HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-30 - Newport Balboa News Times.,. LIDO IL l'ETE88E..~ ~~---.,..._ 1be entry of the latter. an offlDring of the ~ last long shot winntt-Gallah8dlon in 1940. paying $72.40 to \\in-brought the fleld to seven-one more than had been expected. though post~ rGL"'an li t1J.• ill Slid\ I\ 1'1lllltl fk"kt a nd Dierl>y dllltlrt~ or a mile and a 111u11·h•r. Gale<to dreW dlit rall. C'Ml10\\"ll No. :~. i-: .... ·a- . dru No. 4,· G~· Nu. ~1. H1lhn~~ No. li. and My Rt>Q\M!$l No. ~ LOlJIS\"D..J...E. Ky .• April 36-4UPl-Se..-en dlorougtlbndl. nmcing from a 1 to 10 choice to a 100 lo I shot. 1"'ft mtft"f"d-..today for the 74th ....... n...mg of thr Kentucky Derby to- monoa-. 1be <-itances Wt'''" however. that QUedo \\rill not go unless t llt' track is muddy. Enlt'n>d along with the favori te and the I~ shot were Cooltown. which will run as an entry with Citation : My Ht.'t1uest. F~-.cadru. Billings and Grancfl)t•r'€'. Jf all aevcn go th<• 111 ... 1 .11 ti.:to p m. EDT tomo rrow, the net v~hK' of t ht• winlll'I' In Ilk• $100.000 adMd ~11· "111 111· ~s 11100 Ea d 1 withdrawal --• tbr 11w1w1'). h;1w 1111til 11 lrnll n.1·. ntau-.. , In f..-t al lhr "IN'. l·'a\'Ol'f'd In "In AnM"rt.,.· .. tur f c•la-t1•, thl• ahol ""') IM' "'IM"Alf'd tof111\r- ro\\ al ('h11 N'hlll Uo" n•. nw,· ran from Otation. CaJumeJ . Fann·s tbrtt-yeu:-old streak of turf lightning and the bol~ ra,U'ite in the l\Nory or Der by lx>t- tin&-to Galtdo. thr rank outsider. Citation drr w th<> No. 2 post J)Ol'ition - --al- hour bt>fore poet tlll\t• lo N'rttkh • • "1111ld d1•· CJ"eaSe the wlnner'a p 111'l.I· ~ 11HIi1 · · "' ·t ''" 1· .. • _ .. _ q ~ ~~ t i l L I 1 j l .l ABC NEWS,..A,.ER ONLY DA IL V H b ,... : I ar or,:·: .. • • , :---------....... ~---------- IN ORANGE COAsT ·s LARGE S T C l 1 BALBOA IMES .. ""'·~··· ll A.M .• r .s T. om.. ··~ "\'f'f'-.,;fW I It 11 1t ' t A t' • I \ ' '-t I It 1 t.I •Ill 11.' "" , • '•I ' .' t I I IP tltt I.' ,,. .. ._., 11 .. t ••• r'C.. I o ur EMMACING IAUOA rENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, uoo· ISLE, NEWn>RT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND . CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA 1.Sho1dM -- ln Holy Land As Truce Off SEWPOaT BEACH. CALIFOaNIA. 1'1UDAY, AJ9. It, llUll Un114!d p,,..,., A"mr Trl,.11hnlo• • ...., ~... '''"at:M .. Jf'Hl'"Al.t:l41. Apnl JO-CUP•-======-=======-=======---======================-===================-====-======...,.-======---..................................... .,.==""""==;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;==-="""_...._ .... _.;.====-===~=-;;;;;...--__..._.~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-llt tnt,,.,...... J,,.....et ~ ....... • BIG cm·. 'nwr'P's M>ml'- thing about a big city -that k-a\ 'eS }"OU cold In our be)-day it lR'd to be fun to elm~ to Loi ~·do a mile of 5bl '4Jintg. haw din- , ner and ..._. a show. Today ••• well. it's~ a..._,...,... sta.noP. You mmr to t.aR the auto 011irlg. to intftl.lle' tra.ff"r and pa.rking at dizzy JWices. So you clamber on a bus that gn-es )'OU .a hmd- ac:t. from its offemivr odors and thr ~ anuid ·you ba'-e thr saJnl" opinioo of ~ anien and the md ol the linr. Wonder' if any of our bigb-pJlll-eftd eagjoeet s are a-orting on plans to eliminate thr ~ smells or some satisfadOI')' S)~ of cool air. In the decades that tbr bmfs 11;n-. bttrl ~ erating. dam ff'a· change5 for the bettn ha,·e been made.. Someday. didja say? • • • Se r-Sllep! You mean- der along Broada-ay. enter a store here and there: poke on up to Hill and along 7th and after an hour or two yoo're so gom ~ M.ha~ed doing nodtifl1t. that you de<-lare: -.. ~....,. ~in·· -until tht• next time. Y .. ~. ~ of tht• ~ ~°""" "ill ""-I.aim: ""\\by ~Of ~ a t fl()fJl(':'" ~··re ridtt hut t he' rlon't a.J--3\ ha\r thf> ~. \'()U ••mt~ ~ ~nu kf"l'll ~nJ!. But thr ~ {if\· ha.-. m.,fk" pos_q1* thr t~nd~ or smaJl t radrqnm in t ht> nut- ·~~ district! mack> J>""'."i· hie till' fa.~ ~\1h of tO\'n" like ~1JOC1 Beach. ~ cause. f1lOn' ·n more. Pl"OPlc Muse to get janglerl nen·es and discomfort just to !'.(.'(' "°"'" Los ~ t i<it...o;. • • • •·an•••r Sl00.000 bid to !'i('("U.n.' the 76-acre ~and rail terminal ,i;ite a t the old Army Air Ba.SP. is just another stra•· in the •ind of prog- res5.. Tom HendiM'Mn. and his UllOCia1e$. knoa· t he ne('d for IDOft" storage. •;th space , In Santa Ana 5e'l.ling for anJUDd 10 omts a square loot-and none to be had If the offer is arl'l'pted perha~ a siding can be installerl Deilft'f" ~-pon-as it ~ noa-. or 11-as durim.t the war.;. cars v. ew shunted '"ia llun t - ington Beach. in addition to ~ brrJus:ht rrom the rount~· seat. • • • 8cfMill ..... Drfnitrd. Lofils of the cYJllTlhtrw'fi "'4'hooi bond L~ in Santa ,\n;1 Tuesda ,. . mean:-. at ";JI t>l' mam · months beforr hond.; can ~ bl> pn~ted. Op- pmition of Thll" RA.izi<;ter. whidl had protested some of thr p•ic irs ol thr lblrd ot co.cl • • ..._, tl "tn:~ ~.\R\' Sl~<·t~R lf>fl ctirnd1tlr nnr hritthl .. unn~ mflrintt ....,.,.ntl.• to r t In " "IWll nf dHt•·"'"a fl,hln' ..,,.,~ma~· ot n111~ n ut ""',. "'P"•-lf'd In run Into thl" kind of htf'k , ,\n~"a~. a 2 1·11ound h:tllhut m:ik'"' a nk-t-, hf'tt~ lm11fl\ lo lakf' lt11,.k to flM-f1ol&c .. •I httnw. ~h .. haulPCI It In .,,.,., lhr n.11 of tlw ~lq. APRIL Will LEAVE WITH LIGfiT RAINS f,.1 l"l ,\ ,, ;f:l.f-:.0.: .\p1111(1 tf "J' I .\p:1I \\111 l••.1\1 \\llh lt ·ft' ... hr•\.\•-r.._ 1n ~otth•·m ('"~tltf•·nu. ·h· \\•tt•h··r llun:ua (.,,.,..._, ... , t•·· 1 .. , f 1>hU1•1 h~ SI IY'"". SOVIETS . SAY RED OFFICER 'KIDNAPPED' 1wr.1.1 :-. ,,,,,.1 :111 11 ·1·1 11 •• Jt11 ...... 1ar.ltt·•·ti. .. •tJ fh\\'"' 1t.:•Ut\ "" """ "'"""'' lhMI twtf ol .... Ar .. 1...-·~,._,,, .. ,•I Kai.--.. ...... -.....) pn No:.-.ct,. •1ct1•... .... k•'1<nl n(f ttw ...,......,...,. betta. ol J •TU!'.tlt m At tn II , .. ,~ho-.ur '"""" f• ... I Ar•"• , .. """"°""" ,.,,.., .._. _. I .---------------------------------------~~~----~-----------' AlllLUI, ft4W1' -IG•U • .-,..-tW>-Ana '8 t, ..... a·-...... . By Planning Commission I lt ''ns IParncd todav that t firm uf Hnhn-C11mpbt'll and A-. I soc1all'S. of San Matro, C111lf., h aw ll('('n ~1>lrc·trd b} lhc N<'Wport H~ hur Pl:mninR C'ommiu1on u lhMI' choi«' to execut"' 11 rTU111ter plan for futurr .dl'velopmf'nl of New~ port Beach. The rommluion will thrlr rrcommendat ion to the c:lty council for rallflCll(lon at an eatf¥ date. I A Lilt of at leut n1ae aPl)la,dlt Wiii ft'\/~ by~llft'ftlnl eDflto I m.i!'11lon , hradt'd by Wa lter J . Long· I moor . Philmc:>r Ell.-rbrot'k , ond I ' .......... ... 0 .. ~ ... . ..................... _ .................. _ .... ...... ., ..... _ ........ .. ,.. ~ lhr •miatr .. .... •• , ..... w-Ka•--., _.._ •• ,, J~a.-........... 1-h lf')' 1111.pnall ffln"l'I .,._.. *'Ir • •> lhroustl .... Anll6c .,...... .. t .,._..__ I n .._ fldttlas ......... 1 bMtrr lhan halt ol ~lw ,..._ .,. m~ nft-nw-""', lMludlftc • _. lf'T'Y .-.-... '"" ................. ·••"'r'•" .,,._.. tb lamQft '"' al --- t4lo :" • numt...,. ot _....._. 1 •tiro.ch the llof1 °'' ......... mrduttr "'~ ~ .. l flkh11r1t PlrJ:c•r , hrforc the ~cc-• tlon o f llahn -Ca mpbdl was m11dr . I T hr San M atro firm wns rcpr<'· ''*-,.....,., ...dolo-d up to lhr •I~ I• C!l9o ~·nh'fi in talks hcrr by Jamc•s A •as;...,.r pboM>sni.pher Just dob'lf M1 Jab -Object of a rttlladf'lphla, Pll.. ralll'Olld ..... ..rn.. -U.i•I of tlv n ty, ltlflC ~ • I Cnmptw-11 who Pl"C!lf'nlC'd 8 Sf'riMO OD ...._kl &boot Ulr IU'Tlval of Jame. P. lllmllb and Da•ld Almr tda fnJlll ,._ one.a. .. •-&Ital Ill lnn'tlah&r .. lltlOft .. -• ol U. ''' r i:-rommf'ndations to mt:'mb<·rs nf llllartalr af Pat.rollgan C«U ll'llllar. I.be phC>tor..-pber ..., •UM~"11 bf IDl'lnbrr-. t>f Uw fllnlUi ,......,. ICf"ctu.Ji wHJtl ""'' t:rf Ow dlJ'. s.>e Detectlff IMJ)t'Clnr RJch•rd Doyle <let\, w1lh cll•rt'll a11 .. rn11t.a ID .....,,.,.,. thr h•1•lf'• ,..m,.•-II the out-Roinll cily council 11nd th• ~.bead DOl lhowi.n,1 u &nll.h'e rf'IAUYN tin dark nvl'rrt•~f 11n1I al «UU'r ''-hl •~"""II '•''.'"" •aa-h ,_.,, ,, .. ~ t 11 • n1•wJy.,l'IC'CllJll majorily the da) <Xlllt and ball, 1U~I" wJIJ1 J.11u.. 1" ~·•· '" <;.onrul 1101Jtofnc. followintt municipal l'lt'<'lions hC'n· hulldinc II nlfltroh Ow hNrt ol Altboui.:h no offu•tal lalk~ ha" , j •hr n ty h1.-.•n hf'ld b) lhc· ('tty coum•tl, Wh•·'Coal Operators l HOUSE PASSES RENl iNflATION ...... In l hr ... ,. J_,.,, fonlfe ' tt ulllm111 .. 1y ,,.. th" onn who , I , "'r•• •ltarlunc llv Arab vtJlaer ol will han· to decidr on lh<' contn c-1 10 d Contract I O\F\ ,\:-;"I IFl,''ft:;·1·~)·:-.E.•,(;.tA1I •, ~ Tl l)L,,1,,•NJ)S ('f .AIM \I ................ ,..,, .. klr1• of ~ J>rt<'•' for a m;is1c·r phtn hluC'prtnt L, d • J I"'. '\ .. • u!Mn •hr>IUllh "fh lrll Arab ,.... for :-.:r wvo rt J'Wach. If W85 undl'r• r.Jn s In une 'I I'' :.t•I ti " •• • "'"'I" ...... 11f1rn1 '"!;;;7",'• .-""" .. fry\flC to ...,...., l'lltOd thltl l111hn-C'11mplll"'IJ offl'Tl''1 Tli. ''""'' It•'·•> ....... ort•I .... '''" •• I 11111 ,, .. ' ttl ,... Tll • •rr .. t rylnc lo --· to rut lhl'lr IUl·)"f'l-undlsclosNU \\'1\~1t1:-.:r;T11' ,,,,., lfl 1-.111 '" "'' ..... "11· .• htil ... I • • ' I •••• ,.,,.t, ... .i "'" .... 11tt. •111 .. Ar ........ for a tlUDl' alt.er pl11n~ lo work rur 1t po•rlod or lw11 t I 'I•' Jnhn '. 1, \\ ~-••••.• , '"I "''""'. f. "'I ol I I olllt' '" "" t •• lo I ...... ,, . t • '"' ........ ... • ••••• : .. ~'.~~~II~ ·~·,i.·::: !'~::.::~hr '1'...,~ )rnr~ nt :1 l•rtr•"' uf S17J illl '"'di~ not1'1•1d '"" , .... 1 ''I "''""'"' tul• 1.,nd" t , •• 111, ·~ Ana hfolm Confab rh'IJ lhi> 1 'ml•"<I :\11111 ""'' k··t • I .. r "'"' 1•" •JlrfUllNf thr "'--' Mr11nwhilPmr-mb.•r s'of thf'l"il\ 1· .. 11 1rnr t••xptr1',,f1111,,·111 111• lull '1"'11'"1'°' 11' 1:•1• 1 1 '1'1'1 '1"1 11 '''1"'"11"•111• •·f ll.,.f1t'ht1n£ ll•ic•nah 100• ... 1·11unr1I, lhr-plHnnlnt: N1mrn1s~i11;1 lho• l ':\I\\' 111 , .. 1.i,11 t 11111111 .. 11 ,, \\ oll .t" 101""'"'' II l'o ''oJ 1' 1 ''1 I • '1"1 "'1111"''1'1 ,,.,,., ..... ""''•I'" ,,f l h lny-r '" '"°"" • II••'''" I \ 1tt \ 1111 11 11 \ t•,,,,,, rful •lu itflftfUU4'ft .tfl•••t f t and olh<'r .-Ivie lr·ad1•r,; lt11w· llf' .. n •11111•1·m••n" "' tli1• T . .t r lla t t Ii·\ h ' " '' " 11 '' ' ""' '""'"'".,.,. • . -d d If , f l•t I I "' I h• f '. "'' ' I I ,,,, ., \ t t ,, \' .; .. /\ ,,,,, t ;1 If,,, •• ,,,,. I on\"llC' to nth•n an all-<IRy pl11n· '"" 111·1 \Aoh1• It 1111111 11· 1l11tt t',tt ·' nin~mrrfAf thr•F:lksrluh ln Ann .. 11 .. , ... ·u o tlt't·l w ctv1•rt\\h111 1 l tH 1 11 ... 1'1"·111''''1'1•''1''1 ,.,, 1•1• 1'"'' I \.\t ......... .,.1-.s..'c• Ope w·nc1o ••• , , 1 t ,, t • ""1 ·•t· .. , ,·,,", ,. , •••• '" ,.,... iun, n 1 w h• Im on 1'.ta~ 1:1 ,1111 1nlt•ncl1tt. trt r•tHI ftl rn•-tlr\ zt1' I !I I ,,,, H 1' I; 'Du· cnnf1th will l:"' 11nd.,rwa) 111t •·1·m ,.111 · 11"11" dof..r, t •I• ""1 11111' "I' d•it• li•lltllll ITh ~--f to Ill JO 11 m wilh fl 1111n1•I nf fiv1•1 11·· 11 k•·d 1111 •I, II""' t•. ,,, tit• 1""'1"'11 ,,, lit• "' •• ,,, ol• I "· ., ,,, .tli "'' 11 " f•I • ,, "' '""· row ~re n 1tiiprn k~rs A lunch1·<u1. arr r.n 1.:1•d 11) 111 • .. •·nl "ui·~· ;1~'1 • • 111• '•' ''' 1 .. , 1 I 't' ,,,j, 111 'f'i un, ''1 " '1' '' ,! •ii '1'' 1''" '''' d 1 ' p , f• t \\ •11 u • f> ( ()ff• p t t thP Annhrim R n t11r\ rluh lh•· IH ~••lllttH t(lftt. "'''' ,,,, ,:,, '" 1., 1'1 ,, '"lftldtt "'''Ill tll •I· ,,,, '' ,.,,.,,, I! ,., I tU ••••0 "''1 OM Ire a ron H•·hll~ hu:erc1 11 nillh1•.iun1urC .• hJtm t~ ••h 11-..111ni.•nt •fl 1 P.1•\\ 1 •1u ! '''1*1 ~ 1 'f'''''' ,.,,,,. <t• A f,,, .. 1·11nh1inut;:: " (~ft lH'r of Ct"tmm•·r<"f'. y.·i JI hr fn(lJV'1 -11 "' • ff,, ,1, ''l1J" 1 '' I •••1 1 ' 111 1 ~t . t. l·• •I 10 '''' l u~··• ''"'''' ,.,._, d" •1•-n w'lntlow hy :.n arft1rt·~~ fr<.rn <"h:uh·~ \.\'I 111 1tt•· tt11"-J ft1•· 1111111r1 ht .. •~ f1t ~ .:r. '"·111•_!• t·. I ''' 't•' "'•h '" '' · ••' I•" •t .. ,.,,. ,,,., '' ~ '" "•• •' un f.t"'flt•Mtt t••• ofUrr. t .. t Elhuf. plnnninc rnn .... ulfsutt ft um '•• \\otk \\1thnut .• •nnt r.u I 1•1,. '' Ill Jh • ,,,.,,.t,•t ,. •1 "• 111 " 1 " ,,, ·~., ,1, ,,, "'•'"* ""'' ..,,rnr ,..,.,... J•nc;,n,l•·n:t '•n11uli1) fi11hu1 ''' .11·1• • ''" ' "'" •· • ' ~tt· I , • f' d h\ ,., I• •••• • ., l'• ··• • I ' '" ,.,, .. .,. At :! I'm n ,.•rnnrl pnnr·I \\"Ill , .. ,,, ttu·t h \ .ft Ht• • .,,, '''~1Jld 111 HJ. I•·'''' t ,1 , •• 1.1, v t ' '• I .t1 '• '' ·• ' •· t • • •M • '''· t 1 '' 'tu ,,. ,.,, •h'-' "''••ti •·> ~Ira .. 1• ;ul :1 t:• n• r:.J ,h ,..,r•tt'"-ltHl ,,0 ph.•~··' ltu lht••HI o f ,,, ... 1f11 t '' ''' It ti , u ti 1 • • •1 t •1 \ '11 1 1 • I 11 I• •I • • • t •I \\ f.1 ,.._, "'•• In ,. , • .,... tWJX u( c ii~ pr ut.l1·m.!' f1larlf"'~ M Dht· ... , ,f I Cotti f I• td... I h• l-'"\ • ''''''' u t I tut t•• • ,,. ''' """· ,,f t' i t ,, • •,. • • • I • ., •·•• r ''' , '"'"'' t ••f ''" rfll,.... )' Of'"tk' i:•, f•l.innin~ 1.,1,"111i:rn1 t11r f Ir ftr""'llm11hl) w1ot1fJl 1" '" I """ 1• "'"·"'.,.. ""'' II • '"'""""" ,.,,..,4 ~11:~:~.t-;"'"1~· will ,,.. " r·· 111 111<1' wi:~ ·~.~ .. ~~::~1."",','.";;: •. "1 ,, .. ,.. STEP t" P II El J( 'OPTEf( SEl<\"IU: ~~:: 1.',,':~~".•~.~.k·,,~:1:~~1·''·,:;:~ rr;U'1 ' of r;-un ". r• rr..,--nrti• -·t a l ofl11rb;ink l.J•nt:: R<·ach anti :O.t1 \\'tl~•n llC'f11n-da .. ·n. ( llhrr ~hnv. - t•r• V. PfP P~pl'('fN11:JT7it. ,,,,;-.. ~,-:1 l••l.I\ 11 I " :-; .. MAYOR 0. K. BlUE \I• t ,!I flt\ ,.fl"• r lh•,oflf • lr•_,I ,\prtl '" fhr pr"'""' rn11•1 "' '•" N() {'11 1' ~·(,'L,' I ,\." l,()('_AI, ~('ffL:t)I f,L,' '.,,. ''"""'' e111I l•1l'1 II ,,..,..... 1111''1"'1 lhl' ...,.,.,t .. 11 """""""',I '\l' r: ·' ., I'. J'. ... II • ............ II• in tu1n ... 1~ , ..... I .......... ltl:f"•·Pd In nlttl'1 '" \\ .1'-h ,, • ·-····, :!1 :1r1 .. r h•· .,,, • .,1 ... 1 :111 '"' tl:t1111n I BACK IN CITY 1n,•1nn ,,. nr·s,:nth•f" 11 "''" ;1,.•n·• 1 .. ,~ ,.,, ,,, ''' · ••l••I ,,,, .• ·1 •. I •. ,., •'t•lt!••f••' 1, \\ •'''' '')""" nu•n•Rf"lfi to nt••nl 11-flJ,, ,,, r., •tl1toill1 fh,1• "''' ,,, .... , ........ , q "'hi tt1n t hy Th" 194i-1H !>Nll'fln prnh.11·1~ ,,. 111 i.;11 tin\\ n a ' """ nf t lw f I\ .. dn"'' nn f""('Ord ti) lhP l/" An.:••I,., 1n h•a ·•' 1tu· hur:1•· ,,( th•~ ,\nit 1 a .. ran h.11 IM•I 1·11rnm:11Jtl•·r m H11•1w•n. · .1 \Ir ' C1;1m" :u·rn thr Wf':tlhrr hurl'All •rtul "Ill··!-'"' 11·1• •·l~•rl:t"I t h:it tlw .. 1. ~lily rainfall in pai;I )"Hr-h1t-f1rrr. I.I ("111 J JI f ,,.,fl)"\Ao , \\,t"' ;i1·1>rni;: .. <1 :II> mr hf'!< d"~flll" 1 hi> I k1'1n:ip11i·d fal'I lhM during thl' last 51 Yl'RI"", Ru,.,urn 1111lll'lri11••• pn•l"""''<l !hi' mon1 h ha~ rnnkl'd lowrr th nn : nn1"' 111 Am•·rt<'lln nffw111 I• '" l1n•- 11ny olhf'r mnn1 h for percr n lage nf 1 m•·n and lwtl'<' In Hr11: l.rn Chn~. pn!'•thlt• ~un .. hmf'. Wl'lllhPr bun-au I G111l1•\. 1·h1l'f or ~t:off in 11<-rlin. Htl' tr<'Oni"' ~how. 111:•·nr·y n ·port1:d ~1a>or r>al11t,K .Rlurhn~r""· t "nrlf'rth,.tt·n11'''''l1• 1u •"'••'i '"I''' "'"' \'•''''''••••, ,, f ,,~. \ ,,,,,, .• ,1 .. ,,.,,, •• , ,, • ., ·,.".;;n.,,_,,·;·,1 •,."~nny fttrn•·<I 1o h i4': ho m r· tn Nf·\\·11orf 1 nrttrnrt 1..-·v.-, "'"'' J,.:I\•' 11nl\ 'U1 , ,. hl lt ,1 ""'"•·I ,., .. 1 1111,11 11" ' 1, , 1111), ,,.d ,J, ,,,, tft, .,,, ,, •• ,,,.111 ,,. ,,u• ,., , h·. k th,, .... ,., nnd offtiCIP Jlrii.:hfs from lln f'nf11r ('l'd Vnrll• •Ill \'' nr1f lf'I' ltt ftl" "l"'lltf"I' tof tit•• JollH' Ill• ,t '' t l•o lf11l I\ I• I f:.,•tl1 ' • tll I• 1•1•1• '1 '''" rt l""'ll•I•• t .. ilrt UJJ Illa ~ tum lak•·n l)n nrlnrP 111 h ie p'1yq1r •rod"' lh,. Hl(r••1•m"11t , , 111 I I I ! 11• r+•• ·1 ·~' l•H fl ,., ... UJ•Uf .,, -·•1t•r••'' th, 'tt•Jhft•1n tJJI Uah~ way. 111n. 11 wm• l•·arn1'<1, tn11Ry :111 tlu Tuft ll111tl•» Jtt'I I•' ' II""',, 1 tt ,,111 lt"t 1 .. .,1,r,1 •--.~ .. ., II~ • • t111••tlo\ •• 1.,1, .. 1 1 ... 1 .. ~ 11 • .,1 Au 11ntt .... 1IU....,. "'""'"" lrft IM Jt i!! rxpr-ctC'd 'hi' t".1:1 hr. nhl ' '''.",....~ lhl' l11n1:1·r· r." ""' ""''"~' :11!t111 1 .. 111tl "l'''l•lt • t t '•It '" •I• t11 '''' I•"'• t1 l.r i""""'' "'''' hi" l(llfl '·•,,. '' ,..,u,••n1r1 "' 11\t pr-1· to ta kC' up hill du\IC'c 'In thl' "''Y I nrlrr lh" Jtrl'~""' 11i.:t• • r•t""' lt~t It\• 1, •I ••t•I 1,. , .. 111 , 1 11 1111• d 11 111 1 1 ft .. ... If 1 f "• 11 1111 11 .. ,, "' 111 It .t 1• '''"ti.•• II'•· hn•• 11 nrglli:••nl ,.,,...,1,.1,. f•U· ., r-• " tlll' f It 1• JOI t• '' Wll I Hfl ,_.. t I '' • •N· 1 tr """ tlmlllt•t .,.._ ~xi m<>cllni: o f lhf' rity rounr ll 1t~1r111.11 I 10-ilny v11r.nti11n on Jun" l lit••t•i•lt 11,. , .,tt•I•·" 1 t•"tt• , 1 • • 1 •· 11 t ''" 11•" .', t1i 1 ''"""''' ,,,,"' ••I '''" K"'"K hofn•· r • ..-llw nlKhl t!I iwt for M ay 10. ·' 111'· wlwn flw t-.111 1111 .. 1 •·111l• \'I t•I• ,1,,. • •• ,,1 •• t t 11 .... 1. 111 I "0Vf'rnmt<n't ih th!! .. nrar fulUf l' • ~11 t 1·11111 mln•·r" l11•i.:111 1tw t1 111• ti''''''" t11 •1 ·1•• 1•,ll •\l•1t•I 1 1 I I I I 'I I I I ...._ I ' 1111, '"'"''''' d ••I I• II•,.""" 11 "' r• Jul tw-fot1• It Wiii~ ril(h l.-d ru1n<Jn1 'h" rnln,-r, w 11J h•• 1n Hu· nutldJt·IH ti .. '• ,,,1,11,\ 1,1.1 ,,,,.,, ,,,,,, .J , ''' lhl'fr 1·1w1111r/n In 1'"17 lh•·v I 11•1t1f.,,f tit ''" ,.,,., """ JoOo..• I• 11 .. 1 '"•-rr "" '"''r '""'" th11t 11\t> p-•t FINAL TAX -DATE DOESN'T BOTHER MRS. KELLEMS '1"1.nof rr·lum frrnn lh•·11 \W ·~··11 1 ·· "''1 ' 111111t''"' ll '••l•llflll•~I Ion l't•i.:·· 4 1 ''"1"'' hitt1 t ..... n "ktlf...-tl.-d !l't·r·· 11nl1I 11 n<·w 1•on11 1111 "'"' •1.:11· d * 1 U. S. MAY BUY ALLIES WITH ARMS SHIPMENTS nt 'FF ALU, :-.; Y , April JIJ • wt1rkln1: \\'h~. '1 It• n ~h,,111d I t11k•• Sh" do·rlllrNt lh" wll hholcfim: 11<'< 1C P 1 \'ivlrn Kl'llt•ms. the tax-1h .. 1r mon• > "h• n lh•) ur" J""' h11d nrvrr livC'd up to 1111 own f"ll * Weather&. 'l"idt•!-i ft1th•m1: Cnnn,.c11c-ut m;inufartur ..-r a~ rnpat.lr 11( p;i~mi: lhr tr own J>05<' '' 1., ... Anir,.r,. .. •t1il '" lnlh \'.,\..,I II•,, .'I ••', ,\1•1 t ~·· t,,,, •I• I""""' 111 • 111• 1 o1 "' It ,,..,._, l•·Am<-<I 1hn1 '"' SP"'f'"lflt '<:ltd lhl" Th•· flnal <lay fnr ftltn~ l:tll( ... -·11 .. td•ll "I" 111 lllHk• t h• .... "rltoucl)• l<i<lfl) v.111111 r.~ "'" 1. "I'• •••• , ..... t .. t ' '····1• •• l"lltt•tl ·1 '"'''"'I' ""·11'• ''"'' 11 .. ''"'"'lfl' ,,, tnflf\ .. \ loll• 1,....n dfof··r- 'JU.trl•rly v.11hh11ldmt:: laJI r••um• '111•• "1l·\•.ir.,l1I :0.11'<'< Krollf'm'< <'llll1·dwnrkin1tm11n IRX('(tn~Q111tl". • 1fl1•r•.,l lti.;h1 ,h .. \\•I' '-• ,.,•t•·•f l l"'I''''"' I• "I•"' I•, 11• 1t" I• "l••••I l•r1•l111 .. 11 t•. "" • ·1 .. 1111~·1 >•I f••r th•' IHTJI' But II WA'< ··,11~1 :infll hrr d11)" fnr_ hl"r "'hn mr1n•1fv ·11ir•·• "''''" £"1"' '" "hr 1111irl .. Yrt. thr work,·r nr\Pr , •· ttrltn""" 1 1111t~h1 .inrl s .i1 11,.l t\ ''"" ""'' "' • ' '· • '"' • '1 1 '"' '" 111•1 IH · '''''""'"' 11• "" "'·' ... ,,,.,.,,~ lh 11 ''''"' $lll0,000,· !'hr •::11'1 tlw ~"' "r"m"n' ,.,11 \\'""'I"''' . f ··.nn I ..... lw' n """ '"" "' ' 'hr mrt11"Y th Al h'· f'nrn• nntl .-h1 II "'nrm• r S11 i "" " I '" 111 ·" llt '• "'' '· "' " It ' ' "· ' •'' • t• ·• d ' ""111111 ,, • ' • • • "''. " ., • 1 ''• • ..,,., "'' "'' 11 '' 1 .... -n ilo11-rn~ t\• n• '"'"h"ldini: •RXl'11 frCtm ti '" • 1 I • '' ""' '111" F.to 1:1 1h.1t 1• 11n·Am<-tw:rn " wln<ty. • r• ti • t ' '"' 1 1 " .. 'I.'/• 1• 11.ol •II" ••• "") .. ,,,.,~1 l1y '~"' •lrtl•· 1i. Ji."ll ln1t'f\I h•r Sh• '"'' "t lh~"'''"'l' ,..,,," :ir< ~hi '""' ""' •lul n " I .,_,,.,,. ftMPEllATTlllF.14 s 1 '·" • • i11 'I.' i, .. ,, '• "'•') '1 .. " ,,,, i•m 1l•,. fl\•·'"' ml"'"''' ""' .. ._.,...1. """·"''•'•tt,••n ·~· 11 I ,.,,...trrd•,1 T •"I"' •t ''~1~ ii.,.·I 1.,,,. ••1tt .,. .. t • ~hr c: ut1 th< C<i\rrnmrnt v.111 rr~ Jt '"' '.,l'•r"i·fr• • n ,,,,fl ,,f th• '' '' f •• f I" \\tirk• r' in h•·• pl.in t fl1i:h "'r;, ,..,,,-, ih ' • ' ' ild 1 .. pt. • t '••I • •t u •Jn1.nn " r.•Uttf•··•fl natt1,.,.._ ~" :' ',,r~·: ,:':n·:~·l•!•;.i: ":.;~"~:r~~ r~~~-.:~r I.: . .','',: .• :.:.~·'·,. p-~~;.~·"~, ~·;·,·~ ... ~.JI ""~Ill~ I"' lflXI' !lt••f11 t ~~~ :1·; .. ~~:';d ,;," .,~~~~ ~:Cl:::::~·:"'.! ''"' .. I I' .·: ,, ,: ' 1·1·" 11111 , '.'. 1 ·1 • ,,,," ., .. ;;,; .. ;, ... ~~I: ,~:,:~: :I~.· ~;;:~;,·•; .. ,:~n~:I ~~~~ • ..... • ••' , , ,.,,,..,.,..,, 11lr• tt•I> '" 1\11,·r iukl'd far n t i 1 , ... tt rr 'h• , , ,1• , 1 1~, , • "'' tti'ihn .. ,, .. ,. '''"'"'' '~rt•ri t;, :1ul 1t • I' ~,.,. 1 .. -, '• -.~ :..~'\ 1 0:~1 / 1 1 r• I I '• d• '' · •t rt, .. t \t r "J'1 11u. u I ... m nn• it f'4'\ rr1llf•('tnr." <fiii1 , •• I .,, ,,,,,,,,t,, ,,, ti.....•1•n rlo h "'•t k•t "-tn filtn~ fhflar fl\\n ~.... :l'• f1 :t 1·~ ·~ff '·· , ,,,,,, .. t,, ·••I ,,,, '., •• ,,,.. I "" ::.nn~ '""' Th• r• l<fl• I rlt\ nnt mllr1.t l:iet n ,:l.t thfl •Inn l{rH\ h .. tn·rl h11lrton1t l•1rm~ ... Shi' tllltd. "But ,th<')' :-~ ;>'1 Ill ·,·, 5 :.'Wl 11 ·:H , 1, 1 , "'', ol 11 , 1 1.,1 11·• Hui •ho· •l•I,. drplirtm.'1'11 11 aa1d 111.llMI. wnrr~n ~ .. ,,l •h' h"'1 0,. ,..,m11un•·· 11111 " lo•·rn <tn lhf'lr own <1lnr1 :1 7 11 1 :ii. ~ r1, 11 ·• At'I"'' 1111 th• ,.1110 la fo.r ttl" 1'' MH• a..kNf lht-(lvr natlona- 1 .. 11• d tit• '''' ttf• rt1 ''' ,,,,., "" ,., Ir Bt tn n ,.. n_, i -._ I <lnn"t m• <!di< in 111 .. r•rt\:itr 11nn~ 111."''" '"""' •lnl• ""'"''...,••Ir I'"' n ·· I ~ 1 'l 4 llj 11 .:W 8 :1'1 11••·1' ti t .. l~ 111;1 t. ''''' th• if• 1 1 · "'""" ,,...