'SQUEALED' hi! sler t-a du•.lm nt A malcn ;il .JI' • 1 t'N'3lt"n. a t'el.tC m;irl< ~ou, nut th" truth t1f '""''1"n and r r"''"<l WASHll"GTON, ~prll 26-(UP) -The White House disclosed to- day thllt f \\O l'\nd s11botPUr9 sl'izl'd hf're dunni: •ht> war hA\'l' t>N>n pttntlttcd to rt'lurn lo Gcrm11ny. They arc II\ Ing In the A~rlC"&n Ilona !IPf'Ctf1rrl hv lhll Amrr1<'nn m•'ndntion suhm•ll•-d '" .\ttl'rnn .i. 1" ht' t'ut " I r l1rf l'lf'<'au~e tt ran bl! :hers to reach the 10Ur\I man's LookJnf Into Mind for gu1dancl!, '" •lhl'f At the t1ml! shl! heard of thl'se words by . our Le•der on ·he mlsh1p •nd ulled for Chrla-pal!I! tell of the tutboo"; Instantly · ~., Scil'nCI! help, it was announced caml! to hn thouJ?h t. l quotl!: "Thi! • lh111 thl! only thing that ml&ht ,.VI! .exterminator or l!rror I• thl! grul ' • life WH a blood lranafusldl'l 'troth that God. reocf. 11 the Vftly • ""rl this would h&\"I! to bl! admm-Mlnd <tnd that the suppo1IUtlous 11rmy COrtm1J1nd1'r Gmrra I Tt'IM C 4°1<1rk i~·r11• T and ::i1~.-.·~~~)~'j '':·~ ""l"o'• i..i ~ f•n · Six olhr r Ml•11t1•11r• "ho Wt>rl' Dasch aftl'r Sf'P ini: :'tl'l''"'"tm ... lch "ITer •u""r ~n: . l •artn1his "'a)'J. I d-.. h h h . , ._ .. -:1 • ,-,,r\1 e·,,<•talrnat- an ru c•n-Y ~u rnartnl' tn 1~'.l ""' "nn; "' 1h .. 1r "nit""" ,1r 'er ,1r ma•,.; tll 1 l."•·t• "an be l'••m - Wl'rt' l'Xecu1t'd. l'n•111d1•11t Rfll'llli•'· rl\1'\I ha<'k tn t';t'm 1.1m 111,, "•'t k l'leleh n1s• pa1t•j s,,-"~ere-is \'N t rommuled BeritPr " S"nkn<'t' · -~• thf'1r ~rm:in.-nre i>r 111 arwlher "l'rl!d within the following thirty I op~te .,, in tlmte Mind-ca.lied • .nutea. Thi! practltlnnl!r In-dn>d cw evil-IS-nol MJnd I.I not · •,1nU, ltarted work from thl! Truth, but error, without' lnteUl- clve the proper attention, If the court would releus.! her Al ftrst the JUd&I! waa adamant In h11 refusal Tl!Stlmony .had bel!o pte~nted that the woman was • danger to the r<>mmuntty and a hopeleu case. Thl!n, without an)' apparl!nt reason, thl' Judee sud- tlenly re\'ersed himself anl4 said: "If you can find any place whl!re she can be restricted and m safe keeping I will ,rant you one mo11th It Chr1slta11 Science has not bt!:iled her tn that timl! she must bl! l'Omm1tted '" thl' stall! a sylul'l'j." The woman tefl the clt;v with her relat1v~s 10 be t.lriven sume fifty mill's to I.h e homl! kept by the Christian Scientist. By the time thl!)' arrived shl' wu completel1 heall!d and, within a week, re- turned to hl'r '>wn home. This wu IJlllnY )'e&ra ago, and lhe has been an acltve, Ulll!fUI membl!r of a Christian Sdenee church ever 11nce. The realization of Cod a,. lnftnite Spirit •t once convl!yl the knowl- ed&e that man, Ilia imacl! and like- ness, i..l 1pirltual, unfettered b7 be- liefs of the ftl!lt\. Approedled trom this st.ndpo1nt Wl! -II la Im- possible tor the real man to be sick or smful. God u Soul usi1n1 to man hla lmmor\alit1 and the ability to d.iattro 1plritual ttall- llH. Consequent.,. an under- stand In& of S<>ul and lta attributn i. of 1reatest Importance In lhe huling of the 1icit: Thi! riJht Miue ot Soul brlnp the ritbt een.ee of health. Next wa come lo Principle Without Principle lhl!re could be no law, no ordl!'r. Man, livln& in accordance with Prmclpll!, can ex- press, or renect, only t.l\at whlch I.I supportl!d b)' dlv{M laW: - COJJld nevu contemplate Principle as llnitl! or llmlted.· To be Prlncl- )>le, God must be lnftnlte-and uni- versal. Man, thl!refore, Is forevl!r protectl!d b7 Principle. for there can be no error, no evU, DO mla- take in Principia. Divina ·i.w, Opl!raUn& in accordance with Prin- c1pl1!, I.I ever active in 'man'• bl!-half, and It l1 thi..I law that WI! invoke In our own beh&lf and In behalf of others whl!n called UPon to meet and to destroy lbe claima of l!rror manifested as sin, 1ic:knl!ss, ann death. The three remaining 1ynonyms, ·Lite. Truth, •o.ct Lovl!, are quite frl!quenH,. lfrouped wgelher. m our.. Leader's writings. !"..ach has. of course, tu own separak' rmportant beanng an our study Yl't to hu- man comprl!hensioa there appears to be a "atural link bl!twttn them Life brings \hi! thought of the fa- therhood and mothl'rhood of God. With Trvth, we think of thl! Christ, the divine ldl!a, or Son, and Lovl! immediatl!I)' 1mpsrts a sel\SI! of thl! Comforter. Al I ulcf a snoment aao. 1 am ml!rely touchtnc with the utmost brl!v1ty thell! defloltioni. 01 God. Thi! t1ml! allotted for • lecture would not permit d1scussmc them full1; ln "ct, to .>btaln • full and' complete undMstandlni of Deity 11 the work of etl!mlty And thi. ls all the more reuon WI! should nakl! • start hl!re and now. So t comml'nd tn the ltUdelt thl! Holy Bible with • Concordancl! thereto, and a complete aet or Mrs. Edd7'1 wrltln1s tocl!ther with a Concord- ancl!. Thne ofter a molt futile lll'ld for retearcb. lu•lratl•• Vital An l'll!ment vital to thl! demon- stration of Truth and to spiritual heal1n1 Is Inspiration Without in-spiration WI! are apl to become deadlockl!d ln mattl!r, In material- ism. In Job 32·8 WI! rud, "Thl!re Is • spirit In inan. and the Inspiration of the Almighty giveth tht>m un- derslandina." As you know, the wotd "Inspire" cmnn from th~ Lalin, muning to breathe into One d lctinnary g1vl!S aa a detinl~ tton, "to animate or klndll! u by a spiritual inftucnce " And Mof· fatt's translation of the text from Job reeds, "Yet God Inspires a man, 'tis thl! Alm11(hlv wbo breathes k'n6\t.•lt>dge into him " Inspiration is a d1n ne 1mpuhe which unfold• to man the under- s tanding of spiritual seJChood. WI! ntt~ to culltvatl! the habit and ability of reco11:nmng this impulse whtch. In reality, cannot be hm- rlered or obstructed. which cannot be short-circu1led or diverted, but which nows perpetually from G od to spiritual man A student may sometimes lament that results of right reasonln1 which • came easily when he wu younger now lftm to take longer and "Tl!quire mnre labor. If this temptation ever comes to u1. we should immediately see It for whit it ls--the di1bollca1 mesml!rlsrn of matter with lta a1ll!ndant bl!Uefs of naterial substance, Wl'icht. Years. lack of mobility, and so forth. There js not one particle of Truth In that kind of thinJtin1. for no such condrtion can l!rnan•te from or be known to Cod. Thl!f9.. fore 1t Is unknown to man, and Oii that ground it -i ~ dl'StroJ'l!d. ContrarlwlSI!, t.ue thou&hta which are ~learlJ of God, do suP: pt:r thl! 1ptr1tuel impulle, thl! ln-SJ)1ntloo, which Ol>l!nl and rec>pl!n.a lhl! door to 1"1rrnin conaoiOUJnl!ll enablin1 It k> ~f\t£11\ore of th~ Christ, Truth Christian Scientists s~ould nl!ver wastl! time laml!l'ltlnt either the past or the prt!lll!nt. •n1 more than they should dread the ruturl! O.monstralin1 thl! truth or being 1s • conscious. present l!X· perit>nce, and spasmodtc efforts a rl! O\'erMml! by cnns1stl!nt, Joyous work Work dQ('SJlOl mean merl!ly indul1ma In &-ood intenltoM or l.D i:elle1ouF l'<'~las.v.-in human matl!- rlal plalltudes or \·ain repetitions Wnrk means, for one thing, men~ lal alertnt>~s tn the cla ims ot e\'ll. dcs1rnvan1? thr m 1n cnnsc1nusnl!ss by sclentlnc thinking and, whl!n necessary or ndvtsable. taking pr<>J)C!'r physical acht>n mne there. • Preslden1 Truman rfi:Ommended 11mpenslon of the !l<'ntConCf'1 of Ernnt Pt>tf"r and Cri'Ortl<' J ohn DalCh. pro\·lrlc•d th11t the~ re111rn to Ct'Tm11ny lll.ld ltn• )indcr ronili- lo II((' Imprisonment nr111 ll!l•rh • ·n11, l":i~ptan ~·11 "hwh It<« l"' ~nrd. their rrJlit.r7 Th" rNI '"'" II' 30 )'NII'$ becau5<' of lt1t• l\.•~t~I-I\\• rn l"tJl'\lfW' 11n1t '''Iii I• '"'I ".e'·~ be dC'"ll""Vt'(i A' Mt< r lrh· h ~ at~ tn wh•t 1• lf'rMed • lhe K'I a n<'t' they gave t e f.lC'\<'11111\t'nt "•11!fl ' l:1rgt.,.l tnlAnd « :i It ''"· rnti"c •'atr -rnt 1.. ·· • I I I de II ( I " ' '" t' Hf'IOl. •O 1'~11•-n supp y ng ta • o I '" rem-• r• nr .tt h· 171111110 R'!UIU<' mil•-.. 41n 46,ii of the lt'lllb."'k. • Spint 11 tht ~plrnry art '' I '11 .,:l'r t h1111 I hat , .( llh noi• I rt'al and et1>m:il matter 11 tht Mr Trttm11n actf'd on r('('()m \\ t~··• nb1n And 1,1.,.n r<>ml tn<-<2 unrea: and '""·""rat" as11 JUlt dt>scrtbed, and although gence or reality" And she k:nl!w ·~paUent w111 takl'n to a room that God'• Idea la held forevl!r In r 1 th• transfusion . hi! had rallted Hl1 cate and that if non \lml! •..i·'lcienll)' for lhl! doctors tl' aay set-ml!d neoct"ssa1 y In which to work 1t 1v.1 no lonnr nl!Cl!ssary. They out thl1 fff'mln!fly serious problem 'hf n ltatl!d that ll would bl! three the human nl!e<l fol' refuge wnuld r. ... nth• bl!fnre he could ~•i>«t to surelv bl! mt>t In 1 few mmuta • a\·e the hnspt\al and that It WH 1 she ~-85 al>le 10 arrenRe for th• •ubtful whf'lhl'r hi! .. ·ould •ve.r patient to bt' taken mto a home be completely healed.. where w Chnsttan Sclent111 c.'Ould I lnsptratlon to the Christian Set· enlist ts • rlivtnely nstural expl!ri- l!nce. quahfyinit him to a ccl!pt and expreu d1\'1ne Truth It ftowMnore trHly H thl! presencl! of lhl! Christ ts reallzl!d mol'I! fully, Jn John 20:22 we l'l!ad lhat whl!n JHus ap- • veered lo his di.ttlpll!s after hl1 ieru~t lnn hi! breathK on thl!m; 1n other words, he inspired them by hit preSl!nce Theri he said "Rl<'elve YI! the Hrily Ghost " We nl!ed lo cullt•'ale the l!Xptttancy of teelin1 the breath of the Cbrut ~ and to recelv. al.mll&r inlptraUon l.mplratlon II not aometbuia which comes and aoea. an)' more than he&lth comes and 10ft with thl' 1plrlt\la.I man. Heither la 11 10methlnc cWncult to acquire 10mtthin1 tor which we must flcht. Man doq not have to ll&ht to ll\'1!. t.bn livH by divine au. thority. Therefore, ae I.I insptrt.d by divine auth..irlty. So, l1 and when thl!re ~ma to l-e a stop- paee In the ftow ot lrupiratlon, do not sit down under I• and merely wait for .a change Lo occur an the mental attltudl!. Instantly Qecome alert to what I.I trylnc to hinder your spiritual 1rowth, • would-be dl!terrent to thl! emcacy of Ctms- tian bealin1. lnsp1rat1on I.I the Impulse to heal Peace One ol the most vexl111 proble,uu which the world faces tod.ty Is how to establish a pl!rmanent, pea~ peace not only bl!twl!ea nations but within nations. It 1oea without 11111.n1 that peace cannot bl! l!o- joyl!d '° lone as human belnc1 entertain lbousbta of war a.nd strita, while the1 participate In heated arirwnent.s and bitter crill-d.11111. If we u lndlvlduala are to make anJ worth-while contrlbu- tion to the attainment of peace we must exprHS" and be C0111CioU1 of pl!ace. Peacefulnl!u I.I ~othtt. God-bl!ltowl!d qualft1; The bene- diction of the Marter, "Peace I leave with you, m7 peace I 1lve unto )'OU," II for UI toda1 it ... will accl!pt It. fl!sua quaJifted lhla peace. You remembl!r hi.I nnt wortta. "Not H the world finlh &in I unto you." Thi! peace of th~ Ma1ter la not the kind of ~ce the world, or thl! carnal IJUD4li undet-.tanda. . -• Are we to wait until labor and mana1emanl come to forced and probably onJy temporary arrtt- ments; when membl!rs of dilTettnt union1 are willinc to work 1ldl! by side hannon10U111; wben religious groups actually l!11Coura1e each other to worship God In their own way; Whl'n diSll!nUna factions within churches unite to sprl!ad the ca.pel and put •U-abnl!&atlon mto practicl!! Are we to wait until dUTl!rences in communitlu arl! Ht- Ued; until all ~n llv~ In harmony with thl!1r ln-lawa or l!'ll~n with cloa relatlvl!s? Or are WI! goln1 to claim and t>nJoy, herl! and now that inw~d ~lritua~:1!'1!8CI! which ls OUl'S b)' righ t Of fi'iflenbnce H the dtlldren of God? We c•n t•kl' advantace now •nd I mean thi..I instant, throuah a ~•«ht under1t.ndln1 Jf God ., dlV1oe Lew,. of the bll!Slll!d pl!ace which Is available lo each •nd l!Vl!f'Y one of aa. No one else can live 1t to us, for It I.I not thein to give. No auitter how much one who 19 near and dear m ltht wisb to brln1 PHC9 to-a loved one, whlil' he might con- tribute to peaCI!, hi! could not fall1 bestow ll on othl!rl, for pl!acl! DI a &Ut direct from God. divine Love Clo each individual. ' ~eace of mind la part of true be1n1. •nd I.I of such inestuuable va lue that It la probfbly the first p<>ueulon wlalch-UT r wouJd try to 1teal. We do not have to fall amo111 thievl!s; and the '1"8rioua confticu which Rl!m to engage the attention of mankind, some of which I ha.ve just mentioned, are but thil!Vl!S and murderers Error ii so subtle lt miJlit even take on a l"l!proachful attitude It • ml&ht aa1. How .:an you dare to bl! •t pl!ace whl!n the rl!st .it the world is l!n&•&l!d in strife? It rs not Chris- tian to bl! Joyful Vothl!n others are mi1erable. lt rs not kind, ID fact 1t i. not decent to bl! happy while so many pl!rson1. at homl! •n.:.. abroad, are so unhappy. See ho'fl' error would rob us l1 It could, If we would let 11. Thanks to the Bible and tire IHchmgs in Science ;ind Health knoW t hat error, under what· l!Vl!r naml! or gul!ll!, 1s but a belief. The unhappiness ot nanktnd, tts d1stres!ll!1 and sicknl!sscs. a re all raise beliefs. This does not ml!an we are unmindfu l of them Qu111 thl! contrary, we deplore ~he mis- ery which hunan bl!tnl!S arl! I.icing called upon to underitu and We 1ttk to rl'lil've their physical suf- ferin11:1 by every practical mean• In our power. Bul because tens of thousands of persons. or one who ls nl!ar and dear to ns. l!ntutam a fa;se senSI! 