HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-17 - Newport Balboa News Times---------------..-------------~~-------.----.--------11!1"'---:-....,.,·=--~----':Wo"'-------------~ ........ ~~,..,.------------...... A~kS U.N. -to Call Cease-.Fire ID . .-._...,..__._._.,_.,_.,_.,....,....,....~~~~~~~~......,~~~~~--....,...,...,..___...,~w~~~~~--..,_....., ...... ,......,,~-.., ~ I A a-e-.,. -o H L v DA t LY NEWSPAPER O"ANGE ~--~------------CO A ST 'S LARGEST C ITY • 'l'N ----------Toda~"• 11 i\.M., P.~.T. Uow Jont'I' ""'"'It• .. ft,1tn • f •I• I A I 1• llll"m1""r I. ,\ .. , ... ._ • ,, l 1hh 1 111 I 'I> II .,1. l "'""' \ P llllllt ' .. 1n 1t'I 1. I .t11 •~· 'I I I l\11 Ill 1'•1 ! t •"I !Wl.,.·t 11 .. t on l'•.:r I 1111r • --Jerusalem EMBRACING BALIOA PENINSULA,•WEST NEWPORT. SEASHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEI GHTS . BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA Jews Give In to Arabs VOUJIU XL l 'nlto-.J r .... -. At01tM' Tfolf'~t'"' "~~· '' \IRt'H 71 I 1\l\I ~1 ·1 ·1 ·1 ..;~ '.: \ i\111) 17 ~~~~~~~~-_______________ ..._________________ 1 I 'I., 1'11. ''1111 .. 1 ''"''' ..... ~,.. ""••I lfu l 1uh1t '•'1·•1t1ii. ~••"\JI ti \ H Ullh It h 1 ''' t I 1t1 th1 \\ .r tit l'.111,ftth t 11t1 tt t 111 \\•tt11I , ... ,.,"'-. 1uil ,,, 1h 1 "' "'"'. ·f. ,,, , • CL'-•' t u •• I•\ f, ''" 11111 \1 1t0 .... '' "1 " "' ,,, . , ,,. \\ .ur.'n IC... \1tto.l1tt ud tit ti !lu 1 PIUh''I "'"~ulJ 1,0 , .... ~. "•• , ,_,, .. ,_ ** ** ** ** ""'"'' \1111'11'0" .an ...... ~ •·•· llll(hl th•• ec ........ ha ........... ...... 13,'oOO ~ile South Sea Voyage Ends I lie: 11•'" "'"' l"h "la tr 1of lwsrl. 111 • .a ... t .. •th '"''' '''""' '"'' 1n thiifo "''" 1. .. 11.1 \\1111111 :11; ....... . 1\11•1111 ... 1t.111111 .. 1 " 1 .. 011111 r~ I Ackermans' i Island Girl I l ] "'''"" '" 11 ... 11 ""''''" ''""•nnl la '. '•~''"' '" th• "' .... " ••• ,..... •• _,.. '11.•11111'• 1111·111 11i.11 ''''" liu1I ""'•drd I""' """ ....... 1 ""'' ,,,r ••a• .. a1 ''' •t• I' pie " '''' I"""'"' l '!11 acU.oe ., I ' ' ••• Jit••11t Ith• 1n\ati.uut The• A111r1 ,,.,.,. t ,.,.,,hlll•'fl did noC '""'' ~111··~. lou! 11 ttf1.•i;lrd 11 would .~ W ith 19 month~ anti 13.000 m1lr• \ .. r a.l\1•n1urr h.•h1ml rhrm, <'.apt t · ~: A1·k <'rman 1m 1I lrn· l'N'W nr 1h1· ,...i11 w•n1•r 1,.1:i11d 1;1rl 1JO<·k1•tl I 11 ..... F r11h" a l11·1 11 11111 ,,r 17 tl11)' lrum I llAn;111•d H1•111J '" l'111nt ('1111· •1•\pfton Thr t ,,m hl:H'k -hill I•~ I 44-(iit>I OR.\.S1:t : C'O Al"T .fl'SIOil ('01..ll'..Gt: • • • "'-..... ·'-A.., Mr ...... ,.._._.,. "•1 16. t1n.t ll!fftlni: of •d111111l~trath•· ufflc~ •11• ~ .._.,. -... •--. .. .-W-n..i ...... •• t ... P!J•- c ra.m or fa1·111t~ orirnlatlc,. aad .. .._. ......._.. t ,_ ~ , .. ., -o&P"r, •-......, ~h1r4~ monlfii~ l'arlh-l1>11tlni: wrr+•. lt•tt lo ric;ltt : .i..-.. "· ~--drr ,... ...... : ...... k -'1,H ..... ,,.,..,., p,......l1frn(: t"r1od,.rlc-k Hutwr, d,.an uf mra: M". Marir .... .--., *-.,. •-1•h'''" h~ l{.·1 k n,.1 ',,,·1,1 \\huh ,\ek .. rn:o11 h111ll h1·1 • '" 111 .. I•\\" , ... :it \uni 111 1•111. OllS• •I I "'''' "' n\\11 '"I' 111 111• l.11lu An · I ··h111 ·•I-'•' 11111111-""" \\1.. 1\rk1•r· 111.rn "h" 1l1·h,11 k1;l 111 I l11nnl11l11 II 1 h11.,fl.111d "tll ~·m 11°1 tho•11• 111 111. ""Ill 111111r• .11111 111).'.1 th"r th•' \\Ill lir 1111! lo,!f'h 111• ~•-f•••I •l'hi1011 THE 1 Heart Victim SAND i Rescued; Man CRAB 1Hurt at Cove • r ~ .. urh \\'mil I 'l . T k orr Th· \r ho Im.on• \\ hto ll\01• m (' .. ·' anlleS a e-'""·' rid \!:ti\ .;uli·d· thl' ls l;inll 'l'.-...1 • Last r:1rl 111 .111tl .111>1111.t 1•l11n1b of th• ..... ay m . ':-.. uth s. .. ,. :.l••·r l••ll\"111).'. Nl'Wport 1t000 ff t G llarhor Jll•I .,,,.,.a,,.,. .. am1 a hnlf ~, op 0 uam oll(O. Tili'lr fll,I p:1rt or COii WU I Ow M.arqUctl&ll iJ'OUP and from t:T. TOR!J -1'tlf-,_!ft vhffl. 1h1·n · lht•\ n11\•1i.;11hod thrnugh thl' •.i-t R.">D Or!o&;l:iit rran.•l"'>r' ••ill Socirtl~. · Tum11mo1us. I A'l'Wardll, rakr t)lf frnm lh•• \t11nn•· c· .. ,.,,.. a nd 111 .. ll1m1111an blamls. By ·'" •ldllml t:t Tnrn. Inda~. lo 1>r-1 Tiw l~l:tm1 Girl pul into quarnn· fin.all> """ tl'w· 1111·wr·-~ , ... kt~ 14.-1 "'" at ~11n PN ln1 lt••ron · crt11•inr O.·a1h II) dro9-runa: •a.. ttv find-()f,1) m.iJ, ttiuntl tnp "hop"' 111 <;uan1 tinwn thr r11.'1!-I In hrr horn<' port mi: of t or;on.cl' <'OUllt) ~ t'..arl 1lwo ~'f'>nllnuance or I his l'l'fV· h<'n· 1111 h1>i1ril who•n shr• 111'<1 111 ° 8 A II Tt:I. ,\\'I\·, Ma) 11.-fl'r•- ur: c·1a.un1 ""''" .. •· n . __.. ~.lo•l•t ......,.r AM a ,...._... ,if l11t..rt1Al'-a! ·-· ... ~ tlr..1 ..,........ ......... -,.. • '"" •t•'" of l•r ... 1 .,,. ,..,. __.... :l.ltlftl•t f'OU.,.tl _,... .. Tel \•·h , ............ ,.. f\or11 l1t Ku.~•. Ur. \\...,_ •l11111t .. 1 In ti .. nu•ll) allil H•U· "'~'·"'' ....... ,.. • ...... !" ..... .-r· 11,.n••11t ..,,.,,,. In tA&I.... H.o I '" '"'" In tlw l · .. 11 .... 1'1a'-. .. n'"""' l••,1t111t•l•1 1 .. t h•·nat~ ... I It• "' .,. \\ 11tl.t ... hhlt ....... , I 11&d'8 "\ .,,, ,,,.~ ,.,,,, • ..,.,,,.. t\ \I \I,\ :'I; Ill\•,' 111111 •AN. \I ''I• ti I'• .I•"" "1111111 1tw '"'" "1lt1 d • II\ • ., ,. '""ti•,,, IH•''' 1 H j.ll •1td11;d I•• A1 u l• fu ti •' .l··•n ,,,11\\0 tifHI\ l \1 h I tit • t1fl~UI .:• 0 • \ 'I ,ti ul .lo I II• cl• 111 1 .. 1,1 I Ito i '111tHi I 11 I''" fu 1 t \fMlft) Nto·11w1·1111)1> , ftn"' lwt t' w.ith utlwr 1notmlJO"R of • llnllf'd ,.._ I lur11 l\lflllfllJUllofl "ti. 11! la ......_ Cit\Ttlt:t<r.u .,, TIU: ftO\\' or lhf' M<>u lh _...,. ... an\•f'11lurr V"htH•nrr hlantf 1;1rt. "'" 1'1<111lhl1U1df'h ,.._ , 1,, "'''""' 11 ln;o .. 1,, ,.11 ,,f Jrru. tor ..... Jil11•ttti;ra11h•·r .. hurll~ a tl••r l~I"" 1111 a l IJdu ,\tll'hor•i;r 11w• •rr: \\1111-. ""''· \t•ol, 1' ti , I C'. t: . .\«k l'l'lllltll, .......... ,, ., .. 1 "''""'· ,,, ( ......... d1·I ·''••: \\111114111 , ...................... HI;, ....... lh·•·r ........ ""' 1'1"'1" l.n•·octd: Kol!-•rt U11n>Jt1 .. u11. 1•..,...11·11• ''""'· C . t:. Ao·ll•·r111•11. """ 11Artl1·t1.,.lf"I ha lhr Ill 111u11lh, 1i.,1w10 I I• '"'"I" fll• •I "'"''"' llu1I m.llf' c-n11-. <l•·h•tkt'd •I tlunulul11 1.i1.,1., ''' I\., 1,11, 1 f, "' 111 '"' .. 1,1 \\.111••1 '''' "''M"h ----I ~ ••rtlHll" tf1• ,..,.,, 'u •. .,, tJutnra I Ahlll'~ m 1hc-dvalh of ~..-. I: ~ ca:ft'll' •u h lh•' nnnounr•·m r nl w .. r1• Wrllrnm I Bill> Wf'lr. 01 Tl'f'T'N. 17 of 71!> S Kott. I.no ff'Y"om, "·a,.tungl~ lhlU "Trnn~pnr1 M:iui. T . II . nll\'ll:Rlnr, W1lli11111 "===============::!J Anitf'k-s l'T'\o~"' lhr Ra\')' and llnTI}' rur l'nWPll, l ni:l<'v.·0()(1 7A'k<' ~ras.'•' T°""""' loJ1 tu<!; llf,. bf'for~ , .... rnorTT •ill hr c-nn..olllial<od lnln 1 hr I lull)°" nod. R o h t' r I l1onulll'ltln ~~~~~~~0·~~~~·~~~; ~~~~~~:~~.~.·,,•·· •.. ! -3 2 :WSiffMs J\?hi!iii!/~;\~~!:~:~J@ ELE C TION S. Seems as ,though more election.c; are in the offing and the next one "ill be the primaries on J~ 1 anci note by the pub- lic prints that it's mo!'(' like home. coming week. these fellows who are running for office. Perhaps the hardest battle M·ill be that of Judge Bob Gardner. "'"ho was air pointecd se\·erru months ago to fill the newly created Su- perior Court p<>l't. and who must now nm for the el~­ t ion. Bob is a local youn~ man who ha.c; spent most of his yca'rs. barring the war. in Orange county. \\'a." talking to a lady 1 he ot hPr night who told of an addrcs.-; he made> before her dub in which he review<'d a number of cases. The most c1ifficult he refused to solve. leaving the ladies to decide who should get the verdict. and from all I knO\\· they haven't come to a ver- dict yet. + + + Some Ot.ben. 'Then there is Earl Stanley, who seeks re-election to the statr as- sembly. Earl did such a good job in his mst term that his friend& have persuadfd him a second-tenner is ol ~ value to his dlstrlct than a one-timer-s<>-Earl is run-mng again. There is the har· bor's perennial friend, Oyde Watson of Orange, who Is seeking his toga again in ~ state senate. Oyde is one of those honest. four -square guys who hews to the line and lets the chips fall where they should. Aho in the run. ning is Congressman John Phillips. a sincere. hard- working representative who has always been Harbor's friend in Washington. Mv prediction is that all four will be retained in offire. + • • K e I p C u t t e r s, Bf"•-an-! 1lle9e marauders who a"' too lazy to get their kelp in sections where fish do not spAwn. shoulrt 11C' trus.<;('(! up with a law that makes it iJ. legal to cut the sea weed in certain sections of the shore !Continued on ~ 4 ) • I r~·11 of hu• hon'ftr-a~ ~~f<'T -•) fo"""'1 'l\filJIAry Arr Trnn:<· 1'1t.<•11rtrna. :md Ackrrm11n. an4 a l?TO\IP ol 1,.,. )..,.tff'da) pon S--n ·u••" • ~A'r.\ 1 Junt' l:<t." m !ht> OC'l'an nrar Ow Sanu 1 Ana Thr~ .,11 hr lho• f1n;1 ma)'•r Ill· H t" t Be h rl\f'T brld$: ~1"1nN' of Unthrat1on Mnrt• 1.:1,. un tng on ac I A f'ftmfll'l:aon. R.obo-n "''"l5rt!a7 ui:,. •:f .ttlf' :"a11on al Odl'nlW art I Bo K•11 d atlt'mp1<-d •o ~ tho )"'Uth Thr ''•Ur ·•'np nf'fi ''J:lflnt ... or lhc• y I e on ~·""'1 tw 111.;u <'au,rht m a np ~ -jr~ frnm :\Jann,. Tr a n fl po r I Co t H• h Hi~ ;ollMnJM tn n-am ,,.., t.-.., 'tt.11. 1:-.,.....,tr•on 1:.:!. 1\·:\1 R -t:-i:t1 -ia-3S Jg Way 1-d a nd T<t!T""' •·mi ci<Ja-n IJt• ·I .,.~ <l .11 F:I T"rn. h;i, .. <-arr1t'<I ''" • i:uard!I didn't find ,,,_., ltt·•h i.anralt 'onr of rti.• mr,,.1 1nl<'ft!<I\'•' trim ;;pnr' I E ight accl<Jl'nts rt·~11lt1·1I 1n • •i:t•' ti \\:tJ.lwd .a..nor..-lhtc :nfll"nPr.: at JoC"•,.:r.tm• "" thf' W•'l<I r••a>I ~'hf'fl· 1nJ11n••, :inti ..,,.. r11111l1t\ in <n ~ ;v1 uhnl? """ 1ra~rar1r1c rh£hts a -'"~" """"'' ""·r lh1· w•·•·k "''" ;,. I ... L n ~r .. l-c (If -·nafh-lha lhllU~:fM(t~ "'\.\;tlr?l••fl fht htCh"li\ E\·a Tt/IT•1'. t ht di-ad t-• -.~·~ ! ••"' .,n 11 • ~ -• "• " i:tr.od ~tunntod on ,,..,.~ •hit. l -JU.•tfrun Nh """''" n\'<'r n m1ll1r1n ·~· nnrl !'''m 1111· 1"•:11·11•·'· ''''"'' h<-r hr<•th<r 111*"'1 dr,.-n arwt A•d· and a half mil~ w11h11ut 11•·r11l1·n! Kdlv. I a1tr,.rn1.1 ludl\,,,, 11.t1r11' l:.n•·T rU-au•••-d h!J'n""lf •n i•r • m 1tt,.1r 1~1 monrh, or •1"N'r111t11n nrrwr r "\1•:1lo·rt ''"'"' lrr:tC'h hi • frolfn 'h•' •~' roe•!. · I Th•· rn1alit.' '"" " '" \••nr '''" I Th•· I~) "" .. ~ tll"'°'..,.,...d •h~ I I ~·r. n whnrrt Stc•\'1°11 Snl!··ll "'"•-' m .. mmc .,, lluntinru.n tv-r lit• D-..1 Cross to Type, ',,mrrnn ·"''"''''· 1.11,. r t' l';ir~ i;u .. rd Burt· llicc•n• ,.,P_T A'o#•, l\.nl l111n1ini:r•111 I~ ,,.-11 Hwlwlfl " 1• f ~:.1d fW' lnflll<<1 '"'llJ t"' ... -(d a-..amfy Resi•dents kJll<od Wh1•n ht fl\11 111'1CJ" 11 11111 sa"d from an t.noan .S.-:.Ot ..... a.i:J(7• 1 in1:tnn ll•'>ll'h h••lll••\:1111 1111 .. lh• R1t)montf w .. od~ 3" ~--A~· Blood Bank nn·ve l'lllh or II f':tr r1rl\1 n 11\ \\' •. I 1~ llurnn. fl n :"'11 ·1. s .. nt :c 1\na JJO l(V' nff IC'<T, •'ho Pil fA "ffftlQJ"<l wh•·n lw l'Uff•~•-d a c~rc4'-afvQrtl I ('nrn11<'r E a rl l\hl1<•) ~"'''th• '"'' thr rishlnC boat. ~ ,._.#-fltt'° Tht' Cl'f'(IM IO :l •rrw< f\f hlout1· Wll< lhrown In 1 tlf' p11W'lll"nl \\Ii• 11 • • f)'JIUlft drh'f'S MTI' will hr h<'ld hr rnn min lhl' iwlr <•f 11 ~ •• 11rt llr 111'11" rf"C(U'°d and t-'""'Ctlr .,. '""rifhl .ti lhr :"rwprort Brac·h h ountl (':tr nnd w11~ knork .. <I t11 tlu l'llorfo uamma:r school from 1 to 9 p. m. pA\'rmrnt 11:"' Roc-l<M radloPd t~ •·~ j '" ;u1•lt h--r r lly-wutr drl\'r hy thr Hr wa~ pr·nnnllnN-d tl••n<I 111••11 Nlmlnjt In •1th IJw _,,A ... _ ~ "',.,.., t<J ltrlf' up a <'OrJlll or 11rr1val "' r>r Rrrnard M ncnn'• ,,, m lln al>o&rd and pof~ had an •allonc blo<ld hilnlu " fl('(' In •Jfuntinitnn Rr1trh '""''" amhulan<'t" a nd ~or ftW'f'1 1 f,. • boat al 1~ 11,arl,or .,_,.,_,I \\ 11h ,.....1nl)' hlnotl hank nf'f'd."' wa~ raul!'•d hy 11 fr11 r1111'1'd 11k111l dork rsh macf'd at 500 pint• A mo nth. C'nrornrr Ah°lw'y ~nid An in1p1r·~I .. thf' ~ <'rnu i11 ll'#kmit tn rv-ii J)('ndin~. N o nr of 1hr drl\'rr~ "'ood)•, *"'-• . • .,,. ... . ·-•iff'. ,,.... cu-10 thr ~ and cLH111f) ~ many dtizrm her,. wrrl' h 1>ld s~t "'°"'ilw 'homptal in Loa • po9Sfblf' No. IK'tual blood-typln1 ------- Ant•'" b)' llon·au. ...... 1(1' • planrwd tonicbt. $Z100 Damage at ~ .. C'-S,U..-ot IM drivr arr !hf' • A fall f,._ tJw rwdrs .. Ot:illa Or-c(' Count)' Mf'dical Aleoda-Suess Home as Co\·r )-1~ ~ ...._ but t lGft. rhf' Oran«r C'ounty Hralth patnfu1 mJwWs to Fraacia RGbrr1 o.,.rtmmt. anc1 ttw ft.rd o-oa. Fire Depl Busy Gilman. ~. al «JU ...,_ ~...._ I 1'10 t •tdU) uft•--utll\ 1 t\' tlto. ''I' tlu 11'• 11f t "l"t '''" 1 ". 1 " '"; T 0 D A y I 1 \' I"' 1t11d 1 1 ''•••l tfutt th•-· Arab ltUr t to An1unfi lft 1 111,pul• q\• 1 "' tf11 I••\\• 1 ti.tto.tfl I•\ '·" '", I I• u•I• ''-tlul ''"' t luth t• ,..,. .. , lhe' 1ll\'lslon11r<'ul11r1tl1 .. 11\•1 ,.,1.1 ''" ·"''"" ''"" 1 ''" 11,. I·• '' 11'1 tUllt.IC:-1 """ '"' an•• 11-.m1l11111-d 011 f'aitf' 41 A h•tl<'r f1·11rn (;,., I••' hr11111" '' 1 ""·''' 't•·M ... un ''"nut r•·•·•·ht~ lh••lr 1'0 1•1' I \\.tJii prt•s1'flt.-d tn l u t•t 1111 ,,,, \U 11f 'fu • '"'''•••'' ,.,,., ... ,, .. f th•* N•·"' l'hur-. ,., .... •""•-cl tu I) d ('h k Le d • 1rf J A Kr u..: •11111011"' ... ,. ' I 111 Id ,,, ,, \\ •''' •I· 11 • t \ I •·Jilt HI I ........ , ..... , l i~l J ........ , •. •l:I:\ >.a I t'C a 8 •• rto's ,,,.11r,.'"' .. , •ti· 1., q ••• .i i1,,,j~ ,.1. •• 1•.11 1• '"''""'.,, it •n ' ..... , ""' 1"' '•'111 tt.:.ttt t•oli",•e •·t Meao 11trul Anl •1n.1 p11qtt f \II •· •• 1 •• ,,,j, ll 'H I j1t , •• t I••' ...... '-u nca Th .. ,,r .. J·,, "'"' 1, i·• .. 1·"·. ,, .• , . •'"' ,,, ,, • i , • ...... ·" , , • , i'""'•· Motel, 2 S-..ilo.a '' Iara.:• .1Ut••t1rtl ''' rt.. ,-\• i • "'' '' • • I' 'f"' •'· d .. d I • '~• 't. ''"'' iu tli •t1k ...... GI I 0 1• I , h~ Ol ll lUM'd h\ ' 1111••1 I I 1 tr1•l fl• tp I , ••JI I 11 t • 11 ,1, 1 tt 1 d iqlnf l '.i; 1 ~d'\'Hdlt, tid !I. t \].,.,.,11 \111 ll 111•dil l 11t1 l ~•.1•l11111 11,1 • .. 1 I ff 00 tllt ' I f it' t •I~ O I\\ 11 1tu1' 1 l\11ll"•1t '', t • H11 \ •• t 1tt1' .. f ·• .... ,,,.,.,.," 1,. II• " \t It. ". I•' 1l "• I ... ii ti •' '1• •' ' JI I '111 I I I• I • I I fttU , •••• , "'"' ·····--'"'' .... 1 111. 11, ,.. 11. 11 '• •1 •1• I••,, ,. 11 "' • f·1111 1'' • ·, .. '' 1 •r· ' ''"' uo:l•• fu11•<f It\ tlu· /'1111•1 ,,j., 1{1 1 1 ·.,+t d.11 ~.111 111 1\1t 1 f .111•t1 fl f f ~t"'d ' f<• • 11• h,,' "' , J ••11aor fTllJoet•t 1111 11 • +J•t ,l111t1 i i IJ 1 ''''' '' \l1{•il1 1 111 111 Hf11t ll .,1lttfdl\ J"tV• t, •t11t1 i 11,l11tl I tl••i ftit ,..,,t ftW ,.,.,,, ....... ,, HI ,, •••• I ,~I' ,,.,t ··h· I • • ·"'.; 1taltf1•1 (':ttl)Pfl l't1qttl \11 q ,, q, 1tlo10 I 1 t t •ft•f 1ilo ti It f. I"' 4.1lf11f Ullil f1" lttltf1Hftlllf1 .... ir ... ir.1.1m111111111• ""' .. 1 '"""""' 1 ... , ,, ,, .••• , * Wt.·ather "tidt•H * ··:1"'"' ''''."I"''' 11•11 1~·• M .. ••·1• I \ I ' I I I \ I I "'' ' \f, • ,, I l1o '"' \ "'"'" "" n THREAT OF MOltE At JTO STIUK~~~ AS 3rd ROUND WA(~E WAllON .u, 11.:• '' MUI \I II f \ II I ltftt tfl•tfl 11-.1 " f t1I I t'-ll U ttt• tt,r .t 1. t-11 It 'li•.u. 1 l•1·11ltt1• ., l•.,l t \ , h•, ktt ,.,.,,. tu' ,. ''"' ou J:.nw-11 1 ••111• "' "1'1" I 14' '"·''" ''••Ii 1'" 1-tl If ll;11I• .. ''\ 'ff•• ,,..,... \ttti•h tll) 1,1 ,,,., '""' 111111' l••I' 11•'111 ''''"' I ' I I ' l'I I Sii __, lti•l,11 \ llMdl f dft Jlitttlfl • /lti. ti f U I ll I ... hf 11 • \rt". 1 111... '""'"' '"' '!-'\I t ..... , ... , ..... , ... ._ .... ,... "'•tt• ~''"' J\••fll •nd II) 1'11111'(1 I'<•"' i\t ... 111 ::···-·• ""'"'' ·"' '"I \•·-l•ril•" To•I•• ~tl·•1 • ""'~'"' ""''''''} .. nttthrf'f! MorP wnrk•·r" ,1fut '"'" '"'" t••Jt .. ,,,lo(, u1 tl1• .111l i11t111htl• 111• 1tl lt 11•fi Mt l..11" ~11 1 '''"1J•ltlU•tfl' \4 11; l!M\• tft••&r n1tntf"9 to.fr lkr tod1ty in fttf• Hlltt1fll•,ti1l1• tu 1•·"'<"11' 11\1 1•111t1 h1.v.1,.~· pru1t ,':~~~ :.';v?~:t:d~1n.•~=:~ ~.·.:~~';"~ 11, ft,.,,. Jt..·u Jiutun •"•rr••· ••>1 d•1st~y "' c1rl(11n111·'1 hol~·r '""''"'11111• 0111-I "''''' ""'"''"'' ,\ 1••' I'' II '1 1-. II 11; r. Sit ll :M 11.,1r1o11t uncl 1111111 l••ll,. T"""n•lty 1 .. r 1111 l hrrd r o11nd .. r ""''' i11 ••l•I• .. ''" "'' ''' "' 11., ,,,, . .,, ,,, ,~. 1 :1 II.' 4 H I I I 11-·11J111111J1 a11d Ill• '"'' ~vuwn ..-. r.- "''lllC'S lln rr ll1r w11r 1.111•1ltot1"I 111• I•" ••11•· 1,.,,.,v,.1 l 'I' 1u • I I ••t I I I 'II I .. ' r .t/M •1 fl .f'9 I u.r..:1t \o\1 I f'"'t1 Vl•JtlAOr"'\" lf•t• "''''th• 1 •• t.•-..1111·\•'''•1''"'''"· 4: ot ;,·t .ft•~••••·uf1t.,.P•'1tr•·I • K lllflft,af' $25 to &hoot "'"""'"'·ii· 111•1•1•11 \ \\ "" 7'o ,,~ ••• .,, '"~"'""'.J 111•• wonlf'll ~Ill '" St d G " • 1 ••w1 I ·111 A"''' ""·do " 1d1 • 1t•h •111 ttA lt.KUA H l'AKl.r.\• j N··~ jt'•I r T"w111ohll• ,.,,url flf'nja. " u ents uess1ng \It lk•· hi"'"'"' 11111•lc•r '""' \\ A!-.lllNl;·1~ 1N, M1o1 11 , ''1•1 1 ...... 111111 llull•••IY Wf'Tr wnlf'rw-rd Re "-· 1·l 'A\A.' I 'll• 111•1111~ .. "'''''' ''" N ,,,.,,., •. ,,,,.,,v •. , "' "" l·••lr•lll''I '" :\II •l•)ll lfl , .... "'""''Y jall"" st on \.Jens us l'"'"'•I• ""tlk •1111 s.i;:11n~1 l ,, n,., ul "lw • ·''"r' "'"' ''"''''" "111 111• • t '" lh•· '"Kranc·y 1·l1•r1tr lf•dr9ty alln M••''1'"" 'rl1•· ·Uuit•D tt!J•·• ff•tl" l-•1rtl "'""""' 111 "" ••fr••rt ''' ,,.,.,ta un frtt·•--. th,. r h<·t·k •·t. .. rte•• It~ «..,.. Newport Harhor <; r tt m 111 a 1 •'hool a1udrnlll will h11vr ttn ••1• l"•rlunlty to rarn S:l.'i hy 1e•w~s1nr I .. lfl1j1llll\ , .......... 1 fllt " ""' 111 u1•rf'1•1111 "' 111111 .......... 1 1•·r11111 ..... fl'tU•N I lo llllUlllll: ........ k. and ... .. l"'Y h• "1111.,.llhotl\' hut 11111 rn1 ''' l'"''1·11111u•nr 1•• 111111 111 .. r111lro1ttlll hr 11ir·k••d llor ltlu1k dlf'("ka UV In (('flnllnilf"i •m P11r ,. 41 lor1• k "' '"' .... n .. r. "W t11llh·r loault. 10011,... rf'porlrd nut. Loa Ancda. Gilman ._ ba .... -tlw 9l'ftltP by Dr G N. ""'-for ..__ Dewey, Stassen to Debate Outlawing Of Reds Tonight P111n•rt of S25(J() rttullf'd rr .. ni thr PopW•ll<>n nf lhl' ('ify nl :"olf'W tlrf' at thr John StK'U rf'«idPnN• 1•1r t Beach. T-hf.-olfwi11I rount-+w-. 1221.; E Central 11vf'nu<'. S atur<111\ i:1na today. ATOMIC ttST 'MILESTONE IN DEVELOPMENT' and a Clllntu.ioe -tlw ~ ... was takftl lo tJw Lame ~ Xa- val holpital. Combirwd ~foru al Iii~ and Harbor ~ 4llficrrn Wn'f' 'iwttmary .. ..tric:aw Q l- man from IJw ,,..... rodts nf C'hlna Covt' A boat•• .... tc:t.<d from IJw H.artlor ......,_. ~ llf~ found h Isa s to J?IK'h 1M marl frOlft "llaatt. H. - taken from tM rodo and to -.or. "'~ an amt.II~ and rlortor PORTLAND, Or.