HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-14 - Newport Balboa News TimesPre~City Manager Election Mond~y • 1 ABC .... ONLY DA I LY NEWSPAP'ER =V•O•L=(J)(~-E-=XL.....-.... ;;;;;;;;;;.;;;==============~Fl==Y=•=C=.-==·=·~P'T===-=C=opy~==..=:================:z===~=·=~=\\=l=~=·=R=T==K=t=:.=\=t·=n~,=<~·=A=l.=l~t=·o~K==S=l•A~,=·=·a~·=IP==A='•',•M=-A•\==l=I=. -·~=IE~""-------==----~~t·~n~U:.:_f'olf._l_•n--___ • __ A_rn __ w __ T_r_1,_·1_""_•_t.... ____ ·_~ __ ~_-_· __________________ ~ __ •_•_111: __ i:a_·~'N 1 .. '" •'• 11 ; " Ill 11ncl 1 p tu •• ",..,,. , •. ,1 , .. ,,.,, tu'r•• "''It 11• 1111 Ith "''" J••ll111~ pln1-.'tl ftll "'''' •h·· '"' 111 "'" 1t11rc'I 1'11•t·tlon •h••' 1,,, ''''"' \• ii ''''" tanw to •"' •••• tlu• •l•h"'lh tl\ ••••• t'Cl&l"d of CALL TROOPS IN STRIKE RIOT 1 It•• lu•hl• '' s,. ··1r1o "'" lh·· ""' ''"'" lti tW' * * * * * * * * * * 1 ,, . .,•I "" 1• Shall ,, •~•uni nf frN•- Paramount Stars on c. D.· M. Beach 'Set' ti .. ,i.t.·t' ,.,. t 11•1 lt••t ,,, t1,tnh• n l'if0- 1""'~1 "'"' •It ... t.•1 l"r 11,.. I'll)' of "'· .. ,.,., tl.·111·1t· Th,,.,. ''ollnic '"' '"ill 1 tu·11 "·" ,. 111 .. ••r1••rt11nlly "' ' 11 .... ,,... , , rr .. 111 ""' flrld of .'1 I .111tl1tllll"• IPI <llt'h .. h/'l&rd . .. THE SAND CRAB By s". N EW 11 A}' 0 R. Newport Beach ushered in its sec- ond rww executi\'e in as many Wl'Cks whffi Dnllas Blue bowed out on account of h('alth, and L>kk Drake assumed the• sn•ph-e nf au- lhotit v. In a sh ort talk at the C. or" C. JTl('(•tin~ Wed~ day. he {Jeplon'd thC' inahih· ty of Mr. Blue to function and stated. simply that h€' would do the ~t he kill"\\ how in filling the post . .May· pr Drake is smallish . bald· ish and a bit retiring. but a chap who might wear well as time a nd the demands oC his office take his measure. One thing tM new ~ ._ that was not manifest in the old-a working majority oC three who should be able to accomplish the things the city needs,. especially as to water. If they \\i ll watch their expenditures and not list.en to the laments of every Tom, Dick and Harry. they should come through \\;th an aecomµlishing a d m i n i st ra tion. • • • E~aclly. That was quit<' a rerorct the News -Thnes performed last w('('k when Richard's' Market ran a cou- pon, offering a dozen Grade A eggs for 37 cents . lkports al"(' some 400 people took advantage of the oH('r. again proving the efficacy of the city's leading newspa- per. M;my publications com<.' and go. a fact that venture- some publisht>rs discrl\'er when it is fl<.'('('S.4'a ry to pay the printer. ShOfl{l('rs. OT throwaways. han• thPir u pe; and downs-they are up when thC' summer sea.son be- gins and down whm -it end:-;. and merchanL" al"(' prone to "fall" for thC' cbulicnt enthu· siao;;t. listening to his swan ~ng rather than h<'oeding the clarion call of the ,·ear-in and y<'ar-out nt>wspap(.r that chroniC'IC'S the news and foi· bles of the local dt i.zenry and yet the men.-hant ac· cepts the payroll ~iness of the eswblished publication as a matter oC coursl\ ac; against the Shopper printed out of '°"'" by one or two glib advertising men! • • • Balboa Sa f ~way. After some fifteen years of &teady busincs.c; the Saleway store at Balboa will go out of bus- iness this Saturday, °"ing to diff&<."Ulty in its leasing. Its customers are being referred to the Costa Mesa Safe\\·ay. established some years IX'-- fore. while many Balboans v.;11 be saddened by its de-- parture. Report ha.c; it that Fay Blower. who has been its court.rous and efficient maneger for~ many year.-. "ill open a store at the s.1m<' location. as soon as fixtures and other furniture can t:M' installed. In th€' mcantiJTI<' it is leamro that Safewny's Chi('f Ex('("Uti\·e. Mr. Ra!rh Prin~I<-'. is ~king a location for a sup<'r market at ~<-'W· port. He has been so intrlgu· ed \\ith th<.' hMbor dis1ric1 that he .and ~tr'!'. Pringle , ha \'C bought a home on Udo " ·Hawaiian Sequence Shot Here l'11hm .. u111 I '11 111r• , .. q i.•r 11t••11 j On lht• n 1111 lw·:11 h 111 I·,., ,.ll,1 1t. I M Ar. th1' tn .. 1 n1n.,; tl\11\ t•d 111 .. , , ' ~ Ont> hun'11 • .t I • "I"" 1!11·1.111\ 111•1 •n• or ,, 1,,, 1., :111.t 1111 1111· 1111 .. .I Jl(U J p,1•H 1 11 lu 1d •tl f1u l thlltfh .. A Ot\•llHll Jll• tut• 1l.1rr. I ''1'• t tltl ,J,.fi 11 I 1111•1 111HI • \\',int1.1 11. 11.tt" 1,., •• th \\ ,,,., lt•1 "'•~r,• nn Ii 11ul f111 th• f1ln1111•• ••t "I l.1\\HJl.1f1 ""•, rh ' '''' I' tt +\fU•tU11I " ' I 11 1 low"· \li•lt.,n• !'-I 11111 "'" .rnol 1 d11uftl. 1 ' I 111 t h• ""'If' \\ tul• • I"'" II I l h II\ •'I I ti lt 1 r ll lu .,, I I ... ,,, "11 oll• t1I• 1111flil H it I f-'c.m.~ !- BmrJ-A. Wallace (ano'W), third p&rV p1WldenuaJ candtdat., ta aunounded bJ picket. ., be llDe around Ule Dodae m&lll plant at Dee.rot\. Mleh. CbrJaler C<>rporauon emplo7ee etrucll for hlchlr .... ---------· l l;l1111I • 1(1u I ,,,, ,. .. ,. ' I'' Ji\• •l t ... , llh•' 111 I '""'" ... I '" .. ''I t Uft trr.. • t I•'""'''''' \\• t• 11,nl .. \t I I fl dl I l1.11t d 1:111 •il l\ ftlfh lh ' Nat. Guard Called Out in Meat Strike 3 5 New.ptJ"i . Wallace Arrives NEWS ITEMS Tonight for T 0 0 A y , L. A. Appearan~e 1 • • , I LO~ ANr.F:t.F.S. M11y 14-CU1"7 ~l B."4< RIRl!:M •Ito for -) II• nn /\ W all11c•· 11rr1vM1 In· 1 1111~ t11 1 ... ,,,. 'd •11 • .i 1 .. 11' """ .. , , ,, •• " ,, "· 1115 1.,... ..,d .... I l bl11fl "" 11!:.111·1111: 11 .. '"" ·"' f1 .. 111 11,t \\•I • llll1•I0•·1I \\llh t•>llt•<I P.•'"" 1\ ""'" ,. ,111•1t1•r 11.1 .. l1o· .. 111 .,,11,11111 11·11 1111 11w 111111<111!• With •"II 1 h1· •1'1u1r,mC'nt t1nd nwch llnlcal .. cc.,.~nrl,.,., II lfllk hit nr HAWllll 1•x11b a t < ·nrona d..t M nr rr&!Wlll ~o •ot rf'C'ri\·r thrtr "°PY mi.:h l in arlrlrl'i<!I u rnlly 111 '" of lhr N-11-Tlm""' arr Mkrd 10 half nf 111~ 1llirrl purl)' pr!'<1dentl . .t AA>"J.\\".\'' t'Klf'F. PROr •·a.II llarhor IS or 1% t..-forr 6:1S 1•11ncltc111r~ S u nd ;c y In Gilmrn • LOS Al'\t~t-:1.F:..". Mii.\' 14 p.m . A i·opy '!''Ill tw •rnt rlithl s lnd1um. S 11f1•wny S\or<'l< 111 lhf' IA"' An· '"''· \ \ 'alblC't' ""' 11IS<J •1x•11k Suntl.1\ gf'IM nl'f'o lo.lny 1·111prll'"tc11f 1:n111 .1f1 r rnoon on on ull·Spitntsh pr" ulotNI 11ncl hnr t;o;ql!I '" llf'r c1·n1 i:rnm in l.1nrnln P a rk stacl111m I I· I ri nd pn<'f'I> nl mnranlfll 'l"•1:hr t1 1 lf'a Vf'!' fnr nnkln11 Monday. .ind n<IOC'llri; h~ :XI 1•·r c·1•n1 NEW JEWISH STATE BORN IN PALESTINE; BITTER FIGHT ON •. ) , ...... 1 .. 111 "' " httanl "' rr~'• h"l1t.-r• '"'°'lltl Jo,• II flr•l 111'(1 Mfr• 1 .. r thr c.•11111j\ 11p "' " 1·l1y matt- ·••·· r t'•1\••• """'"' "' l h~· nu•n"At• ••I 'h•· 1•· .. pt,• 1'111·11• 11tr .. ..il>• I• 11n j •lf'11!11.uu•" 111 ..tl1•1'I lu•rr flrO\'ldln1 '"' ., "'" 111.111.•1:• r It w1·nl Into .. 11 ... •1 1111· ''"' nfl1 1 !hf' nrw rlty ,,,..,,..~.,J .. ,,, ~\\HI II Ill 1\111 , lh1• f at , •h••\ t•a,•· '"'''''' n•' ,•o n1v•ulonm 1 ...... ,.1 111 111w 111 .. """'•· "''"'r thAn '" '"~•vn111 .. 111lmlnl•tr11ll\'•• offlr.'f' John S1u1 .. ,., "" lh1· •'\t•Mtllv.-nf- f~r of Ill<' 1·1 I) r ...... r a- '"·111111· pl11···· .. 1l•· .. 11:n11l.-1I f11r 1111' • lt•t f h tU "1utlffU\ Urt• .. ..... 'llllf'T N O. r.eMacp1__.: ... 1t1 h h' u. ,,.,,.,h ,. • •tt '• \'•ftt S h t•• I l'kt:•'l°s• T NO. ! r,....._,. ..... : .... ....;1ntuu1 l'Mt.•'l'f T .................. ' 011\ ll.111 ... .:. ·~•'T • U• -..;fitllun so .• lrn1•••• pe ..... : 111 \ f t'f l\U\ l\\t fHll' 11.tll•• I rMt:. I :"!If T Ml. & r..-..,. ..... , \\••It.I ... ';,.,.,.'t. l;>.'llt I lo'<•n11 lll\ll PRTe'flKIW .... .......... : .. 1rr .Sf 11llon :l.'7 M i.rm" A' ··1111,. l\nll•"1 hl11nol f'fC,.A"INf"T NO. t r......,.,.,._: t!tl• hi• ' lt.-..1 I .1 .. 1 .. I Hh•-.. Ill", t 'u,101 flll(hWft} • · .. 1""" tlrl M11r ,..,._. t 'c -r "'lo. 11 r ....... ,. .. ,.. J t. II 111111 ~ .... , \\ '°'' f ·, "' rttl fl .• 11.~. t'MJ:f I.SC T NO. t r ... "•• .,. ...... ''• ~ "' ,., <;nrn1i:•· I.II S.111111 /\111t "'"'""' t'KrA'ISf T ,.,. H IQfh 'L. '~•tt l\.t-nt:11rthH•• ....... ,._....., all ,..,._ ••• ...... ..,..r. ,..,. a ,...r.s.., .... _ \<Ith .... !•· ' , .... ..:. •• -.._ _ _.... .._ _...... .......... r ...... ,. ....... ft.• k -.. f ;1tru,!• A~·nt•• ~,,, •• t f\alf•o I t.l.trto l l'kt:c "' T 'O II r.""•11 p1 .... C ah•h "M"' tnail•· ,, .. ,,.It•' ''hf .. •'"'•••'' r..._.. ...... ...,. r---. ... , "' Kine·-1 ... mlrnt I 1•1 .. , .. ,, t ·h1h ll11t11tt•• ... ... fl I t f I ,1 t ., •• t •I •I· 11, ft1I p I 111 ii ' t111\. ltt I I• \ I'•, ... ' lo I " ' , .. t t tit fll I ,,. 1 n I , ,d.1\ Ut•' \ J -;·. ••t "et I •" ... 1+1 I •t• f1 ,,,,, 'I ... , I Thr m oh1hz::it mn or th1· natinn.11 guard •·as madt' al ltw rt'QUl'~t o f twn ~ht'riHit who 11ig?Wd prtltion!i ~latin~ that they ar~ ·unable with Ry ••r.RAl.OINY. Hll.1. Topping At1wwl "~' ii 11 p • 11 1 1 11 r I Th· , ,,.,, 1 Al'" • • 11 1.1 • •• 1.<1:"1U<>N.May14 ll'f'• ''·' 'IOITleWhat nNv rM1s 11,. l,111111 111····•1•• •• t•• I<·•\\"''' " thr forN'f. 111 our c•otmnand, In rn· forct' law and onlt>r .. v11rl'QU~ l.11n11 Tum.-r 111111" 'II• 'll'pped min lh•· m11lrllr ••I t lw l•l•I'" '''" 1 ... 1 1 ,,.,, · .. ' \• 1 ~how r~ hrr hu11hanrl'i. m1tfr ·' •IN'nll. Topptn~ ph•lnl~ l1k• .. I .~ ... "" t" th• ..... ' ... h .. ·1 ... '· .... Boy Charged With 'Child Theft' of Downey Bride, 15 111.J111 nirm~ program nl (fl .. I•• • look11 ol thr p11r k MI l•lr11rtw1~ I·• ... , .. k ·•I"• 1111d ,.,.,,.,.,, • I '' .. , ~tR11ium Inst night 1m<I ll'·~11 .... • •l "lt'a fanla~t lr ... hr srwl , \ ''" "'"' 1 1 •• •.tl ., , ,,,.i. • '• "1,.' 1 11~ unrxp1'<'1Nl yr11,. on th•· 1 11~1 1 "lfl! l..anu:· nn •ofrwi1tl n n I "f\\n ••II" r '' •· 11. i.1 • •1,." wmnrr 1t1o?rn11m1•Jl oll,w ••"d __, I""'' '"'"l'l"·1t111·•l 1 ..... ., I:• k. • · ~wr,~~. •~s .,. Su 111f1 ~nu f••••• '·'' ,, r ! M nrC' lhAn 50.00C> ol)c;r n ·rr-Au11trahan 1lnvrr 1' r11nk llrr"" r i ·''"I< \~"ahl 1 •. 11.,,1 , '"., ,1 1 ••. OOW="EY. Calif.. May -14. 1UPI A t~year-old bristf' of flvr day!' i<t11yf'd home from ~hool to· day •·hilr the boy ~ ~ In a )Ian Claiming Lido Address, Passes Bad Checks r rowdffi intn lhr i.1 11'1l11m. "'". won th(' flnil rnrr 1J1r rrnwrl tor. 1111: .11 1ti .. '-1111• ,.,,"'.I . I " ·~···· or lht'm nil doubt lh1•rr ,., Vll'W 1!1"' ~·n ·10 whf~tlr whrn IJlnn ~••'Jll"'"' "''"I'''"""" '"'t\' .. 1 ..... , 'I •' •• uuto ri1r m1o? hu t mn'I · ()f 1l1•·" up 10 pn-iwnl h im with '' r111• 111111 1.,, •··ol '" "1" ,.~'''" dr11wn hy thr i;lamor nf I ;1n.1 "stnld watch Shr ku•iwd him ·nw pr,....r•nrP Whl1tlf'.'tl rl'f't""1•ntl•,,..I Tijuana. Mu . ('l<>pemf'nl Wll."I hr· M I I v RVCICUE ~T VAR f.,(}R 3 MJNE"'S mg hr ld on a child atralin " cti11rnr ri< J>ll ll f'!Wf'Y. '1<Yl Miiin £11..:) ~ , 1\4: "' .. ~lrl"l'I, R11llwi. Inlet Jl(illrr shr wn~ Thr hoy, Law~n("(' P o•·l"ll . lA. holdins:: th,..... hnrl C'hPCk11 'pu11rdl TRAPPED (N SJf .\L"Yr 2 DAYS d1M"h1111:f'ocl fmm 1he nnvy roor by a m:in r lniming tn livr on I .idn • I' I I wN>k• ai:n. Wll!' llr'Tt'!'lrd and jallf'd blr. · SHAMOKJI'. Pa . :--1:1~ 14 •hatrly ri••l1•m 11n<·fl "'••·111•·1 tl1• ~ nn 1hr lrlony rharar whrn lhl' ThP rh1-rk<. '"''" l'lr ~'..10 :rnrl """ 1t'1'1 ;\11110"<1 l'-h''°'' ""r•· It"• "'"l"f' m11rlr l1) nll !hr .. •· m,.11 1ro11plr rr lumf'fi to thr hr idr'a fr11 ~27>. '"""' rn,h••l111n Mny Rand 11wl:1y frnm o rl;111mlw r 111 11 1lri1•l• : Thr rr'"'"' "'"rkr•r11 11•·1:1111 rl11: homl' ... ,n hA\'f' th1ni:<i •mt" with 10. ~h" '111<1 Thr > wrr<' m11rlr '"'' minr "h•·r1• t hr"" 1111n•·t • ti .. ' sting for thr f1r,1 lim•• ~111 • I" '"''' hi>r p.1rl'nt~. '.\tr >'lnrl Mn; IA''' R lw a l.l'llri:r N R11nr r•1lt whn i::nv,.. l1t••·n t>n111mhNI fn r ,,.,.,, tl11\• rlayll nf hallln1.; •1111 "'""'"' '"''" tli" lll\on h1• ;11ltlr• -~ 11• fl M \'1ri L11!'l Sn11rl R.•·"""' '""rkr·r,; ,...,11m :111 . .j 11 ., 111nn"L"I Th•·~ pl:inni..-1 11, "'•lk '' At thr fnmtl~ h nml'. thr s;:trl <1hr rla1m"rl ~11' V1·~r~ «u rl in "' r<· \\illun Jk ,,, .-<1 r •. ,., ,,f •• l•lfJI' lhrn11s;:h lh•• l 11nn• I 111"• 111• R11th .... nn1 knl'M·tni:: "'hrthr r lo r nll , ....... ~,.1 1nn rl1~l••""I n<• '"'h arl t rnpi-·il rn•·n ;;ntl ..... ,,.11111 '""" •·hnmh••r '-"l lh1• trnpp• d "" 11 '••tJl•I h•·~rlf ll1xnn or P owrll. h•·lrv-d hrr I 'Ir~' • h 1• r••f'r•1vr (•11111 nnrl m•~l1r 111 •11ppl1• r -.iwl lh• ~ ulo!hi tw 1.l.!1• l•i , • mothrr wi th thr rti~hr11 &nd hr>prd TI11• •·h•-<·k 11<1s!J·r W(U. rfrl<'"rilll'1I Thrr'f• WrN' lnll1t"ill 1"n~ Iii•· r•·• .. da1lrl) w uuld rh8'11o?t' his m ind ·· ;i, nh.,11t ~ yr llf' •1lrl r•I mNlt11m lh M'lll:h 10 t hrm hy Jnmi.;hl •·ur l'T<'W Mill 1h111 111 .. 1m11ri'IN 1NI Hixon 'lil:'lf'fi th<> ~implamt thot I hr1ght a11rl mE'<ltum it.irk complrx . Th•· ~hu11 1 .. w .. , ,. ln•lt•I mi.:11"1 mlnt>r< mAY h11vr fl{·•·n •lli.:1:1n1e ja1lrd Pow1·ll. ion and !llt;:hl hmlll nhlt> 11nd 1t r n11111 nn l hr 1mm•· from lhrlr rn<I. GOLDEN BEAR TIES UP AT LONG BEACH 11 ,•,1; HI A<'JI \I.,. 11 .t I'• f :t '''•Mli·• t ,.,._.,"'I I \t11k 'h ·J· .. ., <;...hft II ·~· ,, ""' • • .. •I •J h• f I If fd,t \ f .,, ft ' t I 1• 1 1 of 4 1 f•I• n11f• ,,,,,,,., lh 1' 1tff•k t .. r ,,, I lfl 1 't1 f I q 'lt ; fl'1ifjl I ft t n . (",tltl••lfld •• , ,, 11fl1 I Hi ' It f t , , .... , •••f '•1 •I ' .. .. ',.,' f I t• ~·J f •• 4 ,t_ I I I I If 11 t t tf 0 ,1.1 •1-t 'H .,J rlo k ,ifol Jitl t 'l'1 rt• t1 t f ,, qft 1 fMH Jl'I'' ft ~.,tl ·~, I I 1l<ttt • I ,,,,,,•. Jtn h s.u•t '·'''"" • fl u (;,.,ld• '' f .M ·•I V•I l••t ~, .1r1' '" '• h1r11s·t.• * * Nomiuted As Freellolder Calldidates * * • ... ... I' ·. ... ' .. ·.~ . Ii • I . . ~, ... ' • , • r • • * "" , tS.. '• .. . ,, ' .......... . ,. I . ... ,. , ... , ""' .. ........ , ' II '-t• .. \t • I I.\ I'•~'"'' f I .., ~ •• ,,, I . f'•' tf • •• U 4 \.f '"'~fftllfll ' ' \\ ... , • .,. > 1•,. r t •• •<C"'• I ,..,..,-: ·.• I ··••' ,, t•tl ...... , , .... !"11l4IJ l'ltt.1 ''' T '"·I t '"""•11 .,. .... : J 1 •I f u· .. JI• 'th f1 H• t• t • •1 ., .... ,,.. 't. "''' '~ • ".. I I I • '1• I f'llU,f l'ltf T !\O I~ .... 111 .. 11 .~ ..... H· 111 du t p , ,.,,. ,,, . ""' ,,,, ..... , .. ,, ....... 1 • '"'' • •I• I \I •t 1 Sleeps Through 96th Day After Motor:ryde Crash I .\:;·1,\ \111 .r1 ·A .\t11y t• •I 'I'• \\ 1111•· It• r 11 •1thrr w1111·hr d • • , •I•· h :•1 > • i11 ""' A nn M11rle 1 1 "' I• 1•1 11tr•1111·!1 h"1 'lf.I h ronlW'· I' Uft\• ,,,.v ft,-IJ1V \It • 1·,,, """'' \\11k•·d up •lnrr t t,,, "'''' h1u t tn u ntof11rt·yr lr "C· I•""""' ...... H I • .. '"" '·'} '"" nl.ly 11wnkrn ''"""" rt11 v 1\111 th"Y ~11y 1thr 11~ .1111\ n•·w•r "''" lr11Vf' ht>r bfod .,.,., .. 1>n·ffy >''"'r11(11Timrl"I"" waA- n •ltnac on a rrlrn1r s m11tOl"C')'cko wt,,..,, 11 1elunrt"I "" lh,. frn#Wr of I ·• 1 n 1• k :inti t11m,.,I ovr·r . lhrowlnr hr r fit') fHI Sh•· W11An'I r~1~·•·lr•I 111 llvr 24 h•oll"' 11111 •111• (rn11thl (•1r llfr 23 •l•I\ • rn 1a s.rnll• Mn1111•• l11•Jlllal. * \Vt"a~ & Tides *' lh•-n "'" "'"'"'' 1 .. 11 .. 1 111ol hrr'11 I t•t~•rtmrnl •-,.......,. W ,.....,., · S1mn., ,,., :~·. • , ...... ·rrr .... i. • ., "n'' I CRUISER BROUGHT IN BY COAST GUARD. " ........ \Tl ....... , ............. II • I • .. '"l••rl 1 ·11r111. 1 :unrrl 1·u11.-r 'Jo I '-•14' \<•Ill '" lhl' 11111 n f the ' ....... f .... 1 ......... !K_C........ • , .... ,... ,,,,,' I IH•t llll(h t •1tr ('ry~I-......... ~..... • ..,., .. ,.g..,.. ~ "'' ,, '••\• : 1 Jr. '-11• l :?9 ''"' n• •I It\ .,,.. H• ,.., 1· .. r11,,rnt1nn. "' : 11 , 111 I '"' /\t11•• I•• 11,. '\.1 '""1 t "hrl~ • •• t !1t •. S4 I ·, 111 \\" 'Ill .1 Ill 11111•11 11111 fn;.n ; . I I ~IC .' j 1\ \ ''"" " I I It !llftt • fl8!1..~f'n""'1! ~ •• I'• & .. &•:~ ''"'·" d "h• 11 11 I •111 •111t •1( tm·I I ' I I I :\ L'1 ·11,. • 1,r .. 1111 •HI•• "11<1 t•IC'krd 11p 11 •i s~• I I :M "' •• ,,, 1• Ill 11ntl '''"'""' '" ttw- ,, ~ 4 JI I J 11 lir" I r ,,fl •l<11·k h"r • ' l J ' Ex·Ambassador's Daughter Plane Victim P••e .. NSWPOaT a&nOA N•••·T•••• - -9 ~ l"&IDAY N_,.n .... _ QiW. ...,. II. IMI 13 IUled ill 3 Longmoor Praises N D Widely Spread JohD Phillips as ··2 Plame Cnshes Primary Nears FRONT Thr c1MAch1n °' JCMfA1 P t\"" PA G E n-d) f,4n;r ""'"""-~ 11tor '" kr1l W M Longrnoor, mNnbt•r o """ ... ._. .;mc;r,.; ;,1 \.-a>t 13 1.:·r-.011, 1ht• !'\('\\port fli>Arh John·Ph1lhps £ A R L y """""" '•• t.,a~r t••n lull•-<!'" ltlr•4 ·•·or·Con1tr('~S Commill•'<'. )'1'1ler· • • • • .. it -> .. t.., .. •,tf r•!arw rra.sht day pra•.S•·d 11,,. ,.rfnrls or con· N E W S n .• n~-··~ ... , .. , , .. '~'" .,r.· m•:-' g ressm1111 Ph1l11p!1 lo s.•f'urt· staml· • • • 1,,.: 11rda ror roud purrhas1' h> lh1• K· nno d) , d ,.,. • 1. r K o•hl,.ni European Rt>em•1•ry P roi.:r1t1n ·h111 I--":-11 .,·,·.·, 11 rt I.uni will asJlur(' full use or 111! l'11h Orange CA.ast t •• ,.. • " "" ..... , l\r1 • 1111. forn1a food produc111 m o'XN'Sl'I .,f ,,. b~• 1 ... ,, d. d '" u .. · rr ..._,10 Unit('(f Stith~ l"OOHUmpt1on n····cti. Rock ounds to .. t .,. " • , .... , •• 1 ... 1nr '" "" ()(>moc•rnrs and R1•11uhll<'an~ 11n· ri-...r • "r" .. r • J'f!t rn tr •OC• 1lur joining In lln l'ffor1 II) lwlp Cun· Meet in CDM .r ~ • •I .... ). : • nr r ..... C'rt" rn·" &ressman Phlll1ps gain a mayorrty • • I • -•• ,, ... 1.-d ol both parlu>s' vuh's In lhl' Jun•• 'f" ( ,.. M I · .... >rani.:•· , Qa.i u wn1I '11.nd l t 1l•·d ::-•ii•~ \rM't ,011n .. nt1• • 1 prim11ry "'Thia. "l'ommith'<' Lap1d.1tr)' StX-lt'l)' will hold '"""' 111 Ft•l"ltf•..r' 1 .. rn.<n;, .1nnu11n1•o11 1 Ch&1rman Maskt>y t>llid tucfay. "will nl'XI me-et mi.: al 7 .lO Mood&)• •~~-•tMt •n Arr,. n • 1n fl _., Ul•'f prevent th(' C'Jlp<'l\S(' of II Con· ning, May 17. 111 the aud1l<A1um 1"1r._ l'T~ t11 Saudi Aralna &r('uional liallot and campi1lRn or 1t1r <'orona ck-I M. ar 1,--ra.mnar, ,., " •n.nrn;: n11tt1r. k1ll1n~ "'"" l In Novemhn. and wrll kt'Cp In of· .~chnol ~ doors will ht-~ at •·<Au ... ,, "'°"'". n .. 'T.· """ .. n~· 1 ficc u fin(' a ·.,...orklng' Congttsa· 7.00 for sh~'lnJC and ~ ,...,.,,.... I man as our district could havt>." or •Pt'<'irnE'n~ Membt-n •il<• ,.t'fl1 TI ... lt.4.:•~n .;urhn. s ;h.>n;t rl'- Lon.:moor I!! onl' of 2'.l commll-on the r('('('nt field trip to tM ...,.,~ (n &uMrL. that ont> "' rls l«>men pk-dged lo m;ake rlt>ar tht' HaUM•r G<.oock> Beds v.111 d.u>pla~ I~ nn) t~ .S Jl".S.Sl'nlo(t'T'!I and C'OITUTlunity's nt'ed of what will ht-•pt>errrwm from that A.n'a.. a ~ • t -~n •u musr.ng on Convl'aaman Ph1Jllp'11 thrrd t£·rm. . Thi" llpt>Akf'r of the t"W'ftin,c .-m a fll(hl frum lhr 8->lg1an Congo of "J believe that all C'lements in be Ullo Schrordt-r, an ~ C01tr:.J Afl"IClL California f ood tnduatrles-<'.an· mlMrttl roll>-Mor and lapidal) cA ni.r-pL.nr ~7T)1ni: u.dy Ila.rt· nen and product>ra of fllih, fru111. 11\1• n c M .L S who v.'111 'PN!k snz:t•.n. \ '"'<rfll"•~ DP H avil· -f'etetabltt. lh<' St all•'• entire 1111," on rollN'lin1t. <'UHmc and polish-l•rMf 11 .. A •'. tTiUlvd in tht-A~ ·aa Mid, "believe In a ma.n who Ing mineral aptti~ in ltt'ftrral ,,,.....,,.,,,. nrn Pra,-as. a \'llLl~e worlu for high atandarda. Labor ~ portJon of Mr Sch~'• \"t'r)' toj'nuvn L )<AI and )fanw11J,. Of. must flnt of all bt> protecfed. fint' eoll<-ction will be on ~ t..-...Js c4 r~ Skp••Y> J,.llartt'T Surplus llocu muat not be al· Plane ror t tw.> cominc f'N'ld tnp nimpan) ol l.l.ndon .. hid! uwnt-d lowed to force prices dov.'n lo wLll be 11nnounord at the Monday ttw pbiw. ~lld t~ ship was bound 'where the workers' pay or reJtU· evenrnc m<'f'tinc. All ~ in· for Ca""" from Par. larlty of employ~nt la thrutened. le rt>ated are lnvitt'd to attencl. MrP K1~ 's latn.-r . "°"' 1t;.1y· 'Ilw <."anll('T'I them1elves mwsl kffll me in .-Pans holel. rould nor be - thc.>lr marcln ol profit •mall, fr r p Ii s ~ '"I <UNllltftl on lhe death the CONUm<'ra' aak<'. To this rnd 0 0 weeps <A htS cbuehll"f" a ho m.alTif'd tht-•'HAT I~ ITf Well, SlleJ -11 Congreurnan Phillips' t'frorts art' M ed Co M.