HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-28 - Newport Balboa News Times\ I ro--p Bids $100,0'10 -For 7~~'.'tre WarehO.use, --all~ Ternlinal Site ·Adjoining New Coast College . \ rABC ONLY 0 A IL Y NEW S PAPER IN ORANGE COAST 'S LARGEST CITY BALBOA ~·, XIM.eS~, ;~· , ---· -==-==== Toda~'• 11 A."·· I' .S. t;. Uuw .IOIHW AV4'1"aCN" ,, 11111 I . •t , • I •• \I "•'"" t \ .... , ~ ' ' l111h1,t11.il" l~I .'ll \Ip .'I I: 111 .. ~ I! I Ill' I). I ttlrl •' .4.1 11 Ill' \M• \-,,111111. I llNH--1 •h,11•" Mo-lr..t Ila& n11 l'aa•· l"nur • --~ -=·---==a...•- '1 ""t:tc ·'" Henderson · Sees Coast Railhead a.ii Str~e Delayed;· New Parley On l",1111 \\ f l,.n1l1•"""· 11( lhl' llAr·\. ''"' 1111 1••11111•111 ( '' '"'I t'nl1~t loclay• lfllll 111 111" •1111111111••11 II l11i,:h hid 111 'tlt•l,IU I "" '"'hllll 11111 a)lllli~lll(' 1111 h11l1t1i; Ill S 1mt11 i\1111 nw n, rur th" plll< 1111"' oof 11 \\1111•h11t1•t' llntl I 111,.kui:1· "''' ;01tj111·1•111 111 On.n1i:t• t •,_,,, '"'II"!:•' 111 1 ht• fotrmrr S11nt• A1111 1\11111 Alt '""'' rwnr ('ue11a ~, •. ,r. ast-Minute oveReopens egotiations · · CHICAGO. A pril 28 1 l'Pl - T hrc::I' oj'.K·no11111: mil unin11s toch1) .. "' !\fay 11 "" n d.11r ror n-na1Tml· ~ w tdl' rail i;rrtk•· bul thl' i;:01:1·rn· mt•nl :irrangl'n nf•\\ 111·~111 1.1I1(lni- n n ounC•'mf•n1 c-11ncdl1•d. f'rnnk P noui;:l:i..<~ of 1 h•' na- Eisler Heckled at Harvard 1111· 11111 "n• 1111111o• to W11r A•- .... ~,. 111lr11l11l•lrttl h•n fur lht• 76•/ICl'ft ,If,. whlt•h l111'l111l1'~ I:/ w11ocl 11171-d \\Ill """"''''· '"111111) '11olt1p1nhh• •• 111.·1"') l11111tll11t.:' 11nll :.i t m~l - 11111"""' •I 1111•11111••. 1rwhulln1t ot~ ,1r,,1, 1•11 "'"•'111111• m 11..: nit In .,•, IPr11llr111 1~11111 ,. 11n1I )o1•rf'I I') boJCN, 1111,. ,.f 1t11• "ll t1•h1111-. .... t'lmlnlrui t•>ltl •11 •1111:•' , .. 1111111111•111 British Tanks In Action AgainSt Jews In Jalla Seige J I Rl :0:.\11 \I ,\1>ril '..'>' 1\'J'1 pl"''" l\t r•· ,.:1111 .. A 1q••1 1 1·11 l''"'I" Tlw1 "~\\,111111•11 11111111~01 "'111 llllf"f"'llllll1111, ll11•n• le a Britt~'''""-""'''"' int.) H•tht11 t.• ••ll •l•tl tLL.U th1 \\1tlu h n"lll ftu tu I .,_.,pit."' uul 1tA l•ilth,,., '-t h 1M•U•t" .'' 1ull1 1uu1u•·llun ''lth .1h•· .Pa· da) l!ll!Am•• ,ll\\o.h 111••"'' •11 llu '"" 1.tpllrol \\1>111.t 1,. 1111111 •1• lotl I•) 11111l •1tl111>' •lllloff 111 Uw lrnrl•u .. 11111 1•11,.. ";1 .. •1111 11111""> nm1 hlghw~ lrg11n i'1,,1 I .i11111 "'"•'It h .11111111:.i !\In) ;, ••tll•,. ,. .. 11i:ltl 111 II•,. 1111,.11.:h 11t1• f11111t111:•• \\htc•h 11•1111~ toll. S No. cd th11r "·•~ 1111 ... l1off11 llw loot.: J'lh· "'1111111111 111 .r .... ,, 111111 "·" .i. \•l.o.h lf11i•rr. 1111 nt N1•w1•11·1 llN11·h Tho• 11rn- AJ'111I. Ml~ 11• ,, ... 'f', I "'" 1111 tlll h n111 '" 1111111 t.11 .. 1. /\ It' l1>;.llfl l1llllh lll Ullll• 1 ....... •1u 1I Jho• llt\[Jl' b :10 m lh..,, frotll , ...... An- 'T'lh rlr1•"I ,\11111 1111t•,;, ,ll'<I 111 1••1 I 1•11 .. 11l1tl•'d 111111 ttl. l\1,111.0. u r11ll ;\1 11lo •!··~111111•• 111tr1 11 11111••1 ltc all'I• • L1111i; ll.•11th h111ho1 the "'I:• d .1 •• 111 ,,, lr .:1m .... 1 ur111,. .1.\\,.\\1111ltl l~ :1i;1" 1111° to1,1 '""' '''""' .r "'•·h1111i.;, 111 \\hld1 t h••\ ·n .. S •rnl ro A11n 1•11 n In llw c-or- bell•frd ,, ... 11 11 11111 11 ... 11111\h m 11 ... 0 111 11 .... 11 11 11 1'1111111 '" 111 .. 11111•11 1111 1•11•111 .. .,, 111111 r""I 1•1r11111111 1111· lfr1l,..r1 I~ Mllh•r, l"8111 .1n•I 11 .. .;111.111 1••••11!-. ,lrur k '"""1' •1\•1 "'"""I>-' 11.~11 · '" ;111 1t.1111 .t 111°1111·1, "' .t1f11 1al11111•t \\' \\' '\'••"1'. 1'111\I t111ll, AH11on frorn lh, '"ulh Tito· 1""'"'15 pu~h l 111i .. 11111t 1111111I f~•lwo· f11r1•1· Tt1.o1 l ... 11111111 .. 11•1', 1:1111•11,oll) r11111tr111t••1'I 111100•1-._.1 \\111vnr ll111Tll'on Bnb <tf tit<'''"" .r. "l•lt •''""I""·" 1•111 ',,,.., '''" "1• ""'"'"'"" \ 1. '''' •1r1••ll•I• 11rul f11111ll1 ~···mnrrk" II lltlo1scrbotr nm,; lh• 111h '"" "''' "' '"' 1111.; 'l't'll'Hlll '""'"''' 11 ·~·'"'"' '"'" ...... "'" 111.__:.... •• Jlu dh u l lU.. lloJL1 ~:Url~r·v1~ .... 11 •: A M lt"lu'I" llnd I:"'' Ar.,11 "" 111 l'.ol•''"" 11,ffk 11."''"I ,\ l••h•" "'"'"'''"'""I lho 1111·1 II I' II 1111 n 11 'l11r ..Jt•W1••1.1~l l11r• ,11:111ns1 11 .• " 1 I.,. t.ll h .111 100 •II 1d"' '' 11 111 111111 ·,.,,, Tiu I 1 r11111''' 111111•1•·11 Ill' 1111 1·11· lw1r 1111111 t• '1'11111 \\'. ll<•n<k•l •un. (\" r' 1 mn:1 I 11v rl1at1u11 boarrl announ c<'<I at \\'aJ<hingto n 1hat 1h1· u111o ns and lh<' rallrna1h harl 11grl't'cl to m l'rl wilh lum in C'hic-.1i;o al Ill a m tomorr11w ll<' <:;11d lw w o ulrl ~ fl) In Chir'>t:Q for; thr n ·nc·w<'<I n c-gotialions. 1>.'>IJll!I' lh•· llriliMh hut '" to•nol '111} 11"'" 1111 ;1111111"11'''" ""'"''' Tlw ltr•· M11.-lo1111 ~11lo111lo1111 111""· ""'' l1o•111l1•t"•on •11i<l trlflA) thn l U.. orf tho ,11111 1 . • 11rm) "'" •lt11111'111i; Ii 1r1o .. ,1 "11 ,. 1ri·'"''' 1111 t11\\ 11n l ll«:.J.!!l..!... ~'~'!]h'1,ll!.!•':..UUJ.!llJ.•:.w.1!.:!LU1tc..1!!..J.lllc...1llJ:.....tl:!ll:ld.lli&JmL-....... __ _; Thr !'lrtk1· !11111· w ns 1111nnum·l'd to<lay Ht ('11•\'t•lsrnd , ll\' n n ·prr- S<'ntRli\'I' or th•' nro tlll'rhoo<l or Lnco nlt'll l\1' Eni.:1nl'"r" 111• i;:ud the strikt• h\ tlw 1hr<'<' bro thnhood." was sch1:rlul1'fl In hrgin ·111 6 a m on M ay 11 ngninst nil of 1hr m1· I lio n's railq1nds. I O rfic1al 11nnounCt'ml'nt of a etrike date ha d been tchrduled in C'hicai;:o. 1'1·l'nty minutl'" nftr r lhl' d l'ltrllin<'. anrl lrss than :in hour afl<'r thr ('l('\'C'l11nd announc<'rn<'nl. a !1JlOkC'!lmnn for J . P. Shirlrls. as· sisJnnt ~:incl rni;:inl'f'r or th<· Lo- ('Orno tl\'(' EnRml'<'rs. nnd C'. II J<cC'n<'n. \'IC'•' prC"Sidenf of thr Rrnthr·rhood 11f Locomnt ivr Firr- ml'n n nc1 ~-n~inrmrn, •airl I hr of· flcinl n nnounr<'mrnt had ht•cn h<'ld up '('h&nl{P In Plan~· "Thf'n• h:1s IK'rn a r hnnRI' in pl:ins srnd no ll nn(>IJOl'('n11'111 Wtll hr marl!' """' or a d:ill' for n nn- t ionwidr rail i;rrikr," lhr spokrs- m nn said · After thr \\':ishini::ton 11nnun cr- m r n1. alon111 1:! uni11n rr pn•,c•ntn- t h ·c·s m•·I In r losr cl srs<wn at thc' C'oni:-rri;.o: hot r l hr r r . A short timr IAlc-r 11 ~pok1 <:mnn' ":lid l h<'rr w o ulrl lw no :onnounr1•mrn1 from t h f' i::.r1111p 1n<1a)'. I ! w:u: nnt rll,.dcoso•d whr•llll'r 1111' Mrik•· cln t1'. :1" :innmmrr rl :11 ,,,.,., .• lnnrl. -;111! '''"~I l 'nion 11ff1r1:.l!' m C'hu·:ij:?n :.n<I 1.11lro:id rqm srn1:1- t h 1 • rl•'<'lin••d <'"lllm•nl 1••mtin1; ou1 1hat thrrr h ;11t-N-1·n no 1.rfwa:tl onnuun ccn w n L uf 11 lrik• .~L •••nt unUlhl .. i.il Aftq 1·ri1•1urlnc 111 '11 11 r•·no' 11""11 •1" Ara' "'l•11t•1•. l111nl l1"~•1•ol ft••lll 11 1·1•1111111 w 111rht111JOln11 t1h1tric:t for th<-'.'I· t i.I\, ~11t1111 to.m 111.,.11, th•· I 1• ~ 11'"'""1'• 1111 1111111·~ lnnrl 1111 1 • "''''' .inti \\ 1111 tlll'ir 11111 k-" 1111m1111l111 111~·1o lnd u1Un1 Santa J-Mll! (hurt• n ••I 11,.. n1trlh••tu1frrn l I lu '111 1.:• 11f \\'1llJ1•lm11 111 t lu• 1 .. th • "11 1 .. 11.:ht 11111 k ol• ~1•·1 1tl1·1\ 1\1111. l.111111nn llo•11di, N..wport H'<:lor 1rurv '""t mil• -10 t\\11 11111' ·111 "'"' .. , ... 1 .• ,\,1111· "'" l.11ltl11 S111111ll•tn• ""'II. 1 h •• 111wlfllv llo•1wh 111111 lhmtlr111111n Af·ach. ·•II ''"'' "·" r.·1•11 !1•11 111 /\111lo "' .11·111111111• ll1111~1o p11tl1•1I 1111 , ' N"'"' 11f 111 .... r ritlt·~ 111M' hnw• ,., ... . JIRi:•nllh 11111lur<'•'<I th .. '.\11k\• fi1or111, 1 1•1•• ul••111 ~~' """·1111111·111 '1'111 q111111• """'h1111•lnw 11ntl 111llhfied lcrno I At.:Twlllllir.ol "''"••11 11~1rul•· 111·1111 '/\111 I •·111111 fl"lll•·•, l1r .1k1 • ~ 1•111" ~ 11111 111 J t·111•11l1111 "h"r•· lhr 1o·1n11nl'I fnt111ttr .... ht' 1111ln11...-I nut. t tw hti:h••1 111 J ,10'111• m , l h " onl) \ 1\r 1.I• •I• f, 11-. 11111' 111 1111• 11•11·tt1 I II I I l 11,1 r1t1• 1 1•1nlr11 • '" 11• ·~·•••n. ll1•11ol1·1""" nMl'd thul . ahuuld on«' 1101 "' .1 .. 11.i. 111 lof.•·k tti .. "'·" .. 11~1 "111111 lo• 111 .1111111, 111111 ···•r•· 1 1111 'l'h t I ~ ~ n i: M" )' 1·1 •• "'"~ 11 11•t•>1' thr 1'1w lflr• f:t1-ctr1r R11\lway <'o. o( 1111) ,\t ilo '. •:infoft'"ITI"nt.: ll"-1111•.,...111..:, '"11th\\ 111 ol 111.;ltln~I '"'Ilk· thnl ll11thh l'\'nl 1111tlm1 111 lh•• 11111) b<• llll<'f'\•Nh'<I. h l11 111'.,ltJl would like • 4, .,, :,.,,., ..... ,,. O <'rhnrdl EL,lf'r 111.'ftl ~lnnd5 UllflNIUrbf'd M fl ''ll '<'llt df'l"I."' d tr R• '":.n tv• '\41"';( .... Uislurlunce ou:ur~cu ~ r . •r 14 :1• nil< lit 1.11 ~ ...... j f (I ~tut!• 1, .• ,; I! ... ~'\-..: •1 Cl\11 I ••• •tudt'nts n.Ll>h t.o rJect tlle trout!t·m.' k• 1 1 .... m Ul• ~oil 't ...., ..... 111 •• T -. 1 olf,('I pal'IJn'• lu'Ci 1 .. 1 Ail\' t h:ol /\r1<lo 1·n1.f '''"'''"ll'• ''""II Ill""' !ho· ('ii) \\11ol1ll1<·1'<n1111lr•l1•\lloy Mr<y:1 lo 1'HOlll'fllh• with ltwm ln rw>tll• uails •t:olln!V'd In l h•-· G:\t11 nr•'JI ll!JI t nr1•11 "11111· ll1ii.:11nnh 1r1••11• Th.-· h111n J11frn ll1tl11ln1t lltnio•d UJ' 11t1<'h n trnnln11I warl'howl!fttl ~ .. •11dtnc fOf' Jnffa hy M'n 1·01111111w1I •rn nrt .. n1>lvr dnv .. fr11m a i.:nlnat ttw Arrtll dr frndn·11 of llM' plan. '11\f• .,,.. -)' alee be,... •, ~ t hr f8tr of J:iffa •wun« In •'lllh 111 1111· 1·111 div 111 nh1111I 7n.nno wlw11 ll11i:1tn11h morrcl for lndliilfr11ll 1111(1, he Mid, Stassen Picks Ui> Lead in Keystone State Primary I 'Ill LA I >ELl'lll A. Ap1 ti .!X 1l '1'1 lla 1ulrl ~; S111--u1 p11k1·cl u11 11 i-uh•1.1n11.1I l•·:in. t rHla~ in 11 • 1111 n• I• um l'•·nn·~ h an1a • 1 •11m:11·~ t'l"l'lliJll ;111!1 •'1•1•·:11.~! ho•:ocl1 cl f,.1 111• 1h1nl \U'ln1~ 111'o·1 th •• l11•lct 111 H••1111hli<·a n pro·•1<h·nt 1<1! '"1>1r;1111' ·n1o• rnrmd '.\I 1nn,~n1.1 I:"', 11111r. 11 h11 "l't11id 111 Ill!' :'\1•111.1,ka .in ti \\ 1,run .. tn pnnl.tr11 ...... ~ \\ ,, .... t unr11nL: m11r1• than 10.0C.iO alw:ul 1tf G<w ·n 11>m:1-. F l 1r•111"'· :->"" \'n1k \\ llh Jlll'l'<'•rlllll lh• Pl 111" \\'rill'• in \11!1~'-COWll-.'tl from ~1 •1t4·<1.t~, !tall• 11111,.: S1•n Ed" :ird :'-11111 m '"'"'''"·•Cm 1 ·1ntl11l111 .. "I' 11111. n111 i.: 1h11d .illh1111;:h l:or to .. h111cl THIS TOO WON'T SIT WELL HERE SA' Olt;l.o, Aprtl :?11.-1l "t'1 -Ur. l'rdr o Ttl•·otonlo l'•·r..tr•, l'nrl1tlt'll""'°' anih,.,...ador lo tlw l 'nllPd Slat4'<'>. ~•" d, ... ,, ..... n .. hlnte toda\ orr ttw-C'08•1 ttf '°'"" Ulf-t:o ,;t>N-a u .... I "a.. told lhf' ltlita:,...t fl,.h ..,.. raua:ht In "'"n lll<'l(to." • 1•1•ri•lra , 011 a luur of ( 'allfor- n ltt r111 ..... wlll '1'11 ,·artnu .. tun• cll11f.M'" In 1.tort ... \\f'JI .,.. ,.hip· ,\llrd" and t11t1a Ntnnr ri-hf'fon• h•1nln1t Frida~· for \\' ... hlna:ton. Inhalator Crew Fails to Revive Heart Victim '. F 1 r•·nwT1 from t ht• fi;, t...,:1 q a 1111n .. 1 •h• ;-.;, "IMll I 1:.·:wh "" dt·1 .. rt· m• nt ''' rk• .t 1n \ u n t"r n• ;.r l.> :tn h11ur "'' r tho• l~•h <•I \\'rn'11 II P L unl11'11. I>-, nl ~t;\ "") Fr<>nl. "'''I It• h.1rl 1•111l:o1N If ,,, '"' h~oow. '11 llm o•f :o h• .1r t '" 1;,rk 'l lh \1t •1m \\:1• -.•ru·k•n .• t ~ I' 1• tu 1t ,., 11l1u'"· t.. I •r t:.o I <; Br· 11vl>I• \\I•• 111111 h II) -u111m<>o1•d ' .. , l•nl11n•~'. 111 .. llr11 1~h l'vtw11111111n A 11 •r1 11 ol •f •111 " I t I t t J I I ., I -" " I ' I t't'OU'< flf"' '•'WI• I 1111 11 111 '11111'• !"1(1111 ,,\II I llh1•r l1i1f~ rnr thr ~flt' fnCfUrffod 11( .l•n.t.•al•·m ""11r ... t ""11111lr•11 .. 11 .11/l• 111111 ,. .. 1111• 1:11 "~1· 1·f\1fh1ll f.•·111111 11111111. ...... 111 11tr11•1M111<11tn•I 1111,.,,..1 I' K••rllf'~ onrl Jarob Wocwn AJI 11111 al11~u1 :/II 1•n1 1·1rmw111 • rn·I Arni" 111 1111• 1·111· \\,••r•· "'"klllll 11• !Ito , II\ .,( s,111111 1;111,., J:lf~'\.'\, "hrr- Two Re.move Chain j PROPOS•~ DRASTK~ •~•~GISLATION From Do~, Fa~t~n IT() CU UB· RED FRONT A(,IJVITY It to Their Own , ""~111:-;1 • "' ..... ~'" .1 .!W. • 1 ·1 ·• "a:"'', .• 1 .. 1 "· •. "•I 11.1 .. , 1111 .,,. r11 Th• """"' \'11·1\111 .. 1 ... 111 1\1 1111 1"1' '"' f1"'"' •1•1111111111111 111 "°'o nu<lur11111' ''•Utu.· f""''''"'' '''' fl•f11t11ttfP• tutlo) t1t1an1r11111t'h 'I• •'ft'•" •1111111 1110-.. :"11nln An11. $!!0,1:50. 111111 K1·1lll11ll M11nur11r111rln1 Co .. I '11•tt1lt•1111, $~t6.(V'() 'Hold Wages·· Cut Prices' Stand .GainH Momentum "•rt• rr1•1rl••I Ii~ :'-Ir~ T 1· T111l·l l''"I"'"'' tl111"1t 111\\ 1·~"111111111 1!'11 l\1111 t i\11111111 , 11 , S II , •• k . 11:.111 \\' I 1"' "" 1"111111 . :"o•\\. :011111·11 Ill 1·111h1111• ,, ... II"'""'''"' :oorll1o01 .. 1 ,,, .. tior '"Ill l1111i.: 111•·11~ 1 r r · l.rull m c hl. lh• (',.11111111111q 1111111 111111 lh 111 • ,11 ,,1 tl11 ,.,,111111111 ... ""I"" '"' J•rt•rsllllJU;ll, Apt II :lH f llPt \fr-. T.1111 ... ·k t11M 1••I•"• '"" Ir• 111 "'l' •r11n1l11111' , 1 .. 111•• '"'' .,11 11 11," "" k Tlw ''•'•I fodu•ln • "h•lld Wlll(f'tl ••llll' m• 11 "' .111111: :111111 11\in~· 'llw 11111 \\1111!1l 1l•·l111• th• /\nu 11 l ltt• " 1• ill\ 11 I""''" tm1i:tr ••fl 111 11•• pr1111r111n 111 •lf'ltl ln(I". I k• t ... 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S tt•••I" fcoll11W- JU"~ "" rf1nru•!'<I ll!I y nll ·:r".. 11nl.1 111·1·•1.r .. 1111~1 1'a nrhrl111 .. fllll1'"cl r1-h 'lfl' pl• nr 1(11 I •1n ''" ( :.1ll:q1.1 1 .. I -~I·~ ~1 ll'< , • ., • • Jiii' "''' a I 11•'lll'li\':tflool1 •ii 11.. 11\1.il"'" 1 111011 'l~lko•"m' 11 11 1 ( lo•\'f'l:1111I "II lho• ft;1flllt•. pnllpd ',!fl'_! !°117 I CIO• t•f:tntl• li:o1tk• lilll 11\ 11 rt o \ l'' fl• I ol t111'J1 1111 If, tll '' '10011• 111 •llllltttf••t• '" ,1 •llt. • "'"111111• • o 11 \\ '""' •ol••', ,\prol .'>< <l 'l 'I fl.,11°111 "'''•I 111o111l .. r•, "'j'" •It• l•11rl 111 11lltl111"11 111 ll1·lli· A -'"'•" "' • "'' flf•Jllll'' l•l 111 tu q ,, *'• r~11f 1 • ••1111r11ff1 , tl1t1tu ·ht h ,., 111 HruJ ,f11rt•, I(, 1 1tt1vhlln ft1• .. 1•'• 1••r1 11~··1'11 l•1ll ,.,,,•·I 11r11 •itt1•f \\t•• ,.1thtu St••t ('•• J'n•-h•tt•'" S ti·r•I !lnirl lhry ~.id nnl k n11\\ :111~.1)11nc l ll•·nr~ "-\\'all:ol"t' 2.7.-17 F 1-.•n-;11 .. 1hll11·11f11111·:t11h 11<·•·•111"· l h•) I''""" rh• 1 .. ok1111• for 1ti.--..111l•n •tl11,tr1<·• r,,1 ito•.:\"'i•·ll 11 ,,1,.,, Rhuut thr r ln nc1' m pl.ins and """"r :!K1!l l \\111 n111 t:ok,. t h•• h onk 1-.rr ,-..,,001,..r "' 1.,,111111,.1,, "''' '" '''" u , .. ,, '' ~r1•111.· •·•U tut .. c·1,,,;,,.,,,,., ''"''''"''''It '\t • 11·,, ,,.,, <''''''''':' ~,,,., <'••tp ,.111~ i..,,. '' ·.n .. ,., .. t'io,, ... ,, "..,,,\ ,,.·th• ',,,, ,, .. 1••••1•'' .1 '"' 1 '"" .1. "11• •ti ,,., "' ,,, '"·""'' ,,,1 " ""uh lhal :\l.ty 11 o;tlll "''!-tl11 r11rr <1·1 rlalf• 110111•\f•r. 11 w a s l)('f11•11•tl lhat t h"Y harl nor hr o'n infflrm,..<I 11r lhr \\':i~hin~·lon !11•\'l'lnpml'nl ~ In his !ll.1l1m1·n 1. l ln11class s111rl that flli l11r1• of 1~· un1rm11 a n rl r a1lro.1d" 'ti' r1•11r h 11i::.r<•f'mrnt hy tlu }11~1'1\'1•• "r1•pr1·s1•nts a ""rmu~ t hr1·111 let t lw 1·cono111~ t>f lh•' 1111- t lon in lhkt " stnpJ111R" of 1111 rail tr:ins portnt1nn 111 thr co11nlry m ny follows." llr !IRi d th111 lhr 111•1\' nc-gntrn· I inn~ w c•rt• 1 hr only thins; hr snw th11t thf' j:?O\'rrnmrn1 roulrl ~o lo hrRd o rr a rcnl i>I rikl'. "\\·r'\'I' i:ot lo 11urrN'd." hr s11id . "for thii< ill th" la~t th1nR wr c-nn do 11hou1 it " * Weather & Tides * ~ ..\nttf'lf'IO Ii \1dnJty:· ~1o!<tly clourly '\\1lh ncr111>ion11l ,...r,-ittrn·d light i:h oWl'N t oday, loni~h! a nd Thui;;cl11r hu! with p11rfi:iJ rlra1. Ing In a rtrmoon C'nolr-1· tpcln~. TT.~fl'f:RA Tl'Rt:i' \'NfA>Nla~· Toda~ 1111.:h. fl.! !..<)\\ Tldft a~ plot~d In ordt r of occurenu. Light figure• .l m • dar'-: f1gut rt ' m . w ~ i"-23 ti :4'\ Th 29 30 1 :05 3 9 00 4.4 R:44 ft:M 0.3 3 2 9:!'>9 &:l.'I (J "3 J :i 8:00 3 1 rn:n 3 (I l .,,_.in ur n 'l~"·uol m,.•11111.! It• 111 llttu,. , .• d '~ ,,,, ... : \\111·· r,u·r1•11~1· .. RURAL WIVES PROBE HIGH COST OF PRODUCE \111111!:1)• 11t'-:"'••rt1.n'• i·:o f. :'-!111111 l••.,1·111d '" 'l•I"·'"' '"'"'.'"' 11 l••11dd i.11111· '"' •·1·11hr l ll•lftl,1,.111 1111111111111.,·•t " $111, ·1' ~Uf". ~,.'4rJ-'•tf Jt..·:H tt '"'·••.:•I , fill,,.. •·f 11r11\1 ,,1,, ttultl H\ ·••fil\ 111• "' ... ,,, ui·th ttfld l1•1tld ••: l,eiitif"•• 1,,,,11,11 •'Uf tu 1,,,. l >rtt••· uf I I ·'-I ,tr.ur.uu ''" ••·fl•I''''"'''' "IJtJff Hl ••I ''' '"'''' t•••f \• 'l'll•ll\ '•'"'''' at ''''""'''" ·'''"''" /I, l .nuuJ1l111 \\'11ff. ~nri ;111" ""'"'"''" 1h .. 11rt1'•'l ''""'"m ••r ;, ... ,.,,\nu,111u :ill.1 '" flll"'· t lt1 ~11rr:1tl r1·11111nl.1 '" n•" tn lht ·'"1". >nnidl •hn11rn.111 ••f •fl,, 1 , ,,111 .. ,. tt. Ht\• ' "'. d "" '"''" 1 "' llt.tft\ '11tl 11 t d n ·t·rf<"l'd h~ f:.rm•·r~ f1•r 111 .. ,r f'r'"i "•l•I• Th•' h1tl ""!:!!''''""' 1n r•1.11l·r·-. lw ml• T li•t• 11 11 Ii<'• m m111 ..... p1••1t1 ... 1 1111.i .. 11,,, 11,,,i.11,... •" ,, ,,,,1,,1 '"'''' "'"'' "' 1•h11111,.·· 1h1t•f' :onrl lh1· .. m1111nt p:11tl h\ 1111 m:tk•'. r"1•1rt••d lh• ""!TI• 11 s•·\1 Loi la k 1111: " l"•rl111n ,.1 rt .. in· "mlint.t l h•· m• • 1 1n~ 14•" I ''' .1 L' M• "I 1'11' '' '' r "'' ••till " l't•l1•1tm1·r "' l hl• •l•lr ...... 1r1• .. 1·1tl1 •n1 Rrlnic R•'.I""' l'rodUC'f' n .. ·k l"r•.1...-'fl flrl"" If ·~"" h••1 • "' tlir• ti Spi<'•·r . <;..,o111n 1-'m<lbl\ \\111 I~:·'~·'""" \\ "''1 '· ·'""'1" r,Cf»n••my ISSI e \1,1 111~·'""" S 1i1·1·t If, 'l'11lw <'o., in 11 r1rncri· ... ~ ~T•1rl 111:1rl•· II\ ""·I H•·t,1ll•·r<.. l-tri1•· 1h:11 ~,.m•· rn rm w1orr,..n '""'th•· ''"''"'ltl• '""">' 1,·""'1 Bu~'",",11 ~;,1 M11n•f1•1tl .1 ••• 1 IL 101 "" 11""'' A•111••l !-..n·,',,.lfeu. t ()ff (1...CJrust 11 1 1• 111111 11111<•~1~1 .. 1•l11rnd111'('r In u nnt1 \\' 1 1 ·1~--· ,,,rnrr11,t•• d1 u ·nf>t·rt t t11 ,, 1 nu·n 111 tlw (11 m h11ro•u11 ol•p:'lrl·l "r" llokr· prntlur<• 1ntn f.o<: 1\ni:•I•~ Wlll ~h"" 11,. '~"~ '"""rrl .,rr111hh '-·1 I .orry ••• 1 "' 10,111111 ), 11111ol rt nt1i.ch• "f(o nwnl \\'h11 .1t1· 1·ni.::1i;• ol 1n a ~I'll lh1 lu·<;I :01 \\h•0l•,:1I•· m1.k •1 •n .· •h• ftr•M•~• .,, 1or•l•r '" •r<·om· Thr nt'NI f11r:1 'Ill\•) •11 rl1• 111 11'"1•""1 "' "1'·11> 1'"'1"" /\n•J V.ASllt;'l;r;'j'lo;'I; A ioril ,!)( i l 'I'• ·"•·111:· \\llh lh•· l1111wr •11•1·1 flr111 11. r · 1 '' \• r ti ''''""'''". 11t•·rutw1 " \\ft• pt'rt<Hi1r a l r lw1·k of fll'I«"'"' ,,, food """"" an'11hon 111 1111· lh•· ro IH'l .. 1•11111 thr n1.w,,r '""'' fr'lfTl r·1rm ........ '""""Jn !ht• J",.w, ... ,, """"' 1\ 111111111 .. ldoo\\11 \t'l .. 11111 ,,, lh· ll·1·11l1ll1', lh•· t'llUlllt\'• lltlrd , 0 I ll'J,1ll\ I llf4l tU\t\ltftl tf • '"lhf• SIOl'l'l' nr Cahforrua p11r1 hnrk '" llr:inco• {'011111) '" '" 1'1111'11nl"r" f h•,\' :1l•n ,.,.,,,ft ... ,,., ... n '\\II\ n1n•1t1 .. rr'(Jnnol t h•·l'l1:1111 .• . • 11.1\\' "'"'"'"'I $:11 • • .:11 1-~1 1•1111lo d l111 1'o·~· ~·····I pr11tl111'l'I, ~11111 nolh-~lr:in~r ,l"<>1111ty ~-r1rm H11n·1111 tr)l""dli11111tw"11m•'"'""''Sal<' •·<I t h•· fact. rh:il th•·)"" n•1t l•r of n1mm••ro ... •w11<.1<"l"'"t'·1l 1••I '""S1·1111'• .\rr11•rl S .. nl•1 ~1·•1•11 1 m1.-1"'"~'"''"'"' ''' f'1.?11t l\1 1w11 111~1olH1111111•rl1· .. 1·111 ~\lr1tll"r nn~ w <1mrn art• r lw<'kinK in ~11 1rrl 1~il prtr<• UthPr• v11 hm1f'rr1·cl 1nr11rm11-m:1k1ni: 11ny "'Ir'•) 111 f11rm1•rirr~, .rittal(' 11 sur;·1·y "hw h "'"''"oil 111111100 '"1"1 '"1'''.1·" 1;• 1'11 1' l ''•ol 11111•·11" l1•11t1 .. 1 f111 111111•• j ""'""""1•11•~ W••r" \\llhh••ltl lty r i<lt>rf'~ a nd 11 croup o f ro11rl~id» tlnn lh11t "Ill Ill' htlpf11I in th• nr 11f \'llrin1!~ prt.""" 1h l'l<'"-"''"°....J •111<· !ht> <MJt <>lnnrl111i.c f•·~l 11ro·" '''i""rl-•011 11,, 1111111 I 11tl1r 11 ~•1111° t ''"ll~i•l1·111l111n 1'111,.1t.to· rmlf l'lllJ1Lttr1<h S lt>PI 111anrl~ m 11rd"r to tnltula11· flit· !Htnr~. mC'lud in c <ti.ta o n ~1ao1lni:" •h • tr •11r-.'<·~ rt"'' r~ ""'> 11 • rH':!tl "· 111~,... ;,ntl othrr manufnr. tfil 1-~t >•1•11 11~ ht 1 ~· 1·n IX h 11 •t ·n .. l•"•J• 1·1. , "''" ololi•tl 111 111,.. -----------------urr~ \\h1eh lll'C'Oml' part 11f n 111r· \\h1f'h r•·:orrr• htizh J1fOflOr1ron~ on llrtf'f-<; In !h• ''fll•• 11ntl ct:1n•I· • ·"'"IC Rf'l iv1l1•·-tn "'" N r "'l1t1rl 1•1•, ''I"' •of.I"""'" '" trldtJ• 1••1 111111> 1111\\, ~1!1'1.'