£um , ,,... I 1 111 11ny n11l1•1rt ""' '"' 1 ••Ur 111111 1 :oo.;,.t ht>rltu\lh 11ntt ~ .... f-lt•• l' ,,f m) <'mployf"!' I don't trll 1t y 1a.xM frnm h<'r •'m p lo)l'l' "hr-F r-<11·ri1l 11uthoritif'fl, ,,., for, h11v1• 37 113 4 I 11'"1''' '" ''•"t..:"""""' •,umrr111 ,. '• - tllf'!TI what chun:h lo belonir; to, °'IC'"a'™" 1 h11w to pey It on l hf' samt f11kPn no &C'lll)n on Mia!' Kellem'• M 3 5:1"· l:i·12 t :U 11:06 ""1~ rr~1111rrtl ~1 irnd lh•• nrrn• w •• , .. '"'"" wllh111Jt uny pr. .. 1'""'''•1 ~-mrrt"r ~ tafGnn.90on an dltfjr _.ti.at to do w hen they are not bu1I m)'lt'lf.M ~fuaal to withhold taxE'tl. 3.8 2.0 4 4 0 3 rl:'f1U•'11tf'fl 1 .. 1((!, , ...-.. • ••• .--~ .. " ~. .., t Page 2 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TIM1':81 ~ f1l1DAV S9WJM1rt .._. ... Callf. Apr11 IO. IN8 Peril Americans in Korea Red Sabotage Perils 8 U. S. Women, Children SH 11 ·1. 1.:111tl.i\, 1' p11I '111 tt 'P • I .~1 \11••tt•·1n\\1ttt11 n .,11d t h1lch1n h1\1 In • rt•~ .11·1. ~'· d f tt•lfl 1 tw 1~1.11111 ••I c ·111 1•1 'in "" "·•k• o l nt·\\. ,.,,11,1n1u n ... 1 !'r-.~hol 11.!:. j1 \\ti~ fl'IJ111'1t'<I 1 .. ct11\ !\';unc" Hf 1111• ti\ 1•·u1 • <111, ,,,11\ /\ru11u .u1 d1 ,~.rul•11t ... u11 !111 , ... 1 110!1, 1111\ 1 I•• II \\ 11 h.!h Id Tlw} \\l'I• llm' f11•111 II•• "J .. 11rl 50 rnilt·<; ~uutl1 ,.( K•Jn·:i "' 11 ( ·.17 2 ND FRONT PA(; E E-A-R-L-Y N-E-W-5 ql111, \\h•th•I fl 1 \ it l1!t1111'T1d ""' 1111 I h ol O: • J!t,, 1ct1 , '"' 11•11r ~j ,, '•1t 1'j111 •i f111I H1• 1f1 l\otJt •, 10!11 t'• t H 1' '' 1 'u 11' .t11~1 • +\I '''" I, I 11. I• I ,t, •. ur to .• t1 .. 11t 1 p.r, .... til••'''~" '"' dt 1tt •<Ht• t t111 J1,d ..... tt;1 \11 I tr1111~1.1111 t ~ t 1(1 111'1 '.'J •I• d l••PH Thi• m1II1:11') i.;o\ 4'rn111 I 11r 1\ m•·r· I Tiu• """lot 11• 1, I , 1 ,,,1, ti '• ll'an·Ot'• 11111• cl ,.,,,.Jt,..rn 1<(11r\. •. .t 11""" .t1ul 1 lo· 1• .._ "1.,, 11 11 , Cil'n \\'11J111m I>"""· m11d1• " "l"'<'llll 11 , '"" 11 .. 4n"• 1 _,..,..,.,,. Orange County Citrus M·en to Hear Price Study 0 • ~ .. . -----7 Market Trends To Be Told at Anaheim Tonight Faith-Healer Avak ~sks to Stay Here :111.\:ltr OF:i\C11. !"la . rt·p1. A\llk. ~O-)t•11r-vld Arnwnian faith 1n~lll .1\:\'J 1S Th• c·.i11111111111 h• .ih r. ""'·'~ 11•k 1·ll 1n11111i.:rat11111 t l'illlh l'r.,•hw• 1, 1...._1111.t11,.11• ,. ... "!lwi..i~ 111 1, t hun I'll\) 111 thi• I I I I k I{ I I' II iii I l 11111•d St 111 ' 11· "11d h1• " 1f1 ,1ut '~ttnl/1 ( 1\ fh' t I..,_ I t ~•I \ LJ ~ill l l . I 1 1 lll "' 1"1•1111 lot Ji1, 11utl\1' l 1".1n hi•· ... \\I \d t ·' ),.!•,.,I I llh I tfl\.! 111 l •'iHlto.\• hi' I~ a c·tu r.:;;tlun. ~1 i.:111\1• 1.!t*1l\\1 t .... 111 '>1',tll~·· ,.,,u•i\I l11!11J.:hf ,11 flh ,\11,11!1 11/l hq.:h ,,•J11•"I 'J'h" \tllflhf11I .\1111• Ol:tll IS l:tl'IO,; ' lot i.!111111111; ;.t j :3'1 d1•J••I I 1111111 11< t'.tll"•' ht• h:as ll\'1•1·. J I •1,1\ 1•d hi' \ h,1 II i:. 1'r"i""' tlj 111 1·'\pl 1111 .11 I \,11 1 11m. th•• rt <.n1•s c.I I•"''"' 1111,..-. ·'' ,11, 11~k• d 11ll1l'111ls to r C'\'ll"w r.tni.:1· 111111·k1il · s111d11·~ ol nf 111-.1 his <'ill>t' u nit "Pl'<'~l'r\'t• 1ny ltf,. l;y l""·dw ·1... I :ti l11nh11i.: Ill\' 11w (llJl"irt11n1ty ~u1d S1•1'1'l'l.1r\ J .J 11 .. nus ''"'I Ill• (I I\ ii·')~•:. "' l't'lllalOIO~ '" lhtS 1111) tlH· .. ';\'j)rl l f\JH l'atwn 1•f t h• 1 t'uuntry. I" •rl'Ht" Jrns 11,.1 !Ji···n """l ti "" 111• :-a ul lw li;u, t111cl "some \'l·ry t A,.,.. 1 rln1ltn1t11 a n) 1-.·:olll>ll<' \ "'" <>I "11111 t Ii• l1.1ll ""l"'r11·m·1:, .. Ill P1·r~ia li.•t'UU..'W . 111;1rk1 1 \\ulllll •!hscirh' I It• 1w11nt1,J1 lw is 11 Chnstlan . air trip II• 1·tlt'j11 to <•onl•·r "''h 1I1111·11•.· 'I•' '1"11' •11 Aml'r knn and Kort>11n nltwlitb'\• •11 '""' "11 \1 '' 111 M . I>-!.• • • ll 1• ? ~<:: ., V:··~ ~: i:i caYt ...:i !'\, w Y'>r1t C• • • 11 t1 ::G·tttn O r n S ht'nnM lank ..,·ent ou1 of control at Pt ~•llm.s. r 11 r • mplrt!'ly cru~hed a 1941 !!f'dan tll'rtl park<'d in a tret L I • 1.1rk ti.id bet'n In a Colorado A&M C olll'ge ROTC •how an-v.u , ... .: drl\(D by Nal10na1 Guard orttcrrs .. •hen tt •rnt out ul ti.a::<' 1111t that San i·;1111·1~!'u h.1 \ Ill• ·' .,.. \\hult·i..1lt•rs . ar · ulft nni.: t11i.:h• 1 St•ll lhal un wnn!C'd article F ll II pri111·s han i;:1·mH ·ri. "·'" t hrough N ewa-Tim<'S ada. p •t 111 The Los Ani;drs mark .. 1 I tr=============~ Ulerro. ~l"h·· lln1,ut,,, .. 1 .. "''d thtl • ... , \ ~t·i ~ ...... _' ••. • -.4~'-'' ·tn.Jw-• c•1 !'u\t1•I l\JW H•Jl .. 11111'·• n \\ •" l f1• Latc-~t lf'li•1'ho n1• '''I""'' f1 .. m """ th1tii.: tlo 11 , ,u1ltl • ,,,. th• the lalanrl ~nut ll'ftlst m111,, '"" r;11n ""' 111•111 ,\11 , ,, .u "l'I''' • down tWfl hnlhws. 1·u1 1t•l1·pl'111n1• .. 11 i. .. h i• \! ·r •.t ' ... .:.... ---·' ,. ~fitl •rt"'!l f\I" •;t...Q lC,, ~.:· Alt J-.1 :ui.c,_,-,., ......... ....,,., :u.a...l :~c 'l.tn Cute Kids, Huh? No one v.:u lll I.he car. Th" ass0<·1<1 I tun "us o rs:11111 '• oi 1n ll1'flland;; i..~1 f)(>n·mll<'1 1111 the a\,O\\t•d pUl'.Jl0$l" of !;l'll1ni: '"I· -For You ---n ll'r p11c-.. i. for southl:tnd 1·11111 .. · r f I "",,. v.1rf'11 and k1t!n111'11x'd t h•· ch1r o •. 11 "'" 111111, ti , 11 , 1 .111 1, .. 1, 1 flc111l In thl' \lllogr of Whahok ""'"rn1w nl 111o11 ""'Id 1 ... 1•r•• Thi' ri•port:-.. 111cl h11m11111l .. 111 \.: t'lmnwrl ,,1111111 11 1, I\, I''""'''' I•• lnK thl' 11.:1,ru"in11h on or H1..:ht1,t 11i.;nit11111 ln•m th• '"' •• t u11d1•r Syn~nton Rh1'<', Ith' l11~1:1•s1 1 pohl IC'lll r1i.:111 ,. 111 !111• Arnl"rll'/111·' Ht•""'"'"· l' I''."" I 1 t.1 11 • •II I 0<.'<'u111111o n Jrlllf'. had h1 •1 n d1o;-i .ort11r 11111 .. 1111J11• 11 ii c 1 .. .i\11 tributC'd. " 111111·· ·1:1ro11nol 1 , 1111,.11 .. 1 1\p The Knn·1111 «111,1. t.11 ' ,., ,,( p111;wh" 111 i.:11111 .. '"" 'h'I" (111'j11 ''" • "•l1t•111·d di n•·il•·~ 111 tlirrno.:h t;1nd-l1~·1 .. d \\Ill'"'' In I thr 111•11u11n t.1111 ' \'11111~"' 111 d•<t• r· 11··11\') 11~ ~'.!!.~!''1' .. ,, ...... ....... __ ....... ~ •'' e-4 ,.,. _ .... .......... FjSHERMEN To Accept Bids for Live Bait Farm in Sloughs of.Seal Beach Na val Depot J-11 .. 1·nm111an<l11111. EI t>' <'nth ":\'" ,. 11 I ,\11111111n1l111n anti Nt•1 '• ,, d d 1-rr w1, ~:111 P1t i.:11. ha~ hc•t·n 11. pot. S1•11I B1.,11•h, Cnlifurnia, grow~· rs. Jilted French Girl Sues Long Beach Salesman t•.111 .. 111• ii hy lh1• ,·h 1f'f uf th•• l'1'<)J)(lS•·ll Sloui,:h l.1·a~1· An•;1," ut· LOS i\:\'GELES. ,\prtl 30 I l'P I I' 111 ·111 •I Ya rd' .ind !Jc.ck~ \\'ash-t;11·ht>d h1 l'l'IU 11r11I 111.11ll' u µart -A j111<«1 F r .. nch c1rl ,:tartt•ll ~Ult 1 _ "'" I • ( •. '" ··nl"I 111t11 ""i:11l 1a· ht•n •or. tod ay 11i.:11ins l n n Anw r ican Gt for ., "' l•ll lh•· 1 ... "1ni.: .. r l't'r t.1in' Bids \\'Ill Ill' l'C'l't•iH·tl rnr llh· n •1urn nl h1•r duwry o r f1urnl~ h1•IJ'· J ttl' , m p11•1111.: " po1 r1 .. r 111 .. !1 .. 1•111i.: 111 1l1t "'"'' . .i, ~1·1·1ht·d r1·11I l1,.1m~. ·., ol .\11111111111111111 ·11111 '.':"' Jt, p<'11. • •1 111 • 1111111 11 :10 11 111 ;o.1;,~ l.J Al 1;111r i.:1 1 ,,. <;:1mht11, :.".!, 1h•IJ!'ht1•1 l l" 11 h 0 • t11r 11\1 11111 1:11 m p11r-tlw nff1r1• 111 ltw 1ii11111111111!111; 11f· 111 .1 ''"·".'h~ !-"rt llt'IL.l'111 1.1111J11 .. p1~1. lw .. 1', N,1\1d .\mn111111111111 ;ind :-\1•1 ~:ud 1h:.t \\'h•·n A J1:11 II .. \t11·;1111~. Tl. ~r. '' ·h .. on 111o l:.nd rn 'l'h ... I>• 11111. !"i·al Hi'.1t·h .• 11111 w 1ll lw '.:'6, Loni.: llt·1td1 .. 1111o '·"' -m.m, •' 11 ,1, ' .. n•ul"r"<I h:.:hl~ ""'' thl• 1•11hhd) •1111 ·1111! ·'' lh1· ,·,m·· of11c1• ·"k•·d h• r In 111;11 r~ !.1111 '"•' "·"' 11 , l'l"I'·•-= '''"" 111,1 11.ipjlim: 1<1 11 11,,111 1.11 1h• .... 11111• c1ny. All him ~:!lf,fltM1 ""1 rh , 1 1 11· tltK'll 1· •ttl• llt'k• r ... · · lull' '''''11111 1• •I 1 41"1 lit• pl:unl~ rnl'nt.;, 11wl11tJ1n.: '"II" ' '"•I 1 1~ l• ... t1i •• 1 "" t11llr•"" m.i1~1tl ., "'" l•rd Sluui.:h L1·asr Na1•1h11n, l.ouh :\I\" .11111 l..<>llh II h I '..: I An·a, :\,1\.d .\1111 11.nit1o111 .1nrl :\'1·t1 X\. \ t ·•1 ~·ir111•n. "' 1 " '.' •1 111,.1 •• 1 S1 .r Jit-;11 It t · • .a11 .. r111.t · . . • ·• "'"''"'" .1nrl :-;, 1 I• 1•11 s .. 11 \ 1 d \\ h<'11 ~h" .. n 1\• ti 111 1111, u,.t11· • . • , rr.1ni;1 1111·01" 111;1\ ><' rn:i t• 1 • ,.1 • •r.tm:•· I Pflfll\, t ii 1111111 , h · 1• f 1ry, "Ill',.. tlrl, .\111 '"'"' .1lr • u ~ h.ul _ · • t I 1 .. 11i.: 1 h1• 1 11mrn.1111 mi; 11 I It'• r '. I "'"" I' ''f1rl;t1 Slo1wh" 1'1111.: I I I I d m~1n1t·rl Shi·"'"" h• 1.t1i-.1•1 111 .. , •11 • r 1:.11 .... , '" 11111• and !.u1tfh 11' "'" 111" ant ' 111 "' l'asr on 1t•turn th• ~'fl" ~I t\ ~. '; 11111 111 ,\ ft Jlr< "'ntali\'<' l ~ 111" ·~ "l•11r '1 wk,,,.,. It·\\\ ·I uf 1111· :\.1\~ l•1·p.trl1111 n l \\ill lk• 1n•I l{-ll, rnn1:l111111.: t .. 11~ • 111• ·•' •111,,.,1,. 1" ,1~,\) tlli' land« hr- r.' .. r hnc1. rn •r•· 11r 1, "· ''" '"''' n ~11M1 :1 m .• 11ttl :l:!MI pm on ''""" h.tt<li•'<1 "" rn.1p 1nt1ll1•tl th. 111d 11'.1tt1I d111, .. MAY DAY IS MARCH DAY \Vorld Labor Will Parade Tomorrow But Ranks Split on Red Ideology \\!orld l.ah"r \\ill rna rt'h tum1Jr· •- M W i!l 1r:ttll11on1tl '.\lay Dny llt·m· onstr atlnmc hut. <'Xt't'P1 in I 111 n u .. sum hlr1<'. 11s ra nks w ill '"' ch· \'id('d l!harply : rornmumsm a~:11n~1 .1nl 1-t'om rn11n1•rn parall•· \\'llh t 111·111 111m n F il th 11\'I"· 11U<'. 11 t t hr s1111w t lm<' I hn I l11ho r's 11:ir111l1• '' 111 marl'h d tl\\'11 F:ii.:h1 h nnrl SI'\ 1•nt h :I\ l'ntH''-I .:.hor ll'lld· 1•r11 "111d th1•y n ~1·1111·d tlw \'F\\' m fo•rt'OI'•· lhn1 th" lahur 11111·aclrr<; '"'"I•' ""' It•~ al 111 I ht· l 'nll<'d K~LLED IN P. E. CROSSING CRASH l'YPnF • ..:s, (',,I , Apnl ~I 11::'1'1 C.111 \\1111.1111 llar111i.:. '.:'I , \\Ill' kill• fl :111d I\\'> ll\ l'SIJl1~ \\'t•rt• tn· .1un ti l.1 ... 1 1111.:ht '' lll'n a P1ll'il1f l·:h·t·11 u· ,.,,,. ~11·1H'k th1•ir auto :it 1' a tTt1~\;.1flJ.:. J larll•i.:'s '' 111' t 111rh, IK, 11nd h1•r I ~is l••r. Bonil;I !"roll, K, wt•r1• t11k1·n to F u lli•rtun C1·1wr1ol hosp 1Hd w11h1 ~•·rious JOJUrU's. TOE JOY For ,...u .. r or Al hll'lf''" t 'o.11 and Rlnl(l'·o m1 lnrN•tlon. • II' Ciu11r11nt...-d COAST CONTRACTORS SUPPLY -NE\\TORT BEACH 1HENRY \\.ALL~.\CE TO OPEN WEST TOUR. AT LOS A~GEtFB ~IA Y 1:; :"<'\'l'r sine<' lnlr rna1ion al l.11ho.- ;,•1 ) •·ars ai::u s..·1 '.\fay I ;.;: it eta~ ,,( t•df"hra lio n ul l ht• 1·m11m•1pa- lllJn of the \\urkmi; man h il\'l' tit< rank!! of laltor 111· .. n so i<1>hl h\ 1d roloRIC'lll Cunll11~ I >nl)' in R11AA!a :ind ..al.dhlc n.>· lion~ will ttwre ht-"""" r ht· "'Ill"· lantt o r unity. In nw~1 111 't\• ""' .. tern nations r hPrt' "di ltt rl\'al df'fl\<>n!ltr a tlon.", «>rn" ol lh• m <1t.•1:1'ft Hn 11d :ouch "'""""' 1 h ,, t \ 11 U.·nc-1• I~ hkC'I); . Richard's Market Sponsors Employe Dinner-Rally •• 11· .. :\°l'W • 11· .. .-:;r .... th· .. ~ Your l..Mal Druiri:-1,t or writ.-: 118 COAST-monw AV ' f' I\\" y1 •l!K II· llf\ \ " ·' I ... ,,. I t ' ' 1 ; • • • l:i •,.n "' ., ft f' t \\. I •• ..., .. t USE GLIDDEN P41NTS • \,., .. t n I .. ... • -. •• • • • Another NEW INDUSTRY For The HARBOR AREA OPENING ON OR ABOUT MA Y 5 .. HARBOR PASTRIES di-~ • • • _. Tempting COFFEE ROLLS Delicious DO -NUTS Home-Made PIES EXCLUSIVELY TO RE·STAURANTS 'I • - The ONLY WHOLESALE Baker Manufacturing and Distri~uting within the NEWPORT HARBOR DISTRICT Harbo r Pastries , R. g llAJUll80N. Prop. ,. I ' rh.'lrtf'f'~ pL"lllt' l~ •·.rt"'° \•r l ~r r 1!!rt"(<Ct"'C r:: -'' r ...... ,,, c.. tt " 1< :tnnounced • \ l1\•I\ '1\1Plt•u1r'1 tftrHlt1...,\\it!" L"l' 1 n Th•11 .. i1 ·~ 1 1 ··111111.: t•~ c ... \\' "l•11·k ' 1'.hh11il 111 lh•• 1h11m1: l'nilr(I PrrQ-; l'•'P.'rl• r .. lh1 worl1t '""Ill .. r Th" 11111" H•wm\.C.rill In • 1•1 \\ ' '' ''"111 nrrntntl r 1·1•1r1t·d l1alho;1. l • I I ,, r .. t P<"·:l plane \IOS\O\\' Th .. fl 11.:•. ~"· n .. harrr ... 1!11t''1~ \\• 1 .. :18 •'111· • .. •I-t 111<1• · tour i..1nn""'· th" ~It•.: 111.-:111tl lh• l"I" 1 .1,.~,., nl nirlwnl • l.1il11 :\I tl'k•'I ,. I ' \\'11 .. h· ( ~ I t t t ( .• lw··" n ,..., , '".111• .• 111n """ 1111 111 '' ,, 1~·i 1 !{,.,,,.h Thi· 1111r1•1"' o 1 '' t • • \ ''o n;•. 1tt th" f11thl'-h•·tl H··tl :-;.,,, 1r• \\l,11 • 1h•· i•·nn•·t· \\i1S 10 1111;1hl1• ,•ar·h '. ... ·nu, ~ th•' hli:h hr~ss '.''th":-'•\ 11•1 1·111ro11 ''"' i_,.,, '" 111•1•11111•· 1wq11 .. 11111•cl \\Ith •·I 1•1•·. N . pu h:1p~ S l.1T1n h1rn .. ..r1 \\111 .•• I,, •'l'·\\tllkl'r ., \U''-' ,...In ... ,· f11 111t "''""1 ru1 t1 1'''~-t 1;.,.,,1 .... ,.11•ti, .. 11·al ,,,,:-,lul1'v. tt l '. . , I l \\ h>n,·~ nc '~I E ll:il~. \\ht lt •·•1rl''lltlll I ·~ !11 l 'fl r111'1 ...... 11·\ f1H Hn1 ... rt I t l' \11'h '°n , .. : ... 4•qu1rnl 11tt• I 1fH>I • ""'' d1 I , .. \', ldttl~ ·1 II• 1 ii 11 111'·,1 11t 1h1• I \' I ' f 11 I ~t ... y 1111n natl ,, .• 1f .. 111 ,,1 '' !to11 l 1TL .. f. ... , 11 i"' tn tw I• fd1111 d h\ '"'''"'" I frml l l"'~'"'"r r.11111« Th• 1 11""'"' "' ,,, :'111111 -.1,.111 \\,1 \\h11l1l1 111. ".._ tl1 ntt11t .. tr,t t11tft' 11 I•••~· lh •' 11 ii\ , II-. .tt'• • l''' tf t,,, .w11 • ttll·l•,\• uul 1),k·j ~r. ,,,.,..f.,t•tl '•' 1u!H ,., \•.tu•h11 ,. '"' i.."t\•t "'lfl••J• \••li11u • ttul ,.,. :\1ay f"'11n l'fHtn1c:t I ~• iif•~r 1-'·d1111t .. r...... ,;. ,,,. , •.. 1 1·11upc1 .i\H1n '•:tttlt".l lt . .i,1 1•l1n ... ' .:_n, clut ' .. ,,,," \ , ... 11 :ill• r 111•• , ... fl,Jtltln i-· '1' ~ ti "' "" DOESN'T NEED SAFETY i 1..:;• n•' r• •. , n f 111 • ''"''' 1 p,,r1. 1 nuF..,·n Y•1··· ... 1,j 1··· •' ,. BEL T-WE'ARS BRACES \h n1--.:~1r1hni.:: ·r r 1 .. 11 nt 1~ f,_ ..... t "'\fl h' 1 I )lay ~!;1~ P I\ 111 \ .t .. f'i111 II'• \.·I,.. ::'\. ~· \m.-n r1n pro ··11vrnn" ,.-, ,. m 111 · al q•llln•· llr11:11 I h •' tr-rm \llrll '!!l-1t 'l'l-llt::'\ \ t .1¢. L" ~ta~ filtrttl•'" 11r l ·lt•·' d•t ••, ,t ~ .. ··fa..,.l•n ,\our """''''' h••lt"' tn•·''""' j u ... 1 """ 1 hlni::. llnl, '" n ""r t h rn11n t "" .. 11ni:: from ll••n\ .. r fn t\nn"'"' ( th . ''"" \la ('unll· 111•11IRI \Ir Un""• It m r n n I Rn .. ttu·r . tn•11 t'. , II\ t 1\t '••' n ..... ll101ott. h tt; in lh,•t• tt•· . n •1r1tu1 .. 1 t,J,hr tttt•n ·h S<•n l m.I\ 1.rll 111• "r 11 mt\ ""II'' 111 •hinl • 1'1 .... 11 "' tJ, Ill• 11,1r rl •tr" w ith 1'•1· •ul••n l. tu,. ~·11 •· "•ll 1. 11111-1"'mm11111,t ,1 1 1"".0 ff• ntor1-..u 1 t1nrt~ •• 1.:,, f';\HIS 1'n1nnvmi<t<. an1I llw on "'" 111k•·"rr ~''"'''"'"~ th•· 11,,...,,....... ( lnrll K ••rn, t11l1l ltll' T1'A ES' WRITER n 1i;:h•1-1 '·'11· "',, "' l;. n l 'h.1r1 ..... I~·· < ;.111111' "ill h·•hl rl\ .d rall1t·- ju,ct 11 f, \\ 11111•" ·•P 111. "1th 111or1• t han l,tHI l"'hr• h1'l"• "II 1111'111 1'11ri" JM•lt•'" turh.u l .. lh1• l'"llllltllfl· sill~ '" mur d1 11n 1h" "C.r,1nd l1011J.•. '.1r<I" "f rt•n1 r:i1 P;1n>. l"'"''"t.:"r" l o "fo,.t1•n ) 1111r "llf•·t~· twit ... " nut tlw h•·~,·~-... ·t mnn Ju,1 ""t tho•rt•. Thi• "'''' tlrili•· -.tu· "l•Ok•• dlr••t•tl)' t o him, "pl1•n110•, 111.,tf'n ~our "Rfrty h1•1t ... " TO CONFER WITH PHOTOPLA Y EDITOR ,. ' . ' \ j ; I .. ~ \ '' I " •" ""• ·n. "\;,~,\-port "' • • " • I . \ \V. ~ ' \\ 1-:F:I' ·• · I '1 11.t •Y 1n "it. C"Cm · 1. .p/ .. w .lh • l'lilllet· f t • ' I 1 .._ r ;1 11on \!" F l. 1.'.'h{'r • •• '' Y irk 1u:u \ftt.r PRo~rr R.: \••O' \Ill.I: FR .\~K . "llf' F"iu• 'lldnlt!' .. •-R.utc-Ou·• . .,.iru .. to,.. ttPat~ °"°" & "c-..- ""'*'-···-1,..tantnc Lnf>k,, J:tc-. ~n Jf'R 1n() S~tALL ;-Oon't ht'"' 11•."' tu• rt't•lh'<I. \\'"ar M1~1w-ncl1·n." H ERL!:"' n11~'"' h111• it I•• l11r1• :.11v1nnn , .. 111'11m111111111l1 1:111) '"11ir Snow Survey to ~\ii'! '""'" It~ 1•fJ··r111i: rr.·1' a, .. ,•r • . and 1':111<1~ f1·r 1h .. I ht1rlr•'ll ,\nti· 1 Determine Summer rommum;:t lnbnr k:ic1r ri;: ptnnn1•d :i ' rival mf't'ti111: m thl" _!Jriti!lh lll'C· Watershed Flow f(lr. and hl'p1 •I r11r 11'10,111•1 1 f'RA:-\IUTRT I ornl Trnrlt' RF:;o.;n. :'l:r,·. April ;\ll rt"Pl- umn n!< hlnrkrd n cnrnmun ist at-A l1nnl llrlow !'111'\'I') nr <'n11r~rq in t,.mpl to ,.,,ntr"I tht• '.\ln" nn~ f1 "· tlw Tnwk•·•' t h• r 11ncl Lnkr T ahnr t h ·ITIN •• 1nd th•• dl'rnnn~trationi: \\:ill'r!>hl'cl nr1•n '''<'rr unrl<'r\\ny tn- "'l'Te ;:phi, \"Ith !'1'p.tr • .it• ralh•" c1.1\ to tl1•1f'rmm<' !'llmmrr \\;itr r pla nned. • • pr~prrtii LO:"'l lP:>; ,\hnul t.111 ff11) t lrdrnanly. thl' lmal i:unr~ t!<l workl'N \\Ill march, \\Hh C-•'m · m.trl" on April I Th1:0 ~rnr. 1hP munlllt party ~<'CT»'tary Harr~ Pnl· h•o,11 ir<T ..inrm~ O<'r11 rr r<l during lltt lradini: n ronllni;l'nt t'f rttm·• Arni nnd 111 lhr <111:1:rsl1l'n o f munl~U f'••llrlwrrs nf F ac1•t<I \t-0\ \"1111 Plllman. thl' lntrr !lllr · vaclr r Sir 0<\\rtld ~t .. ;:l~-i!ilfo "ill ,,,~ hn!< ht'<'n undrrrnkrn. PflJ'lld<'. · Roen rt'!<C'r\'nir. \'lr TunHr l'mpty ?\OE\\' YORK -F.\·l'n in thr o u April I. hn< now f1ll1'<1 in nhnut United Stalt'l'. lradrr nf Rllll·Ctlm · o nl'·hnlf IT~ CllpA<'I~· Th<' n nwo (lf muni5f rorN"S 1n lhr N•ld \\llr.l thl'·.ll'Turk•'+• rl\I(~ 111 F arad "-'1$ th<'f'e , • ., di\'isinn In :-\1•w York I mPllSUr<'d 1odny nt 67~ c-ublc ll'«'t thl' \'ete ran• nf F or<'1g n W ar!l m · pl'r i&<'Cond. I hr<'<' t Im•·< I hl' norrnnl vlted Riaht-Wing organizatlo111 lo \'OhU1¥.' for this timl' oC )'l'ar. I " •1' Bayha Pharmacal Co. 331! W"t \·prnon ,\\·.-. Los AnlCf'lH .u . c·1111r . LUMBER MATERIAL tn improve your home. Cabinets, l'oofing, fencin :1clctit ions. gnrag~. utilit hldgs .. paint. On payment£ \\'ith long tcnn pay plan. C.H. CULLY •&'!2 S11uriceon DldK. l'honl'-Saota A.tta S6r.& 'lO PROTECT and Beautify Your Home Colorful Awnings l~idt•nc•t> -Commt'rclal -------New 194X Patterns GARDEN &: PATIO Furniture BAMIJOO SHADt:S BEACH l MBRELLAS ----------FREE ESTIMATES Phone 980 Santa Ana Tent & Awning CA>. 16%6" ·So. Main St. · Qua lty and S..n1('(') S ince 1m French Cafe NEW .· t:nh.u~NI -ltt'modelf'd 4 Jl· m. ,,, }lidnight Pll. REAC'O~ 5117-M l"l't:C'l.\l.IZl;\'<0 I=" ONION SOUP lf'.\ft;\IF.l"A~) l .. nok rn r t ht' "llo."11 "( habll"" on T•111 or th•• 11111 < ·u 1:-:1 :n :1m:-;n,\ YS /'15 l/EP~ flGO TODRl,/- 1'1"11/Nl rEO SrRTES WR~ 001./SLEO IN SIZE · l/!ICON$11T1/rlONRLLfl/ , K'oee~ LIV NGS,.OlJ AND JAMES MON!<OE MAOE "fl.IE F=AMO:JS LCf/16/llftlll Pl./flCHll$1 f:JWt-1 NAPOL EO!oJ CCHPl.ITELV WtrWOVf lfllTHOltlT'I! . nlEYOECtOED THE ~5.ooaooo Pt?1a ,.,.JOI r.11 ~ R llJlfllliPIA/ TV PPS5 J>_ -\ I/ , 1:.A~~!~.,.~L'!: ;_~~~ ,f •h• «n<<t~.I (t'PI Thi' Red '.\Ian tall">d n~hl ••.uld pard..n htm. h·· a.11d , w,,. UJI IO tl1t• Cl<'ill \\ hll• f , .. 1·,.1 '4 ! ., mm hun't ho•• n "'lt<"ll) Bundles tor Palestine, With Arms Tlw Indian d1dn t 1:u11 h.-• · ... hu RhlC'S . H r v..·nt 1>tr,11cht 11~ •n I ·~. fir-· pl;,n• th .. lnnd ... r Rrn1\.\ h t !ht I"'"' n. t•J r • •I • t•>n.:··1 , .. lilt 111 \\a-. J udt:l' p (. '.\J..~ ·w' • I 1· •• I n• r~ ,, r h ... ·I. Ill pappy 1•l1l''' "'u1 •· 1 h1· h• .tt.lr0i>• <•l ', :. t • ·•,•I n .. ml ••.:n1'ft ,, p.11·1 /HI l nd1 ... n C'h1t f Th• ,1.d.-, " ••n l O, \ )s,, • i\.\~ I t.•11. th• lx•,inpnlt> i<tr a1i.:ht md •llPn>: h kt> -:t.tl-u· • •\•· 1h lnd i.an a r•I·""' lndlan« arr 1n lht' fl1t!\1<~ n,. '·I••• t ;n• J n<'I lr~h "'1lh1tlll l1t•· judp ' wa .. l1t'111 111:,.. 11 "il:rr., ~"' 1:::-1-: • .. 'l. r• t Tl'lt n m Hit•:.' thr Afll·r 1oll. 1lt h;t11 "''"'d 111· 1•"' .. • " •, • 1t. t•I· d 11 " .• ~ 11m1· f of 11lm,-..;., ~· ""'UHtH•t" .\ ·,,. • ! • •»• "•d r"'•n t•• mo\t1 .tun,.: hold. tel{>, ;md ~· ··~ "uu:.J 1!,. ·, •• • r r J• L•' u-~ 1 11ldt'!. n ur th• 111 •· I 1 ..... •"1 :r ' trr-• n• ,,..,ul.t I'"' rho h ie: i.unk1·n. hl111 k • ~·-< r t ·I• 1 r 1•11 l1t· •.t h I n.t \\ llh Fhtnkmi: '"' ""II • f 1h ll•n-. ''" •t l •I l't•I .t•I r tll •I· 1~•·11 .. P11hlk ' L ;ind." l'•ft111 11 '•. r (•I m -~n. ••• . r h •. lm la.an• <111111 I \\1•r1' ll numl~·r of .. 1t 1•,11n•1n:· ••ll1'kni"" ,,,. J' •, ,.,,,1 inti ""l'hlit l ml1:1n~ <in, •ht1\\< ! • I -•'' 1r .. !' · ~· "'•I .\II 'h •) l.n." \\ •• 11hnu1 111 ('UI down a l•u11 .. l .. ,\n· 11 ••: ..,,. "' ... 'I ""I'll': "" 1111• ollwr prt'I u r.-d :. ,..,1 m •n •"\mi: I ~ tr,.i .tr• t.n•I ~. th· ,., d Ill• n 10 m ukt• up h1 .... niarv1 \\h• ~t 1 r !o •JI• ·,,t ••• "' ,,.n~ Th•" i.:•''' rn· ·t !Jlrni.h;_/\,-k ;, \\ lr1"' m •r ~ n• 11"""~ \\. h n "''"~ Tlw 1 t Thr jud1w ru:IJU•••fi I• I lt•··I~ "''1°• t..'14 t.u~_h .. "'"r d u! .. 11 8n\OOll1t'CI thr ~ .• ,,. !-'I I I• ""f•. •t-. 1.r.4! 1:. JI.SI lrfl the• 1111" oou~ht dark i:r;1\ '-YI! ;,n• • .,, ......._-h..nol-·+-~rl~ '"'hu...t lnrn his '-(IH'I 11 .. "•· ·•l'I• 1nm: l\.,d IT .. ''''·'"'•} .ind d uln I "'a n! I lwl11re 1hu romm1l1• • un a btll II . that wo uld alh•" l"nl'I<'. 1•m '" 1-u~ 1lw rir·-n1 t•1ll r.ill• '·"· "••llinc c<'rtain l<tnds ,Jnt1 nlln• r c1l d• P'-"ll.f .. Jn' .. :r." ••• • a<T• s of land. "11h from the-('hrl("I;,\\ :1nd C"hwka.•.a"' "'""' .. nd "'l•halr unrlo•rno•alh. h.u·k Indians or ()klahoma 10 lhi C•/\•'fnmf•nl fc>r $>1,500 .•0I M CC-Urtain is a h l'\C' Indian cw-a-11.al · .aid th<' jud~... "1sn '1 tor. and usrd to IX' a d1~lnc1 ju!h;f' f noYKh. but 11·,. fair f'nc>Ul!:h \\"1· on th<' rf'SC'r\'a tiot1 lit> had no pr•· .... n1 "' I>!• I ••ft t h•· lw1ok anJ I:•• parrd s[lf'<'Ch. H is ~tuff nfnf' from ou1 of hus1nN>s 1n that art>a It's th<' h C'arl: W<'ll dd iH•N-d, al th.it . C'OJHn1t uw mont'')' 10 kttp it ll(J ThC' probll.'m am ong llw· ~· and "'" dun I rvrn hw.• tlwrl'... M PHERSON laws 11nd C hick11saws . IM' expl.ainf'd )lc-<'urtaan acj(SPd thr s;1le would * VIRGINIA ac to th<' whltr mf'n on ttw> comm.it· rnt>an but al-cut $310 pt'r capita ror IN', is rompliratro But N-•·ouJd thr t•o tntw>s whicti stall own thl.' JlllLLY\\'(l(l(l, Al"RIL ~1 11f .. p.1nk1ni;s 1 .. ""1'1'""'"1 to mak•• Available June I DENT AL SUITE New Building M1 E. BAY A\"lt .. BAUIOA ...._ .......... . land. A pltla~. 1lw-coninut!N.' tl "PI J)on"I rf'lll'h fur that h111r tlu Ill fnr~• I ul••lll IWIStlnlC lh<' noddMt h ~ fair enou(l:h to hruir.h wtw n ynur kirlll f.:•'I r11n · 1·u1's liul a nd fr .