1s no valid M!ason for us to accept it as true Christian Sclent11ts have a re- sponsibility to contnbuk to tht pl!acl! of thl! world by consimnt, conscientlnus metaphysu:al work, ml!nt.111 h•ndl!na thl! falte bel~ of fear, halrl!d, 1usp1cion, and other ungodlike thoughts wb.ich would Dbtrode themlll!IVl!S into the •ttempts of natloAs to live peace- 1bl7 toaethl!r. Howl!vl!r. it -•re to contribute to the pl!tte of the world, thl' nation, the churen, the community, or the famllJ the placl! to s~rt is with oursetv'l!s, in our own mdlv1dua.I ('On~c1ousness. Until we ll!am lo live peoacetully wttb OU1"5C!lves, to know what '- peace of mind means. -cennot impart It to others But when -. do, the llcht shlne1, the beetiftet prl!ll!nce 1s fl!lt. and ita lnnuence will permeatl! the thou&ht of lbose with whom WI! hvl! and work, and the Red thu1 sown wW brln1 fortb fruit •n hundttdfo)d . A1 Christian Sclenttsta wt h•ve • rl!spons1bl11t7 In ll'ttlnc lbl! light .lhinl! and...1A rl!membl!rlng that Cod's Ideas are not labell!d Ru1- sran, Greek, British, or American. but. that lhey co-oPl!rate and co- ordtnate under the divine law of Lovl! The rull!a of procedure are clearl,,-.ll!t forth in the Christian Sciencl! tutbook and thl!)' weR u~mpllfted by f\ur Saviour Jl!sw the :::hrlst One of our much.-lovtd-• hymns beautifully l!XpreSSl!I a 'ound approach to th111 aubjttt In thue words (Christian Science Hrmnal, No. 21 7)· "Thl!f},. brothu man, fold to th)' heart thy brother. For whl!~ love dwtU., the peace of God 11 there: To "•orsh1p rightly I• to love eacb othrr. ltath 11mlll! • hJ'DU\, •ch llln~ dffd • prayer. "Follow wtth rl!\'l'rent ltePI the · Crl!at examplt Ot him whose hol1 work wu domi: 110<>d; Thl!n shall the wtdl! eairta _,., our Father·s ll!mple. Each lo' m~ lift a paalln of 1n t1tudl!.' EE s. (Co work- foll fo ~miles. ('api. n nd pi mnny' zn.tion~ ('a pill a Into b COM I w.1s c ITuesc d l'SS4"r' Pil~rit rood s .lack These large rt'alrn rhurcl part ( the pl their 'ot he<>n l:.ido lady I of a : r-eart. striclt who 1 sign f Tria Kmgl !\"ote 1 gr of he lstic tl"ial other flS rr s tan• i.~n't Engl R~ stat• thro to rnon built A in a thaf looli Am due and the Ew Ow chu eri< ·' .. E~W.P.QRf~8!.S~EI~~·.~oBtt;I~it~ ~~~A~~(~I~Q~f P.2~Rf~j8§:&1~f?JQMJ : SANJ) CRAB Half-Way Report fte.:-..n-wtll .... -· be ::"°o:7o~,::"::.; :~;~~~C'F.ll~~~~.1 1 I• 7 :":.~~~.:\:.~::·:,~~k·· II;; ~-I r~ ~.~~~~OR~~-~!L.!!_A~~~-:.;~·.~ Page 5 (Olntlnued tram ..._. U {)ti f..ilsenada D--11<'•dy .-mployTilf'nt. Harrl9'lfl • r,•,o!'' 1 "•'" I"•' 1 •• ,,., .1111 '"" 111•11 1-'1~ w An,1h1·1111. 1 ..... i;: All'T6Nonvs • n-... • l&&AL aTAft • ... , • for -e t -~· lawrtlo. .... !Who ... o rk-getting ~. \\"e all ~ nrt1 and OrangP St. C"ost• MHa. 1111111111.011 ',,., ii.111 'r .. 1Hht1.111 11 ...... 11 1'11t111<• li4~;·-~7 !\I :'111· I 5'-Stc "''" ,, , ,1, "1111: ""'1111111.111.. ·41 1•1.Yl\ll''-)T11 'J 111 ..... 111\C'dal dr-2 1,c-l)f>OO,.,I HOlJoo 111 foe Joolq;, figure and tC°"t.inw-a from Pap H !!>•1 ·~i 1 1 1 1\•MMl 'lh'J,\I, l11f1 r1shln~ ho111 111, t-:n~''"'J'M ,,..,.110,rrh"~"'°" u ·, \ " ~a:. 'I -------------::: •• ''''h •.11\h l'ol "1111 \\It h 1"hl\!<h•r 1'r•"•1'1 mh\t1r. I ..__. .. ,_.,..." lite rtstat .. ~ ~J .. , aa4 i.u ........ "'Jl"c't .. ,. ... ~ 111 es. lioft bfca~ thn'.-att ~·arm ot MIR. FOii liJAL& .. (I ... •, 1H '""' ,,, '"I ·.1 I:\"• ~.1 11 N1•10 p11lnl Jnl1 l'rj.\:nlt• I tt)' l)('l\!111.F GAnA,:•; ~ ........ loea- • • • H ....... ·1rt•1n.1 '. ... ,,, .• , l14•uh1 lli•ltli< f. t••ll~ \\"'\' !\lit~• ~1·11 M11l..1• 1\rr1·r Htvho..-''''" II\ ··.~1· .. , __ r r, ... t - ... , ... ,._, ......... r.a- ... nplaU-~ ... ••• M)lll(' hi.au •hll ln !hi' ra~ In And . '.. • .. ',.. ' ,. \\ I'" I I r ' (' ' ~ • .. • -• • Capilla Cittlr. Conunent and SC"all~ atJ '"f'r lhr ~an S.-vc•r11I Iron ht-d.8, llJ'IT p . If· 1 ,, ,,, :1, ''" lli.'41 N1·" l'-Jt t Oh'\J . ""'" 1:\:.':.' W 1:•"1 An •tr, Hnll"'" l11I· rnrt"' $7:.Y'lll IJ.oaron 'l~M ....................... : ...... . ha k--. m11ttrf'U4'1. i:oo d rondltlon : .:ll ··'n • l'h•""' II""~''" (;.~1 .J 111111, n111 ·,_1 ~· -__ :\_l_!\t•'I • ~IOtp. nc1 praise \'e ~· .,\"t'f'I a nd s-&bh· ITV'rf' th.an that O'Ki't'f(' lit Mt•rrlt r cfrlr:<'rator. f'(lt1 :.; \I I .. ; t . .i.:,. , "' 10· 11lt.•i .1 11 "' ur 1111 '"'>' ~.1111nlRy w nv other women's organi-Thf> •kiJ'Pl'T. Ptul ~ IPlls mr drnrw-.. ml•C". "'-(•f\n . 309 Ed~<'-h.in.1 .. 1\1 \ "'"'' t ""'" ,,,,111111 ~ ~ 1 "" ""t 1~ )o1 lll ll '''"'••r1 .. 1o1 .. '"'" mil•· ,. 1 t If 11 .., brdr _ ...._ -... .., ., ,.w&c-ade.. -• .._ ...... ~ .. ~-~ 0 ~" ,. ' • 11111 .1~ • ,.,, "'" r • , , 1 I rn..-'"" H .. ' • ••~ ... ---. i tions here. but none to thP fnr r-un-Wt 1$ do1tn1o: i\r•'Ut M'\"t'n \\llll'r, TI11lhon ~-Jl(' s ,, o!, I "• • II\ "··~· "" I h I' ni:1· ;:.;.~I)(\ l'h1>11' ll11rh<1r :.i t:.. ""'"'· f"l<rn .... Int. $11)t\O '"' apilla C ircle. which caine kno1c. no--ll""· 1 1 I I' 111 1,11 •, 11 i• ~"'"IC'.\l, A KAlltO 14 !\~ "''', w .. ti. 1•1 4,1...,18 M.-.a f-..-r. IH 'S I l'Q:lll!i' G l111l E H ED WALTERS llO bein g long before the It s s tall \t'T) hump) uu1 ho-TI". F1m SALE-Couch oprnmit Into "' •, ·' ·'•••111 ••..rh1,1o, ... "1 '1'11'~· ~1·1-..;1~1-S:-t-~r~11 ll \11 11111 ,\ r•'"'''•'• "''"'l 1"t•n-~ n,.,.,,. ... ,\:\'\111 ,I !\3-Str Con t·ona1 church it's "•~un, n:>U$?h F.arhn this aft. twd, 7 x 9 rug. 2 '""'ll'· laddi•r ~ • 1•, ••• \\, ih•t "11 1, 11 t 1:1,11t1 " 'DM grega 1 M"nOOn ... "°'a , .... ._. u, ... ., .... h tht> back C"hRlr. i;:offr<' tablt» Cttll :-,1 1 ",, , ,i.I 1 11,,, ,,,. \\ •' 11110"' oll t; ""' 1 ''111 1' ''111 111111•11 ~:111 ~···· 11 nt \\'1•.:1•11 11\'-l)\\'!"t'll t~ ot :z ....._ nu: CONTRACTOR Bath Rooms, Draln Boards, •tc. • organ:-.....1 T~· • ...... · · .._ ....., 3t<' I "11 ' 1111111• ''" N1 ~1 'llMll' r ,,., 1 • 1 1 N _ __.... ·as ~...i-) ~ ual..,.,...,. ·~ Coast Guard that tM )'M"hl Mansu Harbor :ll:l3-\\'. ...,. II 1.1,,,1 11~ .,,,, 11•r c ·• ,. t111rn1:1· 11111 • •'" r"''"' ,,..,.L..,. '"•th (; I -~~ 1'ue1'U<ly lts ann spnng •-as Ill dlsuTu and ,..._, IDOk hrr FOR ~ALF. -....... n r~ndltlonrd ------.-l'l.\ '" I 'ol ~:It\ r-.;,, M11111 S t ' IM1rt lllHI t •:111 ll1·11 :'>!\!\.'\ ~.;, t '" Tt'rn\~ ... • "111 tract.-f« ...... rt b 'd 'll .._ L-t.a • ·-; ;;:. , .,v nv STiil '1 f I Ii ln.:-11 -, J,~-1~ Sa11t11 1\11.1 :'\;t tf1• ....__ 15UI A: Newport A~ .. Coata MNI PtlOfV Bt'acon 8700-W-3. CSSC' n ge Wl ~ •-=wo In 111 tow a nd lurnf'd hrr ovn to • 1,...., .. .,..iirni S40 each. sm11ll tllr Il l""''"'"" n'""l1•· nui.: M o t c• r lnK'k '"' I•'' Tf'~ ~ >ilgrim hall, fotkM'ed by a hutlor eo.t Gu.aN curter tbat to"p-tahlf', 111lvrr , 1ht¥t1 11nd r1.1.:. f,11 '°'I" '-'•'1 1!1•111 i·••ll•l1 \\' A.:'l;Tl-'P ·~1 II~•·• 111 .• 11 • .-•·r .. 111 Sn"'"''" nnlv ~ lllNllh11 oM A ~lll-ft t1T.! 22nd St. r..ta 18-tft ood 1 ___ _.. • ... _ taou 11 ,,1 ... , ltt•'1 't .'••~-'11 I 1.. II I I 1L•--.-..-...-sa e a"'-vauang '"O .aru1'. took hfT in I aa..-man) mot'\' hlank<'tll, .-lf'C.'trfc clock. Call -11i; 11•11111 1wp11111111•11t Ill 11, • huy 111 $13.'\ Oil T••h•phont' 2~1 W ---. ., •• .no; AC'k Sadleir, president. W'lthdrawah ..arhn "'thr ntt Harbor 1fll5 56-ltr Stt.\1~1j';:°.-,-.-t-. ~~I prn···' 'l'ra1l1· \1•11r• In"" 111w or '"" 111 1:n Ai:"'" Aw . n..1. l...oT l"Olt SAU LEROY SLATER Movt> Anythinc Anytlmf :'hese yearly s1unts ~ but I nn"t gh'\' YoU lhrir l"llact ~-.' ·.1 l '111111" "' '''' \\·•fl'. I"'" S l'llll'I "r C 111111I 11 /\N i'. ht•ll blnnd. !\1·!\tp NBlt\'l'ORT lm...ANn -(Jillllle obs Of ,.,,.. .. ol t...._ _,,__ C'raftsm11n tablP saw 30" x 24" top l•·r ilt~h··• 1111.,.. 1111,,11~, iwhl s1 'll:O.\l ll'~ t'tANO co. !\:JI\ ~o R 2 ...._. =+ .. __, Sp-dallud ln MOVING arge g ........ ...,. . -._ ,-...... , --·'t ... .r<:. nu"-,. h t 3 bl dH dado ~ nv 0 \\'11..,.:R 19.'\M 1 'ilfnmandr•..-~ .. , .... ..,.· h --....... ~~ --I ,..,. •OM:n ..----.. ,... ,_ ,. P mo or, 8 • cl1'h" p11 1111 ... , 11111 f 11 II 11 ~ 1\fttln. S1111t11 1\1111 , :'>3-tk __ _ "<'aim to hep cany on the ' h.-ad ~.. $95.00. S<'t of 1 /1 _ s11111n s"1h1n In ''"r>' t:1">d C"Of'I· ..a. bu •'--...__. ln.n I.hr f'....tt lilw as I talk to l<••I-' l: I '\1·1· """• 11111• 1111wl "°· t'l'.I"'\\' .,. c·,rn"tl 'lni-·t llkr ...... uJ 1 ·-..1. -~ ,.._. Rwtlold Gooda A Small "Boata Harber 391 . ~ti( ·hurch WOa ~ t UK' ~ llol-N-0\•l'r hf'l\'Y duty 1 •• " ., " •·• cllelnn t. t. !\ff'nnc~. ~ RH .--. --)'OU_.. at fi"f' minutn lo 7 p.m "~· t' S1111 11··11111•lllh• .\\•· N••\\ It ,,, •· 11 I I .. _ ..._...... "'--. ti lart of their SUC'Cl!SS is that r:ara«I' door hardwart". Nt'W, It "''"' •'l">!l~ .. ..,,,,,. ;"I' filr "'. I\, :\4Mi ,.,, 11frl('f' " nn.w ,,. .. -...... ---,_ he public gets fane food for ii ~~i~~ ;.::;·:.~k'UI~ $17.50. One 3' x 4' D. H. Wlndo"'' ""11 ',,lit. 1 I :\4\ 1' 11;.f,.!'111 ::~;~: $/\~\ ~·~l~I~ ~r~;·.·, .~;·;;·;~ :W-!\tC' AD ldndl typewrtttT rtbbona In 1toclr at th\' Nl'Ws-'I'bnN. h eir money. • hnsaddlnra&Wandllll"ilfalling ~:a('t'~~S7.50.400E.~~:~~ ADl1l:"1; ~1\.11~1,----~~ l'l/\Nll ("(I , ~'~'t\ N11 ~nln SI , AUTOlll't\'t\NTl:D • + + 4 • off fnint tJw a\'f'ragf', ol <'OUrW, as 111"' 1111"11 I ~1·1.11•1 {".111 11••:11•1111 S11ntn i\nn ~ ... 1.ifr f'rh•at.-1>11rty wanta ·~Of' '40 rar --For the Beek. -A-al" had lhf' •ind t.. quif1f'd • Cff•I dNl Kf'rrick portable ateam deaner. ~\Ii ~,.;:\t i' 11111 nwr Sf.00 r uh Nn Frtrda No ...,....0 stalled at the curb on I am·1 c'"' you a CJT•t clfoal matt 1 '1i horM' poWt'r ln1t<'nol-Rank I.I.SEP Pt A NnS 1'111ny finr m11lu·1 ........ -..I ....... • ,_ al ..... .......... y Ir 9 PIE<r" \\,tln111 l1111ln·· Sd $7"'. °" $-l!l, $4~. $71\ Ill' In $10:• T rrn1' 11rlllf'n ll1trrl11on•' 17th arid <)r· t.l.cto ....,_,,tly and a neMjnp "" t .... .,...,_ ,,... _,.ts, ou GE motor compn'UOr, Ray I t, ~ ,, '-"\ • .., ...... ,,..._"'" --.. __ ta.... ....__._ C1h~<>n \\1111,, 1•11anll'l IN' hoio. 11r will """' PANZ ~CllMI P'f n111:<' -" ,, t pjl\J ,. "'a ,..,. •.• tr I d d · caught a glim,,_ .._ ,..... ...-_...--. h);'(iraullc car holat .. ·paint l\Jn. a y nver .--..._ __ D --L'a • -c.>--. -~h--oo .,.__ u i..,. Ill'\\ ~x.r11' Cnn , ... !tN'l1 Pl Al'U I I 'n ' !\:.'I) N11 Mr1ln SI . •• f · h'ch _.__ ttu..-'-t ..,....-.,. ,,__-. .... ""'~ ....,,. and alr regulator, •• . ..-.. .,~ Tltt\ILEU O a Sign w I XK" ... ~.. ft" cl tho> C'Olftmilltt boeta, ii prrt-Hsrbor 1044.w betwttn 9 a .m . T huf'tllw Snt11rdnr. \\r Sunda)' San111_ """ '.l:\·tfr ---------react: "Babe dead!., Hon-or-ty •-..U m tllOft watc:hinc th1np and 5 p.m. 56-3tc 1:::: 0 11111 11.111-.•11 1~1and !'1.1·:\tp 'l'INt·J·• A hc·111tty H1•1w•0•'11~11111 '.l7-rnt'lt, l!W7 •IM'fll •hl, f'lf'<'trk' t 'cken she called the........._ ... ..........o;._ • rdrht"rat111n. 1hnwf'r 1111Arltnf'nl HARBOR Plumbin« Service t• Newpart Blvd., BeaQlll 1111 REPAIRING QUI\ SPECIALTT C.C.tredinc wl ~ .. tft I M Wlson Bros. f'nmna del llar NI"" 1•httrlul 2 n ll. ...,.__ ,_. rom1.Wtt'd I.arr 'irw ...... In lh'lnt re.nm, wUh built·•,,.... fllatnn, z_,..r ,ar... ~ .,., .... 11,_ • .., C"C'.llllW"t1 ........ ,..... 1"'tW .-io. T,,..._ m1t .. S n .--...-. lfwT'f' -\' ar-. in • ....., <'OllVT'll.D'I.. mra-.0 TC> fttl• I I 1'11" 11111 t.11t11n1 .. · /\IS•! mlrrpr h -I..~ t the ...... _ . w ....... n ar. • , rlllll:I'. l'JllrAll c1 .. t• S.WXl S ar· '·' ('ol f' •• v~ ........ w o ru._"'""' o scene. 1111c· <"at_, •ilh '-'· ol C"OUr'W. \'°hf'. HARBOR •>I•' s 111n1•1. 11J1•-d 1111 I y Siil'\ Concrete Work ed 'd ''Bat. ..._d'" .L......-W'J rlrl•"' S2f\flll ~-~·" laJr •nil cum-Eac-haltvf' ...,..., 2028 Santa Ana Aw. sian post saa : ucca. • i-·,,. t.hr ~ ha~·,,. _,..... up to Furnt'ture ,_ · Trans.fer 1 I Pay C•ah T1•rr11s _ ~ oo l"''r mo n,\N1 · 11.