••1,1;11, l•llf•ll"I p tur,. ftrtnc d1•\'l •lnp<•d !Ctr tho• wholf' "'""w w•i:f'lahlt•<; t<n<1 fr1111c Ar()('. ~t•wh ""' m " n•'<''"'":ir' Ill t h•· 11 •rho r "rra. 111••• 1h•· 111111• ol 1111 1°' 111"1'1' w1t11 "'Ilk~ ftlll. '"''" 11ppr•iv .. •I 111~, v• 111 OLICE HUNT ESTHETE of C1tllrnrn1a anrl whu:h Is 1•x1><•r \l'd 1·1111. fr1r in''""''''· 1111< n hr·1n ~ "'" "' 1tr 1,.r m1111ni: ,·nrirn1~ 111 :1'1•"' A '~i111 •·rornrn11trn• '" ••u•h• !h"'' I'•'-. ll1t ••1•1·to .•·, Th· '""'" 1 I lor ""' !11111~•· /\111w<I S•·rvw• ~ WHO 'KNOWS PLANTS tolr11rllo~omr11dJUStnwnt!'wh1ch •1•11l:og1•wh11·hh<·l1:is10 ,.xpl:i1nlh•· "•lh:1t "nmp:1nv 1n<>w1111 .. ••1111l \j •'.11111nn "l'l"•rfllntlt"' "·" If• 14 ••111•1 "''' '':'.''"' 1'"' '"" '"' •'••1111111111• S 111,., 1t1111 q 1,.1i111 1.-., will he hl'nnr11·1al '" lhl' rarm•'r" ,,,,., thnt fllrmrrs 1;111 ''"" r1·nt• 1l1h 11 "''" r••J•llt•rl '• tnll'(j ontl 1nt'f11ol··· •• \''I •• J ,,., , .. , 1""' 111•1• ""'I"' 1. "'' '"'" IHol ll••I ''" 111 ll1•· ll111a.•· Hulc11' 11nrl ron!l11m1·r!' w1thnu1 hrtni.: cl•'I· J)t'r hr11rl. which C'flnitum""" f)ll tti nn ·n,. ,.·o m•·n ""r" "'" P"'' •I n t • i» '"" '-nr•r, ''' tlw 1i.11 1~.1 ,,,, ., "l•••t 11• I ';\fT 111 •11·1 ''"' l•ot I••" I' •11111111111 •• 1 '1t11r11111111 I .A ,, All•·n. rtmmlnl tn lh•' lrnnrllrr~ lu t\\'<'<'n nw•rncr of :il r<'nt• f"'r l11ri;t" h•nrl •h• "'"'''"''""' llf•fll• lrr111• .. not '''I:· I! 11<11111: lh« """m\1111 ... "'" ,,,.' 111!1 •• II Ill , """~·· ,.,111111111 •. 1• '"'"' 1hrfnrm1·r1111rl \hl'rnn«11m•·r T hn! nr n m;irk-ur n r 32'1 pt'rC't /ll ... 1:11•1•• tr:11r·1 .. t1 St11n1· '"''"~ '··k Jl.rt11h1vvl .... 11hl11111.,.,1ll"r'• A r1tft•"' .. ,111111• ''''"""'''' "" 11 .. ur 11 1•"11111"" l••r ""'" ,.,,,."tf · is whnl ill 111rl1r·ntr•rl h~· ""'"'' tn Thi' m 11rkt'1"' w .. n · wi<lrl~ \flfl• rl I ''"' rr"m F t..11•ln ,, ,,.... rll\ ·.• olt•·r l"run1 """''''" .t ,, ,\d ' •• •II "" ..... ""'' 11h11 '" 1.111111 I' .lfl"fl 1.1 .. I•" 11 \l11111hl 1~· v 111! rhnri:• ,,, !Ill' •11rw·y. l\tr<; E !lit rrrrm-~rnwhl'rrir•c whwh !lnh1 f11r ""'""' lr1>m A11 .. 1r.~lt:1 .,., .. t n (f11rl••y •:n •r••l l ,,.,,.,, .. l 'r""on q. "'"'I "''''\II 1111tl 111'1••" lfl l l•d rfl•\\fl I I I• nn .,f Tu•t m Mr• rJRvtnn F rr. :in 11,·,..r:•i:" nf. :t"> r ••ntc f'l"r lo;1~k• 1 S 11 .. k l••n :tn'1 Ttl;1hr1 y, II•'" "' •' t I' Sf11r1·r 11nrl J-:of !\f :1n I 1• fol 1 1·• n• 1 ol 111111 t '" ,,. 1 .,. "' k · I 11 •lo• I .. , ••( '"' "' 111 111,1~ t11r r 1n ;,f G:trti(•n Grovr .:1nct t ht Anti f f1r "h1rh 1tu f ·1rnlrr~ ~'"' :V• p••t:.tr•• ··•m• fl'•f11 ~~ f n t\.\ ,, Jt "'::t' ;t,.,:Ttt·d thd th;• •• ,,1,..,, f /ul\ ,.,,,, Ui Ii• ,,utl tt .. t r•tl•-"""'''''• '"' .11 r11•d ''t \I"' ''''"I c-h111rm:-tn r1( lht\ hon1tt clt·partm••nt ("••n tc:: fq ht•M"'ru11 <•t.inl.!'•4'\ 1.:l<t\\f1 ,.,, l .l•'li'•~n .. ., '"'"'' T1x;.1~ n .• n.n;1 'Uft,.., (1,r l:1ts.:•· "•:1f•· "'·•tlHfit~ "''•'•'" ,,.j.1, ,,.,,, '"' 1tJn1\ 111 ,,,, '"''"' Vt'M'f'f•flt\ ''""'"''" i>e~·. 11r 1h1· f:irm f·11r11111. !\Ir" E A \\1lh111 t h• ~'"'" :11·1·11 \\1 ro '""' ~'l"'''h 111m• lrnm l mt• 11-.1 '. , 1,., ·inc In 1h1• J1;11 r,.,1 "'"' "''I" ''''" 111 "'"' II< ·1t1tf 1•1 ''" .. 1.i ·~~"""' 11 .,111 11,, 111• 11""" \l•1t••1 I (;;-trrlnt•r . c;:tnlf n (~r .. ,.,.. ~1r·ct n' hn :t\•'f ICf Pl 1r 1 ,,, :; 1 ,., "'' :·11rl ft ••ru ~'·r•h f.Htkt1t :1 -H'tly hm1t1..,I tu11 'i1i"":1t '"' •rn:df ..... '""''"' l\.1hl· 1trld , •• ,, '.1ll1d v. •• , qt '' 1l'd'' I• 11\lfl~' II\.~" I llo•nn fC t11r1•r tl1 1n r h ari:r or lh•· fl' I , .. 11110 ,\1111° •h1• i:r .. w• r i.:•·' Siii \• 1 .... fr••lrl '"ll(lf\ vr•"ll ... ,,. "••In·~ air• All\ '" 1111 ,,.;, ,,., •1-•>'•• l•l"J" I "IJr\r.'~ \\It h ~h' F··rnn •4(:'''•1·1t ,th··1'' .!1• t·4·n'i. J ·,, • l1ll 'l•·'.1~ ~·ri' '" . .,, t, •.• ,,,,,,,,.,,, ,,f ''-"•lrt t.., .. '1Jf>1")t•rf,.,,t 1n ••\r i \ "·•\ ''·''''"'""'I tit•'"'"'''''''"'" •t h• "'"'' u .1\\ put.tu· "''1t'l<• T h• ~Uf\•~·r" r1·port··'' 1Jp:1t ttrnu,·hr ~h· l'IO\.\•I ··n 1'\•ra('• ,,, •u n "'H•.f ; ,, u .. rf(•f•\ ,,,.,'ti .... th:H n rrpt)rt ,. ... 'tnt: u . f1J.11 t 11· •'' ,,, v,1•J, ,,. ,, .• ,. ''"·''"' '"''""'"'' ,,,,, •.•• ,,''"'~·•I t,y ,.,,., n1•''' r '""'tttllt>rt..: "'••r , (V\(lJt>lriJf l\'r :!:l r1 n~'\\1f1• .. ,.,1<1 111 tlu '''"'"llffi•t •11.~1 '1 ,,,.,, 41 1.-r1•""t ,,( •'•t 11 '~h thr· n umt;1r ,,, ••mpJ•,\• 11r1d • t•• '''''''•'h .'~1 •lr ''' 1111~ t1i1 1 I \TJ "\•n·•'• u 1 1u11111ft1twd f111tfl 'It ff1• nnrl hurl a1.;r1•1·tl thn1 11 \\to1Jlrl l11• A 111 :r; •·•·nto, 1ir 11 lo.! I"'"""' innrk· 111•nt11' •11111111: )'h1rh 1~111•lr• ~llr • typo• of mAil11Jf1u 11irin1: ,111,11 111 111. p t••lo•l•ol '"' "'"•1•0 •101n11111 11°111"• 111~11·1, '" 111 .. r•·tl1wtl••n• ''I I:'""' id•.:i 1f ~r<1V.1•rs :.nt1 r••IA1l,.r • up \•·~~"•II hr m11r1r . t h,. <1l w lw<1 ~·111 '• fnll<lr nvailnhlr Th•· , hnn 1t,. 1 I''• "'" 11111111·1 "' mtnd wl1"" 11 1111111• .. S• 11111• 1 •ittf• "'"' '' w Jll t.•· 1•011lcl \\nrk tns:,.lh•r In"'" that Th" lnrl1··~ mi.kins:: th •· •llr'l'"Y '" "1mmar11N1nndmartr .rl\,.tlnl•l• ··rr ~'.•II unt!Pr1:tk1• !hi• "''''k c•h •l••\\11 t" 'lf'l""q "ll ''" 11rl111I l11 l1l 111•0111i••••·•ltfl•r•n"'' 111111, r:.rm 1irnrl1tl'\ .. c• I rr .. 111 l(rlt"• r lo "11lflhll~l7•·rl '"' r.1rl t hat 1111 11( l•·r '''t<I} .. thin th<> n<·XI ft•W m•..nlh• 11111 11\\ .. \1·r~111111. I ... 2 An ,..fhf'lf' wtlh a k111,..lrd&" 111 hut""y I• lh .. •nttrt <rf a l1te••I 110111· .. hunt 1 .. 1.y. II aU t'lllll" 1&110 11 I Whf't'I a 11rlrr-" l11nln1t itrr•nlum-""'' flvr p11ttrd 1>t&11t• •rrr r...,,....t...t rnlaalnr y ... t•·r1lay. ~r ... /\. M . R'rulth. \!_119 ~~ h1111l•·v•rtl, u.11.,,.., ".,. th•• ''"'~-•· ltm uf 1111· IM1rl11ln,..1 1•·ranl11m. 111111 ""'"' mll"" •""'· In Nf'W- JN•rt ll•·lcttr... Arlhur l'ollucl'.' '!ll:. "'•111• An• tt\••nu,., rrporlf'CJ tlw I""" 111 '"I' IN•ltrcl 1•l1U1I•. l '11ll11r1I " .... "•lrrtn,.ly l"I"" , t11rl11·tl .,.., .• u.., Oftly hlonrnh1c fl""'"n '"M'" 11to~. Maay hud- 1fl111r ..... ""' of .......... ... .... ""'" lrfl 11t1lm1C'hf'd. 1 .J .. • • • .. ... Page 2 Bal lf!lprovement Assn. Makes Plans For Active Summer ND FRONT PA G E Wedding fit for ·a Movie Q-en I If om ·Breneman Drops Dead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Giant New Atom Smasher PlanS?ed -A N- ·R-L-Y E~w-s Balboa lmpro\'f'm1'nt 11SJ1oc-rn1111n Ol4'ml,...rs h11v1 t11k1 n ~1o·1»-111 It'· I£ ~I.Jr'<' 11 m<>r1• llC'lt\'r i>umm1 r """"'"' ··mo.._,. m Im• \\1lh n h. "h T•. I ~ort. · :\l,,nft· (;full•.-... 1>••·,ul1 11t .. 11111 100 .. r ------------..... -~ 1 Heart Attack Hits Favorite f Of Housewives IJ(IL!,..)"W(M '''·Avril :!8 1l'1'1 'D:lm Brc•nf'man. ·16. Who "II· dean ·d ~i m~··lf 10 millions uf ""· int•n "i I h his r11d10 prui;r.11u, .. Brf'akfast m I l11llywood." tl11 ;I ... tuld•·nh· 1od1t\ 11r a h••art all.irk rl h1;c E11C'1n11 home·. • \\ L" µl.;Jl lO l"Ulll~u·I •I t,.M,J~ lhl Olll:ht1UI tho• ~11~llJrl:111d 11nrt ••fl· l"l•Ul i1J::• 11\1 m In J''I! IH01fl'tl1 In t·r·1'' r i. tu_.. ; \\ .d • 1 'l"il t 1w1pt1I u tn ttH I t•'t ,~ .. 11,t.' t.1~n,,~ ~1ht 1 n . .cir! 1111n "' "" I "• 1 .. • 11 111, , u':-•"'t fur \\ •'•·r .... ~11n..:. ''"I t •• 11-.t Paul Mantz Sets Two Way Record , L. A. to Hou ston t utan.:: 1ucl '·•'"''" ulht1 "'''' 11.,11 "'""' •1r1d 1n,tr•1t11•11• In pl11n• t f hrs JOiiy laugh •ln l11s 1-.·i.:ular 111<1r111ni:: proi:;ram, a h.11{ ""ur tribur.-10 lh<' pudi;:y rnit10 -1ar ''"s <'1trri1·cl on lht' air 111d,1y 11 0111 :"t•W \'1ork . 'l••r 1, ", 1 "' n hi.tu itl "·'1-·' I•\ ,.\ '"·ninlltrH c·u11,, ... 11n.· "' JI )l I' 11 \t.,011 1~,1 'IH\\H11· tt • ,,., .. 1-\1 1111~ \,1l n•} 11.1~ .11 .• ml I!·"~'"''" 111111 11 111.:hl Jt,,, 11 .,111 A"ltl<Jll "111 111'11\\ J•lo111' fnr 1 I l111t•t1111. ·1,'. '" :1 h11111-. 0 l Urt·ncmun ;J.Tos.' :u w,.;; hi>i t·u .. 1 .. 111 ill ..i :ll • 11 m' to Jlr•'Jl<ll"• 1, r 111<· J1ru;;r;1,111 1l1t1t kcl'.'ps 5,IM••.\•11) lt••ll•• \\I\<'" fr um I hl'lr br!'1tkf 1•1 ilh h• s until af1t·r hrs s how: 1o:11l 1 Juh Hh pr11~1 uu. 1L "·•' '""""' .... , .. 1 :r;-... ~·•011•b 111:-d u!'•·•I j \I 111 11 11 11rr1" ol • ·,,. 11111 lo ml· •·ir'""tl" '"" I•· tl1•11l•"~·•ll'"''"'·•> 1ffoo1 11\111· 111· 1.1 .. .,1 a &;J,fl 1hl• .)t01tr tllfl ,., •• JP••-.tH .... II .... 1 I' =.1 ~1lht.1ni.: ft••ll\ TI1u t1:111J hui"'" tn h ,, 1• .in • nt1' 1 u 1u11• rlt 1 1 J '''"""'"" :\1und 1, 1u ·t h111J1 ~. t,, J1'~t1111tl prl••I If• IJ H P' f••1• t huu u itHali ...-.uut _:11 '' 11111d ' l I• ... u•I d1·m"n..,1n 1111on, <;ram~:-"'111 l•111t t11i:t11~ ''' n 111• I'''',,.• • 1 ! lt1•1t1d1 (f f.uf\\l'I 11 ft11 I lllf' ,\hou1 5 a m Ill" ~uffrrcd a h1'.1rt .rll:i<·k ;,nd lll• ti \\llhrn a fc •w nun 1111',;. 111~ "1(1• ltl'ard a thuil tn 1 11 ,. lto11h11•1m a r!j111ning 1 Ii c 1 t •upl1··s ht•1h n111n and fount! l\t•r htL•banct un1·r111,1·1ous on I hi· flot.or. ·111.. :"fl\:tl ll··" l\t• I tffll •·I .\J .11111 II\•''"' :I.!.! ,,,.,,,.lllt "''"'I T:-nm111i;:, .t., , .... '"'' ;i.: ""''""' ···.!· 11 •• ,,.t .,. ,,,,11111 I li•J:•"' lhr11t1i.;hl>UI l hr• t'lt11ll 1 ~ ~ · ·Newport-Balboa STORE LEASE * l't'EW . PRIME C'ORNF.R LOCATION -- -NEAR M J t. L J 0 N OOLLAH CI\'IC OEVF.LOP.MENT . . . I DEA L RETAI L IBADE LOCATION .. I 3100 SQUARF: FEF."F OWNER \\'11..L Dl\'IDE * . ·Harbor Investment Co. s.cJi •• "'. ( ·-· ral NEWPORT BEACH Pholle -Harbor 1600 Unemployment 1st I (~uarter Insurance , ,k,,.. r.i.,,,."'"' Taxes Now Due. 1 Rad1 nt In a ch&mpocne-co111red tare and saUn 1own and c&rTYtni; "· I 1 11 hlrti Actr<'i>a I.Ana Turuc-r became Mn. Bob TOpplng Wht>11 • ~ .. utr o~1 tl1;· Unpl~le h eir Ill an rxclWIJve Holl)'W00<1 ceremony. I(, 111111' •••t ''"" 1111°111pl11.1111• n 1 ... c wt Marrlucc 1.11 Lhe tourlll lore~ 111'11rltlll"• 1,ol(•'' 1111 ("I li"l .. IJUllrl• r 1•1 l!I 114 .11 • "''" tl11•. ·•l'· f 1> . h t \l 11111ltn1: lo It (',111 t1ll llt.tll .. 1111lt· res )' er)· ... :.y lu1-m-d1a1r.;1· 111 II" ;-;.,111., ,y,,, o• • 1• !\I" • ·t , 11 ·01 , ... JJ,1lcl111 ,, 11111111 thSlr1<·1 """"' .. ~ '"' ';ih· ISCIP 1ne ll 1n 1s e 1 . I I "' \or.;1'11' l'I• lo• ( ,,_ T.,_,,._,., The OnlUd States Atomic znern Comml5idoo aDl\oanttd Uiet • woaJd llDance tlbe eo~:; ~ :: world'a largest and moat powerful aWDI-~• 110-f:' :kdolroa. a& =-~&ate .app~awlJ Onlverslty of Cll.llfornJa, BerUlf7, C&lU. DnJ acer •kn t.o rtghtl Robcn o . five yeara and wtll coet about '9.000.000 ~ !be ~ .. :ledc _!".:'Dr &. 0 IA•rm« dir«t.or Sproul uc prealdl!nt; Darld s. Ulntha.J. eba1rman o .... A. • -• · • ' ol I.hr R.,U.Hag ~. 00. ---------- f11r111.1 I t, I"" 1011111 .. 1 I "''''"'lit• "1 I Af ( • . -B h J>'f "S 1 .... 1~ ·,. 111"' 111. · 111,,.r.·s1 11n11 '" 11 i11 •• , '"" '" 1 ,,\03 0 \ \. 11 1 Ill •Ll.YW• i• 111 Ap111 :!t< •Fl'• l ~··' "bi.JI b • .-•h .. bl'llt· "' 1h·· 1 ... .11 ~ • , I !111 ~ ~JtUlt·~t~ II• i r hnq:r-d 1f lilt· '"' '' 11111 JI 1111 ""I , 1, .~ •• , .nd 1;1111.tlo. :-, \' \\",, l ak·~ 11tr 11111 'l •·.1111111~ •h"· • r...••k at lh•' ,.,,~ .ill th•· old 1irlld .. r1·At11 il:~1.' 11 1.111 •lr·1·1.11od 1•1" ,\;".',1 1 1 ' '• ., 111 llto • nld••r i.:•rwn11, .. 11 \\.r'l11\1 "'•.: ,,,..<'••mm!: b-.1k ·11 ..... 1~-.. ·· ~.mplo} 1,r, ur•• 11ri,:l'll 11111 111 " 11 f Th" • I "" ,\ '• ' 1 • • I' '' ~ 1, : 1 11 , :\ , .• r.;.ira Pr .. •lo\ ,.,,, h 1d , I··· t '" 111 I h• I u, J" • 1 \\ • ., .~ 1• • .. Mm-ti ~ •-.i r:>n I 111 · * VIRGINIA MacPHERSON . .\ssociated ~lembers Guests Of Gen. Woods fur 1lw th .'11dJuw. llu1 tu >11lm111 , .. ,.i 1 ••1 ·~ 11 ' " 1•d • 1' 11u1' a111I 1h1· • ut 1 11111 J," "·'' 11 qi••.: i., tho· .... • .\I· mll'·r, .,f 1 h ,. A•"<><'1:1t<'d llt<'rr rc•t urn• ''' pt n111p1 ly "' p<i-.-th "' 'I 111• • • i\,. I'' • '' 1 ' 1 ' ' '' 1 1 ''~ 11 ,. a r 1) •' "" on 11ut Jih,11·1 •·ol "' I I h.11 "• J f,. t l11JP<-d a 1>L·11 1.·r '"' lh•· 11· 1 ••1 1mi~ r~ of Cumm1•rCt· "' t 1r·1ni.:1· .1111\• ,,, l•rll"I Ill "•~···I UJ• I"" '"' II \ ..... ' ". I I '' I ,_, d ·· ... urrlrh• .. I 111'1 1111· .:at ''·"' \\ ,,, .... J . .: l"l;•( run.· aa.t lh·· 11.n·· ,,, I • .. 11111\' "' r1· lh•· i.:uc , l.; •If )laj • '• ·1 I \I ..i .• nnan, r1 111.t1 I .• r I II .'...> • l • 111111n111i: I.''' • ' .11.• ,,, 111111 .\lrit 1,1, 1, • ,... I· ,i.111,.111 I-.\• t ~ " ... , • o .. m I ' •• n,,. r.ut r ;. 11 u 0111, E \\"oods. rnmnranc m t.: C'f '':i>'lr1L.: :>Inn• than lil Mt \\Onwn hacl l1111 d 1.p our,111<• Im. r":<t·1ur an1 rr11m "h• n • lh1• 1rro1-r.1111 1iri~intt11 '· 10 h1 :or lh<' ~how, una\\<tl'l' lhnl he \,,,,. <l\'ad. 111:< <ifl<•r-1Jr1111tll':""1 s••ssions wilh t11s i.ud1t•lll'1' uswilly werC' l<'ni.:lhy, I hul Y•'Sl1nhy ht' (' u I it ~h<>rl. :\~kf•d whi•1 lwr ht• W1ts I rrt'<I, llrrncm.1n n ·phrd. ":'l:op.•. I Jll.~ 1 hink G!•orc1• ~I Coh.in \\;1<; rii.:ht ,\lwa)s lt'a\e 1 hr m laur;:hml! "lw n you say gou<J • It\,._ .. -~!is proJ.:r:t(ll. in which thC' a11d1· ' nt•e or \\ nn1t·n partidpntC'd, fol· lmw·d a u~ual form. Rrt'llC'111rin hru11i;h1 lc1utl l11ui.:hs with his Ir)· inr.: on of lhC' OOd\'S! hat In lill' .111'11c·m'f•. 111• .. 111su1tC'd·· s•>m1• llf lht• mC'm l .. ·ri: cir hr~ ;md i,.nc.. A .,, "h1ni: r1nf.( 11nd a .. l:ood .n1•11:h· l>e•r'~ :>\\nrrl" 11r :111 11rch1d '"·re .... ,, • ) 'nl11IO\~ t u f •U\t' u r OlHtt• ~-*"---~~"'"'"_....' 1111• l1tX and ...:========:;:;.. ______ .,IJwr 11ro1\1i.11111• 111 thr L'rwmpJ;,~. I • • l11oll~"\ <IOd I-·"' · ._. 'I \ It• ll·tll"• 1: .. 1o l "i'l"'I•' ·•11 1 ' 11 • .-:, 1 1. lun.t .rfl th , JI, , '·'. rh· 1 1°• .:• n• t:iJ, d th•· r lr~I -' ;..rrnr • 1r- . 1 11 11 d1. ~tiuul~I , d \I 1 h d L"J 11w h1r;:h ~I"~•• of lhl' prni:r :un :ill• 1 It• " • tin••'" "'" tJ;11.,.,., Ilk•· lh• · 1 ·11.rr l··-1 .. n " -aJ -urra~ , 1T11I t \\"1111e " wn I ''> ,·1s11t·" .... , 1·1.1 ·u11•11•111l 11, ,.,, ,. ,·It ''111·11:r anrl 11• .. ol .11111 rho• t•uiku .1n•I t~•' .. 1'tr.1<r~.I 11,. h"f'f•-d s11ff-lt-gi;ro 1hr W :t) f11ru~l.ir111~'''oqlll A1r S1aunn f11r WH.;l~t'!lt'IO'l'tinn.or tht'cldest."11· d111rrf1 tJ,,.,L t''-'"·'' ., "" ,, , .. '' '·' I'• •1111.,1111 .incl <l1•r11 •ll'io I" .. M n '"II ''TTI ... alrt:;. fl..··•t:ok:t ·~o. we·-q~":aa l>d'l'!)> 11 gu1d4'd lour. a n ·C1•p11nn anrl "I man m lhr aucl1l'n <'f'. She \\~11ld madf' mr·rll t n:-111 11ni•1· A1·1 1\i;ric11l111rnl I l11ti .. r, 1111n1t»l1(' so•r\ ,,.,., 11ntl $1'r· ,.,., •• lt•r 1·1·r1 11111 1lHnp1or11 nri.:rinr· 1n 11nnio arC' PX1·mpl 1-:m ployPrs \\ hu un• 111 '11111111 111 I • 1 11 dr ·• I\ 1·s." "' 1 t tJt r. ~ '·• ' ' · .. ,,_., I k , t Jll I , ·n1cn iC'\\'c'd h,. Brf'n eom a n ••1\"1•n ··~h11ll 1hll 11.11•11. ''"''"''" 1~""'1'~ 1 ' 'I 10 \Wl1y1 an•1w11rni.: h:wk w11h 1h .. un .. '"""" 1 e 3 ""1"' m Ill a dm n"r Tu•'Sda} PVl'nmg ll 1 . ',, .,. -:-;" ·w \ wok " "tl1•. Anti W (• h lppll)·h..pp.'d OOCk · Th , . •l d ing prf";idr n l a n &r<•h1d :md :I .oo;s •'-'IP"' .. -IH -thril' tr11h1l1ly 1m1l••f' rlw 11~1~­ HARMAN W Nl #'HQLC: · ' -' · ""'"b. I& 1 nx-.. I ' 1e:nu1J. •n• u · I For 1wo )!•ars. hr Witj:•'<I a * • '!1 ~ , II••"-< 1•"'•1•:tlily di:in.;•·fl hr:-mind \\o· rud lhL" ior 180 nunuu-.. At \\. I.. F arro._. "~ Garcll'n Grm" rril'ndif feud \\ilh Don l\k:'l:t•11l, \\'i\~lll"1;T11"1; \l'l''I ~ 1:.11 .-1 t'1 ,,.. ·•r l~ri111l, Ind .1 rf11•r th~t '""·lwur ~~1c>n ~1lh thr "'1d )fu:rraJ· itr:l_, rool and-lfn-f .. nd \\1llNtm G1tfHe.nnt>. ~t>•1tr)'.•who conduc11-d ;i hrr;ikra..;1 pro-!f'Tll 1'fw n~ l•'l'lll ri , oll!n~'"li.".,tr '" 11 r ,.•.,111lt t•···mi.n 11r lli· \Lu r'h•·r,rn1 ... 1 \\" h•fl ft-.•t rufflf'd We •·i'fll honlt' and ~-of I lu~trnctnn EW11C'I . hrar~. G~n· 1 c r;im from Chi<'ni:o. is the finest beer I ever d " taste ... Seys ••IDDY MARTIN ........ ~ erc9'.tlro .... ., .... ICA-YICTOI ,.-rorc11 .. , ... Ask for ACME all the tim' ... ~~ ~· ....,.. H. R. Brinkerhoff !I I ..._, Jrcl 8 tr.et 8-t• A•a. c>a.Ufona.la • i•m ploym1·n1 l n.~11r.1n1•t· Al'I .. r'c m - "'"'d to ronlacl llw 1111cl11or-1n- C'hnri.:c· a l 1 HH W1•s1 J-:1i.:h1h "tn '<'I. Srinta Ana. I ·oncr• ,, r• ··n ·1· .. rcl . 'm• ''' Ill I ' ·1 .. 11 ."''"d hi' lh1111,·h1 \\"" f1111nt1 .. 111 ii', all hnp. hor d .. or ,...,., '··rl\I \\1l0ds Sf)('ak on th1:. In ,u-.. Rrt'akra~I In llollywood .. was t-:"•n1h1nc '"' lnr 1lw ""'"r· '"' '"' "1' 11 hr~nx got "''" h""· with nu,.,.,, 111 t...·1""'<'n le• ·111_.,, onh orw C'\Jfl..cAa11o n.,''"C" of thf• )l rlitary B ·~r ltl 1 ~J mRdf' inlo ;i m o\'if• wilh Rrr nrm:1n this .. r ·nrr lh•· 1ot·11rol " 11ta1 <11··11 lrom •lo•·ir 1 nl'lr Sam 1"' 'J>r•ak of Arnt JU~t wh .. n you l ~t111h"r 1(;\~ 1tw 1h1ng m high-~Jnm·~· Tiw l!l'neor:1l .st~•:s~<·'1 '. as fh<' slar playn. Produr1•r F.d Gen. Holland Smith Named Top Smith - By Smiths of_ U.S.A. Thr ., .. r11 '"' 'l»otl lt11111h "'' '•f ' """'' '"" 1 .. 11ch t ;o nd won a "·or l hmk r11111 kn1•1• .. :11·p i.:onna t·r, ''" 11Ju1111n !'ht.A'S. f 11ro a!I " ntrrcts Oran c• C'f'lllnl~ Gnldf'n i:ot I h<' idra ror rilmlnit lhou~nnrl• rr l llnw" :• rlll) an11111ct i\ l:l\l-11"11 ''"'""'.'.1pm<'nt . r1tll1·d 11111/1' :ind '"'Y 1t1111 way 11°;< I 1m,• , Tht• i:uidc·d 1nur includf'd 11 ~101>1 1h<• show whrn hf' happC'nrd IO C'npitnl I (Ill /I w• 1~111v \\i1nl. l<•tt , "l'.1rk\I• \\ ll1·1i:1tr~ Wf'nt ml11 •ht• In h1p1 111~ -h11p In 11m1'' rn " cirde I Re t Co ( I I 'II Tr:1nspor1 N]uad~n 152. whl'rrl ~~ lhr CTM\"d waitini:: ror lhr pro. F or inqllnc'f'. !hr 11Hir1" 11·~··· .ti'"'' Ill• 1rl1n11°·tl ro·n1rd RS II •llr· Gomi: blll'k\~.11<1~. I•) l'l<l(ll n n ro thr 1.:ir1y .... " ;>n a 1r<hQ\\· d 1<4p lay. ::r am."" thoui:ht ii was a cigarrt mnn\" 1l 1rrni;:" lh·· ri···•·nl ri1 .. <in11rl -plt1• l""'' rr1m0•n1 l•l•ll'M'r ly Thr.... .:~t.Jllttf).; "''~·· ;•II lht orr· . N mdudrni: scah· model'! or ('omhat lint'. a nd look his pl:tC'(', ins: rommil ll'I' hrOlrtnC~ on •hr ··p1~ "'">(' lto1111 ..... <;hnutrd C'1 •IL;. ragf' •·h··n mnlhl'r Wll« a !{In And I tte ID ew 11lanf'5 Tht' radio show ·~ f'Xprctrd to nlt'<tmiln:nnnr 1 :1 'I( rrp. 111 11111 1 .• kmi.: .. rr 111, 1•1 ""' :ind Wl'lnK how ~h·· had <1n•ni,:rh f'nnu1:h Ip s A. I ..,. __ (• h<-contmul'd with Rreonrman·s ", rr.:h•·cl '"'"''ral h11ndn·d pounds 1 '1•n1 m in , '• 1'1 hrni: h111 1 hr ~.rct t~l\"I' lhmui;h 11 :rn.t.l rar,<• lc>Ur kai' II • IAJCa 100 1 DOLL HOtJSE PLANS s tand-in, Jack r>lt'Elroy. actini: 111 11 ,· .. ~1 .,. l:t'l(f'il\'l'Ni 11 f;itJ<'} "'u "111•'' 0 11 111• plt1w••d 1111drr Ir '"' " •unwihrnr.: \\i• II nr\"••r unrli•i-. R C 1 . m1u•lf'r or crrrmonirll. llOLL Y\.\'OC I[\ i\prll :!R • l'P 1 11 1 around 'ill c···n•"• 1•·r I' 1•·d p11r.:1• didn·i t111v1• .r 111111~1111; 'h1 r lnl?l'" •l'ilnrl . ~ . l '' i.nr.:• 1 •'0 " 1 '> i·nt 0 1 " 1 tro ~1 REOPENING SOON A nrw vrnturr nf nrrnt'man was Mt1rlnC' Cnrp!I (;1•n llull11nd M. • . nut th•·~·· :tlh)•'llC'' d11n I "'"'m 111 1111\\ 111• 11tltn!: r .. n1 n .... 0 I~ a . ' S nlilh lodny .... ,. n.·11n--• ''" lhC' nr-In llll'l!t' lypi• Cr:oir.: '''1'11111wrl th:rt ''"' Cl ' I I I t . I k I I ( II I I' I''). "-•·--·a-" tt-~d•a~ ..... _ Ooll llnurA. ram1· .. n~lboa a monlh.ly ml\l:llZIO('. WhJC'h \\:If " ~. n '"" ,, • II ·r I . . . ll k rm" t I ... \OI ( 1ni.: •Ill' I H' ,...,, 0 " . , ••• Ill -· • • ....... .... .. • • '.... ...--,J .. II d .. T n . 1\1 .. "llnill'd Smith!' or AmnlC°a.AS lh1• \\i• • I yo1"· Hl\I' •• 1111 , •• ,-, tn 1'nux l:lll locl'lhl'r ant \\:inht('C ""'°'"' !\1tllnt\ '"Y' 11.•, ll'at'h·' _..-.~ '"rlh Bro.id"") !';inta Ana. (";tfr. "'II re-O!X'n rrrday, April ('II ~. h"l om rPnC'~an s agl~~ "' (nr "tt\'lni: p11 •hr mnni•\ · " 11 1 11 11.: 1 111 hu' 1 lw horl'"" ··11111 "' t ry · h If h "-d 1 t<L 1lw ti>le-71nf' w 1 c• a C'Onl<.'St \\:IS pro mo '" IOI\ Smith of th(' y1·1tr. 111 kn11\\ . \\It.ti n1·1· <"l:t fl' llnff-• •; T ,. ,,,, ... ~1 lu 1:1\ ~100 .. , 111.: Ill a hurr~ a I (' tnwn 11 \\ ·•' •• nn .. lrw'> • ) 311 a l I rm 10 C'hOOS'! II rw•rman<'nl• nam<'. Smith WM d•lltlt'n for p111rri1t11m r ,1 h .. 1 ·I · 1 11 "'It h Y' 1 • ··n 11• 1umlo;i 11nd 'r1mha and 1h1• pl111n. numt,. r t•!ll.111:" tho· ~tr1w as f'alho-..i'" f>nll llnUS<' i~ undPr lhr • • 1 1 s th man 11 ·' 1r 1i.:"n 111< ·• ••u 0011 for rh•·n• ''n 11 I'" ...... ,nu-go 1 •. 1 1 . \ •. ~ •• 1'n1l l<·1tdl'rsh1p. <o .:irr y .m1 • I I · ···1 '1("Jar .. "a1,1\\\•1 . , : ·I Ir•\\ .CT I · 1.1ni.:11 :11 r "" IH•ir "·'~ uu1 . "' "'"1' :-. .. 111 •• n.1 •*'..:• man.-.i: .. mPnt of II )I. fi('(•nhnl1,. V prrs11:l1>nt, 11a 1d. Rnc 1 11 r ' 1 r • . . . ,.. . "·'''' Th.