HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-18 - Newport Balboa News Times-- Board of 15 Freeholders Elected ABC O N LY DA IL Y NEWSPA P!ER IN OllANGE C OAsT ·s L AR G E ST C I TY BALBOA 11\\ESc~ Today'll ti A.M .• P.8.T. °''"' JonN A\'f'"'K"t frun1 I .rah•,,. A • \, M~Dlhf't J.. A ~·II• .. •.:.~.· l11.t11•t1 •.• 1: ll.i 11 I I tl1l 1<' \ '''""'" ll'<tt !Mi du It" Id '~I illl ,lj l.1 7'.I di\ -It I 7 1111~-· ~"·'' ''' )oirh-.•t ll•t nn I'll&" •«11ir ---=------- EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, UDO /SU, HEWrORr HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR , COST A MESA 1 15th Place · Deadlocked In Vote VOLUME XL Ftve C't"e t1 Pf'r Copy s t:\\'l't>.rt-Bt:A('H, ('AUt"O&~L\. Tl"J'.JID.AY. "•" '"· t~•u• 1· .. u...i t•r-. ArttM' T .. 1 .. 1.ttuin.. ·~· ~-==-.;;.-=:==========~~~~~========:====o::==~~~~~~~==~-==-==---====..z..--------_;__;~~ Nl 'MHEK T': i\ -1111111 but 1kt,.1111111o•tl n11111h1•r Coast Road Drug Store ·Is Target marl..• t. "•·r·· .. 1 .. 1 .. n frotn T\lr'1lft' I 1rui.: ~lur~ nn c .. :ii.t ll1i;:ln .. ay Sun- ····~ 1111.:'11. \·,~rn.-· Turn.-r. '""'"°· 01M'l1 .... ..i tud.JJ~ ~.nt r~ ",._, i,:atn.•I t•~ fK)'ln.: ••1•·n c!<1t)rs lhruui:h.out t~ build- mi.: w11 h a MT•'"dr"•·r. r••""'' Mid '1'1·11 d1•llar" ""' 111.:.-n ln llll thol' fullnt u n e·.t~h t ,-.. C"''"'• t .nrl th! ft.:. \\ .i ... I .tfl"".tf"""· (t I II• tit 111· ! .. :u! 1·11 l1.1dt 11 rnor- 1 •l11n• • • n11..,·uud"' ~~, ,r..:_h• rnor t•fllrt• ', .. d. Uh .tntf -~'" """1..-.r•., l 11tn•1 ..... 1r1 ~, .. , •• , .. ~.,,. "~•' ,; ·~··l I • lll•·•i~ 1n•I of n o "-,,. • ,J.,1• .1tlt!w 1 ,\ •••1 11• 111 "l"Ulll i,.rn1•iun<t \\' •• ~ ch up1 ,<1 ""'' J,•f! .. r. lh• (I,;., I 111111·1· I,,,,,, H I< ll··•~k·~'" ... , "'ti ••1tL•\ tt1 t1 ,.,.. hu1i:1 .• r~ v. .. ..,. • :1pp:<r1 n il~ lh· ,.,1, 111 ;.,. ~·"' lif'rl•·n"·t1 a111I '"" T 14-.j r• ilil•·r ~ r · ---='--------------""""-"'...,..;;...-...;.. ____________ 1pf 1 .. t1 'I' l11t1I l\Mh•\ 1•111l11r 1it'<I thl' 1tlt•ll tll 11 l .. 1111,J 111 1:1 I 1<•1'lt11ltlt'1'1! "•'lt\c·t•~d to l 1 tlU11• o I'' upo""c.'1.I nrw .·1t.11·1.·1· 1 .. 1 1111· 1'11\ •• r N"WJlt•rt 110•111 ft l•I .I pl111 ,tfll\ "I l.'11 \\ 1111 .... 1, '~" l11i11 .. 111 '""'· rt .. 111111, ,11 .. 1\1•.I '1••1 r .. 1 1111<1 ttnly li:.l 11i.:111n,1 l11d11tl··d Ill llh' f1 ........ 11l f'l It ,.,,..,,.,, )•"lt'1·d1" ""''"' .111~1·1111 A. II"• k ~•'<Tt•tar\' nt thr· Jillllt' ••n· .11 ,. Ai.,.1•111111') 1~11111 1-:11 ii S t 11111!•) oC th•• 7'1th 1lt•r1111, 11mt -11r1m111• 1· .. 1mt~ S111M'"''H"' l nln (it'" (;.w. """ ( '"""'" t" 1111• I ~ 1111111 f n 1•hol1lf'r lumrrl w1•1•• 1\rntl"n .. ,n ch . 476: J. I 1\ ll•·"k, <ltil l\11 ~ IM1lw l11• An· 1ll'T"w~. •l .17 . 1-:11 rl \\' St unit·~', 410; .I II t.lt'N11lly. ·'111. 1.0111• W. lln1:.:~. ·IOh. Irvin ti•~·•·.:" t ;.1nk1n, :ll'IU. g,., 11n111111. :17!'1. n.orlllld Wrli.:ht. :1ti'i. l\1111'lon ll;•l<I, :~; ,l1wk l!m11t, :1tirl, .lolm M Alll'n, :1;111, H 1. 1•11111•1i;on. ~.a:1, Mri.. J . W I "·~·1 011, Jr , :\.YI A t 1r ,.,, ... (or· 1!\th 111111 \\'1•11111•11 C'11lkln~. r1trh with 11'1 '°"I"'" wlll pn1l11d 1I~ lw n•,.olv••d 1111~ ·,,111•nuH•11 hy In t At 4 I' m., 1111• ''ll)-1'>11111·11 w 111 1111.,•t In "l:M'- 1·1111 "'~"'"'' '" '<f'll Ir till' <'•11t('d '1 •1 l ~ .. I I pllt• ,. '"'" 11111111111: 1111 pli11·•·• "'' the 1 •• ..,,td l•11t d· 1.•.-11•11 \\••1t· lh•rh h .. 111\\ t,"• ~.1 .. 111 S r11ll•11ll, :1:.10, .f1 •h11 \'.11•1•1 ~1:• \\ 111111•'•· 1111rt11n , ""'· 11 It II•·•"' :1:~, 1;1·1•11:•' l.iml. ·1 ~1 .I 11 :\I di' '..'!.\ 'l\\p • Hltdld1d•'' \.\t•l't' \\'1 lttt•u hl •tit H I•" hH~lttt -. '11H•\ \4't•rt• 1-:tl \f, '"ti !"• 1111d llo1•~ I ;1•·1•l1•), I t1111,.1rt ' 11111••1 t .. 1 th. •1w•1'l11I 1•lf·1·tton t I 1+i111ttl~! H l10UI d ,,, fH•t•huhlt•f'i hC l•t I lhl' "'110'~ •• \Ho\··: I!'! Tl'l<St:u·~ U l<t•c; ~Totu: "" t'oa11t h.la:-hway "hkh "a" ltHtlt-d (If at ...... , SHMl(l In nurc·otk~. Ooori. on"'""<: \\1•r1• 11rll'd 01..-.n h~· fhf' d r111: thl.'\t''· ;>;'"''-'1'11111·-ph1ot .. i,:1•:1111 lf:trn 1 ... ,.... 1n \•..,t1i(a1Jn,;, orri ..... ,. "''i. 11 .......... ,)("I'"''',,, o1·Army Sgt Defends· T11n1 \J,~;:.1 1 l"ani:•· c o u n t ylR •' • • • • G()i» L'(,ONOMY M()VE '('0 SI l''L' ~' ~lu1h "tll UH\\ ••••• 1uul•1l'\\'U Y \\tll1 tl11• 'Jt<'Ull• lltl•·ttl 111 11lt1•i-ln1.c 1 I u. t' ti \ I h; H I '.' 'I. , ., i I\ h I• 1 r. •r 'he Ul•P"-&ht t1 l1·r11 t1f It t t i \' 11HU1UKttr ll_A 1 ... 1111 ,,f th1• 111111111·111nl 1:11v1•m111f'n t . t •tlu·r drn111t•·~. l 1t ltr11( In with Mayor l>lr k Urake'a ann.ounced In· 1 .. nt lun lo 11•fom 1 lht• 11drnln1Mt,... 111111 11f rnunl.-11111! 11tr11lr'll, wlll llk•·I\ lw 1·11nt•'lllfllllt"•I, 111"1•. "" 11 fw\\ •·hur ,,., I" tlr·u''" ltfl STATE DEPARTMENT AGAIN REJECTS RUSS HINT AT -PEACE TALK By R.H. NHACKFORO · \\ ASHl"SfiTOS, M•~· 18.-( l .1'1-T hf' "'"'" df'partmf'nf .for thl' 9'PC'Ond tlnw In a Wttk today rf'jN'tf'd lh 1""1a·,. Mlltl:"f'tltlun .. ''' ~tart ".-cc ta!k 11." In a fo r mal 11tatf'nw nt , UK' df'par fn'lf'nl d.-·rttw-ct P rMnlt-r .J•..-f Stau n·,. 11tat"mt'nt or hi" lnt .. ~t In J""•'"'" &1< "f'ncouraartnc :· hut an· nounred tha t tht-apN'UI•• '"'"1"11 ll"tf'd b)• St alin Wl'l"r not on .... t hat C'4lUld be nf"JCOtlatNI IM'tw.-en the t:nltf'd S ta te•" and tht-Sfl•·lf't ('nlo n a lonl'. Tiu' i~s111·s 1is1. cl I\\' s1:i11n w••rr·1 "'a)Jac Se \ho~: l!rO(M>Sf'tf It: lh;rrt p.11·1~ ean· '' e es d id111t· 11,.,,ir) ,, \\'all:•:. "11 :--.~.·~ j 'Rea) Peace 11 in 11n OJ>''n !Pt ti•r 111 s1:il111 \\a l· Jar ... ~ui:cc·st··cl lh•·m ,, .. ,, i. .• ~i~ or Off er'" from Sta11·n n1•i:nl1;it1nn f11r , nrltnc thC' "",.I S1,iJm l:~<t nii;ht arr1•pt1•d th<•m ''"I 11,\1.;L,\;>;l i ~I"' II' 11·1·• proposal,: for dl~C'11,:s1on. r1" nlli•t' ,1,,_,,j ~1;~1111 h;i-. Ill.Id " II Th<' sl;11f· dr•Jt:•r.tmt'nt lntl11\' t0<1k I "r•'o'il 11n1f!ltll'f11111n .. 1,.;,.•1· oll• 1 1 .. thl' s1mw po,;111<1n th at S1·•'r1•1:.1 ~ G '."1ri.:<' C ~larsh:iJI 11nnnun<'<'<I lw•I 1 S A :-.i Ffl.\S('l!>WO. Min lll.-\\i•dnf'!:cln~ wlwn h r rf'fw«•rl 10 "'11• 11'1') -l'rl'"ldf'ntia l c~dldal•• h'rln1n thr •0•«• 11f nt•i:;n11~t1n11 }"" ! Jll'nr,· A. "'aJlat·r C'hllrC""d to- '"'"''" Hu~s1R :rnd ''"' UnilC'rt da ,· tlust la"'t wln trr'" <"1tllfnmla Stairs 11lnnr on 1s~t1PS th.ti also <if-pown t1hnrtAtc'r and ,.....ultlnl{ frrt Of hl'r ('Olin I nl'S ' Un"'"11J10,'TIM'f1t "' ... A "P.(;,.(o •:: Tnd:iy'~ sl<ilrmrnt wPnf f:ir-1 drp~on .•. c't .. l lbf'r a t f'I V thc•r, n,ncl hlanwrt thP ~11\'11•1 U nion l'&Ulled b~· thf' monop<:11,· lntf'~- for (1iilurl' to rr11rh ni.:r"'•mrnl.< Mt..." on :Ill of thP 1ssw•i;. ltstl'cl h) S tnltn "'•ll1tN-a«C'UIW"d t hf' "\\all Jt Cif<'rl <'SJ'.)f'cially th<' qlll'Stinn nf St ........ t-mlllfa ry <'llqUf'" or ff'ar - COnlrol of ato mic cn rrgy. lnl{ t rur JN'IM'"e '""""UM' II "would "The d r partm<'nl hns r.1·t n thr und ermlnl' all t hf'lr 11lan" to prrss rC'pnrts o f a statrmrn 1 f)): 11hlM'k lf' thf' t'lMnnmJ,.,. o r m011t nf Prcmirr S talin in rC'sponsr tn : n the world to prh ·a tf' nnlUN'la l 'oJ)<'n Jct trr' from MT. Walln('('," lnt~h." the s t11trmrnt said . ---------------- •·Prcmi!'r S talin's opinion thnt th<-JM'Oplr of th<' UnitNl Statc.'I. 11 Pf•11r1'ful s!'ltll'mrnt of outs t11nd-rrc~idC'ntlal l'and1rtatl' Hmry Wal· ing problems is possibll' 11nd nCt'<'s-lat'r sa irl tndav. Sary in lht' inlCf!'SIS o f 11 gcnrral \\'lllJll<'<' sail! h C' was "nwr- pt'8CC' is Pncour11gin1,?. hut the whr lmrd" hy S talin'!> r<'Sf'On!IP tn h fs J)('llr1· pmgr11m. H" drscrihPd SJ)<'cific issurs listrd in Pn•m ir.r Stalin's stntcmrnt Are no t bil11teral lhr Sovirt IC'adl"r·s rrply 11s 11n of. iSSUl"S hC'tWl'<'n !his rountry a nd frr . by Rusccin "to sit rtown and th!' Sn\'iC't Union. find a way to l'nd thr rolrf war." "It is n rral :tml 1iPf1n1t I\'<' <if . "ThC'Y an• o f intimnlr and Mm-frr h~ Rui:.,1a to i;11 r!rM·n 11nd di~ Robert Braden Gets Commission In Foreign Service c·111n•na1 "''' :11i:::a1nr. 1 .. wortuni ussaan Wtf e Said r, ' ~r, ~'~:;.,i;:.,:~·;-~ To JJt.-.Mata Hari' HARIM)RS Bltt Sl4:14:MS DOOMED poinl ''' an addict ~<1t4' fOf narN>tics ~ ~r Jtll~Y. "'"' ~t:i) 1,. \L\-.l1J'\'1;·p 1~,.\f,I\ I" r1·1·11s .. 11 11 • .i .. ·1·1" T1111. 11 . ti .""" ( •n Apnl J~f, thf .. uff~ ''' ,..,. <; J t l f'P • -An ..-mi, ... '·' •Hf ii· •1•1 .. .;11 ... 1 I•• '""" tr.·f1t111,• • , .. ,...,,,. , ... it .di ,,.,. l•t111•···f, llH~hf ltt .. ··~ 1-. rrohtlL :;_ .. ·~· t•oa:$t Bhd .•. 3 ,t ,l.aN'd t•da1t •h: .. , 11 1, "'''" ,., .. 1,,,,,,. '''th. '' n i.1, '" .f1t 1 ':••• "'•'1tl1itl h11t 1t11• •••tJlll l'\ 1·•uili'I ,,.,, For ty-rtt::ht nffw<•r.,. "' tht-F11r-r 1f11'(1 l1ut " 'Ultt11)' uf nar<'Ot-Rl&!.1an ,.,,,; ..... '" tlf• "'""" , ....... ,,.,,,, 11" ·11'1•1"1"'"1'"11 ft1r .t11 .... 1 lq "" tlt1•111 '"' ,,, n rl•·· r1..:11 S1'r\"jC"'t• W••rr ;t\\·;u11t'ft ,~nrn~ \\;t~ Hp11an--nt l~· un•·tUt"'hrd. JIDllllf"'t ~'fr w1wv · than •t• .ifh '"' '" ir l h••I • '1'1'"1 •11111 tH•'•" nnd f•,11 ·r '''' '"'"' th•• •'Ill 111 It 11 u n11'''"n!-h, ~•'('ri•t:tr\' of !'tali· ,.;u rl Jlo\\c:>n•r . 1rnrr;.<dU!t .. I)' folin. •rr w tu.1 rho'· t '\ 111""'111., 111 .. 1 1••r' t• • 11111: l•l"J'''''' 111 1111 IMll I• 111 1;,·or~,. C ~11tr-.. hall ltt • .. r<•n•m .. n\ mi: lh<· hn•ak-1n llM-n-;-1hc ~ ''"'" !Lil)'>' I A'"'""'"~' 'I"" t1•tl 1 .. 1. I ""'"' •h•• ,..,,,..IPlri-1~ "1 h " 111•1•1 111'1•·1•11 h,.lrl af !hr' rt1•partnw nt ,,f st1itr 11~-at Tohill'~ ofhr. "'1th1n approx• TM"h ~.:I J.,1111 1 "" ' "'"'.'"" 1'.l.. s .. n t 'l\d .. I<""" 1111 '""'I' '""' • "" "" """" th1· <fr•)'. Comm1,.~tnn' o f J>inlumu1tc• m;ilf'I~ four mm •h<, pclli<-o• assur<I Bin·.__ 1 ,. ,. 1'' ""'1'1 "1i 1< "·'"' "111• Ii "'""" '''"" -11 .. "'" t •111\\ "' ll1111r l"'l1t1111ll\ 111111 ,, l{tMllM un. ·' • ,, .. t. "' '"1 ''71~)i\ ·""" .•• ., ... f+tll It.ti k I·• j ••fUl fHI • ,, .... tf11tu '' f t I St''T"• ary nnct Vtf~f\ C''un!'-uJ "''''n" :• "':tr-nine 1o f,ft\,.lrJ#t~ .and druv thr arni) ~roHn(I ~·· ,,.., :.J '' lo•d ''' ·h·r .. to tit fn '''' H·•• 'ti. rt1•• • . •11 ''' run\,. ,•,1" ::;,~;:;:,. •,'";:.';."" 1• .. nf,.rn•fl 11p11n ·11 Fnrr1L:n S:·1Ylf''•' L:llil s to i:uiird 11..-ir drui: suppht"' m itt ho> t1 I f ( t ' rt', ~··•• h• "'·'' ·~•1r t1•1fl "'I•'•''""' 1t•••l1h·d '"If, f, ,.i 1 .... ,, d "' tl1•· l1·1·1il "'':1Jodn1•,-.'1 ul 11 1<""1'!> an• o n•• F11r••l,t!'J1 ~ .. n ·wl' 1ori~ and diari.:rir•·~l 111 .. 1 •It• • 11.111111 .. 11 111.111 1;1111u'\ Jc -. 11 .. ""'"'i ,, .... ·n ·,• t1ff1i·1·r. rtn<t rutnmJ' ... i...tun" of J Ch be • ........_~ r. am r In -.-.. .nw~-nt laht·ft-vt t11' ""'''' t • 1l1n ' 1 • '' t., •• •• ~ lfltt'•'tnn1f101,.. ,_1'1''1'\ i••I fl1, ,,,,, .. ., •• ,111111•111 ,.._ki ,, ,. '" \'11.,. t ·(•ll'lll 111~,n i;" F11rt'l",n l • t I " "lft:°tf·"';t.;4~J·f tU•ft\• ''''l•t (•\ th, h1J(id U'U1o1lh ,.11d ld11tt ''' lu f .,J ,,.f';°H11J tt 1I f1,f tl••"I ~(·I\ ..... s•;"' "rr.n·r" D . G Ou . . "" nve to et t ·s~·5. t .. :uaf tlul . I I .tdt111''· •'I,.,,,, "' . II! I,,., ·I l11U 1111 ~ rt. •• 1 t111I .,,,, I l \1 I '"'" ,.,.,, ... ,, .,, .. , Anton~ HH' n(f11·1'r" rt•~P1\·1nc f h•Jt in rh• •~t~ht ~,. 11th, I ·•I''• ,,.,.,,,,.1 I•\ tti: •'1 •1"''1 '''" ' .. , •• '""d "'" ~ ..... ,·1 11"( /ft, 'l'lw r 11mml>-Slflrl'-\\II• n .. t .. 'rl <; Hr;i. Vote for Primary_ ":~fh h···r '-h•· J'~•\· • u11t1 tf , .. ,., •ttll1ft1 IJ1t 11.111 ~ I ., .. ,. 1lltff, •. ,, •• , •• ,ll ... '''"'""''•'•' <fen. lftlO \\'1•1.tt ftr•e•;.en F n-ln l • ..., "'"'!' •·\••n int•1 '••l '' .,:' l •+n1•-.t i t 11 ·.1,.,l,, 11 •11 •••I •l••f•••· ''''"'''"' '" f<•·-·tl •11111r Hr:td1·n . \.' hu i'\ :!~ y<-il r~ nld. '" . • ,,. , t. ,1' , , ,•, I ,, 1111., 1,11 "ill I I n '-!t':u-hHt1•· i1f Sr11nfnrrf u111\·,., ... ,., F.-:1rl < "PJll"f"~r·urh r•"'\•·..-.f·lf '"'itl , "fnmun1'' ~•1\e..tlua....i..., "'' ,, ' 1:,.,1 •. ," ( ~' ff and · 1•t1·'11 ,. , 11 _. 1 1 n , 1 11· .. · ''1· "'' • r. 11 ...... ~ 1 . 11" .. 1, 1e \11..i1 :in<I nr ,,,,. Sr hrN!I 1.r ,\rl\'11111., ... I n ••. "'·""'I • I ........ •111 . 1' ':\I• I ··p.ir111 ... '·•l•I ·I' ' I tttrru1t1on:-tl !'11tr11~ .• t• ~ :\1t\\ tit < on1m1·rvv· h;c' untl-··rt;.k•n •·r} m1,,.-t1 '"'•·r, .. ,,,d "'I ~··' fl'I •"' ,1,111 .. ,,, •.• t l111rn t•'"" •• t fl ' ,,,,,.f '" 'lttM '~w.•~;.c •f Jlt• l' ni<trn,•d · ,,.,,, v.ui• 1:1mi•1.t•n t•• 1··t ,,.,. t t It ,~:.Jl,---.-f ;, ,,.,.,.1 ,t .", ••tf . 11 \ "'" for I h•· Jtm•· I I"''""'" °'" S1 t t \P f•nn1n11~ ... p 1n\,. \\t'J t • Pl•·.~(•nft\d r • fF)f ;t~ rin.· 11 11 I • ' i i ,, ,, I•\ :--:r•r·n •ftlr'\ .. r ~1 111" ,,..,.,tt:tJI, ,. ... _, .H~1twrt "''!'t• n. ;; C" ,.. ,,.l '•·r ,.,•ltl• r :-trtl1\ ,, q ' •"" t. -,,, "''1 If Ii\ <'hn~t 1an .\1 H.o\11dal 111 Ir"' •11r 111 ( •11n11:• •I· I \I 'r l • rlr•I ha' 'mt.'"' I ' '" \I,. rl'l'lnl . I r· I L· '".rt n ,,,n, .. f (·~.unn;u1 ,,, ft1• •1'"• f M -;;fn<I fl, __ ,! >\'111. \',, I· L:• f1PJ':t 'I I • ,.. .,, ,.,1.,11 I -~· ",,.,., """"""' I' ;\la r-tin. •II-"11m• w1t11 ;, ,.,,.,,,,,,,, .• ,,., • t • llOPES t:P FOi( M~:AT STIUKE ENI> I~ SPIT}~ OF LA T~:~T flO ltEFl SAL ' "•'-" J•,, r•-('tn 1 1•ft 11·1• Hf 1l1•· F t11·1 IJ.,:11 !'r1"'\- tf+•'. (;;tt"l•'I ~1 ,\4·k· , ... ,,fl ,, I hi· t I F1°11·1i.:n ~ .. 1' '"' IN'l 'onn .. I :1nrl I 1r \\'1lh:im I' :O.l.1rlrl11\, d1r.,·11or nf tlw "'" •'kll In ... ,~ all , ... r" A lft·p ,, .,,,. '" .. ,. I. I t i '1• "·''' ~ .. , ..... " '"' I f \ t J j I f lq '. 'I ' • • ' J "'' j •.rv .. nr.rr • J\nt•f1• .,, lilt• \'., , •• , ;,di• J ,1 '" • ,. ,,,11 j • I I I I ljftildl ""' ••• ,, • •Hlltll• td ••fl \II ho nnd It --" ....... . of to "' n -rwo •. ,.· 4•• ,_ I. ma~· .....,,. for \B4'J:~n:t R \1.1.l•Tl" fram liar ._.. .. •·lr rtt. ,.....,nt) '"*" ..._. "b.n ta An._ n... .._.H_ fotr ,..,._ Af'IJlk-at"-... t ? -· ~a,. !'; F"11r•·H!rl Sr•n "''' Jn,t11 u1•· ''''" p:111 w1p:t11ni.: "''F" 1..11.rt"n'" :\t 1 ·r:t,\ lur. ,., ..... ,.._.nn1 dJr111·t•H •. J lh•· i l-'111 1 11.:n S1·n ·11· .. ln ... 1111111• 11n•fl·1 I ~\ h11-.1• rJ11·1·1·t ll•n I h" 1,:1 llUJI h ;1d fl .. l'<'l\'<'rl 1 1:.inm~ ;,nd 1n ... 1n w1111n fn t ----------------- th•· 1111•1 •:1;:ht \l•.,.J<,, 1111d (1111Jm. \'1rg1I .11,.k<S.·n . Th;•t• lv·r \\..rt•, •·r, Tl \\ P•~t on• 111 lhr n•·v. I_\ I l1·nn Bram· rrl :--: .. nn:.n <, ,,, 1 · rnnnni:-.""1nnr•d n(fic· .. r~ "hn n •pJi,.,I J L ·sc:,1111, ~tn~ f-fl\o\ ,., ,, H•' l ~· ,., r .. r 'hf' g roup ~on .1 P,q·,.nhns.: "" • ··ni1.: .. n 1 II···''· • 3 7 N~~ I "'~~rt ... 1111m<' 101,r t•N ••f "'·' , . , NEWS ITEMS 11rc a nir:11 1"n 1n "''r •111101•<11 1• ·• I I"" th;1I llw r 11 171 n• "' 11 .. • • • m11n1t) t:.k·· an ;ir 11,, 1 .. ,,. T 0 D A y th•· '°'"'"'1••n" "''h wt. ..,.,,, .. 11~· .. rr •• · ft th<·m f111r '""'• 1, ''' ..,,. H,,., 11• st·n~<'RIRERS Who for any r r a"'n'!..!ln not r ,...,..,.,. thf'tr rflPY of t h,. NrwN-Tlm"" 11r•• a."''°" '" rail llarbor 1737..J hrfor r 6 :i!\ 1>.m . A r·op y w111 I\•· .. ·nt r l1thl oul. ISMIDt: \'flf,.r< rof !hi~ ;,rt•:t liTC ml••"""" on I ht• Jtr•rl tni•nt f 'tl'f'-tof f ;trf aro•! 1•\'t•ry ...i,.,., 1r.n •''-''r ar" pul ling th• r1 'l~·C'' 1111'1' nn I h1 m:.n~ '•r;·:•n't .. i'•·' 1 In ''"'" I•; iu.,, Iha! th• m-·m'•-. or 1 ht• m t11\ 1t111a I , ltJli" ~· • n • : m •·m l..-r, In t h•• 1~111\ ·I \11 \l1tt1n ~· 1 '•I f,, ' .j,. i" ' I " I" i I , ' t ' ' "Hr • 'I • Ith ·~-\\ll•"' ', ' \l . 'I 1• f lt ft I·' ,, I •' ,, •• ,.. 1111 \.\1 I • l f10 t11 !+ ••t it I 11J .i ftlf l• t'I ltf \I 1, I 111111• I 111d 1• ,11 lfil' 11 1" "~' ''"'"'1 r1 111•h• 1 •• \\dltnp h 1 f • .fqi'• ,,. •It "',,.,, ,,,, !I :11t 1 1 .. , h dit ,..,.,, ''···' H .... ,, • I·'. 11 ... , I+' II t !I " ptl .. jij '••I t~1t1• .,, ,,, H 1 t11 d· ... ,. I' I I '• i : q j t • h d , .. ti, f1·f, h•r ·•O'f f•t•atn•d ~·, thi'-\ ,, ,,.,11 ,1 ".,,~, '"f ,,, l••••P~1 •llH l 1;1 1d11d llrljl1ttl•f l1 ll~1h•' 1 11t1'-I 1f • t ;,f'Tt" \11 ,1 f ·.. Iii ntmtr) B1r.,n1'<h "><1<1 I" "' Iv \\ht,I•· Illini: 1 .. 11 .. 1 l•I -1 k,,,_ \k~tdlt 11 It• "" If '-a.\ an th,-. ;um_; ,..tfwrqf r .. •H "'"'1" 4>f'>r .. f l•·fl ll•l''ll• Ill ,,,.,.,, . ,_,._.,; Jfr ~•'1' Olit ,., Ilk• .t '1'11•' • J "''"It t1"1) "'htt tlu1:1'' • 1t . r.,, ., .... And .... '"' hi'< wit·· 1. "'I' •II ti•.ft"'f'W"¥"f'f S.1\"t1 f :l["'"' '~!111fll •' -"'·' lndiJ?n•tnl .. \\.hy, t ;,.thn:l n•·\"''t ,,, •th 1101• ''lcM'.i fnl• ;ttWHJf fh• t I 1f• I ,\ 111 ....,)' dut~ H1•·n· ·· h·· <.~tt•! h• ,. ,, •J.«f a'""''"''· jrilly i.:1rl :.nil ~ • 1 .. • lonr; f1nr I 1·a n'1 unt1•·r'<f ru11I ''"' Prior f n th•>tr m •• rTP•~'' ~1 r ' '1•rnnish v.·:.tt. A ""ll•'r .• ntf •t "" • 1 .,,h A Ru_ .. ~1;.n hallrl 't d J • I 'I ' I \\ • ' I ~ • I ~' • 11 It' I • • t 1 I· . I 11 I ; I"' " I ' .. f" ' I ,, , 11fr' , 11 . 1.11 I r1IIII1l 1t f f f \\ 111 ' • I • I• f 11 'I ••f1·1•hun•· I I•• f 11• ,,,111 .il.t • X, !111• ",, f '+o1i1,,j,i; 11 ,, J1h t1ffl f 'I lftd tilt , i"''"'''"'' .. ,,,.,, .. \\ 111I •1, •·J 1\1n1·1 I 1t • "' 11. r I t 'fu J .J•;t tf;'+l11tJ1t11fl l "" 1'.1 •ltlf I 'H•tt11 tl fh 1• ftt t,,I lf-1}4 I do;• •' 1 111' I, 11fd l .JI I f-11 ff 11 H, JI 'J t l1•ph'llli t •I , ,,. "' f J I f. ,, i IHI'"''"'' '""' ,,. ' 11 ,,, ., ,,, 1•)'l l'f'tl I• 111 flt.I) 1\1 1 .1 I•!•.' ti ' ; .,, .,,.,I fllfl j••h\ l•I U 1111111 111 f1q •1lt1• 1 I 11" 11 11 1 I ' I"•" d f,,, "' lfl1t1t' rt11 d 1 l''''' I•• I H n•111rhutd ltu 1~··11 K)1>.l1·rtt rt t ,,q ... \-'lol~•r 1!J'•f1•l•'•11IJi+1 ill·r ,,,,.,,lfl1d IH I '"ttt1•tl11tf1 "';H'' "' ot l •• ~I d"l lflt' q ,, ''' , .. , ,,.,qltt 111,f f('1inl"H•••d t>n f 'UJ.!1-. 41 BANKS HIS 50 CENTS )N MOU TH : 'RIDE' AT PIKE DOES RE ST : FLY WARNING ' FOR SMALL CRAFT I • rS II°'' ;1 I ,1-.S. :\l uy lk 11·1·1 llt• htUt .111 ..... ..i ..... 11 l .O !'lif, Ht'.Af II, C 11L. "'"' IM -ti 1•1--lohn IC '-'•ulth, It\. "'""fJ ''"'' "''"""lrr:' flt l\o\fl fft•U• I'' ' t11wt I'''''" ''• t _,''·.,•"'di 1u1td I ""''''''"· f 11J . 1tloln't "11nt '" lo-· hi• hlllf 1fult11r \\hllr h •• Ill )•'" l•o<lll\' foot. " •1.tnnlnl rht1• ''" Uu· 1.tJ..•· 'I lu f,,, •'• ·•"' v.·11, f;•r \o\'t•'1!1i·r 1.-. ....... niacht . \\Ulfl~ ,,, .. 'I• ,,, :v• ""''''4 HU t1•nU pellini; intr r rst U> m nny <'otintrirs c-u~,: our liiffl'!'f'nc·es .. an .. h11"" hl'<'n undl'r n ri;:oti;,tin n .. 1 h bl rl ;\1'111r11·• ~t :1nl••\· A~k" \'• t." for thr ru;~t two vrar!' or morl' in am um (' 1111 J..'T'•tt!'flll 111 n :wk i 'h1ll111~ 1• .. 1 .. , "Thr ,JunH•f I llamlw n''" M• tu v.1·11 av.;u,. t1f thhr ltt•k •f .. S h,. .....,.s ""' ••nly 1,..,,1111(•1 Hr• lf)lll lw-11 u11ful R•"~'"" Ktrl I · ,,, .,,,, ... t>u• 5hf· "'"' "'" '"' r •ll\ • '"Tljriy'-d h••r r·11m1.:orr11.n,J 1f' rr•111 di-al." hr ll&.ld ... .. ti•· '·"'' 11 in 111. "'"""'·.I ~11 1 ..... 11, '""'11:•·1 ~ .. Uacudnac H \\•tUl•I tu· ""''.. 1 '-!1,q1f., 1 n t ,d d1HfliJt r··q.•,1l•1tl ,.If · . hr "" in~•rumrnt in th1~ 1•1·1s1s 111 ., • -1~·r1• n1•1 · lt h1 • s.:t th bodw~ wtw ri• 11lhPr rnuntr11« arr ,, .• ,.1n 1 I I 1 · · •· <"o"ta l\t••s;, ;\f11 lrt•n 11 .. ,,rt ... :-;1w .. 11 " '' ' '' ""'" ., . I n g >l'Pn a , " to 1nni: •• ht .. 11 , .. r •• '" ,.,.rl •• , ... vr· •• ,, ••. r~prC'S•'ll lt'd, Slll'h as th1• I n1t1•<l thtl> nfff·r r •. r 11 M''tl lr•n1f'nt flf ()tr ,., .. F .. rum 1'111.:• r. ··n!l1•1•11i'm n .. ~ ''>TTJTl ..... ,,,;. l'\1111nns :incl. t hr r·n11nr·1I pf fpri n:n diff,•r .. nrr1. · hr '-Bid in an ,.m/ .. \11•h•11 11r tllf' F n1 1n1·11 nh.:;d '" ,11, ""'P' '"''''" :ont1 ,.,1. , ., m 1n1str r s , l)Onl1I \'OJ('f• Sp•;," F r jtf;t~ f',ti'• '· •1lrS1 t J!l'•f • ... _,. ,., r ,. '1 r• . "F or •''lam 11l" lh1· 1·:-; :.tnm il' _ _ _ "Sh .. wnuMn't ,.,, n I tlk l•·l•••· 'llh 11'\1• ~"'r"''"' I "''•111•1 •· II 11• 1 1.,. .. 11 hrl'I'' "'I~ r 1•1r 1 Ii• ,\ · 1 · • •f\••rnm• nt v.n' ,,.tf 1. "'T:tt#i ,.,,.,111 t~· ,,\' t,. t 11 It "~ Uurhtlt th•· rl•I•· h•-..... ,,,,,,\ ''''"'"''1 k•·11rlli1i'lt hrn ~",."'''''""''if ---.....' I"'•''"'' "Jt1• J'i•1•H\'I rn.1'11tt1•1tia I••·• l ur~ "itifl hr \41111111 t .... >tit ~ kl 11; '" • •"" I fu '""' .. ~~··•"" l•t\.V r •tr.! hf I 1 1 J • •fl C...1; ri1t.1 ~. ·rm· f'lf 1 nit 1•111J,' 111" "" ;;nlln-1111•·•· 111 ..r1 .. ,•1 IHol 1111111: rnr n 1·1ty __ _ n11t111i.:•·1 11111, "'"'~' th11I nrvlln- 11111·,. WU\ IN'"'"'ll 11)' \'11lt· "' th~ 1•11 )' 1·rn1111·ll. It 111 1IM'mNI "un- t n111lwurthy". Laguna Beach Jt.,iMherman N ahhed ( )n Rad Check De.al I J IS /\N<;t·:1 I·~" 1\111\· JM t lll'I '"l"wo t11•1fl1 \4't•r •• Hf J ''"''"'' «••tNy t>n 1 ~1111pir'1•111 11( f11r1t"l'Y 11lt ••r f)l•llt"t' ,uut f ht1\' t f l•1d to ,.,.,h 11 t·tuwk "-••I flit It ,.l11h11 ,J 1<1• 1111111~1111 !It 1111tttly- d1 , ........ ,1•1 I 11~11uu HPtt•'h fi~l1t1muan . u11d 1111""11 I. S l1wlrl.111I. :•7. W1·n• pi1 l<1 ti 1q t t., f 1111\ I f f'-11 \ dt•lt'1'f IVl'.H \'fttt ' dd ft1• 1\\tt \\1•f1 ff1H"4Hll! t ltr 111t111d " "'''"'•'tie fl'\lllJ' to 1'1td1 thf' 'fwi h 1!11 11 "" "" . "'" l('llit '11111111(1· 1tf1 ti 1111 hd h• 111• I tll \1t•t1IUJIU , ... "tdil\ 1:11\1· ht111 ,,,,. 