-1 Irk .. srn"mg r litht tfwo ~i:slaton. I tankrrou~. l>t•annll O urhin "ll1cl ltt· 1tl11n~ \\Ith )1111 So 8--n 0-q:ht, a f<>nnf'r chif'f fo da)' C roon ',-.m 11 nUl'l'•'r~ tUnf' 111· '~he· tth•·nd) kntlWS 8 lot Of Uv Cblx1a• tn~ and now thl'1r sl<'.ad. 1 ... 11n~!\ .. M1~1o 1111rhrn su1d ""Thrt't' I a...., ...... wa:J .can~ to tM 1tand. It work!I bc:'llrr lhll n ~pnnkln~s. lll1nd l\1w1·· ant~ 'My Bonnu• LIH Anothl'T stnuch• lhooter w Ith thr round·fnrrd soprano contt'nds O\'tlr lh4" 1 Ir""" 1ir1• hC'r favorites. wordl Hr said hf' •·as pttlns tired Hf'r two-yi·iir·nld J l.'s!'irn· 11 1 n p ,. Shi· has 11 pr1•11 y ~uod vole-.•. too. of thr •h1tf" man _luckin«i hit pPO-cht>-.·in1t ti".!' )Jlann h'J.:S !Ind llsh·ns "Bui site <In""".' ~lnR as w1•1l as I*' around. Ht-sa~ that thf' mat· Shr d11rn wi•ll IM'ttr r '.\tii;s nur-1 duJ ·111 111111 «I:•'-.. I« had ~ f"xplainrd to. lhf' t~O htn mi.kl'S four llOU'S BS mUdl It~ :'-I IS~ f tur!Jon 1111~ Jin an~Wl'r for tnbrs an Eni.thsh and thf'1r n1t1\'l' h ..._ d t f th l f 1 d "I I. harr11•ct mn1h,ric v.11h 1>rol7trm kids, I I <' r<Nll f'n (t t' nl r .~ R 1•, ·~ '===============;~ t~~ arwi that thf"y u.._,.,nitood l'<'r1tu~f' ~h·· C'1tn rn.d:e• ""' 11,. 11,. Inn • :1 .. ""'" \• htt 11 "" hui.y s~nir· .;. Eight and a half m1lhon. °" l'lght r I -. 111~ a ll cla} l11n~ 11 I Ii<')' &urst into Newport-Balboa STORE LEASE * NEW. PRIME CORNER LOCATION --· NEAR M I LL I 0 N DOLLAR CIVIC DEVELOPMENT ... I DEAL flE!fAIL TilADE LOCATION ... 3100 SQUARE FEET OWNER l\"ILL Dl\'IDE * Harbor Investn:tent Co. ...... "'· ,_ ..... NEl\'PORT BEACH PbOlle-lbltNw 1- I and a half ('t>nU The l nd11tn "'ants trn. ,. 11111 .• 11· 1 ', r} 1111w 1 h1•1r 11ffsprin1t to hP lf>t almw 10 ha ndlt> h111 own Rut lhHI. Ila}" m um a llurhi:i m•c•tl•d tit• lu.11lll'u:h lrt':itnwnt. 'affairs 11m 't th" p111n1 Thi' "t h n'P hl1111t "Thi \' maki· "<•mlt-rf\ll rl'c'lird8 l •·f'or .If; .)•':\" rhi' thmi: ha~ m1t"1"' sy~l••m'll work ''"'11 if ~ml !or l'111ldP n," ~lh' IHll:lt'''l••d tuct · j.,,,....,, t;ntnt: on TIW' )?O\'f'Tn!TW'nt has t·n1ak hki· R l'nr k• 1 lull~ \', h1 n \1111r 1h111.1 1 i.:··•s 11n•d I brt.lkl'n ••~ W'Ont countle '" tlrnf'll "I don t ll"•' nt~ I >1 anna I •urhin } 1111 , • n pl.1 \ ''"" .,( r ""''' Rul tht' ._... • .,.:rt 11 •· "l•>d." he cr1f'd vmrr ""' n I "'"t.! to J ..... .,c.1," i:h• I"'~' 1,.,, L'.I• ,I , fl• 1·1 ,,j u mr:rt hl'r °Tlw' wtv-. mr.u t11'<' '"a~ sym· ••lld• •I 'I '""~ I•· on flllr'l'I. 11111 .11·111.1i~ 1:111nr 11T1 ""I!·"~ \\urki1 path< 11<" ff a,1prm «'d tlw bill lhiit'• a ll I JU~I s1t1 t-ol •'l'on n l1t h1•:<t · Ew!ntuall) it ,.,11 rPach th<' floor h• r An) mollwr '"'"do lh,11 lllllt'h , "°" 1, :. n. cl I•• 1111 I h11 l11n hl"" of <"<"'"1""'" 1·1111 t rh•'} "" ... r 1• ,,~,." .. , ,,, lrw11 l'h•• Hnr hfor Thi;> 1nft1:• in lh• hark of the :"-1rss 11111 t11n. "hn ~ l:r11 \l fl 111 .. r. ~ •. 111• .. 1 .. 1 1 '111 • r-.. 1.Jnr 1·rr11•· oovrn "hn wcrd hi,. ll'houl~rs. Thi' 1r .. 111 u 1'1 nwu .. hrtk-i.:1rl-·1ar '"" l111na1·~ \\'h1\1 111111•.,• 1;ir1" \V" hlllr la •}•f'. TM,1:h1. l oo ki'd fo1m1111s 1tn•··dl\"f\'1ci-11111l·no\\ .. :. 11 .. ,1.1.:h1 ;cli.•11: .. 111 tl\\:I l'ltll!llllo( plPol~ Till' lnt11a n m nil up In ar.tl• cl-11< ;n tu r •' 1·1mol • h . 1. 1111 j.,o, n'' llh-fl'Nur• ~m<<i lo look .1~ 11 .:(;,m11u r !!Il l. ~a~i. lhal r1t1~ltll!I T lun "''''•Ill 11Ht and hou~hl hr halt ~ oot 10 SCAip th<' ~u11r m1•f'1~ 1 w11h mu~11' 1n.;1r-.1d or11• uf 1h1 ... d .rl1ln 11 > n lhulll$ '•tutt-man.aflM' all._ ni.-~a\') dntl"O')er USS Jamc·- C 0. -..n~ rt'("t'ftt I)" \~i tl'd 15 pons an fn·r ('0Wltrie$ and cniised 15.- 785 mia. in four months. * STAFF SERGEANT SHORB . . Thi• nl.'XI A\'l1ttron Cadc•t C'lu~"l l.111. ~t 11t1 1·1lii.:• ''l''' fr!•m llw :'Ila· FREE PHOTOGRAPHS will llf'l:ln Jul~ 1. 1948 Rl Hirndulph 1111nnl (llfll'!' o l \"11 11 1 S11111s tk s In F"rrld. T 1•xa ... nnd Gon<lf••llu\\ i\11 1 \\ ..... 111111:1. 11 1.r .. \1' tha t JX'PPll For f'l• na'•' :tt S:.n Ant.:t:lo. ·rt~,a..: ttl'~' h\ in,· ·'" ·'' t'I :.~. ur ..... x rnnn· l'nmnrru'll n wn lw l\\•'l·n t h,. ~' .11 ... 11t.1n 1h•) 1lul h itl'k ,m 1!133 llj.(•« 111 :!II and :!fl'-, ~,.,in;, \\ hn Th• 11 r• fl' •rt~ ... 1111\\ I h a r P•• •111<' hA\t' rom pl• ft'rl l\\11 ~· •• r~ "' '"'I 1l1t ll b;wk lh• n "' an a\•·1a~·· 111:1 11.'JW'' or rnn (Ill'~ ;m f'qU1\·a 1t-111 'of ~.I'!:.! ~Par!' wl11h• rn l !l111. th• ''"1m m111111n :1r1· Pl1c 11t1 .. 10 1111111\ lal1• .. 1 l"'n 1•d <'11\t•rt·d 1') 11 11 F1·1I l11r 1r;11n1ni.: 1\p pl11·;n11 " mu.;f 11111 1•r11I m11rtnh1~ t11 hll·~. tlw d1•111 h ,., "''"".\ pn-.. .rn 11\1:111 .. n 1•r11l1•1 111:1· \\Its up 111 lit :.! >• ar,. SIZE 5x7 INCH~ OF YOUR CHILD Age 2 1'1onths to 6 Years 3 DAYS-OILY! narsday • Friday -Saturday April 29 -30 -May lst . , I L ......... -...~.._ __ .-~_. .... ~_._ .. ._...-.._..~ • CHILDREN 2 MONTHS TO o 'YEARS q11:.hf.\ mi.: ,.,,1n1111;it 1n11. h•1.1rrl 111 1"n ""\ ''"tt · ·• 11h~ ... 11="1 ··'·11111 • ByeByePe.ek-aTBoo n:1tinn Th•· •111•1!11 1<1r ''!" .1111.\ rl,,,.., •• I." 111 A II l11c h .. r tu tl'tl l!r;1du;111, ;onrl tun ~··ar rnll•·i:• n h'n nn 111 t.:"I '" a pply fur 1111~ fr:11n1 ni.: P Jl11r tr :oru11p lit"'' n1u1 )t .ir I 'pnn 1'r,d11,1r '"'l. t Ii•· •"ttl•·t I• f'Olll n11-.111n••cl a ~. 1"•t1tl l." 11t• n.1111 1n th•· A ir ft,.,,,,. ;.,nd \\tll 1•••'l\I' llJ• '" "-,l1,, 111 .. nt Iii\ p:iy " p ·iu· ,, ,,. '"'' • r u.. '" ..... ,, •• ,,, , ... •rtfl• I l 'ftH'•U Ill•,,, I• \.qi oft, ,rt "''' q ...... 11 '' Jh I \JI !I'll ll I 111 ,,,, ,\\I,,, • .,, •• td ' I 1 l lS I l 't '• 1 rn t , I"'• • ~ , r • •, \' 1• ~. '' h It., '-''lfu l1fltftill t,. 14 ,., f\1 I\ '" •, •t , h 1' 1 f• ,, \" ' •n '. 111 ' 1 • '"' , ...... d , · r , z, ~ , .... I' 1 fl 1 01 '1' I 'I h I , •I • I \!• 1 I ,, \ .. '. ill• I , •• , ft I I "I ! ,, I •1 ' , •• I II I •11\• I • d 'I \ I '. \\ I• •I i\ ' " •I. \p. t t I \•H f11f \ • •, • "ii rt• d ' I I ,. ,, •' di " " ' t l1i \', I 111 ,lf J I I • ' " •• ., ' ,. • I ' l• \II I ' ' ol1• (, I rt ' I I 10 lol I• ''I I I '4, m r I 1 lr 1d1ult•1 \. ta'rt'r,.·fl\• \,1~nttt1r·v.«1ltS I I \'1 ,,,,.., n f JI .. ' 'A. hr On~ 1, - •, 1 lu r tJ11,1· 11 k l'H 'h' ru w 1• ' \\.u r !\4 •t r•"' t c '111r111 , n • 1 ·•'•·' n 'tu ull r~ r,1•11•''' "' t1 I 011. pt••+'·U~IJ~~, 111111'1• I;''• r I! ''I lflHf)\ I'• l•\llll .. \A.14•111''ft "' tlU 1' 1) I Ir fT1 ...... r;-.u ·tal ,. '' • ,..,1 f 'l , 1 f jt '\ 44h(' I"" 1 • • \\ 1rh .1 J11f0 f h·l'·'•f, ~ New PQSt · 1 N l:WPO KT BA~~& NBWS-Tl.&8 t'IU O \\ ~-.... 11 C .W. .... .. .,_ 111 I \ \ '. FOUMER TEEN-AG•: WfHARIO NOW \\'ORKS AS BAB\'-SllTER .,, ! I I\ I . •· f' \ '~ \. ,, • \,, ~. \1 t \J\t ~.'-loo I•' . ' . \ I • I ' .. " I 1, •t I ' I~ I I I',,, I I '. t • ,, I I llf ,, \\ t t •• ,, II ' ... t I , I •II ,1. " t t 111> 1, I I I 1lf ,, t 'I I! I' ... ' I " I \I "' • , ti 1 I t.'I 'ti. I I :-:, 1 1 111 t I I' I ·~ I I t q. l " ...... llh 1111 I tl1 t ;-of Uh l •' 111 ftu • II I ,,. I l '" \ 111 .. I " · ' I ' , 1lo111 t I.•.' "•·•·· I "'''' 1 Ii, I I, ,11 II\ O "'ti '1 \\"'•It 1t11t ~1t111•,h I t 1\1 Sh:•"·'I·"• "'1111111• "' ••t 1·~h1' In t.: I '1'11'1 ~ ,, 1,·11.1 11ri\• I I ..... \ 'I • I I I ... 'I'' " "I l I' I IJ,\, Pl !h I '1•1HH t \\ '""' • •I \1 S \\ lt>t•u' l.,.1\ l'h t )1 U "'' "'' 1l t1• I" 1,.1• ,,.. ,, ,,! \111 t tttiiH·, Pt. \\ t \\1•rh1n, l 1,d 1\ .... '1i ,1, "'•"•' ."uilU-\\ ._:.tu1-Lh . .t U• \ '-' \\ ~--t la. t \\ ,, I I I'• 'I I "'"" \\ 1 I h '. ti' tdil1 j '" tl1 ht •th ''" lit t 1 tt1d I I I I ,,, "1 11ur.t., I 11 .. -h t, I\\ u .I I, \\ ;'1111 u l \t' \\ '"' t. t ' •• ~ ; 1 f" tth t "• ' "' t h \\ *'I" I I, If ft tit I h1 If I \'I fot In 11 H ltlfh \\ I fl l \\I I I ••• 1 Ii.· Hlllh•I IH1 •• I,,., I . ''1 II" '', 11 \\h•n '" .t .. 1h.I ll•·' 1. u \1 ., .. ·~d "''' \\1 .. t I 1!{11 ,t,11 • lit dt :11 .~,,J .. Jl"''"' I • I l\\1 'l'!\tH t flh I• I f,' I ... , ••• , .t \\1 ... \1.•ttlt 1111 , "~ .. ,t tw I •t • It• lft II ti U o \\ I 1Hltttlt11I I h l '-'•I' "'th• ltl\ h· .11 t ,, 1f\d ... 11l1 \ \1 ti 10d U h tit l 11• I '••Ut\\ u1d ,, 1 I 11 tll••t I i. ': ''' ""''"'' Pt f\\11 '''"' ••UI ,,, C•' .t h11111f1tU 1•1 I tit HI \(1 I•' \'1<fh fHUI I"·''' .. s, '"'" I" '""' ,. nl n ru u1 "t H• 1 t..u1 tlht"I nu 11 •t r, · \1t"' 1" \, "' tlllJ.lltUU ••ti 11.· h H •"tt1l thlktll.'- ft1\ I 1 )U\ I I ,,, ,,.., .. , ... •,.-._. ·~-..... Mid lw a....., .. \., J...:>n liM _..,._ t. n ... I l•h'\9 .,. llf"' ~. l>\n th•' ... ...n ' 1'o • rl'• .., ""'ti I '' ' • .. •'•• ~·· \ •+U2 A••IP."~ tl\ " "'""' \••I •p., \,,,.,._ .\11 1111 fl It\ .... •d t +M t.,t.tll f t"f;IW' ''•• u•' • <I ~ • • .. ···•.1 \1 ...... .-' •~•' n•r. \lt \11"11'"' f .. • I I \ t• 1!. ... • ......,..,... tlll>-- '· • .. •••• •• ••• .,, h....ll ••• u l• .... ., ••• ·····'\. t ··~·ii• ...... : .., .... ~ f;EN~ t •AFE !"f-uhnn£ "' ... rftlda ......... • l»ia9ft'S .......... (noo ' • nt11hut.•1 1.:n111~ '""' 111•11 "' ""'''II 1\111•11\ •11•·•1 · 1 lor 111•1 n <'" 111. '• i.1111 ''"""' • "' 11 " httd I• .h i \11 S' 1\lllol1t\ 1111'1 I It 1• Jllll I'' \J 11 I" ," <llllJ"' I ltt• \I I 111•1 C'll"'f'•lll.t d1rl11 I i'\t'll \\"nt Ill >ot\t Mm k' Tho• 1;1 nl" hr 11 llt \\ "" Ill! t h(lrt•tt •h.11I'1•111111 ... 1 '" .... w 111 .. thr ·~•l11mn 111 ""'lllN~I f1 .•111 11..-)uoth r am1•j I ti \\ hh•h ht11 \\ 10 · ~··nt•"flt'f'ld fut ·715<·...e Hwy. , __ .... \\,.· rr 1•1 l\••ct nn••th•'r nnun\11\"'\I' lf"tlt-r MIO.:l:•"'lll)Jt? I tr II ' ~··n .. r.-1, Se(·ond Hugh( 1: Reconnaisanr~ · Plane Test Set Rol>t r !,\ 1"11lr r11n t111 H Flll 'HT ll t•\YTt •' ,, Aprol:ll• t ll' P11r1~ •.11·k1•1 \\llh l'n·~11lt·nf T 111 \ ri."'·'"l 11• "'"'.. ~''""~'" ''""'" 1 m Rn \\ • 11·1m11t-r Tr~ ino.: '" 1tl'l11 f"l'"nnr11,~11111·1· pl.1111· ,. oil 1 ... 1·11 ' '' th•' 1:1·p11hl1r1111~ nn1t lh1• ll1•t111l· I thi.:hr 1, •• 1, 11,.,.,. 111 !lu• lh 'lll' lti (Tiii.. lllf•' (\•I I. 11 \\'1•1.'h, 'II 11111 lf'rlrtl 1'1111111111111 1111ltl1t rt•l1tl1tt11• 1'11111 r fur.:• r t II•' "'1mfl11'.1111• ,.11 1,, 1 01 \\'r lt'lol I 11 1tl ·,,,111 '" lfrt'<·llni.: )ou 1.r .. 1•n1111t..t 111 i.:•'''l t1rt} tomorr "" ·, A M "<;no•l·murnm~. Mii) ,.. • ·~·1t1• lt11• 1•11111• 11 1l11plh 111 ·••I .1•1· ... I A \\' x~ ll Ill \\Ill.ti llu i.:h·. \\If~ 111 . "'"" k lllt•d .I 111~ i l'llli \\hilt· "" Eleven Western States 1Conf er On Training A rrnw l\ d 1"1·11•,1ttn 111 11111t1 ... 111ul rnohrh1:i1 1~m \\111 k•')n>•t .. lh• \\', .... ,. «rn !'t t.t .. ~ < 'unr.,, .. .,,.,, "" 'l'nt•n1n~ to '"' h1•hl 111 flu S111111 H111 M1-..;1.,n Inn. 114•)•"' S prrni:•. Ma) 111.1-t. 194>1 11 \\:, .. announr •'ll l11tl11\ 11' " 11·~· fl ll!hl, 11111\t'll "' \\'rio.:hl F l1•lct ""' 1110.:ht 1tll 1·1-11 fl 10.:l11 11 1111; ('11""' C'll\, ('1tl 'f'lh1 11lo n1· ''·•<iii II•'"" •u·t•· ''' ( ·.1pl \\'111111111 ~.lhull. 1111 1111 '"' , ... p 1lt•I l l11i.:l11' dt1t·f It'"' "11~1111 1•1, < • I ltl1t1111t .. ~•I \\•'' 11 1111•"·111:•·r "" '"'' pl1111t· I • .. 1 \\ • (,•11 '111•1 rltul pl11111 • h uol ltl!• lttl\ f.,., II l'l\O'll l!l"llthl lo·~tq tu •11• litHI 11it• ft11 \\1t•toit t'u1t11d P Ru l S1 h11rr•·nlw•r'i.: 1laro'C't11r. St:'ll• 11r.1.u 1'1' ·too l'f:lt ( t:S'f llr·1 ... 11111o111 11f l nrt11~1 n;ol tt..i ... 1·1111 \1;11 ii I'• A h1t111tl1 • • I t • I ' ~ They Arc Rich In Iodine . LOBS I EIS FRESH DAILY F1W ol 0., Ilea 'l't..a • ... _, ... Oii ~ h••.. • ..,, a • f' a .... 0 )'9Cen,•rl ..................... ... BAYSIDE FISH •ARKET M&WFWWWWPPMW l ion .. 1\ p1inrl 1~•1111111~ini.: 1 ... 111··•· 11111111 .1 ..... ,,h i'~t1l1111, :-. '" i.:1"·1 of I lo1• I .1" Ant.:<'li'll l 1 111111h1•1 "' 111• ull ""' .-1111 h•·'< ft« " .. 11 '" "11111·1 C on 11111 rr •• ,,.,II ••111·11 t h •· 1·unl11 J.·•fltn1 t1111 1111k·~I 1hn•110.:h ttw t•n<-•' 1tn tllP lh1•m<' 111 "Full \llih· t'lty i<lrPf'I~ l1J1 111urr thr111 :...~1 rnln ZRllon ol llunrnn 111111 M11t.-r111l It•'-utn h<'f1111• 1,.. lmmt( r.•l111iir In n ~~~~ !r•r 1-'1111 l 'ri~l·11 111111." ln 1111 ~1~11~n;k;·~~~·~~;h~··~••;1t~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lhr \l1•wp11111f .. r 1111111111:•11••11•.I " !tr 1,. lah .. r l•••1cl• r' Ir f•rn ~1111r1 .• r 11 t"rlrfnrnll\ \\Ill 1·111 1\ "" '"'" 1 .. r ... , · .. '"'"l••n•1hiJrr, 1n l11d 11-r11.1l \l11!11h.111 111n 1\11 11 .. •wh 11 ~1•>11'-tl•I• 111fw1 .. 1, 111 \\',1,hint:r11n 1111\1 1 .. nt.'. 11tl\1w·;1I• ti "" rnrtu .. tnnl m11h1l1 .11t11 .. n pr •W• '"" lh" r. .. s i\111.:1•11•• I 'h11111lu r "I I 'nrn llt•'f(~· \\Ill' 11.. 11.-f 111'111 .. 111 ti ,., • 1up in 1 h•• u.11111t1 1" ,, ti••"' h J •llrr1y th• pr11lol1 111 anrl '" 1 .. 1111 :111 lruftt,lrt ,1 ~1 .. t.1111 '11nn t ~11111uufl• • \ft ~1'11.1rr• nl•• r 1· "' '''•I \\ "1 k .. 1 JI'' rornnutt• • h ,, t ... • r1 tu t• 1,, \\ l hr 1111111 .. 111111 • II "'' t<I '" lh tn<fll,111,d ••1tfH lflhlll l!f \ "'lit \\',11 11 "'" ''"\\ '" "''' • !Ill ' 1ht'""'I •llff ji HI Hr '-''' t )j, I \I '11 , t :in .. tf11 ' ri ,,. .. ,,. 11 , .. ·1111 1 'ti 111 f'11 t 'Pfllfllll ~. • I ... t.1 • fft ,' 1' l he 101 ·.tl lt \•t 1f1 l •t'l•u·t•1111 I lff1 .. , """· It\ • I• II• I 11 ·I 1111 11 nu ct '' 1' U't '~ 11 • I n ,, ti ....,, 11• I I \ ... I .. ,... I 1, ,,. I I'' d11 I .• "j t I• I I" 1\\. t 'II I I f I 'I.,.,, '. 11r .... ·rh, 1111u1.f "·'·' i • 1h1 , ... 'If• j I' 1' ttll If ,, I I ·~.. \\ I If I. I ... ... -f f ti I t ~I'• I 111 It tof II \• 1111 .~, .... ., I 'I • I I f lt I '•I t t ti fi 1d1 '"''tft l t f II ;1 ·I ,p, d 1f t t' ' t 1 j ~ f 1 ' 1 ,_. • • ff1i 11t .. ,., I ' I If I I I • \II \11'111 \'I> I•', ' " •I I h•1, f :1 d 1.111 .Ji I , I ·I ••' 11 'rt ,, fl lftl'1 , I• J "' •<I , tn nk. '11' I '' I , .r If ,. • • I 1 • d 1"' I \ 1'11 I I I•· l I , . -I BALBOA'S DUTCH LUNCH 111 MAIN STREET Gordon Wevill Ji• Marksity MUST BE ACCOMPA NiEO BY PARENTS Mediators Work to Avert Rail Strike M<Mfld • SELECTION OF P~OOFS • NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY • NO OBLIGATION TO BUY To All Mothers ol fh e Harbor Area ThL" offt'r nf ,, fn ~ I l h IT• ";J~\t'fl •·f ~·n1ir <'hil<l- taken h\ a nall••n.tll~ kn••\\n 'I•;: 1lt~t in rhild phot~· raphy _:i, macit' in :.1•i:'""1;1:1nn "~ ~<1ur supfl'~r1 of '!'-Ir f'tor<>. i'\o t ril\JliH' . _ _.., tinnc ~""ir d 11l<J •.n rturini.: 1~tlar <:t nn" h 11111 . Ap1'1 ._., .".I • ••r ~t;iy ls1. 1nd11sin>. itnd sitlir.:.: "ill I•· m ;..rl1-. r..:ht m r1u r "''If"'· Store Hour S:J<J '!: m. to t3 p. m: Western Auto Supply Authoriud IJ~aler 1836 Ne11rport Bini. ";,a;~.., • (Ac,,.. r.i.,,,._o) In an anempt to avt rt I.he nn111rn-wlde raUrc,nd atrtke called for M11 11. n•Uonal n.Uws1 medlaton mttt with rr(JrtM'lllJill\'1'> CJf lhe lhrr~ r1111 uperallng unlon1. at C hlt&.iO· &i<.wn ll&U ~Ml are A. J, Olover, pr,.1dn1 r,r S 11o111 nm• n ~ Unt••" 11t North Amr•rtca , J . P Rh 11•lda, flral L" L • 1nt t.<>' Orancs Ch let of BroU·"r- hr-"xl r.t Hallr••ad l'lliffi~l'I. F A .)'Ntill, Jr., Of DAtlOll&l rs1Jw11 med1&\.kln board; f'ranll P. DoUllaAll. cll&lnna n of the medlltl<in t>oard; C H. Keentn, '1~ pruldent Brot.nrrnood of . LGcolnoU•e ..U-n •lid Enitnemen. a ud C E McOMUela, •let ..,..adent of ·the 1•11.cbmen'I llDloD: Featuring Direct Tap _Beer CORNED BEEF ON RYE , and DUTCH LUNCH SPECIALTIES Sh !Jf ileboard for Your Entertai11111e•t ·--~ .. , I I • , -. ... ·- ~~:~~1;~f0~~t:~~~~E~~~~~~~.·.~~~~·'.S:~~ .. ~·~~~1 :,~~;~;;.~·f ~~I~Q:::QP:EQgJQ~N f f X~:~EA:Qt:~:] * Brief Glance at I Mesa Firemen ~.' ;·'',:"':~,"",".I'.'~ ~i'l't,;;;r th.tl'I ~ .• ',;::~;. ~~:.;:,·.•.11 ;!~::_"'d;·~::~ n• .. L~~~ Gl"l~ •••• 141~1'.AA Gl'IDE 101 ot·sasE.~S Gt:IDE lO &AU Nl8Ct1.LAHZOU8 • n.. '1, I I "••1111 111r11u;:h1111.1 1,.r111 .. 1l•"\l ...... ~!61..111 HARBOR I ED WALTERS HARBOR Tod•y's Markets To Hold Annual :;1:1•••1 1:::1',"1'). :·"~1 '''., 11:~:··~ .~:·'n,1.~:1 11.~::t. ,\~~m :.i"'~'~'a-a~':n ~. Plumbinc Senice L~ ~~~vi~ nath ~:;::_0::,:~:.. l'tc Furnit~re & Transfer Am T .. I & T··I 1!\:\I, I Frolic Tomorrow •It 111 "' 1'117 \\Ill I hmil of t•a:ht H.tli.o.i l~tlmlltloQ l'O'>t $200. n -... !""na-port ~'d.. Be¥l00 61ll HARRY HALL '15th & :-;C'wport A\'e. Costa Mcu BONDED and INSURED ClintUlllln Ptt\·1(11' I~ lt1111 .. 1 .. 1 ,.,,. "" 111!1 ,,; for th• n (" n. nn• I I• llllll tu bwkJ ~ ..... , ........ G ,,,... .... ~,,... •• ·n PAI:-.71~C CONTRAc:TOft Phone BPacon 8700·W-3. A Goo" Buu · I •'"' '·' ·~1 .. 11111.• :q .,. r l m.-n 1 -_.,. ......,,,. "'''n .. ..-CA.AAA. loll< ~ .J • • • Ou'"'"' 1111• <'.,,,,'''''I' r"'""" "'' 1 .. •t1 .. ''"" c·-·--·~ _ _.. ., _ _.._ 274 "'-·t 19th St.~' o-""' 11111 ...... : 1.!1" \\' <"·n traJ. s,...... w~----.,......,.. Lall Is a w1· .... e Buy Gi•nt•l1d \loltlt• ;\:;•~ tl10l1 11i·•11l II•""'"'"""" II 1 1 11, I• 1 1 ol I\ 1••\l•n<lo·d 111 ~ 9-lfa "'-Bee. 5413 Coeta Me9&, C"alll " t~~'l\I)'"" 11 '• 11 ·t • :.1.' 1 1 .. .:••·11 i. • 1 I iJ' , .. 1 .i ,, ., 1•11 11 .,., 11,1 '..!'I 11tr••u1·h 1"1' ~ 11111·•1•-<I i·i~t ~. »d• 1.l un~on Bros. ~t Us H<'lp You !W \Vise l\(•nn•"'o11 ~1 P. ""''" 111• .i.1 •.• ,•11 .. 111 1,1 .-111•1 •• 11, ~11 11,, 1 '' """' :111t1 1., ... ,.s '1 11 \\··llrn.in l.ll'lmtt toit'pa )lother·s Day Gifts Concrete Work -COURTESY SERVICE- s,.n,, :u-1• •lllliHltllt' 11 1 I 1\11 t 'r 111' oJ,il1totJ.:• ·•' j'tJI} C•.;_"1 high"':.' COOPERATIVE 1962 Harhor Olvd. Costa Met• St (' I ~ I ·•r ~ t ' ' ''' " 1 "'1 l.•1 1111 tl"tl ,.,,., "1.'5 P.m;: . \\'•tri-..41. Pins. 20:!8 S11n!a Ann A\'e. ~ .•. 1> •• 1111 1 1 1"1.,1",1"1'1'1" ;,.~1-1 • '1ol·· !1"11 1 ''111 1.' 11 '11 ''"' 1'•11 ' 1 '1 11 " '"11111• "1111:•" 1· ,\ 11.1.\il•·n 1•·n1111 1obu11d t'1141um. J•-.f-lr} HOOFING CO. COSTA MESA Phone Beacon 55~8-J ~ H .. l,1\lt1..:_ ltdfll IJn1f /"' f•L:hl lU•' \\IJ• t•/fl!•d 11n lfh' 11ht1t o f •t .. r:7 tJ S •"11·••1 7"' I I I ' ' 'r• '' ••1 -, . ., J.:·" ·•..:• "' ;1!1 It. Jt;in.h ii\• New and R~ .. i· Ph. Al'acon S:l:?l·W / 57;, 34 trc "" u ' 1111 11·'· II"·"""'''''' "I"" 1111·11 '"1111111 ,1111, l •I'-' '"" nu• '•'"1••11 11.-1,_;ht • L_,lllt\.llt• 'l:\\'PHR'T JE\\-EL£P.S -.,a.u 52-22tc • Ii~ l'n111•tl 1'1°•'~' S1YX'K!' 1111•1.;111111· 1n mn<l1·r1111· trucltni: !l(lNf>~ 1rr••i.:11lar . l ; S l:ll\'1•1 n- mrnl!> did no1 I r1t!ll'. CURH '''"'k' ilTl.'$:Ulor C IOCAGO ~11.•:ks h1i:h..r LOND<>!'ll 1otllc.ki. cltl!!lt·d l)1i.:h••r SILVER un('hnna;wrt rn N1•w Yiari< at 74.._c a fine oun(."('. roTTON ''"'\1"'11 lower, 1 CR.Al NS in ('htcai;o : Wllf;AT futurt.'!i dON'<l off 'I-. to I 1'c. CORN up A, to ofr •,.t·, OATS up ~ to off -..r : SOYDEAl"S 11rf 3 to 5c.' and LARD ru1urt"fl up :.! P'" to off 15 pt,. HOGS actl""· I 00 h1gh<'r, CAT· TLE uneven. S HEEP 11turl)'. • I BIRTllM MAC MULLAN To Mr. llnd Ml'$. C1111tll\'1• MnrMullnn, f115 1'l _ W Bay Ave . Anlho11, in St .l•i!'•·Dh hollplts l. Aprll 2!), l MR, 11 ~on. fj lbll. 11 oz. llf' was namC'd Oav1d ~bcMullan. PF.ATiit" CASSIDY, Noan A . !'19 111,.11 rit S&nl11 AM Community h11sp11 1il i\ natl\'1' of P nrlndi.:1'. Kon . tw 1·11m•• her,. laa1 fall and n•1icl1-d a l rr.~ Orani:r Ave• Ht• was rettr<•d prtn· dpal of Rll'twdl. t Krm I l11~h echool and ~<'n•'<I 1111 :iut.~111111 1· teacht'r her<' and in Santn Anll Ht' wu a m1•mh••r or C/>91& J\tH:i Community d1urch 1wd of th•· F l1ht>rml'n'• rluh n( 1h111 r hurt'h a Srntt1sh R1IC' ;\1a1U1n of Topt·k•• Kan. and mC'mb<'r o f A F and A.M.. ~rllni:tun. Kon. 111' I!! survl\'c''d l>y hll wlf<'. Mol. lie; t""·o aons. JWbc>rt .of PhtCf'•liA and Lawrtn~. Llln~clon, Knn.: onr brotht'r, John C of Palm Springs: Cini' 1l1hr. Mr" Alt-athn Lovr, Pvtrldgl", Kan. & nit'Ct!. Mrs. Eva Rhoden. Nl'wport Hf'lKhl!I ; &l!IO aix rr•ndchlldrrn. St'r\'lcea will h<' ht"ld Mondsy at 2;30 p.m. In Grauel rhaJ>('I. Calta Meu with lht' Rev. Ct111rl~ Hand u otrlclant. lntC'rmt'nt with J(luonlc rltet will bl' In f"alr· havn eoenwttTy. SAND CRAB (Contlnu..t from Pase 1) Dtlacation, ~ the revolt. The S. A. Board has done ~ odd things in the last few years that tended toward autocracy. All .of which prove& that if you are an elective body and fail to take the public mto your confidence. som e t h I n g is likely to bust. 'Their course means that the.> kids will be deprived of badly needed "achool rooms.'-• • • Worth Remembf'rloc. Fig- ures tabulated by thl' Bw'C'uu ot Labor Statistics showro -that the averoge weekly earnings or factory employ- ees had gone up from S 11 in 191:l to a c·un\•nt l<'V<'l of about S51. M<'ttl'Ul't'<1 In tenns or what mom·y could buy, today's nvt'r ag<' work- er's •·real wagl•'' is $:!~ to match agains t tht' Sl 1 o f hi~ 1913 countl'rpart , acl'urding t9 the Unilt'C1 Slat~ f><'p;ll1· rilent of Labor n•po11 a t th<' end or Ft"bru~i)-. l !l.I~. 1• 1 •• 1 .. 111.: m""' 1 '" I"" '"' " •IH" ,.,,.,1 11, ,., .. 111•• ·1111· •"'1t1m1~· ""'' ~IOI.II) 1 ·ndo,. tlot-'W' lt.i.nagenloE'nt • Phone Bt'acon 6217 . '"atchet • Qock1 • Jt"wetry '111111 11''1 111 ' '11~11" •· • ti•• d·d '" 1''"" lh• 111"'1 f~ w 11 .. 1~.m.1 .. ·m lJI tu huild • .::rvt St ,X(1pvrt 61)..L2tc i573 El&>,.. Av• .• Coeta -MeM LEROY SLATER CHRONOMETERS '•no "' lh• h11•li111·1.1, .. 1 ''" '' I •If I '"'lo \I• "'""' I•",,,. I .11 I\' I 1.t1tlll) ""'••llmi,; al 71-l :IO-d4 Move Anything Anytime Repairing -Prompt Servtoe t11111•• "111 1 .. 111. 1•1•'""'••111·11 "' 11, 1 . .,., ,,111111 1 .... •111 • .Jl .11 · ;· 1.,,111, .. 11 1.1. <"·"•nJ ,lt-1 ~ar. £6t. \\fallace Calderhead Sen.Ible Prtce1 ;, ch"•'k lnr .1:1.1•11 1 1 .. 1'..11111 1 ·"""" 111 -r11,111111,11, ,.111111) 1•" n • 1-J •• tnu.tMI "'"' SllH••i Speciall.z"d In •'l\l•ttl ln1n 1; .. ,,~, '·1•d1111 11111 k•·tf• .. 