-.r-.-.,f Ha111n11:to.t. Whom Sht' J It • ._..,... _....... eld-r. 1teady and 1ucn'('(iln,.. ert untv·, mt-t ln llnlaMt ('<)Url nr<."ln Ill I .,.. ... --lM .. lll 11111•1 ......... 'J ._. .. t raU..r a ....a _..., 2'Die, 7 Sim ~~ ""':.~ ~ -~h•~I :;..:::~~-ne~o:.,-«,,::. FISHING GEAR THEFT REPORTED Dun C'amph(-11 'rC'porlt'<l lh(• tht>fl of fi.tilnR icr11r from hls boat the Vide Ill W..dl\C'Sday night. Thic"l'11 arc-bfollt'v<'d to ha v t been youngstrrs. pollC'I' 1ald. Barf' footprints wt-rt> found on fist• dnmp varnlsti of !hi' he.ult llr'<I up at 1:)01 E. Bay. C11mpbt-ll llv!'I 111 lf'59 E Oct-an boull'\'ard No N1l1mall' of the lou hllll b<>c'n made. MERC'£D. May 14 4 L'PI A poho c-pi;k>mk C'Ofltinu<-d 10 ..,-lf'Nd in Mf'rc't'd C'OUnly 100.)' •'lth 1.-0 fatahl ll"S and M'Vt't'I othtt ~ ol lhe infantllt' paral)-au reported.. Dr John Philp. <.'OYOI) hN.hh ol- f s<:t•r -.a id h•' •-aa wuibw to at:- cnunl for t.hf' ctl.IM' ol the ..P- denuC'. whrC'h ...,.. l'&Jd had ttnttted 111 the nonhcast s«Uon ol the C'OOntS' Ht> l<llHS hu drpan,,_I was rnvHt •6'a llng ellC'tl caiiif' thor- GOVERNMENT MOV~ AGAINST MISS KELLE~ IN TAX FIGHT M'f"\ me .. I r h Uw C'clidttremD Pop. all 0\"C'F • .., .. , dowll b~ cuardt • 8-IMa. phlllO by H1t.c:hcock, In ~ud; Arab.,. I~· lutc Arno·ri-1 nn &U ,.,., .... pl.moo •US ft'poc"tt'<i lu Wife Asks More lua'r crtillc'd at <i putn t 120 rnik.1 . _,,..,rs, °' •he Amrr1u n 1111 I Than $1 000 000 ~•tt of IA!il•n Jr •u "ON' ofj ' ' a croup -"' •1JPM1ur•r"11n •h·•' In Settlement It-fl C.-nn.n) on a · na• 1ga•1•m.•I tr.uninl: 'JPl'T41h•A"i thrf'I" days ai;:o J SA~TA ~'' 1:-:ICA. May '" -$.a~ la1" ~ ttw w.Tttk&K" , \'I' I Mr;. Kclt•t•n Ashl;•y Bl'al ot lb pla-·~ ••ichtMf Mar lht'lct.•m.md"d mon· than SL000.00() of (~"'"'about 15 rrult'\f soYlh rommun11y l""l"'rly rn hl'r sr11- "' l.d~ II said If had no an· .1ral1• m<.tml•·rrnnc~· surt ag111nii1 ull funnahon on ttw> fa1.-of I~ 1·ni;:1m-.·r C11rl1•11m !Wal. abtaard. and rt'S<'Ut' crt1''S wne Ufl ~In B<'al's surt 1s superior court thn.r •ay to •hfo K'f'nr from Leo-hl'n' )Mlnd:1)' a.sk••d for c\.llllo<I)' ~ilW. 11f llwsr Cuur t h1ldrt•11, a n .•aaonahle S AUGA'nJC'J<. Conn., May 14-~ CO\'""'"""'' d.ainwd MJ7 70 nw ~ a.Aid rhio ~"" w.u monthl>· allnwan<'I', \Ind a ll com- (UP)-Tht! CoVf"mtnent took up In "ithholdln& ta..-. wMdl It a four-4'111CJ11wd a11rh1WT •har 14of,t munsty propnt)' U. "'&D I .. VW.. tc•'-......... Mm K..aa-...._.. .. ~Ur~,. a l 8:05 CMT ~·al 1!! th .. son nf lhf' la~ Carl m&11ufacturer who mUM'd to col· ~; hfh~T'f'St °' 110.00 ..... a •2 • a.a CSTl ·-·--H , BraJ. dl!IC'OV('rc-r of lh(' Kettl<>- lect wlthholdlnc tun from htt penalty ot t831.10. .....,_ • u attf'ftlpf 10 pm clown man tlrlls 011 properly employft. and fiJed llena tocS..y In llllnc the IW-. Griltia cam-Uw .-amr cl u .. duelUt' qaJn.t tlte Kellt"ml company, htt plied with Ma. Knknt'• ~ Larae rid-ot ttw diirur .-u baaw, and the home cl her brothtt. for "quick Ktkln" ud a .._....,.. 3-)"ftr-dd Dnid ec.wz of Lov- 'nae l~na totaled SJ .68:5.40. llVfth thf> &O\·ernmrnt on her --mpton., ~-wt.o 6Pd in ttw °J1w Jk'na Wef"C! flied with town 1tttlon that 'the •1t.hholdblc law ChiJdnott•s ..... IA! lft San Fraft. dlRk Kn. Loia Clark by JOM'ph WU Ul'IC.10Ntitutlon&L C9('0, EarUrT. liute )br)orip 7Ad1. 7 . Htoely, chJef flt!kS deputy ol the Mlas ~l&nna mf'l'nd all ut-artm.. II. cl Wmron. OWi. dwd U, S. Internal RevenUl' depart· qulrln about the Co''f'l"NIWl'lt'1 Su othf'r ~ 1n ~ Cftwnll ment, In bcohaJr or acting internal mov" to tw.-r attorne)'W. hclftlftaJ aed _. an t,_. C'hildrTTI'~ rewn~ collector Thomu fo'. Grif· ~ • S-Fninl'1:ilCO ~ un- fln. Be Wl9e -~ dw trfthMnt. ,.....------------------------~ \ •• , ••• ,"' ..... 1c •••••••••••• , .. EARNSHAW'S AS.~lT...D !'\t:K\'l('t; OAS \'l:F.OOL u i11aw A nos l"OU"8 HTH A~D W. ('f:STilAL H:\ILBOll I ... NEWPORT BEACH l 'tc-11 I. V and Pf-fh'H)' =================================I ISlllAAfitAS n JlEMS "-='I : n¥ CiC1'tJt!llM !'lfOllll. I I rw.L, IV ~---ICtlt:l'U.Lv •1tl'ai1NQ 14'11f"CI( ~Ot/8>(11 l'l.INN6L ... CL..P<!.E:5- I-. $N~l\ •• ~AP.\ C~ .. ~.:'~ll. ~- 8 1.WD llU"rHv~ .. 111.l TME 1:)4'ST :51.) 'E~~S HAS W'llTTEN 250 800KS/ ALL. M4\ E 8EElliil PW SL IS~!~ ... NOW 71, S NO\.\' L\.."'51 '°' S S IGl-iT .3'4 YEAl<S .\~"I l"IJ AN E't..Plv510N ... -k Purify * Accuracy -k Dependability l:Trt}liwo .... "' ~ wills tlw .....,._.gMIHy of ,.~ ,... pn'!'f'ri,.~ •. -, ... call ... ..,... of arnarat... prvm,. !'lf'nitt ! - RE-BOTTO~llNG SHOD REP.UKm W1ID..E ,-"'.ur Eel C a -C....,. l'elroe <'•nwr · Ori ....... ·----Ge¥ 8elM ...... , .............. . Ow Jloao:- -saew. • 1 -''*" !&f!W ... Cf'9tnl ~~?Oa'f KAMI RICCI ARI SHOE SHOP ·Puauc NoT1cs OIWl!llA.S<"E 1110. Slt AN oaolNANC'S Of' TllF. ('ITY OF NE" r>OllT Bt:AC'll C'K&- ATllliO .\lliD E.~TABLISlllSO FIU ZOSf','4. 'Ow City or·="('" purl Ht•a1•h. l>y ;ind •hrou~h 1ls <'ii) Coum·il. d<>es orilmn as rullows. St-:C'TI< IN I . Tia· 'nt .,.,. C11y of ! :";-wport H.•11f'h t< lwr•·lo\ 1f('d.1red rn ht> :ind r~ ht•n·h~ o· .. t.1h11 .. 11 .. 1I a F lrt> I l1s1rit'1. whu·h '<m l Fir .. I •is· 1r1f'I 1s dl\ltlo-d '"'" •hr1·1• 1ones for thl' rN;ulal1on 111 th1• "I• and rh11 rM'll'r of h111lrt1 11i; .. wl11rh 'hall bf> ronslruc:h'tl 1n "·" h ~udt 111ne. The lOn.-s hc'rt'hy ,.,111hh~h· ol art! lhP l'<llllf' 1om•s n f1•rr1·1I 111 by numl:x-r in tlw l1111l<lini.: ( -.. ,11• of I hi' t '11 r "' ;-.;,.\\I~" I j( .. ;i. h ,, the $;&m<' nt.•" •. ,.~, •'r •h• '·''"' n1ay hrrl'llflrr ht• il<lopl1 d ,,,. •l'h·n•1<'<1. 10 \41t S~:C1111:-.; .! ,\II 1h1t 11rlnin n «1l 1or1•11t·rl\ '1111 110 111 11 • i 'lty 11! ="''" 1-'l'I K1·.;1·h. 4 'f>•l!ll I •I f)r. """''· :'t.si. .. r 4·, ,1 1111 •h.111 ,.., .... tntl t' h· r• 1., •t,, i1 , &f • ••n· ''''"'•'~tr•· Z-.•n·· ,,, 1 •1'• \\1t : 1'.1 r•·• I ;-.;,. I n,•c1nruf1 # ., ~,.. f· lnt1 ~t t-fllHl n 1 'I I\., 1'' • t ~y \'\tttitn~.dhtlt •d 'It \\1 lllh I ~J t 'j If 2 t J • t ! "'"''"' ttt r I~ I 1 " • , ! J., 1 •h• "" llJ••n o " I -.1 ~ f I I I If flt II '' fl 1 I I• .. •'·''• \t. • '~ • ':'•' \1 •1... H• ,-t~ '''•• 1·. 1lt'\ t • I lftt tl1 t "''-'•If\ ' 'II ... IJP ' 11\ hfl•" f I t .. 4 0 11111 .. • •I ' "" I I I "I f1H1 ... I \~I ..... t \ i ' • I\' I. ,. ,I ri.s I I' t I:. "- 0 '. ,, .. : If. ' ft) 'i: till 111' .. •) 1 t I f t .. '''''' tl~ Hl ' .... lt ' l' h t tn H11 1THil''"'1••rt f t1, .~It .. \\t ..... r h 1•rn1 -..,,. ,. , ' , 'I,, '"IJl 1l1 !•!1 rl\ l It' I I" :' r r••t t t" .,.I t •\\ 1' ··f ~ .1•!-10!1· \olol1' ' "' n., '"' ' l ..... .. • ,~ I.in• "'l• :\t.11.... H1 I I-• ' .• 1 t •t .1n..:·· t ·, 1tu1 '' '' 1' l 1 · • .. , 1q1 l1n• • .( ~. • t1t •n .c, · \\ · · 1, 1-l ~•tult R:ini:c 10 \\'t·st S B. f1 :\I l ho Jh"1' ~',"J I fiO.,tld 0:1 1tJlh llflt I'' '•I t ' 1;, 10 .in 1n1 o'r••'"t l"n · h c '" "'' r ltn• ,,, S11rt \1, . " ,1:; ~h,1wn <'n n mnµ ,,( ~ 111! 1:.1•1- •1<k A1M111"11 th• ·1 o • •t. "··~t. rt~ .tlnn~ th• , , ·, , •• ,,( ~urt ,,, I JHH .1 ........ 1 ...... 1 ( #"\'··nu• '' .,f!n \\ n , 1 I .,, 1°r En•l•toi • \•loh• ·1 • I -•I' "' "'"'"''' \ rr .. t '" ' \ Rc-ok ~-f'r11:c ll <•f \ltsCl'tlan. I HU,< ~I.ti'' 1 f ~I i I • , an 1nr•r''''"'" \\ ,. ..,. ''1111 '11 rl~ l'J o 11111. I' • •/ , '' .... t.t• l.\ hn• ,,, 1 • •' 1 ~ "' 1 ,,f ..... 1 n, i.. , 11 l'\>•rlh1 rh 1' n.: 11. , •• 11 .. nN{ <.ot1lh• l I~ 1•1 re• '"'" 1ni4 rc:,., .... ,n "1·h r-n r • r Ion. ' 1 :--11r1 \' • • I\ the .. shown on • map of the N-· corded ln book 3, pace 21, ol ~Tract rttor!led l11L-4-..JllJ~U&t1eot..ia llape.,--Jleoorda Book 4. paa• 16 ot Mlnoallan· ot Orance <:aunty, Caltfomta; f'l\US M11p1, rl'COrda of aald tMnce northeutnly a Ion I County. t h('n<'t' westerly alorr sand aouthwHtf'rly ~ong· tht• IA~• rn1>nlloned centt'r llne atlo.n and tht! northwttll'rfy of Surr /\\('nue 10 an inter· line of uld Lot •. rht nC't' ~··"'"'n w 1 I It lhe 1outh<'rly northea.stt!rly alone the center 1;r11l11nga1lon of the westC'rly line of the first alley llOuth · Irr~<· of Ah0aradu Slrl'et. u euter ly o r and parallel with ~h11\\ n nn i.111d map of New. 2•th Street as shown on s111d 1~1r1 1111} ·rrnrr: th£'nrr north-m11p or Newport Bcad1 and 1•d) oilnng !hi' l11sl ml'ntlon<'d the northea1ll'rly prolongation ,,,,.111, 11\ p111long1111nn to on thereof. to a n lnter!«'<"l lon 1nt• '"''''"'" \\Ith thf' N'nlcr Wtlh lht> soulhwrslerly llnc· of 1111• ur . urt A"•our· 11~ shown the Pacific Electric Railway ,,. ' 111 •I' ul East :-.it>wporl, \ompany's r 1 g h 1 of way; 11 • ""'' d 111 Bo"k 3. P:11:<' 37 llwnl'e soulbeasltrly along thc ,., \ll't·••ll11n•·o11' M 11 JI <r . rec. so111hwt•sll'rly-ltn(' of said right ,.rd• .. t •aid f'nunt~. •henct of way to lln lnl•·l'.,r<"twn with "' •10•1 h il·mi: 1h1•. last ffi('n· th<' n.orth£•asrcrly r1rolongation , 111111 " "•nr o·r I I n I' or Surf or t Ptt' Cl'"' rr lin1· or :.1()1 h SI n •N \' • 'I'•" irntl 1 h1• r"nl <'r line• as shown on a 111uµ of St•rtion • f • •o • 111 ,\ \ 1•n111• as shO\\'Jl "A." l'\c•wport Bl•1wh, ri•c·orctc-d 111 ,, ;\l:q1 11f Trart :-:o 234, m Roofs 4, pagr :.!I of !\1i~<'d· t•IO•ld··tl lol nr~•k 13, PH1<:f'S 36 lanrolrs Maps. R1·t'ords of said ''"' 1i ,,f :lll~c·· ll11nf'ous M11p.~. lounly: 1henc1: sou1hwrstrrly I'•·• .. 1.i' uf ,,.111 \ounly and along the sai.d ('('nter line of 11 .. 111'. llt• 1·1·nt1•1· lanr or On•an :.liHh S1ret:'t 10 an lnt('rs('efion '" '"'' ;" ~h111\'n on a Map of with the <:enter line• of Orean 'o, 111111 H." S1·wpor1 Reach. Aw·nu<' as shown on a f-tap o f n •<'uJ 1k rl 111 B4Xlk 4. pa11:e 'l7 First Addition 10 Nl'wport "t :-.11"'••Jl,111••1111s Mn[)!!, Rre-lknch. r PCOrded in Rook 3. ,.nt-11r c 1ro111i.;1• Coun1y, Cali· Pa g I:' 'J.7 of Mlsrellanrous f .. 1n1, 111111 11Jong thr r1>nler Maps, Records of said Count'" lu11· .. r 1 li'1·11 n A ve nu c 11s lhCnCt' northwcstt•rly a I on.~ •l1o1\1 n 1111 a :\lt1 p of First Ad· the said <'t·ntl:'r linl· of Oel'an tl111on r.i ?"o·wporl !Wach, re· Avenue and along the center r11ril• rt 1n l14>0k 3, page 27 or lin~ of Ocean A v c n u " as ~11,1·•·ll11n1•11u;; ~fllp!I. Rerords shown on said Map of New. uf ~111(f County. and map of port Bcach, to the point of ~an Avwnu.e and 19th Street -att-ahowft Oft a-map Flnt Addition to Newport Beacll, rt!COr'ded In Book 3, p • a f.' 27 ot Mlacellaneou1 Ma1>1. R e'c or d 1 of Orange County, Callto'rnia: running !hen.cc northwesterly along the said c~nter l ine or ()c('an Avenue to an anterseelion with the ct>ntt!r line of 20th Sl f'C('I ; lht'nce eastrrly a long the rt•nl<'r line of 20th SlrN.'• 10 nn in!C'rs('ction \\'tlh th<' soulh· \\'1 Slt•r1y llnr or lhl' Pattfil· l•:l"('lrir fi;•1lway Comr,Hnys rr~ht of \la) a.s ~'1lj ru~hl of "<>Y is shct\\ n nn u map nf ~rction ",\ ". ;o.;1•wpor• fl<'lteh. a~ rN'UrdC'd In 011".k I. JJAC•' :'I of M1•• ·IJ:mNur~ M<ip•. n1•1'Urd!< I •' SHll ('•IUlll•' 1 II" n l' t' :e>•1•hrr1:.h•rly nliin~ '"" lase ffil"1lloncr1 11ou1hwc•11t· 11r lv hne In 11n infi rsN'l 1nn II ilh lhf' l'Ml"f lin4' or 191h ~lr••PI . lhf'n ·,• soutllt'.tSl<'rly n:o••g th<' c. nl ·r line• t•f l!.Hh ~.:rrC't to th: point of l1t•gin· ning. Parcel r.:o 4: B«'gmning 111 lhl' poinl or ln\(·rsC'c tion o r lh(' rc-ntcr llnC' of :!5th Sfrf'('t w ith th" cent,.r lml' or OcC'Rn Avenue. as said 25th Slrf'('I and Oc<'an Ave- nuC' are shown on a map of Nl'wport Ileat'h. r t'COrdC'd In Book 3, pagl' 26 of Mlsc.C'llan· l'ous Maps. R('(."ords of Or· :\'.e" p11rl Beach. recorded Jn be&inning. l1.~1k :l, pagf' 26 o f Mlscellan· SECTION 3: All t hat certain r.•us Maps. R C'rords of said real property situate in the City ange County, California; run- ning thence northC'8Slt>rly 11· long. the said cent..-r line of 25th S tre<'I and the north· easterly prolongation therrof to an lntt>rse<."tion with the southwcstetlY line of the Pa· clfic Electric Railway Com· County. and map of Third Ad· or Newport Beach. County of Qr. d11inn to Newport Beach. re· ange, Sta te of California, shall cordf'd in Book 3, Pag<' 31 of be and la herC'by dC'Clared to con· MtArellam'OUS Mape, Record •ti lute Fire Zone No. Two, to- ur AA id Counl). and Map of wil. I lf<'an Front Traci, RecordC'd Parcel No. 1: 111 Rook 4. Pagl' 12 of Mlscel-8e¥innlng at a point of ill'- lam'OU.'\ Maps, RC'rords o f 1aid teraection or the center line County, and map of Seuhore or Surf Avenue! with the e11l11ny. Tr a r I • recorded in center -line of "A" Street, as Hook 7. page 25 of Miscellan· •aid Surf Avenue and "A" 1•11us Ma ps. Rf'cords or said Street are shown on a Map of < 'nttnly. lo 11n lnlt'rsectlon the Balboa Tract. rerord<'d in 1111h lhl' nnrlllf',aslt'rly pro· Book 4. page 1l of M lscelan- tongallon of tht' Northwester-rous Mape, R('('Qrcts of O range I~ ltn(' of Block N·l. as shown County, California: running "n said Sl'ashort> C' o Ion y thence northerly and north· 'f'r11r1 lhenrP soufhwestt>rly easlC'rly along tltP said C('nfl'r . , I" n i:t thf' 111111 ffi('ntioned llnr of "A" S tre<'I to an intl'r· 1111rlh•'ll$ll'rly prolqn i.: a t ion SC'Ction with thl' merm high :rnd nlnng tlw northw~·strrly tlde line of the Pacific 0c<'an lm1• pf 11airl Rluck :"·I. to an in Newport Bay, 11s dest'rlhed 1n1··~··r11on w 11 h lh<' mean in Cour t Casi> 0.·rrec No, tu~h llc11• lint' •If lh•· P11cific 23679, of rhc-S11p..r1or <'ourl 1 lc,.an ltwnr1• '<C\Ulh1•:i.Only of lhe S IHI<' or C'alrfnrnia, in 1ton~ 11t1• mc•an lu1:h rrd<' linl' and for lh" C'11un1y of O'r11ni:e; nr 1111• P11c1r.r ()"""" to an tlwncr southcaslC•rly alonR lhC' 11i1er~rr1111n w11h tlw ~011tlwr· stiid me11n h igh tidl' lint• 10 uo I) pr(lh1n1;1111on nf thl' "''<'Sl<'r· inf('rst>ct1o n with fltl' cl'ntf'r 1.. llnr •1r niann('I Road 11s lint' of "B" Slri•l'I 1.s sho"·n on •ltown upon 11 ma1> or Trnrt snrd map of B11Jhoa Tract. :;111. rf'mrdC'd in 8 o o k 17. thrnce southwt>sll'rly a Ion i;: vagrs 3J to 36. Rcror ds of thl' said center line or "B" O r an g e f'ounty, California, Slrt.'<'I to an intcrsl'rtion with thenct-no.-ther\y alona the the center line of Surf Ave· lai;l m<'ntiont'd southl'rly pro-nut' :i.s shown on said m ap of longatlnn to •he point of ht'· R11lboa Tract; thl'nCC north- 1:innlng. wcstt'rly along thC' renter lint' Parcel No 2: of said Surf Avenue to the Bl'stlnnini.: at th .. point of point or Ix-ginning. 1nll·l'11,.rtion 1•f IQ.I' N'nll'r lint::. Parrcl No. 2. of Surr Av<'mw WiTil ~n· R.•ginnlni; at thl' intC'rS<'c- lf'r lin,. or Ad;1ms Slrrel all tlon of lh<' C<'ntt'r linP or Surf M id Surf ,\v<'n111· and Ad11ms A\•enue with thc cc-nlC'r line SlrC'PI '"" shown on a. map nf. Ad;1m~ S lrrf't as shown on of th,. RallHwi Tr111•1 rcrorrll'd a M11p of Ball>Oa Traci. r<'- ln Rook 4. Plll!f' 11 nr Misrel-rnrdc'<i in Rook 4. pagC' 11. of lant>ott~ MaJ)!I, RN•orrl' nf Or. Mi~l'••llanrous Maps, rC'C'Ords angf' Cnunty, California . run· 11f Orang" County. California: ning lhf'nrf' nnr4h<'rh ll n rl running fh<'nC'I' northc•rly and nor1hr.1~ll'rly alnng lhf' said nurlh1·a•fl'rly r1long thf' said (."('nfr1• linr nf Adnm• Stro•<'I n •11l!•r hnr of Ada ms Strret and rltr norlh,.:ii<ll'rly pro. .ind n11r th1·a•l<'rl)' :ilnni.: lhC' lon,e:illCln lltt•n •or, 111 un inlf'r-l'l'ntf'r ltnl' nf Ati:irn.• Slrf'f'I !'<'rlii'n wilh the-nu•an high .,., ~hnwn lln a ma~ of HalOO;\ lid!' lin1· n( r h1• P11r1r11• 4 lrPan 11nysidr Trnrt rf'rordl'rl in In N<'Wj)(lrf nay, ai; do'l>crilit·d ll\">ok ·I. r>al(I' 78 or ~liset•llan- hy \nurr l'll!'f' l'H'f'rf'C' :'\o .. n 11s Ma p~. r<'rnrds of s 11 i d 23679 of th<· S111wrior lnur1 ('nurty, tn nn inll'rsl'rlion of th<' Slall' o f \;1llfornla, in \\llh 1hr mc•nn hit:h rir1c• lint' and ror rhr Cnunl\' "' Or-"' rh.-P:1r1frr (l('1•nn in ;o.;"'1·- nni:r: t h" n r" 11m11lwagff'rly J••rt nay, as ch ~<'nlwtl in 1110111: thr Sllil1 ml'lln ht~h I 1ck Cn11rt C'11~1· nt'C'r"C' No :!:\1\79, linl' to 11n inti·r~,.ctinn \\'ifh nr tit<' ~llJ••r1nr Cf\11r1 11f lh1> fh•' rrnll'r Jim• nf "A" StrN'I. S1:11.-"' l'.1ltfrwru.1. in ~nd for a~ •hnwn "" •:iicl :'>fop "' naJ. lltl' ('n11nl) nf llra111;1'. r11n- hua 'l'rar t lhN1r1· """' h\\\'"'' 111111: I It •' n 1• o· nnrlh\\l'SIO'rh· 1•rh :nul sdlllh••rh· 11l11ni.: lhl' ;il.•ni.: olw laq 110 <1·nh«1I m .. nn i:;11d N nt"r 1!11" nf ,, .. Str"•'' hti.:11 11!10• l11w '" .1n 1n11·r<f'r· '" a n llll•'r"•'•·t1nt1 \\llh llw 111111 '' 1rh rh" nn11lw 1 h· prn· "·•HI r• nlo•r 1,,.,. "f ~11rr .\\1'· 1 .. ni: .. 111•11 "' <'qoro ,, S1r1, 1. 1111°• I 111• n ,. •• ttt•rl hi"'• I• rh· ror mrrl~ Th~ \lo " ,\ '" 1111,. as :ilnnc tl\1• "1111 r o•nt"r 1111" "' •ho11111 "" ~.1id 111.1p 11r !1.11· Surf ,\ \ ••n111• '" th• llf'l llf 11[ ho o,o 1'.1~ ,.,i,. Tr wt. 1 ho '" ,. l>"i.:inninc ... 111h11 Iv .111111..: 111, '''' •n•·n- P ari-1 I -:-:01 :\ t111111•1I np1·111 .. r1~ 11rnl1>11.:.1t 111n I'1·1:1111111'i.: .11 1111• l'"llll n( 1111d ,,1.,111: rho• , ··1111 r 1111·· 11f u1r"r'1'•·t1•\r1 11( tl, , •rat• r l1nf• c ·,,., .• '""' S111·••f ftl an tn t,1r~ .. r f;th ~,,,.,I r •• .,,,, rl• knomn '" 11 .. n '"'" 111 .... n"'r hm nf "" ~nrl Sin·• r '1• '""" 11 1•11 Jl,t\' ,\v1•r1111• o« '""I' n 1111 ~.1111 :r m.ip ,.f 1-'11<1 "\o "I"''· "'" 111.111 nl ll 11\•11.1 Tr 11•1 lh• 11<'1' r ••nlN I in 11···k , 1• I>:•' 17 ·•f o• i•IO'l l_\ :il1111i: •:!Ill '0 OI• .. llll<' :'\li~f'l'lh nro11< "·'l''· fl1••'1lrtl" .. r nav "'' lllh' '" ''" !lllo•r· "r Pr;111r•• ""''"''· t 'ohfnrni.1, ,,.,.,,,.n \\lf h tlw o•r•nto•r 11111• \\llh lh1• 11·rc11 rh prol"m'.:t· nf ('~pn••c Str••o•I lh<'n <'•' :ii inn •'( lhl' •n11lh1•rh lin•· nf '"'"""' .. t,.rl\" :11 <>n I: st11rl n 1,..,.k :\. nr <;11!1 F ;,, ;\'0•11... '" 1111•r t.1w ,.f <~.•prr!l" Slrf'rl port: r11nninc fh"rlt'1' rto>rrft· 1,1 11n lnto·r"l'l"linn \\ilh 111,. f'rl~ ,1l1•nc lh•· .. '"' "''"'' ~ 11n1· 1·f'nt••r hno• 11f \1•n1ral t\\'rnth'. of filh ~1rrf'I . l•' •m 111lf'M'l'I'· th1'n<'I' w1•,11·1 I\' 11 Ion it snid llnn Wtlh ''"' C-f'nlf'r ""'' nf r'i"'llfl'r 11110• nf ro•nlr.11 ,\\'('flllt' 111\y 1\\'rnt1t• 11• <h••\\ n nn !'nil1 ''' :1n inl<'r•,.r 111111 \\ilh fh(' m:ir o f F ri<! ;o.;,'"l'"'' 1tf.nrr nf\rrlwrly prnlnn1:11110n nf thr l'll~IM"l" :ilnnc lhP c;wl 1'N1ll'r wM11•rly hn1• nf l.n t 1. Rlnf'k linf' nf fllly Aw nttr In nn In-·I nf -"II.id T\nll)(lra 1'r11rt . lh<'n~ fl'N'<'f'lion \\;rh 1h.-n11rlhl'rl\' cn111lwrl~ nlon1: thl' 111"1 mf'n· prolnnc:itinn "r thr f'a~lrrll· llnm•d nor!ll<'rly prol11nc111inn linl' f\r l.t>I 'l nf M\rl nlMk :\; .1nd I h1• \\'1•~lrrly hnr nr <;nid thl'n('I' 1-nulhl'rly :ilonc lhl' Lnl 1 anlf lhl' llf\Ulfwrlr pro- norl hf'nstt>rJy prC'loni:111 inn c1( loni;:it i<>n t hcr('of and lht' !lAlrl 1•Mt1>rh· llnf' of f,(ll 2. \l'l'i<frrly lint' pf lnl 11 nf •nicl 11nrl 11lnn1: lhl' <'rl4'l1'rh· linr n ( Hlnrk ·I and lhi• sn111l11•rlv M id t,111 ~ And LN Y.? nf snM pr,...lnnc111i1'n tlwrrllf In n~ n1"4"k :l. '" thl' •n11lhl':1•ll'rh· 1n1rr•<'1't 1nn \\llh 1lw rrnrer f''1rnC'r nr ~11\d t..nl '.:''.? lhl'fH'I' h1w Q/ S11rf ,\\"o'rlilr II~ !lhO"'Tl WN'll'rl~ nlt•nc thf' '""' hrrly "n •llHI \fop nr n nlhoa l'rnrl. linl' nf !'Rirl f'lnrk :l anrl 111.-lh••nrl' ••a•l<'rh :1J,,nc ~ n 1 d Wt>!'lf'rh· prnll'n.:!lli"n r hrr.-nf ,.,.,, t l'r lrn,. 11f Surf A \"<'nil" ns tn lh<' l'f'inl l'f N'Cin111nc •h1l\\"fl 1111 '<ill<l M11r nf B:clhn;1 P arN'I :"n .t 1'l 1rt 1twnl'f' l':i<trrly nl11ng n.·~im1inc ,., rh.• p111nt "' "Atcl rrn11 r """ t'f S11rr ""<'· l11IC'r!'f'f'l1nn nf !hi' rrnl"r linf' !Hit' ff\ lh•• p11in1 ,or l1o·i:1nn1n~ (lf <"N'nn 1\1·rn111' \\llh •h r rirr<'l i\'o :l ~011th\\<'~t.-rh rrnl11nc 111nn nf l11•c11111mc ,,1 Iii• p111n1 nr lhf' n11rfhw.