1·tJ·"' k 11rld fl11 t111•I '''k• •I ' .. 11ul•J11t•I 1,, f1•·lt• l1trn , "'Ii 11 Sailor J(eclines In .Jaitas .Judge Drives on Speeders ·n., •. ,. 11 .. ,~ 111 <'1•\ j1111 11 11• 11.,. "''"'t·PI• _. ,,.,.,,.,, n11t Ii\ t .,,\ .ltut u•· I 111 1 n 111 .. ih:• 11 '" 1 ·1i.11 l1·• t '1dvln 1111 II 11 .. 11 I" iw11t lf1tfl It ="111V\I 1111111 •latlflrtt•tl Ill .So111 I •11·~:". \\'I,. 11rn·•f••tl M11\' :1 for 'I" •'•11111• "" I '1111•1 hl11hw11~ IU'IU' f ·r •I or111 tl1·I 1\1111 I J, plr.,,111•11 l(ttllty ll1i-111111111111• "" d1uri:••q r,f 1!111nv. H~, Jn IJlt' rt~t rt1dt1 711fH1 lll11<'h!"tt K•iltl II•• '''Kl •·ftl'fl Mt·nd - ini: thr ~nll11r 111 J11tl 111•1•1111~1· It w1111l1I kf'l•JI hint 11vrr lr·11w· from 11 ... N11vy M111tlo11, t.111 tl11it h1· w• il1·1t·r111lt11•tl fr, 11111\l~lt •1•·1·d··rH on l•11•1tl ~lrt•<•l11 lltllJ 1111:11\\fl)~ JIAIJ "'u~ 1 h•· t111nt ~1"'"11 fu\\ 11!11·111lr•r '""I '"Jail t.y lll•"h:..tt 1111~ w1·rk TRA YYlf' f 'ITATIO~ H••h'••r .I l-'.111 I\', t:ilil ,\ll111111ur J Ir IV• ll11 lho11, \\I;~ l'lll'd l.1· Jwoll1•r• '' .. 1, 1·d11, fr11 ~1w·1·•J11w 1~1 in lhf' :~. 1uru • a t 1;•th ,,,, .•. , :1t1tl <···ntrnl llV"lllW . 11· I' 111 ,,,,,~ ... ,. t11 1•11y f'lf'J,, r--111 v :•.1 f I I I t 1h• ''"mmlln1'\ " ,. ;,· ., • " ... rnrri.:~ l'•)m m1,<1nn .1n1 11." !<II 11 •'nl·1 * Weather & Tides * l..O('AI. narr: .. ·~ ''''"' .. r q ,, .ltmt••r ( . .,,.,, ·-. •m1ttf't"~h:l\11 htld ••\1r.'!t ef'l n11 •' T,1, .,,, ••••• , 1,,, flu''' lni:" ;11111 th• ' .. n1m,,,<1 .. n j11q \• ,_ IA' ,\111.:<'11• .. """ ,·tdnlt,\: 1':111 I~ I",. ,... I i • • "" " I r•, I'''"' ·1 , ..... '"' ,• .fr t,ru"h ~:tlrl ,,,) '-11•'1 ,,. \\ ,, ,, I ft f, '''• (ft;rrJ f , .. v.d, h•,• 11r NAVY WILL PUT 30 SHIPS IN MEDITERRANEAN ... f 1"'rrl"l\ f• pnr,itl 1ts 1n·4J.llll~ tn r•JnlHh ln d,.I\ ;u 1d fhnu:ht \\tl h lt ,. , ,, : t ', ,, •t if \• 1,d ~ '', U • '•'"'• rr·;1rh. ,1n nc1·,.·n1•·nt J,, .• .,.u,. n f r .. , .. "l•f'ntkl·... I H(';dl~ \'Ind\ ~·.1,'.','.' •"•' ,,. 'i ,. ·i.~: ·I ,,11• ·1 ( f r 1101,' t.1od.1"i .ind f;1na.:h1 .. 1t t , 1 ·ff "' ·' ,,, 1h<• nrlumant OJ'i"''''K1n " l\\n '' ,,,,.I'd t•ltu1 .,.,, ....... \\' f 'I ,: ·Vi • ' I ' "' A it~ m • mbr·r~ •h•• ~n\'IN l'nion :inrl '' 1"' ':1,i •. , , , , , ., \'r~t,.Nlll~ Toda\ 1 I" 1 ' t•kr:111l• 1 .. p1• 1 ~1,AI• \\hir h "'•'rr lli.:h 1,,1 1 II\\' · : • .! 'r 1 •·1 t '' t fl \I-. t .R \fl t . 11 \IU a r"C"f"IJif ,ltlt i 11 'h•' , lh•·r ntn(·· f t· T1t1f't "' .. olj)t ,.d tn ,.,.Qe-t of occ.u~~,,,,. I ·t • , •• 'v,. #<. • '' ' tlonc: n:pr• sr n ''"' 11n 1h1· r-t,mn.i""-L ight t1g t11tt ~ <' •• .., "-o u•,., 1, ,,.., 1 , ... • • • !\Htn ·1 1" :1· ... 'M 11 1'• 6 :1 ~ d to!••• ~11 ,1 I. t'"' ! •h•t A 1.;1nl1lar· '-tfu~tinn t)Ci!its \\Jth ·1 :? ''' ;"\:'\ 1 :::~ 11,:~1• ~1; • • -,','"i..':•'\, '! . .''''•,,•n;! rrg:.rd 111 nlh• r 1•~11··~ nw nunm rt \\' l'l fl :V1 I".' I).( 11:1~ 12:'!'1' 7 '" 1 " ·r, · • " • · ' • 1 " " in P rr•nl11 r S'nlln q s t rt'' mrn1 ·· I 11 :.! n :l ;; 7 CJ ·1 ;!:;,~~ ~;.•,·,~:.'· ~·~~' ~ '' j," ~;} ,/';1 ·• '·• 1 -. '· I 1 ,._ \ » • ,J I I ,,,,~ • l • ' t .... \\. t1'• J 111 .,,, ,, :·' .1)' \ ., •• , r-t •I ~·i •fl• r tui. ·•' t• •ttj :-. ff1.:.:,'V.'"'"'' fin• tJ ~I •• ••oda) \ •' t ... ., ..... , ., y, ,, .,,.,,,,. ,~.t, '. ' •'~• f, 1r ~ ~ r •. 1. , · • I'' A~TI tct:U Ult.I. I l'llf I l 1 \\.\"'flt',l;'f'li". \l o ·ri, If '•" , ,t ,1io • •,1t ~'ir..,,. ~.: , kj11 tt. ti tr, r ir r. 1 ·,1..,.~nvJ· l 11 •I' • · . I · t~rk ''• ,,,, •.11 ,\•t 111 \ '"""" "'1f1ltt,d h ,. t ''I .,,.,,)' ,, ,, l it't+• f 111 1r . , I• I I i' I ·• t l j ! I \I I I• JI I• t I " " ,, ,, , ... •I .1 I t I ··11· t '" ,it. \ti d 1'• r I, ••1t1f"'"' d of 1"4 "'"'''· tf1t•lud1t1~~ 1, 1 I l •i1 ,.,,,, I' •tit• f1.1J1 "'''''•\'I'« \\l1wh Jo1n~! It •I I " ... : O I ,,,, '''·" ,,, •llll .. '"'" ,,, d.Htt' ,.,( \\·. ~ ..._ :• .•• ''''""' ·'''" .. I· 1 '• h111• JI• 111 11 nl• 1 f11 11 111 \\ fl·• I ttl l.1 '-l11p"' \viii hr• ;'• , , ti 111 J•il\ .,,1 ,,..,, .1ttd 11 ••I !)•'' pr .. ~··nt "' '' • \I 1 111 1 j ~ 'UI"" .'. ''.' n 1·f1tf•"" '\iJI 11.1\• 'f'J1d \\ill f11{tVP ' 1 (di' fl fl1tl!I llll f ' ·'"' ~ t ' i.J II 1 ''''fl) ll1 11( lfJI' ~1• •llf,'ll~Hf1111tr1 1J1 11 'h q,ti I·' plj11 •I 'll""• fl111' 11t If• ,.fafJ1'! ~.1 11 11 1 tl1Ji11IS'l1 11\trl•ll \•I ' \\JJ l1 I' ,, d l l1'1!flt' J•'•'•~t fn lt r1 jt.f jl, I!, 11 1 \l1 1J1 ltffotUt•ttrl fh•f•t ....... tl.1 11 \\Ill l1o ."1 ''""" i" lht· 1 .. ,, '''I• I l•l·•I • lo.t :11 11· :-v..1r r 'I It•· .\I• d tt• r11t11"1tn l ll·t'I IH r10~ u1•·11 fru 11"• .J1111•• ,l•tll' lnlllll'll\'l'rs . Largest Nuniber Eligible for June l .vote p_,e 2 N £W fORT BALBOA NEW8-TIJIE8 !\lay Ill, 111411 MO~DA'' !liewporl, lk.ach, ('aHf. Restuers Carry 10 from f-0ke Plant Blast Scene ~~~~~~~·~~~~~~ l;>emos Lead; l.P .P .'s Have Only 13,618 . .New, Oid Worlds Swing Together I POLICE ~OCKAoes· llLLEGAL, RULE 1:2 ND 1 Ur.;A."l;Gf:LES.llA\'l~ 1L'P 1 C'ontaint>d C'On tral1etnd orthatoccu- P.,1 .... Mr;('kado.,.. .... 1 11p ''' catl'h pants \"iolated laws. 11 • "'T 1JT'ttft(I~ .11·• lfl•-1: ti. tU.!o.flf ... •1~ tl f " .. . '• ~·~ .... p .. ., s•.;· ,. :. ' I• FRONT P A<~ E \I '\ i" • l '" I : "'"1"1 "" 1 111 E -·A R .: L 11 I h1 1·11+ f • - y :i ·-· .. .: 11 fl I \I ,1 t ' .... '"' N-E-W-s \\ f ' ,~k ' I • ' I ' I f .h~t Training gi,·~ins for !\larinc ~ 'orps ~Iechanirs \1 1:\\11 :0-1·• "" '" .. •I j .... 1 ,, r• .. 1 1i1.:1 I' t jd '· d11 • II I ' • I , .. ,. tt1 Ht I• ,p'\ • f ,, ' . •I I 11 ' I I ir • : • • t, 1 ' t n · , \ 1>' vt,...j I ,, 1 111d ;11 11n'• 111rt'• 1tl I'' t •• d f•1 I I : ' I•' n 't .. , I+ If \\ l' If rll •I 1f f I f1.'ltl1-.. \\Jll !11 i.'lfll ft, I ' ill ! ~· ... r .... 'II .... 1f. \\ 1 ' 11 t t111t1r•J I II\\ li11 \I.tr Ith .... t L11 ud ... 11 'n• t • ' I 1 I !. '•I h."•,.·l , ""·'I•• ~,.,, ,1 ,1 r~11, ~11ld 111 II \.\1'' .111 •tl1.ti'•I iud11111 " . 1"1" ... .,,,..t'•f .... !n1 1t1H'1d 't•tl.1\ tH 1111 1·11,t ~1 .t ln•llifl••I \\1t1° .'111:, \t111 f1•n111 • In n, 1\u \\'u1\-' Pu~1!11·'1ut•111u . .c1t'1t1 ,1 .. 1 111.1 J '-:'l•• •1·< l'•i••lfi111 •."...., TRUMAN PONDERS I • • 'II ' I" 1'. ,,, ' • I·, ... -.. ·. I",. If, p,111 .di p1.dd1t d u 1,·1•f\1t11C'S 1111111 ''• ,.. •,""it t•1r' f Arme Tru~J nr Chaim Weizmann, world fa· mmL~ z11mlst leader, waa eleci.ed fi rst President of the new Jewilb l';tnL!' by a general Zlonlst Oouncll. Dr We11Jna nn, 73, la a chemta al tnt.cm atlunal reknown &Dd bM twcn Prestd1•nt of the World Zion· 1st Ori.t:1 l'f7i1 llnn and the J ewllb ARMS FOR ISRAEL ·1 • ""'' 111 1 .. 11.11 t)lr' "' 1••\\•' I"' 1 . .," 1o111I :r;; I" 1 • ""' 1: .. 1 .. .i,. \\~\;-'fU '\,·t;'n 1'\. \J i\ 17 1t 'f •, q• ... \\dl Ji, 1t1ir11d ltt1d1·1 Hl 111 _.1 -Pt•......,.d .. r. r~ in ,t11 .il11t1 lHdl\ h 1I•• Uh1ftll'11Jf"\ for a J1t ttod ·~1 l~1 It· I , •• , .. ,. 1'1t•fl"' 1n1h~d1tl .,...!.d ,.,,... l J'l' ... u.~ r f11 the• qq1 ... fl••tl t1f 1 I \\f I k~ .. flfl-d llJHin ~r;1du:1IH1'fl J11i1lt1ht•1 " 1111 ,, t. -j ••• , l•lh• I 1- A.mrn• .tt'I -tfrt,f11rth.-f1r•\\ 1J1•\\J .. h '''''" ·111 ...,,·f11111I, \\111 tw t1·ftJ1111·1 I j ,11,,,11 7;11'"', tt1l d··l·t";f 1.,,,,r,. f.1.--T,_,,,,...., F·1r"fJf' rind ,\11\l'ritn • 111 r n-'I ume. nnylUl)'l !!t'1 tOG!'lhPr i.t a folk ch.Doe !· 01\.ol 11..td at St,1111 .. ru Unh·er~ily, Cnllfonua. ,.1t.b 2 000 pillrtXi · ;1 1.·-. and 1i.s m .111y ~fll'l'talors. Elht'f·TUrnrr llf San f'rantL'<'I>. m t "''""'II l'<»t11nw, 1:1k1'S n turn w11h. R "r R<"<'I of Slln J.-. C·all.f . JIUlt' •1t l!r.1• I 1,. ~l.11111• t'1oq1« Air S1..t1 .. 11, 1-:1 1""·~·1:1 ~tLPrll'•·, n thP r.:-u1 •• r rh·· ,,,.,,. 1 •• , .. ,\itd111on .1I '"·••11••' \\tJl lw 'fh, ,, ._., .. r1,,111 ,11 1..., , •• 1 11, , I• 1 c;t..rA-•rtm•'1 ' ·~ut ,.,.n~n· ...... tnn.d l•t1 · ... ,,.of t11r 11.011111'-: 111 ,•1,..._ .. ,, IH t 1 n tl1 "'•H h 11 1 11d •t ttl 1:n11p ~ r••llt ~ I· .• .i .. " m.11J1• ,, 11h11n • 11:11111..: .11111 .. ~·. ~'· Iii . .!:I ""' :Ill , ... , d I<· f•'IT.11· •II .1 .. 1 I 1• 1111 .. I 111(' Agcucy for Palellll.iDe. llll' oulr J 11d1,.11 !ulk da oc1:r m Nun.hem C'».alvrru.a.. tb.n~h ··1·· ,, 'h •I 11h,• tfU1• .. f 1on ttl \1 , ...... l ~. l ._'• .1111 .... l+d1p I. Ho ... , ,,,,;t J f r ' c· \ ) q 1 \\ If' I " uHt M . St I ~~·:;: ·,~: .. ~~"1:~1;,·11t;:1~1 ·~::11~ ··,~1• 11 1.::·:.·,;1:·~1~ \·.,,,'::·~.:'.: ,,";.,,~~:1.~11;:~-;~1i.1: ~·,;,~1::~':1:·':'.. -~·:::::','i:'~1 • .i.· ;:~:.:t:;',1,· •• 1 • auri~e a.n ~y < 'O ~FESSED SLAYER TELLS OF f w hm ""''~· ,,,_, , .• ,. ... ,,._ ,, .. , 1 ... " ... ,,<1,o1 ,1.. ; .. A:.sks tor Phdhps l'l'RNING VIC.,,.'IMS' HEADS H ,~,os ":~.1 "::;·.;:·:; ,:·: ,·,:.1.',.,~;·:1 ;;,·;11~"11,:.~; Backing from Vet!::i > . . . . . . ~ • . ' JU, '" EXCLl'SIVE EXPE1'SIVE EXQl ISITE t.\• r''""'h H1 tf 11d, , ... ,~1 th1' 1ud1,u .d fl,.q, .1d r1111• .. i• Tit• 11nh fu•ll • Ill 1111' ,q,•,1 \\llh It 11\\IJ I""·"•' .... ,mt•ttni;: 1 ••• 1 • ,f.-r Tiii-' 1•11 •n t:J .. 1 ""'"""Ill' .11111 _• t,.1rh .. •11ul1 \\Jfhut .1 u. . .lt.·d J .. tf ti1 '1 ... 11 .... nl .. \r 11"11 t fl.1 •. >l•nu• 1n ft.tfJt• ... ur1111u11IJ114: Jhud ·•Jltl 1. :1tl1n .. • Pl''' ... I, ...... n• 1 .... 11·f I '" 111 "ith I\ 1J H· \J 11"1 ""'.' h.11 l'tai· 1dt,r-.. 1'• 111 .. u,d•1111 fl\ 1n • Int· 11111 1 ''1111 .. 1J11 1\ 1·:•'1'-h 1d lnJt1it_•h1 •q' \\ho II' t '""• 1•1111ld If I •UHl q 1tf h 1111 111 I• 11 "" I If 1(1 l:-1 ~: 1-tr _,. , .•• n 11 r 1 J.,t tw :1111 ir11Jh I u 1.f .. , .iJh ii .·111cl \'i1f11 .. pt.'• I\ '11n1i..ht1d \\1th 1 'I""'"'• lq1u1to1' l'rk·t• 1•011111h•lt'I~ l11r11i,fw1l SH0.1100 Also 1111 ,. 1111,11111< •h·· 1.,11., 1 .. '""''" I";-; \:'\!.I· I.I .. :-. \1.,, l" ti 1'1 •h· 1 ... 11 ... l·(;1l1•h l•1rk ... n •i ,,. . 1L1 "'., 11~.H••t ,,.,1,, l•lndn•d I ',,.~'·''"'' \f'h•r;1ns o f hn it ,, •,.. ,111u11;l•d 111 l111·.1k du\\Jt ~1 ;u·~·•ld ... tin ul th• \1•l&n t .. Y.•• I f"'''"' :'11111111• .. 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IP'! fl1f••' ••qpJ 1!1•J tfld ,d i; .... rf ·t~··1 \\#• ,1 ,1,.11 1111 1,1, 1 •• ti • .i I . ....:1111 '•' 111111 '' ,, •. , d1a1nuan , 1t 111 .111 1111.:"1..1 .. 1 !11 • u11t q,, •. , .... .)1111 1n •II ,.,.rt;, 'u t :11 l l·1~\1\tl l f•ttl\ \\ dlH • th,,,,, \,,, ! lt•1''"'I1tl t'tU1lf1lllh • .. • ,, lh•ltl ,.,HIHh lif ti tth ·r1v.+.~1 dr•'"\li 1111 1, , 11111.i.1• ""' 1 ,_1,, •• 1 1 1.,, 11, 11111 t"110 , •. , ... 1t1n.d 1t1-li1o·•n Ill'' •l1u~1.,l 1ft, l +1d~ :lll•lllti•n '•· •h• 1n•.:1·t •'••r ..Jtt'f in 1111 1., '"' 11 , , '•, 1111n 111.t 11 ~.1... If t1 1 1 1n • h••ll 11.111han ''*I · 1 • ~ 1d i,,!1101 1 , ... 1 1:u1 \\tu n 1· .. n~ l1 1t f11 h1"1 1 'i''1u1 •1 .r1110 111 fl , p 111 , 1, "'' l+.!I In, I'"' I .d\1 11 1t .. ~ H.iJ11h P .\l:"k• '• 1,1, d "1tl1 lht• ... h,1llJ ... h· h1 11k1 ·I uHi,1 h ,,, '•fh n•,1 ... t .. u> \nlP\\' l•'t hinJ In llh ~·· ni·ral • 1'·t·-'1'\\l~H f It. 11·h .. l{t puhlu"1n C'h 1111 di \\It llul t'unl1•:., ... 1•fl d1·1·:1J'll :11 1n~ ht""d "" da~n.r1 t~,.1rt !I( .1pp ... il 1 lllo'<l ·•J'ICl,:;t} _r\ ,,.,, .. r ... ,n.:_ ·• .;u1• rs.tr • 0 11rt •J.n• ... Jfl ?t ,· ~ .. :,1 "l'1.1<·n.~ h:ol'I "'' · .:t • ,,. ;""'' -· rt ,·m C'ho1cc bat'on ('nnno t he made I r11m hu"'s 1 llfl t w1•il;l1 muC'h more 1han :!:::-1 puumls. Th• ,,_.,tn_ Y.1 ~ ~·\··n ''" ., d,- • n • '.· • ·~I" r • ,. 111<1.;,. 1 ·r,•nQ ~(. Available June 1 DENT AL SU ITE New Building ·.\ ' • .!"; • ... ~., .. ,.;:hr '" .\ t., '\\ ... : t !' r L.r..-.. , .. -... l 'n•••ll 1·· ...... •"'4\ d I• I '" 111,ttrl•. : . 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Plumf' m ·yoa.r Dftd<i today. •Cash Boxes •.Sales Books ••stapling Machines • School Supplies COMpefifi.,e Prices -Better Service ~ Harbor Publishing Co. PuhliahtTs of Tht Dally ·News -Times 1111 "· o.er.I Tel. Harbor 12 and IS j1•11f~ "ilh tho• ,.,.,11;11r11ni.: ~ ('•>l lM· ··1 h.11t :o h alf 1\11111 .. s talk 111th ti1•• tn lh•' fl,.lllrnT:tlil' )i'<I flt'-1 ·.,JlL:l'"-'lll.tll J'lt1i11p:<," :-1.011'.•y p11hlw;,n.; lo><I tl11 ·1r • rli.:•· 111 ''"" •;1u l. • JllSI h<'f••r• ''" \\1·111 '" \\ o•h· AS CROWDS JAM LAS VEGAS CLUB .. fh••r !' J.:1k1• anil ;\lnnn "inrf' the 111i.:l1H1 ;.t lh• lo1•)!i11111111! 111 •ht• I.AS \'El;,\~'. 1'1·\·. '.\la)· lH li)lfi rlf'l'li1111 -)Ir"" 111 ,,11ss1 .. 11 llr '"it Ill• 111 .. n , 1 l 'J•1 Sys11 m frvC'r" ""''JI ' 111'1· IAls 1\ll1:d••s rn11111 y :is 11!'11111 h11d 'I "''' 111 .. 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Tlh' \\ht~ I "J•Un 1.!1 eotn11::nt I l!nl"" 1 ..... , n1~ht Wlfh<•u • llJTTIUU'. llJi :"\o I . t u Cl\• tti<• fr>-• ti'-i• l11n i:1·.i lu~mi: sfrl·<tk ,,f ''" d~• 1 ·1u11 •·lfw1;,J~ ,;o d' th• .~.._ -··firl) tla~~ fh•• l111r"'•' \\;11o0 ,,tlu1·d ..;11\\1th111 ... 111111~u . .ll~ it1l!Jlu 1.-. • 1111nrt1 ,,·;1..; .. all p .111 (•r 0 111 ')"''''nl · lu~hly th:o l a h1>r•1· 1111..r f;w;•d .. 11.t "' "Ill ,., 1 p '" '·, l••t "'I· .... ,,. '"''ll ., 1.,1 (if .. ")" "1111 11 1111mlu·1-, ""rt' i:1·11m.; h;.tdl) ·• ') h;.ni:1ni• ll11t •hi H1d1;1!'d«111 •'1•1111 "·•11' 1.111 ..... 1 10.d .11111 1 .... 1ing 1,11 111 ~)"1,.111, fr~ ,,. lor :ol •lw pl.1y lrnm 1111· 1·r""d \\i1wh ,_,. '' '""''"''" ;,-., .-111,.111, 111d 1• ''' \.d111"' l \'.lwl'I," ti "'"" .,fftt i d ,,11,1, 1,.11 m11I 1h. "h" I ,.,..n~11r1l) 111.1 1 lh1· 11 .. r .... Ill•" 1• •.!111··d 1111., 1~ 1111 lo.•-..r )l'f l ltht.~ :inti \\'1tH••rd, v.ht• r-r - •11.:hth ll11•h1·r i 11111 111,• ""·'' Th· 111 \llO 1,ut." ..,111 r f,.,.,, d lh• 1r ')~1'·1ll "llll• an• 0tl•r -1~•1~ "' ll• •llll• ••f 'il111 ... 11 ... 1-.: i • lit' .... :11d t Jh• f'liih hi1d n11 inti n1u1n "la ...... P~ at th1· t·nJ\, .. r,t'' '•S ,~..- '"'")'"1Ht .. 1.t .If "I" llHI" •'. ... 11 :-1111:-111~:'\I Id• •I I'• 111 1h1• nl dWlll.'1111! th'.· w h1• .. 1 11111 .. -. th"l c .. i.:n. rnnk H"11" 1;;.n:l•ll~l:' h ••-· 11 .;:-, 1··ld d "' .1 """ , "'ht , 1. 1'111~ tn" ask1•!1 f111· 11 I f••r ~lJ::•••• 1.1,1 1 ,11 1• 1,.,.., l·-r 111 , 1~111 l•l111t.: "'" 1• 11," p.o rts l .\11 .. r '"" ,,,., \1t•11 ... 11111 ... "' l11ol l 1111wh f'I 11 11..-k "1,t:T \ llOIC"t:" 1Ct:\·t:1t..,t:ll I ·I" II \\ ,~ >lo ' I I I:•'" 1 ,,1,_ l11d, 11"1'", !ho .1n11fh-. l .. •1: Ill p l !1'1111.! Thi• )"!!lh•, l•1th ...'..1 ••tO •l.• 1·4'\;Jt.''\;'1°'1\\':'\ 11 1 •t 'll• t 'htl1• .,,u •• t 111 1 11 11 ,11 ,1111 , I'' h ,\l' ..;nlall tu·1.., 1_1n Yhtt /11 11.\),,~ lt1 t•ju•J)1;1rt1,J •h•lr\\''·\ 1,1...._, .. J..:+ ,.,. 1. llf 11' I 11111• 1 111 t101 '1"' f!1 ,. 1 I L :l11 ·r 111•·~ 1111n1M1d ''' :"'1' 1 :11111 ), _ .. \\ 1lh th• tr \\1nn;n .. > Hu 11111 11 11l11l1 , ... t I .. , ...... In .... ;''"'"' •l1d \\ fp ... •II d' I tfl~ tn•T•'.•'··d r)i, Ir ,.,., ........ th· \\ 1n 1'1 '111 t'I ( 'hrti 41tf41 t .1 ... t+ii' •• •! 1 it\•' t II • 1 l if\1 '' 11 ' •. \'' 1..:1~ n1ru.:> 111l11f1 up 1 t~1 ,,u,nin.· .,,,, ·1k ", ... ··~· • · LUM .BER BUILDING MATERIALS .. ,. Dhtrirt \"anl Plla.r ...... 6177 XoWyoahavell~~CEJt~ at your f "r.m ,...,. JrATIOK ·WIDE PHOlfE Harbor Area lfO TOLL ZENITH 473• ... '. ,.our '\\.,I.,• 'I 1 \ 1 u' 111 •' '' 1t•t l hJnd11d~ r.j "'J"1·t 1h•1-.. ,t,1\\d•·d q •.• ·,·•'\ t••,' • "• .. " 1 1 q •1 , • 1 1lf .ttt'•inul 11i~ t,dd1· Ii' \\11td _.t ti.• t \ tit• • '"" ... •it "n d .j f4 It .. ' ii -t.,•1 11 \d ffllft . 'lt\1 td tfl!,11J If 1 \\p \\ 1' }t n I\ 11 f•j .. 1 d II jl I ilfl f 'lt IJ 1 111 I'' I• '"' \ I ti I I !ll Iii I IH\l I 1l1 \\ It .. I •• I' I 1 j1,dl1 d ij I tlllll .J Ii I J 1nl1 n··d ..: 111tld· 1 ... 11. t \ 1" •,.,. 11 ' ·1 J .. • ....... lflj~. EVO~ON-R. V Duby. llO·year-old rtttrl'd Kan!-RS m.111 • ar~a·r who Wlf'd to dt•ll\'l'r mall by hM~I' and bu1111y ~ )'t'Rrt ago. 1~ ~h11 .. n 11 1,,•m- berltln11 (rom 8 Los AIWt'lt'~ Airways hl'llcoplt'r Afl.e• a !\.>ttd~ n•"tH I" Rl\•tnldt He 11 ti.-m11 i.:rtttt'd at Los All!lelea Alrporl by .hro Kl'!:y tcefl)l"f I or WtSIUU A.Jr Wnr~. "ho nrw I ht' nrst Khl'dull'<i CtJllllllt'r1 1at air mall n11thl In tht nation bet•·ttn Los Angelrs and Salt Lak1• C-:1v ·n 1926, and'h1~ r.on. Raymond \' Uarby. c halrmnn <•( lhr Lo.• An~r!··~ ('l111:.1 y Board of Su1l<'n·1sM!' T\11' t'ldrr narb)"s r"ur1 r~)' tl11:h1 "Jl~ m1111r 111, .. n. junC'tlon with tlw •'P.-llln~ o f AJ.r Mall WN'k. M11y I 7 tu ~I . comm1•n11•r11111~ &be JOtJl annin r ~ry tlf 11Lr mall 1er\·1ce. ,illh.1 t•l1ll tf tlloll !11 ... l•P \til l 1" I l '"'d ,, 111 \1 IJ11 lltH )•t1qlhltlh '-\II I•~ flllll• ,.,, m:WEY. STASSE\ fL.-\Dt HCTORY jj)'RAN(;iAS JJ"JffAif t,•:!"] AFTEn_ HEATED HEB.A TE O~ REDS I 'i d ~ l I \'\.I 1 ' •• • 1 .. "· d l '. 1 ~.d I I :11\ ,.; • ,, • • • j.. I 111\\1 \ •·I '\c\\ '·jl~ ,•1! I ,,.,,, t••t•'J.• •-.• •••11 .,.,! ;~· l ; .. , I I " .. 1.i 1 :-• 1---ll ••I \1111 I l)·I" I -'t110 f I,.. ,.r .... Jl•' .. llLl ··l.11tP• d 'I• t1 •1 \ 't1tl 1~ lf1 i I ltt• t•' JlH·n· 1 1tl•.-d· 11 , .... n 1 ,., .. , , ... 11 • ·rh ,~ " ,, ,1,0,, <h ........... ,.- I•• 111Jtl ,,, lh · (~11:ntn111l1 .. • ,111 1\ St,.1,..,, n ~...u;I 1!111 'llf'i'C'Tl• I' • I 11t. "' •. ' II , , -•tr• \\ ,... f 1, \\. ~ , .. ;•:lod rl1d.1l1' l•il 1h1 1!1 111.lolh 111 I I.,, Th· '"" }'t• ,,,1. n11.t 1•j • r•_ 4l1·n 11.tl n11111u1.1 ~1,1n .tot! "''' zu·t 11 ...... •L 1., f111·· .t .d\• .-tUIL· -r'. \\ho 111•:11 d !111• f>t" 1111· 1•1 • Hd I' '"I' a dt.•\\ 1.t f, ... , ih.1n l 11• 1-,.r1.1n .... f ,J. ·~·~r .1ri.;11tne·nt .. \\•f • CiltJ••! •·\•r •; .. !'.'1.t~~· 11 ... ,,, n1• d t•• 11\ 1n~1.,1f t·1, l't""''1fn.1 ,.1~ ~·d <'U'J• ic. to an ~1 an1l l •W .i 1·11n 111i• 1, uu1i t\\ :P: 1 I , ,,.,11 tf, d ;1, .-11 , 1ei._i ,.,. 0 .. r..- lh•· pt1r1.' 111 1.1,.or ••f 111• :'1!•11111'· f'h1, ct•'"'' 11 lh• l1·<t ,i .. mmul~ :-.;1:--1111 hill \\h11·h "••11ltl n. 1k1 11 1 .. 1 th.' rJ, "·''" 1.,r ·•ffcrn ,-1,, ;,f"t unl.t,,ful l•' at1,~n1p1 ''' Hl~ n11u· r'•.:dt'• 'l"''!1t .. iin ·h· i'J, ........ lll"t" h t i•,1:J111l ... h t.lttl;tlil~~rti1U cti,~ .• rti•li l uh n.itft ti \••.·i .&, l !ll•'l'~lll)l in lh1• I llll•·d !'I ii ~ • 1 \\1th ll• ltHk•« 1" h;irn! <i<""TI :t !11•\\• \.;:m i tlw .'.\11111111.:-.;"'. I\ •Ill I ' I I I ! I·· .... • _ . r ··• , .. ••n ... , Pl"''r \ r..._ t1 • ,. ~ -·rtrK·..; tll•1 P\1ll."' t ',1l1'Hnttn1 ... 1n .• u\d l'"'ki\'1 ·,11,, irrl 'lo ',r• .,i:-1 _,. I" I~ r,..rf1•cth harm• .. ~-11,• rlul lt('f L' rt • r J' ... ' · I 1 n t.ffl• c;; , f"! r r-i n ,t'f ... ;• ~;iy th :it lw "•llll•I •lll'l'"rt tlw 1111 . ••f ihi· ,1,1., ·• r!':iC"IJr>n htl\\'t•\'t"r Thi• :">;r 11 Y1•rk i.:1w,1rrwr snld \ IRfaS 1,.1, \:'\. 0 ,. , l .t: \Rt:fl 1h111. h) ;11f\l••·.11tn.: 1h1 lo1ll. Sta•· \\ .\~111:\f":T• •:\ t'P•-.\11 'far. sen ~urr-,•nd1·r• ri and , ... T11' l"n.:.•·r 111 (:l\i•r pf .1111 1:1\\111.: llw l\•m · 1111• l\11 1.-.11,il :--,.,~ l·~ .... n,,,.11 ''' 11111ni~I pllrl).. 1 ... 11 \\11t1rirl"P lr .. m '"" 1:nr•• .S:ta..:...;f"tl ,.,,unt• t11d th,, if Gr'I\' 1 ,,,..,~i \1~,nn• t ~• fl'"' tr 1~< • ., [),•\\('\' "111 .1.:n•1• In 111 .. :'ll11n.t1-amt ... 1 .. 1 •t Ill l•a M a St n~ :-.;1x11~ hill. I \\Ill "" <.1:1<f1~'rl !hat \'1r,;:11 l•l1nd• T1. , : !.tt ... ·~ .. r.J \\f' 11rt' :H:r•\••d' 1h 11 l ·1 11n1nun1 ... n1 t~ l'·i,!ir.1-1,,,, ,,,, n lt j<\n ... f· rr•-d '. ";,.. ,1111l11\\1'<l .. 1 1q•:inn11nr "' Jnt•n "r t •• ~. \\'ht•n J ),1\\r~ pr•'r11\lat1c1d fb,•l11ll i ,1: .... 1\f Th· a ....... '"•..:i' 1-·i·~,-,..... 1,..rf•'•'ll~ h 1r111lo'•<' hut f.1111'•' '" th•':-.;,,) It,,, " 1• , .. 1_.1.;, 1•,.. · •'ncl1,r~1· n . ~' ·~·"11 rl.1111w <I !h•''"11h 111 l'<1•11T'm• • d J-·.;-, !T ~ 1 =--•'" y.,, k I.!"" 111n1' ~·•rl ,,f \\:llk · 1 ·1h11t lh•) , •• n I• r• •C''.\ i.··-d.. if •'Ii :irP11ncl" 1 h1 qw·~il<•n 111·• t11'fl ,, -:--c r:"e-i:;:;:l si.:i:.-.. VG "c'-.=:..i.,;) ~ '•E rvs "~ ., _ _:-C-.,:"'i; ~~£\--E •'E'V •5 t'T" ~ c~~ s= -~ ...... <~/ .. GOLDi N PL.OI. p;;:5 C~i.J ~L'w' ~"f.:'C' I'-' t..E'.5 'C 'IJ .::: L' ..,..~;> oui..CcS 0"'F:..£~/ \ ,I ~£.~­c,-+. I l'l ( 2 2 g r 0 d a t• n i! t• 0 s 0 b (" s a b ' h 11 a v J- a ' I a t .)o t " t ( t ). t i r I I f r . ' i t t 1: ( •• ~~~~_:_~~~~~~~--~-----------------------......... -. .................... 2,._. - REPORT ON EUROPEAN RECOVBIY PLAN IN ITALY Bodies of Padftc .. *IN THE POLITICAL ARENA 1 ~,~,~·.:~oH~ .. "~~1L.!.?-.'\.:.,~w~::~ .. ~.!~ .SH"lllS AID NOT 'SHOT IN AJIM' AS EX. PECTED War Dead Arm ... e ...... • .... ~· :'-.· 1l.\J •• _'::-l· .. '1 •. l1&m Iii. ("hrt•nhl4' lllt• t ·•·•tl,tlto•11 ' t:t•ni,.1.111~ l•l:·ll•l1•1t 1t t'•'l1'•'l\1I Page 3 VJY A p f I\.-.... -... .. -.••. I ·~I \1.11 1111 Ill'\,., II.·~ I 1t1•1t ·•11 ~"' \I 111111 I• l't •''<Ill• !tit tlhhl' L"l il R '" • I f I t orto ~ ........... Ill lht• l'Oljtln~·· !11•111 lht• p111•·1 nml 11"1•11111 ltlt'll 111111 hi-\'\111111.: 111 .. .-. Tt 1 ·~ :'\ t 1TF: llr r!' 1~ 1111· 1 111t'n 1 h 111t 1:1Hnt•1t <"••nl ro P t 11· • ••• , • ,,J •' ... ,1 t it• •A~~t 1 " By "HITCH'' "nhh" Andc-rson anti w 1ft". F.m1ly, m r111t-tho' prt'cltc'll'cl "k1l l1111:·· on C"ulont·I. a !)l).fo111 ~t"' 11n~. I !.