-. May 17 -. •t.'P•-Gffl• n-nu F.. D"""Y and H•r'*I F: SIHl'ft wlll Mhelr lhf' ~uon .-.f outl•••init thf' <'<>m· -..1111 party '""'•"' hf'for,. 11 n11- t~ r~ a~ntt Hoth '""" ar"f' 'fY yitt« to 11 tar I 11 ti.ndwatron rolh rw; 1n lh,. r trf'11;nn J(.ify n ,.fiirtinn. thf' lut m nlMttf'd primary hrf~,. tt\I' Rlopuhlic.11n l'a· !111n:tl N>fl\f'nllnn 1n Phil:u1rlph111 Dlll'G MTOllE IWD'i TWJLP I Th"'> "'•II mllk" Y'f>lilrlltl' ""''' llamp1on One st-.. C.-df<I 'n r""' f llrl W 11rrrn nr rn11rorn1l1 Mar. •·111 ~ 11.aJ ~ ac· :tftl'T tt-,, primllr} 1n r"~I"'""' t•1 <"Online 10 a ,..,,.., rwTnrd f., ~· \A".arr"n • 1n\ll:lll<1n• filllh r11nd1 ral f'W'hN' )Y~..-alar• I dalM ,,. n1rd. h,,.... .. vrr 11n) 1mph · (" J F'r~IMI J57 ~ r#ft•~ ,.,.,..,,~ rh,, th") 111111 ""' mr•• In Orancf' d1cr~ ,...,. thrlt of "' !P:\lo -. -" ,,...., • '"'" \\'1.r-r• n w t-in I irum mam•nr from tho-"''-"""'I will t .. , ·,.111rrrn111 • f{q;•11111 .... n "', .• lll'Tln)' i:um mai:tmw-. ar .. -I''lfl-t""'" .. ,n r :tnd1tf;ttP fnr !ht· Jlf•~· A()f<'d. le) I h< K...-.na drY! bll !'Vlmana fl•>n n lrtht F'lrt' Mpertmt'nt oHidal• A cham~r •1r rnmmnr•· •·•·111 111ild thr damagr r"1lultf'd from hr:1t nllllf'f' handlinr; lhr N'n~11, 11r1o from a hurnlnrt rhair . proh11hl)' r ram ha• awardr d S:.I~> ''' r h•· icnlted by a lfrhtf'd clgarrltl" Thr '' hool •nd lhla amount will ''" '"' Suf'U family W•11 nnl at homr ;ti "ihut~ •moni t hP 1111idrnh "11 .. thr llrnf'. ,, m •kr lhr hnt and 1'1094•111 itll•'"' ' Thrtt c•ll• kf'pf tlrf' dt'pArtmr·n• '" to lhr popul•t um wlirn ft 1~ mf'n bu1y Sunday A bru1h fire-''" •·rfld•lly ann<111nrr·rt In ''''"'" '"" Raywhorf' Drivt nward no dam111:•· "'~b.. 111nd • dic>WI oil flrr aho11rd "" Thto M'hool11 will """'"' t lu L.'\T, undt-r CC>n\'t'Mllnn al thr Lido ' l'•lf'Hlnl( rontc111. hul ""nw Iv.• Prnin1ula t1hlpyard 11. wu unrtr1 i.r•"tl rovrr lng·th1• rJtlJt11l1.t11111 ••I r Ii•• rorttrol hrforr 11ny rt11m111(r ""'" "'" w ill 'two rtf lnlforl'J<I 111 1111' dnnr ,,..,. nil r•ught flrr fr••m 'mr Jn l!Hll llwrr .... ,.,, 11'• 1• 1 wrldin,; 11par kJ< • 0ns hv111w In l h•• r11\ l!v 11•l•I A r11l llf' 11IHrm 111 7:42 p m Sun ''I~ numhn h1t1I R:rttwn '" k'l'I '11\• dll)' nli;:hl ('O!lf l •XflllY''Tll <l\'t·r $2'-· ;"1.iulallon 1m•r1·11"NI 1•1 '..rJ11:\ ,,.., Thro r111l """' two rii;:s anti mnr• '""• by 19'.llr rmd rtr111l1l,.,I loy , • .,,,, than twrnty-fi\'r m<•n 111 1h•·11 "hf'n 44:\14 r1!1;1·n~ ,.,.,,. ro·r.1i.t1·11·1I po!lh m 11n~v.·1·r 111 11n ul.1rm :,1 t " rMaltlr•nl11 t1f N1•v.·1ot1rl II"""'' /\1 l!'lth nnd <"enlr:il 11w•n111· l\n "' ·r " lllll(l(l'lllion of lh• :°'-•"I"" t I l.11 rx1•·ru·n<Y-tl OPf'T"'"r ,,, 1t1•· ''I• ·r <'llumh .. r ,,r ""'"m"'' • 11 ''" • pho nr nff1C'f' failf'd t" nrt1 1• rht· rttll j .t 1>0J.11Jl11tion N·nA11~ ~"~ '"k••11 111 lntr numlw-r 1111 111 rwatnm u , r1rt· Arirll, 194~. 11t wh1r h 11m• •1;1•1f, t1r(>llrtmrnt 0H1r1al11 11Rld 1•·r11<1n11 wrrf' rotmlNl ,\f"' I I ,,., .. ·n,, V.'t1J1• 1f••t1•• .,,,,.,,,,,, •. , '' 1u tlhV t)1o'tf t ••t 1 ut I• "il't t1f ;tt•0t1t1t \4f""'"'"" 111 fht• ,.,.. 1f1• • "'' ,, '"' 1 •·'1~1111 rn 1111 ''"'I"'' I• 111111 lt.ut t!1• r··~1,J t,_, 1utJ1111ft '' 1 \ '"t."'1r.11t11il ,.,,,~"'""" ·11,,. \'. hU• Jl••tt,•· ,., .. ,,,. • n "'"' ''"Jt•t1 •• f1 tlf h•tUf ,.,., r f'f' "'''' r.t "f'f \Jllll1t1 rt f1• l\'l'tt II n I'"'' 1 11n tf11 t•·4<f9' ''"'" Ow 11•••rru1· •"\•Ii•\ ; 1rt1 1111''-IOfl "I h· , 1111111 " 1111 r • t••t t. I 1t 1 • .t , 1h,~ •• ,,, "''''" ,,,v ,,.,,. ''''''"" '-''·•J~•f\' •ot•h t,f UufH 11\1 d 1 t1 '1~·11 ""' '1 ''i' ••'"''II n1 ull 1 ,-,p• • h ·•'ttl t lt;..t ''-• ,, -.uf1 u1•l1• 11t1 • • r' "Jt• "fhnHitl fll ••i•r• •1> 'f'h, l't• l\U}• tll ,.,;,. 1•1 '" r .. , uppru\111 11f ''•f1101t"' 1 ... ,,.,, r•I ,,, ... f,,, '•• ,. .r ,,, ,1, ,. , d ,, 1111I1 •'I .1 I ''"'I f I If f 1 H' ft• I "''' 11 • 1h •\1 l1•pff1I 111 11:1\it d IJJ•HI lt1ft1r U• 1 '"'" ~"''"' 11 ''•int t t.•· •• '', ·A' "' n 1•111•1) 11n11 .. 111u •·•I 1,, '''' WAHlllSClTON, May 17 - 1•·1•1 -n.. Jnlnt roncr.......,aaJ a.tomJ.-_..,. ro1nm1n-. o Y.-r· ridlnc l',......~I Trt1man'• otJ. ,...,.uon•. today &PflM\'Nf lrcrt•· laUnn 111 r• ....._.. tt... lf'rma of alomlr •-rcy oomml•l<o_,. '"~ ""'" ...... ,_, .. It vntrd It .t,..I\ '" ralf'rld Uw '""'"' ... ,.,_ ~. 1 9~. '4r Tn1mAn "'IWf'W'd •Crone ••&'l•...,Uon tll lhl-lwo·yf'Ar Mii. llr "-r•nonitaatl'd r •1tnm1..,,,.. • ha.lrman l>u1d r:. IJllf'nU1al '"' • fh.,..u •sr lt-rm And lhr nUwr four ,.., . .,,.,..,., fur "'""• ra11atna ''"'" """' lll '""' ,. •• ,.... .. ,...., .... r.. "' u ........... ,_, hlll Honlrnd t"-1 I• '"" f>11I.¥ W&)' t" av11l4' a hlllrr wn•lf-ttche nv•r t.Wntll.,'• rf'nttmJ-Uott. ro111mioll1n , lhr• I• •h " ·r•· , • ..,,. 1hj('lf•d undr r. thr M'f'11rlt 'I JlfO- vlJ111n1 ut ll1r Alumlr ... nf'ra:y Ar i , 1111d tnfonnallon H ''' flw 1Mrnt1Ur rr1111lln and l••1 hn1r al drt11.I• of lh1· ,,.,,. c·annol IM-"""'" 11t1bh(' al Hila '""" Th• Nrt·• "' 111•· j'f'lf\onv. i:round ... pr•·Vl<>u•ly rt..,m,.d ,,.. mu1n• d11c•·t1 111 llrHt11I h••r """ J••r •un~ 1111'h1 Vr"ft•t ru\ 11f fHf11•n11J <&.· !1•11••· nruJ the· 111111111• • n• rr~ ""'"' rnl""'"" lo1t\'1· ""'"''' 11•"1 ~'"''""' n111 ''' •11•kr111wlr·d r.:••nwnt ''' ~··n ,..,., "' l"'r~·mnd ''""""'•I Ill 11 .. '"'" f.,~ r••l•·ll\1' loy llu• 1n11il11t \ 1<11t1 "I• 11· I If II' le fldt•t ~ •if lllf•lr llf" wt I tlf• •n 1111 II rt•IUrn I•• ll•rllululu ,.,.,.,,r. r11w ," '1111lrm1111 f 1;,' Id .. : IJll••nthal of !111· "'""'"' •cw1w) •~•rnn11•,lon '""d r1·1.nrr•··~ thN1 tlir ,,.,.,, markrd "H m1l••a11.n1· In 11t•m11" ,,,.,,.lop- mc-nt '' J ' I> t I Page 2 ___ __, ___ _ Qoc~Up '•.\\ l'Ult T B A I.RO A NEW S-TIME8 1 I : • ... ~ \ ND Convention 'IO~U \\ ''"'l'"rt ll•·rwh. C "llf. \la• I~. 1'1111 ! 2 1 1 P A(; E Power Liet -:-__ ._ ~-:::=.:=-"-"''"1"'- W ith s-Stnes- ; E - A :. R - L--YI N-E-W-S ------,_ --- O\'e ra ll \'olunw of l' ti I ih· St'r" in'~ . \t .\il-Tinu1 llig:h . " I " j 11·1 dP ... I I ., •I I ·'· \t t1 I • .. , •'• ,.11}1 •I•• .... d ~111 I tit I • ,,, 11'f1 II"'-.'',, .. 11111•t 1l I• I•··•'.,, 11 I t,.'11\ t •I fl. ,. , .. •' \\I ,, ,,,,, 111 t•••ftl If • t t •• I I 11t' '" 11fll" 1 ... d t\ II' 1 I\• I \ I t. C . \\ 11.•••0' '· .. ., , .. • t•• I II ·-.. I I " •• 1~. •ti ,. I' ,, .. ,, .,,,, ,, II\ io..+ l""fth ' ,, ••• , \\ 111 h • ,j' 'i .... ' ,., '" 11\ .. 111' ,, 1• •I lnd1f'tn 1 c · '·• I J,;t1\\• I ht1tJ" ti.; 11 I \\ ti I• 11' i 1tiduLH·~ ftt1I' . , 'tl tu •I• 1• ..:,.1\ton J' J ' I •• '1 •I II '" 'I• "1 1 i .... l•h \\ ~l .. rlln, • \1 I •" lrll•• II' lt.t' l.<t<'kllll.! 'f •• 1 .•• •utd• • ul•·tl ""'·•••"'S. dn11 1 ....... 1 1 .. 1111 \\ Hr u·k··r 11r 111 \ltt1•·'• H ll•I• '' ,.., 1 l•\•1tt1;.• 1111 l•lll1110l-t·~\\1J t•,UC'h tH'\J~, fl ll ~., .. u 1d •••,Ill .. ,ii••"" ti• di.alt"' 1hil ft11·11• 1<1; tOlTt•«e..-:, l••••l41 1tt;•1t"""'I\• mi ... 11 •11 h , ..... 1~111f,.t1uu twn · :1hout a cl.,•,. ,, ""IJ~t 11-.1 I ,,. lu • 1t ' ... , .. l•l h •' fit•t'•' ·tit 111111 • .tuiu Uttrr1nK , , ,.... ti 111 , rl•, 1111• "" • 1111111 1!11111" 11 .. It 11 .. ld I ·"1'"~""· lhr pnm .. r . • 11 ,,11,...1111o11 \•.11 1111111 \\,it tu li4 .tt1•· dul n••f •l11 ,au)''"" 9tnu t•h K•,..! 'Uri• ••1•w 11n\ Tiu tl11 h r\I• lhJ.l \\~ulh•r S1,,,,,.,. \\11,,. ht~I~ \\ ,, , 'I"','' ~t tlttt '" 11·11111 ··11 •• • h H 1 '' , u 1.1tft r uf disJ>Ute , i Huntington Beach . , Instructor ... on ~t · Coltege Staff , I , .\t t 111 1,,,, t "J.:1111.r m,., 1~11i.: , ( •,h1· hn:11,I 1f tsu ... ltt•' t•I t•1.ith.:• I ·,.,,~1)lu111nr t 'nll• ..:• 111,1 n1·1, \'1•1- ~ "''" 11.11111 .. ur' ''"' ·•l•lioi •Jnti·d 1u- •' • 111 '"' "I I :111.;ll'h .inti J<>lll nral1~111 ' 1h,· r•· .... , , _.,;. i.:· ...... ,. •lh p.i·n ' 111 \••nr ... l'.1n1 , ....... n h1~ .... ,,. ~t •~ ,1 '• '" J11 I .H Jlt1t1l ll1i!l1tll I\, .it.II I 1"•·11 I h :..tl ... h1 1it I • • • nq•'• 1. d 111• I ·>• I.• 1 .. 1 , ti• • •1,. ,, tt.1 l'111\1·1'11' of C;il1for- 1111 ,. l~''''·h·~ 1111d.h1' 1u.1 ... t1r-s d1 h, ;11 1h1 l 'rtt\, '''') ,.1 ~.nuh­ ' 111 t'.1l11111 111o1. n1.11001111,.: 111 1•a1 h 111•t:1111 0• 1t1 111.,; lt.•111 t•I E111.;ll-1t .\I llio• 111'''•'111 llll\1• l '.11lt'l'Mlll h "'" kttu.! ''"':trcb a Ph I 1 dl·i:n·•' 1•' l s (' (Acme Tek,,lio10J ~ polittmra and llbtrlff'• dePuUea weft beaten and forced &o ftUre wheon thty attempted to open CIO ................. WOIUn' J*lrft bile a& Swtn aDd AnDour plant. al SOuUl St. Paul, Minn. l 'rt11r '" 1•nH·1 in.: 1 he tt•at·hing Ito ltl Pa1tt•rs11n look up wrl1111i.; ai; " l~''''"'"n In <•nl.1 lo i.:.1111 (1r·H-l~I "''"'' h'll•'•' for hrs no\ \'Is, h1• ""''fl I I WO ) 1•a rs llS :r IOl{f.:l'I' i II 1 h•• l1111·1fie Lumlwr eumpany 111 S cot ia. l"ahfprm:o Ali II l'l'~Ul1 or this "''" 1i.·rwn .-1• h1• 1mbll~hed his no\ ••I 1•11111ll'd "All Giants Wear Yellow "The Cas<' of Conan Doyh', De- 11'<'1 i\ r ." • • • The crt>ator nf Sher- l•>t·k llulrn1'!' srarrcd in a real-life Brt•ecllC's" This puhlicatio n ''as ;111·ardl-d llw Sil\'er Medal ~il···n annually hy t he San Francisco Comm on111·11l1h duh for tht· b<-st q111r1 111• 11'" "' "" t1••t 11 ... 1r 1''' \\<to\ 111~ ·•'-'r•·''''" 1·:.n11Ntii,,:n m 1• 111001 • •h.111 111.111•• "I' IJ\ lh•· ni·w r P· 1•1\\1·rf11I , 11t·m11·o; f1>r tlw furTI r TAR PIT CHAIRMAN THANKS LOSG LIST OF CONTRIBJJ TORS m}~t<·ry that ra nks us 3 crime nO\'CI published by a Californian In addition to \\Tltrng for m~a- 'I""'"''"'' ol l"1lt1ll d lPrl ~·111" lh \lutrlt""'·• ~li\t•rnor 1n <·•••ht.u I 11111 ,1111111•111 .. ·" 11\11\ ,,., ,,.,,..., "" I:"' l!I dt·l~a, .... r ·'· • · n 1 I~ ••m Thum~n. n·~ Bh ft , "r\:1rk 11 .. r ~I r~ Paul l'.1lm-..ia,~tl' Rl'lld I his l'M'llinl! story zin<'S and. rndro. Pallerson SC'rv<'d · •·• ·• "' u ... ..-r-.nda rd 'Ill <'r . 3333 \'1•1 Lido.:-;,." purl,:! rluvr-in Th<' Anwrican \\'ef'kly. that as advrrt1~rng and publicity agent • ''""~ rh,,r n>fUtruMion on •·sct•nt him1I!>, Grrrtllh Comp;iny, i.:r••111 m ;11o:111inP d1strrhut1·d w11h and SpC'C'1al puhhclty writer for 1 •r I'•' '""di )outh ci·nr.:r 3333 \'iu Lid .. , ;\o;i·wpnrt · $~>II : rlt'XI Sunday's Los Angl'll's Ex· 1·111 io us C'alirorma newspapers for (Arm• 1""""°'"' .. , want my boy t.o be an Amf'rlcan: uld Mn. Sonja arombc:'ra«'r. 2:!, u ~ arnv~ t.t San FnnclaOO aboard the SB Qf!n. Oordon w1lh I rr t wo-day-old kata~l-H IOD born betwttn Honolulu and lh«' U S. 'r1• pattnlt. fif'd Nu.I Oennany ln 1939, mrt In Sha111hal and ,.,.,,. ""' : rti._ "''I I ,,, Ill ll11111 \ , ••• \ ..... ~ \\ "' un,111. run1• tn 'Jh10 . '"''• rt • t~ 1•.\pl.11n1·d 1°;1rt 1;t!ly It~ lttu i·:ill ?-.•·\\ I 1.11111"h1n· :1nt1 sumP goort j . "' I' 11'"' 111.;111 1' """ h '"''" th '1 ,, I 11'1n~ 11.· .ind G .. ,. ,Jn.lfTld• ' , • _ 1 ,, I•• n h-Id up ht·c:u1M· Mr F . J K.mghl. 3011.: ~l:.rn anuner. '>Onll' IC'n Y<'ars. ··,.,·•I:•· •·I n, .. 11nit malf•n ah. S r . Balhm1. , )(1 . S 1•wport Hu1ld--;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1111 'I.al• ' 1••1>11l.111un rn•'I• ·'"·al I '"''~ ;11• '" lhl' fmal round ' • lt1 •'l'l'' ""'"·"•'I~ .! ,; r111lh11n Crum "'' k "I •' ,111i.:Ktnl! m atch fvr I '" l'lllt '" 1•111;, "' 1111 lrll'r'<'""' 111 1:1111' 1: tl1•l1•1(;.lt.,. lo thP (;• P • • • "•• rl rh.-~ .. n t"rano~ of-•·r's Suppl~, l..t-s l~hell. 3111-1 \\', Ii IWO )'Ura ago. Jlue Nurae ratrlcla Kenl'lf'dy handa younit Wllllum Gordon to lua mother. P•l't'nta are t>elnc aldf'd bJ the lll"Ort"~ lm - m11rrant Aid Soclt'IJ' and hope to bttome clllit'N . • • I :-1 1"'1 .rds I 111 .,if llM'N'f'tl-C"f•ntr<•L :-.It•\\ IJl•rl. d1~count of t • "'!•n.: ,. •i.-.,,aJ siupnwnt ~33 :!;>. Ht.rr Lumlwr Comp.'ln), ~Ir :o'1!;1;,1:·"L"'"' l1t•"''''' m · 11.t11 .. 11 .• 1 "n'''"""" llw• Oro .•··• •trl\•-rl m •rrrw fr~ o th"r C.·or ic•'. Srinla Ana. ~SO . \\·ard· , ,, ''"'" 111 01 "''"' inli.tlh 1111,11, 1 1•1 1111.11 ~1 1.iki·s pl<w•• t"nda)' T• ""' •• n•nt.ur .. rs of ma11·rr· llarrmi<ton 1.uml"·r ('11 . Mr :0-.lt·t- . St "" 11 "11 h ;m ·1.-~U>t from< · i , ... ~ ... J "r•h lh•·ar \'oluntt't'r lot I•'. d1.M•11un1. Balhoa 1\h1rrm• * VIRGINIA MacpHERSON I.tit• 111 tl11 "' ~''•II ' llHHI d ul ' ' ' '" '" I II 11.,111:11 .. \11 ,\r rhur. lilankl'd I)("''' 11 .• rd\\lfrt'. I.. Bn>11n. ('oas1 11 1..:h-tlu f"'i'U .t11uu L:F1 ''' 1 . I I · JI • '\,,1111 .ti l"'' ~·"', ltolalt ti :!'~•, '" •h• \\ '''"'""'" prJmary 11w ·· · / • -"'·" 1. orr;. d '"'' '> .u )lrs '""').;, i.;;,I lm-.l't'l.1 111 . I o~ I" ar-llllLLY\\'nnn. ~la) 17 •I I'• I' ""I! \\1111 IJJ\l,d '"1111·r ,.1l11•11 , l1t llitttt iul1t• 1., I 1011 .in Jllt't•··t» 111111, .0::11n I~ 6',onJ;~i.:1-d 11(•\0 •. • \l,.i" .. 11.n 1t111rm ... n •lf lht· llt)r Enicra1ml! \o , 113 1, :.~th St , ~11S lo :\In. l •an t1;11I•\ 111 ="•'" 111 •10olh , ... , •• t..111 li11111, .. , 11 I"'! I 11 1 1•11·•111'1111.ol 11r•..s1•·r 1s. s rahtw-d · • 1··,• 1 .. 11l•llr.;;n1nim1ll•'t', "".uf(ht P Ir ll"x 33.1. St.t 3."1. 1\lr.,<"llnton • .. • • • t 11 f1.l IM I , •• flf If\ l'I 11' /'\' II Ill ' l Yurk Y1111r h11 l1\' 1111' 11 h.1d ''In j I 1.11J1•\ 1·11111"" d 1\111 I 111·•11 • , 1 1 1,1111 1hn11I\ .111111·1111f1rnwd ttt<> fart, • ,1.,.,, ho 1 -0 ,11._, ,,,·rn.m,1,...,0 Sawin, band Ct10CPrt , :o-;,.wvorl ~ .1-l t unu •'I '·' • lft , R lu1rn. ~11cl1ll1· '11rt'' .1111l1 i.:011••"1' 111 h• II •• 1•1l•d 1110111 '" 1111 1111110 1 ~11,., ,.1 ,1,.,1rurti j7.1 ,11,,1 I.!·""""' ""111•1 i.:•·1 tho· R.·11ui.., -· ·.r.,: 11,,• -._-,. l• ,1111 "'"'fJ.'fl rrn•' ~UftlJI). P. Cl Bux 3.1:.!. 14 Ill'< lml!•'lh' nncl )llllr 1111-li.ontl .. r .. ,~ .. J.:•" 11...... ,~1it1I Oll"K• krl"""" 111•111' 1 .. r ;,n f1Hllllll tlll•ll rl11s t11n .. h) n'fl'I ,, rr.J•l•·I• ••• •"rll<lttr•· on ("1·r.· CollSI 111\\ilY, om··hllH pnrt• nn ;, .:r11m;: hlo.,t1)·f'~1·1I fr,1111 lt,tl1)'· ltw11 1111•11 ''•" llt•· "·" II• ','"'k 11111 ,.11~,. ,,1 l>7 11,,1 ,., rrt "'' 1 111,, 1111' nn tilt''"" hark h11m<'. h<M• 01 ·''" '"'·"'t.. ,11.,,1,,,.,,.1}. ,.,. i:;al lrn!"'t'<I ml: ~ll'('lt•llan & ~ .. n,..1 ,.11I1111( I It• It al•) h· 1r~1'11.ll'k 'hl1111: fh1· 7 -.:1>1 1.•.r 1n1 kt 11 "',tit h11111.. "•ltl I h ii m11:la1 t ... I )1•\\ •» l•M•k !illX ' " • : .,,, n -··1·1.. ' •1mt1 .. r 'd1f w•· :-.;, "1111rr. ~-17 ;;,, I l:1 llnh;1n ' 1•,11n1 ~ \\'hat~ 11111r.· )ntlr k1ld1t•tt \\ ,11 .. 11111f11• I ~"' t•ll lf1•0 •.111dl1 111 lroon1 111 1~1111 · • II 11111.-.h111· rl1•lo•1!::tlt•<; lo Sta"-• 1,111 ~. '•' Lll!I• lluu ... ·•. llr" S lorc-. f"urnn:t d o•I ~lar. hn~f't•<I 1111 ,1 iirr -..,1.11i.1<'tl \\Ith n.111111 :11 l1t• "' 11.111• ~ ·•"'' llu' J11i.:i.:••tl .• 1._,ni.: "'' lo.1111., 1, 1, 1111 .. 11, , 111, 1111 ti• ,1 '"" 1•111 1h.11 m•d•·"' nctur) •-._. ,·,u urn t " ,,,i...,1 t h••I rh .. f,,1_ ~I r and ~Ir:. T h•·o Rcil1111,, l:ll ci.n 1 c•·l 1111 1mcl 1( 1: .. m ·1 11~t..1'1J.: l1h• 1;, 111 1\tllr) 11n lh•• Sanra Ft• l,:!:li,iKMt,t~~1 "' 11; 1.,,1 , , 111 ,.,,., "'' 1·11,1111111 •• i.:.1111~1 what hit •• ,. :..· d-'""'' .. r rm, .• rut m.ttc-n.al Ro·d l:mrb. :-.:1•\\p<1r1 111 tl!ht-:. S'.!."i t0<1 m1wh t1 011hl you ~1·•· JU'' 0111• lr,111 11,.. .!.~ll\i••<I•••• 1.,1 ,1111 l'•lll Tull "\,.w \'11rk1·r in \\'1 .. rnn~rn , ,1,..,,._~ •h.ink••I ~tr« L ,\ Cirupt>, !lox 316 ('11r1111it morr nro.i<1t1 ,r~ phi) anti tlwn 1:1k•• 'A la11 cir I'"""''' i.:lar•'<I 111111•111 1, . .,.1,1.,,,11 ,,,11, 1,,1 ,1,11 .!.~•••-lllJllJll s 1,1.,,,.n 111r11n ;11,.r1 Sen ft<•'•'" ;iw~ •nrlutt. d..t ~lar. s;,. \'am · .. Tt11t•r111i: t"o tlw n• ,1 1rn1n hnnlt'" hot11tr.' hi· •II)' hut 11 "•'' "k:<) lo•r ,, ll11' 1 •. 1 1., 111 ina·n"'"' 111 ,.r ,\ T;,11·,., h.H'k«r~ lo) mvadrnl! 1 • •• I 14 S. lla rv;1rd . t::ullo·rlon. l'.11tl . "B<'l l•·r r .1kr I h11 I pliln•·." p.1p11 I hacl a 1!'""1 i.:r111 un him ll1· d1rl I lw '"'"I "' I :!:.',t NM 1,1 MMl in I 'I Ill 11 h1•r•' r h•· "'na lnr' had stakf'fi ·<1' \••1<1.tn< • 1_, •i:•1< ,.( :'\•·"port Sc·r \'IC'I' Roofin1: Co. I:,!:; \\' !'an Ill n 111l<'Y si1;h1•d w1•11rli)' :r!I rr~ht, 11•1 N11111rnlly lh1· 1·h1ld l '1al11~ ,.,111n11.:~ p1t·;.1•nt1·rl1t a f;,\unl•· '"11 rl:Hm StasM'fl "<Xl il or'·" ~Ir· \\111-tnl K 1lhunSl••1 . Ft•, F ullc·rhln. Dunkin Roofrn~ l'n. And hrlort' 1hr h11m11n1· s1lr1t·1r1••f Pan l>utlo•y. tlw 111ll\'lt' .. 111r . i·h•·1·k1·r -hoarc1 a1111•·:11 .t1W•· \\1th i.:as mm• nf .!.3 rl•'lei:al•'§ for v.horn ,,.. -.1r ond ~Ir• P.irtlard llthnwr . 316 1117 \\'. 4th Santa Ana. f{o;.,., & tak•~ o,·,,r \\I' 114'1trr •''Cl lriln: "••11ld ht• 11 i·rr) l ':-;1·s1·AL hal•>-" ""ml'""" s n•allt1n~ iery f11\'t1rllbl<' rnntf'S1<'d Tait 1n l lh111. Taft 1 .'!I. \h .. r ... dt. 1'1 •• n . 1'..tlhoit. $.!.l. :"l>o B.·uToWs. :ll.19 F:. 4th, Santa Ann. Llza. the-114'autHul hlC\nd•• v.if1>-lie. drd11'1 think "' llw nll(hl he •'Arnini<!I. t•lrrtrk 11nd watt·r u1 il-44 Including 30 unc.,,nl<'511'd rm I.:. li<>Ok S.'f"tll>n t lw·ll C1uh. !\lrs C'on«olidatro Roofrn~ Co. 70:.! S o f llC'IOr O rm Darlf'y Tl ltns ,,.,, )••tl•·tl 1111 iln\l'TI 11) .. 11ghl I) ""' ,,., 1111: I "''II' prt•\ IUIL~ ···-Is. ·n11•r1 · \\ ,, nto £1<>r) In •1.~t R "1l'4>f•'t'. '""' or-:-an .-r . s:.iri: ~ Angelf"ll. Ana h1•1m. ;ill :<Upfllll'd fllm -rrmporarlly -In rhiorgr "I I Wf'l11 on for lw11r~ ... ll:ttl••y }•'ttr'<; ,,.., fo1rn111nc•1" .md ('ornn111nr· fur St;1«sf'n !Ind nnl much fM TaJ1 ~tr .. }trc II )f Kntl!hl. 301 t, white gTa\'d: Crank Arn t hers of Dan na1lry Ill wl11lt• shr '1~11s '""t. "I 1r11-t1 ,.,,., )lhrn1: I :<lml! t·arrun!' ,,, a whuh• i•xpo·ni•nrrni: In f'rnn:<)'l\' .. nia nnrl ,..;, , r,tfJta .. •li:••at-r Bait. .... \..,_J Ray\"""" Roofm1: \o. 1n6 \\'h1t11Pr. C-nsta with :\Ir. r1nd Mrs Dnn P arley I h1llalt1•"' I •~~ .. .,1. I \\alka•<I, I """rpl) tl1•1•l1nrni: •·1trn1ni.:s S:1111s1·n lt·d thr ftt•lrl an""·'' "''CT'f' H1,11tio.,." S ur.P>. !\tr John llo1~d. !\lf·sa. nail~. . In the f'Ht l1111rr11·1:11, I ola1w1·rl I 111•·<1 .'" rN1· \\'hit.-1 twr1· Hr•' m1111y lnt'lnrs nwrf'ly IW'llUt~ ron11 ... t< ''"'" tht> ~!·. ("1qct lh~hwa). S:-1'•. ' I >rani:I' County Ronflng Co. P :iul II llO hApJ11•ns lh11n Oal).DA1lf') !'Clll. Wllh "'.m I~·· ""llltl~ I l'\l'n t•11n1t 1h1111ni.: '" lht~ !'1111:!1!""· :m \Oii'~ Wl"r<' nol hrnrlm.: .. n lh· dc-ko-'·'" lf\1n (,.'<Jf'S:•' r ... rdo1n. I 1.11 ;,17 :-; Arlf''<lil, Santa .~na. 1,-111n II llhe 1iridr ot '...1()1h ('1•n1ur)" 1.1111:h 111 1111 Jtoko' I !old I 1j111 ,.,11ant ,.,w, th•· r,.1.,..rr ,,1111. " l'.:l•I•'" of t'llh<'r ,.1,,1,. . ("1 n .. al A\». IJon Trif', Ari llall. a~phrill ('r,.11prrrt1t\t• Roofrni: \n . Foxl is r urrr ntly makini.; "h11r-·"~"" ·I "m .1.111111·} i.:11~:1• "Il l'"'' \:ar~iui.: th'l!ll'•' 11f lh•· 11np :wt r• 1. 