-•to•rl" hn1' nf J.,,, rnro r•1•1·111111 nt lh•' 1•0•111 .. r """ I fllr>rk ~:\ ri• •h"" n "" n o•f l<lth .'11 o'• • "If h 1 ''" 1'rn11•r m:ir o•f :-.;. \\ , .. .,rr 11 .... ,, n... """ o•I I 1,•o '" "' ( ntro' ;i• •.11d pany'1 right of w ay; tht>nt'C' southeasterly along the sou th· wetterly lint' of sttld right of way to an intersectron with the northeasterly prolongation of lh<' Ct'ntC'r line of the first a 11 e y southC'asterly of and paralll'I to 24th Street . as shown on said Map of NC'w - porl Beach, lh<'ncc south- Wl:'SIC'rly a Ion g the north- l'as1rrly prolonga11on or the • --C('ntC'r line of the last dC'· scrilx>d all<'Y and along lhl' r1•nll'r lrnr or said allt>y anrl along the northwC"stcrly line nf Loi 4. Rlo<'k :.!3. and th(' sou1hw1•stl'rly proloni: a ti o n I hf'rror. as ~huwn on s a I d Mn~J uf Newport Beach. to a n intt•rst'<."lion wrrh the cenlC'r lrnt> of 0<."l'lln A\'C'nuC'; thence northwcslcrly a Io n g s a 1 d C'C'nler line or Oct'an A\'l'nue 10 lhc point of be-ginning. Parrcl No. 5; Bl'glnnini; at the point of intersC'Ction of the nor thwt'St· <'rly prolongation or the south· westC'rly line of Block 7, as shown on a map of rC'-subdl- vision ot Section 1 of Balhoa Island. recor dC'd in Book 6, pa g " 30 of Miscellaneous M a p s . r ecords of Orange County, California. with the cC'nle r lint' of Pearl Avl'nuc as said P1•<1rl Avl'nue is s hown on said Map or Balhoa Island: runnin1t lh('llCt' norlhC'aSIC'rly alon1t the ccnll'r line of said Pt'nrl Avenu<' 10 an intl:'nl<'C· tion wlrh thl' centl'r line of lhP firs1 allry northC"as t<'rly of and pnrnllt1 to !hr l'llin i;outh. W<'Sh'rly linr• of said HIOC'k 7; thcnct• soulhf'nl<h·rly nlon~ 1hc rc•nt1•r luw of th'• Inst dl•scrih· 1•rl all1•y In Hn lnlf'rSl'Cli•m wirh lhl' · renrf'r lrn.-of 1hc Crrsl 11ll1•y ~lllt lhl'RSll'rly or illld panilkl Iv Pt'arl A''rnut• as c;h~,·n on said )fap o( llalho:i I•land; lht•n4•t• nnrthl'i1.Slf'rly :d11n~ t hi' C'f'nl er linf' nf 'h(' 1:1~1 cl1•!\cnll<'d nlll'y !(I an in- ll'r!ll'l'l ion w11h lhr nnrrhw,.sr. C'rly prnloni;:;!f ibn nr I ht• north. <'Rc;to•rl~ lin .. of Loi Hl. 111n<"k i . :is <hn\\n on sn1'1 .\lap of fl,1 llt11:t l~J:111d. •lht•nr<• Slltllh- ":\cf1•1 I~ :ol,.ni.: tlw l.1.-1 nwn- l 111110•d n••rr h\\ 1 <t•·rly prnlnm:- ·" ""' ·••HI :1!.1111.: 1111' n11rlh•··"'· •·rl} 11111• 11f ~11id IAtl 1!1, 11ncl I h • .. nulh··:i~•··rt~ 1or11lnni;. :tlt"ll lh• r•"•f anil rho '"" lh· ' o'lo I I\ 11110• l•f l.1ot ~I . l\lrn•k 11 ,,, '"'''''II o•n ":lid :\1 1p •lf ll.dl"• • J._l.m41 .rnrl 1 ho· '"''' h- ' ·•'1• •h l''"'""~.111011 lh• ro .. r !11 [Ill ll1ll'r~1·1'flon 111th 11,,. t•,.nft·r ltn•' ••r 1J11• t1r«I all•'\ •01111 .. 1 .. 1, 1 h "' •nil p" .,n,'1 ln \L: ''' ,\\•·n1h1 •• ,, .... h.,"n nn "•P•I m:q1 1or l\alh ... 1 1'<1:111<1, Ill• 111'1' Cfllll h\\' '<lo If\ olnnt.; I h• o'• lllo•1 1111•' 11( I h•• la<I cfoo. •t•r1 l•o·d ;ollo·r lo ;rn 11tll'l"«t•«- t111n \\llh 1h1• r1·nr1·r lirn• 11r 1l1r t 1r•I .1llc-r nnrlh1•;1i:lr•rly 11r nn•I par.1ll1•I to 1 h1' ~n11t h- 1\t'•to•rly lin1• n ( nl•ll'k !l. 11~ ~ht\\\ n nn ~a 1rl nrnp M n.1 I hon l~lanl1 . lho·nrr ~ .. 111lwa!'l1•rlv nl1•m: llw r•'llll'r l1n" of thr ln;;t 1IM1·r1l1<•rl :ill1·y In 11n ln- lf'rs .. c·r wn '"'h rJw f'••nlr r linl' nf Op.11 ,\\"•'nlh' a" •hown on Si\ld !\tnp llf f1rtlho11 ls l:111d: """f11l'nl"t' SOllfhWMll'rl~ 11ltln1t lhf' ~llid f'l'nl<'r lin1' of Opnl A,·,.n111' to 11n int,.r11rr1ton with !ht• ionu lhra~l•'rly pro- longntron of lh<' s11id so'\lth- wri:t.-rlr lin(• n( hlnrl< 9: thl'nl'<' nor1hwri;t<'rly :tlnng lh<' la!ll m1•n11nnt'cl s11urh.-:i•l<'rl) prn- lnnc1111nn lln<I 11lnnc I hr soul h· \WSl l'rly l inl'~ of Rl11Ck 9 11nd nlnck 7 ll~ ~flown on sAil1 map nr nalhNt T~l;i nc1. 11 n d !hr norlhWMIC'rl~ prnloncat ion C hrrf'(I( It• tlw flOtnl of hq:1n- nini: l'.1rrl'I :'\n 6 T\1•cln111n1: 11 !hr 1'\f•lllf nr in to·r~1•I111n 1•( r hi' 1·1 nl•'r hn,. "' l'1rk i\1 o•nU•• "' •111"' n 11n ~ m.1p nq::;r1•111111 1 l\•olh.,,1 l •I .. ;1~11 ri·n•t ilo rl 111 11•" ·~ 7 pacr "\, ,•'f .,,.\ll•r• ll:1n1-.l\J• ~lj~'"· -'· .. Recorda of ~ ~. ' w t b .the ---line cl the fint alley wut ol and P&r•lld to Marine Ave- nue u shown °" aaid u.., ol Balboa Island, r~ Uwooe north alone lht' center line ot the laat deicri~ alle 1 an lntt•rsecllon with the a!nt; line of the rtnt alley IOUth of and PAQ"IJel to ~ line ot Block 13 u abowri norttl said Map 'ot Ba.Ibo.I 1~ thence eiut along t .. -• •w centf'f' hne of lhe hut ~ll>E-d alley to an Intersection with the south vrolongarion of the wear llnl' of Loi ll of said Bloc« 13, lhC'nce norrtierly ii.Ion !he lai11 ml'nlion<.od prol0f1g~ araon and along thf' west r of said Lut ~I 10 th<• non'7:. Wt'SI cornl'r or said Lot 21 · •h•·nct> ea st in a dif'('Ct ~ ro rhe northC'asl corrn.'r of Lot 16. Block M of said S"Ction 4 · BallJOa Island · • h a · • ~ n re suulherl)' along the C'&St ti of said Lot 16 a nd lh<' S(Ju'::i (Jl'Olongalion t_hcreot 10 an '?'<'rst>('tfon wrth the Ct'ntf'f' hnl' of the first allt>y IOUth of and parallC'l to the north line or sa1d Block 14; lhenct- C'llSI aloni: the et>ntt>r line of the last d«scril>t'd aUey to an l?lerSC'ctlon with the Ct"nlt!r lrnC' for the first allt>y t!Ut o( and_ parallel to Marine Ave- nue:, lh<'.n(.'t' south along the N>n_te. hne of the last de-- sc!1bed allC'y to a n intf."r'Wction With th" said cen1er Unc ol Park Avenue; thenoe v.·est along said C't'nter line of Park A venuC' to thl' point of begin· nlng. SEcnON 4 : All the real pro- pt>rty situate in the O ty of N_ .. port Bt>ach. CQUnty of Orangr S tate of California, not described a~ being in Fire ZoM No. 1 and · Frrc Zon<' No. 2 hereof. shall ht' and arC' hrr eby declared in f'irt! ZonC' No. 3. SECTION 5: No building °" structure shall ht-moved into ereeted or constructed on Partti No, 1 dl'!lcnbed in Section 2 of this ordinenre. e~rept that thto some shall be of Type One con- ~! ruction u nd('r tht' Uniform BuiJd • Ing Code of the City of Ne.'J)Ort Beach. as lhC' same now <'ldsts or as lhC' sam(' may hercaft<>r be 11• ddoptcd or amendrd. SEcnON 6: Any i>CrM>n, firm or rorpo~alion violalin1t any of th<' provisions of this O rdinance shall h4.-dt'Cmed gullty of a nus- d<'meanor and upon convktion shall be punishablt' by a fine noi to ex~ Three Hundrt'd Dollan <~.00) or imprlsorunen1 in the clly ·jail o f the Ci!Y of N-'POf't Bcarh. not to excccd thrtt montti., or by bolh fine and Imprisonment In th<' discretion or the Oty ~ ell. SEcnON 7: All ordinances or parts of ordin1ncee In conflict wtUa this ordinance. includi.ng Ordinance No. 567 of t he City of Newport B<'a<."h. a rc hereby specifically tt- pealed, SECTION 8: This ordinance i,J rl"quired for the immediate prt>- !K'n :ation of thC' public peaCt". h<'alth and safC'ty of th<' C'ity of Nt'wport Bcach. a nd. thl' follOt11nrt is a SlatcmC'nl or the facts COO• stiluling such C'mC'rgC'ncy: That lh<' territory d<'scr ibed in I his Ordmnncc 35 now bt>ini.t sn Fir<' Zon<' No. 1 of the C"itr of N~wport B<'ach was hrretofore pla{'l"d, through error, rn F rre Zone No. 2. That lhcrC' are now h<'ing co11s1ructf'd buildini:s or lht' IYJl<' fl('rmill('d hy Fire Zon<' 1'o l in Fir(' Zo n<'' No l as hl'rrin dr· !IC'ni:x'd. !hat lh(' baildtng and crt>clion of said type of huilding in "lllfl .. i rl' Zonl' No I ron- llllllJll'S a hrr m('nf\1'1' nnd s111d h111ldrn1ts llr<' ~rncrnlly d:ingf'rous '" nthC'r huildini::s in said Fart> Znnc- ;o.;,, I :l_~ hc-n>in ('011i<ll1Ult'{i , lhi!t th0•n • lil'l' orhcr hu1l<itn).;>i ('un1t•m· pl;•l•'ft for Fin• Zone Xn. l as 11 .. t ,.,,, C'op,111ur1·rl. 11f a l)"Jl'' fll''. m11 ro•1t 1n Fu·,. i',11n•• '1:11 :.! ltrn •<or. :m.r !.) ,., r111" 111 .. ,.,. .. r "n ··nwri:•'nc·~ llll\\ o'"''' 111 lho C'll\" of """· 1~01 I !11 '"'" "hwh ohn ;.., I:> aff•"f'I< 1 "" puflll1 1w ·•"o hl':tl th anti , :ir. " "' ~a ul «11) rt1.1f h\ ""'~"" 11( I h" :ot11rr<.:11d 1111• 1 ;rdrn:111,... 1s """ mm1o·d1.1•• I) 1 •"1•11r••il ~u·n11:-.; ~I Th" 1·11, C11•rk ..h.111 1'1·1111) to th ..... ,, ... :,,,.. \'loll' i•n th0• 111 1:•nc) o•I llu· 111dmanC'(' ''"" 11 .. I'·•''"·'" ·lflll .. 1 .. 1011rtn loy 'I'"'""' 11 \1• 1'i1 lll•·mh•·r .. n ( 1111' I C'11~ 1·0••111nl ,,r tho ('ii) .. r ;o.;4". 1•011 il<'at'lt. :incl 11< "l'fl"•'lll hy tho• \la~1•r nl th1' 1'11) 11f :0.:1·~port l\1•arh. 111111 ra11~1· thr >111m1• '" h<' p11l1h .. h1·1I on•'•' in thl' :-.;~:\\'PORT ll,\l.BI It\ ;o.;~.\\'~-TDT E~. ;i n('WC· ra111·r 11( I.! o' n •• r :1 I c•lrt'Ulation Pr•nlr•tL puhh~hf·tl :1nrl nrC'ulall'd 111 1111' C"ll) of ;o.;,.,,1111r1 n•'llC'h. a nd "I"'" ~urh p11hltr:111nn tho• Ordi· nrint'c ~hnll hl'f'flll11' 1mml'dfall'IY Ojlf'r(llf\" and I ilkl' full , frf>("t Th,. nht1,·r and forri:n1n1t Ord1· n.1nr•• "'"~ 1ntroduc<•rl at a rC'gular ml'c•ling ,,f the City Counril or the C'ity of =""'"lX>rt Rr11rh 1-K>ld on lhl' 20th day of Apnl, l~\fl, and wall finally pA!-:Sf'd and adop't'd on the 10th day of ~lay. l!MS. hy said ('ity Council at a r<>gUlar mf'C't in~ t hC'rcof, by lhr folJo•in& \Off'. IO·W1t · AYES, cm·:-.;1 1DIF:'.\:. R.obert- ~on. Grrl'lr)'. I~hdl. nlur, Drak<' :0-:riF.S. \nt-:-.:CJD1F.'.';. NOil('. 1\ n SF: :" T . C'O\c!~<"l-l:.M£N: !\'11nl' ArrF:ST· C K PRIEST. r11 y I ·1.-rk Thi· iih<1\ c• :ind forrs::oinit Ordl· n:inrr 1s ~11;nl'd 11nd nppro\'<'d hy mr rh1s 111111 ll;i~ nr ~fay, 1~ OICK DRAKE, "!'<fayor l\Jbli .. h :-.1ay It 1~ ------------------------------------ \. * HUM•.N W. NICHOLS .-.ASHI~. KAY 1 t l 'PI The \."onCH'Um&n ,;aid tw '4i\ll 111 'kl.I. -c~~-... ....,., I k ra • .. lht-~hhhtr.Ttl o~r-1!4 . he re the) Ao'lnl)lurt' C"-ntt room. it .11~ h.;,,• a lot of pot11tOC's •c..dd tw ,_, bll.r nw 10 kHp m ) • ''Know "'hat 1 ht>y i:•·t !or 11 ~ION olf lhr Cl9Pfl marllf'I '~.wk nl 11<11111(>(•" um that w11y! .. Ry L A.\\'. 11lluit happ-m to a puor spud Y11uni.: .J11hn h.1d no 1U<'1t. CGCr n CJ'Ol9• up sbOuldn't happt>n "$1:\ dolla.-,. a snc·k. lh.11' '' lm t. H)' L . A . W . to • ~ °' Jaft Bror1!~ and ~!II• f,1r tlw sanw s:iC'll 1n 1 Tl1t• ~11mn11·r ~•II) '•'il!'•ll~ ''" 111' ~ ~ .-.,. ••N'd rfunnc,Lb.l..·ai:u. · irnu1 tlw mu<'h·lrA\••lf.d , , •. r. l<'i'" mdo>t•d. At ~h·rt111~ ~ cl A bUl b) p,.... C"hff man from tht' :.!1st 1>1strtr t ''' Colorndo .• 1uth1>n1ks. s1u1k111> 11.I " L"-~----p f ... p, nn .. , I\ ant~ t1lum111 nq:1h'1I 11~ ''' "h1•t lll'r "' u.-(j -............ ,." ,,.., -• • • ._,_ -~ ould And "'h~ is th•• pm:•· 1n d11i;-no1 M is~ G1ldn t.ra\' ~llll~ld ,1:1··1111 ~ t~ ~a~ure " i:•m·· hod•; J 11hn ct1dn'1 know '11 1·ullq:•· 'i110•1.1 Nt•\\' '' 11 •' •'' R1 up ~ ~ai ... .ilo?~) '" th.-·I ,·;rn 1..tl ~··u.' :".Ir t;r11io._• \\'l'lll ~on.1l1l•n,.. •t•nt l•UI ""'""'' ,.:o•I h ., ~I Ap tur.-to ''" 11., on lH't'tllln1 111 thP I:"'" "4 -• word~ nr ~' ,11 II 111110• 1 .. r hlt.ndk a.D ._,., :uw:t ,. .11 .. r N n· •·rnm. nr l 'rwh· ~n'-huy,.. 1••l alo~"' i<•\o·ral 11:"" \\1111ld ''"' tw .11 '"" '"'· a non •«S. . . 1 h) tht n11lh1ms ,.r h •L'""'" 111111 1'nm1" ""•11l1ln'1 ~11 .. -!'111• ·•'"'" • Jee L TM"'~"" • )"un.: dirt dumi>!I ,•m Ill tlw O<'• an to kc'<'P ,...i ·1t1i.: "''"" Thi.. 1111.·1·o·i.1o·1I '''· f~ o4 1,. 'o--1' ".-n• '"""'"') ' 1 ht· prt•'l' u p ~.1nw1 •m•·s "" "' 1•11 l'l<'<'llll,.•' :O.l 1si. t ;, .1~ "'"'''"'ol .11111 ~.u-~. ·~ ''" !h• '"11n .. ,.~ rnrt 'nn <'11•ar arrv~s lh<' counlr:\ rnndo• fat111111' in th1 • 0·111'1) t\\0•011"' ~t.and al tt-.. llltlf' I"', "" l'<ln dumi> ·,.m 111 thl• Al· 111,. 1111· "1r1• :1'"1t'1.11111n' r.·1111mi.·i1 ""'\lbt di> )OO ra1..'< up >••ur l.rnt1t• \\ho•n th•· l'anf1.-,., 111 .. r.· n»od•••, ,.,.,.h cln~ 11r llw ro••···nt ••>· ~-A.skrd R..-p Ch<'! h,md).. flurr) 1 :i la111ous 1111.:'11 d ull 1.·al .. Crow Cl4 Pt"flJ't~)l'~ni.1. "h11 i..~ 11w ~··n1 l••man fro111 1'1·11111'~ I· :1r1 •1 """ 1 h1• w.01 d t hl'111 clath'\.' lis1AS m I""° f°uct.!'n ••.un.il d1· 'ania ,. 11d ht• kn1•\\ of M•t111·1 l11n1: 111 kd 1 hf' Sh1mm) \\'" \\ •'r•· II • n'C14A) a:s a )wtt r F.•rm, r' 1, ··n nwr .. hnrnhlo· 1t·1t11•irltr) :-;, .. ,. \ 1•rk1•r 11 1 1111• \\"rll. ("()nl_ •t..,a r 1••ni..r •• • "L.a ;t \\ m1 .. r 11nn ,'' saul lw, "thr l 11m1· l.1ko• .. th••r,. 1,,. ··1111 h "•111) -fno1 ~nd arutt 1n<I 1 lot i:•"• rnm• 1tt l1o•ui:h1 ,1 (l(l(•k o•I th:it th 1!11111·"· 1t1'tb n m1o·1I 111•· cd ~tU'S ,·,.rli>a<1' 11f 1••tt111 .. .,; ancl l1111d1•d plo•d :O.l1s,. t:rn~ n1•l1t'o•,1lol) "'\\"hat di> )W IUWJ"' :a~••\11 po-1•m Ufl in rnhl ""'al ht•1· Su tho') '<I 1111r1ni.: tho• !"t.•1•lln..:. ( · .. 111nirt11 t••ot~· [1>m.dwfi.d <'ldo·r l'Lrmo'r ( r ,. •' L •' .inti 1l11·1t•l111'o· ,., ... 1 .111d fll$'··•l~•Ul·111•ih1ni.:. \\ 1r1• 111· \\ s ~ "''H'r ~··• 111 m:irk1•1 Th.11 lonn~' t1C'k11' fm:.11) 111hl 111 .. \\11tld. h) -~ as ;rood. k'lu! th• -.('t•d'l' 11p 1ht> pnc. .. rh .. 11 .ill 11111 •11 l1n ·a 1h. 111111 :<tll· a•ful tui:h. ~ !ho> ~'9--.'•'ar--Old John. lt )Oun~ pc11:11 u nrnn . w11h I t11•n1' a t llw 51•·rhni.: pr11111. 1\t•ar -cl thr ,.,.1_ •tin •()('P a bhw, his <Top plt1n1•'11 m 1)1•la\\un•. itnid m~ formal <'111th!'S. r ro\\d1'd arm111t1 IUlmDfT' s:i.-1 and th# larrnt'T's own th:it this. mdN'd. "as u do •plornlll" Mtl'l' \.rn) "~M'k111i:" 11ut0i:r.1ph" tndr muil-aniatofhron.L.:fromj 1hmi: JI" t'\t'n i:nt u h11 lr r!'d J\11•11nwh1h• 11 ro\'lni: 1ami "''' tlw C'.IDl1¥ Gp.. un~r h1:< t:in Just thinking about think 1111 n<l\\ unk1u>wn I ('tllTt'l'" °Thal~ )lat u:· ·~ llr it pondrn1 s1i:nmg h11ru!'lr P. Q G -E~«'T')'1Juae'• out o< ~CJCIOl'-1 ;\mLmc. Thcrt' I s1<l at th<' l'f'<'SS Noddlt>-Noodl1· had bt·1•n qul'rrini: oon.. l::..I to br, • -f~tahk>. worrying· ahout thf' four ENDLINES. offt'rini: tn st'nd llw hr CllllCh• to ~ ia profit if ht> ro"'·s of spuds m)' good wif<' m column "t>lld usiv<' nc•ws" on llw put .. l1iiO -xn 10 ~1 po-l IWthnda. M d.. had spt>nt days 1tnd event. l n view or tht> lmportanct• tlltofS. Today " ~ S200 houn1>lantrng Oncludlng the ipad· or Miss Gray comp1u·f'd·wlttl oth<'r inc a nd all I Sht> sitting there on wo rld lrad<'rs and happl'nlngs, ht> Available June I DENTAL SUITE New Building ttw-ba('k porch waiting for a was modest. Ht-demanded only a gTl'f'n spud 1.-ad to come fighting dollar a word! • through the clods and the wt'<'ds We counted our mon<')', thrl'f' I for a look at the Maryland toun-dollar bills and soml' chane<'. and ,Jhi.Dr. w ir«! Mr. Noodle--Noodll': '"Tl'll UI tor Wl'I plantrd t hl' ntin· kind how MiJs Gray''-hl' callt'd h<'r the c.A .. ,..,. r .. 1 .. ,.,.,,. .. , Whlw w pportera of OoftfUOI' 1bomu 'R. OMrl'y and Hanold ll Stuaf'n af'IUM a.boll\ a Ume and plac, for lhf'lr cham11tons to m"'"t for a dPbalP prior to 0~00·1 prtm&nea. Orwf'y ••bo•\l'I r<'t1d u"tf'd affaus of Nrw York State bJ Lon« dlata.nrf' lf'l<'phonf fruru Bend. Oft .. to Albany, Nf'w Yort . * VIRGINIA MacPHERSON ht1•"ht'"" i;o 1tti: m1 1111 m4•n1 h~ 11•'1l-~·11 .. 111.i-t '" m lhor •-;_, T ~ out of 11 Hut II aM'd look I \<'li,:31 •I'~ 111 tit•'" 1r~ in~ t.• 111.11.• d.•• .... "ale., ,......._ .... t dic:u ~ .. J\tt ,,111 '"""n't ll'ant ~ llh• ''"' 1, ... 1, '·'''11••ll.ol•lo .\rnJ 11""11:.'f r•n AT"d '~~ •• -.... ,,..,. l wf) •.-""I\• 11 lolfll( llu1 Wt' U.U1tlly ,1ud10 ""''''' Ot• t•ll th1• Pllu·a ~u'4 . '"''',. z;t t ·a1Aflll-t., ~-.--.. ~ ~ ~S ( •• t , u l 1w111111r ''" th·· , .... u.1.111 11 lll'1h no"., ... aJ ·~ !.ac -.c Ill 1• 11.• I ttut •1 "1"'"' ,..., • .,...•.a"' • t-, ,\ loll ••I lho .;11 I'"''"" Ill lh I< ,411' h ·•HI Ur....,...,. 4_..,., .. ,. >-\ t•H~\\.H . 1h., •• t.•..:nol -.:•Hi\-IH•tt·~· ct1'· ~10th.a\< .. , ...... t•-· ...... ...., .. ' h Ul'4 I 'H<f • l t '"' \I t•tl tt\ tJ,.,." 1•• ht" • S., W"I C ...,P\ •"1f 111. It "' n t11\h l"l• 1ar. uwu 4l 11.,.1,r• .. ,....., "' ~ ... ~, 1 tl•r\f ,.I ,,,,,,., hu'•'nt th •lh'i''' t h• 1u •1 h•i , .. ~ 411• ,,....,_, ,,,., ltu1 ·• "'' "" '''''' •'" t "'•''"' l•••uwt ~h. •' .. ,. • ..... •"" •'• ., .. 11Uttf \t·tl ··•rt~··'"''·'' \\tth I··· ""'"'1 .. (ji ... ~ ,,, ... ,..,r-.... •P •t , \• 1 ~ •• ,_,, ~1., ,,111ti 1 .. ..,h .-. t .. •uttt1'tAt1•U .11, f '•' I •"• ,1 ,.,"""' 1""'"' .t1ut "11l li'4· a , •us "'"" , • , 1. •:.:M • ·~ 9\.1,.,1- , ... '' ,,, ,,, , ... 1\\lfH" ''"'' I "",,., ,. • • ... ,,, \\loot\ Ill'\ ol1• l lo h 11t•I lo"I•''· li111 Hlt l"h &t•I •••"-\\. lll o•~ 1ti.' II h~t 1t ,,, "'II "'' \ 11 1t t ll •••tt,ult th•"" -. "' .. •. """'"1~ \\, • '" '\''•I' " '"'ti. '"''"' h•1 I• '-A'•• •••••• t O• 1t ...... d '~·""" 1•..ad .......... ,, .. - TOE JOY r .. ..,... lff 4tllldr'• ,.... ... ....,.._,..,.,., ..... • 11·.u-~ • .... :s-..... ir:n .... u ... ,._ ·-._. .. ~· .. •ritr: layha Pharmacal Co. 91! ..... \'~ A"" ·-~ .......... I It ... flth f11t t lttt'I t'tt1' fh 'thl t ..... , ltt 1.11'\I ' •• ,. "' I t llU I '"'Ok. ho "''111111•' 1'1o•I111"01 If ' r------------------------------·a I ·1· 11 I I ~ ''ltf 1• l .h-.X"•'D ''" 11tt l1 '''" t. \\II ' ""''' •• I ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,_,,,,,.,"'lo., fth\ 14,••n t .\ n ., \\ hii\\ 111 i u t hat• l 1 l'h•, \ 1 114 1·11 •''" luh nut " '' 1111, 1 011.t 1 0111110· o 111111hi.• 111 I 01.,, 11101 • "'' '" ltt11' tl11 \ ,, h.t\. l11 .... ~· l1•t 111 1•1 :otHlth lul1•I• tlh\ 11•1tltt 1119 tt B\ ll11u~ Ny escrow co., Ille. ,......_.... .. ,_ ........... ~ --.-;. ............ ,.._ ....... •••• •--.-., ,,._~ma ,,, 11 ' \\ h· 1 • "• h.I' 1t ,.tt "''' 11 •• '""" .. '' t.111-11 .. i.-... .i lo ,ol ll•~• , .... ts_,_ ... ~.-- '"'" .• 1 .... 1 .. , 1111110 1"~1 ... 1 ''" l..obdelf• Sihtt ... Mhleral Sprinp 10"''' "'" ,..,.1'1·111~ 11 ..i ...... '" '1'""'' New Mod•• Holel ~ Mol.# Accommodations ;'.;'.' ~w~"" 111• ~ )"'' •'ttlllllli,! "''"I llOT ~ --~llAMAOE a 8Tl'AJI llOOMB ft& sQ ··~-.......-1 tUt A lot .. I Ju 'f10' \4 1\t' ~ ,,._._._,_'·_·ii.:_·"_'~ 140.111 ,.11 , 1111 •1111111 1• ______ ......... _..w~..,.-=='~•=n=•=""~-.:_:-io:=:==~·:""·:oaAN~~~as~=·~iJ:•=:~·~·:!!•~~~! i lollywood, M AY \3 t U PI No-I 1t·l~1u ti " 111,I m1111 "'1111 1111 body 11quawkt'd whl'n the mo,;, shN1r' lrn 1 '11.1rlo·' nl th<' 1t111 !lo qu<"rn11 wrnt ovt>rbrntrct for the 1mo•n1 .. 11 •h·· "(·11h (11rn111 ('11~11111 "New Look" hut th<' studlOtl uy nn1t ·'" 1111 11!' h•··~ rnnt•,.rrwfl. '"" 1hC'y'll he-darnf-d if th<'y'll l<'t th<'lr 1.,,..,) """ 1 .. ni.:. tl10"'111i: 110'";.,. top st11111 go for thnst" ~w short '' <l•·.u1 •h• "' '"'>" h11ir·('Ut11. 111111)"'".<l 111'01<h1rns 11n11 cl1 Tht' 1:1115 h11\'(' to 8n<'Bk orr on I •'l'l11r~ """ I "'''' ii t h II I \\II\ their O\l'n time lo itf't their locks ~hould"r I• ni:1h rurls 11r1· s""~ I Com• ,,,._ f09etfr Awoil.J. All-N.-... .,.. of potatOPS. It for some reason Shimmy QIJ('('n" -rl'a('tl'd .to !hf' t hf')' don't •;nd up masht'd or autograph M't'ken Tl'll It 111 f l\'I' frf'n<'h·fnl'd o n thr N ichols' gruh· worm or Ins." hoard. by go lly 1·11 scuttlt-'(•m Mr. N~dl.<"-Noodlt>, abl<' and cllppMI. lt\t') 'II~ Tho·.' 1•l1<1t11i.:rnph IN•ll"r TII«' grnt m<>flt o r '<'m t1M>11k to is An1I 1110 ~ n111k1 1111) i.:111 11 .. ok An#U. Moh# '-411-...~~~~~~~~~-fit--~---'f myself. snappy, wtrt'd back : "nf'r hand didn't shak«' " JW1/ lllN' A11.ow H~MI ' AFTER WE IGTALL """ "'"'""I ~ ,, !/~ --A NEW//i1 I ~ OLDSMmlLE ENGINE ....._ ..... Jiii -.... .,._ ... Cll'I 'l1lie mt1n1J ...,._ mgr 'D G' '' ............ P'Pt power end _... ..,..,.... ....._Jn t.ct.ary-bailt-...tth new •....... .. ~ rt . I 5 I ....linds 1llock. crmbhaft. v -,,-..,..- ..... ...._ ,._ _...... ADii .e cm iDlltall it in your _. -· WWW r I .. Cl• tile 4 · ..... ipe'Ci6catioaa. CaD ...... "' -.._. q' . 9 rt .. 1"ldpt tcnlll' anilabk. Mclean Motor Co. .. "_ ...... I . / St lht> 11wnmt'r M"RSOn draws ni1:h. and you'll r l'ad stuff as "•II> as that unlit Augu;.t or S<'p1<•rnht•r F1ir t>xamJ)I<'. he \\TOi i' Publi~hPI' Sam Portl'r a s<'r ious mc•morandum ('()ngrntuh1t1ng him on lh1· 11n1lf'r·~ $131f'~manltkf' rd11oriul 11hoi111 l'X· ('f'lil'nt Mnynr Dra k1• Ancl what dad Wt' think of nt'xl"' Our lai:t wc'<'k's rolumn. for tl(>aut1f1ratiun I on r nlh<'r th11n nf th(' hf'aC'hrs R1·· m<"mlx-r7 An lnspl'('tnr • Pholn· 1 graph<'r-Judl?