·rh Z1rnnwr. s k1µpt•r Thi•) n•r1•11tl~ t.;111 27 ha hhut Boll ltn1k1• tilt' \t'SNt'l's i:11rf. a nd llll'ritll)' h:1cl 111 ll\•a1 thl' r1•st c•r tht• fish off "1th his r1~t$~ I " . .,.--··.. ..1 .. 111 .. h t•tl lh t• 1'111•'1 .. llilh ,. I .. "''. 1'11,.,.., ,.,,, t \ "'"'' 111• ~111'1"' to'1I ntlw r d1s p111i•h l\11;,1111 ltw E11r.111t•1111 hulk of 11.t11.111 ltu~""'"~ I l,\l·l , ..... ··."I. •"A l .. )IA\" 111 tC • .... ,111 ,. ,.1 •t•·, ,.,,. •t 1 t 1 •· .. ""·' "--,.... .. ~ ,,, -.~n•'.tl' t "" ''..:tut~ •11 '''"" trh 1••.pu·d \\•O ~Uh n,. ,\,, .. ,,.,..n,n1h•n R.-ro'l'I'~ l'rni.:ram in Italy liy th•• Tlw J1r.••·t.ir 111 1dl i:••\1•rnnwnl ll'l't n 1,. ,,..,,, •• _ .~ t ,1Sl -•··· •' .1, • ~n-. '-" td • Ith lf1~11h'U It •• ,,l.1l h1U lh1 \\,t••' lhH&r hdl U\tl 'k" pn·~Hknt 1111d t-:1'rwr11l Ill'"' ai:•·tict<"~ d1 •11llm: \\1th m1l11•11111I d • .,.1dfi.•n1i'tm.-l•"Tlf-.<"1 l•o J-l.. .~ , ... ,,, •• .. n olJ m.uwi.:rs of !h" t •'.11kd l'~.l.\hu l 1'1~·u11J>l!_ll•111111 ,,. .\ltnt•t.•r <.;1u'"ill'" S alJllll1. (;u1m1 and 1\N&ll ~ - ,. \'ISlltni.; l r :°'\f'\\"S Tlun·11u .. Ill T,1i;n1 .\l.1~ "" 11 \\It' 1•111~ •• 1·.1111 \\t'l t •• IUI rwd tu'!'•' .. ~ tllr Europ" I J'Nll<tll s1111t'11wn1 "' \'UI i.:r1111111I l's Anti~ tra nf>Jl'W"I Altw.1 !II () -fr "111 111111. I ,.,,. I \>nllll\1111<1=' ... I~· • R\ t ::\IU . .J . .JOlfSSOS f1•r1• I h•• 'Ill 111i.: • l1·1·11111h. T11i.:111 A ~mular d.;K'kpei,r wt"'IOr ._ , t "nlfrd 0 ,.,..,.,. S taff ('orri•s110••'4"nt , .. r .. <l1t'h'(I thttt "'"'' l't1t1tn•l ,ir '11" lwhl 111 """"' 1111 1kad .. t ... .....S tho t~ r1•111.i1111ni.: Ii\ 1'•'1 t'••nt Of l t11ltan ,.1,.1ti furwr .tl ,.1111' '" n •M'tl tbt "Cl ., ·.\rl1JI.,\='· rtl',\I.\', MAY 11' 1l'1'1 lndu,.lr) \\:I< 1111'\lt!ll•lt• 111· '·"'' S1111 F1 lt1h l>•" lltf\ .. c. w m"n " 111 run 1 lw I :H'l•tt'lt'' m flu· I.'.•" i•rnnwni 1tln·mh t't•nll t1ll1·<I :.-. :"\orth1•rn I tal~ ha,1• had 0111~1dl' thi• fnllct\\ ini.: · ="•'"' ••I klfl •nd hc..ir ~ ~· .. l'hntu.;t1 ,& ""' 1ttth h I(, 1•••••lh '\ ,, .. 1,.t ,,., Ul t i\ \liu t 1n fu 't t ,1n l••t tu' '"''"' t1,\\ H I Ci• •'l'I"'''' ti I•, 'I''·~ .11 t1 ,ut. • I l•"•lhlltl M.'h•l\ll t....nl as II l •l'lllll<IHI 1111.t 11·•·••ll1ttl•.l•lllh l1'•ll\ 1 ........... . ~ .. ,r.J Marian '""cS .t.t.·at•'fl It) ~>ti '"''" 1·1rh• 111,. 1.111., ""'"' ,,111.1.,,,,1 J"'"" ., .. , 11 ''''th y.•,1r» hll••r. 1n l !ll.' lw """ ,..,., •. , ,, '""""'" ·' '"''•'•' ., ... d •n• tf,, t ••n•t •ft~? -•• tht1 f • 1l f tf1 I \ h.tu...t• ... ,, • h ............ Jr rt'fW-'''•'nt.111' ,. 1P th•· ''''''·u hu ,I.ill\ 1_,,, 11 d iuhl l"'' ,111u1hh·, !lt•tt:ii, le•.,:t,btf\U t' Uthl l\\1 \t 'hl• ~\ Ulltt h." l ii•i •n it i It•'• IJtt•ttd ,,, ,,_,, f' """ .1 """"'' °"'1 llt1h•I IUUI\\ l~•lt l h':d 1•lllt\•n11t\1• 1flh' t.1t.• A ( ... , ...... , •. 1t• '"' ,;,.,, "''''•"''" l't•'I"•''' \\11'''" \\1l1'••ltl•tf hilt\,,, f'\M\t•nl1t •n ut '" ~•••,, tn t•tli. " \\ 11111• "''"'' ''"'11•1 tit· ''''"' a hl'lp for M' t.1111: Iha• tlw~ h.l\t' 1'1111•1~ P•r '"'" of m•·r··h.m1 .t111n1l1 1I ''' "'"''' .. 11 11<~.t \\ 1-omt' to lllkl' ti for granlC'd 1-~or 1'hlf'ftln).! ,..,lmf1.1n1t·<. 7,.. l"'r •'•·nt H11~ Uri.die' 1'111 t ( 'h.aplaut. IS"'-' '• •··· lhlll r"Q~on Aml'rll.,. s hugi• Eu-of ml'r<"hnnt nmrrn1• C"<>n~I r11c·11 .. n "dtni.: ·r • • • • n !\lart u' "·'' ..... ,.,, ,._,~ •'1 tlt1• IC• •''""' ••I th. 1 •• ,.._.1i1111 1•• nt .. • t ''" -,. .. ,, w t ••I J.liu · pohl11·11n :--1,111· 1'1>11111111111• fr•"1tl 111.11t•Jth 1 .... 1., :--11111 11.,,1111111 • .. , ~. t-. l.u 'h'ft 1.1 1 ~·~· .. • I.• I••:·, l t "•" tu 1th• ln ft• ' I l~frr• ''' "•' tu1rn ro1M'flll ·Rt•C"ot\•'r .' Proornm 1,. 111,t Cahfnm11i"i. twn•'I alDOllC .-..,..,,.... .. 91 fX'r ,·,•nt of !1'11\ al 1•,111•1na·111•n. lh!' shut 111 1tw llm1 an Anwrlr1tn d<"ad numl-..•rt>d 113. 75 p<'r N'nl o f lh<" iro n industr~. n s11or mu;:ht l'XIJ<'CL lo find It I()(\ pN r1·11t of tlw pig 1nm pr<>· Ill this rritlon 1111c t1nn. ',!7 P•'r r t>nt of. 1•IN'tn1· • .. 1.••., • n • .,,...,,._.,~ \•'•r hf' flr't "·'' ••l1·1·11•tt h' \10f\ \\h, u "'"' '~···•~·· \I •• t t.1 u.: •• , I ~' I•~''"· :>ll1•r 1 ..:n·~-''""' !\1 1t~lloh'h11~1·11• I Ith ...... 1 \ , .. 1." 1111 I 11111·11 :--1.1t1·-Ill .r• l ..;•tr '1• "'"'"' 1'•n.:n·~"••n11I 1t1~t r11'1 )"·''' ~l 1t1t11• """ l1,tl •111111tt\ .tr··~' 1.. .;..r,, ~·I 1,.,,, n 1-! Tryn'• '" ll1tt11111•• 1 ti IH ii ~··'""u' 111u1ui1't . ~""''"" 111t ,, ,, ftfl 'ii t•l1\i 'll1tl\ "' 1~•t>( "'"''I,, II '"P t111I 11\I lht ... •'"""'-'" l \t1, r.t-::"\F\,\ :-;,.i. tl'I'• I_, J H"'" 11. ll\' t~-d HO .. I: 1....und ... t11 .\ir 111111 ~11 1 .... ·tand ~ .,. 1111.:111111t' 111!> r•''' 11rt .•t11111111 1111 p 11·· 1<11111k1• 111•r cl11tU't'. "1th 1111111) wh11 <It• " r I h .1 l"\'l[UIAr •h>1•• 11111 drink, lt111 1~ frl(•ndly I 11"1 11.1t1 h ,t,~ 'l•"lll1\11tt," he .. 111 ,. ~11hl 'I 1~~111 r tn\ frwnda can luo"' 11\ll ltt1 Tih•u 1•\\ u ' :\ t:\\ " "" ~ ~·houl •h.-1 ... '\la.\IM' C'ol ..... 't·tw-,... 1 .. a11 r""' ·"") to t•"'t,.,... for holh. \\'AIUUCN '· WEllllCJI 1e1 .\.\r4 ..... ,. ........ -·· ........ ........... -. Uf• , __ " "TRAVEL ... ~y ... , _ .. -.--n..-• AIR • • • SEA RAIL BUS I S anta Catalina l<tand nwonni.: o"m•rs ar<' 11 lllllr -.11r1• a l th<' d f'hris I c·mpl y l.>ttt t lt•s 111111 1·1ms 1 all l11ying <1runko•nl) on I h1• hot- tom of luvl'ly. I ran"luct•nt \\a l<'r . nonl'haluntly rhuC"k1•d tl\'1•rl.>011rd by irr1'~11<insiblr boat uwn1·rs whn ha,·t· IC'mporartly tt<'d up to 111oonni;s O\\ ne•cl hy J)('C1J•I<' who kf•t•p t ht·ir "~arhaJ:C'" for proJ>t•r hurt.ii a t 5C'a I w o nd1'r "ha I ll> da11·k1•d owr ltoard 111 this C'tlnc<·stl'd llar- bu.:? Th<' IJil»·uff a nd Catalina run, or should tuk<• ran• or tlw111- !Wl\'t•sl is th111 ;i prnm1n1•n1 son of a \'t'r)" prom in<'nt N1•v. 1.or1 I lnr· hnr f,1m1ly d1vPd l\\'t'nl)"On<' kc-I tu ··C"IC'an up" the hottum lV\_<kr hJs host's boat An11tlwr hn:11m:in. m oort-d nrar hy, rt!\\ I'd o\·,.r nm.I orf Prrd h11n a d ollar 1m hour 1f ht' w ould r lt•an up tlw d.•111 is ttndC"r II IS hoal ! Thi' ltii.: no'l'd ht•rl' aftf'r lh" output. 5:! pn N·nt of tlw '""" "a r Willi fnr <·0111 Thul fmporlftnt I phont' hu~tn•'""·.'71 p.•r <J!l11 of 1111 itl'm fu11' l><'<'n suppl11•d m111nl> It~ 1·1•l111ln<1• pl11n11, llltl ppr <'t'nt 1•f th•· l 'n11 .. c1 !'ta11•s !'inc<' th1• l'nlf1•d tlw n 1d111 111cl11i<tr~. ;~, t1• ~l , .. r :'l:at1nni< R1•l11·( :rnd rtd111htl1t.1t 1t•n ('f•nt of Rlt t'rt·d11 R,,;1·n .. 1t·s. anol 11~1 Adn11n1~1 r1111"n ancl 1,. n111 11 n1•\\ 1•·r c•·nt nf llw 111h1w.· .. 1111111~11") 1'11•m1•n1 m 1h1• 1nclu•tr11d 111rt11r1• k1 ;il1l111t<1n tn th•· ah1•\I'. Ill'· Am1'ri1·11·~ ERP will k1·1·J> 1·1i11l 1·1,nllni:: h• Ml111~h·r T11.:m. ~m, 111· rom1ni:: and st .. r l 1s 1•x111•1·t1•ct 111 nwnt 111:1•1wl1•s <"<tnt rol h alf t lw ltt• 11111r" plo•nt1ful, lllO 1·ounrry's fud prudur11on, n .. a r h .,, •'111\ " \<fl \f•Jtn. •.:<.• Dr Bnl· .. ~ 111 •:,,c11'<1 ,,, thf' l•ttlh tA ,.~ t •11l1t•1• F1111 ) • 1i.:h1 ~ , • .,.. ac<• hi' dt'll\t·n'<l th1• l-.1tlt~ ·, i:T•~- ... ' 1 ti 1 •• dt•\ "'' 1.'th ll•'U"'\ l1•11u tttH1 ht' flt,t \\lhttlu I• 111t11t'.1111U.1\t••llllh11f \•r t •I '••irr lr1)Q1 ,,, 'I• uk~·t lh1ua~h lu "·"' lu • u ti•• h•PI"'' h1 ''t ,,,, ... ,1 "" tuu '' .•.• u. ·•'•·l~l.t•llt OH l)t1lll\ , •. ,. •••• ··•1·h· ''"" Hb f·•I th• l '•fth~IUl 'lll 1lt•th\ -TO Al.I. room l"lllo.. Upaa .... • lttdtt~tnalt~t~ l1t1\f' A!'<lllllf'l1 ;ill thrt'C' fnur1h~ It( lhf' land lri\ll'-ll\111 ;il1•ni.: th:11 t hl'S<' supp h<'ll \\•Hllct l •111C"lud1111: 100 pn """' ••f tlw It,• prm 1n1'11 rind ha\'•• ma11t· tltC"!r rmlr oad' I half thr "nth1•1k rult- pl:i11-. ;w1•111cl1n i:ly 1,..r ancl lllllf tl11· <"ountry·s J>ri t•·r If ~:Hr rncll'd suddo·nl~. 1.,,. mrll'< anr1 prrnt1ni.: pl1mt< h11\\ Is ul p;,i11 frnm !'\n rthl'rn 1 tah Anyhody ~ ht1 trlt'i: In ··~qm it• could hi· lll'urr1 a ll thr w;iv '" th;. lt11ly's ah1lll} In i.:•·t nn h1•r f1 ·••t d: d: ;t plains of Lnmhardy. nu1 't11r Ht'-1'{'01101111t':tll.\ Sllllll rinrt" hlln~··lf It !IN'l11S, M n t t•s. yrnir IM'lat and c·m f'r~ l'r11i.:rf1m h11s h<·<"n 11nl1i·r· hllmpo•r ed h~ 1 h(' 1111r•·ltnhtl II) "' anchorCJgP lltXC'S, runnm.: up 11110 "r11t1·n '" Cnn..,'l'{'f>.<. 11nl1 1nd11s1-!'tali_s tir'< Mlls~tlmi ni:;i:f'd .mclu't·' thr hundrNl" or thoui;nnl1' of r1nl· 11ah•I'\ h1:r<• now haSC' th,.1r .,1,. 111 his ctwn f;i\'Or 111 mak<' l-11""1"'n d lt\Ok s.:ond t" I ht• ou ti<1l1.· \\ orltl Jars <'a<"h yf•11r. and i.:r·t11111: htt.:i.:Pr . 11m1sm "" .1 m•w ;in mori• 1111- &r<' not rpturnt'd hf•r1• for 1h1• 1111110. pur111nt clt'\f'lttµm1•n1 n11m"h lh•·l 111· rt'd uri•c·I Irion ~rhe'liule•s :.nil l('nl'n<"~ a 11d uµk<·•·" o r iht• ll,1r""·ir "'"' 1h111 :it Ion" last ltnl~ · 1,.1 llw n ;il1"1 rtti<••l1 lht· furt ihai 1rn111" " ,. ... '" ' .. · ' ·• rrin n n 11111•• fir hkrd irod1wl111n you canw to li\'C• in. or mour a l"'"r~ '" hil\• .11stnbl<'1:ov!'rn11w111 r 1 k 'h 1 1 .. ~. l~'tlri'..; ant t1'p1 t t.' un•·n1p n\ ••u bo111 ! 1 1111• fl l'f••,11 of t h r C'11mmum>IS 0111 11( s i.:hl 11r i.luµpc·d tho•m 11ff C:ounly Auditor ElTll'"· "11 h 111 th" !\'a11<1n1il d1'1·1111ns I 11 s t 1111~1IN\ll'l' Su 1m1k1ni: r1•mp11n"'n" whom w1• ha d a ltrli•f. lalk. has. lltP11lh 111111 lh•• sc•flmi.: up Pf n of he•lori• tlw \\llr ancl ;iftf'r tlw h1111i<Plf. a p1·rf«t't I~ d1•a1 pwt •11 • f 1r111 11clm1ni<I rat ion I his w1•1·~ h\ \\ ar prNitwt inn r11:ur.·s 1, r 1,k, of \\hat our tax s~'<ti•m ,, \',,11 l'r"ntl•'r ,\IC"1cl1• Pl' (;,t"t•·n h:•" l•tt~tnc'l's ha\t' rr.1hlK'd at nol 1•nrl ah"llt hi~·n •' i:11-.1t toniC" (tlr f:u In t\ ~1111r ("nunty laX<'S. 1<"811f'<'Hllly ""n• ,., Tlwtr trad1• 11111110< :1r;. 1•11·<• nt i:m1•rn111t•nt ma) h:1'• cl1•· ho111,.1 .• md w 1• can n11" ,,.11 )•'II clumm,1tt'fl 11~ C11mm11n1<1, anti ti loll'h'cl n1ttt .. n.il .,,,11,111.,. ,11111"'"·'' It 1.:<w•, 111111 S1•l)IK1ls fur th1· 1•h1lr1· 1 l h<" <"ommil'i: hnct ~alno•d a \nlt'1• rlurtnl' f•'•'• 111 t••lttt1·iol ,·:imp.ir i.:11, ;,.n, 11 CVl'S tn C1l1Jnl\ F l111t<I C'11n-m L:t1\o•rnm1 nt lilt' lnt111,.1ra.1h''' Tho· 1111:111 ,, 1111••11111l.1~m··11r "''' t r11I, 11 l!•lt'~ '"'" 1111.' ('1111tH\, 11nct \\1111ld h;o\•· h1•1·n d1s1·1111r1<i.:1·1l 11111,. )•Ill 1.1111 1.,,1 rr«<rtt 1•11,, ,.11111, 11t rt g111·~ f11r a 1111 11( lhlnj!• 0 111 1h1·1 :'l:nw tlH·\ !.•·1·m m nn• wllhni.: 1,1 "''"'', 1111 11,11\ 1, l xr~1.11t•• 11111 .. r 1-.111111) 1111:illy llnt•t1t1n•·r1 .. 11 w11h l'I"" 1h.1r """ prl\,1t1· f11rt1m1 ' .,1111 ,.,,, 1, 11 1, .! ·'4~lll\~I 1111.01'. homos ancl lht• 11;11 IHtr •·••· h.tt k '"'" llw1r ""'In•'''"' 111,f•'.ttl I llh• ,. lt.'111• I• 1111·11 1111 1 '"''" tlwui.:h flu-lla rhttr rl•••'< t:t'I an In· "' rd:l\1nc .tlntt•"' • n11r• h "" tn '"'" ·• 1••11111.111 .. n ,,( 1">1••••••• th.11 flfllft''-1111'11 pltl t t.f \\h,11 ti ('Ill\• }'.If\\ rf11llt fll (tni~\l'lnJ.! •" 11\1 \ l11tl frtl>IJft• .. I 0 Urtllt.: Ill• 1•!'•111 IH'ftHfl ttf t•tll II ·r:1\;t1i.111 \\tth11u1 I• pr•" 11· I lic.'.I 11r11·11 f.11111~ Sea Scouts Take Cruise on Calif. Training Ship tnllon" onl'f' ratt~i·ll tlw n 1 .. u r,,11 ·' "" h• "" t:tlk .. r (1111 prrnh11·1 r1111 of \\l\llt is no\\ llw i.:ri•alt•'-1 '"llll· 111111111 •' ~· .1r J111 r (111 1 p r••hwti.111 Ir) t•ll rarlh, llwn "t.1:\.1lln11 \\tth 111 th• :1111n11111l•tll' :111d d11•1111•·•tl rl1•\ 1 ti'""" 1•011111 C"n11i;1• :1n1lllwr uir f;ii·111n• < 1tf I t:il~ rl•~·«n 't 1111 1111 111 .1\1•1 11 ~"" i.:ru11d1t·r~ cl11n 1 i.:t•I m :1'' ptnlliu·t 1••l1 11n ,1 '•·:ol• 1·n111 1111.,.1111 r ~uursl'l\"f'" 11arahl1 '"ma" pro>cttl1·11 .. n h~ h... Ftt.:ht~ tlu• ,. !''"' ~' ''"'" 11111 !nr11 ~ tn l l• troll 11r !'t IAllll' lt:11l1•r' fr11111 <h• 11i;111c• I 111; "' .\l;i)I~· r·nunt~ t11f1t•i.t1, '.m an l.:11111' 1111 n111 1111\1• th•·m~··h••' 11r Ar.•;, l ".111nnl. ll<" S1·11111, .. r 1\1111·1 •· ~""r )OU ~hi}l>t~ ~nu r •• n t:••0 ' inl·•· lhf"tr nlnrh1nr•, th• ''T•Y Am4'rlc-nn?'o> (':t1 took par' tn a rr1u~1· :.t ...... r<t I'm )CIUr C"l;iim!' (or unlcill1 thOll!" no F :ir1r1r 11·-. "11111 d1'"" frf'•-.u•·nll) tlw "l.olcl··n B1•11r·· lht• l ra1mn~ Rnd .. of s.:n·l'nhaC"k~ IJ'11'1 shou ld bt· for d1un·h holtda)'!< Jt1tly hr1~ ;in s h ip of llw <'ultfornrn .\1:1r11111io· put hock into tlus Harbor May-un f'omm1inly I 11 r g" n11mlwr 111 acadt•my wht'rl.' thry w rr(" l{UM't~ l><'. lhl.' t'ntirc tax ayalt'm should lhf"l'C' nf ("apt Rnlph M C Swan) h<' o wrhaul<'d-as w11s llUl:gl'Stl'd Th<' "t11nrl;ird work WC'f'k I~ ~Ix Thr Srouts l!'ft S ant11 Ana f'AI ly by this dC'pt .. many m o nths a go dRy!' 111 i;1x 11ncl onf' hnlf houri; n last Thur11d11y m orntng tn two l10ri: • \\'(' a~k<'d 1l C'ounty orfld11l )'t'S· nay Thi!' t!I C'all1•l1 R 40·hour WN'k hlL'-('S for S11n Jllf'f.:0 "hC'rC" '""' fl'r day "whal (l<'ret-nlal:I' of fhP Hui SC"11rc•C'ly a mnnth pai;s~ "tth· bonrdf'd thf' "Goldl'n Jlr;1r·· 1ond 101111 t nxrs paid into th" County out i;l'vl'r:il ftC'Slas. cruiS('d to Loni: Jlf'arh \\'h1l1• t•11· of Ornngt' were paid hy fh<' a rpa Ano thf'r t hine 1h11t may not hf' ro u t(' thf'y wnl' instr uct<"d 111 kno wn 111 NC'wpor t BPach ?" He r:rn!'rnlly rN·nr:nl7<"d 1100111 Jt11l i11n moorini:. hou}11.:•· syst<>m.~. rridr1r did not know. inclusrry i~ th<" amount or rontrf>l mffig1lli11n. s1~nalhni:. plt111ani.: 11 S ix mo nths ago' wp ns)<cd the !lw i:cwl'rnmrnt h111< O\'C'r it F.xrl'pt cours<" nnd many o thr r m;irat 11111 •am<' 'IU<'lllio n of our Supc:'r\'isor , fnr th1>s1• an H11i1sia. lh1• induqlri1•s 5k1lls In 11 puhh<" mC'<'ling. 1rnd he did o f ltnly 11n; thf' mni;t 1horo11i.:hh n o xint.; and wr<'l'thni: nm\ u•oi .in<! I n ot know. nalmn11l11rcl sn thC' "'Orld Thrnui.:h nthc•r c·ntr r111111nu-n1 W<'rP n ,, 1n1-d ·nw C'oun1y taxi's ro1111111: nut of nn l talrnn '1•r•mn nr Amf'rt<"a'• TU--fnr th1· St'<1u1i; d ur111t.; t lll' 1·ru1~" N1•w1>orf llarhnr '" 11 s1.rnhlC' faC"t:>r <'11n!itr11rttnn t 'tnan<"r Cnrptlrntton Tht' Srnu1 • "<'n · rw-rmll lt'd fr,, .. In thr \1>11nty's i:rowth 1and WC" on Ill I" r :ilh'fl IR I lw r<" for thf' Ill· <111111 of tlw sl11p frum c·n •:1r.-''"'m th<' ('n;ii<t hnvl' to pu t' up with "lillltl' 11f rl'<"nn~trurltnn "' Ill· 111 pilo t hou~·· llw \ounty·s i;ew11i:1•l 11 w ould be tlu~•r~ 1 :in<I lhrllll).!h o thrr ~1l:•'n<"11'' Th•• "f;nld••n ll1·11r" h;,<; ju~t ri·- 11 \'f'ry normal thini: for thr dis-11"' 1-:m·•·innwnl now C"nntrnli; 60 t11r rll·d fr om 11 f1111r m onlft' 1.111~1 tiur<1rr!' nf th<' t fl''<f'S rollt•rtrd tn ~·r 1·••nt nr 1'"11nn indu!'lry 111 E11ro1w· l11 •11nni.: <111n:or, .. ,., IRI 1• a s t;11 ... controlled holftinl! 11'11 tlw m<"n an11 \\1lm1•n th;il p11y milk from Jhl' tll'nplc• of l":tltf11 r111.• I I 1•nm11nn.' I I• 1•1'1111om ir J)(!Wt"r!< 11rr It, ju,;t \\h<·r<" 11 w1•nt 1111< Wl)' 11111t .. d11lclre•nttf 1-rnn•·•'. Jt.1h ;irul .\tnn• rn1'lnrin1: i<pn<"r for boats fa r i:rt·n tt•r lh:t11 111""" nf Anll'rtt•;i'< <;r1 .. <('t"-~ran n1o c•• "h• r .. lh• s. :1 P.FC It ll\ 1hr1111ch I HI :llld -.ult-nnd <1htl"' ha• cnl . .;nmf'how. lo .S1•nuts....l•11:u;fl .. <I t ht '-htp "11~ ttu I I r.J c1n1ar~ ilf.!1·1111•" th11I th1• ~(l\1rn lt1• pn1\lnt•r1 as lhis Ill t' po,_ f1r_.1 pnrt nf ov.tll 111 111 .. lri1l11ton 1=rnwi; 1111. ;ind ··.:rowsn1: ~p .. we ll1.1r ''" "" 1•111111 t11 th• \'1111 fl tnC\st unno11btPdly nrr. l-. ·":.r's " .St '''"" Th•· :" .. wpnr1 1ll'11d1 I 11xpnyf'r Q11<•i;1111n '' .in '"' i.:•·llsni: 11:1111 I 1\rr:111s.:1•m1•nt' (nr 1 t... 1•rtar~c <will 11'11• 11;1111!' ,.,.,.r h1• rham:••cl~ l 1.:11 k 1" nttr 11111 l11>r ••llr I'' "I~ r "••r" m:tfl• 111 \\ ilhur 11:111 , ti,111 Is 1!<'111111! inlo thr 011)()(1 o f th<' 1•1•11w1r1111n n f t11\1'" l'1tllf'l•1t·l1 111 ro"· 1111111 of th•• <.'11 111111111• '"'t11mill"' 111 lmmnrtal 11111·?< of th" H1hl1• ·;rtc•n· Anti \\h.11 1, th1 prop<·r pro '"' 1 ... ·:al .S1·n111 ('111m1 ti Th• r 1111-.. drr unto C<'a•11r t hnl Whtl'h is portuin~ "·" unrl· r th·· clm·1·11un nf lftll'h 1 Political Al1\11tl'•·n1o1111 • 1'oltltr:1l ,\l1\•'rlls-·m•·nf t ABILITY EXPERIENC• -....... o.-.-on. ... 11111· ... ASMIMLYMAN EARL W. STANLEY • KNOWS HIS J08 • IS MLE, EXPEllE~ • IS SOUND ON Ml fSSUB '°' ....................... , I EARL w. STANLEY MEMBD CAUFQllJIRA ~UJIA'ftla& a&ALTOa -.I DE\'l:.LOPD elf c-urr RAVES M ~T'Qlrr JIAllBOll :\1 \\'1lt'tf\ ~("11111 I \l't•ttl t\r :tnr1 \\'1lllnm Sp11rr:1•1tn 111 rh111rm:.n .. r I It•· ~k1pl11·r< 111111 :\1;,t•"' 11<~flf"11t- 1 urn \. \\' lln•~<'ll .. Jr . Sr11111 l"o1111111s~1nnt•r 1w1 .. r1 a~ "fft<'rrtl phot ni:nt r1ht"r ---------- ('Of"ST\. COS<'RF.TTrSll\. (l:'\:Tll:'l:AGO :'I:, Mich tL'Pl- 0 nto nagon Count) tn M1rh1g11n.- 11pprr prntn~ula C'n\'f'r~ J.WW"'t square:' m ilc-s but hasn't a mile o r <"OnCT<'lf' h11thw11y Th P munty pounlalinn i~ .nrarly 12.(l(tO Howard W. Gerrlah aw lf...-rt ..... ,.,,. 008TA IDaA .............. 1 Automobile .• Fire Accident • Uf e ~Md 0..tnd Bonda Wr1 tt.ell j PRINTING STANUARlllZf:ll In ~I\ 1• '111 1 ll01h ti me anci mont-y. R Y. A f' 0 S A. C. Speneer 11 Sii (:0..1 Hlpwa1 ·"•f'"' '''"'".:• il"'1 ·~r•·Ah'I l•·f'I ''""' ,, p.ttl\ ''·""' II• "''"' 11h1r1• "''I"''' thl th u1 I ' \f"lt ~ .. ,,., \ h ••n ft1t11lt "U" U\ t't,l"'I \\ht•11 lu• lt\Ull nlH \1ut tlU 1•\plu11u1tt l tlh•ll-ht --.· ~ ru"" •tth "'' .1..:••I t;• 'l' •trut•'t:~ .uul 1···..:.11n,.t h1 .. u~l1t t.• l1w•k ••~ht , tit-Ian 1th. ttt t~u "' "'"•'I• '>hHl,tl ..,, 11ts l11r tht1 Au tt\ ut tu,,1·11,111 tun \Lit 'id ... ~. nvtm .. uth Hq 111ltlw1111' I h11l•1l1111lh I• tll"~ ti Ill •• Ill lllHI Lambourne Travel Service tlt~A-.1.-cuaa ..... Gen,,lne RC.A TELEVISIOI sn CAI DI •IE ms WI mnE? AM-FM Radio Combination C.0111 $806.18 lrulalled In your °""" #tom" Only I•••. .... -1 Can you find them? 11 ......... 1liey 1e CaWorrua • S·-:-.. : -£.'"zty t"-.--.:c <T• fully S.!«1 tt-.. two }'ti" ".!. • • T e ~I a!..a•t /.... .. .r m alnno your Mlec1>cm I ' ,. ·~ CICltllfQl .,. 9'A r,,.., rlght band ~ ol tl , : ::~ .... 9:1%.J If t::': =- ' d.laWly to Editor.~ r;-:-•. he.T~ • ,r llahln~ Co.. Lon; ~c:, l. AU U JOU INcx.ed ln ~ t:• 1-~ ~7 the -. We will qj9-'f'O' .. : • .... _. .... J'l'I fuU partlculare of ih» ~.-. -., ._ ?CO cmi learn how ID _,, '!!A ·• f ....... lo wtn tbe tll:W I ML 'AC%AJO :-::>&JI • .. m;-.-t ~ POtmAC roM'EDO SI:IiAS ~ _, -cf~·~ bso pri1n 200 poillta wm. rnt ,.,._ ·• ..-. ,.,... SeoG1W1 • ... • - • --...... Bowllq ll1ls zn H<:A Portable B1dlos Electric 1111en • 'l' I I'•" r "' ·, ~ r • I I 1 ,., Th., ,,. 11 10 ,. • .... u w,., ,,. , "" a ?"' .In• fi'JT;"/•r f, ~t p,.i '"''· I .. ~ ...... J w .. , ,. •• w.o 0 ,r., ::t n11tw , ...... ,, r •I ti 1. ,.. i J , ar,1J t'" r, 11 17 wtt "•11 w.11 ,,. " 1• ti •lr ' •• -~ ~t ,,, ' ..... ,, ~'"' t "' Im T()l"fl''t. J,...,., ft u nr ttlA• • ' ' P.J;W '·'1 I ,;: !:••r1·~., wl., n 1'lld1tt w.11 11• l'l'""'•'•·I w1tl1 n •J .. - 1,J K,:+ .. n rw 'r'f Y.11 r•Q 11dl.,11 c,I w/,,.,.,.,, J,., w111e rre r.i! '' 4 'IJ r,., ""' rru•• Any m r1n, w 10.'ln )11,)y elf ? • r•s ri ... ,, w rt.in lh• t r Jr1.-i Jde1 1hr..iw n tin u,. <." -< ~· c:·;p .,, .. • ltt't anrl •lio la n 1 on •mr Ir Y• o: t~• p ........ , T•'•7•0M Gt a m•mt ,,, r.t '1 fl1e t 1t T•l't- l'JT"1m •r"""r· ... ,,, , f·1-:.?y t1 • •o.l !• tn •r·'•' A?I .,,,.,,.. 11'1 to! W I r-t••oj r n !11• ~ 1rrn 'II rl'Jl,I 11. I II• IO prr.r.t or wr.'• p:'Jir.!y An •n:11• "1m •Y m•1y t'1~• I 111 lrt tlt11 O'Jm•. but only on• pn1e will b. oww ded 1 . •rr 'f "n• 1,,, • ., .. h,,lrt ond only on• plae can b. won I I •1"J on• ront9t1rint A commlll•• ol fl•• chlo lft 1 '"'" nl)I c<>ttn•ct"d w ith th• Pr•H T•l•orom. will I • c.<im••I 10 d•t•rmln• the wlnn••• In •nl9rlno lht. ·~ , .. ,.,, rill P'1' tl'if"Jnla 071•• \0 o r-1:9p1 th• Judo•• d~ 111nn1 0 1 llnlll Tt.11 r,,Nlul ollldally •l•trt•d t urvla y, Mlly 9. 11141. or, I cl'>••• m 12 00 mHnloltt, W•rln .. <foy, Jun• 30. t<l1A All •nht•• poalmnr~•d lol•r lhon the cloetn11 rto•• nnrl hnur wlll be tutf7•d ln•llgtbl• 1'111 .. will I• rtwrir"••f within two wHh oh•r the cloalno dote "' Ii•• oontHI ll.'111 ynur rrnower todoyl Pmmptnua mriy IJl•O win lor 'f'·, the t .. autll11I n•w 11111.CO TfU:Vl:IOtl St'T •I•' wn '>l ti•• rlglttl Gealla1 Pllllc1 Televlsloa Seti [n1., tl0 Wt II yow ,•nlry la po.lmork•d belore 12 00 mtrtnloht. Moy 24, lt41. ond you are ct. dar•rl wlnn•r of lh• "'" P1IH . you -will rec.I••, In ortrl111M to th• n.-w !Mt PACKA RD S[OAll, • b•fJ\111111 new PlllLCO TEt.rVISIOll SLT II lbe JlflH wlnnftr bile to qua lify lor Ihle epectal o-wartl. th• nu t hlohHI prlae wlnn•r qualtfyt119 wiU be .i .. lm•rt th• wlnn•1 of the PlllLCO TT.U'.VIS!Otf SfT -------------,., --- ·'y • .J! -' ;IF·' .-~ Editor, Poppy Game. Preu -Teleqram. Lonq Beach 12. rollowing are th• numb«• Po ppiea which J beUen lo of the two be exactly alilre: No. No. _____ _ IJ the above number1 are correcl. pleaae crf!dit me with 150 polnta ·an d 1en rl me informa tion explaining how J may obtain the final I I I I I I ---50 poinl11. I IMPDITAIT I Al ~' (\'•t.