1 1 '--· 1 11 bat 11 ... lo. T •-"I•-. ~l1k•· llo"•' l"lw1 :tlfi E :..~11h Sr. Cosrn ~tr·i«•. lahor I • TI h -" I I k 1turl \\ ·nr IP ht•tl I h "t h1n1 ,. II o 11 c·r1 01.,..•r\I'~ 11·n • ,. f' "' " u ·11 .... h C1 •-f "' d d Cl I..-" \I f'l'<IUI'. Ill " \'11W,-... ,, a ,. ' ,. ,,. ''•""''<I "' 11wr1•a"'' m pa) rolls \\lwllwr 1111• d1•ln: •'•' !--t , ... n has ·."'"'".:' ~• i;om ""''" . ),,.. on roo -liln ;ir I ~ " .. r Jotood ctf'rr uf lltt1r Oun'I "h"ll h,. '11 •1n anti 11n Tho• I"'' 1,.11 lounli•n 1111 ral'li rtol-!"1 • n•• r A-P.:n Jntrnl!on m.lr.·rr;ils, C]a)tfln Th .. mp<tnn. \\' \1·111ral \\ I I I kl I I . fHl'krd up 1trr """h 11. 1• h tical I 1 1 • \t wasn't hu.'~ makrnl( ''"'"'")\,II) .. I''·" lrt'll <l'l '"l!•'l l•'I I II' 1.11 "' lt·l·plHlll• ltltlllh' I' ti.nm ---•mi. ... u-.• II "lllllAll•nl . r ,\\1•, ot•ph.oll :'1.111rlard 1111 ('u , ,,..rahle. 11''" mnrntlll!," l h11lt-~ l!l lnr11•1l 11 tt111•1· 111110•, •11·,11 i1f .... ,~ ••r t•l•·C'· ••11m11y Ill' t•:irr1• ti i·· ., ' -•hMn \\'11 \ I -:!11 \\ \' mr . IU••I ~tr ,\l)d•·r'""· lttlli ~:in1w1:". :::1111· "-' 1 ... ' 1l111 11 1~ :agrt•NI •h.11 11 • • 1 v.·a) ·• ' ,. ' Jlow hr"~ droini: ii I~ ~""'"'It ni.:I '"" ·• 1\1•'•'~ 111· lt••k"d l 1 1·~h ·"11nr•tl\ l11. .. 11111di' "' ,.,,..., 11uh1 .. 1n th1· ~u11ni.: rn.11 ""'' •,•' '"'1ta I. .\ I ~.!:•. "")'"•-.rd l.11mt .. ·r ta An:l, ll~J•hall . - OUt (Jf f\rnf'hlf'y Ill' (1 .. •tl'< 1111• ti tllll'<\ :'\11!11r,all1 , \\o' 1111(11'1 fl I• ;It, I 'l'l'IH\1111 tit I\ lllt' '•tnl~ 4•,. .'•• _'f\th ~· • ~•1'Jo•rt ~:m P./,j,,·rt \\·1 If. fl11'"'11 \\'111kman. · ,-,,u1d i:.-t 1h1· al'• n11. 11 •I ·1 • na· r l5;ht-month-"lcl mlant h\1·r '(,·k 't 'I•"" 11•1,, 11, .,., "•1.!• 111, 1, ·"', 111, ,.. 11,,11 111111 th•• 1111 , 1 , ,. l 1,., _.3 11 ,,1 .. , .... ' lla)'"'lrd Lutnl .. ·r c .. ~·1m ~:1111.1111..•. '-""'" ;-,: .... 1o1n. l.~1· him tu1r<t•t..u·k rtfl1°i.:. i•t\•''"" 1'111• llul h• •It" ... 11 1 1ll• "1"'" ·"" "', ..,111tin• , 11'11 1 1,1 ,,11 Ii 111, 1, ,,,, .... ,,n ,,, ... 1.n Tin. :::• ,, ,., ,h•M tlu\4'.~n"' fq fl•H••·rntur• t 'h~1d1' Brt)\\n an<l1 pr ,.., h\ 1ht• lllt'thud''' )!,..... "' "' d1inrrn~ l1·!'~11ns. ;11111 h01~ '": l••11''" 111 Ill' l•·ll•·r-1" l.11 1 •••11111111111, ,r1,,11• 1111ti11o, " lh.•1 l•·~d u-r· "' .1ndftr•1Mro mtl•r1.tl I H1oh,1rtl l'lt ..:•r .tll "' t 'nl11111 111·1 l'I I 111 I (,, I ' ht~ 1''""'111 1•·11> 11 • i' 1 p tnu~trr 1h.tt thr•'t1 .. (~onh•rt·,1 hu~1 '' \H •H• L:•H "' •11 li•1 'Utt•hutn 1, "'''• tlt Ululllh• •.• 1, \1r ••r ~ t-1n•Jl1). 3Uu , . .,, ... , \l tr I'"' •n .. 1rt1n.: I I I • I I ~ 11ll1m.1I• I~ "' ,, ,,,, "m· nrss ''" • :i ... • '• ,, ··•• " • '" ' u 1"':' '"d • ,. • t'" I "I m thr 11111~ f.1th•·1 1n '"''""' "' 11 11' '' 1 '"'I"'' ' 111111 · I•• ... 1.11. '"' 1• .1 .. ti '"''' '" "" 1,''.'.:;::11~:11111,',;1 1f .' 1 :, 1 " ::~:1 u '.'Rf>ENr B.·'{'KERS RE.'DY TO TRY f);ul4·~ ).!rnun~. · '' lhl', .1n •'\I 1 I · q t 1~111 .... t ' dt'Pt tu 1 • 1111,1111, 1 ........ ,\ h nl 11,,.k ff ~ \, _ ;"'\ ,. .. ""\ nt 11 t1''-'•t"'f,rn••r•1d d 111JM'r Thi· k1.I pr• h1 ... t111 i. ''' • It• 1·111lo...,·n , •I h )•1 , , ,, 1 r .• t 111 "1111, n · Milt th•·ri a111l l0tlll:h' ,al 111• . 1111 "'" "''' 1 .... " I• ·-1•l 1•1• .. 1 "·' It• "' II• II 1.1 .. 1\ l•llf• Ill •• l!llllll .. • ?h;·' FOR orT-OF -STATE BAfK ERS 'fh•·lt r~t~1u1d.t\:tlh·r f.t1 t"'"' ·Jttn '.'"" 111 111, ... 1111•1' , ... 1 ''" ..... 1,"1 "" IJ•ilj d 111 ,, lltd 11 ' ''11" d· :i\\H~ l );1o fl 1ft•('1tlt•tfl),111 IJ ,,q,,'hl ,1 l•.td1 1111 tJ11 1•'1t f1t11 Pl I'" I• 11 1 1,•,1 (1't, 11,,, 11 11 tll"'•' tli l i 1il \\l1tl \' h n\P :t '-llOl•.tth Tht\ l•t .. k•fl h11~ lt•·in ''" 1,.,,1 •• 1 1n .. ,, .f, 1 1• , .... .f , ••• , 1 , , • • •t' 111 1 I •1111• ''' 11. -'\ ' I • , \\ . \! '. 17 fl I ~ 1uh ll•t drth•'I 1n h11u1 11111 l1n11t .. , ... ,, .. II• \I 1 • 1 ,, •'• 1 f•itl' • 1 ' I I I 1r-i· ' . I' I·., Th e appliance p urchasing plan that suits your purse is the First National b ank plan. Designed to ma ke fi- "ancing easy and economical, you can enjoy that a p- pliance now, repay in convenient installments. See us today and get your appliance tomorrow ... 11. ,, ••• .,. I" 11 I• 1 ..... !,·. Colors of I sracl Fly at I: c i ~ :i fAr-Tf>lrrla"fnJ ,...."' lliu;Rrl\h .. 1' ,._, rtr-! rmrd bnSde lM roJt<n of lS~tl 1hA1 .. -,."' r.11..,.,1 .,,.., '', ra r .. , ·IJ:W. af1n the J('W'a capuu~ IL Otp:ut- Ul't' ,,f Hrl:ahi • lt•.:h c ... mn.~ a& Haifa S)'111bolil.u lhr r nd nl B mbh n1!(' 111 P .• lr·~ttnt a1,d UW f onnal blrUI of• t!w stair C't In \f.'l l'hvtv U Vl\t' •: ! W ;.·. 'v'"U fruD tlw llclf l.Ar.d IUJtt B:.~b Ml· l.•U..tJ~~--~~ \\1tt!•t n•n•1n.tf• ,,, f I t '"' t t \ I \\ """' l'I\' 'I " I I 1 • " \ t 1' • \, • r •• 1r -111 11ut t: ·~\ I I II '• Id " ,, . .. • • ... 11 .' u • ' I ,, '1 ,. ,., .. .. ' 1 I I'· ,1., I ' r. ', '' ~ .. -·ird1ld ··: 'I • t .... ' t rid u' I"" ,_ t ~ .. • • ; I I ' "' 1 I f •'I 111 .... Bendix Racers to Tak e Off From Long Beach I 1 •:' \'1a I.~' :'ol 1~ 17 •l'P 1 l'4•11rl" .11r r 1. • r .. '" <"l• 'cl,1nrl " 11 T •k• ••t1 at 1 ... '' 'r f1"rn tth\I I "'.: II• 1• 11 \l11p1np d .1111.-r1 rn· ,•, t•I ••I r• • \' 111 :">11) < ~lo lr"pl'h· 1 I In ,111 1~·1 1 I ,.1\\ r .. 111'1• F Th1•r:t•;I- "'' n h•'.td Hf 1 hr• r .tn• r•'f1111l1ftl'C. ll"Mt•tlnt-,'fi lnOI\\' 11 , •' 11 tin..: :1;11 ••rt ":i!I rhnni.:l'CI " 'h ,tf •t 1 1 11 tf.: p1 Ill•"" f',t" t,1k(' ••II 1n i""'' ind tllll• 111 "' irl• .1 ht llt• .,,,,, t tr , .. ,,.,,. ,,,1111 ·1nH1n.: lhr f't • •· 11 • 1· 111• • 1~•11ld l'nly ta ke I , q .. ,,,..:'I\ •T ,-.• n :"u~~ ·n 10 l P • 'I",• \• II \I Iii I" l.1•1<1 '·'. I • '\ '\ • J'. \ 't '(:'I 'I I It •r I ! t .. 1 11 't1 '' ..,i'°' • • ' .. I '• t tl1 td1 \ ... I 'I ,I '\\ ··, r I' • f• "• j I •It,.' II ,:'• .,f I mtll \ ,•" I I ht1 11k t""' !..-I~ 11t \ .... ·1 111 • r. i'"' ., Tiit '' t·I vf " 1 "'• •ti;I ~'rd~ ...... I '\t 1t ~~--~~----------·--~--~~ YO UR CAR IS TUNED FOR A HAPPY MOTORING VACAT ION / Summer Tune-Up When spring turns into summer, rising temperature makes new demands on your car I'/:\ Y .-.AFE Drive Your Car In Today for a Check-Up and Tune-Up GENUINE FA CTORY PARTS _ Take Your Chrysl er-Built C ar To Chrysl e r Factory Trained Mec haAi cs NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS \'t 11 It ,\l 'TllOl<IZl.11 II \HHllll .\let:.\ C hrysler -Pl ymouth Dealer 26 16 West Central Harbor 636 J,,, ERNEST V<f Hll ... -(~E SLl!-11" IT OF Ml E ,~\S .:.=Lc~~co IS RE~CMEO 6\' l'HE I-.;.,EST ::_ -.. ' ~:Jt;:J IN THE US .... l 11-4,Z,7 FT:) ~~ ~ GEOl(GtE Po~GIE, PUODIN' AN' PIE, KISSED Tl-IE G l ~L.5 AN O MAD£ Tl-IEM Cit\":,, -NUJlSERV llWVM£- WA5 OIC'IG1NALLV It. SATI RI A GA1NS1 GEO~G E 1 --Gl~MA.t.J ~ULE~ Off iNG:..~ND/ I' • I { .. [D· .. ·.·.A·.·.·.r·.l· .. ·.Y·.· ·e·.·.N· ... E .. W ..... 5_ .. if·M·. ··e· ·s· .• P ... H .. ·a· ... l. ·o· .. ·s·. ·1·N· ·_ · ·r· .H .... -E ..... N ..... E ..... : .. ·j; * HARMAN w. N1cHoLS ,orrer Materials ·WS I ,,.A ~1n:-.:r.T(lN. M11> 1~ ,,.,., '""' '"' 1·1111 • .1 :-.: .. 11 .. 1111 .111111<-1. L., •> u .... d 1"h.-l 'lllho•t h <•ll'>'lllll\\.1'1't."· hi,,, ti. 11111,111 IP I• I• 111.o•t<tl rt)r •)•l)t:' room ............... e •• e ••••••• ft •• t •••• ft ••••••••••••• •sf t •4. . .•.•••••.•••. , .. 1. 1 ..... Ill' i. .. 1.11.-l"1111.:11·~> \\"1th ltll~>lll llh'hhlt-11. II l"'"'"I•. llt.)me (o Vetorans I 11 h.1tl o•I '''lllM' ..... 1111111: It•,,,, \\ 1111 .. 111 II ,,, '""·"I ic- N-EWPORT BAI.BOA NE\\'S-TUll',;S p 3 8 ldR .. _bbery· Att 1<1ll\l•11h111;\\1th tlw fo1111th lt1\l\I \'\tlhorl"'" o'.ollo•J Ill• •<lllllll M osoA" Newpon n.-tw·h, t ·u11. M•): 11. , .. " age Two Po1icemen Shot in o o empt -"'"'h •I "' ,1,,. 1., ..... , •. '"" >""'w '"· "" 1•111, ,,,·1<.\~11 :-.ni. !\ 111> 17 "'"' t ,l ,lUl .uul h•t\\ t,1 1'1-tl 0 ••t:u ul l"h, q th 1l1 p.11 ltth't\I .. t fU\1lll1-,• r -..1.uu \\&&I. ••1\1\ tltf••' .h•"' 1... )111tHH 1l111u t•I tht l&l\tt '' i1fl•IHh \1l111u' Uhf f1t tt1••r~ ft.llhtt.I ,,,,, H \t..,•lllh•h "' 11" '"'''"'I' h11 th1" h•'<h•111•tn l\\1ot1 '"" ,olhl J oo\. l11i;lo Ill \111 "n11111 tin• II .ttht th1 1 t• 1 ''' '• lH•Ull(•' th II 1'•'1npl1 h h fttu'h'''l I '~lo! •\Ill ,11111 ,\1101 1 • \ 11o \\ h111ol •I \\ "' l.t \\Pllld ""'t """"' $7.IN~l r Itta! I " ,·,11~···11 ''1" tJu •'111 l"dh'• lPll • Ith d1p.111111•nt l•ll'\•lt••t tl11tf 1•11d·· t,, ... ,, ''·'' th•I• '" ''·'' ,\ ... "'"11 .. lt ., \\t lf \I I \\l1hllt h • .1., ... II \\\ti , .. , .. , ...... 11 I \ J I 4""" T ,.,,.,,,. ... ,_, A S.n P'rUldlro poUtt tn.,~f,nr allf'mpla t4l frf'l a 1l11ll'ml'nt from Sct Jftm~· f'q, I" 11 .11 oll'lll, while bcapf\aJ wduucun X -nays Offlcl'r Charlt'a f\J"1llt'. 31 trighll, Thi' t wo P'""" "'"'I V.• l• Alll•t whl'n U\f'J an~ftl Co 1.DYftl1SJ1ll' lhl' t1'lllW of Ow ~Mrol manacl'r o f a dnlC at.Orr t1rn1 ,.,,. '" '"'" •"""'"" .-~ boldulS t•o r:.mt11P1 u tM»tacn while thl'J plannl'd robbt'rJ of n a r i: ''' • "'"' 111 .. 1.r y fru.n two ~;."" epn-.\ftt bJ t1w firm SJ1c'ILM>n and anottwr otllC't'f Tt'i'rr au r pr I •" d "'"' • 1 ''""'''' ._, ttwy ape pnortv,t Uw ht>U..0# Thr ii:unawn Wt> fol"<'f'd Uw offlc-l'rS to thl'lr petrol car •1111 1•1"' rol 111 .. •hrn Ertr ll · ... -n Jur~l'd a& u.n... '" •IW WU 5tr\lcll In th .. l'W'C'll, Erlt'IUon In l hl' atDDltl'h A 11111.1 ''"" .. du<'llt'd bl'· tund th.I' puller car aa t.be 1unmtn uciwed In anoUl<'r llUt.>, 114 •I Ill \ '\I \KKlt:tt \I •I I'• 1( •• 1. 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I 1 11 n l 1'1 ... 111uhu~ In 111 I I\ 11tt 1'•011•·'"' 10 111111 "' l'h· n 1h1 Hu'''"" \\tit f111il th• 1tt 1'11• '' '' •·• t. 1111111 1<11-.. ... 11 1nil ,, h ..... 11 .11 , ... ,, ,, "'Hu 11 ",, 1 ... 11 I I 1 I ltt I ••II •1lft 'ttl1 ,,th \ J I\ I.,. Ill I \\ lfl1 lit• pf111 1 111 ~P '•• t•llt f lit ltt I PUI h .111.t UI llLll llll)'I' OLIVER T ermife Control Co. S t11l1• f l1't•n 1111•11tl ,· .. n11 10-.tttn1 "K.r111 ... rln1 \ uu Mrn 1 • ..-f•r ••••• t ~ , .... ,, .. I '"' 111 H1•l•·••·tt1·,.._, Fungus •Ill; llH \\ Our Specialty l-1 St S1111ln Ana ,;,.,, .l1•hn,..nn. !\1u.:,1 I'"'•-Kanta A-.... l'IH 1tl1 llllt1•1I ••111tu1u I Ii -· lllt'lll '"'' '-IUllll\•d II httl. 1 .... 1"···· ... , STUDEBAKER ••fl• SALES SERVICE • • I 1111111 l f\t ltt •I\\ t Int ... \ ••ft •• I.• \ •• 11 • \lil11.111k .. 111111 I II 111 .. 11 I 1111 1111• ,.\11111•\U• I ' Ill~'" 11fl ,, '"I 111 11 111 111 •• i ,, It• ·i f11 I Hit fll 1f lt••1• 111' h11l lh ,, I HI .q11I 11 .· q ,.,,,, New Studeba~er· Commander Motors New Studeba~cr Champion Motors tlt'llln \\ 1111.t: Tiit:\ 1.-\l"T PARTS $225.00 $-+ 78. 75 I ' I 11'1 i I\\.. I I I• I I,, ... , t1ilt 11lit' \\it l. '" If 11 111 d tdn I 1111 111 ti' \1k i ••Ill I h11 h '-f11• f h•' ,, "• t. It 11111 d Ill 1011tli1 I ('t I I~ I t \ 1111 ,, , 1111.t lho If h h <111 n t. ttH••rt.1lh "" .1l11t 11 'I• 1111 h\ A "t1't1'111td 111 •II"•' 11it I I,, fl\ttll) h1 I• dt1 t •• ti "''" ll It' II •ldl· I I It' • I \\I dil111 I 11 I ,., I\ Ill \\ ttl \\ 1 d f.. tHI tf1'111th Ii tu ill l"!lt•I l t1 11 ' -.!11•1 I illl ftlt1 l1f lo "' \\ I " I • I• • 0111 I • Joe Nickertz 3415 W . Central 6y Lido Th~ofre HarbN 510 ·1 · I ·"" .. I~.~-' 1ijl· '• 1 ... -- 'f,.... Tn..~.J Llnl'd up by thrfr roptors at Gravln. Grt'ttl', ar" ltl ll'lt'n, ~ and '-·~ ~ captllftd 1117 Greek army torces In Uw l<J>T•na otfr n.lllve to ~ve all tbrnu co tbr ~·· •• rWI s-.. TbrJ lace court6-marllal and J>O"lblr e:irecuuon. Renewed Fighting Awaited Jewish State Proclamation f .f,_ T,f,,,ltM"I Ll'bRnN:r !\Clldlrrs or lhr Arllb Anny Of Llbcrnlkln do SOIN' Jut mlnut,. tnilr.!ix .-.·h Ct .. nr f'r-n• h ~;,. mm LrCn('h 111 .. rtii"' n.~ Uw Bntl'h t'\'R<'llOIA: drodlln,. nenrrd M~'S'htlf' arm)"• d f •:r A~;ot; ri.ll.U-,u.s clo,rd In t.ov.ara the Pa?e~une frontier before ~ Bnt.Wi l'W'ttJldrr•~ ~-= m..J..cL:I'. I A,,_ Tel#,,A"'•' Harold ETiins. Ph11adl'lph1a .. 1:nr· IW'J and prnldinl clrrtr. ol uw ynrl)' mttttnc of thl' Society of f'nrn,lll, •~ 'hown In h111 home aJl.#'r ·~ U N. nnmt'd him mayor of Jl'nantrm. / I Ar m• T rlrr•lo"'"' Urx>n rrrnllon ••I 1irw Jr"' l'h ~l oll', J)r,\,tt "" 11 {;11..-itln '°1t ·••Vt'I _..,_, rX· pt t lfii lo brr. m .. I "' 11n•m 1cr or prc~rdl'nt. QUALITY Printing Servite ~.' \'nu l"t ttwo fln••'t "'hl'n \OU 11'1 II' tak,. •.• ,.. ,., \ ., .. , prln t Inc ~. \\11 .. thf'r laracr "' ""1all "'" ici\ r quaJlty wn·I..,,.: f 'Al.I • HARftOR I? or I ~ Newport Harbor Publishing· Co. Newport Balboa News -Times SPECIALS for Mon. -Tues. -Wed. -May 17 -18 -19 Shortening SPRY 3 11"·97c ~Soap Powder SCOTCH , .. ,".. 2ac.·/ ........... 7 • • Giant Site 58c OPEN 7 DAYS A Y./E [K -9 A. M. TO 8 P. M. Gold Crc~t Pur<' 12 Ol . JELLIES 19c BAKERY ( •.. ,. ....... Brownies 2'···17c T• t ... I> \\ U•·\lf',. I ,,,.,1 Cupcakes 3, .. ,15c Ohio R,..d L"'b"I MATCHE~ ' "' .. ,. .. 16 I H·:I J( '.\TESSI·::\ i'~~i'i J'l'o 17:., 45:., ',. .... , ...... '''"'''' Bologna \' E(; ETA Bl .ES ,,, .. , ... &c \ "'"'' ,, ··•I Carrots 'P"'""'" Ur\ Onions 2 "" • 11111 nu -..1·tc 1 \I • IH 11t11ttln r\ \\ t1U• f a l.• \II\ 1•1 t tt•la.;•• ••t t t .,,, iua.: \11 \ •• .. , •• llfl 111 I 111( .:i!I .. Drol Mo nt,.. $f'f'dlf'H RAISINS ,-... , 11c pl.I( MEAT 29:., n .... , Short Ribs Pork cliops55;.. QUALITY MER CHANDISE AT LOW. COMPETITIVE PRICES \\'E HELl\'EI( '10:\. TllHl . FIU. I. I I• I I ! ' '•',II.,,,, _.... ......................... ________________ ._.~------~~~~~~_:_- .. . J ' ~~~~-------.--------...---.... -------------------------· Page 4 NSWPO&T BALBOA NEW8-T1Mt;8 MONDAY !liewpot't ~Jl. ('allf. May l'J. lfi.&tl • . . .. A\'U\'C" ho an art'hllN•I'• ht. .. ul ho" tho· 1 ... au.tll11I ,,.." 1\111101111', II•·· pal'tnw-nl "'"" .. 111 touk "hrn ll "'" ... 1110 111 '""t" \1111 "'"'"li11w ..,~, yf'&J'. •Ttw-nr•. ullra-modt'm .. t11rt• ""'ho· '!!II "'"' loni: lru11I lac Oii ~ain ;'t .... nd 11 5 f,..•t d•'"I• "llh f.+i.l~U ,,..,., ol 'I''"'" 111 1111• 1 "., '""'' l11tlhll111: ll..t1h11I llw ''"'"'"11" 111 .. rl'luandl..&nit 11tructun· 11 111 '"' 'I"",. '"' , .. 11,111t-rnl1h· 0H-,t r1·r1 """tunw·r ~rklns. 11M- ,,..,,., \11.o .. t .. n· ""' o·arr~ llll lv1• 1111 .... 111 lllt'rt·haondl"4" handSH b) I lr.011.:1· t'Hllllt)' Mill ~a tr:a ,,,._ al tllr no rlll r nd d•';'Jl(nf'd J•rlnt.U'• 111 for ""mr•, .... a --•-J>·" &rill •llle·ll Miii br lonatrd und4"r tlw 1111 ,.· .... t urt'. It •UI •·at .. r t• -.i-and prof....,.ion&l nwn uf uut8Jcle 40~·a1wn ha,.,. ~n ••ompl~tf'd by ArchJtttl• \\'aJter Wurdt-- man and Wf'llon Bfo.ckd, and that plan1> for fbtu""' and lnUrtor llOOn ..... bf-1'1"ad~· ror .. ubm1""6on tu bkld4"r ... 11111111111,· ul t.u111: """' h. II """ 1.11 ... ·111 ... -d. T\\o r..atur ... ~uMlal t•• ""' • """"''""'·· OffM-tah illw'-'d t.._t ....... for tlw 10truclul't' and *Brief Glance Jat l SummerS~mphon~' SAND (]{AU od ' M k t Planned· ( uest 1C1111tt1111f'rl fn 1111 Pai;,I' II T ay s a r e s ) . . ' J • • I tilt. ( Jr;i llg l' ( ·otlllt y ris l11·r· I layers Invited 1111•11 h ;l\'1' '""'" lip in :1rm s Am T•·I & °i"0·I 1 ~•~•1• 111r \'C'at' 11\l'I' lilt' 111.;, 11( \11n11J11tn l '.11 1lw l>upont , C'oC'noraJ :0-101111 ~ Coodyr11r K1·nnc.,<t•tl I><'. .\ "·11°·, "' ''·" "~"' '~"'11h""" ... k1 •lp · .il11ng its :-.h11n•-.. J11~t lfil '. \\Ill lollt•\\ ll1t l"t1\ . .t 111 ·•I'' "" \\ h\ thi• ke•lp t'lllll'I'~ 1!t-llh· !">!11 • 1tu·,.,. 1'111"''0'11"''' ·"·''""'"~ 111 .:111' t•n1'tc·lv pwk ulll lht• an•a-. Iii ,1 llw """' Jl.1\\I "' 1 •• 11:11n.1\\ho•n:1111' fi:-h ·h1lw•1·n ;1ll' t" ~,.."(•... lt.·.tf•h thh -,11111nu·r •. u·•·••t•l111..;. ''' · • l · St' a rs 11 1. 1,11111, 11.,\, untl"r ""' _ 1 ;i ... m oot a qt1<-Sl1o n :ts \~ 1~· I!'. :.'!I', t'r11l1·r '""'"'"' "'"''"' I 111,1 ;i .;h11rt l11l 1sll•r 1\I l1•a ... 1 if So Cal E1l1srn1 S tandard < 111 t· s s1 ... 1 711". 1,t111 1 t. 11111111.1t:r1111 lt\ kll.,\\1111111 lh<' kdp 11tllt'I' 1-;1n 111• fN 'l'- ><10'o 11111 ,,,, 11111 '''""' ,,, 1111• • 1.,, t ·1111-"ll:tlk>tl to f111-s<1k<' thC' l'Ollllly '"" S.r\\ 111, I· 1:1.l.q I I ndt11 '"' .. 1 1·oasl for fl\'(' r 1•;11-s. ii will '"' I By l'ntto-vl l'1•'s.' ''" 111.111i.:1• 1 '11u11:) '~11111h11n>. that ' gi\'illg lhl' pl;tn a C'h ant'' to STOCKS int:'i;ulr.rl~ h1~h··• 111 .,, ""'' 111 '"""'"'"'" '"II "''"' a ,, 11rk and proJ\'I' \\ hl'l lwr m1od•'~tc>ly rwt1,,. 11111lm~ . 11111"1' "' 1111 1111· th1• ,. "'' 111, ti I thi•l'I'' "rll "'' llllll'\' !-M.trdilll'S. llA.INOS 11rl'i;ula1 . LI :s l o .. \1'111 l ...... 1~ tw1111: lwt:tld1•d 11\ ltllhll' ''" ,.,, .. al !he• 1'n<l 11f ""'' r~·riod mr nt.s firm. , 1, "" 1111· .... 11 ... 1 l"l'Rll 111oc•ks 1rrP1:ul11r!,' ltti.:lwr I r 11;r. ,,;.,11 1r11111 """l'llolft '-iiill lll r.o ~ .;-~ Sl l.\'f:H 11n<'han1:,..,l 111 71".1 ·' .t I''"''' "''"''l•d 111 ... 111111 111 1 . f1m· utml"... l '\ ,111 •h• "11 1,1.,,11, 1•1.,1111 1.,1 •h· ( 1•ntrul .\\'•·. s.:n1l'l1111l~· C'll19J't>:"11r•·i:ut.1r ,111., 'I"''·" ,.,,11,, "' 1. ..... .,, .. 1 :-11i..:~··st1.,.I :1t 1111· (._ nf <. IH>GS 11r1t\·f', I 50 l11i;h1·1 •II• ,11 h .11 , , i... o1 '" '"'"' ,, 1 ""' 1111.,•I in~ I h o· 1ot h1·r eta ~ I hat CATI1.t: ·"'"''' 1110 h1i:h· 1 .. 1 1111 1 .. tt .. \\111 • t · .. n1ral 1\\1• l1t• udd1"tl 10 lhl' • S llEEI' :irl l\1' I ~I.II\ ('•":I• I . I L'I ( ... 1111• \I• .... 1 .. 11• lt1~ll\\i1Y :-~ ...;lt'm. \\'I'll, r Sailors Drink Methyl Alcohol; 1 Dies, 4 Ill I \\ .. l..11·11111 1:. "It .. """""' I I th;1t' .... flfll' \\01~· 11f ~1·lli11~ ii 11111 11....,ol p:n 1-.l --l'\l'lllUa llv. 11111 \\ h~ '•11•1i:• 1·il01" •'" l'"111" 1'"l,ll•111ld 11w s late . h ig hway 1 \ ( \11 flfl,I "'I \1 • .. !1 1·h••f11 1 • \' • , ' d 1 •pt . t ;1 kt' o \'l'.'I' ; 1 dt •ad -t•nd 11.1111111 ~"''" ., I' I I 1: .. 11111 ...... 1 ''"!" lhtl •h•l•·P·'"'f'I: 1'1'1aps I II' II<'\\' \\ .. uld '". ·'' I• .1,, .,11• 11111,1 111111111: 11·oum·1I l'illl pt'C'St.'111 a p~ L!ll• ,1 f1•.t1•11•'<1 al , ,,, h 1•11111"•11 i.:ram lhal isn 't loadl>d Wtlh 1,or-;c. Rl-.A< ·11. < -.~1 . ~!.•> 17 sc•wp1~. lig hts. <•II' .• in o rder l UP 1 >n1· ,.lllktr Wflll d!"nd arid I l · I I I Dawn Of Synthetl·c to so vt• a t oug lll'. A_ so four oth1·r' rn ~rrwu• 1'<1nt 1I nn in naw.1 hn11p1111I rr(lm drinkin" h<>n rrl at the same session mrth)'I alcohol Fuels Era Coming that SOm ('thing should be John D. Boulw11rl'. ~. ~chonl-d OO(' to a tlrd<'l mOI't' ~ twld. va .. siatronl"d on th ... 