•• "·''.'turn• t : n 8 r.: pn•·larrn ... ···1110• m1nu1r thP ladr•" I •Nin-. ""fl' f11rTIY·t I) lnca1 • ..i oo •. . . .. <l'i th har. LF.ARS!'O )flLKJSG EA RL Thr n lht•r i.nnuAI Smith Awarlis anrl. .,~ " 1 ' h. "'11 1 "' ... ,!11 f" 111 1 1 " '.'1:- 1 • ! '·1111. '" 111 " h r!Pr ;ol 1 """" llnus-1 lnw1·n'<f lhf>rr lwml1n•" l'f•m•·lh1ni: 1h1 r.:r"'md "•••r t•f 1ti.· ..,,"". l>ti!ld-Thi.ill Irr r, ommt)h r!in<': 1 rn .!'.,nn"rs FO REST lllLL. T r nn. I UPI -..,_ • foT lh<· r .. C'..-.11 "'•'"'' ·~·lfl·11nc~tr111inn • • "' •Allrf' I' . "'· J "'I h " wrnt to Rf'd ('rOSll (Jrricrnl ,,...\\ 1111 1 1 1 "1 • ., h;1p1•·111'rt 111•·\ l)<·i:an 10 h'<1k 111'.• 111.: 1 ·,. k • :\!rs. T. . 0111 <'}' ~n}'S r r yuun,. Cllntnn Sm~th for hum11rutar111n-, " .. 1 lilt• ft,1111•·r '" ,,,.,, 111•1•• "l 1h,.1r morhrr' T1wn lhf'~ twi:;an I•• i::ranrl.son. llnrold RO$.S, Sl:Jrl<-u \\' •nt< '" I 'If t hf• r1•f'f\Ff t1n n f 1• , I ·. ~ 1 I • I th ·. I "lnr urtn ~ I -' I~~ Fr1'Ci Coll ax Srnlllt t :11l\'l'rl!ily ••• " "11 1 I ,, I l~h I I t 111111·, 11111 •hr FPI '/\ '"' ,,, , lha1 r.-•. 1 l1kl' 't·m :· c 1·r Fl .d t:ntr·rllltnm('n l in lhP fnrm n r m1lk1ni: C'OW!I at !'hr agt' o r four. "' ·rl'nnl'SSN' f)n1f~~~ir . ··d11r111 Ion~ 11·~ ,,. if !I arr ll!llr•··,, , .. 1111 "'1' I ti , , .. ' I\'" onl) Hilt' nl f• r Th·· n • ... 1111 ~ :'\tn rP lhrr n hair "' a I ~ Ori a., litnnt'T tun!"' will hr orrrr-r ... d !o} At ri\"C' hr WO'I milking thr('f' :rnd •• I .... • I ... 111• ti l'l••ll 1wr~nn . \ In Ill: I • I c ad I I r II II nod I II d d i\IPICiA Smith 11ct1ni:. "Wllllml'r t \I I I \l11lo1l10,lltr·J .. 11J•tt\\\t<!<Cllll ,\l11rrrl\.:cla:-.... , .. l't'ho11k1'r)Up ·~Texas Ask an a 'IJ"" ~lint .() 0 ~\\ .\\.11\\1 rn11r rnw<i 1w11·1·" :iy-nn not ' ' ,,,. II"· '"ii'• ,r,.1tf1I • 11' '' \\ 11 I • • • • d h Biii Snuth ~port, ~lt'lh• .. rr!<I • .1•1 ,1 '" 1 l•!I\ ,,, 1• lh •rn , ,1 .. i1 K nox •lrnn..;-ltml)('fl n l11•·n• rl:1m .. 11ni.: 1 .. -ii thi-fltllnlf:" \\rlh JllSI nn1• han . r11 t'r. . . . ' l .,.·f.'t . in ~Ii\ 'U""' t'•t n "t F • l·'.p1~ropal f\11hnp llrlrr~ Lt"<f1·1 , '. .. I I lwn ''"11'1111' Inc · llo r11 1c·h on'" th .. \\hmi.:·•hnr.;-Import l•·tore ru1t ~m11h n'hr.:inn. K.111 ~11111h.r11d111 ... 11 "" 1 m:in '"1 1 1111 ' ·11,,. ·11111: \\1 11: '•• ,·,.•Jll nncl nr 1h1• \\"orld \\"1r l t•r;i lf 0 11 Aitf'n Smith lltf'rAll.lrt'. 1111111 h lll•t< 1"' •·a rnmc fl<lrlw'".; 111, 1 , 1 "'!.:' f., rll· ''" .°"\C'rn-:\hura\ Ink•• nn ,.,.,.,Ill lttt . . . 1·1 111 "l'I"''·' 'l" 11 '"'"'"" • . h \\ \'11 1:'\GTIJ~ April 2S-(UP) ~::~~~~:-X,1~~,~~u~~:~~,1.~?'m~~~~lh. 1 .. lt11ltl !11 .. 11• n~·q,·, ti '1h."1' ~~r', "":";,, 1 ::'.,.'.;'~r": .:::: .. '.•;;'.11~1~ 1 :~n~ :·,~~:dl~~.'.:~J.!"'.1~'.~ 11~·:~1~,.1!r:,:~.~;~:~n t";rn;rd1:111 °)f~,,. ... ;,~ of Tr.1'1·· •• ntl "'Thi' Sm11h~ rq•r•·;11•n1 a er1•l\~· """'" ~" '"''"' '"1'' "11 .'.I ,.,11.11 .. ""'""" '" 1,1,. 11 lhry 111,;: him 111 ll'IWft 'rm thr 1'n1k:l 1·••11mi.-u-r· I ' 11 tin •« l1tcl .,, ~.~tr(•n nf Aml'rlt-11." ~·01 !"m1lh '"' 11 "''" 1 1; .. r,.,,, ;11111 rhro "Turk••\ f'rol " ''11tl1"d ••l'l"':il" lr•lfn C'rihr .. rni1t. ~ J.l ko· ,, • ..,., """ •I 11 rn · ' JI · .. Tr:\'•~ :.nd t lond,o n1n~r·~"'"" n rn r ~Rid "Th»n· llrC' ··nuus:h or 1111'111 • ' I\ I 111 Ill'" n •• 1• II wh11 , ,,. •:11rl 11k;I\ I II cont' rnnutll••n I r I•• 11111. 111 .. lt0111·1 "''"·11111111111•••· •H1 • •' I ...... ,.)'ti h·,,,,. tr• ,,,111 1111 11,. l.iu··hr 1 I '"!.:', 111 "" '""lnlr} c import Ill rnrm lh'' whnlr 1•1111u a1t1111 !l ti ,, ''" 1,.11111 11 1111 " '" ~ l':\llil'nfhtur•"•n•''"''''\"'"l'•l"'~'-'un 1' ~tt 1,,,,,,.,,,,f'l'ot un fr .... h fruuc a nd Lo An•· •lf'l' Munty . 1t .... "'"I""'' 11· n.. l'.u\'r rn· ,, 1(1 111, ll•;whl'I • !< ,.1 . ml'nl~ Th.ti cn1111• '' lttok11w 111111 \II r '' , 1 .• 1.1 .... Navy Ensign in Jail for $21,995 Payroll Snatch • •t \\ u •ln.! in "OOC'l ··, m \ 1n-..t t •11·1.u ... :i.1 •· •·o \ 1•1 .. ra11 """~'"'! l'rnlol1 m~ 111 ''nn'I( llWlll • ;n ... k. I I I t n.. '. n:t• "IT• n. m.-111d1n.: E I I ·n 1 11·" 11 11,.1 11!. 11 "'" .• 11. fi.r1 \ nunt: 10 110\\ 1 ""' ", 1 .1111·•... ,.. ,1 \lll.11;" .. r :1.1~10 111 111 1111o1 1r _., , , " , ~ar• 1.,. .:r inu···I '\\, 11•111 1 , h.n. " H1 it1.I···" r.. \.cl. .. ;ud '"'" I •'rnrtl '"'..;: c1 t11n· "' "' ''! ll1 tt 11 ~.Iii• . ( I •h.•t•C• .... ,, •• , n •• ~ .... , ... r~ ''• l\u1tl :i I I 1 to•. I 't qf 11 l\I IJ11fl ., l.1""' (If I 11'111 1·1111~ II \1 ,1~ l:"llllt\! h·•' 1;no l11 111 • 1 • 11 ' I .11 '.! 1111,.1 .,,11111• ''''' ''''·'" •11 lr111•• ;m<l m.111 . 1 tilt' 1 11•• , .. ., . 1tini.:. 1r "'n.' · 11r1 .r\ ., . .,. " 1111• 1'1111/lr. 1/1 ol d •1•• ,., it 11 ' "1111• 1 ltor~ I 1111.:' will "•' .1~ 11111 ... f.tf:.11'. ;1-'' .:•' il•l• .. '" '"' 1· !' Th• r•'t'•'rd in 1hi... ' 1 ''' " 1 I \' ·in. hntt ,k11·1 ... h~ n• \t ~P.11 ·n,,• t:td I t ltl 1 .. I·· 1tt11 "'" In l't "1" 1 11 •" ·"' • 11 • I" ltt• ;•an "tur. I .'' 1111.,m I '111ka :md !"•·11 th:il •m\\antf'd article I '" I II ql11 1 I h:'\ ~ ada. S AN nn:cn. cal. 1\pnl ::~ 11111•1i, \li'11t•·1' " "·~" ,, 1 m•·~~-11-1 11u1 .• ·1'1111'·~ n .. 1·· , ... 11w 11•1111: .('Vi-S· 1JTIC'S l l·1•1 l·'.n•i"n l'l11h1• ll1•n .. 1111 l-':11r-I. !J••11• '''111'"'1\· "1 "1 lo ''1 111' , ,.1 "''l "' \I I 1 r 11p tu ... '• ····1 •l \\ llh '""' m11n w:o• In J:ttl h• '" 11~1") chnri::l'd m 11 : ••Ill " 11c:111 " •• 1'1111. I 1t •1•. I 1 l\.."4' 1 • I• 1 ' "11h •t1•1rlmi.: n "'..'I,'"'"• p.1) roll 111 11' 11 1 • "n t"(t!Ch ri:om :t •.1f1· ,;hf\.11"11 lh·· 1 11,.•lr<>yrr John !"' Thr1111 .... 11n ;11 ;\lnnt<'rt•) \\"rl h:om A . !\1 11rph), \\Ill• lwads 1 tlw lnc?tl Fnl offu't·, ,.11111 F 111rm11n I 111 first dr nif'd t h" llwh hut l:t!t•r c11m<' •nto t hr Fill 11rr11-.· anti •·••II· fl'lll'•'fl. nrtC'r m1111rnr.: 1lw 'm1•nr·~ hr1ck '"' th•' ~hip Fnlrm11n. or 1 ·nr11n-1ctn. "11" d··· 1111•!11'<1 from theo ·11w111:i~nn April '..':! nnfl look thro nwnr·~ 11~ h•• 1..r1 ·nw Fnl q111·~1111111•1I h1111 wh.·n 111· r•'l'IOl'll'll f11r nrw chn ~ lwr1• ZIJ'J1t'r w1•athr11in""'' hn~' art• n11w 11,.,'fi to 111'\llt'\"1 :-\11\ ~ .1lr · 1 rrnft 1lurinl! r.•latin•I} ioh<•r1 p1·r · "hr n I hry :I !'I• 11111 111 11~·· CABINETS For Every Purpose ,.._., Ua Wlla t \"ou Want. W111t makr It IM'C'C)rdlq to \"Otll :'llF.F.U~ Sterling Cabinet I utd I Construction Co. VOU.TE DAL TON llN N ewpttt A-C'oala Meu ....... _.&Ill I. Oleo-In Technicolor ( f 4r"'' T •Ir •""'" M11ri:.u11ic• m mnny t"'lnr3-(rTttll pink. ON'wn ii ao 1111. 1 ~- 1 -,1 n Mr1' !::'hr , t •11r kt. St'C"rl't.lr) 1-. thr !\l;tn!I~• 1 • 1" c.11 .. n1M·;. Onir~ C••·Oi>• rllth·e .-hrn ~ht' O<•l\rill'd a no1111. "'11>1k•·r W1• I<' fh· 1t1 '\\°l\~h1n~1on. O C. Thi' mori;.1 ·· IL""' In l"••m lJnt A rn:•llt'll tn !Ort( QJ('('I l,IX rrprn1 l•.1'>' Ill 11i:11rul1urn1 ,C\mmtrll'r l'lhl' L8 ~ho11o·n "''11 11 Wiibur <'nr!-011, llt'crt'lary of t.he Nauoual Uairy Cow1 U. /:~°"', r ~' ~ MPOe '1Llt" /:O~ -e .. ESC:PE$ RAl::J H/C.~SC~S. T~~ lfhilC'-1 SC'£\!T1ST5 HflVi' P()Sf.'EV EJRCJ( UMITLESS ~O., -£CS Of:' HU'rll .. I £i"C'£('5TP\IOIN$_ De. E.t(. CLDe.'TS-~~• Ot.NST~Ct\.S OENT1S11"IM \'\£.S..~P- 82, ME ~S t ~ICED e-:: ~. __ ,JCJIJ_ ACCJW· W"S SE'c'-:;, ~ CfATW ..,_.::> £'<~ ~Df ~ /IP'..L ~ £1 EICY &'I 71'£ r GCR"-t:ov ~ C..,.SDCf',S C~\C7- ~C..~ g:_,.s ~F;N \.:J N •':'!I AES-:'. OFFICE SUPPLJES Here you'll find all the items you need for efficient office work. Our modern equipment offers a safe, practical and economical investment in bet- ter work. Come in and see the helps we have for you today. Coltlmercial Acl'ounting Forms Typewriter and School Supplies Pens -· Pencils Note Books I;iling Supplies Stapling Machines Newport Harbor Publishing Co. Daily News • Times 3011 \\". C't'nfl'al Tt'l~bor 12 and IS .. --- 1- I 1- . ' "' ... NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TllllC8 p • • \\"t:ltSl:"llAt' N!WfOrt "-'!!, t 'allf. April ti•, IN!• age .. -CITIZENS and BOOSTERS of NEWPORT BEACH .. ' I What ·now looks like this • • • • ' • • -•••• should· look like THIS WON'T YOU MAllJ THIS IN All Yes, You Still Have to Look at th~ Blueprints to Visualize TEEN · C~~TEEN and the GlfU .. SCOUT 'LITILE HOUSt;! Your Aid IS desperately Seedrd to Put the Final Touches on These T"·in ~lonumttnts . . . to OUR Comm unit~· Youth. A Las~ United fivk Effort \\.ill ~lake Possible a Maytime Housewarming on f entr:tl Avenue. Your Son and Daughter Will Be the First to Thank You! THIS r ---. --.------------ ' --TEEN-CANTEEN "TAR-1'/T BUILDING . I I Kindly accept my donat>on .of $ : I for the fotlowin9 materials, f~rniture , .. or •. quipment I . . .~>r . ~ I I -. ---~· --. -TONlGHT? I NAME Moil to I OR BE 11 ER YET - -COME DOWN AND HELP o ·N SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS I · Mrs. Don McCallum I ADDRESS I · P. 0 . Box I~ PHONE . N ~-:-l. c I I ewpon oeacn, a . · , __ · __ · ------------J ------------- --- ,, 0 ' • '• • I Page 4 NSWPO&T a.&Lao.& KSW8·TIMl:I •'ED~ ..... "" :s-...... 9-cll. c .......... u. .... College Students Profit in_ Playing Stock Market Quiz Figure in 1fosta Mesa Fish Jerry Forrest Is I* Brief Giese M West Newport Kaiser Auto Stock Fry in Offing First to Identify \B•lklllll Per•lts Associab?n BOffi'r IN ANTE SEEN IN IDGHER COST OF SWINDLING Issue Withdrawal I • ·, .. 1 I ""'I 1.11.n·~ 11nn~al fish 'Mystery' House G Cnlhns. pPTimf lo hwld a :J To Orga.nDe 11 \ 1, ,._. 1111 ln 1111' 11ff1ni.: ,'rtor)'. l Canul) ~··Ihrig al .w'fl \\' 1lw> WMt ~l"l'-port &-act\ Ct\'I• l'l, .. ;\'El.A:-.-I> • l 'I'• In\• ,1 W.\S lll\;GTIJ:-.1; Aprtl 23-(UPi 11.11,, I• 1 lh•· t°hh Fry and C'ar· .l1·rr\ 1-'urro·:-.t. -:on of :'.Ir nd (\cf>an F ront E.stimali'd cost $70I•• &S!!OOalmn .. 111 hold a fMmatK>n lll•nl ,,1,..,1, "' 1111, CJ.•\o lauil , 1111 ,.,1111111~ & 1·xchange com 11,\ ol h;o\• l11·1•n ,,.1 l1Jr Jum•:l and :'.!rs :\lartm J F urr1·,1 . '...~Iii :\1trn·1 f' S Coole. pt'rtrul to add an mt"'ttno: '.\ta~ 1 at ttM> home of C :\JIS:"t'Af"< it.LC: Apnl :?R -f'lUl.ITIJ>le <1' Ow h1~h l"Olll o r f'll'~ ,,,. k ,·~l'h •• n~·· -.r•• i1ikmc " ,u1. ""'""" "'" •< 111·1!ulo-d to hear to '" ,. .. 1 •lrnc 1n ll<·rt Sm11h. L1c>ns m:ir I •raw, B:tll•1n. liM> won a oi>rn vorm to prNWnt d•'f'llin'! a t P P• ach. on:.uuzin1t chatrman, 11 4 l 'P I 1 l\oPT.•I• ·I"> ot 1n.-M• AK<llll llnnc ti• re 1.S Ow" "Ii) th<' r.wlndt. Jin••"' mt•·ri·•t 111 ltu• 11 :,:l t1t·r ti 1\ 11 .. m .l111n1• .. I'. .&!astef'M>n, th• rlulo 11,., <:111•·n1 Prnmo1t0n l\nd l~unth~s frc>c> su~np11un tu the! ~~rl w f)(."ean Front Estimatt'd •as annou~-d tod.Q pn_....,.,.f Ir Hid 1, .. ,. tioo.1rd tho-i.oru I l'flt lll'1l1t 11hu\\lt11.: 'I ;o ... 11 ... :1 1·1 d;11l• lt1hll1 1111 .. rm·y Wh()M.' la" I 111n1m: "' lht• 111falr has IK'('O :\1 \\S• rtj'Tl("; t'ffl'I (,Jl)f1 lhl'r :JJl1 p<»lt'ard ln\'lfllllOfl't &ntf' tn 0,.,1.,, up fut' thi tu~h n..5t A t»nkc"r f'n r"urr to thr l'n1 t•~I ,111,1,,111 • "h" "·''' 1 .. •·n f'l i\ant• ·•111 111111 • •I l•lf•nHnPntly an th• I• lo ... ,.,,., ••1 Hnh ~kll••" "" a<'t'C'lmphShf·d that h~ t•·t." Cfflri;:,. F: Rf-nz P"r;m''~ 1CI. hut'd ha't> 1,..,'TI W'nt out to .trunllll"S in ~ ..-andhri: 't"''" tl"on 1·1111!ht :in•t 11111 111, ,1 ,.~ ni:i ah,.1 .i.11 1,~ 11. t··•'' 111 'I" \\llJ11h .1~"•I of & rt'<.'t,'n ' 11 .. 111 i.;,,,,,, '"II h:1ntil" th" µtwmns.: 1n 1hc t:on ..... t n...i111 JnJ, 1 .. tOf'). i r...,nu 1\\d .hn: • 1731 tha t tteCtllT ,.f Uw city by :\I~ r...nirt tt;o .... -..r "" Ami'nnnj m pnt Ru · hr wa• nhll' In f'nn· \' ·" " ,( I\ ""I· I I 01/o•r C'orp. Slock : •• 1 11 ) oll. I llU "~I ht• f1,•st.1 l'r&LI'~ '''"" , ... ~ uf llw n~~ll·r) hou~· \hr;.nn r Ot hr. tldlhiU f .-•1m •'· d I Ht"fl,. ran•~. uri:aniring 54'cr, .. c0uld ~,.,..., .... ,1 l•rl""""r n ,t .. :i.-, ..... 1 ~·'I"• 1n .\mf'r lc-1m t•n•h 111,. •1111,,.11,., ,11, •nJ"llt •I ·'' "·"'''""' ,, K:rnwr-Fr azt•• .u1•·•111111 .: '",I,"~' h1t\1· I"'" al·j1•w1111od in )1.,,i.·rJay~ orl11 wo uf ,.,,q, Slllft''I 't&r)' and J IJl'l!l' turn-our Is an ko for atw>ut :\ ···" n .. IJ Ill ··~1 ~ the fa l;.<' holtom •• r h1•' B • .ttt .... in·\\'1illi11" c .. 11. ... .11 '""". '•fl "'" 1.t.... \\,, .. l i.1 .. -cted I<> It• I •• ····d l••I 1111' 1111111~ c·nn\1• .. 1,. amJ llh' :-.;, W~·T1m1'8 unckr lh•· ..... 11111111 H1•nr) ,\ Bal~;IJ, pM'Tllll to l tici • tf'Cl • .narf' m 4 ,..,.,,. Sl!,.",10 1 tuddi n •ronk. ,-1nch ..... u Chf'('k11.l :11 an h\ ISN'•''1 ·ri1,.v f'lll\ 11,.. m.11k..i '''' I"' 11n1k1r t.1nt watnesa In th• 1111 1e t11111' Ill•\\ About II lk1 Ynu t«nnw l111ild n rnnm t)\rr lhl' i:arai:,. .. "t .f:" 1:r .. up •all c-on.sldC'r tJrol ln a iw. ,..,, • , .. n11~., 1 m• nt ·f , trunl< I Arnof"r"lr .. n bt.Ydo"T • lUtom holl•t'. ,, 1~11 1 , 1r :111 ·~""""'I'" ''""''" "' 111 1 • 111 ph·•~• 111 1111' 1·omm11111lon . I l.1111 .. , I I 1ch •dwol band "Ill y,..a :)1•11.:hhor•" _ :\I •1' C-orfln;it\o "' • nu<>. Ra I boa I''" lt"f'ru' uf 11,.. "''"'t < nd and ha\'f' In 111 an """ , . ···" , .,.,, .. m h"u 1lw-\Vlam "ho rt'C'•'I\' ~ 11 l••I· c.111111~1 h\ 1 •1 .. 1 .I ,, 111 • 1 • 1,.1111111 ""I'·"\ 111 11,. 't ,,,·k el .. rd The hea1 1•• ••\ult• musw. :ind 11 hit.: fri•t• d1111<'t• The· house l*l"'l;:s tC• ('lur1 m•i· 11ma1t'<I ~t S2fJ(ll). . 1 t ,·it•'ti mt mt .. ·n< or th<· <'HY counci. Toda\ ti• ""t a• ~1o1t1 •nd ,,..,. trl'Wn IN' h1nk1•r tdlam: 1111 of 11 .. think• 11 ,, th" lw 1 "''' 1"!"' • ''"'''' 1v l11·11·1111 lll'Xt Wednt·• ,. -.h1·rlulo·r1 fm S111unl.ty nigh! AlklltSi•n a nd Is lucah'd 111 1()31 F.hrrhard K Ros5dam. Pf'~ (i C"hamht·r ,,( Comm<'T'<'I' ll t•ad th<· hA;i ,. , .. t .. •r•1 .. nt ~:\X'l "•' 'h i• hi» t, ... n .. , .. k,•n of l11.1:hl~. e1•111·h lh•· 1·111nr1l•\ll1• ... ,,( ''"';k al t\ 'l'lw n .'s.t.o.lk• a haliy show. a I-. Buy Ave. 1 huild a 1 stor)· ~af?•' at ... _.Jht: R.ilph p :\fa~k<')'. Sam Portc·r ll('("Of'dmi: ,,, , r• 1,..;11 •·I th• :'\or1h-I» ••onvon<· •h'• kno"ll )llU """ .. m11rko•t P"of'•thll>' ' 1 ,,,, ,.., ('••m111111y ,,f C levf'land 1 •. 11hmi; h"11Ul y con11•s1 , a froi-: :\lodl'ns 8\'f'n~. :"-'J)M't llNI: "' puhli~hrd or tlw ="•'"·s·Tlm<>S, nnd ,.-.-strrn '""unal l.i!r ,Jn>urU1n-All H1r ktn<l Am••n t·an frl"nd t'lri.::11111 .. .t ,, "'n 11· I\.\\' t ·,,m. 11 ""q i.ii uncl1·nH111·1·s or the Sl<I 1111111111· t'on!e·~t and a pet show F:11t1mn1t1' <'05t ~ l'Wn R.-ddick Ul un ('\JJ'Tt nl frnud• .. nd rac-k•·I• 'll•lo.SI d .. l.f' t1rins.: Sl'4 1J'~) I•> :"tl1•xt•·11 1111 ·•·" ~·rnd e'••ll' 11 .. •ttl!l .. 111 -····•·M ~l •ll11k ·~SUI', removed th• 1111 .. ni.: !lw 11\:10) llllrM·tlun~ and Lido Theatre Scene jll(> f:\'ans. fl('TTTllt 10 bw1.d a 1 OthM' r.1r k•'h haH· .-!1mt11-d con l <'t') .. rut m .. t lh•• pri1'•JO•·r ~ •t.111 .. <1 11111 """ 11 ~jllt 1111111 d•• '••llli MI •h.111· 11ffrring from th: o1 111t1·,1~ phrnm'd, Skih-;; sa1cl •lnr)'. •1 room dwt'llini: at 2851 °"' tnfl31il•n •l"t .. 1 al"l j '""lh< r-an·Ll\\ II·· "'!II llSl' 111 .. nui.-d h) l'1 tol 1<11mm, n ... 1111111 n>.1 rk• t 111~1 F..t1rual'y nfter Masi· • llit.:h lii.;ht this )l'ltr \\ 111 111• a Of Another Wave Ray Shore Dri\'C' f'.snmatl'd rost •'Oiartr).. ,hC1ta11~ h "\ ,. f'not •rto > to '°"')' n l.1,..')•'r and Krt'a.s•• f~ .. 111 .. n pr1·•11l1·nl q( <"I•' ••l:in•l , r~1111 I tlo'CI n suit to rC'!!traan th• 1.•.rs,. show. exJ)('clC'd 111 cl raw ~ Jumped fr<= !:.? .tnd S.'l •a> up ., ,,.,.. n ff10 .. 1 ""1lms U'lu• h:m k"e 1..1ork rxrhnnl:'" m1•mt .. ·n. .. 1 tit• ~rd•• 1•n 1 r.w~ from i.11 over Ornnt::t> and Of BitycJe Thefts F. 1.. Pou l.'lrt. pMTOlt 10 add a to S10 and $!!; •n ll hr r.-t .. a.V'd. fTdt.,-m ht~ lu.:· fim1 <lf (~ttmn Ru'"'I •" C11 111111 ·r'h•· ''"'· fltc>d In D<'lroit, char~· .1dJmnan1: rnun1ia•s. bf'droom t o rear o pr•~ d••·ll· ··13e,,...f1t dAl'W'< • twkf'a \fo'h.IC'h I!••~" otnd I:"''' thr 'rt'S<'\Jt•r" 8 i;r:1tl11111,., ,;r tlll' lvil1l"in·Walb1r" , d 1h;,1 11t1 ••llto firm had ':rlggrcl Tl11<: annual a ffair is llw ml'1tns Thit•vc•s again struck <tt th1· Lid.o in!? at 123 ~th stTM:'t . :'\t>v.-port fonN'TI) rost ... ~) N'flta or • c1ollar 011,.d tJf •ht• hJCtd~n mon•·y ,,.~., .. ., ...... d•·1w1111111·111 r II• 111.0 1 kl'I 1 hruu..:h 1 ts stabthz.,., 1., \\ hu·h t h1• Lions 1o:rou11 raises t h<'11 t rr p11rkl.ni.t lo t L11 t111t ,·1c11m F. tim11tro <'051 SHOO .,,.,. t•·o M ilan M man· tocb> l n at·tw1l op<'ratt'ln. M \lo t'H'r . th•· • ln"r•tnw11t t in1w~ 11, n 11·11\lty Just hl'fore the nf'\' •1111els for lh• 1r many youth pro-,1r th,. pc•lly thl'f4S 111 1hat lll'l'tl J<•hn f' \'~el, p<>rmit to bwld a Many v.ar 1urpIu1 1tort1 ··tK<>ttwT·m·la•"' dill"VP''ars dov.'ll 'J'h•· fh-;t1:hn1: '"~ k h11~··r' al ,,,., 11. 11fl•·ring. 1• ,.,, an tlw Costa M1·s11 ar .. a 1\as\. \'l'rn LI-snick. Costn :\lt.'58, l "'nry ronrrt'lf" C'Of'llmc'TCia) butld- sprinJclfo an nnhan IEOl"ds a t an· .a Ski<· llrc'f't and llw Amt•rif'un r1·1111\' ha\ .. mrrc ,,_,.,, 1lw 1r v11i.:1 .\I 1Slt'r'>un. who nnn· represent11I \\ho rl'IJOrt••d tht• l<.ll'S or bis bi· 1nl! nl llf>.llR 23rd !'tl'ff't. :-.;...,.._ Oatt'd pr~. ttw> ~ u.td fnnld rr!urM tv>f'IW". gaddf·r . Wl'it'r. n.11 ' ;m·1-stni,.nl hy t•a rr11nJ.:' ol e ''" ,..., t '11mpany in a leeal ca.•• TO APPRAl!olt: ~('IESC'E ,.~ cle lo pnhc<' Th<' thdt occWT«i fl(WI F.inimatf'd <'OSI $.l5IVl I But thf' poo!<t·•·ar N"\i\a.I of thr :.nd mtnUll 18.000. • ~11 Joel . h;1• d"n1t•cl th~1t ht• llctcd in 1.. ITl IJ\(' \ !'.: y e UP • _ Cor· l)l•t\\N'n fl and Ill las t night :\laud.-K.iuhnan. pNmit to hu1ld A toe.al Ctl 79.000 Naval Re ~n·t..ts pan ic-ip.'ltN:l in two-wt.'<'k :M.'lin• dut)' tr.ini.ag cruises dur- ing l!W7 .I' * * Jl«'!Ualll prtMlfW"I' traud .. thl> brst I Jln~tnmlll) 3 s•andJt>r IS CllUl!flt "It t h" nm11ulll urtt.:mllll)' In· h.ilt o( llu• h.enkmi; ftrm when h• , J ' ' I . An C'Stlmalf' of llt(' "umlM•r <if ,, I Stof') 1 family ~·ellan~ at .i~'7 and ron \1<'1ed. hut t!W r.1rk.·t ha' \'C"tl'd horl IJ!:<·n $1110,000, "'' l•l•<I th•• ri,..roll suit. 11111 1 fll\••.r."t) \\'I 1 dorxh·n_ a n"'"1 l ll'l1otro1"' a\'l'nui> Corona do·l 1 WE PROl>DLY POINT -f t r ·1· 11 · :io I 1· nruwl 1 bit" ells rl'1J(1rtl'tl Slult•ri frum 1h1• * Brief GI -at ~ i:wn~ °"for rhrH' 8.lld :i hair woulrl h11\'I' 11·:ihJ'1 •1I 11 prn II " Ami 1111~ & l 'ompany w1tne15,., i·uu '" "'' " .. "' l •'. . .. D s11(. in rrl'f·nl mnnlh'I ~·a.,. not :\lar .. :•11m.ttl'd ~I ~ ••ce ('e-ntun~ and .. .-.. t.;ihl} .... ,11 ('On· SI I 5110 . I 1r "1m m will "If ..... , " {' l.' L·. I 1·-nf A11ll'r ll'a this -.urnm r r. r ro 11lE FACT nl.AT ... · • ' 1nrh1•11ni.: 'rus '' r.a on. .. pr1n ('I I \\' J ., mm ·r Sf'S~ion n ·ad1ly a' ;11l11ltl1• lti.Jt numl'rOU<o Ti ... ,.,s .ar.etsl tmur. rh» r_.,..._ t ~aid_ 11nnu11I J:U&n \\••r•· 1vm,1st!'nt O\'t'r 1 kh. Id h ' \'fl d I I t•11 '' 1'11'''· "1 ' · A bl h ·~• • '•· · · 1 ··11• •· ~lu1· " t•r . a .~ e n ,. • 1 1 1 , . , ti • t th r1 I , """'" r••1..ortf'd II\ :":l\') m ... 11c1ne .-;ta ,,. '"" a EVERYBODY 11 50·)'Ntr "''l100 ", •l fl,1\ ,. :in 1m-1 1 1 11 • ,.,.,,. '·"1 1 ,,. 11111!'1<• on u SUl' t r i. 111 l' · • • •• ·-• •• 111 .. r.. than ('dSU>J acqua ntan•' ' I I • A • • , .... 'l'tm •• I rn~ .. ~rs l•'I f,w .. r•"•ord 3"<111\.>I lo•tanu• dur· . Ma 11r1 .... IVl• rvnunl.' on our h&n~ llll ui•rw1• " M'll'rl\.'t upon rnt rica t It' ·""":.· •·s ~ ....... • ....... ' ' .. Am ........... T•I ,~,._ ,.,00 any Fn· onds R .. h I ·1 .,,. ·, .... ,, I th ;\ll\<:l••r!uin Nc>verthl'lt-'' tl111I ·l•t inti • l'lln11m11· l!fr hart hn\'r on l\\'fl ··~·nt 11«'11"10nC in;: \\' ... rlti War Jl "'1th not a \\"HO IS AA"YOODY ,...., • ~~ 11 '-< 10· nn ,, 11rou•, .;n "''''" .11, , . I h , • • · • , I! 1 hi' an-~•~tan PM:ifM" '"' Delay Traffic'"Tn·a1 or th(' 'llUl'.ll'nl ,,,,.,, .. n 11 1on ..... ic! ll1· 1 "'•1•1m"'1,0 0 ' :•min ~~ t ~\t quo ' It•,,. lu ' 11 11lk r• c1 al illl.~ 11lh1·r 1 o'llllllJl.iincod l11ltf'1 ly 11h11Ul th(' lack -rn.:I·· I" :"IV\ ,., ... •>Piii!: t HERE AND ON ~ .,..,...... 1T4•, wa' nut '" u1111mii.111· uh11ul thr 1'0 ""1 :\ '"11 r'lo~ pr '3 e Y;..._ 11n1\1 "'" 11( ~rcurlty lhC're fo.c11on ·~ 56-.. ' ~t.·;rn..,.1111•'. <. ha1rman ..... 