~.,~ •• .--clud.d in tt.. •Ilk~ e\ ~· ,.,.. herein) 1f.,j"9 wrth;,. ~ l :. ""'-••fe.t of t"9 off"oc;.J ~ v.-m ebo.,. er• -"gible "' ...._ -# r:> y' • 'r ~ ~ C... .. *, f . "' .... ~ ........ ...... ~ .... , .. . ~ I t q • • I I . t r r Ir i · I Win~ 0 P:·~·I NA ME: I STRE:E:T I CITY or POST • I I I S'N' re---ZONE PHONE ' . . • • .. . I .• 11 (l'lriu• l't l,.1 n• r,11. ,,el11l7) .. ~------------------- _, .. ... • •s•roaT a.&Lao.& •s••-T•••• JIOSaAW ~ ..... c.at. ._, 11. IN& ( A:.!_ ;t:_' l ~~~:,~~;~~ u · ~ ~> ot ,,...,. :-.ov r I c: • • ......rm rl\~ h r t> di-pl • U. t.""'"• ~.·• I ,,.,~ ~hulant'•'I ., ,.. ·~ ., • -rl.•t .. • Mitt rr. 11. .. • , , 1 I r.( th.,..,,. P' ufll" ~d ..r•t ,.,....,.,~ r4fUt..! tu '~....;· ~ * ,. ,:. t'J~f'f cn.-tn lt_J \ !'• I tt "'P'' • -J!ft•) I tv.< '.:.! ··,; •t ,r,n,,. th• .-:,n.t.. .c •,. ·r. ·~ en"'• t mar. l>upnnl 1~1 1 , 4 ;..·n•}r.:tl ~111101 ~ ., •• ........ , :--.n t ·al f-.tlb•1t\ -:wn.turd· 1 •II t :-; "''"' , .. ff i( to\~ 111\\ • I UI u•' I\' ..... :,, .... 11 •• -~" -;.,. -;~. ': 111 j• ~~ ; .. ,.""'!.. J •r r l•an• h ll• J .,c: • ., t••' n.. ,., rt uni~ Ing t-l J ....... f \t I ..... I•:-II l't .'lol II , •· ,-t : / ~,,.._ W"lt',., t .~ "'" •' m··nt' 1ir-n1 -... ,,.. -~ ttt t l•I" •Y. ('l"ltl\ ..,1 .. ,k, i111·i.:n l;1l t" ..: ..:1. .. r •J" r> ""' t"" .. • ltS :-11 \ EH ""' lt.1111" ti ·" ":" l •• , la• •• .. ·~ v.rr ''' hrlp 'ltn•' 1111n1·•• ~ ,.-" ,. • ...,ttrn h• r" "' , , 1 rri t:" In~ 1·r jv.ot ~ ; ... .:. -.v ....... r ,,....!hit·"' \\ 111-:.\T rtllUIM ,.,,..,,,, "" I '" .til1'lf'"I. _.,. • _ .,.,.,. t.,.,.. (.tllun h-,·. I '·•' Ca.ii' f .d ~~J M id in r• · Ill 11: ;:-; 111·1 l\'i'. 7S l'•·nb 1t11.:hr1 , I ~ • .r._, kic ...it •as J:-.; HIS t "ATT'l.t.: sl••ady, S llJ-:EP tlull 8LJ 11..AJ c....· r.,. •aold ~ -nad; "'~-.s ~ a.c~ ol years or ., 'flit ac-< • ,.._ ~ only a ft'"' -.. t...... ,_ Ca~ •fation in 1't-a...,..1 P.rnJU: _,, loflU to --~ t._ Zflk ol the fire 4t'l'1 w :..1 ~ ~>' k •hrTf! thtte • eft"ln' ..., !Ir r~trd H£ .. , ..... "' )IA.'\; Legion Post To Sponsor First Hi-Jinks A rs '1 < • •J"-.arr. hll•S.ll· cl Goldsborough . " l<C•'1f""' .,~ ·~. ,_,._"' olk II\ lh• • Le • -l t.tt~" :---... r• .. ~ ... tn .r''> lfl Sets Aside WIS ,..., .... .., i.::. • ..-~n i."' a LV'~ -· ~., ... ·' t, .. f onviction .. r•t ~'· r ' '• Q.<S-1•'11 ·-~·. ..... -a IT' "• •" :" r. t f lf•llh 1"vtC1 le. f l.\..-• ... 1 n.~·"' U• l tu ''' f f111H1utpt •11t1\11t11+u Jcr -•.rU" <r:•1 (. •> 1n tr i• r' •nl ,~ ""'' ,1 .. 1111 I I.•"'' 111111 lh• I ~ ~ <L'• • ;• ·9'-' t0•L'ln• "'' , ... I n1 t, •t ",lat11 \\ ••t k• '' \• ,. '' 1 .... ..1 •.-,.,:r ..,an ,,,,Jt 1.-11 " "' t-, •I• 1 1f ltuL·· ·1 J,,. • • • -...... :~WI t nr '•m•" I h.-,J \I'" 1, 1.1 ... t .. 11 ••UJ:h ,,, th1· ~,,ver n· ..... ~ • l"....:rt-..r, k .. v·r JJUP-ht• m• 11 r . r•·•it"''' •. ,,._,,. v • ,._, h•rrr 4ruht1} I · t ; .. ~J .... 101111111..lt 1tw1k 11r1d;' 1d \ ''' t U f~·· • -· • .•. • ''' 1 ·~,.. d tnd lh • 111 1 'P\• 1 r111u nt ri•qUf''\f tu 111' I ...S'f.qf"'d .,.,..,. .. ,r thf t'll·u t ,,., ...... '"' th• 'tnh.1• ir1J1Ulc'flHfl \\tu1·h ~ ~·--·C • Ho~r ...... ,., '' 1n 1 fftt 1 ·•C·""'' l .t"\\h .uul '"' -1·.-· ··"" o.· "'' ·~"'.ur1 an•I ''"'"n ...-..ui< -""• t... "·""' h) . .n ,.,. fll,.. t;t1\t0rnrm·111 ·, ''"I'""'' 11111\t' fl'T't.. ._... _,,_nt.s ta k.,n hn1I no ..tfN"t on 1h" hn~ nr Sl.- 4 -,_ t• 1.iiDy wttb the otMT, 420.000 1mptllJ'd on lttl' 11ntC!n 11ncl • ._, t.&tT ~ ol ftw dog S:.'O 000 on t..·" 1~ r.1r n1mrnHl l'<>n· 9iJ1 cw llP to dW '"""'*'*"""u '"'"r'· fo r farhni: 111 ntwy snon••r 11 411 a -~ rnurr nnfrr 111 1·1111 orr th<' r<'ttnt T• -c.-tt-t-4 c:i:rl I in-"'" NIOI srnkr ··rnr1h"1th" .....-. -. niv 1A. pt..tw-MJr'ltl"T"Y... Culd!iht>roui.:h had 1mpo'4'd th•· """'-•~ .... ~blank. f1n .. li Thr} ,.,... IH·ini.: a1J11t·al1•1I hy .,..-. hall t. rain d1pp-d00 l.1·~·~ nnd th(• 11n1on ....... t...-T•Dltlt TllliwU W'll!' a puJ&I -..._ .\llclPtn "-oat .\r~ HO ....,.,,._ ._ nn 11ucil nut .,.._ w r~ • :a ~ h vr- -"' ...... I wrt>i eu. frnf .. .-.. 'roll0fur1tw-T h!!< ~ ........_._ flm .. an J1fuck ...._ .,._ bt _..., tin do-but In ... .-nil _.,..,, ~ 'Rotctw0!1 -S-C. • • I '" w niti-T. tns f'llr.'O .. .sw:tl CIGI. lltllt •hrft hr madi> IW ~ 1"~ >lrl. h:l" n n did ...,,. t:1d _... W"w :a caiw flf M .A.'ITIC SURGl:Jn' « ~""1:· h•~ f'ar11 CUPPED" Argentine Ship Goes Aground Off Coronado S AS DIF:c.n. Mnv lR.· i t "l'I Thf' Aritt'nltn•' motorship Slnk11p 1rwtny wt>nl ai,:ro11n1! n null' "'111h "' <"oronadn. C"11hr .. hut tli~pal<'hl's intlwatl"d 1t wa" not In rlani:.-r of "nk1n1t or hrl'aklni:; up. tht• c-<1a~1 j!'1111m rr•por1r1I. Rntl1flt•t1 mrs~ul.:•'l' rrum 1 hi' 'hifl lllh<l"'•' l'tot1t• l1"111'n< 111"1' 1.1.0?". tlill nl't "tlllP thl· ~II•' t'f tho• \"'"I C".......-c h r.:aa fl\;tf ,..fth,H Rt"tl· nr th•• numl,.•r 1•r i"''"'••ns tll>o.ml ..._ ,._ .....i )lro I/? ~th("hiltl Th··~ .. .-1111 th•• :'ink.tp hall tlt•\••I .., .. r .. e. r ,....,.._., mr•nlh-~ :1r "I•'" 1'ni.:m•• t n•uhl" an;I 1.:••nt• 2!J Jil.arC"•n·~ ;Sr Th<-) hf11ui.:ht .• i;r .. untl 'Tnnft _.,. tb>m. ,\ •·na 'I 1.."11.11'11 4'111 ll'r \\II• di~· ~ ,. ~ !Of"\ f":'"T'f"F~ )• :ir l~•ll h1•tl 11 .. m ..;.Ht 1111·.:•• I•• "''' c..W Cu· .. ,r ~ -•' ,.,,. ,,,,.r,. J•''l "h.1• l'l•trld t><· .t .. n•· 141 1°·1! ... .i lit• ~ .... ~, dltill. h1'4 ... ,, \ .... ~·l tlro ~ • .,... .-r•\o ~lmt>"t V< 1•• ;.z;~~·~:-: t.7~.::~£ ~~:~1 [~!I@TI!FJI:SJ n-'"') ,( • a. r--. ... •nd1tr• r• n• ' tA:I t 1o , :• "'• 1net r l h • • '' t._r ... .,,...,.; •• t'•>r.;1 1-.;f I ll":"' l lf'.n • .-.~ ,r,f.TI ~' '~ \R.:- <•F 4/;J 7" •• •i;• , .... ""· II "' t"' '\t \RRI \l.t. I .If •• ,,,"' ' , , :t. '' ,~ n. n ., h~ ... J i '.··I I 'I··-l l'l,1rtrl.I ,,, 11. \\. II"' • ti ". •\\ I~" I It, '"'" *Brief GlalCe al PU8UC Norwww ~·~-~-u25 i 2.20 Bulldlng Permits c~;: ~~ °'::::. • aim-i .e 13.20 Arthur W. Pl'tcrs, pcnnlt to build a I story. '.! car itarage at 1:.!4 ~th strN.>t Estimated cost $1<!00 Mrs. E. S. Little. f)l'rmit to hulld l fnrmly unlu o\'t•r 1wo garagrs at '110 and 412 39th s1rel'1 E~thnatNI nun ~7000 t•ul'h fur lht• units Huland F \":.lid). 1x·rrn11 to In.Ill(! I mom 11t.lrli1iun llJ 111 "'' n t dwrlhng at :.118 S Bay F rnnt. B.11· hua Island E~l11fl.1lt-<I l'<J!'I Sf:.4Mt I It \\'. 1-:1~11· sm,·1lir. 1><'rtn1t 101 t"•ln\ 1•r1 gara1;,L• tu 11' 1111-: quarlo·rs ut :.112 Mari.:m•rit.o 1t\'l•n111'. Cm .. na t.ll'l :'>tar. t:sllm:t14'11 1·0~1 ~\.!IJIJ .lnhn F. R1•)nold<, 11C·rrru1 to builc1 a I story, I family llw<·IJ1ni: <ti :\tl'J Iris a \0t•nu,., l'uronn uet ~lnr. Ei.1111111 ted cos• S4kOll H l lonald ll11 ll. (lC'rnllt to I.Judd " slor<11:e hu1lrtini: a t l'..!118 Coast ll1~hway. Es limal<'d ros1 $1600 B II. Younlo(, pc.•rm11 to hulld 11 I 51t1ry, 4 room dwt:'ll1ng 1759 M1rnn111r Drlv<'. Es1imated cost ~.100 NOTICE TO CO~~ Opnat«, CCJnCrflf' SEALED PROPOSALS will br . llliRr 2.00 16.00 retti\"ed at the olf''ter ol the OtJ Opnator. motor pa-:l~rk City JWl~ Clt.Y ol ~ ~ cndtt. -·-2.0'25 1620 ~a<'h. California. until UIO o'clock Uniwnal equ1pmf'nt P.M. on )111) 2-lth. 19'8. at •'hidt apn-ator tshovel, time th<'Y will br publicly opened\ clracl.bwo, drrrlck. snd r('ad. for p :rforming .-ork as clnndl b a r Ce • 'ollows: C'lamahell o r City of :-:~1101"1 S.•a("h. Calt· crane• 2.10 f(irnia. • Oprntor. pump 1 65 For t hi' 1mprrtH"ITI("fl' uf Jht I {)pt>rator. roller. l 85 StrN ·t frum U.la}'t-HI.' A H'flUI' 1 Operator. tr a I' tor· 10 :..'l<th Str<~ 1 a.nd indudo-s • btJlldo.tt·r. 1amp1>r . i:rtlding suhi;;radt-~auun. s<Til(l"f. dnli::-fHtt· 16 Ril t:l :.li' H.l'lft erushl'r run bast> and 1.t .. n1 ·~··I Otr hoom at· mixed surllU'ing factun.·nts 1 90 15 ::n :--;0 hid wtll bo.' rec•o\'"C'd un.J..-u it ()iwrator. tttnrh ma· s madl' on a µrc>ptMoal form fur· dul'I(' . 1 975 15 ~\ iishNI "' ttw City EnltinH'I" Each Tnrl Drn'M"'S o t )id must ti.> arcompanwd b)· 1 cuh. dump trucks of :crtiftf'd ur C"aSIUM""s chtck. or bid-_k-ss th11n -1 )'ds. Jer's bond 1 ma& pa)°ahW to th.-a·attt lt"'f'l 1 ·1Z'l 11 ir1 :"II\' of !11«"'1JM1 Beach for an An> t"laslllfintfi~ un~unt t'QuaJ to a t Wu1 tm •IOI unutrtd h •re tn, _ iwr cent or the amount .. bid.. such I not ~ than 1.3.."> 10.M tract. br donit TO\IOKKO\\' Ol"TC•o"c; ~t:\\ l'OJ<T llARROR HJGH SCHOOL ~'""''"' Hody Pf'f'aldf'ftt Don :\le· C"al.lum "Ill .,;t rodti'N· 1 hi· folio" lnic no•w 11tudf'nt otflcena al tile recuJar """""'bl)' hour pro1ram. Left .to ,; ht thr\' ,.,.. •. 'f••nlta 'hrnh. 1r .. a.•11rf'r;v\l•rlly11 Amold, 1M1Cretary; Uon .lum·,., '''"'' Jirf'11ldent; and \\II· IC • • • •> photo h} Gerhardt 3 Unopposed Here In School Trustee Elections Friday . i.tuaranty to be forfeited shou)d Ow I All bids to be rom~rNI .on th_I' bidder to whom the contract is basis of the City _E_ngmttr s es11- awardcd faH to enter into the Cllllt-lmate of the q. uanlltlH of work to In accordanot with the P"J""i-S o bid ••ill bf' aettpted from a 'ions or Chapter 2!¥1. St.tutH al Contnc1or Who has not ~n Ji. 1931. the City Council of lht Oty I cr.-d in xrordanct-with the pro- or ~-port St-ad\. bas Ma"rtairwd '-isions of Chapttt 791, Statutes ,lf the general ptt'\'-ailiac rat~ oilt929. u ammdrd. lhun IUu•,.mM.lt, pn .. ,lctf'nl. l\ath·c Som;~ Con,·e ntion May 17-20 . . . ~·' .... .,.. . .. Crancl Parlor Convenes at Hoberg's CONVENING OF TIR 1lat G&AXD PABLO& of the NaUn Sona of lhe Golden Weat 11 aet for M&J 1'1Ul at Boberc'•. 1n Lake County, and cloalns date I.a eet for K&J iOth. NearlJ 500 delegat.ea from all .ecUona of \he 8\at.e wW attendl-~ Prelldent Judie Walter I H. Odemar (11\M\, left), oC Loe a:ap'l-. Will prea\de. lncollliDC Orand PreaJdent la Walter If. Balley (I.met, rtsM>, ot EJk Oro••· Sacr..mento County, now Grand~ Vice Preal.dent. Photo 1hows.... Hober&'• main bu1ld1n1 decora&ed to welcome Ule nat Lhron1 upec~d t.o p&rUdpate ln thla Centennial Year Grand Parlor 1alh- ertn1 of that hlator1c and patrtoUe orsani-uaa. Lut yur'1 Grand Parlor WU held at Avalon, San\& oataUna llland. Many lSSUN &ffectLn1 Califomla'1 welfare wW come before the Native SoN at Ulla year'• concla•e. There are nearlJ JOO."Parlora" In the~ ---/. -- ISRAEL'S ARMY TAKES ANCIEST WALLED CITY; JERUSALEI\1 PERIL TEL 1\\"I\". ;\l:t\ 11'1 1 l l1'1 hrael"s arm~ rropl11rl't1 t h<" an1·wn1 \\,tll•'(I ("If ~ • r t\t"I•' 1 ... t.1~. 11111 ft•· 1••rl~ m1l1t":tl• tl lhal llw ph~lt! ~.1 llM lllllll J•·"~ m ,J, 111~al• 111 "·t~ lw ("tll1 1 \1n.: d•'"l)I r1th' •• ~ Arah l <trt•11,.; ''"'"'!-:•'" th;· I Inly \'i1y In 1h.-fourth rlar 11r f1i.;ltt1111: ,llt•'•" tl11• llr111,lt 111.11111,tt•' Ill l'al- •''-ltllt' I nrkll .11111 lht Ill"\\ ·"'"!Sh ,,, .. ,. ttl 1 ... t u·I " '" pt ,,.·1.1t1ll• d \1 11t 1t·i.:1"11 1r1••I" ,.,·1111•1••tl H•l h l..itt 111, 1111 I h ('f,11··· ··I ("ht,,, I •'I 1• 11.111 •"·"'' .. t u .r • .i r. 1 "'" 1-r 1· 1 !' 1·.1p1l.tl (.11 11..-l,l11t 11111• F .. 11·1•s nl ,,,. ,\r .1h na'""' I t..:\J•f '\rlil, IA0h;1n1111. rnm• .l.11ol 111 It , , 111d S:turl1 A1 .1h1a \\• t •· I• 1••1 I• d lll"ht· Ill~ Ill I It·· lltth !. 11111 1111 1 J , "'" srr 11t I, lo.u·I, .. 1 r "''..:I). :1 1111 11t.-1 1rap111r.· 111 \1 r• "lr••rc I l~M I \1 ahl< I• llou 11 "' ·1,, nltt \\,tllo·d tr!) Sfll l•rtil•ltt,. \\ ,, 1tlll· It •Ill\ '"' nithl IP 111 ·1 1 ... -' . •ry 1• 1••1I•11 1 .. rl;,, Tit. \r ,1., \ • It} t~1 •h11HI Jt•\t'I llld ... , I r nl 111\• n i1u11••11 1HUld 11• • i t•I 11 , n 11 ,, .. • d 1 .. 1 II• ~.... \\ h11 t, ' • I • Htd lo •lt ' .. '" 1·1 · d ' " ' School board elections will 1n- 1rude brieOy F riday in this city B!l unoontesll'<I racei; for elemein· tary, high school and Coast col- l1>gt' trustet's loom here. E lectors In 51 school districts in "·agf'S appltcabW to tl'W' .--k to P1am may br sttn. and Corms '"-' done as followl: I al ~. bonds. rontl'act. and ..._.,. rw ...,at"~tions may br obtained at .... .._low olfttt of Ow Oty Engineer. ....., .-._.,City Hall. Newport Bt-ach. Calif . c1 .... n.r-au-. 1'hr spfCial attention of orcc- • Orunge county will hatlot May :.n on st>lection or t ru~t<'CS. the t-1«· l h>n markl'd b) c11nll'Sts rn-only 10 l'lementary"auu.r~s and in three h1i::h sc·hool d1~1 ricts, 1.90 lS.20 ptttiw biddrn is ClllJeod to the full clirtttiooM as to bidding, etc. I "T'ropouJ R.f'quinommta" annexc-d l 775 H..20 to the tilank form of propoaal, tor 1rorwr 1.55 12.40 'J"br City of N"''JIOC't ~ach rc- AsphaJt sprt'ading ''"''" the right to reject any or A11phall or CTUShing- pl11nt Encineer AsJ.ahalt plant dr)"f'r· man or rrrm\aft Asphalt ra.ktt and ( In lhl' :>iewpo1·1 Beach C'ltonwn- 1ary r<ll'r, only lnr umbent T. \\'es· 11111 .la) i.s t>nlN'Nl In the high '<'hnol 11i~t ri<'t, .I A Rt><·i(. rnC'um· h•·rtl. 1~ u1111p1.t1.1i.."1 un I.ht:' ballot. Anti. !or l hP I )r.tn~t· C°'txlSI COlll•i:e <h:.trlct. tht• only eandid:llP '" in- 1·111Ttht•nt D. IJ l.11" hrild. ·Hope for Meat m achirw opc-rator 19() 1s.20!a1J beds. · Carpt>nt<'r l ~ 15,201 CITY OF !'li"EWPORT Br.ACH c .. m<'nt Finl£her 1.975 15~ C. K. PRIETS. F lairm11n ant! .,.·atcil-Ory C1ttk.. man I 3."• lOfilJI DAT£D May 10, l!MS. ll•·a,·r ctu•r r~-pair-Puh ->t:iy 11. 18. 1948. m :1n 1 91• 1 35 t 5..2f1 10.!l> .\D\"DITISIDlt:~T f"OR RIDS : Strike Peace ~I 1Contfnurt1 from Paire 1) Hotel Porter Held For Pelting 3rd St. Crowd With BR's :"f m <'1-: t!< h<'rc•hy i:i\"rll !Mt ".1lt-d h1ch "Ill I"· n •<·l"I\ • rl In'" :-." ""'> ;in;:a))tw'tf lldlanl'"' C'ti·w1•~ mati<' h:1lan1·•· "'llh i:r 1rl•1.1t• rl nolfh--rl tw om t11.1\\•0r l~•·<k•: :\11 l:> or r.1wtl (Ac'"• 11'eleplto101 Vlrtlnla Mayo I~ ·one ral who la plaJll\f W<:Ond fiddle and doean"t eeem to mmc. tt a 1>ll. 8be ,.,.., 11.-en lb)....t.itle rote In '1be Olrl From Jonea;acb." an.er Lauren Bacall turnm the part down 1>e- caU1e the heroine bad 'to wear ex• acllJ etaht bathq ault.a. To date farui han llt'nt OlDJ'\y 111 ault.a, all of which ~he fllla out u pretUly aa &he d<>t'S tbb one. '1 •·a~· h111 ,.,,fl ht• "''''I" n•·tl .1ft•·r I \I ;11 nh·n1 n•p1t .. .,,• ul 1tl.)•t \\1 tt• h1 tn••• 1 I ltttl 1\ roi· f.1lk' 111 111" I Ill\\;,\ l:o· l"lf ol1~pUI•'. lo;I! rlt"I•' \lit• 111111• 1 h111•· fn r r1 •plwk '''" lt•rn1•n1 wh1d 1 t • ,..; \ ",(;~ 1.F~ ;\I"' I' · l"P 11 .. 1. l 1••• I• 1 \lu-h:1• I El!J .. ·r :r. \\ I' h• \ti It jd0t\ "" ,u_"'"l•"·SA•n •°kf ldk- 1111.." 1• •·lint~•~ rllt :m dtr rifle ".\!'Ill•· h~ $1 anrl• 1' 111 •hr \l<"lntl ~ (•! Th1r.J ~I and l.u•·" A · .. • s..·urrwd t .. r !:111 "I• ,11n1: J11n• .!, 1·~1~ ~1.;n. •I Ha-11 11 f'o'I• r~<m. ~••('• r. 1.tQ r: .... rrl .,( T111-11, <, 1 111n.:• :_·.""''' Junl••r c·.,11, \.!'• I •1,1ru 1. tu . l nt:• c .. 11nt}. Catrrnmia. P,;t, :\l;o_!. 1'4. .!:; l'•I ~0Tu·1: ot· rt·Ruc 11t:.\Rlst: II \\'l•llld 1•nrl go\1•rn111 .. n1 "1"'1';1111•11 <'0\"<'r Th· l'l.mnmi:: l "omr111•-1 .. n or 111" of 1hr• rniln1n<I'"' !'1x 1·arl ... 1rl• .. r "''"'., r<.;ir•-d u p l-lf} , ( :-;,."P''r' R.·a1·h. ha\lnl: Automoth·t' lndu,.try \\a) 111• 10 the 11111 r<J-<'llon last ntitht 11fttt rt"("OflUlll'rtd.-d ''' the C"il} C ouncil co11nl\0 Pro~··1·u111r .J:im1•' ;\lt-:"ttl-n ·1..c1rts thur ·• man •.u shl~otmg of tlv <'11> of :"<'"'porl r~a<'h. thal 11·~ s;;11I tw ""uh! t•:i ll otri<-1al' or rrrom •h<' t11p nf an apartmPnt U,rs 9 to 13. incfu.,l\·1·. Rinck c. ttic CIO UnitC'd Auto \\"orkl'rs lO hOUst'. s-'J)nr't flay Tra.1. in the City his Dt•troit officr• today to dt'IC'r· On!' shot shalt~ thr twad·1of Newport &ach, be.> rl-·wnNI min<> why thl' union ~truck qnint<t liKh1 on a park.-ct motorcydr front ~2 to R ·3 d-lfkatktn, the th<' Chf)sl<'r M01or corpora1lon An<'lltwr narr•.-1) m.&Sllif'CI a manlC'ity Council. tn aC'COf"dancr with I nrul to '"sParch for \"iola1ions·· of h1dmi: 1 .. ·h1nd a corner rNta wanl said 1rc:u101kndahon and the law, th•• ;\l1chigan law whic-h JlfO\"ld!'!I Of!rC"t"r II D P et .. -non crrpt I no-· "'" notict• that a public f1•r 1akin~ a i.I nk!' \'ol1• IX'for<' a al11ni: a thrrd-floor <'On\IN' Wtfll hranng on said re-zonin~ v.·iJI be wulko ul i• callNI C'1rc-uit Judi!!' ht.• l'OUld bn:ak t~ ~ -~J held tn the Council Chambers or The11d1n·r R1rhtrr h:~uM an injunr-and rornt•r Elliott 1n his apaT'f-1 the-C\t)" of 11>-iiort JWach. at the Iron la<:t nii::ht ff'Slrninmg MrNal-mt•rrt. Tv.o othtt poll('f'ml'T1 s:Udfhour o( 7:.30 o'cl«k P ~. nn Mon · 11•\" Crum im·l',11,::iting allt'gcd \in-lht•y found J hc-aJI' nne tuddtii Clay. the 21st da)" ot June. 1948. l.11 1nn,., nf 1h1· 11C't under a halty carri<lge ma ('\)f"nt-rl Dy ordn or the City Council. C'oal-"nrr coal op<-rator. a nd of th<' ap.utment. C. K. PRIEST. r••prrwn111tt\'1•<: of J ohn L LA·wi," --Clerk \ "nilf•tl !\1in•· W orkers w.-r.· 10 ~tori' lhan 90 ~ Sa\y and Pub :\ta)• 18. 19'18. 111,.••I 111rl:1y for o~nm1; talkio; nn u ~a\'al R.t·S4'f'"t' officen ha,._. bt-t>n n .. w rontrart In hrall off a J'IO!'<lhl.-a~~11:nl'd as Sa\')" Liaison off1Ct'T'SI -... ?'J_..'l'llllra wm -• lie ,11f1 l"t>al .s1rikr• wh.-n the prf'l'(•nl for Srouling, U&Utanc and in-I rz o •k fer -e tMa - r11n1rnr1 rxr>trr~ Junr 30 ~lfU("flnl! Am<T•l"arl Sea 5'vuts in .... ,.., ~ 94 .. adYs- ------~----1-"arm F.qulptllf't1t-FC'dPral ron-nautical suh.)('('ts. I .-.w•l. ~ die ,.., &o J>C'llrt't1 C'Offi()3l ;1hle '" ol ~··ri· ... ,,, con.-.-ntrw 1·1n·1,•s. In the ('r•n!t'r. 1.l(lnnt•t! 11p "1111111 11 s1•i:-nwn1 nf 1 ho• old \\ all1•1I < 01!y or J1•rui;al!'l11. Whll'lt l'ttnl:t1n~ Chri~I r•nclnrn ' rn 10 • t ' a t• r •'ti ~hr1n1•.ot "t't •' ahnul l~"'"' ,It•\\ .... rl~h•mi.: ••ff -.111~·n11r 1\rnh fnrr··~ wh1rh '11rnu111d,.1l I lwm ·'""' 111 111111 lwltl "'"'' 111 !lw rih:11nrs ml'I toclay "ith rt'prrSMl· I """11y .......,, .. , Md all lall'."•·s nf thr ln1.-m1111on11I llnr-· ,..-----~-~~:-----..i" ... _. te Ff'jert .. , adYa-dH- ,.,.,,,,, C'OffiJlflny nnrl thl' CJO \ 0nll· I -· ... n9fonnl81 to ndee NI Farm F.quipmrnt \\"orkN"'< in an ... ......."'--aa.&nf'd ad9 .. tr .. r1 to arr11ni::1• n1•w c-rmlrarls •• -~f"CI.., &o t :JO-. lw(nrt' lhl' pn•<t'nl on" l'Xlllrt'" th" .. ,._... .. , of ~ata-. '"'' WN'k nf Ma,· The unr11n re- pn•.,•nt<: :l:'l 000 \~·nrk<•n> in 11 h:ir· ,.,.<Ir r pl:1n111 10 s 1r:ir1•i.;1l" 1••1111~ In •h·· 1t1t•lo·rn. llr."11: STRANGE CASE OF .. r _,,.,.,,,,tlt•m .... · .. 11111 1 11,.. \\ .11l1•tl f i<fl• .. I I' I •• • ll J .. ,.., 11111 C'!I\ \\h1d1 ,, """ •• trod·· qu.11.-THE NASTY GOPHER Som" pff1r111I '"111 .. •• '"''''' 11 ,~. thnl T"r:h •I', i.:,o\t•1 nnH nt "·•' 1·t1n· :H' 1.0:\<i Rt:.\( II. ( al .• \la) tM 'I< 11 ·r. f"t:P..:" ITuR Jo: rrr:iircd or rf"l mt•h• d. \", n!'t111n h I 1 n d s rdmtsh!'I! Mak•' !hnlil' wohhly r ha1n hk·· nr " Hral'flnahlt• SrU1d1wT"ill P r•otl11rl<:. :l:.?o:; liar· h"r Uh ri. <0tr.-l<1 \l""· Pit Br a- '"" :~1:n iO·f"·HI ,. . ') t"nllt'd i;tat'"" l'avlnr' llnndl' ha"' ' lt t f \ f I' ~' J 1 11.t hr ·h• ,, 1r • tll"' U1 IH l:11t f.i•l ,,.,, .. \\ 1 .. •u I , '1 I I• 11! \t t1 I t11•I I ,, I I "n duclini.: sccr1•1 nl'l!Pllllll••ll• ""h 1t l'1-l1 ""' tt -.Ira ni:•· ,.,. .... hr K ini.: ,\htl11ll11h 111 Tran--.1~11~1 tn 1 .. r lh:1t "'"' h•·llllh 1fto11artmrnl to .t lk'i~\ 1 H).!l'•'l'lttt•r'1 u u rkt•r"5 1111t tu •·h•·••k th•· '"'""''" .,,.,,.,,. 1•·:tt'•' 1111111•1'• 1·011ld ""I 1... 'ihlllt)· of r11hl•·"· ,h ,,.11r11 m ,·d "''" i:tll• """"'•I \n ill-1•·1111•"""'' i:o11h•·r tlr• .. I ?\1•"11'" hilt• r>l•'I •:.inti 11t111 ,. 'h'I'' of lwlni: '""""'' It~ '''"· .\i:n•"' .I. h· \\"· ('.ttt'\1111.: ;11111, 11111 ''IPl'll• • \\1•1t' c.nn ... ·r·~ •·1tt 11ntl )'"'''"""'' r•'" :trr1' rni: ""'' .111tl .11 11.nl.t .11111 1111i11t•·tl h) l1llln1r tit•· kill). ,. iy r:H"h ti.I\ '"" :11lol111: 111 Jiu• Tl11• n tl \\11'11°1 111111· lo •·all"ft ,11·1 ni;llt · rhl' .I••\•' , ... ,,1.i J1l.1t'" 111 th1• 1:011h1•r "'hit '.\Ir•. (i11n .. ·r. (l· I hi' flt'lrl. '.\Ir~. """""' hll n n unt•. • • l)C '-t C •O~.S COl"'\3t '"-A T o -.. ::> "\.l'\.CQ~ S .. l O 7 '\ ~--5 .... -•• ~--. ... .s.-•••1>t •c "c,~.~ ~'; .. ~~"'."-'",~~ :~ .. ~: .. \~ ~[ un:-;011 Brc 1s. Conrrl°l(• Work '...~•:.."< :-;"lnl'l ,\n"\ ,\\<' c' ·~T.\ )fl":',\ l'l' f l. .1rnn :-• .:'..'I \\" •IT ;;7;;7 ;,:!.:?:!tc C'fl'.\IPl.ETE Jf(1l"SE<L.EA:"l:"C [-;F;R\"ICE \\"all "a~h•m::. J.!1!'1t rlr:inmc <ind ~""'""· "indo" d ranini::. r;:iulk- ins::. ~~ NC clf'aning Frt•f' ~ltmar,... Work i::uarant<'t'd REMU !" 6111 AL"S H<>l"~E CLF:ANlNG SERV. 70-c-91 .... Rl"I I <X1' Tt• ;\Ii ;m il ;\Ir'< "1adr lot mlnutr Chrl"t""'" 'hl>P. plnir "'orTlr" a thlnr of thr pa"I for C 11 Hullot k I' 0 n,,, :.~1. :-.;,'" · wlw Amrrlnn ... In fut r•rn thnuch .Honor Roll Prosperity ·Plulgers Gl" ARAXTF:ED Rf:PAlRI!"G-REB "ILOI~G Up•alsterJ JluTy lkKer pnrt B··ach. in :';1n1 n <\na C-om -Jo• lllouiht abeut what In I",. mun.Ll" h0!<p1tal. May 15. 1!\41', n mf'mbrr• ot )our family nr l°lo!W' rlnui;hl!'r 7 lh~, 15tv oz. t friend• for a monlll of ~unday• yoa ___ I ualcl at0I c-•m• up •Ith a l°M'llrr ••ea Ula• llavlap Bond•. Tlllnll ot ,\ "••rk,•r in i;:11h 11nizl'd iron, or 8a•lnir• Bond• In W-rm!' of "h~I lltry i will do fer !hf' rrdplrnl. t or f'•· n lln~rrnth. 