111nkt'r Fast, Krug Says pie. small i!"dustries. etc .. as USS· Chipola. died Saturday aftt'r the resort idea needed help. tie and hi• ahlpmatH drank the w ASH1NCTON. M11y \7 t UP 1 Cnn remember that ft>r yean 'ak:ohoJ Thursday nl1rh1. ofllcert -S«f'f'lary of lnt<'rlor J A. Kru.: and years, the s ummer aaJd. sa1dtoda)· that thl' ··n11wn of 11 '>·n-crowds k<>pt many a wolf ~ othtts "'"r" id<'ntif11'd by tht'ttc hquld ru .. t,; rra m 1h1· l 1n11 -from a bus iness m a n 's door the navy Yt"*IC'rdAy as Philllp N. rod S IRlf'S 18 rnmrni: nn<I rnm1111: th<> rest or the 12 months, Brown. 25. F:lk Horn. Ky : R.olX'rt fa,l " _. I · · th L MOrTls, 2'1. !IOC'w Orleans. Emil K rui; m11dl' th« st a1t•m .. n1 In an· anu imagine e same J . lJeoctlch, 21, NC'W Ulm.: and Earl nouncrni:. th11t the go\'1•mm.-nt'" h o lds pretty near true today! R. Lyon, 21. FrP<'pot"t, 111. m'W ~J.500.000 synthl'ltc fuPI:< 111 - Trio Taking Big Money From Vegas on 'No. l' LAS VEGAS,' NI'\ . May 17 f UP)-Thr<'t' rolll'gl' students wirh a "ayat<'m " for tK'ntrng thl' roulrllC' ,_,hHI todny rnn thl'ir winning~ lo $12,300 u lhf'ir l1l'11vlly hnl'kl'd No. 1 r t'peatt'dly ram.-· lip thr win· borntorh'~ and pilot pl1tntic al Bru~ton. r a. will he dC'd icntNJ Friday. Thr buildinf,!!1 wiW be op('n io thC' publlr on Thun<clay an1l 1-'li· day ' l>(n11: ~"ltd tht:' nt>w t'rn '~ ··im- r-·llo'<l hy I hi' 1111t1•ncy of unprr<·r- lie•nlt'<l l11·mand f,.r ('t'l roh•um Allll its pinduc-l'" Asks UN Call Israel Truce Threat of More Strikes Looms 1Contlnul'd Crom PagC' 1) "lthdr;n• its own dem11nd for a :\ll-r1•n1 h11urly mrr<'llSI' if Ford "nuld h-1111 11 drin• for ··11 sub. ~tantiol roll-hack in the cost or h•1111; .. ;\11•al p.tt·kini: 'l\\o ;11 trmpts "''l"I' llncl1•r ""Y t11 '''"h' lhr• I l l) 1'1lt'k1ndu1t1M• \\'ork1·r~· !'Ink•'. ,\t SI l':i11l I :m 1.utlwr \\' '1·11un1:· nt'r IContln11rd from P:tS:P 1) 11.1111nskrd11n111n ;ind 1'11t11p:111~ n ·11· Albert l llhhll. Chlll•<•ullw. 0 . flr 1rl1·1t nf 11 111we· f11r tho• 11·•1~ <'11~. t•'"•'lll:tll\"' ''' 11w1·1 \\Ith ltl111 \\tlh Rn)' "'nlfPrcl. S:in n1ri::n. Cnl : nnrl lt111 tlt:it "'' t'o>n1·111,r\1• .1i;rr•1•11to'n l II \11•\\' 111 .... ttl1•1111 nt llnth <tel•·~ JArk Ct•rlr1. :'\1•\\ Yt1rk. pla~1111: tn """. 1,·aoltr•rl 1111lll'.11t d tit•~ ""lll1l .111 .. ul ,\t tlw ~hifls. roms,l.-l •d '' ".,,,.k, plot) , \pt .. ~ dt'J'tf~h It•'"' ,·,q 1,, '·''''' lttt• '91• 11111t·o·, ... 11ik• early rncl:t) l ltaru1~ ont• run t1f 1 ~1,1111 11, ... 111 ,f•·iu ... t11•ti1. \\ hl•'ll ... 11 ~••\.\ •••11.i 1,1li1 1 .11 <'h11·,q:-• .... t1tl rortunl'. !hi' Ill'•' v llll•' lip thr ... • tr•:wh• d \\',1-111111·1 .... 11tr .. 11i:h 'I.ti• ot \\01tlld I•· \\1ll1n~ ,,. I•"""' '" SU~~i\t1 tUllr~ tl••pit·t1n1nl lh·1Jit11'. UHl1t1•1tf f11t tl•\:11111111 1\' 111 11 Stnrllni: \\Ith '<nt.tll f.1•1'. th•\ lhtl ,\l•ilt1tldt ,.., .. ,, Fi tolt\ 1 .. , -.1 .. 1 lh• ''••1111\• 1 .. ,, .. 1 nO\\ han· lll•rt '"'ti thou\\ •r.:•r"l •11111• Ill .l11tt•1l1111. 11111 II •I .I•\\ '' 1·11.r .. r1 !'-torl\\•lf.•I' r• ·•II to ~10 1' .,.1110 P•'Hl••f'r l'"luh n( 1,h ,ttt.-.J,, .... 1~u1.-,,1rHt •1I ,q Tli· ''I•'' 1 .. l•••t t1t11f111th ·•i...t.' '• ~1 fu,""ualllC ~flu1 1111 ~ ''••Ultl nut c•h.uh·• •If\ hid l•··i un l1ol •••• \\•ltd ••I \h 11. •·•tl•••t11t11uu,1 I'.,...... ..r t hc•\\ht"t•l 111tl1'"" 'h• lrtnn~k·•l rhillah .... 1 1,1 •11,,,t ,, 1,t,d .f••tq 111 I'"' 111111., \, ... , .,-. f\1any pl;\~•r ... J111111 d tn -·n lh• ... 11,111 \ ... ~ ,,,qlf ,,1 IHI•• •1 u .1d •., ')11 1-, ..... 1 r11 1q1 l.w"lt1n.: fnll1•\\UH" rl'• ,,.,.·.., '' u .. •11..: ''"'Ii' ftt1••t ,, 1f111 '"'', l \l u1 11\ 11 • h+·11d 11 ,,, I•• 1• ,t.,. \\ith t.rt~ or .. Mh k·' 1i1 -". t'• n1.;;. t '··II\\ td II\' 11l 1 ,., d 1 \\ .... I ·~ \,' f ,, it • Ii I" ··~urt• •h~~·,,. t.1k11!C ,,If ,f,lll• Ii••••'-h·'d ,; -... • ,q 11. 1~'"'' t lh1 tto11·n 1rut ~h• Jru•H.t ···' Greek Police to I* Brief Glaace at Probe Mystery.' 1Bulldlng Permits Death of American I Ross v. Dixon. 1x-nnit to build a 1 l story, 3 roopl dwc•lling al 316 ,\THENS , May 17 -I UP I -1 lris avenue', Corona del Mar. Es- Prt'mier Tht>mistoch.•s Sofouhs te>-timated CO!ll $-1200. rlay ordt'rl'd the "entire police of l Nad<'n<' C,.oplt'n. permit to build GrN•c..··· to ··uncovrr det ail!\" in a l st ory, 4 room dw<'lling·11t :.!79:.' th(' mystC'rious death of Ct'orgC' C'lrcle Dr1vt•. Bayshore. EstimnlC'd l'<JI~. JiJ;yC'ar-old Columbia Broad-C<>l'I $9000 r ;"tmg ~)~tern rorrt'Spondrnt. Arthur W. Pewr.i. ')X'nntt to ~;pfoulis announced he had ordC'r· build a l s tury, 2 car garage 111 121 • rl n1inis1t•r of tJUltlir ordC'r Cosfas '.lfl1h ~trt'!'I F.stim:ill'd cost Sl::!i)(I H1·nt1s and l'Ohc·t' in Athl'nS a nd I f: J. Litt Ir. permit to butld 11 I Salonika to ··l':\pnnd l'\l'r) pos-1 family u1111 owr pri'Sl'nt ~arag~ ;11 '11th• human e nd1•a\'Or lo lhrow 11 :.! :'l!J1h •tr1•e1 Eslima ll•d t:u<t hr::h1 on 1h1s O'l).'ll'ry." I $7000. P-0lk..-Amerle<tn Wltr . ht>ro anti \\'. r . Gf'rfl'n, l.IC'rmit to huild 8 1 \ l'f 1•r:on "''.rrl'spondr nl. d1sappt•Mr~d I story, ~ flimily, ~ ronm dwr l ling a 1 1~f 11·r l1•11\'t11~ II~ Astor ia hu11•l m 1 :.:111 Op;ol a\ 1·nu1•, Hnlhoa Islam! !'1tlonika l11s1 !'.'lln1lnv for a l'l'-1 Est1mah•d rusl ~l l,llCk1 1111rtNI r<'ncil'/\·ou~ '' ilh agc•nt" nf , , C: II t I C '.\1 k \' f . Jusl•ph • Edward.". IK'rm11 111 .w·rri 1 l' 111· ,l'n · :ir .05 " nJ-r h1111t1 a I f:m1i lv llntt a d .. • • (f, . ., \\hum hi' 11111•11clo•ti lo 11111•n·iew l dd't' 1 .,11 ·1) 1 n g.ir~11-· in mounlanious norllw rn Grl'•'<'l' a 1 iun " -. . P11 3 ''1•11111·. h al. • 1 ht1:i I<l:oncl ~."11mu1t•rl 1·0~1 SJ >c~I "h1, ,. i.:•>H·rnmt:'nl rroops now are I · ' · .11t:1<'kmi: 1 he gu«rrtllas. Mrs. Halph II. Thompson. IN'rn111 . lo build 11 I stor,· 3 room d""ll1n • :->alorukn poltc-1' announced yes-., • . " , ' • cl I I I ... ' h I at -196 ( ro'''' 11•\\'. b•ttmatPll t'll'I t1·r 11~ t ra t 11.. l(•o~ as t1't:'n 9 rM•J · "·"h"cl 1111 frum S1tl11111ka lmy. ,\I' · l>ull••t h.1t1 .,,.,.n f1n·d 1n10 1 hf' hack II II. :"all. pcn mt In build a ! J•f his ho·arl al t•lo~P ran t:•'. his sto~r. 5 rocm1 dwpllini:: 111 ·H:.! B1· l111mb a nti f1•1 1 "C'fl' hound \\ ilh g.omA avt:'nlll'. Corona dl•l ;\tar. E .. trmatt•d cos t S9.tOO rn('t' G IRi, S<'Ol"l'l-4 ('Ol"llT OF HOSOk "-....W at C'o.ta Ji"9 G~ _.... ••llllort_, t'rtday. SllM' l{irl11 ~,·eel llw ('urved l!lar--Mrh .... t ~ award I• latttmf'llla&r ~t ill'1..._. Lrft tG rtpt. front row: NO(ma la.robla, N..,._ llatait.11, Obie Ball. LwlU. l...aroell. LPft to rfc .. t. '1iKI& row: !'llaril)'ll tta., ~ary lAu Trapp. C')'lltlda 0.-~I. ,_ SMls. Bartlani M~. _ _ __ olo b Beckn~ I . Local Delegates To AttencJ Alfred C. Plegcr, permi1 t1l hu1lc a 1 story, 5 room dwelling with ~ car garage at 703 Acacia avenUl' Corona del Mar. Estimatl'd co91 Sl0,000. ,\:"OTllt~I< Wt:l.I. k 'Cl\\' KOAT rt"tum" to twr IK"1tr pnrt aftf'r " '""I: "h~·1w ... Th•• 1,1; '""' ... ·"-t'·) .. ·ht \lartha :arrhrcl hrrt' t 'ri-clll~ from tl1111nl11l11, t.1~ini: ·:11 ... ,.,., 19 h" and t:t mi•. for lhr tria-"' for rr .. 111 " ''"'""'' r1111. ""' ·'" haltd ......... ,, lni: to a i:ood ·-l[f'. ~l11rlhll """ '"'""''" """'''' '" '·"-c·..--). and ... n••M o'"nrcl 'hy \ ltln ( 'tu1 ... ·-\\ 111• ;~ .11, .. ""'' ,;, tl'M' th,..... O\\ IW',... of thr fahutnti' ('o - ' ""nut 1 .. 1,.1111 • l11h-111"'' t.1111lllarly ... _ .. M "MIU..,_..~·· l ........ -111 111 .. ll.o\\ai1.111 1:r .. 11p. t h ,..,. dkl not -.II u1• .. uh hi" ..hip. but,.,_ '""'"' t11 fh 111• ,,.,,,,. 11111•' 1111. ,.,,...I(, lf"ft tL' rti:ht ; C . \\. ~arnunnrr .. klt•ll"': I 'rnnl. I i-h•'f •""""'~torr of thr Honolulu \ .. ·ht 1·luh. •ho II< l•·cl .... 1111\ 1i:.1111r .. rn•I llo··o IJ!Mbtdt. of st .. rkholn1 ................ ... 111•·111fM'r l'f'••ln h)i J;.-.·kn11t ~IEAT PIUCES ZOOM SHARPLY AS STIUKE llOLDS PRODtlTIO~ >lari•r ""lltolariohip Sf-t t:p W ASllll'CTON tl'Pt -Martnt:' «'Ory< tlf'adc:1uartC'rs announC't'd that a 1111• :11 S<'holarsh1µ honoring :\!a- rm.-Ge·nl'rnl Alrx:mdt·r A . \'andt•r- i;r1ft. 181h commanda nt. of the ruri~. ha>: '"..," c-s tahlu;ht:'d at R1t'C' lm1t11ur<'. lluuston. Texas for )'o UnK ml'n vf nuts111ndrng ahthly. Tlw sc-holar.ih1µ \\as Ont' or SC\'Cn s .. t up on fund, prm 1dt-d hy Jl'U<' 11 J11no.,., rnrm l•r ~·-<·n•tary of rom - m .. rf'•'. and '.\In; Jom•s. Ht• \\'i$e -Advrrtlw L. 8. Convocation Long !Wach Con>'ocation or the F:pillropal Diocese ol Los AngC'les will !)(' he•ld \\ll'dm•sday at St. J ohn's church. Wilmington w ith R1shop Eric Bloy as speak<'r This will he his first address sine<' ht'- M ming a hishop. All<'nding from St. Jami's church "111 he' tht' Re\·. a nd Mrs Paul :\1norr. Wht:'cler, Mr. and Mrs. Roh- l'fl Grt<'ssc•r sr.. R. Donald Hall, :\'In<. RolX>rt VillaKTana and Mrs. J n Gookt'n. dt>lrgatcs. and otht'r m l' mix-rs. TO Dl\'ORC'F. ROONEY HOLLYWOOD. M ay 17-IUPI -Betty Jane Rase. "Miss Burming. ham" of 1944, filed suit today to divorce MickC'y Roon~y. lier d ivorce ac tion said a prop- erty Jlt'tllPm ent had lx'rn rrachl'd She charged cruC'lty. Thi' pro1Jert)' set tlemrnt pro- v1dt•s lhat :O.frs. Rooney will r t:'· {'('l\'C' $100,000 during the next 10 yf•1trs. $25.000 for a home" and $.5,000 a y!'ar for lhc• support of the• lwo-ch1ldrt:'n , her attorm•y sa!d. -------- ./ orld's Hungry · Children Get Food Relief u·nder Stars and Stripes and U.N. Banners O..ilc'a"f'n'e Crv11acle Build. f ri.-ocl" lor An1 .. riea ~lidat Chaoli«: Cooditiom Abroad NEW YORK. May 8-You could f'all 1l star-spangled milk pow- der. 11·s served under the Stan and •n~. It ctrmt'!I from the U.S I\. Anrl "'hcren~r rt J!llt'S. t o hun- l!r v rhilclren all ''''C'r tht' world, 11 'brmi:~ 11 s~ar-spangled bnght- n1 ,, '" their <')'CS. ~·1nmn1:•. ••n• duh .. 1111111 •.1111 111 t,1,,_,tf,111 •11,,1111 11 .. 11ld ,,,, 11-.11p "' l11d11111 11 111• 1, I •l •hlll th• Y 111tr 11•t1·1I thr111 ... n11ll~ "' \1.1!1• Ii 1rl tho 1·tf\ 11111!• 1 ,1, Iii tr•· ...:1111°11111.' \ 'l'"I • •111 "'' ' th. \I, ,1 ''" I'!, ....... •. _h t ' 1·· '· : ., I I· .... ;\l.1nv .,f th" chilrlrt:'n 111 T'nland. '·'''·· ... 1t.v.1~1.1. lt .• 1y. F r .•n<'·c\1 • .r I ,prl l'l m.i. n< '"' \ ~·"'' milk . r•I .,:;, ~.i·1d lod»11' t.1l'tr l!<"·''r-1 I• I' !:It'll I' Ill :\tto•t'h'il. tt.r,.lll!h 1 \t t \ -.0 •\t,tf\ f •t I .,!:l J ft\lt ( ol.!t n• pln)rr ... 111 h1r" d11111w th1• ll1llolo1 •,.,, ,,.111111....,1,11 n1•11tt.,1, '"" '''"''ti \1111111" 1110 . ., 1_ 11 1 ., , ;~~G'):·:;:.:~.::~: ,:::::~., .. :~.:::'."':::' (!1-@f@]fil I ~.::.::;.·,~y:::.: ·~:'· :.;Y/;~:,'.::.·' ·:'.;:: ' ;! ?":' :·':: l'\'<'f'nt ;111• lllj•I' h1 t, Ettry 4ay from lnGll HI.lit >P PRESStTRE \\ htrh l• nnw known as thl' "~aat"r Klllr r". Every d11 y nrw-p111 .. ·r.< hrarl11nl' prominent J>C'OJllc-tn rarl~ l1C1• dying from "ht:'art" n11:u·k~ Nine out or tt>n or th••<:t• ""r" high blood prei-:-u" .. "st r11k1•~" ,ir caused by llti;th DlCIOll l'n • ... ,u,.... w~ n!duce your bloorl prt'""lln' below tht' dang<'r pomt tn 1•nC' N'Nrofles treatmen l . . ronltn· ued treetment will kC'<'p It th1•n• No d~. 11hots. ~lcines or IUl'Stt)'. Consultation FREE Dr. EmD F. BeD, D.C., Pb.C. 107 -22nd St. Newport 9-5 Mon. lit Thurs. Barbor l IN 1. Ill I• 11111..; I '' , I f1 t t I i J .. , \l 1 \\ •I J.., ~ \ I • ... " . , ,1 t 1 ... J11 ' " I'· ·, ·•·• tJ11J ,, 1'~1 It ~ t \, ..,t 1\ t ' ,-, 11u l ·,.\ , 1·n·. u. t I, .. It , t11 I''"' 1i'"' ffHl'l ":'H1··r~ ... •. r t~ :-.,·.Ht, tr \ 1 I '. It '· ' \\ h. •• \\ • n• ..... pj ··~11 ••u1 •' -._, "'1'' idt·,\J+• if~•'l "·ild \\1 '• .... d _I•• :t·~ •\•1' \\tt! UHi lh· 1'.,., .. , !ti f•' ~' 1 .... bi ." Jhr 1 .. ihlt1 t\.d JU'' \\11n I Jt·I\ '' \ ,.. I Jt ,., u t ..... f \t I f)\ I I • t ........ ,, l I ,, I . 'Ill• th•• 'Ill"\•\ -...h1'\\1 •t lt\1• tnt°t\\,fl,,: ........ 1!«' ..,,.I \ .'l~ 11- •11 '"' ll'I' 1n I Ill I 1\-I -;-. l 8f' \\'is<' c i• c. r.t u i •n 11 •• t•1!t th 1t I 1.I I l o n•·· .. m d lmUll> -..111d r: .... 1 ! q1. I T. 1.,, millt .. n• l'f k iri• h:wc a .. h .. in1 '-t • T~ , .•••• \ r !: tu t h·hC"t~. fr u:n tut • r, ui .... h. !r,1 tt1 t ht •r .. 1\\~., .n,.: p .1·1., llf h1.n!!"r w11h whrrh th•"' han' ltvt:'<I nil tlw1r hves., b<'.-·ausl' 1\nwri,·iJns arc ~C'ndrns: them rt'<i·" hrte-anu ·blut' c .. 1lunes and kmdncss. ! In t he nan.c of the Cru~adc for Children of 1\merrcan 0\'Nscas Aid-United 1'.1t111ns Appeal for Chrldrt'n. AmN1c.uu are subsenb· in• $60.000,0VO thrs spnng to .ft· nance the foreign rehC'C :ict1v1t1es of 25 vuluntary American agcn - cit'!I and to repll'nrsh the Un1tC'<l Nations lntem :illonal Children'• Emergency Fund. STAR·SPASGLt:D MILK-Under tbe American ftaJ, milk aened to hunicry t'hildrf'n abroad brlnp 1tar-spancled brlcblnesa to eyes that ha•e known starvation. Photo above was taken In Czechoslovallla 1- Mart'b, showlni that dnplte rovernmental ehan1es. Amerlcan-rtvea relief, bulldloi healthy bodies and ftrm frlendab.lpe, la reeopallecl u coaalq from the land of the free. JuleJ Perlstein, recently re- turned f rom a two-year United Nauooa mission In Poland. re- poru a Med for more food and United State1 provides t'--eat ln the United NatloM Appeal I~ D'ledic:ina on the plUt of miWona ell f\nanclal strength. • •· • Children to raise voluntary C01'e of cbildren ln Europe. He uraed Mr. Perlateln also save usur· tributlont IO that the worll Cit 'enerou1 contrlbutlo.1a to the aqce that all food provided UNICEF may be continued .nil campalsn to fttd the bU.011"1 chll· lh'rou&h UNICEF 11 acc'lunted for extended. ~ dttn of the y,·orld. from th• m oment It arrlvet. Coatrtbatlem N~ "'" IS«lpieata laformed "Our Miaslon knew where ev-America'• aha.re ln tlia worl<to The , h1ldren. he emphaslz:ed, ery ounce of food went from the wide appeal II the Cruaade a know ,,..here t he food comes from. moment It e ntered Poland untU Children, whJch Lt al8o aolld and the &onrnment.s help to kttp a child ate It," Mr. Perlate.ln de-fun<b for Amer)ca'1 major vol th•JD infom1ed. c1ared. tary forelcn relief agencl• a Ha r,wporled that It Lt a deftnlle Tba bulk o f UNICD' food ahlp-fttdln1 a total of 1\500,000 po!J.ef ot the P olish i ovunment men ta ..,.. of dry aldm milk. whlcb children and aldinfi 1n Othfl' to 11n w ldesp rud publicity t,o Lt nluabla to hungry children fffdinl proJena, ,850,000 ~ the United Nallona International abroad because of tu prot.ctJve dren and 4,840.000 adult.. Childrt>n·a Em ergency Fund. Post-food element.s. 1t 11 estimited that Contributions, wl)lch mean :=a ers at feedms p.:lrnt. uplaln t~e 230.000,000 duldren ln Europe and food and friendship for th• nature of Ul'> IC Ef' to which ttt. ferlng children abroad, ~ Un11ed Stn1r9 ~ a largt' contrlbu-Asia do not get e.nou~h food for m1de to local ca.mpalgn comml• I• r. In a ld1t1, n to pres• anti r11d10 "''~m:il health ••r i:rowth. U.NICEF tee! or ~ent dirt'rtly to n1tlonal C•'<.•J"'r.1l1un. tC'act>c: <, ,, l'hir~ an<! IS fttJm11 4.0v\I,\ 1)1) l'htldren in headquart~rs or Amnlcan ov3 rar .. n:~ tC'U the C'l.lldn'n tlmt f·-od I Eur~pe, and u sl;irting a fei'din~t~cas Ald·Unitl'd 1'ntion1 Appe i.s c r i:iJil t.> thrr1 U11 Jt:h the I pro,;ram In Allla. The ~pie ol f..r Ch1ll1re~; 39 Broadway, N• \;ruled :O-auuns. for y,h1ch the aor:ne 60 natJo~ r.:,:ope,raWif York 6. N. x. •· ... fte N-n-wUl ••l tte f'NPQSUble for ...,.. Uaa9 ... llaC'Ol'rttJ la~ruca or --aclvs- th>f•mNt, .. ....-rvee tl•e ,._ .. , to c•orrt'('tly t•lautfy any and all ads ud to r4'jrc-t any adv~ m•·nt not C'oat\lrmhac to rultt ulltl rt-.rulatlon&. C'l&Alllfh'd ad• \\Ill l"· at·C't>pt•'il up to 9:30 a.m . on th•• ll•Y uf 1mhllc·Rtloo. 111 ''"t:s"' ca ·ant: ----- \'••I It 1-Tl(:'\l'f'l 'JU 1op.11r ... 1 ,,,. • 111 11,1 .. ot \'111••.111 lol1111Js I I 1111l-h• d ,),tl.t 1111"•' \\11hh\) , h .111 < Ilk•· '"" I(, ·'~"n;ihl·· :-.•u1·d1'"""' 1'1·11•lt,1'1• ~11:; I !:or· 1,..,•(l11 tl .t\•,l;1 ;\\1 ... .1 l'h H1·a· ,.,.11 -~1~:\ 711-1·-91 · Mun~on Bro~. C onl'l'ete Work 2u:!R Snntn Ana Avf'. CO~TA MESA Ph. Bearon 5:!'.:?1-\\' or !17:17 52-22tc AnnounC'ing the Qp<'nin~ ROY'S BARBER SllOP Corona del Mar Coast Highway & Poins<'l tia 67-p-71 PuaL1c NoT1ca NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. A 11.&n ESTATY. (IF STASl.EY GRAHAM al•o> known w. STA!'LEY WALi.ACE GRAHAM. all'o known a.a S W . CRA· llM-OEC'F.A!"F.O. !'OTICE ISllERF.BT GIVEN lo lb~ rred1tor11 or and all p<'r1Mm• havln.11: rla1ms a.1:aln•t thr aafd d~~ndrnt ur aald ~I.ale It• fll" them with the nerea- pary \'VUChtra In tht> orfl~P vr the C'lerk "' thP SuMrltor C'ourt "' the County nr Oranjiie. ~atP or CaJ1Con11a, or to pre-l"'nl thf' 8""1•. with lhP nrc•J1sary \1Ju1 ""•"· tn th• unden!ll!n"d at hi• or hor pl1trr ur bu•oneH. to-wit : ALJr F, R Cf<AHA M. Px~utrla. "'" Max Hurwll1 Atlomey at Law. :?611 \\'f'Jllt Ct>ntrtll A\1~nufl. N~-~port BP&t'h. ranroml& within •ix month• altfr the rtri<I .\!ulollraliun nf thl8 no tlc,., flA ·~rr.r~~ I~. l~hllAM ~;x•rut rlx "' the E dtl\tl' ••C •1tlrl d•<'r<l•nl l'uh -lillb)' 17 ~I 31 1<n<I Jun• 7. 19~8. Of Sp<'Clal mtr rt'St 10 ftshl'rml.'n. nn l.'l('('lrit• rl'frii;l'rator has bl.'t'n prorl11<'1•d th:11 <'nn hi.' plac<'d in thf' J1tllo'i1 r!'11r compartml'nt to pr!'· K<'l"\'e th!' r:itch I t wdgh1> nil pounds an<l Q('l('r;1tf'S orr the car hattt'ry. .J'\ 'DesigHiHI t11graviKI lllld PtiHfiHI Our apedalty la UD• usual print,\nc ol all typH. Weddlnc lnYl· t.atJona, IOclal -eUdl -all types of print- lnc and encravlnl at modest~ CALL .JA ~ll·.~O~ Fl.00 1{~ ~II 11,n~· 11111 l-"1111•11111~ 01 Sf ,, h 11 ii• llltl l·,q1t1pllh n t l.•1•1·11•1 .f ln'lll, d 1'1111:\"V IW.\('\):'11 !'itl",;. 6:!-'2:!1c c, n1 1.ol ll111hl1m: ( ·,.nt 1 co•lurs mw< 'K'.\L\ :-.: nno~ F1t•1· I ,11m.1ll'• l'rompl Scn;ce -15;\ llH0.\11\\' \\', l'I 1STA MESA n rttt>(ln 031~-.l 1111-p-l'il 1 En \\'ALTERS TILE '-ONTRAC'l'Ofi Bath Ronms. Drain Doarda. etc. l5th & l"cwport A\'e., f"osta Mes1 Phone Beacon 8700. W -3 18-tlt LE ROY SLATER Mo,·e Anythlnc Anytime Specialized in MOVING Household Cooda 6: Small Boeta Harbor 391. ~tf< CABINETS 817 COAST IUGJIW AY ('ORONA DEL )lAJl. CA.UY S4-72tc 111 ll.'SECt.f:A:-.ll':G ThrN' h<iurs. Slll mof'nmg!' pt'!' .-.... k must have nr Pho._ I louiww' 6'llt at 6 p m llk'-71 It ,, \ . I I ' ' ,, ' ,. t 11, 11 1 l • I :' 11' t ·'""'' 1 I ~I 1 'ft I I ., 1 ,;\ 11.