11 .. 1l'ht111"1· .. 11111\ r•·••r" \l.\Ti'IGlAKER JEWl:LER CABINETS MOVING VAN DRIMLEN .111 .. ·11h Sl'lr• rm.111 '"'''' ,.,,,. 1•' '" 1 ,. ,.11 .... •I,''' I'' l'uJ '' r l'r1,111rt•s '2 S A. Bo D:CRA\"'ER PRF.MSION WOR.K. Let us call Housf."hold Goods & Small Boau JEWELRY 1•h11n:•· 101 '''""'> •"1111111111 n1 11\ ""' ,10111 l.1011l' B· 11 t•·••·f\1• l·l rn anta 03 )'S 817 COAST ID~'A1' and gl\f' you our C':Himate 144 HarbQr 391. ~tf< 1788 N~rt Blvd. Co.t• Meet lkrt S1111 th, 111•• 1'111.-t Thi· l'ti··1 k ~1·~111• 111111 S1•k11 .. 11 "11•111l1 •• ~ Hi t Wh Car CC>ROSA ·bf:L KAR. CALIF :.!1st St. &!ween OrangC' & New-3-ttc •111 !k· full p.1)111•·111 lttr th1· II•\\ f1111i.:lil\ In 11 • .i1.1..-.p111i.: !hr •llSI· Ur en .... 22t-port A\ .. , "'osta Mftia. Phonf." PEJlSO!'iAL H ,_ <' t I ti I Ill 11•·1 I ..,... L ~ ~ COU1.·.t( O""nino Into~-7x9 rua lrllf k '"'""'' ,.111 1.1 " '" .. I • 111 h di 1 I•·~·"' St ik s· I Bea-~JS 58-:.!2tp a.A ... .. .. h k I • ,, I ' I . I r '°S 1~y~ e ""'" ...... floor tamp, ping-pong t abl(', cof. I c• 1rui· 1'·'" """ ""' ' '" '1 '1'11" 1'1•mm1•''' n 11n11·r .. <I 1 rt" ~ '-'-~!~~'"rtOS Of' TIIE BOARD \"ILT. BABE a'n bro"'n Buick who I I ' II I I I ti I ., " -~ tee tablt". Call Harbor 2123-W. •U '~1-r111 11'11· 1 "' " '····1 •· " ' "" \•'' 1 ... 1 •• r.· 1:ik111i; act1<1n nn r<" r •f' TRU~ O F ~~ For Rent -'t•fJ black bag you-know..wht"re II• th•• '"•llrll) '" .. 111.1111 lllf1mt1•n · •111,.~to·l1 ch11n1:•"' 111 Pur tul.1 dts· S A:"l:TA A:'l:A ~·o Santa At:.1 If AR 8 0 R l: NI 0 N mGH ff-or'Apt Tiii June 15th S<'t" Earnle at Asl!O('iated St"!·ViC<'. 60-ltc ttnN' so·r,wl' trl•'' n·~··n·· in M11n1 .. r1•) t'•1unty ,l><1)' '"'rt' ~·riuusly lllj\&rtid lab• :'CHOOL DIS11UCT OF ·OR-:.16th and w Central. Am ke•'P· FOR SALE-Kehinator, 4 comp \Valt,..rs ~01d ''"' """ ,,,,.,.,. "' nnd •·t llun11n"t11n l'Qrk '" Fn-i<no 1111.;hl "lwn th<')' W£'tt struck I'> A.""C£ C'Ol,;i..-rY, CAUFOR.''l.A. H M LANE deC'p frf't"zc for home or com. ' ··' ·11 . u ., n J n.... • • ing photos in safe, but hurry. l'tt1J1p111••111 ,-..:.~ ·' ,.•an •llJ it t1111nl\' .1 i nr dr1\l•n h). a mt'S v-ftl Cul· Apnl 12. l9t8 REAL ESTATE mC'rclal use. PY.Iced for quJck 11 -..11~ purd111,•·•I lrun1 W.ir ,,,,...,, r ._ !lo l••m. l't·lrrn•nt Shores. while nd· snle a t $60.00. Hllrbor 1384. A .. m1111stra1111n a ru1 ••ririn11ll) ""'' ,\ tr1:int:1thir. "1'llon 1' ·.in r-,;, .. · ltt\lt li1l•cle on r.;orth Main • 2006 Court Ave. _ "'03t< " t1 I 11 t I h ' I ' ' In mnhon ~ Tnattt' 11.n.. Bui-N N rt Pl-PIANO LESSONS In your ho-a .,..,.. lhl' ~•l\t•rnm••nl Slli,1.0 ·1 Thi lrur·k niu In•• i·ounly ··~ "111 ni: 11 1 •II• d S1111ta Ana ear ~ "" ' .. ~. I~ ·~~1p111·d -..11h 1111:11 Jlfo''""' :'1:1•rnd11 h<•Ulldllr )' IHI~ ord1•rl'd 'fh<'. \IJUlll( •')t'lists. o.ie Trt'fll ,:.;,.!~~&:~~-=-~ Eatabliahed Since 1920 LE-schetlzky method of tcch- roi: i:c:rr for lh•· 1.110 '' in l'fl•'"''' ''I "''"1•11 '" ull h111111n..: f111 th• n••xl 11, nnd \\'1tri:m1 Ronds. 12~, hut! 8-tft nlque. Bt'ginnen or advanced f fl hti ,, 111. 1 • ,,, , 11o • 1 ""r•· 11 .1n~f•·ri 1-d ,.,1 3 ~ \I 1 t Sant.a Ana WHf:RE.AS. tlw-S_,.-t Har-studt"nts. For inronnation call "" ~ n,. 1 r '.\1 I f"• uni\ "1 ·' " · '"n s rtt · 1 • ..,. l'nion H1cta School District Deacon 5131·R. 57-5tc ~11osr nf 1h1· m"'"') f00r 11111 °h.1•• lnl11 IW fin "' 1"111 · ,,., •. 1 .. 111T .. n -<1 l>•'"''' h'fo: injuries and ,.111 not rlflfd tlw Hi ch Sdaool P.almc ..,..,._ of lhl· trm·k Wai. f .. 11'"" h i fllll1lll' ·11 .. ''111111\ I " ''"" ""~ ";·1 frlll~ \\o•r .. 1.1krn '" ~ • J CJ94>pb'a hv-· \ud1t°"1um for sdM>ol purposes be-7 :00 A. l\t. -7:00 P. M. - t1uhscrip1111n 1tm1 lh1· 1 .. t11rn••· 1•,="11' I'• 1" ll••i· 11 "11h 11 imll 1' 1111.,I, 11r,1ni:;· om.-. Ccmd&M'tlac Elf'Ctlon-1~•tn"' mild•• llfl h,\ thr' d.11w•· \\· . .t· "'" ' d,1, 1"" 111 fl"~~''''1''° and l'ullum 111ld hiuh..,ay n.at-• ••I ""'>r'fl Jww Zlst. l91S and Sep-lnspl'CtOr : Mrs. C. Anna Bodman " "' I .. .-• .,. l• mlit..,-lf11h. 19'&8. M'ood l••rs stltll'd Thi• d11n1·•· l>,.i.:111., :ti 1.! l11r 1 II' s10:1i;on Ill 111~ '' h1· "·'' drr'ln5: south ''" "l:f 1\\'. TIIEREFOR.E. BE IT J udge: Mrs . Ir eni• s •1 p.m I :-.;,., 1111•rn <'11lif11rn10 hun1.-r .. " :ll11tn <tr<'•'I -..tlC'n tl'M> boys sud· Judjl'e: M .. s f.lsi1· Nl'wlnnd 111· 1w1111111o·tl ,., 'h•••I 1·0111mt111I d1·nl) 1·111 ac·rc;ss lhe hlchw1t.1 in Rt:..<;.r1L\l':D that it is the inten-IPRECJN("'ll' NO I Entrance to tdl<I 111 11.,h r.1hl11h 1 rom Nt•\' HI I I I .. 1 t · -d t . I'! ''""' of the-8oanll,G£ Tl;ustttS ol Sc:hool. 14th & C1:11trnl. Prl'clncts 100 Arrested In Tahoe Club Gambling Raid SAN Fl1ANCISC'O, Aflrll 311 I •t I;, •1· :11 l.111111 will 11<• r11n1 n irm ru o •\01 •N-:"'~-port lbrboft Cnion lTigh . I I I N . I ,, 3 4 ' m111i.:, t11111ni.: tt!1·m , hut it ""·as too lah as '"c ty., cct ons: • •) s . ~. . . i·ti.,:hl n tl:i~· w11h nu i.l'l1'>nn r<'· 111 .,11111 11,. \\,is not ht-Id by plJ. ~~I °Q!!trict to olfeT lo k-a.w 5. 8. le 11 I :.1r11•tt1•n :"o n1l1lo11 tiun1rn1-: will 1 1hP-fl1irh Sc-hod Auditorium b.'-~1.,,... "4-hot>l-- 1 ... 1w 1 mil I• d 1r1 :-; .. 111ll1•rn ( '11hfnr· 1'"' i ... ~.,, JWIC' Zlst. 1918. and Sep-r oro ne dl'I Ma r 111,1 1.,,, ,111••' .. r lh•· i;J1tirl:tl:•' ur •·-mbrt-l~h. 1948. P.rlltlc ,.,_ No Chan~e Here Thai ·~ mimmwn Pl"itt ror WiJ H'rO A M -1 :00 P . M. ' ,.,... \ll'lll ~ $2.fn) 00, nd in oai-a Co.d!M'Uac l:ltttloa-With f '1dJtaon '" ~ minimum r.nta lnsptttnr· Mri-\\'a)n<' C'rawl ~·till•' -~-~~---------Swimmini: In three lessons. $7.00. F oot ol Montero St., Balboa. Rl's 329 Arcnde. Ph. Harbor 27AA-W 55-22tc UPHOLSTERING I t lr YOUR FURNITURE Is not be- comln& you should be coming to I.hf Joni's Co. Upholsters. RESTYLING and rebuilding, all work guaranteed. Phonl' Beacon 6260 25-22tc EMPLOYMENT WANTED FIR~WOOD CHARCOAL It BRIQUETS PROMPT DELIVERY ·Wright' Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd OOSTA MESA • Beacon 5665 Plenty of Good Tires All Stzee Compound .Motor OH Gallon, '7'0c 1 t ·p I I-lm1·r "llon1·~" !11•111111• 1, whn 111••r11 t1·~ .1 w.-ll·kn .. w11 1:.1111hl· mi: f'aainn un thl' ;-.:,.\ ntlr1 ,1111· "' l*'I<" T.1hf)o•, k1·111 h1 .. M··nlo F•N'm l" rluh <l1·~111t•• :• pollt••• 1 1111 )P<1t·nl11~ in 1' !m·h lt/O 11<•r ••n• "•'fl' nrrl'!ltM Ttw 1·111111111~'" '" flxo·l1 11pland i:11m•• "'h'"'''n..: h111irs in (-111itnrma l111rt1 H .1m •l1l1T1 10 0111-hHlf hour ;ul• r "un'>•'I '"'IWf'1•n Nm· 19 .inti :-0.•" ..!X T l11· r. m.1tnt1"r ' ( !hf• ~"Iii-on h11111' '"" "" t)1-..1·1·n <on•·· h11ll h11111 ti. for,. ... inn,,. unltl or11•- •ht q.im al IJ.4.5() P"' W'ttk f.Jr Judst<'· !\tr~ Jnnt• !\fori:en )~n1•t1r 1l'nd nstodian stn"lttS: Jud5:1': !ltn1 Roh.•t la (' Guthrie q M'.I ren1aJ 10 hr paicl '" .-Hkly 1PRF.C'T:'l;C'"r :00.:0 2-F.ntranf'e to "''•'r<•d ..-.rl'('lly to th<' SS south 11 ..,...__I , ... _ •• --4uJ Western Auto 8lJl)ply Author1ud ~~er N~ Blvd., eo.t. K .. f-:mplo~ment wa nted flllrt time, ls:M hou!l('kl'f•pl"r for arlults. H nvt' . 11-tt• llr mrm r 1.c11otMt • ·w,. h.111 11•1 f'hr1qws of \'10l1<t1on .,f "'''t1nn :!~ of tile pol""' cnde and 11 I•'" hour~ lttt<·r ~1" hack Rrl'1llni:'p;il r11nit a l l11s d uh. Th<' M'<llun 11roluh1tll \'is1t in11; or tl()l'r/I I mt: 1111 ':-1.t11hsh· m C'nl whPre ~nmhhnR 111 i:ntni: on Fourtttn <'tn[llll)'Ni w1•r1• rc·lc•n111•d on $200 hall l"8Ch a nti thc> pntr1in1 on $:.!O tmd llJl"'"<' on thr Alim«' chargtt [nformt'd ~Ollrl'f'!I 1'81d n<t fur· tht>r policr actlnn wn~ ront1·mph1t · ed J>('nding a cl11rlftr1111on 'nt whether 11n ancient 11ttornf'y ltl'O· t"ra.1'1 rulinit thnt drnw pokC'r ift a SlllTM' of 1klll rathrr than g11mbl- ln1e ls still \'11lld. R~r said hC' wa.c 1oroin.: to rr· main Of)C'n and that poltCC' had not asked th11t hf' r lo!«' th<' club nor msdt> any t•ffort 10 do 110 them · selvH. "lr thry i<a~ that." hr .-ait1. ''I'll have to i o to lhl' l'O\lrts and get an Injunction ." l1111f 1111111 ''"''' 'lln!ot'I ~.<irli• I I h1 !lo >t•r ""'~on rur norl h 4"0"" I ,d 1·oun I H9' \\ .tS "-t•I t rom !'1•111 11; In t l\'I I\ w11h a llmtt 11f t"11 liu•'I<!< Railroad Situation Deadl ocked 'ii rnsta rn•'flts '"'" '"" s ....... T>:t, I SchOtll, C:trnn1ion ~I Pn•cmcls as land •'1111'!> •1n its rout('tl t'arl)' th 1,._... must Mlrry public liaht.uly in n t)' l'h'<'tlnnll: !':o'i; i;, 7, 9, 10, l11ll1M 1ni;: day _ _. _.___ · • "'"' pr.,,..-r1~-........... ~ tnsUranC'f' 12. 13. & Cliff !lawn Subd1vis1on.I Tho· nd<lo'tl !'('f'\'I('(' •·ill now I• • ....... .,......___, ~t"-1iz pn>frc1 , __ ~...... IJ1'> ...... n.-.t-foW~ '' r"' ..... fif1W In ottwr word• r ... ___ -" a1:111ns1 an~· ctacrn or ...., ... gn ~an \'i1•w , Auditorium 11utl1<1un'1 traffif' will Jt~t • ~I anqni:: b} 1ht-._ ol said pn>mi.sn _ n- l'f• th"'"'°"' (lf husi--maD .,11 ~ ·-..,,. t r11n.~frrrf'd d1recily lo tnn~· 1') · 1-00 P !It. -5 00 P !11. nut a public: -mttiinlt of the °""'""' ('-4uc-tl•11t EIPC'tlOD-t'Onlmf'nlal &irlinn"S at tlw Loe Ro:ard o( TrustttS will ht-held at 1 u An1wlP1< Arrpnrt for df'Uwry thf' 4 38 o'<iocil pm.. on lht-10th day nsJ)t"Ctor : !11" .• nari::nret d l\loynngh f<>llQ~'tnl: m(lrntnf.? in rut""' t-o( M•)', 1948. al lhe S_,,.art Har-J ud11;e : Mrs. F.\'a BcC'm PTojtoCtion11 tnd1catf." IMt tlw-''vi· 1 bar t"nion Hach School Administra-J udgt': Amy KC'llOjOtg um<' wall I~ very ht'avy, ln fact. to! tion Buildanc. ("~ )Cna_ Ca.ll- C'OJX' with lht' situalion It has brt•n fon ua .. at 'Wtudi an-and ~ ~;;:c~hooJ...­ nc'<'Hsary tc:I purrtuue an eddttl<lf\· 1 N'1l1"t ~Is lo..,_. said Audi- <i llC'AGO. ·April 30 tUPI -A 111 Sikorsky S-51 Hf."lloopl« wtuc-h tonwn W'lll ht-rean--..t and con-....._ ~ fr d t•rnl ll1<'1Jlutor 11nnoun<-1>d today ~, due..;;: al'Ti~t~ r~n~~ r: sidrffd b)• this 8-rd. and at ~ c1!......~: :.~~.-- ur1t·r his third m<'l'ling with prlnci-ay. rt'C' a t ona ....., .. • •1Uc:h tanP 1tlja 8ollnl shall can lrttptttor: Mary Taylor 11111,. tn thr natinnwldf' rail labor six additional rruaintt'n~ P 'f'· for ciraJ tlilk, ~ if .._,. oral Judir;•: .Knna McCaugh t1i~puf(• th111 "hoth !'!ides are 11till 110nrwl havl' alllO t>H-n "°'*'"d ia IUbmit~ te i.w said Audi-Juclc\': l.oui94' C"olller uny1rldlng al 1h111 pcimt " hy the cornp.ny. 1~ flpOll '9r lf'lftm and aJDdi... ct111lrm11n Frank P. Douglau of t-nllO"'ing is l ht-achrdulr t +-SltdfW in um Rnolutlron. n;::~t:;:~ thr nntiunol railway mroletlon t-ratlve ht"TI' 11rt<'f' May I : for • pric1P ~ b)• 5'< the r.-.. ~ h(>tt1'11 C'mrrg1'CI from a morning L\'. 7 07 am L A A Arp« I :11 a. htdlnt writtni ~. ttwn thr 7 .00 A M _ 7.00 p M. ...,. ... ~1•lf'I w11h r'f'pn>~en1 111lvf!' of the ....,_ 7~ .. .,. 1.. A. A.Jrpt.. Ar 1'~~ ...-. oral bid wtUdt is t.he h.lchrst. °"'"'" c-cta<-tlac f:Jflrt1oa- rorlrond.; nnrt OUllinrd brit'fly his Ar. 7 17 am. C'om/jtoa Ar I n -. •1Uctt Ira ...... by a --n.i.. 'de ·1 1 2 u-11 •• •· n~....---IMJ)t"Ctor · Mrs N r lli(• M. Parr ..rr1111:-10 11\'('rL.. a natlonwt ra1 !~ ;~ ~;:: A;.,.;f:;' ~~ i; u :::: prnon or pc"l"lillm. stWJ ~ ac-Jud11;1': ?\In c R McCall :-tnke Ar. 7 •3 am !'Ania Aaa IV t~ » p.a ..-.t~ ' 'Jlw qnkl' ha.' lx><>n \'Olt'd for o._ -r-IT n;----RESOL\~ JudKe \'ir5:1nia C P;i,ll<"rM>n •t 11 h I ·1 Swpt & II Ar 1: ~ •• 'RF: rcn-lt:Jt BASIL 11 PF.TERSON , ,, ny y t 1r('o(' opc-rntmi; rat 1tun1 lkh Ar i: :n,. that tJllil Rftolution ht-publ.JShfd flr'(ll hl'rhoocl~ nnl1 m1-d1ntors have Ar ~ ,.., ~ m '"'"'" e.-.. h Ar I. 1'1 , • , ,....____ -.. Clt'rk SC'CT<'llU'y. Ar UI a..m.. W1lniln,rt1.H1 Ar I! i.Ol p.a ODC'I!' a 't'ftlt '°" bu.....-~· Pub 7 14 948 car, Kood laundrPss, 3 or more hours. Harbor 1973-M 1617 W. C't'ntral. Newport Beach. 56-5tp EMPLOVMr.li'T Of'FEREO DlNNER WAITRESS -At Har- rison Dinner H ouse, 17th & Or- • ange, Coste Mesa. 47-tfc ------- WANTED-Stenof,?Tephl'.'r in Engl- n<'('ring offic<'. 2823 W. Ct'ntral, Pho ne Harbor 160. 58-3tp WANTF.D-Woman to do house deaning 1;, day a w eek. P hone ltarhor 1358-R. 59·31c NEED OFFICE MAN-Clerical & general. somt" S<'llin11:. ExpcriC'nc- ed ket>ping records but technical accounting not ncceuary. Per- manC'nt. $65.00 a W('('k to start. Now 6-day week. Tt"I. Beacon 5277. 60-ltc IUS. FOR SAJ..E .. SO LAL ENLARCF.R OUTFIT. NC'gati\'I' size 35 mm. to 314 x 4 1; rompll'te wtth lenS('. l::ascl 11nl1 n11tom11tir timc>r Bari:ain llarhor 17"!3· w_ 5l-2tc Also rald('d wns thr Som1•r1tm Bridg<' cluh. Opnntors lh<'rf• su1d it rrorw-nMt 11ft1•r thl' rl\1(1 .. ,,. mC'mhC'Nt nnly" hut t hnl m1 cnrd 1tafTl('1! Wl'ro runnini: "J11~t ron· 't·r~alton ·· . ;idm1llNI 1h111 lht-only ~ m Ar 'I IOLm Saa l'l!!dn. Ar. u 5"Lm. _.u in t""° S_,,.art Balboti -A.,,,-JO: ?\fay . . 1 . h••iuhn~ 1t tlff 11P~ •n thfllr rffnrt~. ~~ : ~:: • ~·,:.r:;::;: ft ~~ ~: !i :.,: ~nmrs l ~ af litftt. ------------- Spnk1•,m•·n fur t"" •If lh<' hn1llil.'r· Ar ,.. YI • m I. A Alrpt u" 11 3'a a. era! circuLation publishtd in !ht> PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR h•""'' ,;i111 In (lt'\••1.m<I that 1h"Y ~'.'J.r~,/ 11.11, "'"'r' su.oo.., a..t County ol Qranc... and lh:tt a ('nC7)' ::;;:::·,1.11~:::, ,111rm11 I h1• dii;putr lo tJwonoof a,,. PM'f.-d in th~ ftUhli<' Fisherman Drifts l"·"i:""' .... i1 111 .. 1 itw "h11-: u1r. MacA'LEVY TO OPEN ~~t~~~hr;u~~ , lt•J•IH.,,.., ,,, th1~ t1nH• rt•v o lvr LAU NnERETTE l ..llON · Onto San Cleme nto .11 .. 11ntl iii·· 1·~···1mtl•'llllHl1ton• made• L:1 "" • ICodt' ' I 1 1 1 ·· n · · m: rr n.."R"nfER RES0L\T.Tl I I d I • d lo\. 1 1" '111"1 i.:•·m·~ ''1·11'1 ll' ~tuiirt I :\1af't ~!"'• A'l.;" \ Mll th.at ttdl tJc»rd n( TnJ!<t,..-c ho>r..t1\ 8 an , njure h11·11°'· '1 111''"111""11"1 f:u·!·frnrlinc ·111m>llm"'fi 1lw 11p,.n1n.: 1•1 h.-l11un-~'f"tl t hr n&?hl. 9'hould 11 f1,.,·m .1,;.-111·\. '·"' "" '"' h I •'t'lltllllt'n<lo~I tlr~ ··t , •. ~1t1n1l.1~. )l.1 \ 1 rn. new S i\:" llfff;t l, \11111 111 1\0 )'1 ,, l'i1, 11111 11111111~ \\,I:;•· lnr'11.1 ... · suNt 3C'1Jon t(ltw> for th" t-t pot.. . . ·ri 1 k .,,1 , 1.rnnclrr•·tt1· 1< 1.11 11 1 ol 1• lli Jht lk lntM'ftt. l'l rt'Jtct a~ :.oo :ill f-:11,•ard Ka.11111 a ...,,111 l'•tlr11 ll•h I 1.-11111•!1.-11&"" •. ·•· lnl! "' •1·111 ~. ~tr•~t ..-.,, ..... 1r 1 1 d ' • . I -• · ·" 1-Mdc ~ hrt tw-r ""Tlftm or f!f'a ·,n y I DAY SCBOOL PBYSIMANS -S1JBOEON8, M.D I J Mortimer School A. V. Andrews, M.D. Jez OMaJ "'"" ftalbna .... DA\' SCHOOi. PID'SICIA.N NOW OPP:S and ... .t.. •-·nJnta. M. A .. oarcw• RtJR(lEOS M-t,..i 411 Coa11t Hla-hway. Harbor Me .. llAaaotl A.W C"11rona del !\lu I UP:STl~TS •·n1u11. \\,1< r•••·1"•'11m: 111 :",1\ il ,10·1•·111''1 ih.-111111\.lllh'lhhlt••n 1··11111111•tl "''" llw 11'·'1 n.ndix ~nthrtraw <tid Aud11nnum fr"m l11•~p11al. ''II-·~ '"""' 111j11r11•< •Ill · 1111· •·a1 11•·1' "·"" nrf,·n·d '"ii<" .111pl1.1n•'• '· "" n•"' i11, '•hn.: l••t\Ul(.'S.1toRM' r. 1·1•11 "h1 '11 ht" 1111• man f1.,h1m• 1'•'1'1 1 If,. """" 111' 11d.1l 1•1l1• •11111 1 I I I I 11 ~1 •'--k' I I t t I ,'tc'1 i h''l 1,1 '1n< 1r • ..: -\\ '''"'> D J Jl()fY~J: i·,.:.fl tln l l• d i•11'" ·'"' ,.,., . ._, •·I to11 I .1.. "'"'"'11 •1111 '""·"''. 1 • .,,,1111.m .. 11•1~ \f,, I •••'l•I· rt ur: A H f'TT7.PATlH,~K 1 .... ,,1 1·1,111,.111, 1 .. 111111 ,.,1,1111, 1 1~·11 I • "·"" II• 1111•1 1"''' ,,,_ n 1 1 , 1 1 • ,L,_ · · :i <'X r .11• t1r ' 111 1 " t ' • • "' r LILLI A"" \\-r.t ·n .~-R I 11 H. R. Hall, M. D. Dr. Obed Lucas Ml)"llclan and 8 urirf'On Thf' l'"''I l.11 1n l r .. 111111 "111ln •1•1d.11 \l illt lil••ll1t•1h1••I ,, f'I•'•• 11·1 1 r r n Bo"'rd <>f Tnl5i.~~. .,_, "l""rt «·111lr•m~c111u~ .i11d ,, 1,.r, I\ 111 11r1·1I 1 '111 ' • · \ ;.i•• L 111 .. 11 h·, " • ,, k "'ill Jf1'rtv>f t 'nM"tfl H i-;:h ~tv..-.J l hc- j m h" "r• i'k• ti to.1,.1 11111 111 .. 11 ht . 1•1 ·~h11, '••• .: tll •t' ' ri.: "''II· tnM ,.f '~.ln..:" \ .. unt\ C'lhf•>n"Ul lum '" ~ 111 111,, ... 11,1 1!11 I' I ,I I. 1111 1 1111 "'1111 11\ 11 ... ' \11· 11• r I" r 1'111111 \ ., ,. ' ,., n• r h3s Puh \jonl :!:l ~· \l;;) 7. l<\~" 11111 ~·1 .. -..1.,. \\ '1n1.i1 \\h•n tt.~ 1,, , .. ,,, thft, t ~t..;ht _..1 .. t••n •''''''''"' ... .,( 1 • I ti• lq '"' • ... 11tt•·Hd1 1•r \lh, ~ f'\•h\•"• 1 •~,.,nm I I I " ) . . I .~ •• ~OTl< f'. Of' F.LF..l T IOS '\;ii\~ I'' ''t~· •h11 n1L.: th• \\ ' " '"" • '" , · t 111 •• \•• ,. ·~ ~··1·• -<l tth , ,. , p• ''H t •' ~· .... ,~ , m nu·r ... 1 ... ,'11 ..... p t;• h ,1, li•t 1• 1 ,., u• 1''1 ' h.t '~' H ,!,.,. ,,, d '' ., 1• nn-... , JI ,11 ,...,. ,............,. 1:.f ,...,. f"~hlc Ill H !4-ft .. 111 '"'II'' "' 11!•1111~ '"' "' '''""" ,, '"' '·"'.1f 1\••11I··-.,._.."'I ..... ftr118f:I' ,_ .. , I DENTIST ' llou r". 2·5, by Appointn1('nt I I !!«!•,, w. ('-tra.I. Harbor 1486 Tell'phOOI' Bea<"On M-18 ~'l:WPOllT RF.ACH l!U Broadway Cn1&ta ;\IHI! GORDO~ E. RAPP, D.D.S. MU ton M . ~laxwell, M. D. !.us W'°"'t C'~ntral llOI C'oa.'t Hlway SERVEL The G A 8 Refrigerator Some Modcl1 Available NOW Balboa Fumiture Store 100 MaJn St .. Balbola Phone Harbor 145 2205 Cosat Blvd. Newport Phone Harbor 118 ELECTRICIANS ($~ 1920) Contr.actlng-'R.f'palra • Rl'Sldentlal-Induatrta.I 41-tfc Ets-Ho~in & Galvan 1000 Cout H!way Bea. 5407 31-ttc -X S PE C IAL! ' WASH ING MACHINES Oiled. Grt"ased 11nd Thorou11;hly Checked With Minor Adjustments onl y $2.50 T ake> advnntnge or this Special 11nd Avoid e Costly nreak-Down H ARBOR APPLIANC'F. SERVICE -177 Nc>wpnrt m vd • Costa ~ksa Phone REA CON 6296 53-tfc Silver Platinj?' C'OPPF.R, ORASS, GOLD Poll~hlni: & Rcrlni!lhlng Bay::;i ne Pl.ating Co. 19 14 H11rhor Olvd. rostn Mc>RR, C"allr .. Fkncon 5113 fl..trc x x x x x X' x PLUM TUNG SUPPLW.S l.a~r~I St(lf'k In Ornnst1• C"ounty. 11 " •I Gah'. Steel 20r f not Pipe C"hromr J!lntl'd S\'i ng FnucC'ts ~q ~>I) \'n I Ill' $."i 95 Navv und1•f\\nh'r ih•n11•hll••n l ion "'~ \h1,,·1m1 \rm.11•111• \It! l'rotd1 • ,,,. ' .r .. l\Jc <1n'11. -< ~~ ~frirl, t<'nm!!. IOSI 40 f'<'f C'\•nt of tlw1rl-l!<lnrk 111 ti•· ~Ttm•~ ---';"lfTI("} I.' l lrJ'!.rr.y t:t\"f ' T•l I Ftrao-Rarhor 4~1-.I t 11r on:1 th•I ;\far FREE PLTTMRING I Ofrlr c !i(lUI"!<: 10-1!~ 2-5 T ,ayout Servicr J)('r.<onnt•I in thl' '"'' half hn11 r .. r n n-• I.Fii• •P-' : ·r. I.,.,.,.::,. lh<' n"'<.111111 1111 On1.1hn lk.u•h . '.\111 .. mnntiy 1,000-Amerkans Every Day l.>ie ... from l IIGI I BLOOD l'RE~­ SURE. which is now known RS tll°C"Mri!-1<'17 Killff."- Ev l' r y . p .a y nc.~:spuµcrs . headline promin..-nt JlN'P'" ln enrl~ llf<' <lyin g from ·"hE.'ert' nttncks. Nin<' out ot ten or t h<'S<' W<'f'\' high blood pre~sure "st rok<'!'" or caused by l ligh Blood Pn-s· sure. We reduce your blood prt's- IW'e below the danger point In one Neuroflf-x treatnl('nt . . . continUE'd treatmf'nt will keep it there. No dn~. shots. medicines or surgery. Consultation· FREE Dr. EmlJ F. Be0. D.0., Pb.C. 107 -22nd St.. Newport ' • 5 Mondays & Thursdays Phone Harbor 1134 .. 63 Di\YS LAT!~. WH£N CE12\'EiCi\'S SPA~I~ n.EET \\~S :£ST~OVEDAT s~,·1~Go-ovLl/CNC. 1 P41EgJCRN \tR$ 1.0$1', ' .. AOJOi~!~,; l GRA\"f~7.:'~~~-:_::. ! WORT HINGT, Ref rigeration F'llLl:OM UOIOXL\ ...... 1 ..... Air Conditioning ........... Tueuure PumPI Centrif upl Pum.- rw AD "" ,_ ... All~ ....... Call .. Daa.1..--.....-. AA•' ... &• .._. r.-a .. •a! 'T l '"•'"~' f ... ~·r1 • t 1 I""',-.. , ('",-,11nT,. l 0:.!1r • ..,.,,1'-.... " • ...,., ,,..-·ul f:;,..... I Hfl'1 f•<f' 't .,,., _, r t•f '~• !'\,-.irfl o r l'"'u~t'""' ...._ I ' ·~ 1 -r • .... , , f""'" l<• ( .. ,,,. 1.-c:•· !>1•rr .. 1 ,. t.. h !ti nn rh•' third Fn<i t\ .. , '"'· \II ll;i~ 21 I 1~ It "•'I 1. 'r"' "-'Y' ro , ;,.,·r 1 ~ .miTr'· r Tl'·· ~·1~c r>hrr< for 11al(.f • 1•'<"1• r< • ' 'h." t trani:P l.Coast (', 11• .:• I •1•·: • ... r• ,< fol- 10""·~ ..,,._ .... , ~ ....... - t ("~13 'f1 l t ·-• r \111!1•ontun ........ ..........._ -;-..\ :\t : • r '.'f , I°""'"' (' ........ hie t:s-.rti-- J~JJPC1 •"" L c ~.,. ... an Judi:• ~all~· lhiv'I~ Juckl" AIK'f' J~ I .,,,....tary !loo. F I f'ount:am \'ii:~· ...... n--- 1 -M P '.\t -51"" P '.\l ~ .-~ h tlllc ~,.__ t mprn.-.r !\tr< 1.~ Ir ~ Juckf' '.\lr< J•: '"'t :i Folken z I Jud£f'· '.\I,... l fa.m F u!•nn 0.--l"'J ... ....._ Huntinct•'lt ""3ch. G~r.: ...... n--. 7 ~' A )1 -4 U\ P l.l ~ ('~Ille l>w-11 .. lmptttl'4" f'T"d ~k I Judi\"'· o n l'T"'l\'? I J~ J ohn na• ·=====-============== ~ ~ •.•• , ---fi«o Wtlle" AdWTtlM ~t'W'JWW't s ewport Reac-ll 0 l'"!ill.R.\ '>C 't: BE Sl'Rt: • IS~n~F. with ~1aurie Stanley 'Z'!-5 ltarin.-A\·r . Ralooa t .. 1. Phon.-HartN,r I iiG MORTl 'ARV BAJ.Tl MORTt'ARY LAD\' NITl:~Di\.~ - 411 c-a lflway I ('orona dfol :\tar ...._Harbor .at tD•J and Slabt I OPTOMETIUST E. T. BaUerworth. 0 . D. O,.-h11tt W!TQ EXAMDlr:D .. UIN8E8 DUPLICATED -................... ...... =-'...!Y-~~ ........ I PllTBIC'IA.'f 8--8 UIWEOS8-D.O. I W. T. Mooney ...,..... ... ~ X-RA\' U ·llow ~ ... A C..&nl Harbor._ \. I Minne Hsrbnr l 04r. --FONTAJ'\A PLUMRTNG :.!:lO<ll !' w :°'/l'Wf)Orl Avr S. R. Monaco, M. D. I lnlll 11 ;\lf'!ln P hnnr RNH't>n ""'' t 81-l Bay An •• Balboa 37-trc &rbor in.a F0 R SAi .F. R" tahlr sn'"~ 10" Off!('(' Hour;: hnnd snw, :r wnorl lnlhP. clnuhle 2 to !'l fl m I ~:inrlrr jic: M w. \\'i>od \'icr ·~ h fl· Monday throua-h FrtdaJ motor. "• hn mntnr, •1 h p motor pl11~ ':! ~111rrl~· wor k 111hk11. ~'..!05 ()(l \\'ill no1 .,,.11 pnrt Glynn C onrad Richter, M. 0 . M E•·rr1'tt. (;10 E Oiiy AvC' .. l"'l-""°"'nt 111"1\JN Tinlhon !'m-5tc 9:30 a m .• TM .. Fr in S ,\ l.1-' 'f'\,·o«w1•n. fi hurner .2:30 p. m . -4 30 p. m . Wrt1t:r\\norl ~IO\'f', in i:ood 1;011dl-W C).,.(' \\'. C'f'Otral tion. ~11111 r'all ~11t11rt1ny nr Sun· St1wport BNt-b rlny, :.