<'. to ti(' namt'd 111 hrinl? nhou1 morr art1s11c standards in hatheri:' appt•n ranC'<'. If th1· Mayor could find " man narnf'd Duck to undt-rtakf' the \\'1)rk. our mind idlt'd on. WI' could wrht> un ENDLINF. "Council to play Ducks and Drakrs with all Newport 'B<'a('h U~llMD.'' And the Mayor . for th1tl pun. could t urn ~r. Justifiably, to Otil'f Hodckinson ! 84.'forl' the mood waned, Wt' tdt-· phont"d W. ShakMlpt'&rf', f1oen1 whom """ hadn't ht-ard In a couplt o'f wttks "Wh<'n you wt-r«' a('tiVl' around tht-thntf'r," we aakl'd, "did you evrr know anyonl' comparabll' to M iu Gilda Gray!" "No," 11n1wC'r ed th<' Bard. "But did you C'Wr hear what lht'y Cllll· rd mr a round Str3tford. Avon and London ~" "No," """ r<'plwd hrlrfly. con- ('1vus I he column's KpaC't' wa!' run· nmi.: out. "what~ .. W ~. an~wrrt'd "S hakf'." -LA. W Be W~ -AdvC'rtlJl' \ MA'\OR CARl'E'T' CO . O ('t'tl /,,,f," l •r• T1I 11 I' i\t SALE of unpn-ttdf-nW Top \'al~ in lmportH CHINESE RUGS f J,l1i.mt .! ,.,, tl1t :-~1lltd /ioJtt.f ••f (h1t nr11I A rtr<I' If you lovt' rotor ... you'll lo\I· 1111, mr~t 11mL.;unl col- lection of Imported room-sizt' n1i::~. lik<' t 1l'as111't'<I m«!lt' point ... all are of lovely pHllt'm~ <ind rolors ... hand hooked thru the back ... .;upC'rlutivc:-C"raftsmanship and outstanding value. SonK' with ~~ bo~"' and cameo !l"ltllnes of dellca~ color bl«>nds. Roo11-Slze anc1 -SC..tter Rugs! Avall YM.nell el Ow DEFEB.UD P ATIIENT Pl.A." i · • 4' 3' ll 5' b'x 9' 8'xl0' 4' x 61 9•. 121 I01 xl4' 11'115' 12'. 18' 9' x 12' $11350 only Custom Inte riors to Order MANOR CARPET CO. 1427 SOt'TH MAIN I'll. ~-A. S!i25 SASTA A NA "'Q, • S:1 Mii. .... r Ci.._ • l.....thf.r 1 ·~~ • Onrh..ad \'ah·..- ........ I hn s .. and T" tk Spl.twlifl N.-A.di., at 4L J()~C~ M()T()~I 90t COAST Ht6HWAY NEWPan llACH PHONES IEACON 6216. 6217 ~at ov ••r• w. • 0° ....,. f'Clulppfllll. 19cta&s ~-•- 4-door Sedan DEVON. $1715 2-door Sedan DORSET. $1670 H10 Ir ,,, r .. ,,,,/Ir :"" l .. •:r I /I, lf •' ., \f I • I • ..... ,..,_ dit ....,,,.i, Aftl~ ''"" rl.., Orl'•ur~ JUI I\_.__ a.t..r~n Back again after aix yeanl That 1Uper-•alue •••nt that all th• .outhlcmcl eage1ly oa t ' A 1 c aH1.... ... ah I yw ..... while aaYin99 on needa for the entire family, aa well aa complete fu.mWWaet '-.. .._.. ~ IU8CIL'lm llDtJO. TIO~~FROM OUR REGULAR STpCII NOW IN PROGRESS P'11e at 4th, LONG BEACH .. You needn't know w h e 11 WA L K E R'S values • •• You · know I t ' s a -v a I u· e WALKER'S ••• and you k-now says • • • • IT IS A VALUE I .. ) ____ ..... ~ ............... ____________________ .... ..__ ____ ~~-=-~--====--=-- J ' t t __............. ............... _._. ... ________________________ ~~~ .) \ Tomm) s Sh1111 1s 1101 · 011<•11 all di\~ !'11nrl11~ hut S undtty'11 Pllllf"r.l ar•· 11.'h un 1111 •1d<'"1tlk r.1l'k, 11 l>Ul't'r 1"U11 I tl<'k•'ll 111 llS \\II\' fol ttw rnon• )' · 1iu1w1nt (;('f'lf'r'll l ;\frolM' (;v•"'>•·,1r l''t'IHl•"f'Ull ~.\:tr'- """ ( '\d 1-.dl'''" S r.1111l111tl 1 t1l l ':):-1 .. 1 7~ •• 111w :'11nrl1' •\•nmi:. I \\,11111'<1 a p111•·r 111u 1 ... 11ul I 1°111111\ ·, "'h"l'j d i•,,J :.ml 111'1 on• p •I• 1 J, 11 on tlw r111 I. I 1• • k• 11 111 !hr• rlll' Tlwri· \\t'I• II\• I" nrtw• 111111 .i i Building Permits r11l'klo• ;\I) ni1 ·kl• 1nll '' <1111\1• \\1•r 1 nddf'd \ 1'··11111 \1111•·111 fl• 111111 '" o1 •J.J f ll'k ••tf fttllHil .. \ tflp f'i \I d:t' ;t h1 t lt1 ~1IU .. .iHtf I ~~ t ii i..' d H.• \1 '"'" n\lh h ll""" ~ h1 , .. 11nd In "" I h• pr1•>1 Ill d\\ 1·!11111." Iii -1:1 \'I ''" fllll•"I t'UJ! J\" rll)·f1\" <'•'Ill~. llrrd I<•"'" Lltf,. l•I• I ,11111 •'1 ol I" i h•• "'''r h.irf .ir1.\ I"'"' 1111 f111 11r1 ~t .:.1 ,•r tlw rrl<'ll•'~ ' :'\1 I l;\'f Ir.L I 1 I ;,.1,tltf 1 • H1ll1wrn ,,.., 11111 '" Tnmm' kll"'" 1111 ahout th<' 1.111111 ,1 1 .. 1.11, t I 111111> 11~ 1 11111.: )'OUI h t•f rt 1;\f 111.. ''"'" I!> I hi• "I 1107 '''"'""I•' ""'' ..... 11n.1•1•i m O!CI µ.1111111r rl11<'t' fur lht ktdi. '""' ~-,11,1 ot thl' n<'1a;hh1.J1 h11•id 1 ,,,,id 'l11nma!I, p1·rn111 '" tou1ld C8t1•rin1? lo th• ~w·~·I ln<Jlh ,,r 11 1 ~tory, !1 room d"rllinl: ·•' :!:t.'\ 1 ht• small f1) "11 h a varied line 11n ·h1d av1•nul'. Curunn dd M i.r ot IX'nny <'11n1l11•c. she"' I.in'!!. mitr· t-:s11m11ted \'al~ ~. blt'fl. all·d8y !'UC'kt·r;.. doll•. Uttll' Gene Borero. permit to add to jl.ij?s, egi:~. nnunats, P1IJl'S, clxan pr1'111•nt hulldin1t 111 705 C011st Hn:h· •nd cl11:11r1•t11·~ and other fonna w11y E1tlm11ted ('()jll SAOO. rnodt'lc-d in rhe ~\H't'I 11urr, Tomm)I Jackiion R. Pope. Pf'm'it tn 1~11ild alao h1u rr1tl plrl('S <'li1an and clg-a 1 atory xar8R<' 11t 5IO ~tin a r('tlrt 8nd loba<'t'O togl'ther with a venue. Newport Jle•Rht• fo:S.11m .. t "°" drink•. ondy and lcl' cream rd coet $800. ban. The packaged ades, pH\ny w A Wittman, 1Jl"rmlt to hu11d a pif'tt are houR:hl to l>f' eaten dry. a 1 11tnr y RArRll:" 11 1 17:17 11'<>•1in And, believe II nr not. BUBBLE boulevard 1-:s1lm11t1'<1 1'<1<1 $1••-• C UM, 11 big irrm for tiny tot1. John JI McGowrn. ri·mHt '" Maxazlntt a.nd th<>M-COMlCS. oolld a 1 1tory ir:ara&:I' at :'.>1'1 lnm•• two hundrt'd di{ferrnt kinda, dla· 8vl'n~. Nf'WpMt Jll'li:hr~ Fell· pla~. f'Ully 81 hand a.nd nlY to m8h-d coet Sl~I ~t away with. But Tonimy vol· unlHred, with a twinkle of lhOM' alert, kindly brown e)lrs: "NevPr h8ve had one-l8ken a way Thr ~I' arr HONF.ST About t1. eorl of police each nthrr." Coast C-Oll~ge Deans to Meet With School Heads ,..h,• h:p;: ,,~, ...... t \ 1111.-·'' ......... ,,, "'' tlf's.tn 111 \\ttlll• n 1111 \tu P , .... , '"'' '''nf' J1 11\..,1 ,, •t., pl•'•l•t t\'1·• ~ ... nrl' 1•• 1 111 ',.,, r 11•· II 11111 '' ·I ,11ut• n t .~,. 1ul•h•' '"'' "'""'''"' '' t 111 J.n1•!1,I! t1 I ;1. 111h l· , I • ,., n11 p'>l I~"' l•f 1111' •"Ill• I• lh '"'' .... 111'•·• t: ,.. '" l ''" "' I •11 'I l I\ 11 111 -..,. ,,, I I 1•t f ,t \ 'h••\ I ,, • t 'H I 'I I t ll ·~ 1 ~ I \I':-•'' '" \I \" 11 I I ..... I I I \w I I ., .... 1111 \I I ...:1 •\ 11 I ,, "' t ' I I ._,, l. ; •.I .... • 1 ' • ' '. '' ' " • j ,, 'J' ,, .• 1' ·'"·' • ·~ I t I • •· 1 • 1l-. • "4-~ ,, ........ 1·· .a...r~:#t •t& I I .411' •• .. ~. ••4 .A. ~&.-' ...... • .,/tf'C ... ..._ ~- ,(U//i h .._j4'9--'•,.i:,. 1w • • l&.r" .. ur ~ l I , .. ~-. \ t • t... • • t. • •• • .,_ • • ,. l , .. t .... -........... ~· ._._ na,..-t t .. H.....-• Ot J ''' ......,-,.• ~ _. .... •· '°4•._,,. I ",,_. •' ., •• ,., .... -........--•·I """" ....,, .. '' voi·.~ .... -'lilo"'Pl:..P;J.;~ t..-r.--~Hl1 -"' ,_.. f •M ~· ~ ........... ._, 1Jtfh t.J -• 11' 4 •) .a.C ,,...., ...a Ulll ••rt1f•• ., .. hf'lll .,, .......... ·~OJ...· •. '1 ~I'"£ ll rtt.&tr. S •'"4r) ......... -. ...,, e < ..... t I '"t.U_ll:, ikbd ~ 1111' C'•.•.u.am•fW • fA~ ...... ._ lV»J .... ,, ~-~ , _ . .,..., CE-.'Tt~tc.A'TI: M ~~ '..cit."~ ,.,,.... .._. '\.,\\I'". l',.lh"t Tr-- • ~ • 101 ........ t ...... ,_ 1$-·•- . .. Will Pay CUh SMALL 10-FT. Salling hoat $35. Ph Hnr· 12xl5 fiber rug, $15. your furniture er wtsat 'havt bor 516-R. 67-c-70 For you. Phone Beaoon ses&. Crawley F.urnittire Co. ONF. N~~ARL\' 1'a:w 1<1-ft ~lqfC, 1·~ huMWPQWcr motor ~:!5.llO. CompoWld Motor Oil Gallon , 7'0c ltf 1? Nrwport Blvd., c.o.ta ?d.-. i-~urnilur<• 5350. l.'IWSI S7 ~10 'l ttl"P. t1 k:\rn ·n..: n•pa1rf'd or r· Crni.h• ff \"•·n• llan b 11 nd1 rrlrni.sh#'d :\lalcr thoM wobbly rha.1n Joki' n•·W Rluonable ~1•urt1,..,,,., Pr1 .. h1Clll, Z205 Har- t~,, Bl\ll , I·.,,,,, \1,.,.a, Ph St-a· • ••n ·».1.'l 70-c-91 '\I I,,-111!111 • \ p.11nl 1111?-PllOT,0- 1: 1: .\f•f llt'~ -· rui.:lt1 l'lai;st•s Sa 1 . ,,, 1\1 Hilo 111) t•f Arr 1 lO'i .:. "" s .• nta i\na 70-c •1•1tt1U••Tt:RINO It W Yfll'R F't:RNITIJRE Western Auto Supply AuthorJt.ed Dealn 1836 N('ovoort Blvd . C'.oat• Me111 17-ttt 7!l-LB -llf: RF:FRIGERATOR, l'hilds f)lny p .. n 11nd p:id, four ::?4·ir1 housl' doors. Call al 500 SonlA /\no, Newport Hrights 66-p-7[) 92_,,, CASH !or USED Furniture & Appliances "Wf' Buy A.lmOlt Anything" GRANT'S Phone Bea. ~707-M fi4~ ~t>wport Blvd., Cotta Mesa 42-tfc othn o dd s & .-nds I larltm t.t!H-R 70-1·-71 FOR ~ALE Ynrk ":!3 • hull Wl!h nt'\\ •10 h p F l:ir.:shtp n111111r :111d ~'""rmi.: •·11111rol< 111.;1 all1•d :.lso dn ·k hou~1· :ind 01lwr pa rts Lilt. r1ea1ed hut 1101 y1•t ins1:.tl1'll Lo- Ntl<'d rorrwr llHl'lH>r Rl\'rl & \\'1lsn11 ,\ , .•.. Costa l\lo'sa Thi1 propNIY \\'lll lw o!frn•cl f•ir s11lu M un.--.m Bros. (' oncrHe Work 2U~ Sant<a An• Ave . f, '\111 llF:IOMING 1l1t'n You Sh1111M RF: C'OMl :-.IG To .II >l'F:S CO l 'flh'olstC'n.>rs R•"i') ling -Rc'hulldlng Cluaifled a.da DO get tbe job FUJ\ tone. • .UTUR.E FOB SALE n Ill HI am J\lnnday l\1a) 17th in room :.ms. Posr Orfic1• hldr.:. t«i::. ll11rh"r nh·d CostJ ;\!C'Si\ BF:A 6260 ('HST A !\U:.SA 66-c-87 "'-&amn 5:.C l-W or S7S7 52.-2'.ltc LWPLOYltRNT W.urn:D II <'M'ABLt: WOMAN ~·ants work. JAMF.SON FLOORS "'"'''I, hou!W. or what have you c I 'lO hr. Beacon 596.'5, trailer s..Mlintr and Flnilhlnc "" l 70-p-72 lkst Matniala and Equlprnent ' SH.1U.I ARY-Age 33. Thorough· ~Jrwuttd ly experienced ln all omce de- SERVEL The G A S Refri~rator Some Model• Avanabfe NOW Balboa Furniture Store 100 Main St .• Balboa Phone Harbor 145 220& C.OUt Blvd., Newport PhOfttt Harbor 118 41-tft 11111. lncludlng 1taU1Ucal typlnc ELECTRIC bottle coolt>r, dry, 6·ft. PffON£ BEACON 51155 12-22tr and liChl bookkeeping. dalrea long. (Capacity 30 cues), like poaltlon ln Balboa or Newport. new, S300. Bath tub with leca Write Box "D" N"'"S-'nmt's. $10. Lifetime Maytag, wuher, ~I Boilclinc Contractors fllVl("IQ(AN BROS. 66-p-TO rood condition $60. Beacon 5013-M. -67-c-71 Pediatric and lnfant nune, ftC&- Uonlnc. la available .. f09ter FOR SALE-Band saw with motor moUter by 4lay, nl&ht. wttk enda a9d other misc. power toola. 109 or by Wffk. No phone, kindly 14th St., Newport Beach. call penonally, mornln11. 201 69-p-70 Dahlia Ave. at Ocean Ave . ln USED wuhlng mAchlne $40.00. litUl' rrey rara,e cortace. Co-Used electric EJeoctrolux vacuum rona ckl Mar. M·tf cleaner. $25.00. Call Harbor 838. Fr-Eatimat~ Prompt Slnb 45.l mtnAr1W A Y ('OST A MESA ~ fi37R-J ~ All Im-*,~,~~ la _... at tlw N-.-1111119 • LA:-.'TISCAPINC !'I-u •M lmtalled FRT.£ F.STI!\!ATES MAN. 2.8, WRITER, RECENTLY 69-c-70 Pt1 H artlor 679-R "'AY~T. 11 WAJ..KER RE11.1RNED Jo"ROM HAWAJ- IAN ISLANDS. WrLL EX· 9x12 OLSON RUG and pad. Good CHANGE WORK ON ESTATE, as new. 112 Crystal, Balboa Isl- HOME OR BOAT FOR ROOM and. Harbor 226. 69-c-70 ~70 ED WALTERS BOARD AND SMALL SALARY. ELECTRICIANS LEAVE NAME AND PHONE :"\O. f{}.RBOR 1372-W. 67-c-72 (SI~ 19'JO) .LEROY SLATDl ..,,... AnytMl\S Anytime SpttiaU21rd ln MOVJNG UIPLOVllENT ornazo • I GIRL -For part time work in '""JI shop. ..:xpt>1'ic.'nced prefer· I ••d Apply aftl'r 2 :30 p.m. 211 Contractlng-Repatn RHldenUal-JnduatriaJ --Ets-Hokin & Galvan !\tarine A\•e .. Balbo8 lslatld. lOOO Coast Hlway Bea. 5401 I 6~c-71 . 31-t(c HI >l'SEC'LEANING-Three ~·ou:.S, ONE 5' El<'clrolux. J?ood <'M dillon ~ -lklld Q>Odl It Small Boatl a.trir 3'1 ~ttc CABINETS P1U:C1S10N V.'ORK. Let ua call ... oY• JOU OW eetbnate. 144 n.. SI Brnr""' 0rance A Meow· J1911 ATI', ec.1a Meu. Pham .... &ZS '8-22tp Far Rent - -.-Afll. ,.,.. ,_ 15a. B. II. LANE lll!AL ESTA'n: Jiii o.-1 A911t. ... ,.. .... Pin' Elf,.' 1d ..,. ID> a.tit BARBOR Phmbill« Serrice · 1• ~ Bh·d.. &aeon 6111 llEPAllUMC Ol11l SPECIAL TY c.tl•'1111c .... SupplW 9-tle I L£T <:F:ORC.F. r><1 lT' tt.\P.PER GARD£'.': St::R\,«r: I Fonnrrly of P~N-na• 00" 11\lul.11111' In Jla rbot' an·a !\t.iml• nr1n•' r PS- r,bl.,.hl'd i: 1 rd• n ~ ~f'r ''mg, prun1m: 'pr1nkl1•r' 1'11 in• 1! Frc-e • ..-,,t~tr·~ f'h .. n•' Jt, .,., n '•-'"~ .. \V d :n nr , ,,. J.'tt l-·•11 ~· 1 ··~ta J.r...... h.1-::llC we mornini:s per w('('k must have On<' 12' with n('\\' K<'lVln11tor "·fir Phone Harbor 608 at 6 p.m. motor. good tor stora1tP. 309 E 69-c-71 Bay Front. Bolboa Island. 68-c-71) ~IA:-.-To work In food store with mrat e~rlen~. Write Box "E .. Ffnt'lt R:08l's rnllk daily 30 <'t'nts !'.:e~-..nme.. 6§-c-72 qt. Pll'lase bring contalner. \'le- lorla St .. 8nd Canyon Drive, YOUNG MAN-To work In food Cotta Meaa. 8t the radio town. ~t~. Wiii tNch IJ'OCft'Y busl· 67-p-TI neu. Box "E" News-'nmn. ABC washing machine, f,Jtii. Irwin, 61k·?2 307 D\amond. Ba\bo& ta: and.. WOMAN-With eiqaerience check-68-c-70 Inc In food market. Write Box FOR SALE-Rue 9x12. Imported "£'" News-'nn\f'I. 68-c-72 Manila Htmp, lovely for l>f'1ch WA~"TED -Waitress, busboy. .. home. N"'1 m .oo. 216. P<'ftrl dL•h,..·111htt ror Wttkendl. Bal- boa V11rht club Ph. Harbor 1484 Ave., Balboa Island. 68-c-70 or rail between 9 and 5, 68-c-72 TO BE MOVED YOlJ?IOG experienced "''orkers for Houae and furniture complete. A potfl'ry manufacturing. Apply barltaln. 113 Pearl, Balbo8 hl· DI Palm11 Ceramics-~ Coast and. Harbor 2442. 6l·tfc Highway, Newport lknch, 1 mile UM! 8 Bendix .or Maytag. weat of Arch<'S 67-p-70 AT BILL'S W ASH-A-TER.lA WOMAN WANTED -To care'1or '7:\ Newport Blvd. Beacon 577C childrrn. four and !'Ix year.; , and Costa Mrsa 60-20tc ... 111 wl1h hoU!l('work. $100 per -.X mo Crill h(-twl'<'n 6 & 8 p.m. liar· . bot' 157:l-J 64-tfc 8PE C I AL ' I EXPERJF::"\C'EO -Ynuni; woman., a.~i!ll molhl'r, i:<'nrrnl car<' of \\'A~HlNG MACHTNF..S Oiied. r hildrl'n, nil l1111ndr}. {')1·11111111:. \.l'l'A~M nnd 'fhorou~hly C"'hl'rk prh nl•' r1 .. 1rn ht•lh ~i:i rNl mnnfh. \\"llh Minor Adjustm<'nls J111rhnr t :.i I ·H 1;.-;.1 fr' onl.v $2.50 t)XI' F\ )l ':-;T,\1 :"\ ;\I.\'-" l11r 111d1I Tilkl' :1drnn1:i1:1> of lhill Spt:'rial ~111r1 "' ;\l,111 Sh1lp ;\hi"' ti.• anr1 /\void " \mH ly nrr ak.n own ,o;, R1·f,'r•1lh'•·!' :-.JNF:RSPRING .m11t1ress and hox S11n1u A 1111, be> for!' lion. R••nno sprin~ with lt>gs, small tabln. M Rrink, Rrlcr<'" in Rankruptry :.! r<'nPctor lamps, 2 arm chairs. fo\•r 1nrormation call'!\! L. Rah· 1111 vrry r<'asonable. 211 Topaz. bill. lr UStl'f', 310 Buena Vista Harbor l~J 70-c Bh·d., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 1R25. 70-o UST SELL-6 rrns. of furnish- lngs, including Frigidaire and 16·F'T SLOOP with keel. needl table top range $950.00 complete, 1iaint. sails fair rondition. Sare or will sell separately, Shown boat for beginners, $16.'5.00. H. Sat . & Sun. May 15 & 16. 1\6 w Saulsbery, 8631 Loar a Rd., Colllns, Balboa b land. '()8.c-70 Anaheim. 70-p-74 M BEAUTJf'U[, OVAL TABLE -lfllSJOAL a LU>IO .. Seats five. burn, rUll, chip and WANTED ~ Uaed pianos for ow stain proof. Chrome base. cream rental dept. Hlgheat price aJ. colored. Ideal for breaktasr nook, lowed. Trade youn on a Spinet patio or rumpus room. 500 Nar-or Grand piano. DtuU-SchrnJdt, cluUI, Corona del Mar. Harbor Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. 61-tle 2777-R. 68-p-70 MIRROR TYPE SPINET-Uaed, MAPLE bedroom set, slngJe bed, $190. euy tenns. Oaidterln1 coil spring, custom mattre11, tall piano. used, $1~. 0th~ m&ke'I cht'tt drawers. chair. Solid mA· u low u $165. $78, $93. Danz- hogany library table. mahogany Sc~dt Plano Co., ~20 No. Mal.a bookcase. wroughtiron woodbox, Sant& Ana. 61-tfc all for $100.00. 495 Ja.smlne S t .. VOICE -HARMONY Laguna Beach. 68-~TO Sight. Reading 3 ROOMS -Nearly new furniture Plano -Chord System $400. Musi s<'ll. Leaving Satur· StudlD--805 Third Ave. d;iy for Or<'~on. Ph. &aeon CORONA PEL MAft- , ~195-M. 67-c-70 67-c-88 f'f>lt-s-itLr.==Da't"Mlporr 'tlke11rw. S PINET-Lesttt Baby 64, now Shn l'nwr if d('!;irE'd Reasonable S385.00. $39 down. $8 mo., Danz-pril'r B<-acon rot:l-J , 6~p-70 Schmidt. '20 No. Main. AnotheF RO ,'NI, 8ll'Pl"LIES .. 1plnet, repossessed. You just pay out balanet>. Santa Ana. We have Boats Priced to Sell thr Solo-Vox. ' 61-tlc SPlNET P I ANOS for rent. Try it :t?' Tilhaitl Ketch (new) $5600 for just 6 mos .. If you like It ·we ;\fl' lliinh'r C'ruiser (37) ~ allow all rent paid on purchase LISTINGS WANTED prlCI'. Danz-Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main. We have the Solo-SLIPS AVAILABLE Vox. 61-tfc :;. F: MINNEY Beacon 6281 71 1 Coast Hiway, Newpert BABY GRAND. art case, nne tone. ~ltc Uaec! Now only $5&'5. A fine bar- FOR SA\,.E-Practica.lly new 18-ft. gain. Terms. DtuU-Schmldt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Also beau-Utility plywood boat with moor· tlful Steinway, URd, uve over Ing. Stt Sat. p.m. or Sunday at $1000 on thla. We have \he S. <'nd of Topaz .. 129 Topaz, Bal-Solo-Vox. 11-tfc boa bland. 69-p-70 81181N'm OPPOa'l'CM™ 61 Yachts for Charter SERVICE STATION FOR REN'r DAY-WEEK-MONTII 101 Highway and Santa Ana G. E. MINNEY rivtt bridge, Weal Newport Beach, Sunset gaaollne, ~ A.lt-n 711 Coast Hlway-Beacon 6281 Craig. Sunset dlatt;ibutor. Tele-65-ltc phone Laguna Beach 12901. F OR SALE-Owner l:V 3' Cius 70-p-72 C'raft pleasure or fishing boat roa llDT a with all utras Including starter. newly paintt>d. See evenings by LOVELY BAYFRONT furnishNS calllni:: FW11 ron 6042-J 69-<'·70 apartment. Month to month or MOORING FOR S ALE. Ed Erick· 11'8!1('. P. A. Palmer Inr .. 333.l son. Rox 691, Ralbon. 69·£'-70 Via Lido. Newport Beach. 67-c-70 FOR SALE-20-fl. runabout. Good rondillnn, n1'W paint Mu~I S('\I RF.DROOM -Kltch<'n prl\•ilr~<'!l, thl!' werk, make offer. Sec at $12. ~11 Jasmine a\'enur. C'orona 351 E. lRth S t,, C'osta M<'sn Ph. del Mar. Hnroor 1245-J l'\'l'nm~s. Bt'O\'nn ~701-R r\·en:ni:s. 66-trc llR-r-72 /\ FE\\' SLIPS ll\'ailahle in Nl'w-FOR RENT -Double apartmrnt, norl'« hl'!il "nchnr11~ •• Jor ltoat!I \1'11rly re111t11I. H11rbor 660. 61-tk llJI to 11:1 fr Ph llnrhor ~:\.'i 1 FOR nE:-.T Clr:rn :inol r•\t\~t.ln· M -c--70 11hll', 1wo room rtri:ir•r·u 111 inl• - l '~Ell F:'.':\.l:O-:~:s FOR SA l .F. I 11t1"11i:r '" 1111c;,:1•sc;11m un 1 it ,l1·rw I; I ,,, 1'111·•'" S1•:1 Prirtr•· ~:.!lJI I ;Ill l~l01nr1 1\\'I'. n:ilhn'.1 IIB-r -71l \ (;1 ii\ 1;.'i'J S'.! ... '4J .. m:ntt< '' 1:0..1 11nf11rm~h1·1I h (•\l<lt' 12 TEARS Sl:RVl CT ~ na; Jl\JUY'\R AREA lwnl'llf r..t1.1l1lt- Apply ;1ll•·r .! :in I' rn :.:1 1 ;\T.11 m•' "'r·· ll:ill 11 ,., 1~1.1nrt ti~•'""r 7'.! H /\f!nOT! /\f'Pf.11\N\F: SF:RVIC" ,fj'7 :'\1•\\'fl<trl fl)\•rf . c.-~ra 1\f1'~11 " Cht ~ -.\1•1 ·""'"' :!-1 I,.,, I p 11r1 :i:7:1n -f1 •1· n •nt ~-··~ \\' f"1•nlrnl ""'. .~-· . ~··1111 . ,_ ~ F. l t.11.:h1 I c.r.1~ '.\.""t~•rl H1"wh l.1 -1.-111 lht\uo.i Y.1l'lt1 !1a~111 11 ·,1~1 ----- HARRY HALL p~-rr.-oG m:-.'TRAl~ 'R 274 Fut 19th ~·r ... • F:'.'\PFHll ~1·1-p t:r•"'" r m .in \\.1111 rrl \\'1111 II"' · F :\'.• '' ... :-ranl•' t\.~ r•.-;.,! F t •I ':\ l'\I'\ .;11u .. ' I' '" :l • Phn11C' l3EACO!\ f12flf) lit»l'-711 H IH IH :\'T '\11•1•1\ 1111111~1!1 d 1Ut11'flU•rtt fl • a• \\'tlt f ~'' "\I·"\\' 1'1' l.1t:h11111t" ~.11ll1o .1• ti-':.! !i'.l I ( <, 1'1t1l1 11•·11"' "1\\l"'1t Tl• wh I 111111 'I•· I 11 nt \I 1' I; T· 1• phi n•• II 11 I" 11 _ 'l1 I \I 1 ;q I' Ill Sih1er Pl:tti nj! ·~""-' .7-' I v ·--Ptl tw. ~I:\ 1-nsr11 '''"'" \':\lit J.>-tf• ' . . •• i • . . ~ t ti 'l I• . I I' I II .. 1.11' ("0 ' !'~ f'l"F:R. nR \ .. (",f'lt,D Polld1ln1: •'-' R1•finishln1t ..• Otll I• plll 1 ti \f'f1 -I • I I I'' I ; .... -I -·· -' -. ... ' . " .;\lllr ...:1,,•1• 17711 ''''I 1 1 (-.tW(.l \J•' I -; t';7.! -... I 'i. ' I \\"at\'l) ,\· .111\\1 II'\ R:l\':"idC' Pl:ttint! Co. 't!\14 H rirhor nl"d \\ill "· '" '·" l•l.tll' I 11 '''"''hi 1t1ll\ll1t·• 111111 1·1·11111.-1•! llo "" lt-i.:•· \1•nr. 111 1111\ 11 ,,, 11 P'"'1.1111 ,,,I .. , .. 111111: ... 111.1. ,,, , ...... , "'1.1 ... ~ I ( \, .. ' ' \tj "' I ,,,, 11. \\ \ l l f1 !", I'l l'- ,I. .. 111 ,, ... I Pt1 ti, .. • I .. .. •\ ' : r.~ r '11'1"· • · Ml~. f'OR 1" \l.Y. 30 "I. I \\ I'• •H ( 'I \\ I I • F(IH :-;,\I I ' \J.,,.11r1_: .,;-,, ' ••, '.\. •· 14rn1 '" 1.11'111111:•'• , '""'''\a1111n r .. , I tllt' 111t.!11111/'ll1"1\ Ill '' 111\1 Ill I' \ t •rnn\t•nt i1 1 1 h• t1 '~' ,,,1h..;, Stassen, Dewey Debate Waltz Due to Collapse 8oetdi ta.,., ·~ar1cu1 .u.. 09 8'°* at Uw N.....,'lbDIS. ~ "' \\ 11.lWH \Intl ol.