· ;II fl ( \\ \I 'I'\ .._\II''" I "'" I ,I .. I ftl'" ' \ .. ''\ ft ''" I I • 11 I I,,,,. ' lift \\ ' '"P'' It " ' ''11(11 .. d "' 'I 111.1 I,,.__ 11 11 It II\ I ,, •• 1.' ) •• t I 1 t' I t ',,, ~ t ,, ". 1 •• 11 '""' t t I I ••t"11 1dol ~l.u ILt•l•1 "•••1 \1 1: 1' ·' 1 l '"• I • 1 .t1, , ''"' tn•• I t IH '\I I ~'"'" "" d • \•'• 11• 11t \'J' l:tl l -. \\ \-.:11 \ f'l'IU i\ • "'""''""· 11o \\ •,111 I .di o1tt• I l~'~•\q11.rr n,,.1 H•."''Hl',771 •p1n ·•' ,.,.~,,.,,1i1.111 1~l t ~ •• ,,1u .• ' .. ,. ' \),.... lill _'lilt .1. I '"II ;11 ,,, '''I " \HI Y 'I\\ 11 It ,1,111 h1•1 ,,.,_,\\ •'1 '"'"''' ~ "\.' \ t"' ~ 11 J·: <' I A J , t-utJHlllli' ~:',."'' t'h•~.,.t s;"ti() 111 lw1 "•I •I ... .-. 1•1111• I l11rh"r 1 1•11 H 111 ,. ti • 1: I •t 11 Ml 1l \'\S T1"l 11\'11 1• 1'll'1t1•\T Ill'\'' "' 11°1 H'd. I 111' Hl 'tl ~\'\1'1' \\ ,. 1111\ 1'11"1 I''" 11• l\l'\\1'1 ll(T llAI 1\11 \ l'I l Wlti\\. S/\\'I N1~S ,'(, 1.1 IAN ASSN :\.'\:\.'\ \'la l .lllt1 l'h lt11r 1:'1110 •11 I fr '\ \\I • I ' I ~. II • I 'I ti! ~ \I I llY n\\'NI It 1 ti I •t:• " •'1 11• •'1 I t \\rth 1 u tlh•l.1 ·' 4\tlt\411\.J • ·,,, •• 1'1· •,1 I• 11111ml111• 1t1·1a1I~ 11111,lu.c:l '' d • 'II ,01! If ho01t1:h t :'\I I\\' li'I 1• 73 Nr w Vi<'w Hom<' ~trTOllOTl\'lt a TlllU Cl\'l-'nt Oflt<lNG •~ntlrC' Harbor • ~ llrl'Cl 3 ltr • lulw """'"· nrrplaoe. 1•111 l 'llllh•lllh ....... h N1•\\' p11111t Jtoll, .:·~-· lltt•N, lll'nt- .... I '1111 tol\'111·r I l11l'ht.1r 71'41 6'1 ... 11 m ri.1r11rtlnn 11mt lnsl!W nnlab •••"'IJllc\nRI 1'111• tln,..t w•'w f'Vc>r nffrrrd. \\'1\Slll:-.1: MA\'lllNES 01\l'd, Gr•·M1~I .11111 Th1•10111i;hh l 111'<'kt-d W 1!11 '1111"r ,\1l 111~1nlt'nU 11: , .. ,. S l.1 1111' \\1th 1< .. ,.1 n1·•·•lJ -... ,-111 SAi.i' 1•1.11; 1 ·11 .. 111111•11 111ut.1r RALPH P MAS1'EY 1•.11111 -.111-f.111 •'•lhhl h•ll' Snit M' .. tllc·r lll>:h\\K\ llll "' l •othlin. S4ll \\!-l'C'ntra~ Ph. ~u. a 11nl.r $~.fiO 1 • .,11 '"' 1 .. ·.;11111t•1'~ Slti~· 1 ~1 I I t 'un•llfl tit-I M111 . !'>I I' ;: l ·tfe Flo,rer s Ft.-f:\·"l 0.:-C- C~es Gtlts BROADWAY FLOWER SHOP WA'.'ll:D )lolhtt'1 tW'lptt, IWUn· nwnr; IJl'Trftlfff'd l..lvr 1n °' out. -1 ""'" :111' :inr.11:" "' th\~ itlN'llll Ph. &-M'.'Oft ~-R. 71-<--7'5 and -''""I "c .. iotly n r,·•k -Down \\ ..;,111l,l1<·11 >'ti'.\I 1 ... 1r11 Itel -------------- 1'·11,,1" 1111 • 7l1 1' "i•l Ft\11 SAl.F 1•1;1 1 1"01nl ,. H 111111 It t '( ISTA MES A t 'lvr n •vm modern 1 •1111 I Ii' ""' l'l'l\I ' fo,·1. W\ 111111 t 1· .. 111plt·h ·ly r11rnh•hf-tl :n6 nroad- 108 Broachl·a)·. Ca5U >lc'Sa I •S"t: pert t1mr pr4'UC'T. and ck-- Shop. &at0n 5521-J lh·ery rout,. man: lMM' full limt' HMl!llll! \l'l'l.11\Nt'F: Sl-:llVICF 471 ''"1••11 111"•1 . ('&~ta M("" 'U'!HC 'AI. a RADIO 11 .• 111·1 ~11-1 t 11 \\Ill 111ul·· ltt1th "'-•v l'dt""I rl.iht l'honr ~-J. In "" 11 1h111\ 111 '"' 1·111 1•hta <'n•lt 6:.'·tfc ., •. .,,~,, .. hill :\;.,!. "'" ~. c•u,I \ \ '"l'l·:t 1 \'•••ti pl11111t11 f,1r ttUI llomt>. &aron 5100-X. 68<-90 pr.-r Call llnrhor 16J&.R bC'- PRECISION WORK Let ua call twttft 5 ~ It 6 30 pm 71 -tfr and give you our Htlmate . 144 ra&Olr&L It :MA.~-To work in food store with P h11111· HE A( ·n:-.; n2~u; 1 l •lll.1\ tl•pt l llli;llf'~I prl1~· Al ''"" 11 Tr.1111 '"'11' "" u :-;11lnr1 ••I t ;, ••'ltl 1•1/U ht l •u t\/ ~t•htt1i•U :0-1<111,1 ,\1111 •JO ~" l\lnl11 Ill Ht !'\11 ... I 711 ,. 7:1 -----·--------- -r13 ''' l'l:\H ..;111110 ltako I I "n11111111111l"1, I Zllt St. Between Orange Ir New-RJ-:ADlNGS-llond.a>· throuch Fri· rnrat"""pPrlirnct. Writr Box "E" port Ave .. Costa Mesa. Phone clar. lUI E. p,Jm. Santa Ana. N_....nn-6R-c-72 ilver PIRting l'tll'l'l'lt ORAS~. \.Ill f) Poh•hln11 .\ l1rflnlflhln1t --t "'''" 1uut '" i 1t •lrh •• (' oai<l Pru1wrtit'~ Co. t •1u · 11\\lh'I 111th AAtMf I ult 1\1•,t H e altor!4 Beacon 8226. 58-22tp 7 QIJ('Stions ~ mall SI te> :Mn YOl.~G MAS T o work In food srono Will tnm ~oet·ry bwll- new Box "E" ~e111-s· Times. 68-c-7:! \llltllt II( J'Yl'I· S l'l :-0.:l 'T l'••·1t ~··-1 , "'' 11-r111' ( 11wk1•11n~ l''•'n" u,,.,, J l)i("', (\ttu·r mnk••' ···•n ·~·r"' .r 10 ,. tJ ---NF\\' """ 11fttr)'. tnodf'rn 1t11f't'O 0 DD J 0 B ii Oanll ~p-71 Ba~·:-id t> PlatinJ? Co. 11~ ''"' 11• $4';·._ ~711. $'1:\ I •11111 :-.1·h11111lt l'1n1111 I·,.. : •• '11 :'llt0 M11ln :-. 1111 11 A1•1t fit Ht ·:11 1'lll '\'ltt1l I I "'"'l~'.l:••~t '""" """"' i•n Jhf' Halhoa l~C'nln•ul• HOUSE RF:PATRS & nl1t1ra11oru. S•immim: in thrtt ir-. JT.00. prompt srr\'ice. Fret• csllmall'S F ool (If )lontno. 8aJboa. Rft.. I'll I llnrhnr Oh·d C'11s1a ~t. "' <"nhf . Ot•11ron ~113 6-llt 111111 1°.11111 '"" ""'''"' l•t•I '"1'1 Point 'J IH'(lrnonu1. 2 hllth1, llv- l11111l1·1I l'h I l.11 I~·• t:tx:1 It Ina roc•ni ""'"" flr«'Jtllll"f'. :z rar 7tl ::.!.:. i:11rnitr $.'\.7~l cl<•Wn T11t11l Jlf'lce Hnrhor Ml-W Anyltml' 71-<' 325 Ana&> Ph Harbor ~W. "'u.M A); ~tb-cJlpcclcncc_check. i'l~ 1n fnod markt•t. Wrltl' Roll '"'l::" Nrws-Timrs. 61'-c-7:.! For Rent - House or Apt. THI J une 15th H.M.LANE REAL ESTATE 2006 C'ourt Ave. Near Nt-wport Pier E1tablished Slnct-1920 HARBOR Plumbing Service 8-tf( 1768 Newport Blvd .. BC!acon 6111 REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Contractlns and Sqppllm ~dt 12 YEARS SERVICE IN mE HARBOit AREA HARRY BALL PAIN'MNG OON'ntACl'Oll 274 East 19tla lti.i Ph. Bff. 5413 Cmta ...... Call( »-tee ~-------~,-~~~~ Exprrt Watch & Jewelry REPAIRING N EWPORT JEWELERS Fl~ Diamonds and Watches <Under new Managemrnt) 116 Zlnd St .. Nrwpor t 67-c-8'2 ~~ Ft Ill RE:ST 3 l•-d,.._,. unflM'· n"h<'<I F..u'I ~ado' C~a :\t.'Sa Y •·arh ,.. nt ,.1 F· "" .. "" \ .. rd fl,.r- 1 .. ,r J6.-,.R • ";J 71 •• ff ... cwn Fl "ft :s ITI -RF. r~ :Snt RF:<'< 1)11!'-:~ Tii-'n \"ou Sh..-.uld Bt: tTt}.11'.SC. T" JO:SF..S en t ·1~1 • .,.--n R .-ch I mi: r.c~tUlldin:: 1%.5 Harionr Hhd C,..,,. • )In.a BEA ro6/; W .\:-."Tf"Tl W rutrt'lts. hui.h11y. It dL•hW:i$~ for W4'l'k r nfh nnJ- hc>a YM'ht d uh Ph. ll:irbor 1·1~1 "" r;tll bt>tw N'n 9 and 5 AA·r-7:! W• •llAN W A~'TED -To rnrt-ror childrrn. four and six Y<'llrtl • snd _, with housework SIOO per mo Call betw~n 6 It 8 pm. llar• hor 1372-J 64-tlc f:XP FOl !='"IA1N MAN for nlitht PJ.t ·~IH I ~(; ~UPPLIF.S Lln ~· '' '-1,w·k 111 (It :llll:f' f't1Unt)' 1 .. " c ::ilv. ~l<'<'I Pip<' 20r foot C'hrntn• P lat••<! ~wint.: F1111rl't1J ~:1 .,,. \ 1l•ll' $."> ~ FRF.F. PLUM nINCr J ,ayo11t Servicr \'I I) I 'I , 11/\111\ltlN\' l'Utlh• Tl IF ST• ll(Y ~lttdu• ~··· l'ltuct '''" J°u l'ul l l~ IP S.l\ t ;.wwUt)r - I ., 'II• I'\; \ I " ' \1 \I ( ,,, , ~ !\ t; ..... 1 llll\' •~ n ll•q;aln ~h 1 '111 111111 I I'"' 11·11 :-.1'1'\I I' l.1·-11•1 lttth\ hi, Ill'\\ lhll Tit···· 11 \\'AS NI I l\Art•:AIN $'.\);;, 1• 1 ~:l!I 11"\\'ll. $)< 111" I 111111 Sc•t.1111111 . ~,~'II No r.111111 i\Jl11f l1t•1 'l'lt11'1 I• I,,."'''" •l \" .. ,, '1u'-t IN•~ !0111 i. .• 1.1111 . "'"''"Ann \\ ,. 1111\1" 11 .. S11l11 \'.,, Iii lfr 'l'IW Mt 11ti\I · Mnk1• 11 I : ••• 1 Ill'\' Al ( ;011. E:tl'lloll Co. l l:..>11 ~ .. Mnh1 S1111111 An11 I 'II s i\ !l('illel only $1 3.:.!:'IO ( 'nnst Prop<'rtit•A Co. fi <'altorR •m 1-: < • .. 111rii1. -n -;.1ho11 ll•r 26.'\8 M'·tfc COSTA MEf'A $7200 2 l wdmom lloml' llrnthlr 11arlltrt1. (;.•>fl l1W'llllnn lmmf'dl11lr pna· 11M111lon f'l11101• nwnt'r "4-llron fl I ~l M f\.1-totc: .ttift in Malt Shop. Must h<' _________ 66-c_-f(l_ .__t 1r , .. 11ah1e. Rk·rrrrnct>s FONTANA .PI.UMRTNG ~ AJlllD F0(1JrD ti AsiPy afttt 2 .~ p.m. Zll Marlnt' 13041 s \\' Newport Avr. Sl'I Nl ~r l'IANt 1s ror 10 nt Try II r .. r j11s1 H 1111·~. Ir Y•lll llk1• II wr 111l11w nil n·nt Jlltlll on 1lltr1•h1t111' prk•· P 11n1 l'd1111lflt P lr.nt1 < ·,. :;:.IO No Mnin \\'" hR\fc• lh1' S<tltt- .\'nit 6 1-lft !'l!'I ltr l't:\•1 ~1 ct•••t I )4•1·'"'' l ••· ~·t•i, ru1 •· 1·11 tu ~..ii 1 ""'"'I """''' ll••n urr FOR SAU: N~RT ISi.AND -CJMJkle ronwr R-~ lot . SldfwaU• Ut/ P.vtnc both aldfos, alJ uUllU.. Paul I .und. MOI Ocnn Fnat N-iiort AHcti, Calif. ti .....:;;"'-';;.._--...,-----:---:::---:--A .-r. Balboa Island 69-c-72 LOST ,.,..0 bn.....,, maJr C~ C.OSta M M111 Phnnf' Rraron eon Spanw·I pups from ~ EXPt:Rll:1'>0CT.D «TOCf'rnian want-37-tlc 1·1111 ~1'..."17 J 1 1-t'· 7:\ llf'11?hls ~·ant <"<lit Rramn f'd. Writ4' Boll "F:'' News-Timn. r OR SAl.f: f\f'litlnm Hrowninl? 5135-R or n-•um to 321 Al-68-c-72 1:! 1:1111:ue automRlir 11hol ..,in OAllY OllANP, 11rt rA!lr. flnr 1onl' &EAL JalTATS • tl•c>d Now only ~ A fin,. bar· 71-p-13 FOUNTAIN GIRLS-18 to 30 u~r'<!. 4'llcell"nt rondltlon $75. ~CllPIA>:;;;;;;-:;;;;;;,;;;...,.;;;;:;;,;-;•.-;.AJI ........ ----,......... HPftWMll! pr.tenTd but 113~ Mu lnc A\'1'., nalhoa 111- Kain. 1'mns. Danz-8"hmldt, !'120 Owner Will Rell or Trade N'o M11ln. Sa"la Ana Also ti.au f.'tn,. "N o n ·r JI llRO AOWAY !lful S !rlnway, u!N'd, H Vf' O\'f'T r AHK" f.ot MALmou LAKE noe nquittd. Apply at Mel9 and. 70-p·T.l Malt Shop. 1710 Ntwp0rt B1¥d... ------------Costa 11na.. 7().c.72 FOR SALE Small l:M hr1tlf·r . 1llcht1y \J!<l'd. l'lrrlric· i;lciw lw at- tt, t'lchln.: pr"ll!l, ·1 1~ lnr ht•s x 6%. PhnnC' llarhur :•'.\;lf,.R $1000 on thl.1 Wf' h11v1• thC' S11nl tt Ann. H0ll140 !'olo-V11x 11-lfr $4,!'IOO ('ASll .. JUI "1RN. ~ ..... , It .... nlr n,..,,i. n.h It Swim. ..., or tr for C'ab c:rul. Phone Art JOnN, ntrua 1-1. G1t>ndat.. HARBOR Furniture & Transfer BONDED and INSURED A Good Buy ... Is a Wise Buy Lrt U9 ffrfp YOU lie Wlw -COURTESY Sr:RVIC"F..- 1967 Harhor Blvd . C'Ollfa M,,_,~ Phone Beacon 553~ ... J 34-tfr Vl'atc:tww • Oockl -Jewelry CJfR():'lOM"F:TI::RS ~It -Prompt Serv1or Senalble Prices VAN DRIMtEN JEWELRY 11'16S~ m vd Coeta MP111 :\. "' FIREWOOD (lffAft('OAL A-RRl~TF.TS PRO MPT OF.UVERY Wri1?ht Lumber Yard 1~ r-:-'Jlflf't lJlvd ('(1STA Mr.SA Ofoll('\')fl 5665 Plenty of Good Tires All 817.ee Compound Motor Oil c.JJon. 10c W e9tem Auto Supply Authort.c! DN1er UDI Ne..,.,.t 81v4, O.ta MfM 11-tf• SERVEL The GAS Refrigerator ~ M~ A\•ll111thf,. Nf>W Balboa Furniture Store t r'l MAln SI . n11thtl" Phnn,. ltMhor 145 70-p OOLLY-•'or 8111 Marx. Camp. tra1l1·r ....... ,, un,··· M11nli lfWol Tnttl .. 1 711.,, 71 Electrical En~dneering and Installation Winchn-C-0.Two F ir,. F.qulp $<!archllirhl.JI -E Jdd" Hllll,.rl1'3 f:-H-G RadlC>-Tl'l.fopt1onl'!I M••trrs Falrbank1-Mof1ll' F:I<"' f'l11n t11 and Water Syioll'm!I G-F. Radlo-nMi&r Slt'Wart-W1trnt'r lrl'tr11mr nl!I Jtnhhl F:nRin•· """" Kohlf'r F:ll'clrw l'lanl'< l.lqulllm,..lrr lnnk 1·11ar."s Photo -Elt>rl rir I '11"1 "T1mr Por1nt1I•· 1'1~11~ oooi., t 'ATM a rS'l'tt II ur w ill lrnrlc· •~111111 \ 11!111' f11r 'J Fl tit SAi.i·: !'hnn1p1111:rw roltor liNlr11om lm1u1 ... llny Dl•trkl A•· p11ri· lu t•cl , •ot'kt·r 1111ppfl'ic, :\ AUnu· l11olnn1·" ;,. • 1111 111 tl:!.flOtl '", k' Itri.ch 111 I:" 111 w1•rk Ap pl)• f lwrwr llox "N" N1•WJ1Tl111t•1 M:tko \l•tlr "''"''"""" """ .'17 1 _ l ll·c··l:l ~If.int:••"''. , ... ,.,, ~,, .... :. -- 71 .,. 7;I AT C"f 11t<tN i\ 1 IFI. MA It '" MISFJlll't or_r_c_l_R_n_J_N_m--a--., Sonw ll1111st' Buy~ ~l·H\lt-:1-s 'rATll•;o./ t-1 11( lll 'N I l llft ""'"" 1111 ll1i;l1\\.1\ 1111•1 ~1111111 i\1111 I II It llnnu• 1'11 ,,f ll1w1t\ 11, .. r hn•ly• \\'o,1 "''"l••ll .•11 11 """"' l'11rll\ ~11111 11'-.I• h S1111" t '"""1111" '"" i\ll·n •'II It N1·" l 1"111,. c"r.ilt' S111"' I 1l1~lrll01tlt1I To I• /II ll Jl.,1111• \'<'I\ l-'111" t•h""" l ."1·1111" II< 111 f1 1 .~•11 .: 11 1< Jl.,1111• A 11 .. 11111) 711 I' 71 P'flR RF.NT " Ill I •Ill •I,,, ~d.' d .' I'''""'* 1\• •• ,,. I ........ . tit t \1 JI 111tf•1I 1. 'I 't t fltfll'" •.M • j . --------I· r lfl 111 '.'I J 1 .. 1ibl0 •I• 11 •111° '", 111TS ( ;1 .. MI lt•\lt I , .. , .. JllflMlol• I ;II ' ~·' fr ( 0 • 11 ru f W .. J. l111l<'11mh l 'tl7 f '1o "' lilt-It\\ I \ $ii:.!IMI $41•1·~· $7101 $1110 1 s.•1·,u 1 $'If~., >Jt r~i $110 1 ~i7110 51-ZHe C)("l"AN FllONT. ffatOO., 4 bf.d. room,:.! t11111t~. :l:\JC24 Jlvlnic room, flrl'pl11f'f'. Ajll O\'l'r 1lttrC11(4' S:r.l,· ~l()I) M1111t1 1r11d«' !•"'•""''°"· !l\41 ... r. <'r . IHtM7 11111 1 .. w :rn. 7 1 p-(12 <'OHONA DEL MAR Wt-: II A \'F ~"'"" fJ I, R :.! a nti fi-3 I" I ~ 1t\lnllul1Jr 111 rr1111Hnahlf' 111 I•~·• ''nr11•• In ttn<I ""'' HR 11hout tlu·111 "r 1·11 11 11111 hur tfl4ft Mr. 1111,•l••, 1or Ml'• Mnr<K•n P.AHL W. STANLEY ltt-:Al.TllR F:t.<\-Hokin & r,;1lv:in t \I II I\ • ' .,. , ,, 't ., ' ... , t;•·· I f, I t I• c '111 111111 ol•·I M11r \\'l••I• 11 ... , ,,. •• , 1 1\" Ill o i l 1'i1V l·;n I Nr; N I '\\' 1'11 IC T r; ll ,.~A T ER II An II() n J t .... It ~.1h1 f I 11' I I •• I ; , 'I t1 I I t IJt SA I.I-\1 111 11 I • loll'\ do ~lfl,111 I! 111• • )I I I I 111·• 11 •I o.' 11/\l'K llt\lt "''" 1ol11"• • ,1 .. 1 ""' tlun. ,.,,,,, ... If ,,,, ... ' 1 ! r 1 ~rn:.11 rt~'·'' .,, 1 1 •~d '' ''ltfl1 I ttlll• \\rt I 1 1 I I" 1 f • '""' '111:011 ' 11.l· II ··"· I •. I I• f _, ... ,111 ,,.,. u II"'' I 1 I ' ·, ''' 1 ,, 1 ... r , , , ', ~· 1 , t 11.u 1..... II 1H'• \\ 1\· ANTEil To nrv ,, Will l'ay Cru-h ~-°" your fumlhtr,. 11r wh "' hiwe you ptionf' f\f'Rron ~ .. v. Crawley Furniture f.o . 11f!? Nf'Wf'IOl't Tllvd . rooc111 ~••1 1 !T.1-lfr ~I ,•,•I 1111 1 1 •1 •'• I•' \•I ' ' ,, •If I ' •• , 11 I ,·'·'' 1111 I ' I • ·.1. ' \\I f ' I 1 '1 I I ' 'I I. 't I I t I I II'• I' .J, I · tt I., I t 11 I \ f I I ', I -I 1, I j, t q f I I. I " ''. I. ·:· ,, I ' I •I I \ '' I '' I .i " I I. I I .. •'' '•' ' ' .1 11•.1 ,,, ,,, ',I "'. ' f ~ +• I \ I ,1• 1 I I" ,, .. ,, d ... \ ' I I It fl' II, I h d1J U ~ I \f, f If I• I I CASH for USED Furniture & A ppliancee 1·11-, \'.I '"" '"' A• I 1.i,., I f !H I •• \•I ' '.· q1,t , ... ,,, • t • 1 ",,,•, f I ,I, di •;t1ld 1l ~ "W,. R uy Almo1t Anything" GRANT'S Phone 0..a !Sl<n·M f I 11 • t 1 1 l , ) 1, \'. 1 • r1 I t t I 7 1 (' 7!i •f' I'. I .• ft t f •I ·I· II 1l1I• I 11 I ·.. I II . I \\ ' • ' "I" I • •II S A I.I _,., f••1t l•1I •111 t 1t·tt•ri lllv•I , !11111•"" 1'11·~.,I 1 ... 1 .. w '" dtty'N Ill/Il k • I l 'h l\"l"'"rl ~.1~11; J ti Iii'. I 'fti\ST JIYW t ·,., ••tP1 ti• I f\1nt fl,. \VI~•· i\tl\•1•1 tlow• l.r111k111~ for ;11 1 l 11c 11111t $0~0() \X.' d I Hr i 11 L' $ I. H 1 oo . 1 M ri 111 It ~ Owner -B11ildcr 1\1 11 -..1 Sl'll T-11-1-S W-E-1:-K B r;rn~ New 2-Striry I )11 plc x J 11 -..t Cn111 pkted Not < h.:c11 p1l'd 0 NI. y $!, ·""" ;1.r -· --- IMS Newport Blvd .. C'Oltlll Mf'llll j 42-lk ft • •t• I '.t 11 , ,, 1 •. 9 ( (. t ,, I I ..... ., '. .., II 'I '"•I ,'l<M i II l .1.i:·:ilt'fl 1.n .1 fin•• •·•w11••1 l•1I lol \I Ill'"' 1111• c•r1r111·r 11f l-'.lrl1•11 ,,,., .. 111d <'•••·ti I 'l:t•,. (·,,._1,, :\11•..:1 .• J11-;I I loltlf·k frr1111 !\:<'\\pr 11 I HI\ d 1'li•t1 I:'>' ,, ,;i,, · for :tllrtl hnr th 1ph•'<. f ~1fh llJ'l"'I' ;111d 111\\l'I' ;q1f, ft.1\1• ~11)1) rt'('1 <lf rltlftl' :-1•111"" 1•rwlt \\illl ll\·1111', dirlin1• ld td 1•·n , l""ll"l "•rn. l1:dlw;I\' 11111•11 d1,.;,•I, \\;1nlr11I"'" :i nd ha th. ll4•:111ti- r11llv p l.1 •.f,.l't"I ill l\11rv 1.-,11m•. r\<iphall Iii••, nil 111•Jt'l,.n1 1·:il1irwt" \'•·rt••llar1 liltnd" I n1•vrrv w inrlo w . ~·p:1r.tl•· lo1 1111d1 v """11 "1111 d1111ltl•• h111r1;lry lr:iy ..... l·'<·n1•1·of • illc•\\ .il k-. arid d1 "''''"'' t '11111·r parl nf 1i11ild1111'. is "'"'"'"or! "11 11111•. ,,,,,,.,. ,..11·1 j, 1·1'·:1111 ... 1111·1•0 llOATM, !lll'PPl.IP:!ll 11 II• i \\A :-JT t:U Tl I ltP:l'>'T 0 •' \\' (IP I ' t •t l•I• t, t t \.\':1rtl 't 'J. 1:.!' T 11h:11l1 l(llrh f 111\\I '<'~'/~ I 1,1<11 •111 I ••" l"l•11tl•IY !In :\!1' ll•mt,.r r·1u1~"1 •Ti'• ~ 11111 I f 1111•1 ••I • • r ·• • "" """ 1°11-i~ I f 'dl l .o •ll \\11111 •' ll111 l•••r T.11'TI ... <;s \\'A :-.-n .I I I 'I :.i 1 r1 SI.IP~ i\ \'A 11 .A Ill .I F: Ml:-\:"FY 1µ .111.11 IW!l l!'</f o~r: l'llfll'Y.llT't' Ml .\.NOTHER SAFETY "FIRST" FOR .,AST\ FE-In nrdr r lo <'&rrJ It' ufrtJ _.....r"' t• *-Tt ~ •Orlll'n and ntbn tmplnyn at outb Irr pno nt• whPr~ f•• ll1lir• for mot ion pirtarp 'bo••nu trp ..c a..ul· abtl'. th' Santa F'' RallwaJ on \lay 1 · •Ill plat' In urrraliutt ih "\s.-0--nt ( haerr~ ·~ ........ a ..-t lrut'll <"On \'trtl'd Into a self-('onlal:il'd mr bllr 11\U:tl a .. 1 un11 l on,trur tf'd u ndrr d~i-ef E LO.Cu• •f f"hira11;n. ~>'ll'm superlnu•ndPnt n1 •31rf\ lhr u 1111 1, lhr 11nl1 oor nf it• k ind In•~"' a ra...,. II la ~·to•n;lrd wHh a ,,nerator capabll' of dr,,.l1111ln~ 1;,00 ";il l• to pr1wldf' l'O•f'r for nPfTatl•••of •~-...._... l'llllltl pro,..C'lnr 1 photo bnttom lrfl 1 tl11od 11\r.ip• 111 bllr .addrr~• 'Yslrm and n'<'ord llf•t ,., Pre~ innuntr d In t'•b throws lm•rr nu npaqu• v 1rr11 m 11w.1 r d In rf'a r f'nd of lrur k •bollo• rl chl f• ~ ;>\ wnrkr r• 11;1'<1UJ'f'd ~hind unit Th" h\:.111· an•l "11 ~" "( ha••r ·· ,..,11, nJ>f'ra bk b> 9-m~n _. traftf :hr rntlrf' !-:an la ff' "'•tl'm m:i"ln~ llor •"Mt.' 1 • ' ",,,.,,.h ,. uff'tJ fUn1 llbr&rJ aY&1bWt a. tb 11 .... et rn1pln)I'~ httf'tOfore lnaC'ttWbl' lO tb1s r 1 .. d1001 oC "ac<'lden& pttTcnU.." 1tr•..._ "Dl/5 C-<.n•t ntvll . :'\r<A'Vtrt Ptvln,. lfu t"lT 11 ~ 4 1 ,,, I'· '>J P-"-l'P l ';<; m.111r." .111tl '"' ,,,,..tr ... · \.'1'h '•:·,,. 1iirr11tl •.t •• -r• t :rrf•·r J 111 l '"· ~ ;un1 t I ' ..... t. ,, I ii ' : 11 T •I I 11,,,. r \"'"' I ii I ~-n~ a& oo ~ Uie ;it 711 f'1m~t 111" ""· : .... \\ 1••'' \ 1 :. It ''" 1 ,, 11 d • ''" • In •.. ,., •,, .. ,,,,,i J ··•1 "tt1 ~.ft ,,, ~"''1'1 '1:"'1~·1Af#1'.'.'.ll''-I ,,,,,, fi ••' ,,,. 111'1•' ,,, •''11 •, f 11 ,,• rf 1 \ 1111 • 1 • •' \lnd• t ti 1:•·ri1"'"'' 11, .. ., ... 1r1 ,1,1° II· Wf•IJ•ht 11n1f,r•J '• \\1•l, Jll ~~··· -~ f ,,,,Hf i j •f •ii fid I••• ai•y, lh l 111nf.,rtt." \ I •11••ol ''•:•I• \I • 1• f 011 .t" 11 Ir 'ffi ''"' '\'"" h\ztlt:t\,f, ftf tf l \if",',•\ pt111 f',Jhtf \\1t J U tl1ft l fl1,f ,, t,I of $>c ~.,,, , 1 B• ·•' '" •1 .. ~ \1 ., "''• • 1 ''• \ ' f,lf ,, """k t .... ,, ••• H• I " t I f• I ' Y <i11 r~ f<rr $DS0<1 I .1\1• 111 1.111 • :11111rt111•·nl --HNtl from the olh(•r will p:1y ff\I' l111th'. SE!-: <1\\':'\J·:H. Jr.ti C'H 'll . JIJ.M1·:. «()ST,\ MESA I 'hone I ~·;w1111 •ill:!::.\\" ·- J ' t • r , ·-~--AROUND THE HARIOR, ON THE MESA • Social I Council oJ Churches To Hear Dr. Perry, Nolable Santa Ano_Ganlem lo I. Ope11 Safuraay lor YWCA Gort#• 109#' 6 Teo Men ol St. Jomes Cltur~lt \ Liclo Isle Bricl9e Club To See Harbor Film Lido Is l<' Brldi;l' d u h will m eet PBONU: HA-..OK 11. Ml Kr.&: HA. 1111-K 1., ,1 I tit•iir ' l* t1w di.J.dn:a Ho~fn.n, lln The Ha r bor an'a 's O"n him Tht• E B ~~ C.ihforn1a \\'a) or LI({• ha• h<•t•n :1r-,., .:,nraAna \'\\"C'A 1am.t.k---.--.Xn H.a;im C\lrrt')" 1 1 I •r W illour Prrry or thr South-' I J s t'?rlc... 19'.!0 fuhotrope rantzl'd a~ Pnte r 111inrn<'nt Pa un • I Pfan Institute I ' . . \ NEW PORT BALBOA N EWS·Tlll F.t'1 Holiday Stage ,., 11 < ·.,111 .. rni.1 c 'r1uAc1I of Prot<'S-• -! 