1,. kno"n as a wh le-amplf'. 11ea•a pro.-ldl' lmmf'dlale I 'm1th t•nda In Ille """nt of an rmrr1rnc-y ---and lll"lp to p~y for't'durallon. lrav· :"C\\ s d1l'p31Ch!'S or th!' UnltNI I f't •• nf'W homf' •r • doat'n and Ont' Ip,,.,,. 'l"P 1 11re rqnd and heard In other thl~• •hlc-11 mrmMnl of )'our i11 roun1r11.,. and In -IR tan1euagl'!I. famllf drum abnut. \"our 1lfl of a · lteM mall" you a parll\f'r In lht' --============::..::.'-----------------r-eallaatloa of, lb~ fendt'al lie~ of '* NmHIM' )OU kl•·•. ""hat morr Nl•ld '" ... ll el a (.'ltrlalmao 1111~ • * 0 insurance .... .-l••r w. o. buck, lnklronce couns.lor 3333 wio 114o, ••wport bea ch. caltf. t•l•.,a.o.. Mwporf beoch, harbor 1500 - L'. l l•tU••\ '''t'., .. , •.• 11tr t' ~ Na' r dt>nftl ••d ~,~,; i:mrtll craft t>f 'llft<'lll' type's I•• !ht 1 ,\11wrt1·;1n ~l'a ~"'''"' .tunn.: I!' I!\ I ;1nd 1!'17 WELCOME HOME! Newpwt Harbor l'•t 211 AMERICAN LEGION h9"N .. .__...,, .,... ........ .. _ ................ -.... -.., .. _ .............. e - T. WESTON JAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. Elc-o Crul~no . 1A111011 a Mlll'Ua oatboar'C!1 Complf'~ Vac!M ~ a Gear. TM'ht lh'*-... a '- RIU'hclr ~ Via Oporto DE1'.~ W. CAJIPBl:LL Le~ter & Co. lllM'lbfor l.oM ~ 8tedl t:Yd!A.ap Oo.-emment. M.....,.a Mc1 Oor,,ora.lloti 11 ml ... SUI£. C.ntni.J A..._........_ Pll. llartlor lOll Padraic B. "Pat" Evans Life -Health· Accident All Types Penonal Insurance Barbor 1119& • lllt &. 8llrf Dr. • Bal.,_ Baumgartner Jewelers lmured Dlamoada VOLNEY HAY. JR Hay's Camera Exchange "1w . o • o.-•.. o r I M • ea-. 0.-. Po1tailllli • I01 IL o.tnl BA Cll -..._ a Geo. a. 8trtelalr, ..-.: c. A. ........ "-..... llaJV ............ T1 a Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. '1'7 ~ Rwy. P1L R&rtior 6111. N...,_. ...... ue11,....... CY1ll9er a 8pwt 1 r ~,... ......... \ ---0r--w ,\. c:;m:-.ic !\I ACJH l"ES Sf:'\\"l="G l\tACHil\'ES \" ACL T~t .. .q.F.A:"fERS I -tc.-=; llARR<l R APPLIA~C'"F: SER \,CE ITi ~ .. v.·porr Bl\"d . Rt>acon 6296 72·<.'·81 JAMESON FLOORS ~ndrng and Finishing &st ~latmals and Equipment Lia!N('d. I nsurt'd PHONE BEAC\)N 5855 62-22tc Gf>n,.r ;il Ru1ldintt C"'ontracton DROCKMA:-l RROS f"r,,.. f°'.!flrYUltf'S-Prompt Service ~:..1 RROAO\\",\\'. C"OSTA '.\IF.SA "6-11mn 6."liJt..I 1>9-p-8) I F:D WAL TF:ltS -· · TILE ("O:'("fRAC'J'OR l\ath R()(lm.1. Drain Boarda. etc. 15th 6-:"f'WJ!Ort Aw•. Costa Mese Phonfo Beacon 8700-W -3. ' . • • 18-tl• .. [ BU PR a z p E Fa }- 17E I( 81 Lf 1 tF N1 }- w ( P'. R s· F ,. 1' L L L I c F ~~~~~~~-§-----~-------------------------------- BU811Ql88 GUIDE LEROY SLATER Move Anythlna Anytime Spt-dallzed ln MOVING Household Good.I & S mall Boata Harbor 391. ~tfc CABINETS PRECISION WORK Let us call and glv(' you our t'Stimat('. f 44 21st St. lk tween Orang~ It New- port Av('., Costa Mesa. Phone Bl•acon 6226. 58-221 p For Rent - HollM' or · Apt. Till June l:tth H.M.LANE REAL.ESTATE 2006 Court Ave. Near Newport Pier Eatabftlhed Since 1920 8-tfc HARBOR Plumbing Service 1768 Newport mvd., Beacon 6111 REPADUNG OUR SPECIALTY Contnictinc and Supplle9 9-th 12 TEARS SERVICE IN THE HARBOR AREA H ARRY HALL PAIN'nNG CONTRACTOR 274 Eut 19th StTHt Ph. Bea. 5413 Cqlta Mesa. <'..W ~tt. Expert Watch & Jewelry REPAIRING ~--., ..... ~ORT JEWELERS F ine Diamonds and Watch('S (Und('r new Management ) 116 22nd St , Nrwport 67-c-82 10 LIT GF:ORGF: DO IT~ llARPF:R GARDE~ !'F:R\.H"F.. (F<lrmPrly 11f Pai:nd1'na' ~1111n- 11·nnnc(' or .. ~t11hllsllC'd i:-nrclt'n$ Sprn~ 111~. pr11nin~. !:prinkl,.rs cl•·a nPcl F r1'1' ··~t1m:i1t•!< l'hom• nc•:t(•lln G:!!l!t-\\' li·IY 11r ,.,.,. 4:.:ll 13th St , Costa ;\ks:c, 63-'..!Jtt· Portable W elding Burning NEWPORT W E LDING SERVICE H . 1564-J · 328-28th St. DICK SANDOVAL 63-22tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone Beacon 6217 Z573 Elden Ave.. eo.ta Meea »tf• W aUace Oalderhead WATCHMAKDl JEWELER ENGRAVER 817 COAST JOGHWAY CORON A DEL MAR, CAUF. M-22tc F 1 o'w er s For Every Occasion Corsagrs -Gifts BRO ADWAY FLOWER SHOP 108 Broadway, C"osta Mesa Shop, &econ 5521-J H ome, &aeon 5100-M. 68-c-90 PDSONAL H READINGS-Monday through Fri· day, 1634 E P11lm. Santa Ana. 7 fJlH'!:tinns hy mnil $1.f)O. Mrs. Da\'IS. 68-p-71 Swimminl? in 1hrc<' l!'ssons. $7.00. F oot of MonlC"ro, Ralhoa. R('!!. 327i Anad<' T'h llarhor 2798-W. 5~22tc F OR RE:-.;T :l h!'riroom 11nrur- m~hcd 1'::1SI <1rl1• C'ost;1 M r«a Yrarly r!'nllll Fe nr•·d yard liar· hor 36:i-H 71 ·r-7:l rrnOL!ilTf.:RISO 19 IF vm n Ft·n:-:rn·nr. Is :'\ot REr< 1;\ll~G Thrn \'1111 Should HE c-n:'\11:-.:r. To JONF:S < ·n. l 'phol~t··r r« Rrstylini;: --H1•h11l1tHn~ }965 Jlarh<tr J1J\•cl C'o«I I ;\Jl'"I\ RF.A n260 LOST AND FOU SD n LOST-10 A m Sunday. pockl•I size i:old watch. 4-'in. ll'alh('r strap attach('d. srr ond IHlncl missing. Jktw!'('n cornl'r Full<'r· ton & l !ith S I nnd gas stAtlon at 17th & l'i<-wport Blvrl. Call for reward nt M)'Tl'hn station. 72-p·7•\ LOST-Two hrown male Cocker Spaniel pups from ~ewport HeiRhtl. R('ward. Call lkacnn 5135-R or r('t urn to 321 Aliso. 71-p-73 EllPLOTlll:ENT WANTED ta CAPABLF: WOMAN wants "''ork, mot<'l. hoUs<'. or what have you $1 00 hr. Beacon 5965. trail~ No 1. 70-p-72 RELIABLE m iddle aged couple want11 motel manag<'me nt. <:an giv(' top refrrrn<'<'!!. <'all Harbor 203. 72·c·7& MAI'. 28. WRITER. RECENTLY RETtJRNED t"'ROM HAWAI· IAN ISLA:'>IOS. \\'ILL EX-O~ANGF: WORK O!' ESTATE. HO~IF: OR BoAT FOR ROOM BOARD i\!'D SMALL S ALARY LEAVE ="A:"fE AND PHO NE ~o. H ARRn R 1372-\\'. 67·c-72 COMPANION II• cldl•rly or-invnhd . pr(•fC"rahly \1\'(' out. Tc•lc•ph11111' llnrhor :.>('150·M 7:!-c· 76 Mr11'<; sl11rh 111:11h• lo m .. a.,un •n ll'nl. l1y ,. )( )11' I I •• n l' •• d ~l'IUll:.'1 re'"" l ln•.;,, -:p .. r1, Ill' rad mi: slnrts ~!'I' :'\Ir" J L P11111:h . tititi \\' \\·11~011. t 'u:-iot:l ~h'Sot. I\, :u•un f*'ll'l-1< 7.:·p-7 1 -P1•d 1111 rll' 1111d 1111.;nt nuri;I', vaca· t ion1r11:. ·~ "' allul1h• /IS f 01ikr mutli.·r ,!.y rl:iy. 111.,;ht. \\'l'l'k cn<is llr by Wl't•k. No phoni·. kindly cull prri;onally, mornini:s. :!01 n 11h1iu ,\ \'('. Ill <k<'an Ave. In lit th' 11r{'y garrii:l' C'Olliil:<'. C'o- rona dC'l Mai.; .. . 64-tf EXPI-:RJ ~::"t "t-:1 l dnnwst 1c work1•r d1•i<in•s part tanw work an N<'w· por1, Corona dcl ~tar. ~ 1 10 pt•r hour Phonr HA. 14"6. 7Hl-73 C l'L T\;Rt:D, l.'> Yl'ar uld whatl' wo- man. with lo\l.'ly six yvar olcl da u11ht1•r, wish<'s µosi I ion In hOml' In Corona dl'I Mar Full~ qualifl<'d us houst'keep('r, child care. llcl'nsed chaurrer. com· µ1mlon. Mrs. Dorothy Col!'man, 1620 Drldgden Rd .. P11s11dcn u Sycamore 76923. 71·C·73 WANTF.D-By young woman piirt lime work, ('Xperienced typist a nd liJthl hookttping. Refrrl'nCl'S furnished. Ph. Harbor :!:.!•lll-M n.c-74 ~ Wise -AdvCTtiror F.MPLOYMENT o~ n W ANTED-Moth('r 's helper. swim· ming p<'rmitted. Livl' in or 0111 Ph. B<'acon 52n7·R, 71-c-75 ONF. part time pr<'ssrr. And r!P· ll\'er y route man: on<' full timr prrSS('r. Call Jlarbor 1636-R lw- IW('l'n ;,-:30 & n:30 pm 71-tfc MA~ To work in fOCKI stor<' with m<'al 1•'(1wrll'nN'. Wrill' Uox "F." N l'ws·T1m1•s. 6R-e· 1'.! \'<It 'Kl. ;\T.\~ To Wtlrk Ill r 1•0<1 St.11'1' \\' 1 ll INH'h j.!TOC1•ry husi- n•·~~ Box "E" Nl'ws-T1meo~ 61k-7'.! \\'C l;\l A:" \\'1th C"'\lll'l'i•'Clt"' l'lll'l'k· in~ ICl '""" markl't. \\'l'it•' n ox "I:.. N 1•wi:. Tmwi: t;H.e•·i'~ \\' A:"'Tl'P \\'1111 rl'!'l', hu ... 11 .. ,. ,'<.• dhh\\ ;1 ... twr f11r wet' k r mli: 1\:11· hoa Yad 11 «h:h Ph. ll:c rl111r 11S1 or nil lll'I '"'•'n !I a"nd ;;. t~-i:-1'.! W0 :'-11\:"\ \\' A:STED -To can• for chalclr!'n. four and six )'l'nrs .. and R~.sic;t w11h housework. ~100 per mo <'all lw twl.'<'n 6 & 8 p.m liar- hor 157:.?-J . 64-trc EXP. F 0 l1NTAIN MAN for nl1<:ht shift in Mnlt S hop. Must lK' honl'll & rellabl('. References. Apply art<'r 2:30 p.m . 211 M arin<' A\-!'. Balboa Island. 69-c-72 1-:XPERIE1'IT.O 1trOC<'rman want- <'d Wrtll' Box "E" Nl'W!l-Timrs. GSf-c-72 FOL'NTAI~ G IPt.LS-18 lo 30 )'('al'11, ('XJX'riencr prefrrrt>ff 1iii1 not l'l'QUlr('fl. Apply at Ml'sa Malt Shop, 1770 New)'l(lrt Rival .. Cost A Mr11a. 70·C·72 W A!\:T -Mnicl for mMrl work. P11 lli•ncon 5:!99-J. 1'.!·• re \\' A!':TF:D-Girl, cnmpaninn fO[ nn l'ld1•rly lady Board. rc>om :cnrl Waj.:I'~ 191R Court /\ \'(', 7'.!-c -;1 \\',\~TED-Part 11ml", Nq11•nr11C"l'<I drntK'ry ~C'amc;trrss Your to" n "Ork l'(l{IOl Rox I:!~. :-<:rw1v.r 1 Rl·ach. f:,! .. ,. .. ;4 r~:R ~1 ANEl"T 1·m11loy11wn1, 1•ook , '.! 1n f11m1ly. pri\'rct l' rn<•m ,i:, t. dh Tc•lt plwnf' I l11rhor 1i;;,~1. w H•· ,.,.r~,, d1:11 J:.t'l' 72-r·74 ---\\'A:'\Tt-.n . wnmnn f f•r 1:••nr r11I h u11,1•\\t11 k hr "l'l·k . 011eo la•h 1n f:cn11I~ 111rh11r I ~.-l I·\\' 1»1<1 .\111 ·Cll1·•f' l \rf\•'. ll!1llw1.; j ~· .. 'tf• CA:\\'A ~SETI~ ~Tl.I.E l ! BHl -, ·11 :'II hl\ I ll~Ul'<tllC'(' & Appliann' :--;aJc•.-:nwn 11• •\\ \\ o1tdd \ "'' Iii-• '" 1111\1 ,111 '''( 111 ... I\ I ••11 111 .. ra~•··~c --··lltnh lli'\\ ilpplt,IO ('I' 111 \ 111•'1'11':1 1 Hd.t \',, ,\ 1 •t e1d111•1 that ~ 1111 ran t·r•'H ". ,, d. · 11111nd l1•r Ill M ••ry p11\1'1• 'd f1'1h · 111• lo•11ld1111· ;encl hn1111•ft 1\ IJ1 f1l,IH ' n11 tlrl•4 c .1n l'l\'I' ~1111 1•nmp<'l1l 1111 '"'"ft \\'.,11111 \t1U likf' In h<' 1;1\ • 11 .. lull rl•·:'ll•·r discount wilhn111 Tl "' n• .. r 111' ,.,lm!'nt or ohli1tal1"n nn ""'r p:cr1' Wr tr:iln ~OU, p;iy lht .tr!\'l'I I c-ini<. thr rinan• tnl:, 'h·~ mllN·c inc ;ind the scrvidnc \\:In· out rh11rcrn~ i1 prnny In' dPAll't ·~ di!'C'llllrll ' Ir ~nu nrr· tirC'tl nr worklnc rrnm h and l<t m1i11th :incl w ould lik .. to 11rll ~nml'thing in which othl'r mrn nrr m;iklnit $1(\,()00 to ~1 :-i,IMM) n year an rl<'ar, nrt di~count, ,,,,m,, in 11ml pro"" tt1 ui; that yn11 nrc 11mhil iou~ and would like an oppor · tunitr. 1md if you are ('nthu!i11Stlc rnough 11fl<'r we !!how you rour product. wr may put you on SP" Mr F.rtw Ard!I for IX' n10na I intl'1'· \'I'"-''· Wrdnf'sd Ay only, 10·()() Am 10 12·()0, at Sant11 An11 hold . Santa An:i, C'alir 72.,. AALS M19C!ELL.UfJIOU8 • Plenty of Good Tiree All SW. ----- Compound Motor Oil c.J.Jon. 1'0e -- Western Auto Supply A ut horUed DMler ISM N~ Blvd., C.0.l• Meee • MIA. FOR 8ALE ELEG'TRIC RANGE NF.ARLY :0-:E\\' l' burn· ''rs. uut.-n1a1u..' •-''''" ~~:.'ll \\' 111 :,:, II for $100 cash I:\:.: P ahl111 A'•' t ·,,1·1111,1 clt•I :'-1.11· 1-: 1.1-:rnur '"'"i.-'"~'1"1" '" y, tH1 l11n1:. :!·fl w11ll' • l ·11p.1c·11y ;\n c11111•1d. hk1• Ill'"" ::;;)!IP h.11h tub 1\·1111 l1•1:s, :i-111 .1i1 .. r11111• :'-1.1~1 a· w11~h"t'. g,.,~1 1•111ulint1n, $C.n 111 1c l'On :>tt!J-:'-1 7.!-1·-';'ti I. m·i.;1• M'\'1•n 101•1 '" eori-tu11 .. ,1\n1wr· '1>rm.: dtl\ 1•np11rl ( ·, '"' $:\;>111~ 1. ''"<'l'lll'nl N•nrl1t lon. l'rit-t' $1 :.!:> Ht•11con 5Z9:>-~1 7:.!·c F OR ~ALE \\'1•!'tm1:hPll!:I' O··f1 r<'frii:<'rator , Garfrrs & S111tll'r l;3S ranl:'I'. cluh l'halr & 0110111111n. G. t-: r('rll' ... lor floor lurtlp. I 111111• mod<•I Ph11C"o radin l'l11•nc• 11111 - bor :!177-.1 K 7'.!-1" 74 TWO 9xl'..! i;:11t1ti rui:~. ::' sprln.:s & mat tre&srs, 1 hr('akfast act, baby basim•tl•'. 11ll for $~10 110. ·IOR A voe ado. Corona d1•I Mar 72-c-7.& F OR SALF. -15 1uhe L. R R 6 11uper-hetrody1w short Wal'<' rll· dio USf'd by na\'Y in war Lik<' nl'W. 1!11rhor 715-R, 7:! ..... 74 F OR SALE:-1 brown maxtun· 11por1 suit, 2 p111r palntl't: i;l:t<' .i:i. long pnnts M to 36 w11is1, worn 1Wlc(', baq:ain. l larhor 715-rt. 72-c·-7·1 I 'l(WS' OTKt-: nulloon 11rl's, ~<ll>d ronditinn St!> 0(). !i:!O M nrl1;>1l d. rorona dl'I l\l&r 7:.W.: " ·on SAU ' llll't·lh L1•nn11rcl r1,. ( fr1~C'r11 lnr. porrt•l,un hnl'd ~10 Fxt·dl!'nl rondia ion :>.I:! R1\'1•r 'l•li . l°l:<'"·pnrl u .. :c1'11 7.!·r · 7:\ 'I IHYS l.EH <'rn" 11 ~I 11; r•·<l111•1111n ~··:1r c;1111rl c· .. 11rlit1••!1 C'1n lu • 'C'l'll ltfl••r n Jo I' 111 . :ll11 ~;1n• .• "11.1 I\\'(' ';' .! p-7 1 ' .!-\\'llFFI., l '11t11 x tracl<'r .1·,7•~· I 11 .1ken~1· c·h• "'I "' dr;1" •'I'' c·11I · r .. ,. 1:t111 •. .:11 11i.cm11111I n .111 .. 1·1 f..,t.mrl, 11111 !JM :!71i'1.,I 7 1 ·l'·7~, "'11tchel! -QO('k!I -Jewelry CJ lRONOMF.TERS R.tpalrlng -Prompt Servtoe Senalble Prtcet VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY 1 786 Newport Blvd C.0.ta Meu 3-Uc FRt:~: GARllEN GR<il'ND -·~ acr('. Water availablt:'. C111I Ile. !134:.! ('\'l'ningit. 12·11-73 RU\s MATERIAL f'o r braidrd and hooked' N('w F:ng· land d!'s1i::ns. H ook!'. frnmrs. swatch<'~. rt<' Jnformat1on on rrqut>st. P 0 Rox 506, Rnlhon, C'alifor!lin 60-1 tc F1REW:OOD CHARCOAL Ii BRIQUET'S PROMPT DELIVERY Wright Lumbe.r Yard 1784 Newport D lvd. COSTA MF.SA Beacon 5665 BS-tfc HARBOR Furniture & Transfer RONDF:D and DlSURED A Good Buy ... Is a Wise Buy l~t U.9 Hf'lp You P\o Wlae -<'OURTF.SY SF.RVIC'F:- l!l'i2 llnrhnr Rlwi C"n!!ta Mtae Phone Rracon 5538.,J 34-trf S ERVEL The G A 8 Refrigerator Snml' J\fndl'IS A\'Rilabll' NOW Balboa Furniture Store 101) Main SI . R11lho11 Phnnr llllrltnr 1,l5 Silver Plati02 ('OPPER, BRASS. di'.>LD Pollahlnir & it.-nnlahtnc Bayside Platinir Co. 1914 Harbor D[vd. C'oata Mt-ta. Callf . Beacon 5~1! EbF£TRICIANS !Sinl.'l' 19CKJ) ("onlrRct lni:·Rt'pelrt Rt'sidrn I in I-I ndustrlal .... " l 1~1· n lkri(Ux or Ma)1ag: AT m t.L'S \\'AS ll-A -TERIA 175 N<'wport Bl\'d. &aeon 577C rosta Mt'U 8().20tc )( x )C x x • x PLUMRING SUPPL~ L8'r1Ht S tock In Oranse C.ounty 1 (," Galv. ·steel Pipe -20c feot Chrome Platf'd Swtn1 FaUOPta $9 50 v11lue .. 15.15 FREE PLUMBING Layout Service FONT ANA PLUM~ING 230U S. W. Nf'W)JOl1 Aw . C'09ta Ml'M Phone Beacon eotl ST-tfc I •I I• I ' II I• J, ' I •I• \ I - 1'1 4' Htri fo ... ,, I .,., 't I ' " II .. 'I•"' I 1 i,, · "-t.nu.I• ''·'" •·I 1ft MIRlh'I' 1\1'1 '1'1'1 T l '...J ~J!l-1 ' 1. ""' 1111< "·~•nc I''""' ·"•I ( 1 ·, I" 1 .. r nuk,, I 't ,,,. I "" .. ' .... I "'"""··· 1 .... ··4*"11 ••• I \1 ,. .., .. ,. 'I \ ~ •th •• 1.l t • ff • • ~. • ., h '• , .... h ,,_t.. r~. h .uth\••1't tf•tll ''' ~., ... ,,,,,,,,, ., •• ,,., l11f 1~'1 1 lt\ ··-· r, .. , 111 '"'''""'' ,. ,.,._. 11 ' t h v "-. 11• ..... , • t ltt.•r '''" '11nl.tthl ' .• ,, 7'2 •'· 7~1 u '''" " ~.-. (;-,.. ~'l1 1' .. n1 1 ~·•rll t•r ... \1u~ lllu.. °" Sd 1111t•lt 1•, ''" • ·,. :•." "'" )t111r •ltd at lfw N._.,,....,. SHn1'l '"" f>I tic ll:£AL DTATS WA!llTSI> .. \ c •I• 'I S1i:lt1 lt.aJ....: p ,.10 .. 4 i "'nt S\"'tn-11 S111.1i .. ...,,-, ·n urrt ''' • '1 •It• •'\A I •I I. MAil ,;-; -~,. l'rtl\'ATt' l'AllT \. "'"nh 1<1 1l1•nl "'alh ,,_nor f,,... '"1"h f,.,. u ITll"I· • '" z ,.,.-:'\ t• 1lr11111i••n h·•""~ In t ·,.._,. \f,..,,, "'° S,in111 A11.1 l 'rlf't• "14At 1... ro·1nonaltl" 1 '.111 1'4: !-1:"7 R '"" -"l•l'"'""n•·nl 111 ,. ~4 ~ 1 .. ~ ~.--;;; llOWEY 'IO LOAllf M S.'IA;t 1•• J..~ ~,..,, SM mo 1luu ( ------------ N-hn11d 1 •,_,, ~n l>laan Anothft LO ASS 'T' l 1lt ru .I>. IMPROVE, ~1)(n•·t r··1·~"·'vd Y.-..1 1lJ'I pa,( fll"Y. J.t0 f)t:RNl7.f:. OP co11t h.11111. • """'"Ana W r hau Rt:t,NA!lltT. lhf' =--· 1 .. \ ,,, 6 1 ·'" \\'• llu) l'rust (lPrdl O il .... SPl!'JT l'l \"\• '·' '"' , • .,,1-........... II ~··wrtlKT f\AJ.nu A .-J:llERAL \' ACUUM CLEANF:RS -""· I I . f1•r J11-t i. """. if '•"-' lakr ,, •• .SA\,NGS A l.ilAN A.<;..ClN cll'Hnrd and adjustl'd at our ' t I l"""' d d I rill"" . .J t 1• n1 rvod "" -•n-t..._.. l3D , ... lJdo "h. I ar ..,,., i;hop!! ~J so P irl<·llP II n •' ..--I ' 1 lARROR APPLJ ANC'E SF:R· Pl'li'• I • 1'" ""hnwtt f''""'' 4 ·,. 4 -t c • 1IM .. t ti \ I ' ld h II a II""'' I .. 1. I~' 11 I • t II• I W .. I. l lnkc1ntli I 'II I c '111,1 th , h" " 1""''"' •l··I M11r .. 1.-... "\\ h• c ,. I h• I l.11~• Fh" 7cl ,. ii Owrwr Will ~1·11 m· Tratlt" Fin•• "N 11 It T II l11t111\PWAY l'AllK ' l.111 S1111tl\ AnA, flO" H t\ $4,!\0t) 1 "ASll ur will I 1 r11t.• "'''"'' \ nlllt' for :l l1<>rlr.1um h1•tll•'. B11y f)l1lric'I Al · 811mf' h11l11111't' !°l'I 1111 In $1:!,llflll Apply Ownrr, lln11 "N" Nrw1Timl'11 70-t•-7;\ OREAM LOTS Nt:WPO RT llARll<)fl Arra !'I min fn~1 '"'"rh A Y11cht ll11rbor, 1111 ch11m1ln1C S11nl11 Ana Avt' IMll x:ni. $4.:.!llO 1 'JOx:lOO, $3.'\Clll lrl1•r1I fur lt11n1•hltu Drll1<:htf11I l11nd~c11p1· 11nd 1wl1<hh•'lrhood . 0.•n lll,.kl'1,111111 1·1ul11way11 C'l11h 1"1•\11 l••fl llt•1t1·h llf'll!'On :Wll:\ Ct>111••r 11111""1 ,'V l'1•t111111A, < \•t" ~r1, I• 11111lnln~ l,,.talh ll11l1h.id H• ,1. •II• ·I If "·•111:hl Nt I\\' 6~1 I'1:\ MA1.11HHJ LAKE ti HM Ft lH~ llSf-', """'A dock . 1111: fl1 1•pl l"l,h & S wh" ~lOfl ..r 1 c l11r , oft ..rul l'h11n1• Ar t ,l11n1·~. «l1r11• 1:!1\'11, r.1rrnt11lt'. !'17-:ntc 1 >t 'I ,\ ~ Fiie INT l\nlh1111, •1 l"'ti· , • ._""· ·.i lt1tlh'4 ::'~'-'4 1h ln~ r1i..11n. f11 "''""''' \pl p \\'f l(llC Ill;•' $22.· :11•1 \twht 1111111• ,,..,.,.,.,•hm ''" n1·r, 1 ·, 11(.'4 II llnrhor '..'71. 7 1 ·ll-ltl -NFW Mt IPEltN '.! 1tl 11lM llllMF. 11;\:n \\'1·~· 1'1 S I ' ('1•111 M r1"1 ,,.,_ 111<'111•11 j.!111 Hl(I', $!(\ill) 11 (' Mii('· '°'''"'"' I HOH N1•wporl lllvd , l'h. n .. 11.-.m r.11:t 1 72-<'-74 P"''l"'r1 y 11f 111111111 Hukr rtnd Pat Owr11 lo "" •old Mr1 (' A. WM1t1>t1Kll. llrrhrrl AJ>I•. Bal· h"" 72-c <'O~TA MF.RA llr1V11I n••w 1h111lrx, nlN' rnrnf'r tut 1 ,,,.... 111 m:u kl'I . M'hool, and 1r1111~1 ·•rl11l h•11 !'111~·'1 tu 11"11 at 0111~ f!l(')IMI $lf100 down f.!l·C• 7:\ I \ ''"" 11111. hnnlwund VIC''E 477 N<'wporl Rlvd . fkll· :-i:•c• "\. '1 "'' \\'•• 1""'' lht !'-•&.~ NEED MONEYT f'(ln r.291> 72·c-~1 \'u, fi1 th ~ t '• f•~ Quir k. llrlptul 1111 .. 1 • "" 1111 ~·· ''"~nrr l11C nnr '•iur t"lnand.J Nrw Vi(\W Home ,1o1 •. '" 11·111 ... 1 r .. r $11.'\ I"''" 11111nth. \\'ASllJNG Mi\MlT!"JF-~ l_u~~~-'>M~~~'-:-~1--4~--~£::1l~W~...J..!~:_,!:.ll!~2!!L-}_,...,.,......,.·r:·~,·. >'.ntl-_...._ __ M11"t tw-..,!tJ U1la *Ct.'k. ik'11rt rnn nraul\ l RC'h111lt llkr n<'W. ' " '' 1' SiK°• \ fu., ku :Sf"f'da l "°"na un "" '"''"'' •r .....,,. II n '11 c 1 , ha~ ll••W 'm otor. IH:ltator nm! ''" I·'" I • .• nr ~In .. 11 !'>.• Purniture -Salary Arr11 :l hr . hdw n(W)A, ftrf'~lln' CCI I\ II II• Ill' Th' ,, y 1 , ,1 1, ,\n:. \ _ 1 .. ,,1 ron111r11ctl1111 a nd ln1lt\e ftnlah N I I l:l'ar~ Onl)·~1:.001·n~h Al'"n l1lol .•. ,, \ ...... 1t .,,, ..... Car or Other Security 1·.CN'pll11tlftl '1111• rtnMlt wr·v, u . A NE tn:so . {rn <f'r 1::..'!)t; 7:!·r-i5 , .. , • ., ,, \\. "" ""'JI' Ill ... I and 3 to ~ f'W~ 11ffrff'l1 Fl in S ,\l.E Tkki11m 1'rownlni: , ••' •1, 111""°•1 Sn1t1n tn)111 t:! ~;c~·11,. 1111tornnl1r ~hot gun t·~·'11. , "·dlo·nt 1•110dlt111n ~'• f)u1 ..... c 'T' & I'~ .. • 11:l'~ l\T11rin1' ,\\1•, n11lh1111 1 .. 1. j , \1 • ,. ,, • a nd 7rl·p· 7'.!. , , \ h. , • 1111t 1I , I 11 I'' )-• t ·,•I I I •1 RALPH r . MA81'EY :\Ill\\' c·,·1111111 l'h Hor 40'..l !1., lf1 <'11:1~1 I 'rC1 p1·rl ic·s ('11. H c· a I I n r ~ l'!/' N• "t••c I Ith •I 1 '11 .. 111 1\1 .. ~11 '1 ·1i,.111 "' If''" '\?~· t 111 n11 f11I :' l11tlftMlfUtit "'Ult 1 I• tfhtoi h 111th \1w1t l "'""" h1t•uk· 1•11 '"' .t ;1nl1 ,,,1 111~••'<1 :it 11111 f t!'lol'\ !i'7 '.''41 1'1t•k·1lf' t, 1l0•J II .\THI< ITl 1\ PPl.I i\:0-:< "F !'Fl~ \'tcr: 177 "·"t"'r' 111\d 11 .. , ron f\'..."lf; 7:..'-r->-1 I " I 1 I ... ' .. '• . ': . I V .. • l" F\\' ""' '''" \. ttuwtt•rn JtfUt'f't• .,, ht1fl'l• "" ttu J\11thn11 l'l•ulu•u11tt 1"• ''" ~-1•'4'1 111"1 '""''I\ M.--Point :• lw •h•••111•. '.1 lu11h,, lh• I ,._, 10 .. 10 .uul 11t1 •· paft,, phu• "1' 1,.,, , "1 11 /\p1•rnotlt11111 .. 1v ··~·· ... , fl ... ll1•1C ~'''"'" 1111111•1' 'tf",1••1 t '1111 lo lt1t 1lllt• 11 \\\lh \\'A!'llJ~(; C l1J,otf. j!fl'/l~t'fi, \\Ith minf'r arU11-tnwntc; S.! ;.c1 sin\- " llt'ro• llnrh .. r Ar<'a II,\ RROH APPl.J,\:"CF: S I·: R \'I CE. -17-; !'PWpnrt nl\'d , Rl'arnn G~ 72·c-Rt • • I ' ... .. .... ; 1 • : ' li..a...,n !)/',._'<I •A~·-from i\11lh• ti--111 Markrt J n 111· .. l"I Jh ,·h"" .. rid "Joni.a \r.11·\l•lllJ\1· I.sot. l7t\.'1•11hrlr1lrt. ~nlit ,, .. ,111 \'''h flr••p1111·1•. !.! ,.,., 1•11r111:" $.., 7'\11•I••"11 T11t11l i•rl••r PlllV $1;\,~111 Coa~t Prn 1wrti<·~ C:o. R ,. a I t o r R •luull •I"" 11 I'·•\ 11w11 1 < ·1111 Mr. ·rtu•t11I•' ll••n1 '1" :"t71lH DOLLY-For tralll'r, UM'<! on~ Dill Marx. Municl1w1l Trailer \amp 70-~71 r l\·•·r l1rtdt.:" \\, ... 1 ~ .... , .... \ I!-"''''''' \(r 1) ~··w \\' S llrl'S 11<-actl. SunM'1 irasoiJllnr ..... At~. Air <'nfWlllllin•>r. I .ulln, ll"llfrr . :\0'1 F. C"t'nlral, n111t1011 1I11r ~ EARL W. RT ANLEY RF.AL '1'08... OREATl':ft ll ARnOR C'ra11: ~unv t dt•lrtt"!''" T· •· j ,1 •• r ""'"' ,.,., ,1111,, 1.'t '"•l'I'' !'18-tfr phnnf' 1 .,runa Jt.,,rh 1.."••I ·''' 11 1r1~·• 1 .. ~'1\\ 7!1·7<; C-O V f:ftJNO NF.Wl'O HT F O R SALF: J\fon'R lil!h1 wl'IRh1 h1cyck. $10 no nall1o•A Jnn Of- rae'4'. 71-c-7:\ "'· '"' ";'o 1• 7. • '•ft S ,\I t 1"11• 1 ·11•11111' II llk•lor ....,.,,, r 11•..:I•'""' IHI al 11 .. 1t111., • ·1~uo • If• I \1.tr ~ p 7~' 16' RA\K llAR wcah rrfr1gl'r&l•••I Wf'll t'!Ol:.l11t~1 .. 1 •• ,, ' "r•I Sf'ction. <>la£S do-ors '2 mlrron. tradr J•rof ca 11.l• "~' •' on I • •"It "\I • • 1":\I • .. rtt ,. 