\ \\ 1111 I '"' \11 II I "'" '"' I I 'h\ I'. ,111"' f I 11 '' I 1l.11t1 I ' I l.I.,.,., .. ,_.. _..,.-4- 1 • ,, •T I It. 1· .. m .. c ,...,...__ . •• '\ '1 -• r ,, 0 10 ......... ~-......... l n•:···.. ~"' "··~ •r .. ~ Jurli:• '\1•• ,,,..,, • ~ .I u&:• ''? • r ...... ,, . • '. G.-::•1'::nrr I PRF~l "T ,, • • f'-·r&::ol'"P "' ~"'L 1 • trn11•,. c-!'• l"-•nnrts ·211.4 1n M l\ • \.-Mto<n< '\..('!~ f> ;. 9. 10 I.'.. 1:i & 1'"hft H•"~ ~~'2!Aoa.• n.-tar, ..... \)(.,..an v,,._. Audi~~ r~ n.--- 1 ·crn PM ~u· P >I °""'"'" c--..... ~-­JnJ<J"'("tM )~ ~rt ~ J ud&or'\ )l" E q l\twm Judcr ,\JT1) Krilocr ~--....._ ~ BrllC't1 r.-.. ~ 1 (YI p )! ~ -~ p ,. om.-. c· a .... °"" ... Jn'r•"l"l<'I" 11-1) Ta)~ .1~ 4nMM~ .1 ~{' l...t'U .... ("'(-G~ ~...., ""......._ W Mtrntm1.-r ....... ......__ •OO A )I _;-nnr x om.-. c· , .._ o..._ J nJlf't'(1 ~ '" s. )I PsT J~ ~ ("' R >11<'".a:l JudJ:" \·1rn'1U C" Pat\olnlaa. R~n It Prn:RSI~~ l""'11. ~CT~&ry Pub -Apr lt' )b) : 1 ' l~ F,r,. I 1 "' r,,f ... .r \\ 1 { rt1f.. • f • \\ \t ' I .• • --I ... . ._ ,\ ... r• .... r •t.1 ' R• ' " J: \f!lll I • 1 ·,,n1n.1 t!1 I \' t ·, <' IJ 1.:t'" I\ ,\ 1 ., . ' " Portable \\'f'lcl ing BurninJ! I j'} '.'-"J ... \\'l"I lftT \\T Ln1"1 ~ :'FR\'JC'E ll 15'H-J 3~" 5'h ~I. llflll>tl I >111 d1 'll.'.11 •.111 f•t1 II"~ l:1u J.'11w1•l.l {!'"'"" ~1·"1''"' •q ;, 11 1 1 Ro)''~· 11.11\ \\ I·, 1111.il l'h111\f' llarl""' ~•';'I t111 • .,.71 HARBOR Furniture & Transfer BONDEO And [:"SURED A Good Buy ... Is a Wise Buy ~ U1 Help You Re Wile --COURTESY SERVICE- C'hrnml' Platrd Swing Faucet• ~9 50 ,·atuc SS.95 FR EE PLUMBING lJAyout Service FONTANA PLUM'RING 1962 Har'?<>r B!vd. Costa Mese 23041 S. Phone Beacon 5538.J Coeta Mvs8 J'llt1' ~,\:'\l~l\.AL W. Nl'wport Ave. Phone &aeon 6041 37-tlc COOPER.A TIVE 34-tt• ROOFING CO. '11'atetM9 -CJoc:b -J-*7 New and Repair CRJtONOMETERS .,_ ~ 6:211 ....,.... -Prompt &nb SQ .......... ec.ta Ma& Semlble Prtma »-tr. VAN DRDILEN -------1----J E W E L R Y Wallace Ca derhead tTll N.wpart Blvd. eoeu ..,.. W A~AKER J f\\T.LF.R 3-tlf DJGRA\T,R 117 m A...ctr m Glf\\'AY <DllOSA DEL MAR. 1·AUF. ~-:-Jtc FI o w e.r :: For f:, l'T'' ,,,. l'I •n C'nn."1~1'1> \. , .. , 1 mtnAf'WAY n.0 w n: :"H11P l1'f' Rrf'>.ltf\, ;'I\ 1 ·,.,.. I \\ < t Shop. 1" 11•nn :...: _ ~ ; Rom,, Bc~ron :-.1• '-\I r.q , •.• nREWOOD OIAROOAL It BRJQU!!'TS PROMPT DEUVERY Wright Lmnber Yard 17'M Nf'WPCM 'Blvd. COSTA MESA 8nL'On 586!5 FflR ~ALE Rt'l11;lum Rro\i-nin11; 1 ~ l?AR:\ll' automatic !'hot ir:un t "sC'd, l'Xcellrnt rondillnn $7~ 1131, '.\tariM ,\\'f'. RA\hna l~l- 1\nd 70-p-72 FOR S ALF. -Small ~as h<'at<'r. llli11hllr llllC'd, elrctrlc JZIC"'' hNlt· l'r. l'll'hlni: prl'ss. 4 ~ inrh<'s x ti 1, Phnnl' llarhor 13.">6-R • 70-p f)('ILL Y For lraill'r, 11srd nnN'. Tllll ~111rx, Munirif)lll Tratlf'r Camp 70-p-71 Rl'G ~tATERIAL For hrn111rrt And h"''kl'd ;\I'\\ F:ni· land t11 .. 1i:n< llnnl<< fr-:im<':< •" ntrhl'". <'tr Inf11rn11111nn nn rN\llf'•I r () Il"X 506. flnlhfl11. l ·1111forn1n f1'l· llc FC >R ~ALF: SMwhlrd, f'Xr<'ll<'nt <'ond11i nn, n('w S8il. \all after ~ p m Ill 423 Goldrnrod. CnroM d<'I ;\lar 70-tfc Buy of the Year ll<'a,ily rnn~•rucl<'d 47 ft Pow- l'r 008t. Built and design<'d for ~port fl~hinl? In Mexican Wotl'rs f:'!rl'll<'nl for charl<'r work If de· !'lr<'d N<'w engin<' ?"l'W l?<'nl'ralor -Tll'W ~talnl<'Sll !'IE'f'I I!"~ tank~ Nrw llhlp In Shnre flhOn" EXC<-ll<'nt 11ll-wr11thrr bn11t nff<'r<'d al sm11\1 fr11<'1iC>n nf today's r<'plart>mrnt prkr Anr hora1tr of So C-111\L 34411 \'i11 OJlllrlC> ~""llOrt l\(>ACh. \111\f IW-<'·f~ f'(IR !'ALE Pr81'1iC'all~ n1'~ 1i:i.r.- LOVELY, LARGJ=:, ml\(ll'rnly fur- nl!lhcd sunny hedr!'<lm Prt\':ll<' hath, pri\'81<' entranr1·; 111~0 nl'W bC'droom. new hc<I. ~11il:ihit' for jt('otleman No !'mokinit Cir drink· Ing. 19.t6 Harbor Bl\'d or call fl<'acon f\127-R. 70-c-74 FOR RF.NT~5ummer monlM. 4 ))('droom housP. 2 blocks from h•)'. 315 Goldenrod, Corona del 'Mar. H arbor 1987-J. 70-'! Or\E :!-room apt .. one 3-room a pt., ont> 1-room o11nd kitch<'n <'tre. Adult!' onlr No prt~ or drlnklnit. 1923 Anaheim Aw ., C'osl8 Mt>sa. 70-p-72 Ne~11-Tlmes employ~ wanta 2 bedroom house preferably un- furnished on nlnt" month• basil. Call Leon Wllllams At Harber 13 51·tfC 1 ·1111ty plywond hn11 1. r.r<'y mA---------------· rinf' l'nl:inr 1.4;; \\"1th mnMtn'! ll&l'lfT, ~118 61 ~,,,. Sfll pm nr ~1tnil11~ 111 S r nr1 tir T op117. 129 T(>pa1. R11t- l>n11 l!'land. 6!l·p·7fl .t200 ~'l foot ind11111rl8l bulldlng for rt'nt or ll'ate. Phone Hlllllck 1551. Ho\l;,"'·ood. 61·Uc Frederick \\.~er- 11t-a1tvr :'1'6tl .L PM" C., Ha-, LB St""....66 ~ ~ Oi;:.;::ClO;::;:;lllC~~ ...... ==;;;;;;;;,;,---~ .. • 8edroam 1-nfo ... ---.. !"--i-1 hlaa4. ~ ~.fl. "' •·ater fromt. Jmt,.. ._ ,_. family .... ,.... ....._ ..... furni~. F~ ,_ ~. com(anallir "'1illlc. ........ Otl'ftft" will filiwr. I , h ~___:m . Bit ..._ A--. s-'Plrt BNdl.. SJ~n --------------------------- Year 'Round O f")l\l_ Ri::'iAL Corona dd ll» Brand tww, smartly de· ~ apart~nl .,,h :irtistic n*Jn. \-.rw all ove1' town! t;n. f..--htd a t SlllO month, or own· ft" will tuniiilh. JO~ E. SADLEIR SADLEIR le SMITH 1506 ar '°' Coast ffjirhway 11.inor 7.U or 242'1 CORONA DEL MAR A BEAtrrIFUL NEW 2 bedroom b9DW. Fittpl~. 1ara1e, paUo ot flaptoM with concnte fence, Verw9an bl.Inda, rup. Spa.oe on lot for extra room or l"ft'ltal unit $10,000 SEE THI$ HOME AT 4.12 o.hUa Ave .. C.orona del Mar. de COST A MESA $7200 :.> fWroom Home. Double carqe. Good loclltlon. Immtdiate pot· session. Phone owne1'. Beacon 6189-M. 63· lOtr Owner wtll sacrifice equity In l· bedroom home· for $1850. Nearly new furniture. Block from l'l!W city hall. Phone Harbor 689 or 1967-R. ~tc CORON.A DEL MAR a.AL DEA'B ........ • ------------ FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 BEDROOM. HOME NE w 2-Bedroom. llvins rm. kitchen. d inette bath. 1howtt over tub. 2-car carase. double laundry. All u tUIUf'S In and con- nected, lncludln1 wwer. Pri~ $9600. T~. Multiple llatlna No. 224. CASH -Fara_. ... _ k BALBOA ISLAND near ~ ...._ -'TWO w .... OCllH ~ in ni~ er. DO ....... '!lid .. ........ loC'a.f--W -th bey. Comer Balt>o. A: Pomona. Colla Mesa, l'm\alnlnc detail.I tlnll""2 u deal.red if boU&hl NOW. 69-c-73 11&8-W. ek-l9 $14,500 PRIVATE P.urrT ...... .. ... N VI II •ith oswr ,_ C.-. ,_.a_., FOOR BEDROOMS. four baths. ew ew ome U. Col. F. C. Venn Realtor HARBOR Sl-W C'f'11 2 ar J ~ ~ ill htlo. OVD.LOOKING Entil"e Rubor eo.u Ilsa ar 5-1. Am&.. 1'T1tt t'>S:. OOO --. I br., bdw. fJoan. ~. must -1c Caal! Br. ~, • ~ and lmklil-W 707 1rta St., Orona del Mar M-c-70 5127-R far 4 a -, ... '»«-~ L I ~ w 0 0 D v I c K ::s::-1...i. nw ftwt w.'w 110m ~ &a&1r • ......,,. _ Best Buy in Newport Reahor RALPH p MA~ NEWLY DECORATED. unturn-LOANS 'IO llVIU>. U&WCHll 312 lbrVw A'ff-. Balboe Island • I.shed. Block from Udo theatre BUY. :::::::;.;;:-°' HARBOR 2042 Mll W . Central Ph. . .ai2 Immediate poalffllion. Call own • We 8m:r nm& 0... 16E C-.t Hiway. Corona tlel Mar ___________ .. _tk_ er, Harbor 1336-J. 68-c-70 NEWPORT Ml BOA l'FJWWN ' HARBOR 1540 FOR SAI..E-4.5 foot lot on OceUI LOT FOR SA.LE SAVDIGll A LOAJ( ASI. AT C"OftONA DEL MAR Blvd., Balboa. Priced below tit> NEWPORT ISLAND -~ sm Via u.. PIL --Bii Some House Buys daY• market. Ph. ~•con SutN corner R-2 lot. 9ldrwalka uL G-de U pavlna both 1Jdee, all utWUea. ;:A.;;;111';;umol;;;-.;;5iiiiwNia~a:-;1 iiiiiiim-~--I BR Homr S6200 COSTA MESA-Five room modern Paul Lund. 6806 Ocran Frent ------------I BJt.. Honv So. of Hi.,'a)' $6950 completely furnished. 226 Broad· Newport Beadl, Calli. U Z BR Humt. Partly Furn $7000 way. Priced right. Phone 5888-J. 2 Model A Fords Z BR :-WW H~ $9000 62-tfc MALIBOU LAKE 2 B.R ff~ \"tty Fine $9500 2 BR Jlomr' A lk>auty $9600 FOR SALE-By owner, new 2 bed· 6-RM FURN. HSE .. boat A dock room stucco. double ga1'age, two Bl& ftrepl. Fllh A Swim. S8000 FOR SALE-UNI Pl) nc"' cwll. ~ paint job .... bra. ...,.._ ft'. Call CM9ft'. a... .... si~n l..OrS-Good kvel lots Hilllidr. Lots 9f}.ft. Corner W. J. Holcomb IS17 c-t Hichway C'aro9a .. llar SI~ $1000 m oo FOR SAl.£-IM5 C ' W ~ ttW FJ.p ny" 9CIOOter. Hist 8J ..... DIMia. '10-c· TI ear-.. Ms. S.-'12 "1R u•• .., --a aou °" '1llB sn:mT: ro Pst ii '9 9-C R;. AC-._,., ia a ....... My C.. _.. ,_ ... But 111m It WAS llO BAr...&DI e THE JICJm•I ·. llalrir a CAot BV1' Al Geo. Euton Ca l 420 So. Jim Samia Am PH.. S.A. .. 5-la Am Aft. Near the coun- try c:lllla. l750 .... up. Euy --.. CaD ,,.__ K Cartttt. ....., Hm1lar m -R.. 7tk DREAM LOTS ."S..,E..,Wni'Olt'-... .. T .. HARBOR Arn, 5 min. · fnm ..... A Tadlt Harbor. on dwiwsc Sanra Ana A\'e. 180 dlf>. M.200. l 2'h300. $3500 Wral for" R.anduto. ~lightful ~ and l'lf'tghhorhood. Don ~n Castaways C I uh. · ~ lk>at·h. R.>acon !>165. 69-c-73 ------------\\.f W.\'-T Tt l ~l l••W YOI' .1 'l :"F\\' S tud··li,,l;q l' 'Ui h -' ""-<) .11,,....0 an .1 , ho11•1 lo1·111ion, duh ;..11 1•wl :.:;• '"'-"" 'f'-'':' r 1 .. m.111• r Int :11 imm•.tJ1111r dt>]J'•-n lots. 145 Cab1'111o St.. ea.ta or tr. for cab. crul. _Phone Art Mesa. 67-p-70 ·Jones, Citrua 12997, Glendale. Be Wl9e -Advertlle S7-22tc EVA F. RHODEN ... .::_ REAL TOR NEWPORT HEIGlfl'S. New 2 bdrm. home. In a lovely neighborhood. stucco outside, r•aster inside. comer,~ sink, ~bath, $7950 ful price. $1250 down.· New 2 bednn. home. partial view ot Harbor. comer tile sink, hdwd. nrs.. duaJ furnace, doubloe gar. On a fine comer lot, in ·restricted zone. Priced to seU at $9200. Terms. We have 8 Newport Heights building lots. from $1350 to $1500. Buy safely in this lovely l'Hidential section. but buy soon while you st ill have choice of location. U you want water front, here's a :l bdrm. furnished home. Has pier and float. barberue. Man~ $18.000. COMMERCIAL M-1 ZONE. 90' x 9:r lot. Has nice l be<inn. home and douole gar., also s mall utility bldg. Iri<'al for whse. or light mfg. husi~c;. Full prire ~17.000. This is nN\I' the nev .. · city hall and L'Cn- tmlly lOl·atPd to the Harbor Area. ('OSTA '.'vfESA. Duplf'x. Branon<"\' on G1 ' x 140' Int. Hcntnls c:in show you I;{ Jlf'r N'nt on your in\'N'I · mC'n1 . P.oom for a notht'r clt1pl<>x. Ownf'r is S.'lc'ti f it'- ing this rin1• inc·om1• prnpc'rly for ~%00. --.- Bf\'ERl.EY H 1:1\l.TY CO. ( ;1.,\J)\'S Hl-:\'l·:Hl.EY. ltt·:1 lt111· ~11 East Cc1 1tral. Ra lhoa l'l1t1111 "' ll:1rhor l iS."( 11rnl l ~lX NEWPORT BEACH -t )Ot!< \\ llh ;\ hot.IS&').. 0 1w h OllS4' has :..! t)('(fl"OOlll nnd bath, II\ Ill~ l"Ot•m. r1n'pliH''· k11t'h1•n lllld dining room ~"·oncl h11ildillg •"Onsists of 1..-0room, kltr h<'n- Pltt". h.tlr bath 11ntl launilrv room. H(•nr h1'MtS(' 1....0- morn. hath. li\'ini.: m1)m . in1').:1' k i1t·h1"'fl nncl st•f'\il'l' room ·ni~· huildings at'\' ull nh't•ly f\lmlshed. Vf."ry ~ooct llPA n •ilini.:. l in n>ar of st~·ornl lot is n l'l"nlNlt blOC'k :!-c:ir ganil.(t' with 11\·c·1·l111mcinK door und store ~111 Also :..!-<'hlmn1•y harl'll•f'tH' pit with ovf'n and gnll 'f11p two lots a rt• h1i1·k walk'<I 11nd lnndo;;capcd. Othf'r :..! lots art' 4:>x9!i in m mmt•n-inl ('.t 7.ot'l('. "'hii-h m:ikPS it c'"\'ll<>nt irn·nmt• prop(•rty. $26,500. Te nm 7()(' Blanche A. Gates-Realtor Ginny Gates 21 2 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island D~y Ph~: Har. t fl71 -J; llnr. 10."W-J • Bves.: Jlnr. 746-M: Hnr. 1117-M ;..i.11(11111. h1 .. 114· 114';-!f' h.1~ '"~' flam ...... , 11o r :\.11111111 h 1>1111• 1111 Ill\ ,\\•• t'um M o :'lf•il•). l.on~ly Pl·nm~ula I lomc ;\ 11111111... Fm-.o&.4C\' 1-•n;o· ,.,.., .. , :u ft l.an1l"4·:4111-cl .. i1m1...tto~t "~· •••tt•) fnlnta.,...-. SOL ITI I COAST REAL TY 00. J~-. <;1~·1."'" n •. .,_11 • .-.....,. C.rimras.. Sn*« JOSt'phlnt• \\'~•. H.-..llnr ''""" tt Klatt. i........ 302 Main $Cfft1 HAI .Jtl lA rlL tlart.lr 2004 7k BEAOONBAY St•v.-.nal ~ homrs in U-~ trwt a,.. bPlng otff"rf'd. aJJ ~ llu;)"s. ( t ) Undrr ron.tlurtlOIL l lwclloom. 2-st«y. unit hHt ...... to .. ...a~ .... y . IDMIY ~ WiWll fc-.tun-s and awturr ,_..._ Do.,.. tbill a.. fan-)'OU~-1-larblr 1776. t :l I A t.on.. fftlUnd in ..._. aml Gudlfft. uvm.c room and ·-•·l _... wwy lar'llP nr. (llac,-. :\ btdrolJlm.. 11<: ........ ...S bNutiful OCM'ttf'd pcaUo. l>rttmod ridll-Hartlar 1776. (:I t Bayfronl t..lmr. 4 ... .._ ...S n.apa n1om ·Al~ ,..., You _. f'ftjoy ~q this hr-eutiful t.c.... ridtl cm U.. ......_ Pm only $'.\~t:...cWl Shnaa"ft ..,. ............ llarW 17W. ·· CLIFF-HAVEN ( ~'4"tioi•U..C ~ .... 11.ubor BA b.EB~Q').J.ft~. -ll~~.l-.brAA...l!~~~ 0t:).....-----1-__,,,;pic.~~~:ac:r;...-~-~-~c.~ ... ~ ..... !"'rr Ne •por1 t&ar· xw whkh nfff'f'S n.n1....-~ of Cl.IFF· Co1111•r lot: 50 fl . front a~<>. S!1,IJC)O 110. l.ooct itll'11mc• Pl~\J)('l't~" 1\w1 :..! n H \lllils Oil 1'0 11lt'I' lot. I ~'l'. •>Id. ..'urnisht'<I. ~:!:1.000 oo. Almo-.;t nC'w 1 RH. h <llllt' with fi1,•p h1c'I'. pn m u· nf lot. Honrn IC'ft 10 huild Onl:.· ~ 1 :1.:"111 on. CORONA DFL MAR l '11nh).t11wtihl<' °'~'illt \'ic•w 1101111• with :1 H.lts Fur- ni-.;h1~I for $14.000.00. ~"· no\\! 2 B.IC home on rear of lot "with rvom lc•ft to hulld. Partly furnish<'<"! and wry a ti r:lt'tiv<'. $7500.00. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Complete view of harbor and surroundlnK area. 2 B.R.~. dining room. den. fin-place. wood nOOl"S and dwble garage. $1 2.600.00. See rur :l R.R. horn('<; from $12.GOO to $1:l.~.OO. ~ 8.n' really HOMES! COSTA MESA 2 B.R. home\\ 1th .cJ.·11. h;1 n lwood noor~. fireplac-e and dot1hlt> gar.ii!<' wit h \\;..,.lwucorn \'t•1-y diffc•n>nt 11 n<l well built in n"'I ri1 1.-.1 ;, ,,.a I ,;1Jl(1Sl'l1Jlf'Ct O nly $1 2.000.00: Set• our low tin\\ 11 p:a \'nu•nl 1101111•, 1111w' BLANCHE A GATI:~Rt·a lto!"!'-GrNNY C:ATF.S 711.1· HARROR INVFSTMENT C:O. HEJ\l.TOHS llAVl:N. l..ari....,. kl4,_ ffra~ ~ l'\'*<ttw n -,.tri111nns. Wadr-..trrt~ of hnlnr clrAo& A'Wa¥ fmm t ramc· <'4n-..: tot........ l 'mfnnn s1fft't t .... plimtin~. Frrti9'> ~ .. 1 t.1'1!W" to .+.ooh • ...,.,..lit and Uu.• l11·:1d' <All Mr. s...t...-r. 11iwu1 57!J5.. C'.ORONA OEL MAR I li1.:hway frnnta,.,~ .,.,.. Jt\ ...... al $20) a fnJllt f11114 ( •1tt1 llart.ur ,..,.., Mr U.rir!r. or llrs. Maroon. .. :Xc"l"ll•"flt lnc"CWfW' '°"'"'''......, _,.,..,. ......_ cin one lo4 t:am a ,.,...,blilr Ne•1MI Ymtl ~ All fumWl~ dr~ bJ • ..a.II _. ewe t I by Ba.rk4·r HroOwn. (al Hartlar 1646.. lln. llaraan or Mr. Oa~. Conmlt U1& for two ..,..,. .._... W. llnit .._ at $9500, '9R!IO. $10.000 _. •~ a.a lll:Aw 1646, Mn. Maroon. LIDO ISLE North shone :t brdro<wn t.... with 1*r .nd lloat. U you huV(• a boat )"OUll bkr this ..... ~ JlutJor' ton 11nc1 i.Q( '""" Mr ~ for an ... ..,..,..,, to~lt. N EWPORl RfACI I \.\'El.I. lllTll.T. nr.· hr11n1· •1th b:rp ._....,.., and ~111-;1~1• lf;111l••f•wl flc""' f fa, , ....... ,1 ,.Jty nW>n\ ov.-rltw,rlkinr """ 1tr-r:. w ... tk*"" tWana ... ol ~ Oty hnll. I 'ru~· ~7;i11 "'cth \•"f') £~Jf"lff '"""-"' Call Mllry n wk ..... 1n al llarl .. ·r 111 1 ·~ HAI.BOA t•:'>;1 ·h1,1w·I\ H.1\ 1 ... 111,1111 h<•r-•· •1th 1•r.11wkti.nd viPw "' tho• 11 :11 l••I t .ui:·· ,., ... "'.wt \•'f") ll\:ttl.lr. Splrn- rl1d '"""' 1 ... ,, Ii '"' •-fulrl"-n ~., ·••lt•oent•otlr-<. Prirt• :-. \7.~o1 111 lm111 ... ft•.,f I 1><!fll' 11.--.rf•or 1111 : :\M nq for \tr \1 • "111 .... ·\ r .. , ·•11"f411frfllt'fll ... ..., •• .11 iJ . "l 1 '"KJ l!T'L ~11."l 1J H hi !~ I •E \U 1: ~I 1.f.011 ~1 'R~,$11 F.D F:xr't'll1•nt 1.; :1ct'f', facing on t\\'n s11"N·t ~. $1:\So . Old1•r hous. • on 1 '.!I· ~ I If I' Int. Corn•·r. :I\ 0t ·;idq I"..-.:. :,..,,·, f111il I l't 'i"' Cl'ilJll"' and 11'·1T ll'"· SH~>llll. Tf'tm:>. · ,",\llay Co . h a"\ClllL'lll Si>FC I ,\I. ... St t MMEI~ f~t:Nl Al.S I ,,,. ,,, I I• •1·1 11· flt~~ '.'••\\ 1 ••I I H , 11 ..... :l 11 '> \\ C" ·1• 1 ,,._,,..,. I~.# F1 •I: ... \I I J''I I , .... •••. , ~ • • j •• " •• : ': . ~ • tr:-: t 'I ,Jl,11 '1 I• I ,, \ Ill "fl I l , id '1 ... . ~ ., . p., .t('• ltl t~J _:\J, •I 1 ··~-1 ••• -· . -· '• ' . -_J,.... ; ... id jl\ .. -!: •• u.-r,,~ Ql' \r.n·p_-: '"" •m· 1 .. tJ. • ,..,-fio "n•')lf• \\tlh , .! t lr l .. ..... • \t.1.11.,r.1 ,••r •i2 \\ 1!1 1: P· 1\\ ! IL~ 1nol . i ·• J: r1:~"l:l1f r:1;\:-:T .1t .J .. .\. BEF.K ( >Fnc 'E f" I ''-I I• 1•11 }-', rr~ l-,1 rHf1ni: fi9-c-71) di .. tr-.... c!1if\ 1 l• t I \\"111 t I ··1 t ~,.-.4 I 1 . ·'~·------------- ·::7 Uld:-fi ~Ian C oa:'t )fotor Co~ Bo. <ll'Ol1 6-» 1 ('l()FI Ct"< q J·IJJ.:tra •r 4ii). I r c '31 CifE\'RCIU"'T "'"..ti". r ood i:r- and pain! I' .t• TTY"'"' Jl'J1 "" ..... 1 haul1-d P h lhorl<CJC l.Jl'6.P. ' ;r'Jl<-02 • Steal of the Week~ Rictn in \.ht' bl:-. just off N"'"JIOl'1 ~ Clll tlw East aide ~-thlt Br;and ~ ......... ~oom bcllm. only $7500 $1000 CASH •111 handle lhll tunmlwd ,,...... ~ooin ~ oa tbf' U. IMf.. FULL PRJC'E J\.ST M.90li" 1'oa must SEE tJdl! G. N. WELLS. BROKER GEO \' F'OX. cw-m- JOE J.!cKEE. Salrwnac f' E RU1M'1J OfflOP l 79"l 1' ""lJOf"1 Rh id C.QC't.a )leg C"Ma M~ I"\ ~ Sl.111 »<· You .-\rl· "RH;HT" <m the 8.-\YFP.ONT \\ ,r h il T'1t r ;rnrl r l11.1 I (in R:illY>a lslnnrl .- Thr· • R .. rtrnnm~ Furnished .! ~·nn nn Snuth A11yfront $31_5oo On"' Story Home On East Bay Front 129,500 SlllaDn 2 Bedroom Honw fli'RNISHED ee.t Location Far Uw 1'il!lt LocatkJna can Rarbol' 82..W fn'"'B POWERS and JOfC'O B PRENDERGAST at J. A. BEEK omcE S... 111'.and Fen-y Lanclinc 69-<:-70 EVA F. RHODEN REALTOR 470 Newport BIV<I. Phone Deacon 5711-R Ewnini::s l l:lrbor ltl21-J or &neon ~77!'1-R . ilk BRIGGS BEST v + B U Y ~ LIDO L"U·~0:1•;11· duh :! B IL h1111...l'. I. H . dirn•ltc'. kikhl'n. full hath. 'l 1·;1r gar .. \\';all<'ll in p:1ti11, ind r~ngl>s and l'f>frig. S l :>.X00.00. Trm1s Sl!MMF.H Hl-:NTALS in NC'wport B11lhna..,.CM<lna rlC'I Mar. Fred BRIGGS Tressa 6.14 Coast J lig hway Phone Bcarnn ;,778 70-c AT CORONA DF:L MAR New 5 room home. Cente r of town. H.W. noors. tumace. 9500. • Furnished beach cottage. RE-ady to move in. $8;600. Canyon and ocean view lot. Fine resid. sec .. $2200. Level lots. Including S('\\'er. For home or inv~t­ ment, $1870. 60 ft. business frontage, center of Caur. fa«test gl'O\\'- tng city, $1 6.000. Beautiful home over ocean. S7.000 takes it. 5 room home. Double garage. H .W. nOOl"R, fireplace, $3.000 down and it's yoon. New duplex. Heart of Corona del Ma r. Excel1£>nt in· vestment. $15.850. 3 unit furnished apartment near ooqan. Annual In- come S3.000. S23.500. Beautiful l 2 unit furnished apartment ov('r llall.ioo Bay. Decontrolled. no vacnnctes. Excellent residen- tial section. Pays 20 per cmt. $83,000, 1,:.: cash. Sec Mr. Conklin TiiE TAVERN CO. 1301 Co.1st Hiway ltarhor 1711 Corom1 11<·1 :\tar l 70-e !\t;t\' ('u l 't1ll!d1t'l 111("1 I I• 11 1•1 Is I :A:'\ I l I 11 .. 11 , • \I 11 Ii I \\ , I :t._ II flltl 111 ill lo11f t.-·r• t, ror :11ldilll01\,d l1111ldpl 'I' Ii l 'PPEH B~v 11n:-.11,;~!J ~.1 r .. ,, -.1 n1 lt'(f .111""""' I ,• 1 (h~rm pcrs1111 1f11.·1.I I : •I rill f , \I f ,t I \ • lid I I Ir I I IJI of 11111 1111 1• II.It I•,,• 11111 l •I i• I "l',1 ,'I 1. 1111t111I "" • ..... l.IJ)() ISi.i ii flo•\\ I• 1tllllotll\ ftll'I I 111-f) lw'.tll lifullv l11trll .1114' t~·111lit 1 ill\ I .cod ··q •d f'1•1l1.tl11\ thr rii1 · ..... 1 1 l•· J•I .111d '.4'11111'1 .i 11 1111•• m 1·111 \'Ill! h .1 v1· evrr ~· .. n . 1111 1\ I l··dr1111111 11111 "''·" " l11 .11w /\11d PRIC1·:1>Bl .. l.I1\\' l••la1. ·, r'"I" o d 111 111111 ,.,,,, I .1•·1< .it ii and s.'f• 1f ,,,.·11· "''' 11•!1111.· '"" tlw 1111111 ,,11 .. 11111r.a\r11 .tl •I•·11 ·1·111 ... 1 Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! WP u mmll v don't lik1• tlaf• word 11111 \•.:1•f,...tr•r '-''Y" it mcnn.o;; "Roug ht or !-''lling a t :1 '"'' 111·11'1• ''.rist in~ little <>lfort to nht;tin." Sn it'<; thr r111lv wnnl thut describes this hrnn1• ,,,, Bi\ I.BOA ISl.ANI > 11E.