~l1R F TI11y F ront. I lnrhor Phone Harhor 2.aos 7:lft. !'i!l·3tc \~Tl:RIX ARIA..~ s mt·nTRAT. STF.F.L i\nglr:1_-C't111nnPls-J Bt'11mll ~T.WPORT HARBOR All ~izr.; 11nd Sh:!f'l('S-~<'w & Used VET!:R~ARV HOSPITAL . ., and " Rrinfor cinR S trei Hor-attt Parlceor, D.V.M. JllCKSO:" & :-:F.Wl-:LL Paul O. Bnt<"her, D.\'.M . 3101 \\' ~lh S t Phonr 1404 1 8" 11 ·6 OMIT lnrJ Bua_ S:intn A na flll· 1 tc 107! 8 .E . MN& Dr1.-e f'O!ITA ._.. (',\MP TRATl.F.R f•'r '11\h'. \\i tn HO!lp. 8-. 5078; ~Bar. Ml hu1lt·ln •ink nnrl k1tclwn <11ic-n1 llJ"I to <11nnl1ini: r~ S:.!:->41 Ph. SCOTCH TAPE llnrbor :.!11'·;\1 .l:.!0 ( >rl'hid, C'oron;i cfrl ;ltnr :-1'l-2tc SOW OS llA.~D _._ F l\T. 3 'It 3 ~ini:lr hun11: \\'tnclows, n11il1. m•\\ mn~om1" ~lnll shower NEWS -TIMES mr111I hA!IC', ~5 Mn pl<' sturllo Sll)lply ~W l'OUCh ~10 Tr1C}1CIC' $7 213 3!'1th St , l':rwpnr t 00-2tp - T8 BOA M'JS. FOR SALl!l IO 1 100 Ft t.,. i;al\' Ch.1111, :?'2r ' Ill 1 · St'C own<'r of bont "llti;h S<>as," \\'est Coast Puckm.: Co . :'\,•w. I , SOPPLIU • Ui<X>ll& PllOft::lrft• ., &EAL UTA ft • 1 ~\I, f.~T ATr. ll1 I ~f',.;T \Tr ~ FOR SALE ,\t\Mtmtttu 6-uruu.. '>BEDROOM HOUSE I" · 11 . A h·l··11h F i11atll't•1I NEWrORT BAl,,DOA NEWS-T l ll&M P 5 "J!llM\ '""f'"" "4-M•h,1 C'alll. Ap!!I 11!, .... age 1x>rl. 64)-1 t p l 1sr 11 B«nc!1x nr Mayf11" /\T mu;s \\' A!'<lf·A·1'F.Rt A '75 ='1'\' 1'111'1 Bl\ ii '·,hi ii \lt '' RU G ~lATEHIAL I For hr:i1d1·d ;111<1 h<• •k .. 11 :"1•\\ 1-:ni; I lnnd 1ks1~11~ I h1<ok<, f 1am,•s. sw1lll'h1•s. , .• ,. lnl11r111u1hm 1111 1 l'\".flll'SI I' <) """ :l!lli, Bull111.1, <'allf1,rn111 fi(). \ tc O!':E Fl\'!-: Fl JOT Elo·1•tri>us ri•f., 1 l\H•h "t• fu111 rt'f t-;d,·in111or m otor. 309 I'~ nay Front. 60-311.· F OUR R<XJMS or [X'rtod furnl- turl'. h11.:ludlng Phiko r<>f., ra ng<>, Fr i<'W l'arpNmi:. llii;thcst offrr 1ak<'s a ll. Harbor 1~-R. 410 2nd A\'<'. bc.•t\\t'1•11 :llarigold & Or<;hld. 6'>-3tp WANTED TO BUY IJ \\'ill Pay euh Fat y0ur tum.ltutt or what have you. Phone Beacon 116!56. Crawley Furniture Co. 1811 Newport Blvd., Colta 111-. ~de CASH for USED Furniture & A pplianeee "We Buy Almoet Anythlnl'' GRANT'S Phone Bea. 5707-M 164.5 Newport !!lvd., Co.ta Men '2-Uc 1'0 EXCll.UWE llA W6NT ROOM in l'Xchang<' for evenlni: work. hOllSl'Work . nurs- ing, car<> of childrl'n. Want days free Mature wom&n. Harbor 2395-W . 59-3tp r wo sini;tl<' metal lwds \\ith double coll springs for studio ceuch: also lo.rite wardrobl• trunk for lawn mow<'r or what have you. Beacon 5283-R. 5S-3tc PU&NITURI: FOR BALE n VICTO RIAN SC'ller. chairs a nd tabll'S. Harbor 1096-J. 66-ltc fUR:-;l'ruHF: F OR S ALE-Din· nett<> se t. 4 chairs, small <'nd tables and misc. llems. 172 Mag- nolia, C'osta Mesa, B <'a co n 5649-J!. 60-llc OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOATS NEW & USED Ser\'k<' 11nd Repairs on AU Makes or Motors Dan• H. Spies •Iii l·l•USI lit\\ .1~ -l\<•s ron 567~M 24-tlc FtlR SAU' f')'•·r Pini:~'. 2 suit.a of sail~. :! ~'-"'ts , •f mnst11, <'OITI· p!rt1°I) rl'ftnt!<hf'd, With 21.i hp. Jl1hns1111 mo111r, S400 Call l lar- bur ·177 58-31(' Mt1SIC'AL a RADIO .. SPll'\F.TS' SLl~ETS: For Rftlt: We allo\\ all 6 mo r<'nt if you bu)' lat rr . DANZ..SC"IU.fiDT PIA!'\0 C'O .. 520 No. Main S t .. Santa Ana. 53-tfc \V ANTED--50 used piano• for our big re ntal de par lm<'n t High<. .. t pr!C('S, Trad(' yours In on nc:-' S pin<'t o r Grand. D A N 7. · SCHMID+ PIANO CO .. 520 No, Main, San ta Ana. 53-tfC" S1T.P.l.'\V A Y Grand: Almost like nf'W R<'po115<'5Sed Sell for bal- an~. AIM!' small Grand Chaw only $485. DA N Z ·SC'HMTDT PIANO C'O .. 520 No. Ma.in St., Santa Ana. 53-tfc USEp PIANOS. M any fine makf'tl 549. '$68, ~6 up to $165. Tenns or will rent. DAN7..-SC"HMI1YI' PIANO C'o., 520 No. Main S t .. Santa Ana. !'i.3-tfe" -5PTNET1 A beauty RPpoac11ftlOfl Pay out balance. Also mirror t)'J)(' Spinet, used. o n I y 1185 T<'rnu. SR.00 (l('r mo. DAN"/.· SCHMllYI' PIANO CO. 5:!8 No Main. Santa Ana. Anotht>r SplM't llttl<' damage to cue in ship- m<'nt. n rpair<'d. Now-ch<'ap. 53-tfc FO.B RENT &I :!· RF:DROOM nicd y rumish<>d house. Y<'Brly rl'ntal. S8.5. No i;tarag<'. Phonp 1 larhor 2189-R. 60-1 IC FOR RF:!llT-Summ<'r months. 4 l't<>droom hoUM'. 2 blocks • from bay. 315 Gol<knrod. Corona d4'1 Mar. 19ff7-J. 60-ltc W AJrTED TO alCJfT a VETERAN. a nd wift' n<"t'd house. Yearly buis $50 mon th})'. Phone Harbor 251S-R after 7 p.m. !'18-5tp N l'W1l-'nmes employtt wanb· 2 bedroom house pnoferably un- rumJ1hPd on nJne months buia. Call Willl&ms at Hart- n'>ft&astmc ct 1 fh·.-. room. .. t•'O -. • l 1:tl'llH1~ .-11111:-;ul:r llnT111'·-() ': t' .1. Lo· room. 1 sJ..c.1iing room 1"th pn· OOt'BL£ GARAGE. Good loca· t •1 •1q I·' ) . ,. 1 11 l ' '' ' ,lfl \'Ille. bath. all on CTound Ooor tion In C'01t11 M•-pr I v at ., • , . •. ( u .111 H \ i I. I:, •1111111 ,, " , •• 1.i .I II It 11 .. 1111•. /\II furnaturv tndudtng rc-fnitn-•· part)' S'r.!00 BeaetJn 6189-M. I H:d h i ia 1'1 11 1111 I ' '" '111 111 '. l•l.i~···· hon. all tu\(• stn .... t c-ntrann-, »-tOtl'J I I 1111 11 oll•I I ,, lilt ·~~'.Ll}'\ N>rnn' J.ocat l(lf1 in twart of Dal-t 1\\ 'I H ••Ito 1, ""' '" 114111(111 I h• 11 ) 11 .I 1 1 1• 1• It••.! 1:1 .. 1111oh boa zon.'CI for busl""°"· $:"9.:,00 LOT f'()R SALE 1 •lt 1••111 """ 1 111 nt•lt• •I 11111 1 '"'''' 'I'·' 111 '""' 1 \I,' 1 Stww. b on1 ~'£WPORT ISi.AND -Qdo " 1.t, 11o\\ , 111.11111 1111• ~J J .~1\h\ ™'t • '" ) ~ppoU'lllN'ftt 1 Jll) E <"•·ntral A''<'. &Ibo&. 57-51r &AXC'llD • A("llEAGE at B IGGEST IURGAT:-.: I:": C AUF 82 A.aft \ 0 ak-ncia Oranvs 0.'DM'S f'Clr('('d to l..iquidak ABSOLl-r'E STI::AL Top Loc-aoon f iw Subdn'ISion \\' L MORRJS llEAL"TY ro' Anahrim. C"&1U on ua 56-5te llOJID "° LOAX • LOANS TO mm.D, DIPROVE. BUY. MODER.''DE.. °"l REFDfANCE w~ Buy nwt Dttda NEWPORT BALBOA ~ SA VIMGS A LOAN ASSN. SID Via Lado Ph. Rs. 1500 41-de AVl'OllOl'l\"S a 'nmD • Model A Ford Coupe • S200 Coa..q Motor Co. 1008 Cout R•dttn» ~lie '48 f'ORD ('OfWrrtablf' Low ri1f-. q e $22!6. PhOne Harbor ZU. 5&5te '39 Buick Club Cpe-. Radio. ,__ Paint $1'85 Coa..q Motor Co. lOOR ('out lhdl•ay 60-ltc '47 FORD hv _..., 13.000 actual milft Mak# offrr. No deaJ(ra. Ph.. Harbor 2flr6.J """f'nincs. or Beacon ~ W'ft'k da)'S. Pn- \'ate pu1)". 57...ftc '41 Che\". 2 D. Sed. •Radio. Heat«. f'oe Uctit New Paint -$1195 Bring In This Mk-. for $100 Cftdit Qwt Motor Co. 1008 Coat Hic.hwaJ ~ 11~ l'.'Or1W'r R-2 lot. Sktit-walka ant' ''""'' 1'1•11'' 111 ••11·1"'"''' ,.,~~· \'""'• P9'1nc both aldrs. all utillt* 1·1 11•1111111· ll\1111 '""" "1111 '"' • Paul Ulnd. 6fr06 0cc'an Fren1 "''' 111.i 1 1,,,,1,, 1111111 ,111 lll:111l'11t.• A 1;:1t1•:-;--Ht•altor N_....-t s..ch. Callt. ti I' 1,.i-1.11 .. ,1 "' H• ''••111lol\ .'I """" '" 1 •. 111_.,, \.1111111 1•11 .. ,f tl • .'l o~\1,,,lt .. thlllN l"\l'lo 11 11 )1,:t .I 1111 \P:t l .t N-v1·ew Home 1·• 1 I\•• 11 .. ''''" 11.11 1t1:'• "°·'"" I "'"• l.11 hoot t "1~1 .I •".'I• t\41 11 ... O\'ERLOOKJNC Entttt ffarb01 -- --. :J br . hdw. noon. ftttplaer 1 '11, 11111• \\1 it h ·\ F11t 111'1' 1 ~tnxtion and ,._. ~ t . . ~ n.. tlneet -'m 111 lll•xl• t 11 h••lll• 01111 1· 11 ,,,., l 'o:-:l:t Mt•:-;a $:moo Fl 'l.L J'Hl('E f"\"ft' olfft'tl'Cl tit\ f t I I 41f !Mt fl '"' ltl ' •t•itll I RALPH P. MASKEY Mll W. c.ntra1 Ph. Har. -•tfC' It's a Grand Buy for $17,000 Yra. we M\'t" a "Special" t""'O lw'd· r~ honW' on Balhoa Island at 117.000 unfurnl.shed, or furnlah· lnp Hln. and nJCf'. ThW home' ls sunny and ea.Y and you shoUld lmprct this one fron the cround up. Terms If neauary. Other «ood lbtlnJtS on th• Island or \if-w prc>p('f"ty that will aatlafy )'OUr df>strt" t(I llf' at N<>wport Hartl« now. and from now on f'or thfo JIU«iht LocatJoN c.tl Harbor 62-W JrtJB POWERS and J O HN B PRENDERGAST at · J . A. BEEK OFFICE &I.boll hland Ferry Landlnc 59-2tc BALBOA ISLAND f'urnlshrd. oaf' bedroom -Uvlns room-kJtrlM>n-sPrvl~ porch. ,ti• l _ \1,tr t ···•I,, •. ,~ I· t.•zn 11H1 lt11 J ~ -.Hd 1h 1" n •. ,~,., "'"'' 1 _.,,.,, ""' tn l•111l1tt11~ H '1111111 111111'1' 11•·111111 1,.1\1·11 With IJ1"<h'1'<•lll 111111 Ill\ II 1111 \\Id" llll\•'•' lll l'I'''' ·ri ... 1o .. 11~·· • ·"'" ''"·II 1111: ,,,, ltl II 11lo'<' 1' ~' \t•1t1 < 1\h t \\• '1 ,.,,U,h lh~1t'~t IH t..:ftl~1fh1ti1~l "I" II 1 • 111111:< nm! l'tl" 'llwr •' :011· .: ht'!ho•"lll' lltlfl " <1111 \\'tlh lli- \!'t'nll11n , 111111 '1111<'•' fo1r twoo '"""' 111111-,'' lho• l'l'I•'•' p( $11 ">lMl \1'111 Ill• •Ill n 11111o·k itlll" l\r11111I ,,,." T t111r 1111l1>m11111· ".1shln~ m.1 1'111111• i111'11ult•rt S1••• l hl~ l•wlol)' .JO HN E. SA DLF.I H 'SAOLEIR and SM ITH l~.i1:-1 \'r t;t17 C'o1a~t llh:h\\11\' I l11rl"1r 741 1.r ~'·I:.':! Nc•w :!-Rt•drnom l111n w I Ill I ho• l-',1~t ~hit• 111,; \,.1 ~lt\l(l ttu\\U ·r,,.,., ~II htt• ~:!!Ml <;. N. WEI.1 $, Brnkt-1' 1;F1 I \' .... •X , S11l1•1m1111 ,II W Md<I·~· S11lclini1111 t-• lo: J111.c1•1l I tffto•1• 17'MI N1°\\)ll'I ' llhlt . I ··"'II !'tk~I\ l'hPllt' Jl,•11"\011 ~t!IC\ tk .. llt' RRIGGS RE ST • BUYS l\'F.\\1'0HT1 ll·:J<:t rrs 1'1•w '...' ll('(lrno m house", w1•1l rumis hffi. nll t•lt'C'l l'k . \\'ti It \II'\\ N1°\\ p rl•'' S!l,?;14\, "·ilh a ~;1,00<l loan commit11 11•11t Fred BRIGGS Tressa !'hum' Bt•1won :q77' liO-It r CORONA DEL MAR C'ANYON AN11 OC'l-:AN VIEW I.<~ ~an ,<;Ide of JliWRV. fin<' rrsirlt•ntiRI si-c·tion. 40 rt . front aiw. tJndt'r $2~l0. Ton 1-:0~1<1 t o h•: ~14'. l fun-y! LF:VF.L L~ IN cntmNA l>f·.L AH For $1.750. All honrts paid. C'I~ to ht• 11 of Mt y. FtTRNISl IED BF.A< '11 ('< IT'T AGE .. .onn 5 room ho me. D o uhl<' ~arag«-. fif'('fll:H'f'. $:\,ClOO down. ~ ROOM llOME. OCEAN Vll·:W Hardwood floors. f\N'plaN'. doulJlc• itRrngt-. S\m deck. ~10.600. THE TAVERN CO. 1301 Coast Hiway See Mr. Conklin, Harbor 1741. Corona <Wt Ma.r. ~ML IJ:MTATF. ~ a &A!· aT_&_T& _______ ._ RA I.HOA ~16.~ ~~l.~ Bl 111.DI NC SI TES Balboa I( :1 11 (I "11 11• fly l.t'."• fl "'"'11 ~i.000 1111 ~1111• stn'IM . $10,000 I J • n .1 1:1:-. ri ''"'all 1 11111ta~1' ti~·;,;, n { '• 11'1 It ... ('.:..' :"ii II It~ ~l.1 ll ~111.500 SOl ITI I COAST REALTY CO. ' nos.-. Cn"•h·~" H1•11llnr M0tJtf' Grlmf'!'I. Brokft' .l<lHl"phh'M• \\'1•bh. Ht'{1ti,1r -llt'l'•n 0 . Klatt. I~ :\O'..! Mnln Sl1'\'C.'t HAI.BOA Ph. Harbor 2034 ... .. 60-lle f"t.)~"'fA ME."A -1 hctrm. ho~ on v.-ry IRl"Rt' comt"r Int. \\'t'll hullt. ~) yf"'. oM. With 11oule C'k>enlnft and .,~-or'l1lln1o: this cnulrl ht' mnciP Into " nlcr tiomr: ~'1100. I :.'. ACH.t~J'~'<('C'"""'-~H~l. I.I no IS I. E I ..<Yr -~('OH N F.R. $4000 ('ASH. WA TI:R .. 1lONT I IOMJ-:. F\1m. :\ hdnn. Patio. Nit. H11r-B-Q\.1t'. I 1it'r nnct n ont. Mllny rxtr:ul. 2 hlk1'. from fll'W dty h11 J. ~lR,000. llt•ttt"r ~ t.hllJ Rt lt'9 pricPd rii.:ht. NEW! 'OHT I 11-:IGJ ITS-Brand new 2 bctnn. home In Wt•ll l"f''lfl'il'lt>d zonr llC'l\f" 51.•hoe>IA and mUJ"<'heL l-'\111 prl<'' $7%0. nnct $t:l(l0 rl<M•n . m 111 .ntN<; I.OT. F:xt"'ll••nt . In t~ H~ta. SllSO. A WONllJ•:tfftn. VTF.W J.(Yf o\IM'tookl~ thr ~ hell'. ~:,~100. \'11t.1 mtL'\t n <·t qulttc If you are lntttelted. 'llll'SI' \'ll'W lots t1 "' i.:c•ttlng .-nl'<'r. ' ~I 'FI'l A I. A mofl1•m home• In N~'Jl(M1 J lftahtA. .111~t 1·0111pf1•h'<i. 2 hclnn<1. lllfl.'t' whwtoww, hdwd. lira.. 1111):1• II\'. mom. l'pt-c·lnl srrvlC\• room. and ~y patio 11n•11. You w1•1ld ht• wry proud t o 0\\11 this. It'• our ht°"t huy. $!1K!'"l0. Tc•n11H. Dton D. Barnett ~melG.~ Bamry Francque EVA F. RHODEN Realtor Phone~R 470 Newport Blvd. )AVENPORT. hkt> new, period style. Down cushions. Aqua color , $90 or <'XChange for Law- son bc.'<i couch. Also carpenter's 14-in. Stanl<>y plane. H. Ham- mond, 437 GoliSenrod, Corona del 13. Lf!'on 51-ttc 1933 PL YMOlT111 4-4oor, • 3 IWW lltts. Oll'tlurrator a. ~ aion. motet good. bodY fair. Bar- gain at 1225. ExceU-t trampor- t a tion. Stt at 510 AlilQ. NewpGI t Heights. 2 b&ocks west .al Rich achooL •1tr $10,760 p 60-l tc Brokt'n Ma. 60-ltp 90AT8, 8UPPLIE8 II Boats Priced to Sell New Tahaltl Ketch l6600 30' Cris-Craft ('4.2) S500Q zr Hunter Cruiser ('38) $3000 LISTINGS WANTED Slips A\'ailabl<' 50 CC'nts ft. G. E. MIN~EY Beacon 6281 711 Coast Jliway, Newport -' 55-1 IC FOR PLF:ASl 'n E-Sr<' this trim 25 ft cruisrr Spnrlous cockpit Good 4-40 Gr;1~ l\l:lrinl' motor Factory llUilt, ('t'Cl<1r hull, oak franws. 1\\ o hunks. kathrr ctL<ih· Ions. Sp•'l'lally prtC't'd only SlAOO. S <'P It nt Lido C1 )\'<' Landlns::, 311:! L.1foH•t11 · llarhor 102n.w "' 5A .. :-,.,. \\' A:-;TEI I r r (Im ol\\'n!'r .. mo II <'rm~1·r tll ~ 1 :;no fl(t 1·:i~h. l\1 u~• htn·1• rnarin" .. nt:in•• S tand sur- \'•'\'. :-;t·W~·TinW!i' Hox "K" • . 59-3tp 1'EW J!l·f l l.1chtnlnt: c;Jonp, ~1 2<\ll Ph Monda~ th111 Frirl:1y, \\'• l><·r . ~a n111 /\n;i !\1:\1. ••r l':oll ,.,·,•ninr,q at I\:.!'.! Clith lloil"•'. :"•·\\'J)('lrl WANTED 2 bedroom hou.e. tur- nlshed or unturn.lahed. eo.t. Ml!Sa or Newport, 2 childn!B. Phone Beacon 6238-J. 57-Stp WANTED TO RENT-For 1 ~ar period or looier. furnished or unfurnished hous e. pPrl f'<'1 I y new. minimum f'<'<lUittment 1300 sq. fl with 3 bedroomtt. Will pay up to $200 per month <'ntirt" amount of lease in ad\'AflCt', Call Jame!! J . Carroll. Jlcacon 5367. Sfl.2tc APARTMENTS a 11on~1:..~ .. BRAND ='f:W T \\' () REDROOM unfurn lo;tird honw. on rornl'r '" Cnrona <Wt '.\Tnr \"N1rly rl'nl:tl ~10(1 month 11,~nnon 1:.?11 . .1 ~-3tr --1.11\'Fl.Y H1\YFP.rtST f11rni~h1'<1 ap:1rlrn••t1I :llonlh to mt1nth or I'..,~,. p A Pa lmo·r lnr. 3333 \'111 L irl11. :!'1•wport nt-ach. r ;.7-ttr ----RE~"T. ~ISCEl.LA'SEOI·~ t5 10 X 111 011~inn:" Uu1lrhn1; for I• nt. ="'• \\'f ~1rt ft)\ rl (·,1,l;l ''"'ti < ;,.,,n:•· Jl ., • ~. '.!'.!.'\ J.: :::lrrl ~t ;,!'<-'\to• '31 Model A Ford Rd.BL $200 Coast Motor Co. lOM <'out K'.ictr-ay fiO. He Harbor Investment - Company 30th It W. C'f'fttral. Newpot1 Harbor 1600 229 Marinf' Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 1331 60-ltr ftAD ne • FOR SALE-45 foot lot on OorM -------------Bml. Balboa. Priaod below t~ ('()\"'ER.ED W.AGOS Homr Trail-_.. -bt. Ph. Beacon 5126-J M", 22-ft StO\·e. hratrr, ~ boa. U l'JC1Tall>. ,,~ric bnakMI " ipaTl' •'hN-t. s 1 ono EltoP11rnt rendition Oobbcd< Can)oa 0£.. :SO... al MALJBOU LAKE Wilson S t . < "ost.a )I,.,.. 9}.6tp ~RM FUR?'J JISF.. hoat & allflr - fliit fir.-pl. Fi!lh & Sw im SRO'fl In aEAL ___ a_l'_A_TK ________ • c:w tr. for r:th. crul. Phonr ('llrt111 JU~RT PROPF.R"JY 126!n, Gwnd:1ll',0 !\7-'..!'.!t(' 11-• <IW' J:Ut>Ct ;,t ·~f•o<Jm"tdgr," Bi.,; RV 0 \\".'lt:R -l'••W 2.h<.o<lr•uo1n Rear I~. lntMp . n-l ooh· I ~ ''II"\--~ 1 /\ i\ i:a1ion OHiN' rt. l..on~ Brach ' -" ·an :i n:i \•' 1-¥>4:.! •lr ...... J ">rolh~· fltJTdPtt. ('<)Ct~ !\f•"'h i\" ;'lf'hNf I If""'" ~m C'am:iltton A•• ,:,l'f't)na &-I l tll'. ffhl l1111nrtry 1 r11~·s l rn111 t11- Mar. (';iltf I~•\: 2. AW in"'~ I M " Jl'"'•l"~l11n, ~l(WMi <I ••\\~ 5A-Jt A1'n 1 l:1r1:1• Inti; S7:111 ~ 1111 ~~1 -----________ P <ltw.'TI TI1r1m:t' H r.r1rr111 1 '1 •·nt• FOR Ql.JCK ~ALE IJ;irh<'1r 'iR7·11 ·,,.i.,!'.!11' Two \':a c:-11 n t 1"1S <ln '°""an F ront In dtlf'il'fllnw n Ralho.., ·~llfont I nF:,\I '11FI 'L \'l EW SIT l-: ll'W'a1i<'on f,., r.,m htn.:tloon bt.81· :-;·· .\R 1 ·pp~;R nA y l:i7 , :\'\fl rwss and "r"lTl l'Tll nt bualdJ~ r•r•prn'\ 1 •, ll"r" H F.~TH ll'"Tl'D <"·:! Zrrrw· A c:t.al 1~.,r'2.3.1D for ~t~'O • ron $lfl;y .n .T ~t ~m !In. l:'it.h & C-1nrr •• 1 Ph 111\1-!HI 11: 1:-;\· ('11 ftraltors ~"• :\farm• .\•. n11o , llroll"'" f<.l.ind BEACON BAY Two lovely hom<'S lln' offc•1'NI ror th.-first tlnw. ()ne foAtUJ"Cd in JIOUSf' nn<f (;ardm hHS ;\ hc>droom~. unusunlly l1tr~f' liv ing IYIOITI amt n patio thut is l11"- yond ~ription. 111P st'<'on<t 11' unrtf'>r <'OC1st rul'l Ion with 2 bedrooms upstal~ ifnrt on.-rtown,.tnlf"', i bath. insulatffi gf'nf'rnl ••11-c·l ril' ca~ h .. ating unit, and man y. m a n y oth.-r fr11 1111'1"S. l'hun.• llitrl>Q~ .!J7ti. Owrwr will ~'II ('illwr hnnu· f11r $~~.:>4 10. CLIFF-HAVEN Rf>at1lif11I CLIFF-I IAVE'N 'h01•rloc1k in1-: N 1•\\ por l l11rlt0r Wf' _tlnvr• n lni~f' rnn<·h h•~t!.;f• 1 ~·111· h1 1nw. '.! l•·d1w1m -.; & rll"rl. '2 hath~. lari:r livin 1-: 1111., t'l'f•a ral•· d i111ni.: l'Tll 13<-:mtiful kilc'hf'n wilh lol -.; of 111pltn;111l' :ind fil1'. SC'r vi"' p11i·1·h , :1n<I 1>11t<.;jtf,. 111111p11~ nw.111 i l1•1t1•· 11n n hr:111lir11l «Om•"I' 1111 :inti h:ll'k ~·11 rd 1·11m11ll'l1·h • ff'n<-.'11 L:irg1~ d o11hl1• t::i1 .1g1>, 11i1'f•l'.\' l:i111t ... ·:1;,.·t1 Pri1'f' ~JX.:lOO ('all Mr IO:d\\ 111~1..; l ~·;1rn11 ;,1q;, CORON/\ DEi. MJ\H 'l'wo 1·~1·f'llt•nt l1t1\'' '""'II 11f 1111' l11111lo •\o1rd' Holh hav•· '"'" t11..-lr•1";"''· f111 11:1•·•· lw:1111w ~·rd"'""' n oo1" '1'11111..., fror 11nlv ~'.1~·,11 .. :ll'h 'l'o•I ll:1rl11 1r 11; 11;, M r; 1\1;in1on or ~Jr 11:1\ "'' BAI.BO/\ BJ\ Y ~l I OHE~ :'i~·:itr !-t~P. HI :-; r 1 llt I.I \.I I & . -... ..; ,.,, I I hrtv>r 12fi.4 ll'lrt~or IXll ;s.11.- 49-tfr I -r aJ'lf' Cot! h 11111t• 1 -lw'<l l'I W ~lll' :•• 11.illt 1-'111 111 .. 11111 \\.tit -----------~ F o n S/\_1._F_.-'.\-h-1•-,-.-,-11_:._11-1.-f1_r_11_n·0:''" 'l"''•. H oll••• Inn ,\1• 1d• aholrt !'>ltf'l'lfl•'•' f11r q11 irk <:al•· n•1111r.. I '11• I .l11hll•Hfl '\lo 11" ~<'" ~t • :\,-,\ E ,1~1 1t s 1 . ('Mt~ ~H•fi ll11rliot In'•> f~•-111' --M··~:i Ph n.,: ... c·n :;101-n •. , ••• [ l:.!11(; ~., , •• " 1noJ11<1ri 1\ h111\din1: nine!' :l:i-lfc fnr ro nt ,., l<:1~· l'hon• l1 1\1~1<k I 28 fl rahin l'T11t<rr "''"'I"' ·I <n h r> 1;;1, ""''""'"" -.,i;.;1p Ol"PLF.X • OPE~ f-f Ol'SE 11.\1 .1.11 \ 1:--1.A~ll '.'II>''""'''"' .. 111 '"'"' d • 11 I~ 1\111• 11• .111 h11tn" \o\itf q11 11\•f i"U ti'f' l lp•O "-•t•.r•t •\ uuf Sund.1\ ltt -·. 1;11~ I••· Cro<:·('ra fl moot••r, r·l1·1:.on1 <'nnoll 1-t •R JtF"l;T Cl•.,;; 1nrf ,.-,;:;;-;:t.~.j lion A linn:nln )~II~ \\' ,\tt:i ..: ,, ... ;11 ~lf>'lrl m .. nt .. 1· .. oof Jl"tfttl I h<t m, I.one n .. 1rh l'h11111• f,fJi:.''<i I \'11111 11'~ , ..... 1 .\rtult• :111 l s\ 1mi 1----- ___________ :l_l-:·'.">_1< j ;\\'• _l>.:lllwo,1__ '>11-'.°•trl \\'. J.. .JOJ?O.-\~ UDO J. 'LE H<H t E 17.ft J11i:c"n< \ ·11ht" \hrys ll'r :\ 1:o'rti ,,. ,11 1100111,. 11111 ''" .. m, '"1 R F A I. T fl R motor, hkt• """' ~.II nr 1rnrll',I '\owpnrt h lanrl. \\Ill, :\1.f t-<IL. 7fll F_ <"<r. n l R:.lh<iie Ill HI r..; ·1111 Ill '°' r I :l'Y 1111 I· , ,• !•ol I 1•l•1 f·I•" nn Cort1n11 olo•I Mar re-al r·!'>llll<' I \\;Jt••r frr•nl .J•1s t richt f,,r ")t111r 1 Harttt>r J~'l 4.~tfr Tiii' \T n t \1 "1'1\T inti 'I''' 1 ··•~ Ownrr :\7 1~ \\';iln11t ~f .. Ri\'l'r· 1 t11m1f\ .on1I Y"llr ho il \f1ld•·m f t ""1• t0 '' :1 t ~ •lt •~011 1~. :l lo11thll slrll'. or Ph q;nr~ltfc 3~'::.! for f1irm!tm .,-, nr"d f••r l'r"''"' I f~·autiful \·ir-w . •ite ."lnrl 1 I 1r1·" ""'""'' pll1\1•••111 appolnlm•'nl 4 I -2211' I 111111 t·11mf11rtah\r h\·jn( SR t•<• . --14111• h \\ .... 111 1-· 1~ Ir.' t f•>r ----------.----d"" n O\\'Tll'r. \\ 111 f1n11n1 ,. :\'11''9 '.°'• or 1 11~,. n ,, I •• 'U'I Ai>-~'I·,, .. (Y)~!MFnn ,\J. .1n.f1 f1.!1hlns:: boat ( '! • "' 1 n h 1°rrno ri .• •• 1• 1 • "'"f• P.f'C•rtr '•'Ci 1 -~ 'trr11 ''\•· .~•1\\'J"•r 11"•·~r with C11ry!\h•r <'rown mot~~ · ' '· !"lf>·'1lf• ~ J.2hH TI1ffR~: I~ \ l.,\f{f;~ fir1·µJ ... .1.r.1~- 10' ~I" fl('nm 11111'1~ 6 Ions lcn.1 'li.•tl• •of.,,,.,..,,., ~I""" 11nll the> t!Th ll>Sll ;\1•wpo1rt'"Til~MIA Ft If! HI:":' I Hnnm "~!~· Lnll.U! 1-''"P' Lt.. 1-l' ""'"" Ut..JU!y.,_ l\11'i1a Phnnl' Ol':'lcon 6."\Rl-J '"1°· h,,m, .. Wl'<'kly, 'lf ~· arly, Harhnr ln\·e:-t m<>nt rrin•1n1r 1"'1 aftl'r 4 p m or nil dny Saturday I phon•• ~ A fi!\71 or c .. 111 :i• ~11 r<imJ>an~· • ">0 <; 'I: 1"' t ~7 r: ' ~· <>rn',\TFTI ''" 1tn•· .,( .... !~·iii &. Sut111;iy!> 36-25tc .,,,,1h -' .. l'\\llf'lrl Al' I . -.11p ._._ .. , ,'\f~n-· .,.. r ,,,. I l•l~n.. I e FIRE i- _ -' Ir .. n <I "'ITnl f lrt<'otlifon< 11,.. l1o1 h:o• 7!'1 -1 N S U R A NC E- .. e AtrrOMOBn .F: e COMPE:"SATIO:--: "STU"· DUNLAP· e YACHT -',l fl ,rl• If' IUi f.-.•f nf frnnlftl(•' anrl " '"''"' "'"'r"I l•l••tPly ,.,;,Jl,.tt '""' :• P·•'·•·d -----l""'I'"' ''"" }111<; ;1 f'lollllol• '" lo.tr- (" na!'t Pro pert iP!' c (). I '" rur RP 3 It n r ~ y,,,. "'nfrr.v 1·111·1.11 :-;<>T t.•11ld I true lrov••h h••m" frir 1111 11•k1nl( ='F.\\' <m•· •h•n . ~'Tll SllJN"'tl Jortrr Y1111 m11y h :1v1 11 l•irnito.h•'<l hnrn-r n ,.,, . R:alh·~ P•·ntn'l1la I ••r unfurni,h• <I rr:-\ 0011 I •l• '" P nlnl '.! 1 .. drr.rATI!. 2 b:i'h.•. h~·- ini; r""'"' •"' f ~rpl~-1 ,..,., 1.r.:--1 Pl\~\\ ·nus 111 rv · r;ir"~" ~-, -;-y1 "'°~"fl T•i•"I pn,... 1 F11ll Jnfrorrnrrt1<1n rtnil Kr•\ 111 ronl~ ~13 ',!..<;fo 1 • r na::t Pr rt .. r Harhrlr Jnn•!'tme nt · l ''J>f° ie:-• ''· Company to \\':tll l':tq••fifl\', flllll ho',tf : I oi l 1'ol l olo O' ( ".otl,ll'l1•t1 •• ly f1•1w1•d p:1ti11, Tf11, h1111w h .1• ""'' "' Iii•• 11111·,1 \'i1 •w' in llll' lo.I\ .11·1• 1 t •rt\.111 • l••:r• It. 111.t 11 11"'' tilt' rwivilt•1:1...,, t '.dl \Jr· 'l'l11111 1o1·· .ti l\.··p •oll ,, '" '"' .111 appoi11l 1111 •11I NE\X'POln Hl '.J\C:l I ~ Cl)n\·•·11i1·11ll \' l•M 0;1l1•I ;q1;11 l11w111 101 1•1 • "'· •· ('1·1drl nn t '"' tl11plw:1f•.,I f11r :111 \ ·.1 '"'"' 111·o1 1 tit• 11111·1• "' ~7 .:,011 .111d t lt1• l••1i11 ... :11'· tlft .11 11\1• I '.di \l r \lo- Kin"·~· :11 11:1 111111 11 11:: l.IDO l ~LE &>a11l1f11I \II fl \1:il1•1 fr<111 I 1'11 1111 . .,, 11t l {.i,\ I l:i-. hulkh1•:11I, pi•·r :1 1111, f1!1.i·1 :tl1•·:1rl \ i11 1..11 .. d h 111• $~l:l,'.ll>lt (";ii~ !\1.in I >wk~111 .ti I l.11 f~,, 1111:\ --OCEJ\ N ffiHN'J H EN:j AL- Vf'ry 11 ll n11.;l l\'•• rr••\\' :t-l11•dr11t1111 :111.r r t1rw11I •111 S.