14 •11111 " "' l'•ll• I'' ff>,,, r 111 I " Inf\ 1111111 smnll t•11:11r' or CAndy ca..-, ;,· C'OUpl<'. Full chl•lfTTlittwon .. ~ ·~·I slNcm tahl(' wtth copprr hot F: <'<>ntr.11 A \• n~u .... • •· ·• 1om,i;mall1alilrmodelAmrrk:c11 , MIN AT1 1IU (;,.·I ~ 1·1·t·l":-t d!'ctric slll'inJ? m achinr 601 ~ $7.~ ... '" •"1 t fluul th I\•· '•tf f•lll"l •·1t,h l~••·uf1 t.111 :1:.t l\.t\ ~t . t "••"\Lt \f, "'·• ·,•u • 7:' C(•ntr 11l artC\I" 9:30 a .m . nr Pll lnclu'd-'tl uth<"-r , .. , , ,,1 .. n.. I'•': Jlarhor 10A9'\V 7 1 c 7·,1 ,.,,_,, "n~t. t1 •'-•' t 4 "'"'" •r1d•·t . ·• ·' • • l(T'Ollll Sl2,<MW1 F •., tnl•,.m" ·• ,..."' .... 1,., I''''" ""' "'''rtlrl\1· WANTED TO BUY II 111 ~II 1-; <"••nit "1 \\• H;_'·.:• • ,,,. , v. r" r """ ~,._., • • .ti 11 .... Will Pay Cub II F"or your tumltur. cw wt.at hav1 F< lR RE:"'T you. Phone ~AODD 58?MS. n 1stw-d ""' \" •• v. t , ' A • • • • C 1 Furnit C Y<'11rly or f,., .,.,. ., I l .. raw ey . Uf'e Q . A<',.Mll. rvrnn;, ti• ·,~ '' ';'. •' 1811 N_,,art Bl'ld., Coeta MMI 9'2-tfc CASH for USED Furniture & Applianc~ "WI' Ruy AlmOllt Anything" GRANT'S Phnnf' Ar a ~707-M Nr~·port 01\·d , C"net11 M1·~11 42 ,, I Ill•' lolll• "I 111 cit 11111 •ntl I I f 1t ,1I \\1fh HI \\1t}i,,ql ''•ti t " rl1:cm,,nd •·11 • J, 11 "' .\ 1\10]\ 1-· 01 l 1 \\'.\'I:~ S t.\\ J'\,r; \I.\• ·111 -.1 :Ill \ 111'1~,• :ell\ ·•I" 1111·1" ' I 1•111'' ,,,,ol (.di II• •" ' I . '· llE DROC1M K1••t •• I"''''' J12 !°l1'.l J:t"°11ftl ... '1'fof· I •.,• t drl Mar Jl;,a 1 ... , 1. ,-, J • • • 1 FOR RE1'1 l •nul•t• ,,,,,.,..,. )'l'arly r«91llll 11:.al· • •I'~ r: •' ;\ I \\llh ha th !•t i\ c"• I • .,, Aflt1 l1' 1onh • •I• II S J~'""" n :\1 ..... ,. "'1.!,..1't \\"° c 'l•1n '•. Ii'"' '-h''". I .• ,,,, I • •• .. ''"" :,nil 1111• t1 I l•ftl'119 f''•Ut'-' t• ' •, •I• I !\far ln\'El.Y 1.i\1(1,) " .... 1' • F"f ., , 4 I f /t f I i .. 11 1 lft \I<• •I I I •'"'I" .j '""' '""' .1.1t ,, tH ' fl" .t rt,, •f ••I 111°" f t 1\' f I 101'. •I l 'f I I oc t. 1 I L'-"• It let ' { .' f;u:1r:a111f·1·1I l .!-•'d C'arx TI 11 ·~·p 11! Y f • , •• ,, l' t.. ,,\ ' ...... 11i~ ..... .\ 1:..--1 1'1 ' " .c ll1tc1;11111 t.. t • 111•1 I I'''''" •:·. ll ·" I• \' ' -.• I '· ,,.,; \l'I .,_ ·1111 \I' •I' \I ',! • • , 1 , I f ' ' '' . : ... , l.:1 11111 ( ·.,, f I \t I I II . . \ .,, ... ., ' I • •I .. ' j I ,., I 1'1 f'Ofl !':Al.F: 4!\ ,,,., lul on 0orlU'1 nlvlll , Dalh<>a J'rlf'f'd hrlow I• lt•y'• muht Ph nraron ~126-J " 17111 und 1'u11•1 lllichway Nvw1•1rt """''" 71-1 tc --------------- Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island r>ny Phnn~: Hnr. lfl7l-J ; llltr. 10.14-J J·:V,.,.,: lfnr. 7'16-M ; lla r. 1117-M HAL BOA J...~LAND F or s11m11w1· 1v-nlnls i;,"" us ' All'Wl S('(' ti~ for Mt· n•ll1•11I "'l.''" In i111•n11w 111nrw·r1y . COHONA DEL MAR <'1111• '.l H. H 11111111• 1a.:1111y f11mhd11-.I < 111 1~·:a r of lot. Ht)l)fll fl) l111ild. $7'.'"11)(11111 I NEWl >OHT l I EIC l ITS <in 1·11111••1· 1111 /\ll r:wl iv•· :1 H H 11111111'. """''''' w1 r-11~•'. '''"'"' ll•,r 11.., ;ind l.c11d , .. :q •·d ,\.t tcl,, ~!IC)(ICll'llr Pl-'N I NS I II.A I 111: li11111•. l11·.i11t1'11lh 1111111-.la•~I "'~·:111 \•i1•\\'. -.1111 ,, ... k 11111111 . ,.,,.,tit "" '"' t"\711 1111 ,,, .. ,~ .. '"'' "' Ill•'. 1 • .,111111111 \.c 1cl '1111 : '·'' 1•:1r:1"1' for nnlv '-~'J ,1 ~11 I <.OS I'/\ MFSA 11111111•<; Jiil\\' 1111 220!1 \1111~\ fll\'rl , Nl'W,1ort Phrin" l1:1rl~1r l lfl tll ·tfr BOATS, !'11-1'1'1.IF.!'4 n1'-h"rl '(1 Jllh\~ t • ·! h1t1t1. pn\1tlf• I i 1H--+ ,_ l1<'f!r11"m n• ~ I• •j C••ntlrfn .tn ''' '" .. I I ' t I' ft ',.,,I . .,., ~'I' 11111' \t•f'\ 111\\ ol11\\ll lt.C\'lllC'fl l I; I 111:111,· .,· :11,tl ·: H I: ', 1:-;:-.:i-:ns rm;-.;r; m:c\lH'" nnd hox spran1: with I• i:«. <nr.rlt ti.t.11••1, :.! rl'fll'clor li1t11J1". '.! arm chair~. <•II \'l'rY r<'11~nn:chlt• 211 Tnp:t7. llarh11r JR'l'\.J 71·C'·7:l -X S P EC I AL! \\'ASHING MAC-HINES Oiled, GrN111ct1 11nd Thoroughly Chf'clct'd With Minor AdJU!llm('nla only $2.50 Take advanlaRe of th~ ~pedal and Avoid 11 \O!!tly Break-Down H ARBOR APPLTANCT. SP:Rvtcr. 477 N~wport Rlvd . C'Mta M~H Phone BEACON 6296 5~tfc We Need STJPS. DOf'K8 or MOORINGS For Our f'uf'tomern STEF.l ,('RA FT ITL llARR0 R :?:-ilil fi.S-ltr /\'l'n:"\TJO:"' IV 1/\T t 1\\'-..1 I' llq1lar1• th11s•· "hi •I~ I• II• • \\1·1rh1 nnr hnrs \\Ith m••I• 11 ' th I •:mrurl h" /\ l1ni11,.,I •c1p1 ;t ;11faltlP 111 fh1 \• r\ 110\\ pt I of ~ !'J(I Nt n. 11('(•11 fil (ill :\I Mp "' Hl 'Y ()F Tiii·. YI.Alt llt•ll\'il)' l'lon~fj lll'l!•t) 17 fl 1• \P 1•r h11;1t nuall arnl tlc'i'!l~n··ll f ol Spnr 1 f111h111g In :'-1• xw11n \\'.111 I' J•:lCCl'llrn1 for /'11arl1•1 W"I k tf cl• ~1rr·d i'\<'W 1•nl(10C" ~··w ~· 11••1.1•• · nf'v. 'l11lnl"J1S 511•<'1 l:it~ 1.HCk' j'.:rv. Ship '" Shnrr· l•honr-I .!I•• lt•nt a ll·V.-l"alhl'r boat off• fl•rl .1 • 'mall rr ..... il•n nf lud:l\"• r• Jolrt•. ml'nl pnc" Anrh11ricr•· 11f ..._, ''11hr , 3'1111 \'m 1 ''"J' "'· "\• "1•·• • lv·:1c h , rnlaf '. Fl lrt S/\1.1'. 41 ll•w k m••t••r "'- rtrnlf·n~trnt" In '"'' $11•1 :1-,1.i Mm ru' /\\I•, t1r J1h11n,.. 111il1• :\.1!17-W 71 • j YachLc:; for \hatter OAY W~:EK Ml '"TI! C". E. ~HNNEY 711 <'nll.51 Hl"·•Y 11-·:wr.n fi:tkl r.·. 1 ., ,.., •• 1 I ''""'""''''" nt" c:1ul t ., ''• 'i pm 111 t :!.1 r; •• 1111·nr•"1 1 •. ·-.· tni; 1~.ir. I 1 .. , .... , 1: I • '"''"• ~ ff.etff1 •fl'' I• \I #•I '~",.. 1.,,.,,,.., :1t'1'' ".· ••• Arlull'< •onh ~·· 1• '' • •I • • 14'.tJ An:1h• 1m ,,. . / .. • ·.•, '; -. -. ..... l'l.FAS A:-.:T l~•lr·-·n I. r • '•' •I I I il f fl I 1d ltt •• •1 ,, •1 111, t I t • ..... J '· 1 ' Ii• r t1 f , •• •I'• ,.,,, ••• , ,,,. t I ,. ,,,.. ' I I '" 'l•1 • .... ( ., •• ·.,I I • •• ~ t"'·' • I'• ,, ti If ,, t,.,, I, \1.t \\ n lN' ftor ~"1 k1lll' , .. , .. (" • • TllAll.F.lllM flt WN·k . ~·1nt•·r r:t~' "tt .• 4••'""t y1 ,-f• ... Jr .. , . It ul,. r • ,, • furni"h'-d ~.1r, \\" ' • r ., • ·t • ,, , ' 1·. ,... 1 , r , 1. 11 "', "' ''1 ,1,1. "':l~r.ri 7•¥r'"-. fhr •• :ur 1ni'••I It ""I F0R RF:l'T '"' I• ,...,. "• • ' '1• ' ' "'nr". II I f'11i.~t 11121 """' ( __.,, na df-1 ~br S1" 1•. • l. t " L S tamp .• Ir "" II ,.,. r ·'°'" P ,.,. .,...,.. )'hUr hr11~'' '7 'f1 ---------'L~:EJ>t:-;<; Ht"''' '. "' ,, , • vatr tuinl' ,_.J ,\tfi• • r •it r Sr \'ftf p t1,,lt I l;..t '9'• fr• ' ' " • ; rot-"'l $.li(ftf1 ,_,., y..,,.),r f •1:1 •I m:ur ,,f 'I""'' I ,1 ,· l ,"\I 1"· r,,,_ t A Mr<e..:.. "'r! ' ·.:1-:w <'••rn• f ,,.,, ' • • .-.. rt I • '" S77"t Of't t ;er l' '• •J 1 r .... , lC"'tf"rl•• ( ,,, , , • ,,, .. , .. ' • rticltlr• n "-1'1~ •'fl'lfi''•>... ••r'• 'J l>f'dr<nro 1, • ..,._.., 11, • f•-r ~· l .r. : I ., I ~"''""' I ' ~ ,.,,,, .. ., n. Yl'J f. S11rf f1111t1 .. 11 7.' I• 71 U.A L IElltT ATE • 1 f •"f A 'H-<;A t'lvr r.11111n m,.;i;,.n , • ...,,,,jrlrlV f11ml1hNf Z2fl n r 1111d ,.1" Pt1rN1 rllO:hf l'h••ll" ~ J fi'J. ltr IJ'ff F OR SAl.f: S F.WP'>RT I.Sf.ANO <Jiotor f't'1rnl'r R ~ Inf Sl'1rw 11 I ka an/ pavt~ !)')th aldN, 1111 1Jlllllifoe Paul Lund .. FN'r!F. firran 1-·ronl :>:rwJF~t O,.nrti. r·1111t U f'f>ST A ~tES A $720() .: p,. _,,,,,,.,., Hr.rrv ,.~,,l , . .,. ... , .. " U .. \l-'ff\ rh11n• I V • \f I "11Jl1l,. 1.tilfttg" lrnmM1111r .. ,,.,.. ''WT\' r ftl .. ;,r11n r.,1 lfltr -----· ·. A c;<,OI> IN CO ME ! RRANI> NEW 2-STOHY Dl IJ'l.f:X Just C.,omplctcJ Not Oct:upied ONLY $f#~oo W ill Brin g $UO.OO a Mon th Owner-Bu il<lcr Must Sel l T-H -1-S W -E-E-K ),oc';ilNI °'' 11 fin•· rom1•1 ltit filxMO on th<' romn or Elri<•n AV<' ;a nrl < ·N ·II 1 'l;wt'. f:flsl a M~1 • .111.<;t 1 hlock rmm Nrwp1111 Hlvrl I 'f1•nt y s r,;11'f' tor llllOI hrr tl11pl<'X. -..J'\ofh llJ>Jic•r 11nd ftM't>r :apl~ h11Vf' :"')l)0 f""I Of Ooor SJlfll'f', f':ll'h wi lh livi11K. rlinln~. klt1·h.-n, liMroom, hnllw11y lint•n d osl'l. wa nlr'f1IM -s 11n1l h11lh. l1''1lutl- r11lly pl:aslrt~I in iv1 tl'Y trx I 11r<• A!>ph11lt I if P, all rnr1<lrrn <'J1lri11rt.-;, Vr·rll'l ian ltlin1ls in 1·v1•ry window. Sf'poral<' l:11 an1lry ,.,.,,111 with <lri11bl1• l111mdry trnys. J-'M'IN'fl , -;itlr•'>\':a fks ;ar14j drivPW:ay, 1 lpJK'r flllM Of hullrlin~ Is fY'llworJ(I "idirw . ""' ... r p.11r1 Is <·n.'nm sturco YOlJRS FOR ONLY $9~00 J .lv1• in 11rlf' 11p:1r1mf'nt •• -HN1t rrnm the oth"r will fl.'•Y for l>0th! ~J-J·: (JWNJ-:H. lfifi r..:nL l'T.ACI·:. ('()ST/\ MESA n -c I 'hfln11 I w:won 1;o:t~. \\' 72c73 Ledecr 1heet1 at News-Times .. l T·tt. Drive r aufully Rpa~ ll Lite tl•I Ml\r -.. . furnl!Chr d rr ni•' " • • ·• • 1""'•·~ t'lll 1~.,,... \\'1l1111n • ,.. 11.v~.o.r 13 !.! tf, '"' w 1 .. Al1vrrtlae } \ J .. .. .. ------------- A110U110 THE HABOll. S 0 c 1• a I Oii THE MESA ••• ,,_,,_ ...• -- m..:a.L ~· '-----------...... """"'-----------------.----~----~-----,~, •&•ro•T SALSOA !IEWS-TUIF.M ~W' S.opwl ...... ...... 'lay IA. IN ll B. i P. W. to Install Ollicers Thursday At Goodell Hall • ... w .u· ,,.. ltnealeJ C°""'J fefl. President I C~ Iii ,_, To lasfoll Officen 6, K-0:• ::, friJor Alternoon Club I H.au-J Sptt.il+-c.. dw1n ~­ ber al~Kk* -ed ~f4diQc pi-~ .... tJw club mrt •t ...,. ._ cf Jin J.ctt ~-J(r. i:-.,. art- 'llw •<so c ....... ,._,. ntda)t a1 ttw .... "" Mrs S.-uldimt'• •npvr JIB ... "'-SauUia'G1'111 "Bit-....... poolft-'t~ •• ~ noo,. •'OCMI lt.a •i•~·· -. ~ ac.1*r . Mt.er ........ ~ dr ~ ,._ • ._, --0. tnp ..... 1:.-t _._ COlllC .... '° n..t.. _. ttww m.o Jln..c'9 .t.rn-..._, will "'911 ..-u d -~ 0. ~,«"~Jin EkWJr Lmllw •'11 C $ e Ml Mn. 5t1 tl'mc •..O. • ._ ~ .....,. a.c-. 1000 .. ~ ('"~ ..-- ... 09 Uw --... "'9191C J.ems ~ .. 0-C..--s..dlasdl wm ..... ....,.,....._. .. llr.~ NfSt _.... ...... li'i•-- Klub wi'lJ .... •1 tbt-~ "' .... Dot& £w1mc. 0 4., 11"ftl c .... traJ a .... ....... _ ..... Sutite a.• Dired., 11*'7 a.It HWAT.a.r.a ~··1 .... ··-C'Wt WWWWl:9At:.5:91r.a -----·· Xn L L ~·1111am<1 pr.·,ul .. n• of fJl';in<• C"ount) t"ttlrrn1 111n <•I •~n~ rlut". IA lll tn!!t.111 fJf f!ID'n c;f Fnd.'l) Altt·rnu•m <'lull -Friday ot tht~ "'''' k at .! 1J m on ~..-.. n l11(1on hall Xn f >on fluM l .. Slf>n IAlll hll\" dliW~ (ff IP\<• m~•IC'al pr11~rum illtld 1 .. a •111 ....,. iw•n:Nt h) m••m ~n ...t ttw •llH'Ull\'<" hoard llrno ..,.... • .,.,u ~ thl> Mf'sdamt'11 J r.m1·$ flanw . L L. Ft>rnand<-s. ~:lm••r ~la ....S CMWtanlin t'llpk Local C••rcltfl Aid W wk/ S.nice W ori r-."~' ~ Sr •• k . tl1r• •'l"f .,f Ill•· s..urti ...... 1 ,\rt'.1 • lmrrh w .. r ld ~r•in-r• i-owtMI lh" ,.,., k lh•· IOI d nwnt-r ••I pound~ "' n.n- cnllat.-4 d ultunst. shon. n n d ot,..,,r ~wii.~ 1:1'• n 11) , .11 h 11 1111 mn111t) o( Soolh•'rn l ·:.11f11rn1.1 f rom J.tnu.11; 1~7 1hrnu~h X.Wch 194.P' <"hurf"h•-s. i..rrou p<t -9 mdl'u1113h of :-.11•wpo11 t Bnldl ha,,. <'t>nlnl111t.<d :..~•'.\ ....... dllrtng this Jlt'rlod, h .. natn ,,_ ~nt~l cont~1t1onti. rl'Ct'IV· al '7 Uw ~urch World Sforv1('(' ~. n 22.a. Cnmplon 11\'M'IUr. ,_ ~ and 194fl amounu to ~-)~,,_,... PWESSIOllll DI REC JORY ..... ... ... :m••• 11••~0. ------W. T. Mooaey 8 m8drr1I 1'11 11 ...... a-,-rt ....... .............. n. •• ...... ......... ... a....... _._ .. CllAIJl'S _. CQ llfJZ. Nl7 • ' • 0 ...... ..tr.! ~--911S01'a.aD _...,.. NUJIBEl UJ01'D) .!:t' .... -.. .. SC • A. V. Aadmr1, M.D. _a..A..._ ......... l'llY9ICIU c. A....._._ x A. Ollfet .. .... .., R:llGl:Ol'f •••o..ia .... .,. ~- MDll•IW c-.... ., --- Dr.Ollall--H. R. Hall, M. D. ..... , ... ,, _. .. am --~--o-i--1 ....... nc..-..: 2-5. by Appotntmmt WWWIWI 'PHI' 'II I 11 .__ .... ..... ., (." .... ._ • .,. &. aarr . ...._ --.. ......... D. ..... Ollllllll ... Omlll mw.y ..._...,. ..... ,_ ... _ • ... -. Olllm ~: 1().12; 2-5 . .,.__._,_ ._.. .. . ---• 2-W .... Well.ce J.MiOer M .D. • irSt-*7 E,. Physician . ._ .......... ... -e.---o.-... _ ..._ ... 1711 • _._ . ., ... ~ NlftmJASY S. IL 11-.co, M. D. ........... ..... SH TaJ .&-.. •D• .. a.. .... ---,,,. a.-... -Orin Hilun: .......... 2ro5p.m. _.. ... ".._. ---...... ~ - A~ll· .. 11111111.,111,1 '' 111 IN lfl,I 11 l•'ft 1•ri ,11!1 111 .. 1 Bu'ln"'~ .1nrl Prul• '''''" d \\ ur11• 11' 't~it. \\Ph h1•r l~•rt~ ol ull u • 1' "" Tit 11 • tl 1\ 1•\•flllH; .. 1 1:1."1111 fl,llJ. c 'hrt'I I '11111·1 11 ••.\ I h• ;--... 1 A ~urpn"' prt•i,:1 urn , ... h•·111r. kt - r.1ni.:• •I h\ :--11111.111• ,\11111.111<1 '"'" ~r~ Y1111n1• "111 "'1 '" "" lf1nn•.r .. l\c'll} ll1•r1rl\ 1, lw 1tl "' tit• 1111••· , ... , 1v1nu111t t• ~· .u 1tl I• 111 y,, t11.: .11111 1 ~ "'' \l.11• \\ 111•1 ·' 11 11 tn ,•h.t rs..:·· .,, rt•1f'•lf1ttHUI' Ht'"''f\:tfU1'1~ 0 111) t,,. ffl.idt• h\' f"hllin~ ~u•· 11111\11111. H1 1t1'11n ~.t',411 m :'-Ir• ;\lwli.111d. 111111 •• r :1~1~1 "fl. .\ '\O \lltl>oo. R \I.I'll \I. ( .\\II' rul tlw wo'(hllnc t•ake at a re· ,..-1tUon "'l\Wh follmu·d thrlr ""'r riai:•,• F rhht1 In ( 'oruna del Mar ('onununlt~ 1·h11n ·h. \Ir-. ('a m11 1 .. thr ff•r mrr \\ lnlfrrd Kod1ter·11. Thf' maW of honor. C lrft I '""" ~t.r.\ Rodi:,.,,. und thr hrfit man. \C'l1. llam ="f'&k' I rlx ht I ar,. chlldrt'n of lhr brid1·. TIM" ~Uon ".,. M-kt a t lhr horn,. of thr hridf'l(rooru', l*l"f'n t ... \Ir. M.nd !\lno. RaJpfl 1•. ('amJ•, 11 :!11 \\ .....,, ( .. nt ral a•r nllf'. , ph .. 1t111 h~ l\\'<'kn1•r Costa Mesa Matron 11 Heads Spea•ers' forum ~ Musically Speaking Ry KATHIXES COLEMAN :\Ir' 1 :1111nini.: 1\11!11·1 .. 1 1 ·11~1.1 -~ :\l1·,t1 "'" 1111111 .. 11 111 •·,11kn1 111 I tr1rn1:•• t • .. 11n11 S p•·:1k1 1" F11r11111 ,If •I h 1111 lt1 t lll 1111 l'llllj.; lu•Jtl Ill 111 .. p11t111 at 1lw h1111w of :\I r~· R1Jlx·r t ~. lt•1li~. t-:as t l 1c-1•an Fron t. p11~t pn •s11h'nt or t h1• forum C llh<·r nffh'f'r!I includt' Mr!I. Al· tw>rr R1t)•m ond nf An1thl•lm . ,·k r· prestdf'nl . Mr11 R a ndnlph G Guthrie or f"ulll'rton. s<'crt'tllry . l\lr11 Ch11rh•s P, B-0y1•r or Santa AnB. 1r1•1111ur••r nnd Mr11 Grnc1• Wycko rt of Snnt 11 Ana, 11arlia - mt•ntarinn Tht') '4 111 tw inslnlh'fl June-R al lhc> homl' nf Mrs Enrl t-: S m llh, An11h1•1m Mr11 Royc>r r"port l'd on 1111' 1t11 h' m nvl'nllon or \\'onf1•n's d ub!! 11nrl 11 lrtlk nn an11quC's "a!l hy !\frs f"n •rl W1·1sl'I o( Anllhc•un With Mrs Smith a!I •·ha1rm11n, frr nds or lhl' flt1'11lt'I'. lkNlk'< ttnrl 01Q,t inn p1N 11r•'~ "1'rt• d1sc·11~l'd t<y l\lr11 \ \ S Fln1111. :\lr<i (,,nr· h'!I P1'11r11nn nnrl Mrs II (; :"1·\\ · kir k. 1111 of An11h1•1m Thf' hnl'lt'll!." c-umm11t1•1• lur lb<' 11ay ml'lurl•·rl :\!rs J 1 >rt.ind Smith 11( C:11r1kn 1 ;r .. 1 ,. :\I r' H1llw·r1 l 'lnrk 111 S1111111 1\1111. ;\11, Fr1·1I Ito\\ lamt 111 S:int.1 ,\11,1. ,\h·, ll<'ulwn P.1~ 11( 1 ·,,..,,. ;\h "'11. \II·-. \\ I. \\'lll11rn1I' or C lr1111i;•-. ;\I r"' F II Smilh pf 111 ,1ni;1• .im l ;\!1·,. Flt•an. Jw Wi..--Adw r1111· • 1 >1w. " '' 11111:011 hnd an intc:-n~· :imh1l11•11 '" rnll11w n C'f'rtain cn 11~ r. 111.11 o f 1 .. c111r1'r on lh•• C-h :t U I ll U Q 11 11 C' 1 r c u I t: bu• SOlll<'I hing . (' n tirl'ly out o r her 1·11111 rul Jlrf'I'•'"'· l'd her from r ea- h t.tnl( 111111 11111· hitinn llf'r f11t h · er lwC'11nv• a n lnrun1hlr Inva- lid. :rnd 11 •1~·m· t•d plninly hl'r duly 10 r11•1·otc ltt•riiwlf I u h l s romfnrl 11nd happ1111•so; Th1<; she rlirl, 11nr1 l··arnl'd '" turn h1·r rr111- lr111aon into jo)n11.-s•·n 1rt' From hf'r 1•·0 r11m 1· 1h11t-\, .. nd1·rful Gos1•·I r.nnf:'° Hri1:1t1 .. n tht• t 'nr- nl'r \\'lwr•' Yo11 Ar" I h••r I\(, nty· ft\'•• m11l111n <'"I'"'' nl lh:ir 'l•ng ha\•' '"'''11 matl1 . p11llfl-.1t, •l in h~ nm h•>ok!I, r1 nd"r. 11 11\ • t I hl' n 1tl1o1, 1.,,u~ht a~ ph1•rnwrr11111 11•c· onl' Knnwmi.: tit• ,1 .. r " 1 .. ·h1nd ,,,,. '11111:. th1• \\olrlh \\11111·11 hy Ina ( •~clc-n lrtk•• "n .1 ,1.:111f,.'.1nl 111 '.l1.t111.: ll1i1:l.t.••o ~.. <"•11 ner \\'J1111 • \"0 11 1\t t '' 1r1d1 'ti I 11JH HU' lh:tt ,fln 1111I lu 1·1111h •h• 111• 1111 of llS 1111 'l'lw 'l•llL: \\ol• " I II' :111N[C h~ I htl ''l'lflf't' ii[ ( ~11 .. 111 I """S \\'nt• •·•, I lt:.1 J,, It 1 ; .. 111" I 1:--;,l·t ,tp li1111h, 111 IH• A "PEACE PLATE" FOR TODAY g,,.. 'Jtll..JI &..Me.JI 8tMMtl..P«M»I T11DDIY PUCE PUTE Cnam1 and ,.olden ecirn ~ brHdl l\'1 a maln dllb -eom- bine with other beart1 ~ b Ute 11.b of \hrlft. • Bui U,ere' 1 no 11ttUlce cf mltli- Uoua ioodn•.. lD au.r meal ,... panl\D tor tho" dallY ~·ftl.,. tibia vttamlrul and ~etn-padwd rotta1a chMM help do \be job. We 1.t the rtdma .. ~ •II and milk In both the lpooG bread ad tbe chocolate daMftt. So there'• au the proteta .. , ,,. would ,.., from mea\-WtUlout the npeaH of thla 1carca food Item. COM ll'OOlf 8a&AD av,._.ia Tbe com atw• you •n ln~re1tln1 vart•Uoa of \hi. lr1d111on1I Soutb• am 41lh. Hu e·• the menu: c.. ,,... Brea• ~ wttai c~am 8a11ot ()elery lhrt,. ~ai--rr-s. ... ·, ~Tan l'OOD nPI: Look for upareirua -when 7ou're 1Tocery 1hor pln1- .._t'1 fr11b. tender and brlttlt, not wilt.ad. ADd what to a.old In 11pAt11U1f Well, you don't want old uparaau-. You'll lmow It b7 Ha woodJ 1tema u( 1prHd lope. Tau dotl't want clamai ed SJ>t'ar-. altber. A'l'Old Upe t.h1t ore brukeD all or badl7 bru!Md. -· --Conrecl Richter, M. D. ca.a.a &T..• r ~--· ... 111 •.30 .. In. • 12 .... l ....... _. ... ¥. ._... .-.; ,....__ . .. ...__ ... ,. ...... ltalb cut ao thtre'• • Iona ato- doa ot th• woocb. 'White p~rt at one eond al"ftl't deal.rabla. For Nu p17 ~the pound. ....... = •• I~ ...._ ...... 8iiiiiiiiiil ......... -_ .......... ~ ........ ---...... ,. COAST OPTICIANS ~ a. IJ ... a • 5 , .. -----_ .. _ --------• - 2:30 p. m. -4 :30 p. m. 219< •. {Mtnl !'lee ........ .._._._H .. t SI r•uc AalAl'( :Ct:WroilT llADOa tRJWA&Y ll08PnA.L _....._,D.V.JI. ~ 0. ~. D.V.M. .. . . ~-"""' .... .n 8..&. ._ DrtTf! ......... ....... ...,.: .... .., ... !1 I I II I ·~·-~._ ........... ll•t I tu~ a llk ta .,_We looCW I ... ...... -1. otlrrt111 ••"' ~lok---.t.'4 Mii. tuir-r. fal. 8-t ,.. ~,... -111•• ol •lllt I ,. caJ>I ... tl\ll laU. ~ ,...,11. Ad.t U.. "°"' a114 foW ta ~ otllftJ --... •hltea i. -~~ ..... 1 .. ~ 11u '-addod. llU• I• • tr......t i.u1 .. ... ~ •• • ~ ... t. ....... 1111•r1 ,_ 11 "' .. a laola. ....... ,teL Maybe tho.a hard lo~n parta ol 11p1nl\D 1talk1 don't sci uteo at 7our table. 'But they ntrdn't be Waited. Trlm thr m ol!. Cut In th , stice1 and cook them Hpn:tlt'ly -lnr.~cr for tendrmeu than l.bt ltpJ-and \Ut ln •oup.. Aft ,.. ....Mri ............... FMY ........ 1 .......... l••tl'ff•: T••'I • .. t.u •f aM•tN •• ._. .......... ta .... ..,.fl.a••"• 11•1• D4•tru.··-,._• ••• ..., • .., ,... ... "-'I• t-t .-w th O.-r1••fll •I Asrl<•llu• Ir ... ,,_ , ... '"9• ,,_ -................. , -· ...... . =~ ~~· FOOD COHIHV ATIOH. W UBIH,TOH U , 1>. l:.. ' ,_ Author ol 'Tlte Founloin Heotf, No•el al So•i.t, 1 o Be on looA anti Allfltor 'tOfJIOlll Friday Ayn Rand. authur of THE FOUNT AINHE AL>, who a. a;>- JX'aring at the Ebt•ll d ub ~ thlll rrid11y h11s t'njOyl'd • fniitful and jnterest ing cart't':I' and htt , ba<'kground 11:1,·K a rmg at rea!Jty to hf'r \\Tiling \ \\ t:umso Kl:CF.PTION lone to be renM'mbered w .. that of Mr. ttnd "'"' Jnhn J . S uJU,·an or Newport BeM'h, who we"' lllAf'rted ""turda~ at !\loun t C'annel ('athollc-<'hu~h. Held Ulat en•.lnc In c 1 ... ta !\l r•..a American LeclOa ~II. ~ta were 11o11n·ec1 """"~•t• uml d1o1n•·f'tl untll a late bow. utt to richt a re Mr. 8u.llh'111 aod hi• hrldr, thfo former Dalay Howard; Mrs. •'raak Shane of Paaadena, m•fron of bondr a.ad Mr. 8..._. who w ... tM.t. man. ' photo by Beckner Sullivan-Howarcl Rites PerlormecJ Saturclay At Mt. Carmel Church, Reception ot Legion Hall '-..:.. lt('flt'at 111g I heir marriagl' vows cakl's. each IOJlPt'd with a Wl'l' 11 ~ a m. Sat urday in O ur Lady bridcsm:ud and ht•r c•sror l. , I :\lnun1 Carmel church were Mr. Sullivan, known to 1111 his l•.il•) ln ·ne Howard , 1915 W1•st friends 11s "Pop." runs a small· C ·, nt ral 11vrnue and John James boat rl'nt al a t th<' 19th streN pier s11Jlt\ 11n. lR'.lJ West Cc:-ntra l a\'f'· and hi' a nd his br ide' hav<' m a ny 11111· The R('\'. Arthur J ohnson friends who cam e 'to wish them 1•·rfurmf'd the ccrt'm ony in the happlnt>ss and to dancl' tht' eve· )H•St·nc1• of 150 fric-n ds and rcla· nmg hours away to thC' music ol r1, .. ~ 11f the couple. an orc hrstra. Tlt1· !)ride wore· 11 suil of w inier On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Sul· "l11tL'. u h alo clfi:ct h a t in fa wn livan IC'ft for S11lt Lake• C'ily 1tr11I ~old sandals, JIC'r corsagl' wherl' thl'y wfll visit tht• bride'" \\;1~ or orchids. mother. l\lrs. I. fL Wulhom . h1'r ,, I'' 111~ •• ~ 111.i:ron of h11nor ''as son 1111cl 11lhc.•r rl'lath'<•s They .,, , 1·1 dl11-. $111111•· or Pasaclc•mi µIan 111 h<· l(Onl' uhou l ten days. """ \\tir•· 11 .:r.1) ~u11 , \11111.-hat 1'1111 11n •lrf'h"I f'Or~11~c. \Ii S hani· a1tt'nd1·<l lhC' hridl'· r.""" ai; h<'"t mun ,H1, r th" c·<'rt'mony :.n gut>sl~ ,,1 d· 11 11 lur l•n • t'-la!'• al 1h1· ""Ith. or 1 ltl' hrifk 11 \\ ,1S 111 I It<• \'\ l 11111!;. hU\\ • • "t. 1h11I tht• r.•111 1·"1••hr:.li11n · l•••k plfll'<'. "twn lh~· nc.•w Mr. 1 ,, \:,' :'ulh ,,,, h1•hl .1 n n J>- ·11 ........ \n •• I u •jjfl L\ ;.:1t1n la.di. ., .. , :.hs'"t. l ut J.hJat" 1hti~1 :-,,,., .. ~ I I I Ito I 1111f ii " .. 