~.__ •1.-h '" · or; .... mlnl11n '.l'2<l Flo"''<'r ~f , C"oat a .... ... -COSTA MESA • + + about 13 lmit;lts up to UIOO r6 p.ml. F'ar ""''' fumltu"' or ...... _,.,__ ~1 'MMIPT l'IANO l't\, :'\'..~I No I BONDED 1"4 INSU'RED ,~ -·-..... M Mln rhonr 1\1•""'~ 61 IM-W, 7117 lrl•. t'tlNftll c1P1 M•: Trial for Wllat! John S. 'T1w ._... ·1. oould do to ~•.!matt' · yoo Phnn .. IW-aC'Ofl 56M Ml\ln, S1111t11 A1111 An11th1•r S11lnl't 1111)'11 ~l~tp ~Ste Knight. publisher ot F.ditor's nu1~ ~~~--... , !~-~ a':!ra~ A Good Buy... Crawley Furniture Co. 11 111,. i111n111r1· ,•uN""~·· '," ~h11• ------------- Ptt. Bt'aron 5221-W or 5757 52·22tc Notebook. sa_ ys:. ''For one. ' 6'-.~.-:.::r ~ ........ -.. _ .. _.~10 .. _.:..~ Is a Wise Bnv l.81? !llP•'µlorl Blvd., C.oet• MMe ""'"' ll••1111lr"~ 1•W I'"'"" RF.AL ll:RTATIC ..... If( SAt.t• ~rw m)' ...... y _____. :1 ......... -,...._,.._ ,,... """"" .":"w·--.\~ tk '" ""'"'" ·~ '"" ''""° naadl I grow t-x~ang,y "'ea.I'}' m.a,ew ".:ht. Lrt's make nintan Let Us HPIP You .,... ._. 9'1 "' --NPw View Home """' , .. .,.. rt1,. hall. t~ '"°"' Wallace Calderhead of hearin g how ~ capital-~• th.at tunr n..at'd makP m) nut -COURTF.SY SERVIC"E-CASH for USED oo __ o_M_, _c'_A_TM __ a_r_rn1 _____ 11_ OVF:Rl.C'IOKING· f'.ntl,.,,. Harbor '"') 1·1"""' """""' ""9 or Ulf'lT-R .ls liC' s ystem is on trial On C"Olfl!"'l"l('afkllt with )"OU. w~· 1962 Harbor Blvd. Coata Meet Furn. & I Fl in SAi.i·~ l rlsh li':C'tlf'r 111111!1, ATMI 3 br .. hdw noon. nr,,...a-. :V..3tp WATCHMAKER JEWELER . ENbftA VER t rial for what! Has any at J.a}". hf'twttft 3 and .. in the Phone Beacon 5538.J 1ture App iancee rn:l~•··r•'l1 A K (' S11luNln) 11nl1 mmtn1rllon •nd lnaldrt ftnWi o ther system accomplished mornin.;. okt-h.. I bfht•\'(' that" all M--tlt "Wr nuy Almoet S11nl111), II\ 1111 :.! o'r\t'(·k W•·•·k .-.c,...ptlnnal Thf' n""t wr'"" RS much or provided better from ~ -An)·thh11t" 1l11}'l< iiflf'r f; JI rn l.110..: lw1u·h. f'Vf'r otft'N'd standards of living! Why KK~ A. ~tus KQQJ °''and <ifoar Silver Plating GRANT'S 1 Mli f lrun~·· ""'' !\:\.:\Ir Cnai4 l'T'•!flt'rti••l4 C'o. Jt(ia l lorl" ' . 817 COAST JUGHWAY " CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. 54-221(' 12 Yl!ARS SDVICS lS. n 't ~~•n10"'-00 trial in Wlth KK" A co~. s~•. GOLD Phonft 0~a. •707.M ~" .-.-.-.o. ..._,.., • '"'' " <'1•C'lt1·r ~:ni:li~h Sh••1111r1I 1'111'· Eng land or conµnwlis:m in • Snipe. n V:-at Pollahln1 .. R.eftnlahtna lk'I NP"'1>0rt ntvd . Coeta Mf'IA p11·~ In··· 11\10 .. -lrat A\'f• ( ... , ••. 3411 w C'f'ntral rtl. tlar t02 Russia and her sat e J I i t e r ~ BaYRide Pla"tt~o. 42-ttc na '"" M111• ~ 1 r.-9-tff' states? u cap fl a Hsm is ..... r-. ~ -nt; __ --_DJ4 Harbor mYd. mi~r. FOK BAL& n P'OK UHT-----II RAL.PH P. M ASKEY JN "nm llARBOll AUA ~ BARRY HALL . PUf"ING~C'l'OR through, why are "'l" 'asked U, ~ £la)~ Coate MN1:-caTit .:-&ac0n---C't lRClN A P t:t. MAR iv,.,, R·~ Tl't1ldf'nll1tl Int~ JO' II llfr tlf\ ~I \\' •in-' •••~>. me~ •t*""' """''' "" ,,,., O..lt-............... P ulnt :, hrdrnnmia. 'J t .. t... '*"'" ln1t ..-~ • ith n,.,11.,.... 2 r8T 27' !!Mt lltla 8tlWt to P ........ "de .... _ food. the, . . I-ti• I""' Ulll:' SEOCL. K()IU;A. April 25 -1 .. PILBaMU ca.ta .._, Cdl a.u. GRl''\(1\\' 1; ft rl'rrli:rratnr ~~ con<llt 11111 t lu u11ghout. Call H11..- bor 1&11\..1 51 -5h rnn 111-:NT n y thC' y1•11r 11nn1l'· nl~hrd 'l llC'd..-oom h11UM' In ('ol"u- nn ltrl Mar C'lc111" l u 11d1oola It 11torr11 Harl'Or ~457 t>3·3tr -t.ark•por litrM'f, lilT urmllf'W· " Prlvnh• J)llrf y l"honl' (" f: :.'7:lf.0, 1 ,.,. An.:l'\re !W-!\tp ~l'IUttr ~·'Mil dMrm Total prtr. t"4ll}' $I !,Z't1 I money, 304, the tools to.re-rl"P• "J'lr-o l<c:Jr?an SDJpl"n find \Watcb8. Oocka. '"'*" build Europe?" at an AJnt"n('an military transport S.D that unwanted article (''•al¢ Properti~" Co. And Rev. Pe~ <!...&..---&. • CHJtONOMETERS ,, Fl"'"''I c-L NlSJn:-T'> •• .;/ .;;JC>!U"'-"' plUW' fa_kinc elf from OWju air· ~ . ·n3 ·n 'IU n r.r"I Ir.lo.I throurh News-ntnes ada. in a sermon .Sunday, stated f"tf'ld last Saturday. bu\ none ol ~ -rnJlllP' lervb ,,, ' l 1k•· 11 NF:W HOME, c·o~A MF.SA Rf'altor jl that European churches •tw-buli..ts found thrir mark. thr Sewtblc,.~eo.~:ec s8et hi · 1•1 -.;.;n ·11 COOPERATIVE looked pit tingly on the •-ay l" S Army~ today. VAN DR'fM1'J!ll'r 21311 ~1!1" "-~·. ,~ •• ~tn Mna FOil RF.NT-A\trarflv1' twn rnnm 11p11rtml'nl, WI(' Of l>fltlO tint If Jun.-1!'\th. lltlllllf"ll J>1ld· Altult1 311 tlland Avf', RaU>oa. ~1-~tr F11r •malt ramlly. 1,.(lt 41 x 135. rrtr.. $.'):'>()(). :vii f : c ·rntral. Halhop llar :111111 •ttr American religion was con-nw ~• said ~ Ji; w i: L ll T Pilon" 1111rl101" 101r .. w ducted, yet today. America troopa c:h...t thr snipers but they t'711 Newport m'fd. ca.ta .._ For Eallm1tt'9 ROOFING CO. AJ.'\O Iota In 11arhor 1a..i,h11 SH L I .. MF.NNfo;S , 261\3 W ('Mllrlll. rhonP H '.ll'l7-W • u !W117-M 54·~tc LIOO ISLE li1 f-'"..., f'Salprd throudt f'wkll. 'T1w ind 3-tlt On Gun.rantttd Work and its way of 1e, is ~... drnt markf'd thr nnt timl" Kott-22-tfc . New and Repair ....... BNeon 1217 Fo n RF.NT Unfurnl1hf'd lo-room IJlllrtnwn1. 111 ~ M11.ln 1trt'('I Ralhoa. Yur round !PIM' 160 00 month. Ulllltles fumlahed. l mmROOMS .......... 2 .. .... the bro.ken~'1\ system ~ .... ha''\' attadu'd Anwritans ln Europe; a system fostered Chl"ju ......_ through the ages by the __ _._ __ _ church, while spiritual Am-CID erica carries on. ..,. a.. ...... ea.ta .._ •ttt For Rent -~ Rome ~pt. nn June 15dl H.M.LANE REAL ESTATE 200I Court Aw. New-. Newport Ptfto F..lt.Ullahrd Stnct 1920 8-tfc Be Wile -Advt'l'1..lle ~MAL It LADY PUTTING catsup In corftt st LEM AC: Stop worryln~ ahout your Cllr. Earnic will giV(' It 2ood cue at As.'IOCi11ted Scrvlre, 26th & W. Crnt .. Nrwport B<-ach . 55-ltc Stl'fmming in th~ l~!IOn11. $7.00. F'oot of Montero St , Aalhoa. B~lnf'!lt addrl'sll 106 F.. Bay Avf' .• Balbo11. 55·22tc f'PROLATDIN~ .. IF YOUR F'URNlTURE Is not be· comln& you should he coming to thf' J°"" C"o. Uphol!!tM"I. RF'STYUNC and r ebulldJna. all •·ork i:uanntH'd. Phone ~aeon 6260 ,2S-22tc f:XPRIMARV t('a('hrr wants i;tOV· ernt'!ls. nur~f'. companion to t>lclf'rly \alt Jl:irhor 279:>-W 65-ltc F:mploym('nl wantl'd part ...'.tml', hnUM'kN'J)l'r rnr 11dults Jfavt' C'ar. good l11undrl'5ll, 3 or mor" hours. Harbor 1973-M 16J7 W \<'ntr1tl, Nl'wport B<-1tch. 56-5tp GO\'l'me!IS, Tutor c.r readl'r avail· a hlt', rormM' t.-achrr . orfl'n 11<'1'• viN'S Prefl'nhly Ralbol\ hland, Box "D" N<'"""S·Timci. · 55-3tp GOOD LAUNDRESS-1 or more hours, men's 1hlrt.1 a ttpl'Ct11ty. Own fransport11tlon, Also d111ner pjlrti...s or buffl't 1upoers. P.ar· hor 1973-M. 51-Stp nREWOOD CRAROOAL Ir BldQUrl'S PROMPT DELIVEltY Wrtaitt Lumber Yard 1'184 N....,..t lilvd. OOSTA MESA BHcon SM5 Plenty of Good Tirie All Slue . Compound Motor Ott Gel]on, 10c Western Auto SlJl)ply .Author1aed DNJer Ul38 Nf'Wl)Or't m~.. Oaet9 MaM 17-th SERVEL The G A S Refri~erator ~ Modt>ls AY11lh1ble NOW Balboa Furniture Store 100 Main St .. Ralboa Phone H lllrbor 145 2200 Coast Blvd., ~rt Phone HiU'bor 1Hlr 4J -1rc ELECTRICIANS ISl'ltce 1920) Contnctlnit·Rt'J>Aln R.t'!tldentlal·lndwilrlaJ Et.q..Hokin & '1ahlan 1000 Cout Hlway B\'1. 5401 ~1-tfr 90ATI. SUPPi.iD. • NEW 1a-t,. U&htnln• 1\oop.~\200 Pt> Monday thru Frld11y, Wt'brr .S/\nta Ana 9431. nr rail r vrnlnl(S nt 622 Club Jl11Ul>1', N<'wport. ~·~tr Electrical Enj?'ineering and lnRtallation a\.~U ROOM F OR RENT In rww hnmr Pri"atr-l'ntrnnl"f'. nrwty dl'C' c•r11tN1 r 1111 l'V<'nin.,~. fi(T.\ Popp)' A\'I', C'ornnn dd Mar 56-ltr Fon n J-:NT Summrr month~. 4 '"'t1r111m1 lttul!U' 'l hl1w-k• rrum hny '.\1:; (;11ldi>nrnd. l '11ron" f1,.I Winchu--C-0-T\,\•n Fir" Et!ulp. MAr t!lR7 .1 !'or.·ltr Sratthll&hta -F:xhk B11tlm4"t ----- F:-H·G Radl()-T1'lrphont>11-Mt>trn M'AHTICll TO KENT F'aJrbanka-Mor"" F.ltt Pl11nt1 _r _n_l IP_l._E ;1-t 1-1 _!l_y_r_11_r_i:-ir_t_w_n_n 11.nd Watrr Syll\Pma 2-hl'llrnnm hn11~r. rurnl•hr<J nr G-£ Radl~R&drlr unfurn1~h•~I. hy yr11r l'nlt lw St"'-'•rt~Wa.rncr tnstrnmrnta IWl'\'rt Ii 1, m 11nd 8 pm l111rl~1r Hobbl Enclnr ·llour :!tllf. \\' !'i-1-!'\lr KnhlM' EltttrlC' Plant• Uquld1™'ter tank iri111i;cr1 Photo-Ele<'tflC-Pilot Thor Port11bl<' Tools Ets-Hokin & Galvan N1·w' T11111·, .. ,,,1,Jr.y•"' wnnl• 2 l>t·drtMllll hOllll Jifl r .. r.tily lln ru1nltht·d un 11l,i1; 1111111111~ ,.,,.,, C'ull l.1•110 \\';lll11m• Of Hnrl..-, n :11 .,,. ll'lOO C'o1111l Hlwny IW.nron ft107 4A·ll<' \\'ANTt-:P 'I'll Hl'NT Fnr I ~"'"r -------------1w·11nfl 11r 1"111'' 1 11nf11rnl'h"' Boats Pricecl to 8rll N<'w Tsh11lt1 Krlrh YJ'ilO 30' C'rl11-C'rHrt ( 1421 $~lll0 '11' Jluntrr Cruisrr l':\$1) $,'\IJ(lO h""''' l'"rf•·• !Iv l\l'W, m111111111m r••q111rn11l'l1I I :11~1 ''I ft wll h :\ lu .. hu•m"' \\'tit l•lt\' 1111 t11 :.1111 111•1 m11nth •·11ltr•· 11mrnm1 " l••n"•' tM 11ch .1nt'•6 f • •• u -lnnu·M .I l '11rr111L 11 .. 111'1•11 ',,1f.7 ~;-I '.\t1• LISTINGS WAN"rF.O • Sii~ Avnllnhlr !1(1 ri·nt~ ri l Rf:NT, MUWF.1,1.ANEOlll'I 61 r. F. MINNEY ll.·nrnn r.:'Rl 1'.'I~• ,~ I•••' u11l•1· • 11.d h111ld1111· 711 C'oallt Jllw11y, N1•\\J'll1rt 1•11 1• 111 ••1 I•,, 1°11 .. 111 tt1ll•1d1 "',:;.111 , .... ., ,,,,lh\\1,.,,. . .• ,"tip -------------I 'in S/\LE Multi '''" ~'II.(! flln· nhoul. SArritlrl' ror ')llll'k t1t1l1• St'\' Ill 3.'ll F: 1Rlh St . 1 ·,,..111 Mr!lll Ph flN1rnn ~,7() I It 1·\ '" nlni;cs f>f>-t rr FOR SALF: -On.-l"·ft riac~ IT&ft plr1111urc' hont lnh11nrl1 I motor. rushionc;, lii:htc; " n 11 t:ov<'r. Wiit 1.-ll fnr l'tllll'-Y 11•·11 ron 604i-J Qwnf'r ;,;,.I'' :«ft. C'llbln <TU1llf'r sl..,·~ 4. 1Y.1 h I' ™ll·Crsrt m o tr1r, ""'1("111 rr1mli· !Ion. A h11rs:nln. 120H W /\11a hl'im, Long lk11rh Plum•• fil'.fi:tk1 I I •I! HI ,., • f1.-1tst •• ,, •• , ,,, •• "'' l ... "' "dllt I '1t111t1·, l•·•••I 1\d11l1 ;11 1 J,1111111 f(1·1h• .. 1t11 h••lll• 1r1d lh' urru· llt ;-... .... 1.,,, hl:i11•1 11·1111 :n '' .. 1 \\,ll•t ''""' .111'1 t u•llf f1,r ''••tr lutntl\ ·"''' '''"' t. .. 11t .,,,,,,,,.111 fut111t1u• 1~·,,.,•tl l•1r 11r1\,tt\ :.rut •••n''''' ti•t•I• lt\irU: ~tM-'1 "''"" '•""'' ""' 11111111•• .,.,f, '''''''~ \\r ''"I"'''''''''''" ~"' •• , I' 2 •t°"Y Mt'dltHn911 lft ........ .... DUPLEX ON PEN"mBULA $16,600 t,;RN JSHET> W. L .. JORDAN RF.ALTOR 700 F:. C'f•ntral. Oalhoa .... ~ ... , .... .... ... ..,,~_.. .. ... • llf• t"-.,,.. pm fffl NJllt .. ~,. ........ .... fh"-'t romparahlf', .... Imm .._ hf' •rT'UIC"'d Ow1vT _... .a <"'•II Mr Mc-Kt-,-at ffarW IOll F.ARI. W. ~ANLEY RJ:ALT'Olt llarhor lS:l 4S.tl<' \<\VF.RING GRJ:ATl'.ll llAR801l Fo n QUin< ~i\t.F. 't'Wn var 11nl tot11 nr1 Or.-·11n f"..-nnt In downtnwn Rnlhoa F:u'f'l~nl lnr11t lon fnr mmhlnllllnn hcl91· nr11• and 11partmrnl ti..lldln,. - C'-2 ""'"" I\ ;-,.; i1artsln for ~ I SI0,500. i M Mff .t -~. n r 11ltnn I l:\lh " f"1•n lr11I Ph llarbc?r U641 4~ lfr ----"''in !'\/\ 1.fo: •~ '""' Int nn Ono.;; ntwt . B11lhnll rrt,...tl twlnw I~ tfay'a merket Ph twarnn 51218.J If NF.WrORT ll 13 W <T.N11lAL N_,,,w1 11-dt 15th AND JRVTN'E !ITS. Nf'WJIG'1 a.eda 17ih •nd. n'l.A.4"' lfwy. s,.......... 11-di 225 MARJNE AVE. n.n-bland ~I~ ("OAST HWY C ·arona dPI Mar • Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny Gates 2 I 2 Marine Ave .. Balhoa Island Ony f~· Hnr. Hi71 .J ; Har 10.14-J F.v~l-IA~. Wr...M. llar. W7~-- RALROA ISLAND Why Rent? Ruy ! ! ! n .1y rronl hon)(' 11nlf iOf"OfN', (lf'I t'Of"hrr. Rrlluflfully r11rn. Priv11tc• 1•l"r anti rln11t , A 1<1-:AI. huy at $4'.l.rffl. >..1nt. t1•nn.-.. lmnwdl11t" , .. ...._'if~"41fl. l . BLANCHE A. r.ATf:s--Rftlton-GINNY GATE!i .. 5' .. 1tp A Tir:N"n<>:o-; LA n<a·: llOMJ-: RUYt:ns Takft •dvt1nt11an of thl11 s.......i I \\ /\°\;'11 I I I,.,,... (,,, :• \•II! ... 1t1 w h , · ~· 0 .,r · ,,., .n " 11Vl' hL"f O"l'f'iW"lf fin r•xdush'c• li1'1lna rwi a fux. and Avoid" C'Olltly R!'f'11k-Oown FllR S ALF:-12' 11kift $.'VIOO 1°111, 1111 '1111 I 111°111!1" 111 111111.,., · I I , .. ,.., 1 R SALF. .,r .._, y, 1.,,, ~1 ,.,t '"ru"li ,,.1 urlnt.l" 1<1mr'. tculf 11v1•r tf'w tilufr. In C..oronn ttPI Mar. 'l'RBOR APPLJAN~ S'"RVl,... .... ·' 1 .-C opeland rrfrlg•·r.i· 'f11i -; hr...... w· .,.... t-·-I t ....1 n 'r. r. ' r. IOr With nrw (rl~idnlrt• 111111 t•l t 111'" 'j t I• pll11nr 1 1.~fitll \'l!ol , ""10 •l.'i f ''"'S 1 ..., '"' :t l(n-.tf f'Xf•'f\.'if', ;1u11 ~ 477 Newport Blvd., C08t11 M.-!lll $IOO. l..19iMtw>rt Pl . CMtn Mr·~n ·,.; ·111, ~1v1-. a s p1l<'IJll'\lh1t' vi,·w M Nc.•WJ)f.lf"1 lfa rhflr :i"'1 thr s.