11rl•·• Gftwral MMor-.,.. 1 mark..t at J>n'"'"1 , \\' 'J'()IM·y H . N II . or the Scnu•• ] ~GSA · · · "- Good)Mir ' FORT WA'f).;f:_ Ind 11·p1 Ar· .. , follow lhl' now lhrory . :"tl:ir·I ' t Fun<.ls \'olc'-·] -ror Cl11·1( ron . .. .•. · w , ••• , 11ani..ani.: 1·011111111 t•·1· ~111d hl' b(·h··' " 0 , .. cr111nc11 ·, '-Kf'fVM'<'Ott ~·. 1:•·1 t°""' tuu'I a 11mo· t•..itam: 11 111;11 'IU' "'"'d. Y1111 know, tldu. a 1 l''1 ow rrnrumss io n Itself may 11, V Y REAI>S 11lE ~ar5Cal ., .. 1~ ~:~ for a trarh<' \1<1l01 l1•m ,.,.1.,111'" h" '11nd np,pl.'''· fltl11:h1 '1"'\'1' lihc }.'.<l•• ,~ '"1111·\\li,11 lr> hl:anw for thl' inu• • ' .... ..... __ , • hJV'I ,,,,.. 'man> rn.•ntt.. 111wn , , a l")C'ln 1>.: 1·111 ~ I I 11 h N t c . t d w·t1 AOA UNAC ''Crusa(1c·' l Btandllrd '"' r..'.'>'· \\w-n·ht'< •'aV' r:im·· Ill' 1 .... ·1·•~) l\/ildWln·\\'11ll:il'(' is tlll' S1'C'Onrl l:tiluri• Ant , .. sa ( (' may u-~ 0 onnec c I 1_ -i DAILY NEWS-TIMES VS Sh..-•I ~·. 1•n·1v~.11ur Jo.tin R.·1lw·r .:.1111 h i• •~>llf•JtP 111 thl' country If• u ..... th1• h•~ ewmnil l,.~· 10 makl• 11 t.'O~f"11 ~111lrt11t'1 1alc1• 11 t .... 11u"• 11 .. -v.H-11 11rac·t1c-1tl mt•tlll"I nr l1•11rhlni:: mnr-'"' .. "11"11tion. \ ·r I S'JY)("'KS hli::t ... 'f' Ill nvwt.-ratf' rn•'f\11 ot f'llln ' kr·t tnm•llf'fl(lns. The tlra group In a ll'lll•r lo J Ciani! omrrl'I•· Ul~l ./\l' M.EA~S ut:A'l'll I . I .. tradln1: Al"lf•lh"r it.·11411 ) r•'""~·111"1 A wo~ -.:>ri.:11m1l'll 111 Sm11h <'.,ll"t.:• •ion Chnm :i11n n ot)l•rt K. McC'e111 \'olunh1ry Money A w idespread mlsund c r· I (..0 \lillifln Coiaric f'IH'e eo~l~ trr' .:utar, l' S 1(11\• m · F~. ~·•t lll•lfiffl. •.11<1 1 ti. ··'""' "·w·rid 'Pa r• a1:11 11"11i:hi·) · ·r*·y i;iutl th<' pn•so·nl ~li11h1 M.•an ~tan·atioa rnt'flt• f'aJ<Y. ihrni: OMlf'IAnti ~l•ll'k ,.,,·hunt.:I' urr1'. 1n\l·~11~tlaf'-lrnrl h1•1·n rlnuted 111 llrflenaly Ne~cl .. cl, standing, born tn the comet-,.. (,'RB STOl"'KS tlZU\l.lAL _ Jut1i:·· J.,hn II 1 .. ,..,.,1} "•"'' h•• , inli. '"'" 111 .. , m11:h1 :i11rnd n "•!'•' Thi• {'t1mmiM•lon on 11.. Mar•~ Re orl!._ ucnt·e or two 1den11cal sun.s of 1 Fur Huugry Childrea '""" ,, 11n .... ,, "]rrrYl~Trll'Yff'lll'· r.•w or-Prnr. · ormm·, rn1s!'l~ Tf ('tnrr-+11md 1"*--th~ "*1AM t tM• mOnn•. ttnHU1ns d~th by SJL\TR unrltani:f'd in s .... ;. r:ltll"' r"M"" ... ,:\_ .. ;'I P '"'•n.il f11 .. 11CI th<· ~tU1l1•nt J:"rnllp t•nn11r1111 •.. tit ""'inquiry IS ~ufficwntl)' hroad 1' starvation to m1llaons or 1nno· York al 74" "'nt• a ftnr f<UflC'o' ~·in.•lh rt.~r1 .\ Hohl.-r an p •ap rm•(tl~. 111k" 1n all l>f'rt111Pnt a:o1pcc t!i .. 1 N!!W YORK. Apr. -Conves· cent C'htldrcn. ha\'e had it. a d irect result of lonlf "llt:AT .. 111-.U-Mow~ 111• a t1•-•:'I• ""'"1 in 11, 'f"'<'l·•I I lh• r:asr •tonal authorization of $60,000,· )C<ars ,,f malnutrition. Widespread • I " "·-3 ·1 f 1 1 t d He re's thf' story: · .. __ _. ~._ __ .. _ .. ___ _ 1 1.. to 4-,. cvnlJ ('I •R:"\ up ' t n 1_... .... ~.,1',.,. 1n.t ft•-'" ti ft. rn1111; UNIQUE DUTCH ·r ,,. inn "'' nf'll!I Y<'S l't ay '' •· 000 for thf' United Nations Jnterna· nt· .. et..s. ~·urvy -.uu ~ ~ >'· -')l'nll • •A'n' UJ> '· '" :.-•, '"""h.·r ·'""'""'). "'' 1n ll.• '1•'01'11 e ;.·11rc1 "''""'°'· t•h111rm11n or llu tlonal Ctuldren's Emf'rgency Fund L Congress r~ntly 1uthor· due to lack or sutficient food art ttnt• •111.:•· LUNCHROOM SET ''" 1·11t1\1• comm1lt1•c-or First Ho• hu not a than& to do with the lzed $60.000,000 for thf' UN's leavinit a m<Vk on today's dill- ("ATTL>: a nd 11oc .. o;;; M'f"• ,.,..., ,.. , 1 1n.~1 $t!'l r1•r n ·<'kl'"' 11111 '"1rporu1i11n, n Nl'w York 111 campalin for $60,000,000 in vol· International Children'• Emer· dren. hf' sa1c( whic:b 1DA7 DeYer I ·~&low. ,trn,~ Bnlhoa', 111111'11 l.Unt'h "''II 01"'n ,, ... 1m1·nt b.inkm i: hOU-'I<'. Wooch 1• untari contributions for-2~ i ~aei:iq .£wuL_ .. be removed. I S.1t11rrl:iv. Gorffii11 \~l. t'<l·uWn,•r financial '1ffi\'i'«1·r lo Kalst•r=Fr"'' t • Amerfcan oversf'as. r~:ileh· '-Olldall:r • .. I ·11111 loci~, • h h k h had " t I d th U t--' Nat·aon.s A n.. 2.. Throuih tMe "Crusade for , .. , hul 1s :m 101· ous1' no , .. 11 c es an e n1 ""' .. •Jn such a -rspective,• be ez. ll•..,11:n1•cl an th• ru\ltr modi•, uf the undt•r"1111ni: ct the tll·fut••l'pe~ for Chlldrf'n. Con gress does Children,• Amf'rican OverMU Plained. "'the.-Concnssional •v-I ha~ M.11n str1•1•t lunchroom wl:t K·f' issue. DOt provide 11 penny for thf' w~rk Aid· United Nations Appc!al for __ , th A , II r roups thoriz.atioo is leeD • uuaY one I 11rfrr .ell 1lw 1l1'11o· u·11·<1 .1f a n 11ld \\'nods said tw h.111 told llr11r1 of e mer1can rf' _f' g. • Children is ~k.ulg $60,000,000 C'ODltibu1ioo of &he _,. needed world Dutr h lunr h 1ncludlni.t ta p J . Ka.-l'r. hoard ch111rman of K·F nor for the world-wide Unlted ~in 'l'Oluntary contr-ibutlo ns 1rom c overnmenU. and from in .. lw"f•r, rolcl c'UI~ rind nit th" "''<'t.'5· thal his firm would take l!Om<' .,f NaUoaa Appeal. the American people. dividuals and orcaniu~ if tbot ..,,,..,.ll th" 1)1"••1 11111t·k "l11 ·1•1111s<· t thoui.:lll These det'tnitf' natementa were work of belpinc the world'• cAdr; \\'.·,·111 hr1~ tnstrillc-rl liibll'q or it a i.:ClO<l ~1J('ruli.t 111n 11nd I h11\1 made today by Lee Marshall..na· 1 The covemment authorl· and hunCC'}' cluldren is 1o teach r••dw11<141. n-.-d <'haln, hnr of hrind fl'lt h11-;hly Clf >' " Iii• t1t•Cllncd 1" \.lonal ch a .1 rm an of American zatlon 11 NOT connected w ith any su.bstantial pan of those m 1 f1nishro fllln<'llni.; 11nd 8 knotty tak•• 1mr1 in tho· nnrl1•rwritlni;, Overseu Aid-United Nattun.s A_p· the •oluntary campaarn. dJrf' i..eed. p10•• hrwk hnr 10 cn m 0111 lh•• h11w1 •Vl'r Pf'•l for Chtldrf'n to ~ect 8 mis· Nf'ws ot thf' Conl(ressional .. President T,ruman and &he 0.. -----=---=-::::: -----~-=-=--~-=--.:::= -------------------------- Dependable Prottttion * * IF YOt; AR&-QNE OF OUR BRAND NEW READERS {WE AREGATI\'JNG NEW O:\'ES \\Tm \'ERY .fl.A 1TERIXG IN COST A MESA Al\"'D Tl ffiOl"GHOtrr TiiE HARBOR AREA) WE WANT TC> ntANK YOU thi•nw undf'rstanding thrcsugho ut the h thusi I I I United Statcc that the Congrcs· actlun lc-d many peoplf' to be· part mcnt of St.at.e . ave en .• I FOR GMNG t:S A Margaret Su lavan I I a t hn rlzation eliminated licvn that the voluntary con· asllcally endorsed the campaip . Ca1he1 in on Juke Box ' 1 ona u · ~ of Ame11can Overseas A.id-Unit.eel CHANCE Lei d H d the n eed tor· this campaign. tributio n1 werf' no longer Nominal Charges ~ =======-==------------ ---------------- ~ ----=--~- -----_---~ ---------------- But Thinlu It'. Silly an aywar Nations Appt>al fOC' Children -I Mr. Mnrshall said: needed. vital to supplement the covern· TC> PROVE OUR P• •PLAH 111.t'FF. Mo. IUP I-n· I Ti "The $60,000,000 •ought by Sa~ Ltt B.tarshall. n ational ment'1 nec:es.urily slower and L' k II j"..I) Id cir ISSO ve es \ Amer ican Overseas Aid-United r AOA UN ·'C lo n ger·r•ngf' procram.• .. r11n 11r1on, ,. ")'ttllr·o Ult· · 1 llllllions 'Appeal for Children ts fl'tT chairman o · " : • 1:1". •1111 il11nk:o1 ti's rnthf•r silly Ill ILLY'\\ C l{)l J, Apa al :~ I UP1 immedinte anti cmergcncy scrlrke "LN there ~ nu confusion. The AOA-UNAC C~ for TI-lAT \VE PR.11\'T MORE l 'ul tin1: ·• n1,·k1·I In :i juk<' box lo Actrl'!'~ ~l.1q: trrl S11ll I\ .1n. to.. abroad. The '"'•'~ or 7.500,000 t'hll· T he $60,000,llOO svu ..: ht by C htldren as a combined campaign hrnr 1111' mu~•<' cum<' ou\, !hat Is. t.lay •It\""'' •I Ll'l.ind 11.1\ '''ard. dren arc nt st.1ke right now, b<'-AOA ·UN1\C ts fur immediate I rcprt>sCntinc &he Unitt'd States• COJ\"TEN110N llurtnn·, npmton <'Rn comml!nd 11roou1·t•r 11f 1 he c u111•n1 Ila" 1rlway r11usc> thf'y w"uld 1tarve withC1ut sh;.re an the world-•·idf' Uniled 11 i lh .. h .and t•rnlt).!•'nr.v s..rvtc·e ~.ur.)ad~ ,. t A al f vol--L•·-_...n i:nm" r<'«(l<'r t " s •' mnn ~ 11 slai:" h11 ":\tr Huh1:r l•, 1,, >'llUSf' the f·iod to be made a\'atlahlc ·•J "'"5 ppe or un,_,,. '~ • 11101111.:ht th1 flr!lt juke box to Mis· h" "as :n• ·•Y from honi• ,,, much throui.:h the 25 voluntary rl'lad ,The II\ ''"i uC 7,500.000 < t.1l0lr<'n tn ltutt.ms and the united appeals "I \ • ra ll"O d I f ds ,__ I t I '· •ht ... ~ USA ,,, Am"raca's ma1or ~ ...... tf'laef "''1n -'' '11 ~ .. • tw 111~1 1nl1 1 f'SI en hi<: 1 111111\ I a11rnr1rs an vn unta ry. un '"'" Jr(' a ' '"<' r11.: n"". vo <"• , • .. ~ T:ilk··rl. int1r 1\ h)' rt r.alrsman. Shi• \\,iJ< l;t\I n "ll"lt•f\ .,f lhl'ir ini: r.11~l'd by United Natton.s Al•· ·th,·y nui:ht 51,,1\'l' ..,.11h,,ut the .121 nr1es church.. labor, 9Xlal l\11rl11n 1hn111:h1 "" hlllr of lhl.' con· lhr<'t' r hilcln-n :an•I lh· ir g rook· peal rur Children. I f<i•l<l ho.· m <id•· :t\.iil .. l I~ • ""°'~ and' nationality gruups.. I 1 1 II 1 I I t1 n ll C'l nrnr ti tu S;,t1 .. n:il headqu.art<-rs ate at lt XEWS ... SllOCYr ~IORE Pl~ ... 11iAN Al\'Y NEWS. PAPER Pl"RPORTIXG TC> 1 111 111n 1' 1' 1 1 ' 11..trl. C1•11n . nml 11 .. 11~ \\••"I h11m <'!' llf'lp nf't'd~d now 1hruui:h th •~ r.mip.111:n f11r vol· llruadw;a}'. Sew York 6. N. Y. I '"~ a "'~"'k 1 cl .. ",I :\I iss :-11ll.1van ,..1111 11 "\\ •nl was ........ ,. gnve m mrnt SfiO 1100 000 b t ,.. t b 1 n " I n 11•n h·· ""''l'k• I l It• foun .~"' r I I • ·h • " . . Ull .ffy ,un 11 u 111 s. How .. ---• rv...\-..·.r. Tl ns \TIAL . '" ·•~ r .. m 111m• "" •11•11 ," mut for <mf' :ci:l'nl'\' univ, and is "' ~•r '-'' r 1n 1111·k• I• 1n el ~" hi• l><·t·:imr IJI· f I I , I • · , --I tt h '' 1 war -) • "" " m •II 1 <'Ontani:cnt uf)Qn i:r:ants frtJm 11th · ......... a C'an;pa1~n C'omm1 et'5 a-ve lf'V'\ 1' r• 'lt•d '" Jt1ki• 11\•XC's;:iwckly. I · 11nrr hf' t'\'Pn r 1ltl tr• 11. t.i1mcl er countries that 11 may be a ~·.,1r 1 :11lults -s1.1rttni: 1m m c:d1at c ly. lx-1;on •'St.abl.sh('d 1.11 cities and '-vASTLJ:\"E AREA. fltll h•• ~1111 ll11nk<1 11 it silly 1" th• "h•'I" Ih m.: \• 1\ '""'"H'." 'lr m ore before the full amuunt C11nt1tl•ut1· ns tu uur r.unp,ui:n a rr 10 .... ns t hrt•U>:hnut the natJoo. •·1th ti;"" !," k1 Ii> 111 111 1111 m 1\1 h1•ar lho· ,11" ,;aul b.-comc>s av:rilablt•. The ~uvcrn· promptly """' e rtl'fl 1nt11 fl>o<I, .irta\'C camp:ul!'f\S scheduJed for 11111'"' i:o 11111n<I I 1111) \< :1r1l ",,~ , '' "' 1 • d ,.. pa) mcnt rnoncy was authorized, nut \'at.imins. m,.Ja inc••. r1 .. th1111.t .. nd the m•Jn ths of A pnl and :Way. -. ---,:1u1 m"n1hl~ "llt•l••l 1 lo 1 , ,, II nf appr41pri:ite d, en the rt'<'rntly sh<'llcr. lluni;l·r ~·nd d•~t·,•~<' arc, l'roplc m 49 other nat.aons an * *· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~~~~~~~~~~~ ni·I , oe111np ·'~ 11l11rn•t1\ ,,, ~~' m ay take coMidt'~b~ time ~-tiC1n~ T~ ~an emergency u~~ S~~ in this v~un~ ~~ ~ 11" \\is" -Advert.ft I 1 Ill' c-htlcln ·n .mrl :.011 1• 1 , , 111 , 1 111, paned global relict bill. and it everywhere an w ar-r •• ,·n,.:C'll na· f j..anmg the people of thf' United S11ll.1\11n. fore any of the g overnment ation." hf'lp fttd thf' hungry children ol our premier showing of the completely ·new 1949' and Now on Oispl.y LINCOLN ~IERCURY "~r-:,;~ c. '· ~,,;claeJocJ,.u Inc. 1118 N. llADr SI' • • PHONE 7171 Thi·\ \\'t'rr m 1rri"ol -.; \ • 1 1'1:\n money will' be availablf' to Uic One I.a IS the world during the preselllll \\'F. ARE DEEPLY a nti :. t"11.1t• d 1n 1 '' · \., 1 1•1.n Children'~ fu.rid. For every child who rcceiv~ 11 cn t1cal J)f'riod. I I ;\II~< ~1111.1\'.111 h.111 • 11 • I'" 111uit "The $60,000.000 Wf' ~N'k ln daily, life.saving me;il thruui:h I Mr. Marshalf urgt'd that contri-j 1111 ... h.11111~. 1n1 h11J1n1: \, • 11 If, nl') public glv1nl! is fttr starvatiun and lhe lntcrn:rt1nnal Childr•'n s Emcr· llutanns to tt:e campaign be glVC!D F"nd.i, .1ar 111 :\la 1: .. 1 .. , •, hel'llth f'mcrgenc1es. They exist gency Fund, there are IS children to local campaign committ.f'ft or AJ'J >RECJ A TJVl OF TllE WAY YOU ARE U,\U\' IS " 'f .. right n ow and must be met right m cqu;1lly desperate need of nour· sent directly tu n.atJonal be9d-I -'IAK~G OL"R now. Our agencies arf' prepared is.hmcnt, Mr. Manhall pointed out. quarters. \ll \1 1'11 1~ '1'11111 I I' to mttt thcm rieht now ••. giverf The con.sequences or our fail· "Let thf'ff be DO m.i9under-1 P.UD <.'IRCl"LATION thf' funds. ure to •ct Sf>e<:d ily and f't'l'cctfrely standan~ roncemiog &he urri:ent Git \I If llt I <:.ti. ,, I\\" " 11'1·c or •C~ *' our11 In •hr•' fl 11 '-'' ,\,ld "In addition to helping to fttd m thf' present emcrgen<'y w d'uld and immediate need for •olu.aury • O\\' A:\'D GRO\\' M'D 7,500,000 starving children. our be d1s:l!'trou.~. 'Mr. M.1rsh:itl de· contributions.~ he plf'ilded. "'Such m oney will provide for rare 11th<'r ctared. llr r<'l"•rtNI that t" • ou t I rrusunderstandtni:: ..-ould lead dJ- thnn Cce•lmg for 2,650,1100 1'1111· nf l'\'r ry thrC'<' l'lu ldrf'n in f' .rope rrrtly to t~e rl<'at h of sulff'nnl u111· nl••t•• ~I I ' tt" ,, ' ~ I t r of .\11 .11111 ~1 " 1 · I. """ ~I• who h:i\'•' ••lcl• t n 11 t I• ti • 1 of • 11. a d ren. and ,1,.,.1st.inr e to '4.6-10.1100 t11rl:iy 1•1<h<'r hJ\'C tuhcrC"u l••s1s or 1 ch llu rcn the '" i Id eo\'el'.~ I u 1111,:h11 r. :!7. mt! a "'" • "• Honor Roll · · Pr.osverity Pluggers T. \\.ESl'ON JAY j An~horage of Son'thern Ca1if. ~ Crnl!'f'rt1 . Laa11nn a Martin Outboard• Com11ll'l4' 'f~t hrallllllft« a Gi!Ar. 1'..-ht Rrobrace a ln1unuu-e R"rllot s&-·.SHO Via ()portn Ol!A'.'11 W. OAMPB!:LL Lester & Co. Memt..r •-~fill 8tioc!ll E11cluutp Gonimlllf'ot. Mtlllk>fs-1 and Corpora&ton 9etlllrttlM 8111 £. Cf'ntn.I A-. BalllM.. PIL Hamor totl Padraic B. "Pat'' Evans ... Life -Health • Accident All TyJ>e8 Penonal Insurance Banor 1818 • tllt It. llll1f Dr. • ,,...,_ Baumgartner Jewelers lmured DlaalOllds ........ VOLNEY HAY. JR. Hay's Camera Exchange • ea.lld ea-. .......... ..., It. <:9tnl BA "1 _ ..... .. ..,-· Oeo. R. 8btc*er, ..... : c. A. ......... Vim .... lla,:rV ........... TI w Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. UT o.-t Btry . ..._ ~ UU. ,...,_. ..... 8.U,__. rn..w a lla:J I I ~TeM ........ GRO\\'! * * FOR A ~·EWSPAPER. LEGITOL\TELY DEVE.'\ "'DS ON PAID CIRCt:IAnON TO SELL ADVERTISING. / TilATS BECAUSE '.\IEP.CHA.iVl'S EVERY- \\ 'HERE HA VE LONG ~O\\~TIIAT PAID CIRCl."1.ATION ME AXS Gl'ARAl\°'l'EtD RUDBR ~'TERml' fTHA TS WHY WE OOXT "THRO\\~' COPIES ADILESSL Y AR.OU1'1i"'D TOWN) . * * -.. I r l ' I I' NEWPORT HARBOR'S GREATEST CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MEDIUM " PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DAY SCHOOL Mortimer SchQQI In Cera.I A vr. B&lbea bl. DAY SCHOOi. .... SOW OPY.S MOllTUl llll. M. A •• Chlur4 rrt.,.•..-• KA lllMlll 11.\t l>t:STISTS -- Dr. Obed I..ucas DESTIST HOZ VJ \\'. Central. Jlarbor l -&30 NEWPORT OF.A<'H GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.S. 131! \\'Ml C('nlral .-.Oae Harbor -&:?1..1 Newport BMc.h MORTl'AR\' BALTZ MORTtiAR\' LAU\' ATTESDAST 410 Cont Hhn)· t '<1rona lh!I 'lar Pi.o-~tarhnr 4'! (U ll)' and Sli;hl) O l'TOMt;TRIST E. T. Butf4.tworth. 0 . U. Opt-Ometrbl E\"t:s t:x.uust:u Ll:SSY.S U l't'l.l<'.\TEH fl.._. -.,..lr.ol .... A~J••LH ...... ""''"" ...... ""· ... ,,_ 1111 1 NKWl'OllT llF.A('U Sl~"S-SUllOEONS-0.0. W. T. Mooney ... ,.&daa &ad 8llrJflOD X-RA\' U-Hour 8en1ce ttlt a CA-ntraJ Harbor .&8 PB\'81ClA.~8 -8UBGEOS8, ILI> I · A. V. Andrews, M.D. I , f'ID'SICIA.~ 1 and Sl'K(n;os 41l Coul Hl1th"•ay. Harbor Me l ('oruna cko.I Mar I I H. R. Hall, l\I. D. I Phyi.ldM aad 8llrl{- ,, . I I Houri,. :l~p<>intrfll·nl I I T•lf'Ph ~ Be.won 6M8 I ISi Broadway Cowta M- I I M.u1Jl·ell. M . D. MUt.Qn M. t lOl C-out mway Corona dl'I ~l ar I Olfice llour.1: 10..12: 2-5 Pho-Barbor tor. S. R. Monaco, M. D. I 814 Bay An .• Balboa Harbor 11!4 ' · 1 I O ffice HouMI: 2 to 5 p. m. ~nday Uiroul{h Friday • Co'nrad Richter, M. 0. rr~o\ Rourw 9 :lO a. m. -12 M., :? :lO p m. • 4 ::lO p m zoo,,.c \\'. c~atral s "Wl>Ort 8-c.b P hone Harbor UOS .. , ·~~-~~~--~-~-~~ VETERIN AalAN SF.WPORT HARBOR \"ETF.RIS A.RV OOSP1T AL Ho..-Parker, D.V.M. Paul O. Outc:Mr. D.V.M. lfr• II 6 11&117. lucJ 9aa tL~,l~l>d n "'"'"· llf-L M18; Rea. Har. "' 10 Ml~. FOll SALE II Tu t 'c "''1.t: II\ I" Oi u N t;W PO R T HA I.BOA N ICWR-TI M ES \\ t:U~t:l"U \\ ~'''°I"''' H•-·h1 ('allf., AJ1r1l '!II, l!Mll Page 5 -----------llARPER C ,\IU"WX, SEH\'ICE :-;,.w a\'ttil11blt-111 lmrh.1r arc~ '.\l ainll'nnn1~· or ••51.Jhllslh'd 1:a1 . d••ns ~p1·111i:t .. r;. d •· .. n··J & nd· JllSt.•d S111.1) 1111:. lands\·apini; Frt11' 1i-:_..t1nuth'ti: Ph•'"'" n.-..aci'" 1;:.!I)!). \\' C .. •ur~,· H.tq,lt'J'~ t~l1 I St h !'1 . l\1~1 a 1'11·'<11 51 -:\·to· • Wallal'e Calderhead \\'AT<1fl\IAIU:rt / J f'.\\'ELF.R i-:xr.n,;\ n :n 817 COAST HIGHWAY CORONA OEL MAR. CALIF' M-~21 .. i 7 YF.ARS SJl:R V1 CE IN Tiff HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL P AINTINC C'ON'I'R.ACTOR 274 Eut 191.h Str'fft Ptl. ~a. ~13 C<Jeta Mesa. C-&Jlf. COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phont" R<-11con 6217 30-tfe lS73 El~ Aw . C<Jeta Men »tft For Rent - House or'Apt. ,.,II June 15th H. M.LANE RF.AL ESTATE 2006 Court Ave. Nur N<'wport Plt"r F.s1abll1~ Since 1920 ~.·wrnl Iron N>d1. sprln£°1. and mA1tr'.-5s,•s. i;nod rondltlon. l 1'1<(1-..·{t" .t J\t1'rrlt ttrrt~<-rator. drnp.'ll, misc. C'il•'"P· 309 Edge'- "111t•r, llnlh"'1 *3\{' Silver PJatinJ? C'OrP~R. nRASS. c.OLD Polishing & rwnnlshlna nayRide Plating Co. ·1914 llubor nl\ld. Coeta M l'IR. C11llf . llt'tU'On 5113 6-dc Walrhea • rYocka • Jl'W'elrJ CJfRONOMETERS R#pairlna -Prompt Sfrvtae ~nalbl~ . Pr1oM V'.AN DRIMLEN JEWEL R Y I~ N<-wport Blvd C<leta .... 3-tf< FIREWOOD CHARCOAL Ir BRJQurrB PROMPT DELIVERY Wright Lumber Yard 17M Nrwport Blvd. COSTA MESA Plenty of Good Tirel All Siz.ee Compound Motor ·on Gallon. 'JOc ~-tf1 W eat.em Auto Supply AuthortU't! 0MJer PERSO~L H 1836 NfW1>0rt Divel., C.oeta .... --------..,.-----..,.---17-tlw PI Al'\0 LF.SSO!'llS In yr,ur hmn«'. Lcsc hC'tlzky m.-thod nr tl'rh- ntque. Bri:IM<'fS f\r 11dvanced studl'nts. For Information rail ll«'ncon !l131-R. 57-!'ltr S\\ lmmln1<: In thri'•' ll'!11<oni1. $7 00 F not ct M ontl'ro S t , R11lhol\. R•·s 3::!!l Arcacl1· Ph. '11rirh11r ·1700.u: -.-""'" SERVEL The GAS Refrigerator Som<' ModM1 Avall11bl.-~ow Balboa ·Fur.oiture Store 100 V ain ~I .. n11lhoa Phor\,. Hivhor 145 ~<"'oe011t nh·d . Nf'WllOrl PhnnP Hllrhnr 116 -'" ,, .. • I• ,1 .. '' 1lh 1l • .,11o1, I \ I 11 I{\'\. 11111 \<II;' '""'•I ho•ll>·•· ' I ' ... t ' -· '''"' • ··•H h '~ u I\ ,, .... l ... (\11 1 fth-f\thh P h.,,,. 1 • .. , 1t thttl11o fl UH"' f11t t f •t l••t • ,,\ U off, I "; Jt IU '' • 1 •1 \\I 'I t t\ t \ t•f1 :," ·,, ,, " I H \1''1'014 \\'ANTt:U II RF.Al. r:~TATI: 1'11' 1!1 1• "t\ ""'"'' 1•\ or ·hi 1·11r 1ti•I ,,,, t ~.-"', '"'" ~ ... fo",•rdc N1' :! BEDROOM HOUSE 1 ·,•I t'I t 1.,-1,. • '. •r r11 I " 1111 •lo 11.i • II 11 r1 "ii• I ,'1 h 01111 \Ir- • flll \I ..., '' l'l'I U' ·, t .. _.tr ... ''' fu•q,, hu1u,, ... d 111 1 1U\.,:1 "°'' ~· .. ,11 ~,.,, '•l 1'1· Pnl'lll.t: <:1\ll1\(~t-: Good Inca- ''"" 111 t\1<!11 M•·~n Prl v 11te p111 t> ~7~'0tl Jlt"•ll'un Gl~·l't1 'f ,. 1·1 I \'1 t.I .... •t•1 .. 1t "' 011l1t1 '"'"'•I h\ ~·'•" t 'nit 1 .. · I KP:·\I, P:l"T i\TP: a '• t l ' ........ ""-•·" \\ it tht t\~•li •I I \l 1'•'11 I> J' It, llhf .. I' II\ 11 .. 1 h,,, -•••;" "1 · 1••1 Nt1W Vi<'\\\ Home LO'r FnR-:~Al.F. '""I'll•'-•m1•I••\• .. ""''' 1l\'t;1n 1<1 •l\IN1: l '11llrt• ""'''"''l!'IF\\'T'l•llT IS l.AN I' O\olce ~:\.I Olp l • t I 1 "' .. ~ ~ f., 1lro ~ Ill lu t1•• pro t • I 11•1\ 1111 /II• II :'\ 111 htl\\ "'"" ot, rh i•11llll't' I 1lrlll'r It '.' '"' ~ll'l'""'lllkl llnf rt.•11 •t • .1 111 """ """''"' '''"" ,,,11 .. 11•11·11o111 111111 1t•~hl1' flnt~h ''"'tni.: i. .. 111 •lit•·•. 1111 ullllU... ..... "' t, 1• t •I • f'li ,.·' 'i•" 1 \ 1 • •• •t ••n ' ", • •·.ti l .o 1•11 \\ 111• 1111 ... 11 I l.&1 l••t , "'•·111t11nal ·nu· flrt•-itl w.-·v,· 1'11111 I .11n1I. f.r.tlli C'l;<t•11n Front l:t Ill 11. ''"'r nffrrt'it N•"''t•'t I l\r1u•h. <'11t1r ti 1' I t c ,, • I ,r11luh • 1 f I ' .. II 11 •. , I I \\ "'' t, -1 \ 't • • J • '• ~\ t I. • tu '' .« l ',. !i, ·, t• I .. ..., \\ \u 111 111i 1 .1n~ 1\. T \•t .,,, • ••• ,-; "',I ~'t•· • -,, \\ I . I ! I t '""'•' ........ <l.'I •• r• '·' ri•t n ,, "' t , •• t ,, '' •1•-., ' · • -\• '•q ,,) , ' • 111 , ,, n1n.:' •' • ~'' ''1t,'· It''"'' "\:,~,-.,rt ~4!>1t" H II! ..., \If:· \tu -,-,-.. ,-1-1-.. -,-, -, ,-, -;;- 1 ,,t ... u , '·" '1h 1 , .. f.•r 1p1u·k s.1tl•• ~ •• ·" X ·I 1· !~th SI «••II\ )!, , l'h It. '"'" :.':'111 ll ,.,., • f' 1ht11 I I Ill'" r ,,, ... ,,.. .. q;, h [l ()I• I '111(1 111 '••I ,.,, I:• 111 l'•Wlt . \\ \'rt P ~· I• 1h ,.,m "'''"" fur 111•1•··· .. , IJllfll•fli'"'"I , ...... , HALPtl P. MA~KEY "'"',.,.''"!••rt ·.' ""'.'•11:11 :Wll \\ 1'1•11t rr.1 I'll ll11r 40:1 t 'h• •tt• J '-' tt<>t •n t)..!:"l'-i t " ...,t ft i -9 .. If< \\ ,\' n JI r· ' It F'-= r .. ... I \ .... , '' iltCIX 1\ I 'Fl \I A It ·!'\•··· n '.! 1• 11 ... 1 • ...-l·•11i:• • .1111 """'"' t1r t •·•11l1•1)tll\I '"'' :\41' ' I tft' cm 1111r•1r11i.li0 •I h "tt '• I"' l•'t 11\ I 11rk•1111r >fl •·t't, 1111 11tlll11t-. "'" JHIOUHtllU '•'JUll• ftU*llt 1.t.19t l"rl\Ot.. 1.t\rt \ l'hr\Ut' .. : • 1 11 "11h '\ •~-.•••"""', \\'111 JWt> I. ~·7:lf,o. 1 .. »1 1\11.:1•1••• ~ ~tt1 u p ''' ~ ... 't•• lt1*t n \,1nth ··~t h•· -. ,,rn .. unt ''' t. ,,..... in ;t~h '"''"'' t ·:.11 .J nn•' .t 1 • •H"ll. lt.•a,.,.n ~:..;7 DUPLl-~X nN l'F.NlNSllLA $1fi.&OO l1t•11 \ l~1t •'.11n 1-'l'> \\ An.i T \\' 11 llf-'l •rt1 'IC''' 1111r111 nld1t'tl hi II• I ""I: n ....... l'h"ll•' h(';6:Dtl h"lll•' ·•n '"rno•r Ill 1 ·rn.11111 tt.·I F1 'RNfSHF.f\ ;~ :'lte t :'-1.11 ''• urh r,.r,r rtl <It•• •1111n1h :7:""---...,....--~--~~--17 ft ll1c~h1Jt \'11111\• c''hn,-.ln-IJ,\ltlh •I( ·l.'l ; .t m"'"'. hko• n••w S.-11 "" 1r,.1t.•. ·~ :llt' ''" '-.,, """ J. I lt:u rr•MI <"I a ir I . · ll\\11°1 :\7 1~ \\'nlmll S1 RJ"'T f,• 1\'t L"I' U,\Y .. It• 1:-;T .r11t11t•h•"I W . 1. . .JOROAN •RF.Al.TOR WO F. Crntnl, llnlllOll 1l11rll0f' 1 !\:I 4:\-tfe' •i•nrHn• 111 :-.1 ... ,111 '" '"""''' 11r t-'nn Qlll•'l\ SAT.F. ~111• "' l'h Tlh ''""''' :i:-.;.'. fur n•n, nt Ol'TBOARO MOTORS A:-\D BOAT~ 1. ""' 1 • A I '.th11•·• I ru .1.'\.1.:1 I'\•·•• 'rt"llnt 1111 • "II 1 ~11n Front \ 1.1 l.111-• ~··" 1••rt n •. ,., . ., In """ "'"" n ll11lh•111 Jo:"'"''ll••11t '17 lt1· '"""''''II f·•r ,·,,rnlilr11\tl1•11 1111111 $.•1 \ f,.,. and llf'f>111No un All \l .111• ~ nt Mntun ltF.'.'T. ,., ... F.1.1.ANEO''"' " "'"'JI II ,,,, "''"'I "'""' hutltltn.: I _ . _ ( • '.! 'l"nr i\ .r•·nl hnranln for L~•I "I f•••I 1111!11•11 r . .t h111hll111-'.I $111,:'\l'lll • f,,r n •1H 111 ''"'~ l 'hun,• l1 1ll•hl· .I l\f Mil.I.YI!. ltr11ltnr1 1·.·.1 11.111\"'""' ·,.; ··ri:j t ~•lh •'-c· .. ntrnl l'h ll111h1•r 12f,.,I ll:l\'£'11 .~pit•l' .. ••ltllF'-r 1'lo1tu .111•l 1t ll1n<'lll,. (' 4!ltk ,!6 ,·,.,,, 1111'11'' T\.•nr"n !'w.IG !\l -' 1•·•111 ·'1"'1111'111' i ·,,. .. r 1"1111 '"nr -;;1111 lrntr "''' ') i .. •c1r110~1lr11 ________ :.._'4_1f_,. t '11h11 .... , 1~rnl A1l11lt11 :lit"'"'''' 1>allu, ,...,11wr l••I , $11.M!'ifl l!l~' ('I 1'.\l~ll H1 ·1 \I. 40 ft f1,t11n~ llnat ''' llttll•1o• :;.; ~11•' \\'"11• l'I . c '•Min M,..11n Ownrr "1111 1 ·1,,-, .. 1,,r ''rm• n 111.,1or. ~ -,,-;-111,.111,.~, 11111!;~1~1 .. r n:;;I 11 .. n1•1•n f\.'\.1!1 .I !\:t !\t r • r -~I\\' llfl!\tl". t"C l~TA MJo-:SA "'II' •1•11ill '•Hl•ftY ..... , 41 " \~. I'• ii~· $!\~)(). Al $P l11t• lti lfnrhor llrl1tht1. See I. T. ~IFNNF"S, :..'M:t W C~ntral. 1'111•111• 11 :.!l:..>7 -\\' fl ~ftr-M. :W-5tc ----------- \LIFF HAVEN t '' 1•rli~•kl111{ N••Wt••rl ll1rhor \\',• 11ff••r 11 l11•11w .. r rxc;-11tlonall)' 111•1111tnr rt.w1r plim In M'ml mode 1•rn nrd1lt1·1·t11rc" Srhrdult•d for 1•11rl)' •Y•11111lt'tl11n. hut If l10U1ht now n1•w nw11rr m11y wlf'Ct 1'\1l11r11, tll•'. ll11••1'•11m. "' Jl'tve 111111·tnu11 roon111. 'J r11 rn11f"l'tl, NI>' - 11r11fr dlnlnic •llllC't'. hrt•aklaatbAr, l11ri:•· ht'rlr•Jt•nt!S. l11t• o f 11tora,. • hh• wnrcln1l"'' 1111 a HO ft.Jot. J1:l,li4\:'I 1 '0111111·1 1•r 11h11nf' Mr. s .. 1111.-lt•r, llf•nc~lf\ :n~. EARL W. RTANLEY JtJ.:AJ.T(lR t 'll \l l'lt I N C NFW Pnn1· r. Rt-: ATER llARnO R Iii I '.I W. c 1-:NTftAl • N••w pt•rt l'""d' l!'lth ""<I IRVINF: STS. Nl'WJM•rt flt•11rh 17th """ rnA~T lfwy. N1•w11e1r1 fW11rh li• '' 1_~ um 11 .. t.t• fl Ion' .1rt'd l ;-... \\f••t 1 llt\tl ,--1,: .. ,1 1 \11·•11 ---f Fe Ill ~Al .t: 1:\ r1w1t Int on Ocr11n 41-tlc 1~1 111,11 ="•'"l•••I l\l\'c1 t na1i. 1;_ ... ,i:• ''·"', ..'.!:\ f' '...'1r1I S t '1 N Representative ,.,..,. S•·\\-·TfmMI \\Ill not be rr.apon;;ihlr for nwrt> ttuu1 ODf' lnrorro•C'l ln .. ••r tlon of an ad\'f'lr· 11....nwnt-, 1'4~\ca tlw.-.-LlcJU. to 1·nrr1-c·th c•l1u"lf'· an)' anti all a<.111 ""''. to r•'J<'<·i IUI~.' ~·h·,.rtl••~ ml'Tlf not rt•nformlna to rulf'e an•I r•'1tt1lllll11n,.. Claulfh'd adll "Ill ht· 111•1·•·11tc'd up to 9'9@ a.m. on ltlf' 1111~ of publll'a tlon. LAnY Pl~rlN(; l'Hl!<UP in ('1lrfl't' "' LEM AC" Stop w11rrrin~ nhout your rnr E1•rnf•' will i:;i\'t' It i::ood cnrr RI A'lsndntl'd S rrvlrr, :?6th & \V Cl'nt . :'lj1wport flrl\<'h ELF.C'TRI<~IANS tSiaee 19201 --------------~,.<I Ph·tf\f' It. 1NIO r~~1 .1 r~ :ti• 11twt . llftlhc.1n Prl<j"C-d below tn- 1ft1 t I I• 111 'or All tb ) S .. 111rltAv tl11y'• mllfkl>I Ph lv11ron !\128-.I & !'1111111\' • :v; ~Ir "\ 11,,1i • • "" """'' nn•I in'"''""' In tf 1:.15 MAfUNJo: AVE. ""'""" J11l11nd Rt!\ roA~ llYW. rnron11 cfi'1 M11r 55-ltr -. \\' A:>;TF,[), lluni•· h1Un(lry rtrn- ""nnhl<' prirr !'wk up nnd dr· '" 1•r y 1 !1:.!!'\ l\111nwni111, <'nslll ~ksa ~-lip II C'ontrttMl~·Rrpdn R<'sid.-ntial-Jndustrlal -:'\• '"l~•rl 1~1.mt Wlth :Ii II Jlf - ,,f ... 111"--' .... '"" n( n-. ....... t~ "tfll flm1h nrut \.'"1'r f,.,.._, '''"''•'rr1 --'f 'n f: -<",\I l"-P~n~ ~ CUtf,.-1 \<.tlo r f t 1tlll :f11~I rl\! I "' \11itrr -r lirfina (ti>t f•ll't• h 1dm1•t. .. 1 \\\lh ::•, h fl I ltu-ntlllr•· .. ., 11, ,.,1 for llf"h'lll'\ Nlr .. rh••••lf•tl ~ · '' R hnmr, J1111t Et.q..Hokin & Galvan .1 .. 1111•11!1 111••1•11 •••• •'tll lint ··n•I ....... "'"rthl •I" ll\lnc 4S1 llf•l l'••mpll'l1•r1 T.imi.:·· ·''''"" wtndnw 1000 ('_out Hlwlly Bell. !W()"l '"" lit' 'lM-:\11· '"'"' n ""Tl< r ,, ill finnn!'l· :'ltll~I In llvlni.: 11111111, with h11tlt-ln Vf'll 31-tft! ~1;.,,.,1, "' ,. """ pitrt n,,11,.j1 tltntnr• 7 Pllr i:nrni:r C111111f'r --------------"4i;lL" Priced to St•ll ~ .,11, •'l\trr tin••• 111111 t•<mnrr trd arw. :\R.1tc II .. ~ lllT l'rtc IPl':HTY HARBOR Plumbing Service 10 ff YOUR f'URNITURE ls not bc- comfnir you should he comlnir lo llae Jones Co Upholst<'rt. X - SPECIAL'! :i.:i-w T1th1till Kr trh WiilO :VI' ( 'rl !l~(°'rR f I ( • 4 :! I $.VIOO ~7' Jlunt<'r C'ruL~ 1'3"1 $.YIOO F• •ti n•:x·r lt••im .• n<t i. .. 111 1ir1 'nh• htm'l4'. w M>kly. "" yrarty, ,...,_. SA 6974 °" rail 111 1'11 JMth S I . Nr"....,..t Rrarh 57-~111 ''" Prif'I' $~il10 '1'1•nn• r11n llf' 11rr11naf'ft Multlpl,. J.l911nir Ht· 1111r ~nu'•I nt "M0t•nrhl1tr," nl1 11 ... ir I .1111dwun . 1 r11n•11 , no nbU- 1111111111. < 11111•1· l'h l..oni: l'4•11ch 7-:\IH'J.. 11r ••'•'. f)ur.olhy llurcktl, ':tfY'1 C'11rn11tlnn A"", rnrnn11 del Mnr . r11llf l\ux '/., Al1I In rrlU'. !\8-3lp llY l lWNf:ll -N1•w 2-hNtrou.a hnm•· :ttl!'1~ S11nl11 An11 Aw., 1 '•••In M• .. 11 Att11d1rd 1,1tr11,., tllc', dbl. l"unrlry tr"Y11 kftfn"dl-•I•' 11e;.,,,l'l111lon, SIOOO. dow n . Mnkr· orf .. r f A~ T~l~pliotoJ Sc!mm T . Tlarapkln <above> has been appointed by the So\llet gov- ernment u !ta ~preaentatlve on lhe ~ TrUAeeshlp Counctt, ac- cordlnt to report from Lake suc- ct'lla. N. Y. n e appointment of T!larapk.lD '° the council endl'd a 13-monUl Soviet boycott and 10- d tcated Ruul.&'1 t.ntentlon t.o have a full '°~ In council debate on lhe crlUcal Pafestl.lle altuaUon. 17"'<1 1'1•wport Ol\'d .• Bf'&N tn 6111 n 1:P 1\TRJ:-J1'; Ot..'R SPECIALTY' '"m•r11rttni: 11nd SuppllN 9-tft I I•\\ ,·,1:IT.RS n 1 1 • 1 •'-=THAc-ro n l!:o'h H•••lll'. """" lloards. N e. ·111 \ ,, •\J••I \\,.. ('11~f11 \lf'!ll 1·1 .. 1, I'-•. "'"1 )-.700-\\1.:\ ?\l unso11 Bros. ('1111Cl'Pt1· Work "'-"-= 1r· \n., ,,,,, 1 I,..., I \ '.\I I ;;',\ 1><·1 re .. h ·,_'_ J \\° Iii :)";}'~ ~·-'·-'~'(" 1 !Tt<1Y C::t.ATER , \11 1l11"i.: ,',nyttm1· "I • _ d 111· ~1()\'J~(; I! , •0 11 n ... 111 .!~>·ti_< I' I' .I • ~ • .. \ \ I I:. J I I II• ' ii I 1t I ' ""I '" I .. 11111111 111 , .. , ·'• I 01 ''1' 1' t 'I t ' '• .\: "\, \\ I .. ,• ,\\•·. ' • t • \l, ,.1 Phun• I·• ' I Painless Life Ahead for Beverly f Ael!M T .. u,,,._.J Jlumpll. bru.!Jel, plnpr1cb IDd l'ftD barDI fall to provoke nen a Jtp out of one-year-old Beverly 8m1Ul, Atro1' O .. wbo crte1 ooJ7 whni i;he II hllllflT or l.Dll'J. 11M lnlalft •* bu felt s-Jn and never Is likely to, doctor1 191. llbe 18 one of four IUCh cbildnll m own to have ~en lmpenlOul £o pain. 'Jbe dlrtlcuJty of her "deftl· OIJl'lll'nt d<'fKt" t.s th•t lhe ma1 llOmfl ttme eurrcr 11 ser1ot11 lnJ1117 ... but ma,· not know IL Here NWM Het.-n Ztmmrrman or Chil- dreoa H~1t.al, A•roo, d4'morutnt.a bJ Jabblnc Bevert7 •11.h a plll. R9W&, DO....,._ RF.STYLJNC nnd r.-hulldlng, all work guarantl.'<'d. · • Phom• ~nron 6~60 25-22tc: WASHlNG MACHJNF..S Oiled. l.r1·m1rd and Thoroui::hly C'hl'Cktod With Mmnr Adju.~tmC'nu LJ~l"r.S \\'ANTJ:J) ~!Ir)'< 1\\ Atl:1hlt• !"JI •'>'DI' fl G . F.. ~I !":" .. :)' IW·;11.,•n f.'.-'111 aoo• A ROAllll .. ~·rl. r •• , :I 11r I 11\Hnll" 111 lll1lh1111 Lt f'11I t-• c· V•'nn. R"•ltor 707 f:'!rl11~lvr· n1wnt lfnrhnr !'11 W lr19, Cnron11 ~t'I M.r. _~~~tr LOST AND FOfTND 1.0!\T -In parkini: el W l'1<t Cl'n- t.ral & McFaddl'n. Kennedy IMklc box rontalninL: :? raals & nth;·r fl!lhtni.? l'QUipmcnt'. Lih<'rnl rrward Wm II Fnwci-tt, 440 E Rlh St .. Pnmonri. !'\7-:\lp only $2.60 Tllk<' Ad\•anlllf;:t' nr this Spi-nal 11nd Avoid a Cn111ly Rrc·11k-JX-n 711 ( "r111•1 1111• roy. X••\\ 1• •rt '•"'-11< "r :-.; .. ..-1 •• , 1 \l•1•t rurnl~h r .. r. "'Clfl SAi .F: '''""'' '1•l•pht1n .. ll ul"'r l'lll't ~lll'TlflN< my N Jldl)' In tv-11r h l1omr rnr SIR:Yl Jllo<'k rr .. m llf'W t It v hn II. hl11rlc frum h I\ "''"'"' 11 ... 1 ... r rJill'I •1r 1·~7..fl AllWl t1 l1tr1w tut• S75<l 6 u11 • 9!11> t1own Thn11UU1 II GarTf'll. l'l)()ft9 ll11rlM•r 7K7.n ~-Xlk F.MPLOYMENT WANTED llARno n APPU \NIT. SF.R\'Ill- 477 N<'"1..0rt Rh d . Co11111 M•~ll Phone IlEA \ON 6296 ~:\ 1rc ~--~-~ ~--~---l·:mploynw nt \\/lnt<'d p:1rt 11mr. !l x 1~ Rof11t \\'1ltnn \'1•l\'l'I nu:: hn11~<'k•·qw·r ror adult~. ltR\'I' A-1 rond1ti1111 J.:trrlrk rnn••• r •''Ir . i:uo<I l.lunclr1·<:c;, :\ or mnr r l.:V(l'I rtonc!1111on :\.11 ll:iy !II", t ltuurs llnrlw1r ltl7:\-'.\1 ln17 W < ·, ntr11I !\:""port Jl(>arh ------------ !'Inn" \'1lha Tn11l1•r C'1t\•, ,.,,,1ri l\1t "' -!'i';' 1tr Y.'.\fl'LO\'~t~ST OF'Fl:Rl:ll !t Fl IH ~.'\I.I-: J,, I\ m11 tflr. 4 1 • •111• ---------dt • 1• i;rJ•1•11 l11r lumw "" • •Ill· 111.\'-:\T.R \\.,\lTnl~~S ,\t Jlrtr· n 11•rt•1al Ii'·• 1'1 w.-.i f•11· 1111h-k r1<11n f\inrll't ll1111•r., 171h !I.· Or-•:iii• ;,1 Sf~1 ~1 1 1:.rl~ir 1~1 ;mi:r. ('11•t:i '.\lt·«1 ·17-tk f>I> J tr \I.\:" '._!!t n1 ,,: x " x " x x x Elertrical Enj.!"ine<>ring ancl l n~t:tllatinn \\'lnrh•"!< 1 · • 1 Twn Fir" f'.11utp St'llN'hlti:ht' 1-""'I•· llnllrri•'11 F.-11-C ft11th• • 1· .. 1,.pt10nk Mrtrn F 11lrl1.111k•-\1, •F'• 1 ·i.,. I 'Ian ts 1111'1 \\ 111 r s ,.,,,.m. c; F t 1.;.,11 .. ll:t'1nr ~,,.,.. •rl-\\ 11t\1·r I""' n ttn .. nl• 11 .. 1.1.. ~ m:m• II• "Ir ~ .. hh·r I I• "'rl' l 'l11nll' I .i•1•11rlm• '• r '·1nk 1•11 i:• s l'hntn f '• • tf h l'1l11t ,,,. :lip 1sc·o •r: r aorr.an • }'111t S i\1.1 ,\p,.rlm• n1 .. 4' 111111• t"Hml•hnl' ttf f fh~t rn•lln, 1 h\t1 n••m. I "'-l•••·t ""~· r "'••nl "Uh 11r1 ' •f•• h atft .• 11 "" a.:r••••11•l ll•••r \It f11rn1111n u11•l•utu1..: 't rn~!•'t u tu•n ~II ti 1\• tit Ir• •. , • u1rrtn11· ,.,•rflot""r ''"' .• ~ ... ,, ttt h··ttrt uf Uu1 hn 11 , .. n . ,, tur ...... ,n..-,~ s~· ~ ..... n~t :O:h•"",. t•\ ··ptwunt '"' uf unh :Ill! I' l 'o 11•r 11 /\\'• . ll.tlt .. 1.1 ·11, .. r f'.u • d·I·· ·r .• ,,~ .._:•1 ·,,, Et.~-H ol<in & ';:iJv:m 1•A.st·11r.. .. a AC'Rr:A••r. !\'~ 1000 ""'"1 ""' ,, 11-ri .. m •,4111 t11r.r.~:s1·' 1t1\1tcA1 .. '' ,.,1 1..- .,ll 11r fl:? A•T•'" .. - \°.ti• nt Ht f ., '"'''' '"''n• f'<t I-.. ,,.. •I t .. l.1•1u1datt' ,\It"• •I 1"11 ~TFAI , M...,lp ( '11a~t l'r11p<1rt ii•:-t Co. n I ' :t I T II r ~ N I'\\' ""' ''"' '" 111uf'lt•rn •t11rrn t1 .. 11u "" 1h" 111111 .. ,11 Pt•nln,11111 t'ttlnr :· '" •lr•11 .,1t• :• h111h.-. It\' hw '• •• ''" "I 111 flt• pl ,,., :' ··nr i· er •l•• ~ .. , :'41 ''''" n 'f'.,tn1 ltf"lc••" ••nh ~t 1 :• .. 11 ( ·11~.~t Pr11p1·t·t i1·~ Co. Jl •' :1 I t • •. r ~ -,,.I '" "'' 11 llHANO Nl'~W Oprn Now -$ t 0,fiOO RO!t J>opJ•Y Corona tlc·I Mar t I\ •·rl•• •ktn11 I town 1111•1 •H'•'"" v iew fl "111 S11n•l1•t'k r11IJ11lnlnic pl\n••ll.ct l1vl111( '"""' Two IN-1lruurna, ON-- J1ltt1'"· nll hnrr1w1wKI fluort1, lll'Jl'll'· 11rr• l1111111lr\I rt••m, itn11hlr 1tAr• lll(f'. 1111 '""'''''" f1·11111ri... ~~ ··n•h II I 1 'rulll'" l :Yll rout F11r c; .. n1·r11I <~:.r:ii.:•• \\'nrk '·1·1.111-:irr~• 1' 1111'\'Hc 11.FT 1'1l :\11111 .~. f ·, '" r:d PLtT MRI NG ~t PPLIES l,11'!'1;1'~1 ~trwk ln (lrnni:t• rrtunty 11 .. Gnlv. St<'el Pipe ~Or foot "P1:-;1-,., .... 1 ·1·.rt"'' • , u.,, l· \\·,, .11 .. ,, di • n1•• r• "' 1f ••1 11 ,. , 1 • '. 1 1. '~'/ "' , '''", r ,., A"'' I I • ' ... , "" \l "" ..... T up f.., .. ·•'•••" f•1r ~11tttll\t'''''' \\' I \I• •Ill• IS HI \I TY 1 ·1 I I lhchwuv llnrltur 17111 ~-He I ~t J\l.lBOtr LAKE-nFAtrTw111. v 1i-:w s 1T..-: ·1 :-.:1,:An 111•1-'1·:n ""v 1;.1 11 3.10 1; IC\1 I t 'IC"i """· '"'''' "<111rk '•1'Pt11J1 1 •, ""r" lll·:~rntJ<•JT.D. '.\IA:>; OR \\'1 1\t i\:>; rl1<:hw.o'h"r , ~"'"'" • mpl"' 111.-111 llarn~•'n'~ l'ilh anti I Ir llll'• St l'n<:111 ;\It ~a ~ .. 1.:;1r .. FREE Pl.l ~1fHNG I ,ayrn 1t ~<'rvirf' VIH C'l 111K n ntl foun•·11n mrin.\ li11•1r~ ~· 111 I'm '" 111 1~1 I'm r. 1; rlrn~" ""•·k. "'' S11nrl.1»s A~k FONTANA l'LPMnJ:-.; r r .. r '.\1r r; .. 1tlt•11 l.'17 ''11.1~1 H lt;h· :•:l/'141 .s \\' Nt•\\'1.w•rf "'"' "''~ l':i11•· '.\I.di ~""JI '" 111n11 c·n~tn M""'a r ht11H' 11 .. ril'nn r1'4t •I• t '.\hr 1·1 ... ,,. 11 11 !111r 1r, .I :t1.1rc .J'------- !"11n1a \11t ·;\q t I \\'1\:-.:TI 1 / '••""·I 11 ,, " I r-:-Zr ht\!: r• ,,, •• 1 •I• 1• ,, •• , • , ' I h ·h· ""' l•t lf'I•"' Tr.1tf1 ~t ~ " ~ "' \.'\ S1un•• "r f,ror"I I•'''/ Sl'lt\llt •r l'l \·,;0 11 .,1 .~ • .. ~f111n t..: 1111' \"> 1 -. t 111 !-'Trf:"'\\'AY 1:1 1n•I \1• • 'lo· n1•w H• I""'" ·•ti '-'•J I /, • t d anr~ 1\tc,. i..r• 1•t r.r ,. •t f ' ••• ''"" <.1w-. p ,\ '-= '/ ' I !\'I I': Pl1\,l1 ('f 1 -,,,.._,\I ' o.;, Fl 1H SAi.i -~·· 1.,hl• <:1\\ l'l'' S rrn• 1 \· • .. \\' \XTt-:11 :-;,, n"i:r oflh"r in E ni:t· n•·• rinr 1.(1 11 • .!l-l~:J \\' C··ntrnl. 1'11""" II 111•• 1 11.11 ~l>l :ltp "\;I· I· JI f\f-'FH'I' '.\!.\ "\; f'lo·nr:tl Rt .:• rwr:d '" 111 • ~··ll1n1: EXJlf'· 111 n r 1·tl k"''Jli11~ rt•Q<1rt1~ h 11 t ''' hn11·:.I at·c ·~nu11nL:. nnt nt•("· ... 1r~ p, rn1 •n•·nr ~_:; ntJ n u ·1••'k to "'·•rl :"rm f.-Yl:t\' w1•t k Tri. II• :w11n ··•.!77 !'>R-llr ---~------~~~~ li.1nrl ~aw. :\ "''" "' l;1tl • ti 1•1•· I '~Fl 1 l'I \ ._, ,,. 'l ,1 • , ':111r!t rJ1~fo;:t\\ "'""''tt• ' .. ' fl l ~1'• ••J. ~:·~Ill•,,, <"J• .,.,.. rTinlur. 1 1 hi• in••t.r, ~, '~P ''T "'" ,,,,· T•\ ... /'"-' tf',t''•f' n 11;lur p1u..: '..! <111111\ \\otk • ) •1' PJA '"\:f 1 ,." ~._..1 ·. • ~~·r1·, (10 \\'lll 11111 vii 11-11 I i ,•,nn Sllrt':. \u.1 )'.! 1.;,·1•r,.11 lilt! I I\,;\ \ ,. • ------ l\:olll(111 All11JXC !\ti\1'111:>;1 Int<' mnct .. 1 ~t·•~•'"' !'\M1. t tf"'. 1·,.11 H-• ,,~,.n ·~; :\tc c;;pJ~l·~r· A lw·~"'' I'· 1· " f':tv •• t,, t .... ~ ,,,, • \ • f \1.W' ~ftt(&t I q\t ti ' .. T,..m,~ ~''' 1•r •• • 11 \ •• / SC11'.\1 II •T l'I,\ ':ri 1 ·1 I • ._ • •• , W AN'J'ED TO BUY • II M :un, ... S :1r11:1 An, ''' ft11' '''""' ltlll·· ''""""'' ... ' I • I •• I Fl lf1 SAl.F ( 'n•wh ''l"'nlni.c Into lwrl. 7 x !I 1111.:. " lamp<>. laddl'r hnrl< r h rlir r11rf•·•· 111111... rnlt II arbor :!I :!.1 \\' SG..J I c - W i\ N T f:"t);' SCRAP IRON & Mt:f,\L -H li:hl'llt PrlrP• P111rl lflCKSON & NF.WY.I I. ntrnt H• t1~•lf ·~I '•''" • 1 • t;• '., Jo'< 11! <; .\ H l'>t-'-.: '~ t'":'t-·~ K i-rrick pnrttthlr •lf"1tffi rl<'nr11•r , :\JOI \V('qf ~lh St. l"tlon•· 1104 1 l'ttt•n• n .. er'<Jn ···,."· ·,•, S11nta Anri r,.,..orr1· ''"''" r v.1•t 1' •,• "'•r • .. -----------1..-..ri•n,-,.. 'n ,•1rtf••1 ·''' ,,, W ill PAy CMh rrnt rltl 1 ••• tiv .,.,, . t , Ahlf" in l ht l f:\rlo of \f• I I • 1 I • ,., . M ' 1.<•\·,o..; 'f'Y• IU'lll • IM1'1t11\'I . 111 'V "1' •I •I I• ':1;r1 < 111 Pl .. I ... \'-=''~ I \\ • lh1\ 'It 11•1 I•• •I• '.I \\I'' •l.''r HAI 111 •/\ ,.-~ t 1t-:RM, S1\\'f'I;<;'\ If; l/1A'>: /\$SN :t.1,11 \'111 l.lt1•, l'h lllH '~"" •11 I r1• AI Th'llOTl\'F. " TIKl'.ll i • I• •I f I • i (. 1 ..... t••••' It irk I I ' " • t • I .. ,. •I , ...... " •1•u 'U •• "l'._J 'f ta''•''~"~' •j I ', "" 1 ~. l1fo .. ,., ,. \1· •• , If .• , .... , •• ,(t , .. , .• , "·· I .... f nrff1f t 1"'-1 r .. I fj 11\'t f ti ... :. ti ••\\J H rll t t f'f1 tfff11rfy l \I ,. I .. II \I 11-• • ff• I If '""" I t \\ I.! .. • ,\ .~. I~ .ir .. ,tt l "I •r1•t "'I•' • •'• . "',,-1 "',fr l"' t ' t• 1 • '""''.,.,•~·'•I• f .,,"" n1llr· .-. , t •:·•"'• t t r . If 1rt ... 1r :1L .1 I I i f(" --._ __ _ f I I' .... \I ' ~. ,,,. f'i'' f "'"'''' P l I •l•••i ••I 111 '1'11 tl1t1 l1t1r ) . f' ' t1 W: '-.1 1 \'I• " 1\ Vt• , ("' ~ t I f-11 t ,, 1• -.1 ,,,. 1 t .., j • • • I • • .-11. H•u• \f ,, t '* r ,,,, '• r • ··h r1·•1r ·t,, •·hi A •····-,, '11·,11 ·r. f• fih''''' :'13 W ., ••• ,, 1:.-1 "'' ,,, A\• n . .t. 11 1 hor~" fl''"'' r lnr• r~•·l-rt:ink r.1-: m••t•1r rflmpr• ·~111 . H:i~· lift. h)llr:111l1r rrir 11•11~1 p:iint 1...-im . nnd nlr r,..i:11lnt••r ~71'11) Phrinr. llnrh .. r lO·M·W h1·lw1·1·n fl Jf~ 11n1l ;; p m :lfi-:\11' F"or your turnltur~ <11' wt.a t I-la"' yvu. Phone Reaooo !IM6 -.'4 i .. 1n !'1;\k HARBOR 1-1.irnitur<> & Tran~f er RO!"nF.n nnd T:"~l 'RF:D A Goorl Buy Is a Wise Buy ~I U~ llrlp You Bf' Wis!' f'()l 'RTF.~Y ~F:n\'IfT.- l'il\2 Jluhor Hl\'d C'nst11 MPN Phone Beaton 5538 ... J 34-Uc Crawl ey Furniture Co. 1"17 N--i>ar1 Rl't'd . Ollt1 M-. 'Yl·th CASH for USED Furniture & Appliancee "W" R11y Alm,.t Anythlnf" GRA NT'S Ptvmr R,.11 !\707-M 1645 Nt'W}Xlrt nh·d . ('09111 MeM 42-tfc. •• F OR n .. -,~r \111····1 I, .. , ;•tr 11pnllm•n t "" .r I·•' r·,.·.t Jun,.. 1·1•1'\ t '•ol ',. I•• rl \~ " :\11 1•1,.nti ,,, • n .• o ... ' • 1 • ,, Ffllt HF.!'T ~·nr ,,, '" '1 1 ro•n11 1 AJ111r tm•·n•. 11 1', t1oir1 ,.,.,,. n .. thr.n Y•·:•r ''""''' II·~'· ,,,, ''1 m flnt h I ·11111 I• • l•I' nt~•·· •1 -,, -.. , ' \,, 1 ,,,,. '-.i ''''" lh \I f V ('f tf.11 I '''' ,,,,, ,,, f r \f• ""' ... P>v.r1• H•·4111 B -.11(;' \I ••ff " II :11 :: W ... , ... ,, 17 ~' •l'l • .~' r • v.• )41 1~~. •"""'' "''''' '·1 '"' • ,,, r • ••• ,,, tl•·t • J't ll 1rf.,., 1'¥1•, I •v•ntn,•!ij ,., ,~. •' ,, ....... , •• \.Vt~,, ti:,· . ..-Pt l· ~.1 11 .. •I···· J.. l.•i•· ,..,,..,, "l•IQ 1'• 1 -~. I 11 .• \ 1\\• lt111t .... ·'!•' "> .I(''•· llw fo 1·1•1 F 1•h If, S wim $Wllt0 "f,:11r0 no "' tr f••r t·1il1 t 1111 l'h"n•· ('ltn11 <ll Al<l ll ti( tNV 1·11 I •i:'l7 1:1. n•f.d· :n .:1'.!tf :::"1 l\forln1· "'' 1111•'. ll11tlw111 fMland 11. .. \\'''' t\•lv~ 111111 ... r 1:n1 ~~Jtc llf:RE 'S A Rf:AI. SACR I FICE! A Rrand New 2 Bedroom hom e 1111 Ncw pnrt I l c i~hts Ml JST BE SOI.I> THIS WEEK! ru LL PR IC:E ONI. y $fl.~.~() Retter hurry 011 th i5 one! Jt ju~t wq11 't la"t ! R. A . NERESON 1!Y7:.! :'\:l·~Nl'<IHT Bl.Vl> \ ('<1STA \1F:SA I 'I fl •Nf-: Hl-:ACnN ;,:.!:l~ ... · C:a11yon and Ocean View Lot. r.onONA DEL MAR ~ O<·ran -;ltlr• of I l iwr1:-·. finc · tY...,ldr•nfl11 I si"·1i1m . 0 ft. fmn11tl!•'. 111111<-r ~:! :1'1'1 Too l!llOd 1n Ill" I e. I lurry! Level l.ntc;; in Corona Jel Mar Fnr $1.7:1'1 All l/f1ncls p11id. C ius•• 1n lu•:rrt nf rlty. Fu rni c;li cJ Beach Cnttag·c $8.000 :, rt1om IV.-mc· I x11ll 1l1• ~:rr.1LW fir.,•pl11~'f'. ~\.000 d()wn . .'1 R<Jom J lomc, Ocean View I lardwn<wl fl1.1<n-... firc•pl111v._ double l(Rnl~<'. Sun lki('J< $10.l;{lf ) THE TA VER!