·:t· shoN-Ori\'(' '•\'1•rl•lf1k111L! tlw ,,..,.,.fl 111111' :ind .lulv nnw :r v11 i111hh• 111 :1 '""'" fo1111d\' <":ill I l:rrlwir· 101:\, :n 1:1 Wi-st O·nt 1-:'ll .. -EARL W. ST ANLEY nEAl.1Y>R C '> V E R I NG G R EA TE Jl . N ll:WPO R T HARB O R l . JlU W. C»n'llAl. ~ ANn mVINt ST9 ~~ N~rtRMdl R <' a I t n r ~ 1 :\1 1th 31 w '"·n1ro1 '":-; •• """'t ·i111 F. <"<T1!nl Baltr<>e H v ~~, lfetrt .. ,r !Fifi !'il>-tf 'rn Mum" Av rm n itlh<in 1~1r1nd 205 Marine Ave. Ph. H<lfbor 200-J BaJt~ Island tTtb Uld COAST HWJ. 225 MAR.INT. /\VE. ~-Af!!'I '!J'!! N.wport a.di Ba.100. hlAnd ....-.--_. -___________ . __ c ll11rl••r l:l.11 00.ltc • "1 Blanche A. Gates· REALTORS -Ginny Gatee 21::? Mnr1nt-Avr., Balboa bland 1'hOOP11: lf11r. HiiJ .. J llnr. 10.14-J EvN.: Har. 7•11 -RALBOA ISLAND LOOK Look look . For $13,000 V1·~· 11ttr:wtiw :.' n. R. homP. La~ llvinK hoom. ln t..-rfi1r •i 1ml11'fl plywrlfllf. On>pl1u'f'. fotJll of bu'K'" wtn. tluw" '1111, i' 111' n full liit . :1oxK5. ~ today. l 'ltfVA'f1~ l 1fl-:I< AN!> .. 1 .bAT. Gof"R"()Ur mmer h1.i11•· 011 I·~"' Hu~ with :.! n H 'ii, 2 ha tt... fin>plA('(", 1f111in1: 1·1w1111. h11rl11•n1f'. dn11l1l1• ~IUTt~t' 1tnd p~ 11pt • r•1111l.ti 111111! ll\'hll! mom. kltdlf'ft, hnthrOfJfn and :.! 1>:1t "" I )11w11-.;l:ih"' wol'ki<h r1f1 with f'OfllplMI" hath; h :1 rtlw1111d flno1"'1, Hol h 1·11mpl1•t1•ly fum. with 1tl1 1•11,111111 1111111" l11r11ll11t'I• s. ... to 11r1r11i.,.~latc~ nt S42~'ltl0. Twn 111111 ... :1 f11'(t1~11in1-. r•:ll'h C'rnnp. flim. f .IU'JC'" llv. 1'111 1111 "II h flr~l:11· ... n flll'fl. J 1 ~ Yf'l•l"H old; f'X"illk:Df 1111·111111• 'l'\\11 111111 ... 'I fw,.lr1111ms 1•1w h B r11n1I 114'W w,.,, nin- -.t111d1 .. f IS.•11di'< lr1,t11ll1"'I T••llll". 1'rd1Y"lf for •rukic -.:tit• 1·'11111· H I!. :1 l111tl1 11111111· C11111p , f11111 f .1•'l:•" llv. 1•1111111 f1t'•·1•l.11 ••" p:tll1 1 '1111.; j-.; :i 1:•·111 ~ '"tly ~17,:lOIJ. II \1111 \\ro1tlrl Iii<., :1 l11illdi1w li1f twar S.ruth IJ.'ly, !ll\l-<0 1 ,, ... , (.,,. ..,,;•11>111 01111· . ., .. , ...... 11-.; C:<>HONJ\ DEL MAR N 1•\1 a 11d lw•a111if11I Sor ,,r i J11,,1v :\-l•"lrr1nm. :! hath t.11111" I .. 11·1·•· p.tl 1• 1 I .''',, l.1 n·•· l1v ro.,m. fil"f·rtlnr't', 11111°1• 1·;1 •o.; If ffjJt r 1!1111111' l'"WL'I , tfhl ~·II', :l W1tfer li•·:il1•r"· 1·'•11· q•~· I I• 'l "1 ;n 1 T.Jlc •· ,,,, .• '; I I '. 1•1.111 ''" '"'" '! 11nlt ''""f•·rt:v. 45' l•1I H"o111lrl11lh' l:111r1 .... 'l•"I I 1<1111 111• ~11r.11:•· Hl'lflnl t 11 l1111ltl lli11d 111111 '7 •111111111 '""'n t.alitllQ ~lfll)l)4 fM 'I' -• ..,, /\pl i-.; 1'1•1111.,f (11r ..;1,;, fllJ l•'I' mo. ''""'ini.: l11•;111fif1d '.' B I< f1tr ''""''I NEWPOHT I IEI GllTS V1·r-v lt1v1 •lv 11 lr 111~t ""'' '..! H I< hn11w. d•v,Jlrl1· i:ar.ts;:t>. r11f11PI' 1111 , l11nlf._r•:1pt'fi fn1,"lf fur imn14'fijr1h• AAfe 111 $!1,f)(I() COSTA MESA T 11k1• '•v•·r 1111-.; :if1.,•11t1v r111:r nn .. 1 c; r lu:in l .hwly :l H H ltt11t11· :rhnul I'. yr" nlrl: l:tN.:f' liv. room. Total pl'i•'f• ~:..'110 1\lw1t1I ~'.!OOll rl11"T1 1t111I $45.25 r•·r mn irw t:i x•~ :tllll 1n~. • • 1 . A •T ... wit h r:11r11lv fll'd1a,...1 anti r a rrlf'n. C'hiC'ken ;1prf r:1lilul ('(111111111<·111 11rt ... r11:d l v ·:il•• for family ll."P. '"'""l:V :1 H H tv11111 " •·\11-;1 l.11~·· ll\0 r;•rm. firrpfacr, !~tr-st r r111111 "'lll1r:tl•· <;:.r:fl'" 'f111·n· j.; 11nother half t11·rc n v:illahl1· If d•·,in .. f fin f·:S11<I side, dOM" lnr l B1anche A. Gates -REALTORS-Ginny Gates -=-60-ltc * Sell It Through ClaMified Advertising ~ f. ., f . . --- AROUND THE HARIOR, OH TllE MESA . Social Activities "IN, 'klu.+J 8o4.. . l'llONl'M: HAIUIOa 11. * ll.£8.: HA. 1111-ll NEW PO&T BALBO A N E \\'8-TUI l':M Young Churchmen Page 6 nroAv s -'JIOrt a-·h. ca11t. Apnl so. •tHa To fled Ollicers , Deffo Gamma Sponsors Gay Spring Party Adopt Consfifulion "'• lenelit lor Visually Hand,i icapped Children y.,,,,.~ c·1i111.11111··11 ... 1 ..... ·w· 111 Mrs. llamll1 llt•"'f'} nncl l\11 <r. c. W . Dunon 11s~i1111-rl ~l ri-1 1111~­ old Cimeno in n~· .. 1vmg llw rn1m) ~eels whPn (11"11ni;1• Counl) ,\J. um nat' a~ul'111tinn nl 1.Jl.'!111 r.IHn · m11 i:nvr n l>o'n..r11 hrld1w w .-..1. nl.'Sdl\y a t thP t:1nwn11 h111111; 111 Tu.~tin ,, ~· .1111111' f I Ill•" \I di Ill• I I Sllfl• 1111· i.<"llfM•I \\a.' fu11ntl1'I t• II \~'hf' t1i.:P, ''•'' u11~uq.ot1il1•d f\\~• }N1r,; lall·r und 111"' 1 .. .i rw 111- IH•r nr 1hr l.1>-_ 1~1,:.1 .... \\',•11;111• 1'<1ur1r 11 II 1,. ''Z.'.'" ·'' .\l.11 .. 1l11•r• urnt !111•!11 ~e in <'tllh '• 11nd ltt·1·11uw Wh1lt' only rr~·<•n1ly rnmr1t .. 1.•cl the mo~rtH11:1•111 ('.lidnm111·~1111n­ b h horn•• of Mr 11n<l M l'll. C:im111n •1th Its prlrr11 .... !i 11r1 11n.t 1111- tl11urs wn, n Jll•rft·d ~111ni:: t11r so l11ri:<' a f)l'lrf)' 11nd lht' mnny fi<>Wcr.; ancl hi;htNI 111111 P• "" ~t~r with N•li•rful -pnn.: gO"'TIS ot I h.· 1111·~ •·r-.. n111clr• II most au raC"t lv" 1111·11m' 11( fir·· 10111: \\illillll: "'' llllltlh1·1 l11Jlld111i: will Ix· ad1 i.1t "' ,. ••• ,. "' i,uffwu•nt f1111tl• 111·1· :11 .111111>1" 'J1h·r·,. Y.t't't' ftu;•11 'I• ''t+J I '''" , "rum: 111 lh•· li<ull\' <if !hf' pr1·J111l1 111, I'"" )/1111 1• 1111!1 h1 •1 l.s ttlfu I 11111111\ I /lfll I l' 1\lll I• "" ll'fl f11I fJu• 1on11m: }•Ill 111111 ,,. tlia· r11m1111I · j, I Ill' .\JI,, !'rtlllll .11111 lflfdl• 1111111 111tl :-...1111 ' I•• Hoa11!1)111• A n 1n ... t1to 1111U •tf1!1 l1\ f 1\\ ... \\Ill ,tf.,.q 1 •• 11l111 •11·tl '1''11· I(,\ 1'.1111 ~l•••ri \\'h'"'l"r \\Ill 1:1\" It '•'11111d IJd k Ill It 4t '-t'r ll'' IHI c 'tu l,l•;tO , ....... , ... n ,,_ "" 111 cl~. ;,n .. 11•1•1111 i,:1111 .:111ni: '" Mrs .\lc11 k hfrlll11h.1n ol Sunr.1 Anu"11n1l a ·1·'1Ulll1 l 'l•"''" t't1<•k•·1 111 ·'"' '· 1-'r1111k H 111 ri11i:tao11 111 ru11. r111n. Th·· 1tt•: .. 1111u1 "·••· 1 Newport Beach 'WCTU ... 1 nlur. 1l11nJl•'<I I•) I la 11 11 ..... 1111111 1,( HnllJOh !..lnncl. "'''"' 111 Ml'. 1i u1l11n \\lllf•' 11( T11-11n Th1•1'1' w ''l" 3.! I 1thlh In pl.1~ :"-• "1•111 I 1111ll'h W ("T l' Ill• I I \\. 11111•,fl.1\ .\I ll} :. Mr ~ l-.!1.1 G1M·11tn .. 1, :1 17 nnrt un N1d1 111ht.· \\II' n r:.1.1 . i.t11' I l-"md1 <"~n.11111<' .... t11d 1 w,·n l 1.,·------ w 1 II Wiii\ 33rd St. AnJrews Cll•rd To Obsene Seminary Sunday S• rmnHr} Sunda) •'lll bfl • ~· t\• ll tlu« S unda} 1~ay 2t at St. A lldrL'\l"S l'n::6b)"tcr1aA ~ 111 :"-l'\\IJOr1 H arbor •1t b ~ und rhW"<"h school ~ at 111,.,1 .. ,k a m ·n11· n •. , Th .. ma_.. \I C.tieon "111 'I" 11! nn thP sub)c'('1 ...,.....,. I I~ ... 11H1 I-vr 1tw Muustry.-s. n ll'O'i 1111• tw Ld tn UM! llllrary ol ;-... "1~11 I I "mun l u l{h liChool. President Entertains Komaoina Klub Th•• K1<m ,1.i1na Klub tw>ld au r•·i:u1.1r "''''"''"!: W<'Clnt-lday ~ mng ,,, th1 h"m• or )frs Boota K• ••na•. pr•'1'trl• nt 3111 ._Palm .,....._ 1111•', l \alll6a. l'ha· t·arl) part o( the l"'alUllC "115 dl'\ oll'<i tu 1,us1neu_ With ~ frt>Shnwnts bdng st-n•ed aftn- \H1rd :'\l·Xt m£'(>t1ng a'IU bf' held at th<' homl• of ~r<: Pat Crow\>. 305 B .. ~ 11\1·nuc. Ralhoa Beach Police Auxiliary To Sponsor lrownie Troop , Girl Scouts O ne of 1lw l;1r1 'rnut Browmc 1 roolb "all l1t· ~t~1~.111•d li}' the l"l•\\ port B<'al'h P-ulic·c· .1u1'iliary, l.ll't'Ord1n~ 10 ,, d1·<'1~11m rearht'd hy 1h1• oq:o11111:it 1<111 \\hl'n they nwt Tm•scl.1.) ,., • mn.: "1 I hl· h1.1mc of P11trl1•11• t'<w, lll .1111.:•' 11\'1•nue, t ·0,..111 !\t1·:..•. Rl'\ 1•rl~ Burd:.a ll \Hts co-host•·~ Ald1t vl•l 11111. nt•\\ ~> 1'l<'<'lcd prt•s1d«n t. "ll" in d1.1q;1· Ap- pom tl'd ltS rt•pn·wn11111\'1" for the Sl·11u1 troop Wl'rt• Audn·y Cottle anti Cin1:1•r l 'asSl'I. \\ 1tl1 Lorraine Munti::om1•r) 11ml Hl'wrly Burd· s11ll us altcrnatt•s. Also 111d1ull•ct 111 l111s1n1•ss uf l he C'\"l'nin.: wus th1• \'Ot1ni.: of $3 to the• 1·11ncl'r l'uml \\'1·l1:0111t'<l as m•w nwmbers \\'t•rc• L'rsul11 Smith and !\1nrnll• S IOC'kduh·. flusinrss ovc•r. the i;roup pli•yc•d ••5()" with lllildrrd Johnston tnk· Ing firs t pri.rr. Mnry C'u~umano thl' Sl'C'Clnd 11nzc end Ell211hcth \\'a It ZE' consoled. M rs. Hn"''')'. n"" prl'<.1drnt and l:('nt•n1l l'KT11m rnn 11f th\ part)', 1n1rodu<'t>el Mr~ I~ I' Rl·) · nolds o( Emerald flay, rtlCDllWr Of ' the auoci111on and on" of t hl' ~anluf'f' ollitht' ~ul'Sl'ry SC'honl for Visually Hand1caPP<"'1 0111· drTn, Loa An1elrs. which is JI~· tored by the USOC1atlon nnd for whoee ~etit procef'dl from the attaii, Which amountt'd to 11bout $30(), '""'liven. hold"r nf h11;h 'nm• N f h Ch hes ~IN 11 E <'hn"tl1·1 t>I ll .. cllHi:t s 0 t e urc (•lllnO Wun (IOI' Of .I ll<' 1lto1 flrll• ew t'" a l>l·i<Ut 1ful C-1") ~t.tl how I ,;1\l·n l1V ~1rs. Trll\'lS nantrm , Wlla• Of tht' famous •dN<lg1wr. OthC'r 11.11 - bor n -<;1denl!I who won d11or Jirll· NI Wl'rl' ~I ~ Ray n.~·\I~ M ri.. Hf'IA, IX nLGlllJI BALI,,. ._ ....-C ~ llpOllllffe4 r.y C.,.na ctttile of Coroaa del Mar Com- __. .. ..._.... ,..,....,. -_,.,...._ alte~ for maay ~r a~ womea. At npl ani th~ ,.,._ ...,.._ fer -el U. alfah: b ._ -eer h Mn. lolln M...SOr, d ttle prMldeat: (lf'ftJllMno. A r· ,..,. \.~_.(.._)Jin.. ..... s..&tr, co-dial.._ la eharce of the p&J'ty. ' -photo by G<'rhardt Pn·srnt for the• c•\"t•ning Wl're hcP LHC'C'. M1ldrl'd Jvhnston. Alda Gorton. Mali4>1 J ont•s. Ruth Ger- r ish. llhtry Cusumano. Audr cy Cottle . .Ma rn•<' Stockdale, Ursula Sm11h, Glni;er Cassel. Mary Hate~. F:hzabcth W111tw, Betty Phebus. Lorraine lltontgomrry, J::lame McM11nlga l. Beverly Burd- sall and Patricia C<X'. Hew M•mber Welcomed Wlten /ale Hour Club Holdi Weclne1Jay Meet Florence KHt>l WH welCOl'Md ., a new mrmbu when the Idle ROW' dub nwt Wednftday with Alkl: Jone 1. Orance avenue, Ollta Mesa. Spada) (Uf'lta w e re Winnie Jams, daurhttr-ln-law of the hmtf'lm and Jan Sponaelor. llftDben ..,.Joytnc the pot tuck ._.. and 'tdle hour' ~ their own dutin wwre Marsant Lon1. Ida r.orton, Alice JOMS, Sally B1nftly, FlOttrltt' Ke.I, Amy \Tide, lea Clark, Minnie Boyd. Hdlie ()sdrn and from Hunttnc- tan Beech. Ella Mae Prlnalaw and N.ille Tucker. So-ond-Sew Club El.eta First ,,.siJen# JrbrtJe Elliott WU elttttd flrtt prftidMt al a recer,tly or1anlztd IOdal dub, the ~and-St'w, when membn'I met Wednftday at t~ hanw ol Mn. Elvin Brown, Coet1 ...... ltftet, CGata MH&. It belns the birthday annl· ftl'Mr)t ol the hoeteee, a prettily cllemnttd btrthday cake com- J*Md the luncheon menu. Pre.nr IAW the aftt'rnOOn f.trrc ~ Elliott. Patr icia Coe, Bev- wly Burdlall, Verna Shannon, J.., Parker, LuUe Undl'man, ~ CnJuchan, laabl'l H lrM.'1', R11c:M1 Moon and the hoett"U. . Lonnie Jt.\rmN.>nt and Mrs Ct'O Sawtell<>. Otht'r pri:tt'!I went to thP Mt~· dames McMa hon, 0..arles Swan- ner. Rolx>rt M1z<', O!K'ar Dcan. Ken~lh Cook. 1. F. Land1!o, 0 F. Tumt'r. Merritt Ha~an, l>. E U1t1rtt, ~rry Davis, G4>orge Wa.ltt'r, Ethf'l Hlgday, Arthur May, Paul Motl. Clarencf' Jor· dan, John Ball, Georee Sawtellc. and t"rank Junf'. On the commlttf'e with Mni. Hlll'Vt'y were Mrs. Walter Spirer ot Harbor bland, Mrs_ J ack Houlihan of La liabra H<'ights . Mrs. Jualln KenMdy: while In ~ al lht many prizes wcl't' Mn. 0 1\rt'n«" H orton and M~ H. M WalUn&ford, Santa Ann All m•·mbers a.oe..mted as hos- t~. FAC Homecralt S@ction To T aie up Copper W or~ llomt'craft M>Ctlon of Friday Aft('rnoon club will meet Thurs- day. May 6 a t 10 a .m , In Am eri- can Legion hall and 1tarl on a new pro.Jc'ct, ropprr work, w ith Mrt. Clydl' A.slltn as Instru ctor. Mem bert ar t!' · askf.'d lQ br ing their lun<"h and Mrs. Qt i., Wl'alh· erwax. •tttlon chairman. will be h0ttl<'U. The nom lM tlng commit- tee wUI make a report al thl1 meet1n1r. Soroptimisf Treasurer Off to San f rancisco Miss Lor na Mills. 19th street who 11 tre uurer and director of the n<'wly organizf.'d Soroptlml111 club of Laguna Beach. flew to San FranC'IS<'O today w ith two other officers of the organlz.allon to att<'nd a conf('rence. BU:A.IU11if0 Tiii! ?\T.W8 BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL f 11 Agate Aven ... Atv. Harry W . White, AMOC1at1 Putor C'hurrh S..h91tl. 9 $0 • m Worn1n11 Wor11n1p, 11 a.m. "THE F"AIENOLV C EN'f.AAL 818LE CHU"CH" Aev. Dwight Kinman, Putor llMUnr tempur .. 11r 1n tho 8o•ealb Day Ad¥9Dl1el church, co..-r or Old County ril&d aod Bot .. avenuo. Co.IA .. _. 8u9da1 llchool, I 4f> a.m ••• Worehlp •••Ice. 11.00 a.m . YOUl\ll Pooplo'• 8e"'ICO, • p.a . Ev.,nln11 l':•ansell•llc Blt"'lco. '1 p.a . Wf'dnuday, .,. Anaheim ann1M. OU" LAOV OF MT. CAAMllL 141> Woet C.nlral AY9nlM Sunda y 11-. 8 a m. &ad 10 a m. Coal-Iona: Saturday• from 4 .uo lo 6 .IO and rrum 1 IO to I IO p.m. FULU ooa P£L CHU"CH llrtd and Elden, Cotta Me .. Suaday ll(hool. II 41>, monllDlo •CW· .t11p. 11. EY&np ltatlc ..,,.,100, 1 u p.a. Mld·•Mll P"'>'•• meetl"-on Wed-d&)', 1 46 pm . ~'IC JMHll)lo'e n an• ••ll•tl~ ..,,..a.,., on Friday, 1 46 P·• a. T J OACHIM CHUACH Or•n,. ·awnue, btt-n l"h and IOlh. Coala Meaa Muwe 1 a.01 dally, l!unday II a m. and 10 a.m. Cunfeuivn• i>Alurday, 4·6 p.m. llftd l ·8 pm. __ , &T. JOHN VIANNEV CHURC H a atboa l1fand Sunday Ma.ue• I a m. llftd 10 a.m. l'.1nfeiu11tan1 S.lurday •trom 1.80 to 8 30 p.1n. CHU RCH OF CHRraT Ch11rch I nd w.1 .. 11t 1troet1 L. Duane Canby, Mlnl1ter S..n'IC'ea. llund&y. lO a.m .. Bible Study, II a m. Wornlna •or.hip. CH"lST CHURCH BV THE SEA Comm11nlty Methodfllt 14*> Welt C.ntra l Aven.,. Rev. £. D. Goodell. Paetor April II. 11149 t'hurrh Srh\ll•I. 9 30 a.m. Murntnac •url't\lf\ 1 l ,. m ~:"""'"Ir w11rAA1r 1 '" p.m. llethodiol Youth'• f'f'll<•"' 1h1p •1 6 30 •n,.<f.i~!!~ 1:,:1..!;llnl( rnc-lu(k dhm .. r •n•I .,,...nln1t ut wnnahlp 6 40 Om. Wed IM'••day. ST. ANDREWS P"£SBVTERIAN C H URCH-NEWPORT HAABOR Hig h Schoo• Llbr.11 y 1&th and Irvine. New port Helgh U 10 a.m <"hUl"'"h ..... ,~ .. JtJ •'"rn. N,•rn1t1.c •.-1r•h1'• J-t~v Th••n"'a ttlh-.1n rU1nr !33t., t;n,n1t Cllf'\A • B•ll><>A b lK1tt1 l 'hon~ llarl.lt•r laiO·\\' TH£ NEWPOAT HARBOR LUTH ERAN CHURCH 1027 Cliff Orrve. Nrwport He1g ht1 (]ll'ffilian Sdf"Ott Topic •[v,.rla~1in~Puni-bmn11• The Goldl"D T .. n of 11l• _!:.1:1dJi, J.e .. on S.rmon 011 • l:•.-:t£..U:i.c l'i;11l~hm,.nf' In a ll bran !l..,. o' TL .. ~lul bf'r l'bun b, l b .. f"lr•· •"bur• b or l 'llrl~L !'. ~c ·,,· In I ,.. ·~ • fro111 lb<> f'•alc:a.a ~r,, II • I •:ay 11i .. 11 f1 1'Pd a:ul •b•r •t ·.L•·• 11 •' tie ta·• (J• • .__' I b-• .,. , .... 'I Ila• U..:o.l 1Ll!.-.. :.-·!I 11..--•I "'4 h c. ••·r \ "· '• • • ,. r "' ' 'l·.:, th 1t tr 1,1 L t.0J1' • • II t.. • ..... • I It • ~· • I •: • ·1~ I •· • • ··1: ,, " a• J I·• ~ l ': -I ' •• \ f1 I IL.,. :'"' • tJ. r: • • ,., t ,u•! H1 I uf J• • ! !Jq t ,,, ,., ••• ~· l ~;.· t f I, ' f lo I~ 41 1 • • 1 • • • I ,• I • A•! ·-. l " r .. • ,, ' I •.• \I f ,. • l .. , .. ,. ' ... PROMS HAJlBOR 20lM-J-K . m Cout HJahwa,y Corona del Mar OMAHA. N<'b. ltJP) A gracl<' school music irRCht'r , Wt'a rinl! e new engnitl'!llf'nl rini;:. Qlllll'd h1•r young chon1" to att<'ntion. Sh<• cxplalnNI the nl'xt 50fl.lt and ral?<· ed • h<'r bnton Unn•h1•ars.-"t;!. tht• jll'Ollp IOI.idly snni:: ''I'll l111n<"e n I Your WN!din .1t." Re-v. Ht'rbe rt C Roth. p1uto r 1, ''' :. !c. •. · • I' .. •A r11"h~1\I•••" Chri11t (••r a 1~hMH!in1t I"~ p • : .,· • • , ;.· t ·=-· TWINR TEAM UP \\·,·rltt' . c .. I ·' · • ••• r • ••t.ur. h .... lu•1I ~\!it• • m . •tl\lnrl I •. I •• "11r.11ti111 1u !to a m. •' Phone Harbor 2522 8a~ ~81.op PIPF-~rrt >NE. Minn. 't;T'l t•o111t• '""" \*1111U 1· .. t1it· A~H•n' 1 J • 1 ' l ... .. I:. <JNtnl. llali- (nut to Galley Cafe) i=Bouqueot.. f<•111fo11t1> at romnwnc1•nwr11 ,.,,.,-. C'iiies In P1pt•ston1• hl~h '""""I will srt• n111I h••nr llt111hll' wlwn I h1 • 'al- •'<1irt11r\' 111hln•!<:< 1, l!i,•1·n J:t111•" ""'' ·ii11111rn:< c .... k. 17-y1•11 r-old ''""" '"'" "'t\-pl11•" 11\1•1.ta:•·• .. htl\•1• lw'N1 •1•lo'(·t1-<I ;i .. <'•)·\ll l•·d11 • t Ct1 1.111, ASSEMo'LIES OF COO H. s . McM•llAn. P•Uor A"'f'' ICAn L,.g1on H AH, 1~1h A Cf"'""' :-••lfl•IH\ "-• h rn•I !I 1~1 ft nt :i.t.1fllll1h'. 41•r\hf' J1 h IH -1-:\••1u11• ••\un..:Ht'41h ,...,q ,. _i•t , 'l1 M ltl '4• .. k •·t\I+,. Thlu •+ll') 1 ~u ir m ST JA,,1ES CH URCH PAOlEC-.T.r."'IT Er"ISCOPAL 1209 Vt,, L ido l1h,.t1,._,, flnrtt,•r l ~:it.• '1nd fin.rt ·r 1.~, Rf'v. PAUi M oot f' Wh .. eltr. Rte tor ' .h• u '" II I) f'".imtnuru••ll ~' Jtl n m • ·hur-h ~ 11 .. ,, -tr l'1meral 8pra ~·!i. Pluta -Freah Cut flowf'ft ........ rar.E DEU\'l:aY l'.111 .. r th·· tl11f\ ;i-..1.;11 .. 11 ... man ,., '"" ~~'''' 1111cl•l"\\,1l•f 1!1·1111111· ttnn 1• tn_,. f1:t .. h1•, 11 d,,.,.,,•1 tlh·d :1 ... 11 ••' tt "' M11rn n.c 1 ·r .. , r-r au.i ~·r m• 11 't-1 ~t ~·u11l1t),.. 11 .. 1) t • ., '" .u .. ,,.) · n•1111111ni; 11 ... 11~•1h~ 1:1111 111 n ,h,1rk 111 h.111.w111I • t111•1"'" Ttm"'.t''"' 1111\ ,·.·111n.,111 1 .. 11 11111 1•rl\• ,. t r ah, •1 k eluvd.4 e. dl-if.2tU l/1U«U4,.CU ,, Open House Every D~y Through May 23 __ , ... , ............. ....._ ............................................. From 10 a. m. to-'4 p. m .. .;;...;~::.......... ................................................................ .., Al his beoufilul mansion overloo~ing the sea of 205 OCEAN BL VO. Corona del Mar -(:( This incomparable home has been sold lor $125 ,000 , but Mr. Fipps Jesires fo oller an opporlunify fo his many lriends and to the public of large fo visit it. (A 1'osfess will show you through) F.at11red will be the beautilul lurnisltings lrom W. I. Scott Co., 4141 Atlantic BlvJ . ...------------Long Beach --.......... --~ ......... -....- • . ._ , I I I I I 111 ¥· I ... ' I •• I ,. I I \t• t ·r . \ . . . ... .. I r ... . \ .. ' ... I' Unique Slto.rer and leoc/, Porty Honors lo/boa Island lride-Elect anJ f iance r • ..-as a unltJUI' lck>a In the form ot a Grtt-nbark" showf'r .. ,ct, "'him .\tts.1 0..-atrice Ew:tttt ~ 11-.,-hantt. Robert Wagner, •"'1' ixwvxl'd •·hen Mr. Wagner'• thrf'< sur~n. Cathf'riM, Mary and Louaw. t'fttrrtabwil at the iY«rW' of rfW'ir p&rf'ftls. Mr. ancf )Ir< :"'1~las Wacner. 3706 <'"h-lnrW" I Ph1n" )h« f:~«-rPtt. daughtror of Mr. aNf )tn J:.'if l M. Evt'f'e tt o( Jt,.,t>. 1•1-.nd. 1s to '-'•Oltt .,_ ,,..... flr'1 )by bridrs~ She has t•, n nurw• tn rtw-otfi~ of. Dr. R., ~ and ~ a nd her futJJre ••·'• ~in·laa· attf'nded the n un- tnr ~ 11 St J mt"pt)'s hos.- Pl' "I •ot:.-•hPT as ~Mitt nw-ses. Ford and baby, San P<>dro , Mr and Mra. Hector •Schetne, Pasa- df'na : Mrt. Georee S trvenson and Mrs. Rou"J ohnson and daui h l<'r. Yorba Unda: Mn. Della S teinman . Miss ~ Ja~uea an~ Mns. Caroline Barker, Lone Beach : Mr. and Mn. Henry Jacques, Van Nuys; John Von Batach and Earle Von Batsch, Lo. An1ele1; Mr. a nd Mn. Michael W agner a nd Mr. and Mrs. Earl Everett, Balboa bi and. S<-ndlng gifts but urlable to a t- tend were Mr. and Mrl William 'Illobum of Whittier a nd Bobbi<' Eckelbl'rry of Loni Beach. Elementary BoarJ P.-1.A . Meets May 5 fo Plan Acti.,ities lor Year Thl' last regular m<'cting .for lh<' )'<'Ill" of the eicecutl\·e ~ard or the Ncwpart Beach Elem en- tary t1chool Pnrent-Teach<'r asso- d ation will be held Wcdnesd&¥. May 5 at 9:30 a .m. at the home o f Mrs. H P, Yarnell. 223 Opa~ a vt'nue, Balboa bland. Mrs. H. 0 . Boyvey, presldcnt- <'ltct, will preside. At this meeting n<'w members or the board will meet '4ith nC'wly-elccted officers to plan ac- tivities for next )'car as w<'il as the last mreting or thf' organi- zation for this year. to be held May 17 In the Newport ~ach school auditorium. ~~==;;;:====-~~~~~I Picture Framing Harbor h.lnt Center Ph.: Barbor 2350-W • 408 S2nd St. Newport Gilts I rorct lpr 'n wiae .. • THE CHALET 711 8oa1ll OoMt Boule.ard Lapa& Beacll. Calllorala w.-.,.• ~ P""'fti prrf«'C1 for the p;ul) •h.c:-h was " b..adt affair Imm I ''' ; p m •'it h swimming, 1 •nz·1•onc .. fl'i ("3Tds furnishing •MIL" m. nr Thr luncht'on •·as • I ...-.11 1n 1•• hnhda) informality t ~· .. :.<> "''"'Pl•·IC'd •1th a lovely r,., ron "'h1rh •·erf' inscribed ~;:===~Be~w~·1se~~~A~~dv~e~r~t~isl'~::;;;;;;;;~:==:::;::=:=:=:=:=:::=:;::=:=~ Bal-Isle Nursery School "arr"" ot th" ~rd coupl<'. ,\ \t f") c~al guest Willi the f!H 1·m1l &turud t ot Appleton, \\ .~.n·in. NX1.S111 of Mrs. \Vag- ,,. r 'nd " a:u. '' at h<'r home for '''""' .... k• ' • tt~c vr,_,nt 'ff!re Mr. and \In I.nu \'alm r1a, Miu Anna ~11 hbc and )hss Aicn<'S Baili, ',..,n~· )fr 11nd )In. Maurice Lion T omers Sponsor Girl Scout Troop, Plan Pot Llci Supper Plan-for sponsor;~ a Gir l Sc-out rn iop and ror entrnamin~ Uw1r Lion husbands at a pol tuck dinntt Wt'Tt' made ..-hen the I.-, Tarna-s' club met ~>· at ttw> h.>mt-of )lrs Da\"id COT'· .tan. B.11tioa bland. a;th )frs J amo-s R.""I> and ~ln. H owar d Balmrr ... ~l'Sl('S Bro--n1"' Troop 3. madr up of :tnd rr .. •l. c1rlc fmm the Corona dt I )l,u •rlww,I. 1c !hi' onr chusf'n for "'J• n~ir ... 111p Lc•a(l<•r of t hf• troop I• \I~ Frank l.11mmf'nn Th• I''' lurk dmrwr wa.~ s. I for ""''1 ·n• ,.rini: tl.'lf•· nf thr C'luh. l la) .-. 1nrt '4ill lw• nl0 th•• poml' of )Ir ,,,., \Ii, C l· n \\'h1llalt'J.., L1d•1' 1'1 r1r,.•1I" tr• r 1•, hucui. "'"' ''hl;'\tnn ram11 ;ii 11 ,, nd ' ..... u( card,. ll• ml· • 1•• •'-<I n t in<'llld• rl \I\ - ian .,;.,,1,•1 nn '.\I 11h.:•• '.\Iii •m. tla1t t: .• , I >.1r111h , I!• r m •. )l ulln \\h1 •1 ... 1., .r. 1n \\,.1, 4 1 '" , \\ r l'm.111. 1111111 k:1ll1 la r . C 111.•, .n. "-.11,:rm..n. 1 .. w .. 1'1~ I '•oc ... n ft•11"11 !'-:.inn •. r. \ • 1t.,1,,., r '' l•t, < .tt"' .... '" l \•nnt• ,.",..,,,.,. ,.. '"''' 1;,, ...... f.\1 l\fl J4·~· .. "·fnt • \ ·n c;1 rtn11t· II ,..,., .,,.. •nil I! i•l1 .I.I\,., •I ---By ~lossier MIL-.. ARTIU"R MAl' H~liaoy Stage Players To Appear Tues. Belore S. A. f bell Sections APf>":trinit tnj.?"1 h<>r fnr 1 h1• fi~I t iml' sin<"" thf'1r <:nj1111rn 1n Tus~in lm•t ~umml'r. 1" ··h··· m "m hers nf thl' lloli<l11y S t1ti;•• tro111"' of profr<:~inn:il actnr« will npp<''lr I in exC't'rpt!