-cr-. _l'_t_11_ry_· & __ r_<'<'_"_P_tl_o_n_l1_t_m_u---.1 t Phone BEACON 6296 ;i.t.:.!11· ff-'S' ff'P:'C -a "' rcr:At.r: r.z J>11dkri1· O~liy ,ttu• finc"'I ~·f m;1h•n;JI,, :tntl t• ... f ol know 1horthand . Full or psrt r )R g 1 wor m11ns1l J> 111w• ~''°'' mlo lhi." ~. Rrif:>fly, tt i S lifi . w I ".<".trA I A .F.-Oyrr nlnit)'. 2 llllltl 1111;(.1.:-;T n i\l(l;AtN 1:--: ('Al.I~' h:i1< on thf' ufrN•f n•"""r, ... 1 .......... Jtvtna room. c:ftnq t m<'. t111r nu11 cations rt(' .,, • f ,. 11 2 r ' .... 11 • ,_. ...., -1 ----~---------t) " 1, At'I• o m11t11, , .. ,. ... • "'.' A-,.. l Dox ''G"-.-, ~('WS-TimH. I t I ri , I _ _.. · h • "· "'' ' N_wim, OJ11•n n~ r>nft) u -;p:1drJOS Vf'r.1.llfla. fi.....,;lrt rr • ..,._3,ft F'OR SALF,.......Back hsr 11lnk, liquor 11 f' t' Y N' n111 '""· wit i 1~ h JI \':ii• "' t•I I 11 11111•••• k 1 • 1 I • • ' .,. • ' Toh •A lO ,.. I II ' ''''""· .: );ft h, anrl ""'"' fk>rr1• """ wltlr rb1'"''--1tore neon 1l1t11. Call at Ro!IAI · nson m111nr, ,.,.,r 'n I lH· ~ nrr~ F•n ,.•·•I t11 l.1•i111rl11t•· ,_.. W A:'llTF.D -Piano ph1ycr C'...11r l'1 rM1t 8U1'11nl 447 l"cwport Rlvd .. <"&ff', lfit 1 COlllll Highway. Cerro-I hor 477 !):).3tp I\ l\Sf JI.I "l'I: !'n :A ~· ~:i ntj.{f' On 'hi>. <;{'('flflrf n()f)r .. ,,. f h,,.,. rxt l":I l:ultt" .. -t--r ... -:r-Mntt: -S4.2tc n11 dl'I M11r 50-trc r;1 H p Grry M1trlnr-romplr•t•·. T••p l.t.t 11t 1"" f•·r S•1t111i,·,.1•111 t>f'flro()m-. OJ'lf•nln~ r)f'ltO \'l"flUltta ... "fl'ldotui N'flar. gOOd rond1 tlon .Phonr or1•ni.:• \\' I. ''' 11•n1s JU Al.T)( r '1 t lin"<I d~t.s, llntl two l:u)!" •vimplrtrfy tilrft hAth- DI NNQl WAITRF.SS -At H&r· xxxxxxx I 1'17-W ---!'il-3tp · ~""~•...,m.-<::.LJww11.~ 1 ___ f'()(_)(lls,.Qn thr thirrt,nnort•·lowis rtt"1iflon;11 i.11)f'l)~ · 0t H 171h & 0r PLUMBING RUPPLIES ·.i; :-11r sp:1fil'. nntt rnorr fttrn:ur• whi• tt· filnmh f'IM·hutton ~:~. cC:~:rMc:~· 47-tt~ Utt«l'lt Stork In ~8nRP Coon.t)I 17~~ .. o!~1~1~:·~,~11~ri :;'1~~:;: .. ~,.-Ttt l..OAN ' ·.. mntrollNf 'hl':it ,,, f l .t .:irt.<1 "'·~ W>IN' w A:-.'TED -lfou!'l"k"''JX'r, llf'rma· 1 {_," Galv. Steel Pipe I ;•):_~n37n"42d"w' "1rt1n"urt r.s"n,_1, "n"1'\~~r''. °''" I~ de:tt h In -111.~~ fAmily , '-"'roCr i.; ""' l'1"fnt'ly nPnt JlOl1tion. :":rw h11mr, ••xC'f'I · I~ -.. u ' I.I lA \;S· T<' Ill 'If I•. IMl'ltl •VJ-:, ltnXlfMl.'i !n si•ll Tili~"' 1~ ~12.SOO. wry n-3.<;t)Nlble, lrnf ll\,ng 'JUllffl'l'!J Only onr in 20c feot ~t&i. or rtl RJw·rllldt' :12132 for Jll 'Y '"" '~:H \;l:'.E. I IP <"'"1!'4ld•·nng ftll" ,..,,.,J .. ,,J1;1r \ l{'W ·()l~fwin. aoo the f;un11\· mO!lt nr 1h.-t1ml' Rd"r· 11ppt)fntmrnt 47-2211· ni;J•'l~/\:-U·I'? t f 1 ) flt f( • lltron1r Pl1111'd SwlnR F'"urf'tl w .. lluv Tru~t 11r·•·tli1 ('OS O N<'r·I lf'· , 1 '""!sf ,,K'tlon. \\'r invit~ your '4>n('t'~ rl'f'juir••d T•·l,.phonr lf:ir· 19 ~ v&IUI" ~ 95 OUTBOARD MOTORS In ti I Th' I}. I hor 1m.w , or call 215 Saphlrr. i-;1-:wP<1~T ll/\l,fll1A Yfo:OERM. Vf'S g;i ion IS I',.,,.. m:iy "' sh"wn hv a1JJJ0int- nnlho11 l~l ttnd ~·2tr FREE PLUMBING ANO BOATS SAVINGS "' l.OAN A._'t~N. mt'nt '"11y. nrokrrc-f'f'°(Jt>r.1tioo " ..... ~. WA:-."TED -C' 11' a n PXf"'rl.-n~ 1 hou11.-kl'f'pt>r for full or part llmr "''ork. C'lln hw In or out Unly t"'O in family C"ilt Harbor 1R92·W, mornmg1 or cvf'n!n1t11 5Z·5tp lAyout Service NT.W " IJ~F:D 333..'\ vi .. Udt) l'h. Har. t500 ServlN' and n,.palra 1m . All 41 . tfc FONTANA PLUMBING 23041 S W Nrwpnrt Ave. r OltA MM111 Phnnr lklll'On 6041 37-tfc M11kM1 of Motron Dave H. SpieR 116 Co.ut Jliw11y fl<·n1•t1n 5676-M 24-ff(' I· I 1lt SA I.I I '!Tl ( 'hf•Vrnlu.1...u-111 k', I'• l••n. II 1• h• 11. 1''""1 ,.;111tll· tt<•ll. !.'\1 1°1 :l lt1•t1 'f'11•t111 /\Vf•, ( ,,,1.1 :'-1· "-" ·..r. :Jq, If. CARIXIZA SI.JM~. flraltor :>01 Co.,~t I li~hway, Corona drl Mar· Phont-Hnmor 47, or 10Zl-M .. .. • .. AROUND -THE HARBOR ' ' Social OH THE MESA .•. PHO~T.M: KAllBO& U. !OI RES.: HA. IU'J·B ' Page 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TUIP:M 'MOSDAV Sr'6)Mlrt 8'M'h. Calif. AJlril 26, l!t~8 Pi Beta Plti Celebrates Founders Day With Luncheon at Newport Harbor Yacht Club Ft'lllUrlni: the wmC' rrirnhlJl•ll wtuch 1~ lhr fr;1lt•rn11~ f111\\11, table dl'cor utlons wt•rl' r11rr1tod out 111 "inc and hhw "lwn 1 h1r1 >'· Ont' m('mlw•Ni 11f South Co.1,t Alnm11111U' Clnh, 111 f\1-1 11 l'hl. celehrHll'cl 1tw 1\111>1 1111nl\ .. r~11ry of th<' ori:anltt••hm with fl iun- l'On hl'lrl 111 Nr\\ port llarhor Yat:+it C1nb Mn. S ranlt') < ·11"mht•rs pri·· 11ded a nrt she 11nrt '.\lrs Thutn.t'\ B. Frost w1·n • 1n , hnq~r nl Ith' affair Follnw1n1: lunclwnn mrmlM rs hnnorrd "''h 11 1rud11io11:1l <'<'rl'· mun) t hr 1w1•J\·1· f1111ndc·rs of I '1 lk'la Phi f1r~1 fr111,•r1111y f••r ""· m<•n f'1>t11liltsh1od ;\11nl !P 11-1;7 111 MummtlUlh ( 'ollt-j:<', M•url moulh. lllinut!I' I ':11t11'1j11111ni: tn thr pro1tr111n "1•rc• M n .I• n111ni:~ Bird and Mrs. Marro Tur 1:1):lt11 presid<'nt·l'i<-ct. Abo honored "'••re• 111<· f11ur membt•rs of thl' cl11h who nrt· nwmbcr ll of thC' Gold•·n Arrct". ~noung 50 ye11n of nwmt~·• . ship In tht• Pl B••t11 Phi Th• y arl.' Mr!! W1 !11am A c:rrff11h. Mrs. John II Wnoth"•rll1, !\Ir~ '"'' brt 1a \\. 11 ~11•,Jnn1••... :-\tan· I") l •t..tn1l•t ''· I r II' ~.~:~· S 11 Fr 11nkl111, Fr'"' II I' 1,,..1111 Jr, llrlll'I' '.\l r1tlt• '''''· G"••IL:• 11 '.\11,.•r• :-;,,. Ill" r H11 h;trtl'"" I\ ll !-t111tl1 \/H I .. , .. 1 \l1·rl·· II ,· .. rn .. r L' Cwntnl' 1r .. 11t' :-;1, rr ,, '.\1u1lrc· '" rr1otn fr11·111i' 1 .. 1 lh1 c.1lJ) Wt•~ Mrs Jt1hr. \\ uuth. l•JI 11w 1 I) 111 I lr1 Jlt111t ' F1 .. n1 !'11111:1 Ann "''r•• l\f•" 11111111 ~ J 1 r: T\1 "" n. <:.i1t•s llu1w\I< .) I I (;1 J1,.11 Jr lt1ol1 c·rl '.\I.ti ~h.dl. .l.1• I. I '.irk• .111<1 11. "·" c1 r11111111111• F1 llftl l.111:1111 1 II•·" h \\ ,. I ' ~1·1 ... t1.~u w:-. ( ;t'ttl li{• I 1in•1•l11\\. .1 .. 11111m:• 1111 c1, I t • l •,,, "'' 11. \1.en I 1 11 \ \ 1• fut ~.rt• k"un \\ r' <:1 111-. 1:1 t111!11 1.111• ri.••11 . \lllnor T 11 rt :i .: t 1 .1. J\1~·11•11.t ·111111111t<. .1111111 11 W1•"1wnr 1h: !11 1i;• \\ ··l~h.trtd '.\11ss l.1t1.tlic•th 111111••) Del.ta GammO" Winds Up Plans lor Benelit Dess.ert BrjcJge W .D. Ctllls and M•~l> h i\ \\'nish. Mr' Jl.1r1olrl' l hn1·\ 1111d n•" aH of Lai;cuna 8'11r h nrtrr•·r~ ". r1· in rhui:r whl·n Thj)ll(.' (>rc-s.•nt from the ll11r· 01'111• C.amms1 Alummw ,,,~,.r111· .-----------:..-:..:.:.-:..-:..:...-• 11110 m1·1 111 th•· hmm• of \Ir' ll:il Phone Harbor 2522 1 ~~":.r~~~~'/'· 11"11 1(' 11 r~iunrt wnti D IL Plan~ \\••rr l'ompl,.lrri fnr lh" (----1.'.J4rN-Olll-.. '-ll.-----l~~t:;.l<'~n~c~fi!.t~hrnl1t<' tn I~ hrld April ~SI.op ... E. 0-tnl. Ba.llllH (nnt to GtllJey c.atc) i ~ Bouqurt& 2M 111 1.n~JM>W llUJlM• •ll Mr, ll!tr· old Grrmnn, Tull.tin, wh<'rt' :lfl tahlr~ will tw 111 pin}' Mrs \ P Pullon will ltt• tn 1'111tri:1• and rill 11ll'mh<'r~ wlll 11sslsl Pr•J<'<'l'd~ fn11n lhr aff:.lr "111 ht' UM'O fo1 llw1r pr'ojt'rt'. 1 lw scho"J f,.r \1~11.1lly h11ndtrii(IJl"d: Mory Finney Returns To Holiday Stage /· For Seconcl SeasCM H• •uJt nu• t.1 lf,•ll'L'' ~t t\. .. f,,, •• •' 1 Pf\t! ,t' '''!ft t , .... , ''-' '" t 1'•' .J1111• ·•' 'I''"'''" 1, \1 ''' ~ •rn. \ \1 1,,,tJI• \••IHI'' h ,.,.,.,, f •' "J• ...... 1,.1,1 ... ,,,,,,, • r \1, ........ ,.,,,.. ~ "''i•r•·d tul'-\\IH1 •lf"ll~• f'•ll''') tUf"S I• II• I.. ... ,,,.... nr I'\ ""'•f4 ""1 , .. , ... ,,, l•1n1 l •1 1~· 1n 'ci..:t • '.\111•1 ~'<It 111'1 \\1111 I I I\• I C 11!1 ;1"i ;\1ud 1nJ1 \r• ''' 111 l~h,t1• .Sp1111 ' ,\I t),, rl••" ,.f 11111!1!;1\ ~1~.;• Ill '-• 1•1• tlll• I \l ti\ r 1111' \ 11• \\ t11 l>:tll ... 1' .,..,,,..,,1111 1l•HT\•\\t-.~ \.\ 11111··1 ..,, ,, ... 111t \\II h I h1 f .,.•fl\ltlJ~ ~1·f~o .Jnfll' l""'~ ...... 1.-u•I ,1 ... 1'-i. 1••101 ... 11 . 1111. 'I''' •1n, • dlJI• f• r 1 ;h.11:.11•·t .. uh ""k '"'th•• .., .... t ~,.,, 11 tt•""'t."' ''Jt Ii, ... 1•L•\•"1 ,., 11f'\ 1\1 •· ••I t "t~ fr H•ofl I ; ti:'• 1 Ii •l'• ti). Jtuftl 11 .... , n t11 :"'-oti..tk"' '"I'' ,, • ~'l'~· r •no•' ", ... ltt•f'fl ••• •t f ''ftl.-'•· .iOd "''" "t"·nt fl''''' of t.•1 ltfo·ttm• ''' 11 111.: ~'!•·•" JtAllJl l f•r '''''"'' "••• \.uui•\1lls tU" :111tl '"' \\ 11~ I I 1d1' ti Ill Ii>" lr4• •l1fu1n,tl rtr• "'II~ I'"''" 1111nl. ~h1 11.0\'l'I• cl \\tilt II• I l•·ot "nl<. Uttlll sh1• fl'itrmod 111 ~" • ,,, ,,,, r .. 1,,,, • •lrld tlu 11 \\ ,', I U•ll• rl 11!1 tu d • n1 n\• 01 ,,, , n•• r• ,,u,,.hl•' tn· \ lf ltnrl~t•flf f,,, H £:rd\\ lft~ i!lrl All"r a ('r111~·r :m11111111 ,,f "du· r.1 t llJll 'h" I in tit~ 'i:<•I ml" ttw- ,.,., .ftd Jl-4 lillw fattw-• mu~.•·•• , ._'IJGlllll1 -rm ._ t. ic.11"'-d ..., -~ •tm; .. .trt>r<Ut t!IJ ~ ...... ., »·-m...do ~ S-Ycint ~ ••• • ,. ,'11 1r ... lat~ F.-... ~ _:- ' "-d.tl~ \\"ndls.- Jn ,-.no• }~ -.. .._ ~­ l•l•nnr m HoO).....,.. ntAD a .j ,,.·un.: •' 1 h• rz c -P\.. '""'"' ~ ht-r --~nil.·· ,,,., r·~ bs1~ ,.,.._ A9tnit .- '" :O:«m CJf Olr Ttt0.• a r •I I ·1r -.t•'h ~ • 11.sy ~···t~ Hu •.olo1 ~ ..S NGl-rr-"~ >.!ffUlf'"' ~ ., flobtt.,. :'lloZ• ~ tJw ac.atwr C :\h.1') •• .,_., 00 a l~ -k ("I r · tnoM .llS ... toCoop ....... IKl 1111 M • ....., JO ( tr.UliClP ~ .._, ,_,. h1t.W mrw .._ pb· .. • d un 71 i prr CIPllil fl6 dllP toU1 t "m11d S•..a•..-s ~ ~ u" "'"' lfSllT lmB ... HS Opeta 'Th New Moon' HD&HS Arlop#ion Ageny Fire Tra1edJ Reunitea To S19' fslkr COOMhs, H..Os Funds lor Brother and Siater HOW DOES ClBBl8'11AN SCIENCE HEALf Atwoter-ICNf Wi•ner Orphan W effare CAMBRIDGE. M<&£S. (UPl-A tr a&ic fire that killed six JX'rs<>nl brought happiness to another fam· ily. The disappearance or ' o~anlc. and functional disease, as well ILi of troubll' In othl.'r fonns. is con- tinuaJJy recorded among thOM who. havl.' tumt:'d to Christian Science for help. ' • trQ 1ni; on 11.s drsrgn u a •• 1w-,;il and m~l bacliiround vm>: Jka<'h. tht> Ch IC {)pt>ra "...yof"\3 uon '"II pt"f'S('n t 1llto N ~ ~J ... ,n. h) Sigmund Rombt>rg. on \I •• \ l'i ;and 7 1n Polytt>ebnic H .:n "1Ctl'ot1I audJtonum ~ational }l~ ,.u k 1 th<> approprute 1-om~ foe tht' ;1.uona11on to ii~r , ,.:hi <11,1t'rA to ttw public. A 1• u.:hl)' nnc undertaking. ,. .. n• hJ. llf ('()-Ordinal~ .-rtort r , .• t..-. n • xpt>ndi-d to make thl' o vrtlld .. n PX.ample Of \\hat '.,•n.' Rrarh sinitt·rs can do \\'Ith •t. l11:h1ful m usical show. '11r ti f,.,nrllP h.it • son,rC as ::.. f•ly As tht> )tornlng Sunrise'.' 1, ,, • r r .JfN' Back to ~le.' ·on<' h. ,. \\'an11n1: )OU.' and "Stout· , .r1• d )ft>n' att all to bt> found • r-1• • '··r popular a.cort'. ~ -1h .. •r Coomt». a fint priu ~r• r nf '"-' ='ational Atwatl'r· K· n1 P~'ldlO Auditions. .;11 IX' •• ·,rt1 •rni:tn" I hf' principal roll' r \la.nanne ' Pia>;~ oppo5ite \' ... Cnr<flll'K 1~ Jay Moff<'tt: a 1 r rrt<tnl: ynuni: haritom• who 111 .· .•t. n:: for s:Tand ()p('ra . ry., ll\tC Opna auociation i.s , ri n pnit11 l'lr1tanization de\'OIN f11m1•hin1: a 'IA'holt'5ale outll't Ir •I · dra matic talf'nts of Long P~ ,, ' ;;mati>ur th<'spians and •• n.:• r• fJ'ldfors in club and .,..,,,.,. r1iCTf:s~ busl'rK-ss Rk'n and "• •m· n h<>USf'Win•s. and many 'I"• re from all 'IA·atk.s o( life. -r ,11. up thr cast o f Sigmund P, • .n.1-rc·~ ='-)foon.' 'Th·· :o-;.-w )toon· Is being st~­ ' ·I ilntf dJr('(.'ted by ro-dirt"Ctors I • n 1ltl ~ JonM and. \\·a)-ne L. }f0tirt' •'ho tui,·e followed the 1 • · h<" of the-Cl\ ic {)ptt a asso- '1 .. 11•1n •• using singtt"S from 1, r.: RPacll and thP 11urrounding .,. d ouncil Pot0ona Campus Club Meets Tlturs. at S. A. Thr Orange' County council of •'' Woman's Campus club of I m .. n;i coll"fl:e LS ha\'ing tbt' Sothlnl? Is more pathetic 1hnn the pliaht of a homl.'lcu ch1l<l •·hich shouJd be suft1c1ent reaso~ for all i;><'rsons to support thl.' prevailing fund drh·I.' of I he S atiw Son11 a nd N11t1\'c Oauith· trrs .Adoption agl'ncy. But aitldt> fr.om t.hil impdlln& mo.tivatlon • there ar<' man}' other poin1s to rccommf'nd this worthy philan- thropy f"or 3A yeai:a-the Native Sona Rnd Oaughtt'rs of the Golden A n('wspap«>r story of lhe Cirl.' here, wl)ich told of a h<'roic fire· man. was rf'nd 1n• Philadl'lphla by Frank Kilfoyle. It n)&Jltionl'd the name of a Ureman. Harry KHfoyle. Frank, who had ht'<'n spcnrated 44 ye111'11 from his slsi(.r, Wr-ole Harry and asked ii he happened to know •any Kilfoyles in Boston. Harry s..id ht> did and.contacted Mrs. lrenl.' IK!lfoyle) Ml'<'han. who turnro out to lw Frank's long·lost sister. W t'St hll.''<' opcrat<'d their sympa- lhf'llc:illy admlnlst<'r<'d adoption project. 'Illey have placed 7547 hahies In thoroughly m vestlgat<'d fMter homes and have hell>"d rnorl.'