\! <;:O. 1301 Coast Hiway ~ Mr C'cm'kl in. Jfarhnr 17'11 , <'nronH df'I Mnr. --. ~ltc .. . AROUND THE HARIOR, ON THE MESA ••• PHOS£8: llAll80a U. -{ aa.; lfA. 1111·• Social Activities "1 'ltlMM/..J a •• , .. Higlt Scltool Laci Firs#, Ploy Second in So. Cal. T ournamenf Sonia Ana's El Don Wins College Prest Award and Ralin_g_ Cosio Mesa V' F W To Sponsor Dance Salurday, May I Teen Can#Hn Heeds Carpenters, Money and Malerials Mesa Seoul Troops To Receive Flags al Tltursdoy Ceremony Page 6 ~ t!: •· POaT aA LaOA NBWB·TUISB Girl Scout Heads "t:DSEtiDAY s-,,..n ....... , .•. April '!A. ·~ o· F. W.1rn•n <'I a nt· J r '\it Ralhoa h 1 •• r11l " .. ~ 11nm1'ft ht'st AClor In 1 lw 111111nr d1\'1~1on, Southern c '11lrf•11·n1a Tnu1 naml'nl of Oue- Ar 1 !'la~·s h,..ld last WN'k a t San111 AnH 1-.ht'll d uh and New. 1~·11 1111111111 ll11:h MC'hnol &llaced s<·ronrt w11 ti rhc•lr f)C'rforntRnet- "' I\ n 111• Spn111: h)' Rol:lf'rl Nall ~'1tll•·111.n l 'nrnn 11 I si h 11chool J1hl"·<j fl"'' 11nrt S11nl1t Ana lilRh -c•h1~1I WllS lh1rf1 l I l><,n blUdl'nl publication a t S .1 • 1 ,\mi rollC'gc, has be e n a" 11•1·•1 th• All Ame rican Award nt 1! 1• ASSO<'IA l<'d <"olleglatr Press I 1 1,,. L'n11·1·r~•I} of Minn<'l>Ota ,11,.1 .1 ~11 dalh l First Class rating t 1 •1111 l lit' t'•1lurnlm1 UniVl·rsity l'r ., A~~•K·rn 11on O n Saturday evenlna. May -9 Costa Mesa p1>9t , Veterans of Forl'lgn W1trs and the Wom~n·s aux1liuy '4111 sponsor a dance at Amrrican t.cgion hall with W ell11ct' Belau In charit<' qt music. This will be on l hr next night aftf'r thr regular V.F .W. m~ting and th<' i:t<'n<>ral public Is lnvilro Tffn ·Cantt't'n board of mcor- porators hrld a meeting Monda)' at the Newport Harbor l'nion High school In the board of trustC<'s' room. H. O. 8o)'\'C')', chairman, urgt>d the various com· mit1ce1 to put on <'Xtra l'ffort in ord«>r to complete th£' "Tar· Pit" building. At a t"'t'rt>mony to bf' h<'ld at. 3:15 p.m. Thursday in the .OOal hall of C'osta M <'!la Community t'hUr<'h, n •prf'S<'ntativl'I of Wood- m<'n of th<' World lodge will prese nt flags to two Girls Scout troops. 1scuss .nonces Home Sewn Rayon Draperies and Curtains and Plan Budget Troops to reC"<'ive the banneN arr Brownle Scout troop 2. ot .. ·hich leaders are Mrs. Omar Cla11110n and Mrs F:leanor Ogden, end lntrrmediah• Sl'OUt troop 6, lc-d by Mrs ~t11r;• Knipp and Mrs. Mar y H illiard. Will Pro"e Economical and Attracfi"e ~ 1i:•11 in; 1 .,, 111. 111111• w 1•' "' ~ 1• 111 l'olumli111 th<' El Don re- '. I • cl !lii I pwnts 0111 of II r)Oill1blc 11• whfC'h plat'<'d th<' SAC publl- 1 • n 111 thl' upp••r ll'n ri••r Cl'lll , ·•,, .•11111p If• r<'('('I''' first to ~l end. \.\ twn \uU 1'<4ch'1 ltnd '™" J1Cht rrlld.) -m1;ofl' •II 11•·1' h• •urn '"'1 ~l•Ur •'<•lor •.('"h••n,.. and (Cin'1 11f. fnn·t tc• t ,\• •h·•i" IH'"' <''U'I• , .. mt1111 "'"' ""' 'r) 1r1:1l...n.: >• 1r (\\4"'r\ .. Jf \t1U 1.1n flh·•"U• Jt l""\Jt• alt•!\• anti Ololl hlllt'••l 111 I, Il l I i.tr11.11:h1 hni-:-011 N' c.(f to a 1;f11o11 >lur I m •h-.1('11'1\-0t<lk!llJ.: =--1·'4 lnM>f"'n'" •' tJ,., ,,·r· f•1r m .. k1ni: plnc·h-plo ;i1, ••linun.1t• Ow llltoh· lt•rtl t1f l(.'f•Jltll.: pJe.-it1< ~II bll(hl und unrfnml .\net. 1h1~ •1•• irr.: > f11hr1M llN' II ll•nlJIUlliOO lo '""n lht> MQ!'-1 t1m111 •Mlm .. ~· ·1iv. ft('W rtl\'Vf" nnd r11\ftQ-and r .. 11 .. n muctu...H otr .. r ll ~.rt., H•r-"I~ ,.f JMll1•11'15 and lt'll.IU.1'1'1' to hltml<Al· IZ«' Y.1th l'Vf'r') rnum, from t hto "'°"' ca.~u11J to lhf" m<•I fol'Tl'll!I For 1nronnal or m•-0.•m ff""1"1S thr tf'xtu~ ~pun ra)on~ <'MT) out th~ fH>llni: of romJon and 11lmpJicl1y n-niyon fabrics art' made in attractlvf' and unu'· uaJ tf'XtUl'f/'!', lnductmc nubb~ 1•f· feeµ. 1triJ>'(! or d.iagonAI moufs , bow deslrns. ~or llrwn- t.-xtu!'f'd f'ffecia. Such fabrics art' a eood ch<MNo for ftrst alll'mpb at .....tn& T~xtured spun rayons ' a"' fUY to work wt tJi ~uair ~)' won't '"P tn <"Utt.Jn~ or atJ tchlna and 1hf>ir --- • tntu~ makf'S 1tJtchlnc' H'U no- t.kN baf.. In kttopl ni; ., tJi t tw> aimplld t y ol ltwv t.bria.. dJ"ll. ~Ms should bf' •traJOit hanctnc and minu1 rnlls. For t1w! pl•> room or a bo,-'1 roOm. chOC-the sturdy '"'Ill w.av• fabrics. 11\.K'h as rayon-and· C04ton twmn1tbon"' and pbar- dlnf'I. ~ fabrics look fuftc. t1onaJ qd boylsh-«nd at t tw ume 11~ thf'y wffl •1th.stand Jl&rd ftV. nctiUy twistl!d yarns • mab thf'w fabrics mo,.. ttfiist · ant _to abruk>n and soi.ltnl'. Wbeon a bit mott f onnaUty • lJ ct.sired, dlOCl9f' -al the Cl't.p f lt)uf\ 1 .. ....--Irk.-l1tfl.,111 l n1llr ""'"' .. ,.fli:.•lan· ••ntS I .. ,. n u·-w l.il1n•' h.n. ····I •lrJi,.1'1.: l1••·•ll '''" anJ Jr• 1• rni.•f••·ri'I) J rt•i• v. l,1• n •·an< ,,.., .· \\••n r " ' llur ln0: 11 tlMll "I t i 1 ' ·n .. ) ,,J_,, h.1\• • ._.,., .... h._,:. r 1i.t(Ln•·"'" ,,,,! • t.. •. 1 11 IH'--"' rt •k• .. th-01 1.:ttli• •.• !1) • ·•·\ ltt ... ,.\\ 1111.J ... .,..11. t lllf"t~· • f t t • 11 • "' ,j, ,,.,, ti I\ 1• 4 1f th,. 1·n·1• I ,liri·. r.1} 1111 OIOtr• '°'h l< I I· ••flll.i} I l.111!0• or t11ft• I• ,. h ut 1111• 1 .... •n 1:1\ • n it 'l»'f*Lotl f U\l~h ·~ l !t .. lj• I •i \41t • •• ,, .1 ... a .... ' ll\I .. \t •• r ti "' v.' ""t1u "1 .. 1 ;11•1·l~ 1n.: J '™''""' hn· 1.J\ ru'' 1,. .. n 11 ... n•I Th<.' fin1,h "hlC'h i.,. U)<'(f ' on man> ul 1lu Ot"'\A. n.t\•• '"'··=-· ... "'all not f't.,h•' • ..,t tn ... " &.'"htni? ,.r • 1•·..anan.: 1lWO' n bl.r<i ra) • n f •• t ru-. fa1llt' ht'lll:·•hnf" n ·p I" n111un • <>I t h<'ir run~tnX'"'1~on an 1a1lurt'<I fabn<" ThPy an 1~1 for f1•rm. i.J [t, 1ni.: n..1'Clb In 1•L,1n t'<llur,, \OU >lllJI find t'l~l\r I nJ(' "'lilt.k's itu.1 A'1 l l•',.l.I• It• all) r•J('lnl Th ... rA) c.ori ILrlJr pnn t" a!"f' u_cwaJI} lilrR<' llnd dC'hnllf' vi 1n l"Utl rnit. ... ,di that w ~lfl\ a lwa)S rr-in ttw ~ mft'ctJOn. Cl>ooik' f abno l.Nlt C&rT) out tlw' fttlmc of t>lt>-r;am In vny formal ~ J"omuil fabn<"S 1ucti u ray~' damask. aatlns. , ... ,,.M• ra)·on brocadfos and bro- catC'lln usua.11.) look ~t 1n 11)'1" •'\th 5Vt·ap. valancft and octwr '°IJhiftlcat'l!d df'talls. Jn •llU:tuni; rayelfl utin, bf' sun• to ~a c~ nttdk' and fairly laf¥(' l'tll~ ,.,, that lhf'rf' will bf' ~ chanc'fo ol pulb and snap In n.itt In.: drapt't1C"l' °' rayon \'f'IVl't ••alch that ttw-pile alw.,-s i°" '" ttw> AlmC' dlnoction ... other· W\14' l•'O dniJlf'f)' tmctN will >o<lk "'"P"-""'ily dltf~rmt in toklr. \\'hf'n it ~ to 1lAP cur· tam~. ttw>n> a.tt many rayon fat>-~ .-1'1ictl a"' ~ally Ault· ltbJe hf'<.-ltU"4' the' l'Ull'lbtnt• tht-™'°"'~r)' ,,,,_,.~ with good •·rrorm£: qunhlM"". Rayon o,.;an· u <>r man.iu.L-.f'tlP an-1;nnd <"hoices for rufflf'.d bf'drnom cur· t a1ns Lnni;. rufflt'd cunain.\ in t~.,p tab~ may ht' u<.r(f, m•· nm drapC'f'M''" for a hV'lnlt or dinlnc mom fruni~ in ro1y Earl,>• Amo-ncan "'Y'•' Rll)on ninof'I •~ Mitt and nc'h-&ooktng for f unnaJ. st ngtll-hlinrctng n.irtain~. l'lthC'r ,.11 or noor l<'ngth (°'hooM' ~nwo rayon-and<Oeton net lo FREE PHOTOGRAPHS SIZE 5s7 INCH~ OF YOUR CHILD Age 2 Months to 6 Y dl'8 3 DAYS OILY! Tllllrsday -Friday -Satllrday ADrll29 -30 -May 1st • CHILDREN 2 MONTHS TO 6 YEARS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS • SELECTION OF PROOFS • NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY • NO OBLIGATION TO BUY To All Moflters ol flte Harbor Area -lbla oil« .ol a, _free_ PHO'J'(K;R.APll ol your child- taken by a nationally known specialist in child photog- raphy-ls made in appreciation ol your support of our store. No trouble ... just brinJ,: your child in during regular store hours. J\pril 2'9. 30 or May 1st. inclusi\'t>, and lit ting will be made. ritdlt in our st ore. ·Store Hours 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Western Auto Supply Authoriud Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd. C08ta l\fesa , If. '""··'. " ti. l1U1h:• l 111• 111· t .. 1 • of 111• (111 .. n• • •'11mmtft•• 11f t ht t .,. 1 ! '°'• ;t .\, .. 111 I •'>1111 1d '' "''" 11 I I ,11 ... 1 tu• t :\l .. 11•1 •' r1f tt r~t••O t~ 1J • h111flt h f tlti I ft.,lf m•r \Ir• 1.1 1·1i11•11·•n.1r c·.,. ,,,,,, •l•·I Mar II• 1 .. r1 \\',nil clir<•l'l1·d lhl' play ,.,,.1 111 t 111 c-11~1 \\ 1•r (· Y.'arn•n I., otll• I • .. 111n... Chr li.1ir. Helen '""'' I• ii• :'1t111r1I, l111lor<'s Mc- ';,, 111tl I 111n .1 Rink ~1t1drnt dl- • • • '• 11'"' ''\•I•' ·r,·nitn ~tuntz and f.,.,. J<:n11:hl I 1 • ,,• .1rtb. I 1 1 "''' p1crun ·s. and rar- 1 1 • 1 .. 11 1•1•·~··111 a l:f>Od ~tory t '11o' 1 .\11.1 rullt·1.w:· ~;ud thl' • • "''' 1 1urti::< ~ 11f El Don. 'i• t11 "• "i;n111<•n WHS 1:1\'t'n Plans for Ul<' fall bazaar were startt'd \\'hc>n thl' auxillsr y met Frida) and 11 was t1greed that t·ach n11·ml.wr should hring a con· Jrihutlon on <'&Ch scc.-ond meet- ing Mrs. Don McC111lum. chairman of the bulldlnr commith•t'. re· porl<'d the need for at ll'ast S3.0CJO more in donations, ma- terial, and V<>luntet-r lsbor. t'S· pecially finish carpenters in ord1•r to assure the completion The followini: board memh<ors Mrs Mary M1l('s wall acc<'pted as lt n£'w member. Mr. Belau won thf' mystery prlw 11nd at th were -pn•senl : H. 0 . lloy\'l'Y. Sid· Mesa Scout Leaders Plan Courl of Awards f '«•n t uur1.· t.11,u1• ""' ''oh pl1 , ... '·f• tl' \ .... t1 '2 "I ''•'U1\ ,.,J111 ~:nd 11t•t'tl•" 11 !111 1111 d ill Ill~ '"''' llJ• 1r ~ .. 11, ... 1'111"" ~.1111•1 ,\n,1 <'11mmu111t ) Players 1• " 1 .. "' l;roup 11nrt lnr a l m<'m· J .. r• 11 "" w .. r f' un 1 hP rt>ceptlon 1• .. 111mlll<'•' w•·n· Mr. and Mra. .r I.• •lit· S1f'fl1•ns1•n 11nrt Mr. and \11 , H1.1..-r1 llnrn ~1iss Perdile llutn, \\h tt WllS in Ont• or th~ .o1111t L'.rour pla> s. also 11cted as 11 ... twr••t 11· t ·1 .11 1n.ir 11nd ~1)'11' rorr<'<'I· ~ druwlni:: of nr1m<'s In 4he-bla~M.-i;,_ ne~ JI. Da,·ld~!l.. ...cD.t. .S. ,li .. clul) wlnnrr!I wcr<' Joanne Bl'r y "Franklin. Fran<'1s J, Hon ·ath, and Crorgla Denn. r and Mcsdanws Rober t K1llifcr, _Gtrl ~~UI ~'lli•'~~~OC'I I IOI\. of C'o~la Mf'sa mrt Monrtay e\'cn· lni: with Mrs. Omar C'l11uson, Rroadwny. TW<'nly m<'mbers wi're pn•iwnl and Mildrc-d Mathi'Wt pr<'Slded. ''rt ~· "' " ' I • ' ,\1 1 • It I I p It Ji. .1\"r 1·0111m1 ... ,.1 .. 111 1 \lh \\ F ('ul1~ ~fr ... ~.1..,.,,1 ='•I•• \1 ,C n .. 1 .. I I I\ 111. r .. r :\In• ,\ If r • d Anh, •. ,,., ·utt\ •• d1r1 '-tor uvl :\TN c 'h;,pm:1n To Ma!e Hom e At Susan"ille Mrs J 11mM Juhn~lln •rnli i-m.111 IM'ln Ran<fy lt>ft 111.st w1·1•k fnr ~u<1rn,·1llf" Wh•'r" l h('y will j11rn Horf·K;,uf man Play To Be Given· By S. A . Hi School Seniors ~fr Th11mpM n. Tlw s('nfor C'lllH of Santa Ana Mr J11hnl(11n w 11!< fnrrnnly ,.,.. J11eh school is pr('ftcn1tn1 the ~asl ant 10 Harold Grnu<'I 111 C'CJsl11 play You Can't Taki• It With Mrsa and lt·fl ~Ix wrr ki; ago I<.!.._ You by Moss Harl And Gf'or1e tak<' rh11rll<' of Whltt''s Mortuarr' S Kaufman on F riday even inr. at Susanvilll'. a mlnlnl( llnd lum· May 14 at 8 p.m . In the IChool hrr tnwn of ~ popul11tlnn In suditorium. Northf'm • Celifomte. SO mil<'• The play is bf'ln1t dlrectl!d by north llf Rf'no Ml11s LA>slie Dasura and t&kJnc Mn. JohnJIOn ls th<' dau11:h1 ... r Jrad parls are Carl Buadledt•r of Mr and Mrs Harold Thomp-and uslle Condon. IOf'I -of th<' JOth atr('('t ttrOC't'ry With such a highly Individual· 1t0tt llrr s Is I er , Miss P~I is tic family snd their d.lvene ac- Thompson. ecromparilro t hem to ti\'llil's to bf' port rayed, ata,e Susanville and will 1pend a few pro(lll are numerous and unu1uaJ wttks t~•. and include such out of the ordinary things aa baby kittena 11nd " prlntini: press. Jolly Box Social Saturday Affair For Surlsiders ~llrf~idrrc t.OCilll rluh "ill hold th,..1r n,..xt d11nC'(' Sitturday, May 1 ''' Laguna Rl•llC'h Skt•r t club, 1\11tc1tr1hur ho111t•,·11rd, north of Corona dPI Mar 11 1-; tn 111• 1in old time hox ~1K·111 I, Hdm1:1sion hPinit a box lunrh for l'lll'h rm1plr with th<' lr11h 's nrim<' lns1d<' The party twi:-rns HI fl pm 1tnd cillncing will stop el 11 :\Cl pm for supper. 1 •· r1111..:" <1[ l'C'h1'>UI inll'r•'!ilS, 1111.; 1•\f•n1s ltnllC'IP1th'd, llml'• ,. • ·!> a\ 111danCl' of £'d 1torll1liling · "' "" ,1 .. r1t·s. nnd proofr<'adlng 11 1 ti <1n ;111.'o<'nC'r of many errors 1n 'P'•llin1: a nd printing For 1 • 1 1 I) "'''••nt 1•t•n cons<'cuti\ l' · , ·' t ht El l)on has r<'c<'i\'ed .. ._1111 111n fnr its su1X'rior jour- ' j ''"1 -.1:.(( ftlr tht• 11ward publication. ""'"'' wai. fttr laRI semewer in· , l .d••d t hi' followin1t: Bob Wor- 1• '· t•ditor : Sam S trange, asso- nfllt• t•d itor; Nick Relsh, assist- •ttr' editor; Frank Errota a nd ,l•·annf' Nl'lly, · sports editors: Rn Ip h Gulicrru. advertlaing 11i.m11i;:rr ; .Jim Brett, buainesa mllnt1g(•r , Rill Getty and Georgf' c; ·~lord, photo.. Reporters: Bill t;, s~t·ll. Burt Duke, Linda Jones, H 1· t h K imball. Bob Mannlne1 Jac·kil' Morris, and Sally Slmp- St1n The journ11l~m adv!1t>r Is Carl \"1·nstrom, Willard Francis, In rh11rge of print ing, l1 u1l1ted by Arthur Hull. HARBOR~ :\lr. and Mn. Gus Nirenbere .. nd Mr. 1md Mr1. Jlln Tanksley ut L'Ullta Mt>sa 1pcnt Sunday at Ti Juana. lk' a nd Mrs. Perry Schrock ,,, L'oru1111 d~·I Mar ComnuUlity • hun :h ar .. 111k111g their vacation 111 Jun1• and will attend lhl' c ,, 11.·ral Council mcc:un& to be l1t Id June 17<.!4 a t Ulierlin col· t.·1<•'. < lhlv. .\lrs Fr(lnn·s Cox of Corona cf• I :\lar Is '1·r y 111 of 1.1 hl'art ;11l111l·nt .. ; Loma Lmda sani- 1.111wn. Comedy 'Years Ago' Al S. A . Ebe/I Club SanJa Ana Community Player1 • arl:' rf'S<'f'\tlng Ruth Gordon's hit rom~y, Years Ago on Thursday , Friday 11nd Saturday of this week at Santa Ana Ebf'll club. Tickets are on sale at Santa Ana Book store. Th<' delightful comedy was pre- sented In Dcccmbf'r at Pasadena Playhouse but hes been widely presented to various gToups In re.vi<'w by Mrs. Robert Horn of Cor ona del Mar. Both' Mr. and Mrs. Horn art' members of Community P layers and Mr. Horn will tak• t he pa.rt ot Mr. Sparrow In the production, whllf' th~lr daughter. Miu Per· dita Horn. wlll play the part of A n n a Witham, Ruth's school chum. Balboa Matron Yisils Daugltler, Bollt W~/I Go lo England Wh<'n Mrs. EliZAheth Grim· 11haw of Miramar D r I v e left Saturday for Vallrjo, ii was fint stop on 11 trip which will tal<e hf'r to England and a visit to her old horn<'. In Vallrjo Mrs. Grimshaw wlll I stay wi1h ht'r daughter and on 1 May 15 thr two will leave for Engl11nd Wh<'rc they will v isit r<'latlves in Lanc1111hire whom the. forml'r hns nol Sf'<'n for 30 year!! Th1> l\\'o will spent! six months thrrt:>. rC'turninit the first of Novcmtx-r. Jt'rrold Spangler. Don McC11llum, Edgar Hiii and Paul Normar. A rttolution was passt'd unanl- · mously than1<in1t all the citizens who have contribut<'d mont>y, ma· ll'rial or services. Birlltday Dinner For Joltn Pfiscltner Home From Trona It wu a family reunion and birthday dinner honoring John Pfischner . 3014 Cout boulevard when he came home from Trona for ihe ~f'k end. Wlth Mr. and Mrs. Pflschner were th0elr son S tanley and his wife who e11me from P a I m Sprlnga for the occasion . The Stanley Pflschnera have moved to Costa Mesa tor the aummf'r where he will bf' em- ployed u • carpenter. Lillian Dflllt•\ '4 A.S nanwd or· ganlut1on cha.irman and plan• W<'re d1sC'usS<'d for the Court of Awards. to t... held Frida)'. May 14 e t 7:30 p.m. rn the auditorium of t he Main school. Phone Harbor 2521 8~ 4-1o,.,.. g1.op Mt I:. O..tral, a.a.. c nni to Galley car.-> i~ ..... '°' F=:t 8"-'1'~ Pluta -........ Cat ,,.,._.. Prolllp& nlZ DELIVJ:lll' Mother's Day Specials Cold Wave .. .,._ ...... $750 Machine Wave ...... 750 Machineless Wave 750 Harbor 0533 E\'c·r~ nnt• 1s to C'omr in C'Otlons 11nd )<'ans nnrt ~m·cls with box ltrnrhr<; will ht' welcom<'. :\!rs. Arlrnc Juspcr, :.!4th street, 1s m Los An1tl'il'S six·nd1ng S<'V- t'I a t clot) s with her sons a nd their f,1mih<'s. ST • .IA!\fF.S' MEN'f CLCB Hev and :\1rs Paul Moore Th•· M!'n'.s C'luh of St. James Vi's Beauty Shop On thr rl'<'t·ptlon <'ommltttt llrl' Mr anci l\1r11 Rnlp Hoyl£'s Jr., Mr nnd Mr~ W111inm l.,r~trr and :'<Tr a n1l :0-frs Roh McC"ow11n. \\ h<'<'il·r an · g~t tin& csta!Jhshcd F.111~C'op11l c hurch will meet 1111.s wc<'k In the nt'w rectory Thursday nf this wr<>k at 1 pm .1 1103 Coast Highway OORONA DEL MAR Evenings · by Appointment WfHE YOUNG ll>EA" By Mossier wh ich has be£'n acquirt'd by St. Nort o n· 1 c.afr. Rrservalions 1 James rhurch at :.!ti51 Crestview should I)(' mad<' with Rohert lJrive, Ralboa Hay Shores. \.illAS:ritfl~lf 11rhor 1R61.J. :\otr. and Mrs. ~:rnesl llammond~j~~~·~~~'~;;;~~~~ .. ..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiifiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiii[i~ or Uruns,1lck, N, J . returned honw n'l't•ntly al !er 1pend.111g the wtn11•r m Nl•wpurt lkuch. Kl'pt h o m e by uncx~tt'd guest!>, l\lrs Louis!' Dahlman and Mrs J, 111111' P1ckl'ring of Ana· be1m "ho had ex1Jo•cted ·to spend the \\1·1·k <'nd with Mrs. Arthur KemJ)l'r of Cor ona dcl Mar , com· prom1sl'd lly coming down for Sunda} dinner. Sh1rh·} rmd Jim Mitchel of Balboa li>l!md wer<' ho11ts at lhe S u n d <1 ) evening meeting ol Youn.: ( 'hurC'hmen's League o! St. Jami's t·hur ch. Balboa Island Circle BalhnA Island circlr or New- port 11<'Ach W .S.C.S . "i ll m('('I Tur~rlll)'. May 4 At Mnr C'll!IA at which 11mt> m rmbers will disC'uss lh<'tr !'hare rn tht• S prrns: Ft:>stival of St a:mns. n lunchC'pn 10 ht' h<>ld J\.fa\ '7 111 \hrii;t Church by llH' Sc•11". Thr !lc·,;~iPn will f'llll\'<'nf' al 1:: ~l pm , nwml>c:-rs hrrni::in~ 11 !rn<'k h mr h ---Picture Framing · Harbor PaJnt C.-ntt>r I Ph.: Harbor 2S!".>O· W I "I ir-" Wf' ... n·t ha'" a datl' Arlf'r all, .\i:-•c~ ... l'\t• 1•ut 1111 m~ do111h In lhl' phon .. :" 408 32nd St.• Nf'wport I • Open House Every Day Thr9ugh May 23 .---.................... ..._ ........... _.._....From 10 a. m. to 44 p. m . ..-..-........ -... .................... --. ................... At his beoulif ul mansion overlooking tlte sea at 205 OCEAN BLVD. Corona del Mar * This incomparable home ltos been sofa lor $ 7 25,000, bul Mr. Fipps desires to oller on opportunity to his many friends and to flte public of large to vis;f ii. (A hostess will show you fhrough) Featured will be the beautiful furnishings from W . B. Scof1Co., 4141 Atlantic Blvd. ............................................................... Lon9 Beach -...................... _ .................. In the Harbor Area There's an EASIER Way With RESULTS the Next Day PUT MORE PUNCH IN YOUR AD APPEAL Now that we have a to serve you it is no longer ends to tell your necessary to wait for merchandising story. week- "'" I JELL Them Today • • SELL Them Tomorrow Your Home-Town Newsparer Can Do This PROMPTLY, EFFICIENTLY and EFFECTIVELY TEL-EPHONE HARBOR 12 OR 13 Ad for an -Ad-Taker Every .Evening, Monday nrough Friday, . It's THE DAILY NEWS-TIMES . . ,. r I' \I f t! E f E I ' l l . ., TELEPHOSl:8: llAIUM>R ai: II .um :oe ~Lshed t>Vel) dny, Monday throlll:h Friday. b)' Sam D Porter Luou ... S. Sm11 h, 111. own<'l'11 rtnd O(l('l'i\ tors of the Newport I lnrbor Pwblishlni; C'o. \.0 1-Xh \\T.OSF.SDA ,. Sf''4 port KH.t·h, t '&llf. A11nl '!It. 1!+411 . ' t ,. ' LET l 1S TAKE HEEU ·, " \ KWARE T~ fl~TOfMAY MA'< t "WAR" IN WASHINGTON and ,. * DREW PEARSO~ \\'ASlll :-lliTON Thi' instd<' 1lh• n11n11n N f•\••rtlwlt-ss. h1• v.TOI • 'll•r) 111 l111w Pro•Jhl<'nl 'l'r1111\Hll h111·k II• 'J'rum1m. hlunlly dl•P'Jlln• n1111lnt11•tl 111 <tr•ll I ' ~ "ttr pl.int .. 111~ l1•tlo•r \dlllt' hi' wtt~ drmond1n1: tlH' drnll. "Pliml" h1w1• l'<'<•n "nrl lll'f' n"" l'~l I'. nnd lmi,:I' Arm)-~tl\) r11'1'"' hrlllL: !<11t.I \\llh\\111 ttn\' prn\'l~1"' 1111.111011:-. ,, '''"' ,.f tlw 111•''' f1•1 I:•",., 11111 .. 111 r1•1·np111r .. :· th• 111 .11111 • 111 11wn1h~ l\''1« l \Hu:r1·.;,111.111 \\ :1rn1'(\. "nC\I l 61•,p:lt• 111~ 'I~'•'• lh•• 1lk•lll II \\ llh'I 11111111~ llh' fm•t l1111 t ~'" "·" ,tt\•tt.'''"'' '"''• tnf,1nu ... 1i.n thui tlh'""'" pr•• th• I'•• •hi• 111 Ii ,.1 I" 111o, l1111n"ll.1l1•h r"''l'rt 1\1 t h• ., 11t t 1 h1 .1h• u l "'"'' • I nn·••nt ·· '"" dbtl11tu • th• ·'·'l'"'''" 'lu·1l lt,t.~'1 "'"r r-fth 11.1t1o111" 11111 11• .... 1111-.. \'I \\v1hl \\'\t 11 pr .ip<'rl• 111 11 1-1\\• I" 1IHI• I. Ill' ,,.1,1 \'I"• •'Ill• Ill t" I I th• , It•'"'' 11 ,. ".u I , . 11\ntt n t •.• ultl ttt1t •' .·.tptur, 1•l 111h 111 11, , Id ·1 h· .. "'' 111.!• ol •lll'h '11 ti "11rl. tpo11l I•\ ,, ... 