< from play'< ;it n J11mf me<'lini: of thl' \'l•rsJ lt•11nn :ind F :irl!' :in<! F ;mci••s ~''"' i1in~ 111 1111' Santa ,\m1 F:h<'ll rl11hho11qr nr-cr Tur<;driy after111w111 ~l.1,\ I :cl t ·:io p.m ~It~ Ari h11r ;\l.1). l,..nrlmi.: Or- :incr 1'1111t11) d11h wom;111 and :i P.·rn111111•111 m1·m"1·r 111 1 h" I l111J- tl11) Rta~" i.:r1•111• 11111 fn1rud11•·f' th" p!;1)' :irul l'I••'""' .ir\il I"''" "'n l :i shnr f h11w1 ''''" ••I •·,11'11 I ;w •111 ,,, 1111•· ,.. ioT ., ... '"'"""""I ;1ppt"1nr11: \\ II 1no·l111J, 111111 ~'""'I \', 1'!1 l!ll """'II C'••flfll• I •• ,,, ,;,." \\.11 .... ,;., •• " ••• ,, ... I h< II J 1,.11 lJlllllll I 1111• ' I", nn• I ft•r.,.~ Pn 'r• r .1l1d t , ·~ '"' d f '• n- clh tun JI •• I •• 1 i"11111i • I ,, ,.~,. ,, th 1, ,.,,' 11 I J, tr.t •\ ~· u.:• \• I cl, .... , t), ,, , .,, \\1't t di ........... n nf •h· I ,,, ••• ' i I.,,, I ·I f11t ,,,. !'-• t• nd u •"••rt 111 l·I t1 •' tfu 1'11..; .. ·rn 11 h .. J ·I '•1 r .... \n·111p·.t,u • 11•1n f ;,,,,' \It I. 11 I• \j • •1f f , .. II I I tit 111 Ill t ., ... I I 1 ••• " 1h1 " • 11r ••1 1lh I I ' • .t1t11t Hlrt' ~.....-----. i:t Purity * /!\ccur a c y i~ Dependability \'ou ran 1,.. surr of finit quallt~· drug sup1,li<"". wrll- informf'd a n cl rourt.-otll\ !W'n -iN' in our !lfor•"'· BALBOA PHARMACY N"E\\"POllT PH.A R.'IACY llAIO'TOM ILUUl-Oa oauo - - W."D.ER NEW MANAc;lEMENT Annouftees Summer Semester Beginning May 3rd Limited Number of Openings For ChHd.ren 2 to 5 A~tive Rates • Phone Harbor 744-R Mornlngs Sl7 Marine Ave., Balboa Island CENTRAL CLEANERS (FORMERLY BROADWAY CLEA!\'t:RS) USDf:R SEW MA.'IAGF.~~T PICK UP AND DELIVERY EXPERT MENDING AND REPAIRI NG Agent. Jn Harbor A,_ f'or CA.Rf:rt;L LAUSDRl'-SASTA ASA '2903 W. Central Ph. Harbor 522-W Newport Mother's Day Specials Cold Wave $7 50 Machine Wave 7 50 W'avc 7 50 Mach ineless --Harbor 0533 Vi's Beauty Shop 1103 Coast Highway CORO~A UU. ~l:\U E~'i'nint;s hy Appoint 111C'nt HARPER GARDEN SERVICE -C...Ul-\'t1i\H~ JS-i>A~Allt:~) NOW AVAILABLE in the HARBOR AREA • ~lafot.-na.iu·~ of F..stablislwcl (;arclf'ns • Sprinkln" ClranPcl ant1 Aclj11 .. tt'<I • ~llr&~:ini;: qf_~ ancl Shruh" • (;f'nrral I .a.nrtscapini;: • F rH £,.t;tima tf>S HARPER Gorden Se rvice (Mk for Cif'OrJ:f' Harper ) Phone Beacon 6299-W 420 • l!;th Strf'f't 1Call Day or Evcningl CMta M~ J 1 I -" * DREW PEARSON I \\' A~lllS\.Tl)!' lruruu: llw I 11hlo• ""r crim•• J1l"OM'("Utor. ba<'k d cie1ni: Ol\>nth~ of lh" r•-.•• nt "·""· '•' \\ •'hin1:1'"' • I ,.,.~\'('r<'IHr) vi \\tor lfol)('rl 1•1·. I • ..,........._ Uf'fftlli S .... TEl.EPHO~'l!S: HtUlBO& 12. IS ASD !08 .. ~bUhed evel)· day, Monday throu.:h Fricla~. hy Sam D. Porter Lu cius S. Sn~Hlh, 1 l , ownc:-rs nncl oprrnltlr~ or th<' tc>ninn n •mArk<'<I i.1 I.his "'"ntN· ft.,, ,111 .. tt'Stm\t\n) hrfort' th• and I '"" "urr11.J I '•'\l"' f'l't't'l''"'"t IOIU '·\)fl\mlttN' '"' I• .11 •-ur f't •""· I t1h• 1111 ... -.·n ·I, hiu. n•'"' ho-.•n mad• •·n 1 it.•11·1m1n,1 1•11l•lh' J1,. .. ,,-..Ii;1hat <~Of' C.-n '" 11 tu 111m\,h •h• .t• ""'' 11 J 1ol1n TalM·r 1•f ="it<"''"'"''- "I: •II \ l t t I 10l •t..J 1(1('h 1111 \\ 11:1:1• •" t'f"I h , l~ IOI It\ •I ' \\~.:ft• l ·•f• h1t•• ti•'"°"'' "•f t JU'f ft<i i•n'h'U"' 0' 1. \\" ... ' hi '" •.. I: •• , 111 "' lo I ' U I ,., 111111111b .lm\I Nv lnrbM Pubh,,h lht: C'o VOl...XC -~~ ~ ~---FRIDA \" St•" IJ<ort n...,·h, ( 01&111.. \1•rll 110. lit.UC ti th )t1 t\\ 1• \ \ Uf IHt •U,• \\.If • t'lt\ 1"''1oothf\ lthUi" Jo\t ". in ,\ · ,.,.u, ,,., , 'a • ...._, •,,.nun•'' In l tu"Stt ,,, •• ,,.,, 'unt:tl M"\'· '·,,,, ... ,,,:-l~h n ·'' 1t1 \\h~ 1hc• ,.\ntt • 1.d ''"'"' .... 1 , ,j ' •II I,,,,, \\' r. II I ''•11'1'•'''· ft•') ril ' 1h1 ·1111•\ .mt! t•• '' l'n··•I """ kh 11 m.1~ n• '• r 1.. .1 ''" :-:; •• ,••·tut) l \•tlt ,., •n "'·'"' ••I• Ill~ I" th 1• lt•kr,tnl 'flll ii I l l h \mi t 11 an 111 ,11011 \\'h,11 h· 1lHln r lntt '-' ,. \\ ,, lhhl •llt ··h1. t •'"'1"-lfh n· .. 1 l1·11u1~ tli•• ;\,111~ off 1·a•y '"'"Id tk• ht"" t'''" .:'Ut"t'r''t'' K1nn,·1 Jl••~ ,oll rlll\\ l'lt't"<'ll•I \ "' lh> . 'Ill\ I 1•1 .\11i;11•1 '"" 1'11mtn.tl•"I 111' 11"'""11 • I\ thn ,. t .. urrl" 1•( lh• ..... \\111'11 1 '"'" '"''r tht'r• IHXIE Ul (;;\~ '"" '"''"""· ......... : o1:,•r m11tt) • I ll1'1'r11\o'(I lhlll I'll ·~---,..,,....-...,,.....--.-=;~~~'""',.....,.rr.:~::--~-rT_,, I lt 11 111.,: I ho• \\ ar. fl(•) .1 II m 111.• .1 hnll1.1n l dd,·n~•' 111 lh1• "1 ·1 .,g ~.,t. .. i.•ur:< whn land;'ll •'fl l ... •n i.: l,;1.mtl hy i.uhnmrtn•· ..\p1••1n•, ti ,., ;it 1tir111 )' for lho• .. a1.o111,•11N. 111"' P l 1-!llllh Ill y. as ,,., nhll' th II S.•ln" l"'"I''" S•'o·n"K'd 11lni.~1 1•or,, .n•·,-.; th•) ~hould s;o rr .... 11111 1!11111 T h•• l•'tl01>n llWY """ ,,. ••• u1u .~h ''•'Pl""tt "?n• thnt 1 ;, n• 1.•I 11.l~ frll. nml r.mvlnr. 11 ,,,., 11i •• 1 "' ,, .. ,r ,,. .. 11t.-nh '""11111 ,,., ••·· ·' ll•l"lrtl• h•l"'t~n lll'flflo """ h:ul 1 .... 11 · •"··~t11in•od • ""'' 1 h• .,... "tw> h111I 11111 ··y · It "' \l'n mul'l1 or " hl'ad11dl4'. I t hink." ~rM4 lt-d Tat .. ·r ··1 had \'f'r )" Crml \WW5 aa11irull th" "'''°!.' "l'lll"t•arh 10 it orill ln~lh :· • hmwd 1n 1tw k'<"t"l'llVY of the :\m 'I\ "\\"h••n l "°"" thl'N' In A u1:,us1 -, 1ir•·11rrtl...:I that on\.' f'\;11\\', '"'~or.· th•' llOUM' Ap1°r< .. th .. c.· ,.,,,...~ o( 11 hmlh-ci dnu roulrl pr1;1t11•11" l 11mm11t•••, h1· S• t•m s 1 ... lru .. t Sn a<klitlon.il war-crlnl4',.I •~1uall~ :~nxto>w. '" '1'' 1:1\•' "tl"'r 1rutU. "''II 1 ... twl'1 ""'"""' t™-•' \\;Jr rrm11niih In add11wn, hP hit"'' "' 1 ·· •umrnuru'(f &n T1 llord Ta' !t•r "1 '" •rt'<"> " . I . "'-'" ,.....,_"'-, .... Nad• TH L"" ,, C"1>1 , .• "\\'ha• W•>uld h rt1vn iC w e juat l"'• ll'• ~ { S 'CIT '" I t !'» 'i \ ! THE .MINIMUM WAGE *Editorial t' Ciret1it Rider I 111.1llect thr MJrtl\111 down HlfYIOf· t n"" ." a•kl'i1 CnncrN•m:m \\·hu:INI· I "nrlh ... ,.n11 .. a1f1 .,.., "'""'' mont'y'7" I "I do11'1 think 11 "•>ull1 hr ll'f'· Tlw ~l.-12'1,0l'lfl C1rw 1m"°"''<t on rthl~ ~ n1111' ir "·· ''"l'l"'Ci l h«>m John I. 1 ... •w i• nnd ht" t"mt.-d j ·'' .111 .. " ·•... flo\ air,. nmn1lm: 1 ;\111w \V11rk"n< ""''nwd t o man) l"f'l'h "Hut I '"'"W th,• hrtfl•r ( -.i11(1•111111 ••<lttor,i tu lw r a lh<'r 1•1l1o' ll' '''I• I l lu~nl ·""' hrin~ J, 1111•111 1111111,hm""' f .. r 11ln""'' 1 •ri• •I t· ... <••n11n111·11 :\h tnil_lnl r«>-1 1• 01 d11mc th" 11;ot11 ·n·,,, .. n .. n1~ .tr11 .. n "'" n I '"'"' th••ro• in Au· ti."'' \'t•r . tit• ~upr1•n1' ''HJrt ha,1 1:11~1 "•~ ••,1w1I) \\11.11 ~"u mt1 ''I I•• I'•'" u1••n th•· 1•·nal1~. and m,,t,. th ,t '" 1111i;h1 '" "'"'' thl""•' 11·, 1••"1hl•'. ~.ud th•· ,.,111nr'. 1hat 1rnm• <11.11"1 1 1111 tl0mk '"'' r•'ll· Senat11r Ba l I has ll.IUPU=-'~·d a number "'f.j ' _.,,H II" l tt0 rut it'tl'f It mim<r~I :i1h an:~··I l o) C.··n··r:il <1n~ I charwes i11 th0 Fair L1bor St·uuhnl · A•·t indudi111•111"11' •11•• h1>:h• :<• •ntiuna1 • '" r• '"''"'1 . . "' · . .". ' ' • ::.. '"' • . . ,. ,...., I _() .1 ''r"~•·••,am111"<1 f 11r th•'I' Ii) tlw I a n 111crca:'l' Ill the m1111mum W:lj.!'l'. and clanf1cat1on 'In .;.1111" q11:11 l•1 ... :· «w1 lh•· I\\ .. lt•fH1ltl1ran C'11n1.'r•'"•m .. n. lh•·' of \"arious paragTaph:.. \\"hi<:h h:tn .• lt:d lo inYUIYed \l,r11.;l.1T1m.c.~111.·1h1 "•n•rnl'"l "'''''r' .. r '"" nrm) mall•• thi'' tliffel'CllCes \)f intl'l'Jll'l'tat iun in tl1l• Jta:'t. ""' ""n•uli•nod tpn I d•t m •1th•·n;, '•i.'rlllt• '"' "'"'' "'':"' ,,huut ll$ I . . • n 1m .. I\· 1n th•· r:111k, uf lh•· m1no-r< 1•011'" m '"'""·'"' Olll' of the chall j.!(.•s would penn1t certain Yan-ihom ... ·l\o·~ tt """ '""''d·ro~I ,, • .i "I n~r···•·n11r1·I>." ti•· ~:11d "th111 -.--ati on~ in wag-e rnl~s and worke~· cla~.;;i f_i~at ions de-111 .. ," y Jn •·1t1w r ,., , n•. ''"' d •'(''"'"" '~1~ 1:rm1·· _ "''~''''" •• w1• 11nv1• i1; 1 (,ORl>O \\II \'I \ "t l<l'llll't.' l>e ndm~ UJ)(Jll rc1rional t.'COllOnll C tond1t1011s That ·~ ""'' \\hl!'h rl•<••r\'•c lmp."1r llnl1t .. n n.tn) 15 lo hollt1 UJI II 'llrcini: -----·------ propo~a IS a to the J.!'UOd . The ~air Labor Stanclards 1.1•\\t' anrt lh1• lllll"" h• N"lntrnl' t1•1crrr1lly ''"'" rrnlt7r thnt fn(l c: ~~~"~rt ~it.tJg;re ) · II ,...., , . . · · • '·'""'"''"'" T h•• ·,~1nlhl"I 1 .. •1""' n C:1-rm:inv '"''" 1••lltlrnlly l\nd ln·1 Act i::; de:-:ig-ned tu Jlt'otect the lea!'t :'killed worker \\ 11h n hnnd N>nt 1m1n~ ,.,,w,1 do'-i:r• :it ''" ·-~·· 11•1•1f'1 "' ,,,.. dfo.:-J,.,.. NO'fe w~ ~OCIC from exploitation, and to g-uarantec him a subsi~te nce l'.ro •' .. r iron 11nl1 1rro~;1n('o·, and 111 '""" 1 ri 11~ 1' " rt.ini:rr that ~'°' FOit ' Th · · · · l f 1. · b ttw l!"\•·rnm• n1 •'I th<• l"n11"t l m11~1 ho• rN·~.,n.-d \\1th on l>Oth l MO~E ,MLJM~ income. ere 1s a van at1on 111 t 1c cost o 1vin~ e-~,11 t1., , .. not ,,n .. 111 1,.. '"'""""" rh·-... i:-r••undc.. n.)..1 CA"N c,. .... tween Ul'bC:lll and l'Ura) <:Ommunities, and ah:O between •l\••r hchtly It 1s a l'<lf'llhr l rha l ~lrnn"h1l•', '<(Im•• n ( !hr ln<1IM ·1 • 6fC~E A different :'ections of the nation. A1rbitrary ~ta11dard~. L'I • ~ l ll'~11n1t 111" 1;1111 .. r .. 1 .. m. n'"I m .. n lS ·•l:rllll"' lh•• ram(•d Krupp MOJIT. MOrt ·h· h , . "t f I ,.· t" · . , y di . . f tn\111\1~ It 1•-cr.•n i•, ,,.nth<-mat-\lumlro~ •• .. •'MJll\1'!< alr"ady h 11vr \\ l_C J>t.1 1111 u . 110 Cl\ I~ 10 !1 ~n f1a) t'egar e~" 0 1, r .,1 r«rw-rt fnr c"mtitut"d au · 1 ... n <1r11r>J•-d. "'h1lr "m«< l'lr«> br· bU:'lne~S (II' ICJC'at101l 1 al"l' cJJ SCl'lmtnatory and Ul1SO Und. thortt\· or I.wk n ( 11. thr m;11n-IOI; 1.ull1 Ii In lt•I off ''<f'("Ull\'1'9 of As for proposed raises in the minimum wage, it tr n;irTl"r of th•· dl'l1ratr N"<>nom1r 1 c; t-'arti.•n Th•· l.11t•·r 1•1w·ra1f'd is certpinly true that C(1mlition~ ha\"e chancred sinee hal:inr1• "'a na tion """'·ndf·nl UfW'n ~ 11l;n ·1-.l11hor ramp whrrr lhOUll· , • , ~ ro:il, :tml rh.-forohl•.,,, nf wh<'lhM' .mth of 1x-n plr w1•rt· k1ll1-d. Congre~~ f1r~t e nacted the law in I ~).38. At the same man u• pr1v11<'S(f'd to pt1tl'V' his rn · < . ..,, .. , .... ,. time, great care must be taken again:"t establishing •on 11 111 ... irN< hd11r" the •"<'If arr <nl°""' O.·r tlr :\frl"'c•nnirk. 111 .. so high a. minimum len>) that the in<.:entiYe to imt>roYe "' 111' ''"""'rY 11 ro'40lw-s ~tl"'lf Cturni:•• Tril>~n···., prorrn1o11 ii • • • . • • . """'" In rhi< ("an 00,. irutl\i•hnl fln11~h-hnt1•r, "a lkNI out on •~·nl CURI y KAV )L' and qualify fu r a neltC'I' JOb IS mm1m1zed. that the In-rlo f, lh• i:11,·,.rnm•·nt a nc1 ~rt a way Rntlwrnwrr at th" A.c~1 ''"(I J I ( I'• flationary wag-e-pricci spiral is g-iven anothC'r ~hot \\1th ,, ... rr"c mM>llni.: j11cl l)\•(u rt> hilt l.nrrl· in the arm. and that new burdens an· placed on hu:-:i--o "'"" st~r•f'd "l"'11k~n • . H11• • • • Fr11lt1r•· ''' im11•~· :t j,111 S•·n · "''" Hrtnl'!I, Ar •' rr•• '""' nt '" ness. People who arc paid thE' m1n11num wage are 10 0 ,,,. wa< t·unslrt,.rl'ft h" th,. , '"· T•1k>n. rt>portf'd ,,, , J1Ut•l1,h· ,, u. ually beginner:; wh o are complctl'ly unskilll\tl. They r.rrt .. 11, .. i. R• rnr1 ,,. ...;. a Cl'"'~1 •h:.1 r,.-""'"' :\1.1r 1\rthur h •• '"'' do odd jobs whil~ learninj! a trad<>. in rcit;tilinl!. manu-·111-1 ·k· .. fnr "t h•· ro ~u11 "' th•cl ,, Int "' "''"" "'"'"" thr \\'1"4··on•" f · · l h · Th · I c • I •·•••:t I h· .1rin;,.: \\Ill lw• tn , nrn!lr· prun,ff) <"•ni.:r.1t11l;,1, .. n, •·o actm·1ng-. <~IH Ol. er e lltl'l'JWl :'e. O:'C' \\'I~ 1 aplllll< t> :tt.:• I""'' r·""'llf'n lrth"r h ad<•r.i l'.1ul \\'•·hh. th,. 1\11mtn 11.,...,,.,.11,,,. a n cl am bit ICltl S\\'I ftl y mO\'e upward to h 1,crhrr wage '" ''""' IOlll' t•> <11~r•"1.•1tr<1 ttw •'Om· ':'' l~I< 'llli"k rr111•k1l11\\ n "" 'ho• ~ta lei::. 111 .. n L'•• .. I ,, . .,, n ,, 1~ 1.,.c,1loli· ror Ku i.-111~ KIAn ·rn,. ~ .. 1•111 1111, • h rll' n Irk• 11 h I I k 0.1111 Ev•h;:tnl(•' <0•.fllrn"'in11 '' r•., These arP the cons1<lr rations t at mu~ be kept ' ·• · · ' " · """'1< in ta r . • • . • • I "m •h• 11•1lol1r "'"' "'""''"t m ro:il ,tf!•·rinl." th1• I• q111' '""'"" 111 •n f1rm)y Ill m1ncJ when fOl1j.!l'l'S~ <:Oll!'Hlt:.'l'e:-: a J'C'Yl~H >n 1•11•·•.., Cm•-< J,...,.,,n , 11mml'"r1-int "' n I wh ,,(I,,,.,,"'•'''" 1ri•l t 0• ·• • of the Fair I .ahor Stand:trcb Act. 11 . rntn• , ... fin·' \\ 111 ''""'ti 111\ ''.''" for 1 .... ,, .......... ,. "' ,o., ___ _ __ _ ••Uh '"" ,.f fh·· 1-ntilir :•ur.._,. rtttf ,. K ........ , ·• rtt.1•·r fu•·1n..-tul if. ti "" . WHA .. , ... r 1h·· ll'lfl• r ... : 1•.rk• ,, .,,, \\• \\.fit• h t .,,, 1rid ( ornt•·•rl\ • I AFTER VICTORY.. T? I',., '"'' l•I •.• , ..... l••l,1 '1• ollio Mlll•••tl I••'"''' ,\11 ''''"' • • • ' •,it• ut '" • ,,.,,,11,11 m• u Ilk• ''• h t\\ ·1na ... 1'1 • -..1tl1 nt I•• c •t ,, , " Tht> thumplllj.! dcif.,at handNI the ('ummu111:-ts I \' I. "'' r ti•.. t l•• "' ', \\ \rm''" II. 111'1 oll "'" .,, II• Ourc ... ! H ll ME (,'IPSY MAi:t.:;Q - ...... ~ IS D'S roll· f~~ C:u1 WICS GO,\,) ••.P ~ ! in Italy ha~ tl'mp11rnrily n\li1·,·c·d n111<:h of t he Jll'l'':-un·'"· ·~ .... ',, w ..• 1. "'. 11 •1111 '"' '''"'"'''" • .,. r •·.n o.i •• TARZAN lln thC' \\'t~stt-rn nations. If :\!11~('(1\\"0:' mi llit11l;-. had !'"' 1'1 1"' 1"'11 '1"" 11''11 •I' I\ I \\•I~ :O:oom.iw ... "' 1' rOf,._Y_A_nt_R_Ol>_Y_Tlo_E_SA_~--l ~--Co(-0-. I I · \ I • )" I J ' ""11 " .,. "" rl .. II '"' t•·l1tw ii '111 1"'' Ill• n•I• 1\ "'"' '" AAE40 AS TliE OA'S PA!.5€0 A"'0 h C't'l1 p ac·t•t 111 JHl\\"t•r l.\· p n pu t1r \"nlt'. Sta Ul w11t11 ,.,1,,.1,.. 11,. 01,,.,., "',, 11 1,, '"'''' '··11 ••• '"' t••ltr ... r \\ 11!111 11 • •1 TARZAN FA•1E o ro 1lflt1l1N f \f N thPn ha\'P n •aclw d a Inn)! :-:11t1,!!ht j!nal-tlw '.\kcl itt•r-•• .. 1·' 1 .. 1 t•r I 1,11w "'' ··.i. 11 o..I O-AllNOT5HOPE SE6AH TO wANE. rnncian. At lht· :'amc· tinw (;n~ett• a nd Turk1·\· \\'nuld 11111 "" • ,, ·' ., •;·· • c , •.. " '"' '1 "· 1 " ' ' ....-=::::,,,..;:;.,;:...~ I l I I I f. I I f · 1 I I I • ti' I I ' ' ••• I 'I. o• '" ,., , " f ....... , •t ......... I.. ' I ,,, ha\"(' hci··n out f :inkt•( Oil l 1(• 1att I' It ' ( II t H' (.'II ( ••• ,, ••• ,, '· 0 •1 •f ••••• ' '., ..... I I• • '"'' I war and 11t1r ,\\·)wit· :-.tr:il1•j...'Y rnhtld ha\'(' h<1 d tn Ill' .. n• •l· I .. -" ,.. I • t I • . •• I •• 0 "r . I· I 1t1~· I::' : ''I rr,·i:-.;e<l . I "'. '"""' ,r. ', .. ,,1 ,. • 1 • 'A,. 1 , , • .. r 1 ... 1 • 1 ... ,1 • ,.1 , , I Tl Tl I• l I 1 · ti I ,,.,,t.d '' •h•r• ••n 11 .. 1 ... 1 . r• 1 t ' \•,, , • o,A" •I•. •·I l(• :t 1:111 l\•:' 1:1:-. p r n \'1'( 111)\'l' ;1g a111 1al t H' , '"'l'•' 1 .. 1, ,,,,..111 1,, ,1111;H ,, ,1 , • 1 .... , I•' .wt ,,, 11 ,,, ••v j Cnmmu ni:-.t s e:innm win a frl1r· l'll1("tion. It h:1..; \!i\'(·n ! '1·• ;.,, 1·· 11• • .r "· 1 , 1 , ••• ,, '" 1 •· • • • " •• ,.,., .. , 1 ·1 1• thf' rl C'm11t'ratit cih•nH·lll:'·llC'\\' c11111·:1J!l' anti :'trt·11l'th •l•0 l•1••I '"""r"'•1•111"" ''' ·•· ·I •· • • 101'01•• ·: ""'' 0 • I• "' '"' I I I ., •I 011.i '• I -• ,, ancl h:t:' \\ 1:a l,1•111°d I 11 .. 11r1·~til!I' of ~11\"ll•t :-:t111t\!l'' not '0 ' • • • .., I•\• •• •If. r •• ' l . ' . . . 1"' 11orf 1•k•t• ••tt' h\ ... · . .,1 r• ot , ' • ••rt,•• I" .. .t •• , • on ,\" 11,l lt:1h· lint Ill otlwr \\("•:tl'l'll llatl<\11:0:. But thr "tl'l•H of"" 1 '1111.rt ,.,,,, ,\ll \l<·rn -f.•ofCountl ./ C'lt•l'ti1111 rlid not ..;f'!t)(' an.\·thi11g-pc•rma1wntI.\". T hr t ,\\, •t11••ol ... , .. n . .i0 ... '"f 111lr " ll • ''· J•i•I ...... "" '~""""''"' \nmmuni=-t:-:1rr still t<• lw dr alt \\"ith. TIH'\' tH'\"l'I' !!i\"f• '""' ' "1 ''"'' tl\\ "' , ..... r.,, "' .... · " 1 ' 1" · ''" , ... ., '"' "" • • · 'I • 1r f••lt1•" ' .,. ,... ' 1· 11 '' J 1 tu H 1u "' 1 ouri"'• J up. The·~· ean h11 co1mtc•cl 1111 to C'nlllllllH· doing ;di th•»· , , ,, r 1 ·" 1" ,,, • 1. '" '"" ""' YOUR DIAL can tn C'mharra:-:-: ancl to hara:-' tlw Dt' ( ;a:-pp r i )!41\"c•rn-. ' 1111· ··f .... 1 111•·1••r'" "' ,, •• • ., f"' '" "• \\ '"" 11. '" me flt I" rrltrti.: ,,, ,,,. llrm 111• ,,, T,.,11 ... ". \ I '' '" ,. ' ""' ,,, 1'h I . 1' I . 1 I I . I !:········· \\ "111 " of•l"'0r J•rf't\ th· ,.,,.,,, ,, ··' "" '"" '··'" (' (' (•('t l(lll ( )( 11 l ~() \.(' t:J \'" :.:l\Jp C'IH 11\l;o; l'('ll-1, 111 1'1\I\• t1nd• r •t on<I illl' r( >•" "h•••i I '" j1o1n•<I 111 .. 'l11•tlf"' nomic probl<·m:-. C'itlwr. Tt will t:1k<· Hl•rcule::tn r ffort:-: l· 1 ""•r llo1t ""' 1 •• ,1..-~x x '"'' .-1 °' t•·r 1·1· ·•"· 111 • 1°111 h t f ti I t ti "th II ·11 j l • ' I h h 1 .\11••1 · ·'" ~",r•11•n \l1n1,i.1·•1 ·111 011 t (;' pill' ll H' JH'rlp (', llj.!'(' 1<'1" W l a pn~:-1 1 ) f' ' '"II' 1~ """'•rim·" r·t •·r ,,. "1 f \ · • 1· • • } ) l•\\1'-• \\tll t1n 11t ~hi" t-'Otl'\ ,.,.-1t f•iff*t•tf rto \\ '''·"•'"tt 11 ''' :II< rc1m ·: m 1:r1 (.':1 to 1mp1"<1\"(' ('Olli _ll!ol1S ::tpp J'l•('l:I l .\".l "ltolh••r h•· :\Ill ,11.,v. hie ;,,,,..,,.,, '"' r•,om•I lo) 11.,01• ""ii i-;,1 .. n .. .. .,. '.... -~ 9'tl •• -.. -...... 9''41"«" ........ ,, ••• kit.I -...... •"' ...... "'""···-·'•1•11> -~ • •.,. •. lh1R •• llU M • •. 1.~ ... ~­ t ltlUA \ 'll'.111 & , ... k ,., ..... • 1\t"<"• k\4f•t t••• A I •-..·Ir Kt.• A fl t r I •'•• t ftJ fU1 t 1lr .\loH I o If I I f I I I I f ! I ' I I t I '' ' .. I f • I " ...... 1•1"'11 The fl llf'St inn 1::; \\"hethc>r cir nnt sttff1 c1r nt J)fl)j.!Tl':'.~ can '" ,,, " th• l't•\• rnrn,.n• xx x •h •1 .\•l'•lr 011 ••• •II ,, .. o ,. r I' • '"' hc> madr to :-:ti ll thf' r xistinj! soci;d unn.,:.:t. or, at l(•a:'t,,1111r ,.,,,,, 1• 1h•1 11.· ·nun•r• ,.,II ,.,,,,,,, '1••·• '" '''''"""' ·' "''" PJ'('VE'Jll it from hecomin('J' mor(' acute·. frnd 0•111 .. n. "I<\' 1or ""'0'''' r t h'OI M "" rlul r;o fll1·ll1' "''' r \\' rlt1 I. I \\ '' ,_ • II ,, .. n k ' \. t(:' • \f ••111"9 KY At: Ko '' 1 t11o ~ ·~ k l '"II .. I f '••1 ' ~ 11 d •··'n I Pit\ t1o ''' Ill• Ill.I. L.tu.I< d \\'tir I, ""'1 '" '" '"' •lr01111' :01· "" ~' •'• •. 10111 "' f.,n •II •I r•.,,111 ,,1,1n '•"11\· \1.o• 1\rtlt11r ~ J••lin ••f rf'· ',,,,,, "'•· :.r.•,., ,,,..-., l•·f •·f "-,ff· r-•·•ul1t1n,,. .f .1p:-1n • .,~ I-, ti t , " 1n~· 1 lr.t ••I '''' •h ,i.1 '-' 11 rl "'" •n .·11· l•'•m<l• r <.:,., ,,.,, 1111' h' Official Paper. of the City of Newport Reach A ~able Loc'.al lnatttuUon for 0"1T •o l 'tian RuRF.~f:S1T.O SATIOSAl.LT BV or.oaor. 0 . CL08r.. ISC. 8 an Fn.nC'ltw'o-tAii Anirt1IN·PorUand·Aeaftlr-C'hlraco·N"-Yort&-B<Mton By \11rrlcr nr M n ll :~RO J)('r month 11nywhrr,. in N«>wpol"t Ilf'ach and Co6ta MP!oll: $.2 40 for 3 moolhs. $4.~ for 6 months: $9 per year Ry Msll In Orange C.Ounty: S9 per yt>11r: lo '1th 700l'. S9 25. to 8th z.one. $9 :>Cl tr .,, Lnt1 • '• •••lr r1• rr nrr:.•:y , n· 1•'·''' ' • t• t 1r• ft'•M H1' '-' r , 1, 1nc1 •l tni:• r• it ·· t. f ' f • rn ,. n f • ~ rtt'I•'• 1n ,,.", () \1, \I•" n: a y 10:1• kfir• Tr •111 ·•n T"n•1r• "'th•• pr•,,..,,, ,.,.,,1 (i••lth ':,,, ' cl• 1·111 .. ,1 '' 1 '" ''llJ••t rtl 1"'11"• I' "''' •1 "'"'''''': '"OJ•I t h,. htm r urthl'rmnrt>. T r•1m I/I • an'I \f,,f1,.r·1 T rtl"m' ho, -111..,. • tv •• , n ,r •lof,.01nr him •int1I th1• • 1111 1.f lhl~ l'•\lno r• :m•I ttw1r l•,i fi• r v.111 Iv ir r 10ncr•·"-"· 1.,...,, .. ,,. II ,•r h '•\trtl "•l«f) i.-n1rlrr· f•ir •h,. tvourl ;,r1 1r0n '•• ra J'<I' fht> Jl")' 10( r .. 1, r.ol J•1•li.:•·<1 Enle'r'ed u S<'Cond-Oass matte!'I' at the POfltoffi~ in Newport Beach, :int! uo1on• r ••r '"'' r 1 hrr•· m :w -.n<1 n., m• mllf'r 10( 1 ··ms.:ro " , an Califomia, und•r th• Act. of Mnrch 3. 1897. ,,,1,1,. ,1 l•t:ilnrron "'' .lt1c• ,.1,.,1 olr""'\lt •:tlary •hrrh h,. "''" ,,,,,., SAM D. PORTF.'R LUCIUS S. SMm-1. m W. F. DIXON ) CLYPE REX > Publishf'r anti "h••n th,.v will ·1r f l'I v.mr. '" tf'!N"• "~' l>•'"fl''ral••lv •tnXI· Man~n.-: Editor thrr .· 111 .. 1l'lh'1,. m •1•1 "'"'' ,,0 "''" t r1 "'"m lhr I olo<tr ti•·nd 10. 1•·:trn Jfh\A.(•\••r -:.t t •h,.. flF"f r1J1"l'tf'-..;t1'~'""" ~'"'""'''''r .,. "' anrt t ,,,, •11n11~ \\h• n 1•,1 L'r• ,,o,•1 h"r<t•htfo fllltl:"n ~fan .. 2,.r c1.,,....n,.,. ll1••v.n t(I Af'-l't' A llotU" h.t>i~'··· I ., • A r0 r' A l~re .. ......... I"''' I X.:'\3'. ,.,.,. f h .... 8 ;i., t(I.\• I• At ... t< • I • .... • '•• •' Kt • 4 '"'k• A•I •\r•._. K ' "' I 1f ti•""' ,, k llJ 4·.-,, ~ ,,," ..... KI> A•;. V. ••+ • IHM 6:tA I l,AC" ... ,.,' h'lillfW t<•I -.r:1• 11 1 •1•••• t~'41f , o T•lnfe Kii i "I' "' Mh ICN'X-!'o• •• • r .. k l.A,__,, •• "' ~ K"fJ•I tc1·\\t1 ••••• k "'r l '•• r·1• 11 ,. ,-__, ~r.~A q~:,:~ ff·•"• K''C '4 ·-• "''"_.,_ K•A•, Wh "'lot I sa& Kltlrtl--0.•h K..._ K \ J•·• • ' I 1• •• N I *'i' • ·... . . ... ~t--- " I ' ' • 0 . . I ••I . " Kl "' t ,. .... ' \I,_ 11 I h \t I I I at.• I t '·'I' l • • •O K •1 T 1 ¥\ti , I ,.._ II k I ' '" ,. II f .. ... - K 11 t 11 A I' •t•Htr• J I \\ '• • • \111_.,, .,,, ... ,, .... 1r1 ,., .. Kl t I "\41' ... ' ... I ..... I •II .. ., .. , .... Mt~'·•-'••• 1(1 r ··••• Prtntinc Plant. 3011 W. ~ntral Av•nue. Advrrtlslng ~ewport Beech, C.Allfomla '' 111 r • <ull '" 1h1· ""''''" ""' ':." vnt lo II• r• ,,, a ll r llw1 1,,t11w ,, "'' r• rtil<\ mmr ,., VlfT'• I '"" lv1trt.>r<i T itCI rn!i11rh f••ar '" ,, 11 •fi,,1 •ht r·1111r t• r:1n "''' h~I• ''"""'" mnkPS h•~,)~•h1111nr111rl•, at1•-N,•• MM K r'\\11 , ,.,.,,..,. ~ Active@ Member . of . . I ~,,,.., A•lm1nil f"h· ''' r \\. ·1m - 1•1 1 ·~'7 h:.• hN-n matt.• C1'11,.f n f "I:.,, .I (1t,.•r.11mn• In lh• To'"'' :"&\') &.rwD-T .. I .,.... StiX It••·• ,._...,.., •• ..• ,, .. an-••it• ,.._ WIU ,,_.••"A 1 .... ..-. ;,;.;..~:.:.:--;....:=------~- TElEVISION ' M ,.,,._ IC.c-,...,,.a,lir-4 1 ••• Jud1 "'"'"•'•r•• • .,,, ,,.,,,... u .... 