. than fi~e times that many f'motH>flnlly dl$jurbl'd molhf'rs to Ch A ton or gnln t'an bt' consumed in a year by 20 rats . The method or such overcoming of difficulty is pra) l.'I' -a spintu- wly scientific manner of thinkinc ba!lt'd on the teaching of Cllrtst J esus. • Whal tins prayer is and how a nyonl.' can understand it and utte 11 eftE'<'t ually in acc.,rd!u)ce with h•~ nt"l.'d are fully explained ·m the Olri$llan Science tl.'xtbook, SCIENCE and HEALm wlUt K ey to tbe fkrtpture. by Mary. Baker Eddy keep and rear their own childrl.'n. ('llt s upport. It is llct'ns<'<I by On only three occasions in ihat thl.' State Board of Social Wei· This 1-emarkahl<> book. other 3A--)·ear i;><'rrod, ha\'l' thl.' Native fare to condu.ct adoptions. And works by Mrs. Eddy, and aJI other Sons and Daught<'rs app('81<'d for all contributions go townrd thl.' uuthorizcd Christian Sdencl.' lit- puhlic su t B r _ ... b relic! -of-.homclcn California l'raturc may be read, borrowa .. , or . · ppor · ut a._ru >' ris-babies and their moth<'rs. ~" mi; rosts of baby-care and a n 1>0r<::l\aS('d at 1he Ouistian SclC'nce <''·er mounting ck>mand for ser-Every youngstt'r is l'ntilled to Rl'ading Room. 11 l PaJm Street. ~1tt oceasioned hy lht' lllate's thl.' rights and prt\'tlecl's of child-BALBOA. populntlnn lnCTt'llM'!I, they find It hood. Let's help hy writing Open to thf' public at the fo}. checks payahic 10 the Nativr I • h 1 5 m'C<'S.'>llry to ask nt>ighbors and owmg ours : 10 p. m. wt>ek friend!\ to help bl'ar thl'ir rc· Sons and Nati\'e Daughters days 1•xcept holiday:. nationa lly ob- sponsibility. Adoption Age ncy, Inc., and mail· served . By placing .J:>abl('S in rf'S('ll'<'t . Ing them to the agf'nt'y's office First O..un::h of 0..rii:t. Sdcn. abll' homt•!I, th<> _ag<'nrv hel"!' to at 3924 SunsC't Blvd .. Los An· !b l. Nt'wport Jknch 3303 Vii J ,... i;el~ 27. L' I rt'ducc (>OtC'nt ial jU\'l.'nile delin-;'---------------:--:lc:o:.====-:.::J.1 _____ _ ~nat·r~ii~·=n·:°'~~~~~'ft; PROFESSIONAL J DIRECTORY Laguna Playhouse fealures 'Double Door,' Intriguing Mys#ery 1 ____ D_A_Y_SCB __ oo_L ____ 1 PBY81CIAN8-8UKOEON8, 11.D Mortimer School Ml 09nl AYe.• Balllloa bl. DAY SOllOOL NOW OPEN .. &. ••TDmL .. A., ..... ......... ...... .. Pyschological m ystery is the theme of tbt' next offer ing of the Laguna Beach Community ~ayen. "Double Door.'' by Eliza- beth McFadden, starring Dana ·--------------1 Jones, Sheila Watao, Marilyn D£NTJST8 Kt-rct'K'val. and Joe Coleman, will he given at the Laguna Playhouse "Double DoOr" wu 'IATiUen for Syble TI'lomdykt-who starred In its London sho~;ng Mary Mor- ris and Ann Reveere appe11Ted In the production in this country. Mlss Morris revived "Double A. V. Andrews, M.D. PBY8IOIAN ... 8UKOEON 'l l CANla& lllc'twa.J. Bartlw Ill · Ooroaa clel Mar Ii. R. H~ M. D. Houni: 2-5, by Appolntmeont T~ll.-U.. Ill Bl'Olloll-:r Coeta lileu T:r J'uera.1-Spra)·a - ....... -Freell Cut Flo•'el'll T.O• AnJ:E'f~ -- N•·" rh;11rnw11 11ppo111trrt '' • r•· P.fr• Erlm1 \\';ill1111:rorrt ()( Snnta An11. ru•h 1·h:11rn111n, anrt ~fr~"" < ·11in 11111•t.11" ;fr Jl"atli<•ll hi.anti, 1111hlln•> ,.;~i':i'ft:~5'.::::;,;.::_ ____ '.f.r n • mn'1111R in thr lounge of ·tt. F t>.>11 rluh ii1Santa Anaon Tl •ir...d.'l\. ,\pr1I 19. at 2 p.m. Door'' d\ving the las1 war end Tl Dt'caml' \'N'Y popmar--on tti USO circuit. GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.8. !Ill We.t O..tnl .,..._ Bartlor Ul-.1 MDt.oa IL Maxwell, M. D. llOl C-t "1!'91 Corona dt'I Mar rr...-r&a: DEUVDY U:UABLE PROMPT llEA80'S MU.I; FRANK "Be Flx'9 Thin~" GM ...... 0\'Pft ltfculat.on, HMe.n. Doo,.. A At-..-. llrollra oa- IMtalllnc Loc.-ka, l:C.C.. NO JOB TOO SMALL .......... ~ ...... ....,,., .... Co,_. "" Mar nNE FABRICS • Dnl~tiH • U~tt'ry • ~Uni • Hand prints & dre11s fabrics. Unln& -Qutlttnr . t-tt'. .. PHONE HARBOR 20!M-J-K 823 C.O..st Hlghwoy Corona de! Mar Lido Isle Yacht Club To Open .Season With Dinner Dance Lid•• l!ll•' Yad11 duh 1,; hold1n1: lhl'ir rrr~I c11111wr rt:inC'f' nf ttw ~r11son tln Fnd11). l\111y 7 RI 1hr Hnml'l<Ml Rnom, Ha\11<111, with Thomus Jonl'll. entertainment ch111m111n. In t•har~<' and Anita ~Afhn us c-1th'r 1•r Tht~ ",.,.k 1•ncl of '.\l..i~· ){.!f will '''"" .,.,, lh1· c111e•ntn1t i;f'ri1•s or '111· ln1r11.(')ul1 rlil'•·~. ~atfl'd rrnm I.I\'(" \l lth S11111rrtnr rn«M -.uu1- rn1: 111 t I'm .11111 Sunli.1) r,tf,'"s 111 to ;lit "rn Motor Corps Honors I Retiri~9 Chairman 1 lonorrni: 11w1r n•1 lrlnc r hair· man, Mr• ''""'" n Sm11h. m<'m- ht·n; of lhl' R1·c l <'ros!t M o t o r cori"' nwt al 1111• hc1111e• of Mrs Harn t~11rtl••r. tif.1 Clllf Dr\\'(·, :--:1•\\ 1•1r1 lll'11oth I• Prol•ll'm~ 1• 1 t11111rni:; 111 t h" 1\h1111r t"orp.; '"'r" d•~(U~~"I a nd 11rrnnc•·nlt'nl" m:uh• f11r th•· new F'irsl Aul •'Piii'~•· "h11•h ~l1tr !s t•'· OLIVER Termite Control Co. 1 mchl 111 ll,t1l1 .. 1t hlantl f11 t· h.111 \\ 11 h H.1lph Hnmfrl ns 111•1 nrrtl'r ' I l •tn!tl'I'' 11ri• h•·ltl on l\lonrt.t y anc\ Local Rt>frrrncl.'!' \\'t'ClrwsclRy •'"'nines anti :1r1• tr,.,. F 0 s ... 1111 1111• II .. ,, fl • State Ucen.<tt"d Con1rnctol'!I ~ Vou !Wn 1'-fo for Paat I ! VNn" Un9us Ur pecialty Tlw 11 1trmi: 1•11:urman ":!~ pn·· 416-·HR \\' 1'.t ~t 1':1ntn An:i l'• nlf'l1 \\ llh I c1 t1 in .1ppr.•1·1.tll•t1t ft•r ht·1 ic,,, • r ti '••:.r~ "' ~r1 'u~-.1 -·-N .. \\ l'h1t1rm1111 ·~-'.\llll \ 1\IH'• \\·all.• I 1•f H,ilh"" l!>l<tlltf Gt'O J ohnl'on. Mni:r PhoH Sa.nta Ana 89M ... ,.,,. An •• , ... ., ,.,.. , IEW Htl . SU.H ltSTll .. JO 11 llSllllTll U.11 IUlllT . . U H CllUH. • JlH llllUPlllS U 15 l&IW Cln JUI IEW tllUIS JUI ,._ ,_..#..--' r- A~ll\eftel k"""• .,. 1-4 Tri p '•••• --,• L ·---.•. -.....-..-f ~,;w rut11ons for !outb~ni ..,... ,nru anti hf'nrf', nf'sl ~ummrr . .,..1 _, mnn• \a.rl .. tl th.in In many~·­ :\ 1•w \ nrk l1t>tlirn{•rf• haYt' ("TO'at..d l'l~y.-l•1t II··~. ~l·N•t11·or drt-tt-~ a.a d 1l11u··· •ll ••,!t•~ 1h:t1 •r-..... ,ra •fl l" tlll s:: to ~ (onu • 1 ., "'"'° •''' '!11111• , .. ,,, .. lull Pl.111• a.nd 1-11J l'P !l',. ltl ~·· t • lllll.11 t• fllh ~II. FIJaJ~ __,.....,., • ....,.. '\.,-9 t ·~ •• \\ , ,,. '.. ~tt"!t•'-' 1 • • ... : ~.,,.. I' It l ''' "' t \# •t•"''"" rl••') , ... , ,,, ... -·· ,. • ~ -. t t • I I ft•'• ' f.llf• ·' 11111• ,, '•I 1' 1' ,. IU ~ I 11 t • \ l 1l t ' j • l.1 •I 1111 1 . . .. " I ' t•t J'lt r h• J • I I I I I 11 ' I~ ' • • I \ ti 11 .. .. .. ' •I I f I I ~' 1 ~ t ,, I\\ I f•t •' •• I ... ~ " . \ I ' 11. ··- •111 ..... " ~1 • ~ I \ •• 1 t • • • I ~· 1 • c t. \• ~ ~. :· '' -'-.. .. ••• 'I •• ! • l • .. · .. - ' n... ... 1 •r 11.-nr~ Cord )ft>ytt. pt"<>- •, ""f .. 1 h1•1"~ .. ,11 "'Jlf'ak. and ' • n-u,wal prlll?"l"am will IX' •1 \ • n h\ f'"mona \olll'j:P !'tfusical •I· p 1rtm• n1 cfuMnt!!. Luanna I' ·••I '"'"•"' R•'n(jr ll \\·~1. a<'· nir ,~,.1 and ~.l> Int Lorr . nohn· t<t. \ f t1··ntl• • ,r PClfl'lonn Nllll'~(' •'-' "· I . " m "'m h " r c of t ht• 1·11T ; •• tit. a r<> in\'llM'I to t'n· .!''' •h ; r •.:r am 'IA1uch hai; bc>f'n .1rr 1r_·, 11 h> ::\h "· R. E. Stein· r-re. r 1 ... .,,1 ch:iirm;m. Thf' audi<'ncc will mcl't Vk- toria \fan Rr t't, rulinl! fore<' In an old fAmily, who stops just Newport 8-rJa shori nr murd<'r to hreak up h er '--------------' yount:•·r brot hl'r'i: marriage. '1"h1• duubie door 10 tlw srcret room "tit k•'<'P }OU l;Ul'SSll11! until thr fmal rurtam." sa)s \\'1'6s Densmor•• t:ilC>nlt'd dirl't'tnr a t t hf' Pin) hous£• MORTUARY BALTZ MORTUARY LADY A'ITE!\"DA.NT '10 Cout Bltray Ooroa'a del Mar Public Schools Week no.e.11.arbor •.2 (Day aad Nlcilt) Ho#ecl by Or9anizations OPTOau:rJU.ST om~ Hours: i-0-12; 2-5 "'-Barbor 108% S. R. Monaco, M. D. _ 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Rartlor Ji2t Office Houn;: 2 to Sp. m. Moodlay tllroa&il Frtcl97 I . ' l1rl1Klay$ ObserYed !'AN FRAN\ISCO. April 23.-~-----------­ The 291h annual stalt'-widl' ob-E. T . Butterworth, 0 . D. Conrad Richter, M. D. I Wlten Balboa Circle · Mee#s Wiilt Presiclen# lll'n ·11nC•' of Public Schools Wcf'k, 0.,C.0-tn.t ll<'i:inninit Monday, Apnl 26 h as SYE8 EXAMINED won rommc>nd11tlon and the l&NllJ:ll DUPLICATED promisl' of activ<> parlic1pat1on -....,.. _,.....,.. ,_DI Bo•Jte· 9:30 ~ m. -12 M., 2:30 p. m. -4:30 p. m. !908-C W. Central Newport 8Mcll Pboae Barbor UGI 1 •11.'1 \f"4 -.c .,._ -r~ ...... tr: I ilUl Fttlt"'" ("1rdt• mrl \\tth th•' · •· -'•"'-·n1 '.\Tr' S•<'ptwn \•:,•a thrr· from two o! California's maJO· r 1111 w. o.e..1 .t-:' ,.._ m-Mr •u ' DWPO&T l&ACll wom<'n'i; ol"ganizations . PllYBICIAN8-8UBOEONri-D.O. 111. aml mrmtx·r.-donat•·d nrar · h 111 lh·· mon<'y n~csary for I rurlr'~ i;harf• in 1 h•• st airwd &: • ..,ndo\\ wl)tch lh" W SC S. ~ ::1~,m: IO llw he"' church. t\!' pr··~tc1<•nt uf 1h<' \allfvrnia Frorrn1 1on of Wnm<'n's clubs. )1~ .J C Brnclhury or Modt'sto T. Nl:WPOKT BARBO& has ur1:<•d nil m1•mbf'r clubs lo w. ~ Mooney VJ:'l'EalNABY BOU'ITAL obser\-r Public St'hools WC'ck hy ..,..._........... Bonoe Putrer, D.V.11. h .rthd 'l},. ".:re hnnnrnd, two n l.." ho tn1! hroui.:hl in. ·•n<' ft15r. ~-'IA tth ,,r;,\\h••rrtt><. thl' c1h.-r tC)f'f't'd •-11h CAndlMI 'Jllr&• hMl- or•'fl Wl'f'C' ~F"!' J K F:llioH '"''"•IMTII . pr('!lido.·n t of thl' w.s: <" 5 ;\In: Wr :ithrrf••rd. "'.\lrs. Ranw>ft ;md )!l~s El-11• :--;l'" lantf. tho> laftt>T I\ ~Jlt'<'Hll Cll•'"I from ~-port \irrlr hanni: approprialt' prni:rams. X-RAY ...-aJ O. BaieMr, D.V.ll. .... I · a IMllJ. ll>Cll. laa. a nd hy attcndini: thl' m n n y 14-Bour 8en1ce 101! 8.E. Meea Drtft <''-"nts 10 h<' h<>ld 1n thl.' schools. ... ,. <Jeatnl Ila.rt.or 48 tlOM'A ..... Mrs. ,!=:amut't' \ l\tny, or BC'rk<'-1 BOl!p. a-. 8071; a.. Bar. "9 lry, presid1·nt of thr ~oi;iuo of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\'nmt'n \'nlt•rs (If C'nh fornin. has n S ext mN'tmi;: 1A11l lw al th" homo-of )I~ ll:irn .... )111,i. :..~• JU.ct 1!<~1wtf a slat<'mrn t congrat- ulaiini: 1h1· California Lodi!" of )lflson~ on t hf'ir spnnstltsh1p of Puhlw !',.hnfll~ \\\•1.'k a!' a w1•1J. 11l11nnt'd >tnd 1mpnrtan1 contrrhu- 11nn 10 tht' Wl'll·\>t'ing Qf lhl' t;l:ll(' Here ·s Help For Lil tie 14,olk To Breakfast !\lore Quickly I \ E"O• tJMi Motber •bo complalaa lo• IChOOI aae call on ener11:1 tbat ~ ·•1 JIM!aplel' 1t•pl1 doeea't mut be furnished bJ rood In tb• .... U.. a. •t ~ut". llm'• •onitnc. Sebool aa• children can· • ...-. ... •er! Mak• ~DP aot belp bat falter ID attention and .-y ror tlloet' Ullle '8.941 bJ com· sta!fJ If tbeJ hue not been 1utn-...... -coe,_ wllere•er poulble. clentlJ' breallrutt'd with from a '1 eltalaatlq Ole .... , tlm~t••· fourth to a I.bird of their da1·a .. tMiC -lie "-kfut _m _ a 1 attde4 outr1ent.1 at the morning f"Jld IO a JO'lflP(S ~ to ,et aNL .. to ~. or ,t.1. Rl!'l9 U1e bot I A• 1bown In tbe plrture abo•r. pP9.... • .. at C~ .. topped 8 <'blld'I brea.kfHl Cl n be t!rNm· wtt.11 ..,tcoU. eombCola1 tb• fnalt llned In ""log ao that It preeente ... ~I ('Ollnl lll oee eeay-t~at tbe food la a fuhJon euJ to ut. ..m.._ TIM corwm-1 mumn I• 1 lllanJ fnall ud cereal comblnatlone ..at. •ttett4 ... apr... w1lll jam. that apeed ap Ule eattn11; ot tbe .. all ,...,. to u L Cocoa'• ,...., IM (Ollr-wllJ naaeat tbemeel"''· ,..._. and an Jogecb«. 1;1119 .. 'I'll• bread coa,... can bt' cboten for . .. ~llnH a pecllet of nalrt· compact .. t.tq-roll buttert'd- ,.._ 1Dr • c:IUld'• __. .... 1 u IMlttere4 tout cot In eutl1·man- ,_ ~ 1.._ I _..,,.. .-. • ._,. ~MC.' ac•h • ptecea. etc. u J111t:• Lii th• ._ a eMW ..,.ctallJ ... .,. lf i.a fnJt coerw. It OA8 be dnDll rtchl .._, ,.. a pot un ta tlM aJoac wltl Uae c.real eoane. In· WWW , 8 .Alilft ,.., M ..... .. ...... ol ..,.. .. Mparata17. -. ------ OFFICE SUPPLIES • Here you'll find all the items you need-for efficient office work. Our modern equipmen+ soffers a safe, prac;ttca.l and economical investment in bet- ter work. Come in and see the helps we have for you today. Commercial Accounting Forms Typewriter and School Supplies Pens -Pencils Filing Supplies Note Books Stapling Machines Newport Harbor Publishing Co . I'1el>l1,,hc11 1•f Tl.c Daily News-Times 8011 W. C't'ntn l T.-1. Harbor I'.! and 13 • -- T ---- t~ I ............. 0 t l<":: fl ....... Al l"<'t't• :\1111 th<' t'OUI pri:' di:-'C :;tul pre· wal ent1 rep coll rar prh enc ma. gal la'' 0 1' t ha t'l'i for cl ('~ ati• wit vk po (•l't 1:-- tur (' ::t ~()l frc lit· pr 111• rl (' it:: I a t () m a th t Ii TELEPHONES: llA.&BOa n. 11 A.~D !ti Jbl.shed ev~ry day, Monday throoah Friday, by Sam D. Port..-r and Lucius S. SmJth, lD, owners and operators or th.., Newport Harbor ~IW11n'I C'o. • VOL. XL Start Buying Them Now YMo's AntM> c:1 Tie 61G, 6AD WOl.P': I ~Ill WITH U. ~. Sf CURIT'( LOAN e>c>NDS A PRIS.ON WITHOUT WALLS ,. \lit: 7 ,,, * DREW PEARSON L1t..Ulo .... \'~·II v( l!hlll..t1S s1t0k .. , •II ~i.:"n"I t h<' f"""to&I •·m~t' nn9<'. '""''n>drnw: th..