111' 10 r•~umt• tJ:w ar.nw.J Drn• A 4n?Itulfy pbmwd and h) proi;Tam t•h.<1rma11 1 larq Bhl(I· 1.1111 1 hurt'l1"~ "111 udHrru mcm '••I 1· 1 ruur ,md T• "· lllnd •ill t , .. ~ dt ludu! g .. 11 "hen lht.> )(\-n's dub uf S t l••r' nr thr :"/t>W""rl llarhftr ,..oun 1 1•1 11 n So.turd;.&). :\J•Y :t:J from l ~ c;;v 11 ux i swun-Ja~ F:ptSCOfllll church mr"'" ,-. '"< '" T II I ~t-d in ll"'...mg' pool oU5d WJU.'Ml.'"tl artLSrK'I . . I , 11 1of l 1rnrd11•;. 111 a noon met-tin~· ' I' 111 ,..., "1 " • f ... ~...--~" T "a. •"lll .... .,.,.... ,d Thursda) at i p.m '!' :":1°r111n l.i~ .. ''""' ~1 1'-J s t h.1111 fr(.SJ) -..... .... ....... "h ' ( . 1 .. '" 111 111 11t :"\urton's Bny Shor• .,, d.1t Z11rdo-rr frocn rhrt t' unril :-. nro· ta ,. , .of• 'I• 111 . fa~ c.~ f k..i•,.....-. )(n f: T \\' 1rrc·n Lt•tthold \\Ill p n •'f<I .. ,\II Page 6 )tOSDA'' s .. "por1 11# ... ti.. t.'aur. ~••} ti, lll~M Now Sellin g St. Jomes Auxiliary Hears Bunster Creeley On Juvenile Booh, Elects New Ollicers \ti , i. ,,., 111o·n "hn 11rf' m t'mlx>r· •' • 1 .. 111• 1l ul .:>trdo ris an· ~ •• >Jn-~ Viii lilr~ tlubt>rt :-.;,.ti m• 11 "' lh•· i><•rt~h itni..I 1 h1·1r 11 I• n.1, •I "" 1·• 1111111 \\Ill 11 llf'nd. as wd 1. \'11 •• •II •11.:•-d It~ 3'1n ''°I llU'") r..u~r l9itl ="ttr!h art> 111\11t-d tu 1111enrl R··'• n :1lt• 11: 1 .... ,1, 'I I·'•· II ... ~" 11 ·I I "'"'I• ·-.• ""111,111.111.111 .. n<t 'lllllh "'Ork1•1 II· I 11ttl h• r l'<imm111·~ •'t'lf .. ..., 6 ....i ~-, c· •. , I ........ u!il llO> madP t.y noon lll :'ll.1~ I. -' . 1 ·,.. ,,.,...., -..,._, ·''' au nrru.• ou · "!' ·-1111 II' '"'" '"""" •111111,•' .. It•' I r .. 111 ' '' h r hun·h rPpr<'S<•nlc>d I• I•' ••I·' llnn ~Ir• H <.; \\ii-dttt# i,..-.i; •Hh arrracll\f' -pno1I "'llh II A l 'att•'rson. Bea1·11n l•'t" Sub scription Tickets Tilf-!\lay nw1·t1ni: ''' !hr \\'ol· mans Au.li.tl1.1ry uf ~t J111111·" l.,11- ('(lJIUI <'hurl'h "a~ twld :'1111) 13 .ti th1• honw of :\tr" ,\ ll ~1ur11•\1<nl, Mrs. 11 P l\<·iid1·r pn• 1<11111! Thf' (!'111url'CI ~11t•uko•r "lib fi•rn· &lt'r C'n-t lt'Y of thr !slanikr' 11<.ik Sh1lp, who I:''' c· 11 rn11s1 111fl'n•,,I · Ing tolk on ttw Jlrui:n ·.;s nf JU' 1·· n1lr lit1•r11tur1• 111 thr l 'nl•o·cl S1.11t's from l~l(} up 10 thr 1m •s<•n1 1hnr Many t)11N of ho1k~ Wl'r•· rtls· c1a.~C'd from thl' l1rs1 prtml'r, t hrough L'nclr Tonf i. C'at.111. up 111 lh<' JlrN-1 nt tloy '"''"" lllJ('lk ... lfl- 11tr<'ssf'd th<' tJ01111 t h111 1h .. l111·k or mort> rPodmi: !'n thl' p:.r1 11! thl' JJl'l'$«i'nl du) JU\t'noh·• rn1i.:h1 1 ... dut> \11 1hf' l1wk of cou•I l•••k' 1n th.-homc•s At lhr bu~111P,,. ",·111111, pro• ... tdt'rl O\'<'r h) !\IN I l I' I~ ruin . llff1N·r• fo r tht' rommg )"«r '"·n • 1 l1or11~l as follows: Prrsrdrnl, Mrs Rnlwrt V11iagTan11; \'IC'•'·flrl'i>irl,.nr. !\In A We Can Now Convert ... _, ..,...,. ... TABLE LAMP to .... """' dlrttt .••. firttC t)'pll. • M o at lainp• f'aa be (' ....... tor 1}60 o r .._, pl?lll lamp. ll :-;1url•'' .1111 ., 'Ii""'' '''' It "' ,, " '' '·' 111 '' • '" '" l'' "'1111 .,j 11 .. i 11un1·11 I'-"""ns•Jrini: a \';, ' ,111 r1u ml•,, u.f h1 r . ('('"1· «nd ~1¥~'' p.lanttn.;t5 11 .... ,. R llult1 :11•<,. .. t ·11 y,\ll -\1111 .. 11• lo\ II'"'"" ..... ,,.•' 111•1111 '''111 ,,1111,111 ·11uro·ht1tSlllUl<'IO h1.•lwld, . .,, "'11 '•·n ... tt "". ,, . ., 11.n'li ,_. )h .. J H PankP). )(r-. :'llr 11nrl !\lrs C kn F Ml1•) 111 r'ruml1•\' l'h••" ''""' r' l\111 111 •II• .i. -.. .. 11111111 \111\ I 1 1111 1 "'11 .11111, •1 ,,, ,.,.,,11 !\ll'l<rt \ommuniti \:: \I 1n ,\ lt.'qJI ha• 10\11•-1 (~ Rr.ad.. ll" Ut>~d Chi·n•>-San S.•rnardmo " .. re t1111111•1 1n;.1,.1J4·d ;1t th•' t•a rtwr1r .il .lt1111 '' , •1hlHHJt •u,11 1 t h• nud1U1 \ •11 .fHn• • 1 h•;n·ti II ,,111 t.u• :tn 1tll d rt)' ~··"' , ··~'· .... "' ''• l<·~·m•• ttu~· "'tw., ••1.h.. Mn l: l> •1ut~ J.:U•"'Sts ~londa} at thl"' h•>nh· of Ttw lrt·1tsun•r ', r"I"''' "·"I• id ''"·" .11111u11111•tl 11~ II 1111ltl '1'111 ...... \\11h 1\11' J-:hz11h1•th Fr111i1•1 . ' •111 • i1 c1.-n~ A.u.r-ttioc:.u. ~1.> 1A'H1 Sania :\(r and Mrs. Harry Burdick , :t3.! und >iJIJtrn, .. 1t 1;'''"' ,,.,., 1pl• 111 ·~ 11• 1, • '' '''''"' "''' t 1111 111 I.•" t\ni:..i .. ~. mrmhf>r or th· \'• \111•••, L Gl1n1'f. 1• c+.;ur-~ ~al CalJf~rua ra nc h :\t.1i:no>l111 stn·!'I. Cn"'-• :'111·,a th•· M11 r J\1111k1·1 htld \1 1\ • 1\1 1od111•tl I'"'''"''' 11 "k 1,, /'.u1lllt•rn \'1tllf11rn il1 council, ii." o1 1 1 •I., IH'k1·1 t'••n11n111-. 11nd ~ •i.;h ~•.rmal plantin i;: 1,r omounlrd to S:l~7 5.-q "' 1 i-ill• 11111111• t p11r1"'" may pur-, 11.1ri.:•· "1 r •. 1ti11 1 1wk•'1• ma) h1· !d>-de-I,,._ 8lfllt an -.Hr;wori~e 0 111• Mr \\'hi·· l•·r a~k••d "''''"' 111•· ""''" '"' 11.' '·'' 1 '' 11 Ii " 111"11' 1 '~ • •' · d •' tit• Y \\ 1 ·A "'*' AltUflC •-lf.>stf's~. ~tr" I I I I \' •1lt!1 "1111' I I •"Iii' •I lot ll1oll(l,1\ c t l.~ G I d >.. •• II ~ ,.-..& "-( n h prtip(l~ .. rt "' 1 t rum I I• ""'' I 1r ''. • ·". . . OS a ""esa ran9e \. ""' •1• '""'"' 1111· u I' 1... "'·" ~' -v~.n dlDU .,. r Jrr.;..••"' t u !Iii' l'llT"h ;ontl '"l't.:• ••• 11 111 •1 1 :-;111.:•'. I 11•1tn I .J t N .. ~ b . \\ II. r~ II C'IH'l'k tn !111• 11111 .. u11• "' -.!'""" H10\\• .\ 111 II , ~l·•lll l tl ILl'lll).'.I• nauc s ew ""em er, l•1••1tt'li ~">19 \";,.Ji"ft("HI J ,. fbT~ .:..::i11> '.'torrh Park '"' 11.irn•·o 11,,•r •·• 1t1• d 1111..i1 '' '""""'" '"""'' ""' "111"' ~t·• Has Social Evenin9 , . ., ,,,,, ,,.,.1; c.11d•n a nd rvlor-t""1.l.lt,»d A 11. ..... 1> ht>rn..-stiuct.•n fnr~ th•• Of"\\ uff11·1 1 -. •'q"' 1n f1t1 .. 1111.i\ .ind !'11•u 4I•\ •ui.:flt .. 1 '''till"""' t,f etnnuttl~. ~WJln")t--'f" •1"11 ~ti planftnf( t)f ~I· T hi" w ;os <luni· It "•''·""' dtt'ltl ti 1 .. r "·'1 '"' '"'" I 1" 1' ""nit'' F r··<I 1•11111••) 11f ('ns1a MPsa w ;1 ''' J·I• '"' ••llJJfll•.od l<.r CIUt-~ .u:id ;wi ;atrracH'"' •lUl••tt•• tu,1•rut ~t·\••nli••\'-l11f'11t1p:-\t1\ th1•1'l~·h TJuu,d1\11u•ht .... t•1t'-t·"·,1, u ttltHt ... t ;,, ·• n••\\' nu•mlJt•r •' d .. 1 '''i"" 1111 ... t•·, ......... )l r!> C"'";lf"IJ ...,.,,~ n•.An. 11,•H~~. )fr"' F 1·n~. tltn '" IH'ttllt•• 111tl 1•1111 "'"" "11 h ad" ·11111 ~11111 "1' 1111'1'1' 1" t"'''" ~I··'·' (~anc•• 111 l hP m .. 1., :•. \11• llu•li 1;.'lTdld \\" u-,..-ir-Ain. )Ir< J T \\'tl~un m • mlM·r,;, '"' r•" 1n l 1 .. 1 1 f.1111t I>-••• 11 '11 ' t/ 1" t "n •'111 l11L'hl "'..' ul Tlt111...-ht\ '''•'mni: I•) J t..,,.1, •••.• I 1•" .:.'I.: :--onh r..,... M n F'r~.or Dun:fran a nd :\Ir~ f•!l~t :tr o(sfr\H'• d111 111-.1•11 \\••h 1111 '-l .. 't.lfi Hqu•1 "':•'''r ..... 1 1 itd;tJJl1tl•'"'SllJ·lorrn4tJt~ C"'bw!i-"""~•~r ' :\Ir.. \'111:0,.;1 111.1 111. n1t .. 1 ti· \\ 1111 " 1"1111""1' "1 1"'' '"' .\1111 .. 1111<'•'<1 al lit{• m 1·('t1ni:: "·' " " •I .. 11.• t c·urt.m;-•. '"'"'' G P. >&.M•m.. lllfi ~urh B1n:h . f'llll\•ll'&li .. n Ill llr.tnl.'• ·•' \\1111 1• 11"1"'' ·u ul ,,,. •• r. lotlt11H'IOlll' tlh· m•111n11:il '•'r\lrf' o r Pom or . I,., .. .,"'"' lll1•·r< ... 1UU: .a~• .. "-U'lllloa:t: ¥tw'.-I}( .. p1 p h)l 11m ~Ir'\\' 11 !'l•\•·n' !-'.·"' ,, m•·• '""11 ·1'''" 111°' ''"''11111.: 1:~ '1 t;i:in..:• 11ot,.·h..Jrt 11111<1dFr tlo"'-11 ·'· \J. • .1 • .-., P..<s1" ).1.rs •O..ia~ c~•· lolr llarr1n 1• 1nt1•n'sllnt.: lalk ttll 1111· I 11111 .. I '"""t' 1••1111 ' "1' 1 111' 1 1111'"1 h:oll, \\', ... 1m1n~1 .. r . 11n F riday, M ;" , " • I 1rti.1 • ft<ll1~ -.<UtuorH) on n\<'11 •ho \nnfrn ·n<'" \o\ l11d1 ~11• .111rl llr•h"I' "1 •t•·• fni lh• •11'11 ti 11"11il·1' I '..'I 1111" rn••• t 1111: will lk' Ofll"n 1 I' \ti .,.,, If~•.' \\·,,, ~m1t ..,._. -n pr~teaftn~ a nd !'111· I Stf'\'l'n"' :11111 lhr1r da111•hl•I' ,,, 1:--1.11:1 ''''"'""'1'' .• '""" ... 111111 tho p11f.l11· Thi· pwmnrtal S('rV11 · .. , •• \\I .Jl1 d t:.trd .. n •nh cb-t UJY .... 14 • ..._.., x~ :'Iota.I')' 8.HMI t•·nt11•rl 111 1•1:l11 Al•" ,, '' n 111 ""'t'r' f••I tl11· 101.11 crnn..:1• will hr h«ld ,,,. • 1 11 • I 1.i 1nt111i.:' Ct\inc "' 'cir-~ ,.._ ~ b.i>ruw l...Pwls l<'r•'.S.lmc tall.. on tht· l 'nil<d 'f11 .. uk Flnr• I"•' T1tr11• ·' 1" :i"tr' r 11·" Tltur<cht\, !\t.1y 'l7 1 11·1•11' , .. 1 .. rtul , !l.-'1 II~•-..,. f" (" ~ •'.'16 W n r \\'11- ()ff,.nns::· ""~ li;t\f'll Ii) ~Ir• S.1\lt .111'1• rl I"" "t I • 1 '11'' 1" lt•·r '1·tlf \\'omi:n of ltll' s::r11n s::P Ari' spo11· \lo f, 1111 l't,..•nt;,nn. }!~ Lr.-~ ~ .M'~ A IWW' r:•rdfon Wllh a A 1 .. 1 lt·r "n• r<·MI r•·t.:ar•ltni.: ,, Su· 1 "' """''"' l ,t11d 1'h.,t1"111' Mt ~onni: a S•'rtt·s o( • c11rd parr1,. \l• 111 '610"~ ~M ri'larmtn~ and ('h;inc1· in 1h1• It} 111"'' 11( lt1t• 1111' c;,.,. T iu" llm" l1•·k·I '1111·nrt:inl' "'''r) oth1•r \.l.'l'dnes day ('\'f'nln.-1 1 111,, 1\1 1-1·11. Iii"> ""'$1 ~-~ lbl~.ll" £.C Ptulhpa. lfl1•r> to st'! lhf'1r f1s1·nt }<'Ar fn1m '"" rt'l't 1"' lltt• lll·•ll nr<lt•rs mul \lllh fl\•· hunrlrc>d 11nd pinoch11 • r11o • 11111 Autlw nttt M•·~(·cn f'1~"' >In 8-Sl\aln and Krs J . R J11n11nl'y tu J11n1111ry in~!f'11<l 11f Jun•· rt r11r11 1111• I wk••I" 1" 1 Ill' 11111 · plnyi·d 1 ,.,,,, 111.t t'llllrt ~ ard. .. 11h !OMiin:; St~ Ill Jum· Mr. \\'h1'<'l1·r <'Xplr11n1-d tho• rh1111••ri. 11 ~ ri11udl) •• ~ tinw will Ji• r llostrssrs lrtsl \\'c•dnf'Sday ""'I• .. 1 '"',II •r• •'1' and 5.1\rutJs: Jn-lltTt.-" C1::u'l. fiZ! Sourh \'an rPT1!!on fnr lh1·~·· c:h1mi:••l' 1 rrnt. All l.w~•·t nr<I'.·'.·~ ~'ill he· Adrl11 Mal' Swidt>rskl an<l M r" 11 1.-11111: • n1ran1•,. 11<.>"tt-si;.~: )In ~ ~ ~Jlflf'S ol a 1mall A rommunirn11011 wns r1•111t I•· ploii t•d 1111 Ii llr•I r• 11 "' 11. fu s l R;1pl1·r, whll was oul for t h <' fir•! \\' II \\ 1ll1am~. M rs Ro~ Shlofn o•'f' 1o1 ~ no-"' cardrn and itnr<linr: ll~~i~llln<'" fnr th" ll11m r rl':<t•n ·i•d" 1111~1~. •ind 1111tron~ 111 rrnw 11ft<'r ht'r r<'ct•nt OJ)('r atlon. I I\ H ll;rnk .. r 1!«11< ~or • b fran t~ lbtnws. !Mrs. Jtot>. (o r !hi' Ac<'<i In All111mhr.1, 11nd 1111 llr1111i.:1• 1·1111nt\ 1111' u rc•'fl 111 llokl' Pr111•s fe>r pinochlf' w <>nt l1 F J 11 11, r lm11111i.;I~ I~ ff"1I ~hn--and Xn Ct-orgt' ln,lt :itoon 10 11 r:11rd1·n p nrty lhrrr• 111h 11ni,,1;o· ••f •hi· 11Pl••r!lll\ll}' 111 1-:slh••r B1•h111 11nd H aro ld Kyte a nd 1l .. 11lot• 1 .. 1 1111· .. q..-•r<tlmc J.oho) <orf'11 ~ on Jum' '2 It was mM ••ll lhh! f'llf'h nrcli·r tl11·1r "'111" 111 mh ioru·o• .mrl for fi\'(• hundrc·d, r<i Mr , and Mt ' - m (•mhrr hrinr: 11 duno.t111n11( 11,11-!Im~ In 1:11111'1111'" •111•·mlit11<'•' a l \h1trlr•s Rm1<1rr11u.Nrxi pl11y n hd 11 O/&.w1'*llil'-'1'- hl1• 11r11r l•'l' i;uch as fucl(J. lktuk' on<! th•• 1·111111 '"rt•' will tw May :.>6 . r lg t1J1l1•1 ;;rrwt .. ~ It• lh•· 1w \I """ t Pri 1··~ 11r1· 11w11rd1•rl Pach M'f'n11 . -lllldltOC-~l+Jlli;...U..U.IC-M:JW......141..U~· """'"lt'"-'----tSo~arJo, p;cnft-Wifnii mnnt·~ 11w:1rtt i.:oini.: Ill hnlil %~ F1r .. 1 1lw m•'"'"'I: wn, 111rn1·1I T Cl y f ··r "' luclw~I "~•r•• a t thP <'11d Les Nott Electric ta!I "" <?•tral An " S~r1 ftr..,.h ,,, , , t .. ~lJ \\'h• .. 1 .. r "''" , , 1 •• , ,, "j o ose ear or ''"' "n•·' 1111 •ht•''"''') ""''rm.., 11. "'"1111 Cub Scout Paclc. 105 Surnl.•'\ ":" "ork 11:.y 111 ''"' n• ,, ul.111n1: •• 1•1.111 1 .. r 1.'T"llf•Hlc I• .. ,.1, i.:1.111.·· II ill '"'h m• n \\Ork1111: 111 I ""'' "'' 1n "'·rl 1111 tr•" lo I"" ('1111 ~"'"' l'ot'k 1•1"1 \\Ill h ''' '""lt• 11" l \lllt.: a 1~•1 h wk lunrh1•• · w .. dm•sday oC 1h1s \lf'ck with M rs. ll•·nr> !°\lt'llll') l'r and Mr11. B. E. Tt•.1Sh') a~ hostt·sSl'S Play st~rts a 1 I .30 pm a nd r rscn ·auons shoulrl ht' m11dc hr callrng Lido l slr club. H arbor 5:.!7. Sweden 's uport o f iro n orr in 19-17 amountrd II> R~10,(l()I) to ns. hut It is <'Sl1malt'd that 1h1s )'<'&.r th•' f11:ure c11n I)(· 1m'rt'11sc>d to 1\1.1100.0011 tons • ' ~hul ·llkt> hult·s in n ·i;ular rows •ill ""' rr11nk'> 11! 1iltl appll'. tulip a nfl A11~1rah.m ptrH' 1r1'l·!' a rl' m ad e It~ saµ .. u l·kn!', 11111 \1 01xl(X'CkC'rS. Th•• ~apsrn•kt•r fr<'cb 11n lhr mnt•r h:•rk 11f ttw 1 r<'<'S. dlum~ FINE FABRICS a Oraper irs • U pholstery a C111'J)('t1ng a llond prinls & dreu fnbrics. Linini;s- Qu11t ini;. <'IC. 1'110 :"\F: llARDOR 2094-J ·K 8'13 C'o11st I lighway Corona del Mar \HI•• 1r.1u,pvr1 •• th•f1 '"' 1hu11h u• tfu11 11,1 1·11·h. rtt••l•u.: ,,f lh• ~==========-===:---:. ''"''"· 11i.,o11) , n .• lilini: •h• 111 '" "·'"'II "" .... 1111111." ut' •111• 11 .. k p t TL t • Cl b c•·r 111111• ···-"' ·"''"'"'''" "'1" 11 "o111 .. , 1., ..... "11,111, 1,,11, ermanen nea er Service u t1llto I c11111p-If, •ldlOll 111111\ .tll t'llli. ..... 111• 111lu 1.: "' llh II I Aim of Directors Potato H lad caa ...... _.. ..., •• --~awr m~u-•••11 ... IUtE I D. 1w.11h •1111'1' "''' "'''""'"'I• t.1111111•' lto 1 .. ,,, lho p1lk lo\ lll Q' H I'-' St dish-hearty Ytaa lur>daem meat -fara~~cra stur~ •rectory t'fllll• t1 \\lllt Ii 11 01lho I• kn•\\ llt•' ,1 111 r 0 taay age and cMUe cut in ma1cb-liJre ~ ... 9l ~ "• r•· 1:"1111'. """'" •1111 l1111lt1. tll\ \\ 11t•11 \\ • '" 1 1 1111111 ... 1. 1 "di I And cl equne It'• • • ' al y...,. .... ,\Ill .,11.-!1 ""1!-1111• .rnrl I:·• ....._ .... Rota Cl b lt•l11 '" (111 111.111 11, "''"' '''''" i.. 111 11111 .• 1-.. 1 ... 1.111111111•11• F or7ouwon'1needlmldtnied• ry U lh• 1:11 I-1·111o11 • •1111' "111 I• h• lot tit• I• "tll 1 .. h.ilt 1: .,,,,, .111111 ,, • • 1111' 1' '"·'"11'"11 '" 11"'111 '"'·'~" cbce~ And bolopaa ar .... ...._ ..._ Cke:w 11.n.iDAV, 6:30 I'. M 1, •.• 1 «11111 11111111:\••\\ \'11rk,llul1)"'" luncbeonmeatbDOt....-... ~c.llt l •1t1 llh•llt11' •·I '"" 1111 \\II .11111 .. 11.1 t1 1,.1 .1nt 1w11n1 ~.•lwf ..._ ~AlllllP---n! B11: H1·:1r, .tun .. :.~1 111 .:7 WhJt8. Balboa L<dand :'llr \\ 1 ... ..i .. r .11111 .. 11111• .. tl I ho I'·'' 1•nt~ ""rt ~uunh , ..... ,.1. "' p u 1u1• lo Lions Club lw hrlrl 111 lltm 1rni.:t1on I\• .11 h S1111 dr1y, l\lny lG WEDNESDAl', 6:30 P. M. Srn 1lrr1' "' t h t• C'hllrt'h, from -.0"80la-Wbo. Jun~ l :> to Scvt. 15 will be: held nt A.30 und 10.00 a m r Jtd1 Sun Kiwanis Club -dny Ch urc h 'ae/l tiun S('hlNtl 11 ill IX' h<'ld on Wf'dn~rlays frnm !l 30 FIUDAY NOON to t t ;30 11.m . dur1111: tlu11 P"'rlod Wlalte'• -Balboa Th<' m l'f'lini;: 11cl1ournrd for IPn, prrsidl'd O\'t'r ''>' M rs (" n S tur- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY- DAT 8CllOOL IPllT81CIAN8-8UllOEON8-D.O. llOR11lllll SC'llOOI. W. T. Mooney -Slimmer School ............ ~ (!9th yNr) X·llAY ..... 111 .... f. ,_ !I. U-Bov llen1clll (fwl~) taa a 0mtra1 llubor 41 GRADF.S llntt \OLLF.\.t: P R E P Studl'nts wlllln1t to work! PllY81C'1A:oit8 • 8URGf.:OS8, M .D llN'<'l'l•<tl Nl ' MOER 1.1 :O.UTFI t A. V. Andrews, l\1.l>. Rl'$?L••er l'OC'ln In RVOl<I th'1tt•t•ltnlfll1•nt -C'onl """" llathntt l•l•ntl rl0'81<1.AS and G. A. \\lor11nwr. l\I ,, 11,f11rol fi\1'R(iJ':OS l'r1nc 1p11I U I Cout lllahwAy. Harbor l'>MI rn:;i.;Tt l'ITK C"oronA ctrl !\lrlr Dr. Obed l"uras H. R. Han. l\1. I>. DD"rlST rh)'111dan and Mu 'l[Nln lm~W.~tnl. Oa "'°' 1 UC) flours· 2-~. hy AJlJ"'lnlmr nt NEWPOllT Bt;ACH Tf'l~nl' Rt'aron MU" ISi Rroadway ('Mta """' GORDON E. RAPP. D.D.8. MUtoo M. Maxwf'll. M. o.1 1111 \\'Mt C-tral 1101 Cout lnwAy ...._Barbor 4!1~ ('or011A drl Mar N~~ Office Hou;.: 10-12; 2-5 ftoMI Harbor I 08% IN8t"&A S Cl': D SURE • INSURE "ith Wallace J .Miller M.O. Maurie Stanley Eye Physician .. ft5 llart.e A Vf'. Balboa bl. lllS ('-· llh ... ,., ...... ... PlloM Barbor 1'776 a1 A-1•-ftl Ru-•111·W llOaTVAllV BALTZ MORTUARY S. R. Monaco, M. D.; I.ADI' A'i'Tl:NDANT 814 Bay Ave.. Balboa ••• o.-t -~ Barbor l'JH 0--. ... Illar Office J lour.1: ..... ..Jlartlord 2 to 5 p. m . ,..., ... ~t) Moadaf Uaroacti Frldaf '"1 '1'"'"1·') 11 1""111 "1111 ~II .. <l1n 11111• :-.. .. rr11.111 :'llt'11n1• .... ~1 " Here are red~ ilr • t.cF ~ wk lt.1111" 11"• ~ .. 11 II· 111o111l11111 Ht"• 1 : .. 111111 II.it r) :\k(;,.,., Fl· 1 cooked salad dr~ ~ ~ ._ ~ ~ tbeR rttlpH Iii .I. ' I '1tt1•·. :\"'1••11 II· 11.:hl• Tl11• \111 1 -1 11 11 T 1 make at home and a_... labdtlllle .._., .._ r Few we're&~ ... ho• llt••tr h1"I 11111·11111: 1ol 111.. ''11'''' "111 ·•lid urnry )I• ' that, brt&hlftll bland J 4 I ea. -• '" ltl .,.,. al" ;1)i; r•·•.11n .. f! 11n o1flmirnt111n f·or Ba~ ul:nc ......_ ---.. '9 ...._a~ poUto CTOP· Y< l)rnni.:" t••1111H)', m.1<11• 11 lh··ir d dtt ~ , , M ............ _»'"mfnstoue -----l c·gal , \01111~, IOX·PllY\111: r<'~I \=~~-:..~ ..... ..:. ....... ....... Pi Befa Phi fo Hold d <'ncr '-· domlT y..,.. .. -tn111;F ~.,po. Fino/ Meefin9 orr ;m rl t•n for Iha· P•''' '"I Ill) I ~to.... . ....... ..-.r .. .,.cato aa.lad r South C"11n~1 Alumn,11• rluh of 1 Ht•ln l1t11 "Ill ltllltl lh••rr final 1r1·t 1n1: 11( lh·· >••ar on \\'t•<ln<'!'· a) 111 1h1• h11m1• ''' :i.1r" A 11 1ur1t•\·11nt. :.•olti F rii-1 • > <' 1• a n ·ronl, l\11lho11 n d s .. n l.unt'hP1rn "111 h•' !'• ·r\'l·rl 11 t I:.' 11nn ,\11 l 't l'h1• Ill 1111' .1n·w :ire ,. nrolt:<ll~ In\ 1l1'fl H•·'•'n al tnn~ h11111<1 IN• m11d1• \\tlh ;'lh .. !'111rrl1·· :ml .11 l t.11ho1 l~•i.' \\' ' \ Summer Camp Plans To Be Made By Episcopalians \1ntlu •~ 111 1U fh1 ,,.,_,., .• J\t'1• I •I· 111 ~, ·'·""' .. I l'"' ''I' ti I 11111 •" '"" ,.i 111 '".tit. nd 1io1111u1 • t , H•111I \ •I• t•• JI••, I 1' tit• 1 I ti• I 1' 1• \11 I fl1 1-,h .. 11 I\ "I 11111 " I" u .. I \ . ;., l';11l \t."1'1 \\11.,,., ,,,•,,1 I '•'Ill• )'•••id' 111 •l1i t'llH•ll t l1111f"' ''d I ,, 'II I l!i •jl 11 ''11 ~I,, ii \\ ,,, 1, Ill~· I " \\ •H '" ,,, • ~1111• ,., \t "' lol\ loll 1d I• \+1t1f 111111) • t 1tt ''' •I 1111 l ••'-' \ n11 '' ,,,1, 1 1 ... 1111h\ 1 I 1 I " \\ I• "'' ' \. t ,, I t• I ,, ~ h· ii .• I 111 tllllflll \ llt""l11( t 1;,1 ftt 1ltot \\l 'h ~11•1 ...,ttd\\11l1'- y<'ars. M<'nnrs halli l11r<i 1•11 a 1 l'OI'~ .._.. ... ._ _.., --wlttlda teM to S1•\'1•ntt>t>nth slrC'«I or;in1:1 L'r(l\'f', ~ .. :, n i.f\:~..._, ~---..._....,. tana :.11.-ndini: r:-rammar "lu••I .ind !::. ::' ~ _. ':... ~ ~ ~ , • rt' • .!.,. pr.- junior collf'IZ<' m Sanr,, i\n 1 lugh .... •..-. • .._._ ..._ Gr 111 ~ r4 1 st.and ID srhuol in T1L<ltn ~ 1t•m 1'•1'1 to Q)OJ[ED W.Aa a ...._. • , S ilr bTOrm 194~. Borum SC'r\••I :1< 1lr .11111l1C"' ~~=--_...... dtrPctor nl 1h1• T 11••1n 1111'11' hool J 9 u u 1 .._ .a.I • ,._ --~ a nc1. l'\'1'11 10(1;1\ .1l1h .. 111.'h loll..~)' IY1 ''O .-'dttl -..._ ..-a Wt fll w11h p rnf•'Ss11111 1 l'•••I " ••· 11 1n : = ~ 4 ... m so .. 't'tDrpr • llollywnorl. r•"-• 1. " ""' I 11 rrom ~. -..._ ..._ ... I If '* 8Mac. lhC' hu~mt·'I~ •• "''I • I Tu,fin J' ti 0 ... ~ ....... ~usty ThP T 11rn1''' oll 1~ .. \n.dr ._. ... "'" olllrOl&b :.., .. ~ .. -.... _... ~-llalle . .. ........... -.