11•• will h:.vr a h"trd llm• • H n ht 1nl( r"-••IN"!M'I ,., th•· ~· n.·11• In l 'lc5o. Taft •'U .. ~ .. -d 1)01) t ~ A ,11m \Ol• in 141 1 th••ui:h rlm'llnf(, ~~ 1 001ti.1ns1 3 "'""k nanrt1datr I • ,., 11.-••·•ll ............... tr • t • LE 1 \.tt 00 T\41 THICtW. •l.lD ~~ll. 8E co 61,.j..C) lO ~li: ~ 1411lL vU' of • UtM!··OCM'OIJ! I'' ,, ' t Hf o.· '" I "' "· . 0 ' .. • I I t f I I \t t • I .. . I tl It ,..,, ' I ··""" ,,. f1 , .... ' . II I' "4 l<t \( I ""'' . ' , ~ llU I 11• ,,, .,. .. II " ....... J&.• ' I f'" . . l,ff l '' I k .... o, ....... 'I .. h II V• " ... •I II • I•• i.tk ,.., I I ...... I l•t' II I\ SP'l " . .,, .. •llo'llllllT ""'-t'• ... ,. ''"~ ll ..... lotl ... ' •. ,. ·"·.,.tr..,,.... "~'· I ... f •• 't P'lt u11w• 0.,•11.1c M•kl1• 1 OMH~ .Olt.M w.e " "'6Hf ivtfl'-. AK -"lllCt rflUA ... ll'IU.W!f.11 tM Ill!\!. I By Ham i1'her oooot~wrr ... ~.ooc: ---l It' """" lllOflT """'. ___ ""', ... Hy Carl Grubert By Gus Arriola By 8am Lett By Echcar IUee Hurroushl ·--,, 'WllAT ~HIO.• NGOMAr • O'M...of ..._, OfOCAL""lY. • ewiwA lU SQW WALIC ~ST 8l6 ~lONt:HGOMA<llATTllllO. •Pill n Y .sooio. HO MOCf, ._ eoM I• CHOSSWORD PUZZLE ., ti••'• Ill • f. 1 t2 I • '• 10 , ,. •' ,,,,,. It t •; .,,, ft 1·,.11 ''' attcre.h I t l·hh•ft ' .. ,.. • •••at•JJ •n' • K lt•fl ,,, I •me ,. , ., ........ . 11 l.t tturf'~ •i.IJl1f • 24 I 11•••• et .... Ill~ Oh Ir• '" u .................. ~ .. I ~ o• • lb '--111 j """""--- 21 .. ., .. , 78 'I Vi JS 12 ,.,. ¥1 '"· "' 'ii" " I( •\ ~ 'l'I ~ .. -· '· I t ,.,,, ft••meftlie J> r.·;~~t •• mnu1., U W• 11ittHf e lUt t1•ttn• It ltlhJl,.•I V"rtr•t• II\ '•'-"•I• •h ... ·~ (Jotlf'f"Lt ta .lll•1rl1 • ' h hh •• l"*rrt"lum '" •IC:f11 n1• 4~ WUI t ••thtll ·~ "°°'•'• t " U 1e r111 .,lOW 611 F nft•r••tt• •• ft•••i'IJJ• "' J;111• ,,...,. t..j-"f~ ........ .. ... 1 fl "' rt l'1 . 7.Q ~ 0 "f '>O ·0 JZ ~ w ~ 0 "" .,. "' "' ft uu- q fU fl :t~ '1>( .,,, "' "' .... "" .. .. r I I P~8 NZWPOBT BALBOA N&W8-TlllE8 nuDA\' _ _.,'lifl!ql!>rl ~la, Cal.It. Aprtl M1 IMI Dog-of-the-Week KENrucKv 1cLAss1c 1 NOT MUCH TALK ABOUT YANKS, BUT THEY ARE DOING ALL RJGHT r= I I CALIF. GOLF~TOURNEY ENTRAN -• ~,,. · Citation "May M"aie Derby One-Horse ----=FO~. R~GET JWN-STARJ OVER PEBBLE sdc~u~ Cllllf. Ap ril' tuml'd i,.;· y<>Sten:lay wni. ~'.l 30.-(UP)-Players n tht' Calif or-8C'hit•v1'<1 by J llm<'i-Andt·1 snn, nnd nia State Open Golf toumanwnl ;\I U\pc-, pt10f1'si.1of111ls fr"m S11nt11 went to the openlng ·~~off for tlw Monica. n ie N'!.I of th•· l«'Oti'l> second time today, grateful \hat w C'r<' In tlw h li;h 1•1ght 11•s 1 •r nlll<'· their water-logged S('Urt·~ or p·~-t ws f>l'bhfl' ll.•111'11 " tuui.;h. hut tcnlay wf;'re wi(>"d,rlenn b> u 1:ic»t· the· <'ommitt1•t• tlt·t·11l<·d 11 i-tw11loln'1 -----JIOlle~ -be that diffkult. A numtwr uf While wind and r;dn s t ill ~l'r<' vt11~ ,.,..,. hud 111ck1'fl up t lw1 r hall~ J forecast, cont.estants doubtl'<l thut arid i.rnlkf•d fmm th•• cum·,,. tn <la-· t he we.at her w ould ni.;um a~sunw t l.'ll~l l'X'fon· thl' 1><'-IJ•on1•m1•111 "J.:· the hunioonc proportion s of yo.·s· 11.ol w11~ po:.tt'd. terday's blow. Th11t stomi tfun:"tl 1\l1•11nwhilr. uo-.. '"Ii L1111,. 11rk - toumey o ft1ct11l'I to cnll off thl' time U.S. und llra11,._h ''I• 11 <'1111111. • fir"it day's show Mto•r h11lf of th1• pion. wa~ fuvoro.'ll "" '111 .. 1111111 , ... 128 ph1yen; h ad lt...,d ofr. ffiO.'-l ltkl'ly lo MIC('t'l'tt' 11• tht• 11\ft• The l)Olitponemnt crowded thl' n1.w being dc•frnd<'lJ hy Art 11••11 ol ldwduled four·day toumam,.nt Sun F''r'unt.'i~o. into lhrt't' da)'!\, EtghtN>n I hul<'~ Little has d1~play1•d 1lw lwi-1 will be pla)'ro toda,>• and ~omor· fom1 ht! hns shown In tho• 1~1!.t It\'• row. then the lo"'' 6e plny'prs w ill )'i'IH 'S and is' in top ~hnpt· af11•r 11 tour or tlw ... a.,1 Co around twice for 36 holl's Sun· Othl'r mim .. "''r" M'h•·tlult·d 10 da?he best ot thl.',canct'llrd st·ori•• t•·1• off today mclud1•d t-:Jl,worth T ... J ... ,._rrow Peggy Ann Garner Lon McCallister 1'hunderin The Valley" ..._.. Blr;HH Glenn-Ford "Framed" Vim-s. the fm111,.r )t'lllll' ktng: l'aul Hunyon, on<'·lmw ~: ,, l'f In~ l!Tt•nt 11nd !\·lark Fr ~. t11p Har •·I thr famou,; G<'oldtna.: f11na1I). Walter Pidgon Deborah Kerr If Winter Comes 8 lar1A Sun. -May 2 . . - '"""'' "'"' . lhat · .. l hl' ,,._ 1n1tl•· .... ( 1,,.,. .. 1•:.rti•·J. :all hlac1k anti r111r1··hr•·1I. ..;1o •• • ........ ~ 1·:.r ...... Ur. 'to..i,1,,11 11t tho· ('urunll dl'I Mar Uoir 11011 C'ut h""llll:ol ""~'" anyonr m11~ lu"" t hi' 11..t h,\' 11lmpt~· l'1tllln1t 111111 1111~ ln1t $4 In I'"""'' ''"'~. * ~ Harbor * I 1 Continued from Pap U 1 M 11 lo'' t8 Q\·ert"Unt': And 1h1" t1m" thmgi. b()C?nl('d to 1',1,,t; .. n •'IA'I 1h,,. l)t>rby Trial 1><•111t 1h1· 'ray to bn'ak1ng pl"e(led-81 1 11" h<1~ •'fl(• t'\·er took down ••Ill '-, l'H'll thoui;h thc·tt" were a lot ti. • t,,...,.l'lare mofl")' 4'\'E'f' w en t 11( th1•111 ''' break to make &OQd. °'' 1 .. I"m tho-C:..rt;y_ F111 1111..t,1111·1· 1 ',• ·.•.n .. to.o ~.-.n thl> Beltnon't :-.:11 jl~'l<t') h;l, t•\•'f' •Of\ I the , I "·1 lo.' l1111r 11111•'' uut. but hawk. II"'"' A1 1•:1ro, 11111· •A.~~. ii fl(t! lih' J.:1"1'1111·-1,;!,[lllll\'}' jocks ot "II 11111<•. 1s <1Ul 1d t"r the· mark. ,\11d 11111 l ~l.1111 l~·n, who a('- 111.tll\ a.:.i'• 1111 "'II\• tr:11n1ng twu \• ,,, ;1..;11 '' J1,l•'•J ;,,..._ 1rJiner noi """ I•·• ('11,11 11•11 l1ut fur his ... s.i hJ.-.. n1:111· c·,, . .Jt•,"u. a:i. ~cu, ·1n ,1 l11tl 1><1•,.tl1I} Ii" J..,,t to tie an .ill 111111• t1 :11111'1 l.)(·1 h} winning fP>t'Uld t-\,1 1. '' and no \lC'tQr')· tn lhat h 11 , •11 ·~··r ha,, gon .. on I<• diek a• !., .11•/1111 ~-n,. \· .! 1h rN> a gP-old turf handi· ""J•· ~ ··r-· "'" •"fl<"AJgh to O\'t'l'l"(lf'f\(•, If ~ •• .tl-v ~,.,... otf\l'r pr...c1~nb " i...•: al{nl~t th.· C a I um 'j t F " "" I 1hn: ..... ~··ar--0ld. If• "'"' 1h,. tlam1n~o at Hialroh 11 .· 111111" <tnd only t.n#' hof'S(· in II -;1., .... r~,Jd h tHM') u( the I ••"· to .... l,.~-n abk> 10 come north J t"! .. 11 Col. .Ma u Wtnn' spec:1aJ1> t•· 1: l••Urv>b 11\at W-.s.• L..,•·nn 1~111 tho~(· .111· 111·n.<mali1y iJnxes. t · .. ,.f 11). Jlen and r1ddHl by Ed~ ll1·n• 1111• "'"tlll' lh,11 t h<' hd~· him-<I.· H• I~~ ~-~--~----- FULLERTON TO CHALLENGE TAR ISTRING OF 7 IN Dl.UIOND DUEL I :'\··"11"1·1 ll.11'11111 111,t::h school's 1• 1• '" ~H•p :"-'JXif'1'~ act'. ffam- 1.11 11p;1g111:.: !-';1tl11r,. "hu "'"'m to bP 1. • : .. r the nol-1rw'on-1dc:>rablt' 1:11l1o·r. :111• I'' ;11 tfu, thmg called~~·"J\ •·1 1..-m~ the• fJm to diap l1.0'••lo1dl. 111111 '"" l-'11ll1·11on ln-•ti· f ,,,, ,,..rf<'<'l Hnng. tit.om, \\h11 1:1,.1 }'''" worp the Sun-J •• • ~·''""ma} IK' a luck)· nu.rn- " 1 lo 11~111· '"'~"h,oll hc·adboonet, 1 •. • •. 1 H;imilt~..n. A ssuming hi!; 10- "di m .1td1 .-1:1111.•, bini;lc-s and 1111 r • .: dud l'IM"Sda,-, whkh he •·on ".1'·o1-l1o1\• ·)1111 tl11' <oftt'rnoon at 1, ., hi· a.TI hoftl.e.r. 1-0. cbdn't ~ •1ll1•1 t1•11. 1, I• ·,., mUfil nut ol his J('(t a Anti < ··1111'11 \\',.1111..J P it-kem and j I•• I\ 1~· a 1:ood het today 10 r:1t ha-111• 11 1 '1 •" h1·11dt•d hy F rank 11. , 1 1, 1 •. ;.1 hi-Pf'("\'IOUS 5-:t tri- 'l··t 1 l\'•·o11h0·r, ""''· hy any 01h,.r t.' 1.i) •. , .. r th.· lndian.c ' fl.t lll•' \\llllilf lot • kr\o-..-n (IS F'rank . I t.11prl l•m .011· rw•rlt'C'll) aware that 1 J1··~ Ill'' i.;11111.: I<> have lo watch su-t Lrac-8'•_.,.. 1 .. 111 ''" 1tr1 .. •111•" • • •·. a.. rt... I T j p IC' tnl: .. f lk1h Lt•mon, \\ho ~cat- April '30. t l 'PI-tt'.'l'l'<'l l'l!,;h! tuts m a 5 lO :! trl-~l.t Oflt' tnJk s mu·ch about th<: l umph u~'l'I' tltL' Ul'Oll ns. at St. World Champion N1'w York Yan-Luu1s, ll wus L....•nw n'l. ,.l'COnd win kt'C.'11 th<'S(' days, but t h <111ks 10 u and he wa;; alily s up1.o0rtcd by <'OUplr of rros nami;:d JO(•, they'rr· !\tanager Lou U<a11ir<·11u \\'hO i;ot a doing nry nicely, fblJcs, llom~l'. double and two singles and Thdn~ lh•T mdr a fou1·.ganw b::.11,'11 m t)1rt•c• run~. u ·ss !\loss wmnm,; !'t n·ak nnd from tlw1r ~, .. hit 11 :Sl.' .Louis f\\•llll'I'. ••ootl 11t;.c .. !""-Ilion in thl• ,.tand· Homo runs ul>c1 i<ud ofr_lill1-·.'"'.,._ __ _ ~~l'l'rl'tr:rdy o dililT<'n1:1· t w JW ux w11 1 'l\·d \\'illJ.1111,., Sam still 11nu•'<itt>n CJ{'\'c•land lndnin~. M1trlc. J<X' Dobson, and .Murrel all because J~ Dimaggio and Joe Jonl·s h111i111; fur tlw ruul~ in an • Pago• a r(' buck 111 th{' 1:1'0<1\'f: that 11 w 5 1nu111ph over !lie Ath1N- led thL• Yankt•·<'' to th(' 19'17 p .. n. 11·,: 111 P'h1h1dl'lph1u. rumt nnd .~·vrld 111 I<'. . 1 Tht• \\'hit<' .Sux handed the Tig- Olmagg1u hrok1• 11r n IO-in111n1.:", ,., ... tht·1r s o.ah dl'ft'itl in seven 5 to •I. bull gnm<' w11h th .. Sena-i,;11nw,,, 5 10 '1 <•I Dt•1ro11. tors 111 Yankee ,.1adi11m y .. ~terda~. ·nw l'kds tc.vix'll rh1· C<trili;, 5 to ¥~1 h111111g «long fly \\llh lhf• bm<1•s ·l 111 the J.Jth at Cincinnati wh('n .._ loadPd to S<·ncl homr B<1hhy Hrni.n1 Rook.JC' Hank Sauer. who had ttt'<i .. ~ 11H'rl''s nothing new about that. thl' scor~· with u hom<'1· in the It is.n't a .lways a spo.>ctuC'ular hit. l'tg hth, brokt• 'up the game with a but m one ":ay or another Bii.: Jex· run-st·ormi:: ~mgll'. Jt \\as Sauer's w:._.., ___ ... ,,_-....:.. ___ .. _ usually ddwl'rs. In the l•i,:ht hft11 homl'r, g1\'ini.; h1111 .thl' :--;11. E-c-\\', Blllralluz. lolw,tfl ..!!. games lhl' Y;mkt'<:'s h a\'(• pla~ Pd t1011al lt•agu1• IP1td. 1.-~ c:Mmty, doe• oow-tnus far hi' hai. gntt<'n at least on" Walks. a rc lil•f ar11,.;1, h ad won .. ,. illloot. t o talk oo'f'r pl&•• for hit in eaC'h amt l<'act~ th!.' duh in I:' '' ra1gh1 1:11111,.~ :.tnce his Inst 11o, ... U ult l'leaf'nt 8-Bo"·I runs driven in wi1h .S<'Vl'n. Last lo""· ao..o, Ma) Ulla at 'J:SO p. m . s.unda.y in ;, s imilarly d1m11c11" I '11w Llocli::C'r:-mad" :w h its in a wttlll MODtlf' MODtaaa. fPaturf'CI '1tua11on ht> smnsh<'rl a thret•·run 17 Ii• 7 rout 01 thl' Giants whkh •&ar of tllr p.....,_ round·up. homrr a i.:ainst t h•' R1•d Sox. r nd1'tl a thrl'l'-gaml' Broolslyn fos· ~riff Bkralhu. "'·Ill lf'ad t» . P;1ge got rrod11 Y•'~lL'rclny fou m g ,.t r .. 11k and u si.\ i.:ame N.-w G ralld t:atry .,........ at I~ bear-1 hts first \'1etory ()f ttw Ctlll1fl'tii.:n York vic tory strin~. nt .. ,.,...t. Th,. affair l" apoo-!•Y pitchini; hitll'SS bnll for four llarry \\'nlke1"s thrt!l'·rttn in. ~ by tlw> Uoa,._ 11.otary and innings, but l\fan11i;o•r, Buc ky llur · sidt•·the-park ho rno'r which fol· IUw.-.. rJabM of !East ........_._ ris c-an tC'll you that thc·rt' ;art:' at lvwc'(f 1t pair of ~ini.:Ji•s. ruined ~ .. aniil&Me at B roadwa.)' IN1. I two oth r r gamri;° th~t tho• Pilcht•r Johnny Bt•azll') 's p itching ~t ato,_ -~ Yankf?<'S wouldn't havt• won. hnd t'Urnt•h11ck at l3os1vu :as thL' PhiJs IWl)'Wood. Dowatowa Lo!!I An-hC' not romr to the r<'scue. 11 wa~ topp1:-<l the Bra\'o•i-, •l to '2. ~ &IMI from aJI Bo>·•• dub h.i~ fourth rl'l!ef nppearanc<' in Elmer Riddle. 11 patcher who did -..,.,.. ta 8outhf:na Calllornla. fa\:" .gamrs and m ·cach he ha.ti l>t•<'n ('omr• back. ;:c·m·1'<f has sc•ix>nd Kw. -y obtaJa tMlr Thrifty brilliant. SI raii;lll sucrc•i-.~ aft c•r four seas- ..,_ ctat.w ..... ·,,. l I " k f' t a a t The incr('(fjbJe Indiani>, still 118 ons of ('hronk aim trouble•. hurt. Tltrtfty Drue .. to..-f rom Santa/ ;,tmN: ~hort of a pt'rfrct SN1son mg tlw Piratt•,. to a s1•\"t'n ·hit, 4 ...,.._,. te s.n Bena&rdlao aaclt n<'\'('rtbcless hrC'<'wd to victory to 2 v1ctury O\'t•r 111,, (\lbs a t C'ht· SU,rdlrW to Han Dieco. I number six ht-hind the steady cago. ·111,. 'f'ilr-a l i,::un•· lime today :-;. "1• rt ll:ut,,.,r 7 0 1()()0_ wall flll 11 r"rnrd 11( 7 wins a nd !'; ...... , Ana 5 '1 .TI41 ---------------:------.,,._---------:-----:------------ 1111 I'""'" a2a 1n.i.1 1h1' Jndiaru' .500 , F111J.,t1•"1 3 3 500 S · H PENGUIN FLEET FATHER 18 TIMES >ll1t11llni.: 111 :~ ;inti J . With only A n .• h-·1m ; 4 A.:,'9 portsmen ere PONTOcQC, l\Hss , l l 'P >-Town Sa.rt. S-. -Ma.J % Did Powell Signe Hasso -ln- Van Johnson ---June Allyson 1111• f111nt1•,.1 hope_· uf salvaging fur. ,<tr.1r.:• 3 4 .429 • • TO BEGIN SUNDAY ff j I h ' '""" i:lrn-y m thr IC'ague penn&ntb:.;'";:.:'::":.!.1'1::.·:..~----..r.---::.:..· __ 2~-;5~-::!~~~µLJL..Jlo&IUJILILU~L-..l..IWJf-:----H~\ll~IDf*¥-4i~ltlf-5'~---1-40il6-;-<1crt-a-ftlsttt~1r-n-lktfUt-1't~i'rtrr\r1\>..il-~:.ms!'"1'1a<n'l'soii'in". _____ _ L 1·'_''.,.';,,...-_'_ 11 _"_ 1 _"_dJ_n_n_s __ "_''_" ___ 00 __ '_u_n_''_n_i:_"_'n_Rt_a_d_ 1 _-_-: 1 ::: 6 :::::· 1:t3 1 Seiner Net Limit Thos<' jaunty litfl<' sailrrs eat'C'•l t~~~~)~1:ni:~~<' ~,~'t':.)~~·~,~:~~~:: I - "TO the Ends Of the Earth" "The Bride Goes Wid" Events *** · 1 e 1 ' · h · · ( P<·ncu_ms wall ..tK' m' action 1111~ "rfi• 1~ •I l. Ttw rnupl<' have 18 llv-. OIJ.T.~J:.4.J\i"hJ_i\'G p ..,.•amm~ I at pe11uon or an in 1 11 1 d '1 Al } ER I ~,.II ( 1'1'11, lllC u lllJ.: two St•fs or L-,. in1Wltl\'••. "h1ch would rl'"tl'kt th•· Sund11y throiugh ~. th1• fff~f of u.'4' i>f '"'~ and c1n·l<> luoul fish 11'111• th" youni.:r·r Sl't, a hov and n••ts . w;;.: 5().000 .•11:nat11r1·~ sh••rt ~e srril's will gl.'t unrlc•n\a ) at '' liirl, \\1"1'1• horn this Y<'ar. • IW • BRIEF GLANCE; . , AT BASEBALL I ..i,. th<' rt~luirood nomU.~·r. Balboa I :341 11111_ u/f tllf' Dalhua Y'td11 Angllni; l'luh nnnuun1~>d toda~ that 1 l11h 1111·1· I • nctdro petitions arc:' bl'ini;: circu- l111t>d in th.is an'a. Southern Coune1l Qf Con.~t·rva­l 11on cluqs. of which Balhoa Ang- ! ling du~ i~ a mt•mher. _has nt>-1 , poont<'d F. F.. ~loon> lo solu:1t land- ROSSI CAFE'). TIIAT QUALfTY IS £SSI:..~AL TO SUCCESS IS NOWI fEHE MO.HE EVIDE!\T Broiled Lobster Fresh Cracked Crabs VWt 0u.r Old Fuh.loaed GrtD Room Roan t to 1% p. m. Coclrtalla Avallable Pit. llarbor '7M Cosed Tuesday ; VA .UX' BALBOA Entertainment and Dinner Dancing To Melodies ol THE VEL • TONES For R~se7ations ,. Phone Harbor 1314 E-UN . ZONE In. BALBOA I Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY l'a.dflr 1'111\J'it l.0·1t~u1· I Tt•1tm \\' I. I'd. CiR Sm1 Frt1H1•1'<1 17 ~I f;-,f 1.-os .\ni.;1'11•... 17 l:.! "11<(; 11, 111~ a nd boat ""'ll•''1 for funds to l h·•lp pay co-.t ()( dn:ulatini; addi-1 I 111mal pl'lltJoru; 111 th is arc·a. :'tloorc 14·111 h<' here for thl' next 10 days HI I Cou t m way, Coro-del l\la r !'l:EWLY REMODELED lwith a fresh atmosphel'e) Onkl:ond 1 '.! SpeclalWnc lo: Sim J 11t•i;:11 SNt 11 lo• ll•1lly\\t1••I P11r1Jan1 I ~11C·r11nll'11h• Li l:i 111 ll • 11 ;,1 ~I 1:>:i i 13!> ·; contarting IQCal J>"Oplt>. Uh,.--t·t of the in itiativP is to pro· t11b11 u..;e or JIUl"Se anrl haul nets -..;th m thrt'C miles orr ~horc from ~'In Sinwon to the Mc:xican border . Spaghetti -Ravioli Scaloppini, Chicken Steaks & Ro~st Beef Cocktails " 16 1117 1:-1 .37;} J\nwrlt-an L·Pacur T••am Clt•,·1'111nd :'\1•w Y11rk \\' foshl ng I •'n St Lo111s Phifndl'lpho:o l>1 •tr11i1 l111St1111 C'h i<'lli:!O \\' I. I'd. <iR Ii CO I 00<1 .-, :l ti:!:• '.! ;.. :\ .: .. ;.t; :.! 'l: 1 5t~I 3 ·I 1 :l ;; 141 3°, 6 4110 4 :'\ :l7:1 -4 I) .T.'111 ~ S atlonal l.•·afeur TQllm !\',•\\ \'nrk Pit ts h11rgh Cinrinntt1 Ph1larl1•lpl1111 l 'h1r11i;:n llrooklyn W L t 3 r ..t. 71~) :'!'iii WYATT DIXON, IS, W11 dloe9 I , a ~ iii die w-4 annual AMVETI NatioMI T-..Ap 8 ' d a T-t .,._ recm t cbamllionlllio sa-at J•-Billa~ W '· S'IOa. D. C. Watchinc Wyatt tr7iaa a.t llil priu --. Wt tit dlllr. ..._.. S4wlll C. JohnlOn, Colondo, wllo to-4 tip ........ • ... .....-S ..... ;-, Ii :; I I 3 ·1 4 l '~ :. 1.-. l '~ Frank Hall, Wa&bin&toa 11waW ol Url ...... c..'°'--. ......... ment petron, and S4pr C. Cor17, Jr. • ,; • C t• el .. ~ 10rinr; AMVETL ;l .:-lfNl '• • St UtlllS 11tls1on "'"'""" \'Nltl'rtlay Amrrl•'IUI l,•'AJCllf' 31,, ESTIMATED 800,000 TO SEEK TROUT, B~, SU:SFISH TOMORROW C'hi1·:1i.;11 ."i, n..tro11 ·I H11st 1111 1 l. Pl11larl1•lpl11a ; \\':ish111i;l•m '1. :'\1·w YPrk :"! Cl1•\ tJ;111d :i St f .,111i~ ._, :'\" """"' .... "«'"'' SI t .. 1111• ,1, 1"111n nn1o1 1 ;\, l'htl.ult·lplt1a •I. H11~i.111 :' l'111,ti11ra.:l1 ·I, <"h11 .1i.;11 ·.• :'\•·\\ Ynr k 7. llrP11kl.' n 17 SAC 1lA~n::-:n '· A plll :111 1 1 { '1' 1 t\n l'~lll1lilt1•ol Hol•l(u r (',,h lt>l'nta 11n~Jr1-~ wall I:" ;ol 11·1 111..!!.!,.' hla o·k 1111,, :inti 'lllll 1-h in 1 t~ I '1.t lo•', b k•·' and •ll•'illll• 11 "'"' l111 ... l111i.;1nn1nc 1•)01i'J 1 1 )~ ttu .. ~.,,. <ll\·1,11•n of I o•h :ind a.::1111• •.11d • tl:o\ I ~l:t~· l 1, 111•·nan.: ol ,, ''" ti •l\•Tl\Plll h •tl ttlll '-t """II ·r!l.f th• 111·""1 \t':tl '1 tt11nd "'~ ''"fl dn ftL••; l .. \SUU>RO WISS l'OIST ' I''·"'· '1·1:1ppi1• -11nl l•h :ond 1• t• I, ,\t.n1·q 1·1<:rtQt·E. :'\., J\1 i l'l'I .. l'1:•:•1••<'I• lht1 •11.:lo11111 th. •i ,., It "'I' tilt' lantllnnl !' day in 1.ani;:o 11 .. 111 !ho• ''"''' 111 I ,' ·1·. 1 1•u t 11 I h· 1 ,, '' )h•n l)h.' JUd~"· '~'''"h ''' '\t'• IJ,·nt .tt'1 '1 WL~ 11 ,,.J .111 11rol••1· 1~t·\ll>nting tlw la1J.ri-J•·n~ "' i;::1n1. " ,, f, n- t1111I r1 n111 1111 n 111;: 11rr h1'.1t '" "'' 11111 111 .. d1\ ,,,,,,, 1• ,,,. ,, .q 1.11 1u11·n1 _.tFt""ftltl1t~-f'dnlpla.lnt""O '1h .. 1111.tlt; n It 1.._ Ju ,'' 11 \ !ho• I 111dl1•1d \\:l' tl',1 tni;: IP f11•1 11' L>'ll•'l,dl,\ I••, II• I'• 111• 1 1ht•tn •lllf hllt th1• l:u1dluPd t11in :\P).HdH 11Pllf 10 ,. , lb•ltl ' \\ ,., ·~ '• t•'tt11,·d t h 4• h•·:n inl.! ~~!-t1'n1 \\ii' l1 •t• .f111 uh~ It\•' p .... , .'• u H· , 1 1 tl.1n~··r"l1 ... ft; t)f)4'ratt~. ·-111r• judg:P H 1t1•• 1.tlf\"' ,d'•' h 1\1 h· 't· , a.~ .. n ·tll ltu1·, .iq .ii p.•lli•I 11:f,1•• ii• ", r THE MOVIE BARN 858 So. Cout Blvd. LAGUNA BEACH • 1h111 .111~(· .. d~ \I to" 11 ,, I• 1•1 lhP :i~·· 1\f lt; th·••d .. 11Tl 1n.,:f r ... ··l·n ... ,, ·n,., 1 .. n111' ... " .. , , 1' Y<)t1'11• ,., '·,1lll11111Lltl th•,, L 'u •· s::, l'f • \\' .ir tJ, '" Calffomia N>Unti•" m lh<"' .. car •. ~on<'!' of f1·hm.: l'r•~r•'<'• ,\·rry £flo'vf -L;t ... ..rn <·1>;1•1 :tl .\l11n - IPn'~ •tr .... 11 Mnpo .. t '"'" -url f1..,.h1111;. ' • • lh:-:ld an•I h<tl"•'ll•~ k c1am.~1 I Gooot!: (if.·nn !m l"" rrnl. l..o<-t\n-1 i;:c>le'<. s. .. 11h• m \J.,n.. t lr:in.:• l'lum.1>-. !".m fi,.m ,11 1!1011 !"h.i-r , ~:oonm•t. Sutt.r. Tn~H~ "\"t"nrur.1 ;md Yo ln. Fa;r :11 i;•~•I :'I.· \;11L1 Fr~ FaJr ,\n.,..,f.,r H•I!" t "dn\• r.1, f:k-1 :-.=on.·. f;I '"" •• i .. ll>fo•'. ~·:m ml:tnd .\1onl•'f' ~ n. 1 1 h•·m .\11 •m • X°llf):'i. Pl:lf"l•r . ~ u··,,r!.• nrn, ~Hn l )fc>J::•• Swrr.i _...;1.kr;• 11 f t1h.1m.1 m<1 Tuolurr.o" ' -' Po11tr ''' f ;tt!' :'\l• r• • .f ill \\;''' r"' 1 ··l.~t r••t •.1ln:o 1: '"" 1,,, ... ond l•lu~11l pr'"I"~ •, t.11r 1 Pf•nr <··~n•ra t ·,_, 1 ll11nil1<1ld1 '\lade ra. )1;onn :\l•"I.. Ha\ •'l"ld• San LOJ~ ( ~ ••• ,.. ='In" I n.1111,1 r;1 !".mt.1 Cl.1:.1 l'Ll('E..; IT 1·1· ME.:'tJPll l~. T .. nn •I I'• '.\!;i 1. tll\ \\"rnJ'l•r., "°'" .,.,,,i.,, :.1 lh• ~ethodL<T 11•"'1'' .. '' l'ti.ornr.11:'). 1't · ports ii 114'\\ ~· ~ ;,. •If d•I\\ Olnll' ;rn iiJ ~..I a-,. ~ e,..,. .If. .. Ao BC...( ~ q .,,..,,_.. f1l.J ()pm 5 to 8 P. ~1. Sunday:; & I lc•lidayi; 12 :-;or)~ to 8 P . :'ti. Cl~ Tut'Sdays C10MJC1 -Moaclay, Har. 1180 Casino Cafe and Cocktail Lounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS .A.. ·L- H ~~ 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. ~ . ·~~ ., .. .... . . I Not Pretentious • • • No ... not the largest home in the neighborhood ... but one to lie j u. tly proud to 0\\11. For a mmfortable. livable home such as the one list .. ,.! ht-low . _ . read the Real , Estate columns of the New.,;-T'ir.1~ <'ach Tucsrlay and 'I'hursday: -Old Time Movi a Headquarters e,2,ID f>IDC, \\'Ul.l.k.~ . ...a-J.---~-----==========---=:"'::;::---;; • CECU.U: 0 1': MILl..F.'~ "Yankee Clipper" -:md- Bt'STER KE ATOS -in- " Roaring Rails" ., flAfKAHIKI Sales and Service Seaboard Equipmt'nt Corporation • .lu11t 2:\~lll;;(rom-tbt' lla;oor An-a Lobdell's Silverado 'l\I ineral ~prings New Modern Hofe/&. Mofel AccommocJafi ons HOT Mll\"l:RAL BAmS-MAS.'\AGE,. STF~u1 ROOlt s Fu m l,hNI ("ottAC"" • ~nM'k f\ar FOR RE!ilf:R\'ATJOSS PHOSF.: ORA.Sfif: RUll-'9·1 custotnE'T' ordr.T~ :t n ,,..,. <'T'f.'am ("()IM;', but mMrac! nf la11pmi: th" I IC't' CTf'tlm tht' 11-'IWI ";i~. hr at<' it •·ith a ptw"k• t knit. "~ thou~h ht' •·a11 <'atin.: an 1tppl•· . .\I n.•arl y Financed On <..,;. I. 4', Loan Bra 111iful Ii n1n. (lid 3 B. R. hom <'. dJn ' rm . I~(' Jil". rm .. firl'pl:tC(', n furn . rlhf .i:11r . lot 611x 13:-l. R·•11r ~ 11rrl 1't1mp f..nrr c! ~ounds lancb,· •Jl• rl In ~ ·,1<!.1 .\l1'<a $11 .I>OO ~.:!If() Dmrn Fori further information and detAilo; regarding this property. tum to the Real Est.ate Colwnns ln this issue or Tile :\<"\\'!'-Tim el'. The Only Harbor-Wide, Daily Newspaper TiiAN IN THE NE\\'SPAPER F IELD * HERE AT TI-IE NEWS-TIMES WE ARE STRIV1NG TO BRING YOU TIIE F I NES T DAILY NEWSPAPER TO BE FOUND IN ANY SMALL CITY IN THE U.S. A. * WE HAVE A .JO-YEAR REPUTATION OF' SERVICE IN nns COMMUNITY ... ... \\'E ARE PROUD OF TI IAT! * WE. MAINTAIN ONE OF 'nlE LARGE.ST l IOME INDUSTRIF..S IN ]';E\\"POHT BF.ACH · · · o\\'£ ARI.:: PHUL'O OF Tl L\T'. * Bt.,-r .\JOST OF j\ LL . \\-£ AHi·: l'HUCO OF TiiE FAC'T Tl IAT \\'!::, A~ A NE\\'S J>AJ>EH. AIU:: BHJ:\:(;I~G TO ALL OF Yoe •' .. .\IOI\:! My:-;' TI IROL'G:J FRIDAY~ ... TI IE FIN~T I :'\ I '.\/£\\.":-) CO\.ERACE ANO 1 PICJ OHE COVERAGE OF ANY, JOURNAL I PURPORTING TO I COVER TI-n s VITAL COASTLl0:E AREA. * I IA \0 F: YOl'. TOO. :'\( ITJ('ED 111,\T E\"ERYBODY \\'l!() IS AXYBOIW .. I:'\ J'\E\\"P<iHT BEACH A:'\[) O:'\ TI-IE ME."A ... TS RF..ADI:"G TI JE DAil.\" ~EWs.'.TDtt~:" ,.