\t i:"~l'rnmf'nt C'\.IO'IS • ,, 1. , A· to on .nd , "l"°ftli<1 "',.,..., I 00 U C'IA I :\ t •• I ,. •• ' '* I "' r ' i •• l"•---nl unw ''' "',11TMlt ralf· r ... 1 ... • l•'f" I"-,, f~ , ... , ,.,,. • .J,.-pc1r·tn'll'nl W.\~l ll:SC';T11S -'l:m.-. lrom 11w '""T••I R1·1"1hlw.s.n 11•-.N .-~.l >'II:-J\1i.; ti• llJI• 1•\'•'T ft'tltT .ti u<f '· 1.11 , n 11\'""-"' \\ 1 It m II ~t. \•·n~n u f \\'18<'\•n· ...:. JI , 11 I< 1 r J ,v .. ,n r> ,,.,.d hil•t.•nn"I\ \! trtin "' ~ ,.,.,_ It ••n I •"IT t iult lh,11 Ill!' l'\>SI J•.-.. d ~ t "h c.I '" 1n.: h 1• I:•'"" 1111 "h1l" th•' >-• "'1, '"' ,.,. .. " 1r. .,...._., '" ... ofltr~•I du.au~ I• .,\, 1 If •!I•.-~.-~-'-h '• i.; "JI"' Flrrt "'' rn11•t • r Ind• .n • ~ , •• ,,___._ i u • ·•. '' , ... ~r ... h:" ,, ..:1•n•· J '-f, n....,. "',..,,.,... .Jt• .n-.t ,.,,,,: ......... "' l'-'•' tlu "'•' ,.,. 111 •• • • mS thl' 1• t ,, "" ,1 ••l•I I. ' 11 , • .,.1:11 r·nt· ""'i• •J\•1 .. \lt•r "~ .,.,, u t ~.· 1• \••" .,,.t. :rtt•n•\ "' t• ..:•'Hl.,: • r ti. " ,, •1 I• II I• pl• rl , • • • ,_, ·•, tn '·• I'• t.\ tt•' u1du,tr\ .. 11m. Id• '•• r ,I,. 11~ 1 .. ti.--If. .m1n•l·<1 \ llf"• 11 tit 11 lw 11 .. n ~n.t 1•·•• d I " r .,.,, t ,f ' •• ,1 f, r t•'"'' 11 I •\ 111\.• ~ C lrh• I I :• I It 111• J 1dn I I.I..• ''>•' m11.i~ "'" \\!11•1• 11n..: '"1' ... • :l.I •rl Ill 11.tll• I I. I'" ,p, 1 .... 111r••4l h1' I t.111·h. :-.:. J"l"'., f • 'I"-•"· I l\l'f I "·''" 111 ""' 11:0. m<1ro"•l• ti t" .111~on. '"h •l ho •hnrrlr1 ,.,. ,h,.ultl ""' d" I ,..., .. .,.. .,1. Ot.•f , ....... ,, ... " n " \--, 1. ~,_..,. ('Hn\u·l .. >fl.!' \1•'111•h lo lho 1. wh· , .. p;1~ l•1l1 r•-m..ii--11i:h th l1ln1, k"I 111 '""nm1111,... I•) Kr1' F1 "' lla nt.) .. 1 '•" J,.,...' 11 •. r11<.h1 •I th. T ,11 II ,rtl.' lei '"'' 111 u h11rn 11111 no1 I'·"' ,,.,. 1• ... t Taff'., .\c·~- I .. n.:it1:t••1ou-.. ( ··•n1·r.~'"',." .-, • •t I),,., ~mllh nf ( •h1n ltr•d .4 h!Ji<1I :ir tlw ·1~r1 • l"lt.·ndt r -\\'acno"I '"'""'".: i.111 11 c.a C-·"11mun•"' m• ... ur .. ," 'I'll"• r•od ~rnilh "\\',·!!. "" r• :ill •-n•ttlf'd tn fCJr t•p1n1nn<." rl'!11r!"11 • thw-1"< r ........ £,. "'"''' .. "ll•ll 1h1 .. 1• th<-fif't •1~ l kn•" thc•i rt.•hTiJt ''T"'fl""' •" Iii•· hill• ".« A ('• ·mn11mi<1 Tl , 1· .. 1111" h• '"hod ' . ,. "' ~ \!1 ... w,f I • Jlitl I \of, I f1101•'fi 111 :-.,."" • tv·tt .. t :I .-:" lt11trlt• " , rn full 11 .... ··n,•itut.11 ,..,-,s,.1 • ~htn&f• d ie..~tn• ''"•• '"''1 th• i. m r--.q r '.llme-d \\ ""' ,1 R·"~ fl11!0•) ,.( t •kl.•· t_. , \\r rn='k,. 1 m1 .. t ak•• "h"'•l' "''" •T tn&:u \\0t" J'l•I c1••n'I "~1nl t ;& t.!•• .... ,,11(\rf tf Th•• '• ... m, Tl'•' fl,• '"''""""'" l'"r'' l\Jh th•· ,.,,.,r1t11•11t'•' •'If ,,,._ l""'f'!•' I '"'I"' ",. w o n't Cf'I '""' '.ln• "r .• n..:I• '" Ill""' ''"'' ,...,.,wt."'' - t·~sUU•ic t '"""' ,-t..->11 • fl••r 1t··· ~····I~ ftr,...,.n .. n11•btn•~t rh.ll rhf' 1:r:inll ,.;rf 1"-"lrl\ " 1• 11•1! m .1ki11i:: Ill' II< m tn-1 •<n ""'""' I • •\. 1 .. •'n •1tt m i: o n !hi' f, .,.., ", 1 .. nc .. i:n1111hll'cl ~''"l' · Jlr .. •n .. ,h,r nn ""a' I~ !:""'"!! ~ 1-.-nr l 'r...tlt f'· "IT "" ... "'""' r\ • 1•hr••f "r•·rl1t I• r ~ "·''' ,. ,c 1;:1 ,.f th•' T:ift- t 11. ~, \\",, . .,. r 1 .. 11 \\tt1rh '\Ill , ..... .,, ... I••\\ '"""""' .... ,.,,, ht•tt'•fl\! I 1;11)' 1 ... -... i•r f"tl'lr li.· 11 ,;).,'4; f, ., ''""'''"' .. ,. ...... 1 r.111111' .... 1•1• ult •I \\11h ,..,.,11. -,_:u."" n.• t•• n th..~rt• ,, t ~\• \• •r" ... n,., ·1r• fPr(1•· ,,,11 ... •tUI ••f t"llfTUDJt1t • 1,, t~•l r ='·"~•'""""' 411.u l•' Tn lw •\ tif l ,,.·runi: d 1 .... h •rt.·· 1• 111 .,~ •11• ,,,. II "°' r••r· "" ,.11,,.,r 11.•h 11 ... 1 r· r. fl'l11 •• !<• marrannr. T ••• ( , ''ll• r: ''"" F h n1h I• .. r '°111•''• '' """' "ho· i:o :\T'ctnd ·: " .. • rd r .. , .... ,;i, ,111)111 Ill. . 11111 l"""""~I u•h "'"'n d1«rh•n:· <::1 .rkmtn ,4 \l thim• The Fox Va ev ,a 0 1'. ew~.11 A l ll'(H'CI. tn()J!', 1·•i1i11n<"m .. ·1n4'(IJl •ll·•·k rml.'· '"'" ,;;~.;,,,.... ""'''"' hol\\ llfl•· rN·t·ntly ran a lett'er quotin)! the Yil'w~ of ('harlt•:-; •l tt-,,,, "n rtw ""'"'")'11<""'" '"'" T • .t .. > ""' "'"' t•• i:•, ,1.,. )lor~an. thr distinguished En.1.di:-;h n<ffl'ii:-t . on what "I ''1P•"' ... i h.· i:· ntt.-m:rn •' h'"1• 1 ...... m.· ,.,,. ,,,,r ... 111 .. r ,,,,. It.ink . . f h L b l . h. ini: ·11 ""'-" in 1• rru1•1"d lndl'\n • • in.-'°'' •'llrT• n•-.. r.m1rn11l1"'. the )'OhC tf':::: 0 t e a 0 1" ~()\'('1'11n1ellt ell'(' ( 01111{ tu I!' Ftl :\t11dv ll lit· 11l•·1td<-d cwlt~ 1 .. •hlrll ti• h"afl~ .\lm•"'I •'tJIHll r11untry. The people of En~l and, he wrote, "are in a • 1rf'11humi: ,..., 1• 11•1nn '" .:• r •ho ,...,..~, 1 .. 1,.,,i:• ,,, F t.ind•·r .. ~ho pri>11l1. It i:; at the moment a pri~on of ju=-'t endurable m .• rJ.?:ifllk tn 1•111 toUI (.( ,,,.. 32"· rl\..11rm:•n"" ,, lhl' ~11h-1•omm1111 •• J OE PA LOOKA . S\\ t:ATINH IT ot•T "ltS.OOC, LISTtW -t\'t ""' ro ~ ni SCMf CM Snc.5 ~ "1LO< ..OV.O 'ICU IM°" ._, ... n« 5"0W ICllllQoll r -W!((li~ -.. *~ n rtl pwt rw ~llll'llll!OIC'fl«, ·~ •l'll(Htll!I. Cill1'< \t i~ ~l.ntfl'ltf I ,....,.,,""' ('(\IAl(S l ./ Ml I eAAO(>lllj • )-- f A I• f h th 11 d «ul!Urt' tv•mm111' .. · Rut. f'J\apprd and •h<• l••a mo•d "''h T;ift in GORI)() (ll·s.·com 01·t c 1scom 011 l at ey wou < en ure ., _._ 11 1 .__ , 1·111 , 11 ,,., •• ""'"" ·' rln•" ·· ""''''" '™' '''T°) JW"}-t•l.>t""mit l.c.r m1n11i.-,,ff,1rls hy ' ' · · :-;tubb.ornly enOUj:!h if endurancti ufferec} them a pro~ pll' whn hn ll•--r•-d alY>Ut '' •f"'n' tho r~I ,,.,11,,. 1•4oh~ to i:ut thc-•.-:•mi·---... pC'ct· of freedom. No :'uch prn:-;pect i=-' offered. The ttw \l·r~· '"" ~•"' 1urn1•'CI th• i...=~u1 .. >n 111.tE OP SMORLY II f th . I . l b I th f i::un :ind s11:lW"d a rlf'tll""1 with ~11C1dcm:1n ~.,.. II r•1ll;ir nr T•MP&.ff-·T1wi' ~o \\'a =' 0 e pnson c ose m ( ay y ( a~·: e ace.a 0 lhr· 0.'mON"lttC for •11.~IUU? REA ''r• ne •h "". fho• ()o-nl•'4'T:\llC" ~lfl<· trH 09 i.i..o ~ET l./OVIZ enterpri:-e shrinks.... tn.iral •'l"t'tnl i<'atll'fl admrnl!'1nt· ~ •a~ .S.>•Hh Cart1hna's Rurm·t ltj.,IZ DONt.Jf "There is no incentive to bold un <lertakinj!s ex-lmn I a )1f>r<>r.-iatkons-··.:,·. )(;nhan~ '"h<• it1d >•·u m:1n !<••rvirr £ • ry rrwmhrf' has· tht" ndlt to do hnin~ Ufl r)rmo!M":irw 11uppor-f rep a heartless propaganda which urj!es all dogs \\h;,I hi' plt'u..'5:· JOOlhPd Hal· hn•h '" rnmm1tfr{' And nn thl' collertiYely t o jump the moon while keepinJ!' chained LN"k '"But r bC'11"·H' •n pan~ «· nn... 0 ,..m .. n:u~ Altwn narkl••y Pach doj! with a !'pring 0 1' heart in him .... The im-canmllion I •ou.ld ,_..,. Sfl?Yl "' Ktt1rudo. ~ll;'lff' mlnnrlh 11 I . a dl'<("harl(I' pP11110n m )'M'lf •• , ... adtT. and ~Ill LUCM nr Jlli-prisonment is a inc USIV{'. • • . IMllN__... G. fl. P . ....._,. "'~ al~ 'trut'k ~ !l'lh'nf "There i!' rio property not subject to capture. no Aui:ust Andn•s .. n of Mtnnnota t~ , .. •ar Vf'I!' and nth••r11 ,.,. endowment that may not be seized; no contract that ramt" 111 lat" Hf' had ~ •tw-ra0it ,......,rct .,,. '~ housinit sh«raa .. bl. to kl'("p mitrearinf' · undtT •~' d unn« ttw Ocior f11.?hf I ( may not be over-ridden, and no governmental o 1-hnndai:-". t.u1 tw-stanrct ,.,., rir:ttt 0n ,,_. hdrbir·· ~•fir. ,.,,. ,...,1ors gati on that may not be indefinitely postponed. The a-.·11y. n<>f knowiru: nf Mlt<'hrtr~ "' rtw-rpal rctalP lohby •m· <"•r· ..... .r::.rtte£.~~~:::~cci I law i!' s.o riddled by decree that i~ cannot be known rrmarko: rwd .,, G" p ~'OlllOr'1 .r .... Ml'· ('URLY ' f b b "SurTM' nf th<' R"f'Ut.llMI R" ,_,.. C011r1hy o r W tM'On<im :rnrl Ha rr ), KA YOE \:'Ii \( C "fl\l\IOU \l'I Jl.tl (11 ,. oi· rlebated .... Today it is s.a er to e a ureaucrat hc-lpmi: 10 put V''ff ,.,_1 °' ,..,. ca'" n1 w a .. h1ni:t•1n r1111h h""'"" than a maker. and the young men know it. A':' the m11ri:arnw 1:nt>S: ht ~t.lrd In ..... aa .. r <n:arn:<I lh•' '"m:·Nlnr:• rriling of opportunity comes down. they will be "Tha • will ""'~ ht-Ir 1n.· ~ou•ti&rn p 1t.11e ~i:srni.: flMi;ram 1; o '' j • · h · ff n 111on Iv"~ TI\.· nolf"l.....-n d.itlf" ~ n.trr,r J"m•~ J.;•·m nf \11~•nirr r forred to stoop lower and lower over t e1r o ice •··~" ha,.: "'""·a~' 1 ...... 'T'I 1n. p., :\M s1-"'"rt 11 •• 11,,11,1 •• r ..-1nrn1a {f'AwN) 9uT IF CURLY DCl'n 'ETIRf ... I'll H.AVf TO FIGMT ~I~ -.AND l WjXJLDN T MURT CU~lY FOil TME rrAWN) WO'tlO! A CMA1'1P MU~ Ill WILLING To TAKE ON ANY CONlfNOflt ~lff,Y­ ANO I 'LL &! IUAOV 10 TAKI de:'k~ and to think of nothin~ but their !'Ubordin-pu lilu·an .. frwnd' anrl t-..r. ~·--IW"fnOo'Tat. lliO\t• 111 .. rn \lj(llrHll•I :ltiOn. . . . ;.ro Miiian.-th< rr thr.,'11• 4Uppllfl I ~.J • t ' · \11!(·h II ,._,n."1 11 r--• 111 '"'' \t ., .. ,. 11•111" "f'J••n• ti" 11~ocialis.m , as now interpret~ •• I:' compe 1t1on rh'1ni:1-d ...... rmnd ...... i1a:ht ... , ..... ""°''"I: '''" tf• h:inkmi.: wit hnut pri ze~. boredom without hope. war without "''"""n""', Fr .nk h .. 1. rr ..-.-i. ""'' .... ,,.,. '" ~ 111.mm;•n ·"'";. Yirtnr~-. anrl ~tatil'tics. without enrl .... It i:' not only "' -•P1• .. 1 ,, r · """'""' .,,,,,.,,""1 ,, .. 1..... .., "" '": ••• """ ",, r ' 1 I f I b t 11 rl t t . .. ,.n1'.-.:u.:u• ... \\ h11 \ U\• ft ,. t •• , ~1· , •...... , ... r. "''~ • .,,.~.ti J 1 .. n .... 1• ,,r•t 111tt po 1t1ca y a s.e u mora ~· ~:-rue l\·e. .,,1 1111,r-~• 1,,.,,,., ,.. ,1• ,, ">1:••1 .. r '""' 1·i.1r1 .. ~,.,, . .,,, .. r The:;:e have been the trag1r resul t:' of total $!OV-1• n" ,,, 1:. 1 • .,.,,,, '" ... -! .. "', !"-.n l '1·-.:· , • "t . """ 11m-, ,, " <'rnment wh<'rever it has heen tried. T he traged~· 11 .. m..-t ., ,,, ...... •• r: in ·~•)•·· t•.t.t" .. , 11 •• ''"" is Jlarticnla rl.v o-reat in the rase nf Britain .. For cen-''" "'''~"i · ·· · "' · · ·· -·-. i-.. 1V1mpl;q11• <1 h •, 1. "•1• •" r.• r , l'f"J;c T l"'' f u .. T I.\ turiC'f:. despite her fau lts nf po)ic~•. :'he \\'<l:' the ~eat-mall"r ;1n<1 •;~ n t ,,.,,., •• , ,, •r I •If \f I \'\I• .r·l'o ,\ 1111 .. C'~t civilizi ng-influence the world k1ww. ~he wa!' the:> dn \\h.·11 ~ .. u 11t1n1.. 1-• :• • .,.,. •• r ·• .. , •• t ind•: •rt" '"'""'' f:Otn'C'e of those bas.ic conce11t~ nf ~ocial and f'Cnnomir .... ,. "'11 . H· 1 ,,,.I ••• rr •• • ••• I .... •1 I 1 ~ , .. , .. '" \II '"' H anrt kt11., ~, u ,. f•'• I""'" •• .... '"' ... rt " 1nr .. • .•• , ...... 1tt. ··•I 1. frerdom which led to the aj!<' of <'n lightrnme1•. <'I' Tti· •• " .... i11· , ·I·. ... ., .. ~i...". ,., . "1.1 .. \.,. ,,. , , , , •• literature is un!'urpas.!'ed an cl her commnn law set a 11 .. ""' ,,.,,,, ·: '" t -• "1" ··1 ••• ~ .... 1.,.i: ,,. '"' pt·ecedent fn r all free nation~. It j~ on t~e acliie,·p .. JW ... t.JJ • tl'I• '"" 1•• ............ of •• , •• ., • II •I t mrnt:-; and tlw~e prinl'iplr~ that the Lahur party. :'unk · 'D ,. <lrC'p into a morns.:' of soriali!"tic cnnfll=-io n. i!' turninc: on t Let Them Become Delinquents' it:' hn rk I A mt·rie;rn s must learn from tlw pl ilrht ,,f F.nt!· land. Slw is showing-\!~ that total j!m·('>rnmPnt hrr f'il :-- tntal slaYC'r_v for a prnplr. and that a (!'m·ernmC'nt nf nwn with C'\"f'r-incrra~int! pnw,..r!' of '1 <'crf'r can turn I a frrr rntmtn· into a Yfl;"t. r.ris,m. LC't ~1s all •:<'mrm~wr l I hb~ when nd\'nC'at<'s of ~,~ernm<>nt 111 hus111rs~ stnj! t lrPir sirC'n song-h<>re. _ _ •I CiNr 6Ni "IQ.I TM( MAP, C~. IT'S ~ 'TalUAN .5o!WO. "lOO BAO,• ' CHtllAM S.WLIO._ . I ~LL HAV!, TO SEARCH (AQt ~ )'OU···· VOU ON ANY TIM! 'TMr FANS DEMAND IT:! "ltC;f;~ SF.X STt'OV flOTf:t. "CAT nl'R!;f • .\R" I~\'.: YQRI< l l'P\ S<'x r t111r:i-.... \RRF.U YOUR DIAL t\I \t.. • • .. • • ··-~•­"'. . ........ n +1•t, • • -• • 11• •e. n ' ' A. • • • • • 1 .. M . I 11 I "''· # I ·. .,,., .. .. A• t ''• .... , ' .......,,..., .... CROSSWORD PUZZLE iron fnr ynttthc: \•·;1" rrrt.:1'11 hy ;\Ire :'\'EW YORK 1t 'P 1 A ~lf'SI in '"'"'' r.rif'r l.1•<;hrr. 1•rl11r11tinn11I II rnurth fl''"r rntm1 "' !hf' lfnt.·I Qn <ttlt:inr n f itw i\ml'riC"An Sor1al P wrrr lookrll nut th<' \\indt>w :tori f, i::ir np /\sc:r1ria ti11n. 111 11 rn••rt ini.t 'l;tw whnt h.-lAll'r tl<',rrihrtl ;ic: .. ,, r thr N11t1nn:il ll•·11tfh C'nunr ll h:il c:ninc lty .. fl<'tl'<'t1vr,; r:tpt11r<"1 """ "An~· .-t11wati••n pr111:1·11m .lnhn F f'f'l••r<:. :\r., 11 "r111 t111rv· ' lch rail<: In mrlmi ,. ~If ''""'"""· lar." ...IUd.l.i.ru: .du\\JJ ;iln'!.!L.!1:!.'