1 •' n tt11l' 11d1oo ,q,·r·tf\ t:u•t,\f'lt'"'- •I, '"' ttnt1 h!111 h 1• "' ntd ... 11·· 1 plHnt' unf1 a P 11111 II 1111 .th. lo • ' A. ,, I,. 1 1 '·,1u~:t, , ... 1 "-• '' '' '' .l1•lll\'"'" r .11l··•t \11'4" ""1••11. . ..,..lw''"' 111 '(',\I• pin I 1h, l'r• ,,.1, 111 1•·rM•11nll\ un.:• • r•1 wh••tl "'"' "''" ~· ,.,,tq111 ,,11 h11H "''• p "'. 111 111.1•_ th•·~·"'''''""' n I 1111..llll' lh•lt·~ (1111· I'• •I ·"'·" .Ill "' \\ II -11q1l11• ,\1 111'1 th• l't'"itl•'ll' 11 1111.111 I \I I h 11 I 1••1111 . Tl'lllll 111 11111111• h t-11•0 t,1 ·'"•hu,nn . \\o\Jltl f\u t •'\••f\ tth1\1 d :1t1111tl '"" I I (111' "' "'"Ill \\'1ll I:. I ".ill\ :'1·1·11 !.Ir) tll P..t1•11" µl.1111, 1111\\•\l'I, Ill•· tk1,1,11·111 l l.1111•'< F"111-.1 ,t1 \\.1r .\~<>•I' i\tl 1., '" 1,1 tit ,,.,., h•11a .ind ,,, '"' n,., .... •1 .d111 .1.~, 1 .. ••"'•'" ''""'th''' 11td ·r1u111;u1 t11 h'"' 11\\lt \\tif tl-. n. ttd l 'h.n1 u1.11t T'l1t\lll1I' 11nt ,\II• I 111"'1\lllt.: .l .. h11'""' 111•1 I 'I 11< • .tl1'1 'I; 1111•11 d :'11'llrt l ~ 111 111,1 \\,111rn11: 1h:11 1111 pl 1111, ""'"'' 1\1•111 l 1'h11rr111111 \1111111 ... h.uild thll 1 .. d, 1nuhr1ah·4t '' '• :. 1 l•U h• ld 111 'r\t•·1 •1• 1h'\ n11•• tuu.: I ,n u \\ti• l•11t1a.:, llh1l1t,lll1•t 1111 l ltl L'I "'\\I"" Jtl •'"'Ut11111tf f,,, J •,,'-HI• ul Iii uull\ 1, 11la. d "'·'" l'1wl.1h 1t u •·t"t.•r ••f t h•' ='·' t"h1· 1uit&.1 ~ h1' lu1t1 t1k1·n lh•n•I ,\,,1w.·1.•••Pn 11f \lunu ,.,.,, 111 t, •ttt· ••• 11i1.h 1 .... tuul11 lu·t•U•I' ·'"''"''ar1•unhtl ,·h.•n """" 1111" 111 ••1•t11t• h1\'•• 1•1·1•11 1111.111 ••I th1 \111nlll•tn' ll111i.I I" 'uh! tu pi•' .1 11 1n1t 1\ Hh l ''' lu ,. , ... ,~ F11t 1 .. ,, .ti h,•,· .• u .... • he• \\ .•~ 'll1'1"'"''·•• , 1 , uh •C• "', th•, 1unu• 11t.t1• h t • t .. • '" ,.,, .. t t 11n uuha~trt:t 11 ',., t lu 1tu., i.:••' , .• nuh nt · · J ""1t.1h1 ti"'" 1111• ho\\•\• t "'"nut th• l .H'! 11 1 I I .. 11101111 •1 ~·n11•·,t 1I Ap .1n<I .l11hn-.1111 ktlt" 11 ,\1''""' \\h1•1 I"''"''•' 11 ,1< t"h:11nn1tn 11( th• 1111 1 1.11<• 11 llu 'l1ch11 ,, 111111111• 11• C:r1 \ll\llln•l Bu' • °<lrJ"•r11111in n111I 1 lw1•k lh1• l.11 •~ \\llllhl ll• \l'I 11.1\, 1h fa1 -l11111c ~11h~1111 ·.ru ... an•I wn• '" '""" '""h 11 1.·111·r .\1111 •·•·\•·r.1111:.<11• 1w:ul 11( tl11• I• '-•'Ill"''' h.1nr.t 1 hP 1•·1 t t•r rth\0u1u..:1~ \\ :1-c \\'nl I• n I wc•ut.Jc;t• h•• "tt"-''IJ'I" '""''•I lo .-.... Ali II\ th1• l't «,.111• nt hllllM·lf, f,.r II '''J• I I "II 111tf11o;tr~ 11°11'11111 .. <1 , 11 111 ,. p11rl'I) p<'r .... n ii 1\1'11. lh"Hl:h I h·· J\rh111111"t ra1 1111 1 •I• n ·n1•1·,. lt.111 lw•mli:1r<l•'<I I '••111.:r•·~.. w 1 I I 'f•'\ltJl tt<·buh 1•1""" "" 11111111"''"'r 11111h1l11:1t 11111 ( '11ni.:r1· ... .,n\.111 J11lin• .. 11 r1 111n '1 tho"'' 111" 111•'11 r"1~1i.;11•1I th••\ 1 '·"I I~ Ilk• 111 r1rl:lh· \\ lllt 1h1 "' n n'I lvll") \\Ith .1n\ 11'1'""' 1·11111111.11111•·1 111·1'111• I, \\ 1111 ts ~llP· nwn1lr1t 111ll" 1111 \\ 1ir-plnn1 m11ltll1 1••~1·d 111 k111111· 1111 .. 1.1111 d..t1•n1lln1: 111111111 "'"''''''"· 1t11•y !1111 111:ro•• to fr1•1•11• \\"or pl:1111 'l•I•'" (11r :lt ThC' H ou:-:f' of HPpn'sl·ntatin1s ha~n·t f01•mccl an '" 111· p1for '" 1h1· ll1•1•1''"" 1n 1·n11-rl:l\s armC'd bri).!ad e to man·h on t h e \\'bitC' House nor •·11 ='1a'"' ,., <'11111 0111i:t Th•·«·· 1m· th1• 111r•n """'"'"''" t .. \ I I h 1\1·1·11nl111i.: to Flt>~ II C1•11111 . 1•:-.-"" c1111rd1111: th•· no1t111n'!' '' n 1 has J>resid<'nl Truman nad :-:andba).!:-: pi e el a r o unt t e """'"!' ,.,., ..... 1111) uf 1111 • <':ililt•r-'"'"' r. 11111 "h" .. 1111 ""111,1 h• executi\'l' mans ion f u r cl e f f'll:'l' <tj.!ainst s u ch an "al -11111 L1111tl T11 I,• """""'''"" .,,.)Linc wa r pl11nts h 1<t1 11 1111t 1 .. ~·11 tack." "Tlw I 1111' t•11m1•ir11"' "' 1 h1• fo r 1 h<' 11r·r~'"'''""" nf 11111. '"' •' JOE PALOOKA l>l\IE "* "ft.lla .... WY7 IQ&NtST'Y'OW.._ .... I llJQr. A Pl~ _, .., r '115 "-"" """ • •• .,, r Cl.U.IWl .___ ~--· M .. t.a•~·~­M 'IQQlt!'-l ..... I IOUIAIXlJACllr W---\ ftt' "1.l.~ ft a ttNlUCIO • IO . "*' "91 ~ ftl..1.19' ' ! AH HUM .... WOoAAN ll-N : • ····\-~.~-~-~[-• . By Ham Fi1her By Carl (~ruhert BUT CfZ C0JRSE ~T s.'41! '-., IAVS.IS SO~/,.-· '-··--o·-----·--' • • , .... 1alt.' :lnfl tht' llit1HU1 olfl' 01•1 hH"'h"· (ttll"<"-n11nf11•ci l'•\O\,!rt~~nutn In othl'r \\'OJ'(ls. t h e ··war " b N w een the l<'j:rislative all) ('llll!'l'm1·1I Ill ;h .. pu1 .. , 11\t'I So ~tor .. Wbraf "''"' I · •• 11111 ' Ir Uy Gua Arriola and exel'Uth·C' br:tnl'ht•s o f the Co\'o rnmC'nt o\'er the fi'<li·ntl ur •t ill•· -••\'i•r.·ii:n•y Tih ~I) n11wh r·m ph:ti<is ,, pl;i{';'Cj on •ol1· m1t'l'1'•1 11f our ~1a11· nncl 1111 1 f I FBI l·epo1-+ on 0 1-. EcJ,,·a1·cl ('onclon, h ead uf the ·• 111111" .. n .. rt:) nr 1111 1111ry pur· l twnal ll>--'<lC'tal11111 11-m Ille' w uml l"l"'•'S t hat wr l'lnn'f hr:ir murh Bureau o f Stanclarcis, w o n't r each the s h ooting s tage. ·--1.1h11 ... hm1•n1. th1• ~1al11li t )' .11v1 :ih11111 "' p•·nr••tiinr 1~~•hthi1r-... But the ,,·erbal \'O lleys are flying-thick and fas t. th·· :t('('Ul illt' 11••1•·1111111•1110it·"·' r.·:il Al<;n not mud1 •11111•'). prupnrlmn A • A 111"'1M'r1 Y '111•·' In 1111' '"' hn\f• a .111•1~. '" "I~ nt 1•n tl1•\'1•l1:pmf'nl ol The Hoy,.--c is backin~ up its un-.~mencan c-'"r> ''""t in11•n·,t Th•· 1111 .. ('"m· 111•11""'im" :11 .,11111• •·m·rc' F'otT!-JUAN PASLO! i.·£::ZE ..ic:J A!ZEf···CC-.• C...,, ~-: .. • -'Cl! /.-.;) ~t;t:;v- ~~ii: COLL CAI.LS! tivities C6mmiltl'e in the d e m and f o r full rnfo rrilatio n pan1t•, or lht' nlllllll\ :iri· ''"I"" .... 1. llowr•\'('r, ""'' lhm i: ('lrn1rm1m b n the in\'e:-:ti<ration of Dr. ('nndon1s loyalty. The h~ th .. puhhc IO "" in " Jlol!.lllOn L1h1•n1hal didn't tl'll ttu• pr<1!' r . ,... J h D c· -il . h " k t 111 111'Url' <II' 1•1•r11fy 1111... Our wh1·n ht' f'hnlt' 0111 nf 111 .. """''' '--o mm1ttf'e cont.en( s t at r . on o n is t e wea es flnli1·11·i. of "'~" '"'ur;im··· ,.,.,. n·-""'"'" thi· f\th•·r fin' \\M thut hi•. link" in America's a to mic !'tecurity program. D1\ Con-11•'(1 upon hy 1'1"111'1 'Y OWnt'r-Ullfl ;t111mir r•nl'rL:) 1•11m,;,1,.sinn hM d<' I l d • • J • b · d b h Ad l0·nd1•" on lh<' "'f'lll'lly ()f '"nl (on emes this anc 1 ~ e rng s upporte Y t e -p rni•my Any •h ini: "hi<'h und•·r· ~;;~';Vt·~"~ ... ~'.);11:;) '~~~r>-~~~1~;~f:~1 minis tration. min•'' thr r('rtamty nnd '\lllh1lll) funi,:i. The whole affair ha~ n o w CTOn e b e.vo nd the o( rr•nl J)Nl))l'l'I Y 11111·~ llffrcts "11' Sc-irnl •~ls wrirking \\'it h lh• ,... 011ly 1h1• 1•n11 r1• 1111•· 1nd11,1ry hut o riginal is.,.u e of Dr. Condo n's innocen ce or guilt and ,...,;skl'n' 1h1· f:111h ,,, pt.1p1•r1) A•onmr En•·r~~· C.1mmis1<io11 lrn'r h Wh. H d hO't'n lr r111'1i111111g' \\'llf'R1 ruq nn11,--. • •. . • has b ecom e a s trugg lr between t e ite ouse a n ""·n.·r~ ""'·ryw h··r1· in ,,,,, inl!•f:-ClJRI ' K \' ()L n ty n f lh•" dN1,·11111>n nf 111 1c~. -.ucr1·s.s!ull)' l'h11m:ing llu• iwn• 11• • : r . Capit ol Hi ll. "l'rtnr 1., lhi• l'n ll•~I Slrll•'' Su· 111111,:rn o( 1111• ru~•·~ i.:rnw1h T hi' Th,,,.,.. can l·"e I 1'ttl" <louht t h ,·tt ('onrrre.i;;s, 1' s.· "n-. I • I h:in• IH'lllllll\' (111111<1 11 Ill 1· II n. I AM GY"Y "4MGO -" .. J .. ,.. • " IJl't'llll' ( nu l'I I 1•('11>111n In 'Ill' ( II I . I CAN SU TMAT YOU ""' titled t o the information it is dc-'manding. But the rorn111 C'll'•' it had h.~·n •h·· "'" llll'l•lll!h 111" irr:.ill:tllltll l•rtu •--'OtOU&liO ... PHMA'S I . h l11·f nf 11111· l't1mp111111·-nnd 111 11 \\h•'l"l'h)' 111" fum:•IS lllllH'k" I ,.. CAN Mofl P YOU!: unfo 11.unate thing-is that 'the re IS no j!lla r antee t at a lllllfll'\• lh:tl 11111· l•l l11r111 .. lllltf• I \\l•••d """ othn \\(~·ti~. ms1 ..... 1 .. 1 the un-Am(\r ican A c ti\'itics fommittPe will w~igh 11.1\1..:.11;1 .. "·''··•i-111 .. 111: •l11r r11:1...i -11 1 11wk1 n~ ,,11 •. ,., the info rmation on Or. C o n d on impartially once it """and w11hi11 th1• 1>111111tln111·-"' "'""" ~'--""" ""'• Rouah l _1 .. _.., 1h1• ''li lt' and nl'o land.; unrlt•r 11:.rnld S 11u"• ,.·~ h:1rk,...., 11 •· gets p os:-:e:-::-iion of thC' file. The re has alrea< y -uec•rt-inl.tnd na\'11::1hl•• \\;ll•'I"' or f111 ... 1 '"'""lllL: thP h a I amon~ '" ,fl t oo much <I i:-:tortion of ('\'idence in th i:: ca~e. • or r•·dn11111·<1 1.11111 ... fttrlllt'I h 1111d··r I ""'1""~~m· tl .f>ttr r:11n p111i.:n II fonL'l'l'S:: should insi::t on it:-: r ight t o the fact~. n1<\1~ .• i.1t· "11•··•" \\ti.. rn 1111 ''·''' tnl•11111'"' 11r ''' ~1 .ClOn Bt1t ron'm·t·::s :-:hould al=-o in=-i:-:t that it~ .committe(' .... 11 ' ;.:I.IOI•···' ·1111• "''llll'lpl fllll l 11""'''\•·r. m lh•·lr •'HCPrn···· '" \ ,_.. \\ I"" h:t'-''"fl UfMHI lll1Ul\ t .11 (•ttr fl,• .. t HI,•• rtlffOt ~, rflt Sf,,.,._,,,fl het\"' '' 111 ~lick with tlw f act ;-: an <J COllCP l'n it:-:elf l e~..; wit h fan-,,~11mi. ,.f th•• l 'n11.•1l St.it• .. :-:11 ""' or •h• 1r f .. , m IO'ft• r -. I• 1,. ··• f a rP. h a)f truth s ai1cl p~·t•mHtllrl' Clt't'll:'<ltiO!l~. 1•1"111" (·,.1111 .1-. '''II '" l~•'t n "· it "' 11111 I•• ;o;, 11 ·n,. .. lfi,.n c,i. n ., -111:fllllOl\:-_h) th•• lt'lll'l,rl J..'H\'111• of l{lu~lo f~l,1nd \\htt h;oltJ• I 101 A LOSING RACE n e,·enues p11~11·inJ! into thC' f'alifo rnia Slate Tr<'a:-:ur~· an· :-:ll•<n+i-~· int·rt'a~ing-, but t.•xp en:-:<':-:tr (' flt• 111 u t ltl•' -.1:,h ... lf':t .. Je 1ttlt~ l'n ,,.. ., Jl1•n1•wr:,t F 10 th•"' '' 1!t•1 lhl' ll't'l'lll tl,-t'l'<Jull. ho1\\t \"I. j Lll" II I:. a llllllllit r 1tJ lht• S t J~11& n••••nP1°:1n l•Jl\\Ll111 ..... th••••''"'' ,if l ltt1J1 '-'"•nitt111-,, \\hu·h k•t•f .... 1n ttu· ..... l.uHI' 111 \\ h1·th1•1 Ith•\ ha\" 1 ~· 11n l'I•'''"' 11•1 •I•· •n1p.ttc n • \ .un °'''•n11 ,\n lllu-.11.tlu•n 11f 1h1"-P•t1th1'tr•·~ Jn t 1•1 c:,, .. ., ",, j:!nin.f.! up a Int fa:-trr. • • ,, '"" ,. ..... "' 1• 11111111 '""' 111 •h·· "''"' "''"' .. r •h· .... 111111111 .. """ 11 ThC' pidur .. :-;till li1oks g-nod \\'itl1 ~:lfil ..mill ion recei\'<.'d in tht• fir:-:L 11i1w months of tlw c u1Tr nt fi:-:cal ~·('ar HS :1)!:ti11:-:t ~:W I million paid out. Th(' n1 al :-:tor~'. h1m:c.'\'C•r. Iii'!'-in tht· p e 1Tc.•nt:q!I' incr1·a:"11:-:. Incom e ro~(· ~ p (>r ct·n t on•r la:-:t .\'11ar whill' rxpen:-:c1;o; c limhe d 5:1 p er r('n t. In :\Ja r c h tlw Stall·':-: l'a:-:h ·surplus was ~t HO million. A \·C'at· :tl.!'11 it \\°:IS $:lt l million. Look:-: l ikl' w e'r r lwacl i'ni:r fnr the "r (1d." I 1111••.J SI/II••' S11p11·11u I ·.,111•1 Ii~ 1•·\1n11n•«I lh• 1'11 I 1• 11111• 111•11 '"'"''" lo.111tJ, .,r 1 "'"''" '"·' lnol1.011• 1 .. ,.,k, I lfl \\hu•h 1h•·~ ··lfilrt1 1tfl;• lo Iii• "\n, Ir\ It p" 111 ll1t ~I,..._.,., 11 I• T '•rl•• .irtd 'ul11u1•1 ~··ti f l,111d ... :dur.1· l; r '"'~<HlC hun IPI n 1utt•'\ 1;, •• n 1 1'111 l '.tlll••l''11tl •'11+1'1 'J1lt It' :1.._...,, I • po11h,1 h ft·qq1 'h d I 1 l\ft 1l1l1 It I• ,.,,._ 111 1111•'1"' h.1 .... ··d 1;n th1· 1·1uu1 ' 1t1u1 '"' "'''' 1111i.h t1'••f1i' Sr, '"jl ttJftrH.:. 1h.1! ll1 j l:u1d ij, ..... n1t1 h·· I h 11 1, ,1,.1d "'",.I ''"' p, 111w 11 '" l11u~ 1 .. ( .tli1n101.1 :ind .ti., 1h1• ""ttth1m" Trunuin •1.i:11 1 ... 1 .... 1tn1• 1n d"'''''':1n~ •lh•1 \\11,,, f'1• .. 1d 1r1t ·r1•u11,,, ·~I"' 11 1 o \\ n1·1 ti •fl· 1'1 ,,,,I , ... 11111 I I lht· h 11,,,.1 f,;dl .... "'" I l'-f \\t 1 I 1l1•d 1·n11, ... ,l,•11 .. :11t1nnt l1k1·1\ "' t11t l ilf1 d "' tr i••rtd ... 'h•• h· t1tf I• dt 1•1 tUltl tf f11 1: • hi'-t 1,•ftl t 1tl \Jt)H•lldl l/11· ""··1•11111 rn 1h1 I 1r1 •• I '"'"' 111· 1.11 t • 11111 •f fll•• I'-'' •1111•1 1 I\ af ti•t f, 1r h ""~llirtu r .. ··d l.1nd-id•1f1,• lh• *NEWS-TIMES FORUM J\1·111 tlh tt, l'r• .. •I·, t rt, 1111t• I fool!• t l.f• I "<I• d I• t' i .... tl11t1 1ntlcl1. flnt l•llfl•1tf '" plnHt'd .,, t .... ,.,p •J • It• f).•1·1~1nn f\( •h• \'nll•·tl ~· 11• lll 111tlc:[ 1h.11 •t 1l11hf\ ma\ 1 .. •1 'f•f•h '" l .. n.t. 1., 11• ••h 1111 111.J \\ 1 '"'" 11, 1 .•Ii• 1,1,, 1, ~., 1, Suprt n'•' l·1uttt 1n th•· .,.,.,·.dl••d ,.,,,,,, •• , 1•1 11tlt, ... •n .. ,,,.n••-··tl •, fl•\•qh.J1 f,, ••l••nu1~· ••• 1 ..... , l"''"'tll. lld••hnd-r·1-.• In ,.,, .. , "''""' "II 1:11111, ltnlh '"'' c .1111 .... I I 1 •• , .j ·1 .. I 1•' '"·'' •It· l1tlo .. r th1 ,, 11•• II•·\\•\• I lh• :-I···· 1· th•\ d1d1t\ ,,(;di c1.1n1, m .-dti h, r1tJ, """'•""t:t1111n. \\-hn .... • n1n 1h, 1" 1411 I rail t 11•1.ilt~•·I 11•1 t•li\•t \\ uru. I••. If· .t 1 lh• ~tit••· .. ( r·.111orru :1 :1'1d nft•t "'lup t•t1n11n1 .... ,. ... P'·u·lt• •11.' all t1t 1 If d•·•'l IHrt fl•'-1.11••"1.1 tlttulit I"-.,.1 , ''' 1,, ,, 11 t1 1, "• 11•1 ... 1.1t•'" r •• land ... 1 .. n•·:tth nu\ 1i.::1hl1 r·11n1p.11111•' 1n (' 1ltJ01 Iii• :1 n J 1 I It• I 1tul lu H• '' 1111 ind u.1\ a.: .• t1l•·i •J•• .,., ,.,, .,, ,1,, 11, ,1 1 f 1 ,.t ""'"" m th•· 11p1n111n ''' tlw 11111• .\n11'111·.1n T1tlo• ,\ ·~·i;t11"n \\ln·h ''•'I V 111 h01111110· •h· tl1-.·1-.1111l ••r '"""" lrt• 1-'1"'1• 1 , I•, ""'I'·"'''' n ( <':1hf.,m1a :inrl tlw h1• lfllf. m"mh1·1· lr"m .di p·11' 11 •\• "1"11' 1,11•011),d th•• •111•..,. 1,. 11 ,1, lho 111,.\1 ,, .,, I nn11nn TI11~ 111 tlwir "''"' ha• I r.r tlw rn11nll\' al'I' <111•r••1 lln.; •h· l t 11 •·I "h••' • "'' 11•111°' 1ttl.inol 1 , 1 '••'-"' ' ~-, ottUHf, I • f d I r•l1•11•!··tl llw 1111.' •1f all lan<I• lltff'lnnd• l•·.:t•hlll'll. Sf'nat» 1111' "•'• r \\h1l'h \\•'I•' :1N1111r•·tl m l:°"'l l l!•R.q :1nrl JI R !'i!¥.~'.l. n11w l"'ntl1n 1111 111•• ,,.,, nt 1111' 1111·· 1· .. 111. t•rt•lllJ•I "''" '"'' '1''' • 'n1:1n "-\'·11rh• d 1., I " •. ,. f'lllh llllol• I' lh<' 1,'f'lillt ~. l<':t\'inl; Ill ('11n~I'"'~ Tht• )t•t.:t•li!llOn \\ llf l"f "'-.,j ( lf1f••lf1l·I :111d l1( tfl,. ",\i)o• <tillfll hi\\ 111 J,., in ,, -1.111 111 1•1mf11•11111 .ind •lah1!11P li•I,. 111 "1hnwri:1•tl I.ind·· 11 ''"'" 111 111 1t·•t1111n;.: '' 1lt1hl\' 1 un1· .. r1 ttnt\ 1n 1h·· .. tat""' "h'·r•\ tt \\';a ... h•1ll1•\1 d '•• ~ 1 • ''' "'"'"'''fl0•d I 1nd 1oo :ind t T'·:'•"' IC•''1111" II. I•"'"':" "' 1111 ··1·••111 .. q,,., I TI1,. p .. 111 ... 11 1 111 •1 '.1 .••. h1\1 ~u•tll tfl.tl•d h\ lt11• dit 1 \\ht1 l r i••t1 lu "1lri1'1' '~l- '-H•fl t..:.q1h '-ht11ild bto .lhf"' IMf•'r''"' f ltO••·~rutlr n1 11 h 1n •t\ 11 )•,!1 l'f ii' l"'")•l• ••I ( '.tlil ir-n111 \\'o• I••. 1111 H\\1111' lh• ir "'''' '•'I Official Paper of the City of Newport. Beach A ~able Local IMUtutlon tor Over 40 l'-" )J .. 1. •h,;11111 t1d•l11nd•ll'l'l•l.1llr•ll f.i\flrtl··~. :11•• ~1 111 11 '•'' Rf:PRJ:SF,,.-Tl:I) SATIOS.\1.1,V R\' OJ:OROf: o . Ct.o~r:. P.\('. I"""''"' Ill , ..... L.I'''• \\Ill .......... \. 1111 l.1on1• ~•nr •• ,,,. Saa Fraad!ICO·IA!I i\nplN·Ponlsnd-~attf~C'hlr.ACo-Sew \'ork-Ro .. tun t•li·h •lrt• 1011, ...... ,, 11 1.,.,.m11, ... , Tt.ur tJ.LJ.u:.1111 1 • .,,.,, r By CllrTll'r nr l\lnil: ~Fifi p!'r m onth nn\'WhNr tn N!'wport Rt>lll'h 11nll Co!tta M<.'!'8 : ~2 40 for 3 month~. $4.ff) fnr 6 month~: $9 per }'<'ar By !\tall In Urnnite County: ~!l p<'r Y"llr ; i •1 'Ith zonr, $!.l 25: J·i\\ r:,J,,,,n t1f I.11nt!Yt\'\.' '; · <1\\ •\ rrr•·nflv ft1r 1oo1 '' ' u • llOIH.t' f IT\ T \ \lt:K I'~ I 1 lo .1111 l·Tr1t111"1 I • IC\ ~I h ZOJI<'. S!l !'iO 1111• 11 '' ,J. '·1 rr ".11 • 1 '" '11"1"11•111 '"1"1u. , ti ''H"l ·11u•1, •.• , ,, r,...., , ... 1, ·n,,.. Tt·~l-t' ~r·•'•I ,,, Entered as ~ond-C'la.ss matt<'r at the P05tofflce in Newport Bench. \\I•" 11 , 11:,11.,,,, 11,1 11.,,,.1. 10 , 1ih11n, 1.,,,1.,1c-r11,d, Califomln, under the i\ct . of Mlll"di 3. 1897. '"°'"l'I ( 0~1 \ J I" , t1 t• lllJ11f1J , 111•• 1 'rfl~")C: f It ff ot~r t f '-'•• ,,, SAM 0 . PORTT.R Puhli~hl'r I llol '., ...... " ,, q ,, ...... 11 "I\,.. r ..... "''' '"" •' LUCIUS S. S:'-lntl. ID Mana~ng Dii•or 1· ·''' 1111 \1 •, .,, ",1,1,1 o1 p:orl\· ,,1f,1r• W . F. orxo:-; I A<l\'Prll!>iri; \\. .. •11110 1 "f1<vh·· -""'' •11•·1 •1•· :• -0..YDE REX ) ,.,, Jn ,._1, -.· ,,. 1, ~ 1, Printl-Plant . 3011 W Crntnil J\vrnue. Ne.,.-nnrt ~ach C':Uifom1~ · ___ .... ;;.... _________________ .;._•------·-·----"· \It< "\l'"t.Tl ttt.c c11u1 st:T 1,. ., , .rr '"' .r .. ' I ® '''''IY ol'I'• \,••1d111 1•1t•\ •·f T''"' "· 1• · Active . °' 11 ,,, u'''''" h, , ''"pl· , ... 1 .",. 1.r ... h•, \\• ".. • , '", 'f: \• ''" ,,1 fJ~trH! \\1l}ttt;I :1 '··'·'' ,, 'II' ;nut :HlflJtf :tn "., ... , Mem})e,r '1•1t u' •·n ., , .. , ', '"''' .r • , '•· e! ~, ~.,,n •tt •• \\ ,. ,,, • of .. ,,,, ... ,, " ,,. ,,,,, ... ~ f t11.JJ'\ '~· d t tt1tr1 1•111n 'r \\. t I h···· , ... 11,•J 111 ,\u lridt 1 '-1111 tit.. ,,., 'u 1 .. n, r1 •• r • t • r' ''''' t~,11i1·•' ''"'' nll1\1~1 ,r \ f'~ , •I' NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948·~~ • '· .... .-,. - •I , II " " . ' ·rl ,, •·. ·11 •II •I ., '" n "' ••I r TAUZA:\ YOUR DIAL ... ,. .. . .-. ... • ..--•• -..... 66ff .. .. . ,.,.,. -...... : .... . ... '" ......... tu> •K.1 • .. • • . • , •• ... ... .. .. . . ... ~· "'' . -. -. .. ~ ., .,. .. , t .... ...- •• .,, .... ,.,, 'l•.Uf KP'I I k • I .... '\ ... It I I ••• I.' I k '.\ I k t At" ~· hi I ... I I I t. A , r •. ~ I ,, I -r--I I • I ' .. I I I ' t.1 I " I \f .. ... > I ' .. ... ... l II' .... I . , ... ..... , I ... ~ I ••"' ... TELEVISION '"' \ l . ..... \ ... .. I I I .. . . .. r • I '· .... ... • I • •• ... "' \ , .. ' ... "' ,,1, I I ... Tfl\lf:H -.Tl(\ ,,.t, HI' \t'l 't . \ t< \" t , .,. . \ . "~ • I ...._ •• " .. ,. ' II : . . .. ..... .......... , .,.._ ,. .. J .... . " \ I ........ ~ ...... , .... '.rt t' .. ... . "' I •' p ... ...... Wf'•A •••~•If• K llf h•:el \• ' .. ,. •te 11 I 'A I• t • , , ... ...,.\ f '#' .. ~ .. •• r • k l\ I .. ' ... f .... t ~ \ • • • J • • t , I•''' '4,. • ._. t• It ' ,... '. ltf AI~ '""' I ... •• I\ "" ..... """"' t \~I 11 t • ... _. . I fl " A JC ~ 'f • • . . ... ~ I I•"' -· ... ,, t't tlll1 ., " - ; tl1 I ... .... "' I • I I t -, . I .. . . . •• h t ·I• I ,..,.. I I r .. : .t.._ .. 0 11 . ' .. I" ' I I .. "'I II!'-' ,.. . . ., .. f I ...... Ii '' ...... " .. ' ...... II IA t I r'fl ---- . •" fl I I ,, ... _., .... , ... ""'"'' ... , I "' '•• I •••.-•n ,, ... . . ..... ~ ....................... ...._. ·~...#>----'• ••11 ti I •• • _. #'••-o.f eXACTLY • f fVIRYTMtNCI IS REVIAlfD IN YOOlt f(A(.UP, MY fltlfNOS :: ,, ~ W•9H. I Will lt(AO YOUR F'O'tlUNfS! Ry ~am Leff By .,;dgar l<it·e Burrou.rh• CROSSWORD PUZZLE .,... .... I T""' •l1J,. • "'1•' , •• • , ,, .. #tf , ... .. ., 11•t1tf \I I'•''"" u ~:.',~.:,: ~':'~~:~ '"" . ...... , . ··-··· ... ,.. .. JA. 8t•l•I •Mii t tl C11 t tn r•nn•p1u aJa II tM ••..W-• tt <'"'• 1 ..,d C1'1f• ti ro .... •it ••• •' i o pr•I• ., J.ttt•• ..... ,, l ti1n1• 1,. •t '"''' et ~ ,,, •H ip ti' KI+ l'f "' ••1Wtr':l1bl ' n .. , ,,.., .. ~, ... C I ttfl• ....... , f f'I ,., ., •••••• .: L"':•·,~.'. .. ft ""'"•" U It •• t t• .. • ,. •• ,, I! elf\~ I : -->-.. (~ -•'/ -17 .., I" , .. , I ~-..... -• ~, . ~ ~ I--,,, --.-. -, I . ~ -- -.. , .,., lit • U v .. otur .. i t"' ,-... •h atllt'• ,.. ,.,, .... M A o•1rntwr ,, " .. •t't• :: ·.'.: '~~":.~~~ t_.. .. ~ '-" 7 ,, " /I ,., Y/ 11 /If /o.J "//, "/• . I~ r/~ 'bf ~ \(, " 0 I/ - v~ , y: ~5 -~ .,., ~; 'tj -~ t;;;--'41 _x ~ ' ,., It> --•I ~ .... ---,, .,., .<I Id 'llJ '.rl -. ........................ ... ..... ,. fn r •r\'tHI • ... '" • ,.., " 2-S /(, . - .,, .. d - - -r- .... ~,' ft.. • I It•• f 11 \li•U lrr H" ti M•h '1 1'1l U'"' •t1•1lm ., . ~ .... ' . ,. .... , . At• 1t'11 AUdn \1 •r•·llf ,,, .. ,.,.. •1•••' bird Ao l•'"' ,.. Jll f t 'II II ••• •II• •• , • 11 J , d • •Uh It • .. I 1 .. .-I I \ A•~\ •• 1• •Ind I\ A ' lt•I H •• I •• lit ,. t .. , ••• ,I,,, I I • ... I 11••• ff f I 1'11••. • '"" '" •J I•• '' '' n , • , .• ,u.tnt '" I\ HI,. f t 41 II' ·•In Blloorla :t: :~:.',:~:, .. ·"'""~ "" i not" 1tn • ._ ... ,, ,.l•tt .... -'" " .. "'"'"' •'" . ........ '-''-' ·-\ 1 r<:--... P11e 8 .... -,,BWPOaT 8.AL80.& JlfSW8·TIMB8 ... ,...,Al'"• ........ c.111. .......... ACKNOWLEDGE c. c. BID TO ROST FRANK ---MERRIWEATHER7 Fish and G8me . <A>mmiuion M*y Keep Limits Same San Francisco mtttin& Thunday ' 1950 INTERCOLLEGIATE REGA'ITA Frank Hamilton Pitches 10-lnning All 1m 11a11on ,,..,m nw ~'·"''-, ... m,.,.·11'1"" 111 N··wpon Harbor. Shut-Out, Wins Game With Homer * *-* WUlowick and Frida)' . ~ Golf Club May Ask Prottttion Whh ttw ln11~1i')n an Loa Angeles <VUn1)' 01 • f'lan fo IS'O- t«t thfll' goU cours<.