-.. -.... Cnr L:11:11n:i H· ''°'' 111 l'•. 1 :in d ._. e1 .a. .so.w. ~ .w .. ...._ a www-.rCllln7. pl.ck.tu, nw •P\'••rfll ~··:or• 11 111 ••••'••I 1h!'1r _., .... .......0..-: a..... ..... •~--. dltwa, and to-""~n1:1n1•111 ••• Iii• ,,,, I ·1. ••'1'111 -.... •Ilk •'-: .... -... _ ............ -....... ber alicts .~• ...... , ... ,. ______ ..._. 1a- R t1)' Mrr.••t '' t 111 "'"" -' 1111'm · ._.. ta. taL c...a -.. ltl - - l"'r of lh" •1111111• t 1 .. ' ' lolti;h l't''Hlt 1lf'1 Ul (II tlh.•1 I 111-..: In l.ill'llfl t l~t ~, ..:!'•tti• n1 h 1., I "''•' .h''' 111 ' llt('I\ - ,, I uh· '~tr" 1111111111 ,, lh1 11• I ,,, 1 11 It! •• :'I t t• ti .... 11•11 ··1 ~1 "' l 11 1,• I 11 I '''""lflflo.\,, I \\' " j. '111 11 11 ! I I '' 1'1'11 t\ 1 l HI. f I I , if,1, I •1 • t' \\ •"'' I .. I"' 1.11 I I 1 1 'dlf l I " 1111' •I' .,., ... . ~· •rn 1t1•1r r!h· ''"' •rrn. ......... "111 I t "'"1Tirll1 ... uut1o. t• ' .utd n1ft1 • ''" I 111 tllf ilqf h I I tl•lt 11\ t I li"''"ll11• 1' \ ,1. '''" ,., ,., ~ ,, n f '''II• I I It 1111 \\I Ith \\ ..... t• ,, .. 1•1110 _, r "The Young Idea .. ~ '(, \I w I ll· \\ ,,, ''"'. ''"' ,., t 'OR .\S ' l'n•~•.n•t: ,..,,.,~, Dl'~Dl......,... .... ~ .... fa\ ••rttr r b<....... \ _..,,.. <If la.-,... ....... _ ....,,. • .,.,. ,_."' pn'J•rtna: tlw •"Pf......_ _. -a.. '-....... f'w • JlltlirJ . ,._ flam~ ,_,., 4t<oll......,. a"'-~ .. .._....-•~ cw iit--· ..,.,... JUIN') ""4ka?.rt~ ........ •if• •' S.. ~ ............ and ........... Launches Oregon Campaign orro11ETK1sn Conrad Richter, M. D. ! I IC. T. •**wort.la. O. D. ~n• nou,. I O;lu11tltlt 9:30 a . m • l:.! ),., 2:30 p. m . • .J .30 p m . STD DAJOllflCD t90S-<' \\'. C"4'fttnl &.ml... DUPLIO.H"l:D N f'"l"lr1 BNc-11 _ .................. Piton" Harbor UOS ...... ~.-.._ ....... ,._,,_,-.am \ 0~8 VETVllS ARIA.'° "'c:OAST OPTICIANS NEWP08T HARBOR Vrn:l&INAllY H08PnAL Preeeripdom Fiiied a--Repelred Ul8 «i..e ...... r-"' ... . ,,__..,._ •1&-W S-Puller, D .\'.M. Paa1 o. ~r. D .V.M. .,., •·• DMar. Ind Ian am a.&. ..__ ort"' OM't'A In&& ea.p.a-.N'7t:a..o..r . ..a "\'ou '"".,.. ll"kl1111 nh' on our '""·' 0111 hr N' lo '''fll1tl11 lh•' ••·nu 'h a..i .. 111 .. h': '\\1•11 ., " ',,._ 7,,,,,..,,., Hi\.l"fl)cl l"'t V>t<rn. C'lir.dlda:.r fl':'~-&.-~a•;.1.! :!nm tnl'f' irlv,.. a rai>1d ·l1~r mtrnw• •~tt :v •i';1 .---c:Qo c b L T.'\'ll m Pon.- land. OrT, for &IW".J..1-: "~ :...-~' on:&> 11. • Costume Jewelry, Just Arrived NEW AND SMARTLY DESIGNED Without Obligation You Are Invited Examine These Beautiful Pieces ROBERTS JEWELERS OPF.S S1'SDA\'S to ~!3•:: MARL'\E BAI.ROA ISi.AND PllOSt: HARBOR :?321 EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE In df'Si~ and c•onstruf'fion, in matt'rlal and 1''orkman!'hip. f'\'t>r~· itt'm In our llnp of offil'P sup&Jli..s h&'i IJttn cl~l~ed to makr ,·mar offiN> more t>ffkit'nt. Phont> us ~·our nN'Cl-. today. •Cash Boxes • Sales Books •School Supplies •Stapling Machines Competitive Prices -Better Service ) Newport Harbor Publishing Co • Daily News -Times 3011. \\'. Ct>ntral T.-1. Uarhor 12 and IS TELEPllONU: BARBOR 1:, 1S AND toe Published every day. Monday through Fr1clny. by Sam 0 . Porter nnrl Lucius s. Smith . m . own~rs and Ollt'rnton; or the Newport Harbor J>ubll!-"11111~ Co. \'01~ XI- :->""l"trl n .......... t '11111 .. \la~ 11, 111.114 LIKE MY') SKETCH~ ~IOUS flOl!IC.IHCi PLAN f~ ALL PEOPLES * DREW PEARSON t· s rwn·.,.::.;F 1'll1FF:' lT \ll 11 tu•• 1 ... .., ntl':1'<trd portl~ tw- A:-.:11T11FH l'l .. \HI. 11 \ltUuH ·,Ju,..., fl•t~t•'A an ,-,.,._.,..,....s sl.1'<h· P~YCll\11.lt; l l ·,\I \\ ,\It F \ ll I ,;J 1h. 1 •..nd-... ,.,_ •I • '' t.).·J•lrf \\'1 •EFl 'LLY :0-:1-'<:l.t-1 ·n 11 I' n , n1. I··~~ t""1.. d>•i:.a..-i p.1rf· l '::.; rn ·s::.;J\:'\ 11'"1 \rht:".S 1, t ....... •:.. •"•'• d>·r,urm.·nl ,\;\Jl.ltll '.\:"S \ 1 11.l '11 I I! T• 1 ,, ... 'I I ,. .. • .-t I• -.-.r,,•fulru""' < '• 1( 11 ·1 u \T l· 1 '"' 1 '1 '' n :;;. r ~, •1: t..t 1 , .• ~ HI -.;-.1,\ '" ,\ l r11.1n 1 " , ... 11,, .. r '' 1 • .. ·. \ ... f'! • \•' th•"' \ ' f1 t t I "'• • I • t ,, t ., ,, ·' Ii. I Ith h11\\ '. t I ~ tt t '' 1 I • t •, ,. II ·•· • ' d 1 ft ., '\ t ', .... 11 I• I• 111 .. 1. I • " I )11 •\\ 1 \I I 1 •11 J I 1 ... • I I'• 11 I 11 11 h " "I \\ f l I •• I• I I ~ I • 1, • ", •' ti. I :--\ 11 • 1111" ,\1 I I .. I t.11 .. , 1·11"1' \\,II 1 .. J ... 1 ...... ..., • l '' :l1 j, I I 11 I j h \ dt I I !jl' J ~ I ' •J 1•1ni: ·n,; .. 1n .... 1 unput 1 an1 .,,• _,,, ·, t c:h,111hr l•t \\.ti ·IU• \• nt1"n •••i •' , .. 1~.\1h11lt1~I'-'·-' "·"t:'\n• y ,,ll r··u1 • .,1 I hi' p rnp.11·h11<!.• "'"' '' 11111,-.11,, t fU11H \ fr11fll""Jh1 •fl .tr .. , JU .... 1 i•l •H "m111111: I ru 1111, Uut 1 ht r< .. 1 I an .,, that this JOh 11( ,,•llini: 1d.·a•., nf mak1ni.: p1•11ph• 111 ai\nll..-T 1•uun11 ~ hf'li"'.. 111 ~ t>u. i1f winnini: tht Ru~!-tan pt'1•plo• ·~··r 111 llw t • S A has ll('('omc almost tht' mc>st 1m - 11or1n111 phas .. of m.td.·rn ....,~ .:..od m u<krrt "''arfat'4' I )# , .... '. ,. -.... 4 '1 t t( ... "• 1 ' a•• ' I • .. . .. .. •I I '"If '' li'l I• , . ... .. . •I . I ' I ,, , It• •• a ' •• ,. •I ! ... , .. \• . I ' \\It ,t I .... • 1'1 .. ... ..... f I " "• h 1\1 •i• ,, ·•. t:• ... , ... , .t, "n \\.rt, .. ~ 1• •• , ... r• .. •r •• "'" •'-n f "'"' tn1 ", l ·"•1 ,--.J l••N •m._,.. U • ,.t, tt( , .... , fl,i.t .. •• " .,t ,,,. t .. '. ""~..... tll •·~ J•~ .·rt \ •, -n u1 • tn• \\.h.H 1 ll• 'I .... -,.., .. ,.,_. ,,,.t., m.t .. htn•· ".II ,j. ... •t ,., Trum.•n \! tr,h,111 >"<t,•"n)lt~· ... ·~•u •.:in...: d •"'""•"l '•..f•-nt •'" "'"t. •n. J!U' .. um Th•\ ·11 •Al~ \\ • fo*t )UO ... , ,.,..... ... .... thr ~ do-n • ••nf I•• ralk ~ n.. > rr <lf'll) tnlFr~h-d 111 •-ar , ... ·-.. ••-'Y l..a$t "'°"''h -•rat ttwiu..~u1d A<"IU..illy 11 hml~ down lo ttw A~ Jtl'rlt.Pd '" ,,, ,.,nd art of n~ak1n"-'! dJH1cult for ttw fnrndl} ~~ "' rtw lrahan J.I mc•n in lht> "rt'mlm lo dt'<'la.r'· 1.,,....a.. ,,.. Ur"" .. gt rtwv f'W..'lN>n \\al' lty rwrsua<ltn l! lh•· Ru!'-~tan l It •a• '.ho cr.-att1.f ct.-mifln."tr:\IM.ln p1.-oplt· tha t th<•) thf'mst•h·•;; don 1 <rf -ph,~l •vfi.r·"· rh<• \\anl \'lff At f!rt"M'nl. thf' Kr•1ll· ,.~kl~""" - hn c-:in 1:1k1· RUM•la 1111 .. "'M •~•.,., AC1Wl11} J'!')<hulo..:.,· ti •artar .... 111eht and tho• fl('Oplt' haH• noth· ,., ,.,.. "'"-lnm_ un&rs.,• )nu rhmk * SHALL WE IM.ITATE FAILURES-.. 1111! Ill ~11y ah<•UI 11 Thul t' .. 11~ ltw· tn h'TTfli. ,, n>M "''" rtu t lln'.11 '""' , l"'""'nt 1mp11ss.t• w11 h Jlus51a is so ,. "'" a ~ ,,..,..,, .\mo rtcaO:-~ dani:1·rous. ,0 "'"' V'\rral null .. -n l••ft,.~ tn There is a sentence in the Second Annual Report '.\lt·anwh1lt', 1ie.~rh .. Jni;1C'dl "di· 11;;1~ ....... , ~ ......... , .. r • .adu> l.r•Md - of the President'!:; Council of Economic Advil'Ol'S fan· hus lwc>n wodull~ nf'bl<'M«d r-<L<l~ '" Ital}. r;qt "P a ~pi't·ml which shoulci be read and pondered by ('very Ameri-1n1-.c.:· ·•rnrd ~ ,~·tmin•·n1 ,.,,. I• • · h · inalulit> Ill mak<· futUr(' •in·~ ...... Ir•~ Jo tho ltal~n P"'~' ca n who has the g 1ghtest interest In t e preser\'at1on 11,h,wail"d to<k•> '·~ Prmw :t.lm· 11 ,,.., • ., r;u.-.-.-. .. rn., Am<n of our liberties. The sentence :'avs that it shall be ''the ISlt•r rc•u•r Fras.·r ... :--; ..... 7,. :.1. nn 1-.-1.:. uwt ft·· Amo nr.tn i;:n\ C0Jltil1Uing policy 31ld reSp011S.ibility Of the, federal itl1fl In an C''i:dU~l\t• l'nalt-d J'r, .... 'TflmoTI' I"""'~ l•..:"t-•r •tlh n I I · l I 111tt•r\'11'W .. u11. t11.:tih t:r.111 11) tn.: '" "" ,;O\'e rnment tO USl' a praCtl C<l) (' means ... to CO-Thi' i.:ra~mi.:: ,.,fH•i••k•·n :;;.,,,,_ 1'14in.: ~~ ..• t.~'""' onti cinn• ordinate and utili ze all its plans, funHions. and re-man \\as :.~k.•rl 11 11. r.11 th.11 11 .... n. ..... ~~.-Y"') in. '""""'' h-i~ sources, for the purpo~ of creatin~ and maintaining-11111·n·s•~ .. r 1'1'" 7A'al;ond ••>I.lid '"'"' ,..~..., h> ht~r ·•<"••' r.t ... conditions under whi ch there will be afforded use-h··-• 111' "·n··11 h.• ~c1.11•11m1: ,ti.· d1i· '" rtw-l •.catwn p.~·pl-· '" , ... u11l11~1rial !•ti• n11itl of JJto;<n ... •1•-r.-0 114' •trt-tho-.,.,.,.lfl \.\1t1o· ful empl oy ment opportunities. including self-employ-msur:m l't' ai.::11n.-1 ru1ur.· dJ.:LT• ... · lor·...ct.~ Ul1:: .... uwt.r .. .,.. th .. "'"" I ment, for those ahle, willing, <lllU seekini.r to work, SI\!' \\;Jrfart• J.~ th(' JitJ!;!llt""'' In o1 AJno~W-t .ortlf a do .. ,, n "r 1 and to J)l'Omote maximum em,)lo.vn\ertt. J>roduetion. llw A••~trahan ,,r.·a. or h~ au ... r"4IJYl!lf)r ...... _......,,,." >Lho h.n. ini.: J;qmn to 1 ... ,..,m,· Ill•· ~·-<·1o lJ.~ <~•1tnt.ut.~ J•i.r•~ l !,)f1;1n ~:·~· a nrl purchasing power." ··worksh11p iir A'•a · •.i "-"mar ciio>m<..-r<tt') It,,,. tia•· . The language or that is pretty bleary. but the .. T lw mlm·,1 .. of :-.: ..... v .. 1 .. nd l•~-n Pl'W'-0.: '" ar lhr ,..,,. "' • ' J It ~ t l t · th t rould hardly ht> ~rn-d h) <'lth<-T "'"~Tiii t~nd a •l'rit meaning IS c ear. a moun s 0 a recommenc a ion a courM·:· Fras('r Sitld. Th<Tf' l'l'.'H T \\"ht~ fhu ro&umn r~fl)' pr«>- the government be given Carte blanc he authority tO has IM't•n an)' llU('Sllon ot dt-Jrt•. pr....s a unular lnrtlllhhip prop9· direct and to control all the industrial and agricultural m i.: Jap;m or indu..tndl t antH.-.... £and.a dn'"' ,,.. •m ,,..f'T thr R..- and other production toob in the country. For. unless surh 11li s(·r\C· hf'r nflnmil pnc..tuJ ~.an .-"""' a11 _.,~ ,,. AJTW'n<llM h · d h 'II· l 'bl f h n•1u1rrm1•n1s. '°'un""''l"•'lt to NW.prrarr t• "' t at JS one, OW WI It )e J>OSf'I e Ort e government "Rf•d u<'t ion nf 0,.,.,..-d.•v•·k•J•-d li~nnrt' . .11 ,.rant~ 61 Alrron. Ohio to attempt to guarantee that everyone will have a job, war-support•n.: md ustn""' o f JaJo<tn Jo<tlnutanll) '<olunt-rrd lo pnn • everyone Will be p1'0Sper0US, ancl everyone Will have to :t lt'\'t'l C'OOM!olt'nt .. Ith fhne r. · fr<..-;a nullWAI "'f*"' •ll an} prop.t ....11 h · 4u1r1•m<"nt.s •• a \'f'T') d tffn-•'fl' i:~nd.a ""'~>"· "• t... wnl 11. crau e to t e grave ::;ecunty. nrnllcr and IS. I bc>ht•\'C', ron ..... '~'"'"'"'" 1··1~ It is, of cour:-;e, thC' olci planned economy arg-um ent nwntnry and rssc•ntial llf"f'('au11.... 11\o ,.,,.,, ..... s, .. ,, ... T im.• '"" couchet:t-hr highly j:!eneralized terms,. The fact that al!a111~1 tunhc•r Japant>St· ai.:n."'-"""1 1r"' .. 1"' .• ... ,.~unrn-r...t -. l;ir1·· no countn.'. indudincr ours, ha~ been able to make 1" m) "P1111"n· :--:""' Z.·al:md c-ann .. , nun 1 ·~ ·• lr.·~·11 ''''"t"> '.\1.,., .. j ,... aflnrd flt ht• d1 ... 1rac-l•-d 11~ tho h • •"Tw' ·• .• '""~ '"llh ""' P"'•I a planned C'Conomy produce anything except a Jc,wer i.:-rav•· cfani:i-r ,,, <"flmmuni~t 11~1:n ... 1 ·-= .. n<t.~ ·r·"•'I"'' , .. P.•L<i.~1:t n ~landal'<l Of )jvin~ :t!ld (l '?l'O\\'be.aten yeop lc..,~l0eSl1't s.i~n .• r<'«1 as 1111' '." from lhl' (\lh1 t l~";-nw•~ '"•••h t•<fnJ.:1n) .h"' ••I seem to bothC'r the F.cunom1c Adn!'ors 111 the shl!hte:-;t. i:r .. •t d.mi;:"r "' " JI'""''"""' ""'I 1 ~ ~ ~.. •r.... n,. N-h1111• 1'' • I h JJ l · f h · • ' )' • .. r .Jap.ath·Sf' ;n.:t..:r•~'-tun • .fnd\ • ~ i••r.\ • ~ • l ur..-eL,"'u \• ... or ( oe s t (' equa y ())\.IOU~ act t at j!l\'lll~ un 1m1t-1 . M•··r inllw11m: llnlt•ltl 'ult•: tor•··~··! • rt ... 'trvh t. ,, , JOE P AJ~OOKA I_ Pl\tJ: l >l c; \ \ .. . ~. .... . Cl'Hl.Y KA YOE ~tUf' ,.... an' lhl,.n B -.,.·!'If~ P .toCCtOrlll M ruo.M.D II' Iii ,. llJllL ~\.Ml« ""°TIC~ MM ITU ti. ICWT WllH YJll Ml' ,.. wtl~ -" By Gus Arriola Hy Sam Leff cd authorit;·-t.1 an arm,\· !If politician:-:. many of whom 1111:. th•: .J:""'"' ,, '"''' d• r. i.t• ., v.111• ,,. • 1•,t,1 J• r•' .. r f'r tnt-1 han• ne,·<.•r dt•mc1nstr:1trd a talent foi· anythinJr except 1" 11 1 111"·<1 A11t.~1 • 11 "' t ti .. 1•• ·'-'· ,. '1 • -"1··•rr•t--··f • ,, .t ~ in1h••1n ttl,...,1,uf"\•\\"/.,,,1 .... ·1 lr t.,.·-· ..... r\~l•1 \' hanj!i ng-on to :l publi c joh. i . .; th<' :-:ure~t wa~· to j!tm1 ....... 11 ,, .• r. n·· ,11 ,1,1 .. 11, .i. •••• ~r· .. •· • •I .. ,.,.. -M· !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ up t hr prnd ud io11 marii1 inc•. t• ,. 11111 "' ,, " .. ···-• • 1· \I.~·, • r The> d11ctri1w lw ar~ a \'l'I'~' ~u:-:pil'io11~· rp:-:l•mbl:11H·1· ·ii.. 1~•i-" 11 ;.,.r-111• '""T ~"t. ··• ..... '' ' .. • 1 r-r--r-· I f II I . I f . I . I f \\ti •..• ti , ,. II ,, 111 ., •. , •• .. l. ·-, .. to t 1at o 11\\·1·1 wit 1 an:1t1c.:a ... 1ng-!'n1·:-:-: 11 p11rp11:-1· _, .. ,, ,., ,1,. 11 "'·" /· , 1 , •••• : ..... , ._ h,\· En).!l:tnd':-: lahor ~oH'l'llllll'lll in I Jrin!!itH~ th<' Drit j ... Ji j "' ,,t, 1, 1 •• 1 ''. , . ., .. · ·l ., •• ,. Empin· 111 ,·irtu:tl hanl<n1ptc•\'. t ;1ii111! f<lrtlwr. it i:-:n't 11· 1 '·1 1· • • -1• • 1 '"'"t i·""'' " • ····· • , .... • 1 difft·1·t\nt in an\· t·':-.t•nti;1 l fr,:n1 th;1t '' hi t·h t1tHh·rlin•1' I • '' 11d " · ·· d • '1 • • ' 11•t ., ,, t'11· <·c111111mil· :111d :-:11dal 1111li1·.'· in th •• ~t•\ il'l l '11i1111. , 'I·, 11 o1 , ,, Thv :-tatr• 111:111.: <.,.,.,._,·th int.!'. tJ,,.., 1·\ 1•rnhi11". ·~11;11·:111-1 '' 1 ••• .,. ,, •'•rt.: ,,.... • tlf' •t l1•1·-. ,.,.,.,., 1lii11e· .. \nd 1111' i11.Ji, idu:tl p ;1\ -!111• t ;I\ l1ill '1 :111 d d11t ,· ·~ 1 ;ii '1 1· j .. I• dd "I'<'! t · . I ' \ .. T h• \\i1c-!,.;•tflt• ••f'tlw h •1 t1lt11l1i1· .\rh·i-·•r· l1·1"•l'I i th:1 t l'r1 ·1· 1·•1t 1·1·1 1r i '" i-:1 l1:1d :11 1d d:tl1 l'•·n 11,. 1hi11". :ind t!t; it ... 1i.,1 ili\ \, l't·ph("'tl 11,' l1111l'1• .1' •I :,ii.'"• I' ~ ,., .• t·l'I Jll••nt :11 1.1 lwr '' .. r.f-, t i1:11 ''' .Ji ., dd f .. 11.," ti 1· I t·. 't ·1111 1· 1wi:iiiz;1:i•1tt 1•:1tt"1 :1 t l1·1t ;. d1-rlr11\ int· fr1Til111n in 1·:11~·1:11 1 .i :1 ''" i:,11···111·: It 111111 ... :1 -i"r \\t· 111·1•11 :1 th••l'••lit'.h h1t1H · cl1 :11 in~ ;11111 1111! tlit• d ··1·11 t l i11J,1•r a t ., •• fl '1•11 h \ i,. ., I J '"' tl11· !tip 11•\'1•1. * NEWS-TIMES' FORUM l'd11 111 .. ,. •• F1 ink II f1tt• l h•il••lll•·\\ I n1'• d l't , ... , \ ~u_!._,., .... , fl, tl1 1111 f hi I 1 If 1111 II•' I h' 11b /.• ,I II ,j >' \\ • I 111 '' \-. I . I t J • 't ·'' !I 11, \1 J I t I• I. • 1.i. I 1 !I I ' I J 11 If • \\ 1d• I '• ,, ". t ' . ! . . : •I . ' /.• • t . ' f!"t ..,, '• l11!1•d ~11 t\1 lt·,,,, 111'•1\I"'' '"'" "' 1·11\,f\ fl\ltTllOl,11\lt.\\ . t" ... • • .. l '1 1n 1•· \11n1 ... 1i1 p,,,, ..-,,,,,, •·I 1·, •·d J•n , ... :-'1 1lf c"11t t • ... 1• n•l•H' ·11t1•1 1 \\• 1 ' • \ • •t f• :-;. \\ z,. ti 111tl '"•Ii·· r .. 11 .. \\111\· ''" \\I' 1.1:--.1;T• 1'\; :-.; z . \1 ·~ 17 , ... " .,. " ....... in.. on•I ... ,,., p:1t<·h. l!.1 11 h;1l1 ~111! ''· \\h11 I .. tn 11r-, 11·1·1 ,\ fi·~ll l' J11f1 l1I .J.1p.1n1 "' IH 11• I~" 1hd tll Jt .. ,,. ,, .. ,. ·!• ' inc ftH P.lt 11t1• ''\11"" hn\\' Fr 't'•'I d1J .. tr.\ lu a 1,1111nt :1''"'ffHH.: .l,1p:i11°'i. '••ri'ir 'I •'11111 111 IJu \• 1 \ 1 ... ( Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Pf'J>"'dable l.AM'.al l11J1trtaUon for Over •O l'Nrw RF.PRr:~P:SnD NATIONALLY BY OEOROP: P , CLO~E. IS<'.~­ S-Frall<'l 'W'O· ~ Anirelt11· Portland· 8fo a tt 11"-<'ltJC'.llC'O-!IO f'W York· 'Rnflt on By Carrier or MnUe SOW> per month 11nywhN"e In Nrwport &>11ch 11nd C<leta MeM: $2.40 for 3 months. S4.W> for 6 months: $9 per )'Cllr By Mail In Or11nge County:!!) per yP11r: In 4th zont', S~ 25 : to 8th zone. $9.50. 111,tf, 1 .. 1 1od tn \\• t ,,, "''·~ ·• '": 111u .. •n • 1 1tf1J • 11 .. ·11 •·· ,,,,, .:' , •• l;ilM1I futrt \ :.•t, n111t•~ ,..,J'fl') n 11iu1"'' Pumrn.1t u n '"' fif'• IATl"i: r 11\\ fnr 111 '' \• tr .. •I•••,,, ,) '..,· 11. 1111h !h•• r .. n~• nall\'• n~11<.>nal 1 •~1r I\ '''' ''<1ntrnl t f f•Jtrh;.mt "' ' ,,, h , .. ,, ., f11t\\ t !t"-~ rl# lo 1" ••I f llf• I• tf t• '-••I • 1f Ji,• Entered as Sc<:ond·Cla.~s m.attn-at the Postoffic-e In Nt"'"'J)Ort B<-ll<'h, "'' 1 , ,11,1 f• ur ,, ,.1,, ,1 t••r 1 11 ," Clllifomla. under the Act. of March 3, 1897. '"'' 1 ... 1d 111. l•·t••n" ••I !•"'' BAM o. PORn:R Puhll~ht'r ·rt• ~t ••• ,, ,, 1'• , ... ""1.,ti' •• , LUCIUS s. SMITH. m Mansging Editor 1 •••• ''" '" ;. r ... I • ! '\IOI I ,. - W . F. DIXON I Advet1 lslni;t I• • r • '• ' "• I i ·· "' ,. • • •!• I CLYDE REX l 1 .. r k ''"' j., •• I ",. '" • •I Prtntinl Plant. 3011 W . Central Avenue. Newport &11ch, C-'!lifomln I'', , '•, •,.,1, •••• , _. 1 .• -A~tive @) .. ~'· ·::','~' '.'. ::: :· .:·:".·'. 1 .. -~ •• Member · 1 '' •11•1 • ! •• f I• 1' t p n jf 11 1d f • 1f •" 0 •er,• (' •J, I..,. "'' t.•.4 .. ,.•• Id ..... , •. I ~ITORIAL 1948·~~ _ ... \• : . . ' I ' I • .,. .. ... J .. ,. ,. I , ........ , .... dvnt .,. r. 1",. \ A • • :~· . ... ,,. ,, ·-· .. . ,_. .. f "• ;· • , i ... tr• • ., I ·I• • • .. ••• ' , • tf' ·~ .. '.t ,, • ' •-r • r• r-• • • ~ i • ..,. .. ,.,, r• •, ••• i" ' ,,. , r1 ... , "~ .... ., . ' ' -· ........... f' . I .. I .... . ' .·· .. ,. . \~, r '' ,,,,, ..... : I .••.. .> •• ........ -.,,. •• .. . • ' • • 1·· .. . . . ... .... •' , r f' ~ .. . . . ' . ,. •t . . . . . ..• ...... ... ..... I ••• . . . .. ! •••• • •!t .. .. . . . .. :• TARZAN YOUR DI AL "' \t .... ._., ... hi . \ ••• " . ., • + .... • I• Ir. ,j I • kt" h • • I • h ,, ... -. '''•' .... kt \f i \~I \, \4••'1• \' , ...... .. , .. j, .1 \ I I I ... t .t I ' ,. " • I ~ ... 11 \' \I• t t ~. • I ~ I ,,,, _,. .... ' ' t ' .. ... ' Kt '' I • ... t\.t . \ .. h, ••• \ , I -..11 \ I •'I ... \ I • • it.• \t \\I • I I f 1,b • I\ Kl \• "'• I• '• t t \'1 1 ' ~ j •• I . ' I. .I I k l,, f I \t I ... • I' ... ~ t • A \'\ •' to.. t I A ' "' • , •I ""HI 't n •• •1,r h. )4 1 • h. I \\ U " 1 "''\-f•1tA f • • ft. f A' \; I I \ .., ,, -4 J • •••• •J ... '~' ' hot • , > t \ )o.fl l ' l ttot l • I I I 1 •t ~.Jh-l!••n • ... ~ I ,. I I l • 1. ) I I I I \t • I' \t I • ' I ' . .... . , .. I I I .. .... . ~" I' ' ' » 11 "' "' ' ' I t f h i I . \ ,, '. 1,1 ' .. ~ t ' ... p I ' " I : ,, I) I ' I I I I ti f w• ,, I 'I 1 1 \ t I I• I I I ' . I I ) l,if l •I "'. .. II 1" ,, ' t 'I ,, ... 111 ••• .. ti f ,. II t \ I I tu ' I " " r ~ \1 '" '''''·" t .. _T_E_L-EV-IS_l_O_N _________ ;-:.~::-,,---, ' ., .. ,_.,ha•. I •11 \ • "•"· t •f -.taltlJ ""'"1•1·•11 • • l • • • • .. • I . . ' ' \\ i • f '1 ; By EdJCar ltkt• Burrm1ath1 CROSSWORD PUZZLE I f •• ~ fj I •• " I • •" J IT 1 II II I I~ o 1' tH • I ••• •11t.Srrt . ' I •• • \\' lo' I•• f If,. " , .,,. ' ' • ll'•tr·• ........ I I , ~ I " d I t ',, , •· 1• ,, , ' 11, \ 11 ... •1t1•n e J I 1'1 ''"' • "'' )I I • •rft the •t. ,.,.,, 1111'1• I• W1r• rot 7• • •• .A••• ftc.iua llit . '·'' j •• • 'II tit• 11 ,,.. ... ' .