..: l"rll:• 1 r ~uirla nr<' fnr 1'11i1<1rr n for Jlf'r· h1•t""' n ronml' ,\ 1-..1r11l1 (1~r;;,n,Tr~· n:i'T anrl f11mrty lif•·:· i<hl' i;;iic1 I hr h:irl 11 r<'l'l'rrl nf 1'.' arr""'' :in hnr<1f\· rl:um to 11{' prrpannc I ---- ildrl'n nnrl ynrrt ti ffl r r!'11I li\·ini:" Re W lsr -Attvf'rtw fficial Paper of the City of Newport Beach A ~aMt! Loe-a.I l..UtaUom for OYer te I'~ , Rt.:PRE"P.:STF.O ~ATIOSALLY BV or;oRGr. D. C'LORF.. f'S('. FruldlW'n-~ An~l~·PortJand-~attlf'-Ollcaco·S-l'ortl-"-1'"' Carrlf'r nr l\fnll: SO~ pt'r month anywhere In N<'"l>Of'' &-11eh and <Alta Mes11 ; $2 40 for 3 months. $4.~ for 6 month~. $9 (ll'r year By M111l In Oranit.., County: '9 pl'r yc-11r: to 4th 1nnl', $9 25: to 8th zonr. $9 50 tnfd as S<'Cond·Clas.~ matter at th.., Poetolf4~ Jn Newport &>adl, California, \lnMr ~ A<.'1 of March 3. 1897 D.PORTF.R S. SMITH. m F . DIXON-· l Advf'r1l!ilns: mE REX l Publisher Man~ng Edi•or tine Plant, 3011 W. c.ent ra.1 Avmue, N~rt BMch. C.allfonua J Active@· Member , of ..;.,. ... •'''" .......... . ........ --..... . ' -. . . .., ...... n l \t, • • • • ~a ••••1'U.AW ,......- 1 II. M. .;\\..o--t ........... 1 • ••lvre ••• :-~~--,,.....~~~~-1r-~~~~·i -;~::;:;.,.•.,;:::': J -iu.~ .... " ·' u--... " ....,..., .. ' ........ & ...... .j......-...., .... ., .. _.-.;-•· ... A•ll-""AL-.-..-e • A -1 •tlt • ....... • y J .... "4. Nl&a , •A -~Ivan · '•••A .... .. ,~, .... ,. .... • -\ ~. J"\1·•"1 .. I A_,...._. ... ....... , .. . \:•"'-.. ~ ........ " V 1i1tne•u.A ,, .... l,.._w ........... c.a. ••• •· ~\c.;.-kn• a.... . ··~·r.,. ,,__ '-TvM .. P• )1.-jrii··· • r.a. AO.:-k..Ml'C--.. , ..... .., A ,.,...,. :. -.. 1J UatH .... H .. 1_. • \ f\ ~--· Jt-l<a4w ._.. -fA~ T,,,,,,.,.,,,, . 'AC-M-· ....... Al I.be end d lltelr ~.' wt.t ~ to .... Mftl \betr lu\ W1rb ~ AU-A t ','~,.. .. Uldr IDO\hcr. \WO llD&U ~ ba:.er...S attcnUYtlJ '° tMlr ""MomN In.; ' ... , ... ,.._...,.. x-. 8&o l'nrldlco Ila. stauon. l!llw p.-~ t!Mm eecb i.e. a ... CC11talnlng • "-:H .... t.bdl" dotbm llDd ~ for r~ a f~ home. Th,.n ~,~;:.,:-~ W bo9.rded a.ooUw.r ~ abd idt. Tbe ~ DHkS, t'4 rl,.flr, ,,. . I •• ' "' ... "'' " ~·---.. ... ... , '"'' I I'. M. :.;;'~ '-"":.:: ... ~= ·r.- ·~~ t:,'.:."'~: ... ..,..., .. , ..... ..... ~JI. .,.....,., h u-. ,,. ...... ._.. ..... .,... ,,, .. \o\., .... ~...,_, .. .,... .... ...._'* A -<.A."'-...... • ---&. __.AW ....... .... _.I'~ ' r. •· !l .............. '-" ...... •..... y..,.,~" •A 1 ml ...._,..,_ ..... ._ .... _, .. ..., . ........ ,." ... , ...... ti .,.,A L-.t••ll Yhht.,,.. ac..A.O-V#I• •1l W ..... -...... " .. ...., ...... ..... ""'_ ........ , .... .,, .. .._W li V .... "' Je.«-• ....... ·-.. ... ..: .,., .. ~ .. , ....... ,.. .. ~I ' Ao ......... • At,.t .. •1ti1H4 j +tf 9'.'tJ ~ ••• ,... u ..... I t "u :-i.••• . ........_ /"'-)!. .,.""'' ......... • t• • .. ~, I ••• ~I S.if A A,tl1vr '••• ... ~,.,, ,..._, ... , ............. aeu ••'-'" ..,..,, ... x ..... -•••• ICtU r 1 •• ,.,. -f:'"~~l .. y:·:.~= and Da.mtl l>llrtq ... idd a.uttx.i:Jm *7 ca-. fnmi C&nyonvllle. Ore. A D<,M wf\ •'1\b tbml bJ Ibo-tr mocbtt aid abe wu afraid ··of bttter rac-1111 l(.f-Judlor" .. llllt dle:n" •ant ~ bt>y8 ·vi l:JH"•1mt de-I I· l.EVISJON fl a >• I ., ra .. ..-.._... "'-••• ..... ....... lwquwtA... 1"Wkkl'l ~ ~ \AU tare of Lh.-rn • ""'"'~ .... . . , ...... ) a n A -4 h .... • ,, ...... . I I #I> ,_ .. a ' loiU hi1<1 ........ 9\ ... . " I ~W.. ~~· ..).A ........ , • •• ~ ~ ·i:.~~ .. :-& &f" ..... -g,_A_ V•~lth ~ •a· . ._ ................ " .. ~~A,.. ... ......... _.._ U.\..-.A V-Ui& ~ aK u': ':;;..-•·» ~.-:: ... ~ •'"' --... .. ._ .. ,..._,.,,,.,, ........ ..... •• ....... "-we ..... .......... ,_. . -·--.........., ........ ~ .. a..1"A .,,.,.., . ..,....._ ••• _._.. ....... .. U CA ...... , .. .. i.. r .&. ... ~ ...... , ...... .._ ....,."' ..... j , ..... ........ ~ ... ..... .. ... ........ "'-•'-u .__ ..... w .., ... .,. ... -· -u "" ... ,.,.,, ..... ..... .tilaf ~ ,, ......... .., ... r.:·~ A .t ;:,•I ';!. &L A\..IL,t"• ,,,_. •• .., ..... .... -,,~ &•A•.. ltw•~ 111 I A .... •"'"_, I -·· ~ .... .,.,_, -1 .... _,,..., ---· ' •• T •I• ........ I . ,,,, ... ,,..._ ..._ ...... ..~-.-. •i At a1,.a , .. I •n ln I ,.,,,.. t ••l•h,,ma ,,, .. , ,., ' u'1•D .. ,,, l. "• .. ,.,,., . " ,,,..,,.,,th .. t ""''"''HI tr11fl t1 It•• Ar•Mtih I '"'' ., ..... ,, ffj ... ,,,. " '""' bfH•• ,. to'1f,. J'1lf1t I •' ,, .. 1, • ,,.,,,1,.,. ... t I •"1• " ,. 11 11,., .. ,. . .... , .... ,.. •• , .... 1.r.i ••v •• '••••• , •r\ft 44 (',,, .. ,., .. .. ,,. . .,, •1 ., " ....... ,.,. .. ,.. ,,, /,I t I • 111• ... Ku 111111 l'l•f, ,., ..,......~ ......... , •• b...a1.1b ia.. ' I • l••'I • .... , ,,..,,t,...- ' . M \ H l!tO . ..... n.11, ., IH•&J••t •l1n ' 11,. tr·.t t e• h•••t••· •l • '. •• I ' •' lal 11'11• ' ' " " .. 1 fi ? .. ·~ ..., > .. ~ I Ill "' ~ to .. , 11 !-4 ~ "" 1~ , - ~R ~ 'J w ~ ,, 'II" '~ ~ .. , ~ .. ~ '•· ~ $' . '1i 10 ..., ·:> '1' ~; •12 ·~ !4t4 •I~ ·0 .,,, ~1 ·If! '#/ '° ~l~f ~'( '' fb .., fl '" ff __ \. .... .._. .......... Ry Ham Fisher ~ Hy Sam Leff ••••r• ro ,..,.KHI•,.. Ln.a 0 " , .. 1 / ,__ ,7 I~, 1 .. ~ • ,,. •t&c• J ,.,,,,.,1, I l''hftlttC fN .... • ff ,..,.,. ,, ......... ' '•'·" ....... _.,;a,-. • 10 f.11•,.. T-Pora crf R•r._. I -(')f,I I n•_,. t """'tJ ttJ11MI to 'lp.111,... '""'-" l .,rirt ...... u ttu1 • fl•roe 1$ ft,\l)ft It At .. \'wt 0..- )1 "• ,. ' 11 '" ,_.,, ,, ,..,. .. ~ )\ h ·t1a.-a.-rw J-. r._.~fotl#'f ,.,_,.c.Att'tta • .... to -<., •• IJ P'tt.• 900!•D <, .... H <'•rd t•-•pl I •t -Te dlr1J .. 11•,U.. '-'-To &bOW't'f ., ....... ........... ,.u. .... ·--·-.. T•-1"'11 .,_ ........ .. _ ...... .., ... ------· . \ I _, ' :· .. . I . . ; I .· .. i ~ ''\' , Paie 8 NEWPO&T BALBOA Nl:W8·TlllE8 MOSDAl' S•wport BMt-ti, Callf. AIJril 21. 19 U4 Over 1000 Dogs In Blue-Blood Riviera Show Mot<' than 1000 blUI'· bloods flf all hr~'<ls '"'t' slatl'd to parllcipt1I C' In t!tl' MXth nnnual Beverly-RJ\11'ra Kl'nn<'I Cluh dos: show 5l;itl'd for Snturdn) 11nc1 St1n· day. M ny ~th nnrl 9th. In thr s pa· doua l11ndsc-n1X'd s:ar1kns 11ur· roundini: Santn Monirn's swnnk Miramar hotf'I, It 1s 1mnuum'<'d hy E . E F1•r g11J<on, d uh pn•i.u1c•nt. * * * Harbor Events *** Costa Mesa Cub Scouts Get Kite Flying A wards· ' t ·0 ... 1:1 :'>l··,11" ('1th S•·• .ur p111 k 111r. 11,..·~··ntdl 111 ,,r P· "·' 11111••1 I with ''"·•ril' (111 11t1• t• ,., 111 '-•'• W ith 111d1:1>s from ~'<1rin11~ por - tions ot th1· l'n11<'fl S1nt<'s 'nnd C'anndn mnvl'rs:ini; on t hi' l)('ilC'h city \\) d1•rid1> 1 h1' wann<'rs nl aw11r<111-n11mlll'rtni: Into llu· h11n- drM111, t•ntrlf11 Ar•· 1•x1..-r11•d to top lo~t y .. 11r's (\11·141111' r1C·ord for ""' C'\'l'nt MllJor 1<1 to·n t ll•n wall t'C'ntt•r · th tni: ,.,.,,,, .. 1 I • upon Ilk C"npt. f>nn 1-:. nrO\\n !\II"-'cnnl•''l ntl••• t•~t'llr•·•I !hr· kr •• • mortal Troph), nll•r •·•I Cor 1h .. h"i-1 10 11,. rn;ad•· h~ '"'' ,,,,~ ... in.i 1.. .uAYBE "Gt & ~ ~''T LAST HAVE dos.: In . '"o", nml 1w•.-..11n.1ll' 11111,. '" II) I.ur n•. , 11,,.,.o1 11 •• 1 .ll L"-l~ &llJ 4 uw nr d.-d by ,,,,.. f . llrtl\\n ''T''""I fn•ir indi• -11, '" (,.,1,., ' a nd i.1.tl:•' stnr, an. n11•111or) cil ht• ,Jrttfi:•'' 1,, s 11111 1,, f• •· " 1 Pl'Jl:HING T() GO a"l'l'U BJG BATS Jut" ,\1111\ i\1r f 11r<'" 1111111 s .. 11. I ('ulom:i•r,•i ll.tlplo < • 1-:t \· , "I ID SKY BOBBING 11J 808 GEIER The fog ga\'<' us a ltttll' hat of a bad ttme for a couple' of dnys this wet>k, hu t 1h•' sltght ra m kind or chHC'd 11 awa r . J os Sloc\lm 11 n d . ThPOdon.• Pocock hot h roft1plf'IC'd their first solo ho ps. whilt> James &-amans, Fred Sto ff e I and RiC'hard !\tower ;ill rec eivl'd their Flight lns trortcll" rn1ini:s Floyd Seama ns, starling out from SCT1ltch a ~(·r•r 111:<>. tOQk ad· \'Rntaj!f' of has G.I. 8111 r1i;hts and rompll'IC'd lhl' comnwrC'i:il f11~ht tetl and now the fliKht ans truC"tor ratini: fl'St. Iii' has s:ont• t o work as.a part li.mc_inslru('.ll.)r WJtlt the Martin School of Avia111111 Leo W indolph is bllrk 10 work again altr r h1.; 11pp<'ndr •·1nmy I k rf'ally go1 a loni: fin!' anrl \\'f' nrt• glad 10 SE'C' him h11r k . ODD ri\C'TS AROl'T Fl.Yl;'l;G: ,· Curtain Up o_~ Trout Season 1n Sierras May 1 ChN'rC'd h) I hi' pros1X'CIS of !int ruw fts h1111t. ani:h'r 111 rt'<:Ord numbl'rs arr C'Xj.X'Ch'd 10 trl'k to thl' High Slrrras th1~ coming W(.'('kC'nd I M11y I a nd '.!I for the c111ss1c opt•nani; of 1 hl' trout sea- son a t C"rowll') L11kC', n ationall1 fam o us "btg .. ftsh" r<'sC'r \'Oir, malt's north of Los Angl.'lcs on th .. Lo!\ 1~n1:C'lr,·to·R1·no highway. Mon· than /I tho11s.111d boats are l'XJX'CIC'd 10 !lh(Wt' Qlll 11n lhC' bia la kt' on 0111•111ni: dr.r as 1»1i;cr flsh- c·rmcn i:o nftrr tlw 1.:rnnt rainbo"', loch lrwn, 1tnd ottwr \ ;trll'lles of ( 'ruwll') t,rout knu\\ n to scale up to sr\·cna•cn pc.>u11cls an Sitt'. the L11s Ani.:drs t 'rt y Rt•c n•at1on and Put k d(·p11rtm1•nr. whil'h opcratl'I ('rtm h-y La k•• as u puliltc fishing ft&r11t1). cll'<'l11r1•d toclny F ishing condlr 11ms \\'1•rC' rC'port- C'll to h<' hti.:hly fnrnrahl<' for ttMr ""oson·s 01w·nan~ \\'a tt•r IC'\'C'IS are "111h '"hat 1< "', r clt11 • to rf'dured r.1111 a nc1 sn11\\ f.dl, tout C'ruwley'a t•·n nulo• h'ni;lh 1111cl fi\'e mile "11ltlt )<.1111 11ff1•i· 111<•n1y of f'lhow r 1x1111 fur \\'a 1t11nt.1 n~ k1l11•cl d urani: th1 ""r l l'lihrna._1, 1 .11111 s 111 1 •. 11111 , ., •, ( ••L • ~._...,.._,_ ... ...._ -.-... ~ .,... 'TW P\:r.a•~ ~ bock ro ~1n Jor k llrnd~h.1" •hn" 'llJlNtn· matt•·• n '"" i.; 1 • i: """ ·""' .\\ I '\.f:\\" y4,R.,;, Ar""-'-~ •\"P 41 !} "" '"' borrl .. a r !inCJnnati F:-.•r.>c•n•' 1 111nk~ thlll put•• \\;,tot \L\\'A\'S..OS JOU 11 ul1.r11. 11nnn11nr•ol 1 .. 1t11y th.11 l>l'·lh,1111 g.,111111'"1' .J' \_J u.r llllf. }J••I fnt w.hl• l-"'•.•..r .. ...a·~ ti-» p~ ,,,.. th,.. opo>nf•r. alw;a~.; fn•t•/t'S al~:.'. d ... ~rl'1'>' ~· llFTlll·.I.. \'t •l"l 'I 1·1111,t• pf th• J;11 t.:• 1•ntq list, clus.:" F .r•t I'll/• f.,1 1r., 11;.,:r, 1, ~ 1;11111 IJOlftlf run 1,.. •• &.. :r ...... •d ; '•"-Jtuu.. ~broke up th.~ H m•>f'\'f'r w:ita•r dropl'ts 111 tlll' ;a t-:alto'licl;,rw.• ,.11.,,rrl ·•' "'" 1,, l>NV'lwd c•nl) un thl' ~ny 111.11 lill• "' n1 '" I\•""'"• \l I ' rh·· • ,11 .. ani:: fu: tu-,,.<an •er· • ·~ wub a tw"""°'r an the ninth ITIM1· p~c·rr, ht ii\'•' IH'l'n k nn\\nl lo It.-l l1L11 Sa'""'' '' 111·111 n111 bv a stu. 1111) llrf' JllCf,.;ed 11111~ Jlfll\ldtni:J ,.11of ,1.11 ,11o1 l'l:t•• I•• lt .. 11u,r 11 J*•~••J• ~·'111 ll ~i;,~ t..'Cll>J 'llf r ~"'~ zr,1 Urr..,. hnfTWI"' for lht• lljllll• ;i 1'lnl1''rlllllr1•, :1-, 0\\ 11:-I I .1:1 \ 1rtu11ll) t'"' l'ompt1 I• ~"""' k.oi ik l .i.. ... I k 1. fiO dq ;n '\''! F . lwlo,\· 7rr11 ..\s lnni.: '" 111 '111 •Y a J·1"1'111 11' CUS· l I ... I 1 1 1 '" ·~• · " 41 ,.,,,..; u,.-, t.-h:..d ~ ~ l-k tho> X .111vnnl IPngtw' as lhf'\' Mf' nor disturfll•d. th•, ,, . I 11od1.rn. i\ H G11•1<l\\tn, IH111~1s tha t '""'"nt' .. ln.i .. ," '"'~' '' u\rnil•l T"'""'' 1· .. 1. ,,.,i, 111 r I · ' 'f•000tl a •-..U;J.· '" , .. ,~ YCOI" r.;n l;-a.i wuh f•.ur for tlw m~i ·th 1 .. d 1 1 1 1 1·11 111 -'I \l :tl ~ h•· "'"r has m1ssl·d a doi: i.ho\' "''••nl. .. ,11 1 ... h• Id iin 1.11 ~· '' )<rl· '"'" ll••t' i \• I· , I Al th<· -.1 .. n uf i},. ......_ •'It o "n an I' aqua s a ,., 111 l ,. \ • k ,..· both d :i)', l11111l•h11\\ ,,ud ::ilt11\\ \\"rm "'t'f'rnr! pl><•'•· fl .,,. .. ,,''" 11.. C 1.11·1· <"" 1·11t·1 llf ""'·\\ho ihu•ll, In c urona *'Mar • ...._-• • •ffl"4-f'\.Oll\..-I) "1a!ll?' up tao l.Pa:;r"... :;:: ~ Jn.f'd t h I I arP '""''('Ii •Jr humpPfl t h1•y rr·,,,./;,, d:-:•>:::::11=1=11.:11='=''='':.r=. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=-. ht•ur" \\Ill h•· lr•1m !l ,, m '" ~-311 .,,,,,,,, .• , • "'1·· '' ,.,, •,, I'••••'''' c \111 ti I I la ,,.____ •' h;,""'... .. .... ..,._ ~ u· -·~ " r"ma .., on > inJ<tantlr. \\'h,•n :i 11hanc· fill'' • """ , • 1•·11111111: ""'" 1,. .. ,,, Ur:111i.:1· '"'"'' 1 •· " ,. u •. pi-. • ·~) ~"" ...,.. · ~·~· ~:i.· r th P m C'ttdt d't)' 1 11 •••J •fart•-!.'.,_......__ -d •··-.... -i>am tn .. m;uor.. top-lhrou~h 11 <'lourl nrnd(' II" of tl11•sl' I ~ I~ ' '. 111.ol .1111! 1:1o1<•114 j• '""' ,. ........ ,,.. • "'~ .... """" ~ ~ ... ., ~~~ [)(of -4 ,. 0 ----lludrl. ll•·•·ll•' ;uvl J,,,1 .. 11 1'1 ,1 ----•· 11>ut.:h ..,, ~ ul W-Tn -·~.-J'! Kra K,i...-." arb rou . 1 lo supn-c'OOIC'rl drnplt't~. thry fr('t'7<', ) I I r 1 \1 s d ()I t} '··ok-.... ~ t;... bad Soun<; D« <ell .. r~ l l r ... ,., homf'r:< :inrl dl'J'W'nd1n1.: (111 lhc'ir tC'rllJll'r:i-:.:~1:1,(,,11;·~.~.;:·~,1:~" \\.'::, ··: .. f'h 11'i'.''. ~e t• son ( Tell Fighterk' ,,, 1°u1 ""' and m..)t .... , • .;; ~·.:....