--s b>• parc:ti.... lnr th.-IU'llu _,.,_ ~ ...... thrTatm. Oranl!.r rount'} w:otfn-s may ""°" bt• askins: 1•11" IM tmmt' protection. Barbor pol"1 lla rbor niamh"r ••f ('om· I A t 1h1' 11m1• wf' <'M do no more ml'l"t'f' cu hr,•t th•· t!i:~J Int, 1 rullf'· 'h.111 .11·kno1A h·rig•' ttus Invitation, i:i1ot'" \'1trht JW1·1n~ II''"' 11111"11 h111 l..i mi· io''ur1> )nu J a.lncerely I hml tochi) ho'<'n 1wkr110\\ Ii.Ii:• 1t lo) tuq•• IA•·. will •·\'••nluall> be able to th•• M"'r••tal') 111 l ~'HA 1,1,11111.J 1or•t•·111 .\"llr olfpr I t will .prob. :<.t Fowl•· 1, .111~ I.. .11 11'11~1 i1 Yl'llr before w~ 11 "'"r Nt""'J1or1 JI.arbor lllgh M'h·~·I hud ·a mun-or·thl.'·hour g.11 lu•tl In IHl'o•lwll fll:Ulnl'I~. hi,. n.ot• ,. 1u1111.il 111' t-'r1Jnk H1.1mll1 on. Tito• 11111 ht'>IJO'('l!Wlt:tl li'fl-hand- 1•1 (tu m 1• .. 11l1111d, ()11· .. CllJllJCd II 11 ,. f.1r hr1llumt r1•('lll'tl 11( sue c-1r11::h1 "In" hy p111-t1int: !ihtll-<IUt b ... l!:llln•t brnni:<' I hgh tor IO in r ,.· that ', t>Ao uvo•r 1lw n ·gu· SAC'RA!'.11:.:NTO. Apr1l .~1l!PI -T ht• itnlt· frsh and i,:11.11)(' aim- ml'll>Hm will mak1• a final dcas1on 19-01 hunttni,: re-guJauons at a ~ ~wn already has tf'tlta1t1~1)· ~trd tht> •ecom· Ql('ndaUOID (1f thf-lil\'lSIOll that IW M'aSOm and bag lumts ht' lareely COhUnUPd tlus )t>ar for &ar. d<..-r and upland i;tmw. RI'('( ntl)• t hl' W1l~i ODW"W ln S.fua Ana t • .u l"'J'•.,.1.1 d a plan b)• a Mar IJ\ subdJ' u..in lo .- part ot the' l il-1101<· lmk.i u a on.· •·ay n•••d \\ tll(W< 1cl. utftr.al~ &-- clan• It 311-ln.ot ro1d .,It.ltd) •ll.ISts a nd tt•n nwrr I~ • I rom th. count• U r"IU• ~I• d \\Ill tin!)' llUt itt«- t t ree I Pn « ·· C"O<m I> mam tal.Dt'd · bul•. Events I \\'rlllllf.! '''"" \l.rllJltlH•h.,l '"'ll l1••1;in rfo ·)'lt1n for the 1~ ~la.>..•Ul'l\IJ"'"I' l\o'.otltlli II l•'I .,1 th'• C'hi•m1•111n,h111 n' our immediate !n•••rt'Oll<'~tc· \'..ch.l lt..iui.: l,t"" \ t :r~k '" tn ttrrttr11:•· th\!l n1uional or- n .1t11m F·•"I•· 111ro1 l'11•11hn• .;on11.ittun Pnc<' this hu ~n I rwt ,t ".t k "• "" ph-1 ... <1 '' •• c·nn probably be-1 1 • ·t' .' > -" '" 1 .... k :.h••11'1 and schedule our * * * I "Pit-a'-'• .oll1014 11 " "11 I• 1 di ''1 ='·''"'"'I ,,.,.,., "'"'' 1n udvn nc, of ---------------tlw '"'"" ooll•'J:lotl• ' "'o' lt.1• II• I I ' • " r I I l• c .t t ANCE ll, ... ,r,;111im :t11d tit• ''/' 1 ' . .: '11' 11"• ln('I '"''In~ 1mpor11ln('e or • BRIEF GI tilltun • \\lw /1 '"10 I•"• "" 1' 111 m•· ,, .,1fq·1.o l• }llrh1 rncing ls re<.'· l"'r<tt\ 11111 .. 11 001 11''1 •11. 1 '" .. 1111,., ,,IJ ,,,,.,. tho· 1·oun1ry and AT BASEBALL '',1d11 1:" i11: ' • • '" • i• 111 lo ' ,, II II 'fl"' ""'l"1n I l11rt.or will 1 1• I·~· 1""1111; :• 1111h 1• ''' ." 1 ·"1 '" 1 1, 1• ,1,•d In looking forward ,..,..,.,,,.,_, Lr-.rur •·m1r11; .o~ .. ~·1u 1 11•n 1" '1• '"'''.' 1" •h1-. II•" 1:11·1· \.\h1ch will •J11n1: T.._ " I. l'•·t . OB n1•krl"" l0«h:• """ th 11 1 ''• '' 1 Miii mure ra1·111·atllc• n utiCC' to the $an •·r .• nd.t't! 1; 9 6:!'• , i """ ,,.,~ k111d 111ol "'I" • '"" "" '" ,,,_: ,,111·1w1t111t;. 11( th•' harbor 1 .... A.n~-.t." 17 J.:. ~ . J t.i''"'• •.. hl•l•t •h· l'f M.I • .... 1 ••• 11.1.' t., I• (Lt.klonti 1·, I!.! j~ 1° ,. ...._ _______________ _ Sa n r11. \!•• ~lflt P\Jrr l.tJld !;; :~ =r~ ~ ROOl\IE-PAfKED cu1rAGo cues ~ !~ j~ ~ 1STILL WIN~l~G BALL GAMES "' ( \RI. I.I 'HCH 1"'1 • 11.;lt Ito•-11nd '"" 11m... Thr "t-;\\· y 1 •Ith ,,,,, 11 '...'!< 1 I' I' 1 Cult '"' '' 1111< int" .,,, 11n1t place •·ft 111.orl•\ t.11111111 .. pl.on ,,r .. 111•l-.1n1; 1<1•h q,. "' 1"1), 1,:111 I:.! hits. "1111 "~·k•·, ,,, '"·"' .. , 1" "''' 1 .. ~··111 ·111 1. ti 111. \\It) "1111 11 doubrf' 10-.i. 11 \<ilh '''"''It.di 1i11h '"till 111ol1""'"'1;I••• Mc<"all,whowon I,'-: '""'k 'I·"''' loo(lk .1 lot .. 1 "' "" l•ll' (1\• i.:.11111·' :incl lost l:l with Los ~ 0 I II \\ :.-\\ mnrn.· .... )I I' 1111•'' r. ·r '"'' \ ''-'"'' ' t."' "'lhnn. ,, 'U•·k O\JI ~ix, ~ 1··'1111•111{t1 1 'uh~ 1111!.1\ '' ""'"'' uni) l\\11 11nrl ).Cliltl.'l"t'd ·1 : \\'h•·n t;11111m 1 .. ,k 1 l•"k •' .. 1i.:ht h•" 4 l"h;tl h•· h·1<1 111 'l'ltnl: 11111111.· h•· :'\t .. ·111,111111• thf' G1lints roared on ;, .-.11.t 111-11 "It l•••k• Irk•• '" '11• i.:u-111 lh• 11 •·111 I~ ''''""ll 'purt. win- ~.t ..... a.r..--ymJni: kul•" •l.!·llll·t th•· l'hrl' 111 :-0:1•\1• York. •. L P l'I. '•" II· 1A ,o,n'1 k1tl.t1111! • t1h1 r 111• Hr .•"'' m<1rl<• rl two In a I • , 1•"ll•' m /'ugh "'h ool lmll h• .111'1 1h,.n rhoUl•·d u ruu:-in~ h • · ... 11111 111 "rn ht;. O'!''M gilmr• 111 11 , 1 It di 11f tlw tr nth. 1-0 . "-1• 111 1 h•• wonh of Cou<:h \\', J11!dl 1'1rk•·rr~. "th<' l'H...;l h!lll r I h.111• ,.,,.,. "'''fl tn hii;h t '"''"l"'lllllUl .. \' 11 111 •1/I 1111111m111n~ ll11111illon"> f• ,. '""'' n111r1· rc·11s1m why m ajor I• ., .. "'•111 1 .. 11ro· 1•yf'i.ng thi~ boy1, I '• •' ,, .. 1•11111°•tl 1111t th111 the T nr- 1 n 1 1,, 111111111 J)f'rforman('1' all 11 " 1\ t1 .. \I n th•• lrnc• lie rlhr~- I I "•tf ''" on o·rnir ":1 ... r onlJTlittl.'d I' 1 I 11111111>" 1\ t 1 ··-/tm;111 \\ho had nP\'1•r I • pl.I\• ti rrl't ha<r l)ick '" lo1t11dlo·tl II) l)t•rfr1•t C'h;111('1•<, " 11:1-1 ! •1 .111i.:1· 111 1l!r• numll<'r om• ~ I k ,\1h 1 h•·f' fro·,hman I Roh I\•,• •t1•'k l':tlll.;ht I lamtltoil', ra ... 1 I ,q \\1ll11•ql 11 hohhh• in tht' nb· "1 ,.,. 11r 11•i.,'lilar rt'C'Pi\'f'r Rill \\ •. 11ll1•t'\•M• who I!< nut wi1h a 1 '''""I I tni:rr I· II h;wk to I lamrlton This boy 1 m11unt'•'fl hv h i• own cooch as I It• .. 1,..,, h11;h 'school 1litche r he t'tt.\~K H.UllLTO~ I 1111 ... , 1 .. r ~····n 111 lh1·••· p;ini." "::... ,, •. , •• 1. '" ""I 1 .... r·.r111. 11., ra~· I ball .. rx·t·11:;1ornil r·un •'. nnd l"'rf1·c1 l'Ollll'ul 1·11111r1\l'cl Ito kl'•'P tht· Oran i;:l' b1111in1-: ordl'r lnl'l<..•,·d up 11 II 1dto·11111 .. n. lfom1ltnfl foC'l-0 two oppOnPnt' ft olll th•• 1·1111J• 1\1\\ll Coli. p11c·ho d thr• fu-i-C ft\'l1 111111111:' a nd [)d C a rlo compll'ted lht• ,.;anw.' \ utk 7 .: Tit. I 3 ·,71 : .... I : ... •I ' me '" h:111• 10 It.ink .1 lnl on rh• 11111..: r/ .. 11 '"'" 'trau::h t, 7 to l lntn ht• .. , 1n 1ni: ltn• 1111 ho 1 '"\ ol\ 1•1 I h•· oluthlf'I tni.: Dodgrrs. plnN•I "" ""' 1-.ttl J link S1 ~··111 " '' 1nn1ni.: :\ In '...' :!'~ .. .,•ntf li:o" 1(.,1 Sm;oll1•1 ;1t •hcu• '111°• \';mk•·"' t:<'I rhr.•1' runs In '°''(l. :ind Jlo1I .Jl'(fr11:1f . In ""nl• o lh" (11'1 tnnmt: 1111 rmir Slnglt'S Md 111 fr! :i "'h•I 1!1•"'11 1·1'"'' Jn tlu" l.-11 l'y lto•JTH' '""nm llouhle. th1•n 1111ol "m1drtl1·" M !hf' r luto On ll'lfl •'"lt•tf'll In 1-1 4 lo 2 triumph at 111 1hril ho· 11111 ('1111 Alw·rM)n, 11 l'l11!.1d"IJ•hi11 h••h111ll K11rl Dn•ws' i-01.tiomnr<', int" J,.(1 fi,.ld 11nrl in , fl\ •"hit l'l··hul :i ... a "tnrt ing pitcher. fl\·1· ''"' "' ~··\• 11 t::tn11·-. t11 llalt• 11u· Hro>A·n-. m"'"d Into S<'<:ond ... -' ..!1::i Docusen Rebounds Two New Fluids To Whip Jachlich Devised to Make ..... ~ ,!17:\ 31, r '1s ANr,£1.F:s, Armt ~R--mPi Cars Run Better Opm 5 to I P. II. ....,.. ~ HolidlQ<s U~to8P.ll. 'Clmed 1'IBdl1a 3JJ " ~a.r.c ... 11'-YCll"k -1. Pti1lacS.•lph1a - Dt-trou >4. S t ~ ~ t 11 Inn· IA'ash1ni:1on. Sal'-al Lr..-w 1'ti1l .. d.-l1Jtm1 I. :'-••W York i Br ouk!} n '.! Bo>'< Ion :l l'hK-•11:0 i. Cinnnn.tl 1 'J S t viu1c 111 Pftt•hun.:h . Ill"' I· ~ rai.n Thirteen Coast Hurlers Still in Undefeated Class , :tr 1-< rn<• "....., • . 1 • • ""'"'n1"' •nth J\l•lo 4!1u11'111 -.1r.11.:h• l1ut II lflu k thf'm 11 Inn· \Jt-(":111 ma kmi:: hh f1r-.1 hii.: l":ii;:-111• mt:' 100 tl11 ti !I '" R 11\'f'r lh<' tooth· -t:in. th•• C\lh' w nn :o •rcntf11'.1n1 less Tigl.'l'"S ot St. Louil . \It lol\ Ill ('tnrmnall. 7 It•:.! l"l•r 1l111•0• l(amr•' IA1'rt' rntni'(! OUt· 1 h•· n..-f1>11ht ;shit· f.:1A1 ·ll Hlnrk\1 ••II ( .,,., •;l:uul at (11i1"11i::n ond thP night "ho• \\;,, h ulrlrnt: rnr t11-th1ril I i,:.11111• wt1h Ho•ton nt \\'a:<hin1t1on ... 1r.11i.:ht 1rium11h. hut "ho \\:I', in th". ,\11w nr11n 11nd SI Louis a1 kn1 w·k1 .. t out 111-.1"11rl <ift••r ~ 11•ltl1ni: 1'111 .. 1t111 t:h rn I h•• :-:11 lionul. I ~YE ON THE DERBY Citation -Coaltown Entry Scares Other Owners But Jains Louisville L.OL,S\'ILLF:. Ky . i\pnl ~R 1 ha<i ('\'C'r h4•t•n 11 on hy ;1 hoMll.' thal I l'Pl Th,. Cit:.tlnn-Coaltnwn Pn· 1 WC'nl o n to ta kr thP JX.rhy. ti) m R}' hi' ....-anng ""'">' th,. rown. R.•«i'1"' F:'t•adru, 11nrl flO!'l!libl) <·r.. of oth1·r thrN··~<'ar-olcb hut to. F:agl<' Look.. only four nthl'r rolls ttoy it bf-s:a n drnwmi:: whfll ma~ ll<' Rn· s<'l.'n a'I ltkdy to 1<Wrt in tne a ro'<.-ord cn•wrt of r:wmi: fan, for D('f'hy. l'W''<t Sa11trt1:1y·,. Kl'ntucky PNby FWn F . \\'k11nk rl''s l\fy R1-que111 , SAN f"RANCJSC'O, A1wol ;.IN 111 (,,un'h11l l)(llA'lll' unbc'atrn ns n lhrt'<'·)'N1r -old. ar. 1('P,l Thtrtft'n Pacific C'onst Thi' ann11nl l""lf" i-trurk thi~ rlwti hl'r" Y"'trntnr R W Mr U LMl«UI' pttr·tw-rs llllll ar•· undo•fo•AI· ff~"n as lhf' ·nrf\'nnn· ~1111rrl of f;in, I \"/tin's lltlllnl!'· d1•fint11'1~· 11M· rd. M'C'Or'dtll6? to othcuil 11t1tttsl ll'll ttl""("l'ncl"I on h••tf'I• a nil ni<1m1n~ ""llll<'t'll 11, 11 ... 1111'1t'r. Ii< t ra1nini: 11n "'~-.cl loda)' by Wilham 0 , Mc-hnu .. -u-' In \.f'lln"h nr hanl-IO·~··t I tht• •<'l'n•· Fin!l l 1lo'<'i-1on ,, •''t· ~-and inctudrn g Jtl\"'4.1 nf Sun· quarwrs. Jt w 11, fn'('I> rm'<lwt1'fl IM'rll'tl t <)(la~ on wlu•I h..r ;\I rs, day. April 25 1h111 th1• r-mwd ""Uhl ''\<'II In IUO.· ,Joohn P~1~!'<tn Atlnm,· c;r:indp('l'I.' TOAlinc Ow IJ$t Ml' Earl Junf"'I (W"IO ••r mc•r•• h~ ll'"t t1m1• on Snt-will ~fart 111~ Dt>RI '' <c-h{'(lul"tt o( thf' Oakland Acorn!! and Juniol" uni:ly. · tn ;in 1vr tnriny hy air fnom :\o•w llbomJJIOf' ol thr s .. n Dt<'lto Bui lh••,...• wa' "" nnt1c-r•nhl,. tn· York ~-.-a.ctr ,,.,,h thrN' ''"'n~ llnd rn•rt"" m thl.' numbrr of t>>Anrrs 1t0 ~. J •ptw-t •Rt-di Lynn ll'am "',11mi: to rn:111i>n1-:<· c1M1111n =•n•t * Oscar Fraley in •lnkrouu .-ith 2ll Cc~-.11~-n 1llC' k-adltn: In thr wnkr llf \Jtntlon's mmp-R rts l'laJ fT y._ "' L Ml. P.-t. tnjt ,·ic1ory in f l'llll'l'fllly', OPrh~-epo : Caf J~. Oakland 3 fl 11 1 tJC'lll Tuai 1\1 lhr Down:<, 1t n1>pN1r~I Casi lk I lh I ti ('I t L·~ NEW Y0 RK. April '...'i:I •l'I'• no e Thnmpacn. Sim f>t~n :l () 10 1.UUO I .. )' a ir A 11m1• r nnn _ __ _ _ "rlouhlt• i1)-n11m1t"" 1•nlry mli:ht i:n AlltM; Ruth wound llfl h t>-m"'1 • 111 th,. llO!'I a« tho• ~hort""' flt\•lr· crunal spnnl! tralnini:: t0tlny b~ :-.:a1) ~tf'rs U'l:f' llnl"flrt'· it'" in 1 trrf>y hr..,tory That would ;rnnounC'inJ; htnl'<'lf fll 111 i;11 In _J tl\'r rt'<TWU not to IC'll'"t' hl;ch I 'bat a'"'1'n lhi~ t lmA In th<' m-,·. 1111111111 IJC'hool tUJTI • ho• ,,.,., than th,. :t-t~:) pnN·s nn .. --... .. ,.. __ ..... _. 1 1 1.-.-""""8 ). 1•1rron•'IU' \\1>1rlnw11~· In 1~1 nnt1 "''• ~ --~ ll"'ini:: Him..tioe-h 1n 1~0 Thi' llambino. aft<'r n loni: h~hl -"-R"'--""J · CAFE C"lt:itron !'rurr'fl 1·a~1h m•rr to N'l!illfl hi« ho•:ilth. 11 .. ;11!' 1111 11111 \l.0~11· Onc·u~•·n, :-.:Pw Orleans. ""'' :o l•·•·hniral knookout on•r l:111ltl1 .ltlC'klll'h. !'an F"randsco. 111 •• ''"' nri:ht r1rh'r Jack lich it. '·' 11• II l11m in 1 tw 1 l11r1I rcound. !'-•"t'n 1luu1,aml f:tn• a l lh•• • 1h mp1c 111Jd1111num s11w Refort'f> Ht I -K1•r,hm·1 ~top th•• loout in ''" ,,.,·,.nth ruunll nrtt•r h~olh J ack- ''' t • t •.\1•< 111•1;1111 lrll't'litn~ l)OclJS('n \< t• lljl llftl'r a 1•1111111 o r IWO Wht'n .1 "klll'h fln•1l••tl him In 1hr third "•' h I hr•·•· l!'l 1 h1" •k!l 1 n the chin. !("'"'"" nf "''" r ri1:ht!i: Jr rry :-:I 1\m, l:i~>. M1m11•apoli1<. dn"\' with ·1 w l\111yft, ·l<I 1'>fi • ~. I .<is A ngPlc•s ,,;, Chuck \\'1lkt•r 11on, QWRN l 'I• \1•l11nrl 01llp<•rntl'd Sid l11lrhr n'I, I.·, Lo<: ,\ nr::d1"1 t 4 I ; Tomm) \'.1rl!as. l:\:l. Fl P<t'lo. Trx . out· l••ontt'<i St"'ltl) J\1,1,arro. 137. !\J.1111111 t 11 T •tn\ Gnr h. QTYN Los .\ni:f'lt•s 1 11. Fr•'<ld1c-G1trc1a. 14~. 1 .... ~ Anr::f'lr . 1•Jll ll'Hrt lffl 1 •• 1wrenC(' llrnwn. 1·1!•. L..11:1 i\ns;:c-lt~ 141. ).( \A:lC7 thn'r rl\,11<; m tho• tnnl. ftnbhml( l~'\\'t"WlCJ tOlllOrMll fn MIJll.'l'\I•(' rnr s.";-COMplefe .... c-e .... ,. moro• th111l n lr nl;lh ll h('llO nf \\'ti-'" \\'t~·ki-th·· prnd11Clt<•fl .. r h1• hi· \.•· \OU ··ounllnc-1~ da)'9 lo ""'lr c;-*' Illar llflm r. Arnnn'• ,.;~·mint wtth >tnl)· o n thr iwrN"n. ''"ri•lm• .. ~ I hn<~ nothlnir rompar. LUNCHES NEWLY RDIODEL£D llO\t·nnl \\'di·· t-:iid•• Lc1<ik thin l l Ruth."1111 i-n'I lh1• l•111 I\ 1•n•1 .~.Ir lo th•• -.:irmth of C'hrl!ltmu (•i th a frnh almolph.e~) I nnrt E. A. c l'Ni•1rs Gnlrdo lali't. i;c•t 1c f1,.;11rr wh"''' ha t ttni.; I""· """"~· ... ,.o·ond """' JK'rh.apa l• _J h II t II , .. , fr,.11111; "hr11 ) 1111 h:t\'1• u{., monr) Onu ~ .. : I Ritlt11'n by Edcli<' ,,,.,.,.,.,. tho• ("11h1· ":'''" I rt .'" 1111 "'"' and ni.1rl1• :n m.11'•· tln·;im~ '"mt• true for you D I N N E R S S-.-1.-ttj R • 1· m1•1 o•ol t 1'P\'1•r1•tl th•• m1l1' tn· 1 <'17 htrn a nuJi .. nol lwrn 11111 h•• 11,,. 1111• """ l.1noltv. U>r mn .. 1 r ftlrlrnt .-.•..::: -av•o I '.! ;. :ind 1••tlf ~ :o '" \\'111 '1110·1·· 1•nm1• II ll'•'lll•·ndrori. rlt-t1111r·.'· hr1rk 11111 ........ 1\,1\' lo ltu!ld up . hl'alth~ J... Scaloppini, Chicken I"' :1-1111 )'l:t1'\• or •lw\\ l~·tl Ir\,.: I lrnm th•• .. 11.11101\\' "hll'11 1llU1"I "~· '""C "' • I\ inr' ,, .,., .... '• ••. W lh "mnrni.: Cu;11 inn ptl'kPtl up d :11m0"1 h tm tn .l.1nu.11 \ 111 1''11o """'· '" ·, l'.l\ roll "'" in1t' l'lan for 202 Main Sf. 0 Steaks & Roast Beef 1111, ··N"ont! n.·i h~ "Jl n'<". Ill.' 1!'1 Tlw H:onohrno• l''"\o·d 111,1 ~·· 1•0""'~ '"''"' ''" "' 11,·q h,.,,,,1 l1''\'.lll"<' lw "''n !ho• trnl:1y ~" h" ~,111,..t th•• 111, 1._111 h> IOnol' or > nur It 1111.·,. llond· \·:\lonlh •-IL--"'-lif Cocktails 1 1 k !'l..111. •~ ... ,,'''"-'-~""a:' """d ,au ~ DOe, "41 • F11111r11~ a t I ~ lmt1r11 l,1,1 )1'.tl I 1111n 11 ucmi: ."'' '"'' • "T1h• fl.tilt •dd lo your hond hol.1111::, 1 .. nn" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~:':·~~~~·:':':~~~~~~l'~lt~h~r~r~t~h~r~t-~~~t~1~11~1t~\~t~q:·~1 hr 1nal R 1 1th Stnr) a t 1 I''''''' •di•• ·nore ~wrrf~I ~lrldr lo~~rd ~rru . ----• I Tiit· n.11'4· 1n .. k1·tl """'' t .. •h·~ 'II)". Thcb«o•I Chri•lm•• ,rlfl ~OU fl•n "ho rl'm1•mlw1.-I '"' h.tt.;t.;.o• I ar•· .;h•e your family 1, lo "'"'' a Iii l"'otrant'I' .11t"r lo" 11o•.11 I.it ii "I'· •l'ar pJ3n of aulnnt .. llr mnnlhly bftn1 Ry F.I> S..\IS SRl'R\' ('lll<'AI.•) t l 'P i Joo• Lf'nCkr. :incl m ''"r' '1nro• 1 9~::0. t hinks lhl' tim·· •~ rt1<•· rttm 11'1 hrrn~ nut o n<' n( t\\ • II•" .thud~ lw has t11·1 dntx'<i Iv 111:.ko· r-;or" r1111 lwt lo•r l.111('!(1 I• 111 I )':1r1n? ror t)IO' llrl'!l• C'nl to markl'I whal h·· c·;ills t h<' ""I" "ff\.\:!) t'IWk I :11J " T\\11l•r 11111•1 11•:1r• fr11m nnw it's i:;otni.: tn hr• th1• "Lt•nrkt cockta rl " Ttw !lllN·d\H1y ''nl'kt11il ill 11 fluid whi•·h t 1111 111• nu1 rn 11 motor tn prn\ rd•-, h1l 111t'a t 1nn r11r 010\"illl; P"rls 11 h• fl 'lhl"' m o t1ll' jc; slarl.l'd nut thl· Lr nC'ki eockt ail is to rl.'- pl:trr i.:a<ullnc-ani1 1:1\'I' 100 milri; Ill t h .. s::illon tn hrJOI ''Thr ht>lr is bc-i.:inning tn run drr." l..f•n•·k1 satrl "T1111rs v.·hy 1hl' a111\1m111h1• rndu~tr) is intt•l'f'stod in the fuel. S o ~aJf\ \'r t. "Ru t tll<'y'rr lntrr1•strd in t ht' sJ)('r rtway l'<X'ktall, too. And !hut coh1mnls 1 wh" s11lct I had !\Old 1h1• fuC'I to SOJlll' Detroit m11nuractur<'rs w11• wrnni;: l h11vrn'1 sold anythinR yc-t, hut thr~'n• talkini: ahnut hll\· Jni: lh" Sf~<'dwny, ('(l('ktail." · LC'n('ki said thr nutomoti\'e man- ufn1·1 ur"r" 1·nulrt llSI' his lubri<'M. ini: rl111'1 in th" prr<l'nt motot'1', hut t.o u~r thr J:ll'lnlmr :<uhstitute thry woolrl h,I\'<' In 11~1· his own mo tor design. • "Thry f'fllllti U•<' my dr sil!M with only minor c-hani:rr; in thf' m :i - rhlnl'• :i nd ninldll t h r :v ha\'(' now," .h<' i;:i ict ''1lll' o nly thin~ rad.iC';1I 11h0111 11 \\'t1t1lri hf' th;it lhrv r ould l>ull'1 1•ni.:1m ·• iii 1 h. oh. a · 35 pt•r crnt rut in costs " I A'lll"k 1 tic·~il:11t'tl hill rir<I au ln- m ohill' mo1iir in 1922 11nd dPsi~nl''1 antl huil1 hi• fir•t mntnr in 1~:.>R llr '"Y" ht• no"' fuol r•nn hr n1:in11- fnn11ro•t1 at :i lo"rr cost th;in ~"~'"I linl'. • f"nrmula s,.,.rrt "T tor·l 11 I,. 11 l''tn hi' flrodurt'fl I ch'"<tl•'r 11n1I ~"Ill C'hf'nflt'r," hr ~11ifl I \\' p .i 1" hi" \l'f>11lrtn't rl'\'r:il lh1· I fnrmnl:i. h" •nitl th:it llfl In 7(1 f!<'r ,.,.,.,, .. r lh•· 11111t•·rial nrrti,.d rnr th·· li1111rrl r :111 h1• prnrt11r·<'rl from frtru• "1• "111 1.,. thr"•' \Nlr~ or m"'' o,, r •• ,. 'Ir· l•h I \\Ill hr :t\'1lilahlr r •• th• "' • r "'" ''"<tnm<•rc;. hut J thmk ,,,,, tllf• 11 ul~1r., uirhi..:tr~ \\•ill tw'~ln "'fll'rimr•nt< with 11 lonL: It. f11r. llll'fl." ho• < 11rl t. .. nr k I 111 .. ~ll I hrlir\·,. hr nN·'1· a tlal• nt "" "'" furl rvrn if it w ill S OW PU\'lSG Frank Capra's ~ 'Meet John Doe' Robert Ta ylor in "High Wall" with Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck Blondie's Annh·ersary" FOOD COSTS AND STILL ENJOY A FINE STEAK TO BROl.L OR BARBECUE T-BONE STEAKS Cut any t~ickne88 you wish 65~ POR I ERHOlfSEi'fiWKS For Broil~ng or Barbttue ,,~ A LL t T T FaOJI ('OLOllA.00 J'l:O L \TTU: ,.~ c.....-ce Jjaikl.UC. .. _,......,.... BULLETIN• \\e .... _, •-tllrtllc Gt:sn~t: • B Aln·· BE"t:t ·_.... at ~ 1-wlll llkf'. All • ....._. BAJl\' Bt:t:t• C'111• a" fn.m call ... IHltttm to etplft>a _.._ ..._ s.tt I• ..,. t...ett ...t poooi. CHUCK ROASTS 7 ·BONE ROASTS ROUND BONE RSTS. ~54~ RIB STEAKS SIRLOIN STEAKS T-BONE STEAKS- 69~ 69~ 69~ POR I ERHSE SI 'KS. .:.:;-,:. 75~ SLI BACON t'l'l..1~ Kl..H-C." 55' • f"a~ ~-. TaWr Braad a SLICED BACON Your Complete Sotislocfion Unconditionally Guaranteed West Coast Meal Co~ Bt:A<'OS .i'i!I ... C'O"t& MHA \\'holesale .Meat. and Pro,·isions ,. I •'I ,ti H•n huyln1t. For ,.~ .. mplc-your In,.,.,, '111•'~ p11•h"d .1 1.il•I•' II(• 111 11.,01 .nf'nt of Sll!.7:. a ntnnlh In " ~a\'ln.r• bond evrry m onth until !"hri•tn•A• "' tum I•• k··• I' ·"' 11 Ill• ho•rd, 19$7, will rf8ull In a "'''' rcr ot 1:1\1• 1·1111 1 1~1 11111··~ , ... r 1::11lnn 1 "Yn11 t•11n't hro•r1k lt d nwn." h• c;111 d I '··n 11 I I.' 1 \ •' n rht•m l•t :l!!!!oo!!!!!:~~~~!!=!!!=!!'!:!!!'!:!!~~!:o!!~~~~=!!!!l=:!!::::!!!:~~!!=!!!=!!'!:!!~~!!o!!!le!!!!!!!~ • 1hel>OU. llOU2E OPENING Friday, April 30, at 4 P. M. . Under Mono?emen~ H. M. K E E N H 0 l T S I 41.> t:. C'E!\'TRAL. BAI.BOA lo>( \\di Wl•h"r' ,11111ht•11 :1-. ll<nl\·111"91.N . I , •'<I 11n 11rw •tel•• It~ \I ,., H1,q ,., t <:1n1"'•1 h1• ;'tilt llC'tll•' nu1 ,,·t1af'..: ir' 11 .. 11n 1ho·n1h•·• h) '""''r11.·1 r• ·nd I Tho• l1<1lll• 1\.t\ o•d '" 1 llM\ ~ , I /o fltll'fl'\\ r 1f\'I' ,l,111Jlt1lt.; Ill •'I• 1 I c~1m1•r nnrl 1 h1•11 h1 11'•'<1 I , ,, 1 fl<'N'1•pl tl•I~ 11~ lloo• t to\\,j II 11••1 1n II• !ohilk1• hrimt ... Hnl)(• fin.illy lo•,m1·tl h:wk I, l.•nol tht• pmt o~·1 1 .. 11 ,.( h r• •'"ITII' 1 •n- nn1I 1'1\llt"I r .. r ,, ""''' ,\11ol •h, •, wn.• :1 h.tpfl~· •111111• .. n h1• I ''" whr n th!' '"'"'' "' nl•'I' 10.1k ,,, , r Tiw H11lw t.•ld '1lw111 that It• '"'' p\llting on \\0•1r::h1 :ind l•'H lh l•1• mur h hc-ttt•r I Thn.., ... lUund.i..., >4dsf••d "'""' n•1 j F1orlcln \'rfc:1 t i"n ·· h·• , 11 n;;J;-t'To,i "I Wt•rxh1•rl 11'!4) "h1•,,....I l•·I • 1 Ji, h(l!tpital Ami n!'W I'm ll.11 to :.1J.J F..ntlni: !!"'"' ""' !oi•• ''"'" i 1 \\o•'n-nff IC' l h•llywr4'.>c1 In •Ill• I· Vl<le lhl' piCIUn'." TOE JOY For n'llr f nf Athll'tr', I ""' and Rlnp nm1 l nf•'•'llo11. • 11·-folllH "nt,..-cl • 11·-~fl~ • 11·, t:tr,..·th·r .. s-\'t>ur ,...,.,., On11u:1•t or ~r1tf': Bayha Pharmacal Co. SS12 \\ .... t \0f'rlllnn , ...... a.-Anrl~ u . c·a tll. ~. ... .... , ,,.,.,. ""' l11 how I ran look 'Cl ,.,..., a nd nah·e aad rf'aJly IMi UN-df'Nrrnlnl. 4\C'~IDl •tln krr that I am:" ·l • We are equipped to gi-re you expert sentce on vour mot« whether it ii just a roulwo ch~k or a co.pkte OYtthauling. We ~ialitt in JOH~SO~ tttViee and any a stock of JOll~SO:'i paru. Thia av.ailabk ~nice i.t one of the many utras )'OU ~ whtti you make JOHl'iSON your oulboenl -mo&or choia. South Coast Company . '.'tAllNt: A~"D GL,'DIAL llAllD•·AJu: !Srd at c·,.., ....... ...