~i' location a nd only nf'Nling ~urn•• J><iinl ;end a strong arm, $12.000. Commercial Industrial M· 1 lnd~triaJ Int WlTI 1 a fair c·omnlf'rl"iA I hullding --comer Joc-atioo-f1•n1'{'(f AJI for $:S7~,{). "IF YOU w A NT IT. WI-: llA VE rr· Harbor Investment Co. Realtors ~at W. Oentntl Ave Harbor 1 f>OO 229 M11rine. BAlhoA 11'1and JI l\rl)or 13. '\ 1 70-C F.AIU . W ST ANl.EY IU:A.1. l' lft I. I ..... E R ' :• ,: G Rt:ATEa ". I. \& I'•• RT HAR 80 R 3 l 1.'l W t 1':NiltA I. ~" A.!"1'• IR VINI! llTS. :-; . ....,,.n Jlo-11 -~., ~ 17th tUll1 r"O A!f'T Hwy ~ MAft.C'-~ A\'T. 61.S rr>AST BW'f. Nrwt,1r1 nMwil ltaJt.,_. lll9d r-cW .._ 70.. ltt• COllONA Of L ,\1AR Ray View South of I li~hway Bcautifuf New Homes at Whol~lc Prices Jt:~-r <X>VJl'l.F.'l"fD BuJltif-r hu only f'a'f) left in th1' drsiralW dlstr1r1. and will ..U at w..-:wlP prier n~ ~~ tu.\'W" J.U•r dam ~ windows. nai.~ n,..-pla~. mid t"athndP fhaw'""'"'' c-on-~ ll~tlng tn u~ rorm. douNP floor~. oek noon. ~ an-~hr&™ with ~ In ldt· men and heth and ttw-int,...._ i.11 r-......t with ha~ wan pla!dtt thr'(JUKhoul. DoublP ~with~ way, waJka &nd ~hinK ~ APPRAJ.~FD AT $12.!iffl tO'fr, DISCOUNT THIS WEEK H~ -Rl-aJton -f1lloatlP 0.0 ... Ira Goodpasture. Buildln~ Contractor ~ Tk-acon St . N4"9.,,,..., I~ PhooP 8eacOn fl226 11-c.• ---.. .................... ____________________________ ~------------- J .... / AROUND THE HARBOR, ON THE MESA . . " Social A _ctivities 1-tu, 'ldilU/-' &~ .. Two-Day Pageant For Sif.,er Jubilee 01 S~ttru Chu-ah 'Ca/ii. Way ol Lile' Is Monday Program For Ne~port P.-T ~A. I ;.------< L11s1 1111'<'1 rn~ of I h<' St•llS()n for Nrwport B1•ndt El£•rnPntary sdtool J>un ·nt·'fl•ach<'r associa..- 11011 will lw I h<t t of Monday, May II. Ill 1,.. lwld HI :-:1•\\ purl ll1·11ch P~:-fl&A•OJt-IS, tta. Rf:S.: If.\. IU1·R Page 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8 -TlltF.K Camp-Rodger Vows To Be Said T oni9ltt At COM Clturdt i\nnounct m1·nt "11~ mad" today hy Falher C'hns1oph1•r J Hrnd· Brndll'y, pa-111r tof !;t /\new·., chur ch. $11111 It ~1.1111 St ti\ f\or· C'h11rd ,\\'I' tn S.1nH) An:1 <•f 1hr rom111g annual p;irt~h l1a1:t;ir Tlw h\\l,<111r, \\l1rrh 1hi~ yrar il' one nf 1h1• (l';1111r•'" c>f lh" Srll'l'r .luh1t.oe• \1•lt'hrallon tlf thP fUlri"h• " t'ht'<lul··tl (1>r SM urrlit) ;111<1 S111tt111y, May l;l 11ml It\. 1111 1lw p11r1 .. 11 pr111wrt)' school. t'1UUA \' ~ .. ) U , llM" Newport Beach WSCS Hears Letters from Overseas, Plans lor Church Dedication June 6 '. f<T-\. Pasadena Zonia Club To Sponsor Newporl Harbor Group I ·. \fr \\ ' . \\ • 'lo.f ' I f1f f I •' • I .o \f '·,,,, ,, ~,,, ' • '1' l~1q·li I' 1·,1 •••• 11. .. , , tl ,, • ' ,, '· f , .. ,,' • t.11r1 I Tl, .... ' I t -l "'ia,t \\ •I '' I "'•.t;. ... ,,,,, . " 11 "tllfl' ""' •• '. ·t t ~ -1 '· .. I.' ;o •1• ••.• ,, s • ~ hl I d.t lo t 11 I ·: t L t •' u f ..._. 11 I \f 1 ' I I., ., I I -••• :. \\J,; '" .... " If• 1 t P• ,_. ,. tJ If I -"• ,, . \ \\ ' I. I ,, ' , ~ 1,.\' A ,• ,, '· .. .. •I• , .. ,,,. , t,1 ,1 ' ,r •J \1 ... '' •• .,. ' ,, h f ft I t 1,i!I I I : .. tf ,.• ... )ti t\ fit-ft tdit l''f I " 1f• t •., ... f \\ t <111111; fl IM• J\11•• th• t•·••n\""' c,_.. ... , ... •1l ,, f 1 ••nt) ,t I., • ._ )•1 H •O d1 \ • •f"f\J• .\l.m11,-1111.;rln" nl• "'t",' \Ir• ( ",1m11 m•••ll· r· 1,r th< l•ndo ... ,.,,.~ "ill lt1· 11 .......... C-1ok .. l"vff• .... ,..., h"r~ d HU\lt'" °"tll j,. .,..f"\,~ :'I• fUt' Ch\t'-•n fttt ft., '"'-1'-•f/fi • flu ..... nod 1•rtnt "'11 h "'turn •t>o "111 "'••;ir liJ.,r k "' h"'4'ofl• ' Tht• hrrd" ·~ a nur .... · 1,n •i•o<ll d ut.\ in f>r"l\111•• h<.mM and 1tv hnrl• l:""'m " "'o,rkrni: • 11h ,,., fa1twr, ;, 1·1,ntnoMur Art .. t a h"fl"> muon an )l,.iurv• th" "'"'" M,-1tnd !ih'1 Camp Will mi.k .. th• 1r h<JfnP 1n Sf'111-por1 Dr. Harry Wltite At Christ Clturclt · S11n. I •r lliirry Wh11r pul•C" ,., llull•o;, h l:.nrl •tiap<'I '"'" •• 0 Thi' Zo11111 <'lull t1f ="•""l••rl 1·u1•.\ th• JIUIJ•ll .. 1 (~rut Chur.-t• llllrhur mf't 111 lltr· llnm•• nf Mr~. "' th. S." "" Sundd~ m.•rrun.- 1': t1 r I ~lnnky 111 FW111·1111 ll.1y "hlJ•· H1•\ ~ II r .. <Odo JI •111 Tu~day mi:lt• f'lans wt•rc• n•m· Jll• "' h Ht J-.n.·1nt!a< Ile•\ \\"1l pl<'lr-d fr.r lh" · 1•l111r1"r t..1ru111• t 1111111 M ...... "'" Y.1!1 1.r• <1m .. , 11..ll y.•htl'h "111 "" llr·lll 1<1 lhf' :-.;. "· 1 .... , fq . .,,.t <'has• I porl lfllrhor Y11d1t duh 1111 \\"od· 'rlw10 "111 t .. "" ... f"••• 1n 111•s1l11~. J\111y l•I 111 7 11°o•l1••k !\11~ Ith' 1 .. ·1t1 \11 llu.rl1~1 • hurdM~ "" Gll1dyli l\'m 1111111. pr,..;11f••n t 1•1 •'-S1111<t.n '"" ntn£. tlllTlll•~ ,. .. n s1t11•d fll thr• m••l'lin~ lllC "''h .. th• r• 111 ttw ""HI") T lw f'11~1<1l1•n:t ZQntH • llllJ "111 .11 \\ h1I• M• 1h1.,lt-t T•'l11Jll" Ar .... ht• thr Sf10ns<1nni: r tull t .. r t tw It• tm t" Ii• itr I •r ~.na • 111• ' JT' ,., .... '\;IC..lfT ,.,. Oran1~ 1 uunt~ !'1)1t11th11n )· orcfw-t.tra "Ith LNo ('llnto11 S."ln (p<'r('ht'it on .. _, at ricM 1 ._....... ,...., ''""''· "hl<·h J•nM·th'"" f'111·h Tlll'tW1''.\' 1•\'t•11ln1t at Uw lll(C"h !M'hool, 1,. m.IMl1• -. ., ~ el ~ ....,., ''""' hli:h "''hoot .. tul1'nt1t to &Jf'nw>n1t "'Ml up In >'""'"· Somf' of ttwm ...,, .. ,..,..,. ,.~ ~ ...... ,. .. ,..i..--1'"" In t»i: •·lflr,., olhf'n •rf' hoUIOf'"h·...,. ta11d bu...inf't>ll ntf'n. At , .• ,. ...., ,...rt_ ....... llw pa. .. t ...,,.,,.,n thf'y "-"" "'on muc·h llC'('laJm. TonJirht t!M-y ch"f' lhetr 1 .... 1 ._... rrrl.. -· .. ~ _.. ... i.. ... 1 in a hf'Mfll for the Girt !icuut bulldlnc fuad. GIWl!t arth•t "'tll bc- 'l.ars;a.rrt.,. I ' -., WMtMrr ' -photo b, C<-rhanll \T THI_ ''~·· ~L •AY )IAUt.T of !"t . .Ian-t:&M.,..upal ('hunh Potted planta and C'Ul nowf'nt In ~......, _. • ,...CtJ' ,..., .. ,.. uunr;f'd und4'r IC•\ 111;nh""na ... Ot!M-r boothi. """''"In tl\r rhun·h r lol1'· ~-~•Wt..-.... , . ...-,.,...._, 1n,.r planr .. ,,..lni: arran111'd b~· ~"· 8. ff. t 0MU1klln. ('.-nff'r (rl'llr) :\1,.,.. "-""" ~ ... !In.. IL P ottald Ha.II. (C"f'nt'ral dudmM'n. "atc-h arrh1nir CUNtJI. Jn fort'(TOUnd arf' •" ~. a., .......... ..._._ .... h r!Wrtnan (lf'ft I au;id :\In.. H. P. 84-n~r. pr...,ldrnt of tllf' Woman'~ Auxll· ~ trtcM1. phnt1, by Bt•rkner ll>l'nl i:roup nnli Tlll\n) nf 1 hl'•- P11Mdrn11 ml'mlK'rg w1ll nlll·nd thr ban•tUf't. flarrlrl Wood, y.·('11 k n 11 w n Long Jl4>11c-h haqusl wtll Ill' thP fe11tur<'<I art11t NeWs of the Churches Mills College President Scores Attitude Toward T eochers, as State PT A Speaker • • • •1ul ctuart of IA•ALAC lcr••• lna111el NPw m«'ml)('rs Wl'lroml'd .,.. r r<"; Frll'da Rt-11,fonll'. C<'lllst and conductor: J~an Whitt', \nt,nor dt'C'Orator. Hf'lf'n Pl'terman. Tl't'n •.JC(' dnrhlnc a nd Eva Rhod4-n. rt'lltor. f:lttll'd to M"rv" on th(' f'lll'· cuttve board with the orfiCTrs w'r': Marrarc-t Rrunln1t. 8for- nle1' Bitltz and Kathlttn Coll'· Flowers Feature Country Club T .a •Al.90°" l~l.AND CHArEL ,,. ,.._·"- "'-· Hal'rY• ....... . , ... ..._.. C'hurrb IV'-.& t • ._. MuratAc W .......... JI a.a. OUR LADY M llT CA_. '41:1 •-c...era1 "-8unda7 ._ I A m ... i• La. COSTA~ CO...Ul•UTV CHU~ ~ .. n.-e.-.......... •«-................. ..,... ~-:::'..:.•a.a. ;i:_.-..,....... ...:-•.:.:;., r.-. ................... ~----.1•..- ~""" DAV AOY£NTll1'S c:.--..... -..... c.-t11 ...... ~-­......................... ,~. , ••. dwta. f"ww:lllMc _..,.,... l l • -- ,, , ... T FOU...0VA"I. CHU .. Cff fl' CO.TA Ml.~ ......... c:..n .. . ....... -...... Cl .... .., ..... .._ ~ ..._ .. _NM ................. ._ --.--.~JI)~ 0-...~ 6 Jll pm --~.1, .. SA\ ·1u:-.n:~Tll, MA y 1-t -1t"l'l A Slat" PTA l"onven· t1on h<'rt' had blunt advict• from tkt-prttldl'nt of Miili college 1ht11 two w11ys ro nuS<> the stand- ar<b nr horn(' lift> lhrough t'du· ca tion are to let teachers marry and train some of them lo giv<' 1n1 .. 111arn1 ~x instruction. I •r Ly~ Whih·. Jr .. told the :.r.:''° dt·Jc-aatl'S to the •19th An-. nu .. I C-onvrnt1on of th1• l'nni;crr•ss of parents an<I tt>al'h••rs that .. tlwrl' Is no SUl'h lhmg as l'dU· cailon· th('rr are just tncher-1' ·· of s~·x t•oursl's sht•uld he S!)('l'· 111lly lrninl'd and 1ssu1'd l'<'rl1· f11'al('S lrl 1lw fil'ld. Thl' COUTSl'$ should llt' aupplt'mt>nted, he aa\d. with 01hcr11 in prac11cal family problems. · Ear lll'r, lhe dl'll'gates were told that Amt>rica·11 job in hl'Jr,. Ing rebuild the rHt or the world "Is a tl'lt or our capacity to rrro1?nlzr thnt a frtt world is 1101 nl'N'SSarlly a uniform world in the Amf'ncan Pfltll'rn" Job's Daughters 01 University Temple To Be Guests Here Tltt' nffatr \\ill ho· t11'1'11\'d al ;, 1• m ''" SA111rda~ ~f.1.' l.'i, with 11 Kirld) P.11.;.-ant Pit 1111· '<l"h••ol 1;rt111ncls c ·1i11ttr .. n • •f tll1• paUf't\ S('h11ol. ma-ko·d amt 1;ail~ r.>~1ltmt•rl, \\Ill ('1)11)111'11• fHt jll I/•'" fpr th•' h1·"1 !fro''"'''· fun11i.·~t. 11n<t most r·l11hnn1ti• tlro·si: i\ p;1r· 111li• pf part 1rtp:i11t' 11ruu111! th•· s<·htl(•I 1;1·c111nds \\di knd 11 .'\li1rd1 \.r;is utr to 1111• 1011(·n1ng .... ,,, .. mon11•s nnd nd<I intrrcst In lht• Srilurdny ('\"t•mm.: "''~!\•""· "hwh \\Ill ront inuC' until 11 o\·hwk R<'fr1'shnwn1s \I tll lh• ~ .. n •ti nr thr Chiltlt .. n's Bo<•lh Ill IM• r nnd11C'lf'cl 11,• ttw nw111l11•r~ or ~t Annr i. ~loftJl'r'' (;uild. anrl 11 ~nal'k Bar \\,II 1,.. llJl<'rtll••tl hy th<' younit ladit'S Clf SI . Annr•,; l,N11tuP It is confidently pre .. dieted by thosl' in chari:<' lhal lhc greatl'sl ronc·<'nlra1ion on lhC' s<·hool grounds will be :11 thC' Lunch C"ounl<'r to he <'Onducled hy the comhml'd sodctirs of the Th(' lor:il film. Cahfornln Way or Lift• wlll hl• sh11wn a11d liar· !Jor Mollll'rS111c<'I'~ will i:lvt• a Jl~Clj;r>tltl E\ t·r~ 0111' I,. Ill\ ll<'<l. ;\Ir-: 11 \I l~r)' '\'. flf•''ldcnt and :\It s 11 II llrll \\'tll n •port 11n th" ... , a I<' cun' <'II t tnn now in srssion. F1~ht It c r.1d1' n1u1 lwrs will he i. .. ,1.•i;,.,, 111111 """'" \'111ldn•n will ho• l'ttt'\•d fur hy Gu·l Sct111l s. \ll\1>111· 1w,.tJ111~ tr.rn~Jt1r1111kn "'" -nd l ~Ir• J o" ph HamlJld 11,.:.\'lltl ~.:t ti.\\" Nine Mesa Girl Scouts To Receive Tonight Highest Awards llr\!ho '' M\ard 11t lntl'rnwfl1att c.;1rl Sh1u1111g1 1h1 C~l'\·rd Rar, ,11J I h<' i::l\1'11 111111~hl • 10 nine l ·o,1a )Ito.Sa t;trl Seoul,; at a {°\ •lu·1 of A 1\ a rel.; to he hl'ld at 7 :34.1 pm· in 1 h<' :\lain school nud1lorium All girl~. 1191'rl number . of 1he Jn1<•mwd101 c and Hrowm(· troops wtll ht• pn•srnt 111 n·cc1ve ~hclr ad\'anreml'nl aw11rds_ parish. wht·rl' in past )'f'ars 1ho11-A/ G •Jd "~ t Mnds of 1as1y hot dogs and tar UI S Mee hundml~ nr lusr1ous hamburgl'rsWith ls/and Hostess h11vf' dc'lii.thlcd lhl' palatf'll nf an appt<"ciallv<' 1>uhlic Ml'mh<>rs of S<'rv1n1? a dt'S!il'r t lunchron. lhl' newly.formf'd Young Pcopll''I ~rs Ar1hur S lf'I:<' of Balboa Is· Club will tK• in chargr or lhl' hJnrl w11s hostess to memhc.•rs of Country Store. which will fn-the Altar guilds of the rhurct)cs ture dry gTOCt'rlt11, canned goods or St. J ohn \'tannl'y and Out and other pacllagl' il<'ms. St. Lady of Mount Carmel. Assist· Anne·s Allar Socl<'ly will conduct mg hostus was Mrs. Holt E. thf' Nt'edlecraf t booth. w h 11 l' Condon. gaml'S will be run undC'r the 1\1.rs. CI yd c Ashc'n pr csidl'd. direction of the mrn or lh<' UGiy Plans wen dlsc11sst'd for spon· Name Sociely. A J uninr Fun soring a hope chf'SI full of lim·ns. 7.onc, undl'r the watchful t>yl' A handsomP Lani• t'hl'sl hiiS bc•f'n of the Mothers· Guild. wtll rn· donal<'d and ml'mht'rs ha\"<' al· cludl' 11 F ish Pond. Doll Booth. n•ady compll'l«d rnnn~ arttrlet and Pc•nny Pitch for 1hc child· for ii. rcn. lurky "innr r ·nir i.:rand pnzt I hts 't'ar 1s a I !+lk t 111·\l .. lc•t Flr•rl~nslrr S1•cla11, n1mph·tl"l)I NJUrppcd find rc•:1tl) t11 run Fa. lhu· llr:rdl•') s1 ;i11·d 1<lrla)' 1ha1 111 k1·ts on Uw I ·11 .. , rol.•1 "·<I 1n arr sl rll 11\icul:tld•· .. nd hPI" tul l111~t·rs \\ 111 h<' tl•l• '" 11111 d1:i~c a~ m11n) a<: ma' '" \'""" rl rtd1t UIJ 10 lh•· lrnw tit.it 1h1• flr •• ""'ll 1s lwld :in<1 thr ;1\\;1rd mndr. Sunday's 11roi::ram will hl'i;in at noon nnd wtll fC'aturc 11 roas1 he-cf dlnnr r. prl'J)llrcd lfhd S<'rn•d under lhl' :1us111c1•s or tlw Altar Socil'I y w11 h tlw assisHmct• pf olh1·r p11rtsh groups . Dinnrr will ht• St'n "<'d conllnuously throui::h· out !hi' llflf'rnoon ;rnd until 7 pm. m lhl' IJllrtSh h ;ill on !Ill' st·honl i::rounds. 'rhl' l1111aar n<·t h·i1 it•s t•n Sunday nflcrn()(tn and l'vcning "' ill I)(' s u hs I ant 1 a II y the i; a mt" as~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; nn Saturday l'\"t'nini::. with thr odd1rion or l'Xtra added 1111 rac· lions. as yet no t dl'finll<'IY nr- rangt'd end still 10 be incor- porat<'<I In thl' program. The Crand F inal<.' or thl' event will ~ thl' lon1t·•W•itcd aware!· ing ol the major prize to thl' Lutheran Church Group Plans Early ancl Lafe Colorful Aw1in91 Sunday E~enh GAJU>EN • NTJo F.nttue Free ........ ,_....__ Ball and Chain cluh of New-1 port Harbor Luthf'ran churc-h will Senta. Ana r.itt ml'et Sundlly evening, May 16 a t I & A • C t he home of Mr. 11nd Mr1. Waynr wning O. 'Rul'ger, 34:.! Del Mar strttl. Costa ~===Jft=l~8o~. ~M~.a.~~llt..~=~i: Mt'Sa. The lime, 7:30 p.m. - ;s~~89¢ An unusually Iara• c-r o w d tur~ out tor Santa Ana Coun· try. cluh'1 bridal' tC'l1 on Wt'd· nf'Sd11)' wllh :.!() t11bltt in pill)' F lowl'rs w l'rl' £•\"('rywhrrf', all In .Jovdy ps111rt shnd<'S nnd IK'IJU · tlrul ?CWf'<'I P•'ll!I 11nd snapdr111:onto w1•re 11rran11:1'd on lh(' ll'a lshl<' wh!'r(' l\tni JIQwRrd R.11pp and Mri< R C lloil<'s 1)n11n•d. Coal..._. ~urcla'/a r.-•• t.e I IO Mid r..-1 IO l(I • p.a. a--. ~ ........ <Tl .... At 7:•. ......... , • ~ p .. _, .... ,...ntt;e. l"nlaT. 7 •• -'"""' 'C>trht ... '"Only 11 thin trickll''" of Mtlls n"•llf'g(' "itrltduatH. \Vhire said, art' <'nl1'rtng th<' teaching pro- frsslon "" said rhr main far lnr u1 not ht\•' ~"1>1r11•s HiJ:l(f'r r1·11· sons, W hlll' <i<'<'l11r"~· arf' I h<' fRrl Iha! marru"t1 t!'achrrs ar" not Wf'knmt> In mo!<! .«t·honl sy~­ trm~. nnd th•· 11pa111111 uf m(l~t NlllP£f' i.ttrls lh.11 the pultlw ~ 1· h <) n I 11·nrlwr tn mo~! <"Qm - mun11 ... ~ ··,~ ~upposo'<l lo 1 ... rt !4•rl or s1·n1lar """ .. This ls the tlub's r<'gular social mretin1t On Sunday ·morning they will mc<'l for an early brC'ak· M1"-" Jlln(' Hrt111'y w ill hll\"e fASt. l'VC'ryone to he at \hi.' !'hurch M hou~r guc-sl5 this Wl'l'k f'nd a t 111 6 :30 11 m an<j hrin1tin1t thl'ir fob PRINTING of ~lllllit11 • u , .................. ... ........ ,.. ,., .... ,., .. .. e-.1 .......... . ... ,.. .. ....,. flllillllili_.1 Offer, .. , fer ........... .,..,. COAST CONTRACTORS SUPPLY 1110 Cout Hlch"·a)' SF.WPORT REACH PlloM: ~-5~81-M GLIDDEN PRODUCTS Mo<11 11pprnpnal1· for thi~ fl\lral dli:play "rr<' !hi' tnhlr pnzr:11, K11y Finrh N't:imw ,·11~r« llO!Cf1•ss1•, fur thl' drt) Wf'TC l\tr8 fll'fh l.1rn~lt-.' unit M r~ lllanch1· Anth•'"S s •• 1.ol • 11.11r- m.1n fm l h•' m.1nth '' Mr~ ·rum ~T JO#,C HI .. c"v~ Oranee ..... ,. .... Wt_.. •tuo •"4 --.. Co .... llNu .,..,.,... .. 7 a.m dally ~und•)' ~ a m &JM! lrl a m Ct1nf,.••'""" Ha\ut't1•> • !i 11 m -' ":' ~ t• m. llr•ntlr r~llO f,T JOHP\I V1 °"1\1111£V C .. V .. CH ;\l1<t1) nwrnlu·r"I ll.10 1:11•·'-t" ~un.Ja> .,.!;'.~0~ ~·~"~,.d I•••,.. ;\11' ,\ ~ ~whrt1rl"•n h1•1111· 11"1•·'1 1· .. n1,.,.,.1r.r1P Nlluhla\ '""" ; 1" I<· ._, '*"""'• '' lt•1 f\\1t tuhl•'c; \rnon...: ~ 31.• P tn "'"'' 1·1··-0 11t \\l'l't' M 1 ~ ,. (° CHURCH Of" CHRIST ;\1 •i1!1·r ;\11' \\":11 r1•11 Fl..t.-11.-r Church •nd w.1,..,, .,,_,. Mr .. 11 .. \\ r.r.t n .• i...·1 ;\Ir~ Frnnk-L Du•n~ Canby. M·n·-1~· ~'' , •• ..,.. :-lt.Jnt1•" l rt a n BabA hn Burl-• ;\11-1t .. 1~-r1 In' 111 !'lu•I> 1 t ,. m M· m•n& •. ...,., 1, ;\lo • Jl,dl'h ;\\.1,11,) '""' :\Ir~ '; .. ,.,1 .. 11 1-°tnrll.1) EAT MORE f IStt , C1-4AIST CHIJACH av T ... I[ KA Cotnntu,,•t y ""f'1"~ •1 ,~ w .... c,.-.,,,.1 .. , .. ~ ... At~ C 0 Goo<k11 Pa-A1·n~ It I~·· t')1t1Nh ~ h1~1J ~)\I a rtl )t,r111n.,: \\' r•luJ 11 •t I-H \\ t ~' ''"•~·I ... \t , •• ,.,:: ••• ., • ' lt,thu1fUlf \'10\11h , t-'r JI,•• ..,,lt f• •t C 1 rn ~; ••• ,,,.JI If 1111 "'''·~-" M.-~,1'1K ••• ,, 'U• .. dt~ •n•t • \f"RtUf! •1f -.1 rlltifl• 4t I'm ... 41"d: " ....... , ST "'lllOACWS PRCS•V1'EfU#,!W CHURCl-4-,..CWPORT H#,"'9C)R H igh Schoo• L •t,,"''Y l~h •nd lr•on• _Po,.. ..._,, ... 11•am 1'h1tnh,.,h<•ll h t a..n1 lilvrtUnc .. ,.,.,.,..1p n... Thuma.. Ctl>•• paatl'9' llll1, Gra.nd \'anel &It.. .. lalan(J -1'"-• ... 11.a.rt>or JUQ.W ... A_.~ COfeON#, Dt:L .. A .. COllllWUNITV CHU...CH. co..iCl'ICClAT IONAL .._....,. rr,._,... \c"•oc~. 11110"'-.,, _. ... ,_ A,,. Co·o~a d•I M..- ~'-WL..) .lil H 1• I ._, .. f U L a f'lo..,...f'l • II .. 1 11 -.. .. .,.. •• ..,... ·~. , .. tttr ~F"MO• •• !'-.. , • • k ~·· .. t • !.t~ ... ; ~· "• ,...... r 11 ~" 1-:1rnrn r.r-l. • 4'P CHRl!Hl &,..~<,<1t. '1,C[ ru1sT CHl..RC .. o..-C•H~•S T. M:llE .. TIST" JlQJ " ~ '--•4o .n v " "-' •g.a 4 ·~· • n -" ... _ .. r '• 'T1M f"',..,, ., _..,. , ~ ..... , li----C•.r )I~.,, f'ua • ..,..tt.• · J:-._.._., !'-. • • ~~ • ' ,. ~tliMltY v,, ,. ... It .a r-"'''! -. •\-if '"'"• •--' ., , ... ~-,.1: I ·.,. Pt.Im ... ~ , .. , ' ... -,. '.. ,,,,.. 1 L .,., u:. ·: ,t ~. :• .. / .. "~~:1 'H • and -rt .. p-a' • ~1 • ..... ...._. ·•~ • .r ...... , . C 11:-i-li:•n ~"·, 1•ri· r,.,, • ''nrl .,,_ :H••t I 011 : .. r1a).4 • ,. .; '. .. •' ·-. ,. .. • ll ""'' • t •b• r • •I l.11:0 .... 1bat nto .. '~_aea· ,:,. .. I .. :"'"' , , a nd •A•• l "'I Jor1f,a~ ~,' , • An'1 ~,..' t 1' 10.. & .... • f t "-:-., t' I t bf"fll • 1:.oa •~It 11 1• Saa· They Are Rich In Iodine m.a_a •.u •rf!!I . ... ! .,nt THE NEWPOl'IT H#,•80• a•a1 Ill • ,.... All I ~ ••. "\aDt• LIJTHE•AN CH V .. CH ~ c ... r an4 '"'"'" t •lro blm. 10V Cltff Dr•w . !Ww~ .,._,_.,.. •'84 a.rd _ Jlt faJl .. r '! "II• :• "Pbf't •«v-H«r-Wrt C Rttfl . .-r ~ bid Ill-d.o •Ot:'",J' IC '.I "blntt. w~~d<JIV1111CIPM Oirul r .... • ~ __ ..,,., tboo not 11 .. 1 , t"~" u ~ 111• .1rlrl•'<l ,\ "11m>1n in :tn) 1ll twr pr••f• ""'" 1·1t1t '<!tl11k1· 11r 111k1' r. c1..:·kt:11I 1<11 h rcunplo·I• 1mpunll) ;\la) 1 ... th") 'hc•ult111·1. l tn<'r• h r• , . .,r<I I h• f.,•·t' 11111 rt "'"h1>1•I """'h"r ri1 .. , t .. • '11loJ• "' tn ... nc1i1l 1···n..,,1,,hq1 1n t'''""' 1'·- 1:111 "' h"1 pr"·"' It!" .11111 1•11 I- nf l ntt. i ~ tUI• flt• .tf ,. n. '' ).!olnl.7 to ln\ol\1 11,. 111-. ,,,.~ \Pltln· t11til) 111 .c pr"'""'"" \\ htdt 1< ~U'1jl't I Ito ,_111'11 h111111l11dllll: r•· ''' u·itun' \\ 1111<' .,I"' ""'' 11 ti" 1•r.\ 11• I• -c .... ~ · ~fitr1• tttll••r r tftf do ~. 11 h· .-..... an ~<Hlr cPrnn11uur' , "J"\ r11•r m;il fr•·• ft, n1 "''I•.• 11·· ,\1. 11 .. , J"W'rni1111·tl t" 111-:0.-r ••o "11h th• ma)'Jrll) 011•1111o 1n "ttlt.•111 h• mi: 1',tll•'ti ll..rh "It• II '••Ill• ••I th• ,~,,n~t·t\ ... r 1\ ,. hr. fll• t n. '' h· • uf, n 11(~ 110) ""''I 11!1•11 11 lllt 111• l'"on. twpn "C""" hni: .• 1 :, tr" lu•r A · \\'htt I' "•IHI ",. tl\11' I I,, k>' o d 11- l'llf 141n filrntl) m1ndr1I .1• 11 1< n l•I Ill pr1·~1·n t • Thi' j<lt>. hr ~Alrl l''.tn h, r1111w by no on1• l'UhJ••i·t hut •l'X c-'111· c-111inn :ii lht' hl~h ""1111"1 II'"'' ""uld hc-111 ht• 111id1·rl· ·111rrr arr ltf tll. or roursl'. many Jlf'Oplr wh11 matnlmn sex c-ducatlon rnn tw Id! In 1\1\r<'nl~ l "ntor tunatcly. 1111 th<' l'Vid('n<'t' mdic-111~ th11t Pflrl'nts do 11 vrq · bad job of It ·· Wt>itr advocAll'll th:il trnchf'fll hf'r homr, '..!296 E11~1 c·1·n1rnl nvr· own supplil's nul', H11lhon. all p11s1 h11nnr1·cl F rom flw r c fhr)' will S(O 10 11 ljUN>n~ nf Hl'thd Nt•. 91 . ( Jrrlf't cnmp nrar La,::unn nr11('h wlwrl' of Juh·_.. l>a1tl{hll'r;. l "n" • r~lly hrrnkfasl "ill hf' <'ClOkrd :\ t nsnn Ir T1 · m pl, " Lo" A n i.:' •I 1 • ~ .,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._..,;;;;;;;;;;_.;;,"" I 11lwr i:•ll'~ts "'111 IW' ~tr~ Ann:1' t'rawfnrrt. i:1111rd11>n. F:arl Kt•ll('y. ,, ~ s 11 c r :i I r i.:11.1rrlt11n: ,J1>l1 n1' :\l:111dt. h1111nrrd '111<'1'11 !'