~. , .. , .. , .. t J 'hh•·•'r 4) A H '11 "•h •" w"'' ~" rr•11(1 t 1 r •\ • r 4A A,• tt.. t , (ill t 1'-•• ,, " • •ltJnt 11 I 11 o••' • • ~ I' 1 ~·-r " 7 8 ~ --1 t:;---._ T •? . ~J JI •• ~ I~ l.D ~ll ~ JJ h· -· ~ 1r .. ' t:: ~ JD /,' ~ ~/ -·-,, ;'/, ~ JJ ~ ,. I" " '" ., 40 :// 4T 10 0 ---H> ,_ -.. , 7i I~ rS " " JI . .,, fl . "''. A •4" \\ t A 't, I' tt t f ft 11 ~ t' I I II It 0 II 17 II ff , ... ........ UOW\ .. ... '"' y ...... , llfl ,,., .. 1•11 t , ,, •-••tm b -pl n et1Jo1n 1 .. t·a,.., vn 1ftt , tr.1.,, .• ,, ,..,, t.-l..antl 1n ••l•t t -A t atlu Ill M1,r•.r:co IQ-f n u t1•ml H -A h• 11'-WI ,1 ft•1, .. ltll ''' H •• ll I ~ ''1e U: ""•i• 21 -"'•'' •I 1\ C: u 1••t• 21-fl,.ftttltl 21-U11w1ual 11-f.n1 • n~r••d •qualle Wrd ' JO fn fr-.."4t l1•a ltl9 U -lc.tm. 1 • nom• u -i rnmpjl 1•-r.tr"'•• 11 10111 '""'"'*" tumf 26-..,.,,.,t1tn1 lo •h 'l •ft ,._, .. ,, !ft rtnada t0-r11111on t>-A molal ,~na e• n -r •ll•• ... .. .· -----:------------- Page 8 if•wroa'I' llALBO& NBW8-TlllB8 •oND.U Newpen llMM, C.W. MQ 11, IMI TARS UNBRJKEN STRING RUINED J BY ALERT COLONISTS, LOSE 4-2 Fullerton Swim Team Cracks 2 ~des;-Takes Meet LOS ANGF.LF.S. M11y 11-1llP1 -fhf' F 11ll1>rton Junior Colll'l!e S\\1mman~ \f'am tndn} 11dtll1<1 1h1• 17\h annual Southc-rn C11lif,1111111 Ja~<'N' championships to a·~ 1r .. rhv cn:>e, afh•r rrarkanl( I\\ o 1i.1111•11.d jaycee tatlrs S111urdn' 1'1 '"nr.ani:: th•' m('('J. ~ &1h rod ay r N·orrls frll I lw :\I.a. ) .1rd mroJcy (Tl'\\ "llS 1'1.wk1·d Ill 3:01 and 1he 400-)l•rd frl'l' ~t~h· tf'i.m an 3.39.6 f'ulkrton scared 69 fJ01111.o; f11I · lowed by (;ll'nda lt· \\alh 35. San Marino 26. U\s Ang<>ll's :!3. RJ\'er· side 13 Over $13 Million Wagered in 35-Day Harness Meet ARC'1UHA. (';d '.\l 'I\' 1i 1 I 'PI -A IOl;LI of ~13.77::,11h1 \\l<S \\a1:1·r· ,.rl h) Z'i0.3 1:! fan~ i" S11nl.1 1\n1111 park dunn~ lhl' :l"i-rlay W1•strr11 Haml'SS Ranni: As.-.r1. m•·r1in1: that l'nded Sa 1 urd11~. nffic·iu ls 1<A1d today. Jn Saturday's chl!lini: l'nrd. Dr S tanton v.·on his rourth raef' of thf• mt'«'ling and 5"1 11 nf'": world'r rl'COl'd of :.!:JO 'i. 5 for the milr and a quar1tr in thl' $10,000 !'Onsola· tlon paC'\'. lk broke has own 1)11trk · ol 2:31 ·~t the previous we1•k. 1lw giant trotti>r R•ldrwy nlso establiltwd a new California mark, Covt-r1n1. the mile in 1 58 In a 1ptdal race a1:11inst time Proxl· mity won ttw-Slo.ouo consol.,thn trial, another fu turr of th<' rl06ing proeram. · Ted &hroeder Is Southland Singles Champ '. LOS ANGELES, May 17.-t Uf') -Davis C'up Star T!'d Schnac.'lier today •·as Southern CaJl!omla Men·~ S lni;:IN> t1•nnii< ch(lmpi11n 11nd LouiS(' Brough. national women·,, duunpion, w or r thr womc>n's Southland C~'n. Sdll'Ot'flr r bo·al Roh Fitlkl'nhuri.: in thr finals at IA>S AngelC'S Trn· nls club yt'!'tttrda)'. 6-2. J.6, i -5. U-10. ¥1ss Dn)UJ:h had no trou- ble d<M'nin' lfrlen Pastall. 6-1. fl.f.. GENE'S CAFE ---Sptdaltzlng In French and Italian Dinnen llAIUIOR 1102 705 Cout Hwy. c.-...... R<BI CAFE lGI Olel$ --.,, 0.-...... NEWLY RDIOrii.:LED Cwltla a flWll •tJDc:wtlwn) •• I 7 $ I .. , Spqhettl -Ravioli Scaloppini, Chicke Steaks & Roast Beef Cocktails a... -~. llar. Ol'lllf I An K. TO I P. K. • • • SHEP'S 1 .. OOAn lllG.WA1' N&Wi'Oiil' ._._.,a.. ...... aau·~•· ow •ORD.AT .......... Alrc-dlhtq .......... Pru ae. Paa,. C'AldrtfapJ P..pe ........... ......... a.-... ~ .... ...... a a 7 .. ~ ..... , .... ........... * * Barbor * 11 f,•11 10 Am1h••1m's {'olor111>ls 10 i.1 i1uh' ca1cher, Ball Burdick whn h11ni: ll'•· rtrs1 nnd vnl) li....s n! t lw Wl\i. 1n ll1t•l"f' bt:hlnd the platr ) r1tr ••n 1'1'"J"•rt l111rhor I l1i;1t·,, "l11lr· 1,·~ular rl>et·iv,cr. BilJ Wcalh· • 1111,l'hnll runi> 111111 $1lllp 11 \•i11n1ni.: 1·rw11x nursed un injury received ""''"k "hl('h h11d 11in 11 •t1 111i;ll1 .1g111n•I \'itknda last W~a) Tht• inl;.in<l1·r" md 11 tti;11ln~r 1'•·1"1 Ham.Uh"' 8aved 0'."rn 1r·w "t1u J•ll•'li•"I 111;. IH·;.I i.:11rw• i\1·1• 1•! !hr• Tur 111tching staff • .. 1 I Ii•' I 1•;11' ,,, h·· "1•111 r h1• l'uUI•' i''11111k l111m1J111n was clellbe1 :'t•ur•· '.1 111 .: I ati•I) •11\l•tl l1y l'irkc•ns to'r a stan Even is ..., .. 111 , .. "i. .. h.i '''" 11 ''"'d oflh 111i.: ••·~1i;nnwn1 in lhf' 11(.'cilnd 0 '"'' ,. 1,.,1.,1,. and ''"" lu" 1 11.,.~ 1111• ('Ii'' pl<a~·off~ M>metime this *** 1.,1111· ,,,i ""It "lldn1''" 11H1k 1h•·l''1'''" Ar J1"'''s 11mc. today, Pad , 1 11111 J"11d.11 '" t • .. ,1.1 :-.1 •. ,,., 111 11111'11 ''di had r<.'<'t'lVt'<I no mdlcation 11• 1·1,•d1r .,111 .. t11d l Jf,. 1·v1·11 r•:an . '" \\l1t•n or 111:11in11 whom Iha • --------------1 fr11 n •ll II" 1·11111''11n th•· 111<•1ind h) 1J.:·1n11• would l.11• i>h•)•·d. Infonna - Be k l E t 1·11ll .. 1·1111g 1111"' ol lh•• f11ur 111 1• 11"11 ha;. it 1111.11 the opponent wr f e ey n fY \ tlw Trir ' pill l••t.:•',lhi·r 111 a ,.1.,1k "" ••Jthc•r \Voodrow \V1li;on, of Lon. Wl.ns JuQl~l·ng d.1) hi th1• 111111•· . 11•:·'.''h , ,~lh<imbra, or Bell ~rden, 1111• I urs. mNrnwh1le, will pu• , Hut t>•Ta•'ll•11"1 li11'"'R 111 contnil 1hl•11· rt'l'Vl'd of 10 win11 and on• Frog Jobi ee ""' f11111 111 ,r .. 11hl·· and lirt11'1y hll i • .,., ••i:lllns-1 lluntington &ach •J· I rni: c·:.pp••d ". h.ird l11•·k dt•~ f••r 1h1• ( irli>r;.' diamond tomorro" A!';(";J·:la\.; (',\;\IP, ('al ' ~la\ 17 111111 :ii-th" l ol11nu,1~ \IM'd 1twrr Prolial1lc &11trt1·r "Ill he NoU1'111'. J• 1l 'I'1 Tlw l!Hl! lnt..,·111111onal lid\ .onta;:•'' t" 111'' 111 "'"'1 In rai·k· will ho• I h<· hh't i;:am .. on the Sur. Jumplfl):! F n•i: .l11h1l1•, lTOl\11 \\<•Ill ani.: "I' !Ill.JI ''"'" ~··I lt>11g11r i.ch1-dule ror the Sa1: tud1ty l\I l11 lo11lrt 11'"· tlar k l11lr'" '1111• 11111\ 11tho·r 1111 ''"llf'ct1·rl lo) 1ws who ha\'t• fllff:•ady Sf'We<l .tll• 1·ntr} fr11m '1'1ll1111·f' J'h1I s .. 11i-1 1<>~111 S111l11r Fndl•) .i111·rn1~•11 c·an,,. 1 thr tlli•" The Cl h' play-offs y,11 llo·rk•·l1•). <'11 I . ~ r ,,1111"' from 1111· Joa I ''' ;1 I 11·•htrlt'11 s11h-r11mpl .. 11• 1111· bai-1·hall y~ar. 111 IH•ln·1~ Ii .qwtl 1nt11 "111 .. 11 II ---~--- prunun• n•·•· ~·-•·•ti:>\ I.~ \\llHll'll'I HORSES TO START IN $2 000 'h1· 11rrnu;il •·01111·s1 "•' h ·' r11111p .. : 14 5 11 f<'• t ·, 11wl11«. 'f'r .11rwr Sullo t '• . ' ri·~;·.~·~:.:~ •• ~'.!(M,' .. "":~::11 .. trr.1·· \\'I' INGLEWOOD FEATURE!fOMORRO\\' SklJ1p)', who JllllllWll )II r''!'~ on• ~(;J.f:\\'l )(.llJ. May 17 I Ul'l 1 ·rn~k1•l1on 116: Flashoo 115, M il) 1n1h t•I IAlll s11-1 lllr ,llonal•_I '·111111 1"11u1t1•1•n li11rs(« arl' rnl('rNJ In l"te>w11rd 114, llii;h Rt-liolv(' a nd n1·). of l\lurJih'l', < 111 · • ' r11iu. 11 th•· r.-arnr·•·d $:!~1.0llO lnt.:lf·W<1<HI ~"~'l' Man In . El Lobo 110, S• ,, fro~ owrl!'d h) John S1i.:urd'110 ll:itn11rnp 110 lh•· 11111·n1ni;: pr11i.:rurn Spray IOS nnd J)ouhle FF 107. Santti C'rul, C:il , j\!ml>t•d ~l ltd Ht llull}WOOll park 1nmurruw w11h T rn1nc•r ~laurice .Breshrnan a n·' J l lnd11•s lo "rn !f.-111 • . t In Tn1~t nnd Mufusln· l"arryini:; nounrrt1 Art1llPI'}' would run aflt•r Thl· 1:i.1w•1 pn~ons who Jrm11111·d tor• \\1·1i;:h1s of l'i.6 pounds thr sl<'l'k Hollani;: llills farm 1pe.•d· 1 th•· 11ri·ni1 to watch thC' rw·nts Wl'fl' Also l'ntc>rNI in th•· six-furlong 111rr w1>rk<'d six furlongs in l :J:\· di1app11intl'd "'lwn Ur RolK•rt '""' ro r lhN'l'·yc·ar-ol<b and up '" l 5 I Cornish. of Bt•rk<"ley. 1111nounc·i•d Ar11ll,.ry, thr di·f<·nrlrn1: chomp1rin, F11L'>hco. w innt'r of the $100,000 has fi\'<'·l<'l'(gi•d c•ntry Wll!I "an.1~1s· who will rarr.v l:.1:! pound!<. S anta ¥1111 Maturity during 1h~ po~" nnd could not l-ompetf' lh1• "'antc>r ~ason. flashed t~ bt·~t 1 Cornish frog was;, fa\'Orllc In prr-Ulhl'l's in lhC' C'la:.s> flt·ld in-m1uk of lh<' training M'uon r~·i jump brtting. rludf' Wllh f'lt'asurt' l:l5 pounds. een1ly, eovenng the .U furloogs. 1ur " <' . u ocra an t • in : Sockeye McDonald Wins, Talks Self *CALIFORNIA OUT-OF-DOORS Into Mat Trouble SAC1lAM .. ;!':Tll, MAY 13 tllPI Tlw mnn<'Y is yours I! you ran SIK•kt•yc• Jnck Ml'll<'lnnlrl, rui:i.:•-<l ex-luml)('rjRrk frnm On•i.:on. who is rnt1"1 us nn1• 11( !Ill' roui.:111•,1 wn•st ll'r s l.ll/IM.'/ll 1111: m rmi:,. lwr• · Rl!<•UI~. nllOUt 10 <•'l'loc•k 111mnr· r11w nii.:ht al 1hr llr:ani:•• Co1m1~ Alhll'li1• duh nm~ lw• "''ltlni;: II•· hail nl'\'1·r d••f1•nt1•1l ('lifr .tS\\,.dl'I Olson 111~1 "''' k 11n•I mn~1 of .111 1h:.1 ho· had nt•\'t'I r<•kn•1·(l to T 1•n) Mlll·t m1•1. 11~ a "hum" an hurlini.: an ••JM.·n c'l111lll-ni.:1· I lacl h•• nt\I 1ll'f1·1111•d < lbon. Sockc•)C' ni1i:;h1 nlll h ,,,.,. l11t1d1•d this WN•k'i-lhr1•<• lall (1•11turP al· t ntl'l inn nnd hot! lll' not 1···ftorn·d 10 J\tarllnn < ;,,. t.:•'""s C:1•nq.;1'. 11n11 Enrique '.ft•rn•s and c;,.no' lh•· Apollo IL" "hum~" Muri in1•1. wl111 wu..' slatl'<I to l1•a''" this s.'<'llon ror IC'Vcr al week !'<. would not have dt•· ddc>d to n-main for another Wt't'k to take up I ht• •·hnllrngr. ('AUE~TE WlNNf:R AGUA CALIENTE. Ml'X .. Muy 17 -lUPl Gold Fortune came homt' R wmnf'r by two IC'ngthi; ovl'r the favored Alamo Doy in thl' frn- tured San Dil'li(o iilx-furlong nl· lowancl' y~tcrday, .PllYing $11.20, $5 00 and $4.60. Alamo Boy rt" turned $4.00 and $3.60 and Gh<>f;t Hunt $3.00. A not<• or 1l1·sr•·rnt11in has •'r"rJI cntth him. strip him of his l111le 1ntn lh•• work or ('n11r .. rni11 sporls· tag nnd turn it over to the •Ii· 11w n "ho ;1n• 1 r~ inc t11 pul ;11-rt>!i• \'isaon of fish and gamt'. " 1•1111pl•· 111 1111t '" t a\'f•s "hll'h wuulll Tiii' whol•• thing is part of tlw 11·i.:11l;1l1· 1•;.r111rwr1·111I ni•Uan~ in "!•If••'" ~•udy of the sRlmon Pol•U· n11rll1••tn 11nll •1111t hl'rn ('alifurn111 L111on Thi· h1irN111 of madnc f1,l1· l lad<Prs of 1111' rnc-asurr· atimll 11·11 I hi>< \11••'1\ t lau t hol h n( I /11' "'1111111· 1 .. htdl11I pr.IJ .. lSlllS 11r1• s till R0/1()(1 '•a.:11:111111 ·« •h••rl ut tlw ~'i~l.(\7'! I tw) 11,.•••I lo 1nakr !ht· :>o:oVNlll•t r \ "' ani: 1 wk1•t i\n<I llwy 111111•rl furalu·r 111111 Ill 11111°' I 11( I h1• ('11\inl l'I• ·~ Wht•rt• \·111· un'•'•1r-.:. art• h4•at '"'~ lh•• str<'<''' .rnd l111~l1o·~ fnr,)"l1tr11n ;.1~nt11Urt''· I•·"• tl11111 111 d11~" r••rn:tin '" J::"' 1tw n1·•·d· rt narn..:;. :O:an1•1· t111·n. how1•n ·r. al l11rnl')' 1!••n1·rlll 1"1 1•11 A I l11w .. 1•r has 1ssut'd 11 r11l111i: '' h11•h Illa) tw 11f ~t\1111' ht>lp. llowiwr snyi1 that 111! anll1· all\'<' petltioni; nmy hnvc an 11dd1· tronnl :..io days lo q1111lifr for tht• ballot. 1•r11·-ha.; h•·1·n t ai.:i.:ang salmon f, r y .. ur:o. 111 s1•i> whrrl' they go ,11 \':1rt1lll< I 11n1•i; Uf I hr )'l'&r. f,: 11'1' I 111: i'''-' <. nfr " 1tnll1tr to the f1•'• •·1 111.111 "hu turns 11 In Th111 yrar. thl' T yr·r C lub of !--1n l"r.HWIM'll "''"'''''' ln with :i ,. " t•·'I 111 lw lp tll•ni.:s aloni::. Tht• • •'• rl1111.1I1 •ti $ ( '>U. I (1 be.• 11'1 Id orf •h 1·1•rt11111 1111111111 n"l tll.:s wht<'h h .. • h•·••n s• 1·r••I I~· n •<·ordt'<i. The '"I J+f'r7• m "-,c1 111111 S<'Vf'n otl1• r, t111w•r d''" 11 '"' a i.:n1duat.ed sc.dC' M ori tha nah1llronbahyrhi·k~ I In south• rn ~l:al•·s art· shipJX'<I r.1rl I ¥1'1\r to fans in ('VC'r)' Corner or lhe l 'nitc>d S 111tr;:, wilh trinrni:: '"'s of lifr, according to Railwfl.' E"l'''t'U. SKY BOBBING Jn th~ spring. a ynun1.: man'1 fancy and he is n1•vrr fancrrr than when he is awai; up lh1•rt• m th~ iilcy where he 1~ ma~t••r Pf ,ill he With th<• atuil'tan«' of a rom- pletely equlpp!'d hlH'pilnl with 16 beds. thl" M. S Sohl~kl of thr Gydnlo America Line hnd a r<'COrd this spring of fi\'C' hlrths at sea. Thr 1wo 1n11iat1vrs In qu<>stion are prl'llY i;oladJy hacked by or· i;:;tni'.1:f'd sportsm1·n·~ i:ro1111!1. O n<> would forh1d nil comml'rci11l nets In t he San J onquin and Sacram••nlo Rivrrs and tlwir tributariC'll and In San 'f'rnnrlsco Ray, thus pre· S<'rVing I h05t' WR I Cl'S for rc>Cf('- Rtlona I fishing Th<' other would ban pt1rsc> st'inl's and r ound haul n<'ls within lhl' t.hrrr-mile limit off thl' .southern C'alHornia ro11st south of Point San Simeon. the idea l><'ini: llrotl'clinn or sardim•s. South<>rn nnd nort hri;n ~ports· m<'n ha,:c-l)('('n l'OOpna1mi.: 1n gl'I· lin1; n11nw~ for 1•at'h ntlwr, with th<' r1•1111l t th111 1•ac-l1 m••1ts11r1· has a totnl or llll<lllt 111\JlOU s1j.':nrtturo·s ~urveys. Th is flying re a I I y ge l s a 15 11) somet lmt'11. • Fenton F:11m- shaw, who run~ a FlyinK "A" service station at the b f'll ,. h. Jeanette MacDonald Jose lturbi -ln- "Three Daring Daughters" Berry Fitzgerald -in- "Naked City" Casino Cafe atK/ Cocktail . Loung• * Serving Comple#e LUNCHES and DINNERS * 202 Mein St. Balboa, Calif • so fnr. One of t hi' lc-adf'rJ<. (;1'Ml':t' l 11. fnnl of Snrrnmrnl!), s11~'"!l tfl(l m:ln~ ani:lt'fS ha\'(' lll<SllOlNI 1111' 11111 I• nt an•i; rorf' 11 c·in1•h to m11k1• t lw hnllol f)1f11n1 SFI)~ thi•)"rc• ""' \ llllll'ly llol J'lUI hP ;ifld~ that 1( l'\'t•ry nnl' of llw ~'l(l.111,111 111•rs1111< "'"' l11111i.:h1 l1l'"11s1•< 111 Cnltf1irnia IM<t )'t•ar W(>1tld find 11 11o•111io n nnrl ~•i.:n it. lltt' measuri•s Wtluld tw o\'t•r t lw tnp w1 I h 1•as1• Jnnrlt•ntall). 1'11fant i;nyi: llw Sth'- l'l'~ll or fallurr of th(· 1•11mpa111n hinJ:l'l' on J.ir0<·urcnwn1 11! s1i.:nn· lurt's In !he ml'tropolat11n nr<'as -0- Th(' i;1ory of a peculiar nnd oddly dramatic strui;:gle for sur· \tl\'al l)(>IWl'<'n big horn 11h1'f'Jl and wild burros in !)('11th Vallt>y has comf' to light bcfore th<' stat<> fi~h and game rommlssion. It wu told by E . L. Summer. chief of the Death \'all<'y National Monumt'nt. and Donald Mr l..<'an. atatt' Ramt' blolO(ist. It teems that out on the d('l('rt about 500 wild burTOS, rt'mn&nts of IM da)'S when prOlpecton had no modt'I T Fords, art fi&htinr it out' with tht' •amt' nwnbt-r of big horn ahttp ovt'r r ights to precious watf'r holf'll. Summer aa)'I the burros ate winning. It human bt-lnJ?'I don't take a hand In lhe fieht pretty aoon. ht 1&)'1. tht' lhttp ~ill die of thint. It attrns that thf' con- ~ntrated hoof powt'r of tht-bWTOI le ~att'J' than the total horn po..wr ol the ahttp. Th~ burr<>& surround lhf' w•ter holes. looklnt: tough, and tM sheep don't dare approach. McLean t08M'd In th<' pouablllty that tht' commission m l1tht deciare an o(l('n season on burro1. He said he'd tasted th<' ml'at and found It itood. Rut pmslbly ~ ~<'nlinl<'ntal rl'a· son. harking back to th<' days of '49 when the burro w as 11uch a ,·aluable citizen. tht' rommi!ISlon deferred action. --0- Som<'wht>rt' in the N'f'lln nnd an land Wllft'rs or California 15 A !181· mon wprth 50 burks ' ,. s/ly!l ht• is n •:tll) :i i;(Ol'l\'l ad r or tHs b u ~ i n ~· ;; " no'lW lhlll hf' h!l>. !IOIOf'fl Cl1·m1•111 :-.;,.," " .l11seph Srrran11. 1-~arl t l.11th••1 ,'.fin Moi· Inn nnll I l1'nr' l l•·lrn· l 1 ali:t1 t11k1•n 1lu-1r [11,1 '""' "11 • :i::hts anrl l'<'IW'rll'tl th.ii 111. 11 '''' 1 .rny- t hani:: rl"• ilk" 11 ·11,. . ' . 1 here a"' lot ~ of """S•' 1111111! 1111 none l.11•tl('t', l;;arl Cayrwr . l!11h. 11 1 .. ,: sley. 11<1nRld R(•z unrl < ;,·tl11• ' '.\, l•h all n•1·e1vt>d tlwir 11n'·''' h•·1·nses. Earl Gayrinr """'"" l l~1nl! with Martini; long l"wfnn~ 1 h·· "'"r, but fi'rst his businei;i; ond lh••rt •ht' war kl'pl drlnying him until h. frnaJly wns ablr to rompll'tr J,.,.,,. San- lll'n< N'Cf'i\'Cd his flr~ht 111•1 ructor. rating and i~ wnrk1ni:: ,., ·nines v.i th lhl' Martin s1·hool iln1l '" the fifth of his <'lass <1[ ""' "n mrn to l(l'I work 111 flight rn•1n11 11ni: 11pon romplet1on nf h1,i; c·nur-,.•· The Oning<" Co !'h1•rill • -..,uad· nm helO 1ti: l"('glli:tr mont :11. r~t· ing a t thl' JX'll<'P n•1·rt1t1. '~ r.-JOm. A . lettl'r of an~lrucllon' I 11•m tM a irport i;afrty commit11~' 11 as ap- proved t o bl' al'nt to all a:rport managt'n' in thl' rounty, 111111.tnc them of thC'ir dutlM 111 lh1• m11>rftt of flying i-afcty Thi' b<'>a, d <I( au· (X'rvi~ora grantro a frel'--••nt l'OOf1\ In the Arlmini~trallon h1111<11ni; for ui:t> of lhf !'QUadmn R• a heed- quarteri; to ln.cl'('llsr 1t~ ..rr1.-renc)'. Odd t·v~ About n ylng : lt is ~rtainly odd that 11llh1%·h all eovernment ~t atlstks 1ml11·:11" that ~thout doubt. OylnJ: 1s th.-s:ifftt form of tninsp.,rtation d 11r far M fer than lht' autoinoo.i. • msur- an~ compani<>:; still r 1:11•1tain thtir rntl't. al ff\'\m 50() p• r cent to 1000 Jl<'r N'nt h1J?hrr lln n fat othrr I)~ or 1 r11n~port.1t11•t'. It is trut' that "'hrn an :111 linf'r 'trR~he!<. lhc>l't' 1:1 11 l11rg1• bf,. l~ and nlS-O pn,pt•rt y l11s.s 111 •~ "wr. ltfo m~urant'<' rntC's Rn' Tl" h.i:Mr for persons us1ni: lhC' -nman .. , ·but an• \'N"Y murh htl!hl'r fpr pr \'Alf' O~inl? WhN't' lhf' hft' Rntf l•l•'l'ef1.Y lo..'1.....-,: al"(' much lower. \\'I'll. that's all for n• '" but wp'll l'l't' ynu next Wef'k ai;111~ l t I WRESTLING TOMORROW NIGHT ·-----... ----- TONY MARTINE-I-~ _ .. _ SOCKEYE McDONALD DA\'E U:''L~ n. IUJIA~ Klll>O ...... ......... l I curr OU!O~ u . ......._ Herrr rarroau •oaa11: 81UPllU) .... P•INl'& MIBAL4&Jll Mir. -· ta.3• plut l:u OIU..'\'G& 163'7 MDVlll5 • nas • mm • -Orange County A. C. o.'leif, ail 'PN' ~uk. • • The Daily NEWS-TIMES Summer CIRCULATIONllCAMPAIGN ·Is Now in Flill Swing * Bo~ Pis! It's wy to will w or •ore of Ille BIG P,~es llst-· eel below. JllSt cet as •ZBJ .... as JOll ca• i• y011r aelpborhood (who are llOt Al •ADY tea 5 fl Ille Daily News-Times) to promise by w of os caakr -,S. Doll't accept .; wa•1y. We'I take care of the billing. As SOOll as yam pt yos 1st fixed ..., briag it in or have Dad or Molllcr 'p•a•1 it ill to Ille News -Times office at 3011 West Cahal Ave1me. • We'll fix yam • wi• tile prize of your choice, Pt,nto. COME 01 GAIG, LEr'S GO I • GET YOUR .sut.1MER VACATION EQUIPMENT I • SWEEPSTAKES PRIZE ••• wi• bee ---a•to.atic stop, tail-light, , electric ._. a.cl lleadlPL Y• get it for 100 Subscriptions! The Qmplete List of Sensational Pri7.es: Roadmaster Belue B~tle .· Arvin Table Model Radio . . . . I (On dllplq at 0-0-. Haadlwue. CD.JI.) Snare Baseball Glove . Replation Fielders' Mitt . . Jr. Swim Fins . . Flaoreattllt Swim Traub . . . . . 1\:-:..-U--L ., ... ~ lllilllll •••••••• n:-;.._ Spear ..,.. ..... ~ -~~ .......... . RegalatiOD Outdoor Bueball . -~ Indoor Baaeball . Admiral H•WJ Caps . . . . . . . . I JIONTB8 100 Subscriptions 21 ,, 13 11 9 ,, " " 5.-·" 4 ,, 4 " 4 " " 4 2 " ,,ires Can le SHn a# __ .. _ ...... -.... --~,. .,I ollilttp Spatiuu; Q°""4 aJ Kilttl.JIJ Pa/Jo ' I , ' r c • I d 1 t r s r 1 ( \ s f, (, 0 I t: p F 'c 1: II. h s. p s s i! p 8 f, b r I' n (" •n ii t r I j· l II 1 !\ r