11 ,11.11< .I I ··:u n.dhnt '•·'~' .ilh i r, I u .. ' , t 111• "• lld.111-; t•ai..,. its four 11 1 111 11111rull) df't'Ol'atl'd and • I I'' ol ''.:I. ;, 1111111 .. 11rr1 hnd1• lllli f.:IU<llll llllllil' ol \\••fllfllll; lwll "h. At 1111· :-1d.s \\·,·r•' other Christion Science Board Names New Director Th<' C'lor1s1111 n . 1•1 .. nC'•' B<111ril nf fl ' I CIOI'" In Ro,.1111: has an· 11m1111'< <I 11 ... •·l1•d1u11 .. r Mi!~s L. J\ lll1\ r.walt••r. ('S B . of N<·w Yo1·k'. .1 .. a d1rl·1·1or '!r T lw ';\luthcr C'hurrh IO fill 'lw \lllC:tn<."Y caus- l'd hy '"" rf'N'nl p:i!'~ing or Mrs Nl'IVill ~:. Hil chtt• Miss G\\ 11ltl'r ,, II nali\'l' or N ew York \\hl'r• hf'r mother. Mrs. L ttl) L G'4.illrr. C'.S.R. f'rlll't i1•f'd 11nd 1t1111-;h1 Chnsli;rn Sf'll'nf'f' 1\y, n child sh•• :lllf'nrlf'rl Chrt,111111 S1·1c·nf"l' S1111rl.1) S.:h•IOI. 11nd JfHn•·rl Th•· Mo1h1•r ('hurrh In l'ICH S he h11s servl'd in many C'it· pacilil'll '" n hranrh church. in- clud1ni: that of 5f'c11nd Readt'r and rnf'mlwr or t he bonrd of t rus· 11'<'5. 111 19-10 shr hf'came an nuthnri7rd tf'llChl'r of . C'hristi11n SC'll'nr1• F or lh<' pn~I )<'<H ~lu• hn~ Sf'l'\'1•d a~ Assonatf' Editor 11f Tlw <'h rii;lrnn SC'i1·nrf' .lo11rnal, t ht· C"hri,.t 1.1n ~1·11·n1•1• S,.rH m"1, n11cl Thi• ll1·rnlcl ur Christian Scf.•nc1• Homema•ers ' Club To Meet Weclnescloy Hnmrmakf'rs' duh nr c ·o~I H M1>sA will hold th1•1r rl'~11l11r ml'l'l ing Wl'd nl'sday Al th<' soc·1al h11ll. Crn:ta Mes11 C"ommuniry church 111 111 11 Jll F.1· ... rrc'I..-1s In brm i: 11 sack lunch and 1111 '''nmt'n llrl' rordlally in\'itf'd to at fl•nd Visiting Nurse Assn .' Re·elects Ollicers Mn L•1J.:an \\'hr11l l1•y of F ulkr· ton WilS rr·f•lf'C ll'd '" S<'f\ I' llS p1, ,,,i;1 111 uf : h1· \'"11 m1: :":ur'C' .\:-s1.r1:11111n pr Clrnn1:1· roun1~· for Sl'l'flnd t1·rm :.s \\1·r .. \'11'1· Pr1· .... d··nl Gror1-;I' 1.;1•11111-;i,:. \'111 h.1 Lm· t! 1. S1•1 rt·l.11 ~ :\tr' 1\11 1111 fll'tnt r 1, .\n 11 1 m . .ind Tri·m.ur1·r Mrs M L T h1•1111':-1tn ••f s 1nta Ana Thi' C'lf'.·twn Ii~·" placP in' tin' S:1111.1 1\11a ('nmmumt) l'1•n1<•r C'luh 11011~1· Thur .. 1l.1y a I \\ h1ch timt' '''o n•'" nwmh•·r~. :":ornrnn Jl11off. llun 11ni:111n fl<'l1ch . nnd lJr. I I Sp1•chl 9r G11rd •·n Gr1Wf' Wl•r.-f•lt•f't<'d lo lht• IH11trd or di· rec-rnrs .anrl nn f'X1t·n~111n o r 11ml' ns nwmt11·rs on tlw ll(>Hrd was un1rn1mn1 1~ly volf'd 10 Mi•s Vl'nn J on<'11. Mrs Reine-r t 1rnd Mrs. Thomp11on. Roa rd m omb<'r s S<'r l'lng un•·'<· pirf'd tnms arC' M1i<!I AJtnc>s 0 f'll, Laguna H<·a r h , Mrll. L11•w<'llyn \\'ilsnn. An1lh1·1m . Or Rnlph F: H11" f's. llunt ini:ton B(•1tch , Mrs :0.1aylwlll' S n0di,:r11ss. Oranr:t'. and Dr :.1ildrf'd WC'hrly, Miss Thl'lmn P;,t1t111, :>1rs La ur11 R Warn•n and Emor) L Morns 11f Snn1a Ana. Mrs. Kcnd11ll Frost , rf'tmni: prrstd<'ot of VNA nf Loi. Ani:••lf'~ was introduced l1y n r Edward L RtL•sell. mAS1 1'r of c-·rr!llOnll'S, 11• l(Uf'!ll spt.•akl·r Mrs Fro"' told ho". through uri:l'nl nN•cJ. t hat assori111 inn had i:rown from onl' nu rsf' in IM l tu t hf' prf'S1'nl st nlf nr 30 nursl's w11 h 11 <11r1·1•111r-., t wn su1,..rl'l!tnr~ :rnd rll·rrr1d lu•l p. Miss Ecl1•ll l.1ttl1', cltrf'f'lnr 11r 1,.,., Ani,:••l••s \'NA 111•t•omp;1n11·d :\Ir"' Yt'n•t ;111<1 ~1~1k1· llrll'fl~ Thi' i.:r111\'I h ol t In• Or;1111-;C' l"m111 ty \';\;A 11n1I ~i·rl'in·' 1h1r111i,: llllS r1r<f ~1•11r \\'('rt' prt•Sf'rtft•d hy Or ;\l1ldr1'd \\'d trly who s.1111, "Tlw 11~"1s1a111·1• 11r nsilinr: n11r•··~ m 1•:irim: for n int'l'r 11nr1 111lwr 1111ti1•nt~ m ;1kl' i1 pn,slhh' r11r tlwm In ri•m:i1n al homr• nnrt 1hu• '<HI(' hf'd •pac·1· fnr m11ri· p:i111•nl• in !hf' hMp11nl< l\• !hr rnmm11ni1y h1•comf's awarf' ol 1h1s S<·n ·1cl' 11 1s nf'<'C'i;s11ry to nrld lo !hf' nurs· inc: sl;:ifr wh1C'h now h11s fl\'f' full I im1' nun;1•s s('rv1nr: unrlrr 11 di· r l'Ctnr, Mrs Miranm 1'1kkilA " Flnw"r Arr11ng l'l!l._Snl ~nd \or· Anohe'm Posto llA$?(' ~illkm~ 15 lhl' i>UhJf'CI and I r proJ<-ct leadl'rs 1irl' \'t'rnie Graser, Jn Sunc:Jay Ac:Jc:Jress ~~1:,:~~'.l' :i~~so~~a~~"~r~.~~ To Costa Mesa Baptists ha,·c r("('('1vl'd instruction in l hl' h11nd.llni;i o r flowers from Mrs. P. \'. Grou t or Orangl' a nd Mrs. M . L. Rolle or An11heim. HARBOR~ Mrs. H11rold Borchsl'nius. ll'ach- l'r 11t thl' C'oron il d r l Mnr school. 111 Ill at her home. 1:13 Cr ystal nvcnul', R11 lboa Island. Mn1. F red C'oll'm 11n. 3 1st s!'tl't'I. undcrwrnt 11n OJX'ralion a t C'om· m un lly h<>5pit11l. S1rnt11 An11 Mon· d11y morning, Mhts hlpmnn Roy T Mani z. !t•ln Clf M r 11nrl !\tr1< Paul !\l:inl 1 , :l:.!:.! Anoll'n a 11wnur. Halhna li<lanrl. i,; nttl'nclmi: lh<' :":a,a l Prf'·F hi;:ht !wh111•l. :":a\ al ,\1rl 1'r11111111~ has1'. l'••nMrnla. Fla . Tht' RPv P G Neumann. PH· tor of B<-thf'l n 11plist church. Anaheim. Wll.<t SpC'ak l'r Sund11y at First flnplisl ch\Jrc-h, C-<>5t 11 Mcs11 . Rei· Ncum11nn forml'r ly was p11stor of thl' Aurn5 Avl' Daptlst c-h ur <'Ji in Ot•troit W hllf' thl'r(' Rev. Nl'umann hnd thl' rAdlo hro11dc11s t, "Ef'hn<-11 of Hl'R\'C'n" with m orr than :l,!)()(1,0 () lislC'nl•r11. Thl' Firlit R11plt11t church o r C-oslA Mes11 is 11 mlll!'lton nf lhl' n e thl'I Rap11s1 ch11rch nnrl l5 mr<'tln$! at prl'i:C'nt m thf' Arnf'r i- c11n L1•"i11n hall on lflrh ~t rf'<"I 'rh" nf'\\ hl'rnr nr fir nnrt :'-Ir~ l lht•tl l.11r.1'. :!::nrt <1 r1 .,., t ·,,~, n :O.t1·~:1 1~ n1•:innc rnrnpl.-111•n :mrt tlw 1'<'•'llf1t1n1~ '''I"'''' ''' h, in h) ''"' 11111ltll. t .111111· Brand NEW DUPLEX I ~CO~IE s13000 per mo . Jn hl'r hc;•Sl·SPlltng nO\'l'l. Tilf: FOl':-.'TAI?"HF-AD. !\fiu Rand has given her pr1nc1pal char•C1er thl' impulse to cre atf' v.'hich ht"• follows wit h an intensit>· that neither brooks nor recognius in· t er fl'rl'nCC nor h indrance. TIW' in · t f'nslly or purpose that m arks her c ha racter i!I the same intensit>' that drh'l'S Miss Rand . Ht>r irimr mol ivl' today is h<"r patr iotism a nd love for her adoptl'd coun- try, lhc-Unitf'd S tatrt1. IJ.l'ld her dis like for Communism. Mi!ll! Rand'11 abhorre nct> of So- \'ll.'t Rus11la Is no philO\IOPhical dlsagr rement, nor is it a socio- logical dilSt'ntion : it i1 an abhor- renC't' based o n knowledge. galn<'d as an eye-witness. oCran l"il in· stitution. Miss Rand and her Cam· ily escaped from So\'i§t RuuJa a nd death, as she was marked far liquidation ror being guilt)' of 1he l'r ime or being ll rnembtt or the <'lass that is capable or thinking : a t'apitol crime in t he Soviets. Knowing full well that it v.·ould t'n tail the like lihood or ph)'Ska.I h11rm. rN'ei\;ng thn>atmin~ ~­ i;ai,:1•s. having hl'r v.·ork hc>Jittlt'd h\• frllow-trawlling mtics and t hf' acl ua I inron\'t'nJC'FIN' of I hr ht'11rtng itS<'lf. M is!I Rand a t·· et>ptl'd the inntallon of tht Thomas C'omm 1tt('('. i>arl} 1h1!' year. to a ppear heforc-the Com mitttt on Un-Am<'rican Acll\'- lll('S, and test iry to hf'r knnv.·led~.-! of thP ac1lviti1>s or the Comm Jn· ist µ11rly ln Holl)~'ood. Ht>r tN :i-I mony was factual a nd \'alw1:111 for with h<'r typical drh·e ih <' has m ode a studv o r the L<-Hwir·~ mov<-mi>nts and 'was a b!r to t?i' / "Pf'!'ifit:' inf11: mat ion to th<' C< m· m il1cc. I T hC' sal<' of THE FO L':-.:TAt '.':- H F.1\1> 11:l-; inrr<•11<«I d•inni.: 'tlx past IW•·l1'" m11n1 h1', ·md ha' ,.,_ Expectecl Event lncentiYe lor Pretty Shower ~harini; hO!'IC'l'S dutirs Wrr< :\Ir " C-harlt'!I K<•St>I a nd ~frs Ll'o K l'st•I 11r \osla :O.f•"':t whf'n th.' hc>norc'li :\tr • K1•nn"1 h K<-1 "11 h ;1 <.lnrk sh•"'<'r 0.·1·t1r:i11on~ rar- rtrd nut thf' th1 m•'. m ,..ltnl11n· <1llnn \\Ith fl;1\\l"r'- \,;im1•11 1n·r;• pl:t~<·d \\ ith fl"llt'S s.:r•mr: '" M•·<:d11m•'l' l.alATl'ntt S1·xlnn. Rotwr1 llu1son. C-hark'S Horhrnd. rhiirli'S ( >edf'n a nd \\' J llin•'!lly, Ma ry a nd C'orer!4' K('!;('I a ssrstf'd in scrvini: rt>frE"Shmenu. Sharinr: the> hospitality v.·t·rt' Ml'Sda m cs l.a\\T <'l}Cf' Sexton ol S11nt11 An11. Charles ~den. W . J . Hlnesly and John J ()fl("I of C-ra Mesa , J oh n McAllistcr, Cbarles Borland. Larry T aylor and John Myer!I. m othf'r of th<-honortt. all or Fullf'rton; and R.ohrr1 H utson of Long B<-ach. Unable · to, 3t1f'nd but SM>dtni: 1ti(111 wPre Mesdatn('!< Myra C r af· ton. Cordeli Colley. Thomas Pri<"'. llydl' Loucks and d.augh fCf' Janet Fuchsia Growen Hear Gorcleno Authority Ulu111ra1int.: his talk v.i t h l"OI· orl'd slides. JamC'S Fairclo o f Gar- dl'na addresi;ed 50 rn<'mben: a nd ~Ul'SIS of Costa Mt>Sa-Bav C 1tl("C hranrh o f thl' California ·Fudma l'tK'iC'I y al thr 11cr<.nd l'Tl<'t'tinst of thf' i.:roup, hf'ld at Wf'ICOl'll(' calf'. \0~111 MC'l>a. R. C . H udson. public n·lahCtn~ dtArrman o r thC' Pacific F10 W(>f' show~. :tlso 1<pnkP F i·:" n«"' l11l'm- hcri1 lnlr~ucl'd wr rf' Mn:. Irma S tandll'c> or N ewport Brach. R_ G B urlson of Huntincton '"Brarh . Mr!I lrc nl' Grc•i::i::. !\l nt T rTT) ~~illC'r 11nd Mr!' A F Zitl"lf'~ .,f C os111 Mt'Sa. C. F:. Guthrif', pr ('Si<k-nl. ron- d uf'tf'rl thl' busin1'ss iwssion Aftr-r thei.~ogram. r<'frrf.hm<'nls ,,. . ....,.,, lt'n· . Nl'xt m ('('ting is slatf'd for JUJll' . • "The Young Idea" " '•tl ' ••.•• ,,,. e •• c•-· i:i- ~ llw Nlirs "' lhe tint , • ..,.,-.. ....U. attn lt ~ in 1943 8oMJa.. Ynnll ttv book's puM' ' rs npttt Uw book to ID&Ult&Ul 1.....U .. pn.at f« y.ars to CDDr. As \IJr sUn NWe lllCft-4 IO hu tJw ''Cllunw cl YID Rand"s fan mail 11w bulk ol Uv mail ii qurstiom a.bout uw book and 1u ~ nv book is pr~ \U:.l k 'I' and dradHtly lll&mU- .. ,.iac and tJw ciun•-askfod nug.ht .-ell hfo an WW'Ot~ *- sire to ha\'e thP au thor lrll men "' thP story. ll-Rand •'lll break t hl' .,..., set in thl' Pff"._., Book and AullMw Tf'M. and •ill not delivn 1 pttp8A'd talk on ht"r book. bul •ill ....-« quntaons about tvt no\'f"I. e,.natrr C..-1)' of Ow bl· ~who C"Onducts ttv ~ gram. ~ an a'-alandll' of c}Uf'S1-. trlling how ha• ha-. bttft f'IJtrusted W'lt h man)' by ~ too tmlid 10 ask a qurstitOn in • pubbc pthrnftf: Appnnng and spt"akmg on ttM ~ proc:ram •'lll -thl' DO\'t'l· lsts Edaard \.erc!WT and J._ L Lasky Jr "''"' ttv rormal program all v."lll mttt thl' :aut1-'s ualannall) and t hr)· wiJI tftl(Tlhfo ropirs of. · t hrir t.x>ks durinr; t .-a I ifnr _ TIM procnm ~nc .-.r 2 p m.. Friday, )I a)' :t I Thr pllt.l IC' IS dni tt ed. We Can Now Convert r-..._.. TABLE LAMP Les Nott Eltttm !8!1 W'. Cemtnl AR. s--,.rt ..... ~ ..... -... --. .... .....~ ,_ _ _._ ... S I Me ••te• re••lr ~ lt"e ._ IDGlll' .... .-..-&'D M-...C I I • ... AY maTl<Z • ....... D'I By Mossier --1 /t' Owner ~lust ~ell! l'all Beacon 602:1-.\\" St"'t· \L\S-_.;;ffrr:n rnr PETA IL~ 1 "lfo~t '\tom. all I •·a• ••411& .... ....,..._ ..,. -t ,...._._.,,..., '-------------------------------· ••Im ...Ut for P"P:°' .. - .. T'&L&l'llONU: RAMO& lJ, 11 AND HI Published t'VUY ~.Monday ~Friday, by Sam D. Porter lllld Lucius S. Smith, Ill. owners and operators of tht' Nt'WpOrl Harbor Publishing Co. \'OJ. XL. Trt:SDAY ~f'Wport lkoaw'h. C.'aflf., May 18, 19~8 (',\\It: If You Wanna Fight, Then- * THE TAXPAYERS BOOEU- It i:-;n't p1ilite to boo. But ~oml·time=-it :'l'l'\'l':5 A purp1 1~e. When tht· ~an Franri~·o B<1anl nf ~LIJ>l0n·i=-or~ mrt recently let <:11n~idt•r tlw hutl).!l't fur tht• t1l''.\l fi.,l·al y 1o;ll'-a hurlgt'l tailing for a J.!Tt·atl.\· im·n·a:-:t•d out- lay and a =--tiff hilw . hundn•d:-"f ta\.pa~·t·r:-: \\'l0l'l' on hand-and in good v11i<.'l'. In vnciJ.,rnu:-: t"11e:-: thl·\· ll't till' tit\' fathl'I':' know that tlt1•\' \\·anll'd n11 moi·(> inrn•a :-:t•:'. 'y l':', tlw~· IHHll0tl =-unw ut"tltt• prnp11:'Pd (•'.'\ J>C'll~l' i IH:l'l'<l:'(':'. It ,,·a:-a ru).!).!L'll mC'l't in~. liut tlw were oln-iou:'ly impre=--.=--ed and pro!,lli:'etl econumie~. =-u pen· i=-or=- a 11 1>0:-:;-;i hie The San Francisco incident was probably un- usual for the noise involved, but as t o the proposed tax increase it was all too common. In almost every community local taxes have. been climbing rapidly. In many im;tances property owners are now paying d ouble the taxes they were a few years ago. These owners are reaching the point where they are neither willing nor abl~ t o stand .further large increases. Because of this, local governments will be'forced to effect greater economies .and either-.eliminate or hold in abeyance some of the plans for desi.-able, but not essential. ci\'ic improvements. Of course. the citizens them:-;elve::-must he williniz; to fore~o some of these improvements if they want to hold the tax rate down. Civic ambitions must be ~e ighed in the li,l!ht of the cold financial facts. * DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON S <•rrrlftr)' or 11dviSt'r to thr Srnatr ArmC'd SK· ~fen~ J 11 m ,. ' Forrestat ""'' vices Commltt~·. ttppc-ovt'd Ru•· Secrf'tary of thl' Army Kl'nnt>th ~ti's i:<>nert1I idea. but 1uggettC'd R•')Rll h;1d a St'C· tonini: down tht• l1m.:us1?<'. Qt1. ...;t•'~wn with Southt'rn 8'-nftlors a c:c.o•ptC'd thl• tht' Srnii11· Arm· 1 sui:ar-<'Oflt.:d, rt"'"'rlttl'n 1.mwnd· ,.., ~t·r\'lt't'S Com-nw nt h111 ~t'nfttflr Rllllarll ftppC'llkd 1111111 1• tlu• oth1•r fc>r ,;s1>nu•111tc• 1•11f!'1tl1• the ,S(luth" 1!~1) 111 \\ h I 1· h '" inf11o(h1t"' II That WllS "''" n "y fl 11 ~lllll'tl l<l'Hll!•·> h1t1'JM'lll'1I "' a.:ro'<' "' lu 111.: 1 ha t h•· \\ 1•11lll r1•· II up fo•r oli><'ll~'hm, 1 J11•1ti.:h 111°1 Ill 0.,1;:11 '" (,,,., .. nl,•r-1 '"l'lk•1 I 11 \111 r h<'al'lll): !' rn~il, '"' .... cro l;ollmn, Ii""'\• I ht I' ''I"'''· "nt~ (,,1(1. l "' 1hnl1-tw1I 111 th\' -.u·I. · :1n1l \\ :1lk••1I 11111 \1 11i~ \\'l" 11 1 lh ololo I Io l'o,tt•ho'tl I ht lll4 Ith 111 ,,._ l~ \ 11' 111 • \11t I ht '-, • "" .. !'+ U it1t •I" dlr r :""-P1tHt1 ff\ ....... u '''''~ 1111 . I \\.&\1u \ltit'-• pr·,tt, ''"" u',Htl"-1 1111• ti 11':1111"1 th, oh 111 h ill ,11\d '1i.111i; !ho• •··II t 1111 Ill ~t•t'I • 1 d, 111,111d1 d ,, 111.11 11111 o· IJ1 ,11 \\111 11 1 I \\.0111 1111 0.,1 •1•1•1 •!'~ .'' lw lil11rt1•1I irHh 1t•h ·t ... \\•'llltl 1H1t l\, h•t , .t 11• 1 1 It~''' 1u•, 11 ,u•t~U:i.•1•1 ''' h·:U\tt\~· •I\• \\Hll th 1 ttlt' 111l11lt1\d11111 1 1 1•1 1 \\ l '• •1'-•fl, itt l l tn11•• 1l1 ,,, '' " l1H11 h, II .1Lt11·1 1 cl •n 1 "·'''' 1 .... 't• I '''" tit• 1' \\,&-4 t •UI .,, ) ••tl\'h It• !"->··,.,I I tt \ I I h. 1,,~,I ,, " ... "ti ·'l'l" .. ,, ... Ill 1'•' \\ J>. ,, ... , 1 ,,,,.,1: Jr,'""'"" "I' 1·. u .... ,. ... 1nlu1n11 • ... (",,l•ltitl ll1ll 1'1111 '" "'"' t1t11 !'11 .,h '•"'"' ... 1•1 1)11 \p\i \\t" ,,, .1 r~·1111, ,, • 1u• 111 ~, l,, 1 • 1 , .1,·11 '""·· ,, -; ,,, .H~.•lf'"' flu H· ' '11 .i ",11,, •'•l "\,,,th < \,1 ••hn.1 ... '. '""" it••• "t\1111 '" litu tt11t t-"11n'''t d •''"' 1 "'''~1 tp ~··n.ih•l ' h~"' , 1111 ~' n.t ')'• , .. ,,ti I hi"' \1'1' '11111 ""~ ·0111• 11111111 !II Jol'PI• ,., 1111· 111· ,. .. 1-lh" "' 11•1 I •Oil 1'1011 I J1tl 111, 11i:ht 1t1 .111 1110\111·11·•· lot ""'' l.1 ,\111!1111 1 lt\111·•1 \"11 ..:1111:0 ;\111' 1\dll•l\..Jy llllh IJltlJth"I " otl Ji1'1"·•llk "'~ .. 11t h ('.11'>11111:1 \11\1•11 ••\\II I'''' \\t11llil l•t' llll\\t'tl<.1l1l1 I''"" 111 "II lho 1111.11 lull. 11111 11 .. 111 .111 u lm1n1-11.1ll\• t••llll .. 1 "1111 1<11.-, II to•r l h·· :0111"11<l111t 111 \" \\ 1~111 11\ \ "' ~"''"' , , '""I.I. \\'•'""' :'1 111111\r H1h~l'll ''' 1 ;,,.,,I!'·' h11\\ • ,., 1•r liru,.ho•d 1h1' .••tit" 1'11•kini.: 1111 ,, ,.,,,,~ vi 1111' l'r1•,11l1•nt'-i ''"ti· I 1;:lof, 111t·~-.ICt'. 1111,.,...tl ""Ill ··11111•mc .1 t\f' r<'rrn1· \\'ar :mrl 111 ,.1 I.-\\ a !" tlttit\'t .\1 ,.t :'\1;1..:. .... ~1·ht1· ... ,.,ts \lo t..._ ... t • 'l'•·~ .. n Hn~l l\.,li~· II Ill.;,, l .. •lllll't'Cit'lll \'o•lo•O 11i,::tl11-t "-•"1'r1•1•01l111U I ;1u fl••\. 11l'tt h11lfl ttu~ µru.\c'.\ 11l \\ \ 11111tni.;'s Rclhf'rt~o•ll Br l,{lt.:•·~ ''"~··<1111111~. 11n<f 1.:11~111'1' 11( \\'""' \'tn•on1:1 \\ ;1~ :oh,:111'1 C10P t:•·on~·m~ ~•A1rn!'-ka'"'1 tt(·unuru\ • pt 1•at·lun)! So n:iwr K1·1111• 111 \\ ""rr~ ••·nt .. er !13 t1C•tlr11 .. i1 l"I' r • .11~1s 1111• 11tlwr 11;1\. ;111ol d1,cr C• d 1 lh'!11 11> I 111• \' S .:1•' ••r11nwr11 "Ii·•~•· f11nc1" he• i~ :11\' ·•' ~ '<la,11111,.: \\'lwrn \\ ir••cl nt t.:•l\'1·11111w11t 1 th1 4' 1·ur~ Sllll'(; 1l~ rt.1:i.'" "• fut'•' m:11.lt-mur h p1·,.1:n·-~ 1 11 '' a r fl •'<1unhl) or Ot'l'••rtuml) 111 our <111n•'<i S•'f\ w 1•;; \\Jlhuul rri:.1rd lo r:u·•t. , . .,,"''. r•'h~u'" •• , nal a .. n:.t 111 11:1n I tTr 11111:1n 1 h,,,, 1n•lrth'lt'1I lhl' s, f l i't:tr~ 11( 1 1,of,·n~·· tn wk.,. q1•1·~ w h:11·,. 1 tw r1•m11111111~ in· ~1 .1111·1•, 11f cl1sn 11nin111 i1111 111 tho· ;i rm c cl "'n 11'1'1' l'hrtlln:tkd 11< • '(i\•11•1 ·t·• •1:i H1•11111tlwnn 1•011nt~ I •1·m.1nclo·ll d 1:11rm1•11 Ill :"1•111 ot'-k1 ·'" t11lh"'' 1 aJ1idl) a~ 111"s1t.lo•" •·\\'11.1 1 ;11> .. 111 1 111-~· ") 1lt'n-.1· l"IUI\ '".\ UI\ 'UU'i'f 4' ~f t•f•f uu...: tu )eitll H1 p11hhc.1n 1•uunt~ t~nrt \ t"IU Hill and t 1•..:r••f f t'tUH•••t J-•UI \••U Y1uu ,,.,,, .. ii .... '11 '' f11r IH\IE l>l t:.\:\ lh1 ~. 11111••• trom t;.-1r~1o1. 111' int.: 1lcm n llw 111• '~Ill!•' ;inti i.;t11ri1tl! JI .Futl•:1ot;il Ir loKlk• d, 11lo"'f\t•rl llll' "'II ·''II '"' !'1•1•11•1.01\ "' p ,.f.r1-.• h.111 ,, (tit•1'll\P f1 o r11 ln' C4••11l llldllflt 1'·111·( 'hil'f ,,, ..... o1.-11 '''i:!'t' '' 11,I'.._ th1• t.,:t.t'-'l·fP11I~ J!idl1•1'fl .. ''" 1i...1Jt T 1 '" \\1' r•:1n 1·11n (uJ,·n1I \ ~1n11 •'11 •1.1,· tr • ,, 1 '""'' d•"'~ ti1" ,h •t• ff,,,, 1111 T 11 J<•·"'ll•' 111 t ... h tit 111 """ •'1111llllt111 i.:• "" " Fun 1't:il n1111111tt. 11 1h:it t h• t• \\'h• 11 1••l1t11• ti "l'l••n• 111, •' \\t .. flu 1,1U'1' t i i tl.U ftt \\h1l 1 fM•"-ftf \\h.tt '111 hid 1f11flt' \\fh'll\ Ill""' 11 .. , 111 1tl1•'1 •'••I• •I I •11111 1 11111 t •• olh t• 11tl 111' llu lull 1·1.11111• •I t .. tt•\1 th.ti ""'-111 llto 111111tl ••l tll tl1' \\1 ,t0 1n 1'11 1"11"l'''11 .. 1 hi.I Pt, ..... 41, 111 tf ... , .. h , 111 •I\"' .. " , .. 111 ttl• , "'''"' 1ht jllll 111111 11p1 r.111•111. I "111 11t1 1 .. 11 '•'' llli: ('lrnni:•· n l \\ hll,. llo111-•• '" :'0•1•1) I.II,\ 111 l}lo• 1\IJll,\ l:1'llllnl•• Cit' \\ >lh 11'11 nil• I• h o111·-r.ol 1•111.11k1cl I h :11 lho• 1o·n•ll :11.t\"I' 11·"1d l.o1\\l'•l1"' "' d ,11111 of '""'' fH' 111h•·1 ... "' rll1 1•u1 ... t1un·h "ho'" f •• 01•••'1 tlh ""• • •·nu,1111,, '" di 1th, .... ii. h111 H•a ... "ti 11111 \f t\ ti mk ttl ~1'111 h I ·.11 11- 1!11:1 't uc·k 1.: 1 h• or 1:.1111• ;·1 :im !l•ll c.111ni.: 111 \11t1• ror .111) I 11 II nt11 k t111\\ 1ni.: "h.ot th • Pr• "!Clo•nt IS i.;0111;: lo dn." "11·'1'1" d ;\l;iyl11rnk Thi' ahovl' am<'nclm<'lll uphnlding ~f'J::T1·1:11 1111n \\;1q not s11hrrn111·rl h\ H11ss..i1. r1~ r1·1w•r1t•d in I ht' pr .. ~~. hut hy :in nnrt-sr..:·rf'g11tinn Y:inkt'f', 1'1'" llnmr-;h1rl'';; S <'nalor SI)"'" Rndi:c·s Or1di:1'j; mad1• 11 1"11'111 . l1t•r) •1 t ·.,.,,,,,.tt, • ttl.t ~H•tn I'•"" ... ~I\ :1n1:t 11n1·1111 .. it m.--"'"''" 111\ I h;1r h1 d 1•11fUUl•1tll' ·It.wk 111 11!1 rt,,, "h• 11 1 ""•I '" '"'" 1111 F1 .t11kll11 f!,.,, .. ,.,,.11. It• alw11y• 111:id1• 11 1•11111 11f 11sk1111:. n1t· 'llow :iro• t l11nl!" .:nmi: in P1•1111,.yl· vnnla~ Whol 111·1• th1•r sayini.: 11hm11 m":· "F !) rt 11t11 11v' wanto·cl t11 knt•W lhf'. <l'ttfl', "'ll';('ll1tly t1IH11lt :tn\ I n •n'\1 rn p11ht11• "JI'"'"" Jt111 ll11rr,> Truman. wh1l1· I 11rln 1111• his hem hoWl'\'C'r, he rltd nnt ~11pport 1111 I'll I y nnrl ''"''''"''" 11•'\'l'r :1i:k" "' lull, only offt'rcd It "for dis<'ui:-•111•·stjnn~ l1k1• tl,;11 It 1•11'1 1h;,1 Iv slnn." 1s11'f rnf1•1 ,.,,,.,1, lt11t hr <lqio•ncl- 1\.cl uRll)' Russell h ad inl rf)(llt1•1·tl 100 murh 1111 n lirtl•· <'11q111' 11f Wt11I• an f'art11•r nml'ntimf'nt. rccognlzin~ 111•11•1· :111\1,. .. rq 1.1 1••11 h im whnt', nnty 1wo rtH·1·s lhf' "pr1nrlp:il i.:rnni.: 1111 1n th•• 1·•1u'n1 ry Anti m11r1 minority race" a nd All o thl'r nft•·n tti:on nt1t hi' i:••ts h11m :ul 1\m••rirnns It furth l'r •I opulal•·d \'II"' that nff1ccrs disolH'yln1t tlw st•i:r•·· · '\\'h •·n th• ll1•1w...-rat1r :O-:at1n11 ,1 i:aliun <'11111~(' would ll(' NlUr t-m nr· tlalt'd for "l'nn<l111't 11nl,.•t'nn11n~ :on off11'1•r an<f a i::1•ntll'm11n." Maj t ;,.n \'f'rn<' 0 . M11clgl', Army Cnmm1t11 " had 11~ ll1st 1rn•••r11111 11 \\';o~lunct"n. "" 1·:>.p•·1•t..r1 d1:111111·11 llow:1nl \kt~r:olh 111 ln\'i11• 11~ I• 1 ~·t•I n11r prnlol1·!11~ ofl IJ!lr rh1''1 ' '-.J ,,.;,£ '1' .,;;:N '-Cl Al<"~""':-'3E \o~ A '"'E.; O.._ ~ ~ FEE'1' NOi\ A':' f'l~i Na 11' ' Ltr f ... e '.71..0f"E .' CURLY KAYOE , , .. ,... ... , ... , ..... v.:: t.t-' ~,..,rr I &'"..>.r~TA TE1. (VIS. )N '!:ii: r . ....... "-·~ ... "'WOJ DID~ \"lhEN, \ ~\Arf' C", 1N • '1' 'l "..f[ ,,, ,, ~ I ,.,.(. tf!\4..._ r,.,l L(lJ ~~1 · ... ,.,., .:: d 5E ~ \I i.lOU .:: A~ f OV1''<1>N ,t. Fi; u11fE.NEP i;:'of\81'1'1' ! By Carl Grubert \NEt.L,CMON! 'Nf.\IE r,or "TO ~t .. 10" • • J .f JVB ANO l·\h < .·.~. 11,1-<..AN (../\TL H l 11!'.. LAST ~t..F U: THE l QA•. L.. <" J>.ME .' t· ::l . ,7 ~ : ) I ~~:1 ,)loit (~l~ll( ~ "' By (;us Arriola By Sam l~ff To do oth end~e will either bring local tax rates in many c·nmtnunities to the breaking ·point or will inrn),·e bonded indehtedne:-::-: th:tt may bec<ime a great burden. Neither is •le:;irahle. 