-1 a r) 111~. «0•11111r pr1n1·1•'1<. Pat<:\' P111•k · ..rd, j11n111r 1w1111·•«<: ,l11n1· ll.111••\" 1:111'11· !11·11~ ""'"·r. m . .r;.h.oll .• nrt ;\Ir ... l.11.-111· ll.111··~. p1 11mut1-r otl """1111 tlll\ 1\ll tl1• ll.11 h .. t tll\·1•r'<it1n• uf '" 1111111111.: :mrl lv1:•ltni:. plu~ 11 I e r .,,.,,, .. , ho"p11 11111, '"II "''"in II 111• lllllt .tl1l1• \\ t•f'k •'IHI for t '"' C:llr~t• Lion Tamers Plan Supper and Dance At UCJo Shipyard l.1"11 T.,nl'·r• ,:111h, 11f \\hlt'h \h " I r.1\ 111 Cur•nn '" pro 't•l··nl \\Ill I llfOI I.tin I.IP!!• \\llh I( 1•>f hh k ""l'l•'r :11111 "llli•r•• d:1n"" t•n ~;u11rd;,~ i''' n1ni.:\ \l.t) ::~ ;ir I 1rl1• l'•'tllll"lll.1 '"ll') .<rd Ttm••. •;Ji m It 1-.. "' 1..-:1 rr"I p:in~. \\1lh •lll'l'tJ"• pr .. ~rllln. ):q1111rt• <L1n<'- 111c .-111<1 f11r rho1~1· "h" proof"r 11 m0t1· •··d· 11ran 1w1•11p:.t1<•n 1·ards Pl .. nntni: thr 1·n1 .. rt11rnmt'nt nrr Mr~ (..(IU1!' r.1111•s a nct :\!rs. How11rd f\a lmrr ~In thr rt'frl'!>h· mrnt rnmml11rr nr<" !\tno W11l- l11rl' K1111fm1>n. Mr.!1 F:dwnrd :\I Milum. Mn:. lkn Whitman and :\Ir• Gll'n \\"hitlnck ~ Wl~ -Adver tlw di~ FINE F ABRJCS • Draperies 8 Upholstery • Cal'l>l'ting 8 Hnnd pr1nti1 8r dress fabric~. Linings - Quilting. l'l C . PHONE HARno n 2094-J ·K 823 Coast l fighwny Corona del Mar \\'hntl'\"l'I" your prin1. mi; nf'<'ll• "1• t·:in dn lhP "'Joh" t" ) uur rompll'I<" ~:111•f:w1mn L"w prrr···~. <AU . HARBOR I 'l or IS C'MON FOLKS Let's CELEBRATE! at ST. ANNE'S AM\TAL PARISH B A z A A R I OUTH MAIN IT. at •OlllCHAlllD AVa . IANTA ANA SATURDAY and SUNDAY, MAY 15 ond 16 A KIDDY PAOEA?\"T at.rt.a tile .... wltlt COSTUME PRIZES, k 111n .. p. .._. ror• ... ICE CB.SAM aw.,-wller-. u.e kw. wtn .. ,.. eaJo,. tlte tatr. fteN'• OAlllll ... TOYS. a Co11ntry IMe1- for JOllJlf Md .•W. tll1en 'a nlN GALORE. &u'U'.811XENTS. DOGS and "l'ATOE CHIP8 and llt.'llOr:&8 liot. Clw-7 nra AN P'pa. Oiun'h ..,.hool , JO a m . ..-._ ..,_ •-II ralbn tb .. n "tl•n h Wl'T"llhlp. 10 IO a m. aaJ:ll fo lb~ ""u b an.:"'" •l,.aD~------------------,,..,.., 11o-.:r:Dt.r.cllAn ''°"' "ev an• far. .Uld Toothtome T~att at our 8SA.Cll BAR F11ei o1 Deep SM Trout • Fllet of Rot-ll Cod • • Bal'rvuda • Abalow Ste&ka • fthot of ShHp HNd BAYSIDE FISH MARKET ~ DD l&ll'l'AIL - MSWH»Sr Wal ... n. um LAPAwnft non BASBO• 111 . ("-<.,.,..._y,..,. u ~ .-....i-·-Tb-. WICC( b• do•n .~I ''•ppt'd l 11-tf ~f'D tllll"• , In•~ .. ,. V · #,SSE"'•t..1£1 a.-000 _ _ .,..rd!::.• to lb• A •••te ,..• '?:' -n .rt:! I . McM111 .... ,._, of 1~ a"ld b 'I•·~ 1:;,. ~pin ~·~c·'\..~1'7' :·~··&It 6 c-"'1 1111• anto 111 .. rt.,..b .,. a ··1~ lllld, M.~n~~.--.. ~'.tt ~t !~ at:.:~ ... •>• "'~a .. g,••nul& •'a.n~irla1\(" ..,..n ·t<"'f" a..t ":" J(\ I~ -~ • .. -,,. A:"'! ff•• "h • ... Kry Mtcl-•-11 .,.~,.,,... Thu~,. 7 JO pa to·~ .. ~r :· .. ~ \la .. '""' •:.!dy ST J°"llllES CHU RCH PROTCST#,l\IT CP<~AI.. l20t Vo• 1..•do l'hCtn~• lh.tl••t I~· an•! flu1• ~ •~ Rov Paul "'oo~ w-"'· R""1Q• A IO a..m u. \) ,-."'1.n •Utt i·T' ~ I f' am \'"hurdt ~ h •·• 1J ,., a m M1·ro ~ 1·,...,~, ... ~ ~: tf10CI ,,....'-' A.Inda-'' H ., •" C'btrL.'D ton' flo 0t' a n1 Tllunwl•).,. H ' \ .. .,..~.,,...,. hlO •nil rno rn1 f r U~• ~1 '-. f.A1 .. "'""·.,,, ... " ..... ' t'·· "'ttn" ... I .... , ,.ti. ' •-• otif --·"· rP.I , . , . .. .. . . . I T -~If • a ' t ... I I"' Y"'IJ ... "" t ... .. • • • , tw<irr· I ...... u..-eolumns. CENTRAL CLEANERS (FOIL'ff:RL\" BROADWAY Cl.X"-'lif:M) ~DF.R SF."' MASAOF.Mt:NT PICK UP AND DELIVERY t:xPt.:RT Mt:sn~o ANO REPAIRIS(f A~nh In Harbor AF't'a Fnr (' \Rf:tTI. t.At"SOR\"-SASTA ASA 2903 W . Central Ph . Harbor 522-W Newport ~l- 1 ("I.ARK ll\"t: 1111 r•I" a r<' '111e"''' 80~~0 lll:RZ tor E\"l:R\'O!li"!:. lu1t al"P rlaht up, 11·, Iott or fll11. AH OOS"T FORGET THAT DINSDl DAn fl'flr'n SOOS 'TU. 81'.:VES. don't be lat6. n. n xrsr ROAST BEEF IN TKr: lA!li-0, for ...tottar·ftfty It .ore i. aran4. And lul. but tar from •-t. I la)" la that nlnf'll'f'n·f0"7-tt11tt CHE\"ROIZT. A '-ulifuJ. f1'f'lmaatn -4et aedaa. Vou donau a dollar C4 tlle C'11urd1 of I&. Ann~. IU:.\fF."Bf:R TH£ DATE. It'• UT. and I U'N. Mar 15 and It. my po.,.. la ... ._ t car sho lha $74 per 1t i be by * mil cri t ope Th nnd :-:tat Tra l°l. :4 :m '1 ('t'O d tll \It i l i :•~:---) .-hie port mar u:-;1r t hc>i it i=-- Thf thC' not Of •• Saa By I c Ent BAJ LUt w. CL' Pr\: ~~~-------------------------------------------............ s.·---..... TELEl'llONl!:S: MAll8(Jlll I.!, II A..''D ftl Publilhed every day. MC>IMky throlcb Friday. b)• Sam D. Porter and Lucius s. Sm.Ith, m. CJWnit9 mid Clp'ntOI$ or dk> -N~-port Harbor PublishiDg Co. \"OL U. ~-~--------FRIDA" s -·po rt .......... C"aBf •• '.'la)' I I. l!Ma PAGlt! i ---------- * .CLEAN UP TIME The spring and early summer CQmmunity clean- up is one of the olde~ and most valuable of American inst itut ions. It makes for attractive homes and tol\'1\S. AccMdffig to medical m~n, it helps fight disease, by getting rid of. germ-fill ed refuse. And it is absolute'y e::;=-e ntial to fire pre\•ention. Many fire depa rtments ha\·e on ha nd self-in- spection guides prepared by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. The ad\·ice is simple-anct it is also vita l to domestic and industrial safety. All rubbish in and our of buildings should be gathered up and disposed of. Heating equipment of a ll kinds i'hould be inspected by experts in order_ to ready it for hard use next winter, and needed repairs should be made at once. Electric cords, lamps and appliances should also be checked for po88ible dangers. Flam- mables, such as paint and cleaning liquids, should \>e carefully stored, and raJ?S which are used with them should be kept only in closed metal containers. C a r e f u I clean-ups were never more needed than now. Last March alone, fire destroyed over $74,000,000 worth of property-a jump of about 2.5 per cent over the same month a year ago. Unless it is checked, a new high record of waste will again be established this year. Those dolJars are represented by lost housing, buildings, food, raw ma~rials, manufactured goods, and everything else that can burn. And a1'Jng with property, fire takes more than 10.000 Ii Yes annually. The spring clean-up ran be one of fil'e':-:: most effe<'tive enemies. * A MARK TO SHOOT AT DREW-.PEA,~R~SO~l:h~~\\:'l1~1tc~1·=-.~ ... =-b.~u=r .. ::,,~ ... Tr~u:n:1.:nnJP.O•E•PiAili,(1)iOiKiFA~· rr~ri1~rr~m_u...==-.ru---=--~--------WASHl1'GTON -Backstage m , iv ... ~, • '" * Mosrow for mnny months, um· 10 a,:N toi,:rth~r wllh Stitlln. 1hr hiu.~:idnr ··n.'f'tlr " Smith h11~n·1 Prrsu.lrnt <rt'pll!'d· "I don't lir k bt't'n abli.-to 5<'e :\lolo10,· L'p until 11n\ hod v'11 hoots." Nt'\'1•rthrlr11a. !ht' famo us note• so~w nf the• nwn around ·Tru1,11tn he-dt-Hv .. t"t-d-May h:w1· h'lt h•' \'lhould m1tkt' an on 'r • .a. lw was ~iwn 111r1• h• S111l111. - rtw run . a{Ound. Sd1l'l(ll Nn . .'.\ "'as t lw 1-l•'nuirh 1lnl) illlowt'<I to IW1tl'•'tm1k;•rs Snnw Stith' \'\,•p1~rl· 1(1lk 10 a '..!7-Yt'llr nw111 1'1plom111s hove sln<'t•rt'ly l.1<'- 11ltl d1ph11na t "h'' lif'\1'<11n th•• J1mm h• J\~rn•'>' lh••111 ~ '" ,uis th<' Anwrl· 1•f k"q •ln._: 11p d1plo1111111r 111lks •'''"' '"'" 11'-~k or t lw "11111• ",. h111hl up d..t1·11~""· 111 ell:-· :-;,,, •l'I lo n •1gn nl-l'l:t~ 1111: holh 1111 "'"'' hran.-1\ 1111<1 I 1ct' :'l;t1 1 1 "" 1111111.~1 f1~r ~,, ft11s!<1a1 <'•lllld '"'' .-1111111 ~h,• t111cl 1111ly 1•n•· nl· m' st.•r) 1r1 :'11<11'· C-n\\ · \\It\ did :imhass.ul1w :'rrnth )(•1 fl~hrn~ 111 Frarw1· 1nm1o ·.l1;11o'I~ aftt·r has 1.1lks \\ llh l\1111 .. t.1\ • An~" ••r 111• m t•rdy ''an tn l ltl Hsll, has hts own pl111w In '' h1l'h r" )(•' lt_,;lt1ni: ll:rl1rrtn thtni:' h:1d '""'n so cl11ll 1n :'>luS1'11W. h1· d11ln'1 thank 11 mad1' uny d1lr1·rc·n•'1' Lull lwfor(' llw srurrn~ F111 ahoul thrro· W•'•'k' Musl'll\\ s l•l'I· l1i.:1·r .. m·~ ha:< lulh-d Th· r ad111 ha:< r:ilnwtl duwn l'rt'ssur1° has •'llS<'d uff a..:aaru<t 1\usrria. S1·an1hna\'la. amt thl' allws 111 G1·rm a11y this •'lln m<'an n lt1I or nothmg Ir tvok s1•\'t•r al m11nt hs afh•r an· nnunt'l'm t'lll o f th1• Truman 1)11<'· trinc for Gn·1•c:e for llw ~'""'' to 0<·,·upy II 1111 g :I r y l'ncJ1111h1t'<ll) lluni.;<1ry ''as t h1·1r 11n~w1·r rn us tn Grt'P<"t'. lJnd<lUht••dly alsu <'zN'hoslovak1a was uni• a nsw!'r lo th... Marshall Plan , . From a d1c1ator s h1p. YOll can always ex· P•'<"I retalla11on. Dictntors don't have 10 consult ,thl'tr pcopl<', , .. HOWC'V<'r, the Krt'mlln d id l<"t'ITI to'!)(' worriPd about thl' Aml'rlcan !)('(>pl<'. feared WI' W<'rf' too arou11Ni, loo angry. too willing to vot<' a big air force plus pt.•acettml' con- scrip tion. Russia has !ht' A-homh-dt'finite informa llon J\as bt•C'n obt1.1int'<I thow cannot bt' toldl thot Russ.la hu the A·bomh. I t's crud•·. and onl)' onC' or two have lx't•n m adt' Y•:t. hut sh1• has ii. Thu1·s why luJ! l" S.· deknsc• Ch11'fs Wt'r<' in su«h a fr<'nzy to grt us prt'pa rC'd last winh'r. That's also why U ~ S defrn.sC' chtC'fs ha\'t> fi)(un•d Russ111 mi)(ht strikl' most any 1lm1• 11<.•- fore -th<' Ma rshall plan h;c; a 1•h:inc" to win w,•sl••rn Europ.· a way !rum Russia rompl1•1dy. Who "'rotr th .. Nott> 'fhc..•t• "'chools of I h tJUli!lll t'•m· tr1J1ur vd lo t lw r .. \-.•rht•ratmi;: n<•h · aml1ai<sador Smith har'ld<'d Molo- ro\ 1 ht• o tt1c•r day. !'t'hool :-.=o. I w;is the l' ·s. l\11h- 111ry Tht'Y wanlt'd !h t• H11ss1:ms to hav.. a hlunt. sl if( warning, lmd rii:ht un rht' l11w. that 1( the RC"d Army lK'cnmt' lhc> ugn·ssur in EurOP''. tr m <'ant war With th« t;.S A. llistorians have arji!Ut'd that if the KaiM•r knC'w the invasion· of &lgium m<'ant war With England he would not have invadt•<\, ·tha t if ll1tlt·r had known th<' m vasion of Poland mr;,nt w ar ,.·1th llOth England and the l 'nih·<I Slalt•s h1· wnuld not fill\:<' movl'rl Thcr<'fur<'. L" S dC'f<'n!W chit•fs w;,ntl'd l hl' Ru;<stnni< I{• lli\\'l' ti in ""Id wurds whTrtr 1 ht'Y 111uld · 11nd1•rs t and thal ""<'would r('slst with arms any aer 11f a.,;n"11swn. School l\:o 2 \\II~ ttw 11oli1idnns. Th•·y Imo rh1·1r "}°t' on lh·nry \\'al· 111<'0'. .:>.t;11'Ar1 hur and I h1• llf'l'US:1· !tons rh:ir Truman was a war- mon1;1·1 :.11w ,\tlh11r h;1~ IH•1•n ~II)'· 1ni:: that "1 rw,.dt·d 11 pr.·~1d,.nt wl111 1·1111lol Sil d11~1 n 1tr11I r:1!k !Hl'kl'\ "rlh !"lalin 1111s "'as n•se·nl•-d .,r, uncl I h1· \\'hll•• II Oust• 11nel pr1>li· ;1hl\ """ ""'' n ·a:-011 for Tr1mi:111':- dt·r;tal r l1ru111:h !""n:1t11r Tyrlini.;~ f•'"l'fHlll\ t' • 1\lar 1111'11 11\ ,.,. H11ssi1111 111'••1111· 1:;m1L1 1n l-:111'1•1"'· tlw~ 11ls1• ,,.,,. ~l(kl'l•d I\ \\ ISl' ro slltoW \\'o·~h'l 11 I-11r1111t• t h 11 t wt• w,•r1•n'r Wi\r· 111<111~1·r-., \\1'r1• "1111111-: 111 l-1•1 11 If ~Ing 111 ;Hljllsl llllr d 1I ff'n'lll'l'S H••sult '1f 1111 this w 11s n 1"''~..:l·•l n .. 1,• th111 11WJll11 httl1• It cnrr11•1I th•· 1mpl11-cl lhr1•11I 11f war if llw l!.'11 .\1'111\ mo\\ •«I I 1 n lsn 1'1tr1'11'<I an 1111p111»ct 111\llal1on 111 thsl'uss ""r l11ff1t•111l11's 1-'mally 11 Wt'ltl lll\U II lun~ lllhlll:ltlllll ••f RllSSJll')I 1•rr11r>-\\li1d1 thn111.;h 11'111'. c•nl) hJl\ t' :\tu lu ltl\' :t tt\Jtl'\'t1lOU!\ t1~~ ... U~t\ 111 1'<mll' h:lf'k ''Ir h " ln ni:: n •<·11111111n of nur alli•t-:o'd 1·rr11rs, In hri1•f, llw rw h• In l\lolot11\' hitd just a l1<•1JI 1•\'t•ryrhini.: in tl.i·X<'<'fll rlw nwsl 11111)(•rt11nt thini: 11( ull namdy. 1111' t.tc·t that tlwn• I~ gn•al loni:mi.: in 1111• h('arts 11f th•· Am1·ri- c·1111 p<•oplt• for pl'lll'<'. wl th an obvi11usly t'<ltHll 1011.,;mi:: in t hi' hr11rts of llw Rusiiian p<'otJI('' for pt'a<'1' And if Stalin would lift llw tron <'ltrl 11ln, if h<• would pt~· nut thl' Am1•rkan and Russi11n ix•opl<' to i::••I to know Ntt'h otht'r. to 1•xchan11•' IWlOks and nt'Wlil)llf>t'rs. prof Pssors 11hd studt•nts. church· ml'n and r('ltg1ous tt•achina. r11d10 proi::rams and m o vin.i victurCJI, lhi'n th(' pt'Ople of lhl' IWO ('OUn· trio·s w ould soh'C' 1111 tlwir u"'Tl prohlt•m s 1hroul{h fru•ndl<hip. and thr &It'll}' squabblini: ovf'r who was rii:ht or "Toni:: 1r1 Auli:::iria CzC'd11>slovakia a nd l taly would t .. •ronll' its un1mporlrrnt us lhe an· <'IC'nt d1•h:ih• n( how m11ny nni:di; c-nn st11nd o n tlw pninl ol 11 nl'l'(llr Suc<h a not1· should h11\'1• li.·<•n mad(' p11hllc 11nmf'Clrntdy lly us Fur l IWrm11r1' m ii huns uf t• 11 p I ,. i. should hll\'t• ,,..,..n dr11pprd in ,., r r) langua1:r nf 1-:urop(., ll\'l'r 1•v<'r~ country Clf t-;11rnpt•. J<• ~how I ho J\nwrwan ll<'OJllt"s i::rn111n1· ll1·s1rr f11r l~'IH't' · OPf'n Ulplom M•)' ;\l11s1 11rn11sin1: ln1·td1•nt r•' tlw R11l11lm• nwss was S t at,. J)1'parl • m1•n1 w rlilini: ov"r lh<' fa<'! tl1al M11lolfl\' mnrl<' th1• 1:orrrs1••nd1•11t puhllr 111· h:u1 vi11l11t1•d rnnfielo•nr<'. monnf'd !ht• Diplomat!' JIO\t"l'Vf'r, good diplom1try is 11, thl' art or "Titinl( not•'S that r<'act to your advantai;:e is made public; f 21 m11krng thrm puhhr yourself. tr I coulrl t•ollc•rt a dollar for CVt'ry lirnC' tlw S tnk D<-par lm<'nt it~lf jum1lf'd thr i,tun on puhli- ratinns of a nutr, I'll makl' mnn<'Y F nr instnncr, "'" had a firm agr<'<'· m<'nf with !he· Aritish that we• would srnd no notri; or stllh'ml'nts r,. Pal1•stml' w1thnu1 ronsultinji! 1111· British. follnw1ni: whir h Tr11ma11 rf'lrnst'd 11 ~•1111•m1•n1 on l'nl•'!<l 1n•· on t h1' 1'\'l• of 11 J11w ish holid:i~ which l111d thr Hr111sh l11rni111.'. sorm •rs:iu 11 s T im•' afr1•r timr whf'n ~r·c·ro · l:1r11•>-Frank fl 1(1'11111:1.: o r I l1•nr ~ (. Stnn~on 'wantNl lo m11hll11" p11l1lw "llln11m 1<f.!r11n~t Jnpan lfl ~l.1rwh11ri;1 , 111.;a111'il l\11·xir.a rr• e 111 oil d1~p1111 or fur t lw 11111la\\1' n11ro-~ p11hli1· fnr all lh11 wprlel '" A ... v FA~ 0'1/JID .' NIAN/ "· I $/~MA CHI I . THE BEHHYS NO.' N0.1 JACKIE ·' MUSTNT TO..CH JUST 1,.ISTEN TO SISSl~ TICK T'OO< .' GO UDO tt...in -\\ 11 .. • .. m • .,. .. 1111 t lfOIOO If "'RV UM,lfV 111~ MCIPll!Ntr .Ar /If f>FRKJR~ #I~ /)tlfli~ FOi.' I.le """" TEil I V TJll e/itlL~ 7JIJ r ~El/E ;11/<'f T11AT HIS TIME RAPJOLl,I . ullOWS SIJOl/rfR. That the burden of taxation to ma intain a(lequate mi litary rlefen~ today may not become rripplinj!. the criteria of efficiency and economy must j!O\'ern the operationf' of all branchef' of t he mili tary :-:en·irc·~. The \"ar'iou~ unil" of the armed force~ ::hould ma intain and make ·available monthlr. ::uit.able :rnd arruratt> rhar 111• ""'r had 11n invi 1ation to m1 •1'I w11 h Stalin. ,\r tu;ill). lw llarl Thi• p;,r I••) pr11 1~""1 n orn" \h1 l\1·1 1111 1111el ~lli.:· !<:"~'"''~a nw..t1111; 111 '-'1111 l..h11ln1 T1·urn.1n, J1r•\\f'\1 r. ~;11d nn Ln'"' "h,.n \\ .1!r1 1 \\'1111 h• II ndll11i.: :11 e•~\\ar fNir l . ~'''') m111l1• •11111••111111• -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r•·t~cl By f'Al-r Kitto llm'r-.m . tlipltom;u•y 1s p.1rrly th" 11 1 4ot ll11 \\"t11l111: A- 11( m11l1f1111111: pllhlw "i'll1111n.• :111d ~11d11fo\' *'\:\\<\ It 1·hanf'f' tu r1111hil11• 11 ;11 llw 1•)(111·n"" 111 111n· olq1lrn11;t1 1• I l>11m•l••rs Thnf', "") tho• ~l.t1• 111•pnr1m1-111 \\'r1m i.: 11 ~ h:tnd' !'tati:.:tic:-:.:howin~ the result:-' (,f 0 t><·ration:-'.. . . and pr11clucti1111 r:·c11rd:.: :-:how in.I! 11tili 1.;1ti(ln <•f <·qui1 .. .. ~n r:Pg?~·~I_. h.' ~he .. ne,~·~y" form~d ;'~ iltta~· ·~:-~ ml'~H nnd manpow~·r ca~1 he kE'p~ in mil!tary organi-~~ '.ln, Jl~~l.t ~t .'.'ICC, ', ec~_etat ~ . ( ~f .n .. J:imr.-, f .. Z<tlJOll:' a.-W1·JJ a:' Ill fll'l\'illl' \iu:-:1111 ·:':'. ;o..;11\\" that tlJ.o lt :-tal :-.1.1<1_. )IAT~ "'II at .tll timc.:-k~<'p HMt d :-Nan· anil :\rnw Tran .... p <ll'l ('011·nn11d ' h;1\'1· h1 •1·1 1 and ~tat1 ::t1c:-: tiect·~::ary to n·fle('t th<'.c·fftci_enl'_~· a!HI m1·r~i·1l.i 11te• >J i l ~t<1n :\ir Tra11;-p11rl :-;1·n ·il'e·. tll\• 1·ffi <'t'o nomy uf opt·t«1t!o11:' cnni_l u\·lf·d 1 1.~· it. Thi:: will 111-eil'Jll·i1·, ;i11d 1·1·11 111.ini1·' 11f :-w·h :-m:tl l1 ·r 1111it-. n11H cll_H~f· f!J!lfft•:-: and 111format11111 refJUirf'd tr1 cu~·{'r th<' n"t lw 111:--l _,jgltt eif in tlw i;tr)!t·I'. 11til_1zat1011 (If ft!nd', m:l.n JIO\\·er. ;rnd <'fl lll f)mf'!H If th1 ·n· i:-t11 lw illl'·~:nti,·1 · fc11· rnilit;1rv t·ffi1·i1·1H·\. a.1--.:-:1i~rwd lt1 :\11 A~~-Th<'1='..., flJ..'1.tuh·e-=-,'1''.1 1 1.1 1 hf' m;t.rl('Ta\'atl-.:-uth ttlT•itnpli:-h nwnt:-mu,.;t h1· rr·1·111.!'l 1iz1·;l a . ..: a 111;11:1 .d-> f' at l'C'J!ll ar lllt1·1;·a :-' t11 <' • 11 ary =~ir r an:-:-for 11tlwr:-le• 1111'1'1 •11· l'\<'t·1·1l. pnrt Board a n<l the ~··t"ret;u-~· 11 f f>c·ft.n:'f'. Th<' ~<'trC'tary .:-:hnuld t-tl:o=o 1'£'qt1ir<' that r<.'JH'lrt:- ma<I C' to the Tran:'p1111 Boan) h<' :-ultmiltt•d to tht· a:ing-r-rrvie<'~ whic h han a rij!ht tt) know whetht'r thC'i r airlift l"<"f)Uirement;-; ;u-tltwinJ! m<'t anrl how much it i:.: co:-:tin):! tlwm in m<1n1 ·y. 1•quipm<·nt and manp•)\\'('f. Thf' informtttion r-h<1uld al:-:..o 1w made antilahle l<> thf' ta:...pay<'r whn. a ftt>r all. i:' thP "pr<•prif·tnr" and nnt th <' ernplnye or onlnok1.·r in the wh11)p a ffair. Jn ;.wtual npt>ratirm. th(' Xava l :\ir Tra n~p11rt ~rn·ic<' ha:-: conclu:-inly pro,·t·d th:1t f'<1mplete eo='t Official Paper. of the City of Newport Beach A DependaMe 1.-.1 ._.. .. .._ I• 0.-te y.,.. REPRr:sr:sTED NAnosALLY BY GEOllGF. o . C'L08E, INC. 8aa rra.d--Loti A~~"-Y•rti-a-t<tn By CaJTll'T or M11U. S0.80 PfT month an)~ in Newport Bead! and Costa MPU; $2.40 for 3 moaths. SUI> for 6 months: 19 ptt year By Mail In Orang~ c.ounty: 19 PfT YNr: to 4th ~. 19.25: to 8th mne. 19.50. • Entered as Second-€lus matter at the Postotric. In Newport Beecta. cautomla. under the Act ot March 3, 1897. SAM D. PORTE'R LUCIUS S. SMJnl m Publisher Managing Ediror w. F. DIXON I • ~ Advel'Wing CLYDE REX l • Prtnt:lnc Plant. 3011 W . Central A\~. f\;-'J)Ort ee..m. Califomla ---· . M"=f,!~ of~-r A1n1,. /,.f,..,,,,,,,,,, R<'v~r• h ltd IT' rt R<·nafrt K al111 Ii 11( Chi• 111rn i,... 111 q • · f "' r &&l41L4..;. WM ·c• "' \ t!lilU1.1 01 aJ'!!l:>r ll4-.U-'lf 1111 i.v l'W n1t'"t11"lttlr Tit• · b'•y • t t Jt',..·O .i1 i r1 t,t •·f a bu., 111111 ttu < ·•r ~ '''llh YOU~ DIAL '· .. 1 1 l\.t • A • .. • .. ;'to "' I• I I • • .. • • ~tu "' l I h \I f f' ......... 'llw •r. 1 t.tu • • • • .. Dt•t tir •P I I \\ft • • .... l•w' kf ... . . h '' · • .. .. • to,u kr f, I ,\f' • • .. -.. I ,,II lu 111111.\Y /'I U,llT 8 I'. M, 1 !\(' I i.d 11· ni, I I I'• •IH'• \\,, .. ,fl1t'-'f1111 6 'f'llllthlp ' .\ lf,.111 _, 'Ui•r.tr• tlJ lt.1r w....i1 4 1111 \\h ~·; lf•n1l•l•n ·X h 111.1 Mi.or,1111 f \(' MtH~fH'''• ,; H (' ·u•lt+' t~• 11 • • I : II • \I -Pl ... Aft.tun I I I ,,.~. l 1 A 'l••rr r 4 l'lr•t•• I ttJ-ft111~.-1H+•n h X-i'T .. rn ''"r1lnrt l :lll t \I 1 M11•\r lt• ... 1th I I ('_.•• ' ,,111 I t',t; J"• 'c Ar11 •' 'I ' I II f1K"""'''' ''' t ;q • ,\1 •h •M • "'' l\ h• .. lt111 ~:•~ I A( R,,.t I _.It., I tr41r+• • ,.,. ... ,.,. "' 1 ,, , ,,, .. . I. I , ... ., • \. ,, 'I . I II 'I••••' 7o 1 . .... I \ f • _. • , •I • ~· • I I I \\ 1, • ¥ • f j I I l "' ,. •• ' If •• , . \ ..... I ~ f , ._ti• i. 1 f ~,." I 1 •, \t ', ',, A,,' '• I ' I I I It .... O I\ ·''' I I• h• 1•1 ... '' .... I TELEVISION 1 1· '4 " . fi t I II I•• I. ' ""' h ~ I \!~•' I I l •• I ' \1 ' "'I I I I h \'I'' Il l \ f\ '" I .., k 1 f•' ••m I • • J< • \\'II "'* f n a ~ K "' I • • r .. JIU.At ' • •• I ~ .. ll•Jl Kl I t<i!1H •• ( 1• )('tjl • ,,,, k l \ , ,., ,,,,. t( 11' ,., • • I .1 ,, • k ! I' p fl ~ I '1•'1 ::, ! 