~L"-l~•r •3-:_~h·• "'<'onrl turf'. rlqXJs it It'(' nn 1h1• i;hip. ThiS>M:C ~ \\ ti I I) •r.r•t• ,.._~ ~•""'r ,.,_, hit tWo) Ill Wh}' it in"11.l()rtnn ! fur Jlrt\'itll' • Fn :111ol ""'''"" '" 1111' 1 l.1 \\' r"S c 'l \anre Se d to s·t ~ h cl wa:n Ii~ c ;..."" \.\',11•1:1111• I' .\ I I ". ~( . con s I \\ h1-n '™' GJ<t.111• i:tan.-od ~"11 <f!l m. a s;imi4° ' l'> l'>'a:;on an pilot:\ with sn111l1 11irnaft ,,, "'DY NO\\' 8.UO\\'l~(; 1 t 1 1· t f ()fA(' Fvent J) Sh ••Mild look onJ.r ,,, 1..3.rry l~ :,,:'°~'7"~u. ~~C::n le~gu" nut of rloud~ "'hC'n thl'n· ,,. ·nn;· (;r:11111:~ \';;.,;::t,·~1.: 1 ~::,\:, I ;:~ n J own, ut Up .. _·J.t:anw llllnN'f' •d ....., '~ bu .. ~ °' ,..,,: oft~,,.;,? ('~~nC'~ ofl ~hi'.' h 'nllX'l'illUrC' hl'ing trrl~. 11.,1, l\11lrni;. 1 >.111 n~ s •nlf· I , .,,, , '• 1 ,, \I 11 , """ 1 .1 11 .. ·• '1f>!Jt1ldabw pn~. ~ I.At,-Ail:wr. Hal ~hou.wr. Bob rag t or cmi;-• M11r>-h1dl S11·ll1·r .11111 ll.1111 I••"" '""'"' • '• r "' ''"'' 111 iol •h• .',\c 'Jt1\:0.IE:-\TU, April 26 tlil'• I 1111 h•· had onl} ~lOll ~ ~'-•hr>""-~ At Gette l ,.... ti I 11 \ ·t · 1111 • 11 • ""'"' ,·11hl1•11~ --:....., n 1 I' P."' n....._, ---•---• .,..,__.......__ -..... HOW IT I~ 0 0 !\:v. !\1 ~r,\' "h1'p<: '"'" nw ••·I"' "''l\1'1 I• I r l ,1 \\Ii l•I • 'I ''" "'" 111 • " " "I'"'' ...... ...,,..,..,... --. r.-. ·~-.__ W'3lf oc•~l'd Wll'h t~ W1JL ' • '·· • ... ' ·-l'OOk l•'" ,,, lit•• p:H'k 111111 l ht'lr Jlill • I 1 I • I I I I \\,1'111, prl/•' f1ghll>n ~ '" .1 • .,..,_ and thP i:n-•• &<bo :s.--cannot ~ -':Slflll~'-~·11h "'ttlt> ••I '"'"1111 '11' '"'·'' "1 "',_o1 d""n andshut up. ,,,,,. 1urnrd 1n c-n-<111~ --~y_._._cjvftt afirstinn·wh«·ls rt'stingonthf'ground.sinct• ('nf-. 1111111 l•1nl••tt11\\ n11·l11 \\tlft tit•' ...... -Wt fJe ..__ ~-~·. fh rt1• l'•immt,Mnn notif1f'd m.,r f, 1rr;m<·•" lh U• fu ttl tbt-Jo~ -~ ~·-51""' 1'ft'-in l;mding altitudt', thC' wings mf'f'I \'Ol A1 Bi P« 'rt n ·111I nu•\ lln• l ('.in,ulr.m S1•••h 1 al< '111J ''1 •h• 11.:•·r' nnr! st•ronds last week 1h.,1 -·'"'" ;-:. ~-cirlftltf'll t~ Ritd Sox, th~.air at 1m ang!" of IN!s than th<' Fullerton Holds . I 11 ·•111'• 1"''1111 \ ·''"1' Ill' ill!,... 11\\Ill 1·nf11r('r strictly iu nak-41'• Th· G1a.nlf bcN'St-d '*''"' ~ 4.. -.drd rtt!Jlt'f brld fnni crlttC11l for stalling TherC'forr. in • 11 "·'' 1n \\ "ltini:tnn. P I' Thi· rul1· says: nra,<>< 6 10 2 and' t• o }ftVI'-~ ~ !'acJr •llrll S!anu Ed considering a l11nd1ng, thC' id<'a of _N_ational Junior 111 ,, ......... t hr•" ""·'" Jt,,,,. r l S•'f'Cmds must not CIOedl or m •LI\ .,ruung the> ~ • dlr ;-..... •d wl yioPldfd aJI a stall should nol IX' thought of -w~ ~111....i JlOl. .A!.111.1 !!Lllilld.. -1.h...__~ "~ ~ • prbldpeJ ..,.,nr JU!h ,,...,_ v.·aa..-r c~ _...,.1,_.. ~ ~. • tbettZ:t'h:-lllt'Tlft<' or deR"ern t'llilbC'orougnt w1m ID I.""' .1 ... 1t \\ h11' fl,.t .. ·rr l;,ml"c1 :i r ound. o r by word or action .,, .• ,.;rand .Jam~ ~ PalcS-~ ~ • -BinlioP ~ Is I 'o Zf'ro with lht' plRnC' al ;;ny al1i- •I i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-i~ll· ·'' ": uf t I \ . , . • • • Here ••• Clutr .... ,_ I~ -IN ,..,,.., ..., ,...:. .. ....,_. el ,_ ........... ...., ..._, celen ._ ...... ......_ a..t w ohew ,.. ........... f.etweo .... , .... Mtt .... We•r. Slee•e lltfftel ~.,.. .... _ .......... ~-"'9cWMhMllfl-I ~ ...... Olfacio1 Dtaltr: OO&ONA DEL MAR \\ 1th a lllttKt11 .... lllo l l ti•Pn ft11'!--lolflpl loo lt•-t•kle and &anO)' ha ,1p-or .,.,.,, ThnkJr took (Aft' ,_1 • • ·~from lail IOW tO l('\'t'l n ight, COMPTON, (':ii . April :!I; • tl 1111 "" \\111 lol d1.1mp111n ~ rrnw n p1•n,.llt They mWlt l'ftnait1 wa~•I ''""'~tm and >1opprod a~~· ."111P ~ • dtY1dPd •1th the That's all for now, folk's, see you !UP 1-Fulll'rlnn J unior roll1•1.:eo, I tl<1111 r~ r•.,ni.: I•" k rnto thr prCI· tn pl RI"' and bf' sitrftt. rt•tns; 111 f:a.ut CN'dit for Ur 'Y-A~ al M • f ,._ -anc 7 lo 3 Mlll y.·eek. to p junlllr rolla•i:f• ~w1mmani.: ll'nm l1''•1n1111I rini.: .111. 1 11 lt•11i: In~-Thi' rnmmts!aon said It •·oolli •••r) -!'alfft' ~ cart Scbrib shut -------- in (',jtftfornin fur rnon • tha n 11 ·•ff II• ·r "''''·"' tl rr .. m 1hr l '111-~tL~l•·nll fir ftnl' llllY le'CIDDd "'h<• Tiwn on cmnP J,._ to ,.uts ~ C-. -.. 4 to 0. In rtw-ClpPnt'r dl'<':tdl'. today lt1>ld lh•· N111ton nl "'''''' "' \111111• ''"'" :tnrl l•>llm~11d \1ol:111·i. 1h1s rule. '"'()-hlttf'r. hoktmg ~ &r-__. _. lllu fe ftld • four-pint' Junior ('olll'gl' chnmplnns hlp 11tn1 "1th .1 "" rnc :ini1111•I th1 "''lthout a W~y until thf' f.itdL --~ ---C· stlftk.. Ray Thi.' H ornrt11 ~wrpt 11'1 a Mll\'1111'· ~ l11IH•, "l•"thm: m 1\11,tr;ilra, fl<'I· Tiit: lllAT GOT -'WAI' J a<'k l..ntuilt> Wd I.hr at~ w1dt Sca._WlilOl ~ Ula oaly tbrtt Ing win S11turd11y n ii:ht In thr fir'! 1;111111. F1:1111·p Fni;J;inrl. ='""' 7.1'11-Ff)ftT \\' \YNE J.nd. fUPI _ a piur of doubW.. llriu • *---' PDW but two * BRIEF GLANCE AT BASEBALL , • ~-h "' ·--~ ...__ .... Eddi r.dfk C-t • --·-annua l n11t1on11I ml'C!I. ~rortnl( 71 Ir.ml. ll.1wl111, ('.maclst, ;inil h••rC" J:omrs Knott wu -.: C I ID hla .. ,.. u.q llng , l"blk. ~ .Jwl _. ~ .v7 e ...._. ..... points.., Thl'y c-11p1urc-d hoth rc•lr&) 111 lh• l 'nllNI ~talt"' n1:h1 foot whc-n his wife Unwcl 11c ~1,· 1.-a tht' htoek ol U.-CAmh U... ~ T-W L Pct. l'\'f'Till. 1'1•111111r"" n11•h1 , \lb11n ~"~~ lw n rat wilh 11 ~hotgun and .....,'<I in WC'Ond ~.,,_.it rw.10 -( '11lr .,..., S.. won lhrir lint San Fra.ncisro · 15 8 .652 G lrnd!llt> WR~ si-cond with 3:.l "'" 1:i\1' l.altanr1• II l llSI•' or 1111' tl ol o.n.. O\•tt -thP ~ .. eo--•• to I. at 5t. Louis after ~land .15 11 .sn points And Stockton. Loll Angrll'll "Sw1•dish Whip" in n nnf'·flill-to--------BromJyn ~ ~ Leamnl.....,, .._. dllP a.-.. ._ thr ldcht-San ~geles ....... 16 12 .571 and, Wright tied for third with 16 n-fm1sh mutd1 with thl' wannf'r j Sclotch tape, varioua ..... • a Cl'llft)· ~' '° J--.. I ~ 7 .. t.. 'D9 dw nprmT. Bob ego ... -..... 14 13 .519 each. Wrlrht, thf' llllnol• champ-taklnr 1111. . HIC' at the N~n-. • heRua.,..,. • dlr Ollis~ ~~up Ona! C..-e's ~!fd · .l~ 14 .44() Ion, was lhf' only tf'11m from out. t belt pmf' al dar • I C .. .....,. ~-with fOW' hits t ~ e -........ · 9 12 .429 side C'11Hforni11 to srore point!!. R • H · l I lfatf' a -4l. 3 1.o l ;. ~ ftir -o ramento ...... 14 .391 ~S tmg On IS au re S \ards at CJUcaeo. ~ "---· ..._. 1111r Cllliraip> attack. Hollywood . . . s 13 .381 HAD 1T SAl,TJ:D AWA\' ,.,, r:ot thr ................ .... tni: ~ _. hr _, -loo Yc:AG..,.t sur: -RlWI Meyer ""''"'()ft fWV .-alks a.I -.... fll .... CW. wtw> plf~ a OIW-hlt 001 ha -stn'tdl .,_ """' nn.y ....,. ... Otrdinals. Win· h rf'd 22 awa ill -*r -ic :I•• 1 .. American I-cue TM9-W L P<"L ~\·eland _ 4 0 1.000 Washington . 5 2 .71 4 Philadelphia 4 3 .571 New York . 3 3 .500 GB NEW YORK I UPl -Arirll'n rFrenchy) Touloul't'. 70-yC'nr.old n11tl\·" of Fran('(', dil'd ob!!rorC'I)' In hil fumlshf'd room Al lht' lmJ>('rinJ Hotrl -"C'ublcles. 35 cents a night .. An inn•stig11tion show.ct he had mor<' than S5Cl.OOO In flv banks. His M>le h£.ir wiU _pc nephew in Frand'. accordln• * COASISIG MJING Detroit -3 3 .500 :l a ~ill ht' 1ignt"d in F ranC't'. Be Wi9e -Advtttbe -..XAaa •AM• 'a _. ~ ...... thrOO«tl r~ir LOS A.SGEl.ES. April S i\.-P• ........ A tdw6ik. wtnnlnc-thrtt -TIM> Panrl(' C.._i ~ w1a.di _. ...._ tllnt. prnodlCall)' frf'U rtwtf ilato -...._ D I taltrat ~t"Md at e,·. not' M "t>r ta.lnYf r-.. ti,< tile m8JS' ~ I - lf'aguc-s. hu a tull-ciJJr4 ~ ill ~ -~ ~ thr w-ns.a- suffenns: rt.n;e ~ llr J..U.4 ·~ ....W. Wally Hood, J r .. son 1Sam1 Bur)·. 1<4 .._ PCl. ~IJ llmptJ't' U11ng St. Louis . _ 2 'l .500 'l Chicago ---l S .167 4 Boston 1, 5 .167 4 SaUonal J-c-ue \\' L P<"t. 5 2 .71'1 4 :l .667 3 :l .500 GB .r '• 112 1 •, -AJ- "WHl:S A OrRL'8 Br;At:Tan:L" FAMOUS FOR FOOD Barry's t ·n1\·f'T'5Jt)' al ~ .a!l t'-r «-...: of a ntttan, Wally C.-lifonua baM'ba.J.J 9qtlad ~I _,..,. 11!9 c'nridtng fast h:ill "'i th roul:'Nhod throut:h a ~ ~ a~ ~ ot pn<"e to win ini: ~ thal *-' map If-~-hK finl wun S:art'1#1 wifhout a T- New York Philndelphia SI. Louis Brooklyn . C'inC'inn/11 i Pit1~burgh Oiicago Bostl'ln . 3 :I .500 4 4 .500 4 4 .500 ] ·~ ,.. i •,, r NOW OPEN &:SO TO 8 P. M. CLOSED MONDAV SEA FOOD -STEAKS -DINNERS . CLAIR G. MARTIN IHe OoMa Froat Bal-lsJe Nursery School -_ UNDER :?\"EW MANAGEMENT Announces Summer Semester Beginning May 3rd Umlted Numl>f'r of Op.nin~ For Chlldn-n 2 to ;) AUncUn ~ • Phon.-Harbor i-14-R Momin~ 317 Marin.-An ... Balboa l'land 'STARTING TUESDAY, APRIL 27TH .. VAUX' • • BALBOA • Enfertainment and. Dinner ~ancing -' To Melodies ol THE VEL • -TONES For Reservations Phone Harbor 131-i ... ... ... .. .. .... ..... I ii I! ·II I ·,, , I ·II 'I II ,,, I . I . fACMI T•l;,.J,-J Any mAn la enlltkd to a lltUe ttla:ir:atlon aftlr r1dmi: J-OnO na .. , to flul flnl~hl'S ... tAtea a lot or pugti and pull ln lhr rich" p.deell HC"tt J ocllty Johnny Loni:dcn. flt5l rldt'T In Amt'flCIUl tu!1 h1 "'" to reach that nocord, isttttchl'!I out wh1:c Jacllcy Ht'rb U ndbc r11 1 •• , 11p • b~ J ohnny rodt' "Bub" ln fourth race al Bay M•MI""' -.prU 23 w make hL' 3,000t.h •1n In 21 yon<, then 'll'f"nt h1m..-:1 , 1.t u.u .er the nmc day up on "Sunfair·• -m lhr $J'C\.h I f:Uf' M"OUI" 1 n dro' f'S. He •u -at r;a8' llaM. I h•• bo)il •·cJUlcl hr ~ cm UM' 1"111r} "-'~" •ho DIO\·ed in for • irr!C\t J Ibo-aaa.. ftfl• .. vT. ttU•ckly rtrP•' The Tro)llm> hM! thr mtd~,..._~ •.ltO, •a.-t. ~.~id "surr. ot loolu~ 11•1 i:••od. ~ i.po.lr; tb-.J~'"~ mn~1:.-.f LO an offrr-I Oli<'acn Wh11~ s.c-,. m1<1 nim:;:i. ~ eo! 1.-SJfll.IJOOr"'" 17. ~nc <M-nM" Ol&rl<~ C"~l ~· '!' •~ ca mpus-10-maJ<>r key into• h>ttf'T' 11radt' llw9 tbii ~ • Ailc:cb« Jim Rridt-weMT, a I tUJ'Tl('d on tht' ~ .. I.ands· po-l tbJwUt.op•bo ~ ()IJ! 17 .. ~1r11 ''"''kit includmi: Hank ~1-._ hrU • hat f.,.., 2'l roram +'!! lfal Pf'ric. Thunrum Tl.Kirn'. at-Sany t.at fnr5r lltip> ot Bridewt'!W:'r •1f'~. l..a.rT) ~ and Pa' ..t "'-id manut11t f'1T anotht'r J ~ and •..uu-d df .,,h a I ~- • l<Pl11 LO •, r.c-o-~ f#.,._ &a.'m!it tJr, ouffl#ld L"I anothl'r )fonntr oo to thr PCL k-\,.J U.-j _.... cf ~. Gontnn Jonn, a Ttojun druhtlf'C! Roll),.coOd.. t~1liril:i:ms CT1Jr .. nw!NT-pcl<'k.• nu· Coaltown Strengthens Favoritism for Derby ~Y al chr p{ar~ anti l#ftfit."ldt>r It.a.It; --~•ho hars cleanup, Pf1JPrn Cflit-ncht field fepep •'Ith m _. ... bear •lfh rt>S:ular1ty, .. ' I ~ • tcuot ~ 1n search of ~ bastarry ~f. lheT!>'• hea\'y t:ld~ r.atdwr &it> Zllbet' and No 1 .......,._ Did khop. who *in.t •nll ilw ,_ ~ist~ at Hood. 8-T}' ~i:--n in plenfy of ~ ,o ••<'~ Pu~ffalenl. Thi~ ,-~Irr~ ap • "7·r:ame K'hffl· • _. ._ hapPs of addlnc a fe ~ 1 thr ~c AA pfayofb. Tilltf!o.. Trc>J;ans .. •Ith plotnfy ot fal- ..m.. ~t' the drJi<h n~ fnr 11 ~! am4. i..a.1 ,-rar fMy fin· 6lwd •tr MBA .,._,,,, ~ a tiC' ~ wul! ~ but tell by thf' • ~_.,. m a Ollf'-)t:unf' playoff. c~ ,._ ... ""' on fo win 1~ Qt~"'"' R~ CAFE ••c...e ..... ,. ... _ .. _ !Q:W1.1' RDIODELED •.-;Ua a frah atmaJ~~l ....... 1111: 8plpetti -Ravioli Saloppilli. Ch~ken ~A:ReutBttf Cocktails a....--......--.. 11• 3 3 .500 ... ' 1 6 .143 RESli.LTS l'E8TEKl)A ,. Amel1caa ._,_ \\'ashrni.;ton 0-7, Ph1la. 4.:t Oucago 4-6, St Loui~ 1-7. Roo.tnn 4. :-O:rw 'York 5. Clf'\'l'la nd 7. Drtro11 4. Satlonal Lf>acut' NMA' York 6-6. Bos1on 2·0. 1 l!<t gamf' JI) annrni:i-1. 112 4 PiM~bul"'Jth 6-13, C'lnrinn:iti i·lO Phil11rtC'lphi:a 6. Brooklyn 3. St; Lout~ 1. Oiicago 3. About half of thC' 6,000.0(10 form f.<mtlt"S an lhl' nation nfl\\-rl'nt frown food hx·k"~ in thC' morf' I han 9.500 such plant!! -tn servtrl'. WORTHINGTON ·•· -~ Refrigeration ftmOJlf ..... ONU .... 1 .. ... Air Conditioning ........... Pre.sure Pumpe Centrifugal PumP& 9W AD .Pl w ... All~----eau ...................... ,> ..._ Jl'ltlt 1U! • ( 0 1X'n 5 to ~ P M. Sundny~ 11: I l11hd11ys I:.! Noon tn R P :O.t Ciosrd 1\tC'•<l:iy~ Casino Cafe anti Cocktail Lounge * Serving Complete. - LUNCHES anti DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa , Calif. Newport Harbor Headquarters flNllM/ll Sales and Service Seaboard Equipment Corporation 1!06 Coad Blway. lleaeoa·IMI Newport 8-11. Oallf • , . .# •h· I~ It ''" I~• J111!1 l{tn~ ;m~ j!tlll l'1 of ~ ''ttn~ ah tr Ri tron Trnr Li l'rl • llrol\ Arni 111 I nr Hri1 t•tu\1 , • nl ri·n . :in t h ti I"•\\ , .. ... "''" Ti II , 1·.i. 111. ,, \\' I• J,,,,. I t ~11· , ... •11 I• I I ' \'la• "' t 1! I h ,, ,, ,, ' ••I " Ill•. l '.11 1 . ''" r:1n, •• nil ( •• l\ !ooUt c! ri1,nt ""' s1 111 r mus lish. r1a11 Cl T l l atl• rl:l> d• I S1'nc: anl'! 4\f fH ll h• H tl'I \\OU <'Um 10 ' ('l'I\ '"' pr111 .\pl itt \ till' ihri