11•111 if wr ~rill fl•·1trn·r 1111~ of 1111r '"'" rili11•n" of th1·11 1'ol!htl11I 111 11 f11t·•1t 1n ... 11Hf IH 1\-lfr t..:•"" \\',, 11111:t.1 t 1nrl 11 :i 1111 l1°1wt. tn 11 i.:111• '~"'' 11v·111d~ for an 111 "'"'" "'' 1·:i ll1 ·t! "" rtw l'r"'-'HI• nt '"·· thn111:h •h:or 11 ... ,,,.1 "·· ,h .. '"'II 11rtfr•r .. r t11i,u11 ....... a~ 11 us1·tt tu , .. rn flt<· 111<! •I·''' 1!111 n•·11t1<·r \lo f~r:.111 n••r I h• 1 •,.,., .. 1,.nf n1 "'' • .!.:~~~~~~~=~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~~==~~:::~::~~=============~~-- 11111\ 1• 1n :l'k II~ f'in.111\, ........ •·I TARZAN * NEWS-TIMES FORUM tt 111 t!lll!litl hill of rtJ::hl ~ Ill !hf' l'r"'ft• tf ,,t1 u111 ... 1 1nl•'~~ 11 , ,., • .tr lh,11 111.'11 lt.111111111: l oH'f,d 111111 fl'· Jii:lt •U"" rl1'l•"flffUU.t11t1n 11n tittr 11\\0 In llnlly"'""I l'i'l't•11tl.'. I Wtts \\nld1ini.: " ni11\'1r l11 ·1n~ f1lJT1l'rl It " '" nn" t•f t It 11' • '111w·r -rhtfl' r d cnt'I• "l•tJ.t1•I•' \\llh .11•1111 !I I 11n1l11•f'I '..' 11 I' ..:111111:. 1 ht llllt.:h I ho II nur l\••n '"· lh1·r· :, •. , '''" :1 -11 .... , n11ml11·r 11( .11111~··~ th:it .or• :ill 1°111 S11 ·" I ",. 11 . ''' 11 1 .. t•• 1 c• r 11( ihll' \\lrh ntt1 11 1·•11 d , ... ,,,in· 1,1..._, •n·h1 n••" t.·• .... ,, 1 ,rt •l- ,t.uu • lh1 11 ·.,., l fh 110 11 ''' ltl tf .. ,.,rnu1 tt1 o 111 •111•h•\tlt•11t. 11 "-1\111 ,l.1t 1 ... \\h1l·h fll•\•ll, .. l.q I rU 1tt11 dun •ltt l 111 111 "'''" 11t111n,ln•ll1 •\1t•·1'-ltl:.' t l1•11,,.r1 •• •t• ,~ 'Ji•I • f•J• 1111t11 , t 1·t 1 l11 ''" ,,,d "' t 0t1'tltHll11 ,,.,,,,, •• , •• , II ,, I·· ,,_,,,., tu.:••h•1 \I .e n :-t •t1h•""' \\ilt O•t •' ti\ l1•f1Ht th1 tit· lt111r11t q111hJ11 d ,,,11J1 r '"' 111 ,., ... r • 1, u , 11 , 111 1, I ,, t h ,.,, d h\ .llfl)t \UU\• 1''1111· ... '-111\f•h I '111 I !IP t11d 11 .. I·,., I "' "'II H t"'Hf' ... J h' d 1ht ,,, I I 1to,,JHI) h· "'''"" \'..ti ,, " 11111• lh1·\ 11• n' 1111,.11 ·Ii tl11 11 t1•W 1n•'. I ft 111d lh ot Ill\ t\o O., \\•It 11\"t•oJ ,.,, ti I ·11 I ,. 1111 \\ '" ft'lf 111 ... ,. I' h 1 1•"t1f1ii' 1d ti• It .j,111 I t11HI .. , t ~ 1n' 11 1 1 1 'ljftt fl t1•d •tu f 't ,, 11 • t. i• n It ti 11nd '"'-••t1 • ; .. ••11 • •11 .1,1. , 1 ti., l 1 •'• d "\ 1tpq r I ... I fJI t .. 111il • ' I II I lfll 111 ""' t I , • ... '... \\ \ 1' ..... 1 •• I ph ... t I,,, ff• f I 111 1 •ti ... Ill llJHI 'll' th I 111lt-. toUI\ ho 1• tll'I 111 ftt• 11 f I I nl t l 1 1 tl 11"'11 qi\ t ; 111 • •,, f 11 t ' 'I .._ tin "'11\\ ,.,. ~10\1tJl1 t ~II " .... "I I·\\ ., , .... l~I ... th,, .. , .... ,1 ltl .... f1•1 '111 •1 ff1 "t fllh1 t I i•lll\1f I• ... n1ti1 t \\J'I•' f•' r f •' f ,.,,.''"' Jr ... ··I tJ1 ''f••fl ..... !1tlt ""fl'-.'\1,f th 1t \\I\ \\Ill\ "'II C'l\ll til.,llt•• \\h•ll C -.1r1o11t'·11111 l"•llll•ol ~\<:· Iott 11 '" ·1 lit n l P IJU I 11\\1' 1111• \\'I\ ,,,., ... , d1n1· , ... 1'• 111 ,,, ,.II"\ I '\ i1l t1lr 1 ... 11 \ITH! ,,, fl\.tk1• n'""""' ru11r1t1<'I• 11 h\ n 1•1o1l!mltt1" 111 •I \I or'"' n (""'l'lo \" lrl I" 1t - p 111nun1 n1 \JfH t lf'lfh appn1ot1t1 d1 1rt1cntf111n ~flt \\tu11 tt11·1o.1• nuJ- h\ 'h•· l'r• ... 1d 1 "' "I 1i.,, .. ~' """' 1t • •h J" iuhni: u n ''' ( .. r prd t\ ~··lul 11 '"'"' 111 !11• 11• Joi ln•f11r • .r1 .. 11 111d i.:11111.crll'• lloroolll'.h of f't\11 n i:ht' In f wt th• <"11111· 11111 I•""' 1 't11p 111 th•• I '1111• fl "\\:i- mH t• •• ''" c·i, u· f<1~ht.;: 1ht;•'••~• r• t1 11nn-.. ~tPd 1h, • \.;uni1l11 \\• ... ,., h1 t•• aftc·r '"'"~1 11:.t1111i.: 1·1111thll11n' fn1 ot 11111111• ll•'1<rlv :t \1':11' th.ii llw l'111tr1I \\'1• 11111-:hl (incl it 11 lt1t h.orrt '" ~lillc>~ Ii• 1;1~ :tit oll1••r n:i twn• in """""''•· th··~r· do ·-1• '"''' ,.,,,11,,,ro~ pro t••t'llnc h,0•11· fn•1•cl11ms th111 fl, n11,r·r 111'\ l •·p~ ;m~ 111111 r ")~- Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A~ 1..-11-Utatlon for Onir 40 YMl'9 UPar:.~r:STT.D NATIO~u.LY DV OE-OR.or: D. CLO~r:. ~C'. a.a rn.dtic»-IAM Anplea-Portlaad-SeattJ&-OdCAC'O·N-York·"'"'ton By Carrler nr M81l• $0,80 pt'r m o nth rinywh"" In Nt-wport At'1ch llnd Costa Mesa; S2.40 tor 3 months. S.f.80 tor 6 month~: $9 per year By Mall In Onnee County : S9 pt'r )'l'Ar; t o 4th w ne. S9 25: to 8th %.Ont', $9.50. Dlteftd u Serond-C1au matt• at t~ Poetotn~ In Nt'WJ>0"1 Beach. c.allfom la. under Ow Act of March 3. 1897 SAM D. PORTER LUCIUS S. SMml. m W. P'. DIXON l CLYDS REX ) Prtntinl Plan l. 3011 w. -~- Publlllher MMqin& Editor 1'0 SIS TEA l(IHNY, ~LrLtJJ CRVSAD6A "'CAIAIJ r 1Nr4N T~Lt PAnALYSl.J, ('OUl1AC~OUS GENllJ:J, WHq T>lflOIJQI YCARS OF H£A.nTOIUAKIN(i OPPOJITIOl'I, llAS NOIUrED AND FOU(;HT ~ SIK'E41Nfl lf//HANIT'll: •••• U<: "-IH1'<•' Up, ... ••11r U\\n · y, "· thi·r• ' a tow f'11anl" '' tilt' \\'" i' •' 11•111~1·" ',.,,, lr11l·•'' ;\l11~·1tr 1.:1\\ 1 C lit ''o 1tllol ol,,tjo ' 111111 1t '~ lid ('llW rlw p.11 !\ ' nF:~F:...,, 1 \l.,. m•·.,. "'Cl'"" r 1:1 1: '' 1 1 1 r c · ,1 •• 1 1 · 1 It "''" ' •I ~1 I I' I ttJf, • f, ,,, f ' I , , .... ~, \ H ,, I l' 1T t I t • ' • 1 ~ I ' , I ' ' I \ t f • j ' I • t I • I I I 11 I 11 ~ "I I itl"1 fol I I I• '1 I • lfll' , \1111-"1.,.11 ''"••I • ""•I• \11•'9•·-~ ,., ... ........,,, ·~A,Cllt t"¥lo0f C•c ,> "'(0 ·,rr '• r;.cr ArNll• rt>';JIM "f"£ •• 'TOO LA'( • _ •1.P;A,_ "SA1r"' • • "",, 6'.• "" ,.,, c.~"'1> .( • .... ,• h' \f I I I I• \)l'f YO:.J:t ., ·~ h I t \ , t t.1 t1 •I 1 '•' ~, ', ••1t ...... fllok'' ti'' ....... I .... . ht \• • • I : .. U It t .. h\\ '1•·•t I .. .. ,. . . . ' \tf I•• 9' A t 1 11 ; \ If •11 " ' , •• " y .. f, ' I I "II t• 1 II I ,.., t ·~' fi:' ,,, \1 • • • I I ",..-P.••1t,..'1• 1 i:r H-, •• ,,. ,, • 1,,-.la ~u I I .\.C-P' It••• ft f'•r' I~ •• , KP""t:... ,,. ... l,Vr A-T•••f 4 rt••l•e k lU-flu1·,..,,n•"'I A. ~X-Tum H•rilM ICl.AC-lr•~~~All .. ~ ,. ,..,_o.,. •1th Ju4, 1Cf;C:4-llllr K1,.. k llJ-C..p1 Nldr '•• 11 lollt-Oolll~•·""" tr•0-wi, ... non ar .. 1:'8 &1.AO-•m ll•ll•r ICN"O-Tnp ,.,_,... •nJ-,.,,m N I• t "lX-N..--1 ltO~·-r~n•" Tl•1 • r •· lrl.AO-l'<••o k'1-A,,,..• ·e A""p YMJ'f"',..W,."''fl , ..... f'~4-Vart•tJ • ~'"· JC HJ-Oabrl•t ft••• ••r lC"X-W°l)?fW'n ,.... .• ~ K~•r-~11•1~ tn • '"" 110 1:11.-n ... 1.. • .,,.,,,. 1·11 K!.AC)-AI Jor .... K \ll'Q-11"b K•I ... ) ,.,,.A-New1 WIU-H••••••t •:• TELEVISION &l l •· ,._ ... ·-tT ..... ~ •• ~' ' I .. ~ .. I ' I 11 I "" . . ,, ' •' ~ ' i t II • • '' 'I \ \.'. •'' f • • ~ ~ IJ '. " • .... tot. t V. I •• , .. ,., •• T' ..... )tl Af ' • • '• J• 111 ... ~1 *' -f'•• • I tr ,,,., I • • • • t :r: ~ ~;;;'.~ .--:·t.... ""'-" n.-111!:1,.' 1e • • J• ........ .. •• • t t , • • •• .,.,.. J('Y.f •-' •n •J t;f .,..., , , ....... . .. I -.;fl\ • •• • " • • .. ' ... . ~·· "' .... t r • JC .,.. ·-. , lrt t -1'"• ~· .• ~ ~ H Vlt ,..._ 1-i..,.•-. ,,,,., •-'f ... ""-.• .,, f l(f"'"ll'" •••• It • I I l • 4\ . ' ,. ' ... k J f ·•• • I,.,. .. '• .. ! ...... -. .. .--t ............ . -~ ·-· "1 .1~ "'t.~T ... ~ l••l ..--.... ; ~' ,,,,,.l/flC! f ·,f• .... , ... , ... ;;., , .... . -~· ... • ....... -10 ,. . .. . . .. .. . . . ,. " . • "'• 21 .. " '. I , ... ' . ' . • • ' ttl-' ,,,_ " tf •• ' ..... ,. u .. ..,. .... #~· • .. ·-.. ,. .. .. f -• . ' .. . . ...... . , ... , . . . .. ' ... II I\ ,.. , .. r • t J • e I • • •• e • • t.ltl . . . ... .... t I '•• • • •' ,..,....._: ... . .. ........ . ,., --~ ... II .. •w ,,.. .. ,...,.. .. .., .,._. ' •M ..... ,_ ....... ...,,,,,,.y 't'er""e •· .... ':' .. , a ~.-::::o;._ • "-··· 1 ... _, ••• , • , ~~L.L.M&.• l&-'T·-·· ..................................... ----------------------------------~~_:__ CROSSWORD PUZZLE '"·II I .. "' ru VIOi. r1•r.u.11 a ...... 1>9r\., ••tl"'"9 t-Aru«Je of C10l Mri.e t fl,laOntM- 10 1FlhAI 1tw11.-• I> .... It """-u"tai S6 AH• I r-Ii 14 ltn u dUtt ... ,. "Tl\ f••t•t• )11 "•h • r.1.-•lt• .. J l .L•i.i•"·-f lfd .. ..... -n~ .. , ' "" ~.,. )A ' t •-' fttt . I I -- ' ' ~,, I --. ..... --~ ., ~ 'I ~ Jt r11,.,, of.-.,, .• 14-...... , ,,.,. .• ,, _,,., .. ,.,." ft-,I•\ h fll•IU 1. ao-•• t1•0 n\ • :::A::J.l!!' ~ · •oar..a....,,.. l '-l'tfH)llMlt .. -To J\•ftn "-1"rovw,.. .,. _,.,,,,..or 1ot1• e1 -,,,.,.,.a ar hrtte •• Til• btrd• •• , .. ., •• ,. ••lfh'•• t~ 0 1utthl•1 1 '•Pl\~ !!-~,,~:,, ........ lat • I " •j ~~ ... ~ " ,z . , /t4 .... ~. -· --~/'(! t " ., -.Z 'll •1 12 ·---' If •;' ~ , . ~ •Ii ' .~ " "t> --,_ •I ---11/f ... ' . 8 ,, ~"' ,,. 1q 7Z 0, ~ ..... I'( . '""'" ' .. ,,,., ' "'•.,... 1\1 J Ktnd ,,, r•ll . ,., ..... ,. tn•••lu• I ·n1• 1 ..... 11 'O' t t -•orUHrU v up 1 c.t.11•~ fl'1M Uf ••>l"f;• l>-1•1l•1t111m t11mtJ ' •-To dntre 10-1"0 lll1l u -Thto lr 1·1Nt "'"" n Tt1•1•• •hf> 11np14J U kmm•U 11 f'•·-"' M t .. ..... .. J) ....... ~ •• ttl••l•f it .,,.," teUou•t Ji i 11r'l•h tit .. , ... ,. :: .!'.:::1~f ~~nd ,. Wll• ol Jowpll II Horolo pMm• u -h rlodo ol l•-n -.. tn•. In •NU ... :!-~.~;,:.. "':':' •• ,. ....... ... ., r.iobt. .. .,, .. ,.. ... , "'·" 66 llp•n••h la* f I I I .. ' Pace 8 . X&WPO&T •&Lao.a ••••-T•••• MO)iDAI' Jiil pal ........ Qmm. .......... Indianapolis * * * Harbor Cities Kennel Club to Stage June Show --· -j Australia 9iil .-.... ,... r.o:o-;c. BEACH -The 13th an-tries pla l ~ ........ .,. -* dir --nual llarbor Cities Kennel club Madison~ l aecond only to ~e lion list. as w ell u the ett;;;;au:;; k.u.c _. ciw-... ~ ~ itug 'how, rstabliahed last year u held annuall~~ N';!,~rk clUIJC record wtuch a1ao aet a new blch-&aret DrS'l )'t9'" Of fidals Under Fire Alter Qiuh 1he nut1on's Sl·cond larie•t all-breed W 'th Am ri · ··i<>nl, \\111 be staged thla year on 1 e can Kennel club Brand DUPLEX~;,. .... INDI.A.NAPOUS, liq UI ~ (UPI -:;"' Offldals "' I • I ,.. Spet'lfway i&ld l~ that thl' rac-lne car ilt Whkb RaJpb ~ cnaibed to hll dMth Sunday IDf'l all specif 1callona beforf' 1t wu aJ- . luM 19 nnd 20 at t h e ·Lon& Beach sanction received this week . Up- '.\t11rm1p:1 J-nudl1orium, it wu an-~~ht aald that premium lists dt-· 111•i'111 • ..i yestuday by David H. tailing this ye:ir·s thousands or 1·1,n.;111. president of the club. wards will be 1n the mails to dog 'l1°1t· than 2200 bluebloods ot fanciers t hroughQUt tht' natlon • w ithin a f('w days . Indication~. z J I""' • .1111111• worl~ converg('d upon said Upright, are that this \•car·.-. NEW Owmr lllllt Sell! Even~ · h1• 111~ autdltor1um and Its sur-beach event, which h1tll ~'T~·n t . 1111.fm~ .:rounds last rear to 111'! 1 steadily annually 11incc· its lnN'P· 'tA an .dl-11mc• record In point of en-tion, w ill t op las t Yt'ar's participa- 5 9.500 Call Beaii• a!J.W See OASSIF1ED fer DET.A..ll..S ~·<'d on the track. 'J'twy said lha I u far ti ~ ~y WU conoerned.. tM ~ ------------• \ I WU ''U cla.d lnctdmt". OJr 1Bcriere. a \~tn"an dn\'ft' chall:t'd )"e9t ... ,. -· ....... lb car, a !'IO\•i apt'C&.I ownt<d b)· U>u W~Wi of Novi, J.hc h • •·» t.wt)'. Ile aid Wel..h • s other t • c eo r •tuch hu bttn m tert'J 1• t.ht-500-, ......... ~ 16--WOl"E m ile Memorul 09.y nM"e • ._. • ~ lWln Of t~ ont' ID wtucfl J~ °"..a.wt • was killt'<i and •'H f' Q u •I I> ~ Y<.C'k ''wronc''. Doi.um la>1JU>~ • L l'\>t. 16 6 jfj n " AAi n ~ trt'• H 11 Yrl> :t 14 48() G• Cliff Olson in 1• Supporting Role ;·: .In Big Mat Event ~:-1 J~1C'k•"I h~ I h•• •'l•IJ' 'II •HI'•' ol t = ,,,, •. J,.,tn .. 1 r.,1n1•·t h··•'~"··1.,:h1 "'• .... tl1n.: kul,.: .ind ,.,.,.,n.1 tft'I 2Champion Performers at June Horse Show 1si l.i •·a.~ lo ... ~, " lt t..'1 .., n ""' " 14 _ .. , .. II 'f ir, ='"•·•li,.11 11 111• •'-1•11 C'llll I !'i~'l10~.\L Ll:..MU~r. • L .... L ~' ~ HOLLYWOOD -O mmi.,.,,, Pf"T· ~~ YCIR '°"™'"' nf I hi' hol"M' ~· rini:• Ir ..... ,<AD ·w onderla.nd St-n1-<1.11on. t.! f n ·~ j 1-"t .-l..lMHJ aalted fam<', and Sharon O'D&r'e-. Pl:utJmrdt Fine Harnft;.' 'nt~. •'ill es-Broc4.JJ• hfbll ~many otllt>r lap 'un ~ in the Se\·enth AnnuaJ HOl"M' ... ~ Que ._ w h,1ch 1taMJ> JUM 15 at Ow bm'M' ll 7 ~-· L! ... 571 L I" .:>u l t Tl S t.' Lr 11 5Z.t 11 1.2 .mi fl 13 ~ c, 17 ~Ii\ pelare on Rlvf•nJdP Dm·t>. <JtfKU.J.i. ....... T" IY....-naDi\Y an nouna>d )'t'1rt 4"f'dar. ThNe I "''O Tlllrldd<"" •·f'ft' amonc the ear ly. ent~ l"f'n'n~ by M anagmg Dlrt'Ctnr Alim P..cllili for the borw shotf.· •1uctl •111 nai for 11ix ni&ftts and ·,_'O mat.mer Pft'f~ from J UN" J;th a.I Junf' :ll>th. x.-.... ....,._ e.c.i-r_ HrY·•I} ft 1 ~ Y...tl I. f'tl.i.L.~tJ>fli.., 7 .,_,,.. ~ ~It'd I • 11-· r. Ill •11111•·• r1nc h 111J1. Tiln) \hrt1111·1. ~:1 '"''":I~ 1•11Jrnl 1•1,11•-' '•"I pl .. r """ I• 1mtl1 I• :011 rl 111 rll1• • •r-·'"i:" c· .. u1111 ,\!Iii· 111 1'11111 1;,k1" P ·. "'' th•· ar.1··~;on1 •·\·lt1ml>f1rjnt·k :: ftnnl t '' ··~··n St" k•·\ , . .J;11·k :'\ft•. :: 1 I '<1n;old m I h1• 111p r 111 ;.,. 1.111 a11 11w 2t, 11••11 .. r ., r .. 111 1 .. ~11 1•11rd '""'I:"' 111 Jla lh•• Jl11(fl"' I\ Ill) .tl't'Mlt St, -I "' m 111. 1 .. n n1·r l1u1d1••r ·IK1) 1 ""'; 1·n1•l1 ... 1 All Jt.11..1 111 .:>11n f:onw n.• lh•• 11url.J llll••ll11ld"r l(J \t•;1r' ac" 14 111 IM'f' l(m 1.1n lo\111111, <:lt·1·1•r llt>n .. l11lu·h11rn J ap:1n1•'" 111 1tw lhN'<' f,111 ""''"• "'t11l1· Cllson 1.1k1·' on "11,anrl.'"'"" lt.1m" Cretorrn an th•' J<J•'<'llll "'""' l;lllt-d for nnt .. f.tlf. :lfl tnlnlllt'' nr h·'"· Mc>tt tharo 400 horw'I> •ill bP n T ~ LfJ'f" fW' ~y Lf)S attn on U)f-~· <."Oft'IPf'latU; f t.-AKW X I • • Th•· l1•a 1ur1• 111 1r:w11rtn L~ 11111 In pl'llfhW<' mo...-"'111 artiun 1h;1n an} hou• ~t .. 11 in,•7 h;" f'n~a~•-d an a I •h•· (I( 'AC tlf'•Jlll•· lhf' la•·t th;1t he h:" ""'' .ind .,,.(,.,1l•'fl ~udl n wn cl' f l.trlll) S,1\ It h I '.II Fr11 It•)', J 1mm) 1 .. 11 and c ;.,, L:•'"U-' (.;.-<ori,:e. "" 11 '' .1 "t'l.1~··n1:•" rn11tch. r.4c-Tel ...... J ~hlr ll'Y K imball -M.la World Trad,. ~tops orr at lbe N•YJ'• h\'dN'l:raphJc oUkle In 8an PtaD• I d-.co 10 ~e the two ooe-n7 bot· 1 1 1 Ir:. v.•)llch came back from a ·10.-! 000-male tr1p acrou the Paclt~. Th~ 0<11tln. cont.&lnlnc ineaeacea "rrc drop~ rrom an airliner to 1•·•1 thf' flow of ocean cllrftnta pri:w money a.~,.n-pt.1n1: SJ0.000 _ ' •' • •1 • 1try-r1\• Tht' t>ntry h l'I for 1tw-~With ~ od ~to.a"'"'~~,,. 11.....t 111 rh .. Annual HoJ'Wf' -J~ •1u<i:I W"ill hr r ,.._.,,,,_, •, " <>t ' ..,..1nrh .. 111>hn•• dt n'<'I ed by t lw Tanhc.111 dub uir ,..._. 8, F. Coaill1da 0.. ,. cl~ on JUM J ~~ n,.. ~ hrn lltt -* I« ,._. It-• r.; ,,,,., •• T'U-'• r 0.-'.,.,.. ....... GENE'S CAFE SpecializinJ; in French and Italian Dinnen llAIUIOK I le! 705 c.oaat Hwy. c--.. _. BALB!!A ,.,,,,./. ~ • ::i ~ ; • / , r ., -• ' ' 4.. ( •• END9 TODAI' Jeanette Mad>on.lcf Jose lturbi ~Daring Daupten" n.urn TOllCJSll09. Charles Dtdens ENOS TOD.\W' Mar~ Hem..,·s "Naked City" stamng Barry fitzgeralcf TOMOllao.' 0~1" Charles~ Ann Blyth "A Woman's Ve111sntt" ~,,, ~ "'""·~~ rf' forb1ddt'f1 ~ ~·~..-.;c1.,. r~·,r .,r •• r1 1rr " R~f'l~~....,.. R~I CAFE .... ,_, --.Y. ("'_ .. ,.._ ~1' RDi&OOCL£D ,_..t~a~re l ' 7 a 7 a S.: Spachetti • Rarioti J,=.~~ickm Cocktails C:lliml - • 7 5. -· ... nm .. VIE BARN • • 4'he Spieler" ~ OI.~ C'llAPUN C'OU'»\" Enjoy DeJidoas Mesican Food .ea PtUia ~ Jlnls from $1.00 -Ks ¢ut 81 JI -· C081'A llDA a,.•••--a...1 ..... , Th .. 1t1 11 v.hlch Shirley diq>la)'I "' •·· 111o'k••tl up In the PhlUpptnea 1111rr tllll:lng more Ulan 2.000 1 miles .. JOCKIES REMEMBER :J.Race Event Sunday to Wind 1 urrLE GIRL w1rH • • CHECK FOR $~ 170 Up Penguin Series "' ""· ''"Y '"·-<•T>-81x- ""'l'h··duh·d thr••' 1a,··· •''"'"" 1 .. r rh•• 1 •• .,,1 1'•11.:11111 fl,.,,, 1,111 "•ml Ill• I ho• ~1:1~ "'I I•'•. l h" H,d. 1 li.1;1 Y 1• 111 duh .11111 .. 111w··d I• •I·" n. -1111, .. r 111. , ""''" 11111.11 11111- "'' Ill• h1d1111.: ''"' •• 1 ... ,., \I.I\ ~ '"~' l ·h ''"' ~·a~ ~· ·"'" n ...... , ....... .... ~1.1y lfi "'' r• 11·l··:o-. .. t1 ""'·" Th"~ ~,1,,,.,. c ;.~.ri: .. ~{t1h1 111 ... ·1 I R..t"~t St·••' 1 ,,.,·-.rul c •• ~,~dou I lul•- loanl third ;inti ;\l"'"" ("J:.1 ... rnur1h Jlltn1>1,.' ~nu l lll'r n 1111 l~ CJ1rl h1•r l!Ot1lh th;in ll1d11nn111I. \'a . ;-..;:i11lo·~. lrlll}', or l.1,hnn P11rtu~11I ... ,., ... 111 '""''~ ~n.IMr tuu. "'·' ;o for lwr rchlC'aUon . loda) IN .. ·:w .. •• tl4u ,,..,, didn't ro ric1·t . Tht• 111u1w, ,....,,rt•M-nlf'd u .,hart· ut th<· ,.,.,,... ('tlAllon •·on In tho• Kf'nll1•·I.• 1:¥rby. ·''"'"''' t:J•li•· .\ri•a ro and o'"i"'r War~o Wrijfflt 11eat tJw 1·h1"<·k to ~an<·~·., mo lhf'r yMh •r - da,· In nw mor.' nf Sant")"• dad, .Juc•lcf"~ .\I Snld..,, "'ho woaJd ha\f' riddl'n ('ltallon bad lie not t...n drownf'd oH thfoo F1ortda ................ ~•,,., ~nld1•r M id th .. n111M y would lN' li&\•f'd to -4 s -C'J u.z.oa,ti collep. DODGERS THUMPED AGAIN; FLAG CHANC~ ARE SLIPPING AWAY :O-.F:W YORK. Moy UI ll'P l •'r of 1ht> ball gam<'. Ll'fty JN' Ha t- J';o-• t' lhc> t1mt• for Rrookll'n·~ lf'n. for pinch -h l!t"r Duk" ~n1rler. rlai.t"'W.frndang Dnd~t'r.< to ,.,:111~ who hart tw-en inrminf'll h..fnr1· the dn"'TI or elllf.' forJ;f'l about an\ di'-1:11m<' th~•t h<' .,..11, hrmi: "'"I to ~•i::n11 on the HM~ N a tio nal 1~11,.,-uc• 1ht' Mnntrral Fnrm cluh ~mder huntan~ <'N11'1n't hnl'P ._..,.,; m!'prrf'tl unrler Althouith lhf' (")uh'" nffwlal th<~•' <'ir<'um~tnn<'•'' a nrl pr•1mptly bra. ... 11 M'f'tlon 111111 it ·~ J>rl'llY ~I n1r k ()IJI . brn.~ll) Al that still n·h""' tn Afl<'r that fol llu~h (',.,,.~ \\l'n t \'!Mr Wllh alarm it <. pr<"t·nt phs::ht. to lh<' mound ;inti 'la!-1o1i:.:•'"I (or thr fKt rt'm.iln~ th;it 1h1• piny M'V~ runs In a bit: 1•1.:hth mnini i:••nenllly ha.< bl'.-n ffi•'(l1&"'("r1· nl 11pr1.;1ni: 111 whiC'h 1h1• 111 ".,,, '""' hf'st. 11:! IHlll"r' lo th<' pl.111• 11w use It "''A< n o!'ton. p11111ni: •m .1n 11111. of <":a<.··~" n i;:rf'11 f ,. .. 11. ( pi ld 1er fnsh1nnMI "lui:i::-mi: d1•mnn,11.11111n ' in hol Wl'atlw r 11111 11"1 °1o111 r•lft'C· m l1 l:.'. '" .'.I tr111mph "'•'I •h•; 111.· "" .1 .... 1r1. rlnmp 111i:• • "lll1p)y fln,.,kl~ n• Inst n1i:h1 \1 h1d1 lr>ok"tf 1htin 1 111.:11r• 111 I'" 111( Th~ hk<' lh•' r hnm11i11n nulf11 lll:<l•'.HI llr;11"" mail" l>l hi•, 11!1 thr• five n •.. 1111.:h 'fllrlf·"' 111,1\o '· 1111:111:: Dod~l'r I h r 1111 I I ' ·"·I "'' h!'r I'" nll t"•1rn••r-n11,f1 10.1t·~I Ill<' .lo1h1111' ~·"" """ "'" I 1.· •t11r<1 ll·•l.:1 r ''"''""r' .111d 1n 111. ni." r '"" .1.::1111•1 '"" 1,... i:.,1 •I t'<'l' 11.•r nu ndrni.: rl1·1~11 1 111• 111 J:o1•t.•11 of tllf'm .ill '-lllcl•, 11q. 1., 1,'<'t Bill~ s. .. 11h\\nr1h h.1d 11 .tit "'"' •;w11fw,. 1>11n1 lh•• l ••l._:Pr pilot!. 1~.,, l •ur••'h••I ·n,., l'htl• ll1to\• 1 1,,1 .. f 11rth !'·•1'h"11r1h h.1d tu' kul" tlt·\ll'· pl.11 •1· 11 11h ,, 7 '"I r11111Hph 111·rr J>tni: 1111c·1~c·'i.!oful "'lilt"'''' h11n1<. •~in-tlw t ;1.tnl• rtl l'hll .. 1. l1•llt 1 111 \\ h irh nmi: •'tll lhrtr hll• 1111 ,,,,, l•:t ., n11x 1'11nrwlh "'''"'"I l•"lrhll hall ''" .1 1ll.1m11rnl lh.11 11.ul 11,,. 11•l1•1 llnol 1 .. 1111nht1l<'d ,1 1111.1 .. 1 .. tht' ,1n1t l'11n~1•t1•nt·~ ••I Ir "~h r h•'<'I'" 1\ mnmi.: 1111111 111.11 k P.1.,kJe lat<' f'nk" (!"l-.;;tm.:, nml an i,:o•rwrnl 1.t.1hn l\latnik 11.,f 1h1• l'l11f, 11ith plt1} mi: h .. ;ul~·Ufl lwlll thrt'<' hit~ fl11r1•·h··r 1111 lh•· 11lh<'1 h;mct. Th<'I'<' wt•r•' n1' 111h1•1 major h.1111.-.1 11111 hr' •'11" """''"'' p1 h-h· I• 1i;1tr i;;ini.•• ••·h··tlul·•d Heliotrope Goes Farthest , ... ,.,,., r.r. I ••• Rr llolropc' • lnnln~ rontt~f4\nt In I.hr J ttmplni P'rog J111111,., 1 •. :1t Anaf'ls Camp. Calif .. L• i;tanaj fr.1m thP "launching altt · '" , , . Biii P\lllr11e C'tf Bt"rk<'l<'~'. C'nllr Juctin J im Vulrnt<', tw-11· l1• • 1 ... Ln\dlt l<'nlll m"lnnl'r. • ntchl's rk,..l'ly to l'C'e that t.ht nilr• 1111 ·•u- 11nH'<1. H~llutrove •oo Yllth a Jump or rle\'en fttt.. llH' m.i1, s. ,, ·- THE AVERAGE HAS BEEN HITTllG A•ll --= '• 25 ADAY IN NEW SUBSCRIBERS FOR THE D~ily NewS-Times, • • • and kids all over the Harbor Area are ....-r 1 ill ,_ THEIR CHOICES of the big prize list below. How +wt YOJJ? IT'S EASY TO BE A WINNER! HERFS .. : Just get as many folks as you can in your neighborhond -... (who~ Mt AL- READY reading the Daily News-Times) ---to promise to start takimg tie ~ew• Times every day, delivered to their door by one of our carrier boys. Don't acc~pt any money. We'll take care of tile •r Is As soon as you get your list fixed up, bring it in -or have Dad or Madler • .....,_ if in -to the News-Times office at 3011 West Central Ave1111r.. We'll fix you up with the prize of your choice, pr•ID. GET YOUR SUMMER VACATION EQUIPMENT I I • • • SWEEPSTAKES PR 1·zE ••• with knee • action, automatic st-., tail liPlt electric horn and headlight You get it for 100 S bsuip6a The Complete List of ~ensational Prizes: Roadmaster Deluxe Bicycle. Arvin Table Model Radio . . . . . (On display at Crown Hardware. C.D.M ) Snare Baseball Glove . . . . . . . Regulation Fielders' Mitt . . . --:Jr. Swim Fins . Fluorescent Swim Trunks . Diving Mask Diving Spear . . . . . Regulation Outdoor Baseball . Regulation I~door Baseball . Admiral Halsey Caps . . . . . . .S M OSTll8 100 Subscriptions 21 " 13 ., 11 " 9 " 5 " 4 " 4 " 4 " 4 " 2 ., Prizes Can Be See.. of • °"~ s~ qooJA Gt ~u.J.Jb Poli. COROSA PEL XAJI '! ..