1 ~f JC .t I' \' • ' 1l I I" h f \I I ••• 1 f f.! \ \~;~· .. ,~ ·,, ~ •:, f •• 1 •I ~I \• It \-t • • Ill • i \I I ••• I t. , , • l \I I t • •.t f • , • t 1•r fof II A'1 • I I .. I ' I I I . ~ . . I • I ' I -- ". I • 1 • •· •• ' ... ,. " . • . .., .. ,•It .. ···'• t I \ \ ,,. .' \ I l ft I -r-- K' I' I I f ' I H I I " I' ~: I< 1 1 h t • I U• "' ~;; I('. "I , ... ,, K t T• • • , ' . I( I • h if I ' I Kl'I 1'1 f( \tf l<I I 1(1 "' II .. I ""• II n .. ,,.,,,, .. , . , Al '"rY \l\IAt(Hl -f' fMf 6'<0'>'1 I v S'iN't .r '" trr• ...,. A/tl .,.t<t() r1r...;tM.. CROSSWORD Pl.JZZLE •t ... -.. " "''"'-,. , ... , &fttt " . H ",.,,,, 1,f TM Il l I l•f • .... 01' ••Ul•I 11 l'•l ur .,uu 11 ' ,1, ..... , •• ,t,,..,. •• f'f\r\Jw_ftolC.._ " .. ,,,., •o ''"' • h•me ' o111,ot11 .~ u l)tJdlfl#'l~ " "•• •• ,.d. .. a ms.it • -v•,_ I' Io "" .. ~.1T:~ •. u1oe ,1, ~.~::.r. ., I• u filt h IU '"' /'• ', 1•'1• 1ln ... "' .,,)(Jt•l'1 . ) ... ,~ l~i ''•-Jft'lu.I u A tn"'•• ) . '4•1l11f'fn•h .. ""r••H• ,, i ,.,., ,,, ,. ,,.,,, .. """. . . ~ ... ' . ,, , t, ... Ji't1tt'• ,..,,' . HI ' • ,, .... ltlftt .. ..... ,.;.l'll••' t .. ~ ... 0 ' • I I ~ .. \ . l ~ ., f0 ll.D u ~ 1' 1~ ·' t0 a • ~ I,. . '· )\ ~ )• K , .. ~111 .. r0 , .. •---., .. ~ •1 ., .. ~· /h ... .., f.; ,, Sl ,... " ii· "IA IH ,. " , .. '" ................................... __________ ..._ _______ ..:.._ _____ ~~~~~~ .,.", ................ ,.. ,, .. ~ I» ,. '-... - -~ I , , ..... --..... ..C=tilf!Ql· . .... "'""'·~ ... -_.. .. ''·--. ,...,. . ·------11-0. .. -,__ n--··-1• a..r....,.•• _,_ »-"' ..... ---"•"" ...--. ., y,. \. .i • a ......... -'--• • ,.,....-> ... ~. d ·-·~ • • 1">9-.f' ,. ..... .._. ··-<'7 u ............. ., .. _,.._......,.. ..,. ·~ .... .. ·-·., -~ . .. , .. ,, .. .. --..... ... ._ ....... ,,,...__ .........,... ··-· ._, ~-~ ! M-•~,..~ IO,..._~ ...-- - '' • • • > . J I __ ,, ,,_ -. NfJWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TUIE8 P'IUDAY Newport 9-cll, Calli. May ll, ltMll ~--Dowt.a' Robert Young Clifton Webb Moureen O'Horo "Sitting Pretty" Jr.-.. ..... relay Maureen O'Hara Dick Haymes Harry James -In- "Do You Love Me" -nnd- Larry Parh Rita Hayworth 'Down to Earth' ( ._ TeclldUcolor) 8&alV 81111-, Ma1 It Jeanette MacDonald Galaxy of West's Track Stars Set For Fresno Relays I ~·1u:s~n. c·at , \I •) 11 " P • . 'l'hr ~"Ill <:,!\! ~.1h~\) ol bl0r5 HI tlw '..':!-)• .1r t11••11ry 11r th• 1.1r '\'"I It la" \\1•r1• J~ll~•ll 11• It' IP 1111' fut .111 t n'I 11i1:ht 1111111.1 r t'.\\ "" l n1111un.tl Dftd \\urld tr•t•k an•l l1•l1l rt•·t·o1f1, ••H'I f"''''Jhl1 I"•' th:--••rt ltt• 1!"11' I" ~ I 'I\ lllJ1W I t .. 1111 II• .1clltnini: ttw t".1~1 "'II 111· 1•11t1l h I 11•an t '111m\\ • II 1111d 111• 1-, rn11n ~•1111ul f1 rtm l'tll"''''':· .. r I S11H1h• 1'I • ·:.~1f-.1 ""' ''", '"' ')''"' l l1·.1••11tffl' '1'1 II" \J, I l '11!m1 th· 11 !"pi '·' ,,1·,, -''' •. fit\'ur• ,J In •, 1111n I tJ11' t l'f1\\Jl tl111\ \\•ill I,,,, \1 11 IC1u 11 1, ,,.,,,if.I• 1ti.11 i•l'• 'h• 1 1 '·"' .\~i:· It ' t• /111) lh•• ·~·' 1\11· .1•1·1•, \ttafl•t•r d uh fll ,•> 1••111• ''I' I \I 1h ·•·· 11111 ... 1 "' n'11t11•nal rn'lch~ 1'.11'11n "Il l 11t1•·n1p1 • • ht• of.. ttw 11o1rld n l'11rol 111 11 'l"'"llil 11•1- 1111 cl l11"h ,.,, nl 1tn1I ,tl.;o \\ .'1 1°1111 1 ;n 11.1., r• h1ys 11~ '"' p11r l or tho• ~him llut 011• I .1\ J\C hni; I:! na tlcmlll r1111mp11111s nn 111> 11<111.11! 11n) ""'" or &II 11( "h1rh (•mild hr,'11k rt"rordl. Casino Cafe one/ CocUail Lounge * Serving Comp/efe LUNCHES one/ DINNERS 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. • Broiled Lobster Fresh Cracked Crabs \'Wt Ou OW FW\oeed OrlD Room a.n•to1%p.m. ~ AftlWJle Pia. ......_ '78' Ooeed Tue9day VAUX' , BALBOA Enterta!nment and Dinner Dancin9 To Melodies ol ,. THE VEL •TONES For Reservations Phone Harbor 13 14 FUN ZONE •• BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY Sell It Through Cl&Mitied Advertisin1 - ---------------- Six-Wheeler _on lniio,.polis Un-.sual Rathman, Tipton, Ball, Flaherty Batk in C,ockpits TARS' -LAST LEAGUE ,TILT ON AT COSTA M~A TODAY; MOVE IN CIF * * * Harbor ANOO'llER ~ PLANNED FOR NEWPORT SAIL f ALK~DAR New1K.1rl Harbor's raglni; Tars ~t·wpc1rl l1111 boq:o1 u run in thc> take un th<'tr last Sunset confer-1 Cirs1 on hits by Lune i1nd Hamilton t'n<'l' oppo1wnt today-and nbout ancJ 11.10 walks, uni• m rhr ~'Cond th<' only thing lt1 <:lakl' •~ lhl' Tars' on ;•rrors and \\'on.I'" sini;ll'. four unhr1)ken 1>trln1: of 10 <'unst'i'\lll\"I' I m 1h1• founh un !\tears' walk, IPa~ur "'"" ~ntl<'s b.r Rc1:n:.s. Lanc..and.Jiam • In th1• m1•an1i111" lhPY nrc> pn>-tlron ancl Wa rd', 1nph• two in the ria nni:: rn m••\'t• up ror 1 hr·lr Sl'r11rul tiftll on ~h'nn;' walk. S kil<'S' C'IF 11h1yorr uf\<>r nllllai;nni.: \";ol-dt111t1k· nnct \\';inJ', 1>lni::I••: nne In 1•m'ln. 9. 7. t 111' i-1·\ l'nt i, •m \II) c•rrnr J.nne':t It'll be l'dt> NuurS<' i-wrllnr.: c•n -angle' anti ''\" \\,elk.,: a.no one in lh.:' hill .11:11in!>t Anatw1m 111 ;\ 1h1-, the cii:;hlh "lwn R •"('W S dvul.tled aflt"moon 111 tht· Cu•la :'\lc:.11 IJ.1ll unrl :'\kaJ ' l't111;ll'd par k !'\our-:1". who wa.' 't1t·llC'CI Blix score: fn•m th,. mo11n1I 1\w:<llll) b) lhl'I '"'"'"' '!;;"~' 11 '~""~ii a R V1km~" r•f l>Pwnl.'). w ill r.:n 11111 11 r "' • 1 1 " :1 . ,, f," •• ,-, ,, 11 h1· J.:•'" rn lroubJ.o Tiwn Coill'h ""' •· ~ 1 :i ""'''' '" 1 1 1 • tl 1t111•l1111 l' '4 II , •••• c t•..e .. I 1 \\"i'nllrll 1•1,·k('ns will pr11h11hly t·nll 11 11, ~" " " " "1• .... ~ , 1 • 1 z In fl'l'''"1'1111 Utl'k I .<tn1· \l'hu lrnik1•d "'"'"' k ,. r. 1' I '''"' r "" • " " i,:ood \\'hf'n hf\ carnr to S nur!'-t1'.._ HHl 1 ~1/1:11~~1, 11: 11 :: '1' 1'.:1:;' ,·;•• ", ~ :. last tin11· nut 1 '' "'"'' 11 :' '' 0 •t •' ·• ,. ~ l 1 At"f' of 1 h" Sllilor ~111cr Frnnk ~; 11 :. - 1111> r. ~ 3 ~:;;',~, ·: 11 •; ~ Ham1lro11, 1s lx'mi; rl'sh'<I f<11 rh" !",;:: .·:,•: ; :i : ''' """''' " 1 ° I• OC''Ct Clt' play.off. tit~ flJ.IJl•IOt•nt • wil\ I><' l'ither Woodrow W1li:.cin I T .. i ... ··~~ ~~ ,,;.:j~·:: : .. 1 7 11 ,,,. high. of Long Br•:H'h · 1\ lhamhr:1 11r a H • IDI &ATIDIAN Bell G1utlcns. _ 11'.',1"',.,','.",',' "''''"" 1111 •~·• 110--111 111 • Jim Rathman, Ed Dall, Waym' . Sunh'f'8 \"alf'nl'la Tipton and Pat FlahL•rty, Injured I. lfnmilton ~u rvl\'l-0 11 :<<'\"!'nth· auto racani! pilots. arc all CXp(·ctcd ~nn~ng l.'rupt1on fro~ the hnt~. of 10 drl\'(' tonight in lhc second arc-,urprlsi~g Valt"nc1a rcnm \1 h(l hght hot rod ra1-1 ng program of sudd~ly picked thl'm!<eh'es u11. at tM season at the Huntington a point whc•rc they ~-er<' I ra1hng lk'ach S.wuwt -a 9-0. to throw a S<.'Bre rnto Pickens· ,....~ .. ". y. . Cf'('W. Hamilton was breczlni: along hon 11110 700--:--tj • Th<' llnllcd Pn•ss supph<'s cwws d1n·c1ly 10 niotl.' than 3,000 news fllllK"rs and rad111 slation1. THE Rathman. slightly inJur<'d In the with a two-hit shutout up until ! "" m<n• fu~'l m -S.C ··"' -~~ e \ f' n ts will ~ sailed in 18th lap of last Friday n ight's then. t• .. -n I!'""'"~ llT S-'-,..1 Rar .. n f~ ,,,.....,., :th •hach •111 be loaned Spring Swl't'pslakes event at the But the 'I'igrf"l; sucldrnly l'X· MOVIE BARN ·1;\.. Ill'' A~ r_. J~c • ''"'''"~ skipprrs through the bf>achaide oval has bcc>n working ploded on thN>e errors. a •·11lk, j, -.. ii,,.; 11....wJ.w~· ~·' • • ,..,.~''"" ot f'nnvt"rw Wurde-miht and day to rrady hi. No. 16 and four hits 10 push O\'<'r '"' c·n I • 1 .. '•! \1 1• 1·. and I~ ..,._. -. ·r C"i.mpo llnit lf'arr. will in-hronze 1prl.'11i1 V-8 racer for the runs. lt was thC' biggesr ou1lour~1 1G1 ... eo .. t a1.._ LAGUNA BEA€H 1· •II· • -. • to• C"\!Jt. ~ .. t. ,,.,.., mo n from f'arh S<"hool l lG-lap racing card scheduled to-any lc>am has been abl<' to mnm•u- ·1-·ru.urs .., • hr'' ~" Juninr Ci>lltt*'S lo morrow night Tht' car wu nearly \'1.'r against thl.' r<'douhtAhlr l'nrl . • Events Ole/ Time Movies ... -•tll ho , ..... ~Who will .. _ I h d th k h" h I d 0 . T hq• ''"" '• ~-' -· ....-mo 1s c· in 1• erac -up w 1c an . n>, prodot•t thL' ~ra~nn *** ,.., <1 '" pa.r1w:-.pat~ in !he ju d th 'lh I I H ii I-" t h .-.• turd•~ ffll11ninr •• JI) ~ .-1n rr " " am 1ra aC(' am ton iwtt "" cown, 1 oui;h, lh•' BallN"' \" .. '111 ~. _.. -:iit Pat Flah<'rtv stdt"llnl'd nt thr and flnishf'd th<' mne-rnnrni:: i::11m1• • BRIEF GLANCE AT BASEBALL f1rs1 rlH't' <A 1~ tl'Tln _, • "'° "'" P.IJ-~ 3.'l'~ ha .. ., bttn prcr tut minut" b(.rort' tht' "openrr " with 15 strlkrouts. <lai!<-d "'-'11~ 1i~a.T •e r .i,;.i and ••nil hf-loel\f'd to the lut Friday by the doctor i. IChed-• ~ Snn Fran-.r1"'" .!~ Lo i. An1;t'f1•' '.:i <111k lllr11 I :•1 S1111 l \11·cu '" S1·.111l1· 11; llnll.1 "'"'•I 17 !'i1r r:.ntt·ntj• n l'nrtl:iml J.1 -\ \lt:fU(' \.'.\ l'l11l111l1·lpl11.1 ( 11•\'• ·l/\fHI N1•w '1'111·k l'>••lrntl \\",,,h1r11:1t•n lw1•1 .. n \\ 14 11 \'..' 1(1 tltN.., rM""fi _......., ........ , ....... r--c;,.•. • ll.; rnnf~Tants •·Ith OWMrt ,,... .• beh' d h '"-I C -·~ ~ ,.~ ,.i.;n~ on fM boet.1 but -uae.a .. o appC'ar in t e w .. "" o l..F.Am t: 14111 lw madr,-•o ~ fhtpo -,,. d 11111• • ll(Uoc'f' (At~ --~ in .. rd-r 1c. £4"1 m Chr t-. .,.,.._ ... ~ • ..-.1 .. '"'''Miro par11cipatc> a re i • r •un J unior Coll~P. Marin .~ ••r f ·,.11. It" }I• nln Junior Col- •_. S-1in r;, """ Coll•~P. Long • 1•1n1•or C"11llrc•'. Santa :\ton- m•••r C 11J;o1:•-. Pa.•adt•na C'lty RJley No !'; with which Oick Vine- yard won lhe main event on the umc ni~ht. .. ...... . ... I ~ 7(1(1 17 f>M II" !'!71 111 1 II• wtn'lol' dlly. ':.~ I !I ~ ... .,,..,,,_ i t( H,.. "-' -.1t1 •• , ~l()(I l' 4!17 u .. 11~ ... '\";••1-t rl\lt> arr ..__ •• (f I l;I -1·111 1· .. 11··1:1 ll.nd ,,....., ,._ .-. • .:· .• n;I .J .. hn \t111r .Junior Col- Vlnl')'11rd will bC' dri1•ing his own car wht"n fhr actlon lltarls 111 the llunlini.:ton Bf'ach S pl'rdway with qu11lifyin~ i:pins 111 7 p.m . Thi• first C\'t'nt starts at 8:15. n • I•~· '°'"' hnr ·~ul .. -I ~~~~~~- ! * COASTING ALONG * Oscar Fraley ''" ~\'I l-1! \ '' '1.""., ,_ >b) 11 -· .. r--}• .r . 11 K.,r\ I 1l!ion had Reports: 11 , t •1» ~t .. c, ""°';1... -, h •• ~ • ti• 111 '' "r ltul nr\'l'r '.'If">\' YOR'-• ,1 A ..i1 .• 11• "'" 1., .,,. nia.. • ,, ••i.nd 1., •nini.: 111,, hand . ,._, "'· "1\Y 14 1t·r1 1 ', l'I tl'•I" I ... I• •~cc: r ... ....t. r· r•lru1Jn~ Cil:illnn. thl' !.;:l•nltlC"ky l l••t•hy win· r··~ 1n 'l l1t"flll l \\l ·J~~hlolJ ]& .t :I fH:l•I t\l'll••(I lllS j;J1''<-d Ol'r,is w•rylikdytocrt"llfl'3minus f>'i Ill<'. lm·-d Ill• '""' I !• thr tor·· un:.: rh.-h.1"-.. ~·•I hem In cl11n pc'>OI in thr• prr:ikn1•i;'I on S11tur- :•1-, •tfll trii: :'an 1-, •tv"'iM"O fflfry • •• -•n-.r ,._.0,, ,nrt turn•"'d h inl r1ay \'411 i1 \\"nn'1 f\U1 1hro ~tary· t\' -l11nr! .lnrk•·_,. r ltth .r>11t of businl'ss 4..t7 :\!l l "t.11 1:; , ~· :11 :!I :'1l I .F.At • t ·t: •• •·rt . ~· ;;r; 5 i:AA f, t':f\7 t:: S:>i II 1~!11 11 1·.i1 HI r;r; St I MI,... ( 111•·>1.:<> 11 I 7ti A m-1 """ I~ ·o..n ~-w •• 1.: .. r.1 :i .. 101,•airh And _. 111 ., r .... ,,-r-•h .. 1 r. ~ blt:.r a ..._,, • • t.rc· ''""'" ~itrl l'Jlrlnll'd 100 E\'rn itueh an illu<1trioU5 bettor "h•;· 1,f Plftl"lftr C'o.n1 ~L ...... rd-n• .ttfo11ttl lh•• dlS tani·•· rn a.<i G~·nri::e \\·ashin~tnn fnund out GB Coach ot 1tr ~4Dlilllll: :..,. , .! ., '"••rid< '.'\ .. rhmi: Sl'llSalion;il ~ lnm: ni::o th11l it C'oStll mnnry to <'al:<" tt·am ~-•l k "'·•I lh--rt.uh r.-Mrd for thr ll'a-buck thP l(N'S gC<'S in thr old line SATIOS.\l . l.F.A(,l "F. "' •• l'rt. N1•w York Plt t~hurgh St LOUIS Rrooklyn llo~lon Philad(•l1.ti111 C'hwai.:o ClnC'lnnat1 1:: 7 ,t>:l:t l '.! R .f.00 ·~ time all·~ ,.._. ..._.,._ ~ m •tudi Tamalpal.9 competes i;talf• 1 And ALL ho· IJ ~"' en 1-" ~I ... " •'<4'> ti) ·I M'C°Onds. Now Th" f11lhrr of onr ro11ntry, like-I() 7 ~ 11 JO 5:!4 11) 10 ~ 11 It ~.no :.! t<qu-9 around •"ill w tllttr-,,.,,., K.lrl ., ht·rni: lol'fOVmcd for bii: man)' of his childrrn, discovered 2 ,, ~' ~ ~-~ ·~ l'P thi!I irrr\·ocable fact In 1762 when 7 11 ~ 7 16 ;v)4 Wolff' and O:Nrc "-'•-"" c -.it--0-he Wt'nt to the Maryland raCt'S. :! '-:: 4 ,., fom1a and J~ S"~ ~ v. _.... H ,i, hH-1'1 '"" a tr~k !'tar Thl' Mar)'land Jockt"y r lub. oldest in.it~. er.,, .. •md ,,111y. hm 11 J>C'OVed the-of ilit kind in the country. then 7 ln fac-t, chi-.,... •• .. -~nrr41ttly :M'•"•• • ·o the> •undr> arhf-s and •'8J! 18 yc>ar s old. If still Is oper· Kr.Ht"LTS n :H1T.&O.U 1 •,II ~D' C'alifonua ' •• ··u ~ ~I ... plilJttUn..: C'altfum ia"i; acr ~~i~~~!l~:a,!s ~~=!~~yy f~t· i,,.t.hciacnh AnM'ric-aft 1, 11't.ar1tnt: ~-•' ~ ,._ ---r .:,·, runrw-r. Kaan· \"l'flinl! <'11'Wllln<I at Nr•w Yo ~~I 'f\t'd hards 111.JI ......, ·~· ·•· ··•'--'•Th .-.11 • .pcnic N(ln\~ltrn ,~ "''"-"~~inul:tt1• •' 11\lnus JIO(tl• on oc- raan · · ' r · l JIC • top rol~f' fh, ~ .. ~.· o::·.W. ~r~ :1n Ol1"'p11· thn·:tt for c·n~t(ln 0..icll~O Al Bl,,_lnn, J•..,lponl'd, rain that k~rt' frror-• •• -.: il rradl: ~~) hut dunn1: lh• Hr:or < 11·, Ith· Ct•(Jrl:c.'S who ray : along Detroit 11 W1tshm~tiin pct!;tponed a1 ttw< SC'A ~.· .. r ..... W°•J:lliiror. lliaal mtf"f Wa!onf\ """" It-~ kel't w11h tlw Toms, Dick and Harrys. rain 11nl1 ··e·t RN>IJ rt ' . u rl S1r~ .-"'1 I.,,>.---=-., .., '""" hitti~ hu louted po-Anti W11shington mAdr hl11 con- 10nl)' Garn••5 s,.~~ulf'dl 1hfo 8t'an a.lrr•(h ~· ~ tatJaJ of a 4 :10 mile. Team rri1m· trlhu1ion. although you mlitht say _. -u .-*'n a. ~1~1,,.d • ..... 'l ""'taWp-l!'f'S hnall) ~his calf mU$CIM< Gfiirgr was lucky. He only dropped l\"ATIO~AI. II.AC.WT. s.hoot('T'. &ti• H tr• .,.. • •tn abnonnaJly i1hort. that h;• $6.20 Phil111~~phia _I . r11t•huri:h !'\ Th(' PN"'f""~ ,, , •1 • ...,.,, ., ..._ st~ininit thrm l'\'ttytlme hr I Jlis rntire trip to the r aC'rs. Bolton :.!, Oitr1~i:o. 0 automobiw fum •1 ~. ·• ,, ._. ,..._ • hnWC'\'l•r srt George-ha.ck a neat Rrookl)•n 9, C"inrmnat1 :l fll"f"4;f.t''C' hnl"Up "'" :::-• ··--.I""'" Sprnal tuJ:h t\l'f'lcrt lr.-tck 5h(W5 I ~16 40 nut hr mus t h1wr bern II Nc>W York 5. !'I l..0111, I• I and ttw-0 ._111..,....; It ·-···• -." .. ~inu-Tl'd for \·1.'mng. Jifr-J'lf"l'flY 1ha.rp hand ";th tht-p!l.!'f('· compM1h<'" m 'lw \I • .-:'Y! ..,... llllC his an·h and r:ikinsz !ht> slrnin hoar~'!. Washington . sa1 .. ·11ged i :.'.! GENE'S CAFE Speciali7.in~ in 14"rench and Italian Dinners HARBOR 110'? 705 Coast Hwy. Corona df.l Mar BOWLING ~A RECREATION ALLEYS Phone IW&ron 6."\ 17 1818 Newport Blvd I l'it>h do ·llrr•"" • ·• • • -CJCf M caU mu:iCI• Pf•~to'. Thi playm~ car d'!. cutt1n~ lhl'' C'OSI fwm 1hrir , .. ,,,.. • -.. ,~ iS ~t'CJoiln ~an runmni: likr Al"' hi!I ,·:1ration dow~ to $264 40. ~rtamh "tw >uM .->C ., -·man .:uid tn fh•• roming tnil'k Fortunatrly for him . he had not 11,,. :t~ to .;~·· '.. -. -., .... f~td· rarn1\·11ls Anti rhampwn· hcC'om~ t~c pultliC'. fi1:url' lhrn Ju"' lrkr In , •• -·. w' .,.... ~ tw-•n hf-a potl'nf opponent I fhllt hi' \\'~ IO '1: II frw }'C'a~i; PT• p tradi ..,. • • . -. for Amtttn·~ ~t ptl'k -'em-ui1-, lnrl'r lmAJ:IO<' ho'~ mul"fl mnrr 11 ·~·'•T<od in '\..-r•---_,... •• DMl-lay-·""1-ftt'""n l'wl\• 'l.\'ilh hlch would h:1w C'M I l11m hntt h<' hr<'n Tamalft·"' ,."""' i : 5""· .......,~ )f't • f:11nm1< -M'111 pl:ii::w·'1 with hot tiri~. ,\II nf lhr4'r d1•r:11I!' 11n· Tl'l'Orrll'rl , .BOST()S Rlt\\~ BANDWAGON I f;11thfully in \\':i<:hrncton·s di:try II rN1dc ltk1• lh1~· 1 ··Tr:iwlini: "''Pf'""''l'. :! pound><. 111 -.h1llini.:~. srrv:inl~ in trip, 17 LOOKS B..\Rl-:..:BIJT WATCH OUT I !>htllm~i;· sundry ti<"k!'l!I to the pl11 y lht"rr. onr pounrl: i;unrlry tirk1•ts In thr h11ll thrrr. 12 i;hillings; two hnXl'!I of clArt"I, 2!) pounds: horsP. ~"1 (l(IUnd~; rh:iritr . 'J pounds. 3 i<hilllni:s. cai;h ln~t on rarri1. J pound. <ii;tc shillinp 11, ( \aL I I '99'll 1 .. 1 :--;F\\ Y• •nh. 'I' • P •- I c-;,,. J , •• r· •• .. :tnd 1t~' t• • .£'••·~ •.-• fl,11; Cl" q ., ~ 1----- . .._.,.... ., Or French ·Cafe ~ ... onaJ ... -c - ~~, ... o, .. ,, ""'' r ·P~.....- T~r.--.....-._. ...... -.. """ ·~ &w• .... -.u..a.-...,..,.. <'•tml'l•"'I .. llt-~ ., "~ ,, ~ r r-, .. -~ -· .... ...__ :.11:-• ............ ~---.~ _T.,. .. ~ i..l_.c o$tJ I ':' '•. • ~, ~~ti •rn ""h"'" •!Uf'Sltnn •tu.ch •as u j.:l')()(I .'\ r· :t<nn ;i< nn' lor 'rnncris alnni: •• 11h lht" R<1~· '""" Rnv.., tnti"I} ~ Rr'1\. ""' ""'. r. 1 h·· rrr·· ~·\:t~•"f' ~rrt fa,nnr~ nf 11 1 .. 1 n( folk• hut t hr:-n f'Mu'lfif'rl'd from t hf' s I at t "Anrl from all th•" Wa!' dl.'duc tc-d 13 pnund.• won al C':ord." ·· Thi• drduclion~ lo hc drawn from • pnc1w:all~ c:loryrtNI lhr it l"mi1NI li!.l i!' th:it Washin)!· tt.-f"Vl'T lhNP "" l' t•\'rr~ ro•:i•nn Inn had himself a timt'. And why to~ that Rally Sm1th ... ·nrt h ~I not. on 11 hundrrd hurks worth nf _... "-••t1Jd !'rl11·' do•n. wine? _. if ., tM)' could •1111. rn to Ow prnnanr For Wtlh.' \",11!'rllr. )"C'l'IC'rd;iy in Nlglng J oh n n y • sturdy nitht-handrr. ha.• mm·f'd S<-hm itz of the C'ul>S 2 to O ln a ill ...... of both Jnhnny Sain mid duC'I at Chi<'aizo ln addition he W'STTll Sp.hn .u 11 izood bPf to S1n1r k out '"''rn h111ters,11nd hand- ... :II> rramn. \'nisf'llf'. •·ho wnn ed Srhmitz. 11 lu('klc.'ll~ lc>ffy. hi!' :n ~ as 11 rooklr •ith thr fourlh l~s Schmit'Z also gs.,.t' up Qmlb in 19'4 ™"'f'T t1'tn~ .. 11~:.·r only four hits hut }1rldcd (h·e --•cPll'dd tn n<'•PI' tht' onus nf walks . ~a "T•-t.inw"' ba.ll·pla)·rr. hut Riiy Poat of thl' Gl11nts. anothrr Billy Southworth (If tlw pitchin~ castoff. nme through ar-t..i orw tnf and apparent-"ith his third victory in four starts ly ._ ~ In °" it by blanking tht' Cardinals at St. -0-boJs krpt U)ml:: \-01M'llc-Lou~. 5 to O. u thl' Giants took .. ,_.,... to hit. and so I fk•1rr<1 ovc-r first plaC'e In the National .,.. -.idft bf' of mnr" he-Ip •ith u.• The Dodgers. backt"d by Carl Ihm ~lmt m:· South,,,.orth ~nil1 Furlllo who hit n homr run .ind, \'oiRDe. •h() • u a pT"ohl"m sirti:le. And liy Rookie non Lun<I ~ Wlth 01r Curnts. qu1ckl~ who got a thrre-run homt'r. l1c-- 1Hf1e>odtd To his nf"' •'n' 1ronmrnt fratl'd fhf' Rf'd.s at Cincinnati. ~ and ~tft' r.innm)! si~ ~lrai~ht lo 3 ~ at Thf' f"nd nf lhe 1~7 R<>b 'C"hl.'mN. highly· touted rook-' w-.. h.u •on four 1n 11 n•• ~hr• t<' p1IC'her of the PittshurJlh Piratr!: I ~ lllaT puts him ah• ad,,, l~irh J!llchNI 11nd sluggl'd hl11 way to ts.in and Spahn. hut ~•'Ar·~ I\\ In his rrrst major lt"aJ:Ut' triumph I 7-c-nw ..;ruw~ •1th th" TirAW" 1.1lth 11 n1i:ht game-. 5 tn I. drc1-.1un .wt If '"">· 1~1. t•an .f.'\•m" 1l•·ni: 1 owt'r 1h1' PhilAdrlphla Phlls 111 nv ctUb ••ll hr an l"H'>'\lt>nl P"'ll· J'11111hur~h nn lt\1' mnund. h<' ..at hr't. ~Pl"" , .. rirrr• n•h 11n· ~ 1rltlc·rl onl~ ''"" n m 11nrl ~i" ti tt• anpr,,.ru· 1 .... ;;r;;f II'\ 11 '•'rl• • 11•11 1n 71-. 1nnmi:~ ho'f11rr l••fl nni: t hr 10 drfrat5 •h1C'h J"I"' ti rn -•"h i;.1m•• "1th 11 hlt51f"r p..-. All 1\mr ril'An lr11t.:11" c'i.m<-~ "'re \"Otfif'Ur ~aH' up h111 four hit• I r.11nt-d out till ()out 111wa1 • ()ef'OM de.I ,.., NEWLY REMODELED (with a fresh atmOC1phere) 8pedalldq •• : Spaghetti • Ravioli Scaloppini, Chicken Steaks & Roast Beef Cocktails CIOllM ot1 M09Cla1. Har. 1180 LON CHANE\' la "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" -plu- ~ROLD 1.1..0\"D In "Saf e~y First" Adulta Uc -Chlldttn l!c: MAKE MONEY tm 'f1JN1tf/11111e/ Pee~* New Low Price8 kncHEN" THAT· . MAKES YOUR HOME .A MONEY MAKER! Thai extra roo• or two 1ou dM., UM cao be . qwf ck.IJ 'ancl easily connrwd 1.-o aa lecom• •r•rcm1n1-d1••k• 10·1hl' \a tra·modern PURIAIR KITCHEN. Herr's 1n rndre lthch1-A1.1,.' IN 8 SQUARI dl!T ..it Of FLOOR SPACE. &ay co inti.II, tOol •J1111 look II IOlftl o(tMPU'Jlj.- ·AIRE fnrurn-i Rana• furnlahel for pa or (electricity. ...._ • ~ Hl1h11t -qtialhy nnar. ala~ -o ... ancl relrig1n1or. ..... ~.--~-,Pa..,.eed -yeodlatio n whllltl o6 all cooldn1 odora. .. . .. . . -!.._Plnlthed ln 1ll1trnlna White duPoat Dufwr Enamrl fol la1rin14>esuty. ~ ~ Plano·blaged doou com: '°plec1l1 abac off kiichen from' ~of roo1D. tie. thl1•wt, compact, co1D• pltte, 11hra·modun PURI~ ~JRI Kitchen today 11- Les Nott Electric '!8'!1 W. ('!'nt,..l Har. '.?~ SF.WPORT BF.ACH 0---~~=~-~--=---___ -_-__ -----~ ~-~ We Protect Your Property Nominal Cha_rges